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“4 king of France, when travelling in Catalonia, discovered an ancient man 
engaged unremittingly in the planting of date kernels. ‘Why,’ he asked, ‘do you 
sow the seeds of a tree of such tardy growth, seeing that the dates will not ripen 
till a hundred years be passed?’ ‘Am J not then,’ replied the other, ‘eating the 
fruit of trees planted by my forefathers who took thought for those who were to 
come? Why, therefore, should I not do like unto them?’’’ — Travels of the Bohe- 
mian Lev, Lord of Rozmital and Blatna, in Western Europe (1465-1467). 


Ir is clear that Fishes have been of great interest to mankind during 
a long period, for in all lands they have been the theme of numberless 
publications. Indeed, at the present time the student who seeks to 
understand any phase of the knowledge of Fishes may well be confused 
by the series of references which he must consult. Where he expected 
a few pages of data he sometimes finds volumes! 

This treasury of knowledge is, unfortunately, not easily accessible 
— its materials are widely scattered, ill digested, sometimes hiding in 
unexpected places. Then, too, the literature has grown during the last 
decades by leaps and bounds. The modern investigator is even embar- 
rassed by the task of deciding where to begin his studies. But from 
any point of view he cannot afford to ignore the results of his predeces- 
sors and to repeat work which already has been well done. So in the 
end, like Cleanthes, he must be willing to work his way to bibliographi- 
cal knowledge, ‘‘hewing wood and drawing water.’ If he has no special 
training in hunting references his struggle is apt to be painful and his 
results imperfect. With the best will in the world he may well remain 
ignorant of earlier work and in the end make lamentable and inexcus- 
able mistakes. Many instances of these in publications of the past 
generation make it clear that the time is fully ripe for a general review 
of ichthyological literature. 

The present work is designed to bring together in convenient form 
all published references to the Science of Fishes and to enable an in- 
vestigator to find, at a minimal cost of time, what is known of a given 
theme. These references deal with Fishes broadly (including Cyclo- 
stomes and Amphioxus) their habits, structure, development, physiology, 
pathology, their distribution and kinds — taking into account fossil 
species as well as recent. All titles are for present purposes grouped 
under the headings of Authors in Volumes I and II, and Subjects in 
Volume III, the last volume serving conveniently as the index to the 
others, for by reason of economy it has seemed expedient not to repeat 
the separate titles in the index volume, but merely to refer back to 
them under the captions of their respective authors. Thus, “Jordan, 
1891.4”” means consult the fourth paper published by David Starr 
Jordan in 1891. The index, it should further be noted, does not 
include detailed references to species, genera or even, in many Cases, 
to families of Fishes. This would entail many years’ additional listing, 


but should unquestionably next be done. Nor does the present bibli- 
ography treat exhaustively the vast fields in which Fishes come in 
touch with markets, table or angling, for these are special domains, 
less in scientific interest, yet each with its large circle of readers and 
worthy of a separate bibliography. We note that even without in- 
cluding these themes the lists here considered number over forty 
thousand titles. 

The present work, it may be explained, is an outcome of my study 
of the literature of Fishes in connection with my investigations in vari- 
ous branches; it began in 1890 in the form of an index to references, 
and by 1900 included about twenty thousand cards. There was then 
no distinet plan to publish it. But about this time my students and 
correspondents came to realize that it contained a mass of material 
which served them conveniently in their work. And in return for the 
use of the index they sometimes contributed generous lists of refer- 
ences. And in various other ways the bibliography grew. Thus 
yeheimrath von Kupffer in Munich allowed me the use of his exten- 
sive references to the embryology of Fishes. My preceptor Dr. A. 
Béhm added many titles, especially in the literature of Cyclostomes, 
as did also Dr. L. Neumayer of the Anatomical Institute of Munich. 
In 1910 the Smithsonian Institution gave willing access to the index 
which had been laboriously prepared by and under the direction of 
Professor G. Brown Goode, whose lamented death cut short his 
project of preparing an ichthyological bibliography on somewhat the 
present lines. I am indebted, also, to Dr. F. J. Cole of Birmingham 
for valued assistance, for he, again, had planned a work which should 
serve the needs of students. . . . Thus it came about that my bibli- 
ography outgrew its original purpose. It had become a storehouse of 
references which should be made accessible to workers generally. 

But evidently it could not be published in the state in which it then 
stood. It needed additions and revision in large measure before it 
could safely be sent to press. First of all it would have to be compared 
title for title with earlier bibliographies, notably with Bosgoed’s list 
of ichthyological writings (1874). Its findings were also to be checked 
against such standards as the Zoological Record, Carus and Engel- 
mann, Louis Agassiz’s bibliography (1848-1854) and the cards of the 
Concilium Bibliographicum. Then, too, many of its titles needed, for 
reason of clearness, to be compared with the original publications. By 
this means errors were to be avoided and new references discovered. 
Finally, and for the more recent literature, the effort was to be made to 
induce the many writers in this field to contribute their lists of publi- 
cations, or to revise their bibliographies when furnished them. 

It was in 1910 that my index reached a critical stage in its develop- 
ment. It had become an unwieldy enterprise — too large to be carried 
on single-handed, yet too valuable to be abandoned. Then it was, at 
the instance of President Henry Fairfield Osborn, that the American 


Museum of Natural History happily came to my aid: it allowed me 
the help of a secretary for transcribing references, and since then it has 
with great generosity provided the means for editing and enlarging the 
work. And it now assumes the burden of publishing it. In this it was 
aided by the Jesup Fund and by certain private subscriptions, notably 
by Mrs. Isaac M. Dyeckman and Mrs. Bashford Dean. 

The labor of completing the Bibliography proved difficult and exact- 
ing. About 1910 my former colleague in the Museum, Dr. Louis Hus- 
sakof, was induced to become my collaborator. During 1913-1914 he 
controlled the results of the compiler Miss Evelyn Tripp, whose faith- 
ful work deserves great credit. But Dr. Hussakof found that the 
enterprise, added to his other museum duties, was an overtax upon 
him, so in 1914 he felt obliged, to our mutual regret, to retire as a joint 
author. He merits, none the less, the sincere thanks of all who use 
the Bibliography, for the part which he contributed. 

In the same year, 1914, Dr. Charles R. Eastman was persuaded to 
assume the editorship. He was aided during 1915-1916 by Miss Mar- 
guerite Engler, who gave her time devotedly to the Authors’ volumes, 
and from the summer of 1916 onward by Miss Florence Schwarzwaelder 
and Mr. Arthur Henn, who made a great number of entries for the in- 
dexing. And at this moment, when the work is in press, I need hardly 
assure the Editor and his assistants of my great gratitude for their 
help — for no one realizes better than myself that to finish the task 
fully and accurately demanded sustained and meticulous labor. 
Dr. Eastman, I should note, was keenly interested in the work from 
its inception, for from his own studies as a palsichthyologist he ap- 
preciated its general importance to investigators and he had already 
gone widely into the bibliographical field, especially that province of it 
which has to do with the earlier writers. In this connection he is to 
be credited with bringing together the principal part of the pre-Linnean 
literature of Fishes, which appears at the end of the second volume. 
In fact, while I am writing my acknowledgments, I should make it 
clear that had not Dr. Eastman come to my literary rescue at the time 
he did, the bibliography might never have been published, for I myself 
had become entangled with other matters and could afford neither the 
time nor the energy to complete it. Dr. Eastman’s name would indeed 
have appeared as co-author of the present work had he himself not 
modestly declined this ‘‘responsibility.” 

Hence there must be laid to my own score any omissions or defects 
which may be discovered in the following pages, especially since I have 
followed the steps in the work with great interest, corrected the galley 
proof and revised the material for the index. But when slips are 
pointed out I will not hesitate to console myself with the reflection 
that no bibliography is perfect even for the most special subject. 
Stevenson knew his theme when he wrote “if you are troubled with a 
pride of accuracy and would have it completely taken out of you, 

print a catalogue! a Nevertheless I can ass 
that all of us who have re jo in the Labia: \ 

least a few errors!” 

American Museum of Natural History, 
October 27, 1916. 

Pour bien sgavoir les choses il faut en sgavoir le détail— La Rochefoucauld. 













I. For economy in publication, titles have been simplified; certain 
words and punctuation marks have been omitted where they appeared 
unnecessary for a clear understanding of the references. 

Il. Rules of the American Library Association have been followed 
as to (1) alphabetizing, and (2) transliteration of Slavonic names, with 
vowels as in Italian and consonants as in English. In addition, initial 
capitals in foreign languages are unaccented, as for instance Abo for 
Abo, Etat for Etat, ete., and Danish and Norwegian nouns are not 

III. Additions to titles or inserted explanatory phrases are included 
in inferior brackets ( 1, parentheses being retained where they occur 
in titles. 

IV. The number of the volume is printed in bold-faced type, imme- 
diately succeeding the numerals denoting year of publication. 

VY. Authors’ titles are arranged chronologically as to years and al- 
phabetically as to publications within the same year. 

VI. Where titles have been taken from standard works of reference 
(e.g., British Museum Library Catalogue and the bibliographies of 
Agassiz, Bosgoed, Carus, and Engelmann, ete.) the numbers for pages 
and volume have not as a rule been verified. 


A. More about sharks. Forest «& 
$tream, 1874, 3, 85. 1874.1 

The salmon fisheries of Oregon. 
Forest & Stream, 1874, 2, 290. 1874.2 

A., Cn. De wijze, waarop de zenu- 
- wen eindigen in het elektrische orgaan 
der Mormyri. Album Natuur, 1858, 
. 22-23. 1858.1 

Een te Berlijn aangebragte le- 
vende Malapterurus {electricus; Album 
Natuur, 1858, 14-15. 1858.2 

_A., H. Rare fishes tof New Zea- 
land; N. Zeal. Journ. Sci., 1883, 1, 
465-466. 1883.1 

a A., J. Perch, at Chester, Pa. Ameri- 
~_can Sportsman, 1874, 4, 293. = 1874.1 

On the protection and spawn- 
ing times of lake trout and black bass in 
Lake George. Forest & Stream, 1876, 
eb, 362. 1876.1 

A., T. Blind-trout eggs. Forest & 
Stream, 1876, 7, 35. 1876.1 

Aagaard, B. Den kunstige udklek- 
ning af inlandsfisk (Kiinstliche Zucht 
yon Siisswasserfischen} Norsk Fisk- 
 erit., Bergen, 1912, 31, 29-35; 221-231; 
504-510. cs, 1912.1 

Aalderink, H. De zoetwatervis- 
' schen in Nederland, en de kunst om ze 
te vangen. 4 vols. Groningen, 1899. 
248 p. 8°. 1899.1 

Abbott, Charles Conrad [1843 —| 
Description of new species of apodal 
fishes in the museum of the Academy 
of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. 
Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad., 1860 
(1861), 475-479. 1861.1 


Description of a new species of 
‘Astroscopus [A. guttatus} Brev., in the 
museum of the Academy of Natural 
- Sciences of Philadelphia. Proc. Acad. 
Nat. Sci. Philad., 1860 (1861), 365. pl. 
Vil. 1861.2 



Description of a new species of 
Chatoéssus (C. insociabilis} Cuv. from 
New Jersey. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. 
Philad., 1860 (1861), 365-366. 1861.3 

Description of a new species of 
Exocetus (E. chiliensis) from Chili. Proc. 
Acad. Nat. Sei. Philad., 1860 (1861), 
472-473. 1861.4 

Descriptions of four new species 
of North American Cyprinide. Proc. 
Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad., 1860 (1861), 
473-474. 1861.5 

Descriptions of new species of 
American freshwater fishes. Proce. 
Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad., 1860 (1861), 
325-328. 1861.6 

Descriptions of two new species 
of Pimelodus from Kansas. Proc. Acad. 
Nat. Sci. Philad., 1860 (1861), 568— 
569. 1861.7 

Note on Peecilichthys and Per- 
Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad., 

1860 (1861), 479. 

Note on Hypognathus nitidus 
Gir. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad., 1861 
(1862), 156. 1862.1 

Notes on the habits of Aphre- 
doderus sayanus. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. 
Philad., 1861 (1862), 95-96. 1862.2 

On Cyprinus corporalis Mitch. 
(referring it to the genus Semotilus Ra~ 
finesque} Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad., 
1861 (1862), 154-156. 1862.3 

On Squalus americanus Mitchill 
(referring it to the genus Odontaspis 
Agassiz] Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad., 
1861 (1862), 399-401. 1862.4 

Observations on Cottus copet 
Abbott. Proce. Acad. Nat. Sei. Philad., 
1861 (1862), 15-16. 1862.5 

On Belone truncata and on the 
flesh of Lepidosteus. Proc. Acad. Nat. 
Sci. Philad., 1863 (1864), 282. 1864.1 


Abbott, C. C. 
An ugly customer (Lepidosteus} 
Riverside Magazine, 1867, 1, Mars : 

Catalogue of vertebrate animals 
of New Jersey. Rept. State Geologist 
New Jersey, 1868, appendix E, 751-830. 

The list comprises 194 

marine ay 43 freshwater species, but many of 
the names are synonyms. 


Notes on fresh-water fishes of 
New Jersey. Amer. Naturalist, 1871, 
4, 99-117. fig. 1871.1 

Further notes on New Jersey 
Amer. Naturalist, 1871, 4, 717— 

Mud-loving fishes. Amer. Nat- 
uralist, 1871, 4, 385-391. figs. 1871.3 

The banded sunfish (Mesogonis- 
tius chetodon Gill) Sci. Gossip, 1872, 8, 
29-30. fig. 1872.1 

The pirate (A phredoderus saya- 
nus Cuv.) Sci. Gossip, 1872, 8, 151— 
152. fig. 1872.2 

The Stone Age fish and fishing 
(Lepidosteus osseus} Sci. Gossip, 1872, 
8, 268-270. fig. 1872.3 

— Notes on the gizzard-shad in 
New Jersey (Dorosoma (Chatoéssus) 
cepedianum) Sci. Gossip, 1873, 9, 55- 
56. 1873.1 

The silver-fin (Hypsilepis ana- 
lostanus Cope) Sci. Gossip, 1873, 9, 
224-225. fig. 1873.2 

The darter (Boleosoma olmstedi 
Storer) Sci. Gossip, 1874, 10, 57-58. 
fig. 1874.1 

The golden minnow ( Hybogna- 
thus osmerinus Cope) . Sci. Gossip, 1874, 
10, 9-10. fig. 1874.2 

Note on the breeding habits of 
the mud-minnow [(Melanura ( Umbra) 
limi) Pop. Sci. Monthly, 1874, 4, 744— 
745. 1874.3 

Notes on the Cyprinoids of 
central New Jersey. Amer. Naturalist, 
1874, 8, 326-338. fig. 1874.4 

The big-eared sunfish (Jchthelis 
tPomotis| appendix) Sci. Gossip, 1875, 
11, 7-9. fig. 1875.1 

Two mud-loving fishes [An 
aquarial study of their color and certain 
habits} Sci. Gossip, 1875, 11, 104-107. 
figs. 1875.2 

720> ‘pl: 


Notes on the habits of the yellow 
perch. Field & Forest, 1876, 1, 3-4. 

— A voracious fish (Esoz reticulatus | 
and Melanura limi) Forest & Sires 
1876, 5, 404. 1876. 27 

Traces of a voice in fishes. Amer. 
Naturalist, 1877, 11, 147-156. 1877.1 

Notes on some fishes of the Del- — 
aware River. The larger liver Rept. rH 
ous fishes of the Delaware River. Rept. _ 
U.S. Fish Comm. 1875 (1878), 4, 825. 

845. 1878.1 

Winter habits of the eel. Sei. — 
News, 1879, 1, 183-184. — Tel 
Field, 1879, 11, 220. 1879.1 | 


— The intelligence of fish. Soieiee. I 
1883, 1, 327-328. 1883.1 “Ne 
A naturalist’s rambles about _ 
New York, 1884. 485 p. 8°. | ) 
1884;1 |e 
Chap. xxxiv. Brief notes on fishes. Chap. a 
xxxy. Traces of voices in fishes. - 
On the habits of certain sunfish == 
(Mesogonistius chetodon and Enneacan- 
thus similans; Amer. Naturalist, 1884, 
17, 1254-55. 1884. 28 ts 
Upland and Meadow. New 
York, 1886. 397 p. 12°. 1886.1 
Chap. ix contains some general observations — =. 
on fishes. 

Cyclopedia of natural hy 
. for popular use. Troy, N. Y., ress ee 
620 oe: oe 
Fishes, p. 561-612. “ 


(Miss) Elizabeth Caroline rs - 
Jane, & Gadow, Hans Friedrich. See 
Gadow « Abbott. < 

< : é 

Abbott, James Francis. The marine 
fishes of Peru. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. 
Philad., 1899, 324-364. Abstract) 
Amer. Naturalist, 39, 397. 1899.1 

Notes on Chilean fishes, with d 
scription of a new species of Sebastode 
Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad., 1899 
(1900), 475-477. 1900. bi 

List of fishes collected in the | 
river Pei-Ho, at Tien-Tsin, China, b 
Noah Fields Drake, with descriptions — 
of seven new species. Proc. U. 8. Nat. 

Mus., 1901, 28, 483-491. 7 figs. 1901.1 4 

Abbott, W.J/. Lewis. The Pleistocen ee 
vertebrates of south-east England. 
South-east. Naturalist, 1908, ee g a 

908 ye 


Abbs, Cooper. Observations on the 
remarkable failure of haddocks (Gadus 
eglefinus) on the coasts of Northumber- 
land, Durham and Yorkshire. Phil. 
Trans. Roy. Soc. London, 1792, 82, 
367-373. 1792.1 

Abel, Othenio. Die Anpassungsfor- 
men der Wirbeltiere an das Wasserleben. 
Schrift. Ver. Verbr. Nat. Kennt., Wien, 
1905, 48. Jahrg. 1905.1 

Fossile Flugfische. Verh. 
- Deutsch. Zool. Gesell., 1905, 15, 47-48. 
— Jahrb. Geol. Reichsanst. Wien, 1906, 
66, 1-88. 3 pls. & 13 figs. 1905.2 

Die Lebensweise der altpaliozo- 
ischen Fische. Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ges. 
Wien, 1907, 57, 158-168. 1907.1 

Die Anwendung der Roéntgen- 
strahlen in der Paliontologie. Verh. 
Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien, 1908, 58, 232-233. 

—— Bau and Geschichte der Erde. 
Wien & Leipzig, 1909. 22 p. 10 figs. 

Die Bedeutung der fossilen Wir- 
beltiere fiir die Abstammungslehre. 
Jena, 1911. (Die Abstammungslehre, 
no. 9) 1911.1 

Grundziige der Palaeobiologie 
der Wirbeltiere. Stuttgart, 1912. 708 p. 
470 figs. 1912.1 

Ueber den Erwerb des Flugver- 
mogens. Schrift. Ver. Verbr. Nat. 
Kenntn., Wien, 1912, 52, 215-236. 3 
figs. 1912.2 

Abelsdorff, Georg. Ueber die Er- 
kennbarkeit des Sehpurpurs von Abra- 
mis brama mit Hilfe des Augenspiegels. 
Sitzber. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, 1895, 325- 
329. 1895.1 

Ueber Sehpurpur und Augen- 
hintergrund bei den Fischen. Arch. 
Anat. Physiol. (Physiol. Abth.), 1896, 
345-347. 1896.1 

Abelsdorff, Georg, & Kottgen, Hse. 
See Kottgen & Abelsdorff. 

Abelsdorff, H. Die ophthalmosko- 
pische Erkennbarkeit des Sehpurpurs. 
Zeitschr. Psych. Phys. Sinn. 1897, 14, 
77-90. Abstract in Zool. Centralbl., 
1879, 5, 26-27. 1897.1 

Abendroth, Lrnst Robert. Ueber 
Kowalevsky’s Untersuchungen iiber die 
Entwicklungsgeschichte des Amphioxrus 
lanceolatus. Sitzber. Ges. Isis, Dresden, 
1869 (1870), 25-26. 1870.1 


Abildgaard, Petrus Christian. Kurze 
anatomische Beschreibung des Saéugers 

(Myxine glutinosa L.) Sitzber. Ges. 
Naturf. Fr. Berlin, 1792, 193-200. 
(With discussion by M. E. Bloch, 244— 
251) 1792.1 

Abonyi, Sdndov. A halak eziistés esil- 
logdsdinok biolégiai jelentésége. Math. 
Termt. K6ézlem, Budapest, 1908, 40, 
530-532. 1908.1 

Adatok a tengeri escntos halak 
bélesatorndj4nak szévettandihoz (Bei- 
trige zur Histologie des Darmkanals der 
marinen Knochenfische} Math. Termt. 
Ertes, Budapest, 1910, 28, 315-368. pls. 
vil-xl. 1910.1 

Abraham, (Rev.) Nendick. On the 
breeding habits of Chromis philander. 
Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1901, 7. ser. 8, 
321-325. — Journ. Micr. Soc. London, 
1901. 639. 1901.1 

Abt, Ff. N. Ichthys. Specimen ich- 
thyologicum de murzna et ophichtho. 
22 Upsalize, £7898) 12°: 1789.1 

Achelis, Hans. Das Symbol des 
Fisches und die Fischdenkmiler der 
romischen Katakomben. Marburg, 
(888s WW0Mp. <2 ply S- 1888.1 

Achiardi, Antonio d’. Bibliografia 
mineralogica, geologica e paleontologica 
della Toscana. Roma, 1875. 57 p. 8°. 


Ackerhof, A. D. Die Nutzung der 
Teiche und Gewisser durch Fischzucht 
und Pflanzenbau. Quedlinburg, 1869. 
140 p. pil. 1869.1 

Die drarialische Fischkultur-An- 

stalt Engelstein. Bayerische Fischerei- 
Zeitg., 1880, 5, 42-43. 1880.1 
Ackermann, <arl. Bibliotheca 

Hassiaca. Repertorium derlandeskund- 
lichen Litteratur fiir den Kaiserlichen 
Preussischen Regierungsbezirk Kassel. 
Abhandl. u. Ber. Ver. Naturk., Kassel, 
1884, 31, 31-175; 1889, 34 & 35, 1-130; 
1891, 36 & 37, 81-96; 1892, 38, 53-64; 
1894, 39, 1-18; 1895, 40, 1-39; 1896, 
41, 1-9; 1897, 42, 1-37. 1884.1 

(editor ) Thierbastarde.  Zu- 
sammenstellung der bisherigen Beobach- 
tungen iiber Bastardirung im Thier- 
reiche nebst Litteraturnachweisen. 2. 
Theil: Die Wirbelthiere (Fische) Ab- 
handl. u. Ber. Ver. Naturk., Kassel, 
1898, 43, 4-11. 1898.1 



Acki, Takeo, & Seno, Hidemi. See 
Seno & Acki. 

Acloque, Alexandre. L’anguille. Na- 
turaliste, 1894, 16, 155-157. 1894.1 
Meeurs de la truite des riviéres. 
Naturaliste, 1894, 16, 31-32. 1894.2 
L’anguille. Cosmos, Paris, 1897, 
47, 71-73. 3 figs. 1897.1 

La question de l’anguille. Cos- 
mos, Paris, 1897, 46, 355-358. 1897.2 

Le poisson-lune. Cosmos, Paris, 

1897, 46, 109-111. fig. 1897.3 
Le chabot de riviére. Cosmos, 
Paris, 1899, 40, 73-76. fig. 1899.1 
Poissons plats. Cosmos, Paris, 
1899, 41, 805-808. figs. 1899.2 

Faune de France, contenant la 
description de toutes les espéces indi- 
. Les poissons, les reptiles, les 

genes. . 
hatraciens, les protochordes. Paris, 
1900. 1124 figs. 8°. 1900.1 
Poissons, p. 339-548. 
—lLe brochet. Cosmos, Paris, 
1900, 43, 266-269. figs. 1900.2 

Nos pécheurs de haute mer. 
Tours, 1903. 4°. 1903.1 

Les silurides. Paris, 
1908, 59, 35-37. 1908.1 

La structure des dents. Cosmos, 
Paris, 1912, 66, 596-598. 2 figs. 1912.1 

Adam, G. Vorkommen von See- 
fischen in siissen Gewiissern. [Abstract] 
Naturw. W ochenschr., 1898, 13, 417- 
A418. 1898.1 


Voyage d’un chas- 
ou revue générale des 

Adam, Victor. 
seur en Afrique; 
chasses et péches dans ce pays. 

1839: figs." 4r- 1839.1 

Adams, A.C., & Kendall, William 
Converse. Report upon an investigation 
of the fishing grounds off the vest coast 
of Florida. Bull. U. 8. Fish. Comm., 
1889 (1891), 9, 289-312. pl. & fig. 


Lists of the Brachyura, Mollusca and Fishes 
collected. By W.C. Kendall. p. 303-310. 

Adams, Andrew Leith [— 1882] For 
biographical notice and list of works see 
Scottish Naturalist, 1883-84, 7, 41-43. 

On the death of fishes on the 
coast of the Bay of Fundy. Quart. 

Journ. Geol. Soc. London, 1868, 24, 
303-305. — Amer. Naturalist, 1868, 2, 

337-342. Abstracts) Geol. Mag., 1868, 
5, 240, 241. — Amer. Journ. Sci., 2. 
ser. 46, 269. 1868.1 

Notes of a naturalist in the Nile 

Valley and Malta. 

295 p. 11 pls. & figs. 1870.1 
Fishes of Malta, p. 274-279. 

Field and forest rambles, with 

notes and observations on the natural | 

history of eastern Canada. London, 
1873. 333 p. pls. & figs. 8°. “WS87oul 

Fishes, part iii, p. 201-257. 
The lake trouts. Rept. U. S. 

Fish Comm., 1872-73 (s74), 2, 357- 
362. 1874 ri 

Reprinted from the author’s “‘ Field & forest 
rambles,’ 1873. 

Adams, Arthur [1820-1878] The 
Zoology of the Voyage of H. M. 8S. 
“Samarang’’ under the command of 
Captain Sir E. Belcher .. 
1843-46. Edited by A. Adams. Lon- 
don, 1850. fol. 1850.1 

Each section has its own title-page and pagi- 
mation: Fishes, by Sir J. Richardson. 28 p. 
10 pls. 

. during... 

Musical fishes. Zoologist, 1861, 
19, 7517. 1861.1 

— A remarkable shark. Zoologist, 
1861, 19, 7516. 1861.2 
—— Snake-like fishes. Zoologist, 
1861, 19, 7406-17. 1861.3 
——A viviparous fish. Zoologist, 
1863, 21, 8527-28. 1863.1 
Adams, Arthur, Baikie, William 
Balfour, & Barron, Charles. Manual of 

natural history for the use of travellers, 
being a description of the families of the 
animal and vegetable kingdoms: with 
remarks on the practical study of geol- 
ogy and meteorology. London, 1854. 
749 p. 8°. 1854.1 

Adams, Charles Chrisigenen [1873 —] 
Baseleveling and its faunal significance 
with illustrations from southeastern 
United States. Amer. Naturalist, 1901, 
35, 839-852. 1901.1 

Adams, Leverett Allen. Description 
of the skull and separate cranial bones 
of the wolf-eel (Anarrhichthys ocellatus) 
Sci. Bull. Kansas Univ., 1908, 4, 331— 
355. pls. XXV—Xxxvi. 1908.1 

Adams, Lionel Ernest [1854 —] The 

flight of flying-fish. Zoologist, 1906, 4. 
ser. 10, 145-148. 1906.1 

Edinburgh, 1870. . 



Additional notes on flying-fish. 
Zoologist, 1909, 4. ser. 13, 204-207. 

Adams, W. H. D. {translator} Mys- 
teries of the ocean. New ed., revised. 
London, 1870. figs. 8°. Peels 030 

From the 3. ed. of Arthur Mangin’s Les 
mystéres de l’océan. Tours, 1868. 

Adams, Walter Marsham. Fish sup- 
ply of Great Britain. Trans. Soc. Sci. 
London, 1883, 562. 1883.1 

A popular history of fisheries and 
fishermen of all countries, from the ear- 
liest times. Internat. Fisheries Exhib. 
Handb. London, 1883. 84 p. 8°. 


(Adamson, William Agar) Salmon- 
fishing in Canada; by a _ resident. 
Edited by Sir J. E. Alexander. Lon- 
don, 1860. sm.8°. map, pl., wre 


Observations on the 
by W. Henry.”’ 

The appendix includes “‘ 
habits of the salmon family; 

Addario, Carmelo. Sull’ apparente 
membrana limitante della retina ciliare. 
Monit. Zool. Ital., Firenze, 1902, 18, 
16-18. 1902.1 

Sulla istogenesi del vitreo nell’ 
occhio dei selaci. Mon. Zool. ste 
Firenze, 1902, 13 (Suppl.), 18. 1902. 

Ueber die Matrix des Glask6r- 
pers im menschlichen und _tierischen 
Auge. Anat. Anz., 1902, 21, 9-12. 


Adderley, (Sir) Augustus John (1835 
—J. The fisheries of the Bahamas. In- 
ternat. Fisheries Exhib. Handb. London, 
1883. 8°. 1883.1 

Adler, Heinrich. Zur Hebung der 
Seefischerei Oesterreichs. Eine Skizze. 
Wien, 1903. 16p. 8°. 1903.1 

Adloff, P. Ueber das Gebiss im 
Lichte der Entwickelungslehre. Schrift. 
Phys.-6kon. Ges. Kénigsberg, 1904, 45, 
Sitzber., 54-55. 1904.1 

Adolphi, H. Ueber das Verhalten 
von Wirbeltierspermatozoen in str6men- 
den Fliissigkeiten. Anat. Anz., 1906, 
28, 138-149. 2 figs. 1906.1 

Adorno, M., Mercadante, L., «& 
Jannaci, /. See Mercadante, Jan- 
naci, & Adorno. 

L’ Adriaticoe la 
Abruzzo e delle 
(Terano, 1902) 8°. 1902.1 

Aequaviva, Andrea. 
pesea sulle coste dell’ 


Afanassjew, VV... Ueber eiformige 
K6orper an den Gefiihlsorganen der 
Fische. [Translated from the Russian) 
In. p.] 1874. 1874.1 

Aflalo, Frederick George. Sea fishing 
on the English coast. London, 1891. 
190 p. figs. 12°. 1891.1 

A sketch of the natural history 
of Australia, with some notes on sport. 
London, 1896. 307 p. pls. & figs. 12°. 

Fishes, p. 195-254. 
English neglect of edible fish. 

Sat. Rev., 1807, 83, 601. 1897.1 

Sea-fish. London, 1898. 256 
p. 12 pl. 64 figs. 8°. (The Angler’s 
Library, vol. 11) 1898.1 

A sketch of the natural history 

(Vertebrates) of the British Islands. 

Edinburgh & London, 1898. 498 p. 

pls. & figs. 12°. 1898.2 
Fishes, p. 317-439. 

— Bee and coast fishing. London, 

1901. 228 p. 5pls. & 47 figs. 12°. 
Fish notes. Field Natural. 
Quarterly, 1902, 1, 291-294. 1902.2 

Six uncommon British sea-fish. 
Field Natural. Quarterly, 1902, 1, 7-138. 

1 pl. 1902.3 
Some signs of age and sex in 

fishes. Field Natural. Quarterly, 1902, 

1, 182-185. 1902.4 

Some spring movements of sea- 
fish. Field Natural: Quarterly, 1902, 1 

99-102. 1902 5 
Colour in fishes. Field Natural. 
Quarterly, 1903, 2, 212-215. 1903.1 

British salt-water fishes, with a 
chapter on the artificial culture of sea 
fish by R. B. Marston. London, 1904. 
328-p. 12xcol-=pis. 8°. 1904.1 

Defensive methods of fish. Corn- 
hill Mag., 1904, 90, 822. 1904.2 

The sea fishing industry of Eng- 

land and Wales. London, 1904. 386 p. 
pl. — (Review) Rey. Scient., 1905, 5. 
sér. 4, 753-755. 1904.3 | 

(editor) The sportsman’s book 
for India. London, 1904. 567 p._ pls. 
& map. 8°. 1904.4 

Part ii. Fishing, by F. O. Gadsden, Captain 
Gibson, and others. Contains notes on sea and 
freshwater fishes. 


Afialo, F. G. Ueber die Metamorphosen der 
—— The nationality of fishes. Cham-  Fische. Ausland, 1865, 38, 191-192. 
bers’s Journ., 1905, 82, 218. 1905.1 1865.3 
The salt of my life. London, ~—— {Reproduction of sharks and 
1905. 277 p. 39 figs.” 19°. 1905.3 rays) Proce. Boston Soe. Nat. Hist., 

Aflalo, Frederick George, & Paske, 
C.T. See Paske «& Aflalo. 

Aflalo, F.G., Bickerdyke, ./., Max- 
well, (Sir) H.,& Pycraft, W.P. Living 
animals of the world. London, 1902. 


Fishes, vol. ii, p. 609-669. pls. 

Agar, W.H. The development of the 
skull and visceral arches in Lepidosiren 
and Protopterus. Trans. Roy. Soe. 
Edinb., 1906, 45, 49-64. pls. ini. 


The spiracular gill cleft in Lepi- 
dosiren and Protopterus. Anat. Anz., 
1906, 28, 298-304. 5 figs. 1906.2 

The development of the anterior 
mesoderm, and paired fins with their 
nerves, in Lepidosiren and Protopterus. 
Trans. Roy. Soc. Edinb., 1907, 45, 611— 
639. pl. & 7 figs. 1907.1 

On the appearance of vascular 
filaments on the pectoral fin of Lepido- 
siren paradoxa. Anat. Anz., 1908, 33, 
27-30. 5 figs. 1908.1 

The spermatogenesis of Lepido- 
siren paradoxa. Quart. Journ. Micr. 
Sci., 1911, 57, 144. 5 pls. & 1 fig. 


Transverse segmentation and 
internal differentiation of chromosomes. 
Quart. Journ. Micr. Sci., 1912, 58, 285- 
298. pls. xii—xill. 1912.1 

Agassiz, Alexander [1835-1910]. For 
biography, see Letters and recollections 
of Alexander Agassiz .. . edited by G. 
R. Agassiz. Boston & New York, 1913. 
454 p. 

(Notes on the described species 
of Holeonoti found on the western coast 
of North America] Proce. Boston Soe. 
Nat. Hist., 1861, 8, 122-134. 1861.1 

Observations sur les métamor- 
phoses des poissons. Ann. Sci. Nat. 
(Zool.), 1865, 5. sér. 3, 55-58. 1865.1 

Sur les métamorphoses subies 
par certaines poissons avant de prendre 
la forme propre 4 l’adulte. C. R. Acad. 
Sci. Paris, 1865, 60, 152-153. — Ann. 
Mag. Nat. Hist., 1865, 3. ser. 16, 69-70. 

1871 (1872), 14, 339-341. 1872.1 

The development of flounders. 
Amer. Naturalist, 1876, 10, 705-708. — 
Rev. Sci. Natur., 1876, 6, 1-11. 1876.1 

Sur le développement des Pleu- 
ronectes. Journ. Zool. (Gervais), 1877, 
6, 193-197.— Rev. Sci. Nat. Mont- 
pellier, 1877, 6, 129-139. 1877.2 

On the young stages of some 
osseous fishes. I. Development of the 
tail. Proc. Amer. Acad. Arts Sci., 1878, 
13, 117-127. pls. & figs. — Ann. Mag. 
Nat. Hist., 1878, 5. ser. 1, 419-421. 

II. Development of the flounders. 
Proc. Amer. Acad. Arts Sci., 1879, 14, 
1-25. pls. — Arch. Zool. Expér. Génér., 
1879, 8, 38-42. 

III. On the young stages of some os- 
seous fishes. Proc. Amer. Acad. Arts 
Sci., 1882, 17, 271-3803. 20 pls. 1878.1 

The development of Lepidos- 
teus. Proc. Amer. Acad. Arts Sei., 1879, 
14, 65-75. pls. — Arch. Zool. Expér. 
Gén.; 1880, 8, 10-12. 1879.1 

Embryology of the gar-pike 
(Lepidosteus) Science News, 1879, 1, 
19-20. 1879.2 

Note préliminaire sur le déve- 
loppement des plies. Arch. Zool. Ex- 
pér. Gén., 1879, 6, 305-310. _ figs. 


Sur les premiers états des pois- 
sons osseux. Arch. Soc. Phys. Nat. 
Genéve, 1883, 8, 572-574. 1883.1 

—— Pelagic stages of young fishes. 
Journ. Roy. Micr. Soc., 1886, 6, 402- 
403. 1886.1 

Three cruises of the United 
States coast and geodetic survey steamer 
“ Blake.’’ Bull. Mus. Compar. Zool., 
1888, 15. 1888.1 

Sketches of the characteristic deep-sea types 
of fishes, p. 21-36. 11 pls. & figs. 

Preliminary note on some modi- 
fications of the chromatophores of fishes 
and crustaceans. Bull. Mus. Compar. 
Zool., 1892-93 (1892), 23, 189-103. | pl. 

— Three letters to the Hon. Mar- 
shall McDonald, U. S. Comm. of Fish 

ee ae eee 




and Fisheries, on the dredging opera- 
tions off the west coast of Central 
America to the Galapagos, to the west 
coast of Mexico, and in Gulf of Califor- 
nia, in charge of Alex. Agassiz, carried 
on by the U. 8. Fish Comm. steamer 
“ Albatross.”’ Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 
1892, 21, 185-200. 1892.2 

Agassiz, Alexander, & Whitman, 
Charles Otis. The development of osse- 
ous fishes. I. The pelagic stages of 
young fishes. Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., 

1885, 14, no. 1, pt. 1, 1-56. pls. 

Il. The pre-embryonic stages of de- 
velopment. Part first. The history of 
the egg from fertilization to cleavage. 
Tbid., 1889, 14, no. 1, pt. 2, 1-40. pls. 


On the development of some 
pelagic fish eggs. Preliminary notice. 
Proc. Amer. Acad. Arts Sci., 1885, 20, 
23-75. pl. 1885.2 

Also separate under the title: ‘‘ A review of 

the development of the fish based on observa- 
tions from 1879-1883 upon 22 species of eggs.”’ 

Développement des poissons os- 
seux. Histoire de |’ceuf depuis la fécon- 
dation jusqu’é la segmentation. Arch. 
Zool. Expér. Gén., 1891, 8, 17-21. 
Agassiz, (John) Lowis [Rodolphe 
[1807-1873] For biography see  L. 
Agassiz, his life and correspondence, by 
Elizabeth Cabot Cary Agassiz. 2 vols. 
London, 1885. Also his life by Jules 
Marcou. 2 vols. New York, 1896. 

Beschreibung einer neuen Spe- 
cies aus dem Genus Cyprinus Linn. 

Isis (Oken), 1828, 21, 1046-1049; 1829, 
22, 414-415. — Bull. Univ. Sci. Ind. 
(Férussac), 1828, 19, 117-118. 1828.1 

In Agassiz’s Bibliographia ‘Zoologize et Geo- 
logiz this paper is again cited under the follow- 
ing title: ‘‘Agassiz et Oken Cyprinus: uranoscopus, 
nouvelle espéce trouvée par la premier 4 Munich, 
et presentée A la réunion des savans d’ Allemagne 
a Berlin par ce dernier. Isis, 1828, x, p. 1046; 
1829, iii & iv, p. 414.’ 

(Prospectus de 1’ Histoire na- 
turelle des poissons d’eau douce de 
? Europe Centrale, ou description ana- 
tomique et historique des poissons qui 
habitent les lacs et les fleuves de la 
chaine des Alpes et les riviéres qu’ils 

regoivent dans leurs cours. Munich, 
1830. pl. small fol. 1830.1 
[Review] Bull. Univ. Sci. (Férussac), 1830, 

23, 270-272. Livraison 1 of the work to which 
this prospectus refers was published in 1839. 

Untersuchungen iiber die fossi- 
len Fische der Lias-Formation. Jahrb. 
f. Miner., 1832, 139-149. 1832.1 

cou, 1835, 8, 2 

—— Untersuchungen iiber die fossi- 
len Siisswasser-Fische der tertidiren For- 
mationen. Jahrb. f. Miner., 1832, 129- 
138. 1832.2 

Neue Entdeckungen iiber fossile 

Fische. Neues Jahrb. Miner., 1833, 
675-677. — Edinb. New Phil. Journ., 
1844, 37, 331-347. 1833.1 

Recherches sur les Poissons Fos- 
siles. 5 vols. with atlas. Neuchatel, 
1833-1843. 1833.2 

[Reviews] Isis (Oken), 1834, 405; 1835, 135. 
— Neues Jahrb. Miner., 1834, 242-484; 1835, 
595; 1844, 250.— Amer. Journ. Sci., 1835, 28, 
193; 1836, 30, 34. — Calcutta Journ. Nat. Hist., 
1848, 3, 313-344; 4, 63-83. 

For collation, ‘with dates of the various parts, 
see Woodward & Sherborn, A Catalogue of 
British Fossil Vertebrata, 1890, p. xxv—xxix. 

Synoptische Uebersicht der fos- 
silen Ganoiden. Neues Jahrb. Miner., 
1833, 470-481. — Bull. Soc. Imp. Mos- 
02-233. 1833.3 

“Abgerissene Bemerkungen tiber 
fossile Fische. Neues Jahrb. Miner., 
1834, 379-390. — Bull. Soc. Imp. Nat. 
Moscou, 1835, 8, 181—201. 1834.1 

Description de quelques espéces 
de ecyprins du Lae de Neuchatel, qui 
sont encore inconnues aux naturalistes. 
Mém. Soe. Sci. Nat. Neuchatel, 1834, 1 

33-48. — L’ Institut, 1836, 4, 419-420. 
— Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1835, pt. 5, 
149-151. 1834.2 

On a new classification of fishes, 
and on the geological distribution of 
fossil fishes. Proce. Geol. Soc. London, 
1834, 2, 99-102. — Philos. Mag., Lon- 
don, 1834, 5, 459-462. — Edinb. New 
Philos. Journ., 1835,18, 175-178; 19, 
331-346. — Neue Notizen (Fror iep), oe 
225-230; 241-245. 1834.3 

On the fossil fishes of Scotland. 
Rept. British Assoc. Adv. Sci., 1834, 
646-649. — L’Institut, 1835, 3, 65-66. 


(Remarks on certain points in 
the anatomy of Lepidosteus] Proc. 
Zool. Soe. London, 1834, pt. 2, 119-120. 

Reman on the different species 
of the genus Salmo which frequent the 
various rivers and lakes of Europe. 

Rept. British Assoc. Adv. Sei., 1834, 
617-623. — L’ Institut, 1835, 3, Cem Ey 
— Edinb. New Philos. Journ., 1834, 17, 
380-385. 1834.6 



Agassiz, J. L. R. 
Ueber das 
Resten. Neues Jahrb. 

Coup d’ceil sy noptique des Ga- 
noides fossiles. Bull. Soc. Natur. Mos- 
cou, 1835, 8, 202-318. 1835.1 

Alter der Glarner 
nach ihren Fisch- 
Miner., 1834, 


Notice sur les fossiles du terrain 
erétacé du Jura Neuchdtelois. Mém. 
Soe. Sci. Nat. Neuchatel, 1835, 1, 126— 
145. — L’ Institut, 1835, 4, 420-421. 
On the arrangement and geology 
of fishes. Edinb. New Philos. Journ., 
1835, 19, 331-346. 1835.3 

Remarques sur les poissons fos- 
siles. Bull. Soc. Natur. Moscou, 1835, 
8, 180-201. 

Revue critique des poissons fos- 
siles figurés dans I’Ittiolitologia Vero- 
nese. Neues Jahrb. Miner., 1835, 290— 
316. 1835.5 5) 

Sur les poissons fossiles de la 
formation houilliére. L’Institut, 1835, 
3, 253-254. 1835.6 

Ueber die Familie der Karpfen. 
Mém. Soe. Sci. Nat. Neuchatel, 1835, 1, 
33. — Arch. f. Naturges. (Wiegmann), 
1838, 1, 73-82. 1835.7 

(Views of the affinities and dis- 
tribution of the Cyprinide) Proc. Zool. 
Soe. London, 1835, pt. 3, 149-151. — 
Arch. f. Naturges. (Wiegmann), 1836, 
2, 240. 1835.8 

Note to a paper by William Buckland in 
Edinb. Philos. Mag., 1836, 8, 6-7. 

(Characters of the four known 
species of chimeroid dental plates and 
description of a fifth, Chimera greenowii) 

(Extracts from Recherches sur 
les Poissons Fossiles} Amer. Journ. Sci., 
1836, 30, 33-53. 1836.2 

Les poissons fossiles de |’ Angle- 
L’ Institut, 1836, 4, 85-86. 

Kiinstliche Steinkerne von Kon- 
chylien und Fische. Neues Jahrb. Mi- 
ner., 1838, 49-51. 1838.1 

Description of fishes from the 
Upper Silurian. (In Murchison’s Silu- 
rian System, 1839, p. 606-608) 1839.1 

Describes Onchus murchisoni and O. tenut- 



—— (Fishes of the Old Red Sand- 
stone} (In Murchison’s Silurian Sys- 
tem, 1839, p. 589-601) 1839.2 

Histoire naturelle des poissons 
d’eau douce de l'Europe centrale, 2 
vols. Neuchatel, 1839-42. 27 pls. 8°. 

Of the 27 plates Salmo comprises 24 and 
Thymallus 3. This atlas of plates was published 
as livraison 1 of a work which was to appear in 
parts and deal exhaustively with the freshwater 
fishes of central Europe. 
these plates was ever published. Livraison 2 
was an atlas of plates by C. Vogt dealing with 
the embryology of Coregonus. his was ac- 
companied by. an octavo volume of text. A 
review of livraison 1 eee in Amer. Journ, 
Sci., 1840, 39, 390-39 

Enumeration des poissons fos- 
siles d’Italie. Nuovi Annali Sci. Nat. 
Bologna, 1840, 4, 244-245; 325-332. 


Observations sur la structure des 
écailles de poissons. Ann. Sei. Nat. 
(Zool.), 1840, 2. sér. 13, 58-61. 1840.2 

Observations sur la structure et 
Je mode d’accroissement des écailles des 
poissons, et réfutation des objections de 
M. Mandl. Annales Sci. Nat. (Zool.), 
1840, 14, 97-110. pls. iv—vi. 1840.3 

Remarques 4 l’occasion d’une 
note de M. Mandl, sur la structure des 
écailles de poissons. C. R. Acad. Sei. 
Paris, 1840, 10, 191-194. — Edinb. New 
Philos. Journ., 28, 287-291. — Ann. Sci. 
Nat. (Zool.), 2. sér. 18, 58-61. — Neue 
Notizen (Froriep), 1840, 14, 179-182; 
1841, 18, 33-41. 1840.4 

On the fossil fishes found by Mr. 
Gardner in the province of Cear4, in the 
north of Brazil. Edinb. New Philos. 
Journ., 1841, 30, 82-84. 1841.1 

Nomenclator Zoologicus, conti- 
nens nomina systematica generum ani- 
malium tam viventium quam fossilium, 
secundum ordinem alphabeticum dis- 
posita, adjectis auctoribus, libris, in 
quibus reperiuntur, anno editionis, ety- 
mologia et familiis, ad quas pertinent, 
in singulis classibus. Soloduri, 1842— 
46. 4°. 1842.1 

The part on fishes has the following title, 
bastard: Nomina systematica generum piscium, 
tam viventium quam fossilium, secundum or- 
dinem alphabeticum disposita, ete. vi, 1-69. 
The Index Universalis, forming vol. ii of this 
work, was published in 1846. Vide infra. 

Report on the fossil fishes of the 
Devonian system or Old Red Sandstone. 
Rept. British Assoc. Adv. Sei., 1842, 
80-88. 1842.2 

German translation in Biblioth. Univers. 

Genéve, 1843, 43, 353-369.— Neues Jahrb. 
Miner., 1843, 750-751. 

No text accompanying 


Bericht tiber die fossilen Fische 
des Old Red Sandstone, im Auftrage der 
britischen Versammlung, im Jahre 1842, 

-erstattet. Biblioth. Univers. Genéve, 
1843, 43, 353-369.— Neues Jahrb. 

’ Miner., 1843, 750-751. — L’Institut, 
1843, 11, 14-16. 1843.1 

Notice sur la succession des pois- 
sons fossiles dans la série des formations 
géologiques. Neuchatel, 1843. 16 p. 
4°. Also in Ann. Sci. Nat. (Zool.), 3. 
sér. 1844, 2, 251-271. 1843.2 

“ Extrait de la 18° et derniére livraison des 
Recherches sur les Poissons Fossiles.”’ 

Synoptical table of British fossil 
fishes, arranged in the order of the geo- 
logical formations. Rept. British Assoc. 
Adv. Sci., 1843, 194-207. — Edinb. New 
Philos. Journ., 1844, 37, 331-347. — 
Ann. Sci. Nat. (Zool.), 3. sér. 1844, 
251-261. 1843.3 

Valeur géologique des dents de 
squales pour la détermination des ter- 
rains. Actes Soc. Helvét. Sci. Nat., 
Lausanne, 1843, 83-84. 1843.4 

De la forme des placoides et 
tableau général des espéces de placoides 
rangés par terrains. Neuchatel, 1844. 
1S) pict. 1844.1 

“ Extrait de la 18° et derniére livraison des 
Recherches sur les Poissons Fossiles.”’ 

Essai sur la classification des 
poissons. Neuchatel, 1844. 8 p. 1 pl. 
Also in Edinb. New Philos. Journ., 1844, 
37, 132-143. 1844.2 

“Extrait de la 18° et derniére livraison des 
Recherches sur les Poissons Fossiles.’”’ [Re- 
view] Neue Notizen (Froriep), 1844, 31, 225- 
230; 241-245. 

Monographie des Poissons Fos- 
siles du Vieux Grés Rouge, ou Systéme 
Dévonien (Old Red Sandstone), des 
Iles Britanniques et de Russie. 3 pts. 
in 2. Neuchatel, 1844-1845. Text, 
xxxvi, 171 p., with atlas of 48 pls. 4°. 

Note sur la succession des pois- 
sons fossiles dans la série des formations 
géologiques. Ann. Sci. Nat. (Zool.), 
1844, 3. sér. 2, 251-271. 1844.4 

Notice sur les dents et les rayons 
des Placoides. Neuchatel, 1844. 4°. 

On fossil fishes. Edinb. New 
Philos. Journ., 1844, 37, 331-334. — 
Biblioth. Univers. Genéve, 44, no. 100, 
334-356. 1844.6 

Essentially a résumé of the author’s Re- 
cherches sur les Poissons Fossiles. 


—— Sur le cerveau des poissons} 
Bull. Soc. Sci. Nat. Neuchatel, 1844, 1, 
147-148. 1844.7 

Sur les progrés de l’étude de 
Vichthyologie. (Announces the com- 
pletion of his Poissons Fossiles] Bull. 
Soe. Sci. Nat. Neuchatel, 1844, 1, 49-50. 

Sur quelques poissons fossiles du 
Brésil. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1844, 18, 
1007-1015. — L’ Institut, 1844, 12, 187— 
188. 1844.9 

Tableau général des poissons 
fossiles rangés par terrains. Neuchatel, 
1844. 17p. 4°. Alsoin Ann. Sci. Nat. 
(Zool.), 1844, 3. sér. 2, 251-271. 


‘* Extrait de la 18° et derniére livraison des 
Recherches sur les Poissons Fossiles.’”’ 

(Nouvelles observations sur les 
nageoires des poissons} Actes Soc. Hel- 
vétique Sci. Nat., Genéve, 1845, p. 49. 

Fin-rays are very variable in form — not 
uniform as generally represented by authors. 

They may be used for determining family 
position of fragments of fossil fishes. 

On fossil fishes, particularly 
those of the London clay. Edinb. New 
Philos. Journ., 1845, 39, 321-327; 1846, 
40, 121-125; Ann. Sci. Nat. (Zool.), 
1845, 21-48. 1845.2 

Rapport sur les poissons fossiles 
de l’argile de Londres. [French and 
English text, with restoration of Scienu- 
rus bowerbankii) Rept. British Assoc. 
Adv. Sci., 1844 (1845), 279-310. pl. — 
Ann. Sci. Nat. (Zool.), 1845, 21-48. — 
L’ Institut, 1845, 219-232. 1845.3 

(Résumé de ses travaux sur l’en- 
céphale des poissons}. Actes Soc. Hel- 
vétique Sci. Nat., Genéve, 1845, 91-92. 

Nomenclatoris Zoologici. Index 
universalis, continens nomina systema- 
tica classium, ordinum, familiarum et 
generum animalium omnium, tam vi- 
ventium quam fossilium. Soloduri, 
1846. viii, 393 p. 4°. 1846.1 
The Nomenclator, of which this volume is 
the index, was published in 1842. Vide supra. 
Another edition was published in 1848. 

(On Huro nigricans Cuvier; re- 
garded as identical with Centrarchus fas- 
ciatus and C. obscurus of DeKay. — On 
young Scaphirhynchus from the Ohio 
River) Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., 
1846, 2, 184. 1846.2 


Agassiz, J. L. R.° 

On the ichthyological fossil 
fauna of the Old Red Sandstone. 
Edinb. New Philos. Journ., 1846, 41, 
17+49. 1846.3 

Translated from Monographie des Poissons 
Fossiles du Vieux Grés Rouge. 

Rapports qui existent entre les 
faits relatifs 4 l’apparition successive 
des étres organisés a Ja surface du globe. 
Bull. Soe. Sci. Nat. Neuchatel, 1846, 1, 
366-369. 1846.4 

Sur les poissons des terrains pa- 

léozoiques. Soc. Philom., Proc. Verb., 
1846, 61-62. — L’Institut, 1846, 14, 
163. 1846.5 

—— Sur un nouveau genre de pois- 
sons fossiles (Emidichthys) du terrain 
dévonien de |’Eifel. Bull. Soe. Géol. 

France, 1846, 2. sér. 3, 488-489. 1846.6 

An introduction to the study of 
natural history in a series of lectures de- 
livered in the hall of the College of Phy- 
sicians and Surgeons, New York. New 
York, 1847. 8°. 1847.1 

Fishes: Lectures ix & x, p. 38-47. figs. 

On the fishes of the London clay. 
Rept. Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 1846 (1847), 
52. 1847.2 

(Plan for an investigation of the 
embryology, anatomy and effect of light 
on the blind-fish of the Mammoth Cave, 
Amblyopsis speleus} Proc. Amer. Acad. 
Arts Sci., 1847, 1, 180. 1847.3 

— Bibliographia Zoologie et Ge- 
ologie. A general catalogue of all 
books, tracts, and memoirs on zoology 
and geology, by Prof. Louis Agassiz . . . 
corrected, enlarged, and edited by H. E. 
Strickland. 4 vols. London, Ray Soci- 
ety, 1848-54. 8°. 1848.1 

The black-banded Cyprinide 
(Abstract} Proc. Amer. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 
1848, 70. 1848.2 

The black bands are not specific characters. 

Cyprinodonts are separated from the Cyprinide 
on ground of differences in brain structure. 

Monograph of garpikes [Ab- 
stract] Proc. Amer. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 
1848, 70-71. 1848.3 

Divides garpikes into sharp-nosed and flat- 

nosed; the former group comprises 3 species, 
the latter 2 or 3. 

; Nomenclatoris zoologici index 
universalis, continens nomina systema- 
tica classium, ordinum, familiarum et 


generum animalium omnium, tam vi- 
ventium quam fossilium, secundum or- 
dinem alphabeticum unicum disposita, 
adjectis homonymiis plantarum. Solo- 
duri, 1848. 1135 p. 12°. 1848.4 

(On the fishes of Lake Superior) 
Proc. Amer. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 1848, 30— 
32. 1848.5 

(Remarks on the existence of nu- 
merous minute water tubes in fishes) 
Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., 1848, 3, 
27-28.— Amer. Journ. Sci., 1848, 6, 
431-432. 1848.6 

(Remarks on some of the Salmo- 
nidie of Lake Superior) Proc. Boston 
Soc. Nat. Hist., 1848, 3, 61-62. 1848.7 

Remarks on the petrifaction of 
Mallotus villosus in Iceland. Proc. Bos- 
ton Soc. Nat. Hist., 1848, 3,42. 1848.8 

(Two new genera of fishes from 
Lake Superior, Percopsis and Rhinich- 
thys} Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., 
1848, 3, 80-81. 1848.9 

On the differences between pro- 
gressive, embryonic, and _ prophetic 
types in the succession of organized be- 
ings through the whole range of geolog- 
ical times. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Adv. 
Sci., 1849, 2, 432-438. — Edinb. New 
Philos. Journ., 1850, 49, 160-165. 


Classification of mammalia, 
birds, reptiles, and fishes from embry- 
onic and Paleozoic data. Edinb. New 
Philos. Journ., 1850, 49, ie 

Geographical distribution of an- 
imals. Edinb. New Philos. Journ., 1850, 
49, 1-33. — tAbstract] Tagsber. Fort- 
schr. Nat. Heilk. (Froriep), Zool. Abth., 
1850, 1, 247-248. — Christian Exam. & 
Religious Misc., March, 1850, nee ats 

Geographische Verbreitung der 
Fische. Tagsber. Fortsch. Nat. Heilk. 
(Froriep), Zool. Abth., 1850, 1, ee 

(Manner of producing sounds in 
cat-fish and drum-fish) Proce. Amer. 
Acad. Arts Sci., 1850, 2, 238. 1850.4 

On Petromyzontide and their 
embryonic development and place in the 
natural history system. Edinb. New 
Phil. Journ., 1850, 49, 242-246. 1850.5 


(On the scales of the bonito) 
Proc. Amer. Acad. Arts Sci., 1850, 2, 
238. 1850.6 

Scales shown to be intermediate between 
ctenoid and cycloid types, the serrations being 
merely marginal, and not extending over the 
posterior surface. 

Remarks on species belonging to 
the genus Lepidosteus. Proc. Boston 
Soc. Nat. Hist., 1850, 3, 182. 1850.7 

(Remarks on the development of 
air-bladders in fish] Proc. Amer. Assoc. 
Adv. Sci., 1850, 72. 1850.8 

jSome points in the anatomy of 
the Siluride; Proc. Amer. Acad. Arts 
Sci., 1850, 2, 238. 1850.9 

— Ueber die Lachssippe (Salmo- 
nide). Tagsber. Fortschr. Nat. Heilk. 
(Froriep) Zool. Abth., 1850, 1, 241-244. 


— Observations on the blind fish of 
the Mammoth Cave. Amer. Journ. Sci., 
1851, 2. ser. 11, 127-128. — Edinb. New 
Philos. Journ., 1851, 51, 254-256. — 
Tagsber. Fortschr. Nat. Heilk. (Fro- 
riep) Zool. Abth., 1851, 2,45-47. 1851.1 

Report on the vertebrate fossils 
exhibited to the Association. Abstract] 
Proc. Amer. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 1851, 178— 
180. 1851.2 

(Description of a new Cestracion 
from China (C. zebra) and comparison of 
its dentition with fossil shark teeth from 
Indiana] Proc. Amer. Acad. Sci., 1853, 
3, 65-66. 1853.1 

Directions for collecting fishes 
and other objects of natural history. 


Circular signed L. Agassiz, Professor of Zool- 

ogy and Geology in the Lawrence Scientific 
School at Cambridge, Mass. 

(Embryology of the heart in 
fishes} Proc. Amer. Acad. Arts Sci., 
1853, 3, 65. 1853.3 

Extraordinary fishes from Cali- 
fornia, constituting a new family [Hol- 
conoti or Embiotocidze} Amer. Journ. 
Sci., 1853, 2. ser. 16, 380-390. — Edinb. 
New Phil. Journ., 57, 214-217. — Arch. 
Naturges., Berlin, 1854, 20. Jahrg., 1, 
149-163. 1853.4 

Observations sur quelques pois- 
sons des Etats-Unis. C. R. Acad. Sci. 
Paris, 1853, 37, 184. — L’ Institut, 1853, 
21, 287. 1853.5 

: Recent researches of Professor 
Agassiz. {Extract from a letter to J. D. 


Dana dated Cambridge, June 9, 1853, 
detailing some of the results of a rapid 
tour from Charleston, 8. C., through 
Alabama, Mississippi, and Louisiana, 
thence up the Mississippi to St. Louis, 
Chicago, and along by the Great Lakes 
to New York and Massachusetts} Amer. 
Journ. Sci., 1853, 16, 134-136. 1853.6 

(Reference to a list of fishes 
found in the Tennessee River) Proc. 
Amer. ‘Acad. Arts Sci., 1853, 3, 70. 

(Remarks on new species of 
sharks discovered by the author on the 
coast of the United States} Proc. Amer. 
Acad. Arts Sci., 1853, 3, 63-64. 1853.8 

; (Remarks on the family of Cy- 
prinodonts} Proc. Amer. Acad. Arts 
Sei., 1853, 3, 42-43. 1853.9 

Remarkable sexual differences shown to exist 
in mature fish. Peecilia and Mollienisia Cuv. 
and Val. are really female and male of the 
same species. Heterandria, Zygonectes. 

Additional notes on Holconoti. 
Amer. Journ. Sci., 1854, 17, 365-369. — 
Edinb. New Philos. Journ., 1854, 57, 
214-228.— Arch. Naturges. Berlin, 
1854, 20, 149-162; 21, 30-34. 1854.1 

Fossil sharks of the Tertiary of 
South Carolina. Proc. Elhott Soc. Nat. 
Hist., Charleston, S. C., 1854, 1, 4. 


— Notice of a collection of fishes 
from the southern bend of the Tennessee 
River, {in the state of] Alabama. Amer. 
Journ. Sei., 1854, 2. ser. 17, 297-308; 
353-369. Also separate. 31 p. 8°. 


The primitive diversity and 
number of animals in geological times. 
Amer. Journ. Sci. Arts, 1854, 2. ser. 17, 
309-324. — Edinb. New Philos. Journ., 
1854, 57, 271-292. — Ann. Mag. Nat. 
Hist., 1854, 2. ser. 14, 350-366. — Ar- 
chiv. Sei. Phys. Natur., 1855, 30, 27—50. 

Synopsis of the ichthyological 
fauna of the Pacific slope of North Amer- 
ica, chiefly from the collections made by 
the expedition under the command of 
Capt. C. Wilkes, with recent additions 
and comparisons with eastern types. 
Amer. Journ. Sci., 1855, 2. ser. 19, 71- 
99; 215-231. 1855.1 

(Development of scales in gar- 
pike and sturgeon are similar; one of 
the points serving to indicate close re- 
lationship of the two) Proc. Boston 
Soc. Nat. Hist., 1856, 6, 63. 1856.1 


Agassiz, J. L. R.” 

(Habits of the Glanis of Aristo- 
tle; Proce. Amer. Acad. Arts Sei., 1856, 
3, 325-333. 1856.2 

Notice of the fossil fishes found 
in California by William P. Blake, geol- 
ogist of the United States Pacific Rail- 
road survey under the command of 
Lieutenant R. S. Williamson, United 
States topographical engineers. (In ex- 
plorations and surveys for a railroad 
route from the Mississippi River to the 
Pacific Ocean. Appendix I, p. 30-34, 
Washington, 1856) — Abstract in Amer. 
Journ. Sci., 1856, 2. ser. 21, 272-275. 


(On some young gar-pikes from 
Lake Ontario} Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. 
Hist., 1856, 6, 47-48. — Amer. Journ. 
Sci., 1857, 2. ser. 23, 284-285. 1856.4 

(Orthagoriscus mola, on grounds 
of internal anatomy does not belong in 
same family with Diodon and Tetrao- 
don, but is type of a distinct family) 
Proc. Amer. Acad. Arts Sci., 1856, 3, 
319. 1856.5 

(Ovarian development in some 
Gadide and Cheloniaj] Proc. Boston 
Soc. Nat. Hist., 1856, 6, 9-10. 1856.6 

(Plagiostomes regarded as a dis- 
tinct class of animals from fishes, on 
account of different mode of develop- 
ment} Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., 
1856, 6, 38. 1856.7 

(Reference to embryology of a 
species of shark, Acanthias americanus} 
Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., 1856, 6, 
37-38. 1856.8 

Remarks on the classification of 
fishes. Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., 
1856, 6, 63. 1856.9 

Discusses the systematic position of ganoids. 

Sur les poissons vivipares. L’In- 
stitut, 1856, 24, 164. 1856.10 

Viviparous reproductior in the 
common haddock. Proc. Boston Soc. 
Nat. Hist., 1856, 6, 9-10. 1856.11 

Nouvelle espéce d’Esoce du Lac 
Ontario. L’Institut, 1857, 25, 128. 

(Various existing systems of clas- 
sification of fishes; Proc. Amer. Acad. 
Arts Sci., 1857, 4, 8-9. 1857.2 

The author abandons his own classification 
based on the character of the scales as too 


(The classification of fishes} 
Proc. Amer. Acad. Sci., 1858, 4, 108. 

The structure of mouth as related to facial 
bones furnishes a hint for classification of fishes. 

—— (On some Salmonide; the Cha- 
racini; on the so-called migrations of 
certain fishes) Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. 
Hist., 1858, 6, 418-419. 1858.2 

(Remarks on a catalogue of the 
fishes of Jamaica, by Richard Hill, of 
Kingston) Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., 
1858, 6, 414-415. 1858.3 

(Remarks on a new species of 
skate from the Sandwich Islands (Goni- 
obatis meleagris)} Proc. Boston Soe. 
Nat. Hist., 1858, 6, 385. 1858.4 

(Remarks on Dr. B. Dowler’s 
paper ‘‘ Discovery of viviparous fish in 
Louisiana’) Amer. Journ. Sci., 1858, 
2. ser. 19, 136. 1858.5 

Concerning Pecilia multilineata Lesueur the 
author remarks: ‘‘ Mollienesia of Leseuer is 
founded upon the male of the same species he 
has described as Pecilia multilineata. There 
cannot be the slightest doubt about it.” 

(Remarks on new fishes from 
Lake Nicaragua, collected by Julius 
Frébel) Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., 
1858, 6, 407—408. 1858.6 

(Remarks on the affinities of the 
genera belonging in family Discoboli) 
Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., 1858, 6, 
411-412. 1858.7 

Remarks on the classification of 
fishes and the zoological relations of the 
family of Chromids. Proc. Boston Soe. 
Nat. Hist., 1858, 6, 407-408. 1858.8 

Remarks on the manner and re- 

production of selachians. Proc. Boston 
Soc. Nat. Hist., 1858, 6, 377-378. 


* Aristotle does not speak of Plagiostomes 

with fishes, but calls them Selachians, and 

Prof. A. follows the ancient naturalist, giving 
them the same name.” 

(The so-called claspers of skate 
supposed to be used for prehensile pur- 
poses are shown to be organs of copula- 
tion) Proc. Boston Soe. Nat. Hist., 
1858, 6, 377. 1858.10 

(Difference in size of anal fin in 
male and female of Mallotus villosus) 
Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., 1860, 7, 
399. 1860.1 



(Reference to geographical dis- 
tribution of the freshwater fishes of 
Europe} Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., 
1862, 9, 178. 1862.1 

The fishes of headwaters of the Rhine, Rhone 
and Danube are shown to be the same, while 
those of the lower waters differ from one another 
as well as from those of the sources. 

(Metamorphosis of embryo fish 
at hatching) Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. 
Hist., 1863, 9, 326. 1863.1 

Lettres relatives 4 la faune ich- 
thyologique de Amazone. Ann. Sci. 
Nat. (Zool)., 1865, 5. ser. 4, 382-383; 
1866, 5, 226-228; 309-311.— Ann. 
Mag. Nat. Hist., 1866, 3. ser. 17, 398. 


Métamorphoses subies par cer- 
tains poissons avant de prendre la forme 
propre 4 l’adulte. C. R. Acad. Sci. 
Paris, 1865, 60, 152-153. — Ann. Sci. 
Nat. (Zool.), 5. ser. 3, 55-58. — Ann. 
Mag. Nat. Hist., 1865, 3. ser. 16, 69-70. 

The author states that Argyropelecus hemi- 
gymnus is the young of Zeus faber. This state- 
ment has not been confirmed; see Kner, R. 

- Remarks on the classification of 
Siluroids. Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., 
1867 (1868), 11, 354. 1868.1 

Siluroids are characterised as ‘‘ an order of 
Ganoid fishes which should be placed between 
the sturgeons and garpikes.’’ Four families are 
recognized: Gonodonts, Loricarie, Callichthy- 
oids and Doradides. The brain greatly re- 
sembles that of a sturgeon. 

(Mode of copulation among se- 
lachians} Proce. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., 
1871, 14, 341. 1871.1 

Fish-nest tof Chironectes pictus} 
in the sea-weed of the Sargasso sea. 
Amer. Journ. Sci., 1872, 3. ser. 3, 154— 
156. — Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1872, 4. 
ser. 9, 243-245. — Bull. Soc. Sci. Nat. 
Neuchatel, 1873, 9, 165-169. — Cana- 
dian Nat., 1871, n. s. 6, 354-356. — 
Month. Micr. Journ., 1872, 7, 129-130. 
— Sci. Amer., 1872, 26, 40-41. 1872.1 

The wonders of the egg. Sci. 
Amer., 1873, 28, 259; 275-276; 306- 
307. 1873.1 

Figures are given of the egg of the skate, a 
young shark, and of Callorhynchus. 

_—— Un voyage d’exploration scien- 
tifique dans l’ Atlantique et l’Amérique 
du Sud. Revue Scientif., 1873, 2. sér. 
4, 1077-1093. 1873.2 

Seven letters to B. M. Peirce, of which the 
first two only mention fishes. I. But dans 
lequel sont entrepris les draguages. — Resultats 
probables, p. 1077-1079. 

II. La mer Sargasses, — Le nid du Chiro- 
nectes pictus, p. 1079-1080. 

Pisces Celebes. Icones Piscium, 
4 tabule, inedite. London, 1874. 4°. 

Fragment of an unfinished work found 

among the papers of the author after his 
decease. 3 

Three different modes of teeth- 
ing among selachians. Amer. Natural- 
ist, 1874, 8, 129-135. 1874.2 

Proof of this paper was uncorrected by the 
author before his death. 

(Professor Agassiz on fish as 

food} Chicago Field, 1880, 12, 325. 
Cartas ineditas .. . relativas 4 
viagem .. . realisada na Amazonia (de 

11 de Agosto 1865 até 26 de Marco 
1866) (Edited by Emil A. Goeldi) Boll. 
Mus. Hist. Nat., Parad, 1896, 1, 144-156. 


Lettres inédites de Louis Agas- 
siz {Traduites par L. Islely} Bull. Soc. 
Sci. Nat. Neuchatel, 1896, 24, 111-125. 

Centenaire de la naissance de 
Louis Agassiz. Bull. Soc. Vaud. Sci. 
Nat., 1907, 5. sér. 43, 301-302. — Ses 
travaux en zoologie et en paléongologie, 
par Henri Blane. Tbid., p. 315-340. 
2 pls. 1907.1 

Agassiz, Lowis, & Agassiz, (Mrs.) 
Elizabeth Cabot Cary. A journey in 
Brazil. Boston & London, 1868. figs. 
Sa: 1868.1 

Observations on fishes are found in chapters 
Ley Lives, Waly oe 

Agassiz, Louis, & Baird, Spencer Ful- 
lerton. Natural history illustrations 
prepared under the direction of Louis 
Agassiz and Spencer F. Baird, 1849. 
Six species of North American fresh- 
water fishes. Explanation of plates by 
David Starr Jordan. Washington, 1889. 
12\p. Gipls. “45. 1889.1 

Six plates drawn by A. Sonrel in 1849, under 
the direction of Agassiz and Baird, for a pro- 
jected monograph on the fresh-water fishes of 
North America which was never published. 
The species figured are: : 

i. Notropis megalops (Raf.). 

ii. Hybopsis kentuckiensis (Raf.). 

iii. Semotilus bullaris (Raf.). 

iv. Semotilus atromaculatus (Mitchill). 

v. Lucius reticulatus (Le Sueur). 

Agassiz, Lowis, Cabot, J. Elliot, & 
others. Lake Superior: its physical 
character, vegetation, and animals, com- 
pared with those of other and similar 
regions, by Louis Agassiz; with a nar- 
rative of the tour, by J. Elliot Cabot, 
and contributions by other scientific 



Agassiz & Cabot. 
gentlemen. Boston, 1850. 428 p. 
i?'pls.. 8°. 1850.1 

Reviewed in Amer. Journ. Sci., 1850, 2. ser. 
10, 125-127. Account of the Petromyzonide 
reprinted in New Philos. Journ. Edinb., 1850, 
49, 242-246. 

Agassiz, Louis, & Egerton, (Sir) 
Philip Grey. A systematic and strati- 
graphical catalogue of the fossil fish 
in the cabinets of Lord Cole and Sir 
Philip Grey Egerton. By' Sir Philip 
Grey Egerton. — With notes of his sys- 
tem of ichthyology, hitherto uncom- 
municated to the public, by L. Agassiz 
(The synoptical table of the orders and 
families is in French, by Agassiz] Lon- 
don, 1837. 23 p. 4°. 1837.1 

Agassiz, Louis, Girard, Charles, & 
Suckley, George. See Girard, Suckley 
& Agassiz. 

Agassiz, Louis, & Gould, Augustus 
Addison. Principles of zoology, touch- 
ing the structure, development, distri- 
bution, and natural arrangement of the 
races of animals, living and extinct; 

with numerous illustrations. Part 1. 
Comparative physiology. Boston, 
1848. 236 p. 8°. 1848.1 

2. ed. Boston, 1851. 460 p. 8°. German 

version, Stuttgart, 1851. 8°. 
_ Agassiz, Lowis, & Miiller, Johannes. 
See Miiller & Agassiz. 

Agassiz, Lowis, & Spix, Johann B. 
See Spix & Agassiz. 

Agassiz, Louis, & Vogt, Carl. Ana- 
tomie des Salmones. Mém. Soe. Sci. 

Nat. Neuchatel, 1845, 3, 1-196. 17 pls. 
& 14 figs. 1845.1 
Ahl, Jonas Nicolaus. Specimen 

ichthyologicum de Murzna et Ophich- 
tho. Inaug. Dissert. Upsala, 1789. 8°. 

— Another edition of the same. 
(In Thunberg, C. P. Dissertationes 
Academice Upsaliz, etc. vol. iii, no. 1. 
Upsala, 1801. 8°) 1801.1 

Ahlborn, Christian Georg Friedrich. 
Zur Neurologie der Petromyzonten. 
Nachr. Gesell. Wiss. G6ttingen, 1882, 
no. 20, 677-682. 1882.1 

Untersuchungen iiber das Gehirn 
der Petromyzonten. Zeitschr. Wiss. 
Zool., 1883, 39, 191-294. Also 
separate; Leipzig, 1883. 1883.1 

Ueber den Ursprung und Aus- 
tritt der Hirnnerven von Petromyzon. 
Zeitschr. Wiss. Zool., 1884, 40, 286-308. 
pl. 1884.1 


Ueber die Segmentation des 

Wirbelthierkérpers. Zeitschr. Wiss. 
Zool., 1884, 40, 309-330. 1884.2 

Der Flug der Fische. Realgym- 
nasium des Johanneums, 70. Geburt- 
stage Prof. Dr. Karl Mobius. Ham- 
burg, 1895. 56 p. pl. — Zool. Jahrb. 
(Syst.), 1897, 9, 329-338. 1895.1 

Ueber die Bedeutung der Hete- 
rocerkie und dihnlicher unsymmetrischer 
Schwanzformen schwimmender Wirbel- 
thiere fiir die Ortsbewegung. — Zeit- 
schr. Wiss. Zool., 1895, 61, 1-15. pl. 
Zool. Centralbl., 1895, 5, 298-299. ,[Ab- 
stract) Journ. Mier. Soc. London, 1896, 
pt. 3, 299. 1895.2 

Ahlburg, Johannes. Die Trias im 
siidlichen Oberschlesien. Abhandl. Ge- 
ol. Landesanst., Berlin, 1906, n. s. 50, 

1-163. 6 pls. 1906.1 
Ahlers, Charles. Das Absteigen der 
Forellen aus Quellbachen. Allgem. 

Fisch. Zeitg., 1900, 25, 21-23; 83. 

Ahmad, A. Interim reports of the 
marine fishery investigations of the 
government steam trawler ‘ Golden 
Crown.” Coll. Papers Fish. Surv. Ben- 
gal, 1911, 19-41. 1911.1 

Aicard, Jean. Sur l’époque du dé- 
part pour la péche en Islande. C. R. 
Acad. Sci. Paris, 1892, 118, 330. 1892.1 

Aichel, Otto. Zur Kenntnis des his- 
tologischen Baues der Retina embryo- 
naler Teleostier. Erlangen, 1896. 25 p. 
2 pls. 1896.1 

Kurze Mitteilung iiber den his- 
tologischen Bau der Riechschleimhaut 
embryonaler Teleostier. Sitzber. Ges. 
Morph. Physiol. Miinchen, 1897, 11, 
73-78. fig. 1897.1 

Zur Kenntniss des embryonalen 
Riickenmarkes der Teleostier. Sitzber. 
Gesell. Morph. Physiol. Miinchen, 1897, 
11, 25-40. figs. 1897.2 

Vorlaufige Mitteilung iiber die 
Entwicklung der Nebennieren bei Se- 
lachiern und iiber eine neue Homologie 
der Nebennieren in der Wirbeltierreihe. 
Sitzber. Phys. Med. Soc. Erlangen, 
1900, 1-86. [Abstract] Amat. Anz., 
1900, 17, 30-31. 1900.1 

Vergleichende Entwicklungsge- 
schichte und Stammesgeschichte der Ne- 
bennieren. Arch. Mikr. Anat., 1900, 56, 
1-80. pls. iii & fig. 1900.2 



Dennen eee ——eDD0 

Das Tectum loborum opticorum 
embryonaler Teleostier mit Beriicksich- 
tigung vergleichend anatomischer Ver- 
haltnisse. Inaug. Dissert., Erlangen, 
1901. 22 p. 1901.1 

Aigner, Josef. Salzburg’s Fische; 
mit Vorwort von J. Th. M. Zetter. 
Jahresber. Vaterl. Mus. Carolino-Au- 
gust. Landeshaupst. Salzburg, 1859, 
72-92. 1859.1 

Aiken, James. Notes on the fishes 
of New Amsterdam market. Timehri 
Journ. Agric. Commerce. Soc. Brit. 
Guiana, 1913, 3. ser. 3, 49-50. 1913.1 

Ainsworth, Stephen H. The gray- 
ling in Michigan. Amer. Sportsman, 
1874, 4, 283. 1874.1 

Ainsworth, W./F., Tristram, H.B., 
& Kingsley, The Nile fish in 
Galilee. Athenzeum, 1865, 2, 248; 277; 

310-311. 1865.1 

Airaghi, Carlo. Di un Pholidopho- 
rus del Retico lombardo. Rend. Istit. 
Lombard., 1908, 2. ser. 41, 768-772. 
fig. 1908.1 

Aitch, W. Suspended animation in 
frozen fish. Forest & Stream, 1875, 4, 
Bite 1875.1 

Aitchison, (Brigade-Surg.) James 
Edward Tierney. Zoology of the Afghan 
delimitation commission. Fishes, by A. 
Giimther. Trans. Linn. Soc., 1888-94 
(1889), 2. ser. 5. 1889.1 

Fishes, by A. Giinther, p. 106-109. pl. 

Aitken, John. Discovery of a new 
species of fish of the genus Acrolepis in 
the Millstone Grit of Yorkshire. Pop. 
Sci. Rev., 1874, 13, 213-214. 1874.1 

Fish remains from the Coal 
Measures. Trans. Manchester Geol. 
Soc., 1876, 13, 199-202. 1876.1 

Notes on the discovery of a new 
fish, of the genus Acrolepis Ag., in the 
Millstone Grit, near Hebden Bridge, 
Yorkshire. Trans. Manchester Geol. 
Soe., 1876, 13, 36-43. 1876.2 

Ajasson de Grandsagne (Vicomte) 
J.B. Francois Etienne. Précis d’ichthy- 
ologie, ou, d’histoire naturelle des pois- 
sons; collection de figures dessinées par 

Raymond. Paris, 1828. 8°. 1828.1 
Résumé d’ichthyologie; ou, 

dhistoire naturelle des poissons, pré- 
cédé d’une introduction et suivi d’une 
biographie et d’un vocabulaire. 2 vols. 
Paris, 1829. 48 pls. 12°. 1829.1 

Traité élémentaire d’histoire na- 
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1904, 16, 323-344. 1904.1 

Akashi, 7. (On poisoning by fish: 
Tetrodon, ete.) Ijishinshi, Tokyo, 1880, 
no. 27. 1880.1 

Akekio, Sekizawa. Memorandum on 
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experiments in breeding the California 
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(1882), 7, 645-648. 1882.1 

Akerly, Samuel. Economical history 
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city of New-York. Amer. Monthly 
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475. 1817.1 

Notes on the market fishes of New York. 

Supplement to the agriculture of 
Richmond county, Staten-Island (N. Y.) 
Trans. Agric. Soc. N. Y., Assembly no. 
100, 1843, 454461. 1843.1 

_ Contains a list of fishes observed on the south 
side of Staten Island. 

Akers, GeorgeF. Fish culture in Ten- 
nessee. Forest & Stream, 1877, 8, 49. 

Concerning striped bass. Forest 
& Stream, 1879, 11, 36. 1879.1 

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lette des Téléostéens Russian with 
French résumé) Biol. Zeitschr. Mos- 
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Ueber den Bau der Knochen bei 
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cov, 1910, 12, 551-552. 1910.2 

Albee, Louise Rankin. The Bartlett 
collection. A list of books on angling, 
fishes and fish culture in Harvard Col- 
lege Library. Cambridge, 1891. 180 p. 
8°. (In Harvard College Library, Bib- 
liographical Contributions no. 51). 


Albert I, Honoré Charles (Prince de 
Monaco) Deuxiéme campagne scienti- 
fique de |’Hirondelle dans |’ Atlantique 
de Nord. Bull. Soc. Géogr., 1887, 7. 
sér. 8, 530-546.—C. R. Acad. Soe. 
Géogr., 1887, 260. 1887.1 


Albert I, H.C. 

La péche de la sardine sur les 

cétes d’Espagne: Rev. Scient., 23 

avril, 1887. 1887.2 
Also published separately under the title 

‘“*L’industrie de la sardine sur les cétes de la 

Galice.”’ Paris, 1887. 18 
Poissons-lune (Orthagoriscus 
mola) capturés pendant deux cam- 

Bull. Soc. 

pagnes de |’ Hirondelle.”’ 
Zool. France, 1889, 14, 16-18. 

Résultats des campagnes scien- 
tifiques accomplies sur son yacht 
(’ Hirondelle) par le Prince de Monaco. 
Monaco, 1889-1896. I1 fase. 4°. 


Poissons provenant des compagnes du yacht 
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Sur la quatriéme campagne de la 
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Paris, 1898, 126, 1-4; 1903, 136, 211- 
AV aiegh 161 1898.1 

Sur la distribution bathymé- 
trique de certaines espéces d’animaux 
marins. Cinquantenaire Soc. Biol. 
Paris, 1899, 55-56. 1899.1 

— Deuxiéme voyage au Spitsberg. 
Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat., 1900, 7-13. 4 figs. 

Sur la cinquiéme campagne sci- 
entifique de la ‘‘ Princesse Alice II.” C. 
R. Acad. Sei. Paris, 1904, 138, 1398- 
1400. 1904.1 

— Sur la septiéme campagne scien- 
tifique de la “‘ Princesse Alice ’’: La mer 
des Sargasses. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 
1906, 142, 621-624. 1906.1 

Albert, Federico. La introduccién de 
los salmones. Mem. Soc. Cient. Chile, 
1902, 12, 1-54. figs. 1902.1 

La pesqueria comparada en la 
colonia del Cabo i Chile. Minis. Indus., 
Soc. Ensayos Zool. Bot., Santiago, 1903, 
3-15. ~ 1903.1 

Bericht an den bayerischen Lan- 
desfischereiverein iiber den Transport 
von Lachs- und Forelleneiern und leben- 
den Schleien und Forellen nach Rio 
Blanco im Auftrage der chilenischen 
Regierung. Allgem. Fisch. Zeitg., 1906, 
31. Jahrg., 497-499. 1906.1 

Zweiter Bericht an den bayeri- 
schen Landesfischereiverein iiber die 
Aussetzung von Lachsen und Forellen 
in die Fliisse Chiles. Allgem. Fisch. 
Zeitg., 1907, 32. Jahrg., 13-14. 1907.1 


—— EE] agotamiento de los recursos 
naturales de bosques, pesca icaza. Bole- 
tin de Bosques, Pesca i Caza, Santiago, 
1912, 1, 217-288. 1912.1 

La esplotacién de la pesea i sus 
pruductos en Noruega. Boletin de 
Bosques, Pesca i Caza, Santiago, 1912, 
1, 324-327. 1912.2 

La lejislacién de Ja pesca marf- 
tima del Japon i sus efectos. Boletin de 
Bosques, Pesca i Caza, Santiago, 1912, 
1, 191-196. 912.3° 

Mi opinion profesional sobre los 
bosques, la pesca i la caza. Boletin de 
Bosques, Pesca i Caza, Santiago, 1912, 
1, 3-6. 1912.4 

Albin, Eleazar. The history of escu- 
lent fish, with plates drawn and en- 
graved by Eleazer Albin; and an essay 
on the breeding of fish, and the con- 
struction of fish-ponds, by Roger North. 
London, 1794. 80 p. 18 col. pls. 4°. : 


Albrecht, <dolf. Zur Entwicklungs- 
geschichte des Achsenskeletes der Tele- 
ostier. Inaug. Dissert. Strasburg, 1902. 
45 p. 2 pls. 1902.1 

Albrecht, | Karl Martin) Paul. For 
biographical notice see Leopoldina, 1894, 
30, 163-164; Zeitschr. Ethnol., 1894, 
26, 420. 

— Beitrag zur Morphologie des M. 
omo-hyoides und der ventralen inneren 
Interbranchialmusculatur in der Reihe 
der Wirbelthiere.- Kiel, 1876. 105 p. 
pls. ivi. 1876.1 

Sur la valeur morphologique de 
Varticulation mandibulaire, du cartilage 
de Meckel et. des osselets de l’ouie avec 
essai de prouver que l’écaille du tem- 
poral des mammiféres est composée 
primitivement d’un squamosal et d’un 
quadratum. Bruxelles, 1883. 22 p. 
fig. 1883.1 

Sur la valeur morphologique de 
la trompe d’Eustache et les dérivés de 
Vare palatin, de l’are mandibulaire et 
de l’are hyoidien des vertébrés, suivi de 
la preuve que le ‘ symplectico-hyo- 
mandibulaire ’’ est morphologiquement 
indépendant de l’are hyoidien. Brux- 
elles, 1884. 41 p. 18 figs. 1884.1 

Sur les spondylocentres épipitui- 
taires du erdne, la non-existence de la 
poche de Rathke, et la présence de la 
chorde dorsale et -de spondylocentres 



dans le cartilage de la cloison du nez des 
vertébrés. Bruxelles, 1884. 33 p. 4 
hes. “8°. * 1884.2 

Sur la non-homologie des pou- 
mons des vertébrés avec la vessie nata- 
toire des poissons. — Quelques mots de 
critique 4 propos d’un récent article de 
M. le Dr. Albrecht par M. le Dr. Ren- 
son. Hambourg, 1886. 44p. 4 figs. 


— Ueber die morphologische Be- 
deutung Penischisis, Epi- und Hypo- 
spadie. Centralbl. Chirurgie, 1886, 1-3. 


Ueber eine in zwei Zipfel auslau- 
fende, rechtsseitige Vorderflosse bei 
einem Exemplare von Protopterus an- 
nectens Owen. Sitzber. Preuss. Akad. 
Wiss., Berlin, 1886, 32, 545-546. pil. 


Vergleichend anatomische Un- 

tersuchungen. Erster Band; _ erstes 
Heft. Hamburg, 1886. 42 p. 5 figs. 

Albro, Samuel. Condition of the 
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Rhode Island in 1871. Rept. U. S. 
Fish Comm., 1871-72 (1873), 1, 8. 


Alcock, (Surg. Maj.) Alfred William. 
Descriptions of some new and rare spe- 
cies of fishes from the Bay of Bengal, 
obtained during the season of 1888-89. 
Journ. Asiatic Soc. Bengal, 1889, 58, 
pt. 2, 296-305. pl. 1889.1 

List of the Pleuronectidze ob- 
tained in the Bay of Bengal in 1888 and 
1889, with descriptions of new and rare 

species. Journ. Asiat. Soc. Bengal, 
1889, 57, 279-295; 296-305. pls. xvi- 
XVill, Xx. 1889.2 

On. the bathybial fishes of the 
Bay of Bengal and neighboring waters, 
obtained during the seasons 1885-1889. 
Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1889, 6. ser. 4, 
376-399; 450-461. 1889.3 

Descriptions of some new and 
rare species of fishes from the Bay of 
Bengal, obtained during the season of 
1888-89. Journ. Asiat. Soc. Bengal, 
1890, 58, 296-305. pl. 1890.1 

Observations on the gestation of 
some sharks and rays. Journ. Asiatic 
Soc. Bengal, 1890, 59, pt. 2, 51-56. pl. 

On some undescribed  shore- 
fishes from the Bay of Bengal. Ann. 
Mag. Nat. Hist., 1890, 6. ser. 6, 425- 
443. 3 figs. 1890.3 

; On the bathybial fishes collected 
in the Bay of Bengal during the season 
1889-1890. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 
1890, 6. ser. 6, 197-222; 295-311. pls. 
vili-ix. . 1890.4 

— On a viviparous bathybial fish 
from the Bay of Bengal. Proc. Zool. 
Soo. London, 1891, pt. 2, 226-227. fig. 


On the deep-sea fishes collected 
by the “ Investigator’? in 1890-91. 
Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1891, 6. ser. 8, 
16-34; 119-138. pls. vii-vili. 1891.2 

A ease of commensalism between 
a gymnoblastic Anthomedusiod (Stylac- 
tis minot) and a scorpenoid fish (Minous 
inermis). Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1892, 
6 ser. 10, 207-214; 345-365. pl. xviii. 

—— lllustrations of the zodlogy of 
H. M. Indian marine surveying steamer 
“‘ Investigator,’ under the command of 
Comm. A. Carpenter and Comm. R. F. 
Hoskyn. Calcutta, 1892. 4°. 1892.2 

Parti. Fishes. 

On the bathybial fishes collected 
during the season of 1891-92. Ann. 
Mag. Nat. Hist., 1892, 6. ser. 10, 345- 
365. pl. & 2 figs. 1892.3 

pls. i-vil. 

On utero-gestation in T'rygon 
Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1892, 

6. ser. 9, 417-427. pl. 

Some observations on the em- 
bryonic history of Pteroplatea micrura. 
Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1892, 10, 1-8. 
pl. — Journ. Roy. Micr. Soc. London, 
1892, pt. 5, 588-589. 1892.5 

An account of the deep-sea col- 
lection made during the season of 1892— 
1893. Journ. Asiatic Soc. Bengal, 1893, 
62, 169-184. pls. vili—ix. 1893.1 

New species of Lophius, Physi- 
culus, Neobythites, Odontostomus, and 

Congromurena. Journ. Asiatic Soc. 
Bengal, 1893, 62, pt. 2, 177-184. pl. — 

An account of a recent coliection 
of bathybial fishes from the Bay of Ben- 
gal and from the Laccadive Sea. Journ. 
Asiatic Soc. Bengal, 1894, 63, 115-137. 
pls. 1894.1 



Alcock, A. WV. 

On a new species of viviparous 
fish of the family Ophidiide. Ann. 
Mag. Nat. Hist., 1895, 6. ser. 16, 144— 
146. 1895.1 

A supplementary list of the 
marine fishes of India, with descriptions 
of 2 new genera and 8 new species. 
Journ. Asiatic Soc. Bengal, 1896, 65, 
301-3388. 1896.1 

A note on the deep-sea fishes, 
with descriptions of some new genera 
and species, including another probably 
viviparous Ophidioid. Ann. Mag. Nat. 
Hist., 1898, 7. ser. 2, 186-156. fig. 


Report on the natural history re- 
sults of the Pamir boundary commission. 
Caleutta, 1898. 45p. 5pls. 4°. 1898.2 

A descriptive catalogue of the 

Indian deep-sea fishes in the Indian 

Museum, collected by the royal Indian 

marine survey ship “ Investigator.” 

Calcutta, 1899. 220p. lmap. 1899.1 
[Review] Nature, 1899, 61, 291. 

A guide to the zoological collec- 
tions exhibited in the fish gallery of the 
Indian Museum. Calcutta, 1899. 92p. 
8°. 1899.2 

|Halimochirurgus centriscoides, 
a new deep-sea fish from the Gulf of 
Mandar} Proc. Asiatic Soe. Bengal, 
1899, 68, 78. 1899.3 

tAn interesting instance of com- 
mensalism between a fish and a zoophyte 
and some models of some typical deep- 
sea fishes made by native artists} Proce. 
Asiatic Soc. Bengal, 1899, 68, 37-39. 


— Zodlogical gleanings from the 
royal Indian marine ship “ Investiga- 
tor.’ Sci. Mem. by Medical Officers of 
the Army India, Calcutta, 1901, 12, 35— 
76. 1901.1 
A naturalist in Indian seas. Four 

years with the royal Indian marine sur- 
vey ship “ Investigator.’’ London, 1902. 

328'p.° figs. °8°. 1902.1 
A large Indian sea-perch. Na- 
ture, 1905, 71, 415. 905.1 

Alcock, (Surg.-Maj.) Alfred William, 
& McGilchrist, A.C. Illustrations of 
the zoology of the royal Indian marine 

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pts. Calcutta, 1892-1907. 4°. 1892.1 
Part ii. Fishes. pls. i-xxxvili. 

Alcock, (Swrg.-Maj.) Alfred William, 

«& Wood-Mason, James. See Wood- 
Mason «& Alcock. 
Alcock, (Miss) Rachel. The diges- 

tive process of Ammoccetes. Proc. 

Cambr. Philos. Soc., 1891, 7, 252-255. 

— Zool. Centralbl. 7. Jahrg., 169. 

The peripheral distribution of 
the cranial nerves of Ammoccetes. 
Journ. Anat. Phys., 1898, 33, 131-153. 
pl. & 2 figs. 1898.1 

On proteid digestion in Ammo- 
ccetes. Journ. Anat. Phys. London, 
1899, 33, 612-637. 1899.1 

Abstract of article published in 1891. See 
a W. A. Nagel, in Zool. Centralbl., 1899, 7, 

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im Flussgebiet der Wolga oberhalb Sara- 

tow. I. Die Fischerei im ersten. In- 
spektionsrayon. St. Petersburg, 1909. 
98 p. 4 maps. 1909.1 

Das Laichen des Sterlets in der 
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de Poissons, St. Petersb., 1910, 265, 
255-258. 1910.1 

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Petersb., 1873, 4, 59-60. 1873.1 

Schilderung der Troitzko-Tschel- 
jabinskischen Seen und deren Fisch- 
Fauna. Travaux Soc. Imp. Natur. St. 
Pétersb., 1874, 5, 1-78. 1874.1 

Biologische Mittheilungen iiber 
Fische der Troitzko-Tscheljabinski’- 
schen Seen. Ryechi i Protok, 1880, 6, 
78-84. 1880.1 

Alenitzen, W. D. See Alenitsin, 


Alessandri, Guilo de. Contribuzione 
allo studio dei pesci terziarii del Pie- 
monte e della Liguria. Mem. Accad. 
Sci. Torino, 1895, 2. ser. 45, 262-294. 
pl. 1895.1 

Ricerche sui pesci fossili di 
Paranda (Repubblica Argentina) Atti 
Acecad. Sei. Torino, 1895-96, 31, 715- 
TOU epl. 1895.2 


Anvanzi di Oxyrhina hastalis del 
Miocene di Alba. Atti Soc. Ital. Sei. 
Nat., Milano, 1896, 36, 263-269. pl. 


La pietra da Cantoni de Rosi- 
enano e di Vignale (Basso Monferrato). 
Studi stratigrafici e paleontologici. 
Mem. Mus. Civ. Stor. Nat., Milano, 
1897, 6, fasc. 1, 1-98. pls.i-vi. 1897.1 

Appunti di geologia e di paleon- 
tologia sui dintorni di Acqui. Atti Soc. 
Ital. Sci. Nat., Mus. Civ. Milano, 1901, 
39, 173-348. pl. 1901.1 

Note d’ ittiologia fossile. Atti 
Soc. Ital. Sci. Nat., Mus. Civ. Stor. Nat. 
Milano, 1902, 41, 443-462. pl. 1902.1 

Sopra aleuni odontoliti pseudo- 
miocenici dell’ Istmo di Suez. Atti Soe. 
Ital. Sei. Nat., Milano, 1902, 41, 287— 
Ble pl. 1902.2 

Studii sui pesci triasici della Lom- 
bardia. Mem. Soe. Ital. Sci. Nat., Mus. 
Civ. Stor. Nat., Milano, 1910, 7, no. 1, 
1-145. 9 pls. 1910.1 

Alessandrini, Antonio. Observa- 
tions sur le pancréas des poissons; ex- 
traites d’une lettre adréssée aux rédac- 
teurs. Ann. Sci. Nat., 1833, 29, 193- 
195. — Polygrafo, 1833, 14, 266-267. 

Descriptio veri pancreatis glan- 
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Acad. Sci. Instit. Bonon., Bologna, 
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Observationes super intima 

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Instit. Bonon., Bologna, 1840, 4, 329— 
344. pls. i-v. 1840.1 

De piscium apparatu respira- 
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Orthagoriscus alexandrini Ranzani. Novi 
Comm. Acad. Sci. Instit. Bonon., Bo- 
logna, 1839, 3, 359-382. 1839.1 

Apparatus branchiarum Hetero- 
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guillaris Geoff., Silurus anguillaris Lin- 
nei. Novi Comm. Acad. Sci. Instit. 
Bonon., Bologna, 1837 (1842), 5, 149- 
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De intima squamarum textura 
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tentibus crocodili atque armadili. Novi 
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logna, 1849, 9, 371-392; 393-410. 
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1898. 13 p. 8°. 1898.1 

Alessi, Giuseppe. Introduzione alla 
zoologica del mare di Sicilia. Atti Soe. 
Gioenia Catania, 1836, 11, 89. 1836.1 

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1896. Bull. U. 8. Fish Comm. 1897 
(1898), 17, 141-144. 1898.1 

Notes on the boats, apparatus, 
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natives of the South Sea Islands and re- 
sults of fishing trials by the “Albatross.” 
Rept. U. 8S. Fish Comm. 1901 (1902), 
27, 741-829. pls. & figs. 1902.1 

Report on statistics and meth- 
ods of the fisheries. Rept. Bur. Fish- 
eries, Washington, 1904 (1905), 121- 
162. 1905.1 

Statistics of the fisheries of the 
Great Lakes in 1903. Rept. Bur. Fish- 
eries, Washington, 1904 (1905), 643- 
73. 1905.2 

Statistics of the fisheries of the 
Gulf States, 1902. Rept. U. 8S. Fish 
Comm., 1903 (1905), 29, 411-481. 
Statistics of the fisheries of the 
New England states, 1902. Rept. Bur. 
Fisheries, Washington, 1904 (1905), 
245-325. 1905.4 

Statistics of the fisheries of the 
South Atlantic states, 1902. Rept. U.S. 
Fish Comm., 1903 (1905), 29, 343-410. 

Preliminary examination of hali- 
but fishing grounds of Pacific coast. 
Dept. Commerce & Labor Wash., Fish. 
Doc. no. 763, 1912, 1-56. 1912.1 

Alexander, D. Moore. A review of 
piscine tubercle, with a description of an 
acid-fast bacillus found in the cod. 21. 
Rept. Lancashire Sea-Fish Lab., 1912 
(1913), 43-50. fig. — Trans. Liverpool 
Biol. Soc., 1913, 27, 219-226. fig. 


Alexander, D. Moore, & Riddell, W. 
See Ridell & Alexander. 

Alexander, Henry. On the remains 
of fish in flints. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. 
London, 1853, 10, 334. 1853.1 

Alexander, (Sir) James Edward. 
Salmon fishing in Canada. 2 vols. Lon- 
don, 1849. 8°. 1849.1 


Alexander, /. FE. 

— The same. 2. ed. London, 
1853. 8°. 1853.1 
— The same. 3. ed. London, 
1860. 8°. 1860.1 

On the preservation of fishing 
streams. Dundee, 1867. 12°. 1867.1 

On the preservation of fish and 
preventing the pollution of rivers. Rept. 
British Assoc. Adv. Sci., 1880, 672. 


Alexander, Thomas. Fish and fish- 
ing in fresh waters. Seaside Library, 
[New York, 1879?) 27, no. 567; 1-28. — 
Lakeside Library (Chicago) 4, no. 90; 

541-568. figs. 1879.1 
Alferaki, Seraij ij  Nikolaevic. See 
Alpheraki, S. \. 

Al Fresco (pseudon. for Kenworthy, 

Alix, Edmund. Sur l’absence de véri- 
tables apophyses articulaires aux ver- 
tébres des poissons osseux. Bull. Soc. 
Philom. Paris, 1874, 6. ser. 11, 6-7. — 
Journ. Zool. (Gervais), 1874, 3, 20-21. 


Sur les connexions de la cage 
branchiale des lamproies [(Cyclosto- 
mata} Bull. Soc. Philom. Paris, 1879- 
80 (1880), 7. ser. 4, 208. 1880.1 

Allamand, Johann Nicolaus Sebas- 
tian. Kort verhaal van de uitwerkselen, 
welke een Americaanse Vis veroorzaakt 
op degeenen, die hem aanraaken [Gym- 
notus} Verhandl. Holl. Maatsch. Wet. 
Haarl., 1776, 17, 372-379. 1776.1 

Allee, W.C., & Shelford, Victor EL. 
See Shelford & Allee. 

Allen, Bennet Mills. Some observa- 
tions upon the eye of Bdellostoma stouti. 
Science, 1902, n. s. 15, 467-468. 1902.1 

The eye of Bdellostoma stouti. 
Anat. Anz., 1905, 26, 208-211. 11 figs. 

The origin of the sex-cells of 
Amia and Lepidosteus. Journ. Mor- 
phol., 1911, 22, 1-36. 5 pls. & fig. 


Allen, Edward Johnson. Onthefauna 
and bottom-deposits near the thirty- 
fathom line from the Eddystone grounds 
to Start Point. Journ. Mar. Biol. As- 
soc., 1897-99, n. s. 5, 365-542. 8 pls. & 
16 charts. 1897.1 

Pages 381-387 are by R. H. Worth. 


The regulations of the local sea 
fisheries committees in England and 
Wales. Journ. Mar. Biol. Assoc., Plym- 
outh, 1897, n. s. 4, 386-395. 1897.2 

Report on the present state of 
knowledge with regard to the habits and 
migrations of the mackerel (Scomber 
scomber) Journ. Mar. Biol. Assoc., 
1897-99, n. s. 6, 1-29. 1897.3 

The Stockholm fisheries confer- 
ence. Nature, 1899, 61, 54; 227. Re- 
marks by W. A. Herdman, 78, 177; by 

George Murray, 102; by H. M. Kyle, 
151-152. — (Review) Science, 1899, 
n. s. 10, 977-978. 1899.1 

Mackerel and sunshine. Journ. 
Mar. Biol. Assoc., Plymouth, 1909, n. s. 
8, 394-406. 5 figs. 1909.1 

A selected bibliography of ma- 
rine bionomics and fishery investigation. 
Plymouth, (priv. print.) 1911. 29 p. 
Sr 1911.1 

Allen, E. J.. & Todd, R. A. The 
fauna of the Salcombe Estuary. Journ. 
Mar. Biol. Assoc., Plymouth, 1900, 
n. s. 6, 151-217. map. 1900.1 

—— The fauna of the Exe Estuary. 
Journ. Mar. Biol. Assoc., Plymouth, 
1902, n. s. 6, 295-335. map. 1902.1 

Allen,G. From fish toreptile. Corn- 
hill Mag., 1882, 46, 21. — Eclectic Mag., 
1882, 99, 392. 1882.1 

Fish which can live out of 
water. Cornhill Mag., 1885, 52, 523. — 
Eclectic Mag., 1886, 106, 81: ”_ Pop. 
Sci. Monthly, 1886, 28, 334. 1885.1 

Allen, George R. Notes on the feed- 
ing of parent trout with reference to 
virility of eggs produced. Trans. Amer. 
Fisheries Soc. 1905 (1906), 122-123. - 


Allen, H. On the pectoral filaments 
in the sea-robin (Prionotus palmipes) 
Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad., 1885 
(1886), 377. 1886.1 

Allen, R. NV. On some drawings of 
fishes of the river Quorra. Proc. Zool. 
Soc. London, 1836, pt. 4,147. 1836.1 

Allen, William F. The blood-vascu- 
lar system of the Loricati, the mail- 
cheeked fishes. Proc. Wash. Acad. Sci., 
1905, 7, 27-157. 6 pls. & 42 figs. 1905.1 

Distribution of the lymphatics 
in the head and in the dorsal, pectoral 


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8, 41-90. 3 pls. & 10 figs. 1906.1 

Distribution of the subcutane- 
ous vessels in the head region of the 

ganoids, Polyodon and _ Lepidosteus..- 

Proce. Wash. Acad. Sci., 1907, 9, 79-158. 
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Distribution of the subcutane- 
ous vessels in the tail region of Lepidos- 
teus. Amer. Journ. Anat., 1908, 8, 49— 
88. 25 figs. — Anat. Rec., Philad., 
1908, 2, 65-70. 1908.1 

Distribution of the lymphatics 
in the tail region of Scorpenichthys mar- 
' moratus. Amer. Journ. Anat., 1910, 11, 
1-53. 12 figs. 1910.1 

Notes on the breeding season 
and young of Polyodon spathula. Journ. 
Wash. Acad. Sci., 1911, 1, 280-283. 


—— Studies on the development of 
the veno-lymphatics in the tail-region of 
Polistotrema (Bdellostoma) stouti. Quart. 
Journ. Micr. Sci., 1913, 59, pt. 2, 309- 
360. pls. xix—xxi. 1913.1 

Allen, William S. Statement con- 
cerning the menhaden fishery. Rept. 
U.S. Fish Comm., 1877 (1879), 5, 413- 
414. 1879.1 

Allent, B. Les animaux industrieux. 
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Alléon, Dulac. 
naturelle. 2 vols. Lyons, 1765. 

Mélanges d’histoire 
Allerton, Walter S. Notes of the 
Catskill range. Forest & Stream, 1876, 
7, 289. 1876.1 

Alleyne, H.G., & Macleay, W. M. 
- The ichthyology of the Chevert Expe- 
dition. Proc. Linn. Soc. N. 8. Wales, 
1877, 1, 261-281; 321-359. pls. iii-iv; 
X-XVll. 1877.1 

Allis (junior), Edward Phelps. The 
anatomy and development of the lateral 
line system in Amia calva. Journ. 
Morph., 1888-89, 2, 463-540. pls. xxx- 
xlii & 10 figs. 1888.1 

The cranial muscles and cranial 
and first spinal nerves in Ama calva. 
Journ. Morph., 1895, 11, 485-491; 1897, 
12, 487-808. pls. «& figs. 1895.1 

The morphology of the petrosal 
bone and of the sphenoidal region of the 
skull of Amia calva. Zool. Bull., 1897, 
1, 1-26. 1897.1 

- Mustelus levis. 


The homologies of the occipital 
and first spinal nerves of Amia and 
teleosts. Zool. Bull., 1898, 2, 83-97. 


Les muscles craniens, les nerfs 
craniens et les premiers nerfs spinaux 
chez l Amia calva. Arch. Zool. Expér. 
Gén., 1898, 3. sér. 6, 63-90. 4 figs. 

* 1898.2 

On the morphology of certain of 
the bones of the cheek and snout of 
Amia calva.. Journ. Morph., 1898, 14, 
425-466. pl. 1898.3 

An abnormal musculus obliquus 
superior in Carcharias. Anat. Anz., 
1899, 16, 605-607... fig. 1899.1 

On certain homologies of the 
squamosal, intercalar, exoccipital and 
extrascapular bones of Amia calva. 
Anat. Anz., 1899, 16, 49-72. 1899.2 

A reply to certain of Cole’s erit- 
icisms of my work on Amiacalva. Anat. 
Anz., 1899, 15, 364-379. 1899.3 

The lateral sensory canals of 
Polypterus bichir. Anat. Anz., 1900, 
17, 433-451. 3 figs. — [Abstract] Journ. 
Roy. Micr. Soc. London, 1900, pt. 5, 
572. 1900.1 

The premaxillary and maxillary 
bones, and the maxillary and mandibu- 
lar breathing valves of Polypterus bichir. 
Anat. Anz.,1900, 18, 257-289. 3 figs. — 
Journ. Roy. Mier. Soc. London, 1901, 
24-25. 1900.2 

The pseudobranchial circulation 
in Amia calva. Zool. Jahrb., 1900, 14, 
107-134. pl. — Abstract) Journ. Roy. 
Micr. Soc. London, 1900, pt. 2, 138. 


The lateral sensory canals, the 
eye-muscles, and the peripheral distribu- 
tion of certain of the cranial nerves of 
Quart. Journ. Micr. 

Sci., 1901, n. s. 45, 87-236. pls. x—xi 
& fig. — |Abstract) Journ. Roy. Micr. 
Soe. London, 1902, 29. 1901.1 

The lateral sensory system in the 
Murenidze. Intern. Monats. Anat. 
Physiol., 1903, 20, 125-170. pls. 1903.1 

On certain features of the cranial 
anatomy of Bdellostoma dombeyz. Anat. 
Anz., 1903, 28, 259-281; 321-339. fig. 


Allis, E. P. 

On certain features of the lateral 
canals and cranial bones of Polyodon 
folium. Zool. Jahrb., 1903, 17, 659-678. 
pl. & 2 figs. 1903.3 

The skull, and the cranial and 
first spinal muscles and nerves in 
Scomber scomber. Journ. Morph., 1903, 
18, 45-328. pls. — Abstracts] Anat. 
Anz., 1903, 24, P 08410. —Journ. Comp. 
Neur. Pysch., 1903, 14, 83-84. 1903.4 

The latero-sensory canals and 
related bones in fishes. Intern, Monats. 
Anat. Physiol., 1904, 21, 401— 
viii-xx « fig. 

The cranial 
mail-cheeked fishes. 1907, 
30, 568-573. 1907.1 

The pseudobranchial and caro- 
tid arteries in Ameiurus. Anat. Anz., 
1908, 33, 256-270. fig. 1908.1 

The pseudobranchial and caro- 
tid arteries in Polypterus. Anat. Anz., 
1908, 33, 217-227. fig. 1908.2 

The pseudobranchial and caro- 
tid arteries in the gnathostome fishes. 

502. pls. 

of the 

Anat. Anz., 

Zool. Jahrb. (Abth. Anat.), 1908, 27, 
103-134. pl. 1908.3 

The cranial anatomy of the 
mail-cheeked fishes. Zoologica, 1909, 

22, 1-219. 5 pls. 1909.1 

The pseudobranchial and caro- 
tid arteries in Chlamydoselachus angui- 
neus. Anat. Anz., 1911, 39, 511-519. 
2 figs. 1911.1 

The pseudobranchial and caro- 
tid arteries in Polyodon spathula. Anat. 
Anz., 1911, 39, 257-262; 282-293. fig. 

The branchial, pseudobranchial 
and carotid arteries in Chimera ( Hydro- 
lagus) colliei. Anat. Anz., 1912, 42, 10— 
18. 2 figs. 1912.1 

The branchial, pseudobranchial 
and carotid arteries in Heptanchus 
(Notidanus) cinereus. Anat. Anz., 

1912, 41, 478-492. 2 figs. 1912.2 

The branchial, pseudobranchial 
and carotid arteries in Raja radiata. 
Anat. Anz., 1912, 41, 579-589. 2 figs. 


The pseudobranchial and caro- 
tid arteries in Esox, Salmo and Gadus, 
together with a description of the arter- 

- ALL 

ies in the adult Amia. Anat. Anz., 1912, 
41, 113-142. 6 figs. 191 24 

— The homologies of the ethmoidal 
region of the Selachian skull. Anat. 
Anz., 1913, 44, 322-328. 1913.1 

Certain homologies of the pa- 
lato-quadrate of selachians. Anat. Anz., 
1914, 45, 353-373. 1914.1 

The pituitary fossa and trige- 
mino-facialis chamber in Ceratodus for- 
steri. Anat. Anz., 1914, 46, 625-637. 


The pituitary fossa and trige- 
mino-facialis chamber in selachians. 
Anat. Anz., 1914, 46, 225-253. fig. 


The pseudobranchial and caro- 
tid arteries in Ceratodus forsteri. Anat. 
Anz., 1914, 46, 638-648. 1914.4 

Allison, Edith M., & Cockerell, 7’. 
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Allman, George James. On the sting- 
ing property of the lesser weever-fish 
(Trachinus vipera) Ann. Mag. Nat. 
Hist., 1841, 6, 161-165. 1841.1 

The basking shark (Selache max- 
ima) Nature, 1876, 14, 368-369. 
Allport, Curzon. A report onthe fish- 
breeding ponds of the Zoological and 
Acclimatisation Society of Victoria. In- 
troduction of fish into the rivers of the 
Colony. Proc. Zool. Acclim. Soe. Vic- 
toria, 1874, 3, 37-46. 1874.1 

Allport, Morton. Account of the 
recent successful introduction of the 
salmon ova to Tasmania. Month. Not. 
Roy. Soc. Tasmania, 1864, 44-47. 


(The attempt to introduce sal- 
mon ova on board the ship “‘ Beauti- 
ful Star’) Month. Not. Roy. Soc. 
Tasmania, 1864, 110-114. 1864.2 

On the food of the salmon in 
Tasmanian rivers and seas. Month. 
Not. Roy. Soc. Tasmania, 1864, 72-74. 
On the natural enemies of the 
salmon in Tasmania. Month. Not. 
Roy. Soc. Tasmania, 1864, 62-65. 

Report of the late successful ex- 
periment for the introduction of salmon 
ova and sea-trout ova to Tasmania. 
Month. Not. Roy. Soc. Tasmania, 1866, 
39-42. 1866.1 


Report on the present state of 
the fry of the salmon trout at the Plenty; 
and of the taking of the first spawn from 
the brown trout. Month. Not. Roy. 
Soc. Tasmania, 1866, 61-64. 1866.2 

Reasons for the introduction of 
the perch [Perca fluviatilis} into Tas- 
mania. Month. Not. Roy. Soc. Tas- 
mania, 1868, 56-57. 1868.1 

(Extract from a letter on the 
introduction of salmon in Tasmania} 
Proce. Zool. Soe. London, 1869, 473. 


Net-fishing in the Derwent. 
Month. Not. Roy. Soc. Tasmania, 1869, 
50-54. 1869.2 

(Note on the artificial fecunda- 
tion of ova of grayling (Prototroctes mu- 
rena)|} Month. Not. Roy. Soe. Tas- 
mania, 1869, 6. 1869.3 

— (Remarks on the rapid growth of 
fish} Monthl. Not. Roy. Soc. Tas- 
mania, 1869, 2-3. 1869.4 

(Salmon smelt caught in the 
Derwent} Month. Not. Roy. Soc. Tas- 
mania, 1869, 47-48. 1869.5 

Additional notes on the intro- 
duction of Salmonide into Tasmania. 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1870, 750-752. 

Brief history of the introduction 
of salmon (Salmo salar) and other Sal- 
monidz into the waters of Tasmania. 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1870, 14-30; 

750-752. 1870.2 

(Remarks on the present state of 

the salmon question] Month. Not. Roy. 
Soe. Tasmania, 1870, 8-9. 1870.3 

Observations on the progress of 
the salmon experiment. Month. Not. 
Roy. Soc. Tasmania, 1871, 14-16. 


Thesalmon-trout. Month. Not. 
Roy. Soe. Tasmania, 1871, 43-45. 

Trregularity in the growth of the 
salmon [Salmo salar} Month. Not. Roy. 
Soc. Tasmania, 1872, 55-56. 1872.1 

Further notes on the salmon 
experiment. Month. Not. Roy. Soe. 
Tasmania, 1874, 69-71; ibid., 1875, 
51-55. 1874.1 

On the introduction of salmon 
to the waters of Tasmania. Proc. Zool. 
Soe. London, 1874, 206-207. 1874.2 


—— Some further notes on the in- 
troduction of the salmon into Tas- 
manian waters. Month. Not. Roy. Soc. 
Tasmania, 1874, 12-18. 1874.3 

Present state of the salmon ex- 
periment in Tasmania. Rept. Comm. 
Fish & Fisheries, 1878 (1879), 819-823. 
— Month. Not. Roy. Soe. Tasmania, 
1878, 109-114. 1878.1 

Allport, S. On the discovery of some 
fossil remains near Bahia in South Amer- 
ica. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. London, 
1860, 16, 263-266. pls. xiv—xvii & figs. 


Alluaud, Charles. Mission scienti- 
fique de Ch. Alluaud en Afrique orien- 
tale, Juin 1903—Mai 1904. Mém. Soe. 
Zool. France, 1904, 17, 167-174. 6 figs. 


Hydrographie et procédés de péche. — Pois- 

Alluaud, Charles, & Vlés, Fr. Elec- 

trocution des poissons et stabilité hydro- 
statique. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1911, 
152, 1627-1629. 1911.1 

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Mammiferos, peixes, molluscos e crus- 
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sches einiger Fische. 
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Analyse des Flei- 
Nova Acta Reg. 


Almera, Jaime. Compte rendu de 
Vexeursion du 28 Septembre A Sans et a 
Montijuich. Bull. Soc. Géol. France, 
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423-468. — Mem. Real. Acad. Cien., 
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Alonso Lopez, José.  Considera- 

cidnes generdles sobre varios puntos 
histéricos, politicos y econdédmicos 4 
favor de la libertad y fomento de los 
pueblos, y noticias particuldres de esta 
clase relativas al Ferrol y 4 su comarca. 
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Alpheraki, \S. 

Fliichtige Bemer- 

kungen iiber einige Fische des Azovy- 
schen Meeres ,(Text in Russian] Psov. 

Ruzejn. Ochota, Moskva, 1906, 12, 164— 
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Alsberg, C. L., & Clark, 2. D. Ona 
globulin from the egg yolk of the spiny 
dog-fish, Squalus acanthias L. Journ. 
Biol. Chem., 1908, 5, 243-246. 1908.1 

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Altenburg, Die anstalt fiir 
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Die Ver- 

Alth, Alojzy (1819-1896). 
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— Uwagi nad Tarezami Ryb rod- 
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Quelques remarques sur les 
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Acad. Sci. Cracov, 1886, 11, 180-187. — 
Arch. Slav. Biol., 1, 217. 1886.1 

Ueber die Zusammengehorigkeit 
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Wien, 1886. 4°. 1886.2 

Alton, Eduard d’. Erklirung der 
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Lamprete betreffend. Arch. Anat. 
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bung aller in Deutschland vorkommen- 
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Alvera, A. Elenco dei pesci che tro- 
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Alzate y Ramyrez, José Antonio. 
Extract of a letter from Mexico ad- 



dressed to the Royal Academy of 
Sciences at Paris, describing Cyprino- 
donts of California (In d’Auteroche, 
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1772) 1772.1 

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turelle. Introd. aux Observ. Phys. 
(Rozier), 1773, 1, 221. 1773.1 
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poissons. Bull. Soc. Linn. Nord France, 
Amiens, 1879, 4, 136-138. 1879.1 

Amans, Paul C. Généralités-sur les 
organes de locomotion aquatique. C.R. 
Acad. Sci. Paris, 1887, 105, 1035. 1887.1 

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Pl6n., 1903, 10, 74-85. 2 figs. 1903.1 

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lications see Ambrosetti, J. B., in Anal. 
Mus. Nac. Hist. Nat. Buenos Aires, 
1912, 22, vii-Ixxii. Also Matthew, W. 
D., in Pop. Sci. Monthly, 1912, 70, 

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letin Inst. Geogr. Argentino, 1896, 17, 
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cien continent. Anal. Mus. Nac. 
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73. — List of Patagonian fossil fishes with de- 

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ical range of Patagonian fossil sharks, p. 463-464. 

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onem a Didaco de Toledo Lara Ordon- 
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suque r. scient. Academie Olisiponensis 
ejus memoriis ad historiam transmari- 
narum nationum proficientibus adjecta. 
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Skematik Beretning over Lim- 
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: Skematisk Beretning over Fiske- 
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Tidsskr. Fiskeri, 1870, 4, 93-95. 1870.2 

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Circul. Deutsch. Fischerei Ver., 1871, 
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Udbyttet af Fiskeriet i Lim- 
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Om Ordningen af Sommersild- 

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p. 50. Singular phenomena respecting fishes in 
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one. Riv. Mens. Pesca, Pavia, 1911, 
n. s. 6, 237-248. 1911.1 

Arcére, Lowis Etienne. La péche. 
1763. 8°. 1763.1 

Archer, pseudonym for Stackwell, 

Archer, A. Laxen og dens Forme- 
relse i Norge. Udgivet af SelsKabet for 
Folkeoplysningens Fremme. 2. Tillaeg- 
shefte til Tidsskriftet Folkevennen, 

Christiania, 1877. 8°. 1877.1 
The same. 2.ed. Christiania, 
1879. 8°. 1879.1 

Archer, Walter E. How far may the 
salmon examined be considered typical 
of their respective classes? Rept. Lab. 
Roy. Coll. Physic. Edinb., 1900, 18, 
9-11. 1900.1 

The source from which salmon 
obtain nourishment and the exchange of 
material in the body during their so- 
journ in fresh water. Rept. Lab. Roy. 
Coll. Phys. Edinb., 1900, 18, 12. 1900.2 

Archiac, (Vicomte) Etienne Jules 
Adolphe Desmier de St. Simon ad’. 
Paléontologie de la France. Paris, 
1868. 726 p. 8°. 1868.1 

Archibald, Ch. F. Food of the eel. 
Zoologist, 1899, 3, 558. 1899.1 

Arendsen Hein, 8S. A. Over oogle- 
den in Fornices conjunctive bij Teleo- 
stomi. Tijdschr. Nederl. Dierk. Vereen, 
1913, 2. ser. 12, 238-279. 32 figs. 


Arendt, Edouard. De capitis ossei 
Esocis lucti structura regularis. m. p.} 
1822. fig. 4°. 1822.1 

Arens, C. Bastarde zwischen Forelle 
und Bachsaibling. Allgem. Fisch. Zeitg. 
1893, 18, 148-149. 1893.1 

Ueber den Lachsbastard. All- 
gem. Fisch. Zeitg., 1894, 19, 346-347. 

Ueber Behandlung und Beset- 
zung von Teichen. Vortrag gehalten im 
Landwirtschaftlichen Verein der golde- 
nen Aue. Schweiz. Fisch. Zeitg., 1896, 
4, 70-71; 79-80; 94-97; 108-110; 
115-116. 1896.1 

Die Laichzeit der Bach- und der 
Regenbogenforelle. Allgem. Fisch. 
Zeitg., 1898, 23, 71-73. 1898.1 

Ueber die Fiirbung der Forellen 
und die Farbe ihres Fleisches. Allgem. 
Fisch. Zeitg., 1904, 29, 288-289. 1904.1 

Erfahrungen iiber die Laichzeit 
der Regenbogenforelle. Stenogr. Pro- 
tok. Verh. Intern. Fisch. Kongress. 
Wien, 1905 (1906), 154-160. 1906.1 

Observations on the spawning 
season of the rainbow trout. Rept. Sea 
Inland Fish. Ireland, 1904 (1906), 310- 
314, — Fisheries Ireland Sci. Invest., 
1904, 9-13. 1906.2 

Arey, Melvin F. Geology of Black 
Hawk County. Ann. Rept. Iowa 
Geol. Surv., 1906, 16, 409-452. 1 map. 
4 figs. 1906.1 

Reports occurrence of Onychodus remains. 

Arielson, Introduction du 
bass d’Amérique (Grystes nigricans) en 

Angleterre. Bull. Soc. Acclim., 1872, 
2. ser. 9, 400. 1872.1 
Ariola, V. Due pesci abissali del 

Mediterraneo. Ann. Aquicoltura Lom- 
barda, 1904, 6, 125-129. pl. 1904.1 

Nuovo pesce abissale del Golfo 
di Genova (Cubiceps capensis Smith) 
Riv. Mens. Pesca, Pavia, 1912, 7, 185— 
192. pl. 1912.1 

Pesci nuovi 0 rari per il Golfo di 
Genova. Ann. Mus. Civ. Stor. Nat. 
Genova, 1904, 3. ser. 1, 153-168. 


Cattura di squali nel Golfo di 
Genova. Atti Soc. Ligust. Sei. Nat., 
Genova, 1913, 24, 3-19. 4 figs. 1913.1 

Aristotle [p.c. 384-322] Aristotle 
on the parts of animals. Translated, 
with introduction and notes, by W. 
Ogle. London, 1882. xli, 263 p. 8°. 


There is also a French translation by Jules 
Barthélemy Saint-Hilaire, 1887. 

The works of Aristotle trans- 
lated into English . . . Volume IV, 
Historia animalium, by D’Arey Went- 
worth Thompson. Oxford, 1910. 486— 
633 p. 1910.1 

This work is reviewed by T. N. Gillin Science, 
1911, n. s. 33, 730-738. Earlier English trans- 
lations have been published by Thomas Taylor, 
1809, and Richard Creswell, 1862. There is 
also a French translation by Jules Barthélemy 
Saint-Hilaire, 1883, and a German version by 
Aubert & Wimmer, 1868. Consult also Sunde- 
vall’s Thierarten des Aristotles, 1863, and the 
Index Aristotelicus, published by the Berlin 


Armand, #. Laboutarge (Prépara- 
tion des ceufs de Mugil cephalus; La 
Nature, 1897, 25, 106-107. 1897.1 

Armistead, A. Wilson. <A transfer 
of leather carp (Cyprinus carpio) from 
the government ponds at Washington, 
U.S. A. to Scotland. Bull. U. 8S. Fish 
Comm. 1881 (1882), 1, 341-342. 1882.1 

Armistead, Joseph J. A short his- 
tory of the art of pisciculture. Leeds, 
iO. 71 p. illus. 8°. 

Les plantes aquatiques et la 
nourriture du poisson. Bull. Soc. Cent. 
Aquicult. France, 1889, 1, 50-55. 


Atmospheric and other influ- 
ences on the migration of fishes. Bull. 
U. S. Fish Comm. 1893 (1894), 13, 
93-99. 1894.1 

Fish culture. Science, 1896, 
n. s. 3, (/0-//1.— Proc. Roy. Inst. 
Great Britain, 1897, 15, 39-52. 6 pls. & 
2 figs. 1896.1 

A handy guide to fish culture. 

Searborough, 1897. figs. 12°. 1897.1 

Armour, Andrew {Exhibition of 
Carboniferous fish remains; Trans. 
Geol. Soc. Glasgow, 1867, 2,69. 1867.1 

Armstrong, George. Historia civil y 
natural de la isla de Menorca ete.) 
Traducido par D. José Antonio Lasi- 
erra. Madrid, 1781. 1781.1 

Arnaud, Hmile. Notice sur un Sau- 
rocephalus (nov. sp.j de l’étage Aptien 
des environs d’Apt. Ann. Soc. Litt. Sci. 
Apt, 1863-64 (1865), 1, 71-76. fig. 


— Note sur les poissons fossiles 
du Crétacé inférieur des environs d’Apt 
(Vaucluse) Bull. Soe. Géol. France, 
1882, 10, 131-134. 1882.1 

Arnault de Nobleville, L. D., & 
Salerne, Francois. See Salerne & Ar- 
nault de Nobleville. 

Arnold, A., & Samuel, Edward A. 
The living world. Animals, birds, fishes 
fete.) 2 vols. Boston, 1868. figs. 4°. 


Arnold, D.J. Zur Biologie der Kas- 
pischen Finte, Clupea caspia Eichw. 
Arb. Kaspischen Exped., St. Petersb*, 
1907, 1, 222-242. 2pls. (Russian with 
German résumé}— C. R. Congr. In- 
tern. Zool. Berne, 1904, 283-288. e oF 


Arnold (junior), Isaac. Successful 
propagation of black bass. Bull. U. 8. 

Fish Comm., 1882 (1883), 2, 113-115. 

_ Arnold, J.B. Letters on the natural- 
ization of sea fishes in a lake chiefly sup- 
plied with fresh water. Proc. Zool. Soc. 
London, 1830-31, pt. 1, 126. 1830.1 

Arnold, J. NV. Ueber das Absterben 
der Lachse in der Kura in Folge der In- 
fection der Kiemen durch Schimmel- 
pilze. Nikolsk Fischzuchtanstalt, St. 
Petersb., 1901, no. 5, 50-52. 1901.1 

—— Beobachtung iiber die Ernih- 
rung der Wildfische in einigen Gewiis- 
sern der Waldai-Héhen (Text in Rus- 
sian} Nikolsk Fischzuchtanstalt, St. 
Petersb., 1902, no. 5, 59-70. pl. — 
Vést. RybopromySl., St. Petersb., 1902, 
17, 59-69. pl. 1902.1 

Bericht iiber die Tatigkeit der 
Kaiserlichen Russischen Gesellschaft 
fiir Fisechzucht und Fischerei fiir das 
Jahr 1904 (Text in Russian} Vést. 
Rybopromysl., St. Petersb., 1905, 20, 
445469. 1905.1 

— Versuche der kiinstlichen Be- 
fruchtung von Clupea kessleri (Text in 
Russian; Vést. Rybopromysl., St. 
Petersb., 1906, 21, 478-480. 1906.1 

Arnold, Johann Paul. Meine Schei- 
benbarsche. Nerthus, Altona, 1902, p. 
801. 1902.1 

Ueber die Fischnahrung in den 
Binnengewassern. Verh. 5. Internat. 
Zool. Kongress, Berlin, 1901 (1902), 
553-566. pil. 1902.2 

Ctenops vittatus, ein neueinge- 
fiihrter Fisch. Natur u. Haus, Dresden, 
1904, 12, 337-338. figs. 1904.1 

Meine Beobachtungen iiber die 
Haltung und Zucht des Kampffisches. 
Blatt. Aquar. Terrar. Kunde, 1904, 15. 
Jahrg., 53-57. 1904.2 

Tetrodon cutcutia, em neueinge- 
fiihrter Fisch. Natur u. Haus, Dresden, 

1904, 12, 263-264. 2 figs. 1904.3 
— Trichogaster lalius Day. Tom. 
cit., 188-185. pl. 1904.4 

Die Zucht von Ctenops vittatus 
im Zimmeraquarium. Wochenschr. 
Aquar. Terrar. Kunde, 1904, 1. Jahrg., 
189. 1904.5 


Arnold, J. P. 

Neueingefiihrte Fische. Wochen- 
schr. Aquar. Terrar. Kunde, 1906, 3. 
Jahrg., 307. 1906.1 

Pantodon buchholzi Peters. Tom. 

cit., 475. figs. — Blatt. Aquar. Terrar. 
Kunde, 1908, 19. Jahrg., 659. 1906.2 

Polycentropsis abbreviata Boul. 
Tom. cit., 451+453. 1906.3 

Ueber den Ursprung der neuen 
Haplochilus panchax- varietiten. Tom. 
cit., 653. 1906.4 

Die Ausstellung fremdlindischer 
Zierfische des Vereins ‘‘ Rossmiissler.’’ 

Wochenschr. Aquar. Terrar. Kunde, 
1907, 4. Jahrg., 434. 1907.1 

Noch etwas tiber Pantodon buch- 

holzi Peters. Tom. cit., 661. 1907.2 
Nochmals die neuen Panchax- 
varietiten. Blatt. Aquar. Terrar. 
Kunde, 1907, 6. Jahrg., 77. 1907.3 
Haplochilus chaperi Sauvage 

und Haplochilus elegans Blgr. Wochen- 
schr. Aquar. Terrar. Kunde, 1908, 5. 
Jahrg., 297; 314; 327. figs. 1908.1 

Polycentropsis abbreviata Boul. 
und seine Zucht im Zimmeraquarium. 
Tom. cit., 93-95; 105-106; 119-120. 
figs. 1908.2 

Der Schlammspringer (Perioph- 
thalmus koelreuteri (Pall. Bl.) und seine 
Haltung im Aquarium. Tom. cit., 1-3; 
13-15; 25-27. 2 figs. 1908.3 

— Westafrikanische Fundulus-ar- 
ten. Blatt. Aquar. Kunde, Stuttgart, 
1908, 19. Jahr., 469-470; 489-491; 517- 
520; 536-540. pil. 1908.4 

Girardinus guppyi Gthr. Wo- 
chenschr. Aquar. Terrar. Kunde, .1909, 
6. Jahrg., 606-608. 1909.1 

Heterogramma corumbe Eigenm. 
& Ward. Blatt. Aquar. Terrar. Kunde, 
1909, 20. Jahrg., 305-308; 321-324. 
3 figs. 1909.2 

Marcusenius longianalis Blgr. 
Wochenschr. Aquar. Terrar. Kunde, 
1909, 6. Jahrg., 529-531. fig. 1909.3 

Petersius __spilopterus _ Boul. 
Blatt. Aquar. Terrar. Kunde, 1909, 20. 
Jahrg., 471-473. fig. 1909.4 

Pecilia heteristia Regan. Zur 
Nomenklatur von Pecilia amazonica. 

Wochenschr. Aquar. Terrar. Kunde, 
1909, 6. Jahrg., 695-697. 1909.5 

Pecilia reticulata Peters, die 
letzte Neuheit des Jahres 1908. Blatt. 
Aquar. Terrar. Kunde, 1909, 20. Jahrg., 
249-253. fig. 1909.6 

Polycentrus schomburgkii Mill. 
u. Trosch. Wochenschr. Aquar. Terrar. 
Kunde, 1909, 6. Jahrg., 617-619. fig. 


Pyrrhulina  nattereri Steind. 
Blatt. Aquar. Terrar. Kunde, 1909, 20. 

. Jahrg., 427-430. 2 figs. 

Xenomystus nigri. Wochenschr. 
Aquar. Terrar. Kunde, 1909, 6. Jahrg., 
661-662. fig. 1909.9 

Xiphophorus helleri var. guen- 
Tom. cit., 433-435. 2 figs. 

Belonesox belizanus Kner. Wo- 
chenschr. Aquar. Terrar. Kunde, 1910, 
7. Jahrg., 45-48. fig. 1910.1 

Heterogramma agassizii Regan. 
Tom. cit., 133-135; 149-150. fig. 
Ueber die Fortpflanzung von 
Polycentrus schomburgkii im Zimmer- 
aquarium. T'om. cit., 90-92. 2 figs. 
Acanthophthalmus kuhlii C. u. 

VY. Wochenschr. Aquar. Terrar. Kunde, 
1911, 8. Jahrg., 373-374. fig. 1911.1 

— Acara tetramerus Heck. Tom. 


cit., 213-214. fig. 1911.2 
Acara thayeri Steindachner. 
Tom. cit., 245-247. fig. 1911.3 

Ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis von 
Pantodon buchholzi Peters. Tom. cit., 
57-59. fig. 1911.4 

Die bisher eingefiihrten west- 
afrikanischen Fundulus-Arten. Tom. 
cit., 601-604. 3 figs. 1911.5 

Die bis jetzt eingefiihrten west- 
afrikanischen Haplochilus-Arten. Jom. 
cit., 557-559; 575-577. 6 figs. 1911.6 

Cichlasoma aureum Giinther. 
Tom. cit., 757-759. fig. 1911.7 

Danio analipunctatus noy. sp. 
Blgr., ein neuer Danio. Blatt. Aquar. 
Terrar. Kunde, 1911, 22. Jahrg., 525- 
527. fig. — Wochenschr. Aquar. Ter- 
rar. Kunde, 1911, 8. Jahrg., 473-474. 
fig. 1911.8 


Danio malabaricus Jerdon und 
seine Zucht im Zimmeraquarium. Wo- 
chenschr. Aquar. Terrar. Kunde, 1911, 
8. Jahrg., 390-392. fig. 1911.9 

Eleotris species. Blatt. Aquar. 
Terrar. Kunde, 1911, 22. Jahrg., 217— 
219. fig. 1911.10 

Erythrinus salmoneus Gronow. 
Wochenschr. Aquar. Terrar. Kunde, 
1911, 8. Jahrg., 5738-575. fig. 1911.11 

Der Formen- und Farbenkreis 
der Haplochilus panchax-Gruppe. Tom. 

cit., 669-672. 3 figs. 1911.12 
Fundulus sjéstedti Lonnberg. 
Tom. cit., 137-139. fig. 1911.13 
Geophagus jurupart Heckel. 
Tom. cit., 105-107. fig. 1911.14 
Haplochilus fasciolatus Gthr. 
Tom. cit., 273-275. fig. 1911.15 

Hautwucherungen bei Fischen. 
Tom. cit., 322. 1911.16 

Heros spurius Heck. Blatt. 
Aquar. Terrar. Kunde, 1911, 22. Jahrg., 
329-331; 368-369. fig. 1911.17 

— Macrodon trahira Spix. Wo- 
chenschr. Aquar. Terrar. Kunde, 1911, 
8. Jahrg., 686-689. 2 figs. 1911.18 

— Meine Erfahrungen bei der Hal- 
tung von Cynolebias beilotii Stdr. Tom. 
cit., 617-619; 634-635. 3 figs. 1911.19 

Paragoniates microlepis Stdr. 
Tom. cit., 429-431. fig. 1911.20 

—— Petersius spilopterus Blgr. Tom. 
cit., 737-739. 2 figs. 1911.21 

Pecilia heteristia Regn. Blatt. 
Aquar. Terrar. Kunde, 1911, 22. Jahrg., 
124-125; 137-138. 1911.22 

Pterophyllum scalare C. und V. 
Wochenschr. Aquar. Terrar. Kunde, 
1911, 8. Jahrg., 165-166. fig. 1911.23 

Trichogaster labiosus Day. Blitt. 
Aquar. Terrar. Kunde, 1911, 22. Jahrg., 

509-511. fig. 1911.24 

Ueber die Geschlechtsunter- 
schiede bei fRasbora heteromorpha 
Duncker. Wochenschr. Aquar. Terrar. 

Kunde, 1911, 8. Jahrg., 649-650. fig. 

Ein weiterer Beitrag zur Ge- 
schlechtsentwicklung des Mdannchens 
von Pantodon buchholzi Peters. Tom. 
cit., 586-587. 2 figs. 1911.26 


; Weiteres iiber den Schmetter- 
lingsfisch (Pantodon buchholzi Peters) 
Blatt. Aquar. Terrar. Kunde, 1911, 22. 
Jahrg., 397-398. fig. — Wochenschr. 
Aquar. Terrar. Kunde, 1911, 8. Jahrg., 
449-451. 2 figs. 1911.27 

Zehn Jahre Aquarienliebhaber. 

Blatt. Aquar. Terrar. Kunde, 1911, 22. 
Jahrg., 170-172; 182-185. 2 figs. 


—— Zur Fundulus  gularis-Frage. 

Wochenschr. Aquar. Terrar. Kunde, 
1911, 8. Jahrg., 463. 1911.29 

Zur Haplochilus panchax-varie- 
taiten-frage. Tom. cit., 707. 1911.30 

Alestes chaperi Sauvage. Wo- 
chenschr. Aquar. Terrar. Kunde, 1912, 

9. Jahrg., 441-442. fig. 1912.1 
—— Anabas fasciolatus Blgr. Tom. 
cit., 763-764. fig. 1912.2 
Barbus pentazona Blgr. Tom. 

ctt., 277-279. fig. 1912.3 
Clarias dumerilit Stdr. Tom. 

cit., 233-234. fig. 1912.4 

Corydoras undulatus Ren. Tom. 
city fii. fig. 1912.5 

Cyprinodon (Lebias) spec.? aus 
Persien und seine Zucht im Zimmer- 
aquarium. Tom. cit., 665-668. fig. 


Danio albolineatus Blyth. ein 
neuer Danio. Tom. cit., 221-223. fig. 


Evorthodus breviceps Gill. Tom. 

cit., 685-688. .4 figs. 1912.8 
— Die Familie Nandide. Tom. 
cit., 133-135. 3 figs. 1912.9 
Girardinus formosus Girard. 

Tom. cit., 553-554. fig. 1912.10 
— Gymnallabes typus Gthr. Tom. 
cit., 705-706. fig. 1912.11 

Haplochilus senegalensis Stdr. 
Tom. cit., 61-62. fig. 1912.12 

Haplochromis moffati Casteln. 
Tom. cit., 742. fig. 1912.13 

Der Kletterfisch (Anabas scan- 
dens Daldorff), seine Pflege und Zucht 
im Zimmeraquarium. Tom. cit., 105- 

106. fig. 1912.14 
Lebias sophie Heckel. Tom. cit., 
We 1912.15 




Arnold, ./. P. 
Nannacara tenia Regan; ein 
neuer Zwergcichlide aus dem Amazonen- 

strom. Tom. cit., 521-524. fig. 
Paraglyphidodon oxycephalus 
Blkr. Tom. cit., 393. fig. 1912.17 
Pelmatochromis arnoldi Blgr. 
Tom. cit., 601-602. fig. 1912.18 

Pelmatochromis teniatus Blgr. 

Tom. cit., 365-367. fig. 1912.19 
Phago loricatus Gthr. Tom. cit., 
649-650. fig. 1912.20 
Pecilia dominicensis Val. Tom. 
cit., 505-506. fig. 1912.21 

Polycentropsis abbreviata Blgr. 
und seine Zucht im Zimmeraquarium. 
Tom. cit., 797-801. fig. 1912.22 

Prochilus percula Blkr. Tom. 
cit., 305-307; 325-327. 1912.23 
Rasbora maculata Duncker. 
Tom. cit., 45-46. fig. 1912.24 

Rivulus tenuis Meek, nicht Rivu- 
lus flabellicauda Regan. Tom. cit., 617— 
618. fig. 1912. 25 

Scatophagus argus L. und seine 
Haltung im Zimmeraquarium. Tom. 
cit., 409-411. fig. 1912.26 

Die schwarzgescheckte Pecilia 
sphenops. Tom. cit., 691-692. fig. 

Tilapia lepidura Blgr. Tom. 
cit., 161-163. fig. 1912.28 

Ueber das Laichgeschaft des 
Trichogaster labiosus. Blatt. Aquar. 
Terrar. Kunde, 1912, 23. Jahrg., 597— 
598. fig. 1912.29 

— Ueber Melanismus bei den le- 
béndgebirenden Zahnkarpfen. Wo- 
chenschr. Aquar. Terrar. Kunde, 1912, 
9. Jahrg., 377-379. 2 figs. 1912.30 

Ueber Zuchterfolge bei Fundulus 

bivittatus Lonnberg. Tom. cit., 77-80. 
2 figs. 1912.31 

Xenocara dolichoptera Kner. 
Tom. cit., 193-194. 2 figs. 1912.32 

— Zur Nomenklatur der bisher ein- 
gefiihrten Xiphophorus-Arten. Tom. 
cit., 725-726. fig. 1912.33 

Anostomus teniatus Kner und 
eporinus frederici Bloch. Wochenschr. 

Aquar. Terrar. Kunde, 1913, 10. Be 
525-526. 2 figs. 1913.1 

Chrysichthys species. Tom. cit., 
449-450. 2 figs. 1913.2 

Cichlosoma coryphenoides Heck. 
Tom. cit., 854-855. fig. 1913.3 

Cichlosoma fenestratum Gthr. 
Tom. cit., 621. fig. 1913.4 

Cichlosoma salvini Gthr. Tom. 
cil., 373-374. fig. 1913.5 

Cichlosoma severum ( Heros spu- 
rius Heck.) Tom. cit., 833-835. fig. 


Copeina callolepis und Copeina 
arnoldi Regan. Tom. cit., 245-247. 2 
figs. 1913.7 
Corydoras macropterus Regan. 

Tom. cit., 337. fig. 1913.8 

— Eleotris pisonis Gmelin. Tom. 
cit., 925-926. fig. 1913.9 

Eleotris species aus dem Amazo- 
nenstrom. Tom. cit., 723-724. fig. 

Das Ende des Xiphophorus- 
Streites. Jom. cit.,411-414. 1913.11 

Fundulus chrysotus var. rubri- 
frons Jor. und seine Zucht im Aquarium. 
Tom. cit., 813-814. fig. 1913.12 

Fundulus nottii Agassiz. Wo- 
chenschr. Aquar. Terrar. Kunde, 1913, 
10. Jahrg., 581. fig. 1913.13 

Heterogramma cf. teniatum per- 
tense var. nov. Haseman. Tom. cit., 
910-912. 1913.14 

Pelmatochromis guentheri Sau- 
vage. Tom. cit., 779-780. fig. 1913.15 

Pelmatochromis sp. n. Tom. 
cit., 661-662. 1913.16 
Pecilia amazonica Garman. 
Tom. cit., 641-642. fig. 1913.17 
Rosbora elegans Volz. Tom. cit., 
869-870. fig. 1913.18 
Rasborichthys spee.? Tom. cit., 
285-286. fig. 1913.19 

Rivulus strigatus sp. n. Regan. 

Tom. cit., 3538-355. fig. 1913.20 
Tilapia thollont Sauvage. Tom. 
cit., 301-302. fig. 1913/21 


Uaru amphiacanthoides Heck. 
Tom. cit., 849-850. fig. 1913.22 

Weiteres iiber Anabas fasciola- 
tus Bler. Tom. cit., 681-682; 723. 
2 figs. 1913.23 

Der Zitteraal (Gymnotus electri- 
cus) im Zimmeraquarium. Tom. cit., 
318-320. fig. 1913.24 

Arnold, Julius. Ueber die Bezie- 
hung der Blut und Lymphgefiisse zu 

den Saftkanilehen. Archiv. Path. 
Anat. Physiol. (Virchow), 1875, 62, 
157-194. 1875.1 

Arnold, Ralph. The paleontology 
and stratigraphy of the marine Pliocene 
and Pleistocene of San Pedro, California. 
Mem. Californ. Acad. Sci., 1903, 3, 
1-420. pls. xvi-xvil. 1903.1 

Arras, Lucien d’. Sur les accidents 
causés par les poissons. Inaug. Dissert., 
Paris, 1877. 8°. 1877.1 

Arrigoni degli Oddi, (Conte) Ettore. 
Materiali per la fauna Padovana dei ver- 
tebrati. I. Mammiferi, rettili, anfibi e 
pesci. Atti Soc. Veneto-Trent. Sci. 
Nat., 1895, 2. ser. 2, 1-81. 1895.1 

Arsaky, Apostolus. _Commentatio 
piscium cerebro et medulla spinali. 
Inaug. Dissert., Hale, 1813. 
3 pls. 4°. 1813.1 

Thesame. 2. ed. Lipsiz, 1836. 
Abstract in Arch. (Miller), 1836, 247. 
Repert. Anat. Phys., 1837, 2, 21. 1836.1 

Arsenjev, \. 

Observations sur les 
Salmonoides du pays transussurien 
flext in Russian} Ann. Mus. Zool. 
Acad. Sci. St. Pétersb., 1909, 13, Ix—lxiil. 

Arsonval, A. d’. La _ production 
d’électricité par les étres vivants. Rev. 
Sci. France Etranger, Paris, 1891, 48, 
1-14. figs. 1891.1 

Recherches sur la décharge élec- 
trique de la torpille. C. R. Acad. Sci. 
Paris, 1895, 121, 145-151. — Rev. 
Scient., 4, 117. 1895.1 

Power of electrical fishes. Zool- 
ogist, 1896, 20, 306. 1896.1 

Artaud, J.6.L. Notice pour servir A 
Vhistoire naturelle du Gouramy (Os- 
phromenus; Bull. Hist. Nat. Soc. 
Linn. Bordeaux, 1821, 2,188. 1821.1 

Notice sur lOsphromenus olfax 
Commerson. Bull. Sci. Nat. (Férussac), 
1829, 18, 116-117. 1829.1 

46 p.’ 


Notice pour servir 4 l/histoire 
naturelle du gouramy [(Osphromenus) 
Bull. Soc. Hist. Nat. Bordeaux, 1821, 2, 
188. 1821.1 

Artedi, Peter [1705-1735] Biblio- 
theca Ichthyologica . . . emendata et 
aucta a Iohanne Julio Walbaum. Gry- 
peswaldiz, 1788-1792. 5 pts. See 
Walbaum, /../. (editor). 

For a detailed account of Artedi’s ichthyo- 
logical contributions, edited by Linnezus, see 
Gill’s’ synopsis in Smithson. Mise. Coll., 1874, 
11, 27-45. 

Arthaber, Gustav von. Die Cepha- 
lopodenfauna der Reiflinger Kalke. 
Beitr. Paliont. Geol. Oesterr.-Ungarn, 
1896, 10, 1-112; 192-242. 15 pls. & 
12 figs. 1896.1 

Arthur, W. On the brown trout in- 
troduced into Otago. Trans. Proc. New 
Zeal. Inst., 1878 (1879), 11, 271-290. 
pl. 1879.1 

History of fish culture in New 
Zealand. Trans. Proc. New Zeal. Inst., 
1881, 14, 180-210. pls. xii-xiv. 1881.1 

Notes on some specimens of mi- 
gratory Salmonide. Trans. Proc. New 
Zeal. Inst., 1880 (1881), 13, 175-193. 
pls. iv—v. 1881.2 

Notes on the New Zealand sprat 
(Clupea sprattus; Trans. New Zeal. 
Inst., 1883, 16, 203-208. pl. & fig. — 
New Zeal. Journ. Sci., 1883, 1, 234. 
Notes on the picton herring, 
Clupea pilchardus (C. sagax, New Zea- 
land form) Trans. Proc. New Zeal. 
Inst., 1883, 16, 208-213. pl.— New 
Zeal. Journ. Sci., 8, 391-392. 1883.2 

Notes on the salmon disease in 
the Tweed and other rivers, and its 
remedy. New Zeal. Journ. Sci., 1882 
(1883), 1, 347-358. 1883.3 

On diseased trout in Lake Wa- 
katipu. Trans. Proc. New Zeal. Inst., 
1883, 16, 198-203. pl.— New Zeal. 
Journ. Sci., 1883, 1, 234-235. 1883.4 

On the brown trout introduced 
into Otago. Paper no. 2. Trans. Proc. 
New Zeal. Inst., 1883, 16, 467-512. pls. 
xlwi-xliv. 1883.5 
Notes on New Zealand fishes. 
Trans. Proc. New Zeal. Inst., 1884, 17, 
160-172. pl. 1884.1 

Notes on the New Zealand frost- 

New Zeal. Journ. Sci., 1884, 2, 



Arthur, WW. 

On the brown trout (Salmo fario 
Ausonii) in Otago waters. New Zeal. 
Journ. Sci., 1884, 2, 36-37. 1884.3 

Arundo, pseudonym for Beaver, 

Arustamoff, W. Ueber die Natur 
des Fischgiftes. Centralbl. Bakt. Para- 
sit, 1891, 10, 113-119. 1891.1 

Asai, 7. Untersuchungen iiber die 
Struktur der Riechorgane bei Mustelus 
levis. Anat. Hefte. 1913, 49, 1. Abth., 
441-521. 1913.1 

Ascanius, P. Icones rerum natura- 
lium, ou figures enluminées d’histoire 
naturelle du Nord. Copenhague, 1772- 
1806. 1772.1 

Cahier 1 [sécond édition): p. 1-8, 1806. 
2 : p. 1-8, 1772. 

3 : p. 1-6, 1806. 

: > P. 1-6, 1806. 

: p. 1-8, 1805. 

w ith ena there are ten plates. Cahier 3 and 
4 were originally issued in 1775 and 1776 re- 
spectively. Cahier 5 was edited with a preface 
by J. Rathke. 

Beretning um silde-tusten ,Re- 
galecus remipes} Dansk. Selsk. Skrift. 
N. Saml., 1788, 3, 419-422 1788.1 

Ascherson, P. (Ueber den Fang der 
Hutta (Mugil cephalus) mit Hilfe der 
wilden Delphine; Sitzber. Ges. Naturf. 
Fr. Berlin, 1892, 145-148. 1892.1 

Ascoli, Maurizio. 
ciclostomi. Torino, 1896. 

Ematopoesi nei 

Sull’ ematopoesi nella Lampreda. 
Atti Accad. Sci. Torino, 1898, 33, 916— 
923. pl.— Arch. Ital. Biol., 1898, 30, 
270-277. pl.— Monit. Zool. Ital., 9, 
189. 1898.1 

Ueber die Blutbildung bei der 
Pricke. Arch. Mikr. Anat., 1899, 53, 
623-631. pl. Abstract in Journ. Roy. 
Micr. Soc. London, 1899, 2. ser. , 21; 
269. 1899.1 

Ascroft, R.L. Note onthe American 
shad. Rept. Lancashire Sea-Fish. Lab. 
1899 (1900), 29-30. — Trans. Liverpool 
Biol. Soc., 1900, 14, 173-174. 1900.1 

Notes on the white fluke or 
flounder. Rept. Lancashire Sea-Fish. 
Lab. 1899 (1900), 30-34. — Trans. Liv- 
erpool Biol. Soc., 1900, 14, 174-177. 


Ashton, John [1834—] Curious 
creatures in zoology. London, 1890. 
348 p. 130 figs. 8°. 1890.1 



Ashworth, Edmund. Remarks on 
the artificial ‘propagation of salmon at 
Stormontfield, near Perth. Bolton, 
18752 oe 1875.1 

Ashworth, Edmund, & Ashworth, 

Thomas. A treatise on the propagation 
of salmon and other fish. London, 
1853. 68 p. pl. & figs. 8°. 1853.1 

Ashworth, Edmund, Jardine, Wil- 
liam, & Fleming, ... Report upon the 
experiments conducted at Stormont- 
field, near Perth, for the artificial prop- 
agation of salmon. Rept. Brit. Assoc. 
Adv. Scei., 1856, 451-458. 1856.1 

Ashworth, Thomas. On the scien- 
tific cultivation of salmon fisheries. 
Rept. Meet. Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 1862 
(1863), notices, 121-122. 1863.1 

Essay on the practical cultiva- 
tion of a salmon fishery ... London, 
1866. 12°. 1866.1 

— The salmon fisheries of England, 
1868, from authentic information ob- 
tained for the House of Commons, to 
which is added valuable and exclusive 
information, extracted from the reports 
of the commissioners of fisheries in 
France, America, Norway and Russia. 

London & Bath, 1868. 117 p. 12°. 
Ashworth, Thomas, & Ashworth, 

Edmund. Report upon the fisheries of 
. . . Spain and Portugal. Manchester, 
Sh veo 1857.1 

Askanazy, Vax. Weitere Mitteilun- 
gen iiber die Quelle der Infektion mit 
Distomum felineum. Schrift. Oekon.- 
Physik. Ges. K6nigsberg, 1906, 46, 127— 
131. 1906.1 

Asmuss, Hermann. Ueber die Kno- 
chen- und Schuppen-Reste im Boden 
Lieflands. Bull. Acad. Sci. St. Pétersb., 
1839, 6, 220. — Neues Jahrb. Miner., 
1840, 738. 1839.1 

Das vollkommenste Hautskelet 
der bisher bekannten Thierreihe. An 
fossilen Fischen des Alten Rothen Sand- 
steins aufgefunden und aus ihren Resten 
erliutert. Abh. Erlangung der Magi- 
sterwiirde, Dorpat, 1856. 39 p. 1856.1 

Asper, Gottlieb. Mittheilungen iiber 
die Fischbrutanstalt bei der Wasser- 
kirche. Vierteljahrsschr. Naturf. Ges. 
Ziirich, 1880, 423-435. 1880.1 

Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Tief- 
seefauna der Schweizerseen. Zool. Anz., 
1880, 3, 130; 250. 1880.2 


Die Fischerei im Kanton Tessin. 

Zurich, 1883. 1883.1 
Die Seeforellen des Ziirichsees. 
Zurich, 1884. 1884.1 

Fische der Schweiz und der 
kiinstlichen Fischzucht. Bern, 1890. 
fig. 8°. 1890.1 

Les poissons de la Suisse et la 

pisciculture. Lausanne, 1891. 192 p. 
78 figs. 8°. 1891.1 

Assaky, Georges. Origine des feuillets 
blastodermiques chez les vertébrés. 
Paris, 1886. 136 p. figs. 8°. 1886.1 

Assheton, Richard. On _ growth 
centres in vertebrate embyros. Anat. 

Anz., 1905, 27, 125-127; 156-170. 9 figs. 

— Certain features characteristic 

of teleostean development. Guy’s 
Hospital Rept., 1907, 61, 345-388. 
18 figs. 1907.1 

The development of Gymnarchus 
niloticus. Budgett Memorial Vol., 1907, 
293-421. pls. «& figs. 1907.2 

Report upon sundry teleostean 
eggs and larvae from the Gambia River. 
Budgett Memorial Vol., 1907, 433-442. 
6 figs. 1907.3 

Assmann, Paul. Ueber Aspidorhyn- 
chus. Arch. Biontol., Berlin, 1906, 1, 
49-79. 2 pls. & 6 figs. 1906.1 

Asso y del Rio, Jgnacio Jordan de 
[1742-1814] Introductio in oryctogra- 
phiam et zoologiam Aragoniz. [n. p.] 
1784. 1784.1 

Introduccién 4 la ichthyologia 
criental de Espafia. Anales Ciencias 
Nat., 1801, 4, 28-52. Also separate; 
Madrid, 1801. 28 p. 4°. 1801.1 

Asvadourova, Nina. Recherche’ 
sur la formation de quelques cellules 
pigmentaires et des pigments. Arch. 
Anat. Micr., 1913, 15, 153-314. 2 pls. 
& 5 figs. 1913.1 

_ Athanasiu, Sava. Studii geologice 
in districtul Suceava. Bull. Soc. Sci. 

Bucarest, 1898, 7, 61-84. 3 figs. 1898.1 

Athias, Sur la vacuolisation 
des cellules nerveuses. Anat. Anz., 
1906, 28, 492-495. 1906.1 

Atkins, Charles G. Fish culture. 
Amer. Naturalist, 1868, 1, 296-304. 


Sci. Amer- 

Fecundity of fishes. 
ican, 1870, 22, 161. 

Fourth report of the commis- 
sioner of fisheries of the state of Maine. 
1870, 1-38. pls. i-ii. 1870.2 

Activity of trout and salmon. 
Amer. Naturalist, 1872, 6, 369. 1872.1 

Propagation of salmon. Amer. 
Naturalist, 1872, 6, 170-172. — Forest 
& Stream, 1873, 1, 162. 1872.2 

Reproduction of sturgeon. Ab- 
stract of paper by Kowalewsky, Owsjan- 
nikow and Wagner, q.v., in Amer. Natu- 
ralist, 1872, 6, 175. 1872.3 

On the salmon of eastern North 
America and its artificial culture. ee 
U. 8. Fish Comm. 1872-73 een 

226-337. pls. iv—xiii. 74.1 

Salmon breeding at Bucksport. 
Proc. Amer. Fish-Culture Assoc., 1874, 
3. Ann. Meet., 24-30.— Forest «& 
Stream, 1874, 2, 20-21. 1874.2 

Forest & 


and Salmo salar. 
1874, 2, 388-389. 

—— Salmon breeding at Bucksport. 
Trans. Amer. Fisheries Soc. 1874 (1875), 
22-30. 1875.1 

Report on the collection and dis- 
tribution of Penobscot salmon in 1873-— 
74 and 1874-75. Rept. U. 8. Fish 
Comm. 1873-75 (1876), 3, 485-530. 


Landlocked salmon. Rod & 

Gun, 1876, 8, 5. 1876.2 
Allabout eels. Forest & Stream, 

1878, 11, 130-131. 1878.1 

Observations on the occurrence of spawn in 
On a collection of eggs of 
Schoodic salmon in 1875 and 1876. 
Rept. U.S. Fish Comm. 1875-76 (1878) 
4, 910-919. 1878.2 

s . a 
The enduring power of salmon 

milt. Chicago Field, 1879, 11, 164. 
Living eggs from dead_ fish. 
Chicago Field, 1879, 11, 32. 1879.2 

Propagation of landlocked 
Forest & Stream, 1879, 11, 





Atkins, C. G. 

Report on the collection and dis- 
tribution of Schoodic salmon eggs in 
ce Rept. U. 8. Fish Comm. 1877 

(1879), 5, 817-846. 1879.4 
Salmo salar and the Schoodic 
salmon. Nature, 1879, 20, 29. — Chi- 

eago Field, 1879, 11, 276. 1879.5 

Cheap fixtures for the hatching 
of salmon. Rept. U. 8S. Fish Comm. 
1878 (1880), 6, 945-966. 15 figs. pee 

Report on an attempt to collect 
eggs of Sebago salmon in 1878. Rept. 
U.S. Fish Comm. 1878 (1880), 6, ws 
787. 1880.2 

Habitat of Sebago salmon, p. 
teristics of Sebago salmon, p. 776. 


Report on the collection and dis- 
tribution of Schoodic salmon eggs in 
1878-79. Rept. U. S. Fish Comm. 
1878 (1880), 6, 789-814. 1880.3 

Report on the propagation of 
Penobscot salmon in 1879-80. — Re- 
port on the propagation of Schoodic 
salmon in 1879-80. Rept. U. 8. Fish 
Comm. 1879 (1882), 7, 733-766. 1882.1 

Sketch of the Penobscot salmon- 
breeding establishment. — Sketch of 
the Schoodic salmon-breeding establish- 
ment. Bull. U. 8. Fish Comm. 1882 
(1883), 2, 373-382. 1883.1 

Report on the propagation of 
Penobscot salmon in 1880-81.— Report 
on the propagation of Schoodic salmon 
in 1880-81. Rept. U. 8. Fish Comm. 
1880 (1883), 8, 623-651. 1883.2 

Report on the propagation of 
Penobscot salmon in 1882-83. — Re- 
port on the propagation of Schoodic 
salmon in 1882-83. Rept. U. 8. Fish 
Comm. 1882 (1884), 10, 858-871. 


Ten questions concerning the 
habits and breeding of landlocked 
salmon, with replies. Bull. U. S. Fish 
Comm., 1884, 4, 383-384! 1884.2 

The biennial spawning of salmon 
(The Bucksport experiments) 14. Ann. 
Meet. Amer. Fish. Soc., 1885, 89-94. 


Memoranda on _ landlocked 
salmon (Salmo salar) Bull. U.S. Fish 
Comm. 1884 (1885), 4, 341-344. 1885.2 

Notes on landlocked salmon. 
Trans. Amer. Fisheries Soc. 1884. peed! 
40-54. 1885. 

Report on the propagation of 
Penobscot salmon in 1883-84. — Re- 
port upon the propagation of Schoodie 
salmon in 1883-84. Rept. U. 8. Fish 
Comm. 1883 (1885), 11, 1007-1015. 


Report on the propagation of 
Penobscot salmon in 1884-85. — Re- 
port on the propagation of Schoodic 
salmon in 1884-85. Rept. U. 8. Fish 
Comm. 1884 (1886), 12, a ee 

Report upon the propagation of 
Penobscot salmon in 1885-86. — Re- 
port upon the propagation of Schoodie 
salmon in 1885-86. Rept. U. 8. Fish 
Comm. 1885 (1887), 13, 141-156. 


The river fisheries of Maine. 
Rept. on Fisheries & Fish. Ind. U. &., 
1887, sec. 5, 1, 673-728. pls. clxiv— 
elxviil. 1887.2 

Report on the artificial propaga- 
tion of codfish at Woods Hole, Mass. 
Rept. U. 8. Fish Comm. 1886 (1889), 
14, 783-791. 1889.1 

Report upon the propagation of 
Penobscot salmon in 1886—-87.— Re- 
port on the propagation of Schoodic 
salmon at Grand Lake Stream, Maine, 
1886-87. Report U. 8. Fish Comm. 
1886 (1889), 14, 747-759. 1889.2 

The food problem in fish cul- 
ture. Trans. Amer. Fisheries Soc. 1894 
(1895), 58-66. - 1895.1 

Methods employed at Craig 
Brook Station in rearing young salmon- 
oid fishes. Bull. U.S. Fish Comm. 1893 
(1895), 18, 221-228. 1895.1 

The study of fish diseases. 
Trans. Amer. Fisheries Soe., 1901 
(1902), 82-89. 1902.1 

The live food problem. ‘Trans. 
Amer. Fisheries Soe. 1903 (1904), 71-78. 

—— The utilization of neglected 
fishes. Trans. Amer. Fisheries Soe. 
1904 (1905), 178-182. 1905.1 

—— The early feeding of salmonoid 
fry. Trans. Amer. Fisheries Soe. 1905 
(1906), 75-81. 1906.1 


- 1910, n. s. 8, 502-511. 



Experiments in fasting of fry. 
Trans. Amer. Fisheries Soc., 1906 
(1907), 123-129.: 1907.1 

—— Foods for young salmonoid 
fishes. Proc. 4. Intem. Fish. Congr., 
Washington, 1908, pt. 2, 839-851. 


Manipulation of salmon eggs. 
Trans. Amer. Fisheries Soc. 1907 
(1908), 218-222. 1908.2 

Atlantic salmon in fresh water. 
Trans. Amer. Fisheries Soc. 1911 (1912), 
135-138. 1912.1 

Atkins, Charles G., & Foster, NV. W. 
See Foster & Atkins. 

Atkinson, G.C. Salmon in the Tyne 
in 1866. Nat. Hist. Trans. Northum- 
berland Durham, 1867, 1, pt. 3, 408- 
410. 1867.1 

Atkinson, George T. Notes ‘on a 
fishing voyage to the Barents Sea in 

- August, 1907. Journ. Mar. Biol. Assoc., 

Plymouth, 1908, n. s. 8, 71-98. pl. & 
3 figs. & map. 1908.1 

Marking and_ transplantation 
experiments with plaice and some notes 
on the natural history of that fish. 
Proc. Suffolk Instit. Arch. Nat. Hist., 
1909, 13, pt. 3, 1-13. 5 pls. 1909.1 

An experiment in the transplan- 
tation of plaice from the Barents Sea 
(“White Sea’’) to the North Sea. 
Journ. Mar. Biol. Assoc., Plymouth, 

— Report on the English plaice 
marking experiments, 1906-1908. 4. 
Rept. North Sea Fish Invest. Comm., 
1912, 225-290. 14 pls. 1912.1 

Atkinson, George T., & Lee, Rosa M. 
See Lee & Atkinson. 

Atkinson, J. C. Notes on fishes, 
more especially salmon and eels. Zool- 
ogist, 1844, 2, 524-532. 1844.1 

Atthey, Thomas. Some remarks on 
the report of Professor Owen’s paper on 
fish remains found in the Northumber- 
land coal-field. Geol. Mag., 1867, 4, 
378-381. 1867.1 

Notes on various species of Cte- 
nodus obtained from the shales of the 
Northumberland coal-field. Ann. Mag. 
Nat. Hist., 1868, 4. ser. 1, 77-87.— Nat. 
Hist. Trans. Northumberland Durham, 
1868, 3, 54-66. pls. iii. 1868.1 

Here the paper is accredited to Hancock and 

10, 1-20. 

On the occurrence of palatal 
teeth belonging to the genus Climaxodus 
M’Coy in the Low Main shale of New- 
sham. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1868, 
4. ser. 2, 321-323. — Nat. Hist. Trans. 
Northumberland Durham, 1868-70 
(1868), 3, pt. 2, 306-309. 1868.2 

On the articular bone and sup- 
posed vomerine teeth of Ctenodus obli- 
quus, and on Paleoniscus hancocki n. sp., 
from the Low Main, Newsham, North- 
umberland. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 
1875, 4. ser. 15, 309-312. pl. — Nat. 
Hist. Trans. Northumberland Durham, 
1877, 5, 227-230. 7 pls. 1875.1 

Notes on a paper by R. H. Tra- 
quair, on the structure of the lower jaw 
in Rhizodopsis and Rhizodus. Ann. 
Mag. Nat. Hist., 1877, 4. ser. 20, 129- 
130. — Nat. Hist. Trans. Northumber- 
land Durham, 1880, 7, 175-176. 1877.1 

‘Atthey, Thomas, & Hancock, Al- 
bany. See Hancock & Atthey. 

Atthey, Thomas, Hancock, Albany, 
& Howse, Rk. See Hancock, Howse, & 

Atthey, 7., & Kirkby, J. W. 
Kirkby & Atthey. 

Atwater, W.O. Menhaden & other 
fish, and their products, as related to 
agriculture. Rept. U. S. Fish Comm. 
1877 (1879), 5, 194-267. 1879.1 

Fish as food. Forest & Stream, 
1880, 14, 204-206. 1880.1 

The nutritive qualities and 
values of various kinds of fish, compar- 
ing them with the composition and 
value of animal feods. ‘Trans. Amer. 
Fisheries Soc. 1880 (1881), aoee 



The chemical composition and 
nutritive value of fish. Trans. Amer. 
Fisheries Soc. 1881 (1882), pons AG 

Report of progress of an investi- 
gation of the chemical composition and 
economic values of fish and_ inverte- 
brates used for food. Rept. U.S. Fish 
Comm. 1880 (1883), 8, 231-285. 1883.1 

Zur Chemie der Fische. Bericht 
Nat. Ges. Chem. Berlin, 1883, 16, 1839— 
1846. 1883.2 
On the chemistry of fish: Amer. 

Chem. Journ., 1887, 9, 421-452; 1888, 


Atwater, W. 0. 

Contributions to the knowledge 
of the chemical composition and nutri- 
tive values of American food-fishes and 
invertebrates. Rept. U.S. Fish Comm. 
1883 (1885), 11, 433-499. 2 pls. Ab- 
stract in Proc. Amer. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 
1881, 71-73.— Canadian Naturalist, 
1881, n. s. 9, 407-409. 1885.1 

Ueber die Ausniitzung des Fisch- 
fleisches im Darmkanale im Vergleich 
mit der des Rindfleisches. Zeitschr. 
Biolog., 1888, 24, 16-28. 1888.1 

Atwater, W. 0O., & Goode, George 
Brown. See Goode & Atwater. 

Atwood, NathanielE. Remarks ona 
specimen of Naucrates and on the natu- 
ral history of the cod. Proc. Boston Soc. 
Nat. Hist., 1859-61 (1861), 7,4. 1859.1 

Remarks on a specimen of Aspi- 
dophorus taken on the Newfoundland 
Grand Bank. Op. cit., 8,218. 1861.1 

On variable habits of many spe- 
cies of fish. Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. 
Hist., 1862-63 (1865), 9, 189-190. 
On several species of native 
fishes. Proc. Essex Inst., 1864-65, 4, 
101-103. 1864.1 

On the habits of some of our salt 
water fishes. Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. 
Hist., 1864-66 (1866), 10, 65-68. 


On the jaws and stomach-con- 
tents of certain sharks (Carcharias tigris, 
sp. nov., and Mustelus canis} Tom. cit., 
79-80. 1864.3 

—— On the habits of the halibut, es- 
pecially in distinction from the cod. 
Tom. cit., 182-183. 1865.1 

—— Some points in the history of the 
cod. Tom. cit., 103-104. 1865.2 

On the habits and distribution 
of the haddock. Tom. cit., 322-323. 

‘ On the habits of our native spe- 
cies of Gadide. Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. 
Hist., 1866-68 (1868), 11, 100-102. 


On Torpedo occidentalis Storer. 
Proc. Essex Inst., 1866-67 (1868), 5, 
14-15. 1866.3 

Exhibition of a eod fish which 
had a number of sand-eels in the walls 


of the abdominal cavity (with remarks 
by Jeffries Wyman) Proc. Boston Soc. 
Nat. Hist., 1866-68 (1868), 11, 364. 


Description of a shark, Carcha- 
rias tigris Atwood. Proc. Boston Soc. 
Nat. Hist., 1868-69 (1869), 12, 268-269. 

Some points in the natural his- 
tory of a few of our edible sea-fish, and 
particularly of the halibut and bluefish. 
Tom. cit., 402-403. 1869.2 

—— Remarks on the habits of sev- 
eral of our marketable fishes, ete. Bull. 
Essex Inst., 1870, 2, 48. 

On the capelin (Mallotus villosus) 
and halibut. Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. 
Hist., 1870-71 (1872), 14, 134-135. 

Remarks on the habits of blue- 
fish, ete. Tom. cit., 92. 1871.2 

Atwood, Thomas. The history of the 

Island of Dominica . . . ete. London, 
1791. viii. 285 p. 8°. 1791.1 

German version.  Géttingen, 
1795. 8°. 1795.1 

Atwood, William. Statement con- 
cerning the menhaden fishery. Rept. 
U.S. Fish Comm. 1877 (1879), 5, pole 


Au, Wilhelm. Monogamie, Polyga- 
mie und Polyandrie bei den Fischen. 
Blatt. Aquar. Terrar. Kunde, 1912, 23. 
Jahrg., 581-582. 1912.1 

Aube, F. L’ile d’Arguin et les péche- 
ries de la cété occidentale d’ Afrique. 
Rev. Marit. Colon, 1872, 470. 1872.1 

Aubert, Hermann. Ueber die kiinst- 
liche Befruchtung der Fischeier und 
einige Erscheinungen der ersten Ent- 
wickelung derselben. Jahresber. Schles. 
Ges., Breslau, 1852 (1853), 31, 86-94; 
1854, 32, 40-48. — Ann. Landwirths., 
1853, 22, 115-121. 1853.1 

Beitrage zur Entwickelungsge- 
schichte der Fische. Zeitschr. Wiss. 
Zool., 1854, 5, 94-103; 7, 345-364. pl. 

Entwicklung des Herzens und 
des Blutes in Hechteier. Leipzig, 1855. 
8°. 1855.1 

Blessure produite par une paste- 
naque (Trygon) Paris, 1861. 8°. 


Aubeux, Réflexion sur les 
avantages que présenterait l’acclimata- 
tion du colin (Gadus virens| en Maine-et- 
Loire. Bull. Soc. d’Etudes Sci. d’An- 
gers, 1878-79 (1880), 8. et 9. années, 
207-210. 1880.1 

Auboin, Siéphen. Erpetologie et ich- 
thyologie, ou traité des reptiles et des 
poissons. Paris, 1831. 8°. 1831.1 

Aubry, O. Haplochilus fasciolatus. 
Wochenschr. Aquar. Terrar. Kunde, 
1912, 9. Jahrg., 538-539. fig. 1912.1 

Cichlosoma nigrofasciatum Gthr. 
Wochenschr. Aquar. Terrar. Kunde, 
1913, 10. Jahrg., 814-816. fig. 1913.1 

Auché, A. Sur le cocco-bacille rouge 
de la sardine. C. R. Mém. Soc. Biol. 
Paris, 1894, 10. sér. 1, 18-21. 1894.1 

Audeville, André d’ [—1896] La 
truite are-en-ciel d’ Amérique (Salmo iri- 
deus) Bull. Soc. Nat. d’Accl., 1888, 
1-20. figs. 1888.1 

Audiganne, A. La région du bas de 
la Loire. Les paludiéres des marais 
salins et les pécheurs des cétes. Revue 
Deux Mondes, 1868, 2. sér. 78, 198-228. 


Audigé, J. Sur |’exophthalmie in- 
fectieuse de certains poissons d’eau 
douce. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1903, 
137, 936-938. 1903.1 

Sur quelques particularités ob- 
servées dans les tubes rénaux du bar- 
beau (Barbus fluviatilis Agass.) C. R. 
Acad. Sci. Paris, 1903, 136, 1473-1474. 

Note sur la structure de la partie 
antérieure du rein de quelques poissons. 
Bull. Soc. Hist. Nat. Toulouse, 1904, 37, 
31-33. 1904.1 

Note sur l’étisie des poissons 
deau douce. Bull. Soc. Hist. Nat. Tou- 
louse, 1904, 37, 29-30. 1904.2 

—— Sur la structure de la vessie 

urinaire de Barbus fluviatilis Agassiz. 
C. R. Assoc. Anat., 1904, 6, 186-188. 


—— L’excrétion chez les poissons. 

Bull. Station Piscicult., Toulouse-Paris, 
1905, 2, 13-17. 1905.1 

Quelques particularités de la 
structure du rein chez les poissons. 
Bull. Station Piscicult., Toulouse-Paris, 
1905, 2, 18-19. 1905.2 


Contribution 4 |’étude des reins 
des poissons téléostéens. Arch. Zool. 
Expér., 1910, 5. sér. 4, 275-624. pl. & 
104 figs. 1910.1 

Audigé, /., & Loup, De la ca- 
pacité reproductrice de quelques télé- 
ostéens d’eau douce maintenus en mi- 
Bull. Soc. Hist. Nat. 


lieu restreint. 
Toulouse, 1909, 42, 175-179. 

Audigé, J., & Roule, Louis. 
Roule & Audigé. 

Audouin, Jean Victor, & Edwards, 
Henri Milne. Recherches pour servir 
& Vhistoire naturelle du littoral de la 
France, etc. 2 vols. Paris, 1832-34. 
illust. 1832.1 

Audubon, John J. Notes on shad 

and trout. Forest & Stream, 1876, 6, 
216; 285. 1876.1 
Auer, Carl. Das Verhalten meiner 

Fische vor und nach dem Erdbeben. 
Natur & Haus, 1909, 17. Jahrg., bt ’ 

Auerbach, Leopold. Ueber die Lobi 
optici der Knochenfische. Allgem. 
Zeitschr. Psychiatrie, 1888, 44. 1888.1 

Die Lobi optici der Teleostier 
und die Vierhiigel der héher organisirten 
Gehirne. Morph. Jahrb., 1889, 14, 
373-393. pl. 1889.1 

Ueber einen sexuellen Gegensatz 
in der Chromatophilie der Keimsubstan- 
zen, nebst Bemerkungen zum Bau der 
Hier und Ovarien niederer Wirbelthiere. 
Sitzber. Preuss. Akad. Wissen., Berlin, 
1891, 713-750. 1891.1 

Das Wesen der Neurofibrillen. 
Monatsschr. Psychiatr. Neurol., 1911— 
12, 30, 72. — Arch. Psychiatr., 1911-12, 
49, 330-331. 1912.1 

Auerbach, Max. Die Dotterum- 
wachsung und Embryonalanlage vom 

Gangfisch und der Aesche im Vergleich 
zu denselben Vorgiingen bei der Forelle. 

Verh. Naturwissen. Ver. Karlsruhe, 
1904, 17, 57-82. pls. i-iv. 1904.1 
August, Ueber einen Fischre- 

gen. Sitzber. Ges. Natf. Freunde Berlin, 
1839-59 (1841-1912), 33-54. 1841.1 

Aukarsvard, G., & Hammar, J. 
Aug. Zur Kenntnis der Ganoidenthy- 
mus (Amia calva, Lepidosteus osseus) 
Zool. Jahrb., 1913, 36 (Abth. Anat.), 
293-306. 2 pls. & 5 figs. 1913.1 




Tankar om sittet 

Aulin, Henrik: ‘ 

att ritt traktera, historia 

Inaug. Dissert. Abo, 1760. 23p. 4°. 

Aunap, /. Ueber die Chondrioso- 
men der Gonocyten bei Knochen- 

fischen. Anat. Anz., 1918, 44, 449-459. 

Aurivillius, C. W.S. Vergleichende 
thiergeographische Untersuchungen 
liber die Plankton-Fauna des Skage- 
raks in den Jahren 1893-1897. Kong]. 
Svensk. Vet. Akad. Handl., 1897-98 
(1898), 30, 1-426. 1898.1 

Om _hafsevertebraternas  ut- 
vecklingstider och periodiciteten i larv- 
formernas upptriidande vid Sveriges 
vestkust. Bih. Kongl. Svensk. Vet. 
Akad. Handl., 1899, 24, 1-91. 1899.1 

Austen, FE. EF. Notes on a recent 
zoological expedition on the lower 
Amazon. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 
1896, 768-779. 1896.1 

Austin, Amory. A historical sketch 
of fish-culture. Proc. Newport Nat. 
Hist. Soc., 1891-99 (1900), 9, 85-107. 


Austin, C. FE. Geological notes on 
the locality in Siberia where fossil fish 
and Estherie have been found... 
Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. London, 1862, 

19, 71-74. 1862.1 

Autenrieth, Hermann Friedrich 
[1799-1874] Ueber das Gift der Fische. 
Tubingen, 1833. figs. 1833.1 

Autenrieth, /. H.F. Bemerkungen 
iiber den Bau der Scholle (Pleuronectes 
platessa) insbesondere, und den Bau der 
Fische im allgemeinen. Arch. Zool. 
Zootomie, 1800, 1, pt. 2, 47-103. 1800.1 

Avolio, Francesco Paola. Osserva- 
zioni pratiche intorno la pesca, corso e 
cammino de’ Tonin. Messina, 1816. 
164 p. 8°. * 1816.1 

Ayers, Howard {1861—] Untersu- 
chungen iiber Pori abdominales. Morph. 
Jahrb. 1884, 10, 344-349. pl. 1884.1 

Beitrige zur Anatomie und 
Physiologie des Dipnoér. Jena Zeit- 
schr., 1885, 18, 479-527. pls. xvi-xviii. 

The morphology of the carotids, 
based on a study of the blood-vessels of 
Chlamydoselachus anguineus Garman. 
Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 1889, 17, 191- 
223. pl. 1889.1 

—— Contribution to the morphology 
of the vertebrate head. Zool. Anz., 
1890, 13, 504-507. 1890.1 

—— The ear of man, its past and its 
future (vertebrate cephalogenesis) Lee- 
tures Marine Biol. Lab., 1890, 1; no. 9, 
188-230. 17 figs. 1890.2 

Concerning vertebrate cepha- 
logenesis. Journ. Morph., 1891, 4, 221— 
245. 1891.1 

_ Discusses, inter alia, sense organs and pineal 
eye of cyclostomes. 

Vertebrate cephalogenesis. II. 
A contribution to the morphology of the 
vertebrate ear, with a reconsideration 
of its functions. Journ. Morph., 1892, 

6, 1-360. pls. i-xii & 26 figs. 1892.1 
The Macula neglecta again. 
Zool. Anz., 1893, 8, 238-240. 1893.1 

On the genera of the Dipnoi 
dipneumones. Amer. Naturalist, 1893, 
27, 919-932. 1893.2 

Bdellostoma dombeyi Lac. Mar. 
Biol. Lab., 1893 (1894), 2, 125-161. 14 
figs. 1894.1 

The origin and growth of brain 
cells in the adult body. Journ. Comp. 
Neurol., 1896, 6, 211-214. 1896.1 

The unity of the gnathostome 
Amer. Naturalist, 1906, 40, 

The ventricular fibres of the 
brain of Myxinoids. Anat. Anz., 1908, 
32, 445-448. 5 figs. 1908.1 

Ayers, Howard, & Jackson, C. M. 
Morphology of the Myxinoidei. 1. 
Skeleton and musculature. Journ. 
Morph., 1900, 17, 185-226. pls. xxii-— 
xxiii & figs. — Bull. Univ. Cincinnati, 
1900, 2. ser. 1, 1-15. pls. iu. 1900.1 

Ayers, Howard, & Worthington, 
Julia. The skin end-organs of the 
trigeminus and lateralis nerves of 
Bdellostoma dombeyi. Amer. Journ. 
Anat., 1907, 7, 327-336. 10 figs. 


The finer anatomy of the brain 


of Bdellostoma dombeyi. (1) The acus- 
tico-lateral system. Amer. Journ. 
Anat., 1908, 8, 1-16. pls. (2) The 

fasciculus communis system. Journ. 
Comp. Neurol., 1911, 21, 593-617. ge 



Ayres, (Dr.) William O. [1817- 
1891] Fora detailed list of this author’s 
publications on fishes of the Pacific 
coast, see Gill’s bibliography in Bull. 
U.S. Nat. Museum, 1882, no. 11. 

—— Descriptions of four species of 
fishes from Brookhaven, L. I., two of 
which are believed to be new. Proc. 
Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., 1841-44 (1844), 
1, 67-68. 1842.1 

Enumeration of the fishes of 
Brookhaven, L. I., with remarks upon 
the species observed. Proc. Boston 
Soc. Nat. Hist., 1841-44 (1842), 58-59. 
— Boston Journ. Nat. Hist., 1842, 4, 
no. 2, 255-264. Ibid., 1843, 4, no. 3, 
265-292. pls. xii—xiii. 1842.2 

Description of a new species of 
Leuciscus (Ll. nasutus} Proc. Boston 
Soc. Nat. Hist., 1841-44 (1843), 1, 
130. 1843.1 

Descriptions of four species of 
fish from Brookhaven, L. I., all of 
which are believed to be new. Boston 
Journ. Nat. Hist., 1843-44, 4, no. 3, 
293-302. pls. xii—xiil. 1843.2 

— An attempt to prove that Cottus 
cognatus of Richardson, Cottus viscosus 
of Haldeman, and Uranidea quiescens 
of Dekay, are one species, and are 
identical with Cottus gobio of Linnzus. 
Boston Journ. Nat. Hist., 1845-47 
(1847), 5, no. 1, 116-136. pl. 1845.1 

On a characteristic black lateral 
stripe in the young of Leuciscus pul- 
chellus, ete. Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. 
Hist., 1848-51 (1851), 3, 54. 


— On avery curious fish, for which 
the name Malacosteus niger is proposed. 
Tom. cit., 69-70. 1848.2 

On an obscure point in the 
anatomy of Leuciscus. Tom. cit., 46. 

On the distribution of A phredo- 
derus sayanus. Tom. cit., 5. 1848.4 

— On the muscular apparatus of 
the pharyngeal bones in Catostomus. 
Tom. cit., 87. 1848.5 

On the occurrence of Mylio- 
bates acuta at Long Island. Tom. cit., 
57. 1848.6 

(Description of Percopsis pel- 
lucida, a fish from the Winooski river} 
Tom. cit., 164-165. 1849.1 

A new species of Leuciscus 
tL. pulchelloides| from Fairfield county, 
Connecticut, 1848-51 (1851), 3, 157. 


Observations on Leuciscus pul- 

chellus Storer. Proc. Amer. Assoc. 
Adv. Sci., 1849, 2, 402-406. 1849.3 

On curious malformations in the 
skulls of Labrax. Tom. cit., 121. 1849.4 

On the teeth of Carcharias ceru- 
leus Dekay, and on the generic rela- 
tions of C. griseus. Tom. cit., 264. 


: Some remarks upon a species of 
pike (Hsox lucius} Tom. cit., 173. 

Description of a new genus of 
fishes, Malacosteus. Boston Journ. 
Nat. Hist., 1850-57 (1857), 6, no. 1, 
53-63. 1850.1 

Description of a new species of 
Polypterus, from west Africa (P. pal- 
mas] Boston Journ. Nat. Hist., 1850- 
57 (1857), 6, no. 2, 241-246. pl. Ab- 
stract in Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., 
1848-51 (1851), 3, 181. 1850.2 

Statements showing that Cottus 
variabilis is distinct from Cottus gren- 
landicus. Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. 
Hist., 1848-51 (1851), 3, 312. 1850.3 

A fish from Para, Vandellia 
cirrhosa. Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., 
1851-54 (1854), 4, 31. 1851.1 

Habits of the bluefish. Tom. 
cit., 289. 1852.1 

Introduction of the muscalonge 
(Esox nobilior) into the Connecticut 
river. Jom. cit., 288. 1852.2 

(Description of four species of 
fishes, Camarina nigricans, poronotus 
simillimus Ayres, johnius nobilis, and 
seriphus politus) Proc. Calif. Acad. 
Nat. Sei., 1854-57 (1857), 1, 77-86. 
figs. Reprinted in 2. ed. of the Acad- 
emy’s Proceedings, 1873. 1854.1 

(Description of new fishes from 
California} Proc. Calif. Acad. Nat. 
Sci., 1854-57 (1857), 1, 3-22.— Re- 
printed in 2. ed. of the Academy’s 
Proceedings, 1873. 1854.2 

New species of Californian 
Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., 

1854—56 (1856), 5, 94-103. 


Ayres, W.0._ - 

(Description of new species of 
Californian fishes} Proc. Calif. Acad. 
Nat. Sci., 1854-57 (1857), 1, 23-77. — 
Reprinted in 2. ed. of the ‘Academy’s 
Proceedings, 1873. 1855.1 

(Notice of freshwater fishes 
taken in the bay of San Francisco) 
Proc. Calif. Acad. Nat. Sci., 1858-62 
(1863), 2, 163. 1860.1 

(On new fishes of the Cali- 
fornian coast} Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci., 

1858-62 (1863), 2, 25-382; 52-64; 
73-86; 156-158; 207-211. figs. 1860.2 
Remarks in relation to the 

fishes of California which are included 
in Cuvier’s genus Sebastes. Proc. 
Calif. Acad. Nat. Sci., 1858-62 (1863), 
2, 211-218. figs. 1860.3 

Notes on the sebastoid fishes 
occurring on the coast of California, 


U. S. A. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 
1863, 390-402. 9 figs.— Ann. Ma 
Nat. Hist., 1864, 3. ser. 13, 330-342. 

1863.1 — 

— (Remarks in relation to the 

genus Notorhynchus} Proc. Calif. 
Acad. Nat. Sci., 1863, 3, pt. 1, 15. 

Ayrton, W. The adventures of a 
salmon in the river Dee. London, 
1853. 12°. 1853.1 

Ayson, L.F. Introduction of Ameri- 
can fishes into New Zealand. Proc. 
4. Intern. Fish Congr., Washington, 
1908, pt. 2, 967-975. 1908.1 

Azuni, Alb. Histoire géographique, 
politique et naturelle de la Sardaigne. 
2 vols. Paris, 1802. 8°. 1802 

German ed. Leipzig & Ham- 
burg, 1803. 8°. 1803.1 


B. About the perch [(Perca fluvia- 
tilis} Fish. Gazette, 1880, 4, 446. 
Under this initial numerous short articles 
on fish and fishing appeared in Forest & Stream 
and Chicago Field during the late ’70’s and 
early ’80’s. 

Giftige einheimische  Fische. 
Allgem. Fisch. Zeitg., 1895, 20, 381— 
382. 1895.1 

B., von. Vom Altmuhlhecht. Bayer. 

Fischerei-Zeitg., 1879, 4. Jahrg., 67-68. 

B., A. W. Respiration of fishes. 
Amer. Naturalist, 1872, 6, 235-236. 
Abstract of dissertation by N. Gréhant, 
1869, q.v. 

B., &. Les fanons branchiaux du 
squale pélerin. Journ. Sci. Math. 
Phys. Nat., 1877, 6, 71. 1877.1 

B., B.O. The spawn of eels. Forest 
& Stream, 1875, 4, 61. 1875.1 

B., D. L. C. D. Dictionnaire raisonné 
...des animaux, ete. Paris, 1759. See 
La Chesnaye-Desbois, I’. A. A. de. 

B.,G. A. Causes affecting the migra- 

tory movements of mackerel. Fish. 

Gazette, 1878, n. s. 2, 172. 1878.1 
B., H. See Baars, Herman. - 
Baader, Friedrich. Beitrige zur 

Kenntniss der Fische von Marocco. 
Bericht Senckenberg. Naturf. Ges., 
1873-74 (1875), 179-182. 1875.1 

Baars, Herman. La péche dans la 
mer du Nord. L’autorité de Dun- 
kerque, 1862, nos. du 6, 8, 10, 13, 15, 
17, 20 Mai. 1862.1 

Beretning om den internationale 
fiskeri-udstilling 1 Amsterdam i 1861. 
Christiania, 1862. pl. 8°. 1862.2 

Les péches de la Norwége. 
Boulogne-sur-Mer. 1866. 61 p. 6 pls. 

2.ed. Paris, 1867. 

The same. 
12 pls. 

Beretning om den internationale 
fiskeri-udstiling i Boulogne-sur-Mer, 
1866. Bergen, 1867. 8°. 1867.2 

Die Fischereiindustrie Norwe- 
Bergen, 1873. 8°. 1873.1 


L’industrie de la péche en Nor- 
wege (traduit de lVallemand) Bou- 
logne, 1876. 81 p. 8°. 1876.1 

Die Fischereiindustrie Norwe- 
2. ed. Bergen, 1880. 1880.1 


Babak, Hdward. Ueber den Einfluss 
der Nahrung auf die Linge des Darm- 
kanales. Biol. Centralbl., 1903, 23, 
477-483. 1903.1 

Vergleichende Untersuchungen 
liber die Darmatmung der Cobitidinen 
und Betrachtung iiber die Phylogenese 
derselben. Biol. Centralbl., 1907, 27, 
697-703. 1907.1 

Ueber die provisorischen Atem- 
mechanismen der  Fischembryonen. 
Zentralbl. Physiol., 1911, 25, 370-374. 


Zur Atmung der Fischembryo- 
nen und Jungfische. Blatt. Aquar.- 
Terrar. Kunde, 1912, 23, 134-136. fig. 

Ueber die Vernichtung des 
Atemzentrums durch Erstickung bei 
Cobitis (Misgurnus) fossilis und iiber 
das Leben des Fisches bei alleiniger 
Hautatmung. Zentralbl. Physiol., 
1914, 27, 1111-1114. 1914.1 

Babak, Hdward, & Dedek, B. Un- 
tersuchungen itiber den Ausloésungsreiz 
der Atembewegungen bei Siisswasser- 
fischen. Arch. Ges. Physiol., 1907, 119, 
483-529. fig. 1907.1 

Zur Frage uber das Zustande- 

kommen der Atembewegungen bei 
Fischen. Zentralbl. Physiol., 1908, 
21, 1-6. 1908.1 

Babak, #., & Hepner, J. Die 

Synchronie des Atem- und Herzrhyth- 
mus bei den Fischembryonen und der 


Babak & Hepner. cats 

Einfluss der Temperatur. Folia Neu- 

robiol. Haarlem, 1912, 6, 367-373. fig. 

The game 
Columbia. British 
Bur., Bull. 
pl. 1908.1 

Babcock, John Pease. 
fishes of British 
Col. Provincial Informat. 
25. Victoria, 1908. 8°. 
Babcock, William C. Report of 
shad operations conducted at Fort 
Washington, Md. Rept. U. 8. Fish 

Comm. 1883 (1885), 11, 1035-1041. 

Report of operations at Fort 
Washington, Md., for the purpose of 
collecting shad eggs. Rept. U.S. Fish 
Comm. 1884 (1886), 12, 189-192. 2 Ee 

Babes, Y., & Riegler, R. Ueber eine 
Fischepidemie bei Bukarest. Zentralbl. 
Bakter. Parasitenkunde, 1905, 33, no. 6. 
pl. 1905.1 

Babson, John J. History of the 
town of Gloucester, Cape Ann, includ- 

ing the town of Rockport. Gloucester, 
1860. 8°. 1860.1 
Babukhin, Aleksandr Ivanovich. 

Ueber den feineren Bau und Ursprung 
des Axencylinders. Centralbl. Med. 
Wiss., 1868, 6, 755-757. 1868.1 

Entwickelung der electrischen 
Organe und Bedeutung der motorischen 
Endplatten. Centralbl. Med. Wiss., 
1870, 8, 241-244; 257-259. 1870.1 

Ueber die Bedeutung und Ent- 
wickelung der pseudoelektrischen Or- 
gane. Centralbl. Med. Wiss., 1872, 
10, 545-548. 1872.1 

Ueber den Bau der electrischen 
Organe beim Zitterwels (Malapterurus 
electricus} Centralbl. Med. Wiss., 1875, 
13, 129-133; 145-149; 161-165; 624. 


Uebersicht der neuen Unter- 
suchungen tiber Entwickelung, Bau und 
physiologische Verhialtnisse der elec- 
trischen und pseudoélectrischen Organe. 
Arch. Anat. Physiol., 1876, 501-542. 


Beobachtungen und Versuche 
am Zitterwelse und Mormyrus des Nils. 
Arch. Anat. Physiol., 1877, 250-274. 



Die Siulenzahl im electrischen 

Organ von Torpedo marmorata. Cen- 
tralbl. Med. Wiss., 1882, 20, ae 

Ueber die Praeformation der 
electrischen Elemente im Organ der 
Zitterfische, und den von Hrn. Weyl 
dawider gerichteten Angriff. Arch. 
Anat. Physiol. (Phys. Abth.), 1882, 
414-419. 1882.2 

Adaptability of electric fish to 
their surroundings. Nature, 1883, 28, 
216. 1883.1 

Zur Begriindung des Satzes von 
der Praeformation der elektrischen Ele- 
ment im Organ der Zitterfische. Arch. 
Anat. Physiol., 1883, 239-254. ies ‘ 

Bach, VM. Die Fische. Natur. u. 
Offenbarung, 1868, 14, 304-322; 349- 
364. 1868.1 

Der Rheinlachs oder Salm. 
Natur. u. Offenbarung, 1868, 14, 404— 
418. 1868.2 

Nestbauende Fische und fisch- 
ausbriitende Muscheln. Natur. u. 
Offenbarung, 1871, 17, 38-49. pl. 8, 


Bachmann, /sidor. Ueber Ganoi- 
den-Fische und ihre Entwicklung in 
dem altern geologischen Formationen. 
Mitth. Natur. Gesell. Bern (Sitzber.), 
1877, 45-46. 1877.1 

Backer, C. A. Zoetwaterflora en 
vischteelt. Teysmannia Batavia, 1911, 
22, 501-515. 3 pls. 1911.1 

Backer, Fr. Fra Lofoten. (Opsyn- 
schefens Fiskeriberetning 1877. Op- 
synet og Lofotloven af 23de Mai 1857) 
Dagbladet, Christiania, 21 & 23 Marts, 
1878. 1878.1 

Backman, Gaston. Die Bauchflosse 
der Selachier. (1) Die Bauchflosse der 
Batoidei. Svensk. Vet. Akad. Handl. 
Stockholm, 19138, 50, no. 7, 1-141. 

11 pls. — Zweite Abteilung. Die Bauch-. 

flosse der Holocephah. Jbid., 1915, 53, 
no. 3, 1-63. 4 pls. 1913.1 

Backman, K. A. Beskrifning 6fver 
Jalasjairvi kapell. Suomi, 1852, 11, 231- 
326. 1852.1 

Bacounin, Mémoire sur le 
Gordius d’eau douce des environs de 
Turin. Mem. Accad. Torino, 1788- 
89, 4, 23-42. — Journ. Phys. (Rozier), 
1791, 39, 204. 1789.1 

———— eS ee 

-_—— = | Te | 

Bade, FHrnst. Die Goldfische. Ber- 
lin, 1894. 8°. 1894.1 

— Das Siisswasseraquarium. Ber- 
lin, 1896. ; 1896.1 

— Die eingefiihrten Gurami-Arten. 
Blatt. Aquar. Terr. Freun., 1897, 8, 
189-191. fig. 1897.1 

—  Fundulus (majalis), Minnow, 
and Umbra (limi) Blatt. Aquar. Terr. 
Freun., 1897, 8, 173-174. pl. 1897.2 

Die kiinstliche  Fischzucht. 
Magdeburg, 1897. 86 Be 8°. 2pls. & 
15 figs. 1897.3 

Welse (Siluride) Blatt. Aquar. 
Terr. Freun., 1897, 8, 25-26. pl. 

— Der amerikanische Schlamm- 
fisch (Amia calva L.) Blatt. Aquar. 
Terr. Freun., 1898, 9, 68-69. fig. 


Der Diamantbarsch (Hunea- 
canthus simulans Kay) Blatt. Aquar. 
Terr. Freun., 1898, 9, 273-274. pil. 


Der Kampffisch (Belta pugnaz) 
Blatt. Aquar. Terr. Freun., 1898, 9, 
53-54. 1 pl. 1898.3 

Der Karpfe und seine Rassen. 
Blatt. Aquar. Terr. Freun., 1898, 9, 
186-189; 202-204; 211-213; 230-231. 


Der rote Zahnkarpfen A plochi- 

lus latipes Blk. Blatt. Aquar. Terr. 
Freun., 1898, 9, 240-241. fig. 1898.5 

— Die Schleihe (Tinca vulgaris 
Cuv.) Blatt. Aquar. Terr. Freun., 
1898, 9, 166-168. 1898.6 

— Der schwarzgebindete Sonnen- 
fisch (Mesogonistius chetodon (Baird) 
Gill} Blatt. Aquar. Terr. Freun., 1898, 
9, 80-82. fig. 1898.7 

Der Chanchito (Heros fascia- 
tus) als Zierfisch und seine Zucht im 
Zimmeraquarium. Berlin, 1899. 8°. 
29 p. pl. & 7 figs. 1899.1 

— Die Ellritze (Phozxinus lavis 
Ag.) Blatt. Aquar. Terr. Freun., 1899, 

10, 85-87. fig. 1899.2 
: Geophagus brasiliensis Heck. 
Blatt. Aquar. Terr. Freun., 1899, 10, 
221-222. fig. 1899.3 


—— Die Groppe und ihre Gewoh- 
nung an das Aquarium. Blatt. Aquar. 
Terr. Freun., 1899, 10, 249-250. fig. 


Der Kaimanfisch (Lepidosteus 
osseus) Blatt. Aquar. Terr. Freun., 

1899, 10, 22-24. fig. 1899.5 

Der langohrige Sonnenfisch (Le- 
pomis auritus Gill) Blatt. Aquar. Terr. 
Freun., 1899, 10, 1-2. fig. 1899.6 

Muschel und Fisch. Blatt. 
Aquar. Terr. Freun., 1899, 10, 113-115; 
131-183. fig. 1899.7 

Das Photographieren lebender 
Fische im Aquarium. Blatt. Aquar. 
Terr. Freun., 1899, 10, 204. 1899.8 

Die Seenadel. Blatt. Aquar. 
Terr. Freun., 1899, 10, 277-278. fig. 


Unsere Stichlinge und ihr Nest- 

bau. Blatt. Aquar. Terr. Freun., 
1899, 10, 59-64. pl. 1899.10 
Der Schleierschwanz und der 

Teleskopschleierschwanz (Carassius au- 
ratus), ihre Zucht und Pflege und die 

Beurtheilung ihres Wertes. Magde- 
burg, 1900. 5 pls. & 19 figs. 1900.1 
Die eingefiihrten nordameri- 

kanischen Wirthschaftsfische fiir den 
Teich und das Aquarium. Berlin, 1901. 
48 p. 9 pls. 1901.1 

Die mitteleuropiischen  Siiss- 
wasserfische; ihre Naturgeschichte, 
Lebensweise und ihr Fang. 2 vols. in 
1. Stuttgart, 1901-02. 176 p. 32 pls. 
& 101 figs. 8°. 1901.2 

Das Photographiren lebender 
Fische im Aquarium. Amat. Photo- 
graph, Diisseldorf, 1901, 15, 145-146. 


Der  Schlammfisch. Blatt. 
Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1902, 13. Jahrg., 
16-18. figs. 2-4. 1902.1 

Die Kopulationstachel der bis- 
her eingefiihrten Kiarpflinge und die 
Kreuzungen der Karpflinge. Blitt. 
Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1904, 15. Jahrg., 
369-382. 1904.1 

Neue Fischimporte fiir den 
Aquarien-Liebhaber. Blatt. Aquar.- 
Terrar. Kunde, 1904, 15. Jahrg., 81-82. 
fig. 1904.2 

aus Indién. 

Barbus nov. 
Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. 
16, 217-218. 





Bade, L. 
Die Sehwanz- und Afterflossen 

des Schleierschwanzes. Blitt. Aquar.- 
Terrar. Kunde, 1905, 16, 74-77; 86-88; 
96-98; 105-106. 1905.2 

Die direkte Ueberfiihrung von 
Stichlingen in Seeswasser. Blatt. 
Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1906, 17, 374. 


Das Seewasser-Aquarium. Mag- 
1907. 16 pls. & 104 figs. 

Das Zimmer-Aquarium. 3. ed. 
Berlin, 1907. pl. & 89 figs. 1907.2 


Das Siisswasser-Aquarium. 3. 
ed. Berlin, 1909. 42 pls. & 610 figs. 8°. 

— Das Siisswasser-A quarium. 
Nachtrag. Berlin, 1911. 2 pls. & 24 
figs. 8°. 1911.1 

—— Praxis der Aquarienkunde. 2. 
ed. Magdeburg, 1911. vii, 203 p. 13 
pls. & 220 figs. 1911.2 

Handbuch fiir Naturaliensamm- 
ler. Berlin, 1912. 48 pls. & 465 figs. 


Labyrinth fishes. Part 2. 
Aquarium, Dec. 1912, 56-58. 1912.2 
Badeigts de Laborde, Rapport 

sur les péches de la morue et du hareng 
sur les eétes de la Norvége. Paris, 

1885. 16ipi 487 1815.1 

Sur les brais et goudrons de 
France. Bull. Soc. Encour. Paris, 
1815, 14, 141-148. 1815.2 

Baden, Hans Tikjob. Nogle til Be- 
stemmelse af de fra danske Farvande 
kendte flyndere (Pleuronectide) Flora 
& Fauna, Aarborg f. Naturhist. 1903, 5, 
13-14. 1903.1 

Badenoch, L. VV. The movements 
of the mackerel. Knowledge, 1903, 26, 

136-138. 1903.1 
Badham, (Rev.) Charles David. 
Last of the Scombers. Fraser’s Mag., 
1853, 47, 257. 1853.1 
Pike, salmon, silurus, herring 

and company. Fraser’s Mag., 1853, 
48, 467. 1853.2 
Prose halieutics, or ancient and 
modern fish tattle. London, 1854. 
552 p., 12°: 1854.1 
Baehr, W. B. von. Ueber das von 
Eimer beschriebene Brustbein vom 

Karpfen (Cyprinus carpio) Zool. 
Jahrb. (Abth. Anat.), 1906, 22, 629- 
636. pl. 1906.1 
Baer, G. A. (On the capture of a 
large Manta, 5.25 m., on the coast of 
Peru, with remarks on the occurrence 
of this ray in the gulf of Panama. Dis- 
cussion by Prof. Vaillant) Bull. Mus. 
Hist. Nat. Paris, 1899, 6, 111-113. 

Baer, AK. E. von. Ueber den Seiten- 
canal des Stoérs. Arch. Anat. Physiol. 
(Meckel), 1826, 376-377. 1826.1 

Ueber Entwickelungsgeschichte 
der Thiere. Isis, 1829, 2, 206—216. — 
Also separate; K6énigsberg, 1829, and 
Leipzig, 1835. 1829.1 

Ueber die Entwickelungsweise 
der Schwimmblase der Fische. Noti- 
zen (Froriep), 1834, 39, 177-180. 


Beobachtung iiber die Entste- 
hung der Schwimmblase ohne Aus- 
fihrungsgang. Bull. Sci. Acad. St. 
Pétersb., 1836, 1, 15—-16.— Arch. 
Naturg. (Wiegmann), 1837, 1, 248. 
Sur la conformation de la vessie 

natatoire sans issue des poissons. L’In- 
stitut, 1836, 4, 410-411. 1836.2 

Untersuchungen iiber die Ent- 
wickelungsgeschichte der Fische, nebst 

einem Anhange iiber die Schwimm- 
blase. Arch. Anat. Physiol., 1835 
(1836), p. Ixxvi-elxii. 1836.3 

Ueber das Skelet der Nawaga, 
welches in emem grossen Theil seiner 
Linge hohle, Luftsicke aufnehmende 
Réaume enthalt. Bull. Acad. Sei. St. 

Pétersb., 1838, 3, 359-360. — Notizen 
(Froriep), 6, 170.—Isis, 1839, 648— 
649. 1838.1 

Bericht tiber einige ichthyolo- 
gische Nebenbeschaftigungen auf einer 
Reise an den Peipus. Bull. Phys. Math. 
Acad. St. Pétersb., 1851, 9, *359-362. 
— Mélanges Biolog., 1851, 1, 309-313. 

—— Materialien zu einer Geschichte 
des Fischfangs in Russland und den 
angrenzenden Meeren. Mélanges Bi- 
olog., 1853, 1, 568-652. 1853.1 

Ein Wort iiber einen blinden 
Fisch als Bildungs-Hemmung. Bull. 
Acad. St. Pétersb., 1862, 4, 215-220. 



Etwas tiber Fische und Fische- 
reien (aus dem Kalender fiir 1866 
besonders abgedruckt) St. Pétersb., 
1866. 8°. 1866.1 

Ueber zweckmissige Bewirth- 
schaftung privater Fischereien. Sitz- 
ber. Nat. Ges. Dorpat, 1871, 3, 263- 
270. 1871.1 

(Ueber das Vorkommen eines 
Seaphirhynchus in Turkestan) Sitzber. 
_ Nat. Ges. Dorpat, 1873 (1874), 3, 5. 
Heft, 386-387. 1874.1 

Baert, J.F.B. De vriji zeevisscherij. 
(Naar aanleiding van het verslag om- 
trent den staat der zeevisscherijen in 
1857, 1858 en 1859) De Economist, 
1860, 389-402. 1860.1 

Batke, H. Ueber das Flimmern des 
Kaltbliiterherzens. Arch. Ges. Phy- 
siol., Bonn, 1898, 71, 412-420. 1898.1 

Baglioni, Silvestro. Die Bedeutung 
des Harnstoffs bei den Selachiern. Cen- 
tralbl. Physiol., 1905, 19, 385-388. 


Ueber das Sauerstoffbediirniss 
des Zentralnervensystems bei Seetieren. 
Zeitschr. Allgem. Physiol., 1905, 5, 
415-434. 1905.2 

Die Bedeutung des Harnstoffes 
als chemische Lebensbedingung fiir das 
Selachierherz. Zeitschr. Allgem. Phy- 
siol., 1906, 6, 213-216. 1906.1 

Beitrage zur allgemeinen Phy- 
siologie des Herzens. Der Einfluss der 
chemischen Lebensbedingungen auf die 
Tatigkeit des Selachierherzens. Zeit- 
schr. Allgem. Physiol., 1906, 6, 71—98. 
2 pls. & fig. 1906.2 

Einige Daten zur Kenntnis der 
quantitativen Zusammensetzung ver- 
schiedener _ K6rperfliissigkeiten von 
Seetieren. Beitr. Chem. Physiol., 1906, 
9, 50-66. 1906.3 

Vergleichende chemische Un- 
tersuchungen an den Muskeln, den 
elektrischen Organen und dem Blut- 
serum von Torpedo ocellata. Beitr. 
Chem. Physiol., 1906, 8, 456-471. 


Zur Kenntnis des N-Stoffwech- 
sels der Fische. Zentralbl. Physiol., 
1906, 20, 105-108. 1906.5 

Der Atmungsmechanismus der 
Fische. Ein Beitrag zur vergleichenden 
Physiologie des Atemrhythmus. Zeit- 
schr. Allgem. Physiol., 1907, 7, 177— 
282. 6 pls. & 7 figs. 1907.1 


Aeussere Lebensbedingungen 
und Organe bei Fischen. Umschau, 
Frankfurt, 1908, 12, 606-609. 1908.1 

Il nesso tra le condizioni esterne 
e la forma e la funzione di aleuni organi 
nei pesci.— Note la. Meccanicare- 
spiratoria. Monit. Zool. Ital. Ann., 
1908, 19, 180-191. — Nota 2a. Vesica 
natatoria. Jbid., 1908, 19, 200-207. 
2 figs. 1908.2 

Zur Physiologie der Schwimm- 
blase der Fische. I. Zeitschr. Allgem. 
Physiol., 1908, 8, 1-80. 10 figs. — II. 
Ibid., 1910, 11, 145-149. 1908.3 

Ein Nervenmuskelpraparat von 

Rochen. Zeitschr. Biol. Techn. 
Method., 1909, 1, 374-376. fig. 


Zur Physiologie des Geruch- 

sinnes und des Tastsinnes der Seetiere. 
Zentralbl. Physiol., 1909, 22, 719-793. 
— Arch. Ital. Biol., 1909, 52, 225-230. 


Zur Kenntnis der Leistungen 
einiger Sinnesorgane (Gesichtsinn, Tast- 
sinn und Geruchsinn) und des Zentral- 
nervensystems der Cephalopoden und 
Fische. Zeitschr. Biol., 1910, 53, 255— 
286. 2 figs. 1910.1 

—— Zur vergleichenden Physiologie 
der Atembewegungen der Wirbeltiere. 
I. Fische. Ergebn. Physiol., Wiesba- 
den, 1910, 9, 90-137. 2 figs. 1910.2 

Bagnall, George. Piscatorial ram- 
bles; or, the fisherman’s pocket com- 

panion. London, 1865. 8°. 1865.1 
Baikie, William Balfour, Adams, 
Arthur, & Barron, Charles. See 

Adams, Baikie & Barron. 

Bail, Theodore. Wiirzere Mittheilun- 
gen. 3. Saprolegnien als Tédter von 
Fischen im Freien. Schriften Naturf. 
Ges. Danzig, 1869, n. s. 2, 11. 1869.1 

Bailey, Samuel H., & Ritter, W. L. 
See Ritter & Bailey. 
New facts re- 

Forest & 

Bailey, Washington. 
garding California salmon. 
Stream, 1880, 14, 206. 

Baillon, Lowis Francois Antoine. 
Catalogue des mammiféres, oiseaux, 
reptiles, poissons et mollusques testacés 
marins observés dans l’arrondissement 
d’Abbeville. Mém. Soc. d’Emul., Abbe- 
ville, 1833. 1833.1 



Bailly, HE. WM. Description des filets 
écheurs de la baudroie. Ann. Sci. 
Nat., 1824, 2, 523-533. pl. — Notizen 
(Froriep), 8, 166; 177-183. — Dublin 
Phil. Journ., 1, 94. 1824.1 

Recherches d’anatomie et de 
physiologie comparées du systeme ner- 
veux dans les quatre classes d’animaux 
vertébrés. Arch. Gén. Méd., 1824, 
4, 45-60. — Notizen (Froriep), 7, 133— 
134. 1824.2 

Baily, Whilliam) Hvtellier} On the 
occurrence of fish-remains in the Old 
Red Sandstone of Portishead, near 
Bristol. Geol. Mag., 1864, 1, 293.— 
Rept. Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 34, 49-50. 


Baird, G. W. Flight of flying fish. 
Science, 1886, 8, 10-12. 1886.1 

Baird, Spencer Fullerton [1823-1887] 
For biography, see his life by William 
Healey Dall, 1915, also sketch by 
George Brown Goode, prefixed to his 
uibbogrephy of 8. F. Baird, in Bull. 
U.S. Nat. Mus., no. 20, 1883. 

Outlines of general zoology . . . 
Fishes, by Spencer F. Baird . . . Re- 
printed from the Iconographic Ency- 
clopzedia of science, literature and art. 
New York, 1851. xxu, 502 p. 8°. 
Iconographic Encyclopedia of 
science, literature and art . . . Trans- 
lated from the German with additions 
and edited by Spencer F. Baird. 4 vols. 
of text. 8°. 2vols. of pls. 4°. New 
York, 1852. 1852.1 

Vol. ii contains the part relating to 2 ashes, 
entirely rewritten by Baird. 

Report on the fishes observed on 
the coasts of New Jersey and Long 
Island during the summer of 1854. 9. 
Ann. Rept. Smithson. Instit., 1854 
(1855), 317-3825; * 337. 1855.1 

List of fishes inhabiting the state 
of New York: sent to the’New York 
State Cabinet of Natural History by 
the Smithsonian Institution in May, 
1855. 9. Ann. Rept. of the Regents 
of the Univ. State of New York on 
the condition of the State Cabinet of 
Natural History, etc., 1856, 22-29. 


Catalogues of fishes, copied 
from a “ Report on the fishes observed 
on the coasts of New Jersey and Long 
Island during the summer of 1854.” 

From the ninth annual report of the 
Smithsonian Institution for 1854. Geol. 
County Cape May, State of New 
Jersey, 1857, 146-148. 1857.1 

{A description of the genus 
Ceratichthys} Proce. Acad. Nat. Sci. 
Philad., 1856 (1857), 212. 1857.2 

The basking shark — the 
‘“‘ great sea monster.’’ Amer. Agricul., 
1868, 27, 130. 1868.1 

. (editor) Annual 
Science and Industry. 8 vols. New 
York, 1871-78. 8°. 1871.1 

—— Artificial ice in packing fish. 
Ann. Ree. Sci., 1871-72, 355. 1871.2 

“__. Black base im hes upaeeeeee 
Ann. Ree. Sci., 1871-72, 264. 1871.3 

British Museum fishes. Ann. 
Ree. Sci., 1871-72, 206. 1871.4 

Notice of the lack of facilities for obtaining 

Capture of horse mackerel in 
Burger bay. Ann. Ree. Sei., 1871— 
, 2638. 1871.5 

— Catalogue of fishes in the Brit- 
ish Museum. Ann. Rec. Sei., 1871-72, 
206. 1871.6 

Alludes to the collection of fishes in the Mu- 
seum of Comparative Zoology, Cambridge, 
which is compared with that in the British 

Cause of death of fresh-water 
fish in salt water. Ann. Rec. Sci., 
1871-72, 265. 1871.7 

Cephalaspis in America. Ann. 
Ree. Sci., 1871-72, 248. 1871.8 

Notice of Covhaunee dawsoni Lankester, 
from the Devonian beds of Gaspé, Quebec. 

Cod-fisheries of Alaska. Ann. 
Rec. Sci., 1871-72, 259. 1871.9 

Commissioner of Fisheries. Ann. 
Ree. Sci., 1871-72, 605-606. 1871.10 

—— Confusion of names of fishes. 
Ann. Ree. Sci., 1871-72, 207. 1871.11 

Explanation of error in Land and Water 
by which “ horse-mackerel”’ and “‘ bluefish”’ are 

Development of the lamprey. 
Ann. Ree. Sci., 1871+72, 213. 1871.12 

Did Hendrik Hudson find sal- 
mon in the Hudson river? Ann. Rec. 
Sci., 1871-72, 264. 1871.13 

Fishes of Cuba. Ann. Ree. Sci., 

1871-72, 211. 1871.14 © 

Record oft 



— Fish-guano flour from Loffoden. 
Ann. Ree. Sci., 1871-72, 342-343. 


—— Fishing steamer. Ann. Rec. 
Sci., 1871-72, 606. 1871.16 
— Food for young trout. Ann. 
Ree. Sci., 1871-72, 217. 1871.17 

—— The food of the sea-herring. 
Ann. Ree. Sci., 1871-72, 208-210. 

Fossil fishes of Wyoming. Ann. 
Ree. Sci., 1871-72, 248. 1871.19 

Notice of recent investigations by E. D. 
Cope. > 

Fresh-water fishes of Algeria. 
Ann. Ree. Sci., 1871-72, 211. 1871.20 

Fungus growth on fish and 

their eggs. Ann. Rec. Sci., 1871-72, 
267. 1871.21 

Gourami fish. Ann. Rec. Sci., 
1871-72, 214. 1871.22 

Note on the facility with which this fish 
may be transported. 

Importance of killing freshly- 
captured fish. Ann. Ree. Sci., 1871-72, 

387. 1871.23 
Increase of salmon in the British 
provinces. Ann. Rec. Sci., 1871-72, 
260. 1871.24 
Killing fish with torpedoes in 
Florida. Ann. Ree. Sci., 1871-72, 267. 

Landlocked salmon. Ann. Rec. 

Sci., 1871-72, 216. 1871.26 

Living eyeless fish. Ann. Rec. 
Sci., 1871-72, 266. 1871.27 

— Liitken on ganoid fishes. Ann. 

Ree. Sci., 1871-72, 214. 1871.28 
A new Lophioid fish. Ann. 
Rec. Sci., 1871-72, 214. 1871.29 

Nutrition of young fish in 
hatching establishments. Ann. Rec. 
Sci., 1871-72, 350. 1871.30 

— Occurrence of the pompano 
(and Spanish mackerel) northward. 
Ann. Ree. Sci., 1871-72, 260. 1871.31 

— Peculiarities of salmon kelts. 
Ann. Ree. Sci., 1871-72, 215. 1871.32 

— Phosphorescence of dead fish. 
Ann. Ree. Sci., 1871-72, 211. 1871.33 

Preservation of dead salmon 
for an indefinite time. Ann. Rec. Sci., 
1871-72, 356. 1871.34 

Proper fish for stocking rivers. 
Ann. Ree. Sci., 1871-72, 265. 1871.35 

Relations of ganoids to plagio- 
Ann. Ree. Sci., 1871-72, 261— 

' 1871.36 

Report of the Connecticut fish 

commissioners. Review in Ann. Ree. 
Sci., 1871-72, 348. 1871.37 

Salmon-fishing in Loch Tay. 
Ann. Ree. Sci., 1871-72, 215. 1871.38 

Schools of young bluefish. Ann. 
Ree. Sci., 1871-72, 278. 1871.39 

—— Spawning of herring. Ann. Rec. 
Sci., 1871-72, 207. 1871.40 

Spawning of the goose fish 
(Lophius americanus) Amer. Natural- 
ist, 1871, 5, 785-786. 1871.41 

— Stocking waters of New York 


with fish. Ann. Rec. Sci., 1871-72, 
266. ; 1871.42 

— Tailless trout in Scotland. 
Ann. Ree. Sci., 1871-72, 217. 1871.43 

Tame codfish. Ann. Rec. Sci., 
1871-72, 212. 1871.44 

Teeth of the sturgeon. Ann. 
Ree. Sci., 1871-72, 213. 1871.45 

Theory of the salmon fly. Ann. 
Ree. Sci., 1871-72, 263. 1871.46 

Use of the pectoral fins of fish. 

Ann. Ree. Sci., 1871-72, 261. 1871.47 
Alleged gigantic pike. Ann. 
Ree. Scei., 1872-73, 301. 1872.1 

Another pelagic fish-nest. Ann. 
Ree. Sci., 1872-73, 260. 1872.2 

— Bluefish on the southern coast. 
Ann. Ree. Sci., 1872-73, 265. 1872.3 

Breeding salmon and trout in 
inclosures. Ann. Rec. Sci., 1872-73, 
415. 1872.4 

Change of color in fishes. Ann. 

Ree. Scei., 1872-73, 319. 1872.5 
Chinese Cyprinide. Ann. Rec. 
Sci., 1872-73, 262. 1872.6 

Comparison of American and 
French fisheries. Ann. Ree. Sci., 1872— 
73, 398. 1872.7 


Baird, S. F. 

Cope on the fossil fish of the 
Kansas Cretaceous. Ann. Rec. Sci., 
1872-73, 258. 1872.8 


Death of an aged carp. 
Ree. Sci., 1872-73, 262. 

—_— Fish-culturists’ association at 
Albany. Ann. Ree. Sci., 1872-73, 400. 
: 1872.10 
Fisheries o: the gulf of Naples. 
Ann. Ree. Sci., 1872-73, 399. 1872.11 

Fishery exposition at Rr 
k Sweden} Ann. Ree. Sci., 1872- 
73, 400. 1872.12 

Fossil fishes and insects from 
the Nevada shales. Ann. Ree. Sci., 
1872-73, 308. 1872.13 
French fish-breeding establish- 

Ann. Ree. Sci., 1872-73, 399. 

French fisheries for 1870. Ann. 


Ree. Sci., 1872-73, 397. 1872.15 
Generation of eels. Ann. Rec. 

Sci., 1872-73, 299. 
Genesis of Hippocampus. Ann, 
Ree. Sci., 1872-73, 261. 1872.17 

——— Monster cod. Ann. Ree. Sci., 
1872-73, 264. 1872.18 

Nature of the blue coloring 
matter in fishes. Ann. Rec. Sci., 1872— 

Fs, RU 1872.19 
—— Nest-building fish. Ann. Ree. 
Sci., 1872-73, 259. 1872.20 

On the decrease of fish on the 
southern coast of New England. Bull. 
Phil. Soc. Wash., 1872, 1, 52. — Rept. 
U. S. Fish Comm. 1871-72 (1873), 
xvil-xl. 1872.21 

——— Planting shad in the valley of 
the Mississippi and the Lakes. Ann. 
Ree. Sci., 1872-73, 410. 1872.22 

Reports of the United States 
Fish Commissioner for 1872-88. See 
United States Commission of Fish and 
Fisheries, under the respective dates 
of publication of the Reports. 

Ann. Rec. 

—— Respiration in fish. 

Sei., 1872-73, 261. 

Stones in the stomachs of cod- 

Ann. Ree. Sci., 1872-73, 264. 



— Teeth in young sturgeons. Ann. 
Rec. Sci., 1872-73, 264. 1872.25 

Venomous fish in the Mauritius. 
Ann. Rec. Sci., 1872-73, 263. 1872.26 

Absence of fish above the Yose- 
mite Falls (and in the headwaters of 
the Hudson) Ann. Ree. Sci., 1873-75, 
305. 1873.1 

Alleged occurrence of shad in 
the Mississippi. Ann. Ree. Sei., 1873- 
75, 448. 1873.2 

Alleged shower of fish-scales. 
Ann. Ree. Sci., 1873-75, 350. 1873.3 

Arrival of salmon eggs in New 
Zealand. Ann. Ree. Sci., 1873-75, 
462. 1873.4 

A bill to regulate the use of 
stationary apparatus in the capture of 
fish. Fol., bill form, 1873, 1-6. 1873.5 

Blood corpuscles of the Sal- 
monide. Ann. Rec. Sci., 1873-75, 299. 

— Cultivation of fish in ditches 
and ponds. Ann. Rec. Sci., 1873-75, 

443. 1873.7 
Culture of sea-fish in fresh 
water. Ann. Ree. Sci., 1873-75, 435. 

Curious fish. Ann. Ree. Sci., 

1873-75, 342. 1873.9 

Description of apparatus used 
in capturing fish on the sea-coast and 
lakes of the United States. Rept. U.S. 
Fish Comm. 1871-72 (1873), 253-274. 

maps. 1873.10 
Fish guano. Ann. Ree. Sci., 
1873-75, 387. 1873.11 

The fish of the Caspian sea. 
Ann. Ree. Sci., 1873-75, 459. 1873.12 

—— Food of the basking shark. 
Ann. Ree. Sci., 1873-75, 328. 1873.13 

The fresh-water fisheries of 
India. Ann. Rec. Sci., 1873-75, 465. 

Geographical distribution of per- 
coid fishes. Ann. Ree. Sei., 1873-75, 

291. 1873.15 
Gloucester halibut fishery. 
Ann. Ree. Sci., 1873-75, 460. 1873.16 
Habits of the black bass. Ann. 
Ree. Sci., 1873-75, 322. 1873.17 


—— Hybrids of salmon and trout. 
Ann. Rec. Sci., 1873-75, 442. 1873.18 

—— Increase in the growth of trout. 
Ann. Ree. Sci., 1873-75, 448. 1873.19 

Influence of external pressure in 
the life of fishes. Ann. Rec. Sci., 1873- 
75, 467. 1873.20 

—— A large fish |Promocrops guasa, 
from Florida} Ann. Ree. Sei., 1873- 
Tools. 1873.21 

List of fishes collected at Wood’s 
Rept. U. 8. Fish Comm. 1871— 

72 (1873), 1, 823-827. S 

List of patents granted by the 
United States to the end of 1872, for 
inventions connected with the capture, 
utilization or cultivation of fishes and 

marine invertebrates. Rept. U. S. 
Fish Comm. 1871-72 (1873), 1, 275- 
280. 1873.23 

—— Marked salmon on the Ameri- 
can coast. Ann. Ree. Sei., 1873-75, 
444. 1873.24 

—— Memoranda of inquiry relative 
to the food-fishes of the United States. 
Rept. U. S. Fish Comm. 1871-72 
pe7a): 1. 1-3. 1873.25 

Natural history of some of the 
more important foodfishes of the south 
shore of New England. I. The scup, 
Stenotomus argyrops (Linn.) Gill. II. 
The _ blue-fish, Pomatomus _ saltatrix 
(Linn.) Gill. Rept. U. 8. Fish Comm. 
1871-72 (1873), 1, 228-252. 1873.26 

Naturalization of trout in New 
Zealand. Ann. Ree. Sci., 1873-75, 
447. 1873.27 

The New England fisheries. 
American Sportsman, 1873, 3, 23. 

New Scaphirhynchus in Tur- 
Ann. Ree. Sci., 1873-75, 336. 

Notices in regard to the abund- 
ance of fish on the New England coast 
in former times. Rept. U. 8. Fish 
Comm. 1871-72 (1873), 1, 148-172. 


—— Planting California salmon at 
Fort Edward. Forest & Stream, 1873, 
298. 1873.31 

Prices of American fish-eggs and 
fry in England. Ann. Ree. Sci., 1873- 
75, 459. 1873.32 



Questions relative to the food- 
fishes of the United States. Rept. U.S. 
Fish Comm. 1871-72 (1873), 1, 3-6. 


Reproduction of the eel. Ann. 
Rec. Sci., 1873-75, 306. 1873.34 

Respiration in fishes at dif- 
ferent ages. Ann. Rec. Sci., 1873-75, 
304. 1873.35 

= Salmon in the Hudson. Forest 
«& Stream, 1873, 233. 1873.36 

Shad in California waters. 
Ann. Rec. Sei., 1873-75, 449. 1873.37 

—— Shad in the Alleghany river. 
Ann. Ree. Sci., 1873-75, 462. 1873.38 

Shad in the Altamaha river. 
Ann. Ree. Sci., 1873-75, 450. 1873.39 

Shad in the Sacramento river. 
Ann. Ree. Sci., 1873-75, 449. 1873.40 

_—— Signal telegraphy and the her- 
ring-fishery. Ann. Rec. Sci., 1873-75, 
18: 1873.41 

Statistics of fish and fisheries on 
the south shore of New England. Rept. 
U. 8. Fish Comm. 1871-72 (1873), 1, 
172-181. 1873.42 

Statistics of fish and fisheries on 
the south shore of New England. Rept. 
U. 8. Fish Comm. 1871-72 (1873), 1, 
173-181. 1873.43 

Supplementary testimony and 
information relative to the condition 
of the fisheries of the south side of New 
England, taken in 1872. Rept. U. S. 
Fish Comm. 1871-72 (1873), 1, 182— 

195. 1873.44 

—— Taking California salmon with 
the hook. Ann. Ree. Sci., 1873-75, 
464. 1873.45 

—— Testimony in regard to the pres- 
ent condition of the fisheries, taken in 

1871. Rept. U. 8. Fish Comm. 1871- 
72 (1873), 1, 7-72. 1873.46 
—— Transporting salmon eggs to 

Ann. Ree. Sci., 1873— 


New Zealand. 
Gy, 2G 

— Trade in frozen herring. 
Rec. Sei., 1873-75, 432. 

— Treatment of fish-ponds. Ann. 
Ree. Sci., 1873-75, 452. 1873.49 

United States Commission of 
Fish and Fisheries. Part I. Report on 



Baird, S. F. 

the condition of the sea fisheries of the 
south coast of New England in 1871 
and 1872. Washington, 1873.  xlvii, 
852 p. pls. & charts. 1873.50 

Report of the commissioner, p. vii—xli. 

— Alaska cod-fisheries in 1873. 
Ann. Rec. Sci., 1874-75, 424. 1874.1 

The basking shark. Ann. Rec. 
Sci., 1874-75, 351. 1874.2 

Bibliography. Ann. Ree. Sci., 
1874-75, 617-632. 1874.3 

The blue-black trout. Forest 
& Stream, 1874, 3, 277. 1874.4 

Destruction of fish on the 
Oregon coast by nitro-glycerine. Ann. 
Rec. Sci., 1874-75, 428. 1874.5 

Fish-culture in Castalia Springs 
{Ohio} Ann. Ree. Sci., 1874-75, 425. 

Food-fishes of the United States. 
Forest & Stream, 1874, 1, 330. 1874.7 

Food of the shad. Ann. Ree. 
Sci., 1874-75, 310. 1874.8 

The French fisheries. Ann. 
Rec. Sci., 1874-75, 422. 1874.9 

—— The garfish. Forest & Stream, 
1874, 1, 375. 1874.10 

Introduction of British fish into 
India. Ann. Ree. Sci., 1874-75, 426. 

— Introduction of California sal- 
mon into Australia. Forest & Stream, 
1874, 2, 229. 1874.12 

The introduction of young sal- 
mon into New York waters. Forest & 
Stream, 1874, 1, 347. 1874.13 

—— Malformation of fish embryos. 
Ann. Rec. Sci., 1874-75, 294. 1874.14 

—— Marine fisheries of Maine in 
1873. Ann. Ree. Sci., 1874-75, 420. 

Mr. Balfour on the embryology 

of sharks. Ann. Rec. Sci., 1874~—75, 
cliv. 1874.16 

The “ Nerfling” fish. Ann. 
Rec. Sci., 1874-75, 311. 1874.17 

Opinion as to the probable cause 
of the rapid diminution of the supply 
of food-fishes on the coast of New 
England, and especially of Maine. 

Rept. Comm. Inland Fisheries Mass., 
1874, 42-45. 1874.18 

Pisciculture and the fisheries. 
Forest & Stream, 1874, 2, 52. 1874.19 

The seal and herring fisheries of 
Newfoundland. Ann. Ree. Sci., 1874— 
75, 424. 1874.20 

—— Shad in the gulf of Mexico. 
Ann. Ree. Sci., 1874-75, 338. 1874.21 

Spinal column of the sturgeon 
as an article of food. Ann. Ree. Sei., 
1874-75, 447. 1874.22 

Sterlet from St. Petersburg at 
the Brighton aquarium. Ann. Ree. 
Sci., 1874-75, 428. 1874.23 

Stocking a pond in Utah with 

eels. Ann. Rec. Sci., 1874-75, 428. 
—— The tarpum. Forest & Stream, 
1874, 2, 389. 1874.25 

Transporting living trout. Ann. 
Ree. Sci., 1874-75, 427. 1874.26 

United States Commission of 
Fish and Fisheries. Part Il. Report of 
the Commissioner for 1872 and 1873. 
A. Inquiry into the decrease of the 
food-fishes. B. The propagation of 
food-fishes in the waters of the United 
States. Washington, 1874. cii, 808 p. 
pls. & maps. 8°. 1874.27 

Report of the commissioner, p. i—-xcii. 

— Conclusions as to decrease of 
cod-fisheries on the New England 
coast. Rept. Comm. Inland Fisheries 
Mass., 1875, 38-41. 1875.1 

Discoveries in the biological his- 
tory of fishes. Ann. Rec. Sci., 1875-76, 
Cxeviil. 1875.2 

Distribution of trout eggs from 
Tasmania to the neighboring colonies. 
Ann. Ree. Sci., 1875-76, 420. 1875.3 

Effect of polluted water on 
fishes. Ann. Ree. Sci., 1875-76, 416. 

Experiments with young Maine 
salmon. Ann. Ree. Sci., Sa pe? 

Failure in introducing salmon 
and trout. Ann. Rec. Sci., 1875-76, 
439. 1875.6 

Fish at great depths. Ann. Ree. 
Sci., 1875-76, 425. 1875.7 


Fish-culture in China. Ann. 
Ree. Sci., 1875-76, 427. 1875.8 

Fish-culture in Kentucky. For- 
est & Stream, 1875, 5, 248. 1875.9 

Fisheries of the arctic regions. 
Ann. Rec. Sci., 1875-76, 489. 1875.10 

Food for trout. Ann. Ree. Sci., 
1875-76, 433. 1875.11 

Fossil Lepidosteus. Ann. Rec. 
Sci., 1875-76, 347. 1875.12 

Further contribution to the 
minute anatomy of the Tzenize, which 
prey on fish. Ann. Ree. Sci., 1875-76, 
xcil. 1875.13 

Further observation on the Cer- 
carize in the intestines of fish. Ann. 
Ree. Sci., 1875-76, xcvii. 1875.14 

Grayling in the Au Sable river, 

Michigan. Ann. Rec. Sci., 1875-76, 
344. 1875.15 
— Habits of eels. Ann. Ree. Sci., 
1875-76, 346. 1875.16 
— Hybrid fish. Ann. Rec. Sci., 
1875-76, 418. 1875.17 

— Illumination for attracting fish. 
Ann. Ree. Sci., 1875-76, 428. 1875.18 

Importation of the gourami 
into Paris. Ann. Ree. Sci., 1875-76, 
420. 1875.19 

Increase of English fishes in 
Tasmania. Ann. Rec. Sci., 1875-76, 
419. 1875.20 

— Largest pike ever taken in Eng- 
land. Ann. Ree. Sci., 1875-76, 346. 

of congers, ete. Ann. Rec. Sci., 1875-76, 
348. ‘1875.22 

— letter in reference to resolu- 
tion of the legislature of Oregon as to 
the protection of salmon in the Colum- 
bia river, 1875. U. 8S. 43. Congress, 
2. Session, Senate misc. does. 33 and 
192 pe 8° 1875.23 

Married salmon. Ann. Ree. 
Sci., 1875-76, 432. 1875.24 

Mr. C. G. Atkins’s experiments 
on the artificial hatching of the smelt. 
Ann. Rec. Sci., 1875-76, 421. 1875.25 

Physical condition of the her- 
ring-fishery. Ann. Rec. Sci., 1875-76, 
433. 1875.26 

Leptocephali are larval forms. 

Pisciculture and the fisheries 
(A general summary of progress) Ann. 
Ree. Sci., 1875-76, ex; exviii; ecxxiv— 
CCXXIX. 1875.27 

Productive season of the cod on 
the Faroe Islands. Ann. Ree. Sci., 
1875-76, 347. 1875.28 

: Prof. Baird’s report. Compar- 
ative value of anadromus and other 
fishes. Forest & Stream, 1875, 3, 356. 

: Protection of salmon. Forest 
& Stream, 1875, 5, 166. 1875.30 

Report of the occurrence of 
large codfish off Mazatlan. Ann. Rec. 
Sci., 1875-76, 344. 1875.31 

Salmon in the Sacramento 
river. Ann. Rec. Sci., 1875-76, 432. 

—— Salmon in the San Joaquin. 
Ann. Rec. Sci., 1875-76, 430. 1875.33 

Seth Green’s artificial hatching 
of sturgeon. Ann. Rec. Sci., 1875-76, 
422. 1875.34 

— Softness of bones in old congers. 
Ann. Ree. Sci., 1875-76, 347. 1875.35 

Stocking the rivers on the west 
side of Lake Champlain by the United 
States Fish Commission. Ann. Rec. 
Sci., 1875-76, 419. 1875.36 

Uebersetzung von dem Bericht 
von Prof. Baird tiber Abnahme essbarer 
Seefische an der Neuenglandkiiste. 
Circul. Deutsch. Fischerei-Zeitg., 1874 
(1875), 1. Jahrg., 193-198. 1875.37 

United States salmon-hatching 
establishment. Ann. Rec. Sci., 1875-76, 
434. 1875.38 

Capture of salmon in the Con- 
necticut river. Ann. Rec. Sci., 1876— 
77, 409. 1876.1 

—— Capturing eels in Cochin China. 
Ann. Rec. Sci., 1876-77, 403. 1876.2 

Cause of the black spots on the 
seales of fish. Ann. Rec. Sci., 1876-77, 
320: 1876.3 

A characteristic type of fishes 
of the northern Atlantic exemplified 
in the species variously called “Sea 
Wolf,”’ ete. Ann. Ree. Sci., 1876-77, 
elxvil. 1876.4 

Connecticut river shad for Cali- 
fornia. Forest & Stream, 1876, 7, 66. 

Baird, S. F. Salmon in the antipodes. Ann. 
Connection of sed aa and Ree. Sei., 1876-77, 408. 1876.25 

herring-fisheries. Ann. Ree. Sci., 1876— 2 : 3: 
77. 3Ry, ami eons "1876.6 ——— Shad in the Mississippi. Ann. 
/ Ree. Sci., 1876-77, 406. 1876.26 

Cultivation of carp in Cali- 
Ann. Ree. Sci., 1876-77, 403. 


Curious habits of fishes. 
Ree. Sci., 1876-77, 324. 

Fish afflicted by crustaceous 
parasites, called Argulus, which adhere 
to their gills. Ann. Rec. Sci., 1876-77, 

elx. 1876.9 
Habits of the salmon. Ann. 
Ree. Sei., 1876-77, 320. 1876.10 

Hatching whitefish in the De- 
troit river. Ann. Rec. Sci., 1876-77, 

403. 1876.11 
Incubation of Chromis pater- 
familias. Ann. Ree. Sci., 1876-77, 322. 


A new form of fishes discovered 
by Herr Bucholz in west Africa. Ann. 
Rec. Sci., 1876-77, elxvii. 1876.13 

New work on European fresh- 
water fishes. Ann. Rec. Sei., 1876-77, 
319. 1876.14 

— One cause of the death of fishes. 
Ann. Ree. Sci., 1876-77, 405. 1876.15 

—— The pilot fish. Ann. Rec. Sci., 

1876-77, 319. 1876.16 
Poey’s catalogue of Cuban 

fishes. Ann. Rec. Sei., 1876-77, 320. 


Potomac -river fisheries. 

Ree. Sci., 1876-77, 388. 1876.18 
—— Rafinesque’s fishes of Ohio. 
Ann. Rec. Sci., 1876-77, 318. 1876.19 
The rainbow fish. Ann. Ree. 

Sci., 1876-77, 321. 1876.20 

Rapidity of growth in certain 

fishes. Ann. Ree. Sci., 1876-77, 405. 
Remarkable structure of young 

fishes. Ann. Rec. Sci., 1876-77, 323. 


Renewed attempt to send sal- 
mon eggs to New Zealand. Ann. Rec. 
Sei., 1876-77, 407. 1876.23 

— Salmon eggs in South Africa. 
Ann. Ree. Sci., 1876-77, 408. 1876.24 

Some curious Australian fishes. 
Ann. Rec. Sci., 1876-77, 319. 1876.27 

The U. 8. Fish Commission. 
Forest & Stream, 1876, 6, 147. 1876.28 

United States Commission of 
Fish and Fisheries. Part III. Report 
of the commissioner for 1873-74 and 
1874-75. Washington, 1876. liii, 777 
Rit ter 1876.29 

Report of the commissioner, p. vii-xlv. 

— Utilization of warmed waters in 
fish-culture. Ann. Rec. Sei., 1876-77, 
406. 1876.30 

Genuine white shad in the Ohio. 
Forest & Stream, 1877, 8, 280. 1877.1 

A new fish (Chimera plumbea\ 

Forest & Stream, 1877, 9, 381. 1877.2 
Salmon in the Chesapeake. 

Forest & Stream, 1877, 8, 296. 1877.3 
Salmon in the Hudson. Forest 

& Stream, 1877, 10, 154. 1877.4 
— Salmon in the Richelieu. For- 
est & Stream, 1877, 9, 143. 1877.5 

Statistics of coast and river 
fisheries. U. S. Fish Comm. Circ. 
no. 19. Washington, 1877. 1877.6 

— Statistics of the cod fisheries. 
U.S. Fish Comm. Cire: no. 17. Wash- 
ington, 1877. 1877.7 

Statistics of the mackerel fish- 
eries, etc. U.S. Fish Comm. Cire. no. 
16. Washington, 1877. 1877.8 

Statistics of the mullet fish- 
eries, etc. U.S. Fish Comm. Cire. 
no. 18. Washington, 1877. 1877.9 

All about eels. Forest & 
Stream, 1878, 11, 130-131. 1878.1 

The Delaware salmon. Chicago 
Field, 1878, 9, 165; 10, 243. 1878.2 

The fishery statistics of the 
United States. Trans. Amer. Fish- 
Cult. Assoc., 1878, 72-74. 1878.3 

The herring fishery of the coast 
of Sweden. Cape Ann Advertiser, Aug. 
9, 1878. 1878.4 


The periodicity of herrings. 

Chicago Field, 1878, 10, 35. 1878.5 

Propagation of eels. Sunbury 
(Pa.) American, Aug. 30 or Sept. 6, 
1878. 1878.6 

United States Commission of 
Fish and Fisheries. Part IV. Report 
of the commissioner for 1875-76. 
Washington, 1878. ix, 1029p. 1878.7 

Report of the commissioner, p. 1*—50*. 

Another new fish on our coast. 
Chicago Field, 1879, 11, 117. 1879.1 

Circular relating to fish trade 

and consumption of fish. Chicago 
Field, 1879, 12, 35. 1879.2 
—— The farmer’s fish [carp] Forest 

& Stream, 1879, 13, 846. 1879.3 
—— Fishes of the deep sea. For- 
est & Stream, 1879, 12, 6. 1879.4 
The Hudson salmon. Forest & 
Stream, 1879, 12, 444. 1879.5 
Is it herring spawn? Forest & 
Stream, 1879, 12, 5. 1879.6 

{A letter concerning California 
salmon in Europe) Chicago Field, 
1879, 11, 131. 1879.7 

The national fish commission. 
Forest & Stream, 1879, 18, 725. 1879.8 

Transportation of alewife eggs. 
Forest & Stream, 1879, 12, 225. 1879.9 

United States 

Commission of 

Fish and Fisheries. Part V. Report of 
the commissioner for 1877. Washing- 
ton, 1879. xlvili, 981 p. 8°. 1879.10 

Report of the commissioner, p. 1*-48*. 

- California salmon-eggs. Forest 

& Stream, 1880, 15, 107. 1880.1 
Destruction of fish. Chicago 

Field, 1880, 14, 256. 1880.2 
Eggs for distribution. Forest 
& Stream, 1880, 15, 366. 1880.5 

— A good fish for barren waters 

tearp]) Chicago Field, 1880, 12, 323, 
324. 1880.4 

Salmon eggs. Chicago Field, 
1880, 14, 284. 1880.5 

Striped bass and shad in Cali- 
Forest & Stream, 1880, 14, 



Ueber Anlegung von Fisch- 
piissen. Bayerische Fischerei-Zeitg., 
1880, 5, 4-6; 25-26. 1880.7 

United States Commission of 

Fish and Fisheries. Part VI. Report 
of the commissioner for 1878. Wash- 
ington, 1880. lxiv, 988 p. 16 pls. 


Report of the commissioner, p. 1-Ixiv. 

United States Commission of 
Fish and Fisheries. Part VII. Re- 
port of the commissioner for 1879. 
Washington, 1882. li, 846 p. 8°. _ pls. 

Report of the commissioner, p. i-li. 

United States Commission of 
Fish and Fisheries. Report of the 
commissioner for 1880. Washington, 
1883. xlvi, 1060 p. 8°. 1883.1 

Report of the commissioner, p. i-xlvi. 

United States Commission of 
Fish and Fisheries. Part IX. Report 
of the commissioner for 1881. Wash- 
ington, 1884. Ixxi, 1146 p. 8°. 1884.1 

Report of the commissioner, p. i-Ixxi. 

United States 
Fish and Fisheries. 
commissioner for 1882. Washington, 
1884. xcii, 1101 p. 8°. 1884.2 

Report of the commissioner, p. 1-xcil. 

Commission of 
Report of the 

Baird, Spencer Fullerton, & Agassiz, 
Louis. See Agassiz & Baird. 

Baird, Spencer F., & Girard, Charles. 
Description of new species of fishes 
collected by Captains R. B. Marey and 
Geo. B. McClellan in Arkansas. Proc. 
Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad., 1853 (1854), 
390-392. 1853.1 

Exploration of the Red river 
of Louisiana, in the year 1852 by Ran- 
dolph B. Marcy, assisted by George B. 
McClellan. Washington, 1853. (In 
U. S. Congress. Senate. 32. Cong. 
2. sess. Ex. (Doc.) no. 54) 1853.2 

Fishes, by S. F. Baird and C. Girard. Ap- 
pendix F, p. 245-252. pls. xii-xiv. 

Report of an expedition down 
the Zuni and Colorado rivers by Cap- 
tain L. Sitgreaves. Washington, 1853. 
(In U. S. Congress. Senate. 33. 
Cong. 1. sess. Ex. {Doc.}) 1853.3 

Fishes, p. 148-152. 3 pls. 

Descriptions of new species of 
fishes collected by Mr. John H. Clark 
on the U. S. and Mexican Boundary 
Survey, under Lt.-Col. Jas. D. Graham. ; 


Baird & Girard. 

Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad., 1853 
(1854), 387-390. 1854.1 
(Cyprinids of Heerman’s col- 
Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad., 

1854 (1855), 135-138. 

Descriptions of new species of 
fishes collected in Texas, New Mexico 
and Sonora, by Mr. John H. Clark, on 
the U. 8. and Mexican Boundary Sur- 
vey, and in Texas by Capt. Stewart 
Van Vliet, U.S. A. Proc. Acad. Nat. 
Sci. Philad., 1854 (1855), 24-29. 1855.2 

Notice of a new genus of Cyprin- 

ide (Cochlognathus} Proce. Acad. 
Nat. Sci. Philad., 1854 (1855), 158. 

Die Siisswasser-Fische Califor- 
niens und Oregons. Abstract in Lotos, 
1861, 11, 55-56. 1861.1 

Baird, Spencer F., & Henry, Joseph. 
See Henry & Baird. 

Baird, Spencer F., & McDonald, 
Marshall. Echelle McDonald pour la 
remonte des poissons migrateurs; lettre 
adressée 4 M. C. Raveret-Wattel. 
Bull. Soc. Acclim. Paris, 1882, 3. sér. 
9, 453. 1882.1 

Baird, W. Notes on the food of 
some fresh-water fishes, more partic- 
ularly the vendace and trout. Edinb. 
New Philos. Journ., 1857, 6, 17-24. 


Note on the Lernawa cyclopte- 
rina occurring in the gills of the Cyclo- 
perinus spinosus, a fish from Green- 
land. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1861, 
239-240.— Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 
1861, 3. ser. 8, 496. 1861.1 

Bajon, (Dr.) Mémoire sur un 
poisson 4 commotion électrique connu 
a Cayenne sous les nom d’anguille trem- 
blante. Journ. Phys. (Rozier), 1774, 
3, 47-58. 1774.1 

Mémoires pour servir 4 Vhis- 
toire de Cayenne et de la Guiane Fran- 
goise, dans lesquels on fait connoitre la 
nature du climat ... des _ observa- 
tions sur l’histoire naturelle du pays, 

& sur la culture des terres. 2 vols. 
Paris, 1777-78. 8°. CA 
_ Poissons, vol. li, 287-326.— German vyer- 

ROE Erfurt, 1780. 

Descrizione d’ un pesce che da la 
scossa electricca, conosciuto a Cayenne 
sotto nome d’ Anguilla tremante. Opusc. 
Scelt. Sci. Arte, 1779, 1, 69-95. 1779.1 



Baker, A. F. Do fishes hear? 
Proc. Dublin Univ. Biol. Assoc., 1876, 
1, 33-38. 1876.1 

Baker, Frank Collins. The ecology 
of the Skokie Marsh Area, with special 
reference to the mollusca. Bull. Ili- 

nois State Lab. Nat. Hist., 1910, 8, 
441-499. 19 pls. 1910.1 
Baker, S. White. The Albert 

N’Yanza, great basin of the Nile, and 
explorations of the Nile sources. 2 
vols. London, 1866. 8°. 1866.1 

Fishes, i, p. 40; 290; 361; ii, p. 97; 130-132. 

Baker, William. Large sturgeons 
in the Usk. Zoologist, 1847, 5, ee : 

Boar-fish at Bridgewater. Zool- 
ogist, 1850, 8, 2856. 1850.1 

Bakhuizen van den Brink, R. C. 
Piscatio, pécherie, visscherij: de ware 
beteekenis dezer woorden gehendhaafd 
tegen Prof. M. de Vries. ’s Gravenhage, 
18582" 8": 1858.1 

Bakker, Gerbrandi. Osteographia 
piscilum; Gadi presertim glefini, 
comparati cum Lampride guttato, specie 
rariori. Groninge, 1822. 246 p. pls. 
Review in N. Act. Nat. Cur., 2, 67. — 
Isis (Oken), 22, 102-104. 1822.1 

Bakker, Nelly C. Analyse des 
Elektrokardiogramms auf Grund von 
am <Aalherzen ausgefiihrten Unter- 

suchungen. Zeitschr. Biol., 1912, 59, 
335-365. 40 figs. 1912.1 
Analyse des  Elektrokardio- 

gramms des Aales (Anguilla vulgaris) 
Zentralbl. Physiol., 1912, 26, 784-787. 
6 figs. 1912.2 

Balaguer y Primo, D. Francesco. 
Gria de los peces. Madrid, 1878. 8°. 
(In Libros de Cuesta) 1878.1 

Balbiani, Edouard Gerard [1822-99] 
For biography and list of works, see 
Bibliogr. Anat., 1899, 7, 151-152. — 
Nature, 60, 399. — Bull. Soc. Ent. Paris, 
265-266. — Arch. Anat. Micr., 1900, 3, 

—— Sur la cellule embryogéne de 
l’ceuf des poissons osseux. C. R. Acad. 
Sci. Paris, 1873, 77, 1373-1377. 1873.1 

Legons sur la génération des 

vertébrés. Paris, 1879. 1879.1 
Les poissons vivipares. Rev. 
Scient., 1886, 37, 732. 1886.1 


Baldaque da Silva, A. A. Estado 
actual das pescas em Portugal... 
Lisboa, 1891. 515 p. col. pls., figs. & 
map. 8°. 1891.1 

Baldinger, H. G. Sur l’Age d’un 
brochet. N. Med. Physik. Journ. 
Marburg (18022), 5, pt. 1,29. 1802.1 

Baldner, Leonhard. Das Vogel-, 
Fisch- und Thierbuch; herausgegeben 
von Lauterborn. Ludwigshafen, 1903. 
8°.— See also Nat. Wochenschr., 1901, 

16, 432-437. 1903.1 
Baldwin, Astley H. Concerning 
flat-fish. Once a Week, 1863, 9, 38-41. 

— Flat-fishes. Chambers’s Journ., 
1879, 56, 76-78. 1879.1 

Baldwin, Charles H. Notes on the 
fish and fisheries of Japan. Bull. 
U.S. Fish Comm. 1884, 4, 352. 1884.1 

Balfour, Francis Maitland. A pre- 
liminary account of the development of 
the elasmobranch fishes. Quart. Journ. 
Micr. Sci., 1874, n. s. 14, 323-364. pls. 
xili-xiv. 1874.1 

A comparison of the early 
stages in the development of verte- 
brates. Quart. Journ. Micr. Sci., 
1875, n. s. 15, 207-226. 1875.1 

——On the development of the 
spinal nerves in elasmobranch fishes. 
Abstract in Proc. Roy. Soc. London, 
1875, 24, . 135-136. — Philos. Trans. 
Roy. Soc. London, 1876, 166, 175-196. 
pls. xvi-xviil. Summary in Month. 
Micr. Journ. London, 15, 235. — Arch. 
Zool. Expér. Paris, 1877, 6, xxvi- 
XXVlil. 1875.2 

On the development of elasmo- 
branch fishes. Journ. Anat. Physiol., 
1876, 10, 377-411. pls. xv, xvi; 517- 
570. pls.; 672-688. pl.; 1887, 11, 
128-172. pls.; 406-490. pls.; 674- 
706. pls.; 1878, 12, 177-216. pls. 


On the origin and history of the 
urino-genital organs of vertebrates. 
Journ. Anat. Physiol., 1876, 10, 17— 
48. 8 figs. 1876.2 

On the spinal nerves of Am- 
phioxus. Journ. Anat. Physiol., 1876, 
10, 689-692. — Collected Pap. Phy- 
siol. Lab. Univ. College, London, 
1873, no. 3, 3841. — Quart. Journ. 
Mier. Sci., 1880, n. s. 20, 90-91. 1876.3 


——On the development of the 
proto-vertebre in elasmobranchs. 
Rept. Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 1877, 46, 
147. 1877.1 

A monograph onthe develop- 
ment of elasmobranch fishes. London, 
{37S x, 295' p. =20plsi S% 1878.1 

A aaseical work, reprinted from a series of 

papers pubhehed in Journ. Anat. Physiol., 

On the origin and history of the 
urino-genital organs of vertebrates. 
Journ. Anat. Physiol., 1878, 10. 17-48. 

On the structure and develop- 

ment of the vertebrate ovary. Quart. 
Journ. Micr. Sci., 1878, n. s. 18, 383- 
438. pls. xvii—-xix. 1878.3 

Observations on the ovary of elasmobranchs, 
p. 384-415. 

A treatise on comparative em- 
bryology. 2 vols. London, 1880-81. 

Chordata, ii, p. 443-446. Special bibliogra- 
phies are given at the end of each volume. 

On the development of the 
skeleton of the paired fins of Elasmo- 
branchii, considered in relation to its 
bearings on the nature of the limbs of the 
vertebrata. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 
1881, pt. 3, 656-671. pls. Ivi-lvii & 
figs. — Stud. Morph. Lab. Cambridge, 
1, 51-68. 2 pls. 1881.1 

On the nature of the organ in 
adult teleosteans and ganoids, which 
is usually regarded as the head-kidney 

or pronephros. Quart. Journ. Micr. 
Ser, 1882, n. s. 30, 12-16. — Biol. 
Centralbl., 1881-82, 1, 459-461. — 


The author shows that the pronephros is a 
purely larval organ, and never constitutes an 
active part in the excretory system of the adult. 

— Works, edited by M.. Foster 
and A. Sedgwick. 4 vols. London, 
1885. 8°. [Vol. iv is an atlas of 53 
pls. to illustrate vol. 1) 1885.1 

Embryology of the Cyclostomata, vol. iu, 
p. 82-101. 

Balfour, fF. M., & Parker, W. K. 
On the structure and development of 
Lepidosteus. Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. 
London, 1882, 173, 359-442. pls. 
xxi-xxix. Abstract in Proc. Roy. Soc. 
London, 33, 112-119. — Rept. British 
Assoc. Adv. Sei., 1880, 559. — Stud. 
Morph. Lab. Cambridge, 1, 89-98. 


Stud. Morph. Lab. Cambridge, 1, 69— 
74. 1 



Balfour, W. Note on the Rev. G. Fish culture. Forest & Stream, 

Gordon’s list of Moray fishes. Zool- 1875, 6, 67; 99; 116. 1875.2 
ogist, 1852, 10, 3599. 1852.1 

Some account of the zoological 
Museum at Haslar Hospital. Zool- 
ogist, 1852, 10, 3613-3615. 1852.2 

Catalogue of the fishes of Ork- 
ney and Zetland. Zoologist, 1853, 11, 
3845-3847; 3950-3952; 4018-4020. 


Teeth of shark. 
10, 43444345. 

Ball, H. D. Statement concerning 
the menhaden fishery. Rept. U. S. 
Fish Comm. 1877 (1879), 5, 425. 


On a new sturgeon (Acipen- 
Proc. Roy. Irish Aead., 

Balkwill, F. H. 
Zoologist, 1875, 2. ser. 

Ball, 2. 

ser thompsoni) 

1904-05, 25, 21. 1904.1 

Ball, Robert. On a provision in the 
foetus of the .spined dog-fish. Proc. 
Irish Acad., 1847, 3, 230-231. 1847.1 

On the probable occurrence of 
the Lepidopus anges in Dublin bay. 
Nat. Hist. Rev., 1855, 2, 45-46. 1855.1 

Ball, | 
lake Michigan. 
Culture Soc., 

Balland, W. Sur la composition des 
poissons, des crustacés et des mollus- 
ques. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1898, 
126, no. 14, 1728-1734. 1898.1 

Ballau, NV. £. Fish culture in the 
past and future. “Proc. Central Fish- 
Culture Soc., Chicago, 1880 (1881), 59— 
61. 1881.1 

Ballion, £. Table générale et syste- 
matique des matiéres contenues dans les 
premiers 56 volumes (années 1829-1881) 
du Bulletin de la Société imperiale des 
Naturalistes de Moscou. Moseou, 1882. 
110 p. 8°. 1882.1 

Ballon, H. A. Malaria in the West 
Indies. (Girardinus as destroyer of 

Protection of fishes in 
Proc. Central Fish- 
Chicago, 1880 (1881), 

mosquito larve)} Science, 1908, n. s. 
28, 885. 1908.1 
Ballou, Nahum E. {‘‘ Ichthyos,’’ 

pseudon.| Origin, development and pro- 
gress of fish culture. Forest & Stream, 
1875, 4, 342; 373; 385; 405. Ibid., 5, 
4; 19. 1875.1 

The natural and economic his- 
tory of theSalmonidx. Forest & Stream, 
1876, 6, 68; 100; 116; 131; 147; 164; 
179. 1876.1 

Ballowitz, #. Untersuchungen itiber 
die Struktur der Spermatozoén. A. 
Fische. Arch. Mikr. Anat., 1890, 36, 
226-250. pls. xi—xil. 1890.1 

Ueber den Bau des elektrischen 
Organes von Torpedo mit besonderer 
Beriicksichtigung der Nervenendigun- 
gen in demselben. Arch. Mikr. Anat., 
1893, 42, 459-568. pls. xxix—xxxl. 


Biol. Cen- 

Ueber den feineren Bau des elek- 
trischen Organs des  gewdhnlichen 
Rochen (Raja clavata lL.) Anat. 
Hefte, 1897, 7, 283-375. pls. i-xi. 


Ueber die sogenannten ‘‘ Dorn- 
papillen”’ im elektrischen Organ des 
Zitteraales (Gymnotus electricus LL.) 
Anat. Anz., 1897, 18, 643-648. 2 figs. 
1897.2 . 

Ueber die Uebereinstimmung 
des feimeren Baues der elektrischen 
Organe bei den starkelektrischen und 

Ueber die 
nungen der Pigmentzellen. 
tralbl., 1893, 13, 625-630. 

schwachelektrischen Fischen. Vor- 
laufige Mitteilung. Anat. Anz., 1897, 
13, 124-126. 1897. 3 

Zur Anatomie des Zitteraales 
(Gymnoius electricus L.), mit besonderer 

Beriicksichtigung seiner  electrischen 
Organe. Arch. Mikr. Anat., 1897, 50, 
686-750. pls. 1897.4 

Electric organ of Malapterurus 
electricus. Journ. Roy. Micros. Soe. 
London, 1898, pt. 6, 622. 1898.1 

_ (Gymnotus) 
Soe. London, 

— Electric organs 
Journ. Roy. Micros. 
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Die Nervenendigungen in dem 
elektrischen Organ des afrikanischen 

Zitterwelses (Malapterwrus — electricus 
Lacép.) Anat. Anz., 1898, 15, 85—92. 

Ueber Kernformen und Sphéren 
in den Epidermiszellen der Amphioxus- 
larven. Anat. Anz., 1898, 14, ere 


Das elektrische Organ des afri- 

kanischen Zitterwelses. Jena, 1899. 
96 p. 4°. pls. & figs. 1899.1 

Ueber polytome Nervenfaser- 
teilung. Anat. Anz., 1899, 16, 541- 
546. figs. Abstract in Journ. Roy. 
Micros. Soc. London, 1899, pt. 1, 23— 
24. ! 1899.2 

Ueber den Bau des Geruchs- 
organs der Cyclostomata. Sitzber. 
Akad. Wiss. Berlin, 1904, 671-676. 

1904.1 - 

Die Riechzellen des Fluss- 
neunauges (Petromyzon fluviatilis L.) 
Areh. Mikr. Anat. Bonn, 1905, 65, 
78-95. pl. 1905.1 

Ueber die Spermien des Fluss- 
neunauges (Petromyzon fluviatilis L.) 

und ihre merkwiirdige Kopfborste. 
Arch. Mikr. Anat., 1905, 65, 96-120. 
pl. 1905.2 

Ueber chromatische Organe in 
der Haut von Knochenfischen. Anat. 
Anz., 1912, 42, 186-192. 2 pls. & 15 
figs. 1912.1 

Die chromatischen Organe in 
der Haut von Trachinus vipera Cuv. 
Ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Chroma- 
tophoren-Vereinigungen bei Knochen- 

fischen. Zeitschr. Wiss. Zool., 1913, 
104, 471-529. 5 pls. 1913.1 
Notiz uber das Vorkommen 

alkoholbestindiger karminroter und 
braunroter Farbstoffe in der Haut von 

Knochenfischen. Zeitschr. Physiol. 
Chem., 1913, 86, 215-218. 1913.2 
Ueber chromatische Organe, 

schwarzrote Doppelzellen und andere 
eigenartige Chromatophorenvereini- 
gungen; uber Chromatophorenfrag- 
mentation und iiber den feineren Bau 
des Protoplasmus der Farbstoffzellen. 
Anat. Anz., 1913, 44, 108-116. 4 figs. 


Ueber die Erythrophoren in der 
Haut der Seebarbe (Mullus L.), und 
iiber das Phinomen der momentanen 
Ballung und Ausbreitung ihres Pig- 
mentes. Nach Beobachtungen an der 
lebenden Zelle. Arch. Mikr. Anat., 
1913, 83, 1. Abth., 290-304. 2 pls. 


Ueber eine eigenartige zellu- 
lare Struktur des sogenannten Liga- 
mentum annulare im Auge von Kno- 
chenfischen. Anat. Anz., 1913, 45, 91— 
93. 1913.5 


Ueber Erythrophoren beson- 
derer Art in der Haut von Knochen- 
fischen. Arch. Mikr. Anat., 1913, 82, 
1. Abth., 206-219. pl. 1913.6 

Ueber schwarzrote Doppelzellen 
und andere eigenartige Vereinigun- 
gen heterochromer Farbstoffzellen bei 
Knochenfischen. Anat. Anz., 1913, 44, 
81-91. 29 figs. 1913.7 

Ueber schwarzrote und stern- 
formige Farbzellenkombination in der 
Haut von Gobiiden. Ein weiterer 
Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Chroma- 
tophoren und Chromatophoren-Verei- 
nigungen bei Knochenfischen.  Zeit- 
schr. Wiss. Zool., 1913, 106, 527—593. 
5 pls. & 25 figs. 1913.8 

Das Verhalten der Kerne bei 
der Pigmentstro6mung in den Ery- 
throphoren von Knochenfischen. Nach 
Beobachtungen an der lebenden Rot- 
zelle von Mullus. Biol. Centralbl., 
1913, 33, 490-493. 5 figs. 1913.9 

Das Verhalten der Zellkerne 
bei der PigmentstrO6mung in den Me- 
lanophoren der Knochenfische. — Biol. 
Centralbl., 1913, 33, 267-272. 8 figs. 

: Die chromatischen Organe, 
Melaniridosomen, in der Haut der 
Barsche (Perea und Acerina) Dritter 
Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Chroma- 
tophoren-Vereinigungen bei Knochen- 

fischen. Zeitschr. Wiss. Zool., 1914, 
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Balsamo-Crivelli, Giuseppe. De- 

secrizione d’ un nuovo rettile fossile, 
della famiglia dei Plesiosauri, e di due 
pesci fossili, trovati nel calcareo nero, 
sopra Varenna sul lago di Como. 
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briele, & Maggi, Leopoldo. Sur les or- 
ganes essentiels de la reproduction des 
anguilles. Bull. Hebd. Assoc. Sci. 
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7. Heft, 110-111. — Arch. Naturgesch., 
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Intorno agli organi essenziali 
della riproduzione delle anguille, alle 
particolarita anatomiche del loro ap- 
parecchio escretore genito-orinarlo, e 


Balsamo-Crivelli & Maggi. 

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jubillaire van Bambeke, 1899, i—vii. 


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A world beneath 
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terus manta) Zool. Journ., 1829, 4, 
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Bancks, G. W. 

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Journ., 1832-34 (1835), 5, 409-416. i 

Remarks on some animals sent 
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natural history of Guiana, in South 
America. Containing a description of. 
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and vegetable systems of that country. 
In several letters from a gentleman of 
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Fishes of Guiana, 186-202. 
German version. Frankfurt & 
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ance in Fundulus hybrids. Proc. Soc. 
Exper. Biol. Med. N. Y., 1911, 9, 8-9. 


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Zool., 1912, 12, 153-178. 30 figs. 

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forsteri Krefft. Proc. Roy. Soc. Queens- 
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ical memoir, see Sir William Jardine, in 
2 iat Library, 1835, Ichthyology, 
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Journal of the Right Hon. Sir 
Joseph Banks ... during Captain 
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Jandloecked salmon. 

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pesci, e gli organi accessori dell’ udito 
degli altri vertebrati, e pit: specialmente 
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e I’ ossa timpanico e le cartilagini del 
padiglione dell’ orecchio dei mammiferi. 
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tribution 4 la connaissance des modifi- 
cations que le jetine apporte dans les 
éléments anatomiques des différents or- 
ganes et tissus de l’economie animal. 
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Romanes, Montpellier, 1908-15, 651, 
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e funzione del cervello nei vertebrati 
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Mus. Civ. Stor. Nat. Milano, 1905, 44, 
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45, 100-106. 3 figs. 1906.3 

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Rivista Mens. Pesca, Milano, 1907, 9, 
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Pesea, Milano, 1908, 10, 237—242. 


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azioni meccaniche. Rassegna. Rivista 
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dell’ Italia settentrionale, ed alcune 
brevi considerazioni intorno alla loro 
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Nat., Pavia, 1908, 18, 273-286. 1908.3 

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Sci. Nat., Mus. Civ. Milano, 1909, 47, 
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Rhamdia depressa and R. sacrificii, sp. nov., 
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sérum d’anguille. C. R. Mém. Soc. 
Biol. Paris, 1898, 548. 1898.1 
Bardin, A. Blankenberghe. Bru- 

ges, 1866. 12°. 1866.1 
La péche 4 Blankenberghe, p. 1-43. 

Barfod, H. Zweiseltene Giste unter 
den Fischen der westlichen Ostsee. 
Prometheus, 1900, 347-349. 1900.1 

— Beobachtungen am Zahnkirpf- 
chen (Girardinus decemmaculatus) Natur 
u. Haus, Dresden, 1902, 10, 57. 1902.1 

Gesunde und kranke Aale in 
Aquarien und in der freien Natur. 
Nerthus, Altona, 1902, 4, 688-691. 


Neue Beobachtungen iiber das 
Laichen der Friihjahrsheringe im Kai- 
ser-Wilhelm-Canal fiir 1902. Naturw. 
Wochenschr., 1902, 17, 560-562. 1902.3 

— Hinige Notizen zur Unterschel- 
dung mannlicher und weiblicher Aale. 
Natur u. Haus, Dresden, 1902, 10, 
121. 1902.4 

Die Versuchsfischerei auf dem 
Kaiser-Wilhelm-Canal fiir 1901. Na- 
turw. Wochenschr., 1902, 17, 164-166. 


Das Vordringen der Ostseeor- 
ganismen in den Kaiser-Wilhelm-Kanal 
mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der 
wichtigsten Nutzfische. Nerthus, Al- 
tona, 1904, 6, 101-109; 123-130. 


Barfurth, Dietrich. Ueber Nahrung 
und Lebensweise der Salme, Forellen 
und Maifische. Inaug. Dissert., Bonn, 
1874. 8°.— Archiv Naturgesch., 1875, 
1, 122-158. 1874.1 

The food and mode of living of 
the salmon, the trout, and the shad. 
Rept. U: 8S. Fish. Comm. 1873-75 
(1876), 3, 735-759. 1876.1 

Ueber Sterilitiit der Salmoniden. 
Protokoll Gen. Versam. Rhein. Fisch. 
Ver., 1884. 1884.1 

Biologische Untersuchungen iiber 
die Bachforelle. Arch. Mikr. Anat., 
1886, 27, 128-172. 2 pls.— Journ. Roy. 
Micr. Soc., 6, 768. 1886.1 
Ueber die Ursache der Unfrucht- 
barkeit bei den Salmoniden. Jahresber. 
Rhein. Fisch. Ver., 1886. 1886.2 

—— Die Ausbriitung der Salmoniden 

mit Quellwasser. Jahresber. Rhein. 
Fisch. Ver., 1888. 1888.1 
Eine Larve von _ Petromyzon 

planert mit drei Schwanzspitzen. Ar- 
chiv. Entwickel.-Mech., 1899, 9, 27- 
3. Sifigs: 1899.1 

Barin, L. 7. Salmon in the Clack- 
amas river. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 
1886, 6, 111-112. 1886.1 

Barkas, Thomas Pallister [1819-1891] 
Fossils from the Coal Measures. Geol. 
Mag., 1868, 5, 486. 1868.1 

On Climaxodus, or Peecilodus; 
a palatal tooth from the Low Main 
coal-shale, Northumberland. Geol. 
Mag., 1868, 5, 495-497. figs. 1868.2 

On the fauna of the Low Main 
coal seam, Northumberland tgenus Di- 
plodus} Geol. Mag., 1868, 5, 580-581. 

Results of the fossil gathering 
from the Northumberland Low Main 
coal-shale. Sept. 1868. 1868.4 

Climaxodus ovatus and Diplodus. 
Geol. Mag., 1869, 6, 42. 1869.1 

Notes on various species of 
Ctenodus found in the Low Main coal- 
shale, Newsham colliery, Northumber- 
land. Geol. Mag., 1869, 6, 314-816. 




Barkas. 232s Ss 
pl.— Neues. Jahrb. Mineral., 1870, 
1035-1036. 1869.2 

—— Teeth of Climaxodus (Janassa), 
from the Coal Measures. Geol. Mag., 
1869, 6, 381. 1869.3 

Unusual forms of Ctenopty- 
chius. Geol. Mag., 1869, 6, 43. figs. 

Illustrated guide to the fish, 
amphibian, reptilian, and supposed 

mammalian remains of the Northum- 

berland Carboniferous strata. London, 
1873. 117p. 10 pls. & 248 figs. 8°. 

Ctenoptychius or Kammplatten. 
Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1881, 5. ser. 8, 

350-354. 1881.1 
Barkas, William James. Amphicen- 
trum |Cheirodus} in a new horizon. 

Geol. Mag., 1874, n. s. 1, 431-432. 

Hybodus, a Coal Measure fish. 
Geol. Mag., 1874, n. s. 1, 163-168; 239; 
287-288. figs. — Neues Jahrb. Mine- 
ral., 1875, 108. 1874.2 

—— List of Palzozoic fishes. Geol. 
Mag., 1874, n. s. 1, 542-553. — Neues 
Jahrb. Mineral., 1875, 331. 1874.3 

On the microscopical structure 
of fossil teeth from the Northumber- 
land Coal Measures. In 16 chapters, 
with 75 figs. Monthly Review of Dental 
Surgery, 1874-75. 1874.4 

— On the genus Ctenodus, a fish 
found in the true Coal Measures of 
Great Britain. Journ. Proc. Roy. Soe. 
New South Wales, 1876 (1877), 10, 99- 
123. pls. i-v. 1877.1 

Ctenacanthus, a spine of Hy- 
bodus. Journ. Proc. Roy. Soc. New 
South Wales, 1877 (1878), 11, 145-155. 

On a dental peculiarity of the 
Lepidosteide. Journ. Proc. Roy. Soe. 
New South Wales, 1877 (1878), 11, 
203-207. 1878.2 

On the scapula (?), coracoid, 
ribs, and scales of Ctenodus. Journ. 
Proc. Roy. Soc. New South Wales, 
1877 (1878), 11, 58-64. 1878.3 

On the sphenoid, cranial bones, 
operculum, and supposed ear-bones of 
Ctenodus. Journ. Proc. Roy. Soe. 
New South Wales, 1877 (1878), 11, 51- 
Site 1878.4 

Barker, W. L. On fish culture. 
Wiltshire Arch. Nat. Hist. Mag., 1869 
11, 252-258. 1869.1 

Barnes or Berners, Juliana. <A 
treatyse of fysshynge wyth an angle; 
being a facsimile reproduction of the 
first book on the subject of fishing 
printed in England by Wynkyn de 
Worde at Westminster in 1496. With 
an introduction by M. G. Watkins. 
London, 1880. 23 p. figs. 4°. 1880.1 

_ Barnes, A.G. Growth and spawn- 
ing of German carp in Alabama. Bull. 
U.S. Fish Comm. 1881 (1882), 1, 424. 


Barnes, A. S., & Vincent, S. See 
Vincent «& Barnes. 

Barnes, William M. Supposed 
occurrence of sail-fish (Histiophorus) 
Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1883, 3, 423— 

424. 1883.1 
Barnston, George. The whitefish of 
the Great Lakes—lake Superior. 
Rept. U. 8. Fish Comm. 1872-73 
(1874), 2, 79-80. 1874.1 
Barnwell (pseudon.) See Roose- 

velt, Rk. B. 

Barrande, Joachim. Indication som- 
maire des vestiges de poissons connus 
dans les dépdéts siluriens. (In his 
Crustacés divers et poissons des dépdts 
siluriens de la Bohéme, p. 99-116) 
Prague & Paris, 1872. 1872.1 

Review in Arch. Zool. Expér. Paris, 2, ii—vii. 

—— Paralléle entre les poissons, les 
trilobites et les céphalopodes siluriens. 
(In his Crustacés divers et poissons des 
dépéts siluriens de la Bohéme, p. 119- 
127) Prague & Paris, 1872. 1872.2 

Review in Arch. Zool. Expér. Paris, 2, ii—vii. 

Barras de Aragon, Francisco de las. 
Pesces de agua dulce de la parte occi- 
dental de la region Cético-extremena. 
Anal. Soc. Espa. Hist. Nat., 1894, 2. 
ser. 2, 129-132. 1894.1 

Noticia de algunos monstruos 
existentes en el gabinete de historia 
natural de Huelva. Bol. Soc. Espan. 
Hist. Nat., Madrid, 1905, 5, 322-324. 


Barrett, W. H. Note on the liver of 
a haddock in which a sand-eel was 
partly embedded. Rept. Fish. Scot- 
land, 1885, App. F, 70-72. 3 pls. 



Barrett, W. W. Fish culture in 
North Dakota. Trans. Amer. Fisheries 
Soc., 1899 (1900), 62-64. 1900.1 

Barrett-Hamilton, G. EH. H. Ae- 
quoreal pipe-fish (Nerophis aquoreus) 
at Waterville, Co. Kerry. Zoologist, 
1892, 16, 77-78. 1892.1 

Extraordinary abundance of her- 
rings in the rivers Suir and Barrow. 
Trish Naturalist, 1899, 8, 165. 1899.1 

A suggestion as to a possible 
mode of origin of some of the secondary 
characters in animals as afforded by 
observations on certain salmonoids. 
Proc. Philos. Soc. Cambridge, 1900, 10, 
279-285. 1900.1 

Investigations upon the life- 
history of salmon, and their bearing 
on the phenomena of nuptial and sexual 
ornamentation and development in the 
animal kingdom generally. Ann. Mag. 
Nat. Hist., 1902, 7. ser. 10, 106-120. 


Observations on the flight of 
flying fish (Exocetus, sp. incerta) Ann. 
Mag. Nat. Hist., 1903, 7. ser. 11, 389— 

393. 1903.1 

Barrington, Charles George. Sev- 
enty years’ fishing. London, 1906. 
308 p. frontisp. 8°. 1906.1 

Chap. i. Stray remarks on habits of the 
salmon. Chap. vi. Sea trout. 

Barrington, Daines. On some par- 
ticular fish found in Wales. Phil. 
Trans. Roy. Soe. London, 1767, 57, 
204-214. 1767.1 

Observations on the best way of 
managing carp, from real experience, 
and the best methods now in use; In a 
letter to J. R. Forster. Philos. Trans. 
Roy. Soc. London, 1772, 61, 311-313. 

ji 1772.1 
Some account of a fossil (fish) 
lately found near Christ-church, in 
Hampshire; in a letter to Dr. Maty, 

Bec. Re S. . - . “Philos. Trans. Roy. 
Soc. London, 1773, 63, 171-172. pl. 
vil. W731 

Of the Gillaroo trout [Salar 

ausonii Val.i; in a letter to the Rev. Dr. 
Horsley. Philos. Trans. Roy. Soc. 
London, 1774, 64, 116-120. 1774.1 

Barrois, Charles. Byssacanthus gos- 
seleti, poisson du Dévonien supérieur. 
Ann. -Soc. Géol. Nord., 1874-75, 2, 
200-201. 1874.1 



Catalogue des poissons fossiles 
du terrain Crétacé du Nord de la 
France. Bull. Sci. Départ. Nord., 
1874, 6, 101-110; 130-136. 1874.2 

Sur le Byssacanthus gosseleti, 
plagiostome du Dévonien de |’ Ardenne. 
C. R. Assoc. Franc. Avance. Sci., 1874 
(1875), 3, 381-382.— Neues Jahrb. 
Mineral., 1875,.978. 1875.1 

Note sur la veine poissonniére 

du terrain Houiller d’Aniche. Ann. Soc. 
Géol. Nord, 1910, 39, 49-64. 3 figs. 


Barrois, 7h. Sur la faune des eaux 

douces des Acores. Lille, 1896. 3 

maps. 8°. 1896.1 

Barron, Charles, Adams, Arthur, & 
Baikie, William Barron. See Adams, 
Baikie «& Barron. 

8 Charles, & Macdonald, 
J.D. See Macdonald & Barron. 

Barry, (Rev.) George. The history of 
the Orkney islands. Edinburgh, 1805. 
509 p. pls. 8°. 1805.1 

Fisheries, Book ii, 385-392. 

Bart, VW. Anton. Zapiski o rybach z 
Dniestru, polawianych we wsi Pobereze, 
kolo Jezupola (On fish which are 
caught in the river Dniester at Po- 
bereze, near Jezupol) Kosmos, Lem- 
berg, 1877, 2, 448-451. 1877.1 


Notizen iiber Fische, welche im 
Prut von seinen Quellen bis zum Dela- 

tyn vorkommen. Kosmos, Zeitschr. 
Naturf. Ges. Kopern. Lemberg, 1882 
(1883). 1883.1 

— Materyjaly do Ichthyjologicznej 
faunj Dniestru i jego dorzeczy. Lwow, 
1883. 16 p. 1883.2 

Bartels, Fritz. Der knurrende Gu- 
rami (Ctenops vitattus vel Osphromenus 
striatus) Prakt. Zierfischziichter, 1910, 

7-10. fig. 1910.1 
Das Wachstum der Fische. 

Prakt. Zierfischziichter, 1910, 56-58. 
Barteniew, L. Ueber Fischgehirn. 
Voyenno-Med. Journ. St. Petersb., 
1867, 98, 105-118. 1867.1 

Bartet, ——— & Raveret-Wattel, ©. 
See Raveret-Wattel « Bartet. 

Nouvelle tentative de l’introduction du 
gourami de l’ile Maurice en France, 


entreprise par M. Liénard. Bull. Soc. 
Imp. Zool. Acclimat., 1863, 10, 739- 
740. 1863.1 

Sur l’introduction récente du 
gourami (Osphromenus olfax) en France, 
et instructions relatives A ce sujet. 
Bull. Soc. Imp. Zool. Acclimat., 1865, 
2 sér. 2, 195-203. fig. 1865.1 

Bartlett, A. D. (Letter respecting 
the Lepidosiren in the Crystal Palace) 
Proc. Zool. Soe. London, 1856, 346- 
348. figs. 1856.1 

Note on the artificial propaga- 
tion of salmon. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 
1859, 3 ser. 4, 159-160.— Proc. Zool. 
Soc. London, 125-126. 1859.1 

Bartlett, H. Fishes of Borneo and 
adjacent islands, with notes. Sarawak 
Gazette, 1896, July, Sept., Oct. — 
Note-book Sarawak, 1896, no. 2, 92-— 
99; 128-136; 148-154; 186-197. 


Bartlett, John. Catalogue of books 
on angling, including ichthyology, pis- 
ciculture, fisheries, and fishing laws. 

(With]) Supplement ,Anon.j 2 vols. 
Cambridge, 1882-86. 8°. 1886.1 
—— The Bartlett collection. A list 

of books on angling, fishes and fish cul- 
ture, by Louise Rankin Albee. Library 
Harvard Univ. Bibl. Contrib. no. 51. 
Cambridge, 1896. 180 p. 8°. 1896.1 

Bartlett, S. P. The cultivation of 
crappies in ponds. Bull. U. 8. Fish 
Comm. 1883, 3, 362. 1883.1 

Value of carp as furnishing food 
for black bass. Trans. Amer. Fisheries 
Soc. 1898 (1899), 85-89. 1899.1 

The value of carp as a food 
product of Illinois waters. Trans. 
Amer. Fisheries Soc. 1900 (1901), 80— 
87. 1901.1 

Angling for carp and some 
hints as to best method of cooking. 
Trans. Amer. Fisheries Soc. 1903 
(1904), 47—50. 1904.1 

Carp, asseenbyafriend. Trans. 
Amer. Fisheries Soc. 1905 (1906), 207— 
FAL: 1906.1 

The future of the carp. Trans. 
Amer. Fisheries Soe. 1909 (1910), 151— 
154. 1910.1 


The decrease of coarse fish and 
some of its causes. Trans. Amer. Fish- 
eries Soc. 1911 (1912), 195-206. 


Barton, /. L. Bahmeen fishing in 
Bombay harbour. Journ. Bomba 
Nat. Hist. Soc., 1898, 2, 742-743. 


— Angling holidays, with some 
notes on the life history of salmon. 
(London, 1900} 8 p. pl. & figs. 


A contribution to the anatomy 
of the digestive tract in Salmo salar. 
Journ. Anat. Physiol., 1900, 2. ser. 14, 
295-300. pls. Ix—lxiii. 1900.2 

The digestive tract in kelts. 
Journ. Anat. Physiol., 1902, n. s. 16, 
142-146. pls. vili-ix. 1902.1 

Notes on the digestive tract of 
salmon and sea trout kelts from the 
river Tweed, January to May, 1901. 
Rept. Fish. Board Scotland, 1902, 20, 
pt. 2, 101-110. 9 pls. 1902.2 

Salmon, their food and feeding. 
Country Life, 1904, 2. 1904.1 

Barty, 7. The angel fish, or monk 
fish (Squatina angelus), in loch Ryan. 
Scott. Natural., 1884, n. s. 1, 106. 


Basarow, A.  Vorlesungsversuch 
iiber Torpedos. Ber. Chem. Ges. Ber- 
lin, 1877, 10, 25-26. 1877.1 

Basch, Beitrage zur Phy- 
siologie und Pathologie der Thymus. 
Jahrb. f. Kinderheilk., 1906, n. s. 14. j 


Basilewski, Stephanus. Ichthyogra- 
phia Chine Borealis. Nouv. Mém. Soe. 
Nat. Moscou, 1855, 10, 215-264. 9 pls. 


Bassani, Francesco. Annotazioni sui 
pesci fossili del caleare eoceno di M. 

Bolea. Atti Soc. Sci. Padova, 1874, 3, 
169-191. — Atti Soc. Venet. Trent. 
Padova, 1876, 3, 1-28. 1874.1 

Ittiodontoliti del Veneto. Atti 
Soc. Sci. Padova, 1876, 5, 275-308. — 
Boll. Comit. Geol. Italia, 8, 456-457. — 
Verh. Geol. Reichsanst., Wien, 162—163. 

Pesci fossili nuovi del caleare 
eoceno di M. Bolea: (Hemirhamphus 
edwardsii ; WVomeropsis valenciennestt ; 
Rhamphosus  biserratus; Carangopsis 


lanceolatus) Atti Soc. Sci. Padova, 

1876, 5, 148-154. pl. 1876.2 
Nuovi Squalidi fossili [Car- 

charodon simus, Oxyrhina zignoi, Otodus 
lawleyi) Atti Soc. Tosc. Pisa, 1877, 3, 
77-82. pl.— Neues Jahrb. Mimneral., 
1879, 723. 1877.1 

Ichthyodontolitha Veneta; pesci 
fossili del Veneto. Padova, 1878. 8°. 

Note sur les poissons fossiles du 
laboratoire de paléontologie au jardin 
des plantes de Paris. Guide du Géol. 
Exposition Univ. 1878 et Coll. publiq. 
privées de Paris. Paris, 1878. 4 p. a 


Ricerche sui pesci fossili del 
Mioceno medio di Gahard in Francia. 
Atti Soc. Sci. Padova, 1879, 6, 43-70. 
pl. 1879.1 

Studio sui pesci fossili cretacei 
dell’ isola di Lesina. Boll. Soc. Venet. 
Trent. Sci. Nat., 1879, 1, 6-7. 1879.2 

Ueber einige fossile Fische von 
Comen. Verh. Geol. Reichsanst. Wien, 
1879, 204-205. 1879.3 

Vorlaiufige Mittheilungen iiber 
die (fossile) Fischfauna der Insel Lesina. 
Verh. Geol. Reichsanst. Wien, 1879, 
162-170. 1879.4 

Appunti su aleuni pesci fos- 
sii d’ Austria e di Wiirttemberg. Atti 
Soc. Sci. Padova, 1880, 8, 74-109. pl. 

Note paleontologiche. Atti Soc. 
Venet. Trent. Sci. Nat., 1880, 7, 16-29. 
pl. 1880.2 

Su due giacimenti ittiolitici nei 
dintorni di Crespano. Boll. Soc. Venet. 
Trent. Sci. Nat., 1880, 4, 1-8. — Bull. 
Soc. Sci. Padova, 1, 147-154. 1880.8 

Vorlaiufige Mittheilungen iiber 
die Fischfauna der Insel Lesina. Ueber 
einige fossile Fische von Comen. 
Neues Jahrb. Mineral., 1880, 1, 118- 
120. 1880.4 

Aggiunte alla ittiofauna eoce- 
nica dei monti Bolea e Postale. Boll. 
Soc. Venet. Trent. Sci. Nat., 1881, 2, 14. 

Contribuzione alla fauna ittio- 
logica del Carso presso Comen in Istria. 
Atti Soc. Venet. Trent, 1881, 7, 1-15. 
2 pls. 1881.2 


Nuove note  paleontologiche. 
Boll. Soc. Venet. Trent. Sci. Nat., 1881, 
2, 187-189. 1881.3 

Osservazioni sulla lista di pesci 
fossili del caleare di Montegazzo del 
S. C. Ferretti. Boll. Soc. Sci. Padova, 
1881, 2, 1-18. 1881.4 

Descrizione dei pesci fossili di 
Lesina accompagnata da appunti su 
alcune altre ittiofaune cretacee (Pie- 
traroia, Voirons, Comen, Grodischtz, 
Crespano, Tolfa, Hakel, Sahel-Alma e 
Vestfalia) Denkschr. Akad. Wiss., 
Wien, 1882, 45, 195-288. 18824 

Intorno ad un nuovo giacimento 
ittiolitico nel Monte Moscal. Atti 
Soc. Venet. Trent. Sci. Nat., 1883, 9, 
pt. 1, 149-150. 1883.1 

Pesci attraverso le ere geolo- 
giche. Boll. Soc. Venet. Trent. Sci. Nat., 
1883, 2, 116-117. 1883.2 

Zwei Fische aus der Kreide des 
Monte 8. Agata im Gorzischen. Jahrb. 
Geol. Reichsanst., 1884, 33, 403-406. 
pl. 1884.1 

Elementi di zoologia descrittiva. 

Milano, 1885. 246 p. 327 figs. 16°. 

Risultati ottenuti dallo studio 

delle principali ittiofaune cretacee. 

R. Istit. Lombardo Sci., Rend., 1885, 
2. ser. 18. 1885.2 

Sull’ eta degli strati a pesci di 
Cattellavazzo nel BeHunese. Boll. Soe. 
Geol. Ital., 1885, 4, 143-148. pl. 


Avanzi di pesci volitici nel 
Veronese. Atti Soc. Ital. Sci. Nat., 
1886, 28, 142-163. pl. 1886.1 

Sui fossili e sull’ eta degli scisti 
bituminosi triasici di Besano in Lom- 
bardia. -Atti Soc. Ital. Sci. Nat., 1886, 
29, 15-72. 1886.2 

Sulla probabile esistenza del 
genere Carcharodon, nel mare titonico. 
Atti Soe. Ital. Sei. Nat., 1886, 28, 
75-81. figs. 1886.3 

Colonna vertebrale di Oxyrhina 
mantelli, scoperta nel caleare senoniano 
di Castellavazzo nel Bellunese. Mem. 
NOC wide scr, 1888, 3. ser, %, 1-0.) 3 
pls. 1888.1 

Ricerche sui pesci fossili di 
Chiavon (strati di Sotzka, Miocene in- 



Bassani, /’. ' 
feriore) Atti Accad. Sci. Napoli, 1888, 
2. ser. 3, no. 6, 104 p._ 18 pls. Ab- 
stract in Rend. Acead. Sci. Napoli, 2. 

ser. 2, 373-382.— Rept. 58. Meet. 
Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 675-677. 1888.2 
Sopra una nuova specie di 

Ephippus scoperta nell’ Eoceno medio 
di Val Sordina presso Lonigo (Veronese) 
Boll. Soc. Geol. Ital., 1888, 7, 1-3. pl. 


Su aleuni pesci fossili del de- 
posito quaternario di Pianico in Lom- 
bardia. Atti Soc. Ital. Sci. Nat., 
1886. (1888), 29, 344-351. 1 pl. 1888.4 

Sopra un nuovo genere di fiso- 
stomi scoperto nell’ Eoceno medio del 
Friuli, in provincia di Udine. Atti 
Accad. Sci. Napoli, 1889, 2. ser. 3, no. 
4,14. pl. 1889.1 

Contributo alla paleontologia 
della Sardegna. Ittioloti Miocenici. 
Atti Accad. Sci. Napoli, 1891, 2. ser. 
4, no. 3, 60 p. 2 pls. Abstract in 
Rend. Accad. Sci. Napoli, 2.) Sermo) 
237. — (Remarks by A. 8S. W oodward} 
Geol. Mag., 3. ser. 8, 465. 1891.1 

Sull’ eta del caleare di M. Pet- 
tine presso Giffoni Valle Piana, in 
provincia di Salerno. Boll. Soc. Geol. 
Ital., 1891.— Rend. Accad. Lincei, 
Roma, 10, 1005. 1891.2 

Avanzi di vertebrati inferiori 
nel caleare marnoso triasico di Dogna in 
Friuli. Atti Accad. Lincei, Roma, 1892, 
4. ser. 1, 284-287. fig. 1892.1 

Gl’ ittioliti delle marne di Sal- 
cedo e di Novale nel Vicentino. Atti 
R. Istit. Ven. Sci. Lettere Arti, 1892, 
7. ser. 3, 1031-1045. 1892.2 

Sui fossili e sull’ eta degli 
scisti bituminosi di Monte Pettine 
presso Giffoni Valle Piana in provincia 
di Salerno. Mem. Soc. Ital. Sci., 1892, 
40, no. 3. " 1892.3 

Appunti di ittiologia -fossile 
italiana. R. Accad. Sci. Fis. Mat. 
Napoli, 1895, 2. ser. 7, 1-16. 1 pl. 


Avanzi di Carcharodon auricula- 
tus scoperti nel caleare eocenico di 
Valle Gallina presso Avesa. Atti Ac- 
cad. Verona, 1895, 3. ser. 71, 1-11. 
Abstract in Riv. Ital. Paleont., 1, 89- 
96. 1895.2 

La ittiofauna della Dolomia 

principale di Giffoni (provincia di 
Salerno) Palzontogr. Ital., 1896, 1, 
169-210. 7 pls. 1896.1 

Rivista critica di opere di 
ittiologia fossile. Riv. Ital. Paleont., 
1896. 6p. 1896.2 

Aggiunte all’ ittiofauna eoce- 
nica dei Monti Bolea e Postale. Palseon- 
togr. Ital., 1898, 3, 77-88. 2 pls. 
Abstract in Zool. Centralbl., 5, 760. 


La ittiofauna del caleare eoce- 

nico di Gassino in Piemonte. Atti 
Accad. Sci. Fis. Mat. Napoli, 1899, 2. 
ser. 9, no. 13, 41 p. 3 pls. 1899.1 

Sulla ‘‘ Hirudella laticauda O. 
G. Costa” degli schisti bituminosi 
triasici di Giffoni, nel Salernitano. 
Rend. Accad. Sci. Fis. Mat., Napoli, 
1899, 3. ser. 5, 225-227. 1899.2 

Avanzi di Clupea (Meletta) 

crenata nelle marne di Ales in Sardegna. 
Rend. Accad. Sci. Fis. Mat., Napoli, 
1900, 3. ser. 6, 156-158. 1900.1 

Su alecuni avanzi di pesci nelle 
marne stampiane del bacino di Ales in 
Sardegna. Rend. Accad. Sci. Fis. Mat., 
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A systematic description of para- 
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Opuscula subseciva, observa- 

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plantis, quibusdam marinis, eorumque 
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vols. in 1. Haarlem, 1762-65. 29 pls. 
4°. 1762.2 
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piscium squammis. Vol.ii. Piscium pediculis. 

Over de bekleedselen van de 
huid der dieren in’t algemeen, en bij- 
zonder over de schubben der vissen. 
Verh. Maatsch. Haarlem, 1762, 6, 
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Beschrijving van den Kit-yui of 

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pij Wet., 1763, 7, 215-246. 1763.1 
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Note sur certaines 

Bataille, V. 
de la Guyane. 

espéces de poissons 
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10, 668-669. 1863.1 

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Soc. Biol., Paris, 1893, 5. 1893.1 

Contribution a étude de la 
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Sci. Paris, 1894, 118, 942-944. 1894.1 

La courbe respiratoire de l’ceuf 
de poisson et la mécanique de |’exten- 
sion du blastoderme. C. R. Acad. Sci. 
Paris, 1896, 123, 264-267. 1896.1 



rrr ee — 

Bataillon, . . 

Evolution de la fonetion respira- 
toire chez les embryons d’amphibiens 
et de téléostéens. C. R. Soc. Biol. 
Paris, 1896, 48, 730-753. 1896.2 

Les premiers stades du dé- 
veloppement chez les poissons et les 
amphibiens. Nouvelles recherches sur 
les mécanismes de l’évolution. Arch. 
Zool. Expér. Gén., 1896, 3. sér. 2, 281— 
317. pls. 1896.3 

Sur les rapports qui existent 
entre le premier sillon de segmentation 
et l’axe embryonnaire chez les am- 
phibiens et les téléostéens. C. R. 
Acad. Sci. Paris, 1896, 122, 1508-1511. 

Sur les mécanismes de |’évolu- 
tion. Arch. Zool. Expér. Gén. Paris, 
1897, 3. sér. 5, 281-317. pls. 1897.1 

Le blastoderme et le parablaste 
chez les poissons osseux. C. R. Assoc. 
Franc., 1900, 28, pt. 2, 529-533. 1900.1 

Blastotomie spontanée et larves 
jumelles chez Petromyzon planeri. C. 
R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1900, 130, 1201-— 
1202. 1900.2 

Pression osmotique de ]’ceuf, et 
polyembryonic expérimentale. C. R. 
Acad. Sci. Paris, 1900, 180, 1480-1482. 

— La pression osmotique et l’anhy- 
drobiose. C. R. Soc. Biol. Paris, 1900, 
52, 437-438. 1900.4 

Recherches expérimentales sur 
Yévolution de la lamproie (Petromyzon 
planeri) C. R. Aead. Sci. Paris, 1900, 
130, 1413-1415; 1480-1482. Abstract 
in Rev. Scient., 13, 724.— Journ. R. 
Micr. Soc. London, pt. 4, 442. 1900.5 

: La segmentation parthénogéné- 
tique expérimentale chez les amphi- 
biens et les poissons. C. R. Acad. Sci. 
Paris, 1900, 180, 115-118. 1900.6 

Sur le développement de la pig- 
mentation chez les métis des poissons 
osseux. C. R. Assoc. Franc., 1900, 23, 
pt. 2, 5383-537. 1900.7 

La_ pression osmotique et les 
grands problémes de la biologie. Arch. 
Entwickl. Mech., 1901, 11, 149-184. 
pl. 1901.1 

Sur la valeur comparée des 
solutions salines ot sucrées, en térato- 
genése expérimentale. C. R. Acad. 
Sei. Paris, 1901, 182, 852-854. 1901.2 

La segmentation parthénogéné- 
tique expérimentale chez les ceufs de 
Petromyzon planeri. C. R. Acad. Sei. 
Paris, 1903, 137, 79-80. 1903.1 

Nouveaux essais de parthéno- 
génése expérimentale chez les Vertébrés 
inférieurs (Rana fusca et Petromyzon 
planert) Arch. Entwickl. Mech., 1904, 
18, 1-56. 4 pls. & 12 figs. 1904.1 

Bataillon, E., & Dubard, —— 
Sur une maladie de la truite et des 
ceufs de truite. C. R. Soc. Biol. Paris, 
1895, 9. sér. 5, 353-355. 1895.1 

Bataillon, £., Dubard, ——, & 
Terre, Un nouveau type de 
tuberculose. C. R. Soc. Biol. Paris, 
1897, 49, 446-449. 1897.1 

Bataillon, H., & Kohler, R. See 
Kohler & Bataillon. 

Batarra, G. Littere ad C. Toninium 
de Rajis. Atti Accad. Sci. Siena, 1765, 
4, 353. 1765.1 

Observationes zootomice. Atti 
Accad. Sei. Siena, 1771, 4, 353. 1771.1 

Reproduction des raies. Mem. 
Accad. Sci. Siena, 1771, 9, 353. 1771.2 

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Batelli, A. 
pesci teleostei. 
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Istologia della pelle ne’ 
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Bateman, (Rev.) Gregory Climenson. 
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phol., 1914, 25, 345-373. 5 pls. 1914.1 

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0) PE ae 1863.1 

Description and figures of Mesonauta in- 
signis, Carapus, Hemaramphus, vol. ii, p. 139. 

Bateson, li’. The sense organs and 
perceptions of fishes, with remarks on 
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x 1889.1 

Se  _ 


-. | oe. 


Contractibility of the iris in 
fishes and cephalopods. Journ. Mar. 
Biol. Assoe., London, 1890, 1, 215-216. 

Modes in which fish are affected 
by artificial light. Journ. Mar, Biol. 
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Univ. Cambridge, 1892, 5, 100-101. — 
Proc. Phil. Soc. Cambridge, 7, 42—43. 


Materials for the study of varia- 

tion, treated with especial regard to 

discontinuity in the origin of species. 

London, 1894. 8°. figs. 1894.1 
Fishes, p. 466-474. 

On two cases of color-variation 
in flat-fishes, illustrating principles of 
symmetry. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 
1894, 246-249. pl. 1894.2 

(Specimens of Clupea pilchardus 
showing variation in the number and 
size of the scales) Jom. cit., 164. 1894.3 

Note in correction of a paper on 

‘colour-variation in flat-fishes. T'om. 
cit., 890-891. 1895.1 
Bather, Francis Arthur [1863 —] 

(The name Mesites wrongly applied to 

Cuvier’s genus Galaxias; Ann. Mag. 

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tebrale dei Teleostei. Atti Soe. Ital. 
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Navale, 1878, 29, 129-135. 1878.1 

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taires et les poissons voyageurs: pro- 
duction, éléve et acclimatation des 
espéces. Police de la péche. Revue des 
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1863, 57, 949-953.— Journ. Anat. 
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Considérations sur quelques par- 
ticularités du systéme musculaire des 
poissons. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1867, 
64, 1205-1208. 1867.1 

D’un phénoméne comparable A 
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Sci. Nat., 5. sér. 7, 3389-344. 1867.2 

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1867, 64, 625-627.— Ann. Sci. Nat., 
1867, 5. ser. 7, 153-160. pl.— Ann. 
Mag. Nat. Hist., 1867, 3. ser. 19, 375— 
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Soc. Sci. Nat. Strasb., 1868, 1, 83-84. 

Considérations sur la structure 
des nageoires impaires des poissons 
osseux. Tom. cit., 138-142. 1868.2 

Considérations sur le trone la- 
téral du pneumogastrique chez les pois- 
sons. Yom. cit., 109-112. 1868.3 

Considérations sur les premieres _ 
vertébres des cyprins, des loches et des 
silures. J'om. cit., 87-109. 1868.4 

De la détermination des piéces 
osseuses qui se trouvent en rapport 
avec les premiéres vertébres chez les 
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Acad. Sci. Paris, 1868, 66, 330-334. 


De la détermination homolo- 
gique d’une branche du nerf pathétique 
chez le merlan. Bull. Soc. Sci. Nat. 
Strasb., 1868, 1, 81-83. 1868.6 

Note sur le disque ventral du 
Cyclopterus lumpus. Tom. cit., 113. 
Observation sur l’os coracoidien 
et la premiére céte du Cottus fluviatilis. 
Tom. cit., 142-144. 1868.8 

Observation relative 4 une 
branche anastomotique des nerfs  tri- 
jumeau et pneumogastrique chez le 
merlan. Jom. cit., 114-116. 1868.9 

Observations sur le rocher des 
poissons. Tom. cit., 84-87. 1868.10 

Sur une branche des nerfs spi- 
naux observée dans quelques types de 
poissons. Bull. Soc. Sci. Nat. Strasb., 
1868, 1, 145-147. 1868.11 




Baudelot, /. 

Observation sur les origines de 

la branche operculaire du nerf latéral 

du pneumogastrique chez quelques 

poissons. Op. cit., 1869, 2, 22-24. 

Observation sur un petit centre 
nerveux qui se trouve en rapport 
avec le faisceau postérieur de la com- 
missure de Haller chez l’épinoche (Gas- 
terosteus) Tom. cit., 37-40. 1869.2 

Observations relatives A la 
structure du squelette des raies. Tom. 
cit., 45-48; 49-54. 1869.3 

_ —— Observations sur la structure 
intime du cervelet des poissons osseux. 
Tom. cit., 40-45. 1869.4 

Recherches relatives A la struc- 
ture intime des centres nerveux chez 
les poissons osseux. T'om. cit., 111-124. 

Tissu des lobes antérieurs de 
l’épinoche étudié dans l’eau ordinaire 
ou distillée. Tom. cit., 113-124. 1869.6 

Etude sur l’anatomie comparée 
de l’encéphale des poissons. Mém. 
Soe. Sci. Nat. Strasb., 1870, 6, 51-128. 
2 pls. 1870.1 

Notes critiques. Arch. Zool. 
Expér. Gén., 2, 1873, 63-64. 1873.1 
Homologies of brain-parts and osseous 

connection between swim-bladder and laby- 
Tinth of eyprinoids. 

Note sur un rameau dorsal du 
nerf pathétique chez les gades. Op. 
cit., 1873, 2, 51-52. 1873.2 

Observations sur la structure et 
le développement des nageoires des 
poissons osseux. T'om. cit., 18-24. 

Recherches sur la structure et 

la développement des écailles des 
polssons osseux. Tom. cit., 87-244; 
429-480. pls. v—xi. 1873.4 

Note sur un procédé relatif A 
la dissection du systéme nerveux chez 
les poissons. Journ. Microgr., 1878, 2. 
Also separate; Montpellier, 1878. 4 p. 
Se 1878.1 

Recherches sur le systéme ner- 
veux des poissons. Paris, 1883. 178 p. 
10 pls. 4°. Abstract by E. Duboueil in 
Revue Sci. Nat. Montpellier, 1883-84, 
3, 633-6388. 1883.1 

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1879, 7, 233-240. 1879.1 

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Vendée. Rev. Soc. Sci. Paris, 1888, 
106, 1461—1463.— Rev. Scient., 41, 
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29 figs. 8°. — Rev. Nat. Sci. Paris, 10, _ 
418-419. 1897.1 

La pisciculture marine de Floe- 
devig (Norvége) Rev. Scient., 1897, 
8, 108-113. 5 figs. 1897.2 

Le Lerneenicus spratte {= Ler- 
neonema monillaris M. Edw.), parasite 
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Sci. Paris, 1904, 139, 998-1000. 1904.1 

Nouvelles observations sur le 
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1905, 10, 299-300. 1905.1 

Les parasites de la_ sardine. 
Rev. Scient., 1905, 3, 715-722. 6 figs. 

Du mode d’attaque de la sar- 
dine (Clupea pilchardus W.) par un-°- 
copépode parasite, le Lernwenicus sar- 
dine M. B. en Vendée. Bull. Soe. Sei. 
Nat. Nantes, 1907, 2. sér. 7, 97-114. 

Mode d’attaque du_ spratt 
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spratte, copépode parasite de lceil du 

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Sci. Paris, 1907, 36, pt. 1, 259; “pir; 
727-741. 1907.2 

Un nouveau parasite du spratt 
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Ueber das  Farbenunterschei- 
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Physiol., 1910, 133, 7-26. 1910.1 

Ueber die tonische Innervation 
der Pigmentzellen bei den Plattfischen. 
Zentralbl. Physiol., 1910, 24, 724-726. 


Zu meinen Versuchen iiber das 
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Cyprinodon (Lebias) sophie 
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Baumeister, L. Ueber die Augen 
von Boleophthalmus und Periophthal- 



mus. Bull.-annexe Rey. Suisse Zool., 
1911, 19, 26-28. 1911.1 

Ueber die Augen der Schlamm- 
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thalmus) Zool. Jahrb. (Anat.), 1913, 
35, 341-354. 6 figs. 1913.1 

Baumert, Ff. M. Chemische Un- 
tersuchungen iiber die Respiration 

des Schlammpeizgers (Cobitis fossilis) 
Breslau, 1853. 73p. pl. 4°. 1853.1 

— Ueber die Haut und Kiemen- 
respiration des Schlammpeizgers und 
anderer Fische. Annal. Chem. Pharm. 
(Liebig), 1853, 88, 18-56. 1853.2 

Baumgardt, Gustav. Gediichtnis- 
proben bei Fischen. Blatt. Aquar. 
Terrar. Kunde, 1904, 15, 121-122. 


Die. Eingewohnung heimischer 
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Aquar. Terrar. Kunde, 1913, 24. Jahrg., 
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Baumgartner, Fische und 
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Natur, 1879, n. s. 5, 395-396. 1879.1 

Baumhauer, Hduard Hendrik van. 
Over eene stof vorkommende in de 
Perispermia der zaden die mit hoor- 
nachtig Albumen gezegd worden te 
bastaan. Utrecht, 1846. 1846.1 

Ueber das lésliche Hiweiss der 
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45, 120-122. 1848.1 

Ueber die Zusammensetzung 
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cit., 1848, 44, 506-511. 1848.2 

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Baur, Georg Hermann Carl Ludwig. 
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287. — Geol. Mag., 1898, 5, 379-381. 
Leopoldina, 1898, 34, 126. — Nature, 
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Preliminary note on the origin 
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1112. 1885.1 

— Ueber das Archipterygium und 
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aus dem Ichthyopterygium. Zool. 
Anz., 1885, 8, 663-666. 1885.2 

Ueber die Morphogenie der 
Wirbelsiiule der Amnioten. Biol. Cen- 
tralbl., 1886, 6, 332-342; 353-363. a 

Bemerkungen iiber Sauroptery- 
gia und Ichthyopterygia. Zool. Anz., 
1887, 10, 245-252. 1887.1 

On the morphology and origin 
of the Ichthyopterygia. Amer. Natu- 
ralist, 1887, 21, 837-840. 1887.2 

On the morphology of ribs. 
Amer. Naturalist, 1887, 21, 942-945. 


Ueber Lepidosiren paradoxa 
Fitzinger. Zool. Jahrb., 1887, 2, 575— 
583. 1887.4 

Ueber den Ursprung der Ex- 
tremititen der Ichthyopterygia. Be- 
richt Versam. Geolog. Vereins, 1888. 
4p. pl. 1888.1 

On the morphology of ribs and 
the fate of the actinosts of the median 
fins in fishes. Journ. Morph., 1889, 3, 
463-466. 7 figs. 1889.1 

On the morphology of the verte- 

brate skull. (1) The optic elements. 
(2) The temporal arches. Journ. 
Morph., 1889, 3, 467-474. 1889.2 

— The pelvis of the Testudinata, 
with notes on the evolution of the 
pelvis in general. Journ. Morphol., 
1891, 4, 345-359. 13 figs. 1891.1 

Os ses to structure of pelvis in dipnoans 
and selachians, 358-359. 

Ueber Rippen und _ 4hnliche 
Gebilde und deren Nomenclatur. Anat. 
Anz., 1893, 9, 116-120. 1893.1 

Mr. Walter E. Collinge’s “ Re- 
marks on the preopercular zone and 
sensory canal of Polypterus.”’ Anat. 
Anz., 1896, 12, 247-248. 1896.1 

Bause, B. Rybky zapasici ze Siamu 
(Betta pugnax) Vismir Roc., 1897, 4. 
ser. 27, 37-38. fig. 1897.1 

_ Bayer, Edwin, & Fritsch, 
See Fritsch & Bayer. 


Bayer, Franz. Ueber einige interes- 
sante Skeletbestandtheile von Coregonus 
murena. Bohm. Ges. Wiss., mat.-nat. 
Cl. Prag, 1889, 393-405. pl. 1889.1 

Ueber den heutigen Zustand der 
Systematik der Fische. Jahresber. 
Graf Straka Akad., Prag, 1899 ae 

Neue Fische der Kreideforma- 
tion Bo6hmens. Palzwontogr. Bohemie, 
1902, 7, 1-18. 3 pls. & 9 figs. — Verh. 
Geol. Reichsanst., Wien, 1903, 269-274. 
4 figs. 1902.1 

tArticle on fishes] Otto’s En- 
cyclopedia, 1904, 22, 400-414. 4 pls. 
& fig. 1904.1 

Neue Reste der Gattung Portheus 
Cope (Xiphactinus Leidy) aus der béh- 
mischen Kreide [Text in Bohemian} 
Trans. Bohem. Imper. Francis Joseph 
Acad. Sci. Prague (2. Cl.), 1908, 17, 
ll p. pl. & 6 figs. 1908.1 

Neue Reste von Portheus Cope 
(Xiphactinus Leidy) aus dem béhmi- 
schen Turon. Bull. Intern. Acad. Sei. 
Prague, math.-nat. Sec., 1909, 14, 98— 
103. pl. & 4 figs. 1909.1 

Bayer, Franz, & Fritsch, Anton. 
See Fritsch & Bayer. 

Bayer, H. von. Fishways. Proc. 
4. Intern. Fish Congr., Washington, 
1908, pt. 2, 1041-1057. 21 figs. 1908.1 

A method of measuring fish 

eggs. Proc. 4. oe Fish Congr., 
Washington, 1908, pt. 2, 1009-1014. 


Bayer, J. Ueber eine neue Art 

Fischfanges in Serbien. Verh. Zool.- 

Bot. Ges. Wien, 1863, 13 (Sitzb.), 70— 
a. 1863.1 

Zur Fischfutter-Frage. Oesterr.- 
Ungar. Fischerei Zeitg., 1880, 261-262. 

Bayet, L. Premiére note sur quel- 
ques dépéts tertiares de |’Entre-Sam- 
bro-et-Meuse. Bull. Soe. Belge Geol. 
Pal. Hydrol., 1896, 10, 133-160. 1 pl. 
& 6 figs. 1896.1 

Baylis, H. A. Some observations 
on the tentacles of Blennius gattorugine. 
Journ. Linn. Soc. London (Zool.), 1914, 
32, 295-306. 2 pls. & fig. 1914.1 

_ Bayliss, W. M., & Staring, 2. H. 
On the uniformity of the pancreatic 

a ee 


mechanism in vertebrata. Journ. Phy- 
siol., 1903, 29. 1903.1 

Bazenov, A. Luciotrutta leucichthys 
in der mittleren Wolga (Text in Rus- 
sian} Vést. Rybopromysl., St. Petersb., 
1905, 20, 195-199. 1905.1 

Ueber die Salmoniden in der 
mittleren Wolga {Text in Russian] 
Vést. Rybopromysl., St. Petersb., 1905, 
20, 693-694. 1905.2 

Der St6r und der Hausen in der 
mittleren Wolga (Text in Russian] 
Vést. Rybopromysl., St. Petersb., 1906, 
21, 1-6. 3 pls. 1906.1 

Ueber die Wanderung von Clu- 
pea kessleri bis oberhalb von Samara im 
Jahre 1905 [Text in Russian] Vést. 
Rybopromysl., St. Petersb., 1906, 21, 
118-135. 1906.2 

Bazin, A. Lettre sur quelques pe- 

tits muscles [de poissons} qui sont 
restées Inconnus jusqu’é ce jour. Rev. 
Zool., 1839, 151-152. 1839.1 

Mémoire sur les muscles in- 
ternes et sur l’appareil aquifére des 
branchies des poissons. C. R. Acad. 
Sci. Paris, 1839, 8, 877-878. — L’In- 
stitut, 7, 179. 1839.2 

Note sur les muscles placés 
entre les lames des branchies des pois- 

sons. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1839, 8, 
842. 1839.3 

Sur le systéme nerveux des pois- 
sons. Soc. Phil. Extr. Proc. Verb., 

1839, 83; 84-85.— L’Institut, 7, 245; 
263-264. 1839.4 

Observations sur la pisciculture 
et sur les réglements qui régissent la 

péche. Act. Soc. Linn. Bordeaux, 
1858, 21 (3. sér. 2), 461469. 1858.1 
Beacall, 7. A tooth of Hybodus 

grossicornis from the Inferior Oolite. 
Nature, 1898, 58, 390. 1898.1 

Beach, Horace. The paddle fish 
(Polyodon spathula) Bull. Wisconsin 
Nat. Hist. Soc., 1902, 2, 85-86. 1902.1 

Beal, Carl Hugh, & Jordan, David 
Starr. See Jordan & Beal. 

Beale, Lionel S. On the germinal 
matter of the ovarian ova of the stickle- 
back. Trans. Micr. Soc. London, 1867, 
n. s. 15, 85-86. 1867.1 

Bean, Barton Appler [1860—] Black 
bass and crappie for eastern waters. 
Shooting & Fishing, 1889, 7,8. 1889.1 



The cutlass fish. Forest & 
Stream, 1889, 33, 169. 1889.2 
— Double-headed animals. Tom. 
cit., 164. 1889.3 

_ Record of a double-headed Mustelus sp. 6 
in. long, from near Lima, Peru, and of double- 
headed specimens of Salmo of two species 
hatched in the Washington hatchery. 

— Fish breeding in Canada. Tom. 
cit., 149-150. 1889.4 
— Fish culture in Illinois. Tom. 
cit., 150. 1889.5 

—— A land fish. Tom. cit., 186. 

Habits of a Samoan species of Periophthal- 

Large-mouth black bass in 
Texas (Micropterus salmoides} Tom. 
cit., 167. 1889.7 

Large plantings of fish in the 
west. Shooting & Fishing, 1889, 7, 
ds 1889.8 
A rare deep-sea fish (~Malacos- 

teus niger(?) Ayres in stomach of a 
halibut from eastern part of George’s 

bank) Forest & Stream, 1889, 33, 144. 


—- Singularly colored catfish. 
Shooting & Fishing, 1889, 7, 7. 


Stocking the waters of the Na- 
tional park. Yom. cit., 6. 1889.11 

Study of freshwater food fishes. 
Forest & Stream, 1889, 33, 181. 1889.12 

Susquehanna bass and_ perch. 

Tom. cit., 186. 1889.15 

Black bass prospects in the 
Potomac. Shooting & Fishing, 1890, 
May 22. 1890.1 
The conger eel. Forest «& 
Stream, 1890, 34, 377. 1890.2 

’ Delaware river shad hatching. 
Shooting & Fishing, 1890, May 22. 
Perch spawning in confinement. 
Shooting & Fishing, 1890, 7, 7. 1890.4 

— The rock bass. 

Tom. cit., 6. 

The American Fisheries Society. 

Forest & Stream, 1891, 36, 397. 1891.1 

Fishes collected by William P. 
Seal in Chesapeake bay, at Cape 


Bean, JL. A. 

Charles City, Va., Sept. 16 to Oct. 3, 

1890. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., 1891, 14, 
83-94. 1891.2 

A eat-fish in armor. Forest & 
Stream, 1892, 37, 199. 1892.1 

Fisheries of the Pacific states. 

Tom. cit., 501. 1892.2 
—— The migration of eels. Tom. 
cit., 199 1892.3 
New Hampshire fish culture. 

Tom. cit., 302-803. 1892.4 
Pacific salmon and trout. Tom. 

cit., 422. 1892.5 
——  World’s Fair fishes. Yom. cit., 
401. 1892.6 
The New Hampshire Fish Com- 
mission. Tom. cit., 142. 1893.1 

A new Trinidad flounder (Cy- 
clopsetta chittendent n. sp.) 
Field Nat.-Club, 1895, 2, 176. 


Notes on Williamson’s white- 
fish in breeding colors, from Little 
Spokane river, and remarks on the a 

tribution of the species. Bull. U. 
Fish Comm. 1894 (1895), 14, 305-208. 

Scientific results by the U. S 
Fish Commission steamer “‘ Albatross.” 

Descriptions of two new flounders, 
Gastropsetta frontalis and Cyclopsetta 
chittendent. Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., 
1895, 17, 633-636. 3 figs. 1895.3 
Myoxocephalus mednius, new 
species. Bull. U. 8. Nat. Mus., 1898, 
no. 47, pt. 2, 1983-1984. 1898.1 

Notes on capture of rare fishes. 
Proc. U. 8S. Nat. Mus., 1898, 21, 639— 

640. 1898.2 
— Porocottus quadratus new species. 
Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., 1898, no. 47, 
pt. 2, 1898. : 1898.3 
A group of land fishes. Shoot- 

ing & Fishing, 1900, 7, 7. 1900.1 
The conger eel. Science, 1902, 

alga Ly yAloy 1902.1 
A rare whale shark (Rhinodon) 

Tom. cit., 353. 1902.2 
Steelhead salmon in __ lake 
Michigan. Forest & Stream, 1902, 58, 

430. fig. 1902.5 




Notice of a collection of fishes 
made by H. H. Brimley in Cane river 
and Bollings creek, North Carolina, 
with a description of a new species of 
Notropis (N. brimleyi) Proce. U. 8. 
Nat. Mus., 1903, 26, 913-914: 1903.1 

Notice of a small collection of 
fishes, including a rare eel, recently — 

received from .. . Barbados, West — 
Indies. Tom. cit., 26, 963-964. fig. , 
A new pelican fish (Gastrostomus 
pacificus) from the Pacific. Smithson. — 
Misc. Coll., 1904, 45, pts. 3, 4, 254—— 
255. fig. 1904.1 
The Bahama_ islands. alae 
more, 1905. illus. 

Fishes, p. 293-325. ; 

The history of the whale shark — 

(Rhinodon typicus Smith) Smithson. 
Mise. Coll., 1905, 48, 139-148. 3 pls. 
& 4 figs. 1905.2 

Notes on an adult goblin shark ~ 
(Mitsukurina owstont) of Japan. Proce. 

U. S. Nat. Mus., 1905, 28, 815-818. | 
8 figs. 1905.3 | 

Notes on a collection of fishes _ 
from Mexico, with description of a 

new species of Platypcecilus. Proc. — 
U. S. Nat. Mus., 1908, 33, 539-542. . 
fig. 1908.1 

— On Ctenolucius Gill, a neglected — 
genus of characin fishes, with notes on } 
the typical species. Yom. cit., 701-703. 


The proper name of the Ameri- ; 
ean eel Anguilla rostrata (Le Sueur) — 
Science, 1909, n. s. 29, 871-872. 1909.1 

A remarkable carp. Forest & 
Stream, 1909, 73, 1022. 1909.2 | 

Bean, Barton A., & Eigenmann, 

Carl H. See Eigenmann & Bean. 

Bean, Barton A., & Evermann, 
Barton Warren. See Evermann & 

Bean, Barton A., Evermann, Bar- 
ton W., & Wilcox, W. A. Fisheries 
of Indian river, Florida. Senate Doc- | 
ument no. 46, 54. Congress, 2. session, © 
1897. 1897.1 

Bean, Barton A., & Seale, Alvin. 
See Seale & Bean. 

Bean, Barton A., & Smith, Hugh 
McCormick. See Smith & Bean. 



Bean, B. A., & Weed, Alfred C. 
Description of a new skate (Dactylo- 
batus armatus) from deep water off the 
southern Atlantic coast of the United 
States. Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., 1909, 
36, 459-461. pil. 1909.1 

— Descriptions of two new species 
of electric rays, of the family Narco- 
batide, from deep water off the southern 
Atlantic -coast of the United States. 
Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 1909, 36, 677— 
680. fig. 1909.2 

Notes on Anteliochimera and 
related genera of chimeroid fishes. 
Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 1910, 37, 661— 
664. 2 pls. 1910.1 

Notes on certain features of the 
life history of the Alaskan freshwater 
sculpin. Smithson. Misc. Coll., 1910, 
52, 457-460. 1910.2 

A review of the venomous toad- 
Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 1910, 

38, 511-526. 4 pls. & 8 figs. 

— An electric ray and its young 
from the west coast of Florida. Proc. 
U. 8S. Nat. Mus., 1911, 40, 231-232. 
pls. x—xi. 1911.1 

Notes on the coloration of 
fishes. Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 
1911, 24, 69-76. 1911.2 

Notes on the genus Lepomis. 
Proc. U. 8S. Nat. Mus., 1911, 40, 369- 
376. pls. xli-t. 1911.8 

Recent additions to the fish 
fauna of the District of Columbia. 
Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 1911, 24, 
171-174. 1911.4 

Notes on a collection of fishes 
from Java, made by Owen Bryant and 
William Palmer in 1909, with descrip- 
tion of a new species. Proc. U.S. Nat. 
Mus., 1912, 42, 587-611. pls. Ixxii— 
xxv. 1912.1 

Bean, 7 arleton Hoffman [1846—] 
The burbot (Lota maculosa) Sci. News, 
1878, 1, 42-44. pl. 1878.1 

Description of a new sparoid 
fish, Sargus holbrookii, from Savannah 
bank. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., 1878, 1, 
198-200. 1878.2 

Description of a species of Ly- 
codes (L. turneri) from Alaska, believed 
to be undescribed. Proc. U. 8. Nat. 
Mus., 1878, 1, 463-466. 1878.3 

—  Gameness of the Quinnat sal- 
mon. Chicago Field, 1878, 10, 4. 

Observations on certain fish in 
the Y. 8. National Museum. Fishing 
Gazette, 1878, n. s. 2, 350-351. 1878.5 

On the identity of Huchalarodus 
putnam Gill, with Pleuronectes glaber 
(Storer), with notes on the habits of 
the species. Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., 
1878, 1, 345-348. 1878.6 

-On the occurrence of Sticheus 
punctatus (Fabr.) Kroyer, at St. Mi- 
chael’s, Alaska. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., 
1878, 1, 279-281. 1878.7 

Contributions to the natural 
history of arctic America, made in 
connection with the Howgate polar 
expedition (1877-78) Fishes  col- 

lected in Cumberland gulf and Disko 
bay. Bull. U. 8. Nat. Mus., 1879, 15, 
101-138. 1879.1 

Description of a new species of 
Ameiurus (A. ponderosus) from the 
Mississippi river. Proc. U. S. Nat. 
Mus., 1879, 2, 286-291. 1879.2 

Description of an apparently 
new species of Gasterosteus (G. alkintsit) 
from the Schoodic lakes, Maine. Proc. 
U.S. Nat. Mus., 1879, 2, 67-69. 1879.3 

Descriptions of some genera 
and species of Alaskan fishes. Proce 
U.S. Nat. Mus., 1879, 2, 353-359. 


Descriptions of two species of 
fishes collected by Prof. A. Dugés in 
central Mexico. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., 
1879, 2, 302-306. 1879.5 

Fishes collected in Cumberland 
gulf and Disko bay. Bull. U. 8. Nat. 
Mus., 1879, no. 15, 107-140. 1879.6 

List of European fishes in the 
collection of the United States Na- 
tional Museum. Proc. U.8. Nat. Mus., 
1879, 2, 10-44. 1879.7 

A new fish from Alaska, with 
notes upon other species of the genus 
Anarrhichas. Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., 
1879, 2, 212-218. 1879. 8 

Notes on a collection of fishes 
from eastern Georgia. Proc. U.S. Nat. 
Mus., 1879, 2, 284-286. 1879.9 

On the occurrence of Hippo- 
glossus vulgaris Flem. at Unalaska and 


Bean, 7. H. . 
St. Michael’s, Alaska. Proc. U. S. 
Nat. Mus., 1879, 2, 63-66. 1879.10 

On the species of Astroscopus 
of the eastern United States. Proc. 
U.S. Nat. Mus., 1879, 2, 57-63. 


Putnam’s flatfish, a smooth 
Sci. News, 1879, 1, 104. 
Check-list of duplicates of North 
American fishes distributed by the 
Smithsonian Institution in behalf of 
the United States National Museum, 


1877-80. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 
1880, 3, 75-116. 1880.1 
Description of a new hake 

(Phycis earlii) from South Carolina, 
and a note on the occurrence of Phycis 
regius in North Carolina. Proc. U.S. 
Nat. Mus., 1880, 3, 69-70. 1880.2 

Descriptions of new fishes from 

Alaska and Siberia. Proc. U. 8. Nat. 
Mus., 1881, 4, 144-159. 1881.1 
Descriptions of new species of 

fishes (Uranidea marginata,  Pota- 
mocottus bendirei) and of Myctophum 
crenulare J. and G. Proc. U. 8S. Nat. 
Mus., 1881, 4, 26-29. 1881.2 

Directions for collecting and 
preserving fish. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., 
1881, 4, 235-238.— Bull. U. S. Fish 
Comm. 1883, 3, 197—200. 1881.3 

Movements of young alewives 

(Pomolobus sp.) in Colorado river, 
Texas. Bull. U.S. Fish Comm. 1881, 
1, 69-70. 1881.4 

Notes on a collection of fishes 
made by Capt. Henry E. Nichols, U.S. 
N., in British Columbia and southern 
Alaska, with descriptions of new species 
and a new genus (Delolepis) Proc. 
U.S. Nat. Mus., 1881, 4, 463-474. 


Notes on some fishes from Hud- 
son’s bay. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., 1881, 
4, 127-129. 1881.6 

A partial bibliography of the 
fishes of the Pacifie coast of the United 
States and of Alaska for the year 1880. 
Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 1881, 4, 312- 
317. 1881.7 

A preliminary catalogue of the 
fishes of Alaskan and adjacent waters. 
Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 1881, 4, 239- 
272 ISS81.8 



Catalogue of the collection of 
fishes exhibited by the U. 8. National 
Museum at the international fisheries 
oe London. Washington, oe 

Description of a new species 
of Alepidosaurus (A. esculapius) from 
Alaska. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 1883, 
6, 661-663. 1883.2 

Description of a species of 
whitefish, Coregonus hoyi (Gill) Jordan, 
called “smelt ”’ in some parts of New 
York. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 1883, 6, 
658-660. 1883.3 

List of fishes known to occur in 
the Arctic ocean north of Behring 
strait. Cruise of the revenue steamer 
“ Corwin ” 1881 (1883), 118-120. 

Note on the occurrence of a 
silver lamprey, Ichthyomyzon caStaneus 
Girard, in Louisiana. Proc. U. §. 
Nat. Mus., 1883, 6, 117-119. 1883.5 

Notes on a collection of fishes 
made in 1882 and 1883 by Capt. 
Henry E. Nichols, U. 8. N., in Alaska 
and British Columbia, with a descrip- 
tion of a new genus and species, Prionis- 
tius macellus. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus 

1883, 6, 353-361. 1883.6 

Notes on fishes collected by 
Capt. Chas. Bendire, U. S. Ay im 
Washington Territory and Oregon, May 
to October, 1881. Proc. U. S. Nat. 
Mus., 1883, 6, 89-93. 1883.7 

Notes on fishes observed at 
the head of Chesapeake bay, in the 
spring of 1882, and upon other species 
of the same region. Proc. U. 8S. Nat. 
Mus., 1883, 6, 365-367. 1883.8 

Notes on some fishes collected 
by James G. Swan, in Washington 

Territory, including new species of 
Macrurus. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 
1883, 6, 362-364. 1883.9 

Brook trout from Monadnock 
lake and Cristine lake, New Hamp- 

shire. Bull. U. S. Nat. "Mus., 1884, “g 
293-294. 1884. 1 

to pret 
Ind. of U. S., 1884, 7 

Fisheries & Fish. 
. sec., 235-240. 

Descriptions of a new species of 
white fish (Coregonus nelsonit) from 
Alaska. Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., 1884, 
7, 48. 1884.3 




Descriptions of Physiculus fulvus 
and Lotella mavzillaris, new species of 
fishes collected in 1881 by the U. 8. Fish 
Commission. Proc. U. 8S. Nat. Mus., 
1884, 7, 240-242. 1884.4 

The first occurrence of Pseudo- 
triacis microdon Capello, on the coast of 
the United States. Proc. U. 8S. Nat. 
Mus., 1884, 7, 147-150. 1884.5 

Lists of fishes collected by the 
U.S. Fish Commission at Wood’s Hole, 
Mass., during the summer of 1881. 
Rept. U. S. Fish Comm. 1882 (1884), 
10, 339-344. 1884.6 

On the occurrence of branch 
alewife in certain lakes of New York. 
Fisheries & Fish. Ind. of U.8., 1884, 1 
sec., 588-594. 1884.7 

On the occurrence of the striped 
bass in the lower Mississippi valley. 
Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., 1884, 7, 242-244. 

Report upon the department of 
fishes in the U. 8. National Museum for 
1884. Rept. U.S. Nat. Mus., 1884, pt. 
2, 160-169. 1884.9 

The white fishes of North Amer- 
ica. Rept. Amer. Fish Culture Assoc., 
1884, 32-39. 1884.10 

— Comments on Zygonectes mannit 
and Zygonectes auroguttatus. Proc. U.S. 
Nat. Mus., 1885, 8, 555. 1885.1 

Description of a new species of 

Aspidophoroides (A. gtintheri) from 
Alaska. Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., 1885, 
8, 74-75. 1885.2 

Description of a new species of 
Pempheris (P. poeyi) from Cuba. Proc. 
U.S. Nat. Mus., 1885, 8, 229-230. 
Description of a new species of 
Plectromus (P. crassiceps) taken by the 
U. S. Fish Commission. Proc. U. S. 
Nat. Mus., 1885, 8, 73-74. 1885.4 

The distribution of the Salmo- 
nid in Alaska. Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash- 
ington, 1885, 2, Ixi—Ixiil. 1885.5 

: Note on Stoasodon narinari Ru- 
phrasen. Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., 1885, 
8, 192-193. 1885.6 

Notes on EHpinephelus nigritus, 
Caulolatilus microps and Coryphena 
hippurus. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., 1885, 
8, 230-233. 1885.7 

—— Notes upon an exploration of 
Long Island sound. Bull. U. 8S. Fish 
Comm. 1885, 5, 35. 1885.8 

On Stathmonotus, a new genus 
of fishes related to Murzenoides, from 
Florida. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 1885, 
8, 191-192. pl. 1885.9 

—— On the identity of Cottuws macu- 
latus Fischer with Cottus bubalis Eu- 
phrasen. Proc. U. 5S. Nat. Mus., 1885, 
8, 166-167. 1885.10 

On the occurrence of Hadropte- 
rus aurantiacus (Cope) in the French 
Broad river, North Carolina. Proc. 
U.S. Nat. Mus., 1885, 8, 165-166. 


Rocky mountain whitefish. For- 
est & Stream, 1885, 25, 390. 1885.12 

(translator) Extract from the 
report of A. Annaniassen on his voyage 
to Iceland. . Rept. U. 8. Fish Comm. 
1884 (1886), 12, 309-313. 1886.1 

The trout of Sunapee lake. 
Forest & Stream, 1886, 26, 129-180. 

Catalogue of the collection of 
Descript. Catal. Rept. Exhib. 
U.S., 1887, 387-510. 1887.1 

The cod fishery of Alaska. 
Fisheries & Fish. Ind. of U. 8., 1887, 5. 
sec., 1, 198-224. pl. 1887.2 

Cruise of the ‘“‘Grampus”’ on the 
southern mackerel grounds. Boston 
Herald, 1887, May 9, May 26, and June 
6. 1887.3 

Description of a new genus and 
species of fish (Acrotus willoughbyi) from 
Washington Territory. Proc. U.S. Nat. 
Mus., 1887, 10, 631-632. 1887.4 


Description of a new species of 
Thyrsitops (T. violaceus) from the fishing 
banks off the New England coast. 
Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 1887, 10, 513— 
514. 1887.5 

Description of a supposed new 
species of char (Salvelinus aureolus) from 
Sunapee lake, New Hampshire. Proc. 
U.S. Nat. Mus., 1887, 10, 628-630. 


Descriptions of five new species 
of fishes sent by Prof. A. Dugés from 
the province of Guanajuato (Mexico) 
Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 1887, 10, 370— 
375. pl. 1887.7 



NN  ———————————_—_—— 

Bean, 7’. /. : 

The fishery resources and fishing- 
grounds of Alaska. Fisheries & Fish. 
Ind. of U.§., 1887, 3. sec., 81-115. _ pls. 
ji-Iv. 1887.8 

Notes on a young red snapper 
(Lutjanus blackfordi) from Great South 
bay, Long Island. Proc. U. 8. Nat. 
Mus., 1887, 10, 512. 1887.9 

Report on examination of clu- 
peoids from carp ponds. Bull. U. 5. 
Fish Comm. 1887, 6, 441-442. 1887.10 

Description of Coregonus pusil- 
lus, a new species of whitefish from 
Alaska. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 1888, 
11, 526. 1888.1 

Distribution and some characters 
of the Salmonide. Amer. Naturalist, 
1888, 22, 306-314. 1888:2 

Fishes, determined from photo- 
graphs. (In Dawson, George M. Re- 
port on an exploration in the Yukon dis- 
trict, N. W. T. ete. Canada Geol. Surv. 
Rept., 1887-88, n. s. 3, pt. 1) 1888.3 

Key to the genera of Salmonidze 
(In Goode, G. B. American fishes, New 
York, 1888, p. 440. 2. ed., Boston, 
1903) 1888.4 

Report on the fishes observed in 
Great Egg Harbor bay, N. J., during the 
summer of 1887. Bull. U.S. Fish Comm. 
1887 (1888), 7, 129-154. pls. i-iii. 


Bears, birds and fishes. Forest 

& Stream, 1889, 33, 348; 368. 1889.1 
—— Black bass in ponds. Op. cit., 
32, 9. 1889.2 

Crossing of salmon and trout. 
Tom. cit., 321. 1889.3 

Explorations in gulf of Mexico. 

Tom. cit., 195. 1889.4 

Fish and fishing in Alaska. 

Tom. cit., 27; 48-49. 1889.5 
—— The hagfish. Yom. cit., 66. 


A hybrid between the lake trout 
and brook trout (Salvelinus namaycush 
and S. fontinalis) Bull. U. S. Fish 
Comm. 1887 (1889), 7, 216. 1889.7 

Introduction of a supposed carp 
sucker into New South Wales. Forest & 
Stream, 1889, 32, 10. 1889.8 

—— Lake and brook trout hybrid. 
Op. cit., 31, 520. 1889.9 

— Lake trout. Op. cit., 32, 9. 

Landlocked and Atlantic salmon. 
Op. cit., 31, 520. 1889.11 

Notes on fish fungus. Op. cit., 

32, 10 1889.12 
Notes on salmon, trout and eels. 

Tom. cit., 9. 1889.13 
— Ozark mountain trout. Tom. 
cit., 320. 89.14 
—— The pike-perch. Tom. cit., 470. 

— Rainbow trout in France. Tom. 
cit., 218 1889.16 
The red-spotted trout of New 
England. Shooting & Fishing, 1889, 5, 
6-7. 1889.17 

Report on the department of 
fishes in the U. 8S. National Museum, 
1886. Rept. Smithson. Inst., 1889, 2, 
167-172. 1889.18 

Rubbish in the Thames. Forest 
& Stream, 1889, 31, 520. 1889.19 

Saibling and brown trout hybrid. 
Op. cit., 32, 401. 1889.20 

—— Saibling in Sterling lake. Tom. 
ctt., 10350. 1889.21 

Salmon and trout of North 

America. Tom. cit., 219-222. 1889.22 
—— Sawdust in streams. Tom. cit., 
91. : 1889.23 

—— The silver eel. Tom. cit., 330. 

Some recent papers by Charles 
Girard. Op. cit., 31, 515. 1889.25 

Sunapee trout from Dan’s Hole 
pond. Op. cit., 32, 390. 1889.26 

The Alaskan salmon and their 
allies. Trans. Amer. Fisheries Soc., 
1890, 49-66. 1890.1 

The American Fisheries Society. 
Forest & Stream, 1890, 35, 378. 1890.2 

— The basses and their allies. Tom. 
cit., 2-5. figs. 1890.3 

The bluefish in his abundance. 
Tom. Cis 20: 1890.4 





— Bluefish in Long Island waters. 
Tom. cit., 205. 1890.5 

_ —— The calico bassin Europe. T’om. 
cit., 152. 1890.6 

The Cape Charles tiger. Tom. 
cit., 128. 1890.7 

— Description of a new cottoid 
fish collected by the U. 8. Fish Commis- 
sion (Synchirus n. g., gilli n. sp.) Proce. 
U. S. Nat. Mus., 1890, 12, 641-642. — 
Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1890, 6. ser. 6, 

118-120. 1890.8 
Destructive fishing. Forest & 
Stream, 1890, 35, 125. 1890.9 

Fish for park waters. J'om. cit., 
25. 1890.10 

—— Fish of Florida waters. Tom. 
ctt., 487-494. 1890.11 
— The fresh-water drum. Tom. 
Cit., oa. 1890.12 
— Game fishes of Idaho. Tom. cit., 
205. 1890.13 
—— The golden trout. Tom. cit., 377. 

Ice fishing in arctic Alaska. 

Tom. cit., 417. 1890.15 
Mortality among black bass. 

Tom. cit., 105. 1890.16 
— The mudfish or lawyer. Tom. 
cit., 145. 1890.17 
— National fish culture. Op. cit., 
34, 102. 1890.18 

New fishes collected off the coast 
of Alaska and the adjacent region south- 
ward. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., 1890, 13, 
37-45. 1890.19 

New Hampshire fish-culture. 
Forest & Stream, 1890, 35, 293. 1890.20 

Notes on fishes collected at 
Cozumel, Yucatan, by the U. 8. Fish 
Commission, with descriptions of new 
species. Bull. U. 8S. Fish Comm. 1888 
(1890), 8, 193-206. pl. 1890.21 

Notes on the brook trout. Forest 
& Stream, 1890, 35, 292. 

Observations upon fighes. of 
Great South bay, Long Island*\N.” Y. 
19. Rept. Comm. Fish., Smithson. Inst., 
1890, 237-281. 26 pls. 1890.23 

Rearing sea fishes. Forest & 
Stream, 1890, 35, 416. 1890.24 



Report on the department of 
fishes in the U. 8. National Museum, 
1890. Rept. Smithson. Inst., 1890, 205- 

Report on the proposed intro- 
duction of the Jamaica mountain mullet 
(Agonostoma monticola) into the United 
States. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1888 
(1890), 8, 443-451. 1890.26 

Report on the salmon and salmon 
rivers of Alaska. Report to 51. Con- 
gress 1. sess. House of Rep. Misc. Doc. 
no. 211. Washington, 1890. 50 p. 54 
pls. & maps. 8°. 1890.26a 

Return of Schoodie salmon. 
Forest & Stream, 1890, 35, 113. 1890.27 

Salmon for the Hudson. Tom. 
cit., 369. 1890.28 

The salmon of Alaska. Op. cit., 
34, 210-211; 231. 1890.29 

Scientific results of explorations 
by the U. 8S. Fish Commission steamer 
‘“* Albatross,’ no. 8. Description of a 
new cottoid fish from British Columbia. 
Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., 1890, 12, 641-642. 

Scientific results of explorations 
by the U. 8. Fish Commission steamer 
‘““ Albatross,” no. 11. New fishes col- 
lected off the coast of Alaska and the 
adjacent region southward. Proc. U.S. 

Nat. Mus., 1890, 18, 37-45. 1890.31 
- A supposed hybrid trout. For- 

est & Stream, 1890, 38, 377. 1890.32 
Susquehanna river pollution. 

Tom. cit., 265. 1890.53 
—— The tautog. Op. cit., 34, 271. 

The tench in Missouri. Op. cit., 

35, 378. 1890.35 
—— Transfer of Illinois fishes. Tom. 
cit., 45. 1890.36 
Voracity of the wall-eyed pike. 

Tom. cit., 112. 1890.37 
—— The weakfish. Op. cit., 34, 312. 

a Winninish of the Metabetchouan. 
‘Op. cit., 35, 145; 171; 190. 1890.39 

Work of the Fish Commission. 

Tom. cit., 252. 1890.40 
A yearling landlocked salmon. 
Tom. cit., 274. 1890.41 


Beans .csi> * 
—_— Atlantic salmon in winter. T’om. 
t., 489. 1891.1 
—— The bluefish. Op. cit., an Bee 
The blue-striped trigger fish. 
Tom. cit., 24. 1891.3 

Carp in California. Op. cit., 37, 
305. 1891.4 

—— Connecticut fish culture. Op. 
cit., 36, 497. 91. 

——— The death of salmon after spawn- 
ing. Amer. Naturalist, 1891, 25, 88. 

Illinois fish culture. Forest & 
Stream, 1891, 37, 502. 1891.7 

Jurisdiction over the lakes. 

Tom. cit., 445. 1891.8 
— Kennerley’s salmon. Tom. cit., 

36, 498—499. — Trans. Amer. Fisheries 

Soc., 1891, 41-46. 1891.9 

Landlocked salmon in Bisby 

lakes. Op. cit., 37, 21. 1891.10 

Larval conger eel. Tom. cit., 

aon. 1891.11 

— Maine fish culture. Op. cit., 36, 

498. 1891.12 

Michigan fish culture. Tom. 

ofthis OE 1891.13 

New Hampshire Fish Commis- 
sion work. Tom. cit., 30. 1891.14 

New York Fish Commission. 
Tom. cit., 234. 1891.15 

Pennsylvania Fish C ommission. 
Tom. cit., 425. 1891.16 

Report on the proposed intro- 
ares of the Jamaica mountain mullet 
into the United States. Bull. U. S. 
}Pish Comm. 1888 (1891), 8, 448-451. 


Report on the salmon and 
salmon rivers of Alaska, with notes on 
the conditions, methods, and needs of 
the salmon fisheries. Bull. U. S. Fish 
Comm. 1889 (1891), 9, 165-208. 42 pls. 

——— The status of fish culture. For- 
est & Stream, 1891, 35, 469. 1891.19 

— The 

trout. Op. cit., 



Trout and salmon in Mexico. 

Op. cit., 37, 353. 1891.21 

— The U.S. Fish Commission ex- 

hibit. Tom. cit., 312. 1891.22 

Whale, walrus and seal. Op. cit., 

36, 515 1891.23 

—— Wisconsin fish culture. Tom. 

cit., 8. 1891.24 
—— Wyoming fish culture. Tom. cit., 

518. 1891. 25 

— Yellowstone park fishes. Op. 
cit., 37, 392-393. 1891.26 

—— American Fisheries Society. Op. 
., 38, 524. 1892.1 

Description of a new species of 
star-gazer (Cathetostoma albigutta) from 
the gulf of Mexico. Proc. U. 8. Nat. 
Mus., 1892, 15, 121-122. 1892.2 

Effects of garbage on fish. 
Forest & Stream, 1892, 38,469. 1892.3 

Fisheries at the World’s Fair. 

Tom. cit., 493. 1892.4 
Fisheries on the Great Lakes. 

Tom. ctt., 537. 1892.5 
Food for fishes. Yom. cit., 515. 


Massachusetts fisheries and 

game. Tom. cit., 200. 1892.7 
— The menhaden. Tom. cit., 221. 

A national salmon park. Tom. 

cit., 559. 1892.9 

Notes on fishes collected in 
Mexico by Prof. Dugés, with descriptions 
of new species. Proc. U. 8. Nat. 

1892, 15, 283-287. pl. 1892.10 

Observation upon fishes and 
fish culture. Bull. U. 8. Fish Comm. 
1890 (1892), 10, 49-61. 1892.11 

Pennsylvania fish protective as- 

sociation. Forest & Stream, 1892, 38, 
Bily/- 1892.12 
Pisecatorial exhibition in London. 


Protect the black bass. Tom. 
cit., 269. 1892.14 

Rearing fish 

Tom. cit., 270. 

for distribution. 

Tom. cit., 585. 1892.15 
Sale of reared trout in close time. 
Tom. cit., 537. 1892.16 

) ee Re ee 


Salmon spawning without going 
tosea. Tom. cit., 270. 1892.17 

Slaughter of birds and fishes. 
Tom. cit., 97. 1892.18 

Una nueva especie de lampera. 
Naturaleza, Mexico, 1892, 2. ser. 2, 
171-172.. pl. 1892.19 

Description of a new blennioid 
fish from California (Plagiogrammus 
n. g., hopkinsi n. sp.) Proc. U.S. Nat. 
Mus., 1893, 16,699-701. fig. 1893.1 

The fishes of Pennsylvania, with 
descriptions of the species and notes 
on their common names, distribution, 
habits, ete. Harrisburg, 1898. 149 p. 
Sp pss, 8-. 1893.2 

Bibliography of the salmon of 
Alaska and adjacent regions. Bull. 
U. S. Fish Comm. 1892 (1894), 12, 39— 
49. 1894.1 

—— Description of a new species of 
fish, Bleekeria gilli. Proc. U. S. Nat. 
Mus., 1894, 17, 629-630. 1894.2 

Description of a new species of 
rockfish (Sebastichthys brevispinis) from 
Alaska. Proc. U. 8S. Nat. Mus., 1894, 
17, 627-628. 1894.3 

— Life history of the salmon. Bull. 
U.S. Fish Comm. 1892 (1894), 12, 21— 
38. 1894.4 

World’s Fisheries Congress. Re- 
port of the secretary of the general com- 
mittee. Bull. U. 8. Fish Comm. 1893 
(1894), 13, 1-14. 1894.5 

The Pacific salmon (Oncorhyn- 
chus sp.), with notes on the habits of 
young. Trans. Acad. Sci. New York, 

_ 1896, 15, 182-188. 1896.1 

The rainbow trout. 1. Ann. 
Rept. Comm. Fish., Game & Forests of 
N. Y. 1895 (1896), 1385-140. 3 pls. 


New method of 
pond culture. (From the French of 
Jousset de Bellésme} Trans. Amer. 
Fisheries Soc., 1896 (1897), ace 




Notes upon New York fishes re- 
ceived at the New York Aquarium, 
1895-97. Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. 
Hist., 1897, 9, 327-375.—2. Ann. 
Rept. Comm. Fish., Game «& Forests of 
N. Y. 1896 (1897), 207-251. 4 pls. 




Notes on Mexican fishes ob- 
tained by Dr. Carl Lumholtz. Bull. 
Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., 1898, 10, 165- 
168. 1898.1 

Notes upon fishes received at the 
New York Aquarium, with description of 
a new species of snapper from Bermuda. 
Tom. cit., 45-50. 1898.2 

Fishes of the south shore of 
Long Island. Science, 1899, n. s. 9, 
52-55. 1899.1 

The identity of common and 
Labrador whitefish (Coregonus clupei- 

formis and labradoricus) Tom. cit., 416— 

417. 1899.2 
Catalogue of the fishes of Long 
Island, with notes upon their distribu- 
tion, common names, habits, and rate of 
growth. 6. Ann. Rept. Forest, Fi8h & 
Game Comm. of N. Y. 1900 (1901), 
373-478. col. pls. & figs. 1901.1 

—— The food and game fishes of New 
York; notes on their common names, 
distribution, habits and mode of capture. 
7. Ann. Rept. Forest, Fish & Game 
Comm. of N. Y. 1901 (1902), 251-460. 
col. pls. 1902.1 

Catalogue of the fishes of New 
York. Bull. N. Y. State Mus. no. 60. 
56. Ann. Rept. N. Y. State Mus., 1903, 
3, 784 p. 1903.1 

Report on the fishes of Great 
South bay, Long Island, collected in 
the summer of 1901. 55. Ann. Rept. 
N. Y. State Mus., 1903, r109-1128. 


Description of fish. 8. & 9. Ann. 
Repts. Forest, Fish & Game Comm. 
of N. Y. 1902 & 1903 (1904), 303-318. 
8 col. pls. 1904.1 

Catalogue of the fishes of New 
York. Rept. N. Y. State Mus., 1902- 
1904 (1905), 3. ser. 56, 3-787. 1905.1 

A catalogue of the fishes of 
Bermuda, with notes on a collection 
made in 1905 for the Field Museum. 
Field Columbian Mus., 1906, Pub. 108, 
Zool. ser., 2. ser. 7, 21-89. 14 figs. 


Descriptions of new Bermudian 
fishes (11 n. sp. in: Iridio 4, Labriso- 
mus, Antennarius, Holocentrus, Crypto- 
tomus, Eupomacentrus, Hippocampus, 
Monacanthus) Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash- 
ington, 1906, 19, 29-34. 1906.2 

Bean, Tid. —— Small red salmon. Tom. cit., 

Difficulties in fish culture. Ann. 398. 1910.13 
Repts. Forest, Fish & Game Comm. of Tropical fish as -afoddameaae 
+ XT rs te 7) QrOe< i 
N. Y. 1904-1905-1906 (1907), pea Tom. cit., 399. 1910.14 

Report of the state fish culturist —— An albino brook trout. Forest 
for the year 1906. Jbid., 177-231. pls. & Stream, 1911, 36, 314. 1911.1 


Some practical difficulties in the 
way of fish culture. Trans. Amer. Fish- 
eries Soc., 1907, 36. meet., 184-192. 
Notes eye disease of young trout as a new 
bacterial disease, not to be confused with pop- 
eye, a parasitic disease. Also the gill louse so 
fatal to trout 2 or 3 years old. 

— Report of the state fish culturist. 
13. Ann. Rept. Forest, Fish & Game 
Comm. of N. Y., 1908, 1-63. 1908.1 

Parasite (Filaria rubra Leidy) found in in- 
testine of catfish in Hackensack river. Also 
occurs in eels and sunfish in that region. 

California salmon propagation. 
Forest & Stream, 1910, 35, 399. 1910.1 

—— Cooperative protection. Tom. 
cit., 1910, 35, 489. 1910.2 
— Georgia fish-culture. Tom. cit., 
1910, 35, 354. 1910.3 
—— The golden trout. Tom. cit., 485. 

Is the golden trout a hybrid? 

Tom. cit., 429. 1910.5 
—— Maine fish and game. Tomi. cit., 
449, 1910.6 
—— Muillons of shad. Tom. cit., 325. 

—— A new hybrid trout. Tom. cit., 
353. 1910.8 

— Notes on New York fishes. 14. 
Ann. Rept. Forest, Fish & Game Comm. 
of N. Y., 1910, 192-228. 1910.9 

Notes on a larval worm (nematode?), in 
eruptions on the skin of the eel, others in the skin 
of black bass. , 

Pennsylvania fish-culture. Tom. 
cit., 398-399. 1910.10 

A plea for the systematic study 

of fish diseases. Trans. Amer. Fisheries 
Soc. 1909 (1910), 39. meet., 65-73. 


Emphasizes the importance of the subject, 

and scanty know ledge to date. Gives bibliog- 
raphy with reviews of the most important papers. 

Salmonide planted in Yellow- 
stone park. Tom. cit., 325. 1910.12 

Angling at the World’s 
Tom. cit., 409. 

Annual sia of the fish cultur- 
ist, state of New York, Conservation 
Commission. Bureau of Fish Culture. 
1. Ann. Rept., 1911, 1-57. pls. —2. 
Ann. Rept., 1-56. pls. 1911.3 

California fish culture. Forest 
& Stream, 1911, 36, 274. 1911.4 

Dead alewives in lake Ontario. 
Tom. cit., 429. 1911.5 

Eastern fish in California. Tom. 


cit., 251 1911.6 
—— Fish-culture in Alaska. Tom. 
cit., 4 1911.7 
Fish hatchery for lake Ontario. 

Tom. cit., 101. 1911.8 
— Indiana fish culture. Yom. cit., 
353. 1911.9 
—— The lemon sole. Tom. cit., 351. 

A marine reservation. Tom. cit., 

265. 1911.11 
—— Marine reservations. Yom. cit., 
347. 1911.12 
—— Massachusetts fish culture. Tom. 
cit., 89. 1911.13 
Tom. cit., 

211-212. 1911.14 
| Tom. 

cit., 153. 1911.15 
Notes on black bass. Trans. 

Amer. Fisheries Soc. 1910 (1911), 40. 
meet., 123-128. 1911.16 
Notes on the occurrence of various parasites 
in food fishes in New York hatcheries and aqua- 
ria. Records the occurrence of both nematodes 
and trematodes in the eyes in cases examined. 

— Ohio Fish Commission. Tom. 
cit., 460. TOM 
—— The pike family. Tom. cit., 210; 
233; 333. 1911.18 
Salt-water fish wanted. Tom. 

cit., 453. 1911.19 

— Shedding teeth in salmon. Tom. Beard, John. On the segmental sense 
cit., 271. 1911.20 organs of re aoa line, and on the 
ec : ; morphology of the vertebrate auditory 

: Stocking lake Ontario. gees organ. Zool. Anz., 1884, 7, 123-126; 
ctt., 165. 21 140-143. 1884.1 
_—— Works of the Commission. T'om. On the cranial ganglia and seg- 
Cen Mike. 1911.22 mental sense: organs of fishes. Zool. 
Description of new fishes of Anz., 1885, 8, 220-223. 1885.1 

Bermuda. Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 
1912, 25, 121-126. 1912.1 

Bean, 7. H., & Bean, Barton A. -De- 
scription of Gobioides broussoneti, a fish 
new to North America, from the gulf of 
Mexico. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., 1894, 
17, 631-632. fig. 1894.1 

Notes on fishes collected in Kam- 
chatka and Japan by Leonhard Stejneger 
and Nicholai A. Grebnitski, with a de- 
scription of a new blenny. Proc. U.S. 
Nat. Mus., 1896, 19, 381-392. pls. 


Fishes collected at Bering and 
Copper islands by Nikolai A. Grebnitski 
and Leonhard Stejneger. Proc. U.S. 
Nat. Mus., 1897, 19, 237-251. (Con- 
tributions to the natural history of the 
Commander islands, no. 12) 1897.2 

Description of a new blenny-like 
fish of the genus Opisthocentrus, col- 
lected in Vuleano bay, Port Mororan, 
Japan, by Nicholai A. Grebnitski. Proc. 
U.S. Nat. Mus., 1897, 20, 463-464. pl. 

Note on Oxycottus acuticeps 
(Gilbert) from Sitka and Kadiak, Alaska. 
Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 1898, 21, 655-— 

656. 1898.1 

Bean, Tarleton H., & Dresel, H.G. 
A catalogue of fishes received from the 
public museum of the Institute of Ja- 
maica, with descriptions of Pristipoma 
approximans and Tylosurus euryops, two 
new species. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 
1885, 7, 151-170. 1885.1 

Diagnoses of three new species 
of fishes from the gulf of Mexico. Proc. 
Biol. Soc. Washington, 1895, 2, 99-100. 

Bean, TVarleton H., & Goode, G. B 
See Goode & Bean. 

Bean, Tarleton H., & Harris, William 
C. See Harris & Bean. 

Beard, Daniel C. The paddlefish of 
the Mississippi. Scient. Amer., 1878, 
39, 391 1878.1 

The system of branchial sense 
organs and their associated ganglia in 
Ichthyopsida; a contribution to the 
ancestral history of vertebrates. Quart. 
Journ. Micr. Sci., 1885, 2. ser. 26, 95— 
156. pls. vili-x. — Studies Biol. Lab. 
Owen’s College, 1886, 1, 170-224. pls. 
Vil-ix. 1885.2 

The parietal eye in fishes. Na- 
ture, 1887, 36, 246-248; 340-341. fig. 

The ciliary or motor-oculi gan- 
glion and the ganglion of the ophthal- 
micus profundus in sharks. Anat. Anz., 
1888, 2, 565-575. 7 figs. 1888.1 

A contribution to the morphol- 
ogy and development of the nervous sys- 
tem of vertebrates. Anat. Anz., 1888, 3, 
874-884; 899-905. 1888.2 

The development of the periph- 
eral nervous system in vertebrates; 

Elasmobranchii and Aves. Quart. 
Journ. Micr. Sci., 1888, 29, 153-227. 
pls. xvi-xxl. 1888.3 

Also published separately with three cther 
papers. Jena, 1889. 
The old mouth and the new; a 
study in vertebrate morphology. Anat. 
Anz., 1888, 3, 15-24.— Nature, 37, 
224-227. fig. 1888.4 
The origin of the segmental duct 
inelasmobranchs. Anat. Anz., 1888, 2, 
646-652. Abstract in Amer. Naturalist, 
1888, 21, 1037. 1888.5 
The parietal eye of the cyclo- 
stome fishes. Quart. Journ. Micr. “Sci., 
1888, 29, 55-73. pls. vi-vii. — Nature, 
36, nos. 924, 928. 1888.6 

The teeth of myxinoid fishes. 

Anat. Anz., 1888, 3, 169-172. — Nature, 
37, 499. 1888.7 

The nature of the teeth of the 
marsipobranch fishes. Zool. Jahrb. 
(Morph. Abth.), 1889, 727-752. pls. 
XXXIV—XXXV. 1889.1 

The nose and Jacobson’s organ. 
Zool. Jahrb. (Anat. Abth.), 1889, 3, 753— 
783. pls. XXVI-xxvill. 1889.2 
Also published separately with three other 
papers, under the title of Morphological Studies. 
Jena, 1889. 


Beard, J. 

On the early development of 
Lepidosteus osseus. Proc. Roy. Soe. 
London, 1889, 46, 108-118. Abstract in 
Journ. Roy. Mier. Soc. London, 1889, 
622-626. 1889.3 

Some annelidan affinities in the 
ontogeny of the nervous system of ver- 
tebrates. Nature, 1889, 39, 259-261. 
fig. 1889.4 

—— On the inter-relationships of the 
Ichthyopsida; a contribution to the 
morphology of vertebrates. Anat. Anz., 
1890, 5, 146-159; 179-188. 1890.1 

Prof. Rabl and the mode of de- 
velopment of the vertebrate peripheral 
nervous system. Anat. Anz., 1890, 5, 
125-128. 1890.2 

The histogenesis of ganglion-cells 
and nerves. Anat. Anz., 1892, 7, 290— 
302. 1892.1 

The transient ganglion cells and 

their nerves in Raja batis. Anat. Anz., 
1892, 7, 191-206. 8 figs. 1892.2 

Hermaphroditism of lampreys. 
Journ. Roy. Micr. Soc. London, 1893, pt. 
2, 156. 1893.1 

Notes on lampreys and hags. 
Rept. Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sci. 1892 (1893), 
789-790. — Anat. Anz., 8, 59-60. 


The development and probable 
function of the thymus. Anat. Anz., 
1895, 9, 476-486; 10, 272. 1895.1 

The pronephros of Lepidosteus 
Anat. Anz., 1895, 10, 198-201. 

The history of a transient nerv- 
ous apparatus in certain Ichthyopsida. 
An account of the development and de- 
generation of ganglion-cells and nerve 
fibres. Zool. Jahrb., 1896, 9 (Morph. 
Abth.), 319-426. 8 pls. 1896.1 


On certain problems of verte- 
brate embryology. Jena, 1896. 78 p. 
8°. Abstract in Journ. Roy. Micr. Soc. 
London, 1897, pt. 2, 109. — Nat. Sci., 
1897, 10, 5-7. 1896.2 

——QOn the disappearance of the 
transient nervous apparatus in the se- 
ries: Seyllium, Acanthias, Mustelus and 
Torpedo. Anat. Anz., 1896, 12, 371-374. 

Transient nervous system in 
skate. Journ. Roy. Mier. Soc. London, 
1896, pt. 5, 496-497. 1896.4 



The yolk-sac, yolk and merocy- 
tes, in Seyllium and Lepidosteus. Anat. 
Anz., 1896, 12, 334-347. Abstract in 
Journ. Roy. Mier. Soc. London, pt. 6, 
603-604. 1896.5 

(Alternation of generations in 
vertebrates} Nat. Sci., 1897, 10, 5-7. 

Abstract of the author’s article: On certain 
problems of vertebrate embryology, 1896. 

Further remarks on the phe- 
nomena of reproduction in animals and 
plants. Anat. Anz., 1897, 11, 634-641. 

The source of leucocytes and the 
true function of the thymus. Anat. 
Anz., 1900, 18, 550-560. 1900.1 

The morphological continuity of 
the germ-cells in Raja batis. Veterina- 
rian, 1901, 74, 300-318. — Anat. Anz., 
18, 465-485. — Journ. Roy. Micr. Soc. 
London, 1901, 504-505. 1901.1 

A thymus-element of the spir- 
acle in Raia. Anat. Anz., 1900, 18, 
359-363. figs. Abstract in Journ. Roy. 
Micr. Soc. London, 1901, pt. 1, 17. 


The determination of sex in an- 
imal development. Anat. Anz., 1902, 
20, 556-561. — Zool. Jahrb., 16, 703-— 

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Mae se <s | a einen eure — 





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a ———$— 

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Intorno alla struttura e alle con- 
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Intorno all’ apparato olfattori- 
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1903, 62, pt. 2, 136-139. pl. 1903.1 

Sopra una forma ibrida di cipri- 
nide esistente nei laghi di Varano e 
Monate. Atti Soc. Ital. Sci. Nat., Mus. 
Civ. Milano, 1904, 43, 1-6. pl.— 
Aquicoltura Lombarda, Milano, 1904, 6, 
69-75. pl. 1904.1 

Bellotti, Cristoforo, & Panceri, P. 
Rettificazioni alle specie finora note di 
Ciprinodonti europel. Letta alla Acca- 
demia reale delle Scienze ed inscrita 
nella Gazzetta Piemontese del 1856, 
no. 280. 1856.1 

Bellotti, Cristoforo, Ronchetti-Mon- 
teviti, G., & Mazzarelli, G. Relazione 
intorno alla colonizzazione del persico- 
sole (Pomotis auritus) nei laghi lom- 
bardi. Aquicoltura Lombarda, Milano, 
1905, 7, 59-62. 1905.1 

Belogolowy, G. Studien zur Mor- 
phologie des Nervensystems der Wir- 
beltiere. I. Die Entwickelung des 
Nervus terminalis bei Selachiern. II. 
Die Morphologie des Plexus ophthal- 
micus des Trigeminus bei Ichthyopsida, 
besonders bei Amia calva und Lepidos- 
teus osseus. Bull. Soc. Natural. Moscou, 
1912, 25, 1-34. pl. & 3 figs. 1912.1 

Belousov, N. Appareil pour’ con- 
tenir les poissons. Tray. Soc. Nat., 
Charikoy, 1906, 41, 47-50. pl. 1906.1 

La structure intime de la mem- 
brane operculaire et des terminaisons 
nerveuses dans les muscles striés des 
poissons. Trav. Soc. Nat., Charikoy, 
1909, 42, 96-108. pl. 1909.1 

Belt, A. On the occurrence of Raia 
undulata Lacép. on the Sussex coast. 
Hastings and E. Sussex Naturalist, 
1912, 8a-8b. 1912.1 

Beltrémieux, Edouard. Faune du 
département de la Charente-Inférieure. 
Ann. Acad. La Rochelle, 1864. Also 
separate; La Rochelle, 1864. 2. ed. 
1884. 1864.1 

Bemmelen, A.A.van. Bijdrage tot _ 
de kennis onzer inlandsche diernamen, en 
lijst van visschen in Nederland waarge- 
nomen. Herklots, Bouwstoffen Fauna 
van Nederland. Leiden, 1866, 2, 137- 
141; 3, 318(418)-413(513). 1866. 1 

Lijst van visschen in Nederland. 
Leiden, 1866. 8°. 1866.2 

Bemmelen, J. Ff. van. Ueber ver- 
muthliche rudimentire Kiemenspalten 
bei Elasmobranchiern. Mitth. Zool. 
Stat. Neapel, 1886, 6, 165-184. pls. 


Bénardeau, F. Péche et reproduc- 
tion du saumon en Loire. Paris, 1905. 
52"p: | Ae. 1905.1 

Benda, Carl. Die Dentinbildung in 
den Hautzihnen der Selachier. Arch. 
Micr. Anat., 1881, 20, 246-270. pl. — 
Sitzber. Nat. Ges. Halle, 1881, epee 


Bender, 0. Nochmals die Homologie 
der Paukenhéhlen (Erwiderung auf die 
Arbeiten von H. Fuchs} Anat. Anz., 
1910, 37, 120-128. 1910.1 

Bendire, (Major) Charles Emil 
[1836-1897] Red trout, or redfish of 
Oregon and Idaho. Forest & Stream, 
1878, 10, 156. 1878.1 

The redfish | Hypsifario (Salmo) 
kennerlyi) of Idaho. Forest & Stream, 
1879, 13, 806. fig. 1879.1 

The redfish (Salmo kennerlyi) of 
the Northwest. Forest & Stream, 1879, 
13, 744. 1879.2 

Notes on Salmonide of the up- 
pet Columbia. Proce. U. 8. Nat. Mus., 
1882, 4, 81-87.—Smithson. Mise. Coll., 

1882, 22, 81-87. fig. 1882.1 


Bendixen, B. E. Efterretninger om 

Nordmer og Kristiansund. Skolens 
Indydelsesskrift for 1868.  Kristian- 
sund. II. Jbid., 1870. 1868.1 

Benecke, Berthold. For biography see 
Humboldt, 1886, 5, 240.— Schrift. 
Phys.-dkon. Ges. Konigsberg, 1887, 27 
(Sitzber.) 17-18. 

Beitrige zur Geschichte der 
Fischerei1 in Ost- und Westpreussen. 
Altpreuss. Monatsschr., 1880, 17, 300- 
332; 385-416. 1880.1 

Die Fischerei in Ost- und West- 
preussen. I. Deutsche Fischerei Zeitg., 
1880, 93-95; 101-103; 121-122; 131- 
132; 241-242; 305-307; 329-332; 354— 
355; 379-380; 395-396; 422-424; 458- 
459; 476-477. 1880.2 

Die Metamorphose von Petro- 
myzon. 2.ed. Leipzig, 1880. 8°. 

Ueber ostpreussische Fischerei- 
Verhiltnisse. Deutsch. Fischerei Zeitg., 
1880, 85-86. 1880.4 

Von der Fischerei in Ost- und 
Westpreussen. Berichte des Fischerei 
Ver. Prov. Ost-u. Westpreuss., 1880-81, 
no. 1, 4-8; no. 2, 14-16. 1880.5 

Zur ‘‘Gewohnheit der Lauf- 
fische.”” Deutsch. Fischerei Zeitg., 1880, 
279. 1880.6 

— Zur Metamorphose des Fluss- 
neunauges [Petromyzon fluviatilis] Zool. 
Anz., 1880, 3, 329-330. 1880.7 

Fische, Fischerei und Fischzucht 
in Ost- und Westpreussen, auf Grund 
eigener Anschauung gemeinfasslich dar- 
gestellt. Konigsberg, 1881. 514 p. 11 
pls. & 493 figs. 4°. 1881.1 

Die Schuppen unserer Fische. 
Schrift. Phys.-dkon. Ges. K6nigsberg, 
1881, 22, 112-117. 4pls. Also separate; 
K6nigsberg, 1882. 4°. 1882.1 

Ein neuer Cyprinoidenbastard 
(Scardinopsis alburniformis) Zool. Anz., 
1884, 7, 228-230. 1884.1 

Beobachtungen iiber den Auf- 
steig des Lachses in den Fliissen. Circul. 
Deutsch. Fisch. Ver., 1886. 1886.1 

This is translated as follows: 

Observations on salmon in Ger- 
man rivers. Bull. U. 8. Fish Comm. 
1886, 6, 119-122. 1886.2 


The enemies of pond culture in 
central Europe. Bull. U.S. Fish Comm. 
1886, 6, 337-342. 1886.3 

The results of the London Fish- 
eries Exhibition in their practical value 
for Germany. Rept. U. 8. Fish Comm. 
1884 (1886), 12, 1185-1186. 1886.4 

Die Teichwirthschaft; prakti- 
sche Anleitung zur Anlage von Teichen 
und deren Nutzung durch Fisch- und 
Krebszucht. Berlin, 1886. i126 p. 80 
figs. 8°. 1886.5 

Die Westpreussischen Fische. 
(Im Auftrage des Westpreussischen 
Fischereivereins aus seinem Werke 
“Pische, Fischerei und Fischzucht in 
Ost- und Westpreussen”’ zusammenge- 
stellt) Danzig, 1887. 1887.1 

Om vattnets nyttiggérande ge- 
nom fiskodling. Helsingfors, 1887. 55 
p. 1887.2 

Die Teichwirtschaft. 2. ed., 
Berlin, 1889. 3. ed., Berlin, 1894. 4. 
ed., Berlin, 1902. 1889.1 

Giftige einheimische Fische. All- 
gem. Fischerei Zeitg., 1895, 20. Jahrg., 
381-382. 1895.1 

Benecke, Berthold, Borne, Maz von 
dem, & Dallmer, Hugen. See Borne, 
Benecke & Dallmer. 

Benecke, Berthold, & Kupffer, Carl 
von. See Kupffer & Benecke. 

Beneden, Edouard van. Contribu- 
tion 4 histoire du développement em- 
bryonnaire des téléostéens. Bull. Acad. 
Sci. Bruxelles, 1877, 2. ser. 44, 742-770. 
— Quart. Journ. Micr. Sci., 1878, 18, 
pp. 41-57. pil. 1877.1 

Additions 4 la faune ichthyolo- 
gique des cdtes de Belgique. Bull. Acad. 
Sci. Bruxelles, 1883, 5, 404-420. Also 
separate; Bruxelles, 1883. 1883.1 

Les tuniciers sont-ils des poissons 
dégénérés? quelques mots de réponse A 
Dohrn. Zool. Anz., 1887, 10, 407-413; 

433-436. 1887.1 
(Raia batis) Bull. Acad. Roy. 
Belgique, 1894, 3. sér. 27, 872. 1894.1 

Beneden, Pierre J. van. Sur le siége 
du gotit dans la carpe. L’Institut, 1835, 
3, 180-181. — Bull. Acad. Sci. Bruxelles, 
1835, 2, 103-107. 1835.1 

Sur un crustacé parasite nou- 
veau, avec l’énumération des espéces de 


Beneden, P. J. »v- 

cette classe qu’on observe sur les pois- 
sons du littoral de Belgique. Bull. 
Acad. Sci. Bruxelles, 1851, 18, 286-290. 
— Rev. Mag. Zool., 1851, 415. 1851.1 

Sur quelques parasites d’un pois- 
son rare sur nos cdtes (le maigre d’Eu- 
rope, Sci@na aquila Cuv.) Bull. Acad. 
Sci. Bruxelles, 1852, 19, 98-109. 1852.1 

Sur Sciena aquila et Scymnus 
glacialis. Bruxelles, 1852-53. 3pls. 4°. 

Développement de la queue des 
plagiostomes. Bruxelles, 1853-61. 3 
plsweSz. 1853.1 

Espéce nouvelle du genre On- 
chocotyle, vivant sur les branchies du 
Scymnus glacialis. Bull. Acad. Sci. 
Bruxelles, 1853, 20, 58-68. pl. 1853.2 

Note sur la symmétrie des pois- 
sons Pleuronectes dans leur jeune Age. 
Bull. Acad. Belgique, 1853, 20, 205-210. 
— L’Institut, 1853, 22, 86-87. — Ann. 
Sci. Nat., 3. sér. (Zool.), 1853, 20, 340— 
342. 1853.3 

Sur un poisson rare de nos cétes 
(Scymnus glacialis) et ses parasites. 
Bull. Acad. Sci. Bruxelles, 1853, 20, 258— 
263. — Ann. Nat. Hist., 1854, 2. ser. 18, 
236-237. 1853.4 

Sur les vers parasites du poisson- 
lune (Orthagoriscus mola) et le Cecrops 
latreillii, qui vit sur ses branchies. 
Bull. Acad. Sci. Bruxelles, 1855, 22, 
520-527. pil. 1855.1 

Un nouveau poisson du littoral 
de Belgique (Petromyzon omalii) Bull. 
Acad. Sci. Bruxelles, 1857, 2. sér. 2, 
549-554. — L’Institut, 1857, 25, 309. 
pl. 1857.1 

Sur un Lernanthrope nouveau 
(Lernanthropus petersi) du Serranus goli- 
ath. Bull. Acad. Sci. Bruxelles, 1857, 1, 
51-63. pil. 1857.2 

Sur un nouveau Dinémoure (D. 
elongata) provenant du Scyimnus glaci- 
alis. Bull. Acad. Sci. Bruxelles, 1857, 
1, 226-235. pl. 1857.3 

Sur le développement de la 
queue des poissons plagiostomes. Bull. 
Acad. Roy. Belgique, 1861, 2. sér. 11, 
287-293. pl.— Ann. Sci. Nat., 1861, 4. 
sér. 15 (Zool.), 124-128. 1861.1 

Sur quelques poissons rares des 
cétes de Belgique. Bull. Acad. Sci. 
Bruxelles, 1865, 20, 45-53. 1865.1 


Etude scientifique de |’exposi- 
tion des produits et des engins de péche 
de Bergen, rapport officiel. Bruxelles, 
1866. 1866.1 

Rapport de M. Beneden, chargé 
d’étudier sous le rapport scientifique, 
l’exposition des produits et des engins de 
péche 4 Bergen. Bruxelles, 1866. 12 p. 

Le commensalisme dans le régne 
animal. Bull. Acad. Belgique, 1869, 28, 
621-648. 1869.1 

Un Paleedaphus nouveau du ter- 
rain Dévonien {P. devoniensis] Bull. 
Acad. Sci. Bruxelles, 1869, 2. sér. 27, 
378-385. pl. 1869.2 

Les Echeneis et les Naucrates 
dans leurs rapports avec les poissons 
qu’ils hantent. Bull. Acad. Roy. Sci. 
Belgique, 1870, 2. sér. 30, 181-185. 


Recherches sur quelques pois- 
sons fossiles de Belgique. Bruxelles, 
1870. 4 pls. 8°.— Bull. Acad. Roy. 
Belgique, 1871, 2. sér. 31, 153-179. 


Les poissons des cétes de Bel- 
gique, leurs parasites et leurs commen- 
saux. Mém. Acad. Sci. Bruxelles. 1870 
(1871), 38. 1871.1 

Notice sur un nouveau poisson du 
terrain Laekenien [Dentex laekeniensis} 
Bull. Acad. Roy. Sci. Belgique, 1872, 
2. sér. 34, 420-423. pl. — Journ. Zool. 
(Gervais), 1873, 2, 122-125. fig. 1872.1 

— Poissons de nos eétes. Abstract 
in Bull. Sci. Départ. Nord, 1873, 5, 220— 
22a 1873.1 

Sur un nouveau poisson du ter- 
rain Bruxellien | Homorhynchus bruxelli- 
ensis} Bull. Acad. Roy. Sci. Belgique, 
1873, 2. sér. 35, 207-211. pl. — Journ. 
Zool. (Gervais), 1873, 2, 250-254. fig. 

Sur une dent de Notidanus. 
Ann. Soc. Géol. Belgique, 1874, 1, 64. 


Un mot sur le Selache (Hanno- 
vera) aurata du Crag d’Anvers. Bull. 
Acad. Sci. Bruxelles, 1876, 2. sér. 42, 
294-299. pl. 1876.1 


Sur des éperons génitaux de 
pélerin (Selache aurata) trouvés dans le 
Crag d’Anvers. Journ. Zool. (Gervais), 
1876, 5, 357-358. 1876.2 



Sur un poisson fossile nouveau 
(Semiophorus schaerbeekii) des environs 
de Bruxelles et sur certains corps énig- 
matiques du Crag d’Anvers. — Bull. 
Acad. Sci. Bruxelles, 1881, 1, 116-126. 
pl. & 5 figs. 1881.1 

Comparaison de Clenodentex 
(Dentex) laekeniensis Van Beneden, avec 
les genres Dentex et Lutjanis. Bull. 
Soc. Belge Géol., 1896, 10, 202—204. oe 

Beneden, P.J.van, Hauzeur, Nico- 
las, & Dupont, Eduard. Sur les fouilles 
de Chaleux. Bull. Acad. Sci. Belgique, 
1865, 2. sér. 20, 54-60. 1865.1 

Reference to fossil sharks’ teeth, p. 55. 

Beneden, P..J. van, & Koninck, L.G. 
de. Notice sur le Paledaphus insignis. 
Bull. Acad. Roy. Belgique, 1864, 2. sér. 
17, 143-151. pls. ii. 1864.1 

Benedict, H. M. On the structure 
of two fish tapeworms from the genus 
-Proteocephalus Weinland. Journ. 
Morph., 1900, 16, 337-368. pl. 1900.1 

Benham, W. Blazland. Structure of 
pharyngeal bars of Amphioxus. Lon- 
don, 1893. 2 pls. 1893.1 

Heteropleuron hectori, the New 
Zealand lancelet. Quart. Journ. Micr. 
Sci., 1901, n. s. 14, 273-280. pl. Ab- 
stract in Journ. Roy. Mier. Soc. London, 
1901, 263-264. 1901.1 

On the New Zealand lancelet 
| Heteropleuron hectori sp. nov.) Trans. 
Proc. New Zeal. Instit., 1901, 33, 120- 
122. pl. 1901.2 

An apparently new species of 
Regalecus (R. parkeri) Trans. New 
Zeal. Instit., 1903, 36, 198-200. pl. 


Benham, W.8., & Dunbar, W. JJ. 
On the skull of a young specimen of the 
ribbon-fish, Regalecus. Proc. Zool. Soe. 
London, 1906, 544-556. 2 pls. 1906.1 

Bennet, J. A., & Oliver, G. van. 
Naamlijst van Nederlandsche visschen. 
Verhandl. Naturk., Haarlem, 1824, 13, 
1-122. 1824.1 

Bennett, H.F.T. Movements of fish. 
Art Journ., 1899, 51, 289-293. figs. 

Bennett, Edward Turner. Descrip- 
tion of a new species of Julis Cuv. 
(J. argus} Zool. Journ., 1827, 3, 577— 
5/8. figs. 1827.1 

Observations on the fishes con- 
tained in the collection of the Zoological 
Society. Zool. Journ., 1827, 3, 371-378; 
1828, 4, 31-43. pl,—-Bull. Sci. Nat. 
(Férussac), 1829, 17, 439-441; 18, 131; 
1831, 27, 191-192. 1827.2 

Notes on fishes from Jamaica. 
Zool. Journ., 1829, 86-90. 1829.1 

Memoir of the life and public 

services of Sir Stamford Raffles, edited 

by Lady Raffles, London, 1830. 1830.1 
Fishes, p. 694. 

Observations on a_ collection 
of fishes, formed during the voyage of 
H. M.S. “Chanticleer,” with characters 
of two new species. Proc. Zool. Soe. 
London, 1830, 1, 112. 1830.2 

Characters of new genera and 
species of fishes of the Atlantic coast of 
northern Africa presented by Capt. 
Belcher. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1831, 
146-148. 1831.1 

Observations on a collection of 
fishes from the Mauritius, with charac- 
ters of new genera and species. Proc. 
Zool. Soc. London, 1831, pt. 1, 32; 59- 
61; 126-128; 165-169; pt. 2, 184; pt. 

3, 206. 1831.2 
Poissons décrits. Bull. Sei. 

Nat. (Férussac), 1831, 27, 191-192. 

Pterois russellii nova species. 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1831, 128. 

Characters of new species of 
fishes from Ceylon. Proc. Zool. Soc. 
London, 1832, 182-184. — Isis (Oken), 
1835, 449-451. 1832.1 

Characters of some new species 
of fishes, collected by Mr. Cuming. 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1832, 4-5. — 
Isis (Oken), 1835, 366-367. 1832.2 

Two new fishes from the Mauri- 
tius [Atherina punctata and Julis strigi- 
venter) Proc. Zool. Soe. London, 1832, 
184. 1832.3 

Characters of new species from 
the Mauritius. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 
1833, 32. — Isis (Oken), 1835, 358-361. 

Characters of new fishes from 
western Africa. Proc. Zool: Soc. Lon- 

don, 1834, 45-46. 1834.1 

Acanthurus king n. sp. Proce. 
Zool. Soe. London, 1835, 119. — Isis 
(Oken), 1835, 180. 1835.1 




Bennett, 7.7. - 

Characters of several fishes from 
the Isle de France. Proc. Zool. Soc. 
London, 1835, 206-208. 1835.2 

Characters of several previously 
undescribed fishes from Trebizond, col- 
lected by Keith Abbott. Proce. Zool. 
Soc. London, 1835, pt. 3, 91-92. — Isis 
(Oken), 1837, 137-138. 1835.3 

Bennett, H. 7T., & Lay, G. T. 
Lay & Bennett. 

Bennett, fF. D. Narrative of a whal- 
ing voyage round the globe, ete. 2 vols. 
London, 1840. 1840.1 

Bennett, f. W. On a communica- 
tion between the air bladder and the 
cloaca in the herring. Journ. Anat. 
Phys., 1879, 14, 405-406. 1879.1 

Bennett, George. Notes on sharks, 
more particularly on two enormous spe- 
cimens of Carchartas leucus, captured in 
Port Jackson, Sydney, New South Wales. 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1859, 27; 223— 
226. 1859.1 

On the fish called Glyphisodon 
biocellatus. Proc. Zool. Soe. London, 
1859, 222-223. 1859.2 


Gatherings of a naturalist in 
Australasia, ete. London, 1860. 1860.1 

On the river cod (Gristes peelii) 
and perch of the colonists. Rept. Ac- 
climat. Soc. N. South Wales, 1864, 3, 
81-82. 1864.1 

— |Remarks on Cyprinus auratus] 
6. Ann. Rept. Acclimat. Soc. N. South 
Wales, 1867, 49-50. 1867.1 

On the {poisonous} ‘ toadfish ” 
(Tetrodon hamiltoni) of New South 
Wales. N. South Wales Med. Gaz. Syd- 
ney, 1870-71, 1, 176; 305. pl. 1870.1 

Bennett, John Whitchurch. A selec- 
tion of rare and curious fishes found 

upon the coast of Ceylon. London, 
1828-30. 6 pts. 30 pls. 4°. 1828.1 
Reviews in Bull. Sci. Nat. (Férussac), 1829, 
16, 131; 1830, 21, 325.— Lit. Gaz. London, 
1830, 223. 
The same. 2. ed. London, 
1834. 30 pls. fol. 1834.1 
The same. 3. ed. London, 
1851. “30)pls: ‘fol: 1851.1 
Bennett, &. A. R., & Bateman, 
G.C. See Bateman « Bennett. 

Bennett, 7’. Salmon-fishing on the 
Novarro. Overland Monthly, 1874, 12, 
119-124. — Forest & Stream, 1874, 2. 
29. 1874.1 

Benoist, #. Mémoire sur la pisci- 
culture. Congres Scient. France, 1862, 
29. sess., 254-262. 1862.1 

Bensley, 2. A. Report on the sardine 
industry in relation to the Canadian 
herring fisheries. Ann. Rept. Marine 
Fisher. Canada, 1902, no. 22a, 59-62. ; 


Bent, Ben, pseudonym for Pinckney, 
Frank 8. 

Bentivoglio, Tiio. Diun Petromyzon 
marinus catturato ad Angelo Lomellino. 
Atti Soc. Nat. Modena, 1895, 13, 198. 


Bentley, C. A. The natural history 
of Bombay malaria. Journ. Nat. Hist. 
Soc. Bombay, 1910, 20, 392-422. 1910.1 

Bentley, (..S. The sense of pain in 
fishes. London, 1881. 8°. — Gresham 
Angling Soc. Papers, 1882-83. 1881.1 

Bentley, /. Madison, & Washburn, 
MargaretF. See Washburn & Bentley. 

Beraneck, #. Organs du sens bran- 
chiaux. Bull. Soc. Sci. Neuchatel, 1889, 
6. 1889.1 

Béraud, 7’. C. Considérations théo- 
riques et notions pratiques sur la pisci- 
culture. Mém. Soc. Acad. Maine et 
Loire, 1858, 3, 4-16. 1858.1 

Berenstamm, V. A. _ Kiinstliche 
Befruchtung des Laiches der Teleskop- 
fische (Text in Russian} Akvarium, 
Moskva, 1910, 3, 500-502. 1910.1 

Berent, Waclaw. Zur Kenntnis der 
Parablastes und des Keimblatterdiffe- 
renzirung im Ei der Knochenfische. 
Jena Zeitschr. Naturw., 1896, 2. ser. 30, 
291-343; 344-349. 3 pls. & 4 figs. 


Beresin, W. J. Ueber den Einfluss 
der Gifte auf das isolierte Fischherz. 
Arch. Ges. Physiol., 1913, 150, 549-568. 
pl. & 3 figs. 1913.1 

Berg, A. Couches erétaciques supé- 
rieures sur les bords de la mer d’Aral 
(Text in Russian} Bull. Soe. lmpér. Nat. 
Moscou, 1903 (1904), 8-12. 1904.1 

Berg, Carlos. Ueber Rhodeus amarus. 
Correspbl. Naturf. Ges. Riga, 1880, 
23. Jahrg., 58-60. 1880.1 



Geotria macrostoma (Burm.) Berg, 
y Thalassophryne montevidensis Berg, 
dos peces particulares. Anal. Mus. 
La Plata (Zoolégica), 1893, 1, 1-7. pls. 

Enumeraci6n sistemdtica y si- 
nonimica de los peces de las costas argen- 
tina y uruguaya; contribucién al estu- 
dio de los peces sudamericanos. Anal. 
Mus. Nac. Buenos Aires, 1895, 2. ser. 
1, 1-120. pil. 1895.1 

Sobre peces de agua dulce nue- 
vos 6 poco conocidos de la Reptiblica 
Argentina. Anal. Mus. Nac. Buenos 

Aires, 1895, 2. ser. 1, 121-165. 3 pls. 


Contribuciénes al conocimiento 
de los peces sudamericanos, especial- 
mente de los de la Reptiblica Argentina. 
Anal. Mus. Nac. Buenos Aires, 1896-97, 
2. ser. 1, 263-302. 1897.1 

Contents: I. Peces de agua dulce. II. Peces 

Lista de las publicaciénes cienti- 
ficas hechas desde 1873 hasta 1897 por il 
Dr. Carlos Berg. Bol. Inst. Geogr. Ar- 
gentino, 1897, 18, 71-82. 1897.2 

Publicado con il titulo ‘‘ Apurtaciénes para 

la bibliografia argentina’’ por el Dr. Estanislao 
S. Zeballos. 

— Comunicacidnes ictiolégicas. 
Com. Mus. Nac. Buenos Aires, 1898, 1, 
9-13; 1899, 1, 91-97; 1899, 1, 163-174; 
1901, 1, 293-311. 1898.1 

; Substitucién de nombres gené- 
ricos. Com. Mus. Nac. Buenos Aires, 
1898, 1, 41-43. 1898.2 

Discusses the synonymy of two genera of 

Beitrag zu Dr. G. Hagmann’s 
“ Acanthicus hystrix Spix aus dem un- 
teren Amazonas.” Zool. Anz., 1901, 24, 
586. 1901.1 

Berg, Lew Semenowitch. Ichthyo- 
fauna of Asiatic Russia. I. Fishes of 
the Trans-Caspian region collected by 
N. A. Warentzow (Text in Russian] 
Tagebl. Ges. Fr. Natur. Moskau (Zool. 
Abth.), 1898, 2, 14-20. 2 figs. 1898.1 

: Beitrage zur Ichthyofauna des 
Kaukasus. Mitth. Kaukas. Mus., Tiflis, 
1899, 1, 41-80. 1899.1 

Ueber Theilung und Bildung des 
Parablastes bei Hsox lucius (Text in 
Russian] Tagebl. Ges. Fr. Natur. Mos- 
kau (Zool. Abth.), 1899, 2, 29-52. 22 
figs. 1899.2 


Die Fische des Baikalsees (Text 
in Russian} Ann. Mus. Zool. Acad. Sci. 
St. Pétersb., 1900, 5, 326-372. pl. 


Fish and fisheries in the delta of 
the Sir-Darien river and the Aral sea 
(Text in Russian} Works Soc. Naviga- 
tion (Fish Div.), St. Petersb,, 1900, 2. 


Condition in 1900 of the Sir-Da- 
rien and Aral fisheries {Text in Russian} 
Works Soc. Navigation (Fish Div.), St. 
Petersb., 1902, no. 3, p. 16. 1902.1 

On the taxonomy of the Cottidee 
of lake Baikal (Text in Russian] Ann. 
Mus. Zool. Acad. Sci. St. Pétersb., 1903, 
8, 99-114. 1903.1 

— Zur Systematik der Acipenseri- 
den. Zool. Anz., 1904, 27, 665-667. 

Einige Worte iiber den “‘ Dick ” 
(Acipenser schypa, glaber, brandti) (Text 
in Russian) Trd. Obsé. Jest., Saratov, 
1905, 4, pt. 2, 281-283. 1905.1 

Die Fische von Turkestan [Text 
in Russian} Mitth. Turkestan. Abh. K. 
Russ. Geogr. Gesell., 1905, 4, 1-261. 
6 pls. & 35 figs. 1905.2 

Notiz tiber die Fischerei in den 
Gewiissern des Semiretschje-Gebiets 
(Text in Russian} Russ. Sudochod., St. 
Pétersb., 1905, 20, 49-56. 1905.3 

Verzeichnis der Fische von Rus- 
sisch-Turkestan. Ann. Mus. Zool. 
Acad. Sci. St. Pétersb., 1905, 10, 316— 
Bone 1905.4 

Beschreibung einiger kaukasi- 
scher Fische [Cobitis caucasica, n. sp.1 
Bull. Acad. Sci. St. Pétersb., 1906, 5. sér. 
24, 35-39. fig. 1906.1 

— Description of a new species of 
Leucogobio from Korea. Ann. Mag. 
Nat. Hist., 1906, 7. sér. 18, 394-395. 


Fisheries of the basin of the 
Wolga above Saratow [Text in Russian] 
St. Petersburg, 1906. 85 p. 1906.3 

Fisheries of the 4. Inspection District, 4. ed. 
Pamphlet issued by Dept. of Agriculture. 

Note on Doliichthys  stellatus 
Sauvage. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1906, 
7. ser. 18, 393. 1906.4 

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Berg, L.S. ; 

Kiakhta Soc. Imp. Russe Géogr., 1906, 
7, no. 1, 78-92. 1906.5 

Notice sur les poissons du lac 

Kossogol (bassin du Baikal) (Text in 
Russian) Op. cit., 8, 64-70. 1906.6 
Ueber Gyrinocheilus kaznakovi 

sp. n. (Cyprinids subfam. Gyrinochei- 
lini) aus Siam (Text in Russian) C. R. 
Trav. Soc. Nat. St. Pétersb., 1906, 37, 
305-307. German résumé, 364-366. 

Uebersicht der  Cataphracti 
(fam. Cottidse, Cottocomephoride und 
Comephoride) des Baikalsees. Zool. 
Anz., 1906, 30, 906-911. 1906.8 

Uebersicht der Fischerei im 
Wolga-Bassin vom Flusse Vetluga_ bis 
zur Miindung der Kama_ [Text in Rus- 

sian] Russ. Sudochod., St. Petersb., 
1906, 21, pt. 6, 84-114; pt. 7, 73-100. 

Uebersicht der Marsipobranchii 
{Caspiomyzon n. g. pro Petromyzon 
wagneri| des russischen Reiches. Bull. 
Acad. Sci. St. Pétersb., 1906, 5. sér. 24, 
169-183. fig. 1906.10 

Uebersicht der Salmoniden vom 
Amur-Becken. Zool. Anz., 1906, 30, 
395-398. 1906.11 

Zur Osteologie der Baikalsee- 

Cataphracti. Tr ay Soc. Nat. St. Pé- 
tersb., 1906, 37, 1. livraison, 30-32; 
40-41. 1906.12 

Beschreibungen einiger neuer 
Fische aus dem Stromgebiete des Amur. 
Ann. Mus. Zool. Acad. St. Pétersb., 1907, 

12, 418-423. 1907.1 
Die Cataphracti des Baikal 
Sees (fam. Cottide, Cottocomephoride 

und Comephoride) Beitrage zur Oste- 
ologie und Systematik. Wiss. Ergebn. 
Zool. Exped. Baikal See, St. Petersburg 

& Berlin, 1907. 3.ed. 75p. dpls. & 
17 figs. 1907.2 

Description of a new cyprinoid 
fish, Achetlognathus signifer, from Korea, 
with a synopsis of all the known Rho- 
deine. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1907, 7 
ser. 19, 159-163. 1907.3 

Description of a new cyprinoid 
fish, Paraleucogobio notacanthus, from 
northern China. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 
1907, 7. ser. 19, 163-164. 1907.4 

Einige Worte iiber die Notiz von 
VY. Gratzianow: ‘“‘ die Neunaugen des 


russischen Reiches’’ [Russian with 
German résumé) Trav. Soc. Nat. St. 
Pétersb., 1907, 37, 336-341; 367-370. 


Fishes. (In W.. Braznikoff’s 
‘* Materials relating to the fauna of the 
eastern seas of Russia’’) (Text in Rus- 
sian} Mém. Acad. Imp. Sci. St. Pétersb. 
1907, 8. sér. 20, 179-181. 1907.6 

Notes sur quelques espéces palé- 
arctiques du genre Phoxinus [Text in 
Russian} Ann. Mus. Zool. Acad. Sci. 
St. Pétersb., 1907, 11, 196-213. 1907.7 

Notice sur le Gobio rivularis Ba- 
silewsky (Text in Russian} Ann. Mus. 
Zool. Acad. Sci. St. Pétersb., 1907, 11, 
2. 1907.8 

Notice sur le groupe des Rho- 
deine (fam. Cyprinide) du bassin de 
YAmour [Text in Russian} Ann. Mus. 
Zool. Acad. Sci. St. Pétersb., 1907, 11, 

10-14. 1907.9 
Les poissons du_ bassin de 
Amour.  Ichthyologia amurensis. 

(Text in Russian] Bull. Acad. Sci. St. 
Pétersb., 1907, 6. sér. 1, 326-327. 1907.10 

A review of the cobitoid fishes 
of the basin of the Amur. Proc. U.S. 
Nat. Mus., 1907, 32, 435-488. 1907.11 

A review of the species of the ten- 
spined sticklebacks or Pygosteus from 
east Asia. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., 1907, 
32, 451-454. 1907.12 

Révision des _poissons d’eau 
douce de la Corée (Text in Russian] 
Ann. Mus. Zool. Acad. Sei. St. Pétersb., 
1907, 12, 1-12. 1907.13 

Sur l’Aspro streber Sieb. et Ace- 
rina schraetser (1..) trouvés dans la delta 
du Danube. Ann. Mus. Zool. Acad. 
Sci. St. Pétersb., 1907, 11, 3-4. 1907.14 

Anweisungen zum sammeln z0o- 
logischer Objekte. III. Anleitung zum 
sammeln und versenden yon Fischen, 
Amphibien und Reptilien. Ann. Mus. 
Zool. Acad. Sci. St. Pétersb., 1908. 10 p. 

Collection de poissons recueillis 
par N. Baikov dans la Mandchourie 
(Text in Russian} Ann. Mus. Zool. 
Acad. Sci. St. Pétersb., 1908, 12, 67-68. 

Liste des poissons del’Ob (Text 
in Russian} Ann. Mus. Zool. Acad. Sei. 
St. Pétersb., 1908, 13, 221-228. 1908.3 




Liste des poissons de la Kolyma 
(Text in Russian} Ann. Mus. Zool. 
Acad. Sci. St. Pétersb., 1908, 13, 69-107. 

Sur le saumon de la mer d’Aral 
(Salmo trutta aralensis subsp. nov.) 
(Text in Russian} Ann. Mus. Zool. 
Acad. Sci. St. Pétersb., 1908, 13, 315- 
323. 1908.5 

Sur le saumon de la mer Noire 
(Salmo salar labrax Pall.) (Text in 
Russian} Ann. Mus. Zool. Acad. Sci. 
St. Pétersb., 1908, 13, 255-266. 1908.6 

Sur un exemplaire de la truite 
(Salmo trutta L.) d’une coloration étrange 
{Text in Russian} Ann. Mus. Zool. 
Acad. Sci. St. Pétersb., 1908, 13, xxxv— 
XXXVI. 1908.7 

Vorlaiufige Bemerkungen iiber 
die europiisch-asiatischen Salmoninen, 
insbesondere die Gattung Thymallus. 
Ann. Mus. Zool. Acad. Sci. St. Pétersb., 
1908, 12, 500-514. 1908.8 

— Bemerkungen iiber die Gattung 
Nematabramis Blgr. Ann. Mus. Zool. 
Acad. Sci. St. Pétersb., 1909, 14, xliii. 


Beschreibung von Diplophysa 
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tidini) aus Turkestan. Ann. Mus. Zool. 
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Ichthyologia amurensis [Text 
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Quelques remarques concernant 
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essal de révision des poissons de la Rus- 

sie’? Text in Russian) Ann. Mus. 
Zool. Acad. Sci. St. Pétersb., 1909, 18, 
437-470. 1909.4 

Ueber die Gattungen Acantho- 
gobio Herzst. und Hemibarbus Blkr. 
Ann. Mus. Zool. Acad. Sci. St. Pétersb., 
1909, 14, 103-106. 1909.5 

Nachtrag zu meiner Arbeit iiber 
die europiisch-asiatischen Salmoninen. 
Ann. Mus. Zool. Acad. Sci. St. Pétersb., 

eae sur une mission zoolo- 
gique au Caucase en 1909 (Text in Rus- 
sian} Ann. Mus. Zool. Acad. Sci. St. 
Pétersb., 1910, 15, p. 0153-0170. 1910.2 

Die von K. A. Satunin in der 
Goél-Niederung gesammelten  Fische 

(Text in Russian] Izv. Kavk. Otd. Russ. 
Geogr. Obs¢., Tiflis, 1910, 20, 127-128. 

Apparition en masse de Sarda 
sarda (Bl.) sur la eéte orientale de la 
mer Noire en 1910 [Text in Russian) 
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1911, 16, p. xv—xvi. 1911.1 

Catalogue of the fishes of the 
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Russian} Illus. Guide to Kama, Perm, 
1911, p. 72-74. 1911.2 

On Morone labrax (L.) trouvé 
dans la mer Noire ;Text in Russian) 
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1911, 16, p. xxiv. 1911.3 

—— Note sur le Percocottus glehni 
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p. 1. 1912.1 

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de la Russie et des pays limitrophes 
fondée principalement sur les collec- 
tions du Musée Zoologique de |’ Acadé- 
mie Impériale des Sciences de St. Péters- 
bourg. St. Pétersbourg, 1912. 336 p. 
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Sur les poissons des fleuves 
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Acad. Sci. St. Pétersb., 1912, 17, 53-55. 

Sur un specimen de la Lampetra 
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p. 80. 1879.1 

Bertelli, D. Pieghe dei reni primitivi. 
Contributo alla morfologia e allo svi- 
luppo del diaframma. Atti Soc. Tos- 
cana, 1898, 16, 72-108. 1898.1 

Berthelmann, ——, Borcherding, 
Fr., Cronheim, , Debschitz, H. 
v., Knauthe, Karl, & Apstein, C. See 
Knauthe « others. 

Berthelot, Sabin. \ 
la eéte occidentale d’Afrique. Paris, 
1840. 302 p. map. 8°. 1840.1 

A second edition was published at Paris in 

De la péche sur 

Die Aufbewahrung lebender See- 
fische in Piscinen und auf Fischbehalter- 
schiffen (Translated from the French 
by Dr. Carl Bolle} Zeitschr. Akklimat., 
1865, n. s. 3, 187-203. 1865.1 

Des moyens d’encouragement 
pour les progrés de la péche cotiére. 
Bull. Soe. Imp. Zool. Acclimat., 1865, 
2. sér. 2, 709-721. 1865.2 

Nouveau systéme de péche. Ré- 
servoirs de dépét. Bateaux viviers. 
Conservation du poisson. Paris, 1865. 
8°. Extract in Bull. Soc. Acclim. Paris, 
1865, 2. sér. 2, 176-194. 1865.3 

De la péche sur les cé6tes de 
lV’ Algérie. Paris, 1866. 8°. 1866.1 

Des péches A la traine en mer et 
du dépeuplement de notre fond de péche. 
Bull. Soe. Acclim. Paris, 1867, 2. sér. 4, 
480-500. 1867.1 

Etudes sur les péches maritimes 
dans la Méditerranée et l’océan. Paris, 
1868. 487 p. 8°. 1868.1 

Oiseaux voyageurs et poissons 
de passage; étude comparée d’orga- 
nisme, de mceurs et d’instinet. 2 vols. 
Paris, 1875-76. 8°. 1875.1 


Berthelot, Sabin, & Detzem, —— 
See Detzem & Berthelot. 

Berthelot, Sabin, & Webb, Philip 
Barker. See Webb & Berthelot. 

Berthier, V. Le poisson-chat |Amei- 
urus] Bull. Soc. Hist. Nat. Autun, 1905, 
no. 18, 157-162. 1905.1 

Lamproie marine (Petromyzon 
marinus Linné) Bull. See. Hist. Nat. 
Autun, no. 21, 1908, 58-61. 1908.1 

Bertholdi, Ueber einen in 
Tauris fossil gefundenen Hai-Zahn. 
Bull. Soc. Nat. Moscou, 1833, 6. 1833.1 

Berthoule, Amédée. Les écoles de 
pisciculture. Bull. Soc. Acclimat., 1887, 
27: 1887.1 

Rapport adressé au ministre de 
la marine et des colonies, au nom du 
comité consultatif des péches maritimes, 
sur les mceurs du saumon. Paris, 1888. 

“2 ae ae 1888.1 
Les péches en Norvége. Rev. 
Scient., 1892, 49, 618-627. 1892.1 

Berthoule, Amédée, & Bouchon- 
Brandely, Germain Jean Baptiste. See 
Bouchon-Brandely & Berthoule. 

Berthoule, Amédée, & Bouffet, —— 
See Bouffet & Berthoule. 

Berthoule, Amédée, & Vaillant, 
Léon. le saumon et la loi sur la péche 
(Suivi de] Sur la présence du saumon 
dans les eaux marines de la Norvége. 
Paris, 1889. 17 p. 8°. — Rev. Sci. Nat. 
Appliq. (Bull. Bimens. Soc. Acclim.), 
1889, no. 3. 1889.1 

Berthoumieu, V. Essai bibliogra- 
phique sur l’histoire naturelle du Bour- 
bonnais. Rev. Scient. Bourbonn., 1899, 
12, 10-22; 41-49; 104-113; 126-136; 
201-211; 221-238; 1900, 13, 38-45; 
90-103; 155-163. 1899.1 

Bertini, H. Le ossa basali del cranio 
dei pesci in rapporto con la teoria ver- 
tebrale del cranio. Genova, 1907. 31 p. 


Bertram, James G. The harvest of 
the sea; a contribution to the natural 
and economic history of the British food 
fishes. London, 1865. 519p. pl. & figs. 
ae B 1865.1 

—— Thesame (Reprint) New York, 
1866. 519p. pls. 8°. 1866.1 

There are also three other English editions, 
the last published in 1885. 



Modern fish. Brit. Almanac 
Companion, 1883. 15 p. 1883.1 
The unappreciated fisher folk. 
London, 1883. 83 p. 8°. (Intern. 
Fisheries Exhib. Handb.) 1883.2 

(Ellangowan, pseudon.) Outdoor 
sports in Scotland. London, 1889. 
388 p. 8°. 1889.1 

Chap. xvii, Salmonia. Chap. xviii, Troutiana, 

—— Thesame. 2.ed. London, 1890. 
388 p. 8°. 1890.1 

Bertrand, EZ. Recueil de divers 
traités sur Vhistoire naturelle de la 
terre et des fossiles. Avignon, 1766. 

4°, 1766.1 

Contents: Des poissons fossiles, ou Ictyo- 
pétres. — Divers états de ces poissons. — Leurs 

Bertrand, Emile. Sur le poisson 
mosaique (Phoxinus umbrosus) Bull. 
Soe. Centr. Aquicult. France, 1889, 1, 
94. 1889.1 

Sur quelques poissons récem- 
ment acclimatés en France. Bull. Soc. 
Centr. Aquicult. France, 1890, 2, 140. 


Observations sur divers modes de 
reproduction chez les poissons. Bull. 
Soe. Centr. Aquicult. France, 1893, 5, 
115-119. 1893.1 

Bertrand, J.£. (editor) Descriptions 
des arts et métiers. Neuchatel, 1779. 
Sx 1779.1 

Vols. x and xi of this work bear the bastard 
title: Traité des péches, ét histoire des poissons. 
See Duhamel du Monceau, H. L. 

Bertrand, Lowis. Poissons et crus- 
tacés d’eau douce alimentaires de |’ Imé- 
rina (Madagascar) Bull. Soc. Nation. 
Acclimat. France, 1900, 47, 348-549. 


Bertrand, VM. Note sur |’établisse- 
ment de M. le capitaine Silhouette a 
Biarritz. Bull. Soc. Nat. Acclimat. 
France, 1873, 2. sér. 10, 209-214. 1873.1 

Bertuch, Fr. J. Tafeln der allge- 
meinen Naturgeschichte nach ihren drey 
Reichen; nebst vollstaindiger synop- 
tischer Enumeration aller bis jetzt be- 
kannten Naturkérper und ihrer Cha- 
rakteristik: neu umgearbeitete Ausgabe. 
Weimar, 1806-07. 4°. 1806.1 

Besana, Giuseppe. Sulla convenienza 
di acclimatare nei nostri laghi il coregono 
azzurro. Giorn. Ital. Pesca Acquicult., 
1897, 1, 326-328. 1897.1 


Besana, G. ; 
Durata dell’ 
uova di Coregoni schinzii. 
Lombard., 1900, 2, 14-15. 

incubazione delle 

Sulla pesca dei coregoni nel 
lago di Como durante i! divieto, a scopo 
di incubazione. Acquicult. Lombard., 
1901, 3, 223-227; 249-251. 1901.1 

Die Einfiihrung des gemeinen 
Sonnenfisches (Pomotis auritus Giinth.) 
im Varano-See. Allgem. Fischerei 
Zeitg., 1902, 27, 239-241. 1902.1 

American fishes in Italy. Proc. 
4. Intern. Fish. Congress, Washington, 
D.C., 1908, pt. 2, 947-954. 1908.1 

La questione della pesca degli 
agoni [Alosa finta) con la canna nel lago 
diComo. Rivista Mens. Pesca, Milano, 
1908, 10, 152-158. 1908.2 

Besana, Giuseppe, Burguiéres, L., 
Genazzini, £., Gervasoni, 7., & Vin- 
ciguerra, D. See Vinciguerra «& 

Besnou, Léon (Observations sur les 
poissons et la pisciculture dans le dé- 
partement de la Manche; Congrés 
Scient. France, 27. sess., 1860 (1861), 1, 
280-284. 1861.1 

Besselich, NV. Mittheilungen be- 

treffend die Fischerei in Trier. Circul. 
Deutsch. Fischerei Ver. 1874 (1875), 
256-259. 1875.1 

Notizen tiber das Fischwesen an 
der Mosel, Sauer, ete. Cireul. Deutsch. 
Fischerei Ver. 1875 (1876), 359-362. 


Bessels, Emil. Ueber fossile Sela- 
chier-Eier. Jahresber. Vaterl. Naturk. 
Wiirttemberg, 1869, 25, 152-155. 1869.1 

oe H. (pseudon.) See Bettziech, 

Bethe, Albrecht. Ueber die Erhal- 
tung des Gleichgewichtes. Biol. Cen- 
tralbl., 1894, 14, 95-114; 563-582. 


Ueber die Silbersubstanz in der 
Haut von Alburnus lucidus. Zeitschr. 
Physiol. Chem., 1895, 20, 472-477. 


Die Locomotion des Haifisches 
(Scyllium) und ihre Beziehungen zu 
den einzelnen Gehirntheilen und zum 
Labyrinth. Archiv. Gesell. Physiol., 
1899, 76, 471-496. figs. 1899.1 


Ueber die Neurofibrillen in den 
Ganglienzellen von Wirbelthieren und 
ihre Beziehungen zu den Golginetzen. 
Arch. Mikr. Anat., 1900, 55, 373-558. 


Bethune, (/ev.) George W. A Wal- 
tonian library; or a list of such works 
as relate to fish and fishing. (Appended 
to Dr. Bethune’s edition of Walton & 
Cotton’s The compleat angler. New 
York, 1847. Vol. ii, p. 151-203) 1847.1 

Betta, Francisco Edoardo de {1822- 
1896] Sulla piscicoltura in generale e 
sulla possibilita ed utilitaé della sua 
introduzione nel Veronese, ete. Mem. 
Acead. Agric. Comm. Arti Verona, 1861, 
40, 7-51. pl. Also separate; Verona, 
1861. 8°. 1861.1 

Ittiologia Veronese ad uso popu- 
lare e per servire alla introduzione della 
piscicoltura nella provincia, ete. Mem. 
Accad. Agric. Comm. Arti Verona, 1862, 
41, 259-409. Also separate; Verona, 
1862. 8°. 1862.1 

Materiali per una fauna Vero- 
nese, etc. Mem. Accad. Agric. Comm. 
Arti Verona, 1863, 42, 1-144. Also 
separate; Verona, 1863. 144 p. 8°. 

Sul carpione del lago di Garda 
(Salmo carpio lL.) Atti Istit. Ven. Soe. 
Litt. Arti, 1891, 1, 803-808. 1891.1 

Bettany, George Thomas, & Parker, 
William Kitchen. See Parker & 

Bettoni, Hugenio. 
pressione barometrica sopra  aleuni 
pesci d’ acqua dolce. Atti Soe. Ital. 
Sci. Nat., 1867, 10, 422-432. 1867.1 

Note illustrativa sulla mostra di 
piscicoltura alle esposizioni riunite di 
Milano nel 1894. Brescia, 1894. 11 p. 
8°. 1894.1 

Piscicoltura d’ acqua dolee. Mi- 
lano, 1894. 85 figs. 8°. 1894.2 

Bettoni, Hugenio, & Vinciguerra, 
Decio. Sulli stabilimenti di piseicoltura 
all’ estero. Roma, 1885. fig. 8°. 


On the fish-cultural establish- 
ments of central Europe. Rept. U. 8. 
Fish Comm. 1886 (1889), 14, 539-601. 
7 pls. 1889.1 

Bettoni, Giulio. Elementi di piscicol- 
tura d’ acqua dolce. Aquicolt. Lom- 
bard., 1899, 1, no. 2, 15-19; no. 3, 17— 

Influsso della 




19; no. 4, 33-37; no. 5, 31-37; 1900, 
2, 74-77. 1899.1 

Di un nuovo apparato per 
trasporto degli avannoti. Neptunia, 
1901, 16, 92-97. 1901.1 

Bettziech, /., also styled Beta, H. 

(Beta, H., pseudon.; Die Be- 
wirthschaftung des Wassers und die 
Ernten daraus, mit einem Vorworte von 
Dr. Brehm. Leipzig & Heidelberg, 1868. 
318 p. 20 figs. 8°. 1868.1 

Fischeultur, p. 40-56. Kiinstliche Laichung 
und Befruchtung, p. 196-207. Aquariums- 
Cultur, p. 227-272. 

(Beta, H. pseudon.; Der Aal- 
staat in Italien. Annal. Landw. Wochen- 
bl., 1869, 13-15. 1869.1 

—— (Beta, H. pseudon.) Neue Werke 
und Winke fiir die Bewirthschaftung 
des Wassers (Hydronomie) Leipzig & 
Heidelberg, 1870. 44 p. 2 figs. ste i 


—— {Beta, H. pseudon.) Die Aal- 
zucht. Landw. Zeitg., 1871, 20 (n. s. 
8), 417-418. 1871.1 

Der wirthschaftliche Werth der 
Wassernutzung durch Fischzucht. Ber- 
lin, 1873. 44 p. 8°. (In Samm. 
Wissensch. Vortrige, 8. ser. Heft 174) 


Beudant, Francois Sulpice, Edwards, 
Henri Milne, & Jussieu, Antoine 
Laurent de. Cours élémentaire d’his- 
toire naturelle. 10. ed. Paris, 1867. 
4 vols. 8°. 1867.1 

Zoologie, par H. Milne Edwards. 497 figs. 
A German translation of this work, in 3 vols., 

appeared at Stuttgart in 1868, and there are 
several later French editions. 

Beuerle, Gustav. Meine Beobach- 
tungen iiber Scatophagus argus im Zim- 

meraquarium. Wochenschr. Aquar.- 
Terrar. Kunde, 1912, 9. Jahrg., 554-555. 
fic. 1912.1 

Beveridge, Arthur. Occurrences of 
Labrus mixtus L. on the west coast of 
Sutherlandshire. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist. 
1892, 1, 141. 1892.1 

Bewick, Thomas [1753-1828] A 
memoir of Thomas Bewick, written by 
himself, embellished by numerous wood 
engravings designed and engraved by 
the author for a work on British fishes, 
and never before published. Newcastle- 
on-Tyne, 1862. 344p. figs. 8°. 1862. 

The same. 

New ed., prefaced 

and annotated by Austin Dobron. 
Newcastle-on-Tyne, 1887. 393 p. 8°. 

Bewley, B. F. The lump-sucker of 
Rathlin island. Zoologist, 1864, 22, 

9296. 1864.1 

Bexar, pseudonym for Johnson, 
Samuel M. 

Beyrich, Heinrich Ernst [1815-1896] 
For biography and works, see Leopol- 
dina, 1896, 32, 110-113; Zeitschr. Prakt. 
Geol., 1900, 97-110. 

Ueber Xenacanthus decheni und 
Holacanthodes gracilis, zwei Fische aus 
der Formation des Rothliegenden in 
Nord-Deutsechland. Archiv. f. Mineral. 
(Karsten), 1848, 22, 646-654. — Sitzber. 
Akad. Wiss. Berlin, 1848, 24-33. 1848.1 

Ueber einige organische Reste 
der Lettenkohlenbildung in Thiiringen 
{Ceratodus} Zeitschr. Deutsch. Geol. 
Gesell., 1850, 2, 153-180. 1850.1 

Ueber einen Pterichthys von 
Gerolstein. Zeitschr. Deutsch. Geol. 
Ges., 1877, 29, 751-756. — Neues Jahrb. 
Mineral., 1878, 488. pl. 1877.1 

Bézier, Toussaint. Le cycloptére 
lompe (Cyclopterus lumpus Linn.) Bull. 
Soc. Sci. Méd. Ouest, Rennes, 1894, 8, 
113-116. 1894.1 

Sur quelques cas d’albinisme et 
de mimétisme. Trav. Scient. Univ. 
Rennes, 1902, 1, 191-194. — Bull. Soe. 
Sci. Méd. Ouest, Rennes, 1902, 11, 127- 
1331 be 1902.1 

Sur l’existence de Ctenacanthus 
ef. bohemicus Barr. dans le calcaire 
dévonien inférieur de la Roussiére, en 
Saint-Germain-le-Fouilloux (Mayenne) 
Bull. Soc. Sei. Méd. Ouest, Rennes, 
1913, 22, 67-79. pl. 1913.1 

Bharatkar, K. C., Suzuki, U., 
Mihata, ., Otsuki, R., & Inouye, 
R. See Suzuki & others. 

Biagi, G. La fovea centrale della 
retina nei Lofobranchi. Spezia, 1899. 
IPOS MS 1899.1 

Bianchi, V. La Belone vulgaris Flem. 
dans la région orientale du golfe de Fin- 
lande. Ann. Mus. Zool. Acad. Sci. St. 
Pétersb., 1907, 11, iv. 1907.1 

Bianconi, Giovanni Giuseppe [1809- 
1878] Lettera sul Ostracion fornasini, ° 




Bianconi, G. G. ~ 

n. sp. de pesce del Mosambico. Nuov. 
Ann. Sci. Nat. Bologna, 1846, 2. ser. 5, 
113-115. figs. — Rendicont. Accad. Sci. 
Istit. Bologna, 1848-49, p. 34. 1846.1 

Osservazione intorno al volume 
XX della Ittiologia del Sig. Valenciennes. 
Nuov. Ann. Sci. Nat. Bologna, 1848, 2. 
ser. 10, 54-58. 1848.1 

Pisces Novi Mozambicani. 
Rendicont. Accad. Sci. Istit. Bologna, 
1853-54, p. 68-69; 1856-57, p. 100. 
Specimina zoologica Mosambi- 
cana quibus vel nove vel minus note 

animalium species illustrantur. Bono- 
nie, 1850-70. 363 p. 48 col. pls. 

Fascicles x, xii—xiii deal with fishes, and were 
published in 1855, 1857 and 1859. Abstracts 

with diagnoses of new species were published in 
advance of the fascicles (20 in all) of this work, 
some in the Nuovi Annali Sci. Nat. Bologna 
and others in the Rendiconti of the Bologna 

Sulla Trigla lineata. Rendicont. 
Accad. Sci. Istit. Bologna, 1856-57, p. 
101-102. 1856.1 

Bianconi, Joannes Josephus. 
Bianconi, Giovanni Giuseppe. 

Biberhofer, Raéul. Ueber Regene- 
ration bei Amphiorus lanceolatus. Arch. 

Entw. Mech., 1906, 22, 15-17. 2 figs. 
Bibron, Gabriel [1806-1848] Dic- 

tionnaire universel d’histoire naturelle 
: par MM. Arago . . . Bibron, ete. 
16 vols. See Orbigny, A. C. V. D.d’. 

Bibron, Gabriel, & Bory de Saint- 
Vincent, Jean Baptiste George Marie. 
Reptiles et poissons (In Expédition 
scientifique de Morée. Paris, 1883. 
vol. iu, pt. 1, 57-80) 1833.1 

Poissons de Morée, p. 76-80. 

Bicci, G., & Barbére, A. G. 
Barbére « Bicci. 

Bickel, Adolf. Beitriige zu der Lehre 
von den Bewegungen der Wirbelthiere. 
Arch. Phys. (Pfliiger), 1896, 65, 231— 
247. 1896.1 

Bickerdyke, John. Successful fish- 
culture in the Highlands. Blackwood’s 
Edinburgh Mag., 1893, 154, 835-842. 

Sea fishing. With contributions 
on antipodan and foreign fish by W. 
Senior, and on tarpon by A. C. Harms- 



worth. London, 1895. 562 p._ pls. & 
figs. 8°. (Badminton library) 1895.1 

Bickerdyke, John, Aflalo, Frederick 
George, Maxwell, (Sir) H., & Pycraft, 
W.P. See Aflalo & others. 

Bickford, Elizabeth. The hypophysis 
of the Calameichthys calabaricus (Smith) 
Anat. Anz., 1895, 10, 465-470. 1895.1 

Bickford, W.M. Notes on the Mon- 
tana grayling. Trans. Amer. Fisheries 
Soc. 1913 (1914), 153-156. 1914.1 

Bickmore, Albert Smith [1839-1914] 
A specimen of Amphioxus from Bird 
shoal off Beaufort, N.C. Proc. Boston 
Soc. Nat. Hist., 1862-63 (1865), 9, 333— 
334. 1865.1 

Travels in the East Indian archi- 
pelago. London, 1868. 555 p. 33 pls. 

& maps. 8°. 1868.1 
Fishes, p. 52, 329, 332, 354. 
Bicknell, HL. P., & Dresslar, 

Fletcher B. A review of the species of 

the genus Semotilus. Proc. Acad. Nat. 

Sci. Philad., 1885 (1886), 14-18. 

Bicknell, Edwin. Note on the teeth 
of Ceratodus and sharks. Proce. Boston 
Soc. Nat. Hist., 1870-71 (1872), 14, 189. 


Bidie, William. Catalogue of the 

fishes in the Government Central Mu- 
seum. Madras, 1874. 8°. 1874.1 

Biedie, G. Char (Salmo alpinus) in 
loch Lomond. Ann. Scot. Nat. Hist., 
1895 (1896), 124; -258. 1896.1 

Biedl, 4. Die funktionelle Bedeu- 
tung des Interrenalorganes der Selachier. 
Verhandl. 8. Intern. Zool. Kong. Graz, 

1910 (1912), 505-511. 1912.1 
Biehn, H. Rivulus flabellicauda, 
seine Pflege und Zucht. Wochenschr. 

Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1911, 8. Jahrg. 
345-346. fig. 1911.1 

Bieler, G. A. Ueber Lachsfischerei 
und Lachszucht im Rhein und seinen 
Zufliissen. Deutsch. Fischerei Zeitg., 
1880, 411.— Erste Oester.-ungar. Fi- 
scherei Zeitg., 174-175. 1880.1 

Ueber die Lebensweise des 
Rheinlachses und dessen natiirliche und 
kiinstliche Vermehrung. Deutsch. Fi- 
scherei Zeitg., 1903, 26, 165-166; 241; 
445. 1903.1 


Bieler, Willy. Zur Kenntnis des 
minnlichen Geschlechtsapparats einiger 
Acanthocephalen von Fischen. Zool. 
Jahrb. (Anat. Abth.), 1913, 36, 525- 
578. pl. & 15 figs. 1913.1 

Bielschowsky, Eine Modifi- 
kation meines Silberimprignationsver- 
fahrens zur Darstellung der Neurofi- 
brillen. Journ. Psychol. Neuro., 1908, 
12. 1908.1 

Bielz, Eduard Albert [1826?—-1898] 
Uebersicht der lebenden Fische Sieben- 
biirgens. Verh. Mitth. Siebenbiirg, 
1853, 4, 172-185. pl. Also separate; 
Hermannstadt, 1853. 8°. 1853.1 

Fauna der Wirbelthiere Sieben- 
biirgens. . . Eine Preisschrift, etc. Her- 
mannstadt, 1856. vi, 200 p. 8°. 1856.1 

—— Die Fauna der Wirbelthiere Sie- 
benbiirgens nach ihren jetztigen Be- 
stande. Verh. Siebenb. Ver. Naturwiss., 

1888, 38, 113-120. 1888.1 
Bierhance, Ernst. Lebias sophie 
Heckel. Wochenschr. Aquar.-Terrar. 

Kunde, 1912, 9. Jahrg. 448. fig. 1912.1 

Biermann, A. Neuestes illustrirtes 
Fischereibuch, oder Anweisung, die 
wilde und zahme Fischerei zum Vergnii- 
gen und Nutzen mit Erfolg betreiben zu 
konnen, nebst Belehrung iiber Teich- 
wirthschaft und Andeutungen iiber die 

kiinstliche Fischzucht. Hamm, 1865. 
120 p. 55 figs. 8°. 1865.1 
Biesenbach, Robert. Kiinstliche 

Fischzucht und Teichwirthschaft. Ein 
Hand- und Werkbuch fiir Fischziichter 
und Teichwirthe. Leipzig, 1897. 144 p. 
Se: 1897.1 

Biétrix, Hugene. L’ceuf dela sardine. 
Journ. Anat. Physiol., 1891, 26. 1891.1 

Distribution sanguine dans les 

lamelles branchiales des poissons 
(Squales et téiéostéens) Soe. Philom. 
Paris, 1894, no. 6, p. 2. 1894.1 

Sur la pression du sang dans le 
cceur des poissons. C. R. Soc. Philom. 
Paris, 1894, no. 5, 16-17. 1894.2 

Etude de quelques faits relatifs 
& la morphologie générale du systéme 
circulatoire A propos du réseau branchial 
des poissons. Paris, 1895. 56 p. 9 figs. 
a 1895.1 

Lacunes et endothélium dans les 
vaisseaux branchiaux des poissons. C. 



R. Soc. Philom. Paris, 1895, no. 9, p. 
30. 1895.2 

Quelques considérations sur les 
notions de lacune et d’endothélium en 
anatomie générale, 4 propos du réseau 
vasculaire branchiale des poissons. C. 
R. Soc. Philom. Paris, 1895, no. 8, 26-27. 


Biétrix, Hugine, & Fabre-Domergue, 
P. See Fabre-Domergue «& Biétrix. 

Biétrix, Hugene, & Pouchet, Georges. 
See Pouchet & Biétrix. 

Bigelow, Henry Bryant. The sense 
of hearing in the goldfish (Carassius 
auratus L.) Amer. Naturalist, 1904, 38, 
275-284. 1904.1 

Bigelow, H. Rk. The action of the 
visual purple in the eel. Med. Rec. 
New York, 1880, 18, 37. 1880.1 

Bigelow, Samuel L. Observations on 
some of the habits of Salmo fontinalis. 
Boston Journ. Nat. Hist., 1848, 6, 49-53. 


Big Hatchet (pseudon.) Fish in the 

Wabash. Chicago Field, 1878, 9, 324. 

Bigland, John. A natural history of 
birds, fishes, reptiles and insects. Phil- 
adelphia, 1828. 179 p. 12 col. pls. 8°. 


Fishes, p. 97-120. 

The same. 2. ed. Philadelphia, 

18325 Sue 1832.1 
Thesame. 3-ed. Philadelphia, 

1865. 8°. 1865.1 
Bigot, A. Catalogue des sélaciens 

jurassiques du Calvados et de l’Orne. 
Bull. Soe. Linn. Normandie, 1897, 4. 
sér. 10, 7-138. 1897.1 

Bigot, A., & Brasil, L. Description 
de la faune des sables jurassiques supé- 
rieurs du Calvados. Mém. Soc. Nor- 
mandie, 1904, 21, 85-108. pls. i-iv. 


Bigsby, John Jeremiah [1792-1881] 
Thesaurus Deyonico-Carboniferous. The 
flora and fauna of the Devonian and 
Carboniferous periods. London, 1878. 
x, 447 p. pil. 1878.1 

Bikélas, D. 
la faune grecque. Athens, 1878. 

Bilharz, Theodor [1825-1862] Alestes 
macrolepidotus, ein neuer Nilfisch. 
Sitzber. Akad. Wiss. Wien, math.-nat. 
Cl., 1852, 9, 469-472. pl. 1852.1 

Sur la nomenclature de 




En aE 

Bilharz, 7’. : 
Beobachtungen iiber den Zitter- 
wels. Nachricht. Georg-Augusts Univ. 
Gesell. Wiss. Gottingen, 1853, 134-136. 
— Bericht Verh. Ges. Beford. Naturw. 
Freiburg, 1853, 1, 3-8; 22-26; 65-67; 
1856, 2, 173-175. — Ook Afzonderlijk, 
Leipzig, 1857. 1853.1 
Das electrische Organ des Zitter- 

welses anatomisch beschrieben. Leip- 
zig, 1857. vi,52p. 4pls. 4°. 1857.1 

Billard, Georges. Allongement inu- 
sité des nageoires chez une tanche vul- 
gaire. Bull. Soc. Zool. France, 1912, 37, 
276-278. fig. 1912.1 

Billard, Georges, & Bruyant, Charles. 
Vitalité des alevins de truite dans les 
cultures d’algues. C.R. Soc. Biol. Paris, 
1905, 58, 447-448. 1905.1 

Billroth, 7., & Meissner, G. See 
Meissner «& Billroth. 

Bing, Robert, & Burckhardt, Carl 
Rudolf. Das Centralnervensystem von 
Ceratodus forsteri. (In “ Zoologische 
Forschungsreisen in Australien und dem 
Malayischen Archipel” von Prof. Dr. 
Richard Semon. Jena, 1905. I. pt. 5, 
513-584. pl. & 36 figs.) Anat. Anz., 
1905, 25, 588-599. 4 figs. 1905.1 

Binnell, Robert. A description of the 
... Lo which is 

Binney, Amos [1803-1847] Report 
on Storer’s Report on the fishes, reptiles 
and birds of Massachusetts. Amer. 
Journ. Sci., 1840, 38, 393-396. 1840.1 

(Results of his observations made 
during two successive summers at Na- 
hant, on the habits of the Orthagoriscus 
mola, or short sunfish} Proc. Boston 
Soc. Nat. Hist., 1841-44 (1844), 1, 93. 


Binney, Edward William [1812-1881] 
Fossil fishes of the Pendleton coal-field. 
Trans. Geol. Soc. Manchester, 1840, 1, 
153-178. 1840.1 

On a giant tooth of a fossil 
shark. Proce. Lit. Philos. Soc. Manches- 
ter, 1878-79 (1879), 18, 118. 1879.1 

Binney, Hdward William, & Kirkby, 
James Walker. On the upper beds of the 
Fifeshire Coal Measures. Quart. Journ. 

Geol. Soc. London, 1882, 38, 245-256. 
pl. 1882.1 

Fishes are included in the list of species. 

Binney, William Greene. On the 
habits of the Orthagoriscus mola or short 
sunfish. Proc. Boston Soe. Nat. Hist.; 
1841-44 (1844), 1, 93. 1842.1 

Remark on the tunny or horse 
mackerel. Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. 
Hist., 1841-44 (1844), 1,81. 1842.2 

Biot, Jean Baptiste [1774-1862] Mé- 
moire sur la nature de ]’air contenu dans 
la vessie natatoire des poissons. Mém. 
d’Arcueil, 1807, 1, 252-281; 1809, 2, 
487-491. 1807.1 

Biozzi, Biozzo. Notasullago ostagno 
di Orbetella, pesci e altri animali acqua- 
tici. Esposiz. Internaz. Pesca in Ber- 
lino, 1880, Sez. Italiano, Catalogo, 215— 
217. 1880.1 

Bippen, N. Das Ausbriiten von 
Fischeiern in feuchter Luft. Congr. 
Intern. Péche Piscicult. St. Petersb., 
1903, pt. 1, 255-256. 1903.1 

Birchall, EL. Howard. La girelle 
(Coris julis Giimther) at the Crystal 
Palace Aquarium. Zoologist, 1876, 2. 
ser. 11, 5158-5160. 1876.1 

Bird, John. Account of an electric 
fish (from Calabar} Zoologist, 1875, 
2 ser. 10, 4625-4626. 1875.1 

Bird, .C. H. A question of colora- 
tion (fishes) Zoologist, 1902, 4. ser. 6, 
150-151. 1902.1 

Birge, Edward A. Vertical distribu- 
tion of the lower plants and animals in 
the inland lakes.- Trans. Amer. Fisheries 
Soe. 1897 (1898), 25-30. 1898.1 

The respiration of an inland lake. 
Trans. Amer. Fisheries Soc. 1907 (1908), 
223-241. 1908.1 

Gases dissolved in the waters of 
Wisconsin Jakes. Bull. Bur. Fish., 
Washington, 1910, 28, 1273-1294. - 

Birge, Edward A., & Juday, Chancey 
(The effect of a scarcity of oxygen and 
excess of nitrogen on fishes} Bull. 
Wiscon. Geol. Nat. Hist. Surv. (Scien. 
ser. no. 7), 1911, 22, 129-134. 1911.1 

Birkholz, J. C. Oekonomische Be- 
schreibung aller Arten Fische welche in 
den Gewiissern der Churmark gefunden 
werden. Berlin und Strassburg, 1770. 
8°. 1770.1. 



Bischof, Carl Gustav Christoph [1792- 
1870] Untersuchung der Luft, welche 
die Fischart Cobitis fossilis von sich giebt. 
Allgem. Journ. Chem., 1818, 78-92. ey 


Bischoff, Theodor Ludwig Wilhelm 
von [1807-1882] Lepidosiren paradoxa. 
Anatomisch untersucht und beschrieben. 
Leipzig, 1840. vi, 34 p. 7 pls. 4°. 
Abstracts in Notizen (Froriep), 1840, 16, 
145-148. — Arch. Anat. Physiol., 1840, 
179. 1840.1 

Bischoff, W. Anleitung zur Angel- 
Fischerei mit Abbildungen und Be- 
schreibung der hierzu sich eignenden 
Fischarten. Miinchen, 1864. 2. ed. 
Miinchen, 1883. 4 pls. 8°. 1864.1 

Bishop, Harman N. The palpebral 
and oculo-motor apparatus in fishes: 
observations on morphology and devel- 
opment. Journ. Anat. Phys., 1899, 34 
(n.s. 14), 1-40. Abstract in Zool. Cen- 
tralbl., 1900, 7, 523-524. 1899.1 

Bishop, Watson L. Eels in water 
pipes and their migration. Proc. Trans. 
Nova Scotian Inst. Nat. Sci. Halifax, 
1908, 11, 640-650. 1908.1 

Bisselick, J. W. van. 
vatie van het rompmyotoom [Note on 
the innervation of the trunkmyotome] 
Proce. Sect. Sci. Acad. Wet. Amsterdam, 
1905, 7, 708-711. — Versl. Wis. Nat. 
Afd. Acad. Wet. Amsterdam, 1905, 18, 
727-730. 1905.1 

Bissell, John H. Fish culture —a 
practical art. Trans. Amer. Fisheries 

Soc. 1886 (1887), 37-43. 1887.1 
The Canadian and American 
fisheries of the Great Lakes. Bull. U.S. 

Fish Comm. 1887 (1889), 7, 7-10. 


Cooperation in fish culture. 

Trans. Amer. Fisheries Soc. 1888 (1889), 
89-99. 1889.2 
Detroit white fish station. 

Trans. Amer. Fisheries Soc. 1891 (1893), 
16-20. 1893.1 
Grayling in Michigan. ‘Trans. 

Amer. Fisheries Soc. 1891 (1893), 27-29. 

Bist, Sur la vessie natatoire 
des poissons. Mém. Soc. Arcueil, 1807. 

Bitterli, S. Ueber Anlage von Fisch- 
piissen. Schweiz. Fisch. Zeitg., 1910, 
18. Jahrg. 49-57. 11 figs. 1910.1 


Over de inner- ~ 


Bitting, A. W. Preparation of the 
cod and other salt fish for the market; 
including a bacteriological study of the 
causes of reddening.. U. 8. Dept. Agric. 
Bur. Chem. Bull., 1911, 183. 63 p. 7 
pls. & 4 figs. 1911.1 

Bittner, Alexander [1850 —] Fisch- 
zihne im norischen Hallstatter Kalke 
von Miihlthal bei Piesting. Verh. Geol. 
Reichsanst. 1898, no. 15, 321-326. 2 
figs. 1898.1 

Bizzozero, Hnzo. Sur la régénération 
de lépithélium intestinal chez les pois- 
sons. Atti R. Accad. Sci. Torino, 1904, 
38, 966-978. pl.— Arch. Ital. Biol. 
Torino, 41, 233-245. pl. 1904.1 

Bjeletzkij, V.F. La physiologie de 
la vessie aérienne. Arb. Naturf. Ges. 
Charkow, 1883, 17, 39-266. pl. Ab- 
stract in Biol. Centralbl., 1885, 4, 639-— 
640. 1883.1 

Bjelooussow, NV. Mouvements res- 
piratoires chez les poissons (Text in 
Russian] Trav. Sci. Nat. Zool. Charkow, 
1901, 35, 1-38. pl. Abstract in Zool. 
Centralbl., 1902, 9, 383. 1901.1 

Bjorklund, Rudolf Bernhard. Ovam- 

bolandet. Geogr. Foren. Tidskr., 1891, 
3, 248-267. pl. 1891.1 
Bjorkmann, Zeit, wenn das 

Eis aufgeht und der Brachsen leichet 
auf der See und im Kirchspiel Ofwansio 
in Gestrikland beobachtet [Sparus}] 
Neue Abhandl. Schwed. Akad., 1785, 
230-234. 1785.1 

Blaauw, F’. E.* Notes on the zoologi- 
eal garden of Berlin. Proc. Zool. Soe. 
London, 1900, 299-306. 1900.1 

Blackford, Eugene G. English and 
American whitebait. Chicago Field, 
1878, 9, 340. 1878.1 

Peculiar features of New York 
fish market. Chicago Field, 1879, 10, 

331. 1879.1 
Peculiar features of the fish 
market. Trans. Amer. Fisheries Soc. 

1878 (1879), 77-82. 1879.2 

The protection of striped bass. 
Chicago Field, 1879, 12, 214. 1879.3 

1879, 12, 104. 

Whitebait in American waters. 
Chicago Field, 1879, 11, 52. 1879.5 

Forest & Stream, 



Blackford, L. CG. 
Do sharks harbor their young? 
Scient. American, 1880, 43, 72. 1880.1 

Whitebait. Trans. Amer. Fish- 
eries Soc. 1879 (1880), 11-14. 1880.2 

Carp in an installment of shad 
from James river. Bull. U. 8. Fish 
Comm. 1884, 4, 112. 1884.1 

A few facts in relation to the 
food and spawning seasons of fishes on 
the Atlantic coast. Trans. Amer. Fish- 
eries Soc. 1883 (1884), 5-8. 1884.2 

Is legislation necessary for the 
protection of ocean fishes? Trans. Amer. 
Fisheries Soc. 1884 (1885), 60-65. 1885.1 

Catch of shad in the Hudson 
river for 1885. Bull. U. 8. Fish Comm. 
1886 (1887), 6, 294. 1887.1 

Note on the spawning season of 
the eel. Science, 1899, n. s. 9, 740-741. 

Blackwall, J. Notes on the salmon. 
Ann. Nat. Hist., 1843, 11, 409-414. 

Notes on the salmon [Salmo 
salar] and bull-trout tSalmo eriox) Ann. 
Nat. Hist., 1850, 2. ser. 5, 241-246. 


Blackwell, Anna. Pisciculture in 
France. Once a Week, 1861, 4, 427-428: 

Bladh, Pehr Johan. Om mar-eldar. 
K. Svenska Vetenskaps-Akad. Hand- 
lingar, 1807, 28, 79-103. 1807.1 

Bladon, James. Large sturgeon in 
the Usk. Zoologist, 1846, 4, 1555-1556. 

Blainville, Henri Marie Ducrotay 
[1777-1850] Note sur plusieurs espéces 
de squale, confondues sous le nom de 
Squalus maximus de Linné. Journ. 
Phys. 1810, 71, 248-259. — Bull. Soc. 
Philom. Paris, 1810, 2, 169-171. 1810.1 

Mémoire sur le Squale peregri- 

nus. Ann. Mus. Hist. Nat., 1811, 18, 
85-1535. — Bull. Soe. Philom. Paris, 
1811, 2, 365-368. Also separate; 
Paris, 1811. pl. 4°. 48 p. 1811.1 

Prodrome d’une nouvelle dis- 
tribution systématique du régne animal. 
Bull. Soe. Philom. Paris, 1816, 8, 105— 
124 1816.1 



Mémoire sur l’opercule des pois- 
sons. Bull. Soc. Philom. Paris, 1817, 
104-112. — Isis (Oken), 

1419. 1817.1. 

Ueber den Kiemendeckel der 
Fische. Deutsch. Arch. Physiol., 1817, 
4, 262-266. — Isis (Oken), 1808, 1412- 
1419. ; 1817.2 

Note sur le Stylephus (Style- 
phorus chordatus de Shaw) Journ. 
Phys., 1818, 87, 68-71. 1818.1 

Poissons fossiles (In Nouveau 
Dictionnaire d’Histoire Naturelle. . 

Nouvelle édition, ete., 1808, vol. xxvii) 
Also separate; Paris, 1808. 1808.2 

Sur la structure des branchies 
dans les foetus de squales: Lettre de 
Macartney. Journ. Phys., 1818, 86, 
157-158. — Deutsch. Arch. Phys., 1818, 
4, 295-296. 1818.3 

Sur les ichthyolites ou les pois- 
sons fossiles. Paris, 1818. 8°. 1818.4 

Poissons (In Faune Frangaise; 
ou, histoire générale et particuliére des 
animaux qul se trouvent en France 
. .. par L. P. Vieillot, A. G. Desmarest, 
etc: Paris, 1820-30. 8°) 1820.1 

Note sur l’analogue du peigne 
des oiseaux dans |’ceil des reptiles et des 
poissons. Journ. Phys., 1822, 95, 72. 


Sur la structure et l’analogue de 
la plaque dorso-céphalique des Rémoras 
ou Echénéis. Bull. Soc. Philom. Paris, 
1822, 119-120.— Journ. Phys., 1822, 
95, 132-134. 1822.2 

Die versteinerten Fische, geolo- 
gisch geordnet und _ naturhistorisch 
beschrieben . . . aus dem Franzésischen 
iibersetzt. Herausgegeben, mit Anmer- 
kungen und mit einer Vorrede versehen 
von J. F. Kriiger. Quedlinburg & Leip- 
zig, 1823. 232 p. 1823.1 

This is a translation of the article Poissons 
Fossiles in Nouv. Dict. d’Hist. Nat., 1818, 27, 
q.v. Review in Bulletin (Ferussac), 1824, 2,94. 

Rapport sur les résultats scien- 
tifiques du voyage de la “ Bonite” 
autour du monde. Compt. Rend. 1838, 
6, 445-460. — Notizen (Froriep), 1838, 
T, 225-232; 243-248. 1838.1 

Rapport fait . . . sur les collec- 
tions d’histoire naturelle recueillies 
pendant le voyage de ‘‘ La Favorite ” 
(In Voyage autour du monde sur “ La 
Favorite’... pendant 1830-32. Paris, 
1839. vol. v, pt. 1) 1839.1 

1818, 1412-908 


Blaizot, L. L’épithélium utérin chez 
Acanthias vulgaris Risso avant la pre- 
miére gestation. C. R. Soc. Biol. Paris, 
1908, 64, 339-341; 453-455. 1908.1 

Note sur l’origine des cellules 
libres trouvées dans |’épithélium utérin 
d’Acanthias vulgaris R. avant le debut 
de l’histolyse épithéliale. C. R. Assoc. 
Anat. Réun., 1908, 10, 30-31. 1908.2 

Observations sur la gestation 
chez Acanthias vulgaris R. Bull. Soe. 
Zool. France, 1908, 33, 57-59. 1908.3 

Recherches sur l’évolution de 
VYutérus d’Acanthias vulgaris Risso. 
Mém. Soe. Zool. France, 1909, 22, 5-48. 

Blake, Charles Carter. Sharks’ teeth 
at Panama. Geologist, 1862, 316. 

—— On a new fish jaw from the 
Gault near Folkestone (Pachyrhizodus 
glyphodus Blake & Mackie} Geologist, 
1863, 133-154. 1863.1 

Blake, James Henry. On the nour- 
ishment of the foetus in the embiotocoid 
fishes. Proc. Cal. Acad. Nat. Sci., 1867, 
3, 314-317. 3 figs. Abstract in Journ. 
Anat. Physiol., 1868, 2, 280-282. 1867.1 

On the organs of copulation in 
the male of the embiotocoid fishes. 
Proe. Cal. Acad. Nat. Sci., 1867, 3, 
371-372. 1867.2 

On the anal-fin appendages of 
embiotocoid fishes. Journ. Anat. Phys. 
1868 (1869), 3, 30-32. pl. 1869.1 

The habits and migrations of 
some of the marine fishes of Massachu- 
setts. Amer. Naturalist, 1870, 4, 513-— 
Syl 1870.1 

The fossil tooth of a species of 
shark, which was found near Martinez. 
Proc. Cal. Acad. Sci., 1873, 5, 172. 


Blake, John A. The Irish salmon 
fisheries. London, 1863. 28 p. 8°. 


The history and position of the 
sea fisheries of Ireland. Waterford, 
1868. 133 p. 8°. 1868.1 

Blake, J. F. A monograph of the 
fauna of the Cornbrash. Pisces. Pal. 
Soc. Mon., London, 1905, 59, 1-100. 
pls. i-ix. 1905.1 

Blake, R. De dentium formatione et 
structura in homine et variis animali- 
bus. Edinburgh, 1798. 8°. 1798.1 



_ Blake, William Phipps. 
in the Great basin, Nevada. 
Acad. Nat. Sei., 

Fossil fish 
Proc. Cal. 
1863, 3, 306-307. 1863.1 

Tooth of the extinct elephant, 
from Placer county; shark teeth and 
other remains from Tulare county. 
Proc: Cal. Acad. Nat. Scei., 1866, 3, 290. 

( 1866.1 
Report to the United States 
Centennial Commission upon the prin- 
cipal aquariums abroad in 1873. Rept. 
U.S. Fish Comm. 1882 (1884), 0 631— 

640. 2 figs. 1884.1 

Blake-Knox, H. Voracity of the 
angler (Lophius piscatorius| Zoologist, 
1865, 23, 9470. 1865.1 

Glances into the ichthyology of 
the county of Dublin. Zoologist, 1866, 
1, 505-510. 1866.1 

Blakeslee, W@.A. Shad in Alleghany 
river. Forest & Stream, 1874, 12, 228. 

Blakey, Robert. Historical sketches 
of the angling literature of all nations. 
London, 1856. 335 p. 12°. 1856.1 

Blakiston, 7. Notes of a naturalist 
on his passage towards the far west. 
Zoologist, 1857, 15, 5840-5843. 1857.1 

Blanc, Eduard. Sur les poissons qui 
habitent les sources et les puits arté- 
siens du Sahara. Mém. Soc. Zool. 
France, 1895, 8, 164-172. 1895.1 

Répertoire des poissons d’eau 
douce de la Russie. Ann. Sci. Nat. 
Zool., 1900, 8. ser. 11, 251-275. 1900.1 

Blanc, Henri. Mortalité excep- 
tionnelle des brochets du Léman en 
1887. Bull. Soc. Vaud. Sci. Nat., 1888, 
23, 33-37. 1888. 1 

Sur la maturation et la fécon- 
dation de Vceuf de la truite des lacs. 
Arch. Sci. Nat., 1891, 3. période, 26, 575— 

576. — C. Te 74. Sess. Soc. Helvét. 
Sei. Nat., 1891, 54-56. 1891.1 

Note piéliminaire sur la matura- 
tion et la fécondation de l’ceuf de la 
truite. Bull. Soc. Vaud. Sci. Nat., 1892, 
3. sér. 27, 272-275.— Journ. Roy. Micr. 
Soc. London, 1892, 2. ser. 12, 344. 


Etude sur la fécondation de 
Voeuf de la truite. Berichte Naturf. 
Ges. Freiburg, 1894, 8, 163-189. pl. 
Abstract in Bibliog. Anat. (Nicholas), 


Blanc, H. : 

1894, 2, 16-17.— Journ. Roy. Mier. Soe. 
London, 1894, 2. ser. 14, 324. 1894.1 

Résultats d’une série de péches 
pélagiques faites en 1894 et 1895 dans 
le lac Léman pour étudier la distribu- 
tion verticale et horizontale du plankton. 
C.-R. 78. Sess. Soc. Helvét. Sci. Nat., 
1895, 40-44. 1895.1 

A propos de la -fécondation de 

VYceuf de la truite. Bibliog. Anat. 
(Nicholas), 1898, 6, 222-225. 4 figs. 
Abstract in Zool. Centralbl., 1899, 6, 
490. 1898.1 

(Fécondation de la truite. Dé- 
monstration] Verh. Schweiz. Naturf. 
Ges., Bern, 1898, 81, 72-73. 1898.2 

Sur la fécondation de l’ceuf de 

la truite. Bull. Soc. Zool. Suisse, Bern, 
1898, 5, 5—6.— Arch. Sci. Nat., 1898, 
4. sér. 6, 497-498. 1898.3 

De l’élevage rationnel des ceufs 
et des alevins de la truite. Bull. Suisse 
Péche Piscicult., 1899, 1, 1-4. 1899.1 

Die rationelle Aufzucht der 
Forelle. Schweiz. Fisch. Zeitg., 1899, 6. 
Jahrg., 253-258. 1899.2 

Mélanges ichthyologiques. Arch. 
Soc. Phys. Nat. Genéve, 1901, 12, 553- 
554. — Bull. Soc. Vaud. Sci. Nat., 1901, 
37, XXXVlI-XXxviil. 1901.1 

Les travaux de Louis Agassiz en 

zoologie et en paléontologie. Bull. Soe. 
Vaud. Sci. Nat., 1907, 5. sér. 43, 315— 
340. 2 pls. 1907.1 

(Petromyzon planeri manquent 
des orifices branchiaux externes] Verh. 
Schweiz. Naturf. Ges. 1912 (1913), 95, 
230-231. 1913.1 

Blanc, Louis. Les monstres doubles 
splanchnodynes. Ann. Soc. Linn., 
Lyon, 1896, 43, 189-224. 1896.1 

Blanchard, Charles Emile. [1820 —] 
Un naturaliste du dix-neuviéme siécle. 
L. Agassiz. Paris, 1865. 64p. 8°. 


Extrait de la Revue des Deux Mondes. 

Les poissons des eaux douces de 
la France; anatomie, physiologie, de- 
scription des espéces, moeurs, instincts, 
industrie, commerce, ressources alimen- 
taires, pisciculture, législation concer- 
nant la péche. Paris, 1866. 656p. 151 
figs: 18" 1866.1 



De l’accroissement de la taille 

chez les animaux 4 sang froid. C. R. 

Acad. Sci. Paris, 1867, 64, 558-560. = 

Oefversigt af piscikulturens his- 
toria under innevarande sekel med 
sirskildt afseende pa Frankrike. 
vers. Helsingfors, 1868, 27 p. 8°. 

Historik 6fver fiskodlingen intill 
forra seklets slut. Tidskr. Fiskerinér- 
ing Aquikultur (Malmgren), 1869, 1. 
Jahbrg., 26-35. 1869 

Ofversigt af fiskodlingens his- 
toria i Frankrike under innevarande 
sekel. Tidskr. Fiskerinaéring Aquikul- 
tur (Malmgren), 1869, 1. Jahrg., oe 

Om de ndédiga vilkoren fér 
fiskarnes trefnad och forékning. Tidskr. 
Fiskerinéring Aquikultur (Malmgren), 
1869, 1. Jahrg., 74-86. 1869.3 

Les poissons des eaux douces de 
la France. 2. ed. Paris, 1880. xvi, 
656 p. 32 pls. & 115 figs. 8°. 1880.1 

Remarque relative 4 la com- 
munication précédente (‘‘ Sur les varia- 
tions observées dans la péche du hareng 
sur les cétes de Norvége’”’) C. R. Acad. 
Sci. Paris, 1882, 94, 826. 1882.1 

Etude de l’anguille de riviére, 
aprés son passage de l’eau douce dans 
les eaux salées. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 
1890, 109, 169-170. 1890.1 

—— Remarques 4 loccasion de la 
communication précédente (Sur les 
moeurs du Clinus argentatus Cuv. et 
Val. par M. Fr. Guitel] C. R. Acad. 
Sci. Paris, 1893, 115, 297-298. 1893.1 

Blanchard, Raphaél {1858 —] Muit- 
theilungen iiber den Bau und die Ent- 
wickelung der sogenannten fingerférmi- 
gen Driise bei den Knorpelfischen. 
Mitth. Embryol. Instit. Univ. Wien, 
1878, 1, 179-192. 2 pls. 1878.1 

Recherches sur la structure et le 
développement de la glande superanale 
(digitiforme) des poissons cartilagineux. 
Journ. Anat. Phys., 1878, 14, 442-450. 
Abstract in Rev. Internat. Sci., 1878, 
2, 402. 1878.2 

La fécondation dans la _ série 
animale. Paris, 1879. 1879.1 

Glycogéne chez les embryons de 
Bull. Soc. Zool. France, 1882, 


Oef- - 


7, 405.— Zool. Anz., 1883, 6, 67.— 
Journ. Micr. Soc. London, 1883, 2. 
ser. 3, pt. 2, 493. 1882.1 

Sur les fonctions de la glande 
digitiforme ou superanale des plagio- 
stomes. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1882, 
95, 1005-1007. — Bull. Soc. Zool. 
France, 1882, 7, 399-401. 1882.2 

Sur les fonctions des appendices 
pyloriques. . R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 
1883, 96, 1241, 1244. — Bull. Soe. Zool. 
France, 1883, 8, 143-146. 1883.1 

Anormalie des nageoires chez le 
protoptére. Bull. Soc. Zool. France, 
1894, 19, 54-57. 8 figs. 1894.1 

Sur le vairon montagnard 
(Phozxinus levis var. montanus) Bull. 
Soe. Zool. France, 1896, 21, 155-156. 


—— Observations sur la faune des 
eaux chaudes. C. R. Soc. Biol. Paris, 
1903, 55, 947-950; 1069-1070. 1903.1 

Blanchard, Raphaél, & Regnard, 
Paul. See Regnard & Blanchard. 

Blanchard, Raphaél, & Richard, J. 
Sur la faune des laces élevés des Hautes 

Alpes. Mém. Soe. Zool. France, 1897, 
10, 43-61. 1897.1 
Blanchére, Henri de la. See La 

Blanchére, H. de. 

Blanchet, M. Le Cardium edule 
dans l’alimentation de la truite. Bull. 
Soc. Nation. Acclimat. France, 1912, 59, 
382-385. LOTT 

— Elevage de muges et de bars, en 
eau douce, 4 Saint-Valéry-sur-Somme. 
Bull. Soc. Nation. Acclimat. France, 
1914, 61, 133-137. 1914.1 

Blanchet, Rodolphe {1807 —] In- 
fluence de l’hydrogéne sulfuré sur les 
poissons et application de cette remar- 
que A quelques faits géologiques. C. R. 
Acad. Sci: Paris, 1844, 20, 112. 1844.1 

Wirkung des Schwefelwasser- 
stoffes auf die Fische. Annalen (Liebeg), 
1845, 54, 109-112. 1845.1 

Goniobates agassizi. Bull. Soc. 
Vaud. Sci. Nat., 1858-60 (1861), 6, 
472-473.— Neues Jahrb. Mineral., 
1862, 753. pi. 1861.1 

Blanchon, H.L. Alphonse. Manuel 
pratique du pisciculteur. Paris, 1898. 
v, 320 p. 65 figs. 12°. (Encyclo- 
pédie Roret) 1898.1 



L’incubation artificielle des ceufs 
de salmonides et les appareils cellulaires. 
Cosmos, Paris, 1911, 65, 465-467. 


La truite domestique. Produc- 
tion rationelle des salmonides en eaux 
fermées. Paris (1911); 231 p. 48 figs. 

: 1911.2 

Le cyprin doré de la Chine et 
ses variétés. Cosmos, Paris, 1912, 66, 
624-626. 1912.1 

Blanchon, Pierre. Les usiniers et 
la pisciculture. Piscicult. Prat., 1898, 
3, no. 3, 37-40. 1898.1 

Blanck, A. Die Fische der Seen und 
Fliisse Mecklenburgs-Schwerin. Arch. 
Ver. Naturgesch. Meckl., 1881, 34, 94— 
154; 241-250. Also separate; Schwerin, 
1881. 64 p. 1881.1 

Blanckenhorn, Max. Neues zur 
Geologie und Paliontologie Aegyptens. 
Zeitschr. Deutsch. Geol. Ges., 1901, 53, 
52-132. 2 pls. & 15 figs. 1901.1 

Blanding, William. Fecundity of 
the striped bass. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. 
Philad., 1841 (1842), 39. 1841.1 

Blanford, William Thomas [1832 —] 
Zoology and geology (In Goldsmid, Sir 
F. J., and others. Eastern Persia, an 
account of the journeys of the Persian 
Boundary Commission, 1870-72. 2 
vols. London, 1876. 30 pls. & 4 maps. 
8°) 1876.1 

Vol. ii. The zoology and geology, by W. T. 

The distribution of vertebrate 
animals in India, Ceylon and Burma. 
Philos. Trans. Roy. Soc. London, 
1901, 194, 335-436. Abstract in Proc. 
Roy. Soc. London, 1901, 67, 484-492. 

Blankenburg, von. Fischerei- 
Bestrebungen in Pommern.  Circul. 

Deutsch. Fischerei Ver., 1879, no. 1, 
29-30. 1879.1 

Blatchley, Willis S. On the Ameri- 
can species of the genus Umbra. Proc. 
Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad., 1885 (1886), 
12-13. 1886.1 

On the genus Aphredoderus. 
Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad., 1885 
(1886), 136-137. 1886.2 

A review of the species of the 
genus Pimephales. Proc. Acad. Nat. 
Sci. Philad. 1885 (1886), 63-65. 1885.3 


Blatchley, |. S. 
Indiana caves and their fauna. 
Ann. Rept. Indiana Geol. Nat. Re- 
sources, 1896, 21, 121-185. pls. 1896.1 
Fishes, p. 183-185. 
Blathwayt, /. LZ. Fish on the coast 

of Somerset. Zoologist, 1906, 10, 470. 

Blaue, Julius. Ueber den Bau der 
Nasenschleimhaut bei Fischen und Am- 

phibien. Zool. Anz., 1882, 5, 657—660. 
— Arch. Anat. Phys., 1884 (Anat. 
Abth.), 231-309. 1882.1 

Blaue, Otto. Misserfolge bei der 
Zucht des Vetragonopterus rubropictus. 
Wochenschr. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 
1911, 8. Jahrg., 465-466 1911.1 

Blavier, A. Théorie explicative du 
régime climatologique observé en France 
sur le littoral océanien, depuis 1880, et 
de la disparition de la sardine sur ce 
littoral depuis la méme époque. C. R. 
Acad. Sci. Paris, 1882, 94, 769-772. 


Bleeker, Pieter [1819-1878] For 
bibliography, obituary notice, etc., see 
Nat. Tijdschr. Neder.-Indié, 1881, 40, 
1-158. Also Weber, M., and de Beau- 
fort, L. F. Index of the ichthyological 
papers of P. Bleeker. Leiden, 1911. 
410 p. 

Bijdragen tot de geneeskundige 
topographie van Batavia. Generisch 
overzicht der Fauna. Nat. & Geneesk. 
Arch. Neder.-Indié, 1844, 1, 551-553; 
1845, 2, 505-528. 1844.1 

Overzicht der Siluroiden welke 
te Batavia voorkomen. Nat. & Ge- 
neesk. Arch. Neder.-Indié, 1846, 2. ser. 

3, 135-184. 1846.1 
Siluroideorum —batavienstum 
species nuperrime detecte. Nat. & 

Geneesk. Arch. Neder.-Indié, 1846, 2. 
ser. 3, 284-293. 1846.2 

Labroideorum ctenoideorum ba- 
taviensium diagnoses et adumbrationes. 
Verh. Batav. Genootsch., 1847, 21, 1- 
33. Also separate; Batavia, 1847. 8°. 

Nieuwe bijdrage tot de kennis 

der Siluroiden van Java. Verh. Batav. 
Genootsch., 1847, 21, 1-12. 1847.2 

Pharyngognathorum Siluroide- 
orumque species nove  javanenses. 
Nat. & Geneesk. Arch. Neder.-Indié, 
1847, 2. ser. 4, 155-169. 1847.3 


Siluroideorum — bataviensium 
conspectus diagnosticus. Verh. Batav. 
Genootsch., 1847, 21, 1-60. Also sepa- 
rate; Batavia, 1847. 8°. 1847.4 

A contribution to the ichthyol- 
ogy of Sumbawa. Journ. Ind. Arch., 
1848, 2, no. 9, 632-639. 1848.1 

Bijdrage tot de kennis der 
Blennioiden en Gobioiden van den 
Soenda-Molukschen Archipel, met be- 
schrijving van 42 nieuwe soorten. Verh. 
Batav. Genootsch., 1849, 22, 1-40. 


Bijdrage tot de kennis der 
ichthyologische fauna van het eiland 
Bali, met beschrijving van _ eenige 
nieuwe species. Verh. Batay. Genoot- 
sch., 1849, 22, 1-11. 1849.2 

Bijdrage tot de kennis der ich- 
thyologische fauna van het eiland 
Madura, met beschrijving van eenige 
nieuwe species. Verh. Batav. Genoot- 
sch., 1849, 22, 1-16. Also separate; 
Batavia, 1849. 4°. 1849.3 

Bijdrage tot de kennis der ich- 
thyologische fauna van Midden- en 
Oost-Java, met beschrijving van eenige 
nieuwe species. Verh. Batay. Genoot- 
sch., 1850, 23, 1-23. Also separate; 
Batavia, 1849. 4°. 1849.4 

Bijdrage tot de kennis der Per- 
coiden van den Malajo-Molukschen 
Archipel, mit beschrijving von 22 
nieuwe soorten. Verh. Batay. Genoot- 
sch., 1849, 22, 1-64. Also separate; 
Batavia, 1849. 4°. 1849.5 

Bijdrage tot de kennis der 
Scleroparei van den Soenda-Molukschen 
Archipel. Verh. Batayv. Genootsch., 
1849, 22, 1-10. 1849.6 

A contribution to the knowledge 
of the ichthyological fauna of Celebes. 
Journ. Ind. Arch., 1849, 3, 65-74. 


Overzigt der te Batavia voor- 
komende gladschubbige Labroiden met 
beschrijving van 11 nieuwe soorten. 
Verh. Batav. Genootsch., 1849, 22, 1-64. 
Also separate; Batavia, 1849. 8°. 


—— Bijdrage tot de kennis der 
Cheetodontoiden van den Soenda-Mo- 
lukschen Archipel. Verh. Batav. Ge- 
nootsch., 1850, 23, 1-31. Also separate; 
Batavia, 1850. 4°. 1850.1 


Bijdrage tot de kennis der 
ichthyologische fauna van Midden- en 
Oost-Java, met beschrijving van eenige 

nieuwe species. Verh. Batav. Ge- 
nootsch., 1850, 23, 1-23. 1850.2 
Bijdrage tot de kennis der 

Maenoiden van den Soenda-Molukschen 
Archipel. Verh. Batayv. Genootsch., 
1850, 23, 1-13. 1850.3 

—— Bijdrage tot de kennis der Nota- 
canthini van den Soenda-Molukschen 

Archipel. Verh. Batav. Genootsch., 
1850, 23, 1-6. 1850.4 
Bijdrage tot de kennis der 

Sciaenoiden van den Soenda-Moluk- 
schen Archipel, met beschrijving van 7 
nieuwe soorten. Verh. Batav. Ge- 
nootsch., 1850, 23, 1-31. Also separate; 
Batavia, 1850. 4°. 1850.5 

Bijdrage tot de kennis der 
Sparoiden van den Soenda-Molukschen 

Archipel. Verh. Batayv. Genootsch., 
1850, 238, 1-16. Also separate; Ba- 
tavia, 1850. 4°. 1850.6 

Bijdrage tot de kennis_ der 

Teuthiden van den Soenda-Molukschen 

Archipel. Verh. Batav. Genootsch., 
1850, 23, 1-13. 1850.7 
Bijdrage tot de kennis der 

visschen met doolhofvormige kieuwen 
von den Soenda-Molukschen Archipel. 

Verh. Batav. Genootsch., 1850, 23, 
1-15. Also separate; Batavia, 1850. 
4°, 1850.8 

Bijdrage tot de kennis der 

ichthyologische fauna van Borneo, met 
beschrijving van 16 nieuwe soorten 
van zoetwatervisschen. Nat. Tijdschr. 
Neder.-Indié, 1851, 1, 1-16. 1851.1 

Bijdrage tot de kennis der 
ichthyologische fauna van de Banda- 
eilanden. Nat. Tijdschr. Neder.-Indié, 
1851, 2, 225-261. 1851.2 

Bijdrage tot de kennis der 
ichthyologische fauna van Riouw. Nat. 
Tijdschr. Neder.-Indié, 1851, 2, 469-— 
497. 1851.3 

Cheilinoides, een nieuw geslacht 
van gladschubbige Labroiden van Ba- 
tavia. Nat. Tijdschr. Neder.-Indié, 
1851, 2, 71-72. pl. Also separate; 
Batavia, 1851. 8°. 1851.4 

Derde bijdrage tot de kennis der 
ichthyologische fauna van Borneo, met 
beschrijving van eenige nieuwe soorten 


van zoetwatervisschen. Nat. Tijdschr. 
Neder.-Indié, 1851, 2, 57-70. 1851.5 

Faune ichthyologice Javee 

insularumque adjacentium genera et 
species nove. Nat. Tijdschr. Neder.- 
Indié, 1851, 1, 98-108. 1851.6 

Nieuwe bijdrage tot, de kennis 
der ichthyologische fauna van Borneo, 
met beschrijving van eenige nieuwe 

soorten van zoetwatervisschen. Nat. 
Tijdschr. Neder.-Indié, 1851, 1, 259- 
Qe. 1851.7 

Nieuwe bijdrage tot de kennis 
der ichthyologische fauna van Celebes. 
Nat. Tijdschr. Neder.-Indié, 1851, 2, 
209-224. 1851.8 

Nieuwe bijdrage tot de kennis 
der Percoidei, Scleroparei, Sciaenoidei, 
Maenoidei, Chaetogontoidei en Scom- 
beroidei van den Soenda-Molukschen 
Archipel. Nat. Tijdschr. Neder.-Indié, 
1851, 2, 163-179. 1851.9 

Over drie nieuwe soorten van 
Tetraodon van den Indischen Archipel. 

Nat. Tijdschr. Neder-Indié, 1851, 1, 
96-97. Also separate; Batavia, 1851. 
8°. 1851.10 

Over eenige nieuwe geslachten 
en soorten van Makreelachtige visschen 
van den Indischen Archipel. Nat. 
Tijdschr. Neder.-Indié, 1851, 1, 341-372. 

Over eenige nieuwe soorten van 
Belone en Hemiramphus van Java. 
Nat. Tijdschr. Neder.-Indié, 1851, 1, 
93-95. Also separate; Batavia, 1851. 
8°. 1851.12 

Over eenige nieuwe soorten van 
Blennioiden en Gobioiden van den 
Indischen Archipel. Nat. Tijdschr. 
Neder.-Indié, 1851, 1, 236-258. pl. 
Also separate; Batavia, 1851. 8°. 


Over eenige nieuwe soorten van 
Megalops, Dussumieria, Notopterus en 

Astronesthes. Nat. Tijdschr. Neder.- 
Indié, 1851, 1, 417-424. Also separate; 
Batavia, 1851. 8°. 1851.14 

Over eenige nieuwe soorten van 

Pleuronectoiden van den Indischen 
Archipel. Nat. Tijdschr. Neder.-Indié, 
1851, 1, 401-416. 1851.15 

Over eenige nieuwe soorten van 
Scleroparei van den Indischen Archipel. 
Nat. Tijdschr. Neder.-Indié, 1851, 1, 
17-27. 1851.16 


Bleeker, P. 

Over twee nieuwe soorten van 
Callionymus van den Indischen Archi- 
pel. Nat. Tijdschr. Neder.-Indié, 1851, 
1, 28-32. Also separate; Batavia, 1851. 
Size 1851.17 

Oxybeles brandesii Blkr., eene 
nieuwe soort van Ophidini van Banda 
Neira. Nat. Tijdschr. Neder.-Indié, 
1851, 1, 276-278. figs. Also separate; 
Batavia, 1851. 1851.18 

Vierde bijdrage tot de kennis der 
ichthyologische fauna van Borneo, met 
beschrijving van eenige nieuwe sonorte 
van zoetwatervisschen. Nat. Tijdschr. 
Neder.-Indié, 1851, 2, 193-208. 1851.19 

Vijfde bijdrage tot de kennis 
der ichthyologische fauna van Borneo, 
met beschrijving van eenige nieuwe 
soorten van zoetwatervisschen. Nat. 
Tijdschr. Neder.-Indié, 1851, 2, 415- 
442. 1851.20 

Visschen van Banka. Nat. 
Tijdschr. Neder.-Indié, 1851, 1, 159- 
161. 1851.21 

Visschen van Billiton. Nat. 
Tijdschr. Neder.-Indié, 1851, 1, 478- 
479. 1851.22 

Visschen van Borneo. Nat. 
Tijdschr. Neder.-Indié, 1851, 1, 161- 
162. 1851.23 

Visschen van Solor. Nat. Tijd- 
schr. Neder.-Indié, 1851, 2, 347-348. 

Visschen van Straat Malakka, 
Prince of Wales Island en Singapore. 
Nat. Tijdschr. Neder.-Indié, 1851, 1, 
480-481. 1851.25 

Bijdrage tot de kennis der Bali- 
stini en Ostraciones van den Indischen 
Archipel. Verh. Batav. Genootsch., 
1852, 24, 1-38. 7 pls. Also separate; 
Batavia, 1852. 4°. 1852.1 

Bijdrage tot de kennis der 
Blootkakige visschen van den Soenda- 
Molukschen Archipel (Gymnognathi] 
Verh. Batav. Genootsch., 1852, 24, 

1-26. Also separate; Batavia, 1852. 
4°, 1852.2 
Bijdrage tot de kennis_ der 
Chirocentroidei, Lutodeiri, Butirini, 

Elopes, Notopteri, Salmones, Echene- 
oidei en Ophidini van den Soenda- 
Molukschen Archipel. Verh. Batav. 
Genootsch., 1852, 24, 1-32. 1852.3 


Bijdrage tot de kennis der 
Haringachtige visschen van den Soenda- 
Molukschen en van den Indischen 
Archipel. Verh. Batav. Genootsch., 
1852, 24, 1-52. 1852.4 

Bijdrage tot de kennis der ich- 
thyologische fauna van Blitong (Billi- 
ton), met beschrijving van _ eenige 
nieuwe soorten van zoetwatervisschen. 
Nat. Tijdschr. Neder.-Indié, 1852, 3, 
87-100. Also separate; Batavia, 1852. 
S7; 1852.5 

Bijdrage tot de kennis der ich- 

thyologische fauna van de Moluksche . 

ellanden. Visschen van Amboina en 
Ceram. Nat. Tijdschr. Neder.-Indié, 
1852, 3, 229-309. 1852.6 

Bijdrage tot de kennis der 
ichthyologische fauna van het eiland 
Banka. Nat. Tijdschr. Neder.-Indié, 
1852, 3, 443-460. 1852.7 

Bijdrage tot de kennis der 
ichthyologische fauna van Singapore. 
Nat. Tijdschr. Neder.-Indié, 1852, 3, 
51-86. 1852.8 

Bijdrage tot de kennis der ich- 
thyologische fauna van Timor. Nat. 
Tijdschr. Neder.-Indié, 1852, 3, 159-174. 

Bijdrage tot de kennis der 
Makreelachtige visschen van den 
Soenda-Molukschen Archipel. Verh. 
Batav. Genootsch., 1852, 24, 1-93. 


Bijdrage tot de kennis der 
Plagiostomen van den Indischen Archi- 
pel. Verh. Batay. Genootsch., 1851 
(1852), 24, 1-92. 4pls. Also separate; 
Batavia, 1852. 4°. 1852.11 

Bijdrage tot de kennis der 
Pleuronecteoidei van den Soenda-Mo- 
lukschen Archipel. Verh. Batav. Ge- 
nootsch., 1852, 24, 1-32. 1852.12 

Bijdrage tot de kennis der 
Snoekachtige visschen van den Soenda- 
Molukschen Archipel. Verh. Batay. 
Genootsch., 1852, 24, 1-28. Also sepa- 
rate; Batavia, 1852. 4°. 1852.13 

Derde bijdrage tot de kennis 
der ichthyologische fauna van Celebes. 
Nat. Tijdschr. Neder.-Indié, 1852, 3, 
739-782. 1852.14 

Diagnostische — beschrijvingen 
van nieuwe of weinig bekende visch- 
soorten van Sumatra. Tiental I-IV. 
Nat. Tijdschr. Neder.-Indié, 1852, 3, 
569-608. 1852.15 





Nieuwe bijdrage tot de kennis 
der ichthyologische fauna van Amboina. 
Nat. Tijdschr. Neder.-Indié, 1852, 8, 
545-568. 1852.16 

Nieuwe bijdrage tot de kennis 
der ichthyologische fauna van Ceram. 
Nat. Tijdschr. Neder.-Indié, 1852, 3, 
689-714. Also separate; Batavia, 1852. 
a 1852.17 
Nieuwe bijdrage tot de kennis 
der ichthyologische fauna van het eiland 

Banka. Nat. Tijdschr. Neder.-Indié, 
1852, 3, 715-738. 1852.18 

Nieuwe visschen van Banda- 

Neira. Nat. Tijdschr. Neder.-Indié, 
1852, 3, 643-646. 1852.19 
—— Visschen van Solor. Nat. Tijd- 

schr. Neder.-Indié, 1852, 3, 490-491. 

Zesde bijdrage tot de kennis der 
ichthyologische fauna van _ Borneo. 
Visschen van Pamangkat, Bandjermas- 
sing, Braboekarta en Sampit. Nat. 
Tijdschr. Neder.-Indié, 1852, 3, 407— 
442. 1852.21 

Antennarius (Chironectes Cuv.) 
notophthalmus, eene nieuwe soort van 
de Meeuwenbaai. Nat. Tijdschr. 
Neder.-Indié, 1853, 5, 543-545. Also 
separate; Batavia, 1853. 8°. 1853.1 

Bijdrage tot de kennis der ich- 
thyologische fauna van Solor. Nat. 
Tijdschr. Neder.-Indié, 1853, 5, 67-96. 
Also separate; Batavia, 1853. 8°. 


Bijdrage tot de kennis der ich- 
thyologische fauna van Ternate. Nat. 
Tijdschr. Neder.-Indié, 1853, 4, 131- 
140. 1853.3 

Bijdrage tot de kennis der Mu- 
renoiden en Symbranchoiden van den 
Indischen Archipel. Verh. Batav. 
Genootsch., 1853, 25, 1-76. Also sepa- 
rate; Batavia, 1853. 4°. 1853.4 

Bijdrage tot de kennis der 
Troskieuwige visschen van den Indi- 
schen Archipel. Verh. Batav. Ge- 
nootsch., 1853, 25, 1-38. Also separate; 
Batavia, 1853. 4°. 1853.5 

Derde bijdrage tot de kennis 
der ichthyologische fauna van Amboina. 
Nat. Tijdschr. Neder.-Indié, 1853, 4, 
91-130. 1853.6 

; Derde bijdrage tot de kennis der 
ichthyologische fauna van Ceram. Nat. 

Tijdschr. Neder.-Indié, 1853, 5, 233- 
248. 1853.7 

- Diagnostische beschrijvingen 
van nieuwe of weinig bekende visch- 
soorten van Batavia. Tiental I-VI. 
Nat. Tijdschr. Neder.-Indié, 1853, 4, 
451-516. 1853.8 

Diagnostische _beschrijvingen 
van nieuwe of weinig bekende visch- 
soorten van Sumatra. Tiental V—X. 
Nat. Tijdschr. Neder.-Indié, 1853, 4, 
243-302. 1853.9 

Exocetus hexagona, eene nieuwe 
soort van Banka. Nat. Tijdschr. 
Neder.-Indié, 1853, 4, 206-207. 1853.10 

—— Index specierum piscium ma- 
layo-molucceusium in volumine 5 diarii 
Societatis Indo-Batave descriptarum. 
Nat. Tijdschr. Neder.-Indié, 1853, 5, 
547-550. 1853.11 

Nalezingen op de ichthyologie 
van Japan. Verh. Batav. Genootsch., 
1853, 25, 1-56. 1853.12 

Nalezingen op de_ ichthyolo- 
gische fauna van Bengalen en Hindo- 
stan. Verh. Batav. Genootsch., 1853, 
25, 1-164. 6 pls. Also separate; Ba- 
fenme, Usa, Zi, 1853.13 

Nalezingen op de_ ichthyolo- 
gische fauna van het eiland Banka. 
Nat. Tijdschr. Neder.-Indié, 1853, 5, 
175-194. 1853.14 

Nieuwe bijdrage tot de kennis 
der ichthyologische fauna van Ternate 
en Halmaheira (Gilolo) Nat. Tijdschr. 
Neder.-Indié, 1853, 4, 595-610. Also 
separate; Batavia, 1853. 8°. 1853.15 

Nieuwe tientallen diagnostische 
beschrijvingen van nieuwe of weinig 
bekende vischsoorten van Sumatra. 
Nat. Tijdschr. Neder.-Indié, 1853, 5, 
495-534. 1853.16 

Over eenige nieuwe soorten van 
Homaloptera v. Hass. (Balitora Gray) 
van Java en Sumatra. Nat. Tijdschr. 
Neder.-Indié, 1853, 4, 155-164. Also 
separate; Batavia, 1853. 8°. 1853.17 

Sicydium parvei, een nieuwe 
soort van de Preanger-Regentschappen. 
Nat. Tijdschr. Neder.-Indié, 1853, 4, 
426-427. 1853.18 

Vierde bijdrage tot de kennis der 
ichthyologische fauna van Amboina. 
Nat. Tijdschr. Neder.-Indié, 1853, 5, 
317-352. 1853.19 



Bleeker, P. 
Vierde bijdrage tot de kennis 
der ichthyologische fauna van Celebes. 
Nat. Tijdschr. “Neder.-Indié, 1853, 5, 
153-174. 1853.20 

Zevende bijdrage tot de kennis 
der ichthyologische fauna van Borneo. 
Zoetwatervisschen van Sambas, Pon- 
tianak en Pengaron. Nat. Tijdschr. 
Neder.-Indié, 1853, 5, 427-462. 1853.21 

Bijdrage tot de kennis_ der 
ichthyologische fauna van Batjan. Nat. 
Tijdschr. Neder.-Indié, 1854, 7, 359— 
378. 1854.1 

Bijdrage tot de kennis der 
ichthyologische fauna van de Kokos- 
eilanden. Nat. Tijdschr. Neder.-Indié, 
1854, 7, 37-48. Also separate; Batavia, 
1854-58. 1854.2 

Bijdrage tot de kennis der ich- 
thyologische fauna van Halmaheira 
(Gilolo) Nat. Tijdschr. Neder.-Indié, 
1854, 6, 49-62. 1854.3 

—— Bijdrage tot de kennis_ der 
ichthyologische fauna van het eiland 
Flores. Nat. Tijdschr. Neder.-Indié, 
1854, 6, 311-338. 1854.4 

—— Bijdrage tot de kennis_ der 
ichthyologische fauna van Japan. Verh. 
Akad. Amsterdam, 1854, 1, 1-16. Also 
separate; Amsterdam & Batavia, 1853— 
BOs i 2ipiss 4m: 1854.5 

—— Bijdrage tot de kennis der 
Sphyrenoiden van den Indischen Archi- 
pel. Verh. Batav. Genootsch., 1854- 
57, 26, 1-22. Also separate; Batavia, 
1854. 4°. 1854.6 

Dactylopterus cheirophthalmus 
van de Banda-eilanden. Nat. Tijdschr. 
Neder.-Indié, 1854, 7, 494-495. Also 
separate; Batavia, 1854. 8°. 1854.7 

Derde bijdrage tot de kennis der 
ichthyologische fauna van de Banda- 
eilanden. Nat. Tijdschr. Neder.-Indié, 
1854, 6, 89-114. 1854.8 

Diagramma hematochir, eene 
nieuwe soort van Ternate. Nat. 
Tijdschr. Neder.-Indié, 1854, 6, 175-— 
176. 1854.9 

Diagramma polytenioides, eene 
nieuwe soort van Solor. Nat. Tijdschr. 
Neder.-Indié, 1854, 6, 376-378. 1854.10 

Eleotris tolsoni, eene nieuwe 
soort van Java’s Westhoek nabij de 
Meeuwenbaai. Nat. Tijdschr. Neder.- 

Indié, 1854, 6, 542-543. Also separate; 
Batavia, 1854. 8°. 1854.11 

— Faun ichthyologice japonice 
species nove. Nat. Tijdschr. Neder.- 
Indié, 1854, 6, 395-426. 1854.12 

Ichthyologische waarnemingen 
gedaan op verschillende reizen in de 
residentie Bantam. Nat. Tijdschr. 
Neder.-Indié, 1854, 7, 309-326. 1854.13 

Index specierum piscium in 
voluminibus 21—26 actorum Societatis 
Artium et Scientiarum Bataviensis de- 
scriptarum ... Verh. Batav. Genootsch., 
1854, 26, 1-24. Also separate; Batavia, 
1854-57. 4°. 1854.14 

Index specierum piscium mala- 
yo-moluccensium in volumine 6 diarii 
Soc. Indo-Batave descriptarum. Nat. 
Tijdschr. Neder.-Indié, 1854, 6, 544— 
546. 1854.15 

Index specierum piscium mala- 
yo-moluccensium in volumine 7 diarii 

Soc. Indo-Batave descriptarum. Nat. — 

Tijdschr. Neder.-Indié, 1854, 7, 498— 
500. 1854.16 

Iets over visschen levende in 
zeesterren en Over eene nieuwe soort 
van Oxybeles. Nat. Tijdschr. Neder.- 
Indié, 1854, 7, 162-163. figs. Also 
separate; Batavia, 1854. 8°. 1854.17 

Nieuwe bijdrage tot de kennis 
der ichthyologische fauna van Timor. 
Nat. Tijdschr. Neder.-Indié, 1854; 6, 
203-214. Also separate; Batavia, 1854— 

GOP YS cc 1854.18 
Nog iets over visschen levende 
in echinodermen. Nat. Tijdschr. 

Neder.-Indié, 1854, 7, 495-496. 1854.19 

Over eenige nieuwe soorten van 
Notopterus van den Indischen Archipel. 
Nova Acta Acad. Leop. Carol. Nat. 
Cur., 1854, 24, 49-62. 5pls. 1854.20 

Over eenige nieuwe visschen 
van de Kokos-eilanden. Nat. Tijdschr. 
Neder.-Indié, 1854, 7, 353-358. Also 
separate; Batavia, 1854. 8°. 1854.21 

Overzicht der ichthyologische 
fauna van Sumatra, met beschrijving 
van eenige nieuwe soorten. Nat. 
Tijdschr. Neder.-Indié, 1854, 7, 49-108. 

Specierum piscium javanensium 
novarum vel minus cognitaruim diagno- 
ses adumbratie. Nat. Tijdschr. Neder.- 
Indié, 1854, 7, 415-448. 1854.23 




Species piscium bataviensium 
nove vel minus cognite. Nat. Tijdschr. 
Neder.-Indié, 1854, 6, 191-202. 1854.24 

Vijfde bijdrage tot de kennis 
der ichthyologische fauna van Amboina. 
Nat. Tijdschr. Neder.-Indié, 1854, 6, 
455-508. 1854.25 

Vijfde bijdrage tot de kennis der 
ichthyologische fauna van _ Celebes. 
Nat. Tijdschr. Neder.-Indié, 1854, 7, 
225-260. 1854.26 

Visschen van de Natoena-eilan- 
den. Nat. Tijdschr. Neder.-Indié, 1854, 
7, 163-164. 1854.27 

Achtste bijdrage tot de kennis 
der ichthyologische fauna van Borneo. 
Zoetwatervisschen van Bandjermasin. 
Nat. Tijdschr. Neder.-Indié, 1855, 8, 
151-168. 1855.1 

Achtste bijdrage tot de kennis 
der ichthyologische fauna van Celebes. 
Nat. Tijdschr. Neder.-Indié, 1855, 9, 
281-314. 1855.2 

Antennarius  lindgreeni, eene 
nieuwe soort van Banka. Nat. Tijdschr. 
Neder.-Indié, 1855, 8, 192-193. Also 
separate; Batavia, 1855. 8°. 1855.3 

Bijdrage tot de kennis der 
ichthyologische fauna van de Batoe- 

eilanden. Nat. Tijdschr. Neder.-Indié, 
1855, 8, 305-328. 1855.4 
: Bijdrage tot de kennis der 

ichthyologische fauna van het eiland 
Groot-Obi. Nat. Tijdschr. Neder.- 
Indié, 1855, 9, 431-4388. Also separate; 
Batavia, 1855. 8°. 1855.5 

Derde bijdrage tot de kennis der 
ichthyologische fauna van Batjan. Nat. 
Tijdschr. Neder.-Indié, 1855, 9, 491-— 
504. 1855.6 

Derde bijdrage tot de kennis 
der ichthyologische fauna van de Kokos- 
eilanden. Nat. Tijdschr. Neder.-Indié, 
1855, 8, 169-180. 1855.7 

Index specierum piscium mala- 
yo-moluccensium in volumine 8 diarii 
Societatis Indo-Batave descriptarum. 
Nat. Tijdschr. Neder.-Indié, 1855, 8, 
552-554. 1855.8 

Index specierum piscium mala- 
yo-moluccensium in volumine 9 diarii 
Societatis Indo-Batave descriptarum. 
Nat. Tijdschr. Neder.-Indié, 1855, 9, 
§27-528. 1855.9 



Nalezingen op de _ vischfauna 
van Sumatra. Visschen van Lahat en 
Sibogha. Nat. Tijdschr. Neder.-Indié, 
1855, 9, 257-280. 1855.10 

Negende bijdrage tot de kennis 
der ichthyologische fauna van Borneo. 
Zoetwatervisschen van Pontianak en 
Bandjermasin. Nat. Tijdschr. Neder.- 
Indié, 1855, 9, 415-430. 1855.11 

Nieuwe bijdrage tot de kennis 
der ichthyologische fauna van Sumbawa. 
Nat. Tijdschr. Neder.-Indié, 1855, 9, 
113-115. Alsoseparate; Batavia, 1855. 
Se 1855.12 

Over eenige nieuwe visschen 
van Ternate. Nat. Tijdschr. Neder.- 
Indié, 1855, 9, 155. 1855.13 

Over eenige visschen van Van 
Diemensland. Verh. Akad. Amster- 
dam, 1855, 2, 1-30. 1855.14 

Tweede bijdrage tot de kennis 
der ichthyologische fauna van Batjan. 
Nat. Tijdschr. Neder.-Indié, 1855, 9, 
191-202. 1855.15 

Tweede bijdrage tot de kennis 
der ichthyologische fauna van de 
Batoe-eilanden. Nat. Tijdschr. Neder.- 
Indié, 1855, 9, 65-72. 1855.16 

Tweede bijdrage tot de kennis 
der ichthyologische fauna van Halma- 
heira (Gilolo) Nat. Tijdschr. Neder.- 
Indié, 1855, 9, 105-112. 1855.17 

Verslag van eenige vischver- 
zamelingen van Oost-Java. Nat. Tijd- 
sehr. Neder.-Indié, 1855, 9, 391-414. 


Vierde bijdrage tot de kennis 
der ichthyologische fauna van _ de 
Kokos-eilanden. Nat. Tijdschr. Neder.- 
Indié, 1855, 8, 445-460. 1855.19 

Vijfde bijdrage tot de kennis 
der ichthyologische fauna van Ternate. 
Nat. Tijdschr. Neder.-Indié, 1855, 8, 
295-304. Also separate; Batavia, 1855— 
5O: .o:. 1855.20 

— Visschen van de Duizend-eilan- 
den. Nat. Tijdschr. Neder.-Indié, 
1855, 8, 344. 1855.21 

Visschen van Tikoe, Sumatra’s 
Westkust. Nat. Tijdschr. Neder.- 
Indié, 1855, 8, 345. 1855.22 

Zesde bijdrage tot de kennis der 
ichthyologische fauna van Amboina. 
Nat. Tijdschr. Neder.-Indié, 1855, 8, 



ssi nnn EES 


Bleeker, P. : : f 
391-434. Also separate; Batavia, 1855. 
8°. 1855.23 

Zevende bijdrage tot de kennis 
der ichthyologische fauna van Celebes. 
Nat. Tijdschr. Neder.-Indié, 1855, 8, 
435-444. 1855.24 

Beschrijvingen van nieuwe en 
weinig bekende vischsoorten van Am- 
boina. Act. Soc. Sci. Indo-Neerl., 1856, 
1, 1-76. Also separate; Batavia, 1856. 
4% 1856.1 

Beschrijvingen van nieuwe of 
weinig bekende vischsoorten van Me- 
nado en Makassar grootendeels ver- 
zameld op eene reis naar den Moluk- 
schen Archipel in het gevolg van den 

Gouverneur-Generaal Duymaer_ van 
Twist. Act. Soc. Sci. Indo-Neerl., 
1856, 1, 1-80. 1856.2 

Bijdrage tot de kennis der ich- 
thyologische fauna van het eiland 
Boero. Nat. Tijdschr. Neder.-Indié, 
1856, 11, 383-414. 1856.3 

Bijdrage tot de kennis der ich- 
thyologische fauna van het eiland Nias. 
Nat. Tijdschr. Neder.-Indié, 1856-57, 
12, 211-228. Also separate; Batavia, 
1856. 8°. 1856.4 

Carcharias (Prionodon) ambly- 
rhynchus, eene nieuwe haaisoort gevan- 
gen nabij het eiland Solombo. Nat. 
Tijdschr. Neder.-Indié, 1856, 10, 467— 
468. Also separate; Batavia, 1856. 


Index specierum piscium mala- 
yo-moluccensium in voluminibus 1-10 
diarii Soc. Indo-Batave descriptarum. 
Nat. Tijdschr. Neder.-Indié, 1856, 10, 
472-500. 1856.6 

Index specierum piscium mala- 
yo-moluccensium in voluminibus 11 & 
12 diarii Soc. Indo-Batave descrip- 
tarum. Nat. Tijdschr. Neder.-Indié, 
1856-57, 12, 511-512. 1856.7 

Reis door de Minahassa en den 
Molukschen Archipel gedaan in de 
maanden September en October 1855 
in het gevolg van den Gouverneur- 
Generaal A. J. Duymaer van Twist. 

2 vols. Batavia, 1856. 1856.8 

Tweede bijdrage tot de kennis 

der ichthyologische fauna van het 

eiland Bintang. Nat. Tijdschr. Neder.- 
Indié, 1856, 10, 345-356. 1856.9 

Verslag omtrent eenige visch- 
soorten gevangen aan de Zuidkust van 
Malang in Oost-Java. Nat. Tijdschr. 
Neder.-Indié, 1856, 11, 81-92. 1856.10 

—  Verslag van einige verzame- 
lingen van zee- en zoetwatervisschen 
van het eiland Banka. Nat. Tijdschr. 
Neder.-Indié, 1856, 11, 415-420. Also 
separate; Batavia, 1856. 8°. 1856.11 

Vijfde bijdrage tot de kennis der 
ichthyologische fauna van de Banda- 
eilanden. Nat. Tijdschr. Neder.-Indié, 
1856, 11, 93-110. Also separate; Ba- 
tavia, 1856. 8°. 1856.12 

Visschen van Saparoea. Nat. 
Tijdschr. Neder.-Indié, 1856, 10, 469. 

Visschen waargenomen te La- 
boeha, eiland Batjan. Nat. Tijdschr. 
Neder.-Indié, 1856, 11, 253-254. 


Vischsoorten nieuw voor de 
kennis der fauna van het eiland Ceram. 
Nat. Tijdschr. Neder.-Indié, 1856, 11, 
486-487. Also separate; Batavia, 1856. 
Bee 1856.15 

Zevende bijdrage tot de kennis 
der ichthyologische fauna van Ternate. 
Nat. Tijdschr. Neder.-Indié, 1856, 10, 
357-386. 1856.16 

Achtste bijdrage tot de kennis 
der ichthyologische fauna van Ternate. 
Nat. Tijdschr. Neder.-Indié, 1856-57, 
12, 191-210. 1857.1 

Achtste bijdrage tot de kennis 
der vischfauna van Amboina. Act. Soc. 
Sci. Indo-Neerl., 1857, 2, 1-102. 1857.2 

Bericht omtrent eenige visch- 
soorten nieuwe voor de kennis van het 
eiland Ceram. Nat. Tijdschr. Neder.- 
Indié, 1856-57, 12, 508. 1857.3 

Bericht omtrent eenige visch- 
soorten van Tobali, eiland Banka. 
Nat. Tijdschr. Neder.-Indié, 1856-57, 
12, 273-275. 1857.4 

Bijdrage tot de kennis der ich- 
thyologische fauna van de Sangi-eilan- 
den. Nat. Tijdschr. Neder.-Indié, 1857, 
13, 369-380. Also separate; Batavia, 
i iay Aa oie 1857.5 

—— Bijdrage tot de kennis der 
Sphyrenoiden van den Indischen Archi- 
pel. Verh. Batav. Genootsch., 1854-57, 
26, 1-22. 1857.6 





Conspectus specierum piscium 
moluccensium hucusque cognitarum. 
Acta Soc. Sci. Indo-Neerl., 1857, 2, 1— 
23. Also separate; Batavia, 1857. 4°. 

Derde bijdrage tot de kennis der 
ichthyologische fauna van de Batoe- 
eilanden. Nat. Tijdschr. Neder.-Indié, 
1856-57, 12, 229-242. 1857.8 

Descriptiones specierum piscium 
Javanensium novarum vel minus cogni- 
tarum diagnostice. Nat. Tijdschr. 
Neder.-Indié, 1857, 18, 323-368. Also 
separate; Batavia, 1857. 8°. 1857.9 

Index descriptionum specierum 
piscium Bleekerianarum in voluminibus 
1 ad 19 diarii Societatis Scientiarum 
Indo-Batave. Nat. Tijdschr. Neder.- 
Indié, 1857, 14, 447-486. 1857.10 

Index specierum piscium in 
voluminibus 21-26 actorum Societatis 
Artium et Scientiarum Indo-Batave 
descriptarum adjectis citationibus ubi 
descriptiones Bleekerianez recentiores 
emendatzque reperiuntur. Verh. Ba- 
tav. Genootsch., 1854-57, 26, 1—24. 


Nieuwe bijdrage tot de kennis 
der ichthyologische fauna van Bali. 
Nat. Tijdschr. Neder.-Indié, 1856-57, 
12, 291-302. Also separate; Batavia, 
1856. 8°. 1857.12 

Nieuwe nalezingen op de ich- 
thyologie van Japan. Verh. Batav. 
Genootsch., 1854-57, 26, 1-132. 1857.13 

Over eenige vischsoorten ge- 
vangen bij Prigi aan Java’s Zuidkust. 
Nat. Tijdschr. Neder.-Indié, 1857, 14, 
244-246. 1857.14 

—— Over eenige vischsoorten nieuw 
voor de kennis der fauna van Biliton. 
Nat. Tijdschr. Neder.-Indié, 1857, 13, 
283-287. 1857.15 

Over eenige vischverzamelingen 
van verschillende gedeelten van Java. 
Nat. Tijdschr. Neder.-Indié, 1857, 13, 
475-480. Also separate; Batavia, 1857. 

Tiende bijdrage tot de kennis 
der ichthyologische fauna van Borneo. 
Visschen van de rivieren Barito, Kaha- 
jan en Kapoeas. Act. Soc. Sei. Indo- 
Neerl., 1857, 2, 1-21. 1857.17 

Tweede bijdrage tot de kennis 
der ichthyologische fauna van Boeroe. 
Nat. Tijdschr. Neder.-Indié, 1857, 18, 
55-82. 1857.18 

Verslag omtrent eenige visch- 
soorten van Timor-Koepang en Timor- 
Delhi. Nat. Tijdschr. Neder.-Indié, 
1857, 13, 387-390. 1857.19 

Verslag van eene nieuwe ver- 
zameling visschen van Batjan. Nat. 
Tijdschr. Neder.-Indié, 1857, 13, 381— 
386. ¢ 1857.20° 

Zesde bijdrage tot de kennis der 
vischfauna van Sumatra. Visschen van 
Padang, Troessan, Priaman, Siboga en 
Palembang. Act. Soc. Sci. Indo-Neerl., 
1858, 3, 1-50. 1858.1 

Bijdrage tot de kennis der 
vischfauna van den Goram-Archipel. 
Nat. Tijdschr. Neder.-Indié, 1858, 15, 
197-218. 1858.2 

De visschen van den Indischen 
Archipel. Siluri. Act. Soe. Sci. Indo- 
Neerl., 1858, 4. 1858.3 

Elfde bijdrage tot de kennis der 
ichthyologische fauna van Borneo. 
Visschen van Sinkawang. Act. Soc. Sci. 
Indo-Neerl., 1858, 3, 1-4. 1858.4 

Elfde bijdrage tot de kennis der 
vischfauna van Celebes. Visschen van 
Makassar. Act. Soc. Sci. Indo-Neerl., 
1858, 3, 1-2. 1858.5 

Enumeratio specierum piscium 
Javanensium hucusque cognitarum. 
Nat. Tijdschr. Neder.-Indié, 1858, 15, 
359-456. Also separate; Batavia, 1858. 
Sz. 1858.6 

Holacanthus pseudannularis, 
eene nieuwe soort van Batavia. Nat. 
Tijdschr. Neder.-Indié, 1858, 15, 169- 
171. 1858.7 

Ichthyologize Archipelagi Indici 
Prodromus. Visschen van den Indischen 
Archipel. I.Siluri. Verh. Natuurk. Ver. 
Batavia, 1858, 4, 1-370. Also separate, 
together with “Vol. II, Cyprini’’; Ba- 
tavia, 1858-60. 2 vols. 4°. 1858.8 

Index specierum piscium in 
voluminibus [-III actorum Societatis 
Scientiarum Indo-Neerlandice descrip- 
tarum. Act. Soc. Sci. Indo-Neerl., 1858, 
3, 1-6. Also separate; Batavia, 1857— 
58. 4°. 1858.9 

Negende bijdrage tot de kennis 
der vischfauna van Amboina. Act. Soc. 
Sei. Indo-Neerl., 1858, 3, 1-6. 1858.10 

Tiende bijdrage tot de kennis 
der vischfauna van Amboina. Act. 
Soe. Sci. Indo-Neerl., 1858, 3, 14. 



Bleeker, P. ; 

Tiende bijdrage tot de kennis 
der vischfauna van Celebes. Act. Soc. 
Sci. Indo-Neerl., 1858, 3, 1-16. 1858.12 

Tweede bijdrage tot de kennis 
der vischfauna van Singapore. Nat. 
Tijdschr. Neder.-Indié, 1858, 15, 241— 
254. 1858.13 

Ueber das Vorkommen von 
Fischen in Echinodermen und iiber eine 
neue Species von Oxybeles (O. brandesiz) 
Arch. Hollind. Beitr. Naturk., 1858, 1, 
255-257. 1858.14 

Vierde bijdrage tot de kennis 
der ichthyologische fauna van Japan. 
Act. Soc. Sci. Indo-Neerl., 1858, 3, 146. 

Vierde bijdrage tot de kennis 
der vischfauna van Billiton. Nat. 
Tijdschr. Neder.-Indié, 1858, 15, 219- 
240. 1858.16 

Vijfde bijdrage tot de kennis 
der ichthyologische fauna van de 
Kokos-eilanden. Nat. Tijdschr. Neder.- 
Indié, 1858, 15, 457-468. 1858.17 

Visschen van Java’s Zuidkust. 
Nat. Tijdschr. Neder.-Indié, 1858, 15, 
159-162. 1858.18 

Bijdrage tot de kennis der visch- 
fauna van Bawean. Nat. Tijdschr. 
Neder.-Indié, 1859, 18, 351-358. Also 
separate; Batavia, 1859. 8°. 1859.1 

Bijdrage tot de kennis der visch- 
fauna van Nieuw-Guinea. Act. Soc. 
Sci. Indo-Neerl., 1859, 6, 1-24. Also 
separate; Batavia, 1859. 4°. 1859.2 

Conspectus specierum Mugilis 

Archipelagi Indici analyticus. Nat. 
Tijdschr. Neder.-Indié, 1858-59, 16, 
275-280. 1859.3 

Derde bijdrage tot de kennis der 
ichthyologische fauna van Bali. Nat. 
Tijdschr. Neder.-Indié, 1858-59, 17, 
141-175. Also separate; Batavia, 1859. 
Sis 1859.4 

Eene verzameling zee- en zoet- 
watervisschen, gevangen bij Priaman, 
verzameld door H. Diepenhorst. Nat. 
Tijdschr. Neder.-Indié, 1858-59, 16, 
336-338. 1859.5 

Eenige vischjes uit de rivier van 
Priaman en eenige van de Zuidkust 
van Java, verzameld door G. F. James. 
Nat. Tijdschr. Neder.-Indié, 1858-59, 
16, 211-212. 1859.6 


Enumeratio specierum piscium 
hucusque in Archipelago Indico obser- 
vatarum. ... Act. Soc. Sci. Indo- 
Neerl., 1859, 6, i-xxxvi; 1-276. Also 
separate; Batavia, 1859. 4°. 1859.7 

Exocetus speculiger van Banda. 
Nat. Tijdschr. Neder.-Indié, 1858-59, 
16, 314. 1859.8 

Negende bijdrage tot de kennis 
der vischfauna van Banka. Nat. 
Tijdschr. Neder.-Indié, 1859, 18, 359- 
378. Also separate; Batavia, 1859. 8°. 

Nog iets over het geslacht Hete- 
rophthalmus. Nat. Tijdschr. Neder.- 
Indié, 1858-59, 16, 253-255. 1859.10 

Ophiocephalus micropeltes K. v. 
H. gevangen in de rivieren van weste- 
lijk Borneo en aangeboden door den 
heer C. M. H. Kroesen. Nat. Tijdschr. 
Neder.-Indié, 1858-59, 16, 241. 1859.11 

— Over de geslachten der Cobiti- 
nen. Nat. Tijdschr. Neder.-Indié, 
1858-59, 16, 302-304. 1859.12 

Over eene nieuwe verzameling 
vischsoorten van Benkoelen van A. J. 
W. van Ophuysen. Nat. Tijdschr. 
Neder.-Indié, 1858-59, 16, 273-275. 
— 1859.13 
—— Over eenige vischsoorten van de 
Zuidkustwateren van Java. Nat. Tijd- 
schr. Neder.-Indié, 1859, 19, 329-352. 
Also separate; Batavia, 1859. 8°. 

Systema Silurorum. Nat. Tijd- 
schr. Neder.-Indié, 1858-59, 16, 38-41. 

Twaalfde bijdrage tot de kennis 

der vischfauna van Borneo. Visschen 
van Sinkawang. Act. Soc. Sci. Indo- 
Neerl., 1858-59, 5, 1-10. 1859.16 

Twaalfde bijdrage tot de kennis 
der vischfauna van Celebes. Visschen 
van Manado. Act.Soc.Sci. Indo-Neerl., 
1858-59, 5, 1-4. 1859.17 

Verslag van eene verzameling 
visschen van Westelijk Borneo, aange- 
boden door J. H. A. Sonneman Reben- 
tisch. Nat. Tijdschr. Neder.-Indié, 
1858-59, 16, 483-436. 1859.18 

Vierde bijdrage tot de kennis 
der ichthyologische fauna van Timor. 
Visschen van Atapoepoe. Nat. Tijd- 
schr. Neder.-Indié, 1858-59, 17, 129- 
140. Also separate; Batavia, 1859. 


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—— Vijfde bijdrage tot de kennis der 

ichthyologische fauna van Japan. Act. 
Soc. Sci. Indo-Neerl., 1858-59, 5, 1-12. 

Vischsoorten gevangen bij Ben- 
koelen en aangeboden door J. A. W. van 
Ophuysen. Nat. Tijdschr. Neder.- 
Indié, 1858-59, 16, 243-244. 1859.21 

Vischsoorten gevangen bij Ja- 
para, verzameld door S. A. Thurkow. 
Nat. Tijdschr. Neder.-Indié, 1858-59, 
16, 406-409. 1859.22 

Vischsoorten uit de Moessi, 
Saleh, Padang en Kommering, verza- 
meld door E. A. Lange en G. A. van 
Delden. Nat. Tijdschr. Neder.-Indié, 
1858-59, 16, 384-388. 1859.23 

Vischsoorten uit de zoete wa- 
teren van Benkoelen, verzameld door 
J. A.W. van Ophuysen. Nat. Tijdschr. 
Neder.-Indié, 1858-59, 16, 210-211. 


Vischsoorten van Anjer, verza- 
meld door F. H. Eysinger. Nat. Tijd- 
sehr. Neder.-Indié, 1858-59, 16, 45. 


— Vischsoorten van Banjoewangi 
en Buitenzorg, verzameld door H. 
Zollinger, H. von Rosenberg en O. J. 
U. F. Huguenin. Nat. Tijdschr. Neder.- 
Indié, 1858-59, 16, 47-48. 1859.26 

Vischsoorten van Batjan, ver- 
zameld door J. G. F. Bernelot Moens. 
Nat. Tijdschr. Neder.-Indié, 1858-59, 
16, 208-210. 1859.27 

Vischsoorten van de Kokos- 
eilanden, verzameld door Dr. Anderson. 
Nat. Tijdschr. Neder.-Indié, 1858-59, 
16, 240. 1859.28 

Vischsoorten van Muntok, ver- 
zameld door F. W. Dolge. Nat. Tijd- 
schr. Neder.-Indié, 1858-59, 16, 251- 
252. 1859.29 

Vischsoorten van Palembang, 
verzameld door E. A. Lange en F. J. P. 
Storm van ’s Gravensande. Nat. Tijd- 
schr. Neder.-Indié, 1858-59, 16, 263- 
266. 1859.30 

Vischsoorten van Palembang, 
verzameld door R. V. Heyliger. Nat. 
Tijdschr. Neder.-Indié, 1858-59, 16, 
338-341. 1859.31 

Vischsoorten van Riouw en 
Lingga, verzameld door E. Netscher, 
E. F. Meyer en H. Raat. Nat. Tijdschr. 
Neder.-Indié, 1858-59, 16, 45-47. 


Vischsoorten van Sinkawang, 
verzameld door J. H. A. B. Sonnemann 
Rebentisch. Nat. Tijdschr. Neder.- 
Indié, 1858-59, 16, 195-196. 1859.33 

1858-59, 16, 

Vischsoorten van Tjilatjap, ver- 
zameld door H. Tievez. Nat. Tijdschr. 
Neder.-Indié, 1858-59, 16, 37. 1859.35 

Vischsoorten van Tanara. 
Tijdschr. Neder.-Indié, 

Visschen uit de omstreken van 
Montrado verzameld door G. J. Filet. 
Nat. Tijdschr. Neder.-Indié, 1858-59, 
16, 196-197. 1859.36 

Visschen uit de Serayoe, verza- 
meld door G. C. Schonck. Nat. Tijd- 
schr. Neder.-Indié, 1858-59, 16, 241— 
242. 1859.37 

Visschen van Amboina verza- 

meld door den heer Schréder. Nat. 
Tijdschr. Neder.-Indié, 1858-59, 16, 
28-31. 1859.38 

Visschen van Anjer, verzameld 
door J. G. F. Bernelot Moens. Nat. 
Tidjschr. Neder.-Indié, 1858-59, 16, 
424-425. 1859.39 

Visschen van Biliton, verzameld 
door A. Hendriks. Nat. Tijdschr. 
Neder.-Indié, 1858-59, 16, 261—262. 


Visschen van de Kokos-eilanden, 
verzameld door J. G. C. Ross en Dr. A. 
J. Anderson. Nat. Tijdschr. Neder.- 
Indié, 1858-59, 16, 205-206. 1859.41 

Visschen van Koetei, verzameld 
door J. Wolff. Nat. Tijdschr. Neder.- 
Indié, 1858-59, 16, 206. 1859.42 

Visschen van Tikoe verzameld 
door E. A. Ludeking. Nat. Tijdschr. 
Neder.-Indié, 1858-59, 16, 26. 


Visschen van Wonosobo. Nat. 
Tijdschr. Neder.-Indié, 1858-59, 16, 
302. 1859.44 
Zeevisschen gevangen in de 

nabijheid van Benkoelen, verzameld 

door J. A. W. van Ophuysen. Nat. 
Tijdschr. Neder.-Indié, 1858-59, 16, 
239. 1859.45 

Zevende bijdrage tot de kennis 
der vischfauna van Sumatra. Visschen 
van Palembang. Act. Soc. Sci. Indo- 
Neerl., 1858-59, 5, 1-12. 1859.46 




Bleeker, P. ‘a . 
Zoetwatervisschen uit de om- 
streken van. Ngawi, verzameld door 

J. T. van Bloemen Waanders. Nat. 
Tijdschr. Neder.-Indié, 1858-59, 16, 
357-358. 1859.47 

Achtste bijdrage tot de kennis 
der vischfauna van Sumatra. Visschen 
van Benkoelen, Priaman, Tandjong, 
Palembang en Djambi. Act. Soc. Sci. 
Indo-Neerl., 1860, 8, 1-88. 1860.1 

Conspectus systematis Cypri- 
norum. Nat. Tijdschr. Neder.-Indié, 
1859-60, 20, 421441. 1860.2 

Derde bijdrage tot de kennis 

der vischfauna van Singapore. Nat. 
Tijdschr. Neder.-Indié, 1859-60, 20, 
446-456. 1860.3 

Dertiende bijdrage tot de kennis 
der vischfauna van Borneo. Act. Soc. 
Sci. Indo.-Neerl., 1860, 8, 1-64. 1860.4 

Dertiende bijdrage tot de kennis 
der vischfauna van Celebes. Visschen 
van Bonthain, Badjoa, Sindjai, Lagoesi 
en Pompenoea. Act. Soc. Sci. Indo- 
Neerl., 1860, 8, 1-60. 1860.5 

Elfde bijdrage tot de kennis der 
vischfauna van Amboina. Act. Soc. 
Sci. Indo-Neerl., 1860, 8, 1-14. 1860.6 

Hemiramphus buffonis Val. en 
Mugil vaigiensis Q. et G. van Batjan, 
verzameld door O. J. U. F. Huguenin. 
Nat. Tijdschr. Neder.-Indié, 1859-60, 
20, 417. 1860.7 

Negende bijdrage tot de kennis 
der vischfauna van Sumatra.  Vis- 
schen uit de Lematang-Enim en van 
Benkoelen. Act. Soc. Sci. Indo-Neerl., 
1860, 8, 1-12. 1860.8 

Nieuwe vischsoorten van Singa- 
pore, verzameld door Fr. Graaf de 
Castelnau. Nat. Tijdschr. Neder.- 
Indié, 1859-60, 20, 236-239. 1860.9 

Ordo Cyprini, Karpers. Act. 
Soc. Sci. Indo-Neerl., 1860, 7 (n. s. 2), 
1+492. 1860.10 

This forms a companion volume to the work 
entitled ‘‘Visschen van den Indischen Archipel. 
Vol. I. Siluri,’’ published at Batavia in 1858. 
See supra. 

Over de plaatsing in het stelsel 
van de Luciocephaloiden. Nat. Tijd- 
schr. Neder.-Indié, 1859-60, 20, 395— 
397. 1860.11 

Over eenige vischsoorten van de 
Kaap de Goede Hoop. Nat. Tijdschr. 
Neder.-Indié, 1860, 21, 49-80. 1860.12 

Over het natuurlijk stelsel der 
visschen. Nat. Tijdschr. Neder.-Indié, 
1859-60, 20, 461-462. 1860.13 

Soorten van visschen van Bad- 
joa, verzameld door E. Netscher. Nat. 
Tijdschr. Neder.-Indié, 1859-60, 20, 
197-198. 1860.14 

Tiende bijdrage tot de kennis 
der vischfauna van Banka. Nat. 
Tijdschr. Neder.-Indié, 1860, 21, 135- 
142. 1860.15 

Tiental vischsoorten van de 
Kokos-eilanden, verzameld door A. J. 
Anderson. Nat. Tijdschr. Neder.- 
Indié, 1859-60, 20, 142-143. 1860.16 

Twaalfde bijdrage tot de kennis 
der vischfauna van Amboina. Act. 
Soc. Sci. Indo-Neerl., 1860, 8, 1+4. 


Vijfde bijdrage tot de kennis der 
vischfauna van Timor. Vischsoorten 
van Atapoepoe. Nat. Tijdschr. Neder.- 
Indié, 1859-60, 20, 442-445. 1860.18 

—— Vischsoorten van Amboina, ver- 
zameld door D. 8. Hoedt. Nat. Tijd- 
schr. Neder.-Indié, 1859-60, 20, 204. 


Vischsoorten van Badjoa, ver- 
zameld door B. Schreuders. Nat. 
Tijdschr. Neder.-Indié, 1859-60, 20, 
129. 1860.20 

—— Vischsoorten van Badjoa, ver- 
zameld door E. Netscher. Nat. Tijd- 
schr. Neder.-Indié, 1859-60, 20, 140— 
142. 1860.21 

Vischsoorten van Bali, verza- 
meld door P. L. van Bloemen Waanders. 
Nat. Tijdschr. Neder.-Indié, 1859-60, 
20, 205-207. 1860.22 

Vischsoorten van Biliton, ver- 

zameld door den heer Kruymel. Nat. 
Tijdschr. Neder.-Indié, 1859-60, 20, 
201-202. 1860.23 

Vischsoorten van Bintang, ver- 
zameld door E. F. Meyer. Nat. Tijd- 
schr. Neder.-Indié, 1859-60, 20, 87-88. 

Vischsoorten van Bonthain, ver- 

zameld door J. L. de Zeeger. Nat. 
Tijdschr. Neder.-Indié, 1859-60, 20, 
3a2; 1860.25 

—— Vischsoorten van de Aroe-eilan- 
den, aangeboden door O. Mohnike. 
Nat. Tijdschr. Neder.-Indié, 1859-60, 
20, 332. 1860.26 


— Vischsoorten van Japan, ver- 
zameld te Desima, door Jhr. J. L. C. 
Pompe van Meerdervoort. Nat. Tijd- 
schr. Neder.-Indié, 1859-60, 20, 234— 
236. 1860.27 

— Vischsoorten van Karangbol- 
long, verzameld door F. J. Schultze. 
Nat. Tijdschr. Neder.-Indié, 1859-60, 
20, 202-204. 1860.28 

Vischsoorten van de Kokos- 
eilanden, verzameld door A. J. Ander- 
son. Nat. Tijdschr. Neder.-Indié, 1859-— 
60, 20, 202. 1860.29 

Vischsoorten van Priaman, ver- 

zameld door H. Diepenhorst. Nat. 
Tijdschr. Neder.-Indié, 1859-60, 20, 
198-199. 1860.30 

Vischsoorten van Siam, ver- 
zameld door Fr. de Castelnau. Nat. 
Tijdschr. Neder.-Indié, 1859-60, 20, 
101-102. 1860.31 

Vischsoorten van Singapore, ver- 
zameld door Fr. Graaf de Castelnau. 
Nat. Tijdschr. Neder.-Indié, 1859-60, 
20, 216-217. 1860.32 

— Visschen gevangen in de baai 
van Amboina en aangeboden door O. 
Mohnike. Nat. Tijdschr. Neder.-Indié, 
1859-60, 20, 331-332. 1860.33 

Visschen uit de omstreken van 
Tandjong aan de Samangka-baai, ver- 

zameld door den heer Hunnius. Nat. 
Tijdschr. Neder.-Indié, 1859-60, 20, 
219-220. 1860.34 

Visschen van Anjer en uit het 
meer Dano, verzameld door J. G. F. 
Bernelot Moens. Nat. Tijdschr. Neder.- 
Indié, 1859-60, 20, 240-241. 1860.35 

Zesde bijdrage tot de kennis der 
vischfauna van Japan. Act. Soc. Sci. 
Indo-Neerl., 1860, 8, 1-104. 1860.36 

Graaf de 

Zoetwatervisschen van Sintang, 
verzameld door A. H. Thepas. Nat. 
Tijdschr. Neder.-Indié, 1859-60, 20, 
199-200. 1860.38 

Aanteekening (Synonymie und 
Prioritit von Fischnamen)  Versl. 
Akad. Amsterdam, 1861, 12, 81-82. 


Derde bijdrage tot de kennis 
der ichthyologische fauna van Boeroe. 

Zoetwatervisschen van 
poera, verzameld door F. 
Castelnau. Nat. Tijdschr. 
Indié, 1860, 21, 334. 



Nat. Tijdschr. Neder.-Indié, 1861, 22, 
109-114. 1861.2 

Elfde bijdrage tot de kennis der 
vischfauna van Banka. Nat. Tijdschr. 
Neder.-Indié, 1861, 22, 107-108. 1861.3 

—TIets over de geslachten der 
Searoiden en hunne Indisch-archipela- 
gische soorten. Versl. Akad. Amster- 

dam, 1861, 12, 228-244. 1861.4 

lets over de vischfauna van het 
eiland Pinang. Versl. Akad. Amster- 
dam, 1861, 12, 64-80. 1861.5 

Mededeeling omtrent  visch- 
soorten, nieuw voor de kennis der fauna 
van Singapoera. Versl. Akad. Am- 
sterdam, 1861, 12, 28-63. 1861.6 

Notice sur le genre Trachinus et 
ses espéces. Ann. Sci. Nat., 1861, 4. 
sér. 16 (Zool.), 375-382.— Versl. Akad. 
Amsterdam, 1862, 14, 113-122. 1861.7 

Over eenige vischsoorten van 
Benkoelen, verzameld door A. J. W. 
van Ophuysen. Nat. Tijdschr. Neder.- 
Indié, 1861, 22, 65-66. 1861.8 

Tweede bijdrage tot de kennis 
der vischfauna van Bawean. Nat. 
Tijdschr. Neder.-Indié, 1861, 22, 243— 
246. 1861.9 

Vierde bijdrage tot de kennis 
der vischfauna van Bali. Nat. Tuijd- 
schr. Neder.-Indié, 1861, 22, 239-242. 


Vischsoorten gevangen bij Prigi, 

verzameld door C. G. C. Greiner. Nat. 
Tijdschr. Neder.-Indié, 1861, 22, 88-89. 

Vischsoorten, nieuw yoor de 
kennis der fauna van Singapoera, ver- 
zameld door Fr. Graaf de Castelnau. 
Nat. Tijdschr. Neder.-Indié, 1861, 22, 
101-102. 1861.12 

Vischsoorten van Nieuw-Guinea, 
verzameld door F. G. Beckman. Nat. 
Tijdschr. Neder.-Indié, 1861, 22, 98- 
100. 1861.13 

Zesde bijdrage tot de kennis der 
vischfauna van Ceram. Nat. Tijdschr. 
Neder.-Indié, 1861, 22, 228-238. 


Zesde bijdrage tot de kennis der 
vischfauna van Timor. Nat. Tijdschr. 
Neder.-Indié, 1861, 22, 247-261. 





Bleeker, P. . 

Zoetwatervisschen van Gom- 
bong in zuidelijk Midden-Java, verza- 
meld door P. Bruyn van Rozenburg. 
Nat. Tijdschr. Neder.-Indié, 1861, 22, 
100-101. 1861.16 
Atlas ichthyologique des Indes 
Orientales Néerlandaises, publié sous 
les auspices du Gouvernement colonial 

néerlandais. Amsterdam, 1862-77. 9 
vols. 36 livraisons. 1862.1 
i. Scaroides et Labroides. 1862. 48 pls. 

ii. Siluroides, Chacoides et Hétérobran- 
choides. 1862. 53 pls. 
lii. Cyprins. 1863. 43 pls. 

iv. Murénes, Symbranches, Leptocéphales. 

1864. 49 pls. 

v. Baudroies, Ostracions, Gymnodontes, 
Balistes. 1865. 47 pls. 

vi. Pleuronectes, _Scombrésoces, Clupées, 
Clupésoces, Chauliodontes, Saurides. 1866-72. 

46 pls. 

vii. Percoides. I, Priacanthiformes, Serrani- 
formes, Grammisteiformes, Perczeformes, Dat- 
nizformes. 1873-76. 41 pls. 

viii. Percoides. II, Bogodoides, Cirrhitéoides. 
1876-77. 34 pls. 

ix. Toxotoidei, Pempheridoidei, Chsetodon- 
toidei, Nandoidei, ete. 1877. 55 pls. 

——  Conspectus generum  Labroi- 
deorum analyticus. Versl. Akad. Am- 
sterdam, 1862, 13, 94-109. — Proc. 

Zool. Soc. London, 1861, 408-418. Also 
separate; Amsterdam, 1862. 1862.2 

Description de quelques espéces 
nouvelles de Silures de Suriname con- 
servées aux Musées de Leide et d’Am- 
sterdam. Versl. Akad. Amsterdam, 
1862, 14, 371-389.— Natuurk. Verh. 
Maatsch. Wet. Haarlem, 20, 104. 16 
pls. Also separate; Amsterdam, 1862. 
8°. 1862.3 

Neuviéme article sur la faune 
ichthyologique de Ilile de Ternate. 
Versl. Akad. Amsterdam, 1862, 14, 95- 
98. 1862.4 

Notices ichthyologiques (I—X) 
Versl. Akad. Amsterdam, 1862, 14, 
123-141. Also separate; Amsterdam, 
1863. 8°. 1862.5 

Notice sur les genres Parasilu- 
rus, Eutropichthys, Pseudeutropius et 
Pseudopangasius. Versl. Akad. Am- 
sterdam, 1862, 14, 390-399. Also sepa- 
rate; Amsterdam, 1862. 8°. 1862.6 

Notice sur les genres. Tracheli- 
opterichthys, Hemicetopsis et Pseudo- 
cetopsis. Versl. Akad. Amsterdam, 
1862, 14, 400-403. Also separate; Am- 
sterdam, 1862. 8°. 1862.7 

Sixiéme mémoire sur la faune 
ichthyologique de l’fle Batjan. Versl. 
Akad. Amsterdam, 1862, 14, 99-112. 


—— Sur quelques genres de la famille 
des Pleuronectoides. Versl. Akad. 
Amsterdam, 1862, 13, 422-429. 1862.9 

Synonyma Labroideorum Indo- 
archipelagicorum hucusque observato- 
rum revisa, adjectis specierum novarum 
descriptionibus. Versl. Akad. Amster- 
dam, 1862, 13, 274-308. 1862.10 © 

Beschrijving en afbeelding van — 
eene nieuwe soort van Brama (Abra- 

mis) uit de omstreken van Leiden. 
Versl. Akad. Amsterdam, 1863, 165, 
235-238. — Neder. ‘Tijdschr. Dierk., 
1863, 1, 371-373. 1863.1 

—— Description de quelques espéces 
de Cobitoides et de Cyprinoides de 
Ceylon.  Versl. Akad. Amsterdam, 
1863, 15, 239-253.— Neder. Tijdschr. 
Dierk., 1863, 1, 373-380. Also separate; 
Amsterdam, 1863. 8°. 1863.2 

Description de quelques espéces 
de poissons nouvelles ou peu connues de 
Chine envoyées au Musée de Leide par 
M.G. Schlegel. Neder. Tijdschr. Dierk., 
1863, 1, 135-150. 1863.3 

Description de quelques espéces 
nouvelles ou peu connues d’Ophisuroides 
de l’Inde archipélagique. Neder. Tijd- 
schr. Dierk., 1863, 1, 179-186. 1863.4 

Description de trois espéces 
nouvelles de Siluroides de l’Inde archi- 
pélagique. Versi. Akad. Amsterdam, 
1863, 15, 70-76.— Neder. Tijdschr. 
Dierk., 1863, 1, 368-371. 1863.5 

Description d’une nouvelle 
espéce du genre Nemacheilus. Versl. 
Akad. Amsterdam, 1863, 15, 254-256. 
— Neder. Tijdschr. Dierk., 1863, 1, 380— 
381. 1863.6 

Deuxiéme notice sur la faune 
ichthyologique de l’ile de Flores. Neder. 
Tijdschr. Dierk., 1863, 1, 248-252. 
Also separate; La Haye, 1863. ee : 

Deuxiéme notice sur la faune 
ichthyologique de Vile d’Obi. Neder. 
Tijdschr. Dierk., 1863, 1, 239-245. 
Also separate; Hage Comitis, 1863. 
4°. 1863.8 

Dixiéme notice sur la faune 
ichthyologique de I’tle de Ternate. ~ 
Versl. Akad. Amsterdam, 1863, 165, 
265-266.— Neder. ‘Tijdschr. Dierk., 
1865, 2, 67-68. 1863.9 


Glyphidodon westermani, une 
nouvelle espéce de Java. Versl. Akad. 
Amsterdam, 1863, 15, 30-31. — Neder. 
Tijdschr. Dierk., 1863, 1, 360-361. 


Mémoire sur les poissons de la 
edte de Guinée. Nat. Verh. Holl. 

. Maatsch. Wetensch., 1863, 2. ser. 18, 


Notice sur deux espéces inédites 
du genre Aphthalmichthys Kp. Neder. 
Tijdschr. Dierk., 1863, 1, 163-166. 


Notice sur le genre Ichthyophis 
Less., et sur l’Ichthyophis tigrinus et 
VIchthyophis pantherinus de Lesson. 
Versl. Akad. Amsterdam, 1863, 15, 460- 
466. — Neder. Tijdschr, Dierk., 1865, 
2, 77-79. 1863.13 

These species are referred to the genus Gym- 
nomurzena Lacépéde. 


Notice sur les noms de quelques 
genres de la famille des Cyprinoides. 
Versl. Akad. Amsterdam, 1863, 15, 
261-264.— Neder. Tijdschr. Dierk., 
1865, 2, 65-67. 1863.14 

Notice sur quelques poissons 
de Vile de Morotai. Neder. Tijdschr. 
Dierk., 1863, 1, 160. Also separate; 
Leide, 1863. 4°. 1863.15 

Notices sur une collection de 
poissons de la Nouvelle Hollande faite 
a Port Jackson. Versl. Akad. Amster- 
dam, 1863, 15, 442-451. — Neder. Tijd- 
schr. Dierk., 1865, 2, 68-73. 1863.16 

Onziéme notice sur la faune 
ichthyologique de Vile de Ternate. 
Neder. Tijdschr. Dierk., 1863, 1, 228— 
238. Also separate; Hagze Comitis, 
1863. 4°. 1863.17 

— Over eenige vischsoorten van 
het eiland Banka, het Rijks Museum 
van natuurlijke historie te Leiden 
aangeboden door J. F. R. 8. van den 
Bossche. Neder. Tijdschr. Dierk., 
1863, 1, 72-73. 1863.18 

Septiéme notice sur la faune 
ichthyologique de Tile de Batjan. 
Neder. Tijdschr. Dierk., 1863, 1, 151— 
153. Also separate; Leide, 1863. 4°. 

— Septiéme notice sur la faune ich- 
thyologique de l’ile de Céram. Neder. 
Tijdschr. Dierk., 1863, 1, 253-261. Also 
separate; La Haye, 1863. 4°. 1863.20 

Septiéme mémoire sur la faune 
ichthyologique de Vile de Timor. 

Neder. Tijdschr Dierk., 1863, 1, 262- 
276. Also separate; La Haye, 1863. 
Ae 1863.21 

Sur deux nouvelles espéces de 
Citharichthys de Suriname et de Guati- 
mala. Versl. Akad. Amsterdam, 1863, 
15, 452-455. — Neder. Tijdschr. Dierk., 
1865, 2, 73-74. 1863.22 

Sur les genres de la famille des 
Cobitioides. Versl. Akad. Amsterdam, 
1863, 15, 32-44.— Neder. Tijdschr. 
Dierk., 1863, 1, 361-368. 1863.23 

Sur une nouvelle espéce d’ Echid- 
ne de l’ile de Rotti. Neder. Tijdschr. 
Dierk., 1863, 1, 246-247. Also separate; 
La Haye, 1863. 4°. 1863.24 

Sur une nouvelle espéce de 
poisson du Japon appartenant 4 un 
nouveau genre. Versl. Akad. Amster- 
dam, 1863, 15, 257-260. — Neder. Tijd- 
schr. Dierk., 1863, 1, 382-383. 1863.25 

Sur quelques espéces nouvelles 
ou peu connues de Gymnothorax de 
l’Inde archipélagique. Neder. Tijdschr. 
Dierk., 1863, 1, 167-171. 1863.26 

Sur quelques genres nouveaux 
du groupe des Doras. Neder. Tijdschr. 
Dierk., 1863, 1, 10-18: 1863.27 

Sur quelques genres nouveaux 
du groupe des Synodontis. Neder. 
Tijdschr. Dierk., 1863, 1, 52-55. 
Sur une nouvelle espéce de 
Synaptura du Cap de Bonne Espérance. 
Versl. Akad. Amsterdam, 1863, 15, 456— 
459. — Neder. Tijdschr. Dierk., 1865, 2, 
75-76. 1863.29 

Systema Cyprinoideorum revi- 
sum. Neder. Tijdschr. Dierk., 1863, 1, 
187-218. 1863.30 

Systema Silurorum revisum. 
Neder. Tijdschr. Dierk., 1863, 1, 77- 
122. 1863.51 
Treiziéme mémoire sur la faune 
ichthyologique de l’ile d’ Amboine. Versl. 
Akad. Amsterdam, 1863, 15, 19-29. — 
Neder. Tijdschr. Dierk., 1863, 1, 355— 
360. 1863.32 
Troisiéme mémoire sur la faune 
ichthyologique de Vile de Halmahera. 
Neder. Tijdschr. Dierk., 1863, 1, 153- 
159. Also separate; Leide, 1863. 4°. 

Description de quelques espéces 
inédites de poissons de l’archipel des 


Bleeker, P. ; 

Moluques. Neder. Tijdschr. Dierk., 
1864, 2, 177-180. Also separate; La 
Haye, 1864. 4°.—Amsterdam, 1865. 
Sr 1864.1 

Description de quelques espéces 
de Cobitioides et de Cyprinoides de 
Ceylon. Nat. Verh. Holl. Maatsch. 
Wetensch., 1864, 2. ser. 20, 1-23. 


Description des espéces de Silu- 
res de Suriname conservées aux Musées 
de Leide et d’Amsterdam. Nat. Verh. 
Holl. Maatsch. Wetensch., 1864, 2. 
ser. 20, 1-104. 1864.5 

Deuxiéme notice sur la faune 
ichthyologique de Vile de Harouko. La 
Haye, 1864. 4°. 1864.4 

Deuxiéme notice sur la faune 
ichthyologique de litle de Saparoea. 

Versl. Akad. Amsterdam, 1864, 16, 
359-361. — Neder. Tijdschr. Dierk.., 
1865, 2, 99-100. 1864.5 

Notice sur la faune ichthyologique de 
Siam. Versl. Akad. Amsterdam, 1864, 
16, 352-358. pl.— Nat. Tijdschr. 
Neder.-Indié, 1864, 20. — Neder. Tijd- 
schr. Dierk., 2, 33-37. Also separate; 
Batavia & Amsterdam, 1864. 8°. 


Notice sur la faune ichthyologi- 
que des tles Arou. Versl. Akad. Amster- 
dam, 1864, 16, 366-368. — Neder. Tijd- 
schr. Dierk., 1865, 2, 101-102. 1864.7 

Notice sur quelques poissons de 
Vile de Noussalaut. Versl. Akad. Am- 
sterdam, 1864, 16, 364-365. — Neder. 
Tijdschr. Dierk., 1865, 2, 198-199. 


Notice sur quelques poissons de 
Vile Grand-Key. Versl. Akad. Amster- 
dam, 1864, 16, 362-363. — Neder. Tijd- 
sehr. Dierk., 1865, 2, 100-101. 1864.9 

Systema Murzenorum revisum. 
Neder. Tijdschr. Dierk., 1864, 2, 113- 
122. Also separate; Amsterdam, 1865. 
Swe 1864.10 
Description de deux espéces 
inédites de Cobitioides. Neder. Tijd- 
schr. Dierk., 1865, 2, 11-14. 1865.1 

Description de deux espéces 
inédites de Gnathopogon et de Rasbora 
de Vile de Java. Neder. Tijdschr. Dierk., 
1865, 2, 137-140. 1865.2 

Description de deux espéces 
inédites des genres Callechelys et Piso- 

donophis. Neder. Tijdschr. Dierk., 
1865, 2, 213-216. 1865.3 

Description de quelques espéces 
de Murénes de Suriname. Neder. 
Tijdschr. Dierk., 1865, 3, 233-249. 
Also separate; Amsterdam, 1865. 8°. 

Description de quelques espéces 
de poissons du Japon, du Cap de Bonne- 
Espérance et de Suriname, conservées 
au Musée de Leide. Neder. Tijdschr. 
Dierk., 1865, 2, 250-269. Also sepa- 
rate; Amsterdam, 1865. 8°. 1865.5 

Enumération des espéces de 
poissons actuellement connues de Il’fle 
d’Amboine. Neder. Tijdschr. Dierk., 
1865, 2, 270-293. Also separate; Am- 
sterdam, 1865.: 8°. 1865.6 

Enumération des espéces de 
poissons actuellement connues de ile 
de Céram. Neder. Tijdschr. Dierk., 
1865, 2, 182-193. Also separate; La 
Haye, 1865. 4°.— Amsterdam, 1865. 
8°. 1865.7 

—— Notice sur le genre Apionichthys 
Kp. (Soleotalpa Gthr.) Neder. Tijd- 
schr. Dierk., 1865, 2, 306-308. 1865.8 

Notice sur le genre fone 
et description de son _ espéce-t 

Neder. Tijdschr. Dierk., 1865, 2, 168. 
170. 1865.9 

Notice sur les Ostracions con- 
fondus sous le nom d’Ostracion quadri- 
cornis L. et description des Ostracion 
notacanthus et guineensis. Neder. Tijd- 
schr. Dierk., 1865, 2, 298-305. pl. 
Also separate; Amsterdam, 1865. 8°. 


Notice sur les poissons envoyés 
de Chine au Musée de Leide par M. G. 

Schlegel. | Neder. Tijdschr. Dierk., 
1865, 2, 55-62. Also separate; Amster- 
dam, 1865. 8°. 1865.11 

Notice sur quelques poissons de 
la baie de Manille. Neder. Tijdschr. 
Dierk., 1865, 2, 30-32. Also separate; 
La Haye, 1865. 4°. — Amsterdam, 
1865. 8°. 1865.12 

Notice sur quelques poissons de 
Vile de Harouko. Neder. Tijdschr. 
Dierk., 1865, 2, 63-64; 3, 41-42. Also 
separate; Amsterdam, 1865. 8°. 
Notices sur quelques genres et 
espéces de Cyprinoides de Chine. 
Neder. Tijdschr. Dierk., 1865, 2, 28-29. 
Also separate; Amsterdam, 1865. 8°. 


Notice sur une nouvelle espéce 
de Xiphasia  {trachypareia) Neder. 
Tijdschr. Dierk., 1865, 2, 194-196. — 

Versl. Akad. Amsterdam, 1865, 17, 
193-197. Also separate; Amsterdam, 
1865. 8°. 1865.15 

Nouvelle notice sur la faune 
ichthyologique de Siam. Neder. Tijd- 
sehr. Dierk., 1865, 2, 38-37. Also sepa- 
rate; Amsterdam, 1865. 8°. 1865.16 

Paralaubuca, un genre nouveau 
de Cyprinoides de Siam. Neder. 
Tijdschr. Dierk., 1865, 2, 15-17. 


Poissons inédits indo-archipéla- 
giques de l’ordre des Murénes. Neder. 
Tijdschr. Dierk., 1865, 2, 38-54. Also 
separate; Amsterdam, 1865. 8°. 
Quatriéme notice sur la faune 
ichthyologique de l’tle de Bouro. Neder. 
Tijdschr. Dierk., 1865, 2, 141-151. 
—  Rhinobagrus et Pelteobagrus, 
deux genres nouveaux de Siluroides de 
Chine. Neder. Tijdschr. Dierk., 1865, 
2, 7-10. 1865.20 

Sixiéme notice sur la faune ich- 
thyologique de Siam. Neder. Tijdschr. 
Dierk., 1865, 2, 171-176. 1865.21 

Sur une nouvelle espéce de Pun- 
tius 4 épine anale dentelée. Versl. Akad. 
Amsterdam, 1865, 17, 198-202. — 
Neder. Tijdschr. Dierk., 1865, 2, 196- 
198. 1865.22 

Synonyma Murznorum indo- 
archipelagicorum hucusque observato- 
rum revisa, adjectis habitationibus cita- 
tionibusque ubi descriptiones figuraeque 
eorum recentiores reperiuntur. Neder. 
Tijdschr. Dierk., 1865, 2, 123-136. 
Also separate; Amsterdam, 1865. 8°. 
Description de quelques espéces 
inédites des genres Pseudorhombus et 
Platophrys de l’Inde archipélagique. 
Neder. Tijdschr. Dierk., 1866, 3, 43-50. 

Description de quelques espéces 
inédites ou peu connues de Clupéoides 
de Inde archipélagique. Neder. Tijd- 
schr. Dierk., 1866, 3, 293-308. Also 
separate; Amsterdam, 1866. 8°. 1866.2 

Description du Narcacion pol- 
leni .. . des mers de Vile de la Réunion. 
Neder. Tijdschr. Dierk., 1866, 3, 171— 
173. Also separate; La Haye, 1866. 
4°, 1866.3 



Description d’une espéce inédite 
de Cheilinus. Neder. Tijdschr. Dierk., 
1866, 3, 134-135. 1866.4 

Description d’une espéce inédite 
de Stolephorus de Suriname. Neder. 
Tijdschr. Dierk., 1866, 3, 178-180. 

Description d’une espéce inédite 
de Triacanthus de Il’ Inde archipélagique. 
Neder. Tijdschr. Dierk., 1866, 3, 51—52. 

Description d’une espéce inédite 
d’Exocet découverte par M. Frangois 
Pollen. Neder. Tijdschr. Dierk., 1866, 
3, 130-133. 1866.7 - 

Notice sur le Cirrhites punctatus 
Neder. Tijdschr. Dierk., 1866, 

3, 174-177. 

Révision des espéces de Masta- 
cembelus (Belone) Cuv., de _ 1l’Inde 
archipélagique. Nederland. Tijdschr. 
Dierk., 1866, 3, 214-236. Also sepa- 
rate; Amsterdam, 1866. 8°. 1866.9 

Révision des Hémirhamphes de 
VInde archipélagique. Neder. Tijd- 
schr. Dierk., 1866, 3, 136-170. Also 
separate; Amsterdam, 1866. 8°. 


Sur la pluralité des _ espéces 
Indo-archipélagiques du genere Mega- 
lops (Lacép.) Neder. Tijdschr. Dierk., 
1866, 3, 278-292. Also separate; Am- 
sterdam, 1866. 8°. 1866.11 

Sur les espéces d’Exocet de 
V’Inde archipélagique. Neder. Tijdschr. 
Dierk., 1866, 3, 105-129. Also separate; 
Amsterdam, 1866. 8°. 1866.12 

Synonyma Balistidorum, Os- 
tracionidorum, Gymnodontidorumque 
Indo-archipelagicorum hucusque — ob- 
servatorum revisa, adjectis habitationi- 
bus citationibusque, ubi descriptiones 
figureeque eorum recentiores reperiun- 

tur. Neder. Tijdschr. Dierk., 1866, 3, 
20-40. Also separate; Amsterdam, 
1866. 8°. 1866.13 

Systema Balistidorum, Ostra- 

cionidorum, Gymnodontidorumque re- 
visum. Neder. Tijdschr. Dierk., 1866, 
3, 8-19. Also separate; Amsterdam, 
1866. 8°. 1866.14 

Description de quelques especes 
nouvelles de Gobius de Madagascar. 
Arch. Néerl. Sci. Nat., 1867, 2, 403-420. 
Also separate; Haarlem, 1867. 1867.1 


Bleeker, P. 

Description et figure d’une 
espéce inédite de Crossorhinus de l’ar- 
chipel des Moluques. Arch. Néerl. Sci. 
Nat., 1867, 2, 400-402. 1867.2 

Quatriéme notice sur la faune 
ichthyologique de l’ile de Halmahéra. 
Arch. Néerl. Sci. Nat., 1867, 2, 397— 
399. 1867.3 

Cinquiéme notice sur la faune 
ichthyologique de Vile de Solor. Versl. 
Akad. Amsterdam, 1868, 2. ser. 2, 283- 
288. 1868.1 

Description de deux espéces 
inédites de Choerops. Arch. Néerl. Sci. 
Nat., 1868, 3, 273-277. 1868.2 

Description de deux espéces 
inédites d’Epinephelus rapportées de 
Vile de la Réunion par M. M. Pollen et 
van Dam. Versl. Akad. Amsterdam, 
1868, 2. ser. 2, 336-341. 1868.3 

Description de deux espéces 
nouvelles de Blennioides de I’ Inde archi- 
pélagique. Versl. Akad. Amsterdam, 
1868, 2. ser. 2, 278-280. 1868.4 

Description de trois espéces 
inédites de Chromidoides de Madagas- 
ear: Paratilapia polleni, Tilapia oli- 

gacanthus, Paretroplus damii.  Versl. 
Akad. Amsterdam, 1868, 2. ser. 2, 
307-314. 1868.5 

Description de trois espéces 

inédites de poissons des files d’ Amboine 
et de Waigiou. Versl. Akad. Amster- 
dam, 1868, 2. ser. 2, 331-335. 1868.6 

— Description d’une espéce de 
Rhombodites de lile de la Réunion. 
Arch. Néerl. Sci. Nat., 1868, 3, 277-278. 


Description et figure d’une 
nouvelle espéce de Trachypterus de 
V’fle d’Amboine. Arch. Néerl. Sci. Nat., 
1868, 3, 279-280. 1868.8 

Deuxiéme notice sur la faune 
ichthyologique des iles Arou.  Versl. 
Akad. Amsterdam, 1868, 2. ser. 2, 305— 
306. 1868.9 

— Deuxiéme notice sur la faune 
ichthyologique des iles Sangir. Versl. 
Akad. Amsterdam, 1868, 2. ser. 2, 302— 
304. 1868.10 

Douziéme notice sur la faune 
ichthyologique de Vile de Ternate. 
Versl. Akad. Amsterdam, 1868, 2. ser. 
2, 273-274. 1868.11 


Huitiéme notice sur la faune 
ichthyologique de Vile de Batjan. 
Versl. Akad. Amsterdam, 1868, 2. ser. 
2, 276-277. 1868.12 

Notice sur la faune ichthyolo- 
gique de Vile de Guébé. Versl. Akad. 
Amsterdam, 1868, 2. ser. 2, 271-272. 


Notice sur Ja faune ichthyolo- 
gique de l’ile de Waigiou. Versl. Akad. 
Amsterdam, 1868, 2. ser. 2, 295-301. 


Notice sur le Parupeneus bifas- 
ciatus (Mullus bifasciatus Lacép.) de 
Vile de la Réunion. Versl. Akad. 
Amsterdam, 1868, 2. ser. 2, 342-348. 

Sixiéme notice sur la faune 
ichthyologique de Vile de Bintang. 
Versl. Akad. Amsterdam, 1868, 2. ser. 
2, 289-294, 1868.16 

Troisiéme notice sur la faune 
ichthyologique de la Nouvelle-Guinée. 
Versl. Akad. Amsterdam, 1868, 2. ser. 
2, 281-282. 1868.17 

Troisiéme notice sur la faune 
ichthyologique de Vile d’Obi. Versl. 
Akad. Amsterdam, 1868, 2. ser. 2, 275. 

Description de deux espéces 
inédites d’ Alticus de Madagascar. Versl. 
Akad. Amsterdam, 1869, 2. ser. 3, 234— 
236. 1869.1 

Description d’une espéce inédite 
de Czsio de litle de Nossibé. Versl. 
Akad. Amsterdam, 1869, 2. ser. 3, 78- 
79. 1869.2 

Description d’une espéce inédite 
de Chtopterus de Vile d’Amboine: 
C. microlepsis. Versl. Akad. Amster- 
dam, 1869, 2. ser. 3, 80-85. 1869.3 

Description d’une espéce inédite 
de Glyphidodon de Vile de la Réunion. 
Versl. Akad. Amsterdam, 1869, 2. ser. 
Speaileen ey 1869.4 

Description et figure d’une 
espéce inédite de Platycéphale. Versl. 
Akad. Amsterdam, 1869, 2. ser. 3, 253- 
254. 1869.5 

Neuviéme notice sur la faune 
ichthyologique du Japon. Versl. Akad. 
Amsterdam, 1869, 2. ser. 3, 237-252. 

Sur les espéces confondues sous 
le nom de Genyoroge bengalensis Giinth. 


Versl. Akad. Amsterdam, 1869, 2. ser. 
3, 64-77. Also separate; Amsterdam, 
1869. 8°. 1869.7 

Description d’une espéce iné- 
dite de Botia de Chine et figures du 
Botia elongata et du Botia modesta. 
Versl. Akad. Amsterdam, 1870, 2. ser. 
4, 254-256. 1870.1 

—— Description et figure d’une 
espéce inédite de Hemibagrus de Chine. 
Versl. Akad. Amsterdam, 1870, 2. ser. 
4, 257-258. 1870.2 

Description et figure d’une 
espéce inédite de Rhynchobdella de 
Chine. Versl. Akad. Amsterdam, 1870, 

2. ser. 4, 249-250. 1870.3 
Mededeeling omtrent eenige 
nieuwe vischsoorten van China. Versl. 

Akad. Amsterdam, 1870, 2. ser. 4, 251- 
253. 1870.4 

Description de deux espéces 
inédites de Labroides d’Amboine. Arch. 
Néerl. Sci. Nat., 1871, 6, 326-328. 


Mémoire sur les Cyprinoides de 

Chine. Verh. Akad. Amsterdam, 1871, 
12, 1-91. Also separate; Amsterdam, 
1871. 1871.2 

Notice sur les peintures chinoi- 
ses de Cyprinoides, déposées au Muséum 
de luniversité de Groningue par M. J. 
Senn Van Basel. Versl. Akad. Am- 
sterdam, 1872, 2. ser. 6, 117-121. 4 
pls. 1872.1 
Sur le genre Moronopsis Gill 
(Paradules Blkr.) et ses espéces indo- 
archipélagiques. Arch. Néerl. Sci. Nat., 
1872, 7, 373-380. 1872.2 

Addition au mémoire sur la 
faune ichthyologique de Chine. Neder. 
Tijdschr. Dierk., 1873, 4, 233-234. 
Description de deux espéces 
nouvelles de Sciénoides de Surinam. 
Arch. Néerl. Sci. Nat., 1873, 8, 456-461. 
Description de quelques espéces 
de poissons de l’ile de la Réunion et de 
Madagascar. Neder. Tijdschr. Dierk., 
1873, 4, 92-105. 1873.3 

_ ——— Description de quelques espéces 
inédites de Xenocypris. Neder. Tijd- 
schr. Dierk., 1873, 4, 62-69. 1873.4 

_ —— Description de trois espéces 
inédites du genre Acanthorhodeus. 
Neder. Tijdschr. Dierk., 1873, 4, 70-76. 


—— Description d’une espéce inédite 

de Gadus (Boreogadus) des mers 
d’Islande. Arch. Néerl. Sci. Nat., 
1873, 8, 462-463. 1873.6 

Description d’une espéce inédite 
de Heliases d’Amboine. Neder. Tijd- 
schr. Dierk., 1873, 4, 111-112. 1873.7 

Description et figure du Cichla 
temensis Humb. Versl. Akad. Amster- 
dam, 1873, 2. ser. 7, 32-34. 1873.8 

Description et figure du Lethri- 
nus gtinthert Blkr. Arch. Néerl. Sci. 
Nat., 1873, 8, 153-154. 1873.9 

et figure d’une 
espéce insulindienne d’Orthagoriscus 
(O. oxyuropterus} Versl. Akad. Am- 
sterdam, 1873, 2. ser. 7, 151-153. pil. 

: 1873.10 

Mededeelingen omtrent eene 
herziening der Indisch-Archipelagische 
soorten van Epinephelus, Lutjanus, 
Dentex en verwante geslachten. Versl. 
Akad. Amsterdam, 1873, 2. ser. 7, 40- 
46. 1873.11 

Mémoire sur la faune ichthyo- 
logique de Chine. Neder. Tijdschr. 
Dierk., 1873, 4, 113-154. 1873.12 

Notice sur les Grammistes punc- 
tatus et ocellatus. Neder. Tijdschr. 
Dierk., 1873, 4, 106-110. 1873.13 

Notice sur le Synodus macroce- 
phalus Lac. (Luciobrama typus Blk.) 
Neder. Tijdschr. Dierk., 1873, 4, 89-91. 

Révision des espéces de Dentex, 
Synagris, Gymnocranius, Gnathodentex 
et Pentapus de I’Inde archipélagique et 
du Japon. Verh. Akad. Amsterdam, 
1873, 13, 1-64. 1873.15 

Révision des espéces indo-archi- 
pélagiques des genres Lutjanus et 
Aprion. Verh. Akad. Amsterdam, 1873, 
13, 1-102. 1873.16 

Révision des espéces indo-archi- 
pélagiques du genre Cesio et de quel- 
ques genres voisins. Arch. Néerl. Sci. 
Nat., 1873, 8, 155-182. 1873.17 

Révision des espéces indo-archi- 


pélagiques du _ genre Holocentrum. 
Neder. Tijdschr. Dierk., 1873, 4, 198— 
232. 1873.18 

Révision des espéces indo-archi- 
pélagiques du genre Lethrinus. Neder. 
Tijdschr. Dierk., 1873, 4, 318-344. 


Bleeker, ?. 
Révision des espéces indo-archi- 
pélagiques du. genre Myripristis. Neder. 
Tijdschr. Dierk., 1873, 4, 178-197. 
Révision des espéces indo-archi- 
pélagiques du groupe des Anthianini. 
Neder. Tijdschr. Dierk., 1873, 4, 155— 
169. 1873.21 

Révision des espéces indo-archi- 
pélagiques du groupe des Priacanthini. 
Neder. Tijdschr. Dierk., 1873, 4, 170— 
Li 1873.22 
Révision des espéces insulindi- 
ennes des genres Diapterus et Penta- 
prion. Versl. Akad. Amsterdam, 1873, 
2. ser. 7, 233-255. 1873.23 

Révision des espéces insulindi- 

ennes du genre Therapon. Neder. 
Tijdschr. Dierk., 1873, 4, 372-393. 

Sur le genre Parapristipoma 
et sur lidentité spécifique des Perca 
trilineata Thunb., Pristipoma japonicum 
Cuv. et Diagramma japonicum Blkr. 
Arch. Néerl. Sci. Nat., 1873, 8, 19-24. 

Sur les espéces de Scolopsis Cuv. 
de l’Inde archipélagique. Neder. Tijd- 
schr. Dierk., 1873, 4, 345-871. 1873.26 

Sur les espéces du genre Culter 
Neder. Tijdschr. Dierk., 1873, 4, 

Sur les espéces indo-archipélagi- 
ques d’Odontanthias et de Pseudopri- 
acanthus. Neder. Tijdschr. Dierk., 

1873, 4, 235-240. 1873.28 

Troisiéme notice sur la faune 
ichthyologique des iles Arou. Versl. 
Akad. Amsterdam, 18738, 2. ser. 7, 35- 
39. 1873.29 

Esquisse d’un systéme naturel 
des Gobioides. Arch. Néerl. Sci. Nat., 
1874, 9, 289-331. 1874.1 

Mededeeling omtrent den stand 
der uitgave van den Atlas ichthyologi- 
que des Indes orientales. Versl. Akad. 
Amsterdam, 1874, 2. ser. 8, 123-126. 

; 1874.2 
Mémoire sur les Sciénoides et 
les Sillaginoides de I’Inde archipélagi- 
que. Verh. Akad. Amsterdam, 1874, 
14, 1-76. 1874.3 

Notice sur des genres Amblye- 
leotris, Valenciennesia et Brachyeleo- 
tris. Versl Akad. Amsterdam, 1874, 
2. ser. 8, 372-380. 1874.4 




Révision des espéces d’Ambas- 
sis et de Parambassis de |’Inde archi- 
pélagique. Nat. Verh. Holl. Maatsch. 
Wetensch., 1874, 3. ser. 2, no. 2, 83-106. 

Révision des espéces indo-archi- 
pélagiques du groupe des Apogonini. 
Nat. Verh. Holl. Maatsch. Wetensch., 
1874, 3. ser. 2, no. 1, 1-82. 1874.6 

Révision des espéces indo-archi- 
pélagiques du groupe des Epinephelini 
et de quelques genres voisins. Verh. 
Akad. Amsterdam, 1874, 14, 1-134. 


Révision des espéces insulindi- 
ennes de la famille des Synanceoides. 
Nat. Verh. Holl. Maatsch. Wetensch., 
1874, 3. ser. 2, no. 3, 1-22. 1874.8 

Sur les espéces insulindiennes 
de la famille des Nandoides. Arch. 
Néerl. Sci. Nat., 1874, 9, 455-465. 


Sur les espéces insulindiennes 
de la famille des Opisthognathoides. 

Arch. Néerl. Sci. Nat., 1874, 9, 466— 
476. 1874.10 

Typi nonnulli generici piscitum 
neglecti. Versl. Akad. Amsterdam, 

1874, 2. ser. 8, 367-371. 1874.11 

Description du genre Parascor- 
pis et de son espéce-type. Arch. Néerl. 
Sci. Nat., 1875, 10, 380-382. 1875.1 

Gobioideorum species insulin- 
dice nove. Arch. Néerl. Sci. Nat., 
1875, 10, 113-134. 1875.2 

Notice sur l’Elopichthys dahuri- 
cus. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1875, 
534-536. 1875.3 

Notice sur les Eleotriformes et 
description de trois espéces nouvelles. 
Arch. Néerl. Sci. Nat., 1875, 10, 101— 
112. 1875.4 

Révision des espéces insulindi- 
ennes de la famille des Mulloides. Verh. 
Akad. Amsterdam, 1875, 15, 1-40. 


Sur la famille des Pseudochro- 
midoides et révision de ses espéces in- 
sulindiennes. Verh. Akad. Amsterdam, 
1875, 15, 1-32. 1875.6 

Sur les espéces insulindiennes de 
la famille des Cirrhitéoides. Verh. 
Akad. Amsterdam, 1875, 15, 1-20. 


a earseleet Ll: 


Description de quelques espéces 
inédites de Pomacentroides de |’Inde 
archipélagique. Versl. Akad. Amster- 
dam, 1876, 2. ser. 10, 384-391. 1876.1 

f — Description de quelques espéces 
insulindiennes inédites des genres Oxyu- 
richthys, Paroxyurichthys et Crypto- 

eentrus. Verh. Akad. Amsterdam, 
1876, 2. ser. 9, 138-148. 1876.2 

Genera familiz Scorpzenoide- 
orum conspectus analyticus.  Versl. 
Akad. Amsterdam, 1876, 2. ser. 9, 
294-300. 1876.3 

Mémoire sur les espéces insulin- 
diennes de la famille des Scorpénoides. 
Vers]. Meded. Akad. Afd. Nat., 1876, 
16, 1-100. 5 pls. 1876.4 

Notice sur le genre Chetodon 
Art. (Pomacanthus Lae. Cuv.) et sur 
la pluralité de ses espéces vivantes. 
Arch. Néerl. Sci. Nat., 1876, 11, 178- 
185. 1876.5 

Notice sur les genres et sur les 
espéces des Chétodontoides de la sous- 
famille des Taurichthyiformes (Cheeto- 
don, Heniochus, Chelmo) Versl. Meded. 
Akad. Afd. Nat. 1876, 2. ser. 10, 308- 
320. 1876.6 

Notice sur les genres Gymno- 
cxesio, Pterocesio, Paracesio et Lioce- 
sio. Versl. Meded. Akad. Afd. Nat., 
1876, 2. ser. 9, 149-154. 1876.7 

Révision des Sicydiini et Latrun- 

culini de l’Insulinde. Versl. Akad. 
Amsterdam, 1876, 2. ser. 9, 271-293. 


Sur la pluralité des espéces 

insulindiennes de Toxotes. Versl. Akad. 
Amsterdam, 1876, 2. ser. 9, 155-167. 

Systema Percarum revisum. 
Arch. Neder. Sci., 1876, 
11, 247-340. 1876.10 

Catalogus van ichthyologische 
verhandelingen en bijdragen. Jaarb. 
K. Akad. Afd. Nat., 1877, 100-132. 


Description de deux espéces 
inédites du genre Prochilus Klein (Am- 
phiprion Bl. Schn.) Versl. Akad. Am- 
sterdam, 1877, 2. ser. 11, 135-137. 


Mémoire sur les Chromides 
marins ou Pomacentroides de 1l’Inde 
archipélagique. Nat. Verh. Holl. 
Maatsch. Haarlem, 1877, 3. ser. 2, 
1-166. : 1877.3 



Notice sur la sousfamille des 
Holacanthiformes et description de 
quelques espéces insuffisamment con- 
nues. Arch. Néerl. Sci. Nat., 1877, 6. 
ser. 12, 17-37. pl. 1877.4 

Notice sur les espéces nominales 
des Pomacentroides de I’Inde archi- 
pélagique. Arch. Néerl. Sci..Nat., 1877, 
6. ser. 12, 38-41. 1877.5 

Notice sur Videntité des genres 
Gnathanacanthus Blkr. et Holoxenus 
Gthr. Versl. Akad. Amsterdam, 1877, 
2. ser. 11, 132-134. 1877.6 

Over slokdarm en maag van 
Caprodon schlegeli. Versl. Akad. Am- 
sterdam, Proc.-Verb. 24 Nov., 1877. 
Révision des espéces de Pem- 
pheris de l’Inde archipélagique. Arch. 
Néerl. Sci. Nat., 1877, 12, 42-54. 

Révision des espéces insulin- 
diennes de la famille des Chétodontoi- 
des. Versl. Meded. Akad. Afd. Nat., 
1877, 17, 1-174. 1877.9 

Révision des espéces insulindien- 
nes de la sousfamille des Eleotriformes. 
Versl. Akad. Amsterdam, 1877, 2. ser. 
11, 13-110. 1877.10 

Seriptorum ichthyologicorum 
huc usque in lucem editorum enumeratio 
chronologica. Jaarb. Akad. Afd. Nat., 
1877, 56-99. 1877.11 

Sur les espéces confondues sous 
les noms de Chrysophrys hasta, berda, 
calamara et schlegeli. Versl. Akad. 
Amsterdam, 1877, 2. ser. 11, 1-12. 


Vischsoorten van Nieuw-Guinea, 
van Singapore, China, Japan en Mauri- 
tius. Versl. Akad. Amsterdam, Proc.- 
Verb. 27 Oct., 1877. 1877.13 

Description des espéces insu- 
lindiennes du genre Stigmatogobius. 
Versl. Meded. Akad. Afd. Nat., 1878, 
12, 199-208. 1878.1 

Notice sur le Sparus cuvieri 
(Chrysophrys cuvieri Day) Versl. Meded. 
Akad. Afd. Nat., 1878, 13, 43-46. pl. 


Quatriéme mémoire sur la faune 
ichthyologique de la Nouvelle-Guinée. 
Arch. Néerl. Sci. Nat., 1878, 13, 35-66. 
2 pls. 1878.3 



Bleeker, P. 

Révision des espéces insulindien- 
nes du genre Uranoscopus L.  Versl. 
Meded. Akad. Afd. Nat., 1878, 2. ser. 
13, 47-59. 1878.4 

Sur deux espéces inédites de 
Cichloides de Madagascar.  Versl. 
Meded. Akad. Afd. Nat., 1878, 2. ser. 
12, 192-198. 3 figs. 1878.5 

— Sur les espéces du genre Hypo- 
phthalmichthys Blkr. (Cephalus Basil 
nec Bl. nec Al.) Versl. Meded. Akad. 
Afd. Nat., 1878, 2. ser. 12, 209-218. 
2 pls. 1878.6 

Contribution 4a la faune ich- 
thyologique de I’tle Maurice. Verh. 
Meded. Akad. Afd. Nat., 1879, 18, 1- 
23. 3 figs. 1879.1 

Enumération des espéces de 
poissons actuellement connues du Japon 
et description de trois espéces inédites, 
Conger japonicus, Pseudoscieena acan- 
thodes, Aphoristia orientalis. Versl. 
Meded. Akad. Afd. Nat., 1879, 18, 
1-33. 3 pls. 1879.2 

—— Mémoire sur les poissons A 
pharyngiens labyrinthiformes de I’ Inde 
archipélagique. Verh. Meded. Akad. 
Afd. Nat., 1879, 19, 1-56. 1879.3 

Révision des espéces insulin- 
diennes de la famille des Callionymides. 
Versl. Meded. Akad. Afd. Nat., 1879, 
2. ser. 14, 79-107. 1879.4 

: Révision des espéces insulin- 
diennes du genre Platycephalus. Versl. 
Meded. Akad. Afd. Nat., 1879, 19, 1-31. 

Sur quelques espéces inédites 
ou peu connues de poissons de Chine, 
appartenant au Museum de Hambourg. 
Versl. Meded. Akad. Afd. Nat., 1879, 
18, 1-17. 2 pls. 1879.6 

_—— Musei Hamburgensis species 
pisclum nove minusque cognitas de- 
scripsit et depingi curavit.  Abh. 
Naturw. Ver. Hamburg, 1880, 7, 1. 
Abth., 25-30. pil. 1880.1 

Bleeker, Peter, & Pollen, F. P. L. 
Poissons de Madagascar et de Vile de la 
Réunion. Leide, 1874. 104 p. 24 pls. 
4% 1874.1 

Blegvad, H. Some small lepto- 
cephalids from the Atlantic. Vidensk. 
Meddel. Naturh. Foren. Copenhagen, 
1913, 64 (7. ser. 4), 135-140. 1913.1 

Bleicher, Un pécheur natu- 
raliste au 17. siécle. Léonard Baldner. 
Rev. Scient., 1888, 41, 626-628. 1888.1 

Bles, Edward J. The correlated dis- 
tribution of abdominal pores and 
nephrostomes in fishes. Journ. Anat. 
Phys., 1898, 32, 484-513. 6 figs. 1898.1 

—— On the openings in the wall of 
the body cavity of vertebrates. Proc. 
Roy. Soc. London, 1898, 62, 232-247. 
Abstract in Journ. Roy. Mier. Soe. 
London, 1898, pt. 2, 186.— Zool. 
Centralbl., 5, 816-817. 1898.2 

Bliss, (junior) Richard. Appearance 
of colour in fish kept in alcohol. Ab- 
stract in Pop. Sci. Rev., 1872, 11, 335—- 
336. 1872.1 

On the osteology of the anterior 
vertebre in Doras niger, with a com- 
parison of the structure of the dorsal 
fin in Doras and Balistes. Proce. Boston 
Soc. Nat. Hist., 1870-71 (1872), 14, 
3-12. 1872.2 

Peculiar coloration in fishes. 
Amer. Naturalist, 1872, 6, 237. 1872.3 

Descriptions of some peculiari- 
ties in the structure of the fin spines of 
the siluroids and doradoids. Proc. 
Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., 1875, ee 

—— Descriptions of new species of 
Mauritian fishes. Trans. Roy. Soe. 
Mauritius, 1879 (1883), 13, 45-63. 


Bloch, Adolphe. Des variations de 
longeur de l’intestin. Bull. Mém. Soe. 
Anthrop. Paris, 1904, 5. sér. 5, 160-197. 


Bloch, Léopold. Schwimmblase, 
Knochenkapsel und Weber’scher Appa- 
rat von Nemachilus carbatulus Giinther. 

Zeitschr. Naturw. Jena, 1900, 34 (n.s. . 

27), 1-64. 2 pls. & 12 figs. Abstract 
in Zool. Centralbl., 8, 539-540. 1900.1 

Bloch, Marc Elieser [1723-1799] For 
a detailed bibliography of this author’s 
ichthyological works, see Gill, T. N., in 
Smithson. Mise. Coll., 1872, 11, no. 247. 

Naturgeschichte der Marine 
\Salmo marena) Beschift. Ges. Naturf. 
Fr. Berlin, 1779, 4, 60-94. 1779.1 

Oeconomische Naturgeschichte 
der Fische in den Preussischen Staaten, 
besonders der Mark’schen und Pom- 
mer’schen Provinzen. Schrift. Ges. 
Naturf. Fr. Berlin, 1780, 1, 231-296. 


ay eo eee 

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Oeconomische Naturgeschichte 
der Fische Deutschlands. Berlin, 1782— 
85. 3 pts. in 1 & atlas. 108 col. pls. 
4° & fol. 1782.1 

Also issued as pts. 1—3 of his Allgemeine Natur- 
geschichte der Fische. 

— Ichthyologie, ou Histoire natu- 
relle, générale et particuliére des pois- 
sons. Ayee des figures enluminées, 
dessinées d’aprés nature. 12 vols. 
452 col. pls. fol. 1785.1 

1° Série. A Berlin, chez l’auteur, et chez 
Francois de la Garde libraire, 1785-1788. 

2° Série. A Berlin, chez l’auteur. — A Leipzic 
dans la Musée de Mr. Beytang [etce.], 1797. 

This is a translation in 12 volumes, by Laveau, 
of the German series entitled Allgemeine Natur- 
gzeschichte der Fische. 

Naturgeschichte der auslindi- 
schen Fische. Berlin, 1785-95. 9 pts. 
in 2, & atlas (3 vols.) 324 col. pls. 4° 
& fol. 1785.2 

Also issued as pts. 4-12 of his Allgemeine 
Naturgeschichte der Fische. The plates are 
numbered in continuation of those of the 
Oeconomische Naturgeschichte der Fische 
Deutschlands. The nine parts of his work are 
complementary to the author’s Natural History 
of Foreign Fishes, and together they form a uni- 
form series, afterwards entitled Allgemeine 
Naturgeschichte der Fische, vols. i—xii. 

Pleuronectarum duplex species 
descripta (Pl. zebra et dentatus) Nov. 
Acta Acad. Petropol., Hist., 1785, 3, 
Suppl., 139-143. 1785.3 

— Von den vermeinten doppelten 
Zeugungsgliedern der Rochen und Haye. 
Schrift. Ges. Naturf. Fr. Berlin, 1785, 
6, 377-393. pl. 1785.4 

Tabula Blochii naturalem his- 
toriam Piscium in forma minori repre- 
sentans. Augsburg, 1786. Obl. fol. 


Kupfer zu D. Bloch’s Fisch- 
werck. Berlin, 1787. 1787.1 

Atlas of 108 plates without text. 

— Uber zwei merkwiirdige Fisch- 
arten ( Notacanthus chemnitzii und Silu- 
rus militaris) Abh. Béhm. Ges. 1787, 
3, 278-282. 2 pls. 1787.2 

Abhandlung von den vermeinten 
miinnlichen Gliedern des Dornhayes 
(Acanthias vulgaris Risso) Schrift. 
Ges. Naturf. Fr. Berlin, 1788, 8, 9-15. 
fig. 1788.1 

Beskrivning over tvende nve 
Aborrer (Perea) fra Indien. K. Danske 
Selsk. Skrift. N. Saml., 1788, 3, 383- 
385. 1788.2 




Charactere und Beschreibung 
des Geschlechts der Papageyfische Cal- 
lyodon. Abh. Bohm. Ges., 1788, 4, 242- 
248. 3 pls. 1788.3 

Sur le Gastrobranchus, nouveau 
genre de poisson. Bull. Soc. Philom. 
Paris, 1791, 1, 1-26. 1791.1 


Bemerkungen iiber den Siauger, 
Myzxine glutinosa L. Sitzber. Ges. 
Naturf. Fr. Berlin, 1792, 193-200. 


Beschreibung zwei neuer Fische. 
Schrift. Ges. Naturf. Fr. Berlin, 1792, 
10, 422-424. pl. 1792.2 

Sur le Gastrobranchus (Myxine) 
Mag. Eneyel. (Millin), 1797, 3, 154. 

Histoire naturelle des poissons, 
avec les figures dessinées d’aprés nature 
par Bloch, ouvrage classé par ordres, 
genres et espéces, d’aprés le systéme 
de Linné; par René-Richard Castel. 
2. édition. 10 vols. Paris, Deterville, 
an xe) 1SOli- 122: 1801.1 

This is a cheap edition of Laveau’s transla- 
tion of the author’s work above cited. It con- 

stitutes vols. xxxii-xli of Suites 4 Buffon. See 
Buffon, Count. 

Bloch, Marc Elieser, & Schneider, 
Johann Gottlob. M. E. Blochu, . 
Systema Ichthyologie iconibus ex illus- 
tratum. Post obitum auctoris opus 
inchoatum absolvit, correxit, imterpo- 

lavit Jo. Gottlob Schneider, Saxo. 
Berolini, 1801. lx, 584 p. 110 col. pl. 
S: 1801.1 

‘““A compilation in which the various species 
described by authors are collected together, and 
referred with very little judgment to the genera 
admitted. The class is arranged in a new man- 
ner, avowedly according to the number of the 
fins, but very frequently in defiance of their 
true number and morphology, as notably in the 
genera 1, 2, 4, 7, 21, 37, 38, but also in very 
many others.’’ —T. N. Gill, Smithson. Misc. 
Coll., no. 247, 1872, 11, 39. 

Blochmann, F. [6nnen die Fische 

héren? Jahrb. Ver. Vat. Naturk. 
Wiirttemberg, 1903, 59, xev—xevil. 

Block, M. Ueber die neueren Ver- 
suche zur kiinstlichen Erzeugung der 
Fische in Frankreich. Ann. Land- 
wirtsch., 1852 (1853), 21, 274-287. 


Blocquel, S. Ichthyologie de la 
jeunesse; beautés de l’histoire naturelle 
des poissons, cétacés et crustacés. Paris, 
1826. 60 figs. 16°. 1826.1 


Blomfield, J.-#. The thread-cells 

and epidermis of Myxine. Quart. 
Journ. Micr. Sci., 1882, 22, 355-361. 
pl. 1882.1 

Bloomfield, J. C. The fisheries of 
Ireland. London, 1883. 33 p. 8°. 
(Internat. Fisheries Exhib. Lit., 7, Con- 
ferences, pt. 4) 1883.1 

Blosser, Christian B. Reports on 
the expedition to British Guiana of the 
Indiana University and the Carnegie 

Museum, 1908. Report No. 3. The 
Marine Fishes. Ann. Carnegie Mus., 
1909, 6, no. 1, 295-300. 3 pls. 1909.1 

Blot, Marcel. La biologie de |’an- 

guille. La Nature, Paris, 1911, 39, pt. 
2, 58-61. 3 figs. 1911.1 
Bluett, Méthode facile pour 

obtenir le squelette des petits poissons. 
Philos. Mag., 1830, 151. — Bull. (Fé- 
russac), 1830, 22, 157. 1830.1 

Blum, J. Ueber die Begattung von 

Zoarces viviparus L. Zool. Garten, 
1882, 4, 124. 1882.1 
Blume, W. Ueber freie Zellen in 

den Hohlriumen von Selachierembryo- 
nen. Inaug. Dissert., Miinchen, 1913. 

Blumenbach, Johann Friedrich 
[1752-1841] Handbuch der Naturge- 
schichte. G6ttingen, 1779-80. 1779.1 

This work passed through twelve editions, 
the last, published 1830, being a volume of 668 

pages. “‘ Von der Fische,”’ p. 214-256. 
Abbildungen naturhistorischer 
Gegenstinde, etc. 2. ed. Géttingen, 

1810 (1797-1830) (Consists of 100 pls. 
with descriptive letterpress, in 10 Hefte) 

Hefte 1, 3, 4 & 5 only are of the second edi- 
tion. The issue of the first edition began in 1796. 

Manuel d’histoire naturelle, tra- 
duit de lAllemand {and edited with 
notes]...parS. Artaud. 2 vols. Metz, 
1803. illust. 8°. 1803.1 

Blumhof, Johann Georg Ludwig 
(translator) Herrn Bengt And. Eu- 
phrasen’s Reise nach der schwedisch- 
westindischen Insel St. Barthelemi und 
den Inseln St. Eustache und St. 
Christophe [etc.) Aus dem Schwedi- 
schen ubersetzt von Joh. Georg Lud. 
Blumhof. Gé6ttingen, 1798. 1798.1 

Bluntschli, H. Eisenhimatoxylin- 
und Biondipriparate der Leber von 
Ceratodus forstert und Acipenser ruthe- 



nus. Verh. Anat. Ges., 1903, 17, 198— 
199. fig. 1903.1 

Der feinere Bau der Leber von 
Ceratodus forsteri.  Zoologische  For- 
schungsreisen in Australien und dem 
malayischen Archipel (Jena), 1904, 1, 
333-376. pl. & 24 figs. 1904.1 

Bluntschli, H., & Furbringer, MV. 
See Fuirbringer & Bluntschli. : 

Blyth, Edward [1810-1873] | For 
biography and works, see Trans. Norf. 
Norwich Nat. Soc. 1884, 3, 38-46. 

. 1884.1 

iStegostoma carinatum ete.) 
Journ. Asiat. Soc. Bengal, 1847, 16, 725. 

Report on Ceylon mammals, 
birds, reptiles and fishes. (In E. F. 
Kelaert, Prodromus faune Zeylanice) 
Ceylon, 1852. 8°. 1852.1 

On some fishes from the Sitang 
river and its tributary streams. Journ. 
Asiat. Soc. Bengal, 1860, 29, Be , 

The cartilaginous fishes of lower 
Bengal. Journ. Asiat. Soe. Bengal, 
1860 (1861), 29, 35-45. 1861.1 

Remarks on the distribution of 
Salmonide. Proc. Nat. Hist. Soc. 
Dublin, 1865, 4, pt. 2, 87. 1865.1 

Blytt, H. H. P., & others. Beret- 
ning om Fiskeri-Udstillungen i Amster- 
dam 1861. Christiania, 1862. 59 b. 


This report was prepared by H. H. P. Blytt, 
D. C. Stolk, H. C. Lehmkuhl and Gottlob 


Boake, B. On the air-breathing fish 
of Ceylon. Journ. Ceylon Branch Roy. 
Asiat. Soc., 1866, 128-142. 1866.1 

Boardman, George A. The Winni- 
nish of the Saguenay. Its identity with 
the Salmo gloveri, or landlocked salmon. 
Forest & Stream, 1875, 5, 83. 1875.1 

Boardman, Samuel L. Some outlines 
of the agriculture of Maine. Rept. 
Comm. Agriculture 1862 (1863), 39- 
59. 1863.1 

Fish and fish-breeding, p. 55-56. 

Boas, Johan Erik Vesti. Scaroidernes 
tandforhold. Vidensk. Meddel. Natur- 
hist. Foren. Kj6benhavn, 1877-78, 315— 
350. 2 pls. 1878.1 


Om conus arteriosus hos Butiri- 
nus og hos andre Teleostier. Vidensk. 
Meddel. Naturhist. Foren., 1879-80, 
333-342. pl.— Morph. Jahrb., 1880, 
6, 527-534. pil. 1879.1 

Die Zihne der Scaroiden. Zeit- 
schr. Wiss. Zool., 1879, 32, 2. Heft, 189— 
PALS 1879.2 

Ueber Herz und Arterienbogen 
bei Ceratodus und Protopterus. Morph. 
Jahrb., 1880, 6, 321-354. 2 pls. & 3 figs. 


Lehrbuch der Zoologie. Jena, 

1894. 2.ed. 427 figs. 8°. 1894.1 
Ueber Neotenie. Gegenbaur 
Festschrift, 1896, 2, 1-20. 1896.1 

Lerebog i zoologien, nzermest til 

brug for studerende og lerere. Kgoben- 

havn, 1888. 570 p. 8°. 1888.1 
2. ed. Kgbenhavn, 1894. 608 p. 8°. 

3. ed. Kobenhavn, 1905. 672 p. 8°. 
— Text book of zoology. London, 
1896. 576 p. 8°. 1896.1 

Boase, H. On two species of fishes 
taken in Mount’s bay, Cornwall. Proc. 
Zool. Soc. London, 1833, pt. 1, 114-115. 


Bobierre, Adolphe. De la composi- 
tion de tétes de sardines et de leur 
emploi en agriculture. Soc. Acad. Ann. 
Nantes, 1868, 39, 35-39. 1868.1 

Bocage, José Vicente Barboza du 
[1823-1907] For biographical notice, see 
Ibis, 1908, 9. ser. 2, 611. — Franga, 
Carlos, in Bull. Soe. Portug. Sci. Nat., 
1908, 2, 141-194. 

Les fanons branchiaux du “‘squale 
pélerin.”” Jorn. Sci. Math. Phys. Lis- 
boa, 1878, 6, 71. 1878.1 

Prologo ao catalogo dos peixes 
de Portugal por Felix de Brito Capello. 
Mem. Acad. Sci. Lisboa, 1881, 46 (n. s. 
Bion ft); 1-3. 1881.1 

José d’Anchieta. Jorn. Sci. 
Math. Phys. Nat. Lisboa, 1897, 2. ser. 
5, 126-132. 1897.1 

PublicacGdes scientificas de J. V. 
Barboza du Bocage (1857-1901) Lis- 
boa, 1901. 39p. 8°. 1901.1 

Bocage, José Vicente Barboza du, & 
Capello, Felix de Brito. Diagnoses de 
algumas especies inéditas da familia 
Squalide que frequentam os _ nossos 
mares; trabalho apresentado 4 Aca- 



demia real das sciencias de Lisboa. 
Mem. Acad. Real Sci. Lisboa, 1864 
(1865), 3, 1-8. Also separate; Lisboa, 
1864. 1864.1 

Sur quelques espéces inédites de 
Squalide de la tribue Acanthiana Gray, 
qui frequentent les c6tes du Portugal. 
Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1864, 260— 
263. : 1864.2 

; Apontamentos para a ichthyo- 
logia de Portugal; peixes Plagiostomos; 

primeira parte, Esqualos. [Text in 
French and Portuguese) Lisboa, 1866. 
40p. 3pls. 4°. 1866.1 

Boccius, Gottlieb. A treatise on the 
management of freshwater fish, with a 
view to making them a source of profit 
to landed proprietors. London, 1841. 
38 p. 8°. 1841.1 

Fish in rivers and streams; a 
treatise on the production and manage- 
ment of fish in fresh waters, by artificial 
spawning, breeding, and rearing; show- 
ing also the cause of the depletion of 
all rivers and streams. London, 1848. 

31S 105 sh 1848.1 
Die Fluss-, Bach- und Teich- 
fischerei; oder, itiber das _ kiinstliche 

Ausbriiten und Auferziehen der wich- 
tigsten, schmackhaftesten und belieb- 
testen Fische, und wiber die Ursachen 
der Abnahme dieser schwimmenden 
Bevoélkerungen. Aus dem Englischen 
iibersetz und mit emem Anhang, ent- 
haltend: London’s Fischeultur in Gross- 
britannien; A. de ‘Quatrefages, Ab- 
handlung iiber kiinstliche Befruchtun- 
gen; Milne Edwards, Anreicherung der 
Fliisze mit Fische; Chinesisches V erfah- 
ren, die Fischbrut zum Auskriechen zu 
bringen; Bloch’s Monographie des Karp- 
fen-geschlechtes, von A. Gunderlich. 
2.ed. Weimar, 1861. 12°. 1861.1 

Bock, Friedrich Samuel. Versuch 
einer vollstindige Natur- Handlungs- 
geschichte der Heringe. Konigsberg, 
1769. 8°. 1769.1 

Versuch einer wirthschaftlichen 
Naturgeschichte von dem Ko6nigreich 
Ost- und West-Preussen. 5 vols. 
Dessau, 1784. 8°. 1784.1 

Band iv, Die inlindischen Vogel, Siugethiere, 
Amphibien und Fische. 

Bock, Richard. Die Flugbarbe 
(Nuria danrica Ham. Buch.) Blatt. 
Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1914, 25. 
Jahre., 212-213. fig. 1914.1 




Bocourt, Firniin M. {1819 —] Notes 
sur les reptiles, les batraciens et les 
poissons recueillis pendant un voyage 
dans le royaume de Siam. Nouv. Arch. 
Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris, 1866, 2, ah ; 

Descriptions de quelques acan- 
thoptérygiens nouveaux appartenant 
aux genres Serranus et Mesoprion 
recueillis dans l’Amérique centrale: 
Serranus varius, S. courtadei, S. quin- 
quefasciatus, S. acanthophorus, Meso- 
prion pacificus. Ann. Sci. Nat. (Zool.), 
1868, 5. sér. 10, 222-224. 1868.1 

Note sur des poissons percoides 
appartenant au genre Centropomus (C. 
unionensis, C. mexicanus, C. scaber, C. 
cuvieri), provenant du Mexique et de 
l’Amérique centrale. Ann. Sci. Nat. 
(Zool.), 1868, 5. sér. 9, 90-91. 1868.2 

Note sur les poissons du genre 
Tétragonoptére provenant du Mexique 
et du Guatemala. Ann. Sci. Nat. 
(Zool.), 1868, 5. sér. 9, 62. 1868.3 

Description de quelques reptiles 
et poissons nouveaux appartenant a 
la faune tropicale de ’ Amérique. Nouv. 
Arch. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris, 1869, 5 
(Bull.), 19-24. 1869.1 

Bocourt, Firmin, & Vaillant, Léon. 
See Vaillant & Bocourt. 

Bodahl, HZ. A. Om fiskeopdrat i 
Danmark. Tidssk. Norsk. Landbrug, 
Kristiania, 1908, 15, 297-302. 1908.1 

Boddaert, Albert, & Lim-Boon- 
Keng. See Lim-Boon-Keng and 
Boddaert, Albert. 

Boddaert, Peter. Epistola ... de 

Chetodonte argo descripto, ex Museo 
J. Alb. Schlosseri. (Text in Dutch and 

Latin] Amstelodame, 1770. 4 col. 
pls. 4°. 1770.1 

Over den gevlakten klipvisch. 
Amsterdam, 1770. col. pl. 4°. 1770.2 

De tweedoornige klipvisch. Am- 
sterdam, 1772. col. pl. 4°. 1772.1 

Epistola . . de Chetodonte 
diacantho descripto. {Text in Dutch 
and Latin) Amstelodame, 1772. col. 
pl. 4°. 1772.2 

Beschreibung zweier merkwiir- 
diger Fische (Sparus_palpebratus und 
Murena colubrina) Neue Nord. Beitr. 
(Pallas), 1781, 2, 55-57. fig. 1781.1 

Beschreibung einiger seltnen 
amboinischen Fische und des Sargus 
palpebratus. Schrift. Ges. Naturf. Fr. 
Berlin, 1782, 3, 458-460. 1782.1 

Boddaert, P., & Schlosser, /. A. 
Miscellanea de amphibiis et piscibus 
Amboine. 5 pts. Amstelodamz, 1768- 
72. oC Cole ples a5. 1768.1 

Bodenstein, #. JDer Seitencanal 
von Cottus gobio. Zeitschr. Wiss. Zool., 
1883, 37, 121-145. pl. 1883.1 

Bodin, 7h. Das Wachsthum des 
Aales. Natur (Miiller), 1878, n. s. 4, 
615-616. 1878.1 
Zur Charakteristik der neu- 

vorpommerschen Fischzuchtanstalten. 
Natur (Miiller), 1879, n. s. 5, 32. 1879.1 

Boeck, Axel. Indberetning til De- 
partementet for det Indre om de af ham ~ 
i Vinteren 1861-62 anstillede videns- 
kabelige Undersggelser angaaende Vaar- 

sildfiskeriet. | Morgenbladet, Christi- 
ania, 1862, no. 300. 1862.1 

— Om sildeaat. Tidsskr. Fiskeri, 
1866, 1, 154-162. 1866.1 

— Over Haaring-aas. Album Na- 
tuur, 1868, 371-378. — Tidsskr. Fiskeri, 
1867, 1, 154. — Arch. Naturg., 1868, 34, 
pt. 1, 72-81. 1868.1 

Beretning om Sildefisket ved 
den norske og den bohuslenske kyst. 
Tidsskr. Fiskeri, 1870, 123-160. 1870.1 

Indberetning om de af ham i 
1870 anstillede Undersogelser om Silde- 
fiskerierne ved Norges og Bohuslens 
kyster. | Morgenbladet, Christiania, 
1871, nos. 203, 204, 208, 209. — Tids- 
skr. Fiskeri, 1871, 123-159. 1871.1 

Om Silden og Sildefiskerierne, 
navnlig det norske Vaarsildfiske. (1) 
Indberetning til den konlige norske 
Regjerings Department for det Indre 
om foretagne praktisk-videnskabelige 
Undersegelser. Christiania, 1871. oa 

Bemaerkninger angaaende Sil- 
defisket ved Hvalgerne 1 December 
forrige Aar. Morgenbladet, Christiania, 
1871 (1872), no. 266 A. 1872.1 

Indberetning fra Stipendiad . . . 
om forskjellige Fiskeriforholde i Graend- 
sevandene mellem Smaalenene og Sve- 
rige, ved Hvalgerne m. V. Afgiven dil 
Departementet for det Indre under 8de 
Oktober 1871. Christiania, — ae 




Det norske Sildefiske. Tidsskr. 
Fiskeri, 1872 (1873), 1-40. 1873.1 

Det bohuslenske Sildefiskeries 
Historie. Nord. Tidsskr. Fiskeri, 1874, 
1-27. 1874.1 

Indberetning til den konlige 
norske Regjerings Department for det 
Indre om hans i 1873 foretagne Under- 
sogelser af de norske Sildefiskerier 
navnlig Storsildfisket i Nordland. 
Nord. Tidsskr. Fiskeri, 1875, oy 

Boeck, Axel, & Feddersen, J. A. 
The Norwegian herring fisheries. Rept. 
U. S. Fish Comm. 1873-75 (1876), 3, 
97-122. 1876.1 

Boeck, G. Zur Naturgeschichte der 
Diebel, Karausche oder des_ Giebels 
(Carassius vulgaris} Circul. Deutsch. 
Fischer. Ver., 1875, 1. Jahrg., no. 7, 
388-389. 1875.2 

Zum Lachsfange. Cireul. Deut- 
sch. Fischer. Ver., 1875 (1876), 358-359. 


Gewiisser fiir Forellen- und 

Mariinen-Arten. Deutsch. Fischer. 

Zeitg., 1879, 325-326. 1879.1 

— Zur kiinstlichen Fischzucht. 
Deutsch. Fischer. Zeitg., 1879, 95. 


Boeck, Thorvald. Oversigt over lit- 
teratur, love, forordninger, rescripter 
m.m. vedrorende de norske Fiskerier. 
Efter foranstaltning af Central-commit- 
teen for norges Deltagelse 1 fiskeriud- 
stillingen i Boulogne-sur-Mer 1866. 
Christiania, 1866. 8°. 1866.1 

Verzeichniss der Schriften und 
Abhandlungen, die Norwegischen Fi- 
schereien betreffend, in chronologischer 
Ordnung zusammengestellt. Christi- 

ania, 1880. 8°. 1880.1 
Boecker, Wolfram. Callichthys fas- 
ciatus und sein Laichgeschaft. Wo- 

chenschr. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1909, 
6. Jahrg., 18-20. 1909.1 

Bockh, G.. Ueber eine eigenthiim- 
liche Verkriippelung des Karpfens (Cy- 

prinus carpio lL.) Correspbl. Ver. 
Naturk. Presburg, 1863, 2. Jahrg. 
(Verh. 7. Jahrg.1, p. 107. 1863.1 

Bogershausen, W. Etwas vom 
Rivulus ocellatus. Wochenschr. Aquar.- 
Terrar. Kunde, 1910, 7. Jahrg., 317— 
318. fig. 1910.1 

Bohi, U. Beitrige zur Entwick- 
lungsgeschichte der Leibeshéhle und 
der Genitalanlage bei den Salmoniden. 
Morph. Jahrb., 1904,.32, 505-586. pl. 
& 37 figs. 1904.1 

Bohm, A.A. Ueber die Befruchtung 
des Neunaugeneies [Petromyzon} Sitz- 
ber. Bayer. Akad. Wiss., math.-nat. Cl., 
1887, 1. Heft, 53-62. — Sitzber. Ges. 
Morph. Phys., 1887, 3, 9-11.— Ab- 
stract in Journ. Roy. Mier. Soe. Lon- 
don, pt. 6, 9382-933. 1887.1 

Ueber Reifung und Befruchtung 
des eies von Petromyzon planeri. Arch. 
Mikr. Anat., 1888, 32, 613-670. pls. 
Abstract in Journ. Roy. Micr. Soc. 
London, 1889, pt. 2, 189-190. 1888.1 

Ueber die Befruchtung des 
Forelleneies.  Sitzber. Ges. Morph. 
Phys., 1891, 7, 63-738. 13 figs. 1891.1 

_Bohme, Richard. Ueber den Intes- 
tinaltractus von Clarias melanoderma 
Bleeker. Bern, 1904. 3 pls. 1904.1 

: Ueber den Luftatmungsapparat 
eines sumatranischen Welses. Mitth. 
Naturf. Ges. Bern, 1904, p. vi-viii. 


Boeke, Jan. Die Bedeutung des 
Infundibulums in der Entwicklung der 
Knochenfische. Anat. Anz., 1901, 20, 
17-20. 2 figs. — Abstract in Journ. 
Roy. Micr. Soc. London, 1901, 634. — 
Zool. Centralbl., 1902, 9, 383-384. 


On the development of the 
entoderm, of Kupffer’s vesicle, of the 
mesoderm of the head and of the infundi- 
bulum in Murenoids. (Text in Dutch 
and English) Versl. Vergad. Wis- 
Natuurk. Afdeel. Konink. Akad. We- 
tensch., Amsterdam, 1902, 10, 468-474. 
— Proc. Sect. Sci. Kon. Akad. We- 
tensch. Amsterdam, 1902, 4, 442-448. 


On the structure of the light 
perception cells in the spinal cord, on 
the neurofibrille in the ganglion cells, 
and on the innervation of the striped 
muscles in Amphioxus lanceolatus. Proc. 
Sect. Sci. Kon. Akad. Wet. Amsterdam, 
1902, 5, 350-358. pl. 1902.2 

Ueber das Homologon des In- 
fundibularorganes bei Amphioxus lanceo- 
latus. Anat. Anz., 1902, 21, 411-414. 3 
figs. — Abstract in Journ. Roy. Micr. 
Soc. London, 1902, 546. 1902.3 


Boeke, J/. 

Ueber die ersten Entwicklungs- 
stadien der chorda dorsalis; ein Beitrag 
zur Centrosomenlehre. Nederl. Bijdr. 
Anat. (Petrus Camper), 1902, 1, 568— 
586. pl. & 7 figs. 1902.4 

Beitrige zur Entwicklungsge- 
schichte der Teleostier. I. Die Gas- 
trulation und Keimbliatterbildung bei 
den Murenoiden. Bijdr. Anat. (Petrus 
Camper), 1903, 2, 135-210. 2 pls. & 18 
figs. II. Die Segmentierung des Kopf- 
mesoderms, die Genese der Kopfhoéhlen, 
das Mesectoderm der Ganglenleisten 
und die Entwicklung der Hypophyse bei 
den Murznoiden. Jbid., 1904, 2, 439- 
510. 3 pls. & 25 figs. 1903.1 

Die Entwickling des Kopfmeso- 

derms bei den Teleostiern (Text in 
Dutch) Handl. Nederl. Nat. Geneesk. 
Congres, 1903, 9, 234-237. 1903.2 

On the development of the 

myocard in teleosts [Text in Dutch & 
English} Proc. Acad. Sci. Amsterdam, 
1903, 6, 218-225. pl. — Versl. Vergad. 
Wis-Natuurk. Afd. Kon. Akad. We- 
tensch., Amsterdam, 1903, 12, 374-381. 
pl. 1903.3 

On the early development of the 
weever fishes (Trachinus vipera and 
Trachinus draco) ‘Tijdschr. Nederl. 
Dierk. Ver., 1903, 2. ser. 8, 148-157. 
pl. 1903.4 

Unpigmented example of sole, 
Rhombus maximus [Text in Dutch) 
Jaarb. Rijksinstit. Onderz. Zee, Helder, 
1903 (1904), 40-42. 1904.1 

Eier und Jugendformen von 
Fischen der siidlichen Nordsee mit 
besonderer Beriicksichtigung des_hol- 
landischen Untersuchungsgebiets. Verh. 
Rijksinst. Onderz. See, Helder, 1906, 
1, pt. 4, 1-36. 1906.1 

lets over de visscherij in West- 

Indie. Maatsch. Natuurk. Onderz. 
Nederl. Kolonien, 1906, Bull. no. 51, 
1-28. 1906.2 

The later larval development 
of the Trachinide (T’rachinus vipera 
and Trachinus draco) Tijdschr. Neder]. 
Dierk. Ver., Helder, 1907, 2. ser. 10, 
245-254. 1907.1 

On gastrulation and the cover- 
ing of the yolk in the teleostean egg. 
Versl. Vergad. Wis-Nat. Afd. Kon. 
Akad. Wetensch., Amsterdam, 1907, 
15, 607-615. 2 pls. — Proc. Sect. Sci. 



Akad. Wet. Amsterdam, 1907, 9, 800- 
808. 2 pls. 1907.2 

Over den bouw van de gan- 
gliencellen in het centraal zenuwstet- 
sel van Branchiostoma lanceolatum. 1. 
Versl. Wis-Nat. Afd. Akad. Wet. Am- 
sterdam, 1907, 16, 5-11. pl. — Proe. 
Sect. Sei. Akad. Wet. Amsterdam, 1907, 
10, 86-93. pl.—II. Versl. Vergad, 
Wis-Nat. Ata Kon. Akad. Wetensch., 
Amsterdam, 1908, 17, 32-38. — Proc. 
Sect. Sci. Akad. Wet. Amsterdam, 1908, 
11, 53-59. pil. 1907.3 

Das Infundibularorgan im Ge- 
hirn des Amphioxus. Anat. Anz., 1908, 
32, 473-488. 12 figs. 1908.1 

Die Innervierung der Muskel- 
segmente des Amphiorus (Branchio- 
stoma) lanceolatum, nebst einigen Bemer- 
kungen iiber die Endigungsweise der 
motorischen Nerven bei den Verte- 
braten. Anat. Anz., 1908, 33, 273-290. 
9 figs. 1908.2 

Infundibularorgan im Gehirn des Am- 
phioxus und das homologe Organ des 
Craniotengehirnes. Anat. Anz., 1914, 
44, 460-477. 12 figs. 1914.1 

Boeke, /., & Dammerman, K. W. 
De saccus vasculosus der visschen een 
receptief nerveus orgaan en niet een 

klier. Versl. Vergad. Wis-Nat. Afd. 
Kon. Akad. Wetensch., Amsterdam, 
1910, 19, 62-67. — Proc. Akad. Wet. 

Amsterdam, 1910, 13, 186-192. 1910.1 

Boker, H. Der Schadel von Salmo 
salar. Ein Beitrag zur Entwickelung 
des Teleostierschidels. Anat. Hefte, 
Wiesbaden, 1913, 49, 1. Abth., 359-397. 
Also separate; Wiesbaden, 1913. 4 

pls. & 10 figs. 1913.1 
Boklen, Hermann. Die Gattung 
Ceratodus. Jahrb. Ver. Naturk. Wirt- 

temberg, 1887, 48, 76-81. 

Discusses Triassic dental plates. 

Boem, —— Der béhmische Lachs 
auf dem  Aussterbestaat. Allgem. 
Fischerei Zeitg., 1900, 25, no. 23, 435- 
437. 1900.1 

Book, Albert Theodor. Vihin Ha- 
meen kalastusoloista. Suomen Kalastus 
Lehti, 1892, 1, 156-161. — Fiskeritidskr. 
Finland, 1892, 1, 156-160. 1892.1 

Boepple, J. F. Notes on the fish of 
the Cumberland river. Trans. Amer. 
Fisheries Soe. 1911 (1912), 181-182. 






Boer, W.G. De dominio gentium 
aquatico. Trajectum ad Rhenum 
(Utrecht) 1845. 8°. 1845.1 

Borgershausen, W. Rivulus flabel- 
licauda. Wochenschr. Aquar.-Terrar. 
Kunde, 1910, 7. Jahrg., 629-630. fig. 


Boerner, J. C. H. Zoologixe Sile- 
siace prodromus.— Pisces  Silesiz. 
Neue Oekon. Nachrich. Ges. Schlesien, 
1781, 2, 187. 1781.1 

Beschreibung eines  Fisches, 
Gadus fischeri, dipterygius, cirratus, 
cirris 3, maxilla superiore longiore. 
Neue Oekon. Nachrich. Ges. Schlesien, 
1785, 6, 75. 1785.1 

Boettger, D. Nutzfische in Unter- 
agypten. Zool. Garten, 1896, 37, 94. 

Das Maul als Bruttasche bei 
manchen Fischen. Zool. Garten, 1902, 
43, 96-110. 1902.1 

Boettger, 0. Ueber den Fang von 
Stoéren im Main. 12. Bericht Offen- 
bach. Ver. Naturk., 1871, 12-13. 1871.1 

Bottger, Wilhelm Carl. Organe zur 
Luftatmung bei Fischen. Wochenschr. 
Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1912, 9. Jahrg., 
651-653. fig. 1912.1 

Zur Frage nach der Giftigkeit 
des Aalblutes. Wochenschr. Aquar.- 
Terrar. Kunde, 1912, 9. Jahrg., 558-559. 

Botticher, Wolfgang. Ein Aquarien- 
fisch vor 260 Jahren (Cobitis fossilis) 
Nerthus, Altona, 1902, 4, 43-46. 1902.1 

Boving Petersen, J. O. Sjxldne 
gester 1 danske farvande  ,[Scomber 

scomber in the Danish sea] Dansk Fiske- 
ritidende, Kobenhavn, 1910, 204-205. 

Bogacev, V. V. Ueber die pliociinen 
Siisswasserfische Sibiriens. Vorl. Mitth. 
Jurjev. Sitzb. Naturf.-Gesell., 1908, 17, 

xI—xiv. 1908.1 
Bogacki, Kamil. Experimentelle 
Flossenregeneration bei europiischen 

Siisswasserfischen. Arch. Entw. Mech., 
1906, 22, 18-20. pl. 1906.1 

Bogaerde, A. J. L. van den. Het 
distrikt St. Nikolaas, voorheen land van 
Waas, provincie Oost-Vlaanderen, be- 
schouwd met betrekking tot deszelfs 

natuur-, staat- en geschiedkunde. St. 
Nikolaas, 1825. 3.vols. pls. 8°. 
Vischvangst en benaming der visschen, p. 
Bogge, #.B. The fishing Indians of 
Vancouver’s island. Mem. Anthropol. 
Soc. London, 1870, 3, 260-266. 1870.1 

Bogle, Polynemus sele or isin- 
glass fish at Arracan. Journ. Nat. Hist. 

Calcutta, 1842, 2, 615-616. 1842.1 
Bogojavlenskij, N. V., Chmé- 
levskij, C. V., Gracianov, V. /., 

Zograi, J; N., Hindze; Bb) KK... & 
Voronkov, NV. V. See Chmélevskij, 
Gracianov «& others. 

Bogoljubsky, S. Zur Kenntnis der 
Dorsalflosse bei Motella tricirrata. Zeit- 
schr. Wiss. Zool., 1908, 90, 327-333. pl. 


Bohadsch, Johannes Baptista. De 
quibusdam animalibus marinis, eorum- 
que proprietatibus, orbi litterario vel 
nondum, vel minus notis. Liber cum 
nonnullis (12) tabulis eri incisis, ab 
auctore super vivis animalibus deli- 
neatis. Dresde, 1761. 12 pls. 4°. 


Beschreibung einiger minder- 
bekannten Seethiere, aus dem Latei- 
nisch iibersetzt von Leske. Dresden, 
17765) figs, 49. 1776.1 

Bohls, J. Mittheilungen iiber Fang 
und Lebensweise von Lepidosiren aus 
Paraguay. Nachr. Ges. Wiss. Géttin- 
gen, math.-phys. Cl., 1894, no. 2, 80-83. 


Bohn, Georges. Conditions normales 

de la respiration pour les animaux 

marins. C. R. & Mém. Soc. Biol. Paris, 
1903, 99, 290-291. 1903.1 
Les tropismes, la _ sensibilité 

différentielle et les associations chez le 
branchellion de la torpille. C. R. Mém. 
Soc. Biol. Paris, 1907, 68, 545-548. fig. 

Bohnhof, H. Die Organisation der 
See-Fischerei in den Staaten Europas 
und Nord-Amerikas. Berlin, 1889. 4°. 

Bohr, Christian. Sur la sécrétion de 
Voxygéne dans la vessie natatoire des 
poissons. C. R. Acad. Scei., Paris, 1892, 
114, 1560-1562. 1892.1 

The influence of section of the 
vagus nerve on the disengagement of 
gases in the air bladder of fishes. Journ. 
Physiol., 1894, 15, 494-500. 1894.1 




Bois, A. du. Que apud veteres de 
piscibus electricis exstant argumenta. 
Berlin, 1848. 8°. 1843.1 

Boiseau, R&R. /. Goldfish in the Po- 
tomac. Forest & Stream, 1878, 10, 154. 

Bois-Reymond, FH. du. See Du- 

Bois-Reymond, /. 

Boitard, @. P. Manuel d’histoire 
naturelle, comprenant les trois régnes 
de la nature, ou genera complet des 
animaux, des végétaux et des minéraux. 
Paris, 1827. 2 vols. with atlas. 18°. 


The atlas includes 155 plates of fishes, some 

Boiteux, Lowis. La culture de la 
truite 4 Langen, prés de Miinster (West- 
phalie) La Nature, Paris, 1911, 39, 
pt. 1, 84-87. 5 figs. 1911.1 

Bojanus, ZL. Observations sur |’- 
opercule branchial des poissons. Mém. 
Soc. Nat. Moscou, 1817, 5, 264-269. 

Bemerkungen in Bezug auf die 

Deutung der Kopfknochen der Fische. 
Isis, 1818, 12, 2095-2096. 1881.1 

Versuch einer Deutung der 
Knochen im Kopfe der Fische. Isis, 
1818, 498-510. pl. 1818.2 

Bolam, George. On the occurrence 
of the Vaagmaer (T'rachypterus arcticus) 
at Berwick-on-Tweed. History Ber- 
wick Natural. Club, 1891, 8, 509. 


Ichthyological Notes. History 
Berwick Natural. Club, 1899, 16, 201— 
204. 1899.1 

Lesser fork-beard or tadpole 
fish, Raniceps trifurcatus Turton. His- 
tory Berwick Natural. Club, 1901, 17, 
112. 1901.1 

Bolau, Cornelius Carl Heinrich. 
Kleine Mittheilungen aus dem Aqua- 
rium des Zoologischen Gartens in Ham- 
burg. Verh. Naturw. Ver. Hamburg, 
1978, n.-s. 3, 122-130. 1878.1 

Entwickelung von Scyllium catu- 
lus im Hamburger Aquarium. Zool. 
Garten, 1879, 92. 1879.1 

Ueber die Paarung und Fort- 
pflanzung der Seyllium-Arten. Zeitschr. 
Wiss. Zool., 1881, 35, 321-325. 2 figs. 

Ueber eine gelbe Varietiit vom 
Flussaal, Anguilla vulgaris Fl. Arch. 
Naturgesch. (Wiegmann), 1881, 47. 
Jahrg., 1, 136-139. — Ann. Nat. Hist., 
1882, 9, 65-67. 1881.2 

Ueber lebende Schuppenmolche 
(Lepidosiren annectens) und die Familie 
der Lungenfische. Verh. Naturw. Ver. 
Hamburg, 1910, 3 ser. 17, liv—lv. 108 

Lungenfisch, Stummelschwan- 
zeidechse und Rot-Albinos der Sumpf- 
schnecke. Verh. Naturw. Ver. Ham- 
burg, 1901, 3. ser. 9, xlvii. 1901.1 

—— Haifischeier. Blatt. Aquarienk., 
Magdeburg, 1904, 15, 360-361. 1904.1 

Die deutschen Versuche mit 
gezeichneten Schollen, Mitth. Deutsch. 
Seefischer. Ver. Berlin, 1905, 21, 411— 
421. 6 figs. — Wiss. Meeresuntersuch. 
Kiel, 1906, n. s. 7, no. 1, 79-131... 5 
figs. & 3 maps. 1905.1 

Einige Beobachtungen an Stich- 
lingen im Seewasseraquarium. Zool. 
Garten, 1905, 46. Jahrg., 48-50. 1905.2 

Bolau, Hermann, & Heincke, Frie- 
drich. See Heincke & Bolau. 

Boldo, Baltasar Manuel. Produccién 
maritima particular, observada en La 
Coruna; comisionado por 8. M. para la 
expedicién del Sefior Conde de Mopox 
y Jaruco, en la Isla de Cuba. Santiago, 
1797.) 20 p-- pla ss 1797.1 

Bolitho, Thomas Simon. Report of 
the exportation of the pilchards (Clupea 
pilchardus} Trans. Nat. Hist. Antiq. 
Soc. Penzance, 1851, 1, 253-259. 1851.1 

Short note on the pilchard, more 
especially with reference to its migra- 
tion during the summer of 1850. Trans. 
Nat. Hist. Antiq. Soc. Penzance, 1851, 
441-445. 1851.2 

Report of the exportation of 
pilchards, for 1851. Trans. Nat. Hist. 
Antiq. Soc. Penzance, 1864, 2, 51—54. 

Bolivar, Jgnacio. Sobre la clasifica- 

cién del Roseti. Anal. Soe. Espafi. Hist. 
Nat., 1903, 3, 239. 1903.1 

Indicacién de algunos  peces 
notables de La Coruna. Bol. Soe. 
Espan. Hist. Nat., 1907, 7, 206-209. 
2 pls. 1907.1 



Bolk, L. Mededeeling over melano- 
blasten bei jungen teleostiern. Tijdschr. 
Neder. Dierk. Ver., Helder, 1908, 2. ser. 
11, vii. 1908.1 

Ueber die segmentale Anord- 
nung der Melanoblasten bei jungen 
Teleostiern. Verh. Anat. Ges., 1908, 22, 
135-139. 1908.2 

Beobachtungen iiber Entwick- 
lung und Lagerung von Pigmentzellen 
bei Knochenfischembryonen. Arch. 
Mikr. Anat. 1910, 75, 414-434. pl. & 
6 figs. 1910.1 

Boll, ZH. Fischregen in Pommern und 
Mecklenburg. Arch. Ver. Freunde 
Naturgesch. Mecklenburg, 1858, 151— 
152. 1858.1 

Die Fische Mecklenburgs. Arch. 
Ver. Freunde Naturgesch. Mecklen- 
burg, 1859, 13, 143. 1859.1 

Ein Stor bei Treptow a. d. T. 
gefangen. Arch. Ver. Freunde Natur- 
gesch. Mecklenburg., 1864, 188-189. 



Boll, H., & 
Clunie & Boll. 

Boll, Franz. Die Lorenzini’schen 
Ampullen der Selachier. Arch. Mikr. 
Anat., 1868, 4, 375-391. pl. 1868.1 

Beitrige zur Physiologie von 
Torpedo. Arch. Anat. Phys., 1873, 10, 
76-102. Abstract in Naturforscher 
(Sklarek), 1873, 6, 337-338. 1873.1 

Die Structur der electrischen 
Platten von Malapterurus. Arch. Mikr. 

Clunie, John. 

Anat., 1873, 10, 242-254. 1873.2 

Ein historischer Beitrag zur 
Kenntniss von Torpedo. Arch. Anat. 
Phys. 1873 (1874), 152-158. 1874.1 

Die Structur der electrischen 
Platten von Torpedo. Arch. Muikr. 
Anat., 1874, 10, 101-121. pl. 1874.2 

Ueber elektrische Fische. Ber- 
lin, 1874. 8°. (In Virchow, R. Samm- 
lung gemeinverstindlicher wissenschaft- 
licher Vortriige, ser. 9, Heft 210) 1874.3 

Le vesicole di savi della torpe- 
dine. Atti R. Accad. Lincei Roma, 
1874-75 (1875), 2. ser. 2, 385-392. — 
Arch. Anat. Phys., 1875, 456-468. — 
Monatsber. Akad. Berlin, 1875, 238— 
241. pil. 1875.1 

Neue Untersuchungen zur Ana- 
tomie und Physiologie von Torpedo. 



Monatsber. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, 1875 
(1876), 710-721. — Arch. Anat. Phys., 
1876, 462-479. pl. 1876.1 

Nuove ricerche sulla struttura 
delle piastrine elettriche della torpedine. 
Atti R. Acecad. Lincei Roma, 1875-76 
(1876), 2. ser. 3, pt. 2, 488-492. — Journ. 
Micrographie, 1877, 1, 142-147; 203- 
208. 1876.2 

Bolles, H.C. Rapid change of color 
in fish. Amer. Naturalist, 1867, 1, 391. 


Bolling, —— Oplysninger om nogle 
danske Fisk. Tidsskr. Fiskeri, 1868, 
Aarg. 2, 291. 1868.1 
Bollman, Charles Harvey {1868- 
1889] Notes on a collection of fishes 

from the Escambia river, with de- 
scription of a new species of Zygonectes 
(Z. escambie) Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., 
1887, 9, 462-465. 1887.1 

(Coregonus tullibee bisselli) Bull. 
J. S. Fish Comm. 1888, 8, 223. 1888.1 

Report upon the fishes of Kala- 
mazoo, Calhoun, and Antrim counties, 
Michigan. Bull. U. 8. Fish. Comm. 
1888 (1891), 8, 219-225. 1891.1 

A review of the Centrarchide, 
or fresh-water sunfishes, of North 
America. Rept. U. 8. Fish Comm. 
1888 (1892), 16, 557-579. pls. Ixvui—- 
]xxii. 1892.1 

Bollman, Charles Harvey, & Ever- 
mann, Barton Warren. See Evermann 
& Bollman. 

Bollman, Charles Harvey, & Jordan, 
David Starr. See Jordan & Bollman. 

Bollman, Charles Harvey, & Meek, 
Seth Eugene. See Meek & Bollman. 

Bolten, D.G. J. Visschen als Mus- 
kietenverdelgers. Bull. Landb. West- 
Indie, Paramaribo, 1909, 19, 1-7. pl. 


Bolton, Herbert. Catalogue of the 
types and figured specimens in the 
geological department fof the Man- 
chester museum, Owens College] Rept. 
Mus. Assoc., 1893. Museum Hand- 
books, 1893. 1893.1 

Fishes, p. 30-34. 

Supplementary list of types and 
figured specimens in the geological de- 
partment, Manchester museum. Rept. 
Mus. Assoc., 1894, p. 250-254. Museum 
Handbooks, 1894. 1894.1 




Bolton, //. 
The animal life of the Lanca- 

shire Coal Measures. Trans. Man- 
chester Micr. Soc., 1895, 123-135. 2 
pls. 1895.1 

Fishes, p. 130-131. 

Note on Myriolepis hibernica 
Traq. Trans. Manchester Geol. Soc., 
1895, 22, 628-632. 2 pls. 1895.2 

Notes on plant and fish remains 

from the Jarrow colliery, Co. Kilkenny. 

Trans. Manchester Geol. Soc., 1895, 

22, 613-628. 1895.3 
Fishes, p. 622-623. 

On the occurrence of the genus 
Listracanthus in the English Coal 
Measures. Geol. Mag., 1896, 3, 424— 
426. fig. 1896.1 

The paleontology of the Lan- 

cashire Coal Measures. Parts I-III. 

Trans. Manchester Geol. & Mining 

Soc., 1905, 28, 378-420; 578-650; 668— 

689. 1905.1 
Fishes, p. 401-405; 604-624; 676-680. 

The geology 

of Lancashire. 
Victoria County Hist., Lancashire vol- 
ume, 1907, 1. 1907.1 

On a marine fauna in the Base- 

ment-beds of the Bristol coalfield. 

Quart. Journ. Geol. Soe. London, 1907, 

63, 445-469. pl. 1907.2 
Pisces, p. 467-468. 

Faunal horizons in the Bristol 

coalfield. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. 

London, 1911, 67, 316-341. pl. 1911.1 
Pisces, p. 336. 

Boltze, F. Ueber die Fischerei in der 
Grafschaft Mansfeld. Cireul. Deutsch. 

Fischer. Ver., 1874, 5-8. — Zeitschr. 
Landw. Central-Ver. Prov. Sachsen, 
1874, 31, 183-187. 1874.1 

Bolze, H. Junge Aale. Natur (Miil- 
ler), 1878, n. s. 4, 555. 1878.1 

Bomare, J. Christian Valmont de. 
Dictionnaire raisonné universel d’his- 
toire naturelle, contenant l’histoire des 
animaux, des végétaux, des mineraux 

. fete.) 6 vols. Paris, 1764. 8°. 


Lyon, 1791. 8°. Dutch 
3 vols. Dordrecht, 

4. ed. 15 vols. 
translation with appendix. 
1767-70. 4°. 

Bompas, George C. Life of Frank 
Buckland. 6. ed. London, 1885. 433 
p- portr. 1885.1 

Chap. x. Scotch 

About fish, ete. Chap. xi. 

Bonafous, C. Introduzione a 
carpe del Tibet in Piemonte. ae 

1327. 87: 

Bonaparte, Charles Lucien Jules 
Laurent, (Prince de Canino) [1803-1857] 
Saggio ‘di una distribuzione metodica a 
degli animali vertebrati. Giorn. Arcad. 
1831, 49, 1-77.—Isis (Oken), 1832, — 
col. 283-320. 1831 a 

Iconografia della fauna italica 
per le quattro classi degli animali verte- 
brati. 3 vols. Roma. 1832-41. pls. 

Pesci, vol. iii. 78 pls. 

Zusiitze und Berichtigungen zu 
den Siiugethieren nach der Classification 
der Fische. Isis (Oken), 1833, col. 1218- 
1230. 1833.1 

Nouvelle classification des ani- 
maux vertébrés. Revue Zool. 1838, 1, 
208-217. 1838.1 

Selachorum tabula analytica. 
Nuov. Ann. Sci. Nat. 1838, 2, 195-214. 
—Mém. Soc. Sci. Nat., Neuchatel, 
1839, 2. Also separate; Rome, 1839. 


Geen vertebratorum syste- 
matis. Nuov. Ann. Sci. Nat., 1838, 2, 
105-133. — Ann. Med. Chir. (Metaxa), 
1839, 1, 213-226; 268-279. Isis (Oken), 
1839, col. 848-861. — Rev. Zool., 1839, 
p. 308. 1838.3 

Systema vertebratorum. C. R. 
Acad. Sci. Paris, 1838, 7, 656-658. 

Smisurato pesce del peso di 
4000 libre (Squalus carcharodon Smith} 
Ann. Med. Chir. (Metaxa), 1839, 1, 35— 

38. 1839.1 

Sur une, nouvelle espéce de 
Squalius. N uov. Ann. Sei. Nat. Bo- 
logna, 1839. 1839.2 

Systema ichthyologicum. Mém. 
Soc. Sci. Nat. Neuchatel, 1839, 2, 1-2. 

Monographia Leuciscorum eu- 

ropeorum. Actes du 1. Congrés de Pise, 
1840, p. 150. 1840.1 

Observations sur la torpille. 
Actes du 1. Congrés de Pise, 1840, p. 18. 

Observations sur les Orthagoris- 
ques et les doubles emplois auxquels ont 
donné lieu les espéces de ce genre. 
Actes du 1. Congrés de Pise, 1840, p. 
165. 1840.3 


Prodromus systematis ichthyo- 
logie. Nuov. Ann. Sci. Nat. Bologna, 
1840, 4, 181-196; 272-277. — Isis 
(Oken), 1841, 626-638.— Ann. Med. 
Chir. (Metaxa), 1840, 3, 343-363. 

— Sur un Blennius qui vit dans les 
eaux du Caldana en Toscane. Actes 
du 1. Congrés de Pise, 1840, p. 175. 


Manuel d@’ichthyologie italienne. 

Actes du 2. Congrés de Turin, 1841, 
pees. 1841.6 

A new systematic arrangement 
of vertebrated animals. Trans. Linn. 
Soc. London, 1841, 18, 247-304. 1841.7 
. Pisces, p. 287-304. 

Comparaison entre les familles 
des percides et des scombrides. Actes 
du 3. Congrés de Florence, 1842, p. 359. 

Descrizione di un nuovo Leucis- 
cino veduto per la prima volta nella 
peschiera dello Scoghetto del Durazzo 
in Genova (Squalius pareti) Nuoy. Ann. 
Sci. Nat., 1842, 7, 148-151. 1842.2 

— Sur le Dasbotes fullonica. Actes 
du 3. Congrés de Florence, 1842, p. 363. 

Sur l’encéphale des lamproies, 
comparé & celui des raies. Actes du 3. 
Congrés de Florence, 1842, p. 373. 


Sur les Lagocephalus pennanti 
Sw. Actes du 3. Congrés de Florence, 
1842, p. 359. 1842.5 

Sur une espéce de Trachyptére 
présenté par le docteur Vérany. Actes 
du 3. Congrés de Florence, 1842, p. 461. 

Rilievi sul volume XVII dell’ 
“Istoria naturale dei pesci’”’ di Va- 
lenciennes che contiene i Leuciscini. 
Atti Sci. Ital., 1844, 431-438. 1844.1 

Specchio generale del sistema 
ittiologico. Atti Sci. Ital., 1844, 386- 
400. 1844.2 

— Catalogo metodico dei Cipri- 
nidi d’ Europa, e rilievi sul volume X VII 
della storia naturale dei pesci del Sign. 
Valenciennes. Milano, 1845. 20 p. 
4°. 1845.1 

Catalogo metodico dei pesci 
Kuropei. Atti Sci. Ital., 1845, 1-95. 
Also separate; Napoli, 1846. 97 p. 4°. 



—— Catalogue systématique des Cy- 
prinides européens. Actes du 6. Con- 
grés de Milan, 1845, p. 381. 1845.3 

Observations sur les Echénéides. 
Actes du 6. Congrés de Milan, 1845, 
p. 372. 1845.4 

Observations sur les Leuciscus 
de Lombardie, décrits par le docteur de 
Philippi. Actes du 6. Congrés de Milan, 
1845, p. 180. 1845.5 

Specchio generale dei sistemi 
erpetologico, anfibiologico ed ittiologico. 
Milan, 1845. llp. 4°. 1845.6 

—— Systéme ichthyologique. . Actes 
du 6. Congrés du Milan, 1845, p. 379. 

Sur deux espéces de poissons 
(Cubiceps bipinnatus et Scaurus siculus) 
Actes du 7. Congrés de Naples, 1846, 
on (lee 1846.1 

Conspectus systematis ichthyo- 
logiz. Editio reformata. Nuov. Ann. 
Sci. Nat. 1850, 3. ser. 6, 453-456. 
Also separate; Lugdunum Batavorum, 
1850. 8°. 1850.1 

Bonarelli, Guido. I fossili senoniani 
dell’ Appennino centrale che si con- 
servano a Perugia nella Collezione Bel- 
lucci. Atti Accad. Sci. Torino, 1899, 
34, 1020-1027. pl. 1899.1 

Bondouy, 7. Sur les phénoménes 
digestifs dans les tubes pyloriques chez 
quelques téléostéens. Bull. Soc. Scient. 
Méd. Ouest, 1897, 8, 56-60. 1897.1 

Bonelli, Francis André. Descrip- 
tion d’une nouvelle espéce de poisson de 
la Méditerranée appartenant au genre 
Trachyptére (7. cristatus) avec des 
observations sur les caractéres de ce 
méme genre. Mem. Accad. Torino, 
1819, 24, 485-494. pl. — Isis (Oken), 
1819, 4, 432. 1819.1 

Bonivento, Adolfo. Description de 
la pécherie dans la vallée Figheri... . 
Chioggia, 1902. 8°. 1902.1 

La peschiera di valle Figheri. 
Descrizione. Riv. Mens. Pesca, Milano, 
1907, 9, 44-48. 1907.1 

Bonizzi, Paolo [1840-89] Prospetto 
sistematico e catalogo dei pesci del 
Modenese. Ann. Soc. Nat. Modena, 
1869, 4, 239-269. 1869.1 

Sulle varieta della specie Gas- 
terosteus aculeatus. Arch. Zool. Anat. 
Fisiol., Modena, 1869, 2. ser. 1, 156— 
163. pl. Also separate; Torino & 
Florence, 1870. 8 p. 1869.2 



Bonnard, A. Péche cdtiére, et colo- 
nisation maritime en Algérie. Paris, 
1902. 4°. 1902.1 

Bonnaterre, (L’abbé) Joseph P. (ec. 
1752-1804] Tableau encyclopédique 
et méthodique des trois régnes de la 
nature ... Ichthyologie. Paris, 1788. 
vi, 215 p. 102pls. 4°. 1788.1 

This volume forms one of the parts of the 
zoological portion of Encyclopédie Méthodique, 
etc., the whole comprising 196 volumes, 1782-— 
1832. For dates of publication of the various 
parts, see Sherborn, C. D., and Woodward, 
B. B., in Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1893, 582— 
584; 1899, p. 595. For an estimate of l’Abbé 
Bonnaterre’s compilation, see Gill, T. N., in 
Smithson. Mise. Coll., 1872, 11, 37. 

Bonnet, Charles. Lettre sur les 
moyens de conserver diverses espéces 
d’insectes et de poissons dans les cabi- 
nets d’histoire naturelle. Observ. Phy- 
sique & Hist. Nat., 1774, 3, 296; 5, 12. 


(Euvres d’histoire naturelle et 

de philosophie. 8 vols. Neuchatel, 

1779-1783. pls. 4°. 1783.1 
Les harengs, vol. iv, pt. 2, p. 228-231. 

German version. 3 

Mémoire sur le Royaume de 
V Algarve. Mem. Acad. Real Sci. Lisboa, 
1850, p. 87. 1850.1 

Bonnet, H. von, & Merkel, O. See 
Merkle & Bonnet. 

Bonnet, FR. Studien zur Physiologie 
und Pathologie der Fische. Allgem. 
Fisch. Zeitg., 1883, p. 79; 1884, p. 169- 
192; 206. 1883.1 

Bonnier, Pierre. Sur les fonctions 
statique et hydrostatique de la vessie 
natatoire et leurs rapports avec les 
fonctions labyrinthiques. C. R. Soe. 
Biol. Paris, 1895, 10. sér. 2, 745-747. 

The same. 
vols. Leipzig, 1783. 

Sur le sens latéral. C. R. Soe. 
Biol. Paris, 1896, 3, 917-919. 1896.1 

Bonome, A. Sull’ istogenesi della 
nevroglia normale nei vertebrati. Arch. 
Ital. Anat. Embr., 1907, 6, 157-345. 
9 pls. 1907.1 

Bonomi, /. Contributo alla cono- 
scenza dell’ ittiofauna miocenica di Mon- 

daino. Riv. Ital. Paleontol., 1896, 2, 
199-239. pl. 1896.1 
Bonorden, Albert. Das Laichge- 

schaft des Rasbora heteromorpha. Blatt. 
Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1911, 22. 
Jahrg., 813. 1911.1 

Das Laichgeschift der Rasbora 
heteromorpha. Wochenschr. Aquar.-Ter- 
rar. Kunde, 1913, 10. Jahrg., 927-928. 


Bonpland, Aimé Jacques Alexandre, 
& Humboldt, Friedrich Heinrich Alez- 
ander von. See Humboldt & Bon- 

Bonsdorff, Hvert Julius [1810-1898] 
Speciel jemférande beskrifning af Huf- 
vudskilsbenen hos Laken (Gadus lota, 
Linn.) Acta Soc. Sci. Fenn., Helsing- 
fors, 1845, 2, 1177-1181. pls. xix-xxvii. 


Beskrifning af ett missbildadt 
cranium hos en man, jemte nagra anmar- 
kningar 6fver uppkomsten och betydel- 
sen af de s& kallade ‘ ossicula vormi- 
ana.” Acta Soe. Sci. Fenn., Helsingfors, 
1846, 2, 1283-1299. pls. xxili-xxvil. 


—— Speciel jemférande beskrifning 
af Hufvudskabsbenen hos Laken (Gadus 
lota L.) {= Lota vulgaris Cuv.) Acta 
Soe. Sci. Fenn., Helsingfors, 1847, 2, 
1177-1181. 4 pls. 1847.1 

Bidrag till blodkarlsystemets 
jemforande anatomie (III Portvensys- 
temet hos Gadus lota) Acta Soe. Sei. 
Fenn., Helsingfors, 1852, 3, 571-590. 
2 pls. 1852.1 

Portven systemet hos Gadus 
Helsingfors, 1851. 2 pls. 4°. 

Anatomisk undersékning af arte- 
riella kirlsystemet hos Laken. Oefvers. 
Finsk Vetenskaps Soc. Férh., 1853, 1, 
97. 1853.1 

Anatomisk undersékning af Ven- 
systemet hos Atskilliga 1 Finland fére- 
kommande Fiskar (1851) Oefvers. Finsk 
Vetenskaps Soc. Férh., 1853, 1, 166. 


— Caudalportvensystem hos La- 
ken. Oefvers. Finsk Vetenskaps Soc. 
Foérh., 1853, 1, 155. 1853.3 

Om nerverna hos Raja clavata. 
Oefvers. Finsk Vetenskaps Soe. Foérh., 
1854, 2, 24-25. 1854.1 

Jiimf6rander undersékningar af 
hjirnan hos fiskarna. Oecefvers. Finsk 
Vetenskaps Soc. Férh., 1855, 2, 53. 
Om de ligre vertebraternas med 
kirna férsedda blodkroppar (1851) 
Oefvers. Finsk Vetenskaps Soc. Férh., 
1855, 2, 53. 1855.2 



Undersékningar af Nervsyste- 
met hos’ Rockan (Raja clavata) Ofvers. 
Finsk Vetenskaps Soc. Foérh., 1855, 2, 
10-11; 24-25. 1855.3 

Jemférande anatomisk beskrif- 
ning af cerebralnerverna hos Raja 
clavata. Acta Soe. Sci. Fenn., 1857, 5, 

185-227. 3 pls. 1857.1 
Bont, M. J. de. Een woord over 
kunstmatige vischfokkerij. Tijdschr. 

Nederl. Maatsch. Nijverheid, 1863, 26 
(3. ser. 4), 416-444. 1863.1 

Verslag over de Inrigting voor 
Piscicultuur op de Diergaarde aanwezig. 

Nederl. Tijdschr. Dierk., 1863, 1. 
abrg., p. xxv—xxxiv. Also separate; 
Amsterdam, 1863. 8°. 1863.2 

Nog een woord over de kunst- 
matige vischfokkerij. Tijdschr. 
Nederl. Maatsch. Nijverheid, 1867, 30 
(3. ser. 8), 376-412. 1867.1 

La culture pratique du saumon 
et de ses congénéres et la pisciculture 
au jardin zoologique d’Amsterdam. 
Nederl. Tijdschr. Dierk., 1873, 4, 241— 
269. 14 figs. Also separate; Amster- 
dam, 1872. pl. 8°. 1873.1 

Bonvalot, H. T. Chasse et péche 
dans le Rosemont. Strasbourg, 1866. 
Soa 1866.1 

Bonvoisin, Leo. 
Fishing Gaz., 

Concerning eels. 
1877, no. 22, p. 3. 

—— Sleeping and feeding habits of 
fish. Fishing Gaz., 1877, no. 14, p. 7. 


Books, St. John. The osteology and 

arthrology of the haddock (Gadus 
eglefinus) Scient. Proc. Roy. Soc. 

Dublin, 1893. 1893.1 

Boosey, Thomas. Anecdotes of fish 

and fishing. London, 1887. 251 p. 8°. 


This is a reprint of his Piscatorial reminis- 
cences, published in 1835. 

Booth, William. Catalogue of this} 
valuable library . . . comprising about 
10,000 volumes ... with works on 
angling, etc. Manchester, 1884. 193 p. 
8°. 1884.1 

Borcéa, Jean. Des différences de 
structure histologique et de sécretion 
entre le rein antérieur et le rein posté- 
rieur chez les elasmobranches males. 
C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1904, 138, 1342- 
13438. 1904.1 



Note complémentaire sur la 
morphologie du rein des elasmobran- 
ches. Bull. Soc. Zool. France, 1904, 29, 
209-210. 1904.2 

Quelques considérations sur l’ap- 
pareil urinaire des _ elasmobranches. 
Bull. Soc. Zool. France, 1904, 29, 143— 
148. 2 figs. 1904.3 

Quelques observations sur une 
épinoche: Gasterosteus aculeatus L. 
(variété leiwrus C. et V.), provenant 
d’une riviére se déversant au fond de la 
baie Aber, prés du laboratoire de Ros- 
coff. Bull. Soc. Zool. France, 1904, 29, 
140-141. 1904.4 

Sur la glande nidamentaire de 
Voviducte des elasmobranches. CRs 
Acad. Sci. Paris, 1904, 138, 99-101. 


Sur le développement du rein et 
de la glande de Leydig chez les elasmo- 
branches. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1904, 
139, 747-749. 1904.6 

Sur les entonnoirs segmentaires 
du Centrina risso Salviani @. Bull. 
Soe. Sci. Méd. Ouest Rennes, 1904, 13, 
108-110. — Trav. Sci. Univ. Rennes, 
1904, 3, 178. 1904.7 

Sur un cas de conformation anor- 
male de l’oviducte droit chez une petite 
roussette, Scyllium canicula. Bull. Soc. 
Zool. France, 1904, 29, 138-140. 1904.8 

Recherches sur le systéme uro- 
génital des elasmobranches. Arch. 
Zool. Expér. Paris, 1905, 4. sér. 4, 199- 
484. 2 pls. 1905.1 

Sur quelques faits relatifs au 
développement du rein des_ elasmo- 
branches. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1905, 
140, 672-674. 4 figs. 1905.2 

Observations sur la musculature 
branchiostégale des téléostéens. Ann. 
Scient. Univ. Jassy, 1907, 4, 203-225. 
17 figs. 1907.1 

Observations sur quelques raies 
de la Baie de Naples. Ann. Scient. 
Univ. Jassy, 1907, 4, 180-186. 1907.2 

Observatiuni asupra catorva 
specii de Rajide din golful de Neapol. 
Public. Fond. Adamachi Acad. Romana, 
1907, 4, no. 20, 109-114. 1907 3 

Observatiuni asupra diferentierii 
si desvoltdrii musculaturii branchioste- 
gale la teleosteeni. Public. Ee ond. Ada- 
machi Acad. Romana, 1907, 4, 89-107. 
17 figs. 1907.4 


Borcéa, J. ; . 

Une observation sur la maturité 
et la parturition chez le Pristiurus me- 
lanostomus Bp. Ann. Scient. Univ. 
Jassy, 1908, 5, 84-85. [Embryo with 6 
gill slits) 1908.1 

Quelques observations sur la 
circulation embryonnaire chez les télé- 
ostéens. Bull. Soc. Zool. France, 1909, 
34, 189-191. 1909.1 

Sur les masses mésodermiques 
intermédiaires et leurs dérivés chez les 
téléostéens. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 
1909, 149, 637-640. 1909.2 

Sur l’origine du cceur, des cellu- 
les migratrices et des cellules pigmen- 
taires chez les téléostéens. C. R. Acad. 
Sci. Paris, 1909, 149, 688-689. 1909.3 

Observations sur la circulation 
embryonnaire chez les _ téléostéens. 
Ann. Scient. Univ. Jassy, 1910, 6, 84— 
100. 9 figs. 1910.1 

—— Sur les entonnoirs segmentaires 
du Notidanus (Heptanchus) cinereus 
Gml. Ann. Scient. Univ. Jassy, 1910, 6, 
101-103. fig. 1910.2 

Borchardt, Fritz. Das Laichgeschift 
von Cichlasoma severum und die Auf- 
zucht der Jungen. Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. 
Kunde, 1913, 24. Jahrg., 244-246. fig. 


Borcherding, Fr. Beitriige zue Mol- 
luskenfauna der nordwestdeutschen 
Tiefebene, ete. Jahreshefte Naturw. 
Ver. Liineburg, 1885-87. 42 p. 1887.1 

Angabe der Fische des Bederkesaer Sees und 
anderer Wasser nach Fischeraussagen. 

Die Tierwelt der nordwestdeut- 
schen Tiefebene. (In Die freie Hanse- 
stadt Bremen und ihre Umgebungen. 
Bremen, 1890) 1890.1 

Borcherding, Fr., Cronheim, ; 
Debschitz, H. von, Knauthe, Karl, 
Apstein, C., & Berthelmann, 
See Knauthe, Apstein «& others. 

Borchert, Max. Zur Kenntnis des 
Zentralnervensystems von ‘Torpedo. 
Erste Mittheilung. Denkschr. Med. 
Naturwiss. Gesell. Jena, 1903, 10, 1-59. 
10 pls. — Neurobiologische Arbeiten (O. 
Vogt), 2. ser. 1, pt. 1. 1903.1 

Ueber Markscheidenfairbung bei 
niederen Wirbelthieren. Arch. Anat. 
Physicl. (Physiol. Abt.), 1904, 572-575. 

Ueber eine bisher unbekannte 
Gesetzmiissigkeit im Zentralnervensys- 



tem von Torpedo. Anat. Anz., 1905, 
26, 289-292. 2 pls. & fig. 1905.1 

Zur Kenntnis des Zentralnerven- 
systems von Torpedo. Zweite Mitthei- 
lung. Morphol. Jahrb., 1906, 36, 52-81. 

3 pls. 1906.1 
Borckert, Hans. Anatomisch-phy- 
slologische Untersuchung der Haft- 

scheibe von Cyclopterus lumpus L. In- 
aug. Dissert. Kiel, 1889. 36 p. 2 pls. 

Bordage, Edmond. Les vertébrés, 
descendent-ils des arthropodes? Revue 
Scient., 1892, 49, 333-349. 1892.1 

Adaptation des poissons plats 

aux couleurs des fonds marins. Biolo- 
gica, Paris, 1911, 1, 269-273. 165 figs. 

Bordas, 1. L’appareil venimeux de 
la Muréne (Murena helena Ll.) Natura- 
liste, Paris, 1907, 29, 227-228. 1907.1 

Borderer (pseudon.) See Brown, 
William Sorley. 

Borggreve, Bernard. Die Wirbelthi- 
ere des Regierungsbezirks Wiesbaden. 
Jahrb. Nassau. Ver. Naturk., 1897, 50, 
145-178. 1897.1 

Borgmann, Hugo. Die Fischerei im 

Walde. Ein Lehrbuch der Binnenfische- 
rei fiir Unterricht und Praxis. Berlin, 
1892. 283 p. figs. 1892.1 

Ueber die Einwirkung der Seife 
auf Fische. Forstl. Naturw. Zeitschr. 
(Tubeuf), 1893, 1, 276-277. 1893.1 

Beitrige -zum_ Fischereischutz. 
Allgem. Fischerei Zeitg., 1898, 28, 428- 
430. 1898.1 

Borja y Goyeneche, Joaquin de. La 
pesca. Mem. Real Acad. Cien. Artes, 
Barcelona, 1901-04 (1902), 4, no. 17, 
237-262. 1902.1 

Borlase, William [1695-1772] The 
natural history of Cornwall. The air, 
climate, waters, rivers, lakes, sea . . 
rare birds, fishes, shells, reptiles, and 

quadrupeds, . . . ete. Oxford, 1758. 
xIx, 326 p. 1758.1 
Sect. 1. Sea-fish and first cetaceous, p. 


Borley, J. 0. The poison apparatus 
of the weever. Trans. Norfolk & Nor- 
wich Nat. Soc., 1907, 8, 369-373. fig. 


—— On the cod marking experiments 
in the North sea conducted by the Ma- 
rine Biological Association of the United 
Kingdom from the 8. 8S. “ Huxley ” 


during 1904-07. Cons. Perman. Intern. 
Explor. Mer Rapp., 1909, 10, no. 7, 
1-10. map. 1909.1 

— Report on the vitality of trawl- 
caught plaice. 2. Rept. North Sea Fish 
Invest. Comm., 1909, pt. 2, 1-50. 3 figs. 


A comparison of the condition 
of the plaice of different regions as to 

weight. 4. Rept. North Sea Fish In- 
vest. Comm., 1912, 81-105. 11 figs. 

Report on the experimental 
transplantation of plaice to the Dogger 
bank. Carried out by the Marine Bio- 
logical Association in the years 1904-8. 
4. Rept. North Sea Fish Invest. Comm., 

1912, 1-79. 8 pls. & 20 figs. 1912.2 

Bormann, A. fF. Die neue Pozilie 
mit der schwarz-weiss-roten Riicken- 

flosse. Prakt. Zierfischziichter, 1910, 
60-61. 1910.1 

Rasbora heteromorpha, eine Sel- 
tenheit. Prakt. Zierfischziichter, 1910, 
25-26. 1910.2 

Born, G. Bemerkungen iiber den 
Zahnbau der Fische. Zeitschr. Organ. 
Phys. (Heusinger), 1827, 1, 182-206. 
figs. — Bull. Sci. Nat. (Pérussac), 1828, 
15, 167. 1827.1 

Ueber den innern Bau der lam- 
prete (Petromyzon marinus) Zeitschr. 
Organ. Phys. (Heusinger), 1827, 1, 170- 
181. — Bull. Sci. Nat. (Férussac), 1828, 
13, 360.— Ann. Sci. Nat., 18, 22-37. 
fig. 1827.2 

Observations sur la grande lam- 
proie (Petromyzon marinus) Ann. Sci. 
Nat., 1828, 13, 22-37. — Bull. Sci. Nat. 
(Férussac), 1828, 13, 268-362. 1828.1 

Bornaud, Eduard. Etude: histolo- 
gique des nerfs et de la muqueuse buc- 
cale chez les poissons. Bull. Soe. Vaud. 
Sci. Nat., 1887, 23, 6-18. 1887.1 

Sur la nature et l’origine de la 
gaine de sarcolemme chez les poissons. 
Bull. Soc. Vaud. Sci. Nat., 1887, 23, 1-6. 
pls. 1887.2 

Borne, Max von dem [1826?-1894] 
Beitrag zu der Frage, in welchem Alter 
die in Fischbrut-Anstalten ausgebriite- 
ten jungen Fische den freien Gewiissern 
zu iibergeben sind. Circul. Deutsch. 
Fischerei Ver., 1872, 185-187. 1872.1 

Jahresbericht der Fischzucht- 
Anstalt zu Berneuchen bei Wusterwitz, 



N./M. pro 1872/73. Circul. Deutsch. 
Fischerei Ver., 1873, 234-236. 1873.1 

Mittheilung ‘die Bachforelle be- 
treffend. Cireul. Deutsch. Fischerei 
Ver., 1873, 1. Jahrg., no. 2, 42-46. 


— Die Wanderfische.' Deutsch. 
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—— Die Fischzucht. Berlin, 1875. 
124 p. 22 figs. 8°. 1875.1 

Illustrirtes Handbuch der An- 
gelfischerei. Auf Grund der neuesten 
Erfahrungen in Deutschland, England 
und Amerika bearbeitet. Berlin, 1875. 
380 p. 195 figs. 8°. 1875.2 

Mittheilungen iiber die Erfolge 
seiner Fischzucht-Anstalt im Jahre 
1873-74. Cireul. Deutsch. Fischerei 
Ver., 1874 (1875), 163-166. 1875.3 

Mittheilungen iiber die Siiss- 
wasserfischereien in den Vereinigten 
Staaten Amerikas. Circul. Deutsch. Fi- 
scherei Ver. 1874 (1875), 66-68. 1875.4 

Staats-Fischzucht-Anstalt in 
Californien. Deutsch. Landw. Presse, 
1875, 519-520. 1875.5 

How can our lakes and rivers be 
again stocked with fish in the shortest 
possible time? Rept. U.S. Fish Comm. 
1873-75 (1876), 3, 681-683. 1876.1 

Ueber Beschaffenheit der Ge- 
wiisser, in denen Forellen und andere 
Salmoniden gedeihen. Circul. Deutsch. 
Fischerei Ver. 1876 (1877), 2386-237. 
US idaiel 
Uebersicht der Resultate der 
Fischzucht-Anstalt in Berneuchen bei 
Wusterwitz N./M. wihrend des Jahres 
1875-76. Cireul. Deutsch. Fischerei 
Ver. 1876 (1877), 154-155. 1877.2 

Weeweiser fiir Angler durch 
Deutschland, Oecesterreich und _ die 
Schweiz. Berlin, 1877. 302 p 

Wie kénnen unsere See’n und 
Fliisse in kiirzester Frist wieder fisch- 
reich gemacht werden? Circul. Deutsch. 
Fischerei: Ver. 1876 (1877), 26—28. — 
Translation in Rept. U. 8. Fish Comm. 
1873-75 (1876), 3, 681-683. 1877.4 

Befruchtung und 
anklebender Fischeier. 
scherei Zeitg., 1878, 1. Jahrg., 

Deutsch. Fi- 



Borne, WW. v. d. 

Die Benutzung des tiefen Cali- 
fornischen Troges bei der Fischzucht. 
Zeitschr. Ver. Nass. Land. & Forstw., 
1878, 60 (n. s. 9), 327-330. figs. 1878.2 

Bericht iiber die Gewinnung von 
Mariinnen-Hiern am Schal- und Selenter 
See im Herbste 1877. Circul. Deutsch. 
Fischerei Ver., 1878, 5-19. 1878.3 

Bericht iiber die Ziichtung von 
Lachsen, Coregonen und Aeschen im 
Jahre 1877-78. Cireul. Deutsch. Fi- 

scherei Ver., 1878, 97-114. 1878.4 

Der Californische Bruttrog. 
Deutsch. Fischerei Zeitg., 1878, 1. 
Jahrg., 18-19. 1878.5 

—— Dr. J. Knoch’s Reise zur Wolga 
behufs der Sterlettbefruchtung, im Bull. 
Soc. Imp. Nat. Moscou., 1871, 44. Cir- 
cul. Deutsch. Fischerei Ver. 1877 (1878), 
185-186. 1878.6 

Grundsitze bei Errichtung von 
Laich-Schonrevieren. Circul. Deutsch. 
Fischerei Ver. 1877 (1878), 3. 1878.7 

Jahresbericht iiber die Resultate 
der Fischzucht-Anstalt zu Berneuchen 
bei Wusterwitz wihrend der Brutperiode 
1876-77. Circul. Deutsch. Fischerei 
Ver. 1877 (1878), 188-139. 1878.8 

Lachsfischerei in Oregon und 
Californien. Circul. Deutsch. Fischerei 

Ver., 1878, 93. 1878.9 
Shadfischzucht in Maryland. 
Cireul. Deutsch. Fischerei Ver., 1878, 

91-93. 1878.10 

Der tiefe Californische Bruttrog. 
Deutsch. Fischerei Zeitg., 1878, 41-42; 
1879, 213-214. 1878.11 

Tragbare Brutanstalten. Circul. 
Deutsch. Fischerei Ver. 1877 (1878), 
210-211. 1878.12 

Die transportable Brut-Anstalt. 
Circul. Deutsch. Fischerei Ver., 1878, 
134-135. 1878.13 

Wie kann man unsere Gewiisser 
nach den in ihnen vorkommenden 
Fischarten classifiziren und welche 
Fische sind am besten geeignet, die ver- 
schiedenen Arten von Fischwiissern er- 
tragreich zu machen? Circul. Deutsch. 
Fischerei Ver. 1877 (1878), 89-93. 


Bericht tiber die Ziichtung von 
Fischen aus Eiern, welche der deutsche 



Fischerei-Verein im Jahre 1878-79 ver- 
theilt hat. Cireul. Deutsch. Fischerei 
Ver. 1879, 165-172. 1879.1 

—— Erbriitung von 10,000 Eiern der 
amerikanischen Forelle (Salmo fontina- 
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1879, 134-135. 1879.2 

Ueber die Wichtigkeit der Core- 
gonenziichtung. Circul. Deutsch. Fi- 
scherei Ver. 1878 (1879), 47-53. 1879.3 

Fang der Fischfeinde. Cireul. 
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26-29. 1880.1 

Eine improvosirte Fischzuch- 
tanstalt am Bader See in den bayerischen 
Alpen. Circul. Deutsch. Fischerei Ver. 
1879 (1880), 108. 1880.2 

Die Marine (Coregonus lavare- 
tus} des Leba-Sees und der Ostsee. Cir- 
cul. Deutsch. Fischerei Ver. 1879 (1880), 
1. Jahrg., no. 2, 47. 1880.3 

Der selbstauslesende Bruttrog. 
Circul. Deutsch. Fischerei Ver. 1879 
(1880), 22-23; 40-43. 1880.4 

Trockene Verpackung frisch be- 
fruchteter Fischeier. Deutsch. Fischerei 
Zeitg., 1880, 479. 1880.5 

Trockene Versendung von Fi- 
scheiern. Oester.-Ungar. Fischerei 
Zeite., 1880, 375. 1880.6 

Ueber die richtige Benutzung des 
Californischen Troges und des Trichter- 
Apparats zum Anbriiten von Fischeiern. 
Circul. Deutsch. Fischerei Ver. 1879 
(1880), 39-40. 1880.7 

Ueber die Ziichtung von Fischen 
aus Eiern, welche der deutsche Fischer- 
eiverein im Jahre 1879-80 vertheilt hat. 
Cireul. Deutsch. Fischerei Ver. 1879 
(1880), 96-119. 1880.8 

Ueber Filtrir-Apparate. Circul. 
Deutsch. Fischerei Ver. 1879 (1880), 44. 

Ueber Teichwirthschaft. Circul. 
Deutsch. Fischerei Ver. 1879 (1880), 
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Zihlen der Fischeier. Erste 
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— Die Fischzucht. 2.ed. Berlin, 
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a Maglie nel commune di San Donato. 
Atti Soc. Tose. Sci. Nat. Pisa, 1879, 1, 
12; 1877, 3, 371-282. — Boll. Comit, 
Geol. Italia, 1878, 9, 332. — Neues 
Jahrb. Mineral., 1879, 724. 1879.1 

Bouchon-Brandely, Germain Jean 
Baptiste |1847—1893] Report on the state 
of pisciculture in France and the neigh- — 

boring countries. Rept. U. 8S. Fish 
Comm. 1872-73 (1874), 2, 513-523. 

Rapport sur l'état de la pisci- 
culture en France et dans les pays voi- 
sins. Arch. Miss. Sci. Litt., 1875, 3. sér. 
2, 299-313. 1875.1 


Traité de pisciculture pratique et 
d’aquiculture en France et dans les pays 
voisins. Paris, 1876. 472 p. 8° & 4°. 


—— Rapport au Ministre del’instruc- 
tion publique sur la pisciculture en 
France et ostréiculture dans la Méditer- 
ranée. Paris, 1878. 113 p. 8°. 1878.1 

Rapport présenté 4 la commis- 
sion du repeuplement des eaux, sur la 
situation du littoral francais de la Mé- 
diterranée, au point de vue de la péche, 
de la pisciculture et de la conchyliocul- 
ture. Paris, 1880. 1880.1 

Bouchon-Brandely, Germain Jean 
Baptiste, & Berthoule, Amédée. Les 
péches maritimes en Algérie et en Tuni- 
sie. Rey. Maritime & Colon., 1890, 
107, 161-219; 454-512. — Rev. Scient., 
1891, 46, 552-563. Also separate; Paris, 
1891. 122 p. 8°. 1891.1 

Boudouy, 7h. Action de la tyrosi- 
nase sur les produits de la digestion tryp- 
sique chez Trutta fario. Bull. Soe. 
Scient. Méd. Ouest Rennes, 1899, 8, 
88-90. 1899.1 

— Action du sue des tubes pylo- 
riques de la truite sur la fibrine. C. R. 
& Mém. Soc. Biol. Paris, 1899, 51, 453- 
454. 1899.2 

Durédle des tubes pyloriques dans 
la digestion chez les téléostéens. Arch. 
Zool. Expér., 1899, 3. ser. 7, 419-460. 
3 pls. Abstract in Journ. Roy. Micr. 
Soc. London, pt. 1, p. 33. 1899.3 

Recherches du zymogéne dans 
la rate des poissons. Bull. Soc. Sci. Méd. 
Ouest Rennes, 1899, 8, 90-91. 1899.4 

Recherches sur Ja valeur physi- 
ologique des tubes pyloriques de quel- 
ques téléostéens. C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 
1899, 128, 745-746. Abstract in Journ. 
Roy. Micr. Soc. London, pt. 3, 273. — 
Rev. Scient., 11, 407. 1899.5 

Bouffet, Essais de pisciculture 
dans la riviére d’Aude aux laboratoires 
de Quillan et de Gesse. Bull. Soc. Ac- 
clim. France, 1889, 36, 265-273. 1889.1 

Bougainville, Lowis Antoine de [1729— 
1811] Voyage autour du monde par 
... ‘“La Bondeuse” et ‘‘ L’ Etoile,’ en 
1766-1769. Paris, 1771. vii, 417 p. 
3 pls. & maps. VTL 

Observations on fishes by P. Commerson, 
who accompanied this navigator, were published 
at a later date by Lacépéde and Cuvier & Valen- 
ciennes from MS. notes now deposited in the 
Bibliothéque Nationale at Paris. 



Bouim, Pol. Etude sur l’évolution 
normale et involution du tube semini- 
fére. Arch. Anat. Micr. Paris, 1897, 1, 
225-263; 265-339. pl. 1897.1 

Nouvelle technique pour la fixa- 
tion et le traitement ultérieur des ceufs 
de salmonides. C. R. Hebd. Mém. Soc. 
Biol. Paris, 1903, 55, 1691-1692. 1903.1 

Recherches sur la figure achro- 
matique de la cytodiérése; sur la télo- 
phase des gros blastoméres chez les sal- 

monides. Arch. Zool. Expér. Gén., 
Paris, 1905, 4. sér. 3, xcii—xevili. 5 figs. 

Boulangé, René. Caractéres distinc- 
tifs des diverses espéces de saumons. 
Journ. Agricult. Pratique, 1869, 3. an- 
née, 1, 348-350. fig. 1869.1 

Boulart, Raoul A. [1849 —] Du ma- 
cropode de la Chine (Polycanthus viridi- 
auratus} Journ. Zool. (Gervais), 1872, 1, 
243-254. 1872.1 

Boulart, Raoul A., & Gervais, H. 
See Gervais & Boulart. 

Boulenger, Charles L. On the breed- 
ing-habits of a cichlid fish (Tilapia nilo- 
tica) Proe. Zool. Soc. London, 1908, 
405-407. 1908.1 

Pisces (record for 1907) Zool. 
Record, 1909, 44. 56 p. 1909.1 

Pisces (record for 1908) Zool. 
Record, 1910, 45. 51 p. 1910.1 

Pisces (record for 1909) Zool. 
Record, 1911, 46. 44 p. 1911.1 

Pisces (record for 1910) Zool. 
Record, 1911, 47. 39 p. 1911.2 

The luminous organs of Lampro- 
toxus flagellibarba. Fisheries Ireland 
Sci. Invest. 1912 (1913), no. 2. 2p. 
pl. 1913.1 

Boulenger, Edward G. Remarks on 
two species of fishes of the genus Gobius 
from observations made at Roscoff. 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1911, gee 

Notes on the breeding of the 
“ millions ” fish (Girardinus peciloides) 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1912, 906-908. 

The luminous organs of Lampro- 

torus flagellibarba. Fisheries Ireland Sci. 

Invest. 1912 (1913), no. 2, 1—2. ee ; 




Boulenger, George Albert [1858 —] 
An account of the fishes collected by Mr. 
C. Buckley in eastern Ecuador. Proc. 
Zool. Soc. London, 1887, 2, 274-283. 5 
pls. 1887.1 

An account of the fishes obtained 
by Surgeon Major A. 8. G. Jayakar at 
Muscat, east coast of Arabia. Proc. 
Zool. Soc. London, 1887, 653-667. pl. 

* 1887.2 

For second and third accounts, see infra, 
1889, 1892. 

Descriptions of [three] new South 
American characinoid fishes. Ann. 
Mag. Nat. Hist., 1887, 5. ser. 19, 172— 
174. 1887.3 

On {three} new fishes from the 
lower Congo. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 
1887, 5. ser. 19, 148-149. 1887.4 

On new siluroid fishes from the 
Andes of Columbia. Ann. Mag. Nat. 
Hist., 1887, 5. ser. 19, 348-350. 1887.5 

Pisces (record for 1886) Zool. 
Record, 1887, 23. 24 p. 1887.6 

Pisces (record for 1887) Zool. 
Record, 1888, 24. 34 p. 1888.1 

Description of a new snake and 
two new fishes obtained by Dr. H. von 
Ihering in Brazil (Pimelodus (Pseudo- 
rhamdia) nigribarbis, Girardinus therin- 
git} Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1889, 6. ser. 
4, 265-267. 1889.1 

On the species of Rhacophorus 
confounded under the name of R. macu- 
latus. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1889, 
27-32. 1889.2 

obtained by Surgeon Major A. 8. G. 
Jayakar at Muscat, east coast of Arabia. 
Proc. Zool. Soe. London, 1889, pt. 2, 
236-246. 1889.3 

Description of a new species of 
Mormyrus. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 
1890, 6. ser. 6, 193. 1890.1 

Descriptions of two new cyprino- 
dontoid fishes (Cyprinodon danfordii and 
Haplochilus hartii) Ann. Mag. Nat. 
Hist., 1890, 6. ser. 6, 169-170. 1890.2 

Descriptions of two new gobioid 
fishes from the cape of Good Hope. 
Marine Invest. South Africa, 1890, 1, 
1-2. 1890.3 

Descriptions of two new species 
of the siluroid genus Arges (taczanowskii 

Second account of the fishes - 

and whympeii) Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 
1890, 450-452. pl. 1890.4 

List of the reptiles, batrachians, 
and freshwater fishes collected by Pro- 
fessor Moesch and Mr. Iversen in the 
district of Deli, Sumatra. Proc. Zool. 
Soc. London, 1890, 31—40. 1890.5 

— Pisces (In Ridley,H. N. Notes 
on the zoology of Fernando Noronha) 
Journ. Linn. Soe. London (Zool.), 1890, 
20, 483. 1890.6 

Pisces (record for 1888) Zool. 
Record, 1890, 25. 30 p. - 1890.7 

Pisces (record for 1889) Zool. 
Record, 1890, 26. 30 p. 1890.8 

An account of the siluroid fishes 
obtained by Dr. H. von Ihering and 
Herr Sebastian Wolff in the Province 
Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Proce. Zool. 
Soc. London, 1891, 231-235. 2 pls. 


—— Exhibition of, and remarks 
upon, young specimens and eggs of a 
South African siluroid fish, Galeichthys 
feliceps]} Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1891, 
148. 1891.2 

On reptiles, batrachians, and 
fishes from the Lesser West Indies. 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1891, 351-357. 

Renewed pectoral limb of a Pro- 
topterus annectens. Proc. Zool. Soc. 
London, 1891, 147-148. 1891.4 

Description of a new blennioid 
fish from Kamtschatka (Blenniophidium 
petropauli n. g. et sp.) Proce. Zool. Soe. 
London, 1892, 583-585. 1892.1 

— Description of a new siluroid fish 
from China. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 
1892, 6. ser. 9, 247. 1892.2 

Note on Toxotes microlepis Gthr. 
and Toxotes microlepis Blyth. Ann. 
Mag. Nat. Hist., 1892, 6. ser. 9, 148-144. 

On Lucioperca marina C. & V. 
Proc. Zool. Soe. London, 1892, 411— 
413. pl. 1892.4 

On some new or little known 
fishes obtained by Dr. J. W. Evans and 
Mr. Spencer Moore during their recent 
expedition to the province of Matto 
Grosso, Brazil. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 

1892, 6. ser. 10, 9-12. 2 pls. 1892.5 
—— Pisces (record for 1890) Zool. 
Record, 1892, 27, 1-35. 1892.6 


Pisces (record for 1891) Zool. 
Record, 1892, 28. 41 p. 1892.7 

Third account of the fishes 
obtained by Surgeon Major A. S. G. 
Jayakar at Museat, east coast of Arabia. 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1892, oe a 

Descriptions of new freshwater 
fishes from Borneo. Ann. Mag. Nat. 
Hist., 1893, 6. ser. 18, 245-251. 1893.1 

List of the fishes collected by Mr. 
E. W. Oates in the southern Shan states, 
and presented by him to the British 
Museum. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1893, 
6. ser. 12, 198-203. 1893.2 

Note on the variations of the 
lateral shields in the three-spined stickle- 
back (Gasterosteus aculeatus) Ann. Mag. 
Nat. Hist., 1893, 6. ser. 11, 228-229. 

Pisces (record for 1892) Zool. 
Record, 1893, 29, 1-39. 1893.4 

Description of a new siluroid fish 
from Burma (Macrones peguensis) Ann. 
Mag. Nat. Hist., 1894, 6. ser. 14, 196. 


— Descriptions of a new lizard and 
a new fish obtained in Formosa by Mr. 
Holst. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1894, 6. 
ser. 14, 462-463. 1894.2 

Les perches des eaux douces du 

Chili. Act. Soe. Cient. Chile, 1894, 4, 
9-17. 1894.3 
Pisces (record for 1893) Zool. 

Record, 1894, 30. 43 p. 1894.4 

(Abstract of a report on a large 
collection of fishes formed by Dr. C 
Ternetz at various localities in Matto 
Grosso and Paraguay, with descriptions 
of new species} Proc. Zool. Soc. Lon- 
don, 1895, 523-529. 1895.1 

Catalogue of the fishes in the 
British Museum. 2. ed. London, 1895. 
394 p. 15pls. 8°. 1895.2 

— Description of a new characinoid 
fish of the genus Parodon (P. caliensis} 
Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1895, 6. ser. 16, 
480. 1895.3 

Description of a new eagle-ray 
from Mascat (Rhinoptera jayakari n. sp.) 
Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1895, 6. ser. 15, 
141. 1895.4 

Descriptions of two new fishes 
obtained by Dr. C. Hose in Sarawak. 



Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1895, 6. ser. 15, 
247. 1895.5 

— Descriptions ef two new South 
American characinoid fishes (Leporinus 
semivittatus and Xitphostoma lateristriga) 
Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1895, 6. ser. 15, 
449, 1895.6 

List of freshwater fishes collected 
by Mr. A. Everett on Palawan and 
Balabac. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1895, 
6. ser. 15, 185-187. 1895.7 

: On a collection of fishes from the 
Rio Paraguay. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 

1895, 523-529; 1898, 25-39. 1895.8 
Pisces (record for 1894) Zool. 
Record, 1895, 31, 1-43. 1895.9 

Remarks on some cranial char- 
acters of the salmonoids. Proc. Zool. 
Soe. London, 1895, 299-302. fig. 


Viaggio del Dr. A. Borelli nella 
Republica Argentina. Poissons. Boll. 
Mus. Zool. Anat. Comp. Torino, 1895, 
10, 1-3. 1895.11 

—— Description of a new siluroid 
fish (T'richomycterus goeldii) from the 
Organ mountains, Brazil. Ann. Mag. 
Nat. Hist., 1896, 6. ser. 18, 154. 1896.1 

—-— Descriptions of new fishes from 
the upper Congo. Ann. Mag. Nat. 
Hist., 1896, 6. ser. 17, 309-311; 1897, 
20, 422-427. 1896.2 

Descriptions of new fishes from 
the upper Shiré river, British Central 
Africa, collected by Dr. Perey Rendall 
and presented to the British Museum 
by Sir Harry H. Johnston, K. C. B. 
Proc. Zool: Soc. London, 1896, 915-920. 
pl. & 4 figs. 1896.3 

Liste des poissons recueillis par 
le R. P. Louis Jalla 4 Kazungula, haut 
Zambése. Bull. Mus. Zool. Anat. Comp. 
Torino, 1896, 11, no. 260, 1-2. 1896.4 

On a collection of fishes from the 
Rio Paraguay. Trans. Zool. Soc. Lon- 
don, 1896, 14, 25-39. 6 pls. 1896.5 

——On a little-known Australian 
fish (Threpterius maculosus Richardson), 
with remarks on the family Cirrhitide. 
Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1896, 6. ser. 18, 
397-399. 1896.6 

On freshwater fishes from Smyr- 
na. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1896, 6. ser. 
18, 153-154. 1896.7 


Boulenger, G. A. 
Pisces (record for 1895) Zool. 
Record, 1896, 32, 1-43. 1896.8 

An account of the freshwater 
fishes collected in Celebes by Drs. P. and 
F. Sarasin. Proe. Zool. Soc. London, 
1897, 426-429. pl. 1897.1 

Description of a new ceratopte- 
rine eagle-ray from Jamaica (Ceratobatis 
robertsi n. sp.) Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 
1897, 6. ser. 20, 227-228. 1897.2 

Description of a new fish from 
lake Nyassa (Chromis auratus) Ann. 
Mag. Nat. Hist., 1897, 6. ser. 19, 155. 


Description of a new gymnotine 
fish of the genus Sternopygus (S. ma- 
crops) Anu. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1897, 6. 
ser. 20, 305. 1897.4 

Descriptions of new fishes from 
the Mekran coast, Persia. Ann. Mag. 
Nat. Hist., 1897, 6. ser. 20, 420-422. 
(Exhibition of specimens, and 
remarks upon the habits, of the siluroid 
fish Vandellia cirrhosa) Proc. Zool. Soc. 
London, 1897, 901; 921-922 1897.6 

—— A list of the fishes obtained by 
M. J. Stanley Gardiner at Rotuma, 
South Pacific ocean. Ann. Mag. Nat. 
Hist., 1897, 6. ser. 20, 371-374. 1897.7 

On a collection of fishes from the 

island of Marajo, Brazil. Ann. Mag. 
Nat. Hist., 1897, 6. ser. 20, 294—299. 

On a gigantic sea perch, Stereo- 
lepis gigas. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 
1897, 917-918. pl. 1897.9 

On a specimen of Acanthocybium 
solandri from the Arabian sea. Proc. 
Zool. Soc. London, 1897, 272-273. 


On the habitat of the siluroid 
fish, Anoplopterus platychir Gthr. Ann. 
Mag. Nat. Hist., 1897, 7. ser. 1, 254-255. 

Pisces (record for 1896) Zool. 
Record, 1897, 33. 39 p. 1897.12 

Viaggio del Dott. Alfr. Borelli nel 
Chaco Boliviano e nella Repubblica Ar- 

gentina. Poissons. Boll. Mus. Zool. 
Anat. Comp. Torino, 1897, 12, no. 279, 
1-4. 1897.13 

Description of a new genus of 
cyprinoid fishes (Catlocarpio siamensis 


n. sp.) from Siam. Ann. Mag. Nat. 
Hist., 1898, 7. ser. 1, 450-451. 1898.1 

—— Description of a new siluroid 
fish (Synodontis obesus) from west 
Africa. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1898, 
7. ser. 2, 415. 1898.2 

Descriptions of two new fishes 
from the coast of Sind (Epinephelus 
townsendi and Pseudochromis caudalis) 
Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1898, 7. ser. 2, 
133-134. 1898.3 

Descriptions of two new siluroid 
fishes from Brazil. Ann. Mag. Nat. 
Hist., 1898, 7. ser. 2, 477-478. 1898.4 

Exhibition of and remarks upon 
specimens of Polypterus lapradii Stdr., 

with external opercular gills. Proc. Zool, 
Soc. London, 1898, 493. 1898.5 

The flat fishes of Cape Colony. 
Marine Invest. South Africa, 1898, 1, 
1s. 1898.6 

A list of reptiles, batrachians and 
fishes collected by Cav. Guido Boggiani 
in the northern Chaco. Ann. Mus. Civ. 
Stor. Nat. Genova, 1898, 2. ser. 39, 
125-127. 1898. 7 

Matériaux pour la faune du 
Congo. Ann. Mus. Congo (Série Zool.), 
1898-1900, 1, fasc. 1-6. 164p. 1898.8 

Fase. 1, Mormyres. 1-20. 9 pls. 
‘* 2, Elopes, Characins, Cyprins. 21-38. 

10 pls. 
‘*« 3, Silures, Acanthoptérygiens, Masta- 
cembles, Plectognathes. 39-58. 

oe Polyptarest Clupées, Mormyres, Cha- 
racins. 59-96. 10 pls. 
5, Cyprins, Silures, Cypriniedanes 
Acanthoptérygiens. 97-128. 8 pls. 
‘* 6, Mormyres, Characins, Cyprins, Si- 
lures, Acanthoptérygiens, Dipneu- 
stes. 129-164. 9 pls. 


On a collection of fishes from the 
Rio Jurua, Brazil. Trans. Zool. Soe. 
London, 1898, 14, 421-428. pls. xxxix— 
xiii. 1898.9 

On a collection of fishes from the 
Rio Paraguay. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 
1898, 25-39. 1898.10 

On a new genus of salmonoid 
fishes from the Altai mountains (Phylo- 
gephyra altaica) Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 
1898, 7. ser. 1, 329-331. fig. 1898.11 

On the habitat of the siluroid 
fish Anoplopterus platychir Gthr. Ann. 
Mag. Nat. Hist., 1898, 7. ser. 1, 254-255. 


= i 2 


— On the species of Polypterus. 
Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1898, 7. ser. 2, 
416-420. 1898.13 

Pisces (record for 1897) Zool. 
Record, 1898, 34. 33 p. 1898.14 

— Report on the collection of 
fishes made by Mr. J. E. 8. Moore in 
lake Tanganyika during his expedition 
1895-1896. Trans. Zool. Soc. London, 
1898, 15, 1-30. pls. & figs. Abstract 
in Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1898, 494-— 
497. 1898.15 

A revision of the African and 
Syrian fishes of the family Cichlide. 
Proce. Zool. Soe. London, 1898, 132- 
152; 1899, 98-143. pls. xi-xi & fig. 

A revision of the genera and 
species of fishes of the family Mormy- 
ride. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1898, 
775-821. pil. 1898.17 

— Viaggio del Dr. Enrico Festa 
nell’ Ecuador e regioni vicine. Pois- 
sons de |’Equateur. Parts 1 et 2. Boll. 
Mus. Torino, 1898, 13, no. 329, 1-13; 
1899, 14, no. 335, 1-8. 1898.18 

A contribution to the history of 
the Carboniferous ganoid, Benedenius 
deneensis Traquair, with notes on two 
newly-discovered specimens. Ann. 
Mag. Nat. Hist., 1899, 7. ser. 4, 445— 
451. pls. 1899.1 

Description of a new genus of 
gobioid fishes from the Andes of Ecua- 
dor (Oreogabius) Ann. Mag. Nat. 
Hist., 1899, 7. ser. 4, 125-126. 1899.2 

Description of a new genus of 
perciform fishes from the cape of Good 
Hope. Ann. South Africa Mus., 1899, 
1, 379-380. pl. 1899.3 

Description of a new osphrome- 
noid fish from the Congo. Ann. Mag. 
Nat. Hist., 1899, 7. ser. 3, 242-243. 


Descriptions of two new gobii- 
form fishes from the cape of Good 
Hope. Rept. Marine Biol. Cape Good 
Hope. 1898 (1899), 196-197. 1899.5 

Descriptions of two new homa- 
lopteroid fishes from Borneo. Ann. 
Mag. Nat. Hist., 1899, 7. ser. 4, 228— 
229. 1899.6 

(Exhibition of, and remarks 
upon, some living specimens of a silu- 
roid fish (Clarias lazera) from Damietta) 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1899, 715. 




(Exhibition of a specimen of a 
fish (Polyplerus congicus) from the 
river Congo with abnormal opercular 
gills} Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1899, 
554-555. 1899.8 

On a specimen /of Lepidopus 
atlanticus Goode and Bean, from 
Madeira. Ann. Mag. Nat.'Hist., 1899, 
7. ser. 3, 180-181. 1899.9 

On the occurrence of Gobius 
capito on the coast of Brittany. Ann. 
Mag. Nat. Hist., 1899, 7. ser. 4, 229- 
230. Abstract in Zoologist, 1899, 3, 
429. 1899.10 

On the reptiles, batrachians and 
fishes collected by the late Mr. John 
Whitehead in the interior of Hainan. 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1899, 956-962. 

On the South Pacific fishes of 
the genus Callanthias. Ann. Mag. Nat. 

Hist., 1899, 7. ser. 3, 346-347. 1899.12 
Pisces (record for 1898) Zool. 
Record, 1899, 35. 45 p. 1899.13 

Second contribution to the ich- 
thyology of lake Tanganyika. On the 
fishes obtained by the Congo Free 
State Expedition under Lieut. Lemaire 
in 1898. Trans. Zool. Soc. London, 
1899, 15, 87-96. pls. 1899.14 

Viaggio del Dr. Enrico Festa 
nel Darien e regioni vicine. Poissons 
de Amérique centrale. Boll. Mus. 
Torino, 1899, 14, no. 346. 4 p. 


Abundance of the greater sill- 
smelt (Argentina silus Ascan.) on the 
market of Boston, Lincolnshire. Ann. 
Mag. Nat. Hist., 1900, 7. ser. 6, 160. 


Additions 4 la faune ichthyolo- 
Ann. Mus. Congo, 1900-02, 2, 

fase. 2. 

Characters of the genus Xeno- 
tilapia (correction) Proc. Zool. Soc. 
London, 1900, pt. 1, 3-4. - _ 1900.3 

Description of a new sea-horse, 
Hippocampus jayakari, from Muscat. 
Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1900, 7. ser. 6, 
51-52. fig. 1900.4 

Descriptions of new fishes from 
the cape of Good Hope. Marine In- 
vest. South Africa, 1900, no. 8, 10-12. 
3 pls. 1900.5 


Boulenger, G. A. 

Descriptions of three new species 
of siluroid fishes from southern Brazil. 
Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1900, 7. ser. 5, 
165-166. 1900.6 

Descriptions of two new atheri- 
noid fishes from Mexico. Ann. Mag. 
Nat. Hist., 1900, 7. ser. 5, 54-55. 


Diagnoses of (eight) new fishes 
discovered by J. E. 8S. Moore in lake 
Tanganyika. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 
1900, 7. ser. 6, 478. 1900.8 

(Exhibition of, and remarks 
upon, a specimen of Polypterus lapradii 
with large external gills} Proc. Zool. 
Soc. London, 1900, 267. 1900.9 

Fishes (In Victoria history of 
counties of England: Hampshire and 
the isle of Wight, 1900, vol. i, p. 197— 
203) 1900.10 

List of the fishes collected by 
Mr. J. S. Budgett in the river Gambia. 
Proe. Zool. Soc. London, 1900, 511— 
516. 1900.11 

A list of the fishes collected by 
Mr. Rupert Vallentin in the Falkland 
islands. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1900, 
7. ser. 6, 52-54. 1900.12 

On a specimen of Lophotes cepe- 
dianus from the cape of Good Hope. 
Marine Invest. South Africa, 1900, 
no. 8, 13. pl. 1900.13 

On some little-known African 
siluroid fishes of the subfamily Dora- 
dine. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1900, 7. 
ser. 6, 520-529. 1900.14 

On the occurrence of Salmo 
macrostigma in Sardinia. Ann. Mag. 
Nat. Hist., 1900, 7. ser. 8, 14. 1900.15 

On the reptiles, batrachians 
and fishes collected by the late Mr. 
John Whitehead in the interior of 
Hainan. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 
1899 (1900), 956-962. pls. Ixvi-lxix. 


Pisces (record for 1899) Zool. 
Record, 1900, 36. 43 p. 1900.17 

Poissons nouveaux (Matériaux 
pour la faune du Congo) Ann. Mus. 
Congo, 1900-02, 1. sér. 164. 1900.18 

Viaggio del Dr. A. Borelli nel 
Matto Grosso e nel Paraguay. III. 
Liste des poissons recueillis 4 Urucum 



et A Carandasifho, prés de Corumba. 
Boll. Mus. Zool. Anat. Comp. Torino, 
1900, 15, no. 370. 4p. 1900.19 

Description of a new fish of the 
family Cichlids from the French Congo 
(Pelmatochromis batesit) 
Nat. Hist., 1901, 7. ser. 8, 114-116. 


Description of a new fish of the 
genus Gobius (G. percivali) obtained 
by Mr. A. Blayney Percival in south 
Arabia. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1901, 
2, 152-154. fig. 1901.2 

Description of a new silurid 
fish of the genus Anoplopterus, from 
Cameroon. Mag. Nat. Hist., 
1901, 7. ser. 8, 447-448. 1901.3 

Description of a new silurid fish 
of the genus Gephyroglanis, from South 
Africa. Ann. South Africa Mus., 1901, 
2, 227-228. pl. 1901.4 

Descriptions of four new Afri- 
can freshwater fishes. Ann. Mag. Nat. 
Hist., 1901, 7. ser. 7, 80-82. 1901.5 

Descriptions of (four) new fresh- 
water fishes discovered by Mr. F. W. 
Styan at Ningpo, China. Proc. Zool. 
Soe. London, 1901, 268-271. pls. Ab- 
stract in Zool. Centralbl., 1901, 8, 682. 

Descriptions of three new silu- 
roid fishes of the genus Synodontis dis- 
covered by Mr. W. L. S. Loat in the 
White Nile. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 
1901, 7. ser. 8, 10-12. 1901.7 

Descriptions of two new fishes 
discovered by Dr. W. J. Ansorge in 
southern Nigeria. Proc. Zool. Soc., 
London, 1901, pt. 2, 623-624. pl. 


Diagnoses of four new fishes 
discovered by Mr. J. E. 8S. Moore in the 
lakes Albert and Albert Edward. Ann. 
Mag. Nat. Hist., 1901, 7. ser. 8, 12-14. 

Diagnoses of new fishes dis- 
covered by Mr. J. E. S. Moore in lakes 
Tanganyika and Kivu. Ann. Mag. 
Nat. Hist., 1901, 7. ser. 7, 1-6. 


Diagnoses of new fishes dis- 
covered by Mr. W. L. S. Loat in the 
Nile. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1901, 
7. ser. 8, 444446. 1901.11 

— Exhibition of one of the type 
specimens of a new species of Protop- 

Ann. Mag. 


terus from the Congo. Proc. Zool. Soc. 
London, 1900 (1901), 775. 1901.12 

List of the fishes of the%chara- 
cinid genus Alestes Mill. & Trosch., 
with a key to their identification. Ann. 
Mag. Nat. Hist., 1901, 7. ser. 8, 486— 

490. 1901.13 
List of the fishes of the chara- 
cinid genus Distichodus Mill. «& 

Trosch., with a key to their identifica- 
tion. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1901, 7. 
ser. 8, 510-513. 1901.14 

Notes on the classification of 
teleostean fishes. I. On the Trachinids 
and their allies. IL. On the Berycide. 
III. On the systematic position of the 
genus Lampris, and on the limits and 
contents of the suborder Catosteomi. 
IV. On the systematic position of the 
Pleuronectide. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 
1901, 7. ser. 8, 261-271. figs.; 9, 197— 
204; 1902, 10, 147-152. fig.; 295-304. 
fig. 1901.15 

The first of these articles is reviewed by D.S. 
Jordan in Amer. Naturalist, 1902, 36, 160-162. 

On a small collection of fishes 
from lake Victoria made by order of 
Sir H. H. Johnston. Proce. Zool. Soc. 
London, 1901, pt. 2, 158-162. 1901.16 

On some deep-sea fishes col- 
lected by Mr. F. W. Townsend in the 
sea of Oman. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 
1901, 7. ser. 7, 261-263. pl. — Journ. 
Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc., 14, 372-374. 
pl. 1901.17 

On the fishes collected by Dr. 
W. J. Ansorge in the Niger delta. 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1901, 4-10. 
3 pls. Abstract in Zool. Centralbl., 
1901, 8, 682. 1901.18 

— On the genera of Osteoglossi- 
dz. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1901, 7. 
ser. 8, 514-515. 1901.19 

On the presence of a super- 
branchial organ in the ecyprinoid fish 
Hypophthalmichthys. Ann. Mag. Nat. 
Hist., 1901, 7. ser. 8, 186-188. Abstracts 
in Zool. Centralbl., 8, 682. — Journ. Roy. 
Mier. Soe. London, 1901, 639-640. 

Pisces (record for 1900) Zool. 
Record, 1901, 37. 34 p. 1901.21 

Les poissons du bassin du Congo. 

Bruxelles, 1901. lxii, 532 p. 25 pls., 
map «& figs. Review in Nature, 66, 
339-340. 1901.22 

Contains special bibliographies of Congo 
fishes, and of the species of Polypterus and 



Third contribution to the ich- 
thyology of lake Tanganyika. Re- 
port on the collection of fishes made by 
Mr. J. E.S. Moore in lakes Tanganyika 
and Kivu during his second expedition, 
1899-1900. Trans. Zool. Soe. London, 
1901, 16, 1387-160. 9 pls. 1901.23 

Contributions to theschthyology 
of the Congo. I. On some new fishes 
from the French Congo. II. On a 
collection of fishes from the Lindi 
river. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1902, 
pt. 1, 234-237. pls. xxil—xxiv; 265-271. 
pls. xxvili—xxx. 1902.1 

Description of a new Barbus 
from Natal (B. bowkeri) Ann. Mag. 
Nat. Hist., 1902, 7. ser. 9, 288-289. 
Description of a new characinid 
fish (Citharidium ansorgii n. g. et sp.) 
discovered by Dr. W. J. Ansorge in 
southern Nigeria. Ann. Mag. Nat. 
Hist., 1902, 7. ser. 9, 144-145. 1902.3 

Description of a new cyprino- 
dontid fish (Orestias tirapate) from 
eastern Peru. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 
1902, 7. ser. 10, 153-154. 1902.4 

Description of a new South 
African galeid selachian (Scylliagaleus 
queckettt n. g. et sp.) Ann. Mag. Nat. 
Hist., 1902, 7. ser. 10, 51-52. pl. 


Description of new deep-sea 

gadid fish from South Africa. (V’rip- 
terophysis gilchristi n. g. et sp.) Ann. 
Mag. Nat. Hist., 1902, 7. ser. 9, 335- 
BOONE fies 1902.6 

Description of two new cypri- 
noid fishes from Morocco. Ann. Mag. 
Nat. Hist., 1902, 7. ser. 9, 124-125. 
Description of two new fishes 
of the genus Loricaria from northwest- 
ern Ecuador. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 
1902, 7. ser. 9, 69-71. 1902.8 

Description of two new gobii- 
form fishes from the cape of Good Hope. 
Marine Invest. South Africa Dept. 
Agric. 1902, 1, 8=9. 1902.9 

Descriptions of new fishes and 
reptiles discovered by Dr. F. Silvestri 
in South America. Ann. Mag. Nat. 
Hist., 1902, 7. ser. 9, 284-288. 1902.10 

Descriptions of new fishes from 
the cape of Good Hope. Marine In- 
vest. South Africa Dept. Agric. 1902, 
1,10-12. 3 pls. 1902.11 



Boulenger, G. A. 

Descriptions of new fishes from 
the collection made by Mr. E. Degen 
in Abyssinia. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 
1902, 7. ser. 10, 421-439. 1902.12 

Descriptions of two new fishes 
discovered by Dr. W. J. Ansorge in 

southern Nigeria (Phractura ansorgii 
and Fundulus gularis) Proc. Zool. Soc. 
London, 1902, 623-624. pl. 1902.13 

Diagnoses of new cichlid fishes 
discovered by Mr. J. E. 8S. Moore in 
lake Nyassa. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 
1902, 7. ser. 10, 69-71. 1902.14 

The explanation of a remark- 
able case of geographical distribution 
among fishes. Nature, 1902, 67, 84. 

Fishes (In Victoria history of 
the counties of England: Hertford- 

shire, 1902, vol. i, p. 189-190) 1902.16 

Fishes (In Victoria history of 
the counties of England: Northamp- 
tonshire, 1902, vol. 1, p. 108-109) 
Fishes (In Victoria history of 
the counties of England: Surrey, 1902, 
vol. i, p. 198-199) 1902.18 

The flat fishes of Cape Colony. 
Marine Invest. South Africa Dept. 
Agric. 1902, 1, 1-4. 1902.19 

Further remarks on the Car- 
boniferous ganoid Benedenius deneensis 
Traquair. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 
1902, 7. ser. 10, 52-53. 1902.20 

List of the cold-blooded verte- 
brates hitherto recorded from the 
Uganda Protectorate (In Johnston, 
Sir H., Uganda Protectorate. London, 
1902, vol. i, p. 445-149) 1902.21 

A list of the fishes, batrachians 
and reptiles collected by Mr. J. Heliott 
Darling in Mashonaland, with de- 
scriptions of new species. Proc. Zool. 
Soe. London, 1902, 13-18. pls. 
List of the fishes, batrachians 
and reptiles collected by the late Mr. 
P. O. Simons in the provinces of Men- 
doza and Cordova, Argentina. Ann. 
Mag. Nat. Hist.; 1902, 7. ser. 9, 336- 
339. 1902.23 

List of the fishes collected by 
Mr. W. L. 8. Loat at Gondokoro. 
Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1902, 7. ser. 10, 
260-264. 1902.24 

—— Matériaux pour la faune du 
Cong, additions 4 la faune ichthyo- 
logique, du bassin du Congo. Ann. 
Mus. @ofgo, Zool., 1902, 1. ser. 2, fase. 
2, 19-57. 10 pls. 1902.25 

On a specimen of Lophotes cepe- 
dianus from the cape of Good Hope. 
Marine Invest. South Africa Dept. 
Agric. 1902, 1, 18. pl. 1902.26 

— On some characters distinguish- 
ing the young of various species of 
Polypterus. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 
1902, 121-125. 2 pls. 1902.27 

— On the fishes collected by Mr. 
S. L. Hinde in the Kenya district, east 
Africa, with descriptions of four new 
species. Proc. Zool. Soe. London, 
1902, 221-224. pls. 1902.28 

On the genus Ateleopus of 
Schlegel. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1902, 
7. ser. 10, 402-403. fig. 1902.29 

Pisces (In report on the col- 
lections of natural history made in the 
antarctic regions during the voyage of 
the “‘ Southern Cross,” 1902, 5, 174— 
189. 8 pls.) 1902.30 

Pisces (record for 1901) Zool. 
Record, 1902, 38. 39 p. 1902.31 

Second account of the fishes col- 
lected by Dr. W. J. Ansorge in the 
Niger delta. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 
1902, 2, 324-330. pls. xxvili-xxix. 


Description of a new fish of the 
genus Arges from Venezuela. Ann. 
Mag. Nat. Hist., 1903, 7. ser. 11, 601—- 
602. 1903.1 

Description of a new fish of the 
gobiid genus Rhiacichthys from British 
New Guinea. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 
1903, pt. 2, 124-125. pil. 1903.2 

Description of a new silurid fish 
of the genus Clarias from British Cen- 
tral Africa. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 
1903, 7. ser. 12, 362-363. 1903.3 

Description of a new west 
African fish of the genus Alestes. Ann 
Mag. Nat. Hist., 1903, 7. ser. 12, 594- 
595. 1903.4 

Descriptions of four new species 
of Barbus discovered by Mr. A. Blayney 
Percival in east Africa. Ann. Mag. 
Nat. Hist., 1903, 7. ser. 11, 52-54. pil. 



Descriptions of new freshwater 
fishes from southern Cameroon. Ann. 
Mag. Nat. Hist., 1903, 7. ser. 12, 435— 
441. 1903.6 

— Descriptions of six new perci- 
form fishes from the coast of Natal. 
Ann. South Africa Mus., 1903, 3, 63- 
67. 6 pls. 1903.7 

Descriptions of two new deep- 

sea fishes from South Africa. Marine 
Invest. South Africa Dept. Agric. 
1903, 2, 167-169. pls. 1903.8 

Descriptions of two new fishes 
discovered by Major C. Delmé Rad- 
cliffe in the Victoria Nyanza. Ann. 
Mag. Nat. Hist., 1903, 7. ser. 12, 218— 
219. 1903.9 

Diagnoses of four new species of 
Barbus from the Nile. Ann. Mag. Nat. 
Hist., 1903, 7. ser. 12, 532-533. 


List of freshwater fishes (In 
Annandale, N., & Robinson, H., Fasc. 
Malay. Zool., 1903, 2, 303) 1903.11 

List of the African species of the 
cyprinid genus Labeo, with a key to 
their identification. Ann. Mag. Nat. 

Hist., 1903, 7. ser. 12, 355-362. 
——_ On the fishes collected by Mr. 
G. L. Bates in southern Cameroon. 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1903, pt. 1, 
21-29. 5 pls. 1903.13 
Pisces (record for 1902) Zool. 
Record, 1903, 39. 47 p. 1903.14 

Report on the fishes collected 
by Mr. Oscar Neumann and Baron 
Carlo von Erlanger in Gallaland and 

southern Bihiepias Proc. Zool. Soc. 
London, 1903, pt. 2, 328-334. pls. 


— Sur les affinités du genre Oreo- 

soma. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1903, 

137, 523-525. 1903.16 

Barbus entenia and B. holo- 
tenia, new names for Barbus kessleri 
Giinther nec Steindachner. Ann. Mag. 
Nat. Hist., 1904, 7. ser. 14, 218. 


— Description of a new Barbus 
from Cameroon. Ann. Mag. Nat. 
Hist., 1904, 7. ser. 18, 237-238. 1904.2 

Description of a new fish of 
the genus Alestes from Natal. Ann. 
Mag. Nat. Hist., 1904, 7. ser. 14, 155. 


Descriptions of new west Afri- 
can freshwater fishes. Ann. Mag. Nat. 
Hist., 1904, 7. ser. 14, 16-20. 1904.4 

Descriptions of three new fishes 
discovered by the late Mr. J. S. Bud- 
gett in the Niger. Proc. Zool. Soc. 
London, 1904, pt. 1, 197-199. 2 pls. 

. 1904.5 
Diagnoses of three new species 
of Barbus from lake Victoria. Ann. 
Mag. Nat. Hist., 1904, 7. ser. 13, 449- 
450. 1904.6 

systematic account of 


‘Teleostei (In The Cambridge Natural 

History, vol. vii, p. 541-727. London, 
1904) 1904.7 

On a new cyprinodontid fish 
from Egypt. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 

1904, 7. ser. 14, 135-136. 1904.8 

On the type specimen of a west 
African fish, Clarias leviceps Gill. Proc. 
Zool. Soe. London, 1904, pt. 1, 200-201. 

Pisces (record for 1903) Zool. 
Record, 1904, 40. 43 p. 1904.10 

A synopsis of the suborders and 

families of teleostean fishes. Ann. Mag. 
Nat. Hist., 1904, 7. ser. 13, 161-190. 

— Uebersicht der Unterordnun- 
gen und Familien der Teleostier; iiber- 
setzt von Dr. F. Hilgendorf. Arch. 
Naturgesch. (Wiegmann), 1904, 70 
(n. s. 1), 197-228. 1904.12 

Another new Barbus from 
Morocco. Novit. Zool., 1905, 12, 505. 
fig. 1905.1 

Description of a new fish of the 
genus Paratilapia, from the upper Zam- 
besi. Ann. South Afric. Mus., 1905, 3, 
301-302. pil. 1905.2 

Description of a new mormyrid 
fish from the White Nile (Marcusenius 
harringtont n. sp.) Ann. Mag. Nat. 
Hist., 1905, 7. ser. 15, 457. 1905.3 

Descriptions of four new fresh- 
water fishes discovered by Dr. W. J. 
Ansorge in Angola. Ann. Mag. Nat. 
Hist., 1905, 7. ser. 15, 457-459. 1905.4 

The distribution of African 
freshwater fishes (In Presidential ad- 
dress to British Association, Section D) 

Rept. British Assoc. Adv. Sci., 1905, 
412-432. — Nature, London, 1905, 72, 
413-421. 1905.5 


Boulenger, G. A.. 

A list of freshwater fishes of 
Africa. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1905, 
7. ser. 16, 36-60. 1905.6 

On a British specimen of the 
great sea-perch Hpinephelus cernioides 
Capello. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1905, 
7. ser. 15, 592-593. 1905.7 

On a collection of fishes from 
lake Bangwelo. Ann. Mag. Nat. 
Hist., 1905, 7. ser. 16, 642-647. 1905.8 

On a second collection of fishes 
made by Mr. 8. L. Hinde in the Kenya 
district, east Africa. Proe. Zool. Soc. 
London, 1905, pt. 1, 62-64. 1905.9 

On a small collection of fishes 
from the Kasai river (Congo) Ann. 
Mag. Nat. Hist., 1905, 7. ser. 16, 640— 

642. 1905.10 
Pisces (record for 1904) Zool. 
Record, 1905, 41. 57 p. 1905.11 

Poissons de la Guinée espagnole. 
Mem. Soc. Espa. Hist. Nat., 1905, 1, 
187-188. 1905.12 

A series of fishes from lake 
Chad and the Shari river. Proc. Zool. 
Soc. London, 1905, pt. 1,151. 1905.13 

Description of a new Barbus 
from the Uganda Protectorate. Ann. 
Mag. Nat. Hist., 1906, 7. ser. 18, 36. 


Description of a new fish of the 
genus Clarias from Uganda. Ann. 
Mag. Nat. Hist., 1906, 7. ser. 17, 569. 


Description of a new mormyrid 
fish from south Cameroon. Ann. Mag. 
Nat. Hist., 1906, 7. ser. 18, 36-37. 


Description of a new silurid fish 
of the genus Doumea Sauvage, from 

Angola (D. angolensis; Ann. Mag. 
Nat. Hist., 1906, 7. ser. 18, 347-348. 

Descriptions of new fishes dis- 
covered by Mr. E. Degen in lake Vic- 
toria. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1906, 7. 
ser. 17, 433-452. 1906.5 

Fourth contribution to the ich- 
thyology of lake Tanganyika. Report 
on the collection of fishes made by Dr. 
W. A. Cunnington during the third 
Tanganyika expedition 1904—1905. 
Trans. Zool. Soc. London, 1906, 17, 
537-619. 2 pls. 1906.6 



The distribution of African 
freshwater fishes. Rept. 75. Meet. 
Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 1905 (1906), 
412-432. — Review in Nature, 72, 413- 

421. 1906.7 
On a collection of fishes from 
Gallaland. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 

1906, 7. ser. 17, 557-566. - 1906.8 

On a second species of the silurid 
genus Mochocus. Ann. Mag. Nat. 
Hist., 1906, 7. ser. 18, 147-148. 1906.9 

On some fishes from the Kwango 
river (Congo system) in Angola, col- 
lected by Dr. W. J. Ansorge. Ann. Mag. 
Nat. Hist., 1906, 7. ser. 17, 110-112. 


On some west African species 
of Barbus. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 
1906, 7. ser. 18, 32-35. 1906.11 

— On the presence of two species 
of Anabas in the White Nile and the 
Bahr-el-Gebel. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 
1906, 7. ser. 18, 348. 1906.12 

Description of a new cichlid 
fish from Portuguese East Africa. Ann. 
Mag. Nat. Hist., 1907, 7. ser. 20, 50. 


Description of a new cyprinid 
fish of the genus Labeo from the Trans- 
vaal. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1907, 7. 
ser. 19, 392. 1907.2 

Descriptions of three new fishes 
from Central Africa. Ann. Mag. Nat. 
Hist., 1907, 7.-ser. 20, 487-489. 1907.3 

Descriptions of three new fresh- 
water fishes discovered by Mr. G. L. 
Bates in south Cameroon. Ann. Mag. 
Nat. Hist., 1907, 7. ser. 20, 50-52; 485— 

487. 1907.4 
Descriptions of two new African 
species of Barbus. Ann. Mag. Nat. 

Hist., 1907, 7. ser. 20, 336-337. 1907.5 

Descriptions of two new fresh- 
water fishes discovered by Dr. W. J. 
Ansorge in Mossamedes, Angola. Ann. 
Mag. Nat. Hist., 1907, 7. ser. 20, 108— 
109. 1907.6 

— Fishes. Nation. Antarct. Ex- 
ped., 1907, 2, no. 4, 1-5. 2 pls. 1907.7 

List of the fishes collected by 
Mr. J. S. Budgett in the river Gambia, 
with notes by J. 8. Budgett (In The 
Work of John Samuel Budgett, Cam- 
bridge, 1907, p. 95-99) 1907.8 


On a collection of fishes, ba- 
trachians and reptiles, made by Mr. 
S. A. Neave in Rhodesia, north of the 
Zambesi, with field notes by the col- 
lector. Mem. Proc. Manchester Liter. 
Philos. Soc., 1907, 51, no. 12, 1-12. 


— On an African Barbel hitherto 
confounded with Barbus trimaculatus 
Peters. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1907, 
7. ser. 19, 492-493. 1907.10 

On a small collection of fishes 
made in the eastern watershed of the 
Transvaal by Capt. . E. Bruce. 
Proc. Zool. Soe. London, 1907, 307— 

311. 2 pls. & 2 figs. 1907.11 
On Barbus aureus Cope, from 
Natal. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1907, 

7. ser. 19, 390-391. fig. 1907.12 

On the cold-blooded vertebrata 
of Saghalien. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 
1907, 414. 1907.13 

On the variations of Stereolepis 
gigas, a great sea-perch from California 
and Japan. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 
1907, 7. ser. 19, 489-491. 2 figs. 


Zoology of Egypt; the fishes of 
the Nile. 2 vols. London, 1907. li, 
578 p. pls. A-F, i-xevii. 4°. 1907.15 

Description of a new silurid 
fish of the genus Synodontis from south 
Cameroon. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 
1908, 8. ser. 2, 30-31. 1908.1 

Descriptions of two new cy- 
prinodontid fishes from west Africa. 
Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1908, 8. ser. 2, 
29-30. 1908.2 

Diagnosis of new fishes dis- 
covered by Capt. E. L. Rhoades in 
lake Nyassa. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 
1908, 8. ser. 2, 238-248. 1908.3 

Diagnoses of new fishes from 
the upper Zambesi. 
Hist., 1908, 8. ser. 2, 492-495. 


—— Exhibition of, and remarks 
upon, a remarkably malformed plaice 
(Pleuronectes platessa) Proce. Zool. Soc. 
London, 1908, 161-164. 1908.5 

— Note on Clarias capensis C. & 
VY. Ann. Natal Govt. Mus., 1908, 1, 
237-239. 1908.6 

On a collection of freshwater 
fishes, batrachians and reptiles from 


Ann. Mag. Nat.: 


Natal and Zululand, with descriptions 
of new species. Ann. Natal Govt. Mus., 
1908, 1, 219-235. 2 pls. 1908.7 

On a small collection of rep- 
tiles, batrachians and fishes made by 
Dr. E. Bayon in Uganda (Collezioni 
zoologiche fatte nell’ Uganda dal 
Dott. E. Bayon. I) Anni Mus. Civ. 
Storia Nat. Genova, 1908-10, 3. ser. 

4, 5-7. 5 figs. 1908.8 
On a second collection, ete. Jbid., p. 302- 
307. 3 figs. 

— A revision of the African fishes 
of the subfamily Clariine. Proc. Zool. 
Soe. London, 1907 (1908), 1062-1097. 
10 figs. 1908.9 

— Catalogue des poissons du Congo 
du Musée d’Histoire Naturelle de 
Luxembourg. Faune du Sarkuru 4 
Kondué (Collection Ed. Luja) Mo- 
natsber. Gesell. Luxemburg. Naturf., 
1909, n. s. 3. Jahrg., 189-202. Also 
separate; Luxemburg, 1909. 16 p. 


Catalogue of the freshwater 
fishes of Africa in the British Museum 
(Natural History) London, 1909. 


Description of a new characinid 
fish from Mexico. Ann. Mag. Nat. 
Hist., 1909, 8. ser. 4, 497-498. 1909.3 

Description of a new freshwater 
gobiid fish from the Niger. Ann. Mag. 
Nat. Hist., 1909, 8. ser. 3, 42. 1909.4 

Descriptions of new freshwater 
fishes discovered by Mr. G. L. Bates in 
south Cameroon. Ann. Mag. Nat. 
Hist., 1909, 8. ser. 4, 186-188. 1909.5 

Descriptions of three new fishes 
from Portuguese Guinea. Ann. Mag. 
Nat. Hist., 1909, 8. ser. 4, 429-431. 


The Percy Sladen trust expedi- 
tion to the Indian ocean in 1905, under 
the leadership of Mr. J. Stanley Gardi- 
ner. A list of the freshwater fishes, 
batrachians and reptiles obtained by 
Mr. J. Stanley Gardiner’s expedition to 
the Indian ocean. Trans. Linn. Soe. 
London, 1909, 2. ser. 12, 291-300. pl. 

—  Ruwenzori expedition reports. 
XV. Pisces, batrachia and _ reptilia. 
Trans. Zool. Soc. London, 1909, 19, 
237-247. 2 pls. 1909.8 


Boulenger, @. A. 

Descriptions of three new fresh- 
water fishes from west Africa. Ann. 
Mag. Nat. Hist., 1910, 8. ser. 6, 424— 
426. 1910.1 

Ichthyology; distribution in 
time and space. Encycl. Britannica, 
1910, 11. ed. 14, 267-270. 1910.2 

Ichthyology; history and litera- 
ture from 1880. Eneycl. Britannica, 
1910, 11. ed. 14, 247-250. 1910.3 

On a large collection of fishes 
made by Dr. W. J. Ansorge in the 
Quanza and Bengo rivers, Angola. 
Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1910, 8. ser. 6, 

537-561. 1910.4 

Peces de la Guinea Espanola 
(In Catdlogo sistemadtico de la fauna de 
las posesiénes espafiolas del golfo de 
Guinea. Segtin los datos que se men- 
cionan en este tomo) Mem. Soc. 
Espan. Hist. Nat., 1910, 1, 545-596. 


Refers to his article at p. 187 of the same 

Poisson cyprinodonte nouveau 
du Bas-Congo. Monatsber. Gesell. 
Luxemburg. Naturf., 1910, n. s. 4. 
Jahrg., 285. 1910.6 

Catalogue of the fresh-water 
fishes of Africa in the British Museum 
(Natural History) London, 1911. 
529 p. 1911.1 

‘Collezioni zoologiche fatte nell’ 
Uganda dal Dott. E. Bayon (On a 
third collection of fishes made by Dr. E. 
Bayon in Uganda, 1909-1910) Ann. 
Mus. Stor. Nat. Genova, 1911, 3. ser. 
5, 64-78. 3 pls. 1911.2 

—— Description of a new African 
fish of the genus Clarias from lake 
Rukwa_ (C. hilgendorf} Ann. Mag. 
Nat. Hist., 1911, 8. ser. 8, 54. 1911.3 

Description of a new cichlid fish 
from Mashonaland — [Pelmetochromis 
darlingi} Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1911, 
SaSsela Ove 1911.4 

Description of a new fish of the 
genus Polypterus from Liberia [Polyp- 
terus lowet} Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 
1911, 8. ser. 7, 377-378. 1911.5 

Descriptions of four new African 
fishes of the genus Mastacembelus. 
Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1911, 8. ser. 8, 
637-639. 1911.6 



Descriptions of new African 
cyprinodont fishes. Ann. Mag. Nat. 
Hist., 1911, 8. ser. 8, 260-268. 1911.7 

Descriptions of new freshwater 
fishes discovered by Dr. W. J. Ansorge 
in Portuguese Guinea. Ann. Mag. Nat. 
Hist., 1911, 8. ser. 7, 373-377. 1911.8 

Descriptions of three new chara- 
cinid fishes from southwestern Colom- 
bia (Lebiasina, Luciocharax, Curima- 
tus} Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1911, 8. 
ser. 7, 212-213. 1911.9 

Descriptions of three new fresh- 
water fishes discovered by Mr. G. L. 
Bates in south Cameroon  [Labeo, 
Clarias, Pelmatochromis; Ann. Mag. 
Nat. Hist., 1911, 8. ser. 8, 372-373. 


Descriptions of two new African 
barbels. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1911, 
8. ser. 8, 369-370. 1911.11 

Further descriptions of new 
freshwater fishes discovered by Dr. 
W. J. Ansorge in Portuguese Guinea. 
Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1911, 8. ser. 8, 
56-57. 1911.12 

Liste des poissons représentés 
dans une nouvelle collection de la riviére 
Sankuru. (Kasai) regue de M. E. 
Luja. Monatsber. Gesell. Luxemburg. 
Naturf., 1911, n.s. 5. Jahrg., 218-225. 

On a collection of fishes from 
the lake Ngami basin, Bechuanaland. 
Trans. Zool. Soc. London, 1911, 18, 
399-418. 3 pls. & 3 figs. 1911.14 

On a third collection of fishes 
made by Dr. E. Bayon in Uganda, 
1909-1910. Annal. Museo Civico, 
Genova, 1911, 3. ser. 5, 64-78. 3 pls. 

Description d’un poisson nou- 
veau du genre Haplochilus provenant 
du Katanga. Rev. Zool. Africaine, 
Bruxelles, 1912, 2, 47-48. 1912.1 

Description of a new ecichlid 
(Pelmatochromis arnoldi, from the 
lower Niger. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 
1912, 8. ser. 10, 263. 1912.2 

Description of a new fish from 
British Central Africa. Ann. Mag. 
Nat. Hist., 1912, 8. ser. 9, 519-521. 
Description of a new fish (Tilapia 
grahami n. sp.) from British East Africa. 
Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1912, 8. ser. 9, 
519-521. 1912.4 



Descriptions of three new Afri- 
ean cichlid fishes of the genus Tilapia, 
preserved in the British Museum. Ann. 
Mag. Nat. Hist., 1912, 8. ser. 10, 138- 
140. 1912.5 

Descriptions of two new fishes 
tAlestes, Amphilius; from the Nile 
system. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1912, 
8. ser. 10, 601-602. 1912.6 

On a collection of fishes made 
by Mr. A. Blayney Percival in British 
East Africa to the east of lake Baringo. 
Proc. Zool. Soe. London, 1912, 672- 
676. 3 pls. 1912.7 

Poissons recueillis dans la région 
du bas Congo par M. le Dr. W. J. 
Ansorge. Ann. Mus. Congo  (Sér. 
Zool.), Bruxelles, 1912, 1-25. 6 pls. 


The small devil-fish. Country 
Life, 1912, 414-415. 2 figs. 1912.9 

A synopsis of the fishes of the 
genus Mastacembelus. Journ. Acad. 
Nat. Sci. Philad., 1912, 2. ser. 15, 
197-203. 1912.10 

Description d’un poisson nou- 
veau recueilli 4 Luluabourg (Congo 
Belge) Rev. Zool. Afr. Bruxelles, 1913, 
2, 394-395. 1913.1 

Descriptions de deux poissons 
nouveaux provenant des récoltes de M. 
G. Luja 4 Kondué, Kasai. Monatsber. 
Gesell. Luxemburg Naturf., 1913, n. s. 
7. Jahrg., no. 3, 42-48. 

Description of a new cyprino- 
dont fish from the Sobat river. Ann. 
. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1913, 8. ser. 12, 566. 


Descriptions of five new cichlid 
fishes from Africa. Ann. Mag. Nat. 
Hist., 1913, 8. ser. 12, 482-485. 1913.4 

Descriptions of four new fishes 
discovered by Mr. G. L. Bates in the 
Nyong river, south Camercon. Ann. 
Mag. Nat. Hist., 1913, 8. ser. 12, 67— 
70. 1913.5 

Descriptions of three new fishes 
discovered in the Gold Coast by Dr. 
H. G. F. Spurrell. Proc. Zool. Soc. 
London, 1913, 51-53. pil. 1913.6 

Sur une petite collection de 
poissons recueillis dans l’Uelé par la 
mission dirigée par M. Hutereau. Rev. 
Zool. Afr. Bruxelles, 1913, 2, 155-161. 


1913.2 - 


Boulenger, George Alfred, Annan- 
dale, Nelson, Wall, E., & Regan, 
C. Tate. Reports on a collection of 
batrachia, reptiles and fish from Nepal 
and the Western Himalayas. Ree. 
Indian Mus., 1907, 1, 149-158. pl. 


Boulton, William B. The Thames 
salmon experiments. Mag. Sports & 
Pastimes (Baily), London, 1904, 82, 
368-377. 1904.1 

Bouney, 7. G. Destruction of fish 
by frost. Nature, 1891, 43, 368. 1891.1 

Bounhiol, Jean Paul. Régime res- 
piratoire des poissons marins vivant en 
captivité. C. R. Assoc. Frang. Avance. 
Sci., 1904, 32, pt. 2, 818-815. 1904.1 

respiratoires sur les 
poissons marins. C. R. Acad. Sci. 
Paris, 1905, 140, 60-62. 1905.1 

Recherches expérimentales sur 
la respiration aquatique. II. La res- 
piration des poissons marins dans ses 
rapports avec la captivité et la pis- 
ciculture. Bull. Sci. France et Bel- 
gique, 1905, 39, 227-305. pl. 1905.12 


Sur la technique expérimentale 

des mesures respiratoires chez les 
poissons. C. R. Soc. Biol. Paris, 1906, 
60, 473-474. 1906.1 

Sur les poissons comestibles du 
lac Mélah (la Calle, Algérie) C. R. 
Acad. Sci. Paris, 1907, 144, 513-515. 


Quelques faits biologiques rela- 
tifs aux poissons comestibles des cdtes 
de l’Algérie. C. R. Assoc. Frang. Avance. 
Sci., 1908, 36, pt. 1, 240-241; pt. 2, 

591-594. 1908.1 
Les moeurs ambulatoires du 
thon commun en Méditerranée. Bull. 

Soc. Hist. Nat. Afrique, Alger, 1911, 3, 
149-151. 1911.1 

Les pseudo-migrations du thon 
méditerranéen (Thynnus vulgaris Cuv. 
et Val.) C. R. Assoc. Frang. Avance. 
Sei., 1911, 40. sess., 119-120. 1911.2 

Une théorie hydrodynamique 
des pseudo-migrations du thon com- 
mun (Thynnus vulgaris Cuv. et Val.) 
dans la Méditerranée. C. R. Acad. 
Sci. Paris., 1911, 152, 733-736. 1911.3 

Sur la détermination de lage de 
la sardine algérienne. C. R. Acad. Sci. 
Paris, 1912, 154, 1721-1723. 1912.1 



Bounhiol, /. P. 

Nouvelles observations sur la 
reproduction de la sardine algérienne. 
C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1913, 156, 2008— 
2010. 1913.1 

Sur la reproduction de la sardine 
algérienne. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 
1913, 156, 1565-1567. 1913.2 

Bourdet, P. F. W. Notice sur des 
fossiles inconnus qui semblent appar- 
tenir 4 des plaques maxillaires de pois- 
sons dont les analogues vivants sont 
perdus, et que j’ai nommés Ichthyosi- 
agOnes. Genéve & Paris, 1822. 4°. 
fig. — Bull. (Férussac), 1824, 2, 100. 


Histoire naturelle des ichthy- 
odontes, ou dents fossiles qui ont appar- 
tenu a la famille des poissons, sous 
les rapports géologiques et zoologiques. 
Bull. (Férussae), 1824, 3,231. 1824.1 

Bourée, H. L’océanographie vulga- 
risée. Dela surface aux abimes. Paris 
(1912) 140 p. illustr. 4°. 1912.1 

Bourgeois, Notice sur les pois- 
sons de mer, conservés frais par réfri- 
gération et importés derniérement A 
Rouen. Bull. Soc. Libre Démulat. 
Seine-Inférieure 1878-79 (1879), 362- 
374. 1879.1 

Bourienne, (Sur un ichthyo- 
dorulite trouvé 4 Moult) Bull. Soe. 
Linn. Normandie, 1857-58, 3, 17-18. 

Bourjot, (Dr.) Alexandre [1801— 
1886] Liste des poissons que |’on ren- 

contre le plus souvent au marché d’Al- 
ger, ou guide A la pécherie. Bull. Soc. 
Climatol. Algérie, 1864-68 (1867), 1, 
418-433; 485-513; 556-582. — Op. cit., 
1868, 2, 14-25; 134-138. Also sep- 
arate; Alger, 1870. 8°. 1867.1 

Bourne, Gilbert C. Destruction of 
immature fish. Journ. Marine Biol. 
Assoc., 1889-90, n. s. 1, 153-161. 


Fisheries and fishing industries 
of the United States. Journ. Marine 
Biol. Assoc., 1889-90, n. s. 1, 217. 

- 1889.2 

Bourne, Rk. H. The porus genitalis 
in the Myxinide. Journ. Linn. Soe. 
London, 1898, 26, no. 170, 487-495. 
Abstract in Journ. Roy. Mier. Soc., 
1898, pt. 4, 413. 1898.1 

Bouros, G. Ueber drei Fische der 
Alten. Isis (Oken), 1841, 645-648. 
Also separate; Athens, 1840. 8°. 


Boussac, P. Hippolyte. Les pois- 
sons sur les monuments pharaoniques. 
Naturaliste, Paris, 1909, 31, 285-287. 
3 figs. 1909.1 

Les poissons de la Méditerranée 
et de la Mer Rouge représentés sur les 
monuments pharaoniques. Naturaliste, 
Paris, 1910, 32, 267-268; 287-288. 
2 figs. 1910.1 

Les poissons sur les monuments 
pharaoniques. Naturaliste, Paris, 1910, 
32, 11-13; 25-26; 48-49; 62-63; 86; 
96-97; 158-159; 229-231; 241-242; 
255-256. 1910.2 

Boussingault, Jean Baptiste Joseph 
Dieudonné [1802-1887] Deux spéci- 
mens d’un poisson rare au Pérou, le 
Pimelodus (Stygogenes) cyclopum. C. R. 
Acad. Sci. Paris, 1864, 58, 917. 

Bout, H. Notice historique sur la 
pisciculture. Revue Maritime et Colon. 
1879, 63. Also separate; Naney & 
Paris, 1879. 34p. 8°. 1879.1 

Coup d’ceil sur la pisciculture 
et ses procédés. Revue Maritime et 
Colon., 1880, 64, 473-487. Also sep- 
arate; Paris, 1880. 17 p. 8°. 1880.1 

Boutan, L., & Racovitza, H. P. 
Sur la péche pélagique en profondeur. 
C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1895, 121, 174. 


Bouvaist, Rapport sur le con- 
grés de pisciculture. Annales Assem- 
blées Départementales, Paris, 1889, 132— 
139. 1889.1 

Bouvé, Thomas Tracy {1815 —] The 
herring fishery in the town of Pem- 
broke, Mass. Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. 
Hist., 1851-54 (1854), 4, 288. 1854.1 

Bouvet, Georges. Un poisson nou- 
veau pour nos riviéres: le Lepomis 
megalotis Raff. Bull. Soc. Etude Sci. 
Angers, 1900, n. s. 29, 255-257. 1900.1 

Bouvier, Hugene L. Le mimetisme 
chez les poissons. Naturaliste, 1888, 
10, 17-20. figs. 1888.1 

Les poissons recueillis dans les 
expéditions scientifiques du ‘ Travail- 
leur’ et du ‘‘ Talisman.’ Naturaliste, 
1890, 12, no. 77, 122-123; no. 78, 34. 





— La torpille. Naturaliste, 1890, 
12, 221-223; 250-251. 7 figs. 1890.2 

Emile Blanchard. Notice né- 
erologique. Nouv. Arch. Mus. Hist. 
Nat. Paris, 1900, 4. sér. 2, i—xxvill. 


See Drouin 

Bouville, R. Drowin de. 
de Bouville. 

Bouyat, A., & Gruvel, A. See 
Gruvel & Bouyat. 

Boveri, Theodor {1862 —] Ueber die 
Niere des Amphioxus. Med. Wochen- 
schr., 1890, 8, 1-13. 2 figs. 1890.1 

Ueber die Bildungsstaitte der 
Geschlechtsdriisen und die Entstehung 
der Genitalkammern beim Amphioxus. 
Anat. Anz., 1892, 7, 170-181. fig. 
Abstract in Journ. Roy. Micr. Soc. 
London, 1892, pt. 3, 344. 1892.1 

_ —— Die Nierenkaniilechen des Am- 
phioxus. Zool. Jahrb. 1892 (1893), 
5, 429-510. 4 pls. & 5 figs. 1893.1 

Bemerkungen iiber den Bau der 
Nierenkandlchen des Amphioxus. Anat. 
Anz., 1904, 25, 599-604. fig. 1904.1 

—— Ueber die phylogenetische Be- 
deutung der Sehorgane des Amphioxus. 
Zool. Jahrb., 1904 (Suppl.), 7, 409- 
428. 10 figs. 1904.2 

. Bowden, (Rev.) John. Norway; its 
people, products and institutions. Lon- 

don, 1867. xii, 250 p. 8°. 1867.1 
Chap. xiv. The fisheries of Norway, etc. 

p. 147-158; 246-247. 
The naturalist in Norway. 

Notes on the wild animals, birds, fishes 
and plants of that ‘country, with some 
account of the principal salmon fish- 

eries. London, 1869. 263 p. 8 col. 
pls. 8°. 1869.1 
Chap. xxvii. The fisheries of Norway. 

Bowdich, (Mrs.) T. Edward, after- 
wards Lee, (Mrs.) Sarah [1791-1856] 
Freshwater fishes of Great Britain. 
London, 1828-1838. 47 col. figs. 4°. 
Reviews in Liter. Gaz., London, March 
15, 1828. — Bull. (Férussac), 1828, 15, 
165. 1828.1 

Bower, Seymour. Instructions for 

taking whitefish eggs. Bull. U.S. Fish 
Comm. 1884, 4, 113-114. 1884.1 

The artificial hatching of white- 
fish and brook trout and the relations 



of planting to results. Trans. Amer. 
Fisheries Soc. 1895 (1896), 89-99. 


The propagation of small-mouth 

black bass. Trans. Amer. Fisheries 
Soc. 1896 (1897), 127-136. 1897.1 

Fish protection and fish pro- 
duction. Trans. Amer. Fisheries Soc. 
1897 (1898), 58-63. 1898.1 

Natural versus assisted repro- 
duction of certain kinds of fishes. 
Trans. Amer. Fisheries Soc. 1898 (1899), 
46-56. 1899.1 

The rainbow trout in Michigan. 
Trans. Amer. Fisheries Soc. 1909 
(1910), 130-134. 1910.1 

Bower, WardT. Notes on the taking 
of quinnat salmon eggs. Trans. Amer. 
Fisheries Soe. 1905 (1906), 232-238. 


Notes on the increase in size of 
fish ova after water hardening. Trans. 
Amer. Fisheries Soc. 1909 (1910), 92— 
100. 1910.1 

Fish culture in Alaska. (Alaska 
fisheries and fur industries in 1911) 
Bur. Fisheries Doc. no. 766. Rept. 
Comm. Fisheries, 1911. 1911.1 

Bowerbank, James Scott [1797-1877] 
On the probable dimensions of Car- 
charodon megalodon from the Crag. 
Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1852, 2. ser. 9, 
120-123. 1852.1 

Muller’s top-knot [Rhombus hir- 

tus Yarrell) at St. Leonards. Zoologist, 
1872, 2. ser. 7, 2996. 1872.1 

Angel-fish at St. Leonard’s 
pSquatina angelus| Zoologist, 1873, 2. 
ser. 8, 3653-3654. 1873.1 

Beaumaris shark (Lamna_ cor- 
nubica) and boar-fish (Capros aper) at 
Hastings. Zoologist, 1873, 2. ser. 8, 
3617. 1873.2 

Callionymus lyra at St. Leon- 
Zoologist, 1873, 2. ser. 8, 3495. 



Beaumaris shark (Lamna cornu- 
bica) taken off Hastings. Zoologist, 
1874, 2. ser. 9, 42014202. 1874.1 

(Lophius pisca- 
Zoologist, 1874, 

Fishing frog 
torius) at St. Leonards. 
2. ser. 9, 4000-4001. 



Bowers, George Meade [1863 —]| Re- 
port of the commissioner for the year 
ending June 30, 1898. Rept. U.S. Fish 
Comm. 1898 (1899), 24, i-xxix. 1899.1 

Reports for succeeding years are to be found 
in vols. 25-29 of the same series, and in Repts. 
Bureau of Fisheries from 1904 onward. 

Dredging and other collecting 
stations of the U. 8. Fish Commission 
steamer “‘ Albatross.’’ Rept. U.S. Fish 
Comm. 1903 (1905), 29, 397-482. 1905.2 

Bowles, B. F. Landlocked salmon. 
Trans. Amer. Fisheries Soc. 1872 (1873), 
39-46. 1873.1 

Bowles, #. Augustus. Boar-fish (Ca- 
pros aper) at Teignmouth. Zoologist, 
1895, 19, 194. 1895.1 

Bowles, William [1705-1780] Intro- 
duccién 4 la historia natural, y 4 la geo- 
grafia fisica ‘de Espafia {edited by J. 
N. de Azara y Perera) Madrid, 1775. 

xlviii, 529 p. 1775.1 
—— Thesame. 2.ed. Madrid, 1782. 

Bowlker, Charles [— 1779] The art 

of angling and compleat fly-fishing, de- 
scribing the different kinds of fish, ete. 
2. ed. Birmingham, 1774. vii, 116 p. 
16°. 1774.1 

This work passed through a number cf edi- 
tions. In the first, published 1758, the name of 
Richard Bowlker, father of Charles, appears as 

Bowlker, Richard. The art of an- 
gling . . . containing a particular account 
of the several sorts of freshwater fish. 
Worcester [1758?] iv,95p. 12°. 1758.1 

Later editions appear under the name of 
Charles Bowlker as author. 

Bowman, Alexander. The distribu- 
tion of the larve of the eel in Scottish 
waters. Fisheries Scotland Sci. Invest. 
1912 (1913), no. 2, 1-11. 1913.1 

The spawning areas of sand-eels 
in the North sea. From the records of 
the Scottish Fishery Research steamer 
““Goldseeker.’’ Fisheries Scotland Sci. 
Invest. 1913 (1914), no. 3, 1-18. 1914.1 

Boyce, R., & Stephens, J. W. See 
Stephens & Boyce. 

Boyd, James P. Wonders of the 
heavens, earth, and ocean, ete. Phila- 
delphia, 1888. 832p. illust. 8°. 1888.1 

Contains considerable mention of fish. 

Boyer, LH. Rk. Mesoderm in teleosts; 
especially its share in the formation of 
the pectoral fin. Bull. Mus. Comp. 

Zool., 1892, 23, 92-133. Spls. Abstract 
in Journ. Roy. Micr. Soc., London, 589. 

Boyer, Jacques. Les aloses et leur 
péche. Cosmos, Paris, 1909, n. s. 61, 
235-239. 1909. 

Boyer-Tonfréde, J. /.B. La péche 
de la courtine. (Bordeaux, 1848) 8°. 

Boys, William [1735-1803] Collec- 
tions for the history of Sandwich, with 
notices of the other cinque ports; con- 
taining a list of beasts, fishes, etc., that 
have fallen under the inspection of the 
author. London, 1786-92. 4°. 1786.1 

Boz (pseudon.) See Kinsey, J. W. 

Bozza, Vincento. Catalogo sistema- 
tico dei pit rari ittioliti del monte Bolea 
che si conservano nel gabinetto privato. 
Trans. Roy. Irish Acad., 1794, 5, ae : 

Braam Houckgeest, Andreas Hver- 
ard van. Bericht wegens den Lophius 
histrio. Verh. Holl. Maatsch. Wet., 
Haarlem, 1774, 15, 20-28. 1774.1 

Brabazon, Wallop. The deep sea and 
coast fisheries of Ireland, with sugges- 
tions for the working of a fishing com- 
pany. Illustrated by William Cooper. 
Dublin & London, 1848. 112 p. pls. & 
figs. 8°. 1848.1 

Brachet, A. Recherches sur le dé- 
veloppement du pancréas et du foie 
(sélaciens, reptiles, mammiféres) Journ. 
Anat. Phys., 1896, 32, 620-696. 3 pls. 
— Zool. Centralbl., 4, 462-463. 1896.1 

Sur le développement du foie et 
sur le pancréas de 1Ammocecetes. Anat. 
Anz., 1897, 13, 621-636. 6 figs. Ab- 
stract in Journ. Roy. Mier. Soc., Lon- 
don, 1897, 17, 517. 1897.1 

Gastrulation et formation de 
Vembryon chez les chordés. Anat. Anz., 
1905, 27, 212-221; 239-246; 384. 8 
figs. 1905.1 

Sur la signification morpholo- 
gique de la région occipitale du crane. 
Bull. Mém. Soe. Anthrop. Bruxelles, 
1909, 27, lvii-lxxv. 3 figs. 1909.1 

Recherches sur la gastrulation et 
lorigine de l’hypoblaste du tube digestif 
chez Amia calva. Zool. Jahrb., 1912 
(Suppl. no. 15), 2, 425-456. pl. 1912.1 

Brachet, A., & Swaen, A. See 
Swaen & Brachet. 



Brackel, Gregorius von. De cutis 
organo quorundam animalium ordinis 
plagiostomorum disquisitiones micro- 
scopice. Inaug. Dissert. Dorpati, 1858. 
Bop ply 8°: 1858.1 

Brackett, #H. A. Do all California 
salmon die after spawning? Forest & 
Stream, 1879, 12, 325. 1879.1 

Stocking streams with trout; 
fingerlings versus fry. Rept. Mass. 
Comm. Inland Fisheries & Game, 1893. 
Also separate; Boston, 1899. 1893.1 

Brackett, Walter M. On the Cana- 
dian sea trout. Chicago Field, 1880, 13, 
ol, 1880.1 

Bradford, Charles Barker. The brook 
trout. New York ,1900) figs. 16°. 

The angler’s guide, a handbook 
of the haunts and habits of the popular 
game fishes, inland and marine... and 
a summary of the fishing resorts. New 
York, 1908. xxxi,155p. pl. 12°. 


Bradley, C.L. On the occurrence of 
Gyrodactylus elegans on sticklebacks in 
the Hampstead ponds, January, 1860. 
Journ. Linn. Soc. London (Zool.), 1861, 
5, 209-210. 1861.1 

Bradley, Frank Howe [1838-1879] 
Preliminary notice of certain beds of fish- 
remains in the Hamilton group of west- 
ern New York. Amer. Journ. Sci., 1866, 
2. ser. 42, 70-72. 1866.1 

Bradley, Thomas. The habits of the 
electric eel, as observed at the royal 
gallery of practical science, West Strand. 
Mag. Nat. Hist., 1838, n. s. 2, 668-670. 
— Notizen (Froriep), 1838, 9, 97—99. 


Brady, George Stewardson [1832 —] 
Ray’s bream [Brama rayi) taken near 
Seaham harbor. Nat. Hist. Trans. 
Northumberland & Durham, 1872, 4, 
pt. 2, 511. 1872.1 

Brady, ThomasF. Report of the pro- 
ceedings taken to relieve the distress on 
the islands of Boffin and Shark, county 
Galway, chiefly by the promotion of the 
fisheries. Dublin, 1873. 8°. 1873.1 

Braess, Martin. Der Aal und seine 
Entwicklung. Kosmos, Stuttgart, 1908, 
5. Jahrg., 206-210. 7 figs. 1908.1 

Die Forelle (Salmo fario L.) 
Kosmos, Stuttgart, 1910, 6. Jahrg., 107— 
111. 2 figs. 1910.1 



Braeunig, Karl. Ueber musculése 
Verbindungen zwischen Vorkammer und 
Kammer bei verschiedenen Wirbelthier- 
herzen. Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Physiol. 
Abth.), 1904, Suppl., 1-19. pl. 1904.1 

Braunle, Eduard. Die Lurch- oder 
Molchfische. Wochenschr. Aquar.-Ter- 
rar. Kunde, 1911, 8. Jahrg., 546-547. 
fig. 1911.1 

Braganza, (Dom) Carlos de ( King of 
Portugal) See Carlos de Braganza. 

Brainerd, (Prof.) J. Fossil fishes. 
Annals Science (Cleveland, Ohio), 1852, 
1, 18-20. 3 figs. 1852.1 

The species here made known was afterwards 
described by J. S. Newberry under the name of 
Paleoniscus brainerdi, and later as Gonatodus 

Braithwaite, George Foster. Fishes 
and their food; being a paper on the 
salmon family, with illustrations of their 
habits, taken principally from the coun- 
ties of Westmorland and Cumberland. 
Kendal, 1863. 32 p. 16°. 1863.1 

The Salmonide of Westmorland, 
angling reminiscences, and leaves from 
an angler’s note book. London, 1884. 
x S8ips pls. Sr. 1884.1 

Series of papers originally published in the 
Westmorland Gazette. 

Brakeley, John H. Plants for carp 
ponds. Bull. U.S. Fish Comm. 1884, 4, 
159-160. 1884.1 

—— Notes on carp and frog culture. 
Bull. U.S. Fish Comm. 1885, 5, 209-216. 

Rapid growth of carp due to 
abundance of food. Bull. U. S. Fish 
Comm. 1887 (1889), 7, 20. 1889.1 

Brammer, CC. Halsnzs-fiskeriernes 
opkomst og nureende tilstand. Tidsskr. 
Fiskeri, 1872, 5. Jahrg., 153-202. 1872.1 

Fiskerierne paa Halsnes 1 aaret 
Tidsskr. Fiskeri, 1873, 175-194. 

Fiskerierne paa Halsnes fra Iste 
Januar til lste Julil873. Nord. Tidsskr. 
Fiskeri, 1874, n. s. 1. Jahrg., 64-84. 
These reports are continued in the same serial 
for the years 1874-79. 


Branca, Hermann Wilhelm. Fossile 
Flugtiere und Erwerb des Flugver- 
moégens. Abh. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, 
physik.-math. Cl., 1908, 1-49. 8 figs. 

Branco, Carl Wilhelm Franz (1844 —] Brandt, Aleksandr Theodorovich 
Ueber eine. neue Lepidotusart aus der [1844—] Ueber borstenartige Gebilde 
Wealden. Berlin, 1885. 2 figs. 8°. bei einem Hai und eine muthmassliche 
1885.1 Homologie der Haare und Zihne. Biol. 

Beitriige zur Kenntnis der Gat- 
tung Lepidotus. Abh. Geol. Special- 
karte Preussen u. Thiiring. Staaten, 
1887, 7, 323-406. 8 pls. & 2 figs. 1887.1 

Ueber das Gebiss von Lepidotus 
koenent. Berlin, 1890. 1890.1 

Brand, F. N. Polycentropsis abbre- 
viata. Prakt. Zierfischziichter, 1910, 
33-35. fig. 1910.1 

Brandes, Gustav. Biologisches vom 
afrikanischen Lungenfisch. Zeitschr. 
Naturw., Leipzig, 1893, 66, 402. 1893.1 

Die Brutpflege der Fische. Zeit- 
schr. Naturw., Leipzig, 1893, 66, 358— 

368. 1893.2 

Spiraldarm von Lamna cornu- 
bica. Zeitschr. Naturw., Leipzig, 1893, 
66, 404. 1893.3 

Die Entwickelung der Aale. 
Zeitschr. Naturw., Leipzig, 1898, 70, 
410412. 1898.1 

Die Lorenzinischen Ampullen. 
Verh. Deutsch. Zool. Ges., 1898, 8, 179— 
182. — Zool. Centralbl., 7,567. 1898.2 

Die Leuchtorgane der Tiefsee- 
fische Argyropelecus und Chauliodus. 
Zeitschr. Naturw., 1899, 71, 447-452. 
Abstract in Verh. Deutsch. Zool. Ges., 
9, 247-248. 1899.1 

Ein neuer viviparer Fisch (Gi- 
rardinus decemmaculatus) Zeitschr. Na- 
turw., 1900, 73, 301-302. 1900.1 

Brandicourt, Virgile. La montée 
d’anguille dans la Somme. Bull. Soc. 
Linn. Nord France, Amiens, 1891, 10, 
166-169. 1891.1 

La montée d’anguille dans la 
Somme. La Nature, 1897, 25, pt. 2, 215. 

Les moeurs cynégétiques du 
monde aquatique. La Nature, 1901, 29, 
147-150. fig. 1901.1 

Dissémination des plantes par les 
poissons. Bull. Soc. Linn. Nord France, 
Amiens, 1905, 17, 189-143. 1905.1 

Les poissonniers de la Somme. 
Cosmos, Paris, 1912, 66, 243-246. 4 
figs. 1912.1 

Centralbl., 1898, 18, 257-270. 9. figs. 
Abstract in Journ. Roy. Mier. Soe., 
London, 1898, 18, 409. 1898.2 

Grundriss der Zoologie und ver- 
gleichende Anatomie. Berlin, 1911. 8°. 

Fische (Pisces), p. 391-413. 

Brandt, Johann Friedrich [1802-1879] 
Bemerkungen iiber die Storarten, welche 
Hausenblase liefern. Jahrb. Pharm. 
Berlin, 1831, 32, 48-59. 1831.1 

Nachtragliche Bemerkungen iiber 
die Stérarten, welche Hausenblase lie- 
fern. Jahrb. Pharm. Berlin, 1831, 32, 
317-320. 1831.2 

Ueber Albinismus und eine 
abweichende Farbenspielart des Sterlid 
(Acipenser ruthenus) Bull. Acad. Sci. 
St. Pétersb., 1850, 10, 13-16. 1850.1 

Fische (In Middendorf, A. Th. 
von. Reise in den Aussersten Norden 
und Osten Siberiens wihrend der Jahre 
1848 und 1844. Vol.1i, pt.2. St. Péters- 
bourg & Leipzig, 1847-59) 1859.1 

Bemerkungen iiber die Classifi- 
cation der kaltbliitigen Riickenmark- 
thiere: zur Beantwortung der Frage: 
Was ist ein Fisch? Mém. Acad. Imp. 
Sci. St. Pétersb., 1865, 7. sér. 9, no. 3, 
30 p. Also separate; St. Pétersbourg, 
1865. 4°. Abstract in Bull. Acad. Sci. 
St. Pétersb., 8, 535-536. 1865.1 

Bericht tiber den ersten Theil 
meiner Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Ent- 
wickelungsstufen der ganoiden Fisch- 
formen. Bull. Acad. Sei. St. Pétersb., 
1865, 8, 5386-538. Summary in Zeitschr. 
Ges. Naturw., Berlin, 1865, 27, 181. 


Bericht ber den zweiten Theil 
meiner Beitrige zur Kenntniss der Ent- 
wickelungsstufen der ganoiden Fisch- 
formen. Bull. Acad. Sei. St. Pétersb., 
1866, 9, 43-48. 1866.1 

Hinige Worte iiber die europa- 
isch-asiatischen Stérarten (Sturionides) 
Mélanges Biol., 1869, 7, 110-116. —- 
Bull. Acad. Sci. St. Pétersb., 1870, 14, 
171-176. 1869.1 

Brandt, Johann Friedrich, & Lowe, 
R.T. Description d’un nouveau genre 
de poisson de la famille des Murénoides. 




Mém. Sav. Etrang. St. Pétersb., 1854, 7, 
169-176. 1854.1 

Brandt, Johann Friedrich, & Ratze- 
burg, /. 7.C. Medizinische Zoologie. 
2vols. Berlin, 1829-33. 63 figs. 4°. 


Brandt, Karl {1854—] Ueber das 
Stettiner Haff. Leipzig, 1896. 4°. 

Die Fauna der Ostsee, insbeson- 
dre die der Kieler Bucht. Verh. Deutsch. 
Zool. Ges., 1897, 7, 10-34. 4 figs. 1897.1 

Beitrige zur Kenntnis der che- 
mischen Zusammensetzung des Plank- 
ton. Wissensch. Meeresunters., Kiel, 
1898, 2. ser. 3, 43-90. 1898.1 

Ueber den gegenwirtigen Stand 
der Aalfrage. Schrift. Naturw. Ver. 
Schleswig-Holstein, 1898, 11, 235-239. 

La vie dans les mers. Rey. 
Scient., 1899, 4. sér. 12, 513-526. 1899.1 

Ueber Dr. Petersens neue Bei- 
trige zur Aalfrage und seine neue Me- 
thode, den Fangertrag an Wanderaalen 
erheblich zu vermehren. Mitt. Deutsch. 
Seefischerei Ver., 1905, 21, 333-338. 2 
figs. 1905.1 

Branner, John Casper [1850 —| Ge- 
ology of the northeast coast of Brazil. 
Bull. Geol. Soc. Amer., 1902, 13, 41-98. 
19 figs. 1902.1 

Branner, John Casper, & Jordan, 
David Starr. See Jordan & Branner. 

Bransford, John F., & Gill, Theodore 
Nicholas. See Gill & Bransford. 

Branson, Edwin Bayer [1877 —] 
Notes on some Carboniferous cochlio- 
donts with descriptions of seven new 
species. Journ. Geol., 1905, 13, 20-54. 
2 pls. 1905.1 

Fish remains from the Salem 
limestone of Indiana. 30. Ann. Rept. 
Dept. Geol. & Nat. Resource. Indiana, 
1906, 1376-1394. 2 pls. 1906.1 

— Cladodus compressus, a correc- 
tion. Science, 1908, n. s. 27, 311-312. 

Proposes this name for Cladodus striatus of 
Branson, the specific title having been pre- 

Dinichthys intermedius New- 
berry, from the Huron shale tof Ohio} 
Science, 1908, n. s. 28, 94. 1908.2 

Notes on Dinichthys terrelli New- 
berry, with a restoration. Ohio Natu- 

ralist, 1908, 8, no. 8, 363-369. 2 pls. 
' 1908.3 
Notes on some dinichthyids 

fromnorthern Ohio. Abstractin Science, 
1909, n. s. 29, 197. 1909.1 

Notes on the Ohio shales and 
their faunas. Univ. Missouri Bull.,1911, 
12 (Sci. ser. 2), 23-32. 3 pls. 1911.1 

The Devonian fishes of Missouri. 
Univ. Missouri Bull., 1914, 15 (Sci. ser. 
2), 59-74. 4 pls. 1914.1 

Brashnikov, V. Beitrige zur Fauna 
der russischen éstlichen Meere, gesam- 
melt von dem Schoner ‘‘ Storosh”’ in 
den Jahren 1899-1902. Mém. Acad. 
Sci. St. Pétersb., 1907, 8. sér. 20, 2-185. 
2 pls. 1907.1 

Brasil, Louis. Observations sur la 
faune de la région de Luc-sur-Mer (Cal- 
vados) Bull. Soe. Géol. Normandie, 
1901, 5. sér. 4, 75-83. 1901.2 

Brasil, Lowis, & Bigot, A. See Bigot 
& Brasil. 

Brasil, Louis, & Gadeau de Ker- 
ville, Henri. Note sur un centrisque 
bécasse (Centriscus scolopax L.) Poisson 
acanthoptérygien péché dans le départe- 
ment de Calvados. Bull. Soc. Amis 
Sci. Nat. Rouen, 1905, 4. sér. 40, 199- 
200. pl. 1905.1 

Brass, Arnold. Die Accommodation 
des Auges der Knochenfische. Zeitschr. 
Naturw., 1881, 53, 901-905. 1881.1 

Brass, Emil. Nutzbare Tiere Osta- 
siens. Pelz- und Jagdtiere, Haustiere, 
Seetiere. Neudamm, 1904. vii, 130 p. 
Se 1904.1 

Brass, John L. Tube for aerating 
water. Trans. Amer. Fisheries Soc. 
1906 (1907), 188. 1907.1 

Brassey, (Lady) Annie. In the trades, 
the tropics, and the roaring forties. New 
York, 1885. 532 p. illust. 8°. 1885.1 

Contains descriptions of some West Indian 

Brattsrém, Julius. Kraniet och 
Skuldergérdeln hos Murena anguilla. 
Upsala, 1875. 31 p. 1875.1 

Brauer, August. Diagnosen von 
neuen ‘Tiefseefischen welche von der 

Valdivia-Expedition gesammelt sind. 
Zool. Anz., 1902, 25, 277-298. 1902.1 


Brauer, A. 

Ueber den Bau der Augen einiger 

Tiefseefische. Verh. Deutsch. Zool. Ges., 

1902, 12, 42-57. 7 figs. Abstract in 

Zool. Centralbl., 1902, 9, 712-714. 

Ueber einige von der Valdivia- 
Expedition gesammelte Tiefseefische und 
ihre Augen. Sitzber. Gesell. Naturw., 
Marburg 1901 (1902), 115-130. 3 figs. 

Die Augen der Tiefseefische. 
Ber. Senckenberg. Nat. Ges., Frankfurt 
a. M., 1904 (Protok.), 102-104. 1904.1 

Die Gattung Myctophum. Zool. 
Anz., 1904, 28, 377-404. 9 figs. 1904.2 

(Demonstration von Schnitten 
durch das Auge von Sternoptyx und von 
Myctophiden} Verh. Deutsch. Zool. 
Ges., 1904, 14, 241. 1904.3 

Ueber die lLeuchtorgane der 
Knochenfische. Verh. Deutsch. Zool. 
Ges., 1904, 14, 16-35. 15 figs. 1904.4 

Die Leuchtorgane der Tiefsee- 
Ber. Senckenberg. Nat. Ges., 

Frankfurt a. M., 1905, 7*—9*. 

Die Tiefseefische. I. Systema- 
tischer Teil (In Chun, C. Wiss. Er- 
gebnisse Deutsch. Tiefsee-Exped. “‘ Val- 
divia,’’ 1898-99, vol. xv, p. 1420. 18 
pls. Jena, 1908) 1908.1 

Die Tiefseefische. II. Anato- 
mischer Teil (In Chun, C. Wiss. Ergeb- 
nisse Deutsch. Tiefsee-Exped. ‘‘ Valdi- 
via,’ 1898-99, vol. xv, 1-266. 24 pls. 
Jena, 1908) 1908.2 

Braun, J. Oscar. Aus dem Liebes- 
leben des Kampffisches. Blatt. Aqua- 
rienkunde. Stuttgart, 1908, 19, 7-8; 
14-16. 1908.1 

Braun, Maximilian Gustav Christian 
Carl [1850 —] Zur Naturgeschichte des 
Flunders (Pleuronectes flesus} Zool. Anz., 
1880, 3, 594. 1880.1 

Ueber das Wachsthum der Fi- 
sche in der Unterwarnow. Arch. Ver. 
Fr. Naturg. Mecklenburg, 1893, 46, 
118-125. 1893.1 

Priiparation von Skelettheilen 
von Selachiern. Verh. Deutsch. Geol. 
Ges. Gottingen, 1894, 3, 87-88. 1894.1 

Zur Entwicklungsgeschichte der 
Holostomiden. Zool. Anz., 1894, 17, 
165-167. 1894.2 



Die deutsche Fischerei in islin- 
dischen Gewiissern. Natur, Halle, 1902, 
61, 13-15. 1902.1 

Ueber Fische als Lieferanten von 
Parasiten des Menschen. Ber. Fischerei 
Ver. Ostpreuss., Konigsberg, 1903-04, 
47-48; Ibid., 1904-05, 3-4. 1903.1 

Die Verhiltniszahl der Ge- 
schlechter beim Stichling. Ber. Fische- 
rei Ver. Ostpreuss., Konigsberg, 1904— 
05, 11-12. 1904.1 
Die Fische des frischen Haffs. 
Ber. Fischerei Ver. Ostpreuss., K6nigs- 
berg, 1905-06, 6-12. 1905.1 

Ueber die Zucht von 

Braun, Paul. 

Bitterlingen. Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. 
Kunde, 1901, 12. Jahrg., 214-216. 


Brauner, A. Bestimmungstabelle 

und Verbreitung der Haringe im Schwar- 
zen und Azowschen Meere. Nachtrag 
zu der Arbeit ‘‘ Die Haringe (Clupeidz) 
des Schwarzen und des Azowschen 
Meeres.” Trav. Soc. Nat. Amat. Sci. 
Nat. Bessarabie, 1912, 2, pt. 2, 217-221. 


Die Heringe (Clupeidz) des 
Schwarzen und des Azowschen Meeres. 
Trav. Soc. Nat. Amat. Sci. Nat. Bes- 
sarabie, 1912, 2, pt. 2, 115-134. 1912.2 

Braunschweig, Karl. Die Pflege 
und Zucht des Kampffisches (Betta splen- 
dens Regan) Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. 
Kunde, 1910, 21. Jahrg., 509-511. 


Braus, Hermann. Ueber die Rami 
ventrales der vorderen Spinalnerven 
einiger Selachier. Inaug. Dissert. Jena, 
1892, 35 p. 8° 1892.1 

Ueber die Innervation der paari- 
gen Extremitiéten bei Selachiern, Holo- 
cephalen und Dipnoern. Ein Beitrag 
zur Gliedmassenfrage. Jena. Zeitschr., 
1897, 31 (n. s. 24), 239-468. 8 pls. & 3 

figs. 1898.1 
Ueber die Extremititen der Se- 
lachier. Verh. Anat. Gesell., 1898, 12, 

166-180. 6 figs. 1898.2 

Beitrige zur Entwicklung der 
Muskulatur und des peripheren Ner- 
vensystems der Selachier. I. Theil. Die 
metotischen Urwirbel und _ spino-occi- 

pitalen Nerven. II. Theil. Die paari- 
gen Gliedmassen. Morph. Jahrb., 
Leipzig, 1899, 27, 415-496; 501-629. 
6 pls. & 12 figs. 1899.1 


Origin of paired fins in Selachi- 
ans. Abstract in Journ. Roy. Micr. Soc., 
London, 1899, 571-572. 1899.2 

Die Muskeln und Nerven der 
Ceratodusflosse; ein Beitrag zur ver- 
gleichenden Morphologie der freien 
Gliedmaasse bei niederen Fischen und 
zur Archipterygiumtheorie. (In Semon, 
R. Zoologische Forschungsreisen in 
Australien und dem Malayischen Archi- 
pel... in den Jahren 1891-1893. Jena, 
1901. Vol. i, 187-300. 9 pls. & 25 figs. 
— Also in Jena. Denkschr., 1901, 4) 


Ueber neuere Funde versteiner- 
ter Gliedmassen, Knorpel und Muskeln 
von Selachiern. Verh. Phys. Med. Ges. 
Wiirzburg 1901 (1902), n. s. 34, eee 


Tatsichliches aus der Entwicke- 
lung des Extremititenskelettes bei den 
niedersten Formen. Zugleich ein Bei- 
trag zur Entwickelungsgeschichte des 
Skelettes der Pinnze und der Visceral- 
bogen. Festschr. Haeckel, 1904, 377- 
435. pls. xii—xiv & figs.—Jena. Denk- 
schr., 1904, 11, 377-436. 2 pls. & 13 
figs. 1904.2 

Autogene Nervenentstehung in 
transplantierten Gledmassenanlagen. 
Arch. Internat. Physiol., 1905, 2, 55-56. 

Die Entwickelung der Form der 
Extremititen und des Extremititen- 
skelets. (In Hertwig, O. Handbuch 
der vergleichenden und experimentellen 
Entwickelungslehre der Wirbeltiere, 
Bd. iii, Teil 2, p. 167-338. Jena, 1906) 


Experimentelle Beitrige zur 
Morphologie. Band i. Leipzig, 1906. 
illust. 1906.2 

Ist die Bildung des Skeletes von 
den Muskelanlagen abhingig? Eine ex- 
perimentelle Untersuchung an der Brust- 

flosse von MHaiembryonen. Morph. 
Jahrb., 1906, 35, 240-321. 3 pls. & 18 
figs. 1906.2 

Ueber den embryonalen Kiemen- 
apparat von Heptanchus. Anat. Anz., 
1906, 29, 545-560. 2 figs. 1906.3 

Zur Entwicklungsgeschichte nie- 
derer Haie. Notizen iiber Vorkommen 
im Mittelmeer, Taxonomie, Kier und Ei- 
hiillen dieser Fische. (1) Ueber das Vor- 
kommen niederer Haie im Mittelmeer. 
Fischereigeriite und -methoden. (2) Ta- 
xonomische Beurteilung der Notidaniden 


und Spinaciden auf Grund embryonaler 
Merkmale. (3) Hier und Eihillen bei 
einigen primitiven Haiarten. Sitzber. 
Akad. Wiss. Berlin, 1906, 52, 907-932. 
8 figs. 1906.4 

Experimentelle Untersuchungen 
uber die Segmentalstruktur der motori- 
schen Nervenplexus. Anat. Anz., Jena, 
1909, 34, 529-551. 5 figs. 1909.1 

Initationen im Knochensystem, 
auf Grund embryonaler Transplantati- 
onen. Verh. Ges. Deutsch. Nat. Aerzte, 
1909, 80. Vers., 2. Teil, 516-517. 1909.2 

Priparatorische und experimen- 
telle Untersuchungen iiber die motori- 

schen Nerven der Selachierflosse. Anat. 
Hefte, Wiesbaden, 1910, 40, 2. Heft, 
423-488. 1910.1 

Ueber Nervengeflechte. Verh. 

Anat. Ges., 24. Vers., Briissel, 1910, 14— 
30.— Anat. Anz., 1910, 37, 14. Also 
separate; Jena, 1910. 1910.2 

Die Nervengeflechte der Haie 
und Rochen. Jena. Zeitschr. Naturw., 
1911, 47, 569-632. 2 pls. & 7 figs. 


Bray, William L., & Eigenmann, 

Carl H. See Eigenmann & Bray. 

Brayton, Alembert Winthrop, & 
Jordan, David Starr. See Jordan & 

Breckwoldt, J.J. Die Fischerei auf 
der Unter-Elbe. Deutsch. Fischerei 
Zeitg., 1879, 2. Jahrg., 269-270; 277— 
278; 294-295; 309-311. 1879.1 

Fortschritte in der Elb-Fischerei. 
Deutsch. Fischerei Zeitg., 1880, 3. Jahrg., 
115y. 1880.1 

Bree, W.7. Notice of stones found 
in the stomachs of pike. Mag. Nat. 
Hist., 1830, 3, 241-242. 1830.1 

Breemen, P. J. van, & Redeke, 
H.C. See Redeke & Breemen. 

Brefeld, F. Der Stockfisch-Leber- 
thran in naturhistorisch-chemisch-phar- 
mazeutischer Hinsicht. Hamm, 1835. 
8°. 1835.1 

Brehm, Alfred Edmund [1829-1884] 
For biographical notice, see Krause, F., 

in Brehm’s Tierleben, 3. ed., vol. i. 
Leipzig & Wien, 1890. 

Illustrirtes Thierleben;  allge- 
meine Kunde des Thierreichs. 6 vols. 
Hildburghausen, 1863-69. illust. 8°. 


Fische, vol. ii, p. 547-812. 



Brehm, A. EL. 

Das Berliner Aquarium. Mo- 

natshefte (Westermann), 1869, p. 46. 

fig. 1869.1 

(editor) Das Siisswasser-aqua- 

rium. 2.ed. Leipzig, 1869. 8°. 1869.2 
For first edition, see Roszmiazler, EF. A. 

Beobachtungen tiber Bewegun- 
gen verschiedener Fische des Berliner 
Aquariums. Sitzber. Ges. Naturf. 
Freunde Berlin, 1871, 85-88. 1871.1 

Illustriertes Thierleben. 2. ed. 
Leipzig, 1876-80. illust. 8°. 

Die Fische, von Alfred Brehm, vol. ii, p. 1— 
416. 11 pls. & 145 figs. 

10 vols. 

La vida de los animales, conoci- 
miento general del reino animal. Tra- 
duccién directa de la segunda edicién 
Alemana por Don Carlos Fernandez de 
Castroverde; primera edicién espanola. 

6 vols. Barcelona, 1882. 1882.1 
Peces, vol. v, p. 1-672. 27 pls. & 251 figs. 

The archer-fish. (Translated 

from Brehm’s Thierleben} Knowledge, 

1883, 3, 280-281. fig. 1883.1 

Brehm’s Tierleben. Allgemeine 

Kunde des Thierreichs. 3. ed. 10 vols. 

Leipzig & Wien, 1890-93. illust. 8°. 

Die Fische, von Alfred Brehm, unter Mitwir- 
kung von Dr. Wilhelm Haacke, neubearbeitet 

von Prof. Dr. Pechuel-Loesche, 1892. vol. ii, p. 
1-517. 11 pls. & 146 figs. 

Brehm’s Tierleben. 4. ed. 14 
vols. Leipzig & Wien, 1914. 1914.1 

Die Fische, von Alfred Brehm, unter Mit- 
wirkung von Viktor Franz, neubearbeitet von 
Otto Stech. vol. iii, p. 1-590. 63 pls. & 172 figs. 

Brehm, Christian Ludwig |1787—1864[ 
Ein noch unbekannter gefahrlicher Feind 
der Fische (Sorex fodiens) Isis (Oken), 
1830, 23, 1126-1128. 1830.1 

Brehm, H. Die Fische und die 
Fischzucht auf der Landes-Producten- 
Ausstellung in Stuhlweissenburg in Un- 
garn. Deutsch. Fischerei Zeitg., 1879, 
2. Jahrg., 215-216. 1879.1 

Brehm, Horst (editor) Taschenbuch 
der Angelfischerei. 4. Auflage. Berlin, 
1904. See Borne, M.vondem. 1904.1 

Breitenbach, W. Wiederkdiuer un- 
ter den Fischen. Kosmos, 1885, 1, 136-— 
138. 1885.1 

Breitfuss, L. L. Statistics of the 
North Sea fisheries. Supplement: The 


fisheries of the Murman coast (N. 
Russia) Rapp. Intern. Explor. Mer., 
1905, App. J, p. 122-126. 1905.1 

Die wichtigsten Ergebnisse der 
wissenschaftlichgewerblichen Murman- 
Expedition in der Barents-See wihrend 
des Dezenniums 1898-1909 Text in 
Russian} Trd. Jub. Akklim. Sjézda, 
Moskva, 1908, 2, 50-73. 1908.1 

Breitfuss, L. L., Soldatov, V. K., 
Gobel,./.,and others. Wissenschaftlich- 
praktische Murman-Expedition. Be- 
richt itiber die Tatigkeit pro 1904. 
Comité Unterstiitzung Kiistenb. Russi- 
schen Nordens, St. Pétersb., 1908. Ixxi, 
342 p. 3 maps « 8 pls. 1908.1 

Brenchley, Julius Lucius [1817?- 
1873] Jottings during the cruise of H. 
M.S. ‘‘Curagoa”’ among the South Sea 
islands in 1865. London, 1873. 487 p. 
59 pls. illust. map. 8°. 1873.1 

Reptiles and fishes, by A. Giinther. 

Brenner, Marten Magnus Wilhelm. 
Lumpenus nebulosus. Notiser Sillskap. 
Fauna Flora Fenn. Férh., 1871-74, n.s. 
10, 463. 1874.1 

Iktyologiska notiser. Meddel. 
Soc. Fauna Flora Fenn., 1896, 22, 59. 

Breschet, Gilbert [1784-1845] Rap- 
port fait a l’ Académie des Sciences, par 
M. Duméril, sur trois mémoires d’ana- 
tomie, relatifs 4 l’organe de l’ouie dans 
les poissons. Ann. Sci. Nat., 1832, 27, 
309-316. 1832.1 

Recherches anatomiques et phy- 
siologiques sur l’organe de louie des 
poissons. Mém. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1838, 
5, 607-729. 17 pls. Also separate; 
Paris, 1838. 4°. 1838 

Breschet, (Gilbert, & Becquerel, 
Antoine César. Expériences sur la com- 
motion électrique de la torpille. C. R. 
Acad. Sci. Paris, 1835, 1, 242. 1835.1 

Expériences sur la torpille. Ann. 
Sci. Nat., 1836, n. s. 6, 123. 1836.1 

Recherches expérimentales phy- 
sico-physiologiques sur la température 
des tissus et des liquides animaux. C.R. 
Acad. Sci. Paris, 1836, 3, 771-781. — 
Ann. Sci. Nat., 7, 94-101. — Notizen 
(Froriep), 1, 289-297. 1836.2 

Bretagne, C. Pisciculture 4 domicile, 
stabulation de l’anguille. Revue Deux 
Mondes, 1876, 40. 1876.1 




Bretherton, Bernard J. A contribu- 
tion to our knowledge of the food fishes 
of the Oregon coast from specimens. (In 
report of Oregon State Biologist. Salem, 
Oregon, 1900. 9p. illust.) 1900.1 

Breton, William Henry. Scandina- 
vian sketches; or, A tour in Norway... 
London (1835) vii, 354 p. pls. 8°. 


Fisheries and fishing of Norway receive fre- 
quent mention. 

Brett, Alfred Thomas. Fish-hatch- 
ing and fish-culture in Herefordshire, 
with notes on pisciculture by Peter 
Hood. Trans. Watford Nat. Hist. Soc. 
1875-77 (1878), 1, 179-186. 1878.1 

Breuer, Josef. Ueber die Function 
der Bogengiinge des Ohrlabyrinthes. 
Med. Jahrbiicher, 1874, 72-124. 1874.1 

— Ueber die Function der Otoli- 
then-Apparate. Arch. Gesammt. Phy- 
siol., 1891, 48, 195-306. 1890.1 

— Ueber den Galvanotropismus 
(Galvanotaxis) bei Fischen. Sitzber. 
Akad. Wiss. Wien, 1905, 114, 3. Abth., 
27-56. 1905.1 

Ueber den Galvanotropismus 
(Galvanotaxis) der Fische. Anz. Akad. 
Wiss. Wien, math.-nat. Cl., 1905, 42. 
Jahrg., 81. 1905.2 

Brevoort, James Carson [1818-1887] 
Description of the Selene argentea of 
Lacépéde, a fish whose existence has 
been doubted. Ann. Lyc. Nat. Hist. 
New York, 1852, 5, 68-76. pl. 1852.1 

Notes on some figures of Japan- 
ese fish. (In Narrative Commodore M. 
C. Perry’s Expedition to Japan, vol. u, 
p. 253-256. 9 pls. Washington, 1856) 

Contains notice of Ditrema, etc. 

Note on the Selene argentea of 
Lacépéde, ete. Ann. Lyc. Nat. Hist. 
New York, 1858, 6, 30-35. 1858.1 

Enumeration of the fish de- 
seribed and figured by Parra, scientifi- 
cally named by Felipe Poey. Proc. 
Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. 1863 (1864), 
174-180. 1864.1 

American sardine and anchovy. 
Forest & Stream, 1873, 1, 5. 1873.1 

Capture and preservation of the 
anchovy. Forest & Stream, 1873, 1, 70. 

The gurnard as an edible fish. 
Forest & Stream, 1873, 1, 86. 1873.3 

Names of the codfish. Ann. 
Ree. Sci. Med. 1872 (1873), 424. 1873.4 

The sprat and the whitebait. 
Forest & Stream, 1873, 1, 38. 1873.5 

Ichthyological extracts from the 
note book of a naturalist. Forest «& 
Stream, 1877, 9, 326. 1877.1 

Brew, C. Salmonide of Frazer river, 
British Columbia. Edinb. New Philos. 
Journ., 1861, 2. ser. 13, 164. 1861.1 

Brewer, William Henry [1828-1910] 
Fish culture in the olden time. Amer. 
Naturalist, 1874, 8, 557-559. — Forest 
& Stream, 1874, 3, 100. 1874.1 

Brewster, C.H#. The relation of the 
fish and game warden in the work of fish 
propagation. Trans. Amer. Fisheries 
Soc. 1900 (1901), 69-72. 1901.1 

Brewster, (Sir) David [1781-1868] 
On the structure of the crystalline lens 
in fishes and quadrupeds, as ascertained 
by its action on polarized light. Phil. 
Trans. Roy. Soc. London, 1816, 311-— 
317. pl. — Journ. Phys., 1817, 84, 379-— 
383. 1816.1 

On the crystalline lens in fishes, 
birds, reptiles and quadrupeds. Rept. 
Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 1. & 2. meet., 
1831-32 (1833), 81. 1831.1 

On the anatomical and optical 
structure of the crystalline lenses of ani- 
mals, particularly of the cod. Phil. 
Trans. Roy. Soc. London, 1833, 128, 
323-332. pl. 1833.1 

On the anatomical and optical 
structure of the crystalline lenses of 
animals, particularly those of the hare 
and the salmon. Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. 
London, 1836, 126, 35-48. pls. — Mag. 
Zool. & Bot., 1, 206. — Edinb. Philos. 
Mag., 8, 193. fig. 1836.1 

On the structure of the fossil 
teeth of the sauroid fishes. Rept. Brit. 
Assoc. Adv. Sci., 7. meet., 1838 (1839) 
Not. & Abstr., 90. 1838.1 

Brewster, Edwin Tenney [1866 —] 
The collapse of evolution. Science, 
1905, n. s. 22, 796-797. 1905.1 

Brian, Alessandro. Note su alcuni 
crostacei parassiti dei pesci del Medi- 
terraneo. Boll. Mus. Zool. Anat. Comp. 
Genova, 1902, 115, 1-16. pl. — Atti 
Soe. Ligustica Sci. Nat. Geogr., Genova, 
13, 30-45. pil. 1902.1 




Brian, A. : ; 
Sui copepodi parassite di pesei 
marini dell’ isola d’Elba. 4. Nota. 
Atti Soc. Ligustica Sci. Nat. Geogr., 
Genova, 1903, 14, 77-84. 1903.1 

Una crociera in Norwegia. Atti 
Soc. Ligustica Sci. Nat. Geogr., Genova, 
1905, 16, 3-31. 1905.1 

Note préliminaire sur les copé- 
podes parasites des poissons provenant 
des campagnes scientifiques de 8S. A. 8. 
le Prince Albert de Monaco ou déposés 
dans les collections du Musée Océano- 
graphique. Bull. Mus. Océan., Monaco, 
1908, 110, 1-18. 1908.1 

Un établissement de pisciculture 
aux Etats-Unis. Bull. Soc. Linn. Nord 
France, Amiens, 1885, 6, 149-156. 


Brice, John Jones [1842 —] The fish 
and fisheries of the coastal waters of 
Florida. Rept. U. 8. Fish Comm. 1896 
(1898), 22, 263-342. 1898.1 

The fisheries of Indian river, 
Florida. Rept. U. 8. Fish Comm. 1896 
(1898), 22, 223-227. 36 pls. 1898.2 

Report of the commissioner for 
the fiscal year ending June 30, 1896. 
Rept. U.S. Fish Comm. 1896 (1898), 22, 
1-10. 1898.3 

Report of the commissioner, ete. 
Rept. U.S. Fish Comm. 1897 (1898), 23, 
1-xvi. 1898.4 

Bridel, Essai statistique sur le 
canton de Vaud. Zurich, 1818. 1818.1 

Bridge, Thomas William [1848-1909] 
For obituary notice, see Proc, Roy. Soc. 
London, 1910, 82 5, vii-x. 

The cranial osteology of Amia 
Journ. Anat. Physiol., London, 
pl. 1877.1 


1877, 11, 605-622. 

Osteology of Polyodon folium. 
Proc. Roy. Soe. London, 1878, 27, 454— 
456. — Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc..London, 
1878, 169, pt. 2, 683-733. 3 pls. Also 
separate; London, 1879. 5p. 4°. 
Pori abdominales of vertebrata. 
Journ. Anat. Phys., 1879, 14, 81-102. 
The air-bladder in certain silu- 
roid fishes. Proc. Phil. Soc. Birmingham, 
1890, 6, 131-136. 1890.1 

On the structure and function of 
the air-bladder in certain fishes. Proce. 

Phil. Soc. Birmingham, 1890, 7, 144— 
187. 1890.2 

Some points in the cranial anat- 
omy of Polypterus. Proc. Phil. Soc. Bir- 
mingham, 1890, 6, 118-130. 1890.3 

On certain features in the skull 
of Osteoglossum formosum. Proc. Zool. 
Soc. London, 1895, 302-310. pl. 1895.1 

The mesial fins of ganoids and 

teleosts. Journ. Linn. Soe. London 
(Zool.), 1896, 25, 530-599; 600-602. 3 
pls. 1896.1 

The morphology of the skull in 
the Paraguayan Lepidosiren and other 
Dipnoi. Trans. Zool. Soc. London, 1897— 
98, 14, 325-376. 2 pls. — Proc. Zool. 
Soc. London, 1897, pt. 3, 602-603. 


On the presence of ribs in Polyo- 
don (Spatularia) folium. Proce. Zool. 
Soc. London, 1897, 722-724. 1897.2 

(Polyodon has cartilaginous ribs] 
Zool. Anz., 1897, 20, 240. 1897.3 

—— The air-bladder and its connec- 
tion with the auditory organ in Notopte- 
rus borneensis. Journ. Linn. Soe. Lon- 
don (Zool.), 1900, 27, 503-540. 2 pls. 
Abstract in Journ. Roy. Mier. Soc., 
London, 1900, 20, 452-453. 1900.1 

Fishes, exclusive of the syste- 
matic account of Teleostei. (In the 
Cambridge Natural History, volume on 
Fishes, ete., p. 139-537. London, 1904) 

Bridge, Thomas William, & Haddon, 

AlfredC. Contributions tothe anatomy . 

of fishes. I. The air-bladder and Web- 
erlan ossicles in the Siluride. Proc. Roy. 
Soc. London, 1889, 46, 309-328. 1889.1 

Contributions to the anatomy 
of fishes. Il. The air-bladder and Web- 
erian ossicles in the siluroid fishes. 
Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. London, 1893, 
184 B, 65-333. pls. 

Roy. Soc. London, 52, 189-157. 1893.1 

Note on the production of sounds 
by the air-bladder of certain siluroid 
fishes. Proc. Roy. Soc. London, 1894, 
55, 439-441. 1894.1 

Bridgman, H. H., & Cayley, J. J. 
See Cayley & Bridgman. 

Briggs, J.J. Capture of large fishes 
on the Trent. Zoologist, 1843, 1, 323. 

Abstract in Proc. 

eee vee 




Notes on the birds, fishes and 
insects observed near St. Margaret’s 
bay, Kent. Zoologist, 1852, 10, 3611— 
3613. 1852.1 

—— Appearance of a fish supposed to 
be the fox-shark (Carcharias vulpes) off 
Searborough. Zoologist, 1854, 12, 4513- 
4514. 1854.1 

Remarks on Anacharis alsinas- 
trum as a food for swans and an obstruc- 
tion to the free migration of salmon. 
Zoologist, 1856, 14, 5161-5163. 1856.1 

Brightman, BenjaminF. Statement 
concerning the menhaden fishery. Rept. 
U.S. Fish Comm. 1877 (1879), 5, 379. 


Brightman, Potter. Condition of 
the shore fisheries of Massachusetts and 
Rhode Island in 1871. Rept. U.S. Fish 
Comm. 1871-72 (1873), 1, 70-71. 1873.1 

Brigidi, Vincenzo, & Tafani, Alessan- 
dro. Notizie preventive sullo sviluppo 
del sangue e dei vasi. Atti Soc. Tosc., 
Pisa, 1878, 3, 228-251. 2 pls. 1878.1 

Brimley, C..S. On the mud minnow 
(Umbra pygmea) as an_air-breather. 
Amer. Naturalist, 1896, 30, 944. 1896.1 

Brindley, H. H. On a specimen of 
the white bream (A bramis blicca Bloch) 
without pelvic fins. Proc. Zool. Soc. 
London, 1891, 1, 108-109. pl. 1891.1 

Note on some abnormalities of 
the limbs and tail of dipnoan fishes. 
Proc. Phil. Soc. Cambridge, 1900, 10, 
325-327. pl. Abstract in Journ. Roy. 
Micr. Soc., London, 1901, 21, een 


Brinkmann, Martin Cecilius August. 
Histologie, Histogenese und Bedeutung 
der Mucosa uteri einiger viviparer Haie 
und Rochen. Mitth. Zool. Station Nea- 
pel, 1903-04, 16, 365-408. 3 pls. 1903.1 

Brinley, Francis. Condition of the 
shore fisheries of Massachusetts and 
Rhode Island in 1871. Rept. U.S. Fish 
Comm. 1871-72 (1873), 1, 8. 1873.1 

Brinton, William. Experiments and 
observations on the structure and func- 
tion of the stomach in the vertebrate 
class. Proc. Roy. Soc. London, 1862, 11, 
357-358. 1862.1 

Contains reference to digestion in fishes. 

Brion, Cécile. Pisciculture, mémoire 
sur l’appareil rotatif Cécile Brion pour 
Vincubation des ceufs fécondés et l’éle- 

Verdun, 1866. 

Briot, A. Action hémolytique du 
venin de vive (T’rachinus draco) C.R. 
Soe. Biol. Paris, 1902, 54, 1197-1198. 


- Immunisation des lapins contre 
le venin de la vive, et action préventive 
du sérum des animaux immunisés. C. 
R. Soc. Biol. Paris, 1902, 54, 1172-1174. 

Sur Vaction du venin de la vive 
(Trachinus draco) C.R.Soe. Biol. Paris, 
1902, 54, 1169-1171. 1902.3 

- Différence d’action venimeuse 
des épines dorsales et des épines opercu- 
laires de la vive. C. R. Soc. Biol. Paris, 
1903, 55, 623-624. 1903.1 

Etudes sur le venin de la vive 
(Trachinus draco) Journ. Phys. Path., 
Paris, 1903, 5, 271-282. 1903.2 

—— La rascasse a-t-elle un venin? 
C. R. Soe. Biol. Paris, 1904, 57, 666-667. 

Sur l’existence d’une kinase dans 
le venin de la vive (Trachinus draco) C. 
R. Soc. Biol. Paris, 1904, 56, 1113-1114. 

Sur l’action soi-disant venimeuse 
de la rascasse. C. R. Assoc. Frane. Sci. 
33. sess. 1904 (1905), 904. 1905.1 

Briot, A., & Gaver, F. von. Change- 
ments survenus dans la faune du vieux 
port de Marseille. C.R.Soc. Biol. Paris, 
1905, 58, 1095-1097. 1905.1 

Briquel, M. P. Les dents de Cera- 
todus. Bibliogr. Anat., Nancy, 1898, 
6, 11-16. 2 figs. 1898.1 

Demonstrates origin of dental plates through 
concrescence of tubercles. 

vage de jeunes poissons. 

Brisout de Barneville, Charles N.F. 
[1823-1893] Note sur le groupe des 
Gobiésoces. Rey. Zool., 1846, 143-146; 

209-212. 1846.1 
Note sur les Diodoniens. Rey. 
Zool., 1846, 136-143. 1846.2 

Note sur les espéces du genre Le- 
padogaster de Gouiin. Rey. Zool., 1846, 
278-283. 1846.3 
Note sur un nouveau genre de la 

famille des Discoboles (Trachelochismus) 
Rev. Zool., 1846, 212—213. 1846.4 

Note sur le genre Centropristis 

Cuv. Rev. Zool., 1847, 130-134. 1847.1 


Brisout de Barneville, C. NV. F. 

Note sur un nouveau genre d’an- 
guilliformes (Ichthyapus) !Rev. Zool., 
1847, 219-220. 1847.2 

Bristol, Charles Lawrence [1859 —} 
The New York Aquarium. Pop. Sci. 
Monthly, 1901, 58, 405-412. 1901.1 

Bermuda fishes. How they are 
brought to the aquarium. Bull. N. Y. 
Zool. Soc., 1903, no. 9, 77-91. 1903.1 

On the color-patterns of certain 
Bermuda fishes. Science, 1903, n. s. 17, 
492. 1903.2 

Bristol, Charles Lawrence, & Car- 
penter, F. W. On the occurrence of 
Amphioxus at Bermuda. Science, 1900, 
lisa d, LO, 1900.1 

Brito Capello, Ff. A. de, & Barboza 
du Bocage, J. V. See Bocage & 

Brittain, Thomas [1806-1884] The 
sea-horse (Hippocampus  brevirostris) 
Sci. Gossip 1873 (1874), 248-249. fig. 


Broadhead, J. M@. Upon the abund- 
ance of fish on the New England coast 
informer times. Rept. U.S. Fish Comm. 
1871-72 (1873), 1, 169-170. 1873.1 

Broca, Pierre Paul de [1824-1880] 
Péches maritimes, etc. Paris, 1865. 
266 p. 18°. 1865.1 

—— The halibut fishery of the United 
States. Rept. U. 8. Fish Comm. 1873- 
75 (1876), 3, 169-171. 1876.1 

Brocchi, Paul [— 1898] Les péche- 
ries des cétes de |’Adriatique. Paris, 
1880. figs. 4°. 1880.1 

Les bordigues de Martigues. 
Paris, 1881. 35 p. fig. 4°. 1881.1 

Rapport sur la péche en Italie. 
Paris, 1883. 4°. 1883.1 

Traité de zoologie agricole, com- 
prenant des éléments de pisciculture, 
d’apiculture de sériciculture, d’ostréi- 
culture, etc. Paris, 1886. 984 p. 603 
fips Sic 1886.1 

Note sur |’état actuel de la pisci- 
culture d’eau douce. Bull. Soc. Centr. 
Aquicult., 1889, 1, 6. 1889.1 

Sur les causes qui ont amené la 
disparition du saumon dans la Meuse 
francaise. Bull. Soc. Centr. Aquicult., 
1889, 1, 64. 1889.2 

Des étangs en général et observa- 
tions faites dans la Dombes sur leur ex- 
ploitation. Bull. Soe. Centr. Aquicult., 

1890, 2, 183-207. Also separate; Paris, 
1891. 8°. 1890.1 

Le saumon ordinaire (Salmo 
salar) Bull. Soc. Centr. Aquicult., 1892, 
4, 65. Also separate; Lille & Paris, 
1892. 8°, 1892.1 

Note sur la pisciculture dans les 
départements de la Savoie et de la Haute- 
Savoie. Bull. Soc. Centr. Aquicult., 

1893, 5, 120-137. 1893.1 

Note sur la pisciculture dans le 
département de Il’Isére. Bull. Soe. 
Centr. Aquicult., 1894, 6. 1894.1 

ciculture d’Amiens. Bull. Soc. Centr. 
Aquicult., 1894, 6. 1894.2 

La pisciculture dans les eaux 
Paris, 1896. 328 p. 126 figs. 

2 Review in Bull. Soc. Centr. Aquicult., 1896, 


Broch, Hjalmar. Undersegelser over 
sild in aarene 1904-1906. Norsk Fisket., 
Bergen, 1907, 26, 15-19. 1907.1 

Norwegische Heringsuntersu- 
chungen wihrend der Jahre 1904-1906. 
Unsere Heringsstimme und ihre Wan- 
derungen. Bergens Mus. Aarbog, 1908, 
no.1l. 69p. 5 pls. 1908.1 

Sind ee Heringsstamme erbliche 
Rassen? Zool. Anz., 1908, 33, 68-69. 
2 figs. 1908.2 

Broch, O. J. Statistiske Tabeller 
vedkommende Saltvandsfiskerierne og 
Saelfangsten i Tillaegget. (In Kongeri- 
get Norge Norske Fold, dets sociale 
Forhold, Sundhedstilstand, Naerings- 
veie, Redningsvaesen, Sam faerdsels- 
midler og Ekonomi. Christiania, 1876. 
p. 71-75) 1876.1 

Sur les variations observées dans 
la péche du hareng sur les cétes de 
Norvége. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1882, 
94, 823-826. 1882.1 

Brock, J. Ueber den Eierstock de 
Knochenfische. Sitzber. Phys. Med. 
Soc. Erlangen, 1877, Heft 9, meet ; 


Beitrige zur Anatomie und 
Histologie der Geschlechtsorgane der 
Knochenfische. Morphol. Jahrb., 1878, 
4, 505-572. 2 pl. 1878.1 

Note sur l’établissement de pis- © 



Untersuchungen iiber die Ge- 
schlectsorgane einiger Murznoiden. 
Mitth. Zool. Stat. Neapel, 1881, 2, 415- 
494. pls. xvili—xx. 1881.1 

— Ueber Terminalkérperchen dhn- 
liche Organe in der Haut von Knochen- 
fischen. Intern. Monatschr. Anat. Phys., 
1887, 4, 301-311. pl. 1887.1 

Ueber Anhangsgebilde des Uro- 
genitalapparates von Knochenfischen. 
Zeitschr. Wiss. Zool. 1887 ee 45, 
532-541. pil. 888.1 

Brockmann, Heinrich. De pan- 
create piscium. Inaug. Dissert. Rosto- 
chi, 1846. 24p. pl. 1846.1 

Broderip, William John [1789-1859] 
(Remarks on drawings of three teleosts 
from Port Praya, with description of a 

new species, Acanthurus kingii) Proce. 
Zool. Soe. London, 1835, 3,119. 1835.1 

Zoological recreations. London, 
1847. viii, 380 p. 8°. 1847.1 

A second edition was published at London in 
1848, and a third in 1849. The work contains 
some notes on fishes previously printed in the 
New Monthly Magazine. 

Brodgen, 7./. H. Fish of the Lin- 
ecolnshire wash and fenland. Natural- 
ist, 1899, 357-361. 1899.1 

Brodie, Peter Bellinger [1815-1897] 
On the Upper Keuper sandstone (in- 
cluded in the New Red marl) of War- 
wickshire. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. 
London, 1856, 12, 374-376. 1856.1 

Note on the occurrence of a new 
species of fish in the Upper Keuper 
sandstone in Warwickshire. Quart. 
Journ. Geol. Soc. London, 1858, 14, 
165-167. pl. 1858.1 

On the discovery of fossil fish 
tSemionotus brodiei) in the New Red 
Sandstone (Upper Keuper) in Warwick- 
shire. Rept. Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 56 
meet., 1886, 629. 1886.1 

Notes on the Upper Keuper sec- 
tion at Shrewley, where the fish were 
found, and on the Trias generally in 
Warwickshire. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soe. 
London, 1887, 43, 540-542. 1887.1 

On some additional remains of 
cestraciont and other fishes in the green 
gritty marls immediately overlying the 
red marls of the Upper Keuper in War- 
wickshire. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. 
London, 1893, 49, 171-174. Abstract 
in Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 11, 259. 1893.1 



Brogger, A. W. Vistefundet en xldre 
stenalders kjokkenmedding fra Jede- 
ren. Stavanger, 1908. 102 p. 5 pls. & 
20 figs. 8°. 1908.1 

Broers, H.J. Hengelen, en wat er 
bij valt op te merken. Album Natuur, 
1876, 163-194; 195-201. figs. 1876.1 

Brofeldt, Pekka. Epimuodostune- 
ista hauenpéisté (Ueber missgebildete 
Kopfe von Hsox lucius} Meddel. Soc. 
Fauna Flora Fennica, Helsingfors, 1912, 
38, 13-16; 199-200. 1912.1 

Brohl, Engelbert. Die sogenannten 
Hornfiden und die Flossenstrahlen der 
Fische. Jena. Zeitschr. Naturw., 1909, 
45, 345-380. 2 pls. & 5 figs. 1909.1 

Brohmer, Paul. Das Exkretions- 
system eines Embryos von Chlamydose- 
lachus anguineus Garm. Anat. Anz., 
1908, 33, 621-627. 1908.1 

Die Sinneskandle und die Loren- 
zini’schen Ampullen bei Spinax-Embry- 
onen. Anat. Anz., 1908, 32, 25-40. 8 
figs. 1908.2 

Der Kopf eines Embryos von 
Chlamydoselachus und die Segmentierung 
des Selachierkopfes. Jena. Zeitschr. 
Naturw., 1909, 44, 647-698. 4 pls. & 
15 figs. 1909.1 

Broili, Ferdinand. Ueber Diacranodus 
texensis Cope (= Didymodus? compressus 
Cope) Neues Jahrb. Mineral., 1904, Bei- 
lage Bd. 19, 467-484. 2 pls. 1904.1 

Broman, Jvar. Ueber Bau und Ent- 
wickelung von physiologisch vorkom- 
menden atypischen Spermien. Anat. 
Hefte, 1902, 18, 507-547. 11pl. 1902.1 

Ueber die Entwickelung der Me- 
senterien, der Leberligamente und der 
Leberform bei den Lungenfischen. (In 
Semon, R. Zoologische Forschungs- 
reisen in Australien und dem Malay- 
ischen Archipel den. Jahren 
1891-1893. Jena, 1905, vol. i, pt. 5, 
585-640. pl. & 54 figs. — Also in Jena. 
Denkschr., 1905, 4) 1905.1 

Brongniart, Alexander [1770-1847] 
On the occurrence of a fossil fish (Pal@o- 
thrissum freieslebenensi Blainville) in the 
bituminous formation of Westfield, Mass. 
Amer. Journ. Sci. Arts, 1821, 3, 920-221. 


Brongniart, Charles Jules Edme. 
For biography, see Bull. Soc. Linn. Nor- 
mandie, Caen, 1899, 3, lxi. — Geol. 




Brongniart, C.J. EL. 

Mag., 1900, 7, 430-431. — Quart. Journ. 
Geol. Soc., 1900, 56, lili. — Ottawa 
Naturalist, 1900, 14, 174. 

Notice sur quelques poissons des 
lignites de Ménat. Bull. Soc. Linn. Nor- 
mandie, Caen, 1880, 4, 353-358. 1880.1 

Faune ichthyologique. Pt. 1. 
(Contained in ‘“ Etudes sur le terrain 
houiller de Commentry,” by H. Fayol, 
E. Sauvage and others} Bull. Soc. In- 
dus. Miner., 1888, 3. sér. 2, 3-38. Also 
separate; St. Etienne, 1888. 1888.1 

Sur un nouveau poisson fossile 
du_ terrain houiller de Commentry 
(Allier) [Pleuracanthus gaudryi) C. R. 
Acad. Sci. Paris, 1888, 106, 1240-1242. 
— Rev. Scient. Bourbon., 1, 127-132. 
figs. Abstract in Rev. Scient., 41, 568. 
— Bull. Soc. Géol. France, 16, 546-550. 

Bronn, Heinrich Georg [1800-1862] 
Ueber die Fisch-Abdriicke in Eisenstein- 
Nieren des mittel-rheinischen Stein- 
kohlen Gebirges und iiber Palewoniscum 
macropterum 0. sp. insbesondere. Zeit- 
schr. f. Mineral., 1829, 2, 483-494. — 
Bull. Sci. (Férussac), 20, 410. 1829.1 

Ueber zwei fossile Fischarten: 
Cyprinus coryphenoides und Tetragono- 
lepis semicinctus aus dem Gryphiten- 

kalke bei Donau-Eschingen. Neues 
Jahrb. Mineral., 1830, 14-30. pl. — 
Bull. Sci. (Férussac), 22, 140. 1830.1 

Lethea geognostica, oder Abbil- 
dungen und Beschreiben der fiir die Ge- 
birgs-Formation bezeichnendsten Ver- 
steimerungen. Stuttgart, 1834-37. Text 
in 8° & atlas in fol. 1834.1 

Index palzontologicus, oder 
Uebersicht der bis jetzt bekannten fossi- 
len Organismen. 2 vols. in 3. Stutt- 
gart, 1848-49. 8°. 1848.1 

Beitrige zur triasischen Fauna 
und Flora der bituminésen Schiefer von 
Raibl in Kiirnthen. Neues Jahrb. Mi- 
neral., 1858, 1-32; 129-144. — Verh. 
Nat. Med. Ver. Heidelberg, 1857-59, 
108-110.— Jahrb. Lit. Heidelberg, 1858, 
342-344. 1858.1 

Die Klassen und Ordungen des 
Thier-Reichs wissenschaftlich dargestellt 
in Wort und Bild. 6 vols. Leipzig & 
Heidelberg, 1859-1907. illustr. 8°. 
Fische, Bd. vi, 1. Abth., 1876-1903. 

Die Klassen und Ordnungen des 
Thierreichs wissenschaftlich dargestellt 
. .. fortgesetzt von W. Keferstein (and 
others] 6 vols. Leipzig & Heidelberg, 
1859-74. 1874.1 

_ Pisces, von A. A. W. Hubrecht [und M. 
Sagemehl] Vol. vi. For later editions, see Fa- 
varo, G., and Favaro & Mozajko. 

Brons, Bernhard. Die Lofotenfische- 
rei. Naturf. Ges. Emden, 1894, 78. 
Jahresb., 79-100. 1894.1 

Bronson, /. D. Parasites on trout. 
Forest & Stream, 1876, 6,401. 1876.1 

Brook, George [1857-1893] Salmon 
disease in the Eden. Naturalist, Hud- 
dersfield, 1877—78, n. s. 8, 145-147. pl. 


Notes on the salmon disease in 
the Esk and Eden. Trans. Bot. Soe. 
Edinb., 1879, 18, 389-394. 1879.1 

Development of pelagic fish-eggs. 

Nature, 1885, 30, 601. 5.1 

Ichthyological notes. Rept. 
Fish. Board Scotland, 1885, 222-227. 
pl. 1885.2 

On some points in the develop- 
ment of Motella mustela LL. Journ. Linn. ~ 
Soc. London (Zool.), 1885, 18, 298-307. . 

pls. Abstract in Journ. Roy. Mier. Soc., 
London, 5, 785-786. 1885.3 

—— On the development of the her- 
ring. Rept. Fish. Board Scotland, 1885, 
App. F, 32-51. pl. 1885.4 

Preliminary account of the de- 
velopment of the lesser weever fish 
(Trachinus vipera} Journ. Linn. Soe. 

London (Zool.), 1885, 18, 274-291. 
4 pls. Abstract in Journ. Roy. Mier. 
Soce., 5, 34-35. 1885.5 

Preliminary account of the food 
of the haddock. ‘Rept. Fish. Board 
Scotland, 1885, 128-134. 1885.6 

The spawning period of the 
British food fishes. Rept. Fish. Board 
Scotland, 1885, 242-254. 1885.7 

Sur l’origine de ’hypoblaste dans 
les ceufs des téléostéens pélagiques. 
Arch. Zool. Expér., 1885, 2. sér. 3, xxi- 
xxiii. — Quart. Journ. Micr. Sci., n. s. 
25, 29-36. 1885.8 

Notes on the British species of 
Zeugopterus. Proce. Roy. Phys. Soe. 
Edinb., 1886, 9, 362-369. 3 pls. 1886.1 




TEE es 

The formation of the germinal 
layers in Teleostei. Trans. Roy. Soc. 
Edinb., 1887, 33, pt. 1, 199-239. Ab- 
stract in Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinb., 1887, 
13, 590-591. 1887.1 

Notes on the larval stages of 
Motella. Proc. Roy. Phys. Soc. Edinb., 
1887, 10, 156-161. pl. 1887.2 

On the relation of yolk to blasto- 
derm in teleostean fish ova. Proc. Roy. 
Phys. Soc. Edinb., 1887, 9, 187-193. 
Abstract in Journ. Roy. Micr. Soc., 
London, 1887, pt. 2, 211. 1887.3 

Note on the epiblastic origin of 
the segmental duct in teleostean fishes 
and in birds. Proc. Roy. Phys. Soc. 
Edinb. 1886-87 (1888), 14, eae ‘ 

Notes on the British species of 
Lepadogaster, and on the development 
of the vertical fins. Proc. Roy. Phys. 
Soc. Edinb., 1890, 10, 161-168. pl. 


(Onos cimbrius L. or Gadus cim- 
brius L.) Proc. Roy. Phys. Soe. Edinb., 
1890, 10, pt. 1, 157-161. pl. 1890.2 

Brook, George, & Calderwood, W.L. 
See Calderwood «& Brook. 

Brook, George, & Ewart, J.C. See 
Ewart & Brook. 

Brook, George, & Scott, 7. List of the 
marine fauna collected at the Tabert 
laboratory during 1885. Pt.1. (Fishes) 
Rept. Fish. Board Scotland, 1885, 232-— 
234. 1885.1 

Brookes, Richard. A new and ac- 
curate system of natural history. 6 
vols. London, 1763. illust. 12°. 


Vol. iii. The history of fishes and serpents, 
etc. xxi, 408 p. pls. 

The same. 2. ed. London, 

17738. 1773.1 
—— The same. 3. ed. London, 
1790. 1790.1 

Brookover, Charles. Pinkus’s nerve 
in Amiaand Lepidosteus. Science, 1908, 
n.s. 27, 918-914. 1908.1 

The olfactory nerve, the nervus 
terminalis and the preoptic sympathetic 
systemin Amiacalva. Science, 1909, n.s. 
29, 713-714. 1909.1 

The olfactory nerve, the nervus 
terminalis and the preoptic sympathetic 

system in Amia calva L. Journ. Comp. 
Neurol., 1910, 20, 49-118. pl. & 32 figs. 

Brookover, Charles, & J ackson, 
Theron S. The olfactory nerve and the 
nervus terminalis of Ameiurus. Journ. 
Comp. Neurol., 1911, 21, 237-259. 15 
figs. - 1911.1 

Brookover, Charles, & Sheldon, 
Ralph Edward. See Sheldon & Brook- 

Brooks, H. St. John. The osteology 
and arthrology ‘of the haddock (Gadus 
eglefinus) Proc. Dublin Soe. Sci., 1885, 
4, 166-196. 5 pls. 1885.1 

Brooks, William Keith [1848-1908] 
For biographical notice, see Andrews, E. 
A., in Science, 1908, n. s. 28, 777-786. 
Also article by Andrews & Conklin in 
Journ. Exper. Zool., 1910, 9, 1-52. 

Development of unfertilized eggs 
of vertebrates and mollusca. Amer. 
Naturalist, 1877, 11, 622-623. 1877.1 

; Alternation of periods of rest 
with periods of activity in the segment- 
ing eggs of vertebrates. Johns Hopkins 
Univ. Studies, 1883, 2, 117-118. pl. 
Artificial propagation of sea- 
fishes. Pop. Sci. Monthly, 1889, 35, 
359-367. 1889.1 

—— The genus Salpa. With a 
supplementary paper by Maynard M. 
Metcalf. Mem. Johns Hopkins Univ., 
1893, 2, 1-396. 57 pls. & 28 figs. 
Abstract in Zool. Centralbl., 1895, 1, 
900-908. 1893.1 

Origin of the chordata in the 
genus Salpa. Mem. Biol. Lab. Johns 
Hopkins Univ., 1893, 178-203. 1893.2 

The origin of the food of marine 
animals. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1883 
(1894), 13, 87-92. 1893.3 

The old naturalist — Conrad 
Gesner (1516-1565) Pop. Sci. Monthly, 
1895, 47, 49-59. 1895.1 

Broom, Robert. On a species of 
Ceelacanthus from the Upper Beaufort 
beds of Aliwal North. Rec. Albany Mus. 
Grahamstown, S. Africa, 1905, 1, 338- 
339. 1905.1 

On the geological horizons of the 
vertebrate genera of the Karroo forma- 
tion. Rec. Albany Mus. Grahamstown, 
S. Africa, 1907, 2, 156-163. 1907.1 


Broom, f. 

An attempt to determine the 
horizons of the fossil vertebrates of the 
Karroo. Ann. South Afric. Mus., 1909, 
7, 285-289. 1909.1 

The fossil fishes of the Upper 

Karroo beds of South Africa. Ann. South 
Afric. Mus., 1909, 7, 251-269. 2 pls. 

On some fossil fishes in the col- 
lection of the Albany Museum. Rec. 
Albany Mus. Grahamstown, 8. Africa, 
1912, 2, 391-393. 1912.1 

and Middle Karroo beds. Ann. South 
Afric. Mus., 1913, 12, 1-5. pl. & fig. — 
Trans. Roy. Soc. South Africa, 1913, 3, 
399-402. 3 pls. 1913.1 

On some fossil fishes from the 
diamond-bearing pipes of Kimberley. 
Trans. Roy. Soc. South Africa, Cape 
Town, 1913, 3, 399-402. 3pls. 1913.2 

On the origin of the cheiroptery- 
gium. Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., 
1913, 32, 459-464. 6 figs. 1913.3 

Describes the pectoral arch in Sauripterus 
taylori Hall. For further discussion, see 
Gregory, W. K.,in Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci., 1915, 
26, 360-364. 

On the structure of the mandible 
in the Stegocephalia. Anat. Anz., 1913, 

45, 73-78. 1913.4 
Contains some references to fishes. 
Brotherson, Andrew. The Greenland 

shark, Lemargus borealis, and its para- 
site Lernea elongata. Nat. Hist. Club, 
Berwick, 1879, 8. 1879.1 

Sea trout or common trout. The 
Carham pond experiments (1880) Nat. 
Hist. Club, Berwick, 1882, 9. 1882.1 

Thesalmon disease. (In Herbert, 
David (editor) Fish and fisheries, p. 172- 
179. Edinburgh, 1883. 8°) 1883.1 

Brougham, W. H. Fish culture for 

the Thames. Fish. Gazette, 1877, -n. s. 
2, 4. 1877.1 

The Norfolk and Suffolk broads. 
Fish. Gazette, 1877, n.s. 2, 3-4. 1877.2 

Fish culture at Chertsey bridge. 

Fish. Gazette, 1878, n.s.2,121. 1878.1 
Salmonide for the Thames. 
Fish. Gazette, 1878, n.s. 2,196. 1878.2 

Freshwater fish. The bream. 
Gazette, 1879, n. s. 3, 14-15. 




—— The pike or jack. Fish. Gazette, 

1879, n. s. 3, 86-87; 97-98. 1879.2 
—— The Thames trout. Fish. Ga- 
zette, 1879, n. s. 3, 121-122. 1879.3 

Broussonet, Pierre Marie Auguste 
(1761— 1807] Mémoire sur les différentes 

espéces de chiens de mer. Mém. Acad. 
Sei. Paris, 1780, 641-680. — Journ. 
Phys., 26, 51-67; 120-131. 1780.1 

Account of the Ophidium bar- 
batum Linn. Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. Lon- 
don, 1781, 71, 486-448. — Trans. Linn. 
Soe. London (Zool.), 5, 279 1781.1 

Ichthyologia, sistens piscium de- 
scriptiones et icones. Decasi. London 
(1782) iv, 41p. ll pls. 4°. 1782.1 

No more published. 

— Mémoire sur le trembleur, espéce 
peu connue de poisson électrique. Mém. 
Acad. Sci. Paris, 1782, 692-698. — Journ. 
Phys., 27, 139-143. — Leipzig. Mag., 
1786, 305-312. 1782.2 

Mémoire pour servir a l’histoire 

de la respiration des poissons. Mém. 
Acad. Sci. Paris, 1785, 174-196. — 
Journ. Phys., 31, 289-304. 1785.1 

Observations sur le loup marin 
(Anarrhichas) Mém. Acad. Sei. Paris, 
1785, 161-169. pl. 1785.2 

Observations sur les vaisseaux 
spermatiques des poissons épineux. 
Mém. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1785, 170. 1785.3 

Mémoire sur la régéneration de 
quelques parties du corps des poissons. 
Mém. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1786, 684-688. 
— Journ. Phys., 1786, 35,62. 1786.1 

Mémoire sur le voilier (Histio- 
phorus velifer) Mém. Acad. Sci. Paris, 
1786, 450-455. pl. 1786.2 

Observations sur les écailles de 
plusieurs espéces de poissons qu’on 
croit communément dépourvus de ces 
parties. Journ. Phys., 1787, 31, 12-19. 

Brouwer, Emil de. Rapport sur l’ex- 
position internationale d’appareils de 
péche, qui a eu lieu 4 Amsterdam, en 
1861. Ostende, 1862. 68 p. 10 figs. 8°. 


Rapport sur l’exposition inter- 
nationale d’appareils de péche, qui a eu 
lieu 4 Bergen en Norvége, en 1865. 
Ostende, 1866. 135 p. 8°. 1866.1 




—— L’exposition internationale de 
péche de Boulogne-sur-mer. Ostende, 
1868. 282p. 16 pls. 8°. 1868.1 

Brown, Albert W. On Tetracotyle 
petromyzontis, a parasite of the brain of 
Ammoccetes. Quart. Journ. Mier. Sci., 
1899, n. s. 41, 489-498. pl. 1899.1 

Brown, Alexander B. Dosalmon feed 
in fresh water? The question viewed 
from the histological characters of the 
gut. Zool. Anz., 1898, 21, 514-515; 
517-523. 1898.1 

Brown, Alfred W. The fishes of loch 
Lomond and its tributaries. Scott. Na- 
tural., 1891, 1, 114-124. 1891.1 

Char (Salmo alpinus) in loch 
Lomond. Ann. Nat. Hist. Scot., 1896, 
192. 1896.1 

Some observations on the young 
seales of the cod, haddock and whiting 
before shedding. Proc. Roy. Soe. 
Edinb., 1903, 24; 437-438. 1903.1 

Brown, Barnum [1873 —] Notes on 
Cuban fresh-water fishes. Science, 1913, 
n. s. 37, 667-668. 1913.1 

Brown, Campbell. Ueber das Genus 
Hydobus und seine systematische Stel- 
lung. Palaontogr., 1900, 44, 149-174. 
2 pls. & 7 figs. Abstract in Zool. Cen- 
tralbl., 7, 471-478. 1900.1 

Brown, Francis H. Some observa- 
tions on the fauna of Madeira. Proc. 
Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., 1869, 12, 205— 
214. 1869.1 

Brown, Guillermo. Servicios de 
bosques, pesca i caza en Australia i 
Nueva Zelanda. Boletin de Bosques, 
Pesca i Caza, Santiago, 1912, 1, 318-323. 


Brown, J. Alexander. See Harvie- 

Brown, J. A. 

Brown, John Coggin. Note on Ja- 
nassa bituminosa Schlot., from the Marl 
Slate, Thickley, Durham. Naturalist, 
1905, 220-222. pl. 1905.1 

Brown, J.J. The American angler’s 
guide. New York, 1876. 8°. 1876.1 

Brown, Orville H. The immunity of 
Fundulus eggs and embryos to electrical 
stimulation. Amer. Journ. Physiol., 
1903, 9, 111-115. 1903.1 

The permeability of the mem- 
brane of the egg of Fundulus heteroclitus. 

Amer. Journ. Physiol., 1905, 14, 354— 
358. 1905.1 

Brown, Richard: Notes on the north- 
ern Atlantic for the use of travellers; 
compiled from authentic sources. Lon- 
don, 1880. viii, 142 p. 12°. 1880.1 

Contains chapters on the cod, fisheries, herring 
and mackerel fisheries, ete. 

Brown, Robert. Notes of the third 
capture of Scymnus (Lemargus\ borealis 
Flem. off the Scottish coast. Zoologist, 
1860, 18, 6861. 1860.1 

Observations on the medicinal 
and economical value of the oulachan 
(Osmerus pacificus Richardson) Pharm. 
Journ. & Trans., 1868, 9, 583. 1868.1 

Danish Greenland, its 
London, 1877. 

Synopsis of the Greenland fauna, by Henry 
Rink, p. 429-463. 

Brown, Thomas [1778-1820] A de- 
scription of the Exocetus volitans. Phil. 
Trans. Roy. Soc. London, 1778, 68, 791— 
800. figs. 1778.1 

Brown, (Captain) Thomas. Descrip- 
tion of a new species of British fish 
(Platessa carnaria) Edinb. Journ. Nat. 
& Geogr. Sci., 1830, 2, 99. — Bull. Sci. 
Nat. (Férussac), 23, 272. 1830.1 

Zoologist’s text-book, embracing 
the characters of the classes, orders, and 
genera, of almost the whole animal king- 
dom. 2 vols. London, 1832. 107 pls. 
ee 1832.1 

—— Popular natural history; or the 
characteristics of animals portrayed in a 
series of illustrative anecdotes. 3 vols. 
London (1835?] 12°. 1835.1 

Fishes in general, vol. iii, p. 99-206. pls. 

people and its products. 

Brown, William. Thenatural history 
of the salmon, as ascertained by the re- 
cent experiments in the artificial spawn- 
ing and hatching of the ova and rearing 
of the fry, at Stormont field on the Tay. 
Glasgow, 1862. 136 p. 2 pls. one 


The history of the salmon. Tn- 
tell. Observ., 1863, 2, 188-190. 1863.1 

Brown, W. H. Dates of publication 
of “ Recherches sur les poissons fossiles ”” 
... par L. Agassiz. (In Woodward, A.5., 
& Sherborn, C. D. A catalogue of Brit- 
ish fossil vertebrata, p. xxv-xxxv. Lon- 
don, 1890) 1890.1 


Browne, Alexander Montagu. Notes 
on the vertebrate animals of Leicester- 
shire {Fish} Zoologist, 1887, 45, 59-61. 


On a fossil fish (Chondrosteus) 
from Barrow-on-Soar hitherto recorded 
only from Lyme Regis. Trans. Soc. Litt. 
Phil. Leicester, 1889, 16-36. 2 pls. & 3 
figs. 1889.1 

The vertebrate animals of Leices- 
tershire and Rutland. London, 1889. 
223 p. 4pls.& map. 8°. 1889.2 

Revision of a genus of fossil 
fishes, Dapedius. Trans. Soc. Litt. Phil. 
Leicester, 1890, 196-203. pl. 1890.1 

Notes upon Colobodus, a genus 
of Mesozoic fossil fishes. Rept. British 
Assoc. Ady. Sci., 61. meet., 1891, 644- 
645. 1891.1 

—— On some vertebrate remains not 
hitherto recorded from the Rhetic beds 
of Britain. Rept. British Assoc. Adv. 
Sci., 63. meet., 1893, 748-749. 1893.1 

Browne, Frank Balfour. Report on 
the eggs and larve of teleostean fishes 
observed at Plymouth in the spring of 
1902. Journ. Marine Biol. Assoc., Ply- 
mouth, 1903, 2. ser. 6, 598-625. pl. 


On the early stages in the life 
histories of certain freshwater fishes. 
Trans. Norfolk Norwich Natural. Soc., 
1907, 8, 478-488. 10 figs. 1907.1 

The North Sea fisheries investi- 
_gations. Nature, 1908, 77, 523-524. 

Browne, F. Balfour, & Garstang, 
Walter. See Garstang & Browne. 

Browne, (Rev.) P. W. Where the 
fishers go: the story of Labrador. New 
York, 1909. xxiv, 366 p. map & figs. 


Browne, Patrick [1720?-1790] Cata- 
logue of the fish of Ireland. Shaw’s 
London Mag., or Gentleman’s Month. 
Intelligencer, 1774. 1774.1 

The civil and natural history of 
Jamaica, ete. 2. ed. London, 1789. 
viii, 490 p. map. fol. 1789.1 

The first edition was published at London in 

Browne, (Sir) Thomas [1605-1682] 
An account of fishes found in Norfolk 
andon the coast. (In his collected works. 
4 vols. London & Norwich, 1835) 

Notes and letters on the natural 
history of Norfolk, more especially on the 
birds and fishes, from manuscript . . . in 
the Sloane Collection in the Library of 
the British Museum and in the Bodleian 
Library, Oxford; with notes by Thomas 
Southwell. London, 1902. xxvi, 104 p. 
Sy 1902.1 
Notes on fishes of Norfolk, p. 31-56. 

Brown-Séquard, Charles Edouard. 
For biography and works, see Arch. 
Physiol., 1894, 6, 501-516. — Biol. Cen- 
tralbl., 1894, 14, 785-800. — Rept. 
Smithsonian Instit., 1898, 677-696. 

Recherches expérimentales sur 
Vinfluence excitatrice de la lumiére, du 
froid et de la chaleur sur Viris, dans les 
cing classes d’animaux vertébrés. Journ. 
Physiol., 1859, 2, 281-294; care: : 

De la poche musculaire orbitaire 
des poissons pleuronectes (Pleuronecti- 
dz) C. R. Soc. Biol. Paris 1869 (1870), 
5. sér. 1, 199. 1870.1 

Browntree, Walter S. On some 
points in the visceral anatomy of the 
Characinide, with an inquiry into the re- 
lations of the ductus pneumaticus in the 
Physostomi generally. Trans. Linn. 
Soc. London (Zool.), 1903, 9, a a 


Bru de Ramon, /.B. Coleccién de 
laminas que representan los animales y 
monstruos del real gabinete de historia 
natural de Madrid. 2 vols. Madrid, 
1786. fol. 1786.1 

Bruce, James [1730-1794] Travels to 
discover the source of the Nile, in the 
years 1768-1773. 7 vols. Edinburgh & 
London, 1790. pls. & maps. 1790.1 

Descriptions of the “* binny ”’ and the method 
of fishing for it, p. 211-215. 

A French translation of this work was pub- 
lished at Paris in 1790, and a German version at 

Leipzig in 1791. There are two later English 

Bruce, W.S. The fishes of the coast 
Arctic Expedition. Rept. Brit. Assoc. 
Adv. Sci., 71. meet., 1902, 687. 1902.1 

Bruch, Ca7/ W.L.[1820?-1884] Ueber 
die Mikropyle der Fische; aus einem 
Sendschreiben an C. Th. v. Siebold. 
Zeitschr. Wiss. Zool., 1856, 7, 172-175. 
figs. 1856.1 
Ueber die Mittelhand der Fische. 

Zeitschr. Wiss. Zool., 1861, 11, 165-169. 
pl. 1861.1 



Ueber osteologische Gattungs- 
charactere beim Karpfengeschlecht. 
Wiirzburg. Naturw. Zeitschr., 1861, 2, 
86-91. 1861.2 

Vergleichende Osteologie des 
Rheinlachses (Salmo salar L.) mit be- 
sonderer Beriicksichtigung der Myologie 
nebst einleitenden Bemerkungen iiber 
die skelettbildenden Gewebe der Wirbel- 
thiere. Mainz, 1861. 22 p. 7 pls. aa 

A second edition was published at Mainz in 
1875. 25 'p: 7 col. pls. 

Vergleichung des Schadels mit 
der Wirbelsiule des Laches, mit elmer 
Aufzihlung simmtlicher Skelettheile 
desselben nach der Art ihrer Zusammen- 
setzung. Abh. Senckenb. Naturf. Ges., 
1862-63, 4, 73-131. Also separate; 
Frankfurt-a.-Main, 1862. 1862.1 

Ueber die Bedeutung der Fisch- 
flossen. Ber. (Offenbach), 1865, 6, 38— 
52: 1865.1 

Bruch, Hdmond. Etudes sur l’ap- 
pareil de la génération chez les sélaciens. 
Inaug. Dissert. Strasbourg, 1860. 79 p. 
11 pl: 4°. 1860.1 

Briicher, K. Biologisches aus Nea- 
pel. Jahrb. Nassau Ver. Nat., Wiesba- 
den, 1912, 65. Jahrg., 99-124. 17 figs. 


Briigger, Ch.G. Naturgeschichtliche 
Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Umgebung 
von Chur. Pisces. Chur, 1874. 1874.1 

Bruhl, Carl Bernhard. Osteologisches 
aus dem Pariser Pflanzengarten. Wien, 

1856. 76p. 11 pls. 1856.1 

Zootomie aller Thierklassen, 
nach Autopsien skizzirt. Lief. 1—40. 
Wien, 1877-88. 160 pls. fol. 1877.1 

Zur Osteologie der Knochen- 
fische, nach Materialien aus dem Pariser 
Pflanzengarten. Berlin, 1887. xliii, 76 
p- ll pls. & 150 figs. 4°. 1887.1 

Amia- und Hydrocyon-Unter- 

kiefer. Wien, 1891. pl. 4°. 1891.1 
—— Balistes-Skelet. Wien, 1891. 
pl. 4°. 1891.2 
Dipnoi- und Holocephalikopf. 

Wien, 1891. 7 pls. 4°. 1891.3 
Karpfen-Skelet. Wien, 1891. 

2 pls. 4°. 1891.4 
Labrax- und  Pleuronectiden- 

Kopf. Wien, 1891. 6 pls. 1891.5 



Briihl, Ludwig. Photographien le- 
bender Fische. Sitzber. Ges. Naturf. 
Freunde Berlin, 1900, no. 4, 142-144. 


Bericht tiber die in fischereilicher 
Beziehung wichtigen Vortrige auf dem 
5. Internationalen Zoologen Kongress 
zu Berlin vom 12.16. August 1901. 
Fischerei Zeitung, Neudamm, 1901, 4, 
753-759; 770-773; 786-789; 802-803. 

Der Lachs in Europa, Asien und 

Amerika. Helios, Frankfurt a. Oder, 
1910, 26, 25-26. 1910.1 

Briining, Christian. Eleotris macu- 
lata. Natur u. Haus, Dresden, 1902, 10, 
305-307. 2 figs. 1902.1 

Brutpflege bei den Fischen. 
Nerthus, 1903, 5. Jahrg., 399-402. 

Fischwaffen. Natur u. Haus, 
Dresden, 1903, 12, 23-25. 6 figs. 1903.2 

Die Gattung Peecilia. Natur u. 
Haus, Dresden, 1903, 11, 364-366. 

Pastellen eines Fisches. Natur 
u. Haus, Dresden, 1903, 11, 188-189. 

Zur Fischfauna der Siissgewiisser 
Deutsch-Ost-Afrikas. Blatt. Aquarien- 
kunde, Magdeburg, 1903, 14, 301-305. 

Polyacanthus cupanus. Blatt. 
Aquarienkunde, Magdeburg, 1904, 15, 
104-105. 1904.1 

Rhinichthys atronasus. Natur u. 
Haus, Dresden, 1904, 12, 164-166. fig. 

Amerikanische Volksnamen der 
Siisswasserfische. Blatt. Aquarienkunde, 
Magdeburg, 1905, 16, 61-64. 1905.1 

Die Familie der Kletterfische. 
Natur u. Haus, Dresden, 1905, 13. Jahrg., 
344-346. 2 figs. 1905.2 

Die Familie der Osphromenide. 
Natur u. Haus, Dresden, 1905, 14. Jahrg., 
52-54. fig. 1905.3 

Zwei indische Barben. Natur u. 
Haus, Dresden, 1905, 13. Jahrg., 129— 

130. 2 figs. 1905.4 
Versuche iiber das Héren der 
Fische. Natur u. Haus, Dresden, 1906, 

14 Jahrg., 312-313. 1906.1 




Bruning, C. 
—— Kigentiimliche Flossenbildungen 
bei Siisswasserfischen. Natur u. Haus, 

Dresden, 1907, 15. Jahrg., 260-263. 
15 figs. 1907.1 
Malapterurus electricus Lace. 

Blatt. Aquarienkunde, Stuttgart, 1908, 

19, 667-671. 1908.1 
Amerikanische | Characiniden. 
Wochenschr. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 

1910, 7. Jahrg., 541-548. 3 figs. 1910.1 

Amerikanische Zahnkarpfen. I. 
Allgemeine Uebersicht. Wochenschr. 
Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1910, 7. Jahrg., 
3-6. 4 figs. II. Die Peeciline. Jbid., 
57-59. 19 figs. Anableps tetrophthalmus 
von Klingelhéffer. Jbid., 62. III. Cha- 
racodontine. Jbid., 117-118. 5 figs. 
IV. Cyprinodontine. Jbid., 161-162. 2 
figs. 1910.2 

Die Gattung Enneacanthus (Gill) 
Wochenschr. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 
1910, 7. Jahrg., 642-643. 1910.3 

““ Neuheiten ”’ im geheizten See- 
wasser. Wochenschr. Aquar.-Terrar. 
Kunde, 1910, 7. Jahrg., 457-459. 3 figs. 

Panzerwelse. Wochenschr. 
Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1910, 7. Jahrg., 
685-687. 3 figs. 1910.5 

Afrikanische Anabantide. Wo- 
chenschr. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1911, 
8. Jahrg., 305-307. fig. 1911.1 

Dorichthys. Bekannte Fremd- 
linge. Wochenschr. Aquar.-Terrar. 
Kunde, 1911, 8. Jahrg., 461-463. fig. 

Fische der Vorzeit. Wochenschr. 
Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1911, 8. Jahrg., 

8-10. 3 figs. 1911.3 
Ichthyologisches Handlexikon. 
Braunschweig, 1911. 287 p. figs. 8°. 

Rasbora heteromorpha, ein Ritsel. 

Wochenschr. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 
1911, 8. Jahrg., 718-719. 1911.5 
Ein Rhamphichthys. Wochen- 

schr. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1911, 8. 
Jahrg., 585-586. fig. 1911.6 

Zwei Varietiiten von Pantodon 
buchholzi Pet. Wochenschr. Aquar.- 
Terrar. Kunde, 1911, 8. Jahrg., 346-347. 
3 figs. 1911.7 

Beobachtungen an _ exotischen 
Welsen. Wochenschr. Aquar.-Terrar. 
Kunde, 1912, 9. Jahrg., 569-571. 4 figs. 

Import im Bild. Zusammenstel- 
lung der in jiingster Zeit neu importier- 
ten Characiniden oder Salmler. Wo- 
chenschr. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1912, 
9. Jahrg., 730. 10 figs. 1912.2 

Phractolemus ansorgii. Wochen- 
schr. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1912, 9. 
Jahrg., 801-802. 8 figs. 1912.3 

Zwei ostasiatische Barben. Wo- 
chenschr. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1912, 
9. Jahrg., 249-250. 2 figs. 1912.4 

Zwei Wochen aus meinem Tage- 
buche. Wochenschr. Aquar.-Terrar. 
Kunde, 1912, 9. Jahrg., 350-352. 5 figs. 

Einige Fische aus dem Niger- 

delta. | Wochenschr. Aquar.-Terrar. 
Kunde, 1913, 10. Jahrg., 485-486. 5 
figs. 1913.1 

Die Phractolemide. Wochen- 

schr. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1913, 10. 
Jahrg., 153-154. 3 figs. 1913.2 

Psettus seb. Wochenschr. 
Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1913, 10. Jahrg., 
740-741. 3 figs. 1913.3 

Ein tonerzeugender Wels aus 
dem Amazonenstrom. Wochenschr. 
Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1913, 10. Jahrg., 
889-890. 3 figs. 1913.4 

Briinings, W. Zur Physiologie des 
Kreislaufs der Fische. Arch. Ges. Phys., 
1899, 75, 599-641. Abstract in Zool. 
Centralbl., 6, 680-682. 1899.1 

Briinnich, Morten Thrane [1737- 
1827] Ichthyologia Massiliensis, sistens 
piscium descriptiones eorumque apud 
incolas nomina. Accedunt Spolia Maris 
Adriatici. Hafnie et Lipsiew, 1768. 
XVI, Ops) Sine 1768.1 

- Velsens Beskrivelse (Gadus ra- 
ninus) (= Raniceps fuscus Kr.) : 
Dansk. Selsk. Skrift., 1779, 12, 291-298. 
pls. 1779.1 

Den barbugede pampelfisk (Co- 
ryphena apus) en nye art; og dens giaest 
skrukketrolden (Oniscus eremita), en 
opdagelse af Dr. Kénig paa Madras. K. 
Dansk. Selsk. Skrift., N. Saml., 1782, 2, 
319-325; 1783, 3, 406. 1782.1 


—— Om den islandske fisk vaagmae- Eutin wihrend des Jahres 1875-76. 

ren (Gymnogaster arcticus) KK. Dansk. Circul. Deutsch. Fischerei Ver. 1876 

Selsk. Skrift., N. Saml., 1788, 3, srg (1877), 156-157. 1877.1 

Ueber Karpfenwiesen. Circul. 

— Om en ny fiskart, den draabe- 
plettede pladefisk (Lampris guttatus) 
fanget ved Helsingér i Nordséen 1786 
(Zeus guttatus) K. Dansk. Selsk. Skrift., 
N. Saml., 1788, 3, 398-407. 1788.2 

Om silde-tusten: Regalecus re- 
mipes. K. Dansk. Selsk. Skrift., N. 
Saml., 1788, 3, 414-418. 1788.3 

Briissow, Mittheilungen iiber 
die Resultate seiner Fischzucht-Anstalt 
in Schwerin, sowie iiber Aalbrut und 
Krebszucht. Circul. Deutsch. Fischerei 
Ver. 1876 (1877), 162-164. 1877.1 

— Ein Beitrag zur Kunde der Le- 
bensweise der Goldbutte [Pleuronectes 
platessa} an der Ostkiiste Schleswig- 
Holsteins. Deutsch. Fischerei Zeitg., 
1879, 2. Jahrg., 253-254. 1879.1 

Brugmans, Sebald Justinus [1763- 
1819] Aanmerkingen over de middelen 
door welke de visschen zich bewegen in 
het algemeen en over het vermogen der 
Uitademing tot dat einde in het bijzon- 
der. Verh. 1. Kl. Nederl. Instit., 1812, 
1, 185-217. pil. 1812.1 

Brugnatelli, Luigi Gasparo [{1761- 
1818] Nota sopra una combinazione 
naturale di olio di pesce e ossiprussica 
(acido prussico st. fr.) Giorn. Fisica 
Stor. Nat. (Brugnatelli), 1815, 8, 137— 
138. — Annal. Chimie, 96, 96-98. 


Bruhin, P. Thomas A. Die Wirbel- 
thiere Vorarlbergs: eine Aufzihlung der 
bis jetzt bekannten Siugethiere. Végel, 
Amphibien und Fische Vorarlbergs, ein- 
schliesslich des Rheinthales und des 

Bodensees. Verh. Zool. Bot. Ges. Wien, 
1868, 18, 223-262.— Zool. Garten, 
Frankfurt, 8, 434-437. 1868.1 

Zoologisches aus den Frank- 
furter Mess-Relationen. Zool. Garten, 
Frankfurt, 1872, 13, 309-314; 341-348; 

372-375; 14, 261-265; 301-305. 1872.1 
Bruhn, Johannes. Typische Formen 
ostasiatischer Labyrinthfische. Wo- 

chenschr. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1911, 
8. Jahrg., 517-518; 532-533. 13 figs. 

Bruhns, #. Mittheilung iiber die 
Brut-Resultate der Grossherzoglichen 
Fischzucht-Anstalt Gremsmiialen bei 

Deutsch. Fischerei Ver. 1876 (1877), 28— 
30. 1877.2 

Resultat der Fisch- 
zuchtanstalt Gremsmiihlen. Circul. 
een. Fischerei Ver. 1877 (1878), 

119. 1878.1 

Brumpt, H. Mode de transmission 
et évolution des trypanosomes des pois- 
sons. Description de quelques espéces 
de trypanoplasmes des poissons d’eau 
douce. Trypanosome d’un crapaud afri- 
cain. C. R. Soc. Biol. Paris, 1906, 1, 
162-164. 1906.1 

Sur quelques espéces nouvelles 
de trypanosomes parasites des poissons 
d’eau douce; leur mode d’évolution. 
C. R. Soc. Biol. Paris, 1906, 1, 160-162. 

Brumpt, H., & Lebailly, C. Descrip- 
tion de quelques nouvelles espéces de 
trypanosomes et d’ hémogregarines para- 
sites des téléostéens marins. C. R. 
Acad. Sci. Paris, 1904, 139, 613-615. 


Brunati, Roberto. Sopra alcune ossa 
faringee fossili spettantialgenere Labrus 
e considerazioni sopra le ossa faringee di 
aleuni Labridi viventi nel Mediterraneo. 

Atti Soe. Ital. Sci. Nat. Mus. Civ. 
Milano, 1909, 48, 103-114. 1909.1 
Brunchorst, J¢rgen [1862 —] Om 

sop paa Klipfisk. Bergen, 1889. 8°. 

Die biologische Meeresstation in 

Bergen. Bergens Museums Aarsberet- 
nung 1890 (1891), no. 5, 1-31. 4 pls. 

Norges fiske deres udbredelse og 
levevis. Bergen, 1898. 68 p._ illust. 
Dee 1898.1 

Brunn, Albert Wilhelm von [1849- 
1895] Ueber die neueren die Entwick- 
lung des Pancreas betreffenden Arbeiten. 
Arch. Ver. Freunde Naturg. Mecklen- 
burg, 1896, 49. Jahrb., 2. Abth., xxix— 
XXX1. 1896.1 
Ein Gold-Stuhr. 


Brunt, C. van. Wind-fish or win- 
fish (Argyrosomus artedi (Gill) of the 
Hudson river] Forest & Stream, 1878, 
10, 219. 1878.1 

Brunn, Maz von. 
Nerthus, 1901, 3. Jahrg., 




Brusina, Spiridion [1845—] Ma- 
noscritto deserizione dei crostacei, dei 
testacei e dei pesci che abitano le lagune 
ed il golfo Veneto, dall’ Abate Stefano 
Chiereghini (edited by 8. Brusina] Pisa, 
1870. 280p. 8°. 1870.1 

Lettera sulla piscicoltura. Boll. 
Agar. Dalmaz., 1888, 17, 273-279. 

Morski psi sredozemmoga 1i 
erljenoga mora. Glasnik Soc. Hist. Nat. 
Croatica, Agram, 1888, 3, 1-64. 1888.2 

Due elenchi dei pesci della Dal- 
mazia di M. Botteri, coll’ aggiunta di 
Heckel, Bellotti, Stalio, ece. Glasnik 
Soc. Hist. Nat. Croatica, 1891, 6, 111— 
151. Also separate; Agram, a 


Nachlese zur kroatischen Ich- 
thyologie und Fischerei. Agram, 1892. 
Se 1892.1 

Pabirci za hrvatsku ihtiologiju 
i za ribarstvo. Glasnik Soc. Hist. Nat. 
Croatica, Agram, 1892, 7, 1-68. 1892.2 

Divije nove ribiceiakvarij (Zwei 
neue Aquarienfische] Glasnik Soc. Hist. 
Nat. Croatica, Agram, 1898, 10, 217— 
222. 1898.1 

Gregorci (Gasterosteus) iz Srbile. 
Glasnik Soc. Hist. Nat. Croatica, Agram, 
1898, 10, 209-212. 1898.2 

Nae jesetre (Acipenser] Rad 
Jugoslavenske Akad., 1902, no. 149, 
1-69. pl. 1902.1 

Brussel, Theodor van. Natuurkun- 
dige beschryving van eenige byzondere 
dieren, visschen en gekorvene diertjes. 
Amsterdam, 1798. 170 p. 10 col. pls. 
Sz 1798.1 

Bruttan, Das Vorkommen der 
Forellen in Livland. Sitzber. Nat. Ges. 
Dorpat, 1888, 8, 237-243. 1888.1 

Brutzer,GregoriusGuilielmus |— 1883] 
De Scaphirhyncho rafinescit disquisiti- 
ones anatomice. Inaug. Dissert. Dor- 
pat, 1859. 40p. 2pls. 8°. 1859.1 

Bruyant, Charles. Note sur la faune 
supérieure des lacs d’Auvergne. Assoc. 
Frang. Avance. Sci., 22. sess., 1893, pt. 1, 
p. 255-256. 1893.1 

Note relative A la biologie dusau- 
mon. Bull. Soc. Hist. Nat. Auvergne, 
Clermont, 1896. (Inachevé] 1896.1 

Reference from Emile Belloe’s Index biblio- 
graphique, 1896. 

Note sur les mceurs de la T'rutta 
fario et du Phoxinus levis. Bull. Soe. 
Centr. Aquicult., 1898, 10, 102-103. 


Hybrides de truite et d’omble- 
chevalier. Ann. Stat. Limnol. Besse, 
1910, 2, 125-133. 1910.1 

Rectifications 4 la faune ichthyo- 
logique de l’Auvergne. Féras et ombles- 
chevaliers. Ann. Stat. Limnol. Besse, 
1910, 1, 380-381. 1910.2 

Bruyant, Charles, & Billard, G. See 
Billard & Bruyant. 

Bruyant, Charles, & Dieulafé, Léon. 
See Dieulafé & Bruyant. 

Bruyant, Charles, & Eusebio, J.B. A. 
Matériaux pour l|’étude des riviéres et 
lacs d’Auvergne. Introduction 4 l’aqui- 
culture générale. Clermont-Ferrand, 
1904. 162 p. 5 pls. & 5 figs. 1904.1 

Bruyére, Henri. Le Ceratodus. La 
Nature, 1901, 29, pt. 2, 89-91. fig. 

—— Le sandre commun ou fogosch. 
Bull. Soc. Nat. Agricult. Paris, 1909, 21, 
45-47. 1909.1 

Excursion 4 l’établissement de 
pisciculture du Val-Saint-Germain. Bull. 
Soc. Nation. Acclimat. France, 1910, 
57. année, 552-558. 1910.1 

Bruyssel, #. van. Histoire d’un 
aquarium et de ses habitants, avec gra- 
vures colorées. Paris, 1865. 8°. 1865.1 

Bryan, William Alanson. A mono- 
graph of Marcus island. Occas. Papers 
Bernice Pauahi Bishop Mus. Polyn. 
Ethn. Nat. Hist. Honolulu, 1903, 2, no. 
1, 77-128. 8 figs. map. 1903.1 

Appendix, p. 125-139. Annotated list of the 

Marcus Island fishes by W. A. Bryan and Albert 
C. Herre. 

Three new Hawaiian fishes. Oc- 
cas. Papers Bernice Pauahi Bishop Mus. 
Nat. Hist., Honolulu, 1906, 2, 22-37. 


Bryant, Edwin E. For biographical 
notice, see Peabody, G. F., in Trans. 
Amer. Fisheries Soc. 1904 (1905), 45-52. 

“he power of the state to regulate 
fisheries and the taking of fish. Trans. 
Amer. Fisheries Soc. 1901 (1902), 83-41. 

Bryant, Harold C. Teeth of a cestra- 
ciont shark from the Upper Triassic of 


northern California. Univ. Cal. Pub., 
Bull. Dept. Geol., 1914, 8, 27-30. eee 

Bryant, William. Account of an 
electrical eel, or the torpedo of Surinam. 
Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc., Philad., 1786, 
2, 166-169. 1786.1 

Bryce, James [1806-1877] Geology 
of Clydesdale and Arran; embracing also 
the marine zoology and the flora of Ar- 
ran, with complete list of species, and 
notes on the rarer insects of Arran. 
London & Glasgow, 1859. 199 p. pl. 
Sh. 1859.1 

Bryce, Thomas H. The dividing cells 
of the embryo of Lepidosiren. Journ. 
Anat. Physiol., London, 1903, 38, Ixx. 


Histogenesis of the blood in lar- 
val forms of Lepidosiren. Lancet, 1904, 
167, 406. 1904.1 

The histology of the blood of the 
larva of Lepidosiren paradoxa. I. Struc- 
ture of the resting and dividing corpus- 
cles. Trans. Roy. Soc. Edinb., 1905, 41, 
291-310. 5 pls. & 2 figs. — II. Hama- 
togenesis. Ibid., 435-467. 4 pls. & 5 
figs. 1905.1 

-—— Note on the development of the 
thymus gland in Lepidosiren paradoxa. 
Journ. Anat. Physiol., London, 1906, 40, 
91-99. 6 figs. 1906.1 

Brydone, R. M. Further notes on 
the stratigraphy and fauna of the Trim- 
ingham Chalk. Geol. Mag., 1906, 5. dec. 
3, 13-22; 72-78; 124-131. 6 pls. & fig. 


Bucek, Léon. Die Ellritze, Phoxinus 
levis (Leuciscus phoxinus) und ihre Ver- 
werthung bei dem Krebsfange. Erste 
Oester.-ungar. Fischerei Zeitg., 1880, 3. 


Buch, Christian Leopold von [1774— 
1853] Lettre sur le gisement des couches 
caleaires 4 empreintes de poissons et sur 
les Dolomies de la Franconie. Journ. 
Phys., 1822, 95, 258-267. — Taschenb. 
(Leonhard), 2, 239-260.— Bull. Soc. 
Géol. France, 6, 97. — Bull. Sci. Nat. 
(Férussac), 2, 47. 1822.1 

Buch, S.A. Indberetning til depart- 
mentet for det Indre om de i 1885 ud- 
forte praktisk-videnskabelige unders6- 
gelser over vaarsildfisket. Christiania, 
1886. 8°. 1886.1 

Buchan, P. Annals of Peterhead, 
from its foundation to the present time, 



including an account of the rise, prog- 
ress, improvements, ete., of the town. 
Peterhead, 1819. xii, 144 p. 6pls. 8°. 

aoe towns, p. 108. Fish on the coast, p. 

Buchanan, afterwards Hamilton, 
(Dr.) Francis [1762-1829] «An account of 
the fishes found in the river Ganges and 
its branches. Edinburgh & London, 
1822. 405 p. 39pls. 8°. 1822.1 

Review in Bull. Gén. Universel (Férussac), 
1823, 3, 253. 

Buchanan, John Young [1844 —] 
Fish and drought. Nature, 1911, 88, 
107-110; 144. fig. 1911.1 

Buchanan, 7. Sketches of the com- 
parative anatomy of the organ of hear- 
ing, founded chiefly on the ear of the 
Squalus. Mem. Werner. Nat. Hist. Soc., 
1828-29, 6, 144-170. 2 pls. 1828.1 

Buchanan-Wollaston, H. J. Re- 
port on the results of the fish-egg cruise 
made by the S. 8. ‘‘ Huxley ” in June, 

1909. 3. Rept. North Sea Fish. Invest. 
Comm., 1911, 207-234. 2 pls. & 13 
figs. 1911.1 

Buchenau, Franz [1831—] Ein 
Fischregen. Abhandl. Naturw. Ver. 
Bremen, 1873, 3, 440. 1873.1 


sche Litteratur tiber das nordwestliche 

Deutschland. Abhandl. Naturw. Ver. 
Bremen, 1897, 14, 2. Heft, 335-340. 


Buchenberger, A. Fischereirecht 

und Fischereipflege im Grossherzogthum 
Baden. Tauberbischofsheim, 1888. 159 

Do, o figs. 8. 1888.1 
——— The ‘same. 2. ed. Karlsruhe, 
1903. xvi, 280 p. 1903.1 

Buchet, Gaston. Contribution A 
Vétude des péches canariennes. C. R. 
Assoc. Franc. Avane. Sci., 28. sess. 
1900, pt. 1, 264-265. 1900.1 

Buchholz, Reinhold Wilhelm [— 1876] 
Ueber die Mikropyle von Osmerus eper- 
lanus. Arch. Anat., 1863, 71-81; 367— 
372. fig. 1863.1 

Buc’Hoz, Pierre Joseph [1731-1807] 
Lettres périodiques sur les avantages 
que la société peut retirer de la connois- 
sance des animaux. Paris, 1769-70. 8°. 


Aldrovandus lotharingise; ou, 
Catalogue des animaux, quadrupedes, 



Buc’Hoz, P. J. 
reptiles, oiseaux, poissons, insects, ver- 
misseaux et coquillages, qui habitent la 
Lorraine et les Trois-Evéchés. Paris, 
AW Arg ee bas Ug741. 
(editor) La nature considérée 
sous ses différents aspects; ou, Lettres 
sur les animaux, les végétaux et les 
minéraux. Paris, 1771-83. 47 vols. 
Wie i by or 

Ouvrage périodique. 

Les dons merveilleux et diverse- 
ment coloriés de la nature dans le regne 
animal; ou, Collection d’animaux_pré- 
cieusement coloriés pour servir a l’intel- 
ligence de Vhistoire générale et écono- 
mique des trois regnes. Paris, 1782. 84 
pls. fol. 1782.1 

Traité de la péche; ou, L’art de 
soumettre les poissons 4 l’empire de 
Vhomme, précédé de histoire naturelle 
de ces animaux. Paris, 1786. 12°. 


Bucht, Johan Fredrich. Om Hollola 
socken uti Tavastland. Inaug. Dissert. 
(Pehr Adrian Gadd, preses) Abo, 1792. 
Slee 4c 1792.1 

Buchtala, Hans. Elementaranalyse 
der Eihaiute von Scyllium stellare, Pris- 
tiurus melanostomis und Scyllium cani- 
cula und Verteilung des Stickstoffes in 
Denselben. Zeitschr. Physiol. Chem., 
Strassburg, 1908, 56, 11-17. 1908.1 

Buck, Emil. Die Zucht junger Stich- 
linge im Siisswasser-Aquarium. Zool. 
Garten, 1875, 16. Jahrg., 251-252. 

Das Zimmer-Bassin-Aquarium 
und seine Apparate. Zool. Garten, 1879, 
20, 135-144. 4 figs. 1879.1 

Buck, H. H. Report upon hatching 
one million whitefish eggs from the Great 
lakes, at Orland, Me., etc. Bull. U.S. 
Fish Comm. 1883, 3, 454-455. = 1883.1 

Buck, W. J., & Chapman, Abel. 
See Chapman «& Buck. 

Buck, W.O. The fishing at Grand 
Lake stream. Trans. Amer. Fisheries 
Soc. 1906 (1907), 233-236. 1907.1 

Some details of salmon culture. 
Trans. Amer. Fisheries Soc. 1909 (1910), 
120-128. 1910.1 

— Controlling the movements of 
fish. Trans. Amer. Fisheries Soe. 1911 
(1912), 139-146. 1912.1 

Fishways for the rank and file. 
Trans. Amer. Fisheries Soc. 1912 (1913), 
101-114. 1913.1 

Heinrich. Zum Transport der Corego- 
nen-Brut. Deutsch. Fischerei Zeitg.; of 
1878, 1. Jahrg., 50. 1878. 

Zum Transport von Fischbrut. 
Deutsch. Fischerei Zeitg., 1878, 1. Jahrg., 
122-123. 1878.2 

als Fischfutter. 
Zeitg., 1879, 2. 

Deutsch. Fischerei 
Jahrg., 154. 

Buckingham, James Silk [1786- 
1855] Canada, Nova Scotia, New 
Brunswick, and the other British prov- 
inces in North America, with a plan of 
national colonization. Paris & London, 
1843. 540p. 8°. 1843.1 

Fish industries of the Feo in 1839, p. 
312; 346; 362; 366; 371-384; =i 

Buckland, C. T. Some Indian fish. 
Longman’s Mag., 1889, 13, 366-376. ‘ 

Buckland, Francis Trevelyan {1826-— 
1880] For biography, see Bompas, G 
C., Life of Frank Buckland. London, 
1885. 8°. 

Curiosities of natural history. 
London, 1857. 8°. 1857.1 

The same, second series, 1860. A new series, 
2 vols., 1866. Third and fourth series, 1872. 
There have been several editions of each series, 
the first American in 1859. 

A familiar history of the British 
fishes mn. p.] (1859) 16°. 1859.1 

Fish hatching. London, 1863. 
12°. — Canad. Naturalist, 1864; n. s. 1, 
124-136. 1863.1 

On the culture of fish. Proe. 
Roy. Instit. Great Britain, 1863, 4, 75- 
86. 1863.2 

Manual of salmon and _ trout 
hatching; or an explanation of the fish 
hatching apparatus at the Royal Horti- 
cultural Gardens, ete. London, 1864. 
Bb 3p 422 1864.1 

On salmon-hatching and salmon- 
ladders. Rept. Brit. Assoe. Adv. Sei., 
34. meet. 1864 (1865), Not. & Abstr., 
90-91. 1865.1 

On the scientific cultivation of a 
salmon river. Rept. Brit. Assoc. Adv. 
Sci. , 36. meet. 1866 (1867), Not. & Abstr., 
71-72 1867.1 




Zalmladders twith English text) 
Nederl. Mag., 1867, 39-40. 2 pls. 

— Chimera monstrosa (Haringkon- 
ing) Land and water, London, 1868, p. 
37. 1868.1 

— On the progress of oyster and 
salmon cultivation in England. Rept. 
Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 38. meet. 1868 
(1869), Not. & Abstr., 90-91. 1869.1 

Bemerkungen iiber Lachzucht in 
der Zeitschrift ‘‘ Land and Water.” 
Cireul. Deutsch. Fischerei Ver., 1872, 
264-265. 1872.1 

En Indsamling af Qrredeg. 
Tidsskr. Fiskeri, 1872, 207-214. 1872.2 

— Familiar history of British fishes. 
London, 1873. 396 p. 8°. (Society for 
Promoting Christian Knowledge, no. 11) 


Log-book of a fisherman and 
zoologist. London, 1875. 407 p. 4 pls. 
8°. 1875.1 

Report on the fisheries of Nor- 
folk, especially crabs, lobsters, herrings, 
and the broads. London, 1875. 84 p. 
4pls. 8°. 1875.2 

Log-book of a fisherman and 
zoologist. 3.ed. London, 1876. 339 p. 
pls. & figs. 8°. 1876.1 

Most of the articles are reprinted from Land 
and Water. 

—— The ribbon fish. Forest & 
Stream, 1877, 9, 24. 1877.1 
——  Snub-nosed salmon. Forest & 
Stream, 1877, 8, 96. 1877.2 

The capelin, Mallotus villosus, of 
Cuvier. Forest & Stream, 1878, 11, 280. 

4 Earbones, or brain ivory of fishes. 
Fish. Gazette, 1878, n. s. 2, 517-518. — 
Forest & Stream, 1878, 11, 320. 1878.2 

The pollution of rivers and its 
effects upon the fisheries and supply of 
water to towns and villages. London, 
1878. 8°. 1878.3 

Sexes of soles. The solenette 
pSolea minuta) Fish. Gazette, 1878, n.s. 
2, no. 80, 519. — Chicago Field, 1878, 
10, 244. 1878.4 

What do salmon feed on in fresh 
water? Fish. Gazette, 1879, 3, 452. 

Angel, fiddle-fish, or monk-fish 
(Squatina angelus) from the North sea. 

Chicago Field, 1880, 14, 69. 1880.1 
The salmon disease. Chicago 
Field, 1880, 12, 339-340. 1880.2 

Natural history of British fishes; 
their structure, economic uses, and cap- 
ture by net androd. Cultivation of fish- 
ponds, fish suited for acclimatisation, 
artificial breeding of salmon. London, 
1881. figs. 16°. 1881.1 

The author, in the preface, refers to his ‘‘ Fa- 
miliar history of the British fishes ’’ as the first 
edition. The work, however, has been entirely 

Notes and jottings from animal 
life (Edited by G.C. Bompas} London, 
1882. pl. & figs. 8°. 1882.1 

The substance of these papers originally ap- 
peared in ‘‘ Land and Water.’’ Several of them 
contain references to fishing. 

Natural history of British fishes. 
2.ed. London, 1891. 12°. (Society for 
Promoting Christian Knowledge) 



Buckland, Francis Trevelyan, & 
Walpole, Spencer. Report on the sea 
fisheries of England and Wales. Lon- 
don, 1879. 8°. 1879.1 

— On the salmon disease. London, 
1880. 8°. 1880.1 

Buckland, F. 7., Walpole, Spencer, 
& Young, Archibald. Report on the 
herring fisheries of Scotland, 1878. 8°. 
Great Britain Sessional Papers, 1878, 5, 
ile 1878.1 

Treats of the natural history of the herring, 
and effects of temperature on the herring fishery, 

Report on the disease which has 
recently prevailed among the salmon 
in the Tweed... and other rivers in 
England and Scotland. Great Britain 
Sessional Papers, 1880,.5, 14. — Also 
separate; London, 1880. 8°. 1880.1 

Buckland, Francis Trevelyan, & 
Young, Archibald. Report of special 
commissioners to enquire into the effect 
of recent legislation on salmon fisheries 
in Seotland. Edinburgh, 1871. 189 p. 
fol. Great Britain Sessional Papers, 
1871, 5, 25. 1871.1 

Buckland, Frank. 
Francis Trevelyan. 

Buckland, William [1784-1856] On 
the fossil beaks of four extinct species of 
fishes, referable to the genus Chimera, 

See Buckland, 



Buckland, IW. 

that occur in the Oolitic and Cretaceous 
formations of England; with note by L. 
Agassiz. Phil. Mag. & Journ. Sci., 1836, 
3. ser. 8, 4-7. — Proc. Geol. Soe. Lon- 
don, 2, 205-206. — Neues Jahrb. Min. 
1836, 625. 1836.1 

Geology and mineralogy con- 
sidered with reference to natural theol- 
ogy. 2vols. Philadelphia, 1837. 1837.1 

Fossil fishes, vol. i, p. 202-204. Plates of fish, 
vol. ii. pls. 27a-27b. 

—— On the discovery of fossil fishes 
in the Bagshot sands at Goldworth hill, 
4 miles north of Guildford. Proc. Geol. 
Soc. London, 1838, 2, 687-688. — Phil. 
Mag. & Journ. Sci. 1838, 3. ser. 13, 387— 
388. — Rev. Zool., 1839, 25. 1838.1 

Notices relative to paleontology. 
Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1842, 9, 158-161. 

Contains notes on ichthyolites. 

On ichthyopatolites or petrified 
track-wings of ambulatory fishes upon 
sandstone of the Coal formation. Proc. 
Geol. Soc. London, 1843, 4, 204. — Ann. 
Mag. Nat. Hist., 1844, 18, 152. — Neues 
Jahrb. Mineral., 1844, 511. 1843.1 

On modes of locomotion in fishes. 
Proc. Ashmol. Soc., 1844-52, 2, 21-22. 

Buckley, Thomas Edward, & Harvie- 
Brown, J. A. See Harvie-Brown «& 

Buddén, Hmil Johannes. Ueber den 
Aal in den Saimagewiissern [Text in 
Finnish} Luonnon Ystiva, 1901, 5, 32— 
Sos 1901.1 

Budden, Ff. H. La piscicultura in 
Montagna. Torino, 1883. 8°. 1883.1 

Budge, Julius. Ichthyologische Be- 
merkungen. Arch. Anat. Physiol. 
(Miller), 1848, 383-387. fig. 1848.1 

Ueber die Lautiéusserungen des 
Schlammpitzgers (Wisgurnus fossilis} 
Mitth. Naturwiss. Ver. Neu-Vorpom- 
mern, Riigen, 1873-74, 5. & 6. Jahrg., 
18. 1873.1 
Ueber die Fischgattung Tetro- 
don. Mitth. Naturwiss. Ver. Neu-Vor- 
pommern, Riigen, 1875, 7. Jahrg., 10-11. 
Budgett, J. Herbert. Note on habits 
of Polypterus. Budgett memorial vol- 
ume, 1907, 291-292. 1907.1 
Reprinted from The Field, Dec. 3, 1902. 

Budgett, John Samuel [1872-1906] 
For biographical notice, see article by 
Arthur E. Shipley in Budgett memorial 
volume. Cambridge, 1907. p. 1-55. 4°. 

Abstract concerning Polypterus. 
Science, 1900, n: s. 12, 735. 1900.1 

The breeding-habits of Protop- 
terus, Gymnarchus, and some other 
west African fishes. Science, 1900, n. s. 
11, 1015. 1900.2 

Observations on Polypterus and 
Protopterus. Proc. Philos. Soe. Cam- 
bridge 1899 (1900), 10, 236-240. 1900.3 

On some points in the anatomy 
of Polypterus. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 
1900, 430-433. — Science, 1900, n. s. 11, 
879-888. — Trans. Zool. Soc. London, 
1901, 15, 323-338. pls. 1900.4 

On the breeding-habits of some 
west African fishes, with an account of 
the external features in development of 
Protopterus annectens and a description 
of the larva of Polypterus lapradei. Proc. 
Zool. Soc. London, 1900, 835-836. — 
Trans. Zool. Soc. London, 1901, 16, 
115-136. 2 pls. & 5 figs. 1900.5 

The habits and development of 
some west African fishes. Proc. Cam- 
bridge Soc., 1901, 11, 102-104. 1901.1 

On the anatomy of the larval 
Polypterus. Rept. Brit. Assoe. Adv. 
Sci., 71. meet., 1901, 693. 1902.1 

On. the structure of the larval 
Polypterus. Trans. Zool. Soc. London, 
1902, 16, 315-340. 3 pls. & 5 figs. 


Note on the spiracles of Polyp- 
Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1903, 
4, 10-11. 1903.1 

The work of John Samuel 
Budgett . . . being a collection of his 
zoological papers... edited by J. 
Graham Kerr, with articles by 
Richard Asheton and Arthur Shipley . . . 
Cambridge, 1907. 494 p. 4°. 1907.1 

i. Observations on Polypterus and Protop- 
terus, p. 91—95. 

ii. List of the fishes collected by Mr. J. S. 
Budgett in the River Gambia, p. 95-100. 

iii. On some points in the anatomy of Polyp- 
terus, p. 100-119. 7 pls. & 7 figs. 

iv. On the breeding habits of some West 
African fishes, with an account of the external 
features in the development of Protopterus an- 
nectens and a description of the larva of Polyp- 
terus lapradei, p. 119-141. 2 pls. & 4 figs. 

v. The habits and development of some West 
African fishes, p. 141-143. 

vi. On the structure of the larval Polypterus, 
p. 154-185. 2 pls. & 4 figs. 

vii. Note on the spiracles of Polypterus, p. 








Ueber die Larven von Hyperop- 
sus bebe Lac. (Translated from English) 
Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1910, 21 
Jahrg., 163-164. 2 figs. 1910.1 

Biichele, J. Die Wirbelthiere der 
Memminger Gegend; ‘ein Beitrag zur 

bayerischen Fauna. Memmingen, 1860. 
8° 1860.1 

Fische der Iller, p. 28. 

Biichler, G. Ff. Die Haltung des 
Fischlaiches. Oecester.-ungar. Fischerei 
Zeitg., 1880, 201. 1880.1 

Biichner,G. Mémoire sur le systéme 
nerveux du barbeau, Cyprinus barbus L. 
Mém. Soc. Hist. Nat. Strasbourg, 1835, 
2,1-52. pl. Alsoseparate; Strasbourg, 
1836. 1835.1 

Sur les nerfs des poissons. L’In- 
stitut, 1836, 4, 296-298. 1836.1 

Ueber die Nerven der Fische. 
Notizen (Froriep), 1836, 50, 212—215. 


Biicker, Friedrich. Der Brachsen- 

fang (Abramis brama) in den deutsch- 

russischen Ostseeprovinzen. Mitth. 
Geogr. Ges. Wien, 1869, 12 (n. s. 2), 

272-278. 1869.1 
Biihler, Anton. Riickbildung der 
Ejifollikel bei Wirbelthieren. I. Fische. 

Morph. Jahrb., 1902, 30, 377-452. 2 pls. 
& 2 figs. 1902.1 

Biihler, A., & Felix, W. See Felix 
& Biihler. 

Buen y del Cos, Odén de. La région 
méditerranée des Baléares. Bull. Soc. 
Zool. France, 1905, 30, 98-106. 1905.1 

Peces de la costa mediterranea 
de Marruecos (notas preliminares) Bol. 
Soc. Espafi. Hist. Nat., 1912, 12, 153- 
166. - 1912.1 

Buen y del Cos, Odén de, & Fage, 
Louis. Un nouveau Gobiidé méditerra- 
néen du genre Aphya: Aphya ferreri, n. 
sp. Arch. Zool. Expér., 1908, 4. sér. 8, 

ev—ex. 5 figs. 1908.1 
Biiren, A. von. Zur Hechtfrage. 

Schweiz. Fischerei Zeitg., 1897, 5. Jahrg., 
no. 21, 200-201. 1897.1 

Butschli, O. Beitrige zur Kenntnis 
der Fischsporospermien. Zeitschr. Wiss. 
Zool., 1881, 35, 629-651. pl. ‘1881.1 

Biittikofer, J. Reisebilder aus Li- 
beria. 2 vols. Leiden, 1890. figs. 

Fische, vol. ii, 447-453. 

Buffa,#. Recherches expérimentales 
sur la toxicité du sang de la lamproie. 
Arch. Ital. Biol., 1900, 33, 177-185. 


Bufta, H., & Scofone, L. See Sco- 

fone & Buffa. 

Buffon, (Comte) Georges Louis Leclerc 
de [1707-1788] For an account of sci- 
entific writings, see Flourens, M. P. J. 
Buffon: histoire de ses travaux et de ses 

idées. Paris, 1844. 12°. 

Histoire naturelle . . . avec la 
description du cabinet du roi. 44 vols. 
Paris, 1749-1804. 1798.1 

Under this series are included 5 volumes, by 
Lacépéde, 1798-1803, entitled * Histoire natu- 
relle des poissons.”’ 

Histoire naturelle . . . nouvelle 
édition .. . ouvrage rédigé par C. S. Son- 
nini. 64 vols. Paris, 1799-1805. 1799.1 

This edition includes 13 volumes by Sonnini, 
1802-04, entitled ‘‘ Histoire naturelle des pois- 

Histoire naturelle par Buffon, 
dediée au citoyen Lacépéde [par lequel 
cette édition fut rédigé) 76 vols. Paris, 
1799-1809. 1799.2 

This series includes 14 volumes by Lacépéde, 
1799-1804, entitled ‘‘ Histoire naturelle des 

Histoire naturelle de Buffon, 
classée .. . d’aprés le systéme de Linné 
... par R. R. Castel... nouvelle édition 
(Suites) 80 vols. Paris, 1801-03. 
The first 26 volumes only are of the ‘‘ nouvelle 
édition, 1802.”’ The origina] issue began to ap- 
pear in 1799. The ‘‘ Suites 4 Buffon’’ include 
10 volumes by Bloch, 1801, entitled “‘ Histoire 
naturelle des poissons.”’ 

Histoire naturelle, générale et 
particuliére des poissons . . . faisant suite 
i Vhistoire naturelle, générale et particu- 
liére, composée par Leclere de Buffon et 
mise dans un nouvel ordre par C. 8. 
Sonnini, avec des notes et des additions, 
par C.S.Sonnini. 13 vols. Paris, 1803— 
04. 77 pls. 1803.1 

(Euvres complétes de Buffon .. . 
mises en ordre par M. le Comte de 
Lacépéde. Nouvelle édition. 31 vols. 
Paris, 1825-28. 1825.1 
This edition first appeared in 1820-22. It 
was reissued in 1825, and again in 1828 and 1829. 
The ‘‘ Suite 4 Buffon ’’ comprises 5 volumes by 
Lacépéde, 1825, entitled ** Histoire naturelle des 
quadrupédes . . . poissons et cétacés.” 

A natural history of the globe, 
and of man; beasts, birds, fishes, rep- 
tiles, and insects. From the writings of 
Buffon, Cuvier, Lacépéde, and other 


Buffon, G. L. L. 
eminent naturalists. London, 
Psi dae 1831.1 

Suites 4 Buffon, formant avec 
les ceuvres de cet auteur un cours com- 
plet d’histoire naturelle. 74 vols. Paris, 
1834-74. 1834.1 

This series includes 2 volumes with atlas, 

entitled ‘‘ Ichthyologie, par A. H. A. Duméril,”’ 

4 vols. 

A natural history, general and 
particular . . translated from the 
French of Count Buffon by William 
Smellie, ete. 2 vols. London, 1860. 
figs. He. 1860.1 

“A new edition, corrected and enlarged. To 

which i is added a history of birds, fishes, reptiles 
and insects .. . by Henry Augustus Chambers.” 

Buglia,G., & Constantino, A. Gibt 
es ein desamidierendes Ferment in der 
Leber von Scyllium catulus? (Kein gly- 
kokollspaltendes Ferment vorhanden} 
Zentralbl. Physiol., 1913, 26, 1178-1179. 


Bugnion, Hdouard. Descriptions de 
quelques alevins de truite monstreux. 
Bull. Soe. Vaud. Sci. Nat. 1879 (1880), 
16, 463-466. — Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat. 

Genéve, 1880, 3. sér. 3, 190-192. 1880.1 

Développement des _sélaciens. 
Bull. Soe. Vaud., 1894, 30, xxxi-xxiv. — 
C. R. Soc. Helvét. Sci. Nat., 77. sess., 
1894, 76-81. 1894.1 

Le poisson-ballon de Ceylon — 
blow-fish, globe-fish — Tétraodon ou 
Tetrodon. Bull. Soc. Vaud. Sci. Nat., 
1911, 5. sér. 47, xxvil—xxvill. — Arch. 
Sci. Phys. Nat. Genéve, 1911, 4. sér. 32, 
72-73. 1911.1 

Buhle, Christian Adolph. Das Fisch- 
buch. Beschreibung und Abbildung 
mehrerer in- und auslindischen Fische. 
Halle, 1812. pls. 8°. 1812.1 

Buhse, Friedrich Alexander. _ Die 
kinstliche Fischzucht in Finnland. 
Correspbl. Naturf. Ver. Riga, 1862, 12. 
Jahrg., 74-76. 1862.1 

Zwei einheimische Lachsbriitan- 
stalten. Correspbl. Naturf. Ver. Riga, 
1862, 12. Jahrg., 145-157. 1862.2 

Buijtendijk, F.J.J7. Over desamen- 
stelling der urine van haaien bij normale 
en versterkte diurese. Versl. Wis. Nat. 
Afd. Akad. Wet. Amsterdam, 1909, 18, 
264-267. — Proc. Akad. Wet. Amster- 
dam, 1909, 12, 380-383. 1909.1 

Over de veranderingen in het 
bloedserum van haaien na verbloeding. 
Versl. Wis. Nat. Afd. Akad. Wet. Am- 
sterdam, 1909, 18, 261-264. — On the 
changes in the ‘blood serum of sharks af- 
ter bleeding. Proc. Akad. Wet. Amster- 
dam, 1909, 12, 377-380. 1909.2 

Over het zuurstof-verbruik van 
het zenuwstelsel. Versl. Wis. Nat. Afd. 
Akad. Wet. Amsterdam, 1910, 19, 615— 
621. 2figs.— Proc. Akad. 
dam, 1910, 13, 577-582. 2 figs. 1910.1 

Ueber die Farbe der Tarbutten 
nach Exstirpation der Augen. Biol. Cen- 
tralbl., 1911, 31, 593-596. 2 figs. 1911.1 

Buist,G. On shark fishing at Kurra- 
chee. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1850, 18, 
100-102. 1850.1 

Buist, Robert. The Stormontfield 
piscicultural experiments, 1853-66. Ed- 
inburgh, 1866. 32p. figs. 12°. 1866.1 

Observations on the salmon. 
Field, June, 1867. 1867.1 

Buist, 7. P. On the development of 
the pectoral girdle in the pipefish (Syn- 
gnathus acus) Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 
1912, 8. ser. 10, 613-621. "at 1912.1 

Buist, W. Further results of the arti- 
ficial breeding of salmon at the Stor- 
montfield pond. Zoologist, 1856, 14, 
5163-5164. 1856.1 

Bujack, Johann Gottlieb. Naturge- 
schichte der héheren Thiere mit beson- 
derer Beriicksichtigung der Fauna Prus- 
sica. K6ningsberg, 1837. 2 pls. 8°. 


Naturgeschichte der preussischen Fische, p. 

Bujor, P. Contribution 4 l’étude de 
la métamorphose de l’Ammocetes bran- 
chialis et Petromyzon planeri. Rev. 
Biol. France, 1891, 3, 301-815; 325— 
339; 365-390; 417-426; 474-486. pls.; 
4, 41-64. 2 pls. 1891.1 
Note préliminaire sur la méta- 
morphose de |’ Ammocetes branchialis et 
Petromyzon planeri. Rev. Biol. France, 

1891, 3, 201—212. 1891.2 
Bulach, Hugues de. Sur la piscicul- 
ture en Alsace-Lorraine. Bull. Soe. Sci. 

Agricul. Arts Basse-Alsace, 1878, 12, 
138-144. 1878.1 
Bull, 2. Einige Bemerkungen tiber 

F ischpulv er. Med. Wochenschr., St. 
Pétersbourg, 1888. 1888.1 

Wet. Amster- 



Bullen, Al. Blue-back trout. Forest 
& Stream, 1879, 12, 395-396. 1879.1 

Bullen, Frank Thomas. The cruise of 
the ‘‘ Cachalot”’ round the world after 
sperm whales. 2. ed. London, 1899. 
xx, 379 p. pls. 8°. 1899.1 

Various kinds of fishes are mentioned. 

—— Deep-sea plunderings, a collec- 
tion of stories of the sea. London, 1901. 
350 p. pls. 12°. 1901.1 

Deep-sea fish, p. 309-318. 

The same. American ed. New 
York, 1902. 1902.1 

r Creatures of the sea, being the 
life-stories of some sea-birds, beasts, and 

fishes. London, 1904. 141 p. 8°. 
Denizens of the deep. New 
York (1904) 430p. figs. 8°. 1904.2 

- Fishes, p. 146-310. 

Bullen, G.#. Plankton studies in re- 
lation to the western mackerel fishery. 
Journ. Mar. Biol. Assoc., Plymouth, 
1908, n. s. 8, 269-302. 6 pls. & 2 figs. 


Notes on the post-larval devel- 
opment of the German or Crucian carp 
(Carassius vulgaris) Trans. Hertfordsh. 
Nat. Hist. Soc., 1909, 14, 15-18. 1909.1 

Some notes upon the feeding 
habits of mackerel and certain clupeoids 
in the English channel. Journ. Mar. 
Biol. Assoc., Plymouth, 1912, n. s. 9, 
394-403. 1912.1 

Mackerel and Calanus. Nature, 
London, 19138, 91, 531. 1913.1 

On some eases of blindness in 
marine fishes (Corneal opacitis and cat- 
aract] Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1913, 
634-638. 1913.2 

Buller, Nathan R. Propagation and 
care of yellow ‘perch. ‘Trans. Amer. 
Fisheries Soc. 1905 (1906), 223-224. 


Bullmore, W. K. Capture of a rare 
fish (Ausonia cuviert) at Falmouth. 
Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1863, 3. ser. 18, 
424-425. 1863.1 

— Notes on Ausonia cooksiz. Journ. 
Roy. Instit. Cornwall, 1866-67, 2, 163- 
166. — Rept. Polytech. Soc. Cornwall, 

1866, 34, 61-64. figs. 1866.1 
Bullo, G. S. Piscicultura marina. 
Verona, 1891. 11 pls. 8°. 1891.1 



Revisione sulla laguna di Co- 
macchio. Proveddimenti. Padova, 
1894. 2pls. 8°. 1894.1 

Bullock, W. J. The grayling (Thy- 
mallus vulgaris) their habits, homes, food, 
and the various methods of capturing 
them. Fish. Gazette, 1879, 3, 465466; 
478-479; 490-491; 503-504; 515-516. 


Bumpus, Hermon Carey [1862 —| 
The breeding of animals at Woods Holl 
during the month of March, 1898. 
Science, 1898, n. s. 7, 485-487. 1898.1 

The breeding of animals at 
Woods Holl during the month of May, 
1898. Science, 1898, n. s. 8, 58-61. 


The breeding of animals at 
Woods Holl during the months of June, 
July and August. Science, 1898, n. s. 
8, 850-858. 1898.3 

On the identification of fish 
artificially hatched. Amer. Natural- 
ist, 1898, 32, 407-412. 2 figs. 1898.4 

On the reappearance of the 
tile-fish (Lopholatilus chameleonticeps) 
Science, 1898, 8, 576-578. 1898.5 

A recent variety of the flatfish, 
and its bearing upon the question of 
discontinuous variation. Science, 1898, 
4, 197-198. 1898.6 

The work of the biological lab- 
oratory of the U.S. Fish Commission at 
Woods Holl. Science, 1898, n. shee ae 

The breeding of animals at 
Woods Holl during the month of Sep- 
tember, 1899. Science, 1899, n. s. 9, 
581-583. 1899.1 

The identification of adult fish 
that have been artificially hatched. 
Trans. Amer. Fisheries Soc. 1898 (1899), 
70-73. 2 pls. 1899.2 

—— The reappearance of the tile- 
fish. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1898 
(1899), 18, 321-333. 1899.3 

Methods and results of scientific 
work at Woods Holl. Trans. Amer. 
Fisheries Soc. 1899 (1900), 12-17. 1900.1 

Buncombe (pseudon.) Trout re- 
gions of North Carolina. Forest & 
Stream, 1874, 2, 241. 1874.1 

Bund, John William Willis. See 

Willis-Bund, J. 




Bungartz, Jean. Aquarienfische und 

ihre Pflege. Lechenich, Rheinland, 
1897. 16 p. 8°. 1897.1 

—— Thesame. 2.ed. Leipzig, 1901. 
1 Gipe esa 1901.1 

Bunge, Alexander von [1803-1890] 
Ueber die Nachweisbarkeit eines bise- 
rialen Archipterygium bei Selachiern 

und Dipnoérn. Jena. Zeitschr., 1873 
(1874), 8, 293-307; 579. 2pls. 1874.1 
Naturhistorische Nachrichten 

aus der Polarstation an der Lena- 
Miindung; aus einem Briefe an den 

Akademiker LL. v. Schrenck. Bull. 
Acad. Imp. Sci. St. Pétersb., 1883, 28, 
517-546. 1883.1 

Fische, p. 533-534. 

Bunge, G. von. Ueber die Zusam- 
mensetzung des Knorpels vom Haifisch. 
Zeitschr. Phys. Chem., 1899, 28. 1899.1 

Bunge, F., & Eberth, C. J. 
Eberth & Bunge. 

Buniva, M. F. Mémoire sur la 
physiologie et la pathologie des poissons, 
suivi d’un tableau indiquant l’ichthyo- 
graphie subalpine. Mém. Acad. Sci. 
Turin, 1802-03, 10, 78-121. 1802.1 


Bunker, Frederic S. On the struc- 
ture of the sensory organs of the lateral 
line of Ameiurus nebulosus Le Sueur. 
Anat. Anz., 1897, 13, 256-260. 1897.1 

Burch, @. J., & Gotch, Francis. 
Gotch & Burch. 

Burchardt, Eugen. Beitrige zur 
Kenntnis des Amphioxus lanceolatus, 
nebst einem ausfiihrlichen Verzeichnis 
der bisher iiber Amphioxus veréffent- 


lichten Arbeiten. Jena. Zeitsehr. 
Naturw., 1900, 34, 719-832. 9 pls. 


Burchell, William J. Travels in 

the interior of southern Africa. 2 vols. 

London, 1822-24. 1822.1 

Freshwater fishes described, vol. i, p. 425. 

Burckhardt, Carl Friedrich [1830 —] 
Verzeichniss der bis jetzt in der Umge- 
bung von Gera beobachteten Fische. 
Jahresber. Ges. Freunde Naturwiss., 
Gera, 1860, 62-63. 1860.1 

Burckhardt, Carl Rudolf [1866— 
1908] For biographical sketch and list 
of publications, see Imhof, G., in Verh. 
Naturf. Ges. Basel, 1910, 20, 1-37. 

Ueber Protopterus annectens. 
Sitzber. Ges. Naturf. Freunde Berlin, 
1890, 158. 1890.1 

Kurze Mitteilungen iiber Protop- 
terus annectens und iiber einen in seiner 
chorda dorsalis vorkommenden Para- 
siten (Amphistomum chordale) Sitzber. 
Ges. Naturf. Freunde Berlin, 1891, 
23-25; 62-64. 1891.1 

Die Zirbel von Ichthyophis gluti- 
nosus und Protopterus annectens. Anat. 
Anz., 1891, 6, 348-349. 1891.2 

Das Centralnervensystem von 
Protopterus annectens ; eine vergleichend- 
anatomische Studie (In Festschrift 
zum 70. Geburtstage Leuckarts. Berlin, 
1892. 164 p. 5pls. 4°) Abstracts in 
Biol. Centralbl., 1893, 13, 427-439. — 
Journ. Comp. Neurol., 1892, 2, 89-91. 

Ueber das Centralnervensystem 
der Dipnoér. Verh. Deutsch. Zool. 
Ges., 1892, 2, 92-95. 1892.2 

Die Homologien des Zwischen- 
hirndaches und ihre Bedeutung fiir die 
Morphologie des Hirns bei niederen 

Vertebraten. Anat. Anz., 1893, 9, 152— 
T5ds ie: 1893.1 
Bemerkungen zu K. F. Stud- 

ni¢ka’s Mitteilung tiber das Fischehirn. 
Anat. Anz., 1894, 9, 468-469. 1894.1 

Die Homologien des Zwischen- 
hirndachs und ihre Bedeutung fiir die 
Morphologie des Hirns bei niederen 
Vertebraten. Anat. Anz., 1894, 9, 152. 


Schlussbemerkung zu K. F. 
Studniéka’s Mitteilungen iiber das 
Fischgehirn. Anat. Anz., 1895, 10, 
207-208. 1894.3 

Zur vergleichenden Anatomie 
des Vorderhirnes bei Fischen. Anat. 
Anz., 1894, 9, 375-382. 5 figs. 1894.4 

Beitrag zur Morphologie des 
Kleinhirns der Fische. Arch. Anat. 
Physiol. (Anat. Abth.), 1897, Suppl.-Bd., 

1I=136) spl, 1897.1 

Hirnbau und Stammesgeschichte 
der Wirbeltiere. C. R. Soe. Helvét. 

Sci. Nat., 80. sess., 1897, 51. — Arch. 
Sci. Phys. Nat., 1897, 4. sér. 4, 483-485. 

Selachierhirn und _= seine 

zoologisch-systematische Bedeutung. C. 
R. Soe. Helvét. Sci. Nat., 80. sess., 1897, 

oe ae es ee el ———————— 


62-63. — Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 1897, 
4. sér. 4, 480-483. 1897.3 

— Sur la forme extérieure du cer- 
veau des sélaciens. Arch. Sci. Nat., 
1898, 4. sér. 6, 621-622. — C. R. Soc. 
Helvét. Sci. Nat., 81. sess., 115-132. 

Beitrige zur Anatomie und 
Systematik der Lzemargiden. Anat. 

Anz., 1900, 18, 488-492. 4 figs. 1900.1 
Berichtigung, p. 560. 

On the luminous organs of sela- 
chian fishes. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 
1900, 7. ser. 6, 558-568. figs. 1900.2 

Ueber die Selachier. Ber. Senck- 
enberg. Naturf. Ges., Frankfurt-a.-M., 

1900, exxvi. 1900.3 
Ueber das Gehirn von J/sistius 
brasiliensis. Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 

Genéve, 1902, 4. ser. 14, 534-535. — 
C. R. Soc. Helvét. Sci. Nat., 85. sess., 
1902, 77. 1902.1 

— Das koische Tiersystem. Verh. 
Naturf. Ges. Basel, 1904, 15, 377-414. 

Das Centralnervensystem von 
Ceratodus forsteri. C. R. 6. Cong. In- 
tern. Zool., Berne 1904 (1905), 314-315. 

Das erste Buch der aristoteli- 
schen Tiergeschichte. Zool. Annalen, 
1905, 1, 1-28. 1905.2 

Geologische Untersuchungen im 
Gebiet zwischen Glan und Lauter 
(Bayer. Rheinpfalz) Geogn. Jahresh., 
1906, 17. Jahrg., 1-92. 28 figs. 1906.1 

Hirnbau und Stammesgeschichte 
der Wirbeltiere. Ber. Senckenberg. 
Naturf. Ges., Frankfurt-a.-M., 1906, 
71*-75*. 1906.2 

Ueber den nervus terminalis. 
Verh. Deutsch. Zool. Ges. 16. Vers., 
1906, 203-204. 1906.3 

Das Central-nervensystem der 
Selachier als Grundlage fiir eine Phylo- 
genie des Vertebratengehirnes. I. Teil. 
Einleitung und Scymnus lichia. Nova 
Acta Acad. Leop. Carol., Halle, 1907, 
73, 241-450. 5 pls. & 64 figs. 1907.1 

Das Central-nervensystem der 
Selachier, etc. II. Teil. Die iibrigen 
Palaoselachier. Op. cit., 1911, 94, 1- 
112. pl. & 85 figs. 1911.1 

—Notizen wiber die Fauna der 
Adria bei Rovigno. III. Zur Kenntnis 


der Fische von Rovigno. Zool. Anz., 
1911, 37, 282-288. 1911.2 

Burckhardt, Car! Rudolf, & Bing, 
Robert. See Bing & Burckhardt. 

Burda, Victor. L’élevage de la carpe. 
Etangs & Riviéres, 1898, 11, 1-3; 17- 

19; 33-36. 1898.1 
—— Ueber Karpfenzucht. Berlin, 
1898. 1898.2 

Burdick, C. H. Testimony in regard 
to the present condition of the fisheries, 
taken in 1871. Rept. U.S. Fish Comm. 
1871 (1873), 1, 30. 1873.1 

Bureau, Louis. Sur une monstruo- 
sité de la raie estellée (Raja asterias 
Rond.) Bull. Soe. Zool. France, 1890, 
14, 313-316. figs. 1890.1 

Le saumon de Ja Loire dans ses 
rapports avec réglementation de la 

péche. Bull. Soc. Sci. Nat. Ouest 
France, Nantes, 1891, 1, pt. 1, 8-19. 

Note sur la capture d’un espadon 
épée, Xiphias gladius, 4 Yembouchure 
de la Loire. Bull. Soc. Ouest France, 
Nantes, 1895, 5, 53-57. pi. 1895.1 

Coup d’cil sur la faune du 
département de la Loire-Inférieure. 
Nantes, 1898. 1898.1 

Poissons capturés sur les cdtes 
bretonnes [(Centrina vulpecula) et dans 
VErdre (Lepomis megalotis} Bull. Soc. 
Sci. Nat. Ouest France, Nantes, 1901, 
2. sér. 1, pt. 1, xxxv. 1901.1 

Note sur la présence du Béryx 
décadactyle, Beryx decadactylus Cuv. 
et Val. (poisson acanthoptérygien) sur 
les cOtes océaniques de France. Bull. 
Soc. Sci. Nat. Ouest France, Nantes, 
1905, 15, 207-209. pl. 1905.1 

Burger, H. Thatsiichliche Mitthei- 
lung iiber Teichfischerei-Ertrige im 
Jahre 1861. Schles. Landw. Zeitg., 
1862, 10-11; 13-14. 1862.1 

Burgersdijk, Leendert Alexander Joh- 
annes. De dieren afgebeeld, beschreven 
en in hunne levenswijze geschetst. 3 
vols. Leiden, 1862-71. col. pls. 8°. 

Fishes, vol. i, p. 463-500; vol. iii, p. 99-264. 
10 pls. 

Burgerstein, Alfred. Die zoolo- 
gischen und botanischen Abhandlungen 
in den im Jahre 1896 erschienenen 



Burgerstein, A. 
Jahresberichten 6sterreichischer Mittel- 

schulen mit deutscher Unterrichts- 
sprache. Verh. Zool. Bot. Ges., Wien, 
1897, 47, 197-200. 1897.1 

Burguiéres, /#., Genazzini, L., 
Gervasoni, 7’., Vinciguerra, D., & 
Besana, G. See Vinciguerra, Besana 
& others. 

Burke, Charles Victor. The relation 
between the coloration and the bathy- 
metrical distribution of the Cyclogas- 
teride. Science, 1911, n. s. 34, 447- 
458. 1911.1 

A new genus and six new species 
of fishes of the family Cyclogasteride. 
Proc. U. 8S. Nat. Mus., 1912, 43, 567- 
574. 1912.1 

Note on the Cyclogasteride 
(Careproctus longipinnis, n. sp.) Ann. 
Mag. Nat. Hist., 1912, 8. ser. 9, 507-513. 

Burke, C. V., & Gilbert, C. H. See 
Gilbert & Burke. 

Burlend, 7. H. The urogenital 
organs of Chimera monstrosa. Proc. 
Zool. Soc. London, 1910, 510-534. 14 
figs. 1910.1 

Burlend, 7. H., & Parker, W. N. 
See Parker & Burlend. 

Burmeister, Hermann (Carl Con- 
rad) [1807-1892] For biography and 
list of works, see Anales Soe. Cience. 
Argentina, 1892, 33, 145-150; Jbid., 
1896, 41, 97-107. — Anales Mus. Nae. 
Buenos Aires, 1895, 4, 315-357. 

Zoologischer Hand-Atlas. 2. ed. 

Berlin, 1860. 42 pls. 4°. 1860.1 
Fishes, pt. 4. 
Petromyzon macrostomus, de- 

scripcién de una nueva especie de pez. 
Anales Mus. Pub. Buenos Aires, 1868, 

1, 35-37. 1868.1 
Burn, J. H. A catalogue (part 1) of 
ancient and modern books... and 

the most extensive collection of books 
relative to angling and field sports ever 
offered for sale. London, 1820. 85 p. 
12°. 1820.1 

Burnaby, Andrew [c. 1734-1812] 
Travels through the middle settlements 
in North America in the years 1759 
and 1790. London, 1798. 4°. 1798.1 

Gives a list of the fishes of Virginia. 

Burne, FR. H. On the presence of a 
branchial basket in Myzxine glutinosa. 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1892, 706-708. 
pl. 1892.1 

On the aortic arch of Sacco- 
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London (Zool.), 1894, 25, 48-55. pl. 


‘“‘ Porus genitalis ’”’? in the Myxi- 
nide. Journ. Linn. Soc. London (Zool.), 
1898, 26, 487-495. pl. 1898.1 

Note on the innervation of the 
supraorbital canal in the  cat-fish 
(Chimera monstrosa) Proc. Zool. Soc. 
London, 1901, 1, 184-187. fig. . 1901.1 


the head of a sea-lamprey (Petromyzon 
marinus), designed to show the mechan- 
ism by which water is drawn into, and 
expelled from, the olfactory chamber} 
Proc. Zool. Soe. London, 1908, pt. 1, 

65. “1908.1 - 

The anatomy of the olfactory 
organ of teleostean fishes. Proc. Zool. 
Soc. London, 1909, 610-663. 6 figs. 


Exhibition of, and remarks 
upon, certain elastic mechanisms in 
fishes and reptiles. Proc. Zool. Soc. 
London, 1909, 201-204. 2 figs. 1909.2 

Exhibition of specimens of adap- 
tive structures for the respiration of 
air in some aquatic invertebrates and 
tropical freshwater fishes. Proc. Zool. 
Soe. London, 1909, 545. 1909.3 

Note on the membranous laby- 
rinth of Neoceratodus forsteri. Anat. 
Anz., 1913, 48, 396-400. 4 figs. 1913.1 

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Burnett, (Sir) W. On the effects 
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man frame. Proc. Roy. Soc. London, 
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general observations on fish poison. 
London, 1815. 8°. — Trans. Linn. Soe. 
London, 12, 590. 1815.1 

(Remarks on a preparation of 

= £)*¢ hater pl eee 

"oP ee'S 

- & 

Le bz 

oo Seay 

bie ve Reo fF 


Burrows, (. Acton. Propagating 
black bass. Forest & Stream, 1875, 4, 
342. 1875.1 

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1874-76, 4, 165-166. 1876.1 

Burton, Edward. Description of a 
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Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1835, 3, 116— 
118. — Isis, 1837, 179. 1835.1 

Monacanthus hystrix nu. sp. Proc. 
Zool. Soc. London, 1835, 2, 121-122. — 
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Burton, (Sir) Richard Francis {1821-— 
1890] The lake regions of Central 
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London, 1860. pls. 8°. 1860.1 

Fishes, vol. i, p. 56; vol. ii, p. 59, 67, 108, 280. 

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sulphuretted hydrogen in the bay of 
Callao. Amer. Jour. Sci., 1852, 2. ser. 
13, 433-434. — Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. 
Philad., 1852, 1-2. 1852.1 

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apis. 4°. 1848.1 

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dem Ursprung anormaler Flossenbil- 
dungen bei Fischen. Wochenschr. 
Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1907, 4. Jahrg., 
66-68. 1907.1 

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Aquarienkunde. II. Parasitire Fisch- 
krankheiten. Intern. Rev. Hydrobiol., 
Leipzig, 1908, 1, 833-839. 1908.1 

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gobio L.) Blatt. Aquarienkunde, Stutt- 
gart, 1908, 19, 342-348. 1908.2 

Busenitz, Bericht iiber die 
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1904, 11, xxxvii—xxxviii. 1904.1 

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snowshoes; a journal of Siberian travel 
and explorations made in the years 
1865-67. New York, 1871. 529 p. 
illust. 8°. 1871.1 

Mentions the varieties of fish and modes of 
catching them in Russia. 

Bushnan, John Stevenson [1808?- 
1884] Fishes, particularly their struc- 
ture and economical uses. Edinburgh, 



1840. 219p. 3lpls. 12°. (Natural- 
ist’s library, edited by Sir William Jar- 
dine, vol. xxvii) 1840.1 
Also appears as vol. xxxv of 2. edition of the 
Naturalist’s library, Edinburgh, 1845—46. 

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van county, N. Y. Forest & Stream, 
1880, 15, 29. 1880.1 

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Trout culture at Reading. Fish. Ga- 
zette, 1879, 3, 245; 306. 1879.1 

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ing of the common sole (Solea vulgaris) 
in the aquarium of the Marine Biologi- 
cal Association laboratory at Plymouth 
during April and May, 1895. Journ. 
Mar. Biol. Assoc. 1895-97, n. s. 4, 3-9. 


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New York, 1858. 121 p. 12°. 1858.1 

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Acad., 1897, 11, 261-273. 1897.1 

Butler, Myron. Fish for New York 
waters. Forest & Stream, 1880, 15, 
428. 1880.1 

Butler, V. R. Work of the Pennsyl- 
vania fisheries department. Trans. 
Amer. Fisheries Soc. 1913 (1914), 111- 
120. 1914.1 

Butler (junior), William. Notes on 
trout work in Michigan. Trans. Amer. 
Fisheries Soe. 1889 (1900), 25-31. 


Butscher, Arthur. Der Makropode 
und seine Zucht. Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. 
Freunde, 1900, 11. Jahrg., 149-151. 


Etwas iiber den Kamoffisch. 
Nerthus, 1901, 3. Jahrg., 625-626. 
Unser Freund, der Girardinus 
decemmaculatus. Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. 
Kunde, Magdeburg, 1901, 12, Pees 

The Irish deep sea 

Butt, Jsaac. 

fisheries. Dublin, 1874. 27 p. 8°. 
Buxbaum, 2. Der Wanderzug der 
Mainfische im Friihling 1892. Zool. 
Garten, 1892, 33, 184-188. 1892.1 

Ein Zug Aale auf der Wander- 
schaft im Main. Zool. Garten, 1892, 
33, 20-21. 1892.2 





Buxbaum, L. : 
Die Mainfische und ihre Namen. 
Zool. Garten, 1893, 34, 233-235. 1893.1 

— Der Wanderzug der Mainfische 
im Sommer 1892. Zool. Garten, 1893, 
34, 11-13. 1893.2 

—— Der Wanderzug der Mainfische 
im Friihjahre 1894. Allgem. Fischerei 

Zeitg., 1894, 19, 277-279. 1894.1 
—— Unsere Mainfische. Zool. Gar- 
ten, 1895, 36, 294-297. 1895.1 

Der Wanderzug der Mainfische 
im Frithjahre 1895. Allgem. Fischerei 
Zeitg., 1895, 20, 312-314. 1895.2 

Der Zug 

der Mainfische im 
Frihjahre 1896.  Allgem. Fischerei 
Zeitg., 1896-97, 21. Jahrg., 320. — 
Zool. Garten, 1899, 40. Jahrg., 90-91. 
Ibid., 41. Jahrg., 55-56. Ibid., 1900, 
42. Jahrg., 390-392. — Die Natur, 1899, 
48. Jahrg., 466. 1899.1 

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im Friihjahre 1901. Allgem. Fischerei 
Zeitg., 1901, 26, 352. 1901.1 

— Der Wanderzug der Mainfische 
im Friihling 1902. Allgem. Fischerei 
Zeitg., 1902, 27, 283-284. 1902.1 

Die Mainfische und ihr Wan- 
derzug. Aus d. Heimath, Stuttgart, 
1903, 16, 12-15; 48-52. 1903.1 

_ —— Die Wanderung der Mainfische 
im Frihjahre 1904. Allgem. Fischerei 
Zeitg., 1904, 29. Jahrg., 223-224. 1904.1 

Buxtorf, August. Geologie der 
Umgebung von Gelterkinden im Bas- 
ler Tafeljura. Beitrage Geol. Karte 
Schweiz, 1901, 2. ser. 6, 1-106. 2 pls. 
& 2 figs. 1901.1 

_Buys,J.7. Eeennieuwleven. Over- 
zigt van de visscherijen in de laatste 
tien jaren, naar aanleiding van het niet 
toekennen van premién. De Cids, 1867, 
94-123. 1867.1 

Buytendijk, /. J. J. Sce Buijten- 
dijk, F. J. J. 

Byerley, Jsaac. On the Trachinus 
draco, or otter-pike, sting fish, or weever. 
Mem. Lit. Phil. Soc. Liverpool, 1849, 
5, 156-168. 1849.1 

Byers, William N. The abundant 
game of Colorado. Forest & Stream, 
1878, 11, 310. 1878.1 

Grayling of Colorado. Forest 
& Stream, 1878, 11, 300. 1878.2 

Traits of Rocky mountain trout. 
Forest & Stream, 1879, 12,174. 1879.1 

Bykowski, L., & Nusbaum, Jézef. 
See Nusbaum & Bykowski. 

Byrne, L. W. Notes on the young 
of Blennius galerita L. Journ. Mar. 
Biol. Assoc., 1900-03, 2. ser. 6, 383-386. 


On Lepadogaster stictopteryx. Proc. 
Zool. Soc. London, 1902, 102. 1902.2 

— On the number and arrangement 
of the bony plates of the young John 
Dory. Biometrika, 1902, 2, 115-120. 
pl. 1902.3 

A new species of Pteridium 
(Scopoli) from the north-east Atlantic. 
Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1906, 7. ser. 18, 
448-450. fig. 1906.1 

— The fishes collected by the 
“ Huxley ”’ from the north side of the 
bay of Biscay in August, 1906. Journ. 
Mar. Biol. Assoc., 1907-10, n. s. 8, 1-5. 
fig. 1907.1 

Byrne, L. W., & Garstang, W. See 
Garstang & Byrne. 

Byrne, L. W., & Holt, Ernest W. L. 
See Holt & Byrne. 

Bystrém, C. Om fiskodlingen i 
atskilliga fremmande lander. Oefvers. 
K. Svenska Vetensk. Akad. Forh., 1863 
(1864), 305-342. 1864.1 

Report on various piscicultural establish- 
ments visited by the author in Germany, 
Switzerland and France. 


C. Migratory Coregoni. Field, 
Farm, Garden, 1878, 51, 39. 1878.1 

C., A.B. A school of fish that may be 

clupeoids from lake Ontario. Chicago 
Field, 1879, 11, 308. 1879.1 

C., A.G. Grubs in bass. Forest & 
Stream, 1880, 15, 247. 1880.1 

C., A. P. Curious fishes of the New 
York Aquarium, etc. Forest & Stream, 
1877, 8, 47. 1877.1 

Gc... Fish Fish. 
Gazette, 1879, 3, 66. 1879.1 

C., C. H. Snakes in trout. 
Sportsman, 1874, 4, 253. 

C., H. Etude comparée sur le dé- 
veloppement de la colonne vertébrale 
chez la Lépidostée {A criticism of 
Gegenbaur, Carl: ‘‘ Ueber die Entwicke- 
lung der Wirbelsiule des Lepidosteus, 
mit vergleichend anatomischen Bemer- 
kungen) Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., Genéve, 
1868, n. s. 32, 237-249. 1868.1 

Fish swallowing fish. Forest & 
Stream, 1880, 13, 985. 1880.1 

C.,F. Canadian fish culture. Forest 
& Stream, 1875, 4, 261. 1875.1 

C.,G. H. Salmon in the Connecticut. 
Forest & Stream, 1878, 10, 265. 1878.1 

C., H: H. Eastern Long Island. 
Menhaden oil and the fisheries. Scient. 
American, 1871, 24, 21. 1871.1 

C., R. F. Salmon in the Elkhorn 
river. Forest & Stream, 1876, 6, 165. 

C., R.G. Fish culture in Nebraska. 
Forest & Stream, 1877, 8, 340. 1877.1 

C., S.W. Migrations of the crappie 
tof the Ohio river and _ tributaries] 
Forest & Stream, 1878, 10, 339. 1878.1 

C., W. (Protective color adaptation 
in fishes and reptiles; Mag. Nat. Hist., 
1835, 8, 230. 1835.1 

Black bass in the Delaware. 
Rod & Gun, 1875, 7, 51. 1875.1 



C., W. H. New England fisheries. 
Chicago Field, 1878, 9, 404. 1878.1 

Cabibbe, Giacomo. Contributo alla 
conoscenza della struttura della cisti- 
fellea e del coledoco in alcuni vertebrati 
inferiori e nell’ uomo. Atti Accad. 
Fisiocritici, Siena, 1903, 4. ser. 14, 361— 
396. 1903.1 

Cabot, J. Elliot, & Agassiz, Louis. 
See Agassiz, Cabot & others. 

Cabot (junior), Samuel. The abun- 
dance of horse mackerel (Temnodon 
saltator) this season in Beverly harbor. 
Proce. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., 1845-48 
(1848), 2, 179. 1848.1 

—— A specimen of the shovel fish 
from the Ohio river. Proc. Boston Soc. 
Nat. Hist., 1845-48 (1848), 2, 184. 


Cabrera Latorre, Angel. Ictiologia 
ibérica. Memoria de los peces del mar 
de Andalucia: autégrafo inédito. Rev. 
Ciencias, Madrid, 1887, 32, 141-189. 


Cacheux, Hmile. Etude sur les 
poissons et la péche dans les colonies 
frangaises. Congr. Intern. Péche Pis- 
cicult. St. Pétersb., 1903, pt. 1, 227-236. 


Cadiat, L. O. Sur Vinfluence du 
pnheumogastrique et l’action de la digita- 
line sur les mouvements du cceur chez 
les squales. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 
1879, 88, 1186-1138.— Journ. Anat. 
Physiol., Paris, 1879, 19, 38.— Rev. 
Intern. Sci., 1879, 3, 556. 1879.1 

Cafauek, 7. Das Skelet der Kno- 
chenganoiden. (n.p.] 1883. 8°. 


Cahall, W.C. The teeth as evidence 

of evolution. Amer. Naturalist, 1890, 

24, 224-236. 1890.1 

The evolution of the circulatory 
organs. Amer. Naturalist, 1891, 24, 
237-247. 6 figs. 1891.1 

Caillaud, René. Sur la pisciculture 
fluviatile et marine. Bull. Soc. Acclim., 
Paris, 1858, 5, 395-400. 1858.1 


Caillaud, PR. 

La pisciculture en Vendée. An- 
nuaire Soc. Emulation Vendée, 1860, 6. 
16 p. Also separate; Napoléon-Ven- 
dée, 1860. 16 p. 1860.1 

Expériences d’élevage de cer- 
tains poissons de mer dans les eaux 
douces. Bull. Soc. Acclim., Paris, 1863, 
10, 189-190. 1863.1 

Aquiculture. Apercu de 1’état 
actuel de la pisciculture fluviatile dans 
diverses localités de la France. Bull. 
Soe. Acclim., Paris, 1864, 2. sér. 1, 580— 
591; 735-75). 1864.1 

Caillo, —— Recherches sur la péche 
de la sardine en Bretagne, et sur les 

industries qui s’ y rattachent. Nantes, 
1855. 96 p. 1855.1 
Caird, J ames, Huxley, Thomas 

Henry, & Lefevre, George Shaw. Ex- 
tracts from the report of the commis- 
sioners appointed to inquire into the 
sea fisheries of the United Kingdom, 
etc. London, 1861. Reprinted in Rept. 
U. S. Fish Comm. 1871-72 (1873), 1 
145-148. 1873.1 

Cairncross, David. The origin of 
the silver eel, with remarks on bait and 
fly-fishing. London, 1862. viii, 96 p. 
8°. 1862.1 

Cajal, S. Ramén. See Ramon y 

Cajal, S. 

Cajetan, J. Ein Beitrag zur Lehre 
der Anatomie und Physiologie des 
Tractus intestinalis der Fische. Inaug. 
Dissert. Bonn, 1883. 8°. 1883.1 

Calamai, Lwigi. Sull’ anatomia della 
torpedine e sopra un gabinetto di ana- 
tomia comparata. Firenze, 1845. 8°. 


Calamink, pseudonym for Wilson, 
John L. 

Calandruccio, Salvatore. Sul ramo 
laterale del trigemino nei Murenoidi. 
Bull. Accad. Gioenia Sci. Nat. Catania, 
1896, n. s. 14-15. — Atti Accad. Gioenia 
Sci. Nat. Catania, 1897, 4. ser. no. 2, 
1-8. pl. 1896.1 

Calandruccio, S., & Grassi, G. B. 
See Grassi & Calandruccio. 

Calberla, 2. Der Befruchtungsvor- 
gang beim Ei von Petromyzon planeri: 
ein Beitrag zur Kenntniss des Baues 
und der ersten Entwicklung des be- 



fruchteten Wirbelthiereies. Zeitschr. 
Wiss. Zool., 1877, 30, 437-486. 3 ne 

Zur Entwicklung des Medullar- 
rohres und der Chorda dorsalis der 
Teleostier und der Petromyzonten. 
Morph. Jahrb., 1877, 3, 226-270. 2 
pls. 1877.2 

Zur  Entwickelungsgeschichte 
des Petromyzon. Amt. Bericht Vers. 
Deutsch. Naturf. Miinchen, 1877, 50, 
188-189. 1877.3 

Calderwood, W.L. Notes on the 
Greenland shark (Lemargus microce- 
phalus) 4. Rept. Fish. Board Scotland, 
1885 (Append. F), 228. 1885. 1 

Description of work on the 
Scottish Fishery Board’s steamer “‘ Gar- 
land,” with statement of results. 5. 
Ann. Rept. Fish. Board Scotland 1885 
(1886) (Append. F), 45. 1886.1 

Notes on an intra-uterine speci- 
men of the porbeagle (Lamna cornubica) 
6. Rept. Fish. Board Scotland, 1887, 
263. 1887.1 

— On the swimming bladder and 

flying powers of Dactylopterus volitans. 

Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinb., 1890, 17, 132- 
138. pl. 1890.1 

— The Plymouth mackerel fishery 
of 1889-90. From data collected by 
Mr. Wm. Roach. Journ. Mar. Biol. 
Assoc., 1891-92, n. s. 2, 4-14. 1891.1 

A contribution to the knowl- 
edge of the ovary and intra-ovarian egg 
in teleosteans. Journ. Mar. Biol. Assoc., 
1891-92, n. s. 2, 298-313. 2 pls. 1892.1 

Experiments on the relative 
abundance of anchovies off the south 
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A contribution to the life his- 
tory of the salmon, as observed by 
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Continued as a series of articles appended 
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A comparison of the relative 
results of certain net fisheries, season 
1902. 21. Ann. Rept. Fish. Board 
Scotland, 1903, pt. 2 (Append. 2), 55. 

The observance of the weekly 
close time. 21. Ann. Rept. Fish. Board 
Scotland, 1903, pt. 2, 59. 1903.2 

— The temperature of the river 
Tay and its tributaries in relation to the 
ascent of salmon. 21. Ann. Rept. Fish. 
Board Scotland, 1903, pt. 2,77. 1903.3 



—— An estimate of the proportion 
of the sexes of salmon in certain Scot- 
tish rivers, during the winter and spring 
months. 22. Ann. Rept. Fish. Board 
Scotland, 1904, pt. 2 (Append. 5), 102. 


The feeding habits. of salmon 
fry reared in the freshwater ponds at 
Tugnet. 23. Ann. Rept. Fish. Board 
Scotland, 1904, pt. 2 (Append. 4), 86. 



Notes on the relative numbers 
of grilse and salmon in the lower waters 
of the river Tay during the spawning 
season. 22. Ann. Rept. Fish. Board 
Scotland, 1904, 6, pt. 2,107. - 1904.3 

Notes on the Tay bull-trout, 
with an analysis of its flesh. 22. Ann. 
Rept. Fish. Board Scotland, 1904, 8, 
pei2, 111. 1904.4 

Observations on the seaward 
migration of smolts in the estuary of 
the river Tay. 23. Ann. Rept. Fish. 
Board Scotland, 1904, pt. 2 (Append. 
3), 80. 1904.5 

Table showing river and estua- 
rine salmon net fisheries, for fish season 
1904. 22. Ann. Rept. Fish. Board 
Seotland, 1904, pt. 2, 13. 1904.6 

Autumn migration of salmon 
smolts in Scotland. 24. Ann. Rept. 
Fish. Board Scotland, 1905, pt. 2 
(Append. 3), 70. 1905.1 

Natural history notes. 1.Smolts 
reared in fresh water. 2. Spawning of 
smolts. 3. Salmon caught out at sea. 
24. Ann. Rept. Fish. Board Scotland, 

1905 (Append. 4), 75. 1905.2 
— “The white spot” affecting 
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Rept. Fish. Board Scotland, 1905, pt. 2 
(Append. 5), 78. 1905.3 

The bull trout of the Tay and of 
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Experiment to test the length of 
time sea-lice remain attached to salmon 
in fresh water. 25. Ann. Rept. Fish. 
Board Scotland, 1906 (Append. 5), 75. 

Note on the smolt to grilse 
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Soc. Edinb., 1906, 26, 321-324. fig. 





Calderwood, W. L. 

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Report on a male kelt, kept for a 
year in fresh water, and found to be 
again ripe for spawning; with a state- 
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Rept. Fish. Board Scotland, 1908, pt. 2, 
43. 1908.1 

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A A AI ae 


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1842, 9, 265-278; 361-370; 481-493. 


Pisces, p. 484-493. 

Notice of the foetus of Zygaena 
laticeps Cantor. Ann. Mag. Nat. laste. 
1845, 16, 372-374. 1845.1 

Catalogue of Malayan fishes. 

Journ. Roy. Asiat. Soc. Bengal, 1849, 
18, 983-1042. 1849.1 

Descriptions of two species of 
Indian eels. Nat. Tijdschr. Neder.- 
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Mémoire sur un poisson nouveau 
(Acanthoderma temminckii) trouvé dans 
le canal de Messine, ete. Brussels, | 
1837. 19 p. -2:pls. 4°: 1837.1 

Canu, Hugene. Notes de biologie 
marine, fauniques ou éthnologiques. 
Ann. Stat. Aquic. Boulogne-sur-M., 
1893, 1, 99-116. 1893.1 

Ponte, ceufs et larves des pois- 
sons osseux, utiles ou comestibles, ob- 
servés dans la Manche. Ann. Stat. 
Aquic. Boulogne-s.-M., 1893, 1, 117— 
132. pls. vili—xv. 1893.2 

Notes sur la pisciculture marine. 
Boulogne-sur-Mer, 1894. 4°. 1894.1 

Note sur la distribution du 
hareng, comparée aux caractéres phy- 
siques et biologiques des eaux dans la 
Manche. Bull. Soc. Centr. Aquicult. 
Péche, 1897, 9, 179-188. 1897.1 

Capel, Charles C. Trout culture. 
A practical treatise on the art of spawn- 
ing, hatching and rearing trout. Lon- 

don, 1877. 93 p. 8°. 1877.1 
Do fish sleep? Fish. Gazette, 
1878, n. s. 2,172. 1878.1 

{Notes on the colour of trout} 
Fish. Gazette, 1878, n.s. 2,401. 1878.2 

Fish-culture, private and public. 
Fish. Gazette, 1879, 3, 102. 1879.1 

Capellini, Giovanni .[1833—] Di 
N. Stenone e dei suoi studii geologici 1 in 
Italia. Bologna, 1870. 35 p. 


Capello, Felix de Brito. Catalogo dos 
peixes de Portugal que existem no 

Museu de Lisboa. Jorn. Sci. Math. 
Phys. Nat. Lisboa, 1868, 1, 233-264; 
307-313. 1868.1 

Descripc¢ao de dois peixes novos 
provenientes dos mares de Portugal 
(Chimera affinis, Pseudotriakis micro- 
don} Jorn. Sci. Math. Phys. Nat. 
Lisboa, 1868, 1, 314-317. pls. 1868.2 

Description de trois nouveaux 
poissons des mers du Portugal: Trachu- 
rus fallax, Chimera affinis, Pseudotriakis 
microdon. Jorn. Sci. Math. Phys. 
Nat. Lisboa, 1868, 1, 318-322. pl. 


Peixes novos de Portugal e da 
Africa occidental, e caractéres distinc- 
tivos d’ outras especies ja conhecidas. 
Jorn. Sci. Math. Phys. Nat. Lisboa, 
1868, 1, 154-169. pl. 1868.4 

— Appendice ao catalogo dos peixes 
de Portugal que existem no Museu de 
Lisboa. Jorn. Sci. Math. Phys. Nat. 
Lisboa, 1870, 2, 223-228. 1870.1 

Catalogo dos peixes de Portugal 
que existem no Museu de Lisboa. Jorn. 
Sci. Math. Phys. Nat. Lisboa, 1870, 2, 
51-63; 131-153. pil. 1870.2 

; Lista de algumas especies de 
peixes colligidos ou observados na bahia 

de Lagos (Algarve) Jorn. Sci. Math. 
Phys. Nat. Lisboa, 1870, 2, 229-232. 

— Memoria relativa a um exemplar 
de “‘Squalus maximus” Linn. (Ceto- 
rhinus blainvillei] pescado nas costas de 
Portugal. Jorn. Sci. Math. Phys. Nat. 
Lisboa, 1870, 2, 233-238. pl. 1870.4 

Noticia dcerca de um _ peixe 
pouco conhecido proveniente do Brasil 
(Chetostomus hystrix C. & V.) Jorn. Sci. 
Math. Phys. Nat. Lisboa, 1870, 2, 64— 
69. pl. 1870.5 

Sur Videntité du Prometteus 
paradoxus Cap. et du Nesiarchus nasu- 
tus J. Y. Johnson. Jorn. Sci. Math. 
Phys. Nat. Lisboa, 1870, 2, 154. 1870.6 

Primeira lista dos peixes da 
ilha da Madeira, Acores, e das posses- 
sdes portuguezas d’ Africa, que existem 
no Museu de Lisboa. Jorn. Sci. Math. 
Phys. Nat. Lisboa, 1871, 3, 194-202; 
280-282; 1873, 4, 83-88. 1871.1 

Segundo appendice ao catalogo 
dos peixes de Portugal. Jorn. Sci. Math. 
Phys. Nat. Lisboa, 1873, 4, 307-311. 


Algumas consideragdes dAcerca 
da industria piscicola em Portugal. 
Jorn. Sci. Math. Phys. Nat. Lisboa, 
1876, 5, 159-164. 1876.1 

Terceiro appendice ao catalogo 
dos peixes de Portugal. Jorn. Sci. Math. 
Phys. Nat. Lisboa, 1876, 5, 165-167. 

Catalogo dos peixes de Portugal. 
Mem. Acad. Sci. Lisboa, 1881, 46 (n.s. 
6, pt. 1), 1-73. 1881.1 

Obra postuma, com prologo por J. V. Barboza 
du Bocage. 

Capello, Felix de Brito, & Bocage, 
José Vincente Barboza du. See Bocage 
& Capello. 



Cappelle, H. van. Die Forelle, ihre 
Zucht und ihr Fang. Nat. Ges. Han- 
nover, 1908, 55-57. Jahresber., 62-64. 


Cappello, O. Teleologia del sistema 
urinifero vascolare scoperto da Jacob- 
son nei pescie neirettili. Giorn. Accad. 
Sci. Lett. Arti, Roma, 1845, 102, 42-47. 


Capsoni, Giovanni. Sul olio di 
merluzzo e sulle sue mediche proprieta. 
Giorn. Farm. Chim. Sci. Acc. (Catta- 
neo), Milano, 1831, 14, 9. 1831.1 

Car, Lazar. Biologijska klasifikacija 
1 fauna nasih sladkih voda. Glasnik 
Hrvatsk. Narosl. DruStva, 1911, 23, 
24-85. 37 figs. 1911.1 

Caradaillac de Saint-Paul, G. de, 
& Roule, Ll. See Roule & Caradaillac 
de Saint-Paul. 

Caraffa, Tito de. Essai sur les pois- 
sons des cétes de la Corse . Bull. 
Soc. Sci. Hist. Nat. Corse, 1902, Dr 
année, 253-259. Also separate; Bastia, 
1902. 902.1 

Caraven-Cachin, Alfred. Catalogue 
des poissons des eaux douces du Dépar- 
tement du Tarn. C.R. Assoc. Frang. 
Avane. Sci., 23. sess., 1895, 2, 656— 
659. 1895.1 

Quelques notes sur la faune 
ichthyologique du Département du 
Tarn. Rev. Hist. Sci. Département 
Tarn, Albi, 1903, 28, 1-22. 1903.1 

Carazzi, Davide. Effetti dello scop- 
pio delle torpedini sopra gli animali 
marini. Monit. Zool. Ital., 1897, 8, 
254-256. 1897.1 

Sulle funzioni dei canali semi- 
circolari del vestibolo e del nervo vesti- 
bolare. Riv. Patologia Nerv. Mentale, 
1898, 3, 300-306. 1898.1 

Ricerche sul plancton del lago 
Fusaro [ete.] Boll. Notizie Agrarie, 
Roma, 1900, 22, 1270-1287. 1900.1 

Sulla cireolazione arteriosa car- 
diaca ed esofagea delle Scylliwm catulus 
(nota preliminare) Monit. Zool. Ital., 
1904, 15, 147-148. 1904.1 

Sulla circolazione arteriosa car- 
diaca ed esofagea dello Scyllium colds 
Internat. Monatschr. Anat. Hist., Leip- 
zig, 1904, 24; pt. 1, 1-20. pil. 1904.2 

Sulla Selache maxima Gunn. 
Anz., 1904, 28, 161-165. fig. 



Carazzi, D. 

Sul sistema arterioso di Selache 
maxima e di altri squalidi (Acanthias 
vulgaris, Mustelus vulgaris, Scyllium 
catulus, S. canicula, Squatina vulgaris) 
Anat. Anz., 1905, 26, 63-96; 124-134. 
24 figs. 1905.1 

Noterelle biologiche sui muggini. 
Natura, 1913, 4, 153-156. 1913.1 

Ueber die Schlafstellung der 
Fische (Beobachtung im Meere schla- 
fender Mugil-Arten] Biol. Centralbl., 
1913, 33, 425-427. 1913.2 

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Edward island. Canada Comm. Con- 
serv. Lands, Fish. Game, ete. Ottawa, 
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Carbonnier, Pierre. Guide pratique 
du pisciculture. Paris, 1864. 12°. 
Etude sur les causes de la morta- 
lité des poissons d’eau douce. Bull. Soc. 
Acclim., Paris, 1866, 2. sér. 3, 603-608. 
Abstract in Ann. Sci. Nat., 5. sér. 9, 92. 
Observations sur le _ brochet 
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1867, 2. sér. 4, 574-577. 1867.1 

Rapport et observations sur 
Vaccouplement d’une espéce de poisson 
de Chine. Bull. Soc. Acclim., Paris, 
1869, 2. sér. 6, 408-414. 1869.1 

Sur le mode de reproduction 
d’une espéce de poisson de la Chine. 
C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1869, 69, 489-491. 

Nouvelle note sur un poisson de 
Chine appartenant au genre Macropode. 
Bull. Soc. Acclim., Paris, 1870, 2. sér. 
7, 26-32. figs. 1870.1 

Sur l’élevage d’un poisson de 
Chine du genre Macropode. Cosmos, 
1870, 6, 354-356. 1870.2 

Du transport des poissons. Bull. 
Soe. Acclim., Paris, 1871, 2. sér. 8, 606— 
609. fig. 1871.1 

Le Macropode de Chine. Bull. 
Soc. Acclim., Paris, 1872, 2. sér. 9, 7-14. 
Sur la reproduction et le déve- 
loppement du poisson télescope (Cy- 
prinus macrophthalmus), originaire de la 
Chine. C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1872, 75, 
1127-1129. — Bull. Hebd. Assoc. Sci. 
France, 1872, 11, 180-182. — Bull. Soc. 
Acclim., Paris, 1872, 2. sér. 9, 789-790. 



Trois mémoires pour servir & 
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Chine, le Macropode. Paris, 1872. 24 
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De Vinfluence de la pression 
extérieure sur la vie des poissons et de 
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1873, 10, 16-23. ” 1873.1 

Instructions aux chepteliers; troi- 
siéme section. Poissons; instructions 
sur les pratiques de l’incubation arti- 
ficielle, le transport des ceufs et de 
Valevin. Bull. Soc. Acclim., Paris, 1873, 
2. sér. 10, 11-15. 1873.2 

On the reproduction and devel- 
opment of the telescope-fish of China. 
Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1873, 4. ser. 11, 
16-77. 1873. 

Le fondule (Fundula cyprino- 
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Importation de poissons exoti- 
ques: Anabas, poissons combattants, 
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1874, 4. sér. 1, 526-529. 1874.2 

Om det ydre tryks inflydelse paa 
fiskens. Liv. Nord. Tidsskr. Fiskeri, 
1874, 1, 85-89. 1874.3 

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giens labyrinthiformes. - Re Acad? 
Sci. Paris, 1874, 78, 501-502. — Bull. 
Hebd. Assoc. Sci. France, 1873-74 
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Abstract in C. R. Acad. Sei. Paris, 1876, 
83, 1114-1116. — Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 
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Journ. Zool. (Gervais), 1876, 5, 442- 
445.— Pop. Sci. Rev., 1877, n. s. 1, 
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Soc. Acchim., Paris, 1876, 3. sér. 3, 11-22. 
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1139. — Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1876, 4. 
ser. 17, 172-174. — Bull. Hebd. Assoc. 
Sci. France, 1875-76 (1876), 17, 198— 
201. — Journ. Zool. (Gervais), 1876, 4. 
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304. 1879.1 




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Meeurs d’un poisson de la famille 
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Cuvier. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1880, 
91, 940-942. — Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 
1881, 5. ser. 7, 73-74. 1880.2 

Sur le Callichthys fasciatus Cu- 
vier. Bull. Soc. Zool. France, 1880, 5, 
288-290. 1880.3 

— Reproduction des poissons-soleil. 
Bull. Soe. Acclim., Paris, 1881, 4. ser. 
9, 55-56. 1881.1 

— Reproductions de poissons exo- 

tiques. Bull. Soc. Acclim., Paris, 1881, 
4. sér. 8, 103-112. 1881.2 
Cardoso (junior), Joao. Notas afri- 

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Nat. Porto, 1895, 2, 171-174; 3, 93-96; 

211-216. 1895.1 
Notas africanas. II. Plantas 
empregadas na pesca. Ann. Sci. Nat. 

- Porto, 1897, 4, 69-76. 1897.1 
Notas africanas. III. Ichthyo- 

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Carenius, Ephraim. Physico-oeco- 
nomisk beskrifning 6fver Hvittis socken 

i Bjérneborgs lin. Inaug., Dissert., 
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Cariboo, pseudonym for Rowen, 
John J. 

Carlet, Gaston 11845-1892] Sur le 
role du bulbe artériel chez les poissons. 
C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1876, 82, 569-— 

570. 1876.1 
Mémoire sur les eealles des 
poissons téléostéens. Ann. Sci. Nat., 
1878, 6. sér. 8, 1-19. 9 figs. 1878. 1 
Sur les écailles des poissons 
osseux. C.‘R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1879, 
88, 396-397. 1879.1 
— Sur une truite mopse. Journ. 
Anat. Phys., 1879, 15. année, 154-160. 


Carlier, Liste des reptiles et 

des poissons. Dict. Géograph. Prov. 
Liége, 1831. 1831.1 

Carlini, A. de. Vertebrati della 
Valtellina. Atti Soc. Ital., 1888, 31, 
17-90. 1888.1 

Pisces, p. 85-90. 

Carlisle, Anthony. The Croonian 
lecture on the arrangement and mechan- 
ical action of the muscles of fishes. Phil. 
Trans. Roy. Soc. London, 1805, 96, 1— 
1, jolle 1805.1 
On the breeding of eels. Phil. 
Mag. (Tilloch), 1822, 59, 109-110. 


Carll, W.#. Salmon fishing in the 
Willamette and Clackamas rivers, Ore- 
gon. Amer. Fish Culturist, 1904, 1, 
8-10. 1904.1 

Carlos de Braganca, Dom (King of 
Portugal) — Investigagoes scientificas 
feitas a bordo do yacht ‘“ Amelia.” 

Pesecas maritimas. Lisboa, 1899. 3 
pls. fol. 1899.1 

Resultados das investigacdes 
scientificas feitas a bordo do yacht 
“Amelia.” Ichthyologia, II. Lisboa, 
1904. 107 p.. 2pls. 4°. 1904.1 

Carlson, A.J. Contributions to the 
physiology of the heart of the California 
hagfish (Bdellostoma dombeyi) Zeitschr. 
Allgem. Physiol., Jena, 1904, 4, 259- 
288. pl. 1904.1 

The rate of the nervous impulse 
in the spinal cord and in the vagus 
and the hypoglossal nerves of the Cali- 
fornian hagfish (Bdellostoma dombeyt) 
Amer. Journ. Physiol., 1904, 10, 401— 
418. fig. 1904.2 

The presence of cardio-regula- 

tive nerves in the lampreys. Amer. 
Journ. Physiol., 1906, 16, 230-232. 


Carlsson, (Miss) Albertina. Ueber 

die Zahnentwicklung bei einigen Kno- 
chenfischen. Zool. Jahrb. (Anat. Abth.), 
1894, 8, 217-244. 2pls. & figs. 1894.1 

Carlsson, Wilhelm.  Historiallinen 
ja maantieteellinen kertomus Pirkkalan 
pitajaéasta.— Pitaéjaain kertomuksia I. 
Suom. Krij. Seur. Toim., Helsingfors, 
1869, 47, 204. pl. 1869.1 

Entinen Ikalinen.  Historial- 
linen kertomus Ikalisten. Parkanon 
ja Kankaanpéién piti Ajista. — Pité aij iain 

kertomuksia IV. Suom. Kirj. Seur. 
Toim. XLVII, Helsingfors, 1871, 47, 
232. 1871.1 


Carlton, Frank C. The color changes 
of some fishes. Science, 1904, 2. ser. 19, 
245. 1904.1 

Carmichael, Dugald [1772-1827] De- 
scription of four species of fish found on 

the coast of Tristan da Cunha. ‘Trans. 
Linn. Soc. London, 1817, 12, 500-513. 

pls. xxiv—xxvii. 1817.1 
Caron, Charles. Expériences_ et 
observations sur la pisciculture. Mém. 

Soc. Acad. Arch. Sci. Oise, 1852-54, 2, 

450-459. Also separate; Beauvais, 
1855. 22 p. 1852.1 
Pisciculture. Expériences 4 |’- 

établissement départemental de _ pisci- 
culture de |’Aisne. Beauvais, 1865. 
pls. 8°. 1865.1 

Carpenter, A. Flying fish. Zoolo- 
gist, 1886, 48, 265-266. — Nature, 32, 
147-148. 1886.1 

Carpenter, Charles. The sexes of 
whitefish. Forest & Stream, 1878, 9, 
430. 1878.1 

Carpenter, Ff. W., & Bristol, C. L. 
See Bristol & Carpenter. 

Carpenter, George Herbert, & others. 
Zoology tof Dublin district} Handbook 
Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 1908, 108-222. 
6 pls. & 12 figs. 1908.1 

Carpenter, P. Herbert, & Jeffreys, 
J.Gwyn. See Jeffreys & Carpenter. 

Carpenter, William Benjamin {1813- 

1885] Description of some peculiar 
fish’s ova. Monthly Micr. Journ., 
1870, 3, 177-179. 1870.1 

Report on scientific researches 
carried on during the months of August, 
September and October, 1871, in the 
H. M. surveying-ship ‘‘ Shearwater.” 
Proce. Roy. Soe. London, 1872, 20, 535— 
644. 1872.1 

Biological research in Mediterranean, p. 537— 

The fisheries of British North 

America. Nature, 1878, 18, 170-172; 
232-234. Abstract in Chicago Field, 
1878, 9, 387. 1878.1 
Carpenter, W.Lant. The deep sea: 
its biological condition. m.p.] 1870. 
2 pls. 8°. 1870.1 
The salmon sickness. Forest & 
Stream, 1880, 14, 7. 1880.1 

Carpentier, H. Visite A l’établisse- 
ment de pisciculture de M. Alphonse 


Lefebvre. Bull. Soe. Linn. Nord 
France, Amiens, 1911, 20, 388-390. 


Carpentier, 7. W., & Kappers, 

Cornelius Ubbo Ariéns. See Kappers 

& Carpentier. 

Carpentier, Jules. La péche raison- 
née et perfectionnée du pécheur fabri- 
cateur. Paris, 1879. 92 figs. 8°. 


Carr, (Wiss) A. M. Food of fishes. 
Rept. Northumberland Sea Fish. Comm. 
1907 (1908), 68-71. 1908.1 

Age determinations in the com- 
mon dab, long rough dab and whiting. 
Rept. Northumberland Sea Fish. Comm. 
1908 (1909), 51-54. 1909.1 

The food and condition of fish 
obtained from the northeast coast. 
Rept. Northumberland Sea Fish. Comm. 
1908 (1909), 41-50. 1909.2 

Carr, John. On the ascent of salmon 
over the elevations in the course of 
rivers, called salmon-leaps. Philos. 
Mag., London, 1809, 34, 321-324. 


On the generation and other 
obscure facts in the natural history of 
the common eel. Philos. Mag., London, 

1809, 34, 272-277. 1809.2 
On salmon fry. Philos. Mag., 
London, 1810, 35, 251-256. 1810.1 

Carr, John Wesley. Fishes of the 
Nottinghamshire Trent in 1822, re- 
corded by Michael Drayton in the 

“Polyolbion”; with notes on their 
present occurrence. Naturalist, 1898, 
33-36. 1898.1 

Trent fishes not mentioned in 

Drayton’s ‘“Polyolbion.” Naturalist, 
1898, 80. 1898.2 

Carr, 7. F. Robertson. Notes on the 
Scotch fisheries. Bull. U. S. Fish 
Comm. 1884, 4, 64. 1884.1 

Notes on the Scotch herring 
fisheries. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1884, 
4, 60; 4381. 1884.2 

Carradori, Gioachino [1758-1818] Os- 
servazioni dalla quale parche si rilevi, 
che i pesci soffrono nel inverno un grado 
d’ intorpidimento. Opuscoli Scelti Sci., 
Milano (1797?), 18, 165. 1797.1 

—  Versuche und Beobachtungen 
uber das Athmen der Fische. Journ. 
Chemie (Scherer), 1799, 2. 1799.1 



SIP oie. 



Carraroli, A. Avanzi di pesci fossili 
pliocenici del Parmense e del Piacen- 
tino. Riv. Ital. Paleon., Bologna, 1897, 
3, 23-27. pl. & 7 figs. 1897.1 

Carriére, J. Die Sehorgane der 
Thiere vergleichend-anatomisch darge- 
stellt. Miinchen & Leipzig, 1885. 


On some structural 

peculiarities in the pipe fishes. 
gist, 1860, 18, 6813-6814. 

Carrington, John Thomas [1846 —] 
Fish culture for the Thames. Zoologist, 
1876, 2. ser. 11, 5110-5113. 1876.1 

Murena helena Linnzus (the 
Murry of Yarrell, the Murena of 

Couch) Zoologist, 1876, 2. ser. 11, 
5053-5061. fig. 1876.2 
Occurrence of the _ boar-fish 

{Capros aper) on the various: parts of 

the south and south-east coasts of Eng- 

land. Zoologist, 1879, 3 ser. 3, 342. 

Greenland bullhead (Cottus gren- 
landicus) at Brighton and Southend. 
Zoologist, 1880, 3. ser. 4, 147-148. 


Jersey fishes. Record of Labrus 
donovani and Lepadogaster condollii from 
isle of Jersey. Zoologist, 1881, 3. ser. 
5, 28. 1881.1 

Carroll, Michael. The seal and her- 
ring fisheries of Newfoundland together 
with a condensed history of the island. 
Montreal, 1873. 61 p. 8°. 1873.1 

Carruccio, Antonio [1839 —]  Lijst 
van 135 visschen verzameld aan de 
kusten van Sardinié en Sicilié. Atti 
Soc. Ital. Sci. Nat., 1870, 12, 567-586. 


Note anatomo-zoologiche sulle 
mascelle dentifere di un Hezxanchus 
griseus adulto preso a Porto d’ Anzio. 
Boll. Soe. Rom. Stud. Zool., 1896, 5, 
fase. 5-6, 165-176. pil. 1896.1 

Indications principales sur les 
vertébrés de la nouvelle collection ré- 
gionale du Musée Zoologique de la R. 
Université de Rome. Boll. Soc. Rom. 
Stud. Zool., 1899, 8, 72-82. 1899.1 

Sui caratteri morfologici che 
distinguono un Siluro proteropodo del 
genere Rhinelepis, e cenno sulle forme 
principali della famiglia Siluride di 
recente introdotte nel Museo. Boll. Soc. 


Zool. Ital., 1903, 2. ser. 4, 12; 77-84; 
159-168. 1903.1 

Sulla Selache maxima Gunner 
teste avuta dal Museo Zoologico della 
R. Universita di Roma. Boll. Soe. Zool. 
Ital., 1906, 2. ser. 7, 191-202. 1906.1 

Sulla Selache maxima Gunn. 
Boll. Soc. Zool. Ital., 1907, 2. ser. 8, 307— 
314. 1907.1 

Sopra un Rhinobatus halavi 
Riipp. testé avuto dal Museo Zoologico 
della R. Universita di Roma, preso 
forse per la prima volta nel mare 
Toscano. Boll. Soc. Zool. Ital., 1908, 
2. ser. 10, 97-105. 1908.1 

—— Sopra un raro Odontaspis taurus 
Mill. catturato presso il golfo di Ca- 
gliari. Boll. Soc. Zool. Ital., 1910, 2. ser. 
11, 267-272. 1910.1 

““Plectognathi”’ del Museo Zoo- 
logico Universitario e specialmente di 
due recenti ‘‘ Orthagoriscus,”’ uno di 
Viesti el’ altro di Civita-Vecchia. Boll. 
Soc. Zool. Ital., 1912, 3. ser. 1, 401-416. 

—— Su diversi esemplari di ‘“ Prio- 
nodon”’ di recente introdotti nel Museo 
Zoologico della R. Universita di Roma. 
Boll. Soe. Zool. Ital., 1912, 3. ser. 1, 
451-466. 1912.2 

Carswell, James. Report on the 
artificial propagation of the codfish at 
Woods Hole, Mass., for the season of 
1885-86. Rept. U. S. Fish Comm. 
1886 (1889), 14, 779-782. 1889.1 

Carte, Alexander. On the Balistes 
capriscus. Nat. Hist. Rev. 1854, 1, 
161-163. 1854.1 
Notes on the genus Chiasmodon. 

Proce. Zool. Soe. London, 1866, 35-39. 
pl. 1866.1 

Notes on the voracity of Chias- 
modus niger. Rept. Brit. Assoc. Adv. 

Sci., 35. meet. 1865 (1866), 84. 1866.2 
Carter, HE. N. Notes on sturgeon 
culture in Vermont. Trans. Amer. 

Fisheries Soc. 1904 (1905), 60-63. 2 
pls. 1905.1 

Carter, Henry John [1813-1895] 
Notes on Myriosteon ([Pristis} Ann. 
Mag. Nat. Hist., 1870, 4. ser. 5, 449- 
450. 1870.1 

Carter, J. 7’. The evolution of the 
vertebrate skull, with special reference 
to the development and suspensorium 
of the jaws. Trans. Odont. Soc., 1905, 
42, 125-150. figs. 1905.1 


Carter, Robert. A summer cruise on 
the coast of New England. Boston, 
1884. 261 p. 1884.1 

Contains various notes upon the habits of 
the marine fishes of Massachusetts and Maine. 

Cartier, 0. Beschreibungen neuer 
Pharyngognathen; ein Beitrag zur 
Kenntniss der Fische des philippini- 
schen Archipels. Verh. Phys. Med. 
Wiirzburg, 1874, n. s. 5, 96-106. — 
Arbeit. Zool. Instit. W iirzburg, 1874, 
1, 168-178. 1874.1 

Cartolari, H. Di una pneumopatia 
dei Loricati. Nota zoo-patologica. 
Riv. Ital. Sci. Nat., Siena, 1905, 25, 97— 
99. 1905.1 

Cartwright, George. A journal of 
transactions and events during a resi- 
dence of nearly sixteen years on the 
coast of Labrador, ete. 3 vols. New- 
ark, 1792. 4°. 1792.1 

Cod and salmon fisheries, vol. iii, p. 220-239. 

Cartwright, (Rev.) William. Ram- 
bles and recollections of a fly-fisher. 
London, 1854. illust. 12°. 1854.1 

Facts and fancies of salmon 

fishing. With original illustrations. 
By Clericus. London, 1874. pls. & 
figs. 8°. 1874.1 

Carus, Carl Gustav [1789-1869] Ueber 
einige Eigenthiimlichkeiten im Bau der 
Lamprete (Petromyzon marinus) Arch. 
Physiol. (Meckel), 1816, 2, 600-614. 

— Lehrbuch der Zootomie. | Leip- 
zig, 1818. 1818.1 

A second edition in 2 volumes was published 
at Leipzig in 1834. 

Carus gegen Desmoulins: dass 
das Riickenmark der Lamprete aller- 
dings Nerven habe. Isis (Oken), 1827, 
1005-1007. — Bull. (Férussac), 1828, 
14, 268-269. 1828.1 

Carus, Julius Victor [1823—] On 
the Leptocephalide. Rept. Brit. Assoc. 
Adv. Sci. 30. meet. 1860 (1861), 2, pt. 

2, 125. 1861.1 
Ueber die Leptocephaliden. 
Leipzig, 1861. 19p. 4°. 1861.2 
is auf 

J. Miiller und C. Darwin. Miinchen, 

1872. xii, 739 p. (Geschichte der 
Wissenschaften in Deutschland, Bd. 
xii) 1872.1 

Histoire de la zoologie depuis 
Vantiquité jusqu’au XIXe siécle. Tra- 

duction frangaise par P. O. Hagen- 
miller, et notes par A. Schneider. Paris, 
1880. 623 p. 8°. 1880.1 

Vertebrata. 1. Class. Pisces 
(In his Prodromus faunz Mediterra- 
nex; sive, Descriptio animalium maris 
Mediterranei incolarum quam com- 
parata silva rerum quatenus innotuit 
adiectis locis et nominibus vulgaribus 
eorumque auctoribus in commodum 
zoologorum. vol. iu, p. 489-711. 
Stuttgart, 1889-93) 1893.1 

Carus, J. Victor, & Engelmann, 
Wilhelm. Bibliotheca zoologica. Ver- 
zeichniss der Schriften iiber Zoologie, 
welche in den periodischen Werken 
enthalten und vom Jahre 1846-1860 
selbstiindig erschienen sind. Leipzig, 
1861. vol. ii. 2144p. 8°. 1861.1 

Carus, Julius Victor, & Gerstaecker, 
C. E. A. Handbuch der Zoologie. 2 
vols. Leipzig, 1863-75. 8°. 1863.1 

Bd. i, Wirbelthiere [bearbeitet von W. C. H. 
Peters] etc. 

Carus, Paul. The fish as a mystic 
symbol in China and Japan. Open 
Court, Chicago, 1911, 25, 385-411. fig. 


The fish in Brahmanism and 
Buddhism. Open Court, Chicago, 1911, 
25, 343-357. 1911.2 

Carvalho, Coltz de. A pesca em 
Buarcos. Ann. Sci. Nat., Porto, 1894, 
1, 193. 1894.1 

Carver, Jonathan [1732-1780] Trav- 
els through the interior parts of North 
America, in the years 1766, 1767 and 
1768. 3.ed. London, 1781. xxi, 543 
Dep plas? Sc: 1781.1 

Chapter on fish, etc., p. 441-494. The first 
edition appeared in 1778. 

Cary, H. H. Period of incubation of 
eggs of German carp. Bull. U.S. Fish 
Comm., 1883, 3, 447. 1883.1 

The St. Johns river as a shad 
stream. Bull. U.S. Fish Comm., 1885, 
5, 422. 1885.1 

Case, Ermine Cowles. The develop- 
ment and geological relations of the 

vertebrates. Part I. The fishes. 
Journ. Geol., Chicago, 1898, 6, 393-— 
416. 3 figs. 1898.1 

The vertebrates from the Per- 
mian bone bed of Vermilion county, 
Illinois. Journ. Geol., Chicago, 1900, 
8, 698-729. 5 pls. 1900.1 



On the value of the evidence 
furnished vertebrate fossils of the age 
of certain so-called Permian beds in 
America. Journ. Geol., Chicago, 1908, 
16, 572-580. 1908.1 
Evidence furnished by the fishes, p. 579. 

Revision of the Amphibia and 
Pisces of the Permian of North America 
. . . with a discussion of the fossil fishes 
by Louis Hussakof. Carnegie Instit. 
Washington, 1911, Pub. no. 146. 179p. 
32 pls. 4°. 1911.1 

The Permian fishes of North America, by 
Louis Hussakof, p. 153-175. 7 pls. 

Case, L., Greeley, H., & others. 
Greeley, Case & others. 


Casselmann, A. Ueber einen Ver- 
such hinsichtlich der Wirkung angeblich 
giftiger Fische auf eine Katze. Pharm. 
Zeitschr. Russland, 1871, 10, Peres 


Castel, René Lowis Richard [1758- 
1832] Histoire naturelle des _poissons 
avec les figures dessinées d’aprés nature 
par Bloch. 10 vols. Paris, 1801. 


vi work is included in Suites 4 Buffon, par 
R. Castel. A second edition was published 
in ae x [1802] and a third in 1837. 

Castellaneta, Vincenzo. Sulla ques- 
tione del timo in Ammoccetes. Monit. 
Zool. Ital., 1913, 24. anno, 161-174. 2 
pls. 1913.1 

Castelnau, (Comte) Francois L. de 
Laporte de {1812-1880] Expédition dans 
les parties centrales de P Amérique du 
Sud, de Rio de Janeiro 4 Lima, et de 
Lima au Para; exécutée . . . pendant 
les années 1843 4 1847. 14 vols. in 13. 
Paris, 1850-59. 8°. 4° &fol. 1855.1 

Part vii, Zoologie [The second title reads:] 
Animaux nouveaux ou rares recueillis, etc. 
3 vols. 1855-59. 

Tom. iii, Poissons, par le Comte F. de Cas- 
telnau. 1855. xii, 112 p. 50 col. pls. 

Note sur les poissons de |’ Afrique 
australe. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1860, 
50, 788-789. 1860.1 

Vischsoorten, nieuw voor de 
kennis der fauna van Singapore. Nat. 
Tijdschr. Neder. Indié, 1860, 20, 236- 
239. Also separate; Batavia, 1860. 8°. 

Mémoire sur les poissons de 
P Afrique australe. Paris, 1861. vii, 
78 p. 8°. 1861.1 

Pluie de poissons; tremblement 
de terre 4 Singapore. C. R. Acad. Sci. 
Paris, 1861, 52, 880-882. 1861.2 



—A shower of fish. Zoologist, 
1861, 19, 7649. 1861.3 the ichthyology 
of Australia. Proc. Zool. Acclim. Soc. 
Victoria, 1872, 1, 29-247; Ibid., 1873, 
2, 37-158. pl. Also separate; Mel- 
bourne, 1872. 8°. 1872.1 

Notes on the edible fishes of 
Victoria. Exhibition Essays, Victorian 
Exhib. 1872-73, no. 5, 1-17 ([(Mel- 
bourne, 1872) 1872.2 

Contributicns 4 Vichthyologie 
de l’Australie. Abstract in Journ. Zool. 
(Gervais), 1873, 2, 47-48; Ibid., 1874, 
3, 85-88. 1873.1 

: -Des poissons comestibles de 
Victoria. Journ. Zool. (Gervais), 1874, 
3, 144-151. 1874.1 

on the fishes of 
Exhib. Essays, 

Australia. Intercol. 
Victorian Dept., 1875, no. 2. 8°. 

Mémoire sur les poissons ap- 
pelés barramundi par les aborigénes du 
nord-est de l’Australie. Journ. Zool. 
(Gervais), 1876, 5, 129-136. 1876.1 

Remarques au sujet du genre 
Neoceratodus. Journ. Zool. Reamer), 
1876, 5, 342-348. 1876.2 

Australian fishes, new or little 
known species. Proc. Linn. Soc. New 
S. Wales, 1877, 2, 225-248. 2 pls. 


Essay on the ichthyology of 

Port Jackson. Proc. Linn. Soc. New 
S. Wales, 1878, 3, 347-402. 1878.1 

Notes on the fishes of the Nor- 
man river. Proc. Linn. Soc. New 8S. 
Wales, 1878, 3, 41-51. 1878.2 

Ompax, a new Australian ga- 
noid (?) Proc. Linn. Soc. New S. 
Wales, 1879, 3, 347-401. pil. 1879.1 

— On a ganoid fish from Queens- 
land (Ompax spatuloides} Proce. Linn. 
Soc. New 8. Wales, 1879, 3, 164-165. 
fig. 1879.2 

On several new Australian 
(chiefly) freshwater fishes. Proc. Linn. 
Soc. New S. Wales, 1879, 3, 140-144. 


Castiglioni, A. Il pesce persico 
(Perea) el arborella. Milano, 1902. 





Castillo, Luis. Conduccién del 
pescado fresco i su trasporte por ferro- 
earril. Boletin Bosques, Pesca i Caza, 
Santiago, 1912, 1, 484489. 1912.1 

Contribucidén al estudio bioléjico 
de los peces maritimos comestibles de 
Chile. Boletin Bosques, Pesca i Caza, 
Santiago, 1912, 1, 90-102. 1912.2 

La ensefianza profesional de la 
Boletin Bosques, Pesca i Caza, 

Santiago, 1912, 1, 490-494. 

Las estaciénes de zoolojia mari- 
tima i reconocimiento hidrogrdfico de 
los fondos de pesca. Boletin Bosques, 
Pesca i Caza, Santiago, 1912, 1, 466-470. 

Fabricacién de la sardina en 
Boletin Bosques, Pesca i Caza, 

aceite. | 
Santiago, 1912, 1, 338-346. 

Importacién del pescado seco, 
deducciénes que se desprenden de ella. 
Boletin Bosques, Pesca 1 Caza, Santiago, 
1912, 1, 419-424. 1912.6 

El medio mas econémico de 
secar el pescado. Boletin Bosques, 
Pesca i Caza, Santiago, 1912, 1, 196-199. 

Los puertos de pesca; necesidad 
de buscar nuevos mercados para el 
espendio de la produccién pesquera de 
Chile. Boletin Bosques, Pesca i Caza, 
Santiago, 1912, 1, 470-475. 1912.8 

Radicacién de los pescadores 
nacionales i colonizacién de nuestros 
puertos de pesca. Boletin Bosques, 
Pesea i Caza, Santiago, 1912, 1, 494— 
498. 1912.9 

Refrijeracién i conjelacién del 
pescado. Boletin Bosques, Pesca i 
Caza, Santiago, 1912, 1, 327-334. 
La rémora, pez piloto del ti- 

buron. Boletin Bosques, Pesca i Caza, 
Santiago, 1912, 1, 208-209. 1912.11 

La venta i el valor alimenticio 
del pescado fresco. Boletin Bosques, 
Pesca i Caza, Santiago, 1912, 1, 346-— 

350. 1912.12 
Viaje de estudios de pesca en 
Chile. Boletin Bosques, Pesea 1 Caza, 

Santiago, 1912, 1, 815-835. 1912.13 

Castle, William Ernest, & Daven- 
port, Charles Benedict. See Davenport 
«& Castle. 

Casto de Elera, Francisco. Catdlogo 
sistematico de toda la fauna de Filipinas 
conocida hasta el presente, y 4 la vez 
el de la coleccién zoolégica del Museo 
de PP. Dominicos del colegio-universi- 
dad de Santo Tomas de Manila. 3 vols. 
Manila, 1895. 8°. 1895.1 

Vol. i, Vertebrados. 701 p. 

Castrén, Erik. Kort beskrifning 
éfver Pudasjirvi socken 1 Oesterbotten. 
Tidn. utg. af et Sallsk. Abo, 1776, no. 
10, 79-81; no. 12, 81-96; no. 13, 97-104. 


Castrén, Samuel. Observationer 
gjorde i Utsjoki Lappmark aren 1795 
och 1797. Finsk Hushallningssiillska- 

pet, 1803, Handl. 1, 344-355. 1803.1 
Pisces, p. 346; 350. 
Castro, Manuel Fernandez de. Aéto- 

batis poeyii, nueva especie fésil proce- 
dente de la isla de Cuba. Anal. Soc. 
Espanol. Hist. Nat. Madrid, 1873, 3, 
193-212. 4 pls. 1873.1 

Catesby, Mark [(1679?-1749] The 
natural history of Carolina, Florida and 
the Bahama ‘islands; containing the 
figures of birds, beasts, fishes, serpents 

. with their descriptions in English 
and French, ete. 3. ed. 2 vols. Lon- 
don, 1771. illus. fol. i Rr arate 

The editio princeps was published at London 
1731-43, 2 volumes, in folio. The second edition 
was revised by G. Edwards. 

Piscium, serpentum, insectorum 
aliorumque nonnullorum animalium nec 
non plantarum quarumdam imagines 
quas M. Catesby in posteriore parte . . . 
illius operis quo Caroline Floride et 
Bahamensium insularum tradidit his- 
toriam naturalem, ejusque appendice 
descripsit . . . edere coeperunt N. F. 
Eisenberger et G. Lichtensteger, etc. — 
Die Abbildungen verschiedener Fische. 
Norimberge, 1777. iv, 100 p. 109 col. 
pls. MATT ted 

Latin and German in parallel columns. 

Catois, 2. H. Note sur l’histogénése 
du bulbe olfactif chez les sélaciens. 
Bull. Soc. Linn. Normandie, 1897, 5. 
sér. 1, 79-84. fig. 1897.1 

Sur l’anatomie microscopique 
de l’encéphale chez les poissons. Bull. 
Soc. Linn. Normandie, 1897, 5. sér. 1, 
fase. 1 (Proc. Verb.), xxxvili-xl. 1897.2 

Sur Vhistologie et l’anatomie 
microscopique de l’encéphale chez les 
poissons. C. R. Acad. Sei. Paris, 1897, 
124, 204-206. — Bull. Sci. France Bel- 
gique, 36, 1-166. 10 pls. 1897.3 


La névroglie de l’encéphale chez 
les poissons. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 
1898, 126, 433-435. 1898.1 

Note sur lanatomie micro- 
seopique de l’encéphale chez les pois- 
sons (téléostéens et sélaciens). Structure 
des cellules nerveuses. Bull. Soc. Linn. 
Normandie, 1899, 5. sér. 2, 94-118. 


Recherches sur l’anatomie- mi- 
croscopique de l’encéphale chez les 
poissons (Comm. Verb.) Bull. Soc. 
Zool. France, 1899, 24, 31-32. 1899.2 

Recherches histologiques sur les 
voies olfactives et sur les voies céré- 
belleuses chez les téléostéens et les 
sélaciens. C. R. Assoc. Frang. Avanc. 
Sci. 28. sess. 1900 (1901), 2, 515-519. 

Recherches sur l’histologie et 
l’anatomie microscopique de l’encéphale 
chez les poissons. Bull. Scient. France 

Belg., 1902, 36, 1-166. 1902.1 

Caton, John Dean [1812 —] Trout 
fishing in the Yosemite valley. Amer. 
Naturalist, 1870, 3, 519-522. 1870.1 

Capture of a saw-fish [Pristis 
antiquorum) on the beach at Galveston, 
Texas. Amer. Naturalist, 1879, 13, 654. 

Cattaneo, Giacomo [1857 —] Note 
d’ istologia comparata. I. Ulteriori 
ricerche sulla struttura delle glandule 
peptiche dei selaci, ganoidi e teleostei. 
II. Sul significato fisiologico delle 
glandule da me trovate nello stomaco 
dello storione et sul valore morfologico 
delle loro cellule. Bolletino Scient., 
Pavia, 1886, 8, nos. 3 & 4. 1886.1 

Struttura e sviluppo dell’ intes- 
tino dei pesci. Boll. Scient., Pavia, 
1886, 8, 4-11. 1886.2 

Sull’ esistenza delle glandule 
gastriche nell’ Acipenser sturio e nella 
Tinca vulgaris. Rend. Istit. Lombardo 
Eph Milan, 1886, 2. ser. 19, 676-682. 
pl. 1886.3 

Sulle papille esofagee e gas- 

triche del Luvarus imperialis. Atti 
Soc. Ligustica Sci. Nat., Genova, 1892, 
3, 298-303. 1892.1 

Sul tempo e sul modo di for- 
mazione delle appendici piloriche nei 
Salmonidi. Monit. Zool. Ital., 1900, 11 
(Suppl.), 10-11. 1900.1 


Cattie, J. Th. Ueber die Genitalien 
der minnlichen Aale und ihre Sexual- 
unterschiede. Zool. Anz., 1880, 3, 
275-279. fig. —Smithson. Mise. Coll., 
22, art. 1. 1880.1 

Die Epiphyse der Plagiostomi, 
Ganoidei und Teleostei. Zool. Anz., 
1881, 23, 604. ee. 1Ssr 

Verglijkend-anatomische en his- 
tologische onderzoekingen van de epi- 
physis cerebri der Plagiostomi, Ganoidei 
en Teleostei. _Academisch proefschrift. 
Leiden, 1881. 104p. 3pls. 8°. 


Recherches sur la glande pinéale 
(epiphysis cerebri) des Plagiostomes, 
des Ganoides et des Téléostéens. Arch. 
Biol., 1882, 3, 101-194. 3pls. 1882.1 

Ueber das Gewebe der Epiphyse 
von Plagiostomen, Ganoiden und Tele- 
ostier. Zeitschr. Wiss. Zool., 1883, 39, 
720-722 1883.1 

Caullery, Maurice. Les yeux et 
Vadaptation au milieu chez les animaux 
abyssaux. Rev. Gén. Sci., Paris, 1905, 
16, 324-340. 14 figs. 1905.1 

Caullery, Maurice, & Mesnil, F. 
Sur des haplosporidies parasites de 
poissons marins. C.R.Mém. Soc. Biol., 
Paris, 1905, 58, 640-642. 1905.1 

Caumont, Arcisse de [1802-1873] 
Lettre relatif 4 l’époque du frai des 
truites. C. R. Acad. Sei. Paris, 1850, 
31, 862-863. — L’ Institut, 18, 410. 


—— Communication sur les moeurs 
des poissons (Anguilla) Bull. Soc. Linn. 
Normandie, 1857-58, 3, 127-128. 


Causans, Maxime de. Application 
de nouvelles méthodes de pisciculture 4 
la production de la truite dans le dé- 
partement de la Haute-Loire. Bull. 
Soc. Acclim., Paris, 1859, 6, 118-122. 


Caustier, ZH. Appareil pour l’éclo- 

sion et l’élevage des Salmonides. Bull. 
Soc. Centr. Aquicult., Paris, 1907, 19, 
137-140. fig. 1907.1 

Caux, John William de. The herring 
and the herring fishery. London, 1881. 
AO Os tse 1881.1 

Cavalié, M@. Sur les terminaisons 
nerveuses motrices et sensitives dans 
les muscles striés, chez la torpille (Tor- 
pedo marmorata) "GC. R. Mém. Soc. Biol. 
Paris, 1902, 54, 1279-1280. 1902.1 


Cavalié, M. 

La vésicule biliaire et sa circula- 
tion artérielle chez Torpedo galvani, chez 
Galeus canis et chez Seyllium. Soc. Sci. 
Stat. Zool. Arcachon. Trav. Lab. Paris, 
1903, 7, 23-28. fig. — C. R. Mém. Soe. 
Biol., Paris, 55, 1386-1388. 1903.1 

Les chromoblastes du tégument 
externe dorsal de Torpedo galvani. C. 
R. Mém. Soc. Biol., Paris, 1904, 56, 
46-47. 1904.1 

Etat des terminaisons nerveuses 
dans les muscles striés sous |’influence 
du curare (Recherches microscopiques 
sur la localisation de l’empoisonnement 
par le curare] C. R. 14. Congr. Intern. 
Méd. Anat., 1904, 110-113. 1904.2 

Note sur les rapports des termi- 
naisons nerveuses motrices avec les 
fibres musculaires striées chez le lapin 
et chez la torpille. C. R. 14. Congr. 
Intern. Méd. Anat., 1904, 122 1904.3 

Recherches sur les ramifications 
nerveuses dans les lames de l’organe 
électrique de Torpedo galvani. C. R. 
Mém. Soe. Biol., Paris, 1904, 56, 653— 
654. — Bibliog. Anat., Nancy, 13, 214— 
220. figs. 1904.4 

Sur quelques points de la struc- 
ture de lorgane électrique (Torpedo 
galvani) C. R. Soc. Biol., Paris, 1905, 
58, 158-160. 1905.1 

Cavanna, Guelfo [1850—]  Ele- 
menti per una bibliografia italiana in- 
torno all’ idrofauna agli allevamenti 
degli animali acquatici e alla pesca. 
Firenze, 1880. viil,170p. 8°. 1880.1 

Cavazzani,/. L’ichthyotoxique chez 
les Petromyzon marinus. Arch. Ital. 
Biol., Turin, 1892, 18, 182-186. 1892.1 

Cavendish, Henry. An account of 
some attempts to imitate the effects 
of the torpedo by electricity. Phil. 

Trans. Roy. Soc. London, 1776, 66, 
196-225. pl. 1776.1 

Cavenne, —— Rapport sur un 
mémoire de M. Artaud; notice pour 

servir 4 histoire naturelle du gouramy 

(Osphromenus olfax Lacép.) Bull. Soe. 
Linn. Bordeaux, 1827, 2, 188-191. 


Cavolini, Filippo [1756-1810] Me- 

moria sulla generazione dei pesci e dei 

granchi. Napoli, 1787. 4°. 1787.1 

Abhandlung iiber die Erzeugung 
der Fische und der Krebse; aus dem 



Italienischen iibersetzt mit Anmer- 
kungen; herausgegeben von E. 
Zimmermann. Berlin, 1792. 

p. 3pls. 

viii, 192 

Dissertatio de piscium et can- 
crorum generatione. . Neapolis, 1808. 
fig. 4°. 1808.1 

—— Frammento inedito sotto titolo 
di: Appendice sulla generazione de’ pesci 
cartilaginosi ossiano amfibii respiranti 
per mezzo delle branchie al modo de’ 
pesci spinosi. Mem. Accad. Sci. Napoli, 
1819, 1, 291-341. fig. Abstract in Bull. 
Sci. (Férussac), 1827, 306. 1819.1 

Cayley, J. J., & Bridgman, H. H. 
A central wholesale fish market for Lon- 
don. Internat. Fisheries Exhib. Lit., 
London, 1883. Conferences, 10, pt. 4. 


Cecca, Raffaele. Sugli effetti tossici 
delle punture di alcuni pesci. Clin. 
Med. Ital. Milano, 1902, 41, 82-87. 


Cecconi, Giacomo. Vertebrati della 
foresta die Vallombrosa. Arch. Zool. 
Napoli, 1903, 1, 339-344. 1903.1 

Alcune osservazioni intorno ad 
un allevamento di Salmo irideus Gibb. 
Acquicoltura Lombarda, Milano, 1904, 
6, 281-287. 1904.1 

Cecil, William Alleyne 3d Marquis 
of Exeter [1825-1895] The rearing of 
black bass, and piscicultural experi- 
ments at Burghley (In Cholmondeley- 
Pennell, H. Fishing, . . . pike and 

other coarse fish. London, 1885. 8°) 
— 1885.1 
Cederhielm, Johann. Faunz in- 

grice prodromus exhibens methodicam 
descriptionem insectorum agri petro- 
polensis, preemissa mammalium, avium, 
amphibiorum, et pisctum enumeratione. 
Leipzig, 1798. xviii, 348 p. 3 pls. 8°. 


Cederstrém, G. Carl. Fiskodling 
och sveriges fiskerier, etc. Stockholm, 
1857. 269p. 7 pls. 1857.1 

—— Om Lin&dlen (Ammocetes bran- 
chialis) Ocefvers. K. Vet. Akad. Forh., 
Stockholm, 1861, 18, 91-92. 1861.1 

Ueber den gemeinen Querder. 
Zeitschr. Gesammt. Naturw., 1862, 19, 
71-72. 1862.1 

—— Jakttagelser om fiskarten Cobitis 
tenia Lin. Oecefvers. K. Vet. Akad. 
Férh., Stockholm, 1874, 31, no. 9, 47— 
53. 1874.1 




Anteckningar om norra Bohu- 
slins vertebrat-fauna. Oecefvers. K. Vet. 
Akad. Férh., Stockholm, 1877, 33, no. 4, 
57-68. Ibid., 36, no. 2, 53-62. 1877.1 

Opastus kalastuksen hoidossa 
ienempien kalavesien omistajille ja 
alastajille. Wiipurissa, 1894. 68 p. 
Pi 1894.1 

—Svenska kommentarier till 
Finska Tidskriften f6r Jigare och 
Fiskare. Tidskr. Jigare & Fisk., 1894, 



— Neuvoja kalastuksen hoidossa. 
Suomen oloihin sovittanut ja tekijan 
luvalla julkaissut suomen kalastusyh- 
distys. Helsingissi, 1895. 89 p. 8°. 

: 1895.1 

— Toutaimen kasvattaminen. Su- 
omen Kalastus Lehti, 1895, 4, 83. — 
Fiskeritidskr. Finland, 1895, 4, 85. 


Om inflytelsen af fiskevattnens 
héjd 6fver hafvet pa fiskarternas fore- 
komst och utbredning. Tidskr. Jagare 
& Fisk., 1899, 7, 127-129. 1899.1 

Cépéde, Casimir. Myxosporidies des 
poissons des Alpes frangaises. C. R. 
Assoc. Frang. Avance. Sci., 33. sess., 
1904, 905-914. 1904.1 

Le blageon et la suiffe bouchesse 
(Squalius agassizii Heck.) dans les lacs 
et les cours d’eau de la région Delphino- 
savoisienne. Ann. Univ. Grenoble, 1905, 
17, 301-306. — Bull. Mensuel. Assoc. 
Avang. Sci., Congrés Grenoble, no. 9, 
260. 1905.1 

—— Myzxidium giardi Cépéde et la 
prétendue immunité des anguilles a 
Végard des infections myxosporidiennes. 
C. R. Mém. Soe. Biol. Paris, 1906, 60, 
170-173. fig. 1906.1 

Sur la prétendue immunité des 
Cobitis 4 légard des infections myxo- 
sporidiennes. C. R. Mém. Soc. Biol. 
Paris, 1906, 60, 15-16. 1906.2 

Sur une microsporidie nouvelle, 
Pleistophora macrospora, parasite des 
loches franches du Dauphiné. C. R. 
Mém. Soe. Biol., 1906, 1, 13-15. 1906.3 

A propos de la déhiscence des 
spores des myxosporidies. C. R. Mém. 
Soc. Biol. Paris, 1907, 1, 135-137. 


Contribution 4 Vétude de la 
biologie de la sardine (Alosa sardina 
Risso) Feuille Jeun. Natural., 1907, 4. 
sér. 38. année, 54-56. 2 figs. 1907.2 

Contribution A étude de la 
nourriture de la sardine. C. R. Acad. 
Sci. Paris, 1907, 144, 770-772. 1907.3 

Quelques remarques sur la nour- 
riture de la sardine. C. R. Acad. Sci. 
Paris, 1907, 144, 865-867. 1907.4 

Remarques 4 propos de la com- 
munication de M. Bounhiol relative aux 
variations du plancton marin, ‘ Quel- 
ques faits biologiques relatifs aux pois- 
sons comestibles des cdtes de |’ Algérie.” 
C. R. Assoc. Frang. Avance. Sci., 37. sess., 
1907, 241. 1907.5 

La myxosporidiose des anguilles 
dans les eaux douces, saumatres et 
salées du Boulonnais. Bull. Soc. Acad. 
Boulogne-sur-Mer, 1908, 8, 17—24. 


Observations et remarques sur 
la nourriture dela sardine. C.R. Assoc. 
Frang. Avance. Sci. 36. sess., 1908, pt. 1, 
263-267; Ibid., pt. 2, 774-778. 1908.2 

Ia nourriture des sardines adul- 

tes de Saint-Sébastien. C. R. Congr. 
Nat. Péches Marit. Sables-d’Olonne, 
1909-10, 154-160. 1910.1 

La nourriture des sardines 
adultes de Star-Point. C. R. Congr. 

Nat. Péches Marit. Sables-d’Olonne, 
1909-10, 150-152. 1910.2 

Le probléme de la nourriture de 
la sardine. Bull. Soc. Acad. Boulogne- 
sur-Mer, 1910, 10, 1—24. 1910.3 

Sur la péche a la rogue et 
Vindustrie de la rogue de hareng. 

R. Congr. Nat. Péches Marit. Sables- 
d’Olonne, 1909-10, 22-23. 1910.4 

Cépéde, Casimir, & Giard, Alfred. 
See Giard & Cépéde. 

Cerda, Juan de la C. Proposed 
transmission of salmon eggs to Chile 
and importation of Chilean species of 
fishes. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1885, 
5, 247-248. 1885.1 

Ceresole, Julius. Ein neuer Bacillus 
als Epidemieerreger beim Goldfische 
(Carassius auratus) Allgem. Fischerei 
Zeitg., 1900, 25. Jahrg., no. 20, 368. — 
Zentralbl. Bakter. Parasitenkunde, 1900, 
28, 305. 1900.1 

Cerfontaine, Paul. Mémoire cou- 
ronné sur le développement de |!’Am- 
phioxus. Rapport de Edouard van 
Beneden. Bull. Acad. Sci. Belgique, 
1905, 643-660. 1905.1 


Cerfontaine, P. 

— Recherches sur le développement 
de lAmphioxus. Arch. Biol., 1905, 22, 
229-418. 10 pls. & 9 figs. 1905.2 

Gerkasov, (Baron) P. G. Der 
Wechsel der Schlundzihne bei Karpfen 
(fext in Russian} Priroda i ochota, 
Moskva, 1903, 2, 5-8. 2 pls.; 3, 110- 
Lit: 1903.1 

Cerrigan, Dominik. On some struc- 
tural peculiarities of the mouth in the 
pipefishes (Syngathidze) Proc. Dublin 
Nat. Hist. Soc., 1859-62, 3. 1859.1 

Cerruti, Attilio. Sulle “ risoluzioni 
nucleolari ’’ nella vescicola germinativa 
degli oociti di aleuni vertebrati. Anat. 
Anz., 1905, 26, 613-622. 16 figs. 

Sull’ evoluzione dell’ uovo ova- 
rico neiselaci. Atti Accad. Sci., Napoli, 
1908, 2. ser. 13, 1-90. 7 pls. 1908.1 

Cetti, Francesco [1726-1778] Amfibi 
e pesci di Sardegna. Sassari, 1777. x, 
208 p. 5 pls. ‘Lig eet 

Pesci, p. 71-208. 

Cetti, Giovanni. Il] pescatore de 

Lario. Descrizione delle reti e dei vari 
generi di pesca in uso sul lago di Como. 

Como, 1862. pl. 8°. 1862.1 
Chabot, Réflexions sur la 

pisciculture. Versailles, 1854. 8°. 

Chabry, L. Sur le mécanisme de la 

natation des poissons. Journ. Anat. 
Physiol., Paris, 1883, 19. année, 582- 
585. 2 figs. 1883.1 

Chadwick, B. P. The destruction 
of young fish by unsuitable fishing im- 
plements. Bull. U. 8S. Fish. Comm. 
1881 (1882), 1, 339-340. 1882.1 

Chadwick, John. Marblehead. Har- 
per’s New Monthly Mag., 1874, 49, 
181-202. 1874.1 

Cod fisheries with figures of ‘‘ unloading fish ”’ 
and ‘‘ drying fish,’’ p. 195-197. 

Chaignon, H. de. Contributions 4 

Vhistoire naturelle de la Tunisie. Bull. 
Soc. Hist. Nat. Autun, 1904, no. 17, 
1-166. 1904.1 

Chailland, Dictionnaire rai- 
sonné des eaux et des foréts, etc. Paris, 
1769. 4°. 1769.1 

Chaine, Joseph. Les poissons d’Ori- 
ent (poisson rouge, etc.) et leur culture. 
Bordeaux, 1899. 48 p. 4°. 1899.1 



Compte-rendu du Congrés in- 
ternational d’agriculture et de péche de 
1900. Rev. Intern. Péche Pisciculture, 
St. Pétersb., 1900, 2, pt. 3, 2. 1900.1 

Disposition  particuliére du 
génio-hyoidien chez deux téléostéens 
(Mullus surmuletus Linn. et Callyony- 
mus lyra Linn.) Proc. Verb. Soc. Sei. 
Phys. Nat. Bordeaux, 1899-1900 aes 
64-66. 1900.2 

Anatomie comparée de certains 

muscles sus-hyoidiens. Bull. Sci. France 

Belgique, 1901, 35, 1-210. pls. i-viii. 

Poissons, p. 140-170. 

Revue de la pisciculture et des 
péches en France pendant l’année 1900. 
Rev. Intern. Péche Pisciculture, St. 
Pétersb., 1901, 3, pts. 1, 7-11. 1901.2 

Contribution 4 la myologie des 
chondroptérygiens. Proc. Verb. Soe. 
Sci. Phys. Nat. Bordeaux, 1901-02 
(1902), 18-19. 1902.1 

Sur la constitution de la région 
sushyoidienne chez les vertébrés en 
général. C. R. Mém. Soc. Biol. Paris, 
1902, 428-430. 1902.2 

Revue de la pisciculture et des 
péches en France pendant l’année 1902. 
Rev. Intern. Péche Pisciculture, St. 
Pétersb., 1903, 4, pts. 1 & 2. 1903.1 

Sur le ‘ligament mandibulo- 
operculaire”’ des Téléostéens. Proc. 
Verb. Soc. Sci. Phys. Nat. Bordeaux, 
1904, 29-30. 1904.1 

— Conséquences de la variation de 
la direction des axes de la téte et du 
corps chez les vertébrés. Proc. Verb. 
Soc. Sci. Phys. Bordeaux, 1904-05 
(1905), 49-50. 1905.1 

Le dépresseur de la mAchoire 
inférieure, son étude comparative chez 
le vertébrés, sa signification morphologi- 
que. Bull. Sci. France Belgique, 1905, 
39, 1-56. 2 pls. 1905.2 

Recherches sur la langue des 
téléostéens. C. R. Mém. Soc. Biol. 
Paris, 1907, 62, 924.— Réun. Biol. 
Bordeaux, 1907, 63. 1907.1 

Observations sur l’appareil uri- 
naire de la vive (Trachinus draco L.) 
Proc. Verb. Soc. Sci. Phys. Nat., 
Bordeaux, 1908-09 (1909), 5-6. 1909.1 

Chaine, Joseph, & Kiinstler, J. 
See Kiinstler & Chaine. 




Chalker, Robert B. Catch of shad 
in Connecticut for 1885. Bull. U. S. 
Fish Comm. 1886 (1887), 6, ee f 

Catch of shad in Connecticut 
for 1886. Bull. U.S. Fish Comm. 1886 
(1887), 6, 297-298. 1887.2 
Catch of shad in Connecticut 

for 1887. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1887 
(1889), 7, 112. 1889.1 

Chalmers, Thomas. More about 
eels. Forest & Stream, 1877, 8, ae 

— Eels, tadpoles and turtles. For- 

est & Stream, 1878, 11, 46. 1878.1 
— Generation of eels. Chicago 
Field, 1878, 9, 291. 1878.2 
Movements of eels. Forest & 
Stream, 1878, 11, 259. 1878.3 
Salmon in the Connecticut. 
Chicago Field, 1878, 9, 307. 1878.4 
Turtles and eels. Forest & 
Stream, 1878, 11, 86. 1878.5 

— Eels, bass and shad. Chicago 
Field, 1879, 12, 229. 1879.1 

— The generation of eels. Chicago 
Field, 1879, 11, 169. 1879.2 

Mr. Chalmers on eel breeding. 
Chicago Field, 1879, 11, 115-116. 

Pickerel fishing through the ice. 
Chicago Field, 1879, 11, 52. 1879.4 

Chamberlain, fF. M. Some obser- 
vations on salmon and trout in Alaska. 
Rept. U. S. Comm. Fisheries 1906 
(1907), 1-112. Bureau Fish. Doc. no. 
627. pl. & fig. 1907.1 

Chamberlain, Ff. M., & Cobb, John 
N. See Cobb & Chamberlain. 

Chamberlain, W. B. Change of 
color in fish. Amer. Naturalist, 1867, 1, 
497. 1867.1 

Chamberlayne, C.F. Nationalism 
in state fisheries. Trans. Amer. Fish- 
eries Soc. 1892 (1893), 187-196. 1893.1 

The pressing need. ‘Trans. 
Amer. Fisheries Soc. 1894 (1895), 10-18. 

Chamberlin, Thomas Crowder [1843 
—] On the habitat of the early verte- 
brates. Journ. Geol., 1900, 8, 400-412. 


Chambers, 2. 7. D. The ouana- 
niche and its Canadian environment. 
1. Ann. Rept. Comm. Fish. Game & 
Forests New York, 1895 (1896), 145- 

148. figs. 1896.1 

Game fisheries of Quebec. Can- 
ada Comm. Conserv. Lards, Fish. 
Game ete. Ottawa, 1911. p. 198-212. 
4°, 1911.1 

Chambers, Robert [1802-1871] Ves- 
tiges of the natural history of creation 
(By R. Chambers} Edinburgh, 1844. 


Six editions of this work had been published 
by 1847, and a twelfth appeared in 1884. 

(Chambers, W.) Fish and oysters. 
Chambers’s Journ., 1874, 51, 43-46. 


Chambers, W. Oldham. The in- 

troduction and acclimatisation of for- 

eign fish. Intern. Fisheries Exhib. Lit., 

London, 1883. Conferences, 11, pt. 18. 

The propagation of freshwater 
fish excluding Salmonide. Intern. 

Fisheries Exhib. Lit., London, 1883. 
Conferences, 11, pt. 7. 1883.2 

The propagation of the Sal- 
monide. Intern. Fisheries Exhib. Lit., 
London, 1883. Conferences, 11, pt. 3. 


American fish cultivated by the 
National Fish Culture Association of 
England. Bull. U.S. Fish Comm. 1887 
(1889), 7, 17-19. 1889.1 

On a thorough hatching vase. 
Trans. Amer. Fisheries Soc. 1888 (1889), 
25-27. 2 figs. 1889.2 

Champeaux, de. Rapport sur 
l’exposition internationale de produits 
de péche ouverte a Bergen, fait par M. 
de Champeaux, au nom d’une commis- 
sion spéciale. Paris, 1866. 8°. 1866.1 

Champion, P. Note sur trois 
espéces de poissons chinois, et sur leur 
emploi dans l’industrie et l’alimenta- 
tion. Bull. Soc. Acclim., Paris, 1865, 
474-477. 1865.1 

The three species are determined as Collich- 
thys lucidus, Otolithus maculatus and Murene 
pekinensis (Basilewsky) 

Champneys, A.C. On fish. Rept. 
Marlborough College Nat. Hist. Soc., 
1870, 10-16. 1870.1 

Champy, Christian. Recherches sur 
Vabsorption intestinale et le rédle des 




Champy, C. 

mitochondries dans l’absorption et la 
sécrétion. Arch. Anat. Micr., 1912, 13, 
55-170. 3 pls. & 40 figs. 1912.1 

Granules et substances réduisant 
Viodure d’osmium. Journ. Anat. Phy- 
siol., Paris, 1913, 49, 323-343. 15 figs. 

Chandler, A. C. On a lymphoid 
structure lying over the rayelencephalon 
of Lepisosteus. Univ. Cal. Pub. Zool., 
Berkeley, 1911, 9, 85-104. pls. x—xii. 


Chanvalon, Jean Baptiste Thibault 
de [c. 1725-1785] Voyage 4 la Marti- 
nique, contenant diverses observations 
sur la physique, l’histoire naturelle, 
lagriculture, les moeurs, & les usages de 
cette isle, faites en 1751 & dans les 
années suivantes. Paris, 1763. viii, 
235 p. 4°. 1763.1 

Chao, Ed. Los tres reinos de la 
naturaleza. Museo pintoresco de his- 
toria natural. 9 vols. Madrid, 1852— 
si, alliistt, ah. 1852.1 

Chapellier, J. Ch. Quelques consi- 
dérations sur le dépeuplement progressif 
de nos riviéres, les moyens d’empécher 
le poisson de périr en masse dans les 
rigoles d’irrigation, et le repeuplement 
des petits cours d’eau. Annal. Soc. 
Emulat. Départ. Vosges 1864 (1865), 
12, 1. cah., 288-293. 1865.1 

Chaper, Maurice [1834-1896] Ob- 
servation d’un cas d’adaptation de 
certains poissons 4 des eaux de salure 
trés différentes. Bull. Soc. Zool. France, 
1883, 8, 445-449. 1883.1 

Chapman, Abel, & Buck, W. J. 
Wild Spain (Espafia agreste) records of 
sport with rifle, rod and gun, natural 
history and exploration. London, 1893. 
xx, 472 p. 5lpls.&map. 8°. 1893.1 

Chapman, Frederick Revans. New 
or little-known Victorian fossils in the 
National Museum. Part vii. On a 
new cephalaspid from the Siiurian of 
Wombat creek. Proc. Roy. Soc. Vic- 
toria, Melbourne, 1906, n. s. 18, pt. 2, 
93-100. 2 pls. 1906.1 

On the occurrence of the sela- 
chian genus Corax in the Lower Cre- 
taceous of Queensland. Proc. Roy. 
Soe. Victoria, Melbourne, 1909, n. s. 21, 
pt. 2, 452-453. fig. 1909.1 

— A study of the Batesford Lime- 
stone. Proc. Roy. Soc. Victoria, Mel- 
bourne, 1910, n.s. 22, pt.2,307. 1910.1 

Report on Jurassic and Car- 
boniferous remains. Rec. Geol. Surv. 
Victoria, 1912, 3, pt. 2, 234-236. pl. 


Note on the occurrence of the 
Cainozoic shark, Carcharoides, in Vic- 
toria. Vict. Naturalist, 1913, 30, 142- 
143. fig. 1913.1 

Chapman, Frederick Revans, & Prit- 
chard, George B. Fossil fish remains 
from ‘the Tertiaries of Australasia, 
Part i. Proc. Roy. Soc. Victoria, Mel- 
bourne, 1904, n. s. 17, pt. 1, 267-297. 
2 pls. — Part ii. Ibid., 1907, n. s. 20; 
pt. 1, 59-76. 4 pls. 1904.1 

Chapman, Henry Cadwalader [1845 
—]| Homologies of the alisphenoid and 
petromastoid bones in_ vertebrates. 
Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. 1894 
(1895), 32-52. 1895.1 

Chapman, (senior) Pearson. Habits 
of the shad and herring, as they appear 
in the Potomac river to one who has 
watched them for fifty years. Bull. U.S. 
Fish Comm. 1884, 4, 61-64. 1875.1 

Chappe d’Auteroche, Jean [1728— 
1769] Voyage en Sibérie. . . contenant 
la description géographique wane 
de la route de Paris a Tobolsk; l’historie 
naturelle de la méme route (La de- 
scription du Kamtchatka ... par M. 
Kracheninnikow . . . traduit du Russe) 
3 vols. in 4. Paris, 1768. illust. 4°. 

Remarques sur le sterlet, vol. i, p. 200-201. 
oe vol. ii, p. 455-485. 

Voyage en Californie... etc., 
en 1769. Paris, 1772. 170 p. plan & 
2 pls. 4°. 1772.1 

This is translated as follows: 

A voyage to California, to ob- 
serve the transit of Venus. By Mons. 
Chappe d’Auteroche. With an _ his- 
torical description of the author’s route 
through Mexico, and the natural history 
of that province. . . . London, 1778. 
315 p: . plane Sane 1778.1 

Cyprinodonts of California are described in 

an extract from a letter by Don José Antonio 
de Alzate y Ramyrez, p. 77-105. 

Chappellier, A. Note sur un essai 
d’élevage d’Ameiurus nebulosus dans le 
Loiret. Bull. Soe. Centr. Aquicult., 
Paris, 1907, 19, 254-256. 1907.1 

Charbonnel-Salle, Louis. Recher- 
ches expérimentales sur les fonctions 
hydrostatiques de la vessie natatoire. 


Ann. Sci. Nat. (Zool.), 1887, 7. sér. 2, 
305-331. 6 figs. —C. R. Acad. Sci. 
Paris, 104, 1330-1333. 1887.1 

Charbonnier, Henry J. Notes on 
the reptiles, amphibia, and fish of the 
Bristol district. Proc. Bristol Soc., 
1888, 2. ser. 5, 133-142. 1888.1 

Charbonnier, Henry /., & Morgan, 
C. Lloyd. The reptiles, amphibians and 
fishes of the Bristol district. Handbook 
Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 1898, Be 


Charcot, (Commandeur) Jean. Ex- 
pédition antartique francaise 1903-05. 
Paris (1907) 1907.1 

Poissons, par Léon Vaillant, p. 1-51. 

Charlesworth, Hdward [1813-1893] 
For biography and works see Geol. Mag., 
1893, 10, 526-528; Quart. Journ. Geol. 
Soc., 1894, 50 (Proc.), 47-50. 

Notice of the teeth of Carcharias 
megalodon occurring in the Red Crag 
of Suffolk. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1837, n.s. 
1, 225-227. 1837.1 

A notice of the remains of verte- 
brated animals occurring in the Ter- 
tiary beds of Norfolk and Suffolk. Mag. 
Nat. Hist., 1838, n.s.2, 40-43. 1838.1 

Illustrated zoological notices. 
On the fossil remains of a species of 
Hybodus from Lyme Regis. Mag. Nat. 
Hist., 1839, n. s. 3, 242-248. 1839.1 

On a tooth of the genus Otodus 
Ag. from the London Clay. Mag. Nat. 
Hist., 1839, n. s. 3, 351-352. pl. 1839.2 

On some fossil teeth of the genus 
Lamna from the London Clay. Mag. 
Nat. Hist., 1839, n. s. 3, 451-452. pil. 

On the fossil bodies regarded by 
M. Agassiz as the teeth of a fish, and 
upon which he has founded his supposed 
genus Sphenonchus. Rept. Brit. Assoc. 
Ady. Sci., 15. meet., 1845, pt. 2, 56. 


Charrin, A. L’infection chez les 
poissons. C. R. Mém. Soc. Biol., Paris, 
1893, 331-333. 1893.1 

Charvet, Pierre Alexandre. Explica- 
tion d’une monstruosité observée sur le 
eyprin doré de la Chine. Nouv. Bull. 
Soe. Philom. Paris, 1826, 1, 140-141. — 
Bull. Sci. Nat. (Férussac), 1828, 13, 
139-140. 1826.1 



Catalogue des animaux qui se 
trouvent dans le département de I’ Isére. 
Bull. Statist. Sci. Nat. Département 
Isére, Grenoble, 1846. 1846.1 

De la destruction et de la repro- 
duction du poisson dans les eaux douces 
dans l’arrondissement de © Grenoble. 
Bull. Soc. Statist. Sci. Nat. Départe- 
ment Isére, Grenoble, 1869, 1, 63-98. 


Chase, A. W. Note on subter- 
ranean fishes in California. Amer. 
Journ. Sci., 1874, 3. ser. 7, 74. — Forest 
& Stream, 1874, 2, 70. 1874.1 

On the use of giant powder (dyna- 
mite) for obtaining specimens of fish at 
sea. Proc. Cal. Acad. Sci., 1874, 5, 
334-337. — Scient. American, 31, 118. 
— Amer. Sportsman, 4, 35-38. 1874.2 

Chatelanat, JH. "Notes sur les 
migrations des poissons du lac Léman. 
Bull. Soe. Vaud. Sci. Nat., Lausanne, 
1874, 138, 36-38. 1874.1 

Notice sur la pisciculture dans 
le canton de Vaud. Bull. Soe. Vaud. 

Sci. Nat., 1880, 16, 521-532. Also 
separate; Lausanne, 1880. 12 p. 8°. 

Chater, Ff. J. T. The relations of 
the state with fishermen and fisheries, 
including all matters dealing with their 
protection and regulation. Intern. 
Fisheries Exhib. Lit., London, 1883. 
Conferences, 9, pt. 4: 1883.1 

Chatin, Joannes [1847 —]| Les or- 
ganes des sens dans la série animale. 
Lecgons d’anatomie et de physiologie 
comparées faites 4 la Sorbonne. Paris, 
1880. viil, 726 p. illust. 8°. 1880.1 

Sur les homologies des lobes 
inférieurs du cerveau des poissons. C. 
R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1889, 108, 628-630. 

— Sur les myélocytes des poissons. 
C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1889, 109, 745-— 
747. 1889.2 

Chatto, William Andrew. Also 
styled Oliver, Stephen (pseudon.), and 
Fisher, Paul (pseudon.) 

Chatton, Hdouard. Un  amibe, 
Ameba mucicola n. sp., parasite des 

branchies des Labres, associé a une 
Trichodine. C. R. Mém. Soe. Biol., 
Paris, 1909, 67, 690-692. 1909.1 


Chaudejambon, Concerning 
eels. Fish. Gazette, 1877, no. 29, 5. 


Chaudhuri, Banawari Lal. De- 

scription of a new species of Danio (D. 
annandalei) from Lower Burma. Rec. 
Indian Mus., Calcutta, 1908, 2, pt. 2, 
125-126. 1908.1 

Description of a new species of 
saw-fish [Pristis annandalei} captured 
off the Burma coast by the government 
of Bengal’s steam trawler ‘‘ Golden 
Crown.”’ Rec. Indian Mus., Calcutta, 
1908, 2, 391-392. fig. 1908.2 

Description of two new species 
of Caranzx (C. gupte, C. auricorone) from 
the bay of Bengal. Rec. Indian Mus., 
Calcutta, 1909, 3, 141-1438. 2 figs. 


Descriptions of new species of 
Botia (B. birdi; and Nemachilus (N. 
macmahoni} Ree. Indian Mus., Cal- 
cutta, 1909, 3, 339-342. 1909.2 

Mosquito-larve eating propen- 
sity of the genus Haplochilus. Journ. 
Proc. Asiat. Soc., Bengal, 1909, 5, xxxvi-— 
XXXVIl. 1909.3 

Description of a new species of 
Nemachilus tN. mackenziei) from north- 
ern India. Ree. Indian Mus., Calcutta, 
1910, 5, 183-185. 1910.1 

Triacanthus weberi, sp. nov. 
Journ. Proc. Asiat. Soc., Bengal, 1910, 
6, 497-501. pl. 1910.2 

Fish and mosquito larve. Cal- 
cutta Med. Journ., 1911, 6, 1-14. 

Contributions to the fauna of 
Yunnan based on collections made by 
J. Coggin Brown, B.Se. Part II. Fishes. 
Rec. Indian Mus., Calcutta, 1912, 6, 
13-24. pil. 1912.1 

Descriptions of some new species 
of freshwater fishes from north India. 
Rec. Indian Mus., Calcutta, 1912, 7, 
437-444. 4 pls. 1912.2 

Freshwater sting rays of the 
Ganges. Journ. Proc. Asiat. Soc., 
Bengal, 1912, 7, 625-629. 1912.3 

Macrones menoda var. trachacan- 
thus (Cuv. et Val.) Rec. Indian Mus., 
Calcutta, 1912, 7, 210-212. 1912.4 

Zoological results of the Abor 
expedition, 1911-12. Fish. Rec. Indian 
Mus., Caleutta, 1913, 8, 243-257. 3 pls. 


Chaudhuri, Banawari Lal, & Sewell, 
R. B.S. See Sewell & Chaudhuri. 

Chauvassaignes, Frangois.. Le peu- 
plement des eaux, etc. Clermont- 
Ferrand, 1880. 42 p. 8°. 1880.1 

Chauvin, Ff. VW. A. La culture de la 
mer appliquée aux baies du littoral de 
la France; exposé et moyens pratiques, 
suivis d’un rapport sur le mémoir pré- 
senté par l’auteur A la Société Impériale 
Zoologique d’Acclimatation, présidée 
par M. Isidore Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire. 
Lannion, 1858. 48 p. 8°. 1858.1 

Chavannes, Auguste. Observations 
sur quelques points de la fécondation 
et de l’éclosion artificelle des poissons. 
Bull. Soc. Vaud. Sci. Nat., Lausanne, 
1854, 24-25. 1854.1 

Réempoissonnement des eaux 
vaudoises. Rev. Mag. Zool., 1865, 2. 
sér. 17, 219-223. 1865.1 

Note sur la naturalisation du 
saumon du Rhin dans le lac Léman. 
Bull. Soe. Acclim., Paris, 1869, 2. sér. 
6, 364-368. 1869.1 

Sur Vintroduction des saumons 
dans le lac Léman. Verh. Schweiz. 
Naturf. Ges., 1869, 53, 67. Also sepa- 
rate; Soleure, 1869. 1869.2 

Naturalisatie van zalmen in het 
meer van Genéve en in het Wenner- 
Meer. Tijdschr. Ned. Maatsch. Be- 
vord. Nijverheid., 1870. 14 p. 1870.1 

Chavannes de la Giraudiére, H. de. 
Souvenirs d’un vieux pécheur. Tours, 
1853. 8°. 1853.1 

Chazari, Hstéban. Piscicultura en 
agua dulce. Mexico, 1884. 828 p. 
150 figs. 8°. 1884.1 

Chearney, Fk. Large roach [(Leucis- 
cus rutilus| in the Lea. Zoologist, 1875, 
2. ser. 10, 4726-4727. 1875.1 

Checcia-Rispoli, G. Un nuovo 
rinvenimento di Lepidocyclina _ nell’ 
eocene della Sicilia. Natural. Sicil., 
Palermo, 1905, 17, 253-254. 1905.1 

Cheeseman, Thomas F. Notes on 
the sword fish (Xiphias gladius) Trans. 
New Zeal. Instit. 1875 (1876), 8, 219— 
220. 1876.1 

American salmon in New Zea- 
land waters. Forest & Stream, 1877, 7, 
340. 1877.1 




—— Exportation of salmon ova to 
New Zealand in 1876. Rept. U.S. Fish 
Comm. 1875-76 (1878), 4, 965-967. 


Shipment of salmon ova to New 
Zealand in 1877. Rept. U. S. Fish 
Comm. 1878 (1880), 6, 837. 1880.1 

—— Notice of the occurrence of the 
basking shark (Selache maxima L.) in 
New Zealand. Trans. New Zeal. Instit., 
1891, 23, 126-127. 1891.1 

Chelussi, Jtalo. Note di geologia 
marchigiana. Atti Soc. Ital. Sci. Nat. 
Mus. Civ. Milano, 1906, 44, 269-300. 


Cheney, A. Nelson. Forest 
& Stream, 1876, 6, 55. 1876.1 
Ice fishing for smelts in Lake Champlain. 

Food fish and fish food. Trans. 
Amer. Fisheries Soc. 1883 (1884), 27- 
ap 1884.1 

Does transplanting affect the 
food or game qualities of certain fishes? 
Trans. Amer. Fisheries Soc., 1885, 55—- 
59. 1885.1 

— The monster black bass. For- 
est & Stream, 1885, 23, 126. 1885.2 

Salmon in the Hudson river. 
Bull. U. 8S. Fish Comm. 1886 (1887), 6, 
351-352. 1887.1 

Relation of the American Fish- 
eries Society to protective fish laws. 
Trans. Amer. Fisheries Soc. 1891 (1892), 
47-51. 1892.1 

Food for fishes. Trans. Amer. 
Fisheries Soc. 1892 (1893), 22-29. 1893.1 

Food for fishes. 1. Ann. Rept. 
Comm. Fish. Game & Forests New 
York 1895 (1896), 99-117. 2 pls. & 13 
figs. 1896.1 

Information for all who apply 
for state fish. 1. Ann. Rept. Comm. 
Fish. Game & Forests New York 1895 
(1896), 150. 1896.2 

— Instructions for transporting 
and planting young fish. 1. Ann. Rept. 
Comm. Fish. Game & Forests New York 
1895 (1896), 149. 1896.3 

—— Mascalonge, pike, pickerel and 
pike-perch. 1. Ann. Rept. Comm. Fish. 
Game & Forests New York 1895 (1896), 
121-124. 3 pls. & 3 figs. 1896.4 

— Shad of the Hudson river. 1. 
Ann. Rept. Comm. Fish. Game & 


Forests New York 1895 (1896), 125- 
134. pl. 1896.8 

—— Black bass, and their distribu- 
tion in the waters of the State of New 
York. 2. Ann. Rept. Comm. Fish. 
Game & Forests New York 1896 (1897), 
176-184. illust. 1897.1 

Concerning the work of the 
Fisheries, Game and Forest Commis- 
sion of the State of New York. Trans. 
Amer. Fisheries Soc. 1896 (1897), 112- 
120. 1897.2 

The pike-perch (Stizostedium 
vitreum) 2. Ann. Rept. Comm. Fish. 
Game & Forests New York 1896 (1897), 
203-206. pl. 1897.3 

Fish colored 

represented in 

plates. 3. Ann. Rept. Comm. Fish. 
Game & Forests New York, 1898, 
239-248. 5 pls. 1898.1 

Fishways, their construction and 
use. 3. Ann. Rept. Comm. Fish. Game 
& Forests New York, 1898, 222-233. 7 
pls. 1898.2 

— A natural hatchery for trout. 
3. Ann. Rept. Comm. Fish. Game & 
Forests New York, 1898, 234-238. 2 

pls. 1898.3 
A synopsis of the history of fish 
culture. 3. Ann. Rept. Comm. Fish. 

Game & Forests New York, 1898, 191-— 
198. 3 pls. 1898.4 

The common eel. 4. Ann. Rept. 
Comm. Fish. Game & Forests New York, 
1899, 279-288. 2 pls. 1899.1 

— Figures of fishes in colors. 4. 
Ann. Rept. Comm. Fish. Game «& For- 
ests New York, 1899, 289-296. 4 pls. 


Shad culture in the Hudson 
river. 5. Ann. Rept. Comm. Fish. Game 
& Forests New York 1899 (1900), 241- 
247. 1900.1 

— Trout fry and trout fingerlings. 
5. Ann. Rept. Comm. Fish. Game & 
Forests New York 1899 (1900), 249- 
257. 1900.2 

6. Ann. Rept. Forest, Fish & soe 
Comm. New York 1900 (1901), 47—55 ; 

Cheney, Simeon F. Correspondence 

on the subject of sea fisheries. Rept. 
U. S. Fish Comm. 1871-72 (1873), 1, 
135. 1873.1 


Chenu, Jean Charles [1808-1879] 
Encyclopédie d’histoire naturelle; ou, 
Traité complet de cette science d’aprés 
les travaux des naturalistes les plus 
éminents de toutes les époques, etc., 
... parle Dr. Chenu. 31 vols. Paris, 
1850-80. 4°. 1874.1 

Comprises 22 volumes of text, 9 volumes of 
registers and 2 volumes of plates. Originally pub- 
lished in 1850-61; but frequently reissued with 
title-pages bearing later dates. 

Vol. xix. Reptiles et poissons, avec la colla- 
boration de M. E. Desmarest. 1874. ii, 360 p. 
48 pls. 

Chesnaye-Desbois, Francois Alez- 
andre Aubert de la. See La Chesnaye- 
Dubois, F. A. A. de. 

Chester, John. Essay on the pilchard 
(Clupea pilchardus; Ann. Rept. R. 
Cornwall Polytechn. Soe., 1835, 3, 102— 
107. 1835.1 

Chevalier, P. Die Fischbrutanstalt 
Hiilsberg bei Liittringhausen. Deutsch. 
Fischerei Zeitg., 1879, 2. Jahrg., 376. 


Chevrel, René. Sur le systéme 
nerveux grand sympathique des pois- 
sons osseux. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 
1888, 107, 530-531. 1888.1 

Sur l’anatomie du systéme ner- 
veux grand sympathique des elasmo- 
branches et des poissons osseux. Arch. 
Zool. Expér., Paris, 1890, 2. sér. 5, 
no. 5,196 p. 3 pls. Abstract in Rev. 
Sci. France, Paris, 47, 596-597. 1890.1 

Recherches anatomiques sur le 
systéme nerveux grand sympathique de 
Vesturgeon. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 
1891, 117, 441-443. — Arch. Zool. Ex- 
pér., Paris, 3. sér. 2, 401-444. pl. 


Sur la reproduction de l’an- 
guille commune (Anguilla vulgaris Flem.) 
Bull. Soc. Linn. Normandie, 1898, 5. 
sér. 1, 201-256. 1898.1 

Essai sur la morphologie et la 
physiologie du muscle latéral chez les 
poissons osseux. Arch. Zool. Expér., 
Paris, 1913, 52, 473-607. 19 figs. 1913.1 

Valeur fonctionnelle des myoméres irrégulié- 
rement plissées. Contraction des fibres pro- 

fondes d’arriére en avant et des fibres super- 
ficielles d’avant en arriére. 

Chevreul, Michel Eugene [1786- 
1889] Expériences chimiques sur le 

cartilage du Squalus peregrinus. Ann. 
Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris, 1811, 18, 136— 
153. 1811.1 



Sur le cartilage et la liqueur con- 
tenue dans les cavités intervertébrales 
du Squalus peregrinus. Ann. Mus. Hist. 
Nat. Paris, 1811, 18, 154-155. 1811.2 

—— Dictionnaire des sciences natu- 

relles. 60 vols. Paris, 1816-30. 8°. 
Chevreuse, Auguste. Lettres sur les 
effets de pisciculture. Ann. Soe. 

Emulat. Vosges 1866 (1867), 12, 450— 
460. 1867.1 

Chevreuse, #. Essais de piscicul- 
ture dans les Vosges. Bull. Soe. Accli- 
mat., Paris, 1868, 2. sér. 5, 824-828. 


Chevrolat, L. A. A. Dictionnaire 
universel d’histoire naturelle . . . par 
MM. Arago .. . Chevrolat, ete. 16 vols. 
Paris, 1839-45. 8°. 1839.1 

There are two later editions, one published 
in ae the other in 1861. See Orbigny, A. C. 

Chevroton, L., & Anthony, R. See 
Anthony & Chevroton. 

Chiaje, Stefano delle [1794-1860] 
Lettera anatomico-fisiologica sulla esis- 
tenza delle glandule renali ne’ batraci e 
ne’ pesci, con riflessioni intorno al loro 
ufficio nel feto umano. I1 Progresso, 
1839, 24, 181-190. 1839.1 

Anatomiche disamine sulle Tor- 
pedini. Atti Istit. Incorr. Napoli, 1840, 
6, 291-308. 1840.1 

Sulla esistenza delle glandule 
renali ne’ batraci e ne’ pesci. Atti Istit. 
Incorr. Napoli, 1840, 6, 207-222. 1840.2 

Notizia su due Gimnoti elettrici 
dall’ America recati vivi in Napoli. 
Nuov. Annal. Sci. Nat., Bologna, 1847, 
2, 7-8, 268-273. 1847.1 

elettrico del Gymnoto della Real Casa. 
Rendic. R. Accad. Sei. Napoli, 1848, 
7, 208-232. 1848.1 

Chiappi, 7. Sopra una forma ibrida 
di Ciprinide esistente nei laghi di Varano 
e Monate. Monit. Zool. Ital., 1902, 13 

(Suppl.), 28-30. 1902.1 
Il Leuciscus fucint Bp. Monit. 
Zool. Ital., 1903, 14, 352-354. 1903.1 

Le specie italiane di Leuciscus 
comprese nel sottogenere Leucos Bp. 
Boll. Soc. Zool. Ital., Roma, 1906, 2. 
ser. 7, 21-47. pl. & fig. 1906.1 

Discrizione, anatomia, e potere ~ 

io. Yet 4) eae aa 

eer as 

7 as 


Chiarini, Pietro. Ricerche sulla 
struttura degli organi fosforescenti dei 
pesci (In Ricerche Fisiol. Sei. Affini 
dedicado 4 Luigi Luciani, p. 381—402. 
pl. Milano, 1900) 1900.1 

Changements morphologiques 
que l’on observe dans la rétine des verté- 
brés par V’action de la lumiére et de 

Vobscurité. La rétine des poissons et 
des amphibies. Arch. Ital. Biol., 1905, 
42, 303-322. 4 figs. 1905.1 

Chiarini, Pietro, & Gatti, MW. Ri- 
cerche sugli organi biofotogenetici dei 
pesci. Atti Roy. Accad. Lincei, 1899, 
5. ser. 8, pt. 1 (Rendic.), 551-556; Ibid., 

2, 81-87. 1899.1 
Chiarugi, Giulio. Di un organo 
epiteliale situato al dinanzi della 

ipofisi e di altri punti relativi allo 
sviluppo della regione ipofisaria in em- 
brioni di Torpedo ocellata. Monit. Zool. 
Ital., 1898, 9, 37-56. figs. 1898.1 

Della regione parafisaria del 
telencefalo e di alcuni ispessimenti del 
corrispondente ectoderma tegumentale 
in embrioni di Torpedo ocellata. Monit. 

Zool. Ital., 1905, 16, 182-186. — Arch. 
Ital. Anat. Embriol., 1906, 5, 359-375. 
3 pls. 1905.1 

Chichoff, G. Contribution 4 ]’étude 
de la faune de la mer Noire. Animaux 
récoltés sur les cétes bulgaires. Arch. 
Zool. Expér., 1912, 5. sér. 10 (Notes & 

Rev.), Xx1xX—Xxxix. 1912.1 
Chiereghini, Stefano [1745-1820] 
Ipsa Chiereghinii conchylia, ovvero 

contribuzione pella malacologia Adria- 
tica desunta dal manoscritto descrizi- 
one de’ crostacei, de’ testacei, e de’ pesci 
che abitano le lagune e golfo Veneto, 
rappresentati in figure, a chiaroscuro ed 
a colori dall’ Abate S. Chiereghini. . . 
illustrata da S. Brusina. Pisa, 1870. 
280 p. 8°. 1870.1 

Chievitz, J. H. Notice on Prof. W. 
Newton Parker’s communication on 
the poisonous organs of Trachinus. 
Anat. Anz., 1888, 3. Jahrg., 787. 1888.1 

Untersuchungen iiber die Area 
centralis retine. Arch. Anat. Physiol. 
(Anat. Abth., Suppl.), 1889, 139-194. 
evi. 1889.1 

—— Untersuchungen tber die Ent- 
wicklung der Area und Fovea centralis 

retine. Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Anat. 
Abth.), 1890, 332-365. pls. xviii—xx. 

Syngnathus typhle, p. 350-354. 


Ueber das Vorkommen der Area 

centralis retinze in den vier héheren 

Wirbeltierklassen. Arch. Anat. Physiol. 

(Anat. Abth.), 1891, 311-333. 1891.1 
Fische, p. 318. 

Chifflot, , Conte, A., & Vaney, 
C. Kyste de l’ovaire chez le Cyprinus 
auratus. C. R. Oily Franc. Avance. 
Sci., 35. sess., 1907, pt. 2, 533-535. 


Chion, —— Rapport sur une 
notice de M. Ballot relative 4 deux 
carpes monstrueuses péchées dans des 
étangs. Mém. Soc. Roy. Sci. Orléans, 
1838, 1. 23 p. pil. 1838.1 

Chisholm, C. On the poison of fish. 
Med. Surg. Journ., Edinb., 1808, 4, 
393-422. — Giorn. Soe. Incorr., Milano, 
8, 154-161. 1808.1 

Chittenden, Russell Henry (1856 —] 
On the chemical composition of the 

flesh of  Hippoglossus americanus. 
Amer. Journ. Sci., 1877, 3. ser. 13, 
123-124. 1877.1 

Chlopin, G. W., & Nikitin, A. F. 
Der Einfluss der Naphtha und ihrer 
Producte auf die Fische. Soc. Imp. 
Russe Péche Pisciculture, 1899, no. 3. 
9 p. 1899.1 

Chmélevskij, C. V., Gracianov, V. 
IE ZOerat, Je Ne Hindze, Ibs IK 
Voronkov, NESW & Bogojavlenskij, 
N.V. Die Fischerei und die Fischzucht 
im Nordwest-Gebiete (Text in Russian} 
Trd. Otd. Ichtiol. Ob8é. Akklimat., 
Moskva, 1907, 5, 1-315. 6 pls. & 15 
figs. 1907.1 

Chodnew, S. Skizzen des Fisch- 
fanges auf dem Moskwa-Flusse und 
einige Worte iiber Teichfischerei (Text 
in Russian} Moscou, 1872. 1872.1 

Choffat, Paul. Recueil de mono- 
graphies stratigraphiques sur le systeéme 
grereeane du Portugal. II. Le cré- 
tacique supérieur au nord du Tage. 
Direct. Serv. Géol. Portugal, 1900. 
287 p. 11 pls. 1900.1 

Le crétacique dans |’ Arrabida et 
dans la contrée d’Ericeira, accompagné 
d’une description de Celodus anomalus, 
n. sp., par F. Priem. Supplément palé- 
ontologique. Comm. Serv. Geol., Lis- 
boa, 1904-05, 6, 1-55. 1904.1 

Cholmondeley-Pennell, Henry 
[1837 —] The angler-naturalist; a 
popular history of British fresh-water 



Cholmondeley-Pennell, H. 

fish, with a plain explanation of the 
rudiments of ichthyology. London, 
1863. 425 p. figs. 12°. 1863.1 

Most of the illustrations are borrowed from 
Yarrell’s ‘‘ History of British fishes.’’ There is 
also a later edition of this work [18757] 

Proved facts in the history of the 
salmon. Canadian Naturalist, 1864, 1, 
144-166. 1864.1 

The book of the pike, . . . the 
history of the fish, ete. London, 1865. 
xv, 254 p. 8 pls. 12°. 1865.1 

The second part of the work, which treats of 
pike fishing, was originally published in the 
Fisherman’s magazine and review, 1864-65, and 
most of the illustrations are taken from that 

(editor) Fishing gossip; or, 
stray leaves from the note-books of 
several anglers. Edinburgh, 1866. 329 
p. illust: -8°: 1866.1 

Many of these articles were originally pub- 
lished in the Fisherman’s magazine, and the 
frontispiece is taken from that journal. One of 
the articles, by John G. Fennell, is on Curiosities 
of angling literature. 

Can fish feel pain? The ques- 
tion considered analogically and phy- 
siologically. With a few words on the 
ethics of angling. London, 1870. 14 p. 
12°. 1870.1 

Fishing. With contributions 
from other authors [William Senior, 
G. C. Davies, H. R. Francis and others] 
2 vols. London, 1885. illust. 8°. 
(The Badminton library of sports and 
pastimes, no. 58) 1885.1 

Vol. i, Salmon and trout. 
Vol. ii, Pike and other coarse fish. 

The same. 2.ed. 2 vols. Lon- 
don, 1886. illust. 8° (The Badminton 
library of sports and pastimes) 1886.1 

Vol. i, Salmon and trout culture, by T. An- 
drews. p. 472. 

Vol. ii, The cultivation of coarse fish, by 
R. B. Marston. — The rearing of black bass, 
and piscicultural experiments at Burghley, by the 
Marquis of Exeter. p. 412. 

The sporting fish of Great 

Britain with notes on ichthyology. Lon- 
don, 1886. 185 p. 18pls. 4°. 1886.2 

Chop, K. Neue Mittheilungen iiber 
die Zihne und Fischreste aus dem 
Schlotheimer Keuper. Zeitschr. Ge- 

sammt. Naturw., Halle, 1857, 9, 127— 
132; ‘pl. 1857.1 
Choronshitsky, Boris. Die Ent- 

stehung der Milz, Leber, Gallenblase, 
Bauchspeicheldriise und des Pfortader- 
systems bei den verschiedenen Abthei- 

lungen der Wirbelthiere. Anat. Hefte, 
1900, 13, 363-623. 85 figs. 1900.1 

Choroschin, J. P. Ueber den gegen- 
wirtigen Stand der Fischerei im Ural- 
Kosaken-Heere (Text in Russian) Con- 
grés Intern. Péche Pisciculture St. 
Pétersb., 1902, pt. 2, 77-117. 1902.1 

Christison, (Sir) Robert. On the 
composition of the flesh of the salmon 
in the “ clean ”’ and “ foul ”’ condition. 
Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinb. 1869-72 (1872), 

7, 694-697. 1872.1 
The salmon disease. Lancet, 

1879, 1, 636. 1879.1 
Christison, Sanderson. Curious 
fishes of the deep sea. Scient. Ameri- 
can, 1905, 92, 188. 6 figs. 1905.1 

Christopher, H. Schmarotzerfische. 
Natur & Haus, Dresden, 1905, 14. Jahrg., 
55-57. 4 figs. 1905.1 

Christy, Robert Miller. A catalogue 
of local lists of British mammals, rep- 
tiles, and fishes, arranged under coun- 
ties. Zoologist, 1893, 3. ser. 17, 252— 
264. 1893.1 

Note on the occurrence of the 
white-tailed eagle (Halietus albicilla) 
and the salmon (Salmo salar) at Har- 
wich in 1666. Essex Naturalist, 1899, 
11, 76-78. 1899.1 

Chudeau, Ff. Les conditions qui 
déterminent la taille des animaux. 
C. R. Mém. Soe. Biol., Paris, 1898, 10. 

sér. 5, 951-952. 1898.1 
—— Péche et biologie. Bordeaux, 
1900. 8°. 1900.1 

Les conditions de la péche en 
Algérie. C. R. Cong. Soc. Sav. Alger, 
Paris, 1905, 105-113. 1905.1 

Chudeau, R., & Gruvel, A. See 
Gruvel & Chudeau. 

Chun, Carl [1852—] Ueber die 
geographische Verbreitung der pela- 
gisch lebenden Seethiere. Zool. Anz., 
1886, 9, 55-59; 71-75. 1886.1 

Die pelagische Thierwelt in 
erdsseren Meerestiefen und ihre Bezie- 
hungen zu der Oberflaichenfauna. Bibl. 
Zool., 1887, 1, 1-66. 5 pls. 1887.1 

Ueber die Existenz einer pela- 
gischen Tiefseefauna. Schriften Phys.- 
oekon. Ges. Kénigsb., 1888, 28 (Sitz- 
ber.), 9-11. 1888.1 

ea Po: 


Die pelagische Thierwelt in 
grossen Meerestiefen. Verh. Ges. 
Deutsch. Natf., 1890, 1. Teil, 69-85. — 
Jahresb. Schles. Ges., Breslau, 1892, 
20-27. 1890.1 

— Ueber die biologischen Unter- 
suchungen der Hensenschen Plankton- 
Expedition. Schriften Phys.-oekon. 
Ges. Kénigsb., 1891, 31 (Sitzber.), 14-15. 


— Leuchtorgan und Facettenauge. 
Ein Beitrag zur Theorie des Sehens in 
grossen Meerestiefen. Biol. Centrabl., 
1893, 13, 544-571. 8 figs. 1893.1 

Atlantis. Biologische Studien 
liber pelagischen Organismen (In 
Leuckart, R. Bibliotheca Zoologica, 

Bd. vii, 19. Heft, p. 1-260. Leipzig, 

1894) 1894.1 
Zur Biologie der pelagischen 
Siisswasserfauna. Jahresb. Schles. Ge- 

sell., Breslau, 1895, 2. Abth., 80-83. 

Die Beziehungen zwischen dem 
arktischen und antarktischen Plankton. 
Stuttgart, 1897. 1897.1 

— Die Resultate der Tiefseefor- 
sechung und die Aufgaben einer deut- 
schen Tiefsee-Expedition. Verh. Gesell. 
Deutsch. Natf., 1897, 1. Teil, 122-134. 


— Die deutsche Tiefsee-Expedi- 
tion. Berichte. Zeitschr. Gesell. Erdk., 
Berlin, 1899, 34, 75-134. 1899.1 

— Erlauterungen zu seiner Aus- 
stellung der Ergebnisse der deutschen 
‘Tiefsee-Expedition. Verh. Gesell. 
Deutsch. Natf., 1899, 1. Teil, 141-143. 


Von der deutschen Tiefsee- 
Expedition. Ann. Hydrogr., 1899, 27, 
100-102. 1899.3 

Aus den Tiefen des Weltmeeres. 
Schilderung von der deutschen Tiefsee- 
Expedition. Jena, 1900. 549 p. figs. 
Ss 1900.1 

Jena, 1903. 

(editor) Wissenschaftliche Er- 
gebnisse der deutschen Tiefsee-Expe- 
dition auf dem Dampfer “ Valdivia ”’ 
1898-99. 15. Band. Jena,1908. 42 pls. 
& 187 figs. 1908.1 

Inhalt: Die Tiefsee-Fische, von Prof. Dr. 
August Brauer. I. Systematischer Teil. II. 
Anatomischer Teil. 

—- The same. 2. ed. 



Church, Daniel T. Condition of the 
shore fisheries of Massachusetts and 
Rhode Island in 1871. eae U.S. Fish 
Comm. 1871-72 (1873), 1 1873.1 

Statement concerning the men- 
haden fishery. Rept. U.S. Fish Comm. 
1878 (1880), 5, 418. 1880.1 

—— The sea and coast fisheries. 
Bull. U.S. Fish Comm. 1893 (1894), 13, 
37-38. 1894.1 

Churchill, (Consul) Persian 
fisheries. Forest & Stream, 1877, 9, 
249. 1877.1 

Churchill, Sylvanus. Notice of a 
double fish. Amer. Journ. Sci., 1834, 
26, 116-117. fig. 1834.1 

Chydenius, Johan Jacob, & Furuh- 
jelm, /.#. Berittelse 6fver en natur- 
historisk resa i Karelen, féretagen pa 
Sallskapets pro Fauna et Flora Fennica 
bekostnad. Notiser Sallskapets Fauna 
& Flora Fenn. Foérh., 1858 (1859), n. s. 1, 
81-118. 1859.1 

Pisces, p. 85-90. 

Chyzer, Kornél [1836 —] Reliquize 
Petényiane, nehany sz6 Petényrél mint 
ichthyologrol. Termr. Fiizetek, Buda- 
pest, 1881, 5, 23-26; 88; 91-146; pee ' 


Beitrige zur naturwissenschaft- 
liche Kenntniss des Lempliner Komi- 
tates. Die Fische des Lempliner Komi- 
tates. Jahrb. Ungar. Karpath. Ver., 
1882, 9, 12-25 1882.1 

Ciaccio, Carmelo. Sull’ esistenza di un 

tessuto mieloide differenziato negli 
animali inferiori. Anat. Anz., 1905, 26, 
222-224. 1905.1 

Sur la fine structure et sur les 
fonctions des capsules surrénales des 
vertébrés. Arch. Ital. Biol., 1905, 43, 
17-34. 1905.2 2 

Sur l’existence de tissu myéloide 
dans le rein des plagiostomes. C. R. 
Soe. Biol. Paris, 1906, 60, 77. 1906.1 

Contributo alla morfologia ed 
istogenesi del tessuto mieloide [(Tessuto 
linfo-renale dei pesci] Monit. Zool. Ital., 
1907, 18, 127-132. 1907.1 

Sur la physio-pathologie des 
tissus hémopoiétiques. I. La moélle 
osseuse et les tissus myéloides. II. Les 
tissus lymphoides. Folia Himatologica, 
1909, 8. 1909.1 


Ciaccio, Giuseppe Vincenzo. Intorno 
al finale distribuimento de’ nervi nell’ 
organo elettrico della torpedine (Torpedo 
narke Risso) Arch. Zool. Anat. Fis., 
1870, 2. ser. 2, 5-9. 1870.1 

Structure intime de _ l’organe 
électrique de la torpille. Journ. Zool. 
(Gervais), 1874, 3, 481-485. 1874.1 

Intorno all’ intima tessitura dell’ 
organo elettrico della torpedine (Tor- 
pedo narke Risso, Torpedo galvani 
Bonap.) Nuovo Cimento, 1874, 2. ser. 
12,5-9. Ibid., 1876, 2. ser. 15, 34-41. — 
Rendic. Acead. Sci. Bologna, 1874, 105— 
109. — Lo Spallanzani, 1875, 4, 433. 


Della somighanza tra la piastra 
elettrica e l’ eccito-motoria della torpe- 
dine, e di aicune differenze che mostrano 
nella struttura loro 1 segmenti interanu- 
lari della fibre nervee che vanno all’ 
organo elettrico della stressa. Rendic. 
Acead. Sei. Bologna, 1875-76, 16-21. 


Ueber den feineren Bau des 
elektrischen Organs des Rochens (Jor- 

pedo narke)  Untersuch. Naturlehre 
(Moleschott), 1876, 11, 416-419. pl. 


Intorno alle piastre motrici delle 

torpedini e delle razze. Rendic. 

Accad. Sci. Bologna, 1876-77 (1877), 

12-18. 1877.1 

Nuove osservazioni intorno alla 
terminazione dei nervi motori nel mus- 
coli striati delle torpedini e razze, e 
intorno alla somiglianza tra la piastra 
elettrica delle torpedini e la motrice. 
Lo Spallanzani, 1877, 6, 501. — Journ. 
Micrograph., 1878, 2. année, 27-31; 
65-68; 108-118; 160-164; 205-210; 
256-260; 301-306; 350-353. 1877.2 

Osservazioni intorno al modo 
come terminano i nervi motori ne’ 
muscoli striati delle torpedini e delle 
razze, e intorno alla somiglianza tra la 
piastra elettrica delle torpedini e la 

motrice. Mem. Accad. Sci. Bologna, 
1877, 3. ser. 8, 361-415.— Rendic. 
Accad. Sci. Bologna 1876-77 (1877), 
135-139. 1877.3 

Nota sopra la punteggiatura 
della piastra elettrica del gimnoto o 
anguilla del Surinam. Rendic. Accad. 
Sci. Bologna 1878-79 (1879), 163-164. 

Osservazioni istologiche intorno 
alla terminazione delle fibre nervose 


motive ne’ muscoli striati delle torpe- 
dini, del topo casalingo e del ratto al- 
bino, condizionati col doppio cloruro 
d’ oro e cadmio. Mem. Accad. Sci. 
Bologna, 1882, 4. ser. 4, 821-830. 2 pls. 
— Journ. Microgr., 7, 38-41. 1882.1 

sopra la terminazione 
delle fibre nervose motrici ne’ muscoli 
striati delle torpedini condizionati col 
doppio cloruro d’ oro e cadmio. Rendic. 
Accad. Sci. Bologna 1882-83 (1883), 
18-22. 1883.1 

Osservazioni microscopiche in- 
torno agli organi elettrici delle torpedini. 
Mem. Accad. Sci. Bologna, 1897, 5. ser. 
7, 213-245. pls. wiv.—Arch. Ital. 
Biol., 33, 51-72. 2 pls. 1897.1 

Cialona, Marco. Osservazioni pra- 
tiche sull’ epoca della comparsa e della 
variabilita quantitativa delle specie 
animali pitt comuni nel plankton del 
porto di Messina. Ric. Lab. Anat. 
Norm. Roma, 1901, 8, 149-155. 2 figs. 


Ciamician, J. Ueber die Wirbel- 
siule des Meeraals (Muraena conger) 
Bericht Naturwiss. Ver. Technisch. 
Hochschule Wien, 1878,.3, 48-49. 


Cicile-Brion, Pisciculture; mé- 
moire sur l’appareil rotatif Cicile- 
Brion, pour |’éclosion des ceufs fécondés 
et l’élevage des jeunes poissons. Ver- 
dun, 1866. 8 p. 1866.1 

Cignetti, Fr. Toxicitit des Blutse- 
rums und des Muskelsaftes der Schleie. 
Arch. Intern. Pharmacodyn. Thérapie, 
1900, 7. 1900.1 

Zur Entwicklung der 
Ueber die Entwick- 

Cirincione, G. 

lung der capsula perilenticularis. Leip- 
zig, 1898. 24p. 9pls. fol. 1898.1 
Cisi-Halem, Elektrische Fische; 

eine gemeinverstindliche Darstellung. 
Nerthus, 1901. 3. Jahrg., 491-493; 
515-516; 429-530. 12 figs. 1901.1 

Cisow, Alexander. Ueber das Ge- 
hororgan der Ganoiden. Arch. Mikrosk. 
Anat., 1880, 18, 486-519. 2 pls. 


Cisternas, Rafael. Catalogo de los 
peces comestibles que se crian en las 
costas espanolas del Mediterraneo y en 
los rios y lagos de la provincia de Va- 
lencia. Valencia, 1867. 8°. 1867.1 



Descripcién del Ammodytes tere- 
brans, nueva especie de pece del Mediter- 
réneo. Anal. Soc. Hist. Nat. Madrid, 
1875, 4, 163-168. 1875.1 

Ensayo descriptivo de los peces 
de agua dulce que habitan en la provin- 
cia de Valencia. Anal. Soc. Hist. Nat. 

Madrid, 1877, 6, 69-138. 1877.1 
Claparéde, A. de. Zur Frage der 
Verfolgung der den _ schweizerschen 


Fischereien schiidlichen Thiere. 
1885. 55 p. 8°. 

Clapham, Thomas. Do fish hear? 
Forest & Stream, 1878,11,111. 1878.1 

More about the movement of 
Forest & Stream, 1878, 10, 462. 

Grayling on Long Island. Chi- 
cago Field, 1879, 11, 196. 1879.1 

How do trout leap a fall? Chi- 


cago Field, 1879, 11, 244. 1879.2 
Little eels once more. Forest & 
Stream, 1879, 12, 346. 1879.3 

— Food for brook trout. Trans. 
Amer. Fisheries Soc. 1879 (1880), 4-6. 

Clapp, A. Ff. The Susquehanna; its 
past, present and future. Trans. Amer. 
Fisheries Soc. 1892 (1893), 185-137. 


Clapp, (Miss) Cornelia Maria [1849 
—] Some points in the development of 
the toadfish (Batrachus tau) Journ. 
Morph., 1891, 6, 494-501. figs. 1891.1 

Relation of the axis of the em- 

bryo to the first cleavage plane. Mar. 
Biol. Labor. Woods Holl, 1898, 139— 
151. 6 figs. 1898.1 

The lateral line system of 
Batrachus tau. Journ. Morph., 1899, 
15, 223-264. 4 pls. & 8 figs. 1899.1 

Clapp, W.F. Collecting from had- 
dock on the George’s banks. Nautilus, 
1912, 25, 104-106. 1912.1 

Clark, A. Howard. Notes on the 
fisheries of Gloucester, Mass. Bull. U.S. 
Fish Comm. 1884, 4, 401-410. 1884.1 

Notes on the New England 
fishery for swordfish during the season 
of 1884. Rept. U.S. Fish Comm. 1884 
(1886), 12, 233-239. 1886.1 

: The coast of Connecticut and 
its fisheries (In The fisheries and fishery 



industries of the United States, edited 
by George Brown Goode, sect. 2, p. 311- 
340. Washington, 1887) 1887.1 

—— The fisheries of Massachusetts 
(In The fisheries and fishery industries 
of the United States, edited by George 
Brown Goode, sect. 2, p. ; 113-280. 
Washington, 1887) 1887.2 

—— The fisheries of Rhode Island 
(In The fisheries and fishery industries 
of the United States, edited by George 

Brown Goode, sect. 2, p. 281-310. 
Washington, 1887) 1887.3 
Historical references to the 

fisheries of New England (In The 
fisheries and fishery industries of the 

_United States, edited by George Brown 

Goode, sect. 2, p. 675-737. Washing- 
ton, 1887) 1887.4 

History of the iced fish and 
frozen fish trade of the United States. 
Trans. Amer. Fisheries Soc. 1886 (1887), 
68-81. 1887.5 

Fish preservation by the use of 
acetic, boracic, salicylic and other acids 
and compounds. Trans. Amer. Fish- 
erles Soc. 1887 (1888), 28-34. 1888.1 

Clark, A. Howard, & Goode, George 
Brown. See Goode & Clark. 

Clark, A. Howard, Goode, George 
Brown, & others. See Goode, Collins, 
& others. 

Clark, Andrew. Observations on the 
anatomy of the skin of a species of 

Murena. Trans. Roy. Mier. Soc. Lon- 
don, 1849, 2, 141-150. pl. 1849.1 
Clark, Austin Hobart {1880 —] On 

the name of the common American eel 

(Anguilla chrisypa Rafinesque] Proc. 

Biol. Soc. Washington, 1903, 16, 52. 

Habits of West Indian white- 

bait pSicydium plumieri) Amer. Nat- 
uralist, 1905, 39, 335-337. 1905.1 
Clark, H. D., & Alsberg, C. L. See 

Alsberg & Clark. 

Clark, Frank N. Raising the gray- 
ling in confinement. Chicago Field, 

1880, 12, 356. 1880.1 

The red-banded trout of Cali- 
Chicago Field, 1880, 13, 26. 


On the rearing of whitefish in 
spring water, and its relation to their 


Clark, F. N. 
subsequent distribution. Bull. U. S. 
Fish Comm. 1881, 1, 301-306. 1881.1 

Account of operations at the 
Northville fish-hatching station of the 
United States fish commission, from 
1874 to 1882, inclusive. Bull. U. 

Fish Comm. 1883, 3, 355-372. 1883.1 

Description of the United States 
fish hatchery at Alpena, Michigan. 
Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1882 (1883), 2, 
388. 1883.2 

Report of operations connected 
with the propagation of whitefish 
(Coregonus albus) at the Northville 
station, Northville, Michigan, for the 
season of 1880-81. Rept. U. 8. Fish 
Comm. 1880 (1883), 8, 553-596. fig. 


Spawning of California moun- 
tain trout reared in confinement from 
eggs brought from McCloudriver. Bull. 
U.S. Fish Comm., 1883, 3, 256. 1883.4 

Report of operations at the 
Northville and Alpena (Mich.) stations 
for the season of 1882-1883. Rept. 
U.S. Fish Comm. 1882 (1884), 10, 813- 
838. 1884.1 

Report of work at the United 
States hatchery, Northville, Mich., 
1881-82. Rept. U.S. Fish Comm. 1881 
(1884), 9, 1037-1062. 1884.2 

Natural as compared with arti- 
ficial hatching of whitefish. Bull. U. 8. 
Fish Comm., 1885, 5, 321-323. 1885.1 

Notes on experiments in penning 
shad and taking eggs at Battery Station, 
Havre de Grace, Md., in 1883. Rept. 
U.S. Fish Comm. 1883 (1885), 11, 1045— 
1050. 1885.2 

Report of operations at the 
Northville and Alpena stations for the 
season of 1883-84. Rept. U.S. Fish 
Comm. 1883 (1885), 11, 975-988. 1885.3 

Results of planting young white- 
fish in lake Erie. What the fishermen 
think of the whitefish propagation. 
Bull. U. S. Fish Comm., 1885, 5, 113- 
120. 1885.4 

Report of operations at the 
Northville and Alpena (Mich.) sta- 
tions during the season of 1884-85. 
Rept. U.S. Fish Comm. 1884 (1886), 12, 
151-167. 1886.1 



Results of planting white fish in 
lake Erie. Trans. Amer. Fisheries Soc. 
1885 (1886), 40—50. 1886.2 

—— Disadvantage of planting small 
fish. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1886 
(1887), 6, 421-422. 1887.1 

Report of operations at the 
Northville and Alpena stations during 
the season of 1885-86. Rept. U.S. Fish 
Comm. 1885 (1887), 13, 131-129. 1887.2 

Report on distribution of fish 
and eggs from Northville and Alpena 
stations for the season of 1885-86. 
Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1886 (1889), 6, 
395-399. 1889.1 

Report of operations at the 
Michigan stations of the United States 
Fish Commission for the year 1886-87. 
Rept. U. S. Fish Comm. 1886 (1889), 
14, 729-736. 1889.2 

Whitefish distributed from 
Northville and Alpena stations. Bull. 
U.S. Fish Comm. 1887 (1889), hy Hat 

Rearing and distributing trout 
at the Northville Station, U. 8. Fish 
Commission. Trans. Amer. Fisheries 
Soc. 1891 (1892), 30-83. 1892.1 

Rearing fish for distribution. ~ 
Trans. Amer. Fisheries Soc. 1892 Sree 
78-81. 1893. 

—— History and methods of white- 
fish culture. Bull. U. 8S. Fish Comm. 
1893 (1894), 13, 213-220. 1894.1 

Notes in connection with the ~ 
United States fish hatcheries in Michi- 
gan. Trans. Amer. Fisheries Soc. 1898 
(1899), 27-32. 1899.1 

What is protection to food 
fishes? Trans. Amer. Fisheries Soe. 
1899 (1900), 21-29. 1900.1 

Methods and results in connec- 
tion with the propagation of commercial 
fishes for the Great lakes. Trans. Amer. 
Fisheries Soe. 1900 (1901), ete = 

A successful year in the artificial 

propagation of the whitefish. Trans. 

Amer. Fisheries Soc. 1902 (1903), eb 

— Commercial fish and fisheries. 
Rept. Michigan Acad. Sci., 1904, 6, 65— 
68. 1904.1 


Notes on small-mouth bass 
culture at the Northville, Mich., sta- 
tion. Trans. Amer. Fisheries Soc. 1905 
(1906), 174-180. fig. 1906.1 

Notes on a new hatching jar. 
Trans. Amer. Fisheries Soc. 1907 (1908), 
159-162. fig. 1908.1 

A plan for promoting the white- 
fish production of the Great lakes. Proc. 
4. Intern. Fish. Congr., Washington, 
1908, 635-642.— Bull. U. 8. Bureau 
Fish., 1910, 28, 637-642. 1908.2 

Clark, George. The game laws from 
King Henry III. to the present period. 
London, 1786. 12°. 1786.1 

Includes some mention of fish and fishing. 

Clark, G. A., & Jordan, David Starr. 
See Jordan & Clark. 

Clark,G.C. On the grayling and fish 
in general. 4. Ann. Book Michigan 
_Sportsman’s Assoc., 1881, p. 77. 1881.1 

Clark, Henry James [1826-1873] 
Mind in nature; or the origin of life and 
the mode of development of animals. 
New York, 1865. 315 p. 200 figs. 8°. 


Description of form and structure of Amphi- 
oxus, p. 227-230. 

Clark, Henry W. Statement con- 
cerning the menhaden fishery, Rept. 
U.S. Fish Comm. 1877 (1879), 5, 425. 


Clark, Howard Walton, & Evermann, 
Barton Warren. See Evermann «& 

Clark, Howard Walton, & Golds- 
borough, Hdmund Lee. See Golds- 
borough «& Clark. 

Clark, Howard Walton, & Meek, 
Seth Eugene. See Meek & Clark. 

Clark, James. An annotated list of 
Cornish fishes. Zoologist, 1907, 4. ser. 
11, 415-427; 453-459; Ibid., 1908, 12, 
13-29. 1907.1 

Clark, John. The salmon disease. 
Intern. Fisheries Exhib. Lit., London, 
1883. Conferences, 11, pt. 4. 1883.1 

Clark, Nelson W. Propagation of 
fish: an address to the legislature. De- 
trot, 1871. 23p. 8°. 1871.1 

Hatching white fish. Forest & 
Stream, 1874, 2, 340. 1874.1 

— Fishhatching. Forest & Stream, 
1875, 5, 179. 1875.1 



Clark, R. S. Notes on some fresh- 
water fishes from Buenos Aires. Sci. Res. 
Scottish Nat. Antaretic Exped., Edin- 
burgh, 1912, 4, 107-110. pl. 1912.1 

Scottish national Antarctic ex- 
pedition. ‘Scotia ”’ collection of fishes 
from St. Helena. Proc. Roy. Phys. Soe. 
Edinb., 1913, 19, 47-53. 1913.1 

Clark, William. Catalogue of Dr. 
Clark’s casts of placoderm fishes. Berea, 
Ohio, 1896. 2 p. 1896.1 

Some new points on fin attach- 
ment of Dinichthys and Cladodus. 
Proc. Ohio Acad. Sci., 1898, 6, 46—48. 
figs. 1898.1 

Clark, W. B. The cerebellum of 
Petromyzon fluviatilis. Journ. Anat. 
Physiol., London, 1906, 40, 318-325. 
pl. 1906.1 

Clarke, /. HE. On two new fishes 
tArgyropelecus intermedius and Aga@o- 
nichthys appeliij) Trans. Proc. New 
Zeal. Instit. 1877 (1878), 10, 243-246. 
pl. 1878.1 

On a new fish found at Hokitika 
tArgentina decagon) ‘Trans. Proc. New 
Zeal. Instit. 1878 (1879), 11, 295-297. 


On some new fishes. Trans. 
Proc. New Zeal. Instit. 1878 (1879), 11, 
291-295. 2 pls. 1879.2 

Description of a new species of 
Trachypterus (I. tarawate; Trans. New 
Zeal. Instit. 1880 (1881), 18, 195-199. 
fig. 1881.1 

Notes on the occurrence of a 
species of Lophotes on the coast of 
Taranaki. Trans. New Zeal. Instit., 
1897, 29, 251-252. pil. 1897.1 

On two new globe-fish. Trans. 
New Zeal. Instit., 1897, 29, 243-250. 2 
pls. 1897.2 

Discussion of same article, by James Hector, 
Ibid., p. 604. 

Notes on occurrence of Regale- 
cus argenteus on the Taranaki coast. 
Trans. New Zeal. Instit., 1898, 30, 254— 
266. 3 pls. 1898.1 

Notes on New Zealand Gala- 
xidze, more especially those of the west- 
ern slopes; with descriptions of new 
species. Trans. New Zeal. Instit., 1899, 
31, 78-91. 2 pls. 1899.1 

Notes on Parore (the Mangrove 
fish) Trans. New Zeal. Instit., 1899, 
31, 96-101. pl. 1899.2 


Clarke, F. EL. 

On Exocetus tlma: a new species 
of flying fish. Trans. New Zeal. Instit., 
1899, 31, 92-96. pl. 1899.3 

Clarke, Frank Wigglesworth {1847 —} 
Reproduction of a fish’s tail. Amer. 

Naturalist, 1874, 8, 363-364. 1874.1 
Electric fishes. Penn Monthly, 
1875, 6, 808-817. 1875.1 

Clarke, George. Menobranchus de- 
structive to the spawn of the whitefish. 
Ann. Rec. Sci. & Med. (Baird) 1872 
(1873), 421. 1873.1 

Clarke, H.R. Propagation of trout 
by the Southside Club. Bull. U.S. Fish 
Comm., 1885, 5, 436. 1885.1 

Clarke, J.B. The opah in Shetland. 
Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist., 1905, 246-247. 

Clarke, John Mason [1857—] On 
the higher Devonian faunas of Ontario 
county, New York. Bull. U. 8S. Geol. 
Surv., 1885, no. 16, 1-80. pls. ini. 


Four new species of fossil fishes are described, 
one of Dinichthys, one of Pal#oniscus and two 
of sharks. 

New or rare species of fossils 
from the horizons of the Livonia salt 
shaft. Rept. State Geol. N. Y., 1893, 
2, 162-168. pl. 1893.1 

Describes a new Arthrodiran species under 
the name of Coccosteus (?) halmodeus, sp. nov. 

The fossil fishes of Cafion City, 
Colorado. Amer. Geologist, 1895, 15, 
PAL. 1895.1 

Catalogue of the type specimens 
of Palseozoic fossils in the New York 
State Museum. Bull. New York State 
Mus., Albany, 1903, 65 (Paleont. 8), 
1-847. 1903.1 

A number of type specimens of fossil fishes 
are included. 

Clarke, John Mason, & Luther, D. 
Dana, Stratigraphic and paieontologie 
map of Canandaigua and Naples Quad- 
rangles. Bull. New York State Mus., 
Albany, 1904, no. 63. 76 p.— 56. Ann. 
Rept. New York State Mus., Albany, 
1904, 2. 76 p. 1904.1 

Clarke, Robert. Fishes of northern 
New York —frozen fish. Amer. Journ. 
Sci., 1854, 17, 291-292. 1854.1 

Clarke, S.C. Notes on some of the 
coast fishes of Florida. Amer. Natural- 
ist, 1871, 4, 693-694. 1871.1 



The fishes of east Florida... 
from notes of a naturalist. Forest & 
Stream, 1873, 1, 257-258. 1873.1 

Notes on the habits of 18 marine fishes. 

The jew-fish and the tarpum. 
Forest & Stream, 1874, 2,252. 1874.1 

Traits of southern fish. Forest 

& Stream, 1874, 2, 324. 1874.2 

The Canadian sea trout — 
Salmo canadensis (Hamilton Smith) 
Forest & Stream, 1875, 3,357. 1875.1 

Comparative size of trout in 
Europe and America. Forest & Stream, 
1875, 5, 230. 1875.2 

The pompano’ (Bothrolemus 
pompanus Holbrook) and the cavalli, or 
crevalle (Caranx defensor De Kay) For- 
est & Stream, 1875, 3, 388. 1875.3 

The pompano question. Forest 
& Stream, 1875, 4, 85. 1875.4 

—— The fishes of Scandinavia and 
our Northwest compared. Forest & 
Stream, 1876, 7, 132. 1876.1 

Game fish of Florida (In Hal- 
lock, C. Camp life in Florida, p. 50-66. 

1876) 1876.2 
Large eels. Forest & Stream, 
1876, 7, 253. 1876.3 

Fhe crevallé and the ladyfish. 
Forest & Stream, 1877, 8, 303. 1877.1 

Notes on Caranzx defensor Cuyv. and Albula 
conorhynchus Gill taken at Halifax Inlet, Florida. 

More about sharks. Forest & 
Stream, 1877, 9, 85. 1877.2 
Some Florida fishes. Forest & 
Stream, 1877, 8, 96. 1877.3 
Notes on Promicrops guasa, Epinephelus 

nigritus, Scyllium cirratum and other species. 

The lampern. Forest & Stream, 
1878, 11, 259. 1878.1 

On a river-lamprey found attached to a 
Polyodon folium in Lake Pepin, Minn. 

—— About sharks. Forest & Stream, 

1880, 14, 349. 1880.1 
Intelligence of fishes. Chicago 
Field, 1880, 14, 163. 1880.2 
Rays. Chicago Field, 1880, 14, 
68-69. 1880.3 
Salt {water trout (Cynoscion 

Chicago Field, 1880, 18, 




— The fishes of the east Florida 
coast (In Van Doren, L. O. The fishes 
of the east Atlantic coast, p. 99-159. 
New York, 1884) 8°. 1884.1 

— Article on fishes in American 
Game Fishes, edited by G. O. Shields. 
Chicago & New York, 1892. 1892.1 

Clarke, W. Branwhite [1798-1878] 
Notice of the fourth occurrence of the 
argentine ,Scopelus hwmboldtiit Yarr.} 
upon the British shores, with note by 
W. Yarrell. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1838, 
n. s. 2, 22-26. figs. 1838.1 

Clarke, W. Bruce, & Jackson, W. 
Hatchett. See Jackson & Clarke. 

Clarke, William Barnard. Letter 

. to William Yarrell, . . . noticing 
the recent occurrence of the fry of a 
species of Hemiramphus on the coast 
of Suffolk; with some additional obser- 
vations by Mr. Yarrell. Mag. Nat. 
Hist., 1837, 1, 505-507. fig. 1837.1 

Notice of the fourth occurrence 
of the argentine (Scopelus humboldtii 
Yarr.) upon the British shores; with 

additional remarks, by W. Yarrell, 
Esq. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1838, n. s.:2, 
22-26. fig. 1838.1 

Clarke, William Barnard, & Yarrell, 
William. See Yarrell & Clarke. 

Clarke, William Eagle. The torpedo 
on the Yorkshire coast. Zoologist, 
1882, 3. ser. 6, 193. 1882.1 

Notes on the vertebrate fauna 

of Yorkshire. Zoologist, 1884, 3. ser. 8, 

171-184. 1884.1 
Fishes, p. 180-184. 

Scorpena dactyloptera Delaroche, 
and its occurrence in the British North 
sea area. Proc. Phys. Soc. Edinb., 
1893, 12, 94-101. pil. ii. 1893.1 

Some fishes new to or rare in the 
fifth of Forth. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist., 
1895, 23-28. 1895.1 

The fishes of the firth of Forth 
and its tributaries: species added since 
Dr. Parnell’s ‘ Essay ” of 1837. Ann. 
Scott. Nat. Hist., 1900, 8-17; 202-215. 

— Occurrence of the long-finned 
tunny off the Orkney islands. Ann. 
Scott. Nat. Hist., Edinb., 1900, 248. 


Clarke, William Eagle, & Nelson, 
T. H. See Nelson & Clarke. 



Clarke, William Eagle, & Roebuck, 
W. Denison. A handbook of the verte- 
brate fauna of Yorkshire. London, 
Sse Se. 1881.1 

Clarke, W.G. A list of the verte- 
brate animals found in the neighborhood 
of Thetford. Trans. Norfolk Norwich 
Nat. Soc., 1897, 6, 300-327. 1897.1 

Short sunfish near Scarborough. 
Zoologist, 1898, 56, 439. 1898.1 

Yarrell’s blenny (Carelophus 
ascanii) and the two-spotted goby 
(Gobius ruthensparri) at Scarborough. 
Zoologist, 1898, 4. ser. 2, 191. 1898.2 

Notes on the natural history of 
Thetford district. Trans. Norfolk Nor- 
wich Nat. Soc., 1907, 8, 387-392. 1907.1 

Clarke, W. H., & Mortimer, John. 
Mémoire sur une espéce de poisson de 
la céte de Surinam, qui a quatre yeux. 
Rey. Zool., 1839, 121. 1839.1 

On a fish with four eyes. Rept. 
Brit. Assoc. Ady. Sci., 8. meet., 1838 
(1839), 110. 1839.2 

Clarke, William J. Short sun-fish 
(Orthagoriscus mola) at Filey. Zoolo- 

gist, 1896, 3. ser. 20, 307; 390. 1896.1 
Notes from Searborough. Zool- 
ogist, 1897, 4. ser. 2, 28. 1897.1 
Short sunfish (Orthagoriscus 
mola) near Scarborough. Zoologist, 
1898, 4. ser. 2, 439. 1898.1 
Zoological notes from Scear- 
borough during 1904. Zoologist, 1905, 
4. ser. 9, 72-75. 2 figs. 1905.1 

Cottus bubalis at Scarborough. 

Naturalist, London, 1912,191. 1912.1 
Plauer’s lamprey near Scar- 
borough. Naturalist, London, 1912, 
185. 1912.2 
Clark-Kennedy, Alexander. Food ~ 
of the cod (Gadus morrhua\ Zoologist, 
1866, 2. ser. 3, 1223. 1866.1 

Lampreys in the Thames near 
Windsor. Zoologist, 1867, 2. ser. 2, 836. 


A large pike. Zoologist, 1867, 

2. ser. 2, 638. 1867.2 
Variety of the perch ([Perca 

fluviatilis} Zoologist, 1867, 2. ser. 2, 954. 




Clark-Kennedy, A. 
Large pike in Buckinghamshire. 
Zoologist, 1868, 2. ser. 3, 1061. 1868.1 

Bloch’s gurnard (Trigla cuculus) 
in Galloway. Zoologist, 1875, 2. ser. 10, 
4724-4725. 1875.1 

Sun fish in Fleet bay, Galloway. 

Zoologist, 1875, 2. ser. 10,4725. 1875.2 
ras pike in Galloway. Zoolo- 
gist, 1879, 3. ser. 3, 307. 1879.1 

Clausmann, P., & Gautier, Ar- 
mand. See Gautier & Clausmann. 

Clavé, J. La péche et la pisciculture 

a l’exposition universelle. Rev. Deux 
Mondes, 1868, 2. sér. 73 (38. année), 
122-149. 1868.1 

La péche et les poissons. Rev. 
Deux Mondes, 1868, 2. sér. 74 (88. 
année), 783-784. 1868.2 

Clavigero, (Abate) Francisco Xavier 
[1731-1787] Storia antica del Messico 
cavata da’ migliori storici spagnuoli, e 
da’ manoscritti, e dalle pitture antiche 
degl’ Indiani . . . e dissertazioni sulla 
terra, sugli animali, e sugli abitatori del 
Messico. 4 vols. Cesana, 1780. 4°. 


The history of Mexico, collected 
from Spanish and Mexican historians, 
from manuscripts, and ancient paint- 
ings of the Indians. To which are 
added, critical dissertations on the land, 
the animals, and inhabitants of Mexico. 
Translated by Charles Cullen, Esq. 2 

vols. London, 1787. 4°. 1787.1 
Storia della California. Opera 
postuma. Venice, 1789. 2vols. 1789.1 

Breve noticia de las plantas y 
animales de México. La Naturaleza, 
1882, 6 (A péndice) 1882.1 

Claypole, (Miss) Agnes Mary. The 
enteron of the Cayuga lake lamprey. 
Proc. Amer. Micr. Soe., 1895, 16, 101— 
105; 125-164. pls. ii-— x. 1895.1 

Claypole, Edward Waller [1835-1901] 
For biographical notices and list of 
writings, see articles in Amer. Geol., 
1902, 29, 1-47. 

Note on a large fish-plate from 
the Upper Chemung (?) beds of north- 
ern Pennsylvania ,Holonema rugosum, 
sp. nov.] Proe. Amer. Phil. Soc., 1883, 
20, 664-666. fig. 1883.1 

On the occurrence of fossilifer- 
ous strata in the lower Ponent (Cat- 
skill) group of middle Pennsylvania. 
Amer. Naturalist, 1883, 17, mee 

in the North- 
American Silurian rocks. Science, 
1884, 4, 34; 270. 884.1 

On Ctenacanthus and Gyracan- 
thus from the Chemung of Pennsyl- 
vania. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 
33. meet., 1884 (1885), 489-490. 1884.2 

On some fish remains recently 
discovered in the Silurian rocks of 


Pennsylvania. Proc. Amer. Assoc. 
Adv. Sci., 33. meet. 1884 (1885), 424— 
428. 1884.3 

On some remains of fish from 
the Upper Silurian rocks of Pennsyl- 
vania. Rept. Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 54. 
meet., 1884, 733-734. 1884.4 

Preliminary note on some fossil 
fishes recently discovered in the Silurian 
rocks of North America. Amer. Natu- 
ralist, 1884, 18, 1222-1226. 1884.5 

On the recent discovery of 
Pteraspidian fish in the Upper Silurian 
rocks of North America. Quart. Journ. 
Geol. Soc., 1885, 41, 48-64. — Geol. 
Mag., 1885, dec. 3 2, '89-90. 1885.1 

(A letter concerning the collec- 
tion of. fossil fishes made at Berea, Ohio, 
by Dr. Wm. Clarki Amer. Geologist, 
1888, 2, 62-64. 1888.1 

The American Devonian placo- 

derms. Bull. Geol. Soc. Amer., 1890, 
616. 1890.1 
Paleontological notes from In- 

A. 8.) Pterichthys, 
Castoroides, ete. Amer. Geologist, 
1890, 6, 255-260. 1890.2 

Mémoire préliminaire sur la 
découverte de poissons fossiles dans les 
terrains siluriens supérieurs d’ Amérique 
Intern. Geol. Congress, Was 
ID eLGry inst) le 

Dentition of Titanichthys 2 
its allies. 

dianapolis (A. A. 


Geologist, 1892, 10, 199-207. pls. vi- 

The head of Dinichthys. 


A new gigantic placoderm from 
Ohio. Amer. Geologist, 1892, 10, 1-4. 
fig. 1892.3 


Amer. Geologist, 1892, 10, 





On the structure of the American 
pteraspidian, Palzaspis (Claypole) ; with 
remarks on the family. Quart. Journ. 
Geol. Soc., London, 1892, 48, 542-561. 
8 figs. 1892.4 

— The -cladodont sharks of the 
Cleveland shale. Amer. Geologist, 
1893, 11, 325-331. pls. vii-vili. 1893.1 

The fossil fishes of Ohio. Rept. 
Geol. Surv. Ohio, 1893, 7, pt. 2, 602- 
619. 6 pls. 1893.2 

A new coccostean; Coccosteus 
cuyahoge. Amer. Geologist, 1893, 11, 
167-171. 2 figs. 1893.3 

On three new species of Dinich- 
thys. Amer. Geologist, 1893, 12, 275- 
279. pi. 1893.4 

Structure of the bone of Dinich- 
thys. Proc. Amer. Micr. Soc., 1893, 15, 
189-191. 5 figs. 1893.5 

The three great fossil placoderms 
of Ohio. Amer. Geologist, 1893, 12, 
89-99. 1893.6 

; The Upper Devonian fishes of 
Ohio. Geol. Mag., 1893, n. s. dec. 3, 10, 
443-448. 2 figs. 1893.7 

Cladodus? magnificus, a new 
selachian. Amer. Geologist, 1894, 14, 
137-140. pl. 1894.1 

On a new placoderm, Brontich- 
thys clarki, from the Cleveland shale. 
Amer. Geologist, 1894, 14, 379-380. 
pl.—3. Ann. Rept. Ohio Acad. Sei., 
1895, 8-9. 1894.2 

Actinophorus clarki Newberry. 
Amer. Geologist, 1895, 16, 20-25. pl. 

The cladodonts of the Upper 
Devonian of Ohio. Rept. Brit. Assoc. 
Adv. Sci., 65. meet., 1895, 694. — Geol. 
Mag., 1895, 4. ser. 2, 473. 1895.2 

The great Devonian placoderms 
of Ohio. Geol. Mag., 1895, 4. dec. 2, 
473-474. — Rept. Brit. Assoc. Adv. Scei., 

65. meet., 1895, 695. 1895.3 
The oldest vertebrate fossil. 
Nature, 1895, 52, 55. 1895.4 

This distinction is awarded to Onchus clintoni. 

On a new specimen of Cladodus 
Amer. Geologist, 1895, 15, 1-7. 

On the structure of the teeth of 
the Devonian cladodont sharks. Proc. 
Amer. Micr. Soc., 1895, 16, 191-195. 4 
pls. 1895.6 

2 pls. 

Recent contributions to our 
knowledge of the cladodont sharks. 
Amer. Geologist, 1895, 15, 363-368. 


The ancestry of the Upper De- 
vonian placoderms of Ohio. Amer. 
Geologist, 1896, 17, 349-360. 1896.1 

Dinichthys prentis-clarki. Amer. 

Geologist, 1896, 18, 199-201. pl. vil. 
A new Titanichthys. Amer. 

Geologist, 1896, 17, 166-169. pl. 

On the structure of some Paleo- 
zoiec spines from Ohio. Trans. Amer. 
Micr. Soc., 1896, 18, 151-154. pl. 


On the teethof Mazodus. Trans. 
Amer. Micr. Soc., 1896, 18, 146-150. 

pl. 1896.5 
Microscopical light in geological 
darkness. Trans. Amer. Micr. Soc., 

1897, 19, 3-27. 1897.1 

On the structure of some Paleo- 
zoic spines from Ohio. Trans. Amer. 
Micr. Soc., 1897, 18, 151-154. pil. 


A new Dinichthys, Dinichthys 
kepleri. Amer. Geologist, 1897, 19, 
322-324. pil. 1898.1 

Traquair on Silurian fish. Amer. 
Geologist, 1900, 25, 244-248. 1900.1 

The Devonian era in the Ohio 
Amer. Geologist, 1903, 32, 312— 
322; 335-352. 1903.1 

Cleef, J. S. van. How to restore our 
trout streams. Trans. Amer. Fisheries 
Soc., 1885, 50-55. 1885.1 

Cleland, Herdman Fitzgerald [1869 —] 
The fossils and stratigraphy of the 
Middle Devonic of Wisconsin. Wiscon- 
sin Geol. Nat. Hist. Surv., 1911, Bull. 
Nowell 222 palemapa wicca LOE 

Some Devonian fishes are described. 

Cleland, J. Burton. Injuries and 
diseases of man in Australia attributa- 
ble to animals (except insects) Journ. 
Trop. Med., 1912, 16, 25-31; 43-47. 


Cleland, J. Burton, & Johnston, 7’. 
Harvey. Relative dimensions of the 
red blood cells of vertebrates, especially 
of birds. Emu, 1912, 11, 188-197. 



Includes some mention of fishes. 




Cleland, John. On the skeleton, 
muscles, and viscera of Malapterurus 
beninensis. Proc. Phys. Soe. Edinb., 
1854-58 (1858), 1, 381-396. — Edinb. 
New Phil. Journ., 1858, 2. ser. 8, 177-— 
192. pls. 1858.1 

Description of several fishes 
from Old Calabar. Proc. Phys. Soc. 
Edinb., 1859, 2, 359-361. — Edinb. 
New Phil. Journ., 2. ser. 15, 303-305. 

On the anatomy of Orthagoriscus 
mola, the short sunfish. Rept. Brit. 
Assoc. Adv. Sci., 31. meet. 1861 (1862), 
pt. 2, 138.— Nat. Hist. Rev., 1862, 
170-185. figs. 1862.1 

On ribs and transverse proc- 
esses, with special relation to the 
theory of the vertebrate skeleton; 
terminal forms of life; the classification 
of the vertebrata. 3 parts. tm. pl.) 
1863. 8% 1863.1 

On the structure of the tail in 
Myxine. 4. Rept. Fishery Board Scot- 
land, 1885. — Rept. Brit. Assoc. Adv. 
Sci., 55. meet. 1885 (1886), 1069. 1886.1 

On the spiracle of fishes in its 
relation to the head, as developed in the 
higher vertebrates. Rept. Brit. Assoc. 
Adv. Sci., 55. meet. 1885 (1886), 1069. 


On the viscera of Gymnotus 
electricus. Rept. Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 
55. meet. 1885 (1886), 1068-1069. 
Clemens, James W. Notice of the 
spoonbill sturgeon, or paddle fish, of 
the Ohio [Polyodon spathula; Amer. 
Journ. Sci., 1827, 12, 201-205. 1827.1 

Clemens, James W., Mitchill, Sam- 
uel L., & Hildreth, S. P. See Mitchill, 
Hildreth & Clemens. 

Clemens, Paul. 

Die fusseren Kie- 
men der Wirbeltiere. Anat. Hefte, 1895, 
5, 1. Abth., 51-156. 4 pls. 1895.1 

Clément, A. L., & Troncet, L. J. 
Les animaux de France utiles ou nuisi- 
bles. Vertébrés, mammiféres, oiseaux, 

reptiles, batraciens, poissons. Paris, 
LSS ie. Lid. Lb 1897.1 

Clément, C. Le barbeau méridional 
(Barbus meridionalis Risso) Bull. Soc. 
Etud. Sei. Nat. Nimes, 1875, 3. année, 
137-139. 1875.1 

Clene, P. 7. Plankton researches in 
1901 and 1902. Svensk. Vet. Akad. 
Handl., 1903, 36, 1-53. 1903.1 

Clerc, A., & Leeper, M. Formule 
hémoleucocytaire de l’intoxication par 
le sérum d’anguille. C. R. Mém. Soe. 
Biol. Paris, 1902, 54, 1062-1064. 1902.1 

Influence des injections intra- 
veineuses de peptone sur l’intoxication 
par le sérum d’anguille. C. R. Mém. 
Soc. Biol. Paris, 1902, 54, 1061-1062. 


Clerc, Vladimir. Courte notice sur 
mes excursions zoologiques en 1903 et 
1904. Bull. Soc. Oural. Sci. Nat., 
Ekaterinburg, 1905, 25, 18. 1905.1 

Notice sur quelques collections 
helminthologiques inédites [Russian 
with French résumé] Bull. Soe. Oural. 
Sci. Nat., Ekaterinburg, 1905, 265, 
29-34. 1905.2 

Contains some notice of fishes. 

Clericus, pseudonym for Cart- 

wright, (Rev.) William. 

Clift, M@. Report on shad-hatching 
operations in 1872. Rept. U. 8. Fish 
Comm. 1872-73 (1874), 2, 403-405. 


Clift, William [1775-1849] Expéri- 
ences pour déterminer |’influence de la 
moélle épiniére sur l’action du cceur dans 
les poissons. Bull. Sci. Soe. Philom., 
1815, 197-198. 1815.1 

Experiments to ascertain the 
influence of the spinal marrow on the 
action of the heart infishes. Phil. Trans. 
Roy. Soc. London, 1815, 105, 91-96. 2 
pls. 1815.2 

Versuche, den Einfluss des Riick- 
enmarks auf die Thatigkeit des Herzens 
in den Fischen auszumitteln. Deutsch. 
Arch. (Meckel), 1816, 2, ma: : 

Clift, (Rev.) William. The salmon 

and its culture. Phrenological Journ., 
1872, 6, 19-27. 1872.1 

Shad culture. Trans. Amer. 
Fisheries Soc. 1872 (1873), 21-28. 

Important events in fish cul- 
ture during the year 1872. Trans. 
Amer. Fisheries Soe. 1873 (1874), 4-10. 


—— Organization of the American 
Fish Culturists Association. Amer. 
Sportsman, 1874, 3, 348. 1874.2 

Report on shad hatching opera- 
tions in 1872. Rept. U. 8. Fish Comm. 
1872-73 (1874), 2, 403-405. 1874.3 


Cligny, Adolphe. Multiplication des 
anguilles. Rev. Encyclop. Larousse, 
1897, 7. année, no. 189, 318-319. 3 ae 


Sur l’éthologie du hareng. C. 
R. Mém. Soe. Biol. Paris, 1904, 56, pt. 2, 
347-348. 1904.1 

Poissons des cétes d’Espagne et 
de Portugal (Océan Atlantique) Bou- 
logne, 1905. 4°. 1905.1 

Les prétendues migrations du 
maquereau. Boulogne, 1905. 4°. 

Sur un Lernzenicus parasite du 
C. R. Mém. Soe. Biol. Paris, 

géographiques des 
Pleuronectides. C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 
1905, 140, 526-529. 1905.4 

—  Aphya minuta (Risso), espéce 
nouvelle pour le Pas-de-Calais. : 
Assoc. Frang. Avance. Sci., 34. sess., 1906, 
585-586. 1906.1 

La biologie du maquereau. La 
Science au XX. Siécle, Paris, 1906, 4, 
330-335. fig. 1906.2 

Elevage des Salmonides en Al- 

1905, 59, 165-166. 

— Variations 

lemagne. Bull. Soc. Cent. Aquicult. 
Péche, Paris, 1906, 18, 265-283. Also 
separate; Paris, 1906. 8°. 1906.3 

Transplantation des poissons 
marins. Bull. Soc. Cent. Aquicult. 
Péche, Paris, 1906, 18, 105-108. 1906.4 

—— Migrations marines de la truite 
commune. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1907, 
145, 1302-1304. Also separate; Paris, 
1908. 1907.1 

Sur un nouveau genre de Zeides 
(Parazenopsis argenteus, n. g. et n. sp.) 
C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1909, 148, 873- 
874. 1909.1 

— Titres et travaux scientifiques 
ipubliés par A. Cligny) (1896-1910) 
Boulogne-sur-Mer, 1910. 65 p. 8°. 


Captures d’anguilles en pleine 

mer. Ann. Stat. Aquic., Boulogne-sur- 
Mer, 1912, 2, 142-148. 1912.1 

Contribution 4 I’étude de nos 
Scorpenides: Helicolenus dactylopterus 
Delaroche 1809, et les espéces dites 
maderensis. Ann. Stat. Aquic., Bou- 
logne-sur-Mer, 1912, 2, 73-81. 1912.2 



La dégénérescence de la truite 
arc-en-ciel. Bull. Soc. Acclim., Paris, 
1912, 59, 588-595. 1912.3 

— Deux Clupéides 4 supprimer de 
la nomenclature: Harengula latulus C. 
et V., et Meletta phalerica Risso. Ann. 
Stat. Aquic., Boulogne-sur-Mer, 1912, 
2, 65-72. 1912.4 

Le Liparis liparis Linné dans le 
Pas-de-Calais. Ann. Stat. Aquic., Bou- 
logne-sur-Mer, 1912, 2, 115-120. 1912.5 

Migration marine de l’anguille 
commune. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1912, 
154, 727-729.— Bull. Soc. Acclim., 
Paris, 59, 524-526. 1912.6 

Note sur quelques Zeid rares 
ou peu connus. Ann. Stat. Aquic., 
Boulogne-sur-Mer, 1912, 2, 97-106. 


Un nouveau Zeide du Maroc, 
Parazenopsis argenteus,n. g.,n.sp. Ann. 
Stat. Aquic., Boulogne-sur-Mer, 1912, 
2, 82-88. 1912.8 

Le prétendues migrations du 
hareng. Ann. Stat. Aquic., Boulogne- 
sur-Mer, 1912, 2, 49-54. 1912.9 

Psettodes erumei des cétes mauri- 
taniennes. Ann. Stat. Aquic., Boulogne- 
sur-Mer, 1912, 2, 107-110. - 1912.10 

Le stationnement du hareng et 
du maquereau sur le fond avant la ponte, 
et son importance pour la péche au cha- 

lut. Ann. Stat. Aquic., Boulogne-sur- 
Mer, 1912, 2, 121-141. 1912.11 
La truite de mer. Ann. Stat. 

Aquic., Boulogne-sur-Mer, 1912, 2, 13- 
47. 1912.12 

Climax (pseudon.) German carp in 
Tennessee. Chicago Field, 1880, 14, 
263. 1880.1 

Interesting facts about fish in 
Harpeth river and the tributaries. 
Chicago Field, 1880, 18, 304-305. 1880.2 

Some interesting facts about 
fish in Tennessee waters. Chicago Field, 
1880, 13, 252. 1880.3 

Fine sport at Guaymas, Mexico. 
Fish. Gazette, 1881, 5, 72. 1881.1 

Refers to sharks, Spanish mackerel, devil fish, 

Clinton, De Witt [1769-1828] An 
introductory discourse delivered on the 
4th of May, 1814. Trans. Liter. Philos. 
Soe. New York, 1815, 1, 19-184. 1815.1 

Fishes, p. 63-65. 



Clinton, De W. 

Some remarks on the fishes of 
the western waters of the state of New- 
York, in a letter to S. L. Mitchell, M.D. 
Trans. Liter. Philos. Soc. New York, 
1815, 1, 493-501. 1815.2 2 

Account of the Salmo otsego or 
the Otsego basse. Amer. Med. Philos. 
_Reg., 1822, 3, 188. 1822.1 

Description of a new species of 
fish from the Hudson river (Clupea 
hudsonia) Ann. Lyceum Nat. Hist. New 
York, 1824, 1, 49-50. fig. — Bull. Sci. 
Nat. ‘(Férussac), 2 , 92-93. 1824.1 

Clinton, G. P. Observations and ex- 
periments on Saprolegnia infesting fish. 
Bull. U.S. Fish Comm. 1893 (1894), 13, 
163-172. pil. 1894.1 

Clodi, LH. 
Renken im Traunsee. 
rei-Zeit., 1911. 

Clogg, Slephen. 

Ueber Massenfinge von 
Oesterr. Fische- 

Ray’s bream (brama 
rayi} near Liskeard. Zoologist, 1866, 2 
ser. 1, 349. 1866.1 

Silvery hairtail (Trichiwrus lep- 
turus] at Looe, Polperro, ete. Zoologist, 
1871, 2. ser. 6, 2444-2445. 1871.1 

Greater forkbeard {Phycis fur- 
catus} of Love, Cornwall. Zoologist, 
1874, 2. ser. 9, 3839. 1874.1 

Salmon peal (Salmo cambricus] 
attacked by a garfish. Zoologist, 1874, 
2. ser. 9, 4160. 1874.2 

Thresher shark on the Cornish 
coast {measurements of a specimen 9 
feet 3 inches} Zoologist, 1881, 3. ser. 5, 
386-387. 1881.1 

Cloquet, Hippolyte [1787-1840] Ich- 
thyologie (In Dictionnaire des sciences 
naturelles, vol. xxii, p. 443-548. Paris, 
1821) 1821.1 

Also published separately under the title of 

Considerations générales sur l’ichthyologie. 
Paris, 1822. 109 p. 2pls. 8°. 

Cloquet, Jules Germain [1790-1883] 
Notice sur la pisciculture en France 
pendant Jl’année 1857. Bull. Soe. 
Acclim., Paris, 1858, 5, 49-54. 1858.1 

Note sur la reproduction du 
saumon dans un étang. Bull. Soe. 
Acclim., Paris, 1859, 6, 255-256. 1859.1 

Clunie, John, & Boll, HE. Fisch- 
sterben zur Wrangelsburg in Vorpom- 
mern im August 1868. Arch. Ver. 

Freunde Naturgesch. Mecklenburg, 
1863, 17. Jahrg., 313-317. 1863.1 

Cn., A. Over de elektrische visschen. 
Album Natuur (Wetensch. me 
1857, 45-46. 

Coaz, J. Die Fischerei in a 
Schweiz. Ausstellungszeitung. Offizi- 
elles Organ der schweizerischen Landes- 
ausstellung, 1883, p. 229; 236. Ziirich, 
1883. fol. 1883.1 

Geschichtlicher Ueberblick iiber 
die Verhandlungen und Massnahmen 
mit Bezug auf die Regulirung der Fi- 
scherei im Bodensee und Hebung seines 
Fischstandes. Bern, 1892. 12 p. 8°. 


(editor) Foréts, chasse et péche. 
(Bibliographie de laj Péche (In Bibli- 
ographie Nationale Suisse; Répertoire 
méthodique de ce qui a été publié sur 
la Suisse et ses habitants. Fascicule 
V9c. Berne, 1898. 57p. 8°. 1898.1 

Cobb, John N. The fisheries of lake 
Ontario in 1897. 3. Ann. Rept. Comm. 
Fish. Game & Forests New York 1897 
(1898), 205-221. 1898.1 

Possibilities for an increased 
development of Florida’s fishery re- 
sources. Bull. U.S. Fish. Comm. 1898, 
17, 349-351. 1898.2 

The commercial fisheries of 
lake Erie, lake Ontario, and the Niag- 
ara and St. Lawrence rivers. 5 Amn. 
Rept. Comm. Fish. Game & Forests 
New York 1899 (1900), 189-239. 4 ie 

The sturgeon fishery of Delaware 
river and bay. Rept. U.S. Fish Comm. 
1899 (1900), 25, 369-380. 4pls. 1900.2 

Commercial fisheries of the 
Hawaiian islands. Rept. U. 8. Fish 
Comm. 1901 (1902), 27, 381-499. 6 pls. 
«& 9 figs. — Bull. U.S. Fish Comm. 1903 
(1905), 28, pt. 2, 717-765. 5 pls. & 
figs. — Rept. U. 8. Fish Comm. 1904, 
28, 433-512. 1902.1 


interior lakes and rivers of New York 
and Vermont. Rept. U.S. Fish Comm. 
1903 (1905), 29, 225-246. 1905.1 

Report on the salmon fisheries 

of Alaska, 1905. U.S. Dept. Commerce 

Labor, 1905, 48-49. 1905.2 
The commercial fisheries of 
Alaska in 1905. Rept. U. 8S. Comm. 

The commercial fisheries of the 


ni Ae eas Et ar TT a 



Fisheries 1905 (1906), Bur. Fish. Doc. 
no. 603, 1-46. 1906.1 

The fish ponds of the Hawaiian 
islands. Overland Monthly, San Fran- 
cisco, 1906, 47, 197-203. 8 figs. 1906.2 

Investigations relative to the 
shad fisheries of North Carolina. North 
Carolina Geol. Surv., 1906, Economic 
Paper no. 12. 42 p. 11 charts. 1906.3 

Peculiar marine mimics. Wash- 
ington (D. C.) Star, Sunday Magazine, 
July 7, 1907. 1907.1 

Report on the fisheries of 
Alaska. Rept. U.S. Comm. Fisheries 
1906 (1907), Bur. Fish. Doc. no. 618, 
1-70. 1907.2 

—— Superstitions about fishes. 
Washington (D. C.) Star, Sunday Mag- 
azine, April 7, 1907. 1907.3 

Fishes fond of going ashore. 
Washington (D. C.) Star, Sunday 
Magazine, Oct. 25, 1908. 1908.1 

Odd things about fishes. Wash- 
ington (D. C.) Star,sSunday Magazine, 

June 14, 1908. 1908.2 

Parental care among fishes. 
Washington (D. C.) Star, Sunday 
Magazine, May 17, 1908. 1908.3 

— The voices of fishes. Washing- 
ton (D. C.) Star, Sunday Magazine, 
Oct. 4, 1908. 1908.4 

Eel in old lore. New York 
Tribune, Dec. 12, 1909, p. 8. 1909.1 

Hawaiian “fishery rights.” 
Trans. Amer. Fisheries Soc. 1908 (1909), 
160-163. 1909.2 

— An odd lot of fishes. Washing- 
ton (D. C.) Star, Sunday Magazine, 
March 14, 1909. 1909.3 

The king salmon of Alaska. 
Trans. Amer. Fisheries Soc. 1909 (1910), 
124-128. 1910.1 

The salmon fisheries of the 
Pacific coast. Rept. Comm. Fisheries 
1910 (1911), Bur. Fish. Doc. no. 751. 
9p. _- 1911.1 

Fish-canning plant on shipboard. 
Technical World Magazine, Chicago, 
1912, 17, 174-175. 4 figs. 1912.1 

Our wonderful fisheries in the 
Hawaiian islands. Overland Monthly, 
San Francisco, 1912, 59, 493-499. 9 
figs. 1912.2 



Cobb, John N., & Chamberlain, 
F. M. Statistics of fisheries of Alaska 
for 1911 (Alaska fisheries and fur in- 
dustries in 1911) Rept. U. S. Comm. 
Fisheries, 1911, Bur. Fisheries Doc. no. 
766. 1911.1 

Cobb, John N., & Marsh, Millard C. 
See Marsh & Cobb. 

Cobbold, Thomas Spencer [1828- 
1886] Description of a malformed 
trout. Edinb. New Phil. Journ., 1855, 
2, 238-242. — Rept. Brit. Assoc. Adv. 
Sci., 25. meet., 1855, pt. 2, 109-110. 


Notice of a variety of cod, 
termed the ‘‘Lord Fish.’’ Proc. Roy. 
Phys. Soc. Edinb. 1854-58 (1858), 1, 

51-52. 1858.1 
The eye of the cod-fish. Intell. 
Observ., 1862, 1, 199-209. fig. 1862.1 

Histological observations on the 
eye of the cod-fish (Morrhua vulgaris), 
with especial reference to the choroid 
gland and the cones of the retina. Journ. 
Linn. Soc. London (Zool.), 1862, 6, 145- 

152. 1862.2 
On the cranial bones of Lepi- 
dosiren {Protopterus| annectens. Proc. 

Zool. Soc. London, 1862, 129-132. pl. 

The sunfish as a host. Intell. 
Observ., 1863, 2, 82-89. pl. 1863.1 

Remarks on Distoma clavatwm 
from a swordfish. Journ. Linn. Soc. 
London (Zool.), 1867, 9, 200-205. 1867.1 

The destruction of fish and 
other aquatic animals by internal para- 
sites. Intern. Fisheries Exhib. Lit., 
London, 1883. Conferences, 6, pt. 7. 


Cobres, Joseph Paul von. Delicize 
Cobresianze. Biichersammlung zur Na- 

turgeschichte. 2 vols. Augsburg, 
1781-82. 8°. 1781.1 
Cocaud, Maurice. Les marais A 

poissons de la Vendée. Rev. Sci. Nat. 
Ouest, 1896, 6, 153-155. 1896.1 

Cocchi, gino [1828 —] Monografia 
dei Pharyngodopilid, nuova famiglia di 
pesci Labroidi. Ann. Mus. Fis. Stor. 
Nat., Firenze, 1864, 1, 65-153. Also 
separate; Firenze, 1864. 88 p. 4°. 
Abstract in Neues Jahrb. Mineral., 
1865, 381-383. 1864.1 


Cocchi, /. . 
On a new family of labroid 
fishes. Florence, 1864. 88 p. 4°.— 
Abstract in Geol. Mag., 1865, 2, 411— 
412. 1865.1 

Cocco, Anastasio [1799-1854] Ueber 
einige neue Fische des Meeres von Mes- 
sina. Isis (Oken), 1831, a ; 


Su di alcuni pesci de’ mari di 
Messina. Giorn. Sci. Lett. Arti Sicilia, 
1833, 42, 9-21. pl.— Maurolico, 2, 236— 
244. 1833.1 
Su di una nuova razza (Raja 

Atti Accad. Gioenia Catania, 

1834, 11, 85-88. pl. 

Osservazioni intorno taluni pesci 
del mare di Messina, lettera di Anas- 
tasio Cocco al Prof. Oronzio Gabriele 
Costa di Napoh. Giorn. Il Faro, 1838, 
4. Also separate; Messina, 1838. pl. 
8°. 1838.1 

Su di aleuni Salmonidi del mare 
di Messina; lettera al Ch. D. Carlo 
Luciano Bonaparte. Nuovi Ann. Sci. 
Nat., 1838, 2, 161-194. 4pls. 1838.2 

Sopra un nuovo specie di Tra- 
Giorn. Inominato, Messina, 

Sul Paralepis hyalinus. Atti 
Accad. Gioenia Catania, 1839, 13, 49- 
5a. pl: 1839.2 

Intorno ad alcuni nuovi pesci 
del mare di Messina. Lettera del Prof. 
Anastasio Cocco al Signor Augusto 
Krohn. Messina, 1844. pl. 1844.1 


Qualche pensieri sulla ittiologia. 
Atti Sei. Ital., 1845, 747-749. 1845.1 

Indice ittiologico del mare di 
Messina. Nat. Sicil., 1884, 3, 145-148; 
176-179; 269-272; 328-332; Ibid., 25— 
29; 68-72; 85-88; 113-116; 177-180: 
191-194; 228-232; 238-240; 291-294; 
Ibid., 6, 11-16; 35-40; 62-67; 109-112: 
143-149. 1884.1 

Intorno alla famiglia dei Cori- 
fenidi e ad una nuova Corifena del 
mare di Messina; lettera inedita al 
Camillo Ranzani. Nat. Sicil., 1886, 5, 
161-166; 189-192. 1886.1 

Intorno ad aleuni nuovi pesci 
del mare di Messina: lettera al Sig. 
Augusto Krohn di Livonia, ristampata 
per cura del Dr. Luigi Facciola. Nat. 
Sicil., 1888, 7, 101-104; 125-128. 1888.1 


Cocco, Anastasio, & Scuderi, Luca. 
Su di un nuove pesce del mare di Mes- 
sina (Diana valenciennesi} Giorn. Sci. 
Lett. Arti Sicilia, 1835, 51, 264-270. pl. 
Also separate; Palermo, 1835. 1835.1 

Cocco, Luigi. Studi sui denti dei 
Plagiostomi con note paleontologiche. 
Atti Rendic. Accad. Sci. Lett. Arti, 
Acireale, 1896, n. s. 7, 3-25. 1896.1 

Cocheris, Hippolyte (editor) La 
vieille. 1861. 8°. See Fournival, 
Richard de. 1861.1 

Cochran, Fitz. Salmon culture in 
Nova Scotia. Forest & Stream, 1876, 
6, 369. 1876.1 

Cochy-y-Bonddhu (pseudon.) Notes 
on trout and trout fishing. Fish. Ga- 
zette, 1878, n. s. 2, no. 79, 505. 1878.1 

Cockerell, Theodore Dru Alison 
[1866 —] A provisional list of the 
fishes of Jamaica. Bull. Inst. Jamaica, 
1892, 1, 97. 1892.1 

Aulostoma maculatum Val. and 
Rhinobatus undulatus Olfers. Journ. 
Instit. Jamaica, 1893, 1, 178. 1893.1 

A point in nomenclature. Sci- 
ence, 1902, n. s. 16, 745-746. 1902.1 

Three fishes new to the fauna of 
New Mexico. Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash- 
ington, 1904, 16, 49. 1904.1 

The species are named as follows: Etheo- 
stoma lepidum, Notropis macrostomus and Te- 
tragonopterus argentatus. 

The fossil fauna and flora of 
the Florissant (Colorado) shales. Uniy. 
Colorado Stud., 1906, 3, mabe 

Fishes, p. 160. 

The fishes of the Rocky Moun- 
tain region. Univ. Colorado Stud., 
1908, 5, 159-178. 9 figs. 1908.1 

Some results of the Florissant 
expedition of 1908. Amer. Naturalist, 
1908, 42, 569-581. 12 figs. 1908.2 

Fishes, p. 570-574. 

A fossil garpike from Utah. 
Science, 1909, n. s. 29, 796. 1909.1 

The nomenclature of the Ameri- 
can fishes usually called Leuciscus and 
Rutilus. Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 
1909, 22, 215-218. 1909.2 

On the validity of the North 
American cyprinid genus Notemigonus. 
Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 1909, 22, 
211-214. 1909.3 

jee reer 49d ior ee 





The scales of the cobitid and 
homalopterid fishes. Proc. Biol. Soc. 
Washington, 1909, 22, 205-208. 1909.4 

The cyprinid subfamily Chon- 
drostominz. Proc. Biol. Soc. Washing- 
ton, 1910, 22, 209-210. fig. 1910.1 

— On scales of Ellipes branneri) 
(In Jordan, D. S. Description of a 
collection of fossil fishes, etc. Ann. 
Carnegie Museum, 1910, 7,27) 1910.2 

On the scales of some malacop- 
terygian fishes. Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash- 
ington, 1910, 23, 111-113. 1910.3 

— The scales of the African chara- 
cinid fishes. Smithson. Misc. Collect., 
1910, 56, no.1. 10p. 2 pls. 1910.4 

The scales of the African cy- 
prinid fishes, with a discussion of re- 
lated Asiatic and European species. 
Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 1910, 23, 
141-152. pl. 1910.5 

— The scales of the atherinid 
fishes. Proc. Biol. Soe. Washington, 
1910, 23, 47-48. 1910.6 

The scales of the clupeid fishes. 
Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 1910, 23, 
61-63. 1910.7 

The scales of the European 
cyprinoid fishes. Zool. Anz:, 1910, 36, 
475-480. 3 figs. 1910.8 

The scales of the mormyrid 
fishes, with remarks on Albula and 
Elops. Smithson. Misc. Collect., 1910, 
56,no.3. 4p. 3 figs. 1910.9 

Additional note on reticulated 
fish-scales. Science, 1911, n. s. 34, 126— 
27; 1911.1 

— A new minnow | Notropis horatit) 
from Colorado. Science, 1911, n. s. 34, 
614-615. 1911.2 

Note on the seales of the osteo- 
glossid fishes. Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash- 
ington, 1911, 24, 39. 1911.3 

The seales of the albulid fishes. 
Science, 1911, n. s. 33, 865-866. 1911.4 

—— The scales of freshwater fishes. 
Biol. Bull., 1911, 20, 367-386. 5 pls. 


The scales of some Asiatic cyp- 

rinid fishes. Zool. Anz., 1911, 38, 84— 

87. 5 figs. 1911.6 

The scales of the dipnoan fishes. 
Science, 1911, n. s. 33, 831-832. 1911.7 




Some notes on fish scales. Proce. 
Biol. Soc. Washington, 1911, 24, 209- 

— Animals and plants described 
as new from Colorado in 1911. Univ. 
Colorado Stud., 1912, 9, 75-89. 1912.1 

(Remarks on distribution of 
fishes, with proposal of a new family 
name Distichodontide) Science, 1912, 
n. s. 35, 545-546. 1912.2 

These notes are appended to a review of H. 
A. Pilsbry’s ‘‘ Non-marine mollusca of Patago- 
nia,’ in Princeton Univ. Exped. to Patagonia, 
vol. iii. - 

— Observations on fish scales. 
Bull. Bureau Fisheries 1912 (1913), 32, 
119-174. 9 pls. & figs. 1913.1 

Ordovician (?) fish remains in 
Colorado. Amer. Naturalist, 1913, 47, 
246-247. 1913.2 

A peculiar dermal element in 
chimeroid fishes. Science, 1913, n. s. 

38, 363. 1913.3 
The scales of some Queensland 
fishes. Mem. Queensland Mus., Bris- 

bane, 1913, 2, 51-59. 1913.4 

The seales of the blennoid fishes. 
Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 1913, 26, 
89-92. 1913.5 

The scales of the simenchelyid, 
ophidiid, brotulid and bregmacerotid 

fishes. Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 
1913, 26, 75-77. 1913.6 

Some fossil fish scales. Zool. 
Anz., 1914, 45, 189-192. fig. 1914.1 

Cockerell, Theodore Dru Alison, & 
Allison, Edith M. The scales of some 
American Cyprinide. Proce. Biol. Soc. 
Washington, 1909, 22, 157-164. pl. 


Cockerell, Theodore Dru Alison, & 
Callaway, Otis. Notes on the scales 
of fishes. The herbivorous Cyprinide. 
Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 1909, 22, 
121-124. 1909.1 

Observations on the fishes of the 
genus Notropis. Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash- 
ington, 1909, 22, 189-196. 1909.2 

Cockerell, Theodore Dru Alison, & 
Evermann, Barton Warren. See Ever- 
mann «& Cockerell. 

Cockerell, Theodore Dru Alison, & 
Moore, Evelyn V. On the modifications 
of the circuli in the scales of Asiatic 


Cockerell & Moore 
cyprinid fishes. Zool. Anz., 1910, 36, 
252-253. 5 figs. 1910.1 

On the nature of the teeth in 
ctenoid scales. Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash- 
ington, 1910, 23, 91-93. 3 figs. 1910.2 

Cocks, Alfred Heneage. An autumn 
visit to Spitzbergen; supplementary re- 
marks. Zoologist, 1884, 3. ser. 8, 13—20. 


Fishes, p. 18-20. 

On the yawning of fishes and of 
other vertebrates. Zoologist, 1910, 4. 
ser. 14, 384-385. 1910.1 

Cocks, W. P. Echinorhinus spinosus. 
Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1850, 2. ser. 5, 71. 

Coco-Zanghy, Giuseppe. Un errata- 
corrige proposta in zoologia ovvero il mio 
viaggio in Tiberiade ed il vero pesce di 
S. Pietro. Atti Accad. Gioenia Sci. Nat. 
Catania, 1877, 3. ser. 11, 237-265. 

Zur Fiitterung der 
Salmonidenbrut. Allgem. Fisch. Zeitg., 
1903, no. 23. 1903.1 

Zur Einbiirgerung der Regenbo- 
genforelle. Allgem. Fisch. Zeitg., 1907, 
32. Jahrg., 377-382. 1907.1 

Coffin, C.#. Garfish and black bass. 
Forest & Stream, 1874, 2,330. 1874.1 

Coggi, Alessandro. Intorno ai corpi 
rossi della vessica natatoria di aleune 
Teleostei. Mitth. Zool. Stat. Neapel, 
1886-87, 7, 381-400. pl. 1886.1 

Coester, Oskar. 

Ueber den epithelialen Theil 
der sogenannten Blutdriisen in der 
Schwimmblase des Hechtes ee luc Us) 
Morphol. Jahrb., 1889, 15, 
pl. 1889. 1 

Un’ anomalia in un embrione di 
selacio. Mem. Acead. Sci. Istit. Bo- 
logna, 1891, 5. ser. 1, 353-362. pl. 
Itid., 1892, 2, 763-772. 1891.1 

~——~ ~~ 

Sullo sviluppo delle ampolle di 
Lorenzini. Atti Acead. Lincei, Roma, 
1891, 4. ser. 7, pt. 2, 222-229. 2 figs. 
— Arch. Ital. Biol., 1891, 16, 253-261, 
2 figs. 1891.2 

Le vescicole di savi e gli organi 
della linea laterale nelle torpedini. 
Atti Aeead. Lincei, Roma, 1891, 4. ser. 
7, pt. 2, 197-205. 5 figs. — Arch. Ital. 
Biol., 16, 216-224. pl. 1891.3 

16, 120-122. 


Zur Abwehr. 


Aleuni fatti che riguardano la 
cresta neurale cefalica dei selaci. Atti 
Accad. Lincei, Roma, 1895, 5. ser. 4, 
pt. 1, 265-269.— Arch. Ital. Biol., 
Turin, 23, 355-359. 1895.1 

Ricerche su taluni derivati dell’ 
ectoderma nel capo dei selaci. II cor- 
done gangliare anteriore in Torpedo e 
Pristiurus. Ricerche Labor. Anat. R. 
Univ. Roma, 1895, 5. 1895.2 

Nuove ricerche sullo avila 
delle ampolle di Lorenzini. Atti Accad. 
Lincei, Roma, 1902, 5. ser. 2, pt. 1, 289- 
297; 338-340. — Arch. Ital. Biol., Turin, 
38, 321-333. 1902.1 

Sviluppo degli organi di senso 
laterale, delle ampolle di Lorenzini a i 
loro nervi rispettivi in Torpedo. Arch. 
Zool., Napoli, 1902, 1, 59-107. 2 pls. 


Sullo sviluppo e la morfologia 
delle ampolle di Lorenzini e loro nervi. 
Arch. Zool. Napoli, 1905, 2, 309-383. 
3 pls. & 4 figs. 1905.1 

Coghitt, G. H., & Herrick, C: LE. 
See Herrick & Coghitt. 

Cohen, Nai 
laws in Illinois. 
Soc. 1901 (1902), 133-136. 

Cohn, Franz. Bemerkungen zur 
Histologie und Driisenfunktion des 
Corpus Luteum; eine Erwiderung an Dr. 
W. Lubosch. Anat. Anz., 1904, 25, 69- 
dae 1904.1 

Cohn, Fritz. Tetrodon cf. T. cutcutia, 
seine Pflege und Zucht. Blatt. Aquar.- 
Terrar. Kunde, 1912, 23. Jahrg., 582— 
585. fig. 1912. J 

Cohn, Hermann. Ueber Sehst6- 
rungen nach Vergiftungen durch Wild- 
pasten und Hecht. Schles. Ges. Vaterl. 

H. Concerning fish 
Trans. Amer. Fisheries 

Cultur, Breslau, 1879, 57. Jahresber., 
82-85. — Arch. Augenheilk., 1879, 9, 
148-163. 1879.1 

Cohn, Ludwig. Ueber die Myxo- 
sporidien von Esox lucius und Perca 
fluviatilis. Zool. Jahrb., 1896, 9 (Anat. 
Abth.), 227-272. 2 pls. 1896.1 

Die Fischereiverhialtnisse in den 
Masurischen Seen. Ber. Fischerei-Ver. 
Ostpreussen, Kénigsberg 1901-02 (1902), 
53-56. 1902.1 

Zool. Anz., 1894, 


Ueber die Bruttasche von Syn- 
gnathus typhle. Anat. Anz., 1903, 24, 
192-199. fig. 1903.1 

Ueber Icosteus era icus Lock. 
Zool. Anz., 1905, 29, 522-526. 1905.1 

Die Seitenlinie von Jcosteus 
enigmaticus. Zool. Anz., 1906, 30, 178- 
183. 5 figs. 1906.1 

Die Schwimmblase einiger Sci- 
eniden. Zool. Anz., 1907, 32, 433-440. 
4 figs. 1907.1 

Ueber die Schuppen der Seiten- 
linie einiger Scopeliden. Zool. Anz., 
1907, 32, 366-370. 4 figs. 1907.2 

Cohnheim, Otto. Zur Frage der 
Eiweissresorption. 3. Mitteilung. Sitz- 
ber. Heidelberg. Akad. Wiss., 1911, 30. 
Abth., 7 p. — Zeitschr. Phy siol. Chem., 
1912, 76, 293-297. 1911.1 

Coker, Robert E. The fisheries and 
the guano industry of Peru. Proc. 4. 
Intern. Fish Congr., Washington, 1908, 
pt. 1, 333-365. 6 pls. 1908.1 

A study of the guano industry 
and fisheries of Peru. Trans. Amer. 
Fisheries Soc. 1907 (1908), 248-251. 3 
cuts. 1908.2 

Colb, Ueber die Vorziige des 

“ Prankischen und Aischegriinder’’ Karp- 
fens, sowie iiber die Karpfen Vermitt- 
lungseinrichtungen in Bayern. Allgem. 
Fischerei Zeitg., 1904, 29. Jahrg., 88-92. 

Cole, Frank J. On the cranial nerves 
of Chimera monstrosa, with a discussion 
of the lateral line system and of the 
morphology of the chorda tympani. 
Trans. Roy. Soc. Edinb., 1896, 38, 631— 
680. 2 pls. «& fig. 1896.1 

On the sensory and ampullary 
canals of Chimera. Anat. Anz., 1896, 
12, 172-182. fig. 1896.2 

The cranial nerves of Chimera 
monstrosa. Proc. Roy. Soe. Edinb., 
1897, 21, 49-56. fig. 1897.1 

Observations on the structure 
and morphology of the cranial nerves 
and lateral sense organs of fishes; with 
special reference to the genus Gadus. 
Trans. Linn. Soe. London (Zool.), 1898, 
7, 115-221. 3 pls. & fig. 1898.1 

The peripheral distribution of 
the cranial nerves of Ammoccetes. 
Anat. Anz., 1898, 15, 195-200. 1898.2 



Reflections on the cranial nerves 
and sense organs of fishes. Trans. 
Liverpool Biol. Soc., 1898, 12, 228-247. 
— Anat. Anz., 16, 40-48. 1898.3 

On the cranial nerves and sense 
organs of fishes: a reply tto Mr. Ailis) 
Anat. Anz., 1899, 16, 40-48. 1899.1 

Notes on Professor Judson Her- 
rick’s paper on the cranial nerves of the 
codfish. Journ. Comp. Neurol., 1900, 
10, 317-322. 1900.1 

A proposed neurological bibli- 

ography of the Ichthyopsida. Journ. 
Comp. Neurol., 1900, 10, 214-217. 

The morphology of the Pleuro- 
nectide. Nature, 1902, 65,585. 1902.1 

A monograph on the general 
morphology of the myxinoid fishes, 

based on a study of Myxine. Parts i-v. 
Trans. Roy. Soc. Edinb., 1905-1913. 
pls. 1905.1 

This monograph was published in parts as 

i. The anatomy of the skeleton. Trans. 
Roy. Soc. Edinb., 1905, 41, 749-788. 3 pls. 

li. The anatomy of the muscles. Jbid., 1907, 
45, 683-757. 4 pls. 

iii. Further observation on the skeleton. 
Ibid., 1909, 46, 669-681. 

iv. On some peculiarities of the afferent and 
efferent arteries of Myxine. TJbid., 1912, 48, 
215-230. pl. 

v. The anatomy of the gut and its append- 

ages. Ibid., 1913, 49, 293-344. 4 pls. 
Notes on Myxine. Anat. Anz., 
1905, 27, 323-326. 1905.2 
Nature, 1913, 
91, 607. 1913.1 

Cole, Frank J., & Dakin, W. J. 
Further observations on the cranial 
nerves of Chimera. Anat. Anz., 1906, 
28, 595-599. 1906.1 

Cole, Frank J., & Ewart, J.C. See 
Ewart & Cole. 

Cole, Frank J., & Johnstone, James. 
Pleuronectes. London, 1901. viii, 252 
p. 11 pls. (In Liverpool Marine Biol- 
ogy Committee, Memoirs, no. 8) 


Reprint in Rept. Lancashire Sea-Fisheries 
Laboratory at University College, Liverpool, 
and the Sea-Fish Hatchery at Piel, 1901, 10. — 
Review in Trans. Liverpool Biol. Soc., 16, 
145-396. — Nature, 65, 459-460. pls. i-xi. — 
Science, n. s. 15, 465-466. 

Cole, Frank J., Scott, Andrew, John- 
stone, James, & Herdman, W. A. 
See Herdman, Scott & others. 


Cole, George Arthur James, Newton, 
E. T., Dixon, A. F., Westropp, T. J., 
Scharff, R. F., & Ussher, R. J. See 
Scharff, Ussher «& others. 

Cole, George Watson. Bermuda in 
periodical literature, with occasional 

references to other works. A_ bibli- 
ography [Brookline, Mass.) 1907. 
275 p. 1907.1 

Cole, Leon Jacob. The German carp 
in the United States. Rept. U.S. Bur. 
Fisheries 1904 (1905), 523-641. 3 pls. 
& 4 figs. 

Bibliography, p. 637-641. 

The status of the carp in Amer- 
ica. Trans. Amer. Fisheries Soc. 1905 
(1906), 201-206. 1906.1 

The occurrence of Heros in 
Yucatan. Science, 1907, n. s. 26, 637- 
638. 1907.1 

Cole, Leon Jacob, & Barbour, 
Thomas. See Barbour & Cole. 

Cole, Leon Jacob, Sumner, Francis 
B., & Osburn, Raymond C. See Sum- 
ner, Osburn «& Cole. 

Cole, Leon Jacob, & Young, Robert T. 
See Young & Cole. 

Cole, William Willoughby (8d Earl 
of Enniskillen) [1807-1886] Alphabeti- 
cal catalogue of the type specimens of 
fossil fishes in the collection of the Earl 
of Enniskillen, at Florence court. Geol. 
Mag., 1869, 6, 556-561. 1869.1 

Cole, William Willoughby, & Eger- 
ton, Philip Grey. See Egerton & Cole. 

Coleman, NV. Change of tempera- 
ture in water containing recently fer- 
tilized shad (Clupea menhaden) eggs. 
Another note on the same. Amer. Nat- 
uralist, 1872, 6, 493. 1872.1 

Coleman, Robert W. A _ biblio- 
graphical catalogue of the Waltonian 
library belonging to the estate of R. W. 
Coleman. By Joseph Sabin. New 
York, 1866. 3-149 p. 2 pls. 8°. 
Catalogue of the library of 
books on angling of the late R. W. 
Coleman ... which will be sold at 
auction by Sotheby, Wilkinson and 
Hodge... July 8, 1897. London, 
1897. 36p. 4°. 1897.1 

Colenso, William |1811-1899] Notes 
on the genus Callorhynehus, with a 

description of an undescribed New 
Zealand species (C. dasycaudatus) Trans. 
New Zeal. Instit., 1878, 11, 298-300. 
pls. 1878.1 

Colenutt, G. W. Discovery of fossil 
fish in the Eocene strata of Ryde, isle of 
Wight. Sci. Gossip, 1880, 16, 141. 


Coles, Russell J. Observations on 
the habits and distribution of certain 
fishes taken on the coast of North Caro- 
lina. Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., 
1910, 28, 337-348. 1910.1 

Notes on the embryos of several 
species of rays, with remarks on the 
northward summer migration of certain 
tropical forms observed on the coast 
of North Carolina. Bull. Amer. Mus. 
Nat. Hist., 1913, 32, 29-35. pl. & 2 figs. 

Colgan, Nathaniel [1851—] An 
Trish naturalist in Spain in the eight- 
eenth century. Irish Naturalist, 1911, 
20, 1-5. 1911.1 

Colladon, Louis Théodore Frédéric 
[1792-1862] Expériences sur la torpille. 
C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1836, 3, 490-492. 
— L’Institut, 1836, 4, 350-351. — Ann. 
Sci. Nat., 1836, 2. sér. 6, 255-256. — 
Notizen (Froriep), 2, 229-231. 1836.1 

Collenette, A. Note on Lwvarus 
imperialis, a very rare fish. Rept. 
Trans. Guernsey Soc. Nat. Sci., 1904, 4, 
235-237. 1904.1 

Collett, Robert [1842—] Oversigt 
Norges vigtigste Hvirveldyr. Stat. 
Aarbog Konger. Norge, af Dr. O. J. 
Broch. Kristiania, 1871, 590-659. oi 


Lycodes sarsii, n. sp., ex ordine 
Anacanthinorum gadoideorum. Forh. 
Vidensk. Selsk. Christiania 1871 (1872), 
62-66. pl. Also separate; Christiania, 
1872. 8°. 1872.1 

Slegten Latrunculus Giinth., og 

dens nordiske arter. Forh. Vidensk. 

Selsk. Christiania 1872 (1873), 1-12. 

Norges fiske, med bemarkninger 
om deres Udbredelse. Forh. Vidensk. 
Selsk. Christiania, 1874, 1-240. 2 pls. & 
map. 1874.1 

On two apparently new species 
of Gobius from Norway {G. orca, G. 
scorpioides} Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 
1874, 4. ser. 13, 446-447. 1874.2 


i e 


Bidrag til kundskaben om 
Norges Gobier. Forh. Vidensk. Selsk. 
Christiania, 1874 (1875), 151-179. pl. 

Carte zoogéographique, conte- 
nant une liste compléte de tous les ani- 
maux vertébrés de Norvége. Chris- 
tiania, 1875. 2.ed. Christiania, 1876. 

Norges fiske, med bemeerk- 
ninger om deres Udbredelse. Chris- 

tiania, 1875. 240 p. 2pls.&map. 8°. 

On a new Motella (septentrio- 
nalis) from Norway. Ann. Mag. Nat. 
Hist., 1875, 4. ser. 15, 82-83. 1875.4 

— Carte zoogéographique, conte- 
nant une liste compléte de tous les ani- 
maux vertébrés de Norvége. 2. ed. 
Christiania, 1876. 1876.1 

De i Norge hidtil fundne fiske 
fra de glaciale og postglaciale Aflejringer. 
Nyt Mag. Naturvid., 1877, 23, pls. 3-4, 
11-40. ikeVevfa! 

Om slegterne Latrunculus og 
Crystallogobius. Forh. Vidensk. Selsk. 
Christiania, 1876 (1877), no. 6. 43 p. 
2 pls. 1877.2 

Fiske, indsamlede under den 
norske Nordhavs-expeditions 2 forste 
togter, 1876 og 1877. Forh. Vidensk. 
Selsk. Christiania, 1878, no. 4. 24 p. 


Fiske fra Nordhavs-expeditio- 
nens sidste togt, sommeren 1878. 
Forh. Vidensk. Selsk. Christiania, 1878, 
no. 14. 106 p. 1878.2 

On Latrunculus and Crystal- 
logobius, two remarkable forms of 
gobioid fishes. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 
1878, 318-339. figs. 1878.3 

Om den saakaldte Thynnus 
peregrinus Coll. Forh. Vidensk. Selsk. 
Christiania, 1879, no. 15. 3p. 1879.1 

On a new fish of the genus 
Lycodes {L. pacificus) from the Pacific. 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1879, 381-882. 
fig. 1879.2 

— Den norske Nordhavs-expedi- 
tion 1876-1878. Zoologi. Fiske. Chris- 
tiania, 1880. 164 p. 3 figs. & 5 pls. 


Titlepage and text in Norwegian and English. 

—  Glaciale mergelboller med in- 
desluttede fiskelevninger fra Bejeren i 



Salten. Aarsh. Tromso Mus. 1880, 3, 
96-104. — Zeitschr. Gesammt. Natur- 
wiss., 5, 839-843. 5 1880.2 

Meddelelser om Norges fiske i 
aarene 1875-78. TForh. Vidensk. Selsk. 
Christiania 1879 (1880), no. 1. 107 p. 
2 pl. 1880.3 

— The Norwegian North Atlantic 
expedition 1876-78. Zoology. Fishes. 
Christiania, 1880. 164 p. 1880.4 

English & Norwegian text in parallel columns. 

Om to for Norges fauna nye 

dybvandsfiske. Forh. Vidensk. Selsk. 
Christiania, 1880, no. 8. 10 p. pil. 

Raja nidrosiensis, en ny rokke 
fra Throndhjemsfjorden. Forh. Vi- 
densk. Selsk. Christiania, 1881, no. 7. 
8p.) pie 1881.1 

Thynnus thunnina Cuv., og 
Fierasfer dentatus, Cuv., nye for Norges 
fauna. Forh. Vidensk. Selsk. Christi- 
ania, 1882; no. 19) 9p: pl: 1882.1 

Myliobatis aquila (Linn.), ny for 
Norges fauna. Forh. Vidensk. Selsk. 
Christiania 1882 (1883), no. 29. 4 p. 


Om de i vort aarhundrede ved 
de norske kyster strandede exemplarer 
af slaegten Regalecus. Forh. Vidensk. 
Selsk. Christiania, 1883, no. 16. 36 p. 
3 pls. 1883.2 

Lidt om ‘‘So-Ormen” eller 
*So-slangen.’’ Naturen, 1884, 8. Jahrg., 
NO. 2. 1884.1 

A discussion of sea serpents with special 
reference to Eurypharynx or Gasterostomus, 
Regalecus and Selachus. 

Meddelelser om Norges fiske i 
aarene 1879-83 (2 det hoved supple- 
ment til ‘“‘ Norges fiske”’) Nyt Mag. 
Naturv., 1884, 29, 47-123. pl. 1884.2 

— Om Beryx borealis Dib. & Kor. 

1884. Forh. Vidensk. Selsk. Christi- 
ania, 1884 (1885), no. 1. 7p. pil. 

On a new pediculate fish from 
the sea off Madeira |Linophryne lucifer) 
Proc. Zool. Soe. London, 1886, 138-143. 
pl. 1886.1 

Aphanopus minor, en ny dyb- 
vandsfisk af Trichiuridernes familie 
fra Gronland. Forh. Vidensk. Selsk. 
Christiania 1886 (1887), no. 19. 7 p. 




Collett, R. 

Diagnoses de poissons nouveaux 
provenant des campagnes de ‘ L’Hi- 
rondelle.” Bull. Soc. Zool. France, 
1889-90. 1889.1 

i. Sur un genre nouveau de la famille des 
Murenidex. Bull. Soc. Zool. France, 1889, 14, 

ii. Sur un genre nouveau de la famille des 
Stomiatide. IJbid., 291-293. 

iii. Description d’une espéce nouvelle du 
genre Hoplostethus. JIJbid., 306. 

iv. Description d’une espéce nouvelle du 
genre Notacanthus. Jbid., 307-308. 

vy. Descriptions de deux espéces nouvelles 
du genre Onus Risso. Op. cit., 1890, 15, 105- 

Sur quelques poissons rapportés 
de Madére par le Prince de Monaco. 
Bull. Soc. Zool. France, 1890, 15, 218— 
224. 1890.1 

Oversigt over de_ tri-cirrate 
arter af slegten Onus. Forh. Vidensk. 
Selsk. Christiania, 1891 (1892), no. 11. 
Liip- 1892.1 

On a new agonoid fish (Agonus 
gilbertt) from Kamtschatka. Proc. Zool. 
Soc. London, 1894, 670-675. pl. 


Le genre Cyclothone Goode et 
Bean. I. Considérations historiques. 
II. Description d’une espéce nouvelle 
(C. grandis) recueillie par 8. A. le Prince 
de Monaco. Bull. Soc. Zool. France, 
1896, 21, 94-97; 99-102. 1896.1 

Poissons provenant des cam- 
pagnes du yacht “ L’Hirondelle ”’ (1885— 
1888) Monaco, 1896. viii, 198 p. 6 
pls. Review in Nat. Science, 11, 301-— 
302. 1896.2 

Résultats des campagnes scientifiques ac- 

complies sur son yacht par Albert I, Prince 
souverain de Monaco, vol. x. 

Om en del for Norges fauna nyl 
fiske fundne i 1880-1896. Arch. Math. 
Naturv., Christiania, 1897, 19, no. 8. 
25 p.- 1897.1 

Om ensamling fiske fra Azorerne, 
tilhorende Museet 1 Ponta Delgada. 
Arch. Math. Naturv., Christiania, 1897, 
TOPOL a Lee p- 1897.2 

Om Pterycombus brama Fries. 
Bergens Museums Aarbog 1896 (1897), 
no. 6. 13p. 2 pls. & fig. 1897.3 

On Chlamydoselachus anguineus 
Garm., a remarkable shark found in 
Norway 1896 (In Festsk. H. M. Kong 
Oscar II ved Regijeringsjubileet 1897, 
K. Fredriks Univ., vol. ii, p. 1-17. 
2 pls. Christiania, 1897) 1897.4 

Contributions to the knowledge 
of the genus Lycodes Reinh. I. Lycodes 
sarsii Coll. Skrifter Vidensk. Selsk. 
Christiania, 1898 (1899), no. 1. 19 p. 
2 pls. — II. Lycodes gracilis M. Sars. 
Ibid., 1899 (1900), no. 6. 22 p. 3 pls. 
& fig. 1899.1 
Norge i det nittende aarhun- 
Christiania, 1900. illust. fol. 
Norges vigtigste Hvirveldyr, p. 83-113. 


Om fem for Norges fauna nye 
fiske (1897-1900) Arch. Math. Naturv., 
Christiania, 1901, 23, no. 7. 25 p. 


Om tre for Norges fauna nye 
fiske fra ‘‘ Michael Sars” to forste togter 
i 1900 og 1901. Arch. Math. Naturv., 
Christiania, 1903, 25, no. 2. 26 p. 


Meddelelser om Norges fiske 1 
aarene 1884-1901. I. Forh. Vidensk. 
Selsk. Christiania, 1902 (1903), no. 1. 
121i: 1903.2 

Diagnoses of four hitherto un- 
described fishes from the depths south 
of the Faroe islands. Forh. Vidensk. 
Selsk. Christiania, 1904, no. 9. 7 p. 

‘ 1904.1 
Meddelelser om Norges fiske i 
aarene 1884-1901. II. Forh. Vidensk. 
Selsk. Christiania, 1903 (1904), no. 9. 
175ax 1904.2 

Meddelelser om Norges fiske i 
aarene 1884-1901. III. Forh. Vidensk. 
Selsk. Christiania, 1905, no. 7. 173 p. 

On some fishes from the sea off 
the Azores (Lampadena chavesi, n. sp.) 
Zool. Anz., 1905, 28, 723-730. 1905.2 

Fiske, indsamlede under ‘‘ Mi- 
chael Sars’s”’ Togter1 Nordhavet, 1900— 
1902. Rept. Norw. Fish. Marine Invest., 
Bergen, 1909, 2, no. 3. 152 p. 2 pls. 


Lepidopus atlanticus (Goode & 
Bean) en pelagisk Trichiuride, fundet 
ved Finmarken. Forh. Vidensk. Selsk. 
Christiania, 1912 (1913), no. 4. 5 pl. 
Collin, ——, & Host, —— See 
Host «& Collin. 

Collin, Alb. En sterlett (Acipenser 
ruthenus L.) tagen i Pythis viken (Hin 
Stor in der Bucht von Pythis gefangen} 
Tidskr. Jag. Fisk., Helsingfors, 1904, 
12,15. 1904.1 



Collin, Jonas [1840—] Bidrag til 
kundskab om Danmarks fiskerier. Co- 
penhagen, 1873-75. 8°. 1873.1 

Meddelelse om Brama paschtit 
Esmark. Forh. Skand. Naturforsk. 
Kjobenhayn 1873 (1874), 11, 418-423. 


Om “ Ringflyndere.”? Nordisk 
Tidsskr. Fiskeri, 1876, n. s. 3. Jahrg., 
51-53. 1876.1 

Bidrag til Kundskab om Dan- 
marks fiskerier. Nordisk Tidsskr. Fis- 
keri, 1878, n.s. 4. Jahrg., 1-11; 205-219. 

Collinge, Walter Edward [1867 —] 
On the preservation of teleostean ova. 
Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1892, 6. ser. 10, 
228-230. 1892.1 

The lateral canal system of 
Lepidosteus osseus. Proc. Birmingham 
Philos. Soc., 1893, 8, 263-272. 6 pls. 

A 1893.1 

The morphology of the sensory 
canal system in some fossil fishes. Proc. 
Birmingham Philos. Soc., 1893, 9, 1- 
14. 2 pls. 1893.2 

Note on the lateral canal system 
of Polypterus. Proc. Birmingham 
Philos. Soc., 1893, 8, 255-262. 3 pls. 


The sensory canal system of 
fishes. I. Ganoidei. Quart. Journ. 
Micr. Sci., 1894, n. s. 36, 499-537. 2 
pls. Abstract in Rept. Brit. Assoc. Adv. 
Sci., 63. meet., 1893, 810-811. 1894.1 

On the presence of seales in the 
integument of Polyodon folium. Journ. 
Anat. Physiol., London, 1895, 29, 485- 
487. 2 figs. 1895.1 

On the sensory and ampullary 
canals of Chimera. Proc. Zool. Soc. 
London, 1895, 878-890. 3 pls. Ab- 
stract in Zool. Anz., 19, 31. 1895.2 

On the unsymmetrical distribu- 
tion of the cranial nerves of fishes. 
Journ. Anat. Physiol., London, 1895, 29, 
352-354. 1895.3 

The sensory canal system of 
fishes. II. Teleostei. Suborder A, 
Physostomi. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 
1895, 274-299. 4 pls. 1895.4 

Some researches upon the sen- 
sory canal system of ganoids. Proc. 
Birmingham Philos. Soc., 1895, 77-81. 



The preopercular zone and sen- 
sory canal of Polypterus. Anat. Anz., 

1896, 12, 87. 1896.1 
Collinge, Walter E., & Vincent, 
Swale. On the so-called suprarenal 

bodies in Cyclostoma. Anat. Anz., 1896, 
12, 232-241. 2 figs. Abstract in Journ. 
Roy. Mier. Soe. London, 1896, 6, 605— 
606. 1896.1 

The suprarenal bodies of fishes. 
Nat. Science, 1897, 10, 318-322. 1897.1 

Collingwood, Cuthbert [1826 —] 
Note on the existence of gigantic sea- 
anemones in the China sea, containing 
within them quasi-parasitic fish. Ann. 
Mag. Nat. Hist., 1868, 4. ser. 1, 31-33. 


Observations on the habits of 
flyingfish (Exoccetus) Rept. Brit. As- 
soc. Ady. Sci., 37. meet. 1867 (1868), 
80-81. 1868.2 

Collins, A. S. The impregnation of 
eggs in trout breeding. Amer. Natu- 
ralist, 1870, 4, 601-610. 1870.1 

Spawning races for brook trout. 

Trans. Amer. Fisheries Soc. 1872 (1873), 
28-32. 1873.1 

- Hatching the grayling. Forest 
& Stream, 1874, 3, 164. 1874.1 

(Numerous articles on trout 
culture] American Sportsman, 1874, 3. 

Decrease of brook trout in the 
Unites States. Rod & Gun, 1875, 6, 

280. 1875.1 
Fish culture in America. For- 
est & Stream, 1875, 5, 227. 1875.2 
Fish culture in the United 

States. Rod & Gun, 1875, 6, 362. 
Raising brook trout. Forest & 
Stream, 1876, 6, 165. 1876.1 

Collins, D.H., & Collins, J. W. See 
Collins, J. W., & Collins, D. EZ. 

Collins, John D. Propagation of 
salmon in Salmon river, Oswego county, 
New York. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 
1885, 5, 287-288. 1885.1 

Collins, Joseph W. Gill-nets in the 
cod fishery; a description of the Nor- 
wegian cod-nets, with directions for their 
use, and a history of their introduction 
into the United States. Bull. U. 8. 
Fish Comm. 1880, 1, 1-17. pl. 1880.1 





Collins, J. W. 
Hatching the “angler”’ or “ fish- 
ing frog.”’ Forest & Stream, 1880, 15, 8. 

Hatching the Lophius. Forest 
& Stream, 1880, 15, 28. 1880.3 

A new species of mackerel. 

Forest & Stream, 1880, 15, 28. 1880.4 
Fisherman’s aid to science. 
Forest & Stream, 1881, 17,512. 1881.1 

—— Improvement in mackerel fish- 
ing. Forest & Stream, 1881, 17, 50. 

First arrival of mackerel in New 
York in the spring of 1882. Bull. U.S. 
Fish Comm. 1881 (1882), 1, 402. 


An inquiry into the capture of 
young cod-fish in Chesapeake bay. 
Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1881 (1882), 1, 
401-402. 1882.2 

Appearance of dogfish (Squalus 
acanthias) on the New England coast 
in winter; letter to Prof. S. F. Baird. 
Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1882 (1883), 
2, 8. 1883.1 

-—— Correspondence relative to the 
procurement of certain fishery imple- 
ments for the government of New 
South Wales; letter to Prof. S. F. Baird. 
Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1882 (1883), 2, 
291-299. 1883.2 

Notes on the halibut fisheries of 
1881-82. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1882 
(1883), 2, 311-316. 1883.3 

Notes on the herring fishery of 
Massachusetts bay in the autumn of 
1882. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1882 
(1883), 2, 287-290. 1883.4 

Notes on the movements, habits, 
and captures of mackerel for the season 
of 1882. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1882 
(1883), 2, 273-285. 1883.5 

Report upon a cruise made to 
the tile-fish ground in the smack “ Josie 
Reeves,” September, 1882. Bull. U.S. 
Fish Comm. 1882 (1883), 2, 301-310. 


Shad taken in mackerel gill- 
nets; from a letter to Prof. S. F. Baird. 
Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1882 (1883), 2, 
95. 1883.7 

Success of the gill-net cod fishery 
on the New England coast, winter of 

1882-83. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1883, 
3, 441-443. 1883.8 

History of the tilefish. Rept. 
U. 8S. Fish Comm. 1882 (1884), 10, 
237-294. 2 pls. 1884.1 

Movements of mackerel in win- 
ter. Bull. U.S. Fish Comm. 1884, 4, 15. 

Note on the destruction of 
mackerel by dogfish. Bull. U. 8. Fish 
Comm. 1884, 4, 248. 1884.3 

On the abundance of halibut 
near Iceland. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 
1884, 4, 463-464. © 1884.4 

—— On the scarcity of mackerel in 
the gulf of St. Lawrence. Bull. U. 8S. 
Fish Comm. 1884, 4, 427-430; mi 


Report of a trip of exploration 
in Chesapeake bay. Rept. U. 8. Fish 
Comm. 1882 (1884), 10, an 

— A search for mackerel off Block 
island, Montauk, and Sandy Hook in 
November, 1883. Bull. U. S. Fish 
Comm. 1884, 4, 49-51. 1884.7 

— What codfish sometimes swal- 
low. Bull. U.S. Fish Comm. 1884, 4, 
175. 1884.8 

Notes on the English herring 
and mackerel fisheries, and the methods 
of curing. Bull. U.S. Fish Comm. 1885, 
5, 40. 1885.1 

The red-snapper grounds in the 
gulf of Mexico. Bull. U.S. Fish Comm. 
1885, 5, 145-146. 1885.2 

— Result of the introduction of 
gill-nets into the American cod fisheries. 
Trans. Amer. Fisheries Soe. 1884 (1885), 
212-228. 1885.3 

Unusual abundance of cod on 
Brown’s bank. Bull. U.S. Fish Comm. 
1885, 5, 234. 1885.4 

The Icelandic halibut fishery. 
An account of the voyages of the 
Gloucester schooners to the fishe 

grounds near the north coast of Iceland. 
Rept. U. S. Fish Comm. 1884 (1886), 
12, 289-300. 1886.1 

Delaware and its fisheries (In 
The fisheries and fishery industries of 
the United States, edited by George 
Brown Goode, pt. 9, p. 407-419. Wash- 
ington, 1887) 1887.1 




Notes on an investigation of the 
great fishing banks of the western 
Atlantic. Bull. U.S. Fish Comm. 1886 
(1887), 6, 369-381. 1887.2 

— Notes on/the red-snapper fish- 
ery. Bull. U. §$. Fish Comm. 1886 
(1887), 6, 299-300. 1887.3 

Report gf the discovery and in- 
vestigation of the fishing grounds made 
by the Fish Commission steamer ‘ Al- 
batross ’ during the cruise along the 
Atlantic coast and in the gulf of Mexico. 
with notes on the Gulf fisheries. Rept. 
U.S. Fish Comm. 1885 (1887), 18, 217— 
311. 9 pls. sd 1887.4 

The shore fisheries of southern 
Delaware (In The fisheries and fishery 
industries of the United States, edited 
by George Brown Goode, sect. 5, vol. i, 
p. 527-541. Washington, 1887) 1887.5 

Notes on the occurrence of 
mackerel off the coast of Florida. Bull. 
U.S. Fish Comm. 1887 (1889), 7, 128. 


Report upon the operations of 
the United States Fish Commission 
schooner ‘‘Grampus”’ from June 5, 
1886, to March 15, 1887. Rept. U.S. 
Fish Comm. 1886 (1889), 14, 701-720. 

pl. 1889.2 

Report upon the division of 
fisheries. Rept. U. S. Fish Comm. 
1887 (1891), 15, 335-362. 1891.1 

The fisheries at the World’s 
Fair. Trans. Amer. Fisheries Soc. 1891 
(1892), 33-41. 2 pls. 1892.1 

— Report upon the fisheries of the 
Pacific coast of the United States. 
Rept. U.S. Fish Comm. 1888 (1892), 16, 
3-269. 4 figs. & 49 pls. 1892.2 

The fisheries exhibit at the 
World’s Fair. Trans. Amer. Fisheries 
Soc. 1893 (1894), 122-129. 1894.1 

The Norwegian fisheries. Trans. 
Amer. Fisheries Soc. 1893 (1894), 60- 
70. 1894.2 

Collins, Joseph W., & Collins, D. EL. 
Report of the operations of the United 
States Fish Commission schooner 
“Grampus ”’ from March 15, 1887, to 
June 30, 1888. Rept. U.S. Fish Comm. 
1887 (1891), 15, 491-598. 16 pls. 


Collins, Joseph W., Earll, R. E., 
Clark, A. H., & Goode, G. B. See 
Goode, Collins & others. 



Collins, Joseph W., & Goode, G. B. 
See Goode «& Collins. 

Collins, Joseph W.., Goode, George 
Brown, & Scudder, NV. P. See Goode, 
Collins & Scudder. 

Collins, Joseph W., & Rathbun, 
Richard. The sea fishing grounds of 
the eastern coast of North America from 
Greenland to Mexico (In The fisheries 
and fishery industries of the United 
States, edited by George Brown Goode, 
sect. 3, p. 5-78. 17 charts. Washing- 
ton, 1887) 1887.1 

Collins, Joseph W., & Smith, H. M. 
Report on the fisheries of the New Eng- 
land states. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 
1890 (1892), 10, 73-176. 1892.1 

A statistical report on the fish- 
erles of the Gulf states. Bull. U.S. 
Fish Comm. 1891 (1893), 11, 93-184. 


Colmeiro y Penido, Miguel. No- 
ticia sucinta de los animales y plantas 
que mencioné Cervantes en el Quijote, 
etc. Madrid, 1895. 15p. 8°. 1895.1 

Cololian, P. L’action physiologique 
des différents sels de soude sur les pois- 
sons d’eau douce. Journ. Phys. Path. 
Gén. Paris, 1901, 3, 681-688. — C. R. 
Mém. Soe. Biol. Paris, 58, 693-695. 


La toxicité des alcools chez les 
poissons. Journ. Phys. Path. Gén. 
Paris, 1901, 3, 535-546. 1901.2 
Colson, (Miss) Julia. Boar-fish, 
Capros aper ton the British coast} Sei. 
Gossip, 1879, 15, 112. 1879.1 

Colton-Salter, G. H. See Salter, 
G. H. Colton. 

Comber, H. Protective legislation 
for Indian fisheries. Journ. Bombay 
Nat. Hist. Soc., 1907, 17, 637-644. 


Comendador, Antoni Sanchez. 
Sanchez-Comendador, Antoni. 


Comére, Joseph. De lutilité des 
algues dans |’élevage et l’alimentation 
des poissons, 4 propos de la florule de 
Vétang de la Pujade. Bull. Soc. Hist. 
Nat., Toulouse, 1904, 37, 61-68. — 
Bull. Stat. Piscicul., Toulouse-Paris, 2, 
46-50. 1904.1 

Comes, Salvatore. Sulla funzione 
glandulare del follicolo e sulla differen- 
ziazione degl’ involucri nell’ uovo di 

Comes, S. présentant environ 5000 figs. Paris, 
Belone acus Rond. Anat. Anz., 1905, 26, 1832-40. fol. 1832.1 
9-17. 10 figs. 1905.1 Fishes, pt. 13. 10 pls. 

Sulla zona plasmatica perinu- 
cleare nell’ oocite di alcuni Teleostei. 
Boll. Accad. Gioenia Sci. Nat. Catania, 
1905, fase. 86, 22-26. 1905.2 

Sulle relazioni tra _ vescicola 
germinativa ed ooplasma nell’ oocite di 
Serranus scriba (Cuv.) Nota preli- 
minare. Anat. Anz., 1906, 28, 17-24; 
83-96. 23 figs. 1906.1 

Comettant, 0. Une visite a l’expo- 
sition internationale de péche et d’aqui- 
culture 4 Arcachon. mm. p.] 1869. 


Commerson, Philibert [1727-1773] 

Manuscript notes and drawings of over 
160 species of fish observed by this 

naturalist were published in part hy-- 

Lacépéde, and still more extensively 
by Cuvier and Valenciennes. See vol. 1, 
p. 122-124, of “ Histoire Naturelle des 
Poissons,” 1828, by the two last=iapéd 
authors. = 

Comolli, Antonio. Ricerche istolo- 
giche sul tessuto interrenale dei Tele- 

ostei. Arch. Ital. Anat. Embriol., 
Firenze, 1912-13, 11, fase. 3, 377-408. 
2 pls. 1912.1 

Comolli, G. Delle varie maniere di 
pescagione nel lago di Como. Alma- 
nacco provinziale di Como, 1848. 12 p. 


Companyo, Louis [1781-1871] His- 
toire naturelle du département des 
Pyrénées-Orientales. Perpignan, 1863. 


Comparetti, André. Observationes 
anatomic de aure interna comparata. 
Padua, 1789. 4°. 1789.1 

Comstock, Anna Botsford. Hand- 
book of nature study for teachers and 

parents. Ithaca, 1914. 938 p. illust. 

Fish study, p. 149-177. 
Comstock, J. C. Fish breeding. 

Rept. Comm. Patents 1859 (1860), 217— 
238. 1860.1 

Comte, Joseph Achille |1802-1866] 
Régne animal de Cuvier, disposé en 
tableaux méthodiques; ouvrage adopté 
par le conseil royal de Jl’instruction 
publique, pour l’enseignement de l’his- 
toire naturelle dans les établissements 
de l’université, avec 91 tableaux, re- 

Concha, pseudonym for Thomson, 
John H., of New Bedford. 

Condon, /. C. Statement concern- 
ing the menhaden fishery. Rept. U. 8. 
Fish Comm. 1877 (1879), 5, 478. 1879.1 

Condorelli-Francaviglia, Mario. 
Animali marini abbandonati sulla spiag- 
gia di Catania dalle acque di maremoto 
del 28 dicembre 1908. Boll. Soc. Zool. 
Ital., 1909, 2. ser. 10, 328-333. 1909.1 

Condorelli-Francaviglia, Mario, & 
Perrando, G.G. Notizie sul Carcharo- 
don carcharias L., catturato nelle acque 
di Augusta e considerazioni medico- 
legali su resti umani trovati nel suo tubo 
digerente., Boll. Soc. Zool. Ital., 1909, 
2. ser. 10,,164-183. pl. 1909.1 


Confevron,=——-_ de._De quelques 
bassins artificiels frangais propres 4 la 
psciculture. Bull. Soc. Centr. Aquicult. 
France, 1894, 6, 49-53; 128-134. 1894.1 

Configliachi, Pietro [1779-1844] 
Sull’ analise dell’ aria contenuta nella 
vescica natatoria dei pesci. Pavia, 
1809. 8lp. 4°. 1809.1 

Conger, A. C., & Landacre, F. L. 
See Landacre & Conger. 

Conklin, #.G. The early develop- 
ment of chordates in the light of em- 

bryology of ascidians. Science, 1905, 
n. s. 21, 264-265. 1905.1 
Conn, Carl. Etwas iiber Cichliden. 

Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1913, 24. 
Jahrg., 666-670. fig. 1913.1 

—— Ein neuer blauer Cichlide (Acara 
sp.) Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1913, 
24. Jahrg., 500-502. 1913.2 

Conn, Herbert William, & Kingsley, 
John Sterling. See Kingsley & Conn. 

Conner, Charles H. Glochidia of 
Unio on fishes. Nautilus, 1905, 18, 142- 
143. 1905.1 

Conrad, Brutpflege bei Para- 
tilapia multicolor. Wochenschr. Aquar.- 
Terrar. Kunde, 1908, 5. Jahrg., oe 

Constable, G. (. A hardy goldfish. 
Nature, 1910, 82, 308. 1910.1 





Constable, W.J. Luvarus imperialis 
on the coast of Donegal. Irish Natu- 
ralist, 1911, 20, 78. 1911.1 

Constantino, A., & Buglia,G. See 
Buglia & Constantino. 

Conte, A., & Vaney, C. See Vaney 
& Conte. 

Conte, A., Vaney, C., & Chifflot, 
— See Chifflot, Conte & Vaney. 

Conway, J. Forays among salmon 
and deer. London, 1861. 12°. 1861.1 

Conybeare, William Daniel [1787— 
1857] On the discovery of fossil fish, 
the tooth of a saurian reptile, and other 
remains, in the limestone of Burdie- 
house, near Edinburgh. Philos. Mag., 
1834, 3. ser. 4, 77—79. 1834.1 

Cooke, (Miss) Elizabeth, & Loeb, 
Leo. The comparative toxicity of 
sodium chloride and of staining solutions 
upon the embryo of Fundulus. Proc. 
Soc. Exper. Biol. Med., 1909, 6, ee 


Cooke, John H. Notes on the Glo- 
bigerina limestones of the Maltese 
islands. Geol. Mag., 1896, dec. 4, 3, 
502-511. 1896.1 

List of fossil fishes, p. 509. 

Coolidge, A. Monstrosities among 
trout. Amer. Naturalist, 1869, 3, 288- 
290. figs. 1869.1 

Coomaraswamy, A. K. List of fish- 
teeth from the Bagshot sands (London 
basin) Proc. Geol. Assoc. London, 
1904, 18, 83-84. 1904.1 

Cooper, C.F. Cephalochorda. Sys- 
tematic and anatomical account (In 
Gardiner, J.S. Fauna and geography 
of the Maldive and Laccadive archi- 
pelagoes, etc., vol. i, p. 347-360. pl. & 
figs. Cambridge, 1903) 1903.1 

Cooper,G.S. Exportation of salmon 

ova to New Zealand in 1876. Rept. 
U. S. Fish Comm. 1875-76 (1878), 4, 
978. 1878.1 

— Shipment of salmon and white- 
fish ova to New Zealand in 1877 and 
1878. Rept. U. S. Fish Comm. 1878 
(1880), 6, 855. 1880.1 

Cooper, James Graham [1830 —] On 
new genera and species of Californian 
fishes. I. Dekaya anomala, Chromis 
(A yresia, punctipinnis, Orcynus pacificus. 
Il. Exzocetus californicus, Urolophus 
halleri. Il. Myxodes elegans, Gillichthys 

mirabilis, Pteroplatea marmorata. Proce. 
Calif. Acad. Sci., 1863, 3, 70-77; 93-97; 
108-114; 160. pls. 1863.1 
The fauna of California and its 
geographical distribution. Proc. Calif. 
Acad. Scei., 1868, 4, 61-81. 1868.1 

Allusions to fishes of California fauna, p. 63- 

Fishes (In Cronise, Titus Fey. 
The natural wealth of California, p. 
487-498. San Francisco, 1868) 1868.2 

Some recent additions to the 
fauna of California. Proce. Calif. Acad. 
Sci., 1868, 4, 3-13. 1868.3 

The fauna of Montana territory. 
IV. Fishes. Amer. Naturalist, 1870, 3, 
125-127. 1870.1 

Cooper, Mark A. Letter referring to 
experiments of W. C. Daniell, M.D., 
in introducing shad into the Alabama 
river. Rept. U. 8. Fish Comm. 1872- 
73 (1874), 2, 389. 1874.1 

Cope, Edward Drinker [1840-1897] 
For biography and list of works, see 
Amer. Geol., 1896, 23, 1-41. — Jbid., 
1900, 26, 67-128. — Amer. Naturalist, 
1897, 31, 410-419; 831-863. — Proc. 
Amer. Phil. Soec., 1900 (Memorial 
vol. i), 275-314. — Science, 1897, n. s. 
5, 707-717. — Ibid., 6, 225-243. — 
Mem. Soe. Ciene. “ Antonio Alzate,”’ 
Mexico, 1899, 14, 39-48.— Ann. Soe. 
Géol. Belgique, 1902, 29, 3-77. 

(Observations upon certain cyp- 
rinoid fish in Pennsylvania] Proc. 
Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad., 1861 (1862), 
522-524. 1862.1 
On a blind silurid (Gromias nigri- 

labris) from Pennsylvania. Proc. Acad. 
Nat. Sci. Philad. 1864, 231-233. 1864.1 

Partial catalogue of the cold- 
blooded vertebrata of Michigan. Part 
I. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad., 1864, 
276-285. 1864.2 

33 species of fishes from Michigan are enumer- 
ated, 5 of which are described as new. In 
addition, 9 new freshwater teleost species are 
described from other parts of the United States 
besides Michigan. 

(Description of a new Ceratich- 
thys taken in the Conestogo] Proc. 
Acad. Nat. Sei. Philad., 1865, 277. 


Contained in foot-note to his Partial catalogue 
of the cold-blooded vertebrata of Michigan. 

Description of a new Platygobio 
from Bridger’s pass. Proc. Acad. Nat. 
Sei. Philad., 1865, 277. 1865.2 

Contained in foot-note to his Partial catalogue 
of the cold-blooded vertebrata of Michigan. 




Cope, FL. D. 

Note on the fishes brought from 

the Platte river, near Fort Riley, by Dr. 

Wm. A. Hammond. Proc. Acad. Nat. 

Sci. Philad., 1865, 85-87. 1865.3 
Treats of Lepidosteus, Cylindrosteus and 


On the geographical distribu- 

tion of certain fishes. Proc. Acad. Nat. 

Sci. Philad., 1865, 274. 1865.4 

Partial catalogue of the cold- 
blooded vertebrata of Michigan. Part 
II. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad., 1865, 
78-88. 1865.5 
Contains much important matter in the 
form of foot-notes. 
Supplementary note ona peculiar 
genus of Cyprinide. Proc. Acad. Nat. 
Sci. Philad., 1865, 87-88. 1865.6 


An addition to the vertebrate 
fauna of the Miocene period, with a 
synopsis of the extinct Cetacea of the 
United States. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. 
Philad., 1867, 138-156. 1867.1 

New species are referred to the genera 
Aétobatis, Notidanus and Galeocerdo. 

Description of a new genus 
(Phenacobius teretulus) of eyprinoid 
fishes from Virginia. Proc. Acad. Nat. 
Sei. Philad., 1867, 95-97. 1867.2 

On the genera of freshwater 
fishes Hypsilepis Baird, and Photogenis 
Cope, their species and distribution. 
Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad., 1867, 
156-166. 1867.3 

On the distribution of fresh- 
water fishes in the Allegheny region of 
southwestern Virginia. Journ. Acad. 
Nat. Sci. Philad., 1868, 6, 207-247. 3 
pls. 1868.1 

On the origin of genera. Proc. 
Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad., 1868, 242-300. 

—— Description of some extinct 
fishes previously unknown. Proc. Bos- 

ton Nat. Hist. Soc., 1869, 12, 310-317. 

Descriptions of new species of 
American and African fishes. Trans. 
Amer. Phil. Soc., 1869, 18, pt. 2, 400- 
407. 1869.2 
—— Supplementary synopsis of the 
Ksoces of middle North America. 
Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc., 1869, 13, pt. 2, 
407-410. 1869.3 
Synopsis of the Cyprinide of 
Pennsylvania. Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc., 
1869, 13, pt. 2, 351-399. 4 pls. & figs. 
: 1869.4 

Fourth contribution to the 
history of the fauna of the Miocene and 
Eocene periods of the United States. 
Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc., 1870, 11, 285— 
294. 1870.1 

Among fossil fishes, Myliobatis glottoides, M. 
rectidens and Celorhynchus acus are described 
as new species. 

Note on fishes from Atlantic 
City, N. J. Priacanthus altus and 
Hemirhamphus macrorhynchus. Proce. 
Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad., 1870, 121. 


Observations on some fishes 
new to the American fauna, found at 
Newport, R. I.: Vomer curtus, Balistes 
powellit, Tetraodon trichocephalus, Gobie- 
sox strumosus. Proce. Acad. Nat. Sci. 
Philad., 1870, 118-121. 1870.3 

Observations on the fauna of 
the southern Alleghanies. Amer. Natu- 
ralist, 1870, 4, 392-402. 1870.4 

The distribution of Lepidosteus and other 
genera is discussed. 

Observations on the fishes of the 
Tertiary shales of Green river, Wyo- 
ming territory. Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc., 
1870, 11, 380-384. 1870.5 

Partial synopsis of the fresh- 
water fishes of North Carolina. Proc. 
Amer. Phil. Soc., 1870, 11, 448-495. 
fig. 1870.6 

Supplementary note on two new 
fishes from the southern coast. Proc. 
Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad., 1870, 120-121. 

The species are referred to Centropristis and 

Contribution to the ichthyology 
of the Lesser Antilles. Trans. Amer. 
Phil. Soe., 1871, 14, 445-483. 1871.1 

Contribution to the ichthyology 
of the Marafion. Proc. Amer. Phil. 
Soc., 1871, 11, 559-570. 8 figs. 1871.2 

(Exhibition of Green river fishes 
of Wyoming named Lithichthys pusillus 
and Cyprinodon levatus} Proc. Amer. 
Philos. Soc., 1871, 11, 316. 1871.3 

Fishes from the Amazon river. 
Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad., 1871, 55. 

Life in Wyandotte cave. Ann. 
Mag. Nat. Hist., 1871, 8, 368-370. — 
Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad., 1872, 
297-298. —3. & 4. Ann. Rept. Geol. 
Surv. Indiana 1871-72 (1872), 160-164. 
— Amer. Naturalist, 1872, 6, 406-422. 


Ninth contribution to the her- 
petology of tropical America. Proce. 
Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad., 1871, 200-224. 

Refers to two species of Hydrops and Tetra- 
gonopterus among teleosts. 

‘Note on Saurocephalus Harlan. 
Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc., 1871, 11, 608. 
Abstract in Amer. Journ. Sci., 1871, 3. 
ser. 1, 386. 1871.7 

Observations on the systematic 
relations of the fishes. Proc. Amer. 
Assoc. Adv. Sci., 20. meet., 1871, 317- 
343. — Amer. Naturalist, 187 1, 5, 579- 
593. — Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1872, 4 
ser. 9, 155-168. 1871.8 

On Plectognathi and Lopho- 
branchii. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad., 
1871, 157-158. 1871.9 

— On ‘some etheostomine perch 
from Tennessee and North Carolina. 
Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc., 1871, 11, 261-— 
270. 1871.10 

On some of the siluroids of the 
Amazon. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad., 
1871, 112. 1871.11 

On the fishes of a freshwater 
Tertiary in Idaho, discovered by Capt. 
Clarence King. Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc., 
1871, 11, 538-547. 1871.12 

On the fishes of the Ambyiacu 
river. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad., 
1871, 250-292. 1871.13 

On the fishes of the Tertiary 
shales, Green river, Wyoming. 2. (4) 
Ann. Rept. U.S. Geol. Surv. W yoming 
& ee 1870 (1871), 425-431. 1871.14 

—QOn the Saurodontide. Proc. 
Amer. Phil. Soc., 1871, 11, 529-538. 

A partial synopsis of the fishes 
of the fresh waters of North Carolina. 
Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc., 1871, 11, 448— 
495. 1871.16 

(Remarks on  Asteracanthus 
Ag., from New Jersey, and Labidesthes 
Cope, from Tennessee] Proc. Amer. 
Philos. Soc., 1871, 11, 439-440. 1871.17 

Report on recent reptiles and 
fishes, obtained by the naturalists of 
the Hayden expedition for the survey 
of Wyoming and contiguous territories 
in 1870. 2. (4) Ann. Rept. U.S. Geol. 
Surv. Wyoming & Territ. 1870 (1871), 
432-442. 1871.18 



On the fossil reptiles and fishes 
of the Cretaceous rocks of Kansas. 2. 
(4) Ann. Rept. U.S. Geol. Surv. Wyo- 
ming & Territ. 1870 (1871), 385-424. 


Second addition to the history 
of the fishes of the Cretaceous of the 
United States. Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc., 
1871, 11, 240-244. 1871.20 

Species are described of the following genera: 

Beryx, Sphagepcwa, Enchodus, Pneumatosteus, 
Crommyodus, Ischyodus and Pristis. 

Supplementary notice of a new 
chimeerid (Leptomylus cooki) from New 
Jersey. Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc., 11, 
384. 1871.21 

Cold-blooded vertebrates col- 
lected by the Telmantepec canal survey 
(In Report of Captain R. W. Shufeldt, 
U.S. N., on the Telmantepec canal sur- 
vey, Appendix D, 99-139. Washington, 
1872) 1872.1 

Evolution and its consequences. 
Penn. Monthly Mag., 1872, 222-236. 

The fish-beds of Osino, Nevada. 
Amer. Naturalist, 1872, 6, 775-776. 
Amyzon mentale and Trichophanes hians are 

The method of creation of or- 
ganic forms. Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc., 
1872, 12, 229-263. 1872.4 

A new genus of saurodont fishes, 
Erisichthe, from the Kansas Niobrara. 
Proc. Acad. Nat. Sei. Philad., 1872, 
280-281. 1872.5 

Note of some Cretaceous verte- 
brata [Anogmius contractus| in the State 
Agricultural College of Kansas, U.S. A. 
Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc., 1872, 12, 168— 
170. 1872.6 

Notices of new vertebrata from 
the upper waters of Bitter creek, Wy- 
oming territory. Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc., 

1872, 12, 483-486. 1872.7 

This first appeared as Paleontological Bulle- 
tin no. 6, published Aug. 20, 1872. 

Observations on the distribu- 
tion of certain extinct vertebrata in 
North Carolina. Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc., 
1872, 12, 210-216. 1872.8 

Reference is made to Diodon antiquus. 

On the families of fishes of the 

Cretaceous formation of Kansas. Proc. 
Amer. Phil. Soc., 1872, 12, 327-357. 





Cope, ZL. D. 

On the occurrence of fossil Cobi- 
tide in Idaho. Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc., 
1872, 12, 55. 1872.10 

On the geology and paleontology 

of the Cretaceous strata of Kansas. 5. 

Ann. Rept. U. 8. Geol. Surv. Montana 

& Territ., 1872, 318-349. 1872.11 
Pisces, p. 337-348. 

On the Tertiary coal and fossils 
of Osino, Nevada. Proc. Amer. Phil. 
Soc., 1872, 12, 478-481. 1872.12 

On two extinct forms of Phy- 
sostomi of the neotropical region. Proc. 
Amer. Phil. Soc., 1872, 12, 52-55. 
Prymmnetes longiventer and Anedopogon tenui- 
dens are described. 
Reference to fishes from the Cre- 
taceous of Kansas, in a letter to Prof. 
Lesley. Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc., 1872, 
12, 174-176. 1872.14 

Remarks on Hyrtl’s collection 
tof fish skeletons) Proc. Amer. Phil. 
Soc., 1872, 12, 191. 1872.15 

Remarks on the evolution theory 
in reply to Mr. Eli K. Price. Proce. 
Amer. Phil. Soc., 1872, 12, 317-320. 


Report on the recent reptiles 
and fishes of the Survey, collected by 
Campbell Carrington and C. M. Dawes. 
5. Ann. Rept. U.S. Surv. Territ. (Hay- 
den), 1872, pt. 4, 467-476. 1872.17 

The peculiar coloration of fishes. 

Amer. Naturalist, 1872, 6, 637. 1872.18 
Has reference to article by Richard Bliss, 


A contribution to the ichthyol- 

ogy of Alaska. Proc. Amer. Phil. Soce., 

1873, 13, 24-32. 1873.1 

On some new batrachia and 
fishes from the Coal Measures of Linton, 
Ohio. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad., 
1873, 340-3438; 417-419. 1873.2 

On the extinct vertebrata of the 
Eocene of Wyoming, observed by the 
expedition of 1872, with notes on the 

geology. 6. Ann. Rept. U. 8. Geol. 
Surv. Territ., 1873, pt. 2, 545-649. 6 
pls. 1873.3 

Pisces, p. 633-649. 

On two new species of Sauro- 
dontide. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad., 
1873, 337-339. 1873.4 
_ The species are referred to Portheus and Dap- 

Sketch of the zoology of Mary- 
land (In Walling & Gray, New topo- 
graphical atlas of Maryland, p. 16-18. 
1873) 1873.5 

Pisces, p. 17. 

Sketch of the zoology of Ohio 

(In Walling & Gray, New topographical 

atlas of Ohio, p. 25-27. 1873) 1873.6 
Pisces, p. 25-26. 

Description of a Ctenodus from 
the Coal Measures of Ohio. Proc. Acad. 
Nat. Sci. Philad., 1874, 91-92. 1874.1 

On some batrachia and Nema- 
tognathi brought from the upper 
Amazon by Prof. Orton. Proce. Acad. 
Nat. Sci. Philad., 1874, 120-137. 1874.2 

Report on the stratigraphy and 
Pliocene vertebrate paleontology of 
northern Colorado. Bull. U. 8. Geol. 
Geogr. Surv. Territ., 1874, 1, no. 1, 9-28. 

Includes also: ‘‘ Supplement. Additions to 
the synopsis of new vertebrata from the Terri- 
tory of Colorado, 1873,”’ p. 22-28. 

Report on the vertebrate pale- 
ontology of Colorado. Ann. Rept. U.S. 
Geol. Geogr. Surv. Territ. 1873 (1874), 
pt. 2, 427-533. 8 pls. 1874.4 

An abstract of this paper appeared in Journ. 
Zool., 1875, 4, 354-359, with a list of the species 

Report upon the vertebrate fos- 
sils dis¢overed in New Mexico, with de- 
scriptions of new species. Ann. Rept. 
Geogr. Surv. West 100. Meridian, Ap- 
pendix FF;, 591-609. Washington, 
1874) 1874.5 

Review of the vertebrata of the 
Cretaceous period found west of the 
Mississippi river. Bull. U. 8. Geol. 
Geogr. Surv. Territ., 1874, 1, no. 2, 3-48. 

Section ii, List of species of vertebrata from 
the Cretaceous formations of the west. 

The succession of life in North 
America. Penn. Monthly, 1874, 5, 1388— 
145.— Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1874, 4. 
ser. 13, 326-331. 1874.7 

Supplementary notices of fishes 
from the freshwater Tertiaries of the 
Rocky mountains. Bull. U. 8. Geol. 
Geogr. Surv. Territ., 1874, 1, no. 2, 49- 
5k. 1874.8 

Sur les Plagopterhinés (Plagop- 
terhinid) et l’ichthyologie de ]’Utah. 
Journ. Zool. (Gervais), 1874, 3, Ca 


Check list of North American 
batrachia and reptilia. Washington, 
1875. 104p. 8°. 1875.1 

Refers to distribution of Nearctic fishes, p. 

Note on the ichthyology of lake 
Miticaca. Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. 
Philad., 1874-81, n. s. 8, 185-187. 


On a new genus [Osphyolax pel- 
lucidus} of Lophobranchiate fishes. 
Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad., 1875, 
450. pl. 1875.3 

On fossil remains of reptilia and 
fishes from Illinois. Proc. Acad. Nat. 
Sci. Philad., 1875, 404-411. — Ann. 
Mag. Nat. Hist., 1876, 4. ser. 17, 178- 
184. 1875.4 

On the fishes of the Tertiary 
shales of the South park. Bull. U.S. 
Geol. Geogr. Surv. Territ., 1875, 2. 
ser. no. 1, 3-5. 1875.5 

Report on the vertebrate fos- 
sils from the Fort Union group of Milk 
river (In Dawson, George M. Report 
geology and resources of the region in 
the vicinity of the forty-ninth parallel, 
from the Lake of the Woods to the Rocky 
mountains, with lists of plants and 
animals collected, and notes on the fos- 
sils. Appendix B, p. 333-337. Ottawa, 
1875) 1875.6 

Synopsis of the vertebrata of 
the Miocene of Cumberland county, 
New Jersey. Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc., 
1875, 14, 361-364. 1875.7 

—— Systematic catalogue of verte- 
brata of the Eocene of New Mexico, 
collected in 1874. Rept. Engineer 
Dept. U. S. Army, in charge of Lieut. 
Geo. M. Wheeler, p. 5-37. Washington, 
1875. 1875.8 

Forest & 

The Twin lake trout. 
Stream, 1875, 3, 373. 

The vertebrata of the Creta- 

ceous formations of the West. Rept. 

U.S. Geol. Surv. Territ., 1875, 2, 1-303. 

57 pls. 1875.10 
Pisces, p. 179-244. pls. xxxix—lv. 

On a new genus of fossil fishes 
(Cyclotomodon vagrans} Proc. Acad. 
Nat. Sci. Philad., 1876, 113. — Journ. 
Zool. (Gervais), 1876, 5, 356-357. 


On the geologic age of the 
vertebrate fauna of the Eocene of New 



Mexico. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad., 
1876, 63-66. — Amer. Journ. Sci., 1876, 
3. ser. 12, 297-298. 1876.2 

On the Plagopterinxe and the 
ichthyology of Utah. Proc. Amer. Phil. 
Soc., 1876, 14, 129-139. 1876.3 

A contribution to the knowledge 
of the ichthyological fauna of the Green 
river shales. Bull. U. S. Geol. Geogr. 
Surv. Territ., 1877, 3, no. 4, 807-819. 


Descriptions of extinct verte- 

brata from the Permian and Triassic 

formations of the United States. Proc. 
Amer. Phil. Soc., 1877, 17, 182-196. 


The following species of fossil fishes are 

described: Strigilina gurleiana, Ctenodus pusillus 
and Orthacanthus quadriseriatus. p. 191-192. 

New fossil fishes from Wyoming. 
Amer. Naturalist, 1877, 11, 570. 1877.3 

A list of species is given without descriptions. 

—— On the classification of the ex- 
tinct fishes of the lower types. Proc. 
Amer. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 26. meet., 1877, 
26, 292-300. 1877.4 

— On the genus Erisichthe. Bull. 
U.S. Geol. Geogr. Surv., 1877, 3, no. 4, 
821-823. 1877.5 

On some new and little known 
reptiles and fishes from the Austrori- 
parian region. Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc., 
1877, 17, 63-68. 1877.6 

On some new or little known 
reptiles and fishes of the Cretaceous 
No. 3, of Kansas. Proc. Amer. Phil. 
Soc., 1877, 17, 176-181. 1877.7 

On the vertebrata of the bone 
bed in eastern Illinois. Proc. Amer. 
Phil. Soe., 1877, 17, 52-63. 1877.8 

Report on the geology of the 
region of the Judith river, Montana, 
and on vertebrate fossils obtained on or 
near the Missouri river. Bull. U. 8S. 
Geol. Geogr. Surv., 1877, 3, no. 3, 565- 
597. 4 pls. 1877.9 

Report upon the extinct verte- 
brata obtained in New Mexico by parties 
of the expedition of 1874 (In Geogr. 
Surv. West 100. Meridian, vol. iv, 
Paleontology, 26-41; 269. 13 pls. 
Washington, 1877) 1877.10 

— The Suessonian fauna in North 
America. Amer. Naturalist, 1877, 11, 
95-99. 1877.11 




Cope, EF. D. 

Synopsis of the cold-blooded 
vertebrata procured by Prof. James 
Orton during his exploration of Peru in 
1876-77. Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc., 1877, 
17, 33-49. 1877.12 

(Notice of a new locality of the 
Green river shales containing fishes, 
insects and plants in a good state of 
preservation] Paleont. Bull., 1877, no. 
25,' “p. 1 1877.13 

Descriptions of fishes from the 
Cretaceous and Tertiary deposits west 
of the Mississippi river. Bull. U. 8. 
Geol. Geogr. Surv., 1878, 4, no. 1, pr 

Cretaceous vertebrates of the 
upper Missouri. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. 
Philad. 1877 (1878), 266. 1878.2 

Descriptions of new vertebrata 
from the Upper Tertiary formations of 
the West. Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc., 1878, 
17, 219-231 1878.3 

This is contained also in Paleont. Bull., 
no. 28. 

The fauna of the lowest Tertiary 
of France. Amer. Naturalist, 1878, 12, 
761-762. 1878.4 

Mount Lebanon fishes in Da- 
Amer. Naturalist, 1878, 12, 57. 

The snout fishes of the Kansas 
Chalk. Amer. Naturalist, 1878, 12, 
128-129. 1878.6 

Synopsis of the fishes of the 
Peruvian Amazon, obtained by Pro- 
fessor Orton during his expeditions of 
1873 and 1877. Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc., 
1878, 17, 673-701. 1878.7 

The Amyzon Tertiary beds. 
Amer. Naturalist, 1879, 13, 332. 1879.1 


A contribution to the zoology of 
Montana. Amer. Naturalist, 1879, 13, 
432-441. 1879.2 

The fishes of Klamath lake, 
Oregon. Amer. Naturalist, 1879, 18, 
784-785. 1879.3 

Lota maculosa in the Susque- 
hanna river. Amer. Naturalist, 1879, 
13, 457. 1879.4 

The relations of the horizons of 
extinct vertebrata of Europe and North 
America. Bull. U. S. Geol. Geogr. 
Sury. Territ., 1879, 5, no. 1, 33-54. 

A sting ray [Xiphotry ygon acuti- 
dens] from the Green river shales of 
Wyoming. Amer. Naturalist, 1879, 
iS, sac. 1879.6 

The Manti beds of Utah. Amer. 
Naturalist, 1880, 14, 303-304. 1880.1 

On the zoological position of 
Bull. U.S. Nat. Mus., 1880, 17, 

Second contribution to the his- 
tory of the vertebrata of the Permian 
formation of Texas. Proc. Amer. Phil: 
Soc., 1880, 19, 38-58. 1880.3 

Issued also as Paleont. Bull. no. 32. 22 p 
Description of Ectosteorhachis nitidus, p. 56-58. 

Traquair on _  Platysomide. 
Amer. Naturalist, 1880, 14, 489-440. 

Catalogue of the vertebrata of 
the Permian formation of the United 
States. Amer. Naturalist, 1881, 15, 
162-164. 1881.1 

Extinct Palozoic fishes from 
ee Amer. Naturalist, 1881, 15, 
252-253. 1881.2 

Notice of a paper by J. F. Whiteaves. 


A new genus of Catostomidz 
(Lipomyzon] Amer. Naturalist, 1881, 
15, 59. 1881.3 

On the vertebrata of the Wind 
river Eocene beds of Wyoming. Bull. 
U.S. Geol. Geogr. Surv., 1881, 6, no. 1, 

183-202. Notice in Amer. Naturalist, 
15, 74. 1881.4 

Permian vertebrata. Amer. 
Naturalist, 1882, 16, 925. 1882.1 

—— Contributions to the history of 
the vertebrata of the Lower Eocene of 
Wyoming and New Mexico, made dur- 
ing 1881. Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc., 1883, 
20, 139-197. 1885 4 

Species of Clastes and Pappichthys are de- 
scribed at p. 142. 

Fourth contribution to the 
history of the Permian formation of 
Yexas. Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc., 1883, 
20, 628-629. 1883.2 

Issued also as part of Paleont. Bull., no. 36. 

A new chondrostean (Crasso- 
pholis magnicaudatus) from the Eocene. 
Amer. Naturalist, 1883, 17, 1152-1153. 

——— A new Pliocene formation in the 
Snake river valley. Amer. Naturalist, 
1883, 17, 867-868. 1883.4 




On a new extinct genus and 
species of Percide from Dakota terri- 
tory. Amer. Journ. Sci., 1883, 3. ser. 
25, 414-416. 1883.5 

— On the fishes of the recent and 
Pliocene lakes of the western part of 
the Great basin, and of the Idaho Plio- 
cene lake. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad., 
1883, 134-166. map. 1883.6 

A Carboniferous genus of sharks 
still living. Science, 1884, 3, 275-276. 
— Amer. Naturalist, 1885, 19, 878- 
879. 1884.1 

The reference is to Chlamydoselachus angui- 
neus Garman. 

The genus Pleuracanthus. Amer. 

Naturalist, 1884, 18, 818. pl. xxiii. 

The fishes of the Batsto river, 

New Jersey. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. 
Philad. 1883 (1884), 182-133. 1884.3 

Note on the phylogeny of the 
vertebrata. Amer. Naturalist, 1884, 
18, 1255-1257. 1884.4 

On some vertebrata from the 
Permian of Illinois. Proc. Acad. Nat. 
Sei. Philad. 1883 (1884), 108-110. 


On the structure of the skull in 
the elasmobranch genus Didymodus. 
Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc., 1884, 21, 572- 
590. pl. — Paleont. Bull., no. 38. 


and_ reptiles. 
Philad. 1883 

—— Pleuracanthus and Didymodus. 
Science, 1884, n. s. 3, 645-646. 1884.8 

The skull of a still living shark 
of the Coal Measures. Amer. Natural- 

Permian fishes 
Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. 
(1884), 69. 

ist, 1884, 18, 412-413. 1884.9 
The vertebrata of the Tertiary 
formations of the West. Book I. 

Rept. U. 8. Geol. Surv. Territ., 1884, 
3, 1-1009. 76 pls. 1884.10 

Pisces, p. 49-100. pls. i-xiv. 

—— Eocene paddle-fish and Gono- 
rhynchide. Amer. Naturalist, 1885, 19, 
1090-1091. 1885.1 

— On the evolution of the verte- 
brata, progressive and_ retrogressive. 
Amer. Naturalist, 1885, 19, 140-148; 
234-247; 341-353. 1885.2 


The position of Pterichthys in 
the system. Amer. Naturalist, 1885, 
19, 289-291. 2 figs. Pe 85.3 

An interesting connecting genus 
of chordata (Mycterops ordinatus} Amer. 
Naturalist, 1886, 20, 1027-1031. _ fig. 


On two new forms of Polyodont 
and Gonorhynchid fishes (Crossopholis 
magnicaudatus, Notogoneus osculus, Pris-— 
cacara hypsacanthus) from the Eocene 
of the Rocky mountains. Mem. Nat. 
Acad. Sci. Washington, 1886, 3, pt. 2, 
161-165. pl. 1886.2 

The Mesozoic and Czenozoic 
realms of the interior of North America. 
Amer. Naturalist, 1887, 21, 445-462. 


Goode’s American fishes. Amer. 
Naturalist, 1888, 22, 714-716. pl. 

The pineal eye in extinct verte- 
brates. Amer. Naturalist, 1888, 22. 
914-917. 4 pls. 1888.2 

Brongniart and Déderlein on 
Xenacanthus. Amer. Naturalist, 1889, 
23, 149-150. 1889.1 

On a species of Plioplarchus 
(P. septemspinosus| from Oregon. Amer. 
Naturalist, 1889, 23, 625-626. 1889.2 

The Silver lake of Oregon and 
its region. Amer. Naturalist, 1889, 23, 
970-982. pl. & fig. 1889.3 

Storms on the adhesive disk of 
Echeneis. Amer. Naturalist, 1889, 23, 
254-255. 1889.4 

Synopsis of the families of 

vertebrata. Amer. Naturalist, 1889, 

23, 849-877. 1889.5 
Pisces, p. 853-860. 

The vertebrata of the Swift 

Current river, IJ. Amer. Naturalist, 

1889, 23, 151-155. 1889.6 

Notice of the occurrence of remains of Amia, 


The homologies of the fins of 
fishes. Amer. Naturalist, 1890, 24, 
401-423. 9 figs. & 5 pls. 1890.1 

Newberry’s Paleozoic fishes of 
North America. Amer. Naturalist, 
1890, 24, 844-847. 1890.2 

Systematic catalogue of the 
species of vertebrata found in the beds 
of the Permian epoch in North America 




Cope, L. D. . 

with notes and descriptions. Trans. 

Amer. Phil. Soc., 1890, n. s. 16, 285-286. 

A. S. Woodward’s fossil fishes. 
Amer. Naturalist, 1891, 25, 646-647. 

On some new fishes from South 

Dakota. Amer. Naturalist, 1891, 25, 
654-658. Abstract in Proc. Amer. 
Assoc. Adv. Sci., 40. meet., 1891, 40, 
285. 1891.2 

= On the characters of some Pale- 
ozoic fishes. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 
1891, 14, 447-463. 6 pls. 1891.3 

On the non-actinopterygian Tel- 
eostomi. Amer. Naturalist, 1891, 25, 
479-481. 1891.4 

On vertebrata from the Tertiary 
and Cretaceous rocks of the North West 
territory. I. The species from the 
Oligocene or Lower Miocene beds of the 
Cypress hills. Contrib. Canadian 
Palxont., 1891, 3, 1-25. 14 pls. 1891.5 

Pisces, p. 1-4. 

pl. i. 

; American Devonian fishes found 
in Belgium. Amer. Naturalist, 1892, 26, 
1025. 1892.1 

A contribution to the vertebrate 
paleontology of Texas. Proc. Amer. 
Phil. Soc., 1892, 30, 123-131. pl. & fig. 

On a Mesozoic Pyenodont, Microdon dum- 
belti, sp. nov., p. 128-129. 

. Crook on Saurodontide from 
Kansas. Amer. Naturalist, 1892, 26, 
941-942. 1892.3 

New fishes from western Canada 
(Coregonus coulterii FE. and G. from 
Kicking Horse river, Field, B. C.) 
Amer. Naturalist, 1892, 26, 961-964. 


On some new and little known 
Paleozoic vertebrates. Proc. Amer. 
Phil. Soc., 1892, 30, 221-229. 2 pls. 


—— On some points in the kineto- 
genesis of the limbs of vertebrates. 
Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc., 1892, 30, 282- 
285. 1892.6 
On the phylogeny of the verte- 

brata. Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc., 1892, 30, 
278-281. 2 figs. 1892.7 

Fritsch’s fauna of the Gaskohle 
of Bohemia ,Xenacanthus  dechenii 

Goldf., Trissolepis kounoviensis Fritsch) 
Amer. Naturalist, 1893, 27, 1079-1081. 
2 pls. & figs. 1893.1 

On Symmorium, and the posi- 
tion of the cladodont sharks. Amer. 
Naturalist, 1893, 27, 999-1001. 1893.2 

Fossil fishes from British Colum- 
bia. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. 
1893 (1894), 401-402. 1894.1 

A new extinct species of Cy- 
prinide. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. 
1893 (1894), 19-20. 1894.2 

On the fishes obtained by the 
Naturalist expedition in Rio Grande do 
Sul. Proce. Amer. Phil. Soc., 1894, 33, 
84-108. 6 pls. 1894.3 

On three new genera of Chara- 
cinide. Amer. Naturalist, 1894, 48, 67. 

Von Ihering on the fishes and 
mammals of Rio Grande do Sul. Amer. 
Naturalist, 1894, 28, 791-792. 1894.5 

— New and little known Paleozoic 
and Mesozoic fishes. Journ. Acad. 
Nat. Sci. Philad. 1894 (1895), 2. ser. 

9, 427-448. 3 pls. & 5 figs. 1895.1 
Fishes in isolated pools. Amer. 
Naturalist, 1896, 30, 943-944. 1896.1 

‘Fishes of north and middle 
America. Amer. Naturalist, 1897, 31, 
214-216. 1897.1 

A review of Jordan and Evermann’s ** Fishes 
of North and Middle America.” 

On new Paleozoic vertebrata 
from Illinois, Ohio and Pennsylvania. 
Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc., 1897, 36, 71-82. 
2 pls. 1897.2 

Alphabetical cross reference cat- 
alogue of all the publications of Edward 
Drinker Cope, from 1859 till his death 
in 1897. See Frazer, P., in Mem. Soc. 
Cience. ‘‘ Antonio Alzate,’’ Mexico, 1899, 

14, 39-48. 1899.1 
Catalogue chronologique _ des 
publications de Edward Drinker Cope 

de 1859 A 1897 inclusivement. See 
Frazer, P., in Ann. Soc. Géol. Belgique, 
1902, 29, 3-77. 1902.1 

Bibliography of the published 
writings of Edward Drinker Cope 
(This is a manuscript list comprising 
upwards of 1300 titles, compiled by 
Anna M. Brown, and now preserved 


in the American Museum of Natural 

It was not possible to make use of this list 
while the present Bibliography of Fishes was in 
preparation, but it is not believed that any im- 
portant ichthyological contributions have been 

Cope, LE. D., & Yarrow, H.C. Re- 
port upon the collections of fishes made 
in portions of Nevada, Utah, California, 
Colorado, New Mexico, and Arizona, 
during the years 1871, 1872, 1873, and 
1874. U.S. Geogr. Surv. West 100. 
Meridian, vol. v. Washington, 1875. 


Copeland, Herbert Edson, & Jordan, 
David Starr. See Jordan & Copeland. 

Copeland, Manton. The olfactory 
reactions of the puffer or swellfish, 
Spheroides maculatus (Bloch and Schnei- 
der) Journ. Exper. Zool., 1912, 12, 363— 
368. 1912.1 

Coquidé, M. La péche A la morue. 
Bull. Instit. Océanogr., Monaco, 1909, 
no. 153. 24p. 1909.1 

Coquina, pseudonym for Shields, 

Corbin, G. B. Voracity of pike. 

Zoologist, 1873, 2. ser. 8, 3617. 1873.1 
Food of the salmon. Zoologist, 
1874, 2. ser. 9, 3839. 1874.1 

Large chub (Leuciscus cephalus) 
in the Hampshire Avon. Zoologist, 
1906, 4. ser. 10, 435-436. 1906.1 

Large eel in the Hampshire 
Avon. Zoologist, 1907, 4. ser. 11, 357-— 
358. 1907.1 

Corbin, P.F.J., & Herdman, W. A. 
See Herdman & Corbin. 

Corblin, Henri. Recherches sur la 
locomotion du poisson et sur la fonction 
hydrostatique de la vessie natatoire. 
C. R. Mém. Soc. Biol. Paris, 1887, 8. 
ser. 4, 652-658. 1887.1 

Corchus, Bela. Hauki talvisiilidissa. 
Suomen Kalastus Lehti, 1898, 7, 177— 
178. — Fiskeritidskr. Finland, 1898, 7, 
178-179. 1898.1 

Cordeaux, J ohn [1830 ?—-1899] Green- 
land shark (Squalus borealis} on the 
Dogger bank. Zoologist, 1866, 2. ser. 
1, 230. 1866.1 

Boar-fish [Capros aper) at the 
mouth of the Humber. Zoologist, 1879, 
3. ser. 3, 342. 1879.1 



Cordes, ©. La péche du _ requin 
(Selachoidei} Bull. Soe. Acclim., Paris, 

1876, 3. ser. 3, 883-890. ~ 1876.1 

Cordes, Fr. Praktische Erfahrungen 
tiber Teichfischerei fiir Karpfen. Journ. 
Landw., 1871, 19. Jahrg., 226-234. 


Coregonus (pseudon.) Curious fea- 
tures of fish ova. Forest & Stream, 
1877, 7, 404. 1877.1 

Experiments and observations on the artificial 
impregnation of fish ova. 

Corfield, Henri. Electric fishes. 
Nature, 1888, 38, 515. 1888.1 

Cori, Carl J. Ueber paarige After- 
und Schwanzflossen bei Fischen. Sitz- 
ber. Deutsch. Nat. Med. Ver. Lotos, 
Prag, 1896, n. s. 16, 43-46. 1896.1 

Zur Frage der Schleppnetz- 
fischerei in den oesterreichischen Meeres- 
gebieten. Oesterr. Fischerei Zeitg., 
1904, 1. Jahrg., 163-164. 1904.1 

—— Das Blutgefiisssystem des jun- 
gen Ammocoetes. Arb. Zool. Inst. 
Wien, 1906, 16, 217-312. 2 figs. 1906.1 

Hermaphroditismus bei Fischen. 
Verh. Intern. Fisch. Kongr. Wien, 1905 
(1906), Stenogr. Protok., 109-111. 


Zucht der Meeresfische. Verh. 
Intern. Fisch. Kongr. Wien, 1905 (1906), 
Stenogr. Protok., 343-347. 1906.3 

Der Naturfreend am Strand 
der Adria. Leipzig, 1910. 1910.1 

Corinaldi, #. Cause de la rarété du 
poisson dans la baie de Nice. Congrés 
Scient. France, 44. sess., 1878, 1, 271- 
276. 1878.1 

Cormack, W. EF. On the natural 
history and economical uses of the cod, 
capelin, cuttle-fish and seal. Edinb. 
New Phil. Journ., 1826, 1, 32-41. 1826.1 

—— Ueber die Naturgeschichte ver- 
schiedener Fische in Newfoundland und 

Labrador. Isis (Oken), 1832, 677-679. 
Cornalia, Emilio [1824-1882] Sulle 

branchie transitorie dei feti plagiostomi. 
Giorn. Istit. Lomb., Milano, 1856, 9, 
256-278. 3 pls. 1856.1 

Fauna d’ Italia. 4 pts. Milano, 
1870-74. 4°. 1871.1 

Pesci, per G. Canestrini, pt. iii, 1-208. 1871- 





Cornalia, /. 

Sulla Taphrobia pilchardi, nuovo 
genere di crostacei parassiti. Atti Soc. 
Ital. Milano, 1875, 18, 197-200. 1875.1 

Cornet, J. Les poissons du Congo. 
Congo Illustré, 1893, 2, 56-80. 1893.1 

Sur la faune du terrain houiller 
inférieur de Baudour (Hainaut) C. R. 
Acad. Sci. Paris, 1906, 142, 734-736. ‘ 

Ancistrodon et autres poissons 
de la craie de Nouvelles. Ann. Soc. 
Géol. Belgique, 1910, 36, B 224-B 226. 

Cornide, José. Memorie sobre la 
pesea de la sardinia en las costas de 
Galicia. Madrid, 1774. 1774.1 

Papel escrito sobre pesca y su 
estado en el reino de Galicia, con la 
historia de su creacién, fomento y de- 
cadencia, dirigida al rey desde Santiago 
en enero de 1786. 1786.1 

Manuscript work cited by De la Paz Graells, 

Ensayo de una historia de los 
peces y otras producciénes marinas de 
la costa de Galicia, arreglado al sistema 
del Caballere Caérlos Linneo; con un 
tratado de las diversas pescas, y de las 
redes y aparejos con que se practican. 
[Coruna] 1788. 263 p. 8°. 1788.1 

Corning, Hanson Kelly. Beitrige 
zur Kenntniss der Wundernetzbildungen 
in den Schwimmblasen der Teleostier. 
Morphol. Jahrb. 1888, 14, 1-53. 2 pls. 


Ueber die ventralen Urwirbel- 
knospen in der Brustflosse der Teleos- 
tier. Morphol. Jahrb. 1894, 22, 79-98. 
2 pls. 1894.1 

— Merocyten und Umwachsungs- 
rand bei Teleostiern (In Festschrift 
zum siebenzigsten Geburtstag von Carl 
Gegenbaur, vol. ii, 103-132. 2 pls. 
Leipzig, 1896) 1896.1 

Cornish, G. A. Notes on the fishes 
of Canso. Rept. Dept. Mar. & Fish. 
Canada, Ottawa, 1902-1905 (1907), 39, 
81-80. 1907.1 

Cornish, J. Present state of the 
salmon and Channel fisheries, and of 
the statute laws by which they are reg- 
ulated, with the natural history of the 
salmon. London, 1824. 8°. 1824.1 

Cornish, Thomas [1830 —] Occur- 
rence of the lesser forked beard |Rani- 

ceps trifurcus] in Mount’s bay, Corn- 
wall. Zoologist, 1863, 21, 8642. 1863.1 
Additional note by E. Newman, p. 8642-8643. 

— Angel-fish (Lophius piscatorius} 
and pilot-fish ,[Naucrates ductor) at 
Penzance. Zoologist, 1864, 22, 9145. 


Maigre (Sciena aquila) off Lands 
End {and in Mount’s bay] Zoologist, 
1864, 22, 9295-9296; 9366. 1864.2 

Pilot-fish and large mackerel at 
Penzance. Zoologist, 1864, 22, 9145. 

Kingfish [Lampris guttatus) in St. 
Austell bay. Zoologist, 1865, 23, 9698. 

Lump sucker at Lands End. 
Zoologist, 1865, 23, 9558. 1865.2 

Swordfish and tunny off Pen- 
zance. Zoologist, 1865, 23, 9814. 1865.3 

Ausonia cuvieri captured off 
Falmouth. Zoologist, 1866, 2. ser. 1, 
501-504. 1866.1 

Fresh-water eels in salt water. 
Zoologist, 1866, 1, 348. 1866.2 

Muller’s  topknot [Rhombus 
punctatus) and streaked gurnard [T'rigla 
lineata) at Penzance. Zoologist, 1866, 
1, 311. 1866.3 

‘On the occurrence of the spi- 
nous shark in Mount’s bay, Cornwall. 
Zoologist, 1866, 1, 102-105. 1866.4 

Additional notes, p. 113. 

Pisa gibbsii and sun-fish at 
Penzance. Zoologist, 1866, 1, 390. 

Surmullet, ete., taken at Pen- 
Zoologist, 1866, 1, 349. 1866.6 

Tadpole fish [Raniceps trifurcus} 
in Mount’s bay. Zoologist, 1866, 1, 272. 

Trifureated hake (Raniceps tri- 
furcus) and smooth Serranus at Pen- 
zance. Zoologist, 1866, 1, 348. 1866.5 


Whiting taken in mackerel drift- 
nets. Zoologist, 1866, 1, 272. 1866.9 

Allice shad (Clupea alosa) in 
Mount’s bay. Zoologist, 1867, 2, 916. 
~ 1867.1 

Notes of a stay at Prussia cove 
(Mount’s bay, Cornwall)  Zoologist, 
1867, 2, 961-965. 1867.2 


— Scyllarus arctus near Penzance 
{a note on the food of the cod) Zoolo- 
gist, 1867, 2, 563; Ibid., 3, 1223. 1867.3 

The silvery hair-tail (richiurus 
lepturus) in Mount’s bay. Zoologist, 
1867, 2, 793-794. 1867.4 

— Allice shad (Clupea alosa) at St. 
Ives. Zoologist, 1868, 3, 1463. 1868.1 

Boar-fish near Penzance, {and} 
at Whitsand bay, Lands End. Zoolo- 
gist, 1868, 3, 1222. 1868.2 

Globe fish [Tetrodon stellatus) at 
Penzance. Zoologist, 1868, 3, 1484. 

Homelyn ray [Raja maculata) 
and gemmeous dragonet [Callionymus 
lyra) off Plymouth. Zoologist, 1868, 
2. ser. 3, 1295. 1868.4 

Picked dog-fish with coralline 
attached. Zoologist, 1868, 3, 1222. 

— Salmon peel at Penzance. Zo- 
ologist, 1868, 3, 1222. 1868.6 

Saury pike or skipper [Scom- 
beresox saurus Yarrell) at Penzance. 

Zoologist, 1868, 3, 1463. 1868.7 

— Short-finned tunny [Thynnus 
brachypterus| at Penzance. Zoologist, 
1868, 3, 1463. 1868.8 

Gilthead at Penzance (Chryso- 
phrys aurata) Zoologist, 1870, 5, 2108— 

2109. 1870.1 

Greater forked-beard [Phycis 
blennioides) at the Lands End. Zoolo- 
gist, 1870, 5, 2144. 1870.2 

Habits of the sucking-fish (Hche- 
neis remora\ TZoologist, 1870, 5, 2225— 
2226. 1870.3 

On a shark captured in Mount’s 
bay, supposed to be identical with the 
basking shark of Pennant and the 
broadheaded gazer of Couch. Zoolo- 

gist, 1870, 5, 2253-2260. 1870.4 

Pilchards in Mount’s bay on 
Christmas day. Zoologist, 1870, 5, 
2027. 1870.5 

Small-eyed rays (Raja maculata} 
in Mouht’s bay. Zoologist, 1870, 5, 
2348. 1870.6 

Spinous shark taken off Pen- 

zance. Zoologist, 1870, 5, 2347. 1870.7 ° 



Sting ray (Trygon pastinaca) 

near Penzance. Zoologist, 1870, 5, 
2347-2348. 1870.8 

Large surmullet+ (Mullus  sur- 
muletus| Zoologist, 1871, 6, 2812. 

—— More specimens of the silvery 
hairtail (Trichiurus. lepturus) at Pen- 
zance. Zoologist, 1871, 6, 2529. 1871.2 

Great abundance of pilchards 

(Clupea_ pilchardus} on the Cornish 
coast. Zoologist, 1872, 7, 2908. 1872.1 

Large whiting (Gadus merlangus}] 
near Penzance. Zoologist, 1872, 7, 
2996. 1872.2 

Occurrence off Penzance of a 
Syngnathus hitherto unobserved as 

British. Zoologist, 1872, 7, 3274-3276. 

Silver eel [Anguilla acutirostris) 
of extraordinary size. Zoologist, 1872, 
7, 2996. 1872.4 

The silvery hairtail in Whit- 
sand bay. Zoologist, 1872, 7, 3027. 

Spotted gunnel (Centronotus gu- 
nellus) and lesser forked-beard near Pen- 

zance. Zoologist, 1872, 7, 2947. 1872.6 
5 Pilot-fish off Penzance. Zoolo- 
gist, 1873, 8, 3653. 1873.1 
Rare fishes at Penzance. Zoolo- 

gist, 1878, 8, 3697. 1873.2 

Fox shark [Alopecias vulpes) off 
Scilly. Zoologist, 1874, 9, 4080. 1874.1 

Lumpsucker and whiff (Rhom- 
bus megastoma Yarrell) off the Cornish 
coast. Zoologist, 1874, 9, 4037. 1874.2 

Pimelepterus cornubiensis, a sup- 
posed new fish, at Penzance. Zoologist, 
1874, 9, 4255-4258. 1874.3 

Ray’s bream (Brama ray?) near 
Penzance. Zoologist, 1874, 9, 4266; 
Ibid., 1875, 10, 4542. 1874.4 

— Small lumpsucker [three inches 
long] Zoologist, 1874, 9, 3839. 1874.5 

The species of mackerel. Zoolo- 
gist, 1874, 9, 4037. 1874.6 

Large surmullet off Penzance. 
Zoologist, 1875, 10, 4668; 4704. 1875.1 

Spinous shark in Mount’s bay. 
Zoologist, 1875, 10, 4501. . 1875.2 


Cornish, 7’. 

Torpedo, electrical ray or numb- 
fish, on the Cornish coast. Zoologist, 
1875, 10, 4500-4501. 1875.3 

— Abundance of mackerel in 
Mount’s bay. Zoologist, 1876, 11, 4767. 

Giant grey mullet LWugil capito) 
Zoologist, 1876, 11, 4806-4807. 1876.2 

On the occurrence of the centrine 
shark ,Squalis centrina) off the coast of 
Cornwall. Zoologist, 1877, 3. ser. 1, 
221-222. — Sci. Gossip, 1877, 13, 139. 
Notes on some fish and crustacea 
recently obtained in Cornwall. Zoolo- 
gist, 1878, 2, 423-426. 1878.1 

Red mullet (Wullus surmuletus) 
off the Cornish coast in December. Zo- 
ologist, 1878, 2, 61. 1878.2 

— Swordfish (Xiphias gladius] in 
Mount’s bay. Zoologist, 1878, 2, 351. 

Vertebrata. Pisces, corrected 
and revised (from the work of Jonathan 
Couch, A Cornish fauna, 1838) Journ. 
Roy. Inst. Cornwall, 1878, no. 19, pt. 2, 
428450. 1878.4 

Large pilchard. Zoologist, 1879, 

3, 62. 

On some little-known fishes and 
crustacea. Zoologist, 1879, 3, 473-477. 
Pilot-fish and short sun-fish 
(Orthagoriscus mola) in Mount’s bay, 
Cornwall. Zoologist, 1879, 3, 306. 

Swordfish (Xiphias gladius) on 
the Cornish coast. Zoologist, 1879, 3, 
307. 1879.4 

Eckstrom’s topknot (Rhombus 
cardina) and Couch’s Erythrinus [Pagel- 
lus erythrinus) on the Cornwall coast. 
Zoologist, 1880, 4, 449-450 1880.1 

Late stay of pilchards and early 
arrival of mackerel on the Cornish coast. 
Zoologist, 1880, 4, 112-113. 1880.2 

Lesser grey mullet (Mugil chelo 
of Yarrell and Couch) on the Northum- 
berland coast. Zoologist, 1880, 4, 448— 

449, 1880.3 

Short-finned tunny (Vhynnus 
brachypterus] at Penzance. Zoologist, 
1880, 4, 366-367. 1880.4 


—— The Cuckoo ray. Zoologist, 
1881, 5, 68. 1881.1 

The mackerel season in Corn- 
wall. Zoologist, 1881, 5, 27-28. 1881.2 

- Pilchards on the Cornish coast. 
Zoologist, 1881, 5, 387. 1881.3 

- Rare fishes on the Cornish coast. 
Zoologist, 1881, 5, 385. 1881.4 

Red mullet WWullus surmuletus} 
off the Cornish coast in December. 
Zoologist, 1881, 5, 69. 1881.5 

Salmon at sea. Zoologist, 1881, 

Capture of a 27 pound salmon, 14 miles off 

the Scilly islands; about 100 miles from mouth 

of any river. 

The dorse, or golden cod, in 

Cornwall. Zoologist, 1882, 6,75. 1882.1 

Rare fishes on the Cornish coast. 
Zoologist, 1882, 6, 192-193. 1882.2 

Spinous shark at Penzance. 
Zoologist, 1882, 6, 22-23. 1882.3 

Habits of the pilchard. Zoolo- 
gist, 1883, 7, 505-506. 1883.1 

Mackerel and pilchard fisheries. 
Intern. Fisheries Exhib. Lit., London, 
1883. Conferences, 6, pt. 4. 1883.2 

Migrations of the  pilchard. 
Zoologist, 1883, 7, 481. 1883.3 

The ‘‘ white trout ” of Pennant. 
Zoologist, 1883, 7, 228. 1883.4 

Basking shark in Mount’s bay. 
Zoologist, 1885, 9, 351-352. 1885.1 

Dentex vulgaris in Mount’s bay. 
Zoologist, 1885, 9, 312-318. 1885.2 

Food of the common cod. 
Zoologist, 1885, 9, 34; 71; 114. 1885.3 

The young of the garfish. Zo- 
ologist, 1885, 9, 439. 1885.4 

Large catches of mullet and 
mackerel on the Cornish coast. Zoolo- 
gist, 1891, 15, 195. 1891.1 

Ray’s bream (Brama rayt) near 
Penzance. Zoologist, 1891, 15, 35. 

Cornuel, J. Description de débris 
de poissons fossiles provenant principale- 
ment du caleaire néocomien du départe- 
ment de la Haute-Marne. Bull. Soc. 
Géol. France, 1877, 3. ser. 5, 604-626. 
pl. 1877.1 




Note sur de nouveaux débris de 
Pyenodontes portlandiens et néocomiens 
de l’est du bassin de Paris. Bull. Soc. 
Géol. Paris 1879 (1880), 3. sér. 8, 150—- 
162. 1880.1 

Nouvelle note sur des Pyenodon- 
tes portlandiens et néocomiens de lest 
du bassin de Paris, et sur des dents 
binaires de plusieurs d’entre eux. Bull. 
Soc. Géol. France, 1883, 3. ser. 11, 18— 
28. pil. 1883.1 

Corré, A. Note pour servir A V’his- 
toire des poissons vénéneux. Arch. 
Méd. Navale, 1865, 3, 136-147. 1865.1 

Corrigan, Dominick J. On some 
structural peculiarities in the pipefishes. 
Zoologist, 1860, 18, 6813-6814. 1860.1 

On some structural peculiarities 
of the mouth in the pipefishes. Proc. 
Nat. Hist. Soc. Dublin 1859-62 (1863), 
3, 4-6. figs. — Proc. Nat. Hist. Rev., 
1862, 7, 33-36. 1863.1 

Corrigeen, pseudonym for Adams, 
(Rev.) I. 

Cortese, fF. Alcune illustrazioni all’ 
anatomia del sistema nervoso de’ pesci. 
Atti R. Istit. Veneto Sci., 1846, 5, 354- 
355. 1846.1 

Sopra una anomalia riscontrata 
nei nervi ottici di un pesce. Mem. Istit. 
Sci. Venezia 1867 (1868), 14, 55-72. 

Cortier, (Captain) Sur l’ habitat 
du Barbus deserti Pellegrin. Bull. Mus. 

Hist. Nat. 1909 (1912), 412. 1912.1 

Cory, Charles Barney. Hunting and 
fishing in Florida, . . . Boston, 1896. 
304 p. 2pls. illustr. 8°. 1896.1 

Cosmopolitan, pseudonym for Yar- 
row, Henry Crécy. 

Cosmovici, L. Les poissons fossiles 
en Roumanie. Rey. Sci. France Etran- 
ger, Paris, 1886, 3. sér. 11, 115. 1886.1 

Les couches & poissons des 
monts-Petricica et Cozla (Roumanie) 
Jassy, 1887. fig. 4°. 1887.1 

Cosson, Ernest Saint-Charles [1819- 
1889] Sur l’acclimatation de la carpe 
et de Ja tanche dans les eaux douces 
de l’Algérie. Bull. Soc. Acclim., Paris, 
1862, 9, 15-20. 1862.1 

Costa (pseudon.) Fish and fishing 
in California. Amer. Angler, 1884, 6, 
152, 1884.1 

Costa, Achille [1823 —] Fauna del 

regno Napoli . . . continuata da 
A. Costa. Napoli, 1850-86. 4°. See 
Costa, 0.G. 

Storia critica de’ lavori di zoolo- 
gia e paleontologia pubblicati da’ Na- 
politani dal 1851 al 1856. Il Giamb. 
Vico, 1857, 2, 438-460. 1857.1 

Di un novello genere di pesci 
Ksocetidei. Ann. Mus. Zool. Napoli, 
1862, 1, 54-57. 1862.1 

Di un piccolo Trachiptero. Ann. 
Mus. Zool. Napoli, 1862, 1, 50-54. fig. 

Osservazioni su talune specie di 
Pleuronettidei; Rhombus candidissimus, 
Monochirus hispidus, Plagusia picta, n. 
sp. Ann. Mus. Zool. Napoli, 1862, 1, 

44-50. 1862.3 
Della pescicoltura nel golfo di 
Napoli. Atti R. Istit. Incorag. Napoli, 

1864, 1, 193-206. Also separate; Napoli, 

1865. 16p. 4°. 1864.1 
Sulla Mustela boccamela e M. 
vulgaris. Rendic. R. Acecad. Sci. 

Napoli, 1865, 4, 32-33. 1865.1 
Sulla cagione dell’ abbondanza 
del Lepidopo, 0 pesce bandiera (Lepido- 
pus caudatus) nel mercato di Napoli. 
Rendic. R. Accad. Sci. Napoli, 1868, 7, 
16-17. 1868.1 

Osservazioni sul Krohnius fila- 
mentosus, e sullo sviluppo della pinna 
codale ne’ Trachypterus. Ann. Mus. 
Zool. Napoli 1865 (1869), 5, 41-43. fig. 

Dell’ uso della mela-terragna, 
nella pesca marina, e dell’ azione della 
medesima sul pesci. Rendic. R. Accad. 
Sci. Napoli, 1870, 9, 122-127. 1870.1 

Illustrazione di un Centrolofo 
pescato nel golfo di Napoli. Ann. Mus. 
Zool. Napoli 1866 (1871), 6, 84-87. 


Nota sul Vexillifer de Filippi 
Gaseo. ([Fierasfer] Ann. Mus. Zool. 
Napoli 1866 (1871), 6, 88. fig. 1871.2 

La pesca nel golfo di Napoli. 
Atti R. Istit. Incorag. Napoli, 1871, 2. 
ser. 7. 96p. 1871.3 

On the fisheries of the gulf of 
Naples. Rept. U.S. Fish Comm. 1871— 
72 (1873), 1, 139-141. 1873.1 




Costa, Oronzio Gabriele [1787-1867] 
Sopra un frammento ittiolitico di genere 
sconosciuto nota. m. p.j in. d.j 8 p- 

Fauna del regno di Napoli, 
ossia enumerazione di tutti gli animali 
che abitano le diverse regioni di questo 
regno e le acque che le bagnano; con- 
tenente la deserizione di nuovi 0 poco 
esattamente conosciuti; con figure rica- 
vata da originali viventi e depinte al 
naturale di O. G. Costa (continuata da 
A. Costa) 19 sections in 11 vols. 
Napoli [1829-) 1832-70 [-86) illust. 4°. 

Fishes, vol. iii. 30pls. Review in Isis (Oken), 
1846, 39, 706-718, with extract from discussion 
of Branchiostoma. 

Cenni zoologici, ossia descri- 
zione sommaria delle specie nuove di 
animali discoperti in diverse contrade 
del regno nell’ anno 1834. Napoli, 1834. 

Pesci della fauna napolitana, 

con illustrazione di specie nuove. 
Napoli, 1840-54. 3 vols. & suppl. 106 
pls. 4°. 1840.1 

Notice sur le Branchiostoma 

(Amphioxus] C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 
1841, 13, 873. — L’Institut, 1841, 9, 
no. 407, 345. eee sic 

Esame comparativo delle os- 
servazioni fatti dal Cavolini e dal 
Quatrefages sugli embrioni del Syngna- 
thus ophidion L. Rendic. R. Acead. Sci. 
Napoli, 1843, 2, 97-104. 1845.1 

Storia e anatomia del Branchi- 

ostoma lubricum. Frammenti Anat. 
Comp. (Costa), 1843, fase. 1. 13 p. 
pl. 1843.2 

Osservazioni intorno alle Eche- 
neide in generale ed in particolare su 

VEcheneis musignani. Ann. Accad. 
Aspir. Nat., 1844, 2, 234. — Atti Sci. 
Ital., 1844, 369-371. 1844.1 

Storia naturale di qui pesciolini 
volgarmente tra noi conosciuti col nome 
di Cicinelli o Cicinielli [Atherina hepse- 
tus, Clupea sprattus e Gobius aphya 
Ann. Accad. Aspir. Nat., 1844, 2, 88. 


Descrizione di un nuovo pesce 
della famigha de’ Gadini. Napoli, 1845. 
3 pls. 4°. 1845.1 

Di un nuovo pesce (Merlucius 
uraleptus, n. sp.j della famiglia de’ Ga- 
dini pescato nel golfo di Napoli ai 3 
febbraio 1846. Atti Accad. Pontan., 
Napoli, 1846, 5, 171-182. 1846.1 

—— Entozoon trovato entro le ovaie 
dell’ Uranoscopus scaber. Ann. Accad. 
Aspir. Napoli, 1846, 3, 76-80. 1846.2 

(Extract from discussion of 
Branchiostoma, from Costa’s Fauna del 
regno di Napoli. Isis (Oken), 1846, 39, 
708-713. 1846.3 

dell’ Uranoscopo. Ann. Accad. Aspir. 
Napoli, 1846, 3, 236-237. 1846.4 

Ricerche osteologiche sull’ ap- 
parecchio pterigo-timpanico del capo 
de’ pesci. Atti Sci. Ital., 1846, 470-473. 
— II Giamb. Vico, 1, 393-412, 1846.5 

— Nota sul pancreas della Chimera. 
Ann. Acead. Aspir. Napoli, 1847, 3, 233- 
235. 1847.1 

Di un nuovo pesce della famiglia 
de’ Gadini |Merluccius uraleptus; Atti 
Accad. Pontan., Napoli, 1849, 5, 171— 
182. 3 pls. 1849.1 

e monografia delle nostrali specie di 
questo genere. Napoli, 1850. 9 pls. 
4°, 1850.2 

Depositi di ittioliti nel regno de 

Nuov. Ann. Sci. Nat. Bologna, 

1851, 3. ser. 4, 469-478. 

—— Note sur l’anatomie des anguilles. 
Ann. Sci. Nat. (Zool.), 1851, 3. ser. 15, 
291-294. 1851.2 

Specchio comparativo degli 
Squalidei fossili, discoperta finora negli 
Stati Uniti di America e nel regno di 
Napoli. Rendic. R. Accad. Sci. Napoli, 
1852, n. s. 1, 128-133. 1852.1 

Descrizione di aleuni pesci fos- 
sili del Libano. Atti R. Acead. Sei. 
Napoli, 1855, 2, 97-112. 1855.1 

Ittiologia fossile Italiana; opera 
da servire di supplemento alle ricerche 
sui pesci fossili di L. Agassiz. Disp. i-iv. 
Napoli, 1855-56. 48 p. 4 pls. 4°. 
Su di un nuovo genere di pesce 
fossile (Cacus} Atti R. Accad. Sei. 
Napoli, 1855, 2, 234-238. 1855.3 

Sui pesci fossili di Bra, seconda 
memoria. (n. p.) 1855 [(?] 9p. BS 

Descrizione di aleuni pesci fos- 
sili del Libano. Mem R. Accad. Sei. 
Napoli, 1857, 2, 97-112 2 pls. 1857.1 

Nota sulla vescica natatoria © 

Storia ed anatomia dell’ anguilla 




Ittiologia fossile Italiana. Edi- 
zione simile all’ opera dell’ Agassiz sui 
pesci fossili alla quale é destinata a 
sopplimento. Disp. v. Napoli, 1857- 
59. 4pls. 4°. 1857.2 

Sopra talune specialitaé ana- 
tomiche o fisiologiche de’ pesci Selacini 
o Plagiostomi. Il Giamb. Vico, 1857, 
1, 409-437; Ibid., 2, 113-115. 1857.3 

Proposta di studi sugli organi 
sessuali maschili dei Selacini (Selachoi- 
dei} Bull. Accad. Aspir. Nat. Napoli, 
1861, 21. 1861.1 

Descrizione di alcuni fossili dell’ 
isola Pianosa presso quella dell’ Elba, 
con illustrazioni e comenti sulla Fistu- 
lana echinata Brocchi; sopra 1 denti 
fossili del genere Sargus e Chrysophrys 
Valenciennes; sul genere Sphzrodus 
Agassiz; e sopra le specie a tal genere 
attribuite. Atti R. Istit. Incorag. 
Napoli, 1863, 11, 1-46. 1863.1 

Notizie intorno agli scavi recen- 
temente eseguiti nella roccia ad ittioliti 
di Pietraroja. Rendic. R. Accad. Sci. 
Napoli, 1864, 3, 230-233. 1864.1 

Nuove osservazioni e scoperte 
intorno ai fossili della calcarea ad itti- 
oliti di Pietraroja. Atti R. Accad. Sci. 
Napoli, 1865, 2, no. 22. 4 pls. — 
Rendic. R. Accad. Sci. Napoli, 4, 395- 
398. 1865.1 

Studi sopra i terreni ad ittioliti 
delle provincie Napolitane; diretti a 
stabilire |’ eta geologica de’ medesimi. 
Parte seconda. Atti R. Accad. Sci. 
Napoli, 1865, 2, no. 16. 3 pls. Also 
separate; Napoli, 1865. 33 p. 3 pls. 


—— Degli otoliti in generale, e 
iconografia di quelli propri de’ pesci 
viventi nel Mediterraneo che bagna le 
provincie Napolitane e la Sicilia, seguita 
da quella de’ fossili dei terreni terziari 
delle medesime regioni. Atti R. Ac- 
cad. Sci. Napoli, 1866-68, 3, no. 15. 
29 p. — Rendic. R. Accad. Sci. Napoli, 
1867, 6, 66-69. 1866.1 

Illustrazione di due ittioliti, del 
genere Lepidotus, recentemente ottenuti 
dagli scisti bituminosi del pettine presso 
Giffoni, seguita da talune critiche osser- 
vazioni su questo genere. Atti R. 
Accad. Sci. Napoli, 1866-68, 3, no. 12, 
1-10. 2 pls. 1866.2+ 

—— Studi sopra i terreni ad ittioliti 
delle provincie Napolitane. Parte iv. 

Atti R. Accad. Sci. Napoli, 1868, 3, 
no. 18. 1868.1 

Coste, Jean Jacques Marie Cyprien 
Victor [1807-1873] Notice historique 
sur l’établissement de pisciculture de 

Huningue. Paris, 1850. 1850.1 

Instructions pratiques sur la 
pisciculture; suivies de mémoires et de 
rapports sur le méme sujet. Paris, 
1853. pls. 12°. 1853.1 

A German version was published at Quedlin- 

burg in 1853, and a second French edition at 
Paris in 1856. 

Rapport au ministre sur les 
industries de Commacchio, ete. Paris, 
1855. fol. 1855.1 

Voyage d’exploration sur le lit- 
toral de la France et de I’Italie. Paris, 
i859. 245. 1855.2 

Report on the means of stocking 
all the streams of France with fish 
(In Garlick, Theodatus. A treatise on 
the artificial propagation of certain 
kinds of fish, p. 55-67. Cleveland, 
1857. 8°) 1857.1 

Instructions pratiques sur la 
pisciculture. 2.ed. Paris, 1858. 144 p. 
takes IES 1858.1 

Voyage d’exploration sur le 
littoral de la France et de I’Italie. 
Deuxiéme édition, suivi de nouveaux 
documents sur les péches fluviales et 
marines. Paris, 1861. 4°. 1861.1 

Practical instructions in fish- 
raising (In Fry, W. H., editor. A 
complete treatise on artificial fish- 
breeding, p. 29-80. New York, 1866. 
12°) 1866.1 

Voyage d’exploration sur le 
littoral de la France et de I’Italie; rap- 
port sur les industries de Comacchio, 
du lac Fusaro, de Marennes et de l’anse 
del’Aiguillon. Paris, 1866. 8°. 1866.2 

The introduction contains the report dated 
Jan. Ist, 1855, concerning the “ Etablissement 
de Huninge.” 

Durée de Vincubation des ceufs 
de roussette. C. R. Acad. Sei. Paris, 
1867, 64, 99-100.— Ann. Mag. Nat. 
Hist-, 1867, 3: ser: 195.227. 1867.1 

Epoque du frai des principales 
espéces de poissons qui se reproduisent 
dans les eaux douces. Journ. des 
Fermes, 1869, 1. année, no. 12, 204-205. 




Coste; eC ave 

Instructions pratiques sur la 
pisciculture. Journ. des Fermes, 1869, 
1. année, no. 6, 91-93; no. 7, 109-110; 
no. 9, 144-146; no. 11, 182-185; no. 12 

203-204; no. 13, 223-224: no. 16, 285- 
287; no. 17, 305-306; no. 20, 363-364; 
no. 21, 385-386; no. 2, 404-406. 1869.2 


des poissons. 
Paris, 1874. 8°. 1874.1 
Coste, Jean J. M. C. V., & Milne- 

Edwards, Alphonse. 
wards & Coste. 

See Milne-Ed- 

Coste, P. Nidification des épinoches 
et des épinochettes. Mém. Savants 
Etrang., Paris, 1846, 10, 574-588. pl. 
Also separate; Paris, 1848. 4°. 1846.1 

Sur la maniére dont les épino- 
ches construisent leurs nids et soignent 
leurs ceufs. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 
1846, 22, 814-818.— Edinb. New Philos. 
Journ., 42, 322-327 1846.2 

Ueber den Nestbau des Gasteros- 
teus aculeatus. Neue Notizen (Froriep), 
1846, 38, 177-179. 1846.3 

Segmentation d’une _ portion 
(la cicatricule) du vitellus pendant le 
passage de l’ceuf A travers l’oviducte, 
chez les oiseaux, les reptiles écailleux, 
et les poissons cartilagineux. C. R 
Acad. Sci. Paris, 1847, 24, 623-624. 


Recherches sur la domestication 
des poissons et sur l’organisation des 
piscines. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1849, 
29, 797-801. 1849.1 

Origine de Ja cicatricule ou du 
germe chez les poissons osseux. C. R. 
Acad. Sci. Paris, 1850, 30, 692-693. 
Recherches sur la segmentation 
de la cicatricule chez les oiseaux, les 
reptiles écailleux, et les poissons carti- 

lagineux. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1850, 
30, 638-642. 1850.2 
Mémoire sur les moyens de 

repeupler les eaux de la France. C. R. 
Acad. Sci. Paris, 1853, 36, 237-245. 


Soe. Acclim., 

Note sur 
oissons. Bull. 
1854, 1, 11-13; 


sérée par M. Millet... Bull. 
Acclim., Paris, 1854, 1, 75-79. 

Observations sur une note in- 

Origine de la monstruosité dou- 
ble chez les poissons osseux. C.R. Acad. 
Sci. Paris, 1855, 40, 868-873; 931-933. 

Etudes sur les mceurs et sur la 
génération d’un certain nombre d’ani- 
maux marins. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 
1858, 47, 45-50.— Ann. Nat. Hist., 
1858, 3. sér. 2, 197-202. 1858.1 

Domestication des poissons e 
la famille des Pleuronectes. 

Acad. Sci. Paris, 1861, 52, 1058-1059. 

— De la liberté de la mer au point 
de vue de l’industrie des péches. C. 
Acad. Sci. Paris, 1862, 44, 805-809. 


—— Instruction pour le transport des 
gouramis. Bull. Soc. Acclim., Paris, — 
1865, 2. ser. 2, 76-80. 1865.1 

Durée de lVincubation des ceufs 
de roussette (Squalus catulus Linn.) 
C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1867, 64, 99-100. 
— Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1867, 3. ser. 
19) 227. 1867.1 

Cotta, Bernhard von [1808-1879] 
([Fischabdruck aus der Braunkohlen- 
formation von Seifhennersdorf] Berg- & 
Hiittenm. Zeitg., 1868, 27. Jahrg. (n. f. 
22. Jahrg.), 174. 1868.1 

Geologisches Repertorium mit 
einem vollstaéndigen Index. Leipzig, 
1877. 400 p. 8°. 1877.1 

The half-title of this work reads: “‘ Beitrage 
zur Geschichte der Geologie.” 

Cotteau, Gustave Honoré [1818-1894] 
Note sur le Ptycholepis bollensis des 
caleaires bitumineux de Vassy (Yonne) 
Bull. Soe. Sci. Yonne, 1865, 19, pt. 2, 
337-340. 1865.1 

Cotton, Charles, & Walton, Izaak. 
See Walton & Cotton. 

Couch, Jonathan [1789-1870] Some 
particulars of the natural history of 
fishes found in Cornwall. Trans. Linn. 
Soc. London, 1822, 14, 69-92. — Mag. 
Nat. Hist., 6, 311-316. — Isis (Oken), 
22, 1078-1089. 1822. 

On the use of the electrical 
faculty of the torpedo. Ann. Philos. 
(Thomson), 1823, n. s. 6, 156-157. 


Fishes new to the British fauna. 
Mag. Nat. Hist., 1832, 5, 15-24; 741. 


Treatise on the pilchard (Clupea 
pilchardus) Trans. Polytechn. Soc. Corn- 
wall, 1835, 65-101. 1835.1 

A description of the character- 
istics of a kind of Trigla hitherto con- 

founded with the Tvrigla blochii. Mag. 
Nat. Hist., 1836, 9, 463-466. 1836.1 

— A Cornish fauna, ete. Truro, 
1838-44. 3 pts. 1838.1 

( eae & edited in 1878 by Thos. Cornish 

Description of a species of ray 
fish [Raja asterias} not hitherto included 
in the British fauna. Mag. Nat. Hist., 
1838, 2. ser. 2, 71-73. 1838.2 

— Observations on the lancelet 
(Amphioxus lanceolatus Yarr.) Mag. 
Nat. Hist., 1838, 2. ser. 2, 381-384. figs. 
; 1838.3 

— Cyclopterus coronatus, coronated 
lump fish, Couch. Mag. Nat. Hist., 
1839, 2. ser. 2, 382. 1839.1 

Observations in further illus- 
tration of the history and statistics of 
the pilchard fishery. Trans. Polytechn. 
Soc. Cornwall, 1840, i1-26. 1840.1 

— Account of a specimen of the 
oblong sun-fish (Orthagoriscus oblongus), 
taken at Par, in Cornwall, and preserved 
in the museum of the Royal Institution 
of Cornwall at Truro. Ann. Mag. Nat. 
Hist., 1841, 6, 144-145. 1841.1 

An account of fish nearly allied 
to Hemiramphus, taken in Cornwall. 
Proce. Linn. Soc. London (Zool.), 1842, 
1, no. 15, 151-152. 1842.1 

Note on the occurrence near 
Poiperro, in Cornwall, of a fish new to 
the British catalogue, and supposed to 
be the Orphe of Rondelet. Zoologist, 
1843, 1, 81-84. 1843.1 

— Account of a species of sea- 
bream, new to the British fauna, and 
perhaps hitherto undescribed. Zoolo- 
gist, 1844, 2, 393-395. 1844.1 

The natural history of the 
mackerel and its fishery, with a refer- 
ence to others of the scomberoid family 
that have been taken in Cornwall. 
Rept. Roy. Polytechn. Soc. Cornwall, 
1844, 47-61. 1844.2 

—— On the ova of the large spotted 
dog-fish. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1844, 
14, 25-26. 1844.3 



—— Account of the capture, in Corn- 
wall, of the six-branchial or gray shark 
(Notidanus griseus Couch), but lately 
recognized in the British fauna. Zo- 
ologist, 1846, 4, 1337-1340. 1846.1 

Description of a new ray. Zo- 
ologist, 1847, 5, 1880-1881. 1847.1 

On the egg-purse and embryo 
of a species of Myliobatis. Rept. Brit. 
Assoc. Ady. Sci., 17. meet., 1847, 80. — 
Trans. Nat. Hist. Soc. Penzance, 1851, 
1, 151-154. fig. 1847.2 

An account of a fish, nearly al- 
lied to the genus Hemiramphus, taken 
in Cornwall. Proc. Linn. Soc. London 
(Zool.), 1849, 1, 151-152. 1849.1 

Description of Brama_ pinna- 
squamata, a supposed unrecognized 
British fish. Zoologist, 1849, 7, xxvi-— 
XXVIll. 1849.2 

Description of Scomber puncta- 
tus, a species of mackerel not hitherto 
recognized by naturalists. Zoologist, 
1849, 7, 29-31.— Trans. Nat. Hist. 
Soc. Penzance, 1851, 1, 352-355. fig. 


Account of the capture in Corn- 
wall of the six-branchial or gray shark 
tNotidanus griseus) but lately recog- 
nized in the British fauna. Trans. Nat. 
Hist. Soe. Penzance, 1851, 1, 98-101. 


Addition of a new fish to the 
Cornish fauna. Trans. Nat. Hist. Soe. 
Penzance, 1851, 1, 284-285. 1851.2 

Capture of a species of Atherine 
(Atherina boyeri), new to the British 
fauna. Zoologist, 1851, 9, 2992-2993. 


The recent capture, in Cornwall, 
of Hemiramphus europeus. Trans. 
Nat. Hist. Soc. Penzance, 1851, 1, 145- 
148. 1851.4 

On a supposed unrecognized 
fish of the genus Brama. Trans. Nat. 
Hist. Soc. Penzance, 1857, 1, 191-194. 
fig. 1857.1 

Memoir of the natural history 
of the salmon tribe; from materials 
chiefly collected in Cornwall and the 
west of England. Trans. Polytechn. 
Soc. Cornwall, 1859, 1-29. 1859.1 

Remarks on the natural history 
of the Parr. Trans. Polytechn. Soc. 
Cornwall, 1860, 50-57. 1860.1 


Couch, J. Remarks on the structure and 
The angler or toadfish. Intell. actions of the iris of the eye in some 

Observ., 1862, 1, 353-362. fig. 1862.1 species of fishes. Intell. Observ., 

The history of the fishes of the 
British islands. London, 1862-65. 4 
vols. illust. 8°. 1862.2 

Vol. i. _Chondropterygians, Percoids and 
Sparoids. 1862. 245 p. 57 pls. 

Vol. ii. Trigloids, Trachinoids, Scienoids, 
Seombroids, Gobioids, Blennioids and Trachyp- 
teroids. 1863. 265 p. 63 pls. 

Vol. iii. Acanthopterygians, Pharyngognaths 
and Anacanthines. 1864. 208 p. 48 pls. 

Vol. iv. Malacopterygians, Lophobranchi- 
ans and Plectognaths. 1865. 439 p. 73 pls. 

There are two later editions; the second ap- 
peared in 1867-69 and the third in 1877. 

The skipper, skopster, or saury. 
Intell. Observ., 1862, 1, 46-49. 1862.5 

Ribband fishes of the genus 

Gymnetrus. Intell. Observ., 1863, 2, 
1-8. pl. & figs. 1863.1 
The sea lamprey [Petromyzon 

marinus) Intell. Observ., 

417. pls. & fig. 1863.2 

The four-horned trunk fish 
(Ostracion quadricornis), a native of 
England. Intell. Obsery., 1864, 5, 407— 
409. 1864.1 

On two species of sharks be- 
lieved to have been confounded together 
under the name of “ basking shark.” 
Trans. Nat. Hist. Soc. Penzance, 1864, 
2, 234-237. 1864.2 

Essay on the natural history of 
the pilchard (Clupea pilchardus} Ann. 
Rept. Roy. Cornwall Polytechn. Soc., 
1865, no. 33, 65-101. 1865.1 

Additions to the fauna of Corn- 

wall: Rhodophyton couchti, Ausonia 
cumiert. Journ. Roy. Instit. Cornwall, 
1866, 2, 154-160. 1866.1 

A filefish of the Mediterranean, 
as distinguished from a species of the 
family (Balistes), that has been taken 
in Cornwall. Ann. Rept. Roy. Cornwall 
Polytechn. Soc., 1866, no. 34, 65-67. 
— The fish (Echeneis remora) ob- 
tained in Cornwall. Journ. Roy. Instit. 
Cornwall, 1866-67, 2, 361. 1866.3 

On the occurrence on the coast 
of Cornwall of an example of the fish 
called Ausonia cuviert or Luvaru. Proc. 
Zool. Soe. London, 1866, 332-335. fig. 
— Journ. Roy. Instit. Cornwall, 1866— 
67, 2, 160-162. 1866.4 

1863, 2, 411— 

8, 180-183. 1866.5 
A history of the fishes of the 

British islands. 4 vols. 2.ed. London, 
1867-69. illust. 1867.1 

Report of the proceedings in 
several dredging excursions on the 
south-east coast of Cornwall, in the 
summer of 1866. Ann. Rept. Cornwall 
Polytechn. Soc., 1867, no. 35, 64-70. 


Irregularities of structure in 
fishes. Student & Intell. Obsery., 1868, 
1, 328-336. 1868.1 

On the structure and manner of 
growth of the scales of fishes. Intell. 
Observ., 1868, 12, 246-253. 1868.2 

Some account of newly dis- 
covered British fish of the family Gadi- 
dz and the genus Couchia. Journ. & 
Proc. Linn. Soc. London Zool., 1868, 9, 
38-41. fig. 1868.3 

— Mullus surmuletus: habits of the 
surmullet in ancient as compared with 
modern times. Student & Intell. Ob- 
serv., 1869, 2, 368-372. 1869.1 

Couch, Richard Quiller [1816-1863] 
A natural history of the mackerel. Ann. 
Rept. Cornwall Polytechn. Soc., 1844, 
no. 14, 47-61. 1844.1 

Notes on the nidification of 
Zoologist, 1844, 2, 795-799. 

Notes on the fishes of the dis- 
trict of the Land’s End. Zoologist, 
1846, 4, 1400-1419; 1847, 5, 1608-1614; 
1644-1648; 1705-1714; 1822-1831; 1848, 
6, 1972-1980. 1846.1 

Notice of the capture of two 
rare British fishes in Mount’s bay. 
Trans. Nat. Hist. Soe. Penzance, 1851, 
1, 95-97. 1851 1 

On a new muscle discovered in 
the eye of fishes. Trans. Nat. Hist. 
Soe. Penzance, 1851, 1, 97. 1851.2 


Trans. Nat. 


On the migrations of the pilchard 

(Clupea pilchardus; Trans. Nat. Hist. 
Soc. Penzance, 1851, 1, 126-144. 1851.4 

On the mackerel. 
Hist. Soc. Penzance, 1851, 1, 

“ Pari 






Occurrence of the black fish 
(Centrolophus pompilus Cuv.) in Mount’s 
bay. Zoologist, 1859, 17, 6335. 1859.1 

On the occurrence of the derbio 
(Lichia glaucus Cuv.) in Mount’s bay. 
Zoologist, 1859, 17, 6333-6335. 1859.2 

Notice of the capture, in Mount’s 
bay, of Pennant’s globe-fish (Tetrodon 
pennantii} Trans. Nat. Hist. Soc. 
Penzance, 1864, 2, 34-36. 1864.1 

Notice of the capture of a 
sturgeon differing from those recognised 
as British. Trans. Nat. Hist. Soc. 
Penzance, 1864, 2, 17-18. 1864.2 

On the nest cf the fifteen-spined 
stickleback. Trans. Nat. Hist. Soc. 
Penzance, 1864, 2, 79-83. 1864.3 

Remarks on the capture of the 
fox or thrasher shark [Alopecias vulpes} 
in Mount’s bay. Trans. Nat. Hist. Soc. 
Penzance, 1864, 2, 223-224. 1864.4 

Couchman, J. W. Transporting 
carp from the United States Fish Com- 
mission to Brazil. Bull. U. S. Fish 
Comm. 1882 (1883), 2, 382. 1883.1 

Coues, Elliott [1842-1899] Note on 
Hemirhamphus {richardi?) Amer. Nat- 
uralist, 1872, 6, 49. 1872.1 

Couffon, Olivier. Etude critique sur 
les faluns du Haguineau. Bull. Soc. 
Etud. Sci. Angers, 1904, n. s. 33, 35-85. 
2 figs. 1904.1 

Contains references to fish. 

Les faluns de l’Anjou et de la 
Touraine dans le Saumurois. Bull. Soc 
Etud. Sci. Angers, 1904, n. s. 33, 216- 
223. 1904.2 

Contains references to fish. 

— Etude critique sur les faluns 
de Chalonnes (Gisement des Pierres- 
Blanches) Bull. Soc. Etud. Sci. Angers, 
1905, n.s. 34, 155-222. pl. & fig. 1905.1 

Pisces, p. 212-213; 220. 

Coulon, Lowis [1605-1664] Les 
poissons fossiles du Musée d’Histoire 
Naturelle d’Elbeuf, avec notes spéciales 
sur les espéces de la Seine-Inférieure. 
Bull. Soe. Etud. Sci. Nat. Elbeuf, 1903, 
21, 99-162. 2 pls. 1903.1 

Un séjour 4 Dieppe au point de 
vue de Vhistoire naturelle. 2. Les ver- 

tébrés marins. Bull. Soc. Etud. Sci. 
Nat. Elbeuf, 1905, 23, 109-137. 1905.1 

Coumes, Notice historique 
sur l’établissement de pisciculture de 
Huningen. Strassbourg, 1862. 143 p. 
illust. 8°. 1862.1 

Rapport sur la pisciculture et 
la péche fluviatiles en Angleterre, en 
Ecosse et en Islande, considérées au 
double point de vue des procédés de 
production, tant naturelle qu’artificielle, 
et de la législation qui protége le peuple- 
ment des cours d’eau. Strassbourg, 
1863. 104 p. 8°. 1863.1 

Note sur l’organisation et la sur- 
veillance de la péche fluviale dans la 
Grande-Bretagne. Paris, 1881. 1881.1 

Couper, William. Salmo wilmoti. 
Forest & Stream, 1880, 15, 9; 277 


Forest & Stream, 

1880, 15, 247. 1880.2 

Coupin, Henri. L’aquarium d’eau 
douce et ses habitants. Paris, 1893. 
348 p. 228 figs. 12°. 1893.1 

Les poissons commensaux. Rev. 
Paris, 1899, 4. ser. 11, 433-436. 

Soins donnés aux jeunes par les 
poissons. La Nature, 1901, 29, pt. 2, 
244-247. 3 figs. 1901.1 

Les poissons qui parlent. La 
Nature, 1904, 32, pt. 1, 379. 1904.1 

Lélevage dela sole. La Nature, 
1905, 33, pt. 2, 204-206. 3 figs. 1905.1 

Les moyens de défense des 
poissons. La Nature, 1913, 41, pt. 2, 
104-106. 10 figs. 1913.1 

Courcy, (Le Marquis) de. 
L’empire du milieu (la Chine); de- 
scription géographique, précis historique 
institutions sociales, religieuses, poli- 
tiques; notes sur les sciences, les arts, 
V’industrie et le commerce. Paris, 1866. 
8°. 1866.1 

Poissons d’eau salée et poissons d’eau douce, 

p. 161-162. Industrie des pécheurs; engins de 

péche; ruses des pécheurs, psa ulture, etc., 
p. 462-465. 

Courtenay, J. S. Statistics of the 
pilchard fishery for the years 1838 and 
1839. Trans. Cornwall Polytechn. Soc., 
1840, 27-34. 1840.1 

A guide to Penzance and its 
neighborhood, including the islands of 
Scilly, with an appendix containing the 
natural history of w estern Cornw all . 

Penzance, 1845. vi, 223 p. 7 pls.& ms ap. 
8°. 1845.1 

— Silver bass. 




Coutaud, H. Observations sur sept 
cas d’empoisonnement par le foie de 
requin 4 Vile des Pins (Nouvelle- 
Calédonie) en 1873. Inaug. Dissert., 
Montpellier, 1879. 47 p. 4°. 1879.1 

Coutiére, H. Poissons venimeux et 
poissons vénéneux. Paris, 1899. 1899.1 

Les poissons nuisibles. Cause- 
ries Sci. Soc. Zool. France, 1900, 25-36. 

Sur la non-existence d’un ap- 
pareil 4 venin chez la muréne héléne. 
C. R. Mém. Soc. Biol. Paris, 1902, 54, 
787-788. 1902.1 

Sur le prétendu appareil veni- 
meux de la muréne héléne. Bull. Soc. 
Philom. Paris, 1907, 9. ser. 9, 229-234. 
3 figs. 1907.1 

Couvreur, HZ. Etude sur la respira- 
tion des poissons. Mécanisme respira- 
toire chez les cyclostomes. Ann. Soc. 
Linn. Lyon, 1898, 44, 105-109. figs. 
Abstract in Journ. Roy. Micr. Soe., 
1998, 24. 1898.1 

Sur le mécanisme respiratoire 
de la torpille. C. R. Mém. Soc. Biol. 
Paris, 1902, 54, 1252-1253. 1902.1 

— Sur la respiration de la torpille. 
Ann. Soe. Linn. Lyon, 1903, 49, 78-79. 

Coward, 7. A. (editor) The verte- 
brate fauna of Cheshire and Liverpool 
bay. 2 vols. London, 1910. 1910.1 

Pisces, by James Johnstone, vol. ii, p. 59-168. 

The smelt in Rostherne mere. 
Mem. Proc. Manchester Liter. Philos. 
Soc., 1912, 56, no. 15, 1-2. _2 figs. 

Cowdry, C. C. Fish preying upon 
mosquito larve in Uganda. — Bull. 

Entom. Research, 1911, 2, 182. 1911.1 

Cowe, Robert. The white-fishery on 
the coast of Berwickshire. Hist. Ber- 
wick. Nat. Club, 1834, 1, 219-228. 


Cox, Irwin Edward Bainbridge [1838 
—] The Angler’s Diary, or, forms for 
registering the fish taken during the 
year; to which is prefixed a list of fishing 
stations in England. London, 1866-67. 
4°, 1866.1 

Facts and useful hints relating 
to fishing and shooting . . . edited by 
Toe B. Came, Le. bi Cox Gondon, 
1866. 115p. illust. 8°. 1866.2 

The Angler’s Diary and fisher- 
man’s guide to the rivers and lakes of 
the world, to which is added forms for 
registering the fish taken during the 
year. London, 1868. 4°. 1868.1 

The Angler’s Diary and fisher- 
man’s guide to the rivers and lakes of 
the world; to which are added a list of 
rivers of Great Britain, with their sta- 
tions; also forms for registering the fish 
taken during the year. London, 1877. 
8°. 1877.1 

Cox, P. Observations on the dis- 
tribution and habits of some New 
Brunswick fishes. Bull. New Bruns- 
wick Nat. Hist. Soc., 1893, 11, 33-42. ; 


Fresh-water fishes and batrachia 
of the peninsula of Gaspé, P. Q., and 
their distribution in the maritime pro- 
vinces of Canada. Trans. Roy. Soc. 
Canada, 1900, 2. ser. 5, 141-154. 1900.1 

Cox, Ross. Adventures on the 
Columbia river, including the narrative 
of a resident of six years on the western 
side of the Rocky mountains. 2 vols. 
London, 1831. 768 p. 8°. 1831.1 

Fisheries, vol. ii, p. 129, 249, 304, 366. 

. Cox, S. S. Address on various as- 
pects of fishing and the fisheries. Trans. 
Amer. Fisheries Soc. 1884 (1885), 91— 
109. 1885.1 

Cox, Ulysses O. A report upon the 
fishes of southwestern Minnesota. Rept. 
U.S. Fish Comm. 1894 (1896), 20, 605- 
616. | 1896.1 

A revision of the cave fishes of 
North America. Rept. U.S. Bur. Fish- 
eries, 1905, 377-393. 6 pls. & figs. 


Cox, Ulysses O., & Eigenmann, Carl 
H. See Eigenmann & Cox. 

Cox, Ulysses O., & Evermann, Bar- 
ton Warren. See Evermann & Cox. 

Cox, William van Zant. A glance at 
Billingsgate. Trans. Amer. Fisheries 
Soe. 1885 (1886), 76-85. 1886.1 

Transporting fish in the British 
Isles. Trans. Amer. Fisheries Soc. 
1886 (1887), 56-58. 1887.1 

Coxe, Frank. Opening the Broad 
and other rivers of North Carolina to 
shad, bass, ete. Bull. U.S. Fish Comm. 
1884, 4, 232. 1884.1 





Coxe, William [1747-1828] Cata- 
logue des poissons du lac de Neuchatel. 
Paris, 1790. 1790.1 

There is also an edition of this work in Ger- 

Cozette, P. Les parasites des pois- 
sons, parasites végétaux (Saprolégnia- 
eées, Monoblépharidées} C. R. Cong. 
Soc. Sav., Paris, 1906 (Sect. Sci.), 138- 

168 1906.1 
Cragin, Francis Whittemore. Note 
on the chestnut lamprey [Petromyzon 

castaneus) Bull. Washburn Coll. Lab. 
Nat. Hist., 1885, 1, no. 3, 99-100. 

Preliminary list of Kansas fishes. 
Bull. Washburn Coll. Lab. Nat. Hist., 
1885, 1, 105-111. 1885.2 

Vertebrata from the Neocomian 
of Kansas. Colorado College Stud., Sci. 
Sect., 1894, 5, 64-73. 2 pls. 1894.1 

— A study of some teleosts from 
the Russell substage of the Platte 
Cretaceous series. Colorado College 
Stud., Sci. Sect., 1901, 9, 25-37. 3 pls. 


Craigie, D. On the anatomical 
- peculiarities of the sturgeon [Acipenser 
sturio) Mem. Wern. Soc. Edinb., 1826 
(1830), 6, 334-364. 1830.1 

Cramer, Frank. Description of a 
little-known Agonoid fish, Hippocepha- 
lus japonicus. Proc. Cal. Acad. Sci., 
1894, 2. ser. 4, 147-153. pl. 1894.1 

On the cranial characters of the 
genus Sebastodes (rockfish) Proc. Cal. 
Acad. Sci., 2. ser. 1895, 5, 573-610. 2 
pls. 1895.1 

Cramer, Frank, & Gilbert, Charles 
Henry. See Gilbert & Cramer. 

Cramer, Rudolf. Ueber Mene rhom- 
beus (Volta sp.) Zeitschr. Deutsch. 
Geol. Ges., 1906, 58, 181-212. pl. & 8 
figs. 1906.1 

Crandall, J. S. Statement concern- 
ing the menhaden fishery. Rept. U.S. 
Fish Comm. 1877 (1879), 5, 427. 1879.1 

Crandall, Lee S. On Alfaro cultra- 
tum. Copeia, New York, 1914, no. 13, 
4, 1914.1 

Crane, (Miss) Agnes. On certain 
genera of living fishes and their fossil 
affinities. Geol. Mag., 1877, 4, 209- 
219. — Proc. Brighton Nat. Hist. Soc., 
24, 44-58. — Proc. Geol. Assoc., 5, peas 


Boar-fishes (Capros aper| at the 
Brighton aquarium. Sci. Gossip, 1879, 
15, 161. < 1879:1 

Cranston, C’. K. The fish and game 
laws of Oregon. Trans. Amer. Fisheries 
Soc. 1912 (1918), 75-88. 1913.1 

Cranz, David [1723-1777] Historie 
van Groenland, behelzende eene naauw- 
keurige beschryvinge van’s lands lig- 
ging, gesteldheid, en natuurlijke zeldza- 
amheden, den aart, zeden en gewoonten 
der inwooneren, ete. 3 vols. Haarlem, 
UnSi— 1767.1 

A second Dutch edition of this work was pub- 
lished in 1786. An English version by J. Gam- 

bold appeared in 1767, and there are German 
translations of 1765 and 1771. 

Crawford, George W. Fish in Ne- 

braska — Products of the ‘ Elkhorn 
Wreck.” Forest & Stream, 1876, 6, 
266. 1876.1 

Crawford, J. On the rectal glands 
of the elasmobranchs. Proc. Roy. Soc. 
Edinb. 1900 (1901), 23, 55-60. pl. 


Crawshay, L. R. On an experiment 
in the keeping of salmon (Salmo salar) 
at the Plymouth laboratory. Journ. 
Mar. Biol. Assoc., 1908, n. s. 8, 303- 
312. pl. 1908.1 

Credner, Carl Hermann [1841 —] 
Die Kreide von New Jersey (Coproli- 
thus (Macropoma) mantelli) Zeitschr. 
Deutsch. Geol. Ges., 1870, 22, 191-251. 


Creighton, Robert J. Exportation 
of salmon and whitefish ova to New 
Zealand in 1876. Rept. U. S. Fish 
Comm. 1875-76 (1878), 4, 970-979. 


Shipment of salmon and white- 
fish ova to New Zealand and Australia 
in 1877 and 1878. Rept. U. S. Fish 
Comm. 1878 (1880), 6, 839-842. 1880.1 

Fish-culture in New Zealand. 
Bull. U.S. Fish Comm. 1881, 1, 51-52. 

Cremer,J. Die Matte’sche Zierfisch- 
zuchtanstalt in Lakwitz bei Berlin. Nat. 

Wochenschr., 1897, 12, 547-549. fig. 
Cremer, Maz. Ueber die Ein- 

wirkung von Forellensamenpressaft auf 

Forelleneier. Sitzber. Ges. Morph. 

Physiol. Miinchen, 1900, 17, 111. 




Cremer, VV. 

Ueber den Reflexschlag von 
Torpedo, aufgenommen mit dem Sai- 
tenelektrometer. Verh. Ges. Deutsch. 
Naturf. Aerzte, 80. Versamm., 1909, 
523. 1909.1 

Ueber den Verlauf des Schlages 
von Malapterurus electricus. Zentralbl. 
Physiol., 1912, 26, 981-984. — Med. 
Kiinik, 8. Jahrg., 1727-1728. 1912.1 

Cremony, John C. Mackerel catch- 
ing. Overland Monthly, 1870, 4, 161— 

168. 1870.1 

Creon, Some ‘disorders of 
freshwater fishes. Fish. Gazette, 1878, 
n. s. 2, 73-74. 1878.1 

Creplin, F.C. H. Die Fische in den 
Scheeren von Mork6, . . . aus dem 
Schwedischen tvon C. U. Ekstrém) 
iibersetzt und mit einigen Anmerkungen 
versehen von... F. C. H. Creplin. 
1835s Ou. 1835.1 

Ueber die Fortpflanzungsweise 
des Aals. Arch. Naturgesch., 1841, 7, 
pt. 1, 230-233. 1841.1 

Beschreibung der Psorospermien 
des Kaulbarsches nebst einigen Bemer- 
kungen iiber die der Plétze und andere. 
Arch. Naturgesch., 1842, 8, 61-66. pil. 
& figs. 1842.1 

Crespigny, C. C. de. Notes on the 
friendship existing between the malacop- 
terygian fish Premnas biaculeatus and 
the Actinia crassicornis. Proc. Zool. 
Soc. London, 1869, 248-249. 1869.1 

Crespon, /. Faune méridionale, ou 
description de tous les animaux verté- 
brés vivants et fossiles ... sauvages 
ou domestiques qui se rencontrent toute 
l’année ou qui ne sont que de passage 
dans la plus grande partie du midi de 
la France. Nimes, 1844. 1844.1 

Cresswell, Richard 
totle’s History of animals. 

(editor)  Aris- 
10 books. 

London, 1887. 1887.1 

Cretté de Palluel, Albert. Ennemis 
peu connus des oiseaux d’eau. Ornis, 
Paris, 1902-03, 12, 118. 1902.1 

Crettiez, Jean. Sur la culture de 
Vombre-chevalier (Salvelinus umbla 1.) 
du Léman 4 |’établissement de piscicul- 
ture de Thonon. Métis et hybrides de 
ce salmonide. C. R. Assoc. Frang. 
Avane. Sci., 35. sess., 1906, 119; 498- 
506. — Bull. Suisse Péche, 8, 4-7; 26- 
29. 1906.1 

Sur la reproduction artificielle 
des corégones. C. R. Assoc. Frang. 
Avance. Sci., 35. sess., 1906, 118-119; 
494-498. — Bull. Soc. Centr. Aquicult., 
Paris, 19, 97-101. 

Crevatin, Francesco. Ueber das 
sogenannte Staibchennetz im _ elektri- 
schen Organ der Zitterrochen. Anat. 
Anz., 1898, 14, 243-250. 2 figs. 1898.1 

Contributo alla conoscenza del 
rene de’ pesci. Della diversa maniera di 
cellule dei canalicoli renali. Rendic. R. 
Accad. Sci. Istit. Bologna, 1904, n. s. 8, 
54-55. 1904.1 

Créveceeur, F. fF. A new species of 
fish (Etheostoma arcus-celestis, n. sp.] 
Trans. Kansas Acad. Sci., 1903, 18, 
177-178. 1903.1 

A new species of Campostoma? 
Trans. Kansas Acad. Sci., 1908, 21, 155— 

157. 1908.1 
Crichton-Browne, James. Dexter- 
ity and the bend sinister. Proc. Roy. 

Instit. Great Brit., 1907, 18, 623-652. 
10 pls. & 6 figs. 1907.1 

Discussion of asymmetry of flat-fishes, p. 

Crisafulli, E. Il telencefalo degli 
Seyllii. Riv. Patol. Nerv. Firenze, 1901, 
6, 481-490. fig. 1901.1 

Ricerche comparative di elettro- 
fisiologia e fine anatomia sui nervi elet- 
trici. Giorn. Assoc. Med. Nat. Napoli, 
1901, 11. 1901.2 

Crisp, Edwards. On some points re- 
lating to the structure and mechanism 
of the wolf-fish [Anarrhichas lupus) Ann. 
Mag. Nat. Hist., 1853, 2. ser. 11, 463- 
466. 1853.1 

On the situation, form and 
capacity of the gall-bladder in the ver- 
tebrata, on its absence in certain cases, 
and on the colour of the bile. Proce. 
Zool. Soc. London, 1862, 132-139. 


On the change of colour in the 
common trout (Salmo fario} Proc. Zool. 
Soc. London, 1864, 166. 1864.1 

Crispo-Barbaro, George. The fishes 
of Malta, with their Maltese, Italian, 
and English names and season. 2. ed. 
Malta, 1877. 13 p. 8°. 1877.1 

Crivelli, Giuseppe Gabriel Balsamo. 
See Balsamo-Crivelli, G. 

1906.2 . 

8 _ 
ee ae 

i se 
aad ay 

tlh AT) 

a RE 


Crivelli-Serbelloni, G. La memo- 
ria nei pesci. Acquicolt. Lombard., 
1900, 2. anno, 317-321. 1900.1 

Crocker, Timothy. Condition of the 
shore fisheries of Massachusetts and 
Rhode Island in 1871. Rept. U.S. Fish 
Comm. 1871-72 (1873), 1, 50-53. 1873.1 

Cronheim, Walter. Die Bedeutung 
der Mineralstoffe fiir das Wachstum des 
Karpfens. Allgem. Fischereizeitg., 1908, 
33, 114-120. 1908.1 

Gesamtstoffwechsel der Nicht- 
sduger. I. Die kaltbliitigen Wirbeltiere 
(In Oppenheimer, C. Handbuch der 
Biochemie, ete. Jena, 1910. Bd. iv, 
Teil ii, p. 405-445) 1910.1 

Beitrige zur Kenntnis der Nah- 
rungsaufnahme der Karpfen. Zeitschr. 
Fischerei, 1911, 15, 111-119. 1911.1 

Gesamtstoffwechsel der Kalt- 
bliitigen Wirbeltiere, im besonderen der 
Fische. Zeitschr. Fischerei, 1911, 15, 
319-370. 1911.2 

Cronheim, Walier, & Schiemenz, 
Paul. Die Schidigung der Fischerei in 
der Obra durch die Stirkefabrik in 

Bentschen. Zeitschr. Fischerei, 1901, 
9, 81-109. 1901.1 
Cronheim, , Debschitz, H. von, 

Knauthe, Karl, Apstein, Ge , Berthel- 

mann, «& Borcherding, "Fr. See 
Knauthe, Apstein, & others. 
Crook, Alja Robinson [1864 —] Ueber 

einige fossile Knochenfische aus der 
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2.ed. 5vols. Paris, 1829. illust. 8°. 

Poissons, vol. ii. 

On the mullets of Europe. 
Edinb. Journ. Sci., 1830, n. s. 2, 61-66. 

Das Thierreich . . . Nach der 
zweiten . . . Ausgabe iibersetzt und 
durch Zusiitze erweitert von F. 8. 
Voigt. 6 vols. Leipzig, 1831-43. 8°. 

Rapport verbal sur la mono- 
graphie des esturgeons de MM. Brandt 
et Ratzeburg, fait 4 l’Académie des 
Sciences. Ann. Sci. Nat., 1831, 22, 
222-224. 1831.2. 

— Sur le poisson appelé Machera. 





Nouv. Ann. Mus. Hist. Nat., 1832, 1, 
43-49. pl. 1832.1 

The animal kingdom, arranged 
according to its organization, serving as 
a foundation for the natural history of 
animals. Translated from the last {7.e., 
second) French edition with additional 

notes, ete. London, 1834-37. 4 vols. 
text & 4 vols. pls. 8°. 1834.1 
Reptiles and fishes, vol. ii. 
— The animal kingdom . . . by the 

Baron Cuvier... with additional de- 

scriptions of species . . . by E. Griffith 
and others. 16 vols. London, 1827-35. 
8°. 1834.2 

Vol. x. Pisces, with supplementary additions 
by Edward Griffith, Charles Hamilton Smith 
{and P. B. Lord] 680 p. 62 pls. 1834. 

—Lecgons d’anatomie comparée 

. recueillies et publiées sous ses 
yeux par C. Duméril tand afterwards 
by C. L. Duvernoy) 2.ed. 8 vols. in 9. 
Paris, 1835-46. 8°. 1835.1 

Le régne animal distribué d’aprés 
son organisation, pour servir de base 
& Vhistoire naturelle des animaux et 
d introduction 4 l’anatomie comparée. 
3. ed. 17 vols. in 20. Paris, 1836-49. 
4°. 1836.1 

This edition, known as the ‘‘ Disciples’ edi- 
tion,’ : was issued i in 262 livraisons. Those com- 
prising ‘‘ Les poissons, par A. Valenciennes,” 
form volumes iv and v of the series, and were 
published in 1836. 

— Cuvier’s animal kingdom, etc. 
London, 1840. vii, 670 p. illust. 8°. 

Fishes and Radiata, by R. Mudie. Another 
edition of this work was published at London 

in 1849, and it was subsequently reissued at 
various dates by different publishers. 

Histoire des sciences naturelles, 
depuis leur origine jusqu’A nos jours 
chez tous les peuples connus, professée 
au collége de France . . . complétée, 
rédigée, annotée et publiée par M. 
Magdeleine de Saint-Agy. 3 pts. in 5 
Paris, 1841-45. 8°. 1841.1 

—— A classified index and synopsis 
of the animal kingdom, arranged in 
conformity with its organization. With 
supplementary additions by E. Griffith. 
London, 1844. 328p. 8°. 1844.1 

Das Thierreich . . . Nach der 
zweiten . . . Ausgabe frei i ins Deutsche 
iibersetzt und durch Zusiitze eingerich- 
tet von A. V. Streubel. Berlin, 1846. 
wiep. pl. 8°. 1846.1 

Cuvier, (Baron) Georges, & Dumeéril, 
A. M.C. Rapport fait 4 Académie 
Royale des Sciences, sur unsmémoire de 
M. Breschet, sur les organes de |’audi- 
tion des poissons. Ann. Sci. Nat., 1830, 
21, 105-112. — Isis (Oken), 1834, 27, 
1150. 1830.1 

Cuvier, (Baron) Georges, Lacépéde, 
(Comte) B. G. E., & Vauquelin, L. N. 
See Lacépéde, Vauquelin & Cuvier. 

Cuvier, (Baron) Georges, & Valen- 
ciennes, Achille. Histoire naturelle 
des poissons, considérations prélimi- 
naires. Ann. Sci. Nat., 1827, 12, 396— 
414. — Notizen (Froriep), 1828, 20, 
241-250; 23, 464-469. — Bull. Sci. Nat. 
(Férussac), 16, 287; 19, 369; 20, 333. — 
Isis (Oken), 1829, 29” 75-77: ’ Arch. 
Anat. Physiol. (Miiller), 1835, 248. — 
Mag. Zool. Bot. (Jardine), 1837, 1, 283. 


Histoire naturelle des poissons. 
Paris, 1828-49. 650 pls. 

The two issues of this work differ only in 
the setting of the text. 
Account of the Scomber scomber 
L. and the Garum of the ancients. 
Edinb. Journ. Sci. 1832, n. s. 6, 286— 
294. 1832.1 

—— Histoire naturelle du hareng et 
de quelques espéces voisines, telles que 
Valose, la sardine, le white-bait. Bi- 
blioth. Univers. Arch., Genéve, 1848, 
7, 22-28. 1848.1 

Cyon, Elie de. Recherches expéri- 
mentales sur les fonctions des canaux 
semi-circulaires et sur leur role dans la 
formation de la notion et de l’éspace. 
Ann. Sci. Nat. (Zool.), 1878, 6. sér. 7, 

2 vols. 

no. 8. 96p. 1878.1 

Les organes périphériques de 
sens de lespace. . R. Acad. Sci. 
Paris, 1900, 130, 267—269. 1900.1 

Cypress (junior), J., pseudonym for 
Hawes, William P. 

Czenpinski, Paulus. Dissertatio 
inauguralis zoologico-medica, sistens 
totius regni animalis genera, in classes 
et ordines Linnzana methodo digesta, 
preefixa cuilibet classi terminorum expli- 
catione, etc. Vienne, 1778. 122 p. 8°. 


Czermak, Johann Nepomuk [1828- 
1873] Vorlaufige Mittheilungen iiber 
die Schwimmblase von LHsox lucius. 
Zeitschr. Wiss. Zool., 1850, 2, 121-128. 




Czermak, Nicolai. 
drien des Forelleneies. 
1901, 20, 158-160. fig. 

Die Mitochon- 
Anat. Anz., 

— Das Centrosoma im Befruch- 
tungsmomente bei den Salmoniden. 
Vorlaufige Mittheilung. Anat. Anz., 
1903, 22, 393-400. 5 figs. 1903.1 

Czernay, A. Notice sur Cobitis 
merga Krynickii. Bull. Soc. Impér. Nat. 
Moscou, 1852, 25, 548-549. pl. & fig. 


Beobachtungen iiber das Vari- 
iren der Artkennzeichen der Siisswasser- _ 
fische in der Umgegend von Charkow. — 
Bull. Soc. Impér. Nat. Moscou, 1857, © 
30, pt. 1, 227-249. 1857. i 


Forest & 

D. The carp of Virginia. 
Stream, 1877, 8, 113. 

The fish culturists’ convention 
at Chicago. Forest & Stream, 1879, 12, 
704. 1879.1 

Fish items from Norfolk, Va. 

Forest & Stream, 1877, 8, 269. 1877.2 
Trouting in Nova Scotia. For- 
est & Stream, 1874, 2, 274. ‘1874.1 

D., A. Bass and maskalonge fishing. 
Forest & Stream, 1880, 14, 429. 1880.1 

D., A.B. Fishing items from Crystal 
river, Florida. Forest & Stream, 1877, 
9, 269. 1877.1 

D., C. U. Cod fishing at Gaspé. 
Forest & Stream, 1874, 2, 81-82. 1874.1 

D., H. D. The natural law of dis- 
tribution. Forest & Stream, 1879, 13, 
790. 1879.1 

Remarks on introduction of fish into foreign 

D., H. V. Remarks on the natural 
history of the parish of Slapton near 
Dartmouth, Devonshire. Mag. Nat. 
Hist., 1830, 3, 393-397. 1830.1 

D., L. Genuine and prolific carp. 
Chicago Field, 1880, 13, 20. 1880.1 

D., R.G. The size and growth of 
Penobscot salmon. Chicago Field, 
Neto, 14 341. Ibid., 12, 21. 1879.1 

D., T.£. White perch for stock fish. 
Forest & Stream, 1875, 4, 166. 1875.1 

Dabry de Thiersant, Pierre [1826 
—] Note sur la pisciculture en Chine. 
Bull. Soc. Acclim., Paris, 1863, 10, 556- 
566. — Rev. Marit., 1864, 10, 243-252. 


—Note sur le transport des 
gouramis. Bull. Soc. Acclim., Paris, 
1868, 2. sér. 5, 591-592. 1868.1 

— Note sur la culture du gourami 4 
Java. Bull. Soc. Acclim., Paris, 1869, 
2. sér. 6, 732-734. 1869.1 

Histoire naturelle du gourami 
(Osphromenus olfax Commerson] Bull. 
Soc. Acclim., Paris, 1870, 2. sér. 7, 671- 
688. 1870.1 

La pisciculture et la péche en 
Chine, précédé d’une introduction sur 
la pisciculture chez les divers peuples 
par J. L.Soubeiran. Paris, 1872. 173 p. 
51 pls. 8°. 1872.1 

Dabry de Thiersant, P., & Sau- 
vage, Henri Emile. See Sauvage & 
Dabry de Thiersant. 

Daday, Jené |= Eugene) Neue Thi- 
erarten aus der Siisswasserfauna von 
Budapest (Text in Hungarian) Termr. 
Fiizatek, Budapest, 1885, 9, 127-135; 
208-215. 1885.1 

Fische, auf Grund der litera- 
rischen Daten zusammengestellt. Re- 
sult. Wiss. Erforsch. Balatonsees 
(Fauna), 1896, 2, no. 12, 217-231. 
Die _natiirliche Nahrung der 
Fische der Teiche Ungarns. Budapest, 
1897. xii, 481 p. 62 figs. -8°. 1897.1 

Review by R. Franée in Rovart. Lap. Kot., 
p. 194-197. 4 figs. 

Nyctotherus piscicola, n. sp., ein 
neuer Fischendoparasit aus Siidamerika. 
Zool. Anz., 1905, 29, 233-238. 4 figs. 


In siidamerikanischen Fischen 
lebende Trematodenarten. Zool. Jahrb. 
(Syst. Abth.), 1907, 24, 469-590. 6 pls. 

See Fano, C. da. 

Da Fano, C. 

Dagincourt, Emmanuel [1856 —] 
Couche a poissons a la base du Lias su- 
périeur aux environs de Saint-Amand 
(Cher) Bull. Soe. Géol. France, 1880, 
3. sér. 8, 355-357. 1880.1 

Dagincourt, Emmanuel, Carez, Léon, 
& Douvillé, Henri. Annuaire géologi- 
que universel. Revue de géologie et de 
paléontologie. 14 vols. Paris, 1885-— 
98. 8°. 1885.1 




Dagry, A. Dispositions 4 prendre 
pour l’acclimatation et le transport 
des poissons exotiques provenant des 
régions lointaines. Bull. Soc. Acclim., 
Paris, 1911, 58, 417-426. fig. 1911.1 

Daguin, Acclimatation en 
France de nouveaux salmonides. C. R 
Acad. Sci. Paris, 1893, 116, ieee é 


Répertoire alphabétique des 
noms vulgaires et locaux des poissons 
d’eau douce de France. Naturaliste, 
Paris, 1904, 26, 185-187; 206; 217-218; 
230-231; 242-243; 254-255; 267-268; 
280. — Ibid., 1905, 27, 27-28; 40; 52. 
Dahl, Friedrich Theodor [1856 —] 
Ueber die Verbreitung der Seethiere in 
der Elbe. Schrift. Schlesw.-Holst. Nat. 
Ver., 1889, 7, pt. 2, 74-75. 1889.1 

Die Bewegung der fliegenden 
Fische durch die Luft. Zool. Jahrb. 
(Syst. Abth.), 1891, 5, 679-688. 1891.1 

Zur Frage der Bewegung fliegen- 
der Fische. Zool. Anz., 1892, 15, 106— 
108. 1892.1 

Untersuchungen iiber die Thier- 
welt der Unterelbe. Deutsch. Meere 
Ber., 1893, pt. 3, 149-186. 1893.1 

Die Verbreitung freischwimmen- 
der Thiere im Ocean. Schrift. Schlesw.- 
Holst. Nat. Ver., 1895, 10, 281—290; 319. 

Karl August Mdébius. Ein 
kurzes Lebensbild, nach authentischen 
Quellen entworfen. Zool. Jahrb. Suppl., 
1905, 8, Festschr. Mobius, 1-22. 1905.1 

Dahl, Knut. Dyr ag Vildmend. 
Reiser 1 Sydafrika ag Nordvest Aus- 
tralien. 2 vols. Kristiania, 1897. illust. 
& maps. 1897.1 

Beretning om fiskeriundersegel- 
ser i og om Trondhjemsfjorden 1898. 
Norske Selsk. Skrift., 1898, no. 10. 62 
p. pls. & maps. 1898.1 

Om fiskeriet med Streeedriot i 
Beetstadfjorden. Aarsberetn. Norges 
Fiskerier, Bergen, 1900. 32 p. 1900.1 

QOrret og unglaks samt lovgiv- 
ningens forhold til dem. Christiania, 
1902. 52p. 3pls. 8°. 1902.1 

Trout and young salmon. Re- 
port on researches on the wanderings of 

the salmon-peel (Text in Norwegian} 
Kristiania, 1902. 51p. pls. 8°. 1902.2 

English translation in Nyt Mag. Naturvy., 
1904, 42, 221-338. 3 pls. & 7 figs. 

Skolpens fiskefors6k 1 Finmar- 
kens Oesttear og ved Biren Eiland som- 
meren 1902. Aarsberetn. Norges Fis- 
kerier, 1903. 41 p. 1903.1 

Undersékelser av Skreibanker 
for Strakingen Tranen-Kristiansund med 
S.8. ‘Tri’? Aarsberetn. medk Norge 
Fiskerier. [(Kristiania?) 1903. 1903.2 

— Artificial fish hatching in Nor- 
way. Rept. Lancashire Sea Fish. 
Invest., 1906, 109-125. 


—— Fiskeri og Utklekning. Bergen 

1906. 1906.2 

Nyere oplysninger om unglaks 
og dens opholdssteder [Neuere Beo- 
bachtungen iiber den jungen Lachs und 
seine Wanderung) Norsk Fisket, Ber- 
gen, 1906, 25, 522-529. 1906.3 

Undersokelser over Nytten av 
Torskeutklekning i Ostlendske fiorde. 
Aarsberetn. Norges Fiskerier, 1906. 
97 p. 1906.4 

Artificial fish-hatching in Ner- 
way. II. Investigations concerning the 
effects of liberating artificially hatched 
cod larve in the fiords of southern Nor- 

way. Proc. Trans. Liverpool Biol. Soc., 5 

1907, 21, 209-269. 4 charts. 1907.1 

—— Sildens skjzl som middel til 
studium af sildens alder, vekst og 
vandringer {Die Heringsschuppen als 
Hilfsmittel fiir das Studium des Alters, 
des Wachsthums und der Wanderungen 
des Herings] Naturen, Bergen, 1907, 
31, 352-359. 1907.2 

—— Fiskeforsk i Skagerak 1906- 
1907  (Fischerei-versuche an der nor- 
wegischen Kiiste von Skagerak] Aars- 
beretn. Norges Fiskerier, 1908, ae 


Vegttab hos notstaaet vaarsild 
(Gewichtsverlust in Netzen stehender 
Friihjahrsheringe) Norsk Fisket, Ber- 
gen, 1908, 27, 127-129. 1908.2 

The assessment of age and 
growth in fish. A short account of the 
development of present methods and 
main literature on the subject (Sammel- 
bericht) Internat. Rev. Hydrobiol., 
Stuttgart, 1909, 2, 758-769. 1909.1 




— The problem of sea fish hatch- 
ing. Rapp. Cons. Perman. Intern. Ex- 
plor. Mer, 1909, 10 B, no. 5, 1-40. 13 
figs. 1909.2 

The scales of the herring as a 
means of determining age, growth and 
migration. Rept. Norw. Fish. Mar. 
‘Invest., Bergen, 1909, 2, no. 6, 1-36. 
3 pls. 1909.3 

Sild og laks [Herring and sal- 
mon] Rept. Norw. Fish. Mar. Invest., 
1909, 2, pt. 1, 184-147. 1909.4 

Vor kundskab om aalens for- 
plantning og vandringer (Unsere Kennt- 
nis von der Fortpflanzung und den 
Wanderungen des Aals} Naturen, Ber- 
gen, 1909, 33, 20-29. 1909.5 

Alder og vekst hos laks og orret 
belyst ved studiet av deres skjael. 
Kristiania, 1910. 115 p. 10 pls. 8°. 
At head of title: Landbruksdepartementet. 

Age and growth of salmon and 
troutin Norway. London, 1911. 141 p. 
10 pls. 1911.1 

Opgover for studiet of fiskens 
tilvetest, von ferskvand. Norsk Fis- 
kerit., Bergen, 1911. 1911.2 

Nogle opgaver for studiet af 
fiskens tilveekst 1 vore ferskvand ,[Auf- 
gaben des Studium des Wachstums un- 
serer Siisswasserfische] Norsk Fiskerit., 
Bergen, 1912, 31, 135-151. 1912.1 

Dahl, Knut, Damas, D., & Sund, 
Oscar. Fiskenes alder og vekst [Age 
and growth of fishes] Rept. Norw. 
Fish. Mar. Invest., 1909, 2, pt. 1, 132— 
133. 1909.1 

Dahl, Anut, & Dannevig, Gunder 
Mathiesen. Undersogelser over nytten 
af torskeudklekning i ostlandets fjorde 
(Investigations upon the utility of 
hatching cod-fish in the eastern fjords of 
Norway] Aarsberetn. Norges Fiskerier, 
Bergen, 1906, 1-121. 1906.1 

Dahl, Knut, & Hjort, Johan. See 
Hjort & Dahl. 

Dahl, Svend. Bibliotheca zoologica 
Danica, 1876-1906. Kobenhavn, 1910. 
262 p. 8°. 1910.1 

Dahlberg, August. Kyrkstadin ka- 
lankasvatuslaitoksesta. Suomen Kalas- 
tus Lehti, 1897, 6, 17. — Fiskeritidskr. 
Finland, 1897, 6, 17. 1897.1 

Dahlgren, Ulric [1870—] The 
giant ganglion cells in the spinal cord 
of the order Heterosomata Cope (Ana- 
canthini pleuronectoidet Giinther) Anat. 
Anz., 1897, 18, 281-293. 4 figs. 1897.1 

The giant ganglion cell appara- 
tus. Journ. Comp. Neurol., 1898, 8, no. 
3, 177-179. 1898.1 

The maxillary and mandibular 
breathing valves of teleost fishes. 
Journ. Morphol., 1898, 14, 117-124. — 
Zool. Bull., 1898, 2, no. 8, 117-124. 3 
figs. — Science, 1899, n. s. 9, 313. 


A new type of electric organ in 
an American teleost fish, Astroscopus. 
Science, 1906, n. s. 28, 469-470. 1906.1 

The luminous organ of a new 
species of Anomalops. Science, 1908, 
n. s. 27, 454-455. 1908.1 

The oral opening of the nasal 
cavity in Astroscopus. Science, 1908, 
n. 8. 27, 993-994. 1908.2 

The origin of the electricity tis- 
sues in fishes. Amer. Naturalist, 1910, 
44, 193-202. 1910.1 

Origin of the electric tissues of 

Gymnarchus niloticus. Carnegie Instit. 

Washington, 1914, Pub. no. 183, 159- 

194. 9Opls. & 9 figs. 1914.1 
Literature, p. 191. 

Dahlgren, Ulric, & Silvester, C. F. 
The electric organ of the stargazer, 
Astroscopus Brevoort. A new form of 
electric apparatus in an American tel- 
eost. Anat. Anz., 1906, 29, 387-403. 
13 figs. 1906.1 

Daimeries, A. Notes ichthyologi- 
ques (Systeme Landenien et Heersien) 
Ann. Soc. Roy. Malac. Belgique (Bull. 
des Séances), 1888-89, 23, xli—xliii; xlv— 
xlix; ci-civ. Ibid., 24, v—x; xxxix—xliv. 
Ibid., 26, Ixxui-lxxvin. I[bid., 27, xii— 
XVl. 1888.1 

Dainelli,G. Appunti geologici sulla 
parte meridionale del capo di Leuca. 
Boll. Soc. Geol. Ital., 1901, 20, 616- 
690. 3 pls. 1901.1 

Dakin, W. J. The osmotic concen- 
tration of the blood of fishes taken from 
sea water of naturally varying concen- 
tration. Bio-Chemical Journ., 1907, 3. 


Note on the biology of teleost 
and elasmobranch eggs. Rept. Brit. 



Dakin, W. J. 
Assoc. Adv. Sci., 80. meet., 1911, 631- 
632. 1911.1 

Notes on the biology of fish eggs 
and larve. Internat. Rev. Hydrobiol., 
Leipzig, 1911, 3, 487-495. 1911.2 

Dakin, W. J., & Cole, F. J. See 
Cole & Dakin. 

Dal, G. Sui vertebrati delle arenarie 
mioceniche di Belluno. Atti Accad. 
Sci. Veneto-Trent.-Istriana, 1908, n. s. 
5. anno, 106-120. 7 figs. 1908.1 

Daldorff, D. C. de. Natural history 
of Perca {Anabas) scandens, nov. sp. 
Trans. Linn. Soc. London (Zool.), 1797, 
3, 62-63. — Voigt’s Magazine, 2, pt. 2, 
348-350. 1797.1 

Daleau, Francois. La péche Aa la 
crevette et les alevins dans le départe- 
ment de la Gironde. Actes Soc. Linn. 
Bordeaux, 1898, 53, Ixxxv—Ixxxvi. 

Anguilles et canards. Proc. 
Verb. Soc. Linn. Bordeaux, 1909, 68, 
Ixxil. 1909.1 

Dall, William Healey [1845 —] Alas- 
ka and its resources. Boston, 1870. 
G28io. Asis: ao 1870.1 

The food fishes of Alaska. Rept. 
Comm. Agric. 1870 (1871), Se : 

On the marine faunal region of 
the north Pacific, ete. Proc. Acad. 
Nat. Sci. Philad. 1876 (1877), 205-208. 
Recognizes an Oregonian, Aleutian and an 
Arctic faunal province for marine invertebrates 
in the north Pacific. 
Notes on the Pacific coast trade 
in shells, shrimps, cod, and salmon. 
Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1883, 3, 425. 
Notes on the fishing products 
exported from San Francisco, Cal., dur- 
ing the year 1883. Bull. U. 5. Fish 
Comm. 1884, 4, 125-128. 1884.1 

Reports of the Belgian Antarctic 
expedition (Review of Résultats du 
voyage duS. Y. ‘ Belgica” en 1877-8-9, 
sous le commandement de A. de Ger- 
lache de Gomery] Science, 1905, n. s. 
21, 624-625. 1905.1 

Dalla. For names, other than Eng- 
lish, with this prefix (except when 
written as one word), see under part 
following the prefix. 

‘colour in Gasterosteus. 

On rapid change of 
Ann. Mag. 
Nat. Hist., 1895, 6. ser. 16, 489-490. 


Dallas, William Sweetland {1824- 
1890] (translator) On Oneirodes esch- 
richtii Liitken, a new Lophiid fish from 
Greenland. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 
1872, 4. ser. 9, 329-344. See Lutken, 
Christian, 1871. 1872.1 

—— Spolia Atlantica, by C. F. Lit- 
ken. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1881, 5. ser. 
7, 1-14; 107-123. 1881.1 

Dalla-Torre, Karl Wilhelm von {1850 
—] Die naturhistorischen Programm- 
aufsitze der Osterreichischen Unter- 
richtsanstalten. Bot. Zool. Oesterreich 
1850-1900. Festschr. k. k. Zool.-Bot. 
Ges. Wien, 1901, 535-600. 1901.1 

Dallmann, Georg. Meine Erfah- 
rungen bei der Zucht des Danio rerio. 
Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1911, 22. 
Jahrg., 149-151; 221-222; 236-237. fig. 


Dallmer, Eugen. Fische und Fi- 
scherei im siissen Wasser mit beson- 

Dallas, James. 

derer Beriicksichtigung der Provinz 
Schleswig-Holstein. Segeberg, 1877. 
LLG spe Sr 1877.1 

Der Hecht. Cuireul. Deutsch. 
Fischerei-Ver., 1877, 1. Jahrg., no. 2, 
35-39. 1877.2 

Ein Besuch bei einem Storfischer. 
Deutsch. Fischerei Zeitg., 1878, 1. Jahrg., 
89-90. 1878.1 

Kiinstliche Fischzucht in Schles- 
wig-Holstein. Deutsch. Fischerei-Zeitg., 
1878, 1. Jahrg., 44. 1878.2 

Die Marine (Coregonus lavare- 
tus} im Selenter See. Circul. Deutsch. 
Fischerei-Ver. 1877 (1878), 1. Jahrg., 
208. 1878.3 

Nutzbarmachung der Mergel- 
kuhlen. Deutsch. Fischerei-Zeitg., 1878, 
1. Jahrg., 147-148. 1878.4 

Ueber die Fortpflanzung der 
Deutsch. Fischerei-Zeitg., 1878, 

Ueber  Lachzucht. Landw. 
Zeitschr., Cassel, 1878, 259-262. 1878.6 

Forellen-Teiche. Deutsch. Fi- 
scherei-Zeitg., 1879, 2. Jahrg., 57-58; 
146-148. — Cireul. Deutsch. Fischerei 

1. Jahrg., 1-8; 9-10; 17-18. 

Ver. 1879 (1880), no. 2, 4446. 




The propagation of eels. Chi- 
eago Field, 1879, 11, 83. 1879.2 

Ueberfithrung von Zandern nach 
England. Cirecul. Deutsch. Fischerei 
Ver. 1878 (1879), no. 2, 53-59. 1879.3 

Dallmer, Eugen, Borne, Max von 
dem, & Benecke, Berthold. See Borne, 
Benecke «& Dallmer. 

Dalrymple, John. Some account 
of a peculiar structure in the eyes of 
fishes. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1838, 2, 136- 
141; 624. 1838.1 

Dalton, Henry G. The history of 
British Guiana; comprising a general 
description of the colony, together 
with an account of its climate, geology, 
staple products, and natural history. 
2 vols. London, 1855. 3 pls. & map. 
8°. 1855.1 

Fishes, vol. ii, p. 336-359. 

Daly, Reginald Aldworth [1871 —] 
First calcareous fossils and the evolution 
of the limestones. Bull. Geol. Soc. 
Amer., 1910, 20, 153-170. 1910.1 

Damas, D. Contribution 4 la 
biologie des Gadides. Rapp. Cons. 
Perman. Intern. Explor. Mer, 1909, 10B, 
no. 3, 1-277. 21 pls. & 25 figs. 1909.1 

Fiskenes gytning, egg og yngel. 
Oversigt [The spawning, eggs and fry 
of fishes. General outlines} Rept. 
Norw. Fish. Mar. Invest., 1909, 2, pt. 1, 

106-117. 1909.2 
Torskefiskene (Gadide) The 
cod family (Gadide) Rept. Norw. 

Fish. Mar. Invest., 1909, 2, pt. 1, 116- 
129; 146-153. 1909.3 

Damas, D., Sund, Oscar, & Dahl, 
Knut. See Dahl, Damas & Sund. 

Dambeck, Karl. Die geographische 
Verbreitung der Fische. Gaea, 1871, 7, 
275-282. 1871.1 

Die geographische Verbreitung 
der Meerfische. Petermann’s Mittheil., 
1873, 19, 241-246. 1873.1 

Die Verbreitung der Siisswasser- 
und Wanderfische. Ausland, 1873, 46. 
Jahrg., 550-553. 1873.2 

— Die geographische Verbreitung 
der Fische in Beziehung auf Physiologie. 
Natur, 1874, 23, 189-192; 198-200; 
203-205; 220-221. pl. 1874.1 

: Die horizontale und vertikale 
Verbreitung der Fische. Natur, 1875, 

n. s. 1, 145-147; 153-155; 161-163; 
171-174; 186-188; 193-196. maps. 

~ 1875.1 
Zur Geschichte des Kabeljau- 

fanges bei Neufundland. Ausland, 
1876, 49. Jahrg., 332-334. 1876.1 

Die geographische Verbreitung 
der Schellfische (Gadidz) mit Beziehung 
auf Grossfischerei und Handel. Gaea, 
1877, 18, 158-163; 224-231; 345-352; 
422-429. 1877.1 

— Der Katzenhai, Scyllium catulus 
L. (S. stellare Flem.) mit Eiern und 
Jungen im Aquarium zu Berlin. Natur, 
1877, n. s. 3, 507-509. fig. 1877.2 

Seenadeln und Seepferdchen 
(Lophobranchii) im Aquarium zu Ber- 
lin. Natur, 1877, n. s. 3, 424427. figs. 

Die Verbreitung der Siisswasser- 
und Wanderfische in Afrika. Amftl. 
Bericht 50. Versamm. Deutsch. Naturf., 
1877, 179-180. 1877.4 

Sinnen- und Seelen-Vermégen 
der Fische. Natur, n. s. 1878, 4, 349- 
352; 365-366. 1878.1 

Geographical distribution of the 
Gadide or the cod family, in its relation 
to fisheries and commerce. Rept. U.S. 
Fish Comm. 1877 (1879), 5, 531-557. 
Die Verbreitung der Siiss- und 
Brackwasser-Fische in Afrika. Jena. 
Zeitschr., 1879, 13, 404456. 1879.2 

Zur Geschichte der Herings- 
fischerei und des Heringshandels. Aus- 
land, 1881, 54. Jahrg., 273-275. 1881.1 

Dames, Wilhelm Barnim [1843-1898] 
For biography and list of works, see 
Leopoldina, 1898, 34, 170.— Geol. 
Verh. Wien, 1898, 408-410. — Geol. 
Mag., 1899, 6, 191-192. 

(Ueber Fischziihne aus der ober- 

senonen Tuffkreide von Maestricht, 

Rhombodus, n. sp.] Sitzber. Naturf. 

Freunde Berlin, 1881, 1-3. 4 figs. 

Ueber eine tertiire Wirbelthier- 

fauna von der westlichen Insel des 

Birket-el-Qurun im Fajum (Aegypten) 

Sitzber. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, 1883, 6, 

129-153. pl. 1883.1 
Pisces, p. 135-153. 

‘Ueber die Gattung Saurodon 

Sitzber. Ges. Naturf. Freunde 
72-78. 1887.1 

Berlin, 1887, 


Dames, WW. B. 

Ueber Titanichthys pharao, nov. 

gen., nov. sp., aus der Kreideforma- 

tion Aegyptens. Sitzber. Ges. Naturf. 

Freunde Berlin, 1887, 69-72. 4 figs. 


Discusses the systematic position of En- 


Amblypristis cheops, n. g. et n. 
sp., aus dem Eociin Aegyptens. Sitzber. 
Ges. Naturf. Freunde Berlin, 1888, 106-— 
109. 1888.1 

Die Ganoiden des deutschen 
Muschelkalks. Paleont. Abhandl., 
1888-89, 4, pt. 2, 131-180. 7 pls. & 
2 figs. 1888.2 

Ueber Gigantichthys und On- 
chosaurus. Neues Jahrb. Miuineral., 
1889, 1, 201-202. 1889.1 

(Ueber eine Mittheilung des 
Herrn Dr. Reis in Miinchen, betreffend 
die Zurechnung der Acanthodier zu 
den Selachiern] Sitzber. Ges. Naturf. 
Freunde Berlin, 1892, 153-155. 1892.1 

Damiani, Giacomo. Contribuzione 
all’ ittiofauna del mare dell’ Elba. I-III. 
Riy. Ital. Sci. Nat., Siena, 1892, 4; 
1893, 4; 1895, 5. 1892.1 

Ancora sui Gobius italici. Riv. 
Ital. Sci. Nat., Siena, 1896, 16, 77. 

Appunti ittiologici sul mereato 
di Genova. Riv. Ital. Sci. Nat., Siena, 
1896, 16, 117-120; 129-135. 1896.2 

I Gobius italici, e specialmente 
del Gobius colonidnus Risso a Genova. 
Riv. Ital. Sci. Nat., Siena, 1896, 16, 55— 
G2 Fai. 1896.3 
Nota ittiologica (Pomatomus 
telescopium) Riv. Ital. Sci. Nat., Siena, 
1896, 16, 58-59. 1896.4 

Sul “ Maurolicus amethystino- 
punctatus ”’ nuovo pel golfo di Genov a 
con note sugli “ Sternoptychide ”’ medi- 
terranei. Atti Soe. Ligust. Sci. Nat. 
Geogr. Genova, 1896, 7, 98-103. — 
Boll. Mus. Zool. Anat. Comp. Genova, 
no. 42. 6 p.— Boll. Natural. Coleott. 
Siena, 16. ann., 38. 1896.5 

Di una Selache maxima a Por- 
toferraio. Mon. Zool. Ital., Firenze, 
1903, 14, 351. 1903.1 

Su aleuni rari Seombridi dell’ 
isola d’ Elba (1898-1908) Boll. Soe. 
Zool. Ital., 1909, 2. ser. 10, 104-116. 



Di un 

“ Regalecus gladius”’ 

Walb. all’ isola d’ Elba, con note sui 

“ Regalecus ”’ mediterranei. Boll. Soc. 
Zool. Ital., 1913, 3. ser. 1, 329-339. 

Dammerman, K. W. Der Saccus 
vasculosus der Fische ein Tiefeorgan. 
Zeitschr. Wiss. Zool., 1910, 96, 654-726. 
4 pls. & fig. 1910.1 

Dammerman, K. W., & Boeke, J. 
See Boeke & Dammerman. 

Damon, William E. Ocean wonders; 
a companion for the seaside. New York, 

S77 Be 1877.1 
—— The same. 2. ed. New York, 
1888. 229 p. 8°. 1888.1 
Dampf, Die Plattfische (Pleu- 

ronectidze] der Ostsee. Schrift. Phys.- 
okon. Ges. K6énigsberg, 1908, 48. Jahrg., 
236. 1908.1 

Dampier, William [1652-1715] 
Dampier’s voyages; consisting of a new 
voyage round the world, a supplement 
to the voyage to Campeachy, a dis- 
course of winds, a voyage to New Hol- 
land, and a vindication, in answer to the 
chimerical relation of William Funnell. 
Edited by John Masefield. 2 vols. 
London, 1906. illust. & maps. 8°. 


Dana, James Dwight [1818-1895] 
For biography and list of works, see 
Amer. Journ. Sci., 1895, 49, 329-356. 
— Journ. Geol., Chicago, 1895, 3, 335- 
340; 341-342; 601-621. — Trans. N. Y. 
Acad. Sci., 1895, 14, 260-262. — Amer. 

Geologist, 1896, 17, 1-16. — Bull. Amer. - 

Geol. Soc., 1896, 7, 461-479. 

Journ. Sci., 1846, 1, 286. 1846.1 
Fossils of the exploring expedi- 
tion under the command of Charles 
Wilkes, U. 8S. N.; a fossil fish from 
Australia, and a Belemnite from Tierra 
del Fuego. Amer. Journ. Sci., 1848, 5, 
433-435. 1848.1 

The classification of animals 
based on the principle of cephalization 
(Fishes) Amer. Journ. Sci., 1863, 36, 
321-352; 440-442. — Edinb. New Phil. 
Journ., 1863, 19, 81-102; 260-273. 


cial reference to American geological 
history, ete. Philadelphia & London, 
1863. xvi, 798 p. illust. 1863.2 

Fossil vertebra of shark. Amer. | 

Manual of geology. With spe-- 

le ee ee CCS 

° ES 

AC ie 


— On certain parallel relations be- 
tween the classes of vertebrates, and on 
the bearing of these relations on the 
question of the distinctive features of 

the reptilian birds (Fishes) Amer. 
Journ. Sci., 1863, 36, 315-321. — 
Edinb. New Phil. Journ., 1863, 19, 
75-81. 1863.3 

Manual of geology, with special 
reference to American geological history, 
etc. Revised American ed. New York, 
1866. xvi, 798 p. illust. 1866.1 

2.ed. New York & 
xvi, 828 p. illust. 


— The same. 3.ed. New York & 
London, 1880. xiv, 911 p. illust. 

The same. 
London, 1875. 

—— Thesame. 4.ed. New York & 
London, 1895. 1087 p. illust. 1895.1 

(Notice of] the vertebrata of the 
Cretaceous formations of the West, by 

. D. Cope. Amer. Journ. Sci., 1876, 
3. ser. 11, 65-66. 1876.1 

(Notice of] Dr. J. S. Newberry’s 
descriptions of new fossil fishes, ete. 
Amer. Journ. Sci., 1888, 3. ser. 35, 498. 

Danckelmann, £. von. Beitrag zur 
Kenntniss der Verbreitungsgrenzen der 

fliegenden Fische im _ siidindischen 
Ocean. Arch. Naturgesch., 1880, 46, 
pt. 1, 280-284. 1880.1 

Danforth, C. H. A 74 mm. Polyo- 
don. Biol. Bull. Woods Hole, 1911, 20, 
201-204. 3 figs. 1911.1 

— The heart and arteries of Polyo- 
don. Journ. Morphol., 1912, 23, 409- 
454. 19 figs. 1912.1 

The myology of Polyodon. 
Journ. Morphol., 1913, 24, 107-146. 10 
figs. 1913.1 

Daniel, J. W. The Salmonide of 
Texas. Forest & Stream, 1878, 10, 339. 

Daniell, William [1769-1837] In- 
teresting selections from animated na- 
ture, quadrupeds, birds, fishes, plants, 
etc., with illustrative scenery, drawn, 
engraved and published by W. D. 
London, 1809. 60 pls. 4°. 1809.1 

Daniell, W.C. Letters referring to 
his experiments in introducing shad into 
the Alabama river. Rept. U. S. Fish 
Comm. 1872-73 (1874), 2, 387-389. 




Danilewsky, C. Coup d’cil sur 
les pécheries en Russie. Exposé statis- 
tique et technique, annexé 4 la collec- 
tion de produits et outils de la péche. 
Paris, 1867. 8°. 1867.1 

; -Ein Fall von Vergiftung mit 
Fischgift. Wratsch, 1885, no. 50. 

Dankler, M. Der Rheinlachs oder 
Salm. Natur, 1899, 48. Jahrg., 353- 
356. 1899.1 

Wetterpropheten aus dem Tier- 
reich. Natur, 1899, 48, 426-428. 1899.2 

Aus dem Leben und Treiben 
unserer Fische. Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. 
Kunde, 1900, 11. Jahrg., 132-141. 


Das Gedichtnis der Fische. 
Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1902, 13. 

Jahrg., 117-118. 1902.1 
Neue Aquarienfische. Natur, 
1902, 51, 114-115. 1902.2 

Dannemann, Johann Friedrich {1859 
—] Grundriss einer Geschichte der 
Naturwissenschaften zugleich eine Ein- 
fiihrung in das Studium der naturwis- 
senschaftlichen Litteratur. I. Erlaéu- 
terte Abschnitte aus den Werken her- 
vorragender Naturforscher aller V6lker 
und Zeiten. Leipzig, 1896. 375 p. 44 
figs. 8°. 1896.1 

Danner, Hermann. Der Aal geht 
aufs Land! Deutsch. Fischerei-Zeitg., 
1880, 3. Jahrg., 422. — Erste Oesterr.- 
ungar. Fischereizeitg., 1880, 174. 1880.1 

Dannevig, Gunder Mathisen. — Arti- 
ficial hatching of salt-water fish and 
lobsters in Norway. Bull. U. 8. Fish 
Comm. 1885, 5, 437-440. 1885.1 

Report of operations at the 
hatching establishment for marine fishes, 
Arendal, 1884. Bull. U.S. Fish Comm. 
1885, 5, 154-160. 1885.2 

Salmonide in Australia. Bull. 
U.S. Fish Comm. 1885, 5, 440-442. 
Hatching lobsters and cod in 
Norway. Bull. U.S. Fish Comm. 1886 
(1887), 6, 138-14. 1887.1 

The hatchery for marine fishes 
at Flodevigen, Norway. Rept. Brit. 
Assoc. Adv. Sci., 66. meet., 1897, 851. 





Dannevig, G. MV. 
Fiskeri og videnskab. 4 vols. 
in 2. Arendal, 1899-1906. 8°. 1899.1 

Vol. iii has subtitle: Udklekningens resul- 

On the necessity of marine fish 
hatching, its results and its present 
position in Norway. Congr. Intern. 
Péche Piscicult. St. Pétersb., 1903, pt. 
1, 249-252. 1903.1 

Artificial fish-hatching in Nor- 
way. I. Letter from Captain G. M. 
Dannevig. Rept. Lancashire Sea-Fish. 
Lab., 1906, 104-108.— Proc. Trans. 
Liverpool Biol. Soc., 1907, 21, 204-208. 

Beretning om de i aarne 1903- 
1905 forebogne fiskeriundersogelser i 
Sondenfjildske fjorde. Norges Fiskerier, 
1906, 1. 1906.2 

Apparatus and methods em- 
ployed at the marine fish hatchery at 
Flédevig, Norway. Paper presented 
before the fourth international fishery 
congress held at Washington, September, 
1908. Bull. U. S. Bur. Fisheries, 1910, 
28, 799-809. pl. & 8 figs. 1910.1 

The utility of sea-fish hatching. 
Paper presented before the fourth in- 
ternational fishery congress held at 
Washington, September, 1908. Bull. 
U. 5. Bur. Fisheries, 1910, 27, 811-816. 


En redredning af udklaknings- 

sagen. m.p.] 1911. 87p. 1911.1 
—— Et sidste ord i udklakningssagen. 
foe pa LOW: 1911.2 

Dannevig, Gunder Mathiesen, & Dahl, 
Knut. See Dahl & Dannevig. 

Dannevig, Harold Christian [1860?- 
1914] For biographical notice, see N. 
Lockyer in Biol. Results of Fishing 
Experiments carried on by the F. I. S. 
‘‘ Endeavour.” Austral. Fisheries, 1915. 

The influence of temperature 
on the development of the eggs.of fishes. 
13. Ann. Rept. Fish. Board Scotland, 
1893 (1894), 147-152. pl. 1894.1 

On the hatching operations at 

Dunbar marine hatchery. 14. Ann. 
Rept. Fish. Board Scotland, 1895 
(1896), 150-157. 1896.1 

_ The results for subsequent years are published 
in the same series of Reports for the years 1898- 
1901 inclusive. 

On the rearing of larval and 
post-larval plaice and other flat-fishes. 

' 1897, pt. 3, 175-193. pl. 

“phe, Dias. 

15. Ann. Rept. Fish. Board Scotland, 

— On the rate of growth of plaice. © 
17. Ann. Rept. Fish. Board Scotland, 
1899, 232-247. pl. 1899.1 

— Report on the hatching work 
at the marine hatchery, bay of Nigg, 
Aberdeen, during the spring season 
1900. 19. Ann. Rept. Fish. Board 
Scotland, 1901, 229-234. 1901.1 

Report on the operations at the 
bay of Nigg hatchery during the spring 
season of 1901. 20. Ann. Rept. Fish. 
Board Scotland, 1902, pt. 3, beer 

On the first successful experi- 
ment with importation of European sea 
fishes to Australian waters. Rept. 
Fish. New South Wales, 1902, pt. 2, 
5-17. 1902.2 

On the reproduction of sea 
fishes. The result of preliminary inves- 
tigations in New South Wales waters. 
Rept. Fish. New South Wale 

The sea mullet, Mugil dobula 
Giinther. Rept. Fish. New South 
Wales, 1902, pt. 2, 26-33. pl. 1902.4 

Dannevig, Harold Christian, & Ful- 
ton, 7’. Influence of temperature on the 
development of the eggs of fishes; on 
hatching operations at Dunbar. Edin- 
burgh, 1895. 28 p. 2 pls. 1895.1 

Danois, Edouard le. See Le Danois, 

Dantan, L. La mémoire chez les 
poissons [Observations de MM. Méné- 
gaux, Rabaud, Lafargue, et Bohn) Bull. 
Instit. Psychol. Internat., Paris, 1904, 
4, 373-381. 1904.1 

Notes _ichthyologiques. Arch. 
Zool. Expér. Gén., 1905, 4. sér. 3, Lxi- 
Ixxvill. 3 figs. 1905.1 

Observations sur les organes de 
la ligne latérale chez les larves des télé- 
ostéens. C. R. Assoc. Frang. Avane. 
Sci., 34. sess., 1906, pt. 2, 582-583. 


Dantziger, Carl. Bericht tber die 
diesjahrigen Erfolge des Heringsfanges. 
Cireul. Deutsch. Fischerei Ver., 1873, 
no. 1, 4-5. 1873.1 

Die fiinf ersten Betriebsjahre der 
Emden  Heringsfischerei-Actien-Gesell- 
schaft.. Cireul. Deutsch. Fischerei Ver. 
1877 (1878), no. 4, 103-1138. 1878.1 




Bericht tiber Versuche mit der 
Grundnetzfischerei durch Emden He- 
ringslogger. Emden, 1879. 48 p. 8°. 

The first five years of the Emden 
Jointstock Herring-Fishery Association. 
Rept. U. S. Fish Comm. 1877 (1879), 
5, 751-776. 1879.2 

Die hollandische und deutsche 

Hiringsfischerei im Jahre 1878. 
Deutsch. Fischerei Zeitg., 1879, 2. 
Jahrg., 34-35; 50-52. 1879.3 

Darbishire, A. D. On the direction 
of the aqueous current in the spiracle of 
the dogfish; together with some obser- 
vations on the respiratory mechanism in 
other elasmobranch fishes. Journ Linn. 
Soe. London (Zool.), 1907, 30, 86-94. 
3 figs. 1907.1 

D’Arenberg, Pierre. Acclimatation 
du black-bass en France (Micropterus 

salmoides) Bull. Soe. Acclim., Paris, 
1911, 58, 533-535. 1911.1 
Dareste, Camille [1822 —] Observa- 

tions sur l’ostéologie du poisson appelé 
Triodon macroptere. Ann. Sci. Nat. 
(Zool.), 1849, 3. sér. 12, 68-83. pl. 


Examen de la place que doit 
occuper dans la classification le poisson 
fossile décrit par S. Volta, sous le nom 
Blochius longirostris. Ann. Sci. Nat. 
(Zool.), 1850, 3. sér. 14, 133-142. 1850.1 

Recherches sur la classification 
des poissons de!’ ordre des Plectognathes. 
Ann. Sci. Nat. (Zool.), 1850, 3. sér. 14, 
105-133. 1850.2 

Etudes sur les types ostéologi- 
ques des poissons osseux. C. R. Acad. 

Sci. Paris, 1872, 75, 942-946; 1018- 
1021; 1086-1089; 1172-1175; 1253- 
1256. 1872.1 

—— On the natural affinities of the 
Balistide. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1872, 
4. ser. 10, 68-70. 1872.2 

Sur les affinités naturelles des 
poissons de la famille des Balistes. C. R. 
Acad. Sci. Paris, 1872, 74, 1527-1530. 
— Journ. Zool. (Gervais), 1872, 1, 268- 

272. 1872.3 
—— Monographie des poissons de la 
famille des Symbranchides. C. R. 

Acad. Sci. Paris, 1873, 77, 815-819; 
878-879. 1873.1 

Note additionelle 4 la monogra- 
phie des poissons de la famille des Sym- 

branchides. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 
1873, 77, 878-879. 1873.2 

Note sur le Leptocéphale de 

Spallanzani. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 
1873, 76, 1304-1307.— Journ. Zool. 
(Gervais), 1873, 2, 295-299. 1873.3 

Monographie des poissons an- 
guilliformes. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 
1874, 79, 988-990. 1874.1 

Résumé d’une monographie des 
poissons anguilliformes. Arch. Zool. 
Expér. Gén., 1875, 4, 215-232. 1875.1 

Sur la reproduction des anguilles. 
C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1875, 81, 159- 
161. 1875.2 

Darracq, Ulysse. Poissons des en- 
virons de Bayonne, des eaux douces et 
eaux salées. tm. p. 1860?) 1860.1 

Darton, Nelson Horatio [1865 —] 
Catalogue and index of contributions 
to North American geology 1732-1891. 
Bull. U. S. Geol. Surv., 1896, no. 127, 
1-1045. 1896.1 

Fish remains in Ordovician 
rocks in Bighorn mountains, Wyoming. 
with a résumé of Ordovician geology of 
the Northwest. Bull. Geol. Soc. Amer., 
1906, 17, 541-566. pls., figs. & map. 


Darwin, Charles Robert [1809-1872] 
The descent of man, and selection in 
relation to sex. 2 vols. London, 1871. 
16°. 1871.1 

Part of chapter xii contains an account of the 

best authenticated cases of sexual differentiation 
in fishes. 

Thesame. 2.ed. London, 1883. 
xvi, 693 p. 8°. illust. 1883.1 

Das-Gupta, Hem Chandra. Paleon- 
tological notes on the Gangamopteris 
beds of Khunmu (in Kashmir) Journ. 
Proc. Asiat. Soc. Bengal, 1910, 6, 179- 
180. 1910.1 

Daubenton, Louis Jean Marie |1716— 
1799] Histoire naturelle . . . contenant 
les poissons (In Encyclopédie méthodi- 
que, vols. i-iii. Paris, 1782-87. 4°) 


Fishes are treated in vol. iii of this work, 
which is edited from Buffon’s Histoire naturelle 
des animaux. The illustrations of the fishes 
were separately compiled by M. |’Abbé Bonna- 
terre, and published in 1788. They include more 
than 400 species, arranged according to the 
Linnean system of classification. For an esti- 
mate of the work, see Gill, 7. N., in Smithson. 
Mise. Coll., 1872, 11, 37. 


Davenport, Charles Benedict 
—] The fauna and flora about Cold 
Spring harbor, L. I. Science, 1908, n. s. 
8, 685-689. 1908.1 

Davenport, Charles Benedict, «& 
Castle, William Ernest. On the accli- 
matization of organisms to high tem- 
peratures. Arch. Entwick.-Mech., 1895, 
2, 227-249. 1895.1 

David, La péche du saumon 
dans le quartier de Bayonne. Bull. Soc. 
Centr. Aquicult. France, 1896, 8. 1896.1 

David, J. On the histological struc- 
ture of the medulla of Petromyzon. 
Journ. Comp. Neurol., 1892, 2, 92-94. 


David, J. J. Fragmentary notes on 
the generative organs of some cartilagi- 
nous fishes. mm. p.] 1861. pl. 4°. 

David, J. J. Die Lobi inferiores des 
Teleostier- und Ganoidengehirnes. In- 
aug. Diss., Basle, 1892. 48 p. 2 pls. 
oe 1892.1 

David, T. W. Edgeworth.  Strati- 
graphical note on the fish-bed at the 
railway ballast quarry, near Gosford. 
Mem. Geol. Surv. New South Wales, 
Paizont., 1890, no. 4, vii-ix. 1890.1 

Davidoff, VW. von. Beitriige zur ver- 
gleichenden Anatomie der hinteren 
Gliedmassen der Fische. Morphol. 
Jahrb., 1879-84. 1879.1 

i. Haie, Chimera und Ganoidei chondrostei. 
Morphol. Jahrb., 1879, 5, 450-520. 4 pls. 

ia. Ueber das Skelet der hinteren Gliedmas- 
sen der Ganoidei holostei und der physostomi- 
schen Knochenfische. Vorlaufige Mittheilung. 
Ibid., 1880, 6, 125-128. 

li. Ganoidet holostei. Ibid., 1880, 6, 433-468. 

iii. Ceratodus. Jbid., 1884, 9, 117-162. 

Ueber das Epithel des Darmes 
und seme Beziehungen des Darm- 
epithels zum lymphoiden Gewebe. Sitz- 
ber. Ges. Morph. Physiol. Minchen, 
1886, 2. 1886.1 

Davidoff, M. von, Emery, Carlo, & 
Schoebel, #. Vertebrata (containing 
bibliography and review of fish litera- 
ture] Zool. Jahresber., Berlin, 1897, 
1-37; 68-74. 1897.1 

Davidson, George. (Note on a habit 
of the thresher shark) Proce. Cal. Acad. 
Sci., 1871, 4, 127. 1871.1 

Davidson, H.E. Davidson’s ichthy- 
taxidermy; an improved method of pre- 
serving fishes. Invented and patented 
by H. E. Davidson, M.D. New York, 
1885. ll p. fig. 1885.1 



Davidson, William. Observations 
on the properties of some fish oils, and 
on the utility of chloride of lime in de- 
stroying their putrid odour. Edinb. 
Journ. Sci., 1827, 7, 97. 1827.1 

On the removal of the fetid 
odours of fish oils. Edinb. New Phil. 
Journ., 1840, 28, 258-260.— Journ. 
Prak. Chem. (Erdmann), 1840, 20, 188— 
190. 1840.1 

Davies, Arthur Morley. The base of 
the Gault in eastern England. Geol. 
Mag., 1899, 4. dec. 6, 159-163; 234. 


Davies, Arthur Morley, & Wells, H. 
G. See Wells & Davies. 

Davies, George Christopher. Fishing; 
a comprehensive handbook of the art, 
including sea-fishing. London [1873?] 
64 p. figs. 16°. 1873.1 

This edition was published by Dean and son. 
An edition was published by the “* graphotyping 
company ”’ in 1873, as one of the series called 
‘* Champion handbooks.” 

Davies, Hugh, & Latham, J. See 
Latham «& Davies. 

Davies, J. H. Farther observations 
on the influence of fresh water on marine 
animals. Communicated by James L. 
Drummond. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1829, 2, 
217-218. 1829.1 

Davies, William [1814-1891] For 
biography, see Amer. Naturalist, 1891, 
25, 410-412.— Geol. Mag., 1891, 3. 
dec. 8, 144; 190-192. — Quart. Journ. 
Geol. Soc., 1891, 47, 56. 

Holoptychius and Glyptolepis. 
Geologist, 1863, 135-136. 1863.1 

Alphabetical catalogue of type 
specimens of fossil fishes in the British 
Museum. Geol. Mag., 1871, 8, 208-216; 
334-335. 1871.1 
On the rostral prolongations 
of Squaloraia polyspondyla Ag. Geol. 
Mag., 1872, 9, 145-150. pl. Notice in 
Neues Jahrb. Mineral., 1874, 216. 


On the nomenclature of Sauro- 
cephalus lanciformis of the British 
Cretaceous deposits, with description 
and figures of a new species (S. wood- 
wardii) Geol. Mag., 1878, 2. dec. 5, 254— 
262. pl.— Neues Jahrb. Mineral., 
1878, 983-986. 1878.1 

On some fish exuvie from the 
Chalk, generally referred to Dercetis 


(Leptotrachelus} elongatus Ag. Geol. 

Mag., 1879, 2. dec. 6, 145-148. — 

Neues Jahrb. Mineral., 1880, 1, 120. ‘ 

— A note on Professor Cope’s 
“ Edestus and Pelecopterus,” ete. Geol. 
Mag., 1886, 3. dec. 3, 141-142. 1886.1 

— On new species of Pholidophorus 
from the Purbeck beds of Dorsetshire. 
Geol. Mag., 1887, 3. dec. 4, 337-339. 


Davis, A. C. Statement concerning 
the menhaden fishery. Rept. U.S. Fish 
Comm. 1877 (1879), 5, 475. 1879.1 

Davis, Bradley Moore {Abstract} On 
the origin of the epiphysis cerebri in 
Amia, and summary of the literature 
on the epiphysis cerebri. Proc. Indiana 
Acad. Sci., 1896, 259-271. 1896.1 

Contains an extensive bibliography. 

Davis, Bradley Moore, & Eycleshy- 
mer, A.@. See Eycleshymer «& Davis. 

Davis, Bradley Moore, & Jordan, 
David Starr. See Jordan & Davis. 

Davis, Charles H.S. The Catopterus 

gracilis. Trans. Sci. Assoc. Meriden, 
Conn., 1887, 2, 21-22. fig. 1887.1 
Davis, Frederica K., & Parker, 

George Howard. See Parker & Davis. 

Davis, H. B. Gratifying results of 
propagating German carp. Bream and 
carp in ponds together. Table qualities 
of carp. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1882 
(1883), 2, 317-318. 1883.1 

Davis, J. F. Zoological observations 
made in the neighbourhood of Tenby. 
Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1841, 7, 234-236. 


Refers to a Zygena malleus, ten feet long. 

Davis, John. Parasites on fish. Sci- 
ence Gossip, 1878, 14, 33-34. pl. 

Davis, James William [1846-1893] 
For biography and list of works, see 
Geol. Mag., 1893, 3. dec. 10, 427-432. 
— Trans. Leeds Geol. Assoc., 1892- 
93, 8, 79-82.— Quart. Journ. Geol. 
Soc., 1894, 50, 44-47. — Proc. York- 
shire Geol. Soc., 1894, n. s. 12, pt. 4, 

On the occurrence of certain 
fish-remains in the Coal Measures, and 
the evidence they afford of their fresh- 
water origin. Proc. Yorkshire Geol. 



Soc., 1871-72, n. s. 6, pt. 1, 40-52. — 
Rept. Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 48. meet., 
1878, 539. 5 1871.1 

— On a bone-bed in the Lower 
Coal Measures, with an enumeration of 
the fish-remains of which it is principally 
composed. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., 
1876, 32, 332-340. 1876.1 

Ichthyography of the northern 
part of the West Riding coal-field. 
Barnsley, 1878. 19 p. 8°. 1878.1 

Description of a new species 
of fossil fish-spine, Ctenacanthus minor, 
from the Lower Coal Measures of York- 
shire. Geol. Mag., 1879, 2. dec. 6, 531— 
532. fig. 1879.1 

Notes on Pleurodus affinis, sp. 
ined. Agassiz [Pleuroplax rankini| and 
description of three spines of Cestraci- 
onts from the Lower Coal Measures. 
Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., 1879, 35, 181— 
187. pl. — Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1879, 
5. ser. 3, 93. — Neues Jahrb. Mineral., 
1880, 2, 103. 1879.2 

On Ostracocanthus dilatatus, gen. 
et sp. nov. A fossil fish from the Coal 
Measures south-east of Halifax, in 
Yorkshire. Rept. Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 
49. meet., 1879, 343. — Proc. Yorkshire 
Geol. Soc., 1879, n. s. 7, pt. 2, 191-195. 

On a new species of Gyracan- 
thus, a fossil fish from the Coal Meas- 
ures (Gyracanthus denticulatus) Ann. 
Mag. Nat. Hist., 1880, 5..ser. 6, 372- 
3/3. figs: 1880.1 

On the fish-remains found in the 
cannel coal in the middle Coal Meas- 
ures of the West Riding of Yorkshire, 
with the descriptions of some new 
species. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., 1880, 
36, 56-67. 1880.2 

On the distribution of fossil 
fishes in the Yorkshire coal-fields. Proc. 
Yorkshire Geol. Soc., 1880, n. s. 7, pt. 3, 
228-241. — Proc. Geol. Assoc., 1881, 6, 
359-370. 1880.3 
On the genus Pleuracanthus 
Agass., including the genera Orthacan- 
thus Agass. and Goldf., Diplodus Agass., 
and Xenacanthus Beyr. Quart. Journ. 
Geol. Soc., 1880, 36, 321-336. — Ann. 
Mag. Nat. Hist., 1880, 5. ser. 5, 259- 
260. pl. & figs. 1880.4 

On the teleostean affinities of 
the genus Pleuracanthus. Ann. Mag. 
Nat. Hist., 1880, 5. ser. 5, 349-357. 



Davis, J. W. 
Notes on the fish-remains of the 
bone-bed of Aust, near Bristol; with 
the description of some new genera and 
species. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., 1881, 
37, 414-425. pl. 1881.1 

On Anodontacanthus, a new 
genus of fossil fishes from the Coal 
Measures; with descriptions of three 
new species [A. acutus, obtusus, fastigia- 
tus} Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., 1881, 37, 
427-429. 1881.2 

On Paleospinax priscus Eger- 
ton. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1881, 5. ser. 
7, 429-432. pl. 1881.3 

On the genera Ctenoptychius 
Agassiz; Ctenopetalus Agassiz; and 
Harpacodus Agassiz. Ann. Mag. Nat. 
Hist., 1881, 5. ser. 8, 424-427. 1881.4 

On the zoological position of the 
genus Petalorhynchus Ag., a fossil fish 
from the Mountain Limestone. Rept. 
Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 51. meet., 1881, 
646. 1881.5 

Notes on the occurrence of fossil 
fish-remains in the Carboniferous Lime- 
stone series of Yorkshire. Proc. York- 
shire Geol. Soc., 1882, n. s. 8, pt. 1, 39- 
63. 1882.1 

On the fossil fish-remains from 
the Armagh limestone in the collection 
of the Earl of Enniskillen. Proe. Geol. 
Soe., 1882, 38, 12-13. 1882.2 

On the fossil fishes of the Car- 
boniferous Limestone series of Great 
Britain. Scient. Trans. Roy. Dublin 
Soc., 1883, 2. ser. 1, 327-600. 14 pls. 


Description of a new genus of 
fossil fishes from the Lias. Ann. Mag. 
Nat. Hist., 1884, 5. ser. 18, 448-453. 
pl. 1884.1 

Description of a new species of 
Ptycholepis from the Lias of Lyme 
Regis. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1884, 5. 
ser. 13, 335-337. pl. 1884.2 

—— On a new species of Celacanthus 
(C. tingleyensis) from the Yorkshire 
cannel coal. Trans. Linn. Soc. London 
(Zool.), 1884, 2. ser. 2, pt. 13, 427-433. 
pls. xlvi-xlix. 1884.3 

On a new species of Heterole- 
pidotus {H. minor) from the Lias. Proc. 
Yorkshire Geol. Soc., 1884, n. s. 8, pt. 3, 
403-407. pl. 1884.4 



On some remains of fossil fishes 
from the Yoredale series at Leyburn in 
Wensleydale. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., 
1884, 40, 614-634. pls. xxvi-xxvii. — 
Geol. Mag., 1884, 3. dec. 1, 91-92. 


The fossil fishes of the Chalk 
of Mount Lebanon, in Syria. Scient. 
Trans. Roy. Dublin Soc., 1885, 2. ser. 3, 
457-636. pls. x1v—xxxvlii. 1885.1 

Note on Chlamydoselachus an- 

guineus Garman. Proc. Yorkshire 
Geol. Soc., 1885, n. s. 9, pt. 1, 98-113. 
pl. 1885.2 

On Heterolepidotus grandis, a 
fossil fish from the Lias. Journ. Linn. 
Soc. London (Zool.), 1885, 18, 293-298. 
pl. 1885.3 

Notes on a collection of fossil 
fish-remains from the Mountain Lime- 
stone of Derbyshire. Geol. Mag., 1886, 
3. dec. 3, 149-157. figs. 1886.1 

On some fish-remains from the 
Tertiary strata of New Zealand. 
Geol. Mag., 1886, 3. dec. 3, 938-94. 


Note on a fossil species of 
Chlamydoselachus. Geol. Mag., 1887, 
3. dec. 4, 392-393. — Proc. Zool. Soe. 
London, 1887, 542-544. 1887.1 

— On Chondrosteus acipenseroides 
Ag. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., 1887, 43, 
605-616. pl. 1887.2 

Note on a species of Seymnus 
from the Upper Tertiary formation of 
New Zealand. Geol. Mag., 1888, 3. 
dec. 5, 315-316. 1888.1 

On fossil fish-remains from the 
Tertiary and Cretaceo-Tertiary forma- 
tions of New Zealand. Scient. Trans. 
Roy. Dublin Soc., 1889, 2. ser. 4, 1-62. 
7 pls. 1889.1 

Summary of geological litera- 
ture relating to Yorkshire. Proc. York- 
shire Geol. Soc., 1889, n. s. 11, pt. 1, 
128-129. 1889.2 

Fossil fish-remains from Car- 
boniferous shales at Cultra, county 
Down, Ireland. Proce. Yorkshire Geol. 
Soc., 1890, n. s. 11, pt. 2, 382-334. 


On a new species of Coccodus (C. 
lindstremi Davis) Quart. Journ. Geol. 
Soe., 1890, 46, 565-568. pl. 1890.2 

ee ae ae 




On Celacanthus phillipsii Agas- 
siz. Geol. Mag., 1890, 3. dec. 7, 159— 
161. 1890.3 

— On the dentition of Pleuroplax 
(Pleurodus) A. 8. Woodward. Ann. 
Mag. Nat. Hist., 1890, 6. ser. 5, 291— 
294. pl. 1890.4 

— On the fossil fish of the Creta- 
ceous formations of Scandinavia. Scient. 
Trans. Roy. Dublin Soc., 1890, 2. ser. 
4, 363-434. pls. xxxvili-xlvi. — Notice 
in Amer. Naturalist, 1891, 25, ace 


Summary of geological litera- 
ture relating to Yorkshire. Proc. 
Yorkshire Geol. Soc., 1890, n. s. 11, 
pt. 2, 344. 1890.6 

On the discovery of a new 
species of fossil fish (Strepsodus brock- 
banki) in the Upper Coal Measures 
limestone of Levenshulme, near Man- 
chester. Mem. Proc. Manchester Lit. 
Phil. Soc., 1891, 4. ser. 4, 1-3. — Geol. 
Mag., 1891, 38. dec. 8, 465. 1891.1 

; On the fossil fish-remains of the 
Coal Measures of the British islands. 
Part I. Pleuracanthide. Scient. Trans. 
Roy. Dublin Soce., 1893, 2. ser. 4, 703- 
748. pls. Ixv—Ixxui. — Review in Geol. 
Mag., 3. dec. 10, 72-75. 1893.1 

On the fossil fish-remains of the 
Coal Measures of the British islands. 
Part IJ. Acanthodide. Scient. Trans. 
Roy. Dublin Soc., 1894, 2. ser. 5, 249- 
258. pls. xxvii-xxix. 1894.1 

Davis, Peter. Condition of the shore 
fisheries of Massachusetts and Rhode 
Island in 1871. Rept. U.S. Fish Comm. 
1871-72 (1873), 32-33. 1873.1 

Davis, William T. The brook lam- 
prey in New Jersey. Copeia, 1915, no. 
18, 1-2. 

Davy, (Sir) Humphry [1778-1829] 
Salmonia . . . with some account of the 
habits of fishes belonging to the genus 
Salmo. London, 1828. 273 p. 8°. 


A second edition of this work was published 
at London in 1829, a third in 1832, and a fourth 
in 1851. The work was reviewed by Sir Walter 
Scott in Quarterly Review, 1828, p. 503. 

An account of some experiments 
on the torpedo. Phil, Trans. Roy. Soe. 
London, 1829, 15-18. — Annal. Chimie, 
41, 438-444. — Phil. Mag., 6, 81-84. — 
Annalen (Poggendorff), 16, 311-315. — 
Journ. (Schweigger), 2. ser. 55 (Jahrb. 

25), 454-455. — Ibid., n. s. 57 (Jahrb. 
27), 17-23. 1829.1 

Davy, John [1790-1868] An account 
of some experiments and observations 
on the torpedo (Raja torpedo Linn.) 
Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. London, 1832, 
259-278.— Ann. Sci. Nat., 1832, 30, 
192-204. — Annalen (Poggendorff, 1832), 
27, 542-551. — Phil. Mag., 1832, 3. ser. 
1, 67.— Notizen (Froriep), 1834, 43, 
229-230. — L’Institut, 1835, 3, 153- 
154. — Phil. Trans., 1834, 531-550. 


Observations on the torpedo, 
with an account of some additional 
experiments on its electricity. Phil. 
Trans. Roy. Soc. London, 1834, 531- 
550. Abstract in Notizen (Froriep), 48, 
229-230. Also separate; London, 1834. 
20 p. pil. 1834.1 

On the temperature of some 
fishes of the genus Thynnus. Proc. 
Roy. Soc. London, 1835, 3, 327-328. — 
Edinb. New Phil. Journ., 19, 325-331. 
—Notizen (Froriep), 46, 321-326. — 
Ann. Sci. Nat. (Zool.),- 1835, 2. sér. 8, 
380. — Arch. (Wiegmann), 2, 243. 


On the male organs of some of 
the cartilaginous fishes. Phil. Trans. 
Roy. Soc. London, 1839, pt. 1, 139-150. 
physiological and 
London, 1839. 

Miscellaneous observations on 
the torpedo. Proc. Roy. Soc. London, 
1841, 4, 590. 1841.1 

On the torpedo. Proc. Roy. Soc. 
London, 1841, 4, 291. _ 1841.2 

Note from Mr. Gulliver, on the 
size of the blood-corpuscles of birds, 
with measurements by Dr. Davy of 
the blood-corpuscles of some fishes and 
of a humming bird. Proc. Zool. Soc. 
London, 1846, 26-36. 1846.1 

Some observations on the charr 
(Salmo umbla), relating chiefly to its 
generation and early life. Trans. 
Roy. Soc. Edinb., 1852, 20, 321-334. 


Ueber die Eier der Salmoniden 
Abstract in Frorieps Tagsber. (Zool. 
Abth.), 1852, 3, no. 694, 255-256. 1852.2 
Some observations on fish in 
relation to diet. Trans. Roy. Soc. 
Edinb., 1853, 20, 599-606. — Edinb. 
New Phil. Journ., 55, 225-234. 1853.1 

anatomical. 2 vols. 


Davy, J. ; 
On the impregnation of the ova 
of the Salmonide. Trans. Roy. Soc. 
Edinb., 1854, 21, pt. 1, 1-5. 1854.1 

Some observations on the ova 
of the salmon in relation to the distribu- 
tion of species. Proc. Roy. Soc. Lon- 
don, 1854, 6, 149-150; 7, 363-368. — 
Phil. Trans. Roy. Soe. London, 1854, 
21-30. — Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1855, 
2. ser. 16, 205-206. Abstract in L’In- 
stitut, 1855, 23, 446. 1854.2 

Some miscellaneous remarks on 
the Salmonide. Trans. Roy. Soc. 
Edinb., 1855, 21, pt. 2, 245-254. — 
Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1856, 2. ser. 17, 
420-424. — Proc. Roy. Soc. London, 
1856, 8, 27-33. 1855.1 

On the vitality of the ova of the 
Salmonide of different ages. Proc. Roy. 
Soc. London, 1856, 8, 27-33. 1856.1 

The angler in the Lake dis- 
trict; or, piscatory colloquies and fish- 
ing excursions in Westmoreland and 
Cumberland. London, 1857. 360 p. 
12% 1857.1 

On the urinary secretion of 
fishes, with some remarks on this secre- 
tion in other classes of animals. Trans. 
Roy. Soc. Edinb., 1857, 21, 543-548. 


Some observations on the fishes 
of the Lake district. Edinb. New 
Phil. Journ., 1859, n. s. 9, 1-11. Ab- 
stract in Rept. Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 
28. meet., 1858, 122. 1859.1 

Some miscellaneous observa- 
tions on the tadpole; on the albumen of 
the newly-laid egg; on the growth of 
birds; their specific gravity; and on the 
stomach of fishes in relation to digestion. 
Edinb. New Phil. Journ., 1860, n. s. 11, 
252-271. — Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinb., 4, 
253-254. ’ 1860.1 

Fragmentary notes on the gener- 
ative organs of some cartilaginous fishes. 
Trans. Roy. Soc. Edinb., 1861, 22, 491— 
506. pl. Also separate; Edinburgh, 
1861. 16 p. 4°. 1861.1 

Some observations on the vital- 
ity of fishes as tested by increase of 

temperature. Rept. Brit. Assoc. Adv. 
Sci., 32. meet., 1862, 125. 1862.1 

Physiological researches. Lon- 
don & Edinburgh, 1863. 1863.1 


— On the colour of the salmon. 
Edinb. New Phil. Journ., 1863, n. s. 18, 
247-249. — Rept. Brit. Assoc. Ady. 
Sci., 33. meet., 1863, 102. 1863.2 

Some observations on the Sal- 
monide, chiefly relating to their gen- 
erative power. Rept. Brit. Assoc. Adv. 
Sci., 34. meet., 1864, 93. 1864.1 

Dawson, G. H. The salmon. Rept. 
Marlborough College Nat. Hist. Soe., 
1868, 10-17. 1868.1 

Dawson, George. The grayling (Thy- 
mallus vulgaris} A true angler’s ex- 
perience with this interesting fish. 
Fish. Gazette, 1878, n. s. 2, no. 85, 577. 


Fish swallowing fish. Forest & 
Stream, 1879, 13, 926. 1879.1 

Dawson, George Mercer [1849 —] 
British North American boundary com- 
mission report on the geology and re- 
sources of the region in the vicinity of 
the forty-ninth parallel . . . Montreal 
& London, 1875. 397 p. 18 pls. 8°. 


Salmon in rivers of the Pacific 
slope. Nature, 1879, 19, 528. 1879.1 

Report on an exploration in the 
Yukon district, Northwest Territory, 
etc. Rept. Canada Geol. Surv., 1887— 
88, n. s. 3, pt. 1. 1887.1 

Fishes, determined from photographs by T. 
H. Bean. 

Dawson, Jean. The mechanism of 
feeding and breathing in the lamprey. 
Science, 1904, n. s. 19, 218-219. 1904.1 

The breathing and feeding mech- 
anism of the lampreys. Bull. Mar. 
Biol. Lab., Woods Holl, 1905, 9, 1-21; 
91-111. 1905.1 

Dawson, John. On the vitality of 
the heart of ashark. Journ. Med. Surg., 
Boston, 1852, 46, 82-84. 1852.1 

Dawson, (Sir) John William [1820— 
1899] On a new species of stickleback 
(Gasterosteus gymnetes) Canadian Nat- 
uralist, 1859, 4, 321. 1859.1 

On the Lower Coal Measures, as 
developed in British America. Quart. 
Journ. Geol. Soc. London, 1859, 15, 62— 
76. 1859.2 

Pisces, p. 72-73. 

On the conditions of the deposi- 
tion of coal, more especially as illus- 


trated by the coal-formation of Nova 

Scotia and New Brunswick. Quart. 

Journ. Geol. Soc. London, 1866, 22, 95— 

169. 7 pls. 1866.1 
Fishes, p. 133, 144. 

Notes on the _ post-Pliocene 
geology of Canada; with especial ref- 
erence to the conditions of accumula- 
tion of the deposits and the marine life 
of the period. Canadian Naturalist, 
1872, 6, 112. 1872.1 

— Lower Carboniferous fishes of 
New Brunswick. Canadian Naturalist, 
1877, 2. ser. 8, 337-340. figs. 1877.1 

Acadian geology. The geologi- 
eal structure, organic remains and min- 
eral resources of Nova Scotia, New 
Brunswick and Prince Edward island. 
3. ed. London, Edinburgh, Montreal, 
Halifax, & New York, 1878. xxvi, 694 
p. illust. 8°. 1878.1 

— Note on a fossil fish and marine 
worm found in the Pleistocene nodules 
of Greens creek, on the Ottawa. Cana- 
dian Ree. Sci., 1890, 4, 86-88. 1890.1 

Some salient points in the sci- 
ence of the earth. New York, 1894. 
499 p.  illust. 1894.1 

Dawson, R. A., & Herdman, JW. A. 
See Herdman & Dawson. 

Dax, (Vicomte) Louis de. Note sur 
les hippocampes. Bull. Soc. Polymath. 
Morbihan, 1863, 40-44. 1863.1 

Day, EL. C. H. On Acrodus anningie 
Agass., with remarks upon the affinities 
of the genera Acrodus and Hybodus. 
Geol. Mag., 1864, 1, 57-65. 2 pls. 


On a head of Hybodus delabe- 
Geol. Mag., 1865, 2, 565. 1865.1 

Day, Francis [1829-1889] For biog- 
raphy and lst of works, see Nature, 
1889, 40, 282. — Zoologist, 1889, 3. ser. 
13, 306-308. — Proce. Cotteswold Nat. 


Field Club, 1892, 10, 2-3.— Trans. 
pols Norwich Nat. Soc., 1894, 5, 

The fishes of Malabar. London, 
1865. 293 p. 20 col. pls. 4°. 1865.1 

—— On the fishes of Cochin, on the 
Malabar coast of India. Part 1. Acan- 
thopterygii. Part 2. Anacanthini. Proc. 
Zool. Soc. London, 1865, 2-40; 286-318. 




On some fishes from the Wy- 
naad: Nemacheilus striatus, Garra alta, 
Homaloptera brucei. Proc... Zool. Soc. 
London, 1867, 347-350. 1867.1 

On some new or imperfectly 

known fishes of India. Proe. Zool. Soe. 
London, 1867, 699-707; 935-942. 


Later contributions under the same title are 

found in the Proceedings for the years 1868 and 

On some new or imperfectly 
known fishes of Madras. Proc. Zool. 
Soe. London, 1867, 558-565; 935-942. 

On the fishes of the Neilgherry 
hills and rivers around their bases. 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1867, 281-302. 

Catalogue of Indian freshwater 
fishes (Acanthopterygii and Cyprino- 
dontide) Madras Quart. Journ., 1868, 
1-73. Ibid., 1869, 328-333. 1868.1 

Observations on some Indian 
fishes: Barbus neilli, B. quentheri, B. 
ambassis, B. nashii. Proe. Zool. Soc. 
London, 1868, 580-585. 1868.2 

Observations on some of the 
freshwater fishes of India [Respiration 
of fishes] Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1868, 
274-288. 1868.3 

On a new gobioid fish from 
Madras (Huctenogobius striatus} Proc. 
Zool. Soc. London, 1868, 272-273. 


On some new fishes from Ma- 
dras. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1868, 
192-199. 1868.5 

On some new or imperfectly 
known fishes of India. Proce. Zool. Soe. 

London, 1868, 149-156. 1868.6 
Pisciculture on the Neilgherry 
hills. Madras Quart. Journ., 1868, 
37-99. 1868.7 
On the fishes of Orissa. Proc. 

Zool. Soe. London, 1869, 296-310; 369- 
387. 1869.1 

' Remarks on some of the fishes 
in the Caleutta museum. On the fresh- 

water fishes of Burma, part 1. Proc. 
Zool. Soc. London, 1869, 511-527; 
548-560; 611-623. 1869.2 

Description of five new species 
of fishes from Burmah. Proc. Zool. Soc. 
London, 1870, 99-101. 1870.1 

Day, F. _ remarks. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 
Notes on some fishes from the 1873, 743-748. 1873.1 

western coast of India. Proc. Zool. Soc. 
London, 1870, 369-374. 1870.2 

Notes on the fishes of Nancowry 

harbour, Nicobar islands. Journ. Roy. 
Asiat. Soc. Bengal, 1870, 39, pt. 2, 
34-35. 1870.3 

Notes on the genus Hara Blyth. 
Journ. Roy. Asiat. Soc. Bengal, 1870, 

39, pt. 2, 37-40. pil. 1870.4 

Observations on the Anda- 
manese. Proc. Roy. Asiat. Soc. Bengal, 
1870, 153-177. 1870.5 

On the fishes of the Anadaman 

islands. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1870, 
677-705. 187 0.6 

On turtle and fish oils. Madras 
Quart. Journ., 1870, 294-301. 1870.7 

— Monograph of Indian Cyprini- 
de. Journ. Roy. Asiat. Soc. Bengal, 
1871, 40, pt. 2, 95-143; 277-336; 337— 
367. — Ibid., 1872, 41, 1-85; 171-176; 
318-326. 1871.1 

Notes on Indian siluroid fishes. 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1871, 286-289. 

On fish as food, or the reputed 
origin of disease. Indian Med. Gazette, 
1871, 6, 5-8; 26-29. 1871.3 

On Hamilton Buchanan’s origi- 
nal drawings of fish in the library of 
the Asiatic Society of Bengal. Proc. 
Roy. Asiat. Soc. Bengal, 1871, 195-209. 

On the freshwater siluroids of 
India and Burmah. Proc. Zool. Soe. 
London, 1871, 703-721. 1871.5 
—— Remarks on Indian fishes. Proce. 

Zool. Soc. London, 1871, 634-638. 

Report on the fish and fisheries 

of the fresh waters of India. Simla, 
1871. 49p. 8°. 1871.7 

Notes on fish collected by Dr. 
Stoliezka in Kachh. Journ. Roy. 
Asiat. Soc. Bengal, 1872, 41, pt. 2, 
258-260. 1872.1 

On the identity of the siluroid 
genera Erethistes and Hara. Proc. Roy. 
Asiat. Soc. Bengal, 1872, 122-123. 
Extracts from the late Dr. 
Buchanan’s “ Fishes of Bengal,’ with 

—— On some new fishes of India. 
Journ. Linn. Soc. London (Zool.), 1873, 
11, 524-530. 1873.2 

On some new or imperfectly 
known fishes of India and Burmah. 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1873, 107-112; 
236-240. 1873.3 

On some new or little-known 
fishes of India: Crh bleekeri, 
Barbus thomasti, B. lithopidos, Chela 
boopis, Hemiramphus cirrhatus. Proce. 
Zool. Soc. London, 1873, 704-710. 


Report on the freshwater fish 
and fisheries of India and Burmah. 
Calcutta, 1873. 307 p. 8°. 1873.5 

Report on the sea fish and fish- 
Calcutta, 1873. 8°. 1873.6 

Remarks on some Indian fishes: 
Sicydium fasciatum, n. s., Semiplotus 
macclellandi, Labeo dyocheilus. Journ. 


Roy. Asiat. Soc. Bengal, 1874, 48, pt. 
2, 31-32. 1874.1 
The fishes of India; beimg a 

natural history of the fishes known to 
inhabit the seas and fresh waters of 

India, Burma, and Ceylon. Text and 
atlas in 4 parts. London, 1875-78. 
xx, 778 p. 198 pls. 4°. 1875.1 

Geographical distribution of In- 
dian freshwater fishes. Part 1. The 
Acanthopterygii, spiny-rayed teleostean 

fishes. Part 2. The Siluride. Part 3. 
Conclusion. Journ. Linn. Soe. London 
(Zool.), 1876, 18, 138-155; 338-358. 

[bid., 1879, 14, 534-579. 1876.1 

On some of the fishes of the 
Decean. Journ. Linn. Soc. London 
(Zool.), 1876, 12, 565-578. 1876.2 

On the fishes of Yarkand. Proe. 
Zool. Soe. London, 1876, 781-807. 

On the introduction of trout 
and tench into India. Journ. Linn. Soe. 
London (Zool.), 1876, 12, 562-565. 


Fish and fisheries of Bengal (In 
Hunter, W. W. Statistical account of 
Bengal, vol. xx. London, 1877. 8°) 


Notice of the capture of Core- 

gonus oxyrhynchus in Lincolnshire. 
Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1877, 419-420. 
fig. 1877.2 


ng eaee ates or lp eal 




On amphibious and migratory 
fishes of Asia. Journ. Linn. Soc. Lon- 
don (Zool.), 1877, 138, 198-215. 1877.3 

— Devil fishes. Chicago Field, 
1878, 10, 83. 1878.1 

(Exhibition of, and remarks 
upon, three jaws of Indian sharks} Proc. 
Zool. Soe. London, 1878, 976. 1878.2 

— On some Irish Gasterostel. 
Journ. Linn. Soc. London (Zool.), 1878, 
13, 110-114. 3 figs. 187 8.3 

(Remarks on Mr. Whitmee’s 
paper on the manifestation of fear and 
anger in fishes} Proc. Zool. Soc. Lon- 
don, 1878, 214-221. 1878.4 

For reply to this, see Whitmee, S. J., in 
Proce. Zool. Soe. London, 1878, 221-222. 

Scientific results of the second 
Yarkand mission. Ichthyology. Cal- 
cutta [1878] 25 p. Spls. 4°. 1878.5 

Clupea pilchardus and C. sprattus 
figured; with air-bladder, stomach, and 
eexeal appendages. Proc. Zool. Soe. 
London, 1879, 759. pl. 1879.1 

C. sagax Jenn. not regarded as a climatal 
variety of C. sprattus. 

On the fishes of Weston-super- 
Mare. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1879, 
742-763. 2 pls. 1879.2 

On the identity of Trigla peci- 
loptera and T.hirundo. Proc. Zool. Soc. 
London, 1879, 179-181. pl. 1879.3 

On the occurrence of Morrhua 
macrocephala at the mouth of the 
Thames. Journ. Linn. Soc. London 
(Zool.), 1879, 14, 689-692. 1879.4 

-——— What are whitebait? Forest & 
Stream, 1879, 12, 497. 1879.5 

; The burbot (Lota vulgaris) and 
air-bladders of fishes. Proc. Cottes- 
wold Nat. Field Club, 1880, 7, 221-242. 

The fishes of Great Britain and 

Treland. Text and atlas. London & 
. Edinburgh, 1880-84. 179 pls. 8°. 

The vernacular names of many species of 
fish are given in English, French and Dutch. 

—— Functions of the air bladder in 
fish. Scient. Amer., 1880, 43, 104. 

Greenland bullhead at Brighton. 
Zoologist, 1880, 3. ser. 4, 148. 1880.4 

Instincts and emotions in fish. 
London, 1880. 8°. 1880.5 

Large-headed cod (Gadus mor- 
rhua} at the mouth of the Thames. 
Zoologist, 1880, 3. ser. 4, 26-27. 1880.6 

Notes on the fresh-water fishes 
of India. Zoologist, 1880, 3. ser. 4, 451— 
437; 461-471. 1880.7 

On the air-bladders of fish. 
Zoologist, 1880, 3. ser. 4, 97-104. Ab- 
stract in Science Gossip, 1880, 16, 88. 


On the change of colour in the 
boar-fish, and the growth of the turbot. 
Zoologist, 1880, 3. ser. 4, 383-388. 


On the fishes of Afghanistan. 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1880, 224-232. 

On the specific identity of 
Scomber punctatus Couch, with Scomber 
scomber Linn. Journ. Linn. Soc. Lon- 
don (Zool.), 1880, 15, 146-149. pl. 


The origin of varieties in Sal- 
monide. Zoologist, 1880, 3. ser. 4, 
133-137. 1880.12 

Scomber punctatus (scomber) on 
the Cornish coast. Zoologist, 1880, 3. 

ser. 4, 303-304. 1880.13 
Sea fishes in fresh water. Chi- 
cago Field, 1880, 13, 327-328. 1880.14 

Additions to the British fish 
Zoologist, 1881, 3. ser. 5, 424— 

Instincts and emotions in fish. 
Journ. Linn. Soe. London (Zool.), te 
15, 31-58. SS 

Observations on some British 
fishes. Journ. Linn. Soc. London 
(Zool.), 1881, 15, 310-318. 1881.3 

On Asiatic blowpipe _ fishes. 
Zoologist, 1881, 3. ser. 5, 91-96. 1881.4 


On the Hebridal argentine [Ar- 
gentina sphyrena, Journ. Linn. Soc. 
London (Zool.), 1881, 15, 78-84. pl. 
Abstract in Zoologist, 1880, 4, 112. 


On the range of Apogon ellioti. 
Proc. Zool. Soe. London, 1881, 650-651. 

On the specific identity of 
Scomber punctatus Couch with S. scom- 




Day, F. 
ber Linn. Journ. Linn. Soc. London 
(Zool.), 1881, 15, 146-149. pl. 1881.7 

Rare fishes on the Cornish coast. 
Zoologist, 1881, 3. ser. 5, 338-340; 385- 
386; 424. 1881.8 

Remora or sucking-fish, off the 
Cornish coast. Zoologist, 1881, 3. ser. 
5, 338. 1881.9 

Blindness in codfish. Zoologist, 
1882, 3. ser. 6, 191-192. 1882.1 

The digestive organs of the 
pilchard. Zoologist, 1882, 3. ser. 6, 24. 

Do salmon spawn in the sea? 
Zoologist, 1882, 3. ser. 6, 153. 1882.3 

On hybrids between salmon and 

trout. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1882, 
751-753. 1882.4 

On the food of sea fishes. Zoolo- 
gist, 1882, 3. ser. 6, 235-236. 1882.5 

On the food of the herring. 
Zoologist, 1882, 3. ser. 6, 268-269. 

On the identity of Anguilla 
kieneri Giinther, with a gadoid Lycodes. 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1882, ee reete 

On the identity of the Arnoglos- 
sus lophotes Giinther, with A. grohmanni. 
Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1882, 748— 
750. pil. 1882.8 

On variations in form and hy- 
bridism in Salmo fontinalis. Journ. 
Linn. Soc. London (Zool.), 1882, 17, 
13-19. 1882.9 

The Severn salmon — whence it 
comes and where it goes. Zoologist, 
1882, 3. ser. 6, 221-228. 1882.10 

Catalogue of the exhibits in the 

Indian section (Internat. Fisheries 
Exhib.) London, 1883. 198 p. 8°. 

Fish culture. Intern. Fisheries 
Exhib. Lit., London, 1883. Handbooks, 
2,pt.1. 105p. 4 pls. 1883.2 

The food of fishes. Intern. 
Fisheries Exhib. Lit., London, 1883. 
Conferences, 6, pt. 8. 36 p. 1883.3 

Indian fish and fishing. Intern. 
Fisheries Exhib. Lit., London, 1883. 
Handbooks, 2, pt. 6. 59 p. 1883.4 

Natural history at the Inter- 
national Fisheries Exhibition. Zoolo- 
gist, 1883, 3. ser. 7, 233-239. 1883.5 

Observations on British Sal- 
mones. I. Trout. Journ. Linn. Soe. 
London (Zool.), 1883, 16, 396-417. 


On the occurrence of Paralepis 
coregonoides in Cornwall. Zoologist, 
1883, 3. ser. 7, 381-382; 506. 1883.7 

The commercial sea fishes of 
Great Britain. Intern. Fisheries Exhib. 
Lit., London, 1883 (1884). Confer- 
ences, 8, pt. 1. 328 p. 1884.1 

\Conilera cylindracea, a parasite 
of Acanthias vulgaris} Proce. Zool. Soc. 
London, 1884, 44. 1884.2 

Exhibition of, and remarks upon, 
a specimen of a dog-fish (Acanthias 
vulgaris) internally devoured by para- 
sites. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1884, 
4445. 1884.3 

Note on a new blenny (Lumpenus 
lampreteformis) Rept. Edinb. Fish 
Board, 1884, 2, 78. 1884.4 

.— Observations on the marine 
fauna off the east coast of Scotland. 
Journ. Linn. Soe. London (Zool.), 
1884, 17, 84-102. 1884.5 

On races and hybrids among the 
Salmonidz. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 
1884, 17-40; 376-380; 581-593. 2 pls. 
Ibid., 1885, 241-243. Extract in Amer. 
Naturalist, 1884, 18, 1158-1160. 1884.6 

On the occurrence of Lwmpenus 
lampetriformis off the east coast of 
Scotland. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 
1884, 445-447. pl. 1884.7 

Salmon breeding. Nature, 1884, 

30, 488. 84.8 
The basking shark. Zoologist, 
1885, 3. ser. 9, 235-236. 1885.1 

—— The effects of an elevated tem- 
perature on fishes. Bull. U. 8. Fish 
Comm., 1885, 5, 142-144. 1885.2 

Exhibition of, and remarks upon, 
a specimen of the vendace (Coregonus 
vandesius), the diseased intestine of a 
sea-trout, and a portion of the sifting- 
apparatus of the basking shark (Selache 
maxima) Proce. Zool. Soe. London, 
1885, 483-484. fig. 1885.3 





— The fisheries of India. Rept. 
U.S. Fish Comm. 1883 (1885), 11, 383- 
413. 1885.4 

Hybridization among Salmon- 
ide. Nature, 1885, 31, 599-600. 1885.5 

Occurrence of ‘Torpedo mar- 
morata’”’ off the coast of Cornwall. 
Nature, 1885, 32, 197. 1885.6 

On a supposed hybrid between 
' the dab (Pleuronectes limanda) and the 
flounder (P. flesus) Proc. Zool. Soe. 
London, 1885; 929-930. pl. 1885.7 

— On the hybridisation of Salmon- 
ide at Howietoun. Rept. Brit. Assoc. 
Adv. Sci., 55. meet., 1885, Boe s 


On the occurrence of Lumpenus 
lampetriformis (lampreteformis] and Ga- 
diculus argenteus off Aberdeen. Nature, 
1885, 32, 223. 1885.9 

— On the rearing, growth, and 
breeding of salmon in fresh water in 
Great Britain. Abstract in Bull. U.S. 
Fish Comm. 1885, 5, 307-308. 1885.10 

— Rare fishes off Aberdeen. Zoolo- 
fist, 1885, 3. ser. 9, 312. 1885.11 

Relationship of the Indian and 
African freshwater fish-faunas. Journ. 
Linn. Soc. London (Zool.), 1885, 18, 
308-317. 1885.12 

: The young of the garfish. Zool- 
ogist, 1885, 3. ser. 9, 482-483. 1885.13 

Migration of the Salmonide. I. 
Notes on “early” and “late”? salmon 
rivers. II. Periods of migration. 
Naturalist, 1886, 19-29; 115-128. 


— Note on Orcynus thynnus (L.) 
Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1886, 5. ser. 17, 
400-402. 1886.2 

Notes on the breeding of fishes. 

Proc. Cotteswold Nat. Field Club, 
1886, 8, 188-212. 1886.3 

Notes on the breeding of 
Salmonide. Proc. Cotteswold Nat. 
Field Club, 1886, 8, 301-340. Jbid., 
1890, 9, 136-158. 1886.4 

_—— On the British weevers, the 
bib (Gadus luscus), and the poor-cod 
(G. minutus) Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 
1886, 5. ser. 17, 526-530. 1886.5 

— “ Scopelus Nature, 
1886, 34, 571-572. 1886.6 


London, 1887. 

and Irish Salmonide. 
298 p. 12 pls. 8°. 
; 1887.1 
The British Salmonide. Journ. 
Nat. Fish. Cult. Assoc., 1887, 1, 3-25. 

Experiments with salmon in 
Scotland. Bull. U.S. Fish Comm. 1886 
(1887), 6, 56. 1887.3 

Notes on cecal appendages of 
fresh-water trout. Journ. Nat. Fish. 
Cult. Assoc., 1887, 1, 248-255. 1887.4 

Notes on the cwcal appendages 
of Cardiganshire trout. Journ. Nat. 
Fish. Cult. Assoc., 1887, 1, ea hee 


On a supposed hybrid between 
the pilchard (Clupea pilchardus) and the 
herring (C. harengus), and on a specimen 
of Salmo purpuratus. Proc. Zool. Soc. 
London, 1887, 129-130. pl. 1887.6 

On the occurrence of Scorpena 
scrofa off the south coast of England. 
Proc. Zool. Soe. London, 1887, 342. 
Zygena dissimilis Murray. Ann. 
Mag. Nat. Hist., 1887, 5. ser. 20, 389. 

[Exhibition of, and remarks 
upon, a specimen of the Spanish loach 
(Cobitis tenia) and of some hybrid 
Salmonide] Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 
1888, 3. 1888.1 

Observations on the fishes of 
India. Part I. Proe. Zool. Soc. Lon- 
don, 1888, 258-265. 1888.2 

On the bib (Gadus luscus) and 
poor-cod (G. minutus) Ann. Mag. Nat. 
Hist., 1888, 6. ser. 1, 151-154. Jbid., 2, 
387-389. 1888.3 

On the breeding of salmon from 
parents which have never descended to 
the sea [Read 1885} Trans. Linn. Soc. 
London (Zool.), 1888, 2. ser. 2, 447-468. 

2 pls. 1888.4 
On Trachinus draco and T., 
vipera. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1888, 6. 

ser. 1, 351-353. 1888.5 

Supplement to the fishes of 
London, 1888. 4°. 1888.6 

Fishes (In The fauna of British 
India, including Ceylon and Burma, 
edited by W. T. Blanford. 2 vols. 
London, Calcutta, etc., 1889. 341 figs.) 
Notice in Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1889, 6 ser. 

5, 115-117. 




Day, F. 

Remarks on some Norfolk eels. 
Trans. Norfolk Norwich Nat. Soc., 1889, 
4, 333-337. 1889.2 

Notes on hybridization. Fish. 
Proc. Cotteswold Nat. Field Club, 1890, 
9, 334-373. 1890.1 

Notes on the fish and fisheries 
of the Severn. Proc. Cotteswold Nat. 
Field Club, 1890, 9, 202-219. 1890.2 

On the loch Leven trout (Salmo 
levenensis) Journ. Linn. Soc. London 
(Zool.), 1890, 20, 71-90. 


On the mode of propagation of 
the common eel. Proc. Cotteswold 
Nat. Field Club, 1890, 9, 44-51. 1890.4 

(Description of Cyclopium cyclo- 
pum Humboldt} (In Whymper, E. 
Travels amongst the Great Andes of 
the Equator. Supplementary appendix, 
p. 137-139. London, 1891) 1891.1 

Day, Thomas. - Statement concern- 
ing the menhaden fishery. Rept. U. 8. 
Fish Comm. 1877 (1879), 5, 390. 


Deakin, Richard [—1873] Fishes 
observed at Nice, 1865. The Chimera 
and the Alepocephalus. Intellect. Ob- 

serv., 1866, 8, 241-245. fig. 1866.1 
De Alessandri, Giulio. See Ales- 
sandri, G. de. 
Dean, Bashford {1867 —] Bibliog- 

raphy of Bashford Dean, 1887-1909. 
Edited by Louis Hussakof. Washington, 
1910) tp oe 1910.1 

Report on the supposed _fish- 
eating plant, Utricularia. 18. Rept. 
N. Y. State Comm. Fisheries, 1889, 183— 
198. 4 pls. 1889.1 

Notes on the common catfish. 
19. Rept. N. Y. State Comm. Fish- 
eries, 1891, 299-305. pil. 1891.1 

Pineal fontanelle of placoderm 
and catfish. 19. Rept. N. Y. State 
Comm. Fisheries, 1891, 307-363. 14 
pls. 1891.2 

Note on the mode of origin of 
the paired fins. Trans. N. Y. Acad. 
Sci., 1892-93, 12, 121-125. 1892.1 

Contributions to the anatomy 
of Dinichthys. Trans. N. Y. Acad. 
Sci., 1893, 12, 187-188. 1893.1 



A new cladodont from the 
Ohio Waverly, Cladoselache newberryi, 
n. sp. Trans. N. Y. Acad. Sci., 1893- 
94, 13, 115-119. pl. 1893.2 

—— Note on the spawning conditions 
of the sturgeon. Zool. Anz., 1893, 16, 
473-475. — Forest & Stream, 41, 525. 
— Allgem. Fischerei Zeit., 1893, 388— 
390. 1893.3 

On the fin-structures of Diplu- 
Trans. N. Y. Acad. Sci., 1893-94, 
13/22) 1893.4 

On Trachosteus and Mylostoma, 
notes on their structural characters. 
Abstract in Bull. U. 8S. Fish Comm. 
1891 (1893), 11, 70-71. 1893.5 

Recent experiments in sturgeon 
hatching on the Delaware. (Read be- 
fore World’s Fisheries Congress, Chi- 
cago] Trans. N. Y. Acad. Sci., 1893, 
13, 69-74. Reprint in Bull. U. 8. Fish 
Comm. 1893 (1894), 13, 335-339. fig. 

Contributions to the morphology 
of Cladoselache (Cladodus) Journ. 
Morph., 1894, 9, 85-115. pl. 1894.1 

Dr. Ryder’s work with the 
United States Fish Commission (In 
The Ryder memorial volume, p. 10-12. 
Philadelphia, 1895) 1895.1 

The early development of Amia. 
Quart. Journ. Mier. Sci., London, 1895, 
n. s. 38, 413-444. 2 pls. & 13 figs. Ab- 
stract in Journ. Roy. Mier. Soc., 2. ser. 
16, 173-174. pl. 1895.2 

—— The early development of gar- 
pike and sturgeon. Journ. Morph., 
1895, 11, 1-62. 4 pls. & 4 figs. 1895.3 

Fishes, living and fossil; an 
outline of their forms and probable 
relationships. New York & London, 
1895. xiv, 300 p. 344 figs. Review 
by A. S. Woodward. Geol. Mag., 1896, 
135. — Nat. Sci., London, 1896, 8, 267— 
270. 1895.4 

Columbia University biological series. III. 

Notes of the ancestral sharks 
(Read before New York Academy of 
Sciences, Nov. 11, 1895) Anat. Anz., 
1895, 11, 424. — Science, n. s. 2, 742. 

Notes on the early development 
of the Ganoids, Lepidosteus, Acipenser, 
and Amia. Rept. Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sei., 
65. meet., 1895, 734. 1895.6 

' Science, 1895, n. s. 3, 60. 




On the gastrulation of teleosts. 

The fin-fold origin of the paired 
limbs, in the light of the ptychopterygia 

_of Palseozoic sharks. Anat. Anz., 1896, 

11, 673-679. 8 figs. Abstract in Zool. 
Centralbl., 1896, 3. Jahrg., 850-852. 

— ls Paleospondylus a_ Cyclo- 
stome? Trans. N. Y. Acad. Sci., 1896, 
15, 100-104. pl. Abstracts in Sci- 
ence, n. s. 3, 214. — Amer. Naturalist, 
30, no. 357, 745. 1896.2 

(Observations on the instinet in 
some of the lower vertebrates} Trans. 
N. Y. Acad. Sci., 1896, 15, 126-127. 
Abstract in Anat. Anz., 11, 696. 1896.3 

Behavior and food-taking ‘of Amia when 
newly hatched. 

On the early development of 
ganoids. C. R. 38. Congrés Intern. 
Zool. (Leyde) 1895 (1896), 336-346. 
Abstract in Journ. Roy. Micr. Soc., 
1896, 2. ser. 16, 497-498. — Science, 

ie S57 oe 1896.4 

On the larval development of 
Amia  calva. Zool. Jahrb. (Syst. 
Abth.), 1896, 9, 639-672. pls. & 17 

figs. Abstract in Journ. Roy. Micr. Soc., 
2. ser. 17, 20-21. 1896.5 

On the supposed kinship of 
Palzospondylus. Zool. Anz., 1896, 19, 
96. — Anat. Anz., 1896, 11, 656. 1896.6 

— On the vertebral column, fins 
and ventral armoring of Dinichthys. 
Trans. N. Y. Acad. Sci., 1896, 15, 157— 
163. 2 pls. Review by C. R. Eastman, 
in Amer. Geologist, 18, 316-317. 1896.7 

—— Public aquariums in Europe. 
Pop. Sci. Monthly, 1896, 50, 13-27. 7 
figs. 1896.8 

— Review of A. S. Woodward’s 
“‘ Catalogue of fossil fishes in the British 
Museum. Part III.” Science, 1896, 
n. s. 4, 1-2. 1896.9 

Review of 8. Garman’s “ The 
Cyprinodonts.”’ Science, 1896, n. s. 4, 
25-26. 1896.10 

—— Sharks as ancestral fishes. Nat. 
Sci. London, 1896, 8, 245-253. 6 figs. 

A Californian marine biological 

station. Nat. Sci. London, 1897, 11, 
28-35. 4 figs. 1897.1 

—— Note on the ventral armoring 
of Dinichthys. Trans. N. Y. Acad. 
Sci., 1897, 16, 57-61. 2pls. 1897.2 

On a new species of Edestus, 
E. lecontei, from Nevada. Trans. N. Y. 
Acad. Sci., 1897, 16, 61-69. 2 pls. 


On a plan of development ot a 
myxinoid. Science, 1897, n. s. 5, 435. 

(editor) New species and a new 
genus of American Paleozoic fishes, 
together with notes on the genera Ora- 
canthus, Dactylodus, Polyrhizodus, San- 
dalodus, Deltodus. From a_ nearly 
completed MS. (1890-1891) by John 
Strong Newberry. Edited with an 
introduction and notes by Bashford 
Dean. Trans. N. Y. Acad. Sci. 1896- 
97 (1898), 16, 282-304. 2 pls. 1898.1 

In this paper 16 new species are described, 

and the new genus Stenognathus is proposed. 
See Newberry, J. S., 1892. 

On the development of the Cali- 
fornia hag-fish, Bdellostoma stouti Lock- 
ington. Quart. Journ. Micr. Sci. Lon- 
don, 1898, n. s. 40, 269-279. pl. 1898.2 

the affinities of 

Remarks on 

Paleospondylus gunni. In reply to 
Dr. R. H. Traquair. Proc. Zool. Soe. 
London, 1898, 343-347. 1898.3 

Devonian fishes for the Ameri- 
can Museum. Science, 1899, n. s. 10, 
978. 1899.1 

notice of Nathan 
Russell Harrington. Columbia Univer. 
Quart., 1899, 44-46. 1899.2 

Contains reference to studies of Polypterus. 


Notes on the development of a 
myxinoid. Science, 1899, n. s. 9, 311. 

On the dogfish (A mia calva), its 
habits and breeding. 4. Ann. Rept. 
Comm. Fish. Game & Forests New 
York, 1899, 246-256. 3 pls. 1899.4 

On the embryology and phy- 
logeny of Chimera [Abstract of paper 
read before the American Morphological 
Society] Science, 1899, n. s. 11, 169- 
170. 1899.5 

On the embryology of Bdello- 
stoma stoutt. A general account of 
myxinoid development from the egg 
and segmentation to hatching (In 
Festschrift zum siebenzigsten Geburt- 
stag von Carl von Kupffer, p. 221-276. 
pls. xv—xxvi & 25 figs. Jena, 1899) 




Dean, Bb. 
On the new genus of lamprey, 
Macrophthalmia — chilensis. Science, 
1899, n. s. 9, 740. 1899.7 
Review of a paper by Plate in Sitzber. Ges. 
Naturf. Freunde Berlin, 1897, 137-141. 

Review of J. N. Baskett’s 
“Story of the fishes.’ Science, 1899, 
n. s. 10, 968-969. 1899.8 

The Devonian “lamprey,” Pale- 
ospondylus gunni Traquair, with notes 
on the systematic arrangement of the 
fish-like vertebrates. Mem. N. Y. Acad. 
Sci., 1900, 2, 1-32. pl. « fig. 1900.1 

The egg of the hag-fish, Myzine 
glutinosa Linneus. Mem. N. Y. Acad. 
Sci., 1900, 2, 33-46. pl. 1900.2 

The Jay Terrell collection of 
fossil fishes. Amer. Mus. Journ., 1900, 
1, 10-12. 2 figs. 1900.3 

Carl von Kupffer, his life and 
work, with bibliography. Science, 1900, 
n. s. 11, 364-369. 1900.4 

Memorial notice of the _fish- 
culturist, Major Fred. Mather. Science, 
1900, n. s. 11, 556-557. 1900.5 

The early development of sharks 
from a comparative standpoint [Read 
before New York Academy of Sciences] 
Science, 1901, n. s. 15, 626. 1901.1 

Instruction offered in the Fish- 
ery Commission laboratory at Bergen. 
Science, 1901, n. s. 16, 676. 1901.2 

(Letter to the Quarterly re- 
garding field work in Japan] Columbia 
Univers. Quarterly, 1901, 4, 84-87. 
Paleontological notes. Mem. 
N. Y. Acad. Sci., 1901, 2, 85-134. pls. 
lii-vili & 18 figs. Review by C. R. 
Eastman in Amer. Naturalist, 35, 417— 
420. 1901.4 

I. On two new Arthrodires from the Cleve- 
land shale of Ohio. 

II. On the characters of Mylostoma New- 
berry. -. j 
III. Further notes on the reiationships of 

the Arthrognathi. 

Reminiscence of holoblastic 
cleavage in the egg of the shark, Hetero- 
dontus (Cestracion) japonicus Macleay. 
Annot. Zool. Japonenses, 1901, 4, pt. 1, 
1-7. pl. 1901.5 

Biometric evidence in the prob- 
lem of the paired limbs of the verte- 
brates. Amer. Naturalist, 1902, 36, 
837-847. fig. 1902.1 

Historical evidence as to the 
origin of the paired limbs of vertebrates. 
Amer. Naturalist, 1902, 36, 767-776. 
fig. 1902.2 

The preservation of muscle- 
fibres in sharks of the Cleveland shale. 
Amer. Geologist, 1902, 30, 273-279. 
2 pls. 1902.3 

Review of O. P. Hay’s “Bibli- 
ography and catalogue of the fossil ver- 
tebrata of North America.’ Science, 
1902, n. s. 16, 701-703. 1902.4 

Additional specimens of the 
Japanese shark Mitsukurina. Science, 
1903, n. s. 17, 630-631. 1903.1 

Albinism, partial albinism, and 
polychromism in hag-fishes. Amer. 
Naturalist, 1903, 37, 295-298. 3 figs. 


The eggs of the eastern Atlantic 
hag-fish, Myxine limosa Gir. Science, 
1903 ns 5: Ag, Aon: 1903.3 

Obituary notice of a lung-fish. 
Pop. Sci. Monthly, 1903, 63, 33-39. 7 
gs. 1903.4 

An outline of the development 
of a chimeroid. Bull. Mar. Biol. Labor. 
Wood’s Holl, 1903, 4, 270-286. 19 figs. 

A preliminary account of studies 
on the Japanese frilled shark, Chlamy- 
doselachus {Read before the central & 
western branch of the American Society 
of Zoologists} Science, 1903, n. s. 17, 

487. 1903.6 
The egg-cases of chimeroid 
fishes (Abstract of paper presented at 

first meeting of the eastern branch of 

the American Society of Zoologists} 

Amer. Naturalist, 1904, 38, 482-487. 

— Evolution in a determinate line | 

as illustrated by the egg-cases of 
chimeroid fishes. Bull. Mar. Biol. 
Labor. Wood’s Holl, 1904, 7, 105-112. 


Museum of Natural History. 
1904, n. s. 19, 437. 

In the matter of Menaspis 
(Abstract of paper read before the 
Society of American Palzontologists} 
Science, 1904, n. s. 19, 253; 798-800. 

_ 1904.4 



Fossil fishes in the American 

* FASO ary NE ne 




— In the matter of the Permian 
fish Menaspis. Amer. Geologist, 1904, 
34, 49-53. pl. 1904.5 

Notes on Chimera. Two Japa- 
nese species, C. phantasma Jordan and 
Snyder, and C. mitsukuri, n. sp., and 
their egg-cases. Journ. Sci. College, 
Imperial Univ. Tokyo, 1904, 19, no. 3. 
9p. pil. 1904.6 

— Notes on Japanese myxinoids. 
A new genus Paramyxine, and a new 
species Homea okinoseana. Reference 
also to their eggs. Journ. Sci. College, 
Imperial Univ. Tokyo, 1904, 19, no. 2. 
25 p. pl. & 4 figs. 1904.7 

Notes on the long-snouted chi- 
meroid of Japan, Rhinochimera ( Har- 
riotta) pacifica (Garman) Mitsukuri. 
Journ. Sci. College, Imperial Univ. 
Tokyo, 1904, 19, no. 4. 24 p. 2pls. & 
fig. 1904.8 

L’ceuf de Chimera colliei et 
l’adaptation de sa capsule. C. R. Mém. 
Soc. Biol. Paris, 1904, 56, 14-15. 1904.9 

Peculiarities in the development 
of Chimera colliei. Abstract in Bull. 
6. Congrés Intern. Zool. Berne, 1904, 
no. 3, 5-6. 1904.10 

— Review of R. H. Traquair’s 
“The Lower Devonian fishes of Ge- 
miinden.” Science, 1904, n. s. 19, 64- 
65. 1904.11 

Still another memoir on Palzo- 
spondylus. Review of W. J. Sollas and 
I. B. J. Sollas’s paper “ An account 
of the Devonian fish, Palwospondylus 
gunnt Traquair.” Science, 1904, n. s. 
19, 425-426. 1904.12 

A visit to the Japanese zoolog- 
ical station at Misaki. Pop. Sci. 
Monthly, 1904, 65, 195-204. 1904.13 

History of the study of fossil 
fishes (In Jordan, D. 8. Guide to the 
study of fishes, 1, 422-428. New York, 
1905. 2 vols. 427 illus.) 1905.1 

Memorial notice of Eugene G. 
Blackford (with bibliography] Science, 
1905, n. s. 21, 232-233. 1905.2 

Some embryological evidence 
as to the position of Chimera. C. R. 
6. Congrés Intern. Zool. (Berne) 1904 
(1905), 294-297. 1905.3 

Chimzroid fishes and _ their 
development. Public. Carnegie Instit., 
Washington, 1906, no.32. 195p. pl. & 
144 figs. 1906.1 

— Notes on the living specimens 
of the Australian lungfish, Ceratodus 
forsteri, in the Zoological Society’s col- 
lection. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1906, 
168-178. pl. 1906.2 

—— Dr. Eastman’s recent papers on 
the kinship of the Arthrodires. Sci- 
ence, 1907, n. s. 26, 46-50. 1907.1 

Notes on Acanthodian sharks. 
Amer. Journ. Anat., 1907, 7, 209-226. 
36 figs. 1907.2 

Dentition, skull, vertebral column, etc. Re- 
lationship to Cladoselachians. 

Preface to “ Catalogue of the 
type and figured specimens of fossil 
vertebrata in the American Museum of 
Natural History, Part I. Fishes, by L. 
Hussakof.”’ Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. 
Hist., 1908, 25, 1-2. 1908.1 

Studies on fossil fishes during 
the year 1907 [Portion of the address 
of the retiring president of the Society 

of Vertebrate Paleontologists, New 
Haven, December 27, 1907] Science, 
1908, n. s. 27, 201-205. 1908.2 

The giant of ancient sharks. 
Amer. Mus. Journ., 1909, 9, 233-234. 
pl. 1909.1 

Memorial notice of T. Nishi- 
kawa, 1874-1909. Science, 1909, n. s. 

30, 750. 1909.2 

(Review of] Gaskell’s “The 
origin of the Vertebrata.’ Science, 
1909, n. s. 29, 816-818. 1909.3 

The post-anal gut and its rela- 
tion to the doctrine of recapitulation. 
Science, 1909, n. s. 29, 427-428. 1909.4 

Studies on fossil fishes (sharks, 
chimeroids and arthrodires) Mem. 
Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., 1909, 9, 211- 
287. 16 pls. & 65 figs. 1909.5 

1. Cladoselachian sharks [5 n. sp.] 
2. Ctenacanth shark from the Devonian of 

3. Well-preserved specimen of the Liassic 
shark, Paleospinaz priscus. 
4. Note on Archeobatis gigas. » 
5. Jurassic chimeroid Ischyodus. 
6. Chimeroid egg-capsule from the North 
American Cretaceous. 
7. Mounted specimen of Dinichthys terrelli. 
8. Notes on a newly mounted Titanichthys. 
9. The arthrodire Trachosteus clarki. 
pe Development of certain plates in Dinich- 
11. ‘‘ Pelvic fins’ of the arthrodires. 

Anton Dohrn. Pop. Sci. 
Monthly, 1910, 75, 98-101. 1910.1 




nn nnn ee Sr er 

Dean, Bb. 

(Review of} Gaskell’s ‘‘ Cyclo- 
stomes and fishes.’’ Science, 1910, n. s. 
31, 264-265. 1910.2 

Collecting fossil fishes in Ohio. 
Amer. Mus. Journ., 1911, 11, 302-303. 

The new fossil aquarium. Amer. 
Mus. Journ., 1911, 11, 160-161. 1911.2 

Note on the Ohio placoderm 
Dinichthys terrelli. Science, 1911, n. s. 
34, S01. 1911.3 

Additional notes on the living 
specimens of the Australian lungfish 
(Ceratodus forsteri) in the collection of 
the Zoological Society of London. Proc. 
Zool. Soc. London, 1912, 607-612. 2 

figs. 1912.1 
Coloration, size, age, breathing, feeding, 

Changes in the behavior of the 
eel during transformation. Ann. N. Y. 

Acad. Sci., 1912, 22, 321-326. 1912.2 
The exhibition of fishes. Amer. 

Mus. Journ., 1912, 12, 171-177. 7 figs. 

Existing reptiles, batrachians, 
recent and extinct fishes. 43. Ann. 

Rept. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., 1912, 

46-51. 1912.4 
A fish (Protopterus annectens] out 
of water. Amer. Mus. Journ., 1912, 

12, 251-253. pl. & 4 figs. 1912.5 

Orthogenesis in the egg capsules 
of Chimera. Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. 

Hist., 1912, 31, 35-40. 2 figs. 1912.6 
Paleozoic fishes. Bull. Geol. Soc. 
Amer., 1912, 23, 224-228. 1912.7 

The plan of development in 
series of forms of known descent and 
its bearing upon the doctrine of pre- 
formation. Proc. 7. Intern. Zool. 
Congress (Boston) 1907 (1912), 396- 

399. 1912.8 

Fish exhibits in the American 
Museum of Natural History. Amer. 
Mus. Journ., 1914, 14, 56-38. 1914.1 

A bibliography of fishes to be 
published. Science, 1915, n. s. 42, 32. 

Dean, Bashford, Harrington, \. R., 
Calkins, Gary Nathan, & Griffin, B. B. 
The Columbia University zoological 
expedition of 1896; with a brief account 

of the work of collecting in Puget sound 
and on the Pacific coast. Trans. N. Y. 
Acad. Sci., 1896, 16, 33-42. pl. 1896.1 

Dean, Bashford, & Sumner, F. B. 
Notes on the spawning habits of the 
brook lamprey (Petromyzon wilderi) 
Trans. N. Y. Acad. Sci., 1897, 16, 321— 
324. pil. 1897.1 

Dean, Herbert D. Discouragements 
in bass culture. Trans. Amer. Fisheries 
Soc. 1902 (1903), 153-155. 1903.1 

— Grayling. Trans. Amer. Fish- 
eries Soc. 1912 (1913), 189-144. 1913.1 

Dean, Samuel. Use of fish as ferti- 
lizer (In Worcester, Thomas. The New 
England farmer. 2.ed., 1797) 1797.1 

Deane, Samuel. Upon the abun- 
dance of fish on the New England coast 
in former times. Rept. U. S. Fish 
Comm. 1871-72 (1873), 1, 161. 1873.1 

Debeyre, A. Sur la présence des 
cellules dans les ébauches des racines 
antérieures. Bibliogr. Anat. Nancy, 
1907, 16, 280-289. 6 figs. 1907.1 

Debierre, Charles. Note sur un mer- 
lan hermaphrodite. C. R. Mém. Soe. 
Biol. Paris, 1887, 8. sér. 4, 31-32. 1887.1 

_ De Blois, H. T. Statement concern- 
ing the menhaden fishery. Rept. U. 8. 
Fish Comm. 1877 (1879), 5,425. 1879.1 

The origin of the menhaden in- 

dustry. Bull. U. 8. Fish Comm. 1881 
(1882), 1, 46-51. 1882.1 
Debschitz, H. von. Der Kaliko- 

barsch. Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Freunde, 
1898, 9. Jahrg., 261-262. 1898.1 

(editor) Der amerikanische Ca- 
lico-barsch (Silber-barsch) Centrarchus 
hexanthus in Europa. Von Max von dem 
Borne-Berneuchen. 2. Auflage. Neu- 
damm, 1901. 16p. pl. 8°. 1901.1 

This was. published the same year as the 
original edition, by Max von dem Borne. See 

Einiges vom Amia calva. Pro- 
metheus, Berlin, 1901, 12, 715-716. 

Das Jahr des Teichwirthes und 
Fischziichter; ein Wegweiser fiir den 
Arbeitsgang bei der Bewirtschaftung 

ablassbarer Gewiisser, etc. Neudamm, 
1901. 96 p. 8°. 1901.3 
Piratenbarsch. Blatt. Aquar.- 

Terrar. Freunde, 1901, 12, 79. 1901.4 






Vom amerikanischen Hunds- 
fisch, Amia calva. Natur, 1901, 50, 
368-369. — Fischereizeitg., Neudamm, 
1901, 4, 441-442. 1901.5 

Debschitz, H. von, Knauthe, Karl, 
Apstein, C., Berthelmann, ; 
Borcherding, /’r., & Cronheim, —— 
See Knauthe, Apstein « others. 

De Causans, Maxime. See Causans, 
Maxime de. 

De Causans, (Viscount) The 
fish-cultural establishment of lake 
Saint-Front, Haute Loire, France. Bull. 
U.S. Fish Comm., 1885, 5, 201—202. 


Decken, (Baron) Carl Claus von der 
[1833-1865] Baron C. C. von der Dec- 
ken’s Reisen in Ost-Afrika in 1859-61 
.. . Bearbeitet von O. Kersten. Mit 
einem Vorworte von... A. Petermann. 
4 vols. in 6. Leipzig & Heidelberg, 
1869-79. illust. 1869.1 

Bd. iii, pt. 1. Uebersicht der Ostafrikanischen 
Siisswasser-Fische, etc., von E. von Martens. 

Bd. iii, pt. 2. Neue Siisswasserfische der v. d. 
Decken’schen Sammlung, von W. C. H. Peters. 

Decker, Friedrich. Zur Physiologie 
des Fischdarmes (In Kolliker, A. von. 
Zur Feier seines siebenzigsten Geburt- 
stage .. . von C. Gegenbaur und Andere 
herausgegeben, no. 23, 387-411. Leip- 
zig, 1887. 444p. 17pls. 8°) 1887.1 

Decker, W. Der Steinbutt (Rhombus 
maximus) verschluckt grosse Steine. 
Mitth. Deutsch. Seefischerei-Ver., Ber- 
lin, 1896, 12, 219. 1896.1 

Decker, W., Heincke, F., & Hen- 
king, H. Die Seefischerei Norwegens. 
Abh. Deutsch. Seefischerei-Ver., Berlin, 
1901, 6, 1-182. 20 pls. 1901.1 

Décocq, Machoire d’un Ha- 
loeyon (poisson) dans la craie de Le- 
zennes. Ann. Soc. Géol. Nord, 1870-74 

(1875), 69. 1875.1 
Dedek, B., & Babak, Eduard. See 
Babak & Dedek. 
Deecke, Johannes Ernest Wilhelm 

[1862 —] Ueber Fische aus verschiede- 

nen Horizonten der Trias. Palzonto- 

graphica, 1888-89 (1889), 35, 97-138. 

Die mineralogische, geologische 
und paliontologische Litteratur iiber 

die Proving Pommern. Mitth. Neu- 
Vorpommern, 1894, 25, 54-92. 1894.1 

Paliontologische Betrachtungen. 
IV. Ueber Fische. Neues Jahrb. Mine- 
ral., 1913, 2, 69-92. 1913.1 

Defay, Bemerkung iiber eine 
Bastard-Art von Barben und Karpren. 
Schrift. Berlin. Ges. Naturf. Freunde,. 
1785-86, 7, 490. 1785.1 

Sur des anguilles vénimeuses. 
Journ. Pharm., 1819, 5, 509-513. 

De Forest, John W. History of the 
Indians of Connecticut from the earliest 
period to 1850. Hartford, 1851. 509 p. 
8°. 1851.1 

Fishing, p. 8. 

Deganello, Umberto. Gli ordegni 
nervosi periferici del ritmo respiratorio 
nel pesci teleostei. Ricerche anatomiche 
e sperimentali. Rend. Accad. Lincei, 
Roma, 1907, 5. ser. 16, pt. 2, 279-291. 
13 figs. 1907.1 

Les appareils nerveux périphé- 
riques du rythme respiratoire chez les 
poissons téléostéens. Arch. Ital. Biol., 
1908, 49, 113-127. 1908.1 

Die peripherischen, nervésen 
Apparate des Atmungsrhythmus bei 
Knochenfischen. Eine anatomische und 
experimentelle Untersuchung. Arch. 
Gesammt. Physiol., Bonn, 1908, 123, 
40-94. 48 figs. 1908.2 

Degoutin, \V., Villada, Manuel M., 
Gandara, Guillermo, & Urbina, Manuel. 
See Villada, Gandara «& others. 

Dei, A. La vessica idrostatica dei 
pesci e |’ apparato aereostatico e pul- 
monare degli ucelli. Riv. Ital. Sei. Nat., 
1895, 15, 97-99; 133-136. 1895.1 

Organi di locomozione degli ucelli 
e dei pesci. Riv. Ital. Sci. Nat., 1896, 
16, 145-146. 1896.1 

Deichsel, Gerhard. Beitrige zur 
Kenntnis des Knochenfischauges mit 
besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Frage 
nach der Accomodation. Inaug. Dis- 
sert. Breslau, 1908. 63 p. 8°. 1908.1 

Deinek, D. J. Sur la structure de la 
vessie natatoire des poissons (Text in 
Russian with French résumé] Tray. Soc. 
Nat., St. Pétersb., 1901, 32, pt. 1, 253- 
260. 1901.1 




Deinek, D. /. ; 
—— Zur Frage iiber den Bau der 

Schwimmblase. Zeitschr. Wiss. Zool., 

1904, 78, 149-164. pls. viii-ix « figs. 

tim Aquarium} Deutsch. Fischerei- 
Zeitg., 1880, 3. Jahrg., 339. — Erste 
Oesterr.-ungar. Fischerei-Zeitg., 1880, 
135: 1880.1 

De Kay, C. Trout farms in Bohemia. 
U. S. Consular Repts., 1895, 49, 41-47. 

Dekay, James Ellsworth (1792-1851] 
The probable identity of the genera 
Ophiognathus Harwood and Saccopha- 
rynx Mitchill. Amer. Journ. Sci., 1829, 
15, 358. 1829.1 

Deister, Georg. 


Fishes of New York. 
Albany, 1842. 79 pls. & 250 figs. 4°. 

Zoology of New York; or, 
The New York fauna. Comprising 
detailed descriptions of all the animals 
hitherto observed within the state, with 
brief notices of those occasionally found 
near its borders. (In Natural history of 
New York |State} Geological Survey. 
Albany, 1842. Vol.i, pts. 3 and 4. 102 
pls. 4°) 1842.2 

Pt. iv, Fishes, with a chapter on fossil fishes. 
In this is given a list of fossil fishes found in the 
United States and known to the author. “List 
of works referred to,” p. xi—xil. 

Zoology of the state of New 
York. 6 pts. in 5 vols. New York, 
1842-44. 329pls. 4°. 1842.3 

Pisces, vol. iii, pt. 4. 1842. 

Catalogue of the fishes inhabiting 
the state of New York, as classified and 
described in part IV of the New York 
fauna, with an appendix containing a 
list of the fishes inhabiting the state, 
discovered since the publication of the 
zoology. New York, 1855. 1855.1 


Dekhuyzen, Marinus Cornelis. 
kervormige roode 
(chromokrateeren) Versl. K. Acad. 
Wet. Amsterdam (Wis. Nat. Afd.), 
1898-99 (1899), 7, 193-196. — Proce. K. 
Acad. Wet. Amsterdam, (Sect. Sci.), 1, 
154-157. — Anat. Anz., 15. Jahrg., 
206-212. 6 figs. Abstract in Journ. 
Roy. Micr. Soc., 1899, 152. 1899.1 

Ergebnisse von osmatischen Stu- 

dien, namentlich bei Knochenfischen, an 
der biologischen Station des Bergenser 

Museums wihrend eines Aufenthalts 
vom 23 Juli bis 27 Aug. 1904. Bergens 
Mus. Aarbog, 1904, no. 8. 5p. 1904.1 

Over den osmotischen druk in 
bloed en urine van visschen. Versl. K. 
Acad. Wet. Amsterdam (Wis. Nat. 
Afd.), 1904, 18, 418-430.— Proc. K. 
Acad. Wet. Amsterdam (Sect. Sci.), 
1905, 7, pt. 2, 537-549. — Arch. Néerl. 
Sci., 1905, 2. ser. 10, 121-136. 1904.2 

Delachanel, B., & Mermet, A. Sur 
un calcul intestinal d’esturgeon. C. R. 
Acad. Sci. Paris, 1874, 78, 1859. — Ann. 
Chimie Phys., 1874, 5. sér. 3, 193-195. — 
Bull. Soc. Chim. Paris, 1874, 22, ore 


Delachaux, Theodor. Fischfressende 
Pflanzen. Schweiz. Fischereizeitg., 1894, 
2,45. Also separate; Pfaffiikon-Zirich, 
1894. lp. 8°. 1894.1 

Der amerikanische Lachs oder 
Namayecush in der Schweiz. Schweiz. 
Fischereizeitg., 1895, 3, 238. Also sep- 
arate; Pfaffikon-Zurich, 1895. lp. 8°. 


Der  Iltis, ein Fischfeind. 
Schweiz. Fischereizeitg., 1895, 3, 85. 
Also separate; Pfaiffikon-Ziirich, 1895. 
1p. a 1895.2 

Zur Geschichte des Rotel (Sal- 
velinus} (Seesaibling, Omble-chevalier. 
Als Antwort auf die Frage der “‘ Schweiz. 
Fischereizeitg.”” Nr. 25 vom 7. Dez. 
1895) Schweiz. Fischereizeitg., 1896, 4, 

5-6. Also separate; Pfaffikon-Ziirich, 
1896. Ip. 8°. 1896.1 
Delafontaine, Le Dinichthys, 

genre nouveau de poissons dévoniens. 
Bull. Hebd. Assoc. Scient. France, 1877, 
20, 266-268. 1877.1 

Delage, Marie Yves [1854—] Sur les 
relations de parenté du congre et du 
leptocéphale. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 
1886, 103, 698-699. 1886.1 

Sur une fonction nouvelle des 
otocystes. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1887, 
103, 798. — Arch. Zool. Expér., 1887, 
2. sér. 5, 1-26. 1887.1 

Delage, Marie Yves, & Hérouard, 
Edgard. Traité de zoologie concréte. 
Tome viii. Les procordés. Paris, 1898. 
8°. 1898.1 

Delahaye, V.B. Quelques réflexions 
au sujet d’une lettre de M. l’abbé Lan- 
driot (sur les poissons fossiles des schistes 


de Muse} Bull. Soc. Géol. France, 1849, 
2. sér. 6, 374-377. 1849.1 

De la Pylaie, Recherches, en 
France, sur les poissons de l’océan, pen- 
dant les années 1832 et 1833. Mém. 
Congrés Scient. de France, 2. sess., 
Poitiers. Rouen, 1834 (1835), 524534, 


Delarbre, Antoine [1724-1811] Essai 
zoologique, ou histoire naturelle des ani- 
maux sauvages, quadrupédes et oiseaux 
indigénes; de ceux qui ne sont que pas- 
sagers, ou qui paraissent rarement, et 
des poissons et amphibies observés dans 
cette province. Paris, 1798. 8°. 1798.1 

Delarive, A. Observations relatives 
aux communications récentes de M. Ma- 
rey, sur la décharge électrique de la 
torpille. C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1871, 
73, 1256-1258. 1871.1 

Sur lVorigine de l’électricité qui 
se manifeste dans les poissons électriques. 
Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 1871, 42, 315-318. 

Delaroche, Francois Etienne [— 1813] 
Expériences sur la température propre 
de quelques animaux A sangfroid. Nouv. 
Bull. Soc. Philom. Paris, 1807, 1, 169- 
170. 1807.1 

Sur les ouvertures. du peritoine 
dans les raies; et sur la communication 
entre le pericarde et le peritoine dans les 
raies et les squales. Nouv. Bull. Soc. 
Philom. Paris, 1808, 1, 197-198. 1808.1 

Observations sur des poissons re- 
cueillis dans un voyage aux files Baléares 
et Pythiuses. Ann. Mus. Hist. Nat. 
Paris, 1809, 13, 98-122; 313-361. fig. 
Also separate; Paris, 1809. 75p. 6pls. 
4°, Abstract in Nouv. Bull. Soc. Phi- 
lom. Paris, 1809, 1, 377-378. 1809.1 

Observations sur la vessie aéri- 
enne des poissons. Ann. Mus. Hist. Nat. 
Paris, 1809, 14, 184-217; 245-289. — 
Nouv. Bull. Soc. Philom. Paris, 1809, 1, 
409-412. — Journ. beebeleger) ste 164— 
172. 1809.2 

Observations sur habitation des 
poissons dans les eaux profondes. Nouv. 

Bull. Soc. Philom. Paris, 1809, 1, 349— 
351. 1809. 3 

Suite du mémoire sur les espéces 
de poissons observées 4 Ivica. Ann. 
Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris, 1809, 18, 313-361. 
5 pls. 1809.4 


Sur deux animaux vivant sur les 
branchies des poissons (Chondracanthus 
zeit et Polystoma thynni) Nouv. Bull. 
Soe. Philom. Paris, 1810, 2, 270-271. 


De la Roche, John Francis. The 
voyage of John Francis de la Roche, 
Knight, Lord of Roberval, to the coun- 
tries of Canada, Saguenay and Hoche- 
laga, with three tall ships, and two hun- 
dred persons both men, women and 
children, begun in April, 1542, in which 
parts he remained the same summer and 
all the next winter (In Pinkerton, John. 
A general collection of . . . voyages and 
travels in all parts of the world, 1812, 12, 
675-678. London, 1808-14. illust. 8°. 


Fishes, p. 677. 

Delattre, Ad. Composition de quel- 
ques huiles de poisson. Répert. Chim. 
Pure & Appliquée, 1859, 1. 1859.1 

Delaval, Albert. Elevage de poissons 
télescopes de la Chine et du Japon A 
Saint-Max-Lez-Nancy. Bull. Soe. Ac- 
clim. Paris, 1899, 46. année, 345-358. 


Ueber dreischwiinzige Teleskop- 

fisehe [Text in Russian] Dnevn. Otd. 
Icht. Imp. R. Obse. Acclim., Moskva, 
1903, 2, pt. 2, 4446. 1903.1 

De la Vallée Poussin, Charles (Ob- 
servations sur l’extension de Lamna 
(Odontaspis) elegans Ag. & travers les ter- 

rains crétacés et tertiaires] Bull. Soc. 
Belge Géol., 1875, 2, 56. 1875.1 

Del Campagna, D. See Campagna, 
D. del. 

Delchef,.J. Sur la pulsation des sinus 
veineux chez l’anguille (Anguilla flu- 
viatilis) Arch. Intern. Physiol., 1905, 2, 
123-126. fig. 1905.1 

Delesse, Achille, Laugel, M. A., & 
Lapparent, Albert de. Revue de géolo- 
gie. 18 vols. Paris, 1860-78. 1860.1 

Delessert, Adolphe. Souvenirs d’un 
voyage dans l’Inde 1834-39. Paris, 
1843. 35 pls. 8°. 1843.1 

Histoire naturelle par F. E. Guérin-Méneville 
et d’autres. 

Delezenne, C. Sur la coagulation du 
sang chez les batraciens et les poissons. 

C. R. Mém. Soe. Biol. Paris, 1897, 10 
sér. 4, 489-490. 1897.1 
Delfin, Federico Teobaldo. Catdlogo 

de los peces de Chile. Rev. Chil. Hist. 


Delfin, F. 7. 

Nat., 1898, 2, 92-93; 144-150; 161-163. 
Tbid., 1899, 3, 15-24; 57-62; 79-85; 
95-99; 110-113; 121-124; 131-134: 
151-161. JIbid., 1900, 4, 4-6; 21-25; 

29-31; 55-58; 69-71; 82-84; 110-111; 
129-131; 166-167; 185-186. 1898.1 

Descripcién de un nuevo Traqui- 
nido chileno (Notothenia porteri) Rev. 
Chil. Hist. Nat., 1899, 3, 117-120. 


Lista metdédica de los peces de la 
Bahia de Concepcién i sus alrededores. 

Rev. Chil. Hist. Nat., 1899, 3, 176-178. 


Nuevo jénero de Acantopterijios 
abdominales. tm. p.] 1899. 4p. fig. 


Nuevo pez para la fauna de Chile 
(Centriscus fernandezianus, n. sp.) Rev. 
Chil. Hist. Nat., 1899, 3, 75-78. 1899.4 

Aleunas observaciénes sobre la 
coleccién, conservacién i remisién de 
peces para los museos. Rev. Chil. Hist. 
Nat., 1900, 4, 148-152. 1900.1 

Nota de ictiolojia. El nuevo 
jénero Cilus. Act. Soe. Sci. Chili, 1900, 
10, 53-60. figs. 1900.2 

Voracidad de la Bdellostoma poly- 
trema de Girard. Act. Soc. Sei. Chili, 
1900, 10, 419-434. — Rev. Chil. Hist. 
Nat., 1902, 6, 218-226. 1900.3 

The corvina of Chile. Ex. Chi- 
lean corvina of Buffalo exposition. Re- 
vist. Marina, 1901, nos. 169-173, 37—50. 

Concordancia de nombres vul- 
gares i cientificos de los peces de Chile. 
Rev. Chil. Hist. Nat., 1902, 6, 71-76. 
Nuevas especies de la familia 
Rajide. Rev. Chil. Hist. Nat., 1902, 6, 
262-270. 7 figs. 1902.2 
Adicién al eatdlogo de los peces 
de Chile, con descripcién de una nueva 

especie. Rev. Chil. Hist. Nat., 1903, 7, 
220-225. figs. 1903. 1 

Contribucién 4 la ictiolojia Chi- 
lena. Rev. Chil. Hist. Nat., 1903, 7, 
268-273. fig. — Jbid., 1904, 8, 11-13. 
fig. 1903.2 

Los congrios de Chile. Rev. 
Chil. Hist. Nat., 1903, 7, 154-192. pl. 



Delfortrie, Eugene. Les broyeurs 
(Cestraciontes} du Tertiaire Aquitanien. 
Act. Soc. Linn. Bordeaux, 1871, 28 (3. 
sér. 8), 213-236. 4 pls. 1871.1 

Eclaircissements- sur une ma- 
choire fossile provenant du Pliocéne 
toscan de Volterrano, attribuée par M. 
Roberto Lawley au genre Spherodus. 
Act. Soc. Linn. Bordeaux, 1876, 31 (4. 
ser. 1), 33-35. 1876.1 

Sur quelques dents de forme sin- 
guliére provenant des faluns de Saucats 
(Gironde) Act. Soc. Linn. Bordeaux, 
1876, 31 (4. sér. 1), 31-32. — Journ. 
Zool. (Gervais), 1876, 8, 330-331. figs. 


Etude sur le genre Notidanus, 
Notidanus thevenardi, n. sp. Act. Soc. 
Linn. Bordeaux, 1878, 32 (4. sér. 2), 
253-256. figs. 1878.1 

Delheid, Ed. Découverte d’une gi-- 
gantesque défense de Celorhynchus rectus 
Ag. Ann. Soc. Roy. Malacol. Belgique 
(Bull. ), 1896, 29, Ixxxv. 1896.1 

L’ossuaire de Saint-Gilles (Bru- 
Ann. Soc. Roy. Malacol. Bel- 

gique (Bull.), 1896, 30, xliv—l. 

Découverte de Myliobates dixoni. 

Nouvelles découvertes dans l’ar- 
gile de Boom (Oligocéne moyen) Ann. 
Soe. Roy. Malacol. Belgique (Proc.- 
Verb.), 1898, 27, lxi-lxiv. 1898.1 

Découverte d’un squale bruxel- 
lien. Ann. Soc. Roy. Malacol. Belgique 
(Bull.), 1899, 34, Ixxiii-Ixxv. 1899.1 

Quelques découvertes dans I’ar- 
gile de Boom. Ann. Soc. Roy. Malacol. 
Belgique (Bull.), 1899, 34, Ixxv—Ixxx. 


Quelques mots sur un sirénien de 
Vargile de Boom et un Scombéride du 
méme terrain. Ann. Soc. Roy. Malacol. 
Belgique (Bull.), 1903, 37, xxv—xxviii. 


Quelques poissons éocénes et oli- 
gocénes de la Belgique. Une chélonée 
rupelienne atteinte d’exostoses. Ann. 
Soe. Roy. Malacol. Belgique (Bull.), 
1906, 41, 104-112. 1906.1 

Quelques fossiles bruxelliens de 
la région de Waterloo. Ann. Soe. Roy. 
Malacol. Belgique (Bull.), 1908, 43, 184— 
186. 1908.1 

Delidon, #.S. Lapéche dela sardine. 
Ann. Soe. Linn. Maine-et-Loire, Angers, 
1866, 8. année, 79-82. 1866.1 




Expérimentation d’un nouvel ap- 
parat pour la péche de la sardine [(Clu- 
pea pilchardus} Ann. Soc. Linn. Maine- 
et-Loire, Angers, 1869, 11. année, 177— 
180. 1869.1 

Delisle de Sales, Dictionnaire 
théorique et pratique de chasse et de 
peche. 2vols. Paris, 1769. 12°. 1769.1 

“An anonymous work, attributed to Delisle 
de Sales, and derived for the most part from the 
ancient authors, with an improved system of 
ichthyology borrowed from Buffon.’’ — West- 
wood & Satchell. 

Delius, A. 
Leipzig, 1874. 

Die Teichwirthschaft. 
104 p. 5 figs. 8°. 

Die Zwecke, Erfahrungen und 
Aussichten beziiglich der Bestrebungen 
zur Forderung der Fischereien. Circul. 
Deutsch. Fischerei-Ver. 1874 (1875), no. 
1, 9-21. 1875.1 

Della. For names, other than Eng- 
lish, with this prefix (except when written 
as one word), see under part following 
the prefix. 

Delle-Chiaje, Stefano. 
Stefano delle. 

Del Lupo, Michele. 

See Chiaje, 

See Lupo, Mi- 

chele del. 

Delouche, Pisciculture 4 Saint- 
Martin d’Ablois (Marne); lettre ad- 
dressée 4 M. P. Carbonnier. Bull. Soc. 

Acclim. Paris, 1870, 2. sér. 7, 142-145. 

Delpéré de Cardaillac de Saint- 
Paul, G. See Saint-Paul, G. Delpéré 
de Cardaillac. 

Delsman, H.C. Ist das Hirnbli- 
schen des Amphioxus dem Gehirn der 
Kranioten homolog? tn. p.j 1913. 10 
figs. 1913.1 

— Over haring en haringschubben. 
Med. Vissch., Helder, 1913, 20, 174-183. 

Delvaux, H. Documents stratigra- 
phiques et paléontologiques pour l’étude 
monographique del’étage yprésien. Ann. 
Soe. Géol. Belgique, 1887, 14, 57-74. pl. 
& fig. 1887.1 

Delvaux, #., & Ortlieb, J. Les pois- 
sons fossiles de l’argile yprésienne de 
Belgique. Description paléontologique 
accompagnée de documents stratigra- 
phiques pour servir a |’étude mono- 
graphique de cet étage. Ann. Soc. Géol. 
Belgique, 1888, 15, 50-66. 2 pls. 1888.1 

Demahis, J. Un nouveau poisson 
(Macropodus} Journ. Fermes, 1869, 1. 
année, no. 18, 327-328. 1869.1 

Demelle, A., & Grynfelti, Z. 
Grynfeltt &« Demelle. 


Demenge, Hmile. Un nouveau Cy- 
bium découvert dans le terrain bruxel- 

lien. La Nature, 1897, 25. année, pt. 2 
331-332. 3 figs. 1897.1 
Démidoff, Anatole Nikolaevich 

(Prince of San Donato) [1812-1870] 
Voyage dans la Russie méridionale et la 
Crimée exécuté en 1837 sous la direction 
de M. A. de Démidoff. 4 vols. & atlas 

in 2 vols. Paris (1839 —) 1840-42. 8° 
«& fol. 1840.1 
Vol. ii. Observations sur la faune pontique 

[Poissons, par A. von Nordmann] 1840. 32 col. 


Demme, Ff. Das arterielle Gefiiss- 
system von Acipenser ruthenus. Wien, 
1860. 38lp. 4pls. 4°. 1860.1 

Demontmerot, Charles, & Roche, A. 
See Roche, A., & Demontmerot, 

Dempsey, W. Shad inthe St. John’s 
river, Florida. Bull. U. 8S. Fish Comm. 
1886 (1887), 6, 96. 1887.1 

Dempster, Henry. The decked- 
welled fishing boat, and fisheries and fish 
market reform; being dialogues on these 

important subjects. Glasgow, 1868. 
pls. 16°. 1868.1 
Dendy, Arthur [1865 —] Parietal 

eye and adjacent organs fishes] Journ. 
Roy. Micr. Soc., 1899, 376-377. 1899.1 

On a pair of ciliated grooves in 
the brain of the Ammoccete, apparently 
serving to promote the circulation of the 
fluid in the brain-cavity. Proc. Roy. 
Soe. London, 1902, 69, 485-494. figs. — 
Zool. Anz., 1902, 25, 511-519. figs. 


On the parietal sense-organs and 
associated structures in the New Zealand 

lamprey (Geotria australis) Quart. 
Journ. Mier. Sci., London, 1907, 51, 1— 
29. 2 pls: 1907.1 

Sci. Progress, 

The pineal gland. 
1907, no.6. 23 p. 

The pineal sense organs and 
associated structures in Geotria and 
Sphenodon. Rept. Brit. Assoc. Adv. 
Sci., 76. meet., 1907, 604-605. 1907.3 



Dendy, A. 

Reissner’s fibre and the sub- 
commissural organ in the vertebrate 
brain. Rept. Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 82. 
meet., 1912 (1913), 507. 1913.1 

Dendy, A., & Olliver, W.F. On the 
New Zealand lamprey. Trans. New 
Zealand Instit., 1902, 34, 147-149. 


Denil, G. Les échelles 4 poissons et 
leur application aux barrages de Meuse 
et d’Ourthe. Bull. Acad. Sci. Belgique 
1908 (1909), 1221-1224. 1909.1 

Denis, W. Metabolism studies on 
cold-blooded animals. I. The urine of the 
fish. Journ. Biol. Chem., Baltimore, 
1912, 13, 225-232. 1912.1 

Denison, Alfred (editor) A literal 
translation into English of the earliest 
known book on fowling and fishing, writ- 
ten originally in Flemish and printed at 
Antwerp in the year 1492. (London) 
1872. 24p. pls. & figs. 8°. 1872.1 

Denison, (Sir) W. On the death of 
fishes during the monsoon off the coast 
of India. Proc. Geol. Soc., London, 
1862, 18, 453. — Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 
1863, 3. ser. 11, 320. 1862.1 

Denissenko, Gabriel. Mittheilung 
iiber die Gefisse der Netzhaut der 
Fische. Arch. Mikrosk. Anat., 1880, 18, 
480-485. pl. & fig. 1880.1 

Ueber den Bau der Ausseren 
Ko6rnerschicht der Netzhaut bei den 
Wirbeltieren. Arch. Mikrosk. Anato- 
mie, 1881, 19, 395-440. pl. 1881.1 

Einiges iiber den Bau der Netz- 
haut des Aales. Arch. Mikrosk. Anat., 
1882, 21, 1-20. 1882.1 

Zur Frage vom Baue der Augen 
der Knorpelganoiden. Klin. Monats- 
bibl. Augenheilk., 1889, 27. 1889.1 

Dennis, Oregon Milton. Fish protec- 
tion. Trans. Amer. Fisheries Soc. 1905 
(1906), 1383-138. 1906.1 

The necessity of the state mak- 
ing laws for the protection of food fishes 
after stocking waters by the state or 
United States. Trans. Amer. Fisheries 
Soe. 1907 (1908), 103-104. 1908.1 

Some reasons for failure of fish 
protective legislation and some sugges- 
tive remedies. Trans. Amer. Fisheries 
Soe. 1908 (1909), 152-156. 1909.1 

Dennis, William. Condition of the 
shore fisheries of Massachusetts and 
Rhode Island in 1871. Rept. U. 8. 
Fish Comm. 1871-72 (1873), 1, 13. 


Denny, Alfred. Zoology tof Sheffield) 
Handbook Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 1910, 
448-502. 1910.1 

Denny, W. A., & Eigenmann, Carl 
H. See Eigenmann & Denny. 

Denso, Johann Daniel (editor) [1708- 
1795] Physikalische Bibliothek, heraus- 
gegeben von J. D. Denso. 8 vols. Ros- 
tock, 1754-61. 8°. 1754.1 

Some articles on fish are contained in vol. ii. 

Denton, Sherman F. Fish repre- 
sented in the colored plates. 5. Ann. 
Rept. Comm. Fish. Game & Forests 
New York, 1899 (1900), 259-264. ve 


— Figures of fishes in colors. 6. 
Ann. Rept. Comm. Fish. Game & For- 
ests New York, 1900 (1901), 367-372. 
pl. & fig. 1901.1 

Denys, FR. Observation relative a 
l'emploi comme reproducteurs de truites 
conservées en captivité. Bull. Soe. 
Centr. Aquicult. France, 1894, 6, 90. 


Denys, F&., & Hausser, Quel- 
ques mots sur la pisciculture en Suisse. 
Bull. Soe. Centr. Aquicult. France, 1894, 
6, 202-205. 1894.1 

Depéret, Charles. Note sur la pré- 
sence d’une espéce d’Athérine (A therina 
boiert Risso) dans les eaux douces du 
canal du Midi, 4 Castelnaudary. Bull. 
Soe. Hist. Nat. Toulouse, 1885, 17, 82- 
84. 1885.1 

Recherches sur la succession des 
faunes de vertébrés miocénes de la vallée 
du Rhone (In his Etudes paléontolo- 
giques dans le bassin du Rhone, période 
Miocéne. Arch. Mus. Hist. Nat. Lyon, 
1887, 4, 45-313. 24 pls.) 1887.1 

Poissons, p. 85-88. 

Depéret, Charles, & Fabre, G. See 
Fabre & Depéret. 

Depéret, Charles, & Vidal, L. M. See 
Vidal & Depéret. 

Depp, Nicolas de. Note sur les pois- 
sons télescopes. Bull. Soc. Centr. Aqui- 
cult. France, 1894, 6, 248. pl. 1894.1 

See Erasmo, 

D’Erasmo, Geremia. 




Derbés, Alphonse. Des ressources 
que présente le département des Bou- 
ches-du-Rhone sous le rapport de la pis- 
ciculture. Bull. Soc. Acclim. Paris, 
1856, 3, 22-29. 1856.1 

D’Erchia, F. See Erchia, F. a’. 

Dercum, F. The lateral sensory ap- 
paratus of fishes. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. 
Philad., 1879 (1880), 152-154. 1880.1 

Derjugin, K. M. Excursion de M. 
K. M. Derjuguine dans le Transcaucase 
sud-ouest (Textin Russian} Ann. Mus. 
Zool. Acad. Sci. St. Pétersb., 1898, 3, 
Xli-Xxiv. 1898.1 

Puteshestvie v dolinu srednjavo 

i nizhnjavo techenie reki Obi i fauna etoi 

oblasti. Trav. Soe. Nat. St. Pétersb., 

1898, 29, pt. 2, 47-140. pl. 1898.2 
French résumé, p. 139-140. 

Materials for the ichthyological 
fauna of southwestern Transcaucasia 
(Text in Russian} Ann. Mus. Zool. 
Acad. Impér. St. Pétersb., 1899, 148— 
171. pl. 1899.1 

On the ichthyofauna of south- 
eastern Trans-Caucasia [Text in Rus- 
sian} Ann. Rept. Zool. Mus. Impér. 
Aead. Sci., 1899. 1899.2 

Beobachtungen iiber die ersten 
Stadien der Entwicklung bei den Hiern 
von Perca fluviatilis unter normalen und 
kiinstlichen Bedingungen. Trav. Soc. 
Nat. St. Pétersb., 1901, 32, pt. 1, 125- 
131. 1901.1 

Corrigendum ad descriptionem 
Chondrostoma colchicum Kessl {Text in 
Russian} Ann. Mus. Zool. Acad. Impér. 
St. Pétersb., 1901, 6, xxv—xxvi. 1901.2 

Einige  Entwicklungs-Stadien 
von Lophius piscatorius (Text in Rus- 
sian] Dnevn, St. Petersb., XI Sjezda 
russ. Jest Vrac., 1901, 12, 338. 1901.3 

Ueber einige Stadien in der Ent- 
wickelung von Lophius piscatorius (Text 
in Russian} Trav. Soc. Nat.St. Pétersb., 
1902, 32, pt.4, 1-45. pl. &8 figs. 1902.1 

Murmansche biologische Station 
1899-1905. Trav.Soc. Nat.St.Pétersb., 
1906, 37, 1-179. 1906.1 

Die Entwicklung der Brust- 
flossen und des Schultergiirtels bei Eo- 
cetus volitans. Zeitschr. Wiss. Zool., 
1908, 91, 559-598. 2 pls. 1908.1 

Die Entwicklung der Extremi- 
taiten bei Exoccetes (Text in Russian] 
Trav. Soc. Nat. St. Pétersh., 1908, 39, 
pt. 1, 101-103. 1908.2 

Der Bau und die Entwickelung 
des Schultergiirtels und der Brustflossen 
bei Teleostiern (Text in Russian] Trav. 
Soc. Nat. St. Pétersb., 1909, 39, pt. 4, 
1-148. 7 pls. & 13 figs. — Zeitschr. 
Wiss. Zool., 1909, 96, 572-653. 3 pls. & 
8 figs. 1909.1 

The question of the origin of the 
paired extremities (Text in Russian) 
Biol. Journ., Moscow, 1910, 1, no. 3. 


Bemerkungen iiber den Bau und 
die Entwicklung der paarigen Extremi- 
taten der Knochenfische. I. Ueber das 
Auftreten von fusseren Brustflossen 
wihrend der Entwicklung von Sym- 
branchus (Subord. Symbranchii) — II. 
Ein seltener Fall von Anomalie bei den 
Knochenfischen. Anat. Anz., 1912, 41. 
Jahrg., 457-460. 3 figs. 1912.1 

Derjugin, K., & Drzhevetzkic, V. 
Account of an excursion in the valley of 
the upper and middle streams of the 
river Obi, undertaken in the summer of 
the year 1897 by students of the St. 
Petersburg University. Bull. Lab. Biol. 
St. Pétersb., 1898, 2, 37-47. 1898.1 

Derjugin, K., & Rozhdestvensky, 
E. Ueber den Bau und die Entwicklung 
der Bauchflossen bei den Teleostiern. 
Vorlaufige Mittheilungen. . Anat. Anz., 
1912, 41. Jahrg., 648-647. 2 figs. 1912.1 

Derschau, W. von. Zur Frage der 
Maifisch-Erbriitung. Allgem. Fischerei- 
Zeitg., 1894, 19, 34-36. 1894.1 

Dervieux, L. II fegato dell’ Ammo- 
cetes branchialis e del Petromyzon pla- 
nert. Boll. Mus. Zool. Univ. Torino, 
1898, 13, no. 320. 7p. 1898.1 

Derzavin, A. Beitrige zur Kenntnis 
der Fischwanderungen im Wolga-Delta 
im Jahre 1910 [Russian with German 
résumé] Arb. Ichth. Laboratoriums 
Astrachan, 1913, 2. ser. 3, 1-60. 1913.1 

De Sanctis, L. See Sanctis, L. de. 

Desco, Bela von. Ueber die kiinstli- 
chen und natiirlichen Ursachen der Ver- 

_anderungen der Fischfang und der Ver- 

minderung der Fische im Hernadflusse 
Ober-Ungarns. Verh. 5. Internat. Zool. 
Kongres Berlin, 1902, 567-578. 1902.1 



Descourtilz, Michel Etienne [1775- 

c.1835] Voyages d’un naturaliste, et 
ses observations. 3 vols. Paris, 1809. 
col. pls. 1809.1 

Deseille, Ernest [1835 —] Histoire de 
la péche 4 Boulogne depuis ses origines. 
Mém. Soe. Acad. Boulogne-sur-Mer, 
1868-70 (1873), 4, 85-305. 1873.1 

Etude sur les origines de la péche 
4 Boulogne-sur-Mer d’aprés les chartes, 
les comptes de deniers et autres docu- 
ments oOfficiels. Mém. Soc. Acad. Bou- 
logne-sur-Mer, 1873-76 (1876), 5, 74- 
114. 1876.1 

Desjardins, Julien Francois [1799- 
1840] Description d’une nouvelle espéce 
de poisson de l’ile Maurice, appartenant 
a la famille des Pectorales pediculées et 
au genre Chironecte. Rev. Mag. Zool., 
1840. pl. 1840.1 

Deslongchamps, Jacques Amand 
Eudes [1794-1867] Mémoire sur une fos- 
sile du caleaire de Caen, présumé étre 
une défense caudale d’une espéce in- 
connue de mourine, ou raie-aigle. Mém. 
Soc. Linn. Calvados, 1825, 270-282. 
Bull. (Férussac), 8, 279. — Ibid., 9, 241. 


Mémoire sur le genre Plagio- 
stome. Bull. Soc. Géol. France, 1831, 1, 
Zale 1831.1 

Note sur une anguille mon- 
strueuse retirée d’un puits. Mém. Soc. 
Linn. Normandie, 1835, 5, 47-51. — 
L’Institut, 1836, 4, 87-88. — Notizen 
(Froriep), 1836, 48, 129-131. figs. 


Note concernant des péches 
phosphorescentes. Mém. Soc. Linn. . 

Normandie, 1838, 6, 307-308. 1838.1 

— Sur le mode de propagation des 
anguilles. L’Institut, 1838, 6, 133-134. 

Observations pour servir A l’his- 
toire anatomique et physiologique des 
Trigles. Mém. Soc. Linn. Normandie, 
1843, 7. 1843.1 

Mémoire sur une raie bouclée 
monstrueuse. Mém. Soc. Linn. Nor- 
mandie, 1853, 9, 138-144. 1853.1 

Note concernant les effets de la 
gelée sur l’ceil duGadus barbatus L., avec 
quelques remarques anatomiques sur les 
yeux des Gades. Mém. Soc. Linn. Nor- 
mandie, 1853, 9, 151-162. 1853.2 

Note sur trois cas de tumeurs 
souscutanées développées dans l’espéce 
de la raie bouclée. Mém. Soc. Linn. 
Normandie, 1853, 9, 145-150. 1853.3 

Note sur une nouvelle espéce de 
poisson du genre Aspidophore. Mém. 
Soc. Linn. Normandie, 1853, 9, 167-173. 

Remarques sur quelques anoma- 
lies dans la configuration de plusieurs 
vertébres de la plie commune, Pleuro- 
nectes platessa L. Bull. Soc. Linn. Nor- 
mandie, 1860-61 (1861), 6, 44-50. sen 

Note sur de petits poissons mon- 
strueux produits par des ceufs de la 
truite du lac de Genéve, Salmo lemanus 
Cuv., fécondés artificiellement. Bull. 
Soc. Linn. Normandie, 1861-62 (1862), 
7, 191-194. figs. 1862.1 

Note sur des céphalopodes et des 
crustacés renfermés dans la cavité ab- 
dominale de poissons et de reptiles des 
argiles Infra-Oolithiques de Caen. Bull. 
Soc. Linn. Normandie, 1866, 10, 156- 
169. 1866.1 

Desmarest, Anselme Gaétan [1784— 
1838] Premiére décade ichthyologique, 
ou description compléte de dix espéces 
de poissons nouvelles ou imparfaitement 
connues, habitant la mer qui baigne les 
cdtes de l’tle de Cuba. Mém. Soc. Linn. 
Paris, 1823, 2. Also separate; Paris, 
1823. 50 p. 6pls. 8°. 1823.1 

Desmarest, Hugene [1816-1889] Ob- 
servations sur les moeurs des anguilles. 
Rey. Mag. Zool., 1866, 18, 161-165. 


Desmarest, H.,& Chenu,.J.C. Rep- 
tiles et poissons. See Chenu, J.G. En- 
cyclopédie d’histoire naturelle, ete. 
Paris, 1874. 

Desmoulins, Lowis Antoine [1794— 
1828] Anatomische und physiologische 
Untersuchungen iiber das Nervensystem 
der Fische. Deutsch. Arch. Physiol. 
(Meckel), 1822, 7, 566-571. Ibid., 1823, 
8, 185-190. 1822.1 

Mémoire pour servir de complé- 
ment & ses recherches sur le systéme 
nerveux des poissons. Journ. Physiol. 
(Magendie), 1822, 2, 348-354. 1822.2 

Recherches anatomiques et phy- 
siologiques sur le systéme nerveux des 
poissons. Journ. Physiol. (Magendie), 
1822, 2, 127-135; 348-353. 1822.3 




Note sur la détermination du 
rapport qui existe entre le développe- 
ment sphérique donné par le plissement 
des rétines des oiseaux et des poissons, 
et la sphére de l’ceil circonscrite A ces 
rétines. Arch. Génér. de Méd., 1823, 3, 
418-424. — Notizen (Froriep), 4, 305- 
306. 1823.1 

Mémoire sur les différences qui 
existent entre le systéme nerveux de la 
lamproie et celui des animaux vertébrés, 
sous le rapport des propriétés physiques, 
du nombre et du mécanisme de réunion 
des parties. Journ. Physiol. (Magendie), 
1824, 4, 239-257. — Bull. Sci. Nat. (Fé- 
russac), 4, 435-4388. — Notizen (Fro- 
riep), 9, 257-261. 1824.1 

Ueber das Gehirn-Riickenmark- 
system des Petromyzon fluviatilis und 
P. branchialis. Notizen (Froriep), 1825, 
10, 149-150. 1825.1 

Ueber die Verschiedenheiten, 
welche hinsichtlich des Nervensystems 
der Lamprete und desjenigen der riick- 
gratigen Thiere stattfinden. Notizen 
(Froriep), 1825, 9, 257-261. 1825.2 

Desmoulins, L. A., & Magendie, 

Frangois. Note sur l’anatomie de la 
lamproie. Journ. Physiol. (Magendie), 
1822, 2, 224—-231.— Deutsch. Arch. 

Physiol. (Meckel), 1823, 8, 236-242. 

Desnickij, V. M. Versuche mit der 
Aufzucht und Fiitterung von Sterlets- 
brut in den Jahren 1910 und 1911 auf der 
Fischzuchtanstalt in Saratov (Text in 
Russian] Vést. Rybopromysl., St. Pe- 
tersh., 1912, 26, 91-94. 1912.1 

Desor, Pierre Jean Edouard [{1811- 
1882] Experiments with chloroform on 
animals. Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., 
1848, 3, 15. 1848.1 

Experiments on minnows and sticklebacks. 

— Fish of the artesian wells tin the 
Sahara desert) Geol. Mag., 1864, 1, 32- 
33. 1864.1 

Desormes, Clément. Note sur une 
épidémie de poissons, communiquée 4 
M. le docteur Rayer. Ann. Sci. Nat., 
1832, 27, 205-208. Extract in Gazette 
Médicale, Mai 29, 1832. — Isis (Oken), 
1832, 7, 632. 1832.1 

Despax, F., & Roule, L. See Roule 
& Despax. 

Despinoy, & Garreau, 
Des eaux et des extraits de foie de morue 
et de leurs propriétés médicinales. Paris, 
Hs1O: a2 p.. 12°. 1870.1 

Desrochers, J. H. Un maskinonge 
(Hsox estor Gill} remarquable. Natural. 
Canad., 1895, 22, 191-192. _ 1895.1 

Poisson-castor (Amia_ ocellicau- 
data Lacép.) Natural. Canad., 1904, 31, 
38-39. 1904.1 

Dessaix,J. Lelac Léman. Poisscas; 
la péche; réglementation de la péche. 
Rev. Moderne, 1868, 48, 498-510. 


Destinex, P. Sur deux Diplodus et 
un Chomatodus de l’ampélite alunifére 
de Chokier, et deux Cladodus de Visé. 
Ann. Soc. Géol. Belgique, 1897, 24, 
219-223. 1897.1 

Ctenacanthus tenwistriatus Ag. 
dans le ealcaire carbonifére de Visé. 
Bull. Soc. Géol. Belgique, 1902, 29, 
B108-B110. 1902.1 

Faune et flore des psammites du 
Condroz (Famennien) Ann. Soc. Géol. 
Belgique, 1904, 31, M247-M257. 1904.1 

Desvaux, Auguste Nicaise [1784- 
1856] Sur les poissons de la Loire-In- 
férieure. Paris, 1843. 1843.1 

— Essai d’ichthyologie des cétes 
océaniques et de l’intérieur de la France. 
Angers, 1851. 3 pls. 8°: 1851.1 

Rapport sur l’odo- 
L’Institut, 1835, 3, 

rat des poissons. 
no. 111, 207. 

Desvignes, Erklirung des Ge- 
ruchs der Fische. Arch. Anat. Physiol. 
(Miller), 1836, 5, cliv. Bull. Acad. 
Sci. Bruxelles, 2, 169. 1836.1 

Detzem, , & Berthelot, Sabin. 
Fécondation artificielle des poissons. 
Mém. Soc. Emulation du Doubs, 1851. 


Deutsch, :pseudon.| Der Schutz der 
offenen Gewisser in Bayern mit einem 
historischen Riickblick auf die Nie- 
derbayerischen Fischerei-Verhiltnisse. 
Bayer. Fischerei Zeitg., 1879, 4. Jahrg., 
no. 5; no. 6. 1879.1 

Deutsch David Henrik. Occono- 
miska Anteckningar rérande Norra delen 
af Uleaborgs lin, under resor derstides, 
pa Hans Erlaucht, Riks-Cancelleren m. 
m. Grefve N. P. Rumanzoffs omkostnad 
och Kejs. Finska Hushallnings-Sall- 
skapets forsorg gjorde 4ren 1814 och 
1815. Finska Hushallningssiillskapet, 
1819, handl. 3, 263-408. 1819.1 

Pisces, p. 296-300; 387-388. 




Deutsch, Georg. Zur Geschichte der 
Fischerei in Oesterreich und Ungarn. 
Oesterr.-ungar. Fischerei Zeitg., 1880, 
22-23. 1880.1 

D’Evant, Teodoro. 
doro d’. 

Deville, Charles Joseph Sainte-Claire. 
See Sainte-Claire Deville, C. J. 

De Vis, Charles W. Note on the wolf 
fish tAnarrhichas lupus) Zoologist, 1865, 
23, 9558. 1865.1 

Description of three new fishes 
of Queensland (Oligorus goliath, Synap- 
tura fitzroiensis, Engraulis carpentarle| 
Proc. Linn. Soc. New 8. Wales, 1883, 7, 
318-320. 1883.1 

Description of two new Queens- 
land fishes (Callionymus achates, Mugil 

See Evant, T'eo- 

nasutus} Proc. Linn. Soc. New 5S. 
Wales, 1883, 7, 620-621. 1883.2 
Descriptions of some new 

Queensland fishes (Cleidopus gloria- 
maris, Homalogrystes luctuosus, Scolopsts 
specularis, Porichthys queenslande, Pleu- 
ronectes mortoniensis} Proc. Linn. Soc. 
New S. Wales, 1883, 7, 367-371. 1883.3 

Descriptions of new genera and 

species of Australian fishes. Proc. Linn. 

Soe. New S. Wales, 1884, 8, 283-289. 

Fishes from South Sea islands. 
Proc. Linn. Soc. New 8. Wales, 1884, 8, 
445-457. 1884.2 

New Australian fishes in the 
Queensland museum. Proc. Linn. Soc. 
New S. Wales, 1885, 9, 389-400; 453- 
462; 537-547 ; 685-698; 869-887. 1885.1 

The ribbon fish (a Regalecus in 
Queensland waters) Proc. Roy. Soc. 
Queensland, 1892, 8, 109-113. 1892.1 

— Cestraciontide. Ann. Queens- 
land Mus., Brisbane, 1911, 10, 18. pl. 

A second species of Enoplosus 
(“old wife” fish) (H. serotinus n. sp.) 
Ann. Queensland Mus., Brisbane, 1911, 
no. 10, 29. 1911.2 

Devyver, Johannes. Definiatur nu- 
tritio corporum organicorum in genere, 
compareturque nutritionis processus 
vegetabilium cum processu animalium; 
exponatur deinde progrediens ejus in 
variis animalium classibus_ evolutio. 
Ann. Acad. Louvain, 1823, 5. 1823.1 

Dewalque, Georges Jean Gustave 
{1826 —] Une nouvelle dent de Car- 
charodon dans le gravier de la Meuse. 
Bull. Acad. Roy. Belgique, 1864, 2. sér. 
18, 400-401. 1864.1 

Note sur les dents de poisson 
du dépét de transport de la Meuse et de 
ses affuents. Bull. Acad. Roy. Bel- 
gique, 1871, 2. sér. 32, 50-51. 1871.1 

(Débris de Céphalaspides dans 
l’étage taunusien de |’Ardenne} Ann. 
Soc. Géol. Belgique, 1875, 2,44. 1875.1 

Antacanthus insignis, du caleaire 
carbonifére de Belgique. Journ. Zool. 
(Gervais), 1877, 6, 415-416. 1877.1 

Note sur un poisson du caleaire 
carbonifére inférieur [Antacanthus in- 
signis} Ann. Soe. Géol. Belgique, 1878, 
5, 59-60. 1878.1 

Dewhurst, Henry William. The na- 
tural history of the order Cetacea, and 
the oceanic inhabitants of the Arctic 
regions. London, 1834. 294 p. 23 pls. 
8°. 1834.1 

Dewitz, J. Bemerkungen zu Herrn 
E. P. Allis’ Arbeit ‘‘ The skull and the 
cranial and first spinal muscles and 
nerves in Scomber scomber.’’ Anat. Anz., 
1904, 24, 408-410. 1904.1 

Dexter, pseudonym for Kirk, Henry 

Dexter, . A fish farm. Amer. Na- 
turalist, 1870, 3, 202-207. 2 figs. 1870.1 

Deyl, Jan. Ueber die Sehnerven bei 
Siluroiden und Acanthopsiden. Anat. 
Anz., 1896, 11. Jahrg., 8-16. 5 figs. 


Zur vergleichenden Anatomie 
des Sehnerven. I. Teil. Bull. Intern. 
Acad. Sci. Imp. Frane.-Jos. I, Prag, 
1895 (1896), 1-80. 1896.2 

Deynoot, W. 7.G. Specimen ceco- 
nomico-politico-juridicum inaugurale, de 
magno sive halecum piscatu Belgico (ha- 
ringvisscherij) Lugduni Batavorum, 
1829 Sex 1829.1 

Deyrolle, Théophile. Notice sur une 
espéce remarquable de poisson qui vit 
dans les eaux du lae de Van [Alburnus 
tarichi Pall.) Rev. Mag. Zool., 1871-72, 
2. sér. 28, 401-405. pl. 1871.1. 

Dezani, S. Le basi proteiche con- 
tenute nello sperma e nelle ovaie del 
tonno ed i loro prodotti idrolitici. 




Giorn. Accad. Mea., Torino, 1908, 71, 
114-122. 1908.1 

Dezso, Bela von. Ueber die kiinstli- 
chen und natiirlichen Ursachen der Ver- 
finderungen der Fischfauna und der 
Verminderung der Fische im Hernad- 
flusse Ober-Ungarns. Tagebl. 5. Intern. 
Zool. Kongres Berlin, 1901, no. 8, 8-9. 


D’Halloy, Léon. Fish-culture at 
Gouville, France. Bull. U. 8. Fish 
Comm. 1885, 5, 255-256. 1885.1 

Diamare, Vincenzo. I corpuscoli 
surrenali di Stannius ed i corpi del cavo 
addominale dei teleostei. Notizie ana- 
tomiche e morfologiche. Boll. Soc. Nat. 
Napoli, 1895, 9, 10-24. 1895.1 

Ricerche intorno all’ organo 
interrenale degli elasmobranchi ed i 
corpuscoli di Stannius de’ teleostei. 
Contributo alla morfologia delle capsule 
surrenali. Mem. Soc. Ital. Sci., Roma, 
1899, 3. ser. 10. 3 pls. 1899.1 

Studii comparativi sulle isole di 
Langerhans del pancreas. Intern. Mo- 
natschr. Anat., Leipzig, 1899, 16, 155- 
208. 5 pls. — Ibid., 1905, 22, 129-187. 

2 pls. 1899.2 

Sulla morfologia delle capsule 
surrenali. Nota critica. Anat. Anz., 
1899, 15, 357-360. 1899.3 

Cisti epiteliali nel cosidetto 
pancreas dei Petromizonti. Monit. 
Zool. Ital., 1901, 12, 194-195. 1901.1 

Sulla costituzione dei gangli sim- 
patici negli elasmobranchi e sulla mor- 
fologia dei nidi cellulari del simpatico in 
generale. Anat. Anz., 1902, 20, 418-429. 

Sullo sviluppo e morfologia delle 
capsule soprarenali. Boll. Soc. Nat. 
Napoli, 1903, 17, 55-62. 1903.1 

Varieta anatomiche dell’ interre- 
nale. Arch. Ital. Anat. Embriol., 1905, 
4, 366-369. 4 pls. 1905.1 

Su i rapporti della vena porta e 
delle arterie splanenice in Scyllium ca- 
tulus e Torpedo marmorata. Contributo 
all’ anatomia splanenica negli elasmo- 
branchi. Notariassuntiva. Anat. Anz., 
1909, 34, 522-559. 1909.1 

I vasi splanenici e le loro rela- 
zion topografiche in Scyllium catulus 
e Torpedo marmorata: Contributo all’ 

anatomia splancnica negli elasmobran- 
chi. Arch. Zool., Napoli, 1910, 4, pt. 4, 
437-488. pl. 1910.1 

Contributo all’ anatomia com- 
parata del sistema linfatico. I linfatici 
splanici in Torpedo marmorata. Intern. 
Monatschr. Anat., Leipzig, 1913, 30, 
Heft 1, 21-45. pl. , 1913.1 

Diamare, V., & Kuliabko, A. Zur 
Frage nach der physiologischen Bedeu- 
tung der Langerhans’schen Inseln im 

Pancreas. Vorlaufige Mittheilung. 
Centralbl. Physiol., 1904, 18, 432-435. 

Diamare, V., & Montuori, A. Ri- 
cerca del glucosio nel sangue dei selaci. 
Rend. Accad. Sci., Napoli, 1907, 3. ser. 
13, 348-355. 1907.1 

Se esista glucosio nel sangue 
dei selaci. Comunicazione preliminare. 
Riv. Mensile di Pesca, Milano, 1907, 9, 
30-32. 1907.2 

Diaz y Martinez, Eduardo. Cana- 
bota (Hexanchus griseus Gml.) Anal. 
Acad. Cienec. Habana, 1910, 46, 82-86. 
2 pls. 1910.1 

Pez velero americano (Histio- 
phorus nigricans Lac.) Anal. Acad. 
Cienc. Habana, 1910, 46, 86-88. pl. 


Dibley,G. On the teeth of Ptychodus 
and their distribution in the English 
Chalk. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., 1911, 
67, pt. 2, 263-277. 6 pls. 1911.1 

Dickerson, fF. B. The protection of 
fish and a closed season. Trans. Amer. 
Fisheries Soc. 1898 (1899), 32-46. 


The benefits of the propagation 
of game fish to the state of Michigan. 
6. Rept. Michigan Acad. Sci., 1904, 69- 
7/il 1904.1 

Dickerson, Mary Cynthia, & Jordan, 
David Starr. See Jordan & Dickerson. 

Dickson, H. N. Physical investiga- 
tions. Preliminary paper. Journ. Mar. 
Biol. Assoc., 1892, n. s. 2, 159-170; 
272-275. 1892.1 


The distribution of food-fishes 
in relation to their physical surroundings. 
Nat. Sci., 1895, 6, 30-37. fig. 1895.1 

Dickson, J. H. Ueber Fischgift. 
Isis (Oken), 1818, 1615-1616. 1818.1 




Dickson, (Baron) Oscar [1823-1897] 
Appendix to catalogue of Mr. Oscar 
Dickson’s Swedish collection. Gothen- 
burg, 1882. 4°. 1882.1 

(Catalogue of) Mr. Osear Dick- 
son’s Swedish collection. International 
Fisheries Exhibition, Edinburgh, 1882. 
Gothenburg, 1882. 4°. 1882.2 

Didélot, Léon. Note sur un Pyenodus 
nouveau du Néocomien moyen (Pycno- 
dus heterodon) Bull. Soc. Géol. France, 
1874-75 (1875), 3. sér. 3, 237-256. _ pl. 


Pycnodus heterodon_n. sp. aus 
dem mittleren Neokom. Neues J ahrb. 
Mineral., 1875, 778. 1875.2 

Dieckmann, P. Beitrige zur Ana- 
tomie des Hemirhamphus pogonogna- 
thus. «n.p.) 1904. 3 pls. 1904.1 

Diesing, Karl Moritz [1800-1867] 
Beschreibung eines neuen Kratzers aus 
dem Lootsenfische (Naucrates ductor) 
Sitzber. Akad. Wiss. Wien, math.-nat. 
Cl., 1854, 12, 681-682. pl. 1854.1 

Diessner, Bruno. Emploi des pro- 
duits Spratt pour la nourriture de la 
truite. Allgem. Fischerei Zeitg., 1893, 
18, no. 26, 404406. — Bull. Soc. Centr. 
Aquicult. France, 1894, 4, 121-124. 

Die Salmo iridea.  Fischerei- 
Zeitg., Neudamm, 1901, 4, 835-837. 


Die kiinstliche Zucht der Forelle. 
2. Auflage. Neudamm, 1902. xi, 209 p. 
108 figs. 1902.1 

Ein Apparat zur Aufzucht von 
Fischbrut in Verbindung mit einem 
Bassin fiir die Fische [Text in Russian] 
Vést. Rybopromysl., St. Petersb., 1910, 
25, 258-261. 1910.1 

Dietz, P. A. Over de grootte der 
ansjoviseieren in de Zuiderzee. Meded. 
Vissch., Helder, 1908, 15, 66-73. 1908.1 

Over den vorm der myotomen 
bij de Teleostei. Tijdschr. Nederl. 
Dierk. Vereen., 1909, 2. ser. 11,-xxv- 
XXV11. 1909.1 

Mededeeling over de plaats der 
Gadiden in het systeem. Tijdschr. 
Nederl. Dierk. Vereen., 1912, 2. ser. 12, 
Ixxxvi-lxxxvil. 1912.1 

Vergelijkende anatomie van de 
kaak- en kieuw-boogspieren der Teleo- 
stei. Leiden, 1912. 196 p. 1912.2 

Ueber die Form der Myotome 
der Teleostier und ihre Beziehung zur 
fiusseren Leibesgestalt. Anat. Anz., 
1913, 44. Jahrg., 56-64. 6 figs. 1913.1 

Dietzell, B. E., & Kressner, MV. G. 
Ueber die Bestimmung der Phosphor- 
siure im Fisch-Guano. Zeitschr. Anal. 
Chem., 1879, 18, 225-230. 1879.1 

Dieulafé, Léon. Les fosses nasales 
des vertébrés (Morphologie et embryo- 
logie) Journ. Anat. Physiol. Paris, 1904, 
40, 268; 414444. 19 figs. — Jbid., 
1905, 41, 102-112; 300-318; 478-560; 
658-678. 33 figs. 1904.1 

Dieulafé, Léon, & Bruyant, C. Une 
carpe adulte. C. R. Assoc. Anat., 1904, 
sess. 6, 207. 1904.1 

Sur le Céphaloptére 
(Extraits d’une 

Diguet, Léon. 
du golfe de Californie 
lettre 4 L. Vaillant); Bull. Mus. Hist. 
Nat., Paris, 1898, 4, 127-129. 1898.1 

Diguet, L., & Vaillant, L. See 
Vaillant &« Diguet. 

Dikson, 8. Ergebnisse der Beobach- 
tungen iiber die Biologie von Clupea 
kessleri Gr. im Jahre 1905 Text in 
Russian} Vést. Rybopromysl., St. Pe- 
tersb., 1905, 20, 503-532. 1905.1 

Ueber das Auffinden von jungen 
Clupea kessleri im Ueberschwemmungs- 
gebiet der Wolga oberhalb Saratov 
(Text in Russian] Vést. Rybopromysl., 
St. Petersb., 1905, 20, 117-119. 1905.2 

Ueber die Ernihrung des Zie- 
henden-herings (Clupea kessleri Gr.) in 
der mittleren Wolga (Text in Russian) 
Vést. Rybopromysl., St. Petersb., 1905, 
20, 276-282. 1905.3 

Zur Entwicklung der Riicken- 
plattchen und der Riickenflosse bei dem 
Sterlet (Text in Russian} Vést. Rybo- 
promysl., St. Petersb., 1912, 27, 363- 
371. 1912.1 

Dill, Heman S. Statement concern- 
ing the menhaden fishery. Rept. U.S. 
Fish Comm. 1877 (1879), 5, 405. 1879.1 

Dimick, F.F. The fish trade organ- 
izations. Trans. Amer. Fisheries Soc. 
1913 (1914), 157-160. 1914.1 

Dimmock, George {1852 —] Belosto- 
mide and other fish-destroying bugs. 
Bull. U.S. Fish Comm. 1886, 6, 353-359. 
— Zoologist, 1887, 3. ser. 11, 101-105. 





nn  —_ 

Dinks, pseudonym for Peel, Jonathan. 

Dinsmore, A. H. Maine and the 
sportsman. Trans. Amer. Fisheries Soc. 
1901 (1902), 159-162. 1902.1 

Yellowstone park as a national 
fishing resort. Trans. Amer. Fisheries 
Soe. 1905 (1906), 195-198. 1906.1 

Diorio, Vinc. Sui di un pesce molto 
raro per i mercati di Roma (Labrus luwva- 
rus Rafin.; Atti Accad. Pontif. Nuov. 
Lincei, 1869, 22, 121-123. fig. 1869.1 

Dissard, A. Nouvel appareil destiné 
i mesurer les échanges respiratoires dans 
Vhabitat aquatique. C. R. Mém. Soc. 
Biol. Paris, 1894, 10. sér. 1, 316-317. 
fig. 1894.1 

L’asphyxie chez les poissons. 
Naturaliste, 1898, 20, 186-189. 1898.1 

Dissard, A., & Noé, J. See Noé & 

Disselhorst, Rudolf. Die acesso- 
rischen Geschlechtsdriisen der Wirbel- 
thiere. Arch. Wiss. Prakt. Tierheilk, 
1897, 238, 245-280. 1897.1 

Ausfiihrapparat und Anhangs- 
driisen der minnlichen Geschlechtsor- 
gane (Fische] (In Oppel, Albert. Lehr- 
buch der vergleichenden mikroskopi- 
schen Anatomie der Wirbeltiere, pt. 4, 
9-31. figs. 10-38. Jena, 1904) 1904.1 

Distant, William Lucas [1845 —] 
Abundance of sharks in tropical seas. 
Zoologist, 1897, 4. ser. 1, 36. 1897.1 

— (Record of a wolf-fish at Brigh- 
ton] Zoologist, 1904, 4. ser. 8, 392. 

To what height can a carp spring 
from the water? Zoologist, 1904, 4. ser. 
8, 353. 1904.2 

Ditten, H. S. Beretning om de 
trufne foranstaltninger sigtende tilfis- 
keriernes forbedring 1 Christianiafjorden 
inden for Drobak 1 aaret 1871. Chris- 
tiania, 1872. 7p. 4°. 1872.1 

Dittmer, R. Die deutsche Hochsee-, 
See- und Kiisten-Fischerei im 19. Jahr- 
hundert und bis zum Jahre 1902. Han- 
nover & Leipzig, 1902. ii, 70 p. 1902.1 

Dittrich, Rudolf. Ueber das Leuch- 
ten der Tiere. Wissensch. Beilage z. 
zool. Progr. Realgymn. am Zwinger in 
Breslau, 1888. 1888.1 

Dixon, A. Francis, Westropp, 7’. J., 
Scharff, R. F., Ussher, Ff. /., Cole, G. 
A. J., & Newton, LH. 7. See Scharff, 
Ussher & others. 

Dixon, B. J. (Ueber morphologische 
Merkmale der ersten Stadien der Jung- 
fische von Clupea kessleri Gr. (Russian 
with German résumé] Arb. Biol. Wolga- 
Station Saratov, 1913, 4. ser. 3, 1-17. 


Dobelmann-Degerloch, H. Die 
Zucht und Aufzucht von Betta pugnacz. 
Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Freunde, 1899, 
10, 157-159; 173-175. fig. 1899.1 

Dobrée, N. F. Immense take of 
flounders {Pleuronectes flesus] on the 
Danish coast. Zoologist, 1863, 21, 8334. 


Dobrizhoffer, Martin. Geschichte 
der Abiponer, einer berittenen und krie- 
gerischen Nation in Paraguay. Berei- 
chert mit eine Menge Beobachtungen 
iiber die . . . vierfiissigen Thiere, Amphi- 
bien, Fische, Végel, etc. 3 vols. Wien, 
07835 82. 1783.1 

First published in Latin. There are also later 

Latin and English editions. One was published 
at London in 1822. 

Dobson, George Edward [1848-1895] 
Notes on the respiration of some species 
of Indian fresh-water fishes. Proc. 
Zool. Soe. London, 1874, 312-321. Ab- 
stract in Naturforscher (Sklarek), 1875, 
8. Jahrg., 295-296. 1874.1 

The climbing perch [Anabas 
scandens} Nature, 1879, 20, 169. 1879.1 

Dodds, Gideon S. Segregation of the 
germ-cells of the teleost Lophius. 
Journ. Morphol., 1910, 21, 563-611. 34 
figs. 1910.1 

Doderlein, Pietro [— 1895] I pesci 
del mare di Sicilia. Modena & Palermo, 
US, Pos. tse 1872.1 

Descrizione di una specie di pesce 
del genere esotico Lobotes presa nelle 
aeque dei contorni di Palermo. Atti 
Acead. Sci. Palermo, 1875, n. s. 5, 12 p. 

Prodromo della fauna ittiologica 
della Sicilia ossia prospetto metodico 
delle varie specie di pesci che vennero 
sin’ ora riscontrate nei mari di Sicilia. 
Atti Accad. Sci. Palermo, 1878, n. s. 6. 

Prospetto metodico delle varie 
specie di pesci riscontrate nelle acque 


Doderlein, P. 

marine e fluviale della Sicilia annesso 
al prodromo della fauna ittiologica. 
Atti Accad. Sci. Palermo, 1878-79, n. s. 
6, 25-63. 1878.2 

Sulla comparsa del Pagrus ehren- 
bergit Cuv. Val., e del Chrysophrys ceru- 
leosticta Cuv. Val., nel mare di Sicilia. 
Giorn. Sci. Nat. Palermo, 1879, 14, 
112-124. 1879.1 

Manuale ittiologico del Mediter- 
raneo. Palermo, 1881-91. 8°. 1881.1 
ili. Elasmobranchi Bp., Batoides. 1885, p. 
sd Eg 
Acantopterigi perciformi. 1889, p. 1-188. 
Tel eostei, en perciformt ‘Govan 
ne 1891, p. 193-320 

Rivista delle specie del genere 
Epinephelus Bloch, o Cerna Bonap., 
riscontrate sin’ ora nei mari della Sicilia. 
Giorn. Sci. Nat. Palermo, 1882, 15, 
168-259. 1882.1 

Una nota sopra lo Scopelus doder- 
leint Facciola; lettera al Dot. Facciola. 
Natur. Sicil., 1881-82 (1882), 1, 258- 
263. 1882.2 

Ricorrenza del Rhinobatus halavi 
Riipp. nelle acque marine della Sicilia. 
Natur. Sicil., 1884, 3, 169-175. 1884.1 

Rinvenimento di una specie di 
pesce dell’ esotico genere Pimelepterus 
Lac. nelle acque del golfo di Palermo. 
Natur. Sicil., 1884, 3, 81-86. — Giorn. 
Sci. Nat. Palermo, 1884, 16, 238-245. 


Rinvenimento della Raia cha- 
grinea Pennant, nelle acque del golfo di 
Palermo. Natur. Sicil., 1885, 4, 97-99. 

Descrizione zoologico-zootomica 
di una novella specie di pesce del mar 
di Sicilia, Pteridium armatum Dod. Na- 
tur. Sicil., 1886, 5, 73-80; 105-108. pl. 

Comparsa del Cybiwn commer- 
sonii Lac. nelle acque del circondario 
marittimo di Palermo. Natur. Sicil., 
1888, 7, 105-109; 129-133. 1888.1 

Doderlein, P., & Riggio, G. Rin- 
venimento del Callionymus phaeton 
Giinther nelle acque del golfo di Palermo. 
Natur. Sicil., 1890, 9, 133-139. pl. 


Dodero, G., & Léger, L. 
& Dodero. 

See Léger 



Dodge, Charles Wright. Fish fungus 
at Caledonia. Trans. Amer. Fisheries 
Soc. 1895 (1896), 109-112. 1896.1 

Dodge, Simeon. Statement concern- 
ing the menhaden fishery. Rept. U. 8. 
Fish Comm. 1877 (1879), 5, 399. 1879.1 

Doderlein, Ludwig. Faunistische 
Studien in Japan. Enoshima und die 
Sagami-Bai. Arch. Naturgesch., 1882- 
83, 49, 102-123. 1882.1 

Ein Stomiatide aus Japan. Arch. 
Naturgesch., 1882, 48, pt. 1, 26-31. pl. 

Das Skelet von Pleuracanthus. 
Zool. Anz., 1889, 12, 123-127. fig. 

Pisces (In Steinmann, G., & 
Déderlein, L. Elemente der Paliontolo- 
gie, p. 529-587. Leipzig, 1890.  illust. 
8°) 1890.1 

Forelle und Ringelnatter. Mitth. 
Philomath. Gesell., Strassburg, 1911, 4, 
pt. 3, 333-336. pl. 1911.1 

Déderlein, Ludwig, & Steindachner, 
Franz. See Steindachner & Doéderlein. 

Dollinger, 7. Ueber den Luftsack 
der Fische. Arch. Zool. Zootomie, 1804, 
4, 2. Heft, 160-171. 1804.1 

Ueber den eigentlichen Bau des 
Fisch-Herzens. Annal. Wetterau. Ge- 
sell., 1811, 2, 311-313. 1811.1 

Ueber die Vertheilung des Blutes 
in den Kiemen der Fische. Abh. Bayer. 
Akad. Wiss. Miinchen, math.-phys. Cl., 
1837, 2, 783-794. 1837.1 

Donhoff, Ueber das Verhalten 
kaltbliitiger Thiere gegen Frosttempe- 
ratur. Arch. Anat. Physiol., 1872, 724— 
(2 1872.1 

Donitz, F. K. W. Ueber eine beson- 
dere Vorrichtung bei der Fischgattung 
Teuthyes (Teuthis), die Flossenstacheln 
aufrecht zu erhalten. Sitzber. Ges. Na- 
turf. Freunde Berlin, 1866, 25. 1866.1 

Ueber Antennarius urophthalmus 
Bleeker, einen Fisch von Singapore. 
Sitzber. Ges. Naturf. Freunde Berlin, 
1867, 6-7 1867.1 

Ueber die Gelenke an der Riic- 
ken- und Afterflosse des Teuthies Cuv. 
Val. Arch. Anat. Physiol., 1867, 210- 
220. pl. 1867.2 





(Mittheilungen tiber Giftfische) 
Mitth. Deutsch. Gesell. Ostasien, 1873, 
1, 10. Heft, 6. Ibid., 1876, 2, 151. 


Doering, C. A. Die Fischerei in 
Wiirttemberg. Wirttemb. Wochenbl. 
Landw., 1880, 3. Jahrg., 123-124. — 
Oesterr-ungar. Fischerei-Zeitg., 1880, 
214-215. 1880.1 

Doerr, R., & Raubitschek, H. 
Toxin und anaphylaktisierende Sub- 
stanz des Aalserums. Berlin. Klin. Wo- 
chenschr., 1908, 45. Jahrg., 1525-1528. 


Doflein, Franz J. Th. Beitrige zur 
Kenntniss der Karpfenkrankheiten. 
Allgem. Fischerei Zeitg., 1898, 23, 60— 
61. 2 figs. 1898.1 

Bericht iiber eine wissenschaft- 
liche Reise nach Californien. Sitzber. 
Gesell. Morph. Physiol., 1899, 14, pt. 2, 
105-118. 9 figs. 1899.1 

Bericht tiber meine Reise nach 
Westindien und Nordamerika. Sitzber. 
Bayer. Akad. Wiss. Miinchen, math.- 
phys. Cl., 1899, 28, 539-573. 1899.2 

Ueber die Eibildung und Eia- 
blage von Bdellostoma stouti Lock. Fest- 
schrift zum siebenzigsten Geburtstag 
von Carl von Kupffer, 1899, 339-352. 2 
pls. & figs. 1899.3 

Zur Entwicklungsgeschichte von 
Bdellostoma stouti Lock. Verh. Deutsch. 
Zool. Gesell., 1899, 21-30. 1899.4 

Fauna und Ozeanographie der 
japanischen Kiiste. Verh. Deutsch. 
Zool. Gesell., 1906, 62-72. 1906.1 

Ostasienfahrt: Ergebnisse und 
Beobachtungen eines Naturforschers in 
China, Japan und Ceylon. Leipzig, 1906. 
511 p. 1906.2 
Review in Nature, London, 1906, 74, 510. 

Ueber Leuchtorgane bei Meeres- 
tieren. Sitzber. Gesell. Morph. Physiol., 
1906. 1906.3 

Ueber den Geruchsinn bei Was- 
sertieren. Biol. Zentralbl., 1911, 31, 
706-707. 1911.1 

Doflein, Franz J. Th., & Hesse, Rh. 
See Hesse & Doflein. 

Doflein, Franz J. Th., & Hofer, 
Bruno. See Hofer & Doflein. 

Dogiel, Alexander Stanislaus {1852 —| 
Bau der Retina der Ganoiden (Text in 
Russian) Trudui Kasan Univ., 1883, 
11, 6: Heft. 124 p: 3 pls: ~ 1883.1 

Die Retina der Ganoiden. Arch. 
Mikros. Anat., 1883, 22, 419-472. 2 pls. 
Extract in Journ. Roy. Mier. Soc., 1883, 
2. ser. 3, 632. 1883.2 

Ueber den Bau des Geruchsor- 
gans bei Ganoiden, Knochenfischen und 
Amphibien (Text in Russian} Trudui 
Kasan Univ., 1886, 16, no. 1. 82 p. pl. 
— Arch. Mikros. Anat., 29, 74-139; 
593-594. 2 pls. — Biol. Centralbl., 6, 
428-431. 1886.1 

Ueber das Verhalten der nervosen 
Elemente in der Retina der Ganoiden, 
Reptilien, Vogel und Siugetiere. Vor- 
liufige Mittheilung. Anat. Anz., 1888, 
3, 133-144. 7 figs. 1888.1 

Ueber die Nervenendigungen in 
den Geschmacks-Endknospen der Ga- 
noideen. Arch. Mikros. Anat., 1897, 49, 
769-790. 2 pls. 1897.1 

Das periphere Nervensystem des 
Amphioxus (Branchiostoma lanceolatum) 
Anat. Hefte, 1903, 21, 145-213. 18 pls. 

Dogiel, Johann. Die Bedingungen 
der automatisch-rhythmischen Herzkon- 
traktionen. Arch. Gesell. Physiol., 1910, 
135, 1-103. 3 pls. & 79 figs. 1910.1 

Dogiel, Johann, & Kasem-Beck, 
—— See Kasem-Beck «& Dogiel. 

Dohrn, (Felix) Anton [1840 —] The 
missing link between the vertebrates and 
invertebrates. Amer. Naturalist, 1876, 
10, 598-602. 1876.1 

Der Ursprung der Wirbelthiere 
und das Princip des Functionwechsels: 
genealogische Skizzen. Leipzig, 1876. 


Die Entstehung der Hypophysis 
bei Petromyzon planeri. Zool. Anz., 
1882, 5, 587-588. — Nature, London, 
1882, 27, 91. 1882.1 

Studien zur Urgeschichte des 

Wirbelthierk6rpers. Mittheil. Zool. 
Stat. Neapel, 1882-1906. 1882.2 
Einleitung, 1882, 3, 252. 
i. Der Mund der Knochenfische. 1882, 3, 

253-263. pls. 

ii. Die Entstehung und Bedeutung der Hypo- 
physis bei den Teleostiern. 1882, 3, 264-279. 



Dohrn, A. 

ili. Die Entstehung und Bedeutung der Hypo- 
phys bei Petromyzon planeri. 1883, 4, 172-189. 

iv. Die Entwicklung und Differenzirung der 
ieneasEes der Selachier. 1884, 5, 102-151. 

v. Zur Entstehung und Differenzirung der 
Visceralbogen bei Petromyzon planeri. 1884, 5, 
152-161. pl. 

vi. Die paarigen und unpaaren Flossen der 
Selachier. 1884, 5, 161-195. pl. 

vil. Entstehung und Differenzirung des Zun- 
genbein- und Kiefer-apparates der Selachier. 
1886, 6, 1-48. Spls. < 

vili. Die Thyreoidea bei Petromyzon, Amphi- 
oxus und den Tunicaten. 1886, 6, 49-92. pls. 

ix. Die Bedeutung der unpaaren Flosse fiir 
die Beurtheilung der genealogischen Stellung der 
Tunicaten und des Amphioxus, und die Reste der 
Br uent ose bei Petromyzon. 1886, 6, 399-432. 

x. Zur Phylogenese des Wirbelthierauges. 
1886, 6, 432-480. 

xi. Thyreoidea und MHypobranchialrinne, 
Spritzlochsack und Pseudobranchialrinne bei 
Fischen, Ammocoetes und Tunicaten. 1886-87, 
7, 128-176. pls. 

xli. Thyreoidea und MHypobranchialrinne, 
Spritzlochsack und Pseudobranchialrinne bei 
Fischen, Ammocoetes und Tunicaten, 1886-87, 
7, 301-337. pls. 

xlli. Ueber Nerven und Gefasse bei Ammo- 
Se und Petromyzon planeri. 1888, 8, 233-306. 

xiv. Ueber die erste Anlage und Entwicklung 
der motorischen Riickenmarksnerven bei den 
Selachiern. 1888, 8, 441-461. pl. 

xv. Neue Grundlagen zur Beurtheilung der 
Miguamerte des Kopfes. 1889-91, 9, 330-434. 

xvi. Ueber die erste Anlage und Entwicklung 
der Augenmuskelnerven bei Selachiern und das 
Einwandern von Medullarzellen in die motori- 
schen Nerven. 1891-93, 10, 1-40. pls. 

xvil. Nervenfaser und Ganglienzelle. Histo- 
genetische Untersuchungen. 1891-93, 10, 255- 
341. pls. 

xviii. Die Occipitalsomite bei verschiedenen 
Selachierembryonen. Thatsichliches. 1902, 15, 
1-82. pls. 

xix. Vagus und Lateralis bei Selachierem- 
bryonen. 1902, 15, 82-138. pls. 

xx. Die Schwann’schen Kerne, ihre Herkunft 
und Bedeutung. Erwiderung an A. von Kdlliker. 
1902, 15, 138-186. pls. 

xxi. Theoretisches iiber Occipitalsomite und 
Vagus. Competenzconflict zwischen Ontogenie 
und vergleichender Anatomie. 1902, 15, 186— 

xxil. Weitere Beitrige zur Beurtheilung der 
Occipitalregion und der Ganglienleiste der Se- 
lachier. 1902, 15, 555-654. pls. 

xxiii. Die Mandibularhohle der Selachier. 
1906, 17, 1-116. pls. 

xxiv. Die Primandibularhéhle. 1906, 17; 
116-294. pls. 

xxv. Der Trochlearis. 1906-08, 18, 143-436. 

Bemerkungen iiber den neuesten 
Versuch einer Loésung des Wirbeltier- 
kopf-problems. Anat. Anz., 1890, 5, 
53-64; 78-85. 1890.1 

Die Schwann’schen Kerne der 
Selachier-Embryonen. Anat. Anz., 
1892, 7, 348-351. 1892.1 

Doleschall, C. Ludwig [— 1859] Over 
Oxybeles gracilis Blkr. Nat. Tijdschr. 

Nederl.-Indie, 1858, 15 (4. ser. 1), 163- 
168.— Arch. Naturgesch., 26, pt. 1, 
319-323. 1858.1 

On Oxybeles (Fierasfer) gracilis 
Bleeker. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1861, 
3. ser. 7, 340-342. 1861.1 

Ueber das Vorkommen von Fi- 
schen in der Magenhdéhle von Seesternen. 
Abstract in Notiz. (Froriep), 1861, 3, 
191. 1861.2 

Dollfus, Ernest [1852-1872] Le nid 
de l’épinoche. Feuill. Jeunes Natural., 
1871-72, 2, 8-9. 1871.1 

Dollo, Lowis [1857 —] La vie au sein 
des mers et les poissons abyssaux. Rev. 
Quest. Sci., 1885, 19, 476. — Ibid., 20, 
168. Jbid., 21, 33-64. figs. 1885.1 

Premiére note sur les téléostéens 
du Bruxellien (Eocéne moyen) de la 
Belgique. Bull. Soc. Belge Géol. (Proc.- 

Verb.), 1889, 3, 218-226. 1889.1 
Le vol chez les vertébrés. Rev. 
Quest. Sci., 1889, 26, 146-173. 1889.2 

Les poissons volants, p. 150-161. 

Premiére note sur les téléostéens 
du Crétacé supérieur de la Belgique. 
Bull. Soe. Belge Géol. (Proc.-Verb.), 
1892, 6, 180-189. 4 figs. 1892.1 

Sur la morphologie des cétes. 
Bull. Scient. France Belgique, 1892, 24, 
113-129. 1892.2 

Les lois de l’évolution. Bull. 
Soc. Belge Géol., 1893, 7, 165-170. 

Sur la morphologie de la colonne 
vertébrale. Bull. Scient. France Bel- 
gique, 1893, 25, 1-17. 1893.2 

—— Sur le Lepidosteus suessoniensis. 
Bull. Scient. France Belgique, 1893, 25, 
193-197. 1893.3 

Mceurs et coutumes des poissons 
du Congo. Bull. Soe. Belge Géogr., 
1895, 19, 38-40. 1895.1 

Cours de zoologie (poissons de la 
Belgique et poissons du Congo) Brux- 
elles, 1896. 14p. 8°. 1896.1 

Sur la phylogénie des Dipneustes. 

Bull. Soc. Belge Géol. (Wém.), 1896, 9, 

79-128. 10 pls. 1896.2 
Review in Amer. Naturalist, 1896, 30, 479. 

Cyrodraco antarcticus, poisson 
abyssal nouveau, recueilli par l’Expédi- 





tion Antarctique Belge (communication 
préliminaire) Bull. Scient. Acad. Roy. 
Belgique, 1900, 128-137. 1900.1 

— Gerlachea australis, poisson abys- 
sal nouveau, recueilli par |’Expédition 
Antarctique Belge (communication pré- 
liminaire) Bull. Scient. Acad. Roy. 
Belgique, 1900, 194-206. 1900.2 

Macrurus lecointei, poisson abys- 
sal nouveau, recueilli par |’ Expédition 
Antarctique Belge (communication pré- 
liminaire) Bull. Scient. Acad. Roy. Bel- 
gique, 1900, 383-401. 1900.3 

Racovitzia glacialis, poisson abys- 
sal nouveau, recueilli par |’Expédition 
Antaretique Belge (communication pré- 
liminaire) Bull. Scient. Acad. Roy. Bel- 
gique, 1900, 316-327. 1900.4 

Cours de géologie {les grandes 

époques de l’histoire de la terre] Brux- 

elles, 1903. 28 p. figs. 1903.1 
Fishes, p. 10-14. 

Le Pteraspis dans 1’ Ardenne. 
C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1903, 136, 699- 
701. 1903.2 

— Poissons (In Expédition Ant- 
aretique Belge. Résultats du voyage du 

8S. Y. ‘ Belgica.’”’ Zoologie. Anvers, 
1904. 240 p. 12 pls. & 6 figs. 4°. 

Sur quelques points d’éthologie 
paléontologique relatifs aux poissons. 
Bull. Soe. Belge Géol. (Proc.-Verb.), 
1906, 20, 135-139. 1906.1 

Bathydraco scotiew, poisson abys- 
sal nouveau recueilli par l’Expédition 
Antarctique Nationale Ecossaise. Note 
préliminaire. Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinb., 
1906, 26, 65-75. 1906.2 

Neobythites brucei, poisson abys- 
sal nouveau recueilli par |’Expédition 
Antarctique Nationale Kcossaise. Note 
préliminaire. Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinb., 
1906, 26, 172-181. 1906.3 

Prymnothonus hookeri, poisson 
pélagique de |’ “ Erebus” et de la 
“Terror”? retrouvé par |’Expédition 
Antarctique Nationale Ecossaise. Note 
préliminaire. Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinb., 
1907, 27, 35-45. 1907.1 

Les ptyctodontes sont des arthro- 
déres. Bull. Soc. Belge Géol., 1907, 21, 
97-108. pl. 1907.2 

Notolepis coatsi, poisson péla- 
gique nouveau recueilli par |’ Expédition 
Antaretique Nationale Ecossaise. Note 

préliminaire. Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinb., 
1908, 28, 58-64. 1908.1 
Cynomacrurus  piriei, poisson 

abyssal nouveau recueilli par |’ Expédi- 
tion Antarctique Nationale Ecossaise. 
Proce. Roy. Soc. Edinb., 1909, 29, 316— 
326. 1909.1 

— The fossil vertebrates of Belgium. 
Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci., 1909, 19, 99-119. 
5 pls. 1909.2 

Nematonurus lecointei, poisson 
abyssal de la “ Belgica’ retrouvé par 
VExpédition Antarctique Nationale 
Ecossaise. Note préliminaire. Proc. Roy. 
Soc. Edinb., 1909, 29, 488-498. 1909.3 

La paléontologie éthologique. 
Bull. Soc. Belge Géol., 1909, 23, 377-421. 

pls. 1909.4 

Les poissons voiliers. Zool. 
Jahrb. (Syst. Abth.), 1909, 27, 419-438. 
2 figs. 1909.5 

Les teléostéens 4 ventrales ab- 
dominales secondaires. Verh. Zool.-Bot. 
Gesell. Wien, 1909, 59, (135)—(140) 


Sur un Dipneuste nouveau, de 
grandes dimensions, découvert dans le 
Dévonien supérieur de la Belgique. Bull. 
Acad. Belgique (Cl. Scient.), 1913, 15-17. 

Paledaphus abeli n. sp. 

Dollo, Louis, & Storms, Raymond. 
Sur les téléostéens du Rupélien. Zool. 
Anz., 1888, 11, 265-267. 1888.1 

Domander, Adolf Fredrik. Réd ab- 
borre. Tidskr. Jiigare & Fisk., 1893, 1, 
236-237. 1893.1 

_ Domen, M.S. Sopra una specie di 
Orthagoriscus nuova per Catania, cat- 
turata presso I’ isola dei Ciclopi (Ortha- 
goriscus truncatus Flem.) Boll. Accad. 
Gioenia Sci. Nat. Catania, 1905, 85, 
16-19. fig. 1905.1 

Donaldson, R. J. Raising carp in 
rice fields. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 
1885, 5, 284. 1885.1 

Doncieux, L. Catalogue descriptif 
des fossiles nummulitiques de I’Aude et 
de ’Hérault. Poissons. Ann. Univ. 
Lyon, 1905, 17, 29-30. 1905.1 


Donnadieu, A. L. Sur une hémipté- 
rie de volume observée chez une carpe. 
C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1870, 70, 200-201. 


Donndorf, Johann August [1754- 
1837] Zoologische Beitrige zur 13ten 
Ausgabe des Linné’schen Natursystems. 
3 vols. Leipzig, 1792-98. 8°. 1798.1 

Bd. iii, Ichthyologische Beitrage. 
Donovan, Edward [1768-1837] The 

natural history of British fishes. 5 vols. 
” London, 1802-08. 120 pls. 8°. 1802.1 

The naturalist’s repository; or, 
Monthly miscellany of exotic natural 
history, exhibiting rare and beautiful 
specimens of foreign birds, insects, shells, 
quadrupeds, fishes, and marine produc- 
tions, especially such new subjects as 
have not hitherto been figured. 5 vols. 
London, 1823-27. 180 pls. 8°. 1823.1 

Doolittle, A. A. The plankton en- 
emonenen ty in the Connecticut lakes. 
Rept. U. Comm. Fish. 1907 (1908), 
Bur. Fisheries Doc. no. 633, 65-77. 
map «& chart. 1908.1 

Dop, Paul. Influence de quelques 
substances sur le développement des 
Saprolégniées parasites des poissons. 
Bull. Soc. Bot., Paris, 1905, 52, 156-158. 


Doppelmair, (. G. Ueber die biolo- 
gische Station der Fischzuchtanstalt 
Nikolisk [Text in Russian] Trav. 
Soc. Nat. St. Pétersb., 1906, 37, pt. 1, 
226-230. 1906.1 

Doria, Giacomo, Ferrari, S. M., & 
Lessona, M@. Archivio per la zoologia, 
Vanatomia ela fisiologia. Genova, 1861. 


The same. 2. ed. Modena, 
1866. 1866.1 

3. ed. 

Torino & 

The same. 
Firenze, 1869. 

Dorin, S. Fish 
Forest & Stream, 1880, 13, 967. 

Dorlodot, Réplique A M. Le- 
riche sur la signification géologique des 
Pteraspis. Bull. Soc. Belge Géol., 1912, 
26, 64-65. 1912.1 

swallowing fish. 

Sur la signification des Pteraspis 
du Gedinnien de |’Ardenne et du Con- 
droz. Bull. Soe. Belge Géol. (Proc.- 
Verb.), 1912, 26, 21—40. 1912.2 


Dormal, V. Sur des poissons déyo- 
niens dans le bassin de Namur (rivage 
septentrional) Ann. Soc. Roy. Malacol. 
Belgique (Bull.), 1887, 22, exi—exii. 


Dormitzer, Max. Die Wirbelsiule 
der Fische. Lotos, 1852, 2, 60-63. 


Dorner, H. Kiinstliche Haifischbrut 
in Hamburg. Gartenlaube, 1873, no. 37, 
601-603. fig. 1873.1 

Doss, Carl Bruno [1861 —] Ueber 
neue Funde mitteldevonischer Fisch- 
reste bei Segewold in Livland und im 

Untergrund von Riga.  Korrespbl. 
Naturf. Ver. Riga, 1898, 40, 107—109. 

Dossie, Robert. On the edulcoration 
of fish-oil; explanation of the principles 
on which the purification of fish-oil may 
be performed, and of the uses to which 
it is applicable. Phil. Mag., 1803, 15, 

105-115. — Journ. Nat. Philos. (Nichol- 
son), 5, 5-16. 1803.1 
Dougall, J. Instance of gelatinous 

deposit on a salmon. Proc. Philos. Soc. 
Glasgow, 1880-82 (1882), 13, 584. 

Dougherty, W.H. Suspended ani- 

mation. Forest & Stream, 1875, 4, 118. 


Resuscitation of two frozen Salmo fontanalis 
after five months’ suspended animation. 

Douglas-Ogilby, J. See Ogilby, J. 

Douglass, William. A summary, his- 
torical and political, of the first planting, 
progressive improvements, and present 
state of the British settlements in North 
America. 2 vols. London, 1760. 8°. 


There appears to have been an earlier [1755] 
edition, from which this seems to be not textually 
different. New England fisheries are described 
in vol. i, p. 294-304. 

Dofimet-Adanson, P. Napoléon. 
Catalogue des poissons recueillis ou ob- 
servés A Cette, accompagné de notes ex- 
plicatives et de quelques idées sur la pis- 
ciculture marine. Rev. & Mag. Zool., 
1860, 12, 299-301; 355-370; 405-409; 
444-447; 494-509; 521-524. 1860.1 

Description d’un nouveau genre 
de poissons de la Méditerranée, Trache- 
locirrhus mediterraneus (Navarchus sul- 

catus) Rev. & Mag. Zool., 1868, 15, 




212-223; 425-432.— Presse Scient., 
1863, 1, 537-538. 1863.1 

—— Ichthyologie de la céte langue- 
docienne. Montpellier, 1869. 1869.1 

Comparaison de la faune ich- 
thyologique des étangs salés avec celle 
de la mer sur les cétes du Languedoc. 
Congrés Scient. France, 1872, 35, 118— 
134. 1872.1 

Douseman, H.F. Report relative 
to hatching and planting of the Penob- 
scot salmon. Rept. U. 8. Fish Comm. 
1872-73 (1874), 2, 383-384. 1874.1 

Raising trout. Proc. 1. Ann. 
Meet. Central Fishculture Soc. Chicago, 
1879, 31-33. 1879.1 

Forellen-Aufzucht fiir den 
Markt. Oesterr.-ungar. Fischerei-Zeitg., 
1880, 61.— Deutsch. Landw. Presse, 
1880, 7. Jahrg., 73-74. 1880.1 

Douvillé, Henri, Dagincourt, Hni- 
manuel, & Carez, Léon. See Dagin- 
court, Carez & Douvillé. 

Dove, Karl [1863 —] Deutsch-Sud- 
west-Afrika. Ergebnisse einer wissen- 
schaftlichen Reise im siidlichen Dama- 
ralande. Mitt. Ergiinz.-Heft (Peter- 
mann), 1896, 120. 93 p. pl. 1896.1 

Verbreitung der Fische. 

Dow, John M. Extract from a letter 
respecting Anableps dowii. Proc. Zool. 
Soc. London, 1861, 30-31. 1861.1 

—— |Letter to Dr. Giinther regard- 
ing Thalassophryne and its poisonous- 
power] Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1865, 
677. 1865.1 

Dowell, B. F. Cultivating trout in 
Oregon. Bull. U.S. Fish Comm. 1884, 
4, 217. 1884.1 


—— Ffforts in trout-culture. 
U.S. Fish Comm. 1884, 4, 64. 

Dowler, B. Discovery of viviparous 
fish in Louisiana. Journ. New Orleans 
Med. Surv., 1854. — Amer. Journ. Sci., 
1855, 2. ser. 19, 133-136. — Ann. Mag. 
Nat. Hist., 1855, 15, 206-210. 1854.1 

Downey, Hal. The lymphatic tissue 
of the kidney of Polyodon spathula. 
Folia Haematol., Leipzig, 1909, 8, 415— 
466. pl. 1909.1 

—— Phagocytosis of Erythrocytes in 
the lymphorenal tissue of Polyodon spa- 


Folia Haematol., Leipzig, 1910, 
9. 19 


The origin and structure of the 
plasma cells of normal vertebrates, es- 
pecially of the cold-blooded vertebrates, 
and the Eosinophils of the lung of Am- 
blystoma (plasma cells in Polyodon spa- 
thula) Folia Haematol., Leipzig, 1911, 
ila). 1911.1 

Downing, S. W. Propagation of the 
Pacific salmon. Trans. Amer. Fisheries 
Soe. 1900 (1901), 154-158. 1901.1 

The whitefish; some thoughts on 
its propagation and protection. Trans. 
Amer. Fisheries Soe. 1904 (1905), 104-— 
110. 1905.1 

Collecting, hatching and distri- 
bution of pike perch; why the great loss 
of eggs. Trans. Amer. Fisheries Soc. 
1905 (1906), 239-246. 1906.1 

A plan for promoting the white- 
fish production of the Great lakes. 
Proc. 4. Intern. Fish. Congr., Washing- 
ton, D. C., 1908, 627-633. 1908.1 

Are the hatcheries on the Great 
lakes of benefit to the commercial fish- 
ermen? Trans. Amer. Fisheries Soc. 
1911 (1912), 127-134. 1912.1 

Downman, FR. H. Shad, herring, 
etc., excluded from the Rappahannock 
river by dams. Bull. U. 8. Fish Comm. 
1883, 3, 392. 1883.1 

Doyére, M. P. L. M. Sur un micro- 
pyle dans des ceufs du Loligo media et 
Syngnathus ophidion. Bull. Soc. Philom. 
Paris, 1849. 1849.1 

Drago, Umberto, & Barbagallo, 
Pietro. See Barbagallo & Drago. 

Dralet, Considérations sur 
Vhistoire naturelle des poissons, sur la 
péche et les lois qui la régissent. Tou- 
louse, 1821. 8°. 1821.1 

Drayton, Michael. Fishes of the 
Nottinghamshire Trent in 1822, recorded 
by Michael Drayton. See Carr, J. W.. 
in The Naturalist, 1898, no. 493, p. 33-36. 


Drechsel, C. F. Oversigt over vore 
Saltvands-Fiskerier i Nords6en og Far- 
vandene indenfor Skagen. Kjébenhaven, 
1890. 39 pls. & 15 charts. 4°. 1890.1 

Drechsel, Hdmund. Beitriige zur 
Chemie einiger Seetiere. Mm. p. circa 
1885 ?} 1885.1 


Dreger,.J. Die geologische Aufnahme 
der NW-Section des Kartenblattes Mar- 
burg und die Schichten von Hibiswald in 
Steiermark. Verhl. k. k. Geol. Reich- 
sanst., Wien, 1902, 85-104. 1902.1 

Fossil fishes mentioned. 

Dresel, H.G. (translator) A hybrid 
plaice — Platessa vulgaris with Rhombus 
maximus, by K. E. H. Krause. Bull. 
U. 8. Fish Comm. 1882 (1883), 2, 341- 
342. 1883.1 

Description of a new species of 
flounder, Citharichthys macrops, from 
Pensacola, Florida. Proc. U. S. Nat. 
Mus., 1885, 7, 539-541. 1885.1 

Notes on some Greenland fishes. 
Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., 1885, 7, 244-256. 

Dresel, H.G., & Bean, T. H. See 
Bean « Dresel. 

Dresslar, Fletcher B., & Bicknell, 
E. P. See Bicknell & Dresslar. 

Dresslar, Fletcher B., & Fesler, Bert. 
A review of the mackerels (Seombrinz) 
of America and Europe. Bull. U. S. 
Fish Comm. 1887 (1889), 7, 429-446. 11 
pls. 1889.1 

Drevermann, F. Ueber Pteraspis 
dunensis F. Roemer sp.  Zeitschr. 
Deutsch. Geol. Ges., 1904, 56, 275-289. 

3 pls. 1904.1 
Ein fossiler Hai. 41. Ber. Senc- 
kenberg. Nat. Ges. Frankfurt-a.-M., 

1910, 191-193. fig. 1910.1 

Ein Riesenfisch aus dem weissen 
Jura (Lepidotus palliatus; 43. Ber. 
Senckenberg. Naturf. Gesell. Frankfurt- 
a.-M., 1912, 4-6. pl. 1912.1 

Drew, G. Harold. Some notes on 
parasitic and other diseases of fish. 
Parasitology, Cambridge, 1910, 3. 


Some cases of new growths in 
fish. Journ. Mar. Biol. Assoc. 1912, n.s. 
9, 281-287. pl. 1912.1 

Drew, Joseph. Cornish sucker (Lepi- 
dogaster cornubiensis) Sci. Gossip, 1871 
(1872), 206. 1872.1 

Drew, S. H. Notes on Regalecus sp. 
Trans. New Zealand Instit., 1898, 30, 
253-254. 1898.1 



Drewsen, Christian. Om de unge 
Aals vandringer. Kroyer, Nat. Tidsskr., 
1837, 1, 21-24. Ibid., 4,412. — Archiv. 
f. Naturges. (Wiegmann), 6, 241. 1837.1 

Dreyer, A. Nordseefische. Jahrb. 
St. Gall. Nat. Ges., 1904 (1905), 52-54. 

Dreyzehner, Zwei Beobach- 
tungen iiber Brutpflege der Cichliden. 

Wochenschr. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 
1909, 6. Jahrg., 503-504. 1909.1 
Zuchterfolge bei Pelmatochro- 

mis subocellatus (?) Blatt. Aquar.-Ter- 
rar. Kunde, 1911, 22. Jahrg., 448—450. 
2 figs. 1911.1 

Der kleinste neue Zwergcichlide 
(Heterogramma ?) Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. 
Kunde, 1912, 23. Jahrg., 22-23. 1912.1 

Weitere Beobachtungen iiber 

Pelmatochromis — subocellatus. Blatt. 
Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1912, 23. Jahrg., 
70-71. 2 figs. 1912.2 

‘Drieberg, C. Singing fish of Battica- 
loa. Spolia Zeylanica, 1908, 5, 67-68. 

Droscher, Wilhelm. Beitrige zur 
Kenntniss der histologischen Struktur 
der Kiemen der Plagiostomen. Leipzig, 
1881. 55 p. 8°. Reprint in Arch. Na- 
turgesch., 1882, 48, pt. 1, 120-177. 4 
pls. 1881.1 

—— Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Nah- 
rung unserer Fische. Allgem. Fischerei 
Zeitg., 1897, 22, 361-366. 1897.1 

Kuhan ravinto. Suomen Kalas- 
tus Lehti, 1898, 7, 6-8; 26-29. 1898.1 

Zur Verbreitung der grossen Ma- 
rine. Fischerei-Zeitg., Neudamm, 1901, 
4, 35-39. 1901.1 

Fischerei und Wissenschaft. Fi- 
scherei-Zeitg., Neudamm, 1902, 5, 818— 
822. 1902.1 

Nachtrag zum obigen Artikel, von Wilhelm 
Halbfass. Op. cit., 6, 49-51. 

Ein Beitrag zur Lebensgeschichte der 
grossen Marine. Fischerei-Zeitg., Neu- 
damm, 1907, 10, 725-729; 741-747. 


Die Nahrung unserer wirtschaft- 
lich wichtigsten Wildfische. Fischere+ 
Zeitg., Neudamm, 1907, 10, 757-761, 
778-781° 810-813; 821-827. Ibi 






Der Schaalsee und seine fische- 
reiwirtschaftliche Nutzung. Ein Fische- 
reiwirtschaftliches Gutachten. Zeit- 
schrift Fischerei, Berlin, 1908, 13, 1735— 
283. 2 pls. 1908.1 

Droogleever Fortuyn, A. B. Over 
de motorische facialis- en abducenskern 
van Lophius piscatorius. Versl. K. Akad. 
Wet. Amsterdam (Wis. Nat. Afd.), 1909, 
17, 905-908. pl. — Proc. K. Akad. Wet. 
Amsterdam (Sect. Scz.), 12, mar ygees oa 

Intrede der motorische hersen- 
zenuwen in de medulla oblongata 
tAmia)} Tijdschr. Nederl. Dierk. Ve- 
reen., 1913, 2. ser. 12, xlviii—xlix. 1913.1 

Drossaart, P. K. lEenige bijzon- 
derheden betrekkelijk de Haringsvaart. 
Jaarboekje Vlaardingen, 1868, 1. Jahrg., 

36-37. 1868.1 
Drouet, Henri. Faune acoréene [et 
histoire naturelle de Varchipel) Mém. 

Soe. Agric. Sci. Lettres Dept. Aube, 
1861. Also separate; Troyes, 1861. 4°. 

Drouin de Bouville, Raoul de. Le 
repeuplement des riviéres en Meurthe 
et Moselle. Systémes adoptés. Résul- 
.tats obtenus. Bull. Soe. Sci., Naney, 
1901, 3. sér. 2, 84-95; C. R. Congr. Soe. 
Sav., Paris, 1901, 148-157. 1901.1 

Batraciens et poissons du bassin 
de la Moselle supérieure. Bull. Soc. 
Sci., Nancy, 1902, 3. sér. 8, 136-156. 
map. 1902.1 

— L’alimentation des Salmonides. 
Bull. Piscicult., Toulouse, 1908, 6-12. 

Influence des variations ther- 
miques brusques sur les ceufs, alevins et 
jeunes sujets de Salmonides. C. R. 
Mém. Soc. Biol. Paris, 1908, 65, 259- 
261. 1908.2 

—— L’omble a collerette (Salvelinus) 
Bull. Piscicult., Toulouse, 1908, 3-8. 
— C. R. Mém. Soe. Biol., Paris, 1908, 
64, 229-231. 1908.3 

Maladie des abcés du barbeau 
(Myzxoboliasis tuberosa) Bull. Soe. Sci., 
Nancy, 1909, 3. sér. 9, 525-548. 1909.1 

Apparition de la furonculose 
en France. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1910, 
161, 337-340. 1910.1 

Le choix des races d’élevage en 
salmoniculture. Communic. 9. Congrés 

Intern. Zool., Monaco, 1913, 3. sect., 
43-44, 1913.1 

Droz, S., & Perrot, L. Sce Perrot 
& Droz. 

Driiner, 1. Ueber die Wirbeltheorie 
des Schiidels. Ber. Senckenberg Nat. 
Ges., Frankfurt-a.-M., 1905, 152*-156*. 


Die Kiemenbogen der Wirbel- 
tiere und ihre Abkémmlinge. Ber. 
Senckenberg Nat. Ges., Frankfurt-a.-M.., 
1906, 6*-10*. 1906.1 

Drummond, James L. On certain 
appearances observed in the dissection 
of the eyes of fishes. Trans. Roy. Soc. 
Edinb., 1814, 7, 377-386. 1814.1 

- On a goldfish having vegetable 
fibres issuing from an ulcer on its back. 
Zoologist, 1843, 1, 84. fig. 1843.1 

Drygalski, H. von. Zum Kontinent 
des eisigen Siidens. Berlin, 1904. 

Some mention of Antarctic fishes. 

Drzewina, Anna. O tkance lim- 
fatyczne] w nerce niekérych ryb (Sur le 
tissu lymphoide du rein de certains 
poissons} Kosmos Polski., 1904, 29, 
504-520. 1904.1 

Sur la non-spécificité des cellules 
granuleuses du rein de Il Acipenser 
sturio L. (note préliminaire) C. R. 
Mém. Soc. Biol. Paris, 1904, 56, pt. 1, 
957-959. 1904.2 

Sur l’organe lymphoide de |’ceso- 
phage des sélaciens (note préliminaire) 
C. R. Mém. Soe. Biol. Paris, 1904, 56, 
637-639. 1904.3 

Contribution a l’étude du tissu 
lymphoide des Ichthyopsidés. Arch. 
Zool. Expér. Gén., 1905, 4. sér. 3, 145- 
338. pl. & figs. 1905.1 

Modifications des leucocytes aci- 
dophiles chez certains téléostéens marins 
soumis 4 des variations de salure. C. R. 
Mém. Soe. Biol. Paris, 1906, 9, 167-168. 

Influence de la dessalure sur les 

leucocytes granuleux des sélaciens. C. 
R. Mém. Soe. Biol. Paris, 1908, 64, 1039— 

1041. 1908.1 
La préhension des aliments par 
les poissons. Bull. Instit. Psychol. 

Internat., Paris, 1908, 8, 328-330. 




Drzewina, A. 

Sur l’épithélium séreux de |’ Aci- 

penser giildenstddtii Brandt. Arch. Anat. 

Micr., Paris, 1908, 10, 269-277. 5 figs. 

Epithélium et glandes de |’ceso- 
phage de la torpille (note préliminaire) 
C. R. Mém. Soe. Biol., Paris, 1909, 66, 
570-571. 1909.1 

Leucocytes 4 granulations aci- 
dophiles dans le sang des_poissons 
téléostéens. C. R. Mém. Soc. Biol. 
Paris, 1909, 66, 514-516. 1909.2 

Sur les éosinophiles de l’intestin 
de certains téléostéens. C. R. Mém. 
Soc. Biol., Paris, 1910, 68, 1012-1013. 


Sur l’organe lymphoide et la 
muqueuse de l’cesophage de la torpille 
(Torpedo marmorata Risso) Arch. 
Anat. Micr., Paris, 1910, 12, 1-18. 9 
figs. 1910.2 

Contribution 4 |’étude des leuco- 
cytes granuleux du sang des poissons. 
Arch. Anat. Micr., Paris, 1911, 13, 319- 
376. pl, 1911.1 

Cellules géantes dans l’épithé- 
lium intestinal des téléostéens 4 jeun. 
C. R. Mém. Soe. Biol., Paris, 1912, 72, 
18-19" 1912.1 

Drzewina, Anna, & Pettit, Auguste. 
Sur des hyperplasies tissulaires con- 
sécutives A l’ablation de la rate chez les 
Ichthyopsidés. C. R. Mém. Soc. Biol. 
Paris, 1904, 56, pt. 2, 628-630. — Bull. 
Mus. Hist. Nat., Paris, 1905, 57-59. — 
Bull. Intern. Acad. Sci., Cracovie, 1905, 
66-67. 1904.1 

Drzhevetzkic, V., & Derzughin, K. 
See Derzughin & Drzhevetzkic. 

_ D’Souza, V. On fishes indigenous to 
Sind. Journ. Bombay Branch Roy. 
Asiat. Soc., 1872, 8, 18-21. 1872.1 

Dubalen, Note sur un poisson 
mal connu du bassin de |’Adour. Bull. 
Soc. Borda, Dax, 1878, 2. trimestre. 
Also separate; Dax, 1878, 1878.1 

_ Du Bocage, José Vincente Barboza. 
See Barboza du Bocage, José Vincente. 

Dubois, Auguste. 
Journ. Agricult. Pratique, 1874, 38. 
année, 2, 390-391. fig. 1874.1 

Dubois, Auguste, & Schardt, H. See 
Schardt &« Dubois. 

Les macropodes. 


Dubois, Emil. Que apud veteres de 
piscibus electricis extant argumenta. 
Berolini, 1843. 8°. 1843.1 

Vorliufiger Abriss einer Unter- 
suchung iiber den sogenannten Frosch- 
strom und iiber die elektromotorischen 
Fische. mm. p.) 1843. 8°. 1843.2 

Dubois, Louis. .Cours d’agriculture 
et d’économie rurale et domestique. 
Paris, 1824. 1824.1 

Dubois, Michel. De l’embryogénie 
de l’anguille. Bull. Soc. Linn. Nord 
France, Amiens, 1875, 2, 94-97; 119. 


—— Du dépeuplement des eaux. 
Bull. Soe. Linn. Nord France, Amiens, 
1875, 2, 189-193. 1875.2 

Les poissons des environs d’Ami- 
ens. Bull. Soc. Linn. Nord France, 
Amiens, 1879, 4, 292-295. Ibid., 1892-— 
93, 11, 37-38; 168-169; 246-248; 276— 
Tbid., 1894-95, 12, 38-39; 250- 

Du repeuplement des eaux dans 
le département dela Somme. Bull. Soc. 
Linn. Nord France, Amiens, 1891, 10, 
54-56. 1891.1 

Du rempoissonnement des cours 
d’eau dans le département de la Somme. 
Bull. Soc. Linn. Nord France, Amiens, 
1894-95, 12, 370-375. 1895.1 

Dubois, Raphaél. Sur le mécanisme 
de la respiration et du cri chez le Protop- 
terus annectens. C. R. Assoc. Frang. 
Avance. Sci., 20. sess., 1891, pt. 1, 244. 


Contribution 4 l'étude du méca- 
nisme respiratoire des dipnoiques et de 
leur passage de la torpeur estivale a la 
vie active. Ann. Soc. Linn. Lyon, 1892, 
2. sér. 39, 65-72. figs. 1892.1 

Sur l’empoisonnement des ani- 
maux d’eau douce par l’hypochlorite de 
chaux. Ann. Soc. Linn. Lyon, 1895, 
42, 49-52. 1895.1 

Legons de physiologie générale 
et comparée. Paris, 1898. 1898.1 

Absence de sucre et de gly- 
cogéene dans les organes électriques de 
la torpille: Ann. Soe. Linn. Lyon, 
1899, n. s. 45, 96-98. 1899.1 

~—— Observations sur la torpille. 
Ann. Soe. Linn. Lyon, 1899, n. s. 46, 
80-81. 1899.2 



Sur la production de la chaleur 
par les animaux 4 sang froid immergés 
dans l’eau. Ann. Soc. Linn. Lyon, 
1899, n. s. 45, 77-78. 1899.3 

Sur le cuivre normal dans la 
série animale ([Clupea harengus, C. 
sardina, Tinca vulgaris, Cyprinus carpio) 
C. R. Mém. Soe. Biol., Paris, 1900, 52, 
392-394. — Ann. Soc. Linn. Lyon, 1901, 
47, 93-97. 1900.1 

Du Bois-Reymond, Emil Heinrich 
[1818-1896] For biography and works, 
see Chem. Zeitg., 1896, 20, 1035.— 
Amer. Naturalist, 1897, 31, 268-269. — 
Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Physiol. Abth.), 
1897, vi—xxvi. — Science, 1897, n. s. 5, 

Vorlaiufiger Abriss einer Unter- 
suchung iiber den sogenannten Frosch- 
strom und iiber die elektromotorischen 
Fische. Annal. Phys. Chem. (Poggen- 
dorff), 1848, 58, 1-30. 1843.1 

Untersuchungen iiber thierische 
Elektricitaét. Annal. Phys. Chem. (Pog- 
gendorff), 1848, 75, 463-464. 1848.1 

Recherches sur |’électricité ani- 
male. Arch. Bibl. Univ., 1850, 14, 105- 
122.— Ber. Verh. K. Preuss. Akad. 
Wiss. Berlin, 1851, 380-398. — [bid., 
1852, 111-140. — Jbid., 1853, 76-122. 
— Untersuch. (Moleschott), 1857, 2, 
137-157; 247-277. — Ibid., 3, 125-172. 
— Ibid., 1858, 4, 1-15. 1850.1 

Nouvelles recherches sur |’élec- 
tricité animale. Ann. Chimie, 1853, 
39, 114-127. — Arch. Bibl. Univ., 1853, 
23, 121. 1853.1 

(Mittheilungen iiber einen le- 
bendigen Zitterwels} Monatsber. Akad. 
Wiss. Berlin, 1857, 424-430. 1857.1 

Nachricht von einem nach Ber- 
lin gelangten lebenden Zitterwels. Mo- 
natsber. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, 1857, 424— 
429. — L’Institut, 25, 435-436. 1857.2 

Note sur le malaptérure élec- 
trique. Annal. Chimie Phys., 1858, 3. 
sér. 52, 124-125.— Phil. Mag. 1858, 
15, 45-48. 1858.1 

Ueber lebend nach Berlin ge- 
langte Zitterwelse aus Westafrika. Mo- 
natsber. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, 1858, 84— 
111. — Untersuch. (Moleschott), 5, 109— 
136. 1858.2 

Bemerkungen tiber die Reaction 
der elektrischen Organe und der Mus- 



keln. Archiv Anat. Physiol. (Reichert), 
1859, 846-853. 1859.1 

—— Zur Geschichte der Entdec- 
kungen am Zitterwelse (Malapterurus 
electricus) Archiv Anat. Physiol. (Rei- 
chert), 1859, 210-212. 1859.2 

Ueber Jodkalium-Elektrolyse 
und Polarisation durch den Schlag des 
Zitterwelses. Monatsber. Akad. Wiss. 
Berlin, 1861 (1862), 1105-1128. fig. — 
Untersuch. (Moleschott), 1862, 8, 549- 

Sy (le 1862.1 
— Ueber die riiumliche Ausbrei- 
tung des Schlages der Zitterfische. 

Monatsber. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, 1864 
(1865), 317-354. pl. — Untersuch. 
(Moleschott), 1865, 9, 437-473. 1865.1 

Dr. Carl Sachs’ Untersuchungen 
am Zitteraal, Gymnotus electricus, nach 
seinem Tode bearbeitet von E. du Bois- 
Reymond. Mit zwei Abhandlungen von 
G. Fritsch. Leipzig, 1881. xxviii, 446 
p. illust. 8°. 1881.1 

Contains copious bibliographical references. 

Abstract in Journ. R. Micr. Soc. London, 1881, 
2, 602. 

(Vorliufiger Bericht iiber die 
von Prof. Gustav Fritsch in Aegypten 
und am Mittelmeer angestellten bishe- 
rigen Untersuchungen an elektrischen 
Fischen} Erste Hialfte. Monatsber. 
Akad. Wiss. Berlin, 1881, 1149-1164. — 
Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Physiol. Abth.), 
1882, 61-75. 1881.2 

Vorlaufiger Bericht tiber die von 
Prof. Gustay Fritsch in Aegypten und 
am Mittelmeer angestellten neuen Un- 
tersuchungen an elektrischen Fischen. 
Zweite Halfte. Sitzber. Akad. Wiss. 
Berlin, 1882, pt. 1, 477-503. — Arch. 
Anat. Physiol. (Physiol. Abth.), 1882, 

387-413. 1882.1 
Ueber die Fortpflanzung des 
Zitteraales (Gymnotus electricus) Arch. 

Anat. Physiol. (Physiol. Abth.), 1882, 
76-80. 1882.2 

On a new principle affecting the 
systematic distribution of the Torpedi- 
nid, and on the probable occurrence of 
T. occidentalis (Storer) on the British 
coast. Rept. Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 
53. meet., London, 1883, 592-595. 


Ueber secundir-elektromotori- 
sche Erscheinungen an Muskeln, Ner- 
ven und elektrischen Organen. Sitzber. 




Du Bois-Reymond, £. H. 

Akad. Wiss. Berlin, 1883, pt. 1, 348-404. 
3 figs. Abstract in Biol. Centralbl., 3 
537-540. 1883.2 

Lebende Zitterrochen in Berlin. 
Sitzber. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, 1884, pt. 1, 

181-242. 8 figs. Jbid., 1885, pt. 2, 
691-750. 5 figs. — Arch. Anat. Phy siol. 
(Phys. Abth.), 1885, 86-145. 8 figs. 
Ibid., 1887, 51-110. 5 figs. 1884.1 

Bemerkungen iiber einige neuere 
Versuche an Torpedo. Sitzber. Akad. 
Wiss. Berlin, 1888, 5, 353; 531-554. 


Vorlaufiger Bericht iiber die von 
Prof. Gustav Fritsch angestellten neuen 
Untersuchungen an elektrischen Fischen. 
Sitzber. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, 1891, pt. 1, 
223-226. — Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Phy- 
stol. Abth.), 1892, 217-220. 1891.1 

Ueber einige Versuche an ganz 
jungen Zitterrochen. Arch. Anat. Phy- 
siol. (Physiol. Abth.), 1893, 190-192. 


Du Bois-Reymond, Emil Heinrich, 
& Sachs, C. See Sachs & Du Bois- 

Du Bois-Reymond, René. Ueber 
die gestreiften Muskeln im Darm der 
Schleie. Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Physiol. 
Abth.), 1890, 176-177. 1890.1 

Ueber die Bewegung der flie- 
genden Fische. Zool. Jahrb. (System. 
Abth.), 1891, 5, 922-924. 1891.1 

Die fliegenden Fische im Lichte 
der Versuche von O. Lilienthal iiber 
Luftwiderstainde. Arch. Anat. Physiol. 
(Physiol. Abth.), 1894, 371-374. 1894.1 

Duboscq, Octave, & Léger, Louis. 
See Léger & Duboscq. 

Dubourdieu, (Rev.) John. A sta- 
tistical survey of the county Antrim. 
2 pts. Dublin, 1812. 8°. 1812.1 

The first part contains a sectiou (p. 113-126) 
on the fishes of lough Neagh, including the first 
definite notice of a charrlike fish in Ireland. 
This fish, there called the whiting, is identified 
as Salmo alpinus. 

Dubreuil, #. Note sur le brochet. 
Ann. Soc. Horticult. Hist. Nat. Hérault, 
1870, 2. sér. 2, 29-30. 1870.1 

Recherches sur le systéme ner- 
veux des poissons. Abstract in Rey. 
Sci. Nat. Montpellier, 1885, 3, 633-638. 

Dubreuil, G., & Renaut, J. See 
Renaut «&« Dubreuil. 

Dubuisson, H. Contribution A l’é- 
tude du vitellus (poissons} Arch. Zool. 
Expér. Gén., 1906, 4. sér. 5, 272-281; 

379-391. 1906.1 

Ducastel, WV. Saltvandsparker. 
Nordisk Tidsskr. Fiskeri, 1879, n. s. 5. 
Jahrg., 240-249. 1879.1 

Transformation des marais sal- 
ants enréservoirs 4 poissons. Bull. Soe. 
Acclim. Paris, 1879, 3. sér. 6, 73-93. 
2 figs. — Rept. U. 8S. Fish Comm. 1880 
(1883), 8, 517-531. 1879.2 

Ducceschi, V. Gli animali aquatici 
possiedono il senso dell’ udito? Riv. 
Ital., 1903, 6. 1903.1 

Duchamp, G., & Renault, J. See 
Renault & Duchamp. 

Duchasseint, Louis. Matériaux pour 
la faune d’Auvergne. Notes ichthyolo- 
giques. Rev. Sci. Bourbonn., 1897, 10. 
année, 205-216. 1897. 1 

Duchaussoy, H. Notes recueillies 
dans les archives. II. “ Ung gros 
esturgeon pesché & Amyens.” Bull. 
Soc. Linn. Nord France, Amiens, 1891, 
10, 118-119. 1891.1 

Duchemin, Emile. Besondere Tode- 
sart der Karpfen durch Kréten) Lotos, 
1870, 20. Jahrg., 151. 1870.1 

Die Kréte als Karpfentédter. 
Ausland, 1870, no. 20. 1870.2 

Singuliére cause de b mortalité 
des carpes d’un vivier. C. R. Acad. Sci. 
Paris, 1870, 70, 823, 1009. 1870.3 

Duclos, Gilbert. American silver 
perch or calico bass. Bull. U. S. Fish 
Comm. 1887 (1889), 7, 215-216. 1889.1 

Ducret, ZH. Sur le développement 
des membres pairs et impairs de la 
truite. Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., Genéve, 
1893, 3. sér. 30, 271-273. 1893.1 

Contributions 4 l’étude du dé- 
veloppement des membres pairs et 
impairs des poissons téléostéens, type 
Trutta lacustris. Thése. Lausanne, 
1894. 29p. 2pls. 8°. 1894.1 

Ducrotay de Blainville, Henri 
Marie. See Blainville, H. M. de. 

Dudgeon, Ff. EF. On subaqueous 
vision. Phil. Mag., 1871, 41, oe 

Diiben, M. W. von.  Beretning — On the fisheries of Great Britain 
angaaende nogle for Skandinaviens and the fisheries exhibition of 1883. 
fauna nye fiske. Skand. Naturf. Rept. U. 8. Fish Comm. 1883 (1885), 
Forhandl. 1844, 4, 222-227. 1844.1 11, 317-324. 1885.1 
(Mittheilungen tiber die Meer- Dufossé, A. De l’hermaphrodisme 

fische Norwegens} Arch. Skand. Beitr. chez certains vertébrés (Serranus] Ann. 

Naturgesch., 1845, 1, 164-169. 1845.1 

(Ueber .die Meeresfauna Nor- 
wegens} Arch. Skand. Beitr. Natur- 
gesch., 1845, 1, 136-138. 1845.2 

Diiben, M. W. von, & Koren, J. 
Ichthyologiska bidrag. K. Vet. Akad. 
Handl., Stockholm, 1844, 27-120. — 
Isis (Oken), 1848, 142-143. 1844.1 

[Beschreibung von zwolf fiir die 
skandinavische Fauna neuen Fischen) 
Arch. Skand. Beitr. Naturgesch., 1845, 
1, 450-452. 1845.1 

Om nya Skandinaviska Fiskar. 
Oefvers K. Vet. Akad. Férh., Stockholm, 
1845, 2, 9-12. 1845.2 

Duerden, James Edward [1869 —] 
The -operations in Jamaica of’ the 
Caribbean sea fisheries development 

syndicate, Ltd. (Jamaica fisheries) 
Daily Gleaner, Kingston, Jamaica, 
April 16, 1898. 6 p. 1898.1 

— The fisheries of Barbados. West 
Ind. Bull. Journ. Imp. Agric. Dept., 
1901, Extra Number, 20-32. 1901.1 

Duerigen, Bruno. Das Terrarium 
und... die Pflege und Ziichtung der 
Makropoden. See Martin, P. L. 
Die Praxis der Naturgeschichte, ete. 

Theil iii, Heft 2. 1882. 8°. 1882.1 
Fremdlandische Zierfische. Ein 
Handbuch fiir die Naturgeschichte, 

Pflege und Zucht der bisher eingefiihrten 
Aquarien-fische. 2. Aufl. Magdeburg, 
1897. ix, 352 p. 22 pls. & 21 figs. 8°. 


Ueber das Leben und Treiben 
der Makropoden (Polyacanthus viridi- 
auratus) Nat. Wochenschr., 1897, 12, 
545-547. 1897.2 

Duff, Rk. P. R. Exportation of sal- 
mon ova to New Zealand in 1876. Rept. 
U. 8. Fish Comm. 1875-76 (1878), 4, 
963-964; 970. 1878.1 

Duff, R. W. The herring fisheries 
of Scotland. Intern. Fisheries Exhib. 
Lit., London, 1883. Conferences, 6, 
pt. 3. 1883.1 

Sei. Nat. (Zool.), 1854, 5, 295-832. — 
L’Institut, 1854, 394-395. Ibid., 1855, 
428. — C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1854, 39, 

890-893. Ibid., 1855, 41, 890-893; 
1006-1008. Jbid., 1856, 43, 23-26. 

Des différents phénoménes phy- 
siologiques nommés voix des poissons. 
C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1858, 46, 352- 
356. Ibid., 1858, 47, 916. Ibid., 1862, 
54, 393-395. 1858.1 

De JVichthyopsophie ou _ des 
différents phénoménes physiologiques 
nommés “‘ voix des poissons.”” C. R. 
Acad. Sci. Paris, 1866, 62, 978-980. 


Tone bei Fischen. Abstract in 
Lotos, 1868, 18. Jahrg., 62-63. 1868.1 

Sur les bruits et les sons ex- 
pressifs que font entendre les poissons. 
C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1872, 74, 1454— 
1455. — Bull. Hebd. Assoc. Sci. France, 
1872, 11, 25-26. 1872.1 

Recherches sur les bruits et les 
sons expressifs que font entendre les 
poissons d’Europe et sur les organes 
producteurs de ces phénoménes acousti- 
ques ainsi que sur les appareils de l’audi- 
tion de plusieurs de ces animaux. Ann. 
Sei. Nat. (Zool.), 1874, 5. sér. 19, no. 5, 
3-53. Ibid., 1874, 5. sér. 20, no. 3, 
1-134. Extract in C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 
74, 1454-1455. Ibid., 75, 1074-1078. 


Sur un organe de préhension 
chez un poisson et autres fragments 
pour servir A la monographie du genre 
Hippocampe. Journ. Anat. Phys., 
1874, 10, 368-375. 1874.2 

Duge, Ff. Heringseier im Magen der 
Schellfische. Mitt. Deutsch. Seefische- 
rei Ver., Berlin, 1903, 19, 460. 1903.1 

Beobachtungen iiber den Be- 
stand der Plattfische auf den Fisch- 
griinden der Nordsee. Mitt. Deutsch. 
Seefischerei Ver., Berlin, 1905, 21, 31— 
36. 1905.1 

Dugés, Alfredo. Aparato venenoso 
del bagre (Ictalurus dugesi Bean) 
Naturaleza, Mexico, 1891, 1, 405-408. 



Dugés, A. 

Gambusia infans Woolman. 
Mem. Soe. Cient. “‘ Alzate,’’ Mexico, 
1902, 17, 121-123. pl. 1902.1 

Note on the functions of the 
fins of fishes. Science, 1905, n. s. 22, 
798-800. 1905.1 

Role des nageoires chez les pois- 
sons. Bull. Soc. Zool. France, 1905, 30, 
107-110.— Mem. Soc. Cient. ‘‘ Alzate,”’ 
Mexico, 1905, 22, 217-220. — Arch. 
Intern. Physiol., 3, 127-129. 1905.2 

Duguid, Letter on the deal fish 
(Trachypterus vogmarus) Proc. Zool. 
Soc. London, 1851, 19, 116—117. — 

Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1853, 2. ser. 11, 
468-469. 1851.1 

Duhamel du Monceau, Henry 
Louis [1700-1782] Traité général des 
pésches, et histoire des poissons qu’elles 
fournissent, . . . 4 vols. in 3. Paris, 
1769-82. illust. fol. 1769.1 

“Traité général des péches et histoire des 
poissons ou des animaux qui vivent dans l'eau. 
Suite de la seconde partie. Tomeiv.” _ 

The fourth volume bears the above title, the 
three preceding, which appeared at intervals be- 
tween 1769 and 1782, are entitled “* Traité général 
des pésches maritimes et fluviatiles.’’ This work, 
written in collaboration with L. H. de La Marre, 
was incorporated in the “* Collection des arts et 
métiers,’”’ and has been much pirated. The 
plates number 250; not all of them, however, 
are of strict fidelity to nature. 

Allgemeine Abhandlung von 
der Fischereyen und Geschichte der 
Fische; iibersetzt mit Anmerkungen 
von D. G. Schreber. 3 vols. Leipzig & 
Konigsberg, 1773. villust. 4°. 1773.1 

Dictionnaire de toutes les es- 
péces de péches ... d’aprés Ovide, 
Jove, Aldrovande, Jonston, Bue’hoz, 
ete., suivi d’un vocabulaire de péche, 
par Duhamel Du Monceau. Paris, 
iio iia 

This is adapted from the “‘ Traité général,”’ 

and alleged to be (under this title) a book of 
extraordinary rarity. 

Encyclopédie méthodique. Dic- 
tionnaire de toutes les espéces de péches. 
Paris, L’an quatriéme (1796) 4°. 1796.1 

This is an adaptation of the ‘“ Traité général ” 
under a new title. 

Duhamel du Monceau, H. L., & 
others. Of the herring fishery, trans- 
lated from the French of M. Duhamel 
and others. Phil. Mag., 1803, 17, 218— 
225. Ibid., 18, 12-25. 1803.1 


Duigan, James. Is access to the sea 
a necessity to eels? Trans. New Zea- 
land Instit., 1876, 8, 221-222. 1876.1 




Dujardin, Félix. Sur les zoospermes 
de la carpe. Ann. Sci. Nat., 1837, 2. 
sér. 8, 297-302. 1837.1 

Duke, Ff. W. Extract of the speech 
made in the Bengal legislative council 
at the budget debate on the 15th April, 
1909. Coll. Papers Fish. Surv. Bengal, 
1911, 88. 1911.1 

Duke of Edinburgh. See Edin- 
burgh, Duke of. 

Dulac, Alléon. 

Mélanges d’histoire 
naturelle. 2 vols. 

Lyon, 1765. 12°. 

Histoire naturelle du hareng, vol. ii., 368-393. 
Du Ménil, August Peter Julius 
[1777-1852] Chemische Zergliederung 
der Fischknochen' (Hechtsknochen) 
Neues Journ. Pharm. (Trommsdorff), 
1820, 4, 273-279. 1820.1 

André Marie Constant 
For biographical notice 
and list of works, see Abeille, 1889, 26, 


Zoologie analytique, ou méthode 
naturelle de classification des animaux. 
Paris, 1806. xxxiil, 344 p. 8°. 1806.1 

Mémoires de zoologie et d’ana- 
tomie comparée. Paris, 1807. 146 p. 
8°. 1807.1 

Contains the following articles, reprinted 
from Miuillen’s Magazin Encyclopédique for 
1807 and from other sources. 

Mémoire sur l’odorat des poissons. 

Mémoire sur le mécanisme de la respiration 
des poissons. 

Dissertation sur la famille des poissons cyclo- 
stomes, pour démontrer leur rapports avec les 
animaux sans vertébres. 

Mémoire sur l’anatomie des lamproies. 

Mémoire sur le mécanisme de 
la respiration dans les poissons. Nouv. 
Bull. Soc. Philom. Paris, 1807, 1, 26-28. 
— Journ. Nat. Phil. (Nicholson), 28, 
350-359. 1807.2 

Mémoire sur l’odorat des pois- 
sons. Nouv. Bull. Soc. Philom. Paris, 
1807, 1, 14-15.— Journ. Nat. Phil. 
(Nicholson), 29, 344-351. 1807.3 

Sur deux espéces de poissons du 
genre Pétromyzon décrites par M. J. J. 
Omalius-de-Hallois. Résumé in Nouv. 
Bull. Soc. Philom. Paris, 1808, 1, 165— 
166. 1808.1 

- Dissertation sur la famille des 
poissons cyclostomes, pour démontrer 
leurs rapports avec les animaux sans 
vertébres. Paris, 1812. 8°. 1812.1 




—— Dissertation sur les poissons qui 
se rapprochent le plus des animaux sans 
vertébres. Thése. Paris, 1812. 40 p. 
aes 1812.2 

Rapport fait 4 l’Académie des 
Sciences sur trois mémoires d’anatomie, 
relatifs 4° l’organe de l’ouie dans les 
poissons, par M. Breschet. Ann. Sci. 
Nat. (Zool.), 1832, 27, 309. 1832.1 

Bericht iiber Breschet’s Gehor- 
organe der Fische. Isis (Oken), 1835, 
ee O72. 1835.1 

Considérations générales sur le 
sous-ordre des poissons osseux dits 
jugulaires ou protéropodes, formant la 
tribu unique des Sténopes. C. R. Acad. 
Sci. Paris, 1855, 41; 229-246. — L’In- 
stitut, 23, 285-286. 1855.1 

Prodrome d’une classification 
des poissons aprés la méthode naturelle. 
C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1855, 41, 133- 
137. 1855.2 

Considérations générales sur les 
classifications en histoire naturelle, et 
exposé sommaire du plan de l’ichthyo- 
logie analytique A l’aide de tableaux 
synoptiques. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 
1856, 42, 1029-1034. 1856.1 

Ichthyologie analytique ou clas- 
sification des poissons, suivant la mé- 
thode naturelle, 4 l’aide de tableaux 
synoptiques. Mém. Acad. Sci. Paris, 
1856, 27, pt. 1, 1-511. — Also separate; 
Paris, 1856. 511 p. 4°. 1856.2 

Rapport sur un mémoire de M. 
Hollard, sur les Ostracionides. C. R. 
Acad. Sei. Paris, 1857, 44, 1194-1197. 
— L’Institut, 25, 197-198. 1857.1 

Sur les organes des sens et en 
particulier sur ceux de Jlodorat, du 
gout, et de louie dans les poissons. 
C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1858, 46, 867— 
879. 1858.1 

Dumeril, André Marie Constant, & 
Cuvier, Georges Léopold Chrétien Frédéric 
Dagobert. See Cuvier & Duméril. 

Dumeéril, André Marie Constant, 
Flourens, Marie Jean Pierre, & 
Duvernoy, Georges Louis. Structure 

de l’encéphale des raies et des squales 

et origine des nerfs crdniens chez ces 

poissons. Paris, 1854. 28 p. 4°. 

Duméril, Auguste Henri André 
[1812-1870] For biography and list of 
works, see Arch. Mus. Hist.-Nat. Paris, 
1871, 7 (Bull.), 15-24. Also Gervais, 
F.L. P. Discours.. . etc., suivi de la 
liste de ses travaux scientifiques. Paris, 
1 S57 aa ce 

Monographie de la famille des 
torpédiniens, ou poissons plagiostomes 
électriques. Rev. Mag. Zool., 1852, 4, 
176-189; 227-244; 270-285. Also sepa- 
rate; Paris, 1852. 1852.1 

Sur les torpédinienes. Abstract 
in Extraits Procés-Verb. Soc. Philom. 
Paris, 1852, 16, 63-64. 1852.2 

Monographie de la tribu des 
Seylliens ou Roussettes (poissons pla- 
giostomes) comprenant deux espeéces 
nouvelles. Rev. Mag. Zool., 1853, 2. 
sér. 5, 8-25; 73-87; 119-130. pl. 1853.1 

Sur la tribu des Seylliens. C. R. 
Acad. Sci. Paris, 1853, 36, 288-289. 

Note sur un travail inédit de 
Bibron relatif aux poissons plectognathes 
gymnodontes (Diodons et Tetrodons) 
Rev. Mag. Zool., 1854, 2. sér. 7, 274- 
282. 1854.1 

Résumé de quelques  lecons 
dichthyologie. Procés-Verb. Soc. Phi- 
lom. Paris, 1855, 78-80. — L’ Institut, 
23, 356-357. 1855.1 

Essai de classification des pois- 
sons qui forment le groupe des Eché- 
néides. C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1858, 47, 
374-378. L’Institut, 26, 297. 1858.1 

Lettres relatives au catalogue 
des poissons de la collection du Muséum 
d’Histcire Naturelle de Paris, et au 
catalogue de la ménagerie des reptiles; 
suivies de notes sur la ménagerie des 
reptiles. Arch. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris, 
1858-61, 10, 429-460. 1858.2 

Note sur des truites d’une espéce 
nouvelle (Salar macrostigma A. Dum.) 
récemment envoyées d’Algérie a la 
société. Bull. Soc. Acclim. Paris, 1858, 
5, 444-446. — C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 
47, 160-162. — Rev. Mag. Zool., 10, 
396-399. — L’Institut, 26, 256. pl. 


Reptiles et poissons de |’ Afrique 
occidentale. Etude précédée de con- 
sidérations générales sur leur distribu- 


Duméril, A. H. A. ‘@ 
tion géographique. C. R. Acad. Sci. 
Paris, 1858, 61, 878-880. — Archiv. 
Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris, 10, 137-268. 4 
pls. 1858.4 

Geruchsorgane der Fische. Ab- 
stract in neue Notizen (Froriep), 1860, 
1. Jahrg., 373. 1860.1 

De la nécessité et de la possi- 
bilité d’accréitre les ressources alimen- 
taires fournies par les poissons fluviatiles, 
et note sur une truite propre 4 |’ Algérie. 
Bull. Soe. Acclim. Paris, 1863, 1. année, 
252-265. 1863.1 

Des bruits que les poissons font 
entendre. Annuaire Sci. (Déhérain), 
Paris, 1863, 2, 238-251. 1863.2 

Des animaux utiles 4 homme; 
programme d’un cours de zootechnie ou 
zoologie appliquée. Mém. Soc. Imp. 
Sci. Nat. Cherbourg, 1865, 11, 229-252. 

Poissons, p. 239-240; 246; 250-251. 

Des produits que les squales et 
les raies fournissent 4 l’homme pour son 
alimentation et pour diverses indus- 
tries. Ann. Soc. Linn. Départ. Maine- 
et-Loire, Angers, 1865, 7, 129-137. 


—— Histoire naturelle des poissons 
ou ichthyologie générale. 2 vols. and 
atlas. Paris, 1865-70. illust. 8°. 


Vol. i. Elasmobranches, Plagiostomes et 

Holocéphales. 1865. 720 p. 
Vol. ii. Ganoides, Dipnés, Lophobranches. 
1870. 624 p. 
These two volumes form part of Roret’s 
“ Collection des suites 4 Buffon. 

Note sur les habitudes de vora- 
cité des squales et sur les moyens d’at- 
taque et de défense des squales et des 
raies. Ann. Soc. Linn. Départ. Maine- 
et-Loire, Angers, 1865, 7, 138-144. 


De l’empoissonnement des eaux 

destinées 4 rendre les péches plus 
abondantes. Bull. Soe. Acclim. Paris, 
1866, 2. sér. 3, 369-370. 1866.1 

Des poissons vénéneux. Ann. 
Soe. Linn. Départ. Maine-et-Loire, 
Angers, 1866, 8, 1-17 1866.2 

Des poissons voyageurs qui, 4 
’époque de la réproduction, abandon- 
nent la mer pour remonter les fleuves. 
Annuaire Sci. (Déhérain), 1866, 5, 217— 
247. 1866.3 


Montée de l’éperlan (Osmerus 
eperlanus) de la mer dans les fleuves. 
Bull. Soe. Acclim. Paris, 1866, 2. sér. 3, 
459-460. 1866.4 

Observations sur les lépidosi- 
réniens ( Protopterus annectens Owen) 
qui ont vécu 4 la ménagerie des reptiles 
du Muséum d’Histoire Naturelle et 

ont formé leur cocon. C. 
Paris, 1866, 62, 97-100. — Ann. Mag. 
Nat. Hist., 1866, 3. ser. 17, 160. 1866.5 

— On venomous fishes. Ann. Mag. 
Nat. Hist., 1867, 3. ser. 20, 153-167. 

Prodrome d’une monographie 
des esturgeons et description des espéces 
de l’Amérique du Nord qui appartien- 
nent au sous-genre Antaceus. Nouy. 
Arch. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris, 1867, 3, 
131-188. 6 pls. Also separate; Paris, 
1867:: 6L.p.. 45 1867.2 

Note sur trois poissons: Aci- 

’ penser dabryanus, Polyodon gladius et 

Peristethidion prionocephalum, accom- 
pagnée de quelques considérations gé- 
nérales sur les groupes auxquels ces 
espéces appartiennent. Nouv. Arch. 
Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris, 1868, 4, 93-116. 


Préface (In La Blanchére, H. 
La péche et les poissons. Nouveau 
dictionnaire général des péches. Paris, 
1868. xv, 859 p. illust.) 1868.2 

(Note sur Polypterus lapradei, 
n. sp., et Polypterus senegalus} C. R. 
Acad. Sci. Paris, 1869, 69, ee ; 

Les Lophobranches. Mém. Soc. 
Sci. Nat. Cherbourg, 1869-70, 15 (2. 
sér. 5), 137-168. _ 1869.2 

De la vessie natatoire = gano- 
ides et des dipnés. Ann. Linn. 
Départ. Maine-et-Loire, Aneeee 1870, 
12. année, 150-169. 1870. 1 

Des animaux utiles 4 homme. 
Paris, 1870. 18 p. 8°. 1870.2 

Le Lépidosiren et le Protoptére 
appartenant a la classe des poissons, 
ou ils sont les types de la sous-classe des 
dipnés. Ann. Soe. Linn. Maine-et- 
Loire, Angers, 1870, 12. année, 1a 

On the presence of peculiar 
organs belonging to the branchial ap- 
paratus in the rays of the genus Cepha- 
loptera (Dicerobatis; Ann. Mag. Nat. 
Hist., 1870, 4. ser. 5, 385-386. 1870.4 


R. Acad. Sci. 

ae, ay a kag —e CLT MIP | 

sili ientechtiibinatisl 

ie Mee Ue 


— Sur la présence, chez les raies du 
genre Céphaloptére |Dicerobatis), d’or- 
ganes particuliers de l’appareil bran- 
chial. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1870, 70, 
491-492. 1870.5 

Vessie natatoire des ganoides et 
des dipnés. Ann. Soc. Linn., Maine-et- 
Loire, Angers, 1870, 12, 1—20. 1870.6 

Dumesnil, André. Les _poissons 
sauteurs. La Nature, 1906, 34, pt. 2, 
161-162. fig. 1906.1 

Dumont d’Urville, Jules Sebastien 
César [1790-1842] Voyage sur la cor- 
vette ‘‘ L’Astrolabe,” exécuté par ordre 
du roi, pendant les années 1826-1829, 
sous le commandement de M. Dumont 
d’Urville. 19 vols. Paris, 1830. 500 
pls. 1830.1 

Voyage au pole sud et dans 
VOcéanie sur les corvettes ‘‘ L’Astro- 
labe” et “La Zélée” ... pendant 
1837-40, sous le commandement de M. 
J. Dumont d’Urville. Paris, 11841) 
1842-54. 8° & fol. 1842.1 

Vol. iii, pt. 2. Reptiles et poissons, par H. 
Jacquinot et A. Guichenot. 

Dumortier, Vincent Eugene, & Fal- 
san, A. See Falsan & Dumortier. 

Dumreicher, Armand von. Ge- 
sammtiiberblick iiber die Wasserwirth- 
schaft des nordwestlichen Oberharzes. 
Clausthal, 1868. 88 p. 8°. 1868.1 

Dunbar, George Powers [1812-1850] 
Ichthyological papers by George Pow- 
ers Dunbar, with a sketch of his life by 
J. L. Wortman. Amer. Naturalist, 
1882, 16, 381-388. 1882.1 

Contains notes on Lepidosteus and Megalops. 

Dunbar, W. J., & Benham, JW. 
Blazland. See Benham & Dunbar. 

Duncan, C., & Hoppe-Seyler, F. 
Beitrige zur Kenntniss der Respiration 
der Fische. Zeitschr. Physiol. Chem., 
1892, 17, 165-181. 1892.1 

Duncan, Ff. Martin. Cassell’s nat- 

ural history. London, 1913. 423 p. 
illust. 1913.1 
— Dwellers in the deep. London, 
1913. 78p. 12°. 1913.2 
— Wonders of the sea. London, 
1913. 42°. 1913.3 

Duncan, fF. Martin, & Duncan, L. T. 
Rambles by the shore. London, 1913. 
(ap. 12°. 1913.1 



Duncan, J. Barker. Salmon and 
trout hatcheries in Scotland. Bull. U.S. 
Fish Comm. 1885, 5, 451-456. 1885.1 

Duncan, J. W.  Exportation of 
salmon ova to New Zealand in 1875. 
Rept. U.S. Fish Comm. 1875-76 (1878), 
4, 963. 1878.1 

Duncker, Georg. Der Kaulkopf 
(Cottus gobio) im Aquarium. Blatt. 
Aquar.-Terrar. Freunde, 1891, 2. Jahrg., 
183-185. 1891.1 

Syngnathus acus L. in der 
westlichen Ostsee (Neustiidter Bucht) 
Zool. Anz., 1891, 14, 78. 1891.2 

Der Elbbutt, eine Varietit der 
Flunder (Pleuronectes flesus L. var. 
leiurus). Schrift. Naturwiss. Ver. Schles- 

wig-Holstein, 1892, 9, 275-291. 3 figs. 
Ein muthmasslicher Bastard 

zwischen Pleuronectes platessa L. und 
Pl. limanda L. Zool. Anz., 1892, 15, 
451-453. 1892.2 

Bericht itiber die Verpflanzung 
einer Anzahl sogennant Elbbutt (Pleu- 
ronectes flesus L. var. letwrus) in den 
grossen Ploéner See. Zeitschr. Fischerei, 
1894, 2, 82-85. 1894.1 

Variation und Verwandtschaft 
von Pleuronectes flesus L. und PI. 
platessa L. Vorlaufige Mittheilung. 
Zool. Anz., 1895, 18, 53-56. 1895.1 

Variation und Verwandtschaft 
von Pleuronectes flesus L. und Pl. 
platessa L., untersucht mittelst der 
Heincke’schen Methode. Inaug. Dis- 
sert. Kiel, 1895. 55 p. 8 pls. & 20 figs. 

The same. Wiss. Meeresunter- 
such. Kiel (Abt. Helgoland), 1896, n. s. 
1, Heft 2, 47-104. 4 pls. & 20 figs. 


Neue und seltene Fische der 
Neustidter Bucht. Mitteil. Geogr. 
Gesell. Naturh. Mus. Liibeck, 1896, 2. 
ser. 77-80. 1896.2 

Korrelationsstudien an den 
Strahlenzahlen einiger Flossen von Ace- 
rina cernua L. Biol. Centralbl., 1897, 
17, 785-794; 815-831. 1897.1 

Noch einmal die Ostseescholle. 
Mitth. Deutsch. Seefischerei Ver., 1897, 
13, 452. 1897.2 


Duncker, G. 

Preliminary report on the re- 
sults of statistical and ichthyological 
investigations made at the Plymouth 
laboratory. Journ. Mar. Biol. Assoc., 
1897-99, n. s. 5, 172-175. 1897.3 

Zur Frage nach einem indigenen 

Schollenbestand der Ostsee. Mitth. 
Deutsch. Seefischerei Ver., 1897, 13, 
8-12. 1897.4 

Naturgeschichte des Herings, 
von Friedrich MHeincke. Kritisches 
Referat. Biol. Centralbl., 1899, 19, 
363-383. 1899.1 

Biologische erga ag an 
Lophobranchiern. Abh. Naturwiss. Ver. 
Hamburg, 1900, 16, no. 3, 1-12. 1900.1 

Variation und Asymmetrie bei 
Pleuronectes flesus L. statistisch unter- 
sucht. Wiss. Meeresuntersuch. Kiel 
(Abt. Helgoland), 1900, n. s. 3, 333-406. 
5 pls. & 3 figs. Summary in Zool. Anz., 
23, 141-148. 1900.2 

Bemerkungen zu G. Surbeck’s 
Aufsatz: das ‘‘ Copulationsorgan ’’ yon 
Cottus gobio L. Zool. Anz., 1901, 24, 
153-154. 1901.1 

Die Fische der 
Halbinsel. Mitth. Naturhist. Mus. 
Hamburg, 1904, 21, 133-207. 2 pls. & 
fig. 1904.1 



Junge Goldbutt (Pleuronectes 
platessa I.) in der Neustidter Bucht. 
Mitth. Deutsch. Seefischerei Ver., 1904, 
20, 404-407. fig. 1904.2 

Ueber Regeneration des Schwan- 
zendes bei Syngnathiden. Arch. Entw.- 
Mech., Leipzig, 1905, 20, 30-37. pl. 
Tbid., 1907, 24, 656-662. pl. & 2 figs. 


Syngnathiden-Studien. I. Vari- 
ation und Modifikation bei Siphono- 
stoma typhle L. Mitth. Naturhist. Mus. 
Hamburg, 1908, 25, 1-115. 3 pls. & 4 
figs. 1908.1 

—— Pisces. Teil I. Syngnathide 
(In Die Fauna Siidwest-Australiens, 
herausgegeben von W. Michaelsen und 
R. Hartmeyer, Bd. ui, p. 233-250. 
Jena, 1909) 1909.1 

On some 

syngnathids (pipe- 
fish) from Ceylon. Spolia Zeylanica, 
1910, 7, 25-34. pl. 1910.1 

Two new species of Doryichthys and Uro- 
campus are described. 


'p. 43 figs. & map. 


; Ueber Jugendstadien yon Am- 
phisile. Verh. Naturhist. Ver. Ham- 
burg, 1911, 3. ser. 18, lxxvii. 1911.1 

—— Die Gattungen der Syngnathi- 
de. Mitth. Naturhist. Mus. Hamburg, 
1912, 29, pt. 2, 219-240. 1912.1 

Die Siisswasserfische Ceylons. 
Mitth. Naturhist. Mus. Hamburg, 1912, 
29, pt. 2, 241-272. 2 pls. tAwaous, 
Barbus} 1912.2 

Two new species of Awaous and Barbus are 

Ueber einige Lokalformen yon 
Pleuronectes platessa L. Jahrb. Wiss. 
Anstalt Hamburg, 1913, 30, 197-252. 
pls. 1913.1 

Dunin-Gorkavié, A. A. Der Nor- 
den des Gouvernement Tobolsk. Be- 
schreibung des Landes, seiner natiirli- 
chen Reichthiimer und der gewerblichen 
Thiatigkeit seiner Bewohner [Text in 
Russian] St. Petersburg, 1904. x, 359 

Dunker, Wilhelm Bernhard Rudolph 
Hadrian [1809-1885] Ueber die in der 
Tertiir-Formation des Wiener Beckens 
vorkommenden Fisch-Ueberreste, mit 
Beschreibung einiger neuen merkwiir- 
digen Arten. Beitr. 3. Petrefacten- 
Kunde (Miinster), 1846, 7. Heft, 1-31. 
figs. 1846.1 

Ueber einen neuen Asteracan- 
thus aus dem Korallen-Kalke des Lin- 
dener Berges bei Hannover. Palzon- 
togr., 1848, 1, 188-189. pl. 1848.1 

Asteracanthus ornatissimus Ag. 
aus dem Korallen-Kalke von Hoheng- 
gelsen bei Hildesheim. Palsontogr. 
1851, 1, 316-318. pl. 1851.1 

Fischerei-Kalender fiir Deutsch- 
land, Oesterreich und die Schweiz auf 
das Jahr 1880. Stettin, 1880. 264 p. 
22 1880.1 

Dunlop, James C. On the changes 
in the value of salmon as a food stuff. 
18. Ann. Rept. Fish. Board Scotland, 
1900, pt. 2, 165-168. 1900.1 

Dunn, Horace D. Do the spawning 
salmon (Oncorhynchus quinnat) ascend- 
ing the Sacramento river all die with- 
out returning to sea? Rept. U.S. Fish 
Comm. 1878 (1880), 6, 815-818. 1880.1 

Fish-culture on the Pacific 
coast. Bull. U. 8S. Fish Comm. 1887 
(1889), 7, 49-50. 1889.1 




Salmon not injured by catfish. 
Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1887 (1889), 7, 

56. 1889.2 
Dunn, Mathias. Remarks on some 
Cornish fishes. Journ. Roy. Instit. 

Cornwall, 1880, 6, no. 22, 354-359. 

Ichthyological notes from Me- 
vagissey, Cornwall. Zoologist, 1884, 3. 
ser. 8, 348-349. 1884.1 

— Number of eggs in the Gadide. 
Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1884, 4, 76. 

—— Spawning of fish. Zoologist, 
1884, 3. ser. 8, 116. 1884.3 

Food of mackerel, pilchards and 
herrings. Bull. U.S. Fish Comm. 1885, 
5, 308. 1885.1 

— Facts in the life history of the 

pollack, Gadus pollachius. Zoologist, 
1887, 3. ser. 11, 241—248. 1887.1 

—  Pilchards. Nature, 1892, 465, 
511-512. 1892.1 

On the food, migrations, growth, 
and other habits of the mackerel. 61. 
Ann. Rept. Roy. Cornwall Polyt. Soc., 
1893, 98-112. 1893.1 

Remarks on some senses in 
fishes, including a sixth faculty. 63. 
Ann. Rept. Cornwall Polyt. Soc., 1895, 
95-108. 1895.1 

Mimicry in fishes. 64. Ann. 
Rept. Cornwall Polyt. Soc., 1896, 56- 
59. 1896.1 

On the occurrence of large 
numbers of larval herring at the surface. 
Journ. Mar. Biol. Assoc., 1897-99, n. s. 
5, 184-185. 1897.1 

Die sieben Sinne der Fische. 
Deutsch. Fischerei Zeitg., 1901, 24, 
205-206; 225-226; 229-230; 253-255; 
264-266; 286-287; 289-290. 1901.1 

Dunn, Matthias, & Holt, Ernest W. 
L. Gadus esmarkii Nilsson, the Norway 
pout, an addition to the fish fauna of the 
English south-western district. Journ. 
Mar. Biol. Assoc., 1897-99, n. s. 5, 79- 
81. 1897.1 

Dunning, Philo. Two hundred tons 
of dead fish, mostly perch, at lake 
Mendota, Wisconsin. Bull. U. 8. Fish 
Comm. 1884, 4, 489-443. 1884.1 

Duparc, H. M. De kunstmatige 
vischteelt en vischfokkerij, behelzende 
de geschiedenis, de onderscheidene 
verrigtingen, benevens de toepassingen 
van de kunstmatige bevruchting en 

vermenigvuldiging der visschen. Am- 
sterdam, 1854. 8°. 1854.1 
Kunstmatige vischteelt. Alge- 

meen Handelsblad. Amsterdam, 4 Jan., 
1871. 1871.1 

Duperrey, Lowis Isidore [1786-1865] 
Voyage autour du monde exécuté sur la 
corvette ‘‘ La Coquille,’ pendant les 
années 1822—25; publié sous les auspices 
de S. E. M. le comte de Charrol. 6 
vols. & atlas. Paris, 1826-30. 4° & 
fol. 1826.1 

Du Plessis, George. Maladies des 
perches de l’Orbe. Bull. Soc. Vaud. 
Sci. Nat., 1868, 9, 696. 1868.1 

Essai sur la faune profonde des 
lacs suisses. Nouv. Mém. Soc. Helvet. 
Sci. Nat., 1885, 29. Also separate; 
Genéve, 1885. 4°. 1885.1 

Du Plessis, George, & Forel, F. A. 
See Forel & Du Plessis. 

Dupont, Edouard Francois [1841—] 
Sur les ossements de la faune maestrich- 
tienne placés récemment dans les 
galeries du musée royal 4 Bruxelles. 
Bull. Acad. Sci. Belgique, 1887, 13, 
706-710. 1887.1 

Dupont, Edouard, Beneden, P. J. 
van, & Hauzeur, Nicolas. See Bene- 
den, Hauzeur & Dupont. 

Dupony, —— Kalojen arkuus lim- 
pomaadriin vaihdoksille. Fiskeritidskr. 
Finland, 1894, 3, 15. 1894.1 

D’Urban, W. S. M. Catalogue of 
animals and plants, collected and ob- 
served in the valley of the river Rouge 
and the neighboring townships, in the 
countries of Argenteuil and Ottawa. 
Rept. Geol. Surv. Canada, 1858, 226— 
243. 1858.1 

Fishes, p. 232-233. 

Capture of a torpedo, or cramp 
ray (Torpedo habetans Lowe) at_ Beer, 
Devon. Zoologist, 1879, 3. ser. 3, 491. 

Occurrence of the red band-fish 
Cepola rubescens (Linn.) at Exmouth. 
Zoologist, 1879, 3. ser. 3, 183-184. 



D’Urban, W.S. M. : 

The maigre, or shade-fish [Sc7- 
ena aquila) off the Devonshire coast. 
Zoologist, 1880, 3. ser. 4, 449. 1880.1 

Occurrence of the lump-sucker 
Devonshire. Zoologist, 1883, 3. ser. 
228. 1883.1 

Occurrence of the  wolf-fish 
tAnarrhichas lupus L.) in Devonshire. 

Zoologist, 1883, 3. ser. 7, 227—228. 

Durbin, (Miss) Marian Lee (after- 
wards Ellis) A new genus and twelve 
new SECs of tetragonopterid chara- 
cins (Reports on the expedition to 
British Guiana of the Indiana Univer- 
ae and the Carnegie Museum, 1908, 

2) Ann. Carnegie Mus., 1909, G, 
3379. 1909.1 

For later papers by this author, see Ellis, 

(Mrs.) Marian Lee Durbin. 

Durchman, Josef Oskar. Wiitasaa- 
relta. Fiskeritidskr. Finland, 1899, 
8, 218. 1899.1 

Dureau, Alexis. Etudes sur les pois- 
sons électriques, la torpille, le gymnote, 
la raie, le silure trembleur. Paris, 1868. 
8°. Abstract in Bull. Hebd. Assoc. 
Scient. France, 1869, 5, 184-191. 1868.1 

Des poissons électriques. _ Ex- 
posé anatomique et physiologique. 
Paris, 1868. 19p. 8°. 1868.2 

Durégne, #. Sur les dragages en 
eau profonde au large d’Arcachon. Act. 
Soe. Linn. Bordeaux, 1887, 41, xxxii. * 

Animaux nouveaux pour la 
région, recueillis 8 Arcachon. Act. Soc. 
Linn. Bordeaux, 1889, 48, x; lxxv. Jbid., 

1890, 44, xix. 1889.1 

Durnford, C. D. Flying-fish flight 
and an unfixed law of nature. Ann. 
Mag. Nat. Hist., 1906, 7. ser. 17, 158- 
167. — Amer. Naturalist, 40, 1-11. 


The flying-fish problem. Ann. 
Mag. Nat. Hist., 1906, 7. ser. 18, 327— 
338. — Amer. Naturalist, 1907, 41, 65- 
76; 347-348. 5 figs. 1906.2 

Du Rondeau, Francois [1732-1803] 
Mémoire sur la loche campinoise. Mém. 
Acad. Sci. Bruxelles, 1783, 4, 247-255. 


D’Urville, Jules Sébastien César Du- 

mont. See Dumont d’Urville, J. S.C. 

Duthie, Robert. The fisheries of 
Shetland. 10. Ann. Rept. Fish. Board 
Scotland, 1891, pt. 3, 202-210. 1891.1 

[1776-1847] Recherches sur la chaleur 
propre des étres vivans 4 basse tempé- 
rature. Ann. Sci. Nat. (Zool.), 1840, 2. 
sér. 13, 5-58. 1840.1 

Poissons, p. 22-24. 

Recherches sur la chaleur vitale 
des animaux 4 basse température. 
C. R. Acad. Sei. Paris, 1840, 10, 383— 
390. — Edinb. New Phil. Journ., 29, 
152-160. 1840.2 

Poissons, p. 385. 

Duval, Mathias {1844—] Sur l’ex- 
istence chez les poissons d’un noyeau 
antérieur de l’hypoglosse. C. R. Mém. 
Soc. Biol. Paris, 1876 (1877), 6. sér. 3, 
12-13. 1877.1 

Duvernoy, Georges Louis [1777-1855] 

Sur quelques dispositions du systéme. . 

sanguin abdominal dans certains pois- 
sons. Nouv. Bull. Soc. Philom. Paris, 
1833, 168-169. 1833.1 

Sur quelques particularités du 
systéme sanguin abdominal et du canal 
alimentaire de plusieurs poissons cartila- 
gineux. Ann. Sci. Nat. (Zool.), 1835, 
2. sér. 3, 275-281. Ibid., 1836, 2. sér. 5, 
312. 1835.1 

Note sur deux bulbes artériels 
faisant Jes fonctions de cceurs acces- 
soires, qui se voient dans les artéres 
innominées de la chimére arctique. Ann. 
Sci. Nat. (Zool.), 1837, 2. sér. 8, 35-41. 
pl. — C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 5, 463— 
466. 1837.1 

Note sur quelques dents fossiles 
C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1837, 

5, 491-496. 

Du mécanisme de la respiration 
dans les poissons. R. Acad. Sci. 
Paris, 1839, 9, ica — Ann. Sci. Nat. 
(Zool.), 1839, 2. sér. 12, 65-91. — L’In- 
stitut, 1839, 7, 232. — Rev. Mag. Zool., 
1839, 216. 1839.1 

Note sur le diaphragme bran- 
chial qui fait partie du mécanisme de la 
respiration des poissons. C. R. Acad. 
Sci. Paris, 1839, 8, 867-871. — Rey. 
Mag. Zool., 1839, 189. 1839.2 

— Note sur un nouveau genre de 
ver intestinal, de la famille des Téni- 
oides, le Bothrimone de lesturgeon 

René Joachim Henri ~ 




(Bothrimonus sturionis nob.) Ann. Sci. 
Nat. (Zool.), 1842, 2. sér. 18, 123-126. 
— Proc.-Verb. Soc. Philom. Paris, 1842, 
41-42. 1842.1 

Observations pour servir 4 la 
connaissance du développement de la 
Peecilie de Surinam (Pecilia surina- 
mensis Val.), précédées d’une esquisse 
historique des principaux travaux sur 
le développement des poissons aux deux 
prémiéres époques de la vie. C. R. 
Acad. Sci. Paris, 1844, 18, 667-679; 
‘720-723.— Ann. Sci. Nat. (Zool.), 
1844, 3. sér. 1, 313-360. — Notizen 
(Froriep), 32, 1-8; 17-25; 33-40; 48-— 
56; 65-71; 81-86. 1844.1 

Note sur le sinus veineux génital 
des lamproies. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 
1846, 22, 662-666. 1846.1 

Rapport sur un mémoire ayant 
pour titre: ‘‘Détermination des parties 
qui constituent l’encéphale des_pois- 
sons,” par MM. Philipeaux et Vulpian. 
C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1852, 35, 169— 
176. 1852.1 

Note additionnelle & la lettre de 
M. le professeur Foérg, ‘‘ Remarques sur 
Vappareil pulmonaire du Gymnarchus 
niloticus.’ Ann. Sci. Nat. (Zool.), 1853, 
3. sér. 20, 154-162. pl. 1853.1 

— Rapport sur un mémoire de 
MM. Philipeaux et Vulpian, qui a pour 
sujet la structure de l’encéphale des 
rales et des squales, et l’origine des nerfs 
craniens chez ces poissons. C. R. Acad. 
Sci. Paris, 1854, 38, 336-344; 366-370; 
421-424. 1854.1 

Duvernoy, Georges Louis, Duméril, 
André Marie Constant, & Flourens, 
Marie Jean Pierre. See Dumeéril, 
Flourens & Duvernoy. 

D’yakonov, K.S. Ueber die phos- 
phorhaltigen K6rper der Hiihner- und 
Storeier. Med. Chem. Untersuch., 
1866, 1, 221-227. — Zeitschr. Chemie, 
4, 154. 1866.1 

Dybowski, Benedikt Ivan [1834 —] 
Versuch einer Monographie der Cy- 
prinoiden Livlands, nebst emer synop- 
tischen Aufzihlung der europiéischen 
Arten dieser Familie. Arch. Naturk. 
Biol. Dorpat, 1864, 2. ser. 6, 133-362. 
Also separate; Dorpat, 1862. 8°, 1864.1 

Vorliufige Mittheilungen iiber 
die Fischfauna des Ononflusses und des 
Ingoda in Transbaikalien. Verh. Zool. 

Bot. Ver., Wien, 1869, 19, 945-958. 
5 pls. 1869.1 

Zur Kenntniss der Fischfauna 
des Amurgebietes. Verh. Zool. Bot. 
Ver., Wien, 1872, 22, 209-222. 1872.1 

Ueber Comephorus  baicalensis 
Pall. Verh. Zool. Bot. Ver., Wien, 1873, 
23, 475-484. pl. — Lotos, 1874, 24. 
Jahrg., 122-124. 1873.1 

Die Fische des Baikal-Wasser- 
systemes. Verh. Zool. Bot. Ver., Wien, 
1874, 24, 383-394. 1874.1 

Ueber den Baikalischen ‘ Fetts- 
fisch ’’ Comephorus baicalensis Lac., 
und den Jungfisch derselben Text in 
Polish} Kosmos, Lwéw, 1901, 26, 112- 
141. Abstract in Zool. Centralbl., 8, 
683-686. fig. — Journ. Roy. Mier. Soc., 
1902, 167. 1901.1 

Sur les résultats de certaines 
recherches, tant récentes qu’antéri- 
eures, concernant la faune de _ lac 
Baikal, ainsi que la question de son 
ancienneté [Text in Polish] Kosmos, 
Lwéw, 1907, 32, 1-50. — Ibid., 1908, 33, 
536-574. 1907.1 

Dybowski, Wladislav. Die mit Lun- 
gen versehenen Fische. Sitzber. Naturf. 
Ges. Dorpat, 1878, 4, 225-228. 1878.1 

Dyce, Robert. On the identity of 
Morrhua punctata and Morrhua vulgaris. 
Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1860, 3. ser. 5, 
366-369. 3 pls. 1860.1 

Notes on some peculiarities in 
the eye of the mackerel (Scomber scom- 
ber) Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1866, 3. ser. 
17, 307-309. pl. 1866.1 

Dyce, Robert, & Sim, George. Cata- 
logue of fish found in the vicinity of 
Aberdeen; with English, scientific, and 
local names. Trans. Nat. Hist. Soe. 
Aberdeen, 1878, 89-93. 1878.1 

Dyche, L. LZ. A new and enlarged 
fish hatchery for the state of Kansas. 
Trans. Amer. Fisheries Soc. 1911 (1912), 
155-180. 1912.1 

Regarding fishways and dams. 
Trans. Amer. Fisheries Soe. 1911 (1912), 
301-306. 1912.2 

The Kansas fish law. Trans. 
Amer. Fisheries Soc. 1912 (1913), 137- 
138. 1913.1 




Dyche, L. L. 

Report on progress in the con- 
struction of new pond-fish hatchery in 
Kansas. Trans. Amer. Fisheries Soc. 
1912 (1913), 145-146. 1913.2 

— One year’s work at the Kansas 
state fish hatchery. Trans. Amer. 
Fisheries Soc. 1913 (1914), aie ; 


Possibilities of an acre fish pond. 
Trans. Amer. Fisheries Soc. 1913 (1914), 
67-76. 1914.2 

Dyer, Reuben. Condition of the 
shore fisheries in Massachusetts and 
Rhode Island in 1871. Rept. U.S. Fish 
Comm. 1871-72 (1873), 1, 338. 1873.1 

Dyhrn, (Graf) Ernst. Kurze An- 
weisung zur Teichwirthschaft. Breslau, 
1782. 3pls. 8°. 1782.1 

Dykeman, J. Rk. On the impregna- 
tion of trout eggs. Trans. Amer. 
Fisheries Soc. 1873 (1874), 13-15. 7 



E., J. F. Elivien kalojen kuljettami- 
nen. Suomennos Saksasta. Helsing- 
for. 1887. 7p. 8°. 1887.1 

E. E. M. See Millard, £. EL. 

E., W. W.  Pickerel versus trout. 
Forest & Stream, 1874, 3,155. 1874.1 

Observation on pickerel causing the decrease 
of trout in Adirondack waters. 

Eagle Clarke, W.,& Young, MW. See 
Young & Eagle Clarke. 

Earl of Enniskillen. 
William Willoughby. 

Earle, Edward M. The fish pot of 
the Caribbean sea. Journ. Mar. Biol. 
Assoc., 1890, n. s. 1, 199-204. 1890.1 

Earle, H. G., & Strickland, J. 
Goodull. See Strickland «& Earle. 

Earll, R. Edward. <A report on the 
history and present condition of the 
shore cod-fisheries of cape Ann, Mass., 
together with notes on the natural 
history and artificial propagation of the 
species. Rept. U.S. Fish Comm. 1878 
(1880), 6, 685-740. 1880.1 

Statistics of the fisheries of 
Census Bull., 1881, no. 278, 

See Cole, 


The present condition of fish 
Nature, 1883, 28, 542-544. 

The Spanish mackerel, Cybium 
maculatum (Mitch.) Ag.; its natural 
history and artificial propagation, with 
an account of the origin and develop- 
ment of the fishery. Rept. U. 8. Fish 
Comm. 1880 (1883), 8, 395-426. 3 figs. 

Hatching blackfish and Span- 
ish mackerel. Bull. U. 8S. Fish Comm. 
1884, 4, 415-416. 1884.1 


The coast of Maine and _ its 
fisheries (In The fisheries and fishery 
industries of the United States, edited 
by George Brown Goode, pt. 1, p. 5-102. 
Washington, 1887) - 1887.1 

— Eastern Florida and its fisheries 
(In The fisheries and fishery industries 
of the United States, edited by George 
Brown Goode, p. 519-531. Washington, 
1887) 1887.2 

— The fisheries of South Carolina 
and Georgia (In The fisheries and 
fishery industries of the United States, 
edited by George Brown Goode, pt. 13, 
p. 499-518. Washington, 1887) 


The herring fishery and the 
sardine industry (In The fisheries and 
fishery industries of the United States, 
edited by George Brown Goode, sect. 5, 
1, 419-524. 30pls. Washington, 1887) 

Maryland and its fisheries (In 
The fisheries and fishery industries of 
the United States, edited by George 
Brown Goode, p. 421-448. Washington, 
1887) 1887.5 

— New Jersey and its fisheries 
(In The fisheries and fishery industries 
of the United States, edited by George 
Brown Goode, p. 379-400. Washington, 
1887): 1887.6 

North Carolina and its fisheries 
(In The fisheries and fishery industries 
of the United States, edited by George 
Brown Goode, p. 475-497. Washington, 
1887) 1887.7 

Pennsylvania and its fisheries 
(In The fisheries and fishery industries 
of the United States, edited by George 
Brown Goode, p. 400-405. Washington, 
1887) 1887.8 

The Spanish mackerel fishery 
(In The fisheries and fishery industries 
of the United States, edited by George 
Brown Goode, sect. 5, 1, 548-552. pil. 
Washington, 1887) 1887.9 

State fish commissioners. Trans. 
Amer. Fisheries Soc. 1887 (1888), 23-28. 

Earll, R. Edward, Goode, George 

Brown, Collins, J. W., & Clark, A. H. 
See Goode, Collins «& others. 


Earll, R. Edward, & Smith, Hugh 
McCormick. The American sardine 
industry in 1886. Bull. U. S. Fish 

Comm. 1887 (1889), 7, 161-192. 1889.1 

Eastman, Charles Rochester [1868 —] 
For list of writings, see Ann. Rept. Mus. 
Comp. Zool. Harv. Coll., 1895-1909; 
Johns Hopkins Uniy. Circular, 1913, 
no. 10, 36-38. 

Beitrige zur Kenntniss_ der 
Gattung Oxyrhina, mit besonderer 
Beriicksichtigung von Oxyrhina mantelli 
Agassiz. Paleontogr., 1894, 41, 149- 
191. 2 pls. 1894.1 

(translator) History of instruc- 
tion in geology and paleontology in 
German universities, by Karl A. von 

Zittel. Amer. Geologist, 1894, 14, 179- 
185. 1894.2 

Observations on the dorsal 
shields in the dinichthyids. Amer. 
Geologist, 1896, 18, 222-223. 1896.1 

Preliminary note on the rela- 
tions of certain body-plates in the 
dinichthyids. Amer. Journ. Sci., 1896, 
4. ser. 2, 46-50. 1896.2 

Remarks on Petalodus alleghani- 
ensis Leidy. Journ. Geol., 1896, 4, 174— 
176. 1896.3 

—— [Review of] On the vertebral 
column, fins and central armoring of 
Dinichthys, by Bashford Dean. Amer. 
Geologist, 1896, 18, 316-317. 1896.4 

(Review of] Unter-Tertiire Se- 
lachier aus Siidrussland, von Dr. Otto 
Jaekel. Amer. Geologist, 1896, 17, 
245-247. 1896.5 

Daniel Denison Slade ;Memorial 
notice with lst of writings; New Eng. 
Hist. Gen. Register, 1897, 51, 1-14. 
On Ctenacanthus spines from 
the Keokuk limestone of Iowa. Amer. 
Journ. Sci., 1897, 4. ser. 3, 10-12. 2 figs. 
On the characters of Macropeta- 
lichthys. Amer. Naturalist, 1897, 31, 
493-499. pl. & fig. 1897.3 

On the occurrence of fossil fishes 
in the Devonian of Iowa. 7. Ann. Rept. 
Iowa Geol. Surv., 1897, 108-116. pl. 
Review by C. R. Keyes in Amer. Geologist, 
£2, 237-239. 



On the relations of certain 
plates in the dinichthyids, with de- 
scriptions of new species. Bull. Mus. 
Comp. Zool. Harv. Coll., 1897, 31, 19-41. 
5 pls. 1897.5 

- Tamiobatis vetustus, a new form 
of fossil skate. Amer. Journ. Sci., 1897, 
4. ser. 4, 85-90. pl. & fig. 1897.6 

Agassiz’s work on fossil fishes. 
Amer. Naturalist, 1898, 32, 170-185. 

Dentition of Devonian Ptycto- 
dontide. Amer. Naturalist, 1898, 32, 
473-488; 545-560. 50 figs. 1898.2 

Some new points in dinichthyid 
osteology. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Adv. 
Sci., 1898, 47, 371-372. — Amer. Natu- 
ralist, 1898, 32, 747-768. 6 figs. — 
Science, n. s. 8, 400-401. 1898.3 

Descriptions of new species of 
Diplodus teeth from the Devonian of 
north-eastern Illinois. Journ. Geol., 
1899, 7, 489-493. pl. 1899.1 

Notes on fossil fishes found in 
the Devonian at Milwaukee, Wisconsin. 
Journ. Geol., 1899, 7, 278, 283. 1899.2 

Report on the department of 
vertebrate paleontology (Records the 
discovery of Dinichthys pustulosus} 
Ann. Rept. Mus. Comp. Zool. Harv. 
Coll., 1898-99 (1899), 15-16. 1899.3 

Some new American fossil fishes. 
Science, 1899, n. s. 9, 624-644. 1899.4 

Upper Devonian fish-fauna of 
Delaware county, New York. 17. Ann. 
Rept. N. Y. State Geol., 1899, 318-327. 
—51. Ann. Rept. N. Y. State Mus., 
1899, 2, 318-327. 1899.5 

Dentition of some Devonian 
fishes. Journ. Geol., 1900, 8, 32-41. 7 
figs. 1900.1 

The dental organs of Dinichthys, Dipterus, 
and Cladodus are described. 

Fossil lepidosteids . from the 
Green river shales of Wyoming. Bull. 
Mus. Comp. Zool. Harv. Coll., 1900, 36, 

67-75. 2 pls. 1900.2 
— Jurassic fishes from Black hills 
of South Dakota. Bull. Geol. Soe. 

America, 1899 (1900), 10, 397-408. 4 
pls. & 2 figs. 1900.3 

Karpinsky’s genus Helicoprion. 
Amer. Naturalist, 1900, 34, 579-582. 
fig. 1900.4 


— New fossil bird and fish remains 
from the Middle Eocene of Wyoming. 
Geol. Mag., 1900, 4. dec. 7, 54-58. pl. 


Devonian fish-remains from the 
Eifel district (Comment on article by 
Baron F. von Huene] Amer. Geologist, 
1900, 25, 391-392. 1900.6 

: (Review of} The Devonian “‘lam- 
prey,”’ Paleospondylus gunni. Traquair, 
by Bashford Dean. Journ. Geol., 1900, 
8, 286-289. 1900.7 

Einige neue Notizen iiber de- 
vonische Fischreste aus der Eifel. 
Centralbl. Mineral., 1900 (1901), 177— 
178. 1901.1 

Systematic paleontology of the 
Eocene deposits of Maryland (Pisces) 
Maryland Geol. Surv., 1901, 98-115. 
4 pls. 1901.2 

On Campodus, Edestus, Helico- 
prion, Acanthodes, and other Permo- 
Carboniferous sharks. Abstract in Sci- 
ence, 1901, n.s. 14, 795. — Scient. Amer. 

Suppl., 52, 21505. 1901.3 

(Review of] Paleontological 
notes, by Bashford Dean. Amer. 
Naturalist, 1901, 35, 417-420. 1901.4 

(Review of] Traquair’s Brad- 
ford presidential address, 1900. Amer. 
Naturalist, 1901, 35, 327-330. 1901.5 

The Carboniferous fish-fauna of 
Mazon creek, Illinois. Journ.. Geol., 
1902, 10, 535-541. 4 figs. 1902.1 

Notice of interesting new forms 
of Carboniferous fish-remains. Amer. 
Naturalist, 1902, 36, 849-854. 2 figs. 


On Campyloprion, a new form 
of Edestus-like dentition. Geol. Mag., 
1902, 4. dec. 9, 148-152. pl. & 3 figs. 

— On the genus Peripristis St. 
John. Geol. Mag., 1902, 4. dec. 9, 388- 
391. 2 figs. 1902.4 

(Review of] The structure and 
classification of the Tremataspide by 
William Patten. Amer. Naturalist, 
1902, 36, 505-507. 1902.5 

Phylogeny of the cestraciont 
group of sharks. Abstract in Science, 
1902, n. s. 16, 267. 1902.6 

Some Carboniferous cestraciont 
and acanthodian sharks. Bull. Mus. 

Comp. Zool. Harv. Coll., 1902, 39, 55- 
99. 7 pls. & 14 figs. 1902.7 

Some hitherto unpublished ob- 
servations of Orestes St. John on 
Palzozoic fishes. Amer. Naturalist, 1902, 
36, 653-659. 4 figs. 1902.8 

Synopsis of the Missourian and 
Permo-Carboniferous fish-fauna of Kan- 
sas and Nebraska. Abstract in Science, 
1902, n. s. 16, 266-267. 1902.9 

(editor) Textbook of palzon- 

tology, by Karl A. von Zittel. Vol. II 

(Vertebrates exclusive of mammals) 
London, 1902. viii, 283 p.  illust. 


Pisces, revised by A. S. Woodward, p. 2-114. 

Carboniferous fishes from the 
central western states. Bull. Mus. 
Comp. Zool. Harv. Coll., 1903, 39, 
163-226. 5 pls. & 17 figs. 1903.1 

(Discussion of views concerning 
alleged appendages of Tremataspis) 
Amer. Naturalist, 1903, 37, 573-877. 
2 figs. 1903.2 

Devonian fish-fauna of lowa. 
Abstract in Bull. Geol. Soc. Amer., 
IGOR ASE Sif 1903.3 

On the nature of Edestus and 
related forms (with bibliography) (In 
Mark anniversary volume, New York, 
1903, p. 279-289. pl.) 1903.4 

—— A peculiar modification amongst 
Permian dipnoans {Sagenodus] Amer. 
Naturalist, 1903, 37, 493-495. 2 figs. 


Sharks’ teeth and _ cetacean 
bones from the Red Clay of the tropical 
Pacific (In Reports on the scientific 
results of the expedition to the tropical 
Pacific, in charge of Alexander Agassiz, 
in the U. 8S. Fish Commission steamer 
“« Albatross,’ from August, 1899, to 
March, 1900. No. 5) Mem. Mus. 
Comp. Zool. Harv. Coll., 1903, 26, 
179-191. 3 pls. & 5 figs. 1903.6 

Asterolepid appendages. Amer. 
Journ. Sci., 1904, 4. ser. 18, 141-144. 

— Descriptions of Bolca fishes. 
Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. Harv. Coll., 
1904, 46, 1-36. 2 pls. & 4 figs. 1904.2 

The earliest mention of fossil 
fishes. Science, 1904, n. s. 20, 648-649. 


Eastman, C. R. 

Further light on the Trematas- 

pide (Discussion of views of William 

Patten] Science, 1904, n. s. 19, 397. 

Jordan on fossil labroid and 
cheetodont fishes. Science, 1904, n. s. 
20, 245-246. 1904.5 

Jurassic fishes from Spanish 
lithographic limestone. Review of 
contribution by H. E. Sauvage, entitled 
‘“‘ Noticia sobre los peces de la Caliza 
litogréfica de la Provincia de Lérida.”’ 
Science, 1904, n. s. 19, 397. 1904.6 

Marginal and ridge-scales in 
Cephalaspis and Drepanaspis. Science, 
1904, n. s. 19, 703-704. 1904.7 

On the dentition of Rhynchodus 
and other fossil fishes. Amer. Natural- 
ist, 1904, 38, 295-299. 2 figs. 

On Upper Devonian fish-re- 
mains from Colorado. Amer. Journ. 
Sci., 1904, 4. ser. 18, 253-260. 6 figs. 


Paleontology. — Walther’s So- 
lenhofen fauna. — Karl Alfred von Zit- 
tel: ein Nachruf tvon J. F. Pompecky) 
Amer. Naturalist, 1904, 38, 677-678. 


Tertiary elasmobranchs from 
southern Italy Review of paper by 
Maria Pasquale} Science, 1904, n. s. 19, 
396. 1904.11 

Systematic paleontology of the 
Miocene deposits of Maryland (Pisces) 
Maryland Geol. Surv., 1904, 71-93. 
27 pls. 1904.12 



Varie auctoritatis. 
1904, n. s. 20, 215-217. 
Note on Joinville’s mention of Cretaceous 

fishes from Lebanon, and reference to Albert 
Fortis on Eocene fishes of monte Bolea, Italy. 

Archeological notes; ichthyo- 
logical names. Science, 1905, n. s. 22, 
23s 1905.1 

A brief general account of fossil 
fishes. Rept. Geol. Surv. New Jersey, 
1904 (1905), 27-66. 1905.2 

The literature of Edestus. Amer. 
Naturalist, 1905, 39, 405-409. 1905.3 

Notes on the history of natural 
science; Oppian on fishing. Subterra- 
nean fishes. Roman ichthyology. Sci- 

ence, 1905, n. s. 21, 516-517. 1905.4 
Peter Artedi. Science, 1905, 
n. s. 22, 378-379. 1905.5 

1904.13 - 


— The Triassic fishes of New Jer- 
sey. Rept. Geol. Surv. New Jersey, 
1904 (1903), 67-102. pls. 1905.6 

Les types de poissons fossiles du 
Monte Bolea au Muséum d’Histoire 
Naturelle de Paris. Mém. Soc. Géol., 
Paris, 1905, 18, no. 34, 1-33. 5 pls. & 
fig. 1905.7 

Dipnoan affinities of arthrodires. 
Amer. Journ. Sci., 1906, 4. ser. 21, 131- 
143. 4 figs. 1906.1 

Notes on the history of natural 

science. Hippocratean fishes. Science, 
1906, n. s. 28, 194-195. 1906.2 
Sharks’ teeth and cetacean 

bones (In Reports on the scientific 
results of the expedition to the eastern 
tropical Pacific, in charge of Alexander 
Agassiz, by the U. S. Fish Commission 
steamer ‘‘ Albatross,’ from October, 
1904, to March, 1905) Bull. Mus. 
Comp. Zool. Harv. Coll., 1906, 50, 73- 
98. 4 pls. 1906.3 

Structure and relations of My- 
lostoma. Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. 
Harv. Coll., 1906, 50, 1-30. 5 pls. & 
8 figs. 1906.4 

Devonic fishes of the New York 
formations. Mem. N. Y. State Mus., 
1907, 10, 1-235. 15 pls. & 35 figs. 1907.1 

Review by L. Hussakof in Science, 1908, n. s. 
28, 311-313 

Mo loeioned dentition. Bull. 
Mus. Comp. Zool. Harv. Coll., 1907, 50, 
209-228. pl. & 4 figs. 1907.2 
Palatal dentition of Dinomylostoma de- 
scribed as consisting of three paired elements. 

— Devonian fishes of Iowa. 18. 
Ann. Rept. Iowa Geol. Surv. 1907 (1908), 
29-386. 16 pls. & 41 figs. 1908.1 

Description of the auditory organ and other 
soft parts ¢ of Rhadinichthys deani, by G. H. Par- 
ker, p. 272 

The discov ery of similar fossilized remains 
from the Caney shale of Oklahoma is reported in 
Bull. Geol. Soc. Amer., 1913, 24, 119-120. 

Notice of a new eccelacanth fish 

from the Iowa Kinderhook. Journ. 
Geol., 1908, 357-362. 1908.2 
Jean Albert Gaudry. Science, 
1909, n. s. 29, 138-140. 1909.1 
Mylostomid dental plates. Sci- 
ence, 1909, n. s. 29, 997-998. 1909.2 
weslbetend palatal dental 

plates. Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. Harv. 
Coll., 1909, 52, 261-269. 3 figs. 1909.3 
Dinognathus interpreted as a compound 

crushing element homologous w ith the anterior 
pair in Mylostoma. 

wy aks 


A new species of Helodus. Ann. 
Carnegie Mus., 1909, 5, 488-489. 1909.4 

Catalog of fossil fishes in the 
Carnegie Museum. Part I. Fishes from 
the Upper Eocene of monte Bolca. 
Mem. Carnegie Mus., 1911, 4, 349-441. 
11 pls. & 5 figs. 1911.1 

Part ii. Supplement to the catalog of fishes 
from the Upper Eocene of Monte Bolea. Mem. 
Carnegie Mus., 1914, 6, no. 5. 6 pls. 

Part ili. Catalog of fossil fishes from the 
lithographic stone of Cerin, France. Tom. cit., 
no. 6. 9 pls. 

Part iv. Descriptive catalog of fossil fishes 
from the lithographic stone of Solenhofen, 
Bavaria. Tom. cit.,no.7. 16 pls. 

Jurassic saurian remains in- 
gested within fish. Ann. Carnegie Mus., 
1911, 8, 182-187. 2 pls. 1911.2 

New elasmobranchs from Solen- 
hofen in the Carnegie Museum. Amer. 
Journ. Sci., 1911, 4. ser. 31, 399-404. 
3 pls. 1911:3 

Paleontology. — Fishes (Record 
of progress during the year] Amer. Year 
Book 1910 (1911) 1911.4 

Similar reviews for the years 1911-1915 are 
found in subsequent volumes of the same annual. 

Triassic fisnes of Connecticut. 

Connecticut State Geol. Nat. Hist. 
Surv., 1911, Bull. no. 18, 1-77. 11 pls. 
«& 8 figs. 1911.5 

— Mesozoic and Cenozoic fishes 
(Summary of recent literature} Bull. 
Geol. Soc. America, 1912, 23, 228-232. 


Tertiary fish-remains from Span- 
ish Guinea in west Africa. Ann. Carne- 
gie Mus., 1912, 8, 370-378. 2 pls. 


Notes on Triassic fishes belong- 
ing to the families Catopteride and 
Semionotide. Ann. Carnegie Mus., 
1914, 9, 139-148. 2 pls. 1914.1 

Columbus on the Remora. Co- 
peia, 1915, no. 19, 11-12. 1915.1 

—— Dipterus remains from the Upper 
Devonian of Colorado. Ann. Carnegie 
Mus., 1915, 9, 279-284. figs. 1915.2 

Early figures of the Remora. 
Nature, 1915, 95, 344-345. figs. 1915.3 

See also articles on the Reversus and Hippo- 
campus in Sci. Monthly, 3, 31-46, and Rept. 
Smithson. Inst. 1915 (1916), 349-357. 

Eastway, R. H. Where I keep my 
fish. Aquar. Australia, 1911, 6-8. figs. 

Eaton, George Francis [1872 —]| Notes 



on the collection of Triassic fishes at 
Yale. Amer. Journ. Sci., 1903, 4. ser. 
15, 259-268. 2 pls. 1903.1 

Eayrs, Winslow. Correspondence on 
the subject of the sea fisheries. Rept. 
U. S. Fish Comm. 1871-72 (1873), 1, 
136. 1873.1 

Ebel, J. Gottlieb. |Observationes 
nevrologice ex anatome comparata. 
Frankfurt-a.-O., 1788. 8°. Reprinted 
in Seriptores nevrologici minores (Lud- 
wig), 3, 148. 1788.1 

Ebeling, Christian W. Ueber die 
Fischfauna der Magdeburger Gegend. 
Blatt. Handel, Gewerbe u. Soe. Leben, 
Magdeburg, 1871, no. 27, 213-214. 


Vergleich der Fischfauna von 
Magdeburg mit der béhmischen. 1. & 2. 
Jahresber. Naturwiss. Ver. Magdeburg, 
6. Sitz., Juni, 1871. 1871.2 

Eben, Ueber Karpfenzucht, 
hauptsichlich mit Bezug auf unsere 
Landwirthschaft. Ber. Fischerei Ver. 
Prov. Ost u. West Preussen, 1877, no. 3, 
2-4. — Deutsch. Fischerei Zeitg., 1879, 
2. Jahrg., 110-112. — Rept. U.S. Fish 
Comm. 1878 (1880), 6, 667-670. 1877.1 

Ueber Anlage von Karpfentei- 
chen. Ber. Fischerei Ver. Prov. Ost u. 
West Preussen, 1878, no. 5, 4-5. 1878.1 

Eberhard, K. Die Fortpflanzung 
des Aales. Gartenlaube, Leipzig, 1874, 
120. figs. 1874.1 

Eberth, C. J. Ueber das Darmepi- 
thel des Cobitis (Misgurnus) fossilis. 
Naturwiss. Zeitschr., Wirzburg, 1862, 
3, 44-45. 1862.1 

Zur Kenntniss der Blutplatt- 
chen bei den niederen Wirbelthieren 
(In Kolliker, A. von. Festschrift zur 
Feier seines siebenzigsten Geburtstages 
| ae nOs. 25. Po.oi—48., pl. ~Jbeipzig; 
1887. 4°.) 1887.1 

Eberth, C. J., & Bunge, Rk. Die 
Nerven der Chromatophoren bei Fi- 
schen. Arch. Mikrosk. Anat., 1895, 46, 
370-378. 2 pls. 1895.1 

Eberts, Die internationale 
Fischerei-Ausstellung in Wien im Sep- 
tember 1902. Allgem. Forstzeitg. 
Frankfurt-a.-M., 1903, 79, 60-64. 


Die Fischerei in den Talsperren. 
Allgem. Forstzeitg. Frankfurt-a.-M., 
1911, 87, 334-338. 1911.1 


Ebner, Victor von. Ueber die Schleim- 
absonderung an der Oberhaut der 
Forellenembryonen.. Anz. Akad. Wiss. 
Wien, 1886, 23, 57-58. 1886.1 

Die Chorda dorsalis der niederen 
Fische und die Entwicklung des fibril- 
laren Bindegewebes. Zeitschr. Wiss. 
Zool., 1896, 62, 469-526. 2pls. 1896.1 

Ueber den Bau des Chorda 
dorsalis des Amphiorus lanceolatus. 
Sitzber. Akad. Wiss. Wien, math.-nat. 
Cl., 1896, 104, 199-228. 4pls. 1896.2 

Ueber den feineren Bau der 
Chorda dorsalis der Cyclostomen. Sitz- 
ber. Akad. Wiss. Wien, math.-nat. CL, 
1896, 104, pt. 3, 7-16. fig. 1896.3 

Ueber den feineren Bau der 
Chorda dorsalis von Acipenser. Sitzber. 
Akad. Wiss. Wien, math.-nat. Cl., 1896, 
104, pt. 3, 149-159. 1896.4 

Ueber den feineren Bau der 
Chorda dorsalis von Myxine, nebst 
weiteren Bemerkungen iiber die Chorda 
von Ammoccetes. Sitzber. Akad. Wiss. 
Wien, math.-nat. Cl., 1896, 104, pt. 3, 
124-139. fig. 1896.5 

Ueber die ,Chordascheiden der 
Fische. Verh. Anat. Gesell., 1896, 10, 
128-130. 1896. 6 

Ueber die Wirbel der Knochen- 
fische und die Chorda dorsalis der 
Fische und Amphibien. Sitzber. Akad. 
Wiss. Wien, math.-nat. Cl., 1896, 105, 
pt. 3, 123-161. 4 pls. & fig. 1896.7 

Eckardt, George. Carp propagation 
and blue carp. Bull. U. 8. Fish Comm. 

1882 (1883), 2, 168. 1883.1 

Eckardt, Fk. Bericht iiber die 
weiteren LErfolge meiner Mardnen- 
zucht, im Anschluss an den _ vorig- 
jahrigen Bericht. Cireul. Deutsch. 

Fischerei Ver. 1874 (1875), no. 6, 237— 
241. 1875.1 

Bericht itiber weitere Versuche 
der Zucht der grossen Marine des 
Madii-Sees mittels kiinstlich befruchte- 
ten Laiches. Circul. Deutsch. Fischerei 
Ver. 1876 (1877), no. 6, 238-239. 1877.1 

Bericht iiber die im Auftrage des 
deutschen Fischerei-Vereins im Jahre 
1876 angestellten Versuche zur Vermeh- 
rung der Maifische, sowie iiber die 
Fortsetzung und gliickliche Ausfiihrung 
dieser Versuche im Jahre 1877. Cireul. 
Deutsch. Fischerei Ver. 1877 (1878), 
no. 5, 139-149. 1878.1 

Bericht itiber die  weiteren 
Erfolge der Madue-Mariinenzucht. Cir- 
cul. Deutsch. Fischerei Ver. 1877 (1878), 
no. 7, 204-206. 1878.2 

Madii-See-Mariine, Coregonus 
maraena (C. lavaretus} Deutsch. Fische- 
rei Zeitg., 1878, 1. Jahrg., 10-12. 


Ankunft Californischer Lachs- 
eier. Deutsch. Fischerei Zeitg., .1879, 
2. Jahrg., 366. 1879.1 

Bericht iiber die mit Versendung 
von angebriiteten Karpfen-Eiern wie 
Karpfenbrut erzielten Erfolge. Cireul. 
Deutsch. Fischerei Ver., 1879, no. 4, 
111-115. 1879.2 

Bericht iiber Transport von hoch 
embryonirten Edelfischeiern mit Schnee- 
verpackung. Circul. Deutsch. Fische- 
rei Ver., 1879, no. 3, 106-107. 1879.3 

The experiments in propagating 

the maifische (Alosa vulgaris) in 1876 

and 1877. Rept. U. S. Fish Comm. 
1877 (1879), 5, 853-866. 1879.4 

Ein neues bewihrtes Verfahren 
fiir den sicheren Versandt der Edelfisch- 
brut, ohne Transportfiihrer mit Luft- 
pumpe. Circul. Deutsch. Fischerei Ver., 
1879, no. 4, 131-132. 1879.5 

— Bericht iiber Karpfenvermeh- 
rung. Circul. Deutsch. Fischerei Ver., 
1880, no. 1, 21-23. 1880.1 

— The peculiarities of blue ee 
Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1881 Ca ‘ 
389-390. 1882.1 

Report on the propagation and 
growth of ces Rept. U.S. Fish Comm. 
1879 (1882), 8, 671-673. 1882.2 

Ecker, Alexander [1816-1887] Flim- 
merbewegung im Gehororgan von Petro- 
myzon marinus. Arch. Anat. (Miiller), 
1844, 520-521. figs. 1844.1 

Einige Beobachtungen iiber die 
Entwicklung der Nerven des elektri- 
schen Organs von Torpedo galvanii. 
Zeitschr. Wiss. Zool., 1849, 1, Aan “ 

Ueber Bewegungserscheinungen 
an den Furchungskugeln des Fischeies. 
Froriep’s Tagsber. (Zool.), 1852, no. 568, 
3, 78-80. 1852.1 

Anatomische Beschreibung des 
Gehirns vom karpfenihnlichen Nil- 
Hecht (Mormyrus cyprinus) Leipzig, 
1854. figs. 4°. 1854.1 

Ueber die Flimmerzellen im Edgell, EH. Wyatt. See Wyatt- 
Gehororgan der Cyclostomen. Be- Edgell, Z. 

richte Verh. Naturw. Ges. Freiburg, 
1854, 1, 29-32. 1854.2 

Ueber das elektrische Organ von 
Mormyrus dorsalis. Berichte Verh. 
Naturw. Ges. Freiburg, 1855, 1, 176- 
178. 1855.1 

Ueber den elektrischen Nerven 
des Zitterwelses. Zeitschr. Wiss. Zool., 
1855, 6, 140-142. 1855.2 

Untersuchungen zur Ichthyo- 
logie. Freiburg-in-Breisgau, 1857. pls. 
4°. 1857.1 

Ueber das elektrische Organ der 
Mormyri. Berichte Verh. Naturw. Ges. 

Freiburg, 1858, 1, 472-477. 1858.1 
Eckhard, Conrad [1822—] Ein 
Beitrag zur Physiologie des elektrischen 

Organes beim Zitterrochen. Beitr. 
Anat. Physiol. (Eckhard), 1858, 1, 157— 
179. pl. 1858.1 

Ueber die Endigungsweise der 
Nerven in den Schleimkanidlen des Zit- 
terrochen. Beitr. Anat. Physiol. (Eck- 
hard), 1858, 1, 85-54. 1858.2 

Notiz tiber die Ursachen der 
Bewegung des Caudalherzens des Aales. 
Beitr. Anat. Physiol. (Eckhard), 1863, 
3, 167-169. 1863.1 

Eckstein, D. The fisheries of Am- 
sterdam in 1882. Rept. U.S. Fish 
Comm. 1883 (1885), 13, 1192-1194. 


Eckstein, Karl. Kaulquappen als 
' Forellenfutter. Fischerei-Zeitg., Neu- 
damm, 1901, 4, 595-596. 1901.1 

—— Fischerei und Fischzucht. Leip- 
zig, 1902. 143 p. 16° (Sammlung 
Géschen, no. 156) 1902.1 

Die geographische Verbreitung 
der Fische Mitteleuropas. Deutsch. 
Fischerei-Zeitg., 1905, 28, 375-376. — 
Stenogr. Protok. Verh. Intern. Fisch.- 
Kongr. Wien, 1905, 112-115. 1905.1 

Die Fischerei-Verhiltnisse der 
Provinz Brandenburg zu Anfang des 20. 
Jahrhunderts nebst Fischereikarte in 8 
Blittern im Auftrage des Fischerei- 
Vereins bearbeitet. II. Die Gewiisser 
der Provinz Brandenburg in alphabeti- 
scher Reihe und deren Fischereilichen 
Verhiltnisse. Berlin, 1908, vii, 275 p. 

Edgeworth, F. H. The develop- 
ment of the head muscles in Scylliwm 
canicula. Journ. Anat. Physiol., Lon- 
don, 1902, 37 (2. ser. 17), 73-86. 7 pls. 


On the morphology of the 
cranial muscles in some vertebrates 
(including fishes} Quart. Journ. Micr. 
Sci., London, 1911, 56, pt. 2, 167-316. 
99 figs. 1911.1 

Edinburgh, Duke of. Notes on the 
sea fisheries and fishing population of 
the United Kingdom (In _ Intern. 
Fisheries Exhib. Lit., London, 1883. 

Conferences, 4) 1883.1 

Edinger, Ludwig. Ueber die Schleim- 
haut des Fischdarmes. Bonn, 1876. 
2 pls. 8°. 1876.1 

Ueber die Bedeutung des Corpus 
striatum. Deutsch. Med. Wochenschr., 
1887, no. 26. 1887.1 

Untersuchungen iiber die ver- 
gleichende Anatomie des Gehirns. I. 
Das Yorderhirn des Ammoccetes, Tele- 
ostier, Selachier, ete. Abh. Sencken- 
berg. Naturf. Ges., Frankfurt-a.-M., 
1888, 15, pt. 3, 91-122. 4 pls. Ab- 
stract in Anat. Anz., 1892, 7. Jahrg., 
472-476. 1888.1 

Vorlesungen iiber den Bau der 
nervosen Centralorgane. 4. ed. Leip- 
zig, 1893. 145 figs. 8°. 1893.1 

Vergleichend-anatomische und 
entwickelungsgeschichtliche Studien im 
Bereiche der Hirnanatomie. IV. Die 
Faserung aus dem Stammganglion 
Corpus striatum; vergleichend-anato- 
misch und experimentell untersucht. 
Anat. Anz., 1894, 9. Jahrg., 53-60. 4 figs. 

Untersuchungen uber die ver- 
gleichende Anatomie des Gehirns. II. 
Das Zwischenhirn der Selachier und der 
Amphibien. Abh. Senckenberg. Naturf. 
Ges., Frankfurt-a.-M., 1895, 18, 1-55. 
5 pls. 1895.1 

Die Entwicklung der Gehirn- 
bahnen in der Tierreihe. Deutsche 
Med. Wochenschr., 1896, no. 39. 1896.1 

Haben die Fische ein Gedicht- 
nis? Das Ergebnis einer Enquete. 
Allgem. Fischerei Zeitg., Miinchen 
(Suppl.), 1899, 241-242. — Rept. Smith- 
son. Instit., 1899, 275-394. — Ber. 


Edinger, L. 
Senckenberg. Naturf. Ges., Frankfurt- 
a.-M., 1900, cvii—cxvi. 1899.1 

Das Cerebellum von Scylliwm 
canicula. Arch. Mikros. Anat., 1901, 
58, 661-678. 2 pls. 1901.1 

Vorlesungen iiber den Bau der 
nervosen Centralorgané. 7. ed. Leip- 
zig, 1904. 1904.1 

Die Deutung des Vorderhirnes 
bei Petromyzon. Anat. Anz., 1905, 26. 
Jahrg., 633-635. 1905.1 

Einiges vom Gehirn des Am- 
phioxus. Anat. Anz., 1906, 28. Jahrg., 
417-428. 15 figs. 1906.1 

Ueber das Gehirn von Myzxine 
glutinosa. Abh. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, 
1906, no. 1, 1-36. 3 pls. 1906.2 

Kurze Demonstration von Hirn- 
modellen. Zentralbl. Physiol., 1907, 21, 
498. 1907.1 

The relation of comparative 
anatomy to comparative psychology. 
Journ. Comp. Neurol., 1908, 18, 487— 
457. 5 figs. 1908.1 

Ueber das Hoéren der Fische und 

anderer niederer Verbraten. Physiol. 
Centralbl., 1908, 21, 498-499. 1908.2 

Vorlesungen tiber den Bau den 
nervosen Centralorgane des Menschen 
und der Tiere. Bd. II. Vergleichende 
Anatomie des Gehirns. Leipzig, 1908. 

Ueber das Kleinhirn. Monats- 
schr. Psych. Neurol., 1910, 28, 86-87. — 

Arch. Psych., 47, 961-963. 1910.1 
Warum wir die Fische angeln 
kénnen. Das Ergebnis einer Umfrage. 
Kosmos, Stuttgart, 1911, 8. Jahrg., 
135-137. — Schweiz. Fischerei Zeitg., 
19. Jahrg., 173-175. 1911.1 
Edlund, Gustaf Wilhelm. Fiskar och 
Fiskodling. Helsingfors, 1884. 104 p. 

Kaloista ja Kalanviljelyksesta. 
Helsingissi, 1886. 64 p. 1886.1 

Edmunds, M.C. The introduction 
of salmon into American waters. Trans. 
Amer. Fisheries Soc. 1872 (1873), 32-39. 

Obstructions to the ascent of 
fish in the tributaries of lake Cham- 
plain. Rept. U.S. Fish Comm. 1872-73 
(1874); 2, 622-629. pl. 1874.1 


Los Angeles Zool. Soc., 

Edwards, Alexander McKenzie. On 
inflammation in fishes. Proc. Roy. 

Phys. Soc. Edinburgh, 1861 are 
992-935. 63.1 

Edwards, Alphonse Milne. See 
Milne-Edwards, A. 

Edwards, Arthur Mead. Life be- 
neath the waters; or the aquarium in 
America. New York, 1858. 12°. 


Edwards, Bb. J. Condition of the 
shore fisheries of Massachusetts and 
Rhode Island in 1871. Rept. U.S. Fish 
Comm. 1871-72 (1873), ik 53-59. 


Edwards, Charles Lincoln. <A pre- 
liminary plan for the Los Angeles 
zoological park and aquarium. Proce. 
1912, 1, 1-20. 

7 figs. 1912.1 
Edwards, Charles L., & Jordan, 
David Starr. See Jordan & Edwards. 

Edwards, George [1694-1773] Glean- 
ings of natural history, exhibiting fig- 
ures of quadrupeds, birds, insects, 
plants, ete.; most of which have not, till 

now, been either figured or described. 
3 vols. London, 1758-64. 150 pls. 4°. 

Fishes, vol. ii, p. 153-160. pls. 282-284. 

Second title-page in French, and English and 
French text in parallel columns. 

A eatalogue of the birds, beasts, 
fishes, insects, plants, ete., contained in 

Edwards’ Natural history . . with 
their Latin names, ete. London, 1776. 
See Linneus, C. 1776.1 

Edwards, Henri Milne [1800-1885] 
Eléments de zoologie. Oiseaux, rep- 
tiles, poissons. Paris, 1835. 8°. 1835.1 

Remarques sur les affinités na- 
turelles du Lepidosiren. Ann. Sci. Nat. 
(Zool.), 1840, 2. sér: 14, 159-162. — 
Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1841, 5, 466-468. 

- Rapport sur la pisciculture. 
Ann. Sci. Nat. (Zool.), 1850, 2. sér. 14, 
53-67. 1850.1 

Legons sur la physiologie et 
l’anatomie comparée de homme et des 
animaux. 14 vols. Paris, 1857-80. 
8°. 1857.1 

Report on artificial fish-culture, 
and on stocking barren and impover- 
ished rivers with fish artificially hatched. 
(In Garlick, Theodatus. <A treatise on 


the artificial propagation of certain 
kinds of fish, 1857, 35-54. 8°) 1857.2 

Rapport sur un mémoire de M. 
Jobert, relatif 4 la réspiration aérienne 
de quelques poissons du Brésil. C. R. 
Acad. Sci. Paris, 1878, 86, 935-938. — 
Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1878, 5. ser. 2, 
105-108. 1878.1 

Edwards, Henri Milne, & Coste, — 
Travaux et rapports de la commission 
de pisciculture, adressés au Ministre du 
commerce. Paris, 1850. 1850.1 

Edwards, Henri Milne, Jussieu, A. 
de, & Beudant, Ff. S. See Beudant, 
Edwards & Jussieu. 

Edwards, Thomas. Another sup- 
posed new flounder. Zoologist, 1856, 
14, 5065-5066. 1856.1 

Contributions and additions to 
the fishes of Banffshire. Mag. Nat. 
Hist. & Naturalist, 1860, no. 2, 36-39. 

The tench (Vinca vulgaris) found 
in the Moray firth. Zoologist, 1862, 
20, 8138. 1862.1 

Note on the argentine (Scopelus 
humboldti; TZoologist, 1863, 21, 8463- 
8464. 1863.1 

Occurrence of Drummond’s ech- 
iodon (Echiodon drummondii (Fierasfer 
dentatus)) at Banff. Zoologist, 1863, 21, 
8495. 1863.2 

Occurrence of the dory (Zeus 
faber) at Banff. Zoologist, 1863, 21, 

8727. 1863.3 
— New British fishes. Zoologist, 
1864, 22, 9366-9371. 1864.1 

Bloch’s gurnard (Trigla blochi) 
in the Moray firth at Banff. Zoolo- 
gist, 1866, 2. ser. 1, 312. 1866.1 

Occurrence of the allice shad 
(Alosa communis {=Clupea alosaj) on 

the Aberdeenshire coast. Zoologist, 
1866, 2. ser. 1, 349. 1866.2 
A few additional particulars 

regarding Couchia edwardii. Proce. Linn. 
Soe. London (Zool.), 1870, 10, 1-4. 

The silvery hairtail (Trichiurus 
lepturus) found in the Moray firth at 
Banff. Sci. Gossip, 1876, 137. 1876.1 

Nilsson’s goby (Gobius nilssonii 
in the Moray firth} Sci. Gossip, 1876 
(1877), p. 88. 1877.1 


Morris’s_ tape-fish (Leptocepha- 
lus morristi) at Pennan, Aberdeenshire. 
Zoologist, 1878, 3. ser. 2, 60-61. 



Occurrence of the dealfish (Tra- 
chypterus arcticus) on the Banffshire 
coast. Zoologist, 1879, 3. ser. 3, 220- 
221. 1879.1 

On the occurrence of the Nor- 
wegian Argentina silus on the shore of 
the Moray firth, Banffshire. Journ. 
Linn. Soc. London (Zool.), 1881, 15, 
334-336. 1881.1 

The dorse (Gadus callarius] or 
golden cod, on the Banffshire coast. 
Zoologist, 1882, 3. ser. 6, 23. 1882.1 

Edwards, Vinal N. Report on the 
fisheries of Nantucket, Edgartown, 
Hyannis, Martha’s Vineyard, ete., in 
1871-72. Rept. U. S. Fish Comm. 
1871—72 (1873), 1, 187-192. 1873.1 

On the occurrence of the oceanic 
bonito, Orcynus pelamys (Linné) Poey, 
in Vineyard sound, Mass. Smithsonian 
Miscell. Collections, 1880, 19, 263. 


Edwards, Vinal N., & Sherwood, 
George H. See Sherwood & Edwards. 

Edwards, William H. A voyage up 
the river Amazon, including a residence 
at Parad. London, 1847. 210 p. 12°. 


Eeden, Frederik William van. De 
internationale tentoonstelling van vis- 
scherij in 1867, te ’s Gravenhage. Tijd- 
schr. Nederl. Maatsch., 1870, 11, 116- 

118. 1870.1 
, De Nederlandsche zeevischerijen 
in 1873. Tijdschr. Nederl. Maatsch., 

1875, 38 (3. ser. 16), 96-104. 1875.1 

Egerton, (Sir) Philip de Malpas Grey 
[1806-1881] On the discovery of ichthyo- 
lites in the southwestern portion of the 

North Staffordshire coal-field. Proc. 
Geol. Soc., 1835, 2, 202-203. — Phil. 
Mag., 1835, 3. ser. 7, 517. 1835.1 

Catalogue of fossil fish in the 
collections of Lord Cole and Sir Philip 
Grey Egerton, arranged alphabetically; 
with references to the localities, geolog- 
ical positions, and published descriptions 
of the species. Phil. Mag., 1836, 8, 366- 
o/d.— Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1, 487. — 
Edinb. New Phil. Journ., 1841, 31, 144. 


Egerton, P. M.G. 

A catalogue of fossil fish in the 
collections of the Earl of Enniskillen and 
Sir P. Grey Egerton. Ann. Mag. Nat. 
Hist., 1841, 7, 487-498. Also separate; 
Chester, 1841. 3p. 4°. 1841.1 

Notice on the occurrence of 
Triassic fishes in British strata. Proc. 
Geol. Soc., 1841, 3, 409-410.— Phil. Mag., 
3. ser. 19, 522. — Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 
8, 391. — Neues Jahrb. Mineral., 1843, 
p. 118. 1841.2 

On some new ganoid fishes. 
Proc. Geol. Soc., 1843, 4, 183-184. — 
Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 18, 151-152. 


On some new species of fossil 
chimeeroid fishes, with remarks on their 
general affinities. Proc. Geol. Soc., 1843, 
4, 153-157; 211.—Ann. Mag. Nat. 
Hist., 12, 467-471. Ibid., 14, 73. 
Phil. Mag., 3. ser. 24, 51. 1843.2 

On some new species of fossil 
fish, from the Oxford clay at Christian 
Malford. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1844, 
14, 513.— Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., 
1845, 1, 229-232. 1844.1 

Description of a fossil ray from 
Mount Lebanon (Cyclobatis oligodactylus) 
Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., 1845, 1, 225- 
229. 1845.1 

Description of the mouth of a 
Hybodus found by W. B. Ibbetson in the 
Isle of Wight. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., 
1845, 1, 197-198. pl. 1845.2 

On the remains of fishes found 
by Mr. Kaye and Mr. Cunliffe in 
the Pondicherry beds. Quart. Journ. 
Geol. Soe., 1845, 1, 164-171. 1845.3 

Supplement to a memoir on the 
fossil species of Chimera (Ischyodus 
gigas) Proc. Geol. Soc. London, 1846, 4, 
211-212. 1846.1 

Description of some new Ameri- 
can fishes (In Lyell, C. On the coal- 
mines of eastern Virginia) Quart. Journ. 
Geol. Soc., 1847, 3, 275-278. 1847.1 

On the nomenclature of the fossil 
chimeroid fishes. Quart. Journ. Geol. 
Soc., 1847, 3, 350-353. 1847.2 

Observations on Mr. M’Coy’s 

aper on some fossil fishes of the Car- 
boards period. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 
1848, 2. ser. 2, 189-190. 1848.1 

On Pterichthys. Quart. Journ. 
Geol. Soc., 1848, 4, 302-304. pl. 1848.2 


165. pl. 



Palichthyologie notes. Supple- 
mental to the works of Prof. Agassiz. 
Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., 1848-60. 

1. Family Cephalaspides, genus Pterichthys. 
1848, 4, 302-314. pl. 

2. On the affinities of the genus Platysomus. 
1849, 5, 329-332. fig. 

; ie On the Ganoidei heterocerci. 1850, 6, 1-10. 

4. On the affinities of the genera Tetragono- 
lepis and Dapedius. 1853, 9, 274-279; 367. pl. 

5. On two new species of placoid fishes [Cte- 
nacanthus hybodoides and Ct. nodosus] from the 
Coal measures. 1853, 9, 280-282. pl 

6. On a fossil fish [Dipteronotus cyphus] from 
the upper beds of the New Red Sandstone at 
Bromsgrove. 1854, 10, 367-371. pl. . 
7. On two new species of Lepidotus [L. longi- 
ceps and breviceps] from the Deccan. 1854, 10, 
371-374. pl. 

8. On some ichthyolites from the Nummu- 
litic limestone of the Mokattam hills, near 
Cairo. 1854, 10, 374-378. pl. 

9. On some fish-remains from the neighbour- 
hood of Ludlow. 1857, 13, 282-289. 2 pls. — 
Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 2. ser. 19, 427-428. 

10. On Paleoniscus superstes. 1858, 14, 164— 

11. Remarks on the nomenclature of the 
Devonian fishes. 1860, 16, 119-136. 9 figs. 

Observations on Mr. M’Coy’s — 
description of the tail of Diplopterus. 
Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1849, 3, 53-54. 


Description of the specimens of 
a fossil fish from the tableland of the 
Deccan, in the peninsula of India. 
Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., 1851, 7, 273. 


Fish: Elasmodus, Palzoniscus, 
Lepidotus, Pholidophorus, Ophiopsis, 
Ptycholepis, Leptolepis, Lophiostomus 
(In Figures and descriptions of British 

organic remains) Mem. Geol. Surv. 
United Kingdom, 1852, 6. dec. 10 pls. 
Se 1852.1 

Notes on the fossil fish from 
Albert mine. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., 
185339" tas: 1853.1 

Identification of the Lower Carboniferous 
fishes collected at Albert mine, New Brunswick, 
by Charles Lyell. 

On some new genera and species 
of fossil fishes. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 
1854, 13, 433-436. 1854.1 

Fish: Asteracanthus, Pholido- 
phorus, Histionotus, Aspidorhynchus, 
Ptycholepis, Oxygnathus, Pyenodus (In 
Figures and descriptions of British or- 
ganic remains) Mem. Geol. Surv. 
United Kingdom, 1855, 8. dee. 10 pls. 
8°: 1855.1 

On the unity of the genera Pleu- 
racanthus, Diplodus, and Xenacanthus, 
and on the specific distinction of the 


Permian fossil NXenacanthus dechent 
Beyrich. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1857, 
2. ser. 20, 423-424. 1857.1 

Fish: Cosmolepis, Thrissonotus, 
Pachycormus, Endactis, Centrolepis, 
Nothosomus, Pleuropholis, Megalurus, 
Macropoma (In Figures and descrip- 
tions of British organic remains) Mem. 
Geol. Surv. United Kingdom, 1858, 9. 
dec. 10 pls. 8°. 1858.1 

On Chondrosteus, an extinct 
genus of the Sturionidze, found in the 
Lias formation at Lyme Regis. Phil. 
Trans. Roy. Soe. London, 1858, 871-886. 
3 pls. Abstract in Proc. Roy. Soc. Lon- 
don, 9, 233. 1858.2 

Description of Tristichopterus, 
Acanthodes, Climatius, Diplacanthus 
and Cheiracanthus (In Figures and 
descriptions of British organic remains) 
Mem. Geol. Surv. United Kingdom, 
1861, 10. dec. 3 pls. 8°. 1861.1 

Remarks on the ichthyolites of 
Farnell road. Description of Acanthodes 
mitchelli. Rept. Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 
13. meet., 1860 (1861) (Notices & 
Abstract), 77-78. 1861.2 

On a new species of Pterichthys 
(P. macrocephalus Egerton) from the 
yellow sandstone of Farlow, county 
Salop. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., 1862, 
18, 103-106. pl. & 3 figs. 1862.1 

On some ichthyolites (Myriolepis 
clarkei, Cleithrolepis granulatus, Paleo- 
niscus antipodeus) from New South 
Wales. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., 1864, 
20, 1-5. 1864.1 

On a new species of Acanthodes 
(A. wardi) from the coal-shales of Long- 
ton. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., 1866, 22, 
468-470. — Phil. Mag., 31, 546-547. 


On the characters of some new 
fossil fish from the Lias of Lyme Regis. 
Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., 1868, 24, 499- 
505. —-Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 3. ser. 2, 
459. — Phil. Mag., 37, 152-153. — Geol. 
Mag., 5, 389-390. 1868.1 

Alphabetical catalogue of type 
specimens of fossil fishes in the collection 
of Sir Philip de Malpas Grey Egerton, 
Bart., at Oulton Park. Geol. Mag., 
1869, 6, 408-413. 1869.1 

On two new species of Gyrodus: 
G. goweri and G. coccoderma. Quart. 
Journ. Geol. Soc., 1869, 25, 379-386. 5 
figs. — Phil. Mag., 39, 387. 1869.2 



On a new chimeroid fish (Ischy- 
odus orthorhinus @) from the Lias of 
Lyme Regis. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., 
1871, 27, 275-278. pl. — Phil. Mag., 42, 
315. 1871.1 

Fish: Heterolepidotus, Isoco- 
lum, Osteorachis, Platysiagum, Palo- 
spinax, Semionotus and Drepanephorus 
(In Figures and descriptions of British 

organic remains) Mem. Geol. Surv. 
United Kingdom, 1872, 18. dec. 9 pls. 
Sr. : 1872.1 

On Prognathodus guentheri Eger- 
ton, a new genus of fossil fish from the 
Lias of Lyme Regis. Quart. Journ. 
Geol. Soc., 1872, 28, 2338-237. — Ann. 
Mag. Nat. Hist., 4. ser. 9,325. 1872.2 

On Platysiagum sclerocephalum 
Egerton and Palwospinax priscus Eger- 
ton. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., 1873, 29, 
419-421. 1873.1 

Notice of Harpactes velox, a pre- 
daceous ganoid fish of a new genus, from 
the Lias of Lyme Regis. Geol. Mag., 
1876, 2. dec. 3, 441-442. 1876.1 

On some new pyenodonts: C@lo- 
dus ellipticus Egerton, C. gyrodoides 
Egerton, Pycnodus bowerbanki Eger- 
ton. Geol. Mag., 1877, 2. dec. 4, 49-55. 

On some remains of ganoid fishes 
from the Deccan. Palzeont. Indica (Pre- 
Tert. Vert.), 1878, 1, pt. 2, 1-8. 3 pls. 


(Correspondence with Sir Charles 
Lyellon fossil fishes} (In Eastman, C. R. 
Notes on Triassic fishes, ete. Ann. Car- 
negie Mus., 1914, 9, 139-148) 1914.1 

Egerton, (Sir) Philip de Malpas 
Grey, & Agassiz, Louis. See Agassiz & 

Egerton, (Sir) Philip de MalpasGrey, 
& Huxley, Thomas Henry.  Illustra- 
tions of new or rare British fossil fishes. 
6 parts. London, 1852-72. 62 pls. 8°. 


Egerton, (Sir) P. de M.G., & Kaye, 
C. T. Observations on certain fossil- 
iferous beds in southern India. With 
an appendix on the remains of fishes 
found by Kaye and Cunliffe in the 
Pondicherry beds. Trans. Geol. Soc., 
1842, 7, 85-96. 1842.1 

Egerton, (Sir) Philip de Malpas Grey, 
& Miall, Louis Compton. On remains of 

ganoid fishes from the Deccan. On the 
ganoid Ceratodus, ete. Calcutta, 1877. 
4 pls. 4°. 1877.1 


Eggeling, H. Diindarmrelief und 
Ernihrung bei Knochenfischen. Jena. 
Zeitschr. Naturw., 1907, 48, 417-529. 3 
pls. 1907.1 

Eggeling, Oito, & Ehrenberg, Fred- 
erick. The freshwater aquarium and its 
inhabitants. New York, 1908. 352 p. 
128 figs. 8°. 1908.1 

Eggers, Henrik Franz Alexander 
[1844 —] Flyvefiskens Flugt. Tidsskr. 
Popul. Fremstilling. | Naturvidensk., 
1878, 5. ser. 5, 160. 1878.1 

Eglit, P. J., & Lebedincev, A. A. 
See Lebedincev «& Eglit. 

_Egounoff, Sophie. Développement 
histologique du tube digestif de la truite. 
Rev. Suisse Zool., 1907, 15, 19-74. 2 pls. 


Egounoff, Sophie, & Yung, EF. Re- . 

cherches sur l’histogénése de l’intestin de 
la truite. Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat. Genéve, 
1907, 4. sér. 23, 89-90. 1907.1 

Ehlers, Ernst Heinrich (1835 —] Am- 
phioxus von Helgoland. Zool. Anz., 
1878, 1, 247-248. 1878.1 

Die Epiphyse am Gehirn der 
Plagiostomen. Zeitschr. Wiss. Zool. 
(Suppl.), 1878, 30, 3. Heft, 607-634. 2 
pls. Also separate; Leipzig, 1878. 2 
pls. 8°. 1878.2 

Lamna cornubica an der ostfrie- 
sischen Kiiste. Nachr. Kénig. Ges. Wiss. 
Géttingen, 1886, no. 18, 547-550. 1886.1 

Ueber _—_ Lepidosiren. Verh. 
Deutsch. Zool. Ges., Leipzig, 1894, 4, 
32-34. 1894.1 

Ueber Lepidosiren paradoza Fitz., 
und L. articulata, n. sp. aus Paraguay. 
Nachr. K6nig. Ges. Wiss. Géttingen, 
1894, no. 1, 84-91. — Ann. Mag. Nat. 
Hist., 1894, 6. ser. 14, 1-8. 1894.2 

Zur Kenntniss der Eingeweide 
von Lepidosiren. Vorliufige Mitthei- 
lung. Nachr. Konig. Ges. Wiss. Got- 
tingen, 1895, no. 2, 34-50. 1895.1 

Ehnle, H. Fundulus pallidus, Fundu- 
lus heteroclitus und Fundulus chrysotus. 
Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1910, 21. 
Jahrg., 685-686. 2 figs. 1910.1 

Haplochilus chaperi Sauvage. 
Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1910, 21. 
Jahrg., 809-810. fig. 1910.2 
Mollienisia latipinna.  Blitt. 

Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1910, 21. Jahrg., 
605-607. 2 figs. 1910.3 



Neuere Beobachtungen — iiber 
Haplochilus sp. und Haplochilus rubro- 
stigma. Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 
1910, 21. Jahrg., 453-456. 3 figs. 1910.4 

Neuere Beobachtungen von X7i- 
phophorus helleri var. guentheri. Blatt. 
Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1910, 21. Jahrg., 
230-232. 1910.5 

Paratilapia multicolor. Blatt. 
Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1910, 21. Jahrg., 
845-846. fig. 1910.6 

Pecilia pecilioides. Wochen- 
schr. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1910, 7. 
Jahrg., 345-346. fig. 1910.7 

Pseudocorynopoma dorie. Wo- 
chenschr. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1910, 
7. Jahrg., 697-698. fig. 1910.8 

Pseudoxiphophorus bimaculatus. 
Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1910, 21. 
Jahrg., 737-738. fig. 1910.9 

Rivulus  flabellicauda Regan. 
Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1910, 21. 
Jahrg., 341-343. 2 figs. 1910.10 

Trichogaster __ lalius. Blatt. 
Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1910, 21. Jahrg., 
557-559. 2 figs. 1910.11 

Ehrenbaum, Hrnst {1861 —] Bericht 
iiber die Fischerei mit steert- und fest- 
stehenden Hamen auf dem hollindisch 
Diep und Haringvliet. Mitth. Deutsch. 
Seefischerei Ver., 1889, 21-25; Ce : 

Zoologische Wanderstation an 
der Nordsee. Mitth. Deutsch. Seefi- 
scherei Ver., 1889, 4-10. 1889.2 

Aufenthaltsorte und Fang von 
untermissigen Seefischen. Review of 
paper by T. W. Fulton. Mitth. Deutsch. 
Seefischerei Ver., 1892, 97-108. 1892.1 

Bericht tiber die Seefischerei von 
Neuvorpommern und Riigen. Mitth. 
Deutsch. Seefischerei Ver., 1892, cps 

Bericht iiber die von der Sek- 
tion fiir Kiisten- und Hochseefischerei 
im Mai und Juni 1892 veranstaltete 
Versuchsfischerei auf der Unter-Ems. 
Mitth. Deutsch. Seefischerei Ver., 1892, 
162-187. 2 pls. 1892.3 

Die Sardelle (Engraulis encrasi- 
cholus L.) Aussichten einer deutschen 
Sardellenfischerei und Kritik der hollind- 
ischen Arbeiten iiber die Sardelle. Mitth. 
Deutsch. Seefischerei Ver., 1892 (Suppl.) 
21 p: 1892.4 


Ueber Fischerei und Fische der 
Zauidersee. Review of paper by P. P. C 
Hoek. Mitth. Deutsch. Seefischerei Ver., 
1892, 126-131. 1892.5 

Bericht iiber eine Reise nach den 
wichtigsten Fischereiplitzen der Verei- 
nigten Staaten und iiber die Fischerei- 
abteilung auf der Ausstellung in Chicago 
im Jahre 1893. Mitth. Deutsch. Seefi- 
scherei Ver., 1894-95 (Suppl.) 124 p. 


Hollands Stellung zur Frage der 
Ueberfischung der Nordsee von P. P. C. 
Hoek. Mitth. Deutsch. Seefischerei 
Ver., 1895, 6-11. 1895.1 

Statistische und biologische Un- 
tersuchungen iiber den Rheinlachs von 
Dr. P. P. C. Hoek. Mitth. Deutsch. 
Seefischerei Ver., 1895, 12-24. 1895.2 

Beitrage zur Naturgeschichte ei- 
niger Elbfische (Osmerus eperlanus L., 
Clupea finta Cuv., Acerina cernua L.., 
Acipenser sturio L.) Wiss. Meeresunter- 
such. Kiel (Abt. Helgoland), 1896, n.s. 1, 
Heft 1, 35-79. 3 pls. 1896.1 

Die Kéderfrage bei der Seefi- 

scherei. Mitth. Deutsch. Seefischerei 
Ver., 1896, 291-299. 1896.2 
Ueber Kiistenfischerei an der 

Mitth. Deutsch. Seefischerei 

Ver., 1896, 330-341. 

Hier und Larven von Fischen der 
deutschen Bucht. Wiss. Meeresunter- 
such. Kiel (Abt. Helgoland), 1897-1904. 

i. [Eggs and larve of flat-fishes and sprat] 
1897, n. s. 2, 253-324. 3 pls. 

li. Die Bestimmung der schwimmenden Fi- 
scheier und die Methodik der Eimessungen, von 
Fr. Heincke und E. Ehrenbaum. 1900, n. s. 3, 
127-332. 2 pls. & 17 figs. 

iii. Fische mit festsitzenden Eiern. 1904, 
n.s. 6, 127-200. 13 pls. fig. 

— Dr. Hoek’s Untersuchungen itiber 
die Steerthamenfischerei im Jahre 1896. 
Mitth. Deutsch. Seefischerei Ver. 1896 
(1898), 262-270. 1898.1 

Versuch einer Berechnung des 

Fischereiertrages der Nordsee. .Mitth. 
Deutsch. Seefischerei Ver., 1899, 29-39. 

Entvoélkerung des Meeres durch 
libermissige Befischung. Review of pa- 
per by W. Garstang. Mitth. Deutsch. 

Seefischerei Ver., 1901, 24-25. 1901.1 
Die Fische der Arctis. Fauna 
Arctica, 1901, 2, 65-168. 1901.2 



Internationale Plane zur Erfor- 
schung der nordischen Meere. Fischerei 
Zeitg., 1902, 5, 6-7. fig. 1902.1 

Ueber die Schnelligkeit des 
Wachstums bei einigen Gadiden. Re- 
view of paper by T. W. Fulton. Fische- 
rei Zeitg., 1902, 629-633; 641-644. 


Das Arbeitsfeld der deutschen 
Hochseefischerel. Die Woche, Berlin, 
1904, 247-249. 1904.1 

Die grossen Seefischereien im 
Nordatlantischen Ozean, Neufundland, 
Island, Lofoten. Die Flotte, Berlin, 
1904. 1904.2 

Die Fische der Olga-Expedition 
(In Zoologische Ergebnisse einer Unter- 
suchungsfahrt . . . nach der Bareninsel 
und Westspitzbergen, VI) Wiss. Meere- 
suntersuch. Kiel (Abt. Helgoland), 1905, 
n. s. 7, 45-70. 1905.1 

Die Fischerei auf der Weltaus- 

stellung in St. Louis, 1904. Mitth. 
Deutsch. Seefischerei Ver., 1905, 259- 
294. 15 figs. 1905.2 

Makrelen in der deutschen Nord- 
see. Mitth. Deutsch. Seefischerei Ver., 

1905, 148-154. 1905.3 
— Die Aalfrage. Die Woche, Ber- 
lin, 1907, pt. 2, 348-351. 1907.1 

Joh. Schmidts Untersuchungen 
iiber den Aal. Nat. Rundsch., 1907, 22 
Jahrg., 339-342; 353-355. 1907.2 

Versuche mit gezeichneten Flun- 
dern oder Elbbutt (Pleuronectes flesus) 
Mitth. Deutsch. Seefischerei Ver., 1907, 
23, 473-479. — Wiss. Meeresuntersuch. 
Kiel (Abt. Helgoland), 1908, n. s. 8, 191- 
199. fig. 1907.3 

—— Die Fortpflanzungsverhiltnisse 
der Seefische. Ber. Senckenberg. Naturf. 
Ges., Frankfurt-a.-M., 1908, 106*—108*. 


Ueber Eier und Jugendformen 
der Seezunge und anderer im Frithjahr 
laichender Fische der Nordsee. Wiss. 
Meeresuntersuch. Kiel (Abt. Helgoland), 
1908, n. s. 8, 203-269. 6 pls. & 17 figs. 

Eier und Larven von Fischen. 

1. Teil. Nordisches Plankton, 1909, 4, 
1-216. 81 figs. 2. Teil. Jbid., 1909, 
10, 217-413. 148 figs. 1909.1 

Ueber die 
unserer Fische (Kohler, 

Pollack, Witt- 




Ehrenbaum, L. 

ling, Seehecht, Schellfisch, Rotzung, 
Kkhesche, Kabeljau, Flunder, Hering) 
Der Fischerbote, 1909-12. 1909.2 

Eier und Larven der im Winter 
laichenden Fische der Nordsee. II. Die 
Laichverhiltnisse von Scholle und Flun- 
der, nebst Fangtabellen von E. Ehren- 
baum und W. Mielck. Wiss. Meeresun- 
tersuch. Kiel (Abt. Helgoland), 1910, 
n.s. 9, Heft 2, 143-176. 7 pls. & fig. 
6 tables. 1910.1 

—— Eier und Larven von Pleuronec- 
tiden der Nordsee und benachbarter 
Gewiisser; neuere Untersuchungen aus 
den Jahren 1904 bis 1909. Rapp. & Proc. 
Verb. Conseil Perman. Intern. Explor. 
Mer, 1910, 12c, no. 3. 32 p. 1910.2 

—— Ein Fischereibiclogie fiir Ham- 
burg und die Unterelbe. 
bote, 1910, 83-84. 1910.3 

Sprottenschwirme in der deut- 
schen Bucht. Der Fischerbote, 1910, 
265-267. 1910.4 

Ueber kiinsthche Zucht im Be- 
reich Seefischerei. Der Fischerbote, 
1910, 169-175. 1910.5 

3 Der angebliche Riickgang der 
Nordseefischerei. Der Fischerbote, 1911, 
2 1911.1 

Der Flussaal. Review of Emil 
Walter’s Monographie. Der Fischer- 
bote, 1911, 4-11; 41-44; 77-83. 1911.2 

Die Plattfischlarven der Nordsee 
und benachbarter Gewiisser nach Zeit 
und Ort ihres Vorkommens. Rapp. & 
Proc. Verb. Conseil Perman. Intern. Ex- 
plor. Mer, 1911, 13, pt. 3. 22p. 1911.3 


—— Tabellen zur Bestimmung plank- 
tonischer Eier der Nordsee und benach- 
barter Gewiisser (mit Ausschluss der 

Ostsee) Rapp. & Proc. Verb. Conseil 
Perman. Intern. Explor. Mer, 1911, 13. 
19 p. 2 pls. 1911.4 

Ueber den Elbhering. Der Fi- 
scherbote, 1911, 70-74. 1911.5 

Ueber die Flunder (Pleuronectes 
flesus L.) (In Aus deutscher Fischerei. 
Festschrift fiir E. Uhles. Neudamm, 
1911) 1911.6 

Zur Frage der Wanderungen un- 
serer Seefische. Der Fischerbote, 1911, 
12-14. 1911.7 

Rapp. & Proe. Verb. 

Report on the mackerel. 
liminary account. 

Der Fischer- . 

Conseil Perman. Intern. Explor. Mer, 
1912, 14, p. 10. 1912.1 

Ueber Fische von Westafrica be- 
sonders Kamerun. Der Fischerbote, 
1913, 5, 308; 358; 398; 506. 1913.1 

Ehrenbaum, Ernst, & Marukawa, 
H. Altersbestimmung und Wachstum 
beim Aal. Zeitschr. Fischerei, Berlin, 
1913, 14, 89-127. 2 pls. 1913.1 

Ehrenbaum, Ernst, & Strodtmann, 
S. Eier und Jugendformen der Ostsee- 
fische. Wiss. Meeresuntersuch. Kiel 
(Abt. Helgoland), 1904, n. s. 6, 51-126. 
Ibid., 1905, n. s. 7, 133-216. 17 figs. 


Ehrenberg, Christian Gottfried [1795— 

1876] Ueber den Fisch Holocentrum 
christianum. Isis (Oken), 1829, 22, 
1310-1314. 1829.1 

Beobachtungen iiber neue Lager 
fossiler Infusorien und das Vorkom- 
men von Fichten-Bliithenstaub neben 
deutlichem Fichtenholz, Hayfischzaih- 
nen, Echiniten und Infusorien in volhyni- 
schen Feuersteinen der Kreide. Ber. 
Akad. Wiss. Berlin, 1838, 102-104. oad 

Ueber in dem Magen eines peru- 
anischen Flussfisches als Speise gefun- 
dene mikroskopische Organismen. Ber. 
Akad. Wiss. Berlin, 1848, 3-5. — Ann. 
Mag. Nat. Hist., 1848, 2. ser. 1, ee 

Ehrenberg, Christian Gottfried, & 
Hemprich, F. G. See Hemprich & 

Ehrenberg, Frederick, & Eggeling, 
Otto. See Eggeling & Ehrenberg. 

Ehrenkreutz, (Baron) von. Das 
Ganze der Angelfischerei. 8. ed. Qued- 
linburg, 1864. fig. 8°. 1864.1 

The same. 16. ed., neubearbeitet von Jo- 
hannes Borchard. Leipzig, 1904. 316 p. 

Ehrstrom, C. R. Bidrag til Laxens 
Naturalhistora. Notiser Sallsk. Faun. 
Flor. Férh., 1861, 6. heft, oe a 

Ehrstroém, Robert. Ueber ein neues 
Histon aus Fischsperma.  Zeitschr. 
Physiol. Chem., 1901, 32, a0 : 


Prepared from sperm of Lota. 

Eichelbaum, #. Ueber das Auftreten 
von Sprotten und Heringen vor und in 
der Elbenmiindung im Winter 1910-1911. 
Mitth. Deutsch. Seefischerei Ver., 1911, 
27, 238-254. 2 maps. 1911.1 


Eichholtz, Joannes Henricus. De 
pisclum atque amphibiorum nudorum 
lobis opticis atque olfactoriis. Berolini, 
1841. 8°. 1841.1 

Eichwald, Carl Edward von [1795- 
1876] De selachis Aristotelis zoologize 
geographic specimen inaugurale, etc. 
Vilnez, 1819. 8°. 1819.1 

Neue Deutung des Kiemen- 
deckels der Fische, nebst vergleichend 
anatomischen Beobachtungen iiber das 
Zungenbein der Wirbelthiere. Isis 
(Oken), 1833, 858-897. fig. 1833.1 

Einige Bemerkungen uber das 
kaspische Meer. Arch. Naturgesch., 
1838, 4, 97-112. 1838.1 

Fauna Caspio-Caucasica non 
nullis observationibus novis illustrata. 
St. Petersburg, 1841. 74 pls. fol. 
Faunz Caspio-Caucasie illustra- 
tiones universe. Nouv. Mém. Soc. Nat. 
Moscou, 1842, 7, 163-220. 1842.1 

Ueber die Fische des devonischen 
Systems in der Gegend von Pawlowsk. 
Bull. Soe. Nat. Moscou, 1844, 17, 824— 
843. — Arch. Russ. (Erman), 4, 461-474. 
— Arch. Mineral. (Karsten & Dechen), 
1845, 19, 667-690. 1844.1 

Nachtrag zu der Beschreibung 
der Fische des devonischen Systems aus 
der Gegend von Pawlowsk. Bull. Soe. 
Nat. Moscou, 1846, 19, 277-318. 1846.1 

Lethea Rossiea, ou Paléontolo- 
gie dela Russie décrite et figurée. 3 vols. 
Stuttgart, 1853-61. 1853.1 

Pisces, vol. 1, p. 1493-1607. Vol. 2, 
p. 1196-1256. 12 pls. 

4 pls. 

Beitrag zur geographischen Ver- 
breitung der fossilen Thiere Russlands. 
Alte Periode. Bull. Soe. Nat. Moscou, 
1857, 30, 305-354. 1857.1 

Sur un terrain jurassique 4 pois- 
sons et insectes d’eau douce de la Sibérie 
orientale. Bull. Soc. Géol. Paris, 1863, 
21, 19-25. 1863.1 

Spiciléges de paléontologie et de 
zoologie de la Russie. 1. Palwoteuthis 
marginalis. 2. Acerina fischeri. 3. Ha- 
licherus grypus. Arch. Zool. Expér., 
1873, 2, p. xli—xvi. 1873.1 

Eidsvaag, Edvard. Havtemperatur 
og fiskeri [Meerestemperatur und Fische- 
reien] Bergen Norsk Fisk., 1909, 28, 
396-401; 428. 1909.1 



Eifert, Hdwin. Der gelbe Haplochilus 
(Hapl. spec. ?) Prakt. Zierfischziichter, 
1910, 39-40. 1910.1 

Eigenmann, Carl H. [1863 —] For 
list of writings, see bibliography in Indi- 
ana Univ. Bull., 1905, 2, no. 6, 10-16. 

A review of the genera and spe- 
cies of Diodontidee found in American 
waters. Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci., 1885, 3, 
297-311. 1885.1 

Notes on the specific names of 
certain North American fishes. Proc. 
Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad., 1887, 295-296. 

A review of the American Gaste- 
rosteidze. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. 
1886 (1887), 233-252. 1887.2 

Description of a new species of 
Ophichthys (Ophichthys retropinnis) from 
Pensacola, Fla. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. 
1887 (1888), 10, 116. 1888.1 

On the development of California 
food fishes. Amer. Naturalist, 1889, 23, 
107-110. 1889.1 

Onthe genus Clevelandia. Amer. 
Naturalist, 1889, 28, 916-918. 1889.2 

Zoe, 1890, 1, 

The coloration of fishes. W. 
Amer. Sci:, 1890, 7, 35. 1890.2 

The barracuda. 


The development of Micrometrus 
aggregatus, one of the viviparous surf- 
perches. Amer. Naturalist, 1890, 23, 
923-927. 1890.3 
The evolution of the cat-fishes. 
Zoe, 1890, 1, 10-15. 1890.4 

The food fishes of California fresh 
waters. Rept. State Board Fish Comm. 
Calif., 1890, 53-65. 1890.5 

The Point Loma blind fish and 
its relatives. Zoe, 1890, 1, 65-72. 2 pls. 


The continuity of the germ plasm 

in vertebrates. Proc. Indiana Acad. 
Scei., 1891, 168-172. 1891.1 

Cymatogaster aggregatus. 

Amer. Natural- 

A new diodont 
californiensis, 8p. NOV.) 
ist, 1891, 25, 1133. 

On the genesis of the chromato- 
phores in fishes. Amer. Naturalist, 1891, 
25, 112-118. 3 pls. 1891.3 




Eigenmann, C. H. 

On the precocious segregation of 
the sex-cells in Micrometrus aggregatus 
Gibbons. Journ. Morph., 1891, 5, 481— 
492. pl. 1891.4 

The spawning seasons of San 
Diego fishes. Amer. Naturalist, 1891, 
25, 578-579. 1891.5 

Biological stations. Proc. Indi- 
ana Acad. Sci. 1891 (1892), 172-175. 

Branchiostoma elongatum Sunde- 
vall, at San Diego, California. Amer. 
Naturalist, 1892, 26, 70. 1892.2 

Early stages in the development 
of Cymatogaster. Proc. Indiana Acad. 
Sci., 1892, 58-62. 1892.3 

Explorations in western Canada. 
Proc. Indiana Acad. Sci., 1892, 56. 

The eyes of blind fishes. Ab- 
stract in Proc. Indiana Acad. Sei. 1891 
(1892), 175. 1892.5 

The fishes of San Diego, Califor- 

nia. Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., 1892, 165, 
123-178. 9 pls. 1892.6 

Local variations. Proc. Indiana 
Acad. Sci., 1892, 81. 1892.7 

On the presence of an operculum 
in the Aspredinide. Amer. Naturalist, 
1892, 26, 71. Abstract in Proc. Indiana 
Acad. Sci. 1891 (1892), 175. 1892.8 

The Percopside of the Pacific 
slope. Science, 1892, n. s. 20, 233-234. 

Catalogue of the freshwater 
fishes of Central America and southern 
Mexico. Proc. U. 8S. Nat. Mus., 1893, 
16, 53-60. 1893.1 

Early stages in the development 
of Cymatogaster. Proc. Indiana Acad. 
Sci. 1892 (1893), 58-62. 1893.2 

The fishes of San Diego, Cali- 
fornia. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. 1892 
(1893), 15, 123-178. 9 pls. 1893.3 

On the occurrence of the spiny 
boxfish (genus Chilomycterus) on the 
coast of California. Proc. U. S. Nat. 
Mus., 1893, 15, 485. 1893.4 

(Biological survey of Indiana 
Zoology. Proc. Indiana Acad. Sci. 
1893 (1894), 67-76. 1894.1 

Bibliography of Indiana fishes, p. 71-76. 

The effect of environment on the 
mass of local species. Proce. Indiana 
Acad. Sci. 1893 (1894), 226-229. 1894.2 

Notes on some South American 
fishes. Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci., 1894, 7, 
625-637. 1894.3 

On the viviparous fishes of the 
Pacific coast of North America. Bull. 
U.S. Fish. Comm. 1892 (1894), 12, 381- 
478. 26 pls. . 1894.4 

Results of explorations in west- 
ern Canada and the northwestern United 
States. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1892 
(1894), 12, 101-132. pl. 1894.5 

—— Development of sexual organs 
in Cymatogaster. Abstract in Proce. 
Indiana Acad. Sci. 1894 (1895), Age 


Leuciscus balteatus (Richardson), 
a study in variation. Amer. Naturalist, 
1895, 29, 10-25. 4 pls.— Proce. Indiana 
Acad. Sci. 1894 (1895), 87-99. 1895.2 

The bearing of the origin and 
differentiation of the sex cells in Cyma- 
togaster on the idea of the continuity of 
the germ plasm. Amer. Naturalist, 
1896, 30, 265-271. 1896.1 

—— Director’s first report of the Indi- 
ana University biological station. Proc. 
Indiana Acad. Sci. 1895 (1896), 203-296. 


Parti. Turkey lake as a unit of environment, 
p. 209-239. 

Part li. 

Part lii. 

—— The history of the sex-cells from 
the time of segregation to sexual differ- 
entiation in Cymatogaster. Abstract in 
Trans. Amer. Micr. Soc., 1896, 17, 172- 
ree 1896.3 

Sex-differentiation in the vivipa- 
rous teleost Cymatogaster. Arch. Ent- 
wick-Mech. Organ., 1896, 4, 125-179. 
6 pls. — Trans. Amer. Micr. Soc., 1896, 
17, 172-173. 1896.4 

The Amblyopside and eyes of 
blind fishes. Proc. Indiana Acad. Sei., 
1897, 230-231. 1897.1 

The Amblyopside, the blind fish 
of America. Rept. Brit. Assoc. Adv. 
Sci., 67. meet., 1897, 685-686. 1897.2 

A new blind fish. Proc. Indiana 
Acad. Sci., 1897, 231. 1897.3 

Steindachneria. Amer. Natural- 
ist, 1897, 31, 158-159. 1897.4 

The inhabitants of Turkey lake, p. 
Variation, p. 265-296. 


The origin of cave faunas. Ab- 
stract in Proc. Indiana Acad. Sci. 1897 
(1898), 229-230. 1898.1 

——— The blind fishes of North Amer- 
ica. Pop. Sci. Monthly, 1899, 56, 473- 
486. 1899.1 

A ease of convergence. Proc. 
Indiana Acad. Sci. 1898 (1899), 247- 
257. figs. — Science, 1899, n. s. 9, 217; 
280-282. 1899.2 

Chologaster agassizii and its eyes. 
Proc. Indiana Acad. Sci., 1899, 251. 

Degeneration in the eyes of the 
Amblyopsidz, its plan, process and 
causes (Summary) Proc. Indiana Acad. 
Sci., 1899, 239-241. 1899.4 

— Degeneration in the eyes of the 
cold-blooded vertebrates of the North 
American caves. Proc. Indiana Acad. 
Sci., 1899, 31-46. figs. — Science, 1899, 
n. s. 11, 492-503. figs. 1899.5 

Explorations in the caves of 
Missouri and Kentucky. Proce. Indiana 
Acad. Sci. 1898 (1899), 58-61. 1899.6 

The eyes of the blind verte- 
brates of North America. 1899-1903. 


i. The eyes of the Amblyopside. Arch. 

Bntw. Mech. Organ., 1899, 8, 545-617. 5 pls. & 

vy. The history of the eye of the blind fish 

Amblyopsis from its appearance to its disintegra- 

tion in old age [with bibliography] (In Mark 
anniversary volume, p. 167-204. 4 pls. New 
York, 1903) — Proce. Indiana Acad. Sci., 1901, 

Notes on the blind fishes. Sci- 
ence, 1899, n. s. 9, 370. 1899.8 

Viviparous fishes. Overland 
Monthly, 1899, 217-224. 1899.9 

The blind fishes. Biol. Lect. 

Marine Biol. Lab. Woods Hole, 1899 
(1900), 113-126. 1900.1 

Causes of degeneration in blind 
fishes. Pop. Sci. Monthly, 1900, 57, 
399-405. figs. 1900.2 

The development of the conger 
eel. Science, 1900, n. s. 12, 401-402. 

The development of the eyes in 
the blind fish, Amblyopsis. Proc. Amer. 
Assoc. Adv. Sci., 1900, 230. — Science, 
1900, n. s. 12, 302. 1900.4 

The structure of blind fishes. 
Pop. Sci. Monthly, 1900, 57, 49-58. 



The eel question and develop- 
ment of the conger eel. Proc. Indiana 
Acad. Sci. 1900 (1901), 165-166. 1901.1 

The history of the eye of Ambly- 
opsis. Proc. Indiana Acad. Sci., 1901, 
101—105. — Science, 1901, n. s. 14, 631. 
Ibid., 15, 523-524. 1901.2 

The blind fish of Cuba. Ab- 
stract in Science, 1902, n. s. 16, 347. 

The blind fishes of Cuba. Grant 
no. 68. Preliminary report. Science, 

1902, n. s. 16, 792-793. — Carnegie 
Instit. Year Book, Washington, D. C., 
1904, no. 2, p. xlii. 1902.2 

— Description of a new oceanic 
fish {Psenes edwardsii, n. sp.) found off 
southern New England twith notes on 
the characters of Nomeidz] Bull. U.S. 
Fish Comm. 1901 (1902), 21, 35-36. 
fig. — Proce. Indiana Acad. Sci. 1900 
(1901), 166. 1902.3 

The egg and development of the 
Soe eel ,Leptocephalus conger) Bull. 
U.S. Fish. Comm. 1901 (1902), 21, 37- 
44. 15 figs. — Proc. Indiana Acad. 
Sei., 1900, 165-166. 1902.4 

The freshwater fishes of western 
Cuba. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1901 
(1902), 21, 211-236. 2 pls. 1902.5 

Investigations into the history 
of the young squeteague [Cynoscion 
regalis} Bull. U. 8. Fish Comm. 1901 
(1902), 21, 45-51. 9 figs. — Proc. In- 
diana Acad. Sci. 1900 (1901), 166. 


The solution of the eel question. 
Trans. Amer. Micr. Soc., 1902, 24, 5-18. 
4 pls. — Science, 1902, n. s. 15, 636. — 
World Today, 1908, 4, 478-482. 


Zoological miscellany. Proc. 
Indiana Acad. Sci. 1901 (1902), 107— 
113. 1902.8 
Auf der Suche nach _ blinden 
Fischen in Cuba. Umschau, Frank- 
furt-a.-M., 1903, 7, 365-367. — World 

Today, 5, 1129-1136. figs. — Science, 
1903, n. s. 15, 636. 1903.1 

New genera of South American 
freshwater fishes, and new names for old 
genera. Smithson. Miscell. Collect., 

1903, 45, 144-148. 1903.2 

Report on the freshwater fishes 
of western Cuba. Bull. U. S. Fish 
Comm. 1902 (1903), 211-236. 4 pls. 





Eigenmann, C. H. 
The freshwater fishes of western 

Cuba. Bull. U. 8S. Fish Comm. 1902 
(1904), 22, 211-236. 2 pls. & figs. 


On a Leptocephalus of the 

conger eel (Contrib. Zool. Lab. Indi- 
ana Univ. no. 54) Science, 1904, n. s. 
19, 629-630. fig. 1904.2 

Divergence and convergence in 
fishes (Contrib. Zool. Lab. Indiana 
Univ. no. 64) Biol. Bull. Woods Hole, 

1905, 8, 59-66. 4 figs. 1905.1 
The fishes of Panama. Science, 
1905, n. s. 22, 18-20. 1905.2 

The mailed cat-fishes of South 
America [Loricariide) Science, 1905, 
n. s. 21, 792-795. 1905.3 

— The freshwater fishes of South 
and Middle America. Pop. Sci. Mon- 
thly, 1906, 68, 515-530. 1906.1 

Fowler’s “* Heterognathous 
fishes ”’ with a note on the Stethaprioni- 
ne (Contrib. Zool. Lab. Indiana Univ. 
no. 90) Amer. Naturalist, 1907, 41, 
767-772. 1907.1 

On a collection of fishes from 
Buenos Aires (Contrib. Zool. Lab. In- 
diana Univ. no. 80) Proc. Washington 
Acad. Sci., 1907, 8, 449-458. 3 pls. 


On further collections of fishes 
from Paraguay. Ann. Carnegie Mus., 
1907, 4, 110-157. 15 pls. 1907.3 

— The peeciliid fishes of Rio Grande 
do Sul and La Plata basin. Proc. 
U.S. Nat. Mus., 1907, 32, 425-433. 11 
figs. 1907.4 

Preliminary descriptions of new 
genera and species of tetragonopterid 
characins (Zoological results of the 
Thayer Brazilian expedition) Bull. 
Mus. Comp. Zool. Harvard College, 
1908, 52, 91-106. 1908.1 

Adaptation (In Fifty years of 
Darwinism; modern aspects of evolu- 
tion: centennial addresses in honor of 
Charles Darwin, before the American 
Association for the Advancement of Sci- 

ence, Baltimore, Friday, January 1, 
1909, p. 182—208.. 2 pls. New York, 
1909) 1909.1 

- Cave vertebrates of America, a 
study in degenerative evolution. Wash- 
ington, D. C., 1909. 241 p. 29 pls. & 

72 figs. (Carnegie Institution of Wash- 
ington Pub. no. 104) 1909.2 

—— The freshwater fishes of Pata- 
gonia and an examination of the Archi- 
plata-Archhelenis theory (In Reports 
of the Princeton University expeditions 
to Patagonia 1896-1899, vol. ii, pt. 1, 
Zoology, p. 227-374. 7 pls. & fig. 
Princeton, 1905-11) 1909.3 

Some new genera and species of 
fishes from British Guiana (Reports on 
the Expedition to British Guiana of the 
Indiana University and the Carnegie 
Museum 1908, no. 1) Ann. Carnegie 
Mus., 1909, 6, 4-54. 1909.4 

Catalogue {and bibliography of} 
the freshwater fishes of tropical and 
south temperate America (In Reports 
of the Princeton University expeditions 

‘to Patagonia 1896-1899, vol. ui, pt. 2, 

Princeton, 1905— 

— Description of a new species of 
Pygidium. Ann. Carnegie Mus., 1911, 
7, 214. pl. 1911.1 

— Description of two new tetra- 
gonopterid fishes in the British Museum. 
Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1911, 8. ser. 7, 
215-217. 1911.2 

— New characins in the collection 
of the Carnegie Museum. Ann. Carne- 
gie Mus., 1911, 8, 164-181. 6 pls. & 2 
figs. 1911.3 

The Cuban blind fishes. Proc. 
7. Intern. Zool. Congr., Boston, 1907 
(1912), 697-698. 1912.1 

The freshwater fishes of British 
Guiana, including a study of the ecologi- 
cal grouping of species, and the relation 
of the fauna of the plateau to that of the 
lowlands. Mem. Carnegie Mus., 1912, 
5, 1-578. 103 pls. 1912.2 

The origin of the fish-fauna of 
the fresh waters of South America. 
Proc. 7. Intern. Zool. Congr., Boston, 
1907 (1912), 958-959. 1912.3 

For full account, see ‘‘ Reports of the Princeton 
University Expeditions to Patagonia,” vol. iii, 

Zoology, p. 375-511. 

Some results from an ichthyolo- 
gical reconnaissance of Colombia, South 
America. Part I. Indiana Univ. Studies, 
1912, no. 16, 1-27. 1912.4 

This publication constitutes no. 8 of the Indi- 
ana University Bulletin, vol. 10. The “ Uni- 
versity Studies ’ form a subseries of the Bulletin, 
the separate numbers of which are published at 
irregular intervals. 




— The fishes of South America. 
Bull. Pan-American Union, 1913, 37, 
no. 6, 781-800. 18 figs. 1913.1 

—— On two new species of fishes 
collected by Miss Lola Vance in Peru. 
Ann. Carnegie Mus., 1913, 8, 421-422. 
pl. 1913.2 

Some results from an ichthyolo- 
gical reconnaissance of Colombia, South 
America. Part II. Indiana Univ. Stud- 
ies, 1913, no. 18, 7-32. 1913.3 

Los peces de Sud América. Bol. 
Unién Panamericana, 1914, 38, 1—21. 

—— On new species of fishes from the 
Rio Meta basin of eastern Colombia and 
on albino or blind fishes from near Bo- 
gota. Indiana Univ. Studies, 1914, no. 
23, 229-230. 1914.2 

Some results from studies of 
South American fishes. Indiana Univ. 
Studies, 1914, no. 20, 20-48. 1914.3 

This paper is a continuation of Indiana Uni- 
versity Studies nos. 16, 18 and 19, all of which 
embody results of investigation of extensive 
series of South American fishes. 

— The Cheirodontine, a subfamily 
of minute characid fishes of South 
America. Mem. Carnegie Mus., 1915, 
7,1-99. 17 pls. & 36 figs. 1915.1 

— The Serrasalminine and Myline. 
Ann. Carnegie Mus., 1915, 9, 226-272. 
15 pls. 1915.2 

—— Description of a new Sphage- 
branchus from the Bahamas. Ann. 
Carnegie Mus., 1916, 10, 55-56. 


—— New and rare fishes from South 
American rivers. Ann. Carnegie Mus., 
1916, 10, 77-86. 1916.2 

On Apareiodon, a new genus of 
characid fishes. Ann. Carnegie Mus., 
1916, 10, 71-76. 1916.3 

— On the species of Salminus. Ann. 
Carnegie Mus., 1916, 10, 91-92. 


Eigenmann, Carl H., & Bean, Bar- 
ton A. An account of Amazon river 
fishes collected by J. B. Steere; with a 
note on Pimelodus clarias. Proc. U.S. 
Nat. Mus., 1907, 31, 659-668. 5 figs. 


Eigenmann, Carl H., & Beeson, 
Charles H. Preliminary note on the re- 
lationship of the species usually united 

under the generic name Sebastodes. 
Amer. Naturalist, 1893, 27, 668-671. 

The fishes of Indiana. Proc. 
Indiana Acad. Sci. 1893 (1894), 76-108. 
— Rept. Indiana State Fish Comm., 
1894, 40-64. 1894.1 

Pteropodus dallii, n. sp. Amer. 
Naturalist, 1894, 28, 66. 1894.2 

A revision of the fishes of the sub- 
family Sebastinze of the Pacific coast of 
America. Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., 1894, 
17, 375-407. 1894.3 

Eigenmann, Carl H., & Bray, W. L. 
A revision of the American Cichlide. 
Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci., 1894, 7, 607-624. 


Eigenmann, Carl H., & Cox, Ulys- 
ses O. Some cases of saltatory varia- 
tion. Science, 1900, n. s. 12, 300. — 

Amer. Naturalist, 1901, 35, 33-38. — 
Proc. Amer. Assoe. Adv. Sci., 49. meet., 
1900, 207. 1900.1 

Eigenmann, Carl H., & Denny, W. 
A. The eyes of Typhlotriton speleus. 
Abstract in Proc. Indiana Acad. Sci. 
1898 (1899), 252-253. 1899.1 

Contains some references to the eyes of blind 

Eigenmann, Carl H., & KEigen- 

mann, (Mrs.) Rosa Smith. Cyprinodon 
californiensis Girard. W. Amer. Sci., 
1888, 5, 3-4. 1888.1 

A list of the American species of 
Gobiide and Callionymidsz, with notes 
on the specimens contained in the Mu- 
seum of Comparative Zoology, at Cam- 
bridge, Massachusetts. Proc. Cal. 
Acad. Sci., 1888, 2. ser. 1, 51-78. 1888.2 

Notes on some Californian fishes, 
with descriptions of two new species. 

Proc. U. Nat. Mus., 1888, 11, 463- 
466. 1888.3 

Preliminary notes on South 
American Nematognathi. Proc. Cal. 
Acad. Sci., 1888, 2. ser. 1, 119-172. 
Ibid., 2, 28-56. 1888.4 

South American Nematognathi. 
Amer. Naturalist, 1888, 23, 647-649. 

Contributions from the San 
Diego biological laboratory. I. W. 
Amer. Sci., 1889, 6, 44-47. 1889.1 

Description of a new species of 
Cyprinodon. Proc. Cal. Acad. Sci., 
1889, 2. ser. 1, 270. 1889.2 


Eigenmann «& Eigenmann. 

Description of new nematog- 
nathoid fishes from Brazil. W. Amer. 
Sci., 1889, 6, 8-10. 1889.3 

Notes from the San Diego bio- 
logical laboratory. The fishes of Cortez 
banks; additions to the fauna of San 
Diego; fishes of Aitna springs, Napa 
county, California; fishes of Allen 
springs, Lake county, California. W. 
Amer. Sci., 1889, 6, 123-132; 147-150. 
On the development of Cali- 

fornia food fishes. Amer. Naturalist, 
1889, 23, 107-110. 1889.5 

On the genesis of the color-cells 
of fishes. W. Amer. Sci., 1889, 6, 61-62. 

Porichthys margaritatus. W. Amer. Sci., 
1889, 6, 32-34. 1889.7 

Preliminary descriptions of new 
species and genera of Characinide. W. 
Amer. Sci., 1889, 6, 7-8. 1889.8 

A review of the Erythrinine. 
Proe. Cal. Acad. Sci., 1889, 2. ser. 2, 
100-116. pl. 1889.9 

A revision of the edentulous 
genera of Curimatine. Ann. N. Y. 
Acad. Sci., 1889, 4, 409-440. 1889.10 

The young stages of some sela- 
chians. W. Amer. Sci., 1889, 6, 150—- 
151. — Amer. Naturalist, 25, 150-151. 
Additions to the fauna of San 

Diego. Proce. Cal. Acad. Sci., 1890, 2. 
ser. 3, 1-24. 1890.1 

Descriptions of new species of 
Sebastodes. Proc. Cal. Acad. Sci., 1890, 
2. ser. 3, 36-38. 1890.2 

A revision of the South American 
Nematognathi, or cat-fishes. Occa- 
sional papers Cal. Acad. Sci., 1890, 1, 
1-508. figs. & map. 1890.3 

Cottus beldingi, sp. nov. Amer. 
Naturalist, 1891, 25, 1132-1133. 1891.1 

Recent additions to the ichthyo- 
logical fauna of California. Proc. Indi- 
ana Acad. Sei., 1891, 159-161. 1891.2 

A catalogue of the fishes of the 
Pacifie coast of America, north of Cerros 
island. Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci., 1892, 6, 
349-358. 1892.1 


On the phosphorescent spots of’ 


A catalogue of the fresh-water 
fishes of South America. Proc. U. 8. 
Nat. Mus., 1892, 14, 1-81. 1892.2 

New fishes from western Canada. 

Amer. Naturalist, 1892, 26, 961-964. 

Preliminary descriptions of new 

fishes from the Northwest. Amer. Nat- 
uralist, 1893, 27, 151-154. 1893.1 

'Eigenmann, Carl H., & Fisher, 
Homer G. The Gymnotide of trans- 
Andean Colombia and Ecuador. Indiana 
Univ. Studies, 1914, no. 25, 235-237. 

Eigenmann, Carl H., & Fordice, 
Morton W. Catalogue of the fishes of 
Bean Blossom creek, Monroe county, 
Indiana. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. 
1885 (1886), 410-411. 1886.1 

A review of the American Eleo- 
tridine. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. 
1885 (1886), 66-80. 1886.2 

Eigenmann, Carl H., & Hansell, 
George. Preliminary notes upon the ar- 
rangement of rods and cones in the retina 
of fishes. Proc. Indiana Acad. Sci. 1898 
(1899), 239. 1899.1 

Eigenmann, Carl H., & Henn, 
Arthur. On new species of fishes from 
Colombia, Ecuador and Brazil. Indiana 
Univ. Studies, 1914, no. 24, 231-234. 


Description of three new species 
of characid fishes. Ann. Carnegie Mus., 
1916, 10, 87-90. pl. 1916.1 

These species are referred to the genera He- 
miodus, Leporinus and Astyanax. 

Eigenmann, Carl H., Henn, Arthur, 
& Wilson, Charles. New fishes from 
western Colombia, Ecuador and Peru. 
Indiana Univ. Studies, 1914, no. 19, 
1-15. 1914.1 

Eigenmann, Carl H., & Horning, 
J.E. A review of the Chetodontide of 
North America. Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sei., 
1887, 4, 1-18. 1887.1 

Eigenmann, Carl H., & Hughes, 2. 
G. A review of the North American 
species of the genera Lagodon, Archo- 
sargus and Diplodus. Proc. U. 8. Nat. 
Mus., 1887, 10, 65-74. 1887.1 

Eigenmann, Carl H., & Jordan, 
David Starr. See Jordan & Eigenmann. 




Eigenmann, Carl H., & Kennedy, 
Clarence H. Unilateral coloration with 
a bilateral effect tin case of specimens 
of Leptocephalij Science, 1901, n. s. 
13, 828-830. 1901.1 

The Leptocephalus of the Amer- 
ican eel, and other American Lepto- 
cephali. Bull. U.S. Fish Comm. 1901 
(1902), 21, 81-92. 45 figs. — Science, 
n. s. 14, 631. 1902.1 

On a collection of fishes from 
Paraguay, with a synopsis of the Amer- 
ican genera of cichlids. Proc. Acad. Nat. 
Sci. Philad., 1903, 497-537. 1903.1 

Variation notes. Biol. Bull. 
Woods Hole, 1903, 4, 227—229. figs. 

Eigenmann, Carl H., McAtee, W. 
L., & Ward, D. P. On further collections 
of fishes from Paraguay. Ann. Carnegie 
Mus., 1907, 4, 110-157. pil. 1907.1 

Eigenmann, Carl H., & Norris, 
Allen A. Sobre alguns peixes de Sao 
_ Paulo, Brazil. Revist. Mus. Paulista, 
1900, 4, 349-362. 1900.1 

Bergiaria. Comun. Mus. Buenos 

Aires, 1901, 1, 272. 1901.1 
Eigenmann, Carl H., & Ogle, 
Fletcher. An annotated list of characin 

fishes in the United States National 
Museum and the Museum of Indiana 
University, with descriptions of new 
species. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 1907, 
33, 1-36. §8 figs. 1907.1 

Eigenmann, Carl H., & Shafer, G. 
D. The mosaic of single and twin cones 
in the retina of fishes. Amer. Naturalist, 
1900, 34, 109-118. figs. 1900.1 

Eigenmann, Carl H., & Ulrey, A.B. 
Areview of the Embiotocide. Bull. U.S. 
Fish Comm. 1892 (1894), 12, 382-399. 
pl. 1894.1 

Eigenmann, Carl H., & Ward, D. P. 
The Gymnotide. Proc. Washington 
Acad. Sci., 1905, 7, 159-188. 4 pls. 


Eigenmann, Carl H., & Yoder, A. 
C. The ear and hearing of the blind 
fishes. Proc. Indiana Acad. Sci., 1899, 
242-247. figs. 1899.1 

Eigenmann, (Vrs.) Rosa Smith, for- 
merly Smith [1858 —] New California 
fishes. Amer. Naturalist, 1891, 25, 153- 
156. 1891.1 

For earlier writings by this author, see Smith, 
(Miss) Rosa. 

Eigenmann, fosa Smith, & Eigen- 
mann, Carl H. See Eigenmann, Carl 
H., & Bigenmann, (Mrs.) Rosa Smith. 

Eijk, J. A. van. Jets over vischteelt. 

Volksvlijt, 1872, 319-325. 1872.1 
De vischteelt op Java. Volks- 

vlijt, 1873, 321-328. 1873.1 
Eimecke, Wilhelm. Pterophyllum 

scalare C. u. VY. Wochenschr. Aquar.- 
Terrar. Kunde, 1912, 9. Jahrg., 587-589. 
2 figs. 1912.1 

Einstmann, J. W. Ueber das Ve- 
nensystem der einheimischen Teleostier. 
Arch. Naturgesch. Berlin, 1913, 79, 
Abth. A, 1-81. 2 pls. 1913.1 

Eisfeld, Hermann. Die Pommersche 
Sage von der Herkunft der Marine [Co- 
regonus lavaretus| Zeitg. Intern. Fische- 
rel-Ausstell. Berlin, 1880, no. 10 (Mai 
23-26) 1880.1 

Eisig, Hugo. Einfluss der Wasser- 
temperatur auf Fische und Schildkroéten. 
Kosmos, 1883, 12, 442-443. 1883.1 

Ueber das Ruhen der Fische. 
Kosmos, 1883, 12, 438-442. 1883.2 

Eisler, Paul [1862 —] Die Homolo- 
gie der Extremititen. Morphologische 
Studien. Abh. Naturf. Ges. Halle, 1895, 
19, 87-344. 1895.1 

Eismond, Joseph. Ueber das Ver- 
halten des Periblastes beim Wachstum 
der abgefurchten Scylliumkeime. Anat. 
Anz. (Verh. Anat. Gesell.), 1903, 23, 
106-112; 199. 4 figs. 1903.1 

Ueber Regulationserscheinungen 
in der Entwicklung der in Teilstiicke 
zerlegten Rochenkeimscheiben. Arch. 
Entw.-Mech., Leipzig, 1910, 30, pt. 2, 
411-436. 14 figs. 1910.1 

Wyniki baddn eksperymental- 
nych nad rozwojem jaj ryb spodoustych 
(Experimentelle Forschungen iiber die 
Entwickelung der Rochenkeime} War- 
szawa Spraw. Tow. Nauk., 1910, 3, 25— 
62; 112-113. 1910.2 

Eismond, Osip Petrovich. Sur Vori- 
gine du périblaste chez les sélaciens. 
Mém. Soc. Nat. Varsovie (C. R. Sect. 
Biol. Ann.), 1898, 9. 4p. 1898.1 

Bericht iiber eine Reise in’s Aus- 
land wihrend der Sommerferien 1902 
{Text in Russian} Prot. Séances Soc. 
Nat. Univ. Varsovie, 1905, 14, 1—22. 





Eismond, O. P. 

Ergebnisse experimenteller Un- 
tersuchungen an Rochen 
sian] Prot. Séances Soc. Nat. Univ. Var- 
sovie, 1910, 22, 51-53. 1910.1 

Ein Fall regenerativer Prozesse 
bei dem Embryo eines Rochens im 
friihen Entwicklungsstadium Text in 
Russian} Prot. Séances Soc. Nat. Var- 
sovie, 1912, 24, 1-3. 1912.1 

Ekama, C.  Dissertatio de sceleto 
piscilum. Lugduni Batavorum, 1822. 
8°. 1822.1 

Ekhoff, Emil. 

Beskrifning Ofvers 

benbyggnaden hos Lampris guttatus. 
Stockholm, 1875. 8°. 1875.1 
Ekman, Frederic Joachim. Beskrif- 

ning om Rundi Liffand. Tavastehus, 
1847. 325 p. 8°. 1847.1 

Ekman, Gunnar. Ueber einen Fall 
von Riickbildung der letzten Kiemen- 
spalte bei Squalus acanthias L. Oefvers. 
Finska Vet. Soc. Foérh., 1910, 52A, no. 
9. 6p. 4 figs. 1910.1 

Ekman, Gunnar, Pettersson, O., & 
Trybom, Ff. Resultaten af den interna- 
tionella’ hafsforskningens arbete under 
4ren 1907-1909 och sveriges andel diruti 
under medverkan af G. Schneider och 
W. Bjorck. Sammanfattade af svenska 
hydrografisk-biologiska kommissionens 
verkstillande utskott. K. Jordbruks- 
dept., Stockholm, 1910, no. 22. 142 p. 
21 figs. & 4 maps. 1910.1 

Ekman, Sven. Die Wirbeltiere der 
arktischen und subarktischen Hochge- 
birgszone im noérdlichsten Schweden. 
Naturw. Untersuch. Sarekgebirg. (Zool.), 
1907, 4, 1-124. pl. & 14 figs. 1907.1 

Norrlands jakt och fiske. Up- 
sala & Stockholm, 1910. 481 p. 11 pls. 
& 211 figs. 1910.1 

Fisket, p. 299-467. pl. vili—xi. 

Om Tornetrisks réding, sjOns 
naturf6rhiillanden och dess fiske [The 
char (Salmo alpinus) of Tornetrisk) 
Stockholm, 1912. 54p. map. 1912.1 

Ekman, Thorsten. On vernacular 
fish-names from lake Vettern [Text in 
Swedish} Svensk Fisk. Tidskr., 1902, 
11, 172-173. 1902.1 

Account of the lakes examined in 
the district of Gothenburg and Bohus 
during the summer of 1903 [Text in 
Swedish} Gé6teborg o Bohusliins Hush.- 
Sallsk. Qvartalsskr., 1904, 97-108. 


(Text in Rus-. 

Ekman, V. Walfred. On dead water, 
being a description of the so-called phe- 
nomenon often hindering the headway 
and navigation of ships in the Norwegian 
fjords and elsewhere, and an experimen- 
tal investigation of its causes, ete. With 
a preface by Professor Vilhelm Bjorknes. 
Sci. Results Norweg. North Polar Exped. 
1893-96, 1906, 5, no. 15, 1-152. 17 pls. 
(Printed June, 1904) 1906.1 

This paper furnishes the first scientific ex- 
planation of the alleged ‘ ship-staying ’’ power 
of the Remora, attributed to it by ancient tra- 

Ekstrand,C. H. De fauna Brasiliens. 
Upsale, 1823. 14p. 4°. 1823.1 

Ekstré6m, C. Ulrich [1781-1859] Fis- 
karne i Mérk6é Skirgard. Handl. Akad. 
Stockholm, 1830, 148-204; 1831, 70- 
107; 270-321; 1834, 1-74. 1830.1 

En fér Skandinaviens fauna ny 
fisk, hérande till Artedi sligte Liparis 
WL. barbatus), funnen i Mérk6 Skargard. 
Handl. Akad. Stockholm, 1832, 168-171. 

Die Fische in dem Scheeren von 
Mork6; aus dem Schwedischen tibersetzt 
und mit einigen Anmerkungen versehen 
von Dr. F. C. H. Creplin. Berlin, 1835. 
269 p. 6 pls. 1835.1 

Iakttagelser 6fver formf6riand- 
ringen hos rudan (Cyprinodon carassius 
Linn.) Handl. Akad. Stockholm, 1888, 
213-225. 1838.1 

Om fisket i Bohuslin. Oefvers. 
K. Vet. Akad. Férh. Stockholm, 1844, 1, 
26-27; 1846, 3, 18-20; 180-182; 248- 
250; 1848, 5, 82-85. 1844.1 

Om sillen. Oecefvers. K. Vet. 
Akad. Foérh. Stockholm, 1844, 1, 82-83, 
119-121; 1845, 2, 191-192. 1844.2 

(Beitrige zur Naturgeschichte 
des Hirings im Kattegat] Arch. Skan- 
din. Beitr. Naturgesch., 1845, 1, 141-142. 


Bidrag till fiskets historia i Skan- 
dinavien siirdeles vid Sveriges vestra 
kust. Nya Handl. Gétheborg, 1850, 1, 
3-16. 1850.1 

Foérteckning 6fver Daggdjur, 
amphibier och af foglarne nagra silla- 
ynta, som blifvit funne p&é Tjérn, under 
de sistforflutna 10 Aren; jemte de fiskar- 
ter som finnas i Kattegatt. Nya Handl. 
Gotheborg, 1850, 1, 25-41. 1850.2 

Kritiska anmirkningar 6fver As- 
sessor Hollbergs beskrifning 6fver Bohus- 
linska fiskarne. Nya Handl. Géthe- 
borg, 1850, 1, 17-24. 1850.3 


Ekstrém, C. Ulrich, Fries, Bengt 
Fredrik, & Sundevall, Carl Jakob. See 
Fries, Ekstr6m « others. 

Elgh, K. Einige neue Beobachtun- 
gen uber den Aal und seinen Aufenthalt 
im Winter (Text in Swedish) Fisker. 
Tidskr. Finl., Helsingfors, 1901, 10, 129- 
131. — Tidskr. Jig. Fisk., Helsingfors, 9, 
163-165. 1901.1 

Elk (pseudon.) Salmon culture in 

Norway. Mag. of Sports & Pastimes 
(Baily), 1901, 76, 121- 123. 1901.1 

Ellangowan, pseudonym for Ber- 
tram, James G 

Elles, Gertrude L., & Slater, J.L. The 
highest Silurian rocks of the Ludlow dis- 

trict. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., 1906, 
62, 195-222. pl. & map. 1906.1 
Elliott, Henry Wood [1846 —] The 

seal-islands of Alaska. (In The history 
and present condition of the fishery 
industries, edited by George Brown 
Goode. Washington, 1881. 4°) 1881.1 

Catalogue of the fishes of the Pribylov group, 
p. 136-137. 

Elliott, Henry Wood, Goode, George 
Brown, & True, Frederick W. See Goode, 
Elliott & True. 

Elliott, J. Steele. The vertebrate 
fauna of Sutton Coldfield park. Journ. 
Birmingham Nat. Hist. & Philos. Soc., 
1896-97, 2, 5-10; 17-27; 3441; 48-54; 
58-63; 69-73. 1896.1 

Elliott, Sizar. On the Cestracion 
philippt (Port Jackson shark), Trigonia 
and Terebratula of the Australian seas. 
Trans. Phil. Instit. Victoria, 1858, 2, 15—- 
i he 1858.1 

Elliott, William [1788-1863] Caro- 
lina sports by land and water; including 

incidents of devil-fishing, etc. Charles- 
ton, 1846. 292p. 6pls. 12°. 1846.1 
— The same. New York, 1859. 5 
mpis; 12°. 1859.1 
The same. London, 1867. 292 

ne 12°. 1867.1 

Ellis, Daniel. Sketch of the natural 
history of the Salmo salar, or common 
salmon. Edinb. New Phil. Journ., 1828, 
4, 250-273. 1828.1 

Ellis, (Sir) Henry [1777-1869] A cat- 
alogue of books on angling, with some 
brief notices of several of their authors. 
London, 1811. 21p. 8°. 1811.1 

Earliest attempt ata list of books on angling. 
Registers 75 distinct works in chronological order. 



Ellis, (Mrs.) Marian Lee (formerly 
Durbin) On the species of Hasemania, 
Hyphessobrycon, and Hemigrammus 
collected by J. D. Haseman for the Car- 
negie Museum. Ann. Carnegie Mus., 
1911, 8, 148-163. 3 pls. 1911.1 

The plated nematognaths. Ann. 
Carnegie Mus., 1913, 8, 384-413. 6 pls. 

Ellis, Max Mapes. The influence of 
the amount of injury upon the rate and 
amount of regeneration in Mancasellus 
macrourus (Garman) Biol. Bull. Woods 
Hole, 1907, 18, 107-113. 3 tables. 


The gymnotid eels of tropical 
America. Mem. Carnegie Mus., 1913, 
6, no. 3, 109-195. 8 pls. & 33 figs. 


Elmassian, 7. Une nouvelle Coc- 
cidie et un nouveau parasite de la tanche. 
Arch. Zool. Expér., Paris, 1909, 5. sér. 2, 

229-270. 1909.1 
Elmgren, Sven Gabriel. Skandina- 
visk fauna af S. Nilsson. Fjerde delen, 
Fiskarna, forsta haftet. Litteraturbl. 
Allmin Medborg. Bild., 1852, 6, 206- 
207. 1852.1 
Beskrifning 6fver St. Martens 

socken. Suomi, 1858, 17, 165-259. 
Elmbhirst, Richard. The whelk (Buc- 
cinum undatum) as food of the cod 
(Gadus callaritus) Feeding habits of the 
conger-eel and some other fish in cap- 

tivity (In his Notes from Millport 
marine biological station) Zoologist, 
1909, 4. ser. 18, 201-203. 1909.1 

On the yawning of fishes (In 
his Notes from the Millport marine 
biological station) Zoologist, 1910, 4. 
ser. 14, 321-323. 1910.1 

On some ambicoloured flat-fish 
from the Clyde. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist., 
1911, 77-79. — Zoologist, 1911, 4. ser. 
15, 30-33. 1911.1 

Observations on the behavior of 

fish (In his Notes from the Millport 
marine biological station) Zoologist, 
1912, 4. ser. 16, 15-20. 1912.1 

Basking shark, Cetorhinus mazi- 
(Gunn.) stranded on the Little 
Cumbrea. Glasgow Naturalist, 1913, 
5, 66-67. 1913.1 

The naturalist at the sea shore. 
London, 1913. illust. 8°. 1913.2 




Elridge, S. On poisoning by fish. 
Med. Times Gaz., 1879, 2, 377. 1879.1 

Elrod, Morton J. A biological recon- 
naissance in the vicinity of Flathead 

lake. Bull. Univ. Montana, 1902, no. 
10 (Biol. ser. no. 3), 91-182. 30 pls. & 
3 figs. 1902.1 

Elwes, E. V. The sunfish and its 
parasites. Journ. Torquay Nat. Hist. 
Soc., 1909, 1, 17-20. 1909.1 

Embleton, Dennis. On the short 
sunfish (Orthagoriscus mola) Trans. 

Tyneside Nat. Field Club, 1854, 2, 110—- 
119. pl. 1854.1 

On the vendace, Coregonus wil- 
loughbit (Yarrell); C. marenula (Jardine 
& Jenyns) Nat. Hist. Trans. Northum- 
berland & Durham, 1877, 5, 146-154. 
Note on the capture of tunnies 
and of a fine specimen of the ‘“‘ Bergylt,”’ 
or Norwegian haddock, off the Tyne, 
June, 1884. Nat. Hist. Trans. North- 
umb. & Durham, 1884-89, 8. 1889.1 

Embleton, Dennis, & Hancock, A. 
See Hancock & Embleton. 

Embleton, Robert. Notice of the 
Trigla levis or smooth gurnard. Hist. 
Berwick. Nat. Club, 1834, 1, 22-23. 


Emeljanenko, P. £. Der scheiben- 
formige Barsch (Mesogonistius chetodon) 
(Text in Russian} Naturfreund, St. 
Petersb., 1906, 1, 35-38. 1906.1 

Beobachtungen iiber die Ent- 
wicklung viviparer Fische aus den 
Eiern (Text in Russian} Zurn. Ob&é. 
Liub. Komm. Rast., St. Petersb., 1907, 
14, 215-217. 1907.1 

Der Chamialeonfisch (Badis 
badis) und sein Verhalten im Aquarium 
(Text in Russian] Naturfreund, St. 
Petersb., 1907, 2, 275-278. 1907.2 

Die Krankheiten der Fische und 

ihre Heilung (Text in Russian) Zurn. 
Obésé. Liub. mae Rast., St. Petersb., 
1907, 14, 22-36; 103-117. 1907.3 

Zwillinge von Girardinus caudi- 
maculatus, eine bemerkenswerthe Er- 
scheinung [Text in Russian) Natur- 
freund, St. Petersb., 1907, 2, 239-242. 
Die Bedingungen des Laichens 

der Fische im Aquarium und die Pflege 
der Fischbrut (Text in Russian) Zurn. 


Obsé. Liub. Komm. Rast., St. Petersb., 
1908, 15, 172-181. 1908.1 

Die lebendiggebirenden Fische, 
ihre Pflege und Fortpflanzung im Aqua- 
rium [Text in Russian] Naturfreund, 
St. Petersb., 1908, 3, 73-80; 344-350. 


Die Bestimmung des Alters bei 
Fischen (Text in Russian} Natur- 
freund, St. Petersb., 1909, 4, 149-153. 


Fischnester aus Schaum und 
deren Bedeutung Text in Russian) 
Akvarium Moskva, 1909, 2, 351-359. 


Die Schleimfische (Blenniide) 
des Schwarzen Meeres in ihrem natiir- 
lichen Medium und im Aquarium 
(Text in Russian] Akvarium Moskva, 
1909, 2, 458-461. 1909.3 

Die Chromiden oder Cichliden, 
ihre Pflege und Fortpflanzung (Text in 
Russian] Naturfreund, St. Petersb., 
1910, 5, 81-86; 101-108; 134-138; 214— 
226; 237-241. 1910.1 

Emeljanov, P. See Emeljanenko, 

Emerson, P. H. Birds, beasts and 
fishes of the Norfolk broadlands. 2. ed. 

London, 1896. 412 p. 8°. 1896.1 

Emerton, James Henry [1847 —] 
Life on the seashore. Salem, Mass., 
1880. 1438 p. 12°. 1880.1 

Emery, Carlo. Sui riflessi iridescenti 
della cornea di alcuni pesci ossei. Rendi- 
conto, Napoli, 1876, 15, 166-169. 1876.1 

La cornea dei pesci ossei, con- 
tribuzione alla morfologia dell’ occhio 

dei vertebrati. Giorn. Sci. Nat., Pa- 
lermo, 1878, 13, 9-47. 1878.1 

Contribuzioni all’ _ ittiologia. 
1879-86. 1879.1 

I. Le metamorfosi del Trachypterus tenia. 

II. Intorno al genere Krohnius Cocco. Mitth. 
Zool. Stat. Neapel, 1879, 1, 581-592. pl. — 
Mem. R. Accad. Lincei, Roma, 3, 390-397. 

III. Aggiunte alla sinonimia e alla storia 
naturale dei Fierasfer. 

IV. Sulle condizioni di vita di giovani in- 
dividui del Tetragonurus cuvieri. Mitth. Zool. 
Stat. Neapel, 1882, 3, 281-283. 

V. Peloria rueppeli Cocco. 

VI. Metamorfosi del Rhomboidichthys podas 


VII. Forme larvali di Seopelidi. 

VIII. Le forme larvali dei Blennius del Golfo 
di Napoli. 

IX. Ancora poche parole sulie forme giova- 
nili dei Macruridi. Mitth. Zool. Stat. Neapel, 
1883, 4, 403-419. 2 pls. & fig. — Mem. R 
Accad. Lincei, Roma, 14, 187-419. 



X. Peristethus cataphractus e Trigla hirundo. 

XI. Polyprion cernium. 

XII. Trachinus sp.? 

XIII. Bellottia apoda Gigl. 

XIV. Pteridium atrum Risso. 

XV. Phycis mediterranea. 

XVI. Rhomboidichthys podas e mancus. 

XVII. Larva di genere ignoto. Mitth. Zool. 
Stat. Neapel, 1886, 6, 149-164. 2 pls. «& fig. 

Note ittiologiche. Atti Soc. 
Ital. Sci. Nat., Milano, 1879, 21, 37-46. 
pl. 1879.2 

. Fierasfer acus. 

. Krohnius filamentosus Cocco. 
. Brosmius exiguus O. Costa. 

. Exocetus exsiliens. 

. Centriscus scolopax. 

Cre Cole 

Fierasfer: studi intorno alla sis- 
tematica, l’ anatomia e la biologia delle 
specie Mediterranee di questo genere. 
R. Acead. Lincei, Roma, (1879-80) 1880, 
3. ser. (Mem.) 7, 167-254. pls. i-ix. 
Relazione. Jbid., 1880, 3. ser. (Tran- 
sunti) 4, 104-105. 1880.1 

Le specie del genere Fierasfer nel 
golfo di Napoli e regioni limitrofe (In 
Fauna und Flora des Golfes von Neapel, 
no. 2, 1-76. 9 pls. & 10 figs. Leipzig, 
1880. 4°) 1880.2 

Intorno all’ architettura dei 
fascetti muscolari striati di aleuni ver- 

tebrati. Mem. Accad. Sci. Istit., Bo- 
logna, 1881, 4. ser. 3, 613-618. pl. — 
Arch. Ital. Biol., 2, 133-184. 1881.1 

Zur Morphologie der Kopfniere 
der Teleostier. Biol. Centralbl., 1881, 
1, 527-529. 1881.2 

Studi intorno allo sviluppo ed 
alla morfologia del rene dei Teleostei. 
Mem. R. Accad. Lincei, Roma, 1882, 13, 
43-50. — Arch. Ital. Biol., Turin, 1882, 
2, 135-144. pl. Also separate; Rome, 
1883. 4°. 1882.1 

Sulla esistenza del cosidetto tes- 
suto di secrezione nei vertebrati. Atti R. 
Accad. Sci. Torino, 1882, 18, 338-343. 
illust. 1882.2 

Intorno alle macchie splendenti 
della pelle nei pesci del genere Scopelus. 
Mitth. Zool. Stat. Neapel, 1884, 5, 471— 
482. pl. — Arch. Ital. Biol., 5, 316-325. 
3 figs. 1884.1 

Zur Morphologie der Kopfniere 
der Teleostier. Erwiederung an Herrn 
S. Grosglik. Zool. Anz., 1885, 8, 742— 
744, 1885.1 

(Phycis blennoides Brinn} 
Mitth. Zool. Stat. Neapel, 1886, 6, 159- 
161. pls. & figs. 1886.1 

Jose Madrid-Moreno, iiber die 
morphologische Bedeutung der End- 
knospen in der Riechschleimhaut der 
Knochenfische. Biol. Centralbl., 1887, 
6, 589-592. 1887.1 

Ueber die Beziehungen des Chei- 
ropterygiums zum Ichthyopterygium. 
Zool. Anz., 1887, 10, 185-189. figs. 


Das Leuchtorgan am Schwanze 
von Scopelus benoiti. Erwiderung an 
Herrn Dr. R. von Lendenfeld. Biol. 
Centralbl., 1888, 8, 228-230. 1888.1 

Nochmals iiber die Leuchtorgane 
der Fische. Biol. Centralbl., 1890, 10, 
285-286. 1890.1 

Accesorische und echte Skelet- 
stiicke. Erwiderung an Herrn Dr. G. 
Thilenius. Anat. Anz., 1897, 13. Jahrg., 
600-602. 1897.1 

Sulla morfologia degli Acan- 
thodide. Riv. Ital. Paleont., Bologna, 
1897, 3, 30-33. 3 figs. 1897.2 

Ueber die Beziehungen des Cros- 
sopterygiums zu anderen Formen der 
Gliedmassen der Wirbeltiere. Hine 
kritische Erwiderung an Herrn Pro- 
fessor H. Klaatsch. Anat. Anz., 1897, 
13. Jahrg., 137-149. 6 figs. 1897.3 

Quelques mots de réplique 4 Mr. 
A. Perrin, au sujet du carpe des Anoures. 
Anat. Anz., 1898, 14. Jahrg., 381-382. 


Emery, Carlo, Davidoff, M. von, & 
Schoebel, HL. See Davidoff, Emery 
& Schoebel. — 

Emery, Carlo, & Simoni, L. Re- 
cherches sur la ceinture scapulaire des 
Cyprinoides. Arch. Ital. Biol., 1886, 
7, 390-394. 1886.1 

Emmerich, Rudolf, & Weibel, Emil. 
Ueber eine durch Bakterien erzeugte 
Seuche unter den Forellen. Arch. Hy- 
giene, 1894, 21, 1-21. 1894.1 

Emmert, J. Beitrige zur Entwick- 
lungsgeschichte der Selachier, insbeson- 
dere nach Untersuchungen an jiingeren 
Embryonen von Torpedo marmorata. 
Arch. Mikrosk. Anat., 1900, 56, 459-— 
490. pl. & figs. 1900.1 

Emmons, Ebenezer [1799-1863] <A 
catalogue of the animals and plants of 
Massachusetts (In Hitchcock’s Report 
Geol. Min. Bot. and Zool. Mass., p. 545— 
551. Amherst, 1833) 1833.1 


Emory, William Helmsley [1811 —] 
Notes of a military reconnaissance from 
Fort Leavenworth, in Missouri, to San 
Diego in California, including parts of 
Arkansas, Del Norte, and Gila rivers. 
Washington, 1848. 614 p. 8°. 1848.1 

Fish of the Rio Gila without scales. p. 62. 

Enckell, Nils. Observationer gjorda 

i Sodankyla Lappmark 4r1789. Hand. 
K. Vetensk. Akad., 1790, 11, 78-79. 


Ende, Willem Pieters van den. Iets 
over de vereeniging ter bevordering der 
inlandsche ichthyologie. Arnhem, 1851. 
8°. 1851.1 

Over, [en: nog iets over] de rang- 
schikking van de klasse der visschen. 
2 vols. Arnhem, 1851. 8°. 1851.2 

Endicott, Charles. A good fishing- 
ground in the South Indian ocean. Bull. 
U.S. Fish Comm. 1886 (1887), 6, 80. 


Endler, F.G., & Scholz, F. P. Der 
schlesische Naturfreund; oder, Beitrage 
zur schlesischen Naturgeschichte. Bres- 
lau, 1809-24. col. pls. 4°. 1809.1 

Endlich, Frederic Miller [1851 —] 
An analysis of water destructive to fish 
in the gulf of Mexico. Proc. U.S. Nat. 
Mus. 1881 (1882), 4, 124. 1882.1 

Die Zibne am 
Zool. Jahrb. 

Engel, Heinrich. 
Rostrum der Pristiden. 

(Abt. Anat.), 1909, 29, 51-100. 4 pls. & 
2 figs. 1909.1 

Engelen, Die elektrische Nar- 
kose bei Fischen. Deutsch. Med. Wo- 

chenschr., 1912, 38. Jahrg., 1558. 1912.1 

Engelhardt, Robert. 
neue Selachier-Formen. Zool. Anz., 
1912, 39, 643-648. 1912.1 
_ Seven new species are described of the follow- 
ing genera: Scapanorhynchus, Pristiurus, Spi- 
nax, Centrophorus, Carcharias, Torpedo. 

Ueber einige 

Monographie der Selachier der 
Miinchener zoologischen Staatssamm- 
lung (mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung 
der Haifauna Japans) I. Tiergeographie 
der Selachier. Abh. Bayer. Akad. Wiss., 
1913, 4, Abth. 3, 1-110. pl. & map. 


Engelmann, Hermann. Zur Zucht 
des Moderlieschens (Leucaspius delinea- 
tus Sieb.) im Aquarium. Wochenschr. 
Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1910, 7. Jahrg., 
543. 4 figs. 1910.1 



Engelmann, Theodor Wilhelm [1843 
—] Ueber die Function der Otolithen. 
Zool. Anz., 1887, 10. Jahrg., dey 

Blatterschicht der elektrischen 
Organe von Raja in ihre genetische Be- 
ziehungen zur quergestreiften Muskel- 
substanz. (n. pl.) 1894. pl. 1894.1 

Engelmann, Wilhelm [1808-1878] 
Verzeichniss der Biicher tiber Natur- 
geschichte welche in Deutschland, Scan- 
dinavien, Holland, England, Frank- 
reich, Italien und Spanien, in den Jahren 
1700-1846 erschienen sind. Leipzig, 
1846. 1846.1 

Engelmann, Wilhelm, & Carus, J. 
Victor. See Carus & Engelmann. 

Engelmann, Wilhelm, & Enslin, Th. 
Chr.Fr. See Enslin & Engelmann. 

Engmann, P. Dresdner Neujahrs- 
griisse ,Aquarienfische} Blatt. Aquar.- 
Terrar. Freunde, 1901, 12. Jahrg., 41— 
43. fig. 1901.1 

Einiges tiberdie Guramis. Blatt. 
Aquar.-Terrar. Freunde, 1901, 12. Jahrg., 
99-101; 113-115. 1901.2 

Zur Fortpflanzung von Geopha- 
gus brasiliensis 1m Aquarium. Blatt. 
Aquar.-Terrar. Freunde, 1901, 12. Jahrg., 
147-149; 155-157. 1901.3 

Haplochilus panchaz, seine pflege 
und Zucht. Natur u. Haus, Dresden, 
1902, 10. Jahrg., 104-107. 1902.1 

Sind Geophagus gymnogenys und 
Geophagus brasiliensis eme Art? Natur 
u. Haus, Dresden, 1903, 11. Jahrg., 57- 
63. 1903.1 

Chromis multicolor, ein neuer 
Chanchito. Natur u. Haus, Dresden, 
1903, 11. Jahrg., 321-323. 1903.2 

Ueber Acara ceruleopunctata var. 
latifrons. Wochenschr. Aquar.-Terrar. 
Kunde, 1907, 4. Jahrg., 377-378; 389- 
390; 401-402; 413-415. 1907.1 

Centrarchus macropterus (Lacé- 
pede), Pfauenaugenbarsch. Wochenschr. 
Aquar. -Terrar. Kunde, 1908, 5. — 
1908.1 — 

—-— ae zu W. Kohlers 
“Untersuchungen iiber das Schaum- 
nest und den Schaumnestbau der Os- 
phromeniden.”’ Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. 
KKunde, 1909, 20. Jahrg., 87-91. 1909.1 

tarda A tard 

— Hemichromis bimaculatus Gill. Eoff, John. On the habits of the 
Wochenschr. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, black bass of the Ohio (Grystes fasciatus) 

1909, 6. Jahrg., 709-711; 721-723. 2 
figs. 1909.2 

Nordamerikanische Sonnenfische 
(Centrarchide) Biblioth. | Aquar.- 
Terrar. Kunde, 1909, 17. Heft. 52 p. 


— Polyacanthus cupanus var. Blatt. 
Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1909, 20. Jahrg., 

473-A76. 3 figs. 1909.4 

Zum Kapitel Zwergcichliden. 
Wochenschr. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 
1909, 6. Jahrg., 675-678. fig. 1909.5 

Ein neuer Aquarienfisch, Poly- 
centrus schomburgkit Mill. & Trosch. 
Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1910, 21 
Jahrg., 409-410; 423-424. 1910.1 

Die Cichliden. IT. Cichliden der 
Alten Welt. III. Cichliden der Neuen 
Welt (In Bibliothek fiir Aquarien- und 
Terrarienkunde, 22. Heft. 34p. pl. & 
4 figs. Braunschweig, 1911) 1911.1 

Nordamerikanische Sonnenfische 
(Centrarchidz) (nm Bibliothek fiir 
Aquarien- und Terrarienkunde, 25. Heft. 
39 p. pl. & 7 figs. Braunschweig, 1911) 

Streifziige in der Umgebung von 
Buenos Aires. IJ. Einiges iiber das 
Freileben des Chanchitos. Wochenschr. 
Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1912, 9. Jahrg., 
4-7; 473-475; 492-493. 3 figs. 1912.1 

Enniskillen, (Karl of) See Cole, 
William Willoughby. 

Enoch, Carl, & Fischel, Friedrich. 
See Fischel & Enoch. 

Enslin, Th. Chr. Fr., & Engelmann, 
Wilhelm. Bibliothek der Forst- und 
Jagd-Wissenschaft; oder, Verzeichniss 
der in Alterer und neuer Zeit, besonders 
aber vom Jahre 1750 bis gegen Ende des 
Jahres 1842 in Deutschland erschienenen 
Biicher iiber alle Theile des Forst- und 
Jagdwesens, tiber die Fischerei und den 
Vogelfang, zuerst herausgegeben von 
Th. Chr. Fr. Enslin, von neuen giinzlich 
umgearbeitet von W. Engelmann, nebst 
einem vollstindigen Materienregister. 
2.ed. Leipzig, 1843. 8°. 1843.1 

Enwald, Reinh. Skulle ej var all- 
moge af rudan (Cyprinopsis carasstus 
Linné) kunna draga stérre nytta in 
hvad nu Ar fallet? Fiskeritidskr. Finl., 
Helsingfors, 1892, 1, 37-40. 1892.1 

Smithson. Rept. 1854 (1855), 289-290. 
Ephemera, pseudonym for Fitzgib- 
bon, Edward. 

Epton, J. The migrations and spawn- 
ing of sea-fish suitable for food. In- 
tern. Fisheries Exhib. Lit., Edinburgh 
& London, 1883, 246-252. 1883.1 

Erasmo, Geremia d’. Risultati otte- 
nuti dallo studio di aleuni Actinopterigi 
del caleare cretacico di Pietraroia in pro- 
vincia di Benevento. Atti Soc. Ital. 
Progr. Sci., 4. Riunione (Napoli, 7 
cembre 1910), 1911. 1911.1 

Sopra alcuni avanzi di pesci cre- 
tacei della provincia di Lecce. Atti R. 
Acead. Sci. Fis. Mat. Napoli, 1911, 2. 
sen 1D, mows. pl: 1911.2 

Appunti sui fossili del monte 
Libano illustrati da Oronzio Gabriele 
Costa. Rivista Ital. Paleontol., 1912, 18, 
91-101. pl. 1912.1 

Su alcuni avanzi di pesci triassici 
nella provincia di Salerno. Atti R. 
Accad. Sci. Fis. Mat. Napoli, 1914, 2. 
ser. 16, 1-12. figs. 1914.1 

Il Saurorhamphus freyert Heckel 
degli scisti bituminosi cretacei del Carso 
triestino (Comen, Malidol e Vucigrad) 
Boll. Soc. Adriat. Sci. Nat. Trieste, 1912, 
26, pt. 1, 45-88. 2 pls. & 15 figs. 1912.1 

La fauna e |’ eta dei caleari A 

ittioliti di Pietraroia. Palxontogr. 
Italica, 1914, 20, 29-86. Jbid., 1915, 
21, 1-53. 13 pls. & 36 figs. 1914.1 

The Cretaceous fish-fauna of the province of 
Benevento is described. 

Erasmo, Geremia d’, & Bassani, 
Francesco. See Bassani & Erasmo. 

Erchia, Florenzo d’. Contributo allo 
studio della volta del cervello intermedio 
e della regione parafisaria in embrioni di 
pesciedimammiferi. Monit. Zool. Ital., 
Hirenze, 1896, 7, 75-80; 118-122; 201— 
213. 2 2 pls. 1896.1 

Ercolani, Giovanni Battista [1819- 
1883] Sull’ ermafroditismo perfetto delle 
anguille. Mem. Accad. Sci. Bologna, 
1871, 1, 529-552. — Rendiconto, Bo- 
logna, 1872, 36-40. Review in Journ. 
Anat. Physiol., Paris, 9, 111-112. Ab- 
stract in Journ. Zool. (Gervais), 1872, 1, 
388-393. — Arch. Phys. Nat. Genéve, 
1872, n. s. 49, 1838. — Ann. Soc. Nat. 
Modena, 1872, 6, 234-235. 1871.1 


Ercolani, G. B. 

Intorno all’ opuscolo di Hohn- 
baum-Hornschuch, ‘“ De anguillarum 
sexu ac generatione,”’ con alcune ulteriori 
considerazioni sull’ ermafroditismo delle 
anguille. Ann. Soc. Nat. Modena, 1872, 
7, 59-72. Abstract in Journ. Zool. (Ger- 
vais), 1872, 1, 371-373. 1872.1 

Perfetto ermaphrodisma delle 
anguille. Bologna, 1872. 1872.2 


Nuove ricerche sulla placenta nei 
pesci cartilaginosi e nei mammiferi e 
delle sur applicazioni alla tassonomia 
zoologica e all’ antropogenia. Mem. 
Acead. Sci. Bologna, 1879, 10, 601-982. 
11 pls. — Rendiconto, Bologna, 1880, 
20-30. 1879.1 

Della polidactylia e della polime- 
lia nell’ uomo e nei vertebrati. Mem. 
Acead. Sci. Istit., Bologna, 1881, 4. ser. 
3, 727-828. 4 pls. 1881.1 

Della polidactvlia, della melomelia e della 
polimelia nei rettili e di aleune forme di mostruo- 
sit con queste correspondenti, osservate negli 
organi della locomozione nei pesci, p. 810-824. 
pl. & fig. 

Erdl, Michael Pius [1815-1848] Dis- 
quisitiones de piscium glandula choroi- 
dali. Inaug. Dissert., Munich, 1839. 4°. 
Abstract in Arch. Anat. (Miller), 1840, 
elvi. 1839.1 

Ueber das Gehirn der Fischgat- 
tung Mormyrus. Gelehrte Anz. Miin- 
chen, 1846, 23, 403-407. 1846.1 

Ueber eine von Herrn Dr. Prun- 
ner gemachte Sendung aus egyptischen 
Amphibien und Fischen bestehend, nebst 
Bemerkungen iiber den Bau des Gymnar- 
chus niloticus. Gelehrte Anz. Minchen, 
1846, 23, 590-598. — Notizen (Froriep), 

1, 3840. 1846.2 

Ueber Gymnarchus niloticus. 
Bull. Akad. Wiss. Miinchen, 1846, 5384- 
542. 1846.3 

Beschreibung des Skeletes von 
Gymnarchus niloticus, nebst Vergleichung 
mit Skeleten formverwandter Fische. 
Abh. k. Bayer. Akad. Wiss., math.- 
phys. Kl., 1847, 5, 209-252. pl. Also 
separate; Munich, 1847. 4°. 1847.1 

Observations sur l’appareil pul- 
monaire des Gymnarchus niloticus. Ann. 
Sci. Nat. (Zool.), 1847, 3. sér. 7, 381. 
Ueber eine neue Form elektri- 
schen Apparates bei Gymnarchus niloti- 
cus. Gelehrte Anz. Miinchen, 1847, 24, 
585-589. 1847.3 



Ergomysev, V. Die Stinte des 
Herbst- und Friithjahrs-Fanges {Text in 
Russian] Vést. Rybopromysl. St. Pe- 
tersb., 1910, 25, 378-383. 1910.1 

Erhard, (Dr.) Fauna der Cycla- 
den. Leipzig, 1858. 1858.1 

Erhard, Hubert. Diplosomen und 
Mitosen im cilientragenden Ependym 
eines Haifischembryo. Anat. Anz., 1911, 
38. Jahrg., 188-190. 3 figs. 1911.1 

Erichsen, John. Melemata de pisca- 
turd et preparatione salmonum, haren- 
gorum et aliorum piscium. Scripta Soc. 
Sci. Islandice, Copenhagen, 1781, 3. 


Ericsson, Bernhard. Bref fran Bay- 
ern. Fiskeritidskr. Finl., Helsingfors, 
1895, 4, 26-29; 36-40. 1895.1 

Utdrag ur “ Berittelse 6fver 
Evois fiskerif6rséksstations verksamhet 
under 4r 1899.” Fiskeritidskr. Finl., 
Helsingfors, 1900, 9, 17-19. 1900:1 

Bericht tiber die Thatigkeit der 
Fischereiversuchsstation und der Fische- 
reischule zu Evois im Jahre 1902 (Text 
in Swedish) Fiskeritidskr. Finl., Hel- 
singfors, 1903, 12, 37-47. 1903.1 

Berittelse 6fver Evois fiskeri- 
forséksstation och fiskeriskolas verksam- 
het Ar 1903-06 (Bericht iiber die Tatig- 
keit der Fischereiversuchsstation und 
der Fischereischule zu Evois in den 
Jahren 1903-06)  Fiskeritidskr. Fuinl., 
Helsingfors, 1904, 13, 105-116. Jbid., 
1905, 14, 54-67. Jbid., 1906, 15, 77-93. 
Ibid., 1907, 16, 162-178. 1904.1 

Sikens och gésens tillvixt [Der 
Zuwachs des Coregonus lavarctus und der 
Lucioperca sandra) Fiskeritidskr. Finl., 
Helsingfors, 1905, 14, 103. 1905.1 

Erman, Adolph Georg [1806-1877] 
Reise um die Erde, durch Nord-Asien 
und die beiden Oceane in den Jahren 
1828, 1829 und 1830 ausgefiihrt; in einer 
historischen und einer physikalischen 
Abtheilung dargestellt. 4 vols. Berlin, 
1833. 8° and atlas in fol. 1833.1 

Verzeichniss von Thieren und 
Pflanzen, welche auf einer Reise um die 
Erde gesemmelt wurden. Berlin, 1835. 

Erman, Adolph Georg, & Miller, Jo- 

hannes. Neue Fische und ichthyolo- 
gische Bemerkungen. Zeitschr. Zool. 
(Gistl), 1837, 1, 40-43. 1837.1 




Erman, Paul. Untersuchungen iiber 
das Gas in der Schwimmblase der Fische, 
und iiber die Mitwirkung des Darmka- 
nals zum Respirationsgeschiifte bei der 
Fischart Cobitis fossilis (Schlammpitzger) 
Ann. Physik. (Gilbert), 1808, 30, 113- 
160. — Abh. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, 1808. 


Ernst, Adolf [— 1900] Sobre el em- 
barbascar 6 la pesca por medio de plantas 
venenosas. Cardcas, 1881. 8°. 1881.1 

Erxleben, Johannus Christianus Poly- 
carpus [1744-1777] Systema regni ani- 
malis per classes, ordines, genera, species, 
varietates ¢vm synonymia et historia 
animalivm. Lipsiz, 1777. xlvili, 636 p. 

ibrar dee 

Ueber den Nutzen der Schwimm- 
blase bei den Fischen. Abh. Physik. 
Chem. Naturh., Copenhagen, 1798, 1, 
343. 1798.1 

Esch, Ernst, Solger, /., Oppenheim, 
M., & Jaekel, Otto. Beitrige zur Geolo- 
gie von Kamerun. Herausgegeben im 
Auftrage und aus Mitteln der Kolonial- 
abteilung des auswirtigen Amts in Ber- 
lin von Dr. Ernst Esch. Stuttgart, 1904. 
298 p. 9 pls. & 83 figs. 8°. 1904.1 

Fishes by Otto Jaekel. 

Eschricht, Daniel Friedrik 

Bemerkninger om fiskenes Rib- 
Oversigt. Kjobenhavn, 1850, 

Vergleichende Bemerkungen 
iiber die Rippen der Fische. Froriep’s 
Tagsber. (Zool.), 1851, 2, no. 319, 110— 
ile 1851.1 

Eschricht, Daniel Friedrich, & Muller, 
Johannes. Ueber die arteridsen und ve- 
nosen Wundernetze an der Leber, und 
einen merkwiirdigen Bau dieses Organes 
beim Thunfische (Thynnus vulgaris) 
Abh. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, 1835, 1-32. 
Also separate; Berlin, 1836. fol. 1835.1 

Ueber die Wundernetze am Darm- 
kanal des Squalus vulpes L., Alopecias 
vulpes Nob. Abh. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, 
1835, 325-339. 1835.2 

Eschscholtz, Johann Friedrich von 
[1793-1831] Zoologischer Atlas, ent- 
haltend Abbildungen und Beschreibun- 
gen neuer Thierarten, wihrend des Flott- 
capitains von Kotzebue . . . 1823-1826, 
p. 11-15. Berlin, 1829. 18 p. pls. fol. 


Escribano, Cavetano. Sobre el ha- 
llazgo del Cetorhinus (Selache) maximus 

Gun., cerca de Melilla. Bol. Soc. Espafi. 
Hist. Nat., 1909, 9, 340-342. pl. 

Esdaile, (Rev.) D. Contributions to 
natural history, chiefly in relation to the 
food of the people. 2.ed. London «& 
Edinburgh, 1865. 378 p. 8°. 1865.1 

Esdaile, PhilippaC. Intensive study 
of the scales of three specimens of Salmo 
salar. Mem. Proc. Manchester Liter. 
Phil. Soc., 1912, 56, pt. 1, no. 3, 1-22. 
4 pls. & 4 figs. 1912.1 

The scientific results of the 
salmon scale research at Manchester 
University. Mem. Proc. Manchester 
Liter. Phil. Soc., 1918, 57, no. 3. 32 p. 
10 figs. 1913.1 

Esmark, Lauwritz. Nogle for Skandi- 
naviens Fauna nye Fiske. Forh. Skand. 
Naturf., 1844, 4, 230-231. 1844.1 

Beskrivelse over en ny Fisheart, 
Brama raschitt Esmark. Forh. Vidensk. 
Selsk. Christiania, 1861 (1862), 238-247. 
fig. 1862.1 

Bidrag til Finmarkens fiskefauna. 
Forh. Skand. Naturf., 1868, 10, 516-529. 
—Forh. Vidensk. Selsk. Christiania, 
1874, 308-310. 1868.1 

Om den sorte rotte, Mus rattus. 
Om en for Skandinavien ny dagsommer- 
fugle (Satyrus alcyone) samt om nogle 
sjeldent forekommende  Tusmerkes- 
vermere. Om tvende nye fiske-arter: 
Argyropelecus elongatus, Maurolicus tri- 
punctulatus. Forh. Vidensk. Selsk. 
Christiania, 1870 (1871), 13, 486-490. 


Tilleg til de bidrag til Finmar- 
kens fiskefauna. Forh. Vidensk. Selsk. 
Christiania, 1874 (1875), 308-310. 


Espinas, Alfred Victor [1844 —] Die 
thierischen Gesellschaften, tibersetzt von 
W. Schloesser. Braunschweig, 1879. 
561 sp: Ss 1879.1 

Essen, Carl Jonathan von. Fisket i 
Lappo elf. Fiskeritidskr. Finl., 1897, 6, 
37-38. 1897.1 

Om fiskerif6rhallandena i Jeppo. 
Fiskeritidskr. Finl., 1898, 7, 16. 1898.1 

Essing; Lor. Dreissigjihriger Gold- 
fisch. 26. Jahresber. Westphal. Proy. 
Ver., 1898, 41. 1898.1 

Estcourt, Charles. The bibliography 
of angling (In Abel Haywood’s Anglers’ 
evenings. Manchester [n. d.)) 




Die Walder (der Ge- 
meinde Neudorf) Jagd und Fischerei. 
Luzern, 1875. 29 p. 8°. 1875.1 

Eter, Paul. Trichogastar labiosus Day. 
Wochenschr. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 
1913, 10. Jahrg., 697-698. fig. 1913.1 

Etheridge (junior), Robert [1820 —] 
On some undescribed Carboniferous fos- 
sils (Petalorhynchus) Geol. Mag., 1875, 
2. dec. 2, 241-245. pl. 1875.1 

Further contributions to Carbon- 
iferous paleontology (Fissodus, Ora- 
canthus and Psammodus) Geol. Mag., 
1876, 2. dec. 4, 306-309. pl. 1876.1 

Paleontological notes. Geol. 
Mag., 1878, 2. dec. 5, 269-270. 1878.1 

Remarks on a fish species, Megalichthys 

Estermann, JV. 


{List of fishes in the Paleozoic 
strata) Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., 1881, 
37, 51-235. 1881.1 

On the analysis and distribution 
of the British Jurassic fossils. Quart. 
Journ. Geol. Soc., 1882, 38, 46-236. ‘ 


Includes notice of fossil fishes. 

Description of fish remains from 
the Rolling Downs formation of northern 
Queensland. Proc. Linn. Soc. N. 8. 
Wales, 1888, 2. ser. 3, pt. 1, 156-161. pl. 
Also separate; Sydney, 1888. 4°. 

Note on the occurrence of fish 
remains in the rocks of the Drummond 
range, central Queensland. Rec. Geol. 
Surv. N.S. Wales, 1890, 2, pt. 2, 71-72. 
pl. 1890.1 

Description of the mutilated cra- 
nium of a large fish, from the Lower Cre- 
taceous of Queensland. Rec. Austral. 
Mus., 1905, 6, 5-8. 2 pls. 1905.1 

Ichthyodectes marathonensis, 0. sp. 

The cranial buckler of a dipnoan 
fish, probably Ganorhynchus, from the 
Devonian beds of the Murrumbidgee 
river, New South Wales. Rec. Austral. 
Mus., 1906, 6, pt. 3, 129-132. pl. 1906.1 

Etheridge (junior), Robert, & Wood- 
ward, Arthur Smith. On the occurrence 
of the genus Belonostomus in the Rolling 
Downs formation (Cretaceous) of central 
Queensland. Trans. Roy. Soc. Victoria, 
1892, 2, 1-7. pl. 1892.1 

Etzel, Anton von. Die Ostsee und ihre 
Kiistenlinder, geographisch, naturwis- 

senschaftlich und historisch geschildert. 
Leipzig, 1859. 8°. 1859.1 
Fishes, p. 265-275. 

Groénland geographisch und sta- 

tistisch beschrieben. Stuttgart, 1860. 

665 p. 8°. 1860.1 
Fish and fisheries, p. 234-259. 

Eudes Deslongchamps, Jacques 
Amand. See Deslongchamps, Jacques 
Amand Eudes. 

Eulefeld, Ueber den Schlaf von 
Fischen. Fischerei Zeitg., Neudamm, 
1911, 14, 447-448. 1911.1 

Euphrasen, Bengt Anders. Beskrif- 
ning pd trenne svenska fiskar; Gobius 
ruthensparri et Cottus bubalis. Handl. K. 
Vetensk. Akad., 1786, p.64.— Abh. Neue 
Schwed. Akad., 1787, p. 62. 1786.1 

—— Beskrifning pa trenne fiskar. 
Handl. K. Vetensk. Akad., 1788, p. 51. 
— Abh. Neue Schwed. Akad., 1789, p. 
47. 1788.1 

~ 1. Trichiurus caudatus. 
2. Stromateus argenteus. 
3. Stromateus chinensis. 

Raja (#tobatis narinari) beskrif- 
ven. Handl. K. Vetensk. Akad., 1790, 
11, 217-219. 1790.1 

Euphrasen’s figure of the spotted eagle ray is 
reproduced by E. W. Gudger, in Pub. no. 183 of 
the Carnegie Instit. of Washington, 1914. 

Scomber atun och Echeneis tropica 
beskrisne. Handl. K. Vetensk. Akad., 
1791, 12, 315. 1791.1 

En ny svensk fisk, Gadus lubb, 
beskrifven. Handl. K. Vetensk. Akad., 
1794, 15, 223-226. pl. 1794.1 

Beskrifning 6fver Svenska vestin- 
diska On St. Barthelemi, samt Oarne St. 
Eustache och St. Christopher. Stock- 
holm, 1795. 1795.1 

Reise nach der schwedisch-west- 
indischen Insel St. Bartholemi, und den 
Inseln St. Eustache und St. Christoph; 
oder Beschreibung der . . . natiirlichen 
Produkte dieser Inseln. Aus dem Schwe- 
dischen von Joh. Georg Lud. Blumhof 
.. Gottingen, 1798. 308 p. 8°. 

Descriptions are given of various species of 

Eurén, Gustaf Erik. Luonnon oppia. 
iii. (Pisces) Lukemisia Kansalle, 1859, 
no. 109. 16p. 12 figs. 1859.1 

Eusebio, J. B. A., & Bruyant, Ch. 
See Bruyant & Eusebio. 


Euziére, /., & Grynfellt, H. See 
Grynfellt & Euziére. 

Evans, A. Kelly. The influence of 
politics upon the work of the fish cultur- 
ist, and how fish and game protective as- 
sociations may assist the latter. Also 
the international problem of the proper 
regulation of the fisheries of the Great 
lakes. Trans. Amer. Fisheries Soc. 
1907 (1908), 207-217. 1908.1 

Evans, Herbert McLean [1882—] A 
new cestraciont spine from the Lower 
Triassic of Idaho. Bull. Geol. Univ. Cali- 
fornia, 1904, 3, 397-402. pl. 1904.1 

Evans, H. Mwir. Observations on the 
poisoned spines of the weever fish (T’rachi- 
nus draco) Brit. Med. Journ., 1907, 1, 73- 
76. 3 figs. — Trans. Norfolk & Norwich 
Nat. Soc., 1907, 8, 355-368. fig. 1907.1 

Further studies in hemolysis by 
weever venom. Brit. Med. Journ., 1910, 
1, 982-984. 1910.1 

Evans, Percy Norton [1869 —] Air in 
the depths of the ocean. Science, 1911, 
n. s. 34, 562-563. 1911.1 

Evans, William. The _ porbeagle 
(Lamna cornubica) in the firth of Forth. 
Ann. Scottish Nat. Hist. Soc., 1905, p. 
56. 1905.1 

The black sea-bream (Cantha- 
rus cantharus (L.) — Cantharus lineatus 
(Mont.)} in the firth of Forth. Ann. 
Scottish Nat. Hist. Soc., 1907, 148-150. 
fig. 1907.1 

The oar-fish, or king of the her- 
rings, Regalecus glesne (Ascan.) — R. 
banksti (Cuv. and Val.), on the coast of 
east Lothian. Ann. Scottish Nat. Hist. 
Soc., 1908, 150-154. fig. 1908.1 

The deal-fish or vaagmer, 7'ra- 
chypterus arcticus (Briinn.), on the coast 
of east Lothian. Ann. Scottish Nat. 
Hist. Soc., 1909, 20-22 1909.1 

Evant, Teodoro d’. Appendici dacti- 
loidi delle Trygle. Osservazioni anato- 
miche e morfologiche. Atti Accad. 
Med. Chir. Napoli, 1903, 57, no. 2. 
3 pls. 

50 p. 

L’ epitelio sensitivo dei raggi di- 
gitali delle Trygle. Morfologia ed isto- 
logia. Giorn. Assoc. Napol. Med. Nat., 
1903, 14, 3-29. pl. — Review in Arch. 
Ttal. ’Biol., 40, 331-332. 1903.2 

La formazione amniotica rudi- 
mentale di alcuni pesci (selaci) Acqui- 



coltura Lombarda, Milano, 1904, 6, 239- 
241. 1904.1 

Rudimentiire Amnionbildungen 
der Selachier. Beitrige zur Phylogenie 
und Entwickelungs-Mechanik des Am- 
nion,. Anat. Anz., 1904, 24. Jahrg., 490- 
492. 1904.2 

Everard, H. S. C. “Very like a 
whale.” New Illustr. Mag., July, 1898, 
263-271. 1898.1 

An account of J. von Cube’s Ortus Sanitatis, 
the first edition of which appeared at Metz in 
1475. Two illustrations of fishes are reproduced. 
The original is said to be the first printed book 
with illustrations of fish and fishing scenes. The 
next oldest work containing figures of fish is 
*“ Dialogues of Creatures Moralysed,’’ of which 
an English reprint, edited by Joseph Haslewood, 
was published in 1816. 

Everett, Warren H. Anatomy of the 
ear of the dog-fish (Galeus canis) Pre- 
liminary paper. Trans. N. Y. Acad. 
Sci., 1896, 15, 176-182. 2 pls. 1896.1 

Evermann, Barton Warren [1853 —] 
A list of the fishes observed in the vicin- 
ity of Brookville, Franklin county, 
Indiana. Bull. Brookville Soc. Nat. 
Hist., 1886, 2, 1-11. 1886.1 

A list of the fishes found in Deer 
ereek near Camden, Indiana. Camden, 
Ind. “‘ Expositor,” Dec. 22, 1887. 1887.1 

Little fishes in our brooks. Foun- 
tain city ‘ Enterprise” (Flora, Carroll 
co., Indiana), Jan. 7, 1888. 1888.1 

The ichthyologic features of the 
Black hills region. Proc. Indiana Acad. 
Sci., 1892, 73-78. 1892.1 

Two-Ocean pass. Proc. Indiana 
Acad. Sci., 1892, 29-34. pl. — Pop. 
Sci. Monthly, 47, 175-186. pls. — 
Inland Educator, 2, 299-306. 5 pls. 


The work of the U.S. fish com- 
mission steamer ‘“‘ Albatross’? in the 
north Pacific and Bering sea in 1892. 
Proc. Indiana Acad. Sci., 1892, 56-57. 


A reconnaissance of the streams 
and lakes of western Montana and north- 
western Wyoming. Bull. U. 8. Fish 
Comm. 1891 (1893), 11, 3-60. 27 pls. 


A_ report upon investigations 
made in Texas in 1891. Bull. U.S. Fish 
Comm. 1891 (1893), 11, 61- an pls. 
XXVI1i-XxXXxVIl. 1893.2 




Evermann, B. W. 

Description of a new sucker, 
Pantosteus jordani. Bull. U. 8S. Fish 
Comm. 1892 (1894), 12, 51-56. a : 

The investigation of rivers and 
lakes with reference to the fish environ- 
ment. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1893 
(1894), 13, 69-73. 1894.2 

Report upon the advisability of 
establishing a fish-hatching station in 
the state of Tennessee. Senate Miscell. 
Doc. no. 52, 1894, 53. Cong., 2. Sess., 

1-3. 1894.3 

Report upon-the advisability of 
establishing fish-hatchery stations at 
suitable points in Wyoming and the 
states of South Dakota, Iowa and Ne- 
braska. Senate Miscell. Doc. no. 53, 
1894, 53. Cong., 2. Sess., 1-5. 1894.4 

The work of the United States 
fish commission and its relation to the 

farmer. Rept. Indiana Fish Comm. 
1893-94 (1894), 15-25. 1894.5 
In the Sawtooth mountains. 

Amer. Angler, 1895, 25, a — Recrea- 
tion, 5, 135-137; 196— 197; 252-253. 

Description of a new species of 
shad (Alosa alabama) from Alabama. 
Rept. U.S. Fish Comm. 1895 (1896), 21, 
203-205. 1896.1 

The opah (Lampris luna) in 
Monterey bay. Recreation, 1896, 4, 
41. 1896.2 

A preliminary report upon sal- 
mon inv estigations in Idaho in 1894, 
Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1895 (1896), 15, 
253-284. 1896.3 

Review of E. T. D. Chambers’ 
“The ouananiche and its Canadian en- 

vironment.” Amer. Angler, 1896, 26, 
359-360. 1896.4 
Trouting in Klamath lakes. 
Recreation, 1896, 5, 336. 1896.5 
Catfish in Louisiana. Recrea- 

tion, 1897, 7, 56. 1897.1 
—— The fish fauna of Florida. Bull. 

U. S. Fish Comm. 1896 (1897), 16, 
201-208. — Recreation, 12, 292-295. — 
Southern Sportsman, 1899, 2, 9-14. 

Lake trout from Montana. Ree- 
reation, 1897, 7, 54-55. 1897.3 

Reclaiming the bass from the 
Potomac river. Recreation, 1897, 6, 
283. 1897.4 

A report upon salmon investiga- 
tions in the headwaters of the Columbia 
river, in the state of Idaho, in 1895; 
together with notes upon the fishes ob- 
served in that state in 1894 and 1895. 
Bull. U. 8S. Fish Comm. 1896 (1897), 16, 
149-202. pls. Ixvii-lxxii. 1897.5 

_ —— Review of W. Furneaux’s “ Life 
in pond and stream.” Recreation, 1897, 

6, 291. 1897.6 
State fish commissioners. Rec- 
reation, 1897, 6, 468. 1897.7 

U. S. fish commission investiga- 
tions at Cater lake. Mazama, 1897, 1, 
230-238. 1897.8 

White and yellow perch. Rec- 

reation, 1897, 7, 178; 494. 1897.9 
Crater lake. Recreation, 1898, 
8, 18-20. 2 figs. 1898.1 

Crater lake to be a national park. 
Recreation, 1898, 8, 396. 1898.2 

Key to the species of Lucius. 
Recreation, 1898, 9, 207. 1898.3 

Note on the Columbia sturgeon. 
Recreation, 1898, 8, 301. 1898.4 

Note on the loch Leven trout. 
Recreation, 1898, 8, 465. 1898.5 

Notes on fishes collected by E. 
W. Nelson on the Tres Marias islands 
and in Sinaloa and Jalisco, Mexico. 
Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., 1898, 12, 1-8. 


Streams of eastern Ohio suitable 
for trout. Recreation, 1898, 9, 209. ‘ 

Studying western fishes. Ree- 
reation, 1898, 9, 60. 1898.8 

The ling and other fishes of lake 
Chelan, Washington. Recreation, 1899, 
11, 371-372. 1899.1 

A note on Roccus lineatus, Roe- 
cus chrysops, and Morone interrupta. 
Recreation, 1899, 11, 287-288. 1899.2 

Note on a specimen of the wolf- 
fish, Alepisaurus esculapias. Recrea- 
tion, 1899, 11, 373. 1899.3 

—— Report on investigations by the 
U. S. fish commission in Mississippi, 




Louisiana and Texas in 1897. Rept. 
U.S. Fish Comm. 1898 (1899), 24, 285— 
310. 29 pls. ; 1899.4 

Review of David Starr Jordan’s 
“Manual of vertebrates.’”’ Recreation, 
1899, 11, 397. 1899.5 

Review of Sir Edward Grey’s 
“Fly fishing.’ Recreation, 1899, 11, 
322. 1899.6 

Best bait for bass, — answer to 
question. Recreation, 1900, 12, 210. 

Catfish in dry weather, — an- 
swer to question. Recreation, 1900, 12, 
209-210. 1900.2 

Description of two new species 
of darters from lake Maxinkuckee, In- 
diana. Rept. U. 8. Fish Comm. 1899 
(1900), 25, 363-367. pl. 1900.3 

Fish parasites, an answer to 
Recreation, 1900, 12, 375-376. 

A good fishing ground. Recrea- 
tion, 1900, 12, 209. 1900.5 


Parasites in fishes, — answer to 
question. Recreation, 1900, 12, 207— 
208. 1900.6 

Peculiar trout, — answer to ques- 
tion. Recreation, 1900, 12, 210. 1900.7 

Some observations concerning 
species and subspecies. Science, 1900, 
n. s. 11, 451-455. 1900.8 

Bait minnows. 6. Ann. Rept. 
Forest, Fish, Game Comm. New York, 
1900 (1901), 307-352. 3 pls. «& figs. 


Investigations of the United 
States fish commission steamer ‘ Alba- 
tross.’”” Current Encyclopedia, 1901, 1, 
689-693. 3 figs. 1901.2 

— The United States fish commis- 
sion. Current Encyclopedia, 1901, 1, 
457-461. 6 figs. 1901.3 

The American species of shad. 
Abstract in Science, 1902, n. s. 15, 1032. 

Answer to query as to fish living 
in warm water. Recreation, 1902, 17, 
457. 1902.2 

Answer to query as to food for 
shiners when kept in confinement for 
winter fishing. Recreation, 1902, 17, 
458. 1902.3 

Bait for large-mouthed black 
bass. Recreation, 1902, 17, 210. 1902.4 

Description of a “new species 
of shad (Alosa ohiensis) with notes 
on other food-fishes of the Ohio river. 
Rept. U. 8S. Fish Comm. 1901 (1902), 

27, 273-288. 6 pls. 1902.5 
Facts about the eel. Recrea- 
tion, 1902, 16, 222. 1902.6 
The fishes of Samoa. Sports 
Afield, 1902, 29, 70. 1902.7 
Fishes of the Great lakes. 
Sports Afield, 1902, 29, 70. 1902.8 

General report on the investiga- 
tions in Porto Rico of the U. S. fish 
commission steamer ‘“ Fish Hawk” in 
1899. Bull. U. 8S. Fish Comm. 1900 
(1902), 20, pt. 1, 1-26. 1902.9 

Hawaiian island fisheries. Sports 
Afield, 1902, 29, 273. 1902.10 

Lake Mashipacong. Recreation, 
1902, 16, 291-293. 1902.11 

The large-mouth black bass, — 
answer to a query. Recreation, 1902, 
17, 457. 1902.12 

List of species of fishes known to 
occur in the Great lakes or their con- 
necting waters. Bull. U.S. Fish Comm. 
1901 (1902), 21, 95-96. 1902.13 

— The mystery of the salmon. 
Outing, 1902, 43, 562-568. 1902.14 

The native fishermen of Hawaii. 
Outing, 1902, 43, 660-667. 7 figs. 


the blueback salmon. 

1902, 3, 2221-2228. 



- A new species of shad from the 
Ohio river. Forest & Stream, 1902, 58, 
408-409. 6 pls. 1902.18 

Note on the bonefish. Forest & 

World Today, 
9 pls. 

A new species of shad. 
Afield, 1902, 29, 63-66. 3 pls. 

Stream, 1902, 58, 347. 1902.19 
Note on the carp. Amer. Ag- 
ricult., Sept., 1902. 1902.20 

Pike, pickerel, muscalonge. For- 
est & Stream, 1902, 59, 193. 1902.21 
Probably parasites, — answer to 
query. Recreation, 1902, 16, 375. 



Evermann, B. W. 
A salmon mystery. Sports 
Afield, 1902, 29, 158. 1902.23 

Strange fishes of the deep sea. 
World Today, 1902, 2, 1398-1406. 18 
pls. 1902.24 

Summary of the scientific re- 
sults of the fish commission expedition 
to Porto Rico. Bull. U.S. Fish Comm. 
1900 (1902), 20, pt. 1. 1902.25 

Where to get small-mouthed 
black bass, — answer to a query. Rec- 
reation, 1902, 17, 210. 1902.26 

The cutthroat trout [Salmo 
clarkii) and its relatives. Country Life 
in America, 1903, 4, 130. fig. 1903.1 

Statistics of the fisheries of the 
Middle Atlantic states. Rept. U. 8. 
Fish Comm. 1902 (1904), 28, 433-540. 


The bureau of fisheries. San 
Francisco Trade Journ., 1904, 14, 76— 
88. 11 figs. — Nation. Geog. Mag., 
1904, 15, 191-212. 14 figs. 1904.2 

The golden trout of Mt. Whit- 
Science, 1904, n. s. 20, 61. 1904.3 

The golden trout of Volcano 
creek. Amer. Fish Culturist, 1904, 1, 
5-6. — Trans. Amer. Fish. Soc. 1904 
(1905), 148-154. 1904.4 

How to study a lake. Sports 
Afield, 1904, 126-128. 1904.5 

— [Review of] fish (legislation for 
1903] Univ. State N. Y., N. Y. State 
Library, Review Legislation, 1903 (1904), 


18-20. 1904.6 
The Salmonide and Thymallidz 
of Alaska. Abstract in Science, 1904, 

s. 19, 216-217. 1904.7 

The United States bureau of 
fisheries. Pacific Fisherman, 1904, 2, 
16-18. 3 pls. 1904.8 

The bluegill as a game fish. 
Shields’ Mag., 1905, 1, 335-356. 1905.1 

— The eggs of the eel. Shields’ 
Mag., 1905, 1, 337. 1905.2 

(Review of The freshwater fishes 
of Mexico, north of the isthmus of 
Tehuantepec, by Seth Eugene Meek) 
Shields’ Mag., 1905, 1, 352. 1905.3 

Introduction of Coho salmon 
into rivers of Maine. Shields’ Mag., 
1905, 1, 337. 1905.4 



— The most beautiful of all the 
trouts. Shields’ Mag., 1905, 1. 1905.5 

A note calling attention to a 
mistake by C. F. Holder regarding the 
fallfish. Shields’ Mag., 1905, 1, 411. ° 


— Notice of Prof. Reighard’s paper 
on the breeding habits of the small- 
mouth black bass. Shields’ Mag., 1905, ~ 
1, 427. Ibid., 1906, 2, 70. 1905.7 © 

Report of inquiry respecting 
food-fishes and the fishing grounds. 
Rept. Bur. Fisheries, 1904 ee 81- & 
120. 1905.8 

Report of the division of sta- 
tistics and methods of the fisheries. 
Rept. U.S. Fish Comm. 1903 se 29, 
101-122. 905.9 

— A review of Jordan’s ‘‘ A guide 
to the study of fishes.” Shields’ Mag., 
1905, 1, 180. — Sports Afield, 1905, 226. 


Salmon hatcheries in Alaska. 
Shields’ Mag., 1905, 1,337. 1905.11 

The spawning time of trout, — 
answer to a query by S. McDowall, en- 
titled “An interesting trout query.” 
Sports Afield, 1905, 34,546. 1905.12 

Stocking a home stream or pond 
with trout. Country Life in America, 
1905, 7, 659-663. 7 figs. 1905.13 

Trying to save the grayling. 
Shields’ Mag., 1905, 1, 335. 1905.14 

— The Argentinide. Shields’ Mag., 
1906, 3, 46. 1906.1 

The Chautauqua muskallunge. 
Forest & Stream, 1906, 67, 828. 1906.2 

Distribution of bluefish. Shields’ 
Mag., 1906, 3, 119. 1906.3 

Explorations in Japanese wa- 
ters. Shields’ Mag., 1906, 2,191. 1906.4 

Fish culture in Guatemala. 
Shields’ Mag., 1906, 2, 253-254. 1906.5 

Florida a great fish state. 
Shields’ Mag., 1906, 2, 112-113. 1906.6 

The golden trout of the southern 
high Sierras. Bull. Bur. Fisheries, pe 

25, 1-51. 14 pls. & map. 
— The graylings. Shields’ Mag., 
1906, 2, 191. 1906.8 




— How to stock a pond, Shields’ 
Mag., 1906, 3, 117. 1906.9 

— A native of the tropics. Shields’ 
Mag., 1906, 2, 77. 1906.10 

Note on collecting fishes on the 
east coast of Florida. Shields’ Mag., 
1906, 2, 70. 1906.11 

—— [Notice of capture of Chinook 
salmon in Sunapee lake} Science, 1906, 

n. s. 24, 850. * 1906.12 
Shad decreasing rapidly. Shields’ 
Mag., 1906, 3, 184. 1906.13 

The story of the golden trout. 
Country Life in America, 1906, 10, 212. 

Surf-fishing on the east coast of 
Florida. Shields’ Mag., 1906, 2, 113. 

— Angling notes from Washington, 
D.C. Shields’ Mag., 1907, 4, 45. 1907.1 

Buffalo fish in lake Maxinkuc- 
Shields’ Mag., 1907, 4, 332. 1907.2 

; Chinook salmon in Sunapee lake. 
Shields’ Mag., 1907, 4, 122-123. 1907.3 

Fishes of the Philippine islands. 
Shields’ Mag., 1907, 4, 262. 1907.4 

; The large-mouth black bass. 
Shields’ Mag., 1907, 4, 196. 1907.5 

Steelhead trout in Michigan. 
Shields’ Mag., 1907, 4, 44. 1907.6 

United States bureau of fisheries 
investigations in Kamchatkan and Jap- 
anese waters. Shields’ Mag., 1907, 4, 
125. 1907.7 

Descriptions of a new species of 
trout (Salmo nelsoni) and a new cyprin- 
odont (Fundulus meeki) with notes on 
other fishes from lower California. 
Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 1908, 21, 
19-30. pl. & fig. 1908.1 

The singing fishes. Shields’ 
Mag., 1909, 8, no. 6, 261. 1909.1 

The international fisheries com- 
mission. Trans. Amer. Fisheries Soc. 
1909 (1910), 53-57. 1910.1 

Alaska fisheries and fur indus- 
tries in 1911. Rept. U.S. Comm. Fish- 
eries, 1911, no. 766, 1-78. 1911.1 

F. M. Chamberlain also assisted in the Gen- 
eral Administrative Report. 


Alaska fisheries and fur indus- 
tries in 1911. U.S. Bureau Fisheries, 
1912, Doc. no. 766, 1-99. 1912.1 

Fishery and fur industries of 
Alaska in 1912. U.S. Bureau Fisheries, 
1913, Doe. no. 780, 1-125._ 1913.1 

How long will fish Jive out of 
water? Forest & Stream, 1913, 80, 79. 

Alaska fisheries and fur indus- 
tries in 1913. U.S. Bureau Fisheries, 
1914, Doc. no. 797, 1-172. 1914.1 

Evermann, Barton Warren, & Bean, 
Barton A. Indian river and its fishes. 
Senate Miscell. Doc. no. 46, 1896, 54. 
Congr., 2. Sess., 5-26. 37 pls. — Rept. 
U.S. Fish Comm. 1896 (1898), 22, 297 
262. 36 pls. 1896.1 

Evermann, Barton W., & Bollman, 
Charles Harvey. Notes on a collection 
of fishes from the Monongahela river. 
Proc. N. Y. Acad. Sci., 1886, 335-340. 


, & Clark, H. 

Evermann, Barton W. 

Walton. New fishes from Santo Do- 
mingo. Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., 1906, 
30, 851-855. 3 figs. 1906. 1 

Lake Cicott, Indiana, and notes 
on its flora and fauna. Proc. Biol. Soc. 
Washington, 1908, 21, 213-218. pl. 


Fletcher lake, Indiana, and its 
flora and fauna. Proc. Biol. Soe. Wash- 
ington, 1910, 23, 81-88. fig. 1910.1 

Evermann, Barton Warren, © Cock- 
erell, Theodore D. A. Descriptions of 
three new species of cyprineid fishes. 
Proc. Biol. Soe. Washington, 1909, 22, 
185-188. fig. 1909.1 

Evermann, Barton Warren, & Cox, 
Ulysses O. The fishes of the Neuse 
river basin. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 
1895 (1896), 15, 303-310. 1896.1 

Report upon the fishes of the 
Missouri river basin. Rept. U.S. Fish 
Comm. 1894 (1896), 20, 395-490, 1896.2 

Evermann, Barton W., & Fordice, 
Morton W. List of fishes collected in 
Harvey and Cowley counties, Kansas. 
Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. 1885 
(1886), 412. — Bull. Washburn College 
Lab. Nat. Hist., 1886, 1, 184-186. 


Evermann, Barton Warren, & Gil- 
bert, Charles H. See Gilbert & Ever- 

Evermann, Barton Warren, & Golds- 
borough, Hdmund Lee. Notes on some 


Evermann «& Goldsborough. 
Mexican fishes. Science, 1902, n. s. 15, 
746-747. 1902.1 

Notes on the fishes and mollusks 
of lake Chautauqua, New York. Rept. 
U.S. Fish Comm. 1901 (1902), 27, 169- 
175.— Rept. N. Y. Forest, Fish & 
Game Comm., 1900, 357-366. pl. 


Report on fishes collected in 
Mexico and Central America, with notes 
and descriptions of five new species. 
Bull. U. 8. Fish Comm. 1901 (1902), 21, 
137-159. 8 figs. 1902.3 

Description of a new rock-fish 
of the genus Sebastodes from California. 
Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., 1906, 31, 651-652. 
fig. 1906.1 

The fishes of Alaska. Bull. Bur. 
Fisheries, 1906, 26, 219-360. 28 pls. & 
114 figs. 1906.2 

A check-list of the freshwater 
fishes of Canada. Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash- 
ington, 1907, 20, 89-120. 1907.1 

Notes on some fishes from the 
Canal zone. Proc. Biol. Soc. Washing- 
ton, 1909, 22, 95-104. 3 figs. 1909.1 

Further notes on fishes from the 
Canal zone. Proc. Biol. Soc. Washing- 
ton, 1910, 23, 3-6. 1910.1 

Evermann, Barton Warren, & Hilde- 
brand, Samuel Frederick. On a collec- 
tion of fishes from the lower Potomac, 
the entrance of Chesapeake bay, and 
from streams flowing into these waters. 
Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 1910, 23, 
157-164. 1910.1 

Evermann, Barton Warren, & Jen- 
kins, 0. P. Description of eighteen 
new species of fishes from the gulf of 
California. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 
1888, 137-158. 1888.1 


—— Notes on Indiana fishes. 
U.S. Nat. Mus., 1888, 43-57. 

Report upon a_ collection of 
fishes made at Guaymas, Sonora, Mex- 
ico, with descriptions of new species. 
Proce. U. S. Nat. Mus., 1891, 121-165. 
2 pls. 1891.1 

Evermann, Barton Warren, & Jor- 
dan, David Starr. See Jordan & 

Evermann, Barton W., & Kendall, 
William Converse. The fishes’ of 



Texas and the Rio Grande basin, con- 
sidered chiefly with reference to their 
geographic distribution. Bull. U. 8. 
Fish Comm. 1892 (1894), 12, 57-126. 
31 pls. 1894.1 

A list of the fishes known from 
the vicinity of Neosho, Missouri. Bull. 
U.S. Fish Comm. 1894 (1895), 14, 469- 
472. 1895.1 

An annotated list of the fishes 
known from the state of Vermont. Rept. 
U.S. Fish Comm. 1894 (1896), 20, 570, 
604. 1896.1 

Description of a new _ species 
of pipefish, Siphostoma scovelli, from 
Texas. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. 1895 
(1896), 113-115. 1896.2 

Descriptions of new or little 
known genera and species of fishes from 
the United States. Bull. U. §. Fish 
Comm. 1897 (1898), 17, 125-133. 4 pls. 


Check list of the fishes of Florida. 
Rept. U.S. Fish Comm. 1899 age 25, 
35-103. 1900. 1 

Notes on the fishes of lake On- 
tario. 6. Ann. Rept. N. Y. Forest, Fish 
& Game Comm. 1900 (1901), 479-488. 
— Rept. U. 8. Fish Comm. 1901 (1902), 
27, 209-216. 1901.1 

An annotated list of the fishes 
known to occur in lake Champlain and 
its tributary waters. Rept. U. 8. Fish 
Comm. 1901 (1902), 27, 217-226. 1902.1 

An annotated list of the fishes 
known to occur in the St. Lawrence 
river. Rept. U. S. Fish Comm. 1901 
(1902), 27, 227-240. 1902.2 

An interesting species of fish 
from the high Andes of central Ecuador. 
Proc. Biol. Soe. Washington, 1905, 18, 
91-105. 2 figs. 1905.1 

Notes on a collection of fishes 
from Argentina, South America, with 
descriptions of three new species. Proc. 
U. S. Nat. Mus., 1906, 31, 67-108. 4 
figs. 1906.1 

Notes on a pipefish from the 
mid-North Atlantic. Proc. Biol. Soe. 
Washington, 1908, 21, 207-210. pl. 


A comparison of the chub-mack- 
erels of the Atlantic and Pacifie oceans. 
Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 1910, 38, 327— 
328. 1910.1 



Evermann, Barton Warren, & Lati- 
mer, Homer Barker. The fishes of the 
lake of the Woods and connecting wa- 
ters. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., 1910, 39, 
121-136. 1910.1 

On a collection of fishes from the 
Olympic peninsula, together with notes 
on other west coast species. Proc. Biol. 
Soe. Washington, 1910, 23, 131-140. 
Evermann, Barton Warren, & Marsh, 
Millard Caleb. Descriptions of new 
genera and species of fishes from Puerto 

Rico. Rept. U. 8. Fish Comm. 1898 
(1899), 24, 351-362. 1899.1 
—— The fishes of Porto Rico. Bull. 

U.S. Fish Comm. 1900 (1902), 20, pt. 1, 
51-350. pls. i-xlix. 1902.1 

; Porto Rico, its fishes and fish- 
eries. Current Encyclopedia, 1902, 2, 
1274-1279. 8 figs. 1902.2 

: Some strange ocean fishes. 
World Today, 1902, 3, 1800-1805. 10 
pls. 1902.3 

Evermann, Barton W., & Meek, Seth 
E. A review of the species of Gerres 
found in American waters. Proc. Acad. 
Nat. Sci. Philad., 1883, 116-124. 1883.1 

—A revision of the American 
species of the genus Gerres. Proc. Acad. 
Nat. Sci. Philad., 1886, 256-272. 1886.1 

A report upon salmon investiga- 
tions in the Columbia river basin and 
elsewhere on the Pacific coast in 1896. 
Bull. U.S. Fish Comm. 1897 (1898), 17, 
15-84. 8 pls. Also separate; Washing- 
ton, 1897. 4°. 1898.1 

Evermann, Barton Warren, & Nich- 
ols, John Treadwell. Notes on the fishes 
of Crab creek, Washington, with de- 
scription of a new species of trout. Proc. 
Biol. Soc. Washington, 1909, 22, 91-94. 
2 pis. 1909.1 

Evermann, Barton Warren, & Rad- 
cliffe, Lewis. Notes on a cyprinodont 
(Orestias agassizii) from central Peru. 
Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 1909, 22, 
165-170. 1909.1 

Evermann, Barton Warren, & Rut- 
ter, Cloudsley. The fishes of the Colo- 
rado basin. Bull. U. 8. Fish Comm. 
1894 (1895), 14, 473-486. 1895.1 

Evermann, Barton Warren, & Sco- 
vell, Josiah Thomas. The fishes of the 
Missouri basin. Proc. Indiana Acad. 
Sci., 1895, 126-138. 1895.1 


— Recent investigations concern- 
ing the redfish, Oncorhynchus nerka, at 
its spawning grounds in Idaho. Proc. 
Indiana Acad. Sci., 1895, 131-134. 


Evermann, Barton Warren, & Seale, 
Alvin. Fishes collected in the Philippine 
islands by Major Edgar A. Mearns, 
Surgeon, U.S. Army. Proc. U.S. Nat. 
Mus., 1906, 31, 505-512. 4 figs. 1906.1 

Fishes of the Philippine islands. 
Bull. Bur. Fisheries, 1906 (1907), 26, 
49-110. 22 figs. 1907.1 

Evermann, Barton W., & Smith, 
Hugh M. The whitefishes of North 
America. Rept. U.S. Fish Comm. 1894 
(1896), 20, 283-324. 18 pls. 1896.1 

Evermann, Barton Warren, Wilcox, 
W. A., & Bean, Barton A. See Bean, 
Evermann «& Wilcox. 

Evers, MV. Zur Charakteristik des 
Stichlings (Gasterosteus aculeatus) _Jah- 
resber. Naturw. Ver. Elberfeld, 1878, 5. 
Heft, 26-46.—Isis (Russ), 1879, 4. 

Jahrg., 225-226; 233-234; 241-242; 
249-250; 257-259. Also separate; El- 
berfeld, 1878. 8°. 1878.1 

Nesterbau und Brutpflege der 
Stichlinge. Isis (Russ), 1879, 4. Jahrg., 
125-126; 133-134; 141-142; 149-150; 
157-158. 1879.1 

Beobachtungen am Stichling. 
Abstract in Corresbl. Naturf. Ver. Riga, 
1880, 23. Jahrg., 129-134. 1880.1 

Eversmann, Eduard Friedrich (1794— 
1860] Addenda ad Pallasii zoographiam 
Rosso-Asiatiam in tres partes. Casani, 
1835-42. 1835.1 

A facsimile reprint of this work, which was 
destroyed by fire, was published at London in 
1875 by H. E. von Dresser. 

Ewald, August. Ueber den Modus 
der Nervenverbreitung im elektrischen 
Organ und die Bedeutung desselben fiir 
die Physiologie der Entladung des Or- 
gans. Heidelberg, 1881. 15 p. 1881.1 

Ewald, August, & Krukenberg, C. 
F. W. Ueber die Verbreitung des 
Guanin, bis iiber sein Vorkommen in der 
Haut von Amphibien, Reptilien und 
Petromyzon fluviatilis. Untersuch. Phy- 
siol. Instit., Heidelberg, 1882, 4, 3. Heft, 
353-365. 1882.1 
Ueber Besonderheiten der Gua- 

ninablagerung bei Fischen. Zeitschr. 
Biol., 1883, 19, 154-158. 1883.1 


Ewald, J. Ueber Menaspis, eine 
neue fossile Fischgattung. Ber. Akad. 

Wiss. Berlin, 1848, 33-35.— Arch. 
Mineral. (Karsten), 1848, 22, 655-657. 

Ewald, Wolfgang F. Die Fortnahme 
des hiutigen Labyrints und ihre Folgen 
beim Flussaal (Anguilla vulgaris) Arch. 
Ges. Physiol., 1907, 116, 186-192. soot 


Ewart, James Cossar [1851 —] Note 
on the abdominal pores and urogenital 
sinus of the lamprey. Journ. Anat. 
Physiol., London, 1876, 10, ae ‘ 


On vascular peribranchial spaces 
in the lamprey. Journ. Anat. Physiol., 
London, 1878, 12, 232-236. 1878. 1 

The early history of the herring. 
Nature, 1883, 29, 105-107. 1883.1 

Natural history of the herring. 
Rept. Scottish Fisheries, 1884, 2, Ap- 
pend. F, no. 4, 61-72. 5 pls. 1884.1 

Note on deserted spawning 
grounds of the herring. Proc. Roy. Soc. 
Edinb., 1884, 270-273. 1884.2 

On the natural and artificial 
fertilisation of herring ova. Proc. Roy. 
Soc. London, 1884, 36, 450-461. — Bull. 
U. 8S. Fish Comm. 1884, 4, 193-197. — 
Nature, 29, 538-540. Extract in Journ. 
Roy. Micr. Soc., 2. ser. 4, 862. 1884.3 

On the rigor mortis in fish and 
its relation to putrefaction. Proc. Roy. 
Soc. London, 1887, 42, 438-459. 1887.1 

—— The preservation of fresh fish. 
Bull. U. 8. Fish Comm. 1886 (1887), 6, 
65-75. 1887.2 

The electric organ of the skate. 
The electric organ of Raia radiata. 
Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. London, 1888, 
179B, 539-552. 2 pols. Abstract in 
Proc. Roy. Soc. London, 1888, 44, 308— 
310. 1888.1 

—— The electric organ of the skate. 
On the development of the electric 
organ of Raia batis. Phil. Trans. Roy. 
Soc. London, 1888, 179B, 399-416. 3 
pls. Abstract in Proc. Roy. Soc. Lon- 
don, 1888, 44, 120-121. 1888.2 

: On the hatching of herring ova 
in deep water. Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinb., 
1888, 9, 47-54. 1888.3 

On the presence of bacteria in 
the lymph, ete., of living fish and other 



vertebrates. Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinb., 
1888, 9, 262-270. 1888 4 

On the structure of the electric 
organ of Rata circularis. Phil. Trans. 
Roy. Soc. London, 1888, 179B, 410-416. 
pl. Abstract in Proc. Roy. Soc. London, 

1888, 44, 213-214. 1888.5 
On whitebait. Proc. Roy. Soe. 
Edinb., 1888, 9, 78-81. 1888.6 

On the cranial nerves of elasmo- 
branch fishes. Preliminary communi- 
cation. Proc. Roy. Soe. London, 1889, 
45, 524-537. 1889.1 

The cranial nerves of the tor- 
pedo. Preliminary note. Proc. Roy. 
Soc. London, 1890, 47, 290-291. 1890.1 

— On the development of the ciliary 
or motor oculi ganglion. Proc. Roy. 
Soe. London, 1890, 47, 287-290. 1890.2 

On the spiracles of the porbeagle 
shark (Lamna cornubica) Journ. Anat. 
Physiol., London, 1890, 24, ar 3 

On the occurrence of the an- 
chovy (Engraulis encrasicholus) in Scot- 
tish waters. Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinb., 
1891, 10, 333. 1891. 1 

The electric organ of the skate. 
Observations on the structure, relations, 
progressive development, and growth of 
the electric organ of the skate. Phil. 
Trans. Roy. Soc. London, 1892, 183B, 
389-420. 5 pls. Abstract in Proc. Roy. 
Soc. London, 50, 474-476. 1892.1 

Collected papers on_ electrical. 
and lateral sense organs. Edinburgh, 
1893. 3p. 1893.1 

—— The electric organ of the skate. 
Note on an electric centre in the spinal 
cord. Proc. Roy. Soc. London, es 
53, 388-391. 4 figs. 1893 

The electric organ of the skate. 
Observations on the structure, relations, 
progressive development, and growth 
of the electric organ of the skate. Phil. 
Trans. Roy. Soc: London, 1893, 183B, 
389-420. “5 pls. 1893.3 

Ewart, James Cossar, & Brook, 
George. Observations on ‘the spawning 
of the cod. Rept. Fish. Board Scotland, 
1885, Append. F, 52-55. — Journ. Roy. 
Micr. Soc., 5, 736. 1885.1 

Ewart, James Cossar, & Cole, F. J. 
On the dorsal branches of the cranial 




and spinal nerves of elasmobranchs. 
Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinb., 1895, 20, 475- 
480. 2 figs. 1895.1 

Ewart, James Cossar, Gibson-Mait- 
land, James Ramsay, & others. The 
early history of the herring. Prelimi- 
nary report of the investigation com- 
mittee of the fishery board of Scotland. 
Nature, 1884, 29, 105-107. 1884.1 

Ewart, James Cossar, & Matthews, 
J. D. The dissection of the skate. 
Edinburgh, 1885. 4°. 1885.1 

Ewart, James Cossar, & Mitchell, 
J.C. The lateral sense organs of elas- 
mobranchs. I. The sensory canals of 
Lemargus. II. The sensory canais of 
the common skate (Raia batis), by J. C. 
Ewart and J. C. Mitchell. Trans. Roy. 
Soc. Edinb., 1895, 37, 59-105. 3 pls. 
Abstract in Zool. Anz., 15, 116-120. 


Ewbank, Thomas [1792-1870] <A 
visit to the land of the cocoa and the 
palm. MHarper’s New Monthly Mag., 
1853, 7, 721-745. fig. 1853.1 

Flying-fish, p. 724. 

Exner, Sigmund [1846 —] Ueber das 
Sehen von Bewegungen und die Theorie 
des zusammengesetzten Auges. Sitzber. 
k, Akad. Wiss., Wien, 1875 (1876), 72, 
3. Abth., 156-190. pl. 1876.1 

Exner, Sigmund, & Januschke, 
Hans. Ueber Verschiebung der Tape- 
tummasse im Choreoidealepithel unter 
dem Einflusse des Lichtes pn Abramis 
brama| Zentralbl. Physiol., 1905, 19, 
327-328. 1905.1 

Das Verhalten des Guanintape- 
tums von Abramis brama gegen Licht 
und Dunkelheit. Anz. Akad. Wiss. 
Wien (math.-nat. Cl.), 1905, 42. Jahrg., 
248-268. — Sitzber. Akad. Wiss. Wien, 
114, 3. Abth., 693-714. pl. 1905.2 

See also under Januschke & Exney. 

Die Stabchenwanderung im 
Auge von Abramis brama bei Licht- 
verinderungen. Anz. Akad. Wiss. 
Wien (math.-nat. Cl.), 1906, 43. Jahrg., 
243-244. — Sitzber. Akad. Wiss. Wien, 
115, 3. Abth., 269-286. 4 figs. 1906.1 

Eycleshymer, Albert Chauncey [1867 
—] The early development of Ambly- 
stoma, with observations on some other 
vertebrates. Journ. Morph., 1895, 10, 
343-418. 5 pls. 1895.1 

The cleavage of the egg of Lepi- 
dosteus osseus. Anat. Anz., 1899, 16. 
Jahrg., 529-536. 5 figs. 1899.1 

—— Observations on the breeding 
habits of Ameiurus nebulosus. Amer. 
Naturalist, 1901, 35, 911-918. 1901.1 

—— The formation of the embryo of 
Necturus, with remarks on the theory of 
concrescence. Anat. Anz., 1902, 21. 
Jahrg., 341-353. 1902.1 

Some references to teleostean embryos. 

The early development of Lepi- 
dosteus osseus (with bibliography) Pub- 
lications Univ. Chicago, 1903, 10, 259- 
2/5. 2 pls: 1903.1 

Eycleshymer, Albert Chauncey, & 
Davis, Bradley Moore. The early de- 
velopment of the epiphysis and para- 
physis in Amia. Journ. Comp. Neurol., 
1897, 7, 45-70. pl. 1897.1 

Eycleshymer, Albert Chauncey, & 
Whitman, C. 0. See Whitman «& 

Eycleshymer, Albert Chauncey, & 
Wilson, James Meredith. The gastru- 
lation and embryo formation in A mia 
calua. Amer. Journ. Anat., 1906, 5, 132- 
162. 4 pls. 1906.1 

The adhesive organs of Amia. 
Biol. Bull. Woods Hole, 1908, 14, 134— 
148. 2 pls. 1908.1 

Eydoux, Joseph Fortuné Théodore, & 
Gervais, F. L. P. Voyage autour du 
monde de la corvette de S. M. ‘“‘La Fa- 
vorite,”’ exécuté pendant les années 1830, 
1831, 1832 sous le commandement de M. 
Laplace. Paris, 1836-39. 1836.1 

Voyage de “‘ La Favorite.’’ Pois- 
sons. Echeneis sexdecim-lamellata et 
Syngnathus blainvilleanus. Mag. Zool., 
1837, 7. année, Cl. iv, 1-4. 2 pls. 1837.1 

Eydoux, Joseph Fortuné Théodore, & 
Souleyet, F.L.A. Voyage autour du 
monde exécuté pendant les années 1836 
et 1837 sur la corvette ‘‘ La Bonito.” 
Paris, 1841. 1841.1 

Poissons, vol. i, p. 157-215. 10 pls. 

Eynard, L. Premiére contribution A 
la faune des Cladocéres des étangs de 
Nantoin (Isére) Ann. Univ. Grenoble, 
1912, 24, 171-178. 1912,1 

Eyrich, George C. ‘ Grindle’’ fish- 
ing in Mississippi. Forest & Stream, 
187700, 365. 1877.1 

On Amia calva. 

Eyrich, Lowis. Ueber die Fortpflan- 

zungswelse eines Fisches aus China. 
Zool. Garten, 1870, 11, 66-67. 1870.1 


F., A. Oar-fish (Regalecus banksii) in 
St. Andrews bay. Sci. Gossip, 1880, 16, 

160. 1880.1 

F., B. E. A good idea for fish trans- 
portation. Amer. Sportsman, 1873, 3, 
123; 1873.1 

F., C. A. California trout (caught in 
the Genesee river, N. Y.) Forest & 
Stream, 1880, 14, 491. 1880.1 

F., D. Curiosity or jealousy of black 

bass. Forest & Stream, 1878, 10, 466. 
F., E. H. Baits for bass. Forest & 
Stream, 1878, 9, 491. 1878.1 

F., G. What do we know of the fish 
we catch? Fishing Gazette, 1879, 3, 
85-86. 1879.1 

F., G. A. Fish in the hot springs of 

Nevada. Scient. Amer., 1875, 30, 148— 
149. 1875.1 
F., H. Der Hecht im Rhein. 
Schw eiz. Fischerei-Zeitg., 1897, 5. Jabrg., 
no. 21, 210. 1897.1 
F., W.W. Habitat of smelts. Forest 
& Stream, 1878, 11, 361. 1878.1 

Fabani, C. Un bel caso di monstru- 

osita riscontrato In una trota. Boll. 
Natur. Siena, 1897, 17, 42. 1897.1 
Faber, Friedrich [1795-1828] Kort 

efterretning om en zoologisk reise til del 
nordligste Jylland 1 sommeren 1827 
Tidskr. Naturvid. Kjobenhayn, 1828, 5. 


Naturgeschichte der dénischen 

Schollen. Isis (Oken), 1823, 864-899. 
— Bull. Sci. Nat. (Férussac), 19, 369- 
373. 1828.2 

Om ejebyeg jedden (Cyprinus 
Tidsskrift (Oerstedt), 1828, 5, 

Om to lidet bekjendte danske 
torske-arter (Gadus lycostomus et luscus) 
Tidsskrift (Oerstedt), 1828, 5, 215-222. 
— Bull. Sci. Nat. (Férussac), 15, 308- 
309. 1828.4 


— Naturgeschichte der Fische Is- 
lands. Frankfurt-a.-M., 1829. 4°. ~ 

Ichthyologische Beitrige. Die 
Gattung Pleuronectes. Arch. Naturg., 
1840, 1, 18-34.— Isis (Oken), 1841, 
449-451. 1840.1 

Faber, George Louis. The fisheries of 
the Adriatic and the fish thereof. A 
report of the Austro-Hungarian sea fish- 
erles, with a detailed description of the 
marine fauna of the Adriatic gulf. Lon- 
don, 1883. 292 p. 42 pls. 4°. 1883.1 

Fabre, G., & Depéret, Charles. Liste 
des vertébrés fossiles de l’Eocéne supé- 
rieur (étage Ludien) du gisement des 
Baruques d’Enzet (Gard) Bull. Soe. 
Etude Sci. Nat. Nimes, 1900, 27, a XXIV. 


Fabre-Domergue, P. [1861—] Le 
régime de la sardine. Programme pour 
le déterminer. Rev. Gén. Sci., Paris, 
1897, 7, 429-432. 1897.1 

Comment on péche la sardine. 
La Nature, 1913, 41, pt. 1, 65-67. 4 
figs. 1913.1 

Fabre-Domergue, P., & Biétrix, 
Eugéne. Sur les ceufs et les alevins de la 
sardine dans les eaux de Concarneau. 
C. R. Mém. Soc. Biol. Paris, 1896, 10. 
sér. 3, 551-552. 1896.1 

Sur l’existence et le développe- 
ment des ceufs de la sardine dans les 
eaux de Concarneau. C. R. Acad. Sei. 
Paris, 1896, 122, 1347-1349. Abstract 
in Rev. Sci., 4. sér. 5, no. 25, 789. 1896.2 

La période critique post-larvaire 
des poissons marins. Bull. Mus. Hist. 
Nat. Paris, 1897, 3, 57-58. 1897.1 

Recherches biologiques applica- 
bles & la pisciculture maritime. Sur les 
ceufs et les larves des poissons de mer et 
sur le turbot. Ann. Sci. Nat. (Zool.), 
1897, 8. sér. 3, 151-220. figs. 1897.2 

Role de la vésicule vitelline dans 
la nutrition larvaire des poissons marins. 
C. R. Mém. Soe. Biol. Paris, 1898, 10. 


sér. 5, 466-468.— Bull. Soc. Centr. 
Aquicult. Péche, 10, 125-127. 1898.1 

Sur le développement de la sole 
au laboratoire de Concarneau. mR 
Acad. Sci. Paris, 1901, 132, cer 

Appareil 4 rotation pour l’éle- 
vage des ceufs et des larves des poissons 
marins. C.R. Assoc. Frang. Avance. Sci., 
Paris, 30.-sess., 1902, pt. 1, 144-145. 
Ibid., pt. 2, 577-582. 1902.1 

Développement de la sole (Solea 
vulgaris) Introduction a l'étude de la 
pisciculture marine. Paris, 1905. 247 
Poocpls...8°. 1905.1 

Fabricius, Johann Christian [1745- 
1808] Reise nach Norwegen, mit Bemer- 
kungen aus der Naturgeschichte und 

Oekonomie. Hamburg, 1779. 8°. 
The same. 2. ed. Niirnberg, 
1785. 2 pls. & map. 1785.1 
Voyage en Norvége, ete.) Tra- 

duit d’allemand par Millin et Winkler. 
Paris, 1802. 8°. 1802.1 

Fabricius, Ofto [1744-1822] Fauna 
Greenlandica, systematice sistens, ani- 
malia Groenlandie occidentalis. Copen- 
hagen & Leipzig, 1780. 452 p. pl. 8°. 


Pisces [new species of Ophidium, Blennius, 
Cottus, Pleuronectes and Salmo], p. 137-183. 

Beskrivelse over den punkterte 

tangsprel (Blennius punctatus) Skrivt. 
Naturhist. Selsk. Kjébenh., 1793, 2, 
84-96. 1793.1 

Beskrivelse over 2de_ sieldne 

Gronlandske fiske: bugte-tanden (cam- 
pylodon), og den tornefulde rognkald 
(Cyclopterus spinosus) Skrivt. Natur- 
hist. Selsk. Ky6benh., 1797, 4, pt. 2, 21— 
33. 1797.1 

Nojagtig beskrivelse over Gron- 
lendernes landdyr- fugle- og fiskefangst, 
med dertil horende redskaber. Dansk. 
Vid. Selsk. Skrivt. Kjébenh., 1809, 6, 
2. heft, 231. 1809.1 

Om een ny, og 2. lidet bekjendte, 
flynder-arten nemlig: (1) steen-sueren 
(Pleuronectes quadridens) (2) den lille 
hellefisk (Pleuronectes pingius) og (3) 
den greenlandske flynder (Pleuronectes 

platessoides) Abh. K. Dansk. Vid. 
Selsk. Natur. Kjébenh., 1824, 1, 39-55. 
3 figs. 1824.1 



Fabritius, W. Villebradstillgingen 
i Muonio och Enontekis jakt-siisongen 
1909-10 [Die Menge jagdbaren Wildes 
in Muonio und Enontekis wihrend der 
Jagdsaison 1909-10) Finisk Jakttid- 
ning, Helsingfors, 1909-10, 5, 146-149. 


-Facciola, Luigi. Descrizione di due 
specie di Blennius del mare di Messina: 
B. trigloides Cuv. Val., B. canestrinii, n. 
sp.) Ann. Soc. Nat. Modena, 1881, 14, 
209-214. 1881.1 

Descrizione di due specie di 
pesci del genere Oxystomus viventi nelle 
acque di Messina. Nat. Sicil., 1882, 1, 
184-189. pl. 1882.1 

Descrizione di una nuova specie 
di Scopelus del mar di Messina. Nat. 
Sicil., 1882, 1, 193-198. pl. 1882.2 

Note sui pesci dello stretto di 
Messina. Nat. Sicil., 1882, 1, 166-168; 
184-189; 193-198. Jbid., 1883, 2, 145- 
148; 186-189; 205-208; 252-256. Ibid., 
1884, 3, 51-54; 111-114; 163-169; 291- 
296. 1882.3 

Sulla forma giovanile del Macrou- 
rus celorhynchus. Boll. Scient. Pavia, 
1882, 4, 9-13. 2 figs. 1882.4 

Di alcune disposizioni organiche 

_ dell’ Uranoscopus scaber Linn., in rap- 

porto al suo istinto insidiatore. Atti Soc. 
Nat. Modena, 1883, 1, 17-28. 1883.1 

La forma giovanile del Phycis 
blennioides. Nota. Nat. Sicil., 1883, 2, 
25-29. fig. 1883.2 

Caratteri di pesci giovani del mar 
di Messina. Nat. Sicil., 1884, 3, 231— 
236. 1884.1 

Caratteri giovanili del Chloroph- 
thalmus agassizit. Nat. Sicil., 1884, 3, 
(1-75. 1884.2 

I giovani del Gonostoma denuda- 
tum. Nat. Sicil., 1884, 3, 22-26. 1884.3 

I blennii del mar di Messina. 
Atti Soc. Toscana Sci. Nat., 1885, 6, 
273-342. pl. 1885.1 

Su di aleuni rari Pleuronettidi 
del mar di Messina. Nota preliminare. 
Nat. Sicil., 1885, 4, 261-266. 1885.2 

Sul dimorfismo sessuale del Rhom- 
boidichthys mancus. Nat. Sicil., 1886, 5, 
213-220; 231-235. 1886.1 

Intorno a due Lepadogastrini ed 
un nuovo Nettastoma del mare di Sicilia. 
Lettera al Cristoforo Bellotti. Nat. 
Sicil., 1887, 6, 163-167. 1887.1 




Facciola, L. 

Sull’ esistenza di due forme di- 
verse di Microstoma nel mar di Messina. 
Nat. Sicil., 1887, 6, 193-197. 1887.2 

Sullo stato giovanile del Rhom- 
boidichthys mancus. Nat. Sicil., 1887, 6, 
39-43; 50-53; 74-76. 1887.3 

— Annunzio ittiologico. Nat. Sicil., 
1888, 7, 167-169. 1888.1 

Su di un nuovo Crenilabro del 
mar di Messina. Nat. Sicil., 1889, 8, 22— 

24. 1889.1 

Un’ altra parola sul “Crenilabrus 
aurantiacus.”’ Nat. Sicil., 1889, 8, 208— 
210. 1889.2 

—— Sul Trachurus melanosaurus Coc- 
co. Nat. Sicil., 1890, 9, 234-241. 1890.1 

Di un autografo dell’ abbate 
Francesco Maurolico intorno ai pesci di 
Sicilia. Nat. Sicil., 1891, 10, 16-19. 


Le metamorfosi del Conger vul- 
garis e del Conger mistax. Nat. Sicil., 

1893, 12, 194-200; 223-226; 254-259: 
287-288; 309-312. Ibid., 1894, 18, 25- 
35; 56-60. 1893.1 

Sull’ esistenza di forme di pas- 
saggio da alcune specie di Leptocefalidi 
agli adulti oe Nat. Sicil., 
1893, 12, 99-103; 123-127; 144-148. 


— Cattura di un Carcharodon ronde- 
letii M. & H. nel mare di Messina. Nat. 

Sicil., 1894, 13, 182-184. 1894.1 

Le metamorfosi del Conger balea- 
ricus. Nat. Sicil., 1894, 13, 125-130; 
173-177; 219-228. Ibid., 1895, 14, 39- 
50. 1894.2 

La prima forma larvata dell’ 
Anguilla vulgaris. Nat. Sicil., 1894, 18, 
133-135; 161-166; 212-221. [bid., 
1895, 14, 161-166; 212-221. 1894.3 

L’ Helmichthys dell’ Anguilla vul- 
garis. Riv. Ital. Sci. Nat., Siena, 1897, 
17, 116-118. 1897.1 

Il maschio del congro comune 
non si conosce. Nat. Sicil., 1897, n.s. 2, 
174-176. 1897.2 

Sulle uova del Conger vulgaris. 
Riv. Ital. Sci. Nat., Siena, 1897, 17, 92— 
94, 1897.3 

Sunto di aleune ricerche su I’ or- 
ganizzazione e lo sviluppo dei Leptoce- 

falidi. Atti Soe. Nat. Modena, 1897, 
3. ser. 14, 122-145. 1897.4 

— Il maschio della Smaris vulgaris 
Linn. Annunzio ittiologico. Boll. 

Scient., Pavia, 1899, 19, 46-47. 1899.1 

Smaris chryselis e S. gagarella. 
Boll. Scient., Pavia, 1899, 19, 73-75. 

Sull’ esistenza di due specie di 
Nettastoma nel mare di Messina. Riv. 
Ital., 1899, 19, 29-32. 1899.3 

Sul Microichthys coccoi Riipp. 
Monit. Zool. Ital., 1900, 11, 188-194. pl. 

Contributo all’ interpretazione 
del passagio dell’ occhio del lato cieco sul 
lato oculata. Boll. Soc. Zool. Ital., 
Roma, 1901, 2. ser. 1, 169-189. pl. 

Esame degli studii su lo sviluppo 
dei Murenoidi e Il’ organizzazione dei 
Leptocefali. Atti Soc. Nat. Modena, 
1901, 4. ser. 2, 41-82. 2 pls. 1901.2 

— Un po’ di cronologia relativa agli 
studii su lo sviluppo dei Murenoidei. 
Boll. Soc. Zool. Ital., Roma, 1901, 2. ser. 
1, 247-262. 1901.3 

Idea succinta dell’ organizza- 
zione dei Leptocefali. Monit. Zool. Ital., 
1903, 14, 185-198. 1903.1 

Generi dei vertebrati ittioidi del 
mare di Messina. Boll. Soc. Zool. Ital., 
Roma, 1911, 2. ser. 12, 268-287. 1911.1 

Scoperta di un individuo maschio 
del Conger vulgaris Linn. Boll. Soe. Zool. 
Ital., Roma, 1912, 3. ser. 1, 164-187. 


Una nuova specie de grosso Con- 
ger (C. simulatus) scoperta nel mare di 
Messina. Boll. Soc. Zool. Ital., Roma, 
1913, 3. ser. 2, 101-109. 1913.1 

Facciola, Luigi, & Cocco, Anastasio. 
See Cocco & Facciola. 

Fack, Cyprinoiden und deren 
Zahngestell. Schrift. Naturw. Ver. 
Schleswig-Holstein, 1897, 11, 84-85. BS 


Fage, Louis. Apergu sur l’exploita- 
tion des fonds maritimes du quartier du 
Port-Vendres. Bull. Soe. Cent. Aqui- 
cult. Péche, 1907, 19, 9-31. 1907.1 

Essai sur la faune des poissons des 
jles Baléares et description de quelques 
espéces nouvelles. Arch. Zool. Expér. 
Gén., Paris, 1907, 4. sér. 7, 69-93. pl. 



— Etude de la variation chez le 
rouget (Mullus barbatus L. M., surmu- 
letus L.) Arch. Zool. Expér. Gén., 1909, 
5. sér. 1, 389-445. pl. 1909.1 

Recherches sur les stades péla- 
giques de quelques téléostéens de la mer 
de Nice (parages de Monaco) et du golfe 
du Lion. Ann. Instit. Océanog. Monaco, 
1910, 1, fase. 7, 53. 1910.1 

Le capelan de la Méditerranée, 
Gadus capelanus (Risso) et ses rapports 
avec les espéces voisines, G. luscus Linné 
et G. minutus O. Fr. Miller. Arch. Zool. 
Expér. Gén., 1911, 5. sér. 6, 257-282. 2 
pls. & 3 figs. ieontital 

— Recherches sur la biologie de 
Yanchois (Engraulis encrassicholus 1.) 
Ann. Instit. Océanog. Monaco, 1911, 24, 
1-37. 1911.2 9 

Sur les races locales de |’anchois 
(Engraulis encrassicholus Linné)  Reé- 
ponse a4 M. Pietro Lo Giudice. Arch. 
Zool. Expér. Gén., 1911, 5. sér. 8, Ixxii— 
ex. 1911.3 

—— Sur une collection de poissons 
provenant de la céte méditerranéene du 

Maroc. C. R. Assoc. Frang. Avance. Sci., 
1911, 40, 578-582. — Bull. Soc. Zool. 
France, 1912, 36, 215-220. 1911.4 

L’acclimatation du saumon dans 

le bassin de la Méditerranée. : 

Mém. Soe. Biol. Paris, 1912, 72, 851- 852. 
: 1912.1 

Essais d’acclimatation du sau- 
mon dans le bassin de la Méditerranée. 
Bull. Instit. Océanog. Monaco, 1912, 
no. 225. 13 p. 1912.2 

Recherches sur la croissance de 
la sardine (Clupea pilchardus Walb.) 
C. R. Assoc. Frang. Avance. Sci., 41. sess., 
1912, 415-418. 1912.3 

Recherches sur la biologie de la 
sardine (Clupea pilchardus Walb.) Pre- 
miéres remarques sur la croissance et 
lage des individus, principalement en 
Méditerranée. Arch. Zool. Expér. Gén., 
1913, 52, 305-341. 22 figs. 1913.1 

Fage, Lowis, & Buen y del Cos, Odén 
de. See Buen y del Cos & Fage. 

Fage, Louis, & Pellegrin, Jacques. 
See Pellegrin & Fage. 

Fagerlund, Lars Wilhelm. Anteck- 
ningar om korpo och houtskirs socknar. 
Sommarstudier. Bidrag kinnedom. 
Finl. Natur, 1878, 28, 1-334. 6 figs. & 
map. 1878.1 



Fahlberg, Samuel. 
elektriska Alen (Gymnotus  electricus) 
Handl. K. Vetensk. Akad., 1801, 22, 
122-156. — Annal. (Gilbert), 14, 416- 
422. 1801.1 

Fairbank, NV. K. Delivery of young 
native fish. Chicago Field, 1880, 14, 27. 

The power of fish commissioners. 

Beskrifning 6fver 

Chicago Field, 1880, 13, 412. 1880.2 
Quinnat salmon  land-locked. 
Forest & Stream, 1880, 15, 186. 1880.3 

Breeding California salmon in 
fresh water. Proc. 2. Ann. Meet. Central 
Fisheulture Soe. Chicago, 1880 (1881), 
47-50. 1881.1 

Fairbanks, John E. Letter on the 
deep sea fisheries. Rept. Fish. Bay of 
Fundy, 1851, 167-172. — Rept. Fish. N. 
Bruns., 1852, 246-249. 1851.1 

Fairchild (junior),G. M. Stray notes 
from Canada. Forest & Stream, 1875, 5, 
162. 1875.1 

Remarks on trout and black bass in several 
Canadian lakes. 

Faist, Anton J oseph. Die Fische der 
pare erischen Gewiisser. Miinchen, 1871. 
Bee Oe 1871.1 

Faivre, Ernest [1827-1879] Considé- 
rations anatomiques sur l’appareil pneu- 
matique de certains poissons. C. R 
Mém. Soc. Biol. Paris, 1854, 1, 1-4. 


Observations anatomiques sur le 
Cyclopterus lumpus. C. R. Mém. Soe. 
Biol. Paris, 1856, 3, 70-74. 1856.1 

Falcone, Cesar. La cortevvia del cer- 
velletto. Napoli, 1893. 1893.1 

Falconer, Hugh [1808-1865] Miscel-~ 

laneous notes on Indian zoology. II. 
Note on an Indian species of Esox (In 
Paleontological memoirs and notes of 
the late Hugh Falconer, compiled and 
edited by Charles Murchison, vol. i, p. 
589-590. 1868) 1868.1 

Falke, W. 
Amer. Sportsman, 1874, 4, 359. 

Longevity of the carp. 

Falkner, Thomas. <A description of 
Patagonia, and the adjoining parts of 
South America, containing an account 

of the soil, produce, animals, etc., of 
these countries. London, 1774. 
144 p. 2maps. 4°. 1774.1 




Falsan, Albert, & Dumortier, Vin- 
cent Eugene. Note sur les terrains su- 
bordonnés aux gisements de poissons et 
de végétaux fossiles du Bas-Bugey. 
Ann. Soc. Agric. Lyon, 1872, 4. sér. 5, 
143-218. 1872.1 

Fankhauser, F. Statistik der An- 
stalten zur kiinstlichen Ausbriitung von 
Fischereien in der Schweiz. Bern, 1889. 
faves ehh 1889.1 

Einiges iiber kiinstliche Fisch- 
zucht. Schweiz. Zeitschr. Forstwesen, 
1896, 287. Also separate; Bern, 1896. 
Sho | este 1896.1 

Statistik des Lachsfanges. Ste- 
nogr. Protok. Verh. Intern. Fisch.- 
Kongr. Wien, 1905 (1906), 403-407. 


Fano, C. da. Osservazioni sulla fine 
struttura della nevrologie. Ricerche 
Labor. Anat. Umana Univ. Roma, 1906, 
Ips, 1906.1 

Fanzago, Filippo. Sul modo col quale 
le femmine degli Ippocampi introducono 
le uova nella borsa ovigera dei maschi. 
Atti Soc. Veneto-Trent. Sci. Nat., 1874, 
3, 161-162. 1874.1 

Faraday, Michael [1791-1867] Notice 
of the character and direction of the elec- 
tric force of Gymnotus. Phil. Trans. 
Roy. Soc. London, 1839, 129, 1-12. 


Faravelli, 2. Cenno preventivo su di 
un muscolo a fibre liscie osservato nella 
zona Cciliare dell’ occhio del Thynnus vul- 
garts. Atti Soc. Tose. Sci. Nat. (Proc. 
Verb.), 1890, 7, 133-139. — Atti Accad. 
Sei. Torino, 26, 268-274. — Arch. Ital. 
Biol., 16, 65-71. pl. 1890.1 

Fargioni Tozzetti, Ad. La pesca 
nei mari d’ Italia e la pesca all’ estero 
esercitata da Italiani. Esposiz. Inter- 
naz. Pesca Berlino, 1880 (Sez. Ital. Cata- 
logo), XV—Cxxxvi. 1880.1 

Farkas, Koloman, & Tangl, Franz. 
See Tangl & Farkas. 

Farlow, William Gilson [1844 —] On 
the nature of the peculiar reddening of 
salted codfish during the summer season. 
Rept. U. 8S. Fish Comm. 1878 (1880), 6, 
969-974. 1880.1 

Vegetable parasites of codfish. 
Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1886, 6, 1-6. 

figs. 1886.1 
Farnell, Frank, & Neilsen, Carl 
August. Trawling operations off the 

coast of New South Wales, between the 
Manning river and Jervis bay, carried 
on by H. M.C.S. “Thetis”? under the 
direction of Frank Farnell, Esq., M. P. 
Rept. N.S. Wales Sea Fish., 1898, 1-22. 


Farnell, Frank, & Waite, Edgar R. 
Sea fisheries. Report upon trawling 
operations off the coast of New South 
Wales between the Manning river and 
Jervis bay. . . . Sydney, 1898. 45 p. 
12 pls. 4°. 1898.1 

Farnum, Clarence A. California trout 
in New York state. Forest & Stream, 
1879, 18, 765. 1879.1 

Farr, C. Coleridge. Some effects of 
the gases dissolved in artesian water on 
trout, their eggs and fry. Rept. Austral. 
Assoc. Adv. Sci., 1912, 13. meet., 354- 
362. 1912.1 

Farr, C. Coleridge, & Macleod, D. B. 
Further experiments on the influence of 
artesian water on the hatching of trout. 
Trans. Proc. New Zealand Instit., 1911, 
23, 55-57. 1911.1 

Farr, S.C. Exportation of salmon and 
whitefish ova to New Zealand in 1876. 
Rept. U. 8. Fish Comm. 1875-76 (1878), 
4, 996-997; 999. 1878.1 

Farran, George P. Plaice marking 
experiments on the east coast of Ireland 
in 1905 and 1906. Fisheries Ireland 
Scient. Invest. 1907 (1909), no. 3. 86 p. 

33 pls. Ibid., 1910 (1911), no. 5. 37 p. 
4 pls. 1909.1 
Clare island survey. Pisces. 

Proc. Roy. Irish Acad., 1912, 31, no. 19. 
6 p. 1912.1 

Farwell, J. D., Throckmorton, S. 
R., & Redding, B. B. See Throck- 
morton, Redding & Farwell. 

Fasciolo, Alba. Due casi di deforma- 
zione nel Labrax lupus. Atti Soe. Ligus- 
tica Sci. Nat. Geog., Genova, 1904, 15, 
92-99. pl.— Boll. Mus. Zool. Anat. 
Comp., Genova, 127, 1-8. pl. 1904.1 

Fasten, Nathan. The brook trout 
disease at Wild Rose and other hatcher- 
ies. Biennial Rept. Comm. Fish. Wis- 
consin, 1911—12 (1912), 12-22. 4 pls. 


The brook trout disease in Wis- 

consin waters. Rept. Wisconsin Comm. 
Fish. 1911-12 (1912), 11-21. 5 figs. 



Fastenau, Ueber die Anlegung 
von Fischwegen mit besonderer Riick- 
sicht auf Lachse. Circul. Deutsch. 
Fischerei Ver., 1872, no. 5, 123-153. 

Hinige Mittheilungen itber Lachs- 
leitern. Circul. Deutsch. Fischerei Ver., 
1873, no. 2, 39-41. 1873.1 

Fatio, Victor. Faune des vertébrés de 
la Suisse.- Genéve & Bale, 1868. 1868.1 

Sur le développement différent 
des nageoires pectorales dans les deux 
sexes et sur un cas particulier de mé- 
lanisme chez le véron (Phoxinus levis 
Agass.) et quelques autres Cyprinides. 
Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat. Genéve, 1875, n.s. 
52, 29-44.— Journ. Zool. (Gervais), 
1875, 4, 215-222 1875.1 

Sur un cas particulier de mé- 
lanisme chez le véron [Phoxinus levis) 
Journ. Zool. (Gervais), 1875, 4, 222-229. 


Arch. Sci. 

Poissons de la Suisse. 


Sur les cyprinidés. 
Nat. Genéve & Lausanne, 1876. 

De la variabilité de l’espéce, A 
propos de quelques poissons. Arch. Sci. 
Phys. Nat., 1877, 58, 185-217; 328. 
Also separate; Genéve, 1878. 33 p. 8°. 
Abstract in Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 4 
ser. 19, 437-458. 1877.1 

Sur la détermination des Cy- 
prinoides. Verh. Naturf. Gesell. Basel, 
1876 (1877), 297-302. 1877.2 

—— Histoire naturelle des poissons 
(In his Faune des vertébrés de la Suisse, 
vol. 4. 9 pls. Genéve & Bale, 1882— 
S0FeS6, ps ~5 pls. 8°) Review in 
Nature, 1883, 27, 220-221. 1882.1 

Pt. 1, Anarthropterygiens. 

Pt. 2, Physostomes-Cyprinidés. 

Les corégones de la Suisse. Arch. 
Sci. Phys. Nat., Genéve, 1884, 3. sér. 12, 
433-437. Ibid., 14, 252-254.—C. R. 
67. Sess. Soc. Helvét., Genéve, 93-97. 
Ibid., 68. Sess. 40-42. — Recueil Zool. 
Suisse, 2, 649-665. 2 pls. 1884.1 

Ueber die schweizerischen Core- 
gonen. Verh. Schweiz. Naturf. Gesell., 
1884, 54-59. Also separate; Luzern, 
1884. 5p. 8°. 1884.2 

Les corégones de la 
Genéve, 1885. 6p. 8°. 




Corégones divers de la Suisse. 

Verh. Schweiz. Naturf. Gesell., 1885, 

32-35. Also separate; Neuchatel, 1885. 

5 p. 1885.2 
Une maladie du brochet. Ge- 
néve, 1887. 2p. 8°. 1887.1 

L’éclairage des échelles A pois- 
Diana, 1888, 11, no. 19, 127. 

Also separate; Berne, 1888. 4°. 

Les poissons d’Amérique en 
Suisse. Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat. Genéve, 
1888, 19, 369-375. Also separate; 
Berne, 1888. 8p. 8°. 1888.2 

Sur un nouveau corégone fran- 
cais (Coregonus bezola) du lac du Bour- 
get. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1888, 106, 
1541-1544. 1888.3 

Question de pisciculture. Areh. 
Sci. Phys. Nat. Genéve, 1889, 21, 470— 
472. Also separate; Genéve, 1889. 3 p. 
8". 1889.1 

Les poissons de la Suisse. Arch. 
Sci. Phys. Nat. Genéve, 1890, 24, 515- 

520. Also separate; Genéve, 1890. 5p. 
Sus 1890.1 

Les corégones en Suisse. Trou- 
bles résultant de limportation. Les 

habitants des lacs de Sarnen et de Lun- 

gern. Cat. Expos. Nation. Suisse, 
Géograph. Chasse & Péche, 1896, 4. 
sér. 1, 125-132; 275-277. 1896.1 

Quelques nouveautés relatives 
au genre Corégone en Suisse. Arch. Sci. 
Phys. Nat. Genéve, 1896, 4. sér. 1, 275- 
Di. 1896.2 

Corégones du type dispersus 
dans les lacs de Lungern et de Sarnen. 
Arch. Sci. Phys.. Nat. Genéve, 1897, 4 
sér. 4, 496-497. C. R. 80. Sess. Soc. 
Helvét., 1897, 63-64. 1897.1 

De la présence d’un corégone du 
type dispersus dans le lac de Sarnen. 
Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat. Genéve, 1897, 4 

sér. 4, 84-85. 1897.2 

Noch ein Wort tiber die Core- 
gonen des Sarnersee in der Schweiz. 
Schweiz. Fischerei Zeitg., 1897, 5, 147. 
Distribution, adaptation et vari- 

abilité des poissons en Suisse. Bull. Soe. 
Zool. France, 1899, 24, 35-44. 1899.1 

Quelques effets du rechauffe- 
ment artificiel de l’eau sur certains 
poissons. Bull. Soc. Centr. Aquicult. 
Péche, 1899, 11, 137-138. 1899.2 




Fatio, V. 

A propos du Coregonus macro- 

phthalmus de Nisslin. Arch. Sci. Phys. 

Nat. Genéve, 1902, 4. sér. 14, 433-441. 

Das Schweizersbild, eine Nieder- 
lassung aus palaeolithischer und neo- 
lithischer Zeit (Quelques vertébres de 
polssons, provenant des fouilles du 
Schweizersbild} Neue Denkschr. Allg. 
Schweiz. Gesell. Nat., 1902, 35, 199-203. 
— C. R. 82. Sess. Soc. Helvét. Sci. Nat., 
1902, 60-61. — Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat. 
Geneve, 4. sér. 10, 566-567. 1902.2 

Vererbung und Anpassung bei 
unsern Fischen. Schweiz. Fischerei- 
Zeitg., 1904, 12. Jahrg., 238-243. 1904.1 

-Adaptation chez les poissons. 
Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat. Genéve, 1905, 4. 
sér. 20, 590-592. — Verh. Schweiz. Na- 
turf. Ges., 88. Vers. 74-76. — C. R. 88. 
Sess. Soc. Helvét. Sci. Nat., 80-82. 


La bouviére, Rhodeus amarus 
Ag., 4 Genéve. Arch. Sci: Phys. Nat. 
Genéve, 1905, 4. sér. 20, 680-686. 
Le haidlii du lac de Hallwyl. 
Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat. Genéve, 1905, 4. 
ser. 20, 589-590. 1905.3 

—— Hybride de Squalius cavedanus 
et Alburnus alborella du lac de Lugano. 
Boll. Soc. Licinese Sci. Nat., 1905, 2, 
9-14. pl. 1905.4 

Fauché, ——,, & Issel, A. See Issel 
& Fauché, 

Faujas de Saint-Fond, Barthélemy 
[1741-1819] Mémoire sur un poisson 
fossile trouvé dans une des carriéres de 
Nanterre prés de Paris. Ann. Mus. Hist. 
Nat. Paris, 1802, 1, 353-356. pl. 1802.1 

Sur une grosse dent de requin et 
sur un écusson fossile de tortue trouvés 
dans les carriéres des environs de Paris. 
Ann. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris, 1803, 2,103- 
109. pl. 1803.1 

Lettre adressée 4 M. de Lacé- 
péde, sur les poissons du golfe de la 
Spezzia et de la mer de Génes. Ann. 
Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris, 1806, 8, 365-371. 

Notice sur le gisement des pois- 
sons fossiles et sur les empreintes 
de plantes d’une des carriéres 4 platre 
des environs d’Aix, département des 
Bouches-du-Rhone. Ann. Mus. Hist. 
Nat. Paris, 1806, 8, 220-226. 1806.2 

Sur le piquant ou Jl’aiguillon 
pétrifié d’un poisson du genre des raies, 
et sur l’os maxillaire d’un quadrupéde 
trouvé dans une carriére des environs de 
Montpellier, précédée de quelques ob- 
servations sur les corps organisés, fossiles 
ou pétrifiés qu’on trouvé dans les en- 
virons de cette ville. Ann. Mus. Hist. 
Nat. Paris, 1809, 14, 376-383. pl. 


Faulds, H. Remarks on the dojé 
(Cobitis barbatula) Trans. Asiat. Soe. 
Japan, 1878, 6, pt. 1, 183-185. 1878.1 

Fauré-Fremiet, £., & Mironesco, 
Théodore. Sur le chondriome des lames 
électriques de la torpille. C. R. Mém. 
Soc. Biol. Paris, 1911, 71, 517-518. fa 


Faussek, V. A. Beitrige zur His- 
tologie der Kiemen bei Fischen und Am- 
phibien. Arch. Mikrosk. Anat., 1902, 
60, 157-174. pl. 1902.1 

Parasitismus der Anodonta-lar- 
ven [Text in Russian] Mém. Acad. 
Imp. Sci. St. Pétersb., 1903, 8. sér. 13, 
no. 6, 1-141. 8 pls. 1903.1 

Beitrige zur Frage der Droh- 
bewegungen. Die Drohbewegungen der 
Tarantel und der Scolopender. Droh- 
bewegungen bei Wassertieren [Text in 
(Sect. Zool.), 1908, 37, pt. 2, 53-98. pl. 


Fauvel, 4. (Communication relative 
& la reproduction de l’anguille) Bull. 
Soc. Linn. Normandie, 1872-73 (1873), 
2. sér. 7, 227-228. 1873.1 

Favaro, Giuseppe. Cenni anatomo- 
embriologici intorno al musculus re- 
tractor arcuum branchialium dorsalis 
nei teleostei. Monit. Zool. Ital., 1902, 
13, 119-124. 1902.1 

— Ricerche sulla morfologia e sullo 
sviluppo dei muscoli gracili del dorso 
(musculi supra-carinales) dei teleostei. 
Arch. Ital. Anat. Embriol., 1902, 1, 448— 
490. 3 pls. 1902.2 

Sopra I’ origine filogenetica della 
tela subeutanea. Atti Accad. Bologna, 
1904, 20, 131-138. 1904.1 

Contributi all’ angiologia dei 
petromizonti. Atti. Accad. Sci. Veneto- 
Trent., Padova, 1905, n. s. 2, 9-30. 4 
figs. 1905.1 

Il cuore ed i seni caudali dei 

Trav. Soc. Nat., St. Pétersb.- 

Anat. Anz., 1905, 27. Jahrg., 
1905.2 © 





— Note fisiologiche intorno al cuore 
eaudale dei murenoidi (tipo Anguilla 
vulgaris Turt.) Arch. Fisiol., 1905, 2, 
569-580. 2 figs. 1905.3 

—— Ricerche intorno alla morfologia 
ed allo sviluppo dei vasi, semi e cuori 
caudali nei ciclostomi e nei pesci. Atti 
R. Istit. Veneto Sci., 1905, 65 (8. ser. 8), 
1-279. 158 figs. 1905.4 

Sopra la circolazione caudale nei 
missinoidi, nei selaci, negli olocefali e 
nei ganoidi. Nota ‘preventiva. Atti 
Accad. Sci. Padova, 1905, 21, 135-137. 

Ueber die Arbeit von S. M. 
Jossifov (Charkow): “‘ Sur les voies prin- 
cipales et les organes de propulsion de la 
lymphe chez certains poissons.’’ Anat. 
Anz., 1906, 28. Jahrg., 628. 1906.1 

— Pisces (In Bronn, H.G. Klas- 
sen und Ordnungen des Tier-Reichs, 
Bd. vi, Abt. 1, Lief. 23-28, p. 337-518. 
7 pls. & 78 figs. Leipzig, 1908) 1908.1 

Ueber den Ursprung des Lymph- 
gefasssystems. Anat. Anz., 1908, 33. 
Jahrg., 75-77. 1908.2 

Cono e bulbo arterioso negli 
anamni. Monit. Zool. Ital., 1911, 22, 
no. 4, 121-125. 2 figs. 1911.1 

Sviluppo e struttura delle val- 
vole senoatriali degli anamni. Monit. 
Zool. Ital., 1911, 22, no. 1, 1-8. fig. 


Ueber angebliche Schwanzsinus 
bei Petromyzon. Anat. Anz., 1911, 38. 
Jahrg., 560. 1911.3 

Favaro, Giuseppe, & Mozejko, B. 
Pisces (In Bronn, H.G. Klassen und 
Ordnungen des Tier-Reichs, Bd. vi, 
Lief. 34-38, 519-582. 5 pls. Leipzig, 
1913) 1913.1 

Favrau, G. P. Plaice-marking ex- 
periments on the east coast of Ireland in 
1905 and 1906. Dublin, 1909. 33 pls. 


Favre, J. W. Sur les fossiles crétacés 
dans le district de Slavianosserbsk du 
gouvernement d’Ekatherinoslaw. Trud. 
Kharkov. Univ., 1904, 38, 89-172. 4 
pls. 1904.1 

Fayol, Henri, & others. Etudes sur 
le terrain Houiller de Commentry, etc. 
3 vols. & atlases. St. Etienne, 1887-93. 
8° & fol. 1888.1 

Issued in the Bull. Soc. Industrie Minérale 
as Livres i-iii. Livre iii, published in 1888, is 

entitled as follows: Faunes ichthyologique et en- 
tomologique, par C. Brongniart et H. E. Sau- 

vage. The subtitle reads: 

Pt. 1 [a] Faune ichthyologique. Par C. 
Brongniart. p. 1-38. figs. 1888. 

Pt. 1 [b] Poissons du terrain Houiller de 
Commentry. Par H. E. Sauvage. p. 39-120. 
16 pls. & figs. 1888. 

_. These two parts constitute livraison 4 of vol. 
li, 3d series, of the above-named Bulletin. 

Fea, James. An account of the new 
method of fishing on the coasts of Shet- 
land. 1884. 8°. 1884.1 

Fea, Leonardo. Riassunto generale 
dei risultati zoologici. Pesci (Viaggio di 
Leonardo Fea in Birmania e regioni 

vicine) Ann. Mus. Civ. Storia Nat. 
Genova, 1897, 2. ser. 17, 477-497. 2 
figs. 1897.1 

Fearing, Daniel Butler [1859 —] 
Some early notes on striped bass. Trans. 
Amer. Fisheries Soc., 32. meet., 1903, 
90-98. 1903.1 

Grolier Club, New York. A 

catalogue of angling books, together with 

a number of manuscripts, angling book- 

plates, prints, medals, etc., from the col- 

lection of a member of the Grolier Club. 

New York, 1911. 59p. 8°. 1911.1 
The preface is signed D. B. F. 

Fechner, C. A. Ueber die Fort- 
pflanzungsgeschichte der Aale. Neues 
Lausitz. Mag., 1864, 41, 249-251. 1864.1 

Fechner, Hans, & Paeske, Carl. 
Die Deutsche Natur. Fischkalender. 1. 
Teil. Fische unserer Fliisse und Seen. 
Zur Einfiihrung in unser Siiswasser- 
fischreich. Mit Zeichnungen von Ber- 
thold Clauss. Leipzig, 1909. figs. 8°. 


Fedchenko, A. P. See Fedt- 

schenko, 4A. P. 

Feddersen, Arthur Fredrik [1835 —] 
Den kunstige fiskeavl. Tidsskr. Fis- 
keri, 1866, 1. Jahrg., 47-68. 1866.1 

Multen (Mugil] som Damfisk i 
Frankrig. Tidsskr. Fiskeri, 1869, 3. 
Jahrg., 276-284. 1869.1 

— Det frisenvolske laxefiskeri og 
udkleknings-anstalterne. Tidsskr. Fis- 
keri, 1870, 4. Jahrg., 363-364. 1870.1 

Oplysninger om danske fisk. 
Tidsskr. Fiskeri, 1870, 4. Jahrg., 337— 

339. 1870.2 

Smelten (Osmerus eperlanus L.) 
Tidsskr. Fiskeri, 1870, 4. Jahrg., 100— 
105. 1870.3 




Feddersen, A. F. : 
Ferskvandsfiskeriet. Kjoben- 
havn, 1873. 114p. 44 figs. 8°. 1873.1 

Lidt om den kunstige fiskeavl. 
Kjobenhavn, 1875. 16 p. 8 figs. 8°. 

Die Fischerei im Limfjord vom 
1. April 1873 bis 31. Marz 1874. Cireul. 
Deutsch. Fischerei Ver. 1875 (1876), no. 
2, 270. 1876.1 

Fiskeriet fra kastrup og kastrup- 
fiskerne. Nordisk Tidsskr. Fiskeri, 
1878, n. s. 4. Jahrg., 145-161. 1878.1 

Fortsatte bidrag til Limfjords- 
fiskeriets historie. Nordisk Tidssk. 
Fiskeri, 1878, n. s. 4. Jahrg., 224-271; 
348-361. Ibid., 1879, 5. Jahrg., 120-132; 
159-179. 1878.2 

Guramien (Osphromenus olfax) 
Tidsskr. Pop. Fremstilling Naturvi- 
densk., 1878, 5. ser. 5, 50-63. fig. 


von fiskedamme. 

Viborg, 1878. 

2Ap. 8°. 

Fortegnelse over de Danske 
ferskvandsfiske. Naturhist. Tidsskr., 

1879, 12, 69-96. 1879.1 
Fra Bakkebolle strand. Nordisk 

Tidsskr. Fiskeri, 1879, n. s. 5. Jahrg., 
133-135. 1879.2 

Ferskvandsfiskenes geografiske 
udbredelse i Danmark.  Geografisk 
Tidsskr., 1880, 4. 11 p. 1880.1 

Gadus morrhua in fresh water. 
Amer. Naturalist, 1880, 14, 525-526. 

— Aalmiénnchen im Siiswasser. All- 
gem. Fischerei Zeitg., 1893, 18, 258-259. 
— Suomen Kalatus Lehti, 1893, 2, 129- 
130. 1893.1 

— Les anguilles males en eau douce. 
Rey. Sci. Nat. Appliq., Paris, 1894, 41, 
297-307. 1894.1 

— En merkelig aal. Dansk Fis- 
keriforen Medlemsbl., 1896, 5. Jahrg., 
461-462; 493. 1896.1 

Mallen. Dansk  Fiskeriforen 
Medlemsbl., 1896, 5. Jahrg., 442-444. 
2 figs. »1896,.2 

Regnbueorreden. Dansk Fiske- 
riforen Medlemsbl., 1897, 6. Jahrg., 458— 
460. fig. 1897.1 

——  Karper. Dansk Fiskeriforen 
Medlemsbl., 1898, 7. Jahrg., 102-104. 
3 figs. 1898.1 

Kileorreden. Dansk  Fiskeri- 
foren Medlemsbl., 1898, 7. Jahrg., 26- 
27. fig. 1898.2 

En regnbueorred. Dansk Fis- 
keriforen Medlemsbl., 1899, 8. Jahrg., 
386-387. 1899.1 

Lidt mere om regnbueorreden. 
Dansk Fiskeriforen Medlemsbl., 1899, 8. 
Jahrg., 403; 464-465; 470-471; 516. 


—— Hvidlaksen. Dansk Fiskerifo- 
ren Medlemsbl., 1900, 9. Jahrg., 110-112. 

Lidt om strandkarpen. Dansk 
Fiskeriforen Medlemsbl., 1900, 9. Jahrg., 
478-479. 1900.2 

Feddersen, /. A., & Boek, Avel. 
See Boeck & Feddersen. 

Federley, Harry. Monstrésa torskar 
(Monstrése Dorsche; Meddel. Soc. 
Fauna Flora Fenn., 1908, 34. Heft, 68— 
ws Spl, 1908.1 

Federow, V. Ueber die Wanderung 
der Genitalzellen bei Salmo fario. Anat. 
Anz., 1907, 31, 219-223. 2 figs. 1907.1 

Fedtschenko, Aleksyei Pavlovich 
[1844-1873] Reise in Turkestan (Text 
in Russian] 3 vols. Moscou, 1874-88. 
5D pls. 4°: 1874.1 

Fish are described in vol. ii. 

Fée, Félix. Recherches sur le systéme 
latéral du nerf pneumogastrique des 
poissons. Mém. Soc. Sci. Nat. Strasb., 
1866, 6, 2. livr., 129-202. 1866.1 

d’éléments de 

De _ Jexistence 

‘canal latéral dans toutes les écailles du 

muge capiton (Mugil capito) et sur les 
modifications du systéme nerveux qui 
en résultent. Bull. Soc. Sci. Nat. 
Strasb., 1869, 2, 24-25. 1869.1 

De l’existence de nombreux cor- 
puscules tactiles dans des écailles spéci- 
ales répandues dans tous les points de la 
surface du corps chez le brochet. Bull. 
Soe. Sci. Nat. Strasb., 1869, 2, 3-5. 


Feel, John. Fish cultivation. Ann. 
Rept. & Proce. Barrow Nat. Field Club, 
1879, 3, 71-76. 1879.1 

Fehling, Hermann von, & Kurr, —— 
von. Untersuchung fossiler Fischzihne 




von unbekannter Abstammung. Natur- 
wiss. Jahresh., Wiirttemberg, 1856, 12. 
Jahrg., 118-119. 1856.1 

Fehlmann, J. W. Ein mundloser 
Karpfen. Intern. Rev. Gesam. Hydro- 
biol. (Biol. Suppl.), 1912, 4. ser. 2, pt. 2, 
1-6. pl. 1912.1 

Tubifex tubifex (Miill.) als Futter 
fiir Salmonidenbrut. Schweiz. Fischerei- 
Zeitg., 1912, 20. Jahrg., 76-78. 1912.2 

Feilden, Henry Wemyss [1838 —] 
Notes from an Arctic journal. Zoologist, 
1878, 3. ser. 2, 313-320. 1878.1 

A list of fishes dredged at 30 fathoms in Smith 

Feldt, Ueber die Eimenge der 
im Winter laichenden Fische. Jahrber. 
Ver. Nat. Unterweser, 1898 (1899), 69— 
72. 1899.1 

Felix, Ueber die Entwicklung 
des Excretions-systemes der  Forelle 
(Vorniere, Urniere, Nachniere) Verh. 
Anat. Gesell., 1895, 9, 147-152. 1895.1 

Felix, Johannes Paul [1859 —] Bei- 
trage zur Kenntniss der Gattung Proto- 
sphyrena Leidy. Zeitschr. Deutsch. 
Geol. Gesell., 1890, 42, 278-302. 3 pls. 


Felix, Walther. Beitrige zur Ent- 
wickelungsgeschichte der Salmoniden. 
Anat. Hefte, Wiesbaden, 1897, 8, 249- 
466. 8 pls. & 39 figs. 1897.1 

Die Price’sche Arbeit, ‘‘ Devel- 
opment of the excretory organs of a 
Myxinoid (Bdellostoma stowti Locking- 
ton) ’’ und ihre Bedeutung fiir die Lehre 
von der Entwickelung des Harnsystems. 
Anat. Anz., 1897, 13. Jahrg., 570-599. 
11 figs. 1897.2 

Felix, W., & Biihler, A. Die Ent- 
wickelung der Harn- und Geschlechts- 
organe (In Hertwig,O. Handbuch der 
vergleichenden und experimentellen Ent- 
wicklungslehre der Wirbelthiere, Bd. 
iii, Teil 1, 81-169; 209-254; 427-432. 
figs. Jena, 1906) 1906.1 

Die Entwickelung des Harnapparates [Myxi- 
noiden, Teleostier, Ganoiden, Selachier, Petro- 
myzonten, Dipnoer] 

Die Entwickelung der Keim- 
driisen und ihrer Ausfiihrungsginge 
(In Hertwig, O. Handbuch der ver- 
gleichenden und experimentellen Ent- 
wicklungslehre der Wirbelthiere, Bd. 11, 
Teil 1, 619-690; 742-750; 815-821. figs. 
Jena, 1906) 1906.2 

i. Allgemeine Entwicklung der Geschlechts- 



ii. Nomenklatur. 

iii. Geschlechtsdriise der Myxinoiden. 
iv. Teleostier. 

v. Selachier. = 

vi. Ganoiden. 

vii. Petromyzonten. 

ii. Dipnoer. 

Fellman, Jacob. Anteckningar under 
min vistelse i Lappmarken, férsta och 
andra daret. Borga, 1844. 156 p. 8°. 


Fellmer, 7. Ueber die Giftigkeit des 
Aalserums. Jahresber. Rhein. Fische- 
rei-Ver. 1903-04 (1904), 62-65. 1904.1 

Fennell, Henry. Hatching Ameri- 
can fish at South Kensington, and their 
introduction into English waters. Bull. 
U.S. Fish Comm. 1885, 5, Beret : 


Fennell, J. On the artificial prop- 
agation of the ova of the salmon, etc. 
Proc. Dublin Nat. Hist. Soc., 1849- 
55, 1. 1849.1 

Fennell, John Greville [1807-1885] 
Curiosities of angling literature (In 
Pennell, H. C. Fishing gossip. Edin- 
burgh, 1866. 329 p. 8°) 1866.1 

The book of the roach (Leuciscus 
London, 1870. 118 p. 12°. 

Fish culture in Great Britain. 
Fish. Gazette, 1880, 4, 450-452. 1880.1 


Fenner, C.W.H. Deanatome com- 
parata et philosophia naturali commen- 
tatio, sistens descriptionem et. signifi- 
cationem cranii, encephali et nervorum 
in piscibus. Jen, 1820. fig. Arch. 
Anat. Phys. (Miiller), 1835, 247. 1835.1 

Fenzl, Eduard, Heckel, John Jakob, 
& Redtenbacher, Abbildungen 
und Beschreibungen neuer oder seltener 
Thiere und Pflanzen, gesammelt von Th. 
Kotschy. Stuttgart, 1868. ates Bee 


Fishes, p. 993. 

Ferguson, & Hughlett, 
Report on the fisheries of Maryland, 
. Annapolis, 1880. 15 pls. 8°. 


Ferguson, James. An account of a 
remarkable fish (Lophius) taken in King- 
Road, near Bristol. Phil. Trans. Roy. 
Soe. London, 1763, 53, 170-173. La : 


Ferguson, JeremiahS. The anatomy 
of the thyroid gland of elasmobranchs, 
with remarks upon the hypobranchial 




Ferguson, J. S. 

circulation in these fishes. Amer. Journ. 

Anat., 1911, 11, 151-210. 20 figs. 

The behavior and relations of 
living connective tissue cells in the fins 
of fish embryos, with special reference 
to the histogenesis of the collaginous or 
white fibers. Amer. Journ. Anat., 1912, 
13, 129-149. 4 pls. 1912.1 

Ferguson, Thomas Barker. Piscicul- 
ture. Paris Universal Exposition, 1878 
(1880), 5, 419-535. 24 pls. & 6 figs. 


Extracts from a report of inves- 
tigations of the shad fisheries and rivers 
south of Charleston, 8. C., with a view to 
establishing stations for artificial prop- 
agation. Bull. (U. S. Fish Comm. 
1884, 4, 244-248. 1884.1 

Ferguson, W. On the poisonous 
fishes of the Carribee islands. Trans. 
Roy. Soc. Edinb., 1823, 9, 65-80. — 
Bull. Sci. Nat. (Férussac), 9, 105-107. — 
Notizen (Froriep), 8, 326-328. 1823.1 

Fermin, Philippe [1730?—] His- 
toire naturelle de la Hollande équinoxi- 
ale; ou, Description des animaux, plan- 
tes, fruits, . . . qui se trouvent dans la 
colonie de Surinam; avec leurs noms 
différents. Amsterdam, 1765. 8°. 


Des oiseaux, poissons et testacées. 

Part ii. 

Description générale, historique, 
géographique et physique de la colonie 
de Suriname, ce qu’il y a de plus curieux 
et de plus remarquable, touchant .. . 
toutes les diverses espéces d’animaux 
qu’on y trouve. 2 vols. Amsterdam, 
1769. 3 pls- 8°. 1769.1 
Fishes, vol. ii, p. 248-281. 

Fermor, X. Wissenschaftliche Er- 
gebnisse einer Reise von S. Awerinzew 
in die Tropen Africas I. Einige Befunde 
zur Kenntnis von Ariodes polystaphy- 
lodon. Zool. Anz., 1913, 42, 196-199. 
3 figs. 1913.1 

Fernandez, Cesareo. Verslag over de 
zelfde tentoonstelling (Text in Spanish) 
Madrid, 1866. 8°. 1866.1 

Not seen; title from Bosgoed. 

Fernandez de los Senderos, Fran- 
cisco. Memoria sobre las pescas que se 
cultivan en las costas meridionales de 
Espana, desde el cabo de San Vicente 
hasta el estrecho de Gibraltar. Huelva, 
1850. 1850.1 

Ferrant, V. Der Schnipel, Coregonus 
oxyrhynchus, in der Sauer. Fauna 
Luxemburg, 1896, 6, 43-45. fig. 1896.1 

Ferrari, S. M., Lessona, M., & 
Doria, G. See Doria, Ferrari & 

Ferreira, Alexandre Rodrigues {1756— 
1815] Memoria sobre o peixe Pird- 
uruci. Arch. Mus. Rio Janeiro, 1903, 
12, 155-158. 1903.1 

Ferrer y Hernandez, Jaime. Ma- 
teriales para la fauna ictiol6égica de las 
Baleares. Bol. Soc. Espafiola Hist. Nat., 
Madrid, 1903, 3, 89-98. 1903.1 

Nota acerca del Serranus papili- 
onaceus Cuv. et Val., ‘‘Serré mascle.” 
Bol. Soc. Espafiola Hist. Nat., Madrid, 
1906, 6, 460-462. 1906.1 

Ferretti, A. Pesci fossili di Monte- 
gazzo. Boll. Comit. Geol. Italia, 1879, 
10, 668-669. — Neues Jahrb. Mineral.,. 
1880, 2, 390. 1879.1 

Prima lista di resti di pesci fos- 
Bull. Soc. Venet.-Trent. Sci. Nat., 

1879, 1, no. 2, 34-35. 

Ferretti, U. L’ industria della pesca 
nella marina di Fano. Riv. Mens. 

Pesca, Pavia, 1911, 6. ser. 13, no. 1-8, 
1-32; 88-121; 145-184. 1911.1 

Ferris, —— Sur la génération du 
saumon. Journ. Physiol., 1782, eo aa 

Ferry, L. Sur la lamproie marine. 
C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1883, 96, 721— 
723. Ibid., 1884, 97, 757-759. Ab- 
stract in Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 5. ser. 
11, 388. 1883.1 

Feser, Milzbrand-Uebertra- 
gungs-Versuche auf Fische. Og¢esterr.- 
Ungar. Fischerei-Zeitg., 1880, 133 ae 

Fesler, Bertram, & Dresslar, Fletcher 
B. See Dressler & Fesler. 

Fesler, Bertram, & Jordan, David 
Starr. See Jordan & Fesler. 

Festa, H. I pescidel Piemonte. Boll. 
Mus. Zool. Anat. Comp. Torino, 1892, 
7, no. 129. 6p. 1892.1 

Di un caso di icterismo nel Pe- 
tromyzon planert Bloch. Boll. Mus. 
Zool. Anat. Comp. Torino, 1900, 15, no. 
367. 2p. 1900.1. 


Fibich, H. Ueber die Temperatur 
bei Fischen. Zeitschr. Fischerei Berlin, 
1905. 1905.1 

Fibich, Stanislaw. Observations sur 
la température des poissons (Text in 
Polish} Przegl. Weteryn., Lwéw, 1904, 
19, 388-395; 465-468; 509-515. — All- 
gem. Fischerei Zeitg., 30, 82-86. — Zeit- 
schr. Fisch. Hilfswiss., Berlin, 12, 29- 
53. 1904.1 

Choroby ryb (Les maladies des 
poissons} Okdéln. Krajow. Towarz. 
Ryback. Krakow., 1905, 265-272. Ibid., 
1907, 166-184. Jbid., 1908, 98-104; 
274-285. Ibid., 1909, 62-75; 132-142; 

178-185; 231-239. 1905.1 
Choroby infekeyjne ryb (Les 
maladies contagieuses des  poissons] 

Przegl. Weteryn., Lwéw, 1909, 24, 85- 
88; 117-121. 1909.1 

Ficalbi, Eugenio. Sulla conforma- 
zione dello scheletro cefalico dei pesci 
murenoidi italiani. Atti. Soc. Tose. Sci. 
Nat., Pisa, 1886, 8, 101-158. pl. 1886.1 

Fick, Adolf Eugen. Ueber das Magen- 

ferment kaltbliitiger Thiere. Verh. 
Physiol. Med. Ges.. Wirzburg, 1873, 
n. s. 2. 1873.1 

Fiebiger, Josef. Ueber Dotterblasen- 

wasserzucht der Salmoniden. Zeitschr. 
Fisch., 1903, 11, 2. Heft, 124. 1903.1 

Ueber die Bauchflossen der 
Gobi. Anat. Anz., 1905, 27. Jahrg., 
140-155. 9 figs. 1905.1 

Ein Karpfen mit fehlender 
Schwanzflosse. Oesterr. Fischerei 
Zeitg., 1907, 5, 83-85. 1907.1 

Ueber Coccidien in der Schwimm- 
blase von Gadus-Arten.  Vorliufige 
Mitteilung. Ann. Naturhist. Hofmus., 
Wien, 1907-08, 22, 124-128. 1907.2 

Jahresbericht iiber die Tiatigkeit 
der Untersuchungsstelle fiir Fischkrank- 
heiten an der Wiener tierirztlichen 
Hochschule. Ogesterr. Fischerei Zeitg., 
1908, 5, 151-153. 1908.1 

—— Die Beurteilung unserer Markt- 
fische. Zeitschr. Tiermed., 1909, 18, 
269-312. pl. 1909.1 

Jahresbericht des Institutes fiir 
Fischkrankheiten an der Wiener tierirzt- 
lichen Hochschule. O¢cesterr. Fischerei 
Zeitg., 1909, 6, 6-8. 1909.2 

Ueber Protozoen als Parasiten 
der Fische. Verh. Zool. Bot. Gesell. 
Wien, 1909, 59, 32-48. 1909.3 



Sechste Jahresbericht der Un- 
tersuchungsstelle fiir kranke Fische an 
der Wiener tieriirztlichen Hochschule. 
Oesterr. Fischerei Zeitg., 1910, 7, 87-88. 


Fiedler, H. V. MHaakalsfiskeriet 
tScymnus borealis} Tidsskr. Fiskeri, 
1866,.1. Jahrg., 26-32. 1866.1 

Fremmede fiskere ved de danske 
Tidsskr. Fiskeri, 1870, 4. Jahrg., 
211-229. 1870.1 

Om fremmedes “ trawlfiske ”’ 
under den jydske Vestkyst i 1871 og 72 
pele beretning om kystbcernes vaarfiske 
s. A. Tidsskr. Fiskeri, 1873, 2. Jahrg., 
209-214. 1873.1 

Fiedler, J. The migration of salmon; 
Salmo salar, in the Baltic. Bull. U. 
Fish Comm. 1885, 5, 185-188. 1885.1 

Field, A. R., & Lyman, Theodore. 
See Lyman «& Field. 

Field, George Wilton [1863 —] Utili- 
zation of the dogfish. Trans. Amer. 
Fisheries Soc. 1911 (1912), 283-288. 


Water pollution. Trans. Amer. 
Fisheries Soc. 1912 (1913), 179-182. 

Alewife fishery of Massachusetts. 
Trans. Amer. Fisheries Soc. 1913 (1914), 
143-152. 1914.1 

Field, Jrving A. Unutilized fishes and 
their relation to the fishing industries. 
Bull. Bureau Fisheries, 1907, no. 622, 
1-50. pil. 1907.1 

Sea mussels and dogfish as food. 
With discussion. Proc. 4. Intern. Fish. 
Congr., Washington, D. C., 1908, pt. 1, 
241-257. 1908.1 
Figgins, J. D. New methods of pre- 
paring fishes for museum exhibit. Bull. 
Bureau Fisheries, 1910, 28, 1357-1363. 

Figuier, Guillaume Louis [1819-1894] 


L’année scientifique et industrielle, 
1856-1867. 14 vols. Paris. 8°. tn. d.) 

Vol. iii, pt. 2. La pisciculture en France en 
1858; la pisciculture maritime. 

Vol. v. Essais de pisciculture fluviale dans le 
départment de |’ Hérault; 
rapportés de Terre-neuve. 

Vol. vi. La pisciculture et l’empoissonne- 
ment des eaux douces; acclimatation en France 
des poissons importés de la Chine. Etat de la 
pisciculture en Chine. Naturalisation du sau- 
mon du Rhin dans le lace de Genéve, p. 390. Du 
transport de poissons vivants, p. 392. 

les nids de poissons 




Figuier, G. L. 

Les poissons, les reptiles et 
oiseaux. Ouvrage illustré de 400 figures 
et de 24 grandes compositions par A. 
Mesnel, A. de Neuville et E. Riou. 
Paris, 1868. 400 figs. 8°. 1868.1 

Les animaux articulés, les pois- 
sons et les reptiles. 3. ed. Paris, 1876. 
8° (Tableau de la nature) 1876.1 

Filatoff, D. Zur Frage iiber dei 
Anlage des Knorpelschidels bei einigen 

Wirbeltieren. Anat. Anz., 1906, 29, 
623-633. 8 figs. 1906.1 
Filhol, Henri [1843—]  Explora- 

tions sous-marines: voyage du ‘ Talis- 
man.” La Nature, 1884, 161-164; 182— 
186; 198-202. 3 figs. — Nature, 1884, 
29, 483-485. 2 figs. 1884.1 

La vie au fond des mers. Les 
explorations sous-marines et les voyages 
du ‘ Travailleur” et du “ Talisman.” 
Paris, 1885. 301 p. 8 pls. 8°. 1885.1 

Description d’un cas de mon- 
struosité observé sur un Rhombus vul- 
garis. Bull. Soc. Philom. Paris, 1889- 
90, 8. sér. 2, 54-55. 1889.1 

Filippi, Filippo de [1814-1867] Dé- 
veloppement des poissons. Ann. Univ. 
Med. Milano, 1841. — Rev. Zool., 1842, 

p. 45. 1841.1 
Sullo sviluppo del Gobius fluvia- 
tilis. Milano, 1841. pls. 8°. 1841.2 

Osservazioni intorno all’ em- 
briogenia dei Salmonidi del Sig. C. Vogt. 
Giorn. Istit. Lomb. e Bibl. Ital., 1842, 5, 
390-401. 1842.1 

Cenni sui pesci d’ acqua dolce 
della Lombardia. Notiz. Nat. Civ. Lom- 
bardia, Milano, 1844, 1, 389. — Nuov. 
Ann. Sei. Nat. Bologna, 1845, 2. ser. 3, 
81-103. Also separate; Milano, 1844. 
8°. 1844.1 


Sul Branchiostoma 
lubricum jestratto dalla memoria di 
Giovanni Miller] Giorn. Istit. Lomb. 
e Bibl. Ital., 1845, 10, 277-289. 1845.1 

Sunto di aleune  osservazioni 
sulla embriologia dei pesci. Giorn. 
Istit. Lomb. e Bibl. Ital., 1845, 10, 405- 
426. — Notizen (Froriep), 38, 1-8; 17— 
25. Ibid., 41, 177-182.— Ann. Sci. 
Nat., 7, 65-72.— Giorn. Istit. Lomb. 
e Bibl. Ital., 12, 153-174. 1845.2 

liber die Em- 
Neue Notizen 

bryologie der Fische. 

(Froriep), 1846, 38, no. 815, 1-8. Ibid., 
no. 816, 17-25. figs. 1846.1 

— Osservazioni sugli embrioni di 
Gobius fluviatilis. Atti Sci. Ital., 1846, 
487-489. 1846.2 

Neue Untersuchungen iiber die 
Embryobildung der Fische. Notizen 
(Froriep), 1847, 3. ser. 3, no. 56, 177-182. 

Nouvelles recherches sur l’em- 
bryogénie des poissons. Lettre adressée 
a M. Albert Kolliker. Ann. Sci. Nat., 
1847, 3. sér. 7, 65-72. 1847.2 

Nota sopra una singolare mon- 
struosita di una razza (Trygon pastinaca 
Bonap.} Nuov. Ann. Sci. Nat. Bologna, 
1852, 3. ser. 5, 65-68. pl. 1852.1 

Importanza economica dei pesci 
e del loro allevamento artificiale. To- 
rino, 1853. 8°. 1853.1 

Nouvelles espéces de poissons. 
Rev. Mag. Zool., 1853, 5, 164-171. 

Labraz osculati, sp. nov. 

Nouvelle espéce de poisson d’eau 
douce du Piémont (Cobitis larvata) Rev. 
Mag. Zool., 1859, 11, 50-51. 1859.1 

Zur niheren Kenntniss der Dot- 

terkérperchen der Fische. Zeitschr. 
Wiss. Zool., 1860, 10, 15-19. 1860.1 

— Note zoologiche. Arch. Zool. 
Anat. Fisiol., 1861, 1, 52-76. 1861.1 

Lebistes, nuovo genere di pesce della famiglia 
dei Ciprinodonti, p. 69-70. 

Note sopra il genere Leptopterygius di Tros- 
chel, p. 73-76. 

Rapporto al Sig. Commendatore 
Cordova sull’ introduzione in Italia del 
Coregonus wartmanni e del Salmo umbla. 
Arch. Zool. Anat. Fisiol., 1861, 1, fase. 
2, 228-233. 1861.2 

(Sur la faune ichthyologique des 
lacs d’Italie comparée A celle des lacs 
versant septentrional des Alpes} Bull. 
Soc. Sci. Nat. Neuchatel, 1861, 5, 401- 
402. 3 pls. 1861.3 

Nuove o poco note specie di 
animali vertebrati raccolte in un viaggio 
in Persia nell’ estate dell’ anno 1862. 
Arch. Zool. Anat. Fisiol., 1862, 2, 377— 

394. 1862.1 
Pesci, p. 390-394. 

Note d’ un viaggio in Persia nel 
1862. Milano, 1865. 8°. 1865.1 
Description of 22 species of fishes, p. 357-360. 


Lettera contenente le ultime sue 
osservazioni fatte durante una parte del 
suo viaggio da Singapore a Saigon al 
Giappone ed alla China. Atti Reale 
Accad. Sci. Torino, 1867, 2, 227-238. 


Filippi, Filippo de, & Verany, J.B. 
Sopra alcuni pesci nuovi 0 poco noti del 
Mediterraneo. Mem. Accad. Sci. To- 
rino, 1859, 2. ser. 18, 187-199. pl. — 

Rev. Mag. Zool., 15, 272-274. 1859.1 
Filippo, Silvestri. I pesci dell’ Um- 
bria. Perugia, 1892. 11 p. 1892.1 

Filius Terrz (pseudon.) Destruc- 
tion of fish by polluted waters. Forest 
& Stream, 1877, 8, 240. 1877.1 
Fishing near Alleghany city. 
Forest & Stream, 1877, 8, 243. 1877.2 

Filleau, A. Mémoire sur la colonie de 
Saint Pierre et Miquelon et sur les vrais 
moyens de consolider cet établissement. 
Paris, 1850. 80 p. 8°. 1850.1 

Finck, Max C. Haplochilus rubro- 

stigma. Wochenschr. Aquar.-Terrar. 
Kunde, 1909, 6. Jahrg., 605-606. pl. 


Ein Beitrag zur Girardinus gup- 

pyi-Frage. Wochenschr. Aquar.-Ter- 

rar. Kunde, 1910, 7. Jahrg., 329-331. 

fig. 1910.1 

Ctenops vittatus Cuv. et Val. 
Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1910, 21. 
Jahrg., 827-828. fig. 1910.2 

Das Gesellschaftsleben der Zahn- 
karpfen. Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 
1910, 21. Jahrg., 793-795. fig. 1910.3 

Das Labyrinthfisch-Aquarium. 
Wochenschr. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 
1910, 7. Jahrg., 498-500. 1910.4 

Die Pflege und Zucht des T’richo- 
gaster fasciatus. Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. 
Kunde, 1910, 21. Jahrg., 757-758. fig. 

Haplochilus panchax. Blatt. 
Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1911, 22. Jahrg., 
691-694. 7 figs. 1911.1 

Heros facetus Jenyus, der Chan- 
chito. Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 
1911, 22. Jahrg., 607-609. fig. 1911.2 

Macropodus cupanus Cuy. & Val. 
Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1911, 22. 
Jahrg., 791-792. 2 figs. 1911.3 

Der Pfauenaugenbarsch (Cen- 
trarchus macropterus) Blatt. Aquar.- 



Terrar. Kunde, 1911, 22. Jahrg., 429- 
430. fig. 1911.4 

Pecilia dominicensis> Wochen- 
schr. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1911, 8. 
Jahrg., 184. 1911.5 

Peecilia sp.? mit schwarz gelb- 
schwarzer Riickenflosse. Blatt. Aquar.- 
Terrar. Kunde, 1911, 22. Jahrg., 235— 
236. fig. 1911.6 

Rivulus ocellatus (Hensel) Blatt. 
Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1911, 22. Jahrg., 
5ov—5o8. fig. 1911.7 

Seltene Farbenabinderungen 
von Platypecilus maculatus var. pulchra 
(Boul. in litt.) Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. 
Kunde, 1911, 22. Jahrg., 85-87. 3 figs. 

Gambusia affinis Grd. (G. hol- 
brooki) Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 
1912, 23. Jahrg., 106-107. fig. 1912.1 

Die Prachtbarbe, Barbus con- 
chonius Ham. u. Buch. Blatt. Aquar.- 
Terrar. Kunde, 1912, 23. Jahrg., 271- 
272. fig. 1912.2 

Praktische Zierfischzucht. Blatt. 
Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1912, 23. Jahrg., 
693-696; 711-713. 8 figs. 1912.3 

Der Diamantbarsch (Enneacan- 
thus gloriosus Holbr.) und seine Zucht. 
Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1913, 24. 
Jahrg., 273-274. fig. 1913.1 

Findeis (junior), Guido. Kann man 
Seewasser-Karpflinge (Cyprinodon fas- 
ciatus) an Siisswasser gewOhnen? Blatt. 
Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1909, 20. Jahrg., 
65-67. 1909.1 

Finely, Charles I. Shad in Oregon 
waters. A new salmon hatchery. Bull. 
U.S. Fish Comm. 1884, 4, 88. 1884.1 

Finn, W. LEinige Reflexionen tiber 
den praktischen Nutzen, welcher sich 
von der Anfertigung von Fischereikarten 
erwarten lisst. Ann. Landw., Berlin, 
1871, 29. Jahrg., 57, 226-230. 1871.1 

Die Fischereien an der Kiiste 
von Canada. Deutsch. Fischerei Zeitg., 
1878, 1. Jahrg., 124. 1878.1 

Die Haringsfischerei an der West- 
kiiste Schwedens. Deutsch. Fischerei 
Zeitg., 1878, 1. Jahrg., 66. 1878.2 

Zur Aalfrage. 

Deutsch. Fische- 

rel Zeitg., 1878, 1. Jahrg., 264. 1878.3 

Die Fischerei von Grimsby. 
Deutsch. Fischerei Zeitg., 1879, 2. 
Jahrg., 317-318. 1879.1 




Finn, W. 
Fin Fischziichter. Deutsch. Fi- 
scherei Zeitg., 1879, 2. Jahrg., 365-366. 

Die franzésische Fischereien 

bei Newfoundland. Deutsch. Fischerei 
Zeitg., 1879, 2. Jahrg., 206-207. 1879.3 

Die Hiringsfischerei bei Island. 
Deutsch. Fischerei Zeitg., 1880, 3. 
Jahrg., 494495. 1880.1 

Norwegens Fischereien in 1879. 
Deutsch. Fischerei Zeitg., 1880, 3. 
Jahrg., 66-67. 1880.2 

Der Schutz der franzdsischen 
Fischereien. Deutsch. Fischerei Zeitg., 
1880, 3. Jahrg., 22-23. 1880.3 

Zur deutsch-dinischen Fische- 
reifrage. Deutsch. Fischerei Zeitg., 
1880, 3. Jahrg., 377-379; 393-395; 410— 
411; 429-481. 1880.4 

The Iceland herring fisheries. 
Rept. U. 8. Fish Comm. 1879 (1882), 7, 
493-496. 1882.1 

Can herring live and increase 
in inclosed waters? Bull. U. 8. Fish 
Comm. 1884, 4, 333-335. 1884.1 

Finsch, Friedrich Hermann Otto 
[1839 —] Der amerikanische Shad 
(Alosa prestabilis] und der erste Versuch 
seiner Einfiihrung nach Deutschland. 
Eine _ naturgeschichtlich-dkonomische 
Darstellung dieses wichtigen Nutzfisches, 
mit Beziehung auf unseren Maifisch. 
Cireul. Deutsch. Fischerei Ver. 1875 
(1876), 1. Jahrg., no. 6, 327-344. 1876.1 

Wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse. 
Wirbelthiere (Fische} (In Reise nach 
West-Sibirien im Jahre 1876; auf Ver- 
anstaltung des Vereins fiir die Deutsche 
Nordpolarfahrt zu Bremen unternom- 
men von Dr. O. Finsch, Dr. A. Brehm 
und Karl Graf von Waldburg-Zeil- 
Trauchburg. Verh. Zool.-Bot. Gesell. 
Wien, 1880, 29, 282-290) 1880.1 

Report on a trip in Germany to 
secure carp for the United States fish 
commission. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 
1881 (1882), 1, 220-225. 1882.1 

Report on the transportation of 
a collection of living carp from Germany. 
Rept. U. 8S. Fish Comm. 1879 (1882), 7, 
667-670. ; 1882.2 

Systematische Uebersicht seiner 
Berlin, 1899. 1899.1 


Fiore, G. Influenza dei centri visivi 
(lobi ottici e retina) sul pigmento dei 
pesci colorati. Ann. Ottalmol. Pavia, 
1906, 35, 145-146. 1906.1 

_ Firens, Pierre. Piscium vive icones, 
in es incise (n. pl., n. d.) 

These plates, 19 in number, are mentioned by 
Walbaum in his revised edition of ‘‘ Artedi,’”’ and 
by Jonas Dryander in his Catalogue of the library 
of Joseph Banks. 

Firket, Adolphe. Fossiles du pou- 
dingue de Burnot proprement dit. Age 
de cette assise [Scale of Holoptychius) 
Ann. Soc. Géol. Belgique, 1874, 2, 
CXX1V—CXXVII. 1874.1 

Firth, J. C. American salmon in 
New Zealand waters. Forest & Stream, 
1877, 7, 340. 1877.1 

Exportation of salmon ova to 
New Zealand in 1877 and 1878. Rept. 
U. S. Fish Comm. 1875-76 (1878), 4, 
959-962. 1878.1 

Shipment of salmon and white- 
fish ova to New Zealand in 1877 and 
1878. Rept. U. S. Fish. Comm. 1878 
(1880), 6, 829-831; 833-834; 836; 837- 
839; 866-867; 872; 875; 902. 1880.1 

Fischel, Friedrich, & Enoch, Carl. 
Ein Beitrag zu der Lehre von den Fisch- 
giften. Fortschr. Medicin, 1892, 10. 


Fischer, C.H#. Die Fischreste aus den 
Planerschichten von Plauen, Strehlen, 
Weinbohla, und Grossedlitz. Allgem. 
Deutsch. Nat. Hist. Zeitg., 1856, 2, 134— 

145. 1856.1 
Ueber das Gehérorgan der Siiss- 
wasserfische. Sitzber. Naturw. Ges. 

Isis, Dresden, 1862, 70-82. 1862.1 

Fischer, E.G. Zur Frage der Schon- 
zeit. Deutsch. Fischerei Zeitg., 1879, 
2. Jahrg., 214-215. 1879.1 

Schidigung der Fischerei durch 
die Abwisser einer Starkefabrik.  Fi- 
scherei Zeit., Neudamm, 1901, 4, 241-— 
244. 1901.1 

Fischer, Friedrich. Zur Karpfen- 
Bastard-Ziichtung. | Deutsch. Landw. 
Presse, 1880, 7. Jahrg., 235. — Isis 
(Russ), 1880, 5. Jahrg., 267-268. — 
Deutsch. Fischerei Zeitg., 1880, 3. 
Jahrg., 240-241. — Oesterr.-ungar. Fi- 
scherei Zeitg., 1880, 110-111. 1880.1 

Fischer, Friedrich Christoph Jonathan. 
Geschichte des teutschen Handels. Der 
Schiffarth, Fischerei, Erfindungen, Kiin- 




ste, Gewerbe, Manufakturen, der Land- 
wirthschaft. . . . 4 vols. Hannover, 
1785-92. 8°. 1785.1 

Vols. i & ii, 1785. Vol. iii, 1791. Vol. iv, 1792. 

Fischer, Fritz. Der Wels. Nerthus, 
1901, 3. Jahrg., 561-562. 1901.1 

Fischer, G. Sur des dents de requins 
et des coprolithes renfermés dans des 
pyromaques arrondies. Bull. Soc. Imp. 
Nat. Moscou, 1835, 8, 234-244. 1835.1 

Fischer, Hans. Wie ziichtet man 
mit Erfolg Fundulus gularis Varia- 
tion blau? Wochenschr. Aquar.-Terrar. 
Kunde, 1910, 7, Jahrg., 261-262. fig. 

. 1910.1 

Descriptions of 40 species of fishes. 

Fischer, Johann Gustav [1819-1889?] 
Ueber einige afrikanische Reptilien, Am- 
phibien, und Fische des naturhistori- 
schen Museums. Jahrb. Hamburg. 
Wiss. Anstalten, 1884, 1. Jahrg., 1-39. 

Ichthyologische und herpetolo- 
gische Bemerkungen. Jahrb. Ham- 

burg. Wiss. Anstalten, 1885, 2, 49-119. 
4 pls. & figs. 1885.1 

Fischer, Johann von. Flavismus bei 
einer Schmerle, Gobitis [Nemachilus} 
barbatula. Zool. Garten, 1874, 15, 471. 

Die Fische des St. Petersburger 
Gouvernements und ihre Bedeutung 
fiir das Volk. Zool. Garten, 1875, 16, 
281-291. 1875.1 

Fischer, Leopold Heinrich [1817- 
1886] Ueber das Gehérorgan der Fisch- 
gattung Mormyrus. Inaug. Dissert. 
Freiburg i. Br., 1854. 36 p. pl. 4°. 


Fischer, M. Kreuzung zwischen Fun- 

dulus gularis blau und gelb Varietéten. 

Wochenschr. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 
1911, 8. Jahrg., 501-502. fig. 1911.1 
Fischer von Waldheim, Gotthelf 

[1771-1853] Versuche iiber Schwimm- 
blase der Fische; im Namen der Linnei- 
schen Societit zu Leipzig entworfen von 
Gotthelf Fischer. Leipzig, 1795. 80 p. 
pl. 1795.1 

Anatomisch-physiologische Beo- 
bachtungen iiber eine Hauptverschie- 

denheit der Siugethier- und Fischzihne. 
Arch. Zool. Zootom. (Wiedemann), 1801, 
2, 151-160. 1801.1 

Sur les poissons. Bull. Soc. Imp. 
Nat. Moscou, 1831, 3, 116. 1831.1 

Bibliographia palzontologica ani- 

malium systematica. Mosque, 1834. 

414 p. 1834.1 
Pisces, p. 175-180. 

Sur deux poissons fossiles de la 
Sibérie et de la Gréce. Moscou, 1838. 
2 pls, “4°. 1838.1 

Notice sur le Beryx dinolepidotus, 
poisson fossile de la. craie blanche du 
gouvernement du Voronéje. Bull. Soc. 
Imp. Nat. Moscou, 1841, 3, 465-466. 
pl. — Neues Jahrb. Mineral., 1843, 126. 

Sur un poisson fossile de !a Gréce 
(Plabacanthus) Bull. Soc. Imp. Nat. 
Moscou, 1850, 23, 285-288. 1850.1 

Ommatolampes et Trachelacan- 
thus, genera piscium fossilium nova, in 
literis Eduardo ab Eichwald datis, de- 
scripta. Mosque, 1851. 8 p. 2 pls. 
4°, 1851.1 

Sur quelques poissons fossiles de 
la Russie. Bull. Soc. Imp. Nat. Moscou, 
1852, 25, 170-176. 1852.1 

Fischer-Sigwart, H. Fauna Helve- 
tica (In Bibliographie nationale suisse. 
Répertoire méthodique de ce qui a été 
publié sur la Suisse et ses habitants, 
fasc. 6. xiv, 85 p. Berne, 1900) 1900.1 

Poissons, cahier 5, 

Aus der Schutzzone von Sem- 
pach. Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., Genéve, 
1904, 4. sér. 18, 370-372. — Arch. Sci. 
Phys. Nat., Genéve, 1904, C. R. 87. 
sess., 67-69. — Verh. Schweiz. Naturf. 

Gesell., Aarau, 87, 57-59. 1904.1 
— Der Haldenweiher. Zofingen, 
1908. 14p. pl. 8°. 1908.1 
— Der Bitterling (Rhodeus amarus 
Ag.) im Wauwylermoos. Schweiz. 

Fischerei Zeitg., 1910, 18. Jahrg., 226- 
228; 276-279. 1910.1 

Fisher, A. K. Notes on the occur- 
rence of a young crab-eater (Elacate 
canada), from the lower Hudson valley, 
New York. Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus. 1890 
(1891), 18, 195. 1891.1 

Fisher, 7.8. Fishing and fishculture 
in Florida. Bull. U. 8. Fish Comm. 
1881 (1882), 1, 251. 1882.1 


Fisher, Homer G., & Eigenmann, 
Carl H. See EKigenmann «& Fisher. 

Fisher, Paul, pseudonym for Chatto, 
William Andrew. Also styled Oliver, 
Stephen (pseudon.) 

Fisk, Mary. A review of the fishes of 
the genus Osmerus of the California 
coast. Bull. Smithson. Instit., 1913, 
46, 291-297. fig. 1913.1 

Fiske, (Rev.) A description of 
the town of Brookfield, in the county of 
Worcester. Coll. Mass. Hist. Soc., 1792, 
1. ser. 1, 273. 1792.1 

Fishes of the ponds and rivers. 

Fiskel, Johannes. Die Litteratur 
liber die Tierwelt des K6nigreichs 
Sachsen. Jahresber. Ver. Nat. Zwickau, 

1901 (1902), 1-71. 

Fitch, Edward A. Large tunny 
(Orcynus thynnus) on the Essex coast. 
Zoologist, 1897, 4. ser. 1, 579-580. 


Fitzgerald, C. Viviparous minnows. 

Amer. Naturalist, 1872, 6, 561-562. 


Breeding habits of Peecilia sp. 

Fitzgerald, G. G. On the mudfish 
(Neochanna apoda), an extract from a 
letter. Trans. New Zealand Instit., 
1873, 5, 456. 1873.1 

Fitzgibbon, Edward, styled 
Ephemera (pseudon.) 


A handbook of angling: teach- 
ing fly-fishing, trolling, bottom-fishing, 
and salmon fishing. With the natural 
history of river fish, and the best modes 
of catching them. London, 1847. xii, 
363 p. 8°. 1847.1 
L The same. 2. ed. London, 1848. xii, 361 p. 

"3. ed. 
4. ed. 


London, 1853. viii,312p. 8°. 
London, 1865. 8°. 

Edward, & Young, 
Andrew. Book of salmon in two parts. 
Part I. The theory and principles of 
fly-fishing for salmon, with lists of sal- 
mon flies. Part Il. The natural history 
of the salmon, all its known habits de- 
scribed and the best way of artificially 
breeding it explained. Usefully illus- 
trated with numerous coloured engray- 
ings of salmon flies and salmon fry. 

London, 1850. xvi, 242.p. 9 pls. 16°. 
Fitzinger, Leopold Joseph Franz 

Johann [1802-1884] Ueber die Ausar- 



beitung einer Fauna des Erzherzogthums 
Oesterreich, nebst einer systematischen 
Aufzihlung der in diesem Lande vor- 
kommenden Saugethiere, Reptilien und 
Fische. Beitr. Landeskunde Oesterr. 
Ens, Wien, 1832, 1, 280. 1832.1 

Vorlaufiger Bericht iiber eine 
héchst interessante Entdeckung Dr. 
Natterer’s in Brasil. Isis (Oken), 1837, 
379-380. 1837.2 

Entdeckung von Lepidosiren paradoza im 

Bilder-Atlas zur wissenschaft- 
lich-popularen Naturgeschichte der 
Fische in ihren simmtlichen Hauptfor- 
men. Wien, 1864. ( 537 
~. 1864.1 
Versuch einer natiirlichen Classi- 
fication der Fische: &jitsber. Akad. Wiss. 
Wien, math.-nat.-Cl., 1$73, 67, 5-58. 

Die Gattungen der europaéischen 
Cyprinen nach ihren diusseren Merkma- 
len. Sitzber. Akad. Wiss. Wien, math.- 
nat. Cl., 1874, 68, 1. Abth., 145-170. — 
Also separate; Wien, 1874. 8°. 1874.1 

Les genres européens de la fa- 
mille des eyprinides, d’aprés leurs diffé- 
rents caractéres. Journ. Zool (Gervais), 
1874, 3, 335-336. 1874.2 

Bericht tiber die an den oberés- 
terreichischen Seen und in den dortigen 
Anstalten fiir kiinstliche Fischzucht 
gewonnenen Erfahrungen beziiglich der 
Bastardformen der Salmonen. Sitzber. 
Akad. Wiss. Wien, math.-nat. Cl., 1875, 
70, 1. Abth., 394400. Also separate; 
Wien, 1875. 7p. 8°. 1875.1 

Sind Fischbastarde fruchtbar? 
Abstract in Zool. Garten, 1875, 16, 156— 
1578 1875.2 

Bericht iiber die an den Seen des 
Salzkammergutes, Salzburgs und Berch- 
tesgadens gepflogenen Nachforschungen 
liber die Natur des Silberlachses (Salmo 
schiffermiilleri Bloch) Sitzber. Akad. 
Wiss. Wien, math.-nat. Cl., 1876, 72, 1. 
Abth., 235-240. 1876.1 

Bericht itiber die gepflogenen 
Erhebungen beziiglich der in den beiden 
Seen Nieder-Oesterreichs, dem Erlaph- 
und dem Lunzer-See vorkommenden 
Fischarten. Sitzber. Akad. Wiss. Wien, 
math.-nat. Cl., 1878, 78, 1. Abth., 596— 
602. 1878.1 

Fitzinger, Leopold Joseph, & Heckel, 
Johann Jakob. See Heckel & Fitzinger. 




Flack, Martin, & Keith, Arthur. See 
Keith & Flack. 

Flagg, Henry Collins. Observations 
on the numb fish, or torporific eel. Trans. 
Amer. Phil. Soc., 1786, 2, 170-173. 


Flamel, L’alcoolisme des pois- 

sons. La Nature, 1897, 25, pt. 2, 38-39. 

Fleischer, Esaias. Forsog til en 
naturhistorie over fiskene og amphi- 
bierne. Kjobenhayn, 1795. 8°. 1795.1 

Fleming, (Dr.) , Jardine, W., & 
Ashworth, FL. See Ashworth, J ar- 
dine & Fleming. 

Fleming, John [1785-1857] <A _his- 
tory of British animals, exhibiting the 
descriptive characters and systematical 
arrangement of the genera and species of 
quadrupeds, birds, reptiles, fishes, mol- 
lusea, and radiata of the United King- 
dom; including the indigenous, extir- 
pated and extinct kinds, together with 
periodical and occasional visitants. Ed- 
inburgh & London, 1828. 8°. 1828.1 

—— Observations tending to estab- 
lish the identity of the deal fish of Ork- 
ney with the vaagmeer of Iceland. Mag. 
Nat. Hist., 1831, 4, 215-220. 1831.1 

Notice of the remains of a fish 
found connected with a bed of coal at 
Clackmannan. Edinb. New Phil. Journ., 
1835, 19, 314-317. fig. 1835.1 

Description of a species of skate 
|Hieroptera abredonensis} new to the 
British fauna. Edinb. New Phil. Journ., 
1841, 31, 236-238. 1841.1 

Report upon the experiments 
conducted at Stormontfield, near Perth, 
for tke artificial propagation of salmon. 
Rept. Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 26. meet., 

1856, 451-458. 1856.1 

Flemming, Walther [1843 —] Ueber 
die Structur centraler Nervenzellen bei 
Wirbelthieren. Anat. Hefte, 1896, 6, 
1. Abth., 561-570. pl. 1896.1 

Fletcher, Hugh. Report on the geol- 
ogy of part of the counties of Victoria, 
Cape Breton and Richmond, Nova 
Scotia. Geol. Surv. Canada, Rept. 
Progress for 1876-77 (1878), 407-456. 

dog of the Bras d’Or lakes, Cape Breton, 

p. 4 

Fletcher, John. On the Tay sprat 
fishery, 1904-1905. 23. Ann. Rept. Fish. 
Board Scotland, 1905, pt. 3, 156-165. 


— On the Tay sprat fishery, 1905- 
1906. 24. Ann. Rept. Fish. Board 
Scotland, 1906, pt. 3, 159-168. 1906.1 

Fletcher, William W. Report rela- 
tive to the hatching and planting of the 
Penobscot salmon. Rept. U. 8. Fish 
Comm. 1872-73 (1874), 2, 380. 1874.1 

Flett, John S. The Old Red Sand- 
stone of the Orkneys. Trans. Roy. Soc. 
Edinb., 1898, 39, 383-424. 4 figs. 


Contains references to fossil fishes. 

Flieszbach, Otto. Meine Girardini, 

oder wie aus einem Weibchen ein 
Mannchen wurde. Blatt. Aquar.- 
Terrar. Kunde, 1901, 12. Jahrg., 130- 
Sle 1901.1 

Das Laichgeschift des Chromis 
multicolor. Natur u. Haus, Dresden, 
1903, 11. Jahrg., 323-324. 1903.1 

Flint, (Rev.) W., & Gilchrist, J. D.F. 
(editors) Science in South Africa. Cape 
Town, 1905. 505 p. illust. 1905.1 

The South African marine fauna and its < 

environment, by J. D. F. Gilchrist, p. 183-198. 

Flintoff, R..J. A peculiarity in perch. 
Nature, 1896, 54, 492. 1896.1 

Floericke, Kurt Ehrenreich [1869 —] 
Einheimische Fische. Die Siisswasser- 
fische unsrer Heimat. Stuttgart, 1913. 
104 p. illust. 8°. 1913.1 

Flourens, Marie Jean Pierre {1794— 
1867] Nouvelles expériences sur le 
systéme nerveux. Arch. Gén. Méd., 
1825, 8, 422-426. — Ann. Sci. Nat., 13, 
86-108. — Mém. Acad.-Sci. Paris, 1825, 
9, 478-497. 1825.1 

Expériences sur le mécanisme 
de la respiration des poissons. Ann. 
Sei. Nat., 1830, 20, 5-25. — Notizen 
(Froriep), "97, 165-168. — Mém. Acad. 
Sci. Paris, 10, 53-72. Also separate; 
Paris, 1832. 1830.1 

Sur la respiration des poissons 
(In his Mémoires de physiologie com- 
parée, no. 1. Paris & London, 1844. 
101 p. 8pls. 4°) 1844.1 

Détermination du noeud vital 
ou point premier monteur du mécanisme 
respiratoire dans les vertébrés a sang 
froid. Ann. Sci. Nat. (Zool.), 1862, 4. 
sér. 17, 158-161. C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 
54, 314-317. — Rev. Mag. Zool., 14, 69. 
Flourens, Marie Jean Pierre, Du- 
vernoy, Georges Louis, & Duméril, 
André Marie Constant. See Dumeéril, 
Flourens & Duvernoy. 





Flower, Stanley S. Notes on the 
fauna of the White Nile and its tribu- 
taries. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1900, 
950-973. 1900.1 

Zoological gardens, Giza, near 
- Cairo. Report for the year 1903. Cairo, 
1904. 48p. 8°. 1904.1 

List of fishes in the zoological 
gardens at Giza, near Cairo (In his 
List of animals in the zoological gardens 
at Giza, 2.ed. Special Rept. Cairo Nat. 
Print. Dept., 1910, 347-363) 1910.1 

Fluegel, C.G. Der Kabeljau, nebst 
den damit verwandten und fiir den Han- 
del wichtigen Fischarten. Leipzig, 1842. 
32 p. 1842.1 

Fobes, Peres. A topographical de- 
scription of the town of Raynham, in 
the county of Bristol. Coll. Mass. Hist. 
Soc., 1794, 1. ser. 3, 167-168. 1794.1 

Freshwater fisheries of Raynham, Bridge- 
water and Middleborough, Massachusetts. 

Focillon, Adolphe Jean [1823-1890] 
Rapport sur l’application des bateaux 
pete de MM. Payerne et Lamiral A 
‘exploitation, 4 la culture et A l’accli- 
matation des animaux aquatiques. Bull. 
Soc. Acclim. Paris, 1857, 4, 207-214. 


Forg, Remarques sur |’appa- 
reil pulmonaire du Gymnarchus niloticus 
(extraites d’une lettre adressée A M. 
Duvernoy) Ann. Sci. Nat. (Zool.), 1853, 
3. sér. 20, 151-162. pl. 1853.1 

Forster, C. Goldfische von Kréten 

getédtet. Zool. Garten, 1873, 14. 
Jahrg., 196-197. 1873.1 
Feettinger, Alerandre. Recherches 

sur la structure de l’épiderme des cyclo- 
stomes, et quelques mots sur les cellules 
olfactives de ces animaux. Bull. Acad. 
Roy. Belgique, 1876, 2. sér. 41, 599-679. 
3 pls. 1876.1 

Discussion by Charles van Bambeke and 
Théodore Schwann on this work, Jbid., p. 6-12. 

Fohmann, Vincent [1794-1837] His- 
toire naturelle du systéme lymphatique 
dans les animaux vertébrés. Leipzig & 
Heidelberg, 1827. fol. Reviews in Isis 
(Oken), 1827, 7, 628. — Bull. (Férussac), 
1830, 22, 94. 1827.1 

Fishes, pt. 1. 

Das Saugadersystem der Fische. 
Heidelberg, 1827. 18 figs. fol. 1827.2 

— Rapport sur le mémoire de M. 
Desvignes, “ Sur l’odorat des poissons.”’ 

Bull. Acad. Roy. Belgique, 1835, 2, 16 
174. 1835.1 

Rapport sur le mémoire de P. J. 
van Beneden, ‘“‘ Remarques sur le siége 
du goat dans la carpe.” Bull. Acad. 
Roy. Belgique, 1835, 2, 103-107. 
Folger, Walter. A topographical de- 
seription of Nantucket. Coll. Mass. 
Hist. Soc., 1794, 1. ser. 3, 153. 1794.1 

Contains remarks on New England fisheries. 

Folin, (Marquis) Alexandre Guillaume 
Léopold de {1818 —] Péches et chasses 
zoologiques. Paris, 1893. 12°. 1893.1 

Fomin, L. S. Ueber die raub- © 
fiingische Vernichtung der Haringe im 
Schwarzen und Azovschen Meere [Text 
in Russian} Dnevn. Otd. Icht. Imp. R. 
Obsé. Acclimat., Moskva, 1901, 3, 83— 
84. 1901.1 

Fontannes, Charles Francisque {1839- 
1886] Nouvelle contribution 4 la faune 
et 4 la flore des marnes pliocénes a 
Brissopsis d’Eurre (Dréme) _ (Poissons. 
Type nouveau de la famille des Clupéi- 
dées} Ann. Soc. Agric. Hist. Nat. Lyon, 
1885, 5. sér. 7, 423-425. fig. 1885.1 

Foote, #. The extrabranchial carti- 
lages of the elasmobranchs. Anat. Anz., 
1895, 13. Jahrg., 305-308. 4 figs. 1895.1 

Forbes, Alexander. California. Lon- 

don, 1839. 352 p. 8°. 1839.1 
Fishes, p. 64-75; 179. 
Forbes, Edward [1815-1854] Com- 

munication on Blennius ocellatus. Mag. 
Nat. Hist., 1836, 9, 203. 1836.1 

Forbes, Henry Ogg [1851 —] Shark’s 
teeth. Nature, 1879, 20, bates f= ; 

On a species of Regalecus or 
great oarfish, caught in Okain’s bay. 
Trans. New Zealand Instit., 1892, 24, 
192-198. 1892.1 

— The first feeding of young trout. 
Bull. Liverpool Mus., 1897, 1, ee ; 

—— Habitat of Gastrosteus pungitius 
Linn. Bull. Liverpool Mus., 1897, 1, 24. 

Malapterurus electricus. Bull. 
Liverpool Mus., 1897, 1, 25. 1897.3 

Forbes, James Grant. Sketches his- 
torical and topographical of the Floridas; 
more particularly of east Florida. New 
York, 1821. 226 p. 8°. 1821.1 

Fishes, p. 93; 107; 117. 




Forbes, Stephen Alfred. Alburnops 
nubilus Forbes, n.s. Bull. Ill. State Lab. 
Nat. Hist., 1878, 1, 56-57. 1878.1 

Boleosoma camurum Forbes, 0. s. 
Bull. Ill. State Lab. Nat. Hist., 1878, 1, 
40-41. 1878.2 

—  Episema jejuna Forbes, n. s. 
Bull. Ill. State Lab. Nat. Hist., 1878, 1, 
60-61. 1878.3 

Esox ravenelli (?) Holbr. Bull. 
Ill. State Lab. Nat. Hist., 1878, 1, 53. 

— The food of Illinois fishes. Bull. 
Ill. State Lab. Nat. Hist., 1878, 1, 71-89. 
’ — Chicago Field, 1879, 11, 19; 35-36. 

Notes on the development of 
Amia. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Ady. Sci., 
27. meet., 1878, 296-298. 1878.6 

— On the crustacea eaten by fishes. 
Bull. Ill. State Lab. Nat. Hist., 1878, 1, 
87-89. 1878.7 

Pecilichthys asprigensis Forbes, 
n.s. Bull. Ill. State Lab. Nat. Hist., 
1878, 1, 41-42. 1878.8 

— On some sensory structures of 
young dogfishes. Amer. Quart. Micr. 
Journ., 1879, 1, 257-260. pl. 1879.1 

— The food of fishes. Bull. Ill. 
State Lab. Nat. Hist., 1880, 1, no. 1, 
19-70. — Rept. Ill. State Fish Comm., 
1884, 90-127. 1880.1 

The food of the darters. Amer. 
Naturalist, 1880, 14, 697-703. Abstract 
in Forest & Stream, 1880, 15, 205. 


— On the food of young fishes. 
Bull. Ill. State Lab. Nat. Hist., 1880, 1, 

no. 3, 19-85.— Fish. Gaz., 1881, 5, 
64-189. Abstract in Proc. 2. Ann. Meet. 
Centr. Fishcult. Soc., 10-19. 1880.3 

— Silver bass. Forest & Stream, 
1880, 15, 247. 1880.4 

— A rare fish in Illinois. Amer. 
Naturalist, 1881, 15, 232-233. 1881.1 

— The blind cave fishes and their 
allies. Amer. Naturalist, 1882, 16, 1-5. 

The food of young whitefish 
(Coregonus clupeiformis) Bull. U. 8. 
Fish Comm. 1881 (1882), 1, 19-20; 269- 
270. 1882.2 

— An inquiry into the first food of 
young lake whitefish (Coregonus clupei-~ 

formis) Bull. U. §. Fish Comm. 1881 
(1882), 1, 402-403. 1882.3 

On the first food of the whitefish. 
Amer. Field, March 11, 1882. 1882.4 

Rhizopods as food for young 
fishes. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. 
1881 (1882), 9-10. Abstract in Journ. 
Roy. Micr. Soc., 1882, 2. ser. 1, 618. 


The first food of the common 
whitefish (Coregonus clupetformis Mitch.) 
Bull. Ill. State Lab. Nat. Hist., 1883, 1, 
95-109. — Rept. U.S. Fish Comm. 1881 
(1884), 9, 771-782. Extracts in Trans. 
Amer. Fish. Soc., 1888, 59-66. 1883.1 

The food of the smaller fresh- 
water fishes. Bull. Ill. State Lab. Nat. 
Hist., 1883, 6, 65-94. 1883.2 

A catalogue of the native fishes 
of Illinois. Rept. Ill. State Fish Comm., 
1884, 60-89. pls. Jbid., 1900, 59-80. 

Destruction of fish food by 
bladderwort. ,(Utricularia) Forest & 

Stream, 1884, 23, 109.— Bull. U. S. 
Fish Comm. 1884, 4, 443. 1884.2 

Aberration in the perch. Amer. 
Naturalist, 1885, 19, 192. - 1885.1 

— Description of new Illinois fishes. 
Bull. Ill. State Lab. Nat. Hist., 1885, 2, 
135-139. 1885.2 

On the food relations of fresh- 
water fishes: a summary and discussion. 
Bull. Ill. State Lab. Nat. Hist., 1888, 2, 
475-538. 1888.1 

Studies of the food of freshwater 
fishes. Bull. Ill. State Lab. Nat. Hist., 
1888, 2, 483-473. 1888.2 

Notes on the food of the fishes 
of the Mississippi valley. Trans. Amer. 
Fisheries Soc. 1888 (1889), 37-59. 


Preliminary report upon the 
invertebrate animals inhabiting lakes 
Geneva and Mendota, Wisconsin, with 
an account of the fish epidemic in lake 
Mendota in 1884. Bull. U. S. Fish 
Comm. 1888 (1890), 8, 473-487. 

3 pls. 

The aquarium of the United 
States Fish Commission at the World’s 
Columbian exposition. Report of the 
director. Bull. U. 8. Fish Comm. 1893 
(1894), 13, 143-158. 1894.1 




Forbes, S. A. 

The food of fishes. Bull. Ill. 
State Lab. Nat. Hist., 1903, 1, no. 3, 
19-70. 1903.1 

On the food of young fishes. 
Bull. Ill. State Lab. Nat. Hist., 1903, 1, 
no. 3, 71-85. 1903.2 

On the local distribution of cer- 
tain Illinois fishes. An essay in statisti- 

eal ecology. Bull. Ill. State Lab. Nat. 
Hist., 1907, 7, 273-303. 9 pls. & 15 
maps. 1907.1 

On the general and interior dis- 

tribution of Illinois fishes. Bull. III. 
State Lab. Nat. Hist., 1909, 8, 381-437. 

102 maps. 
The investigation of a river sys- 
tem in the interest of its fisheries. Trans. 
Amer. Fisheries Soc. 1910 (1911), 179- 
194. 1911.1 

Definite results of survey work 
on the Illinois river. Trans. Amer. 
Fisheries Soc. 1911 (1912), 75-84. Also 
separate under the title: Chemical and 
biological investigations on the Illinois 
river, midsummer of 1911. A prelimi- 
nary statement made to the American 
Fisheries Society, St. Louis, Mo., Octo- 
ber 3, 1911. 1912.1 

Forbes, Stephen Alfred, & Richard- 
son, Robert Earl. On a new shovel-nose 
sturgeon [Parascaphirhynchus albus) 
from the Mississippi river. Bull. IIL. 
State Lab. Nat. Hist., 1905, 7, 37-44. 
3 pls. 1905.1 

The fishes of Illinois. Ichthy- 
ology (In Natural History Survey of 
Illinois, 1908, vol. ui. exxxi, 358 p. 55 
pls. & 76 figs. 103 maps) 1908.1 

Maps showing distribution of 
Illinois fishes, to accompany a report on 

the fishes of Illinois. Urbana, III., 1908. 
103 maps. 1908.2 
Forcade la Roquette, Note 

sur les produits de la péche dans les 
cours d’eau, les lacs et les étangs d’eau 
douce de la France. Bull. Soe. Acclim. 
Paris, 1860, 7, 136-138. 1860.1 

Forchhammer, Thomas [— 1827] 
De Blennii vivipari formatione et evolu- 
tione observationes. Jiliz, 1819. 2 
pls. 4°. 1819.1 

Fordice, Morton William. Review of 
the American species of Stromateidse. 
Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. 1884 
(1885), 311-317. 1885.1 

Fordice, Vorton W., & Eigenmann, 
Carl H. See Eigenmann «& Fordice. 

Fordice, Morton W., & Evermann, 
Barton Warren. See Evermann «& 

Fordice, Morton W., & Jordan, 

David Starr. See Jordan & Fordice. 

Fordice, Morton W., & Kirsch, 
Philip H. See Kirsch & Fordice. 

Forel, Francois Alphonse Christian 
[1841 ==] Notes sur une maladie épi- 
zootique qui a sévi chez les perches du 
Jac Léman en 1867. Bull. Soc. Vaud. 
Sci. Nat., 1866-68, 9, 599-608. 1866.1 

— La faune profonde du Léman. 
Bull. Soe. Vaud. Sci. Nat., 1872-73, 12. 

Enquéte sur l’épizootie de typhus 
qui a sévi sur les perches du lac Léman 
en 1873. Bull. Soc. Vaud. Sci. Nat., 
1874-75, 13, 400-411. 1874.1 

Matériaux pour servir 4 l’étude 
de la faune profonde du lac Léman. Bull. 
Soc. Vaud. Sci. Nat., 1874-75, 18, 1-159. 

Ibid., 1876-77, 14, 97-166; 201-364. 
Ibid., 1878, 15, 497-535. Ibid., 1879- 
80, 16, 149-169; 313-394. 12 pls. 
Faunistische Studien in den 
Siisswasserseen der Schweiz. JZeitschr. 
Wiss. Zool., 1878, 30, 383-392. 1878.1 
La faune profonde des lacs 

suisses. Neue Denkschr. Schweiz. Gesell. 
Naturw., 1885, 29, 2. Abth., 75-78; 106- 
107. 1885.1 

Faune e flore del lago di Ginevra. 
Boll. Sci., Pavia, 1887, 9, 87. 1887.1 

Allgemeine Biologie eines Siiss- 
wassersees (In Zacharias, Otto. Die 
Tierwelt und Pflanzenwelt des Siiss- 
wassers. 1891, Bd. i) 1891.1 

(Cyprinus carpio n’existait pas & 
V’Age néolithique] Bull. Soe. Vaud. Sei. 
Nat., 1899, 35, xiv. 1899.1 

Mélanges ichthyologiques. Arch. 
Sci. Phys. Nat., Genéve, 1900, 4. sér. 10, 
76-77. 1900.1 

Quand la lotte a-t-elle été in- 
troduite dans le Léman? Bull. Soe. 
Vaud. Sci. Nat., 1900, 36, xvili—xix. 


Le Léman. Monographie lim- 
nologique. Lausanne, 1901. Tome iii, 
Livre 1. viii, 411 p. 8°. 1901.1 




— L’origine de la faune des pois- 
sons du Léman. Bull. Soc. Vaud. Sci. 
Nat., 1901, 37, 221-225.—C. R. 84. 
Sess. Soc. Helvét. Sci. Nat., 1901, 55- 
57. — Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., Genéve, 4. 
sér. 12, 507-508. 1901.2 

La péche de la féra dans le Lé- 
man. Bull. Soc. Vaud. Sci. Nat., 1901, 
37, 127-131. Jbid., 1903, 39, xl-xln. — 
Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., Genéve, 4. sér. 
16, 740-741. 1901.3 

— Un nouveau procédé de péche 
dans la région profonde des lacs. Arch. 
Sci. Phys. Nat., Genéve, 1904, C. R., 67. 


Péche sur les fauberts. Verh. 
Schweiz. Naturf. Gesell., Aarau, 1904, 
87, 59. — Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., Genéve, 
A. ser. 18, 370. Lbid., C.R., 67. 1904.2 

La présence dans |’Orbe de Val- 
lorbe de brochets et de perches. Bull. 
Soc. Vaud. Sci. Nat., 1904, 40, lv—lvi. — 
Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., Genéve, 4. sér. 
18, 510. 1904.3 

Barbus fluviatilis. Arch. Sci. 
Phys. Nat., Geneve, 1906, 4. sér. 22, 399. 

La péche du Léman. Arch. Sci. 
Phys. Nat., Genéve, 1906, 4. sér. 22, 
188-189. 1906.2 

Statistique de la péche dans le 
Léman en 1908. Bull. Suisse Péche 
Neuchatel, 1909, 10, 69-72. 


— Die Fischfauna der schweizeri- 
sehen Gewiisser. Schweiz. Fischerei 
Zeitg., 1910, 18. Jahrg., 208-210. 1910.1 

L’origine des poissons dans les 
eaux suisses. Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 
Genéve, 1911, 4. sér. 31, 567-568. 1911.1 

Forel, Francois Alphonse Christian, & 
Du Plessis, G. Etude sur le typhus des 
perches; épizooties de 1867 et 1868, Bull. 
Soc. Méd. Suisse Rom. Lausanne, 1868, 
2, 211; 229. 1868.1 

Forest, Jules. Terres-neuves d’ Afri- 
que. Naturaliste, Paris, 1902, 2. sér. 24, 
133-135. 1902.1 

Describes fish & fishing on the west coast of 

Forester, Frank (pseudon. 1. e. Her- 
bert, H. W.) Frank Forester’s fish and 
fishing of the United States and British 
provinces of North America, edited by 
W. 4H. Herbert. London & New York, 
1849. See Herbert, H. W. 1849.1 

The complete manual for young 
sportsmen. New York, 1856. 480 p. 
12°. 1856.1 

Game fish, p. 363-379. Sea fishing, p. 468- 
475. For later editions, see Herbert, H. W. 

Forir, H. Contributions 4 1|’étude du 
systéme Crétacé de la Belgique. Ann. 
Mém. Soe. Géol. Belgique, 1887, 14, 
25-56. 2 pls. Jbid., 1889, 16, 445-460. 
pl. 1887.1 

Sur quelques poissons et crustacés nouveaux 
ou peu connus. 

Fornario, G. Le degenerazioni dell’ 
encefalo e dei muscoli negli Scillium. 
Ricerche sperimentali. Atti Accad. 
Med. Chir. Napoli, 1894, 48. 1894.1 

Forrest, H. Edward. The fauna of 
Shropshire, being an account of all the 
mammals, birds, reptiles, and fishes 
found in the county of Salop. Shrews- 
bury & London, 1899. vi, 248 p. 24 pls. 
8°. 1899.1 

Fishes trecord of species caught) 
Rec. Caradoc & Severn Valley Field 
Club, 1904, 14, 38. 1904.1 

Records of fishes observed. Ree. 
Caradoc & Severn Valley Field Club, 
1906, 16, 29. 1906.1 

— Vertebrates of Wales and Ire- 
land. Zoologist, 1908, 4. ser. 12, 321- 
325; 454-455.— Trans. Caradoc & 
Severn Valley Field Club, 4, 245-248. 


Forsberg, Anders. Bref fran Brando. 
Fiskeritidskr. Finl., 1893, 2, 60-62; 126- 
128. Ibid., 1894, 3, 12-14; 138-141. 
Ibid., 1895, 4, 44-46. 1893.1 

Giddexporten fran Alands- och 
sydvestra Finlands skirgard forr och nu. 
Fiskeritidskr. Finl., 1893, 2, 20-25. 


Giddfisket i Alands och en del 
af sydvestra Finlands skirgard.  Fis- 
keritidskr. Finl., 1893, 2, 4-8. 1893.3 

Alands strémmingsfiske. Fiske- 
rit‘dskr. Finl., 1894, 3, 40-44; 118-125. 
Ibid., 1895, 4, 40-44; 75-81. 1894.1 

Bref fran Aland. Fiskeritidskr. 
Finl., 1896, 5, 9-11. 1896.1 

N&gra ord om hornsimpan (Cot- 
tus quadricornis) och dess vandringar. 
Fiskeritidskr. Finl., 1898, 7, 50-31. 
Sydvestra Finlands hafsfiske un- 

der 1897. Fiskeritidskr. Finl., 1898, 7, 
9-12. 1898.2 


Forsberg, A. 

Hafsfisket i sydvestra Finland 
under Ar 1898.  Fiskeritidskr. Finl., 
1899, 8, 18-22. . 1899.1 

Forskal, Pehr [1736-1763] Descrip- 
tiones animalium avium, amphibiorum, 
piscium, insectorum, vermium; qu in 
itinere orientali observavit. Post mor- 
tem auctoris edidit Carsten Niebuhr. 
Havnie, 1775. 164 p. 43 pls. map. 
4°, Livon 

Catalogus piscium melitensium, p. 18. _ 

This work, published posthumously, “is one 
of the most accurate of faunal lists, and one 
which shows a fine feeling for taxonomic distinc- 
tions searcely traceable in any previous author.”’ 
— Jordan, D. 8S. Guide to the Study of Fishes, 
vol. i, p. 395. 

Icones rerum naturalium quas in 
itinere orientali depingi curavit; edidit 
Carsten Niebuhr. Havnize, 1776. 15 p. 
43 pl. 4°. 1776.1 

Forssell, A. L. Bidrag till kannne- 
dom on Echinorhyncherna i Finlands 
fiskar. Act. Soc. Faun. Flor. Fenn., 
1905, 27, no. 3. 30p. 8 figs. 1905.1 

Forssell, Gésta. Beitrige zur Kennt- 
nis der Anatomie der Lorenzian’schen 
Ampullen bei Acanthias vulgaris. Zeit- 
schr. Wiss. Zool., 1894, 65, 725-744. pl. 


Forssner, Hjalmar. Die angebore- 
nen Darm- und Oesophagusatresien. 
Eine entwickelungsgeschichtliche und 
patologisch-anatomische Studie. Anat. 
Hefte, 1907, 34, 1-163. 9 pls. & 16 figs. 


Forsstro6m, Karl. Om str6mmings- 
fisket och fiskens behandling vid Triask6 

i Kimito. Fiskeritidskr. Finl., 1893, 2, 
9-10. 1893.1 
Stro6mmingsfisket A den s. k. 
Trisk6-fjirden. Fiskeritidskr. Finl., 
1897, 6, 80-81. 1897.1 
Forsstrom, Oskar Adolf. Kuvia 
raja-karjalasta. Kansanvalistus-seuran 
Toimituksia, 1895, 91, 172. 13 figs. 
Forster, Johann Reinhold [1729- 
1798] A catalogue of the animals of 

North America. Containing an enum- 
eration of the known quadrupeds, .. . 

fish, insects, ete. London, 1771. 43 p. 
ills ta} 1771.1 

A letter . . . to the Hon. Daines 
Barrington, vice-pres. R. 8. on the 

management of carp in Polish Prussia. 
Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. London, 1772, 
61, 310-325. rex 



An account of some curious 
fishes, sent from Hudson’s bay; in a 
letter to Thomas Pennant, Esq., Phil. 
Trans. Roy. Soc. London, 1773, 63, 149- 
160. pl. 1773.1 

Zoologia Indica, sistens deserip- 
tiones animalium selectorum. Obser- 
vationes de finibus et indole aéris, soli, 
marisque Indici; denique faunam indi- 
cam: Halse 7815 fol! 1781.1 

2. ed., Latin and German text. Halex, 1795. 
col. pl. fol. 

Enchiridion historiz# naturali 
imserviens, quo, termini et delineationes 
ad avium, pisclum, insectorum et plan- 
tarum adumbrationes intelligendas et 
concinnandas, secundum methodum sys- 
tematis Linnzani continentur. Hale, 
1778S: Sar. o 1788.1 

A French translation by Leveillé was published 
at Paris in 1799. 

he Descriptiones animalium que in 
itinere ad maris Australis terras per 
annos 1772, 1773 et 1774 suscepto col- 
legit observavit et delineavit . . . nunc 
demum edite . . . Henrico Lichtenstein. 
Berlin, 1844. xi, 424 p. 1844.1 
References to fishes and the localities where 
observed are: 
Madeira insula, p. 2. 
Oceanus Atlanticus, p. 3. 
Insula Sti. Jacobi (St. Jago), p. 5-9. 
Nova Hollandia, p. 112-148; 152-153. 
Insule intra tropicos maris Pacifici situe, 
p. 181-201. 
Insule tropice Orientales, p. 212-237. 
Mare Pacificum inter novam Caledoniam 
et Norfolcie insulam, p. 282-310. 
Mare Pacificum et terre Magellanice et 
mare Atlanticum, p. 358-362. 
Promontorium Bone Spei, p. 407-416. 

Forsyth, /. B. On the habits of 
Salmo fontinalis: from a letter addressed 
to Dr. Storer. Journ. Boston Soc. Nat. 
Hist., 1847, 5, 412-416. 1847.1 

Fortin, Pierre. List of the cetacea, 
fishes, crustacea, and mollusca, which 
now inhabit and have inhabited’ the 
Canadian shores of the gulf of St. Law- 
rence, and are the object of fishing op- 
erations. .. . (In Annual reports of 

Pierre Fortin, Esq., magistrate in com- 

mand of the expedition for the protec- 
tion of the fisheries in the gulf of St. 
Lawrence, during the seasons of 1861— 
1862. Quebec, 1863. 109-124) 1863.1 

Fortin, R. Notes de géologie nor- 
mande. VI. Sur une carriére de Gaillon. 
Bull. Soc. Amis Sci. Nat. Rouen, 1900, 
4. sér. 35, 261-263. fig. 1900.1 

Fortis, Alberto [1741-1803] _ Ilus- 
trazione storico-fisica d’ una collezione di 

oS aS a 


pesci fossili estratti dalla montagna di 
Bolea e posseduti dal Sig. Bozza, e dei 
quali un libraio d’ Augusta avea intra- 
preso di pubblicare i disegni nel 1785. 
Saggi Scient. Letterari Accad. Padova, 
1789, 2, 55. 1789.1 

— Due lettere sui pesci fossili di 
Bolea. Venezia, 1793. 47 p. 8°. 

These letters are reprinted from Opuscoli Scelti 
sulle Scienze e Arti, 1793, 16, 196-216; 356-360. 
Lettera al Sig. Abate Testa sopra 
i pesci ischeletriti de’ monti di Bolca. 
Opuscoli Scelti Scienze e Arti, 1793, 16, 
196-216. 1793.2 

—  Transunto della replica al Sig. 
Abate Testa sugli izzioliti de’ monti 
Veronesi. Opuscoli Scelti Scienze e 
Arti, 1793, 16, 356-360. 1793.3 

“La replica fu stampata in Venezia l]’anno 
1793, nelle Lettere (tre) sui pesci fossili ete.’’ — 
Vittorio dal Nero, Bibliografia, 1911. 
Riflessioni sull’ operetta dell’ Ab. 
Domenico Testa intitolata, Lettera 
sopra i pesci fossili del monte Bolca sul 
Veronese (1793) Saggi Scient. Lett. 
Accad. Padova, 1794, 3, 2. 1794.1 

Fortis, Alberto, & Testa, Domenico. 
Tre lettere sui pesci fossili di Bolca. 
Venezia, 1793. 1793.1 

Fortuyn, A. B. Droogleever. On the 
motor facialis- and abducens-nucleus of 
Lophius piscatorius. Proc. Akad. Wet. 
_ Amsterdam, 1909, 12, (44)-(47). pl. 


— Over de motorische fascialis- en 
abducenskern van Lophius piscatorius. 
Versl. Akad. Wet. Amsterdam, 1909, 
17, 905-908. pl. 1909.2 

Notiz tiber den LEintritt der 
motorischen Nervenwurzeln in die Me- 
dulla oblongata und iiber die Lige der 
motorischen Kerne bei Amia calva L. 
Folia Neurobiol., Haarlem, 1912, 6, 27- 
30. 1912.1 

Foster, D. H. Statement concerning 
the menhaden fishery. Rept. U. S. 
Fish Comm. 1877 (1879), 5, 453. 1879.1 

Foster, H. M. Pond herrings. 
Trans. Hull Scient. Field Natural. Club, 
1898, 1, 9. 1898.1 

The fishes of the river Hull. 
Trans. Hull Scient. Field Natural. Club, 
1899, 1, 10-21. 1899.1 

Foster, John Wells [1815-1873] On 
fossil fish in the coal rocks of Ohio. 
Amer. Journ. Sci., 1851, 12, 282-283. 




Foster, (Sir) Michael, & Balfour, 
F. M 

The elements of embryology. 

New York, 1874. illus. 8° 1874.1 
—— The same. 2. ed. . London, 
1883. xiv, 486 p. 8°. 1883.1 

Foster, V. W., & Atkins, Charles G. 
Second report of the commissioners of 

fisheries of the state of Maine. ;Au- 
gusta] 1868, 1-39. 1868.1 
Fougeroux de Bondaroy, De- 

scription d’un poisson du genre des 
silures, appelé shaid ou shaiden par les 
Allemands, Silurus glanis. Mém. Hist. 
Acad. Sci. Paris, 1784, 216-228. pls. 

Foulis, Robert. Descriptive details 
of a large shark (Squalus maximus L.} 
Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., 1852, 4, 
202-206. 1852.1 

Fouquet, D. Note sur une espéce 
d’infusoires parasites des poissons d’eau 
douce. Arch. Zool. Expér. Gén., Paris, 
1876, 5, 159-165. pil. 1876.1 

Fourcroy, Antoine Frangois de [1755- 
1809] Observations sur le gaz azote 
contenu dans la vessie natatoire de la 
carpe. Ann. de Chimie, 1789, 1, 47-51. 


Fourcroy, Antoine Francois de, & 
Vauquelin, L. N. Analyse de Pich- 
thyophthalmite. Ann. Mus. Hist. Nat. 
Paris, 1804, 5, 317-324.— Journ. de 
Phys., 61, 106-107. 1804.1 

Description et analyse d’une 
concrétion calculeuse tirée d’un poisson. 
Ann. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris, 1807, 10, 
179-181. 1807.1 

Expériences chimiques pour ser- 
vir 4 l’histoire de la laite des poissons. 
Ann. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris, 1807, 10, 
169-178. — Ann. Chimie, 64, 5-18. — 
Journ. Chem. Phys. (Gehlen), 4, 603-— 
611.— Journ. Phil. (Nicholson), 25, 273- 
279. — Mém. de I'Instit., Paris, 1807, 
42-67.— Nouv. Bull.- Soc. Philom. 
Paris, 1, 35-36. 1807.2 

Fourmarier, P. Découverte de Dip- 
terus 4 Bilstain. Ann. Soc. Géol. Bel- 
gique, 1899, 26, exiil. 1899.1 

Fournel, D. H. L. [— 1848] Faune 
de la Moselle; ou, Manuel de zoologie, 
contenant la description des animaux 
libres ou domestiques observés dans le 
département de la Moselle. Ouvrage 
rédigé d’aprés la méthode Cuvier. 2 
vols. Metz & Paris, 1827-40. 12°. 


Poissons, vol. i. 




Fournet, Joseph Jean Baptiste Xavier 
[1801-1869] Recherches sur la distribu- 
tion et sur les modifications du caractére 
de quelques animaux aquatiques du 
bassin du Rhone. Ann. Soc. Agricult. 
Hist. Nat., 1853. 1853.1 

Fournier, Poissons des riviéres 
de la Haute-Vienne. 26. sess. Congrés 
Scient. France, 1860, 1, 511-514. 1860.1 

Fourny, WM. Histoire naturelle. 
Poissons. Catalogue des poissons qui se 
rencontrent dans le département de la 
Loire (In Statistique du départe- 
ment de la Loire, 1864, 8, 49-53) 1864.1 

Fourny-Dulys, —— Catalogue des 
poissons qui habitent les cours d’eau 
de la région. 29 sess. Congrés Scient. 
France, 1862, 278-279. 1862.1 

Fourtau, &. Sur un nouveau gise- 
ment de poissons fossiles aux environs 
des pyramides de Ghizeh. Bull. Soe. 
Géol. France, 1899, 3. sér. 27, 237-240. 
3 figs. 1899.1 

Foussagrieves, /. B., & Mericourt, 
Leroy de. Recherches sur les poissons 
toxicographes exotiques des pays chauds. 
Ann. Hygiéne, 1861, Publ. no. 16. 


Fowler, George Herbert. Probable re- 
lation between temperature and the 
annual catch of anchovies in the Schelde 

district. Journ. Mar. Biol. Assoc., 
1889-90, n. s. 1, 340. pil. 1889.1 
Fowler, Henry Weed} [1878 —] 

Description of Ameiurus lacustris okee- 

chobeensis (Heilprin) Proc. Acad. Nat. 

Sei. Philad. 1899 (1900), 480-481. 

A list of fishes collected at Port 
Antonio, Jamaica. Proc. Acad. Nat. 
Sci. Philad. 1899 (1900), 118-119. 


Notes on a small collection of 
Chinese fishes. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. 
Philad. 1899 (1900), 179-182. 1900.3 

Observations on fishes from the 
Caroline islands. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. 
Philad. 1899 (1900), 482-496. 2 pls. 
Contributions to the ichthyol- 

ogy of the tropical Pacific. Proc. Acad. 
Nat. Sci. Philad. 1900 (1901), 493-528. 

4 pls. 1901.1 
Note on Ameiurus prosthistius. 
Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. 1900 

(1901), 352-355. 1901.2 

—— Description of a new hemirham- ~ 

phid. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. 
1901 (1902), 293-294. fig. 


Fishes from Caroline island. 
Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. 1901 
(1902), 324-326. 1902.2 

Myctophum phengodes in the 
north Atlantic. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. 
Philad. 1901 (1902), 620-621. 1902.3 

Note on the Odontostomidze 
(renamed Evermannellide;] Proc. Acad. 
Nat. Sci. Philad. 1901 (1902), 211-212. 

Types of fishes (preserved in 
the Philadelphia Academy of Natural 
Sciences} Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. 
1901 (1902), 327-341. 4 pls. 1902.5 

Description of a new gurnard 
from Florida, with notes on the colors of 
some other Florida fishes. Proc. Acad. 
Nat. Sci. Philad., 1903-04, 55, ert 

—— Description of a new lantern 
fish. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad., 
1903-04, 55, 754-755. 1903.2 

Centrobranchus cherocephalus. 

Descriptions of new, little known 
and typical Atherinide. Proc. Acad. 
Nat. Sci. Philad., 1903-04, 55, 727-742. 
3 pls. 1903.3 

Descriptions of several fishes 
from Zanzibar island, two of which are 
new. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad., 
1903-04, 55, 161-176. 3 pls. 1903.4 

Life colors of Pecilia limantouri, 
and description of a new Heros from 
Mexico. Proce. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad., 
1903-04, 55, 320-323. 1903.5 

— New and little known Mugilidz 
and Sphyrenide. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sei. 
Philad., 1903-04, 55, 743-752. 2 pls. & 
2 figs. 1903.6 

Notes on a few fishes from the 

Mosquito coast of Nicaragua. Proe. 
Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad., 1903-04, 56, 
346-351. 1903.7 

The occurrence of three in- 
teresting fishes [Manta manatia, Thun- 
nus thynnus and Cephalacanthus volitans} 
on the New Jersey coast. Science, 1903, 
n. 8. 17, 594-595. 1903. 

A collection of fishes from Sum- 
atra (With bibliography) Journ. Acad, 

we A Gara is ree Se 


- Nat. Sci. Philad., 1904, 2. ser. 12, 495-— 

560. 21 pls. 1904.1 

— Description and figure of Core- 
gonus nelsonii Bean. Proc. Amer. Phil. 
Soc. Philad., 1904, 48, 451-453. 
— Science, n. s. 21, 315. 

2 pls. 

Description of a new race of 
Notropis chalybeus from New Jersey. 
Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad., 1904-05, 
56, 239-240. pil. 1904.3 

New, little known and typical 
berycoid fishes (Holocentride) Proc. 
Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad., 1904-05, 56, 
222-238. 6 figs. 1904.4 

New, rare or little known scom- 

broids. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad., 
1904-05, 56, 757-771. 2 figs. Ibid., 
1905-06, 57, 56-88. 5figs. Ibid., 1906— 
07, 58, 114-122. 3 figs. 1904.5 

Note on the Characinide. Proc. 
Acad. Nat. Sei. Philad., 1904—05, 56, 119. 

Eucynopotamus, new name _ proposed for 
Evermannella Eigenmann, not Fowler. 

Notes on fishes from Arkansas, 
Indian Territory and Texas. Proc. 
Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad., 1904-05, 56, 
242-249. fig. 1904.7 

Exoglossum in the Delaware. 
Science, 1905, n. s. 21, 994. 1905.1 

Note on the broad white fish 
(Coregonus kennicotti Jordan and Gil- 
bert] Science, 1905, n.s. 21, 315. 1905.2 

Notes on some Arctic fishes, with 
a description of a new Oncocottus. Proc. 
Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad., 1905-06, 57, 
362-370. 5 figs. 1905.8 

Some fishes from Borneo. Proc. 
Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad., 1905-06, 57, 
455-523. 1905.4 

Thirteen new species are described. 

Descriptions of two new species 
of Centropomus (C. gabbi, C. heringi 
Fowler} Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad., 
1906-07, 58, 423-428. 2 figs. 1906.1 

Fishes in winter. Forest & 
Stream, 1906, 69, 1022. 1906.2 

The fishes of New Jersey. Ann. 
Rept. New Jersey State Mus. Trenton, 
1905 (1906), 35-477. pl. 1906.3 

Further knowledge of some het- 
erognathous fishes. Parts I-II. Proc. 



Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad., 1906-07, 58, 
293-351; 431-483. 60 figs. 1906.4 

Notes on Pennsylvania fishes. 
Amer. Naturalist, 1906, 40, 595-596. 

Pimephales notatus in the lower 
Susquehanna. Amer. Naturalist, 1906, 
40, 743. 1906.6 

Some cold-blooded vertebrates 
of the Florida Keys {fishes} Proc. Acad. 
Nat. Sci. Philad., 1906-07, 58, 79-113. 
pl. & 13 figs. 1906.7 

Some new and little known 
percoid fishes. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. 
Philad., 1906-07, 58, 510-528. 10 figs. 

: Some unusual New Jersey fishes. 
Science, 1906, n. s. 24, 596-597. 1906.9 

A collection of fishes from Vic- 
toria, Australia. Proce. Acad. Nat. Sci. 
Philad., 1907-08, 59, 419-444. 10 figs. 

Gambusia in New Jersey. Sci- 
ence, 1907, n. s. 26, 639. 1907.2 

Notes on lancelets and lampreys. 
Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad., 1907-08, 
59, 461-466. 2 figs. 1907.3 

Notes on Serranide. Proc. 
Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad., 1907-08, 59, 
249-269. 5 figs. 1907.4 

Records of Pennsylvania fishes. 
Amer. Naturalist, 1907, 41, 5-21. fig. 

A supplementary account of the 
fishes of New Jersey. Ann. Rept. New 
Jersey State Mus., Trenton, 1906 (1907), 
251-350. pil. 1907.6 

Further notes on New Jersey 
fishes. Ann. Rept. New Jersey State 
Mus., Trenton, 1907 (1908), 120-189. 
3 pls. 1908.1 

Notes on sharks. Proc. Acad. 
Nat. Sci. Philad., 1908-09, 60, 52-70. 

Eulamia odontaspis, D. sp. 

A synopsis of the Cyprinide of 
Pennsylvania. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. 
Philad., 1908-09, 60, 517-553. pl. 


Notropis keimi, nu. sp. 

Fundulus lucie again in New 
Science, 1909, n. s. 30, 526. 



Fowler, H. W. 

A new species of fish of the genus 
Atopichthys, with notes on New Jersey 
fishes. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad., 
1909-10, 61, 406—408. 1909.2 

Atopichthys phillipsi, n. sp. 

Note on some New Jersey fishes 
(Also first record in southern New Jersey 
of Hemidactylium scutatum, Science, 
1909, n. s. 29, 79. 1909.3 

Notes on fishes at Corson’s inlet, 
New Jersey. Science, 1909, n. s. 29, 544. 

Notes on New Jersey fishes, 

amphibians and reptiles. Ann. Rept. 

New Jersey State Museum, Trenton, 

1908 (1909), 349-408. . 1909.5 
Fishes, p. 351-392. 

The smooth hound (MWustelus 
mustelus] and some other fishes in New 
Jersey. Science, 1909, n. s. 30, 815. 


Description of four new cyp- 
rinoids (Rhodeinz) Proc. Acad. Nat. 
Sci. Philad., 1910-11, 62, 476-486. 


Little known New Jersey fishes. 
Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad., 1910-11, 
62, 599-602. 1910.2 

A new albuloid fish from Santo 
Domingo. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad., 
1910-11, 62, 651-654. fig. 1910.3 

Note on some Pennsylvania 
Science, 1910, n. s. 31, 345-346. 

Note on the distribution of some 
Pennsylvania fishes. Science, 1910, n. s. 
32, 926-927. 1910.5 

Notes on batoid fishes. - Proc. 
Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad., 1910-11, 62, 
468-475. 2 figs. 1910.6 

Notes on chimeeroid and ganoid 
fishes. . Proce. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad., 
1910-11, 62, 603-612. pl. 1910.7 

Notes on the variat‘on of some 
species of the genus Notropis. Proce. 
Acad. Nat. Sei. Philad., 1910-11, 62, 
273-293. 7 pls. 1910.8 
The proper restriction of Eucy- 
nopotamus. Science, 1910, n. s. 31, 790. 

founded on Cynopota- 


mus gulo. 

n: (gs, 

Carcharias borneensis and Bar- 
bus elongatus, as preoccupied names. 
Science, 1911, n. s. 33, 748. 1911.1 



—A description of the fossil fish 
remains of the Cretaceous, Eocene and 
Miocene formations of New Jersey; 
with a chapter on the geology by Henry 
B. Kiimmel. Bull. Geol. Surv. New Jer- 
sey, 1911, no. 4, 1-192. 10 pls. & 108 
figs. 1911.2 

The fishes of Delaware. Proc. 
Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad., 1911-12, 63, 
3-16. 1911.3 

A new flat fish from New Jersey. 
Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad., 1911-12, 
63, 200-203. 2 figs. 1911.4 

Citharichthys micros, D. sp. 

New freshwater fishes from 

western Ecuador. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. 

Philad., 1911-12, 63, 493-520. 7 figs. 3 

Notes on clupeoid fishes. Proc. 
Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad., 1911-12, 63, 
204-221. 4 figs: 1911.6 

Notes on salmonoid and related 
fishes (Stomias, Synodus} Proc. Acad. 
Nat. Sci. Philad., 1911-12, 63, 551-571. 
3 figs. 1911.7 

Some fishes from Venezuela. 
Proce. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad., 1911-12, 
63, 419-437. 5 figs. 1911.8 

— Description of nine new eels, 
with notes on other species. Proe. Acad. 
Nat. Sci. Philad., 1912-13, 64, 8-33. 9 
figs. 1912.1 

Hermaphrodite shad in the Del- 
aware. Science, 1912, n. s. 36, 18-19. 

Records of fishes for the middle 
Atlantic states and Virginia. Proc. 
Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad., 1912-13, 64, 
34-59. 2 figs. 1912.3 

Some features of ornamentation 
in freshwater fishes. Amer. Naturalist, 
1912, 46, 470-476. pl. 1912.4 

Fowlerina Eigenmann, a_pre- 
oceupied generic name. Science, 1913, 
n. s. 38, 51. 1913.1 

Description of a new blenny from 
New Jersey, with notes on other fishes 
from the middle Atlantic states. Proc. 
Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad., 1914, 65, 342- 
358. fig. 1914.1 

—— Fishes and reptiles from Assuan, 

Egypt. Copeia, 1914, no. 8,1-2. 1914.2 

Fishes in polluted waters. Co- 
peia, 1914, no. 5, 4. 1914.3 


— Hadropterus peltatus in the Dela- 
ware. Science, 1914, n. s. 40, 939-940. 

— The long-nosed dace in the 
Hackensack, New York. Copeia, 1914, 
no. Ii, 3. 1914.5 

Notes on catostomoid fishes. 
Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. 1913 
(1914), 65, 45-60. fig. 1914.6 

Notes on New Jersey fishes. 
Copeia, 1914, no. 13, 1-2. 1914.7 

— Notes on the fishes at Ocean 
city, Maryland. Copeia, 1914, no. 2, 
2-3. 1914.8 

Notes on the fishes of the Chin- 
coteague region of Virginia. Proc. Acad. 
Nat. Sci. Philad. 1913 (1914), 65, 61-65. 

Some type specimens of the 

' American cyprinoid fishes of the genus 

Rutilus. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. 
1913 (1914), 65, 66-71. 7 figs. 1914.10 

A list of Santo Domingo fishes. 
Copeia, 1915, no. 24, 49-50. 1915.1 

Note on some gymnotid fishes. 
Copeia, 1915, no. 15, 1-2. 1915.2 

Fowler, Henry Witeed) & Jordan, 
David Starr. See Jordan & Fowler. 

Fowler, Henry (Weed); & Phillips, 
Richard J. A new fish of the genus 
Paralepis from New Jersey. Proc. Acad. 
Nat. Sci. Philad. 1910 (1911), 62, 403- 
406. fig. 1910.1 

Paralepis barracudina, n. sp. 

Fishes in the water-supply of 
Wilmington, Delaware. Copeia, 1913, 
no. 1, 3+4. 1913.1 

Fowler, Henry (Weed) & Sharp, Ben- 
jamin. See Sharp & Fowler. 

Fox, C. Squalus (Echinorhinus) spino- 
sus. Nature, 1873, 9, 42. 1873.1 

Fox, Charles. Notice of a new mode 
of preparing fish-skins for museums. 
Amer. Journ. Sci., 1839, 36, 196-197. 


Fox, #. Exportation of salmon ova 
to New Zealand in 1876. Rept. U. S. 
Fish Comm. 1875-76 (1878), 4, 968. 


Fox, H. Notes on the geology and 
fossils of some Devonian rocks on the 
north coast of Cornwall. Geol. Mag., 
1900, 4. dec. 7, 145-152. pl. 1900.1 



Fox, Howard. The pilchard fisheries 
of Falmouth, England, 1882. Rept. 
U. S.*Fish Comm. 1883 (1885), 13, 
1183-1184. 1885.1 

Fox, William J. Names of animals 
published by Osbeck in 1765. Science, 
1900, n. s. 12, 716-718. 1900.1 

Fox-Strangways, C. Carboniferous 

limestone fossils from south Derbyshire. 
Mem. Geol. Surv. England, 1905, 141, 

13-21. 1905.1 

Foyn, Sven. Torskefiskeriet og hval- 
fangsten i Finmarken. Morgenbl., 
Christiania, 1879, no. 67 A. 1879.1 

Fr., L. von. Vom Bodensee-Zander. 
Schweiz. Fischereizeitg., 1893, 1, 135. 
Also separate; Pfiaffikon-Ziirich, 1893. 
Mame 1893.1 

Fraas, Carl Nicol [1810-1875] Die 
kiinstliche Fischerzeugung nach den Er- 
fahrungen der kiinstliche Fischzucht- 
Anstalt der General-Comité des Land- 
wirthschaftlichen-Vereins von Bayern. 
2. ed. Miinchen, 1854. 2 pls. 8°. 

Fraas, Eberhard [1862-1915] Kopf- 
stacheln von Hybodus und Acrodus, 
sogenannte Ceratodus heteromorphus Ag. 
Jahresh. Ver. Vaterl. Naturk. Wiirttem- 
berg, 1889, 45, 233-240. pl. & 4 figs. 


Neue Selachier-Reste aus dem 
oberen Lias von Holzmaden in Wiirttem- 

berg. Jahresh. Ver. Vaterl. Naturk. 
Wirttemberg, 1896, 52, 1-25. 2 pls. 

i. Hybodus hauffianus E. Fraas (= Hybodus 
reticulatus Quenstedt, non Agassiz) 
ii. Paleospinax smith-woodwardii E. Fraas. 

— Ceratodus priscus E. Fraas aus 
dem Hauptbuntsandstein. Ber. Ober- 

rhein. Geol. Ver., 1904, 37, 30-32. fig. 
Die geognostische Sammlung 

Wiirttembergs im Parterre-Saal, zug- 
leich ein Leitfaden fiir die geologischen 
Verhaltnisse und die vorweltlichen Be- 

wohner unseres Landes. 2. ed. Stutt- 
gart, 1906. 84p. 51 figs. 1906.1 
Sage von Propristis schwein- 

furthi Dames aus dem oberen Eocin 
von Aegypten. Neues Jahrb. Mineral., 
Geol. Pal., 1907, 1, 1-6. pl. 1907.1 

Chimiaridenreste aus dem oberen 
Lias von Holzmaden. Jahresh. Ver. 
Vaterl. Naturk. Wiirttemberg, 1910, 66, 
55-63. pil. 1910.1 


Fraas, Oscar Friedrich [1824-1897] 
Squatina acanthoderma von Nusplingen. 
Berlin, 1854. 3 pls. 8°. 1854.1 

A few notes upon the more recent 
discoveries and improvements in pisci- 
culture (Translated and condensed from 
second edition of his ‘ Kiunstliche Erzeu- 
gung,” etc.) Rept. U.S. Patent Comm., 
1861, p. 301-304. 1861.1 

p Ueber Semionotus und einige 
Keuperconchylien. Jahresh. Ver. Vaterl. 

Naturk. Wirttemberg, 1861, 17, 81- 
101. pl. 1861.2 
Fraenkel, 4. Ueber die Wirkung des 

Rizins auf Fischblut. Ein Beitrag zur 
Frage der natiirlichen Immunitit. Beitr. 
Chem. Phys. Path., 1903, 4. - 1903.1 

Fraenkel, Fritz. Die Zucht des 
Fadensackwelses (Saccobranchus fossilis) 
Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1912, 23. 
Jahrg., 567-568. 2 figs. 1912.1 

Haltung und Zucht der Groppe 
(Cottus gobio) Blatt. 
Kunde, 1913, 24. Jahrg., 401-403. fig. 

Meine Seefische. Blatt. Aquar.- 
Terrar. Kunde, 1913, 24. Jahrg., 681- 
684. 2 figs. 1913.2 

Fraiche, Félix. Traité des procédés 
de multiplication naturelle et artificielle 
des poissons. Paris, 1863. figs. 12°. 


Fraipont, Charles. Description d’un 
nouveau Pteraspis (P. dewalquezi, n. sp.) 
du Gedinnien belge, et sur un remarqua- 
ble bouclier ventral de Pteraspis crouchi 
(Lank.) des schistes taunusiens. Ann. 
Soc. Géol. Belgique, 1908, 35, M. 3—M. 

5. 2 pls. 1908.1 

Sur les ostracophores _belges. 
Bull. Soc. Géol. Belgique, 1912, 26, 66- 
69. 1912.1 

Fraipont, Julien Jean Joseph [1857 
—] _Un nouveau ganoide du calcaire 
carbonifére de Belgique (Benedenius 
soreili, n. sp.) Ann. Soc. Géol. Belgique, 
1889-90, 17, 211-220. pl. 1889.1 

Fraisse, Paul Hermann [1851 —] 
Die Fische des Maingebeites von Unter- 
franken und Aschaffenburg. Wiirzburg, 
1880:7519'p:0 38". 1880.1 

France, Raoul Heinrich. A rovarok 
mint haltaplélék [Insekten als Fisch- 
nahrung) Rovart. Lapok, 1897, 4, 194— 
197. 4 figs. 1897.1 




Franchére, Gabriel. Relation d’un 
voyage a la céte du nord-ouest de l’Amé- 
rique septentrionale dans les années 
1810-1814. Montreal, 1820. 284 p. 
8°. 1820.1 

Fisheries in the Columbia river, p. 236-238. 

— The same. 2. ed. New York, 
1854. 3876p. Sple 12 1854.1 

Francis, Francis [1822-1886] Fish- 
culture; a practical guide to the modern 
system of breeding and rearing fish. 

London, 1862. 267 p. illust. 12°. 
— The same. 2. ed. London, 
1865. xx, 320 p. 1865.1 

Reports on salmon ladders, with 
original drawings, plans and sections. 
London, 1870. 32p. pl. 4° 1870.1 

Herrings and mackerel ~Scomber 
scomber) in Brighton aquarium. Zoolo- 
gist, 1872, 2. ser. 7, 3339-3340. 1872.1 

Grund der Abnahme der Lachse. 

Circul. Deutsch. Fischerei Ver., 1873, 
no. 2, 47-50. 1873.1 
The colour of trout. Fish. Ga- 

zette, 1878, n. s. 2, no. 64, 327-328. — 
Chicago Field, 1878, 10, 164. 1878.1 

A migratory Coregonus. Field, 
Farm and Garden, 1878, 51, 10-17. 

White trout and salmon in Gal- 
way. Fish. Gazette, 1878, n. s. 2, no. 
56, 231-232. 1878.3 

The practical management of 

fisheries. A book for proprietors and 
keepers. London, 1883. 114 p. ilust. 
oink 1883.1 

Franciscus, Erasmus [1627-1694] Ost- 
und West-Indischer wie auch Sinesischer 
Lust- und Stats-garten. . . . Niirnberg, 
1762. xxxvi p. 66 pls. fol. 1762.1 

Fishes, p. 20-35; 150-153; 449; 452; 681; 
926; 960; 986; 1027; 1392. 

Franck, Francois. See Frangois- 

Franck, Charles A. 

Franco, G. Elenco dei nomi dialet- 
tali dei principali pesci del distretto 
peschereccio e del mercato di Gallipoli 
(Puglie) Riv. Mens. Pesca, Pavia, 
1911, 6. sér. 13, 193-197. 1911.1 

Francois-Franck, Charles A. The 
electricity of the torpedo. Nature, 1879, 
19, 295-297; 320-322. figs. 1879.1 




Etudes expérimentales de mé- 
canique respiratoire. C. R. Mém. Soc. 
Biol. Paris, 1906, 1, 799-802. 1906.1 

i. Analyse graphique des mouvements re- 
spiratoires des poissons téléostéens. 

ii. Fonetionnement de la membrane limitante 
operculaire; son réle dans la respiration régu- 
liére et dans mouvements respiratoires redoublés 
chez les poissons téléostéens. 

Mécanique respiratoire des pois- 
sons téléostéens. C. R. Mém. Soc. Biol. 
Paris, 1906, 1, 962-967. 2 figs. 1906.2 
i. Technique des explorations graphiques. 
ii. Technique des prises de vues photo- et 

chrono-photographiques dans |’étude de la mé- 
canique respiratoire des poissons téléostéens. 

— Note complémentaire sur les 
mouvements actifs de la membrane 
limitante operculaire des poissons télé- 
ostéens. C. R. Mém. Soc. Biol. Paris, 
1906, 1, 838-839. 1906.3 

Recherches anatomo-physiolo- 
giques sur le cceur et l’appareil circula- 
toire des poissons et des mollusques 
céphalopodes. I. Coeur et circulation 
coronaire des sélaciens. C. R. Mém. 
Soe. Biol. Paris, 1913, 2, 617-620. fig. 

Beitrag zur Zucht der 

Isis (Russ), 1880, 5. 

Frank, Feliz. 
Jahrg., 179-180. 

Frank, P. Berichte aus Argentinien. 
Il. Ueber drei lebendgebairende Zahn- 
karpfen aus Argentinien. Blatt. Aquar.- 
Terrar. Kunde, 1913, 24. Jahrg., 370- 
373. 3 figs. 1913.1 

Franke, Johann. Die Ernihrung der 
Fische und die Bedeutung des Planktons. 
Stenogr. Protok. Verh. Internat. Fisch.- 
Kongr., Wien, 1905 (1906), 115-123; 
124-127. 1906.1 

: Causes of degeneration of Amer- 
ican trout in Austria. Proc. 4. Intern. 
Fish. Congr., Washington, D. C., 1908, 
pt. 2, 983-989. 1908.1 

Radical prevention of Costia 
necatrix in salmonoid fry. Proc. 4. 
Intern. Fish. Congr., Washington, D. C., 
1908, pt. 2, 917-928. 1908.2 

_ Franklin, C. L. —Phosphorescence 
in deep-sea animals. Science, 1900, n. s. 
11, 954. 1900.1 

Franklin, Dwight. A method of pre- 
paring fishes for museum and exhibition 
purposes. Proc. 4. Intern. Fish. Congr., 
Washington, D. C., 1908, pt. 2, 1353- 
1363. pl. 1908.1 

A method of preparing fishes for 
museum and exhibition purposes. Bull. 
Bureau Fisheries, 1910, 28, 1353-1355. 
pl. ~ 1910.1 

Note on a nesting sunfish. Co- 
peia, 1914, no. 11, 1. 1914.1 

Some fish of the middle west. 
Amer. Mus. Journ., 1914, 14, 37. 

Franque, Heinrich. De Amie calve 

anatomia. Inaug. Dissert. Berolini, 
1847. 12p. pl. 1847.1 
Frantzius, Alexander von [1821— 

1877] Ueber den glatten Hay des Aris- 
toteles. Arb. Ver. Schles. Gesell., 1849, 

31-39. 1849.1 

Franz, K. Ueber die Entwicklung 
von Hypochorda und Ligamentum lon- 

gitudinale ventrale bei Teleostiern. 
Morphol. Jahrb., 1897, 25, 143-169. pl. 

Franz, Viktor. Zur Anatomie, His- 
tologie und funktionellen Gestaltung des 
Selachierauges. Jena. Zeitschr. Naturw., 
1905, 40, 697-840. pl. & 382 figs. 1905.1 

Beobachtungen am _ lebenden 
Selachierauge. Jena. Zeitschr. Naturw., 
1906, 41, 429-471. 1906.1 

Ueber die Sinnesfihigkeiten der 
Haifische. Natur. Zeitsch. Naturfr., 
Leipzig, 1906, 2, 566-570. 1906.2 

Bau des Eulenauges und Theorie 
des Teleskopauges. Biol. Centralbl., 
1907, 27, 271-278; 341-351. 1907.1 

Die biologische Bedeutung des 
Silberglanzes in der Fischhaut. Biol. 
Centralbl., 1907, 27, 278-285. 1907.2 

Der Lumpfisch (Cyclopterus 
lumpus L.) Natur u. Haus, Dresden, 
1907, 15. Jahrg., 323-327. 15 figs. 


Ueber das Auge und das Sehen 
der Wirbeltiere. Zeitschr. Naturw. 
Stuttgart, 1907, 78, 383-385. 1907.4 

Ueber die Bedeutung des so- 
genannten ‘ Dotterkerns”’ im _ Schol- 
lenei. Verh. Deutsch. Zool. Ges., 1907, 
17, 99-105. 14 figs. 1907.5 

Neuere Ergebnisse iiber Fisch- 
wanderungen in der Nord- und Ostsee. 
Intern. Rev. Hydrobiol. & Hydrogr., 
1908, 1, 243-256. 1908.1 

Die Struktur der Pigmentzelle. 
Biol. Centralbl., 1908, 28, 536-543; 
545-548. 11 figs. 1908.2 


Franz, V. 

Unsere gegenwirtigen Kennt- 

nisse vom Lebenslauf des Aales (An- 

guilla vulgaris Flem.) und ihre 6kono- 

mische Bedeutung. Intern. Rey. Hy- 

drobiol. & Hydrogr., 1908, 1, ate 

Einige Versuche zur Biologie der 
Fischlarven. Intern. Rev. Hydrobiol. 
& Hydrogr., 1909, 2, 557-579. 1909.1 

Die Scholle, ein Nutzfisch der 
deutschen Meere. Meereskunde, Ber- 
lin, 1909, 3, pt. 12, 1-37. 1909.2 

Die Eiproduktion der Scholle 
(Pleuronectes platessa L.) Wiss. Meere- 
suntersuch. Kiel (Abt. Helgoland), 1910, 
n.s. 9, Heft. 1, 59-141. 8 pls. & 18 figs. 
Abstract in Mitt. Deutsch. Seefischerei 
Ver., 26, 522-526. fig. 1910.1 

5 Farbenanpassung bei Fischen. 
Kosmos, Stuttgart, 1910, 7. Jahrg., 215- 
217. fig. 1910.2 

Der feinere Bau des Processus 
falciformis im Auge der Knochenfische. 
Arch. Vergl. Ophthalm., Leipzig, 1910, 
1, 427-443. 3 pls. 1910.3 

— Die japanischen Knochenfische 
der Sammlungen Haberer und Doflein. 

Abh. Bayer. Akad. Wiss., 2. Cl., 1910, 
Suppl. 4, no. 1, 1-135. pls. & 7 figs. 

Die Laichwanderungen der Fi- 
sche. Ein Beitrag zur Gesellschafts- 
biologie der Tiere. Arch. Rassen Ges. 
Biol., 1910, 7. Jahrg., 159-168. 1910.5 

Photographien mit ultraviolet- 
tem Lichte. Teil 1. Vom Ovarialei der 
Knochenfische. Zeitschr. Wiss. Mikr., 
1910, 27, 41-43. pl. 1910.6 

Phototaxis und Wanderung. 
Nach Versuchen mit Jungfischen und 
Fischlarven. Intern. Rev. Hydrobiol. 

& Hydrogr., 1910, 3, 306-334. 1910.7 

Ueber die Bedingungen der Pho- 
totaxis bei freibeweglichen Tieren. Zen- 
tralbl. Physiol., 1910, 24, 833-837. fig. 

Ueber die Ernahrungsweise eini- 
ger Nordseefische, besonders der Scholle. 
Wiss. Meeresuntersuch. Kiel (Abt. Hel- 
goland), 1910, 9, 197-215. 1910.9 

Ueber die Wanderungen der 
Fische, insbesondere des Aals. Natur. 
Zeitschr., Leipzig, 1910, 6, 111-117, 

149-154. 1910.10 


Untersuchungen iiber das spezi- 
fische Gewicht der planktonischen Fi- 
scheier. Wiss. Meeresuntersuch. Kiel 
(Abt. Helgoland), 1910, 9, 177-196. 3 
figs. 1910.11 

Zur Eiproduktion der Scholle 
(Pleuronectes platessa L.) Nachtrage. 
Wiss. Meeresuntersuch. Kiel (Abt. Hel- 
goland), 1910, n. s. 9, Heft 2, 217-224. 
2 figs. 1910.12 

Zur Physiologie und Pathologie 
der Chromatophoren. Biol. Centralbl., 
1910, 30, 150-158. 1910.13 

Beitrige zur Kenntnis der Photo- 

taxis; nach Versuchen an Siisswasser- 

tieren. Intern. Hydrobiol. & Hydrogr., 
1911, Biol. Suppl., 2. ser. 4, 1-11. fig. 

Fischwanderungen. Himmel u. 

Erde, 1911, 23. Jahrg., 546-559. 7 figs. 


Das intracraniale und intracere- 
brale Verhalten des Nervus trochlearis 
bei den Knochenfischen. Anat. Anz., 
1911, 38, 592-598. 11 figs. 1911.3 

Das Kleinhirn der Knochen- 
fische. Zool. Jahrb. (Anat. Abt.), 1911, 
32, 401-464. 3 pls. & 32 figs. — Verh. 

20-21. Vers. Deutsch. Zool. Gesell., 
1911, 200-205. 1911.4 
Das Mormyridenhirn. Zool. 

Jahrb. (Anat. Abt.), 1911, 32, 465-492. 
3 pls. & 9 figs. 1911.5 

Ueber die Bedingungen der 
Phototaxis bei freibeweglichen Tieren. 
Centralbl. Physiol., 1911, 24, oe 

Ueber Ortgedichtnis bei Fischen 
und seine Bedeutung fiir die Wanderun- 
gen. Jurzer Bericht iiber das Resultat 
einer Umfrage. Intern. Hydrobiol. & 
Hydrogr., 1911, 4, 327-330. — Schweiz. 
Fischerei Zeitg., 19, 107-108. — All- 
gem. Fischerei Zeitg., 1911, no. 10. — 
Verh. Deutsch. Nat. Aerzte Vers., 83, 
pt. 2, 411-418.— Arch. Hydrobiol., 

Stuttgart, 7, 637-674. 1911. 7 

—— Weitere Phototaxisstudien. I. 
Zur Phototaxis bei Fischen. Intern. 
Hydrobiol. & Hydrogr., 1911, Biol. 
Suppl., 3. ser. 3, 1-23. 1911.8 

Beitrag zur Kenntnis des Epen- 
dyms im Fischgehirn. Biol. Centralbl., 
1912, 32, 375-383. 1912.1 

Beitrage zur Kenntnis des Mit- 
telhirns und Zwischenhirns der Knochen- 
fische. Folia Neurobiol., Haarlem, 1912, 
6, 402-441. 1912.2 




Ueber das Kleinhirn und die 
statische Funktion bei den plankto- 
nischen Fischlarven. Verh. 8. Intern. 
Zool. Kong., Graz, 1910 (1912), 516-520. 
6 figs. 1912.3 

— Ueber das Lernvermégen der 
Fische. Allgem. Fischerei Zeitg., 1912, 
37, 361-364. 1912.4 

Vom Gehirn der Fische. Bliitt. 
Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1912, 22. Jahrg., 

431-433; 447-449; 468-469. 2 figs. 
Faseranatomie des Mormyri- 

dengehirns. Anat. Anz., 1913, 45, 271- 
279. fig. 1913.1 

Franz, Viktor, Brehm, Alfred, & 
Steche, Ofto. Die Fische, in Brehm’s 
Tierleben. 4. ed. See Brehm, A. L. 

Franz, Viktor, & Stechow, LE. Sym- 
biose zwischen einem Fisch und einem 
Hydroidpolypen. Zool. Anz., 1908, 32, 
752-754. 1908.1 

Fraser, Alexander. Natural history 
of the salmon, herring, cod, etc., with a 

short account of Greenland. ... Inver- 
ness, 1830. 8°. 1830.1 

— The same. 2.ed. 1833. 12°. 

Fraser, J.H. Notes on the spawning 
of the Anguille. Rept. Brit. Assoc. 
Ady. Sci., 60. meet., 1890 (1891), 866. 


Fraser, Robert. A review of the do- 
mestic fisheries of Great Britain and 
Ireland. Edinburgh, 1818. 4°. 1818.1 

Frater, pseudonym for George, JWii- 
liam. Articles signed “member of the 
Worcester Angling Society ”’ are by the 
same author. 

Frauen, M. St6rzucht in Holstein. 

Cireul. Deutsch. Fischerei Ver. 1877 
(1878), no. 6, 166-170. 1878.1 
Zucht der Neunaugen. Circul. 

Deutsch. Fischerei Ver., 1879, no. 4, 135- 
136. 1879.1 

Frauenfeld, (Ritter) Georg von [1807— 
1873] Ueber den Fischaufstand. Ab- 
stracts in Lotos, 1873, 23, 81-83. — 
Verh. Zool. Bot. Ges., 1872, p. 389. — 
Zool. Miscellen, 16, 2. Hialfte. 1873.1 

Frazer, Persifor [1844—] (Memo- 
rial notice of E. D. Cope and portrait) 
Amer. Naturalist, 1897, 31, 410-413. 


Alphabetical cross-reference cat- 
alogue of all the publications of Edward 
Drinker Cope from 1859 till-his death in 
1897. Mem. Soc. Cient. ‘ Antonio 
Alzate ”’ Mexico, 1899, 14, 39-48. 1899.1 

Catalogue chronologique des 
publications de Edward Drinker Cope 
de 1859 & 1897 inclusivement. Ann. 
Soc. Géol. Belgique, 1902, 29, 3-77. 


Frazer, W.M. On the disease in gold 

_fish in connection with the development 

of Saprolegnia ferox. Proc. Dublin Nat. 
Hist. Soc., 1849, 1. 1849.1 

Some observations on the dis- 
ease in fish called fungus, which is so 
fatal in aquaria, fish ponds, etc. Zoolo- 
gist, 1856, 14, 5126-5133. 1856.1 

Frech, Fritz, Philippi, L., Jaekel, 
Otto, & Volz, Wilhelm. See Philippi, 
Jaekel «& others. 

Frédéricq, Léon [1851—] Sur la 
physiologie de la branchie. Arch. Zool. 
Expér., Paris, 1891, 2. sér. 9, 120-122. 


Sur la concentration moléculaire 
du sang et des tissus chez les animaux 
aquatiques. Bull. Acad. Sci. Belgique, 
1901, 428-434. 1901.1 

Sur la perméabilite de la mem- 
brane branchiale. Bull. Acad. Sci. Bel- 
gique, 1901, 68-70. 1901.2 

Note sur la concentration molé- 
culaire des tissus solides de quelques 
animaux d’eau douce [Pisces] Arch. 
Intern. Physiol., 1905, 2, 129-130. 


Frédol, Alfred (pseudon.) See Mo- 
guin-Tandon, (. H.B. A. 

Freeburg, B. White trout. Ludlow 
trout ponds. Forest & Stream, 1878, 10, 
134. 1878.1 

Freeden, von. Untersuchung der 
in den Logbiichern unserer Logger en- 
thaltenen Angaben iiber ihre (Harings-} 
Fange und die begleitenden meteorolo- 
gischen und geographischen Umstiinde. 
Circul. Deutsch. Fischerei Ver. 1874 
(1875), no. 5, 200-214. pl. 1875.1 

Freeman, Frederick. The history of 
Cape Cod. 2 vols. Boston, 1860-62. 
Se 1860.1 

Contains numerous notes on fish and fisheries. 

Fréminville, (Chevalier) Christophe 
Paulin de la Poix de [1787-1848] De- 


Fréminville, C. P. P. 

scription de quelques nouvelles espéces 
de poissons de l’ordre des Branchiosté- 
ges. Nouv. Bull. Soc. Philom. Paris, 
1818, 2, 249-253. 1815.1 

Six nouvelles espéces des genres 
Balistes et Tetrodon. Nouv. Bull. 
Soc. Philom. Paris, 1813, 3, 249-253. 


Notice sur une nouvelle espéce 
de poisson, appartenant au genre Cestra- 
cion (C. quoyi) de Cuvier. Mag. Zool., 
1840, 2. sér.2. 4p. pl. 1840.1 

Frémy, Edmond [1814-1894] Re- 

cherches chimiques sur les os. spe 
Acad. Sci. Paris, 1854, 39, 1052-1060. 


Frémy, Edmond, & Valenciennes, 
Achille. See Valenciennes & Frémy. 

Frenzel, F. Verfahren zur Einbalsa- 
mirung von Fischen. Berlin, 1892. 4°. 


Frenzel, Johannes. 'Temperaturma- 
xima fiir Seetiere. Arch. Ges. Physiol., 
1885, 36, 458466. 1885.1 
Zu viel Lust. Allgem. Fischerei 

Zeitg., 1894, 19, 89-91. 1894.1 

Fiskarnes motstandskraft mot 
virme. Fiskeritidskr. Finl., 1896, 5, 
101. — Deutsch. Fischerei Zeitg., 1896. 

Transport frisch befruchteter Sal- 

monideneier. Allgem. Fischerei Zeitg., 
1896, 21, 4-6. 1896.2 
(editor) Handworterbuch der 

Zoologie, Anthropologie, und Ethnologie. 
Breslau, 1897. 8°. 1897.1 

Ziihes Leben der Aale. Blatt. 
Aquar.-Terrar. Freunde, 1897, 8. Jahrg., 
42-43. 1897.2 

Frere, H.T. Diseasein fish. Abund- 
ance of fish in Norfolk. Zoologist, 1848, 
6, 2030. 1848.1 

Freud, Sigmund. Beobachtungen 
liber Gestaltung und feineren Bau der 
als Hoden beschriebenen Lappenorgane 
des Aals. Sitzber. Akad. Wiss. Wien, 
1877, 76, 1. Abth., 419-431. 1877.1 

Ueber den Ursprung der hinteren 
Nervenwurzeln im Riickenmark von 
Ammoccetes (Petromyzon planert) Sitz- 
ber. Akad. Wiss. Wien, 1877, 75, 3. 
Abth., 15-27. Also separate; Wien, 1877. 
13 p. 1877.2 



Ueber Spinalganglien und Riic-— 
kenmark der Petromyzon.  Sitzber. 
Akad. Wiss. Wien, 1878 (1879), 78, 3. 
Abth., 81-167. Also separate; Wien, 
1878. 87p. 8°. 1879.1 

Freund, Ludwig. Die Verwertung der 
Fische, Krusten und Weichtiere. Sitz- 
ber. Deutsch. Nat.-Med. Ver. B6hmen, 
1905, 58, 282-338. 1905.1 

Anomalien des Fischskeletts. 
Ergebnisse Allgem. Pathol. Anat., Wies- 
baden, 1907, 11, 2. Abth., 709-729. 


Hermaphroditismus bei Clupea 
harengus. Lotos, Prag, 1909, 57, 97-98. 

Kieferverbildung bei Cyprinus 
carpio. Lotos, Prag, 1909, 57, 97. 1909.2 

Krankheiten der Fische. Jahres- 
ber. Leistung. Gebiete Vet.-Med. (Ellen- 
berger-Schiitz), 1911-12, 30-31. 1911.1 

Bauchauftreibung bei Corydoras 
paleatus Jenyns (Callichthys punctatus) 
Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1912, 23. 
Jahrg., 485-486. 3 figs. 1912.1 

Notizen iiber Piscicola geometra. 
Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1912, 23. 
Jahrg., 496-498. 1912.2 

Indische Fische als Moskitover- 
tilger. Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 
1913, 24. Jahrg., 469-471. 1913.1 

Frey, E. Disposition of whitefish 
eggs sent to Switzerland. Bull. U. S. 
Fish Comm. 1885, 5, 358. 1885.1 

Freyer, Heinrich [1802-1867] Fauna 
der in Krain bekannten Sdugethiere, 
Vogel, Reptilien und Fische; nach Cu- 
viers System geordnet, mit Abbildungs- 
Citaten und Angabe des Vorkommens, 
nebst einem vollstindigen Register der 
lateinischen, deutschen und krainischen 
oder slavischen Namen. Laibach, 1842. 
Se. 1842.1 

Friant, A. Recherches anatomiques 
sur les nerfs trijumeau et facial des pois- 
sons osseux. Nancy, 1879. 6 pls. 8°. 


Friant, A., & Jourdain, S. See 
Jourdain «& Friant. 

Fric, Anion. See Fritsch, A. 

Fricke, Karl. Die fossile Fische aus 
der oberen Juraschichten von Hannover. 
Paleontographica, 1875, 22, 347-398. 
5 pls. 1875.1 




Friedel, Ernst. Seltene Fische aus der 
Havel. Zool. Garten, 1869. 10. Jahrg., 
93-94. 1869.1 

Fischwesen in Holland, Belgien 
und England. Circul. Deutsch. Fische- 
rei Ver., 1871, no. 7, 21-32; 48-71. : 

Der kleine Stichling, Gasterosteus 
pungitius L., bei Berlin. Zool. Garten, 
1871, 12. Jahrg., 28-31. 1871.2 

UngewGhnliches Verhalten des 
Flussaals. Zool. Garten, 1871, 12. Jahrg., 
312-313. 1871.3 

Fischwesen in Skandinavien und 
Schleswig-Holstein. Circul. Deutsch. 
Fischerei Ver. 1874 (1875), no. 2, 83-90; 
no. 4, 185-155. 1875.1 

Fiihrer durch die Fischerei-Ab- 
theilung des mirkischen Provinzial- 
Museums der Stadtgemeinde Berlin, 
nebst Verzeichniss; Zusammenstellung 
von Fischereiausdriicken und Verzeich- 
niss der in der Mark vorkommenden 
Fischarten, etc. Berlin, 1880. 36p. 8°. 

Die lebenden Wasserthiere auf 
der Internationalen Fischerei-Ausstel- 
lung zu Berlin im Jahre 1880. Zool. 
Garten, 1880, 21. Jahrg., 289-298; 323- 
aoe 1880.2 

—Ein wiithender Schwertfisch. 
Zool. Garten, 1880, 21. Jahrg., 319. 

Aus der Vorzeit der Fischerei. 
Berlin, 1884. 8° (Virchow, R. Samm- 
lung gemeinverstindlicher wissenschaft- 
licher Vortrige. Serie 19, Heft 441, 442) 

Friedlander, #. La pesca nelle la- 
gune di Commacchio. Firenze, 1872. 
ff p. pl. 8°. 1872.1 

Friedlander, Oscar Oswald [1832 —| 
Notes on the menhaden fishery. Bull. 
U.S. Fish Comm. 1882 (1883), 2, 252. 


— Notes on the menhaden fishing 
in 1883. Bull. U.S. Fish. Comm. 1884, 
4, 47-48. 1884.1 

Friedmann, —£. Beitrige zur Zahn- 
entwicklung der Knochenfische. Mor- 
phol. Arbeiten, 1897, 7, 546-582. 16 figs. 


Friedrich, Eduard. Lachs- und Aal- 
fang bei Dievenow (Pommern) Circul. 
Deutsch. Fischerei Ver., 1871, no. 7, 41- 
42. 1871.1 

Mittheilungen vom 26. Juni 
(iiber die Seefischerei bei Berg-Diewenow} 
Cireul. Deutsch. Fischerei Ver., 1871, no. 
2, 38-39. 1871.2 

Friedrich, Josef. Transportgefiiss 
fiir Fische und andere Wassertiere. D. 
R. Patente K1., 1905, 45 h, no. 173497. 
2p. pil. 1905.1 
Transportgefiss fiir im Wasser 

lebende Organismen. Schweiz. Patente 
K1., 1907, 109, no. 34428. 2p. pl. 

Friedrich, Max Julius [1862 —] 
Mollienisia latipinna Lesueur.  Blitt. 

Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1909, 20. Jahrg., 
409-413. 1909.1 

Rivulus  flabellicauda Regan. 
Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1910, 21. 
Jahrg., 637-638. fig. 1910.1 

Cyprinodon variegatus. Blatt. 
Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1911, 22. Jahrg., 
103-104. fig. 1911.1 

Friele, Hermann [1838—] An ac- 
count of the fisheries of Norway in 1877. 
Rept. U.S. Fish Comm. 1877 (1879), 5, 
707-739. 1879.1 

Friend, Rk. A. Statement concerning 
the menhaden fishery. Rept. U.S. Fish 
Comm. 1877 (1879), 5, 377. 1879.1 

Fries, Bengt Fredrik [1799-1839] 
Ichthyologiska bidrag till Skandinaviens 
fauna. Handl. K. Vetensk. Akad., 1837, 
23-58. Ibid., 1838, 165-185. — Isis 
(Oken), 1839, 745-749. — Arch. Natur- 
gesch., 4. Jahrg., pt. 1, 236-250. pl. 
Ibid., 5, pt. 1, 9-40. Ibid., 6, pt. 1, 18— 
35.— Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1838, 2, 
96-105. 1837.1 

Metamorphos anmarkt hos lilla 
hafsnilen (Syngnathus lumbriciformis) 
Handl. K. Vetensk. Akad., 1837, 59-65. 
Arch. Naturgesch., 1838, 4. Jahrg., 
251—256. — Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1838, 
2, 451-455. Ibid., 1839, 3, 69-70. — Rev. 
Zool., 1839, 212. 1837.2 

Om Stirren, Salmo salmulus Ray. 
Handl. K. Vetensk. Akad., 1837, 1-13. 
— Arch. Naturgesch., 5. Jahrg., pt. 1, 

Pteryeombus, ett nytt  fisk- 
sligte fran Ishafvet. Handl. K. Vetensk. 
Akad., 1837, 14-22.—Arch. Naturgesch., 
5. Jahrg., pt. 1, 19-26. 1837.4 

Granskning af de vid Svenska 
kuster na forekommande arter af fisk- 




Fries, B. F. 

sligtet raja. Handl. K. Vetensk. Akad., 
1838, 126-164. — Isis (Oken), 1841, 441— 
448. 1838.1 

Granskning af de vid Sveriges 
kuster forekommande arter af sligtet 
Gobius L. Handl. K. Vetensk. Akad., 
1838, 238-247.— Arch. Naturgesch., 
6. Jahrg., 233-240. — Isis (Oken), 1841, 
453-455. 1838.2 

Ichthyologische Beitrige zur 
seandinavischen Fauna. Arch. Natur- 
gesch., 1838, 1. Jahrg., 236-250. pl. 
Om Cyclopterus minutus. Handl. 
K. Vetensk. Akad., 1838, 226-227. fig. 

Die Gattung Callionymus L. 
Arch. Naturgesch., 1839, 5. Jahrg., 26— 
34. 1839.1 

Die Gattung Clinus Cuv. Arch. 

Naturgesch., 1839, 5. Jahrg., 34-40. 
Beitrige zur 
Isis (Oken), 

Fauna von Skandinavien. 
1839, 740-754. 

On the genus Syngnathus. Ann. 
Mag. Nat. Hist., 1839, 2, 96-105. 

Fries, Bengt Fredrik, Ekstrom, C. 
Ulrich, & Sundevall, C. J. Skandina- 
viens fiskar malade efter lefvande exem- 
plar och ritade pa sten af W. von Wright, 
med text af B. F. Fries, C. U. Ekstrém 
och C. J. Sundevall (Pisces Scandina- 
vie . . . Versio Latina. — Bihang inne- 
fattande beskrifningar 6fver de i Skandi- 
navien bruklige fiskeredskap) Stock- 
holm, 1836-48. iv, 222 p. 63 pls. 4°. 


A second edition was published in 1893, re- 
vised by F. A. Smitt, and this was translated into 
English by D. L. Morgan. See infra. 

For reviews of the original edition, see Arch. 
Naturgesch., 1837, pt. 2, 234.— Rev. Zool., 
1839, 212. — Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1841, 6, 378. 

A history of Scandinavian fishes, 
with coloured plates by W. von Wright; 
second edition revised and completed by 
F. A. Smitt (Translated by D. L. Mor- 

gan} 2 parts. Stockholm & London, 
1893-95. vi, 1240 p. 54 pls. & 184 
figs. 4°. 1893.1 

Printed in double column. 

Friis, Gabriel Michael. Fiskeoiet. Et 
bidrag til den sammenlignende anatomi. 
Inaug. Dissert. Kjobnhavn, 1879. 92 p. 
ZOOS, MS 1879.1 



Friis, Jens Andreas. Tilfjelds i feri- 
erne, elber jeeger-og fiskerliv i hoifjel- 
dene. Christiania, 1876. 8°. 1876.1 

Friis, Niclas Christian. Berittelse 
om sill-fiskeriet. uti Nordlanden i Nor- 
rige. Handl. K. Vetensk. Akad., 1770, 

158. 1770.1 
_—— Berattelse om torsk-fiskeriet 1 
Norrige. Handl. K. Vetensk. Akad., 

1770, 296. 1770.2 

Beriittelse om  grasiks-fiskeriet 
uti Nordlanden i Norrige. Handl. K. 
Vetensk. Akad., 1771, 42; 247. Ibid., 
1772, 157. 1771.1 

Fripp, H.E. On the function of sight 
in fishes, and on certain structural pe- 
culiarities of the fishes’ eye. Proc. Nat. 
Hist. Soc., Bristol, 1866, 1, 1-4. 1866.1 

Frisch, Karl von. 
Augen der Tiefseefische. 

Leuchtorgane und 
m. p.1 1908; 

Ueber die Beziehungen der Pig- 
mentzellen in der Fischhaut zum sym- 
pathischen Nervensystem. Vorlaufige 
Mitteilung (In Festschrift fiir Carl 
Wilhelm Theodor Richard Hertwig, 
1910, vol. iii, p. 15-28. 2 pls. & 3 figs.) 

—— Zur Physiologie der Pigmentzel- 
len. Zentralbl. Physiol., 1910, 24, 248— 
249. 1910.2 

Zur Physiologie des Farbwech- 
sels der Fische. Verh. Zool. Bot. Gesell. 
Wien, 1910, 60, (198)—(200) 1910.3 

Beitrige zur Physiologie der 
Pigmentzellen in der Fischhaut. Arch. 
Ges. Physiol., 1911, 138, 319-387. 2 pls. 
& 8 figs. 1911.1 

Die Pigmentzellen der Fischhaut. 
Biol. Centralbl., 1911, 31, 412-415. 

Ueber den Einfluss der Tempera- 
tur auf die schwarzen Pigmentzellen der 
Fischhaut. Biol. Centralbl., 1911, 31, 
236-248. 3 figs. 1911.3 

Ueber den Farbensinn der Fische. 
Verh. 20.21. Vers. Deutsch. Zool. Ges., 
1911, 220-225. 1911.4 

Sind die Fische farbenblind? 
Zool. Jahrb., 1912 (Allg. Zool. Physiol. 
Abth.), 38, 107-126. 2 figs. 1912.1 

Ueber das Parietalorgan der 
Fische als funktionierendes Organ. Sitz- 
ber. Ges. Morphol. Physiol. Miinchen, 
1912, 27, 16-18. 1912.2 



Ueber Farbenanpassung des Cre- Bericht iiber die Fortschritte der 
nilabrus. Zool. Jahrb., 1912 (Allg. Lachs- und Forellenzucht in den Jahren 

Zool. Physiol. Abth.), 33, 151-164. 1912.3 

Ueber farbige Anpassung bei 
Fischen. Zool. Jahrb., 1912 (Allg. 
Zool. Physiol. Abth.), 32, 171-230. 2 
pls. & 4 figs. 1912.4 

— Weitere Untersuchungen iiber 
den Farbensinn der Fische. Zool. 
Jahrb., 1913 (Allg. Zool. Physiol. Abth.), 
34, 43-68. 1913.1 

Fritel, P. H. Poissons fossiles des 
environs de Paris. Le Naturaliste, 1904, 
26, 41-44. 7 figs. 1904.1 

Les poissons fossiles des environs 
de Paris. Le Naturaliste, 1906, 28, 197— 
199. 6 figs. 1906.1 

Sur les poissons fossiles du 
bassin de Paris. Le Naturaliste, 1908, 
30, 257-258; 270-271. 5 figs. 1908.1 

_ Fritsch, Anton Jan _ [1832-1914] 
Ceské ryby [Bohemian fishes}  Ziva, 
1859, 36-49; 108-118; 178-194; 224-242. 


Kritisches Verzeichnis der Fische 
Béhmens. Lotos, 1859, 199-205. 1859.2 

Novy druh ¢esky¥ch ryb {A new 
species of Bohemian fish) Ziva, 1863, 
188-189. 1863.1 

Diagramm der Fische B6hmens. 
Zusammengestellt nach Heckel und 
Kner. Siisswasserfische der 6sterreichi- 
schen Monarchie. Prag, 1868. pl. fol. 


— Die Fauna der Béhmerwald- 
Seen. Sitzber. K. Bohm. Ges. Wiss., 
Prag, 1871, 3-11. 1871.1 

— Ueber den Lachs in Boéhmen. 
Zool. Garten, 1871, 12. Jahrg., 225-229. 

Die Wirbelthiere BOhmens. Prag, 
ree. 8°. 1872.1 

Die Fluss-Fischereien in Boh- 
men und ihre Beziehung zur kiinstli- 

chen Fischzucht. Prag, 1873. pls. 8°. 

Slunka (Leucaspius  delineatus 

Sieb.), novd pro Cechy ryba. Vesmir, 
1873, 2, 133. 1873.2 

Ueber die Crustaceenfauna der 
Wittingauer Teiche, und iiber eine fiir 
Béhmen neue Fischart Leucaspius de- 
lineatus Siebold. Sitzber. K. Bohm. 
Ges. Wiss., Prag, 1873, 33-49. 1873.3 

1871-74, nebst kurzer Anleitung zur 
kiinstlichen Fischzucht. Prag, 1874. 
A0' p..."'8". 1874.1 

Ueber die Entdeckung eines 
Lurchfisches, Ceratodus barrandet, mn der 
Gaskohle des Rakonitzer Beckens. Sitz- 
ber. K. B6hm. Ges. Wiss., Prag, 1874, 
193-195.— Verh. Geol. Reichsanst. 
Wien, 1875, 59-60.— Neues Jahrb. 
Mineral., 1875, 669-670. 1874.2 

Ueber die Fauna der Gaskohle 
des Pilsner und Rakonitzer Beckens. 
Sitzber. K. Bohm. Ges. Wiss., Prag, 
1875, 70-79. 1875.1 

Die Resultate der kiinstlichen 
Fischzucht in Béhmen. Zool. Garten, 
1876, 17. Jahrg., 303. 1876.1 

Bericht itiber die Lachs- und 
Forellenzucht in B6hmen wihrend des 
Jahres 1874-75. Circul. Deutsch. Fi- 
scherei Ver. 1876 (1877), no. 2, 61-66. 


O je&téru Broumovském (Cheli- 
dosaurus vranyi Fr.) (Ueber den Brau- 
nauer Selachier] Vesmir, 1877, 6, 241. 
fig. 1877.2 

Zur Fauna der Gaskohle von 
Zabot bei Schlan, Krouéovad bei René 
und Tremosna bei Pilsen, sowie iiber die 
Spherosideritkugeln von Zilov. Sitzber. 
K. Bohm. Ges. Wiss., Prag, 1877, 1-8. 


Die Reptilien und Fische der 
béhmischen Kreideformation. Prag, 
1878. 46 p. 10 pls. & 66 figs. 1878.1 

Ueber die Stellung der Gymno- 
tini im System. Sitzber. Ges. Naturf. 
Freunde Berlin, 1878, 5-7. 1878.2 

Bericht tiber die Laichzucht in 
Bohmen in den Jahren 1876 bis 1879. 
Prag, 1879. 20p. 8°. 1879.1 

(Ueber die 
Vesmir, 1879, 

Ueber einen neuen Fisch (/stieus 
spottii} aus dem Pliner des Weissen 

O vyvoji lipent 
Entwicklung der Aesche} 
8, 76. 

Berges bei Prag. Sitzber. K. Bohm. 
Ges. Wiss., Prag, 1879, 3-4. 1879.3 
Ueber Pterichthys. Zeitschr. 

Ges. Naturw., 1881, 54, 1. Heft, 1-8. 

Fauna der Gaskohle und der 
Kalksteine der Permformation B6hmens. 

Fritsch, A. J. 

3 vols. Prag, 1883-95. 132 pls. & 310 
figs. 4°. Reviews in Geol. Mag., 1893, 
3. dec. 10, 175-178. — Quart. Journ. 
Geol. Soe. London, 1893, 49-80. 10 
pls. — Nat. Sci., 1893, 2, 435-488. 3 
figs. 1883.1 

Vol. ii, Dipnoi, Selachii, Stegocephali. 

Vol. iii, Pleuracanthus, Acanthodidz, Megal- 
ichthys, Palwoniscidz. 

Fischerei-Karte des K6nigreichs 
Béhmen. Prag, 1888. fol. 1888.1 

Ueber die Brustflosse von Xena- 
canthus decheni Goldf. Zool. Anz., 1888, 

11, 113-114. fig. 1888.2 
Notiz iiber Xenacanthus. Zool. 

Anz., 1889, 12, 386-387. 

Preliminary notes on the Palzo- 
zoic elasmobranchs, Pleuracanthus and 
Xenacanthus, from the Lower Permian 
of Bohemia. Geol. Mag., 1890, 3. dec. 
7, 566. 1890.1 

Restorations of the Paleozoic 
elasmobranch genera Pleuracanthus and 
Xenacanthus. Rept. Brit. Assoc. Adv. 
Sci., 60. meet., 1890, 822. 1890.2 

Ueber Pterygopodien permischer 
Haifische der Gattungen Pleuracanthus 
und Xenacanthus. Zool. Anz., 1890, 13, 
318-320. fig. 1890.3 

Ueber die Xenacanthiden. Zool. 
Anz., 1891, 14, 21-22. fig. 1891.1 

With restoration of an adult of X. decheni 9. 

Der Elbelachs. Eine biologisch- 
anatomische Studie. Prag, 1894. 116 p. 
pl. & 85 figs. 8°. 1894.1 

Ueber neue Wirbelthiere aus der 
Permformation Béhmens, nebst einer 
Uebersicht der aus derselben bekannt 
gewordenen Arten. Sitzber. K. Bohm. 
Ges. Wiss., Prag: 1895; no<52. “Ai p. 
fig. 1895.1 

Studien iiber ein Gebiete der boh- 
mischen Kreideformation. Paldontolo- 
gische Untersuchungen der einzelnen 
Schichten. IV. Die Chlomeler Schich- 
ten. Arch. Nat. Landesdurchf. Bohmen, 
1897,10,no.4. 84p. 125 figs. 1897.1 

Ueber Fischpiisse bei Nadel- 
wehren. Allgem. Fischerei Zeitg., 1897, 
22, 408. — Oester. Monatsber. f. 6ffentl. 
Baudienst, 1897, 10. 1897.2 

Vorlaufige Notiz iiber Miscel- 
lanea paleontologica aus BOhmen und 
America. Sitzber. K. Béhm. Ges. Wiss., 
Prag, 1905, no. 21. 3p. 1905.1 



Ceské ryby a jich cizopasnici 
(Die Fische B6hmens und ihre Parasiten} 
Prag, 1908. 75p. 111 figs. 8°. 1908.1 

Fritsch, Anton, & Bayer, Edwin. 
Studien im Gebiete der b6hmischen Krei- 
deformation. Paliontologische Unter- 
suchungen der einzelnen Schichten. 
Perucer Schichten. Arch. Nat. Landes- 
durchf. B6hmen, 1900, 11, no. 2. 184 p. 
31 figs. 1900.1 

Nové ryby éeského ttvarn Kié- 
dového. Ceska Akad. Praze, 1902. 18 
p.. oipls: 43 1902.1 

Neue Fische und Reptilien aus 
der béhmischen Kreideformation. Prag, 
1905. 34 p. 7 pls. & 30 figs. Review 
by O. Abel in Verh. Geol. Reichsanst., 
1905, p. 225. 1905.1 

Fritsch, Anton, & Kaika, J. Kurze 
Anleitung zur rationellen Karpfenzucht 
(Text in Russian} Uebersetzt aus dem 
Deutschen von E. Grimm unter der Re- 
daction und mit Anmerkungen von O. 
A. Grimm. St. Petersburg, 1909. ioaee 


Fritsch, Anton, & Vavra, V. Ueber 
Nahrung des Karpfens. Arch. Nat. 
Landesdurchf. Boéhmen, 1894, 9, 120- 
123. fig. 1894.1 

Fritsch, Gustav Theodor [1838 —] 
Brain of fishes. Monatsber. Akad. Wiss. 
Berlin, 1875, 508-521. 1875.1 

(Ueber den feineren Bau der 
Centralorgane bei den Fischen] Sitzber. 
Ges. Naturf. Freunde Berlin, 1875, 133- 

137. 1875.2 
Ueber den feineren Bau des 
Fischgehirnes. Monatsber. Akad. Wiss. 

Berlin, 1876, 26-29. 1876.1 

Ueber Homologien im Bau des 
Centralnervensystems bei verschiedenen 
Thierklassen. Zeitschr. Anat. Entwick., 
1877, 578-580. 1877.1 

(Ueber die Stellung der Gym- 
notiniim Systeme] Sitzber. Ges. Naturf. 
Freunde Berlin, 1878, 5-7. 1878.1 
Further comment on the same subject by 
E. v. Martens. Jbid., p. 10. 
Untersuchungen iiber den feine- 
ren Bau des Fischgehirns, mit beson- 
derer Beriicksichtigung der Homologien 

bei andern Wirbelthierklassen. Berlin, 
1878. xv, 94 p. 18 pls. & 16 woodcuts. 
fol. 1878.2 

Vorlegung eines Priparates des 

Nervensystemes von Eledone. Sitzber. 

Ges. Naturf. Freunde Berlin, hee 




— The Gymnotus. Abstract in 
Pop. Sci. Rev., 1879, n. s. 3, 221-222. 

— Zur Anatomie des Fischgehirns. 
Arch. Anat. Physiol., 1880 (Physiol. 
Abth.), 272-277. 1880.1 

Zwei Abhandlungen (In Du- 
Bois-Reymond, E. Dr. Carl Sach’s 
Untersuchungen am Zitteraal, Gymnotus 
electricus, etc.) Leipzig, 1881. xxvii, 
446 p. 8 pls. 8°) 1881.1 

Bericht iiber eine Reise zur Un- 
tersuchung der in den Museen Englands 
und Hollands vorhandenen Torpedineen. 
Sitzber. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, 1882, 27, 
1007-1010. — Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 5. 
ser. 11, 58-61. — Arch. Anat. Physiol., 
1884 (Physiol. Abth.), 70-73. 1882.1 

Bericht iiber die Fortsetzung der 
Untersuchungen an elektrischen Fischen. 
Beitrige zur Embryologie von Torpedo. 
Sitzber. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, 1883, pt. 1, 
205-209. pl.— Arch. Anat. Physiol., 
1884 (Physiol. Abth.), 74-78. pl. 


Die elektrischen Fische im 
Lichte der Descendenzlehre. Berlin, 
1883. 8° (Virchow, R. Sammlung 
gemeinverstiindlicher wissenschaftlicher 
Vortrige, Serie 18, Heft 430) 1883.2 

— Offener Brief an meine Oppo- 
nenten in Sachen ‘‘ Fischgehirn.”’ Zeit- 
schr. Wiss. Zool., 1883, 38, 165-166. 


Ergebnisse der Vergleichungen 
an den elektrischen Organen der Torpe- 

dineen. Sitzber. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, 
1884, pt. 1, 445-456. figs. — Arch. 
Anat. Physiol., 1886 (Physiol. Abth.), 
358-370. 1884.1 

Ueber den Angelapparat des 
Lophius piscatorius. Sitzber. Akad. 
Wiss. Berlin, 1884, pt. 2, 1145-1151. 
illus. 1884.2 

Ueber die vergleichende Ana- 
tomie der elektrischen Organe und Ner- 
ven. Amtl. Ber. 56. Vers. Deutsch. 
Naturf. Aertzte, Freiburg 1. Br., 1883 
(1884), 138-140. 1884.3 

Zur Organisation des Gymnar- 
chus niloticus. Sitzber. Akad. Wiss. Ber- 
lin, 1885, pt. 1, 119-129. 2 figs. 1885.1 

Die Aussere Haut und die Seiten- 
organe des Zitterwelses (Malopterurus 
electricus) Sitzber. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, 
1886, 415-436. 1886.1 

Ergebnisse der Vergleichungen 
an den elektrischen Organen der Tor- 
pedinen. Arch, Anat. Physiol., 1896 
(Physiol. Abth.), 358-370. — 1886.2 

Die Parasiten des Zitterwelses. 
Sitzber. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, 1886, 99- 
108. pl. Also separate; Berlin, 1886. 
8°. 1886.3 

—— Ueber einige bemerkenswerthe 
Eleménte des Centralnervensystems von 
Lophius piscatorius L. Arch. Mikr. 
Anat., 1886, 27, 13-31. 2 pls. — Tageb. 
59. Vers. Deutsch. Naturf. Aertzte, 
p. 376. 1886.4 

Uebersicht der Ergebnisse einer 
anatomischen Untersuchung iiber den 
Zitterwels (Malopterurus _ electricus) 
Sitzber. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, 1886, 1137— 
1140. 1886.5 

Die elektrischen Fische. Erste 
Abtheilung. Malopterurus  electricus. 
Leipzig, 1887-90. 146 p. 2 pls. 


Ueber Bau und Bedeutung der 
Kanalsysteme unter der Haut der Se- 
lachier. Sitzber. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, 
1888, 273-306. 4 figs. 1888.1 

Das numerische Verhiiltniss der 
Elemente des elektrischen Organs der 
Torpedineen zu den Elementen_ des 
Nervensystems. Sitzber. Akad. Wiss. 
Berlin, 1889, 1101-1111. illus. 1889.1 

Die elektrischen Fische. Zweite 

Abtheilung: die Torpedineen. Leipzig, 
1890. 146p. 20 pls. fol. 1890.1 
Ueber das numerische  Ver- 

hiltniss der Ganglienzellen im Lobus 
electricus der Torpedineen zu ihren peri- 
pherischen Endorganen. Arch. Anat. 
Physiol., 1890 (Physiol. Abth.), 183-186. 

5 1890.2 

Weitere Beitriige zur Kenntniss 
der schwach elektrischen Fische. Sitz- 
ber. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, 1891, 941-962. 
4 figs.— Arch. Anat. Physiol., 1892 
(Physiol. Abth.), 221-242. 4 figs. 1891.1 

Zweiter Bericht wtiber neuere 
Untersuchungen an elektrischen Fischen. 
Sitzber. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, 1891, pt. 1, 
601-602. 1891.2 

On the origin of the electric 
nerves in the Torpedo, Gymnotus, Mor- 
Rept. Brit. 
Assoc. Adv. Sci., 1892, 757-758. — Na- 
ture, 1893, 47, 271-274. 6 figs. 1892.1 


Fritsch, G. T. 

Zur Innervation der elektrischen 
Organe {in Torpedo, Gymnotus, etc.) 
Arch. Anat. Physiol., 1893 (Physiol. 
Abth.), 554-555. 1893.1 

Antwort an Herrn Ballowitz in 
Betreff der elektrischen Platte von Tor- 
pedo. Arch. Anat. Physiol., 1894 
(Physiol. Abth.), 369-371. 1894.1 

—— Einige erliuternde Bemerkungen 
zu A. Coggi’s Aufsatz: Les vésicules de 
Savi et les organes de la ligne latérale 
chez lestorpilles (Arch. Ital. Biol., 1891, 
16), Zool. Anz., 1894, 16, 37-39. 1894.2 

é Ewart’s investigations on elec- 
tric fishes. Nature, 1894, 49, 222-223. 

é Ueber Discopyge tschudii Heck. 
Sitzber. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, 1895, 1051— 
1054. 2 figs. 1895.1 

Ueber Hypnos subniger. Sitz- 
ber. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, 1895, pt. 1, 
423-424. 1895.2 

Ueber Farbung und Zeichnung 
bei den elektrischen Fischen. Tagebl. 
Intern. Zool. Congress., Berlin, 1901, 
no. 8, p. 11.— Verh. 5. Intern. Zool. 
Congress, Jena, 1902, 643-647. 1901.1 

Die Retinaelemente und die Drei- 
farbentheorie. Abh. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, 
1904, phys.-math. Cl., Abh. 2, 1-19. pl. 

Fritsch, Karl Wilhelm Georg von 
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Ges. Halle, 1901-06, 24, 217-285. 9 pls. 


Fritsche, Ernst. Die Entwicklung der 
Thymus bei Spinax niger. Zool. Anz., 
1909, 35, 85-93. 6 figs. 1909.1 

: - Die Entwicklung der Thymus bei 
Selachiern. Jena. Zeitschr. Naturw., 
1910, 46, 77-112. 18 figs. 1910.1 

Fritze, Adolf. Die Fauna yon Yezo 
im Vergleich zur Fauna des iibrigen Ja- 
pan. Mitth. Deutsch. Ges. Natur- & 
Volkerk. Ostasiens, Yokohama, 1891, 5, 
pt. 46, 235-249. — Stettiner Entomol. 
Zeitg., 1891, 288-303. 1891.1 

Frohlich, Alfred. Ueber den Einfluss 
der Zerst6rung des Labyrinthes beim 
Seepferdchen nebst einigen Bemerkun- 
gen iiber das Schwimmen dieser Tiere. 
Arch. Ges. Physiol., 1904, 106, 84-90. 
pl. «& fig. 1904.1 



Froriep, August. Ueber das Homo- 
logon der Chorda tympani bei niederen 
Wirbeltieren. Anat. Anz., 1887, 2. 
Jahrg., 486-493. fig. 1887.1 

Zur Entwickelungsgeschichte der 
Kopfnerven. I. Ueber die Entwicke- 
lung des Trochlearis bei Torpedo. II. 
Ueber die Kiemenspaltenorgane der Se- 
lachierembryonen. Verh. Anat. Ges., 
Jena, 1891, 55-65. figs. 1891.1 

Ueber die Ganglienleisten des 
Kopfs und des Rumpfes und ihre Kreu- 
zung in der Occipitalregion. Beitrag zur 
Entwickelungsgeschichte des Selachier- 
kopfes. Arch. Anat. Physiol., 1901 
(Anat. Abth.), 371-394. pl. & 3 ee : 

Einige Bemerkungen zur Kopf- 
frage. Anat. Anz., 1902, 21. Jahrg., 545— 
553. 1902.1 

Zur Entwickelungsgeschichte des 
Wirbeltierkopfes. Anat. Anz., 1902, 21. 
Jahrg., 34-46. 1902.2 

Die occipitalen Urwirbel der 
Amnioten im Vergleich mit denen der 
Selachier. Verh. Anat. Ges., 1905, 19. 
Vers. 111-120. 4 figs. 1905.1 

Offene Linsensiickchen bei Se- 
lachierembryonen. Verh. Anat. Ges., 
1905, 19. Vers. 228. 1905.2 

Sur la genése de la partie occipi- 
tale de crane. C. R. Assoc. Anat., 1905, 
7, 156-157. 1905.3 

Ueber die Einstiilpung der Au- 
genblase. Arch. Mikr. Anat., 1905, 66, 
1-11. pl. * 1905.4 

Die Entwickelung des Auges der 
Wirbeltiere (In Hertwig, O. Handbuch 
der vergleichenden und experimentellen 
Entwickelungslehre der Wirbeltiere . . . , 
pt. 2, 152-154; 164-176; 198-206; 
237-259. Jena, 1906. figs. 8°) 1906.1 

Selachier, Cyclostomen, Teleostier und Ga- 

Ueber den Ursprung des Wirbel- 
tierauges. Miinchen. Med. Wochen- 
sehr., 1906, 53. Jahrg., 1739-1742. 


Ueber Entwicklung und Bau des 
autonomen Nervensystems. Med.-Nat. 
Arch., 1908, 1, 301-321. 1908.1 

Frossard de Saugny, #. Etude de 
la péche dans le lac Léman et ses afflu- 
ents. Lausanne, 1884. 28 p. 8°. 



Frost, Charles C. The compressed 
burbot or eel pout (Lota compressa) 
Amer. Naturalist, 1870, 4, 251-252. 


Frost, George Allan. The internal cra- 
nial elements and foramina of Dapedius 
granulatus, from a specimen recently 
found in the Lias at Charmouth. Quart. 
Journ. Geol. Soc., 1913, 69, 219-222. 2 
figs. 1913.1 

Frosterus, Erik Johan. Antecknin- 
gar, utdragne i fran wasa (numera wasa 
cefra och nedra) Prosteris tabeller. 
Finsk Hushallningssillsk., 1826, 2. ser. 7, 
64-78. 1826.1 

Pisces, p. 75-78. 

Frothingham, H.P. Fish and game 
protection in New Jersey. Trans. Amer. 
Fisheries Soc. 1896 (1897), 137-145. 


Frouin, Albert. Filtration de l’hémo- 
lysine du sérum d’anguille au travers des 
membranes de collodion. C. R. Mém. 
Soc. Biol. Paris, 1908, 65, 355-356. 


Fry, Edward. Remarks on the mor- 
phology of the vertebrate skeleton. Proc. 
Zool. Soc. London, 1850, 18, 15-22 


Fry, W. H. (editor) A complete trea- 
tise on artificial fish-breeding, including 
the reports on the subject made to the 
French academy, and particulars of the 
discovery as pursued in England; 
translated and edited by W. H. Fry. 

New York, 1854. 188 p. illus. 8°. 
— The same. 2. ed. New York, 
1866. 12°. 1866.1 

Fryd, Carlos. Die Otolithen der 
Fische in Bezug auf ihre Bedeutung 
fiir Systematik und Altersbestimmung. 
Inaug. Dissert. Altona & Kiel, 1901. 54 
p. 14 figs. 8°. 1901.1 

Frye, Wakefield G. The fisheries of 
Nova Scotia in 1882. Rept. U.S. Fish 
Comm. 1883 (1885), 11, 1184. 1885.1 

.W. Queer fish. Fish. Gaz., 

Fryer, Charles E. The growth of sal- 
mon. Nature, 1873, 8, 285-286. figs. — 
Pop. Sci. Monthly, 1874, 4, 27-30. figs. 

A national fisheries society for 
Great Britain. Intern. Fisheries Exhib. 
Lit., London, 1883. Conferences, 4, pt. 
6. 1883. 1 

Fryer, C 
1877, no. 3, p. 6. 


The relations of the state with 
fishermen and fisheries, including all 
matters dealing with their protection and 
regulation. Intern. Fisheries Exhib. Lit., 
London, 1883. Conferences, 9, pt. 3. 


The salmon fisheries. Intern. 
Fisheries Exhib. Lit., London, 1883, 
Handbooks, 2, pt. 4. 77 p. fig. 1883.3 

Fryer, Charles E., & Masterman, A. 
T. Report to the secretary of the board 

of agriculture and fisheries. Ann. Rept. 
Proce. Sea Fish. 1903 (1905). 109 p. 8°. 

Report to the secretary of the 
board of agriculture and fisheries on 
sea fisheries. Ann. Rept. Proc. Sea 
Fish. 1903 (1906). 98 p. 8°. 1906.1 

Fuchs, Fanny. Ueber die Entwick- 
lung des Vorderhirns bei niederen Ver- 
tebraten. Zool. Jahrb. (Anat. Abth.), 
1908, 25, 547-610. Spls. & fig. 1908.1 

Fuchs, Hugo. Ueber die Homologie 
der Paukenhéhlen und das Verhiltnis 
zwischen Nervenverlauf und Skelett. 
Anat. Anz., 1910, 37. Jahrg., 473-496. 


aa auf die Arbeiten von O. Bender. 

Fuchs, FR. F. (Review of] Beitrage 
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Centralbl., 1900, 21, 159-160. 1900.1 

Fuchs, Sigmund. Einige Beobach- 
tungen an den elektrischen Nerven von 
Torpedo ocellata. Centralbl. Physiol., 
1894, 8, 529-530. 1894.1 

Ueber die Functionen der Or- 
gane der Seitenlinie bei den Selachiern. 
Centralbl. Physiol., 1895, 9, 692-693. 

ae 1895al 

Ueber die Function der unter 
der Haut liegenden Canalsysteme bei 

den Selachiern. Arch. Ges. Physiol., 
1895, 59, 454-478. pl. 1895.2 

Fuchs, Theodor [1842 —] Ueber die 
Fischfauna der Congerien-Schichten. 
Verh. Geol. Reichsanst. Wien, 1871, 
227-228. 1871.1 

Ueber die Natur der Edestiden, 
mit besonderer Riicksicht auf die Gat- 
tung Helicoprion. Sitzber. Akad. Wiss. 
Wien, 1900, 109, 5-9. pl. & 3 figs. 


Filleborn, /. Bericht tiber eine zur 
Untersuchung der Entwickelung von 


Fulleborn, F. 

Amia, Lepidosteus und Necturus un- 
ternommene Reise nach Nord-America. 
Sitzber. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, 1894, 465— 
478. 1894.1 

Fiirbringer, Kavi.  Beitrige zur 
Kenntniss des Visceralskelets der Se- 
lachier. Morphol. Jahrb., 1903, 31, 
360-445. 3 pls. Ibid., 620-622. 1903.1 

Beitriigge zur Morphologie des 
Skelettes der Dipnoer, nebst Bemer- 
kungen iiber Pleuracanthiden, Holo- 
cephalen und Squaliden (In Semon, R. 
Zoologische Forschungsreisen in Austra- 
lien und dem Malayischen Archipel, 
1, 423-510. 5 pls. & 38 figs. Jena, 1904) 

Notiz iiber einige Beobachtun- 
gen am Dipnoerkopf. Anat. Anz., 1904, 
24. Jahrg., 405-408. 1904.2 

Fiirbringer, Maz [1846—] Unter- 
suchungen zur vergleichenden Anatomie 
der Muskulatur des Kopfskelets der 
Cyclostomen. Jena. Zeitschr. Naturw., 
1875, 9, 1-129. figs. 1875.1 

On the excretory system of 
ganoids. Morphol. Jahrb., 1878, 4, 56— 
60. 1878.1 

Zur vergleichenden Anatomie 
und Entwickelungsgeschichte der Excre- 
tionsorgane der Vertebraten. Mor- 
phol. Jahrb., 1878, 4, 1-111. 3 pls. 


Zur Lehre von den Umbildungen 
der Nervenplexus. Morphol. Jahrb., 
1879, 5, 324-394. 2 pls. 1879.1 

Ueber die mit dem Visceralskelet 
verbundenen spinalen Muskeln bei Se- 
lachiern. Jena. Zeitschr. Naturw., 1895, 
2. ser. 23, 127-135. 1895.1 

Ueber die — spimo-occipitalen 
Nerven der Selachier und Holocephalen 
und ihre vergleichende Morphologie 
(In Festschrift zum siebenzigsten Ge- 

burtstage von C. Gegenbaur .. . , lil, 
p. 349-788. 8 pls. & fig. Leipzig, 1896— 
97. 3vols. 4°) 1896.1 

Zur systematischen Stellung der 
Myxinoiden und zur Frage des alten und 
neuen Mundes. Morphol. Jahrb., 1900, 
28, 478-482. 1900.1 

Morphologische Streitfragen. I. 
Nervus trochlearis. II. Rabl’s Methode 
und Behandlung der Extremititenfrage. 
Morphol. Jahrb., 1902, 30, 85-274. 




Erwiderung {to Rabl’s criticism 
of his paired fin doctrine) Anat. Anz., 
1903, 23. Jahrg., 190-197. 1903.1 

Notiz iiber oberflichliche Knor- 
pelelemente im Kiemenskelet der Ro- 
chen (extraseptalia), zugleich nach von 
J. Ed. Stumpfi gemachten Beobachtun- 
gen. Morphol. Jahrb., 1903, 31, 623- 
627. figs. 1903.2 

Schlussiibersicht tiber den ge- 
samten Inhalt von Professor Semon’s 
zoologischen Forschungreisen (In Se- 
mon, R. Zoologische Forschungreisen in 
Australian und dem Malayischen Archi- 
pel., Bd. i, 1495-1554. Jena, 1913) 


Fiirbringer, Maz, & Bluntschli, H. 
(editors) Gesammelte Able 
3 vols. 

Fiirbringer, Paul. Die Muskeln des 
Kopfskelets der Myzxine glutinosa unter 
specieller Wiirdigung der Kaufunktion. 
Jena, 1874. 22p. 8°. 1874.1 

— Untersuchungen zur vergleichen- 
den Anatomie der Muskulatur des Kopf- 
skelets der Cyclostomen. Jena. Zeit- 
schr. Naturw., 1875, 9, 1-93. 4 pls. 


Fiirnrohr, August Emil. Die Fische 
in den Gewissern um Regensburg. 
Stadt am Hof, 1847. 1847.1 

M. Haarzellen und 
Anat. Anz., 1900, 18, 
190-203. 1900.1 

Ringférmige Bildungen im 
Kopf- und Spinalganglienzellen — bei 
Lachsembryonen. Anat. Anz., 1900, 18, 
253-255. figs. 1900.2 

Ringe, Ringreihen, Faden und 
Kniauel in den Kopf- und Spinalganglien- 
zellen bei Lachse [Text in Danish) 
Biol. Selsk. Forhandl., Kjébenhavn, 
1901-02, 13-15.— Anat. Hefte, Wies- 
baden, 19, pt. 1, 387-420. 2 pls. 1901.1 

Zur Kenntnis der Histogenese 
und des Wachstums der Retina. Lunds 
Univ. Arsskr., 1904, 40, pt. 2, no. 1. 
45p. 3 pls. 1904.1 

Fugger, Eberhard. Die Gaisberg- 
gruppe. Jahrb. Geol. Reichsanst. Wien, 
1906, 56, 213-258. 7 figs. 1906.1 

Contains mention of fossil fishes. 

Fuhrmann, Oito. |Myxosporidies 
des corégones du lace de Neuchatel. 

First, Carl 




Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., Genéve, 1902, 4. 
sér. 16, 331-3382. 1902.1 

L’evolution des Ténias et en 
particulier de la larve des Ichtyoténias. 
Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., Genéve, 1903, 4. 
sér. 16, 335-337. 1903.1 

Introduction en Europe d’un 
silure d’Amérique (Amiurus nebulosus, 
catfish) Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., Genéve, 
1903, 4. sér. 16, 331-332. 1903.2 

— L’omble chevalier des zones pro- 
fondes. Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., Genéve, 
1903, 4. sér. 16, 332-333. — Bull. Suisse 
Péche et Pisciculture, 1903, no. 2, 17-19. 

fig. 1903.3 
La pisciculture dans le canton de 
_Neuchatel. Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 

Genéve, 1903, 4. sér. 16, 733-734. 1903.4 

Salvelinus salvelinus var. pro- 
fundus. Bull. Soe. Sci. Nat. Neuchatel. 
1903, 31, 382-384. 1903.5 

—— Einiges iiber den Star bei Forel- 
len. Allgem. Fischerei Zeitg., 1904, 29. 
Jahrg., 451-452. 1904.1 

: La péche et la pisciculture en 
Suisse. Bull. Suisse Péche et Piscicult., 
1904, 144-153. 1904.2 

Ueber die Entstehung des Neu- 
enburger-, Murtner- und _ Bieler-Sees 
nebst Bemerkungen iiber die Fische- 
reiverhiltnisse derselben. Schweiz. Fi- 
scherei Zeitg., 1904, 12, 192-199. 


Ueber eine Krankheit der wei- 
blichen Geschlechtsorgane des Hechtes. 
Allgem. Fischerei Zeitg., 1904, 29. Jahrg., 
469-471. 1904.4 

Cas intéressants de soins pater- 
nels chez les poissons. Bull. Suisse 
Péche Piscicult., 1905, no. 6, 81-87. fig. 
Abstract in Arch. Sci. Phys., Geneve, 
1906, 21, 219. 1905.1 

Encore le catfish. Bull. Suisse 
Péche et Piscicult., 1905, 90-92. 1905.2 

(Exhibit of Scleropages osteoglos- 
sum, showing buccal incubation] Arch. 
Sci. Phys. Nat., Genéve, 1905, 20, 578- 
579. 1905.3 

—— Les maladies de nos poissons. 
Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., Genéve, 1905, 19, 
205. 1905.4 

On affinities of Phreatobius cis- 
ternarum. Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 
Genéve, 1905, 4. sér. 20, 579. 1905.5 

Scleropages formosum und iiber 
Phreatobius cisternarum. Verh. Schweiz. 
Naturf. Ges. Aarau, 1905, 88, 50-51. — 
Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., Genéve, 4. sér. 20, 
578-579. 1905.6 

Sur lorigine des lacs de Neu- 
chatel, de Morat et de Bienne, avec des 
observations sur la péche relatives au 
premier. Bull. Suisse Péche et Pisci- 
cult., 1905, 17-26. fig. 1905.7 

Untersuchungen iiber die Nah- 
rung einiger Salmoniden. Allgem. Fi- 
scherei Zeitg., 1905, 30. Jahrg., 2-4. — 
Bull. Suisse Péche et Piscicult., 1905, 
no. 6, 119-123. 15 figs. 1905.8 

Les établissements de piscicul- 
ture de la Suisse. Bull. Suisse Péche et 
Piscicult., 1906, 41-46; 60-63; 80-82; 
113-118; 136-140. 8 figs. 1906.1 

La péche et la pisciculture a 
lexposition de Milan. Bull. Suisse 
Péche et Piscicult., 1906, 97-101; 119- 
120; 165-168; 197-198. 1906.2 

Soins paternels chez les poissons. 
Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., Genéve, 1906, 4. 
sér. 21, 219. 1906.3 

Bericht itiber die  Fischerei- 
verhaltnisse der Vereinigten Staaten. 
Schweiz. Fischerei Zeitg., 1908, 18. 
Jahrg. 15 p. 6 figs. — Bull. Suisse 
Péche Piscicult., 1908, 122-125; 156— 
162; 184-188. 7 figs. 1908.1 

La piscicultura negli Stati Uniti. 
Relazione. Riv. Mens. Pesca Napoli, 
1909, 11, 51-64; 160-164. 1909.1 

Poisson hermaphrodite du_lac 
de Neuchatel. Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 
Genéve, 1909, 27, 316. 1909.2 

Un cas d’hermaphrodisme chez 
un vengeron (Leuciscus rutilus) du lac de 
Neuchatel. Bull. Soc. Sci. Nat. Neu- 
chatel, 1910, 36, 82-85. 5figs. 1910.1 

Fuhrmann, Otto, & Yung, Hmile. 
De Vinfluence d’un jetine prolongé sur 
les éléments histologiques de l’intestin 
chez les poissons. Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 
Genéve, 1899, 4. sér. 8, 483-485. 1899.1 

Recherches sur la digestion des 
poissons. Arch. Zool. Expér. Gén., 
1900, 3. sér. 8, 333-351. 2 pls. 1900.1 

Histologie de la muqueuse intestinal de Lota 

Fujita, Masakatsu. Kwanden-Denki 
no gyorui ni oyobosu hanwo jikken (Ex- 
periments on the reaction of fishes both 
living and dead, towards induction cur- 
rents of electricity) Zool. Mag., Tokyo, 
1906, 18, 153-155. 1906.1 


Fujita, Tsunenobu. Artificial incuba- 
tion of flat fish (Text in Japanese) 
Zool. Mag., Tokyo, 1903, 15, 316-821. 


Tansui san no kaisen-byo (Dis- 

ease of freshwater fishes} Zool. Mag., 
Tokyo, 1904, 16, 439-442. 1904.1 

On a new species of Chloromy- 
xum from the gall-bladder of the carp. 
Annotat. Zool. Japonenses, 1913, 8, 
257-259. fig. 1913.1 

Fujita, Tsunenobu, & Otaki, Keino- 
suke. Nippon gyorui satei ho (Direc- 
tion for the study of Japanese fishes} 
Tokyo, 1904. 44 p. 1904.1 

Fujita, Tsunenobu, Otaki, Keino- 
suke, & Higurashi, Tadashi. See 
Otaki, Fujita & Higurashi. 

Fullarton, J. H. On the develop- 
ment of the plaice (Pleuronectes platessa) 
9. Ann. Rept. Fish. Board Scotland, 1891, 
pt. 3, 311-316. 3 pls. Jbid., 1893, 11, 
274-283. 2 pls. Also separate; London, 
1893. 8°. 1891.1 

On the oviposition and growth 
of the lesser sand-eel (Ammodytes tobia- 
nus L.) 12. Ann. Rept. Fish. Board 
Scotland, 1894, pt. 3, 3138-321. 1894.1 

On the generating organs and 
products of Tomopteris onisciformis Esch. 
Zool. Jahrb., 1895, 8, 4. Heft, 425-446. 
3 pls. 1895.1 

On the. larval and post-larval 
development of the brain of the lesser 
sand-eel (Ammodytes tobianus L.) 13. 
Ann. Rept. Fish. Board Scotland, 1895, 
276-288. 3 pls. 1895.2 

Fullarton, J. H., & Fulton, 7. 
Wemyss. See Fulton & Fullarton. 

Fuller, A. R. The breeding of eels. 
Chicago Field, 1879, 11, 148. 1879.1 

Fuller, Alfred E. New and improved 
devices for fish culturists. Proc. 4. 
Intern. Fish. Congr., Washington, D. C., 
1908, pt. 2, 991-1000. 3 pls. 1908.1 

New and improved devices for 
fish culturists. Scient. Amer. Suppl., 

1910, 70, 17-19. 7 figs. 1910.1 

Fuller, Thomas. Carp in England in 
the seventeenth century. Bull. U. S. 
Fish Comm. 1884, 4, 14. 1884.1 

Fullerton, Samuel F. Protection as 
an aid to propagation. . Trans. Amer. 
Fisheries Soc. 1906 (1907), 59-64. 




The modern hatching house. 
Trans. Amer. Fisheries Soc. 1908 (1909), 
132-137. 2 figs. 1909.1 

The future of our brook trout. 
Trans. Amer. Fisheries Soc. 1911 (1912), 
99-102. 1912.1 

Fulliquet, G. Recherches sur le cer- 
veau du Protopterus annectens. Recueil 
Zool. Suisse, 1886, 3, 1-130. 5 pls. — 
Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., Genéve, 3. sér. 15, 
94-96. 1886.1 

Fulton, 7. Wemyss. An account of 
the contemporary work relating to fish- 
eries, including abstracts of the more 
important papers. 6. Ann. Rept. Fish. 
Board Scotland, 1888, 276-308. 1888.1 

—— Inquiries into the nature of the 
food, the spawning, habits, etc., of ma- 
rine food-fishes. 7. Ann. Rept. Fish. 
Board Scotland, 1889, 182-185. 1889.1 

The scientific work of the fishery 
board for Scotland. Journ. Mar. Biol. 
Assoc., 1889, 1-17. 1889.2 

The distribution of immature 
sea-fish, and their capture by various 
modes of fishing. 8. Ann. Rept. Fish. 
Board Scotland, 1890, 157-210. 1890.1 

Notes and memoranda. 1. The 
anchovy in Scottish waters. 2. Experi- 
ments on the migratory movements of 
sea fish. 3. The migrations and repro- 
duction of the common eel (Anguilla 
vulgaris) 4. Rare and uncommon fishes. 
5. Experiments in the cross-fertilisations 
of different species of fish. 8. Ann. Rept. 
Fish. Board Scotland, 1890, dr 3 

Notes on contemporary work 
relating to fisheries in this and other 
countries. 8. Ann. Rept. Fish. Board 
Scotland, 1890, 359-375. 1890.3 

The proportional numbers and 
sizes of the sexes among sea-fishes. 8. 
Ann. Rept. Fish. Board Scotland, 1890, 
348-350. 1890.4 

Report on the trawling experi- 
ments of the ‘‘ Garland”? and on the 
statistics of east coast fisheries. 8. Ann. 
Rept. Fish. Board Scotland, 1890, 22— 
156. 3 pls. 1890.5 

The scientific work of the fishery 
board for Scotland. Journ. Mar. Biol. 
Assoc., 1890, n. s. 1, 75-91. 1890.6 

The spawning and spawning 
places of marine food-fishes. 8. Ann. 
Rept. Fish. Board Scotland, 1890, 257— 
269. 1890.7 

sain dientiacdiall 9 pat em PON 




An account of contemporary 
scientific fishery work and fisheries in 
this and other countries. 9. Ann. Rept. 
Fish. Board Scotland, 1891, 388-423. 


— The capture and destruction of 
immature sea-fish. 9. Ann. Rept. Fish. 
Board Scotland, 1891, 201-211. fig. 


Review by E. Ehrenbaum in Mitth. Deutsch. 
Seefischerei Ver., 1892, 97-108. 

— The chief fishing ground on the 
east coast of Scotland, with charts show- 
ing their position and extent. 9. Ann. 
Rept. Fish. Board Scotland, 1891, 177— 
183. 2 pls. 1891.3 

The comparative fecundity of 
sea-fishes. 9. Ann. Rept. Fish. Board 
Scotland, 1891, pt. 3, 248-268. 1891.4 

On over-fishing of the sea and the 
culture of sea-fish, 10. Ann. Rept. Fish. 
Board Scotland, 1891, pt. 3, 171-193. 
2 pls. 1891.5 

Report on the trawling experi- 
ments of the ‘‘ Garland” and on the 
statistics of east coast fisheries. 9. Ann. 
Rept. Fish. Board Scotland, 1891, 21— 
176. 2 pls. 1891.6 

An account of contemporary 
scientific fishery work and fisheries in 
this and other countries. 10. Ann. Rept. 
Fish. Board Scotland, 1892, 326-353. 


Observations on the reproduc- 
tion, maturity and sexual relations of the 
food-fishes. 10. Ann. Rept. Fish. Board 
Scotland, 1892, 232-243. pl. 1892.2 

On over-fishing of the sea and the 
culture of sea-fish. 10. Ann. Rept. Fish. 
Board Scotland, 1892, 171-193. 2 pls. 


Report on the trawling experi- 
ments of the “ Garland’’ and on the 
statistics of east coast fisheries. 10. 
Ann. Rept. Fish. Board Scotland, 1892, 
23-159. 2 pls. 1892.4 

: An account of contemporary 
scientific fishery work and fisheries in 

this and other countries. 11. Ann. 
Rept. Fish. Board Scotland, 1893, 
486-502. 1893.1 

An experimental investigation 
on the migrations and rate of growth of 
the food-fishes. 11. Ann. Rept. Fish. 
Board Scotland, 1893, 176-196. fig. 


Report on the trawling experi- 
ments of the ‘ Garland” and on the 
statistics of east coast fisheries. 11. 
Ann. Rept. Fish. Board Scotland; 1893, 
23-166. pil. 1893.3 

An account of contemporary 
scientific fishery work and fisheries in 
this and other countries. 12. Ann. 
Rept. Fish. Board Scotland, 1894, 383— 
404. 1894.1 

—— An account of the sea-fish hatch- 
ery at Dunbar. 12. Ann. Rept. Fish. 
Board Scotland, 1894, 196-209. pl. & 
fig. 1894.2 

The capture and destruction of 
immature sea-fish. The relation be- 
tween the size of the mesh of trawl-nets 
and the fish captured. 12. Ann. Rept. 
Fish. Board Scotland, 1894, 302-312. 


Description of the marine hatch- 
ery at Dunbar, Scotland. Bull. U. S. 
Fish Comm. 1893 (1894), 18, 257-262. 


Report on the trawling experi- 
ments of the ‘“ Garland” and on the 
statistics of east coast fisheries. 12. 
Ann. Rept. Fish. Board Scotland, 1894, 
23-164. 1894.5 

An account of contemporary 
scientific fishery work and fisheries in 
this and other countries. 13. Ann. 
Rept. Fish. Board Scotland, 1895, 332— 
348. 1895.1 

The capture and destruction of 
immature fish. The relation between 
the size of hooks and the size of fish cap- 
tured. 13. Ann. Rept. Fish. Board 
Scotland, 1895, 133-136. 1895.2 

The relation of marine currents 
to offshore spawning areas and inshore 
nurseries. 13. Ann. Rept. Fish. Board 
Scotland, 1895, 153-164. pl. 1895.3 

Report on the trawling experi- 
ments of the ‘‘ Garland’”’ and on the 
statistics of east coast fisheries. 13. 
Ann. Rept. Fish. Board Scotland, 1895, 
17-122. 1895.4 

L’état actuel de la pisciculture 
marine. Rey. Gén. Sci. Appliq., 1896, 7. 

année, no. 5, 237-248. 7 figs. 1896.1 

Kiinstliche Fortpflanzung der 
Seefische. Allgem. Fischerei Zeitg., 
1896, 21, 6-7. 1896.2 

Record of observations made on 
board the “ Garland ” during 1895. 14. 
Ann. Rept. Fish. Board Scotland, 1896, 
pt. 3, 35-62. 1896.3 




Fulton, 7. W. 

Report on the trawling experi- 
ments of the ‘“‘ Garland” and on the 
statistics of east coast fisheries. 14. 
Ann. Rept. Fish. Board Scotland, 1896, 
17-127. 1896.4 

Review of the trawling experi- 
ments of the “‘ Garland ” in the firth of 
Forth and St. Andrews bay in the years 
1886-1895. 14. Ann. Rept. Fish. Board 
Scotland, 1896, 128-149. 2 pls. 1896.5 

The currents of the North sea 
and their relation to fisheries. 15. Ann. 
Rept. Fish. Board Scotland, 1897, 334— 
395. 2 pls. & 3 figs. 1897.1 

Report on the trawling experi- 
ments of the ‘“‘ Garland”’ and on the 
statistics of east coast fisheries. 15. 
Ann. Rept. Fish. Board Scotland, 1897, 
17-106. 1897.2 

— On the growth and maturation 
of the ovarian eggs of teleostean 
fishes. 16. Ann. Rept. Fish. Board 
Scotland, 1898, pt. 3, 88-124. pl. & fig. 


On the maturation of the pelagic 
eggs of teleostean fishes. Zool. Anz., 
1898, 21, 245-252. figs. 1898.2 

The ovaries and ovarian eggs of 
the angler or frog-fish (Lophius piscato- 
rius) and of the John Dory (Zeus faber) 
16. Ann. Rept. Fish. Board Scotland, 
1898, pt. 3, 125-134. 2 pls. 1898.3 

Report on the trawling experi- 
ments of the ‘‘ Garland’”’ and on the 
statistics of east coast fisheries. 16. 
Ann. Rept. Fish. Board Scotland, 1898, 
17-87. 1898.4 

On the migratory movements 
and rate of growth of the grey or com- 
mon gurnard. 17. Ann. Rept. Fish. 
Board Scotland, 1899, 210-231. 2 figs. 

Report on the trawling experi- 
ments of the ‘‘ Garland’”’ and on the 
statistics of east coast fisheries. 17. Ann. 
Rept. Fish. Board Scotland, 1899, 17-78. 

Additional note on the surface 
currents of the North sea. 18. Ann. 
Rept. Fish. Board Scotland, 1900, 370— 
381. 1900.1 

Report of an inquiry on the 
action of the herring seine-net. 18. Ann. 
Rept. Fish. Board Scotland, 1900, 242- 
ey(al: 1900.2 

Report on the trawling experi- 
ments of the ‘‘ Garland”’ and on the 
statistics of east coast fisheries. 18. Ann. 
Rept. Fish. Board Scotland, 1900, 19- 
76. 1900.3 

Ichthyological notes. 19. Ann. 
Rept. Fish. Board Scotland, 1901, 282- 
291. 1901.1 

i, The Norway pout (Gadus esmarkii) 

ii. Silvery pout (Gadus (Gadiculus) argenteus) 

iii. Couch’s whiting (Gadus poutassou) 

iv. The Hebridean smelt or argentine (Argen- 
tina sphyrena) 

v. The greater argentine (Argentina silus) 

vi. The sharp-tailed Lumpenus (Lumpenus 

vil. The Norway haddock (Sebastes marinus) 

viii. Young fishes on the deep-water grounds. 

ix. Opah or king-fish (Lampris luna) 

x. The torpedo (Torpedo nobiliana) 

Investigations made on board 
steam trawlers. 19, Ann. Rept. Fish. 
Board Scotland, 1901, pt. 3, 58-91. 


On the rate of growth of the cod, 
haddock, whiting and Norway pout. 19. 
Ann. Rept. Fish. Board Scotland, 1901, 
pt. 3, 154-228. 8 pls. 1901.3 

Report on the trawling experi- 
ments of the ‘‘ Garland” and on the 
statistics of east coast fisheries. 19. 
Ann. Rept. Fish. Board Scotland, 1901, 
17-57. 1901.4 

Ichthyological notes. 20. Ann. 
Rept. Fish. Board Scotland, 1902, 539— 
541. 1902.1 

i. The anchovy (Engraulis encrasicholus) 

ii. The silvery pout (Gadus (Gadiculus) argen- 

ili. The red mullet (Mullus surmuletus) 

iv. The great silver smelt (Argentina silus) 

v. The opah or king-fish (Lampris luna) 

vi. Macrurus levis. 

vii. The white-beaked dolphin (Delphinus 
(Lagenorhynchus) albirostris) 

North sea investigations. 20. 
Ann. Rept. Fish. Board Scotland, 1902, 
pt. 3, 73-237. 3 pls. & 2 figs. 1902.2 

Rate of growth of sea-fishes. 20. 
Ann. Rept. Fish. Board Scotland, 1902, 
pt. 3, 326-439. 8 pls. & 5 figs. 1902.3 

Report on the trawling experi- 
ments of the ‘ Garland” and on the 
statistics of east coast fisheries. 20. 
Ann. Rept. Fish. Board Scotland, 1902, 
pie sales 1902.4 

The distribution, growth and 
food of the angler. 21. Ann. Rept. Fish. 
Board Scotland, 1903, 186-217. 1903.1 


— Ichthyological notes. 21. Ann. General index to the scientific 
Rept. Fish. Board Scotland, 1903, reports of the fishery board for Scotland, 
228-231. 1903.2 1883-1904, with a list of the papers con- 

i. Sturgeons. 

ii. King-fish (Lampris luna) 

iii. The relative numbers of the sexes among 
skates and rays. 

Investigations on the abundance, 
distribution and migration of the food- 
fishes. 21. Ann. Rept. Fish. Board 
Scotland, 1903, pt. 3, 15-108. pl. 


Report on the operations at the 
marine hatchery, bay of Nigg, Aberdeen. 
21. Ann. Rept. Fish. Board Scotland, 
1903, pt. 3, 180-185. TIbid., 1905, 23. 
Ann. Rept., pt. 3, 120-124. Jbid., 1906, 
24. Ann. Rept., pt. 3, 108-115. 2 pls. 
Ibid., 1907, 25. Ann. Rept., pt. 3, 256- 
259. Ibid., 1908, 26. Ann. Rept., pt. 3, 
93-96. Ibid., 1909, 27. Ann. Rept., pt. 
3, 68-73. Ibid., 1910, 28. Ann. Rept., 
pt. 3, 11-15. 1903.4 

22. Ann. 

— Ichthyological notes. 
Rept. Fish. Board Scotland, 1904, 
281-287. pl. 1904.1 

i. The young of the conger (Leptocephalus) 

ii. A post-larval Fierasfer. 

iii. The sting-ray (Trygon pastinaca) 

iv. The pilchard (Clupea pilchardus) 

vy. The fecundity of the sprat. ; ; 

vi. Reversed action of the gill-cover in plaice. 

A new mark for fish. Conseil 
Perm. Intern. Explor. Mer, Public. de 
Circonstance, 1904, no. 9, 11-14. 1904.2 

— On the rate of growth of fishes. 
22. Ann. Rept. Fish. Board Scotland, 
1904, 141-241. 7 pls. 1904.3 

On the spawning of the cod 
(Gadus morrhua 1.) in autumn in the 
North sea. Conseil Perm. Intern. Ex- 
plor. Mer, Public. de Circonstance, 
1904, no. 8, 1-10. pl. 1904.4 

—— The rate of growth of fishes. 
22. Ann. Rept. Fish. Board Scotland, 
1904, pt. 3, 141-241. 7 pls. Tbid., 1906, 
24, Ann. Rept., pt. 3, 179-274. 2 pls. 


Report on the operations at the 
marine hatchery, bay of Nigg, Aber- 
deen. 22. Ann. Rept. Fish. Board Scot- 
land, 1904, 262-269. 1904.6 

—— Spawning of the plaice. Nature, 
1904, 69, 535. 1904.7 

Trawling investigations. 22. 
Ann. Rept. Fish. Board Scotland, 1904, 
pt. 3, 13-99. 1904.8 

tained in them. 23. Ann. Rept. Fish. 
Board Scotland, 1905, 166-250. 1905.1 

Ichthyological notes. 23. Ann. 
Rept. Fish. Board Scotland, 1905, 251- 
254. 1905.2 
i. The young of the conger (Leptocephalus) 
ii, The anchovy (Engraulis encrasicholus) 
ii. The catfish (Anarrhichas lupus) 
iv. The spawning of the cod in autumn in the 
North sea. 
On the distribution and seasonal 
abundance of flatfishes (Pleuronectide) 
in the North sea. Rept. North Sea Fish. 
Invest. Comm. 1902-03 (1905), no. 1, 
473-618. 30 figs. 1905.3 

Report on the operations at the 
marine hatchery, bay of Nigg, Aberdeen. 
23. Ann. Rept. Fish. Board Scotland, 
1905, 120-124. 1905.4 

Trawling investigations. 23. 
Ann. Rept. Fish. Board Scotland, 1905, 
13-64. 1905.5 

On the growth and age of the 
herring (Clupea harengus) 24. Ann. 
Rept. Fish. Board Scotland, 1906, pt. 3, 
293-342. 3 pls. 1906.1 

On the spawning and fecundity 
of the plaice (Pleuronectes platessa) 24. 
Ann. Rept. Fish. Board Scotland, 1906, 
pt. 3, 281-289. 3 tables. 1906.2 

On the spawning of the lump- 
sucker (Cyclopterus lumpus) and the 
paternal guardianship of the eggs. 24. 
Ann. Rept. Fish. Board Scotland, 1906, 
pt. 3, 169-178. pl. 1906.3 

Report on the operations at the 
marine fish hatchery, bay of Nigg, Ab- 
erdeen, in 1905. 24. Ann. Rept. Fish. 
Board Scotland, 1906, pt. 3, 108-115. 
2 pls. 1906.4 

Trawling investigations. 24. 
Ann. Rept. Fish. Board Scotland, 1906, 
17-47. 1906.5 

Report of an enquiry into the 
herring fisheries of the firth of Clyde. 
Part I. The statistics of the fisheries, 
25. Ann. Rept. Fish. Board Scotland, 
1907, pt. 3, 13-196. 12 pls. 1907.1 

Report on the operations at the 
marine fish hatchery, bay of Nigg, Ab- 
erdeen, in 1906. 25. Ann. Rept. Fish. 
Board Scotland, 1907, 256-259. 1907.2 

The Lochfyne experiments with 
plaice. 26. Ann. Rept. Fish. Board 
Scotland, 1909, pt. 3, 40-72. pl. 1909.1 


Fulton, 7. W. 

Report on the operations at the 
marine fish hatchery, bay of Nigg, Ab- 
erdeen, in 1907. 26. Ann. Rept. Fish. 
Board Seotland, 1909, 93-96. 1909.2 

Report on the operations at the 
marine fish hatchery, bay of Nigg, Ab- 
erdeen, in 1908. 27. Ann. Rept. Fish. 
Board Scotland, 1910, 68-73. 1910.1 

A review of the fishery statistics 
for Scotland. 27. Ann. Rept. Fish. 
Board Scotland, 1910, 129-191. 1910.2 

Report on the operations at the 
marine fish hatchery, bay of Nigg, Ab- 
erdeen, in 1909. 28. Ann. Rept. Fish. 
Board Scotland, 1911, 11-15. 1911.1 

The sovereignty of the sea. An 
historical account of the claims of Eng- 
land to the dominion of the British seas, 
and of the evolution of the territorial 
waters; with special reference to the 
rights of fishing and the naval salute. 
Edinburgh, 1911. xxvi, 799 p. pl. & 
30 figs. 1911.2 

On the distribution and seasonal 
abundance of flatfishes (Pleuronectide) 
in the North sea, and the fluctuations 
in their abundance during the years 
1901-1910. 5. Rept. North Sea Invest. 
Comm., 1913, 67-134. 15 pls. 1913.1 

On the marking of plaice and 
other fish by the 8.8. “ Goldseeker”’ 

during the years 1904-1909. 5. Rept. 
North Sea Invest. Comm., 1913, 135- 
189. 3 pls. 1913.2 

Fulton, 7. Wemyss, & Dannevig, 
H. See Dannevig & Fulton. 

Fulton, 7. Wemyss, & Fullarton, 
J. H. Notes on contemporary work 
relating to fisheries in this and other 

countries. 7. Ann. Rept. Fish. Board 
Scotland, 1889, 384-408. 1889.1 
Funk, Ernst. Meine Pseudoxipho- 

phorus bimaculata. Wochenschr. Aquar.- 
Terrar. Kunde, 1910, 7. Jahrg., 485-486. 
fig. 1910.1 

Funke, Otto [1828-1879] Neue Beo- 
bachtungen iiber die Krystalle des Milz- 
venen- und Fischblutes. Zeitschr. f. Rat. 
Medicin (Henle & Pfeuffer), 1852, 2, 
198-217. 1852.1 

Furneaux, W. Life in ponds and 

streams. London, 1896. 8 col. pls. 8°. 
Furtado, Francisco d’ Arruda. Nomes 

vulgares de peixes. Lista dos nomes 
vulgares das especies de peixes obser- 



vadas no mercado de Lisboa com os seus 
equivalentes scientificos (In his Psycho- 
logia e ethnologia . Jorn. Sci. Acad. 
Sci. Lisboa, 1886, no. 42, 49-64) 1886.1 

Furuhjelm, /. £., & Chydenius, 
J ofan Jacob. See Chydenius & Furuh- 

Fusari, Romeo. Ricerche intorno alla 
fina anatomia dell’ encefalo dei teleostei. 
Atti Accad. Sci. Roma, 1887, 4. ser. 3, 
148-150. 1887.1 

La segmentation des ceufs des 
téléostéens. Arch. Ital. Biol., Turin, 
1887, 9, 22-24. — Ital. Boll. Sci., 1887, 
2 82-84. — Ball. Atti Congresso Medico, 
Paris, 1887. 1887.2 

Untersuchungen iiber die feinere 
Anatomie des Gehirnes der Teleostier. 
Month. Intern. Journ. Anat. Histol., 
1887, 4, 275-300. 3 pls. 1887.3 

Beitrag zum Studium des peri- 
ferischen Nervensystem vom Amphiorus 
lanceolatus. Int. Monat. f. Anat. u. 
Phys., 1889, 4. 1889.1 
Sur les premiéres phases de dé- 
veloppement des téléostéens. Arch. 
Ital. Biol., Turin, 1892, 18, 204-239. 
Sulle prime fasi di sviluppo dei 
teleostei. Atti Accad. Lincei, 1895, 4. 
ser. 7, 149-198. 3 pls. 1895.1 

Sulla terminazione centrale del 
nervo ottico nei teleostei. Revist. Patol. 
Nerv., 1896, 1. 1896.1 

Présentation de préparations mi- 
croscopiques démontrant les terminai- 
sons nerveuses dans les muscles striés, 
dans |'épiderme et dans l’épithélium de 
la cavité buccale de lAmmocetes bran- 
chialis. C. R. Assoc. Anat., 3. sess., 1901, 
238-239. 1901.1 

Contributo allo studio delle 
terminazioni nervose nei muscoli striati 
di Ammocetes branchialis. Atti Acead. 
Sci., Torino, 1905, 40, 1078-1088. pl. — 

Arch. Sci. Med. Torino, 29, 413-424. pl. 

Contributo allo studio dei nervi 
cutanei e delle terminazioni neryose 
nella cute e nella muccosa orale dell’ 
Ammocetes branchialis. Atti Acead. 
Sci., Torino, 1907, 42, 192-200. pl. — 

Arch. Sci. Med. Torino, 30. 1907.1 

Sulla terminazione dei nervi nell’ 
apparecchio branchiale e nel velo boceale 
dell’A mmoceetes branchialis. Atti Acead. 
Sci., Torino, 1907, 42, 493-503. pl. — 
Arch. Sci. Med. Torino, 31, 190-201. pe 

G. Der Fisch im Thierreiche. Mitth. 
Fischereiwesen. Miinchen, 1876, 1. 
Jahrg., 9-11. 1876.1 

; von. Connecticut river sal- 

mon. Forest & Stream, 1876, 6, 354. 
Destruction of pickerel by black 

bass. Forest & Stream, 1876, 6, 232. 
Fish culture on the Connecticut 

river. Forest & Stream, 1876, 6, 401. 
Large striped bass caught in the 
Connecticut. Forest & Stream, 1876, 6, 
357. 1876. 4 
— Phenomenal run of herring in 
the Taunton and Nemasket rivers. 
Forest & Stream, 1876, 6, 234. 1876.5 
Pickerel or bass. Forest «& 
Stream, 1876, 6, 302. 1876.6 
A new foe of the shad. Forest & 
Stream, 1877, 8, 223. 1877.1 

Destruction of shad and striped bass in Con- 
necticut river, resulting from introduction by Fish 
Commission of black bass. 

G., A. F. Smelt fishing. Forest & 
Stream, 1876, 6, p. 6. 1876.1 

G., A.W. Stocking the Nashua river, 
N.H., with fish. Forest & Stream, 1877, 
9, 44. 1877.1 

G., C. J. Trout fishing in Oregon. 

Forest & Stream, 1880, 14,451. 1880.1 
G.,G.S. Trout as vegetarians. For- 
est & Stream, 1875, 5, 275. 1875.1 

G., J. W. Some results of the “ Bel- 
gica’’ expedition. Nature, London, 
1906, 74, 298-299. 1906.1 

G., L. Die Bastarde des Karpfenge- 
schlechts. Deutsch. Landw. Presse, 
1875, 2. Jahrg., 638. 1875.1 

— Kin Beitrag zur Naturgeschichte 
des Hechtes (Hsox lucius} Deutsch. 
Landw. Presse, 1875, 2. Jahrg., 244. 
Ibid., 1877, 4. Jahrg., 325-326. 1875.2 

G., M. Stream protection in Europe. 
Bull. Zool. Soc., 1910, 707-709. 1910.1 


Forest & 

G., N. A monster halibut. 
Stream, 1877, 9, 145. 

G., S.G. W. Salmon put in the big 
reservoir, Lancaster, Ohio. Forest «& 
Stream, 1878, 10, 19. 1878.1 

G., T. Fishes feed and discern in 
sunny weather. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1832, 
5, 289-290. 1832.1 

Lampreys (Petromyzon fluvia- 
tilis) Mag. Nat. Hist., 1832, 5, 290. 

Facts and considerations on the 
natural history and political impropria- 
tion of the salmon fish. Mag. Nat. Hist., 

1834, 7, 202-217. 1834.1 

The salmon enters and ascends 
rivers for other purposes besides propa- 
gation. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1834, 7, 520- 
521, 1834.2 

The salmon parr is neither a hy- 
brid, nor a distinct ‘species, of the genus 
Salmo, but a state of the common salmon. 
Mag. Nat. Hist., 1834, 7, 521-522. 


G., T. R. Fish culture in Virginia. 

Forest & Stream, 1877, 9, 23. 1877.1 
G., W. Removal of fishes. Amer. 
Journ. Sci., 1841, 40, 405-406. 1841.1 
G., W. A. Striped bass in the Piscat- 

aqua. Forest & Stream, 1880, 15, 150. 

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und Muskeln. Abstract in Naturforsche 

(Sklarek), 1877, 10. Jahrg., 141-143. 
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oekonomisk beskrifning 6fver hvittis 
socken i Bférneborgs lin. Inaug. Dis- 
sert., Abo, 1759. 72 p. 4°. 1759.1 

Ephraim Carenius, respond. 

Tal om finska climatet och dess 
félgder i landets hushallning. K. Sven- 
ska Vetensk. Akad., 1761. 52p. 1761.1 

Pisces, p. 34. 

(preses) Oekonomisk _ beskrif- 
ning 6fver kulsiala férsamling i Tavas- 
tehus lin (Tyrvaint6 kapell) Inaug. 
Dissert., Abo, 1767. 20 p. 4°. 1767.1 

Lars Palander, respond. 

(preses) Dissertatio sistens in- 
secta piscatoribus in maritimis Finlandie 
oris noxia. Inaug. Dissert., Aboz, 1769. 
8p. 4°. — Gott. Gel. Anz., 1770, 360. 


Carolus Nicolas Hellinius, respond. 

Foérs6k till ichthyologia fennica. 
Tidningar Sallsk. Abo, 1771, no. 20, 
153-157. Ibid., no. 21, 161-163. Ibid., 
1772, no. 46, 364-368. Jbid., no. 47, 
372-374. 1771.1 

(preses) Undersékning om Ny- 
land och Tavastehus lin, i anseende till 
dess lage, vidd, climat, vahrfloder, sjéar 
och vattuleder, naturs férm4ner och 
brister, naringar, forkrikhet, politie- och 
cameral-forfattningar. Inaug. Dissert., 
Abo, 1789. 84p. 4°. 1789.1 

Pt. 1. Hans Henr. John, respond. 
Pt. 2. Sam. Gabr. Mellenius, respond. 
Pt. 3. Car. Bergman, respond. 

(preses) Om Sysma& socken i 

Kymmene-gards lin, och savolax 6fre- 

dels hirad. Inaug. Dissert., Abo, 1792. 

34p. 4°. 1792.1 
Mich. Ticcander, respond. 

Gadd, Pehr. Lernewopoda alpina fran 
Finland (Lerneopoda alpina aus Fin- 
land) Meddel. Soc. Fauna Flora Fenn., 

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Gadeau de Kerville, Henri [1858 —] 
La faune de l’estuaire dela Seine. Caen, 
1886. 8°. 1886.1 

: Les animaux et les végétaux lu- 
mineux. Bibl. Sci. Contemp. Paris, 
1889 (1890) 1890.1 

Description d’un poisson et d’un 
oiseau. monstrueux, aiguillat dérodyme 


et goéland méloméle. Journ. Anat. 
Physiol., Paris, 1892, 18, 563-566. pl. 


Die leuchtenden Tiere und 
Pflanzen. Leipzig, 1893. 1893.1 

Jeunes poissons se protégeant 
par des méduses. Le Naturaliste, 1894, 
2. sér. 8, 267-268. 1894.1 

— Recherches sur les faunes ma- 
rine et maritime de la Normandie. 1. 
voyage. Région de Granville et iles — 
Chausey. Bull. Soc. Sci. Nat. Rouen, 
1894, 55-126. 7 pls. & figs. 1894.2 

Note sur une plie franche et un 
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Soc. Zool. France, 1895, 20, 155-156. 


Faune de la Normandie. Fasci- 
cule IV. Reptiles, batraciens et pois- 
sons. Bull. Soc. Sci. Nat. Rouen, 1896, 
147-676. Also separate; Paris, 1897, 
5382p. 4 pls: 8°: 1896.1 

Recherches sur les faunes ma- 
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ven age. Région de Grandcamp-les- 

bains (Calvados) et files Saint-Marcouf 
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1909, 37, pt. 1, 370-375. 5figs. 1909.1 

Gadow, Hans [1855 —] On the mod- 
ifications of the first and second visceral 
arches, with especial reference to the 
homologies of the auditory ossicles. Phil. 
Trans. Roy. Soc. London, 1888, 179, 
451-485. 4 pls. 188s. 1 

recent and extinct. London, 1898. x, 
82 p. 8°. 18 

On the nature of intercalated 
vertebre of sharks. Journ. Anat. Phys- 
iol., London, 1900, p. xlv—x!vi. —- 1900.1 

Gadow, Hans, & Abbott, 7.C. On 
the evolution of the vertebral column of 
fishes. Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. London, 
1894, 186, 163-221. figs. Abstract in 
Proce. Roy. Soc. London, 56, 

See Brasil & Gadeau de Ker- 

A classification of vertebrata, 


Gael,./. Dissertatio historico-juridica 
inauguralis, quedam de piscationis jure 
continens . . . Inaug. Dissert. Lugduni 
Batavorum, 1765. 8°. 1765.1 

Gaertner, F. von. Zur Rassenfrage 
der Karpfen. Allgem. Fischerei Zeitg., 
1898, 23, 95-96. 1898.1 

Gage, George. Statement concerning 
the menhaden fishery. Rept. U.S. Fish 

Comm. 1877 (1879), 5, 479. 1879.1 
Gage, Simon Henry [1851 —]! Notes 
on the Cayuga lake star-gazer. Cornell 

Rev., 1878, 91-94. — Geol. Survey of 
Ohio, 1882, 4, pt. 1 (Zool.), 990-993. 

The form and size of the red blood 
corpuscles of the adult and larval lam- 
prey eels of Cayuga lake. Proc. Amer. 
Soc. Micr., 1888, 10, 77-83. figs. — The 
Microscope, 8, 322-327. Abstract in 
Journ. Roy. Micr. Soc. London, no. 4, 
494, 1888.1 

The red blood corpuscles of lam- 
prey eels in relation to jurisprudence. 
N. Y. Med. Journ., 1888, 48, 149-150. 
figs. 1888.2 

Notes on the physiology and 
structural changes in Cayuga lake lam- 
preys. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 
40. meet., 1891, 322. 1891.1 

— The comparative physiology of 
respiration. Amer. Naturalist, 1892, 26, 
817-832. 1892.1 

The brain of Diemyctylus viride- 
scens, from larval to adult life, and com- 
parisons with the brain of Amia and 
Petromyzon (In Wilder Quart.-Cent. 
Book, p. 259-313. 7 pls. Ithaca, 1893) 

— The lake and brook lampreys of 
New York, especially those of Cayuga 
and Seneca lakes (In Wilder Quart.- 
Cent. Book, p. 421-493. 7 pls. Ithaca, 
1893) 1893.2 

Transformation of the lake and 
of the sea lamprey. Proc. Amer. Assoc. 
Ady. Sci., 43. meet., 1894, 254-255. 


— Transformation of the brook 
lamprey (Lampetra wilderi), and parasit- 
ism among lampreys. Proc. Amer. As- 
soc. Adv. Sci., 47. meet., 1898, 372-373. 
— Science, n. s. 8, 401. 1898.1 

Further notes on the brook lam- 
prey (Lampetra wilderi) Proc. Amer. 
Assoc. Adv. Sci., 48. meet., 1899, 256- 
257. 1899.1 



Comparison of the habits and 
mode of life of Amphioxus and Ammo- 
coetes. Science, 1905, n. s. 21, 265-266. 

—Glycogen in animal tissue. Amer. 
Journ. Anat., 1905, 4, xii-xii. 1905.2 

Amphioxus and Ammocecetes. 

The lampreys of the Cayuga lake 
basin: fate of lampreys after spawning: 
non-parasitism of the brook lamprey. 
Science, 1911, n. s. 33, 389. 1911.1 

Gage, Simon Henry, & Meek, Seth 
Eugene. The lampreys of Cayuga 
lake. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 35. 
meet., 1886, 269. 1886.1 

Gaglio, G. Esperienze sull’ anestesia 
del labirinto dell’ orecchio nei pesci cani 
(Scyllium catulus) Atti Aecad. Lincei, 
Roma (Rendic.), 1902, 5. ser. 11, pt. 2, 
277-285. fig. — Arch. Ital. Biol., Turin, 
38, 383-392. fig. 1902.1 

Gail, de. L’établissement de pis- 
ciculture de Retournemer. Bull. Soe. 
Centrale Aquiculture et Péche, 1907, 19, - 
49-59. Also separate; Paris, 1907. 


Notes de pisciculture. Sur le 
fonctionnement de |’étang 4 reproduc- 
teurs des huttes. Ann. Forestiéres, 1908, 
47, 417-420. 1908.1 

Sur le fonctionnement d’un bas- 
sin 4 reproducteurs crée 4 Retournemer. 
Ann. Forestiéres, 1908, 47, 420-421. 


Gaillard, Ciaude. Notes sur quelques 
espéces de Cyprinodons de I|’Asie Mi- 
neure et de la Syrie. Arch. Mus. Hist. 
Nat. Lyon, 1895, 6, no. 2. 

15 p. figs. 

Gaillard, Claude, & Lortet, Louis. 
See Lortet & Gaillard. 

Les curiosités de l’ex- 
position maritime internationale du 
Havre. Paris, 1868. 18°. 1868.1 

Gaimard, Joseph Paul [1790-1858] 
Description de 21 espéces de poissons, 
rapportées par MM. Quoy et Gaimard. 
Bull. Sci. Nat. (Férussac), 1823, 3, 255. 
Tbid., 4, 41. 1823.1 

Gailois, JN. 

Voyages de la commission scien- 
tifique du Nord. Voyage en Skandinavie, 
en Laponie, au Spitzberg et aux Ferée. 
Paris, 1842-56. 1842.1 

Sect. vii, Zoologie. 


Gaimard, Joseph Paul, & Quoy, 
Jean René Constantin. See Quoy «& 

Gaines, Kemp. Growth, spawning, 
and distribution of German carp reared 
from 20 fish furnished by the United 
States Fish Commission, November 29, 
1880. . Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1882 
(1883), 2, 392. 1883.1 

Gairaud, Clément. La péche au 
Vénézuela. Bull. Soc. Centr. Aquicult. 
Péche, 1899, 11, 19-20. 1899.1 

Gal, F.G. Les poissons mommifiés de 
VEgypte {surtout le Lates niloticus; La 
Nature, 1902, 30, pt. 1, 235. 1902.1 

Galasso, Ff. Anatomia macro- e 
microscopica della mucosa palatina di 
Murena helena L., con speciale riguardo 
alla questione dell’ apparecchio veleni- 

fero. Catanzaro, 1901. 34 p. 3 pls. 
Galbert, (Comte) Alphonse de. Docu- 

ments de pisciculture applicables A 
toutes les masses d’eaux. 2. ed. Gre- 
noble, 1865. 60 p. pl. 8°. 1865.1 

Renseignements sur |’établisse- 
ment de pisciculture de la Buisse (Isére) 
Bull. Soc. Centr. Aquicult. France, 1893, 
5. 1893.1 

-La_pisciculture dans  |’Isére. 
Rev. Sci. Nat. Appliq., Paris, 1896. 

69 p. 1896.1 
L’aquiculture et l’université de 
Grenoble. Bull. Mém. Acad. Delphin., 

Grenoble, 1902, 4. sér. 15, 285-298. 

Repeuplement des cours d’eau. 
Protection des poissons et crustacés. 
C. R. Assoc. Frane. Avane. Sci., Paris, 
1904 (1905), 38, pt. 2, 755-760. 1905.1 

Gale, Albert. The culture of fresh- 
water fishes. Agric. Gaz., N. S. Wales, 
1904, 15, 72-78; 535-537. pil. 1904.1 

Notes on the breeding-habits of 
the purple-striped gudgeon, Krefftius 
adspersus Castelnau. Austr. Zool., 1914, 
1, pt. 1, 25-26. 1914.1 

Gallardo, Angel. Carlos Berg. Re- 
seha biogrdifica. Anal. Mus. Nace. 
Buenos Aires, 1902, 7, ix—xl. 1902.1 

Gallichan, Walter M. Fishing and 
travel in Spain. A guide to the angler. 
London, 1904. 227 p. 8pls. 12°. 




The trout waters of England. A 
practical guide to the fisherman for sea 
trout, brown trout and grayling. Edin- 
burgh, 1908. xi, 160 p. 2 pls. 1908.1 

Galli-Valerio, 8. Note sulla fauna 
dei vertebrati Valtellinesi. Riv. Ital. 
Sci. Nat., 1910, 30, 125-128. 1910.1 

Gallo, Agostino. Le vente giornate 
dell’ agricoltura e di piaceri della villa di 
A.G. Nuova edizione. Brescia, 1775. 
4°, 1775.1 

Gallup, B. Frank. Catching dogfish 
for oil and guano. Bull. U. S. Fish 
Comm. 1882 (1883), 2, 246. 1883.1 

Galton, John C. How fishes breathe. 
Pop. Sci. Rev., 1871, 10, 341-355. 

The song of fishes. Pop. Sci. 
Rev., 1874, 13, 337-349. pl. 1874.1 

Galvani, L. Taccuino delle esperi- 
enze sulla torpedine fatte nel 1795 a 
Sinigaglia ed a Rimini. Annales Mus. 
d’ Hist. Nat., 1797. See also Nuovo 
Cimento, 1869, 2. ser. 2. 1869.1 

Gambel, William. On a new species 
of Mergulus, ray, from the coast of Cali- 

fornia. Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad., 
1850-54, n. s. 2, 55. 1850.1 
Gamgee, John. On artificial re- 
frigeration. Rept. U. S. Fish Comm. 
1877 (1879), 5, 901-972. 3pls. 1879.1 
The Pensacola fisheries. Pen- 

sacola Gaz., 1880, Feb. 10. 1880.1 

Gampe, Saat in’s Wasser 
(Fischzuchtanstalt zu Einsiedel im Erz- 
gebirge} Gartenlaube, Leipzig, 1874, 
no. 8, 124-128. pls. 1874.1 

Gampert, 0. Ueber die Niere der 
Cyprinoiden. Zeitschr. Wiss. Zool., 
1866, 16, 372. 1866.1 

Untersuchungen tiber die Niere 
der Cyprinoiden und der Amphibien. 
Inaug. Dissert. Ziirich, 1866. 8°. 1866.2 

Gandara, Guillermo, Urbina, Man- 
uel, Degoutin, N., Villada, Manuel M. 
See Villada, Gandara «& others. 

Gandolfi-Horygold, A. de. L’an- 
guille (Anguilla vulgaris Cuv.) Bull. 
Soe. Fribourg Sei. Nat., 1911, 19, ‘ae 

Ganfini, Carlo. Sui nervi spino- 
occipitali di  Amia calva  (Bonap.) 
Monit. Zool. Ital., 1912, 28, 15-22. 3 
figs. 1912.1 




Lo sviluppo del sistema nervoso 
simpatico in alcuni pesci. Arch. Ital. 
Anat. Embriol., Firenze, 1912, 10, 574- 
645. 5 pls. 1912.2 

Ganivet, Guérin. 
yet, ——_ 

Garbe, Richard [1857 —] The Phy- 
siologus and the Christian fish sy mbol. 
Open Court, Chicago, 1914, 28, ue 


Garbiglietti, Antonio [1807-1887] 
Sulla riproduzione delle anguille. Giorn. 
R. Acead. Med. Torino, 1872, 3. ser. 11, 
106; 168. 1872.1 

Garbini, A. Osservazione e dati 
statisti-economoci sui pesci e sulla pesca 
di Benaco. Verona, 1897. 2 maps. 8°. 


Amphioxus _ als 

See Guerin-Gani- 

Garbowski, 7’. 

Grundlage der Mesodermtheorie. Anat. 
Anz., 1898, 14. Jahrg., 473-497. 4 figs. 

Garces, Modesto. Un viaje i Vene- 
zuela. Bogota, 1890. 1890.1 
Garcia Canizares, Felipe. Informes 
sobre la pesca de lo biajaiba. Acad. 

Ciencias Habana, 1911, 47, 1076-1086. 

Garcia Sola, Francisco. The fisheries 

of Spain. Intern. Fisheries Exhib. Lit., 
London, 1883. Conferences, 5, pt. 9, 
353-363. 1883.1 

Garde, August. The fisheries of Ice- 
land. Rept. U. 8. Fish Comm. 1884 
(1886), 12, 301-308. 1886.1 

Garden, Alexander. An account of 
the Gymnotus electricus or electric eel. 
Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. London, 1775, 65, 
pi. 1, 102-110. - 1775.1 

Gardiner, #.J.L. Note on the fish 
remains from the Old Red Sandstone of 
Portishead. Proc. Bristol Nat. Hist. 
Soc., 1892, 2. ser. 7, 34-35. 1892.1 

Gardiner, J. Stanley. Notes on the 
distribution of the land and marine 
animals, with a list of the land plants 
and some remarks on the coral reefs. 
Fauna & Geogr. Maldive Laccadive 
Archip., 1906, 2 (Suppl. 2), 1046-1079. 


Gardner, Testimony in regard 
to the condition of the fisheries taken in 
1871. Rept. U. S. Fish Comm. 1871- 
72 (1873), 1, 47. 1873.1 

Gardner, A. P. Experiments in the 
pond culture of trout, suckers and cat- 
fish. Bull. U.S. Fish Comm., 1883, 3, 
417-420. 1883.1 

Gardner, George [1812-1849] Geo- 

logical notes made during a journey 

from the coast into the interior of the 
province of Ceara in the north of Brazil, 
embracing an account of a deposit of 
fossil fishes. Edinb. New Phil. Journ., 
1841, 30, 75-82. 1841.1 

On the geology and fossil fishes 

of north Brazil. Rept. Brit. Assoc. 
Adv. Sci., 11 meet., 1840 (1841), pt. 2, 
118-120. 1841.2 

Gareis, Anton. Die Bewirthschaf- 
tung des Meeres mit Riicksicht auf den 
Adriatischen Golf. 2.ed. Wien, 1875. 
LOStpes Se 1875.1 

Garganico, P. Statuto della societa 
anonima italiana di piscicultura. Como, 
1865. 4° 1865.1 

Gargiulo, Antonio. Contributo all’ 
istologia nelle glandole. Riv. Ital. Sci. 
Nat., 1903, 23, 99-106; 117-122; 148- 
150. Ibid., 1904, 24, 5-12. 1903.1 

Garlick, Theodatus. A treatise on 
the artificial propagation of fish, with 
the description and habits of such kinds 
as are the most suitable for pisciculture; 
also, directions for the most successful 
modes of angling for such kind of fish 
as are herein described. New York & 
Cleveland, 1857. 142 p. 8°. 1857.1 

Hybridization of fish. Papers 
read before the Kirtland Soc. Nat. Sci. 
Cleveland, 1874, 45-48. 1874.1 

The birth of fisheulture. Proce. 
1. Ann. Meet. Central Fisheulture Soc. 
Chicago, 1879, 22—25. 1879.1 

A treatise on the artificial prop- 
agation and habits of such kinds as 
are suitable for domestic fish-culture. 
2.ed. Cleveland, 1880. 128 p. 4 pls. 
8°. 1880.1 

The beginning of fish-culture in 

America. Trans. Amer. Fisheries Soc. 
1883 (1884), 47-48. 1884.1 
Garman, Harrison [1858 —] A pre- 

liminary report on the animals of the 

Mississippi bottoms near Quincy, Illi- 

nois, in npn 1888. Bull. Ill. Lab. 

Nat. Hist., 1891, 3, 123-184. 1891.1 
Fishes, p. "134-148. 


Garman, H. 

The origin of the cave fauna of 

Kentucky, with a description of a new 

blind beetle. Science, 1892, 20, ee 

Contains some notes on blind fishes. 

A preliminary list of the verte- 
brate animals of Kentucky. Bull. Essex 
Instit., Salem, 1894, 26, 1-63. 1894.1 

Some notes on the brain and 
pineal structures of Polyodon folium. 
Bull. Ill. Lab. Nat. Hist., 1896, 4, 299- 
310. 6 pls. Also separate; Springfield, 
1896. 8°. 1896.1 

Garman, Samuel [?1846 —] On the 
skates (Raja) of the eastern coast of the 
United States. Proce. Boston Soc. Nat. 
Hist. 1874-75 (1875), 17, 170-181. fig. 

Fishes and reptiles tfrom lake 
Titicaca} Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. Harv. 

Coll., 1871-76, 3, no. 11, 273-278. 
Notes on some fishes from the 
western coast of South America. Proc. 

Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. 1875-76 (1877), 
18, 202-205. 1877.1 

On the pelvis and external sexual 
organs of selachians, with especial ref- 
erence to the new genera Potamotrygon 
and Disceus. Proce. Boston Soc. Nat. 
Hist., 1877, 19, 197-215. 1877.2 

Variation in the colors of animals. 

Proc. Amer. Assoc. Ady. Sci., 25. meet, 

1876 (1877), 187-204. 1877.3 
Fishes, p. 192-194. 

New species of selachians in the 
museum collection. Bull. Mus. Comp. 
Zool. Harv. Coll., 1879-80, 6, 167-172. 


Synopsis and descriptions of the 
American Rhinobatide. Proc. U. S. 
Nat. Mus., 1880, 516-528. 1880.1 

New and little-known reptiles 
and fishes in the museum collections. 
Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. Harv. Coll., 1881, 

8, no. 3, 85-93. 1881.1 

North American freshwater 
fishes. Sci. Observ., 1881, 3, no. 8, 57- 
63. 1881.2 

Report on the selachians (In 
Reports on the results of dredging, 
under the supervision of Alexander Agas- 
siz, along the Atlantic coast of the 
United States during the summer of 



1880, by the U. 8. coast survey steamer 

“ Blake ”) Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. 
Harv. Coll., 1881, 8, 231-237. 1881.3 

The American species of the 
genus Dasybatis. Bull. U.S. Nat. Mus., 
1882, 16, 65-72. 1882.1 

An extraordinary shark. Bull. 
Essex Instit., 1884, 16, 47-55. figs. - 

New sharks: Chlamydoselachus 
anguineus and Heptranchias pectorosus. 
Bull. Essex Instit., 1884, 16, 3-15. pl. 


The oldest living type of ver- 

tebrata, Chlamydoselachus. Science, 
1884, 3, 345. 1884.3 — 

The oldest living type of verte- 

brates. Science, 1884, 4, 484. 1884.4 
——A peculiar selachian. Science, 
1884, 3, 116-117. 1884.5 

A species of Heptranchias sup- 
posed to be new. Bull. Essex Instit., 
Salem, 1884, 16, 56-57. 1884.6 

The American salmon and trout, 
including introduced species. 19. Ann. 
Rept. Comm. Inland Fisheries Mass., 
1885, 1-23. 19 pls. Also separate; 
Boston, 1885. 23p. 8°. 1885.1 

Chlamydoselachus anguineus 
Garm., a living species of cladodont 
shark. Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. Harv. 
Coll., 1885, 12, 1-35. 20 pls. 1885.2 

The generic name of the pasti- 
nacas, or sting rays. Proc. U. 8S. Nat. 
Mus., 1885, 8, 221-224. 1885.3 

Notes and descriptions taken 
from selachians in the U. 8. National 
Museum. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., 1885, 
8, 39-44. 1885.4 

On the frilled shark (Chlamy- 
doselachus anguineus| Proc. Amer. As- 
soc. Ady. Sci., 33. meet., 1885, aot ee 


The tail of Chlamydoselachus. 
Science, 1887, 9, 267. 1887.1 

On the lateral canal system of 
the Selachia and Holocephala. Bull. 
Mus. Comp. Zool. Harv. Coll., 1888, 17, 
no. 2, 57-119. 53 pls. 1888.1 

Cave animals from southwestern 
Missouri. Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. Harv. 
Coll., 1889, 17, no. 6, 225-240. a : 
il é 


— A large carp and its history. 
Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., 1889, 24, 
168-170. 1889.2 

— On a genus and species of the 
Characines ( Henochilus wheatlandit, gen. 
et sp. nov.) Bull. Essex Instit., 1890, 
22, 49-52. pil. 1890.1 

—On species of Cynopotamus. 
Bull. Essex Instit., 1890, 22, 11-14. 

— On species of Gasteropelecus. 
Bull. Essex Instit., 1890, 22, 8-10. 

On the species of the genus 
Anostomus. Bull. Essex Instit., 1890, 
22, 15-23. 1890.4 

On the species of the genus 
Chalecinus in the Museum of Compara- 
tive Zoology at Cambridge, Mass. Bull. 
Essex Instit., 1890, 22, 1-7. 1890.5 

— The Discoboli, Cyclopteride, 
Liparopside and Liparidide. Mem. 
Mus. Comp. Zool. Harv. Coll., 1892, 14, 

no:2. 96 p. 13 pls. 1892.1 
With copious bibliography. 
— The distribution of fishes. Sci- 
ence, 1892, 19, 187. 1892.2 

— Dr. D. H. Storer’s work on the 

fishes. Science, 1892, 19, 295-296. 
—— The vesicles of Savi. Science, 
1892, 19, 128. 1892.4 

The lace de Marbre trout, a new 
species. Science, 1893, 22,23. 1893.1 

— The cyprinodonts. Mem. Mus. 
Comp. Zool, Harv. Coll., 1895, 19, no. 1, 
1-179. 12 pls. 1895.1 

— Sexual rights and lefts. Amer. 
Naturalist, 1895, 29, 1012-1014. 1895.2 

Cross fertilization and sexual 
rights and lefts among _ vertebrates. 
Amer. Naturalist, 1896, 30, 232. 1896.1 

Report on the fishes collected by 
the Bahama expedition, of the State 
University of Iowa, under Prof. C. C. 
Nutting, in 1893. Bull. Lab. Nat. Hist. 
Univ. Iowa, 1896, 4, 76-93. 4 pls. 


Reports on an exploration of the 
west coast of Mexico, Central and South 
America, and off the Galapagos islands, 
in charge of Alexander Agassiz, by the 
U.S. fish commission steamer “‘ Alba- 



tross,”’ during 1891. The fishes. Mem. 
Mus. Comp. Zool. Harv. Coll., 1899, 24, 
1-431. 97 pls. . 1899.1 

—— Aspecies of goby from the shores 
of Clipperton island. Proc. New Eng- 
land Zool. Club, 1899, 1, 63-64. 1899.2 

Additions to the ichthyological 
fauna of the Bermudas, from the col- 
lections of the Yale expedition of 1898. 
Trans. Connecticut Acad. Sci., 1900, 10, 
pt. 2, 510-512. 1900.1 

—— Genera and families of the chim- 
eroids. Proc. New England Zool. Club, 
1901, 2, 75-77. 1901.1 

Some fishes from Australasia. 

Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. Harv. Coll., 
1903, 39, 229-241. 5 pls. 1903.1 
The chimeroids (Chismopnea 

Raf., 1815; Holocephala Miill., 1834), 
especially Rhinochimera and its allies. 
Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. Harv. Coll., 

1904, 41, 243-272. 15 pls. 1904.1 
New Plagiostomia. Bull. Mus. 
Comp. Zool. Harv. Coll., 1906, 46, 203- 
208. 1906.1 
Pisces (In Vertebrata from the 
Savanna of Panama. No. 12) Bull. 

Mus. Comp. Zool. Harv. Coll., 1906, 46, 
229-230. 1906.2 

Paper from the John E. Thayer expedition of 
1904. No. 3. 

New Plagiostomia and Chis- 
mopnea. Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. Harv. 
Coll., 1908, 51, 251-256. 1908.1 

The Chismopnea (chimzeroids) 
Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool. Harv. Coll., 
1911, 40, 79-101. 1911.1 

Pisces (In Some Chinese ver- 
tebrates) Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool. 
Harv. Coll., 1912, 40, 111-123. 1912.1 

The Plagiostomia (sharks, skates 
and rays) Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool. 
Harv. Coll., 1913, 36, 1-528. 77 pls. 


The text and atlas are in separate volumes. 

Garman, Samuel, & Denton, Sher- 
man F, Abnormal embryos of trout and 
salmon. Soe. Scient. Observ., Boston, 
1886, 5, 1-7. 1886.1 

Garman, Samuel, & Putnam, Fred- 
erick Ward. See Putnam & Garman. 

Garnault, Paul. Rectification (Cy- 
clostoma elegans} Zool. Anz., 1888, 11, 
623-624. 1888.1 


Garnett, Thomas [1799-1878] Facts 
on the natural history and habits of the 
salmon, and some opinions on the laws 
affecting them, with suggestions for their 
improvement. Clitheroe [1867] 59 p. 
8°. 1867.1 

Consists of letters written at different times 
from 1834 to 1866, some of which were published 
in Loudon’s Magazine of natural history, and in 
various newspapers. 

Garnier, Jules [1839—] _ 
géante A la Nouvelle-Calédonie. Rev. 
Scient., 1903, 4. sér. 19, 700. 1903.1 

Garreau, ——, & Despinoy, —— 
See Despinoy & Garreau. 

Garrett, A. J. Descriptions of new 
species of fishes. Julis ornatissimus, 
Chironectes rubrofuscus, Ophisurus cali- 
forniensis, Chetodon multicinctus. Proce. 


Calif. Acad. Sci., 1863, 3, 63-66; 103- 
107. 1863.1 
Garrey, Walter E. A slight reflex 

shown by sticklebacks. Biol. Bull. 
Woods Hole, 1905, 8, 79-84. fig. 1905.1 

Garrigou, Joseph Louis Félix (1835 
—] Les poissons fossiles. La Nature, 
1874, 2, 115-118. figs. 1874.1 

Garstang, Walter. The chromato- 
phores of animals [Fishes] Sci. Prog- 
ress, 1895-96, 4, 123-125. 1895.1 

Hjort’s hydrographic-biological 
studies of the Norwegian fisheries: a 
review. Journ. Mar. Biol. Assoc., 
1897-99, n. s. 5, 56-71. Also separate; 
Plymouth, 1897. 8°. 1897.1 

Malformation of the mouth in 
the common seabream. Journ. Mar. 
Biol. Assoc., 1897-99, n. s. 5, 345-347. 

On the variation, races and mi- 
grations of the mackerel (Scomber scom- 
ber) Journ. Mar. Biol. Assoc., 1897- 
99, n. s. 5, 235-295. 1897.3 

Preliminary note on the races 
and migrations of the mackerel (Scom- 
ber scomber) Rept. Brit. Assoc. Adv. 
Sci., 68. meet., 1898, 902-904. 1898.1 

Albinism and natural selection. 
Nature, 1900, 62, 620-621. 1900.1 

Observations on Merluccius merluccius. 

An albino hake (Merluccius mer- 
Journ. Mar. Biol. Assoc., 1900— 
03, n. s. 6, 275-276. 1900.2 

Experiments on the artificial 
rearing of sea-fish. Rept. Brit. Assoc. 
Adv. Sci., 69. meet., 1899 (1900), 784. 





Gadus esmarkii (Nilss.) in shal- 
low water. Journ. Mar. Biol. Assoe., 
1900-03, n. s. 6, 274-275. 1900.4 

The impoverishment of the sea. 
Journ. Mar. Biol. Assoc., 1900-03, n. s. 
6, 1-69. 1900.5 

Reviewed by E. Ehrenbaum in Mitth. 
Deutsch. Seefischerei Ver., 1901, 24-25. 

Preliminary experiments on the 
rearing of sea-fish larve. Journ. Mar. 
Biol. Assoc., 1900-03, n. s. 6, 70-93. 
Also separate; Plymouth, 1900. 8°. 


Report on trawling and other 
investigations carried out in the bays of 
the southeast coast of Devon during 
1901 and 1902. Journ. Mar. Biol. As- 
soc., 1900-03, n. s. 6, 435-527. 1900.7 

Experiments in the transplan- 
tation of small plaice to the Dogger bank. 
Rept. North Sea Fish. Invest. Comm. 

- 1902-03 (1905), no. 2, 45-65. 2 figs. & 

map. 1905.1 
General report on the fishery 
investigations. Rept. North Sea Fish. 

Invest. Comm. 1902-03 (1905), no. 2, 
1-11. 1905.2 

The natural history of the North 
Sea _[President’s address] Trans. Nor- 
folk & Norwich Nat. Soc., 1905, 8, 5-14. 

Provisional report on the nat- 
ural history of the plaice based on the 
work of Committee B in the period end- 
ing June 30, 1904. Rapp. & Proc. Verb. 
Perman. Intern. Explor. Mer, 1905, 3 
(App. H), 3-53. figs. charts & tables. 

Report on experiments with 
marked fish during 1902-03. Rept. North 
Sea Fish. Invest. Comm. 1902-03 
(1905), no. 2, 13-42. 6 maps. 1905.5 

Report on the trawling investi- 
gations, 1902-03, with especial reference 
to the distribution of the plaice. Rept. 
North Sea Fish. Invest. Comm. 1902- 
03 (1905), no. 2, 67-197. 6 figs. 2 maps. 

The fisheries of the North sea 
and the bearings of recent investiga- 
tions upon the problems of supply. 
Journ. Soc. Arts London, 1906, 54, 401— 
409. 1906. i 

‘The disappearance of the plaice. 
Naturalist, London, 1909, 34, 1 

e weds Apt det ahem, 

al vw cata SAHA, Mer hong Ss 




The distribution of the plaice in 
the North sea, Skagerak and Kattegat, 
according to size, age and frequency. — 
Report on the trawling investigations of 
the research steamers from October 1902 
to July 1907. Proc. Verb. Conseil Per- 
man. Intern. Explor. Mer, 1909, 11, 65- 
133. 6 pls. & 6 figs. 1909.2 

Report on experiments with 
marked plaice during 1904 and 1905. 
Rept. North Sea Fish. Invest. Comm. 
1909 (1912), no. 4, 153-224. 5 figs. & 
29 pls. 1912.1 

Garstang, Walter, & Browne, F. 
Balfour. Motella tusca. A new British 
record. Journ. Mar. Biol. Assoc., 1900— 
03, n. s. 6, 626-627. 1900.1 

_ Garstang, Waiter, & Byrne, L. W. 

The fauna of the Salcombe estuary. 
Pisces. Journ. Mar. Biol. Assoc., 1900- 
03, n. s. 6, 214-215. 1900.1 

Garstang, Walter, Petersen, C.G../., 
& Kyle, H. N. Sce Petersen, Gar- 
stang & Kyle. 

Garten, S. Beitriige zur Physiologie 
des elektrischen Organes der Zitter- 
rochen. Abh. Sachs. Gesell. Wiss., 
Leipzig, 1900, 25, 253-366. 4 pls. 


Reviewed by R. F. Fuchs in Biol. Centrabl., 

21, 159-160. 
Die Veriinderungen in den Gan- 
glienzellen des elektrischen Lappens der 
Zitterrochen nach Durchschneidung der 
aus ihm entspringenden Nerven. Arch. 
Anat., 1900, 133-154. 2 pls. 1900.2 

Die Produktion der Elektrizitit 
(In Winterstein, H. von. Handbuch der 
vergleichenden Physiologie, Bd. iii, 
Teil 2, 105-224. Jena, 1910) 1910.1 

Ueber einen Fall von _ perio- 
discher Titigkeit der Ganglienzelle. 
Nach Versuchen an Malapterurus elec- 
tricus. Zeitschr. Biol., 1910, 54, 399- 
430. 5 pls. & 4 figs. 1910.2 

Ueber Bau und Funktion der 
elektrischen Organe. Verh. Gesell. 
Naturf. Aertze, 83. Vers. Leipzig, 1911, 
Teil 1, 151-183. Also separate; Leip- 
zig, 1911. 34p. 26figs. 8° (Witting, 
A. Sammlung wissenschaftlicher Vor- 
trige) 1911.1 

Gasch, Adolf. Die Reichwirthschaft 
auf dem Sr. kaiserl. Hoheit dem Herrn 
Erzherzog Albrecht von Oesterreich ge- 
hérigen Gute Kaniéw, Bezirk Biala, 
Galizien. Bielitz, 1880. 12 pe-4°. 


Pond cultivation on the Kaniéw 
estate (district of Biala, Galicia) the 
property of his Imperial Highness, Arch- 

duke Albrecht of Austria. Rept. U.S. 
Fish Comm. 1880 (1883), 8, 535-543. 


Pond culture; the food and 

spawnipg of carp. Rep uo WS See lie 

Comm. 1883 (1885), 11, 43 1150. 

Zucht der Siisswasserfische 1885 
bis 1905. Stenogr. Protok. Verh. Intern. 
Fisch.-Kongr. Wien, 1905 (1906), 256- 
259. 1906.1 

Gaskell, J. F. The distribution and 
physiological action of the suprarenal 
medullary tissue in Petromyzon fluviati- 

lis. Journ. Anat. Physiol., London, 
1912, 44, 59-67. 3 figs. 1912.1 
Gaskell, Walter Holbrook. Spinal 

and cranial nerves. Journ. Anat. Phys- 
iol., London, 1888, 23, p. v. 1888.1 

On the origin of the central 
nervous system of vertebrates. Brain, 
1889, 12, p. 1. 1889.1 

On the relation between the 
structure, function, distribution and 
origin of the cranial nerves; together 
with a theory of the origin of the nervous 
system of vertebrata. Journ. Physiol., 
Cambridge, 1889, 10, 153-211. 5 pls. & & 
3 figs. 1889.2 

On the origin of vertebrates from 
a crustacean-like ancestor. Quart. 
Journ. Micr. Sci., 1890, 31, 379-444. 4 
pls. 1890.1 
The origin of the vertebrates. 
Cambridge Phil. Soc., 1895, 9, 
Nature, 1896, 54, 551-565. 

The origin of vertebrates; presi- 


dential address. Rept. Brit. Assoc. 
Adv. Sci., 66. meet., 1896, 942-972. 9 
figs. 1896.1 

On the origin of vertebrates, 
deduced from the study of Ammoccetes. 
Journ. Anat. Physiol., London, 1898— 
1906. 1898.1 
The origin of the brain. Journ. Anat. 
Phycol London, 1898, 32, 513-553. 4 figs. 
li. The origin of the vertebrate cranio-facial 
skeleton. Ibid., 553-581. pl. & 3 figs. 
iii. On the origin of the branchial segmenta- 
Mon: Ibid., 1899, 33, 154-188. pl. & 6 figs. 
The thyroid or opercular segment; the 

hearing of the facial nerve. IJbid., 638-671. 
pl. & 15 figs. 

v. On the origin of the pro-otic segmentation; 
the meaning of the trigeminal and eye-mus scle 
nerves. Ibid., 1900, 34, 465-513. 11 figs. 


Gaskell, W. H. 

vi. The old mouth and the olfactory organ; 
be meaning of the first nerve. Ibid., 514-537. 
9 figs. 

vii. On the evidence of prosomatic appendages 
in Ammoceetes, as given by the course and dis- 
tribution of the trigeminal nerve. Ibid., 537- 
561. 5 figs. 

viii. The paleontological evidence: Ammo- 
coetes a cephalaspid. Jbid., 562-587. 3 pls. & 
8 figs. 

ix. On the origin of the optic apparatus; the 
meaning of the optic nerves. Jbid., 1901, 35, 
224-267. 12 figs. 

x. On the origin of the auditory organ; the 
meaning of the eighth cranial nerve; together 
with a consideration of the origin of the cranial 
nerves as a whole, in accordance with the prin- 
ciples laid downin part I. IJbid., 1902, 36, 164— 
208. 13 figs. 

xi. The origin of the vertebrate body cavity 
and excretory organs; the meaning of the so- 
mites of the trunk and of the ductless glands. 
Ibid., 1903, 37, 168-219. 6 figs. 

xii. The principles of embryology. Ibid., 
1905, 39, 371-401. 

xiii. The origin of the notochord and alimen- 
tary canal. IJbid., 1906, 40, 305-317. 5 figs. 

The origin of the cartilaginous 
skeleton of vertebrates. Journ. Anat. 
Physiol., London, 1898, 32, 45-46. 


On the meaning of the cranial 
nerves. Presidential address to the 
Neurological Society for the year 1899. 
Brain, 1899, 22, 329-372. 18 figs. 


The origin of vertebrates. Lon- 
don & New York, 1908. ix, 537 p. 168 
figs. 1908.1 

Gaspard, B. Organisation du pois- 
son connu sous le nom de carpeau. 
Trav. Soc. Emul. Jura, 1828, 44-49. — 
Journ. Physique, 1829, 9, 225-229. 


Recherches anatomiques sur les 
carpeaux. Bull. Sci. Nat. (Férussac), 
1830, 22, 138-140. 1830.1 

Gast, Reinhard. Die Entwickelung 
des Oculomotorius und seiner Ganglien 
bei Selachier-Embryonen. Mitt. Zool. 
Stat. Neapel, 1909, 19, 269-444. 5 pls. 


Gatcombe, John. Silvery hairtail 
(Trichiurus lepturus} on the coast of 
Devon. Zoologist, 1871, 2. ser. 6, 2529. 
Ibid., 1876, 11, 4806. 1871.1 

Blackfish (Centrolophus} on the 
coast of Cornwall. Zoologist, 1872, 2. 
ser. 7, 3236. 1872.1 

Occurrence of the bogue off 
Plymouth (Sparus boops = Boops vul- 
garis) Zoologist, 1872, 2. ser. 7, 3189. 


Devonshire coast. 


Occurrence of the tunny (Thyn- 
nus thynnus) at Plymouth. Zoologist, 
1872, 2. ser. 7, 3276. 1872.3 

Fox shark off the coast of Corn- 
wall. Zoologist, 1873, 2. ser. 8, 3697. 

Pilot-fish [Naucrates ductor) at 
Plymouth. Zoologist, 1874, 2. ser. 9, 
4266. 1874.1 

— Red band-fish (Cepola rubescens} 
at Plymouth. Zoologist, 1876, 2. ser. 
11, 4767. 1876.1 

—— Large mackerel ;Scomber scomber} 
at Plymouth. Zoologist, 1878, 3. ser. 2, 
107. 1878.1 

Swordfish (Xiphias gladius) and 
sunfish (T’etraodon mola) on the coast of 
Devon. Zoologist, 1878, 3. ser. 2, 351- 
352. 1878.2 

Boar-fish (Capros aper} on the 
Zoologist, 1879, 3. 
ser. 3, 429. 1879.1 

; Boar-fish off Plymouth. Zool- 
ogist, 1879, 3. ser. 3, 461-462. 1879.2 

Porbeagle shark pSqualus cornu- 
bicus) off Plymouth. Zoologist, 1881, 3. 

ser. 5, 425. 1881.1 

— Thresher shark 14 feet in 
length) off the coast of Devon. Zool- 
ogist, 1882, 3. ser. 6, 434. 1882.1 

Gatti, Michele A. Il Chrondostoma 
genet Bp., nella provincia di Teramo. 
Boll. Soc. Romana Zool., 1896, 5, 211- 
217. 1896.1 

Contribuzione alla conoscenza 
del genere Alburnus in Italia. Bull. Soc. 
Romana Zool., 1897, 6, 161-176. 1897.1 

Ricerche sugli organi biofoto- 
genetici dei pesci. Parte II. Organi di 
tipo elettrico. Parte III. Sviluppo 
degli organi dei due tipi. Atti Acead. 
Lincei, Roma (Rendic.), 1899, 5. ser. 8, 

81-87. 1899.1 
Ricerche sugli organi luminosi 
dei pesci. Ann. Agricolt., Roma, 1904, 

no. 233, 7-126. pl. 1904.1 

Gatti, Michele A., & Chiarini, Pietro. 
See Chiarini & Gatti. 

Gauckler, Philippe [1826—j La 
pisciculture et le repeuplement des cours 
d’eau. Epinal, 1879. 18p. 8°. 1879.1 

_—— Les poissons d’eau douce et la 
pisciculture. Paris, 1880. 299 p. 37 
figs. 8°. 1880.1 


er ea 




Gaudry, Jean Albert [1827-1908] For 
biographical notice, see Science, 1909, 
n. s. 29, 138-140; also sketch with por- 
trait in Boule, M. La _paléontologie 
zoologique [with bibliography) Paris, 
1915. 33 p. 8°. 

Les enchainements du monde 
animal dans les temps géologiques. 
siles primaires. Paris, 1883. figs. 8°. 

Fishes, p. 218-250. 

Les vertébrés fossiles des envi- 
rons d’Autun. Bull. Soc. Autun, 1888, 
1, 1-78. 3 pls. & figs. 1888.1 

Extracts from the author’s previously pub- 

lished papers on the batrachians and fishes of the 
Permian of Autun. 

Les enchainements du monde 

animal dans les temps géologiques. Fos- 

siles secondaires. Paris, 1890. 322 p. 

figs. 8°. 1890.1 
Fishes, p. 146-168. 

Gaupp, Ernst. Die Entwickelung der 
Wirbelsiule. Zool. Centralbl., 1897, 4, 
533-550. 1897.1 

Zur Entwickelung der Schiidel- 
knochen bei den Teleostiern. Verh. Anat. 
Ges., Jena, 1903, 17, 113-123. figs. 


Gauss-Garady, Viktor von. Unsere 
Makrele in neuer biologischer Beleuch- 
tung. Ogesterreich. Fischerei Zeitg., 
1909, 6, 169-170. 1909.1 

Gautier, Armand. Empoisonnement 
par un poisson toxicophore en rade de Rio 
Janeiro. Arch. Méd. Nav. Paris, 1864, 
2, 266. 1864.1 

— L’ichthyotoxine, poison du sang 
de l’anguille. Etangs & Riviéres, 1896, 
9. année, 267-269. 1896.1 

Gautier, Armand, & Clausmann, P. 
Le fluor dans l’organisme animal. Bull. 
Soe. Chim. France, 1913, 4. sér. 18, 909- 
924. 1913.1 

Gautier, Armand, & Mourgues, L. 
Sur les alcaloides de I’huile de foie de 
morue (Gadus morrhua, G. callarias, G. 
carbonarius, etc.) C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 
1888, 107, 110-112; 626-630. 1888.1 

—— Sur un corps, 4 la fois acide et 
base, contenu dans les huiles de foie de 
morue; l’acide morrhuique. C.R. Acad. 
Sci. Paris, 1888, 107, 740-743. 1888.2 

Gauthier, C. W. Whitefish in the 
Great lakes. Comm. Conservation Can- 
ada, 1911, 146-153. 1911.1 

Gauthier, Henri. Du transport des 
poissons frais par les chemins de fer. 
Mém. & C. R. Congr. Intern. d’Aqui- 
cult. et Péche, 1900 (1901), 242-248. 


Gautrelet, Jean. Communication 
osmotique chez les poissons entre le 
milieu intérieur et le milieu extérieur (A 
propos de deux notes de M. Quinton) 
C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1905, 140, 108— 
109. 1905.1 

_ Gavini, Sur les progrés de la pis- 
ciculture dans le département de |’Hé- 
rault (extrait du rapport) Bull. Soe. 
Acclim. Paris, 1860, 7, 30-32. 1860.1 

Gavinus, - Tentamen ichthyo- 
logize Melitenis. Melistz, 1859. 1859.1 

Gawrilenko, A. Die Entwickelung 
des Geruchsorgans bei Salmo salar (Zur 
Stammesentwickelung des Jacobson- 
schen Organs) Anat. Anz., 1910, 36. 
Jahrg., 411-427. 23 figs. 1910.1 

Gay, Claudio [1800-1873] Historia 
fisica y politica de Chile. 8 vols. Paris, 
1848. 1848.1 

Vol. ii. Zoologia, p. ii, 137-370. pls. 

Gay, John, & Seal, William P. The 
past and present of fish culture with an 
inquiry as to what may be done to further 
promote and develop the science. Trans. 
Amer. Fisheries Soc. 1890 (1891), 66-79. 


Gay-Lussac, Lowis Joseph, & Hum- 
boldt, Alexander. Expériences sur la 
torpille. Ann. de Chimie, 1805, 56, 15- 
23.— Journ. (Nicholson), 18, 180-184. 
— Phil. Mag. (Tilloch), 23, 356-360. 


Gazola, (Count) Giovambattista. Let- 
tere recentemente pubblicate sui pesci 
fossili Veronesi con annotazioni inedite 
agli estratti delle medesime. Verona, 
1794. 6pls. 8°. 1794.1 

Lettera al Sig. Francesco Orazio 
Scorticagna di Lonigo sopra la descrizi- 
one di un pesce petrificato da esso publi- 
cato in Vicenza (pesce del Bolea) Ve- 
rona, 1805. 1805.1 

Notice by G. B. Brocchi in his Conchiologia 
fossile subapenina, p. 75. Milano, 1814. 

Geare, Randolph I. The lake white- 
fish (In The fisheries and fishery indus- 
tries of the United States, edited by 
George Brown Goode. Sect. 1, p. 507— 
540. 2 pls. Washington, 1884) 1884.1 
The progress of our fisheries. 
Leslie’s Popular Sci. Monthly, 1884, 18, 
503-510. 1884.2 


Geare, R. J. 

The remora or sucking-fishes. 

Amer., 1902, 87, 73. 2 figs. 

The allmouth (Lophius piscato- 
Amer. Inventor, 1903, 10, 143. 

A nest-building fish |Pterophryne 
Scient. Amer., 1903, 89, 218. 

A list of the publications of the 
United States National Museum, 1901— 




1906. With an index to titles. Bull. 
U.S. Nat. Mus., 1906, no. 51. suppl. 1. 
40 p. 1906.1 

Ichthyological papers are enumerated. 

Geay, F. Péches dans les affluents de 
VOrinoque. Etangs & Rivieres, 1896, 
9. année, 324-326; 361-365. Ibid., 1897, 
10. année, 37-41; 85-90; 147-151; 344— 

346. 1896.1 

Geay, F., & Pettit, Auguste. 
Pettit &« Geay. 

Gebhard, John. Catalogue of the 
quadrupeds, birds, reptiles, amphibians, 
fishes, ete., added to the state cabinet of 
natural history from Jan. 1, 1849, to 
Jan. 1, 1850. 3. Ann. Rept. State Cab. 
Nat. Hist. N. Y., 1850, 17-26. 1850.1 

Gebhardt, Walther. Ueber das 4l- 
teste geologisch bekannte Vorkommen 
von Knochengewebe  (Placodermen) 
Anat. Anz., 1907, 30, 72-90. 1907.1 

Geddes, James. Catfish take the fly. 
Forest & Stream, 1880, 15, 267. 1880.1 


Geer, Carl de, & Fahlberg, Algot. See 
Fahlberg & Geer. 

Geering, Traugott. Fischer und 
Schiffer. Basel, 1886. 1886.1 

Gegenbaur, Carl [1826-1903] Grund- 
ziige der vergleichende Anatomie. Leip- 
zig, 1859. xiv, 606 p. illust. 1859.1 

Ueber den Bau und die Entwicke- 
lung der Wirbelthiereier mit partieller 
Dottertheilung. Arch. Anat. Physiol., 
Leipzig, 1861, 491-529. pl. — Gesam. 
Abh., Leipzig, 1912, 2, 21-48. pl. 


Ossifikation und Skelettgewebe. 

Jena. Zeitschr. Naturw., 1864, 1, 343- 
369. pl. Ibid., 1866, 3, 206-246. 2 pls. 

Half-title reads: Ueber die 

\ Bildung des 



Untersuchungen zur vergleichen- 
den Anatomie der Wirbelthiere. 3 Hefte 

inl. Leipzig, 1864-72. 37 pls. 4°. 
pe i. Carpus und Tarsus. 1864. vii, 127 p. 
6 pls. 
Heft li Schultergiirtel der Wirbelthiere. 

Brustflosse der Fische. 1865. vi, 176 p. 9 pls. 
Heft iii. Das Kopfskelet der Selachier; ein 

Beitrag zur Erkenntniss des Kopfskeletes der 

Wirbelthiere. 1872. x, 316 p. 22 pls. 

Vergleichende Anatomie und ent- 
wicklungsgeschichtliche Untersuchun- 
gen, besonders an Fischen. 4 vols. Leip- 
zig, 1864-65. pls. 8°. 1864.3 

Sur la métamorphose des pois- 
sons. Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., Genéve, 
1865, n. s. 24, 161. 1865.1 

Zur vergleichenden Anatomie des 
Herzens. Jena. Zeitschr. Naturw., 1865, 
2, 365-383.— Gesam. Abh., Leipzig, 
1912, 2, 168-176. 1865.2 

i. Ueber den Bulbus arteriosus der Fische, 
p. 365-375. 
Ueber den Brustgiirtel und die 
Brustflosse der Fische. Jena. Zeitschr. 
Naturwiss., 1866, 2, 121-125. — Gesam. 
Abh., Leipzig, 1912, 2, 160-165. 1866.1 

Ueber den Bulbus arteriosus der 
Fische (In his Zur vergleichenden Ana- 
tomie des Herzens. Jena. Zeitschr. Na- 
turwiss., 1866, 2, 365-374. — Gesam. 
Abh., Leipzig, 1912, 2, 168-176) 1866.2 

Ueber die Entwickelung der 
Wirbelsiule des Lepidosteus, mit ver- 
gleichend-anatomischen Bemerkungen. 
Jena. Zeitschr. Naturw., 1867, 3, 359-419. 
3 pls. & 2 figs. — Gesam. Abh., Leipzig, 
1912, 2, 251-304. 3 pls. & 2 figs. Criti- 
cism by E.C. In Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 
Genéve, 1868, n. s. 32, 237-249. 1867.1 

Ueber primire und _ secundire 
Knochenbildung mit besonderer Bezie- 
hung auf die Lehre vom Primordial- 
cranium. Jena. Zeitschr. Naturwiss., 
1867, 3, 54-73. — Gesam. Abh., Leipzig, 
1912, 2, 185-202. 1867.2 

Ueber Skelettgewebe der Cyclo- | 
stomen. Jena. Zeitschr. Naturw., 1869, 
5, 43-53. pil. 1869.1 

Grundziige der vergleichenden 

Anatomie. 2.ed. Leipzig, 1870. 892 p. 
319 figs. 8°. 1870.1 
Ueber das Gliedmassenskelett 

der Enaliosaurier. Jena. Zeitschr. Na- 
turwiss., 1870, 5, 332-349. pl. 1870.2 

Comparison of the skeletal parts of ichthyo- 
saurs with selachians, ete. 




See —————————————— oe 

Ueber das Skeletgewebe der Cy- 
clostomen. Jena. Zeitschr. Naturw., 
1870, 5, 43-53. — Gesam. Abh., Leipzig, 
1912, 2, 318-327. pl. 1870.3 

Ueber das Skelett der Glied- 
massen der Wirbelthiere im Allge- 
meinen und der Hintergliedmassen der 
Selachier insbesondere. Jena. Zeitschr. 
Naturw., 1870, 5, 397-447. 2 pls. & 
figs. — Gesam. Abh., Leipzig, 1912, 2, 
345-389. 3 pls. & 7 figs. 1870.4 

Ueber die Modificationen des 
Skelets der Hintergliedmassen bei den 
Mannchen der Selachier und Chimeren. 
Jena. Zeitschr. Naturw., 1870, 5, 448— 
458. pl. & 9 figs. — Gesam. Abh., Leip- 
zig, 1912, 2, 390-398. pl. & 9 figs. 

= 1870.5 

Ueber die Kopfnerven von Hex- 
anchus und ihr Verhiltniss zur ‘‘ Wir- 
beltheorie”’ des Schidels. Jena. Zeitschr. 
Naturw., 1871, 6, 497-559. fig. — Ge- 
sam. Abh., Leipzig, 1912, 2, 455-509. 
pl. 1871.1 

Ueber das Archipterygium. 
Jena. Zeitschr. Naturw., 1873, 7, 131- 
141. pl. — Gesam. Abh., Leipzig, 1912, 
2, 529-538. pl. 1873.1 

Grundriss der vergleichenden 
Anatomie. Leipzig, 1874. 406 p. 320 
HgS., OS. - 1874.1 

Zur Morphologie der Glied- 

massen der Wirbelthiere. Morphol. 
Jahrb., 1876, 2, 396-420. 4 figs. 
sam. Abh., Leipzig, 1912, 3, 97-116. 4 
figs. 1876.1 

Bemerkungen iiber den Vorder- 
darm niederer Wirbelthiere. Morphol. 
Jahrb., 1878, 4, 314-319. — Gesam. 
Abh., Leipzig, 1912, 3, 123-127. 1878.1 

Elements of comparative anat- 
omy, etc., translated (from the second 
German edition) by F. L. Bell . . . the 
translation revised and a preface written 
by E. R. Lankester. London, 1878. 
xxiv, 645 p. illust. 8°. 1878.2 

Grundriss der vergleichende 
Anatomie. 2. Auflage. Leipzig, 1878. 
viii, 655 p. illust. 1878.3 

Ueber das Kopfskelet von Ale- 
pocephalus rostratus Risso. Morphol. 
Jahrb., 1878, 4 (Suppl.), 1-42. 3 pls. 
& fig. — Gesam. Abh., Leipzig, 1912, 3; 
131-164. 3 pls. & fig. 1878.4 

: (Besprechung von) A. Schneider: 
Beitrige zur vergleichenden Anatomie 


und Entwicklungsgeschichte der Wir- 
belthiere. Morphol. Jahrb., 1879, 5, 
526-528. — Gesam. Abh., Leipzig, 1912, 
3, 182-185. 1879.1 

Zur Gliedmassenfrage. An die 
Untersuchungen von Davidoff’s ange- 
kniipfte Bemerkungen. Morph. Jahrb., 
1879, 5, 521-525. — Gesam. Abh., Leip- 
zig, 1912, 3, 176-181. 1879.2 

(Besprechung von) G. Swirski: 
Untersuchungen iiber die Entwicklung 
des Schultergiirtels und des Skeletes der 
Brustflosse des Hechtes. Morphol. 
Jahrb., 1883, 8, 484. 1883.1 

(Besprechung von) E. von Rau- 
tenfeld: Morphologische Untersuchun- 
gen iiber das Skelet der hinteren Glied- 
massen von Ganoiden und Teleostiern. 
Morphol. Jahrb., 1884, 9, 325-326. — 
Gesam. Abh., Leipzig, 1912, 3, 218-219. 

Bemerkungen iiber die Abdomi- 
nalporen der Fische. Morphol. Jahrb., 
1885, 10, 462-464.—Gesam. Abh., 
Leipzig, 1912, 3, 255-257. 1885.1 

Gustaf Retzius. Das Gehoéror- 
gan der Wirbelthiere. Morphol. Jahrb., 
1886, 11, 126-128.—Gesam. Abh., 
Leipzig, 1912, 3, 271-273. 1886.1 

Ueber die Occipitalregion und die 
ihr benachbarten Wirbel der Fische (In 
Festschrift zum siebenzigsten Geburtstag 
von Albert von Kélliker, p. 1-33. pl. & 
2 figs. Leipzig, 1887) — Gesam. Abh., 
Leipzig, 1912, 3, 310-339. pl. & 2 figs. 


Die Metamerie des Kopfes und 
die Wirbeltheorie des Kopfskeletes im 
Lichte der neueren Untersuchungen be- 
trachtet und gepriift. Morphol. Jahrb., 
1888, 13, 1-114. — Gesam. Abh., Leip- 
zig, 1912, 3, 340-482. 1888.1 

Ueber den Conus arteriosus der 

Fische. Morphol. Jahrb., 1891, 17, 
596-610. 7 figs. — Gesam. Abh., Leip- 
zig, 1912, 3, 466-477. 7 figs. 1891.1 

Ueber Cécalanhinge am Mittel- 
darm der Selachier. Morphol. Jahrb., 
1892, 18, 180-184. fig. — Gesam. Abh., 
Leipzig, 1912, 3,478-481. fig. 1892.1 

Zur Phylogenese der Zunge. 
Morphol. Jahrb., 1894, 21, 1-18. _ 5 figs. 
—Gesam. Abh., Lepzig, 1912, 3, 482- 

496. 5 figs. 1894.1 
Clavicula und Cleithrum. Mor- 
phol. Jahrb., 1895, 23, 1-20. 5 figs. — 


Gegenbaur, (. 
Gesam. Abh., Leipzig, 1912, 3, 532-548. 
5 figs. 1895.1 

Das Flossenskelet der Crossop- 
terygier und das Archipterygium der 
Fische. Morphol. Jahrb., 1895, 22, 119- 
160. 5 figs. —Gesam. Abh., Leipzig, 
1912, 3, 497-531. 5 figs. 1895.2 

Festschrift zum _ siebenzigsten 
Geburtstage von C. Gegenbaur, ete. 3 
vols. Leipzig, 1896-97. See Haeckel, 
Ernst, & others. 1896.1 

Vergleichende Anatomie der Wir- 
belthiere mit Beriicksichtigung der Wir- 
bellosen. 2 vols. Leipzig, 1898-1901. 
974 illust. 8°. 1898.1 

Gesammelte Abhandlungen, he- 
rausgegeben von M. Fiirbringer und H. 
Bluntschli; mit einem Vorwort von M. 
Fiirbringer. 3 vols. Leipzig, 1912. 68 
pls. 73 figs. 1912.1 

Kritische Bemerkungen iiber die 
Metamerie des Schidels. Gesam. Abh., 
Leipzig, 1912, 3, 562-574. 1912.2 

Gegenbaur, Carl, & Miklucho-Mac- 
lay, NV. de. See Miklucho-Maclay & 

Gegenbaur, Carl, & others. Fest- 
schrift. A von Kolliker zur Feier seines 
siebenzigsten Geburtstages gewidmet 
von seinen Schiilern. Leipzig, 1887. vi, 
444p. 17 pls. 1887.1 

i. Ueber die Occipitalregion und die ihr 

benachbarten Wirbel der Fische. Von C. Ge- 
vy. Das Geruchsorgan der Tetrodonten, 

nebst Bemerkungen iiber die Hautmuskulatur 
deselben. Von R. Wiedersheim. 

xxili. Zur Physiologie des Fischdarmes. Von 
F. Decker. 

Géhin, Joseph Jean Baptiste [1816— 
1889] Sur lidentité de la truite et du 
rené. Bull. Soc. Hist. Nat. Départ. Mo- 
selle, 1866, 10, p. 5. 1866.1 

Révision des poissons qui vivent 
dans les cours d’eau et dans les étangs du 
département de la Moselle, ayec quel- 
ques considérations sur le Durwinisme. 
Bull. Soe. Hist. Nat. Départ. Moselle, 
1868, 11, 139-242. Also separate; Metz, 
1868. 106p. 8°. 1868.1 

Note sur une variété du chevenne 
commun [(Leuciscus cephalus) et sur un 
cas pathologique observé sur un barbeau 
dela Moselle. Bull. Soc. Hist. Nat. Dé- 
part. Moselle, 1870, 12, 31-387. = 1870.1 

Géhin, Joseph Jean Baptiste, & Rémy, 
Anweisung zur kiinstlichen Fort- 



pflanzung der Fische; oder, die Kunst 
Fische zu siien wie man Getreide siiet, 
nebst den beglaubigen Berichten der 
dafiir niedergesetzten Ausschiisse der 
Gesellschaft fiir Ackerbau und Garten- 
kunde zu Paris. Grimma, 1851. 16°. 

Fécondation artificielle des pois- 
SONS; harisy Sil se 1851.2 

Gehuchten, A. van. Contribution 4 
l’étude du systéme nerveux des téléos- 
téens. La Cellule, 1894, 10, 255-295. 
3 pls. 1894.1 

La moelle épiniére de la truite 
(Trutta fario) La Cellule, 1895, 11, 
111-173. 7 pls. 1895.1 

— Les cellules de Rohon dans la 
moelle épiniére et la moelle allongée de 
la truite (Trutta fario) Bull. Acad. Roy. 
Belgique, 1896, 3. sér. 30, 495-519. 7 
figs. 1896.1 

Contribution 4 l’étude des cel- 
lules dorsales (Hinterzellen) de la moelle 
épiniére des vertébrés inférieurs. Bull. 
Acad. Roy. Belgique, 1897, 3. sér. 34, 
24-38. 1897.1 

Les corps restiformes et les con- 
nexions bulb-cerebelleuses. Le Nevraxe, 
1904, 6, 123-154. 1904.1 

Gehuchten, A. van, & Nelis, Charles. 
Quelques points concernant la structure 
des cellules des ganglions spinaux. La 
Cellule, 1898, 14, 373-384. pl. 1898.1 

Geidies, H. Zum Laichakt des Maul- 
briiters (Haplochromis strigigena Pfeff. 
= Paratilapia multicolor) Blatt. Aquar.- 
Terrar. Kunde, 1912, 28. Jahrg., 679- 
680. fig. 1912.1 

Acara ceruleo-punctata Kner & 

Steind. Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 
1913, 24. Jahrg., 729-731. 2 figs. 

Geinitz, Hans Bruno [1814-1900] 
Characteristik der Schichten und Petre- 
facten der siichsischen Kreidegebirges. 
3 Hefte (Leipzig) 1839-42. 1840.1 

Heft 2. B, Fische, Crustaceen, Mollusken. 
1840. 63p. 8 pls. 

— Zur Fauna des Rothliegenden 
und Zechsteins. Zeitschr. Deutsch. 
Geol. Gesell., 1860, 12, 467-470. 1860.1 

Refers to the dorsal spine of Xenacanthus 

Die fossilen Fischschuppen aus 
dem Pliner-Kalke von Strehlen. Denk- 
schr. Ges. Natur- u. Heilk. Dresden, 
1868, 31-56. 4 pls.— Verh. Geol. 
Reichsanst, 1869, 14-15. 1868.1 

ial ata 




Das Elbthalgebirge in Sachsen. 
Zweiter Theil. Der mittlere und obere 
Quader. VI. Wiirmer, Krebse, Fische 
und Pflanzen. Palzontographica, 1875, 
20, 199-245. 9 pls. 1875.1 

Die sogennanten Koprolithen- 
lager von Helmstedt, Biiddenstedt und 
Schleweke bei Harzburg. Abh. Naturw. 
Gesell. Isis, Dresden, 1883, 3-9. pl. 


Ueber neue Funde in den Phos- 
phatlagern von Helmstedt, Biidden- 
stedt und Schleweke. Abh. Naturw. 
Gesell. Isis, Dresden, 1883, 37-45. pl. 

Contains frequent mention ‘of fossil fish re- 

Ueber ein Graptolithen-fithren- 
den Geschiebe mit Cyathaspis von Ro- 
stock. Zeitschr. Deutsch. Geol. Gesell., 
1884, 36, 854-857. pl. 1884.1 

Geinitz, Hans Bruno, & Marck, W. 
von der. Zur Geologie von Sumatra. 
Cassel, 1876. 2 pls. 4°. 1876.1 

Some fossil fishes are described. 

Geisenheyner, 1. Wirbelthierfauna 
von Kreuznach. I. Fische, Amphibien, 
Reptilien. Wiss. Beilage Progr. 30. K. 
Gymn. Kreuznach, 1888. — Zool. Gar- 
ten, 24, p. 95. 1888.1 

Ueber die Physica der heiligen 
Hildegard von Bingen und die in ihr 
enthaltene Alteste Naturgeschichte des 
Neunauges. Sitzber. Naturf. Ver. Preuss. 
Rheinl. Westfalen, 1911, E, 49-72. 


Gejtel, Nikolai. En stor Piijinne 
gidda. Tidskr. Jigare & Fisk., 1898, 6, 
71-72. 1898.1 

Gelin, Henri. Poissons des Deux- 
Sévres et des eaux douces de ia Vendée. 
Mém. Soe. Vulgarisation Sci. Nat. Deux- 
Sévres, 1911, 2, 35-64. 1911.1 

Gellner, F. Der rote Fundulus (Fun- 
dulus sjéstedti?) Wochenschr. Aquar.- 
Terrar. Kunde, 1911, 8. Jahrg., 73-74. 
fig. 1911.1 

—— Characidium (Jobertina) rachovii 
(Regan) oder Leporinus melanopleura? 
Wochenschr. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 
1913, 10. Jahrg., 193-194. 2 figs. 1913.1 

Gemelli, Fr. A. Sur la structure de 
la région infundibulaire des poissons. 
Journ. Anat. Physiol., Paris, 1906, 42, 
77-86. pl. 1906.1 

Gemelli, Giovanni. Notizie sulla 
pesca nel lago d’ Orta. Acquicult. 
Lombarda, Milano, 1905, 3, 141-144. 


Gemmellaro, Gaetano Giorgio [1832 
—] Ricerche sui pesci fossili della Sici- 
lia. Atti Accad. Gioen. Sci. Nat., Ca- 
tania, 1857, 13, 279-328. 6 pls. 1857.1 

Saggio d’ ittiologia del golfo di 
Catania. Atti Accad. Gioen. Sci. Nat., 
Catania, 1868, 19, 113-158. 1868.1 

Gemmellaro, Mariano. Ittiodonto- 
liti del Miocene medio di aleune regioni 
delle provincie di Palermo e di Girgenti. 
Giorn. Soc. Sci. Nat. Econ., Palermo, 
1912, 29, 117-156. 4 pls. 1912.1 

Ittiodontoliti eocenici di Patara 
(fra Trabia e Termini Imerese) Giorn. 
Soe. Sci. Nat. Econ., Palermo, 1912, 29, 
287-312. pl. 1912.2 

Acrodus & Ginglymostoma. 

Two new species: 

Gemmill, James F. The pseudo- 
branch and intestinal canal of teleo- 
steans. Rept. Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 68. 
meet., 1899, 588-589. 1899. i 

Cyclopia in osseous fishes. Rept. 
Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 70. meet., 1900, 
784-785. 1900.1 

The anatomy of symmetrical 
double monstrosities in the trout. Proc. 
Roy. Soc. London, 1901, 68, no. 444, 
129-134. 1901.1 

A contribution to the study of 
double monstrosities-in fishes. Proc. 
Zool. Soc. London, 1903, 2, 4-23. pl. 


Notes on supernumerary eyes, 
and local deficiency and reduplication of 
the notochord in trout embryos. Proc. 
Zool. Soc. London, 1906, pt. 1, 449-452. 
pl. 1906.1 

On Cyclopia in osseous fishes. 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1906, 443-449. 

—— The teratology of fishes. Glas- 
gow, 1912. 74 p. 26 pls. & 114 figs. 

Gemzée, K. J. Om aalens alder og 
vekst (On the age and growth of the 
eel] Beret. Danske Biol. Stat., Benes 
havn, 1907, 14, 10-38. 1907.1 

Genazzini, #., Gervasoni, 7’., Vin- 
ciguerra, De Besana, G., & Burgui- 
éres, EH. See Vinciguerra, Besana «& 




a a ee SS es Ee EE Eee 

Gendersen Stort, A.G. H. van. Over 
de teleneuronen in het netvlies van Leu- 
ciscus rutilus. Versl. Akad. Wet. Am- 
sterdam, 1897, 425-428. 1897.1 

Genetz, Arvid Thorsten Birger. Nagra 
tankar i anledning af fiskeriféreningens 
arsberittelse. Fiskeritidskr. Finl., 1897, 
6, 199-202. 1897.1 

: - Lax i norra delen af Ladoga. 
Fiskeritidskr. Finl., 1899, 8, 218. 

Gengou, 0. De l’action empéchante 
du citrate de soude sur l’hémolyse par le 
sérum d’anguille. C. R. Mém. Soe. Biol. 
Paris, 1907, 1, 736-738. 1907.1 

De Jinfluence des électrolytes 
sur l’hémolyse par le sérum d’anguille. 
C. R. Mém. Soc. Biol. Paris, 1907, 63, 
93-95. 1907.2 

Gens, Emile. De la protection des 
poissons d’eau douce. Verviers, 1879. 

sur l’exposition de 
Moniteur Belge, 1880, 

Notions sur les poissons d’eau 
douce de Belgique. Bruxelles, 1885. 

— La pisciculture et l’aquiculture 
appliquée 4 la Belgique. Bruxelles, 
1891. 1891.1 

— La péche dans le lac de la Gileppe 
(Belgique) Bull. Soe. Centr. Aquicult. 
France, 1893, 5, 196-198. 1893.1 

Gensch, H. Die Blutbildung auf 
dem Dottersack bei Knochenfischen. 
Vorlaufige Mittheilung. Arch. Mikrosc. 
Anat., 1881, 19, 144-146. 1881.1 

Gensoul, Joseph. Monographie des 
poissons du département de Sadne-et- 
Loire. Bull. Soc. Hist. Nat. Autun, 
1908, no. 20, 153-250. Tbid., 1909, no. 
22, 201-206. 1908.1 

Note sur deux poissons hybrides, 
gardon et bréme bordeliére (Leuciscus 
rutilus et Blicca bjerkna. Gardon et 
rotengle, Leuciscus rutilus et Scardinius 
erythrophthalmus) Bull. Soc. Hist. Nat. 
Autun, 1908, no. 21 (Proc. Verb.), 107— 
109. 1908.2 

Le rock-bass. Bull. Soc. Nat. 
Acclimat. France, 1910, 57, 112-116. 
fig. 1910.1 

La reproduction du calico-bass 
en Europe (Pomoxys annularis Raf.) 

péche de Berlin. 
septembre 19. 

— 64, 1073-1075. 

Bull. Soc. Nat. Acclim. France, 1913, 
60, 284-287. 1913.1 

Gent, John J. Upon the abundance 
of fish on the New England coast in 
former times. Rept. U. 8, Fish Comm. 
1871-72 (1873), 1, 149-154. 1873.1 

Gent, John J., Trumbull, J. Ham- 
mond, & others. See Trumbull, Gent 
«& others. 

Gentes, L. Structure du lobe glandu- 
laire de l’hypophyse chez les poissons. 
Bull. Soc. Anat. Physiol. Bordeaux, 
1903, 24. 1903.1 

Signification choroidienne du 
sac vasculaire. C. R. Mém. Soe. Biol. 
Paris, 1906, 60, 101-103. 1906.1 

Développement comparé de la 
glande infundibulaire et des plexus 
choroides dorsaux chez la torpille. C. R. 
Mém. Soc. Biol. Paris, 1908, 64, 687-— 
689. 1908.1 

Développement et évolution de 
Vhypencéphale et de l’hypophyse de 
Torpedo marmorata Risso. Trav. Soe. 
Sci. Stat. Zool. Arcachon, 1908, 11, 1-64. 
Abstract in C. R. Mém. Soe. Biol. Paris, 

Développement et évolution du 
sac inférieur de l’hypophyse de Torpedo 
marmorata Risso. C. R. Mém, Soe. 
Biol. Paris, 1908, 64, 1073-1075. 1908.3 

Les lobes latéraux de l’hypophyse 
de Torpedo marmorata Risso. C. R. 
Mém. Soc. Biol. Paris, 1908, 64, 1072— 
1073. 1908.4 

Sur le développement des lobes 
inférieurs chez les sélaciens. C. R. Mém. 
Soc. Biol. Paris, 1908, 64, 836-838. 


Gentil, Ambroise [1842 —] Ichthyo- 
logie dela Sarthe. Le Mans, 1884. 24p. 
8°. 1884.1 

Gentil, W. Voyage dans les mers de 
l’Inde. 2 vols. Paris, 1781. 27 pls. & 
maps. 4°. 1781.1 

Poissons de Ja baie de Manille, vol. ii, p. 105- 
106. Phénoméne d'une quantité de poissons 
échoué proche de Manille en 1767, p. 107, 356. 
Poissons du Fort-Dauphin, p. 402. Poisson vo- 
lant; banes de poissons, p. 735. 

Geoffroy-Saint-Hilaire, Albert. 
Note sur les moeurs du Lepidosiren an- 

nectens. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1863, 
67, 541. 1863.1 

Geoffroy-Saint-Hilaire, JHtienne 
Francois [1772-1844] Dissertation sur 




Vorgane de l’ouie de l'homme, des rep- 

tiles et des poissons. Amsterdam & 

Paris, 1778. 8°. 1778.1 
Another edition, Leipzig, 1780. 8°. 

Premier mémoire sur |’organe 
d’ouie des reptiles, et de quelques pois- 
sons, que l’on doit rapporter aux reptiles. 
Mém. Acad. Roy. Sci. Paris, 1786, 11, 
164. 1786.1 

Memoir on the comparative 
anatomy of the electric organs of the 
torpedo, the Gymnotus electricus and the 
Silurus electricus. Phil. Mag. London, 
1801, 15, 126-136. 1801.1 

Description de l’Achire barbu, 
espéce de Pleuronecte indiquée par 
Gronow. Ann. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris, 
1802, 1, 152-155. pl. 1802.1 

Description d’un nouveau genre 
de poisson [Polypterus bichir) de ordre 
des abdominaux. Bull. Soc. Philom. 
Paris, 1802, 3, 97-98.— Magas. En- 
eyel. (Millin), 8, 92-96. — Phil. Mag., 
18, 36-43. — Mag. Physik Naturgesch. 
(Voigt), 5, 438-445. 1802.2 

Histoire naturelle et description 
anatomique d’un nouveau genre de 
poisson du Nil, nommé Polyptére. Ann. 
Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris, 1802, 1, 57-68. — 
Phil. Mag., 18, 36-43. — Mag. Physik 
Naturgesch. (Voigt), 5, 438. 1802.3 

Mémoire ot l’on compare les 
organes électriques de certains poissons. 
Bull. Soc. Philom. Paris, 1802, 3, 169- 
170. — Annal. (Gilbert), 14, 397-415. 


Mémoire sur l’anatomie com- 
parée des organes électriques de la raie 
torpille, du gymnote engourdissant, et 
du silure trembleur. Ann. Mus. Hist. 
Nat. Paris, 1802, 1, 392-407. pl.— 
Phil. Mag., 15, 126-136. — Mag. Physik 
Naturgesch. (Voigt), 7,1. fig. 1802.5 

Sur les branchies du Silurus 
anguillaris. Bull. Soc. Philom. Paris, 
1802, 3, 105. 1802.6 

Sur quelques habitudes com- 
munes au requin et au pilote. Bull. Soe. 
Philom. Paris, 1802, 10, pt. 3, 113-114. 
— Mag. Encyel. (Millin), 8, pt. 1, 531- 
534. 1802.7 

Considérations sur les piéces de 

la téte osseuse des animaux vertébrés, et 

particuliérement sur celles du crane des 

oiseaux. Ann. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris, 

1807, 10, 342-365. pl. 1807.1 
Poissons, p. 342-346. 

Observations sur l’affection mu- 
tuelle de quelques animaux, et particu- 
liérement sur les services rendus au 
requin par le pilote. Ann. Mus. Hist. 
Nat. Paris, 1807, 9, 469-476. 1807.2 

Premier mémoire sur les pois- 
sons, ot l’on compare les piéces osseuses 
de leurs nageoires pectorales avec les 
os de l’extrémité antérieure des autres 
animaux & vertébres. Ann. Mus. Hist. 
Nat. Paris, 1807, 9, 357-372. pl. 


Second mémoire sur les poissons. 
Considérations sur l’os furculaire, une 
des piéces de la nageoire pectorale. Ann. 
Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris, 1807, 9, 413-427. 

Le sternum des poissons. Paris, 
1807. “18 p: pls) 42 1807.5 

Sur le sac branchial de la bau- 
droie, et lusage qu’elle en fait pour 
pécher. Ann. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris, 
1807, 10, 480-481. 1807.6 

Sur les nageoires pectorales des 
poissons osseux. Paris, 1807. pl. 4°. 
Troisiéme mémoire sur les pois- 
sons, 00 l’on traite de leur sternum sous 
le point de vue de sa détermination et de 
ses formes générales. Ann. Mus. Hist. 
Nat. Paris, 1807, 10, 87-104. pl. 1807.8 

Note sur quelques habitudes de 
la roussette. Ann. Mus. Hist. Nat. 
Paris, 1808, 7, 227-230. 1808.1 

De la synonymie des espéces du 
genre Salmo qui existent dans le Nil. 
Ann. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris, 1809, 14, 
460-466. Abstract in Bull. Soc. Philom. 
Paris, 1810, 73-74. 1809.1 

Extrait de ‘La description de l’Egypte.” 
Paris, 1809. 27 pls. 

Poissons du Nil, de la mer Rouge 
et de la Méditerranée (In Description 
de l Egypte . . . Histoire naturelle, 1809, 
vol. i, pt. 1, p. 1-52. 27 pls. Paris, 
1809-30. 4°) 1809.2 

Des usages de la vessie aérienne 
des poissons. Ann. Mus. Hist. Nat. 
Paris, 1809, 13, 460-464. 1809.3 

Note sur deux espéces d’emissole 
(Mustelus; Ann. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris, 
1811, 17, 160-163. 1811.1 

De la charpente osseuse des or- 
ganes de la respiration dans les poissons, 
ramenée aux mémes parties des autres 




Geoffroy-Saint-Elaire, FL. F. 

animaux vertébrés. Bull. Soc. Philom. 
Paris, 1817, 185-189. — Deutsch. Arch. 
(Meckel), 4, 271-274.— Isis (Oken), 
1818, 8, 1419-1421. 1817.1 

Du _ squelette des poissons ra- 
mené dans toutes ses parties 4 la char- 
pente osseuse des autres animaux verté- 
brés, et premiérement de l’opercule des 
poissons. Bull. Soc. Philom. Paris, 1817, 
125-127. — Deutsch. Arch. (Meckel), 4, 
269-271. — Isis (Oken), 1818, 1422— 
1425. 1817.2 

Ueber das Zungenbein in ver- 
schiedenen Thieren, besonders den Fi- 
schen. Isis (Oken), 1817, 8, 1281. 


Ueber die Knochen an welche 
die Athemorgane bei den Fischen ange- 
heftet sind. Mém. Acad. Sci., Paris, 
1817: Isis (Oken), 1817, 8, 1282. 1817.4 

—Sur le sternum des poissons. 
Ann. Mus. Nat. Hist. Paris, 1818, 10, 77. 
Isis (Oken), 5, 781. Ibid., 6, 1055— 
1059. 1818.1 

Trois mémoires sur les poissons, 
ou l'on compare les piéces osseuses de 
leurs nageoires pectorales avec les os de 
Vextrémité antérieure des autres ani- 
maux A vertébres. Ann. Mus. Hist. 
Nat. Paris, 1818, 9, 357; 413. Jbid., 10, 

87. fig. — Isis (Oken),6,1049. 1818.2 
Ueber den Gabelknochen der 
Fische. Isis (Oken), 1818, 1052-1055. 


Ueber die Knochenstiicke der 
Brustflosse. Isis (Oken), 1818, 1049- 
1052. 1818.4 

Du mode de formation de la ver- 
tébre de ses elémens, de leur arrange- 
ment respectif dans les diverses classes 
des animaux, et premiérement de la ver- 
tébre chez la lamproie. Isis (Oken), 
1S2Ie Teli. 1821.1 

Considérations générales sur la 
vertébre. Mém. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris, 
1822, 9, 89-119. 2 pls. —Isis (Oken), 
1823, 1392-1409. 1822.1 

Ein in Paris lebend angekommen 
Gymnotus electricus. Ann. Physik (Gil- 
bert), 1822, 70. 1822.2 

Sur les tiges montantes des ver- 
tébres dorsales, piéces restreintes dans 
les mammiféres 4 un état rudimentaire 
et portées chez les poissons au maximum 
du développement; pour servir 4 l’intel- 

ligence de la notice sur la gaour. Mém. 
Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris, 1822, 9, 76-88. — 
Isis (Oken), 1823, 1386-1392. 1822.3 

De Vaile operculaire ou auricu- 
laire des poissons, considérée comme un 
principal pivot, sur lequel doit rouler 
toute recherche de détermination des 
pléces composant le crane des animaux; 
sulvi de tableaux synoptiques donnant 
le nombre et expliquant la composition 
de ces piéces. Mém. Mus. Hist. Nat. 
Paris, 1824, 11, 420-444. pl. 1824.1 

Dissertatio philosophica inaugu- 
ralis: De sceleto piscitum, auctore Jano 
Van der Hoeven. Bull. Sci. Nat. (Férus- 
sac), 1824, 2, 86-89. 1824.2 

Lettre aux rédacteurs des An- 
nales des Sciences Naturelles (sur l’audi- 
tion des poissons] Ann. Sci. Nat., 1824, 
2, 255-256. 1824.3 

Note complémentaire de l'article 
sur les prétendus osselets de l’ouie des 
poissons. Mém. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris, 
1824, 11, 258-260. 1824.4 

—— Note sur l’Achirus barbatus, n. 
sp. Bull. Soc. Philom. Paris, 1824, 11, 
pt. 3, 146-147. figs. 1824.5 

Observations sur les prétendus 
osselets de l’ouie trouvés par E. H. 
Weber {chez les poissons} Ann. Sei. 
Nat., 1824, 1, 436-440. 1824.6 

Rapport sur le mémoire de M. le 
docteur Bailly, intitulé: Description des 
filets pécheurs de la baudroie. ; 
Sci. Nat., 1824, 2, 311-323. — Bull. Sei. 
Nat. (Férussac), 9, 210. 1824.7 

Sur l’analogie des filets-pécheurs 
de la baudroie avec une partie des apo- 
physes montantes des vertébres, et spé- 
cialement avec les premiers rayons de la 
nageoire dorsale des silures. Mém. Mus. 
Hist. Nat. Paris, 1824, 11, 132-142. Ab- 
stract in Bull. Sci. Nat. (Férussac), 9, 
240-241. 1824.8 

Sur la nature et la formation de 
ealculs produits soit normalement dans 
les cellules auditives des poissons, soit 
pathologiquement dans d’autres canaux 
intérieurs, quand ceux-ci sont privés 
d’issues naturelles et sécrétoires. 

Soc. Philom. Paris, 1824, 124-125. 

Sur la nature, la formation et les 
usages des pierres qu’on trouve dans les 
cellules auditives des poissons. Mém. 
Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris, 1824, 11, 241-257. 


— Sur les parties de son organisa~ 
tion que la baudroie emploie comme in- 
struments de péche. Mém. Mus. Hist. 
Nat. Paris, 1824, 11, 117-131. 1824.11 

Sur une chaine d’osselets décou- 
verte chez quelques poissons osseux, et 
annoncés comme les analogues des osse- 
lets del’oreille. Bull. Soc. Philom. Paris, 
1824, 100-102. 1824.12 

Sur une nouvelle détermination 
de quelques piéces mobiles chez la carpe, 
ayant été considérées comme les parties 
analogues des osselets de Voreille; et 
sur la nécessité de conserver le nom de 
ces osselets aux piéces de l’opercule. 
Mém. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris, 1824, 11, 
143-160. 1824.13 

Mémoire sur la structure et les 
usages de l’appareil olfactif dans_ les 
poissons, suivi de considérations sur l’ol- 
faction des animaux qu odorent dans 
Yair. Ann. Sci. Nat., 1825, 7, 322-354. 
2 pls. — Abstracts in Bull. Sci. Nat. (Fé- 
russac), 10, 406. — Isis (Oken), 2, 173. 
Also separate; Paris, 1825. 34p. 2 pls. 
Sirs 1825.1 

Sur quelques objections et re- 
marques concernant l’aile operculaire ou 
auriculaire des poissons. Mém. Mus. 
Hist. Nat. Paris, 1825, 12, 13-17. 1825.2 

Observations sur les usages ac- 
cessoires des sacs branchiaux chez la 
baudroie, a l’occasion de la discussion 
rappelée dans le Bulletin, tome 9, no. 
208. Bull. Sci. Nat. (Férussac), 1827, 
10, 165-166. 1827.1 

Des applications de la théorie des 
analogues 4 l’organisation des poissons. 
Ann. Sci. Nat., 1830, 19. 1830.1 

Observations sur la concordance 
des parties de l’hyoide dans les quatre 
classes des animaux vertébrés, accom- 
pagnant, 4 titre de commentaire, le 
tableau synoptique, ou cette concordance 
est exprimée figurativement. Nouv. 
Ann. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris, 1832, 1, 
321-356. pl. 1832.1 

Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, J/sidore 
[1805-1861] Histoire naturelle des 
poissons de la mer Rouge et de la Médi- 
terranée (In Description de |’Egypte 
. . . Histoire naturelle, 1827, vol.i, pt. 1. 
Paris, 1809-30. 4°) 1827.1 

Suite de Vhistoire naturelle des 
poissons du Nil (In Description de 
Egypte ... Histoire naturelle, 1827, 
vol. i, pt. 1. Paris, 1809-30. 4°) 



De la culture et de l’éducation 
des animaux chez les Romains. Bull. 
Soc. Zool. Acclim., 1854, 241-244. 


Les poissons, p. 244, 

Observations relatives aux vues 
de M. Coste sur la formation des mon- 
stres doubles. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 
1855, 40, 873-878. 1855.1 

George, A.F. The fish and fisheries 
of Maryland. Trans. Amer. Fisheries 
Soc. 1899 (1900), 49-54. 1900.1 

George, Seymour. Notice of the cap- 
ture of a large stingaree [Trygon thalassia\ 
Trans. Proc. New Zealand Inst. 1880 
(1881), 13, 426. 1881.1 

Georgi, Johann Gottlieb [1729-1802] 
Geographisch-physikalische und natur- 
historische Beschreibung des Russischen 
Reichs. 3 vols. K6nigsberg, 1797-1802. 


Nachtrag in 13 Abtheilungen. Beschreibung 

einiger Arten von Fische. 

Geraets, E., & Bamps, C. See 

Bamps «& Geraets. 

Gerbe, Z. Observations sur la nidi- 
fication des Crénilabres. Rev. Mag. 
Zool., 1864, 2. sér. 16, 255-258; 273- 
279; 337-340. 1864.1 

Formation des produits adventifs 
de l’ceuf des plagiostomes. C. R. Acad. 
Sci. Paris, 1872, 75, 366-369. 1872.1 

Recherches sur la segmentation 
de la cicatricule et la formation des 
produits adventifs de l’ceuf des plagio- 
stomes et ee des rales. 
Journ. Anat. Physiol., 1872, 8, 609-616. 
3 pls. 1872.2 

Segmentation de la cicatricule 
dans l’ceuf des poissons plagiostomes. 
C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1872, 74, 1339-— 
1341. — Journ. Zool. (Gervais), 1872, ih. 
366-369. 1872.3 

Du lieu 00 se forme la cicatricule 
chez les poissons osseux. Journ. Anat. 
Physiol., 1875, 11, 329-333. 1875.1 

Gerber, Ed. Beitriige zur Geologie 
der Ostlichen Kientaleralpen. Neue 
Denkschr. Allg. Schweiz. Gesell. Nat., 
1905, 40, 19-S8. 3 pls. & 28 figs. 1905.1 

Fossil fishes mentioned. 

Gerbing, Lwise. Aus der Geschichte 
des Schwansees. Mitt. Sichs.-Thiiring. 
Ver. Erdkunde, 1910, 34. Jahrg., 73-81. 



Gergens, —— Ein iiber Land wan- 
dernder Fisch (Gasterosteus aculeatus) 
Natur, 1862, 11, 80. 1862.1 

Gerhardt, K. Llonichthys scheidi, 
n. sp. aus dem Culm von Lenzkirch im 
Schwarzwald. Ber. Oberrhein. Geol. 
Ver., 1899, 32, 16-22. 2 figs. 1899.1 

Gerhardt, Paul. Fischwege und 

Fischteiche. Die Arbeiten des Ingeni- 
eurs zum Nutzen der Fischerei. Leip- 
zig, 1904. 147 p. illust. 4°. 1904.1 

Gerhardt, Ulrich. Der gegenwiir- 
tige Stand der Kenntnisse von den Copu- 
lationsorganen der Wirbeltiere, insbe- 
sondere der Amnioten. Erg. Fortschr. 
Zool., 1908, 1, 367-402. 16 figs. 1908.1 

Gerl, G. von. 
lehre. Wien, 1898. 


Gerlach, Georg. Neuere lebendge- 
barende Zahnkarpfen. Wochenschr. 
Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1908, 5. Jahrg., 
120-121; 129-130; 187-188; 269-270. 
fig. 1908.1 

Ambassis lala. Blatt. Aquar.- 
Terrar. Kunde, 1909, 20. Jahrg., 469-— 
471. 1909.1 

Rivulus spec. Blaétt. Aquar.- 
Terrar. Kunde, 1909, 20. Jahrg., 797— 
799. fig. 1909.2 

Pseudoxiphophorus bimaculatus. 
Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1910, 21. 
Jahrg., 33-35. fig. 1910.1 

Weitere Mitteilungen iiber Pe- 
cilia heteristia Regan. Blatt. Aquar.- 
Terrar. Kunde, 1910, 21. Jahrg., 707- 
708; 723-725. 1910.2 

Barbus _ fasciolatus Giinther. 
Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1911, 22. 
Jahrg., 33-34; 51. fig. 1911.1 

Cyprinodon (Lebias) iberus Val. 
Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1911, 22. 
Jahrg., 621-623; 639-641. fig. 1911.2 

Fundulus rubrifrons Jordan, ein 
neuer Fundulus von Florida. Blatt. 
Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1911, 22. Jahrg., 
655-657. fig. 1911.3 

Haplochilus melastigma Blatt. 
Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1911, 22. Jahrg., 
493-495; 512-514. fig. 1911.4 

Haplochilus spilauchen A. Dum. 
Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1911, 22. 
Jahrg., 722-723. fig. 1911.5 



Betrachtungen iiber die Farben- 
variationen der Haplochilus panchax- 
Gruppe. Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 
1912, 23. Jahrg., 239-243. 7 figs. 1912.1 

Einiges tiber Gambusia holbrooki 
(affints Grd.) (Antwort an A. Th. Kiel) 
Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1912, 23. 
Jahrg., 403-404. 1912.2 ~ 

Haplochilus lineatus Day. Blatt. 
Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1912, 23. Jahrg., 
65-67. 2 figs. 1912.3 

Haplochilus sexfasciatus var.? 
Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1912, 23. 
Jahrg., 741-742. fig. 1912.4 

Nochmals Xiphophorus rachovit 
Regan. Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 
1912, 23. Jahrg., 756-757. 1912.5 

Weitere Mitteilungen iiber Cy- 
prinodon (Lebias) iberus Val. Blatt. 
Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1912, 23. Jahrg., 
691-693. fig. 1912.6 

Zur Pflege und Aufzucht des 
Xiphophorus strigatus Regan (= X7i- 
phophorus helleri var. giintheri) Blatt. 
Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1912, 23. Jahrg., 
787-789. fig. 1912.7 

Zwei weitere Varietiten von 
Platipecilus maculatus. Blatt. Aquar.- 
Terrar. Kunde, 1912, 23. Jahrg., 677- 
679. 2 figs. 1912.8 

Nochmals Xiphophorus rachovi. 
Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1913, 24. 

Jahrg., 322-325. 2 figs. 1913.1 

Germano, Eduardo. La tuberculosi 
sperimentale nei pesci. Giorn. Arte 
Med., 1900, 22. 1900.1 

Germar, Ernst Friedrich [1786-1853] 
Ueber die Fisch-Abdriicke im bitumi- 
nésen Mergelschiefer der Grafschaft 
Mannsfeld. Taschenb. Gesam. Mine- 
ral., 1824, 18, 61-74. fig. 1824.1 

Gerrard, ——, & Gray, John Ed- 
ward. See Gray & Gerrard. 

Gerstaecker, Carl Eduard Adolph, & 
Carus, Julius Viktor. See Carus & 

Gertz, Hans. Gibt elektrische Rei- 
zung phototrope Netzhautreaktion bei 
Abramis brama? Arch. Ophthalm. 
(Graefe), 1911, 78, 224-226. 1911.1 

Gervais, Francois Louis Paul [1816- 
1879] Sur les animaux vertébrés de 
l’ Algérie, envisagés sous le double rap- 


port de la géographie zoologique et de 
la domestication. Ann. Sci. Nat. 
(Zool.), 1848, 3. sér. 10, 202-208. 1848.1 

Poissons, p. 203. 

Zoologie et paléontologie fran- 
gaises (Animaux vertébrés), ou nou- 
velles recherches sur les animaux vi- 
-vants et fossiles de la France. 2 vols. 
Paris, 1848-52. 1848.2 

A second edition of this work was published 
in 1859. 

Remarques sur les poissons fluvi- 
atiles de |’ Algérie, et description de deux 
genres nouveaux sous les noms de Cop- 
todon et Tellia. Ann. Sci. Nat. (Zool.), 
1853, 3. sér. 19, 5-17. — L’ Institut, 
1853, no. 1001. — Extraits Proc. Verb. 
Soc. Philom., 1853, p. 24. 1853.1 

Description d’un poisson fossile 
du terrain crétacé de la Drome, suivie 
d’une liste des poissons fossiles que l’on 
a recueillis en France. Ann. Sci. Nat. 
(Zool.), 1855, 4. sér. 8, 321-329. 1855.1 

Sur un poisson labroide fossile 
dans les sables marins de Montpellier 
(Labrodon pavimentatum) Mém. Acad. 
Sci. Montpellier, 1855, 3, 513-515. pl. 

Sur la gagnette, Blennius varus 
ou gagnotte. Rev. Mag. Zool., 1859, 2. 
sér. 2, 133-143. 1859.1 

: Zoologie et paléontologie fran- 
gaises. Text and atlas. 2. ed. Paris, 
1859. vil, 544 p. & atlas of 84 pls. 4°. 

Acclimatation du saumon dans 

le bassin de  Hérault. Mém. Acad. Sci. 
Montpellier, 1861-62, 438. 1861.1 

Note sur différentes espéces de 

vertébrés fossiles observés pour la plu- 

part dans le midi de la France. Ann. 

Sci. Nat. (Zool.), 1861, 4. sér. 16, 286- 

302. 1861.2 
Poissons, p. 301-302. 

Essais d’acclimatation du sau- 
mon dans le bassin de |’Hérault. C. R. 
Acad. Sci. Paris, 1862, 54,147. 1862.1 

Essais de pisciculture dans le 
département de Il Hérault, pendant 
Vannée 1861. Montpellier, 1862. viii, 
7 p. 1862.2 

Sur un nouveau genre d’ichthyo- 
dorulithe propre au grés miocéne de 
Léognan, Gironde. Rev. Mag. Zool., 
1863, 15, 449. — C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 
1863, 57, 1007-1008. 1863.1 



Cas de polymélie (membres 
surnuméraires) observés sur un batra- 
cien du genre Pelobates et sur une espéce ~ 
du genre raie. C. R.. Acad. Sci. Paris, 
1864, 59, 800-803. 1864.1 

Essais de pisciculture dans le 

département de lHeérault, pendant 
V’année 1863. Montpellier, 1864. 7 p. 

Essais de pisciculture dans le 
département de JlHérault, pendant, 
l’année 1864. Montpellier, 1865. a 

Essais de pisciculture dans le 
département de JlHérault, pendant 
Vannée 1865. Paris, 1866. 7p. 1866.1 

Nouvelles remarques sur les 
poissons fluviatiles de l’Algérie. C. R. 
‘Acad. Sci. Paris, 1866, 68, 1051-1058. — 
Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1867, 3. ser. 19, 
131-138. 1866.2 

(Note sur le Calamoichthys cala- 
baricus) C. R. Acad. Sei. Paris, 1867, 
64, 1003-1004. 1867.1 

Sur les poissons de J’Algérie. 
Bull. Soc. Imp. Zool. Acclimat., 1867, 2. 
sér. 4, 8-12. 1867.2 

(Rectification d’une erreur typo- 
graphique commise 4 la p. 530 de la 
Zoologie et Paléontologie frangaises; 4 
propos du Pachysletes gregatus Aymard] 
Bull. Soe. Géol. France, 1870-71 (1871), 
2. sér. 28, 75. 1871.1 

Sur les poissons fossiles observés 
par M. VY. Thiolliére dans les gisements 
coralliens du Bugey. Bull. Soc. Géol. 
Paris, 1871, 28, 10-14. 1871.2 

Description des poissons fossiles 
provenant des gisements coralliens du 
Jura dans le Bugey. Deuxiéme partie. 
Ann. Soe. Agric. Lyon, 1872, 4. sér. 5, 
9-85. 1872.1 

Sur les. Hemirhynchus deshayes 
(Paleorhynchus| trouvés dans le Cal- 
caire Grossier de Puteaux. Bull. Soc. 

Géol. France, 1871-72 (1872), 2. sér. 
29; 307. 1872.2 
Observations relatives & une 

communication de M. de Candolle, sur 
les recherches scientifiques relatives au 
lac Léman. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1874, 
79, 1036. 1874.1 

Présence du genre Lépidostée 
parmi les fossiles du bassin de Paris. 
C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1874, 79, 844—- 
846. — Journ. Zool. (Gervais), 1874, 3, 
457-461. 1874.2 


Gervais, F. L. P. 

Remarques au sujet des poissons 
du Sahara algérien. C. R. Acad. Sci. 
Paris, 1874, 79, 557-558. — Journ. 
Zool. (Gervais), 1874, 3, 455-457. — 
Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1874, 4. ser. 14, 
462463. 1874.8 

(Addition aux observations sur 

ne machoire fossile provenant du genre 
Sphzrodus trouvée en Toscane dans le 
Pliocéne de Volterrano; Journ. Zool. 
(Gervais), 1875, 4, 516-517. 1875.1 

Poissons du groupe des Cerato- 
dus, existant dans la riviére Fitzroy 
(Australie) C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1876, 
82, 1034.— Ann: Mag. Nat. Hist., 
1876, 4. ser. 17, 486. 1876.1 

Gervais, Francois Louis Paul, & Ey- 
doux, Ff. See Eydoux & Gervais. 

Gervais, Francois Louis Paul, & Ger- 
vais, Henri Frédéric Paul. Observa- 
tions relatives & un squale pélerin 
pSelache maxima] récemment péché A 
Conecarneau. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 
1876, 82, 1237-1241.— Journ. Zool. 
(Gervais), 1876, 5, 319-329. 3 pls. 


sur le 
Journ. Zool. (Gervais), 

Addition au mémoire 
squale pélerin. 
1877, 6, 40. 

Gervais, Henri Frédéric Paul, & 
Boulart, R. Les poissons. Synonymie, 
description, mceurs, frai, péche. Icono- 
graphie des espéces composant plus 
particuliérement la faune frangaise. 3 

vols. Paris, 1876. 60 pls. & 56 figs. 8°. 
Vol. i. Poissons d’eau douce. 
Vols. ii € iii. Poissons de mer. 
Gervais, Henri Frédéric Paul, & 
Gervais, Francois Louis Paul. See Ger- 

vais, F. TZ P., & Gervais, H.F. P. 

Gervasoni, T'ullio. Acquicoltura ed 
ictio-fauna della provincia di Bergamo. 
seals: Lombard., 1899, 1, no. 6, 10- 


Gervasoni, Tullio, Vinciguerra, D., 
Besana, G., Burguiéres, ., «& Genaz- 
zini, H. See Vinciguerra, Besana & 

Gether, A. Uebersicht iiber die von 
der Weser aus betriebene Gr6énlindische 
und Siidsee-Fischerei. Petermann’s 
Mitth., 1863, 311. 1863.1 

Geusch, H. Das secundare Ento- 
derm und die Blutbildung beim Ei der 



Knochenfische. Inaug. Dissert., Kénigs- 
berg, 1882. 8°. 1882.1 

Gevers Deynoot, W. 7. De magno 
sive halecum piscatu belgico (haring- 
visscherij) Lugdunum  Batavorum, 
1829. 4° & 8°. 1829.1 

Geyer, Georg. Zur Stratigraphie der 
Gailthaler Alpen in Karnten. Verh. 
Geol. Reichsant., Wien, 1897, 114-127. 


Geyer, Hans. Acerina  schretseri, 
ein deutscher Aquarienfisch. Natur u. 
Haus, Dresden, 1902, 10. Jahrg., 144— 

146. 1902.1 

Die Spindelbarsche. Natur u. 
Haus, Dresden, 1902, 10. Jahrg., 193- 
194. - 1902.2 

Der Makropode. Blatt. Aquar.- 
Terrar. Kunde, 1910, 21. Jahrg., 97-99; 
115-117. fig. 1910.1 

Etwas tiber den Rivulus ocellatus 
Hensel. Wochenschr. Aquar.-Terrar. 
Kunde, 1912, 9. Jahrg., 650-651. _ fig. 


Gherardi, Silvestro [1802-1879] Di 
due preziosi MSS. del Galvani sulla 

torpedine. Mem. Accad. Sci. Bologna, 
1869, 9, 147-198. 1869.1 
Ghidini, A. L’ ittiofauna del can- 

tone Ticino nel 1910. Boll. Soe. Tici- 
nese Sci. Nat., 1910, 6, 65-74. 1910.1 

Ghigi, Alessandro. Dimonstrazione 
di preparati sullo sviluppo dei denti del 
Balistes capriscus. C. R. 6. Congr. In- 
tern. Zool. Berne, 1905, 327. 1905.1 

Ricerche sulla dentatura dei 
teleostei. Arch. Zool., Napoli, 1905, 2, 
439-462. pl. & 5 figs. 1905.2 

Giacobini, Enrico. La pesca in 

Italia. Provvedimenti governativi negli 
anni 1904 e 1905. Riv. Mens. Pesca, 
Milano, 1906, 8, 228-243. 1906.1 

Giacomini, Ercole. Alcune ricerche 
intorno alla struttura istologica dell’ 
ovidutto dei selaci. Proce. Verb. Accad. 
Fis., Siena, 1894, 203, no. 6, 1138. 1894.1 

Sulla regressione del sacco vitel- 
lino nei selaci. Proc. Verb. Accad. Fis., 
Siena, 1894, 203, no. 6. Abstract in 
Monit. Zool. Ital. Firenze, 6, 24-25. 


Contributo all’ istologia dell’ 
ovario dei selaci con speciale riguardo 
sopra ad alcune particolaritaé di strut- 




tura riscontrate nell’ ovario di Myliobatis 
bovina Geoffr. Ric. Lab. Anat. Norm. 
Roma, 1896, 5, 221-274. 2 pls. & 2 figs. 


Brevi osservazioni intorno alla 
minuta struttura del corpo interrenale e 
dei corpi soprarenali dei selaci. Atti 
Acead. Fis., Siena, 1898, 4. ser. 10, 835— 
843. 1898.1 

Sulla maniera onde i nervi si 
terminano nei miocommi e nelle estre- 
mita delle fibre muscolari dei miomeri 
nei selaci. Atti Accad. Fis., Siena, 1898, 
4. ser. 10, 560-562. 1898.2 

Sulla maniera onde i nervi sl 
terminano nei miocommi e nelle estre- 
mitd delle fibre muscolari dei miomeri 
nei teleostei. Atti Accad. Fis., Siena, 
1898, 4. ser. 10, 371-372. 1898.3 

Sulla struttura delle branchie 
dei petromizonti. Nota. Ann. Facol. 
Med. e Mem. Accad. Med.-Chir. Univ. 
Perugia, 1900, 12, pts. 3 & 4, 221— 
233. — Monit. Zool. Ital., Firenze, 11 
(Suppl.), 9-10. 1900.1 

Sulle cosi dette glandole sali- 
vari dei petromizonti. Monit. Zool. 
Ttal., 1900, 11 (Suppl.), 7-8.— Ann. 
Facolta Med. Univ. Perugia, 12, pts. 
3-4, 234-238. 1900.2 

Sul pancreas dei petromizonti 
con particolare riguardo al pancreas di 
Petromyzon marinus. Anat. Anz., 1900, 
18 (Verh. Anat. Gesell.), 44-52; 215. 


Contributo alla conoscenza delle 
capsule surrenali nei ciclostomi. Sulle 
capsule surrenali dei petromizonti. 
Monit. Zool. Ital., 1902, 18, 143-162. 
2 pls. 1902.1 

Relazione tra il pancreas dell’ 
Ammoccetes e del Petromyzon. Brevis- 
sima nota. Monit. Zool. Ital., 1902, 13 
(Suppl.), 49. 1902.2 

Sulla esistenza della sostanza 
midollare nelle capsule surrenali dei 
teleosteil. Monit. Zool. Ital., 1902, 13, 
183-189. 1902.3 

Contributo alla conoscenza delle 
capsule surrenali dei ganoidi e particolar- 
mente sull’ esistenza della loro sostanza 
midollare. Monit. Zool. Ital., 1904, 15, 
19-32. 1904.1 

Contributo alla conoscenza delle 
capsule surrenali di ciclostomi. Sulle 
capsule dei missinoidi. Rendic. Sess. 

Accad. Sci. Istit. Bologna, 1904, n. s. 8, 
135-140. 1904.2 

Contributo alla conoscenza del 
sistema delle capsule surrenali dei tele- 
ostei. Sulla sostanza midollare (organi 
soprarenali o tessuto cromaffine) di Ami- 
urus catus L. Rendic. Sess. Accad. Sei. 
Istit. Bologna, 1905, n. s. 9, 183-189. pl. 

Sulle capsule surrenali e sul 
simpatico dei Dipnoi. Ricerche in Pro- 
topterus annectens. Rendic. Accad. Lin- 
cei, Roma, 1906, 5. ser. 15, pt. 1, 394- 
398. 1906.1 

Altre osservazioni intorno all’ 
epoca del differenziamento sessuale nelle 
anguille. Rendic. Sess. Accad. Sci. Istit. 
Bologna, 1908, n. s. 12, 170-171. 1908.1 

Il sistema interrenale e il sistema 
cromaffine (sistema feocromo) — nelle 
anguille adulte, nelle cieche e nei Lep- 
tocefali. Mem. Aecad. Sci., Bologna, 
1908, 6. ser. 5, 113-247. 2 pls. Abstract 
in Monit. Zool. Ital., 20, 92-93. 1908.2 

Intorno alla gonogenesi delle 
anguille e all’ epoca del differenziamento 
sessuale in questi Murenoidi. Rivist. 
Mens. Pesca, Milano, 1908, 10, 59-67. 


Sulla disposizione del sistema 
interrenale e del sistema feocromo nelle 
anguille adulte, nelle cieche e nei Lep- 
tocefali. Rendic. Sess. Acead. Sci. Istit. 
Bologna, 1908, n. s. 12, 172-175. 1908.4 

Sulla gonogenesi nelle anguille. 
Intorno all’ epoca del differenziamento 
sessuale in questi Murenoidi. Rendic. 
Sess. Accad. Sei. Istit. Bologna, 1908, 
n. s. 12, 25-36. — Neptunia, Riv. Ital. 
Pesca Acquic. Mar., Venezia, n. s. 28, 
49-51. 1908.5 

I corpi postbranchiali nelle cieche 
e nelle anguille adulte. Monit. Zool. 
Ital., 1909, 20, 88-92. 3 figs. 1909.1 

Il sistema interrenale e il sis- 
tema cromaffine (sistema feocromo) in 
altre specie di Murenoidi. Rendic. Sess. 
Acead. Sci. Istit. Bologna, 1909, n. s. 13, 
87-98. — Mem. <Accad. Sci. Bologna, 
1910, 6. ser. 6, 175-216. 2 pls. Ibid., 
1911, 6. ser. 7, 113-150. 5 pls. & figs. — 
Arch. Ital. Anat. Embriol., Firenze, 
1912, 8, 237-245. 1909.2 

Il sistema interrenale e il sistema 
cromaffine (sistema feocromo) nelle 
anguille adulte, nelle cieche e nei Lep- 
tocefali. Monit. Zool. Ital., 1909, 20, 
92-93. 1909.3 


Giacomini, LH. 

Il sistema interrenale e il sistema 
cromaffine (sistema feocromo) in alcune 
specie di teleostei con rene cefalico (pro- 
nephros) persistente. Caratteri differen- 
ziali fra interrenale anteriore e corpu- 
scoli di Stannius. Cenno sullo sviluppo 
di questi organi nei Salmonidi. Rendic. 
Accad. Sci. Istit. Bologna, 1910, n. s. 
14, 86-103. 1910.1 

Anatomia microscopica e svVl- 
luppo del sistema interrenale e del sis- 
tema cromaffine dei Salmonidi. Rendic. 
Accad. Sci. Bologna, 1911, n. s. 15, 107— 
108. — Mem. Acead. Sci. Bologna, 1912, 
6. ser. 8, 67-87. 2 pls. & 6 figs. 1911.1 

Il sistema interrenale e il sistema 
cromaffine (sistema feocromo) dei Ci- 
prinidi. Rendic. Acead. Sci. Istit. Bo- 
logna, 1911, n. s. 15, 109-110. 1911.2 

Il sistema interrenale e il sistema 
cromaffine (sistema feocromo) dei lofo- 
branchi. Rendie. Acead. Sci. Istit. 
Bologna, 1911, n. s. 15, 108-109. 1911.3 

I corpi postbranchiali dei tele- 
ostel. Rendic. Accad. Sci. Istit. Bologna, 
1912, n. s. 16, 77-87. 1912.1 

Giaja, Jean. Sur l’ablation de la ves- 
sie natatoire des poissons. C. R. Mém. 
Soc. Biol. Paris, 1908, 65, 125-126. 


Giard, Alfred [1846-1908] For partial 
bibliography, see his Exposé des titres et 
travaux scientifiques (1869-1896) Paris, 
1896. 300 p. 4°. 

(Discussion de l’article de M. G. 
Pouchet: Sur les conséquences de !’abla- 

tion d’un ceil chez les poissons] Assoc. 
Frang. Avance. Sci., 6. sess., 1877, 621. 

Observations sur le catalogue 
des poissons du Boulonnais. Bull. Sci. 
Nord, 1888, 1, 444—460. 1888.1 

Sur le Peroderma cylindricum 
Heller, copépode parasite de la sardine. 
Oe UR. "Acad. Sci. Paris, 1888, 107, 929-— 
931. 1888.2 

— The evolution of flat-fish. Nat- 
ural Science, 1892, 1, 356-359; 635-638. 

Quelques remarques sur la truite 
de mer. C. R. Mém. Soc. Biol. Paris, 
1892, 9. sér. 4, 872-876. 1892.2 

Sur la persistance partielle de la 
symétrie bilatérale chez un_ turbot 



(Rhombus maximus L.), et sur hérédité 
des caractéres acquis chez les pleuro- 
nectes. C. R. Mém. Soc. Biol. Paris, 
1892, 9. sér. 4, 31-34. 1892.3 

Exposé des titres et travaux 
scientifiques (1869-1896) Paris, 1896. 
300 p. 4°. 1896.1 

Les épinoches et l’eau de mer. 
Rev. des Rev. Hist. Nat., 1900, 1, 81-82. 

Sur l’adaptation brusque de 
Vépinoche (Gasterosteus trachurus Cuv. 
et Val.) aux eaux alternativement douces 
et marines. . R. Mém. Soc. Biol. 
Paris, 1900, 52, 46-48. 1900.2 

Sur un cas de palistrophie chez 
la loche d’étang (Cobitis fossilis L.) C. R. 
Mém. Soe. Biol. Paris, 1900, 52, ie 

A propos des observations de M. 
R. Blanchard sur la faune des eaux 
chaudes. C. R. Mém. Soe. Biol. Paris, 
1903, 55, 1003-1004. 1903.1 

A propos du Barbus callensis 
Guichenot (Mollus barbatus R. Blanch. 
nec L.) C. R. Mém. Soe. Biol. Paris, 
1903, 55, 1144-1147; 1187-1188. 1903.2 

Réponse par R. Blanchard, p. 1185-1187; 

Exuviations métamorphiques 
chez les Ascarides des poissons (groupe 
de l Ascaris adunca Rud.) C. R. Mém. 
Soc. Biol. Paris, 1903, 55, 627-630. 


Notes éthologiques sur le hareng 
des cdtes du Boulonnais. : Mém. 
Soe. Biol. Paris, 1903, 55, 573-575. 


Sur l’éthologie du hareng des 
cotes du Boulonnais. C. R. Mém. Soe. 
Biol. Paris, 1904, 56, 1058-1061. 1904.1 

(Euvres diverses réunies et réé- 

ditées par les soins d’un groupe d’éléves 

et d’amis. 2 vols. Paris, 1913. 1913.1 
Tome I. Biologie générale. 

Tome II. Faune et flore de Wimereux; Notes 
diverses de zoologie. 

Giard, Alfred, & Cépéde, Casimir. 
Sur la ponte de la morue dans le sud de 
la mer du Nord. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 
1907, 145, 659-662. 1907.1 

Giard, Alfred, & Roché, Georges. 
Sur la réforme du service central des 
péches maritimes. Bull. Scient. France 
Belgique, 1899, 32, 536-550. 1899.1 


Gibbes, Lewis PR. [1810-1894] Cata- 
logue of the fauna of South Carolina 
(In Tuomey, M. Report on the geology 
of South Carolina. Columbia, 8. C., 
1848. 293 p. 56 maps. 4°) 1848.1 

Gibbes, Robert Wilson [1809-1866] 
Monograph of the fossil Squalide of 
the United States. Journ. Acad. Nat. 
Sci. Philad., 1847-50, 2. ser. 1, 139-147. 
4 pls. Ibid., 191-206. 3 pls. Also 
‘separate; Philadelphia, 1848. 4°. - 


New species of Myliobates from 
the Eocene of South Carolina, with other 
genera not heretofore observed in the 
United States. Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. 
Philad., 1847-50, 2. ser. 1, 299-300. 
pl. Also separate; Philadelphia, 1849. 
4°, 1847.2 

Description of new species of 
Squalides from the Tertiary beds of 
South Carolina. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. 
Philad., 1848, 3, 266-268. 1848.1 

— On the fossil Squalide of the 
United States. Notices in Proc. Acad. 
Nat. Sci. Philad., 1848, 3, 41-43. — 
Amer. Journ. Sci., 1849, 2. ser. 7, 441. — 
Froriep Tagsber. (Zool. 1), 1850, no. 67, 
97-104. Ibid., no. 70, 105-108. 1848.2 

New species of fossil Myliobates, 
from the Eocene of South Carolina, and 
new fossils from the Cretaceous, Eocene 
and Pliocene of South Carolina, Alabama 
and Mississippi. Proc. Amer. Assoc. 
Adv. Sci., 2. meet., 1849, 193-194. 


; Fossils common to several for- 
mations (fish teeth) Proc. Amer. Assoc. 
Adv. Sci., 3. meet., 1850, 70-71. 1850.1 

Gibbons, W. P. Description of new 
species of viviparous marine and fresh- 
water fishes, from the bay of San Fran- 
cisco, and from the river and lagoons of 
the Sacramento. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. 
Philad. 1854 (1856), 7, 122-126. — 
Arch. Naturgesch., 21, pt. 1, 331-341. 


(Description of a new trout) 
Salmo iridia. Proc. Calif. Acad. Nat. 
Sci., 1855, 2, 35-36. 1855.1 

(Remarks on the acclimatization 
of food fishes} Proc. Calif. Acad. Nat. 
Sci., 1869, 4, 52. 1869.1 

Description of a new species of 
trout from Mendocino county (Salmo 
mendocinensis Gibbons} Proc. Calif. 
Acad. Nat. Sci. 1875 (1876), 6, ees 



Gibian, Annie. Beitrige zur Kennt- 
nis des Hyobranchialskeletes der Haie: 
eine vergleichend-embryologische Un- 
tersuchung. Morphol. Jahrb., 1912, 45, 
57-95. pl. & 13 figs. 1912.1 

Gibson, HL. Notes on the New Zea- 
land whitebait. Trans. Proc. New Zea- 
land Instit., 1903, 35, 311. 1903.1 

Gibson, H.O.S. The cephalochorda 
““ Amphioxides.”’ Trans. Linn. Soe. Lon- 
don (Zool.), 1910, 18, 213-256. pl. & 4 
figs. 1910.1 

Gibson, W. 7. The development of 
the hypochord in Raia batis: with a note 
upon the occurrence of the epibranchial 
groove in amniote embryos. Anat. Anz., 
1909, 35, 407-428. 13 figs. 1909.1 

Gibson-Maitland, (Sir) James Ram- 
say. Essay on the salmon disease, its 
nature, causes and possible remedies. 
Fish. Gazette, 1881, 5, 612-615. 1881.1 

Gibson-Maitland, James Ramsay, 
Ewart, James Cossar, & others. See 
Ewart, Gibson-Maitland « others. 

Gidley, John Williams [1866 —| 
Some new American pyenodont fishes. 
Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 1913, 46, 445- 
449. 6 figs: 1913.1 

Giebel, Christoph Gottfried Andreas 

[1820-1881] Fauna der Vorwelt .. . 
monographisch dargestellt. 3 vols. in 
6. Leipzig, 1847-52. 1847.1 

Bd. i, 3. Abth., Die Fische der Vorwelt. 
zig, 1848. 467 p. 
Vier neue Fische aus dem dun- 
keln Kreide-Schiefer von Glarus [An- 
enchelum breviceps, Palimphyes crassus, 
P. gracilis, Pachygaster spinosus) Neues 
Jahrb. Mineral., 1847, 665-668. 1847.2 

Die Fische der Vorwelt in seiner 
Beriicksichtigung der lebenden Fische. 
Leipzig, 1848. 8°. 1848.1 

Ueber die Fische im Muschel- 
kalk von Esperstidt. Neues Jahrb. 
Mineral., 1848, 149-157. 1848.2 

Ueber die im bunten Sandstein 
Bernburgs vorkommenden Fischreste. 
Zeitschr. Gesammt. Naturw., 1853, 1, 
30-32. 1853.1 
Odontographie. Vergleichende 
Darstellung des Zahnsystems der Wir- 


belthiere. Leipzig, 1855. 52 pls. 4°. 

Rathselhafter Fisch aus dem 
Mansfelder Kupferschiefer. Zeitschr. 

2 pls. 

Naturw., 1856, 7, 367-372. 


Giebel, C.G. A. 

Ueber Saurier- und Fischreste 
aus dem Thiiringer Keuper. Zeitschr. 
Gesammt. Naturw., 1856, 8. pl. 1856.2 

Dichelodus, ein neuer Fisch im 
Mansfelder Kupferschiefer. Zeitschr. 
Gesammt. Naturw., 1857, 9, 121-126. 
pl. 1857.1 

Aechte Knochenfische im Stein- 
kohlengebirge. Zeitschr. Gesammt. 
Naturw., 1860, 16, 324-331. — Neues 
Jahrb. Mineral., 1861, 623-626. 1860.1 

Ichthyologische Mittheilungen. 
Zeitschr. Gesammt. Naturw., 1862, 20, 
321-324. 1862.1 

Diplodus Agassiz und Xenacan- 
thus Beyrich (Pleuracanthus) im Wet- 
tiner Kohlengebirge. Zeitschr. Ge- 
sammt. Naturw., 1868, 31, 23-25. — 
Verh. Geol. Reichsanst. Wien, 1868, 
155. 1868.1 
Noteus [Amiaj megacephalus, 
n. sp. aus den Tertiirschichten Frank- 
reichs. Zeitschr. Gesammt. Naturw., 
1869, 33, 511. 1869.1 

Trachypoma  marmorata, ein 
neuer Wels aus dem Amazonenstrome. 
Zeitschr. Gesammt. Naturw., 1871, 37 
(Gitder3) 977 1871.1 

(Ueber einen neuen Zitterwels 
aus Gabun) Zeitschr. Gesammt. Na- 
turwiss., 1878, 51 (n. f. 3), 142-143. 


_ Gieche, Ernst. Neunaugen-Fang bei 
Schwedt-a.-O. Deutsch. _ Fischerei 
Zeitg., 1878, 1. Jahrg., 374-375. 1878.1 

Gienke, H. Die Schwarzgrundel 
(Gobius niger) und ihre Zucht im See- 
wasseraquarium. Wochenschr. Aquar.- 
Terrar. Kunde, 1912, 9. Jahrg., 489-490. 
fig. 1912.1 

Etwas iiber die Seenadel (Syn- 
gnathus} Wochenschr. Aquar.-Terrar. 
Kunde, 1913, 10. Jahrg., 325-327; 398— 
399. 2 figs. 1913.1 

Lebias calaritanus und _ seine 
Zucht im Seewasseraquarium. Wo- 
chenschr. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1913, 
10. Jahrg., 494-495; 572-573. 1913.2 

Seefische, welche sich zu Zucht- 
versuchen im Aquarium eignen. Blitt. 
Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1913, 24. Jahrg., 
701-705. 3 figs. 1913.3 

_Giers, Carl Robert (preses) Orsaken 
til Cuma Kronolax- och sikfiskets form- 



inskning, som ock de hjelpemedel, som 
deremot kunna vidtagas. Inaug. Dis- 
sert., Abo, 1771. 15 p. 4°. Reprint in 
Tidskr. Fiskerinir. Aquikult. (Malm- 

gren), 1869, 36-37. 177 
Isaac M. Arenander, respond. 
Gierse, August. Untersuchungen 

liber das Gehirn und die Kopfnerven 
von Cyclothone acclinidens. Morph. 
Jahrb., 1904, 32, 602-688. 3 pls. 1904.1 

Giesecke, F. Die Lachseigewinnung 

und Erbriitung im Gebiete der Weser 
und Ems. Allgem. Fischerei Zeitg., 
1901, 26, 199-201. 1901.1 

— Ueber Karpfenfiitterung.  All- 
gem. Fischerei Zeitg., 1901, 26, Vege 

Gifford, George. The disappearance 
of sardines from the Vendean coast, and 
its causes. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 
1882 (1883), 2, 13-14. 1883.1 

Giglioli, Enrico Hillyer [1845 —] La 
fosfofescenza del mare. Bollet. Soe. 
Geogr. Italiana, Firenze, 1870. 1870.1 

Basking shark pSelache maxima} 
Nature, 1877, 15, 273. 1877.1 

Beitrige zur Kenntniss der 
Wirbelthiere Italiens. Arch. Natur- 
gesch., 1879, 45. Jahrg., pt. 1, 93-99. 
Pisces, p. 98-99. 

Elenco dei mammiferi, degli 
uccelli e dei rettili ittiofagi ... appar- 
tenenti alla fauna italiana, e catalogo 
degli anfibi e dei pesci italiani. Fi- 

renze, 1880. 8°. 1880.1 
Pisces, p. 18-55. 

On  Haloporphyrus  lepidion 

Risso. Nature, 1880, 21, 202. 1880.2 

New and very rare fish from the 
Mediterranean. Nature, 1882, 25, 535. 
Ibid., 1883, 27, 198-199. 1882.1 

Intorno a due nuovi pesci dal 
golfo di Napoli. Zool. Anz., 1883, 6, 
397-400. 1883.1 

La scoperta di una fauna abis- 

sale nel Mediterraneo. 3. Congr. 

Geograf. Internaz., Roma, 1884, 2. 

(On deep-sea fishes killed by the} 
earthquake in the western Riviera. Na- 
ture, 1887, 36, 4. 1887.1 

Rediscovery of Lepidosiren para- 
doxa. Nature, 1887, 35, 343. 1887.2 


Note intorno agli animali verte- 

brati raccolti dal Conte Augusto Bou- 

tourline e dal D. Leopoldo Traversi ad 

Assab e nello Scioa negli anni 1884-87. 

Ann. Mus. Civ. Storia Nat. Genova, 

1888, 2. ser. 6, 5-73. 1888.1 
Pesci, p. 67-73. 

Record of the discovery of an- 
other specimen of Lepidosiren paradoxa 
Fitz. Nature, 1888, 38, 102. 1888.2 

On a supposed new genus and 
species of pelagic gadoid fishes from the 
Mediterranean (Hretmophorus kleinen- 
bergi) Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1889, 
328-332. pl. 1889.1 

Di una nuova specie di Macru- 
ride appartenente alla fauna abissale del 
Mediterraneo. Zool. Anz., 1893, 16, 
343-345. 1893.1 

Sulle granulaziani degli eritro- 
citi nei girini di taluni anfibi. Anat. 
Anz., 1896, 12, 321-334. 1896.1 

Observations also on the lamprey, p. 331-334. 

I pesci del Trentino. Vol. ii. 
Storia naturale dei pesci del Trentino e 
di due specie straniere che interessano 
la piscicoltura trentina. Trento, 1902. 
122 p. 33 figs. 8°. 1902.1 

Giglioli, Enrico Hillyer, & Issel, 
Raffaele.. Pelagos, saggi sulla vita et sui 
prodotti del mare. Genova, 1884. 


Giglioli, Henry Hillyer. See Giglioli, 
Enrico Hillyer. 

Giglio-Tos, Ermanno. Sulle cellule 
del sangue della lampreda. Mem. R. 
Acead. Sei. Torino, 1896, 2. ser. 46, 219- 
252. pl.— Boll. Musei Zool. Anat. 
Comp. Torino, 11, no. 247. 4p. 1896.1 

Sur les cellules du sang de la 
lamproie. Arch. Ital. Biol., Turin, 1896, 
26, no. 1, 93-96. — Journ. Roy. Micr. 
Soc., 1897, pt. 2, 112. 1896.2 

L’ ematopoesi nella lampreda. 
Atti R. Accad. Sci. Torino, 1897, 32, 
362-376. pl. — Arch. Ital. Biol., Turin, 
27, 459-473. pl. Abstract in Journ. 
Roy. Micr. Soc., 1897, p. 355. 1897.1 

La struttura e l’evoluzione dei 
corpuscoli rossi del sangue nei verte- 
brati. Mem. R. Acead. Sci. Torino, 
1897, 47, 39-101. 2 pls. 1897.2 

I trombociti degli ittiopsidi e dei 
sauropsidi. Mem. R. Accad. sie To- 
rino, 1898, 2. ser. 48, 143-208. 2 pls. 



French résumé in Arch. Ital. Biol., Turin, 
29, 287-293. 1898.1 

A proposito dei ‘‘ cromocrateri ”’ 
nel sangue della lampreda. Anat. Anz., 
1899, 15, 298-300. 1899.1 

Gilbert, Charles Henry [1859 —] 
List of fishes observed at Punta Arenas, 
on the Pacific coast of Central America. 
Bull. U. 8S. Fish Comm. 1882 (1883), 2, 
1172. 1883.1 

— Notes on the fishes of Kansas. 
Bull. Washburn Coll. Lab. Nat. Hist., 
1884, 1, 10-16. 1884.1 

Description of three new fishes 
from Kansas. Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., 
1885, 7, 512-514. 1885.1 

A list of fishes collected in the 
east fork of White river, Indiana, with 
descriptions of two new species. Proc. 
U.S. Nat. Mus., 1885, 7, 199-205. 


Notes on the fishes of Switz 
City swamp, Greene county, Indiana. 
Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., 1885, 7, 206-210. 

Second series of notes on the 
fishes of Kansas. Bull. Washburn Coll. 
Lab. Nat. Hist., 1885, 1, 97-99. 1885.4 

Third series of notes on Kansas 
Bull. Washburn Coll. Lab. Nat. 
1886, 1, 207-211. 1886.1 


Descriptions of new and little 
known etheostomoids. Proc. U.S. Nat. 
Mus., 1888, 10, 47-64. 1888.1 

Description of a new species of 
Bathymaster from Puget sound and 
Alaska. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. 1888 
(1889), 11, 554. 1889.1 

Fourth series of notes on the 
fishes of Kansas. Bull. Washburn Coll. 
Lab. Nat. Hist., 1889, 2, 38-43. 1889.2 

A list of fishes from a small tribu- 
tary of the Poteau river, Scott county, 
Arkansas. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. 1888 
(1889), 11, 609-610. 1889.3 

Notes on fishes from the low- 
lands of Georgia, with a description of 

a new species (Opsopeodus bollmani) 
Bull. U. S. Fish. Comm. 1888 (1890), 8, 
225-229. 1890.1 

Notes on the occurrence of Gill- 
ichthys y-cauda at San Diego, California. 
Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. 1889 (1890), 12, 
363. 1890.2 


Gilbert, C. H. 

A preliminary report on the 
fishes collected by the steamer ‘‘ Alba- 
tross”’ on the Pacific coast of North 
America during the year 1889, with de- 
scriptions of twelve new genera and 
ninety-two new species. Proc. U. 8. 
Nat. Mus., 1890, 13, 49-126. 1890.3 

Description of a new species 
of eel (Sphagebranchus kendalli) Bull. 
U.S. Fish Comm. 1889 (1891), 9, 310. 


Description of a new species of 
Etheostoma (E. micropterus) from Chi- 
huahua, Mexico. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. 
1890 (1891), 13, 289-290. 1891.2 

Report of explorations made in 
Alabama during 1889, with notes on the 
fishes of the Tennessee, Alabama, and 
Escambia rivers. Bull. U. 8S. Fish 
Comm. 1889 (1891), 9, 148-159. pl. 


A supplementary list of fishes 
collected at the Galapagos islands and 
Panama, with descriptions of one new 
genus and three new species. Proc. U. 
S. Nat. Mus. 1890 (1891), 18, 449-455 
(Scientific results of explorations by the 
U. 8. Fish Commission steamer ‘ Al- 
batross,’”’ No. 19) 1891.4 

Descriptions of apodal fishes 
from the tropical Pacific. Proc. U. 8. 
Nat. Mus., 1892, 14, 347-352 (Scien- 
tific results of explorations by the U. 8 
Fish Commission steamer ‘‘ Albatross,” 
No. 21) 1892.1 

Descriptions of thirty-four new 
species of fishes collected in 1888 and 
1889, principally among the Santa 
Barbara islands and in the gulf of Cali- 
fornia. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., 1892, 14, 

539-566 (Scientific results of explora- 
tions by the U. 8. Fish Commission 
steamer ‘‘ Albatross,’’ No. 22) 


Report on the fishes of the Death 
expedition, collected in south- 
and Nevada in 1891, 

ern California 

with descriptions of new species. North 
Amer. Fauna, 1893, no. 7, pt. 2, 229-234. 
2 pls. 1893.1 

The breeding of the gourami. 
Journ. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soe., 1894, 
8, 435-438. 1894.1 

The ichthyologic: al collections of 
the steamer ‘“ Albatross ”’ during the 
years 1890 and 1891. Rept. U. 8. Fish 
Comm. 1893 (1895), 19, 398-476. 15 
pls. 1895.1 



Notes on fishes from the basin 
of the Mackenzie river, in British 
America. Bull. U. 8S. Fish. Comm. 
1894 (1895), 14, 23-25. 1895.2 

Descriptions of twenty-two new 
species of fishes collected by the steamer 
‘“* Albatross,” of the United States Fish 
Commission. Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., 
1897, 19, 437-457. 6 pls. 1897.1 

— The fishes of the Klamath basin. 
Bull. U.S. Fish Comm. 1897 ee ile 
1-13. figs. 898.1 

On the occurrence of Caulolepis 
longidens Gill on the coast of California. 
Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 1899, 21, 565— 

566. 1899.1 
Report on fishes obtained by the 
steamer ‘‘ Albatross ”’ in the vicinity of 

Santa Catalina island and Monterey 
bay. Rept. U. S. Fish Comm. 1898 
(1899), 24, 25-29. 2 pls. 1899.2 © 

Results of the Branner-Agassiz 
expedition to Brazil. III. The fishes. 
Proc. Washington Acad. Sci., 1900, 2, 
161-184. pl. 1900.1 

Notes on fishes from the Pacific 
coast of North America. Proe. Calif. 
Acad. Sci. (Zool.), 1904, 3. ser. 3, 255— 
201. 5 pls. 1904.1 

The deep-sea fishes of the Hawai- 
ian islands (In Jordan, D.8., & Ever- 
mann, B. W. The aquatic resources of 
the Hawaiian islands. II. Bull. U. S. 
Fish Comm. 1903 (1905), 23, pt. 2, 
575-713. 45 pls. & 44 figs. 1905.1 

Certain scopelids in the collec- 
tion of the Museum of Comparative 

Zoology. Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 
Cambridge, 1906, 46, 255-263. 4 pls. 

The lantern fishes (In Reports 
on the scientific results of the expedi- 
tion to the tropical Pacific, in charge of 
Alexander Agassiz, by the U. 8. Fish 
Commission steamer ‘‘ Albatross,” from 
August, 1899, to March, 1900, Com- 
mander Jefferson F. Moser, U. 8. N., 
commanding. No. 10. Mem. Mus. 
Comp. Zool., Cambridge, 1908, 26, 216— 
238. 7 pls. 1908.1 

Notes on lantern fishes from 
southern seas, collected by J. T. Nichols 
in 1906. Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., 
1911, 30, 13-19. fig. 1911.1 

Lampanyctus nicholsi n. sp. 

Age at maturity of the Pacific 
coast salmon of the genus Oncorhyn- 


chus. Rept. British Columbia Comm. 
Fish., 1912, I 57-70. 17 pls. — Bull. 
Bureau Fisheries, 1912 (1913), 32, 3-22. 


— The salmon of Swiftsure bank 
and the Fraser river sockeye run of 
1912. Rept. British Columbia Comm. 
Fish., 1912, I 13-24. pl. 

Descriptions of two new fishes of 
the genus Triglops from the Atlantic 
coast of North America. Proc. U. 8. 
Nat. Mus., 1913, 44, 465-468. pl. ; 


The lantern fishes of Japan. 
Mem. Carnegie Mus., Pittsburg, 1913, 
6, 67-107. pls. 1913.2 

Contributions to the life-history 

of the sockeye salmon (no. I) Rept. 
British Columbia Comm. Fish. 1913 
(1914), R 53-57. 13 figs. 1914.1 

Gilbert, Charles Henry, & Burke, 
Charles V. Fishes from Bering sea and 
Kamchatka. Bull. Bureau Fisheries, 
1910 (1912), 30, 33-96. 38 figs. 1912.1 

New cyclogasterid fishes from 
Japan. Proc. U. 8S. Nat. Mus., 1912, 
42, 351-380. 7 pls. & 18 figs. 1912.2 

Gilbert, Charles Henry, & Cramer, 
Frank. Report on the fishes dredged 
in deep water near the Hawaiian islands, 
with descriptions and figures of twenty- 
three new species. Proc. U. S. Nat. 
Mus., 1897, 19, 403-435. 12 pls. 1897.1 

Gilbert, Charles Henry, & Ever- 
mann, Barton Warren. The salmon 
fisheries of the Columbia river basin. 
U.S. Congress, Senate Miscell. Doe. no. 
200, 1894, 1-55. 13 pls. 1894.1 

_A report upon investigations in 
the Columbia river basin, with de- 
scriptions of four new species of fishes. 
Bull. U.S. Fish Comm. 1894 (1895), 14, 
169-204. 6 pls. 1895.1 

Gilbert, Charles Henry, & Jordan, 
David Starr. See Jordan & Gilbert. 

Gilbert, Charles Henry, & Scofield, 
Norman Bishop. Notes on a collection 
of fishes from the Colorado basin in 
Arizona. Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., 1898, 
20, 487-499. 4 pls. 1898.1 

Gilbert, Charles Henry, & Starks, 
Edwin C. The fishes of Panama bay. 
Mem. Calif. Acad. Sci., 1904, 4, 1-304. 
33 pls. — Biol. Contrib. Hopkins Sea- 
side Lab. Leland Stanford Univ., 1904, 




no. 32, 1-304. — Also separate; Stan- 
ford University, Cal., 1904. 4°. 1904.1 

Gilbert, Charles Henry, & Thomp- 
son, Joseph C. Notes on the fishes of 
Puget sound. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 
1905, 28, 973-988. 3 figs. 1905.1 

Gilbert, James Zaccheus. On the 
skull of Xerobates (?) undata Cope. Kan- 
sas Univ. Quarterly, 1898, ser. A, 7, 143— 
148. 3 figs. 1898.1 

Evesthes jordanit, a primitive 
flounder from the Miocene of California. 
Univ. California Publ. Geol., 1910, 5, 
405-411. 2 pls. 1910.1 

Gilbert, V.C., & Marshall, William 
Stanley. See Marshall & Gilbert. 

Gilbert, W.L. Growth of the saib- 
ling (Salmo salvelinus) in the Old Col- 
ony trout-ponds at Plymouth, Mass. 
Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1881 (1882), 1, 
427. 1882.1 

Sale of artificially reared trout. 
Trans. Amer. Fisheries Soc. 1892 (1893), 
113-118. 1893.1 

The past, present and future of 
trout culture. Bull. U. 8. Fish Comm. 
1893 (1894), 13, 47-48. 1894.1 

Gilchrist, J. D.F. The flat-fishes of 
the Cape Colony. Trans. South -Afric. 
Phil. Soe., 1899, 10, viii. 1899.1 

Catalogue of fishes recorded from 
South Africa. Marine Invest. South 
Africa, Cape Town, 1901 (1902) 1, no. 6, 
97-179. 1902.1 

For a later catalogue of fishes of the Cape 
Province, see Thompson, W. W., in Marine Biol. 
Rept. Prov. Cape Good Hope, 1914, no. 2, 132- 

History of the local names of 

Cape fish. Trans. South Afric. Phil. 
Soc., 1902, 11, 207-232. 1902.2 
South African fishes. Marine 

Invest. South Africa, Cape Town, 1902, 
2, 101-113. 6 pls. 1902.3 

Descriptions of new South Afri- 
can fishes. Marine Invest. South Africa, 
Cape Town, 1903, 2, 203-211. 10 pls. 
Ibid., 3, 1-16. 18 pls. — Rept. Govt. 
Biol. Cape Good Hope, 1903, 108-123. 


The development of some South 
African fishes. Rept. South Afric. 
Assoc. Adv. Sci., Cape Town, 1903, 310- 
311. 1903.2 


Gilchrist, J. D. F. 

The development of South Afri- 
can fishes. Part 1. Rept. Govt. Biol. 
Cape Good Hope, 1902 (1903), 54-80. 
4 pls. — Marine Invest. South Africa, 

Cape Town, 1903, 2, 181-201. 4 pls. 
Ibid., 1904, 3, 181-152. 7 pls. 1903.3 
South African fishes. Rept. 

Govt. Biol. Cape Good Hope, 1902 
(1903), 196-210. 6 pls. 1903.4 

Additional notes on the develop- 
ment of South African fishes. Rept. 
South Afric. Assoc. Ady. Sci., Cape 
Town, 1904, 318-821. 1904.1 

Descriptions of new South Afri- 
ean fishes. Marine Invest. South Africa, 
Cape Town, 1904, 3, 1-16. 18 pls. 
Rept. Govt. Biol. Cape Good Hope, 
1903 (1905), 108-123. 1904.2 

Cases of extensive mortality 
among marine animals on the South 
African coast, with suggestions as to 
their cause or causes. Rept. British 
Assoc. Ady. Sci., 1905, 484-435. 1905.1 

Recent discoveries in the South 
African deep sea. Rept. British Assoc. 
Adv. Sci., 1905, 435. 1905.2 

The South African marine fauna 
and its environment (In Flint, W., & 
Gilchrist, J. D. F., editors. Science in 
South Africa, p. 183-198. Cape Town, 
1905. 505 p._ illust.) 1905.3 

Description of fifteen new South 
African fishes with notes on other species. 
Marine Invest. South Africa, Cape 
Town, 1908, 4, 143-171. 14 pls. 1908.1 

Description of a new species of 
sting-ray (Trygon) from South Africa. 
Trans. Roy. Soc. South Africa, 1913, 3, 
33-35. fig. 1913.1 

Introduction of ‘ millions.”” Ma- 
rine Biol. Rept. Union South Africa, 
1913, no. 1, 67-70. pl. 1913.2 

Review of the South African 
Clupeidz (herrings) and alhed families 
of fishes. Marine Biol. Rept. Union 
South Africa, 1913, no. 1, 46-66. 1913.3 

Gilchrist, J. D. F., & Thompson, 
W. Wardlaw. The Blenniidze of South 
Africa. Ann. South Afric. Mus., 1908, 
6, 97-148. 1908.1 

Descriptions of fishes from the 
coast of Natal. Ann. South African 
Mus., London, 1908, 6, 145-206; 213- 
279. Ibid., 1911, 11, 29-58. 1908.2 



— The Cape klip fishes. South 
African Journ. Sci., Cape Town, 1911, 
7, 214-224. 1911.1 

Descriptions of three new species 
of freshwater fishes from South Africa. 
Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1911, 8. ser. 7, 
477-478. 1911.2 

— The freshwater fishes of South 
Africa. Ann. South African Mus., 
London, 1913, 11, 321-463. figs. 1913.1 

_ Giles, A. FE. (Concerning fat bodies 
in ganoids} Studies Biol. Lab., Owen’s 
College, 1890, 2, 125-131. 1890.1 

Gill, E. Leonard. A catfish new to 
British seas. Trans. Nat. Hist. Soe. 
Northumberland, 1904-07, n. s. 1, 499- 
500. 1904.1 

A catfish new to British seas 
(A. latifrons} Rept. Dove Marine Lab- 
oratory, Cullercoats, 1906, p. 47. 1906.1 

Gill, Theodore Nicholas [1837-1914] 
Description of a new generic form of 
Gobiine from the Amazon river. Ann. 
Lyceum Nat. Hist., N. Y., 1853-58, 6. 
4p. 1853.1 

Description of a new genus of 
Pimelodine from Canada. Ann. Ly- 
ceum Nat. Hist., N. Y., 1853-58, 6. 
3p. 1853.2 

Prodromus descriptionis familiz 
Gobioidarum duorum generum noyorum. 
Ann. Lyceum Nat. Hist., N. Y., 1853— 
58,6. 3p. 1853.3 

Prodromus descriptionis sub- 
familie Gobinarum squamis cycloideis 
piscium, a cl. W. Stimpsono in mare 
Pacifico acquisitorum. Ann. Lyceum 
Nat. Hist., N. Y., 1853-58, 6, 1-4. 


Synopsis of the freshwater fishes 
of the western portion of the island of 
Trinidad, West Indies. Ann. Lyceum 
Nat. Hist., N. Y., 1853-58, 6, 363-430. 


-On the fishes of New York. 
Rept. Smithson. Inst., 1857, 253-269. 

Analytical synopsis of the order 
Squali, and revision of the nomenclature 
of the genera. Ann. Lyceum Nat. Hist., 
N. Y., 1858-62, 7, 45-48. 1858.1 

Description of a new generic 
form of Gobiinze from the Amazon river. 
Ann. Lyceum Nat. Hist., N. Y., 1858- 
62, 7, 45-48. 1858.2 




— Description of a new genus of 
Pimelodine from Canada. Ann. Ly- 
ceum Nat. Hist., N. Y., 1858-62, 7, 39- 
42. 1858.3 

Prodromus descriptionis familize 
Gobioidarum duorum generum novo- 

rum. Ann. Lyceum Nat. Hist., N. Y., 
1858-62, 7, 16-19. 1858.4 
Prodromus descriptionis sub- 

familie Gobinarum squamis cycloideis 
piscium, a cl. W. Stimpsono in mare 
Pacifico acquisitorum. Ann. Lyceum 
Nat. Hist., N. Y., 1858-62, 7, 12-16. 

Description of a new genus of 
Salarianze from the West Indies. Proc. 
Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. 1859 (1860), 
168-169. 1860.1 

Description of a new South 
American type of siluroids, allied to 
Callophysus. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. 
Philad. 1859 (1860), 196-197. 1860.2 

—— Description of a third genus of 
Hemirhamphine. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. 
Philad. 1859 (1860), 155-157. 1860.3 

Description cf a type of gobioids 
intermediate between Soline and Tri- 
dentigerine. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. 
Philad. 1859 (1860), 195-196. = 1860.4 

— Description of Hyporhamphus, 
a new genus of fishes allied to Hemi- 
rhamphus Cuy. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. 
Philad. 1859 (1860), 131-132. 1860.5 

—— Description of new generic types 
of cottoids, from the collection of the 
North Pacific Exploring Expedition 
under Com. John Rodgers. Proc. Acad. 
Nat. Sci. Philad. 1859 (1860), 165-166. 


Descriptions of a new species of 
Callianide. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. 
Philad. 1859 (1860), 167. 1860.7 

Notes on a collection of Jap- 
anese fishes, made by Dr. J. Morrow. 
Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. 1859 
(1860), 144-150. 1860.8 

On Dactyloscopus and Lepto- 
scopus, two new genera of the family of 
Uranoscopide. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. 
Philad. 1859 (1860), 132-133. 1860.9 

On the genus Callionymus of 
authors. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. 
1859 (1860), 128-130. 1860.10 

Conspectus piscium in expedi- 
tione ad oceanum Pacificum septentrio- 

nalem, C. Ringoldio et J. Rodgersio du- 
cibus, a Gulielmo Stimpsono collecto- 
rum. Sicydiane. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. 
Philad. 1860 (1861), 100-102. 1861.1 

. Genus Shyrzenops Gill (In Poey, 
Felipe. _Memorias sobre la historia 
natural de Cuba, p. 349-350. Habana, 
1861) 1861.2 

A Latin diagnosis of the genus and comments 
on the relationships. 

Ichthyology (In  Phelp, 
Washington described, p. 30-32. Wash- 
ington, 1861) 1861.3 

Monograph of the genus Labrax 
of Cuvier. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. 
1860 (1861), 108-119. 1861.4 

Monograph of the genus Labro- 
somus Sw. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. 
1860 (1861), 102-108. 1861.5 

Monograph of the  Philypni. 
Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. 1860 
(1861), 120. 1861.6 

Notes on the nomenclature of 

North American fishes. Proc. Acad. 

Nat. Sci. Philad. 1860 (1861), 19-21. 

On the pertinence of the Alosa 
teres Dekay, to the genus Dussumiera 
Val. Proce. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. 
1860 (1861), 21-22. 1861.8 

Appendix to the ‘‘ Monograph 
of the Philypni,” and description of the 
genus Lembus of Giinther. Proc. Acad. 
Nat. Sci. Philad. 1861 (1862), 16-17. 


Catalogue of the fishes of the 
eastern coast of North America, from 
Greenland to Georgia. Proc. Acad. 
Nat. Sci. Philad. 1861 (1862) (Suppl.), 

1-63. 1862.2 
Description of a new generic 
type of blennoids. Proc. Acad. Nat. 

Sci. Philad. 1861 (1862), 261-263. 

Description of a new species of 
the genus Anableps of Gronovius. Proc. 
Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. 1861 (1862), 
3-6. 1862.4 

Description of a new species of 
the genus Tigoma of Girard. Proc. 
Boston Soe. Nat. Hist. 1861 (1862), 8, 
42-46. 1862.5 

Descriptions of new species of 
Pimelodine. Proce. Boston Soc. Nat. 
Hist. 1861 (1862), 8, 42-46. 1862.6 




Gill, T. N. : 

Descriptions of a new species of 
Sillago. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. 
1861 (1862), 505. 1862.7 

Descriptions of two species of 
marine fishes. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sei. 
Philad. 1861 (1862), 98. 1862.8 

Monograph of the tridigitate 
uranoscopoids. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. 
Philad. 1861 (1862), 263-271. 1862.9 

Notes on some genera of fishes 
of the western coast of North America. 
Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. 1861 
(1862), 164-168. 1862.10 

Observations on the genus Cot- 
tus, and descriptions of two new species. 
Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. 1861 
(1862), 8, 40-42. 1862.11 

On a new type of aulostomatoids, 
found in Washington territory. Proc. 
Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. 1861 (1862), 

164-170. 1862.12 

On new generic types of fishes. 
Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. 1861 
(1862), 77. : 1862.13 

On the classification of the 
Eventognathi or Cyprini, a suborder of 
Teleocephali. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. 
Philad. 1861 (1862), 6-9. 1862.14 

On the genus Anisotremus Gill. 
Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. 1861 
(1862), 105-108. 1862.15 

On the genus Podothecus. Proc. 
Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. 1861 (1862), 
258-261. 1862.16 

On the Haploidonotine. Proc. 
Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. 1861 (1862), 
100-105. 1862.17 

; On the identity of the genera 
Neomeenis of Girard, and Lutjanus of 
Bloch. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. 
1861 (1862), 93-95. 1862.18 

On the Liostomine. Proc. Acad. 
Nat. Sci. Philad. 1861 (1862), 89-93. 

Revision of the genera of North 
American Scienine. Proc. Acad. Nat. 
Sci. Philad. 1861 (1862), 79-89. 1862.20 

Synopsis generum Rhyptici et 
affinium. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. 
1861 (1862), 52-54. 1862.21 

Synopsis of the chenichthyoids. 
Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. 1861 
(1862), 507-510. 1862.22 

Synopsis of the genera of the 
subfamily of Pimelodine. Proc. Boston 
Soc. Nat. Hist. 1861 (1862), 8, 46-55. 

Synopsis of the harpagiferoids. 
Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. 1861 
(1862), 510-512. 1862.24 

Synopsis of the notothenoids. 
Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. 1861 
(1862), 512-522. 1862.25 

Synopsis of the polynematoids. 

Proce. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. 1861 
(1862), 271-282. 1862.26 

Synopsis of the _ sillaginoids. 
Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. 1861 

(1862), 501-505. 1862.27 

Synopsis of the subfamily of 
Clupeinz, with descriptions of a new 

genera. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. 
1861 (1862), 33-38. 1862.28 

Synopsis of the subfamily of 
Percine. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sei. Philad. 
1861 (1862), 44-52. 1862.29 

Synopsis of the uranoscopoids. 
Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. 1861 
(1862), 108-117. 1862.30 

Appendix to the synopsis of the 
subfamily of Percine. Proc. Acad. Nat. 
Sci. Philad. 1862 (1863), 15-16. 1863.1 

Description of a new generic 
type of mormyroids and note on the 
arrangement of the genus. Proc. Acad. 
Nat. Sci. Philad. 1862 (1863), 443-445. 


— Description of a new species of 
Cirrhitus. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. 
1862 (1863), 122-124. 1863.3 

Description of new species of 
Alepidosauroidz. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sei. 
Philad. 1862 (1863), 127-132. 1863.4 

Note on some genera of fishes of 
western North America. Proc. Acad. 
Nat. Sci. Philad. 1862 (1863), 329-333. 

Note on the family of mylioba- 
toids, and on a new species of Avtobatis 
(42. laticeps; Ann. Lyceum Nat. Hist., 
N. Y., 1863-67, 8, 138-141. 1863.6 

— Note on the scisenoids of Cali- 

fornia. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. 
1862 (1863), 16-18. 1863.7 
Notes on the family of scom- 

Proc. Acad. Nat. Sei. Philad. 

1862 (1863), 328-329. 




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Notice of a collection of the fishes 
of California, presented to the Smith- 
sonian Institution by Mr. Samuel Hub- 
bard. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. 
1862 (1863), 274-282. 1863.9 

Notice of a new species of Hemi- 
lepidotus, and remarks on the same 
group (Temnistix) of which it is a mem- 
ber. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. 
1862 (1863), 13-14. 1863.10 

— On a new family type (Chenop- 
sis] of fishes related to the blennioids. 
Ann. Lyceum Nat. Hist., N. Y., 1863- 
67, 8, 141-144. 1863.11 

On a new genus of fishes allied to 
Aulorhynchus and on the affinities of the 
family Auloryhynchoide, to which it 
belongs. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. 
1862 (1863), 233-235. 1863.12 

On a new species of Priacanthus 
discovered in Narragansett bay, R. I. 
Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. 1862 
(1863), 1382-133. 1863.13 

On a remarkable new type of 
fishes allied to Nemophis (Plagiotremus 
spilistius) Ann. Lyceum Nat. Hist., 
N. Y., 1863-67, 8, 138-141. pil. 


— On the classification of the fami- 
lies and genera of the Squali of Califor- 
nia. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. 
1862 (1863), 483-501. 1863.15 

— On the limits and affinity of the 
family of leptoscopoids. Proc. Acad. 
Nat. Sci. Philad. 1862 (1863), 501-506. 


— On the limits and arrangement 
of the family of scombroids. Proc. Acad. 
Nat. Sci. Philad. 1862 (1863), 124-127. 


On the subfamily of Argentinine. 

Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. 1862 
(1863), 14-15. 1863.18 

On the synonymy and systema- 
tic position of the genus Etelis of Cuvier 
atid Valenciennes. Proc. Acad. Nat. 
Sci. Philad. 1862 (1863), 445-449. 


— On the west African genus Hemi- 
chromis and descriptions of new species 
in the museums of the Academy and 
Smithsonian Institution. Proc. Acad. 
Nat. Sci. Philad. 1862 (1863), 134-139. 


Remarks on the relations of the 
genera and other groups of Cuban fishes. 

Proc. Acad. Nat. Philad. 1862 
(1863), 235-242. 1863.21 

Synopsis of the carangoids of the 


eastern coast of North America. Proc. 
Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. 1862 (1863), 
430-443. 1863.22 

: Synopsis of the family of cirrhi- 
toids. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. 
1862 (1863), 102-124. 1863.23 

Synopsis of the species of lopho- 
branchiate fishes of western North 
America. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. 
1862 (1863), 282-284. 1863.24 

Catalogue of the fishes of lower 
California in the Smithsonian Institu- 
tion, collected by Mr. J. Xantus. Proc. 
Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. 1862 (1863), 
140-151; 242-246; 249-262. Ibid., 1863 
(1864), 80-88. 1864.1 

Catalogue of the North Ameri- 
can sciznoid fishes. Proc. Acad. Nat. 
Sci. Philad. 1863 (1864), 28-32. 1864.2 

Description of a new generic 

type of ophidioids. Proc. Acad. Nat. 

Sci. Philad. 1863 (1864), 209-211. 

Description of a new species of 
Cheerojulis from North Carolina. Proce. 
Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. 1863 (1864), 

205-207. 1864.4 

— Description of the genus Oxyjulis 
Gill. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. 
1863 (1864), 330-331. 1864.5 

Description of the genus Stereo- 
lepis Ayres. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. 
Philad. 1863 (1864), 329-330. 1864.6 

— Descriptions of some new species 
of Pediculati, and on the classification 
of the group. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. 
Philad. 1863 (1864), 88-92. 1864.7 

Descriptions of the genera of 
gadoid and brotuloid fishes of western 
North America. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. 
Philad. 1863 (1864), 242-254. 1864.8 

Descriptions of the gobioid 
genera of the western coast of temperate 
North America. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. 
Philad. 1863 (1864), 262-267. 1864.9 

Descriptive enumeration of a 
collection of fishes from the western 
coast of Central America, presented to 
the Smithsonian Institution by Capt. 
John M. Dow. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. 
Philad. 1863 (1864), 162-180. 1864.10 


Gill, 7. N. 

(Review of) Holbrook’s Ichthy- 
ology of South Carolina. Amer. Journ. 
Sci., 1864, 2. ser. 37, 89-94. 1864.11 

Note on some recent additions 
to the ichthyological fauna of Massachu- 
setts. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. 
1863 (1864), 332-333. 1864.12 

Note on the genera of Hemi- 
rhamphine. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. 
Philad. 1863 (1864), 272-273. 1864.13 

Note on the species of Sebastes 
of the eastern coast of North America. 
Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. 1863 
(1864), 333-335. 1864.14 

Notes on the labroids of the west- 

ern coast of North America. Proc. 
Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. 1863 (1864), 
221-224. 1864.15 

On an unnamed generic type 
allied to Sebastes. Proc. Acad. Nat. 
Sci. Philad. 1863 (1864), 207-209. 
On the genus Periophthalmus of 

Schneider. Proce. Acad. Nat. Sci. 
Philad. 1863 (1864), 271-272. 1864.17 

On the gobioids of the eastern 
coast of the United States. Proc. Acad. 
Nat. Sci. Philad. 1863 (1864), 267-271. 

Synopsis of the family of leptu- 
roids, and description of a remarkable 
new generic type. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. 
Philad. 1863 (1864), 224-229. 1864.19 

Synopsis of the family of Lyco- 
doide. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. 
1863 (1864), 254-262. 1864.20 

Synopsis of the North American 
gadoid fishes. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. 
Philad. 1863 (1864), 229-242. 1864.21 

Synopsis of the pomacentroids 
of the western coast of North and Cen- 
tral America. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. 
Philad. 1863 (1864), 213-221. 1864.22 

Critical remarks on the genera 

Sebastes and Sebastodes of Ayres. 
Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. 1864 
(1865), 145-147. 1865.1 

Description of a new generic 
type of pleuronectoids (Metoponops 
coopert Gill} in the collection of the Geo- 

logical Survey of California. Proc. 
Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. 1864 (1865), 
198-199. 1865.2 



Description of «a new _ labroid 
genus (Pimelometopon Gill) allied to 
Trochocopus Gthr. Proc. Acad. Nat. 
Sci. Philad. 1864 (1865), 57-59. 1865.3 

— Descriptions of new genera and 
species of eastern American pleuronec- 
toids. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. 

1864 (1865), 220-224. 1865.4 

Note on the family of stichzoids. 
Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. 1864 
(1865), 208-211. 1865.5 

Note on the nomenclature of 
genera and species of the family Echenei- 
doide. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sei. Philad. 
1864 (1865), 59-61. 1865.6 

Note on the paralepidoids and 
microstomatoids, and on some peculiar- 
ities of Arctic ichthyology. Proc. Acad. 
Nat. Sci. Philad. 1864 (1865), ie 

On several points in ichthyology 
and conchology. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. 
Philad. 1864 (1865), 151-152. 1865.8 

On the affinities of several doubt- 
ful British fishes. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sei. 
Philad. 1864 (1865), 199-208. — Ann. 
Mag. Nat. Hist., 3. ser. 15, 40-48. 


Second contribution to the sela- 
chology of California. Proce. Acad. Nat. 
Sei. Philad. 1864 (1865), 147-151. 


Synopsis of the cyclopteroids of 
eastern North America. Proc. Acad. 
Nat. Sci. Philad. 1864 (1865), 189-194. 


Synopsis of the eastern Ameri- 
ean sharks. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sei. 
Philad. 1864 (1865), 258-265. 1865.12 

Synopsis of the fishes of the gulf 
of St. Lawrence and bay of Fundy. 
Canadian Naturalist, 1865, 2, 244-266. 

Synopsis of the pleuronectoids 
of California and northwestern America. 
Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. 1864 
(1865), 194-198. 1865.14 

Synopsis of the pleuronectoids of 
the eastern coast of North America. 
Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. 1864 
(1865), 214-220. 1865.15 

Note on several genera of cypri- 
noids. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sei. Philad. 
1865 (1866), 69-70. 1866.1 




Observations on fishes (In 
Narratives of the career of Hernando 
de Soto in the conquest of Florida, 
ete., translated by Buckingham Smith, 
p. 923-296. New York, 1866. xxviii, 
324 p. map. 4°. 1866.2 

On a new generic type of sharks. 
Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. 1865 
(1866), 177. 1866.3 

On a new genus of Serranine. 
Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. 1865 
(1866), 104-106. 1866.4 

On the cranial characteristics of 
Gadus proximus Grd. Proe. Acad. Nat. 
Sci. Philad. 1865 (1866), 69. 1866.5 

— On the genus Caulolatilus. Proc. 
Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. 1865 (1866), 
66-68. 1866.6 

—— Synopsis of the genus Pomoxys 
Raf. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. 
1865 (1866), 64-66. 1866.7 

On some new species of fishes 
obtained by Prof. Orton from the Mara- 
fion, or upper Amazon, and Napo rivers. 
Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. 1870 
(1871), 92-96. 1871.1 

Note on Cottus grenlandicus 
Fabr. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad., 
1872, 213-214. 1872.1 

Catalogue and bibliography of 
the fishes of the east coast of North 
America. Rept. U.S. Fish Comm. 1871-— 
72 (1873), 1, 779-822 1873.1 

Note on the Scombrocottus sal- 
moneus Peters, and its identity with 
Anoplopoma fimbria. Proce. Acad. Nat. 
Sci. Calif., 1873, 5, 56-57. — Ann. Mag. 
Nat. Hist., 4. ser. 12, 74-75. 1873.2 

The number of classes of verte- 
brates and their mutual relations. Amer. 
Journ. Sci., 1873, 6, 432-435. — Ann. 
Mag. Nat. Hist., 4. ser. 18, 71-73. 


On a new American species of 
pleuronectoid (Glyptocephalus acadianus) 
Proce. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad., 1873, 360— 
362. 1873.4 

On recent additions to the fish 
fauna of Massachusetts. Proc. Amer. 
Assoc. Adv. Sci., 22. meet., 1873, pt. 2 
34-36. 1873.5 

On the homologies of the shoul- 
der-girdle of the dipnoans and other 

fishes. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1873, 4. 
ser. 11, 173-178. 1873.6 

On the limits of the class of 
Amer. Naturalist, 1873, 7, 71-79. 

On the species of the genus Mi- 


cropterus Lac., or Grystes auct. Proc. 
Amer. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 22. meet., 1873, 
2, 55-72. 1873.8 

Arrangement of the families of 
fishes, or classes Pisces, Marsipobranchii 
and Leptocardii. Smithson. Misc. Coll. 
1872 (1874), 11, no. 247. xlv, 49 p. 


Bibliography of reports of fish- 
ery commissions. Rept. U. 8. Fish 
Comm. 1872-73 (1874), 2, 774-784. 


Natural and economical history 
of the gourami. Rept. U.S. Fish Comm. 
1872-73 (1874), 2, 710-728. pl. 1874.3 

— On the identity of Hsox lewini 
with the Dinolestes miilleri of Klunzinger. 
Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1874, 4. ser. 14, 
159-160. 1874.4 

On the geographical distribution 
of fishes. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1875, 4 
ser. 15, 251-255. 1875.1 

Fishes (In Kidder, J. H. Con- 
tributions to the natural history of Ker- 
guelen island, made in connection with 
the United States transit of Venus ex- 
pedition, 1874-75, p. 41-42. Washing- 
ton, 1876. 122 p. 8°) 1876.1 

Genus Pareques Gill {Pareques 
acuminatus (Schneider) Gill) (In Goode, 
G. B. Catalogue of the fishes of the 
Bermudas, etc.) Bull. U.S. Nat. Mus., 
1876, no. 5, p. 50. 1876.2 

Notes on fishes from the isthmus 
of ee collected by Dr. J. F. Brans- 

ford, U. N. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. 
Philad., 1876, 335-339. 1876.3 
Report on ichthyology — (In 

Simpson, J. H. Report of the explora- 
tions across the great basin of the ter- 
ritory of Utah in 1859, p. 383-431. 9 
pls. Washington, 1876) 1876.4 

tAnalysis of the four subgenera 
of Stizostethium) (In Jordan, D.5%., & 
Gilbert, C. H. Contributions to North 
American ichthyology, based primarily 
on the collections of the United pe 
National Museum. II. A. Bull. U. 

Nat. Mus., 1877, no. 10, p. 45) is77 1 

Genera of Centrarchide (In 
Jordan, D. S. Contributions to North 


Gill, 7. NV. 

American ichthyology, based primarily 
on the collections of the United States 
National Museum. II. A. Bull. U.S. 
Nat. Mus., 1877, no. 10, 31-32) 1877.2 

The genus Sebastapistes, based 
on S. strongia, ete. (In Streets, Thomas 
H. Contribution to the natural history 
of the Hawaiian and Fanning islands. 
Bull. U.S. Nat. Mus., 1877, no. 7, p. 62) 

(Notes on the genus Enneacan- 
thus and table of the species) (In 
Jordan, D. 8. Contributions to North 
American ichthyology, based primarily 
on the collections of the United States 
National Museum. II. A. Bull. U.S. 
Nat. Mus., 1877, no. 10, 27-30) 1877.4 

—— On the kinds of fish which are 
found associated with meduse. Nature, 
London, 1877, 16, 362. 1877.5 

The scientific names of our com- 
mon sunfishes. Field & Forest, 1877, 2, 
188-190. 1877.6 

Catalogue of the fishes of the 
east coast of North America. Smith- 
son. Miscell. Collect., 1878, 14, art. 2. 
25 p. 1878.1 

Genus Myxocyprinus Gill (In 
Jordan, D. S. Contributions to North 
American ichthyology, based prima- 
rily on the collections of the United 
States National Museum. III. B. Bull. 
U.S. Nat. Mus., 1878, no. 12, p. 217) 


A new species of Chimera found 
in American waters. Bull. Phil. Soc. 
Washington, 1878, 2, 182. — Ann. Mag. 
Nat. Hist., 5. ser. 1, 183-184. 1878.3 

On a remarkable generic type of 
characins (Elopomorphus jordanii) Ann. 
Mag. Nat. Hist., 1878, 5. ser. 2, 112. — 
Field & Forest, 3, 167-169. 1878.4 

(Review of] Wallace’s geograph- 
ical distribution of animals. Field & 
Forest, 1878, 3, 69-74; 78-80; 98-101; 

167-168. 1878.5 
— Note on Antennariide. Proc. 
U. S. Nat. Mus. 1878 (1879), 1, 221- 
222. 1879.1 
—— Note on the Ceratiide. Proe. 

U.S. Nat. Mus. 1878 (1879), 1, 227-231. 

Note on the Maltheidse. Proc. 
U.S. Nat. Mus. 1878 (1879), 1, 231-232. 



(On the homology of the denti- 
tion of Dinichthys with that of recent 
lungfishes} (In Newberry, J.S. Rept. 
Geol. Surv. Ohio, 1875, vol. ii, p. 7-8) 
Also separate; Columbus, 1879. 1879.4 

On the proper specific name of 
the common pelagic antennariid, Ptero- 
phryne. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. 1878 
(1879), 1, 223-226. 1879.5 

On the identity of the genus 
Leurynnis Lockington, with Lycodop- 
sis. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., 1880, 3, 247— 
248. 1880.1 

—— Synopsis of the pediculate fishes 
of the eastern coast of extra-tropical 
North America. Smithson. Mise. Col- 
lect., 1880, 19, 215-221. 1880.2 

Giinther’s literature and mor- 
phography of fishes [A review of Dr. A. 
Giinther’s Introduction to the study of 
fishes) Forest & Stream, 1881, 17, 86- 
88. 1881.1 

Note on the latiloid genera. 
Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., 1881, 4, ee 

Record of recent scientific prog- 
ress in zoology. Fishes, ete. Ann. Rept. 
Smithson. Instit. 1880 (1881), 365-375. 
Origin of sounds produced by fishes, p. 366. 
Temperature of fishes, p. 367-369. 
The flight of flying-fishes, p. 369-370. 
Affinities of Pleuracanthus, p. 370-371. 
The Platysomids and Palzoniscids, p. 371. 
On the sexes of the eels, p. 371-372. 
Pleuronectids without pectorals, p. 372-373. 
A new economical fish, p. 373-374. : 
The rock-fishes of California, p. 374-375. 
A deep-sea rock-fish, p. 375. 

Bibliography of the fishes of the 
Pacific coast of the United States to the 
end of 1879. Smithson. Mise. Coll., 
1882, 23. 78 p. 1882.1 

Note on the affinities of the 
ephippiids. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 
1882, 5, 557-560. 1882.2 

—— Note on the genus Sparus. Proc. 
U.S. Nat. Mus., 1882, 5, 566-567. 

Note onthe Pomatomide. Proc. 
U.S. Nat. Mus., 1882, 5, 557. 1882.4 

Note on the relationships of the 
echeneiids. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., 1882, 
5, 561-566. 1882.5 

On the family Centropomide. 
Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., 1882, 5, +e ee 





On the relations of the family 
Lobotide. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., 1882, 
5, 560-561. 1882.7 

(Diagnosis of cranial character- 
istics of the sparoid genus} Calamus 
(In Jordan, D. S., & Gilbert, C. H. 
Contributions to North American ich- 
thyology, based primarily on the col- 
lections of the United States National 
Museum. IV. Bull. U.S. Nat. Mus., 
1883, no. 16, p. 926) 1883.1 

Relationships and diagnosis of 
the family Chiasmodontide (In Jor- 
dan, D. S., & Gilbert, C. H. Contri- 
butions to North American ichthyology, 
based primarily on the collections of the 
United States National Museum. IV. 
Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., 1883, no. 16, 
p. 964) 1883.2 

Comparative cranial characteris- 
tics of sparoid genera Diplodus, Archo- 
sargus and Stenotomus (In Jordan, 
D.38., & Gilbert, C. H. Contributions 
to North American ichthyology, based 
primarily on the collections of the 
United States National Museum. IV. 
Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., 1883, no. 16, p. 
929) 1883.3 

Nomenclature of the xiphiids. 
Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., 1883, 5, 485-486. 


Note on the Bdellostomidxe and 
Myxinide. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. 
1882 (1883), 5, 517-520. 1883.5 

— Noteontheleptocardians. Proc. 
U. S. Nat. Mus. 1882 (1883), 5, 515— 

516. 1883.6 
Note on the myzonts or marsi- 
pobranchiates. Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus. 

1882 (1883), 5, 516-517. 1883.7 
Note on the petromyzontids. 
Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. 1882 (1883), 5, 
521-525. 1883.8 

; On the family and subfamilies 
of Carangide. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. 
1882 (1883), 5, 487-493. « 1883.9 

— On the proper name of the blue 
fish. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. 1882 (1883), 
5, 567-570. 1883.10 

Outline of a proposed subdivi- 
sion of the Squali (In Jordan, D.S8., & 
Gilbert, C. H. Contributions to North 
American ichthyology, based primarily 
on the collections of the United States 
National Museum. IV. Bull. U.S. Nat. 
Mus., 1883, no. 16, p. 967) 1883.11 

Supplementary note on the 
Pediculati. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. 
1882 (1883), 5, 551-556. 1883.12 

; Diagnosis of new genera and 
species of deep-sea fish-like vertebrates. 
Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. 1883 (1884), 6, 
253-260. Also separate; Washington, 
1884. 1884.1 

Notes on the Stromateide. 
Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc., 1884, 21, 664— 
672. 1884.2 

On the anacanthine fishes. Proc. 
Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. 1883 (1884), 
167-183. 1884.3 

A contribution to the terminol- 
ogy of ichthyography. Proc. U.S. Nat. 
Mus. 1884 (1885), 7, 356-357. 1885.1 

Note on the Sternoptychide. 
Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. 1884 (1885), 7, 
349-351. 1885.2 

On the mutual relations of the 
hemibranchiate fishes. Proc. Acad. Nat. 
Sci. Philad. 1884 (1885), 154-166. 


The osteological characteristics 
of the Lutjanine. Proc. U. S. Nat. 
Mus. 1884 (1885), 7, 351-355. 1885.4 

Synopsis of the genera of the 
superfamily Teuthidoidea (families Teu- 
thidide and Siganida) Proc. U. S. 
Nat. Mus. 1884 (1885), 7, 275-281. 


Synopsis of the plectognath 
fishes. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. 1884 
(1885), 7, 411-427. 1885.6 

Teleostei (In Kingsley, J. S. 
The standard natural history. Lower 
vertebrates, vol. i, 98-298. 94 figs. 
Boston, 1885) 1885.7 
The characteristics of the elaca- 
tids. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. 1887 (1888), 
10, 612-614. pl. 1888.1 

Note on the Gramma loreto of 

Poey. Proc. U. 8S. Nat. Mus, 1887 
(1888), 10, 615-616. 1888.2 

The extinct scleroderms. Amer. 
Naturalist, 1888, 22, 828-830. 1888.3 

The primary groups of mail- 
cheeked fishes. Amer. Naturalist, 1888, 

22, 356-358. 888.4 
Some extinct scleroderms. 

Amer. Naturalist, 1888, 22, 446-448. 




Gill, T. N. 

—— Gleanings among the Pleuronec- 
tide, with observations on the name 
Pleuronectide. Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus. 
1888 (1889), 11, 593-606. 1889.1 

The halosauroid fishes typical of 
a special order. Amer. Naturalist, 1889, 

23, 1015-1016. 1889.2 
Nesting of the black bass. 

Forest & Stream, 1889, 33, 163-164. 

The notacanthid fishes as rep- 
resentatives of a peculiar order. Amer. 
Naturalist, 1889, 23, 1016-1017. 


On the classification of the mail- 
cheeked fishes. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. 
1888 (1889), 11, 567-592. 1889.5 

The families of ribbon-fishes. 
Amer. Naturalist, 1890, 24, 481-482. 

The characteristics of the Dacty- 
lopteroidea. , Proc. U Mus. 

U. S. Nat. 
1890 (1891), 18, 243-248. pl. 1891.1 

The characteristics of the family 
of scatophagoid fishes. Proc. U.S. Nat. 
Mus. 1890 (1891), 13, 355-360. fig. 


— Note on the Aspredinide. Proc. 
U. S. Nat. Mus. 1890 (1891), 13, 347— 
352. 1891.3 

Note on the genus Felichthys of 
Swainson. Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus. 1890 
(1891), 138, 353-354. 1891.4 

On the family Ranicipitide. 
Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. 1890 (1891), 138, 

235-238. pl. 1891.5 

On the relations of Cyclopte- 
roidea. Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus. 1890 
(1891), 13, 361-376. 3 pls. 1891.6 

Osteological characteristics of 
the family Amphipnoide. Proc. U. 8S. 
Nat. Mus. 1890 (1891), 18, 299-302. 


The osteological characteristics 
of the family Anguillide. Proc. U.S 
Nat. Mus. 1890 (1891), 13, 157-160. 

The osteological characteristics 
of the family Hemitripteride. Proc. 
U. S. Nat. Mus. 1890 (1891), 13, 377— 
380. pil. 1891.9 
Osteological characteristics et 
the family Murznesocidz. Proc. U. 
Nat. Mus. 1890 (1891), 13, 231- 234. 

The osteological characteristics 
of the family Murzenide. Proce. U. 8 
Nat. Mus. 1890 (1891), 18, 165-170. 


The osteological characteristics 
of the family Simenchelyide. Proc. 
U.S. Nat. Mus. 1890 (1891), 13, 239- 
242. 1891.12 

The osteological characteristics 
of the family Synaphobranchidz. Proc. 
U.S. Nat. Mus. 1890 (1891), 13, 161— 
164. 1891.13 

Notes on the Tetraodontoidea. 
Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus. 1891 Se 14, 
705-720. pi. 892.1 

A comparison of a 
faunas. Mem. Nation. Acad. Sei., 
1893, 6, 91-124. 1893.1 

Families and subfamilies of 
fishes. Mem. Nation. Acad. Sci., 1893, 
6, 127-138. 1893.2 

A segregation of freshwater 
fishes. Science, 1893, 22, 345. 1893.3 

—— Sharks in fresh water. Science, 
1893, 22, 165. 1893.4 

A South American lamprey. 
Science, 1893, 23, 30. 1893.5 

Lepidosirenids and _ bdellosto- 
mids. Amer. Naturalist, 1894, 28, 581— 
584. 1894.1 

Manuscript notes on Hyper- 
prosopon, Ditrema smitti, ete. (In 
Eigenmann, C. H. On the viviparous 
fishes of the Pacific coast of North 
America. Bull. U. 8. Fish Comm. 1892 
(1894), 12, 381-391) 1894.2 

The proper generic name of the 
tunnies. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. 1893 
(1894), 16, 693-694. 1894.3 

Salmonidze and Thymallide. Proce. 
U.S. Nat. Mus. 1894 (1895), 17, ne 
122. 1895. 

The genera of rasa ae 
Amer. Naturalist, 1895, 29, 457-459. ‘ 

The genus Leptophidium. Amer. 
Naturalist, 1895, 29, 167-168. 1895.3 

The nomenclature of the family 
Peeciliide or Cyprinodontide. Proc. 
U. S. Nat. Mus. 1894 (1895), 17, 115— 
116. 1895.4 

The nomenclature of the Mylio- 
batide, or AZtobatide. Proc. U.S. Nat. 
Mus. 1894 (1895), 17, 111-114. 1895.5 

The differential characters of the 

eye SIT 

1 Ag 


t ‘ ly ala 


On the nomenclature and char- 
acteristics of the lampreys. Proc. U.S. 
Nat. Mus. 1894 (1895), 17, 107-110. 


On the relations and nomencla- 
ture of Stizostedion or Lucioperca. Proce. 
U.S. Nat. Mus. 1894 (1895), 17, 123- 
128. 1895.7 

The differential characters of 
characinoid and erythrinoid fishes. Proc. 
U. S. Nat. Mus. 1895 (1896), 18, 205— 
209. 1896.1 

The differential characters of the 
syngnathid and hippocampid fishes. 
Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. 1895 (1896), 18, 
153-159. 1896.2 

The families of synentognathous 
fishes and their nomenclature. Proc. 
U.S. Nat. Mus. 1895 (1896), 18, 167— 
178. 1896.3 

Lipophrys a substitute for Pholis. 
Amer. Naturalist, 1896, 30, 498. 1896.4 

The nomenclature of Rachicen- 
tron or Elacate, a genus of acanthop- 
terygian fishes. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. 
1895 (1896), 18, 217-219. 1896.5 

The nomenclature of the fishes 

of the characinoid genus Tetragonop- 
terus. Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus. 1895 
(1896), 18, 225-227. 1896.6 

Note on Plectroplites and Hypo- 
plectrodes, genera of serranoid fishes. 
Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1896, 6. ser. 18, 
197-198. — Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. 1895 
(1896), 18, 567-568. 1896.7 

Note on the Devonian Palos- 
pondylus. Science, 1896, 2. ser. 4, 10—- 
La. 1896.8 

Note on the fishes of the genus 
Characinus. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. 
1895 (1896), 18, 213-215. 1896.9 

Note on the nomenclature of the 
peeciloid fishes. Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus. 
1895 (1896), 18, 221-224. 1896.10 

Notes on characinoid fishes with 
ctenoid scales, with a description of a 
new Psectrogaster. Proc. U. S. Nat. 
Mus. 1895 (1896), 18, 199-203. 1896.11 

Notes on Orectolobus or Cros- 
sorhinus, a genus of sharks. Proc. U.S. 
Nat. Mus. 1895 (1896), 18, 211-212. 


Notes on the genus Cephaleu- 
therus of Rafinesque, and other rays with 



aberrant pectoral fins (Propterygia and 

Hieroptera) Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus. 
1895 (1896), 18, 195-198. - 1896.13 
lature of 

Scymnus or Seymnorhinus, a genus of 
sharks. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. 1895 
(1896), 18, 191-193. 1896.14 

Notes on the synonymy of the 

Torpedinide or Narcobatids. Proc. 
U.S. Nat. Mus. 1895 (1896), 18, 161- 
165. 1896.15 

On the application of the name 
Teuthis to a genus of fishes. Proc. U.S. 
Nat. Mus. 1895 (1896), 18, 179-189. 
On the proper name of the gun- 

nels, or butter-fishes. Proc. U. S. Nat. 
Mus. 1895 (1896), 18, 147-151. 1896.17 

— [Review of] Fishes, living and 
fossil, by Bashford Dean. Science, 1896, 

n. s. 3, 909-917. 1896.18 
—— Vertebrata of the sea. Science, 
1896, n. s. 8, 319. 1896.19 

The agonoid genus Percis of 
Science, 1897, 2. ser. 6, 958. 

Some questions of nomencla- 


ture. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 45. 
meet., 1896 (1897), 135-165. — Ann. 
Rept. Smithson. Instit. 1896 (1898), 
457-483. 1897.2 

The determinants for the major 
classification of fish-like vertebrates. 
Rept. Brit. Assoc. Ady. Sci., 67. meet., 
1897 (1898), 696-697. 1898.1 

On the derivation of the pectoral 
member in terrestrial vertebrates. Rept. 

Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 67. meet., 1897 
(1898), 697. 1898.2 

stage of the eel. Science, 
2. ser. 9, 820. 1899.1 

The proper names of Bdello- 
stoma or Heptatrema. Proc. U.S. Nat. 
Mus., 1901, 23, 735-738. 1901.1 

The whale-shark (Rhinodon ty- 
pes as an American fish. Science, 
1902, 2. ser. 15, 824-826. 1902.1 

The fishes of the African family 
Kneride. Science, 1903, 2. ser. 18, 338— 
339. 1903.1 

The hosts of argulids and their 
nomenclature. Science, 1903, 2. ser. 17, 
BB 1903.2 
Notice of C. B. Wilson’s ‘‘ North American 
parasitic copepods of the family Argulide.”’ 





Gill, T. N. 
A little-known devil-fish. Sci- 
ence, 1903, 2. ser. 18, 473. 1903.3 

A new name (Hoplias) for the 
genus Macrodon of Miiller. Proc. Biol. 
Soc. Washington, 1903, 16,50. 1903.4 

Note on the fish genera named 
Macrodon. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus:, 
1903, 26, 1015-1016. 1903.5 

On some fish genera of the first 
edition of Cuvier’s ‘“‘ Régne animal ” 
and Oken’s names. Proc. U. S. Nat. 
Mus., 1903, 26, 965-967. 1903.6 

On some neglected genera of 
fishes. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., 1903, 26, 
959-962. 1903.7 

On the relations of the fishes of 
the family Lampridide or opahs. Proc. 
U.S. Nat. Mus., 1903, 26, 915-924. fig. 

The use of the name torpedo for 
the electric catfish. Proc. U. 8S. Nat. 
Mus., 1903, 26, 697-698. 1903.9 

Walbaum and binomialism. Sci- 
ence, 1903, 2. ser. 17, 744-746. 1903.10 

ES ie Encyclopedia Americana on 
ichthyology. Science, 1904, 2. ser. 19, 
675-676; 767. 1904.1 

Extinct pediculate and other 
Science, 1904, 2. ser. 20, 845-846. 

Labracinus the proper name for 
the fish genus Cichlops. Proc. U. 58. 
Nat. Mus., 1904, 28, 119. 1904.3 

The morays at the (New York) 
aquarium. New York Zool. Soc. Bull., 
1904, no. 15, 180-181. 1904.4 

Note on the genus Prionurus or 
Acanthocaulos. Proc. U. 8S. Nat. Mus., 
1904, 28, 121. 1904.5 

On the systematic relations of the 
ammodytoid fishes. Proc. U. 8. Nat. 
Mus., 1904, 28, 159-163. fig. 1904.6 

A remarkable genus of fishes, 
the umbras. Smithson. Misc. Collect., 
1904, 46, 295-305. fig. 1904.7 

State ichthyology of Massa- 
chusetts. Science, 1904, 2. ser. 20, 321— 
338. Rept. U.S. Bureau Fisheries, 1904 
(1905), 163-188. 1904.8 
Ancient Greek fish and other 
Science, 1905, 2. ser. 22, 140— 



Flying fishes and their habits. 
Ann. Rept. Smithson. Instit. 1904 
(1905), 495-515. 4 pls. & fig. 1905.2 

— An interesting Cretaceous chi- 
meroid egg-case. Science, 1905, 22, 
601-602. 1905.3 

The life-history of the angler. 
Smithson. Mise. Collect., 1905, 47, pt. 2, 
500-516. 3 pls. & figs. 1905.4 

: The life-history of the sea-horses 
(hippocampids) Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., 
1905, 28, 805-814. 1905.5 

A new anarrhichadoid fish (Lyc- 
ichthys paucidens, n. sp.) Proe. Biol. 
Soc. Washington, 1905, 18, 251. 1905.6 

A new introduction to the study 
of fishes (Review of the Cambridge 
Natural History, vol. vii] Science, 1905, 
2. ser. 21, 653-661. 1905.7 

— Note on the genera of synanceine 
and pelorine fishes. Proc. U. S. Nat. 
Mus., 1905, 28, 221-225. fig. 1905.8 

Note on the habits of an ophidiid 
(cusk-eel) Science, 1905, 2. ser. 22, 342. 

On the generic characteristics of 
Prionotus stearnsit. Proc. U. 8. Nat. 
Mus., 1905, 28, 339-342. 1905.10 

On the habits of the great whale 
shark (Rhineodon typus) Science, 1905, 
2. ser. 21, 790-791. 1905.11 

Origin of freshwater faunas. 
Abstract in Rept. & Intern. Geogr. 
Cong. 1904 (1905), 617. 1905.12 

The Sargasso fish not a nest- 
Science, 1905, 2. ser. 22, 841. 

The scorpzenoid fish, Neosebastes 
entaxis, as the type of a distinct genus. 
Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., 1905, 28, 219-220. 
2 figs. 1905.14 

The sculpin and its habits. 
Smithson. Mise. Collect., 1905, 47, pt. 2, 
348-359. fig. 1905.15 

The fish genus Alabes or Cheilo- 
branchus. Science, 1906, 2. ser. 23, 584— 
585. 1906.1 

Le fondule (Fundula cyprino- 
donta) of Carbonnier an Umbra. Sei- 
ence, 1906, 2. ser. 24, 818-819. 1906.2 

Parental care among’ fresh- 
water fishes. Ann. Rept. Smithson. 
Instit. 1905 (1906), 408-531. pl. 




COOL EE ae RD AT aes 


— The remarkable story of a Greek 
fish, the glanis. Bull. George Washing- 
ton Univ., 1906, 5, 5-13. 1906.4 

The family of eyprinids and the 
carp as its type. Smithson. Mise. Col- 
lect., 1907, 48, pt. 3, 195-217. 13 pls. 


Life histories of toadfishes (ba- 
trachoidids), compared with those of 
weevers (trachinids) and _ stargazers 
(uranoscopids) Smithson. Mise. Col- 
lect., 1907, 48, 388-427. 20 figs. 1907.2 

The lumpsucker: its relationship 
and habits. Smithson. Misc. Collect., 
1907, 50, 175-194. 1907.3 

Some noteworthy extra-Euro- 
pean cyprinids. Smithson. Misc. Col- 
lect., 1907, 48, 297-340. 66 figs. 1907.4 

Stone-gathering fishes. Amer. 
Naturalist, 1907, 41, 468-469. 1907.5 

The tarpon and lady-fish and 
their relatives. Smithson. Misc. Col- 
lect., 1907, 48, pt. 3, 31-46. 4 pls. 


The work of Pterophryne and the 
flying-fishes. Abstract in Science, 1907, 
2. ser. 25, 63-64. 1907.7 

Cheerodon in place of Chcerops 
for a labroid genus of fishes. Proc. U.S. 
Nat. Mus., 1908, 35, 155-156. 1908.1 

The millers-thumb and its habits. 
Smithson. Mise. Collect., 1908, 52, 101— 
116. 1908.2 

| Note on the genus Kuhlia. Proc. 
Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. 1907 (1908), 59, 
150. 1908.3 

Recent discoveries in the history 
of the common eel. Science, 1908, 2. 
ser. 28, 845-846. 1908.4 

The story of the devil-fish. 
Smithson. Mise. Collect. 1908, 52, 155— 
180. 1908.5 

Angler fishes: their kinds and 
ways. Ann. Rept. Smithson. Instit. 
1908 (1909), 565-615. 1909.1 

The archer-fish and its feats. 

Smithson. Mise. Collect., 1909, 52, 277— 

286. 1909.2 
(Notes on oral gestation in cichlid 
Science, 1909, 2. ser. 29, 676. 

ane 1909.3 

The selachians admitted as a 
distinct class. Science, 1909, 2. ser. 29, 
193-194. 1909.4 



The structural characteristics 
and relations of the apodal fishes. Sci- 
ence, 1910, 2. ser. 31, 789-790. 1910.1 

—— A new translation of Aristotle’s 
“ History of animals.’’ Science, 1911, 
2. ser. 33, 730-738. 1911.1 

Notes on the structure and hab- 
its of the wolf-fishes. Proc. U.S. Nat. 
Mus., 1911, 39, 157-187. 11 pls. 1911.2 

—— Systematic zodlogy: its progress 
and purpose. Proc. 7. Intern. Zool. 
Congr., Boston, 1907 (1912), 786-806. 


See also Mitchill, S. L., 1814. 

Gill, Theodore Nicholas, & Brans- 
ford, John F. Synopsis of the fishes of 

lake Nicaragua. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. 
Philad., 1877, 175-191. 1877.1 

Gill, Theodore Nicholas, & Ryder, 
John A. Diagnoses of new genera of 
nemichthyoid eels (Serrivomer, Spini- 
vomer, Labichthys} Proc. U. 8S. Nat. 
Mus., 1884, 6, 260-262. 1884.1 

Note on Eurypharynx and an 
allied new genus. Phil. Anz., 1884, 7, 
119-123. 1884.2 

On the anatomy and relations of 
the Eurypharyngide. Proc. U.S. Nat. 
Mus., 1884, 6, 262-273. 1884.3 

On the literature and systematic 
relation of the saccopharyngoid fishes. 
Proc: U. 8S. Nat. Mus., 1885, 7, 48- 
65. 1885.1 

Gill, Theodore Nicholas, & Smith, 
Hugh M. The moringuid eels and their 
geographical distribution. Proc. Amer. 
Assoc. Ady. Sci., 49. meet., 1900, 245- 
246. 1900.1 

The moringuid eels in American 
Science, 1900, 2. ser. 11, 973— 

A new family of jugular acan- 
thopterygians (Caristiide} Proc. Biol. 
Soc. Washington, 1905, 18, 249-250. 


Gill, Theodore Nicholas, & Town- 
send, Charles Haskins. Diagnoses of 
new species of fishes found in Bering sea. 
Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 1897, 11, 
231-234. 1897.1 
The largest deep-sea fish. Sci- 
ence, 1901, 2. ser. 14, 937-938. 1901.1 

Gilleron-Fuhrer, Die Bal- 
chen-Fischerei im Thunersee. Schweiz. 
Fischereizeitg., 1894, 2, 61. 1894.1 





Gillespie, A. Lockhart. Changes in 
the digestive activity of the secretions of 
the alimentary canal of the salmon in 
different conditions. 18. Ann. Rept. 
Fish. Board Scotland, 1898, pt. 2, 23-35. 
pl. 1898.1 

Gillespie, Samuel. Growth and food 
of carp. Bull. U. 8. Fish Comm. 1882 
(1883), 2, 300. 1883.1 

Gillet de Grandmont, Anatole. 
Premiére note sur la péche de la morue. 
Brest, 1845. 18p. 8°. 1845.1 

Sur histoire de la pisciculture 
Bull. Soc. Acclim. Paris, 1862, 9, 978- 

988. Also separate; Paris, 1862. 8°. 
Education du saumon dans les 
lacs. Bull. Soc. Acclim. Paris, 1863, 10, 
332-334. 1863.1 
La féra, incubation, éclosion, 
éducation. Bull. Soc. Acclim. Paris, 
1863, 10, 16—20. 1863.2 

Pisciculture du lac Pavin. Edu- 
cation des saumons. Bull. Soc. Ac- 
clim. Paris, 1863, 10, 261-263. 1863.3 

Rapport sur les pontes des pois- 
sons de mer présenté au nom de la com- 
mission des fécondations artificielles. 
Bull. Soe. Acclim. Paris, 1863, 10, 385- 
395. — Rev. Marit., 1863, 9, 433-443. 


Rapport sur des études relatives 
4 la pratique des fécondations artifici- 

elles. Bull. Soc. Acclim. Paris, 1864, 2. 
ser. 1, 12-26. 1864.1 
Viviers-laboratoires de  Con- 

carneau, leur description, leur utilité, 
leur avenir. Bull. Soc. Acclim. Paris, 
1864, 2. sér. 1, 261—269. 1864.2 

Gilliams, J. Description of a new 
species of fish of the Linnzan genus 
Perca (Scolopsis sayanus) Journ. Acad. 
Nat. Sci. Philad., 1824, n. s. 4, 80-82. 
pl. Extract in Bull. Sci. Nat. (Férus- 
sac), 5, 277-278. 1824.1 

Gilliss, James Melvin [1811-1865] 
Reports upon the fishes and reptiles of 

Chili. Philadelphia, 1854. 8°. 1854.1 
Gilpin, J. Bernard. On the food 
fishes of Nova Scotia. Proce. Trans. 

No. 1. On the common herring [Clupea elon- 

gata) Trans. Nova Scotian Instit. Nat.Sci., 1862 
(1863), 1,pt. 1, 4-11. 

Nova Scotian Instit. Nat. Sei., 

No. 2. On the gaspereaux rigs tyrannus) 
Tbid., 1864 (1865), 1, pt. 3, 107-11 
No. 3. The mackerel. | [bid., 1865 (1866), 1, 

pt. 4, 11-17. 

No. 4. The trouts and salmons. Ibid., 1865 
(1866), 1, pt. 4, 76-91. 

No. 5. The cod family. IJbid., 1867 (1868), 

2, pt. 2, 101-111. 

Winter quarters of Nova Scotian 
salmon. Ann. Rec. Sci. (Baird), 1872 
(1873), 446. 1873.1 

Orthagoriscus mola Couch, taken 
in Halifax harbor, Oct. 1873. Proce: 
Trans. Nova Scotian Instit. Nat. Sei. 
1873 (1874), 3, pt. 4, 3438-344. 1874.1 

— Mackerel on the Nova Scotia 

coast. Forest & Stream, 1878, 10, 420. 
1878. 1 
Gilpin, John. On ce annual passage 

of herrings. Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc., 
1786, 2, 236-239. map. — Leipziger 
Magazin, 1788, 90-95. 1786.1 

Gilson, Gustave. L’anguille, sa re- 
production, ses migrations et son intérét 
économique en Belgique. Ann. Soe. 
Roy. Malacol. Belgique, 1908, 43, 7-58. 
3 figs. 1908.1 

Capture d’un Leptocephalus mor- 
risii au cap Grisnez. Ann. Soc. Roy. 
Malacol. Belgique, 1908, 438, 1382-138. 


Giltay, Carel Marinus. Commenta- 
tio de Esoce lucio, neurologice descripto 
et cum reliquis vertebratis animalibus 
comparata. Lugduni Batavorum, 1832. 
Opis: Ao. 1832.1 

Gindce, B. K. Die Fischerei in den 
Donaumiindungen [Text in Russian) 
Trd. Jub. Akklim. Sjézda, Moskva, 
1909, 2 (Seke. Ichtiol.), 95-111. 1909.1 

Gintel, Frederic. Fecundation of the 
eggs of Clinus argentatus. Rev. Scient., 
aout, 1892. 1892.1 

Giordano, D. Ittiologia del golfo di 
Gaeta. Napoli, 1890. 65p. 4°. 1890.1 

Giorna, Michel Esprit. Eclaircisse- 
ment sur un poisson accidentellement 
épineux (Cyprinus idus L.) qu’on trouve 
dans les riviéres de la 27iéme division 
militaire (Piémont]) Mém. Acad. Sci. 
Turin, 1804-05, 12 & 13, 229-234. 


Mémoire sur cing poissons, dont 
deux sont d’espéces nouvelles, savoir 
une grande raie, et un baliste, qui ont 
été nommés et insérés par le célébre 
Lacépéde dans la seconde partie du vol. 


5 de son “ Histoire des poissons,”’ et les 

trois autres sont de nouveaux genres. 
Mém. Acad. Sci. Turin, 1804, 8. 1804.2 

Mém. Acad. Sci. 

Grande raie. 
Turin, 1805, 2, 4. 

Mémoire sur des poissons d’es- 
péces nouvelles et de genres nouveaux. 
Mém. Accead. Sei. Turin, 1805, 2, 1-19; 
177-180. 1805.2 

Giovene, G. M. Di alcuni pesci del 
mare di Puglia. Mem. Soc. Italiana, 

1829, 20, 21-42. Supplemento. Jbid., 
336-346. 1829.1 
Girard, Albert Alexandre. Catalogo 

dos mammiferos, peixes, molluscas e 
crustaccos colhidos na costa e rios do 
Algarve. Lisbon, 1892. fol. 1892.1 

— Description d’un Echeneis nou- 
veau des cdtes du Portugal. Boll. Soe. 
Geogr. Lisbon, 1893, 11, 611-615. pl. 


Etude sur un poisson des grandes 
profondeurs, du genre Himantolophus, 
dragué sur les cétes du Portugal. Boll. 
Soe. Geogr. Lisbon, 1893, 11, 603-610. 
pl. 1893.2 

Note sur un poisson-lune (Ortha- 
goriscus mola L.), de grandes dimen- 
sions, capturé sur les c6tes du Portugal. 
Ann. Sci. Nat. Porto, 1894, 1, 31-33. 


Sur Saccopharynx ampullaceus 
des grandes profondeurs de |’ Atlantique, 
et Halargyreus johnsoni. Lisbon, 1895. 
4pls. 4°. 1895.1 

Girard, Charles Frédéric [1822-1895] 
For biography and bibliography, see 
Goode, G. B., in Bull. U. 8. Nat. Mus., 
1891, no. 41. 141 p. 

A monograph of the freshwater 
Proc. Amer. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 2. 
meet., 1849 (1850), 409. 1850.1 

On the genus Cottus auct. Proc. 
Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. 1848 (1851), 3, 
183-190. 1851.1 

Some additional observations on 
the nomenclature and classification of 
the genus Cottus. Proc. Boston Soe. 
Nat. Hist. 1848 (1851), 3, 302-305. 
— Bibliography of fishes, 1851 (In 
his American zoological, botanical and 
geological bibliography for 1851. Amer. 
Journ. Sci., 1852, 2. ser. 13, app.) ‘ 




Contributions to the natural 
history of the freshwater fishes of North 
America. I. A monograph of the cot- 
toids. Smithson. Contrib. Knowl., 
1852, 3, art. 3. 80p. 3.pls. 1852.2 

Révision du genre Cottus des 
auteurs. Nouv. Mém. Soc. Helvet. Sci. 
Nat., 1852, 12, 28. Also separate; 
Zurich, 1852. 4°. 1852.3 

Fishes (In Marcy and McClel- 
lan’s exploration of the Red river of 
Louisiana in the year 1852. Washing- 
ton, 1858. 8°) 1853.1 

Fishes (In. Sitgreaves’ Report. of 
an expedition down the Zuni and Colo- 
rado rivers. Washington, 1853. 8°) 
Description of new species of 
fishes collected by Capts. R. B. Marey 
and Geo. B. McClellan in Arkansas. 
Proc. Acad. Nat. 1853 
(1854), 6, 390. 1854.1 

Descriptions of new species of 
fishes collected by Mr. John H. Clark, 
on the United States and Mexican 
Boundary survey, under Col. J. D. 
Graham. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. 
1852 (1854), 6, 387. 1854.2 

Descriptions of some new fishes 
from the river Zuni. Proc. Acad. Nat. 
Sci. Philad. 1853 (1854), 6, 368-369. 


Note upon a nest constructed by 
catfish. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. 
1853 (1854), 6, 387. 1854.4 

Observations upon the American 
species of the genus Esox. Proc. Acad. 
Nat. Sci. Philad. 1853 (1854), 6, 386. 


On a new genus of American 
cottoids. Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. 
1851 (1854), 4, 18-19. 1854.6 

On a new species of the genus 

Sei. Philad. 

Salmo. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. 
1853 (1854), 6, 380. 1854.7 
On the Salmo oquassa, nova 

species. Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. 
1851-54 (1854), 4, 262-263. 1854.8 
Report to Lieut. James M. 

Gilliss, U.S. N., upon the fishes collected 
by the U. 8S. Naval Astronomical Ex- 
pedition to the southern hemisphere 
during the years 1849-50-51-52. 2 
vols. Washington, 1855. 42 pls. 9 
maps. 4°. 1855.1 

Fishes, vol. ii, p. 230-253. 


Girard, C. F. 

‘Abstract of a report to Lieut. 
James M. Gilliss, U. S. N., upon the 
fishes collected during the U. S. Naval 
Astronomical Expedition to Chili. Proc. 
Acad. Nat. Sei. Philad. 1854-55 (1856), 
7, 197-199. 1856.1 

Characteristics of some cartila- 
ginous fishes of the Pacific coast of 
North Ameriea. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. 
Philad. 1854-55 (1856), 7, 196-197. 


Description of new species of 
fishes from the state of Massachusetts. 
Proe. Boston Soe. Nat. Hist. 1854-56 
(1856), 5, 40. 1856.3 

Descriptions of new fishes col- 
lected by A. L. Heermann, naturalist 
attached to the survey of the Pacific 
railroad, under Lieut. R. 8S. Williamson, 
UES. A. Proc. Aead. Nat. Sci. Philad. 
1854-55 (1856), 7, 129-140. 1856.4 

Enumeration of the species of 
marine fishes collected at San Francisco, 
California, by Dr. C. B. R. Kennerly, 
naturalist attached to the survey of the 
Pacifie railroad route under Lieut. A. W. 
Whipple. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. 
1854-55 (1856), 7, 141-142. 1856.5 

Notice of a new species of Sal- 
monide [Salmo gloverii) from the north- 
eastern part of the United States. Proc. 
Acad. Nat. Sei. Philad. 1854-55 (1856), 
7, 85-86. 1856.6 

Notice upon the viviparous 
fishes inhabiting the Pacific coast of 
North America, with an enumeration 
of the species observed. Proc. Acad. 
Nat. Sci. Philad. 1854-55 (1856), 7, 318— 
323. — Arch. Naturgesch., 21, 342-354. 

Observations upon a collection 
of fishes made on the Pacific coast of the 
United States by Lieut. W. P. Trow- 
bridge, U. S. A., for the Museum of the 
Smithsonian Institution. Proc. Acad. 
Nat. Sei. Philad. 1854-55 (1856), 7, 142- 
156. 1856.8 
(On the Embiotocide) Proce. 
Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. 1854 (1856), 5, 
81-82. 1856.9 

Contributions to the ichthyol- 
ogy of the western coast of the U nited 
States, from specimens in the museum 
of the Smithsonian Institution. Proc. 
Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. 1856 (1857), 8, 
131-137. 1857.1 


A list of the fishes collected in 
California by Mr. E. Samuels, with de- 
scriptions of the new species. es 
Journ. Nat. Hist. 1850-57 Gee 

533-541. 4 pls. 57.2 

Notice upon the species of the 
genus Salmo of authors, observed 
chiefly in Oregon and California. Proce. 
Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. 1856 (1857), 8 

217-220. 1857.3 

On “ Acanthocotti’’ in Storer’s 
Fishes of Nova Seotia. Boston Journ. 
Nat. Hist. 1850-57 (1857), 6, 247-250. 


On “ Gasterostei’’ in Storer’s 
Fishes of Nova Scotia. Boston Journ. 
Nat. Hist. 1850-57 (1857), 6, 254-260. 


Report upon fishes collected on 
the survey (In Report of Lieut. Henry 
L. Abbot, upon explorations for a rail- 
road route from the Sacramento valley 
to the Columbia river, made by Lieut. 
R. S. Williamson assisted by Lieut. 
Henry L. Abbot. U.S. Senate Miscell. 
Doc. no. 78, 1857, 33. Congr., 2. Sess., 
no. 1, 11-34. 11 pls.) 1857.6 

Researches upon the cyprinoid 
fishes inhabiting the fresh waters of the 
United States west of the Mississippi 
valley, from specimens in the museum 
of the Smithsonian Institution. et 
Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. 1856 (1857), 8, 

Pages 209-213 of this paper are occupied with 
an appendix in which descriptions are given of 
several new cyprinoid species from the eastern 
United States. 

Ichthyology (In United States 
and Mexican boundary survey, under 
the order of Lieut. Col. W. H. Emory, 
Major first cavalry and United States 
commissioner, vol. ii, pt. 2, 1-85. 41 
pls. Washington, 1858-59. 2 vols. 
4°) 1858.1 

Notice upon new genera and 
new species of marine and freshwater 
fishes from western North America. 
Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. 1857 
(1858), 9, 200-202. 1858.2 

Fishes (In General report upon 
the zoology of the several Pacifie rail- 
road routes, 1857. U.S. Senate Mis- 
cell. Doc. no. 78, 1859, 38. Congr., 2. 
Sess. xiv, 400 p. 27 pls.) 1859.1 

Also published separately under the title of 
Fishes of North America, observed on a survey 

for a railroad route from the Mississippi river 
Washington, 1858. 21 

to the Pacific ocean. 
pls. 4°. 




Ichthyological notices. Proc. 
Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. 1858 (1859), 
223-225. Ibid., 1859 (1860), 56-68; 100— 
104; 1138-122; 157-161. 1859.2 

Notes upon various new genera 
and new species of fishes, in the museum 
of the Smithsonian Institution, and col- 
lected in connection with the United 
States and Mexican Boundary Survey, 
Major William Emory, Commissioner. 
Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. 1858 
(1859), 167-171. 1859.3 

— Report on fishes collected on 
the survey (In Report of explorations 
for arailroad route near the 32nd par- 
allel of north latitude, lying between 
Dona Ana, on the Rio Grande, and 
Pimas villages, on the Gila, by Lieut. 
John G. Parke, 1855. U. S. Senate 
Miscell. Doe. no. 78, 1859, 33. Congr., 
2. Sess., no. 4, 83-91. 10 pls.) 1859.4 

Report on fishes collected on 
the survey (In Report of Lieut. E. G. 
Beckwith, upon explorations for a rail- 
road route, near the 38th and 39th par- 
allels of north latitude, by Captain J. W. 
Gunnison, and near the 41st parallel of 
north latitude, by Lieut. E. G. Beck- 
with. U.S. Senate Miscell. Doc. no 
78, 1859, 33. Congr., 2. Sess., no. 4, 21— 
Die AONIS:)) 1859.5 

Report upon fishes collected on 
the survey (In Report of explorations 
for a railway route (near the 35th par- 
allel of north latitude) from the Missis- 
sippi river to the Pacific ocean, by 
Lieutenant A. W. Whipple assisted by 
Lieut. J. C. Ives, 1853-54. U.S. Senate 
Miseell. Doe. no. 78, 1859, 33. Congr., 
2. Sess., no. 5, 47-59. 13pls.) 1859.6 

Les poissons aveugles des caver- 
nes américains. Le Naturaliste, 1888, 
10, 107-108. fig. 1888.1 

Les poissons souterrains du 
nouveau-monde. Le Naturaliste, 1888, 
ON 222. 1888.2 

— La faune souterraine des Andes 
et de la Cordillére. C. R. Congres 
Intern. Zool., Paris, 1889, 110-113. 


Les poissons musiciens. Le 
Naturaliste, 1889, 11, 57-58. fig. 1889.2 

Les poissons souterrains du nord 
de l’Afrique. Le Naturaliste, 1889, 11, 
103-106. 5 figs. 1889.3 

La maladie du barbeau (Barbus 
vulgaris L.) Le Naturaliste, 1890, 12, 
254. 1890.1 



Les poissons vivipares de la céte 
américaine de l’océan Pacifique. Le 
Naturaliste, 1890, 12, 24-25; 39; 61- 
62. figs. 7 1890.2 

Girard, Charles, & Baird, Spencer 
Fullerton. See Baird & Girard. 

Girard, Charles, Suckley, George, & 
Agassiz, Lowis. Fishes of North Amer- 
ica. 6 pts. Washington, 1857-59. 84 
pls. 4°. 1857.1 

Girard, Joseph, & Pettit, Auguste. 
See Pettit & Girard. 

’ Girard, O. France et Chine, vie 
publique et privée des Chinois anciens 
et modernes, passé et avenir de la France 
dans l’extréme Orient. 2 vols. Paris, 
1869. 8°. 1869.1 

Contains an account of methods of fishing 
among the Chinese. 

Girardet, , & Girardet, 
Lae de Neuchatel; énumération des 
poissons qui s’y trouvent. Neuchatel, 
Ota Sipe, wae. 1797.1 

Girardi, Michele. Saggio di osser- 
vazioni anatomiche intorno agli organi 
elettrici della torpedine. Mem. Soc. 
Ital. Sci., Verona, 1786, 3, 553-570. 


Girardin, J., & Marchand, Ernest. 
Analyse des saumures de hareng et de 
leur emploi en agriculture. Journ. 
Pharm., 1860, 37, 89-104. — Journ. 
Agric. Prat., 1, 186-192. —C. R. Acad. 
Sci. Paris, 50, 273-279. — Mém. Soc. 
Imp. Sci. Agricult. Arts, Lille, 1859 
(1860), 2. sér. 6, 235-250. 1860.1 

Girardin, /., & Preisser, Ff. Ob- 
servations sur l’épuration et la désinfec- 
tion des huiles de poisson. Trav. Acad. 
Rouen, 1841, 100-1138. 1841.1 

Examen chimique de l’huile de 
foie de raie (Raia clavata et R. batis) 
Trav. Acad. Rouen, 1842, 102-106. — 
Journ. Prak. Chem., 26, 399-403. — 
Journ. Pharm., 1, 503-507. — Annal. 
(Liebig), 44, 320-321.—C. R. Acad. 
Sci. Paris, 14, 618-621. 1842.1 

Giraud-Teulon, Marc Antoine Louis 
Félix [1816-1887] Du _ principe qui 
préside au mécanisme de la natation chez 
les poissons et du vol chez les oiseaux. 
C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1856, 43, 10354— 
1035. 1856.1 

Girdwoyn, Michal. Nieco 0 przyrod- 
zie lososia pospolitego (Trutta salar L.) 
i sposobach jego cechowania w Anglil 



Girdwoyn, V. 

(Einige Worte tiber die Natur des Lach- 
ses (Trutta salar) und die Bezeichnungs- 
weise desselben in England) Warsaw, 
1978 ctgh, 4S 1878.1 

Pathologie des poissons. Mala- 
dies, monstruosités et anomalies des 
ceufs et des embryons. Paris, 1880. 
19p. 1lpls. 4°. 1880.1 

Girgensohn, Oito Gottlieb Leonhard 
[1784-1853] Anatomie und Physiologie 
des Fisch-Nervensystems. Mém. Acad. 
Imp. Sci. St. Pétersb., 1846, 5, 278-589. 
15 pls. 1846.4 

Girod, Paul. Les poissons d’aprés 
Aristote; leurs applications 4 l’hygiéne 
et Ala thérapeutique d’aprés les médecins 
grecs, d’Hippocrate 4 Actuarius. Inaug. 
Dissert. Paris, 1880. 88 p. 1880.1 

Gissler, Nils. Blennius capite dor- 
soque fulvo-flavescente, lituris nigris, 
pinna ani flava, descriptus. Anat. 
Transalp., tm. d.j 1, 485. 

Not seen; title from L. Agassiz. 

Giussani, C. A. A list of works, es- 
says, ete. relating to Japan. ‘Trans. 
Asiat. Soe. Japan, 1886, 14, pt. 2, 87— 
118. 1886.1 

Contains references to Japanese publications 
on fishes. 

Gjers, Carl Robert. Fiskodlingen 
forordad i Finland f6ér ett sekel sedan. 
Tidskr. Fiskerin. & Aquikultur (Malm- 
gren), 1869, 1. Jahrg., 36-37. 1869.1 

Gladwin, Charles O. Black bass in 
the Connecticut. Forest & Stream, 

1876, 6, 300. 1876.1 
Salmon in the . Connecticut. 
Forest & Stream, 1876, 6, 300. 1876.2 

Shad netting in the Connecticut 
near Higganum. Forest & Stream, 
1876, 6, 234. 1876.3 

Size of the black bass of Florida. 
Forest & Stream, 1879, 12,15. 1879.1 

Glaesner, Leopold. Die Gastrulation 

von Petromyzon und die ‘‘ Concres- 
scenz’’-Frage. Zool. Anz., 1910, 35, 
728-733. 2 figs. 1910.1 

Studien zur . Entwicklungsge- 
schichte von FPetromyzon fluviatilis. 

Furchung und Gastrulation. Zool. 
Jahrb., 1910, 29, 139-190. 2 pls. & 31 
figs. 1910.2 

Glassel, Wilhelm. Ueber die Gold- 
fischzucht im Aquarium. Blatt. Aquar.- 

Terrar. Kunde, 1911, 22. Jahrg., 300—- 
301. 1911.1 

Glage, Friedrich. Ueber die Bedeu- 
tung der Haifische fiir die Fischbeschau. 
Zeitschr. Fleisch.-Milchhyg., 1902, 13. 
Jahrg., 37-41. 1902.1 

Glaize, FE. P., & Pellegrin, J. See 
Pellegrin & Glaize. 

Glangeaud, Ph. Les poissons et les 
reptiles du Jurassique des environs de 
Poitiers, d’Angouléme et de la Rochelle. 
Bull. Soe. Géol. France, 1896, 3. sér. 24, 
155-171. 2 pls. & fig. ‘Abstract in C. R. 
Soc. Géol., no. 6, Ix—Ixi1. 1896.1 

Glaser, Friedrich. Fischerei-Verhilt- 
nisse im QOber-Rhein zwischen Basel 
und Schaffhausen. Deutsch. Fischerei 
Zeitg., 1878, 1. Jahrg., 90. 1878.1 

Glaser, Ludwig [1818-1898] _ (Nest 
des Stichlings im Aquarium) Zool. Gar- 
ten, 1865, 6. Jahrg., 189-192. 1865.1 

— |Account of teleosts in his aqua- 
rium) (Text in German} Zool. Garten, 
1866, 7. Jahrg., 113-115; 272-274. 


Glaser, Otto C. Movement and prob- 
lem solving in Ophiura_ brevispina. 
Journ. Exper. Zool., 1907, 4, 203-219. 
5 figs. & 6 tables. 1907.1 

Changes in chemical energy 
during the development of Fundulus 
heteroclitus. Science, 1912, n.s. 35, 189— 
191. 1912.1 

(Die Entwicklungsarbeit des Fun- 
dulus heteroclitus; Math. Naturw. Anz. 
Budapest, 1912, 30, 927-928. 1912.2 

Die Entwicklungsarbeit im Fun- 

VIII. Beitrag zur Energetik 
der Ontogenese. Biochem. Zeitschr., 
Berlin, 1912, 44, 180-184. 1912.3 

Glazier, W.C.W. On the destruc- 
tion of fish by polluted waters in the gulf 
of Mexico. Smithson. Miscell. Coll., 
1882, 22, art. 2, 126-127. 1882.1 

Gleason, Henry Allan, & Hart, 
Charles A. See Hart & Gleason. 

Gleditsch, Johann Gottlieb [1714— 
1786] Exposition abrégée d’une fécon- 
dation artificielle des truites et des sau- 
mons, qui est appuyée sur des expéri- 
ences certaines, faites par un _habile 
naturaliste, traduite de  Vallemand. 
Mém. Acad. Sci. Berlin, 1764, 20, 47. 





Glennan, A. H. Fish killed by poi- 
sonous water. Bull. U.S. Fish Comm. 
1886 (1887), 6, 10-11. 1887.1 

Gley, H. Recherches sur le sang des 
sélaciens. Action toxique du sérum de 
torpille (Torpedo marmorata) Bull. Mus. 
Hist. Nat. Paris, 1904, 10, 282-284. — 
C. R. Acad. Sei. Paris, 138, 1547-1549. 


Gley, #., & Camus, L. See Camus 
& Gley. 

Glinsky, Zur Kenntniss des 
Baues der Magenschleimhaut der Wir- 

belthiere. Centralbl. Medic. Wissens., 
1883. 1883.1 

Gloede, Herman. Der Neunaugen- 
fang bei Fiddichow. Deutsch. Fischerei 

Zeitg., 1880, 3. Jahrg., 485-486. 1880.1 

Gloenkler, K. Vom Untersee. 
Schweiz. Fischerei Zeitg., 1895, 3, 218. 
Also separate; Pfiaffikon-Ziirich, 1895. 
aco 8°. 1895.1 

Glogau, Henrik. Ueber den Fang 
eines St6érs in Schweden. Zool. Garten, 
1863, 4, 20. 1863.1 

Gloger, Constantin W. Lambert. 
Schlesiens Wirbelthier-Fauna; ein sys- 
tematischer Ueberblick der in dieser 
Provinz vorkommenden Siugethiere, 
Végel, Amphibien und Fische, mit 
Riicksicht auf den allgemeinen Charak- 
ter des Landes, sowie auf das locale und 
quantitative Vorkommen seiner Thiere, 
namentlich mit Angabe ihres Anstei- 
gens auf Berghohen und ihrer wichtig- 
sten Abainderungen. Breslau, 1833. 8°. 


Glover, Thomas. An account of 
Virginia. Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. Lon- 
don (1836) no. 126, 623. 1836.1 

Contains a list of the fishes of Virginia and 
describes the Indian mode of fishing by fire- 

Glowacki, Julius. 
Save und des Isonzo. 
Staats-Untergymnasium Cilli, 1895-96 
(1896), 1-37. Abstract in Verh. Zool. 
Bot. Ges. Wien, 47, 197-198. 1896.1 

Gluge,G. Sur quelques points d’ana- 
tomie pathologique comparée, suivie de 
quelques observations sur la structure 
des branchies dans les épinoches. Bull. 
Acad. Roy. Belgique, 1838, 5, 771-782. 


Beobachtung zahlreicher Balg- 
geschwiilste als epidemische Krankheit 
bei Fischen. Anat. Mikr. Untersuch. 
Allgem. Path., 1841, 2: 1841.1 

Die Fische der 
1. Jahresber. 



Gmelin, Carl Christian [1762-1837] 
Gemeinniitzige systemialische Naturge- 

schichte der Fische. 2. Auflage. Mann- 
heim, 1829. 28 pts. 164 figs. 8°. 

The first edition of this work was published in 
1818, and a third was published in 1839. 406 p. 

Gmelin, Johann Frederick [1748- 
1804] Caroli a Linné Systema 
Nature per regna tria nature, secun- 
dum classes, ordines, genera, species, 
cum characteribus, differentiis, synony- 

mis, locis. Tomus I - 4 Il. Editio 
decimo tertia, aucta, reformata. Cura 
Jofannis] Frederico) Gmelin. 3 vols. 
in9 parts. Lipsize, 1788-93. 1788.1 

The three volumes of this alleged edition of 
Linnzeus, being very much amplified, were di- 
vided into parts, with half titles, for binding, of 
which the first is devoted to the Regnum Ani- 
male, and contains the part (p. 1126-1516) which 
treats of fishes. Tomus ii deals with the Regnum 
Vegetabile, and Tomus ili with the Regnum 

Dr. T. N. Gill’s comments on this work are 
as follows: 

“This edition is noticed under the date of 
1788 and the name of Gmelin, as that naturalist 
is alone responsible for the incorporation of the 
many species described since the last edition of 
the Systema Nature revised by Linné. The 
compilation displays very little acquaintance 
with any branch of zoology, and species are in- 
corporated into the system in defiance of the 
characters of the groups to which they are re- 
ferred. This is evidently the result of blind 
confidence in the accuracy and powers of dis- 
crimination of those whose species were incorpo- 
rated by him into the System, as he did not 
hesitate to adopt their views as to generic rela- 
tions, however much the inherent evidences of 
their own descriptions might oppose their views.”’ 
— Smithson. Miscell. Collect., 1872, 11, 37. 

Gmelin, Samuel Gottlieb [1743-1774] 
Reise durch Russland, zur Untersuchung 
der drey Naturreiche in den Jahren 
1769 und 1770, mit einer Vorrede, 
herausgegeben von P. G. Pallas. 4 vols. 
St. Petersburg & Leipzig, 1770-74. 
147 pls. 8°. Ol 

Gobin, Alphonse {1828 —] Note sur 
les resources que présente actuellement 
le Haut-Rhéne au point de vue de la 
péche. Lyon, 1869. 8°. 1869.1 

La pisciculture d’eau douce et 
salée 4 l’exposition universelle de 1878. 
Paris, 1879. 90 p. 34 figs. 8°. 1879.1 

La pisciculture en eaux douces. 
Paris, 1889. 93 figs. 12°. 1889.1 

La pisciculture en eaux salées. 
Paris, 1891. figs. 12°. 1891.1 

Gobin, Alphonse, & Guénaux,G. La 
pisciculture en eaux. douces. Paris, 
1907. 348p. illust. 12°. 1907.1 


Gobley, Recherches chimiques 
sur les ceufs de carpe. Journ. Pharm., 
1850, 17, 401-417. Jbid., 18, 107-119. 


: Recherches chimiques sur la 
laitance de carpe. Journ. Pharm., 1851, 
19, 406-421. 1851.1 

God, Arthur. L’amiure ou poisson- 

chat. La Nature, 1902, 30, pt. 2, 283- 
284. fig. 1902.1 

Goddard, Malcolm. Fish remains 
from the marine Lower Triassic of 
Aspen ridge, Idaho. Univ. California 

Publ. Bull. Geol., 1907, 5, 145-148. 
5 figs. 1907.1 
Goddschild, —— Om den nye sil- 

deform ved hvalgerne. Morgenbladet, 
Christiania, 1872, no. 251 B. 1872.1 

Godenier, C. Z. P. De la féconda- 
tion et de l’éclosion artificielles des ceufs 
de pgissons et de l’éducation du frai, 
suivant le procédé de MM. Géhin et 
Rémy. Grenoble & Paris, 1852. 22 p. 
8°. 1852.1 

—— Treatise on the artificial fecun- 
dation and incubation of the eggs of fish, 
and the rearing of the young fish, ac- 
cording to the processes of Messrs. 
Gehin and Remy (In Fry, W. H., 

editor. A complete treatise on artificial 
fish-breeding, p. 7-28. Paris, 1866. 
13) 1866.1 

Godet, Philippe. Sur le Ceratodus 
forstert. Bull. Soc. Sci. Nat. Neuchatel, 
1880, 12, 334-335. 1880.1 

L’anguille (Anguilla vulgaris L.) 
et son développement. * Bull. Soc. Sci. 
Nat. Neuchatel, 1899, 26, 78-88. pl. 


Godlewsk, Emil. Bemerkungen zu 
der Arbeit von H. H. Newman: “ Fur- 
ther studies of the process of heredity 
in Fundulus hybrids.’”” Arch. Entw.- 
Mech. Organ., Leipzig, 1910, 31, 335- 
338. 1910.1 

Godman, Frederick Ducane [1834 —] 
Natural history of the Azores. London, 
1870. 358 p. 2 maps. 8°. 1870.1 

Godon, J. Contributions A la 
faune du nord; amphibiens et poissons. 
Feuille Jeunes Natural., Paris, 1905, 4. 
sér. 36, p. 47. 1905.1 

Contributions 4 la faune des 
vertébrés de la région du nord. Feuille 
Jeunes Natural., Paris, 1908, 4. sér. 38, 
83-84; 142. 1908.1 



Godron, Dominique Alexandre {1807- 
1880] Zoologie de la Lorraine [poissons}] 
Mém. Acad. Stanislas Nancy, 1862, 355- 
628. ’ 1862.1 

Goebel, /. Ueber den Silbergehalt 
der Fischschuppen. Bull. Soc. Nat. 
Moscou, 1836, 9, 326-328. 1836.1 

Goebel, H. Stor siilen, Ammodytes 
lanceolatus, ved Murmankysten [Am- 
modytes lanceolatus on the Murman 
coast) Norsk Tidskr. Fiskeri, 1906, 25, 
172. 1906.1 

Goebel, /., Breitfuss, L. L., Solda- 
tov, V. K., & others. See Breitfuss, 
Soldatov «& others. 

Goeldi, Emil August. WKopfskelett 
und Schultergiirtel von Loricaria cata- 
phracta, Balistes capriscus und Acipen- 
ser ruthenus. Vergleichend-anatomische 
und entwicklungs-geschichtliche Studien 
zur Deckknochenfrage. Jena. Zeitschr. 
Naturw., 1884, 17 (n. s. 10), 401-447. 

3 pls. Abstract in Zool. Anz., 6, 420—~* 
422. 1884.1 
Piscicultura na China. Versao 

portugueza do original allemao do Sar. 
M. von dem Borne (Thaer-bibliothek), 
1885. Rev. Agric. Instit. Flumin. Agric. 
Rio de Janeiro, 1888, 19, ge! ened 

(editor) Cartas ineditas de 
Louis de Agassiz relativas 4 viagem por 
elle realisada na Amazonia de 2 de 
Agosto de 1865 até 26 de Margo 1866. 
Bol. Mus. Paraense Hist. Nat. Para, 
1894, 1, 144-156. 1894.1 

A Lepidosiren paradoxa desco- 
berta na ilha de Marajo. Bol. Mus. 
Paraense Hist. Nat. Parad, 1896, 1, 438- 
442. map. Abstract in Nature, 54, 270. 
— Naturw. Wochenschr., 1897, 12, no. 
27, 319. 1896.1 

Peixes (In his Instrucgées prati- 
cas sobre 0 modo de colligir productos 
da natureza para o Museu Paraense de 
historia natural e ethnographia. Bol. 
Mus. Paraense Hist. Nat. Pard, 1896, 1, 
239-243. pl.) 1896.2 

Further notes on the Amazonian 
Lepidosiren. Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 
1898, 852-857. 3 figs. 1898.1 

Lepidosiren paradoxa. Bol. Mus. 
Paraense Hist. Nat. Pard, 1897 (1898), 
2, 247-250. 1898.2 

On the Lepidosiren of the Ama- 
zons; being notes on five specimens ob- 

NRA AS fey 




tained between 1895-97, and remarks 
upon an example living in the Parad Mu- 
seum. Trans. Zool. Soc. London, 1898, 
14, pt. 7, 4138-420. 2 pls. Abstract in 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1897, 921. 

; 1898.3 

Primeira contribuigao para o 
conhecimento dos peixes do valle do 
Amazonas e das Guyanas; estudos ich- 
thyologicos dos annos 1894-1898. Bol. 
Mus. Paraense Hist. Nat. Parad, 1897 
(1898), 2, 443-488. pl. 1898.4 

Die Fischwelt des Amazonas- 
Gebietes; Doppel-Vortrag gehalten vor 
der naturforschenden Gesellschaft in 
Bern (Schweiz) Prometheus, Berlin, 
1900, 11, 275-280; 473-474; 487-491; 
505-509. 27 figs. 1900.1 

— Naturwunder der Insel Marajé 
am Amazonenstrom; Vortrag gehalten 

am 29 Juni 1899 vor der Geographischen... 

Gesellschaft in Bern. Die Schweiz, 
Zurich, 1900, 546-551; 589-593. illust. 

— A piraiba gigantesco siluroideo 
do Amazonas’ (Piratinga  pird-aiba 
Goeldi, adulto = Piratinga filamentosa 
Lichtenstein juv.) Bol. Mus. Para- 
ense Hist. Nat. Pard, 1901 (1902), 3, 
181-194. 2 pls. 1902.1 

Nova zoologica aus der Ama- 
zonas-Region. Neue Wirbeltiere. C. R. 
6. Congr. Internat. Zool. Berne, 1905, 
§42-549. 1905.1 

Goenry, Les wagons spéciaux 
affectés au transport des poissons vi- 
vants. Rev. Gén. Chemins de Fer, Paris, 
1902, 2. sér. 25, 292-298. 1902.1 

Die Entwicklung 

Goeppert, Ernst. : 
des Pankreas der Teleostier. 
Jahrb., 1893, 20, 90-111. figs. 

Untersuchungen zur Morpho- 
logie der Fischrippen. Morphol. Jahrb., 
1895, 23, 145-217. 3 pls. & figs. 1895.1 

Bemerkungen zur Auffassung der 

Morphologie der Rippen in Rabl’s 
“Theorie des Mesoderms.’”’ Morphol. 
Jahrb., 1897, 25, 244-249. 1897.1 

Der Kehlkopf von Protopterus 
annectens (Owen) Anatomische Unter- 
suchung (In Festschrift zum_ siebzig- 
sten Geburtstage von Ernst Haeckel, 
p. 115-132. pl. & 5 figs. Jena, 1904) — 
Denkschr. Jena. Med. Gesell., 1904, 2, 
465-522. 7 pls. 1904.1 

Goeppert, Heinrich Robert, & Meyer, 
Hermann von. Index Palzontologicus 
(In Bronn, H. G. Handbuch einer Ge- 
schichte der Natur, 1848-49, vol. iii, 2 
pts. Stuttgart, 1841-49. 8°) 1848.1 

Goertz, A. Ueber in Japan vorkom- 
mende Fisch- und Lack-Vergiftungen. 
Med. Wochenschr. St. Petersb., 1878, 3, 

94-96; 101-102. 1878.1 
Goschke, Franz.  Goldfischzucht. 
Deutsch. Fischerei Zeitg., 1879, 2. 
Jahrg., 172-173. 1879.1 
Goette, Alexander [1840—] Zur 

Entwicklungsgeschichte der Wirbeltiere. 
Vorlaufige Mitteilung. Centralb. Med. 
Wiss., 1869, no. 26. 1869.1 

Beitriige zur Entwickelungsge- 
schichte der Wirbelthiere. Arch. Mikr. 
Anat., 1873-78. 1873.1 

I. Der Keim des Forelleneies. Ibid., 1873, 9, 
679-708. pl. 

III. Ueber die Entwickelung des Central- 
nervensystems der Teleostier. Jbid., 1878, 15, 

IV. Ueber die Sinnesplatte der Teleostier. 
Ibid., 157-180. 

V. Ueber die Entwickelung der Wirbelsaite 
pel Ueleostiorn und Amphibien. Jbid., 180-200. 
4 pls. 

Zur Entwicklung der Kopfniere 
der Teleostier (In his Die Entwick- 
lungsgeschichte der Unke. Leipzig, 
1875. 964 p. 22 pls. 8°) 1875.1 

Beitrige zur _ vergleichenden 
Morphologie des Skeletsystems der 
Wirbelthiere. Arch. Mikr. Anat., 1878- 
79. 1878.1 

I. Die Cyklostomen. -Ibid., 1878, 15, 316- 
340; 428. pil. 

II. Die Ganoiden. Ibid., 442-461. pl. 

III. Die Plagiostomen. Jbid., 461-531. 4 

IV. Chimera. JIbid., 531-541. 

V. Die Teleostier. Ibid., 1879, 16, 117-152. 
2 pls. 


Entwicklung des Centralner- 
vensystems der Teleostier. Bonn, 1878. 
4 pls. 8°. 1878.2 

Zur Entwickelungsgeschichte der 
Teleostierkieme. Zool. Anz., 1878, 1, 
Os 1878.3 

Zur Morphologie des Wirbel- 
systems. I-II. ;Neunaugen und Teleo- 
stier] Zool. Anz., 1878, 1, 11; 29. 1878.4 

Ueber die Entstehung und die 
Homologien des Hirnanhangs. Zool. 
Anz., 1883, 6, 344-347. 1883.1 

Ueber die Entwicklung von 
Petromyzon fluviatilis. Vorliufige Mit- 
teilung. Zool. Anz., 1888, 11, 160-163. 


Goette, A. 

Entwicklungsgeschichte des 
Flussneunauges (Petromyzon fluviatilis) 
(In his Abhandlungen zur Entwick- 
lungsgeschichte der Tiere, 1890, 5. Heft. 
95 p. 9 pls. Hamburg & Leipzig, 
1882-90. 5 Hefte. 4°) 1890.1 

Ueber den Ursprung der Wir- 
belthiere. Verh. Deutsch. Zool. Gesell., 
1895, 5, 12-30. 1895.1 

Ueber die Kiemen der Fische. 
Zeitschr. Wiss. Zool., 1901, 69, 533-577. 

4 pls. & fig. 1901.1 
— Lehrbuch der Zoologie. Leip- 
zig, 1902. 512 figs. 1902.1 

Fische, p. 342-418. 

Ueber den Ursprung der Lungen. 
Zool. Jahrb. (Abth. Anat.), 1904, 21, 141— 
160. figs. 1904.1 

Review by R. von Hanstein in Naturw. 
Rundsch., 20. Jahrg., 159-160. 

Ueber den Einfluss gesteigerter 
Warme auf die Fische. Arch. Hygiene, 
Miinchen, 1909, 70, 293-298. 1909.1 

(Mittheilung iiber die Entste- 
hung der Kopfnerven bei Fischen und 
Amphibien] Zool. Anz., 1913, 42, 58-60. 

Die Entwicklung der Kopfner- 
ven bei Fischen und Amphibien. Arch. 
Mikr. Anat., 1914, 85, pt. 1, 1-165. 10 
pls. & 6 figs. 1914.1 

Goettig, L. Der Fang des Herings 
und die Ursachen seiner Abnahme an 
Schleswigs Ostkiiste. Deutsch. Landw. 
Presse, 1875, 2. Jahrg., 646. 1875.1 

Goeze, Johann August Ephraim [1731 
—1793] Von den Fisch-Lernéen. Leip- 
ziger Mag. Naturk., 1784, 1, 39. 1784.1 

Europiiische Fauna oder Natur- 

geschichte der Europe; Thiere in ange- 

nehmen Geschichten. 9 vols. Leipzig, 

1794-1803. 8°. 1794.1 
Bd. vii, Fische. 

Goffin, A. Les pécheries et les pois- 
sons du Congo belge. Bruxelles, 1909. 

Gogorza y Gonzalez, José. Peces 
de las islas Filipinas. Anal. Soc. Es- 
pafiola Hist. Nat., Madrid, 1885, 14, 72- 
74. 1885.1 

Peces_ (In Quiroga y Rodriquez, 
F. Apuntas de un viaje por el Sahara 
occidental. Anal. Soc. Espanola Hist. 
Nat., Madrid, 1886, 15, 521) 1886.1 



—— Datos para la fauna Filipiana. 
Anal. Soc. Espanola Hist. Nat., Madrid, 
1888, 17, 247-303. 1888.1 

Fishes, p. 281-303. 

Influencia del agua dulce en los 
animales marinos. Anal. Soc. Espafiola 
Hist. Nat., Madrid, 1891, 20, 221-270. 
pl. 1891.1 

Golcher, William. Trip to the fish 
hatcheries of Illinois and Michigan. 
Forest & Stream, 1877, 9, 226. 1877.1 

The Minnesota state hatchery. 
Forest & Stream, 1878, 9,469. 1878.1 

Goldberger, Joseph. Some known 
and three new endoparasitic trematodes 
from American freshwater fish. Bull. 
Hygienic Lab., U. S. Public Health and 
Marine-Hospital Service, 1911, no. 71. 

Soyo, 5) jollep 1911.1 
Goldfuss, Georg August [1782-1848] 
Handbuch der Zoologie. 2 vols. Niirn- 
berg, 1820. 8°. 1820.1 
Petrefacta Germanie. Abbil- 

dungen und Beschreibungen der Petre- 
facten Deutschlands und der angren- 

zenden Linder. 3 Theile. Diisseldorf, 
1826-44. illust. fol. 1826.1 

Thesame. 2. Auflage. 3. Theile. Leipzig, 
1862-63. illust. 4° & fol. 

An index to this work, by C. Giebel, was 
published at Leipzic in 1866. 

Description of the Orthacanthus 
dechenii. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., 1849, 
5, 21-23. 1849.1 

Goldsborough, Edmund Lee, & 
Clark, H. Walton. Fishes of West 
Virginia. Bull. Bureau Fisheries, 1908, 
27, 29-39. fig. 1908.1 

Goldsborough, Edmund Lee, & 
Evermann, Barton Warren. See Ever- 
mann & Goldsborough. 

Goldsborough, Edmund Lee, & Ken- 
dall, William Converse. See Kendall 
& Goldsborough. L 

Goldschmidt, Richard. Amphioxi- 

des. Vertreter elmer neuen <Acranier- 
Familie. Biol. Centralbl., 1905, 25, 235— 
240. fig. 1905.1 

Notiz iiber Branchiostoma elon- 
gatum Sundevall. Zool. Anz., 1905, 29, 
132-133. fig. 1905.2 

Amphioxides und Amphioxus. 
Zool. Anz., 1906, 30, 443-448. 3 figs. 




Das Bindgewebe des Amphioxus. 
Sitzber. Ges. Morphol. Physiol. Min- 
chen, 1908, 24, 53-78. 27 figs. 1908.1 

Die Amphioxides-Formen. 
Deutsch. Siidpol.-Exped., 1909, 11, 3; 
231-241. pl. & fig. 1909.1 

Einfiihrung in die Vererbungs- 

wissenschaft. Leipzig, 1911. 1911.1 

Goldsmith, , Johnson, —— & 
Smart, —— See Smart, Goldsmith 
& Johnson. 

Goldsmith, M. Contribution a 
l’étude de la mémoire chez les poissons. 
Bull. Instit. Psychol. Intern., Paris, 
1912, 12, 161-176. 1912.1 

Goldsmith, Middleton. An address 

on fish-culture. Rutland, 1872. 16 p. 
8°. 1872.1 
The Brighton aquarium. Amer. 
Sportsman, 1874, 5, 55. 1874.1 
Protection of fish and game. 

Rod & Gun, 1875, 7, 106; 123. 1875.1 
Trout as vegetarians. Forest & 
Stream, 1875, 5, 35. 1875.2 
— [Landlocked salmon. Rod «& 
Gun, 1876, 8, 5. 1876.1 
Goldsmith (Mlle.) Recherches 

sur la psychologie de quelques poissons 
littoraux. Bull. Instit. Psychol. Intern., 
Paris, 1905, 5, 51-68. 1905.1 

Discussion: Observations de MM. Giard, 
Delage et Yourievitch. 

Goldstaub, Max. Der Physiologus 
und seine Weiterbildung. Philologus, 
1899 (1901), Suppl. Bd. 8, 339-404. 


Goldstein, Auwrt. Untersuchungen 
tiber das Vorderhirn und Zwischenhirn 
einiger Knochenfische (nebst  einigen 
Beitragen iiber Mittelhirn und Kleinhirn 
derselben) Arch. Mikr. Anat., 1905, 66, 
135-219. 5 pls. & 23 figs. 1905.1 

Goldthwait, J. W., & Atwood, WV. 
W. See Atwood & Goldthwait. 

Goll, Hermann. Le saumon commun 
(Salmo salar Val.) Bull. Soc. Vaud. Sci. 
Nat., 1878, 15, 483-496. 1878.1 

{Observations morphologiques et 
biologiques sur quelques corégones du 
lac Léman et du lac de Neuchatel) Arch. 
Sci. Phys. Nat., Genéve, 1882, 3. sér. 9, 
50-54.. Also separate; Genéve, 1882. 
a. 8°. 1882.1 

Contribution 4 Vhistoire natu- 
relle des corégones du lac de Neuchatel. 
Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., Genéve, 1883, 3. 
sér. 10, 341-348. — C. R. Soc. Helvét. 
Sci. Nat., 66. sess., 49-51. 1883.1 

The American brook trout rec- 
ommended for Swiss waters. Bull. U.S. 
Fish Comm. 1886 (1887), 6, 206-208. 


Du repeuplement de nos lacs et 

de ses dangers. Bull. Soe. Centr. 
Aquicult. France, 1892, 4, 186-190. 

Also separate; Paris, 1892. 4p. 8°. 

Nouveau corégone trouvé dans 
le lac Léman. Genéve, 1892. 3p. 12°. 

_ —— Der Platton(Brachsmen)-Fang 
im Murten-See. Schweiz. Fischerei 

Zeitg., 1893, 1, 203-206. Also separate; 
Pfaffikon-Ziirich, 1893. 3p. 8°. 

Ueber Walliser Fische. Schweiz. 
Fischerei Zeitg., 1893, 1,277; 285. Ibid., 
1894, 2, 18. Also separate; Pfiffikon- 
Ziirich, 1893-94. 5p. 8°. 1893.2 

Lae de Morat et quelques spéci- 
mens typiques de poissons. Arch. Sci. 
Phys. Nat., Genéve, 1907, 24, 505-507. 
— C. R. Soe. Helvét. Sci. Nat., 90. sess., 
92-94. — Actes Soc. Helvét. Sci. Nat., 
90. sess., 71-72. 1907.1 

Golovin, Z. Beobachtungen iiber die 
Pigmentzellen der Wirbelthiere (Text 
in Russian] _Mém. Sci. Univ. Imp. 
Kazan, 1907, 74, pt. 1, 1-29. 1907.1 

Golowatschow, A. Notice sur quel- 
ques espéces de poissons du genre Aci- 
penser. Bull. Soc. Nat. Moscou, 1857, 
30, pt. 3, 530-548. 1857.1 

Golubcov, N. A. Die Fischereien 
im Gouvernment Archangelsk [Text in 
Russian} Vést. Rybopromyésl., St. Pe- 
terb., 1910, 25, 361-377. 1910.1 

Golusda, Pedro. Conservaci6n i 
fomento de la pesca fluvial. Boletin de 
Bosques, Pesca i Caza, Santiago, 1912, 
ior 1912.1 

Crianza de peces de agua dulce; 
algunas instruccidnes sobre su trasporte, 
mantencion i cultivo. Boletin de Bos- 
ques, Pesca 1 Caza, Santiago, 1912, 1, 
409-413. 1912.2 

Descripeién de las especies pisci- 
colas que debemos elejir para el cultivo 
artificial. Boletin de Bosques, Pesca i 
Caza, Santiago, 1912, 1, 199-205. 1912.3 


Golusda, P. 

Mi opinién sobre la piscicultura 
en Chile. Boletin de Bosques, Pesca i 
Caza, Santiago, 1912, 1, 475-480. 1912.4 

La piscicultura en jeneral. Bole- 
tin de Bosques, Pesca i Caza, Santiago, 
1912, 1, 102-106. 1912.5 

Piscicultura ‘‘ La Dehesa.’”’ Bo- 
letin de Bosques, Pesca i Caza, Santiago, 
1912, 1, 480-483. 1912.6 

Trasporte de peces vivos en 
Alemania. Boletin de Bosques, Pesca i 
Caza, Santiago, 1912, 1, 407-409. 1912.7 

See Golynetz, W. 
Golynetz, W. On the fish-fauna of 
the government of Perm [Text in 

Russian} Journ. Fisher. Industr. St. 
Petersb., 1894, 9, 515-526. 1894.1 

Golyneé, \V. 

Ergebnisse der Beobachtungen 
iiber den Zug der Heringe im 6stlichen 
Theile des Wolga-Deltas im Friihjahre 

1904 (Text in Russian] Arbeit. Kaspi- 
schen Exped., St. Petersb., 1907, 1, 215— 
Bel, 1907.1 

Gomez Ocanha, José. Contribucién 

al estudio de las funciénes de los l6bulos 
6pticos de los peces. Bol. Soc. Espanola 
Hist. Nat., 1908, 8, 247-249. fig. 1908.1 

Gondermann, kK. Heimische fische 
im Aquarium. Wochenschr. Aquar.- 
Terrar. Kunde, 1911, 8. Jahrg., 347-350. 
8 figs. 1911.1 

Etwas von den Cichliden. Blatt. 
Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1912, 23. Jahrg., 
274-275. 3 figs. 1912.1 

Gonovinius, Sven (respondent) En- 
faldiga tankar om nyttan som England 
kan hofva of sina nybyggen i Norra 
America. Inaug. Dissert. Abo, 1763. 
22, p.,. 4°. 1763.1 

Kalm, Pehr, preses. 

Good, Arthur. 

L’amiure ou poisson- 

chat. La Nature, 1902, 30.-pt. 2, 283- 
284. fig. 1902.1 
Goodchild, John George [1844 —] 

The Black hill of Earlston (Devonian 
fishes} Hist. Berwick. Natural. Club, 
1905, 19, 51-59. 4 figs. 1905.1 

Goode, George Brown [1851-1896] 
The billfish in fresh water. Amer. 
Naturalist, 1871, 5, 439. 1871.1 

Descriptions of two new species 
of fishes from the Bermuda islands 



(Diapterus lefroyi; Engraulis cherosto- 
mus} Amer. Journ. Sci., 1874, 8, 123- 
125. — Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 3. ser. 14, 
379-381. — Amer. Sportsman, 4, 307— 
308. 1874.1 

The orange filefish (Ceratacan- 
thus aurantiacus Mitchill) Gill. Amer. 
Sportsman, 1874, 4, 353. 1874.2 

The Plagopterine and the ich- 
thyology of Utah. Amer. Sportsman, 
1874, 4, 333. 1874.3 

(The shad and shad fishery of 
the St. John’s river, Florida} Rept. 
U. 8S. Fish Comm. 1872-73 (1874), 2, 
p. xlviii—xlix. 1874.4 

—— Tarpum. 
1874, 2, 292. 1874.5 

The United States Fish Commis- 
sion. Amer. Sportsman, 1874, 4, 266. 

The United States Fish Com- 
mission. Dredging on the coast of 
Connecticut. Amer. Sportsman, 1874, 
4, 313. 1874.7 

—— United States Fish Commission. 
The experiments with young shad. 
Amer. Sportsman, 1874, 4, 376. 1874.8 

United States Fish Commission. 
The fish laboratory. Amer. Sportsman, 
1874, 4, 392-393. 1874.9 

The United States Fish Com- 
mission. Fish tales from Noank. Amer. 
Sportsman, 1874, 4, 291. 1874.10 

The United States Fish Commis- 
sion. Noank: the laboratory. Amer. 
Sportsman, 1874, 4, 273. 1874.11 

Albino fishes. Amer. Naturalist, 
1875, 9, 517. — Rod & Gun, 1875, 7, 43. 

Albinoism in fishes. Forest & 
Stream, 1875, 4, 231. 1875.2 

Parasitism in fishes, notably in 
the case of Brevoortia (menhaden) 
Field & Forest, 1875, 1, 53. 1875.3 

Bermuda and its fish markets. 
Forest & Stream, 1876, 6, 83-84. 1876.1 

Catalogue of the fishes of the 
Bermudas, based chiefly upon the col- 
lections of the United States National 
Museum. Bull. U. 8S. Nat. Mus., 1876, 
1, no. 5. 82 p.—Smithson. Miscell. 
Collect., 13, art. 5. 1876.2 

Forest & Stream, — 

11 ein 




Collection to illustrate the sai 
mal resources of the United States. 
Washington, 1876. 10 p. 1876.3 

The short pompano (T’rachy- 
notus ovatus) and the amber fish (Seriola 
sp.) Forest & Stream, 1876, 6, 20. 


Fifth and sixth annual reports 
of the curators of the museum of 
the Wesleyan University. Middletown, 
Conn; 1877: -30.p. 8°. 1877.1 

Contains an account of the ichthyological 

collections of this museum and of the ichthyologi- 
cal discoveries in the Beraun [Bohemia] 

A preliminary catalogue of the 
reptiles, fishes, and leptocardians of the 
Bermudas, with descriptions of four 
species of fishes believed to be new 
jJulis nitidissima, Belone jonesii, Athe- 
rina harringtonensis, Fundulus  rhiz- 
phore} Amer. Journ. Sci., 1877, 14, 
289-298. Also separate; New Haven, 
lev7. 12 p. 8°. 1877.2 

Provisional catalogue of the 
fishes of Bermuda. Hamilton, Ber- 
muda, May, 1877, 1-8. 8°. — Bermuda 
Almanac, 1878-81, 116-122. 1877.3 

Statistics of American fisheries 
prepared by Mr. Goode. Doc. & Proc. 
Halifax Commission, 1877, Appendix 
O.— Trans. Amer. Fish-cult. Assoc., 
1878, 99-108. 1877.4 
ts ee Estimated total of American fisheries for 

B. Product of weirs and traps. 

C. Products of marine fisheries of southern 
Massachusetts and Rhode Island. 

D. Products of marine fisheries of northern 
Atlantic states. 

The Clupea tyrannus of Latrobe. 
Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., 1878, 1, 5-6. — 

Chicago Field, 9, 323. 1878.1 

— Coast sketches. Provincetown 
in summer. Forest & Stream, 1878, 10, 
7A. 1878.2 

Confusion in the names of some 
of the American fishes of the herring 
family. Forest & Stream, 1878, 10, 82. 

Migration of fishes. Trans. 
Amer. Fish-cult. Assoe., 1878, 27-64. 
2 pls. — Forest & Stream, 10, 94; 116; 
194; 254. 1878.4 

A new “ silver gar ”’ on the coast. 
Chicago Field, 1878, 9, 307. 1878.5 

(translator) Notes on the Amer- 
ican species of the genus Cybium, by 
Felipe Poey. Proc. U. 8S. Nat. Mus., 
1878, 1, 3-5. 1878.6 



The occurrence of Belone lati- 
manus in Buzzard’s bay, Massachusetts. 
Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 1878, 1, 6-7. 

: 1878.7 

The occurrence of Hippocampus 
antiquorum, or an allied form, on St. 
Georges banks. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., 
1878, 1, 45-46. 1878.8 

— Questions relative to the cod 
and the cod fisheries. Washington, 
1878. 4p. 1878.9 

Questions relative to the mack- 

erel and mackerel fisheries. Washing- 
ton, 1878. 32 p. 1878.10 
A revision of the American 

species of the genus Brevoortia, with a 
description of a new species from the 
gulf of Mexico. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., 
1878, 1, 30-42. 1878.11 

Seventh annual report of the 

‘curators of the museum of the Wesleyan 

University. Middletown, Conn., 1878. 
24p. 8°. 1878.12 

Contains various allusions to the collection of 

A study of the popular names of 
the menhaden. Amer. Naturalist, 1878, 
12, 735-739. 1878.13 

American ichthyology in 1878. 
Science News, 1879, 1, 97-100. 1879.1 

Biography of the menhaden. 
Proc. Central Fish-cult. Soc. Chicago, 
1879, 48-59. 1879.2 

Catalogue of the collection to 
illustrate the animal resources and the 
fisheries of the United States, exhibited 
at Philadelphia in 1876 by the Smith- 
sonian Institution, ete. Washington, 
1879, - 351 p.: 48%. 1879.3 

Eighth annual report of the cu- 
rators of the museum of the Wesleyan 
University. Middletown, Conn., 1879. 
fi pes 1879.4 

Game fishes of the United States. 

New York, 1879-81. 46 p. 20 pls. & 
map. fol. 1879.5 

The gulf threadfish. Forest & 
Stream, 1879, 12, 785. 1879.6 

History of the American men- 
haden. Rept. U. S. Fish Comm. 1877 
(1879), 5, Append. A, 1-529. 31 pls. 
Abstract in Amer. Naturalist, 12, 735— 
739. — Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., 1, 30—42. 




-__eee—ooo—————— ee 

Goode, G. B. 

A letter on the influence of the 
moon on fish. Forest & Stream, 1879, 
11, 485. 1879.8 

The menhaden. Science News, 
1879, 1, 360-363; 373-377. 1879.9 

The North American fisheries. 
Arrangements with Great Britain. 
Memoranda in relation to statistics of 
the fisheries of North America, pre- 
pared for Senator Edmunds in response 
to his request of December 31, 1878. 
Congressional Record, 1879, 9, no. 89, 
2-4, 1879.10 

On the occurrence of Lycodes 
vahlii Reinhardt, on La Have and Grand 
banks. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., 1879, 2, 
209-210. — Smithson. Miscell. Collect., 
19 Sart. 5: 1879.11 

On two fishes from the Bermu- 
das, mistakenly described as new by 
Doctor Giinther. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., 
1879, 1, 462-463. — Amer. Journ. Sci., 
17, 340. 1879.12 

Plan of inquiry into the history 
and present condition of the fisheries of 
the United States. Washington, 1879. 
54 p. 8°. Reprint in Rept. U. 8S. Fish 
Comm. 1880 (1881), 7, 1-54. 1879.13 

A preliminary catalogue of the 
fishes of the St. John’s river and the east 
coast of Florida, with descriptions of a 
new genus (Jordanellaj and three new 
species (J. florida, Fundulus confluentus, 
Gambusia arlingtonia} Proc. U. S. Nat. 
Mus., 1879, 2, 108-121. — Smithson. 
Miscell. Collect., 19, art. 2. 1879.14 

A study of the  trunk-fishes 
(Ostraciontide), with notes upon the 
American species of the family. Proc. 
U.S. Nat. Mus., 1879, 2, 261-283. — 
Smithson. Miscell. Collect., 19, art. 2. 
The two kinds of river herring. 
Rept. Comm. Fisheries of Virginia, 
Richmond, 1879, p. 14. 1879.16 

Another new fish on the Atlantic 
coast (Auxis rochei) Forest & Stream, 
1880, 15, 28. 1880.1 

— The Berlin exhibition; some new 
particulars in regard to it. New York 
Times, Aug. 1, 1880. 1880.2 

Catalogue of the American fish 
exhibit at Berlin. Chicago Field, 1880, 
13, 220. 1880.3 
The census of the fisheries. 
Newport Mercury, August 14, 1880. 


Contributions to the Gedenk- 
Blatter zur Er6éffnung der Internatio- 
nalen Fischerei-Ausstellung zu Berlin, 
1880. Berliner Tageblatt, April 20, 
1880, p. 3-4. 1880.5 

Descriptions of seven new spe- 
cies of fishes from deep soundings on 
the southern New England coast, with 
diagnoses of two undescribed genera 
(Monolene and Thyris) of flounders, and 
a genus [Hypsicometes) related to Mer- 
lucius. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 1880, 8, 
337-350. — Smithson. Miscell. Collect., 
1880, 22, art. 1. 1880.6 

A distinguished immigrant. Pro- 
fessor Baird’s European carp. Amer. 
Agriculturist, 1880, 39, 13-14. 1880.7 

Das erste Jahrzehnt der Wirk- 
samkeit der Fisch-Kommission der 
Vereinigten Staaten, ihre Geschichte, ihr 
System und ihre Arbeiten fiir die Wissen- 
schaft und die 6ffentliche Wohlfahrt. 
Vollstaindige Uebersicht iiber eine Mus- 
terverwaltung. Circular Deutschen 
Fischerei-Verein, Berlin, 1880, 190-197. 
— Oesterr.-ungar. Fischerei Zeitg., 4, 
CNS 20) 1880.8 

Exhibit of the fisheries and fish 
culture of the United States of America 
at the Internationale Fischerei-Ausstel- 
lung, held at Berlin, April 20, 1880, and 
forming a part of the collections of the 
National Museum, made by the United 
States Fish Commission. Bull. U. S. 
Nat. Mus., 1880, no. 18, 1-263. 1880.9 

The first decade of the United 
States Fish Commission; its plan of 
work and accomplished results, scientific 
and economical. Forest & Stream, 1880, 
15, 85-87; 166. Chicago Field, 1880, 
14, 58. — Nature, 22, 597-599. — Proc. 
Amer. Assoc. Ady. Sci., 28. meet., 563— 
574. — Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1882 
(1883), 2, 169-178. — Rept. U. S. Fish 
Comm. 1880 (1883), 8, 53-62. 1880.10 

Frigate mackerel again heard 
from. Forest & Stream, 1880, 15, 68. 

The frigate mackerel, Auzis 
rochei, on the New England coast. 
Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 1880, 3, 532. — 
Amer. Naturalist, 14, 808-810. — Smith- 
son. Miscell. Collect., 22, art. 1. 1880.12 

How to distinguish the two 
species of herring. Chicago Field, 1880, 
22, 341. 1880.13 

Internationale Fischerei-Ausstel- 
lung, Berlin, 1880. Amerikanische Ab- 
theilung. Verzeichniss der Aussteller, 


nach dem von dem Deutschen Fischerei- 

Verein festgestellten Programme geord- 

net. Berlin, April 20, 1880. 7 p. fol. 

Materials for a history of the 
Xiphias gladius L. Washington, 1880. 
24 pls. 8° 1880.15 

New fish ,Helorus voraginorm} 
Forest & Stream, 1880, 15, 109. 1880.16 

A short biography of the men- 
haden; an abstract of ‘‘ A history of the 
menhaden.”’ Proc. Amer. Assoc. Ady. 
Sci., 28. meet., 1880, 425-437. 1880.17 

(Statistics of the fisheries of the 
United States in 1880; Compendium 
Tenth Census, 1880, pt. 2, Table evi, 
1402-1403. — Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 
1883, 3, 270-271. 1880.18 

The turbot and sole in America. 
Forest & Stream, 1880, 15, 103-104. 

The use of agricultural fertilizers 
by the American Indians and the early 
English colonists. Amer. Naturalist, 
1880, 14, 473-479. 1880.20 

Use of fish, especially menhaden, as fertilizer 
along the Atlantic coast. 

The eel question. Forest & 
Stream, 1881, 18, 91-93; 111-113; 132; 
133. 1881.1 

—  Epochs in the history of fish 
culture. Trans. Amer. Fish-cult. Assoc., 
1881, 34-57. — Forest & Stream, 16, 
311; 332; 353. 1881.2 

The first decade of the United 
States Fish Commission, its plan of work 
and accomplished results, scientific and 
economical. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Ady. 
Sci., 29. meet., 1881, 563-574. Na- 
ture, London, 22, 579-599. — Smithson. 
Rept., 1880, 140-149.— Rept. U. S. 
Fish Comm. 1880 (1883), 8, 53-62. — 
Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1882 (1883), 2, 
169-178. 1881.3 

Fishermen of America. New 
York Daily Tribune, June 23, 1881. 

The fishermen of the United 
States. Abstract in Trans. Anthropol. 
Soc. Washington, 1881, 1, 62-66. 1881.5 

Fishes from the deep water of 
the south coast of New England ob- 
tained by the U. S. Fish Commission 
in the summer of 1880. Proc. U.S. Nat. 
Mus., 1881, 3, 337-350; 467-486. — 
Smithson. Miscell. Collect., 22, art. 1. 



Notacanthus phasganorus, a new 
species of Notacanthidz from the Grand 
banks of Newfoundland. Proc. U. S. 
Nat. Mus., 1881, 3, 535-537. Smithson. 
Miscell. Collect., 22, art. 1. 1881.7 

Preliminary statistical report on 
the fisheries of California, Oregon, 
Washington, and Alaska. Census Bull., 
1881, no. 176, p. 6. 1881.8 

The saibling or Bavarian char. 
Forest & Stream, 1881, 16, 50-51. 


The carangoid fishes of the 
United States, pompanoes, crevalles, 
amber-fishes, ete. Bull. U. S. Fish 
Comm. 1881 (1882), 1, 30-48. 1882.1 

Catalogue of the collection to 
illustrate the animal resources and the 
fisheries of the United States exhibited 
at Philadelphia in 1876} Bull. U.S. Nat. 
Mus., 1882, 2, no. 14.— Smithson. 
Miscell. Collect., 23, art. 4. 

Note on article by Captain E. T. 
Deblois on the origin of the menhaden 
industry. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 
1881 (1882), 1, 46. 1882.3 

Notes on the life-history of the 
eel, chiefly derived from a study of 
recent European authorities. Bull. U.S. 
Fish Comm. 1881 (1882), 1, 71-124. — 
Trans. Amer. Fish-cult. Assoc., 1882, 
81-123. 1882.4 


The taxonomic relations and 
geographical distribution of the mem- 
bers of the sword fish family, Xiphiide. 
Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., 1882, 4, 415-433. 
— Smithson. Miscell. Collect., 22, art. 2. 

American investigations upon 
the food of fishes. Intern. Fisheries 
Exhib. Lit., London, 1883. Conferences, 
p. 29-33. 1883.1 

The development of the Ameri- 
can mackerel fisheries. Intern. Fisheries 
Exhib. Lit., London, 1883. Confer- 
ences, p. 30-32. 1883.2 

The fisheries of the United 
States. Intern. Fisheries Exhib. Lit., 
London, 1883. Official Catalogue, 1. ed. 
p. 283-285. 2.ed. p. 189-191. 1883.3 

The generic names Amitra and 
Thyris replaced. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., 

1883, 6, 109. 1883.4 
Great International Fisheries 
Exhibition, London, 1883. United 



Goode, G. B. 

States of America. A preliminary cata- 
logue and synopsis of the collections 
exhibited by the U. S. Fish Commission 
and by special exhibitors, with a con- 
cordance to the official classification of 
the exhibition. Washington, 1883. 107 
p. Abstract in Science, 1, 447-450. 
Ibid., 2, 139-141; 612-615. 1883.5 

Importance of forest protection 
to fishculture in the United States. 
Intern. Fisheries Exhib. Lit., London, 
1883. Conferences, p. 13-14. 1883.6 

Materials for a history of the 
sword fishes. Rept. U. S. Fish Comm. 
1880 (1883), 8, 287-394. 24 pls. — 
Trans. Amer. Fish-cult. Assoc., 1882, 
84-150. — Forest & Stream, 18, p. 410. 
Ibid., 19, 52; 70; 91-92; 111-112; 132- 
133; 149-150; 193; 231-232. 1883.7 

Notes on the lampreys (Petro- 
myzontide) Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 
1882 (1883), 2, 349-354. 1883.8 

—— On the fisheries of the world 
(In Lalor, J. L. Cyclopxdia of political 
economy, vol. i, 211-231. Chicago, 
1883) 1883.9 

—— On the landlocked salmon. In- 
tern. Fisheries Exhib. Lit., London, 
1883. Conferences, 29-31. 1883.10 

On the methods of protection 
of fisheries. Intern. Fisheries Exhib. 
Lit., London, 1883. Conferences, p. 36- 
38. 1883.11 

Recent progress of the Canadian 
fisheries. Intern. Fisheries Exhib. Lit., 
London, 1883. Conferences, p. 46-47. 


A review of the fishery industries 
of the United States and the work of the 
United States Fish Commission. Intern. 
Fisheries Exhib. Lit., London, 1883. 
Conferences, 5, pt. 1, 3-82. 1883.13 

Salmon culture in the United 
States. Intern. Fisheries Exhib. Lit., 
London, 1883. Conferences, p. 28-29. 

The scientific results of the 
Fisheries Exhibition. Intern. Fisheries 
Exhib. Lit., London, 1883. Conferences, 
p. 31-32. 1883.15 

The successes of fish culture in 
the United States and Canada. Intern. 
Fisheries Exhib. Lit., London, 1883. 
Conferences, p. 27-29. 1883.16 

The suitability of the black bass 
for introduction into England. Letter 
to R. B. Marston, Esq. Intern. Fisheries 
Exhib. Lit., London, 1883. Confer- 
ences, p. 18-19. 1883.17 

The aims and limitations of 
modern fish-culture. Science, 1884, 3, 
no. 54, 208. 1884.1 

Beginning of natural history in 
America. Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., 1884- 
86, 3, 35-105. 1884.2 

—— Fishery treaties (In Lalor, J. L. 
Cyclopedia political economy, vol. iii, 
941-944. Chicago, 1884) 1884.3 

The food fishes of the United 
States (In The fisheries and fishery in- 
dustries of the United States, edited by 
George Brown Goode, sect. 1, pt. 3, 
163-682. 218 pls. Washington, 1884) 

Natural history of the mackerel. 
Rept. U. 8. Fish Comm. 1881 (1884), 9, 
93-138. Abstract in Proc. Biol. Soe. 
Washington, 1882, 1, p. 32. 1884.5 

An ocean monarch. The Chau- 
tauquan, 1884, 4, 582-584. 1884.6 

The art of fish-culture. The 
Chautauquan, 1885, 5, 404-407; 470- 
472. 1885.1 

A brief biography of the halibut. 
Amer. Naturalist, 1885, 19, sea 

De Forenede Nord Amerikanske 
staters fiskeritilsyn. Fiskertid., Copen- 
hagen, 1885, no. 15, 133-135. Ibid., no. 
17, 149-150. 1885.3 

Pisciculture (In Encyclopedia 
Britannica, 9. ed., 1885, vol. xix, 126— 
129) 1885.4 

The status of the United States 
Fish Commission in 1884. A review of 
what has been accomplished in fish cul- 
ture and the investigation of the Ameri- 
can Fisheries. Rept. U.S. Fish Comm. 
1884 (1886), 12, 1139-1180. 1886.1 

Provisional regulations of the 
United States Commission of Fish and 
Fisheries. Circular U. S. Comm. Fish 
and Fisheries, 1887, no. 2, 1-12. 1887.1 

The swordfish fishery (In The 
fish and fishery industries of the United 
States, edited by George Brown Goode, 
sect. 5, pt. 4, 315-326. Washington, 
1887) 1887.2 


American fishes; a popular trea- 
tise upon the game and food fishes of 
North America, with especial reference 
to habits and methods of capture. 
New York, 1888. xv, 496 p. ees : 

The beginnings of American sci- 
The third century. Proc. Biol. 


Soe. Wash., 1888, 4, 1-94. 

The depths of the ocean. 
lantic Monthly, 1889, 63, 124-128. 

— The color of fishes. Science, 
1890, 15, 211-213. 3 figs. 1890.1 

Published writings of Charles 
F. Girard. Bull. U.S. Nat. Mus., 1891, 
no. 41. 141 p. Also separate; Wash- 
ington, 1891. 8°. 1891.1 

The relation of scientific re- 
search to economic problems. An ad- 
dress delivered before the World’s 
Fisheries Congress, Chicago, 1893. Bull. 
U.S. Fish Comm. 1893 (1894), 13, art. 
8, 49-58. 1894.1 

Bibliography of the published 
writings of Philip Lutley Sclater, F. R. 
S., secretary of the Zoological Society of 
London. Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., 1896, 
no. 49. xix, 135 p. Abstract in Nat. 
Science, 1897, 10, no. 63, 350. 1896.1 

American fishes; a popular trea- 
tise upon the game and food fishes of 
North America, with especial reference 
to habits and methods of capture. 2. 
ed. completely revised and largely ex- 
tended by Theodore Gill. Boston, 1903. 
viii, 562 p. illust. 1903.1 

Goode, George Brown, & Atwater, 
W.O. American fisheries. A history of 
the menhaden, by G. Brown Goode, with 
an account of the agricultural uses of 
fish, by W. O. Atwater, and an intro- 
duction bringing the subject down to 

date. New York, 1880. x, 529 p. 31 
pls. 8°. Reviewed in Nature, London, 
22, 335. 1880.1 

Goode, George Brown, & Bean, Tarle- 
ton Hoffman. Descriptions of two new 
species of fishes LMacrurus bairdii and 
Lycodes verrillii) recently discovered by 
the U. 8. Fish Commission, with notes 
upon the occurrence of several new 
forms. Amer. Journ. Sci., 1877, 3. ser. 
14, 470-478. Notice in Nature, 17, 213. 


The craig flounder of Europe, 
Glyptocephalus cynoglossus, on the coast 


EN En —— eS 


of North America. Proc. U. S. Nat. 
Mus., 1878, 1, 19-23. — Smithson. Mis- 
cell. Collect., 19, art. 1. 1878.1 

Description of Argentina syrten- 
sium, a new deep-sea fish from Sable 
island bank. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 
1878, 1, 261-263. — Smithson. Miscell. 
Collect., 19, art. 1. 1878.2 

Description of Caulolatilus mi- 
crops, a new species of fish from the 
Gulf coast of Florida. Proc. U. 8. Nat. 
Mus., 1878, 1, 42-45.— Smithson. 
Miscell. Collect., 19, art. 1. 1878.3 

Descriptions of two gadoid fishes 
Phycis chestert and Haloporphyrus viola, 
from the deep-sea fauna of the north- 
western Atlantic. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., 
1878, 1, 256-260. — Smithson. Miscell. 
Collect., 19, art. 1. 1878.4 

Descriptions of two new species 
of fishes, Lutjanus blackfordi and Lut- 
janus stearnsit, from the coast of Florida. 
Proc. U. 8S. Nat. Mus., 1878, 1, 176-181. 
— Smithson. Miscell. Collect., 19, art. 1. 

The identity of Rhinonemus 
caudacuta (Storer) Gill with Gadus cim- 
brius Linn. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., 1878, 
1, 348-349. — Smithson. Miscell. Col- 
lect., 19, art. 1. 1878.6 

A note on the black grouper 
(Epinephelus nigritus (Holbrook) Gill) 
of the southern coast. Proc. U. 8. Nat. 
Mus., 1878, 1, 182-184. — Smithson. 
Miscell. Collect., 19, art. 1. 1878.7 

The oceanic bonito on the coast 
of the United States. Proc. U. 8. Nat. 
Mus., 1878, 1, 24-26. — Smithson. 
Miscell. Collect., 19, art. 1. 1878.8 

On a new serranoid fish, Hpine- 
phelus drummondhayi, from the Bermu- 
das and Florida. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., 
1878, 1, 173-175. — Smithson. Miscell. 
Collect., 19, art. 1. 1878.9 

Catalogue of a collection of fishes 
obtained in the gulf of Mexico, by 
Doctor J. W. Velie, with descriptions of 
seven new species. Proc. U. S. Nat. 
Mus., 1879, 2, 333-345. — Smithson. 
Miscell. Collect., 19, art. 2. 1879.1 

Catalogue of a collection of 
fishes sent from Pensacola, Florida, and 
vicinity, by Mr. Silas Stearns, with de- 
scriptions of six new species. Proc. 
U. S. Nat. Mus., 1879, 2, 121-156. — 
Smithson. Miscell. Collect., 19, art. 2. 



Goode & Bean. 

A catalogue of the fishes of 
Essex county, Massachusetts, including 
the fauna of Massachusetts bay and the 
contiguous deep waters. Bull. Essex 

Instit., 1879, 11, 1-388. Also separate; 
Salem, 1879. 38 p. 8°. 1879.3 
Description of Alepocephalus 

bairdii, a new species of fish from the 
deep-sea fauna of the western Atlantic. 
Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., 1879, 2, 55-57. — 
Smithson. Miscell. Collect., 19, art. 

Description of a new genus and 
species of fish, Lopholatilus chamealeonti- 
ceps, from the south coast of New Eng- 
land. Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., 1879, 2, 
205-209. — Smithson. Miscell. Collect., 
19 Part. 2 1879.5 

Description of a new species of 
amber-fish (Seriola stearnsii) obtained 
near Pensacola, Florida, by Mr. Silas 
Stearns. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 1879, 
2, 48-51. — Smithson. Miscell. Collect., 
AOS ant. 2 1879.6 

Description of a new species of 
Iiparis (L. ranula) obtained by the 
United States Fish Commission off Hali- 
fax, NovaScotia. Proc.U.S. Nat. Mus., 

1879, 2, 46-48.—Smithson. Miscell. 
Collect., 19, art. 2 1879.7 
Description of a species of 

Lycodes (L. paxillus) obtained by the 
United States Fish Commission. Proce. 
U. S. Nat. Mus., 1879, 2, 4446. — 
Smithson. Miscell. Collect., 19, art. 2. 


Discoveries of the U. S. Fish 
Commission. Notices of fifty species of 
east-coast fishes, many of which are new 
to the fauna. Amer. Journ. Sci., 1879, 
3. ser. 17, 39-48. 1879.9 

: Note of Platessa ferruginea D. H. 
Storer, and Platessa rostrata H. R. 
Storer. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., 1879, 2, 
361-362. — Smithson. Miscell. Collect., 
LO artes 1879.10 

On the identity of Brosmius 
americanus Gill with Brosmius brosme 
(Miiller) White. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., 
1879, 2, 362-363. 1879.11 

On the occurrence of Lycodes 
vahlii Reinhardt on La Have and Grand 
banks. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., 1879, 2, 
209-210. — Smithson. Miscell. Collect., 
19, art. 2 1879.12 

Range of the grayling. Chicago 
Field, 1879, 11, 4. 1879.13 



Benthodesmus, a new genus of 
deep-sea fishes, allied to Lepidopus. 
Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., 1881, 4, 379- 
383. — Smithson. Miscell. Collect., 22, 
art. 2. 1881.1 

—— Description of a new species of 
fish (Apogon pandionis) from the deep 
waters off the mouth of the Chesapeake 
bay. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 1881, 4 
160-161. — Smithson. Miscell. Collect., 
22, art. 2. 1881.2 

Descriptions of twenty-five new 
species of fish from the southern United 
States, and three new genera, Letharcus, 
Toglossus and Chriodorus. Proce. U. 8. 
Nat. Mus., 1882, 5, 412-437. 1882.1 

A list of the (296) species of 
fishes recorded as occurring in the 

of Mexico. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 
1882, 5, 234-240. 1882.2 

— Reports on the results of dredg- 
ing under the supervision of Alexander 
Agassiz, on the east coast of the United 
States, during the summer of 1880, by 
the U.S. coast survey steamer “‘ Blake,” 
Commander J. R. Bartlett, U. S. N., 
commanding. Report on the fishes. 
Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., Harv. Coll., 
1882, 10, 183-226. 1882.3 

Notes on some Florida fishes. 
Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., 1884, 7, 42-47. 

Description of a new genus and 
species of pediculate fishes ( Halieutella 
lappa) Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., 1885, 2, 
88. 1885.1 

Description of Leptophidium cer- 
vinum and L. marmoratum, new fishes 
from deep water off the Atlantic and 
Gulf coasts. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 
1885, 8, 422-424. 1885.2 

Descriptions of new fishes ob- 
tained by the U. 8. Fish Commission, 
mainly from deep water off the Atlantic 
and Gulf coasts. Proe. U.S. Nat. Mus., 
1885, 8, 589. Also separate; Washing- 
ton, 1886. 1885.3 

On the American fishes in the 
Linnean collection. Proc. U. 8S. Nat. 
Mus., 1885, 8, 193-208. 1885.4 

—— Reports on the results of dredg- 
ing, under the supervision of Alexander 
Agassiz, in the gulf of Mexico (1877-78) 
and in the Caribbean sea (1879-80), by 
the U.S. Coast Survey steamer “ Blake,” 
Lieut. Commander C. D. Sigsbee, U. S. 

raChvatt a 

ee an 


=o; ee ee 


N., and Commander J. R. Bartlett, 
U. 8S. N., commanding. Bull. Mus. 
Comp. Zool., Harv. Coll., 1886, 12, no. 5, 
153-170. 1886.1 

The subtitle reads: ‘‘ XXVIII. Description 
of thirteen species and two genera of fishes from 
the ‘ Blake’ collection.” 

— The present condition of the 
study of deep-sea fishes. Proc. Amer. 
Assoc. Adv. Sci., 40. meet., 1891, 324. 


—— On Cetominide and Rondele- 
tiide, two new families of bathybial 
fishes from the northwestern Atlantic 
(In Scientific results of explorations by 
the U. S. Fish Commission steamer 
** Albatross,” no. 28. Proc. U.S. Nat. 
Mus., 1894, 17, 451-454. pl.) 


On Harriotta, a new type of 
chimeeroid fish from the deeper waters 
of the northwestern Atlantic (In Scien- 
tific results of explorations by the U. 8. 
Fish Commission steamer ‘ Albatross,” 
no. 30. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 1894, 
17, 471-473) 1894.2 

A revision of the order Heteromi, 
deep-sea fishes, with a description of the 
generic types Macdonaldia and Lipo- 
genys (In Scientific results of explora- 
tions by the U. 8. Fish Commission 
steamer “‘ Albatross,’ no. 29. Proce. 
U.S. Nat. Mus., 1894, 17, 455-470) 


Oceanic ichthyology. A treatise 
on the deep-sea and pelagic fishes of the 
world, based chiefly upon the collections 
made by the steamers ‘“‘ Blake,” ‘‘ Alba- 
tross” and “Fishhawk”’ in the north- 
western Atlantic. Mem. Mus. Comp. 
Zool., Harvard Coll., 1896, 22, 1-553. 
124 pls. & 27 figs. — Special Bull. U.S. 
Nat. Mus., 1895. xxxv, 529p. 123 pls. 

Review in Nat. Science, 10, no. 63, 338-390. 
Ibid., 11, no. 65, 71. 

Goode, George Brown, & Clark, A. 
Howard. The menhaden fishery (In 
The fisheries and fishery industries of 
the United States, edited by George 
Brown Goode, sect. 1, 327-415. 32 pls. 
Washington, 1887) 1887.1 

Goode, George Brown, & Collins, 
Joseph W. The winter haddock fishery 
of New England. Amer. Fish-cult. 
Assoc., 1882, 43-56. — Bull. U. 8S. Fish 
Comm. 1881 (1882), 1, 226-235. 1882.1 

The bank traw-line cod fishery 
(In The fisheries and fishery industries 



of the United States, edited by George 
Brown Goode, sect. 1, 148-187. 5 pls. 
Washington, 1887) 1887.1 

— The bank hand-line cod fishery 
(In The fisheries and fishery industries 
of the United States, edited by George 
Brown Goode, sect. 1, 123-133. 2 pls. 
Washington, 1887) 1887.2 

The fishermen of the United 
States (In The fisheries and fishery in- 
dustries of the United States, edited by 
George Brown Goode, sect. 4, 1-129. 
13 pls. Washington, 1887) 1887.3 

— The Georges bank cod fishery 
(In The fisheries and fishery industries 
of the United States, edited by George 
Brown Goode, sect. 1, 187-198. 6 pls. 
Washington, 1887) 1887.4 

The haddock fishery of New 
England (In The fisheries and fishery 
industry of the United States, edited by 
George Brown Goode, sect. io 234-241. 
3 pls. Washington, 1887) — Bull-U. 8. 
Fish Comm. 1881 (1882), 1, 226—235. — 
Trans. Amer. Fish-cult. Assoc., 11. meet., 
1882, 43-56. Abstract in Forest & 
Stream, 18, 311-312. 1887.5 

The hake fishery (In The fish- 
eries and fishery industries of the United 
States, edited by George Brown Goode, 
sect. 1, 241-243. 3 pls. Washington, 
1887) 1887.6 

The Labrador and gulf of Saint 
Lawrence cod fisheries (In The fisheries 
and fishery industries of the United 
States, edited by George Brown Goode, 
sect. 5, pt. 1, 133-147. 6 pls. Wash- 
ington, 1887) 1887.7 

The mackerel fishery (In The 
fisheries and fishery industry of the 
United States, edited by George Brown 
Goode, sect. 1, 245-313. 28 pls. Wash- 
ington, 1887) 1887.8 

Goode, George Brown, Collins, Jo- 
seph W., Earll, R. #., & Clark, A. 
Howard. Materials for a history of the 
American mackerel fishery. Rept. U.S 
Fish Comm. 1881 (1884), 9, 91-531. 


Goode, George Brown, Collins, Jo- 
seph W., & Scudder, N. P. The hali- 
but fisheries (In The fisheries and fishery 
industries of the United States, edited 
by George Brown Goode, sect. 1, 3-119. 
22 pls. Washington, 1887) 1887.1 


Goode, George Brown, & others. The 
fisheries and fishery industries of the 
United States. Prepared through the 
co-operation of the commissioner of 
fisheries and the superintendent of the 

10th census. Sect. i-v. 2 vols. Wash- 
ington, 1884-87. 547 pls. 4°. 1887.1 
i. Natural history of useful aquatic animals. 

1884. 292 pls. 

li. A geographicai review of the fisheries in- 
dustries and fishing communities for 1880. 1887. 

iii. The fishing grounds of North America, 
edited by Richard Rathbun. 1887. 

iv. The fishermen of the United States, by 
G. B. Goode & J. W. Collins. 1887. 

v. History and methods of the fisheries. 2 
vols. 1887. 255 pls. 

Goodenough, Samuel. A descrip- 
tion of the porbeagle shark, the Squalus 

cornubicus of Gmelin, var. A. Trans. 
Linn. Soc. London, 1797, 3, 80-83. pl. 

Goodey, 7. A contribution to the 
skeletal anatomy of the frilled shark. 
Chlamydoselachus anguineus Gar. Proce. 
Zool. Soe. London, 1910, 540-571. 5 
pls. 1910.1 

Vestiges of the thyroid in Chla- 
mydoselachus anguineus, Scyllium catulus 
and Scylliwm canicula. Anat. Anz., 
1910, 36. Jahrg., 104-108. 4 figs. 1910.2 

Goodrich, Edwin Stephen. Verte- 
brata, craniata (cyclostomes and fishes) 
(In Lankester, E. R. Treatise on zool- 
ogy, vol. ix. London, 1900-09. 7 pts. 
in 8. xvi, 518 p. 514 figs. 8°) 1900.1 

On the pelvic girdle and fin of 
Eusthenopteron. Quart. Journ. Micr. 
Sci., London, 1901, 2. ser. 45, 311-324. 
pl. & 12 figs. 1901.1 

On the excretory organs of Am- 
phioxus. Proc. Roy. Soc. London, 1902, 
69, 350-351. 1902.1 

On the structure of the excretory 
organs of Amphioxus. Quart. Journ. 
Micr. Sci., London, 1902, 45, 493-591. 
pl. & fig. 1902.2 

Occupation of a table at the 
Zoological Station at Naples. Report of 
the committee. Appendix A. On the 
structure and development of the ex- 

cretory apparatus of 2S arenes Rept. 
Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 72. meet., 1903, 
260. 1903.1 

On the dermal fin-rays of fishes, 
living and extinct. Quart. Journ. Micr. 
Sci., London, 1904, 47, 465-522. 7 
pls. & 6 figs. 1904.1 



Notes on the development 
structure and origin of the median and 
paired fins of fish. Quart. Journ. Mier. 
Sci., London, 1906, 50, 333-376. 5 pls. 
«& 3 figs. 1906.1 

On the scales of fish, living and 
extinct, and their importance in classi- 
fication. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1907 
(1908), 751-774. 4 pls. & 9 figs. 1908.1 

On the systematic position of 
Polypterus. Rept. Brit. Assoc. Adv. 
Sci., 77. meet., 1907 (1908), 545-546. . 


On the structure of the excretory 
organs of Amphioxus. Part 2. The 
nephridium in the adult. Part 3. Hat- 
schek’s nephridium. Part 4. The ne- 
phridium in the larva. Quart. Journ. 
Micr. Sci., London, 1909, 54, 185-205. 
6 pls. & fig. 1909.1 

— On the segmental structure of 
the motor nerve-plexus. Anat. Anz., 

1910, 36, 109-112. fig. 1910.1 

A case of hermaphroditism in 
Amphioxus. Anat. Anz., 1912, 42, 
318-320. 2 figs. 1912.1 

Note on an hermaphrodite Am- 
phioxus. Rept. Brit. Assoc. Ady. Sci., 
82. meet., 1913, 489. 1913.1 

On the structure of bone in 
fishes; a contribution to paleeohistology. 
Proc. Zool. Soe. London, 1913, 80-85. 
4 figs. 1913.2 

Goodsir, John [1814-1867] On cer- 
tain peculiarities in the structure of 
the short sun-fish (Orthagoriscus mola) 
Edinb. New Phil. Journ., 1841, 30, 
188-194. 1841.1 

Ueber die Anatomie des Amphi- 
oxus lanceolatus Yar. 
(Froriep), 1841, 19, no. 401, 69-72. 


On the conferva which vegetates 
on the skin of the gold-fish. Ann. Mag. 
Nat. Hist., 1842, 9, 333-337. 1842.1 

On the anatomy of the Amphi- 
oxus lanceolatus, lancelet of Yarrell. 
Trans. Roy. Soc. Edinb., 1844, 15, 247- 
263. 2 pls. 1844.1 

On the electrical apparatus in 
Torpedo, Gymnotus, Malapterurus, and 
Raja. Edinb. Med. Journ., 1855-56, 1, 
139-142; 277-282; 563-565. 1855.1 

On the morphological constitu- 
tion of limbs. Edinb. New Phil. Journ., 
1857, n. s. 6, 178-181. 1857.1 

Neue Notiz.. 

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— On the morphological constitu- 
tion of the skeleton of the vertebrate 
head. Edinb. New Phil. Journ., 1857, 
n. s. 5, 123-178. 1857.2 

Anatomical details of the new 
species of Malapterurus. Proc. Roy. 
Phys. Soc. Edinb. 1854-58 (1858), 21— 
22. 1858.1 

— On certain peculiarities in the 
structure of the short sun-fish (Or- 
thagoriscus mola) Anat. Mem. Edinb. 
(Goodsir), 1868, 1, 394400. 1868.1 

On the electrical apparatus in 
Torpedo, Gymnotus, Malapterurus and 
Raja. Anat. Mem. Edinb. (Goodsir), 
1868, 2, 289-305. 1868.2 

Gordon, Galgliesh. A preliminary 
list of the fishes of Tirhoot, Bengal. 
Journ. Nat. Hist. Soe. Bombay, 1910, 
20, 428-434. 1910.1 

Gordon, W.J. Our country’s fishes 
and how to know them. London, 1902. 
fae p. o2 pls. figs. 8°. 1902.1 

Gorham, F. P. Some physiological 
effects of reduced pressure on fish. Journ. 
Boston Med. Soc., 1899, 3, 250-256. pl. 


The gas-bubble disease of fish 
and its cause. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 
1899 (1901), 19, 33-37. pls. 1901.1 

Gorham, F. P., & Marsh, M. C. 
See Marsh & Gorham. 

Gorham, W.B. Some observations 
on the culture of yellow perch in ponds. 
Trans. Amer. Fisheries Soc. 1911 (1912), 
153-154. 1912.1 

Gorjanovi¢-Kramberger, Dragutin 
t= Karl) Beitrige zur Kenntnis der 
fossilen Fische der Karpathen. Palzeon- 
tographica, 1879, 26, 51-68. 3 pls. 

Die fossilen Fische von Wurze- 
negg bei Prassberg in Steiermark. Jahrb. 
Geol. Reichsanst., Wien, 1880, 30, 565- 
572. 1880.1 
Studien iiber die Gattung Sau- 
rocephalus Harlan; ein Beitrag zur 
Neocom-Fischfauna der Insel Lesina. 
Jahrb. Geol. Reichsanst., Wien, 1881, 
31, 371-379. 1881.1 

_ Saurocephalus and related genera are placed 
in family Scopeloidei and subfamily Saurodon- 
tide, and a new genus Solenodon is described. 

Bemerkungen zur fossilen Fisch- 

fauna der Karpathen. Verh. Geol. 
Reichsanst., Wien, 1882, 111-114. 


Notice in Neues Jahrb. Mineral., 1882, 2, 109. 

Die jungtertiire Fischfauna Cro- 
atiens. Parts I-Il. Beitr. Palont. 
Oésterr.-Ungarn, 1882, 2, 86-135. 8 pls. 
Ibid., 1883, 3, 65-85. 2 pls. 1882.2 

Review in Neues Jahrb. Mineral., 1883, 2 
(Ref.), 109-111. 

Ueber fossile Fische der siid- 
baierischen ‘Tertiirbildungen. Verh. 
Geol. Reichsanst., Wien, 1882, 231-235. 

Vorliufige Mittheilungen tiber 
die aquitanische Fischfauna der Steier- 
mark. Verh. Geol. Reichsanst., Wien, 
1882, 27-29. 1882.4 

Palxichthyologische  Beitrige. 
Glasnik Naray. DruZt., Zagreb, 1886, 1, 
123-137. 1886.1 

PaleichthyoloZki prilozi (Col- 
lectze paleoichthyologice) Dis II. Rad 
Jugoslav. Akad., 1891, 106, 58-129. 
8 pls. 1891.1 

De piscibus fossilibus Comeni, 
Mrzleci, Lesine et M. Libanonis, et 
appendix de piscibus oligocnicis ad 
Tiffer, Sagor et Trifail. Opera Acad. 
Sci. Art. Slav. Merid., Agram, 1895, 16, 
1-67. 12 pls. 1895.1 

Hungarian and Latin text in parallel columns. 

Paleichthyologische Bemerkun- 
gen. Verh. Geol. Reichsanst., Wien, 
1898, 105-106. 1898.1 

Ueber fossile Fische von Tiiffer 
in Steiermark und Jurjevéani in Kroa- 
tien. Glasnik Narav. DruZt., Zagreb, 
1898, 10, 12-34. 2 pls. 1898.2 

Paleichthyologische __Beitrage. 
Mitth. Ungar. Geol. Anstalt, Budapest, 
1902 (1903), 14, 1-21. 4 pls. & 5 figs. 


Die obertriadische Fischfauna 
von Hallein in Salzburg. Beitr. Palzont. 
Geol. Oesterr.-Ungarn, 1905, 18, 193— 
224. 5 pls. & 19 figs. 1905.1 

Gorka, Sandér. A halak halldsdrél 
{Ueber das Gehor der Fische] Termész. 
K6zl., Budapest, 1906, 38, 579-581. 


A halak tiszéhélyagjanak élettani 
szerepe [Die physiologische Rolle der 
Schwimmblase der Fische] Termész. 
K6zl., Budapest, 1908, 40, 73-74. 


Gorkom, Karel Wessel van. De 
vischteelt op Sawah’s in de Preanger- 
regentschappen. ‘Tijdschr. Nijverheid. 
Nederl. Indie, 1868, 13 (n. s. 8), 142-146. 





Goronowitsch, NV. Studien iiber die 
Entwicklung des Medullarstranges bei 
Knochenfischen, nebst Beobachtungen 
iiber die erste Anlage der Keimblatter 
und der Chorda bei Salmoniden. Mor- 
phol. Jahrb., 1885, 10, 376-445. 4 pls. 


Das Gehirn und die Cranial- 
nerven von Acipenser ruthenus. Ein 
Beitrag zur Morphologie des Wirbel- 
thierkopfes. Morphol. Jahrb., 1888, 18, 
427-514. 12 pls. 1888.1 

Développement des nerfs crani- 
ens chez les embryons de la forelle 
(Text in Russian] Bull. Soc. Impér. Nat. 
Moscou, 1897, n. s. 10, 30-32. 1897.1 

Der __ Trigemino-fascialis-Kom- 
plex von Lota vulgaris (In Festschrift 
zum siebenzigsten Geburtstage von C. 
Gegenbaur, 1897, vol. ili, 142. 2 pls. 
& 15 figs. Leipzig, 1896-97. 4°) 1897.2 

Untersuchungen iiber die erste 
Anlage der Kranialnerven bei Salmo 
fario. Nouv. Mem. Soc. Nat. Moscou, 
1898, 21, 1-55. 3 pls. & 37 figs. 1898.1 

Gorrick, C. H. My largest trout. 
Aquar. Australia, 1911, 24-26. illust. 

Gortani, Michele. Pholidophorus 
faccii, n. s., nel Raibliano di Cazzaso in 
Carnia. Riv. Ital. Paleont., 1907, 13, 
117-122. pl. 1907.1 

Gosch, Christian Carl August [1832 
—] Udsigt over Danmarks zoologiske 
literatur med en indledende fremstilling 
af de videnskabelige grundsetninger 
for naturvidenskabens iser zoologiens 

studium. Kjobenhavn, 1870. 360 p. 
oie 1870.1 
The same. 2. ed. 2 vols. 
Kjobenhayn, 1873. 1873.1 
The same. 3. ed. 2 vols. 
Kjobenhayn, 1875-78. 1875.1 

Gosden, Frank. Food of sea fishes; 
whiting (Merlangus vulgaris) 2nd whiting 
pout (Morrhua lusca) Zoologist, 1880, 
3. ser. 4, 304-305. 1880.1 

Gosnell, R. E. The fisheries [of 
British Columbia] Compend. to Year- 
book Brit. Columbia, 1897, 62-77. 2 pls. 


Goss, David Kopp, & Jordan, David 
Starr. See Jordan & Goss. 

Goss, David Kopp, & Meek, Seth E. 
See Meek & Goss. 

Gosse, Philip Henry [1810-1888] 
The Canadian naturalist. London, 
1840. 372 p. 44 figs. 12°. 1840.1 

— The ocean. 1849. 
360 p. 52 illust. 8°. 1849.1 

Natural history. Fishes. Lon- 
don, 1851. 1851.1 

A naturalist’s sojourn in Ja- 


maica. London, 1851. 508p. 12°. 
Natural history of fishes. Lon- 
don, 1854. 8°. 1854.1 

__—— Manual of marine zoology. Brit- 
ish isles. 2 vols. London, 1855-56. 
12y 1885.1 

The aquarium; or, Unveiling of 
the wonders of the deep. London, 1856. 
ore 1856.1 

Gosselet, Jules Auguste Alexandre 
[1832 —] Machoire de Ptychodus latis- 
simus découverte &4 Condé. Ann. Soe. 
Géol. Nord. 1870-74 (1875), p. 12. 


Constant Prévost. Coup d’ceil 
rétrospectif sur la géologie en France 
pendant la premiére moitié du xixe 
siécle. Lille, 1896. 8°. 1896.1 

Découverte de poissons [Pteras- 
pis] dans le terrain dévonique du Pas-de- 
Calais. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1903, 
136, 540. 1903.1 

Gotch, Francis. The electromotive 
properties of the electrical organ of 
Torpedo marmorata. Phil. Trans. Roy. 
Soe. London, 1888, 178, 487-537. 4 
figs. 1888.1 

Experiments on some curarised 
torpedoes. Proc. Phys. Soc., 1888, 2, 
Pp. ds 1888.2 

Further observations on the elec- 
tromotive properties of the electrical 
organ of Torpedo marmorata. Phil. 
Trans. Roy. Soe. London, 1889, 179, 
329-363. 2 pls. & 3 figs. 1889.1 

The electric organs of fishes. 
Proc. Biol. Soc. Liverpool, 1892, 6, 148— 
154. 1892.1 

The electric fish of the Nile. 
Science, 1899, 2. ser. 10, 963-964. — 
Proc. Roy. Instit. Gt. Britain, 1900, 16, 
114-115. 1899.1 

Gotch, Francis, & Burch, G. J. The 
electromotive properties of the electri- 


eal organ of Malapterurus electricus. 
Abstract in Proc. Roy. Soe. London, 
1896, 60, no. 369, 37-39. — Nature, 54, 
no. 1387, 92-93. 1896.1 

The electromotive properties of 
Malapterurus electricus. Phil. Trans. 
Roy. Soc. London, 1896 (1897), 187B, 
347-407. 3 pls. & 8 figs. 1897.1 

Note on the electromotive force 
of the shock and the electrical resistance 
of the organ in Malapterurus electricus. 
Proc. Roy. Soc. London, 1900, 65, 434— 
445. 2 figs. 1900.1 

Gotch, Francis, & Sanderson, J. 
Burdon. See Sanderson & Gotch. 

Gotrian, Uebersicht iiber die 
Fischerei-Verhiltnisse der Provinz Po- 
sen. Allgem. Fischerei Zeitg., 1896, 21. 
Jahrg., 265-269; 288-291; 307-308. 

Gottberg, Gunnar. Ammodytes-ar- 
terna vid Finlands kuster [Die Ammo- 

dytes-Arten an den Kiisten Finlands] 
Acta Soe. Fauna & Flor. Fenn. Helsing- 
fors, 1910, 33, no. 5, 1-41. pl. 1910.1 

lakttagelser 6fver lakens till- 
vaxt, lek och f6doiimnen hos oss_ [Beo- 
bachtungen iiber den Zuwachs, das 
Laichen und die Nahrung von Lota vul- 
garis in Finland) Fiskeritidskr. Finl., 
1910, 19, 114-121. 1910.2 

—— Lumpenus lampetriformis i de till 
Finland gransande hafven. Meddel. 
Soc. Fauna Flora Fenn., 1910, 36. Heft, 
38-48; 215-216. 2 figs. 1910.3 

Mateen kasvusta Suomessa 
(Ueber den Zuwachs der Lota vulgaris in 
Finland; Luonnon Ystiiva, Helsingfors, 
1910, 14, 100-102. 1910.4 

Pholis gunnellus vid Finlands 
kuster. Meddel. Soc. Fauna Flora 
Fenn., 1910, 36. Heft, 36-38; 217. 1910.5 

Gottsche, Carl Moritz (1808-1892] 
Ueber das Balkensystem im Fischge- 
hirne. Notizen (Froriep), 1833, 36, 36- 
38. 1833.1 

Ueber die Vierhiigel, Thalamus 
opticus und Stabkranz des Reil im 
Gritenfischgehirne. Notizen (Froriep), 
1833, 37, 36-40. 1833.2 

Fortsetzung der Untersuchung 
des Griitenfischgehirns. Notizen (Fro- 
riep), 1834, 40, 52-57. 1834.1 

Ueber die Retina im Auge der 
Gritenfische. Arch. Anat. Physiol. 
(Miiller), 1834, 457-466. pl. 1834.2 




Die seeliindischen Pleuronectes- 
Arten. Arch. Naturgesch. (Wiegmann), 
1835, 2, 133-186. 18351 

Vergleichende Anatomie des 
Gehirns der Griitenfische. Arch. Anat. 
Physiol. (Miiller), 1835, 244-294; 433— 
486. 3 pls. 1835.2 

Gotian, Antoine [1733-1821] His- 
torla piscium, sistens ipsorum anatomen 
externam, internam, atque genera in 
classes et ordinesredacta.—Or, Histoire 
des poissons, contenant la déscription 
anatomique de leurs parties externes et 
et le caractére des divers 
genres rangés par Classes et par ordres. 
Avec un vocabulaire complet, des tables 
raisonnées en latin et en francois. Stras- 
bourg, 1770. xviii, 252 p. 4 pls. 4°. 


“The text is in both Latin and French, cor- 
responding on opposite pages. The modifica- 
tions introduced into the class by Linné in the 
tenth edition of the Systema Nature are adopted. 
The genera were quite well described, and three 
new ones still retained in the system (Lepado- 
gaster, Lepidopus, and Trachypterus) were 
established.’’ — T. N. Gill, Smithson. Miscell. 
Collect., 1872, 11, 35. 

Geschichte der Fische, welche 
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fenheit und in Klassen und Ordnungen 
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265. 1878.1 

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U.S. Fish Comm. 1885, 5,216. 1885.1 

Gouriet, H. Remarques sur la loco- 
motion des poissons. C. R. Acad. Sci. 
Paris, 1864, 58, 200-202. 1864.1 

Du réle de la vessie natatoire. 
Ann. Sci. Nat. (Zool.), 1866, 5. sér. 6, 
369-382. 1866.1 

Recherches expérimentales sur 
la locomotion des poissons. Niort, 1866. 
88 p. 4°. 1866.2 


Gouriet, ZL. 

Remarques sur les variations 
des nageoires dans la classe des poissons. 
C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1868, 66, 1345- 
1348. 1868.1 

Gourret, Paul. Les pécheries et les 
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G7 pi MigE Bes 1886.1 

Nouvelle contribution 4 la faune 
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Classe des poissons. Arch. Biol., 1890, 
10, 312-321. 1890.1 
Ichthyologie Marseillaise. Fa- 

mille des labroides. Ann. Mus. Hist. 
Nat. Marseille (Zool.), 1893, 4, no. 3. 86 
Dawtepla: 1893.1 

La consommation et le commerce 
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seille. Ann. Mus. Hist. Nat. Marseille 
(Zool.), 1894, 4, 20-29. 1894.1 

Examen de la pature de quelques 
poissons comestibles du golfe de Mar- 
seille. Ann. Mus. Hist. Nat. Marseille 
(Zool.), 1894, 4, 29-36; 96-100. 1894.2 

Examen de l'état de maturité 
sexuelle de quelques poissons comesti- 
bles du golfe de Marseille. Ann. Mus. 
Hist. Nat. Marseille (Zool.), 1894, Ze 
34-43; 100-110. 1894. 

Les madragues de Marseille. 
Ann. Mus. Hist. Nat. Marseille (Zool.), 
1894, 4, 59-75. 3 figs. 1894.4 

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(Zool.), 1894, 4, 75-83. 1894.5 

La péche des issaugues 4 Mar- 
seille. Ann. Mus. Hist. Nat. Marseille 
(Zool.), 1894, 4, 44-60. 1894.6 

La péche des mugeliéres. Ann. 
Mus. Hist. Nat. Marseille (Zool.), 1894, 
4, 54-82. 1894.7 

La péche des palangres 4 Mar- 
seille. Ann. Mus. Hist. Nat. Marseille 
(Zool.), 1894, 4, 44-58. 1894.8 

La péche des thys 4 Marseille, 
en 1891. Ann. Mus. Hist. Nat. Mar- 
seille (Zool.), 1894, 4, 83-96. 1894.9 

La péche du brégin 4 Marseille. 
Ann. Mus. Hist. Nat. Marseille (Zool.), 
1894, 4, 72-74; 82-93. 1894.10 

Les pécheries et les poissons de 
la Méditerranée. Paris, 1894. fig. 8°. 



Statistique de la péche des pois- 
sons taxés, des thons, des sardines, des 
langoustes, des homards et des squi- 
nades, en 1891; consommation et com- 
merce du poisson, des coquillages, ete., 4 
Marseille. Ann. Mus. Hist. Nat. Mar- 
seille (Zool.), 1894, 4, 20-31; 40-54. 

Statistique de la péche des pois- 
sons taxés, des thons, des sardines et 
des langoustes pendant les années 1889 
et 1890. Ann. Mus. Hist. Nat. Mar- 
seille (Zool.), 1894, 4, 5-20. 1894.13 

Les anguilles de l’étang de Thau 
et leur péche. Etangs & Riviéres, 1896, 
9, 329. 1896.1 

Documents zoologiques — sur 
Vétang de Thau. Trav. Inst. Zool. Univ. 
Montpellier Stat. Marit., 1896, n. s. 5. 
55 p. 1896.2 

Les pécheries et les poissons de 
l’étang de Thau. Paris, 1896. 67 p. 
fig. 8°. 1896.3 — 

Examen de l’état de maturité 
sexuelle chez quelques poissons comesti- 
bles de Marseille. Ann. Mus. Hist. Nat. 
Marseille, 1897, 2. sér. 5, 20-23. 1897.1 

Statistique des poissons péchés 
dans le golfe de Marseille en 1893, 1894 
et 1895. Ann. Mus. Hist. Nat. Mar- 
seille, 1897, 2. sér. 5, 8-19. 1897.2 

Gowrie, pseudonym for Smith, W. 

Graah, Wilhelm August [1794-1863 } 
Narrative of an expedition to the east 
coast of Greenland ... in search of 
the lost colonies. . . . London, 1837. 

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Gthr. Wochenschr. Aquar.-Terrar. 

Kunde, 1912, 9. Jahrg., 457-458. fig. 


Grabill, L. R. Report of operations 
at the shad-hatching station at Battery 
island, near Havre de Grace, Md., dur- 
ing the season of 1886. Bull. U.S. Fish 
Comm. 1886 (1887), 6, 361-368. — 
Rept. U.S. Fish Comm. 1886 ae 14, 
807-814. 887. 1 

Gracianov, Valerian I. Ueber die 
sogenannte ‘“ Kauplatte’’ der Cypri- 
noiden. Zool. Anz., 1900, 23, 66-73. 5 
figs. 1900.1 

Cottide im Baikalsee [Text in Rus- 

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sian} Dnevn. 11. Sjésda Russ. Jest. Moskva, 1908, Beil., Ochotnitkoe En- 
Vraé., St. Petersb., 1901, 12, pts. 23-30, ciklopedija, 1908, 1, 37-71. 3 pls. 

410-411. 1901.1 ; 1908.1 

Hornige Gebilde bei Fischen 
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Imp. R. Obsé. Acclim., Moskva, 1902, 
7, 213-217. 1902.1 

Die Ichthyofauna des Baikal- 
sees [Text in Russian} Dnevn. Zool. 
Otd. Obsé. Liub. Jest., Moskva, 1902, 8, 
no. 3, 18-61. 1902.2 

Beitrag zur Ichthyofauna des 
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Zap. Russ. Georg. ObSé., St. Petersb., 
1904, 41, pt. 1, 171-249. 2 pls. & 12 
figs. 1904.1 

Die Emanzipation der Thiere 
von der Macht des umgebenden Medi- 
ums [Text in Russian} Jest. Geogr., 
Moskva, 1904, 9, no. 7, 46-69. 1904.2 

Zamyetka o Asperina improvisa 
Ostroum (Text in Russian] Bull. Acad. 
Sci. St. Pétersb., 1905, 5. sér. 23, 35-39. 

Ueber eine besondere Gruppe der 
Rochen. Zool. Anz., 1906, 30, 399-406. 
2 figs. 1906.1 

Bemerkungen iiber die wihrend 
der Studienreise nach Minsk gesam- 
melten Fische (Text in Russian} Trd. 
Kruz. Izsl. Russ. Prir., Moskva, 1907, 
3, 145-151. 1907.1 

(Malacobatis, gen. nov. for Raia 
mucosa Pallas; synoptische Tabelle der 
Plagiostomi) Trd. Otd. Icht. Imp. R. 
Obsé. Acclim., Moskva, 1907, 4. 1907.2 

Die Neunaugen des russischen 
Reiches (Text in Russian} Dnevn. 
Zool. Otd. Obsé. Liub. Jest., Moskva, 
1907, 3, no. 7-8, 18. 1907.3 

Uebersicht der Siisswassercotti- 
den des russischen Reiches. Zool. Anz., 
1907, 31, 654-660. 1907.4 

Versuch einer Uebersicht der 
Fische des russischen Reiches in syste- 
matischer und geographischer Hinsicht 
(Text in Russian] Trd. Otd. Icht. Imp. 
R. Obsé. Acclim., Moskva, 1907, 4. 
xxx, 567 p. 1907.5 

Zur Kenntnis der Neunaugen 
des russischen Reiches [Text in Rus- 
sian} Trd. Otd. Icht. Imp. R. Obéé. 
Acclim., Moskva, 1907, 6, 353-384. 


Die Wanderungen der Fische 
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Gracianov, Valerian I., Zograf, J. 
N., Hindze, B. K., Voronkov, N. V., 
Bogojavlenskij, V. V., & Chmeélev- 
skij, C. V. See Chmélevskij, Graci- 
anov « others. 

Graefe, M. Ueber Fiitterung der 
Fische. Circul. Thiiring. Fischerei Ver., 
1880, 3. Jahrg., 11-12. 1880.1 

Graefie, Hduard. Das Siisswasser- 
Aquarium: Kurze Anleitung zur besten 
Construction der Aquarien und In- 
standhaltung derselben, sowie Schilde- 

rung der Siisswasser-Thiere. Hamburg, 
S61 ee OO Migs HmES a. 1861.1 
Uebersicht der Seethierfauna 

des Golfes von Triest nebst Notizen 
liber Vorkommen, Lebensweise, Erschei- 
nungs- und Fortpflanzungszeit der ein- 
zelnen Arten. Arb. Zool. Instit. Univ. 

Wien & Zool. Stat. Triest, 1886, 7. 
Also separate; Wien, 1888. 8°. 1886.1 
Graeger, Johann Nicolaus. Ueber 

die Auffindung und Bestimmung des 
Jods im Leberthran. Arch. Pharm., 
1841, 76, 60-61; 187. 1841.1 

’Graells, Mariano de la Paz. Manual 
pratico de piscicultura, etc., escrito y 
publicado por orden de S. M. el Rey. 
Madrid, 1864. exxiii, 264 p. pls. 8°. 


Aquicultura. Estudios y ob- 
servaciénes sobre los establecimientos 
piscicolas, ostricolas, ete. Madrid, 1867. 
218 p. 12'pls. -4°: 1867.1 

Catdlogo de los peces de las 
costas de Catalufia y Valencia. Ann. 
Comisién Permanente de Pesea, Madrid, 
1869, 2. 1869.1 

Recursos que ofrecen 4 los pobres 
de nuestras playas. Ann. Comisién 
Permanente de Pesca, Madrid, 1869, 2. 

Exploracién cientifica de las 
costas del departamento maritimo del 

Ferrol. Madrid, 1870. 16 pls. 8°. 
Graff, Ludwig von [1851—] Fauna 
der Alpenseen. Graz, 1887. 8°. 1887.1 

Bibliothek des Professors der 

Zoologie und vergleichlichen Anatomie, 

Dr. Ludwig von Graff. Graz, 1891. 

Soap: 1891.1 
Pisces und Dipnoi, p. 287-304. 


Graham, |W. VW. A fish that preys 
on mosquito larvee in southern Nigeria. 
Bull. Entomol. Research, London, 1911, 
2, 137-139. 1911.1 

Graichen, Hans.  LEiniges’ iiber 
Pecilia reticulata Peters. Wochenschr. 
Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1909, 6. Jahrg., 
338-339. 1909.1 

Haplochilus elegans Boulenger. 
Wochenschr. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 
1909, 6. Jahrg., 349-351. fig. 1909.2 

Haplochilus species aus Cochin 
(Vorderindien) Wochenschr. Aquar.- 
Terrar. Kunde, 1909, 6. Jahrg., 517-518. 
fig. 1909.3 

Graino, C. Datos para la fauna de 
la provincia de Oviedo. Bol. Soc. Espan. 
Hist. Nat., Madrid, 1905, 5, 269-272. 


Gramberg, J. S. G. Treebeekvis- 
scherij. Tijdschr. Ind. Taal-, Land, ete. 
Kunde, 1877, 24, no. 4-5, 298-317. 


Gramsch, EH. Die Zucht der Rot- 
feder im Aquarium. Wochenschr. 
Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1909, 6. Jahrg., 
645-646. fig. 1909.1 

Ein Beitrag zur Pflege unserer 
einheimischen Fische im Aquarium. 
Wochenschr. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 
1911, 8. Jahrg., 436-437. fig. 1911.1 

Granby, Marquis of. The trout. 
London, 1898. pls. & figs. 8°. 1898.1 

Grandauer, A. Die Fische in den 
Gewiissern um Augsburg. Ber. Natur- 
hist. Ver. Augsburg, 1853, 6, 21. 1853.1 

Grandey, ——, & Jobert, Clément. 
See Jobert & Grandey. 

Grandidier, Alfred [1836—] His- 
toire physique, naturelle et politique 
de Madagascar. Paris, 1875-99. 4°. 


Poissons, par H. Sauvage, 1887-91, vol. xvi. 

543 p. 61 pls. 

Grandmont, Anatole Gillet de. 
Gillet de Grandmont, Anatole. 


Grandsagne, Jo. B. Francois Etienne 
Ajasson de. Précis dichthyologie ou 
d’histoire naturelle des poissons. Paris, 
1829. S80p. 46 pls. 1829.1 

Grant, Issac H. Movements of 
menhaden. Catch of herring. Bull. 
U.S. Fish Comm. 1883, 3, 470. 1883.1 



Grant, John. Statement concerning 
the menhaden ae Rept. U.S. Fish 
Comm. 1877 (1879), 5, 378. 1879.1 

Grant, J. Lewis. Yellow perch of 
Owasco lake. Forest & Stream, 1877, 8, 
9. 1877.1 

_ Grant, Madison. Ouananiche stock- 
ing. Forest & Stream, 1898, 51, 292. 

Grant, Robert Edmond [1793-1874] 
On the structure of the eye of the sword- 
fish (Xiphias gladius Linn.) Mem. 
Wern. Soc. Edinb., 1826-31, 6, ae 


On the viscera of the common 
swordfish (Xiphias gladius Linn.) Trans. 
Med.-Chir. Soe. Edinb., 1828, 3, 79-93. 


Grant, William Robert Ogilvie [1863 
—] A revision of the fishes of the genera 
Sicydium and Lentipes, with descrip- 
tions of five new species. Proc. Zool. 
Soc. London, 1884, 153-172. pls. 


Grassi, Giovanni Battista. Beitrage 
zur niheren Kenntnis der Entwicklung 
der Wirbelsiule der Teleostier. Mor- 
phol. Jahrb., 1883, 8, 457-473. 1883.1 

Développement de la colonne 
vertébrale chez les poissons osseux. 
Arch. Ital. Biol., 1883, 4, 236-268. 


Lo sviluppo della colonna verte- 
brale ne’ pesci ossei. Atti Accad. Lincei, 
Roma (Mem.), 1885, 15, 311-372. 8 

pls. 1885.1 

Reproduzione e metamorfosi 
della anguillea. Giorn. Ital. Pesea e 
Acqui., 1887, no. 7-8. Abstract in 

Monit. Zool. Ital., 8, 233-234. 1887.1 

The reproduction and meta- 
morphosis of the common eel (Anguilla 
vulgaris) Proce. Roy. Soc. London, 1896, 
60, 260-271. — Quart. Journ. Micr. Sci. 
London, n. s. 39, 371-385. figs. — Bull. 
Soe. Centr. Aquicult. Péche, 1897, 9, 
no. 3-4, 97-108. Abstract in Journ. R. 
Micr. Soe., 1897, pt. 2, 111. Also sepa- 
rate; Halle, 1898. 4°. 1896.1 

Contribuzione allo studio dello 
sviluppo dei murenoidi. I. Murena 
helena. II. Di aleune uova e prelarve, 
che si potrebbe supporre appartenenti 
ad Anguilla anguilla. Mem. R. Comitat. 
Talassogr. Ital., Roma, 1910, 1, 1-16. 
pl. 1910.1 



Nuova contribuzione alla storia 
dello sviluppo dei murenoidi. Atti Ac- 
ead. Lincei, Roma (Rendic.), 1912, 5. 
ser. 21, pt. 2, 15-20. 1912.1 

— Ricerche sulle anguille argentine 
allevate forzatamente in vasche di acqua 

dolee. Atti Accad. Lincei, Roma (Ren- 
dic.), 1912, 5. ser. 21, pt. 2, 675-677. 


Metamorfosi dei murenoidi. 

Ricerche sistematiche ed_ ecologiche. 
Jena, 1913. 15 pls. 1913.1 

La talassobiologia e la pesca. 
Mem. R. Comit. Talassografico Ital. 
Venezia, 1913, 19, 1-42. — Atti Soc. Ital. 
Prog. Sci., Roma, 1913, 6, 59-95. 1913.2 

Grassi, Giovanni Battista, & Calan- 
druccio, Salvatore. Le leptocefalide e 
la loro transformazione in murenide. 
Atti Accad. Lincei, Roma (Rendic.), 
1892, 5. ser. 1, 375-379. 1892.1 

Ancora sullo sviluppo dei mu- 
renoidi. Terza nota preliminare. Bull. 
Acead. Gioenia Sci. Nat. Catania, 1893, 
n. s.. pt. 34-35, 2-5.— Atti Accad. 
Lincei, Roma (Rendic.), 1893, 5. ser. 5, 
348-349. 1893.1 

Ulteriori ricerche sui leptocefali. 
Atti Accad. Lincei, Roma (Rendic.), 
1893, 5. ser. 5, 450-452. 1893.2 

Soluzione di un enigma antichis- 
simo, ossia scoperta della metamorfosi 
de |’ anguilla. Venezia, 1894. 1894.1 

Sullo Crepe dei murenoidi. 
Atti Accad. Lincei, Roma (Rendic.), 
1896, 5. ser. 5, pt. 1, 348-349. 1896.1 

Ulteriori studi*sullo sviluppo 
dell’ anguilla e sul congro. Atti Acecad. 
Lincei, Roma (Rendic.), 1896, 5. ser. 5, 
241, 1896.2 

Descrizione d’un Leptocephalus 
brevirostris in via di trasformarsi in 
Anguilla vulgaris. Atti Accad. Lincei, 
Roma (Rendic.), 1897, 5. ser. 6, pt. 1, 
239-240. 2 figs. Abstract in Nature, 
56,85. 2 figs. — Amer. Naturalist, aii 
no. 368, 726. 1897.1 

Fortpflanzung und Metamor- 
phose des Aales. Allgem. Fischerei 
Zeitg., 1897, 22, 402-408; 423-428. 8 
figs. 1897.2 

Riproduzione e metamorfosi 
delle anguille. Giorn. Ital. Pesca e 
Acquic., 1897, no. 7-8. Abstract in 
Monit. Zool. Ital., Firenze, 8, 233-234. 



Ulteriori ricerche sulle meta- 
morfosi dei murenoidi. Atti Acead. 
Lincei, Roma (Rendic.), 1897, 5. ser. 6, 
43. 1897. 4 

—— Aalens forvandling og forplant- 
ning. Dansk Fiskeriforen. Medlemsbl., 
1898, 7. Jahrg., 306-307; 322-325; 339- 
343; 354-355; 362-364. 7 figs. 1898.1 

Ueber Fortpflanzung und Meta- 
morphose der Aale. Natur, 1898, 47, 
97-99; 111-114; 124-126. 3 figs. 


Riproduzione e metamorfosi 
delle anguille. Acquicolt. Lombarda, 
Milano, 1903, 5, 57-58; 72-75; 110-111; 
160-168. 1903.1 

Gratacap, Louis Pope {1851 —] Fish- 
remains and tracks in the Triassic rocks 
at Weehawken, N. J. Amer. Natural- 
ist, 1886, 20, 243-246. 2 pls. & 2 figs. 


Fossils and fossilization. Amer. 
Naturalist, 1896, 30, 902-912; 993-1003. 

Biographical memoir of Robert 
Parr Whitfield; with a bibliography by 
L. Hussakof: Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci., 
1911, 20, pt. 3, 385-398. pl. 1911.1 

Gratzianow, Valerian. See Gracia- 
nov, Valerian I. 

Grave, Caswell. The fisheries labora- 
tory at Beaufort, sixth session. Science, 
1905, n. s. 21, 732-737. 1905.1 

Work on Beaufort fishes by Dr. E. W. Gudger, 
p. 735. 

Gravenhorst, Johann Ludwig Chris- 
tian [1777-1857] Vergleichende Ueber- 
sicht des Linneischen und einiger neuern 
zoologischen Systeme. Gdéttingen, 1807. 


Gravier, Charles. La station biologi- 
que marine de San Diego (Californie) 
Rev. Gén. Sci., 1912, 28, 440-448. 4 
figs. 1912.1 

Gray, A. F. The Boston aquarium. 
Forest & Stream, 1875, 5, 68. 1875.1 

Gray, Albert A. On the labyrinth of 
animals. Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1905, 
1, 143-145. 1905.1 

Gray, George Robert [1808-1872] Nar- 
rative of an expedition to the shores of 
the Arctic sea in 1846 and 1847. Lon- 
don, 1850. 247 p. 1850.1 

Gray, Henry Rk. 
Forest & Stream, 1874, 3, 

maps. 8°. 

The river Sorel. 
283. 1874.1 


Gray, John Edward [1800-1875] On 
the genus Plagiostoma. Ann. Phil. 
(Thomson), 1825, 10, 153. 1825.1 

List of fish of Australia (In 
King’s Survey of coast of Australia, 
1827, p. 435. 8°) 1827.1 

Illustrations of Indian zoology 
of new and hitherto unfigured Indian 
animals from the collection of General 

Hardwicke. 2 vols. London, 1830-34. 
202 pls. fol. 1830.1 
Description of a new genus 

(Micropus) of percoid fish, discovered 
by Samuel Stutchbury in the Pacific 
sea, and now in the British Museum. 
Zool. Miscell., 1831, 20. 1831.1 

Description of three new species 
of fish from the Sandwich islands, in the 
British Museum. Zool. Miscell., 1831, 

33. 1831.2 
Description of three new species 
of fish, including two undescribed 

genera (Leucosoma and Samaris) dis- 
covered by John Reeves, Esq., in China. 
Zool. Miscell., 1831, 4-5. 1831.3 

Description of twelve new genera 
of fish, discovered by Gen. Hardwicke 
in India, the greater part in the British 
Museum. Zool. Miscell., 1831, 7-10. 


—— Descriptions of three species of 
Notopterus, found by Gen. Hardwicke 
in the Indian seas. Zool. Miscell., 1831, 

16. 1831.5 
The zoological miscellany, pts. 
i-vi. London, 1831-44. 4°. 1831.6 

Characters of two new species of 
sturgeon (Acipenser, Linn.) Proc. Zool. 
Soc. London, 1834, 2, 122-123. Arch. 
Naturgesch. (Wiegmann), p. 272. — 
Isis (Oken), 1835, 1050-1051. 1834.1 

Description of a new species of 
Tetrapturus from the cape of Good 
Hope. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1838, 1, 
313. pil. 1838.1 
Systematic arrangement of 
fishes, with list of the genera. Syn. Brit. 
Mus., 1838. 12°. 1838.2 
Revised 1840 and 1842. 

Fishes (In Beechey’s “ Zoology 
of Beechey voyage to the Pacific and 
Behring straits.” London, 1839. 47 
pls.) 1839.1 

The exhibition of fishes in mu- 
seums. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1841, 6, 
157. 1841.1 



Three hitherto unrecorded 
species of freshwater fishes (Galaxias 
fasciatus, Anguilla dieffenbachii, Eleotris 
basalis), brought from New Zealand and 
presented to the British Museum by Dr. 
Dieffenbach. Zool. Miscell., 1842, 
D: toe 1842.1 

Description of two freshwater 
fish from New Zealand (In Dieffen- 
bach, Ernst. Travels in New Zealand 
. . . Vol. ii, p. 221-225. London, 1843. 
2 vols. illust. 8°) 1843.1 

Description of a new species of 
Amphioxus {A. belcheri) from Borneo. 
Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1847, 15, 35— 
36. — Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1847, 19, 
463-464. 1847.1 

Mammalia and fish of the Arctic 
regions. See Rae, J. Narrative of an ~ 
expedition to the shores of the Arctic 
sea in 1846 and 1847. London, 1850. 

8°. 1850.1 
On the British specimens of © 
Regalecus. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 

1849, pt. 17, 78-84. — Ann. Mag. Nat. 
Hist., 1850, 2. ser. 5, 501-507. 1850.2 

— List of the specimens of fish in 
the collection of the British Museum. 
Part Chondropterygil. London, 
1851. 160 p. 2pls. 8°. 1851.1 

Description of a new form of 

lamprey from Australia (Geotria australis 

n. g. et sp.] with a synopsis of the 
family. ProcpZagl. Soc. London, 1851, 
pt. 19, 235-241.-~Agn. Mag. Nat. Hist., 
1854, 2. ser. 18, 58-65. pls. 1851.2 

(edilgr} . Catalogue of fish col- 
lected and dese#ibed by L. T. Gronow, 
now in the British Museum. London, 
1854. 8°. 1854.1 

Observations on a living African — 
Lepidosiren in the Crystal palace. 
Proc. Zool. Soe. London, 1856, pt. 24, 
342-346. — Arch. Naturgesch. (Wieg- 
mann), 1857, pt. 1, 330-339. 1856.1 | 

Description of a new genus of 
lophobranchiate fishes from western 
Australia. Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 
1859, pt. 27, 38-39. — Ann. Mag. Nat. 
Hist., 3. ser. 4, 309-311. pl. 1859.1 

On Pelamys sarda, a British fish. 
Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1859, 3. ser. 4, 
399. 1859.2 

On the mud-fish of the Nile 
(Protopterus annectens?) Ann. Mag. — 
Nat. Hist., 1860, 3. ser. 5, 70-71. 1860.1 


—— On the habits of the pipe-fish © 

and other fishes. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 

1861, 3. ser. 6, 494-496. — Proc. Zool. 

Soc. London, 1861, pt. 19, 238-239. 

—— On the occurrence of the opah 
(Lampris lauta) on the British coast. 
Ann. Mag.-Nat. Hist., 1861, 3. ser. 8, 

192. 1861.2 
— Capture of Diodon pennatum. 
Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1862, 3. ser. 9, 
260. 1862.1 
i New British fishes (Sebastes vi- 
viparus, Spinax niger) Ann. Mag. Nat. 
Hist., 1868, 4. ser. 1, 312. 1868.1 
Rare British sharks (Hchinorhi- 
nus spinosus, Hexanchus griseus} Ann. 
Mag. Nat. Hist., 1868, 4. ser. 1, 76. 
— Transporting fish alive. Ann. 

Mag. Nat. Hist., 1868, 4. ser. 2, 319. 

Transportation of live fish from America and 
south of the equator to England. 

—— On the injury inflicted on ships 
by the broad-finned swordfish of the 
Indian ocean. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 
1871, 4. ser: 8, 338-339. 1871.1 

List of the books, memoirs and 
miscellaneous papers by . E. 
Gray. With a few historical ‘notes (By 
J. Saunders} London, 1872-{75) 58 p. 
as 1872.1 

— File-fish (Balistes capriscus) at 
Weymouth. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 
1873, 4. ser. 12, 267—268. 1873.1 

Gray, John Edward, & Gunn, Ron- 
ald. Notices accompanying a collection 
of quadrupeds and fish from Van Die- 
men’s land; with notes and descriptions 
of the new species. Ann. Mag. Nat. 
~ Hist., 1838, 1, 101-111. 1838.1 

Gray, John Edward, & White, Adam. 

Fish [Synonymy by ari hitey (in 
List of the British animals in the mu- 
seum, pt. 8. London, 1851. 12°) 
Gray, Robert [1825-1887] Notes on 
the marine zoology of Dunbar; fishes, 
crustacea, etc. Zoologist, 1849, 6, 
2518-2522. 1849.1 

Gray, William. Certain habits of 
salmon. Forest & Stream, 1874, 2, 244. 

Graydon, George. On the fish en- 
closed in stone of monte Bolea. Trans. 
Roy. Irish Acad., 1794, 5, 281-318. 



_ 1904 (1905), 173-176. 


Grazianow, W. See Gracianov, 

Valerian I. 

Greaves, John. A fossilised fish and 
Ichthyosaurus found in a stone quarry 
near Stratford upon Avon. Mag. Nat. 
Hist., 1832, 5, 549. 1832.1 

aeeives, Richard. On the discovery 
of bones of birds, fishes and mammalia, 
in the limestone cliff at Eel point in 
Caldy island. Proc. Geol. Soc. London, 
1838 (1842), 3, 322 1842.1 

Grebnitski, N. Liste des poissons 
recueillis aux fles Commandeur et & 

Kamtchatka [Text in Russian] Mes- 
sager Péche, 1897, 12, 823-339. 1897.1 
Greeff, Richard [1829-1892] Die 

Fauna der Guinea-Inseln. Sitzber. Ges. 
Gesam. Naturw., Marburg, 1884, no. 2, 
41-79. 1884.1 

Greeley, Arthur White. Notes on the 
tide-pool fishes of California, with a 
description of two new species. Bull. 
U.S. Fish Comm. 1899 (1901), 19, 7-20. 


Greeley, Horace. Die Fischzucht in 
den Vereinigten Staaten von Nordame- 
rika. Ann. Landw. Wochenbl., 1873, 
107-108. 1873.1 

Greeley, Horace, Case, L., & others. 
The great industries of the United States. 
Hartford, 1872. illust. 8°. 1872.1 

Fish-culture and artificial breeding, p. 1198- 

Green, A. The economic fishes of 
British Columbia, Proc. Nat. Hist. 
Soe. Brit. Columbia, 1891, 1, 20-33. 


The Salmonide of British Co- 
lumbia. Proc. Nat. Hist. Soc. Brit. 
Columbia, 1891, 1, 7-19. 1891.2 

Preliminary note on the size of 
salmon eggs in relation to estimating 
their number. Rept. Sea Inland Fish, 
Treland, 1902-03 (1905), pt. 2, 351-352. 

Green, Chester K. The increase of 
whitefish and lake trout in lake On- 
tario. Trans. Amer. Fisheries Soe. 
1898 (1899), 82-84. 1899.1 

Value of aquatic plants in pond 
Trans. Amer. Fisheries Soc. 

Green, Hrik H. The chemical com- 
position of the subdermal connective 
tissue of the ocean sun-fish. Bull. U.S. 
Fish Comm. 1899 (1901), 19, 321-324. 




Green, EH. H. 
Notes by the way. Spolia 
Zeylan., Colombo, 1907, 4, 183-184. 

Green, Erik H., & Tower, Ralph 

Winfred. Ichthylepidin in den Schup- 
pen amerikanischer Fische. Zeitschr. 
Physiol. Chem., Strassburg, 1902, 35, 
196-200. 1902.1 

The organic constituents of the 
seales of fish. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 
1901 (1902), 21, 97-102. 1902.2 

Green, H. A. On the homologies 
of the chorda tympani in selachians. 
Journ. Compar. Neurol., 1900, 10, 411— 
421. 1900.1 

Green, H.J. The herring fisheries. 
Intern. Fisheries Exhib. Lit., London, 
1883. Conferences, 11, pt.10. 1883.1 

Green, John. An analysis of the 
scales of the striped bass (Labroax 
lineatus) Proc. Brit. Soc. Nat. Hist., 
1858, 6, 374. — Amer. Journ. Sci., 1858, 
26, 447. 1858.1 

(Fish scales have the chemical 
constitution of bone, as shown from ob- 
servations made upon the scales of 
Megalops, from the gulf of Mexico] 
Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. 1856 (1859), 
6, 362-363. 1859.1 

Structure of teeth and seales in 
Pristis sagittata. Proc. Boston Soc. 
Nat. Hist. 1856 (1859), 6, 67. 1859.2 

Structure of the scales of Amia. 
Proce. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. 1861 
(1862), 8, 218. 1862.1 

Green, Loren W. Condition of the 
United States trout ponds. Bull. U. 8. 
Fish Comm. 1885, 5, 309. 1885.1 

On a disease affecting the rain- 
bow trout at McCloud river station. 
Bull. U.S. Fish. Comm. 1885, 5, 472. 


Report on the packing of salmon 
on the Pacifie coast from 1883 to 1886. 
Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1886 (1887), 6, 
286-288. 1887.1 

Salmon in !the McCloud river 
during the season of 1886. Bull. U.S. 
Fish Comm. 1886 (1887), 6, 334-336. 


Green, Monroe A. A _ Kennebec 
salmon caught in the Hudson river. 
Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1881 (1882), 1, 
271. 1882.1 



_ Green, R. Y. Notice of salmon trout 
in Ouseburn, Newcastle-on-Tyne, in 
the spawning season. Trans. Nat. 
Hist. Soc. Northumb. 1884 (1889), 8, 
184-185. 1889.1 

Green, Seth. (Fish raising) Proce. 
Boston Nat. Hist. Soc. 1866 (862% phat 
360-361. 1868.1 

Shad and shad spawn destroyed 
by warmth of water in Connecticut 

river. ba A Conn. Comm. Fisheries, 
1869, 7 1869.1 
—— Trout-culture. Rochester, 1870. 
92 p. figs. 16°. 1870.1 
Fish-culture in New York. 
Scient. Amer., 1872, 23, 66. 1872.1 
— Fish-culture. Rept. Comm. 
Agricult., Washington, 1872 (1873), 

248-274. 1873.1 

Catching shad with fly. Amer. 
Sportsman, 1874, 4, 89. 1874.1 

fishes. Rept. U. 8. Fish. Comm. 1872 
(1874), 2, 579. 1874.2 

Does fish raising pay? Amer. 
Sportsman, 1874, 5, 54. 1874.3 

Fish distributed in New York 
Amer. Sportsman, 1874, 4, 13. 

The growth of shad. Forest & 


Stream, 1874, 2, 276. 1874.5 
Michigan grayling. Forest & 
Stream, 1874, 2, 165; 212. 1874.6 

Need of fish protection. Amer. 
Sportsman, 1874, 4, 342. 1874.7 

Report on shad-hatching opera- 
tions. Operations in 1872. Rept. U.S 
Fish Comm. 1872 (1874), 2, 405-406. 


Report on shad-hatching opera- 

tions. Operations in 1873. Rept. U.S. 
Fish Comm. 1872 (1874), 2, 406-408. 


Salmon spawn. Forest & 

Stream, 1874, 3, 261. 1874.10 

Seth Green on shad and black 
bass, and on hybrid fish. Amer. Sports- 
man, 1874, 3, 378. 1874.11 

Shad in lake Ontario. Forest & 
Stream, 1874, 2, 292. 1874.12 

Can depleted streams be re- 
stocked? Forest & Stream, 1875, oe 

Device for hatching the spawn of — 

<4“ Se Avert ee ia a7 SSH Ra S . 




—— Distribution of fry. Forest & 
Stream, 1875, 4, 117. 1875.2 

Experiences of a practical fish- 

culturist. Trans. Amer. Fisheries Soc. 
1874 (1875), 22-24. 1875.3 
Fish-culture. Amer. Sports- 

man, 1875, 5, 323. 1875.4 
Instinct of salmon. Forest & 
Stream, 1875, 4, 37. 1875.5 

New method for hatching and 
transporting fish eggs. Amer. Sports- 
man, 1875, 4, 265. 1875.6 

On stocking the Great lakes with 
whitefish. Forest & Stream, 1875, 5, 

307. 1875.7 
Spawning seasons. Forest «& 
Stream, 1875, 4, 166. 1875.8 

— Stocking depleted waters. For- 
est & Stream, 1875, 4, 84.— Trans. 
Amer. Fisheries Soc. 1875 (1876), 19-22. 

Suitable temperature of the 
water. Amer. Sportsman, 1875, 5, 361. 


Crowding trout ponds. Forest 

& Stream, 1876, 7, 3. 1876.1 
Enemies of trout. Forest & 
Stream, 1876, 7, 115. 1876.2 

Fish distribution for — state 
waters. Forest & Stream, 1876, 7, 388. 

Food for young trout. Forest & 
Stream, 1876, 7, 179. 1876.4 

— Impregnating spawn. Forest & 
Stream, 1876, 7, 244. 1876.5 

Parasites on trout. Forest «& 
Stream, 1876, 6, 401. 1876.6 

Stocking trout ponds. Forest & 
Stream, 1876, 6, 85. 1876.7 

Artificial culture of black bass. 
Forest & Stream, 1877, 8,359. 1877.1 

Propagation of fish. Trans. 
Amer. Fisheries Soc. 1876 (1877), 8-13. 

— California trout in New York. 
Forest & Stream, 1878, 11, 203. 1878.1 

California trout in the east. 
Forest & Stream, 1878, 10, 134. 1878.2 


— The goldfish question. 
Field, 1878, 9, 277. 

More about eels. Fish. Gazette, 
1878, n. s. 2, no. 78, 496. 1878.4 

—— Oneels. Forest & Stream, 1878, 

11, 110. 

Striped bass in the Genessee 
river. Forest & Stream, 1878, 10, 419. 
=: Why fish in ponds may become 
blind. Forest & Stream, 1878, 9, 488. 
Young trout eaten by goldfish. 
Chicago Field, 1878, 9, 102. 1878.8 

California mountain trout in 
eastern waters. Forest & Stream, 1879, 
12, 264. 1879.1 

— Hybrid trout. Forest & Stream, 
1879, 13, 885. 1879.2 

Mortality of young trout. For- 

est & Stream, 1879, 12, 45. 1879.3 
— On fish-culture. Fish. Gazette, 
1879, n. s. 8, 219. 1879.4 
Small mackerel. Forest & 
Stream, 1879, 12, 145. 1879.5 

: Stocking waters with various 
kinds of fish. Chicago Field, 1879, 11, 
276. 1879.6 

Successful cultivation of hy- 
brids. Forest & Stream, 1879, 13, 865. 

— The alewife in fresh water. For- 
est & Stream, 1880, 15, 167. 1880.1 

Fertile hybrids. Forest & Stream, 
1880, 15, 366. 1880.2 

How the first shad were hatched. 
Forest & Stream, 1880, 15, 128. 1880.3 

—— Hybrid trout. Chicago Field, 
1880, 14, 284. 1880.4 

Restocking trout streams. Chi- 
cago Field, 1880, 13, 237. 1880.5 

Stocking waters with various 
kinds of fish. Trans. Amer. Fisheries 
Soc. 1879 (1880), 22-26. 1880.6 

Ueber den Einfluss der Wasser- 
wirme auf das Gedeihen der Fische. 
Circul. Deutsch. Fischerei Ver. 1879 
(1880), no. 6, p. 248. 1880.7 

Wie bald die Eierbefruchtung 
stattgefunden hat. Circul. Deutsch. 

Fischerei Ver. 1879 (1880), 249. 1880.8 
Fish-culture. Journ. Amer. 
Agric. Assoc., 1881, 1, 141-142. 1881.1 


Green, S. 

General notes on fish-culture. 
Trans. Amer. Fisheries Soc. 1880 (1881), 
13-19. 1881.2 

Hybridizing fishes. Trans. Amer. 
Fisheries Soc. 1881 (1882), 5-9. 

The introduction of landlocked 
salmon into Woodhull lake, New York, 
and the subsequent capture of some of 
them. Bull. U. 8S. Fish Comm. 1881 
(1882), 1, 421. 1882.2 

Rearing of California mountain 
trout (Salmo irideus) Bull. U. 8. Fish 
Comm. 1881 (1882), 1, 23. 1882.3 

in Genessee 
S. Fish 

Salmon caught 
river, New York. Bull. U. 
Comm. 1881 (1882), 1, 23. 

Hatching striped bass, sturgeon 

and trout. Trans. Amer. Fisheries Soc. 
1882 (1883), 37-40. 1883.1 

On the spawning of black bass. 
Amer. Angler, 1884, 6, 133. 1884.1 

Home fishing and home waters; 
a practical treatise on fish culture, the 
utilization of farm streams, the manage- 
ment of fish in the artificial pond, the 
transportation of eggs and fry; with 
observations on common fish and the 
methods of capturing them. New York, 
1888. 81 p. 8°. 1888.1 

Green, Seth, & Collins, A.S. Trout- 
culture. Caledonia & Rochester, N. Y., 
1870. $92 p.. 8°. 1870.1 

Green, Seih, & Roosevelt, Robert 

Barnwell. See Roosevelt & Green. 
Green, William Spotswood. Notes 
on the Irish mackerel fisheries. Bull. 

U.S. Fish Comm. 1893 (1894), 13, 357— 
360. 1894.1 

Green, Wyman R. A description of 
the specimens of the teleostean genus 
Enchodus in the university of Kansas. 
Kansas Univ. Sci. Bull., 1913,.7, 71-107. 

17 pls. 1913.1 
Greene, Charles Wilson. The phos- 
phorescent organs in the toadfish, 

Porichthys notatus Girard. Journ. Mor- 
phol., 1899, 15, 667-696. 3pls. 1899.1 

Contributions to the physiology 
of the California hagfish, Polistotrema 
stouti. I. The anatomy and physiology 
of the caudal heart. Il. The absence of 
regulative nerves for the systemic heart. 



Amer. Journ. Physiol., 1900, 3, 366- 
382. 6 figs. Ibid., 1902, 6, 318-324. 

Abstract of pt. iin Amer. Naturalist, 1900, 34, 

Notes on the physiology of the 
circulatory system of the California 
hagfish, Polistotrema stouli. Amer. 
Journ. Physiol. (Proc.), 1902, 6, xii—xiii. 
— Science, n. s. 15, 342. 1902.1 

Physiological studies of the 
Chinook salmon. I. Relation of the 
blood pressure to the functional activity. 
il. A study of the blood and serous 
liquids by the freezing-point method. 
Bull. Bureau Fisheries, 1904 (1905), 24, 
429-456. 15 pls. & 7 figs. 1905.1 

—— An experimental determination 
of the speed of migration of salmon in 
the Columbia river. Journ. Exper. 
Zool., 1910, 9, no. 3, 579-591. pl. 


The speed of migrating salmon 
in the Columbia river. Proc. Indiana 
Acad. Sci. 1909 (1910), 125-126. 1910.2 

The migration of the salmon in 
the Columbia river. Bull. Bureau 
Fisheries, 1909 (1911), 29, 129-148. 2 
pls. 1911.1 

The absorption of fat in the 
salmon muscular tissue and its resorp- 
tion during the migration fast- Amer. 
Journ. Physiol., 1912, 29, xxxix—xl. 


The absorption of fats by the 
alimentary tract, with special reference 
to the formation of the pyloric cceca in 
the king salmon, Oncorhynchus tschawyt- 
scha. Trans. Amer. Fisheries Soc. 1911 
(1912), 261-270. 1912.2 

Anatomy and histology of the 
alimentary tract of the king salmon. 
Bull. Bureau Fisheries, 1912, 32, 73- 
100. 4 pls. 1912.3 

—— A new type of fat-storing muscle 
in the salmon, Oncorhynchus tscha- 
wytscha. Amer. Journ. Anat., 1912, 13, 
175-181. pl. 1912.4 

— On the absorption of fat by the 
salmon stomach. Amer. Journ. Physiol., 
1912, 30, 278-282. 2 figs. 1912.5 

The storage of fat in the salmon 
muscular tissue and its resorption during 
the migration fast. Proc. Amer. Soc. 
Biol. Chemists, 1912, 2, 52-54. — Journ. 
Biol. Chem., 11, xvili-xx. 1912.6 




An undescribed longitudinal dif- 
ferentiation of the great lateral muscle 
of the king salmon. Anat. Record, 19138, 
7, 99-101. 1913.1 

Greene, J., & Reay, On the 
mutual relations of the cold-blooded 
vertebrata. Journ. Linn. Soc. London 
(Zool.), 1861, 5, 218-228. 1861.1 

Pisces, p. 227-228. 

Greenfield, Alfred. Report upon 
the receipt and hatching of American 
whitefish ova and planting of the fry in 
Australia. Bull. U. 8. Fish Comm. 
1884, 4, 190-191. 1884.1 

Greenwood, B. Minnows and stic- 
klebacks. Chicago Field, 1878, 9, 539. 

Gregg, (Dr.) Amos. Memoranda of 
the natural history . .. of the island of 
Hayti. Philad. Med. Phys. Journ., 1806, 
18-26. 1806.1 

Gregg, W. H. Breeding habits of 
the dace |Rhinichthys atronasus} Amer. 
Naturalist, 1879, 13, 321. 1879.1 

Gregory, EH. H. Die Kupffer’sche 
Blase bei der Forelle (Z'rutta fario) (In 
Festschrift zum siebenzigsten Geburts- 
tag von C. von Kupffer, 711-716. 2 pls. 

Jena, 1899) 1899.1 
Beitrige zur Entwickelungs- 
geschichte der Knochenfische. Anat. 

Hefte, Wiesbaden, 1902 (1903), 20, 151— 
230. 9 pls. & 11 figs. 1903.1 

Die Entwickelung der Kopf- 
héhlen und des Kopfmesoderms bei 
Ceratodus forsteri (In Semon, R. Zoo- 
logische Forschungsreisen in ‘Australien 
und dem Malayischen Archipel in den 
Jahren 1891-1893. vol.i, pt. 5, 641-660. 
23 figs. Jena, 1905) 1905.1 

Gregory, Emily Ray [1863 —] Origin 
of the pronephric duct in selachians. 
Zool. Bull., Boston, 1897, 1, no. 3, 123- 
129.:8 figs. Abstract in Science, n. s. 
5, 1000. 1897.1 

Gregory, George Elliott. Japanese 
fisheries. Trans. Asiat. Soc. Japan, 
1877, 5, pt. 1, 102-113. Also separate; 
Yokohama, 1877. Reprinted in 1888. 


Gregory, J. U. Wiminish fishing 

on the Saguenay. Forest & Stream, 
1873, 1, 53. 1873.1 

Gregory, John Walter [1864 —] The 
geography of Victoria. Melbourne, 
1903. 290 p. figs. 1903.1 



Gregory, William King (1876 —| 
Anent gizzards. Science, 1904, n. s. 20, 
888. 1904.1 

Reference to gizzard-like structures in fishes. 

The relations of the anterior 
visceral arches to the chondrocranium. 
Biol. Bull., Woods Hole, 1904, 7, 55-66. 
fig. 1904.2 

The orders of teleostomous 
fishes. A preliminary review of the 
broader features of their evolution and 
taxonomy. Ann.N. Y. Acad. Sci., 1907, 
17, pt. 2, 437-508. 2 pls. 1907.1 

Further notes on the evolution 
of paired fins. Science, 1911, n. s. 34, 
892. Ibid., 1912, n.s. 35,595. 1911.1 

The limbs of Eryops and the 
origin of ae limbs from fins. Science, 
1911, n. s. 33, 508-509. 1911.2 

Critique of recent work on the 

morphology of the vertebrate skull, 

especially in relation to the origin of 

mammals. Journ. Morphol., 1913, 24, 

1-42. 25 figs. 1913.1 
Bibliography, p. 41-42. 

Crossopterygian ancestry of the 
Amphibia. Science, 1913, n. s. 37, 806- 
808. 1913.2 

Present status of the problem of 

the origin of the Tetrapoda, with special 

reference to the skull and paired limbs. 

Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci., 1915, 36, 317- 

383. pl. & 15 figs. 1915.1 
Bibliography, p. 376-383. 

Thetemporal fosse of vertebrates 
in relation to the jaw muscles. Science, 
1915, 41, 763-765. 1915.2 

Reference to jaw-muscles of Dinichthys. 

Gregory, William King, & Adams, 
L. A. Locomotive adaptations in fishes 
illustrating “habitus” and ‘‘heritage.”’ 
Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci., 1914, 28, 267-268. 


Origin of myomeres and of fins in fishes. 

Gregory, William K., & Nichols, 
John Treadwell. Long Island fishes 
noted by Mr. J. G. Raynor. Copeia, 
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Gréhant, Lowis Francois Nestor 
{1838 —] Recherches physiologiques 
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Sci. Nat. (Zool.), 1869, 5. sér. 12, 371— 
382. — Laboratoire de Physiologie, 1869, 
299-310. Abstract in C. R. Mém. 
Soc. Biol. Paris, 1, 152-153. — Journ. 




Gréhant, L. F. N. 

Anat. (Robin), 7, 213-221.—C. R. 
Acad. Sci. Paris, 1872, 74, 621-624. — 
Naturforscher (Sklarek), 5. Jahrg., 128- 
1352: 1869.1 

Recherches sur l’exerétion de 
V’urée et sur la respiration des poissons. 
Inaug. Dissert. Abstract by F. Terrier 
in Rev. Scient. France Etranger, 1870, 
7. année, 223-224. 1870.1 

Renouvellement de l’air dans les 
poumons. — Respiration des poissons. 
Rev. Scient. France Etranger, 1871, 2. 
sér. 1. année, 206-212; 276-286; 416— 
426. 1871.1 

Recherches et dosage de l’urée 
dans les tissus et dans Je sang des ani- 
maux vertebres. CC. R. Acad. Sci. 
Paris, 1903, 137, 558-560. 1903.1 

Gréhant, Louis Francois Nestor, & 
Jolyet, Félix. Formation de l’urée par 
la décharge électrique de la torpille. C. 
R. Mém. Soc. Biol. Paris, 1891, 43, 
687-689. 1891.1 

Gréhant, Louis Francois Nestor, & 
Picard, De l’asphyxie, et de la 
cause des mouvements respiratoires 
chez les poissons. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 
1873, 74, 646-648. 1873.1 

Greil, Alfred. Ueber die Entwicke- 
lung des Truncus arteriosus der Anam- 
nier. Anat. Anz., 1903, 238, 91-105. 
figs. 1903.1 

Bemerkungen zur Frage nach 
dem Ursprunge der Lungen. Vorliufige 
Mitteilung. Anat. Anz., 1905, 26, 625- 
632. 5 figs. 1905.1 

Ueber die Entstehung der Kie- 
mendarmderivate von Ceratodus forsteri. 
Anat. Anz., 1906, 29 (Suppl.), 115-131. 
21 figs. 1906.1 

Ueber die Homologie der Anam- 
nierkiemen. Anat. Anz., 1906, 28, 257— 
272. 6 figs. 1906.2 

Ueber die Bildung des Kopfme- 
soderms bei Ceratodus forsteri. Anat. 
Anz. (Verh. Anat. Ges.), 1907, 30 
(Suppl.), 59-72. 1907.1 

Entwickelungsgeschichte des 
Kopfes und des Blutgefiisssystems von 
Ceratodus forsteri. Erster Theil: Ge- 
sammtentwickelung bis zum Beginn der 
Blutzirkulation (In Semon, R. Zoolo- 
gische Forschungsreisen in Australien 
und dem Malayischen Archipel in den 

Jahren 1891-1893, vol. i, pt. 6, 661-934. 
22 pls. & 264 figs. Jena, 1908) 1908.1 

Ueber die erste Anlage der 
Gefiisse und des Blutes bei Holo- und 
Meroblastiern (speziell bei Ceratodus 
forsteri) Anat. Anz., 1908, 32. Jahrg., 
7-64. 3 pls. 1908.2 

: Entwicklungsgeschichte des 
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Ceratodus forsteri. Zweiter Theil: Die 
epigenetischen Erwerbungen wihrend 
der Stadien 39-48. Jena. Denkschr., 
1913, 4, 935-1492. 19 pls. 1913.1 

Grein, Helene. Kinige Untersuchun- 
gen tiber den Einfluss verschieden ge- 
firbten Lichts auf die Entwicklung von 

Gadus virens. Intern. Rev. Ges. Hy- 
drobiol. Hydrogr., Leipzig, 1914, 6, 
423-428. pl. 1914.1 

Gremaud, A. Notice sur l’établisse- 
ment de pisciculture crée par M. Deve- 
vey 4 Chenaleyres prés Belfaux. Bull. 
Soc. Fribourg. Sci. Nat., 1881-1883, 3. 
& 4. année, 1, 55-60. Also separate; 
Fribourg, 1884. 4p. 8°. 1881.1 

Grenacher, Hermann [1843 —] Bei- 
triige zur niheren Kenntniss der Mus- 
culatur der Cyclostomen und Leptocar- 
dier. Inaug. Dissert., Leipzig, 1867. 
8°. Reprint in Zeitschr. Wiss. Zool., 
1867, 17, Heft 4, 577-597. 1867.1 

Gressin, LZ. Contributions 4 l'étude 
de l’appareil 4 venin chez les poissons 
du genre ‘‘ vive” (Trachinus draco, T. 
vipera, T. radiatus et T. araneus} Inaug. 
Dissert., Paris, 1884. 51 p. pl. 8°. 


Gressner, Account of mortal- 
ity of carp in a pond caused by parasitic 
worms [Text in German)  Sitzber. 
Naturw. Ges. Isis, Dresden, 1867, p. 46. 


Grette, A. Ueber Centralnerven- 
system der Teleostier. Bonn, 1879. 4 
pls. 1879.1 

Greve, —— Die Fortpflanzung des 
Aales. Zool. Garten, 1874, 15. Jahrg., 
354-355. 1874.1 

Grevé, Carl Heinrich. Ueber die 
Lebensweise der  central-asiatischen 

Arten der Gattung Scaphirhynchus. 
Sitzber. Naturf. Ges. Univ. Dorpat, 
1896, 11, 137-144. 1896.1 

— An old record of the occurrence 
of the sturgeon (Acipenser sturio L.) in 
the Clyde. Trans. Nat. Hist. Soe. 
Glasgow, 1897, n. s. 4, 385. 1897.1 

Grewingk, Constantin Caspar An- —— Digeraalen. Naturen, 1904, 

dreas Loan Pepe ore sees 317-318. 1904.1 

lithische Schichtenfolge Livland’s un a 

Pander’s Saurodipterinen. Neues Jahrb. 94 Svartfisken. Naturen, 1904, 93— 

Mineral., 1861, 60-63. fig. 1861.1 : 1904.2 
Grieg, James A. En notis om Rega- Karusformet orret. Jager og 

lecus glesne Ascanius. Nyt Mag. Na- 
turviden., Kristiania, 1886, 33, 232-234. 
—Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 5. ser. 19, 
246-247. 1886.1 

— Aalens forplantning og udvik- 
ling. Naturen, 1895, 228-242. 3 figs. 


— Arktiske udliggere. Naturen, 
1896, 376-380. fig. . 1896.1 
: Hvor leger laksen? Jager og 

Fisker Forenings Tidskr., 1896, 226-232. 

— Snyltende fiske. Naturen, 1896, 
14-19. fig. 1896.3 

Ichthyologiske notiser. Bergens 
Mus. Aarb. 1894-95 (1896), no.5. 20p. 
fig. Ibid. 1898 (1899), no.3. 23p. 5 figs. 

Ibid. 1911 (1912), no. 6, 3-38. 2 pls. 
— Brygdefangsten. Naturen, 1897, 
85-90. 2 figs. 1897.1 

—— Mere om aalens udvikling. Na- 
turen, 1897, 37-42. fig. 1897.2 

Nogle nye norske pattedyr og 
Naturen, 1897, 283-285. fig. 

Om en ved Golten strandet 
Regalecus glesne. Asc. Bergens Mus. 
Aarb. 1899 (1900), no. 3. 14p. 2 figs. 

Orrittvillinger. Jager og Fisker 
Forenings Tidskr., 1900, 24-25. 1900.2 

——  Nogle for Norges fauna nye 
fiske. Naturen, 1901, 332-334. 1901.1 

The fox shark (Alopecias vulpes) 
(Text in Norwegian} Norsk Tidskr. 
Fiskeri, 1902, 21, 469-472. 1902.1 

The sea-serpent from the Haug- 


landsvand (Text in Norwegian) Na- 
turen, 1902, 26, 213-216. 1902.2 
Wogle laksenstiser. Jager og 

Fisker Forenings Tidskr., 1902, 246-248. 


—— Klumpfisken. Naturen, 1903, 
145-149. 1903.1 
— Tre nye norske fiske. Naturen, 
1903, 218-219. 1903.2 

Fisker Forenings Tidskr., 1906, 67. 

Aalens alder og veext (Alter und 
Wachstum des Aals} Norsk Tidskr. 
Fiskeri, 1908, 27, 441-446. 1908.1 

Naar indvandrede rgien i ind- 
sjgerne i det sydlige Norge? (Die 
Zeit der Einwanderung von Salmo alpi- 
mus in die Seen des siidlichen Norwe- 
gens] Naturen, 1908, 32, 77-84. 1908.2 

Legemstemperaturen hos fiske 
og andre sjodyr [Die Korpertemperatur 
bei Fischen und anderen Meertieren) 
Naturen, 1909, 33, 286-287. 1909.1 

En sjelden fisk (Macrurus celo- 
rhynchus in Norge] Naturen, 1910, 34, 
62-63. : 1910.1 

Larver av aaloghavaal [Larven 
von Anguilla und Conger vulgaris an der 
norwegischen Kiiste] Naturen, 1910, 34, 
349-350. 1910.2 

Dyrelevninger fra de gamle 
bopladser paa hardangervidden [Salmo 
ertiox Linn) Bergens Mus. Aarb., 1911, 

NOwo, ol: 1911.1 

— Syk og monstres grret (Kranke 
und monstrése Forellen] Naturen, 
1911, 35, 27-31. 1911.2 

En for Norges fauna nij fisk 
(Lepidopus atlanticus} Naturen, 1913, 
37, 61-64. 1913.1 

Griese, Ad. Das Laichen der Kar- 
auschen und die kiinstliche Ausbriitung 
des Laichs im Zimmer. Nerthus, 1901, 
3. Jahrg., 406-408. 1901.1 

Griffin, 6B. B., Dean, Bashford, Har- 
rington, NV. #., & Calkins,G. N. See 
Dean, Harrington « others. 

Griffini, Achille. 

Lavori, pubblicati 
fino al gennaio 1897. 

Torino, 1897. 8p. 

Studio quantitativo di alcune 
giovani Squalus secondo i loro coeffici- 

enti somatici. Rend. Accad. Acireale, 
1900, 10, 1-16. 1900.1 

Ittiologia italiana. Descrizione 
dei pesci di mare e d’ acqua dolce. Mi- 
lano, 1903. x,475p. figs. 12°. 1903.1 




Griffith, Hdward [1790-1858] The 
class Pisces, arranged by the Baron 
Cuvier, with supplementary additions 
by Edward Griffith . . . and Lieut.- 
Col. Charles Hamilton Smith tand P. B. 
Lord} London, 1834. 680 p. 62 pls. 
8°. 1834.1 

Published as vol. x of Cuvier’s Animal king- 
dom. London, 1827-35. 

Griffith, Hiram FE. Bass fishing in 
the Niagara river. Forest & Stream, 
1874, 2, 60. 1874.1 

Griffith, William. Result of plant- 
ing shad in the Ohio river. Bull. U.S. 
Fish Comm. 1882 (1883), 2,12. 1883.1 

Griggs, J. W. Wind-fish. Forest & 
Stream, 1878, 10, 219. 1878.1 

Grigorian, Constantin. Beitrag zur 
Kenntnis der Luftathmungsorgane der 
Labyrinthici und der Ophiocephaliden 
(Vorlaufige Mittheilung) Zool. Anz., 
1900, 23, 161-170. 6 figs. 1900.1 

Die Luftathmung der Fische 
(Text in Russian} Izv. Obsé. Liub. Jest., 
Dnevn. Zool., Moskva, 1901, 3, Py 3, 
14-24. 6 figs. 1901.1 

Grigorjanc, Konstantin. See Gri- 
gorian, Constantin. 

Grimble, A. The salmon and sea- 
trout rivers of England and Wales. 2 
vols. London, 1904. 47 pls. 1904.1 

Grimm, Ff. Die Siisswasserfische 
Deutschlands (In Die Siisswasserfische 
des Europidischen Russlands. Ihre 
Merkmale, Vermehrung, Verbreitung 
und 6konomische Bedeutung [Text in 
Russian] St. Petersburg, 1906. 65 p.) 


Die Siisswasserfische 

See also Nitsche, H. 
Deutschlands. 1898. 

Grimm, G. Fischerei und Jagd in 

den russischen Gewiissern. Uebersetzt 
von G. Josephy. Arch. Naturgesch., 
1892, 58, 191-208. 1892.1 

Grimm, Oscar von. Ueber das Ge- 
ruchsorgan der Stére. Vorliufige Mit- 
theilung. Gdétting. Nachricht, 1872, 
537-539. 1872.1 


8, 145-146. 

Der Fischfang im Kaspi-See und 
in der Wolga (Text in Russian) St. 
Petersburg, 1896. 154 p. 8°. 1896.1 

Fischzucht, _Fischfang 
Thrangewinnung in Russland. 
sische Rev., 1882, 21, 268-280. 

Ueber der See 
Fischerei Zeitg., 1895, 20, no. 

Die Kaspi-W olga-Fischerei. 
Mitth. Deutsch. Seefischereiver., 1897, 
13, 387-420. fig. 1897.1 

Die Hiaringe des Azov’schen 

Meeres [Text in Russian] Nikolsk 
Fischzucht, St. Petersb., 1901, pt. 4, 
17-31. — Vést. Rybopromyil., St. Pe- 
tersb., 16, 57-70. 1901.1 

Versuch der Bestimmung des 
Wachstums der Jungfische und ihrer 
Ernahrung durch ihr Gewicht (Text in 
Russian} Nikolsk Fischzucht, St. Pe- 
tersb., 1901, pt. 5, 41-49. 1901.2 

Versuchte Anwendung der 
Methode, durch Wagung das Wachstum 
von Fischen in seiner Abhangigkeit vom 
Futter zu bestimmen [Text in Russian} 
Vést. Rybopromysl., St. Petersb., 1901, 
16, 379-387. 1901.3 

Die Fische in den Seen des 
Waldai und ihr Fang. Fischerei Zeitg., 
1902, 5, 657-662; 681-685; 689-692. , 

Warum giebt es in den Teichen 
keine guten Karauschen mehr? Aus- 
gabe der Kaiserlichen Russischen Ge- 
sellschaft fiir Fischerei und Fischzucht 
(Text in Russian] St. Petersb., 1902. 
18 p. 3 figs. 1902.2 

Welche Fische soll man in 
Teichen ziichten? Ausgabe der Kai- 
serlichen Russischen Gesellschaft fiir 
Fischerei und Fischzucht [Text in Rus- 
sian] St. Petersb., 1902. 20p. 10 figs. 

Wie befruchtet und ziichtet man 
kiinstliche Fische? Ausgabe der Kai- 
serlichen Russischen Gesellschaft fiir 
Fischerei und Fischzucht [Text in 
Russian] 2. ed. = Petersb., 1902. 40 
p. 9 figs. 1902.4 

Ueber das Vorkommen der Fo- 
relle im Gouv. Saratov [Text in Rus- 
sian] Vést. Rybopromysl., St. Petersb., 
1904, 19, 341. 1904.1 

Ueber die Einwirkung der Tem- 
peratur auf das Wachstum der Fische 
(Text in Russian) Nikolsk Fischzucht, 
St. Petersb., 1904, no. 9, eae a 

Ueber die wahre Natur des 

Wolga-Sigs [Text in Russian] Vést. 
RybopromySl., St. Petersb., 1904, 19, 
150-153. 1904.3 

Die 50-jahrige Titigkeit der 

Fischzuchtanstalt Nikolsk (Text in 




Russian] Nikolsk Fischzucht, St. Pe- 
tersb., 1905, no. 10, 1-34. 10 figs. 

Eine der Ursachen fiir die Peri- 
odicitit der Ausbeute an Brachsen in 
Seen Text in Russian) Vést. Rybo- 
promysl., St. Petersb., 1905, 20, pt. 5, 
266-271. 1905.2 

Welchen Einfluss hatte der 
Sommer des Jahres 1904 auf die Fische 
der Novgorod’schen Seen und auf deren 
Fang? (Text in Russian) Vést. Rybo- 
promysl., St. Petersb., 1905, 20, 187-195. 

Der Goktscha-See und_ seine 
Fische (Text in Russian] Vést. Rybo- 
promysl., St. Petersb., 1906, 21, 513-520. 

Ein Stér mit drei Rogensicken 
(Text in Russian] Vést. Rybopromysl., 
St. Petersb., 1906, 21, 287. 1906.2 

Zur Fortpflanzung des Sterlets 
[Text in Russian} Vést. RybopromyslL., 
St. Petersb., 1910, 25, 315-3824. 1910. 1 

Grimm, Oscar von, Henking, H., 
Levinsen, Chr., & Trybom, Fil. Bericht 
iiber die Anstalten zur Vermehrung des 
Lachses und der Meerforellen in den 
Fliissen der Ostsee. Conseil Perman. 
Intern. Explor. de la Mer, Public. de 
Circonstance, 1905, no. 28, 1-34. 1905.1 

Grinnell, Joseph, & Jordan, David 
Starr. See Jordan & Grinnell. 

Grisellini, F. Sopra la torpedine. 
Giorn. Ital., 1764, 1, 47. 1764.1 

Sopra un pesce Tenia (Trachyp- 
terus] pescato nella laguna di Venezia. 
Giorn. Italia, 1766, 3, 182. 1766.1 

Lettera al Sig. Ab. Spallanzani, 
contenente il saggio di alcune osserva- 
zioni sullo sviluppo delle uova di una 
specie di gobio comune nella laguna di 
Venezia. Giorn. Italia, 1768, 4, 321. 


Osservazioni sullo sviluppo delle 
celerino comune nella laguna di Venezia. 
Giorn. Italia, 1768, 4, 321. 1768.2 

Griswold, Charles D. Experiments 
with a view to transplanting shad a few 
months old. Rept. U. S. Fish Comm. 
1873-75 (1876), 3, 370-372. 1876.1 

Grobben, Carl [1854—] Ueber die 
Schwimmblase und die ersten Wirbel der 

Wissensech. Mitth. Akad. 

Ver. Naturhist. Wien, 1875, 3. Heft, 
1-15. figs. 1875.1 

Grochmalicki, Jan. Badania nad 
regeneracya soczewki oczne] u_ ryb 

(Etude sur la régénération de la lentille 
chez les poissons} Arch. Nauk., Lwéw, 
1908, 1, 24. 1908.1 

Ueber die Linsenregeneration bei 
den Knochenfischen. Zeitschr. Wiss. 
Zool., 1908, 89, 164-172. 6 figs. 1908.2 

Untersuchungen tiber die Linsen- 
regeneration bei den Knochenfischen. 
Bull. Soe. Polon. Av. Sci. Léopol, 1908, 

fase. 8, 128-131. 1908. 3 

Review by O. Rabes in Nat. Wochenschr., 24, 
13-14. figs. 

Beitrige sur Entwicklungsge- 

schichte des Gefisssystems bei den 
Knochenfischen (Text in Hungarian) 
Bull. Intern. Acad. Sci. Cracovie, 1910, 
math.-nat. el., ser. B, 646-654. — Rozpr. 
Wydz. Matemat. Przyrod. Akad., 1910, 
10 B, 559-603. — Verh. 8. Intern. Zool. 
Kongr. Graz, 1910 (1912), 929-932. 

Grochowski, Mieczystaw. O faunie 
jaskiniowej (Die Fauna der Hohlen) 
Kosmos Lwéw Roezn., 1901, 26, 448— 
462. 1901.1 

Contains some mention of fishes. 

O. rybach rajskich [Sur le 
Macropodus viriauratus) Kosmos Lwéw 
Roezn., 1902, 27, 296-301. 1902.1 

Groéndal, B. Skyrsla um hid islenzka 
natturufredisfelag felagsarid 1890-1891 
asamt Islenzka fiskitali. Reykjavik, 
1891. 1891.1 

Groenewold, B. H. Die Emder 
Haringsfischerei, ihr Ursprung, ihre 
Betriebseinrichtungen, ihre Schiffe, de- 
ren Ausriistung und Bemannung, ihr 
Haringsfang und Haringshandel, kurz 
dargestellt zur Erlaiuterung der auf der 
internationalen Fischerei-Austellung 
aufgestellten Gegenstiinde. Emden, 
1880. 9p. 4°. 1880.1 

Gronfeldt, G. Fisknotiser fran 
Kumo-elfs vattensystem. Notis. Sallsk. 
Fauna Flora Fenn. Férh., 1871-74, 10. 
ser. 18, 451—454. 1871.1 

Groénvall, Alfred Julian. Berittelse 
ofver forellklickningsanstalten vid Har- 
jus jordbruksskola. Fiskeritidskr. Finl., 
1892, 1, 137-139. fig. 1892.1 

Grognot, Poissons du départe- 
ment de Saone-et-Loire. Mém. Hist. 
Nat. Soc. Eduenne, 1866, 1, 205-232. 





Grohmann, 4., & Steffen, Theodor. 
Ueber die Frage nach dem Salzsiure- 
gehalt des Magensafts der Haifische. 
Zeitschr. Biol., 1910, 55, 58-69. 1910.1 

Grohmann, J. Haplochilus rubro- 
stigma. Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 
1909, 20. Jahrg., 652-653. 2 figs. 1909.1 

Hemichromis bimaculata. Wo- 
chensehr. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1909, 
6. Jahrg., 405-407. 2 figs. 1909.2 

Gronovius, Laurentius Theodorus 
{1730-1777} Gymnoti tremuli deserip- 
tio, atque experimenta cum eo instituta. 
Act. Helvet., 1760, 4, 26 1760.1 

Observationes de animalibus ali- 
quot marine aque innatantibus, atque 
in littoribus Belgicis obviis. Act. Hel- 
vet., 1760, 4, 35. fig. 1760.2 

Zoophylacii Gronoviani fascicu- 
lus primus exhibens animalia quadru- 
peda, amphibia atque pisces, que in 
museo suo adservat, rite examinavit, 
systematice disposuit, descripsit atque 
iconibus illustravit Laur. Theod. Grono- 
vius,J.U.D. . . . Lugduni Batavorum, 
1763. pls. fol. 1763.1 

(editor) C. Plinii Seeundi His- 
tori naturalis liber nonus de aquatilium 
natura; recensuit amplissimisque com- 
mentarus instruxit L. T. Gronovius. 
Lugduni Batavorum, 1778. 8°. 1778.1 

Catalogue of fish collected and 
described by Laurence Theodore Gro- 
now, now in the British Museum. Ed- 
ited from the manuscript by Albert 
Giinther. London, 1854. 12°. 1854.1 

Gronow, Lorenz Theodor. See Gro- 
novius, Laurentius Theodorus. 

Groos, Rk. Les jeux des animaux. 
Traduit de l’allemand par A. Drir et 

Van Gennep. Paris, 1902. viii, 360 p. 
8°. Notice in Rev. Scient., 4. sér. 17, 
467-468. 1902.1 

Groot, De Lichtorganen van 
Maurolicus pennanti. Tijdschr. Nederl. 
Dierk. Ver., Helder, 1908, 2. ser. 10, li. 


Grosglik, S. Zur Morphologie der 
Kopfniere der Fische. Zool. <Anz., 
1885, 8, 605-611. 1885.1 

Zur Frage ber die Persistenz 
der Kopfniere der Teleostier. Zool. 
Anz., 1886, 9, 196-198. 1886.1 

Groshans, Georgius Philippus Fre- 
dericus. Quzedam naturalia antiqua 

(The zoology of Homer and Hesiod 
(translated by W. B. Macdonald)) Ram- 
merscales, 1846. 14 p. 8°. 1846.1 

Gross, Otto. Transplantations-Ver- 
suche an Hartgebilden des Integuments 
und der Mundschleimhaut bei Teleo- 
stiern und Amphibien. Inaug. Dissert., 
Basel, 1905-06. 88 p. 8°. 1905.1 

Grossart, William (Exhibition of a 
new Palzoniscus from Shotts} Trans. 
Geol. Soc. Glasgow, 1864-67 en 4 
56. 67.1 

Grosser, Otto. Metamere Bildungen 
der Haut der Wirbeltiere (Scyllium und 
Pristiurus} Zeitschr. Wiss. Zool., 1905, 
80, 56-79. 8 figs. 1905.1 

Die Elemente des Kopfvenen- 
systems der Wirbelthiere. Anat. Anz. 
(Verh. Anat. Gesell.), 1907, 30 (Suppl. ) 
179-192. 8 figs. 1907. 

Grosser, Otto, & Przibram, Hans. 
Einige. Misbildungen beim Dornhai 
(Acanthias vulgaris Risso) Arch. Entw.- 
Mech., Leipzig, 1906, 22, 21-37. pl. & 
3 figs. 1906.1 

Grotrian, Om dlens (Anguilla 
vulgaris) fortplantning och utveckling. 
Fiskeritidskr. Finl., 1898, 7, meee : 


Der Lachs im Warthegebiete. 
Fischerei Zeitg., 1901, 4, 227-233. 1901.1 

Ueber Fischregionen in Fliessen- 
den Gewissern. Fischerei Zeitg., 1904, 
7, 421-423. 1904.1 

Fischereikarte der provinz Posen 

Herausgegeben vom Fischereiverein fiir 

die Provinz Posen. Posen, 1907. ee 
Se 1907. 

Grover, G. The salmon fisheries of 
Oregon. Forest & Stream, 1874, 3, 172. 
— Amer. Sportsman, 1874, 5, 55. 1874.1 

Grube, Adolph Eduard [1812-1880] 
Die Insel Lussin (Dalmatien) und ihre 
Meeresfauna. Breslau, 1864. pl. & 
map. 8°. 1864.1 

Ueber ein auffallend grosses 
Exemplar des Karpfens (Cyprinus carpio 
L.) 43. Jahresber. Schles. Ges. Breslau 
1865 (1866), 58-59. 1866.1 

Ueber Cyprinus striatus und 

Abramis leuckarti, zwei schlesische 
Fische. 44. Jahresber. Schles. Ges. 
Breslau 1866 (1867), 68-69. 1867.1 

Ueber eine in der Oder gefangene 

_Alse, Clupea alosa L. (Alosa vulgaris 

SO oe eine ey a 


Cuy.) als neu fiir die schlesische Fauna. 
47. Jahresber. Schles. Ges. Breslau 1869 
(1870), 48-44. 1870.1 

Ueber ein grosses Exemplar des 
australischen Cestracion philippi Cuv., 
im zoologischen Museum zu Breslau. 
47. Jahresber. Schles. Ges. Breslau 
1869 (1870), 44-45.’ 1870.2 

— (Ueber Lernwocera cyprinacea, 
ein fischparasit} 51. Jahresber. Schles. 
Ges. Breslau, 1873, 51-52. 1873.1 

Ueber den Fettfisch des Baikal- 
sees (Comephorus baicalensis Pall.) und 
die Madui-Mariine (Coregonus marena 
Bloch) 52. Jahresber. Schles. Ges. 
Breslau 1874 (1875), 50-52. 1875.1 

Ueber die lLebensweise und 
Fortpflanzung unseres Aals (Anguilla 
fluwiatilis) 52. Jahresber. Schles. Ges. 
Breslau 1874 (1875), 52-54. 1875.2 

albula. 55. 
Breslau 1877 

Ueber Coregonus 
Jahresber. Schles. Ges. 
(1878), 75-76. 1878.1 

Ueber das Gebiss eines Hai- 
fisches (Galeocerdo?) 55. Jahresber. 
Schles. Ges. Breslau 1877 (1878), 78-79. 

(Ueber den Fisch Sicyases sangui- 
neus, aus Valparaiso} 57. Jahresber. 
Schles. Ges. Breslau, 1879, 231-232. — 
Ber. Naturw. Sect. Schles. Ges. Vaterl. 
Cult., 1879-80, 69-70. 1879.1 

Gruber, August. Wovon ernihrt 
sich der Zander im Bodensee? Allgem. 
Fischerei Zeitg., 1893, 18, 339-340. 

Haplochilus chaperi. Laichge- 
schaft und Aufzucht der Jungen. 

Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1911, 22. 
Jahrg., 612-613. fig. 1911.1 

Maulbriiter, Paratilapia (Chro- 
mis) multicolor, Brutpflege und <Auf- 

zucht der Jungen. Blatt. Aquar.- 
Terrar. Kunde, 1911, 22. Jahrg., 533- 
534. 1911.2 

Grubiczy, Géza. _A csuka (Hsox 


luctus} Foéldmivel. Erdekeink. Buda- 
pest, 1876, 4, 30-31. 1876.1 

Griinberg, V. Notizen iiber das 
Leben des Aral-Stérs im Syr-Darja 
(Text in Russian} Russ. Sudochod., St. 
Petersb., 1905, 20, pt. 7, 86-91. 1905.1 

Gruetzner, Paul Friedrich Ferdinand 
{1847 —] Ueber den Blutkreislauf der 



Fische. Verh. Ges. Deutsch. Nat. 
Aerzte, 1897, 68. Vers., 2. Teil, 2. Heft, 

498-499, 1897.1 
Demonstration [Kreislauf der 
Fische] Verh. Anat. Ges., 1899, 13. 
Vers., 133. 1899.1 
—— Der Kreislauf der Fische. 57. 
Jahresber. Vaterl. Naturk. Wiirttem- 
berg, 1901, exxili—exxiv. 1901.1 

Ueber den Kreislauf bei Fischen. 
Verh. Deutsch. Zool. Ges., 1904, 14, 
201. 1904.1 

Grunelius, A. von. Ueber die Ent- 
wicklung der Haut des Karpfens. Jena. 
Zeitschr. Naturw. 1912 (1913), 49, 119- 
148. 3 pls. & 16 figs. 1913.1 

Gruvel, A. Mission des pécheries de 
la céte occidentale d’ Afrique, dirigée par 
Gruvel. Avant-propos. Actes Soe. 
Linn. Bordeaux, 1905, 60, 5-6. 1905.1 

Les pécheries des cétes du Séné- 
La Nature, 1908, 36, pt. 1, 129— 

Les pécheries de |’ Afrique occi- 
dentale francaise. Rey. Gén. Sci., 1911, 
22, 150-159. 10 figs. 1911.1 

L’anchois (Engraulis eucrassi- 
cholus L.) sur la c6te occidentale d’ Afri- 


que. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1913, 157, 
1468-1470. 1913.1 
Gruvel, A., & Bouyat, A. Les 

pécheries de la ecéte occidentale d’ Afri- 

que. Paris, 1906. 280 p. 1906.1 
Gruvel, 4., & Chudeau, Rk. Mis- 
sion en Mauritanie occidentale. Act. 

Soc. Linn. Bordeaux, 1911, 65, 5-10. 

Preparation et analyse de guanos de poissons. 

Gruvel, A., & Kiinstler, J. See 
Kiinstler & Gruvel. 

Grynfeltt, Eduard. Les corps supra- 
rénaux chez quelques squales et leurs 
rapports avec le systéme artériel. C. R. 
Assoc. Anat., 4. sess., Montpellier, 1902, 
31-34. 1902.1 

Distribution des corps supraré- 
naux des plagiostomes. C. R. Acad. Sci. 
Paris, 1902, 135, 330-332. 1902.2 

Structure des corps suprarénaux 
des plagiostomes. C. R. Acad. Sci. 
Paris, 1902, 135, 373-374. 1902.3 

Sur le corps interrénal des plagio- 
C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1902, 

135, 439-440. 




Grynfeltt, . 

Vascularisation des corps sur- 

rénaux chez le Scyllium. C. R. Mém. 

Soc. Biol. Paris, 1902, 54, 144-146. — 

C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 134, 362-364. 

Recherches anatomiques et his- 
tologiques sur les organes surrénaux des 

plagiostomes. Bull. Scient. France et 
Belgique, 1903, 38, 1-137. 7 pls. & 13 
figs. 1903.1 

Sur les corps suprarénaux des 
plagiostomes. C. R. Assoc. Frang. Adv. 
Sci., 1903, 31, pt. 1, p. 236. 1903.2 

Sur le sphincter de Viris chez 
quelques téléostéens. Note  prélimi- 
naire. C. R. Assoc. Anat. Paris, 
1908, 10, 102-104. 1908.1 

Sur la rétine ciliaire des pois- 
Soc. Sci. Méd. Montpellier, July, 


La membrane de Descemet du 
poissons osseux. Soc. Sci. Méd. Mont- 
pellier, May 13, 1910. 1910.1 

Les muscles de Viris chez les 
téléostéens. Bibliogr. Anat. Nancy, 
1910, 20, 265-332. 26 figs. 1910.2 

Le muscle tenseur de la choroide 
chez les poissons. Arch. Anat. Micr., 
Paris, 1910, 12, 475-510. 11 figs. —C. 
R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1910, 150, 420-421. 

Sur l’anatomie comparée de 
l'appareil de l’accommodation dans I’ceil 
des vertébrés. C. R. Assoc. Anat. 
Paris, 1910, 12, 76-88. 6 figs. 1910.4 

: Etudes anatomiques et histolo- 
giques sur l’ceil du Protopterus annectens. 
Bull. Acad. Sci. Lettr. Montpellier, 1911, 
210-232. fig. 1911-1 

Grynfeltt, Eduard, & Demelle, A. 
Recherches anatomiques et’histologiques 
sur l’opercule pupillaire des poissons. 
Bibliogr. Anat. Nancy, 1908, 18, 119- 
135. 9 figs. 1908.1 

Grynfellt, Eduard, & Euziére, J. 
Les vaisseaux de la rétine chez le congre. 
Nouveau eas de rétine vasculaire chez 
les vertébrés inférieurs. Soc. Sci. Méd. 
Montpellier, June, 1908. 1908.1 

Note sur la structure de l’épi- 
thélium des toiles choroidiennes et 
l’exerétion du liquide cephalo-rachidien 
chez le Seyllium. C. R. Assoc. Anat. 
Paris, 1913, 15, 101-111. 4 figs. 1913.1 

Guber, Josef. Das Auffiittern junger 
Salmoniden. Oesterr.-Ungar. Fischerei 
Zeitg., 1880, 269-271. 1880.1 

: Das Aussetzen junger Saiblinge 
in Teiche. Oecesterr.-Ungar. Fischerei 
Zeitg., 1880, 21. 1880.2 

Guberleth-Plegher, 7. Dissertatio 
de pristina libertate Belgarum sub prin- 
cipibus quam maxime Hollands et Zee- 
landis commercandi et piscandi per 
mare Septentrionale et ad oras Magne 
Britanniz, pactis etiam sanctita. Lug- 
duni Batavorum, 1791. 4°. 1791.1 

Gubernatis, Angelo de [1840 —] 
Zoological mythology, or the legends of 
animals. 2 vols. London, 1872. 8°. 


Guccini, LZ. Sul contenuto gastro- 
enterico dei pesci del Ticino. Rendic. 
Istit. Lombardo Sci., 1904, 2. ser. 37, 
194-201. 1904.1 

Gudernatsch, J. F. The relation- 
ship between the normal and pathologi- 
cal thyroid gland of fish. Bull. Johns 
Hopkins Hosp., 1911, 22, no. 242, 1-8. 
pl. & 3 figs. 1911.1 

The thyroid gland of the teleosts. 
Journ. Morphol., 1911, 21, 709-782. 
5 pls. & 21 figs. 1911.2 

Gudger, Eugene Willis [1866-] The 
breeding habits and the segmentation of 
the egg of the pipefish (Siphostoma flor- 
ide) Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 1905, 29, 
447-500. 7 pls. & figs. Also separate; 
Washington, 1905. 57 p. 1905.1 

A note on the eggs and egg-lay- 
ing of Pterophryne histrio, the gulfweed 
fish. Science, 1905, n. s. 22, 841-843. 


A note on the habits of Rissola 

marginata. Science, 1905, n. s. 22, 342— 
343. 1905.3 

Notice of his investigations of 
Beaufort fishes (In Grave, Caswell. 
The fisheries laboratories at Beaufort, 
sixth session. Science, 1905, n. s. 21, 
735) 1905.4 

A note on the hammerhead 
shark (Sphyrna zygena) and its food. 
Science, 1907, n. s. 25, 1 / 

The oral gestation of the gaff- 
topsail catfish, Felichthys marinus. Sei- 
ence, 1908, n.s. 27, 991. 1908.1 


— Oral gestation among teleostean 
fishes. Journ. Elisha Mitchell Sci. Soc., 
1909, 25, 50. — Science, n. s. 30, 191. 


Habits and life history of the 
toadfish (Opsanus tau) Proc. 4. Intern. 
Fish. Congr., Washington. Bull. U.S. 
Fish Comm. 1908 (1910), 28, Be 2; 
1071-1109. 7 pls. 1910.1 

— The jaws of the spotted sting- 
ray, Atobatus narinari. Journ. Elisha 
Mitchell Sci. Soc., 1910, 26, 58-59. — 
Science, 1910, n. s. “3, 917. 1910.2 

—— Notes on some Beaufort fishes, 
1909. Amer. Naturalist, 1910, 44, 395— 

403. 1910.3 
The finned-tailed larva of the 
butterfly ray, Pteroplatea maclura. 

Journ. Elisha Mitchell Sci. Soc., 
27, 84.—Science, n. s. 33, 943. 


— The intra-uterine embryo of the 
bonnet-head_ shark, Sphyrna_ tiburo. 
Science, 1912, 35, 466. 1912.1 

Natural history notes on some 
Beaufort, N. C., fishes, 1910-11. I. 
Elasmobranchii, with special reference 
to utero-gestation. II. Teleostomi. 
Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 1912, 25, 
141-156; 165-176. 1912.2 

Oral gestation in the gaff-topsail 
cat-fish, Felichthys felis. Science, 1912, 
n. s. 35, 192. 1912.3 

Fishing for sharks in Key West 
harbor. Journ. Elisha Mitchell Sci. Soc., 
1913, 29, 9. 1913.1 

Natural history notes on some 
Beaufort, N. C., fishes, 1910-11. III. 
Fishes new or little known on the coast 
of North Carolina, collected by Mr. 
Russell J. Coles. Journ. Elisha Mitchell 
Sci. Soc., 1913, 28, 157-172. 1913.2 

Natural history notes on some 
Beaufort, N. C., fishes, 1912. Proc. 
Biol. Soc. Washington, 1913, 26, 97-109. 

A second capture of the whale 
shark, Rhineodon typus, in Florida 
waters. Science, 1913, n. s. 38, 270. 


Summary of work done on the 
fishes of Tortugas. 12. Yearbook Car- 
negie Instit. Washington, 1913, 176-177. 

History of the spotted eagle-ray, 
4itobatus narinari, together with a 



study of its external structures. Car- 
negie Instit. Washington, 1914, public. 
no.'183, 243-323. 10 pls. 1914.1 

All; he nurse sharks of Boca Grande 
bay, Florida. Science, 1914, n. s. 40, 
386. 1914.2 

Natural history of the whale 
shark (Rhineodon typus) Zoologica, Sci. 
Contrib. N. Y. Zool. Soc., 1915, 1, no. 
19, 349-389. 1915.1 

On the occurrence in the southern 
hemisphere of the basking or bone shark, 
Cetorhinus maximus. Science, 1915, n.s. 
42, no. 1088, 653-656. 1915.2 

Utero-gestation in the sharp- 
nosed shark, Scoliodon _ terranove. 
Science, 1915, n. s. 41, no. 1055, 439. 


Gildenstadt, Anton Johann von 
[1745-1781] Salmo leucichthys et Cy- 

prinus chalcoides descripti. Nov. Com- 
ment. Acad. Petropol., 1771, 16, Hist., 
46. — Mém., 531. 17/7 

Cyprinus capeta et C. mursa. 
Nov. Comment. Acad. Petropol., 1772, 
Di o0_o2L ae pls: 1772.1 

Acerina; piscis ad perce genus 
pertinens. Nov. Comment. Acad. Petro- 
pol., 1774, 19, 455-462. pl. 1774.1 

Cyprinus barbus et C. capito 
descriptus. Acta Acad. Petropol., 1778, 
2, 239-253. figs. 1778.1 

Reisen durch Russland und im 
Kaukasischen Gebirge; herausgegeben 
von P.S. Pallas. 2 vols. St. Petersburg, 
1787-91. 4°. 1787.1 

Contains some mention of fishes. 

Giimbel, Carl Wilhelm von [1823- 
1898] Fische (In Verzeichniss der in 
der Sammlung des zoologisch-minera- 
lischen Vereins in Regensburg vorfind- 
lichen Versteinerungen aus den Schich- 
ten der Procin- oder Kreideformation 
aus der Umgegend von Regensburg. 
Correspbl. Zool.-Mineral. Ver. Regens- 
burg, 1866, 20, 57—58) 1866.1 

Guénaux, G., & Gobin, A. See 
Gobin & Guénaux. 

Giinderlich, A. Die Fischvermeh- 
rung bis ins Unendliche durch die 
kiinstliche Befruchtung des Rogens 
mittelst der Milch; nach dem eigenthiim- 
lichen, selbsterfundenen Verfahren des 
franzosischen Fischers Rémy, aus dem 



Giinderlich, A. 
Franzésischen und mit Beniitzigung 
einiger andern einschligigen Materialien 

zusammengestellt. Weimar, 1861. 20 
figs. 12°. 2. ed. 1861.1 

Giinther, Albert (Carl Ludwig Gott- 
hilf} [1830-1914] Die  Fische des 

Neckars, untersucht und beschrieben. 
Jahresh. Ver. Y. aterl. Naturk. Wiirttem- 

berg, 1853, 9, 225-360. pl. Also sepa- 
rate; Stuttgart, 1853. 136 p,> 8S. 

Beitriige zur Kenntniss unserer 

Siisswasserfische. Arch. Naturgesch., 
1855, 21. Jahrg., 197-212. pl. & 2 figs. 

(Ueber einen neuen Fisch, Abra- 
mis dobuloides, des Neckars} Jahresh. 
Ver. Vaterl. Naturk. Wiirttemberg, 
1857, 13, 50-55. pl. 1857.1 

Catalogue of the fishes of the 
British Museum. 8 vols. London, 
1859-70. 4°. 1859.1 

Vol. i. Acanthopterygii, 1859. xxxi, 524 p. 

Vol. ii. Acanthopterygii, 1860. xxi, 548 p. 

Vol. iii. Acanthopterygii, 1861. xxv, 586 p. 

Vol. iv. Acanthopterygii, Pharyngognathi and 
Anacanthini, 1862. xxi, 534 p. 

Vol. v. Physostomi, 1864. xxii, 455 p. illust. 

Vol. vi. Physostomi, 1866. xv, 368 p. illust. 

Vol. vii. Physostomi, 1868. xx, 512 p 

Vol. viii. Physostomi, apicerencaay Plecto- 
gnathi, Dipnoi, Ganoidei, Chondropterygii, 1870. 
xxv, 549 p. 

List of the cold-blooded verte- 
brata collected by Mr. Fraser in the 

Andes of western Ecuador. Proc. Zool. 
Soe. London, 1859, 89-93. 1859.2 

On sexual differences found in 
bones of some recent and fossil species 
of frogs and fishes. Ann. Mag. Nat. 
Hist., 1859, 3. ser. 3, 377-3887. 2 pls. 


On the reptiles and fishes col- 
lected by the Rev. H. B. Tristram in 
northern Africa. Proc. Zool. Soe. 
London, 1859, 469-474. pl. 1859.4 

Second list of cold-blooded verte- 

brata collected by Mr. Fraser in the 

Andes of western Ecuador. Proc. Zool. 

Soc. London, 1859, 402-420. pl. 1859.5 
Pisces, p. 418-420. 

Alepidosaurus, ein Meerwels. 
Arch. Naturgesch., 1860, 26. Jahrg., pt. 
1, 121-123. — Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 3. 
ser. 6, 150-151. 1860.1 

(Exhibition of a dried specimen 
of a fish of the genus Centrolophus, 
obtained by Mr. J. Couch at Polperro, 

Cornwall) Proc. Zool. Soe. London, 
1860, 302. 1860.2 

—— On a new species of black-fish 
found on the coast of Cornwall. Ann, 
Mag. Nat. Hist., 1860, 3. ser. 6, 46-48. 


On a new species of fish belong- 
ing to the genus Pagrus [P. bocagit 
Lowe) Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1860, 
391-392. pl.— Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 
1861, 3. ser. 8, 80. 1860.4 

On new reptiles and fishes from 
Mexico. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1860, 
316-319. — Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 3. 
ser. 6, 442-445. 1860.5 

On the history of Echeneis. 
Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1860, 3. ser. 5, 
386-402. pl. & fig. 1860.6 

Third list of cold-blooded verte- 
brata collected by Mr. Fraser-in Ecua- 
dor. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1860, 
233-240. pl. 1860.7 

Exhibition of a singular fish 
called Saccolarynz flagellum by Dr. 
Mitchill, and Ophiognathus ampullaceus 
by Dr. Harwood. Proc. Zool. Soc. 
London, 1861, 235. 1861.1 

(Exhibition of some charrs from 
different localities in England, Wales 
and Ireland) Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 
1861, 391. _ 1861.2 

List of the cold-blooded verte- 

brata collected by B. H. Hodgson, Esq., 

in Nepal. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1861, 

213-227. 1861.3 
Fishes, p. 220-227. 

Note on Nannoperca australis. 
Proc. Zool. Soe. London, 1861, 116-117. 
pl. & fig. Jbid., 1862, p. 208. — Ann. 
Mag. Nat. Hist., 3. ser. 7, 490-491. 


On a collection of fishes sent by 
Capt. Dow from the Pacific coast of 
Central America. Proc. Zool. Soc. Lon- 
don, 1861, 370-376. illust. — Ann. 
Mag. Nat. Hist., 1862, 3. ser. 9, 326— 
Sol: 1861.5 

On a new genus of Australian 
freshwater fishes [Nannoperca aus- 
tralis} Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1861, 3. 
ser. 7, 490-491. — Proc. Zool. Soe. Lon- 
don, 1861, 116-117. pl. & fig. Ibid., 
1862, 208. 1861.6 

On a new species of fish of the 
genus Gerres (G. longirostris Rapp.) 

GUE > 





Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1861, 3. ser. 8, 
189. — Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1861, 
142-143. pl. 1861.7 

On a new species of Plectropoma 
[P. richardsonii| from Australia. Proc. 
Zool. Soc. London, 1861, 391-392. aa 

— On the British species of Mugil, 
or grey mullets. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 
1861, 3. ser. 7, 345-352. illust. 1861.9 

On the immature state of the 
sea-devil (Lophius piscatorius) Ann. 
Mag. Nat. Hist., 1861, 3. ser. 7, 190— 
195. pl. & 3 figs. 1861.10 

On three new trachinoid fishes 
(Crapatalus  nove-zelandie,  Aphritis 
gobio, Chenichthys esox; Ann. Mag. 
Nat. Hist., 1861, 3. ser. 7, 85-90. pl. 


A preliminary synopsis of the 
labroid genera. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 
1861, 3. ser. 8, 382-389. 1861.12 

— Contribution to the knowledge 
of the British charrs. Proc. Zool. Soc. 
London, 1862, 37-54. 3 pls. Ibid., 
1863, 6-16. 2 pls. Jbid., 1865, 698— 
699. pl. — Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1862, 
3. ser. 10, 228-239. Ibid., 1863, 3. ser. 
12, 229-239. 1862.1 

Descriptions of new species of 
reptiles and fishes in the collection of 
the British Museum. Proce. Zool. Soc. 
London, 1862, 188-194. 3 pls. — Ann. 
Mag. Nat. Hist., 1863, 3. ser. 11, 134— 
140. 1862.2 

Eine neue art von Mormyrus 
LM. petersii] Arch. Naturgesch., 1862, 
28. Jahrg., p. 64.— Proc. Zool. Soc. 
London, 1864, p. 22. pl. 1862.3 

Note on Pleuronectes sinensis 
Lacép. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1862, 3. 
ser. 10, 475. 1862.4 

Generic name Tephritis replaced by that of 

Some remarks on the genus 
Trachinus. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1862, 
3. ser. 10, 301-304. pl. & figs. 1862.5 

Systematische Uebersicht der 
Familien der Stachelflosser. Arch. 
Naturgesch., 1862, 28. Jahrg., pt. 1, 53- 
63. 1862.6 
On new species of fishes from the 

Essequibo. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 
1863, 3. ser. 12, 441-443. 1863.1 

On new species of fishes from 
Victoria, South Australia. Ann. Mag. 
Nat. Hist., 1863, 3. ser. 11,_114-117. 


—— Description of a labyrinthi- 
branchiate fish from the Nile (Cteno- 
poma petherici} Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 
1864, 3. ser. 13, 211. 1864.1 

Description of a new fossil fish 
from the Lower Chalk [at Folkestone] 
(Plinthophorus robustus} Geol. Mag., 
1864, 1, 114-118. pl. 1864.2 

Description of a new species of 
Callionymus (C. papilio) from Australia. 
Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1864, 3. ser. 14, 
197-198. 1864.3 

Description of a new species of 
Mormyrus (M. tamandua} Ann. Mag. 
Nat. Hist., 1864, 3. ser. 14, 226-207, — 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1864, p. 22. 
pl. 1864.4 

Descriptions of three new species 
of fishes (Diagramma citrinellum, The- 
rapon percoides, Catopra malabarica) in 
the collection of the British Museum. 
Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1864, 3. ser. 14, 
374-376. 1864.5 

List of the new species of mam- 
mals ...and freshwater fishes dis- 
covered ... . in Cambodia and Siam 
(In Mouhot, A. H. Travels in the cen- 
tral parts of Indo-China, ete., vol. ii, 
Appendix. London, 1864. 2 vols. 8°) 

On a new generic type of fishes 
discovered by the late Dr. Leichardt in 
Queensland. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 
1864, 3. ser. 14, 195-197. pl. 1864.7 

On a new genus of pediculate 
fish (|Melanocetus johnsonii} from the 
sea of Madeira. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 
1864, 3. ser. 15, 332-334. — Proce. Zool. 
Soe. London, 1864, 301-303. 1864.8 

On a poison-organ in a genus of 
batrachoid fishes. Ann. Mag. Nat. 
Hist., 1864, 3. ser. 14, 458-461. 2 figs. 
— Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1864, 155- 
158. 1864.9 

On some new species of Central 

American fishes. Ann. Mag. Nat. 
ists S864) 13." ser! 14. 997-929 => 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1864, 23-27. 
2 pls. 1864.10 

On the reptiles and fishes ob- 
tained by Capt. Speke during the east 
African expedition. Proc. Zool. Soc. 
London, 1864, 115. 1864.11 


Giinther, A. 

Report of a collection of fishes 
made by Messrs. Dow, Godman and 
Salvin in Guatemala. Proc. Zool. Soc. 
London, 1864, 144-154. 1864.12 

Report on a collection of reptiles 
and fishes from Palestine. Proc. Zool. 
Soc. London, 1864, 488-493. 1864.13 

Report on a collection of reptiles 
and fishes made by Dr. Kirk in the 
Zambesi and Nyassa regions. Proc. 
Zool. Soe. London, 1864, 303-314. 2 
pls. 1864.14 

tAn account of the present state 
of his researches into the British species 
of salmonoid fishes} Ann. Mag. Nat. 
Hist., 1865, 3. ser. 16, 59-60. — Proc. 
Zool. Soe. London, 1865, 197-198. 


A contribution to the ichthyol- 
ogy of west Africa ~Synodontis guttatus, 
S. labeo) Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1865, 
3. ser. 15, 452-453. 1865.2 

Description of a new characinoid 
genus of fish {Phago loricatus) from west 
Africa. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1865, 3. 
ser. 15, 209-210. pl. 1865.3 

Description of a new species of 
Corvina (C. moorii) from the Gambia. 
Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1865, 3. ser. 16, 
4849. 1865.4 

(Note on the change of the name 
Salmo cambricus to Salmo perisii) Ann. 
Mag. Nat. Hist., 1865, 3. ser. 15, 75. 


On the pipe-fishes belonging to 
the genus Phyllopteryx. Ann. Mag. 
Nat. Hist., 1865, 3. ser. 16, 141-142. — 
Proc. Zool. Soe. London, 1865, 327- 
B28. 2 pls: 1865.6 

(editor) The record of zoological 
literature. Edited by A. C. L. G. Giin- 
ther, 1864-69. 6 vols. Zool. Soe. 
London Public., 1865-70. 1865.7 

From 1870 on this publication is continued 
under the title of the Zoological Record. Since 
1903 it has been edited by David Sharp, g.v. 
The annual record for the subject of Pisces, 
1886-1905, was contributed by G. A. Boulenger. 

Vols. i-v were never indexed. The index for 
vol. vi will be found in vol. x. The Index Zoo- 
logicus, in separate volumes nos. i and ii, was 
compiled by C. O. Waterhouse and edited by 
David Sharp. 

Some remarks on Labrus pulcher 
(Ayres) Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad., 
TSG5selvae tite 1865.8 

Description of a new siluroid 
fish from Ceylon [Arius layardi} Ann. 



Mag. Nat. Hist., 1866, 3. ser. 18, 473- 
474. pl. 1866.1 

Descriptions of fish from Van- 
couver (In Lord, J. K. The naturalist 
of Vancouver island and British Colum- 
bia, vol. ii. London, 1866. 2 vols. 8°) 

— Note on west African species of 
Hemirhamphus. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 
1866, 3. ser. 18, 427. 1866.3 

(On the fishes of the states of 
Central America, founded upon speci- 
mens collected in the fresh and marine 
waters of various parts of that country 
by Messrs. Salvin, Godman and Capt. J. 
M. Dow) Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1866, 
600-604. 25 pls. 1866.4 

_ This article is preliminary to the report pub- 
lished in Trans. Zool. Soc. London, 1869, 6, 377— 
394. See infra. 

Pharyngognathi, etc. (In Play- 
fair, Sir R. L., & Giinther, Albert C. L. G. 
The fishes of Zanzibar, p. 80-146. Lon- 
don, 1866. 4°) 1866.5 

Remarks on some fishes from the 
river Amazons in the British Museum 
(Tetragonopterus bartlettii, Cynodon pec- 
toralis} Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1866, 3. 
ser. 18, 30-31. 1866.6 

Remarks on the skeleton of 
Ausonia cuviert. Proc. Zool. Soc. Lon- 
don, 1866, 336-338. fig. — Journ. Roy. 
Instit. Cornwall, 2, 160-162. 1866.7 

(Remarks supplementary to Mr. 
Alexander Carte’s ‘‘ Notes on the 
genus Chiasmodon ”’] Proc. Zool. Soe. 
London, 1866, 38-39. 1866.8 

Notes on the habits of deep-sea fishes, and 
on the manner of deglutition, with special refer- 
ence to Chiasmodus niger Johnson. 

—— Additions to the British fauna. 
Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1867, 3. ser. 20, 
288-291. pil. 1867.1 

Additions to the knowledge of 
Australian reptiles and fishes. Ann. 
Mag. Nat. Hist., 1867, 3. ser. 20, 45-68. 

Description of a new species of 
Apocryptes tA. polyophthalmus) — Ann. 
Mag. Nat. Hist., 1867, 3. ser. 20; 117. 


Description of a new species of 
Mesoprion (M. mitchellij Ann. Mag. 
Nat. Hist., 1867, 3. ser. 19, 257. pl: 


Descriptions of some new or 
little known species of fishes in the col- 


lection of the British Museum. Proc. 
Zool. Soc. London, 1867, 99-104. pl. 

New fishes from the Gaboon and 
Gold coast. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 
1867, 3. ser. 20, 110-117. 1867.6 

On a new form of mudfish from 
New Zealand. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 
1867, 3. ser. 20, 305-309. pl. 1867.7 

On the identity of Alepisaurus 
(Lowe) with Plagyodus (Steller) Ann. 
Mag. Nat. Hist., 1867, 3. ser. 19, 185— 
187. 1867.8 

Additions to the ichthyological 
fauna of Zanzibar [Tholichthys osseus, 
Salarias kirkii, Exocetus melanopus) 
Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1868, 4. ser. 1, 
457-459. illust. 1868.1 

Description of two new gobiod 
fishes (Gobius doriaw, Eleotris dasyrhyn- 
chus| from Sarawak. Ann. Mag. Nat. 
Hist., 1868, 4. ser..1, 264-266. pl. 


— Descriptions of freshwater fishes 
from Surinam and Brazil. Proc. Zool. 
Soc. London, 1868, 229-247. 3 pls. & 8 
figs. 1868.3 

Diagnoses of some new fresh- 
water fishes from Surinam and Brazil, 
in the collection of the British Museum. 
Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1868, 4. ser. 1, 
475-481. 1868.4 

Is whitebait the young of the 
herring? Zoologist, 1868, 3, 1821-1323. 

(Observations on the various 
species of Clupea found on the British 

coasts] Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1868, 
377. 1868.6 
(Remarks on salmonoids ex- 

hibited by Dr. Murie and Mr. Buck- 
land} Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1868, 
213-214. 1868.7 

Report on a collection of fishes 
made at St. Helena by J. C. Melliss, 
Esq. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1868, 
225-228. 2 pls. 1868.8 

An account of the fishes of the 
states of Central America, based on col- 
lections made by Capt. J. M. Dow, F. 
Godman, Esq., and O. Salvin, Esq. 
Trans. Zool. Soe. London, 1869, 6, 377— 
494, 24 pls. 1869.1 

— Addendum ito R. L. Playfair’s 
“Further contributions to the ichthy- 



ology of Zanzibar’”’} Proc. Zool. Soc. 
London, 1869, 241. 1869.2 

Contribution to the ichthyology 
of Tasmania ([Anthias richardsonit, 
Neptomenus dobula) Proc. Zool. Soc. 
London, 1869, 429. 1869.3 

Descriptions of some species of 
fishes from the Peruvian Amazons. Proc. 
Zool. Soc. London, 1869, 423-429. 6 
figs. 1869.4 

Descriptions of two new species 
of fishes discovered by the Marquis J. 
Doria (Upeneoides dorie, Eleotris hetero- 
lepis} Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1869, 4. 
ser. 8, 444445. 1869.5 

The fishes of the Holy Land. 
Student, 1869, 3, 409-417. illust. 

The fishes of the Nile (In Peth- 
erick, J.. & (Mrs.) B. H. Travels in 
central Africa, ete. vol. ii, Append. C. 
London, 1869. 8°) 1869.7 

Note on three cyprinodontes 
(Strableps tetrophthalmus, Rivulus micro- 
pus, Girardinus guppii), small fresh- 
water fishes of the island of Trinidad. 
Proc. Scient. Assoc. Trinidad, 1869, 1, 
224-227. — 1869.8 

Notice of a gigantic species of 
Batrachus from the Seychelle islands. 
Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1869, 4. ser. 3, 
131-132. 1869.9 

Report of a second collection of 
fishes made at St. Helena by J. C. Mel- 
liss, Esq. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1869, 
238-239. pl. 1869.10 

Notes on Prototroctes, a fish 
from fresh waters of the Australian 
regions. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1870, 
150-152. 1870.1 

On the occurrence of Lates cal- 
carifer in Australia. Proc. Zool. Soc. 
London, 1870, 824. 1870.2 

Black variety of Platyglossus 
notopsis. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1871, 
667. 1871.1 

Ceratodus, and its place in the 
system. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1871, 4. 
ser. 7, 222-227. illust. 1871.2 

Description of a new percoid 
fish from the Macquarie river (Cteno- 
lates macquariensis} Proc. Zool. See. 
London, 1871, 320. pl. 1871.3 

Description of Ceratodus, a 
genus of ganoid fishes, recently discov- 
ered in rivers of Queensland, Australia. 


Giinther, A. 

Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. London, 1871, 
161, 511-571. 13 pls.— Proc. Roy. 
Soe. London, 19, 377-379. — Ann. Mag. 
Nat. Hist., 4. ser. 7, 222-227.— Arch. 
Naturgesch., 37. Jahrg., 325-344. — 
Nature, 4, 406-408; 428-429; 447. — 
Popular Sci. Rev., 11, 257-266. 1871.4 

Examination of certain “ Re- 
marks on Indian fishes’’ made by Mr. 
Francis Day in the Proceedings of the 
Zoological Society. Proc. Zool. Soe. 
London, 1871, 761—766. illust. 1871.5 

Note on Comephorus baicalensis. 
Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1871, 4. ser. 8 



On the young state of fishes be- 
longing to the family of Squamipinnes. 
Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1871, 4. ser. 8, 
318-320. illust. 1871.7 

Report on several collections of 
fishes recently obtained for the British 

Museum. Proce. Zool. Soe. London, 
1871, 652-675. 18 pls. 1871.8 
Description of Ceratodus, a 
genus of ganoids from Queensland, 
Australia. London, 1872. 13 pls. 4°. 

Description of Thrissopater 

salmones, n. sp. (In Great Britain and 
Ireland. Geological Survey. Figures 
and descriptions illustrative of British 
organic remains. decade xiii. London, 
1872. 8°) 1872.2 

Description of two new fishes 
(Lanioperca mordax, Chilodactylus all- 
porti] from Tasmania. Ann. Mag. Nat. 
Hist., 1872, 4. ser. 10, 183-184. 1872.3 

Note on a hitherto unpublished 
drawing in the Buchanan-Hamilton col- 
lection, representing Barbus beavani. 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1872, 875-878. 
2 figs. 1872.4 

Notice of a large siluroid {Platy- 
stoma gigas) from the- upper Amazons. 
Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1872, 4. ser. 10, 
449-450. 1872.5 

Notice of some species of fishes 
from the Philippine islands [Platycepha- 
lus fasciatus, Otolithus leuciscus, Atherina 
lineata, Salarias holomelas} Ann. Mag. 
Nat. Hist., 1872, 4. ser. 10, 397-399. 


Notice of two new fishes [Sym- 
phorus teniolatus, Mugil meyéri) from 
Celebes. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1872, 4. 
ser. 9, 438-440. 1872.7 



On a new genus of characinoid 
fishes  (Nannostomus beckfordi, from 
Demerara. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 
1872, 146. 1872.8 

Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1872, 4. ser. 10, 
426-427. 1872.9 

On some new species of reptiles 
and fishes collected by J. Brenchley, 
Esq. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1872, 4. ser. 
10, 418-426. 1872.10 

Ueber die Acclimatisation des 
Lachses in Australien. Cireul. Deutsch. 
Fischerei Ver., 1872, no. 4, 100-102. 


Andrew Garrett’s Fische der 
Siidsee, beschrieben und redigirt von A. 
C. L. G. Giinther. Band I, II, VIII. 
Journ. Mus. Godeffroy, 1873, Heft 2, 
1-128. 83 pls. Jbid., 1875, Heft 4, 
129-260. 67 pls. Ibid., 1909, Heft 16, 
261-505. 40 pls. Ibid., 1910, Heft 17, 
389-514. 20pls. ° 1873.1 

Notice in Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1873, 4. ser. 
12, 491-494. 

Erster fund zweiter] ichthyolo- 
gischer Beitrag nach Exemplaren aus 
dem Museum Godeffroy. Journ. Mus. 
Godeffroy, 1873, 2. Heft, 97-103. 
Ibid., 4. Heft, 89-92. 1873.2 

Further additions to the ichthyo- 
logical fauna of Zanzibar. Ann. Mag. 
Nat. Hist., 1873, 4. ser. 12, 182. 1873.3 

New fishes from Angola. Ann. 
Mag. Nat. Hist., 1873, 4. ser. 12, 142- 
144. 1873.4 

Note on Scaphirhynchus fedtschen- 
koi. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1873, 4. ser. 
1 PY 1873.5 

On a collection of fishes from 
Chefoo, north China. Ann. Mag. Nat. 
Hist., 1873, 4. ser. 12, 377-380. 1873.6 

Report on a collection of fishes 
from China. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 
1873, 4. ser. 12, 239-250. 1873.7 

Reptiles and fishes of the South 
Sea islands (In Brenchley, J. L. Jot- 
tings during the cruise of H. M. §. 
“‘Curacgoa”’ . . . in 1865, etc. London, 
1873. 487p. 59pls. 8°) 1873.8 

A contribution to the fauna of 
the river Tigris (with two new species of 
fishes; Macrones colvillii, Barbus sharp- 
eyi} Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1874, 4. ser. 
14, 36-38. 2 pls. - 1874.1 

On Psammoperea and Cnidon. 


, We iee® SS CAI Bele 5 iene Mae 1 Le 


— Description of a remarkable 
kind of air-bladder fof a fish, probably 
of the family Scisenide; Ann. Mag. 
Nat. Hist., 1874, 4. ser. 14, poe pl. 


Descriptions of new species of 
fishes in the British Museum. Ann. 
Mag. Nat. Hist., 1874, 4. ser. 14, 368— 
371; 453-455. 1874.3 

Notes on some fishes obtained 
at considerable depths in the North 
Atlantic. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1874, 
4. ser. 13, 138-139. 1874.4 

Notice of some new species of 
fishes from Morocco. Ann. Mag. Nat. 
Hist., 1874, 4. ser. 13, 230-232. 2 pls. 


Third notice of a collection of 
fishes made by Mr. Swinhoe in China. 
Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1874, 4. ser. 13, 
154-159. 1874.6 

Instructions for making obser- 
vations on and collecting -specimens of 
the fishes of Greenland (In Jones, T. 
Rupert... Manual of the natural history, 
geology ... of Greenland and the neigh- 
boring regions prepared for the use of the 
Arctic expedition of 1875, p. 46-48. 
London & Dublin, 1875. 8°) 1875.1 

Das Sammeln von Reptilien und 
Fischen (In Neumayer, G. B. Anlei- 
tung zu wissenschaftlichen Beobachtun- 
gen auf Reisen. Berlin, 1875. 8°) 
Berlin, 1875. 8°. —3. ed. 

The same. 2. ed. 
Hannover, 1906. 8°. 

Contributions to our knowledge 
of the fish-fauna of the Tertiary deposits 
of the highlands of Padang, Sumatra. 
Geol. Mag., 1876, 2. dec. 3, 433-440. 
5 pls. 1876.1 

Note on a second species [S. 
bainsii} of Spirobranchus (C. & V.) 
Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1876, 4. ser. 18, 
67. 1876.2 

— On the urogenital apparatus of 
a blennioid fish from Tasmania [Clinus 
despicillatus} Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 
1876, 4. ser. 17, 403-404. 1876.3 

Remarkable structure of young 
fishes. Amer. Naturalist, 1876, 10, 239. 

Investigations upon the young of the sword- 
fish and chetodonts. 

—— Remarks on fishes, with de- 
scriptions of new species in the British 
Museum, chiefly from southern seas. 



Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1876, 4. ser. 17, 
389402. — Trans. New Zealand Instit., 
9, 469-472. 1876.5 

Account of the fishes collected 
by Capt. Feilden between 78° and 83° 
north latitude, during the Arctic expedi- 
tion 1875-76. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 
1877, 293-295. pl. & figs. 1877.1 

Account of the zoological col- 

lection made during the visit of H. M. 

S. “ Petrel”’ to the Galapagos islands. 

Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1877, 64-93. 

3 pls. 1877.2 
Fishes, p. 67-69. | 

Ichthyology (In Nares, (Sir) 
G. 8. Narrative of a voyage to the 
Polar sea during 1875-76 n H. M. 8 

“Alert”? and ‘“‘ Discovery,” vol. ii, 
218-222. London, 1877. figs. 8°) 

Abstract in Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1877, 
293-295; 475-476. 

Notice of a barbel (Barbus trevel- 
yani| from the Buffalo river, British 

Caffraria. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1877, 
4. ser. 19, 312-313. 1877.4 

On a collection of reptiles and 
fishes from Duke-of-York, New Ireland, 
and New Britain. Proc. Zool. Soc. 
London, 1877, 127-132. 2 pls. 1877.5 

Preliminary notes on new fishes 
collected in Japan during the expedi- 
tion of H. M. 8S. “ Challenger.’”’ Ann. 
Mag. Nat. Hist., 1877, 4. ser. 20, 483— 
446. 1877.6 

Remarks on New Zealand fishes. 
Trans. New Zealand Instit., 1877, 9, 
469-472. 1877.7 

Report on a collection of fishes 
made by Mr. C. Hart during the late 
Arctic expedition. Proc. Zool. Soe. 
London, 1877, 475-477. pl. 1877.8 

Notes on a collection of Japanese 
sea-fishes. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1878, 
5. ser. 1, 485-487. 1878.1 

[Pisces] (In Nares, (Sir) G. S. 
Narrative of a voyage to the Polar sea 
during 1875-76 in H. M. S. ,‘ Alert” 
and “‘ Discovery.” 2ed. vol. ii, Append. 
no. 4. London, 1878. 8°) 1878.2 

Preliminary notices of deep-sea 
fishes collected during the voyage of 
H. M. S. ‘“ Challenger.” Ann. Mag. 
Nat. Hist., 1878, 5. ser. 2, 17-28; 179-— 
187; 248-251. 1878.3 



Giinther, A. 

Note on two Bermuda fishes 
recently described as new  (Gerres 
jonesii, Belone jonesii} Ann. Mag. Nat. 
Hist., 1879, 5. ser. 3, 389-390. 1879.1 

Notice of two new species of 
fishes from the South seas (Diagramma 
giganteum, Spherondon euanus) Ann. 
Mag. Nat. Hist., 1879, 5. ser. 4, 136-137. 

(Observations on the collection 
of fishes of Kerguelen land made during 
the transit of Venus expeditions in the 
years 1874-75) Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. 
London, 1879, 168 (extra vol.), p. 166. 


(Observations on the marine 
fish fauna of Rodriguez made during the 
transit of Venus expeditions in the years 
1874-75) Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. Lon- 
don, 1879, 168 (extra vol.), 470-472. 


On two new species of fishes 
from the Bermudas (Gerres jonesii, 
Belone jonesii}) Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 
1879, 5. ser. 3, 150-151. 1879.5 

— A contribution to the knowledge 
of the fish-fauna of the Rio de la Plata. 
Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1880, 5. ser. 6, 
7-15. pil. 1880.1 

—— [Exhibition of a drawing of a 
fish, Holacanthus tricolor, obtained on 
the coast of the island of Lewes] Proc. 
Zool. Soc. London, 1880, 23, 356. 1880.2 

Instructions on the collecting 
and preserving of fishes (In Neumayer, 
G.  Anleitung zu wissenschaftlichen 
Beobachtungen auf Reisen, p. 418-427. 
Berlin, 1880) 1880.3 

An introduction to the study of 
Edinburgh, 1880. 720 p. figs. 

Review in Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1881, 5. ser. 



Report on the shore fishes (In 
Zoology of the voyage of H. M. S. 
“ Challenger,” vol. i, pt. 6, 1-82. 32 
pls. London, 1880. 4°) 1880.5 

Account of the zoological col- 
lection made during the survey of H. M. 
S. Alert” in the straits of Magellan 
and on the coast of Patagonia. Proc. 
Zool. Soc. London, 1881, 2-141. 11 pls. 

Fishes, p. 19-22. 2 pls. 

Fish from the Arctic regions 
In Markham, A. H. A polar recon- 

naissance, ete., Append. I. London, 
1881. 361 p. illust. 8°) 1881.2 

Note on a fish-palate from the 
Siwaliks. Rec. Geol. Surv. India, 1881, 
14, 240.  illust. 1881.3 

Report on a collection of fishes} 
made by Mr. T. Conry in Ascension 
island. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1881, 5. 
ser. 8, 480-440. 1881.4 

Exhibition on behalf of Sir J. 
W. P. Campbell Orde, Bart., F. Z. S., 
of a specimen of a charr (Salmo alpinus) 
obtained in a loch on North Uist, 
Hebrides. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 
1882, 722. 1882.1 

—— Report on the fishes (In Tizard, 
T.H., & Murray, J. Exploration of the 
Far6ée channel during the summer of 
1880 in H. M. S. “ Knight Errant.” 
Proc. Roy. Soe. Edinb., 1882, 11, 677- 
680) 1882.2 

Notes on some Indian fishes in 
the collection of the British Museum 
(Carcharias murrayi, Akysis pictus, 
Olyra elongata) Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 
1883, 5. ser. 11, 137-140. fig. 1883.1 

— On a new species of Cynolebias 
from the Argentine republic. Ann. 
Mag. Nat. Hist., 1883, 5. ser. 11, 140— 
141. 1883.2 

Fishes (In Report on the zoolo- 
gical collections made in the Indo-Pacific 
ocean during the voyage of H. M. 8. 
** Alert,”’ 1881-82, 29-33. pl. London, 
1884. 8°) 1884.1 

Description of a specimen of 
Schedophilus medusophagus, a fish new 
to the British fauna. Trans. Zool. Soc. 
London, 1885, 11, 223-224. pl. 1885.1 
: Benes by T. N. Gill in Science, 1885, n. s. 

Exhibition of a specimen of a 
small fish of the genus Fierasfer imbed- 
ded in a pearl-oyster. Proc. Zool. Soc. 
London, 1886, 318-320. illust. 1886.1 

Handbuch der _Ichthyologie. 
Uebersetzt von Dr. Gustav von Hayek. 
Wien, 1886. 527 p. 363 figs. 8°. 


Note on Pachymetopon and the 
Australian species of Pimelepterus. 
Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1886, 5. ser. 18, 
367-368. 1886.3 

Descriptions of two new species 
of fishes from Mauritius (Latilus fronti- 
cinctus, Platycephalus subfasciatus) Proc. 
Zool. Soe. London, 1887, 550-551. 2 
pls. 1887.1 

SD Ca py Dea 

2m ane) 


RS eae, 



Guide to the galleries of reptiles 
and fishes in the department of zoology 
of the British Museum (Natural His- 
tory) London, 1887. 119 p.’ figs. 8°. 

Fishes, 47-119. 65 figs. 

— Note on the hapuku of New Zea- 
land (Polyprion prognathus) Ann. Mag. 
Nat. Hist., 1887, 5. ser. 20, 236-237. 


On Australian fishes of the genus 
Beryx. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1887, 5. 
ser. 20, 237-239. illust. 1887.4 

Report on the deep-sea fishes 
collected by H. M. S. “‘ Challenger ”’ 
during the years 1873-76 (In Report 
on the scientific results of the voyage 
of H. M.S. “ Challenger ”’ during the 
years 1873-76, vol. xxii, pt. 57, 1-268. 
66 pls. London, 1887. 4°) 1887.5 

— Siluride (In Encyclopedia Bri- 
tannica, 1887, 9. ed., vol. xxii, 67-69. 
figs.) 1887.6 

Contribution to our knowledge 
of the fishes of the Yangtsze-Kiang. 
Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1888, 6. ser. 1, 
429-435. Ibid., 1889, 6. ser. 4, 218-229. 

Report on the fishes obtained by 
Mr. J. Murray in deep water on the 
northwest coast of Scotland, between 
April, 1887, and March, 1888. Proc. 
Roy. Soc. Edinb., 1888, 15, 205-220. 2 
pls. 1888.2 

—— A contribution to our knowledge 
of the deep-sea fauna of the British 
islands. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1889, 6. 
ser. 4, 249-250; 415-420. 1889.1 

(Exhibition of, and remarks 
upon, some fishes not previously known 
to occur in British waters] Proc. Zool. 
Soc. London, 1889, 27. 1889.2 

Fishes (In Green, W. S. Re- 
port of a deep-sea trawling cruise off the 
southwest coast of Ireland) Ann. Mag. 
Nat. Hist., 1889, 6. ser. 4, 415-420. 


Notice of a new fish (Diptychus 
lansdelli) from the Issik Kul. Ann. Mag. 
Nat. Hist., 1889, 6. ser. 3, 361-362. 


Notice of two fishes new to the 
British fauna. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 
1889, 50-51. pl.— Ann. Mag. Nat. 
Hist., 6. ser. 3, 107. 1889.5 

On some fishes from the Kilima- 
Njaro district. Proc. Zool. Soc. Lon- 
don, 1889, 70-72. pl. 1889.6 

Report of a deep-sea trawling 
cruise off the southwest coast of Ireland, 
under the direction of Rev. W. Spots- 
wood Green. Fishes. Ann. Mag. Nat. 
Hist., 1889, 6. ser. 4, 415-420. illust. 


Report on the pelagic fishes (In 
Report on the scientific results of the 
voyage of H. M. S. “Challenger ”’ 
during the years 1873-76, vol. xxxi, pt. 
78, 147. 6 pls. London, 1889. 4°) 


Third contribution to our knowl- 
edge of reptiles and fishes from the upper 
Yangtsze-Kiang. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 
1889, 6. ser. 4, 218-229. 1889.9 

Contribution to our knowledge 
of British Pleuronectidze. Proc. Zool. 
Soe. London, 1890, 40-44. pl. 1890.1 

Description of a new species of 
deep-sea fish from the cape (Lophotes 
fiski) Proc. Zool. Soe. London, 1890, 
244-247. 2 pls. 1890.2 

Description of a remarkable fish 
from Mauritius, belonging to the genus 
Seorpena. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 
1891, 482-483. pl. 1891.1 

Additional note on the occur- 
rence of Lichia vadigo on the Cornish 
coast. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1892, 6. 
ser. 10, 335-336. 1892.1 

Descriptions of the reptiles and 
fishes collected by Mr. E. Coode-Hore 
on lake Tanganyika. Proc. Zool. Soe. 

London, 1893, 628-632. pl. 1893.1 

Second report on the reptiles, 
batrachians, and fishes transmitted by 
Mr. H. H. Johnston, C. B., from British 
Central Africa. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 
1893, 616-628. 5 pls. 1893.2 

(Exhibition of, and remarks upon, 
specimens of Lepidosiren paradoxa, col- 
lected by Dr. Bohls on the upper 
Paraguay] Proe. Zool. Soc. London, 
1894, 316. 1894.1 

An introduction to the study of 
fishes. 2. ed. Edinburgh, 1894. p. 720 
320 figs. 8°. 1894.2 

Report on the collection of 
reptiles and fishes made by Dr. J. W. 
Gregory during his expedition to mount 




Giinther, A. 
Kenia. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1894, 
84-91. 4 pls. 1894.3 

Capture of a specimen of Lepi- 
dosiren in the river Amazon; a letter 
from Dr. Emil Goeldi. Nature, 1896, 
54, 270. 1896.1 

Description of two new species 
of fishes (Mastacembelus and Barbus) 
Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1896, 6. ser. 17, 
397. 1896.2 

Numbers of zoological species 
known in the years 1830 and 1831. Ann. 
Mag. Nat. Hist., 1896, 6. ser. 17, 180. 


Report on a collection of fishes 
made by Dr. A. Donaldson Smith during 
his expedition to lake Rudolf. Proc. 
Zool. Soc. London, 1896, 217-224. pl. 


Report on a collection of rep- 
tiles and fishes made by Miss M. H. 
Kingsley during her travels on the 
Ogowe river and in Old Calabar. Ann. 
Mag. Nat. Hist., 1896, 6. ser. 17, 261— 
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Report on the collections of 
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by Messrs. Potanin & Berezowski in the 

Chinese provinces Kansu and Sze- 
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Pétersb., 1896, 199-219. 2pls. 1896.6 

Deep-sea fishes of the northern 
Atlantic. Nature, 1897, 55, 559-561. 

Report on a collection of fishes 
from Newchwang, north China. Ann. 
Mag. Nat. Hist., 1898, 7. ser. 1, 257— 
263: pl. 1898.1 

An account of a collection of 
fishes made by Mr. R. B. N. Walker, 
C. M. Z. S., on the Gold coast. Proc. 
Zool. Soc. London, 1899, 716-732. 5 
pls. 1899.1 

Complete catalogue of Linné’s 
private collection of fishes, now in pos- 
session of the Linnzan society (In his 
President’s anniversary address) Proc. 
Linn. Soe. London (Zool.), 1899, 15-38. 

; Fishes jof lake Urmi and its 
neighbourhood) Journ. Linn. Soc. Lon- 
don (Zool.), 1899, 27, 381-391. 2 pls. 
A contribution to the history of 

Plagyodus (Steller) Ann. Mag. Nat. 
Hist., 1901, 7. ser. 7, 35-36. 1901.1 

On the breeding-habits of Chro- 
mis philander; a letter from Nendick 
Abraham. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1901, 
7. ser. 8, 321-325. 1901.2 

Second notice of new species of 
fishes from Morocco. Novitat. Zool., 
Tring, 1901, 8, 367-368. 2 pls. 1901.3 

Ichthyology (In Encyclopedia 
Britannica, 10. ed., 1902, vol. xxix, 394- 
400. figs.) 1902.1 

Third notice of new species of 
fishes from Morocco. Novitat. Zool., 
Thring, 1902, 9, 446-448. 2 pls. 1902.2 

Last account of fishes collected 
by Mr. R. B. N. Walker, C.M.Z.8., on 
the Gold coast. Proc. Zool. Soc. Lon- 
don, 1902 (1903), pt. 2, 330-339. Ape 

The type of Exocetus exiliens (L. 
Gmel.) Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1909, 8. 
ser. 3, 147-149. 1909.1 

Ichthyology; history and litera- 
ture down to 1880 (In Encyclopedia 
Britannica, 11. ed., 1910, vol. xiv, 250— 
267) 1910.1 

Shark [Selachians} (In Eneyclo- 
pedia Britannica, 11. ed., 1911, vol. 
xxiv, 805-809. 16 figs.) 1911.1 

Giinther, Albert (Carl Ludwig Gott- 
hilf, & Hector, James. New mud-fish © 
from New Zealand. Intell. Observ., 
1867, 12, no. 5, 399-400. 1867.1 

Giinther, Albert (Carl Ludwig Gott- 
hilf} & Playfair, (Sir) Robert Lambert. 
See Playfair & Giinther. 

Giirich, Georg [1859 —] Ueber Pla- 
codermen und andere devonische Fisch- 
reste im  Breslauer mineralogischen 
Museum. JZeitschr. Deutsch. Geol. 
Gesell., 1891, 48, 902-911. 5 figs. 


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ichthyologique de la céte Sud-Armori- 
caine. Trav. Scient. Labor. Zool. Phys. 
Concarneau, 1912, 4. sér. 6. 1912.1 

Guérin-Méneville, Félix Edouard 
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animal de G. Cuvier; ete. Paris & 
London, 1830-44. 70 pls. 1830.1 
Vol. iv. Poissons. 

Guerne, Jules de. Les yeux acces- 
soires des poissons osseux (d’aprés le Dr. 
Kissow) Bull. Scient., 1880, 2. sér. 3, 
no. 12, 459-470. pl. Also separate; 
Paris, 1881. 12p. pl. 8°. 1880.1 




—-- Conférence du Dr. O. Zacharias spe 

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d’eau douce et leur role dans la nourri- 
ture des poissons.”’ Bull. Soc. Centr. 
Aquicult. France, 1896, 6, 121-127. 

Abris flottants pour les salmo- 
nides, emploi du cresson. Etangs & 
Riviéres, 1897, 10. année, 145. 1897.1 

— La pisciculture dans les cata- 
combes de Paris. Etangs & Riviéres, 
1897, 10. année, no. 222, 73-75. 1897.2 

Guerne, Jules de, & Pouchet, Geor- 
ges. See Pouchet & Guerne. 

Guettard, Jean Etienne [1715-1786] 
Sur la défense du poisson-scie (In his 
Mémoires sur différentes parties des 
sciences et arts, vol. i, p. 86. Paris, 
1768-83. 4°. 1768.1 

Not seen; title and reference from H. Clo- 
quet, 1826 

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dans la série des vertébrés et en parti- 

culier chez les sélaciens. Paris, 1896. 
118 p. 1896.1 
Guibaud, —— Les pécheries alle- 
mandes. Rey. Marit. Colon. Paris, 
1872. 1872.1 
Guichenot, Alphonse. Monographie 

de deux genres de poissons, les lépiso- 
stées et les polyptéres, de la famille des 
clupéoides de Cuvier, et de celle des 
siagonotes de Duméril, précédée de 
quelques considérations sur ces genres. 
Mag. de Zool., 1839 (Poissons) pl. 

Peces de Cuba (In Sagra, Ra- 

mon de la. Historia fisica, politica 
y natural de la isla de Cuba. Vol. iv. 
Pari,s 1843) 1843.1 

Apercgu géographique sur les 
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10, 333-336. "1847.1 

Notice sur un nouveau genre 
de percoides (Pomanotis] Rev. Zool., 
1847, 10, 390-394. 1847.2 

Notice sur l’établissement d’un 
nouveau genre de Chétodons ,(Méga- 
protodon} Rey. Zool., 1848, 11, 12-14. 

Chile (In Gay, 
Claudio. Historia fisica y politica de 
Chile. Paris & Santiago, 1848) 1848.2 

Zoologia, Peces [par A. 

Peces de 

tomo segundo. 
p. 137-370. 

Sur une nouvelle espéce de mala- 
canthe (Malacanthus brevirostris} Rev. 
Zool., 1848, 11, 14-15. 1848.3 

Cenno geografico sui pesci del 
Chili. Nuoy. Ann. Sci. Nat. Bologna, 

1850, 3. ser. 2, 151-154. 1850.1 

Exploration scientifique de |’ Al- 
gérie. Paris, 1850. pls. 1850.2 

Vol. iii, Zoologie. Histoire naturelle des 
reptiles et des poissons. 

Poissons (In Sagra, Ramon de 
la. Histoire physique, politique et 
naturelle de Vile de Cuba. vol. ii, 206 p. 
Paris, 1853. 8°) 1853.1 

Notice sur deux espéces nou- 
velles de poissons du genre Cyprinodon 
IC. cyanogaster, C’. doliatus} Rev. Mag. 
Zool., 1859, 2. sér. 11, 377-380. 1859.1 

Notice sur un nouveau poisson 
du genre des Trichomyctéres [Astemo- 
mycterus pusillus) Rev. Mag. Zool., 
1860, 2. sér. 12, 525-527. 1860.1 

Notice sur un nouveau poisson 

du groupe des cténolabres [Labrastre] 
Rev. Mag. Zool., 1860, 2. sér. 12, 152— 
154. 1860.2 

Faune ichthyologique (In Mail- 
lard, L. Notes sur l’fle de Ja Réunion. 
Paris, 1863. 32 p.) 1863.1 

Catalogue des scaridés de la col- 
lection du Musée de Paris. Mém. Soe. 
Sci. Nat. Cherbourg, 1865, 11, 1-75. 


Catalogue des vomers de la col- 
lection du Musée de Paris. Ann. Soc. 
Linn. Départ. Maine et Loire, 1865, 8, 
32-44. 1865.2 

Catalogue des poissons de Mad- 
agascar de la collection du Musée de 
Paris, avec la description de plusieurs 
espéces nouvelles. Mém. Soe. Sci. Nat. 
Cherbourg, 1866, 12, 129-148. 1866.1 

Notice sur une nouvelle espéce 
de poissons appartenant au genre des 
rhombes (Rhombus orbicularis Guich.) 
du Muséum de Paris. Mém. Soe. Sci. 
Nat. Cherbourg, 1866, 12, 243-247. 
Notice sur un nouveau genre de 
poissons de la famille des cottoides, du 
Muséum de Paris. Mém. Soe. Sci. Nat. 
Cherbourg, 1866, 12, 253-256. pl. 

Notice sur le lophiopside, nou- 
veau genre de poisson de la famille des 


Guichenot, A. 

lophioides, et description de_l’espéce 
type (Lophiopsis vomerinus Guich.} Mém. 
Soc. Sci. Nat. Cherbourg, 1867, 13, 101— 
106. 1867.1 

Notice sur le néosébaste, nou- 
veau genre de poissons de la famille des 
scorpenoides, et description d’une nou- 
velle espéce [{Neosebastes scorpanoides 
Guich.} Mém. Soc. Sci. Nat. Cher- 
bourg, 1867, 13, 83-89. 1867.2 

Notice sur le Salarichthys, nou- 
veau genre de poissons de la famille des 
blennoides, et description de l’espéce 
type (S. vomerinus Guich.) Mém. Soe. 
Sci. Nat. Cherbourg, 1867, 13, 96-100. 

Notice sur le sériolophe, nouveau 
genre de poissons de la famille des scom- 
béroides et description d’une nouvelle 
espéce [Seriolophus carangoides Guich.} 
Mém. Soc. Sei. Nat. Cherbourg, 1867, 

13, 90-95. 1867. 4 

Index generum ac specierum 
Anthiadidorum hucusque in Museo 
Parisiensi observatorum. Ann. Soc. 

Linn. Départ. Maine et Loire, 1868, 10, 
80-87. 1868.1 

Révision du genre des pagels 
(Pagellus, Lithognathus, Calamus) 
Mém. Soc. Sci. Nat. Cherbourg, 1868, 
14, 97-123. 1868.2 

Notice sur quelques poissons 
inédits de Madagascar et de la Chine. 
Nouv. Arch. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris, 
1869, 5, 193-206. 1869.1 

—— Remarques sur les poissons de la 
famille des Squamipinnes, avec la de- 
scription de deux nouvelles espéces de 
Scorpis. Ann. Soc. Linn. Départ. 
Maine et Loire, 1879, 17, 80-86. 1879.1 

Guichenot, Alphonse, & Jacquinot, 
H. See Jacquinot & Guichenot. 

Guieysse-Pellissier, A. Etude sur 
la structure du noyau des cellules 
épithéliales de lintestin de Scyllium 
catulus. C. R. Mém. Soe. Biol. Paris, 
1911, pt. 1, 553-555. 1911.1 

Double coloration du mucus 
des cellules caliciformes par le vert 
lumiére et le mucicarmin. C. R. Mém. 
Soc. Biol. Paris, 1912, 72, 910-912. 


Etude de l’épithélium intestinal 
de la roussette (Scylliwm catulus Cuv.) 
Arch. Anat. Micr. Paris, 1913, 14, 469- 
514. pl. & 9 figs. 1913.1 


Guignon, Nourriture des pois- 
sons. Feuille Jeunes Natural., 1903, 4. 
sér. 33, 171. 1903. 1 

Guillaume, Charles Eduard. Les 
époques de la ponte des poissons de 
riviéres. La Nature, 1905, 34, ie it 
119-222. 1905. 1 

Guillemain, Constantin [1873 —] 
Beitrige zur Geologie von Kamerun. 
Abh. K. Preuss. Geol. Landesanst., 
Berlin, 1910, n. s. 62, 392-398. pl. 


Fischreste aus den Mamfe-Schiefern, yon Otto 

Guillemot, H. Pisciculture. Journ. 

Fermes, 1868, 1. année, no. 1, 12-13. 
figs. 1868.1 
Guillot, V. Sur un réservoir particu- 

lier que présente l’appareil de la circula- 
tion des raies. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 
1845, 21, 1179-1180. 1845.1 

Mémoire sur la structure du foie 
des animaux vertébrés. CC. R. Acad. 
Sci. Paris, 1846, 23, 503-509. 1846.1 

Mémoire sur la structure du foie 
des animaux vertébrés. Ann. Sci. Nat. 
(Zool.), 1848, 3. sér. 9, 113-171. 4 pls. 

Guimaraes, Antonio Roberto Pereira. 
Description d’un nouveau poisson du 
Portugal. Jorn. Acad. Sci. Lisboa 1881 
(1882), 8, 222-224. 

Pseudohelotes giintheri, sp. nov. 


Liste de quelques espéces de 
poissons d’eau douce de Jl intérieur 
d’Angola. Jorn. Acad. Sci. Lisboa 1881 
(1882), 8, 133. 1882.2 

Description d’un nouveau pois- 
son del’intérieur d’Angola. Jorn. Acad. 
Sci. Lisboa, 1884, 9, 85. pl. 1884.1 

Lista dos peixes da ilha da Ma- 
deira, Agores e das possessdes portu- 
guezas d’Africa, que existem no Museu 
de Lisboa (Supplemento) Jorn. Acad. 
Sci. Lisboa, 1884, 9, 30. 1884.2 

Diagnose de trois nouveaux 
poissons d’Angola. Jorn. Acad. Sei. 
Lisboa, 1885, 10, 1. 2 pls. 1885.1 

Lista dos peixes de ilha da Ma- 
deira, Agores e das possesses portu- 
guezas d’Africa, que existem no Museu 
de Lisboa (Segundo supplemento) 
Jorn. Acad. Sci. Lisboa, 1885, 10, 11- 
28. 1885.2 




Guisan, Fr. Ludwig. Mémoire sur le 

Gymnotus electricus. Bull. Soc. Philom. 

Paris, 1797, 32-33. 1797.1 
— De Gymnoto electrico, ete. Ti- 
bingen, 1819. 35 p. 1819.1 
Guitel, Frédéric. Sur la coque de 
Vceuf des Lepadogasters. C. R. Acad. 
Sci. Paris, 1887, 105, 876. 1887.1 

Sur le systéme de la ligne latérale 
des Lepadogasters. C. R. Acad. Sci. 
Paris, 1887, 105, 687. 1887.2 

Sur quelques points de l’embryo- 
génie et du systéme nerveux des Lepado- 
gasters. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1887, 
105, 1270. 1887.3 

Recherches sur les Lepadogas- 
ters. Arch. Zool. Expér. Gén., 1888, 2. 
sér. 6, 423-647. 14 pls. &7 figs. 1888.1 

Sur les canaux muqueux des 
Cycloptéridés. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 
1889, 109, 648-651. 1889.1 

Sur la ligne latérale de la bau- 
droie (Lophius piscatorius) C. R. Acad. 
Sci. Paris, 1890, 110, 50-52. — Assoc. 
Franc. Avance. Sci., 19. sess., p. 511. 


Sur la structure de la peau de la 
baudroie (Lophius piscatorius) et des 
terminaisons nerveuses de sa ligne laté- 
rale. Arch. Zool. Expér. Gén., 1890, 2. 
sér. 8 (Notes et Revue), p. xxxii. 1890.2 

— Sur le ecycloptére lumpe. Bull. 
Soe. Centr. Aquicult. France, 1890, 2, 
33-34. 1890.3 

Sur les différences sexuelles du 
Lepadogaster bimaculatus Flem. 
Acad. Sci. Paris, 1890, 111, 759. 


Sur le nerf latéral des Cycloptéri- 
dés. C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1890, 111, 
536-539. 1890.5 

Sur les mceurs et la reproduction 
. des poissons du genre Lepadogaster. 
Bull. Soc. Centr. Aquicult. France, 1890, 
2, 30-32. 1890.6 

Recherches sur la ligne latérale 
de la baudroie (Lophius piscatorius) 
Arch. Zool. Expér. Gén., 1891, 2. sér. 9, 
125-190. 3 pls. 1891.1 

Recherches sur les boutons ner- 
veux bucco-pharyngiens de la baudroie 
(Lophius piscatorius) Arch. Zool. Expér. 
Gén., 1891, 2. sér. 9, 671-697. pl. 


Sur le développement des na- 
geoires paires du Cyclopterus lumpus. 
Gah. Acad. Sei. Paris,» 1891, 112; 
353-356. fig. 1891.3 

— Sur les mceurs duGobius minutus. 
C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1891, 113, 292. 

Sur les organes gustatifs de la 
baudroie (Lophius piscatorius) C. R. 
Acad. Sci. Paris, 1891, 112, 879. 1891.5 

Observations sur les mceurs du 
Gobius minutus. Arch. Zool. Expér. 
Gén., 1892, 2. sér. 10, 499-555. pl. & 
4 figs. 1892.1 

Sur les mceurs du Clinus argenta- 
tus Cuv. et Val. C. R. Acad. Sei. Paris, 
1892, 115, 295-298. — Bull. Soc. Centr. 
Aquicult. France, 1892, 4, 165-167. 


Sur l’ovaire et l’ceuf du Gobius 
minutus. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1892, 
114, 612-616. 4 figs. 1892.3 

Description des orifices genito- 
urinaires de quelques Blennius. Arch. 
Zool. Expér. Gén., 1893, 3. sér. 1, 611- 
658. 2 pls. 1893.1 

Observations sur les mceurs de 
trois blenniidés, Clinus argentatus, Blen- 
nius montagut et Blennius sphynx. Arch. 
Zool. Expér. Gén., 1893, 3. sér. 1, 325— 
384. 1893.2 

Sur les meceurs du Blennius 
sphynx Cuv. et Val., et du Blennius 
montagui Fleming. C. R. Acad. Sci. 
Paris, 1893, 117, 289-291. — Bull. Soc. 
Centr. Aquicult. France, 1893, 5, 13-16. 

Observations sur les moeurs du 
Gobius ruthensparri. Arch. Zool. Expér. 
Gén., 1895, 3. sér. 3, 263-288. 1895.1 

Recherches sur le développement 
des nageoires paires du Cyclopterus 
lumpus L. Arch. Zool. Expér. Gén., 
1896, 3. sér. 4, 345-470. 5 pls. & 9 figs. 

Sur un procédé facilitant la 
recherche des entonnoirs segmentaires 
du rein des selaciens. Arch. Zool. Expér. ' 
Gén., 1897, 3. sér. 5, 385-400. pl. 


Sur le rein du _ Lepadogaster 

gouanti. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1900, 
130, 1773-1777. 2 figs. 1900.1 
Sur les néphrostomes et les 

canaux segmentaires de quelques séla- 

Guitel, F. | ] . Sci. Méd. Ouest, Rennes, 1910, 19, 255- 
ciens (Squatina, Scyllium, Centrina, 267. fig. 1910.2 
ete.) Arch. Zool. Expér. Gén., 19900, 3. 


Sur le rein des Lepadogaster 
gouanii Lacépéde et L. candollii Risso. 
Bull. Soc. Sci. Méd., Rennes, 1901, 10, 
249-253. 1901.1 

Sur le rein des Lepadogaster 
bimaculatus Fleming et L. mazcroce- 
phalus Brook. Bull. Soc. Sci. Méd., 
Rennes, 1902, 11, 164-178. 5 figs. — 
Trav. Scient. Univ. Rennes, 1, 203-216. 
5 figs. 1902.1 

Sur la variation du rein dans le 
genre Lepadogaster. Arch. Zool. Expér. 
Gén., 1903, 4. sér. 1 (Notes et Revue), 
i-vi.— Assoc. Frang. Avane. Sci., 32. 
sess., 1903, 228. 1903.1 

Descriptions comparatives des 
Lepadogaster bimaculatus Pennant et L. 
microcephalus Brook. Arch. Zool. Ex- 
pér. Gén., 1904, 4. sér. 2, 357-495. pl. 
& 11 figs. 1904.1 

Diagnoses des Lepadogaster bi- 
maculatus Pennant et L. microcephalus 
Brook. C. R. Assoc. Frang. Avance. 
Sci., 33. sess., 1904, pt. 2, 774-779. — 
Bull. Assoc. Frang. Avane. Sci., 1964, 
p. 260. 1904.2 

Sur les reins du Caularchus 
meandricus Girard, gobiésocidé de la 
cote américaine du Pacifique. Arch. 
Zool. Expér. Gén., 1905, 4. sér. 4, i-vi. 
—C.R. Assoc. Frang. Avance. Sci., 34. 
sess., 1906, 597-601. 1905.1 

Recherches sur l’anatomie des 
reins de quelques gobiésocidés (Lepa- 
dogaster, Caularchus, Gobiesox, Sycia- 
ses et Choris ochismus) Arch. Zool. 
Expér. Gén., 1906, 4. sér. 5, 505-700. 
5 pls. & 37 figs. 1906.1 

Sur la persistance du pronéphros 
chez les téléostéens. C. R. Acad. Sci. 
Paris, 1908, 147, 392-394. fig. 1908.1 

Sur l’expulsion des ceufs chez 
VEntelurus equoreus Linné. Arch. Zool. 
Expér. Gén., 1908, 4. sér. 9, xxiv—xxix. 

: fig. — Trav. Scient. Univ. Rennes, 1908, 
7, pt. 1, 205-211. fig. 1908.2 

Sur les reins des Aphya, Trip- 
terygion et Clinus. Arch. Zool. Expér. 
Gén., 1910, 5. sér. 5 (Notes et Revue), 
i-x. fig. 1910.1 

Sur les reins du Crystallogobius 
nilssonii (Diiben et Koren) Bull. Soe. 

sér. 8 (Notes et Revue), i-viii. 

—— Sur les reins des Cottus gobio et 
C. bubalis. Note préliminaire. C. R. 
Assoc. Anat., 1912, 11, 92-94. — Bull. 
Soc. Sci. Méd. Ouest, Rennes, 21, 75— 
78. 1912.1 

— Lappareil fixateur de lceuf du 
Kurtus gulliveri. Arch. Zool. Expér. 
Gén., 1918, 52, 1-11. pl. &3 figs. 1913.1 

Recherches sur l’anatomie des 
reins du Cottus gobio. Arch. Zool. 
Expér. Gén., 1913, 52, 447-471. pl. 


Guitel, Frédéric, & Marion, A. F. 
See Marion & Guitel. 

Gulia, Gavino [— 1889] Synopsis of 
the Maltese Triglide, by Gallina (In 
his Repertorio di storia naturale, 147— 
150. Malta, 1858-63) 1858.1 

Catalogu tal hut ta Malta 
(Catalogue of the Maltese fishes; (In 
Castagna, P. P. Storia ta Malta bil 
Gzejjer tahha u li ghadda minn ghaliha, 
Malta, 1860) 1860.1 

Tentamen ichthyologiz Meliten- 
sis sistens methodo naturali stirpium ob- 
jectis nonnullis observationibus genera 
ac species, a recentioribus de re zoologica 
scriptoribus admissas piscium insularum 
Melite. Melite, 1861. 71p. 4°. 


Index methodicus Melitensium 

piscium. Melite, 1862. 1862.1 
L’Aguglia imperiale. Il Barth, 
Malta, 1871-77. ‘ 1871.1 
Ittiologia Maltese. Il Barth, 
Malta, 1871-77. 1871.2 
Sul pesce Lovaro. Il Barth, 
Malta, 1874. 1874.1 
L’ Aulopus filamentosus in Malta. 
Il Barth, Malta, 1877. 1877.14 

Gulia, Giovanni. Tl calendario del 
pescatore Maltese, guida pei dilettanti 
di pesca. Guida Generale di Malta e 
Gozo, 1905. 1905.1 

Addition A la faune ichthyologi- 
que maltaise. Bull. Soc. Zool. France, 
1909, 34, 191-192. 1909.1 

Cenni bibliografici sulla fauna 
vertebrata maltese. Boll. Soc. Zool. 
Ital., 1909, 2. ser. 10, 300-318. 1909.2 © 

Rg ett neler ratory ER 



Sur la découverte du Cephalop- 
tera giorna Risso daris les eaux maltaises. 
Bull. Soc. Zool. France, 1909, 34, p. 7. 


Sulla comparsa accidentale del 
Inwarus imperialis Raf. nel mare dell’ 
isola di Gozo. Boll. Soe. Zool. Ital., 
1910, 2. ser. 11, 46-48. 1910.1 

Gulland, G. Lovell. The minute 
structure of the digestive tract of the 
salmon, and the changes which occur in 
it in fresh water. Anat. Anz., 1898, 14, 
441-455. 12 figs. 1898.1 

Report of investigations on the 
life history of salmon in fresh water. 
The minute structure of the digestive 
tract of the salmon, and the changes 
which occur in it in fresh water. 18. 
Ann. Rept. Fish. Board Scotland, 1898, 
pt. 2, 13-22. 6 pls. 1898.2 

The anatomy of the digestive 
tract in the salmon. Journ. Anat. 
Physiol., London, 1900, 2. ser. 15, 114— 
116. 1900.1 

Gulliver, George [1804-1882] Obser- 
vations on the muscular fibres of the 
cesophagus and heart in some of the ver- 
tebrate animals. Proc. Zool. Soc. Lon- 
don, 1842, 124-129. Jbid., 1843, 63- 
(P 1842.1 

— On the size of the red corpuscles 
of the blood in the vertebrata, with co- 
pious tables of measurements. Proc. 
Zool. Soc. London, 1845, 93-102. 1845.1 

Note on the size of the blood- 
corpuscles of birds, with measurements 
by Dr. Davy of the blood-corpuscles of 
some fishes and of a humming bird. 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1846, 26-36. — 
Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 18, 56. 1846.1 

—— Additional measurements of the 
red corpuscles of the blood of vertebrata. 
Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1848, 2. ser. 2, 
449-453. 1848.1 

On the red corpuscles of the 
blood of vertebrata, and on the zoologi- 
cal import of the nucleus, with plans of 
their structure, form, and size (on a 
uniform scale), in many of the different 
orders. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1862, 
91-103. 18 figs. 1862.1 
Fishes, p. 99. 

Fovea centralis in the eye of the 
fish. Journ. Anat. Physiol., London, 
1868, 2, 12. 1868.1 


On certain nondescript bones in 
the skull of osseous fishes. Ann. Mag. 
Nat. Hist., 1869, 4. ser. 4, 397-398. 

= 1369c1 

On the fibres of the crystalline 
lens of Petromyzonini. Monthly Micr. 
Journ., London, 1869, 1, 209-211. 4 figs. 

On certain points in the anatomy 
and economy of the lampreys. Proc. 
Zool. Soe. London, 1870, 844-850. 8 
figs. 1870.1 

On the taxonomic characters 
afforded by the muscular sheath of the 
cesophagus as regards Sauropsida and 
other vertebrata. Proc. Zool. Soe. 
London, 1870, 283-285. 1870.2 

Anatomy of Planer’s lamprey, 
and a new entozoon (Neuronaia lampe- 
tre) living within the skull of the 
lampreys. Quart. Journ. Micr. Sci., 
London, 1872, n.s. 12, 102-103. 1872.1 


Fin-rays in the “ adipose fin” 
of the smelt (Osmerus eperlanus) Quart. 
Journ. Micr. Sci., London, 1872, n. s. 
12, 203-204. 1872.2 

On the size of the red corpuscles 
of the blood. of the Salmonidz and some 
other vertebrates. Proc. Zool. Soc. Lon- 
don, 1872, 833-836. 1872.3 

Size of the red corpuscles of the 
blood of the porbeagle or beaumaris 
shark (Lamna cornubica) Quart. Journ. 
Micr. Sci., London, 1872, n. s. 12, 40- 
41. 1872.4 

Observations on the sizes and 
shapes of the red corpuscles of the blood 
of vertebrates, with drawings of them 
to a uniform scale, and extended and 
revised tables of measurements. Proc. 
Zool. Soc. London, 1875, 474-495. pl. 

Fishes, p. 479-480. 

Sketches of the spermatozoa of 
Petromyzon. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 
1875, 336. figs. — Quart. Journ. Micr. 
Sci., London, 1875, n. s. 15, 394-395. 


Gulliver, George, & Smith, A. 
Smith & Gulliver. 

Gummerus, A. En utvandring af 
mujkor. Fiskeritidskr. Finl., 1898, 7, 
196. 1898.1 

Gunckel, John FE. Fish and fishing 

in Ohio. Trans. Amer. Fisheries Soc. 
1892 (1893), 15-21. 1893.1 




Gunckel, J. LE. 

The fish-culturist. Trans. Amer. 

Fisheries Soc. 1898 (1899), 93-99. 

Gundel, Emil Valdemar Peter. Aqua- 
riums-studier med indledning, angaa- 
ende faunaen i Frederiksberg Have og 
Sondermarken tilligemed en kort anvis- 
ning til at indrette et Ferskvandsakva- 
rium. Kjobenhavn, 1888. 20 p. 8°. 


Gunderlich, A. Die Fischvermeh- 
rung bis in’s Unendliche durch die 

kiinstliche Befruchtung des Rogens 
mittelst der Milch. 2. ed. Weimar, 
TS6L. VO py -Sipls: 12. 1861.1 

Gunn, James Alexander, & Jordan, 
David Starr. See Jordan & Gunn. 

Gunn, R.C. Notices accompanying 
a collection of quadrupeds and fish from 
Van Diemen’s Land, with notes and 
descriptions of the new species by J. E. 
Gray. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1838, 1, 
101-111. — Notizen (Froriep), 7, 113- 
118; Arch. Naturgesch., 2, p. 8.— 
Isis (Oken), 1844, 572-576. 1838.1 

Gunn, R. Marcus. On the embryol- 
ogy of the retina of teleosteans (Re- 
searches at St. Andrews marine labora- 
tory under the Fishery board for Scot- 
land) Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1888, 6. 
ser. 2, 263-268. 1888.1 

Gunn, Ronald, & Gray, J. E. See 
Gray & Gunn. 

Gunn, 7. FE. The sturgeon off 
Yarmouth. Zoologist, 1865, 23, 9470. 

A large specimen of the broad- 
nosed eel [Anguilla latirostris} Zoolo- 
gist, 1866, 2. ser. 1, 510. 1866.1 

Smooth-tailed stickleback (Gas- 
terosteus aculeatus] in Norfolk. Zoolo- 
gist, 1866, 2. ser. 1, 348-349. 1866.2 

Sturgeons off the coast of Nor- 
folk and Suffolk. Zoologist, 1866, 2. ser. 
1, 311-312; 510. 1866.3 

Variety of the perch. Zoologist, 
1866, 2. ser. 1, 510. 1866.4 

Notice of rare fishes occurring in 
Norfolk and Lothingland. Rept. Brit- 
ish Assoe. Adv. Sei., 38. meet., 1868 
(1869), 97-98. 1869.1 

Boar-fish (Capros aper) at East- 
Zoologist, 1879, 3. ser. 3, 307. 



f Monster bream (Abramis brama\ 
in Norfolk. Zoologist, 1879, 3. ser. 3, 
342-343. 1879.2 

Gunn, W., & McLeod, M.G. Re- 
port of ...Gunnand...McLeod..., 
appointed to enquire into the herring 
fishing industry of Great Britain and 
Holland. Ottawa, 1889. 4°. 1889.1 

Gunner, Johan Ernst [1718-1773] 
Nachricht vom Berglachs, welcher Cory- 

phenoides rupestris genannt werden 
kann. Drontheim. Gesell. Schrift., 
1761, 3, 43-50. 1761.1 

: Om Havy-katten. Det Trond- 
hiemske Selskabs Skrifter [Drontheim. 
Gesell. Schrift.) 1763, 1, 270. 1763.1 

Efterretning om berglaxen, en 
rar norsk fisk, som kunde kaldes Cory- 
phenoides rupestris. Drontheim. Gesell. 
Schrift., 1765, 3. 1765.1 

Vom gelben Hayfisch pScylliwm 
catulus} Drontheim. Gesell. Schrift., 
1766, 2, 216-219. pls. 1766.1 

Vom Haa-skierding (Carcharias} 
Drontheim. Gesell. Schrift., 1766, 2, 299 
—307. 2 pls. 1766.2 

Vom Haa-skierding (Somniosus 
brevipinna| Drontheim. Gesell. Schrift., 

1766, 2, 299. 1766.3 
Vom_ = Pristiurus _melastomus. 
Drontheim. Gesell. Schrift., 1766, 2, 
249. 1766.4 
Vom = schwarzen_Hayfish, 

sorthaae [Spinax niger) Drontheim. 

Gesell. Schrift., 1766, 2, 284-290. 2 

pls. 1766.5 

Vom sleep-marken (Myzine glu- 
tinosa} Drontheim. Gesell. Schrift., 
1766, 2, 230-236. pl. 1766.6 

Von der Seekatze (Chimera sp.} 

‘Drontheim. Gesell. Schrift., 1766, 2, 

248. 1766.7 

Beschreibung des Brugden [Se- 
lache maxima,  Drontheim. Gesell. 
Schrift., 1767, 3, 28-43. — Ibid., 1770, 
4, 13-33. 1767.1 

Vom Lachsstér, Scomber pela- 
gicus L. Drontheim. Gesell. Schrift., 
1770, 4, 80-81. figs. 1770.1 

Von einem jungen Haybrand 
(Squalus sp. L.) Drontheim. Gesell. 
Schrift., 1770, 4, 1-12. figs. 1770.2 

Guppy, //. B. Note on the pearly 
organs of Scopelus. Ann. Mag. Nat. 
Hist., 1882, 5. ser. 9, 202-204. ° 1882.1 


Gupta, K. G. Extract from the 
final report of the 27th January, 1908, 
regarding fishery matters. Coll. Papers 
Fish. Surv. Bengal, 1911, 10-18. 1911.1 

Extract from the letter No. 2506, 
dated 25th August, 1910, from the gov- 
ernment of Bengal to the government 
of India, reporting on fishery investiga- 
tions in Bengal. Coll. Papers Fish. 
Surv. Bengal, 1911, 89-90. 1911.2 

Extract from the preliminary 
report of the 20th February, 1907, on 
the fisheries of Bengal. Coll. Papers 
Fish Surv. Bengal, 1911, 1-9. 1911.3 

Gurewitsch, M.J. Ueber die Form 
der Nervenelemente der Kleinhirnrinde 
verschiedener Vertebraten. Neurol. 
Centralbl., 1905, 24. Jahrg., 54-64. 8 
figs. 1905.1 

Gurley, Revere Randolph. On the 
classification of the Myxosporidia, a 
group of protozoan parasites infesting 
fishes. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1891 
(1893), 11, 407-420. 1893.1 

The Myxosporidia, or psoro- 
sperms of fishes, and the epidemics pro- 
duced by them. Rept. U.S. Fish Comm. 
1892 (1894), 18, 65-304. 47pls. 1894.1 

— The habits of fishes. Amer. 
Journ. Psychol., 1902, 13, 408-425. 

Gurney, John Henry. Note on the 
piscivorous propensities of the common 
carp. Zoologist, 1860, 18,7052. 1860.1 

— Occurrence of the swordfish on 
the Norfolk coast. Zoologist, 1861, 19, 
7819. 1861.1 

Salmon in the river Coquet in 
the last century. Zoologist, 1874, 2. ser. 
9, 4160. 1874.1 

Large pike (46 inches long} 
Zoologist, 1875, 2. ser. 10, 4574. 1875.1 

— Sun-fish at Overstrand in Nor- 
folk. Zoologist, 1875, 2. ser. 10, 4725. 

Swordfish on the Norfolk coast. 
Zoologist, 1879, 3. ser. 3, 342. 1879.1 

Gurney, Joseph John. Description 
of fish market at Santa Cruz. Ann. 
Mag. Nat. Hist., 1840, 6, 328. 1840.1 

Gustafsson, Hugo. Smirre medde- 
landen om fiskerif6rhallandena i skilda 



delar i vart land. Utdrag ur Arsberit- 
telse afgifven af fiskerif6reningens om- 
budsman i Salo for 1896. Fiskeritidskr. 
Finl., 1897, 6, 35-36. 1897.1 

Guthke, Hrnst. Embryologische Stu- 
dien iiber die Ganglien und Nerven des 
Kopfes von Torpedo ocellata. Jena. 
Zeitschr. Naturw., 1906, 42, 1-60. 3 
pls. & 7 figs. 1906.1 

Guthrie, A new geographical, 
historical and commercial grammar, etc. 

Philadelphia, 1815. 1815.1 
Fishes of the United States, p. 360. 
Gutmann, Ergebnisse der fiirst- 

lichen fiirstenbergischen Hoffischerei, 
Donaueschingen. Landw. Correspbl. 
Carlsruhe, 1861. 1861.1 

Gutmann, C. A. B. Wetterfische, 
Laubfrésche, Blutegel und Spinnen, 
die sichersten Wetterverkiindiger. Be- 
schreibung dieser Thiere und Anweisung 
zu der Behandlung der Goldfische. 
Leipzig, 1842. pl. 16°. 1842.1 

Gutzén, H. J. Om fiskeriférhal- 
landena e. Kuusamo.  Fiskeritidskr. 
Finl., 1895, 4, 47. 1895.1 

Guyénot, Emile. Contribution a 
l’étude anatomique et physiologique de 
la vessie natatoire des cyprinidés. Inaug. 
Dissert., Jena, 1906. 61 p. Abstract in 
C. R. Mém. Soe. Biol. Paris, 58, 794— 
795. — Mém. Soe. Hist. Nat., Besancon, 
p. 39. 1906.1 

Les fonctions de la vessie nata- 
toire des poissons téléostéens. Bull. 
Scient. France Belgique, 1909, 43, 203-— 
296. pl. & 4 figs. 1909.1 

Le role hydrostatique de la vessie 
natatoire des poissons. La Nature, 
1912, 40, pt. 2, 22-25. 4 figs. 1912.1 

Guyon, George [1825?-1878] The 
thresher or fox shark [Alopecias vulpes) 
at Ventnor. Zoologist, 1865, 23, 9630. 


Curative powers of the tench. 
Zoologist, 1867, 2. ser. 2, 563. 1867.1 

Guyon, Joseph, & Perrier, Léon. See 
Perrier & Guyon. 

Gysi, H., & Luchsinger, B. Ueber 
das Verhalten der Aal-Iris gegen ver- 
schiedenfarbiges Licht. Centrbl. Med. 
Wissensch., 1879, 7, 691-692. 1879.1 


H. Norfolk fish market. Forest & 
Stream, 1876, 7, 252. 1876.1 
Salmon in Cayuga lake. Forest 

& Stream, 1877, 9, 345. 1877.1 

Salmon in New Jersey. 
& Stream, 1877, 8, 207. 1877.2 

Aalméinnchen im_ Siisswasser. 
Allgem. Fischerei Zeitg., 1893, 18, no. 21, 
321-324. 1893.1 

H., A. Forellen als Vegetarianer. 
Mitth. Fischereiwesen Miinchen, 1876, 
1. Jahrg., 6-7. 1876.1 

H., A. Rare fishes (Torpedo fairchildi, 
Carcharodon?} New Zealand Journ. Sei. = 

1883, 1, 465-466. Jbid., 2, 127-128. 

H., A. R. The fisheries and other re- 
sources of Alaska. Chicago Field, 1879, 
10, 395. 1879.1 

H., C. F. Courtship in lower life. 
Amer. Sportsman, 1874, 4, 151. 1874.1 

The devil fish. Amer. Sports- 
man, 1874, 3, 374. 1874.2 

Marine monsters of tradition 


and fact. Forest & Stream, 1878, 11, 
154-155. 1878.1 

H., D.L. Fossil fishes. Amer. Journ. 
Sci., 1838, 34, 198-200. 1838.1 

H., F. The New York aquarium. 
Forest & Stream, 1876, 7, 83. 1876.1 

H., H.T. Yellow perch as black bass 
food. Amer. Angler, 1884, 6, 182. 

H., J. Giftige Fische. Deutsch. 
Fischerei Zeitg., 1879, 2, 374-375. 

H., J. D. Fish protection in Tennes- 
see. Forest & Stream, 1879, 12, ee 


Success in Tennessee in fish pro- 

Forest & Stream, 1879, 13, 



Tennessee shad and 
Forest & Stream, 1879, 12, 185. 

—— Fish culture and protection in 
Tennessee. Forest & Stream, 1880, 13, 
1005. 1880.1 

German carp in Tennessee. 
Forest & Stream, 1880, 15, 366. 1880.2 

H., L. Hajfiskefangst paa Sydhay- 
soerne. Fra alle Lande, 1876, 1, 418— 
423. 1876.1 

H., S. L. A big sturgeon and its 
parasites. Forest & Stream, 1879, 12, 
15. 1879.1 

H., 7. W. Changes of color in fish. 
Forest & Stream, 1876, 7, 2. 1876.1 

H., (Dr.) W. Der gefleckte Faden- 
wels (Pinoleus maculatus Cuv.) Blatt. 
Aquar.-Terrar. Freunde, 1899, 10. 
Jahrg., 217. 1899.1 

H., W.M. Artificial hatching of eels. 
Chicago Field, 1879, 12, 21. 1879.1 

Haack, Hermann. Die Kaiserliche 
Fischzucht-Anstalt bei St. Louis. Landw. 
& Forstw. Zeitg. Prov. Preussen, 1871, 
no. 28, 29-31. 1871.1 

Kiinstliche Zucht der Forellen. 
Landw. & Forstw. Zeitg. Prov. Preus- 
sen, 1871, no. 41. 1871.2 

Mittheilungen iiber die Fisch- 
zucht-Anstalt zu Hiimingen.  Circul. 
Deutsch. Fischerei Ver., 1871, 1. Jahrg., 
no. 5, 41-48. 1871.3 

Bericht iiber die Thitigkeit 
der Kaiserlichen Fischzucht-Anstalt zu 
Hiinigen im Elsass wihrend des Be- 
triebsjahres 1871-72. Cireul. Deutsch. 
Fischerei Ver., 1872, 1. Jahrg., no. 10, 
245-258. 1872.1 

Eine Fischzuchtanstalt in der 
Normandie. Landw. Zeitg. Cube 
1872, 21 (n. s. 9), 382-385. 1872.2 

Die rationelle Fischzucht; eine- 
kurzgefasste Anleitung fiir den prakti- 
schen Fischziichter. Leipzig, 1872. 86 
D:eoire 1872.3 

Mittheilungen iiber die Wirk- 
samkeit der Fischzucht-Anstalt in Hiin- 

<0 a 


ingen im Elsass in den Jahren 1872-73 
und 1873-74. Circul. Deutsch. Fische- 
rei Ver. 1874 (1875), 1. Jahrg., no. 6, 
235-237. 1875.1 

—— Die Einfiihrung von Aalen in das 
Donaugebiet nebst Bemerkungen iiber 
Acclimatisirung anderer  Fischarten. 
Mitth. Fischereiwesen, Miinchen, 1877, 
2. Jahrg., 33-35. 1877.1 

Ueber Fischzucht und Fischerei. 
Ber. Fischerei Ver. Prov. Preussen, 
1877, no. 2, 12-14. 1877.2 

Aussetzen von Felchen (Core- 
gonus}] im Tegernsee. Circul. Deutsch. 
Fischerei Ver. 1877 (1878), 1. Jahrg., 
no. 2, 23-25. 1878.1 

—— Bericht iiber das Resultat des 
An- und Ausbrutungsgeschiftes von 
Coregonen- und Aescheneiern wihrend 
des Betriebsfahres 1877-78 in der 
Kaiserlichen Fischzuchtanstalt zu Hii- 
ningen. Circul. Deutsch. Fischerei Ver., 
1878, 1. Jahrg., no. 5, 115-119. 1878.2 

Bericht itiber den Transport 
angebriiteter Ejier des  californischen 
Lachses Salmo quinnat von Californien 
nach Europa. . . . Cireul. Deutsch. Fi- 
scherei Ver. 1877 (1878), 1. Jahrg., no. 7, 
200-204. 1878.3 

—— Bericht iiber Empfangnahme 
und Vertheilung der californische Lach- 
seier. Circul. Deutsch. Fischerei Ver., 
1878, 1. Jahrg., no. 7, 149-151. 1878.4 

Betriebresultate zu Hiiningen. 
Cireul. Deutsch. Fischerei Ver. 1877 
(1878), 1. Jahrg., no. 6, 162-164. 1878.5 

Richtige Forellen-Namen 
(Salmo) Circul. Deutsch. Fischerei Ver. 
1877 (1878), 1. Jahrg., no. 4, 121-123. 


Die transportable Brutanstalt. 
Cireul. Deutsch. Fischerei Ver. 1877 
(1878), 1. Jahrg., no..5, 120-121. 1878.7 

Ueber den Transport von Edel- 
fischeiern auf sehr weite Entfernungen. 
Cireul. Deutsch. Fischerei Ver. 1877 
(1878), 2. Jahrg., no. 1, 5-7. 1878.8 

Ueber die An- und Ausbriitung 
von Coregonen. Circul. Deutsch. Fi- 
scherei Ver. 1877 (1878), 2. Jahrg., no. 
1, 9-10. 1878.9 


Ueber die Befruchtung von Sal- 
moniden-Hiern. Circul. Deutsch. Fi- 
scherei Ver. 1877 (1878), 2. Jahrg., no. 
1, 8-9. 1878.10 



Die Acclimatisirung des Aales 
im Donaugebiete. Bayer. Fischerei 
Zeitg., 1879, 4. Jahrg., 24-25.— Oesterr.- 
ungar. Fischerei Zeitg., 1880, 65. 1879.1 

Die Aufgabe der Fischziichter 
im Donaugebiete. Circul. Deutsch. 
Fischerei Zeitg., 1879, 2. Jahrg., no. 2, 
214; 221-222; 232-233. 1879.2 

Aus einem Vortrage iiber die 
Aufgabe der Fischziichter im Donau- 
Gebiet. Circul. Deutsch. Fischerei Ver., 
1879, 2. Jahrg., no. 4, 118-120. 1879.3 

Aussetzung junger Rhein- und 
Californischer-Lachse in das Quellgebiet 
der Mosel. Cireul. Deutsch. Fischerei 
Ver., 1879, 2. Jahrg., no. 4, 115-118. 


Die Einfiihrung von Aalbrut in 
deutsche Gewiisser. Circul. Deutsch. 
Fischerei Zeitg., 1879, 2. Jahrg., no. 1, 
65-66. 1879.5 

Die feuchte Anbriitung von Sal- 
moniden und von Coregonen-Eiern. 
Circul. Deutsch. Fischerei Ver., 1879, 2. 
Jahrg., no. 1, 17—20. 1879.6 

Ueberfiihrung von Blaufelchen 
und Madue-Mariinen an den Bodensee 
und an den Schliersee. Circul. Deutsch. 
Fischerei Ver. 1878 (1879), 2. Jahrg., 

no. 2, 59-62. 1879.7 

Vorziige und Miangel des Eis- 
Brutapparates. Circul. Deutsch. Fi- 
scherei Ver., 1879, 2. Jahrg., no. 4, 118— 
120. 1879.8 

Ausbriitung u. s. w. von Madue- 
Mariinen-Eiern. Cireul. Deutsch. 

Fischerei Ver. 1879 (1880), 2. Jahrg., 
no. 6, 247-248. — Oesterr.-ungar. Fi- 
scherei Zeitg., 1880, 52. 1880.1 

Behandlung der ausgeschliipften 
jungen Salmoniden und Coregonen bis 
zu ihrer volligen Entwicklung und das 
Aussetzen derselben. Circul. Deutsch. 
Fischerei Ver., 1880, 2. Jahrg., no. 1, 15— 
20. 1880.2 

Bericht iiber das im Jahre 1880 
erfolgte Aussetzen von 50,000 jungen 
Rheinlachsen in das Gebiet der Mosel. 
Circul. Deutsch. Fischerei Ver., 1880, 2. 
Jahrg., no. 4, 86. 1880.3 

Einfithrung der amerikanischen 
Forelle, Salmo fontinalis, in Deutsch- 
land. Cireul. Deutsch. Fischerei Ver., 
1880, e2evahres mo, 6) el87—189° —— 
Oesterr.-ungar. Fischerei Zeitg., 1880, 
375-376. 1880.4 


Haack, H. 

Einiges iiber die Zucht der Sal- 
moniden in geschlossenen Raédmen. 
Circul. Deutsch. Fischerei Ver., 1880, 
2. Jahrg., no. 1, 5—15. 1880.5 

Die Fortpflanzungsfihigkeit der 
Bastarde. Oesterr.-ungar. Fischerei 
Zeitg., 1880, p. 59. 1880.6 

Quellwasser oder Bachwasser? 
Oesterr.-ungar. Fischerei Zeitg., 1880, 
35-37. 1880.7 

Rationelle | Wasserwirthschaft. 
Oesterr.-ungar. Fischerei Zeitg., 1880, 
9-3: 11-12. 1880.8 

Der Saibling, auch Salbling, 
Ritter, Rétheli,Rothforelle und Schwanz- 
reuterl, am Starnbergersee Lachs ge- 
nannt, Salmo salvelinus oder Salmo 
umbla. Cireul. Deutsch. Fischerei Ver. 
1879 (1880), 1. Jahrg., no. 6, 258-260. — 
Oesterr.-ungar. Fischerei Zeitg., 1880, 
51-52. 1880.9 

A German view of the American 
section in the Berlin fishery exhibition. 
Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1881 (1882), 
1, 57-58. 1882.1 

Raising salmonoids in inclosed 
waters. Rept. U.S. Fish Comm. 1879 
(1882), 7, 675-685. 1882.2 

— Treatment of young salmonoids 
and Coregoni from the time they leave 
the egg till they are fully developed and 
can be placed in open waters. Rept. 
U. S. Fish Comm. 1879 (1882), 7, 687— 
693. 1882.3 

Lachsbastarde auf der Schwei- 
zerischen Fischerei-Ausstellung in Zii- 
rich. Allgem. Fischerei Zeitg., 1894, 19, 
280-281. 1894.1 

Die Kaiserliche Fischzuchtan- 
stalt bei Hiiningen im Elsass. Allgem. 
Fischerei Zeitg., 1904, 29. Jahrg., 401— 
405; 422-426; 442-446. 1904.1 

Haacke, Johann Wilhelm. Diagno- 
sen zweier bemerkenswerther siidau- 
stralischer Fische. Zool. Anz., 1885, 
8, 508-509. 1885.1 

Ueber eine neue Art uterinaler 
Brutpflege bei Wirbelthieren. Zool. 
Anz., 1885, 8, 488-490. 1885.2 

Ueber Helotis scotus und Eimer’s 
Theorie der Thierzeichnungen. Zool. 
Anz., 1885, 8, 507-508. 1885.3 

Bastardirung der Forelle durch 
den Bachsaibling. Allgem. Fischerei 
Zeitg., 1893, 18, no. 14, 210. 1893.1 



20 pls. 

Die Entwickelung der Fischerei 
und Fischzucht wihrend des letzten 
Vierteljahrhunderts. Allgem. Fische- 
rei Zeitg., 1901, 26, 135-141. 1901.1 

Ueber Mundhoéhlendrusen bei 

Pepale & Vienna, 1893. 557 p. 

Petromyzonten. Zeitschr. Wiss. Zool., 
1903, 75, 112-146. 2 pls. 1903.1 
Haas, Hippolyt Julius [1855 —] 

Eine Beobachtung beziehungsweise des 
Urinierens bei Fischen (Forellenbarsch, 
Grystes (Micropterus| salmoides) Freie 
Hefte Naturwiss. Mitth., Leipzig, 1908, 
no. 3, 1-2. 1908.1 

Einiges iiber Gasterosteide. 
Wochenschr. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 
1908, 5. Jahrg., 206-207. 1908.2 

Mitteilungen iiber Acara ceru- 
leopunctata. Wochenschr. Aquar.-Ter- 
rar. Kunde, 1908, 5. Jahrg., 245-246. 


Haase, Carl. Allgemeine Bemerkun- 
gen uber die Entwickelung und die 
Stammgeschichte der Wirbelsiule. Anat. 
Anz., 1892, 8, 288-289. Abstract in 
Journ. Roy. Micr. Soc., 1893, 304. 


Haase, Erich [1857-1894] Beobach- 
tungen iiber fliegende Fische. Zool. 
Anz., 1892, 15, 26. 1892.1 

Haast, (Sir) Johann Franz Julius von 
[1822-1887] Notes on some unde- 
scribed fishes of New Zealand. Trans. 
New Zealand Instit., 1873, 5, 272-278. 
pl. 1873.1 

On Cheimarrichthys forsteri, a 
new genus belonging to the New Zealand 
freshwater fishes. Trans. New Zealand 
Instit., 1874, 6, 103-104. pl. 1874.1 

On the occurrence of Lamna 
cornubica, porbeagle shark Flem., the 
Mako of the Maoris, in New Zealand. 
Trans. New Zealand Instit., 1875, 7, 
237-238. 1875.1 

On the occurrence of Leptoce- 
phalus longirostris Kaup, on the coast of 
New Zealand. Trans. New Zealand 
Instit., 1875, 7, 238. 1875.2 

Sur le Cheimarrichthys forsteri, 
nouveau genre de poissons propre aux 

eaux de la Nouvelle-Zélande. Journ. 
Zool. (Gervais), 1875, 4, 428. 1875.3 

Die Schépfung der Tierwelt. © 


a Sa a 


Notes on Regalecus pacificus, a 
new species of ribbon-fish from the New 
Zealand sea. ‘Trans. New Zealand 
Instit. 1877 (1878), 10, 246-250. ae ; 

Habbard, W./F. Report of the sal- 
mon-hatching operations in 1878, at the 
Clackamar hatchery. Rept. U.S. Fish 
Comm. 1878 (1880), 6, 771-772. 1880.1 

Habberton, John. First families of 
the Atlantic. Harper’s Monthly Mag., 
1880, 60, 284-289. 1880.1 

On the cod, mackerel and-the herring. 

Habersham, William Ney A. Note 
on the use of the male salmon hook and 
the run of 1883. Bull. U.S. Fish Comm. 
1884, 4, 52. 1884.1 

Haddon, Alfred Cort [1855 —] Sug- 
gestion respecting the epiblastic origin 
of segmental duct. Proc. Roy. Dublin 
Soc., 1886-87, n. s. 5, 463-471. 1886.1 

Survey of fishing grounds, west 
coast of Ireland, 1890-1891. Introduc- 
tory note. Proc. Roy. Dublin Soc., 
1892, n.s. 7, 221-224. 1892.1 

Haddon, Alfred Cort, & Bridge, 7. 
W. See Bridge & Haddon. 

Hadfield, Henry. Basking shark 
pSelache maxima) off Shanklin Chine, 
_ isle of Wight. Zoologist, 1875, 2. ser. 
10, 4415-4418. 1875.1 

On the flight of the flying-fish. 
Zoologist, 1881, 3. ser. 5, 68-69. 1881.1 

Haeckel, Ernst Heinrich Philipp 
August [1834—] Zur Phylogenie der 
australischen Fauna. Systematische 
Einleitung (In Semon, R. Zoologische 
Forschungsreisen in Australien und 
dem Malayischen Archipel . . . ausge- 
fiihrt in den Jahren 1891-1893 von Dr. 
Richard Semon, vol. i, pt. 1, i-xxiv. 
Jena, 1893) 1893.1 

Systematische Phylogenie der 
Wirbelthiere (Vertebrata) Dritter 
Theil des Entwurfs einer systematischen 
Stammesgeschichte. Berlin, 1895. xx, 
660 p. 8°. 1895.1 

Festschrift zum siebzigsten Ge- 

burtstage von Ernst Haeckel... . Jena, 

1904. 16 pls. & 109 figs. 1904.1 
See Goeppert, E.— 1904.1 

Alte und neue Naturgeschichte. 
Festrede . . . an die Universitat Jena 
am 30. Juli 1908. Jena, 1908. 32 p. 
igs 1908.1 

Verzeichnis der Druckschriften von Ernst 
Haeckel, p. 27-32. 



Haeckel, Ernst Heinrich Philipp 
August, & others. Festschrift zum sie- 
benzigsten Geburtstage von Carl Gegen- 
baur am 21. August 1896. 3 vols. 
Leipzig, 1896-97. illust. 4°. 1896.1 

Vol. i. Die Brustflosse der Crossopterygier, 
von H. Klaatsch. 133 p. 4 pls. 
Vol. iii. Der Ursprung der Vagusgruppe bei 
den Teleostiern, von B. Haller. 57 p. 4 pls. 
Jol. iii. [Das Exkretionssystem der Myxinoi- 
den in seiner Bedeutung fiir die morphologische 
Auffassung des Urogenitalsystems der Wirbel- 
thiere, von R. Semon. 26 p. 2 pls. 

Vol. ini. [Ueber die spino-occipitalen Nerven 
der Selachier und Holocephalen und ihre ver- 
gleichende Morphologie, von M. Fiirbringer. 
440 p. 8pls. 

Hafeli, Archivarische Nach- 
richt von einem monstrésen Karpfen. 
Mag. Physik Naturk. (Voigt), 1802, 4 


463-464. 1802.1 
Hallstrom, Robert. Die Fischerei- 
Verhiltnisse im Jahre 1901 in dem 

Skaren von Ing4 und Degerby in Nyland 
[Text in Swedish} Fiskeritidskr. Finl., 
1902, 11, 89-90. 1902.1 

Hammerle, Ludwig. Anatomie der 
Brustflosse von Periophthalmus kroel- 
reutert. Ber. Naturw. Gesell. Freiburg 
i. B., 1897, 10, 20-32. fig. 1897.1 

Haemmerle, Otto. Beschreibung zu 
dem von ihm construirten selbstwirken- 
den Fisch-Transportwagen und Trag- 
bitte. Cuireul. Deutsch. Fischerei Ver. 
1874 (1875), 1. Jahrg., no. 2, 91-97. 


Selbstthaitige Vorrichtung zum 
Fiittern der Forellen in kiinstlichen 
Fischzuchts-Anstalten. Osterr. Landw. 
Wochen. Wien, 1876, 2. Jahrg., no. 12, 
134. 1876.1 

Haempel, Oskar. Die hiaufigsten 
Parasiten unserer Fische aus der Gruppe 
der Wiirmer und niederen Krebse. 
Wien, 1907. 12 figs. 1907.1 

Ueber die sogenannte Kauplatte 
der Cyprinoiden. Inaug. Dissert. Stutt- 
gart, 1907. 22p. pl. 1907.2 

Mitteilungen der Teichwirt- 
schaftlichen Versuchsstation in Frauen- 
berg. Osterr. Fisch. Gesell. Wien, 1908. 
35 p. 2 figs. 1908.1 

Die Schlundknochenmuskulatur 
der Cyprinoiden und ihre Funktion. 
Zool. Jahrb. (Abth. Anat.), 1908, 27, 
95-102. pl. 1908.2 

Ueber die sogenannte Kauplatte 
der Cyprinoiden. Ber. Kgl. Biol. Ver- 
suchsstat. Miinchen, 1908, 1, 1-21. pl. 
& 7 figs. 1908.3 


Haempel, 0. 

Einiges zur Anatomie und 
Physiologie der Schwimmblase beim 
Aal und den Renken. Oéesterr-ungar. 
Fischerei Zeitg., 1909, 6, 219-220.— 
Zool. Anz., 34, 381-384. 1909.1 

— Ueber das Wachstum des Hu- 
chens (Salmo hucho L.) Ein Beitrag 
zur Altersbestimmung der Teleostier. 
Intern. Rev. Hydrobiol. & Hydrogr., 
1910, 3, 136-155. 3 pls. 1910.1 

Zur Frage des H6rvermégens 
der Fische. Intern. Rev. Hydrobiol. & 
Hydrogr., 1911, 4, 315-326. — Natur, 
8, 169-176. 1911.1 

Leitfaden der Biologie der Fische. 
Stuttgart, 1912. 180p. 55figs. 1912.1 

—— Teichwirtschaftliche Streitfra- 
gen. Oesterr-ungar. Fischerei Zeitg., 
1912, 9. 1912.2 

Haempel, Oskar, & Hilzheimer, VV. 
See Hilzheimer & Haempel. 

Hanig, Kurt. Pflege und Zucht von 

Danio rerio. | Wochenschr. Aquar.- 
Terrar. Kunde, 1912, 9. Jahrg., 224- 
225., pl: 1912.1 

Hapke, L. Ichthyologische Beitrige. 
Bremen, 1876. 8°. 1876.1 

Ichthyologische Beitraige. I. 
Zur Entdeckungsgeschichte der kiinst- 
lichen Fischzucht. IJ. Zur Kenntniss 

der Fischfauna des Wesergebiets. Circ. 
Deutsch. Fischerei-Ver., 1877, 102-107. 

Fische und Fischerei im Weser- 
gebeite (Zweiter Beitrag) Abh. Naturw. 
Ver. Bremen, 1878, 5, 157-192. 1878.1 

Ichthyologische Beitraige. Fische 
und Fischerei im Wesergebiete. Abh. 
Naturw. Ver. Bremen, 1880, 6, 577-616. 

Gezeichnete Lachse. Beitr. Na- 

turw. Ver. Bremen, 1895, 1, 39-42. 

Die Lachsfischerei in der Weser. 
Abh. Naturw. Ver. Bremen, 1896, 13, 3. 
Heft, 477-482. 1896.1 

Ueber das Weserwehr und seine 

Fischpiisse. Verh. Deutsch. Zool. Ges., 
1913, 23. Vers., 195-197. 1913.1 
Hayrén, Ernst. Lingszonerna i 

Geogr. Féren. Tidskr., 

ekends skargard. 
1900, 222-234. 



Haffner, Carl. Junge Aale. Wo- 
chenschr. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1911, 
8. Jahrg., 619-620. — fig. 1911.1 

Der Panzerwels. Blatt. Aquar.- 
Terrar. Kunde, 1911, 22. Jahrg., 825- 
828. fig. 1911.2 

—— Der Schlammbeisser. Wochen- 
schr. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1911, 8. 
Jahrg., 776-778. fig. 1911.3 

Einiges vom Zwergwels. Wo- 
chenschr. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1912, 
9. Jahrg., 123-124. fig. 1912.1 

Der Hecht im Aquarium. Blatt. 
Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1912, 23. Jahrg., 
206-208. fig. 1912.2 

Die Hundsfische. Wochenschr. 
Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1912, 9. Jahre, 
349-350. fig. 1912.3 

Eine Kreuzung zwischen Xipho- 
phorus helleri var. giintheri und Platy- 
pecilus maculatus var. pulchra. Blatt. 
Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1912, 23. Jahrg., 
595-596. 2 figs. 1912.4 

Lebensweise und Fang des He- 

rings. | Wochenschr. Aquar.-Terrar. 
Kunde, 1912, 9. Jahrg., 443-445; 458— 
459. 1912.5 

Nochmals die Kreuzung 

zwischen Xiphophorus strigatus Regan 
(Xiph. helleri var. giintheri) & mit 
Platypecilus maculatus var. pulchra 9 . 
Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1913, 24. 
Jahrg., 533-535. 5 figs. 1913.1 

Hagelberg, Johan. Omituisesta lois- 
madosta Keiteleen Salakoissa. Luon- 
non Ystiva, 1898, 2, 56-57. 1898.1 

Hagemann, ——, & Nolke, —— 
See Nolke & Hagemann. 

Hagenow, Karl Friedrich von [1797- 

1865] Fisch und Vogel. Arch. Ver. 
Freunde Naturgesch. Mecklenburg, 
1860, 14. Jahrg., 453-454. 1860.1 

Goldammer im Magen eines Hechtes. 

Hagmann, Gottfried. Acanthicus 
hystrix Spix, aus dem unteren Amazonas. 
Zool. Anz., 1901, 24, 173-175. 1901.1 

Weiterer Beitrag zu Acanthicus 
hystrix aus dem unteren Amazonas. 
Zool. Anz., 1902, 25, 414-421. figs. 


Hagstrém, Carl P. Utdrag utaf esbo 
sockns beskrifning i Nyland (In Lein- 
berg, Bidrag till kiainnedomen 
af vart land. Jyvaskyla, 1885, 75-82. 
8°) 1885.1 




Utdrag utaf hellsing sockns 
beskrifning uti Nyland och Borg’ Hirad 
(In Leinberg, Bidrag till kanne- 
domen af vart land. Jyviaskyli, 1885, 
59-74. 8°) 1885.2 

Hahn, Walter L. Notes on the 
mammals and cold-blooded vertebrates 
of the Indiana University farm, Mitch- 
ell, Indiana. Proc. U. 8S. Nat. Mus., 
1908, 35, 545-581. 1908.1 

Haight, Maz. Fish in the Chemung. 
Forest & Stream, 1877, 9, 23. 1877.1 

Hailstone, Hdwin. Fish-disease in 
the bream, at Walton hall. Naturalist, 
Hudersfield, 1877-78, n. s. 3, 170. 1877.1 

Haime, Jules [1824-1856] La pisci- 
culture. Revue des Deux Mondes, 1854, 
2, 306-333. 1854.1 

Pisciculture. Freie Ueberset- 
zung und Bearbeitung des Aufsatzes von 
Jules Haime ‘‘ La Pisciculture in der 
Revue des Deux Mondes vom Juni, 
1854. Uebersetzt von Friedrich Kirch- 
meister. Allgem. Deutsch. Naturhist. 
Zeitg., 1855, 1. 1855.1 

Pisciculture [translated by Ga- 
maliel Bradford] (Appended to Marsh, 
G.P. Report on the artificial propaga- 
tion of fish, p. 10-40. Burlington, 1857. 
8°) : 1857.1 

Reprinted in 1874 with the title, “‘ The history 
of ae in Europe from its earlier records 
to sist 

The history of fish-culture in 
Europe from its earlier records to 1854. 
Rept. U.S. Fish Comm. 1872-73 (1874), 
2, 465-492. 1874.1 

Originally published in 1857 under the title, 
“ Pisciculture.”’ 

Haime, Jules, Milner, James Wood, 
Hessel, Rudolf, & others. See Milner, 
Haime, Hessel «& others. 

Halbertsma, Hidde  Justuszoon, 
[1820-1865] Normaal en abnormaal 
hermaphroditismus bij de visschen. 
Versl. Akad. Wet. Amsterdam, Wis. Nat. 
Afd., 1864, 16, 165-178. pl. 1864.1 

Halbfass, Wilhelm. Nochmals die 
Madiiemarine. Fischerei Zeitg., 1901, 
4, 72-73. 1901.1 

Die wissenschaftliche und wirt- 
schaftliche Bedeutung limnologischer 
Landesanstalten. Verh. Deutsch. Geo- 
graphentag., Berlin, 1901, 18, 248-261. 

; Fischerei und Wissenschaft. 
Fischerei Zeitg., 1902, 6, 49-51. 1902.1 

Halcyon (pseudon.) Eels construct- 
ing dams. Torest & Stream, 1877, 8, 145 

Haldeman, Samuel Stehman [1812- 
1880] Description of two new species of 
the genera Perca, from the Susque- 
hannah river. Journ. Acad. Nat. Sei. 
Philad., 1839-42, p. 330. 1839.1 

Percina bimaculata, n. sp. from 
Susquehanna. Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. 
Hist. 1841-44 (1844), 1, 157. 1844.1 

Haldenwang, A. Forderung der 
Fischzucht. Wochenbl. Landw. Ver. 
Baden, 1878, 170-171. 1878.1 

Die Fischeculturanstalt Gaesbach 
bei Baden. Circul. Deutsch. Fische- 
rel Zeitg., 1879, 2. Jabrg., 196-197. — 
Wochenbl. Landw. Ver. Baden, 1880, 

75-76. 1879.1 
Jahresbericht der Fischeultur- 
anstalt Gaesbach bei Baden. Oéesterr.- 

ungar. Fischerei Zeitg., 1880, 52-53. 

Zur Fiitterung von Edelfischen 
in Teichen. Circul. Deutsch. Fischerei 
Zeitg., 1880, 3. Jahrg., 354. — Erste 
Oesterr.-ungar. Fischerei Zeitg., 1880, 
141-142. 1880.2 

Hale, Thomas. The complete body of 
husbandry. 1758. 1758.1 

Haleutica (pseudon.) Curiosities of 
carp history. Fish. Gazette, 1878, n. s. 
2, no. 58, 257-258. 1878.1 

Halford, Frederic M. Floating flies 
and how to dress them; a treatise on the 
most modern methods of dressing arti- 
ficial flies for trout and grayling, with 
full illustrated directions, and containing 
ninety hand-coloured engravings of the 
most killing patterns. Together with 
a few hints to dry-fly fishermen. Lon- 
don, 1886. 10 pls. 8°. 1886.1 

— Making a London, 

1895. 8°. 1895.1 

The salmon question. Mag. 
Sports & Pastimes (Baily), 1900, 74, 82— 
86. 1900.1 

The dry-fly man’s handbook. 
A complete manual, including the fisher- 
man’s entomology and the making and 
management of a fishery. London, 
1913. 416p. 8°. 1913.1 

Haliburton, Thomas Chandler (1797— 
1865] An historical and _ statistical 





Haliburton, 7. C. t 
account of Nova Scotia. Hali- 
fax, 1829. 1829.1 
Se emis oi vol. i, 188; 194; 197; 206; 221; 253; 

2 vols. 

Halkett, Andrew. List of fishes col- 
lected in Hudson bay and straits during 
the season of 1897, 8. 8. “ Diana” Ex- 
pedition, 30. Ann. Rept. Dept. Marine 
«& Fish., Ottawa, 1897. 1897.1 

An African dipnoid fish (Pro- 
topterus annectens) Ottawa Naturalist, 
1901, 15, 184-187. 1901.1 

Observations of animals native 
in the Algonquin national park. Ottawa 
Naturalist, 1902, 16, 155-161. 1902.1 

Fishes, p. 158-160. 

Preliminary report upon the 
animal life observed during the S. 8. 
‘Neptune’ Expedition to the Hudson 
bay and Arctic regions, 1903-04. 37. 
Ann. Rept. Dept. Marine & Fish., Ot- 
tawa, 1904, xlvi—xlix. 1904.1 

A naturalist in the frozen north. 
Ottawa Naturalist, 1905, 19, 107. 

Contains mention of fishes. 

Report of the Canadian fisheries 
museum. 38. Ann. Rept. Dept. Marine 
& Fish., Ottawa, 1905, 362-370. 1905.3 

— Natural history report. 41. 
Ann. Rept. Dept. Marine & Fish., Ot- 
tawa, 1907-08, 306-310. 42. Ann. Rept., 
1909-10, 386-394. 43. Ann. Rept., 
1910-11, 368-397. 44.. Ann. Rept., 
1911-12, 417-420. 1907.1 

Note on the European carp. 
Ottawa Naturalist, 1907, 21,71. 1907.2 

Some curious facts about fishes. 
Ottawa Naturalist, 1907, 20, 229-235. 

Investigations as to the destruc- 
tion wrought among lobsters in the 
areas of water lying between Cape Sable 
island and Seal island, Nova Scotia, by 
the barn-door skate (In his Natural 
history report. 44. Ann. Rept. Dept. 
Marine & Fish., Ottawa, 1910-11, 417— 
420) 1910.1 

The readjustment of the Cana- 
dian fisheries museum. (In his Natural 
history report. 44. Ann. Rept. Dept. 
Marine & Fish., Ottawa, 1910-11, 417— 
420) 1910.2 

Check-list of the fishes of the 
Dominion of Canada and Newfoundland. 
Ottawa, 1913. 1388 p. 14pls. 4°. 


Halkett, Andrew, & Prince, EL. £. 
See Prince & Halkett. 

Hall, The fisheries in the olden 
times. Chicago Field, 1878, 10, 148. 

Hall, Allen A. Exhibit of the quan- 
tity and value of foreign caught fish, im- 
ported into the United States, during 
the years 1829, 1832, 1838, 1843 and 
1848 and the amount of duty which ac- 
crued on the same, at the rates levied at 
each period. Rept. Fish. N. B., 1850, 
101. Ibid., 1852, 238. 1850.1 

Hall, Ansley. The herring industry 
of the Passamaquoddy region, Maine. 
Rept. U. S. Fish Comm. 1896 (1898) 
22, 443-487. 1898.1 

Hall, H. A..& McCaughan, J.Z.A. 

A review of the American genera and 

species of Mullide. Proc. Acad. Nat. 

Sci. Philad. 1885 (1886), 149-155. 

Hall, H. A., & Meek, Seth Eugene. 
See Meek & Hall. 

Hall, £. Swarbreck. On a probably 
new species of lamprey {Petromyzon] 
found in Tasmania. Monthly Notices 
Roy. Soc. Tasmania, 1865, 77-78. 


Hall, Hermann Christian [— 1874] 
Visscherijen in Friesland en Groningen 
in 1867. Tijdschr. Nederl. Maatsch., 
1868, 31 (3. ser. 9), 204-210. 1868.1 

Tochten der alen. Album 
Natuur, 1873 (Wetensch. bijblad.), 245— 
246. 1873.1 

Hall, J. F. Statement concerning 
the menhaden fishery. Rept. U.S. Fish 
Comm. 1877 (1879), 5, 481. 1879.1 

Hall, John James. Phosphorescence 
in fish. Nature, 1872, 6, 456. 1872.1 

Hall, J. J. H. van. Rapporten-over 
vischkultuur. Tijdschr. Nijverheid. 
Nederl. Indie, 1873, 18, 393-396. 1873.1 

Hall, Marshall [1831-1896] A criti- 
cal and experimental essay on the circu- 
lation of the blood, especially observed 
in the minute and capillary vessels of the 
batrachia and of fishes. London, Mee 
Se 1831. 


ROG eel <2 ST NS. meer ot: 



Das Caudalherz des Aales. No- 
tizen (Froriep), 1832, 34, no. 727, 1-3. 
figs. 1832.1 

Hall, N.£. Clupea and Coregonus. 
Forest & Stream, 1877, 8, 4. 1877.1 

Hall, Robert. Note on Trachinops 
teniatus. Proc. Roy. Soc. Tasmania, 
1911, p. 32. 1911.1 

Notes on Derwent estuary fishes. 
Proc. Roy. Soc. Tasmania, 1912 (1913), 

79-84. 1913.1 

Hall, Thomas Sergeant. The tupong 
or marble fish. Geelong Naturalist, 
1896, 5, no. 4, 5-6. 1896.1 

A new genus and a new species 
of fish from the Mesozoic rocks of Vic- 
toria. Proc. Roy. Soc. Victoria, 1900, 
n. s. 12, 147-151. pil. 1900.1 

— A burrowing fish [Galaxias sp. 
from Tasmania] Victorian Naturalist, 
1901, 18, 65-66. 1901.1 

The tupong in salt water [Pseu- 
daphritis bassi Castlenau) Victorian 
Naturalist, 1901, 17, 31-32. 1901.2 

The distribution of the freshwater 
eel in Australia and its means of disper- 
sal. Victorian Naturalist, 1905, 22, 80— 
83. 1905.1 

Hall, Townshend Monckton [1845- 
1899] Fossil fish in north Devon. Geol. 

Mag., 1876, 2. dec. 3, 410-412. 1876.1 
Haller, Albert von [1708-1777] Sur 
les yeux de quelques poissons. Mém., 
Acad. Sci. Paris, 1762, p. 76. 1762.1 
Operum anatomici argumenti 
minorum. Lausanne, 1768. 1768.1 

Tom. iii, cap. 37. De cerebro avium et pis- 
cium observationes anatomic. 

Haller, Bela. Ueber das Central- 
nervensystem, insbesondere iiber das 
Riickenmark von Orthagoriscus mola. 
Morphol. Jahrb., 1891, 17, 198-270. 3 
pls. & figs. 1891.1 

Ueber den Ursprung des Nervus 
vagus bei den Knochenfischen. Verh. 
Deutsch. Zool. Gesell., 1895, 5, 55-61. 


Untersuchungen itiber das Riick- 
enmark der Teleostier. Morphol. Jahrb., 
1895, 23, 21-122. 7pls.&figs. 1895.2 

Der Ursprung der Vagusgruppe 
bei den Teleostiern (In Festschrift zum 
siebenzigsten Geburtstage von C. Gegen- 
baur am 21. August 1896, vol. ii, 45—- 
100. 4 pls. & fig. Leipzig, 1896-97. 3 
vols. 4°) 1896.1 

Untersuchungen iiber die Hy- 
pophyse und die Infundibularorgane. 
Morphol. Jahrb., 1898, 25, 31-114. 6 
pls. & 4 figs. 1898.1 

Vom Bau des Wirbelthierge- 
hirns. Theil I. Salmo und Scyllium. 
Morphol. Jahrb., 1898, 26, 345-641. 11 
pls. & figs. 1898.2 

Ueber die Urniere von Acanthias 
vulgaris, ein Beitrag zur Kenntniss se- 
kundarer Metamerie. Morphol. Jahrb., 
1901, 29, 283-316. 2 pls. & 5 figs. 



Lehrbuch der 

Snes Jena, 1904. 914 p. illust. 


e den Ovarialsack der 
Knochenfische. Anat. Anz., 1905, 27, 
225-238. 9 figs. 1905.1 

Ueber den Schultergiirtel der 
Teleostier. Arch. Mikrosk. Anat., 1905, 
67, 231-266. 2 pls. & 6 figs. 1905.2 

Die phyletische Entfaltung der 
Grosshirnrinde. Arch. Mikrosk. Anat., 
1908, 71, 350-466. 10 pls. 1908.1 

Zur -Phylogenese des Nierenor- 
ganes (Holonephros) der Knochenfische. 
Jena. Zeitschr. Naturw., 1908, 43, 729- 
801. 6 pls. & 8 figs. 1908.2 

Weitere Beitrige zur Lehre von 
der Kontinuitit des Nervensystemes. 
Arch. Mikrosk. Anat., 1910-11, 76, 210— 
252. 2 pls. & 7 figs. 1910.1 

Die Lateralstriinge der Knochenfische. 
Spinalganglien des Trigeminus und Facialis 
und das Unterhaut-Nervengeflecht der Forelle. 

Hallet, Almoran. Condition of the 
shore fisheries of Massachusetts and 
Rhode Island in 1871. Rept. U.S. Fish 
Comm. 1871-72 (1873), 1, 47-49. 


Hallez, Paul [1848 —] Notes fauni- 
ques. Arch. Zool. Expér. Gén., 1905, 
4. sér. 3, xlvii-li. 1905.1 

Hall-Hiiningen, (Director) 
Lachsbastarde auf der Schweizerischen 
Fischerei-Ausstellung in Ziirich. Allgem. 
Fischerei Zeitg., 1894, 19. Jahrg., no. 16, 
280-281. 1894.1 

Halliburton, W. D. On the blood 
proteids of certain lower vertebrata. 
Journ. Physiol., 1886, 7, 319-323. 1886.1 


Metabolism of the salmon. Sci- 
ence Progress, 1898, n. s. 1, 371-377. 


Hallmann, Eduard _ {1813-1855 
Ueber den Bau des Hodens und die 
Entwicklung der Samentiere der Rochen. 
Arch. Anat. Physiol., 1840, a ae a 

Hallock, Charles. Three months in 
Labrador. Harper’s New Monthly 
Mag., 1861, 22, 577-599; 743-765. 


Cod fisheries on the Labrador coast and 
Capelin, p. 594-595. 

Has the salmon ever frequented 
the Hudson river? Forest & Stream, 
1873, 1, 40. 1873.1 

Mackerel in aquariums. Forest 
& Stream, 1873, 1, p. 6. 1873.2 

The Michigan grayling. Forest 
& Stream, 1873, 1, 280. Jbid., 1874, 2, 
168. 1873.3 

Paleozoic fishes from Ohio. 
Forest & Stream, 1873, 1, 54. 1873.4 

The introduction of hybrid fish. 
Forest & Stream, 1873, 1, 22. 1873.5 

The Sacramento salmon. Forest 
& Stream, 1873, 1, 248. 1873.6 

Three peculiar fish in N. Y. 
market. Forest & Stream, 1873, 1, 6. 


Vomer brownei, Lactophrys camelinus and 

Corvina argyrolanea, caught near New York 

Fish farming in Westmoreland. 

Forest & Stream, 1874, 3,164. 1874.1 
The grayling once more. Forest 
& Stream, 1874, 3, 100. 1874.2 
The history of asalmon. Forest 
& Stream, 1874, 3, 21. 1874.3 

The species of black bass. 
Forest & Stream, 1874, 2, 40. 1874.4 

Strange incident in fish life. 
Forest & Stream, 1874, 3,116. 1874.5 

Varieties of bass. Forest & 
Stream, 1874, 3, 37. 1874.6 
Early fish culture. Forest «& 
Stream, 1875, 4, 68. 1875.1 
The grayling of Montana. For- 

est & Stream, 1875, 4, 182. 1875.2 
— The habrts of black bass. For- 
est & Stream, 1875, 4, 342. 1875.3 

Laws for the preservation of fish. 
Trans. Amer. Fisheries Soc. 1874 (1875), 
45-46. 1875.4 

Propagation of black bass. For- 
est & Stream, 1875, 4, 357. 1875.5 


Subterranean fishes. Forest & 
Stream, 1875, 4, 183. 1875.6 | 

Camp life in Florida. . p.} 
1876. 1876.1 
= Game fish of Florida, by S. C. Clarke, p. 50- 

The sportsman’s gazetteer and 
general guide. The game animals, 
birds and fishes of North America; their 
habits and various methods of capture. 
New York, 1877. 688 p. 3 maps. 12°. 

Fishes, p. 339-407; 572-611. 

A new salmonoid. Forest & 
Stream, 1878, 11, 88. 1878.1 

Viviparous perch (Embiotocide) 
Forest & Stream, 1879, 11, 512. 1879.1 

The shore fisheries of Labrador. — 
Trans. Amer. Fisheries Soe 1880 (1881), 
3440. 1881.1 

— Cut-throat trout. Amer. Angler, 
1884, 6, 216. 1884.1 

Fish of the west. The crappies.- 
Amer. Angler, 1884, 6, 113. 1884.2 

Sea-trout, a distinct variety. 
Amer. Angler, 1884, 6, 234. 1884.3 

Transmutation of trout. Amer. 
Angler, 1884, 6, 7. 1884.4 

When shad were a penny apiece. 
Trans. Amer. Fisheries Soc. 1894 (1895), 
18-20. 1895.1 

Halpérine, £. Piscivorous plants. — 
Bull. U. 8S. Fish Comm., 1885, 5, 353-__ 
356, 2 pls: 1885.1 

Haly, Amyrald. Descriptions of new 
species of fish in the collection of the 
British Museum. Ann. Mag. Nat. 
Hist., 1875, 4. ser. 15, 268-270. 1875.1 

Occurrence of Rhinodon typicus 
Smith, on the west coast of Ceylon. — 
Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1883, 5. ser. 12, 
48-49. 1883.1 

Notes on the collection of fish in — 
the Colombo Museum. Taprobanian, — 
1886, 1, 165-167. 1886.1 

Ham, W. A. Statement concerning 
the menhaden fishery. Rept. U. 5. 
Fish Comm. 1877 (1879), 5, 478. 1879.1 

Hambach, Gustav. <A preliminary 
catalogue of the fossils occurring in Mis- 

souri {Pisces} Bull. Geol. Surv. Mis- 
souri, 1890, 1, 80-81. 1890.1 
Hamburger, Richard. Ueber die 

paarigen Extremitiiten von Squalius, — 
Trigla, Periophthalmus und Lophius. 

Rev. Suisse Zool., 1904, 12, 71-148. 2 
pls. Also separate; Geneva, 1904. 8°. 

, & Lacoin, H. For- 
Areachon, 1866. 

Hamel, Egbert de. Large salmon in 
the Tame. Zoologist, 1870, 2. ser. 5, 
2144. 1870.1 

Hamilton, Augustus. Note on a 
large sun-fish (Orthagoriscus mola L.), 
recently captured at Napier, Hawke’s 
bay. Trans. Proc. New Zealand Instit., 
1886, 18, 135-136. 1886.1 

Bibliography of New Zealand 
Trans. New Zealand Instit., 
1902, 34, 539-548. 1902.1 

—— Electric ray, Astrape. Trans. 
New Zealand Instit., 1902, 34, 224-226. 

Notice of an electric ray new to 
the fauna of New Zealand, belonging to 
the genus Astrape {A. aysoni] ‘Trans. 
Proc. New Zealand Instit., 1902, 34, 224 
—226. 3 pls. 1902.3 

Hamilton, H. Report as to stocking 
loch Ard with loch Leven trout. Glas- 
gow, 1887. 1887.1 

—— The Riverside naturalist. Lon- 
don, 1890. figs. 8°. 1890.1 

Hamilton, (Dr.) Francis, formerly 
Buchanan. Fishes of the Ganges, 
1822. See Buchanan, F. 

Hamilton, R. B. On the refuse of 
the codfishery of Newfoundland as con- 
vertible into a portable manure. Journ. 

Hameau, ; 
mulaire de questions. 


Agric. Soc., 1853, 14. 1853.1 
Hamilton, Robert. British fishes. 
Edinburgh, 1843. 2 vols. 12°. (Jar- 

dine’s Naturalists’ Library, vols. xxxvii-— 
XXXVIii) 1843.1 

ed. Edinburgh, 
68 -col. pls. 8° 

The same. 2. 
1852-54. 2 vols. 

(Jardine’s Naturalists’ Library, vols. 
XXXVI-XXXV1l) 1852.1 
Ichthyology of British fishes. 
2 vols. Edinburgh, 1860. pls. 16°. 


A history of British fishes. 2 

vols. London, 1876. 68 col. pls. 12°. 
Hamilton, William. Queries re- 

specting the poisonous properties of 
fish. Pharmaceut. Journ. 1852 (1853), 
12. 1853.1 



Hamilton, William John [1805-1867] 
Review of A. Th. von Middendorff’s 
Sibirische Reise (Fossile Fische, bear- 
beitet von Johannes Miller) St. 
Petersburg, 1847. Quart. Journ. Geol. 
Soc. London, 1850, 6, 45-48. 1850.1 

Hamilton, W. R. Croaking of the 
perch. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1887 
(1889), 7, 63. 1889.1 

Hamlen, William. Reconnaissance 
of Florida with a view to shad-hatching. 
Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1884, 4, 206— 
208. 1884.1 

Report of shad-hatching opera- 
tions at Battery station, Havre de Grace, 
Md., season of 1885. Bull. U. S. Fish 
Comm. 1885, 5, 401-410. 1885.1 

Report of. operations at the 
Battery shad-hatching station, Havre de 
Grace, Md., during the season of 1884. 
Rept. U. 8. Fish Comm. 1884 (1886), 
12, 199-208. 1886.1 

Report on the shad work of the 
steamer “ Haleyon”’ during the season of 
1887. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1887 
(1889), 7, 111. 1889.1 

Hamlin, Augustus Choate [1828 —] 
On the salmon of Maine. Rept. U.S. 
Fish Comm. 1874, 2, 338-356. 1874.1 

Hamling, J.G. Recently-discovered 
fossils from the Lower and Upper De- 
vonian beds of north Devon. ‘Trans. 
Devon. Assoc., 1908, 40, 276-280. 

- 1908.1 

Hamm, Wilhelm von [1820-1880] 
Die kiinstliche Fischzucht. Ein siche- 
res Mittel zur Wiederbevolkerung der 
Gewiasser, zur Erzeugung gesunder, 
wohlschmeckender, kraftiger Nahrungs- 
toffe fiir Jedermann. Leipzig. 
[Sole S0Supus plas soe 1861.1 

Die deutsche Seefischerei. Un- 
sere Zeit, 1867, n. s., 452-471. 1867.1 

Hammar, J. Aug. Einige Platten- 
modelle zur Beleuchtung der friiheren 
embryonalen Leberentwickelung (IV. 
Selachier] Nova Acta Reg. Soc. Scient. 
Upsaliensis, 1893, 3. ser. 16, no. 5, 28— 

33. pls. — Arch. Anat. Physiol., 1893 
(Anat. Abth.), 147-152. pls. 1893.1 
Ueber einige Hauptziige der 

ersten embryonalen Leberentwickelung 
(Selachier] Anat. Anz., 1897, 138, 233- 
247. 14 figs. 1897.1 
Zur Kenntnis der Leberent- 

wickelung bei Amphioxus. Anat. Anz., 
1898, 14, 602-607. 5 figs. 1898.1 


Hammar, J. A. 

Zur Kenntnis der Teleostierthy- 
mus. Arch. Mikrosk. Anat., 1908, 73, 
1-68. 3 pls. & 10 figs. 1908.1 

Fiinfzig Jahre Thymusforschung. 

Kritische Uebersicht der normalen Mor- 

phologie. Ergebnisse Anat. Entwick., 

Wiesbaden, 1910, 19, 1-274. 1910.1 
Fische, p. 132-147; 231-234. 

Zur Kenntnis der Elasmobran- 
chier-Thymus. Zool. Jahrb. (Anat. 
Abth.), 1911, 32, 135-180. 3 pls. & 6 
figs. 1911.1 

Hammar, J. Aug., & Ankarsvard, 
G. See Ankarsvard & Hammar. 

Hammarsten, Olof D. Ueber den 
Nervus collector bei den Teleostiern. 
Zool. Anz., 1909, 34, 677-679. fig. 


die Innervation der 

Bauchflossen bei den Teleostiern. 
phol. Jahrb., 1911, 42, 665-697. pl. & 
14 figs. 1911.1 

Hammarstrom, Conrad. Salmo iri- 
deus and S. fontinalis in Jamtland, N. 
Sweden [Text in Swedish) Svensk 
Fisk. Tidskr., Stockholm, 1901, 10, 159- 
163. 1901.1 

Hammond, J. P. Fish in Puget 
sound. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1886 
(1887), 6, 195-196. 1887.1 

Hammond, W.*H. Observations 
on the structure of the red blood-cor- 
puscles of a young trout. Monthly 
Micr. Journ., 1877, 17, 282-283. 1877.1 

Observations on the structure 
of the red blood-corpuscles of living 
pyrenezmatous vertebrates. Monthly 
Micr. Journ., 1877, 18, 147-149. 2 figs. 

Hamy, Ernest Théodore Jules [1842 
—]| Note sur une nouvelle espéce 
d’Ischyodus de l’argile kimméridgienne 
de Chatillon, prés de Boulogne-sur-Mer. 
Bull. Soc. Géol. France, 1865-66 (1866), 
2. sér. 23, 654-657. 2 figs. 1866.1 

Hancock, Albany [1806-1873] No- 
tice of the occurrence of fossil fish in the 
rocks (marl-slate) near the great. slip- 
dyke, at Cullercoats Haven. ‘Trans. 
Tyneside Nat. Field Club, 1848, 1, 275. 

Observations on the nidification 

of Gasterosteus aculeatus and Gasterosteus 
spinachia. Trans. Tyneside Nat Field 



Club, 1852, 2, 311-321. 2 pls. — Ann. 
Mag. Nat. Hist., 1852, 2. ser. 10, 241- 
248. — Zoologist, 12, 4409-4417. — Fro- 
riep’s Tagsber. (Zool.), 1852, 3, no. 668, 
217-222. 1852.1 

Hancock, Albany, & Atthey, 7. 
Notes on the remains of some reptiles 
and fishes from the shales of the North- 
umberland coal-fields. Ann. Mag. Nat. 
Hist., 1868, 4. ser. 1, 266-278; 346-378. 
3 pls. — Trans. Nat. Hist. Soc. North- 
umb., 3, 66-120. 3 pls. 1868.1 

On the generic identity of 
Climaxodus and Janassa, two fossil fishes 
related to the rays. Ann. Mag. Nat. 
Hist., 1869, 4. ser. 4, 322-329. pl. — 
Trans. Nat. Hist. Soc. Northumb., 3, 
330-339. 1869.1 

Note on an undescribed fossil 
fish from the Newsham coal-shale near 
Newcastle-upon-Tyne [Archichthys sul- 
cidens} Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1870, 4. 
ser. 5, 266-268.— Trans. Nat. Hist. 
Soc. Northumb., 4, 199-201. 1870.1 

—— Notes on various species of 
Ctenodus obtained from the shales of 
the Northumberland coal-fields. Trans. 
Nat. Hist. Soc. Northumb., 1870, 3, 54— 

66. 1870.2 
A few remarks on Dipterus and 
Ctenodus, on their relationship to 

Ceratodus forstert Krefft. Ann. Mag. 
Nat. Hist., 1871, 4. ser. 7, 190-198. — 
Trans. Nat. Hist. Soc. Northumb., 1872, 
4, pt. 2, 397-407. 2 pls. 1871.1 

Descriptive notes on a nearly 
entire specimen of Plewrodus rankinii, 
on two new species of Platysomus {P. 
rotundus, P. forsteri}, and a new Amphi- 
centrum (A. striatum) with remarks on a 
few other fish-remains found in the 
coal-measures at Newsham. Ann. Mag. 
Nat. Hist., 1872, 4. ser. 9, 249-262. 
pls. Trans. Nat. Hist. Soc. Northumb., 
1872, 4, 408-423. 1872.1 

Hancock, Albany, & Embleton, 
Dennis. Account of a ribbon-fish 
(Gymnetrus) taken off the coast of 
Northumberland. Trans. Tyneside Nat. 
Field Club, 1846, 1, 288-310. fig. — 
Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 2. ser. 4, 1-18. 
2 pls. — Zoologist, 7, 2460-2462. 1846.1 

Hancock, Albany, & Howse, Rich- 
ard. On Dorypterus hoffmanni Germar, 
from the Marl-slate of Midderidge, 
Durham. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soe., 
1870, 26, 623-641. — Phil. Mag., 1871, 
4. ser. 41, 76-77. — Trans. Nat. Hist. 


Soe. Northumb., 1872, 4, 243-268. 2 
pls. 1870.1 

On Janassa bituminosa Schlo- 
theim, from the Marl-slate of Midde- 
ridge, Durham. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 
1870, 4. ser. 5, 47-62. pls. — Trans. 
Nat. Hist. Soc. Northumb., 1870, 3, pt. 

2, 339-357. pls. 1870.2 
Hancock, John. Fishes that travel 
on the land [Doras costata) Edinb. New 

Phil. Journ., 1828, 6, 396-397. — Noti- 
zen (Froriep), 1829, 150-151. — Isis 
(Oken), 8, 805. 1828.1 

Notes on some species of fishes 
and reptiles, from Demerara, presented 
to the Zoological Society by John Han- 
cock, Esq. Zool. Journ., 1828, 4, 240- 
247. — Isis (Oken), 1830, 1259-1261. 


Observations on the mullets of 
the coast of Guiana, and the grey- 
mullet of the British coast: with inci- 
dental remarks on the air-bladder and 
stomach in fishes. Quart. Journ. Sci., 
1830, 1, 125-139. 1830.1 

— Remarks on the composition of 
the fin-rays and certain other parts in the 
anatomy of fishes. Quart. Journ. Sci., 
1830, 1, 287-299. 1830.2 

Handrick, Kurt. Zur Kenntniss des 
Nervensystems und der Leuchtorgane 
von Argyropelecus hemigymnus. Zoolo- 
gica, Stuttgart, 1901, 13, 1-68. 6 pls. 

1901.1 - 

Handy, Heitsel. Condition of the 
shore fisheries of Massachusetts and 
Rhode Island in 1871. Rept. U.S. Fish 
Comm. 1871-72 (1873), 1, 52-53. 1873.1 

Handyside, P. D. History of the 
Sternoptixine, a family of the osseous 
fishes, and their anatomical peculiari- 
ties; with a description of the S. celebes, 
a species not hitherto noticed. Edinb. 
New Phil. Journ., 1839, 27, 324-331. 
— Rev. Zool., 1839, 154. 1839.1 

— On the anatomy of a new species 
of Polyodon, the Polyodon gladius of 
Martens, taken from the river Yang- 
tsze-Kiang, 450 miles above Woosung. 
Part I. Its external characters and 
structure. Part II. Its nervous and 
muscular systems. Proc. Roy. Soc. 
Edinb. 1872-75 (1875), 8, 50-51; 136— 
137. 1875.1 

Hanitsch, Richard. An expedition 
to mount Kina Balu, British North 



Borneo. Journ. Straits Branch R. 
Asiat. Soc., 1900, no. 34, 49-88. 4 pls. 

Contains some references to fishes. 

Annual report on the Raffles 
library and museum for the year 1903. 
Singapore, 1904. 16 p. 4°. 1904.1 

Contains some references to fishes. 

Hankinson, 7. LZ. Notes on the 
fish of Hillsdale county, Michigan. 8. 
Ann. Rept. Michigan Acad. Sci., 1906, 
175-178. 1906.1 

Data on stomach contents of 
fish taken in Walnut lake (In his Bio- 
logical survey of Walnut lake, Michigan, 

p. 244-251. Lansing, Mich., 1908) 
—— Fish of Walnut lake (In his 

Biological survey of Walnut lake, Michi- 
gan, p. 198-216. Lansing, Mich., 1908) 

An ecological study of the fishes 
of a small stream. ‘Trans. Ill. State 
Acad. Sci., 1910, 3, 23-31. 1910.1 

— Ecological notes on the fishes of 
Walnut lake, Michigan. Trans. Amer. 
Fisheries Soc. 1910 (1911), 195-206. 


Hanna, S. W. Description of an eel- 
like creature [Regalecus?] taken in a net 
at New Harbor, Maine. Bull. U. 5. 
Fish Comm. 1883, 3, 407-410. fig. 

Hannik, P. Zur Girardinus_gup- 
pyireticulatus-pecilioides-Frage. Blatt. 

Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1911, 22. Jahrg., 
301-302. 1911.1 

Hannover, Adolph [1814-1894] Re- 
cherches microscopiques sur le systéme 
nerveux. Copenhague & Paris, 1844. 


— Om bygningen og udviklingen af 
skjel og pigge hos bruskfisk, tilligemed 
udforligere beskrivelse af tvende herhen 
horende former. Dansk Vid. Selsk. 
Skrift., Kjébenhavn, 1868, 7, 483-529. 
4 pls. & 3 figs. Abstract in Oversigt 
Dansk. Vid. Selsk., Kjébenhavn, 1867, 
31-37; 46-52.— Ann. Sci. Nat. (Zool.), 
5. sér. 9, 373-378. 1868.1 

Hansell, George, & Eigenmann, Carl 
H. See Bigenmann «& Hansell. 

Hansemann, D. von. Demonstra- 
tion eines Carcharodon-Zahnes aus Spitz- 
bergen. Sitzber. Gesell. Nat. Freunde 
Berlin, 1910, 387-389. 1910.1 


Hansen, Andreas M. Beretning om 
den kunstige fiskeavl ved _ randers. 
Fiskeritidskr. Finl., 1866, 1. Jahrg., 69- 
70. 1866.1 

Lidt af soli-elvens laxehistories. 
Medd. Corsk Jaeger- & Fisker-Forening. 
Christiania, 1873, 2. Jahrg., 143-145. 


Hansen, (. Nogle oplysninger om 
vestindisk fiskeri. Dansk Fiskeriforen. 
Medlemsbl., 1896, 5. Jahrg., 506-508. 


Hansen, (C. P. Zur Geschichte der 
Fischerei von den Nordfriesischen In- 
seln. Cireul. Deutsch. Fischerei Ver., 
1871, no. 3, 39-42. 1871.1 

Hansen, Carolus Petrus Matthias 
[1803 —] Thymi in homine ac per 
seriem animalium descriptionis anatomi- 
co-physiologice. Particula posterior, 
disquisitiones de thymo in avibus, rep- 
tilibus et piscibus. . . . Inaug. Dissert. 

F. C. Haugsted, preses, Kiobenhavn, . 

1832. 286 p. 3 pls. 1832.1 

Hansen, Hans Jacob (1855 —] Fiske 
Zool. Danica, 1883-90, 2, 27-126. 9 
pls. 1883.1 

Hansen, V. Ueber das Vorkommen 
und die Menge der Eier einiger Ostsee- 
fische. Ber. Komm. Wiss. Untersuch. 
Deutsch. Meere Kiel, 1883, no. 4. 1883.1 

Hansen-Larsen, Christen. Aalens 
vandring. En biologisk iagttagelse. 
Dansk. Fiskeritid., 1906, n. s. 4. Jahrg., 
363. 1906.1 

Hansson, Carl August. ‘Till kiin- 
nedomen om norra Bohusliins vertebrat- 
fauna. Oefvers. K. Vet. Akad. Forh., 
Stockholm, 1881, 37, no. 4, 19-22. 


Fiskar, p. 20-22. 

Hardaker, Walter Henry. On the 
discovery of a fossil-bearing horizon in 
the ‘‘ Permian” rocks of Hamstead 
quarries, near Birmingham. Quart. 
Journ. Geol. Soc., 1913, 68, 639-683. 
30 figs. 1913.1 

Hardesty, Irving. On the nature of 
the tectorial membrane and its probable 
role in the anatomy of hearing. Amer. 
Journ. Anat., 1908, 8, 109-179. 12 figs. 

_ Hardin, Sveno. Om venerns laxarter. 
Oefvers. K. Vet. Akad. Férh., Stock- 
holm, 1861 (1862), 18, 381-384. 1862.1 

Harding, Charles W. Essay on the 
artificial propagation of anadromous 




fish other than the salmon and the re- 
stocking the tidal waters of our large 
rivers artificially with smelts, etc. King’s. 
Lynn, 1881. 11 p. 4°. 1881.1 

Inquiries concerning the propa- — 
gation of American smelt and shad, and 
notes on the fisheries of the Wash in 
England. Bull. U. 8. Fish Comm. 1881 
(1882), 1, 428-429. 1882.1 

Harding, Garrick M. Suggestions to 
Bull. U.S. Fish Comm. 
1881 (1882), 1, 55-56. 1882.1 

Hardwicke, Thomas [— 1835] Ob- 
servations on the goramy of India (Os- 
phromenus olfax Commerson), in a letter 
to N. A. Vigors. Zool. Journ., 1829, 4, 
309-314. — Isis (Oken), 1831, oe 


Hardy, Alfred Erskine Gathorne. The 
salmon. London, 1898. 276 p. figs. 
8°. 1898.1. 

Hardy, Campbell [1831—] On the 
caplin (Mallotus villosus) Proe. Trans. 
Nova Scotian Instit. Nat. Sci., 1863-66 
(1867), 1, pt. 2, 4-13. 1867.1 

Forest life in Acadie. Sketches 
of sport and natural history in the 
lower provinces of the Canadian Do- 
minion. London, 1869. 371 p. 8°. | 
Acadian fish and fishing, p. 211—260. 

Hardy, J. On the nidification of 
fishes. Zoologist, 1845, 3, ea ; 

On Motella tricirrata, a fish new 

to the Berwickshire coast. Hist. Ber- 

wick. Nat. Club, 1873-75 (1876), 7, aa 

Hardy, Josiah. Statement concern- 
ing the menhaden fishery. Rept. U. 8. 
Fish Comm. 1877 (1879), 5, 410. 1879.1 

Harke, W. LEiniges iiber Chirodon 
arnoldi Boulenger. Wochenschr. 
Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1913, 10. Jahrg., 
265-267. fig. 1913.1 

Harlan, Richard [1796-1843] Criti- 
cal notices of various organic remains 
hitherto discovered in North America 
(In his Medical and physical researches. 
. . . Philadelphia, 1835. xxxix, 653 p. 
38 pls. 8°) 1835.1 — 

Fishes, p. 286-290; 291-296. 

Notice of plesiosaurian and other 

fossil reliquize, from the state of New 
Jersey (In his Medical and physical 




researches ..., p. 382-385. pl. Phila- 
delphia, 1835. xxxix, 653 p. 38 pls. 
8°) 1835.2 

Contains earliest American figure of an Eda- 
phodon mandibular — which is, however, in- 
terpreted as belonging to a fossil reptile, and is 
not named. 

Harlé, Edouard. Faune de la grotte 
4 hyénes rayées de Furninha et d’autres 
grottes du Portugal. Bull. Soc. Géol. 
France, 1909, 4. sér. 9, 85-99. 1909.1 

Contains mention of fish remains. 

Harless, Emil. Briefliche Mittheilung 
_ uber die Ganglienkugeln der Lobi elec- 
trici von Torpedo galvanii. Arch. Anat. 
(Miller), 1846, 283-291. 1846.1 

Ueber den Zahnbau von Mylio- 
bates und den verwandten Rochen Tri- 
keras. Abh. K. Bayer. Akad. Wiss., 
1847, 5, 841-876. 3 pls. 1847.1 

Harley, John. On the Ludlow bone- 
bed and its crustacean remains. Quart. 
Journ. Geol. Soc., 1861, 17, 542-552. 
pl. 1861.1 

Fossil fishes, p. 544-546. 

Harman, N.8. The palpebral and 
oculomotor apparatus of fishes. Obser- 
vations on morphology and develop- 

ment. Rept. British Assoc. Adv. Sc1., 
1899, 780-781. — Journ. Anat. Physiol., 
London, 34, 1-40. 6 pls. 1899.1 

Harmer, Sidney Frederic (editor) The 
Cambridge natural history. 10 vols. 
London, 1895-1902. 1904.1 

Vol. vii. Fishes, Ascidians, ete., 1904. xvii, 
760 p. Fishes, exclusive of the systematic ac- 
count of the Teleostei. By T. W. Bridge. Sys- 
tematic account of the Teleostei. By G. A. 
Boulenger. Ascidians and Amphioxus. Cepha- 
lochordata. By W. A. Herdman. 

Harmer, Thomas. Remarks on the 
very different accounts that have been 
given of the fecundity of fishes; with 
fresh observations on that subject. 
Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. London, 1768, 
57, 280-292. — Neues Hamburg. Mag., 
41, 457. 1768.1 

Harmsworth, Alfred C. Tarpon fish- 
ing in the gulf of Mexico (In Bicker- 
dyke, J. Sea fishing, p. 487-512. Lon- 
don, 1895) 1895.1 

Harper, Francis, & Murphy, Robert 
C. See Murphy & Harper. 

Harper, J. The sea-side and aqua- 
rium; or, Anecdote and gossip on marine 
zoology. Edinburgh, 1858. figs. 8°. 

- 1858.1 

Harrington, Nathan Russell. For 
memorial notice, see Dean, Bashford, in 
Columbia Univer. Quart., 1899, 2, 44-46. 

The life habits of Polypterus. 

Amer. Naturalist, 1899, 33, 721—728. 

Respiratory and breeding habits 

of Polypterus bichir. Science, 1899, n. s. 
9, 314-315. 1899.2 

Harrington, Nathan Russell, Dean, 
Bashford, Calkins, G. N., & Griffin, 
B.B. See Dean, Harrington «& others. 

Harris, D. Fraser. On the hemoglo- 
binometry and hzemocytometry of the 
blood of the skate. Journ. Physiol., 
1903, 30, 319-321. 1903.1 

Harris, Edward. (Letter on Salmo 
gloveriit Girard) Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. 
Philad. 1858 (1859), 185-137. 1859.1 

Harris, Gwynn. Report upon the 
shad and herring fisheries of the Potomac 
river for 1883. Bull. U.S. Fish Comm., 
1884, 4, 13. 1884.1 

Total amount of shad and her- 
ring caught on the Potomac river during 
the spring of 1884. Bull. U. 8. Fish 
Comm., 1884, 4, 221. 1884.2 

Report upon the shad and her- 
ring fisheries of the Potomac river for 
1885. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1885, 5, 
192. 1885.1 

Report upon the shad and her- 
ring fisheries of the Potomac river for 
1886. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1886 
(1887), 6, 202. 1887.1 

Harris, William C. The fishes of 
North America. New York, 1888. 80 
fol. SI" 1888.1 

The fishes of North America 
that are captured on hook and line. 
New York, 1908. 138 p. 80 pls. & figs. 
fol. 1908.1 

Harris, William C., & Bean, Tarleton 
H. The basses, fresh-water and marine. 

New York, 1905. 238 p. figs. 8° 
Harris, William C., Sage, Dean, 

Townsend, Charles H., & Smith, H. 
M. See Sage, Townsend « others. 

Harrison, Ross Granville. Ueber die 
Entwicklung der nicht knorpelig vorge- 
bildeten Skelettheile in den Flossen der 
Teleostier. Arch. Mikrosk. Anat., 1895, 
42, 248-278. 3 pls. 1893.1 


Harrison, R. G. 

On the development of the fins 
of teleosts. Johns Hopkins Univ. Cire. 
no. 111, 1894, 59-61. — Ann. Mag. Nat. 
Hist., 6. ser. 14, 3442. 1894.1 

Ectodermal or mesodermal origin 
of the bones of teleosts? Anat. Anz., 
1895, 10, 138-148. 3 figs 1895.1 

Die Entwicklung der unpaaren 
und paarigen Flossen der Teleostier. 
Arch. Mikrosk. Anat., 1895, 46, 500— 
578. 4 pls. 1895.2 

Ueber die Histogenese des peri- 
pheren Nervensystems bei Salmo salar. 
Arch. Mikrosk. Anat., 1901, 57, 354- 
444. 3 pls. & figs. i ] 

Hole, 2, 352-358. 1901.1 

The development of the nerve 
elements in vertebrates. Brit. Med. 
Journ., 1906, 2, 1702. 1906.1 

Harron, L.G., & Smith, Hugh M. 
See Smith & Harron. 

Hart, Charles A., & Gleason, Henry 
Allan. On the biology of the sand areas 
of Illinois. Bull. Illinois Lab. Nat: Hist., 
1907, 7, 187-272. 16 pls. & map. 


Hart, W.O. The oyster and fish in- 
dustry of Louisiana. Trans. Amer. 
Fisheries Soc. 1912 (1913), 151-156. 


Hartemann, fobert. Der Hiring 
und sein Fang. Oesterr.-ungar. Fischerei 
Zeitg., 1880, 231-233. 1880.1 

Hartig, Georg Ludwig (editor) Jour- 
nal fiir das Forst, Jagd- und Fischerei- 
wesen zur niitzlichen und angenehmen 
Unterhaltung. Stuttgart, 1806-08. 4°. 


Harting, James Edmund [1841 —] 
Fishing notes in Holland. Fish. Gazette, 
1878, n. s. 2, no. 79, 509. 1878.1 

Banks’ oar-fish (Regalecus bank- 
sit} near Whitby. Zoologist, 1880, 3. 

ser. 4, 145-146. 1880.1 
— Trout in the Thames. Zoologist, 
1880, 3. ser. 4, 146-147. 1880.2 

Essays on sport and natural 
London, 1883. 485 p. figs. 

The annals of Irish zoology, p. 295-328. — 
Fishing with cormorants, p. 423-440. 

Harting, Pieter [1812-1885] lets 
over de vischfokkerij. Album Natuur, 

1852 (Wetensch. bijblad.), 374-385. 




Over de kunstmatige uitbroeijing 
van vischeijeren. Aanteek. Prov. Utr. 
Genootsch., 1854-55, 35-36. 1854.1 

_>— Eene zalmkweekerij aan de 
rivier de Tay. Album Natuur, 1856 
(Wetensch. bijblad.), 260-261. 1856.1 

Bloedomloopstelsel bij de vis- 
schen. Album Natuur, 1857 (Wetensch. 
bijblad.), 79. 1857.1 

[Notice of an article by Hyrtl, in Denkschr, 

Akad. Wiss. Wien, on Monopterus und Am- 

(Notiz von] Dr. Theodor Bil- 
harz iiber “ Das elektrische Organ des 
Zitterwelses, anatomisch beschrieben.”’ 
Leipzig, 1857. Album Natuur, 1857 
(Wetensch. bijblad.), 76-79. 1857.2 

Levende Lepidosiren [Protopte- 
rus} annectens in het kristallen paleis. 
Album Natuur, 1858 (Wetensch. be 
blad.), 63-64. 1858.1 

Elektrische visschen. Album 
Natuur, 1860 (Wetensch. bijblad. ». 41- 
42. 860.1 

[Notice of an article by Armand ee in 
L’Institut, 1860, 82] 

Overblijfselen van een beenigen 
visch [Teleosteus primevus] in het over- 
gangsgebergte van den Rijn? Album 
Natuur, 1860 (Wetensch. bijblad. Ds we 

Ureum in de organen van ae 
ostomen. Album Natuur, 1860 (We- 
tensch. bijblad.), 27-28. 1860.3 

— De Javaansche Anabas scandens. 
Album Natuur, 1861 (Wetensch. bij- 
blad.), 9 1861.1 

[Notice of an article by Kaup, in Arch. Na- 
turgesch., 1860, 124] 

— Visch-regen [Clarias batrachus} 
Album Natuur, 1861 (Wetensch. bij- 
blad.), 61-62. 1861.2 

[See also de Castelnau, in C. R. Acad. Sci. 
Paris, 52, 880] 

Een monstreuse forel. Album 
Natuur, 1862 (Wetensch. bib ie 
10-11. 1862.1 

Geluid door visschen voortge- 
bragt. Album Natuur, 1862 (Wetensch. 
bijblad.), 43. 1862.2 
From A. Dufossé, in Ann. Sci. Nat. (Zool.), 
1874, 5. sér. 20. 
Leerboek van de _ grondbegin- 
selen der dierkunde in haren geheelen 
omvang. 3 vols. ‘Tiel, 1862-71. figs. 
8°. 1862.3 

Fishes, vol. ii, pt. 1. 


Oost-indische visschen. Album 
Natuur, 1862 (Wetensch. bijblad.), 285— 
287. 1862.4 

Overblijfselen van beenige vis- 
schen uit het palaeozoische tijdperk. 
Album Natuur, 1862 (Wetensch. bij- 
blad.), 25. 1862.5 

Notice of an article by Giebel, in Neues Jahrb. 
Mineral., 1861, 623. 

Verschil tusschen de schubben 
van beenige en kraakbeenige visschen. 
Album Natuur, 1862 (Wetensch. bij- 
blad.), 11 862.6 

Lucht, bevat in de zwemblaas 
der visschen. Album Natuur, 1863 
(Wetensch. bijblad.), 82. 1863.1 

Notice of an article by A. Moreau, in C. R. 
Acad. Sci. Paris, 1863, 57, 37. 

Scheikundige zamenstelling van 
het vleeschvocht van vischen. Album 
Natuur, 1863 (Wetensch. pues: 82. 


Notice of an article by Limpricht, in Ann. 
Chem. Pharm., 127, 185. 

— Giftorganen bij een visch. Al- 
bum Natuur, 1864 (Wetensch. bijblad.), 
43. 1864.1 

Notice of an article by Giinther, in Nat. Hist. 
Rey., 1864, p. 309, on Thallassophryne reticulata. 

Heresnen van Lepidosiren [Pro- 
topterus annectens} Album Natuur, 
1864 (Wetensch. bijblad.), 3 1864.2 

Lucht in de zwemblaas der vis- 
schen. Album Natuur, 1864 (Wetensch. 
bijblad.), 19-20. 1864.3 

Notice of an article by A. Moreau, in L’In- 
stitut, 1863, 366 

Naschrift ophet vorige. Album 
Natuur, 1864 (Wetensch. bijblad.), 314— 
316. 1864.4 

Physiologische functien van de 
deelen van de hersenen der. visschen. 
Album Natuur, 1864 (Wetensch. bij- 
blad.), 20-21. 1864.5 

Notice of an article by aoa ee in C. R. 
Acad. Sci. Paris, 1863, 57, 949 

Invloed van den nervus sym- 
pathicus op de zamenstelling der lucht 
in de zwemblass. Album Natuur, 
1865 (Wetensch. bijblad.), 37. 1865. 1 

— Metamorphosen van visschen. 
Album Natuur, 1865 (Wetensch. bij- 
blad.), 441. 1865.2 

See also Agassiz, in Ann. Sci. Nat. (Zool.), 5 
sér. 3, 55. 

Notices zoologiques, anatomi- 
ques et histiologiques, sur l’Orthragoris- 



cus ozodura; suivies de considérations 
sur losteogénése des téléostéens en gé- 

néral. 4°. Versl. Akad. Wet. Amster- 
dam, 1868, 11, no.2. 48 p. pls. Also 
separate; Amsterdam, 1865. 48 p. 8 
pls. 1865.3 

Over de voortteling der alen. 
Versl. Akad. Wet. Amsterdam, Wis. 
Nat. Afd., 1865-66, 5-7. 1865.4 

Vergiftige visch tSynanceia bra- 
chio) Album Natuur, 1865 (Wetensch. 

bijblad.), 75. 1865.5 
See also Nadaud, in Les Mondes, 1865, 8, 102. 

—— Alen met kuit. Album Natuur, 
1866 (Wetensch. bijblad.), 89. 1866.1 

——  Asymmetrie der pleuronecten. 
Album Natuur, 1866 (Wetensch. bij- 
blad.), 43. 1866.2 

Kijeren in den mond van een 
visch (Geophagus pedicinus) als broed- 
plaats. Album Natuur, 1866 (We- 
tensch. bijblad.), 319. 1866.3 

From Agassiz, in Ann. Sci. Nat. (Zool.), 5 
sér. 4, 382. 
Vischrijkdom van het Amazone- 
gebied. Album Natuur, 1866 (We- 
tensch. bijblad.), 78-79. 1866.4 
From Agassiz, in Ann. Sci. Nat. (Zool.), 5. sér. 
4, 226; 309. 
Waarschijnlijke bij-oogen — bij 
eenen visch. Album Natuur, 1866 (We- 

tensch. bijblad.), 10. 1866.5 
Echeneis remora. Album Natuur, 
1867 (Wetensch. bijblad.), 36. 1867.1 

Oorzaken van den dood van 
zeevisschen in zoet water. Album Na- 
tuur, 1867 (Wetensch. bijblad.), 42. 
From P. Bert, in L’Institut, 1867, 116. 

Xenacanthus {Pleuracanthus) de- 
chenii, een vischvorm, die selachiers en 
teleostiers aaneenschakelt. Album Na- 
tuur, 1867 (Wetensch. bijblad.), 92-93. 
Zee-zijde {Raja batis) Album 
Natuur, 1867 (Wetensch. bijblad.), 59. 
Zwermblaas der visschen. Album 
Natuur, 1867 (Wetensch. bijblad.), 30. 

From E. Couriet, in Ann. Sci. Nat. (Zool.), 
1866, 5. sér. 6, 369. 

Allantois der visschen. Album 
Natuur, 1868 (Wetensch. bijblad.), 19. 
3 From Kupffer, in Arch. Mikrosk, Anat., 2, 473- 


Harting, P. 

Ejijeren van zeevisschen. Album 
Natuur, 1868 (Wetensch. bijblad.), 89- 


Van kleuren veranderende vis- 
schen. Album Natuur, 1868 (Wetensch. 
bijblad.), 59. 1868.3 

See also Jouan, in Revue des Cours Scientifi- 
que, 1868, no: 28, 448. 

Ademhaling der visschen. Al- 
bum Natuur, 1870 (Wetensch. bijblad.), 
18. Ibid., 1872, 53-54. 1870.1 

From N. Gish, in Ann. Sci. Nat. (Zool.), 
1869, 5. sér. 12, 380.—C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 
1872, 74, 621-624. 

—— De zalm in zoetwater-meren. 
Album Natuur, 1870 (Wetensch. bij- 
blad.), 8348-349. 1870.2 

on Echeneis. Al- 
bum Natuur, ‘1871 (Wetensch.‘bijblad.), 

94. 1871.1 
—— Nieuwe ganoide in Nieuw-Hol- 
land. Album Natuur, 1871 (Wetensch. 

bijblad.), 54. 1871.2 

Snelle kleursverandering bij vis- 
schen. Album Natuur, 1871 (Wetensch. 
bijblad.), 87. 1871.3 

— Blauwe kleur bij de visschen. 
Aibum Natuur, 1872 (Wetensch. Da 

blad.), 63. 1872.1 
From Pouchet, in Les Mondes, 1872, 228. 

De physometer. Een nieuw 

werktuig tot bepaling van veranderlijke 
volumina van lucht en van andere 
lichamen. Versl. Akad. Wet. Am- 
sterdam, 1872, 2. ser. 6, 288-324. pl. — 
Ann. Phys. Chem., 148, 126-143; 244- 
270. — Rev. Cours Scient., 4, 801-803. 
— Arch. Néerland., 7, 289-327. 1872.2 

Een merkwaardige visch (Cera- 
todus forsteri) Album Natuur, 1872 
(Wetensch. bijblad.), 14-15. 1872.3 

En visch met vier handen. 
Album Natuur, 1872 (Wetensch. bij- 
blad.), 78-79. 1872.4 

Lophobranchii. Album Natuur, 
1872 (Wetensch. bijblad.), 23-24. 

Voortteling van de alen. Album 
Natuur, 1872 (Wetensch. bijblad.), 86- 
87. 1872.6 
Ademhaling der visschen: AI- 
bum Natuur, 1873 (Wetensch. bijblad.), 
76-77. 1873.1 

From Quinquand, in C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 
76, 1141. 



Chemische samenstellung van 
het kraakbeen van een haai. Album 
Natuur, 1873 (Wetensch. bijblad.), 83- 
84. 1873.2 

Eigendommelijke wijze van 
voortbeweging van sommige visschen. 
Album Natuur, 1873 (Wetensch. bij- 
blad.), 348. 1873.3 

—— Het pancreas der visschen. Al- 
pum Natuur, 1873 (Wetensch. bubs ); 

—— Geluiden door visschen voortge- 
bracht. Album Natuur, 1874 (We 
tensch. bijblad.), 88. 1874.1 

Observations 4 propos d'une 
note de M. Moreau, sur Vapplication du 
physométre a l'étude du réle de la vessie 
natatoire. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, el 
78, 1064-1066. 1874.2 

Serranus phaéton. Album Na- 
tuur, 1873 (Wetensch. bijblad.), 56. 

Een nest van jonge visschen. 
Album Natuur, 1875 Weten bij- 
blad.), 110-111. 1875.1 
fe See also R. W. Mitchell, in Nature, 1875, 11, 

—— Ingewanden-steen van een steur. 
Album Natuur, 1875 (Wetensch. bij- 
blad.), 78. 1875.2 

Jets over de zeelt (Vinca vul- 
garis) Album Natuur, 1875 (Wetensch. 
bijblad.), 64. 1875.3 

Mannelijke alen. Album Na- 
tuur, 1875 (Wetensch. bijblad.), 28—29. 

Mannelijke generatieorganen der 
alen. Album Natuur, 1875 (Wetensch. 
bijblad.), 53. 1875.5 

—— Overblijfselen van Lepidosteus 
in het tertiaire bekken van Parijs. 
Album Natuur, 1875 (Wetensch. bij- 
blad.), 22-23. 1875.6 

Segmentaalorganen bij haaien. 
Album Natuur, 1875 (Wetensch. bij- 
blad.), 55. 1875.7 

—  Amphioxus. Album Natuur, 
1876 (Wetensch. bijblad.), 46-47. 

From T. H. Huxley, in Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 
1875, 4. ser. 15, 225. 

Ceratodus. Album Natuur, 
1876 (Wetensch. bijblad.), 79-80. 



Denestbouw van den regen- 
boogvisch. Album Natuur, 1876 (We- 
tensch. bijblad.), 383-386. 1876.3 

Eene eigene inrichting der zwem- 
blaas bij Caranx trachurus. Album 
Natuur, 1876 (Wetensch. bijblad.), 14- 
15. 1876.4 
Een merkwardige visch [(Chro- 
mis paterfamilias; Album Natuur, 1876 
(Wetensch. bijblad.), 290. 1876.5 

Haaien in zoet water. Album 
Natuur, 1876 (Wetensch. bijblad.), 62— 
63. 1876.6 

Een tweede leptocardier (EH pi- 
gonichthys cultellus; Album Natuur, 

1877 (Wetensch. bijblad.), 40. 1877.1 
Luchtademing van sommige 
Indische zoetwatervisschen. Album 

Natuur, 1877 (Wetensch. bijblad.), 8. 

From G. E. Dobson, in Proce. Zool. Soc. Lon- 
don, 1874, 312. 

Nestbouw van den goerami. 
Album Natuur, 1877 (Wetensch. bij- 
blad.), 321-322. 1877.3 

Veranderingen in zoetwater- 
visschen ten gevolge van uitwendige om- 
standigheden. Album Natuur, 1877 
(Wetensch. bijblad.), 60-61. 1877.4 

See also Fatio, in Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 1876, 
n. s. 59, 35. Jbid., 1877, 58, 185. 

Vergelijking der elektrissche orga- 
nen bij spieren. Album Natuur, 1877 
(Wetensch. bijblad.), 76-77. 1877.5 

— De minhocao. Album Natuur, 
1878 (Wetensch. bijblad.), 320-324. 


Dubbele leiding der zenuwen 

(Malapterurus electricus!} Album Na- 
tuur, 1878 (Wetensch. bijblad.), 35. 


— lLuchtademende visschen. AI- 
bum Natuur, 1878 (Wetensch. bijblad.), 
ils}; 1878.3 

— Variabiliteit der stekelbaarzen. 

Album Natuur, 1878 (Wetensch. bij- 
blad.), 15-16. 1878.4 

Wijze van verplaatsing der oogen 
gedurende de ontwikkeling der pleu- 

ronecten. Album Natuur, 1878 (We- 
tensch. bijblad.), 78. 1878.5 
Ademhaling van Amia. Album 

Natuur, 1879 (Wetensch. bijblad.), 72. 

— Chorda dorsalis van Amphioxus. 
Album Natuur, 1879 (Wetensch. bij- 
blad.), 71-72. 1879.2 

See J. Renault & G. Duchamp, in C. R. Acad. 
Sci. Paris, 1878, 86, 898. 

De groei van den haring. Album 
Natuur, 1879 (Wetensch. bijblad.), 62- 
63. 1879.3 

Maagsap der visschen. Album 
Natuur, 1879 (Wetensch. bijblad.), 78— 
79. 1879.4 

Pseudo-elektrische organen (Mor- 
myrus}] Album Natuur, 1879 (We- 
tensch. bijblad.), 7. 1879.5 

Zwemblaas. Album Natuur, 
1879 (Wetensch. bijblad.), 30. 1879.6 

Bloedwarmte van visschen. AI- 
bum Natuur, 1880 (Wetensch. bijblad.), 
39. 1880.1 

Notice of article by J. H. Kidder, in Nature, 
1879, 156. 

Een Surinaamsche sidderaal. Al- 
bum Natuur, 1880 (Wetensch. bijblad.), 
380. 1880.2 

—— Geluids-organen bij vischen. Al- 
bum Natuur, 1880 (Wetensch. bijblad.), 
22-23. 1880.3 

From W. Sorensen, in C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 
1879, 88, 1042-1043. 

Homocercie en heterocercie. Al- 
bum Natuur, 1880 (Wetensch. bijblad.), 
14. 1880.4 

In het land der temnladores 
(Gymnotus electricus} Album Natuur, 
1880 (Wetensch. bijblad.), 323-350. 
fig. 1880.5 

Zichtbaarheid van den lympha- 
omloop bij visschen. Album Natuur, 
1880 (Wetensch. bijblad.), 95. 1880.6 

Hartley, F. Notes on a specimen of 
Alepisaurus esculapius Bean, from the 
coast of San Luis Obispo county, Cali- 
fornia. Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci., 1895, 5 
49-50. pl. 1895.1 

Hartmann, Carl. Goldfisch, Was- 
serkafer, Larven von Alytes obstetricans 
welche 6 Tage lang vollstiindig einge- 
froren. 24. Jahresber. Nat. Ver. Preuss. 
Rheinl. Westfalen, 1896, 50. 1896.1 

Hartmann, G.L. Beschreibung der 


Bernerseen. St. Gallen, 1780. 1780.1 
Contains mention of fishes. 
Ueber den Bodensee. Ein Ver- 

such. St. Gallen, 1795. 93 p. 8°. 


Hartmann, G. L. 

Der angebliche Salmo alpinus, 
oder auseinandergesetzte Naturgeschich- 
te der Rothforelle und der Bachforelle. 
Alpina, 1806, 1, 87-105. Also separate; 
Winterthur, 1806. 19 p. 8°. 1806.1 

Versuch einer Beschreibung des 
Bodensees. 2. ed. St. Gallen, 1808. 
172 p. 8°. 1808.1 

Helvetische Ichthyologie; oder, 
Ausfiihrliche Naturgeschichte der in der 
Schweiz sich vorfindenden Fische. Zu- 
rich, 1827. xii, 240 p. 8°. Abstract in 
Isis (Oken), 1828, 9, 984.— Bull. Sci. Nat. 
(Férussac), 1828, 13, 250. 1827.1 

Hartmann, Robert. Bemerkungen 
uber die elektrischen Organe der Fische. 
R. Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Reichert), 
1861, 646-670. Ibid., 1862, 762-772. 


Die Endigungsweise der Gehér- 
nerven im Labyrinthe der Knochen- 
fische. Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Reichert), 
1862, 508-525. 1862.1 

Ueber den diusseren Habitus und 
den inneren Bau der Chimera monstrosa. 
Sitzber. Ges. Naturf. Freunde Berlin, 
1876, 83-84. 1876.1 

— Der Dorsch und seine, Verwand- 
ten. Oesterr.-ungar. Fischerei Zeitg., 
1880, 263-265. 1880.1 

Ueber die Brustflossenmuskeln 
einiger Fische. Sitzber. Ges. Naturf. 
Freunde Berlin, 1881, 150-154. 1881.1 

Hartmann, Vincenz. Das Kirntner 
Faukerseethal der Gegenwart und der 

Vorzeit. 39. Jahresber. Staats-Oberreal- 
schule Klagenfurt, 1886, 1-47. map. 

Die Fischfauna des Faukersees und seines Zu- 
und Abflusses, p. 41-45. 

Fische Karntens. Jahrb. Natur- 
hist. Mus. Kéirnten, 1899, 25, 1-48. 

Hartmann, Wilhelm. Ueber Fisch- 
zucht. Wochenbl. Landw. Ver. Baden, 
1869, 177-180.— Neue Freie Presse, 
Wien, 1871, no. 2569. 1869.1 

Der Bodensee, seine Fische 
und seine Bewirthschaftung. Wochenbl. 
Landw. Ver. Baden, 1870, 209-211; 
217-219; 225-227. 1870.1 

In welchem Alter sollen die 
kiinstlich gebriiteten Fische ausgesetzt 
werden und wo? Wochenbl. Landw. 


. 1912, 9. Jahrg., 442-443. fig. 


Ver. Baden, 1870, 325-327; 333-335; 
341-343. — Cireul. Deutsch. Fischerei 
Ver., 1871, 1. Jahrg., no. 2, 24-33. 1870.2 

Hartshorne, H. Change of temper- 
ature in water containing recently fer- 
tilized shad (Clupea menhaden) eggs. 
Amer. Naturalist, 1872, 6, 492-493. 


“Another note on the same,’’ by N. Cole- 
man. TIbid., 6, 493. 

Hartsinck, J. J. Beschrijving van 
Guiana of de wilde kust van Amerika, 
betreffende de aardrijkskunde en his- 
torie des landes . . . de dieren, vogels, 
visschen, boomen en gewassen, enz. 2 
vols. Amsterdam, 1770. map & figs. 
4°: 1770.1 

Description of the fishes, vol. i, 115-124. 

Hartt, Charles Frederick [1840-1878] 
A vacation trip to Brazil. Amer. Natu- 
ralist, 1867, 1, 642-651. 1867.1 

Flying fish, p. 643-645. 

Hartwig, Georg Ludwig [— 1880] 
Das Leben des Meeres; eine Darstel- 
lung fiir gebildete Allerstinde. Frank- 
furtive, Mis 857%, 782. 1857.1 

Die Bewohner des Meeres, p. 87-342. 

Hartwig, P. Notizen iiber die Be- 
deutung der Armknochen bei den 
Fischen. Nunquam Otiosus, Dresden, 
1870, 27-28. 1870.1 

Hartwig, W. Altes und Neues vom 
Danio rerio. Wochenschr. Aquar.-Ter- 
rar. Kunde, 1908, 5. Jahrg., 213-215. 
fig. 1908.1 

Noch einiges iiber Acara ceruleo- 
punctata var. latifrons Steind. u. Kn. 
Wochenschr. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 
1908, 5. Jahrg., 117-119. fig. 1908.2 

Xiphophorus var. rachovii Regan. 
Wochenschr. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 

Harvey, M. Tape-worms in fishes. 
Forest & Stream, 1876, 7, 36. 1876.1 

The basking shark in Newfound- 
land waters. Forest & Stream, 1877, 7, 
356. 1877.1 

The basking shark. Forest & 
Stream, 1880, 15, 426. 1880.1 

Fishing and consumption of fish 
in Newfoundland; from letter to Prof. 
S. F. Baird. Bull. U. 8. Fish Comm. 
1882 (1883), 2, 102. 1883.1 


Harvie-Brown, John Alexander [1844 
—] Bibliography of the writings of 
J. A. Harvie-Brown. Arranged for the 
most part in chronological order. 30 
a privately printed. Stirling, 1897. 
32p. 8°. 1897.1 

Unusual abundance of dog-fish 
(Scyllium catulus) on the coasts of Scot- 
land. Zoologist, 1883, 3. ser. 6, 354. 

—— The wonderful trout. Edin- 
burgh, 1898. 172 p. illus. 16°. 1898.1 

Notes on some Scottish Salmon- 
ide. Ann. Scottish Nat. Hist. Soc., 
1899, 75-84. 1899.1 

— Further notes on Salmonide. 
Ann. Scottish Nat. Hist. Soc., 1901, 
202-207. 1901.1 

— Notes on British Salmonide. 
Ann. Scottish Nat. Hist. Soc., 1901, 18— 
24; 82-92. 1901.2 

Notes on fishes from the county 
Down coast. Irish Naturalist, 1901, 10, 
173. 1901.3 

Bass (Labrax lupus) on the west 
coast of Invernesshire. Ann. Scottish 
Nat. Hist. Soc., 1902, no. 43, 185. 1902.1 

Fish and fishing off the Down 
coast. Irish Naturalist, 1902, 11, 21-22. 

Notes on Salmonide. Ann. 
Scottish Nat. Hist. Soc., 1902, 14-21. 

Harvie-Brown, John Alexander, & 
Buckley, Thomas Edward. A _ verte- 
brate fauna of Sutherland, Caithness 
and west Cromarty. Edinburgh, 1887. 
344 p. pls. 8°. 1887.1 

Fishes, p. 252-299. Contains a list of all the 
fishes of the Moray firth. 

A vertebrate fauna of the Outer 

Hebrides. Edinburgh, 1888. 279 p. 

illust. & pls. 8°. 1888.1 
Fishes, by W. Anderson Smith, p. 172-225. 

A vertebrate fauna of Argyll and 
the Inner Hebrides. Edinburgh, 1892. 
262, p. pls. 8°. 1892.1 

Pisces; fresh-water fishes of Argyllshire, by 
W. A. Smith, p. 219-234. 

A fauna of the Moray basin. 2 
vols. Edinburgh, 1895. illust. 8°. 


The extinct vertebrate animals of the Moray 

firth area, by Dr. [R. H.] Traquair. Vol. ii, p. 
235-286. pls. i-ix. 


Harwood, J. On a newly discovered 
genus of serpentiform fishes (Ophiogna- 
thus) Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. London, 
1827, 49-57. — Bull. Sci. Nat. (Férus- 
sac), 12, 277-279. — Notizen (Froriep), 
21, 177-179. — Journ. Sci. (Brewster), 
8, 300. — Isis (Oken), 1836, 586-588. 


Hase, Albrecht. Ueber das Schup- 
penkleid der Teleostier. Jena. Zeitschr. 
Naturw., 1907, 42, 607-668. 3 pls. 


Die morphologische Entwicke- 
lung der Ctenoidschuppe. Anat. Anz., 
1911, 40, 337-356. 28 figs. 1911.1 

Studien itiber das Integument 
von Cyclopterus lumpus L. Beitraige zur 
Kenntnis der Entwickelung der Haut 
und des Hautskelettes von Knochen- 
fischen. Jena. Zeitschr. Naturw., 1911, 
47, 217-342. 8 pls. & 37 figs. 1911.2 

Haselhoff, #., & Hiinnemeier, B. 
Ueber die Schidlichkeit industrieller 
Abgiinge fiir die Fischzucht. Landwirth- 
schaft. Jahrb., Berlin, 1901, 30, 583-617. 


Haseman, John D. Campostoma 
brevis. Proc. Indiana Acad. Sci. 1905 
(1906), 161-163. 1906.1 

An annotated catalog of the 
cichlid fishes collected by the expedition 
of the Carnegie Museum to central 
South America, 1907-1910. Ann. Car- 
negie Mus., 1911, 7, 329-372. 20 pls. 


Descriptions ef some new species 
of fishes and miscellaneous notes on 
others obtained during the expedition 
of the Carnegie Museum to central 
South America. Ann. Carnegie Mus., 
1911, 7, 315-328. 7 pls. & fig. 1911.2 

Some new species of fishes from 
the rio Iguasi. Ann. Carnegie Mus., 
1911, 7, 374-387. 13 pls. & fig. 1911.3 

The relationship of the genus 
Priseacara. Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. 
Hist., 1912, 31, 97-101. 1912.1 

Some factors of geographical 
distribution in South America. Ann. 
Ne Ys Acad. Set, 1912) 22; 9-112. 15 
pls. 1912.2 

Haseman, John D., & Eigenmann, 
Carl H. A brief report upon the expedi- 
tion of the Carnegie Museum to central 
South America, together with a list of 
localities at which Mr. Haseman col- 
lected. Ann. Carnegie Mus., 1911, 7, 
287-314. 1911.1 



Haskell, EH. H. Second annual ap- 
pearance of young cod hatched by the 
United States Fish Commission in 
Gloucester harbor in the winter of 1879- 
80. Bull. U.S. Fish Comm. 1882 ey 
Pe 1 

Haslewood, Joseph. Literary re- 
searches into the history of the book of 
Saint Albans. London, 1810. 4°. 

Deals with early fishing literature. 

(editor) The dialogues of crea- 
tures moralysed. London, 1816. 276 p. 

But one previous edition of the “‘ Dialogues of 
Creatures’? has appeared in English. Hasle- 
wood’s reprint was limited to 100 copies, of which 
56 were destroyed by fire. There is a Dutch edi- 
tion as early as 1480, and a French of 1482. The 
illustrations of fish and fishing scenes are among 
the earliest to appear in printed books. 

Hassall, Albert, & Stiles, Charles 
Wardell. See Stiles & Hassall. 

Hasse, Johann Carl Franz [1841 —] 
Bemerkungen iiber das Gehérorgan der 
Fische. Verh. Phys. Med. Gesell. 
Wiirzburg, 1869, 1, 92-104. — Anat. 
Studien, 1872, 1, 3. Heft, 417-488. 4 
pls. 1869.1 

Die Cupula terminalis der Cy- 
prinoiden. Anat. Studien, 1870, 1, 1-8. 

Beobachtungen tiber die Sch wimn- 
blase der Fische. Anat. Studien, 1873, 
1, 583-610. 2 pls. 1873.1 

Die Lymphbahnen des inneren 
Ohres der Wirbelthiere. Anat. Studien, 
1873, 1, 766-816. 2 pls. 1873.2 

Die fossilen Wirbel. Morpholo- 
gische Studien. Morphol. Jahrb., 1876, 
2, 449-477. 2 pls. Ibid., 1877, 3, 328— 
351. 2 pls. IJbid., 1878, 4, 214-268. 4 
pls. 1876.1 

Zur Anatomie des Amphioxus 

lanceolatus. Morphol. Jahrb., 1876, 1, 
2. Heft, 282-298. pl. 1876.2 

— Die fossilen Squatine. Neues 
Jahrb. Mineral., 1877, 981-982. 1877.1 

Ueber den verwandtschaftlichen 
Zusammenhang zwischen Haien und 
Rochen. Amtl. Ber. 50. Vers. Deutsch. 
Naturf., 1877, 173-174. 1877.2 

Ueber die Verwandtschaftsver- 

hiltnisse der Gattung Selache. Mor- 
phol. Jahrb. (Suppl.), 1878, 438-58. 2 
pls. 1878.1 

Das natiirliche System der Elas- 
mobranchier auf Grundlage des Baues 
und der Entwicklung ihrer Wirbelsaule. 
Eine morphologische und_paliaontolo- 
gische Studie. Jena, 1879-85. 1879.1 

Allgemeiner Theil. Jena, 1879. 76p. 6 figs 
Review in Zool. Anz., 1878, 1, 144-148; Pie7-172, 

Besonderer Theil. Jena, 1882. 285° p. 40pls. 

Erginzungsheft. Jena, 1885. 27p. pl. 

Ueber den Bau und iiber die 
Entwickelung des Knorpels bei den 
Elasmobranchiern. Zool. Anz., 1879, 
2, 325-329; 351-355; 371-374. 1879.2 

Einige seltene paliontologische 
Funde. Palwontogr., 1884, 3. ser. 7, 3- 
10. 2 pls. 1884.1 

Die Entwicklung der Wirbel- 
siule der Dipnoi. Vierte Abhandlung 
liber die Entwicklung der Wirbelsiule. 
Zeitschr. Wiss. Zool., 1892, 55, 533- 
5A2s/ pl 1892.1 

—— Die Entwicklung der Wirbel- 
siiule der Elasmobranchier. Dritte Ab- 
handlung iiber die Entwicklung der 
Wirbelsiule. Zeitschr. Wiss. Zool., 
1892, 55, 519-531. pl. 1892.2 

Allgemeine Bemerkungen iiber 

die Entwicklung und die Stammes- 
geschichte der Wirbelsiule. Anat. Anz., 
1893, 8, 288-289. 1893.1 

Die Entwicklung der Wirbel- 
siiule der Cyclostomen. Sechste Ab- 
handlung iiber die Entwicklung der 
Wirbelsiule. Zeitschr. Wiss. Zool., 
1894, 57, 290-305. pl. Abstract in 
Journ. Roy. Micr. Soc., 1894, pt. 2, 176. 

Die Entwicklung und der Bau 
der Wirbelsiule der Ganoiden. Finfte 
Abhandlung iiber die Entwicklung der 
Wirbelsiule. Zeitschr. Wiss. Zool., 
1894, 57, 76-96. 2 pls. 1894.2 

Hasselt, Alexander Wilhelm Michael 
van {1814?-1902] Natuurhistorische 
schets der visschen, en van hunne betee- 
kenis voor den mensch. Album Natuur, 
1855 (Wetensch. bijblad.), 97-122; 161— 
188. figs. 1855.1 

Hasselt, Jan Coenraad van [— 1821] 
Extrait d’une seconde lettre sur les 
poissons de Java. Bull. Sci. Nat. 
(Férussac), 1824, 2, 374-377. 1824.1 

— Sur les poissons de Java (Extrait 
des lettres... 4 M. C. J. Temmincki 
Bull. Sci. Nat. (Férussac), 1824, 2, 89- 
92; 374-377. 1824.2 

a i at bk 



Haswell, William Aitcheson. Note 
on the brain of the tiger shark (Galeo- 
cerdo rayneri) Proc. Linn. Soc. New 
South Wales, 1883, 7, 210-212. 1883.1 

— On the structure of the paired 
fins of Ceratodus, with remarks on the 
general theory of the vertebrate limb. 
Proc. Linn. Soc. New South Wales, 1883, 
7, 2-11. pl. 1883.2 

Note on the young of the saw- 
fish shark (Pristiophorus cirratus) Proc. 
Linn. Soc. New South Wales, 1885, 9, 
680-681. 1885.1 

Studies on the elasmobranch 
skeleton. Proc. Linn. Soc. New South 
Wales, 1885, 9, 71-117. 2pls. 1885.2 

On the development of Hetero- 
dontus (Cestracion) philippi. Part I. 
Proce. Linn. Soe. New South Wales, 
1897, 22, 96-103. 2 pls. 1897.1 

On a cestode from Cestracion. 
Quart. Journ. Micr. Sci., London, 1902, 
46, 399-415. 3 pls. 1902.1 

On a Gyrocotyle from Chimera 
ogilvyyt and on Gyrocotyle in general. 
Proc. Linn. Soc. New South Wales, 1902, 
27, 48-54. pl. 1902.2 

Note on the cephalochorda in the 
Australian Museum. Ree. Austral. 
Mus., 1908, 7, 33-35. fig. 1908.1 

Haswell, William Aitcheson, & Par- 
ker, Thomas Jeffery. See Parker & 

Hatai, Shinkishi. Observations on 
the efferent neurones in the electric 
lobes of Torpedo occidentalis. Journ. 
Cincinnati Soc. Nat. Hist., 1901, 20, 1- 
12. pl. — Bull. Univ. Cincinnati, no. 4, 
112. pl. 1901.1 

On the nature of the pericellular 
network of nerve cells. Journ. Comp. 
Neurol., 1903, 13, no. 2, 189-147. pl. 


Hatch, Frederick Henry [1864 —] 
The discovery of fish-remains in the 
Ecca shales, near Ladysmith. Ann. 
Natal Mus., 1910, 2, pt. 2, 227-228. 


Hatch, Thomas EF. On the silver 
trout of Monadnock lake, New Hamp- 
shire. Rept. U.S. Fish Comm. 1872-73 
(1874), 2, 372. 1874.1 

Hatcher, John Bell [1861-1904] For 
memorial notice, see Ann. Carnegie 
Museum, 1904, 2, 597-604. 


Some new and little known fossil 
vertebrates. Ann. Carnegie Mus., 1901, 
1, 128-144. 4 pls. 1901.1 

Relative age of the Lance creek 
(Ceratops) beds of Converse county, 
Wyoming, the Judith River beds of 
Montana and the Belly River beds of 
Canada. Amer. Geol., 1903, 31, 369- 
oo 1903.1 

Contains some mention of fossil fish-remains, 

Vertebrate fauna of the Judith 
River beds. Bull. U. 8. Geol. Survey, 
1905, no. 257, 67-103. 1905.1 

Hathaway, Walter E. Effects of 
menhaden fishing upon the supply of 
menhaden and of the fishes that prey 
upon them. Proc. 4. Intern. Fish. 
Congr., 1908, 1, 269-278. 1908.1 

Hatschek, Berthold [1854—]  Stu- 
dien ither Entwicklung des Amphioxus. 
Wien, 1881. 8 pls. 1881.1 

Die paarigen Extremititen der 
Wirbeltiere. Anat. Anz. (Verh. Anat. 
Ges.), 1889, 4, 82-90. figs. 1889.1 

Die .Rippen der Wirbeltiere. 
Anat. Anz. (Verh. Anat. Ges.), 1889, 4, 
113-120. . figs. 1889.2 

Die Metamerie des Amphioxus 
und des Ammoccetes. Anat. Anz. (Verh. 
Anat. Ges.), 1892, 7, 136-161. figs. 


Zur Metamerie der Wirbeltiere. 
Nachtrag und Berichtigung. Anat. 
Anz., 1892, 7, 89-91. 1892.2 

Studien zur Segmenttheorie des 

Wirbeltierkopfes. 1. Mitteilung. Das 
Acromerit des Amphioxus. Morphol. 
Jahrb., 1906, 35, 1-14. pl. 1906.1 

Studien zur Segmenttheorie des 
Wirbeltierkopfes. 2. Mitteilung. Mor- 
phol. Jahrb., 1909, 39, 497-525. 2 pls. 
«& fig. 1909.1 

Das primitive Vorderende des Wirbeltier- 

Studien zur Segmenttheorie des 
Wirbeltierkopfes. 3. Mittheilung. Mor- 
phol. Jahrb., 1910, 40, 480-489. 2 pls. 
& fig. 1910.1 

Ueber das Akromerit und iiber echte Urseg- 
mente bei Petromyzon. 

Hatsel, W.7. Statement concerning 
the menhaden fishery. Rept. U. 5S. 
Fish Comm. 1877 (1879), 5, 477. 1879.1 




Hatta, S. On the formation of the 
germinal layers in Petromyzon. Jcurn. 
Coll. Sei., Imp. Univ. Japan, 1892, b; 
129-147. 1892.1 
Contributions to the morphology 
of Cyclostomata. I. On the formation 
of the heart in Petromyzon. Journ. oa 
Sci., Imp. Univ. Japan, 1897, 10, pt. 2 
224-937, pl. 1397.1 

Preliminary note on the de- 
velopment of the pronephros in Petro- 
myzon. Annot. Zool. Japon., Tokyo, 
1897, 1, 137-140.— Proc. Roy. Micr. 
Soc., 1898, pt. 2, 182. 1897.2 

Contributions to the morphology 
of Cyclostomata. The development of 
pronephros and segmental duct in Pet- 
romyzon. Journ. Coll. Sci., hLnp. Univ. 
Tokyo, 1900, 13, 311-425. 5 pls. 1900.1 

On the lampreys of Japan to- 
gether with notes on a specimen from 
Siberia. Annot. Zool. Japon., Tokyo, 
1901, 4, 21-29. 1901.1 

On the relation of the metameric 
segmentation of mesoblast in Petromy- 
zon to that in Amphioxus and the higher 
Craniota. Annot. Zool. Japon., Tokyo, 
1901, 4, 43-47. 1901.2 

— On the gastrulation in Petromy- 
zon. Journ. Coll.Sci., Imp. Univ. Japan, 
1907, 21, art. 11, 144. 3 pls. 1907.1 

Bemerkungen iiber die friiheren 
Entwicklungsstadien des Gefiisssystems 
des Ammoccetes. Journ. Sapporo Agric. 
Coll., 1908, 3, 81-107. 3 figs. 1908.1 

Ueber die Variabilitaét und den 
Dimorphismus des japanischen Neun- 

auges. Annot. Zool. Japon., Tokyo, 
1911, 7, 263-270. pl. 1911.1 

Zur Tiergeographie von Hok- 
kaido. Zool. Anz., 1913, 48, no. 1, 
27-36. 1913.1 

Hauck, J. Etwas iiber die Beschaf- 
fung von tierischem Futter zur Aufzucht 
von Jungfischen. Natur u. Haus, Dres- 
den, 1904, 12. Jahrg., 277-278. fig. 


Hauer, Franz von [1822-1899] Ueber 
einen neuen fundort tertifirer Fisch- 
reste bei Porcsesd in _Siebenbiirgen. 
Ber. Mitth. Freund. Naturw. (Hai- 
dinger), 1846, 1, 206-209. 1846.1 

— {Reference to fossil fishes from 
Krakowika bei Inwald) Naturw. Abh. 
(Haidinger), 1847, 3, 118. 1847.1 

Haug, Emile. Sur la faune des 
couches & Ceratodus crétacées du Djoua, 
prés Timassdnine (Sahara) C. R. Acad. 
Sci. Paris, 1904, 188, 1529-1531. 1904.1 

Paléontologie (In Documents 
scientifiques de la mission saharienne. 
Mission Foureau Lamy, pt. 3, 751-832. 
pls. Paris, 1905) 1905.1 

4 vols. 

2025 p. 
Contains references to fossil 

Traité de _ géologie. 
Paris, 1908-11. illust. 8°. 

Tome ii. Les périodes géologiques. 
ee. & 290 figs. 

Haupt, H. Leuchtende Organismen. 
Naturw. Wochenschr., 1903, 19, 65-71. 
6 figs. 1903.1 

Am Ufer des Schwarzen Meeres. 
Natur u. Haus, Dresden, 1904, 12. 
Jahrg., 193-196. 6 figs. 1904.1 

Haus, G. A. Beitriige zur Anatomie 
und Histologie des Darmkanales bei 
Anarrhichas lupus. Intern. Journ. Anat. 
Physiol., 1897, 14, 42-52. pl. 1897.1 

Hautefeuille, 1.8. Les péches mari- 
times en France. Leur état actuel. 
Moyens de les rétablir et de les dévelop- 
per. Paris, 1868. 8°. 1868.1 

Observation d’un cas de tuber- 
culose rénale chez une carpe. Mém. Soc. 
Linn. Nord France, 1904, 11, 223-230. 
3 pls. 1904.1 

Hauwaert, P. van. De reuzen van 
de zee. Naar de natuur geschetst en met 
platen versierd [Die Seeriesen. Nach 
der Natur gezeichnet und mit Tafeln 
verziert] Gand, 1901. 64p. 8°. 1901.1 

Eenige merkwaardige zeedieren 
afgebeeld en in hunne levenswijze ge- 
schetst [Einige merkwiirdige Seetiere 
abgebildet und in ihrer Lebensweise 
skizziert] Gand, 1901. 64p. 8°. 


Histoire natu- 

Haiiy, René Just [1743-1822] 
cyclopédie méthodique. 

relle. Tome troisiéme. Contenant les 
poissons. Paris & Liége, 1787. ix, 435 
p. 42 1787.1 

‘“This is a dictionary, in which the Linnzan 
orders (miscalled classes of orders), genera, and 
species are described under their French names 
in alphabetical order. Tabular synopses (each 
on a special page) are also given of the classes, 
genera, and species under their French names in 
connection with the descriptions. The work is 
a very poor and imperfect cone by an 
author practically unacquainted with fishes as 
well as with the then recent literature of the sub- 
ject.’’ T. N. Gill, Smithson. Mise. Coll., 1872, 
ne es 7 68 

<at> cre pear, Meme ual 


Hauzeur, Nicolas, Dupont, Hduard, 
& Beneden, P. J. van. See Beneden, 
Hauzeur & Dupont. 

Havens, W.S. Statement concern- 
ing the menhaden fishery. Rept. U.S. 
Fish Comm. 1877 (1879), 5, 441. 1879.1 

Hawkes, Arthur J. Eye migration 
in flat-fishes and Lamarckianism. Na- 
ture, 1907, 75, 79. 1907.1 

Hawkes, (Mrs.) Onéra A., formerly 
Merritt. The presence of a vestigial 
sixth branchial arch in the Heterodon- 
tide. Journ. Anat. Physiol., London, 
1905, 3. ser. 40, 81-84. 2 figs. 1905.1 

The theory of nerve components, 
especially with regard to its relation to 
the segmentation of the vertebrate head. 
Journ. Anat. Physiol., London, 1905, 39, 
199-241. 2 figs. 1905.2 

The cranial and spinal nerves of 
Chlamydoselachus anguineus Gar. Proc. 
Zool. Soc. London, 1906, pt. 2, 959-990. 
2 pls. 1906.1 

On the abdominal viscera and 
a vestigial seventh branchial arch in 
Chlamydoselachus. Proc. Zool. Soe. 
London, 1907, 471-478. 2 figs. 1907.1 

Hawkins, J. W. An opinion regard- 
ing the influence upon the coast fisheries 
of the steamers used in the menhaden 
fishery. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1881 
(1882), 1, 266-269. 1882.1 

Hawser, Martingale, pseudonym for 
Sleeper, J.S. 

Haxo, J. Multiplication de la truite 
au moyen de la fécondation artificielle 
des truites et des saumons. Proc. Verb. 
Soc. Philom. Paris, 1849, 23-24. — 
L’Institut, 1849, 17, no. 792,77. 1849.1 

Réflexions sur l’ichthyogénie; ou, 
Eclosion artificielle des ceufs de poissons. 
Hpinal, 1851. 12°. 1851.1 

A German version of this work was published 
at Leipzig in 1855. 

De la fécondation artificielle des 
ceufs de poissons et de leur éclosion, 
... Suivi de réflexions sur l’ichthyogénie. 
Ann. Soc. Emul. Vosges, 1853, 8, 49-131. 
Also separate; Epinal, 1853. 8°. 

Guide du pisciculteur. Paris, 
1854. 12°. 1854.1 

Guide du pisciculteur d’aprés des 
notes et des documents fournis par J. 



Remy, recueillis, rédigés et publiés par 
le Dr. Haxo. Paris, 1860. 12°. 1860.1 

Hay, Oliver Perry [1846] For list 
of writings, see his privately published 
bibliography, dated May 22, 1911. 

On a collection of fishes from 
eastern Mississippi. Proc. U. 8. Nat. 
Mus., 1881, 3, 488-515. 1881.1 

On a collection of fishes from the 
lower Mississippi valley. Bull. U. 8. 
Fish Comm. 1882 (1883), 2, 57-75. 


Note on a collection of fishes 
from Florida, with descriptions of new 
or little known species. Proc. U.S. Nat. 
Mus., 1885, 8, 552-559. 1885.1 

—— A contribution to the knowledge 
of the fishes of Kansas. Proc. U.S. Nat. 
Mus., 1887, 10, 242-253. 1887.1 

Description of a new species of 
Petalodus (P. securiger) from the Car- 
boniferous of Illinois. Journ. Geol., 
1895, 3, 561-564. _ figs. 1895.1 

For further remarks on the same species, see 
Eastman, C.R. IJbid., 1895, 4, 174-176. 

The lampreys and fishes of In- 
diana. 19. Ann. Rept. Dept. Geol. Nat. 
Resources Indiana, 1894 (1895), 146-— 
296. 1895.2 

On the structure and develop- 
ment of the vertebral column of Amia. 
Publ. Field Columb. Mus., Zool. ser., 
1895, 1, 5-54. 3 pls. 1895.3 

On some collections of fishes 
made in the Kankakee and _ Illinois 
rivers. Publ. Field Columb. Mus., 
Zool. ser., 1896, 1, 85-97. 1896.1 

The structure and mode of de- 
velopment of the vertebral column. 
Science, 1896, n. s. 4, 959-961. 1896.2 

Dr. Alexander Goette on the 
development of the vertebral column. 
Amer. Naturalist, 1897, 31, 397—406. 


Dr. Gadow and Miss Abbott on 
the vertebral column of fishes. Zool. 
Bull., Boston, 1897, 1, 131-141. 1897.2 

Classification of the amioid and 
lepisosteoid fishes. Amer. Naturalist, 

1898, 32, 341-349. 8 figs. 1898.1 
George Baur. Science, 1898, 
n. s. 8, 68-71. 1898.2 



Hay, O. P. 

Notes on species of Ichthyo- 

dectes, including the new species J. 

cruentus, and on the related and herein 

established genus Gillicus. Amer. Journ. 

Sci., 1898, 4. ser. 6, 225-232. figs. 

Observations on the genus of 
Cretaceous fishes called by Prof. Cope 
Portheus. Science, 1898, n. s. 7, 646. 


Observations on the genus of 
fossil fishes called by Professor Cope 
Portheus, by Dr. Leidy Xiphactinus. 
Zool. Bull., Boston, 1898, 2, 25-54. figs. 

Protospondyli and Aitheospon- 
dyli of A. S. Woodward. Science, 1898, 
n. 8. 7, 358. 1898.6 

A census of the fossil vertebrata 
of North America. Science, 1899, n. s. 
10, 681-684. 1899.1 

On one little known and one 
hitherto unknown species of Saurocepha- 
lus. Amer. Journ. Sci., 1899, 4. ser. 7, 
299-304. 5 figs.—Ann. Mag. Nat. 
Hist., 7. ser. 3, 480-487. 5 figs. 1899.2 

On some changes in the names, 
generic and specific, of certain fossil 
fishes. Amer. Naturalist, 1899, 33, 
783-792. 1899.3 

On the names of certain North 
American fossil vertebrates. Science, 
1899, n. s. 9, 593-594. 1899.4 

On the nomenclature of certain 
fossil vertebrates. Amer. Geologist, 
1899, 24, 345-349. 1899.5 

Descriptions of some vertebrates 
of the Carboniferous age. Proc. Amer. 
Philos. Soc., 1900, 39, 96-123. pl. & 3 
figs. 1900.1 

The chronological distribution 
of the elasmobranchs. Trans. Amer. 
Philos. Soc., 1901, 2. ser. 20, 63-75. fig. 
Reviewed in Amer. Geol., 1901, 29, 255— 
256. 1901.1 

Bibliography and catalogue of 
the fossil vertebrata of North America. 
Bull. U. 8. Geol. Surv., 1902, no. 179, 
1-868. 1902.1 

Contains a carefully prepared author’s and 

subject catalogue of the literature pertaining to 
American fossil fishes. 

Description of a new species of 
Cladodus (C. formosus) from the De- 
vonian of Colorado. Amer. Geologist, 
1902, 30, 373-374. fig. 1902.2 

The snout-fishes of Kansas. 
Abstract in Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci., 1902, 
15, 15. — Amer. Geologist, 29, 192-193. 

On a collection of Upper Creta- 
ceous fishes from mount Lebanon, Syria, 
with descriptions of four new genera and 
nineteen new species. Bull. Amer. Mus. 
Nat. Hist., 1903, 19, 395-452. 14 pls. 
& figs. 1903.1 

On certain genera and species of 
North American Cretaceous actinopter- 
ous fishes. Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., 
1903, 19, 1-95. 5 pls. & 72 figs. 1903.2 

Some remarks on the fossil 
fishes of mount Lebanon, Syria. Amer. 
Naturalist, 1903, 37, 685-695. 1903.3 

On an important but not well- 
known locality furnishing Cretaceous 
fishes. Abstract in Science, 1904, n. s. 
17, 219. — Bull. Geol. Soc. Amer., 14, 
542. 1904.1 

The progress of vertebrate palz- 
ontology at the American Museum of 
Natural History, New York. Amer. 
Geologist, 1905, 35, 31-34. 1905.1 

A new fossil stickleback fish 
(Gasterosteus williamsoni leptosomusifrom 
Nevada. Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., 1907, 
32, 271-274. 3 figs. 1907.1 

A new genus and species of fossil 
shark related to Edestus Leidy. Science, 
1907, n. s. 26, 22-24. fig. 1907.2 

—— On the nature of Edestus and re- 
lated genera, with descriptions of one 
new genus and three new species. Proc. 
U. S. Nat. Mus., 1909, 37, 48-61. 4 
pls. & 7 figs. 1909.1 

Notice in Science Progress, 1909, 4, 675-676. 

On an important specimen of 
Edestus; with description of a new 
species, Edestus mirus. Proc. U.S. Nat. 
Mus., 1912, 42, 31-38. 2 pls. 1912.1 

Edestus and related fossil remains recognized 
as dental organs of Cestracion-like sharks. 

Hayden, H. H. The geology of 
Spiti, with parts of Bashahr and Rup- 
shu. Mem. Geol. Surv. India, 1904, 36, 
1-129. 16 pls. & map. 1904.1 

Hayward, Joseph S. Catch of fish 
in Newfoundland and Labrador in 1881; 
from letter to Prof. 8S. F. Baird. Bull. 
U.S. Fish Comm. 1882 (1883), ae 


. ~~) 


Hazen, Anna Putnam, & Morgan, 
T. H. See Morgan & Hazen. 

Head, J. F. Some remarks on the 
natural history of the country about 
Fort Ripley, Minnesota. 9. Ann. Rept. 
Smithson. Instit. 1854 (1856), 291. iat 


Contains a partial list of the fishes of the 
upper Mississippi. 

Grayling in Montana. Forest 
& Stream, 1874, 2, 212. 1874.1 

Healy, R. Striped bass in Pianka- 
tank river, Virginia; from a letter to 
rote. e. Baird. Bull. U.S. Bish 
Comm. 1882 (1883), 2, 75-76. 1883.1 

Heape, Walier. On the fishing in- 
dustry of Plymouth and description of 
the Marine Biological Association. Lon- 
don, 1887. 4 pls. 8°. 1887.1 

Preliminary report upon the 
faunze and flora of Plymouth sound. 
Journ. Mar. Biol. Assoc., 1887, 1, 153— 
193. 1887.2 

Hearder, J. N. The degeneration of 
our sea fisheries. Rept. Trans. Devon- 
shire Assoc. Adv. Sci., 1871, 4, 213-237. 


Degeneration of our deep-sea 
fisheries. Trans. Plymouth Instit. 1869— 
73 (1873), 4, 42-48. 1873.1 

Hearder, William. Capture of a 
burbot in Cattewater. Zoologist, 1904, 
4. ser. 8, 353. 1904.1 

Hearn, Walter Risley. France. Re- 
port on the French fisheries on the Great 
bank of Newfoundland and off Iceland. 
London, 1899. 11 p. 8°. 1899.1 

Great Britain Foreign Office Diplomatic and 
Consular reports. Miscell. Ser. no. 492. 

Heath, A. J., & Morgan, C. Lloyd. 
On the fish-remains of the Lower Car- 
boniferous rocks of the Bristol district. 
Proc. Nat. Soe. Bristol, 1893, 2. ser. 7, 
80-92. 1893.1 

Heath, Harold. The association of a 
fish with a hydroid. Biol. Bull. Woods 
Hole, 1910, 19, 73-78. 2 figs. 1910.1 

Heath, Neil. Effect of cold on 

fishes. Trans. New Zealand Instit., 
1883, 16, 275-278. — Bull. U. S. Fish 
Comm. 1884, 4, 369-371. 1883.1 

Hébert, Edmond [1812-1890] Sur la 
couche 4 dents de squales découverte 4 
Bruxelles par M. Rutot. Ann. Soe. 
Géol. Belgique, 1874, 1, 73-75. 1874.1 


Hecht, Selig. The relation of weight 
to length in the smooth dog-fish, Muste- 
lus canis. Anat. Record, 1913, 7, 39-42. 
fig. 1913.1 

Heckel, Johann Jakob [1790-1857] 
Ichthyologische Beitrage zu den Fami- 
lien der Cottoiden, Scorpzenoiden, Go- 
bioiden, und Cyprinoiden. Ann. Wien. 
Mus., 1836, 1, 47. Ibid., 1840, 2, 143- 
164. 1836.1 

Scaphirhynchus, eine neue Fisch- 
gattung aus der Ordnung der Chondrop- 
terygier mit freien Kiemen. Ann. Wien. 
Mus., 1836, 1, 68-78. Arch. Natur- 
gesch., 2. Jahrg., 241. 1836.2 

Ueber’ einige neue, oder nicht 
gehérig unterschiedene Cyprinen, nebst 
einer systematischen Darstellung der 
europiischen Gattungen dieser Gruppe. 
Ann. Wien. PaaS, 1836, 1, 219-234. 


Fische aus Caschmir gesammelt 
und herausgegeben von Carl Freiherrn 
von Hiigel, beschrieben von J. J. Heckel. 
Wien, 1838. 112p. 13 pls. 4°. 1838.1 

Johann Natterer’s neue Fluss- 
fische Brasilien’s nach den Beobachtun- 
gen und Mittheilungen des Entdeckers 
beschrieben. Abth. 1. Die Labroiden. 
Ann. Wien. Mus., 1840, 2, 325-470. fig. 

Ichthyologie tvon Syrien) (In 
Russegger, Joseph von. Reisen in 
Europa, Asien und Africa, mit beson- 
derer Riicksicht auf die naturwissen- 
schaftlichen Verhiltnisse der betreffen- 
den Linder unternommen in den Jahren 
1835 bis 1841, ete. vol. i, pt. 2. Stutt- 
gart, 1841-48. 8°) 1841.1 

Fishes from the Lebanon Cretaceous are 

On a new European genus of 
freshwater fish tAulopyge] Translated 
by W. Francis. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 
1841, 7, 522-523. 1841.2 

Ueber eine neue Gattung [Aulo- 
pyge hugelii) von Siisswasserfischen in 
Europa; aus einem Schreiben an den 
Akademiker Dr. Brandt. Bull. Sci. 
Acad. St. Pétersb., 1841, 8, 384. — Ann. 
Mag. Nat. Hist., 1841, "7, 522-523. 

Abbildungen und Beschreibun- 

gen der Fische Syriens, nebst einer neuen 
C lassification und Chars acter istik simmt- 
licher Gattungen der ae yprinen. Stutt- 
gart, 1843. 258p. 22 pls 1843.1 

Fossil fishes of the Taste: p. 234-244. Two 
new genera, Pycnosternix and Isodus, are de- 




Heckel, J. J. 
Sopra varie specie italiane di 
pesci d’acqua dolce. Atti Sci. Ital., 

1844, 380-385. 1844.1 

Bemerkung iiber Lepidosiren 
paradora. Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Miil- 
ler), 1845, 534-535. 1845.1 

Ueber die fossilen Fische des 
Oesterreichischen Kaiserstaates. Ber. 
Mitth. Freund. Naturw. (Haidinger), 
1847, 3, 327-330. 1847.1 

Eine neue Gattung von Peecilien 
mit rochenartigem Anklammerungs-Or- 
gane (P. xiphophorus] Sitzber. Akad. 
Wiss. Wien, 1848, 289-303. 2 pls. 


Pycnodus murattii in lichtem 
Kalkstein aus der Umgegend von Pola 
in Istrien. Ber. Mitth. Freund. Naturw. 
(Haidinger), 1848, 4, 184-189. 1848.2 

Vorlegung von Abbildungen fos- 
siler Fische. Sitzber. Akad. Wiss. Wien, 
1848, 127-130. 1848.3 

Abhandlung iiber eine neue 
fossile Fischgattung, Chirocentrites, und 
die ersten Ueberreste eines Siluroiden 
aus der Vorwelt. Sitzber. Akad. Wiss. 
Wien, 1849, 2, 16-19. 1849.1 

Ueber eine neue Gattung von 
Tenioiden (Lapidopides) und eine neue 
Species aus der Ganoiden Gattung, 
Lepidotus (L. sulcatus) Sitzber. Akad. 
Wiss. Wien, 1849, 2, 176-177. 1849.2 

Ueber einige bisher unbekannte 
Arten fossiler Fische aus der Gegend 
von Gorz. Sitzber. Akad. Wiss. Wien, 
1849, 2, 163-165. 1849.3 

Beitrage zur Kenntniss der fos- 
silen Fische Oesterreichs. Denkschr. 
Akad. Wiss. Wien, 1850, 1, 201-242. 
13 pls. 1850.1 

Bericht tiber das Vorkommen 
fossiler Fische zu Seefeld in Tirol und 
Monte Bolea im Venetianischen. Jahrb. 
Geol. Reichsanst., Wien, 1850, 1, 696— 
701. 1850.2 

Ueber das Wirbelsiulen-Ende 
bei Ganoiden und Teleostiern. Sitzber. 
Akad. Wiss. Wien, 1850, 5, 2. Abth., 
143-148. 1850.3 

Ueber die Wirbelsiule fossiler 
Ganoiden. Sitzber. Akad. Wiss. Wien, 
1850, 5, 2. Abth., 358-368. 4 figs. 1850.4 

—— Bericht einer ichthyologischen 
Reise. Sitzber. Akad. Wiss. Wien, 

1851, 7, 2. Abth., 281-333. Ibid., 8, 347- 
390. Ibid., 9, 49-123. 1851.1 

Gebiss eines fossilen Haies von 
Gairach in Untersteiermark. Jahrb. 
Geol. Reichsanst., Wien, 1851, 2, 149. 

Stér-Arten der Lagunen bei 
Venedig. Sitzber. Akad. Wiss. Wien, 
1851, 6, 2. Abth., 547-563. 1851.3 

Ueber die in den Seen Oberéster- 
reichs vorkommenden Fische. Sitzber. 
Akad. Wiss. Wien, 1851, 6, 145-149. 


Ueber die Ordnung der Chon- 
drostei und die Gattungen Amia, Cyclu- 
rus, Notzus. Sitzber. Akad. Wiss. 
Wien, 1851, 6, 219-224. 1851.5 

Ueber eine neue Fisch-Species 

aus dem Weissen Nil, Protopterus ethi- 
opicus. Sitzber. Akad. Wiss. Wien, 
1851, 6, 2 Abth., 685-689. 1851.6 

Die Fische der Save. Verh. 

Zool.-Bot. Ver. Wien, 1852, 2, 130-131. 

Ueber aussergewohnliche Indi- 
viduen der Bachforelle (Salar ausonit) 
Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ver. Wien, 1852, 1, 
71-72. 1852.2 

Ueberreste eines fossilen Fisches 
aus der Familie der Lippenfische (La- 

broiden) Jahrb. Geol. Reichsanst., 
Wien, 1852, 3, 176-177. 1852.3 

— Verzeichniss der Fische des 
Donau-Gebiets. Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ver. 
Wien, 1852, 2, 28-33. 1852.4 

— Verzeichniss einiger Fische und 
Amphibien aus der Gegend von Bozen, 
und iiber den Carpione des Garda Sees. 
Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ver. Wien, 1852, 1, 81— 

82. 1852.5 
Addizioni alla conoscenza de’ 

pesci fossili Austriaci. Rendic. R. 
Accad. Sci., Napoli, 1853, n. s. 2, ee 

Ueber einen fossilen Fischiiber- 
rest aus Sicilien. Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ver. 
Wien, 1853, 3, 70-71. 1853.2 

Bericht iiber die vom Herrn 
Cavaliere Achille de Zigno hier ange- 
langte Sammlung fossiler Fische. Sitz- 
ber. Akad. Wiss. Wien, 1854, 11, 122— 
138. 1854.1 

Beschreibung des Gymnarchus 
niloticus Cuvier nach zwei aus dem 




Weissen Nil vorliegenden Exemplaren. 
Denkschr. Akad. Wiss. Wien, 1854, 6, 
11-20. 2 pls. Abstract in Sitzber. 
Akad. Wiss. Wien, 1852, 9, 680-681. 

Die Fische der Salzach unter- 
sucht und systematisch verzeichnet. 
Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ver. Wien, 1854, 4, 
189-196. 1854.3 

— Ueber den Bau und die Einthei- 
lung der Pycnodonten, nebst kurzer 
Beschreibung einiger neuen Arten dersel- 
ben. Sitzber. Akad. Wiss. Wien, 1854, 
8, 433-464. 1854.4 

Ueber fossile Fische aus Chiavon 
und das geologische Alter der sie enthal- 
tenden Schichten. Sitzber. Akad. Wiss. 
Wien, 1854, 9, 322-334. 1854.5 

Neue Beitriige zur Kenntniss der 
fossilen Fische Oesterreichs. Sitzber. 
Akad. Wiss. Wien, 1855, 17, 166-168. — 
Denkschr. Akad. Wiss. Wien, 11, 187— 
274. 15 pls. 1855.1 

Heckel, Johann Jakob, & Fitz- 
inger, L. J. Monographische Darstel- 
lung der Gattung Acipenser. Ann. 
Wien. Mus., 1836, 1, 261-326. Notice 
in Arch. Naturgesch. (Wiegmann), 1837, 
2. Jahrg., 239. 1836.1 

Heckel, Johann Jakob, & Kner, 
Rudolf. Die Siisswasserfische der Oes- 
terreichischen Monarchie mit Riicksicht 
auf die angrenzenden Linder. Leipzig, 
1858. 388 p. 204 figs. 8°. 1858.1 

Neue Beitriige zur Kenntniss der 
fossilen Fische Oesterreichs. Denkschr. 
Akad. Wiss. Wien, 1861, 19, 49-76. 10 
pls. 1861.1 

Heckel, Johann Jakob, Redten- 
bacher, , & Fenzl, Eduard. See 
Fenzl, Heckel & Redtenbacher. 

Heckenstaller, Anstalten fiir 
Coregonen- und Salmoniden-Zucht in 
Bayern. Bayer. Fischerei Zeitg., 1879, 
4, Jahrg., 25-27; 37-38; 57-58. 1879.1 

—— Ueber Gewinnung von geeigne- 
tem Futter fiir die Aufzucht von Forel- 
len-, Lachs- und Saibling-Brut. Bayer. 
Fischerei Zeitg., 1879, 4. Jahrg., 100— 
103. 1879.2 

Die Fischzucht-Anstalten an den 
“Sieben Quellen”’ bei Starnberg und 
am Schliersee. Circul. Deutsch. Fische- 
rei Ver. 1879 (1880), no. 2, 37-39. 




Hector, A. Remarks on the salmon 
fishing of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1861. 
8°. 1861.1 

Hector, (Sir) James. Notice of a 
swordfish (Histiophorus] stranded on the 
west coast, in June, 1867. Trans. Proc. 
New Zealand Instit. 1868 (1869), 1, 44. 

On a species of Ophisurus (O. 
nove-zelandie| found on the coast of 
New Zealand. With anatomical obser- 
vations by F. J. Knox. Trans. Proc. 
New Zealand Instit. 1869 (1870), 2, 34— 
40. pl. 1870.1 

On a new species of fish, Cory- 
phenoides nove-zelandie, the okarari of 
natives. Trans. Proc. New Zealand 
Instit. 1870 (1871), 3, 136. pl. «& fig. 


On the Salmonide of New Zea- 
land. Trans. Proc. New Zealand Instit. 
1870 (1871), 3, 1383-186. 2 pls. 1871.2 

Notice of Motella nove-zelandie, 
sp. nov. Trans. Proc. New Zealand 
Instit. 1873 (1874), 6, 107-108. fig. 


Descriptions of five new species 
of fishes obtained in the New Zealand 
seas by H. M.S. ‘ Challenger” Expe- 
dition, July 1874. Ann. Mag. Nat. 
Hist., 1875, 4. ser. 15, 78-82. 1875.1 

— Notes on New Zealand ichthyol- 
ogy. Trans. Proc. New Zealand Instit. 
1874 (1875), 7, 239-250 Jbid., 1876 
(1877), 9, 465-469. 3 pls. Jbid., 1883 
(1884), 16, 322-323. —-Ann. Mag. Nat. 
Hist., 1877, 4. ser. 19, 339-342. pl. 

Notice of Ceratodus forsteri 
Krefft or barramunda of the Queensland 
rivers. Trans. Proc. New Zealand 
Instit. 1874 (1875), 7, 490-492. 1875.3 

Exportation of salmon and white 
fish ova to New Zealand in 1876. Rept. 
U. S. Fish Comm. 1875-76 (1878), 4, 
971-973; 982; 989-993; 995; 998-999; 

1003. 1878.1 
— The Pacific salmon [Salmo quin- 
nat) Nature, 1879, 20, 338. 1879.1 

Shipment of salmon ova to New 
Zealand in 1877 and whitefish in 1878. 
Rept. U.S. Fish Comm. 1878 (1880), 6, 
835-836; 851-852; 856; 876-878. 1880.1 

Notice of a new fish (Hypoly- 
codes haastii}) Trans. Proc. New Zea- 
land Instit. 1880 (1881), 13, 194-195. 





Hector, J. 

On the occurrence of the salmon 
trout in Nelson harbour. Trans. Proc. 
New Zealand Instit. 1881 (1882), 211-— 
2 Se hie 1882.1 

— The fisheries of New Zealand. 
Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1884, 4, eae 

Notes on New Zealand fishes. 
Trans. Proc. New Zealand Instit., 1902, 
34, 239-241. 2 pls. 1902.1 

Remarks on New Zealand fishes, 
and on a collection of drawings of native 
fish by the late F. E. Clarke. Trans. 
Proc. New Zealand Instit., 1902, 34, 
563-564. 1902.2 

Notes on the New Zealand 
whitebait. Trans. Proc. New Zealand 

Instit., 1903, 35, 312-319. 1903.1 

Hector, (Sir) James, & Gtinther, 
Albert Carl Ludwig Gotthilf. See Gun- 
ther & Hector. ‘ 

Hector, (Sir) James, & Knox, Fred- 
erick John. On a species of Ophisurus, 
found on the coast of New Zealand; 

with anatomical observations. Trans. 
Proc. New Zealand Instit., 1870, 2, 34— 
40. pil. 1870.1 

American salmon 
Forest & Stream, 
1877, 7, 403. - 1877.1 

Hederstrom, Hans. Ron om fiskars 
alder. Svensk Vet. Akad. Handl., 1759, 
222. 1759.1 

Hédon, EH. Toxicité des glycosides 
hémolytiques pour les poissons et actions 

antitoxiques. C. R. Mém. Soc. Biol. 
Paris, 1901, 53, 391-393. 1901.1 

Heeckeren Tot Walién, L. A. F. H. 

Hector, Thomas. 
in New Zealand. 

van. De oor-pijlstaartrog van den In- 
dischen Archipel, Cephaloptera kuhlii 
Val. Nat. Tijdschr. Nederl. Indié, 

1897, 56 (9. ser. 5), 36-43. pl. 1897.1 

Heede, Geordie Gambusia “ affinis ” 
and G. ‘‘ holbrooki,” two live-bearing 
fishes. Bull. Brooklyn Aquar. Soc., 
1912, 1, no.6, 1. fig. 1912.1 

Hefford, A. H. Note on a conger 
with abnormal gonad. Journ. Mar. 

Biol. Assoc., 1907-10, n. s. 8, 318-319. 
fig. 1907.1 
Note on a hermaphrodite cod 
(Gadus morrhua) Journ. Mar. Biol. 

Assoc., 1907-10, n. s. 8, 315-317. fig. 

—— The proportionate distribution 
of the sexes of plaice in the North sea. 
Conseil Perm. Intern. Explor. de la Mer, 
Proc.-Verb., 1909, 11, 135-176. eee 

Notes on teleostean ova and 
larve observed at Plymouth in spring 
and summer, 1909. Journ. Mar. Biol. 
Assoce., 1910-13, n. s. 9, 1-58. 2 pls. 


Heger, Paul. Action de la lumiére 
sur les éléments nerveux de la rétine. 
Bull. Acad. Méd. Belgique, 1896, 4. sér. 
10, 167-173. 2 figs. Ibid., 781-784. 


Hegt, J. Noordhoch. Shipment of 
salmon ova to the Netherlands in 1877. 
Rept. U. 8. Fish Comm. 1878 (1880), 6, 
916-918. — Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 
1882 (1883), 2, 102. 1880.1 

Heide, H. J. Einige Worte iber 
Luciotrutta leucichthys (Text in Russian} 
Péch. Chass., Viatka, 1911, 3, 124-126. 


Bestimmung des Alters der 
Marine (Coregonus albula) und deren 
Bedeutung fiir die Teichwirtschaft (Text 
in Russian} Arbeit. 3. Allruss. Fisch.- 
Congress, St. Petersb. 1910 et pt. 
3, 105-116. 912.1 

— Zur Frage iiber das Laichen und 
den Schutz von Luciotrutta leucichthys 

Gild (Text in Russian} Vést. Rybo- 
promysl., St. Petersb., 1912, 26, 441— 
447. 1912.2 

Heidenhain, M. Ueber die Entste- 
hung der quergestreiften Muskelsub- 
stanz bei der Forelle. Arch. Mikrosk. 
Anat., 1913, 83, 1. Abth., 427-447. 3 
pls. 1913.1 

Ueber die Teilkérpernatur der 
Fibrillen und Sdulchen in der Muskula- 
tur des Forellenembryos. Anat. Anz., 
1913, 44, 251-255. 6 figs. 1913.2 

Heidrich, Ausfiihrlicher Be- 
richt tiber Verlauf und Ergebnisse der 
(Ostsee-) Expedition (1901 des Deut- 
schen Seefischereivereins} Abh. Deutsch. 
Seefischerei Ver., 1902, 7, 1-84. 1902.1 

Heilig, A. Zur Kenntnis der Seiten- 
organe von Fischen und Amphibien. 
Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Anat. Abth) ), 1912, 
117-150. 2 pls. 1912.1 

Heilprin, Angelo [1853 —] Explora- 
tions on the west coast of Florida and 
in the Okeechobee wilderness; with 

_ ol etl ea Dhan Aileen 


special reference to the geology and 
zoology of the Floridian peninsula. A 
narrative of researches undertaken under 
the auspices of the Wagner free institute 
of science of Philadelphia. Trans. 
Wagner Free Instit. Sci. Philad., 1887, 
1, 1-134. 19 pls. 8°. 1887.1 

Additions to the Floridian fauna. Jctalurus 
okeechobeensis, sp. nov., p. 129-130. 

Heimburger, H. V. The factors 
that determine the distribution of Boleo- 
soma nigrum in Douglas lake, Cheboy- 
gan county, Michigan. 15. Rept. Mich- 
igan Acad. Sci., 1913, 120. 1913.1 

Hein, S. A. A. Over oogleden en 
fornices conjunctivae bij teleostomi. 
Tijds. Ned. Dierk. Ver., Leiden, 1913, 
12, 238-280. 1913.2 

Hein, Walter. Zur Biologie der 
Forellenbrut. . Allgem. Fischerei Zeitg., 
1906-07. 1906.1 

i. Versuche iiber das Nahrungsbediirfnis der 
Bachforellenbrut im Bruttrag und im kiinstli- 
chen Brutbett. Jbid., 1906, 31, 217-224; 239- 
243. 5 figs. 

ii. Ueber die absolute Druckfestigkeit der 
Bachforelleneier. IJbid., 1907, 32, 334-339. 2 

iii. Ueber die Wirkungen von Druck, Stoss 
und Fall auf die Entwicklung der Bachforel- 
leneier. Ibid., 383-387; 398-402. fig. 

iv. Zur Kieserbriitung. Ibid., 441-447. 

v. Zwei neue Erbriitungsversuche. 

. Zur weiteren Entwicklung der Kiesbett- 


Brit, Ibid., 487-490. fig. 
A contribution to the biology of 
trout fry. Investigations into the food 

requirements of brown trout fry in the 
hatching trough and in the artificial 
redd. Rept. Sea Inland Fish. Ireland, 
1905 (1907), pt. 2, 165-211. 2 pls. — 
Fisheries Ireland Scient. Invest. 1905 
(1907), no. 8, 1-16. 2 pls. 1907.1 

Einige Versuche mit neueren 
Bebriitungsmethoden von  Bachforel- 
leneiern. Ber. Kgl. Biol. Versuchsstat. 
Miinchen, 1908, 1, 70-92. 1908.1 

Einige Versuche iiber den Ein- 
fluss mechanischer St6rungen auf die 
Entwicklung der Backforelleneier. Ber. 
Kgl. Biol. Versuchsstat. Miinchen, 1908, 
1, 22-69. pl. 1908.2 

Erbriitungsversuche in der Fisch- 
zuchtanstalt Mithlthal im Winter 1907— 
08. Allgem. Fischerei Zeitg., 1908, 33, 
no. 22-23. 1908.3 

Ueber die Wirkungen des Stein- 
kohlenteers auf Fische und einige wir- 
bellose Thiere. Ber. Kgl. Biol. Versuchs- 
stat. Miinchen, 1908, 1, 93-114. 2 pls. 


Gitterkiesbett und Drehstrom- 
apparat. Allgem. Fischerei Zeitg., 1909, 
34, no. 5. 1909.1 

Bellini’s Sexualdimorphismus 
der mediterrinen Steigaale. Allgem. 
Fischerei Zeitg., 1910. 1910.1 

Die Forelle und ihre Verwandten. 
42. Ber Senckenberg. Nat. Gesell. 
Frankfurt-a.-M., 1911, 42, 118-119 


Wener den Einfluss plotzlicher 
Temperaturschwankungen auf die Ent- 
wickelung der Bachforelleneier und 

Brut (In Aus deutscher Fischerei, 
Festschrift fir E. Uhles, p. 18-28. 
Neudamm, 1911) 1911.2 

Hein, Walter, & Winter, F. W. 
Siisswasswerfische Mittel-Europas, her- 
ausgegeben im Auftrag des Deutschen 
Fischerei Vereins, Berlin. Leipzig, 1912. 
2 pls. 1912.1 

Heincke, Friedrich. Ueber Fisch- 
zibne. Zeitschr. Gesammt. Naturw. 
Halle, 1872, n. s. 6, 318. 1872.1 

Untersuchungen iiber die Ziihne 
niederer Wirbelthiere. Zeitschr. Wiss. 
Zool., 1873, 23, 495-591. 3pls. 1873.1 

Bemerkungen iiber den Far- 
benwechsel einiger Fische. Schrift. 
Naturw. Ver. Schlesw.-Holst., 1875, 1, 
255-267. Ibid., 1876, 2, 1. Heft, 214. 
Ichthyologische _— Vortrage. 
Schrift. Naturw. Ver. Schlesw.-Holst., 
1875, 1, 281— “ae 286-287 ; 288-289: 
296-299. Ibid., 1876, 2, 1. Heft, 210; 
220. 1875.2 

Die Varietiten des Harings. 
Zugleich ein Beitrag zur’ Descendenz- 
theorie. Berlin, 1877 & 1881. 3pls. 4°. 

— Ber. Komm. Wiss. Untersuch. 
Deutsch. Meere, Kiel, 1881, 7. 85 p. 
3 pls. 1877.1 

(Kinige bisher nicht oder selten 
in der Ostsee gefundene Fische] Schrift. 
Naturw. Ver. Schlesw.-Holst., 1878, 3, 
1. Heft, 1385-136. 1878.1 

Die Gobiide und Syngnathide 
der Ostsee nebst biologischen Bemer- 
kungen. Arch. Naturgesch., 1880, 46. 
Jahrg., pt. 1, 301-354. pl. & ‘fig. 1880.1 

Die Wanderungen der Fische. 
Natur (Miiller), 1880, n. s. 6, 325-327; 
345-346; 370-372; 383- 384; ; 407-408. p 




Heincke, F. 

Die neuesten Forschungen iiber 

den Hering. Ausland, 1881, 54, 29-32. 

The sea fisheries of Norway. 
Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1886 (1887), 6, 
265-272. 1887.1 

Variabilitit und Bastardbildung 
bei Cyprinoiden (In Festschrift zum 
siebenzigsten Geburtstage R. Leuck- 
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— Die Fische Helgolands. Leip- 
zig, 1894. 4°. Wiss. Meeresuntersuch. 
Kiel (Abt. Helgoland), 1896, n. s. 1, 99— 
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Nachtrage zur Fisch- und Mollus- 

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Meeresuntersuch. Kiel (Abt. Kiel), 

1897, n. s. 2, 233-252. 4 figs. 1897.1 
Fish, p. 233-241. 

Naturgeschichte des Herings. I. 
Die Lokalformen und die Wanderingen 
des Heringes in den europiischen Mee- 
ren. Abh. Deutsch. Seefischerei Ver., 
Berlin, 1898, 2, pt.1. exxxvi,128p. 26 

pls. 1898.1 
— The natural history of the her- 
ring. 17. Rept. Fish. Board Scotland 
1898 (1899), pt. 3, 274-287. 1899.1 
Der internationale Fischerei- 

Kongress in Bergen vom 18. bis 21. 
Juli 1898. Abh. Deutsch. Seefischerei 
Ver., 1901, 6, 1-14. 1901.1 

The occurrence and distribution 
of the eggs, larve, and various age- 
groups of the food-fishes in the North 
sea. Conseil Perm. Intern. Explor. 
Mer. Rapp. & Proce. Verb., 1905, 3 (Ap- 
pend. E), 3-39. 1905.1 

Die Arbeiten der kgl. Biologi- 
schen Anstalt auf Helgoland im Inte- 
resse der internationalen Meeresfor- 
schung in der Zeit vom 1. IV. 1904 
bis 31. III. 1905 (In Die Beteiligung 
Deutschlands an der internationalen 
Meeresforschung, 3. Jahresber., p. 51— 
93. pl. Berlin, 1906) 1906.1 

Bericht iiber die Untersuchungen 
der Biologischen Anstalt auf Helgoland 
zur Naturgeschichte der Nutzfische (1. 
April 1905 bis 1. Oktober 1907) (In 
Die Beteiligung Deutschlands an der 
internationalen Meeresforschung, 4. & 
5. Jahresber., p. 66-155. 6 pls.- Berlin, 
1908) 1908.1 

Untersuchungen iiber die Scholle. 
Generalbericht. I. Schollenfischerei und 
Schonmassregeln. Vorliufige kurze 
Uebersicht iiber die wichtigsten Ergeb- 
nisse des Berichts {German & English 
text] Conseil Perman. Intern. Explor. 
de la Mer, 1913. 1913.1 

Heincke, Friedrich, & Bolau, H. 
Die in Deutschland gebrauchlichen 
Marken zum Zeichnen von Schollen. 
Wiss. Meeresuntersuch. Kiel (Abt. 
Helgoland), 1906, n. s. 7, 71-78. 5 a 


Heincke, Friedrich, Decker, W., & 
Henking, Hermann. See Decker, 
Heincke & Henking. 

Heincke, Friedrich, & Ehrenbaum, 
Ernst. Die Bestimmung der schwim- 
menden Fischeier und die Methodik der 
Eimessungen (In Ehrenbaum, E. Eier 
und Larven von Fischen der deutschen 
Bucht. Wiss. Meersuntersuch. Kiel (Abt. 
Helgoland), 1900, n. s. 3, 127-3832. 2 
pls. & 17 figs.) 1900.1 

i. Die Bestimmung der schwimmenden 
ii. Die Methodik der Eimessungen und die 
Bestimmung der Eier nach der Grosse. 
a Systematik der schwimmenden Fischeier. 
Die Eibestimmungen anderer Autoren 
nach dem Durchmesser. 
. Methodisches Verfahren bei der Bestim- 
Suse planktonischer Hier. 
vi. Tabelle zur bestimmung schwimmender 
Fischeier in der deutschen Nordsee. 

Table for the determination of 
pelagic fish eggs. Rept. Lancashire Sea- 
Fish. Labor. Liverpool, 1902 (1903), 
95-100. — Trans. Liverpool Biol. Soc., 
1903, 17, 181-186. 1903.1 

Friedrich, & Henking, 
Die Heringsfischereien Nor- 
wegens. Abh. Deutsch. Seefischerei 
Ver., 1900, 6, 75-118. figs. 1900.1 

Ueber Schollen und Schollen- 
fischerei in der siidéstlichen Nordsee. 
Nach deutschen Untersuchungen 
(Plaice and plaice-fishing. German in- 
vestigations in the southeastern part 
of the North seal (In Die Beteiligung 
Deutschlands an der internationalen 
Meeresforschung, 4. & 5. Jahresb., p. 
1-90. Berlin, 1908) 1908.1 

Heincke, Friedrich, & Mobius, Karl. 
See Mobius & Heincke. 

Heincken, Philip. Die freie hanse 
Stadt Bremen und ihr Gebiet in topo- 
graphischer, medizinischer und natur- 
historischer, Hinsicht geschildert. 2 
vols. Bremen, 1837. 8°. 1837.1 

List of 34 freshwater fishes, vol. i, p. 148. 



Heineke, Hrich. Die Ganoiden und 
Teleostier des lithographischen Schie- 
fers von Nusplingen. Geol. Paliontol. 
Abh., Jena, 1906, n. s. 8, pt. 3, 159-214. 
8 pls. 1906.1 

Heinemann, (. Beitriige zur Ana- 
tomie der Retina. Arch. Mikr. Anat., 
1878, 14, 409-441. pl. 1878.1 

Heinen, A. Die _ planktonischen 

Fischeier und Larven der Ostsee. Wiss. 
Meeresuntersuch. Kiel (Abt. Kiel), 
1912, n. s. 14, 129-189. 1912.1 

Heinrich, Albin. Mahrens und K. 
K. Schlesiens Fische, Reptilien, und 

Vogel. Ein Beitrag zur Fauna beider 
Kronlinder. Briinn, 1856. 200 p. 8°. 

Heinrich, August. Die Bewegungen 
der fliegenden Fische durch die Luft. 
Jahresber. Akad. Naturw. Ver. Graz, 
1879, 5. Jahrg., 19-21. 1879.1 

Heinricius, Johan. Beskrifning 6fver 
stor lojo sockn i Nyland, 1766. Utgif- 
ven af Robert Boldt. Geogr. Foren. 
Tidskr., 1895, 7, 4-5; 161-201. 1895.1 

Heinroth, 0. Untersuchungen iiber 
den Fischharn. Kiel, 1895. 16 p. 8°. 

Heintz, Karl. Die Salmoniden 
Bosniens und der Herzegowina. Oecester- 
reich. Fisch. Zeitg., 1910, 7, 287—290. 


— Der Angelsport im Siisswasser. 
2.ed. Miinchen & Berlin, 1911. 404 p. 
4 pls. & 319 figs. 8°. ieee 

Helbing, Hermann. Beitrige zur 
Anatomie und Systematik der Lamargi- 
den. Anat. Anz., 1902, 21, 658-668. — 
Nova Acta Acad. Leop., Halle, 1902, 
82, 335-524. 2 pls. 1902.1 

Ueber den Darm einiger Sela- 
Anat. Anz., 1903, 22, 400-407. 

Beitrige zur Anatomie und 
Systematik der Lamargiden. Nova 
Acta Acad. Leop., Halle, 1904, 82, 
335-528. pls. & figs. — C. R. 6. Congr. 
Intern. Zool. Berne, 1905, 329. 1904.1 

Held, Hans. Beitrige zur Structur 
der Nervenzellen und ihrer Fortsitze. 
Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Anat. Abth.) 1895 
(1896), 396-416. 2 pls. 1896.1 

Zur Kenntniss einer neurofibril- 
laren Continuitaéit im Centralnerven- 

3 figs. 



system der Wirbeltiere. Arch. Anat. 
Physiol. (Anat. Abth.), 1905, 55-78. pl. 

Die Entwicklung des Nervenge- 
webes bei den Wirbeltieren. Leipzig, 
1909. 378 p. 53 pls. & 275 figs. 1909.1 

Helder, W. Drei deutsche Raub- 
fische. Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Freunde, 
1898, 9. Jahrg., 197-199. pl. 1898.1 

Die Panzerwelse (Callichthys) 
Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Freunde, 1899, 10. 
Jahrg., 141-142. fig. 1899.1 

Die Streifenfarbe (Mullus barba- 
tus L.) Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Freunde, 
1899, 10. Jahrg., 172-173. fig. 1899.2 

Heldreich, Theodor von [1822-1902] 
La faune de Gréce. Part 1. Athénes, 
1878. 8°. 1878.1 

Poissons, p. 77-103. 

Helland, Amund Theodor [1846 —] 
Ferskvandsfiskenes indvandring 1 Norge 
(Die Einwanderung der Siisswasser- 
fische in Norwegen] Naturen, Bergen, 
1908, 32, 172-179.— Norsk Tidskr. 
Fiskeri, 37, 161-167. 1908.1 

Hellander, Anders. Kort underrat- 
telse om Utsjoki by i Tornea lappmark 
samt dess Inbyggares lefnadssitt, till- 
stand, vilkor,m.m. Abo Tidn. Slr 2; 
93-109. 1772.1 

Helland-Hansen, Bjérn. Statistical 
research into the biology of the haddock 
and cod in the North sea. Conseil 
Perman. Intern. Explor. Mer, Rapp., 
1909, 10 B, no. 1,62 p. 35 figs. 1909.1 

Helland-Hansen, Bjérn, & Nansen, 
Fridtjof. Die jahrlichen Schwankungen 
der Wassermassen im norwegischen 
Nordmeer in ihrer Beziehung zu den 
Schwankungen der meteorologischen 
Verhiltnisse, der Erntertriage und der 
Fischereiergebnisse in Norwegen. In- 
tern. Rev. Hydrobiol. & Hydrogr., 1909, 
2, 337-361. 1909.2 

Hellenius, Carl Nicolas (resp.) Dis- 
sertatio sistens insecta piscatoribus in 
maritimes Finlandie oris noxia. Aboe, 
1769. See Gadd, P. A. (preses) 1769.1 

Anmirkningar 6fver laklefver- 
masken. K. Svensk. Vetensk. Akad. 
Handl., 1785, 6, 180-191. pl. 1785.1 

Specimen calendarii 
Inaug. Dissert. 

florze et faunse Aboensis. 
Abo, 1786. 20p. 4°. 

Johan Gustaf Justander, respond. 


Heller, Camil [1823—] Die Seen 
Tirols und ihre Fischfauna. Innsbruck, 
1869. 4°. 1869.1 

Die Fische Tirols und Vorarl- 
bergs. Zeitschr. Ferdinandeums, 1871, 
3. ser. 16. Heft, 295-369. Also sepa- 
rate; Innsbruck, 1872. 77 p. 8°. 1871.1 

Heller, #., & Snodgrass, R. LE. See 
Snodgrass & Heller. 


Entwickelung des 

Labyrinths bei Torpedo. Verh. Deutsch. - 

Otol. Ges. Wurzburg, 1898. 1898.1 

Helly, Konrad. Acidophil gekérnte 
Becherzellen bei Torpedo  marmorata. 
Arch. Mikr. Anat., 1905, 66, 434-439. 
pl. 1905.1 

Helm, /’., & Meyer, A.B. See Meyer 
& Helm. 

Helmersen, Gregor von [1803-1885] 
Sur les ichthyodorulites des terrains 
russes. L’Institut, 1842, 10, no. 452, 
304 1842.1 

Helmholtz, W. Ueber einige Ge- 
setze der Verteilung elektrischer Stréme 
in kérperlichen Leitern mit Anwendung 
auf die thierischen elektrischen Ver- 
suche. Annalen Physik (Poggendorf), 
1853, 89. 1853.1 

Hélot, Paul. Note sur les mceurs et 
sur la reproduction du poisson de para- 
dis (Macropode de Chine, Polyacanthus 
viridi-auratus) Bull. Soe. Amis Sci. 
Nat. Rouen, 1876, 2. sér. 12, 125-133. 


Hemmen, Nachricht von der 
trocknen Zubereitung der Fische fiir ein 
Naturalien-Cabinet. Naturforscher, 
Lid, Aa mon) 26-20: igi 

Hemprich, F.G., & Ehrenberg, C.G. 
Symbole physice, seu icones adhuc 
ineditz corporum naturalium novorum 
aut minus cognitorum que ex itineribus 
per Libyam, Agyptiam, Nubiam, Don- 
golam, Syriam, Arabiam et Habessiniam 
publico institutis sumptu . . . studio 
dierunt. Zoologica. Berlin, 1899. 


_ A posthumous series of plates, the fishes pub- 
lished under the editorship of F. Hilgendorf. 

Hencke, Hermann. Girardinus de- 
cemmaculatus Jen., und G. caudimacu- 
latus Heus. Nerthus, Altona, 1902, 4, 
33-34. 1902.1 


Henderson, Yandell. Contributions 
to biology from investigations on the 
breeding salmon. Pop. Sci. Monthly, 
1902, 60, 503-512. 1902.1 

Hendricks, Karl. Zur Kenntnis des 
groberen und feineren Baues des Reu- 
senapparates an den Kiemenbégen von 
Selache maxima Cuvier. Zeitschr. Wiss. 
Zool., 1908, 91, 427-509. 2 pls. oe ne 

Ueber den Reusenapparat an 
den Kiemenbégen des Riesenhaies (Se- 
lache maxima Cuvier) Sitzber. Nat. 
Ver. Preuss. Rheinl. Westfalen, 1908 
(1909), C, 31-37. 1909.1 

Hendschel, —— Salz als Heilmittel 
gegen Parasiten an Forellen. Mitth. 
Fischereiwesen, Miinchen, 1878, 3. 
Jahrg., 55-56. 1878.1 

Henking, Hermann [1858—] Die 
Fische der Oceane und der Tiefsee und 
die Ausbreitung unserer Seefischerei. 
Mitth. Deutsch. Seefischerei Ver., 1899, 
14, 39-44. 1899. 

Vernacular names in various languages are 

given of the principal species of marine fish used 
for food. 

Die Befischung der Nordsee 
durch deutsche Fischdampfer. Mitth. 
Deutsch. Seefischerei Ver., 1901, 17, 3- 
20. map. 1901.1 

Die Expedition nach der Baren- 
Insel im Jahre 1900. m.p.)1901. 4 pls. 
map. 1901.2 

Norwegens Seefischerei (mit 
Ausnahme des Herrings-, Austern und 
Walfanges) und die damit in Verbin- 
dung stehenden Industrie und staat- 
lichen F6rderungsmittel. Mit einem 
Anhang von Franz Lehmann. Abh. 
Deutsch. Seefischerei Ver., 1901, 6, 25— 
74. 9 pls. 1901.3 

Ueber das periodische Auftreten 
der wichtigsten Nutzfische im Nordsee- 
gebiet und Skagerak nach den Fanger- 
gebnissen deutscher Fischdampfer. Con- 
seil Perm. Intern. Explor. Mer, Rapp & 
Proc. Verb., 1905, 3 (Append. F), édi- 
tion allemande, 1-29. 2 maps. 1905.1 

Die Tatigkeit des Deutschen 
Seefischerei-Vereins auf statistischem 
Gebiete bis zum Schluss des Statsjahres 
1904 (In Die Beteiligung Deutschlands 
an der internationalen Meeresforschung, 
3. Jahresber., p. 95-191. pl. Berlin, 
1906) 1906.1 

Eine Fahrt des “ Poseidon” in 
das Fanggebiet der grossen Herings- 

YT sea 




fischerei, Sept. 1905. Mitth. Deutsch. 
Seefischerei Ver., 1907, 23, 243-305. 
map. 1907.1 

Der Aalfang in den Lagunen 

von Comacchio und Venedig. Ergeb- 
nisse einer Studienreise. No.1. Mitth. 
Deutsch. Seefischerei Ver., 1908, 24, 
366-393. 17 figs. » 1908.1 

Article no. 2, under the same title, Ibid., p. 
394-404, is by H. O. Liibbert, gq. 2. 

Bericht iiber die statistischen 
Arbeiten und sonstigen Untersuchungen 
des Deutschen Seefischerei-Vereins nach 
internationalen Vereinbarungen (In 
Die Beteiligung Deutschlands an der 
internationalen Meeresforschung, 4.5. 
Jahresber., 157-257. Berlin, 1908) 


Die Statistik der deutschen 
Schollenfischerei im Nordseegebiet. Ber- 
lin, 1911. map. 1911.1 

Das Meer als Nahrungsquelle. 
Meereskunde, 1913, 7. Jahrg., 1-30. 

Henking, Hermann, Decker, W., 
& Heincke, Friedrich. See Decker, 
Heincke & Henking. 

Henking, Hermann, & Heincke, 
Friedrich. See Heincke & Henking. 

Henking, Hermann, Trybom, F., & 
Grimm, O. von. See Grimm, Hen- 
king & Trybom. 

Henle, Friedrich Gustav Jacob [1807- 
1885] Sur le Narcine, nouveau genre 
de raies électriques, suivi d’un synopsis 
des raies électriques en géneral. Ann. 
Sci. Nat. (Zool.), 1834, 2, 311-315. 
Also separate; Berlin, 1834. fig. 4°. 
Reviews in Arch. Naturgesch., 1834, 2. 
Jahrg., 269. — Isis (Oken), 1834, 1, 66. 


Henle, Friedrich Gustav Jacob, & Miil- 
ler, Johannes. See Miiller & Henle. 

Henn, Arthur Wilbur [1890 —] On 
various South American pcecilid fishes. 
Ann. Carnegie Mus., 1916, 10, no. 1-2, 
93-142. 4 pls. & 17 figs. 1916.1 

Henn, Arthur W., & Eigenmann, 
Carl H. See Eigenmann & Henn. 

Henn, Arthur W., Kigenmann, Carl 
H., & Wilson, Charles. See Higen- 
mann, Henn «& Wilson. 

Hennah, Thomas Henry. On the 
seales of fish. Proc. Brighton Sussex 
Nat. Hist. Soc., 1873, 20, 55-57. 1873.1 

Henneguy, Louis Félix. Recherches 
sur la vitalité des spermatozoides chez 
la truite. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1877, 
84, 1333-1335. — C. R. Mém. Soc. Biol. 
Paris, 1877 (1879), 6. sér. 4, 274-275. 


Procédé technique pour |’étude 
des embryons de poissons. Bull. Soe. 
Philom. Paris, 1879, 3, 75-77. — Ann. 
Mag. Nat. Hist., 5. ser. 3, 240-241. — 
Pop. Sci. Rev., 1879, n. s. 3, 209-210. 


Note sur quelques faits relatifs 
aux premiers phénoménes du développe- 
ment des poissons osseux. Bull. Soc. 
Philom. Paris, 1880, 4, 132-135. — Ann. 
Mag. Nat. Hist., 5. ser. 6, 402404. 


Formation du germe dans l’ceuf 
des poissons osseux. C. R. Mém. Soc. 
Biol. Paris, 1880 (1881), 7. sér. 2, 215- 
217. 1881.1 

Sur la formation des feuillets 
embryonnaires chez la truite. C. R. 
Acad. Sci. Paris, 1882, 95, 1297-1299. 

Sur un infusoire flagellé ecto- 
parasite des poissons. C. R. Acad. Sci. 
Paris, 1883, 76, 658-660. — Ann. Mag. 
Nat. Hist., 5. ser. 11, 293-294. 1883.1 

Sur la ligne primitive des pois- 
sons osseux. Zool. Anz., 1885, 8, 103- 
108. — Journ. Roy. Micr. Soc., 5, 425. 


Sur une nouvelle maladie des 
alevins de salmonides. Bull. Soc. 
Acclim. Paris, 1886. 2 p. 1886.1 

Sur le mode d’accroissement de 
Vembryon des poissons osseux. C. R. 
Acad. Sci. Paris, 1887, 104, 85-87. 


Recherches sur le développe- 
ment des poissons osseux: embryogonie 
de la truite. Journ. Anat. Physiol., 
Paris, 1888, 24, 1-183. Also separate; 
Paris, 1889. 8°. 1888.1 

Le corps vitellin de Balbiani 
dans l’ceuf des vertébrés. Journ. Anat. 
Physiol. Paris, 1893, 29, 1-39. pl. 


Sur la structure de la glande 

nidamenteuse de l’oviducte des sélaciens. 
C. R. Soc. Philom., 1893, no. 16, 2-3. 


—— Histogenése de la corde dorsale. 

C. R. Mém. Soe. Biol. Paris, 1907, 63, 

510-512. 1907.1 


Hennequin, Al. Note sur la péche 
au chalut et autres filets trainants, 
suivie de quelques considérations géné- 
rales sur l’industrie de la péche cétiére. 
Bull. Soc. Acclim. Paris, 1867, 2. sér. 4, 
51-7 1867.1 

Hennig, A., & Toérnebohm, A. £. 

See Tornebohm & Hennig. 

Hennig, Edwin. Ueber Schleier- 
schwanzzucht. Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. 
Kunde, 1904, 15. Jahrg., 82-84. 1904.1 

Gyrodus und die Organisation 
der Pyknodonten. Palszontographica, 
1906, 53, 137-206. 4 pls. & 16 figs. 


Macropetalichthys pelmensis, n. 
sp. Centralbl. Min. Geol. Pal., Stutt- 
gart, 1907, 584-591. 5 figs. 1907.1 

Ueber einige Pyknodonten (Me- 
sodon spinosum, n. sp.) vom Libanon. 
Centralbl. Min. Geol. Pal., Stuttgart, 
1907, 360-371. 5 figs. 1907.2 

Saurichthys-Funde von Riiders- 
dorf. Centralbl. Min. Geol. Pal., Stutt- 
gart, 1909, 54-60. 3 figs. 1909.1 

Die Fischreste. A. Selachia. B. 
Teleostomata (In Die Pithecanthropus- 
Schichten auf Java; geologische und 
paliontologische Ergebnisse der Trinil- 
Expedition, 1907 und 1908, herausgege- 
ben von L. Selenka und M. Blancken- 
horn. p. 54-60. pl. Leipzig, 1911) 


Die Fischfauna der Kreidezeit. 
Sitzber. Ges. Naturf. Freunde Berlin, 
1912, 483-493. Review in Neues Jahrb. 
Mineral., 1913, 165-166. 1913.1 

Ueber neuere Funde fossiler 
Fische aus Aequatorial- und Siidafrika 
und ihre palaogeographische Bedeutung. 
Sitzber. Ges. Naturf. Freunde Berlin, 

1913, 305-318. 1913.2 
Henninger, Gustav. Die Labyrinth- 
organe bei Labyrinthfischen. Zool. 

Jahrb. (Abt. Anat.), 1908, 25, 251-3804. 
4 pls. & 3 figs. Review in Nat. Rund- 
schau, 1908, 23. Jahrg., 198-200. 1908.1 

Henriksen, Hans Peter. Bestem- 
melsestabeller over dei Danske farvande 

forekommende fiskearter. Act. Soe. 
Flor. & Faun. Fenn., 1904, 4, 73-114; 
125-126. 1904.1 

Henriques,.J. Principes généraux de 
jurisprudence sur les droits de chasse et 
de péche suivant le droit commun de la 
France. Paris, 1775. 4°. ile(Feaysll 



Henry, George M. Fishes of Batti- 
caloa, Trincomalee, and Jaffna. Spolia 
Zeylanica, 1912, 8, 62-64. 1912.1 

Henry, Joseph, & Baird, Spencer F. 
Collection to illustrate the fishery re- 
sources of the United States. Rod & 
Gun, 1875, 7, 105. 1875.1 

Henschel, G. Anleitung zur Bestim- 
mung unserer Siisswasserfische. Wien, 
1890. illust. 12°. 1890.1 

Hensel, Reinhold Friedrich [1826- 
1881] Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Wir- 
belthiere Siidbrasiliens. Arch. Natur- 
gesch. (Wiegmann), 1868, 356-375. ’ 


The freshwater fishes of southern 
Brazil. Arch. Naturgesch. (Wiegmann), 
1870, 50-91. 1870.1 

Hensen, Victor Andreas Christian 
[1835 —] Befischung der deutschen 
Kiisten. Berlin, 1874. 9 maps. fol. 


Bemerkungen gegen die Cupula 
terminalis (Lang.) Arch. Anat. Ent- 
wickl., 1878, 486-490. figs. 1878.1 

Ueber das Verhalten der Fische 
des Meeres beim Laichen und die 
Wichtigkeit dieses Vorganges fiir die 
Fischer. Kiel, 1880. 15 p. 1880.1 

The spawning process of salt- 
water fish, and its importance to fisher- 
men. Rept. U. 8S. Fish Comm. 1879 
(1882), 7, 548-557. 2 figs. 1882.1 

Ueber das Vorkommen und die 
Menge der Hier einiger Ostseefische, 
insbesondere derjenigen der Scholle 
(Platessa platessa), der Flunder (Platessa 
vulgaris), und des Dorsches (Gadus mor- 
rhua L.) 7-9. Jahresber. Komm. Wiss. 
Untersuch. Deutsch. Meere Kiel, 1883, 
2. Abth., 299-313. 1883.1 

On the occurrence and quantity 
of the eggs of some of the fish of the Bal- 
tic, especially those of the plaice (Pla- 
tessa platessa), the flounder (Platessa 
vulgaris), and the cod (Gadus morrhua) 
Rept. U. 8. Fish Comm. 1882 (1884), 
10, 427-454. 1884.1 

Bemerkung zu vorstehender Ar- 
beit (von J. Reibisch} Wiss. Meeres- 
untersuch. Deutsch. Meere Kiel (Abt. 
Kiel), 1899, 2. ser. 4, 249-253. 1899.1 

Bericht iiber die dreissigjaihrige 
Thitigkeit der kgl. preussischen Kom- 
mission zur wissenschaftlichen Unter- 


suchung der deutschen Meere im In- 
teresse der Fischerei. Mitth. Deutsch. 
Seefischerei Ver., 1901, 17, et he ; 

Ergiinzungen und Berichtigung 
zu den Befunden iiber die im Anfang des 
Jahres 1895 in der Nordsee treibend 
gefundenen Fischeier. Wiss. Meeresun- 
tersuch. Deutsch. Meere Kiel (Abt. 
Kiel), 1901, 2. ser 5, 152-170. 2 figs. 


Ueber die Bestimmung des Fisch- 
bestandes im Meer. Vortrag, gehalten 
am 18. Juni 1911 im Schleswig-holsteini- 
schen Naturwissenschaftlichen Verein. 
Erginzt zum Zweck dieser Ver6ffentlich- 
ung. Wiss. Meeresuntersuch. Deutsch. 
Meere Kiel (Abt. Kiel), 1911, 2. ser. 14, 
1-32. map. 1911.1 

Hensen, Victor A. C., & Apstein, C. 
Ueber die Eimenge der im Winter 
laichenden Fische (In Die Nordsee- 
Expedition 1895 des Deutschen See- 
tischereivereins. Wiss. Meeresunter- 
such. Deutsch. Meere (Abt. Kiel), 1897, 
2. ser. 2, pt. 2, 1-97. 20 pls.) — 1897.1 

Henshall, James Alexander. Are 
fish nearsighted? Forest & Stream, 
1878, 11, 405. 1878.1 

The black bass and his place 
among fishes. Forest & Stream, 1878, 
11, 180-181. 1878.2 

— The black bass. Chicago Field, 
1880, 13, 279; 413-414. Jbid., 1880, 14, 

25-26. 1880.1 
— Grubs in fish. Forest & Stream, 
1880, 15, 241. 1880.2 

Book of the black bass .. . 
Cincinnati. 1881. viii, 463 p. pls. & 
figs. 8°. 1881.1 

On the distribution of the black 
bass. Trans. Amer. Fish-cult. Assoc., 
12. ann. meet., 1883, 21-26. 1883.1 

Camping and cruising in Florida. 
Cincinnati, 1884. xvi, 248 p. pls. figs. 
map. 1884.1 

A list of fishes observed in Florida, p. 235-248. 

Comparative excellence of food 
fishes. Trans. Amer. Fish-cult. Assoc., 
13. ann. meet., 1884, 115-122. 1884.2 

On stocking waters with black 
bass. 8. Ann. Rept. Ohio Fish Comm. 
1883 (1884), 36-39. 1884.3 



On the black bass [collated from 
“The black bass, its culture, etc.’’) 
8. Ann. Rept. Ohio Fish Comm. 1883 
(1884), 29-36. 1884.4 

Hibernation of the black bass. 
Trans. Amer. Fisheries Soc., 14. ann. 
meet., 1885, 12-17. 1885.1 

Contributions to the ichthyology 
of Ohio. No. 1-2. Journ. Cincinnati 
Soc. Nat. Hist., 1888, 11, 76-80; 122- 

126. 1888.1 
On some peculiarities of the ova 
of fishes. Journ. Cincinnati Soc. Nat. 

Hist., 1888, 11, 81-85. 1888.2 

More about the black bass. 
Cincinnati, 1889. 204 p. figs. 4°. 


A supplement to the “ Book of the black bass.”’ 

On a collection of fishes from 
east Tennessee. Journ. Cincinnati Soc. 

Nat. Hist., 1889, 12, 31-33. 1889.2 

Some observations on Ohio 
fishes. Journ. Cincinnati Soe. Nat. 
Hist., 1890, 12, 114-125. 1890.1 

Report upon a_ collection of 
fishes made in southern Florida during 
1889. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1889 

(1891), 9, . 371-389. Also separate; 
Washington, 1891. 1891.1 
On fish protection. Trans. 

Amer. Fisheries Soc. 1890 (1891), 79-84. 


Teeth of fishes as guide to food 
habits. Trans. Amer. Fisheries Soc. 
1891 (1892), 24-80. 1892.1 

Notes on fishes collected in 
Florida in 1892. Bull. U.S. Fish Comm. 
1894 (1895), 14, 209-221. 1895.1 

Some preliminary observations 
concerning the artificial culture of the 
grayling. Minutes Amer. Fisheries Soc., 
27. ann. meet., 1898, 105-108. 1898.1 

Some notes on the Montana 
grayling. Proc. Amer. Fisheries Soc. , 
28. ann. meet., 1899, 80-85. 1899.1 

Hints on grayling culture. Trans. 
Amer. Fisheries Soc., 29. ann. meet., 
1900, 109-117. 1900.1 

Practical hints on fish culture. 
Trans. Amer. Fisheries Soc., 30. anp. 
meet., 1901, 101-104. 1901.1 

Food and game fishes of the 
Rocky mountain region. Trans. Amer. 
Fisheries Soc., 31. ann. meet., 1902, 
74-88. 1902.1 




Henshall, /. A. 

Bass, pike, perch and others. 
London & New York, 1903. xix, 410 p. 
20 pls. & figs. 8°. 1903.1 

Blood as fish food. Trans. Amer. 
Fisheries Soc., 32. ann. meet., 1903, 63- 

70. 1903.2 
Angling talks. Amer. Fish Cul- 
turist, 1904, 12-14. 1904.1 

Book of the black bass, Microp- 
terus. 2. ed. Cincinnati, 1904. v, 452 p. 
pls. illust. 1904.2 

Experiments in feeding fry. 
Trans. Amer. Fisheries Soc., 33. ann. 
meet., 1904, 76-81. figs. 1904.3 

— On the protection of fish in in- 
land waters. ‘Trans. Amer. Fisheries 
Soc., 34. ann. meet., 1905, 139-147. 


—— A list of the fishes of Montana; 
with notes on the game fishes. Bull. 
Univ. Montana, 1906, no. 34. 12 p. 


Culture of the Montana grayling. 
Rept. Comm. Fisheries 1906 (1907), Bur. 
Fish. Doe. no. 628, 1-7. 1907.1 

Favorite fish and fishing. New 
York, 1908. xii, 192p. illust. 1908.1 

Henshaw, Henry Wetherbee, & Jor- 
dan, David Starr. See Jordan & Hen- 

Henshaw, Henry Wetherbee, & Yar- 
row, Harry Crécy. See Yarrow & Hen- 

Hensman, John T. American black 
bass placed in the river Nene, England. 
Bull. U.S. Fish Comm. 1884, 4, 166. 


Hentschel, Hrnst. Das Leben des 
Siisswassers; eine gemeinverstindliche 
Biologie. Miinchen, 1909. 336 p. 16 
pls. & 229 figs. 8°. 1909.1 

Hepner, J., & Babak, EL. “See Babak 
& Hepner. 

Abbildung und Be- 
ed. Niirn- 
Sra i7e2rl 

Heppe, J. C. 
schreibung der Fische. 2. 
berg, (1782) 1787. 19 pls. 

— The same. 3. ed. 
1800. 306 p. 69 pls. 8°. 1800.1 

Herbert, David (editor) Fish and 
fisheries; a selection from the prize 
essays of the International Fisheries 


Exhibition, Edinburgh, 1882. Edin- 
burgh & London, 1883. xlviii, 352 p. 
maps «& illust. 1883.1 

Herbert, Henry William (Frank For- 
ester, pseudon.) [1807-1858] Frank For- 
ester’s fishermens’ [sic] guide; a man- 
ual for professional and amateuer [sic] 
anglers. Containing descriptions of pop- 
ular fishes and their habits, preparation 
of baits, &e., with a list of tools used in. 
fishing; making it the most complete 
work on the subject yet published. New 
York (18—) 64 p. pls. 8°. 

Frank Forester’s fish and fishing 
of the United States and British prov- 
inces of North America, edited by H. 
W. Herbert. London, 1849. xvi, 455 
p- 1849.1 

ae same. 2.ed. New York, 1850. xvi, 359 

’ The same. 3. ed. New York, 1851. xviii, 
359 p. 

Supplement to Forester’s “ Fish 
and fishing.’ New York, 1850. 4°. 

. American game in its seasons. 
New York, 1853. 343 p. figs. 8°. 

Contains notes on the salmon and perch. A 
revised edition was published in 1873. : 

Frank Forester’s fish and fishing 
of the United States and British proy- 
inces of North America. New ed., re- 
vised and corrected, with an ample sup- 
plement by the author. . . . New York, 
1864. 12 pls. 8°. 1864 1 

Life and writings of Frank 
Forester (H. W. Herbert) Edited by 
D.W. Judd. 2vols. New York, 1882. 
Disses 1882.1 

“ Life,’’ by Thomas Picton, vol. i, p. 11-104. 

“« Sketches which were scattered through vari- 
ous periodicals, or were never published. The 
illustrations are by Charles Hinkle.”’ Preface. 

““ Trouting along the Catasauqua,” vol. i, p. 

“* The smelt of the Passaic,”’ vol. ii, p. 97-107. 

“The smelt of the Raritan and Passaic,’”’ vol. 
ii, p. 231-235. 

Herdman, William Abbott [1858 —] 
(editor) The first (1. to 5.) report upon 
the fauna of Liverpool bay and the 
neighbouring seas. Liverpool, 1886. 
372 p. 10 pls. & 2 maps. 8°. 1886.1 

Second to fifth reports, 1889-1900. 

The foundation and first sea- 
son’s work of the Liverpool Marine 
Biological Station on Puffin island. 
Liverpool, 1888. 29 p. 8°. 1888.1 

Second to twenty-eighth annual reports, edited __ 
by Herdman, 1888-1914. ‘ 


Report on the investigations 
carried on in 1892 in connection with 
the Lancashire Sea-Fisheries Laboratory 
at University College, Liverpool. Rept. 
Lancashire Sea-Fish. Labor. Liverpool, 
1892 (1893), 1-48. 5 pls. 1893.1 

Food of fishes. First list of the fishes of the 
district from the Solway to the north coast of 
Wales, and including the Isle of Man. 

Catalogue of the ‘ Fisheries 
collection”’ in the zoological department, 
University College, Liverpool. Proc. 
Liverpool Biol. Soc., 1897, 11, erence 

The sea-fish hatching experi- 
ments. Rept. Lancashire Sea-Fish. 
Labor. Liverpool, 1896 (1897), 11-15. — 
Trans. Liverpool Biol. Soc., 11, 67-71. 
3 pls. 1897.2 

The biological station at Port 
Erin, being the 16th annual report of 
the Liverpool Marine Biology Commit- 
tee. Proc. Trans. Liverpool Biol. Soc., 
1903, 17, 15-67. 1903.1 

The future of British fisheries 
investigation. Rept. Lancashire Sea- 
Fish. Labor. Liverpool, 1902 (1903), 39— 
54. fig. 1903.2 

Scheme for the investigation of 
the Irish sea. Rept. Lancashire Sea- 
Fish. Labor. Liverpool, 1902 (1903), 
55-67. 1903.3 

—— Spawning of the plaice. Nature, 
1903, 69, 465; 488. 1903.4 

Technical instruction in sea- 
fisheries science. Rept. Lancashire Sea- 
Fish. Labor. Liverpool, 1902 (1903), 
101-106. — Trans. Liverpool Biol. Soc., 
1903, 17, 125-140; 141-153; 187-192. 
fig. 1903.5 

Ascidians and Amphioxus (In 
the Cambridge Natural History, vol. 

vii, p. 33-138. 76 figs. London, 1904) 
Review in Science, 1904, n. s. 21, 653- 
661. 1904.1 

Sea-fish hatching and rearing. 
Proc. Trans. Liverpool Biol. Soc., 1905, 
19, 26-37. 1905.1 

Sea-fish hatching at Port Erin 
in 1905. Rept. Lancashire Sea-Fish. 
Labor. Liverpool, 1905 (1906), 203- 
208. — Trans. Liverpool, Biol. Soc., 20, 
347-352. 1906.1 

Sea-fisheries research in Eng- 
land. Proc. Trans. Liverpool Biol. Soc., 
1907, 21, 109-128. 1907.1 



Calanus, a further record. Na- 
ture, London, 1913, 91, 636. 1913.1 

—— Mackerel and Calanus. Nature, 
London, 1913, 91, 504-505. ~ 1913.2 

(editor) Report for 1912 on the 
Lancashire Sea-Fisheries Laboratory at 
the University of Liverpool, and the 
Sea-Fish Hatchery at Piel. Introduc- 
tion, p. 1-13. Liverpool, 1913. 1913.3 

Herdman, William Abbott, & Cor- 
bin, P.F.J. The food of young fishes 
(In Report on the investigations carried 
on in 1893 in connection with the Lan- 
cashire Sea-Fisheries Laboratory at 
University College, Liverpool. Proc. 
Trans. Liverpool Biol. Soc., 1894, 8, 
57-92). Rept. Lancashire Sea-Fish. 
Labor. Liverpool, 1893 (1894), 1-36. 


Herdman, William Abbott, & Daw- 
son, Ff. A. Fishes and fisheries of the 
Irish sea and especially of the Lanca- 
shire and western sea-fisheries district. 
London, 1902. 98 p. 14 figs. 4°. — 
Review in Science, 1902, n. s. 16, 305- 
306. 1902.1 

Herdman, William Abbott, & Rid- 
dell, William. The plankton on the 
west coast of Scotland in relation to that 
of the Irish sea. Part III. Rept. Lan- 
cashire Sea-Fisheries Labor. Liverpool, 
1912 (1913), 168-195. fig. & 7 tables. 


Herdman, William Abbott, & Scott, 
Andrew. Report on the investigations 
carried on in 1894-1896 in connection 
with the Lancashire Sea-Fisheries Labo- 
ratory at University College, Liverpool. 
Rept. Lancashire Sea-Fish. Labor. Liv- 
erpool, 1894, 1-59. Jbid., 1895, 1-74. 
0 pls. Ibid., 1896, 1-73. 4 pls. — Proce. 
Biol. Soc. Liverpool, 9, 104-162. 1894.1 

_ Examination of food in stomachs. Distribu- 
tion of immature and other fish. Faunistic in- 

Report for 1896 on the Lanca- 
shire Sea-Fisheries Laboratory at Uni- 
versity College, Liverpool, with a cata- 
logue of the “ Fisheries Collection ” in 
the zoological department, University 
College, Liverpool. Trans. Liverpool 
Biol. Soc., 1897, 11, 57-126. Also sep- 
arate; Liverpool, 1897. 73 p. 4 pls. 
oe 1897.1 

Herdman, William Abbott, Scott, 
Andrew, & Johnstone, James. Report 
on the investigations carried on in 1899 
in connection with the Lancashire Sea- 
Fisheries Laboratory at University Col- 




Herdman, WW. A. 

lege, Liverpool, and the Sea-Fish Hatch- 
ery at Piel, near Barrow. Rept. Lan- 
cashire Sea-Fish. Labor. Liverpool, 1889 
(1890), 1-117. 6pls.&map. —-1890.1 

Sea-fisheries conferences and the need of a 
“census.”’ Hatchery work at Piel. Note on 
the American shad. Notes on the white fluke 
or flounder. 

Report on the investigations 
carried on in 1897 in connection with 
the Lancashire Sea-Fisheries Laboratory 
at University College, Liverpool, and 
the Sea-Fish Hatchery at Piel, near Bar- 
row. Rept. Lancashire Sea-Fish. Labor. 
Liverpool, 1897 (1898), 1-52. — Trans. 
Liverpool Biol. Soc., 12, 176-227. 1898.1 

Sea-fisheries exhibition at Liverpool. _Ex- 
perimental sea-fish hatching and rearing. Note 
upon the shad. 

Report on the investigations 
carried on in 1898 in connection with the 
Lancashire Sea-Fisheries Laboratory at 
University College, Liverpool, and the 
Sea-Fish Hatchery at Piel, near Barrow. 
Proc. Trans. Liverpool Biol. Soc., 1899, 
13, 69-155.— Rept. Lancashire Sea- 
Fish. Labor. Liverpool, 1898 (1899), 
1-87. 2 pls. 1899.1 

Fish hatching work at Piel. Observations on 
Leptocephalus. Observations on habits and 
food of young fishes. On sea-fish hatching. 

Report on the investigations 
carried on during 1900 in connection 
with the Lancashire Sea-Fisheries Labo- 
ratory at University College, Liverpool, 
and the Sea-Fish Hatchery at Piel; near 
Barrow. Rept. Lancashire Sea-Fish. 
Labor. Liverpool, 1900 (1901), 1-115. 
9 pls. 1901.1 

Required survey of fishing grounds. Fish 
hatching at Piel. Note on a sporozoon parasite 

of the plaice. On the fish parasites Lepeophthei- 
rus and Lernza. 

Report on the investigations 
carried on during 1904 in connection 
with the Lancashire Sea-Fisheries Labo- 
ratory at the University of Liverpool, 
and the Sea-Fish Hatchery at Piel, near 
Barrow. Rept. Lancashire Sea-Fish. 
Labor. Liverpool, 1904 (1905), 1-128. 
pls. & figs. — Proce. Trans. Liverpool 
Biol. Soc., 19, 181-304. 1905.1 

Sea-fish hatching at Piel. Experiments on 
marking living fishes. Internal parasites and 
diseased conditions of fishes. Abnormally scaled 

Report on the investigations 
carried on during 1905 in connection 
with the Lancashire Sea-Fisheries Lab- 
oratory at the University of Liverpool, 
and the Sea-Fish Hatchery at Piel, near 
Barrow. Rept. Lancashire Sea-Fish. 

Labor. Liverpool, 1905 (1906), 1-208. 
pls. & figs. 1906.1 

Sea-fish hatching at Piel. Marked fish ex- 
periments. Parasites of fishes. Ichthyological 
notes. Sea-fish hatching at port Erin. 

— Report on the investigations 
carried on during 1906 in connection 
with the Lancashire Sea-Fisheries Labo- 
ratory at the University of Liverpool, 
and the Sea-Fish Hatchery at Piel, near 
Barrow. Rept. Lancashire Sea-Fish. 
Labor. Liverpool, 1906 (1907), 1-269. 
pls. & figs. 1907.1 

_Sea-fishery research. Sea-fish hatching at 
Piel. Notes on food of young fishes. 

Report on the investigations 
carried on during 1907 in connection 
with the Lancashire Sea-Fisheries Labo-- 
ratory at the University of Liverpool, 
and the Sea-Fish Hatchery at Piel, near 
Barrow. Rept. Lancashire Sea-Fish. 
Labor. Liverpool, 1907 (1908), 1-406. 
pls. & figs. 1908.1 

Sea-fish hatching at Piel. 
periments. Parasites of fishes. 

Marked fish ex- 

Report on the investigations 
carried on during 1908 in connection 
with the Lancashire Sea-Fisheries Labo- 
ratory at the University of Liverpool, 
and the Sea-Fish Hatchery at Piel, near 
Barrow. Rept. Lancashire Sea-Eish. 
Labor. Liverpool, 1908 (1909), 1-366. 
4 pls. & 34 figs.— Trans. Liverpool 
Biol. Soc., 23, 103-334. 4 pls. & 34 figs. 

Sea-fish hatching at Piel. Marked fish ex- 
periments. Plaice measurements made during 
1908. Parasites of fishes. 

Report on the investigations 
carried on during 1909 in connection 
with the Lancashire Sea-Fisheries Labo- 
ratory at the University of Liverpool, 
and the Sea-Fish Hatchery at Piel, near 
Barrow. Rept. Lancashire Sea-Fish. 
Labor. Liverpool, 1909 (1910), 1-297. 
pls. & figs. — Trans. Liverpool Biol. 
Soc., 24, 63-359. 8 pls. & 53 figs. 1910.1 

Sea-fish hatching at Piel. Internal parasites 
of Irish sea fishes. Report on plaice measure- 

Herdman, William Abbott, Scott, 
Andrew, Johnstone, James, & Cole, 
F.J. Report on the investigations car- 
ried on during 1901 in connection with 
the Lancashire Sea-Fisheries Laboratory 
at- University College, Liverpool, and 
the Sea-Fish Hatchery at Piel, near Bar- 
row. Rept. Lancashire Sea-Fish. Labor. 
Liverpool, 1901 (1902), 1-240. 11 pe 


Sea-fish hatching at Piel. Memoir onthe com- 
mon plaice. 




Herdman, William Abbott, Scott, 
Andrew, & Lewis, H. Mabel. An inten- 
sive study of the marine plankton 
around the south end of the Isle of Man. 
Part VI. Rept. Lancashire Sea-Fish. 
Labor. Liverpool, 1912 (19138), 196-232. 
pl. & 5 figs. 1913.1 

Herfort, Karl V. Der Reifungspro- 
cess im Ei von Petromyzon fluviatilis. 
Anat. Anz., 1898, 8, 721-728. figs. — 
Zeitschr. Bohmischer Arzte, 1898. 18 p. 
6 figs. Abstract in Journ. Roy. Micr. 
Soc., 1893, pt. 1, 43. 1893.1 

Die Conjugation der Vorkerne 
und die erste Furchungsspindel im Ei 
von Petromyzon fluviatilis. Anat. Anz., 
1899, 16, 369-376. 5 figs. Abstract in 
Journ. Roy. Micr. Soc., 1899, 574-575. 

Die Reifung und Befruchtung 
des Eies von Petromyzon fluviatilis. 
Arch. Mikr. Anat., 1900, 57, 54-95. 3 
pls. 1900.1 

Héricourt, J., & Richet, Ch. Effets 
lointains des injections de sérum d’an- 

guille. C. R. Mém. Soc. Biol. Paris, 
1898, 137. 1898.1 
Hering, von. Beitrige zu der 

Frage tiber die Fiitterung junger Fi- 
sche im geschlossenen Raum. Circul. 
Deutsch. Fischerei Ver., 1871, no. 7, 47. 


Herissant, S. Ant. Pr. Bibliothéque 
physique de la France, ou Liste de tous 
les ouvrages . . . qui traitent de l’histoire 
naturelle de ce royaume. Paris, 1771. 
S.. ie 7itell 

Herklots, Janus Adrian [1820-1872] 
Deux nouveaux genres de crustacés 
vivant en parasites sur des poissons: 
Epichthys et Ickthyoxenos. Arch. 
Néérl. Indie, 1870, 5, 120-137. — 
Versl. Akad. Wet. Amsterdam, 4, 156-— 
i7ale : 1870.1 

Herklotz, H.O. Ueber den Geruch- 
und Geschmacksinn der Karpfen. Verh. 
Zool.-Bot. Gesell. Wien, 1864, 14, 45-47. 


Hermann, C.G. Unterricht fiir den 
Landmann Fischteiche anzulegen. Zit- 
tau, 1795. 8°. 1795.1 

Hermann, [riedrich. 
Kenntnis der Spermatogenese. Arch. 
Mikr. Anat., 1897, 1, 2. Heft, 276-315. 
pl. 1897.1 

Beitrige zur ~ 

In eigener Sache. Eine Erwide- 
rung an Herrn Dr. Rawitz. Anat. Anz., 
1898, 15, 177-179. 1898.1 

On spermatogenesis among selachians. 

Fossilfithrende Schichten in der 
oberen Anhydritgruppe bei Kiinzelsau. 
Jahresh. Ver. Vaterl. Naturk. Wirttem- 
berg, 1901, 57. Jahrg., 351-3855. 1901.1 

Hermann,G. Sur la spermatogénése 
chez les selaciens. C. R. Acad. Sci. 
Paris, 1881, 93, 858-860. — Journ. Anat. 
Physiol., Paris, 28, 378-432 3 pls. & 
30 figs. 1881.1 

Hermann, Johann. Ueber ein neues 
amerikanisches Fischgeschlecht, Sternop- 
tyx diaphana, der durchsichtige Brust- 
falten-Fisch. Naturforscher, 1781, 16. 
Stiick, 8-36. Jbid., 1782, 17. Stiick, 
249-251. pl. & figs. 1781.1 

Observationes zoologice, quibus 
nove complures, alieque animalium 
species describuntur et illustrantur: 
opus posthumum edidit Fr. L. Hammer. 
Argentorati (1804) 4°. 1804.1 

Hermann, L. Beitrige zur Lehre 
von den Haut- und Sekretions-Stromen. 
Arch. Ges. Physiol., 1894, 58, 242-254. 


Ueber aktive Veriinderungen der 
Hautfarbe bei gewissen Thierarten. 
Sitzber. Schrift. Physik-6kon. Gesell. 
Konigsberg, 1896, 37. Jahrg., 35-36. 


Hermann, 0. Die ungarische Fi- 
scherei. 2 vols. Budapest, 1887. 2 pls. 
Sx 1887.1 

Hermann, Rudolf. Ueber das Vor- 
kommen hohler Zihne bei fossilen und 
lebenden Tieren. Sitzber. Ges. Naturf. 
Freunde Berlin, 1907, 195-201. 5 figs. 


Figures are given of Jurassic Pyenodont teeth. 

Hermes, Otto. Ueber Aalbrut und 
Aufzucht junger Aale. Circul. Deutsch. 
Fischerei Ver., 1880, no. 1, 23-25. — 
Oesterr.-ungar. Fischerei Zeitg., 1880, 

83-84. 1880.1 

Ueber Aalmfinnchen und Aal- 
weibchen. Circul. Deutsch. Fischerei 
Ver., 1880, no. 2, 55-57. fig. 1880.2 

Ueber die verschiedenen For- 
men der Reproductionsorgane der Aale. 
Sitzber. Ges. Naturf. Freunde Berlin, 
1880, 27-28. 1880.3 

Zur Fortpflanzung des Aales. 
Cireul. Deutsch. Fischerei Ver., 1880, 

Hermes, 0. Museo Nacional. Mexico, 1896. No. 6. 
no. 6, 197-201.— Deutsch. Fischerei 88 p. 1896.1 

Zeitg., 1880, 3. Jahrg., 244-245. fig. 

Ueber reife miinnliche Ge- 
schlechtstheile des Seeals (Conger vul- 
garis) und einige Notizen iiber den 
minnlichen Flussaal (Anguilla vulgaris 
Fleming) Zool. Anz., 1881, 4, 59-44. 

2 figs. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1881 
(1882 ), 1, 126-130. Abstract in Aus- 
land, 54, 480. 1881.1 

The propagation of the eel. 
Rept. U. 8. Fish Comm. 1879 Saree ; 
457-462. pil. 82.1 
Ueber die Naturgeschichte des 

Aales. Sitzber. Ges. Naturf. Freunde 
Berlin, 1882, 37-38. 1882.2 
—— The migrations of eels. Rept. 

J. 8. Fish Comm. 1884 (1886), 12, 1123. 
1126. 1886.1 
Translation of ‘‘ Zur Wanderung der Aale”’ 
by Herman Jacobson. From circular no. 2, 
1884, of the German Fishery Association, Berlin, 

February 27, 1884. 

Aalminnchen im_ Siisswasser. 
Allgem. Fischerei Zeitg., 1893, 18. Jahrg., 
no. 17, 258-259. 1893.1 

Herms, Ernst. Ueber die Bildungs- 
weise der Ganglienzellen im Ursprungs- 
gebiete des Nervus acustico-facialis bei 
Ammoceetes. Sitzber. Bayer. Akad. 
Wiss., 1885, 14, 333-354. 2 pls. 1885.1 

Heron, (Sir) Rk. On the breeding of 
goldfishes in the author’s menagerie. 
Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1842, 8, 533. 


Heronimus, Ch. Die Entwickelung 
des Brustflossenskelettes bei Ama calva. 
Anat. Anz., 1911, 39, 193-203. 8 figs. 



Hérouard, Hdgard [1858 —] 
de la pentasomea. Bull. Soc. 
France, 1904, 29, 70-81. 9 figs. 

Sur l’embryon d’Amphioxus, p. 72-73. 

Hérouard, Hdgard, & Delage, Marie 
Yves. See Delage & Hérouard. 

Herre, Albert Christian, & Herre, 
W.A.B. Annotated list of the Marcus 
island fishes (In Bryan, W. A. A 
monograph of Marcus island, 1903. Ap- 
pendix, p. 125-139) 1903.1 

Herre, Albert Christian, & Jordan, 
David Starr. See Jordan & Herre. 

Herrera, Alfonso L. [1838-1901] 
Catdlogo de la coleccién de peces del 

Herrick, Charles Judson [1868 —] 
Contributions to the morphology of the 
brain of bony fishes. Journ. Comp. 
Neurol., 1891, 1, 211-245. 4 pls. 1891.1 

i, Siluride, p. 211-228. 
ii. Studies on the brains of some American 
freshwater fishes, p. 228-245. 

Topography and histology of the 
brain of certain ganoid fishes. Journ. 
Compar. Neurol., 1891, 1, 149-182. 4 
pls. 1891.2 

The cranial nerve components of 
teleosts. Anat. Anz., 1897, 13, 425-431. 

The cranial nerves of bony 
fishes. Journ. Comp. Neurol., 1898, 8, 
162-170. fig. 1898.1 

The cranial and first spinal 
nerves of Menidia; a contribution upon 
the nerve components of the bony fishes. 
Journ. Comp. Neurol., 1899, 9, 153-455. 
Arch. Neurol. Psychopath., 2, 21-319. 
7 pls. & 5 figs. 1899.1 

The metameric value of the 
sensory components of the cranial 
nerves. Science, 1899, n. s. 9, 312-313. 

The peripheral ie system 
of the bony fishes S. Fish 
Comm. 1898 (1899), 18, "315-320. fig. 


A contribution upon the cranial 

nerves of the codfish. Journ. Comp. 

Neurol., 1900, 10, 265-316. 2 pls. 

The trigemino-facial ganglionic 
complex of Gadus and Amiurus. Ab- 
stract in Science, 1900, n. s. 11, 168-169. 

The cranial nerves and cutane- 
ous sense organs of the North American 
siluroid fishes. Journ. Comp. Neurol., 
1901, 11, 177-249. 4 pls. 1901.1 

The feeding habits of fishes. 
School Science, December, 1902. 3 p. 

A note on the significance of the 
size of nerve fibers in fishes. Journ. 
Comp. Neurol., 1902, 12, 329-334. Re- 
print in Bull. ’Scient. Labor. Denison 
University, 12, 33-38. 1902.2 

(Review of} Johnston on the 
brain of Acipenser, ete. Science, 1902, 
n. s. 14, 930-931. 1902.3 

=a ah ee WA CAND Soe 



On the morphological and phys- 
iological classification of the cutaneous 
sense organs of fishes. Amer. Natural- 
ist, 1903, 37, 313-318. Abstract in 
Science, n. s. 17, 251-252. 1903.1 

On the phylogeny and morpho- 
logical position of the terminal buds of 
fishes. Journ. Comp. Neurol., 1903, 13, 
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ili. Beobachtungen an jungen Aalen. 

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figs. 1911.1 

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Lidt om den lovsmaessige ord- 
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Der Albelifang im obern Ziirich- 
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Bericht iiber eine Untersuchung 
von Teichen im Gebiete des Kantons 
St. Gallen. Schweiz. Fischerei Zeitg., 
1894, 2. Jahrg., 53. Also separate; 
Pfiaffikon-Ziirich, 1894. 20 p. 8°. 


Ueber die Fischereiverhiltnisse 
des Kantons Appenzell. Schweiz. 
Fischerei Zeitg., 1894, 2. Jahrg., 131. 
Also separate; ’ pfiffikon-Ziirich, 1894. 
ip. 8°. 1894.3 

Der Sempacher-See und _ seine 
Fischereiverhiltnisse Schweiz. Fische- 
rei Zeitg., 1895, 3. Jahrg., 163. Also 
separate; Pfaffikon-Ziirich, 1895. 50 p. 
St 1895.1 
— Ueber die Berner-Oberlinder- 

seen. Schweiz. Fischerei Zeitg., 1895, 3. 
Jahrg., 287; 299; 315. Also separate; 

Pfaffiikon-Ziirich, 1895. 11 p. 8°. 
Ueber die Fischerei in der 
Schweiz. Schweiz. Fischerei Zeitg., 

1897, 5. Jahrg., no 15, 143-146; no. 16, 
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Coregonen Aquarium. 
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Pfafikon, 1901. 104 p. 10 figs. 4°. 


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Fischerei Zeitg., 1901, 9. Jahrg. 31 p. 


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1901, 9, 182. 1901.3 
Die Fischerei im  Bodensee. 
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Fischerei Zeitg., 1905, 30. Jahrg., 169— 
173. 1905.1 

Ueber Fischereiverhiltnisse im 
Zirichsee, Linth- und Walensee. 
Schweiz. Fischerei Zeitg., 1905, 13. 
Jahrg., 217-227 1905.2 

Beitriige zu einer Monographie 
des Aegerisees mit besonderer Beriick- 
sichtigung seiner Fischereiverhiltnisse. 
Schweiz. Fischerei Zeitg., 1906, 14. 
Jahrg. 59p. pl. & 7 figs. 1906.1 

Zucht der Coregonen (Felchen) 
fiir die freien Gewiisser. Schweiz. 
Fischerei Zeitg., 1906, 14. Jahrg., 49- 
52.—Stenogr. Protok. Verh. Intern. 
Fisch-Kongr. Wilm, 1905, 2535-256. 
Allgem. Fischerei Zeitg., 31, 118-121. 

1906 2 

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Heuscher, Johannes, & Hersche, 

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Geophagus brasiliensis (der Perl- 
mutterfisch) Wochenschr. Aquar.-Ter- 
rar. Kunde, 1912, 9. Jahrg. 321-323. 
fig. 1912.1 

Girardinus januarius Hens. Ein 
Nachtrag zur gescheckten Spielart. 
Wochenschr. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 
1912, 9. Jahrg., 150-153. 2 figs. 1912.2 

Macropodus viridi-auratus, der 
Makropode oder Grossflosser. Ein 
Beitrag zur Blutauffrischung desselben. 
Wochenschr. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 
1912, 9. Jahrg., 50-52. 5 figs. 1912.3 


HE xX 

Heyser, H. Growth of mirror carp 
sent to Georgia by the United States 
Fish Commission; letter to Prof. S. F. 
Baird. Bull. U. 9. Fish Comm. 1882 
(1883), 2, 18. 1883.1 

Hibbert, Samuel [1782-1848] On 
the fresh water limestone of Burdie- 
house in the neighbourhood of Edin- 
burgh, belonging to the Carboniferous 
group of rocks; with supplementary 
notes on other fresh water estones. 
Trans. Roy. Soc. Edinb., 1834, 13, 169- 
282. 8 pls. 1834.1 

Fossil fishes, p. 182-230; 260-273. 

On the fossil fishes of the (Lower 
Carboniferous] limestone of Burdie- 
house. Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinb., 1845, 1, 
72-74. ; 1845.1 

Hibberd, James Shirley [1825-1890] 
The marine aquarium. London, 1856. 
figs. 8°. 1856.1 

—— The book of the marine aqua- 
rium. London, 1860. 16°. 1860.1 

Hicks, John. Wanderings by the 
lochs and streams of Assynt and the 
north Highlands of Scotland. London, 
1855. illust. 16°. 1855.1 

Describes fishing in these regions. The illus- 
trations are from sketches by the author. 

Hickson, Sidney John [1859 —] The 
fauna of the deep sea, a simple and con- 
cise summary of present-day knowledge 
of the more important facts concerning 
physical conditions and forms of ani- 
mal life existing in deep seas, dealing 
with the two great problems. 1. The 
modifications of the fauna in correlation 
with the physical conditions of their 
habitat. 2. The sources from which 
the fauna of the deep is derived; and 
containing a short account of submarine 
discovery. London, 1893. xvi, 169 p. 
23 figs. 8°. 1893.1 

Hiester, Charles E. Fish-culture for 
profit. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1881 
(1882), 1, 382-383. 1882.1 

Answers to questions relative to 
catfish. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1882 
(1883), 2, 76-79. 1883.1 

Higgins, Edward T. Rare fishes oc- 
curring at Weston-super-Mare. Zoolo- 
gist, 1861, 19, 7317-7318. 1861.1 

On otolites or ear-bones_ of 
fishes. Abstract in Quart. Journ. Mier. 
Sci., 1867, n. s. 7, 226-227. 1867.1 




— On the otolites of fish, and their 
value as a test in verifying recent and 
fossil species. Journ. Linn. Soc. Lon- 
don, 1868, 9, 157-166. Abstract in 
Geol. Mag., 4, 161-162. 1868.1 

Higgins, Henry Hugh [1814-1893] 
Notes by a field naturalist in the west- 
ern tropics. Liverpool, 1877. 205 p. 
So. 1877.1 

Fishes, p. 10-40; 94; 166-169. 

Higginson, Francis. Upon the abun- 
dance of fish on the New England coast 
in former times. Rept. U. 8. Fish 
Comm. 1871-72 (1873),1,161. 1873.1 

Highley, Samuel. A clue to the great 
sea serpent [Regalecus banksit) Fish. 
Gazette, 1877, n. s. 1, no. 16, 9-10. figs. 

Sensitiveness of fish. Fish. 
Gazette, 1877, n.s.1, no. 8, 8-9. 1877.2 

— Where to fish round London. 
London (1882) vi, 56 p. 8°. 1882.1 

Higurashi, Tadashi, Otaki, Keino- 
suke, & Fujita, Tsunenobu. See Otaki, 
Fujita & Higurashi. 

Hikida, 7. Homposan Argentinide 
no ichi shinshu ni tsuite (On a new 
species of Argentinidae occurring in 
Japan} Zool. Mag. Tokyo, 1913, 25, 
127-129. pl. 1913.1 

Hildebrand, S. F., & Evermann, 
Barton Warren. See Evermann «& 

Hildebrand, S. F., & Meek, Seth 
Eugene. See Meek & Hildebrand. 

Hildebrand, Wolfgang. Rad och 
anvisningar ang&ende fiskférékning och 
fiskfangst fran 1600-talet. Fiskeritidskr. 
Finland, 1897, 6, 82-89. 1897.1 

Hildreth, S. P. On the spoonbill 
sturgeon. Amer. Journ. Sci., 1827, 12, 
202-203. 1827.1 

Hildreth, S. P., Clemens, James W., 

& Mitchill, Samuel Latham. See 
Mitchill, Hildreth & Clemens. 
Hilgard, Theodore Charles [1828- 

On the structure of the head in 

vertebrata, and its relations to the 

phyllotactic laws. Proc. Amer. Assoc. 

Ady. Sci., 11. meet., 1857, 81-95. — Bon- 

plandia, 6, 22—26. 1857.1 
Fishes, p. 89-91. 

Numeric relations of the verte- 
brate system. Amer. Naturalist, 1871, 


5, 559-561. — Proc. Amer. Assoc. Adv. 
Sci., 20. meet., 1871, 307-317. 1871.1 

Hilgendorf, Franz Martin (1839 —| 
Ueber den Bau der Oberkinnlade beim 
Hecht (Hsox luctus) Sitzber. Ges. Isis, 
Dresden, 1871 (1872), 230-231. 1872.1 

Japanische lachsartige Fische. 
Mitth. Deutsch. Ges. Ostasiens, 1876— 
80, 2, 25-31. 1876.1 

Der Tara [Gadus brandtit) Mitth. 
Deutsch. Ges. Ostasiens, 1876, 1, 7. 

Heft, 39-40. 1876.2 
: Ueber die Artbestimmung des 
giftigen Fugu (Yetrodon rubripes) 

Mitth. Deutsch. Ges. Ostasiens, 1876, 
1, 10. Heft, p. 6. 1876.3 

Ueber den Jugendcharakter der 
Fischgattung Fistularia. Sitzber. Ges. 
Naturf. Freunde Berlin, 1877, 236-237. 

Ueber das Kopfskelet von Cy- 
clopterus lumpus und Liparis. Sitzber. 
Ges. Naturf. Freunde Berlin, 1878, 186-— 
187. 1878.1 

Ueber das Vorkommen einer 
Brama-Art und einer neuen Fischgat- 
tung Centropholis aus der Nachbar- 
schaft des Genus Brama in den, japani- 
schen Meeren. Sitzber. Ges. Naturf. 
Freunde Berlin, 1878, 1-2. 1878.2 

Ueber einige neue japanische 
Fischgattungen. Sitzber. Ges. Naturf. 
Freunde Berlin, 1878, 155-157. 1878.3 

Blaugefarbte Schuppen von Duy- 
maeria. Sitzber. Ges. Naturf. Freunde 
Berlin, 1879, 121-122. 1879.1 

Einige Beitrage zur Ichthyologie 
Japan’s. Sitzber. Ges. Naturf. Freunde 
Berlin, 1879, 78-81; 105-111. 


Die Vorrichtungen zur Fixirung 
der Stacheln bei Monocentris japoni- 
cus Houttuyn. Sitzber. Ges. Naturf. 
Freunde Berlin, 1879, 22-25. 1879.3 

Hornbekleidung der Kiefer bei 
Teuthis. Sitzber. Ges. Naturf. Freunde 
Berlin, 1880, 121. 1880.1 

Japans Fische. Oesterr.-ungar. 
Fischerei Zeitg., 1880, 271-272; 281— 
282. 1880.2 

Ueber eine neue bemerkens- 
werthe Fischgattung Leucopsarion aus 
Japan. Monatsber. Akad., Berlin, 1880, 
339-341. 1880.3 


Hilgendorf, /’. VW. 

Uebersicht iiber die japanischen 
Sebastes-Arten. Sitzber. Ges. Naturf. 
Freunde Berlin, 1880, 166-172. 1880.4 

FEinige Larvenformen von Kno- 
chenfische (Dactylopterus) Cephalacan- 
thus, Acronurus] Sitzber. Ges. Naturf. 
Freunde Berlin, 1883, 43—45. 1883.1 

Die Unterschiede von Maifisch 
und Finte. Sitzber. Ges. Naturf. 
Freunde Berlin, 1883, 90-91. 1883.2 

Ueber die Fischgattung Amphi- 
sile. Sitzber. Ges. Naturf. Freunde 
Berlin, 1884, 52-55. 1884.1 

Die Vereinigung der Haifisch- 
gattung Leptocarcharias mit Triacis. 
Sitzber. Ges. Naturf. Freunde Berlin, 
1884, 138-139. 1884.2 

Ueber Schliffen sogenannter zu- 
sammengesetzter Fischziihne. Sitzber. 
Ges. Naturf. Freunde Berlin, 1886, 87— 
94. 1886.1 

Einige Bemerkungen iiber die 

Histologie der Pristis-Ziihne. Sitzber. 
Ges. Naturf. Freunde Berlin, 1888, 109— 

110. 1888.1 
Fische aus dem Victoria-Nyanza 
(Ukerewe-See), gesammelt von dem 

verstorbenen Dr. G. A. Fischer. Sitzber. 
Ges. Naturf. Freunde Berlin, 1888, 75- 

79. 1888.2 
Die Fische der Azoren. Arch. 
Naturgesch., 1888, 54, 205-213. 1888.3 

(Eine neue Salarias-Art, welche 
von Herrn Dr. Simroth bei den Agoren 
entdeckt wurde) Sitzber. Ges. Naturf. 
Freunde Berlin, 1888, 79. 1888.4 

Ueber eine Fischkrankheit an 
Karpfen aus der Niederlausitz. Sitzber. 
Ges. Naturf. Freunde Berlin, 1889, 123— 
125. 1889.1 

Ueber eine Fischsammlung von 
Haiti, welche zwei neue Arten, Pecilia 
tridens und Eleotris maltzani, enthalt. 
Sitzber. Ges. Naturf. Freunde Berlin, 
1889, 51-55. 1889.2 

The new subgenus Acropecilia is proposed. 

Hinige ichthyologische Mitthei- 
lungen, betreffend Petromyzon, Cepola, 
Salarias, Leucopsarion und _ Silurus. 
Sitzber. Ges. Naturf. Freunde Berlin, 
1890, 12-18. 1890.1 

Eine Aufzihlung der von Emin 
Pascha und Dr. Stuhlmann gesammelten 
Fische und Krebse. Sitzber. Ges. 
Naturf. Freunde Berlin, 1891, 18-20. 




- Ein krankhaft veriindertes “Ge- 
biss eines Haifisches (aleus galeus L.) 
Sitzber. Ges. Naturf. Freunde Berlin, 
1891, 64-67. 1891.2 

—— Verschiedenheiten zwischen den 
Saiblingen Mitteleuropas. Sitzber. Ges. 
Naturf. Freunde Berlin, 1891, 28-29. 


Eine neue Stér-Art von Nord- 
Japan, Acipenser mikadoi. Sitzber. 
Ges. Naturf. Freunde Berlin, 1892, 98- 
100. 1892.1 

Ueber die Bezahnung der Gat- 
tung Mola (Orthagoriscus) Sitzber. 
Ges. Naturf. Freunde Berlin, 1893, 3-4. 

Eine neue Characinidengattung, 
Petersius, aus dem Kinganiflusse in 
Deutsch Ostafrika, und iiber die sonsti- — 
gen von Dr. Stuhlmann dort gesam- 
melten Fische. Sitzber. Ges. Naturf. 
Freunde Berlin, 1894, 172-173. 1894.1 

— Bericht iiber die Leistungen in 
der Ichthyologie wihrend des Jahres 
1892. Arch. Naturgesch., 1895, 61. 
Jahrg., 2, 259-308. 1895.1 

Bemerkungen iiber den Cypri- 
nus aphya Bloch. Sitzber. Ges. Naturf. 
Freunde Berlin, 1897, 35-37. 1897.1 

Neue Chromiden-Art aus Deutsch 
Siidwestafrika. Sitzber. Ges. Naturf. 
Freunde Berlin, 1902, 141-143. 1902.1 

Pseudocheilinus hexatenia Blkr. 
mit monstréser Verdoppelung der Linse. 
Sitzber. Ges. Naturf. Freunde Berlin, 
1903, 3-5. 1903.1 

Ein Siisswasserfisch aus der 
Nahe von Alexandria, Paratilapia multi- 
color. Sitzber. Ges. Naturf. Freunde 
Berlin, 1903, 429-482. 1903.2 

—— Ein neuer Scyllium-artiger Hai- 
fisch, Proscyllium habereri, nov. subgen., 
n. spec. von Formosa. Sitzber. Ges. 
Naturf. Freunde Berlin, 1904, ae : 

Fische von Deutsch und Eng- 
lisch Ost-Afrika, gesammelt von Oscar 
Neumann 1893-1895. Zool. Jahrb. 
(Abth. Syst.), 1905, 22, 405-418. 1905.1 

Hilgendorf, Franz Martin, & 
Kopsch, Friedrich. Bericht tber die 
Leistungen in der Ichthyologie wihrend 
des Jahres 1890. Arch. Naturgesch., 
1898, 59. Jahrg., 2, 173-266. 1898.1 




Hilgendorf, Franz Martin, & Pap- 
penheim, P. Ueber die Fischfauna des 
Rukwa-Sees. Sitzber.- Ges. Naturf. 
Freunde Berlin, 1903, 259-271. 1903.1 

Hilgendorf, Franz Martin, & Paul- 

icki, A. Infusionstiere als Hautpara- 
siten bei Siisswasserfischen. Centralbl. 
Med. Wiss., 1869, 7, 33-35. 1869.1 

Hill, Charles. Development of the 
epiphysis in Coregonus albus. Journ. 
Morphol., 1891, 5, 503-510. figs. 


The epiphysis of teleosts and 
Amia. Journ. Morphol., 1894, 9, no. 2, 
237-266. 2 pls. 1894.1 

Primary segments of the verte- 
rate head. Anat. Anz., 1899, 16, 353— 

369. 22 figs. 1899.1 
Hill, Edward Smith [1819?-1880] On 
fishes (Murray river cod, ete.) 3. Ann. 

Rept. Acclim. Soc. New 8. Wales, 1864, 
Dp. ol. 1864.1 

Hill, James P. On a fiddler (T'ry- 
gonorhina fasciatia) with abnormal pec- 
toral fins. Proc. Linn. Soc. New 8. 
Wales, 1895, 2. ser. 10, 206-208. pl. 


Hill, John [1716-1775] A general 
natural history; or, new and accurate 
descriptions of the animals, vegetables 
and minerals of the different parts of the 
world. 2. ed. enlarged with 2 additional 
plates. 3 vols. London, 1771. 57 pls. 

Mv eicalesl: 

Hill, Richard. Contributions to the 
natural history of the shark. Ann. Mag. 
Nat. Hist., 1851, 2. ser. 7, 353-370. 


A naturalist’s sojourn in Ja- 
maica. London, 1851. 12°. See Gosse, 
Philip Henry. 1851.2 

A week at Port Royal. Montego 

bay, 1855. 109 p. 12°. 1855.1 
Contains mention of several species of Ja- 

maica fishes. 

The devil-fish of Jamaica (Dice- 

robatis giorne) Intell. Observ., 1863, 2, 

167-205. figs. 1863.1 

On poisonous fishes; on fish- 
poisons. Proc. Sci. Assoc. Trinidad, 
1868, 1, 210-223; 227-237. 1868.1 

— The fishes of Jamaica. Hand- 

book of Jamaica, 1881, 121-126. 1881.1 
Hill, W.W. The black bass. Forest 
& Stream, 1874, 2, 163. 1874.1 

Hillas, A. B. FE. Record of salmon 
marking experiments in Ireland 1902-— 
1905. Fisheries Ireland Scient. Invest., 
1904, no. 7, 14-52. — Rept: Sea Inland 
Fish Ireland, 1904 (1906), pt. 2, 315- 

357. 1904.1 
Report on Rockmills hatchery, 
1907-8. Fish. Ireland Scient. Invest. 

1907 (1909), no. 9, 8-11. 1909.1 

Summary of reports relative to 
eel fry, 1908-1910. Fisheries Ireland 
Scient. Invest. 1908 (1910), no. 6. 9p. 
Ibid. 1909 (1911), no. 2. 5p. 1910.1 

Hillhouse, William. C. Linnzus, 
1707-1778; a biography, with notes on 
interesting exhibits made before the 
Birmingham Natural History and Philo- 
sophical Society. Birmingham, 1907. 
20 p. illust. 8°. 1907.1 

Hilton, William A. On the intestine 
of Amia calvua. Amer. Naturalist, 1900, 
34, 717-728. 4 pls. 1900.1 

Hilzheimer, M., & Haempel, 0. 
Handbuch der Biologie der Wirbeltiere. 
Stuttgart, 1913. 1913.1 

ee eel of fishes by O. Haempel, p. 170- 

Himes, C. F. Carp ponds. Rept. 
U. S. Fish Comm. 1873-75 (1876), 3, 
555-558. 1876.1 

Hinckly (junior), Thomas. Condition 
of the shore fisheries of Massachusetts 
and Rhode Island in 1871. Rept. U.S. 
Fish Comm. 1871-72 (1873), 1, 59-67. 


Hind, Henry Youle [1823 —] Does 
the Atlantic salmon spawn in the spring 
as well as in the fall? Forest & Stream, 

1880, 13, 1025. 1880.1 
Habits of salmon. Forest & 
Stream, 1880, 15, 180-131. 1880.2 

The movements of salmon in the 
Forest & Stream, 1880, 14, 491. 

Spring spawning salmon. The 
grilse. Forest & Stream, 1880, 15, 186— 
187. 1880.4 

Hind, Wheelton. Life-zones in the 
British Carboniferous rocks; report of 
the committee. Rept. British Assoc. 
Adv. Sci.,-71. meet., 1902, 210-224. 
Ibid., 73. meet., 1904, 185-192. 5 figs. 
Ibid., 74. meet., 1905, 226-237. 4 figs. 




Hind, Wheelton, & Howe, John Allen. 
The geological succession and palzeonto- 
logy of the beds between the Millstone 
grit and the Limestone massif at Pendle 
hill and their equivalents in certain 
other parts of Britain. Quart. Journ. 
Geol. Soc., 1901, 57, 347-404. 3 pls. & 
3 figs. 1901.1 

Hind, Wheelton, & Stobbs, John T. 
The Carboniferous succession below the 
Coal measures in North Shropshire, 
Denbighshire and Flintshire. Geol. 
Mag., 1906, 5. ser. 3, 385-400; 445-459; 

496-507. 2 pls. & 5 figs. 1906.1 
Hinde, George Jennings [1839 —] 
Pelagic fish-nest. Nature, 1872, 6, 142. 

— Conodonts. Pop. Sci. Rev.. 
1879, n. s. 3, 208-209. 1879.1 

Conodonts from Cambro-Silu- 
rian, ete. Sci. Gossip, 1879, 15, 115. 

On conodonts from the Chazy 
and Cincinnati group of the Cambro- 
Silurian, and from the Hamilton and 
Genesee shale divisions of the Devonian, 
in Canada and the United States. 
Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., 1879, 35, 351— 
369. — Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1879, 5. 
ser. 4, 166. — Amer. Journ. Sci., 1880, 
Se ser, 19) 327. Sips: 1879.3 

Notes and descriptions of new 
species of Scotch Carboniferous cono- 
donts. Trans. Nat. Hist. Soc. Glasgow, 
1900, n. s. 5, 338-346. 2 pls. 1900.1 

The bone-bed in the Upper Lud- 

low formation. Proc. Geol. Assoc. 
London, 1904, 18, 443-446. 1904.1 
Hindersson, H. A. Ueber die 

Schwanzflossenmuskulatur der Teleo- 

stier. Anat. Anz., 1910, 36, 465-471. 
5 figs. 1910.1 
Hinds, A. J. Trout-culture for 
market. Forest & Stream, 1875, 5, 116. 

Lifting trout spawn. Forest & 
Stream, 1876, 5, 339. 1876.1 

Hindze, B. K. Das Fischerei-Insti- 
tut Suisan Koschushio in Tokio [Text 
in Russian} Dnevn. Otd. Icht. Imp. R. 
Obsé. Acclimat., Moskva, 1903, 2, pt. 2, 
33-44. 1903.1 

Hindze, B. K., Voronkov, JN. V. 
Bogojavlenskij, \V. V. , Chmélevskij, 
C.V., Gracianovy, V./. "& Zograf, J. N. 
See Chmélevskij, Gracianov & others. 



Hinkelmann, —— The mode of 
life of eels. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 
1884, 4, 390. 1884.1 

Hinkelmann, Andreas. Die Ver- 
breitung grésserer Thiere im Kaiser- 
Wilhelm-Kanal. Schrift. Naturw. Ver. 
Schlesw.-Holst., 1897, 11, 55-57. 1897.1 

Der Abstieg der jungen Heringe 
aus dem Kaiser Wilhelm-Kanal in die 
Ostsee im August 1902. Mitth. Deutsch. 
Seefischerei Ver., 1902, 18, 606-608. 


Ueber den Aufstieg und die 
Laichplitze des Herings im Kaiser 
Wilhelm-Kanal im Frihjahr 1902. 
Mitth. Deutsch. Seefischerei Ver., 1902, 
18, 362-367. 1902.2 

Ueber die im Jahre 1901 aus- 
gefiihrte Versuchsfischerei im Kaiser 
Wilhelm-Kanal. Mitth. Deutsch. See- 
fischerei Ver., 1902, 18, 15-18. 1902.3 

Ueber die neuesten Ergebnisse 
der Versuchsfischerei auf dem Kaiser 

Wilhelm-Kanal. Vortrag, ete. Heimat, 
Kiel, 1903, 13, 153-164. 1903.1 

Versuchsfischerei im Kaiser 
Wilhelm-Kanal im Jahr 1902. Mitth. 

Deutsch. Seefischerei Ver., 1903, 19, 
88-91. 1903.2 

—— Ueber die im Jahre 1903 ausge- 
fiihrte Versuchsfischerei auf dem Kaiser 
Wilhelm-Kanal. Mitth. Deutsch. See- 
fischerei Ver., 1904, 20, 3-5. 1904.1 

Ueber die im Jahre 1905-06 
ausgefiihrte Versuchsfischerel auf dem 
Kaiser Wilhelm-Kanal. Mitth. Deutsch. 
Seefischerei Ver., 1906, 22, 14-18. Jbid., 
23, 5-7. fig. 1906.1 

Die Treibnetzfischerei in der 
Ostsee mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung 
des Laichplatzes fiir Heringe bei Feh- 
marn. Mitth. Deutsch. Seefischerei 
Ver., 1908, 24, 358-361. 2 figs. 1908.1 

Hinkelmann, Andreas, & Apstein, 
C. See Apstein & Hinkelmann. 

Hinrichs (junior), Henry. Federal 
control over fish in boundary waters. 
Trans. Amer. Fisheries Soc. 1912 (1913), 
129-133. 1913.1 

Hinton, Martin A.C. The Pleisto- 
cene deposits of the Oxford and Wan- 

stead district. Proc. Geol. Assoc. 
London, 1900, 16, 271-281. 2 figs. 


Hinton, Martin A. C., & Kennard, 
A.S. Contributions to the Pleistocene 
geology of the Thames valley. I. The 
Grays Thurrock area. With a sub- 
section on the fossil fishes by E. T. 

Newton. Essex Naturalist, 1901, 11, 
336-370. 5 figs. 1901.1 
Hintze, Alexander. Svart giidda. 
Sporten, 1884, 4, 85. 1884.1 
Tonfiskfangst. Sporten, 1884, 

4-97: 1884.2 

Laxens kik-krok. Sporten, 1886, 
6, 82-83. 1886.1 

En virdefull och for vara stora 
insjOvatten lamplig fisk (Solea vulgaris) 
Sporten, 1887, 7, 6. 1887.1 

— Black bass. Sporten, 1888, 8, 
Ro--0s 1888.1 
Forellmete i april. Sporten, 

1889, 3. ser. 1, 41-43. 1889.1 

Blanklax i olika stadier af ut- 
veckling. Tidskr. Jaigare & Fisk., 1893, 
1, 45-46. 2 figs. 1893.1 

Ovanligt stor harr (Thymallus 
vulgaris Nilss.) Tidskr. Jaigare & Fisk., 
1893, 1, 140. 1893.2 

Svartbassen (Micropterus — sal- 
moides) Tidskr. Jigare & Fisk., 1893, 
1, 177-179. 2 figs. 1893.3 

Anton Stuxberg, sveriges och 
norges fiskar Tidskr. Jigare & Fisk., 
1894, 2, 236. 1894.1 

Gaiddan sdsom forellfiskare. 
Tidskr. Jagare & Fisk., 1894, 2, 110. 


Insj6forell (Salmo erioxr L.) 
Tidskr. Jagare & Fisk., 1894, 2, 75. 


Regnbagsforellen (Salmo irideus 
Gibbons) Tidskr. Jaigare & Fisk., 1895, 
3, 76-78. pl. 1895.1 

— Huru forhalla sig vikt, langd 
och kroppsomfang till hvarandra hos 
abborre i olika vatten. Tidskr. Jigare 
& Fisk., 1896, 4, 196-197. 1896.1 

En stor gidda. Tidskr. Jagare 

& Fisk., 1897, 5, 207-208; 228-229. 

Leker Puruvesi- “laxen” pa 

grundenisjon? Tidskr. Jagare & Fisk., 
1898, 6, 77-78. 1898.1 



Puruvesi-forellen skall leka i 

sjon. Tidskr. Jigare & Fisk., 1898, 6, 
105-108. 1898.2 
Utplantering af flundra i vesi- 
jirvi. Tidskr. Jaigare & Fisk., 1898, 6, 
199-200. 1898.3 
Alen som laxiitare. Tidskr. 

Jigare & Fisk., 1899, 7, 155-156. 1899.1 

Den frimsta bland  forellens 
fiender. Tidskr. Jiigare & Fisk., 1900, 
8, 133-134. 1900.1 

Spanakiringen (Idothea entomon) 
och torsken (/dothea entomon und Gadus 
morrhua\ Tidskr. Jiigare & Fisk., 1905, 
13, 44447. 1905.1 

Hintze, Harry. Ur min fiskedagbok. 
Tidskr. Jagare & Fisk., 1893, 1, 122-132. 
map. 1893.1 

Hipler, J. Betta pugnax, ein maul- 
briitender Kampffisch. Blatt. Aquar.- 
Terrar. Kunde, 19138, 24. Jahrg., 34-36. 

Nochmals maulbriitender Kampf- 
fisch (Betta pugnax) Blatt. Aquar.-Ter- 
rar. Kunde, 1913, 24. Jahrg., 196-197. 

Hippius, K. Acara bimaculata L. 
und A. ceruleo-punctata Steind. [Text 
in Russian] Akvarium, Moskva, 1908, 
1, 106-110. 1908.1 


Girardinus januarius var. reticu- 
lata Peters und Pecilia reticulata Peters 
(Text in Russian] Akvarium, Moskva, 
1909, 2, 392-396. 1909.1 

Hemichromis bimaculata {Text 
in Russian} Akvarium, Moskva, 1909, 
2, 382-386. 1909.2 

Hippolyte-Boussac, P. La faune de 
l’Egypte antique. Rev. Encyclop. La- 
rousse, 1897, 7. année, no. 214, 859-863; 
no. 215, 876-878. 33 ‘figs. 1897.1 

Hi-Regan, pseudonym for Dunne, 
(Captain) J. How and where to fish in 
Ireland; a hand-guide for anglers. 3. 
ed. London, 1887. 8°. 1887.1 

Hirn, R. Die Hochseefischerei im 

Bodensee. Schweiz. Fischerei Zeitg., 
1896, 4, 11. Also separate; Pfaiffikon- 
Ziirich, 1896. 1p. 8°. 1896.1 

Hirota, S: On the dendritic appen- 
dage of the urogenital papilla of a silu- 
roid. Journ. Coll. Sci. Japan, 1895, 8, 
367-380. pl. 1895.1 


Hirsch, Julius. Ueber das Gehirn, 
Riickenmark und Augen der Varietéten 
des Goldfisches (Carassius auratus) 
Arch. Entw.-Mech., Leipzig, 1912, 35, 
56-63. 11 figs. 1912.1 

Hirschberg, J.  Fischerei-Bestre- 
bungen im [iirstenthum Schwarzburg 
Sondershausen. Circul. Deutsch. Fi- 
scherei Ver. 1878 (1879), no. 2, 67. 


Zur Dioptrik und Ophthalmo- 
skopie der Fisch- und Amphibienaugen. 
Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Phys. Abth.), 
1882, 493-526. 9 figs. 1882.1 

Hirschler, J. Studien iiber die in- 
terstitiellen Gebilde der aperessiee ee 
Muskelfaser. Bull. Intern. Acad. Sci. 
Cracovie, math.-nat. Cl., 1910, ser. B, 
448-476. pl. & fig. 1910.1 

Hirt, Fr. Fischerordnung fiir den 
Nidauersee. Schweiz. Fischerei Zeitg., 
1896, 4, 153. Also separate; Pfaffikon- 
Zurich, 1896. 2p. 8°. 1896.1 

Seeordnung iiber den Bielersee 
von 1570. Schweiz. Fischerei Zeitg., 
1897, 4, 367. Also separate; Pfaiffikon- 
Zurich, 1897. 4p. 8°. 1897.1 

His, Wilhelm [1831 —] Untersuchun- 
gen tiber das Ei und die Entwickelung 
bei Knochenfischen. Leipzig, 1873. 4 
pls. 1873.1 

Ueber den Bau des Eies einiger 
Salmoniden. Verh. Schweiz. Naturf. 
Ges. Basel, 1873 (1874), 5, 3. Heft, 457— 

461. 1874.1 

— Ueber die Bildung des Lachs- 
Embryo. Sitzber. Naturf. Ges. Leipzig, 
1874, 1. Jahrg., 30. 1874.2 

Untersuchungen iiber die Ent- 
wickelung von Knochenfischen beson- 
ders iiber diejenige des Salmens. Zeit- 
schr. Anat. Entwickgesch., 1876, 1, 1-40. 
14 figs. 1876.1 

Notiz tiber die Embryonalan- 
lage bei Plagiostomen. Verh. Schweiz. 
Naturf. Ges. Basel, 1876 (1877), 59, 68— 
69. 1877.1 

Ueber die Bildung der Haifisch- 
embryonen. Zeitschr. Anat. Entwick- 
gesch., 1877, 2, 108-124. pl. 1877.2 

Untersuchungen iiber die Bil- 
dung des Knochenfischembryo (Salmen) 
Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Anat. Abth.), 1878, 
180-221. pl. 1878.1 


Ueber die Anfiinge des periphe- 
rischen Nervensystemes. Arch. Anat. 
Physiol. (Anat. Abth.), 1879, 455-482. 
2 pls. 1879.1 

Ganglienanlagen bei Embryonen von Plagio- 
stomen, Batrachiern, Knochenfischen und Siuge- 
thieren, 473-480. 

Ueber Untersuchungen zur Ent- 
wicklung des Salmes. Verh. Schweiz. 
Naturf. Ges. Bern, 1878 (1879), 61, 120. 


Notizen iiber das Ei und iiber 
die Entwickelung von Salmoniden. 
Internat. Fischerei-Ausstellung. Berlin, 
1880, Schweiz. Katalog, 141-153. fig. 

Die Entwickelung der mensch- 
lichen und thierischer Physiognomien. 
Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Anat. Abth.), 
1892, 384424. 51 figs. 1892.1 

Deals with the embryos of various fishes. 

Zur allgemeinen Morphologie 
des Gehirns. Arch. Anat. Physiol. 
(Anat. Abth.), 1892, 346-383. 36 figs. 

Ueber das frontale Ende des 

Gehirnrohres. Arch. Anat. Physiol. 
(Anat. Abth.), 1893, 157-171. 8 figs. 

Sonderung und Charakteristik 
der Entwickelungsstufen junger Sela- 
chierembryonen. Arch. Anat. Physiol. 
(Anat. Abth.), 1894, 337-354. Pl. : 

Ueber die Vorstufen der Gehirn- 
und der Kopfbildung bei Wirbelthieren. 
Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Anat. Abith.), 
1894, 313-336. pl. & 14 figs. 1894.2 

Ueber mechanische Grundvor- 
giinge thierischer Formenbildung. Arch. 
Anat. Physiol. (Anat. Abth.), 1894, 1-80. 
50 figs. 1894.3 

Ueber den Keimhof oder Peri- 
blast der Selachier; eine histogenetische 
Studie. Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Anat. 
Abth.), 1897, 1-64. 32 figs. 1897.1 

—— Ueber Zellen- und Syncytienbil- 
dung: Studien am Salmonidenkeim. 
Abh. Sichs. Ges. Wiss., math.-phys. 
Cl., 1898, 24, no. 5, 401-468. 41 figs. 
Also separate; Leipzig, 1898. pls. 

Protoplasmastudien am Salmo- 
nidenkeim. Abh. Siichs. Ges. Wiss., 

math.-phys. Cl., 1899, 25, no. 3, 159— 
218. 3 pls. & 21 figs. Also separate; 
Leipzig, 1899. pls. & figs. 8°. 1899.1 


ey hae 

atm © 




Hisinger, Edvard Victor Eugen. Om 
namnet strémstrykare (Squalius gris- 
lagine Linné) Sporten, 1881, 1, 80. 


Hitchcock, Charles Henry [1836 —] 
New American fossil fish from the De- 
vonian. Geol. Mag., 1868, 5, 184-185. 


A résumé of Newberry’s description of Dinich- 
thys herzert. 

Ueber Dinichthys herzeri Hitch., 
eine neue amerikanische Form fossiler 
Fische aus der Devonformation. Neues 
Jahrb. Mineral., 1868, 874. 1868.2 

Hitchcock, Edward H. [1793-1864] 
Ichthyolites at Westfield, Ct., and at 
Sunderland, Mass. Amer. Journ. Sci., 
1823, 6, 71-78. 1823.1 

Report on the geology, botany 
and zoology of Massachusetts. Am- 
herst, 1835. 8°. 1835.1 

Includes a list of fishes. 

Final report on the geology of 
Massachusetts. Northampton, 
1841. illust. 55 pls. map. xii, 831 p. 

Fossil fishes, p. 458-525. 23 pls. & figs. 

Account of the discovery of the 
fossil jaw of an extinct family of sharks, 
from the Coal formation. Proc. Amer. 
Assoc. Ady. Sci., 9. meet., 1855, 229- 
230. 1855.1 

Description and figure, without name, of the 
species later described as Edestus minor by 

(Shark remains from the Coal 
formation of Illinois, and bones and 
tracks from the Connecticut river sand- 
stone; in a letter to Prof. Silliman dated 
Amherst, 12th Oct. 1855) Amer. Journ. 
Sci., 1855, 2. ser. 20, 416-417. 1855.2 

On a new fossil fish, and new 
fossil footmarks. Amer. Journ. Sci., 
1856, 2. ser. 21, 96-100. fig. 1856.1 

Hitchcock, /.B. New fishes in new 
places. Forest & Stream, 1881, 17, 10. 

Hitchcock, (Miss) Fannie R. M. On 
the homologies of Edestus. Amer. 
Naturalist, 1887, 21, 847-848. — Proc. 
Amer. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 36. meet., 1887, 
- 260-261. 1887.1 

Preliminary notes on the oste- 
ology of Alosa sapidissima. Amer. 
Naturalist, 1887, 21, 1032-1033. Proc. 
Amer. Assoc. Ady. Sci., 36. meet., 1887, 
259-260. 1887.2 

Further notes on the osteology of 
the shad (Alosa sapidissima) Ann.N. Y. 
Acad. Sci., 1888, 4, 225-228. fig. 1888.1 

Hittel, John S. The resources of 
California, comprising agriculture, min- 
ing, geography, ete. San Francisco & 
New York, 1863. 464 p. 12°. 1863.1 

Fishes, p. 313-317. 

Hitz, Ueber die Barbe. Schweiz. 
Fischerei Zeitg., 1894, 2, 258. Also 
separate; Pfaffikon-Ziirich, 1894. 2 p. 
8°. 1894.1 

Hitzel, #. Sur les fossiles de l’étage 
albien, recueillis par M. A. Guébhard 
dans la région d’Escragnolles (A-M.) 
Bull. Soe. Géol. France, 1905, 4. sér. 2, 
874-880. 1905.1 

Hjelt, Otto Edvard August [1823 —] 
In systema nervorum sympathicum 

Gadi lote Linn. observationes. Inaug. 
Dissert. Helsingfors, 1847. 40 p. pl. 
8°. 1847.1 

Hjort, Johan. Hydrographic-biologi- 
cal studies of the Norwegian fisheries. 
Skrifter Vidensk. Selsk. Christiania, 
math.-nat. K1., 1895, 1-75. 15 pls. & 
charts. 1895.1 

Zur Anatomie und Entwicke- 
lungsgeschichte einer in Fleisch von 
Fischen schmarotzenden  Crustacee. 
Skrifter Vidensk. Selks. Christiania, 
math.-nat. K1]., 1895, 1-14. 2 pls. 


Undersokelser over organismerne 
og stromforholdene i det norske Nordhav 
“ Naturen ” published by Bergens Mu- 
seum] Bergen, 1897. 31 p. 15 figs. 

Les péches. Reprinted from 
“ La Norvége’”’ (official work published 
at the time of the World’s Fair in 1900) 
Bergen, 1900, p. 364-390. 5 pls. cacti 

(editor) Report on Norwegian 
fishery and marine investigations. 2 
vols. Christiania & Bergen, 1900- 
09. 4°. 1900.2 
Vol. i. Christiania, 1900. 8 articles. 
Vol. ii. Bergen, 1909. Parts 1 & 2. 

Die erste Nordmeerfahrt des 
norwegischen Fischereidampfers “ Mi- 
chael Sars”? im Jahre 1900. Peter- 
mann’s Mitteilungen, 1901, 47, 73-83; 

97-106. 2 pls. 1901.1 

Fischfang in Norwegen. Deutsch 
von Dr. Ludwig Briihl. Fischerei 
Zeitg., 1901, 4, 55-58; 68-70. 1901.2 


Hjort, J/. 

Fishing experiments [Text in 
Norwegian} Aarb. Vedk. Norges Fisk., 
Bergen, 1900 (1901), 251-268. 1901.3 

“ Michael Sars,” forste togt i 
Nordhavet aar 1900. Aarsberetning 
vedkommende Norges fiskerier for 1900. 
Bergen, 1901. p. 231-268. 9 figs. & 6 
pls. 1901.4 

Verslag omtrent waarnemingen 
en onderzoekingen, op de levenswijze 
van de zalm in het Boven-Moeselgebied 
betrekking hebbende, ingesteld Augus- 
tus-November 1900. Nederlandsche 
Staats-Courant, 1901. Zeitschr. Fische- 
rei Helfswissenschaften, 1901, 9, 111— 

LAT. 1901.5 

Fiskeri og hvalfangst i det nord- 
lige Norge. Aarsberetning vedkmo- 
mende Norges fiskerier for 190-2. Ber- 
gen, 1902. p. 1-251. 74 figs. 1902.1 

Forschungsfahrten auf nordi- 
schen Meeren. Zeitschr. Gesell. fiir 

Erdkunde Berlin, 1904, 484-497. fig. 

Nogle resultater af den interna- 
tionale havforskning. Foredrag [Einige 
Resultate der internationalen Meersfor- 
schung. Vortrag) Aarsb. Norges Fis- 
kerier, 1907, 351-387. — Norsk Tidskr. 
Fiskeri, 26, 413-450. 1907.1 

Report regarding the herring. 
Conseil Perm. Intern. Explor. Mer, 
Rapp. & Proc. Verb., 1908-09, 12, no. 5. 
17 p. 9 figs. 1908.1 

Some results of the international 
ocean researches. Scottish Oceanogr. 
Labor., Edinb., 1908, 1-40. 18 figs. 


Rapport sur les travaux de la 
commission “‘ A ”’ dans la période 1902- 
1907. Conseil Perm. Intern. Explor. 
Mer, Rapp. & Proc. Verb., 1909, 10, 
1-159. 53 figs. 1909.1 

Report regarding the herring. 
Conseil Perm. Intern. Explor. Mer, Rapp. 
& Proc. Verb., 1909, 12, no. 5, 1-17. 

Eel larve (Leptocephalus brevi- 
rostris) from the central north Atlantic. 
Nature, London, 1910, 85, 104-106. 
figs. 1910.1 

Report on herring-investigations 
until January, 1910. Conseil Perm. 
Intern. Explor. Mer, Public. de Circon- 
stance, 1910, no. 53, 1-6. 1910.2 


The “Michael Sars” North- 
Atlantic deep-sea expedition, 1910. 

Geograph. Journ. London, 1911, 349- 
377; 500-523. 3 pls. & figs. — Nature, 
1910, 85, no. 2141, 52-55. 5 figs. 1911.1 

Die Tiefsee-Expedition des ‘‘ Mi- 
chael Sars”? nach dem Nordatlantik im 
Sommer 1910. Intern. Rev. Hydrobiol. 
& Hydrogr., 1911, 4, 152-173; 335-361. 
4 pls. 1911.2 

Der Kampf der franzésischen 
Industrie gegen die norwegischen Sar- 
dinen. Aarsberetning vedkommende 
Norges fiskerier, 1913, p. 1-132. 41 figs. 

Fluctuations in the great fish- 
eries of northern Europe. Conseil Perm. 
Intern. Explor. Mer, Rapp. & Proc. 
Verb., 1914, 10, 1-228. 3 pls. & 137 
figs. 1914.1 

Hjort, Johan, & Dahl, Knut. Fish- 
ing experiments in Norwegian fjords 
(In Report on Norwegian fishery, etc., 
vol. i, no. 1. 215 p. 3 pls. & 32 figs. 
Copenhagen, 1900) 1900.1 

Hjort, Johan, & Gran, H. H. Hy- 
drographic-biological investigations of 
the Skaggerrak and the Christiania 
fjord (In Report on Norwegian fishery, 
etc., vol. 1, no. 2. 56p. 41 tables. Co- 
penhagen, 1900) 1900.1 

Hjort, Johan, & Lea, Einar. Some 
results of the international herring- 
investigations 1907-1911. Conseil Perm. 
Intern. Explor. Mer, Public. de Circon- 
stance, 1911, no. 61, 8-34. 9 figs. Mitt. 
Deutsch. Seefischerei Ver., 28, 9-22. 7 
figs. 1911.1 

Einige Resultate der internati- 
onalen Herringsuntersuchungen. Mitt. 
Deutsch. Seefischerei Ver., 1912, 28, 
9-22. 7 figs. 1912.1 

Hjort, Johan, & Murray, (Sir) John. 
See Murray, (Sir) J., & Hjort, J. 

Hjort, Johan, Nordgaard, O., & 
Gran, H. H. Report on Norwegian 
marine investigations 1895-97. Bergens 
Museum, 1899. p. 1-50. 8pls. 1899.1 

Hjort, Johan, & Petersen, C. G. 
Johanner. Short review of the results of 
the international fisheries investigations 
(mostly Norwegian and Danish) Con- 
seil Perm. Intern. Explor. Mer, Rapp. 
& Proc. Verb., 1905, 8, 1-48. 10 pls. 
& 7 figs. Also separate; Bergen, 1905. 





Hjortberg, Gustaf Frederic. Beskrif- 
ning pi en guaperva Lophius histrio, 
fangad uti Sj6graset Sargazo. Svenska 
Vet. Akad. Handl., 1768, 30, 350-355. 
figs. 1768.1 

Hoare, John. The resources of the 
sea fisheries of Ireland. Journ. Roy. 
Dublin Soc., 1870, 5, 1-12. 1870.1 

A treatise on fishponds; ad- 
dressed to the nobility and gentry of 
Sussex. London, 1870. 49 p. 8°. 


Hobbs, 0. A list of Ohio river fishes 
sold in the markets. Bull. U. 8S. Fish 
Comm. 1881 (1882), 1, 124-125. 1882.1 

Hobbs, William Herbert. The New- 
ark system of the Pomerang valley, 
Conn. 21. Ann. Rept. U.S. Geol. Surv., 
1901, pt. 3, 1-162. 17 pls. & 59 figs. 


References to Triassic fishes. 

Hochstetter, Ferdinand. Beitrige 
zur vergleichenden Anatomie und Ent- 
wicklungsgeschichte des Venensystems 
der Amphibien und Fische. Morphol. 
Jahrb., 1887, 18, 119-172. 3 pls. 1887.1 

Entwicklung des Venensystems 
der Wirbeltiere. Ergebnisse Anat. Ent- 
wickl., 1893, 3, 460-489. 1893.1 

Cyclostomen, p. 461-462. Selachier, p. 462- 
466. Knochenfische, p. 466-467. 

Ueber die Entstehung der Schei- 
dewand zwischen Perikardial- und Peri- 
tonealhéhle und iiber die Bildung des 
Canalis pericardiaco-peritonealis _ bei 
Embryonen von Acanthias vulgaris. 

Morphol. Jahrb., 1900, 29, 141-168. 
pl. & 12 figs. 1900.1 
Ueber die Entwicklung der 

Dottersackzirkulation bei Scyllium stel- 
lare. Arch. Mikr. Anat., 1905, 66, 
549-560. pl. 1905.1 

Hodge, H.B. Result of propagating 
-salmon. ° Rept. U. 8. Fish Comm. 1878 
(1880), 6, 930. 1880.1 

Culture of landlocked and Pe- 
nobscot salmon in New Hampshire. 
Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1885, 5, 423- 
424. 1885.1 

Hodgson, Bryan Houghton [1800- 
1894] Catalogue of the specimens and 
drawings of mammals, birds, reptiles 
and fishes of Nepal and Tibet, presented 
by B. H. Hodgson to the British Mu- 
seum; with a preface by J. E. Gray. 
2. ed. London, 1863. 12°. 1863.1 

Hodgson, John. The culture of the 
eel. Fish. Gazette, 1878, n. s. 2, no. 71, 
410. 1878.1 

Hoefer, P., & Tschermak, Armin. 
See Tschermak & Hoefer. 

Hoek, Paulus Peronius Cato. Ueber 
den encystirten Scolex von Tetrarhyn- 
chus (Tetrarhynchus spec. parasite of 
the cod) Niederlind. Arch. Zool., 1879, 
5, 1-18. pl. 1879.1 

Aanteekeningen omtrent larven 
en jongen der voornaamste in het ver- 
slag besproken vischsoorten (Bemer- 
kungen tiber Larven und Junge einiger 
wichtigeren in dem Berichte behandelten 
Fischarten] Tijdschr. Nederl. Dierk. 
Ver., 1888, 2 (Suppl.), 274-319. 4 pls. 

Text in Dutch and German. 

De invloed der afsluiting en 
droogmaking op de visscherij in de Zui- 
derzee [The influence of the closing and 
“ draining ”’ on the fisheries in the Zui- 
derzee]} Onderzoek omtrent de afsluit- 
ing en droogmaking van de Zuiderzee, 
de Wadden en de Lauwerzee, 1890, 
Nota no. 5, Append. I, i-x. 1890.1 

The fishes of the Zuiderzee. 
Tijdschr. Nerderl. Dierk. Ver., 1890, 2. 
ser. 3, 38-80. 5 pls. Review by E. 
Ehrenbaum in Mitt. Deutsch. Seefi- 
scherei Ver., 1892, 126-131. 1890.2 

De haring van de Zuiderzee. 
Tijdschr. Nederl. Dierk. Ver., 1890, 2. 
ser. 3, XvI-xvil. 1890.3 

Over hermaphrodiete kabeljau- 
Tijdschr. Nederl. Dierk. Ver., 

1890, 2. ser. 3, exvill—cxix. 

Over het hermaphroditisme van 
de visschen uit de familien der Percidse 
en Sparide. Tijdschr. Nederl. Dierk. 
Ver., 1890, 2. ser. 3, xxxviI—xxxvlll. 
Rapport over de visscherij in de 
Zuiderzee [Report on the fisheries in 
the Zuiderzee} Verslag van den Staat 
der Nederl. Zeevisscherijen over 1889. 
’s-Gravenhage, 1890, Append. 3, 189- 
390: 5 pls. 1890.6 

Verslag van de onderzoekingen, 
verricht aan de Nederlandsche tafel van 
het zodlogisch station van Dr. A. Dohrn 
te Napels, van 1 Januari tot 1 April 
1890. Nederlandsche Staats-Courant, 
June 1890. 1890.7 


Hoek, bs O- 

Hermaphroditisme bij visschen 
(On hermaphroditism in fishes} Handel. 
3. Natuur- en Geneesk. Congres, April 
1891. Utrecht, 1891. 2p. 1891.1 

Omt de levenswijze en de voort- 
planting van de ansjovis (Leiden) 1891. 
3 pls. 1891.2 

Verslag der verrichtingen van 
der ondergteekende aan de Nederland- 
sche werktafel in het zoélogisch station 
van Prof. Dohrn, te Napels, 10 Maart-— 
26 Juli 1887. Handel. 3. Natuur- en 
Geneesk. Congres, April 1891. Utrecht, 

1891. 1891.3 
De zalm op onze rivieren [The 
salmon of our rivers} Voordracht 

gehouden te Rotterdam op 1 December 
1891 (Rotterdam, 1891] 36p. pl. 

Translated into French by M. Bourguin: 
Le saumon dans les riviéres de Hollande. Mé- 
moires et Documents, Annales des Ponts et 
Chaussées, Juillet, 1893, no. 22, 172-200. 

: Mededeelingen omtrent de le- 

venswijze en de voortplanting van de 
ansjovis en omtrent de ansjovis-vis- 
scherij in de Zuiderzee (Contributions 
regarding the life-history and the prop- 
agation of the anchovy and the an- 
chovy fisheries in the Zuiderzee] Ver- 
slag van den Staat dor Nederl. Zeevis- 
scherijen over 1891. .s-Gravenhage, 
1892. p. 326-339. 3 pls. 1892.1 

Sur la truite de mer du Rhin. 
Tijdschr. Nederl. Dierk. Ver., 1892, 
2. ser. 3, 243-266. 2 pls. — Zeitschr. 
Fischerei Hilfswissenschaften, 1893, 1, 

3-20. 1892.2 
De binnen- op zoetwatervis- 
scherij in Zuid-Holland [The fresh- 

water fisheries of the province of Zuid- 
Holland] Rapport aan Gedeputeerde 
Staten van Zuid-Holland uitgebracht, 
1893. 94 p. 1893.1 

Wetenschappelijk onderzoek in 
dienst van de visscherij (Scientific re- 
search in the service of the fisheries] 
Lecture delivered before the 4. Neder- 
landsch Natuur- en Geneeskundig Con- 
gres, Groningen, 1893. 16 p. 1893.2 

Die op een hermaphrodiet exem- 
plaar van de rog (Raja clavata) betrek- 
king hebben. Tijdschr. Nederl. Dierk. 
Ver., 1894, 2. ser. 4, xlv—xlvi. 1894.1 

Over den toestand, waarin de 
zalm verkeert, als hij de rivier begint op 
te stijgen (The condition in which the 



salmon enters the river) Versl. Akad. 
Wet. Amsterdam, Wis. Nat. Afd., 1894— 
95, 3, 48-50. 1894.2 

Rapport over het visschen met 
den stoomblazer ‘‘HD 318” (Report 
on fishing with steamlaunch “‘ HD 318 ”’j 
Verslag van den Staat der Nederl. 
Zeevisscherijen over 1893. ’s-Graven- 
hage, 1894. p. 319-341. 5pls. 1894.3 

Rapport over statistische en bio- 
logische onderzoekingen, ingesteld met 
behulp van in Nederland gevangen 
zalmen. Verslag van den Staat der 
Nederl. | Zeevisscherijen over 1893. 
’s-Gravenhage, 1894. p. 349-396. 7 
pls. — Zeitschr. Fischerei Helfswissen- 
schaften, 1895, 3, 1-57. 1894.4 

La péche en Hollande (In Com- - 
munications diverses sur les Pays-Bas 
publiées 4 l’occasion du sixiéme Con- 
grés International de Navigation Inté- 
rieure, p. 87-96. La Haye, 1894)— ~ 
Guide Zoologique, Helder, 1895, 140— ~ 

152— Les Pays-Bas, Manuel en deux ~ 
parties, 1898, 289-303. 1895.1 

— Zur Hebung der Maifischzucht 
im Rhein. Allgem. Fischerei Zeitg., 
1895, 20. Jahrg., 216-218. 1895.2 

(Carp-culture and carp ponds; Maan- 
blad Mededeelingen over Visscherij, 
1896. 32 p. 1896.1 

Recherches statistiques et bio- 
logiques sur le saumon des Pays-Bas. 
Bull. Soe. Centr. Aquicult. Péche, 1896, 
8, nos. 1-2, 3-63. 5 figs. 1896.2 

Welke inrichtingen zijn er voor 
de exploitatie van de nieuwe door de 
Regeering te Ijmuiden gebouwde vis- 
schershaven noodig en nuttig. Neder- 
landsche Staats-Courant, 1896. gS Le F 

Over de levenswijze van de zalm. 
Versl. Akad. Wet. Amsterdam, Wis. - 
Nat. Afd., 1897, 6, 176-177. 1897.1 

Rapport over het visschen met 
ankerkuilen, zoowel in den gesloten tijd 
als daarna. Verslag van den Staat der 
Nederl. Zeevisscherijen over 1896. ’s- 
Gravenhage, 1897. Append. 5, 267-416. 
8 pls. 1897.2 

De statistische methode en de 
“elftjes en fintjes” [The statistical 
method and the little shads and Alice 
shads} Lecture delivered before the 6. 
Nederlandsch Natuur- en Geneeskundig 

en karpervijvers 

vincien. Helder, 1899. 



Congres. Delft, Verh. 6. Natuur- en 
Geneesk. Congres (Utrecht), 1897. 4 p. 

Neuere Lachs- und Maifisch- 
Studien. Tijdschr. Nederl. Dierk. Ver., 
1899, 2. ser. 6, 156-242. 5pls. 1899.1 

Rapport over de Internationale 
Conferentie voor het onderzoek der zee, 
gehouden te Stockholm in Juni 1899, 

uitgebracht aan den Minister van 
Waterstaat, Handel en Nijverheid. 
Nederlandsche Staats-Courant, 1899. 
12 p. 1899.2 

— De vischtuigen, volgens de be- 
staande reglementen in ons vaderland 
geoorleoofd, gerangschikt naar de pro- 
11 tables. 


Bericht tiber Beobachtungen und 
Untersuchungen der Lebensweise des 
Lachses im Gebiete der oberen Mosel in 

- der Zeit vom August bis November 

1901 (Translated by L. J. Brihh 
Fischerei Zeitg., 1901, 4, 625-630. 

_ ——— The literature of the ten princi- 
pal food fishes of the North sea in the 

_ form of compendious monographs. Con- 

seil Perm. Intern. Explor. Mer, Public. 
de Circonstance, 1903, no. 3, 1-107. 10 
pls. ° 1903.1 

Over het internationale onder- 
zoek der zee. Versl. Vergaderingen Wis- 
en Natuurkundige Afdeeling K. Akad. 
Wet. Amsterdam, Wis. Nat. Afd., 1903, 
11, 400-404. 1903.2 

— Catalogue des poissons du nord 
de l'Europe avec les noms vulgaires dont 
on se sert dans les langues de cette 
région. Conseil Perm. Intern. Explor. 
Mer, Public. de Circonstance, 1904, no. 
12, 1-76. 1904.1 

875 species are enumerated, their distribu- 

tion indicated, and their vernacular names are 
given in ten European languages. 

Ziele und Wege der internatio- 
nalen Meeresforschung. C. R. 6. Con- 
grés Intern. Zool. Berne, 1904. 17 p. 


Fischerei- und biologische Unter- 
suchungen, einleitende Uebersicht. Con- 
seil Perm. Intern. Explor. Mer, Rapp. & 
Proc. Verb., 1905, 3, vi-xxi. 1905.1 

Introductory review of the ap- 

-pendixes: Fisheries and biological inves- 

tigations. Conseil Perm. Intern. Ex- 
plor. Mer, Rapp. & Proc. Verb., 1905, 
3. 20p. 1905.2 

Ueber die Lachsarten und deren 
Wanderungen. Stenogr. Protok. Verh. 
Intern. Fisch.-Kongr. Wien, 1905 (1906), 
165-179. : 1906.1 

Die internationale Meeresfor- 
schung und die Seefischerei-Statistik. 
Institut Intern. Statistique, 21. sess., 
Copenhague, 1907. 7 p. 1907.1 

Aallarven, glasaaltjes en mon- 
tées [Aallarven in verschiedenen Sta- 
dien und Montée;} Meded. Vissch., 
Helder, 1908, 15, 77-82. 1908.1 

Het internationaal onderzoek 
der zee en de vangst van schol in de 
Noordzee [Die internationale Meeres- 
untersuchung und der Schollenfang in 
der Nordsee} Meded. Vissch., Helder, 
1908, 15, 168-175. 1908.2 

Over het visschersonderwijs in 
ons vaderland [On the education of 
fishermen in our country) Meded. 
Vissch., Helder, 1908, 15. 22 p. 1908.3 

—— Bericht iiber Eier und Larven 
von Gadiden mit besonderer Beriick- ~ 
sichtigung der seit Juli 1908 verdéffent- 
lichten Arbeiten tiber diesen Gegenstand 
dem Central Ausschuss fiir die interna- 
tionale Meeresforschung erstattet. Con- 
seil Perm. Intern. Explor. Mer, Rapp. 
& Proc. Verb., 1909, 12, no.1. 29 p. 


Over den leeftijd van den zalm 
af te leiden uit de structuur der schub- 
ben. Versl. Akad. Wet. Amsterdam, 
Wis. Nat. Afd., 1909, 18, 432-450. 2 pls. 
— Proc. Acad. Wet. Amsterdam, 12, 485- 
502: 2 pls. 1909.2 

Wat het internationale onder- 
zoek der zee ons reeds geleerd heeft 
(What the international investigation of 
the sea has already taught us} Werken 
Genootsch. Natuur-, g. Heelk., Amster- 
dam, 1909, 2. ser. 6, pt. 2, 118-135. 


Nog eene over het visscherson- 
derwijs in ons vaderland {Further re- 
garding the education of fishermen in 
our country] Meded. Vissch., Helder, 
1910. 9p. 1910.1 

Propagation and protection of 
the Rhine salmon. Proc. 4. Intern. Fish. 
Congr. Washington, D.C. Bull. Bureau 
Fisheries, 1908 (1910),.28, pt. 2, 817-829. 

2 figs. 1910.2 
Laichgeschift und Fang-Ver- 
haltnisse der Gadiden-Arten in der 

Nordsee. Conseil Perm. Intern. Explor. 


Hoek, P. P. C. 
Mer, Public. de Circonstanee, 1911, no. 
57. 72p. 1911.1 

Ueber die quantitative Verbrei- 
tung der Hier und Larven von Gadiden 
in der Nordsee. Conseil Perm. Intern. 
Explor. Mer, Rapp. & Proce. Verb., 1911, 
13. 20 p. 1911.2 

Les clupéides (le hareng excepté) 

et leurs migrations. Conseil Perm. 
Intern. Explor. Mer, Rapp. & Proc. 
Verb., 1912, 14. 40 p. 1912.1 

Duitsche en Fransche namen 

van te Ijmuiden aangevoerde zeevisschen 
(Deutsche und franzésische Namen zu 
Ijmuiden angefiihrter Seefische; Meded. 
Vissch., Helder, 1912, 19, 114-117. 

Over leeftijdsbepaling en groei 
bij de visschen (Ueber Altersbestim- 
mung und Wachstum bei den Fischen) 
Meded. Vissch., Helder, 1912, 19, 194— 
201. Ibid., 1913, 20, 8-13. 1912.3 

Naar aanleiding van het K. B. 
tot vaststelling van een Reglement voor 
het. Rijksinstituut voor Visscherijon- 
derzoek [Apropos the royal warrant 
instituting a regulation concerning the 
government institution of fishery re- 
search} Meded. Vissch., Helder, 1912. 
cp: 1912.4 

Das neue Fischereigesetz fiir das 
K6nigreich der Niederlande vom 6. 
October 1908 und die See- und Kiisten- 
fischerei. Mitt. Deutsch. Seefischerei 
Ver., 1912. 16 p. 1912.5 

Die fischereilichen und _stati- 
stischen Arbeiten der Internationalen 
Meeresforschung waihrend der Jahre 
1902-1912. Conseil Perm. Internat. 
Explor. Mer, Mém. 1902-12 (1913), 
12-41. 1913.1 

La sardine (Clupea pilchardus) 
tLeide} 1913. 4°. 1913.2 

Hoek, Paulus Peronius Cato, & Bot- 
temanne, C. J. Rapport over anker- 
kuil- en staalboomenvisscherij [Bericht 
iiber die Fischerei mit Steert- und fest- 
stehenden Hamen auf dem Hollandsch 
Diep und Haringvliet} Tijdschr. Nederl. 
Dierk. Ver., 1888, 2 (Suppl.), 1-331. 6 
pls. 1888.1 

Text in Dutch and German. 

Hoek, Paulus 
Kyle, Harry M. 
North sea fisheries. 

Peronius Cato, & 
Statistics of the 
I. The fisheries of 



the various countries. Conseil Perm. 

Intern. Explor. Mer, Rapp. & Proc. 

Verb., 1905, 3 (Append. J), 3-121. 

Hoek, Paulus Peronius Cato, & 
Ostenfeld, C. H. Catalogue des es- 
péces de plantes et d’animaux observées 
dans le plankton receuilli pendant les 
expéditions périodiques depuis le mois 
d’adut 1902 jusqu’au mois de mai 1905. 
Conseil Perm. Intern. Explor. Mer, 
Public. de Circonstance, 1906, no. 33. 

122 p. 1906.1 
Hoek, Paulus Peronius Cato, & 
others. Buijdragen tot de kennis der 

levenswijze en der voortplanting van de 
ansjovis, enz. (Contributions to the 
life history and propagation of the 

anchovy, etc.) Vers. Staat Nederl. 
Zeevisscherijen, ’s-Gravenhage, 1886, 
178-201. 2 pls. 1886.1 
Hoek, Paulus Peronius Cato, & 
Trybom, Fil. Draft-answer to the 

questions regarding the salmon fisheries 
of the Baltic, presented by the govern- 
ments of Denmark, Finland, Russia and 
Sweden. Conseil Perm. Intern. Explor. 
Mer, Rapp. & Proc. Verb., 1907, 7, 152- 

183. 1907.1 

Homberg, W. Der Fischteich des 
Land- und Forstwirts. Anleitung zum 
Betriebe der Teich-Fischerei. 2. ed. 
Arnsberg, 1902. 111 p. 1902.1 

Ausgabe A: Fir den Schulgebrauch. Ausgabe 
B: Fir Fischerei-Vereine als Vereinsgabe. 

Hoepfel, F. Meine Erfahrungen bei 
der Zucht von Hemichromis bimaculatus. 
Wochenschr. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 
1913, 10. Jahrg., 117-118. fig. 1913.1 

Hoptner, Fr. Acara ceruleum-punc- 
tata. Wochenschr. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 
1913, 10. Jahrg., 526-527. fig. 1913.2 

Hoernes, H. Ueber Fliigelformen 
und Korper fliegender Fische. Zeitschr. 
Flugtechnik, Miinchen, 1913, 4, 299- 
304; 325-333. 1913.3 

Hoernes, Rudolf [1850 —] Zur Geo- 
logie von Untersteiermark. Die Fisch- 
fauna der Cementmergel von Tiiffer. 
Verh. Geol. Reichsanstalt, Wien, 1893, 
no. 2, 41-44. 1893.1 

Ueber Koprolithen und Entero- 

lithen. Biol. Centralbl., 1904, 24, 566— 
576. 1904.1 
Horschelmann, —— Ein Beitrag 

zur Anatomie der Zunge der Fische. 
Inaug. Dissert. Dorpat, 1866. 8°. 
- 1866. 1 

veg ee OL) ne ee 


Hoeven, Janus van der {1802-1868} 
De sceleto piscium. Inaug. Dissert. 
Lugduni Batavorum, 1822. Abstract in 
Bull. Sci. Nat. (Férussac), 1823, pt. 2 
116. Ibid., 1824, pt. 2, 86-89. 1822.1 

Kleine ichthyologische aantee- 
keningen. Bijdr. Natuur. Wet., 1831, 6, 
338-340. 1831.1 

Ueber die Durchkreuzung der 
Sehnerven beim Kabeljau. Arch. Anat. 
Physiol., 1832, 412-413. figs. 1832.1 

— Over Lepidosiren paradoxa, een 

nieuw geslacht van reptilia. Tijdschr. 
Natuur. Gesch. Physiol., 1837-38, 4, 
407-408. 1837.1 

Nader berigt over Lepidosiren. 
Tijdschr. Natuur. Gesch. Physiol., 1839, 
6, 61-62. 1839.1 

Ueber die zellige Schwimmblase 
des Lepidosteus. Arch. Anat. (Miiller), 
1841, 221-223. pl. 1841.1 

Verzameling van berigten over 
Amphioxus lanceolatus. Tijdschr. Na- 
tuur. Gesch. Physiol., 1841, 8, 73-93. 
2 pls. 1841.2 

Mededeeling cver kleine vischjes 
waarschijnljk jongen van Hsox belone 
L., door Prof. Behn, bij Kiel in de Oost- 
zee ontdekt. Tijdschr. Natuur. Gesch. 
Physiol., 1843, 10, 1-11. 1843.1 

Handboek der dierkunde; tweede 

verbeterde uitgave; met bijvoegsels en 

aanmerkingen door Leuckart. 3 vols. 

Amsterdam, 1849-56. pls. 8°. 1849.1 
Fishes, vol. ii, p. 188-419. 

—— De haring en de haringvisscherij. 
Album Natuur, 1852 (Wetensch. bij- 
blad.), 161-175. figs. 1852.1 

Handbook of zoology, translated 
by the Rev. W. Clark. 2 vols. Cam- 
bridge, 1856-58. 8°. 1856.1 

Eene bijdrage tot de vraag naar 
de veranderlijkheid of oes aioe 
kheid der soorten. Album Natuur, 1868 
(Wetensch. bijblad.), 44-45. 1868.1 

Hofer, A. Ueber Thier- und Pflan- 

zen-Namen. Wien, 1880. 122 p. 8°. 

Fishes, p. 67. 
Hofer, Bruno [1861—] Ueber den 

Bau und die Entwicklung der Cycloid- 
und Ctenoidschuppen. Sitzber. Ges. 
es Phys. Miinchen, 1889, 6, 103-— 
118. 1889.1 



—— Eine Salmoniden-Erkrankung. 
Allgem Fischerei Zeitg., 1893, 18. 
Jahrg., no. 11, 168-171. 1893.1 

Die Bedeutung der -Plankton- 

studien fiir die Fischerei in Seen. All- 
gem. Fischerei Zeitg., 1896, 21. Jahrg., 
355-359. 1896.1 
Eine Krankheit des Bachsai- 
blings. Allgem. Fischerei Zeitg., = 
21. Jahrg., no. 24, 431. Ibid., 1897, 2 22 
Jahrg., 6-7. 1896.2 

Die sogenannte Pockenkrank- 
heit der Karpfen. Allgem. Fischerei 
Zeitg., 1896, 21. Jahrg., no. 1, 2-3. 


Eine angebliche Epidemie unter 
den Aalen: Allgem. Fischerei Zeitg., 
1897, 22. Jahrg., 25-26. 1897.1 

—— Die Rassen der Karpfen. All- 
gem. Fischerei Zeitg., 1898, 23. Jahrg., 
37-40; 95-97; 153-156; 175-176; 187- 
188; 205-206; 257-259; 274-275. 1898.1 

Zur Entstehung der Furunku- 
lose bei Salmoniden. Allgem. Fischerei 
Zeitg., 1898, 23. Jahrg., no. 2. 1898.2 

Die Krankheiten unserer Fische. 
Allgem. Fischerei Zeitg., 1901, 26. Jahrg., 
157-160; 180-183; 242-245; 454457; 
474-478; 493-495. 1901.1 

Ueber die Mittel und Wege zum 
Nachweis von Fischwasserverunreini- 
gungen durch Industrie- und Stidteab- 
wisser. Allgem. Fischerei Zeitg., 1901, 
26. Jahrg., 419-424. 1901.2 

Ueber Missbiidungen beim 
Hecht. Allgem. Fischerei Zeitg., 1901, 
26. Jahrg., no. 1, 14-15. 1901.3 

Zur Entstehung der Furunku- 

lose. Allgem. Fischerei Zeitg., 1901, 26. 
Jahrg., no. 13, 291. 1901.4 

Die Krankheiten unserer Fische. 
Fortsetzung. Allgem. Fischerei Zeitg., 
1902, 27. Jahrg., 6-9; 21-26; 61-64; 
87-88; 220-222; 262-263; 354-356; 449— 
452. 1902.1 

Ueber Lehm als Heilmittel bei 
Fischkrankheiten. Allgem. Fischerei 

Zeitg., 1902, 27. Jahrg., 433-435. 1902.2 

Die Drehkrankheit der Regen- 
bogenforelle. Allgem. Fischerei Zeite., 
1903, 28. Jahrg., no. 1, 7-8. 1903.1 

Ein Fall von perniziéser Anaémie 
durch Octobothrium sagittatum bei der 
Regenbogenforelle. Allgem. Fischerei 
Zeitg., 1903, 28. Jahrg., 38-39. 1903.2 




Hofer, B. 

Ein neuer Krankheitserreger bei 
Fischen. Allgem. Fischerei Zeitg., 1903, 
28. Jahrg., 24-26. 1903.3 

Ueber die Wirkung der Abwiis- 
ser von Stirkefabriken in Fischwissern. 
Allgem. Fischerei Zeitg., 1903, 28. Jahrg., 

3-6. 1903.4 

Die biologische Untersuchungs- 
methode bei Fischwasserverunreinigun- 
gen. Allgem. Fischerei Zeitg., 1904, 29. 
Jahrg., 205-206. 1904.1 

— Handbuch der Fischkrankhei- 
ten. Miinchen, 1904. xv, 359 p. 18 
pls. & 222 figs. 1904.2 

Review by Einar Lénnberg in Svensk Fisk. 
Tidskr., Stockholm, 1904, 13, 39-44. Trans- 
lated in part by T. H. Bean in 12. Ann. Rept. 
N. Y. Forest, Fish & Game Comm., 1907. 

Karpfen mit verschlossener 
Mundspalte. Allgem. Fischerei Zeitg., 
1904, 29. Jahrg., 31. fig. 1904.3 

Ueber die Einfiihrung der Pei- 
pusseemoriine in Deutschland [(Corego- 
nus murena) Allgem. Fischerei Zeitg., 
1905, 30. Jahrg., 203-204. 1905.1 

Vom Wels. Schweiz. Fischerei 
Zeitg., 1906, 14. Jahrg., 53-59. fig. 

Degenerationserscheinungen bei 
der Regenbogenforelle (Salmo iridea) 
Allgem. Fischerei Zeitg., 1907, 32. Jahrg., 
510-511. 1907. 1 

Studien iiber die Hautsinnesor- 
gane der Fische. Ber. Kgl. Biol. Ver- 
suchsstat. Miinchen, 1908, 1, 115-164. 


Zur Naturgeschichte des Am- 
merseekilchs. Allgem. Fischerei Zeitg., 
1908, 33. Jahrg., 434-436. 1908.2 

Die Siisswasserfische von. Mittel- 
Leipzig, 1909. 1909.1 

—— Die Ergebnisse der neueren exak- 
ten Vererbungslehre in ihrer Bedeutung 
fiir die Fischzucht. Allgem. Fischerei 
Zeitg., 1912, 37. Jahrg., 2-6; 30-34; 92— 
96; 334-338. Also separate; Miinchen, 
1912. 1912.1 

Hofer, Bruno, & Doflein, Franz J. 
Th. Die Rotseuche des Aals. Allgem. 
Fischerei Zeitg., 1898, 23. Jahrg., no. 1. 


Hofer, J. Die Triische. Schweiz. 
Fischerei Zeitg., 1894, 2. Jahrg., 101. 
Also separate; Pfaffikon-Ziirich, 1894. 
28 p. 8°. 1894.1 


Die Aesche. Schweiz. Fische- 
rei Zeitg., 1895, 3. Jahrg., 239. Also 
separate; Pfiffikon-Zitrich, 1895. 24 p. 
8°. 1895.1 

Die Barbe. Schweiz. Fischerei 
Zeitg., 1895, 3. Jahrg., 215. Also sepa- 
rate; Pfiffikon-Ziirich, 1895. 22p. 8°. 


Notizen tiber die Fischfauna des 
Kantons Tessin. Schweiz. Fischerei 
Zeitg., 1895, 3. Jahrg., 267. Also sep- 
arate; Pfaffikon-Ziirich, 1895. ‘ 
8°: 1895.3 

Der Barsch. Schweiz. Fischerei 
Zeitg., 1896, 4. Jahrg., 283-314. Also 
separate; Pfiffikon-Ziirich, 1896. 31 p. 
or. 1896.1 

Der Wels. Schweiz. Fischerei 
Zeitg., 1896, 4. Jahrg., 1-2. Also sepa- 
rate; Pfaffikon-Zirich, 1896. 2p. 8°. 

Rotel-Fischerei. Schweiz. Fische- 
rei Zeitg., 1897, 5. Jahrg., no. 23, 236— 
242; no. 24, 247-250; no. 25, 255-258. 

Nachtrag zu den Notizen tiber 
die Fischfauna des Kantons Tessin. 
Schweiz. Fischerei Zeitg., 1898, 6. Jahrg., 
no. 29, 371-382. 1898.1 

Der Apron, Aspro vulgaris Cuv. 
& Val. (Aspro apron Sieb.) Schweiz. 
Fischerei Zeitg., 1908, 16. Jahrg., 2-7. , 

Die Fischfauna des europiéischen 
Russlands. Schweiz. Fischerei Zeitg., 
1909, 17. Jahrg., 71-75; 91-95; 166— 
171. 1909.1 
Glarnerische Gewasser und ihre 

Fische. Schweiz. Fischerei Zeitg., 1909, 
17. Jahrg., 261-264. 1909. 3 

Der Bitterling, la bouviere. 
Schweiz. Fischerei Zeitg., 1910, 18. 
Jahrg., 270-273. fig. 1910.1 

Aargau. Mitt. Aargau Nat. Ges., 1911, 
12. Heft, 61-74. 1911.1 

Die Fischfauna des Kantons 
Tessin. Schweiz. Fischerei Zeitg., 1911, 
19. Jahrg., 54-58. 1911.2 

Neunaugen (Lampreten), lam- 
proies. Schweiz. Fischerei Zeitg., 1911, 
19. Jahrg., 145-147. 1911.3 

Notizen tiber die Fischfauna des 
Kantons Aargau. Schweiz. Fischerei 
Zeitg., 1911, 19 Jahrg., 167-171. Jbid., 
1912, 20. Jahrg., 12-18; 74-76. 19114 

Die Fischfauna des Kantons © 


Wenig beachtete Fische unserer 
Gewiisser 1. Telestes agassizi (Val.) 
(Squalius agassizi) IL. Alburnus bi- 
punctatus (Bl.), (Spirlinus ben 
Fatio), Bliecke, Breiteli, Bambeli. 
Schweiz. Fischerei Zeitg., 1911, 19. 
Jahrg., 1-3; 30-33. fig. 1911.5 

Hoffbauer, C. Die Altersbestim- 
mung des Karpfen an seiner Schuppe. 
Allgem. Fischerei Zeitg., 1898, 25. Jahrg., 
341-343. 2 figs. Ibid., 1900, 25 Jahrg., 
135; 150; 297. Abstract in Jahresber. 
Schles. Fischerei Ver., 1899, 68. 3 pls. 
& 2 figs. 1898.1 

Jahresbericht der  teichwirt- 
schaftlichen Versuchsstation zu Tra- 
chenberg pro 1899-1900. Jahresber. 
Schles. Fischerei Ver., Breslau, 1899, 55. 

Die Bedeutung der Kérpermes- 
sung als Bestimmungsmittel. Allgem. 
Fischerei Zeitg., 1901, 26. Jahrg., 183— 
184. 1901.1 

Jahresbericht der  teichwirt- 
schaftlichen Versuchsstation zu Tra- 
chenberg pro 1900-01. Breslau, 1901. 
63'p. 3) pls. 1901.2 

— Weitere Beitriige zur Bestim- 
mung des Alters und Wachstumsver- 
laufes an der Struktur der Fischschuppe 
(In his Jahresbericht der Teichwirt- 
schaftlichen Versuchsstation Trachen- 
berg, p. 50. Breslau, 1901. 3 pls.) 


Wie steht es mit der N eae 
tigkeit des Betriebes in der Karpfenteich- 
wirtschaft? Eine fischereiliche Betrach- 
tung nach den Ergebnissen des letzten 
Wirtschaftsjahres. Zeitschr. Fischerei, 
Berlin, 1901-02, 9, 118-123. 1901.4 

Zur Beurteilung der Beweis- 
fihrung Dr. Walters {betreff Alters- 
bestimmung des Karpfens nach der 
Schuppe] Fischerei Zeitg., 1901, 4, 404— 
406. 1901.5 

Ueber den Einfluss des Wasser- 
volumens auf das Wachstum der Fische. 
Vorlaufige Mitteilung. Allgem. Fische- 
rei Zeitg., 1902, 27. Jahrg., 103-104; 
119-122. 1902.1 

Bericht iiber die Tatigkeit der 
teichwirtschaftlichen | Versuchsstation 
zu Trachenberg pro 1902. Allgem. Fi- 
scherei Zeitg., 1903, 28. Jahrg., no. 8 

Ueber das Massensterben der 
Karpfen im Wirtschaftsjahre 1902. 

Zeitschr. Landwirtschaftskammer Prov. 
Schlesien, 1903. 1903.2 



Zur Alters- und Wachstumser- 
kennung der Fische nach der Schuppe. 
Allgem. Fischerei Zeitg., 1904, 29. Jahre., 
242-244. = 1904.1 

Weitere Beitriige zur Alters- und 
Wachstumsbestimmung der Fische, 
speziel des Karpfens. Zeitschr. Fische- 
rel, Berlin, 1905, 12, 111-142. 4 pls. 
Untersuchungsergebnisse iiber 
Alters- und Wachstumserkennung nach 
der Schuppe. Stenogr. Prot Verh. 
Intern. Fisch.-Kongr. Wien, 1905 (1906), 
131-134. 1906.1 

Grundregeln fiir die fischereili- 
che Verwertung einselner zur Karpfen- 
sucht geeigneter Guts- oder Wirtschafts- 
teiche. Unter spezieller Beriicksichti- 
gung der schlesischen Verhiltnisse. 
Zeitschr. Landwirtschaftskammer Proy. 
Schlesien, Breslau, 1907. 9p. 1907.1 

Jahresberichte der teichwirt- 
schaftlichen Versuchsstation zu Tra- 
chenberg von 1905 bis 1910-11. Jah- 
resber. Landwirtschaftskammer Prov. 
Schlesien, Breslau, 1912. 1912.1 

Unsere einheimischen Siisswas- 
serfische und die Fischzucht. Leipzig, 
1912. 14 pls. & figs. 1912.2 

Hoffman, Horace Addison, & Jor- 
dan, David Starr. A catalogue of the 
fishes of Greece, with notes on the 
names now in use, and those employed 
by classical authors. Proc. Acad. Nat. 
Sci. Philad. 1892 (1893), 230-285. 


Hoffman, Ff. #. Artificial sea-water 
for aquaria. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm., 
1884, 4, 465-467. 1884.1 

Hoffmann, Carl Ernest Emil. Bei- 
triige zur Anatomie und Physiologie des 
Nervus vagus bei Fischen. Pro venia 
legendi Med. Facult. Giessen. Giessen, 
{8604 Sip. “pl: 1860.1 

Hoffmann, Christian Karl. Een 
hoogst merkwaardige visch (Ceratodus 
forsteri} Isis (Huizinga), 1872, 1, 217— 
218. 1872.1 
Vorlaiufige Mittheilung zur On- 
togenie der Knochenfische. Zool. Anz., 
1880, 3, 607-610; 629-634. 1880.1 

Zur Ontogenie der Knochen- 
fische. Versl. Akad. Wet. Amsterdam, 
1881, 21, 1-168. 7 pls. 1881.1 

Sur lorigine du feuillet blasto- 

dermique moyen chez les _poissons 
cartilagineux. Arch. Néerl. Sci. Nat., 
1883, 18, 241-258. 2 pls. 1883.1 




Hoffmann, (. K. 

Zur Ontogenie der Knochen- 
fische. Versl. Akad. Wet. Amsterdam, 
1883, 23, 1-60. 4 pls.— Arch. Mikr. 
Anat., 23, 45-108. 3 pls. 1883.2 

Zur Entwicklungsgeschichte der 
Urogenitalorgane bei den Anamnia. 
Zeitschr. Wiss. Zool., 1886, 44, 570-643. 
3 pls. & 4 figs. 1886.1 
Knorpelfische, p. 614-621. Knochenfische, 
p. 621-635. 
Ueber den Ursprung und die 
Bedeutung der sogenannten “ freien ” 
Kerne in dem Nahrungsdotter bei den 
Knochenfische. Zeitschr. Wiss. Zool., 
1888, 46, 518-548. pls. 1888.1 

Ueber die Entstehung der en- 
dothelialen Anlage des Herzens und der 
Gefiisse bei Haiembryonen (Acanthias 
vulgaris) Anat. Anz., 1892, 7. Jahrg., 
270-273. 3 figs. 1892.1 

Untersuchungen iiber den Ur- 
sprung des Blutes. Verh. Akad. Wet. 
Amsterdam, 2. Sectie, 1893, p. 3. 1893.1 

Zur Entwicklungsgeschichte des 
Herzens und der Blutgefisse bei den 
Selachiern. Ein Beitrag zur Kenntniss 
des unteren Keimblattes. Morphol. 
Jahrb., 1893, 19, 592-648. 4 pls. «& figs. 
Zur Entwicklungsgeschichte des 
Venensystems bei den Selachiern. Mor- 
phol. Jahrb., 1893, 20, 289-304. pl. 

Zur Entwickelungsgeschichte des 

Selachierkopfes. Vorlaufige Mitteilung. 
Anat. Anz., 1894, 9, 638-653. 5 figs. 

Beitrige zur Entwicklungsge- 
schichte der Selachii. Morphol. Jahrb., 
1896, 24, 209-286. 4 pls. Ibid., 1897, 
25, 250-304. 2 pls. & 9 figs. Ibid., 
1899, 27, 325-414. 5 pls. & 5 figs. 


Over de teleneuronen in het 
netvlies van Leuciscus turilus. Verh. 
Akad. Wet. Amsterdam, Wis. Nat. Afd., 
1897, 5, 425-428. 1897.1 

Zur Entwicklungsgeschichte des 
Sympathicus. I. Die Entwicklungs- 
geschichte des Sympathicus bei den 
Selachiern (Acanthias vulgaris) Verh. 
Akad. Wet. Amsterdam, 2. Sectie, 1901, 
7, 1-80. 3 pls. 1901.1 

Hoffmann, Ernst. Die Zucht von 
Betta bellica yon Sumatra im Aquarium. 
Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1913, 24. 
Jahrg., 52-53. fig. 1913.1 

Hoffmann, Friedrich [1797-1836] 
Ueber das Thier von Stronsa. Isis 
(Oken), 1818, 2096-2100. figs. 1818.1 

Einige Bemerkungen iiber die 
Vegetation und die Fauna von Helgo- 
land. Verh. Ges. Naturf. Freunde Ber- 
lin, 1829, 1, 228-260. pl. — Isis (Oken), 
1834, 443. 1829.1 

Fische, p. 237-238. 

Hoffmann, Guido. Asterolepis rhe- 
nanus (Pterichthys rhenanus Beyrich) 
Centralbl. Mineral. Geol. Pal., 1909, 
491-495. 3 figs. 1909.1 

Ueber das Ruderorgan der As- 
terolepiden. Palseontographica, 1911, 
57, 285-316. 3 pls. & 26 figs. 1911.1 

Hoffmann, Ludwig. Zur Kenntnis 
des Neurocraniums der Pristiden und 

Pristiophoriden. Zool. Jahrb. (Anat. 
Abth.), 1912, 33, 239-360. 12 pls. & 8 
figs. 1912.1 

Hoffmann, M. L., & Meek, Seth 
Eugene. See Meek & Hoffmann. 

Hofimeyer, C. W. Untersuchungen 
iiber normales und abnormales Fisch- 
blut. Allgem. Fischerei Zeitg., 1907, 32. 
Jahrg., 50-53. 1907.1 

Hofmann, Frnst [1837-1892] Der 
Fischzucht schidliche und _niitzliche 
Thiere. 40. Jahresh. Ver. Vaterl. Naturk. 
Wiirttemberg, 1884, 36-46. 4 figs. 


Hofmann, #. Ueber eine Ursache 
des Sterbens der Fische. Allgem. 
Fischerei Zeitg., 1903, 28. Jahrg., no. 21. 


Hofmann, F. B. Histologische Un- 
tersuchungen iiber die Innervation der 
glatten und der ihr verwandten Musku- 
latur der Wirbeltiere und Mollusken. 
Arch. Mikr. Anat., 1907, 70, 361-413. 

pl. 1907.1 
Hogarth, Ronald. The herring fish- 
ery. Intern. Fisheries Exhib. Lit., Lon- 

don, 1883. Conferences, 11, pt. 8. 

Hogg, John [1800-1869] On the arti- 
ficial breeding of salmon and trout, with 
remarks on the modes of fecundating 
their ova. Proc. Linn. Soe. London, 
1838, 33-34. Ibid., 1855, 2, a i 

On the distribution of certain 
species of freshwater fish and on the 
mode of fecundating the ova of the Sal- 
monide. Trans. Tyneside Nat. Field 
Club, 1854-58, 3, 73-87. 1854.1 


(Letter recording the capture of 
two species of pipe-fish, Syngnathus 
typhle L. and S. @quoreus L.j Proc. 
Linn. Soc. London, 1855, 2, 157. 1855.1 

On the external membrane of 
the unimpregnated and impregnated ova 
of the common salmon. Proc. Linn. Soc. 
London, 1855, 2, 330-332. 1855.2 

On the occurrence of a large 
specimen of Thynnus vulgaris in the 
river Tees. Proc. Linn. Soc. London, 
1855, 2, no. 59, 348-349. Ibid., 3, no. 
60, 360-361. 1855.3 

On the distribution of certain 
species of freshwater fish; and on the 
modes of fecundating the ova of the 
Salmonide. Trans. Tyneside Nat. 
Field Club, 1858, 3, 73-87. 1858.1 

Occurrence of the dory, Zeus 
faber, near Hartlepool. Trans. Tyneside 
Nat. Field Club, 1860, 4, pt. 4, 336. — 
Zoologist, 1861, 19, 7401. 1860.1 

Preservation of salmon ova in 
Athenzeum, 1861, no. 2104, 289. 

Ibid., 1868, 899. 

On the capture of a ribbon fish 
(Regalecus banksti) (Gymnetrus] near 
Seaton Snook in the county of Durham. 
Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1866, 3. ser. 17, 
390-391. 1866.1 

— On the finding of a second ribbon 
fish. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1866, 3. ser. 
18, 136. 1866.2 

Notes on local fishes (Lophius 
piscatorius, Clupea finta of Cuvier] 
Trans. Nat. Hist. Soc. Northumb., 1870, 
3, 175-176. 1870.1 

Hohmann, Karl. Die bis jetzt 
eingefiihrten Rivulus-Arten. Wochen- 
schr. Aquar-Terrar. Kunde, 1911, 8. 
Jahrg., 701-703. 3 figs. 1911.1 

Eine hiibsche Varietait von Pe- 
cilia sphenops Cuv. & Val. Wochen- 
schr. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1911, 8. 
Jahrg., 545-546. fig. 1911.2 

Trichogaster lalius Ham. Buch. 
Etwas iiber seine Zucht und Pflege. 
Wochenschr. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 
1911, 8. Jahrg., 502-503. fig. 1911.3 

Acara_ thayeri Steindachner 
(Thayers Buntbarsch) und seine Zucht. 
Wochenschr. Aquar-Terrar. Kunde, 
1912, 9. Jahrg., 633-634. fig. 1912.1 



Osphromenus striatus Gthr. Wo- 
chenschr. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1912, 
9. Jahrg., 93-94. fig. 1912.2 

Platypecilus maculatus, schwarz- 
gescheckte Varietat (var. pulchra) 
Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1912, 23. 
Jahrg., 272-273. 2 figs. 1912.3 

Tetragonopterus rubropictus Berg. 
Wochenschr. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 
1912, 9. Jahrg., 29-30 fig. 1912.4 

Weitere Zuchterfolge und Beo- 
bachtungen bei der roten Abart von 
Rivulus poeyi. Wochenschr. Aquar.- 
Terrar. Kunde, 1912, 9. Jahrg., 422-426. 
2 figs. 1912.5 

Zwei reizende lebendgebirende 

Zahnkirpflinge. Wochenschr. Aquar.- 
Terrar. Kunde, 1912, 9. Jahrg., 163-— 
165. 2 figs. 1912.6 

Etroplus maculatus Bloch. 
Wochenschr. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 
1913, 10. Jahrg., 429-430. fig. 1913.1 

Hohnbaum-Hornschuch, Reinhol- 
dus Fridericus Mauritius [1816 —] De 
anguillarum sexu ac generatione. Gry- 
phiz,. 1842. pls. 4°. 1842.1 

Nadere mededeeling over de 
jongen van Esox belone (Belone vulgaris} 
Tijdsch. Natuur Gesch. Physiol., 1843, 
10, 295-300. 1843.1 

Hohner, G. M. On the comparative 
anatomy of the nervus acusticus. . Trans. 
Roy. Irish Acad., 1903, 32, Sect. B, pt. 1. 


Holberg, L. Beskrifning 6fver Bo- 
huslinske fiskarne, utgifven af Kongl. 
Vettenskaps och Vitterhs. Samhallet i 
Goétheborg. Gétheborg tn. d.j 8°. 

Holberton, Wakeman. Black bass. 

Rod & Gun, 1876, 8, 199. 1876.1 

The successful stocking _ of 
streams with trout. Bull. U. 8. Fish 
Comm. 1883, 3, 192. 1883.1 

Holbrook, A. 7. The origin of the 
endocardium in bony fishes. Bull. Mus. 
Comp. Zool., Harv. Coll., 1894, 25, 
79-97. 5 pls. 1894.1 

Holbrook, John Edwards [1796-1871] 
Southern ichthyology; or a description 
of the fishes inhabiting the waters of 
South Carolina, Georgia and Florida. 
New York & London, 1847. 32 p. 4 
pls. 4°. 1847.1 



Holbrook, J. F. 

An account of several species of 
fish observed in Florida, Georgia, etc. 
Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad., 1855, 2, 

ser. 3, pt. 1, 47-58. 1855.1 
Ichthyology of South Carolina. 
Charleston, 1855. 182 p. 27 pls. 4°. 

Nearly the whole of this edition was destroyed 
by fire. It was issued in numbers, the last ter- 
minating in the middle of the description of 
“Saurus fetens.”” Descriptions of 52 species 
and illustrations of 54 are given. 

Ichthyology of South Carolina. 
2. ed. Charleston, 1860. 205 p. pls. 
4°, 1860.1 

Vol. i; no more published. This is described 
as a second edition, the first being cancelled. 
Like the first, it was issued in numbers (10), and 
was printed in Cambridge. A collation of both 
editions of Holbrook’s work is given by T. N. Gill 
in Amer. Journ. Sci., 1864, 37, 89-94. 

Holden, 2. C. The Columbia river 
salmon. A hatchery needed. Bull. 
U.S. Fish Comm. 1884, 4, 304. 1884.1 

Holder, Charles Frederick [1851-1915] 
Among the sword-fish. Forest & Stream, 
1876, 6, 17. 1876.1 

A strange parasitic fish. Scient. 
Amer., 1881, 44, 23. 1881.1 

(editor) Angling. By L. M. Yale 
and others. New York, 1897. 305 p. 
illust. 12°. (Out of doors library) 


The devil-fish. Amer. Sports- 
man, 1899, 3, 374. 1899.1 

Mimicry of the kelp fish. Scient. 
Amer., 1899, 54, 425-426. 2 figs. 1899.2 

¥ Photographing living fishes at 
Santa Catalina zoological station. Sci- 

ent. Amer., 1899, 54, 362-363. 2 figs. 

Some curious sculpins [Scor- 

pena guttata; Scient. Amer., 1900, 83, 
411-412. fig. 1900.1 
Some Pacific sharks and ac- 
companying fishes. Scient. Amer., 
1900, 82, 331. 2 figs. 1900.2 

A rare fish uvarus imperialis) 

Scient. Amer., 1901, 85, 415. 1901.1 
Vocal sounds of fishes. Scient. 
Amer., 1902, 87, 323. 1902.1 

The big game fishes of the 
United States. New York & London, 
1903. xiv, 485 p. pl. Review in Na- 
ture, 68, 363-364. 1903.1 

The ribbon fish and the sea- 

serpent. Scient. Amer., 1903, 89, 101- 
102. fig. 1903.2 
—— Why and how fishes leap. Sei- 
ent. Amer., 1903, 88, 151-152. 1903.3 
—— The boy anglers. New York, 
1904. 1904.1 

Deals with fishes of the United States. 

Deep-sea sunfish. Scient. Amer., 
1904, 90, 30-31. fig. 1904.2 

An interesting shark. Scient. 
Amer., 1905, 93, 243. 3 figs. 1905.1 
—— The remoras. Scient. Amer., 
1905, 33, 162-163. fig. 1905.2 
—— The log of a sea angler. Boston, 
1906. 385 p. 1906.1 

The nest of the kelp fish. Amer. 
Naturalist, 1907, 41, 587-588. 1907.1 

A new fish (Germo macropterus} 
for America. Scient. Amer., 1907, 96, 

196. 2 figs. 1907.2 
—— Big game at sea. New York, 
1908. 352 p. 32 pls. 8°. 1908.1 

A method of studying the life 
history of fishes. Proc. 4. Intern. 
Fish. Congr., Washington, 1908, pt. 2, 
1137-1141. 1908.2 

A method of transporting live 
fishes. Proc. 4. Intern. Fish. Congr., 
Washington, 1908, pt. 2, wield 

Methods of combating fungus 
disease on fishes in captivity. Proce. 4. 
Intern. Fish. Congr., Washington, 1908, 
pt. 2, 933-936. 1908.4 

A plan for an educational ex- 
hibit of fishes. Proc. 4. Intern. Fish. 
Congr., Washington, 1908, pt. 2, 1309- 
1314. 1908.5 

Sport fishing in California and 
Florida. Proc. 4. Intern. Fish. Congr., 
Washington, 1908, pt. 1, 199-207. 6 
pls. 1908.6 

— The flying gurnards (Triglaj Sci- 
ent. Amer., 1909, 100, 395. fig. 1909.1 

The Channel islands of Califor- 
nia. Chicago, 1910. xvi, 397 p. 12 
maps. 32 pls. 8°. 1910.1 

A plan for an educational exhibit 
of fishes. Bull. Bureau Fisheries, 1908 
(1910), 28, pt. 2, 1309-1314. 


~ Conservation, 1911, 1, 157-162. 


— The recreations of a sportsman. 
_ New York & London, 1910. 1910.3 

Observation in angling; fishing 
for the long-finned tuna with a trout 
rod; how the tuna club has stopped 
waste and created a noble sport. Amer. 

The game fishes of the world. 
London (1913) 1913.1 

Holder, Charles Frederick, & Jordan, 
David Starr. Fish stories. New York, 
1909. 1909.1 

Das Ritsel der See-Schlange. 
Kosmos, Stuttgart, 1913, 10. Jahrg., 
287-290. fig. 1913.1 

Holder, J.B. [1824-1888] Along the 
Florida reef. Harper’s Monthly Mag., 
1871, 42, 515-526; 820-830. Ibid., 43, 
26-36; 187-195. 1871.1 

Figure and account of Cephaloptera vampirus 
and Rhinoptera quadriloba, p. 524-525. Nurse 
shark, p. 821. Fish parasites in holothurians, 
P. po Fishes of the Tortugas reefs, p. 30- 

25 iB 

Holdsworth, Edmund William Hunt. 
Deep-sea fishing and fishing boats. An 
account of the practical working of the 
various fisheries around the British 
islands, with descriptions of the boats, 

nets, and other gear in use. London, 
S74: pls: 8°. 1874.1 
Sea fisheries. London, 1877. 
300.p. pls. 16°. 1877.1 
Sea fisheries. Nature, 1877, 15, 
135-187; 198. 1877.2 

Sea fisheries of the British As- 

sociations. Nature, 1877, 15, 23-24. 
Apparatus for fishing. Intern. 

Fisheries Exhib. Lit., London, 1883. 
Handbooks, 1, pt. 4. 1883.1 

Holfert, H. Ferdinand. Ueber Am- 
mocetes branchialis (Petromyzon planeri| 
Sitzber. Ges. Isis, Dresden, 1869 (1870), 
147-148. 1870.1 

Holland, (Major) Lampreys and 
lamperns (Petromyzon marinus and P. 
flwiatilis) Sci. Gossip, 1869 (1870), 145— 
hols figs: 1870.1 

Holland, F. H. Fish farming in 

western New York. Harper’s Monthly 
Mag., 1868, 34, 47. 1868.1 

Holland, Theodor. Die Speitzken 
{t.e. junge Lachsweibchen an der hinter- 



pommerschen Kiiste. Cireul. Deutsch. 
Fischerei Zeitg., 1878, 1. Jahrg., 318- 
319. _ 1878.1 

Noch ein Wort iiber die Core- 

gonen des Garda- und Lebasees. Circul. 
Deutsch. Fischerei Zeitg., 1879, 2. 
Jahroe non Iel25- 1879.1 

Holland, William Jacob [1848 —] 
(Note on Diplomystus dentatus) Ann. 
Carnegie Mus., 1910, 7, 24. pl. 


The Carnegie Museum expedi- 
tion to central South America, 1907— 
1910. Ann. Carnegie Mus., 1911, 7, 283- 
286. 1911.1 

Contains some notes on fishes. 

Hollande, A. Ch. Valeur nutritive 
de la chair de quelques poissons exoti- 
ques acclimatés en France. Ann. Univ. 
Grenoble, 1913, 25, 537-540. 1913.1 

Hollandre, J. J. J. Faune du dé- 
partement de la Moselle et principale- 
ment des environs de Metz. Metz, 1826. 

125: 1826.1 
Faune du département de la 
Moselle. Metz, 1838. 12°. 1838.1 

Hollard, Henri Louis Gabriel Marc 
[1801-1866] Coup d’ceil sur l’ordre des 
ganoides, et recherches sur les carac- 
téres des lophobranches, pour détermi- 
ner leurs véritables affinités zoologiques. 
C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1850, 31, 564— 
566. — L’ Institut, 18, no. 880, 364. 

Monographie de la famille des 

balistides. Ann. Sci. Nat. (Zool.), 1853, 
38. sér. 20, 71-114. 3 pls. Jbid., 1854, 

4. sér. 1, 39-72, 303-339. 3 pls. Ibid., 
1854, 4. sér. 2, 321-366. 3 pls. Ibid., 

1855, 4. sér. 4, 5-27. pl. Extract in 
C. R. Acad. Sei. Paris, 1851, 33, 117— 
118. 1853.1 

Etudes sur les gymnodontes et 
en particulier sur leur ostéologie et sur 
les indications qu’elle peut fournir pour 
leur classification. Ann. Sci. Nat. 
(Zool.), 1857, 4. sér. 8, 275-328. pl. 
Extract in C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 45, 
796-797. 1857.1 

Monographie de la famille des 
ostracionides. Ann. Sci. Nat. (Zool.), 
1857, 4..sér. 7, 121-170. pl. Abstract 
in C, R. Acad.Sci. Paris, 48, 805-807. — 
L’Institut, 24, no. 1192, 388. 1857.2 

Mémoire sur le squelette des 
poissons plectognathes, étudié au point 


Hollard, 1. L. G. M. 

de vue des caractéres qu’il peut fournir 

pour la classification. Ann. Sei, Nat. 

(Zool.), 1860, 4. sér. 18, 5-46. Abstract 

in C. R. Acad. Sci., Paris, 50, 719-720. 

—Rev. & Mag. Zool., 2. sér. 12, 171-172. 

Etudes relatives au squelette 
des poissons. Presse Scient., 1861, 3, 
778-780. 1861. 1 

De la signification anatomique 
de l’appareil operculaire des poissons et 
de quelques autres parties de leur sys- 

téme osseux. Ann. Sci. Nat. (Zool. ); 
1864, 5. sér. 1, 241-256. Extract in C. 
R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1863, 56, 38-39; 

633-634. Ibid., 57, 670. —- Presse Sci- 
ent., 1, 38-39; 539-549. — Rev. & Mag. 
Zool., 2. ser: ‘15, 27-28; 167-168; 384- 
385. 1863.1 

Recherches sur la signification 
homologique de quelques piéces faciales 
des poissons osseux. Ann. Sci. Nat. 
(Zool.), 1864, 5 sér. 1, 5-19. Extract 
in C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 57, G70: — 
Rev. &* Mag. Zool., 15, 384-385. = 
Presse Bae iz 538-540. 1864.1 

Du temporal et des piéces qui 
en représentent les éléments dans la 
série des animaux vertébrés. Ann. Sci. 
Nat. (Zool.), 1864, 5. sér. 1, 359-376. 
pl. Abstract in C. R. Acad. ‘Sci. Paris, 
58, 528-529. 1864.2 

Développement de l’encéphale 
des poissons. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 
1866, 67, 747-748. 1866.1 

Recherches sur la structure de 
l’encéphale des poissons et sur la signifi- 
cation homologique de ses différentes 
parties. Journ. Anat. pc rcen Paris, 
1866, 3. année, 286-335. pls. Ex- 
tract in C. R. Acad. Sci. Het 60, 768- 
770. — Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 3. ser. 16, 

70-72. 1866.2 
Recherches sur l’encéphale des 
poissons. Mém. Proc. Verb. Acad. 

Sect. Sci. Montpellier, 1866, 6, 50-51. 

Hollberg, L. Beskrifning 6fver Bo- 
huslanske fiskarne. Nya Handl. Vet. 
Wit. Samh. Gétheborg, 1819, 3, 1. 
Ibid., 1821, 4, 1-64  Ibid., 1822, 5, Ms 
Abstract in Bull Sci. Nat. (Férussac), 
a 232: 1819.1 

Holle, K. F. WHandleiding voor de 

teelt van zoetwatervisch. Tijdschr. 
Nijverheid Nederl. Indie, 1861, 7 (n. s. 
2), 278-290. 1861.1 



Vischteelt op Sawahs en beme- 
sting van idem. ‘Tijdschr. Nijverheid 
Nederl. Indie, 1871, 15 (n. s. 10), 162- 

170. 1871.1 

Handleiding voor de teelt van 
zoetwatervisch op Java. Tijdschr. 
Nijverheid Nederl. Indie, 1873, 18, 
235-262. 1873.1 

Holloway, W., & Branch, J. The 
history of animated nature, viz. birds, 

beasts, fishes and insects; written in 
association with J. Branch. 4 vols. 
London, 1804. 1804.1 

Holm, John F. The development of 
the olfactory organ in the Teleostei. 
Morphol. Jahrb., 1894, 21, 620-624. pl. 
& fig. 1894.1 

Some notes on the early develop- | 

ment of the olfactory organ of i Torpedo. 

Anat. Anz , 1894, 10, 201-207. 6 figs. 

Ueber den feinern Bau der Leber — 
bei den niedern Wirbelthieren. Zool. 
Jahrb., 1897, 10, 277-286. 2 pls. 1897.1 

The finer anatomy of the nervous 
system of Myzine glutinosa. Morphol. 
Jahrb., 1901, 29, 365-401. 4 pls. 1901.1 

Holm, Theodore jor Holmskiold, T. 
de} Beskrivning over den fisk mallen 
(Silurus glanis L.} Dansk. Selsk. Skrift., 
1779, 12, 133-146. 1779.1 

Holmberg, Eduardo Ladislao. Viaje 
al Tandil y 4 la Tinta. Act. Acad. Cér- 
doba, 1884, 5, 99-108. 1884.1 

Sobre algunos peces nuevos 6 
poco conocidos de la Reptblica Argen- 
tina. Rev. Argentina Hist. Nat., 1891, 


ne er) ee 

1, 180-193. 1891.1 
Holmberg, Henrik Johan [1818- 
1864] Praktiska reglor fér fiskodlare. 

Helsingfors, 1858. 44 p. 8°. 1858.1 

Beriittelse om resultatet af en 
utaf Bergskonduktéren H. J. Holmberg 
verstiilld resa, i indamél att lemna rad 
betriiffande artificiel fiskodling och in- 
hemta nirmare upplysningar angaende 
stroémmingsfisket p& Aland; afgifven i 
September, 1859. Helsingfors, 1859. 
14p. 8°. 1859.1 

Underdanig berittelse om re- 
sultatet af anstillda undersékningar 
betriffande fiskens aftagande i Finland 
och medlen att forekomma detsamma, 
jemte forslag till fiskodling. Helsing- 
fors, 1859. 33 p. 8°. 1859.2 

_ -xHOL 

—— Ytterligare om fiskodling. Hel- 
singfors, 1859. 53 p. pl. 8°. 1859.3 

Handledning fér odling ag som- 
marfisk i Finland. Helsingfors, 1860. 
Sop. pl. 8°. 1860.1 

Kiinstliche Kultur von Sommer- 
fischen. Notizen (Froriep), 1860, 4, 321— 
326; 337-340; 353-356. 1860.2 

— Ueber Fischcultur in Finnland. 
Bull. Soc. Nat. Moscou, 1860, 33, 321— 

449. Ibid., 1861, 34, 201-283. Ibid., 
1862, 35, 148-213. Ibid., 1863, 36, 127- 
200. Ibid., 1864, 37, 494-572. 1860.3 

Inspektéren f6ér fiskerierna i 
Finland H. J. Holmbergs underdaniga 
beriittelse om sin verksamhet under ar 
1860. Helsingfors, 1861. 55 p. pei 

Inspektéren f6r fiskerierna i 
Finland H. J. Holmbergs underdaniga 
berittelse om sin verksamhet under ar 
1861. Helsingfors, 1862. 66 p. ee ; 

—  Inspektéren fdr fiskerierna i 
Finland H. J. Holmbergs underdaniga 
beriittelse om sin verksamhet under ar 
1862. Helsingfors, 1863. 117 p. ions : 


Inspektéren f6r fiskerierna i 
Finland H. J. Holmbergs underdaniga 
beriittelse om sin verksamhet under ar 
1863. Helsingfors, 1863. 89 p. eee 

Till fragin om laxens vandrin- 

gar. Oefvers. Finsk Vetensk. Soc. Forh., 
1864, 6, 1. 1864.1 
Holmes, FH. S. (Oikoi, pseudon.1 

Range of the catfish. Forest & Stream, 
1880, 15, 387. 1880.1 

Holmes, Ezekiel. Report on the 
fishes of Maine, including some of the 
elementary principles of ichthyology. 
2. Ann. Rept. Nat. Hist. Geol. Maine, 
1862, 11-117. 2 figs. 1862.1 

The ‘“‘ second annual report upon the natural 
history and geology of the state of Maine, 1862,” 
although paged separately (p. 1-447) had only 
this — a bastard-title, and formed an appendix 
to (although not so specified), and was bound 
with the “‘ Seventh annual report of the secre- 
tary of the Maine board of agriculture. 1862. 
Augusta, 1862.” 

The list of fishes embraces 76 species, and was 
principally based on a manuscript; of this num- 
ber 57 were marine and 19 freshwater. 

Holmes, Francis S. Notes on the 
geology of Charleston, 8. C. Charles- 



ton Med. Journ., 1849, 3, 655-671. — 
Amer. Journ. Sci., 2. ser. 7, 187-201. 

List of the post-Pliocene fossils of South Car- 
olina, p. 193-194. 

Observations on the geology of 
Ashley river, South Carolina: Amer. 
Assoc. Adv. Sci., 1850, 201-204. 1850.1 

Remarks on fossil fish. 

Contributions to the natural 
history of the American devil-fish, with 
descriptions of a new genus from the 
harbor of Charleston, South Carolina. 

Proce. Elliott Soc. Nat. Hist., 1856, 1, 
3046. 1856.1 

Holmes, G. M. On the comparative 
anatomy of the mnervus acusticus. 

Trans. Roy. Irish Acad., Dublin, 1903, 
132, 101-144. 1903.1 

Holmes, Matthew. Shipment of sal- 
mon and whitefish ova to New Zealand 
in 1877 and 1878. Rept. U. S. Fish 
Comm. 1878 (1880), 6, 860. 1880.1 

Holmgren, August Emil [1829-1888] 
Om insamling af “‘ myrigg.”’ Fiskeri- 
tidskr. Finl., 1894, 3, 107-109. 1894.1 

Kurze vorliufige Mitteilungen 
uber die Spinalganglen der Selachier 
und Teleostier. Anat. Anz., 1899, 15, 
117-125. 11 figs. 1899.1 

Zur Kenntniss der Spinalgan- 
glien Zellen vom Lophius piscatorius 
Linn. Anat. Hefte, Wiesbaden, 1899, 
12, 71-154. 10 pls. 1899.2 

Noch weitere Mitteilungen iiber 
den Bau der Nervenzellen verschiedener 
Tiere. Anat. Anz., 1900, 17, 113-129. 
17 figs. 1900.1 

Ueber die sogenannten “ in- 
tracelluliren Faden’ der Nervenzellen 
von Lophius piscatorius. Anat. Anz., 
1903, 23, 37-49. figs. 1903.1 

Holmquist, Otto. List of fishes col: 
lected during the Peary auxiliary ex- 
pedition, 1894. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 
1899, 7. ser. 3, 214-223. 1899.1 

Der Musculus protractor hyoidei 
(geniohyoideus auct.) und der Senkungs- 
mechanismus des Unterkiefers bei den 
Knochenfischen. Zugleich ein Beitrag 
zur Kenntnis der Atembewegungen. 
Lunds Univ. Arsskr., 1910, n. s. 6, pt. 2, 
no.6. 24p. pl. & 4 figs. 1910.1 

Studien in der von den Nn. 
trigeminus und facialis innervierten 


Holmquist, 0. : 

Muskulatur der Knochenfische. 1. Die 
Trigemino-facialis-Muskulatur beiGadus 
callarias Linné. 2. Zur vergleichenden 
Morphologie der Mm. intermandibularis 
protractor hyoidei und hyoihyoideus. 
Lunds Univ. Arsskr., 1911, n. s. 7, pt. 
2,no7. 79p. 3 pls. 1911.1 

Ueber die Zwischensehnen oder 
Myocommata in dem Musculus protrac- 
tor hyoidei der Knochenfische. Lunds 
Univ. Arsskr., 1913, n. s. 10, pt. 2, no. 7. 
5p. 3 figs. 1913.1 

Variationen der NN. manidbu- 
laris trigemini und mandibularis exter- 
nus facialis bei Gadus callarias sowie 
ihre wahrscheinliche Bedeutung. Lunds 
Univ. Arsskr., 1913, n. s. 10, pt. 2, no. 3. 
10 p. 4 pls. 1913.2 

Holmskiold, Theodore de. See Holm, 

Holmwood, Frederic. On the em- 
ployment of the Remora by native fish- 
ermen on the east coast of Africa. Proc. 
Zool. Soc. London, 1884, eam 

See also article on the Remora by C. R. 
Eastman in Sci. Monthly, 1916, 3, 31-46. 

Holst, Nils Olof [1846—] De sen- 
glaciala lagren vid toppeladugard med 
beskrifning af ett nytt vaxtfossil, 
Holstia splendens af O. Hagstrém. 
Sver. Geol. Unders., 1906, ser. C, no. 
200. 42p. pl. & 3 figs. 1906.1 

Holt, C. F. Some observations on 
the black bass. Trans. Amer. Fisheries 
Soe. 1888 (1889), 33-36. 1889.1 

Holt, Ernest W. L. Notes on the 
early life-history of the herring. Ann. 
Mag. Nat. Hist., 1889, 6. ser. 4, 368— 
372. figs. 1889.1 


Note on a young specimen of 
Zoarces viviparus. Ann. Mag. Nat. 
Hist., 1890, 6. ser. 5, 256-257. 1890.1 

Notes on some striking forms 
from the haddock lines, St. Andrews. 
Scott. Journ. Nat. Hist., 1890, 26-28. 


On the ova of Gobius. Ann. 
Mag. Nat. Hist., 1890, 6. ser. 6, 3440. 
pl. 1890.3 

Additions to the invertebrate 
fauna of St. Andrews bay. Ann. Mag. 
Nat. Hist., 1891, 6. ser. 8, 182-184. pl. 



North sea investigations. Journ. 
Mar. Biol. Assoc., 1891-92, n. s. 2, 216- 
219; 363-393. Ibid., 1893-95, n. s. 3; 
78-106; 123-142; 169-201. 3 figs. 


Observations upon the develop- 
ment of the teleostean brain, with 
especial reference to that of Clupea 
harengus. Zool. Jahrb. (Anat. Abth.), 
1891, 4, 478-500. 3 pls. 1891.3 

On some young specimens of | 
Centrolophus pompilus (Art.) from the 
coast of Cornwall. Journ. Mar. Biol. 
Assoc., 1891-92, n. s. 2, 265-267. 1891.4 

On the eggs and larve of tele- 
osteans (In Survey of fishing grounds, 
west coast of Ireland, 1890. Scient. 
Trans. Roy. Dublin Soc., 1891, 2. ser. 4, 
435474. 6 pls.) 1891.5 

Notes on teleostean develop- 
ment. Rept. Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 62. 
meet., 1892, 772. 1892.1 

On the destruction of immature 
fish in the North sea. On remedial 
measures. Rept. Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 
62. meet., 1892, 768-772. 1892.2 

On the relation of size to sexual 
maturity (On the destruction of im- 
mature fish, and a discussion on reme- 
dial measures. Part II) Rept. Brit. As- 
soc. Adv. Sci., 32. meet., 1892, 765-766. 

Preliminary note on the fish 
obtained during the cruise of the SS. 
“ Fingal,’ 1890 (In Survey of fishing 
grounds, west coast of Ireland, 1890. 
Scient. Proc. Roy. Dublin Soc., 1892, 
n. s. 7, 121-123) 1892.4 

Preliminary note on the fish 

obtained during the cruise of the SS. — 
‘“ Harlequin,’ 1891 (In Survey of 
fishing grounds, west coast of Ireland. 
Scient. Proc. Roy. Dublin Soce., 1892, 
n. s. 7, pt. 3, 218-220) 1892.5 

— Reports on the results of the 
fishing operations (In Survey of fishing 
grounds, west coast of Ireland, 1890—- 
1891. Scient. Proce. Roy. Dublin Soe., 
1892, n. s. 7, 225-483) 1892.6 

Reports on the scientifie evi- 
dence bearing on the economic aspects 
of the fishes collected during the Sur- 
vey (In Survey of fishing grounds, 
west coast of Ireland, 1890-1891. Sei- 
ent. Proc. Roy. Dublin Soe., 1892, n. s. 
7, 388-483) ; 1892.7 




ee ee 

An examination of the present 
state of the Grimsby trawl fishery, with 
especial reference to the destruction of 
immature fish; revision of tables. Journ. 
Mar. Biol. Assoc., 1898-95, n. s. 8, 
339-448. Ibid., 1895-97, n. s. 4, 410— 

414, 1893.1 

North sea investigations. Journ. 
Mar. Biol. Assoc., 1893-95, n. s. 3, 78— 
201. 1893.2 

On the relation of size to sexual maturity in 
round-fish, p. 78-81. 

On the destruction of immature fish in the 
North sea, p. 78-106; 123-128; 169-176. 

On the Iceland trawl fishery, with some re- 
marks on the history of the North sea trawling 
grounds, p. 129-164. 

On the territorial fishing grounds of Scarbor- 
ough and its neighborhood, p. 176-181. 

The blonde (Raia blanda, Holt and Calderwood 
MS.), a species hitherto confounded with R. 
maculata Montagu, p. 181-184. 

The ‘‘recessus orbitalis,’? an accessory visual 
organ in Pleuronectid fishes, p. 185-188. 

On an adult specimen of the common sole with 
symmetrical eyes, etc., p. 188-190. 

The reproduction of Caranz trachurus Linn., 
p. 190-193. : 

On a dwarf variety of the plaice, with some 
remarks on the occasional ciliation of the scales 
in that species, p. 194-200. 

On some specimens of Molva abyssorum Nilss., 
from Iceland and Faroe, p. 200-201. 

Note on some supposed hybrids 
between the turbot and the brill. Journ. 
Mar. Biol. Assoc., 1893-95, n. s. 3, 292— 
299. figs. 1893.3 

On the eggs and larval and post- 
larval stages of teleosteans (In Survey 
of fishing grounds, west coast of Ireland, 

1890-1891. Scient. Trans. Roy. Dublin 
Soc., 1893, 2. ser. 5, 5-121. 15 pls.) 

—— Studies in teleostean morphology 
from the Marine Laboratory at Clee- 
thorpes. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1894, 
413-446. 3 pls. 1894.1 

The “bottle-nose ray” (Raja? 
alba Lacép.) and its egg-purse. Journ. 
Mar. Biol. Assoc., 1897-99, n.s. 5, 181- 
183. 1897.1 

The great silver smelt, Argentina 
silus Nilsson, an addition to the list of 
British fishes. Journ. Mar. Biol. Assoc., 

1897-99, n.s. 5, 341-342. 1897.2 
—- Note on Motella cimbria. Journ. 
Mar. Biol. Assoc., 1897-99, n. s. 5, 343. 

Notes and memoranda. Journ. 

Mar. Biol. Assoc., 1897-99, n. s. 5, 89- 
91. 1897.4 

Notes on the reproduction of 
teleostean fishes in the south-western 

district. Journ. Mar. Biol. Assoc., 
1897-99, n. s. 5, 41-50; 107-155. 1897.5 

Observations sur les ceufs flot- 
tants de téléostéens faites dans le golfe 
de Marseille, 4 la station zoologique 
d’Endoume, durant l’année 1895. Ann. 
Mus. Hist. Nat. Marseille, 1897, 2. sér. 
5, 24-34. 1897.6 

Remarks on Dr. Petersen’s report 
of the Danish biological station for 1895. 
Journ. Mar. Biol. Assoc., 1897-99, n. s. 
5, 82-88. 1897.7 

Report on trawling in bays on 
the south .coast of Devon; submitted 
for the information of the Devon sea 
fisheries committee. Journ. Mar. Biol. 
Assoc., 1897-99, n. s. 5, 296-329. 1897.8 

(Exhibition of and remarks 
upon some advanced larve of the lumi- 
nous fish Scopelus glacialis} Proc. Zool. 
Soc. London, 1898, 279-280; 554-557. 


La girelle royale et la girelle de 
Giofredi, doivent-elles toutes deux étre 
rapportées 4 l’espéce dimorphique Coris 
julis (Linn.)? Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat. 
Marseille, 1898, 1, 151-162. figs. 

On the breeding of the dragonet 
(Callionymus lyra) in the Marine Bio- 
logical Association’s aquarium at Ply- 
mouth; with a preliminary account of 
the elements, and some remarks on the 
significance of the sexual dimorphism. 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1898, 281-315. 
pl. & 2 figs. 1898.3 

Recent additions to the list of 
Trish fishes. Irish Naturalist, 1898, 7, 
257-258. 1898.4 

Report on a collection of very 
young fishes obtained by Dr. G. H. 
Fowler in the Faeroe channel (In 
Fowler, G. H. Contributions to our 
knowledge of the plankton of the Faeroe 
channel. No. v) Proce. Zool. Soc. Lon- 
don, 1898, 550-585. 3 pls. 1898.5 

Recherches sur la reproduction 
des poissons osseux, principalement 
dans le golfe de Marseille. Ann. Mus. 
Hist. Nat. Marseille (Zool.), 1899, 5, no. 
2. 128p. 9 pls. & fig. 1899.1 

Salmon fisheries. Ann. Rept. 
Sea Inland Fish Ireland, 1901 (1902), 
pt. 2, 142-204. 1902.1 

Report on the artificial propaga- 
tion of Salmonidze for the seasons of 



Holt, EL. W. L. 
1902-1903, 1903-1904, 1904-1905, 1905— 
1906, 1906-1907, 1907-1908. Rept. Sea 
Inland Fish. Ireland, 1902-03 (1905), 
t. 2, 346-350. Ibid., 1904, pt. 2, 304— 
309. Jbid., 1906, no. 7. 35 p.— Fish. 
Ireland Scient. Invest., 1904, no. 7, 3-8. 
Ibid., 1905, no. 8, 17-23. Ibid., 1906 
(1907), no. 7. 35 p. Ibid., 1907 (1909), 
no.9. 8p. 1905.1 

Statistical information relating 
to the salmon fisheries. Ann. Rept. Sea 
Inland Fish. Ireland, 1902-03 (1905), 

2, Append. 1, 359-362. 1905.2 

Substance of! reports received 
from clerks of conservators relative to 
salmon fisheries. Ann. Rept. Sea In- 
land Fish. Ireland, 1902—03 (1905), pt. 
2, Append. 1, 363-385. 1905.3 

Summary of reports relative to 
eel fry, 1905 to 1907. Fish. Ireland Sci- 
ent. Invest. 1906 (1908), no. 8. 11 p.— 
Rept. Sea Inland Fish. Ireland, 1906 
(1908), 262-270. 1908.1 

The freshwater eel. A review of 
recent contributions to knowledge of its 

life-history. Fish. Ireland Scient. In- 
vest. 1907 (1909), no. 8. 27 p. 8 figs. 

Summary of reports relative to 
eel fry, 1907-08. Fish. Ireland Scient. 
Invest. 1907 (1909), no. 9, 34-39. 


Report of a survey of trawling 
grounds on the coasts of counties Down, 
Louth, Meath and Dublin. Part I. 
Record of fishing operations. Fish. 
Ireland Scient. Invest. 1909 (1910), no. 
1. 5388p. 2 pls. 1910.1 

— Dace in Ireland. Irish Natural- 
ist, 1911, 20, 116. 1911.1 

Holt, Ernest W. L., & Byrne, L. W. 
Notes on the reproduction of teleostean 
fishes in the south-western district. 
Journ. Mar. Biol. Assoc., 1897-99, n. s. 
5, 333-340. 1897.1 

An observation of the colour- 
changes of a wrasse, Labrus maculatus 
Donovan. Journ. Mar. Biol. Assoc., 
1897-99, n. s. 5, 193-195. 1897.2 

Exhibition of specimens and 
drawings of a small sucker-fish of the 
genus Lepadogaster. Proc. Zool. Soe. 
London, 1898, 589-590. 1898.1 

The British and Irish gobies. 
Ann. Rept. Sea Inland Fish. Ireland, 

1901 (1903), pt. 2, 37-66. 2 pls. & figs. 
Tbid., 1902-03 (1905), pt. 2, Append. 5, 
162-163. pl. 1903.1 

On a young stage of the white 
sole, Pleuronectes (Glyptocephalus) cyno- 
glossus. Ann. Rept. Sea Inland Fish. 
Ireland, 1901 (1903), pt. 2, Oe 

—— On the British and Irish species 
of the family Stromateide. Ann. Rept. 
Sea Inland Fish. Ireland, 1901 (1908), 
pt. 2, 70-76. 2 pls. 1903.3 

On the fishes taken by the “‘ Oce- 
ana.’ Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1904, 7. 
ser. 14, 37-40. fig. 1904.1 

Figures and descriptions of the 
British and Irish species of Solea. Ann. 
Rept. Sea Inland Fish. Ireland, 1902-03 
(1905), pt. 2, Append. 5, 164-175. Ep Bl 

Note on a specimen of Dentex 
vulgaris from Dingle bay. Ann. Rept. 
Sea Inland Fish. Ireland, 1902-03 (1905), 
pt. 2, Append. 5, 156-161. pl.- 1905.2 

The marine fauna of the coast 
of Ireland. Part viii. First report on 
the fishes of the Irish Atlantic slope. 
Ann. Rept. Sea Inland Fish. Ireland, 
1905, 29-54. pl. & 2 figs. — Fish. Ire- 
land Scient. Theat. 1905 (1906), no. 2. 
28 p. pl. & 2 figs. 1905.3 

On a new species of Lyconus 
from the northeast Atlantic. Ann. Mag. 
Nat. Hist., 1906, 7. ser. 18, 423-426. 


Biscayan plankton. Part x. The 
fishes. Trans. Linn. Soc. London, 1907, 
2. ser. 10, 189-201. 5 figs. 1907.1 

—— New deep-sea fishes from the 
southwest coast of Ireland. Ann. Mag. 
Nat. Hist., 1908, 8. ser. 1, 86-95. pl. & 
fig. 1908.1 

Second report on the fishes of 
the Irish Atlantic slope. Fish. Ireland 
Scient. Invest. 1906 (1908), no. 5. 63 p. 
5 pls. & 2 figs. — Ann. Rept. Sea Inland 
Fish. Trek 1906 (1909), pt. 2, 141- 
202. 5 pls. & 2 figs. 1908.2 

Preliminary note on some fishes 
from the Irish Atlantic slope. Ann. Mag 
Nat. Hist., 1909, 8. ser. 3, 20 ae : 

Fourth report on the fishes of 
the Irish Atlantic slope. List of recorded 
species with references. Fish. Ireland 
Scient. Invest. 1908 (1910), no. ee 



Preliminary diagnosis of a new 
stomiatid fish from the southwest of 
Ireland. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1910, 
8. ser. 6, 294-297. 1910.2 

Third report on the fishes of the 
Irish Atlantic slope. The Holocephali 
or Chimeras. Fish. Ireland Scient. 
Invest. 1908 (1910), no. 4. 26 p. 4 pls. 
& 3 figs. Also separate; Dublin, ane 

Fifth report on the fishes of the 
Trish Atlantic slope. Fishes of the 
genus Scopelus. Fish. Ireland Scient. 
Invest. 1910 (1911), 6, 1-33. pl. & 8 
figs. 1911.1 

Sixth report on the fishes of the 
Trish Atlantic slope. The families 
Stomiatids, Sternoptychide and Sal- 
monid. Fish. Ireland Scient. Invest. 
1912 (1913), no. 1. 28 p. 2 pls. & 11 
figs. 1913.1 

Holt, Ernest W. L., & Calderwood, 
W.L. Report on the rarer fishes (In 
Survey of fishing-grounds, west coast 
of Ireland, 1890-91. Sci. Trans. Roy. 
Soe. Dublin, 1895, 2. ser. 5, 361-512. 
6 pls.) 1895.1 

Holt, Hrnest W. L., & Dunn, Mat- 
thias. See Dunn & Holt. 

Holt, Ernest W.L., & Scott, S. D. A 
record of the teleostean eggs and larvee 
observed at Plymouth in 1897. Journ. 
Mar. Biol. Assoc., 1897-99, n. s. 5, 156— 
iydile 1897.1 

Holt, George H. ‘The fisheries of 
Gaspé basin, Quebec, for 1883. Rept. 
U. §. Fish Comm. 1883 (1885), 11, 
1185-1186. 1885.1 

Holt, H. H. Eastern trout on the 
Pacific slope. Forest & Stream, 1879, 
12, 105. 1879.1 

Holten, H. S. von. Anmaerkninger 
til beskrivelser af Zeus (Lampris) gutta- 
tus. Skrivter Naturh. Selsk. Kjoben- 
havn, 1802, 5, pt. 2, 129-135. 1802.1 

Trichiurus gladius, en ny fisk fra 
Portugal. Skrivter Naturh. Selsk. Kjg- 
benhavn, 1802, 5, 19-26. figs. 1802.2 

Holton, Marcellus G. Description of 
improved apparatus in fish-hatching. 
Rept. U.S. Fish Comm. 1872-73 (1874), 
2, 580-582. 1874.1 

Holtzsche, Paul. Der Pfauenaugen- 
barsch (Centrarchus macropterus) und 


seine Zucht. Wochenschr. Aquar.- 
Terrar. Kunde, 1910, 7. Jahrg., 17-18. 
fig. 1910.1 

Holzbach, Ernst. Die Hemmungs- 
bildungen der Miillerschen Ginge im 
Lichte der vergleichenden Anatomie 
und Entwicklungsgeschichte. Beitr. 
Geburtsh. Gynikol., 1909, 14, 167-221. 
6 figs. 1909.1 

Holzmann, August. Modelle des 
Mechanismus der Kieferzange des 
Wirbelthiertypus. Verh. Naturh. Ver. 
Karlsruhe, 1896, 2, 291-292. 1896.1 

Homann, Karl. Haplochilus chaperi 
u. H. rubrostigma. Wochenschr. Aquar.- 
Terrar. Kunde, 1911, 8. Jahrg., 420-421. 
pl. 1911.1 

Homburger, Z. Zur Verdauung der 
Fische. Centralbl. Med. Wiss., 1877, 15, 
561-562. 1877.1 

Homburger, Richard. Ueber die 
paarigen Extremititen von Squalius, 
Trigla, Periophthalmus und Lophius. 
Rev. Suisse Zool., 1904, 12, 71-148. 2 
pls. 1904.1 

Home, David Milne. The salmon 
fisheries of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1882. 
20p. 8°. 1882.1 

Salmon and salmon fisheries. 
Intern. Fisheries Exhib. Lit., London, 
1884. Conferences, 6, no. 5. 1884.1 

Home, (Sir) Everard [1756-1832] An 
anatomical account of the Squalus 
maximus (of Linnzeus), which in the 
structure of its stomach forms an inter- 
mediate link in the gradation of animals 
between the whale tribe and cartilagi- 
nous fishes. Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. Lon- 
don, 1809, pt. 1, 206-220. 3 pls. Jbid., 
1813, 227—241.— Journ. de Physique, 
71, 241-247. 1809.1 

On the nature of the interverte- 
bral substance in fish and quadrupeds. 
Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. London, 1809, 
pt. 1, 177-187. pl. 1809.2 

On the mode of breeding of the 
Oviviviparous shark, and on the aeration 
of the foetal blood in different classes of 
animals. Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. Lon- 
don, 1810, pt. 1, 205-222. 5 pls. 1810.1 

Additions to an account of the 
anatomy of the Squalus maximus, con- 
tained in a former paper; with observa- 
tions on the structure of the branchial 
artery. Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. London, 
1813, pt. 1, 227-241. 7 pls. 1813.1 




Home, F. 

Lectures on comparative ana- 
tomy, in which are explained the prepa- 
rations in the Hunterian Collection... 

ete. 4 vols. London, 1814-23. 4°. 
Supplement, ete., vols. v & vi. illust. Vol. 

vi contains the plates with their descriptions. 
London, 1828. 4°. 

On the mode of generation of the 
lamprey and myxine. Phil. Trans. Roy. 
Soe. London, 1815, 105, 265-269. pl. 
— Deutsch. Arch. Phy siol. (Meckel), 
1816, 2, 539-542. — Isis (Oken), 1, 35- 
40. 1815.2 

On the structure of the organs 
of respiration in animals which appear 
to hold an intermediate place between 
those of the class Pisces and the class 
Vermes [Cyclostomi) and in two genera 
of the last mentioned class. Phil. Trans. 
Roy. Soc. London, 1815, 105, 256-264. 
3 pls. — Deutsch. Arch. Physiol. (Mec- 
Fal), 2, 594-600. — Isis (Oken), 1, 25- 
30: 1815.3 

Includes account of structure of gills in Petro- 
myzon and Myxine. 

Some account of the feet of those 
animals whose progressive motion can 
be carried on in opposition to gravity. 
Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. London, 1816, 
106, pt. 1, 149-155. 2 pls. 1816.1 

Contains account of the sucking dise of Eche- 
neis remora. 

Some observations and experi- 
ments made on the torpedo of the cape 
of Good Hope. Phil. Mag., 1816, 48, 
14-18. 1816.2 

Ueber die Entwicklung des 
Fotus der eierlegend-lebendiggebirenden 
Haifische, ete. Deutsch. Arch. Physiol. 
(Meckel), 1816, 2, 531-539. 1816.3 

On the double organs of genera- 
tion of the lamprey, the conger eel, the 
common eel, the barnacle and earth- 
worm, which impregnate themselves; 
though the last from copulating appear 
mutually to impregnate one another. 
Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. London, 1823, 
113, 140-151. 6 pls. 1823.1 

The Croonian lecture. On the 
internal structure of the human brain, 
when examined in the microscope, as 
compared with that of fishes, insects and 

worms. Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. London, 
1824, 114, 1-10. 2 pls. 1824.1 
Homer. The zoology of Homer, 

translated by W. 
Groshans, G. P. F. 

B. Macdonald (In 
Quedam naturalia 

antiqua. Rammerscales, 1846. 14 p. 
8°) 1846.1 

Homeyer, Hugen Ferdinand von {1809— 
1889] Die Wanderungen der Végel mit 
Riicksicht auf die Ziige der Siugethiere, 
Fische, und Insecten. Leipzig, 1881. x, 
415 p. 8°. 1881.1 

Hommel, —— Some further intel- 
ligence relating to the jaculator fish, 
mentioned in the Philosophical Trans- 
actions for 1764, art. xiv, together with 
the description of another species, by 
Dr. Pallas, F. R. S., in a letter to Mr, 
Peter Collinson. Phil. Trans. Roy. Soe. 
London, 1777, 56, 186-188. pl. 1777.1 

Homo (pseudon.) Eggs of Spanish 
mackerel, porgee, anchovy and oyster. 
Forest & Stream, 1880, 15, 281. 1880.1 

Homolle, Dei caratteri dis- 
tintivi dell’ olio di fegato di merluzzo 
dagli altri olii vegetali o animali. Ann. 
di Chim. (Polli), 1854, 18, mise 


Honeyman, D. Nova Scotian ich- 
thyology. Addition to Jones’ Catalogue 
of 1879. Proc. Trans. Nova Scotian 
Instit. Nat. Sci. 1885 (1886), 6, pt. 4, 
228-232; 328-330. 1886.1 

A supposed deep-sea fish (Lo- 
phius piscatorius} Proc. Trans. Nova 
Scotian Instit. Nat. Sci. 1885 (1886), 
6, 85-87. 1886.2 

Hood, Peter. Notes on pisciculture. 
Trans. Watford Nat. Hist. Soc. 1876-77 
(1878), 1, 179-186. 1878.1 

Hoogendijk, Jan. Rapport aan Z. 
Exc. den Heere Minister van binnen- 
landsche zaken over de internationale 
tentoonstelling te Havre in 1868, be- 
treffende het zeewezen, de visscherijen, 
enz. ’sGravenhage, 1870. iv, 132 p. 
afigs. 515 c 1870.1 

Hooper, D. Analysis of the oils pro- 
duced by certain Indian rays and other 
aquatic vertebrates. Mem. Indian Mus. 
Calcutta, 1909, 2, Append. 1909.1 

Hooper, H. J. Brief notice of some 
fishes of California in ocean, bay and 
rivers. Forest & Stream, 1875, 5, 100. 


Refers to Sebastes nebulosus, Centrarchus ma- 
culosus, Morrhua californica and a few other 

California fish planting. Forest 
& Stream, 1875, 5, 19. 1875.2 

ee Sc 




Forest & 


Fish and seals in California and 
notes on salmon. Forest & Stream, 
1875, 5, 275. 1875.5 

Land-locked salmon and salmon 
trout in California. Forest & Stream, 
1875, 4, 166. 1875.6 

— On what do salmon feed? For- 
est & Stream, 1875, 5, 280. 1875.7 

Progress of fish-culture in Cali- 
Forest & Stream, 1875, 5, 19; 

Salmon in the bay of San Fran- 
Forest & Stream, 1875, 4, 217. 

Angling for smelts (Osmerus] 
in California. Forest & Stream, 1876, 6, 
166. 1876.1 

The fisheries and sea-lions of 

Carp in California. 
Stream, 1875, 5, 115. 

— Edible fish of the Pacific. 
est & Stream, 1875, 5, 36. 



California. Forest & Stream, 1876, 6, 
38. 1876.2 
Hopdiquaks, Eine merkwiir- 

dige Platypecilus maculatus Ehe. Wo- 
ehenschr. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1913, 
10. Jahrg., 626. 1913.1 

Hopewell-Smith, A. Two speci- 
mens of the head and jaws of the adult 
Hemirhamphus. A specimen showing 
developmental defects occurring in the 
upper jaw of a pike (Hsoxr lucius) Proc. 
Roy. Soc. Med. London, 1908, 1 (Odont. 
Sect.), 61-62. 1908.1 

Hopkins, Grant Sherman. Structure 
of the stomach of Amia calva. Proc. 
Amer. Micr. Soc., 1891, 12, 165-169. 
figs. Abstract in Proc. Amer. Assoc. 
Adv. Sci., 39. meet., 339. 1891.1 

On the digestive tract of some 
North American ganoids. Abstract in 
Proc. Amer. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 1892, 41, 
197. 1892.1 

The lymphatics and _ enteric 
epithelium of Amia calva (In Wilder 
Quart.-cent. Volume, p. 367-382. 2 
pls. Ithaca, 1893) 1893.1 

On the enteron of American 
ganoids. Journ. Morphol., 1895, 11, 
411-439. 2 pls. 1895.1 

Hopkins, P. Fishing experiments of 
half a century. London, 1873. fig. 8°. 

Hopkins, William. Brief outline or 
general description of a remarkable 
fossil, not known to be described, and 
by some supposed to be an ichthyodoru- 
lite. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 8. 
meet., 1854, 287—290. 2 figs. 1854.1 

Notes on eels. Victorian Natu- 
ralist, 1903, 20, 46-47; 49-52. 1903.1 

Hopkinson, John. Dates of publica- 
tion of the separate parts of Gmelin’s 
edition (13th) of the ‘‘ Systema Na- 
ture’ of Linnzeus. Proc. Zool. Soc. 
London, 1907 (1908), 1035-1037. 1908.1 

A bibliography of the Tunicata. 
London, 1913. 288 p. 8° (Ray So- 
ciety volume for 1912) 1913.1 

Contains some references to the literature of 

Hopley, Catherine C. Observations 
on a remarkable development in the 
mud-fish. Amer. Naturalist, 1891, 25, 
487-489. 5 figs. 1891.1 

On renewed pectoral limbs in Protopterus 

Hoppe, R. Untersuchungen iiber den 
Kauapparat des Cyprinoiden (Leuciscus 
rutilus} Leipzig, 1894. pls. 8°. 1894.1 

Hoppe-Seyler, /., & Duncan, C. 
See Duncan & Hoppe-Seyler. 

Hoppichler, H. Die Fischerei in 
Ober-Oesterreich. Deutsch. Fischerei 
Zeitg., 1880, 3. Jahrg., 122-124. — 
Oesterr.-ungar. Fischerei Zeitg., 1880, 
1. Jahrg., 49-50. 1880.1 

Hopyner, Fr. Acara ceruleum-punc- 
tata. Wochenschr. Aquar.-Terrar. 
Kunde, 1913, 10. Jahrg., 526-527. fig. 


Horak, Wenzel. Die Teichwirth- 
schaft mit besonderer Riicksicht auf das 
sudliche Béhmen. Prag, 1869. 215 p. 
Se 1869.1 
Die Nahrung der Fische. Cir- 
cul. Deutsch. Fischerei Ver. 1875 (1876), 
no. 6, 355-358. 1876.1 

Zuchtung des Zander in Teichen. 

Cireul. Deutsch. Fischerei Ver. 1875 
(1876), no. 2, 268-269. 1876.2 
Die Abfischung des Teiches 

Rosenberg in der fiirstlich Schwarzen- 
ber’schen Domaine Wittingau, in Sid- 
béhmen, 1876. Circul. Deutsch. Fische- 
rei Ver. 1876 (1877), no. 6, 221-225. 

; 1877.1 
Eine Flussfischerei in Bohmen. 
Cirecul. Deutsch. Fischerei Zeitg., 1878, 
1. Jahrg., 97-99. 1878.1 


Hormann, , & Morgenroth, 
Ueber Fiitterung von Fischen mit 
tuberkelbacillenhaltiger Nabrung. Hy- 
gien. Rundschau, 1899, 857. 1899.1 

Horn, William Austin [1803-1871] 
Report of the work of the Horn scientific 

expedition to central Australia. Edited 
by Baldwin Spencer. 4 parts. London 
& Melbourne, 1896. 1896.1 

Pt. ii, Zoology. iv,43lp. 29 pls. Pisces, by 
A. Zietz. 

Appendix: Description of an additional new 
species of fish from the Finke and Barcov rivers, 
by A. Zietz. 

Horne, John, & Peach, B. N. See 
Peach & Horne. 

Hornegg, Clodwig von. Die Fischerei 
in Bengalen. Oesterr.-ungar. Fischerei 
Zeitg., 1880, 1. Jahrg., 311-312. 1880.1 

Die Fischwisser Ungarns. Oes- 
terr.-ungar. Fischerei Zeitg., 1880, 1. 
Jahrg., 60-61; 68-69; 74-75; 89; 109; 
116; 125; 139; 154; 159; 167; 176—177; 
201: 208: 216; 225; 933: 249, 1880.2 

Hornell, James. The possibilities of 
fishery improvement in Jersey; with 
notes on the present state of marine 

pisciculture and fishery regulation. 
Journ. Mar. Zool. Jersey, 1897, 2, 73- 
94. 1897.1 

Horner, Leon. On the occurrence of 
Megalichthys hibberti in a bed of cannel 
coal in the west of Fifeshire. Proc. Roy. 
Soc. Edinburgh, 1845, 1, 112. — Edinb. 
New Phil. Journ., 1836, 20, 307-320. 


Horning, Jennie E., & Eigenmann, 
Carl H. See Kigenmann & Horning. 

Hornschuch, Reinholdus Fridericus 
Mauritius Hohnbaum. SeeHohnbaum- 
Hornschuh, Reinholdus  Fridericus 

Hornstedt, Claudius Fredrik [1758 
—] Triglia rubicunda, en dkand och 
besynnerling fisk fran Amboina. Hand. 
K. Vetensk. Akad., Stockholm, 1788, 9, 
49-51. 1788.1 

Hornstein, Ferdinand Friedrich. 
Neues vom Kasseler Tertiiir. Zeitschr. 
Deutsch. Geol. Ges., 1906, 58, 114-118. 
2 figs. 1906.1 

Horrebov, Niels [1712-1760] The 
natural history of Iceland; containing 
a particular ... account of the different 
soils, burning mountains, minerals, .. . 
and fishes. London, 1758. xx, 207 p. 
fol. 1758.1 


Horrocks, Kunst der Fliegen- 
fischerei auf Forellen und Aschen. 
Weimar, 1874. x, 180p. S5pls. 1874.1 

2. ed. Wemar, 1879. 

Horsfall, J. H. Salmon ova not the 
food of the water-ouzel. Zoologist, 1863, 
21, 8462-8463. 1863. 

Observations on the three-spined 
stickleback, its ova and fry (Gastero- 
steus aculeatus Linn. and G. spinu- 
losus Yarrell) Intell. Observ., 1864, 5, 
4-7. fig. 1864.1 

Letters on salmon ladders, re- 
printed by request from ‘ Field” with 
an introduction. Leeds, 1867. 8°. 


Horsfield, Thomas [1773-1859] Zoo- 
logical researches in Java and the neigh- 
bouring islands. London, 1821-24. 8 
pls. 4°. 1821.1 

Horst, Rutger. Eene nieuwe Pleu- 
ronectoide, A pionichthys bleekeri. Tijd- 
schr. Nederl. Dierk. Ver., 1879, 4, 30-32. 


— On a case of commensalism of a 
fish (Amphiprion intermedius Schleg.) 
and a large sea-anemone (Discosoma sp.) 
Notes from the Leyden Museum, 1901— 
03, 23, 180-182. 1901.1 

Horvath, J. Baja k6ornyékének 
halfaundja. Baja, 1896. 8°. 1896.1 

Horwood, A. R. The flora and fauna 
of the Trias (Keuper only) in Leicester- 
shire, with some notes on that of the 
surrounding ¢ counties. Rept. Brit. Assoc. 
Ady. Sci., 77. meet., 1907, 306-311. 


Hosch, Das Sehorgan von 
Protopterus annectens. Arch. 
Anat., 1904, 64, 99-110. pl. 1904.1 

H¢gst, H. EH. Nogle oplysninger om 
fiskeriet paa Faregerne. Norsk Tidskr. 
Fiskeri, 1873, 7. Jahrg., 97-125. 1873.1 

Fiskereiet paa faergerne 1 aarene 
1871-73. Norsk Tidskr. Fiskeri, 1875, 
7. Jahrg., 31-33. 1875.1 

Host, H.#., & Collin, On the 
Danish fisheries. Norsk Tidskr. Fiskeri, 
1874, 7. Jahrg., 126. 1874.1 

Hotchkiss, Truman. A strange fish. 
Amer. Sportsman, 1874, 4, 203. 1874.1 

Observations on a fish called the ‘‘ sucker ”” 
seen in the gulf of Mexico and on Bahama banks. 

Hougberg, Hmil. Om fiskfaunan i 
tornea skiirgird. Meddel. Soc. Fauna 
& Flora Fenn., 1886, 13, 169. 1886.1 

Se Fe a Se 

, 2 


Hough, Franklin B. Fifth annual 
report of the regents of the university 
of the State of New York on the condi- 
tion of the state cabinet of natural his- 
tory, and the historical and antiquarian 
collection annexed thereto. Albany, 
1852. 1852.1 

Description of Pimelodus gracilis, sp. nov. 

Houghton, fobert. Shipment of 
salmon ova to New Zealand in 1877 and 
whitefish in 1878. Rept. U. S. Fish 
Comm. 1878 (1880), 6, 834. 1880.1 

Houghton, William [1829?-1897] 
Note on the existence of a pair of sub- 
cutaneous orifices in the head of the eel 
and conger. Quart. Journ. Micr. Sci., 
1864, 4, 1-2. 1864.1 

Sticklebacks (Gasterosteus acule- 
atus) and other nest-making fish. Intel. 
Observ., 1865, 7, 259-263. 1865.1 

— Rumination in fish; the Scarus 
of the ancients. Intell. Observ., 1867, 
11, 190-195. 1867.1 

The food of the salmon. Intell. 
Observ., 1868, 12, 104-110. 1868.1 

On the air or swimming bladder 
of fishes. Pop. Sci. Rev., 1868, 7, 378- 
385. 1868.2 

On the Silurus and Glanis of the 
ancient Greeks and Romans. Ann. 
Mag. Nat. Hist., 1873, 4. ser. 11, 199— 
206. 1873.1 

British freshwater fishes. Illus- 
trated with a coloured figure of each 
species, drawn from nature by A. F. 
Lydon. 2 vols. London, 1879. 204 p. 
39 pls. fol. 1879.1 

The natural history and cultiva- 
tion of the sole. Intern, Fisheries Ex- 
hib. Lit., London, 1883. Conferences, 
depts le. 1883.1 

The natural history of commer- 
cial sea-fishes of Great Britain and Ire- 
land. Intern. Fisheries Exhib. Lit., 
London, 1883. Conferences, 10, pt. 1. 


Houser, Gilbert L. The nerve cells of 
the shark’s brain. Proc. Iowa Acad. 
Sci., 1897, 4, 151-153. 1897.1 

The neurones and supporting 
elements of the brain of a selachian. 
Journ. Comp. Neurol., 1901, 11, 65-175. 
8 pls. 1901.1 

Houssay, Frédéric. La metamérie de 
Ventoderme et du systéme circulatoire 



primitif dans la region post-branchiale 
du corps des vertébrés. C. R. Acad. Sci. 
Paris, 1891, 120, 959-961. 1891.1 

Etudes d’embryologie sur les 
vertébrés. Arch. Zool. Expér. Gén., 
1893, 3. sér. 1, 1-95. 5 pls. 1893.1 

La forme et la vie. Paris, 1900. 

924 p. illust. 8°. 1900.1 

La légende du Lepas anatifera, 
la Vallisneria spiralis et le poulpe. C.R. 
Acad. Sci. Paris, 1901, 132, 263-265. 
2 figs. 1901.1 

Note on supposed medieval ideas of fish 

Les formes animales et le mouve- 
Univ. Paris, 1905, n. s. 6, 1-18. 

7 figs. 

Notes préliminaires sur la forme 
des poissons. Arch. Zool. Expér. Gén., 
1908, 4. sér. 8, xv—-xxxl. 8 figs. 1908.1 

Carénes et poissons. Stabilisa- 
tion par les nageoires. Rev. Gén. Sci., 
Paris, 1909, 20, 617-624. 6 figs. 1909.1 

Nouvelle expérience sur la forme 
et la stabilité des poissons. Rey. Gén. 
Sci., Paris, 1909, 20, 943-948. 6 figs. 

5 1909.2 
Sur les conditions hydrodyna- 

miques de la forme chez les poissons. 
C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1909, 148, 1076- 

1078. 1909.3 

Poissons et aé¢ronats. Cours 
Lithogr. Ecole Supér. Aéronautique, 
19ViG 15.p:)) 9 figs: 1911.1 

Die Entstehung des Fischkér- 
pers infolge des Wasserwiderstandes. 
Kosmos, Stuttgart, 1912, 9. Jahrg., 161— 
164. 5 figs. 1912.1 

Forme, puissance et stabilité des 
poissons. Paris, 1912. 372 p. 117 figs. 

Houttuyn, Martin. Natuurlyke his- 
torie of uitvoerige beschryving der die- 
ren, planten en mineraalen, volgens het 
samenstel van den Heer Linnzeus. Met 
naauwkeurige afbeeldingen. 3 vols. in 
37 pts. Amsterdam, 1761-85. 296 
figs. 8°. 1761.1 

Fishes, pts. 7 & 8. ‘‘ Houttuyn, naturaliste 
laborieux, mais peu instruit; il a traduit et para- 
phrasé en hollandais le Systema Natura.” — 
Cuvier et Valenciennes. 

Aanmerkingen omtrent eenige 
vreemde visschen. Uitgez. Verh. Soc. 
Wet. Amsterdam, 1765, 10, 506. 1765.1 


Houttuyn, VV. 

Beschrijving van eenige Japan- 

sche visschen en andere zecschepselen. 

Verh. Holl. Maatsch. Wet. Haarlem, 

1782, 20, pt. 2, 311-350. 1782.1 
See also Radermacher, J. C. M. 

Houy, Reinhard. Beitrige zur 
Kenntnis der Haftscheibe von Echeneis. 
Zool. Jahrb. (Anat. Abth.), 1909, 29, 101— 
138. 4 pls. & fig. 1909.1 

Hovey, Edmund Otis [1862 —] The 
geological and paleontological collec- 
tions in the American Museum of Nat- 
ural History. Science, 1900, 2. ser. 12, 
757-760. 1900.1 

Hovey, Hdmund Otis, & Whitfield, 
Rk. P. See Whitfield, & Hovey. 

Hovey, Horace Carter. The fisheries 
of the United States. Scient. Amer., 
1879, 41, 289. 1879.1 

A+ transparent fish. Scient. 
Amer., 1879, 41, 291. 1879.2 

The sturgeon fishery. Bull. U.S. 
Fish Comm. 1884, 4, 346-348. 1884.1 

Howard, A. D. The catfish as a host 
for freshwater mussels. Trans. Amer. 
Fisheries Soc. 1912 (1913), 65-70. 


Howard, Henry. Salmon eggs 
hatched out in New Zealand. Forest 
& Stream, 1876, 7, 3. 1876.1 

Exportation of whitefish ova to 
New Zealand in 1876. Rept. U.S. Fish 
Comm. 1875-76 (1878), 4,999. 1878.1 

Howden, J.C. Report on the fishes 
of the north-east of Scotland. Scot. 
Naturalist, 1887, 2. ser. 3,4-18. 1887.1 

Howe, F. Report of a dredging ex- 
pedition off the southern coast of New 
England, September, 1899. Bull. U.S. 
Fish Comm. 1899 (1901), 19, 237-240. 


Howe, John Allen, & Hind, Wheelton. 
See Hind, & Howe. 

Howell, Samuel. Notice of the shad 
and shad fisheries of the river Delaw are. 
Amer. Journ. Sci., 1837, 32, 134-140. 


Howes, George Bond [1853-1905] Zool- 
ogy and food fishes. Intern. Fisheries 
Exhib. Lit., London, 1883. Handbooks, 
2, pt. 2. ‘ 1883.1 

—— Atlas of practical elementary 
biology; with a preface by Prof. Huxley. 
London, 1885. 116 p. 24 pls. 4°. 



On the skeleton and affinities of 
the paired fins of Ceratodus with obser- 
vations upon those of Elasmobranchii. 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1887, 3-26. 
pls. 1887.1 

Observations on the pectoral fin- 
skeleton of the living batoid fishes, and 
of the extinct genus Squaloraja, with 
especial reference to the affinities of the 
same. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1890, 
675-688. figs. 1890.1 

On the intestinal canal of the 
Ichthyopsida, with especial reference to 
its arterial supply, and the appendix 
digitiformis. Journ. Linn. Soe. Lon- 
don, 1890, 23, 381-410. 2pls. 1890.2 

On the visceral anatomy of the 
Australian torpedo (Hypnos subnigrum), 
with especial reference to the suspension 
of the vertebrate alimentary canal. 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1890, 669-675. 
pl. 1890.3 

Variation in the kidney of the 
common thornback (Raia clavata): its 
nature, range, and probable significance. 
Journ. Anat. Physiol., London, 1890, 
24, 407-422. pl. 1890.4 

On some hermaphrodite genitalia 
of the codfish (Gadus morrhua), with 
remarks upon the morphology and phy- 
logeny of the vertebrate reproductive 
system. Journ. Linn. Soc. London, 
1891, 23, 539-558. pl. 1891.1 

On the arrangement of the living 
fishes, as based upon the study of their 
reproductive system. Rept. Brit. As- 
soc. Adv. Sci., 61. meet., 1891, 694-695. 
fig. 1891.2 

On the customary methods of 
describing the gills of fishes. Rept. 
Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 61. meet., 1891, 
702. 1891.3 

On the affinities, inter-relation- 
ships, and systematic position of Mar- 
sipobranchii. Proc. Trans. Liverpool 
Biol. Soc., 1892, 6, 122-147. 3 pls. 


On some remarkable variations 
of the respiratory organs of Petromyzon 
and Myxine. Proc. Zool. Soe. London, 
1893, 730-733. 1893.1 

On synostosis and curvature of 
the spine in fishes, with especial refer- 
ence to the sole. Proc. Zool. Soe. Lon- 
don, 1894, 95-101. pl. 1894.1 

The morphological method and 
progress. Rept. Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 



72. meet., 1902, 618-638. — Nature, 
.1902, 66, 522-530. 1902.1 

Howse, Richard [1821-1901] A ecat- 
alogue of the fossils of the Permian 
system of the counties of Northumber- 
land and Durham, drawn up at the re- 
quest of the Tyneside Naturalists’ Field 
Club. Trans. Tyneside Nat. Field 
Club, 1850, 1, 219-264. 1850.1 

Pisces, 231-237. 

Discovery of new and rare fossils 

in the marl-slate of hey Ann. 
Mag. Nat. Hist., 1869, 4. ser. 4, 368. 

Note on the discovery in 1836— 
37 of a fossil fish (Acrolepis kirkbyi, n. s.) 
in the upper division of the Magnesian 
limestone at Marsden. Trans. Nat. 
Hist. Soc. Northumb., 1880, 7, 171-173. 

Note on the capture of a very 
large tunny in the salmon nets, off 
Frenchman’s bay, near the mouth of the 

Tyne in August, 1885. Trans. Nat. 
Hist. Soc. Northumb., 1884-89, 8, 223- 
224. 1884.1 

Note on the visit of a shoal of 
tunny to the Northumberland coast in 
June, 1884. Trans. Nat. Hist. Soc. 
Northumb., 1884-89, 8, 221-222. 1884.2 

Catalogue of the fishes of the 
rivers and coast of Northumberland and 

Durham and the adjacent sea. Trans. 
Nat. Hist. Soe. Northumb., 1890, 10, 
327-384. 1890.1 

Catalogue of the local fossils in 
the museum of the Natural History 
Society. Trans. Nat. Hist. Soc. North- 
umb., 1890, 10; 227-288. 1890.2 
Pisces, p. 249-251. 
Coal-measures fishes, p. 268-272. 

a5 Fishes of the Carboniferous Limestone, p. 285-— 

Additions to the catalogue of the 
fishes of the rivers and coast of North- 
umberland and Durham and the ad- 
jacent sea. Trans. Nat. Hist. Soc. 
Northumb., 1894, 11, 350-356. 1894.1 

Scorpena dactyloptera and Se- 
bastes viviparus off the coast of North- 
umberland. Naturalist, London, 1894, 
174. 1894.2 

Torpedo hebetans Lowe, or T. 
nobiliana of some authors {captured in 
a trawl net off the Durham coast near 
Sunderland; Trans. Nat. Hist. Soc. 
Northumb., 1900, 13, 107. 1900.1 



Howse, Richard, Atthey, Thomas, 
& Hancock, Albany. See Hancock, 
Howse & Atthey. 

Howse, fichard, & Hancock, Al- 
bany. See Hancock & Howse. 

Hoy, James. Some account of the 
Trichiurus lepturus, of Linnzeus, found 

on the shore of the Moray-firth. Trans. 
Linn. Soc. London, 1815, 11, 210-212. — 
Isis (Oken), 1818, 1917-1918. 1815.1 

Hoy, Philo Romayne [1816-1892] 
Deep-water fauna of lake Michigan. 
Trans. Wisconsin Acad. Sci., 1870-72, 
98-101. — Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 4. ser. 
dd S19: 1870.1 

Mortality of fish in Racine 
river. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 21. 
meet., 1872, 198-199. 1872.1 


On the extent of the Wisconsin 
fisheries. Trans. Wisconsin Acad. Sci. 
1875-76 (1876), 3, 65-67. 1876.2 

Fish-culture. Trans. 
Acad. Sci. 1875-76 (1876), 3, 

Hoye, Kr. Undersogelser over klip- 
fiskesoppen. Bergen, 1902. 39 p. 5 
pls. 1902.1 

Hoyer, Heinrich. Ueber den feineren 
Bau der Milz von Fischen, Amphibien 
und Végeln. Inaug. Dissert. Strass- 
burg, 1892. 1892.1 

Zur Morphologie des Fischher- 
Bull. Intern. Acad. Sci. Cracovie, 
figs. 1900.1 

1900, 263-279. 

Ueber den Bau des Integuments 
von Hippocampus. Bull. Intern. Acad., 
Cracovie, 1901, 143-146. 1901.1 

Die geologischen Verhiltnisse 

der Umgegend von Sehnde. Zeitschr. 
Deutsch. Geol. Ges., 1902, 5, 84-143. 2 
pls. & 6 figs. 1902.1 

Hoyle, William Evans [1855 —] On 
the deep-water fauna of the Clyde sea- 
area. Journ. Linn. Soc. London, 1889, 
20, 442-472 1889.1 

Exhibit of and remarks on a col- 
oured sketch of a specimen of Beryx 
splendens. Mem. Proc. Manchester Lit. 

Phil. Soc., 1907, 51, xx. 1907.1 

Huard, Victor A. La question du 
saumon au lac Saint-Jean. Naturaliste 
Canadien, 1900, 27, 145-149. TIbid., 

1903, 30, 19-21. 1900.1 


Huard, V. A. 

Le saumon au lac Saint-Jean. 
Naturaliste Canadien, 1900, 27, 140- 
142. 1900.2 

concernant la 

Du nouveau 
“question de Il’anguille.”’ 
Canadien, 1901, 28, 5-9. 

Comment certains poissons sur- 
vivent au desséchement des piéces d’eau 
ou ils habitent. Naturaliste Canadien, 
1903, 30, 100-103. 1903.1 

Hubault, Paul. Lerepeuplement des 
riviéres et l’aquarium du Trocadéro. 
Rey. Scient., Paris, 1907, 5. sér. 7, 73- 
75. 1907.1 

Hubbard, Jesse W. The yolk nucleus 
in Cymatogaster aggregatus Gibbons. 
Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc., 1903, 33, 74-83. 
3 pls. 1903.1 

Hubbard, Oliver P. Letter relating 
to a singular diseased affection of the 
perch, Perca flavescens (in Cold pond, 
Ackworth, N. H.) Proce. Boston Soc. 
Nat. Hist. 1845-48 (1848), 2, 157. 


— On the resuscitation of frozen 
fish. Amer. Journ. Sci., 1850, 2. ser. 10, 
132-133. Ibid., 12, 291-292.— Ann. 
Mag. Nat. Hist., 2. ser. 6, 397-398. 


—— [Letter giving an account of a 
fish which was seen to fall to the earth, 
during a sudden squall of wind and rain, 
in a town in Vermont] Proc. Boston 
Soc. Nat. Hist. 1856-59 (1859), 6, 283. 


Hubbard, Waldo F. Report of sal- 
mon hatching operations in 1878 at the 
Clakamas hatchery. Rept. U. 8. Fish 
Comm. 1878 (1880), 6, 771-772. 1880:1 

Transportation of green brook 
trout and salmon eggs. Trans. Amer. 
Fisheries Soc. 1903 (1904), 79-81. 


Hubbard, (Rev.) William. A general 
history of New England. Boston, 1815. 
676 p. 8°. 1815.1 

Contains incidental mention of fisheries, also 
account of death of fish in a pond at Watertown, 
Mass., caused by mineral vapor. 

Hubbe, Mittheilungen iiber die 
Seefischerei in Keitum auf Sylt. Circul. 
Deutsch. Fischerei Ver. 1874 (1875), 
no. 3, 129. 1875.1 

Huber, G. Carl. A brief account of 
some observations on the sympathetic 



ganglia of vertebrates. Brit. Med. 
Journ., 1897, 2, 881; 1398-1401. 1897.1 

Huber, G. Carl, & De Witt, Lydia. A 
contribution on the motor nerve endings 
and on the nerve endings in the muscle 
spindles. Journ. Comp. Neurol., 1898, 
7, 169-230. -5 pls. 1898.1 

Huber, Gottfried. _Monographische 
Studien im Gebiete der Montigglersee 
(Siidtirol) mit besonderer Beriicksichti- 
gung ihrer Biologie. Inaug. Dissert. 
Zurich, 1905. Arch. Hydrobiol. Plank- 
ton., Stuttgart, 1, 1-81. figs. 1905.1 

Huber, 0. Die Kopulationsglieder 
der Selachier. Zeitschr. Wiss. Zool., 
Leipzig, 1901, 70, 592-674. 2 pls. & figs. 


Mitteilungen zur Kenntniss der 
Copulationsglieder bei den Selachiern. 
Anat. Anz., 1901, 19, 299-307. 1901.2 

Die Copulationsglieder von Le- 
viraja oxyrhynchus. Zool. Anz., 1908, 
32, 717-720. 4 figs. 1908.1 

Huber, Robert O. Interessante For- 
men und Funktionen der Schwimmblase 
von Fischen. Mitt. Nat. Ver. Univ. 
Wien, 1908, 6. Jahrg., 128-129. 1908.1 

Huberty, J. La pisciculture dans le 
lac de la Gileppe (Belgique) Etangs & 
Riviéres, 1896, 9. année, 34-40; Se 

Hubrecht, Ambrosius Arnold Wil- 
lem. Beitrige zur Kenntniss des Kopf- 
skeletes der Holocephalen. Niederl. 
Arch. Zool., 1876, 3, 255-276. pl. — 
Morphol. Jahrb., 3, 280-282. 1876.1 

On a new species of Coris (C. 
bleekeri) from the Molucca archipelago. 
Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1876, 4. ser. 17, 
214-215. 1876.2 

Pisces (In Bronn, H. G. Klas- 
sen und Ordnungen des Thier-Reichs, 
vol. vi. Leipzig & Heidelberg, 1876. 
6 vols. pls.) 1876.3 

Over eene nieuwe Gobius-sort 
uit de Noordzee. 2. Jaarversl. Zool. 
Stat. Nederl. Dierk. Ver., 1878, eho 

List of fishes collected during the 
two cruises of the ‘“‘ Willem Barents,” 
1878-79. Niederl. Arch. Zool. (Suppl.), 
1881-82,1. 5p. 1881.1 

On a collection of fishes from 
the St. Paul’s river, Liberia, with de- 
scription of three new species. Notes 
Leyden Mus., 1881, 3, 66-71. 1881.2 

“Wiiie6t S..S 


Fish-culture as seen at the Lon- 
don exhibition, with special reference to 
its history, apparatus and the methods 
used in the United States. Bull. U. 8. 
Fish. Comm., 1883, 3, 337-348. 1883.1 

Early ontogenetic phenomena 
in mammals and their bearing on our 
interpretation of the phylogeny of the 
vertebrates. Quart. Journ. Micr. Sci., 
London, 1909, 53, 63-68. 1909.1 

Contains references to fishes. 

Hucke, K. Gault in Bartin bei 
Degord (Hinterpommern)  Zeitschr. 
Deutsch. Geol. Gesell., 1905, 56, 165- 
173. 1905.1 

Huckfeldt, G. P. Paratilapia (Chro- 
mis) multicolor. Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. 
Kunde, 1904, 15. Jahrg., 261-262. 


Huddlestone, Frederick. Shipment 
of salmon ova to New Zealand in 1877. 
Rept. U. 8. Fish Comm. 1878 (1880), 
6, 863. 1880.1 

Hudson, George A. Carp caught in 
Ogeechee river. Bull. U.S. Fish Comm. 
1884, 4, 123. 1884.1 

Hudson, William Henry. Culture of 
landlocked salmon. Forest & Stream, 
1879, 12, 504. 1879.1 

Hudson, William M., Pike, Robert 
G., & Bill, James A. Sixth report of the 
commissioners of fisheries of the state 
of Connecticut, 1872. Hartford, 1872. 
36 p. 8°. 1872.1 

Seventh report of the commis- 
sioners of fisheries of the state of Con- 
necticut, 1873. Hartford, 1873. 48 p. 
8°. 1873.1 

Huebner, Adolph. Notes upon the 
increase and decrease of fish. Bull. U.S. 

Fish Comm. 1886 (1887), 6, 187—190. 

Om gosodling.  Fiskeritidskr. 
Finland, 1898, 7, 74-77. 1898.1 
Fischwirtschaft. Gesammelte 

Arbeiten aus 25-jaihriger 6ffentlicher 
Tatigkeit und 40-jihriger Praxis. Baut- 
zen, 1905. xi, 363 p. pls. 1905.1 

Huefner, Carl Gustav. Zur verglei- 
chenden Anatomie und Physiologie der 
Harneanilchen. Inaug. Dissert. Leip- 
zig |1866] 28 p. pl. 1866.1 

Zur physikalischen Chemie der 
Schwimmblasengase. Arch. Anat. Phy- 
siol. (A bth. Physiol.), 1892, 54-80. 2 pls. 



Huegel, A. de. Angler in Torbay. 
Zoologist, 1870, 2. ser. 5, 1984. 1870.1 

Huegel, Carl Alexander Anselm von 
[1796-1870] IKaschmir und das Reiche 
der Liek. 4 vols. Stuttgart, 1840-48. 


_ Bd. iv, Abth. 2. Fische Kaschmir’s nebst 
einem Anhang von drei neuen Arten aus Indien, 
von J. J. Heckel. 

Huene, (Baron) Friedrich von. De- 
vonische Fischreste aus der Eifel. 
Neues Jahrb. Mineral. Geol., 1900, 64— 
66. 2 figs. 1900.1 

Describes remains of Dinichthys and Rhyn- 
chodus. [R. emigratus Huene = R. major 

Rhynchodus emigratus von Huene. 
Centralbl. Mineral. Geol., 1900, 178. 

Die jungtriassische Wirbeltier- 
fauna von Niederschénthal bei Basel. 
Centralbl. Mineral. Geol., 1911, 422- 
424, 1911.1 

Hiinnemeier, B., & Konig, Joseph. 
See Konig & Hiinnemeier. 

Huet, Paul. Del influence du milieu 
sur les moeurs de quelques poissons 
de riviére. Bull. Soc. Acclimat. Paris, 
1904, 51. année, 47-54; 83-89. 1904.1 

Les époques de ponte des pois- 
sons en riviére et en eau dormante. Rev. 
Gén. Sci., Paris, 1906, 17, 817-820. — 
La Nature, 1906, pt. 1, 119. 1906.1 

Huet, W.G. (Notes on the trochlear 
and oculomotor nuclei and the trochlear 
root in the lower vertebrates) Versl. 
Akad. Wet. Amsterdam, Wis. Nat. Afd., 
1911, 19, 981-987. — Proce. Akad. Wet. 
Amsterdam, 13, 897-903. pl. & 5 figs. 


Hiitter, Johann. Ueber die Fische in 
dem Lunzer See und in der Ybbs. 
Schulprogramm Niederésterr. Landes- 
central- und Gewerbesch. Waidhofen 
a. d. Ybbs, 1874. 22 p. 8°. 1874.1 

Hufeland, Grundlage zu einer 
kiinftigen Zoonomie. Jena, 1798. 232p. 
8°. 1798.1 

Hughes, ElizabethG., & Eigenmann, 
Carl H. See Eigenmann & Hughes. 

Hughes, Elizabeth G., 
David Starr. 

& Jordan, 
See Jordan & Hughes. 

Hughes, Frank. Experiments on the 
production of artificial baits. Journ. 
Mar. Biol. Assoc., 1891—92, n. s. 2, 91— 
94; 220-221. 1891.1 




Hughes, Smith HE. Live ponds for 
fish in New Jersey. Bull. U. 8S. Fish 
Comm. 1881 (1882), 1, 349-351. 1882.1 

Experiments in penning sea-fish. 
Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1884, 4, 377— 

380. 1884.1 
Hughes, William R. Lepidogaster 
bimaculatus in an aquarium. Zoologist, 
1864, 22, 9131-9137. 1864.1 
The sleep of fishes. Zoologist, 

1874, 2. ser. 9, 3895-3897. 1874.1 

Zoologist, 1875, 

Large salmon. 

2. ser. 10, 4460. 

Hughilett, , & Ferguson, —— 
See Ferguson & Hughilett. 

Hugouneng, Z. Sur une albumine 
extraite des ceufs de poissons, et sur la 
chimie comparée des productions sexu- 
elles dans la méme espéce. C. R. Acad. 
Sci. Paris, 1904, 138, 1062-1064. — 
Journ. Pharm. Chim., 6. sér. 19, 521-524. 


Hugouneng, L., & Lortet. See 

Lortet & Hugounenq. 

Huitsfeldt-Kaas, Hartvig. Does 
the quality of the trout depend upon its 
food? (Text in Norwegian} Naturen, 
1901, 25, 177-185. 8 figs. 1901.1 

Young salmon and trout in a 
river on Jederen, Norway [Text in 
Norwegian] Norsk Tidskr. Fiskeri, 
1903, 22, 233-249. 1903.1 

Size of young salmon in two 
rivers in Smaalenene, Norway _ [Text 
in Norwegian} Norsk Tidskr. Fiskeri, 
1904, 23, 444446. 1904.1 

Hvorledes adskilles lakse-, orret- 
og roieyngel fra hinanden. [How to 
distinguish between young salmons, 
trouts and red chars] Norsk Jegerf. 
Tidskr., Kristiania, 1905, 34, 89-96. fig. 

Forsog med indforelse af gjors 
(Lucioperca. sandra) i norske vande 
(Versuche mit Aussetzung von Zander in 
norwegische Seen] Norsk Tidskr. Fis- 
keri, 1906, 25, 187-192. 1906.1 

Hoorfor udvandre fiskene fra 
QMstensjovandet? (Kine Massenauswan- 
derung von Siisswasserfischen aus dem 
@Mstensjésee bei Christiania)} Norsk 
Tidskr. Fiskeri, 1909, 28, 257-263. 


Fiskeribiologiske undersokelser 
i vande i Trondhjemsamterne. Norske 
Selsk. Skrift. 1912 (1913), no. 14. 75 p. 
59 figs. 1913.1 

Hulftegger, H. Bericht iiber Ver- 
suche mit dem R6éthelfang im Ziirichsee, 
11. November bis 21. Dezember 1890. 
Zentralbl. Jagd-, Hundeliebhaber & 
Fischereiwesen, 1891, 7, 114. 1891.1 

Der Triischenfang im _ obern 
Ziirichsee. Schweiz. Fischerei Zeitg., 
1893, 1, 9-13. Also separate; Pfiaffikon- 
Zurich, 1893. 4p. 8°. 1893.1 

Fischerei im  Konkordatsge- 
biet Ziirich-Wallensee, Winter 1895. 
Schweiz. Fischerei Zeitg., 1896, 4, 243- 
246. Also separate; Pfaffikon-Ziirich, 
1896. “sips 4 8. 1896.1 

Ueber Fang und Fortpflanzung 
des Hechtes im Ziirichsee Wahrend der 
Laichzeit im Frihjahr 1904. Schweiz. 
Fischerei Zeitg., 1904, 12, 101-105. 
Hull, Edward {1829 —] On the origin 
of the fishes of the sea of Galilee. Rept. 
Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 55. meet., 1885, . 
1066-1068. 1885.1 

— On the physical conditions of 
the Mediterranean basin which have 
resulted in a community of some species 
of freshwater fishes in the Nile and the 
Jordan waters. Quart. Journ. Geol. 
Soce., 1895, 51, 93-94. 1895.1 

Hulme, F. Edward. Natural history 
lore and legend. London, 1895. 350 p. 

illust. 8°. 1895.1 
Chapter v. Forms reptilian and piscine, p. 

Hulsiner, P. Some trout questions. 
Forest & Stream, 1879, 13, 584. 1879.1 

Hult, Ragnar [1857-1899] Faunan i 
de artesiska brunnarna i Algeriet. 
Georg. Foren. Tidskr., 1895, 7, no. 3, 
158-159. 1895.1 

Hulth, J. M., & others. Zoologiska 
studier. Festskrift W. Lilljeborg tilleg- 
nad p& hans Attiode fddelsedag af 
svenska zoologer. Upsala, 1896. xi, 
360 p. 17 pls. & illust. 4°. 1896.1 

i mci Lilljeborgiana, by J. M. 
i ‘Zur Kenntniss der Retina der Selachier, 
von G. Retzius. 

Humbert, Alois, & Pictet, F. J. See 
Pictet & Humbert. 

Humbert-Claude, £. Une gloire 
vosgienne, Remy, inventeur des procédés 
pratiques de pisciculture. Nancy, be 



Humboldt, (Baron) Friedrich Hein- 
rich Alexander von [1769-1859], & Bon- 
pland, A. J. A. Voyage aux régions 
equinoxiales du nouveau continent, fait 
en 1799-1804, etc. 24 vols. Paris, 
1805-37. pls. & atlases. 4° & fol. 

> 1805.1 

Pt. ii. [Zoologie] Recueil d’observations de 
zoologie et d’anatomie comparée, faites dans 
lVOcéan Atlantique, dans |’intérieur de nouveau 
continent et dans la Mer du Sud pendant les 
années 1799-1803. [This is the original text, 
afterwards cancelled, and corresponds to p. 1- 
309 of vol.i of the following, published at Paris 
in 1812} 

Vol. i, no. 3. Mémoire sur |’Eremophilus et 
l’Astroblepus, deux nouveaux genres de l’ordre 
des Apodes, p. 17-20. pls. vi-vii. 

No. 4. Mémoire sur une nouvelle espéce de 
Pimelode, jetée par les voleans du royaume de 
Quito, p. 21-25. pl. Abstract in Phil. Mag., 
1806, 24, 333-339. fig. 

No. 6. Mémoire sur une nouvelle espéce de 
Gymnote (G. equilabiatus) de lariviére de la Made- 
leine, p. 46-48. pl. 

No. 7. Observations sur l’anguille électrique 
(Gymnotus electricus Linn.) du nouveau conti- 
nent, p. 49-92. 

Vol. ii, no. 4. 
fluviatiles .. . Par MM. de Humboldt et Valen- 
ciennes, p. 145-216. 4 pls. 1811. 

Recherches sur les poissons 

— Beobachtungen aus der Zoologie 
und vergleichenden Anatomie gesam- 
melt auf einer Reise nach den Tropen- 
Lindern des neuen Kontinents in... 
1799-1804. Tiibingen & Paris, 1806. 
x, 212p. 14pls. 4°. 1806.1 

Versuche tiber die electrischen 
Fische. Ann. Physik (Gilbert), 1806, 
22, 1-13. — Nova Acta Erfurt, 1809, 4. 
— Notizen (Froriep), 1836, 49, 55-57. — 
Phil. Mag., 1805, 23, 356-360. 1806.2 

Personal narrative of travels to 
the equinoctial regions of the new con- 
tinent, during 1799-1804 . . . translated 
by H. M. Williams. 4 vols. London, 
1818-19. 8°. 1818.1 

Account of the electrical eel and 
of the means of catching them, ete. 
Edinb. Phil. Journ., 1820, 2, 242-249. 

Personal narrative of travels to 
the equinoctial regions of America, dur- 
ing the years 1799-1804. Translated 
and edited by Thomasina Ross. 3 vols. 
London, 1852. 1852.1 
penne, vol. ii, p. 113-130; 166-167; 437; 454— 


Humboldt, (Baron) Friedrich Hein- 
rich Alexander von, & Gay-Lussac, 
Louis Joseph, See Gay-Lussac «& 

Humboldt, Friedrich Heinrich Alex- 
ander von, & Provengal, See Pro- 
vencgal & Humboldt. 



Humboldt, Friedrich Heinrich Alex- 
ander von, & Valenciennes, Achille. 
Recherches sur les poissons fluviatiles 
(In Humboldt, F. H. A. von, & Bon- 
pland, A. J. A. Voyage aux régions 
equinoxiales du nouveau continent, fait 
en 1799-1804, etc., vol. ii, no. 4. Paris, 
1811) 1811.1 

Humphreys, (Mrs.) B. Statement 
concerning the menhaden fishery. Rept. 
U.S. Fish Comm. 1877 (1879), 5, 387. 


Humphreys, Henry Noel [1810- 
1879] River gardens; being an account 
of the best methods of cultivating fresh- 
water plants in aquaria, etc. London, 
IShiis Bl2s: 1857.1 

Humphreys, John. The suppression 
and specialization of teeth. Proc. Bir- 
mingham Phil. Soc., 1889, 6, 137-161. 


Humphry, George Murray [1820- 
1896] On the homologies of the lower 
jaw and the bones connecting it with the 
skull, in birds, reptiles and fishes. Rept. 
Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 35. meet., 1865, 
87-89. — Brit. Journ. Dental Sci., 8 
460-462. - 



On the homological relations to 
one another of the fins of fishes. Rept. 
Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 40. meet., 1870, 
141. 1870.1 

On the homological relations to 
one another of the mesial and lateral fins 
of osseous fishes. Journ. Anat. Physiol., 
London, 1871, 5, 59-66. 1871.1 

The muscles of Ceratodus. Journ. 
Anat. Physiol., London, 1872, 6, 279- 
287. fig. 1872.1 

The muscles of Lepidosiren [Pro- 
topterus| annectens, with the cranial 
nerves. Journ. Anat. Physiol., London, 
1872, 6, 253-270. fig. 1872.2 

The muscles of the smooth dog- 

fish (Mustelus levis) Journ. Anat. 
Physiol., London, 1872, 6, 271-278. 

Hunger, Oscar. Varieties of carp in 
Saxony. Bull. U.S. Fish Comm. 1883, 
3, 406. 1883.1 

Hunt, Arthur Roope. On the influ- 
ence of wave-currents on the fauna in- 
habiting shallow seas. Journ. Linn. Soe. 
London (Zool.), 1885, 18, 262—274. 

, 1885.1 
Fishes, p. 270-271. 


Hunt, Vhomas Sterry [1826-1892] 
Fish manures. Canadian Naturalist, 
1859, 4, 13-23. 1859.1 

Hunt, W.7. Astothe carp. Trans. 
Amer. Fisheries Soc. 1911 (1912), 189— 
194. 1912.1 

Hunter, John [1728-1793] Anatomi- 
cal observations on the torpedo. Phil. 
Trans. Roy. Soc. London, 1774, 63, 
481-489. pl. 1774.1 

Observations on the gillaroe 
trout, commonly called in Ireland the 
gizzard trout. Phil. Trans. Roy. Soe. 
London, 1774, 64, 310-317. 1774.2 

An account of the Gymnotus 
electricus. Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. Lon- 
don, 1775, 65, 395-407. 4 pls. 1775.1 

On the organ of hearing in fish. 
Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. London, 1782, 
72, 379-383. 1782.1 

Huntington, Ll. D. Waste of food 

fishes. Trans. Amer. Fisheries Soc. 
1896 (1897), 121-126. 1897.1 
Huntley, R. Hodgson. Return of 

fish caught in Carham lower water. 
Hist. Berwickshire Nat. Club, 1873-75 
(1876), 115-116. 1876.1 

Huot, André. Sur les capsules surré- 
nales, les reins, le tissu lymphoide des 
poissons lophobranches. C. R. Acad. 
Sci. Paris, 1897, 124, 1462-1464. 1897.1 

Préliminaire sur Jorigine des 
capsules surrénales des poissons lopho- 

branches. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1898, 
126, 49-50. 1898.1 
—— Recherches sur les _ poissons 

lophobranches. Ann. Sci. Nat. (Zool.), 

1902, 8. sér. 14, 197-288. 6 pls. Also 
separate; Paris, 1902. 91 p. 6 pls. 

Hurdis, |. L., Wedderburn, /. W.., 
& Jones, John Matthew. See Jones, 
Wedderburn «& Hurdis. 

Hurmalainen, Ju/o. 
ma-kanal [Der Aal in 

Alen och Sai- 
dem Saima- 

Kanal) Fiskeritidskr. Finland, 1908, 17, 
177.— Luonnon Ystivad, Helsingfors, 
12, 63-64. 1908.1 

Hurst, Charles Herbert, & Marshall, 
Arthur Milnes. See Marshall & Hurst. 

Huschke, Hmil [1796?-1883] De 
organorum respiratoriorum in anima- 
lium serie metamorphosi generatim 


scripta, et de vesicd natatorié piscium 
questio. Inaug. Dissert., Jena, 1818. 
Br 1818.1 
Review in Isis (Oken), 1819, 10, 1636. 
Ueber Weber’s Gehérknéchel- 

chen der Fische. Isis (Oken), 1822, 889- 
893. 1822.1 

Husen, Ebba von, Winkler, H. von, 

Schneider, G., & Levander, K. M. 
See Schneider, Levander «& others. 

Huske, C. J. Shad work in South 
Carolina. Bull. U.S. Fish Comm. 1883, 
3, 446. 1883.1 

Report on California trout dis- 
tribution in South Carolina in 1883. 
Bull. U. 8. Fish Comm. 1884, 4, 164. 


Report on the shad work in 
South Carolina in 1883. Transporta- 
tion of shad eggs on trays. Bull. U.S. 
Fish Comm. 1884, 4, 161-164. 1884.2 

Shad fishing on the Edisto river. 
Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1884, 4, 165. 

Hussakof, Louis [1881 —] Notes on 
the Devonian ‘‘ Placoderm,” Dinichthys 
intermedius Newb. Bull. Amer. Mus. 
Nat. Hist., 1905, 21, 27-36. pl. & 2 figs. 


On the structure of two im- 
perfectly known dinichthyids. 
Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., 1905, 21, 409— 
414. 3 pls. & 2 figs. 1905.2 

Studies on the Arthrodira. Mem. 
Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., 1906, 9, 105— 
154. 2 pls. & 25 figs. 1906.1 

Zebrasoma dean, a fossil surgeon- 
fish from the West Indies. Bull. Amer. 
Mus. Nat. Hist., 1907, 28, 125-126. pl. 

Catalogue of the type and figured 
specimens of fossil vertebrates in the 
American Museum of Natural History. 
Part I. Fishes. Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. 
Hist., 1908, 25, 1-103. 6 pls. & 49 figs. 


Preface by Bashford Dean, p. i-ii. 

(Review of] The Devonic fishes 
of the New York formations, by Charles 
R. Eastman. Science, 1908, n. s. 28, 
311-313. 1908.2 

A new goblin shark, Scapano- 
rhynchus jordani, from Japan. Bull. 
Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., 1909, 26, 257— 
262. pl. and 3 figs. Abstract in Science, 
n. s. 29, 437. 1909.1 

. o 



The systematic relationships of 
certain American arthrodires. Bull. 
Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., 1909, 26, 263- 
272. pl. & 8 figs. 1909.2 

—— Bibliography of Bashford Dean, 
1887-1909 (Privately printed] Washing- 
ton, D. C., 1910: 12p. 8°. 1910.1 

Louis Agassiz’s later views on 
the classification of fishes. Science, 
1910, n. s. 32, 925-926. 1910.2 

See also Eastman, C. R. Agassiz’s work on 
fossil fishes. Amer. Naturalist, 1898, 32, 170-185. 

The newly discovered goblin 
shark of Japan. Scient. Amer., 1910, 
102, 186. 3 figs. — Current Literature, 
1910, 48, 402-403. 4 figs. 1910.3 

Notes on the behavior and re- 
actions of Amphioxus. Science, 1910, 
n. s. 31, 475. 1910.4 

The spoonbill fishery of the 
lower Mississippi. Trans. Amer. Fish- 
eries Soc., 1910, 245-247. 1910.5 

Vertebrate paleontology and the 
evidences for recapitulation. Pop. Sci. 
Monthly, 1910, 77, 304-307. 1910.6 

Notes on some upper Devonian 
Arthrodira from Ohio, U. 8. A., in the 
British Museum (Natural History) 
Geol. Mag., 1911, 5. dec. 8, 123-128. 
pl. & 3 figs. 1911.1 

The Permian fishes of North 
America (In Case, E.C. Review of the 
Amphibia and Pisces of the Permian of 
North America. Carnegie Inst. Wash- 
ington, 1911, Publ. no. 146, 153-178. 
7 pls. & 4 figs.) 1911.2 

The spoonbill fishery of the 
lower Mississippi. Amer. Mus. Journ., 
1911, 11, 121-125. §8 figs. — Fishing 
Gazette, 1911, 28, 993-995. 6 figs. 
Abstract in Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci., 1911, 
21, 207. 1911.3 

The Cretaceous chimeroids of 
North America. Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. 
Hist., 1912, 31, 195-228. 2pls. 1912.1 

An extinct giant-shark. The 
race probably died out through its own 
rapacity. Scient. Amer. Suppl., 1912, 73, 
225. 2 figs. 1912.2 

Note on an embryo of Pristis 
cuspidatus. Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. 
Hist., 1912, 31, 327-330. 2 figs. 1912.3 

Notes on Devonic fishes from 
Scaumenac bay, Quebec. Bull. N. Y. 
State Mus., 1912, no. 158, 127-139. 3 
pls. & 6 figs. 1912.4 



(Review of} Les poissons wealdi- 
ens de Bernissart by R. H. Traquair. 
Science, 1912, n. s. 35, 306. 1912.5 

The spawning habits of the sea- 
lamprey, Petromyzon marinus. Amer. 
Naturalist, 1912, 46, 729-740. 5 figs. 
Abstract in Science, 1912, n. s. 35, 460— 
461.— Ann. N. Y. Acad: Set.,. 1912/22; 
358. 1912.6 

Description of four new Palzo- 
zoic fishes from North America. Bull. 
Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., 1913, 32, 245- 
250. pl. & 2 figs. 1913.1 

Ramsay Heatley Traquair. Sci- 
ence, 1913, n. s. 37, 509-511. 1913.2 

Sea-lampreys and their nests. 
Amer. Mus. Journ., 1913, 18, 323-325. 
3 figs. 1913.3 

Fishes swallowed by gar-pike. 
Copeia, 1914, no. 11, 2. 1914.1 

Notes on a small collection of 
fishes from Patagonia and Tierra del 
Fuego. Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., 
1914, 33, 85-94. 2 figs. 1914.2 

On two ambicolorate specimens 
of the summer flounder, Paralichthys 
dentatus, with an explanation of ambicol- 
oration. Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., 
1914, 33, 95-100. 2 figs. 1914.3 

(Review of] A catalogue of the 
fishes of Japan by David Starr Jordan, 
Shigeho Tanaka and John Otterbein 
Snyder. Science, 1914, n. s. 39, 178-179. 

The capture of a basking shark 
on Long Island. Copeia, 1915, no. 21, 

1-3. 1915.1 
Fishes of the deep sea. Amer. 

Mus. Journ., 1915, 15, 249-253. 4 figs. 

Toad-stones a myth. N. Y. 

Evening Post, Nov. 27, 1915, sect. 3, 
p: 3. 1915.3 

Refers to detached teeth of the fossil ganoid 

The lung-fish remains of the 
Coal Measures of Ohio, with special 
reference to the supposed amphibian 
Eurythorax of Cope. Bull. Amer. Mus. 
Nat. Hist., 1916, 35, 127-133. 1916.1 

A new pyenodont fish, Celodus 
syriacus, from the Cretaceous of Syria. 
Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., 1916, 35, 
135-137. 1916.2 


Hussakof, Louis, & Welker, William 
H. Notes on the chemica! nature of 
egg-cases of two species of sharks. Proc. 
Amer. Soc. Biol. Chemists, 1908, 1, 138— 
139. — Journ. Biol. Chem., 1908, 4, 
xliv—xlv. 1908.1 


Chemical notes on the 
capsules of two species of sharks. 
chem. Bull., 1911, 1, 216-221. pl. 

Hutchins, D. E. More about carp. 
Agric. Journ. Cape Good Hope, 1906, 
29, 197-222. 83 figs. 1906.1 

Hutchinson, Horace G. The de- 
crease of the salmon. Fortnightly Rev., 
1900, 74 (n. s. 68), 285-294. 1900.1 

(editor) Fishing. 2 vols. Lon- 
don & New York, 1904. pls. & figs. 8°. 

Pt. 3, 

Vol. i, pt. 1, Salmon. Pt. 2, Trout. 

Charr and gray ling. 
Volo, pte 1, Tarpons and gar-fish. Pt. 
Pike. Pt. 3, British sea fish. 

Hutchinson, H. N. 
other days. London, 1894. 
265 p. 8°. 

Fishes of bygone days, p. 23-48. 

Creatures of 
illust. xxiv, 

Hutchinson, J. Natural history of 
the frog-fish of Surinam. York, 1797. 
4°. Review in Trans. Linn. Soc. Lon- 

_ don, 6, 392. 1797.1 
Hutchinson, FR. D.  Fluefiskeriet 
anvendelse i Norge. Drammen, 1871. 
8°. 1871.1 

Hutchinson, R.F. Strange incuba- 
tion in fishes. Nature, 1880, 21, 226. 

Hutchinson, 7. N. On the Hip- 
pocampus brevirostris |H. antiquorum) 
Rept. Rugby School Nat. Hist. Soc., 
1872 (1873), 44-47. 1873.1 

Hutton, Frederick Wollaston [1836— 
1905] Contributions to the ichthyology of 
New Zealand. Trans. Proc. New Zea- 
land Instit., 1872, 5, 259-272. 4 pls. 

Ibid., 1876, 8, 209-218. Ibid., 1877, 9, 
353-354. 1872.1 

Notes on some New Zealand 
fishes. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1873, 4. 
ser. 12, 400-401. 1873.1 

Notes on some New Zealand 
fishes. Trans. Proc. New Zealand In- 
stit., 1874, 6, 104-107. 2 pls. 1874.1 

Descriptions of new species of 
Zealand fish. Ann. Mag. Nat. 
1875, 4. ser. 16, 313-317. 1875.1 




Descriptions of two new fishes 
from New Zealand  ([Percis gilliesii, 
Argentina elongata; Ann. Mag. Nat. 
Hist., 1879, 5. ser. 3, 53. 1879.1 
List of New Zealand fishes. 
Trans. Proc. New Zealand Instit. 
1889 (1890), 22, p. 275-285. 1890.1 
Notes on some New Zealand 
fishes, with description of a new species. 
Trans. Proc. New Zealand Instit., 1896, 
28, 314-318. 1896. 

On a marine Galaxias (G. bollansi) 

from the Auckland islands. Trans. 
Proc. New Zealand Instit., 1902, 34, 
198-199. 1902.1 

On the occurrence of Alepisaurus 

ferox on the coast of New Zealand. 

Trans. Proc. New Zealand Instit., 1902, 
34, 197. 1902.2 

Description of a new fish [Bo- 
vichthys roseopictus} Trans. Proc. New 
Zealand Instit., 1904, 36, 148-149. 


Index faunse Nove Zealandiz. 
London, 1904. 372 p. 8°. 1904.2 

On the occurrence of Centrolo- 
phus in New Zealand. Trans. Proc. New 
Zealand Instit., 1904, 36, 149-150. 


Hutton, Frederick Wollaston, & Hec- 
tor, James. Fishes of New Zealand. 
Catalogue with diagnoses of the species; 
with notes on the edible fishes by James 
Hector. Wellington, 1872. 133 et 

Hutton, J. A. Wye salmon; results 
of scale reading, 1908 to 1912. Salmon 
& Trout Mag., 1913, 5, 14-89. 1913.1 

Hutton, William [1797-1860] Notes 
on the New Red Sandstone of the 
county of Durham, below the Magnesian 
limestone. Trans. Nat. Hist. Soe. 
Northumb., 1831, 1, pt. 1, 60-71. 1831.1 

Contains observations on fossil fishes. 

Huxley, Thomas Henry [1825-1895] 
For biography and list of scientific 
writings, see Life and letters of T. H. 
Huxley, by his son L. Huxley. 2 vols. 
London, 1900. 8°. Also The scientific 
memoirs of T. H. Huxley. 4 vols. 
London, 1898-1903. 8°. 

Observations on the genus 
Pteraspis. Rept. Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sei., 
28. meet., 1858, 82-83. 1858.1 

On Cephalaspis and Pteraspis. 
Journ. Geol. Soc., 1858, 14, 267— 
pls. 1858.2 



Observations on the develop- 
ment of some parts of the skeleton of 
fishes. Quart. Journ. Micr. Sci., 1859, 
7, 33-46. 1859.1 

i. On the development of the tail in teleos- 
tean fishes. ii. On the development of the palato- 
pterygoid are and hyomandibular suspensorium 
in fishes. 

Ceylon fishes, a memorandum 
(In Tennent, J. E. Sketches of the 
natural history of Ceylon, p. 364-366. 
London, 1861) 1861.1 

On Pteraspis dunensis (Archeo- 
teuthis dunensis Roemer) Quart. Journ. 
Geol. Soc., 1861, 17, 163-166. 2 figs. 


Preliminary essay upon the 
systematic arrangement of the fishes of 
the Devonian epoch. Mem. Geol. Surv. 
United Kingdom, 1861, 10. dec., 1-46. 
2 pls. & 21 figs. 1861.3 

Archeoteuthis dunensis Roem. ist 
ein Pteraspis. Neues Jahrb. Mineral., 
1862, 227. 1862.1 

British fossils. Illustrations of 
the structure of the crossopterygian 
ganoids. Mem. Geol. Surv. United 
Kingdom, 1866, 12, 1-48. 10 pls. 1866.1 

A manual of the anatomy of 
vertebrated animals. London, 1871. 
510 p. 110 figs. 8°. 1871.1 

British fossils (Holophagus gulo} 
Mem. Geol. Surv. United Kingdom, 
1872, 13. dec. 1p. pl. 1872.1 

Preliminary note upon the brain 
and skull of Amphiorus lanceolatus. 
Proce. Roy. Soe. London, 1874-75 (1875), 
23, 127-132.— Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 
1875, 4. ser. 15, 225-230. figs. Abstract 
in Journ. Zool. (Gervais), 4, 237-239. — 
Amer. Journ. Sci., 1875, 3. ser. 9, 404— 
405. 1875.1 

On Ceratodus forsteri, with ob- 
servations on the classification of fishes. 
Proc. Zool. Soe. London, 1876, 24-59. 
11 figs. Abstract in Journ. Zool. (Ger- 
vais), 1876, 5, 446-449. 1876.1 

On the nature of the craniofacial 
apparatus of Petromyzon. Journ. Anat. 
Physiol., London, 1876, 10, 412-429. 2 
pls. 1876.2 

Howes (1891) says of this paper: ‘‘ All recent 
inquiry into the morphology of the cranio-facial 
apparatus of the marsipobranchs finds its focus 
in Huxley’s monograph, in which the presence of 
true jaws was first demonstrated and the complex 
apparatus of the Petromyzontide was brought 
into harmony with that of the higher Gnatho- 



On the position of the anterior 
nasal apertures in Lepidosiren. Proc. 
Zool. Soc. London, 1876, 180-181. fig. 

The herring. Nature, 1881, 23, 
607-613. 1881.1 

A contribution to the pathology 
of the epidemic known as the ‘‘salmon 
disease.”’ Proc. Roy. Soc. London, 1882, 
33, 381-389. 1882.1 

Fish diseases. Intern. Fisheries 
Exhib. Lit., London, 1883. Conferences, 
Gy ptadeetolep: 1883.1 

On the oviducts of Osmerus; 
with remarks on the relations of the 
teleostean with the ganoid fishes. Proc. 
Zool. Soe. London, 1883, 132-139. 2 
figs. 1883.2 

Huxley, Thomas Henry, & Egerton, 
(Sir) Philip de Malpas Grey. See 
Egerton & Huxley. 

Huxley, Thomas Henry, 
George Shaw, & Caird, James. 
Caird, Huxley «& Lefevre. 

Huxley, Thomas Henry, & Walpole, 
Spencer. On Saprolegnia in relation to 
the salmon disease. Extracted from the 
twenty-first Annual Report of H. M.’s 
Inspectors of Salmon Fisheries. Quart. 
Journ. Micr. Sci., 1882, n. s. 22, 311- 
333. 5 figs. Abstract in Nature, 1882, 
25, 437. 1882.1 

Huyler, A.J. Shad as shrimp eaters. 
Forest & Stream, 1876, 6, 233. 1876.1 

Huyssen van Kattendijke, /. L. 
Kunstmatige bevruchting van visschen. 
Jaarb. Zool. Genootsch. Natura Artis 
Magistra, Amsterdam, 1853, 113-117. 


Hyde, Ida H. Localization of the 


respiratory centre in the skate. Amer. 
Journ. Physiol., 1904, 10, 236-258. figs. 

Differences in electrical poten- 
tial in developing eggs. Amer. Journ. 
Physiol., 1905, 12, 241-275. 


Relates to eggs of Fundulus. 

The effect of salt solutions on the 
respiration, heart-beat and_blood_pres- 
sure in the skate. Amer. Journ. Phys- 
iol., 1908-09, 23, 201-213. 1908.1 

A study of the respiratory and 
cardiac activities and blood pressure in 
the skate following intravenous injec- 
tions of salt solutions. Kansas Univ. 
Sci. Bull., 1909, 15, 29-63. pl. & 49 figs. 


Hyde, James F.C. Information con- 
cerning experiment with black bass in 
Baptist or Weswall’s pond, Newton 
Centre; Mass. Rept. Comm. Inland 
Fisheries, Mass., 1874, p. 35. Jbid., 1875, 
30-31. 1874.1 

Hyerson, P. P. B. Experiment in 
trout hatching and rearing in Arkansas. 
Trans. Amer. Fisheries Soc. 1890 (1891), 
46-48. 1891.1 

Hymans, Rapport fait 4 la 
chambre des représentants le 17 mai 
1866, au nom de la commission chargée 
de faire une enquéte sur la situation de 

la péche maritime en Belgique. Moni- 
teur Belge, 1866, 591-637. Also sepa- 
rate; Bruxelles, 1866. 8°. 1866.1 

Hyrtl, Carl Joseph [1811-1894] An- 
tiquitates anatomic rariores, quibus 
origo, inecrementa et status anatomes, 
apud antiquissimz memorize gentes, 
historica fide illustrantur. Vindobone, 
1835. 109 p. 3pls. 8°. 1835.1 

Ueber die Caudal- und Kopf- 
Sinuse der Fische, und das damit zu- 
sammenhingende Seitengefiiss-System. 
Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Miller), 1843, 
224-240. — Ann. Sci. Nat. (Zool.), 2. 
sér. 20, 215-229. 1843.1 

Sur le systéme vasculaire des 
poissons. L’Institut, 1844, 12, 239-240. 

Lepidosiren paradoxa: Mono- 
graphie. Abh. Béhm. Ges. Wiss. 1845— 
44 (1845), 5. ser. 3, 605-668. 5 pls. 
Also separate; Prag, 1845. 5 pls. 1845.1 

Ueber das angebliche Fehlen der 
Harnblase bel einigen Fischgattungen. 
Sitzber. Akad. Wiss. Wien, 1849, 3, pt. 
2, 9-10. 1849.1 

Ueber die Uebergiinge der dop- 
pelten Ovarien in die einfachen bei den 

Fischen. Sitzber. Akad. Wiss. Wien, 
1849, 2, 249. 1849.2 
(Ueber einige Eigenthiimlich- 

keiten der Schwimmblase bei der Gat- 
tung Caranx] Sitzber. Akad. Wiss. 
Wien, 1849, 2, 331-334. 1849.3 

Vortrag iiber einige interessante 
Abweichungen der unteren Wirbelbogen 
der Fische. Sitzber. Akad. Wiss. Wien, 
1849, 2, 79-85. 1849.4 

—— Beitrige zur Morphologie der 
Urogenital-Organe der Fische. Denk- 
sehr. Akad. Wiss. Wien, 1850, 1, 391- 
Ati. 2"pls: 1850.1 



Ueber das Arterien-System des 
Lepidosteus.  Sitzber. Akad. Wiss. 
Wien, 1851, 8, 234-241. 1851.1 

Das uropoétische System der 
Knochenfische. Denkschr. Akad. Wiss. 
Wien, 1851, 2, 27-100. 1851.2 

Ueber die Pori abdominales, die 
Kiemenarterien und die Glandula thy- 
roidea der Ganoiden. Sitzber. Akad. 

Wiss. Wien, 1852, 8, 179-185. 1852.1 

Ueber die Schwimmblase des 
Lepidosteus osseus.  Sitzber. Akad. 
Wiss. Wien, 1852, 8, 71. 1852.2 

Ueber das Labyrinth und die 
Aortenbogen der Gattung Ophiocepha- 

lus. Sitzber. Akad. Wiss. Wien, math.- 
nat. Cl., 1853, 10, 148-152. Also sepa- 
rate; Wien, 1853. 8°. 1853.1 

Beitrag zur Anatomie von Hete- 
rotis ehrenbergii C. et V. Denkschr. 
Akad. Wiss. Wien, 1854, 8, 73-88. 3 
pls. Abstract in Sitzber. Akad. Wiss. 
Wien, 12, 396-399. 1854.1 

Ueber den Zusammenhang der 
Geschlechts- und Harnwerkzeuge bei 
den Ganoiden. Denkschr. Akad. Wiss. 
Wien, 1854, 8, 65-72. 3 pls. Abstract 
in Sitzber. Akad. Wiss. Wien, 12, 179- 
180. 1854.2 

Ueber weibliche Oviducte bei 
minnlichen Chimaeren, und eine mann- 
liche Vesicula seminalis bei Weibchen. 
Sitzber. Akad. Wiss. Wien, 1854, 11, 
1078-1087. pl. 1854.3 

Zur Anatomie von Saccobranchus 
singio C. et V. Sitzber. Akad. Wiss. 
Wien, 1854, 11, 302-307. pl. 1854.4 

Ueber die accessorischen Kie- 
menorgane und den Darmeanal der Clu- 
peaceen. Sitzber. Akad. Wiss. Wien, 
math.-nat. Cl., 1855, 17, 163-166. — 
Denkschr. Akad. Wiss. Wien, math.-nat. 
Cl., 1856, 10, 1. Abth., 47-58. 3 pls. 


Anatomische Mittheilungen tiber 
Mormyrus und Gymnarchus. Denk- 
schr. Akad. Wiss. Wien, 1856, 12, 1—22. 
6 pls. Abstract in Sitzber. Akad. Wiss. 
Wien, 19, 94-97. 1856.1 

Systéme vasculaire des raies. 
L’ Institut, 1857, 25. 1857.1 

Das arterielle Gefiasssystem der 
Rochen. Denkschr. Akad. Wiss. Wien, 
1858, 15, 1-36. 5 pls.- Abstract in 
Sitzber. Akad. Wiss. Wien, 1857, 265, 
236-239. 1858.1 

oe oe Cee See, +! = - ee 


Sur l’anatomie du Clarotes heu- 
L’Institut, 1858, 26,22. 1858.2 


Ueber den Amphibienkreislauf 
von Amphipnous und Monopterus. 
Denkschr. Akad. Wiss. Wien, math.- 
nat. Cl., 1858, 14, 1. Abth., 38-49. pl. 

Contains incidental references to fishes. 

Anatomische Untersuchung des 
Clarotes (Gonocephalus) heuglini Kner, 
mit eimer Abbildung und einer osteolo- 
gischen Tabelle der Siluroiden. Denk- 
schr. Akad. Wiss. Wien, 1859, 16, 1-18. 
pl. Abstract in Sitzber. Akad. Wiss. 
Wien, 26, 371-372. 1859.1 

Vorlaufige Anzeige tber geféiss- 
lose Herzen. Sitzber. Akad. Wiss. 

Wien, 1859, 33, 572-577. 1859.2 
Das Fischherz, p. 576-577. 
Ueber anangische (gefisslose) 

Netzhiute. Sitzber. Akad. Wiss. Wien, 
1861, 43, 1. Abth., 207-212. 1861.1 

Ueber das epigonale Kiemenor- 
gan der Lutodeira, mit einer Tafel und 
einer osteologischen Tabelle der Clupei- 
den Cuvier’s. Sitzber. Akad. Wiss. 
Wien, math.-nat. Cl., 1861, 43, 1. Abth., 
155-156. 1861.2 

Ueber die Nierenkniiuel der 
Haifische. Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ver. Wien, 
1861, 11, 125-132. 1861.3 

Ueber Wirbelsynostosen und 
Wirbelsuturen bei Fischen. Denkschr. 
Akad. Wiss. Wien, 1862, 20, 95-110. 3 

pls. Abstract in Sitzber. Akad. Wiss. 
Wien, 40, 273-275. 1862.1 
On nerves without ends. Quart. 

Rev. Nat. Hist., London, 1863, 95. 

Ueber besondere Eigenthiim- 
lichkeiten der Kiemen und des Skeletes, 
und uber das epigonale Kiemenorgan 
von Lutodeira chanos. Denkschr. Akad. 
Wiss. Wien, 1863, 21, 1. Abth., 1-10. 
pl. Abstract in Sitzber. Akad. Wiss. 
Wien, 43, 1. Abth., 155-156. 1863.2 

Ueber die Injectionen der Wir- 
belthiernieren und deren Ergebnisse. 


Sitzber. Akad. Wiss. Wien, 1863, 47, 
1. Abth., 146-204. 1863.3 

Ueber eine neue Rippenart und 
tiber das Labyrinth von Polyacanthus 
hasselti. Denkschr. Akad. Wiss. Wien, 
1863, 21, 11-16. 2 pls. Abstract in 
Sitzber. Akad. Wiss. Wien, math.-nat. 
Cl., 1862, 44, 1. Abth., 191-192. Also 
separate; Wien, 1862. 4°. 1863.4 

Ueber das Verhalten der Leber- 
arterie zur Pfortader bei Amphibien 
und Fischen. Sitzber. Akad. Wiss. 
Wien, 1864, 49, 1. Abth., 167-175. pl. 

Ueber eine Eigenthiimlichkeit 
des Schlundes von Catla buchanani. 
Sitzber. Akad. Wiss. Wien, 1864, 49, 
1. Abth., 161-166. pl. 1864.2 

Ueber die Einmiindung des 
Ductus choledochus in eine Appendix 

pylorica. Sitzber. Akad. Wiss. Wien, 
1865, 50, 1. Abth., 39-41. pl. Also 
separate; Wien, 1864. 3p. 8°. 1865.1 

Ueber den Seitencanal von Lota. 
Sitzber. Akad. Wiss. Wien, 1866, 53, 1. 
Abth., 551-556. Abstract in Ann. 
Mag. Nat. Hist., 1866, 3. ser. 18, 264. — 
Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat. Genéve, 1866, n. s. 
27, 279-280. Also separate; Wien, 1866. 
8°. 1866.1 

Ueber Ampullen am Ductus 
cysticus der Fische. Denkschr. Akad. 
Wiss. Wien, 1868, 28, 185-190. 3 pls. 

Ueber die Blutgefiisse der dus- 
sern Kiemendeckelkieme von Polypterus 
lapradei Steindachner. Sitzber. Akad. 
Wiss. Wien, 1869, 60, 1. Abth., 109-113. 
pl. Also separate; Wien, 1870. 5 p. 
Sz 1869.1 

Die Kopfarterien der Haifische. 
Denkschr. Akad. Wiss. Wien, 1872, 32, 
1. Abth., 263-275. 3 pls. Also separate; 
Wien, 1872. 15p. 4°. 1872.1 

Das Arabische und Hebriische 
inder Anatomie. Wien, 1879. xlvii, 311 
joe ates 1879.1 

Die alten deutschen Kunstwerke 
der Anatomie. Wien, 1884. xxi, 230 p. 
Se: 1884.1 

Ibbetson, G. A. On fossil teeth of 
fishes in the Palzeozoic and lower mem- 

bers of the Mesozoic rocks. London, 
1867. 6 pls. 8°. 1867.1 
Iches, Lucien. Un_ ichthyométre 

nouveau. Bull. Soe. Acclim. Paris, 1908, 
55, 184-186. 2 figs. 1908.1 

Le pejerrey et son introduction 
en France. Bull. Soc. Acclim. Paris, 
1910, 57, 245-250. 1910.1 

Principaux poissons comestibles 
del’Argentine. Bull. Soc. Acclim. Paris, 
1911, 58, 321-329. 1911.1 

Thering, Hermann von [1850 —] For 
list of published writings, see Bibliogra- 
phia dos trabalhos scientificos do Dr. 
Herm. ann von Ihering. Notas prelimi- 
nares. Revist. Mus. Paulista, 1911, n. s. 
8, no. 2: 39 p. 

Das peripherische Nervensystem 
der Wirbelthiere als Grundlage fiir die 
Kenntniss der Regionenbildung der 
Wirbelsiule. Leipzig, 1878. 1878.1 

Ueber Wirbelverdoppelung bei 
Fischen. Zool. Anz., 1878, 1, 72-74. 

Zur Kenntniss der Gattung Gi- 
rardinus. Zeitschr. Wiss. Zool., 1883, 
38, 468-490. pl. 1883.1 

Ueber Brutpflege und Entwick- 
lung des Bagre (Arius commersonii Lac.) 
Biol. Centralbl., 1888, 8, 268-271. 


Bemerkungen iiber die zoolo- 
gisch-systematische Bedeutung der 
Fisch-Otolithen. Sitzber. Ges. Naturf. 
Freunde Berlin, 1891, 23-26. 1891.1 

Ueber die zoologisch-systemati- 
sche Bedeutung der Gehérorgane der 
Teleostier. Zeitschr. Wiss. Zool., 1891, 
52, 477-514. pl. 1891.2 

; — Die Kiistenfische von Rio Grande 
do Sul. Deutsch. Volkskal. Brasilien, 
1893, 89-119. 1893.1 

Die Siisswasser-Fische von Rio 
Grande do Sul. Deutsch. Volkskal. 
Brasilien, 1893, 1-88. 1893.2 

Os peixes da costa do mar no 
estado do Rio Grande do Sul para o 
anno 1897. Ann. Graciano A. do Azam- 
buja, 1897, 98-123. — Revist. Mus. 
Paulista, 1896, 2, 25-63. 1897.1 

Contributions to the herpetology 
of Sao Paulo, Brazil. Proc. Acad. Nat. 
Sci. Philad., 1898, 101-109. 1898.1 

Includes the description of a new species of 
fish, Panlicea jahu, p. 108-109. 

Os peixes d’agua doce do estado 
do Rio Grande do Sul. Ann. Estado Rio 
Grande, 1898, 161-190. 1898.2 

Observagoées sobre os peixes fos- 
seis do Taubaté. Revist. Mus. Paulista, 
1899, 3, 71-75. 1899.1 

Bibliographia 1900-01. Historia 
natural e anthropologia do Brazil. Re- 
vist. Mus. Paulista, 1902, 5, 683-739. : 

Thering, Rudolf von. Descriptions 
of four new loricarid fishes of the genus 
Plecostomus from Brazil. Ann. Mag. 
Nat. Hist., 1905, 7. ser. 15, oe ; 

Diversas especies novas de peixes 
nematognathas do Brazil. Notas pre- 
liminares. Revist. Mus. Paulista, 1907, 
n.s. 1, 13-39. 1907.1 

Notas preliminares, fasciculo 1. 
Revist. Mus. Paulista, 1907, n.s. 4, 1-11. 

Os peixes da agua doce do Brazil. 
Revist. Mus. Paulista, 1907, 7, 258-335. 
pl. & 7 figs. 1907.3 

Algumas especies novas de peixes 
d’agua doce (Nematognatha) Revist. 
Mus. Paulista, 1911, n. s. 8, 380-404. ; 

New species are described of the genera Cory- 
doras, Plecostomus, and Hempsylichthys. 

Bibliographia 1908-1910. An- 
thropologia e zoologia do Brazil. Revist. 
Mus. Paulista, 1911, n. s. 8, Ee 3 

Piscicultura no Brazil. Rev. 
Agricola ‘‘ Chacaras e Quintaes,’’ Sao 
Paulo, 1912, 5, nos. 3-5. 1912.1 


Duas especies novas de peixas da 
familia Cichlide. Revist. Mus. Paulista, 
1914, n. s. 9, 333-337. 1914.1 

Illidge, Thomas. On. Ceratodus for- 
steri. Proc. Roy. Soc. Queensland, 1893. 
4p. 1893.1 

Imbert, A. Sur lorigine du cceur, 
des cellules vasculaires migratrices et des 
cellules pigmentaires chez les téléostéens. 
C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1909, 149, 688— 
689. 1909.1 

Imhof, Gottlicb. Prof. Dr. Rudolf 
Burckhardt, 1866-1908. Verh. Naturf. 
Ges. Basel, 1910, 20, 1-37. 1910.1 

List of publications, p. 32-37. 

Imhof, Othmar Emil. Studien zur 
Kenntniss der pelagischen Fauna der 
Schweizerseen. Zool. Anz., 1883, 6, 
466-471. 1883.1 

Studien iiber die Fauna hochal- 
piner Seen, insbesondere des Kantons 
Graubiinden. Chur, 1886. 118 p. 8°. 

-Notizen iiber die pelagische 
Fauna der Siisswasserbecken. Zool. 

Anz., 1887, 10, 577-582; 604-606. 


Fauna der Siisswasserbecken. 

Zool. Anz., 1888, 11, 166-172; 185-189. 

Renseignements sur l’existence 
des étres vivants sous la glace dans les 
lacs des hautes Alpes. Genéve, 1892. 
2370) alee 1892.1 

Ueber das Vorkommen yon 
Fischen in den Alpenseen der Schweiz- 
erschen Seen von 473-2460 Meter iiber 
Meer. Biol. Centralbl., 1894, 14, 294— 

298. 1894.1 
Fortpflanzung des Aales. Biol. 
Centralbl., 1896, 16, 431-433. 1896.1 

Imkeller, Hans. Die Kreidebildun- 
gen und ihre Fauna am Stallauer Eck 
und Enzenauer Kopf bei Télz. Ein 
Beitrag zur Geologie der bayerischen 
Alpen. Paleontogr., 1901, 48, 1-64. 
3 pls. & 7 figs. 1901.1 

Includes some mention of Cretaceous fishes. 

Immermann, Ferdinand. Die in- 
nere Struktur der Schollen-Otolithen. 
Beitrage zur Altersbestimmung der 
Fische. II. Wiss. Meeresuntersuch. 
Kiel (Abt. Helgoland), 1908, n.s. 8, 129- 
176. 5 pls. & 10 figs. 1908.1 



Imms, A. D. Notes on the gill- 
rakers of the spoonbill sturgeon, Polyo- 
don spathula. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 
1904, pt. 2. pl. 1904.1 

On the oral and pharyngeal den- 

ticles of elasmobranch fishes. Proc. 
Zool. Soc. London, 1905, 41-49. pl. 


Indrenius, M. Anders. Anmirknin- 

gar om Ruovesi socken. Tidn. & Sallsk. 
Abo, 1785, 123-126; 137-141; 145-148. 

Inge, Marc. Recherches sur les 
nerfs cérébraux et la musculature cépha- 
lique de Silurus glanis. Rev. Suisse 
Zool., 1899, 6. 1899.1 

Ingenhousz, John [1730-1799] Ex- 
tract of a letter from Dr. John Ingen- 
housz, containing some experiments on 
the torpedo, made at Leghorn, January 
1, 1773. Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. London, 

1775, 65, 1-4. goal 

Ingersoll, Hrnest [1852 —] A short 
lecture on fishes. Forest & Stream, 
1877, 8, 176. 1877.1 

On the fish mortality in the gulf 
of Mexico. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. 1881 
(1882), 4, 74-80. 1882.1 

Ingersoll, John M. The morphology 
of the turbinals. Med. Rec. New York, 
1908, 74, 509. 1908.1 

Contains incidental references to fishes. 

Ingham, Rk. H. Statement concern- 
ing the menhaden fishery. Rept. U.S. 
Fish Comm. 1877 (1879), 5, 433. 1879.1 

Inghilleri, F. Sur l’étiologie et la 
pathogenése de la peste rouge des anguil- 
les. Note préventive. Arch. Ital. Biol., 
Torino, 1903, 39, 309-318. 1903.1 

Sulla etiologia e patogenesi della 
peste rossa della anguille. Acquicolt. 
Lombarda, Milano, 1904, 6, 1-8; 61-69; 
93-100. 1904.1 

Innes (junior), William T. Preserv- 
ing fish specimens. Aquarium, Dec. 
1912, 59. 1912.1 

Inoko, Y., & Takahashi, D. 
Takahashi & Inoko. 

Inostranzev, A. Dactylodus rossicus 
sp. nov. Trav. Soc. Naturalistes, St. 
Pétersb., 1888, 19, 1-18. pl. 1888.1 

Inouye, #&., Bharatkar, K. C., 
Suzuki, U., Mihata, V., & Otsuki, S. 
See Suzuki, Mihata «& others. 



Ionescu, C. N. Les pores abdomi- 
naux des Acipenserides. Ann. Sci. Univ. 
Jassy, 1905, 3, 167-168. 1905.1 

Iperen, J. van. Waarneming van een 
zeldzamen zeevisch, omtrent den keer- 
kring van den kreeft. Natuurk Verh. 
Holl. Maatsch. Wet. Haarlem, 1867, 2. 
ser. 12, 3. 1867.1 

Irarrazaval, Alfredo. La pesca en 
el Japon. Boletin de Bosques, Pesca i 
Caza, Santiago, 1912, 1, 385-390. 1912.1 

Irgens, A. Om _ Kilenotfiskeriet. 
Medd. Norsk Jaeger & Fisker-Forening, 

Christiania, 1873, 2. Jahrg., 97-111. 
Also separate; Christiania, 1873. 16 p. 
me 1873.1 

Irving, Washington [1783-1859] As- 
toria, or anecdotes of an enterprise be- 
yond the Rocky mountains. 2 vols. 
Philadelphia, 1836. 8°. 1836.1 
The fishes and fisheries. especially salmon, 
are noticed in vol. ii, chaps. 9 & 14. 

Isaac, Pound fishing in Long 
Island sound. Amer. Sportsman, 1874, 
4, 379. 1874.1 

Notes on the Spanish mackerel, weak-fish, 
blue-fish, bonito, black fish, sharks, etc. 

Ishihava, MW. Ueber die Flossenbe- 
wegung des Seepferdchens. Arch. Ges. 
Physiol., 1905, 109, 300-306. fig. 


Ishikawa, Chiyomatsu. A_prelimi- 
nary note on the fishes of lake Biwa. 
Zool. Mag. Tokyo, 1895, 7, 120. _ figs. 


On the variations of the propor- 
tional lengths of the head, etc., as to the 
total length in our common eel. Annot. 
Zool. Japon., Tokyo, 1898, 2, 125-126. 


Notes on two new species of 
fishes from the lake Biwa. Annot. 
Zool. Japon., Tokyo, 1901, 3, 161-164. 
pl. 1901.1 

Notes on some new. or little 
known fishes of Japan. Proc. Nat. Hist. 
Tokyo Mus., 1904, 1, 1-17. 7pls. 1904.1 

Description of a new species of 
squaloid shark (Squalus japonicus) from 
Japan. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad., 
1908, 60, 71-73. 1908.1 

Ishikawa, Chiyomatsu, & Matsuura, 
K. Preliminary catalogue of fishes, 
including Dipnoi, Cyclostomi and Cepha- 
lochorda, in the collection of the natural 



history department, Imperial Museum. 
Tokyo, 1897. 64p. 8°. 1897.1 

Issel, Arturo [1842 —] Di un raris- 
simo squalo pescato nel golfo della 
Spezia. Roma, 1876. pl. 1876.1 

Bibliografia scienifica della Lig- 
uria. I. Geologia, paleontologia, minera- 
logia, etc. Genova, 1887. 113 p. 8°. 


Issel, Arturo, & Fauché, —— La 
pesca nel compartimento di Genova. 
Genova, 1871. 1871.1 

Issel, Raffaele. Studi sulla fauna 
termale euganea (Nota preventiva) Atti 
Soe. Ligust. Sei. Nat. Geogr. Genova, 
1901, 12, 146-150. 1901.1 

Issel, faffaele, & Giglioli, Enrico 
Hillyer. See Giglioli & Issel. 

Isys, Colswold, pseudonym for Glover 
(Rev.) Richard. 

Ito, Keisuke. The fishery industries 
of the island of Hokkaido, Japan. Bull. 
U.S. Fish Comm. 1886 (1887), 6, 342- 
345. 1887.1 

The fisheries of Japan. Trans. 
Amer. Fisheries Soc. 1887 (1888), 17-23. 

Ivanzov, N. Der Scaphirhynchus. 
Vergleichend-anatomische Beschreibung. 
Bull. Soc. Sci. Moscou, 1887, 141. 2 
pls. 1887.1 

Ein Fall von scheinbarem Her- 
maphroditismus bei dem Barsch (Perca 
fluviatilis) Bull. Soc. Sei. Moscou, 
1893, 199-205. pl. 1893.1 

Der mikroskopische Bau_ des 
elektrischen Organs von Torpedo. Bull. 
Soc. Sci. Moscou, 1894, 358-3899; 407— 
489. 3 pls. 1894.1 

Das Schwanzorgan von Raja. 
Bull. Soe. Sci. Moscou, 1895, 53-118. 

3 pls. 1895.1 
Iversen, Thor. Fiskeforsog i Fin- 
marken sommeren 1906 [Fischereiver- 

suche an der Kiiste Finmarkens im Som- 
mer 1906) Aarsb. Norges Fiskerier, 
Bergen, 1907, 8309-3850. 2 maps. 1907.1 

Undersokelser og Fiskeforsok i 
det nordlige Norge og QOsthavet 1907 
(Untersuchungen und Fischerei-V ersuche 
an der Kiiste des nérdlichen Norwegens 
und im Ostmeere 1907] Aarsb. Norges 
Fiskerier, Bergen, 1907, 1-74. 2 maps. 





Fiskeforsok og praktiske Under- 
sokelser med s/s ‘‘ Michael Sars” [Fish- 
ing experiments and practical researches 
made by SS. “ Michael Sars’’) Rept. 
Norwegian Fish. & Mar. Invest. 1909, 
2, pt. 1, 164-199. 1909.1 

Iverus, JvarE. Har tron pa fiskarnas 
horsel nagon grund foér sig? Férh. 15. 
Skand. Naturf. Métet Stockholm, 1898 
(1899), 281-283. 1899.1 

Iverus, J. Sur un cestode du Rhom- 
bus maximus. C. R. 6. Congr. Intern. 
Zool. Berne, 1904 (1905), 702-703. 


Ives, Joseph C., & Newberry, John 
Strong. Report on the Colorado river of 
the west explored in 1857-1858. Wash- 
ington, 1861. pls. & figs. 4°. 1861.1 

Iwanzoff, VN. See Ivanzov, N. 

J., A. D. D. On the breeding of fish 
and the natural history of their genera- 

tion. Phil. Mag., 1809, 34, 268-272; 
324-333. 1809.1 
J., C. T. All about eels. Forest & 
Stream, 1878, 11, 130. 1878.1 
Movements of eels. Forest & 
Stream, 1878, 10, 502. 1878.2 

J., I. Q. Trout culture on Long 
Island. Forest & Stream, 1874, 2, 181. 
1874. 1 

Jablonovskii, J. Ueber einige Vor- 
giinge in der Entwickelung des Salmoni- 
denembryos nebst Bemerkungen tiber 
ihre Bedeutung fiir die Beurteilung der 
Bildung des Wirbeltierkérpers. Anat. 
Anz., 1898, 14, 532-551. 19 figs. 1898.1 

Ueber die Bildung des Medul- 
larstranges beim Hecht. Abh. Ber. 
Zool. Mus. Dresden, 1899, 8, no. 8, 1-18. 
pl. & 5 figs. 1899.1 

Jablonskii, N. J. Der Marka-Kul- 
See (Text in Russian} Prir. Ochota, 
Moskva, 1907, pt. 10, 1-14. Ibid., pt. 
11, 1-8. Ibid., pt. 12, 1-10. 1907.1 

Jaccard, Samuel Auguste [1833-1895] 
Sur quelques espéces nouvelles de pycno- 
dontes du Jura neuchatelois. Bull. Soc. 
Sci. Nat. Neuchatel, 1888, 16, 41-44. 


Jaccard, Samuel Auguste, & Pictet, 
Frangois Jules. See Pictet & Jaccard. 

Jacentkovskii, A. V. Die Fische des 
Meerbusens von Odessa [Text in Rus- 
sian] Mém. Soc. Nat., Odessa, 1909, 33, 
89-125. 1909.1 

Jachontov, G. Communication de 
V’excursion sur le lac Baical, faite en été 
de l’année 1902 {Text in Russian} Prot. 
ObS&é. Jest., Kazani, 1902-03 (1904), no. 
212, 1—11. 1904.1 

Jacino, Antonino. Uovo e larva di 
Trachypterus. Nota preliminare. Riv. 
Mens. Pesca, Milano, 1908, 10, 262. 

Uovo e larva di Trachypterus. 
Arch. Zool. Napoli, 1909, 3, fase. 4, 479-— 
482. pl. 1909.1 


Jackson, A. C. [Letter to Prof. 
Agassiz announcing the discovery of 
viviparous fishes in California) (In 
Agassiz, L. Extraordinary fishes from 
California. Amer. Journ. Sci., 1853, 16, 
381-382) 1853.1 

Jackson, Charles L. The Lancashire 
sea-fisheries. Manchester, 1899. 85 p. 
Reviews in Nature, 60, 311. — Zoologist, 
1899, 4. ser. 3, 426. 1899.1 

Jackson, C. M. An investigation of 
the vascular system of Bdellostoma dom- 
beyi. Journ. Cincinnati Soc. Nat. Hist., 
1901, 20, 13-48. pl. 1901.1 

Jackson, C. M., & Ayers, Howard. 
See Ayers & Jackson. 
Jackson, Charles Thomas [1805- 

1880] Discovery of fossil fish in the coal 

formation of New Brunswick. Amer. 

Journ. Sci., 1851, 2. ser. 12, 281-282. 

Report on the Albert coal mine 
of New Brunswick, ete. Boston, 1851. 

Descriptions of the fossil fishes of the Albert 
coal mine, p. 22-25. Two plates, prepared to 
illustrate this report, but never published, were 
discovered by C. R. Eastman in 1908, and re- 
produced by L. M. Lambe in'1910. 

An analysis of the body and 
seales of a species of Palzoniscus from 
the Albert coal mine, in Hillsborough, 
New Brunswick. Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. 
Hist. 1851—54 (1854), 4. 239. 1854.1 

Descriptions of five new species 
of fossil fish, of the genus Palzeoniscus. 
From the shales of the coal formation at 
Hillsboro’ New Brunswick. Proce. ie 
ton Soc. Nat. Hist. 1851-54 (1854), 4, 
138-142. 1854.2 

The new species described are now known as 
Rhadinichthys alberti, R. brownii and R. cairnsii. 

(Account of the method now 
employed by the Narragansett fish guano 
company in the extraction of oil from 
menhaden and of converting the residual 
matter into a substitute for guano} 
Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. 1854-56 
(1856). 5, 355-356. 1856.1 


— On the composition of the scales 
of the garpike. Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. 
Hist. 1854-56 (1856), 5, 92. Ibid. 
1856-59 (1859), 6, 366. 1856.2 

An account of the sand-sharks 
which are caught near Nantucket. Proc. 
Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. 1856-59 (1859), 
6, 259. 1859.1 

Jackson, Humphrey. An account of 
the discovery of the manner of making 
isinglass in Russia; with a particular 
description of its manufacture in Eng- 
land, from the produce of British fish- 
eries. In a letter to Wiliam Watson, 
M.D. Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. London, 
1773, 63, 1-15. pl. i. 1773.1 

Jackson, J. B. S. (Remark on the 
tunny or horse mackerel] Proc. Boston 
Soc. Nat. Hist. 1841-44 (1844), ree ; 

(Observation on mode of infla- 
tion in Tetraodon turgidus| Proc. Boston 
Soc. Nat. Hist. 1844-48 (1848), 2, 52. ; 

The occurrence of bluefish at 
Nahant. Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. 
1844-48 (1848), 2, 248. 1848.2 

Jackson, J. W. Carboniferous fish- 
remains in north Derbyshire. Geol. 
Mag., 1908, 5. dec. 5, 309-310. 1908.1 

Jackson, P. LEarbones, or brain 
ivory, of fishes. Fishing Gazette, 1879, 
3, 225-226. 1879.1 

Jackson, 7. S., & Brookover, C. 
See Brookover & Jackson. 

Jackson, William Hatchett, & Clarke, 
W. Bruce. The brain and cranial nerves 
of Echinorhinus spinosus, with notes on 
the other viscera. Journ. Anat. Physiol., 
London, 1876, 10, 75-107. 1876.1 

Jacob, Arthur. On the Diodon, or 
Tetraodon mola, or short sunfish of Pen- 
nant. Dublin Phil. Journ., 1826, 2, 443. 


Jacob, Charles. Etudes paléontologi- 
ques et stratigraphiques sur la partie 
moyenne des terrains erétacés dans les 
Alpes frangaises et les régions voisines. 
Ann. Univ. Grenoble, 1907, 19, 221- 
534. 6 pls. & 14 figs. 1907.1 

(Jacob, J.; An account of the rare 
fish, Regalecus glesne, caught off Culler- 
coats, on the 26th of March, 1849. Lon- 
don, 1849. 16p. pl. & figs. 8°. 1849.1 



Jacobi, A. Ueber die neueren Ar- 
beiten tiber die Fortpflanzung der 
Biischelkiemerfische. Sitzber. Nat. Ges. 
Isis, Dresden, 1906, p. 17. 1906.1 

Jacobi, Hermann Sieghard Rudolph 
[1816 —] Vesica aérea piscium cum 
appendice de vesica aérea cellulosa Ery- 
thrini. Inaug. Dissert. Berolini, 1840. 
25p. 8°. 1840.1 

Jacobi, Stephen Ludwig. Method of 
breeding fish to advantage. Hannéver. 
Mag., 1763, no. 23. 1763.1 

Also printed in book form; London, 1778. 

This is said to be the first notice in English of 

On the breeding of trout by 
impregnation of the ova. Hannover. 
Mag., 1765, no. 62. 1765.1 

Lettre sur la fécondation arti- 
ficielle des ceufs de saumon et de truite 
(In Coste, J. J. M. C. V. Instructions 
pratiques sur la pisciculture, p. 130-139. 
Paris, 1853) 1853.1 

Translated from article in the Hannéverisches 
Magazin for 1763. 

Abhandlung iiber das Ausbriiten 
der Forellen. Allgem. Fischerei Zeitg., 
1896, 21. Jahrg., 243-250. 2 figs. 1896.1 

Jacobs, Christian. Ueber die 
Schwimmblase der Fische. Zool. Arb., 
1898, 3, 387-411. pl. Also separate; 
Leipzig, 1898. 29p. pl. 8°. Inaug. 
Dissert. 1898.1 

Jacobs, Edward. Karpfenzucht in 
Wernigerode 1494. Zeitschr. Harz Ver. 
Ges. Alterthumskunde, 1879, 12, 371. 


Jacobsen, J. P., & Johansen, A. C. 
Remarks on the changes in specific 
gravity of pelagic fish eggs and the 
transportation of same in Danish waters. 
Medd. Komm. Havundersog Ser. Fis- 
keri, 1908, 8, no.2. 24p. 2 figs. 1908.1 

Jacobshagen, #. Untersuchungen 
tiber das Darmsystem der Fische und 
Dipnoer. Pt. 1. Jena. Zeitschr. 
Naturw., 1911, 47, 529-568. — Pt. 2. 
Ibid., 1913, 49, 373-810. pl. & figs. 


Jacobsohn, ZL. Struktur und Funk- 
tion der Nervenzellen. Neurol. Cen- 
tralbl., 1910, 29. Jahrg., 1074-1083. 12 
figs. 1910.1 
Ueber die Gruppierung der 
Nervenzellen im Fischriickenmark, er- 
lautert an Querschnitten des Riicken- 
marks von Tinca vulgaris. Arch. Mikr. 
Anat., 1911, 78, 1. Abth., 506-528. 9 
figs. 1911.1 


Jacobson, Louis Leven [1783-1843] 
Extrait d’un mémoire sur un organe 
particulier de sens dans les raies et les 
squales. N. Bull. Soc. Philom. Paris, 
1812 (1813), 3, 332-337. 1813.1 

Om vene systemet hos fiskene. 
Overs. K. Dansk. Vidensk. Selsk. Forh., 
Kjobenhavn, 1822-23. 1822.1 

Om det lymphatiske system hos 
krybdyr og fiske. Overs. K. Dansk. 
Vidensk. Selsk. Forh., Kjobenhavn, 
1825-26. 1825.1 

Ueber die Nebennieren der 
Fische. Abh. K. Dansk. Selsk. Natur- 
vid., Kjobenhavn, 1828, 3, 39-60. Ab- 
stract in Isis, 1848, p. 96. 1828.1 

Sur les branchies temporaires des 
L’ Institut, 1834, 2, 175. 

Jacoby, Leopold [— 1896] Ueber den 
Knochenbau der Oberkinnlade bei den 
Aalen (Murenoidei Miill.) Zeitschr. 
Ges. Naturw., 1867, 30, 258-297. Also 
separate; Halle, 1867. 42 p. 8 pls. 8°. 
Inaug. Dissert. 1867.1 


Der Fischfang in der Lagune von 
Comacchio. Berlin, 1880. 93 p. 2 pls. 

Zur Naturgeschichte des Aales. 
Oesterr.-ungar. Fischerei Zeitg., 1880, 
289-290; 297; 304-305. 1880.2 

The eel question. Rept. U. 8. 
Fish Comm. 1879 (1882), 7, 463-483. 

Jacoby, Martin. Die Hornzihne der 
Cyclostomen nach Untersuchungen an 
Myzxine glutinosa, Petromyzon fluviatilis 
und P. marinus. Arch. Mikr. Anat., 
1894, 43, 117-148. pl. 1894.1 

Jacquemont, Victor [1801-1832] 
Voyage dans l’Inde pendant les années 
1828 a 1832, publié sous les auspices de 
M. Guizot, Ministre de l’instruction 
publique. Journal. 4 vols. with atlas. 
Paris, 1841. 1841.1 

No description of the fishes in the volume 
devoted to systematic zoology; only a reference 
to plates showing fishes. 

Jacquet, Maurice. 


See Jacquet, 

Jacquinot, Honoré, & Guichenot, 
A. Reptiles et poissons (In Dumont 
d’Urville, J. Voyage au Pole Sud et 
dans l’Océanie sur les corvettes “L’As- 
trolabe”’ et “‘ La Zélée,” vol. iii, pt. 2. 
Paris, 1853-54) 1853.1 



Jaaskelainen, Viljo. Kalaloiset Laa- 
tokalta (Fischparasiten aus dem La- 
doga-See} Meddel. Soc. Fauna Flora 
Fenn., 1910, 36, 55-56; 222-223. 1910.1 

Jackel, Andreas Johannes. -Die Fische 
Bayerns. Abh. Zool. Mineral. Ver. 
Regensburg, 1864, 101. 1864.1 

Ichthyologisches aus meinem 
Tagebuche von 1864. Corresbl. Zool. 
Mineral. Ver. Regensburg, 1865, 33-51. 
[bid., 1866, 35-48; 65-96. 1865.1 

Alburnus rosenhaueri, ein neuer 
Fischbastard. Zool. Garten, 1866, 7. 
Jahrg., 20-25. 1866.1 

An hermaphrodite carp. Abh. 
Naturhist. Ges. Nurnberg, 1867, 3, 245. 

Zwei Abramiden-Bastarden mit 
verkiirzter Afterflosse. Corresbl. Zool. 
Mineral. Ver. Regensburg, 1869, 23. 
Jahrg., 98-114. 1869.1 

Jaeger, Der Wanderungstrieb 
der Tiere, insbesonders der  Fische. 
Jaegers Monatsbl., Stuttgart, 1911. 


Jaeger, Alfred. Die Physiologie und 
Morphologie der Schwimmblase der 
Fische. Arch. Ges. Physiol., 1903, 94, 
65-138. pl. & figs. 1903.1 

Die Physiologie der Schwimm- 
blase der Fische. Biol. Centralbl., 1904, 
24, 129-142. 1904.1 

Die Schwimmblase der Fische. 
Ber. Senckenberg. Naturf. Ges. Frank- 
furt a.-M., 1904, 63-72. 1904.2 

Zur Physiologie der Schwimm- 
blase der Fische. Entgegnung auf den 
von Frau Reis und Herrn Nusbaum 
(Lemberg) in Bd. 27 dieser Zeitschrift 
veroffentlichten Aufsatz: ‘‘ Zur Histo- 
logie der Gasdriise in der Schwimmblase 
der Knochenfische.”’ Anat. Anz., 1906, 
29, 683-686. Ibid., 1907, 30, mae 

Jager, G. Ueber die Uebereinstim- 
mung des Pygopterus lucius Ag. mit dem 
Archegosaurus dechenit Goldf. Abh. 
Bayer. Akad. Wiss. math.-phys. KL, 
1850, 3, 3. Abth., 877-886. pl. 1850.1 

Jager, Gustav [1832 —] Die Farbe 
der Fische. Ausland, 1868, 41,,813-814. 

Ueber die Funktion der Kie- 
menspalten. Jahresh. Ver. Vaterl. 
Naturk. Wiirttemberg, 1876, 32, 95-99. 




Erkrankung der Goldfische in 
Berlin und Stuttgart. Isis (Russ), 1879, 
4. Jahrg., 281-282. 1879.1 

Bemerkung zu dem Aufsatz von 
M. Popoff, “ Fischfiirbung und Selek- 
tion.”” Biol. Centralbl., 1908, 26, 272. 
Tbid., 28, 448. 1908.1 

Die Farbe der Fische. Arch. 
Hydrobiol. Planktonk., 1908, 4, 83-85. 

Jager, Karl. Die Fische der Wet- 
terau. Wetterau Ges. Festgabe, 1858, 
232-242. 1858.1 

Jaeger, O. Grundziige der Geschichte 
der Naturwissenschaften. Stuttgart, 
Heo, 120;p. 8°. 1897.1 

Jaekel, Otto (Max Johannes) [1863 —] 
Die Selachier aus dem oberen Muschel- 
kalk Lothrigens. Abh. Geol. Specialk. 
Elsaas-Lothr., 1889, 3, 275-332. 4 pls. 


Ueber die Kiemenstellung und 
die Systematik der Selachier. Sitzber. 
Ges. Naturf. Freunde Berlin, 1890, 47— 
57. 1890.1 

Ueber fossile Ichthyodorulithen. 
Sitzber. Ges. Naturf. Freunde Berlin, 
1890, 117-131. 4 figs. 1890.2 

Ueber Phaneropleuron und He- 
mictenodus n. g. Sitzber. Ges. Naturf. 
Freunde Berlin, 1890, 1-8. fig. 1890.8 

Referate iiber die in den letzten 
Jahren erschienenen Arbeiten iiber Pleu- 
racanthiden. Neues Jahrb. Mineral., 
1891, 2, pt. 3, 161-170. 1891.1 

Herein are included reviews of a number of 
writers on the genera Plewracanthus, Xenacan- 

thus and Orthacanthus. These are C. Brong- 
niart, L. Déderlein, E. Koken and Anton Fritsch. 

— Ueber die Gattung Pristiophorus. 
Arch. Naturgesch., 1891, 57, 15-48. pl. 
& figs. 1891.2 

Ueber Menaspis, nebst allgemei- 
nen Bemerkungen iiber die systematische 
Stellung der Elasmobranchii. Sitzber. 
Ges. Naturf. Freunde Berlin, 1891, 115- 
13: ipl. 1891.3 

Remarks on Trenton fish-re- 
mains from Canyon City, Colorado, dis- 
covered by C. D. W alcott. Bull. Geol. 
Soc. America, 1892, 3, 173-174. 1892.1 

Ueber Chalcodus  permianus. 
Sitzber. Ges. Naturf. Freunde Berlin, 
1892, 156-158. 1892.2 

Ueber Cladodus und seine Be- 
deutung fiir die Phylogenie der Extremi- 

tiiten. Sitzber. Ges. Naturf. Freunde 
Berlin, 1892, 80-92. fig. 1892.3 
Ueber Dichelodus Gieb., und 

einige Ichthyodoruliten; eine Entgeg- 
nung an Herrn A. Smith Woodward. 
Neues Jahrb. Mineral., 1892, 1, 145-151. 
figs. 1892.4 

(Review of] The Paleozoic fishes 
of North America by J. 8. Newberry. 
Neues Jahrb. Mineral., 1893, 1, 174-177. 

Ueber die Ruderorgane der 
Placodermen. Sitzber. Naturf. Freunde 
Berlin, 1893, 178-181. 1893.2 

Die eociinen Selachier von Monte 

Bolea. Ein Beitrag zur Morphogenie 
der Wirbelthiere. Berlin, 1894. 176 p. 
8 pls. & 39 figs. 8°. 1894.1 

(Review of] E. W. Claypole. On 
the structure of the American Pteraspi- 
dian, Palzaspis (Claypole), with remarks 
on the family. Neues Jahrb. Mineral. 
1894, 2. 2p. 1894.2 

Ueber sogenannte Faltenzihne 
und complicirtere Zahnbildungen tber- 
haupt. Sitzber. Ges. Naturf. Freunde 
Berlin, 1894, 146-153. 1894.3 

(Review of] Notes on the dis- 
covery of a vertebrate fauna in Silurian 
(Ordovician) strata, by C. D. Walcott. 
Neues Jahrb. Miner -al., 1895, 162. 1895.1 

Ueber die Organisation der 
Pleuracanthiden. Sitzber. Ges. Naturf. 
Freunde Berlin, 1895, 69-85. 2 figs. 
Ueber eine neue Gebissform fos- 
siler Selachier. Sitzber. Ges. Naturf. 
Freunde Berlin, 1895, 200-202. 1895.38 
Treats of the dentition of Janassa and Peta- 

—— Chimerriden-Hier aus dem un- 
teren Dogger von Heiningen in Wiirt- 
temberg. Zeitschr. Deutsch. Geol. 
Ges., 1896, 48, 691. 1896.1 

Ueber die Stammform der Wir- 
belthiere. Sitzber. Ges. Naturf. Freun- 
de Berlin, 1896, 107-129. 1896.2 

Ueber die verschiedenen Rochen- 

typen. Sitzber. Ges. Naturf. Freunde 
Berlin, 1898, 44-53. 1898.1 
—— (Ueber Hybodus Ag.) Sitzber. 

Ges. Naturf. Freunde Berlin, 1898, 135- 
146. 3 figs. 1898.2 


Jaekel, O. M. J. 

Die verschiedenen Rochentypen. 
Sitzber. Ges. Naturf. Freunde Berlin, 
1898, 44-53. 1898.3 

Verzeichniss der Selachier des 
Mainzer Oligociins. Sitzber. Ges. Na- 
turf. Freunde Berlin, 1898, 161-169. 


Dipterus aus dem rheinischen 
Devon. Zeitschr. Deutsch. Geol. Ges., 
1899, 51 (Protok.), 37-38. 1899.1 

Ueber die Organisation der 
Petalodonten. Zeitschr. Deutsch. Geol. 
Ges., 1899, 51, 258-298. 2 pls. & 7 figs. 

Ueber die primire Zusammenset- 
zung des Kieferbogens und Schulter- 
girtels. Verh. Deutsch. Zool. Ges., 
1899, 249-258. 2 figs. 1899.3 

Ueber die Zusammensetzung des 
Kiefers und Schultergiirtels von Acan- 
thodes. Zeitschr. Deutsch. Geol. Ges., 
1899, 51 (Protok.), 56-60. 2 figs. 1899.4 

Ueber die Reste von Edestiden 
und die neue Gattung Helicoprion. 
Neues Jahrb. Mineral., 1900, 2, 144-148. 

A review of memoir on Helicoprion by A. 

Ueber jurassische Zihne und 
Eier von Chimariden. Neues Jahrb. 
Mineral., 1901, 14, Beilage-Bd., 540— 

564. 4 pls. 1901.1 
Ueber Coccosteus und die Beur- 
theilung der Placodermen.  Sitzber. 

Ges. Naturf. Freunde Berlin, 1902, 103- 
115. pl. 1902.1 

Die Zusammenstellung des Schul- 
tergirtels. Verh. Intern. Zool. Congr. 
Berlin, 1902, 610-612. figs. 1902.2 

(Review of memoir by] Bashford 
Dean: Paleontological notes. I. On two 
new arthrodires from the Cleveland shale 
of Ohio. II. On the characters of My- 
lostoma Newberry. III. Further notes 
on the relationships of the Arthrognathi. 
Neues Jahrb. Mineral., 1903, 1, 339-342. 

— Tremataspis und Patten’s Ablei- 
tung der Wirbeltiere von Arthropoden. 
Zeitschr. Deutsch. Geol. Ges., 1903, 55 
(Protok.), 84-93. 5 figs. 1903.2 

Ueber die Epiphyse und Hypo- 
physe. Sitzber. Ges. Naturf. Freunde 
Berlin, 1903, 27-58. figs. 1903.3 



Ueber die Organisation und 
systematische Stellung der Asterolepi- 
den. Zeitschr. Deutsch. Geol. Ges., 
1903, 55, 41-60. 8 figs. 1903.4 

Ueber Ramphodus, nov. gen., 
einen neuen devonischen Holocephalen 
von Wildungen. Sitzber. Ges. Naturf. 
Freunde Berlin, 1903, 383-393. 3 figs. 

This supposed new genus, afterwards renamed 
““ Rhamphodus,”’ a title which is preoccupied, is 
founded upon dental plates indistinguishable 
from the type of Rhynchodus major Bastman, 
described from the Eifel Devonian. 

Neue Wirbeltierfunde im Oberde- 
von von Wildungen. Zeitschr. Deutsch. 
Geol. Ges., 1904, 56 (Protok.), 159-167. 
2 figs. 1904.1 

Ueber die Bildung der ersten 
Halswirbel und die Wirbelbildung im 
allgemeinen. Zeitschr. Deutsch. Geol. 
Ges., 1904, 56 (Protok.), 109-119. 7 
figs. 1904.2 

Ueber einen Torpediniden und 
andere Fischreste aus dem Tertiir vom 
Kamerun (In Esch, E. Beitrage zur 
Geologie von Kamerun, p. 287-291. 
Stuttgart, 1904) 1904.3 

Ueber die primaire Gliederung 
des Unterkiefers. Sitzber. Ges. Naturf. 
Freunde Berlin, 1905, 134-147. 14 figs. 

: ; 1905.1 

Einige Beitrige zur Morphologie 
der iltesten Wirbeltiere. Sitzber. Ges. 
Naturf. Freunde Berlin, 1906, 180-189. 
7 figs. 1906.1 

Neue Rekonstruktionen von 
Pleuracanthus sessilis und von Poly- 
acrodus (Hybodus) hauffianus. Sitzber. 
Ges. Naturf. Freunde Berlin, 1906, 155— 
159. pl. & fig. 1906.2 

Neue Wirbeltierfunde aus dem 
Devon von Wildungen. Sitzber. Ges. 
Naturf. Freunde Berlin, 1906, 73-85. 

10 figs. 1906.3 
Ueber die Mundbildung der 
Wirbeltiere; eingehende Schilderung 

von L. Mehely (Text in Hungarian) Al- 
latt. K6ézlem., Budapest, 1906, 5, 8-94. 
— Sitzber. Ges. Naturf. Freunde Berlin, 
1906, 7-32. 20 figs. 1906.4 

Ueber Pholidosteus, nov. gen., 
und die Mundbildung und die K6rper- 
form der Placodermen. Sitzber. Ges. 
Naturf. Freunde Berlin, 1907, 170-186. 
6 figs. 1907.1 

Description of Pholidosteus friedelii, n. g. et 
n. sp., from the Devonian of Wildungen. 

run.,; X. Fischreste aus den Mamfe- 
Schiefern. Abh. Kén. Preuss. Geol. Lan- 
desanst., 1909, n. s. 62, 392-398. pl. 

5, 1909.1 

& —— Ueber die Beurteilung der paari- 

gen Extremitiiten. Sitzber. Akad. Wiss. 

Berlin, 1909, 26, 707-724. 16 figs. 

Ableitung der Wirbeltierextremititen von der 
Grundform der Arthropoden. 

Ueber die Klassen der Tetrapo- 

den. Zool. Anz., 1909, 34, 193-212. 15 
figs. 1909.3 

Incidental reference to primitive fishes, p. 200. 
— Die Wirbeltiere. Berlin, 1911. 
Sr 1911.1 

Pisces, Fische als Nebenstamm der zweiten 
Wirbeltierstufe, p. 25-99. 105 figs. 

Wirbelthierreste aus der Trias 
des Bakonyerwaldes. Pisces. Res. 
Wissensch. Erforsch. Balatonsees, 1912, 
3, no. 7 (Paliontol.), 17-22. 1912.1 

Wege und Ziele der Palzeontolo- 
gie. Paleontol. Zeitschr., 1913, 1, 1-58. 

Ueber die Wirbeltierfunde in der 
oberen Trias von Halberstadt. Palzeon- 
tol. Zeitschr., 1913, 1, 155. 1913.2 

Jaekel, Otto (Max Johannes), Esch, 
Ernest, Solger, F., & Oppenheim, M. 
See Esch, Jaekel & others. 

Jaekel, (Otto Max Johannes}, Volz, 
Wilhelm, Frech, Fritz, & Philippi, 
Emil. See Philippi, Jaekel & others. 

Jarvi, T. H. Die kleine Mardane, 
Coregonus albula L., als der Zwischen- 
wirt des Dibotricephalus latus L. in den 
Seen Nord-Tawastlands (Finland). Fis- 
keritidskr. Finland, 1908, 17, 250-257. 2 
figs. — Meddel. Soc. Fauna Flora Fenn., 
1909, 35, 62-67. 2 figs. 1908.1 

— Ankeriaittemme elimi uusimpain 
tutkimusten valossa [Das Leben der 
finlindischen Aale im Lichte der neue- 
sten Forschungen} lLuonnon Ystivi, 
Helsingfors, 1909, 13, 89-101. 1909.1 

— Beobachtungen iiber die Grosse 
und das Alter der Aale in Binnengewiis- 
sern Finlands. Meddel. Soc. Fauna 
Flora Fenn., 1909, 35, 218-222. 2 figs. 


Ein Fall von Hermaphroditis- 
mus bei Lota vulgaris Cuv. Meddel. 
Soc. Fauna Flora Fenn., 1909, 35, 226— 
227. fig. 1909.3 

(Hermaphroditische Exemplare von Lota 
vulgaris} Luonnon Ystiivi, Helsingfors, 
1909, 18, 61-62. ~ 1909.4 

Ueber das Vorkommen des Aales 
im Wassersysteme des Kymi-Flusses 
(Finland) Meddel. Soc. Fauna Flora 
Fenn., 1909, 35, 222-226. fig. 1909.5 

Jaffé, Siegfried. Die Aufzucht von 
Jahrlingen in Sandfort. Allgem. Fi- 
scherei Zeitg., 1895, no.9, 158. 1895.1 

4 Beitrage zur Geologie von Kame- Maiti-ja miatipitoisia mateita 

Bericht iiber einen Versuch zur 
Wiedereinfiihrung des _ kalifornischen 
Silberlachses, Salmo quinnat. Allgem. 
Fischerei Zeitg., 1896, 21. Jahrg., no. 10, 
174-176. 1896.1 

Notes on intensive pond-culture 
at Sandfort. Bull. U. S. Fish. Comm. 
1895 (1896), 15, 311-316. 1896.2 

Notes on the rearing of yearling 
trout (Trutta fario) at Sandford. Bull. 
U.S. Fish Comm. 1895 (1896), sete 

Sur quelques plantes aquatiques 
importantes pour l’élevage de truites. 
Bull. Soe. Centr. Aquicult. Péche, 1897, 
9, 14-119. — Allgem. Fischerei Zeitg., 
1896, no. 21, 377. 1897.1 

L’élevage des salmonides. Rev. 
Eaux & Foréts, 1900, 39, 329-331. 

Regnbagsforellen i saltvatten. 
Fiskeritidskr. Finland, 1900, 9, 6-7. 

Sur l’introduction et la multipli- 
cation en Europe de la truite 4 nageoires 
jaunes (Salmo mykiss macdonaldi Jordan 
et Evermann) du Colorado. Bull. Soc. 
Acclim. Paris, 1902, 49, 422424. 1902.1 

Trockenfuttermittel in der Fisch- 
zucht. Allgem. Fischerei Zeitg., 1902, 
86; 106; 124. 1902.2 

Jaffier, J. Eléments de pisciculture 
pratique. Paris, 1897. xi, 122 p. 50 
figs..02r. 1897.1 

Jagodowski, K. P. Zur Frage 
nach der Endigung der Geruchsnerven 
bei den Knochenfischen. Anat. Anz., 
1901, 19, 257-267. figs. 1901.1 

Compte-rendu des travaux exé- 
cutés prés des eétes sud-ouest de la mer 
Noire durant les mois de juin et de juil- 
let 1908. Ann. Mus. Zool. Acad. Sci. St. 
Pétersb., 1909, 14, 0246-0278. 1909.1 


Jagor, A. Fedor [1816-1900] Erfolge 
der kiinstlichen Fischzucht im _ bota- 

nischen Garten zu Briissel. Zeitschr. 
Acclim., 1865, n. s. 3, 65-66. 1865.1 

Fischerei in Canada.  Cireul. 
Deutsch. Fischerei Ver., 1873, no. 2, 11— 
Ball 1873.1 

Jakimov, Vasimir D. Zur Lehre von 
den Blutparasiten der Meeres-Fische. 

Eine vorliufige Mitteilung (Text in 
Russian} Arch. Veterin. Nauk, St. 
Petersb., 1910, 40, 1656-1664. 1910.1 

Jakimov, Vasimir D., & Kohl- 
Jakimova, Nina. Ueber die Grésse 
der Erythrocyten der Seefische (Text 
in Russian) Zeitschr. Wiss. Prakt. 
Veterin. Med., Jurjev, 1912, 6, 73-75. 


Jalkanen, J. Om sikléjfisket i trak- 
ten af Nyslott samt en beaktansvird 
detalj i dess bedrifvande. Fiskeritidskr. 
Finland, 1893, 2, 73-76. 1893.1 

James, Bushrod W. American sal- 
mon and other food fishes. Trans. 
Amer. Fisheries Soc. 1892 (1893), 139- 
148. 1893.1 

Alaska’s food fishes and the in- 
terest of its fisheries. Trans. Amer. 
Fisheries Soc. 1894 (1895), 67-75. 
Impoverishment of the food 

fish industries. Trans. Amer. Fisheries 
Soc. 1895 (1896), 36-44. 1896.1 

Inter-state protection of food 
fishes. Trans. Amer. Fisheries Soe. 
1896 (1897), 95-101. 1897.1 

State laws for the uniform pro- 
tection and propagation of food fish. 
Trans. Amer. Fisheries Soc. 1897 (1898), 
113-116. 1898.1 

Protection of the food fish supply 
on the Pacific coast and in Alaska. 
Trans. Amer. Fisheries Soc. 1898 (1899), 
112-120. 1899.1 

The close season for fish. Trans. 
Amer. Fisheries Soc. 1900 (1901), 99- 
104. 1901.1 

New Pennsylvania laws for the 

protection of food-fish. Trans. Amer. 
Fisheries Soc. 1901 (1902), 144-151. 


James, Hdwin [1797-1861] Account 

of an expedition from Pittsburgh to the 

Rocky mountains, performed in the 



years 1819 and 1820. 2 vols. 
delphia, 1823. 8°. 

Contains some mention of fishes. 

James, Joseph Francis [— 1897] Cat- 
alogue of. the mammals, birds, reptiles, 
batrachians and fishes in the collection 
of the Cincinnati society of natural 
history. Journ. Cincinnati Soc. Nat. 
Hist., 1887, 10, 36-48. 1887.1 

James, William Powell. From source 
to sea; or, Gleanings about rivers in 
many fields. London, 1884. 8°. 1884.1 

Contains some mention of fishes. 


Jameson, Alexander C. Quelques 
détails sur le péche et la pisciculture en 
France. Rev. Britannique, 1867, 2, 319- 

339. 1867. il 
Varieties of bass. Forest & 
Stream, 1874, 3, 37. 1874.1 

Jameson, Robert [1774-1854] Ob- 
servations and experiments on various 
saponaceous compounds, particularly 
the fish soap of Sir John Dalrymple. 
Journ. Nat. Phil. (Nicholson), 1800, 3, 
108-118. 1800.1 

Notice of fossil fishes found in 
the neighbourhood of Edinburgh. Mem. 
Werner. Soc. Edinb., 1837, 7, 488-489. 
— L’Institut, 4, 193-194. 1837.1 

Jammes, Léon. Note sur la répro- 
duction du Petromyzon planeri. Bull. 
Soe. Centr. Aquicult. Péche, 1899, 11, 
101-102. 1899.1 

Recherches expérimentales sur 
Vacclimatation des organismes aux 
milieux salins. C. R. Assoc. Frang. 
Avance. Sci., 31. sess., 1902, pt. 1, 232— 

233. 1902.1 

Janes, Thomas P. Fish-culture. 3. 
Ann. Rept. Comm. Agric. Georgia, 
1876 (1877), 5-7. 1877.1 

Fisheries. 4. Ann. Rept. Comm. 
Agric. Georgia, 1877 (1878), 29. 1878.1 

Janin de Saint Just, “Ueber den 
Gymnotus electricus. Notizen (Froriep), 
1821, 1, 209-212. 1821.1 

Janke, Heinrich. Der Besuch einer 
Teichwirthschaft. | Cireul. Deutsch. 
Fischerei Zeitg., 1878, 1. Jahrg., 25-28. 


Jank6, Jdnos [1868?-1902] A Mag- 
yar haliszat eredete [(Herkunft der 
Magyarischen Fischerei) (In  Dritte 
asiatische Forschungsreise des Grafen 






Eugen Zichy. Budapest & Leipzig, 
1900. 634 p. illust. 8°) 1900.1 

Jann, P. F. Catch of shad in the 
Delaware river for 1885. Bull. U. 8. 
Fish Comm. 1886 (1887), 6, 301. 1887.1 

Catch of shad in the Delaware 
river for 1886. Bull. U.S. Fish Comm. 
1886 (1887), 6, 301-802. 1887.2 

Jannaci, /., Adorno, M., & Mer- 
cadante, L. See Mercadante, Jan- 
naci & Adorno. 

Jannettaz, Pierre Michel Edouard 
[1832-1899] Histoire naturelle. Les 
poissons. Paris, 1869. 16°. 1869.1 

Janosik, Jan. O partialnim tyhovani 
vajicek u ryb kostnatych [Partial 
cleavage in the eggs of teleosts} Sitzber. 
K. Bohm. Gelehrten Ges., 1883, 1-7. pl. 

Zur Embryologie der Fische 

(Text in Bohemian] Prag, 1883. 8°. 

Histologisch-embryologische Un- 
tersuchungen iiber die Urogenitalsys- 
tem. Wien, 1885. 4 pls. 8°. 1885.1 

Partielle Furchung bei den 
Knochenfischen. Arch. Mikrosk. Anat., 
1885, 24, 472-474. 1885.2 

Janson, Otto. Die Schwimmblase der 
Fische. Natur u. Haus, 1905, 13. Jahrg., 
113-114. 1905.1 

Das Meer; seine Erforschung 
und sein Leben. Leipzig, 1914. 118 p. 
8°. 1914.1 

Januschke, H., & Exner, Sigmund. 
Ueber das Guanintapetum von Abramis 
brama im Licht und Dunkelauge. Zen- 
tralbl. Physiol., 1905, 19, Spar fee 


See also article by Exner & Januschke in 
Zentralbl. Physiol., 1905, 19, 327-328. 

Jaquet, Maurice. Anatomie des 
poissons (In Vogt, C., & Yung, E. 
Traité d’anatomie comparée et pratique. 
Paris, 1894) 1894.1 

Recherches sur la vessie nata- 
toire des loches d’Europe. Rey. Suisse 
Zool., 1894, 2, 431-442. pl. 1894.2 

Anomalie du museau chez un 
Acipenser ruthenus. Arch. Sci. Méd. 
Bucarest, 1897, 2, 358-359. fig. — 
Bull. Soc. Sei. Buearest, 1898, 7, 504- 
506. fig. 1897.1 

Contributions 4 l’anatomie com- 
parée des systémes squelettaire et mus- 
culaire de Chimera collei, Callorhynchus 
antarcticus, Spinax niger, Protopterus 
annectans, Ceratodus forsteri et Axolotl. 
Arch. Sci. Méd. Bucarest, 1897, 2, 
174-206. 4 pls. Ibid., 1898, 3, 300- 
340. 6pls. Jbid., 1899, 4, 241-273. 
6 pls. Ibid., 1900, 5, 60-89. 6 pls. 


Description d’une nageoire pec- 
torale atrophiée chez le Silurus glanis. 
Arch. Sci. Méd. Bucarest, 1897, 2, 349- 
351. 6 figs. — Bull. Soc. Sci. Bucarest, 
1898, 7, 496-498. 6 figs. 1897.3 

IL’anatomie et Vhistologie du 

Silurus glanis L. Arch. Sci. Méd. 
Bucarest, 1898, 3, 101-152. 13 pls. 

Recherches sur l’anatomie et 
Vhistologie du Silurus glanis L. Bull. 
Soc. Sci. Bucarest, 1898, 8, 129-179; 
378-392. 15 pls. Ibid., 1902, 10, 404 
482; 558-568. 27 pls. 1898.2 

Anomalie de la région postérieure 
du corps chez un Silurus glanis. Bull. 
Soc. Sci. Bucarest, 1899, 8, 786-791. 4 
fsa 1899.1 

Ligne latérale supplémentaire 
chez un Acipenser ruthenus. Bull. Soc. 
Sci. Bucarest, 1899, 8, 791-792. fig. 


Anatomie comparée du systéme 
nerveux sympathique cervical dans la 
série des vertébrés. Bull. Soe. Sci. Buca- 
rest, 1900, 10, 240-302. figs. 1900.1 

Etude du squelette céphalique 
dune “carpe dauphin.” Bull. Soe. 
Sci. Bucarest, 1902, 10, 544-557. 2 pls. 

Description de quelques parties 
du squelette du Pseudotriacis microdon 
Capello. Bull. Instit. Océanogr. Monaco, 
1905, no. 36, 1-28. 8 pls. 1905.1 

Anomalie de la nageoire anale 
chez les Sebastes dactyloptera. Bull. 
Instit. Océanogr. Monaco, 1906, no. 79, 
IG, fall 1906.1 

Considérations sur les scorpé- 
nides de la mer de Nice. Bull. Instit. 
Océanogr. Monaco, 1907, no. 109, 1-48. 
33 figs. 1907.1 

Comprises a discussion of the Mediterranean 
species of Scorpzena and Sebastodes, with in- 
vestigations of scale structure. 

Jaquet, V. library, edited by Sir William Jardine, 

Description de l’extrémité pos- vol. xxxvilil. Edinburgh, 1835. 34 pls. 
térieure du corps anormale chez deux & figs. 16°) 1835.1 

Motella fusca Risso. Bull. Instit. 
Océanogr. Monaco, 1907, no. 90, 1-9. 
pl. 1907.2 

Note sur une forme jeune de 
Trigla. Bull. Instit. Océanogr. Monaco, 
1907, no. 102, 1-5. pl. 1907.3 

Sur deux cas de déformation du 
museau chez Sargus rondeleiti. Bull. 
Soc. Sci. Bucarest, 1911, 20, 290-309. 
17 figs. 1911.1 

Sur le mode d’occlusion de l’ceil 
d’Orthagoriscus mola Schn. Bull. Soe. 
Sci. Bucarest, 1911, 20, 25-32. one 

Jardine, A. Johnstone. Observations 
on the sea-fishery of the colony [of cape 
of Good Hope) and some of the physi- 
ological peculiarities of seals. _ South 
African Quart. Journ., 1830, 1, ne 

Jardine, (Sir) William [1800-1874] 
Fishes of Guiana. 2 vols. Edinburgh 
mod 12% 

Not seen; title from L. Agassiz. 

Queries respecting the natural 
history of the salmon, sea-trout, bull- 
trout, herling, ete. Journ. Nat. Geogr. 

Sci. Edinb., 1830, 2, 59-61. — Edinb. - 

New Phil. Journ., 8, 358-359. 1830.1 

Observations upon rare or little 
known British fishes. No. 1. The 
vendace or vendis of the Lochmaben 
lochs. Journ. Nat. Geogr. Sci. Edinb., 
1831, 3, 1-4. 1831.1 

Notice of the herling of the Sol- 
way being found in the Tweed, with 
some observations on its habits and 
distribution. Hist. Berwick. Nat. Club, 
1834, 1, 50-52. 1834.1 

Notice of the parr. Hist. Ber- 
wick. Nat. Club, 1834, 1, 82-84. — 
Records (Thomson), 3, 269-272. 1834.2 

Observations on the Salmonidze 
which were met with during an excur- 
sion to the northwest of Sutherland- 
shire in June 1834. Rept. Brit. Assoc. 
Adv. Sci., 4. meet., 1834, 613-615. — 
Edinb. New Phil. Journ., 18, 46-59. — 
Notizen (Froriep), 48, 289-296; 305- 
309. — Isis (Oken), 1836, 54-59. 1834.3 

—— The natural history of fishes 
of the perch family (In Naturalist’s 

2. ed. Edinburgh, 1852. Contains an appen- 
dix which consists of extracts from Walton’s 
“Compleat angler ’”’ containing observations on 
the perch, ete. 

3. ed. London, 1861. 

British Salmonide. Parts 1 & 2. 
Edinburgh, 1839-41. 12 col. pls. with 
descriptive letterpress. fol. 1839.1 

—— Natural history and illustrations 
of the Scottish Salmonide. Ann. Mag. 
Nat. Hist., 1839, 2, 138-139. 1839.2 

— History of the British Salmon- 
ide. Notice in Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 
1840, 4, 333-334. 1840.1 

Hore zoologice. No. IV. Re- 
marks on the structure and habits of 
Lepidosiren annectens. Ann. Mag. Nat. 
Hist., 1841, 7, 21-26. illust. 1841.1 

Report upon the experiments 
conducted at Stormontfield, near Perth, 
for the artificial propagation of salmon. 
Rept. Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 26. meet., 
1856, 451-458. New Edinb. Phil. Journ., 
n. s. 1856. 1856.1 

Fishes of the perch family (In 
Naturalist’s library, edited by Sir 
William Jardine, vol. xxxvili. 3. ed. 
London, 1861. xiii, 207 p. 35 pls.) 


On the condition of the salmon 
fisheries of England and Wales in 1861; 
with a notice of some of the modes of 
fishing, especially those practised in the 
Severn and Wye; and remarks on the 
natural history of the salmon. Edinb. 
New Phil. Journ., 1862, n. s. 15, 203- 
231. — Proc. Roy. Soe. Edinb. 1857-62. 
(1862), 4, 539-542. 1862.1 

Jardine, (Sir) William, Fleming, 
(Dr.) & Ashworth, £. See Ash- 
worth, Jardine & Fleming. 

Jaschschenko, A. P. Katalog der 
Sammlung des zoologischen Kabinets 
der Universitat. St. Petersburg, 1896. 
8°. 1896.1 

Jatzow, R., & Lenz, H. Fische von 
Ost-Afrika, Madagascar und Aldabra. 
Abh. Senckenberg. Naturf. Ges., Frank- 
furt a.-M., 1898, 21, 497-531. 3 pls. 


Jefferson, J. P. On the mortality of 
fishes in the gulf of Mexico in 1878. 
Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 1878, 1, 363— 
364. — Smithson. Mise. Coll., 1880, 19, 
art. 1, 1878.1 


Jefferson, J. P., Porter, J. Y., & 
Moore, 7. On the destruction of fish 
in the vicinity of the Tortugas during the 
months of September and October, 1878. 
Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 1878, 1, 244- 
246. — Smithson. Mise. Coll., 1880, 19, 
art. 1. 1878.1 

Jefferson, (President) Thomas [1743-— 
1826] Report on fisheries, communicated 
to the House of Representatives, Febru- 
ary 4, 1791. Amer. State Papers, 1832, 
Viqtearalle 1832.1 

Report on the cod and whale fisheries, with 
recommendations for their encouragement. 

Jeffery, W. Angler or fishing frog 
(Lophius piscatorius) {captured at the 
entrance of Pegham harbor} Zoologist, 
1868, 2. ser. 3, 1256-1257. 1868.1 

— Blue shark (Carcharias glaucus) 
(captured in Chichester harbor} Zoolo- 
gist, 1868, 2. ser. 3, 1256. 1868.2 

Jeffreys, John Gwyn [1809-1885] On 
some species of Japanese marine shells 
and fishes which inhabit also the north 
Atlantic. Journ. Linn. Soc. London 
(Zool.), 1876, 12, 100-109. 1876.1 

Jeffreys, John Gwyn, & Carpenter, 

P. Herbert. Reports of the ‘‘ Valorous”’ 
expedition. London, 1876. 61 p. 2 
pls. map. 8°. 1876.1 

Jeffreys, Thomas. The natural and 
civil history of the French dominions in 
North and South America, giving a 
particular account of the climate, soil, 
animals, ete. 2 pts. London, oe 8°. 


Jefiries, B. Joy {Remarks on the 
vision of fishes and amphibians] Proc. 
Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. 1868-69 (1869), 
12, 225-227. 1869.1 

Jeitteles, Ludwig Heinrich [1830- 
1883] Ueber die Siisswasser-Arten der 
Fisch-Gattung Cottus. Beitrag zu 
einer wiederholten Revision dieses 
Genus. Arch. Zool. Anat., 1861, 1, 
fase. 2, 158-177. Also separate; Genoa, 

1862. 8°. 1861.1 
Zoologische Mittheilungen, 1861. 

i. Ueber zwei fiir die Fauna Ungarns neue 
Fische: Lucioperca volgensis Cuv. Val. und Al- 
burnus maculatus Kessler. Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ges. 
Wien, 1861, 11, 323-326. 

lil. Cobitis merga Krynicki, eine fiir Mittel- 
Europa neue Art aus der Fisch-Familie der 
Acanthopsides Heckel und Kner. Jbid., 329. 

y. Verzeichniss der Fische des Hernad und 
einiger seiner Zufliisse. Ibid., 373-374. 



Ueber das Vorkommen yon 
Lucioperca volgensis C. V. bei Wien, 
nebst Beitriigen zur niiheren Kenntniss 
der beiden mittel-europiischen Lucio- 

perea-Arten. Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ges. 
Wien, 1862, 12, 113-114. 1862.1 
Vorliiufige Mittheilung  iiber 

einen wahrscheinlich lebendig gebiren- 
den  europiiischen _ Siisswasserfisch. 
Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien, 1862, 12 
(Sitzber.), 67-69. 1862.2 

Note upon this article by R. Kner, ibid., 

Die Fische der Mark bei Olmiitz. 
Jahresb. Olmiitzer Gymnas., 1863, pt. 1. 
Ibid., 1864, pt. 2. Also separate; Ol- 
miitz, 1868. 338 p. 8°. 1863.1 

Jeleneff, A. Histologische Unter- 
suchungen des kleinen Gehirnes der 
Neunauge (Petromyzon fluviatilis) Bull. 
Acad. Sei. St. Pétersb., 1879, 25, 334— 
345. pl. — Mélanges Biol. Acad. Imp. 
St. Pétersb., 1877-80, 10, 307-325. 


Jelgersma, G. Der Ursprung des 
Wirbeltierauges. Morphol. Jahrb., 1906, 
35, 377-394. pl. 1906.1 

Jenkins, Christopher. Destruction of 
fish by toads. Scient. Amer., 1870, 23, 
85. 1870.1 

Jenkins, J. Travis. The distribution 
of fish in and around Port Erin bay dur- 
ing August and September 1899. Proc. 
Liverpool Biol. Soc., 1900, 14, 99-102. 


The fish of Port Erm. Rept. 
Fauna Liverpool Bay, 1900, 5, 291-294. 

The methods and results of the 
German plankton investigations, with 
special reference to the Hensen nets. 
Proc. Liverpool Biol. Soc., 901, 15, 
279-341. 11 figs. 1901.1 

Altersbestimmung durch Otoli- 
then bei den Clupeiden. Wiss. Meeres- 
untersuch. Kiel (Abt. Kiel), 1902, n. s. 

6, 81-122. pl. & 2 figs. 1902.1 
The difference between spring 
and autumn herring. Rept. Lancashire 

Sea-Fish. Labor. Liverpool, 1902 
(1903), no. 11, 28-38. 1903.1 
Discussion of official fishery 

statistics (Lancashire and Western sea 
fisheries district) Proc. Liverpool Biol. 
Soc., 1905, 19, 1—50. 1905.1 

Jenkins, J. 7. A list of the fishes-of Beaufort 

The migration of flat-fish. harbor, North Carolina. Stud. Biol. 
Knowledge, 1905, 151. fig. 1905.2 Labor. Johns Hopkins Univ., 1887, 4, 

Rec. Indian Mus., Calcutta, 1909, 3, 
286-293. 1909.1 

Sea fishing. A lecture delivered 
before the Asiatic Society of Bengal on 
February 17th, 1909. Calcutta, 1909. 
OO mathe 1909.2 

Notes on fish from India and 
Persia, with descriptions of new species. 
Rec. Indian Mus., Calcutta, 1910, 5, 
123-140. pl. 1910.1 

On a collection of Indian Pleu- 
ronectide (In Report on the fishes 
taken by the Bengal fisheries steamer 

“Golden Crown.” Part iv. Mem. 
Indian Mus., Calcutta, 1910, 3, no. 1, 
23-31. pl.) 1910.2 

The fisheries of Bengal. Journ. 

Roy. Soc. Arts, London, 1911, 60, 146— 
166. 1911.1 

Report dated the 24th Decem- 
ber 1909 on the marine fishery investi- 
gations of the Bengal government steam 

trawler ‘‘ Golden Crown,” 1908-09. 
Coll. Papers Fish. Surv. Bengal, 1911, 
46-70. 1911 2 

Report on the working of the 
steam trawler ‘‘ Golden Crown ”’ for the 
quarter ending September 30, 1909. 
Coll. Papers Fish. Surv. Bengal, 1911, 
4245. 1911. 3 

Sea fishing. Coll. Papers Fish. 
Surv. Bengal, 1911, 91-100. 1911.4 

Observations on the shallow- 
water fauna of the bay of Bengal made 
on the Bengal fisheries steam trawler 
“Golden Crown,” 1908-09. Rec. Indian 
Mus., Calcutta, 1912, 7, 51-64. pl. 


Jenkins, J. Travis, & Annandale, 
Nelson. See Annandale & Jenkins. 

Jenkins, J. Travis, & Johnstone, 
James. See Johnstone & Jenkins. 

Jenkins, Oliver Peebles [1850 —} 
Note of the fishes of Beaufort harbor, 
N.C. Johns Hopkins Univ. Cire., 1885, 
Binal 1885.1 

List of fishes collected in Vigo 
county, Indiana, in 1885 and 1888. 
Hoosier Naturalist, 1887, 2, 93-96. 


83-94. 1887.2 

—— The Hopkins seaside laboratory. 
Zoe, 1893, 4, no. 1. 23 pls. 1893.1 

Description of a new species of 
Ranzania from the Hawaiian islands. 
Proc. California Acad. Sci., 1895, 5, 
779-784. fig. 1895.1 

Descriptions of fifteen new 
species of fishes from the Hawaiian 
islands. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1899 
(1901), 19, 387-404. 16 figs. 1901.1 

Descriptions of new species of 
fishes from the Hawaiian islands belong- 
ing to the families of Labride and 
Searide. Bull. U. 8. Fish Comm. 1899 
(1901), 19, 45-65. 22 figs. 1901.2 

Report on collections of fishes 
made in the Hawaiian islands, with 
descriptions of new species. Bull. U.S. 
Fish Comm. 1902 (1904), 22, 417-511. 
4 pls. & 56 figs. 1904.1 

Temperature conditions in the 
Kern river region (In Evermann, B. W. 
The golden trout of the southern high 
Sierras. Bull. Bureau Fisheries 1905 
(1906), 25, 39-48) 1906.1 

Jenkins, Oliver Peebles, & Ever; 
mann, Barton Warren. See Eyvermann 
& Jenkins. 

Jenkins, Stuart. Origin of the verte- 
brates. Middle Age, 1897, 15, 193-200; 
225-230. 1897.1 

Jenkins, Thomas. Observations on 
the young of the salmon, more particu- 
larly on the samlet or small fish found 
in the Wye and other rivers in the au- 
tumn months, called in Herefordshire 
“lasprings”’ or ‘“ gravel-lasprings.” 
Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1840, 4, 161-169. 
— Notizen (Froriep), 14, 209-216. 


Jenkinson, J. W. Growth, variabil- 

ity and correlation in young trout. 
Biometrika, 1912, 8, 444455. 1912.1 

Jennett, Wallace R. Statement con- 
cerning the menhaden fishery. Rept. 
U.S. Fish Comm. 1877 (1879), 5, 474. 


Jennings, Francis M. (On eels 
killed by frost, in a letter to W. Thomp- 
son] Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1841, 7, 
236-237. 1841.1 

Se ——— 



Jenny, fr. 
ablagerungen am Siidhang des Blauen 
(Juragebirge) Verh. Nat. Ges. Basel, 
1905, 18, 119-130. pl. 1905.1 

Jensen, Adolf Severin [1866—] En 
karpefisk, der bevogter sine «g (Leu- 

caspius delineatus} Dansk Fiskeriforen. 
Medlemsbl., 1894, 3. Jahrg., 401-402. 

Zoologia Danica. Kjobenhavn, 
1897-1907. 1897.1 

Fishes, 1897, pt. 10, 127-179. 4 pls. Ibid., 
1900, pt. 11, 179-250. 6pls. Ibid., 1907, pt. 12, 
251-360. 18 pls. 

Om Centrophorus —squamosus. 
Vidensk. Meddel. Naturh. Foren., Kjo- 
benhavn, 1899, 411-419. pl. 1899.1 

Om slimaalens «eg. Vidensk. 
Meddel. Naturh. Foren., Kjobenhavn, 
1900, 1-13. pl. 1900.1 

Whence do the otoliths of the 
“ Tngolf ”’ expedition originate? (Text 
in Danish] Vidensk. Meddel. Naturh. 
Foren., Kjebenhavn, 1900, 251-254. 


Ichthyologiske studier. Vidensk. 
Meddel. Naturh. Foren., Kjobenhavn, 
1901, 191-215. 1901.1 

i. Har den dybe ‘‘kolde Area’”’ en egen fiske- 
fauna? | 

ii. Om en merkelig variationsrekke af Lycodes 
vahlii Reinh. 

lil. Om nogle nye arter af slegten Lycodes 
{Lycodes similis] 

iv. Om en ny art af slegten Cottunculus [C. 

On some fishes not hitherto 
observed in the Danish seas [Text in 
Danish} Dansk Fiskeriforen Medlems- 
bl., Kjobenhavn, 1901, 10. Jahrg., 
489-492. 1901.2 

The fishes of east Greenland 
tLycenchelys kolthoffii Meddel. Gron- 
land, 1904, 29, 211-276. 3pls. 1904.1 

—— The North-European and Green- 
land Lycodine (In Danish Ingolf-Ex- 
pedition, vol. u, no. 4, 1-124. 10 pls. & 
33 figs. Copenhagen, 1904) 1904.2 
List of the fish-fauna of the 

polar deep. Meddel. Komm. Havunder- 
segelser Fiskeri, 1905, 1, no. 7. 1905.1 

On fish-otoliths in the bottom- 
deposits of the sea. I. Otoliths of the 
Gadus-species deposited in the polar 

deep. Meddel. Komm. Havundersggel- 
ser Fiskeri, 1905,1,no.7. 14p. 4 figs. 

Raja fylle i Skagerak. Vidensk. 
Meddel. Naturh. Foren., Kjobenhavn, 
1905, 227-238. 1905.3 


Fossilreiche Oligociin- 

607-629. 9 figs. 


Om de for aarene 1908-09 
planlagte fiskeriunderségelser ved Gron- 
land. Det Gronlandske Selsk. Aarsskr., 
Kjobenhavn, 1907, 79-99. — 1907.1 

Beretning om fiskeriunderségel- 
serne ved Gronland i 1909. Beret. 
Kundgér. Ved. Kolonierne i Gronland, 

Kjobenhayn, 1909, no. 5, 1-46. 1909.1 
Indberetning om _fiskeriunder- 
s6gelserne ved Gronland 11908. Beret. 

Kundgér. Ved. Kolonierne 1 Gronland, 
Kjobenhayn, 1909, no. 2, 11-82. 1909.2 

Fiskeriundersogelser 1 Gronland 
1908 & 1909 (Fishery investigations in 
Greenland in the years 1908 and 1909) 
Atlanten, Kjobenhavn, 1910, no. 82, 

Fishes (In Report of the second 
Norwegian arctic expedition in the 
“Fram,” 1898-1902, no. 25, p. 15. 
Kristiania, 1910) 1910.2 

Jensen, Olaf S. [— 1887] Indberet- 
ning til departementet for det Indre om 
de i 1880 udforte praktisk-videnskabe- 
lige underségelser over vaarsildfisket. 
Christiania, 1880. 39 p. 8°. 1880.1 

Report on the practical and sci- 
entific investigations of the spring her- 
ring fisheries during the year 1880, 
submitted to the Department of the In- 
terior. Rept. U.S. Fish Comm. 1880 
(1883), 8, 127-161. 1883.1 

Jentsch, Bernhard. Ueber die fos- 
silen Fischreste des Provinzialmuseums. 
Sitzber. Physik.-Oekonom: Ges. Preus- 
sen, KG6nigsberg, 1883. 3 p. 1883.1 

Beitrag zur Entwicklung und 
Struktur der Selachierzihne. Leipzig, 
1897. Inaug. Dissert. 38p. 2pls. 8°. 


A manual 

Jenyns, afterwards 
(Rev.) Leonard [1800-1893] 

of British vertebrate animals. Cam- 
bridge & London, 1835. xxxil, 559 p. 
8°. 1835.1 

Fish (In The zoology of the voy- 
age of H. M. S. “ Beagle,’ during the 
years 1832-1836; edited by Charles 
Darwin, 1842, pt. 4. 172 p. 29 pls. 
London, 1839-43. 5 pts. 4°) 1842.1 

Observations in natural history: 
with an introduction on habits of ob- 
serving as connected with the study of 
that science, also a calendar of periodic 
phenomena in natural history, ete. Lon- 
don, 1846. xvi, 440 p. 12°. 1846.1 




Jerdon, Thomas Claverhill [1811-— 
1872] On the freshwater fishes of south- 
ern India. Madras Journ. Lit. Sci., 
1848, 15, pt. 1, 139-149. Jbid., 1849, 
pt. 2, 302-346. 1848.1 

Ichthyological gleanings in Ma- 
dras. Madras Journ. Lit. Sci., 1851, 
17, 128-151. 1851.1 

On Pristolepis (Catopra) margina- 
tus Jerd. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1865, 
3. ser. 16, 298. 1865.1 

On the extension of certain 
marine fishes to the freshwater rivers of 
India. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1866, 3. 
ser. 17, 153. 1866.1 

Jernstrom, L. A. Om fiskodling och 
fiskerindring. Helsingfors, 1871. 19 p- 
8°. 1871.1 

Jerome, George H. The grayling. 
Amer. Sportsman, 1874, 4, 203. 1874.1 

Whitefish. Amer. Sportsman, 
1874, 5, 168. 1874.2 

First report of the superintend- 
ent of the state of Michigan fisheries 
for 1873-74. Lansing, 1875. 46 p. 

Second report of the superin- 
tendent of the Michigan state fisheries 
for 1875-76. Lansing, 1876. 45 p. 

A historic salmon. Forest & 
Stream, 1878, 11, 360. 1878.1 

Jesse, Edward [1780-1868] Gleanings 
in natural history, with local recollec- 

tions . . . to which are added maxims 
and hints for an angler. London, 1832. 
xi ole ps .On 1832.1 

Jesse, Richard. Die Fische Meck- 

lenburgs. 34. Jahresbericht tiber das 
stidtische Gymnasium zu Waren. 
Waren, 1903. 34p. 8°. 1903.1 

Jeude, Theodor Willem van Lidth de. 
See Lidth de Jeude, 7. W. van. 

Jewett, H. Occurrence of shad and 
salmon in Connecticut river. Rept. 
U. 8. Fish Comm. 1871-72 (1873), 6, 
ley 1873.1 

Jhering, Hermann von. See thering, 
H. von. 

Jiménez de Cisneros, Daniel. No- 
ticia acerca de algunos animales marinos 
existentes en el gabinete de _ historia 
natural del Instituto de Jovellanos. 

Bol. Soc. Espafi. Hist. Nat., 1904, 4, 
291-293. 1904.1 
Peseas, p. 293. 

Joannis, L. de. Observations sur les 
poissons du Nil, et descriptions de 
plusieurs espéces nouvelles suivies d’un 
tableau de toutes les espéces qui vivent 
dans ce fleuve. Mag. Zool., 1835, 5. 
année, nos. 1-14. 15 pls. 1835.1 

Notice sur la génération des 
anguilles. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1839, 
8, 301-302. 1839.1 

Notice sur la parturition et la 
génération des anguilles. Rev. Zool., 
1839, 2, 48-53. 1839.2 

Jobert, Clément. Recherches pour 
servir 4 histoire des organes du toucher 
chez les poissons. Bull. Soc. Philom. 
Paris, 1871, 7, 194—206. 1871.1 

Etudes d’anatomie comparée sur 
les organes du toucher chez divers mam- 
miféres, oiseaux, poissons et insectes. 
Ann. Sci. Nat. (Zool.), 1872, 5. sér. 16, 
art. 5. 162p. 8 figs. Abstract in Rev. 
Cours Scient., 4, 636-637. 1872.1 

— Organs du toucher des poissons. 
C. R. Assoc. Frang. Avance. Sci., 1. sess. 
1872 (1873), 613. 1873.1 

Ein neuer luftathmender Fisch 
(Callichthys asper} Kosmos, 1877, 1, 443. 
S187 el 

Recherches pour seryir 4 l’his- 
toire de la respiration chez les poissons. 
Ann. Sci. Nat. (Zool.), 1877, 6. sér. 5, 
art.8. 4p.—C.R. Acad. Sei. Paris, 84, 
309-310. Abstract in Naturforscher 
(Sklarek), 1877, 10. Jahrg., 156. 1877.2 

On the aerial respiration of some 
Brazilian fishes. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 
1878, 5. ser. 2, 105-108. — Pop. Sei. 
Rev., 1878, n. s. 2, 334-335. 1878.1 

Recherches anatomiques et phy- 
siologiques pour servir 4 V’histoire de la 
respiration chez les poissons. Ann. Sei. 
Nat. (Zool.), 1878, 6. sér. 7, art. 5. 7p. 
Abstract in C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 86, 
935-938. 1878.2 

Sur la prétendue voix de cer- 
tains poissons siluroides. C. R. Assoc. 
Frang. Avance. Sci., 8. sess. 1879 (1880), 
743. 1880.1 

Sur la prétendue pénétration de 
poissons dans l’uréthre. Arch. Parasi- 
tologie, Paris, 1898, 1, 493-502. 1898.1 


Jobert, Clément, & Grandey, 
Terminaisons nerveuses chez les pois- 
sons. C. R. Mém. Soc. Biol. Paris, 
1870, 5. sér. 2, 141-144. 1870.1 

Jobert, Clément, & Jolyet, Félix. 
Expérience montrant que la_ torpille 
regoit partiellement la décharge qu’elle 
lance. Trav. Labor. Soc. Sci. Arcachon, 
1895, 57-59. 3 figs. Translation in Nat. 
Wochenschr., 1896, 11, 567-568. 1895.1 

Jobert de Lamballe, Antoine Joseph 
[1799-1867] Recherches anatomiques 
sur l’organe électrique de la torpille. 
C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1844, 18, 810. 
— Notizen (Froriep), 30, 225-228. 


Considérations sur les appareils 
électriques de la torpille, du gymnote, 
ete. “C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1851, 33, 
41-42. 1851.1 

Des appareils électriques des 
poissons électriques. Paris, 1858. xiii, 
104 p. & atlas of 11 pls. 8°. 1858.1 

Recherches anatomiques sur 
Vappareil électrique du malaptérure 
électrique. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 
1858, 47, 8-16. — L’Institut, 1858, 26, 
221; 230-231. Abstract in Rev—Mag. 
Zool., 1858, 2. sér. 10, 320-321. 1858.2 

Jorgensen, Lidt om fiskeriet i 
Kina. Dansk. Fiskeriforen. Medlems- 
bl., 1896, 5. Jahrg., 490-491; 498-500. 


Johann, 1. Ueber eigenthiimliche 
epitheliale Gebilde (Leuchtorgane) bei 
Spinax niger. Zeitschr. Wiss. Zool., 
1899, 66, 136-160. 2 pls. & fig. - 1899.1 

Johannsen, Wilhelm. Gasterosteus 
spinachia lL. Wochenschr. Aquar.- 
Terrar. Kunde, 1912, 9. Jahrg., 2-3. 
fig. 1912.1 

Johan-Olsen, Olav. Om sop pa klip- 
fisk den sakaldte mid. Christiania, 
1887. 25p. 8°: 1887.1 

Johansen, Anders Cornelius Jacob. 
Zoolegien. Dansk Kultur i det 19de 
aarhundrede, Kjebenhayvn, 1901, 174— 
182. 1901.1 

Beretning om undersggelserne 
vedrerende fiskeriforholdene under skon- 
nerten “ Dianas Togt”’ til islands syd- 
og gstkyst i aarene 1898-1900. Fiskeri- 
Beret. Finan. 1901-1902. Kjobenhavn, 
1903. 46p. 8°. 1903.1 



Contributions to the biology of 
the plaice with special regard to the 
Danish plaice-fishery, 1905-12. 1905.1 

i. Growth and distribution of the Pleuronectes 
platessa L. Meddel. Komm. Havundersggelser 
Fiskeri, Kjobenhavn, 1905, 1, no. 2. 69 p. 12 
pls. & fig. 

ii. The marking and transplantation experi- 
ments with plaice in the Danish waters in the 
years 1903-06. Jbid., 1907,5. 122p. 6pls. & 
10 figs. 

iii. On the variation in frequency of young 
plaice in Danish waters in 1902-1907. Jbid., 
1908, 3, no. 4. 48 p. 12 figs. 

iv. Is the plaice indigenous to the true Bal- 
tic? Ibid., 1909, 3. 22p. 2 figs. 

v. The supposed migrations of plaice from the 
Kattegat and the Belt sea to the true Baltic. 
Ibid., 1912, 4,no.1. 34p. 5 figs. 

Remarks on the life history of 

the young postlarval eel (Anguilla 
vulgaris Turt.) Meddel. Komm. Ha- 
vundersegelser Fiskeri, Kjobenhavn, 
1905, 1, no. 6. 9p. 1905.2 

Bericht tiber die Tiatigkeit der 
Kommission © in der Periode Februar 
1903—Miarz 1906. 3. Ueber die Schol- 
lenfischerei im Kattegat und die Mittel, 
sie su haben. Conseil Perman. Intern. 
Explor. Mer, Rapp., 1906, 5, 45-136. 
2 pls. & 3 figs. 1906.1 

— Bericht iiber die Eier, Larven 
und dlteren Stadien der Pleuronectiden 
in der Ostsee nach Zahl, Grésse, Alter 
und Geschlecht. Conseil Perman. In- 
tern. Explor. Mer, Rapp. et Proc. Verb., 
1909, 12. 49p. 2 figs. Ibid., 1910, 13. 
23p. 16 pls. Jbid., 1911, 14. 57 p. 9 
figs. 1909.1 

Elemente der exakten Erblich- 
keitslehre. Jena, 1909. 1909.2 

Bericht tiber die dinischen Un- 
tersuchungen iiber die Schollenfischerei 
und den Schollenbestand in der éstlichen 
Nordsee, dem Skagerak und dem nérd- * 
lichen Kattegat. Meddel. Komm. Ha- 
vundersegelser Fiskeri, Kjobenhayn, 
1910, 3, no. 8, 1-142. 1910.1 

Om roedspetten og redspette- 
fiskeriet i Beltfarvandet med nogle be- 
merkninger om de govrige flynderarter 
og flynderfiskeriet i samme farvand 
{On the plaice and the other flounders in 
the Belt sea} Skrift. Udgivn. Komm. 
Havundersggelser, Kjobenhavn, 1912, 7, 
1-158. 28 pls. 1912.1 

Om Gudenaa-laksens _vekst. 
Bemeerkninger paa grundlag af Skeelun- 
dersogelser (The growth of Salmo salar 

in the Gudenaa (Jutland)} Dansk 
Fiskeritidene Kjobenhayn, 1913, 421-— 
424, 1913.1 


Johansen, Anders Cornelius Jacob, & 
Jacobsen, J. P. See Jacobsen & 

Johansen, Anders Cornelius Jacob, 
& Neergaard-Moller, £.  Biologisk 
statiske oplysninger om det Danske salt- 
vandsfiskeri i 1909 (Biological statistics 
of the Danish salt-water fishery for the 
year 1909} Meddel. Komm. Havunder- 
segelser, Kjobenhavn, 1912, 1, 1-99. 2 
maps. 1912.1 

Biological statistical report on 
the produce of the Danish sea-fishery in 
1909 and 1910. Copenhagen, 1912-13. 
4°, 1912.2 

Biological statistical report on 
the produce of the Danish sea-fishery in 
1910. Meddel. Komm. Havundersogel- 
ser, Kjobenhayvn, 1913, 2, 1-179. 21 
figs. 1913.1 

Johansen, Anders Cornelius Jacob, 
Petersen, C.G. J., & Kyle, Harry M. 
See Petersen, Kyle & Johansen. 

Johansen, Fr. The fishes of the 
Denmark expedition. Meddel. Gronl., 
1912, 45, 633-675. 3 pls. — Danmark- 
Ekspeditionen til Gronlands Nordost- 
kyst, 1906-08, 5, no. 12. 1906.1 

Johanson, Hdwin. Zur Frage der 

dem Fischleben schidlichen Flachs- 
weichen. Russische Zeitschr. Pharmac., 
1882, 21. 1882.1 

John, Charles, & Paget, James. 
Sketch of the natural history of great 
Yarmouth [Yarmouth] 1834. 8°. 


John, Hans Henrik. Undersdékning 
om Nyland och Tavastehus lin, i an- 
seende till dess lige, vidd, climat, vahr- 
floder, sjOar och vattuleder, naturs 
formaner och brister, naringar, folk- 
rikhet, politie- och Cameral-férfattnin- 
gar, pt. 1. Inaug. Dissert., Abo, 1789. 
84 p. 4° 1789.1 

Pehr Adrian Gadd, preses. 

John, Johann Friedrich [1782-1847] 
Beschreibung und Abbildung des Ura- 
noscopus lebeckii. Neue Schrift. Ges. 
Naturf. Freunde Berlin, 1801, 3, 283- 
281.) ple 1801.1 

Johnes, HH. Owen. 
Forest & Stream, 1875, 5, 306. 

Kelts and smelts. 

Smart, ——, 

Johnson, ——, & 
See Smart, Gold- 

smith & Johnson. 



Johnson, A. M. Shipment of white- 
fish ova to New Zealand in 1878. Rept. 
U.S. Fish Comm. 1878 (1880), 6, 879. 



Johnson, H. The fisheries of Pictou, 
Nova Scotia. Rept. U. 8. Fish Comm. 
1883 (1885), 11, 1184-1185. 1885.1 

Johnson, Frank M. Forest, lake and 
river. The fishes of New England and 
eastern Canada. 2 vols. Boston, 1902. 
pls. 4°. 1902.1 

Résumé of work done during the 
past year in the raising of western charr 
in eastern waters. Trans. Amer. Fish- 
eries Soc. 1904 (1905), 193-209. 9 pls. 


The care and feeding of fry in 
pond life. Trans. Amer. Fisheries Soc. 
1906 (1907), 230-232. 1907.1 

Johnson, J. P. Additions to the 
paleolithic fauna of the Uphall brick- 
yard, Ilford, Essex. Essex Natural., 
1901, 11, 209-212. fig. 1901.1 

Contains mention of fish-remains. 

The Eocene flora and fauna of 
Walton-Naze, Essex. Essex Natural., 
1901, 11, 284-287. 1901.2 

Some sections in the Cretaceous 
rocks around Glynde and their fossil 
contents. Geol. Mag., 1901, 4. dec. 8, 
249-251. 1901.3 

Contains some mention of fossil fish-remains. 

Johnson, J. S. 

(Hints upon how to 
make fish-skeletons] Field & Forest, 
1877, 2, 204. 1877.1 

Johnson, James Yate. Notes on 
rare and little-known fishes taken at 
Madeira. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1862, 
3. ser. 10, 161-172; 274-287. Jbid., 11, 
237-248. 1862.1 

Remarks on the specimen of 
Alepisaurus ferox recently obtained at 
Madeira. Proce. Zool. Soe. London, 
1862, 126-128. 1862.2 

Descriptions of five new species 
of fishes obtained at Madeira. Proce. 
Zool. Soe. London, 1863, 36-46. pl. — 
Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 3. ser. 12, 313— 
BRB y, 1863.1 

Descriptions of some new genera 
and species of fishes obtained at Madeira. 
Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 18@°, 3. ser. 11, 
58-71. figs. 1863.2 

Descriptions of three new genera 
of marine fishes obtained at Madeira. 



Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1864, 3. ser. 14, 
70-78. — Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1863, 
403-410. pl. 1864.1 

Descriptions are given of Diretmus argenteus, 
Halosaurus owenii and Chiasmodon niger. 

Description of a new genus of 
trichiuroid fishes obtained at Madeira 
(Nealotus tripes} with remarks on the 
genus Dicrotus Giinther, and on some 
allied genera of Trichiuride. Proc. 
Zool. Soc. London, 1865, 434437. — 
Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1865, 3. ser. 16, 
283-286. 1865.1 

Description of Trachichthys dar- 
winit, a new species of berycoid fish 
from Madeira. Proc. Zool. Soc. Lon- 
don, 1866, 311-315. pl. 1866.1 

Description of a new genus of 
Spinacidz, founded upon a shark ob- 
tained at Madeira [Machephilus dume- 
rili %] Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1867, 
713-715. 1867.1 

Madeira, its climate and scenery. 
A handbook .. . with chapters on the 
fauna, flora, geology, etc. 3. ed. Lon- 
don, 1885. xxx,310p. pl. 8°. 1885.1 

— On some new species of fishes 
from Madeira. Proc. Zool. Soc. Lon- 
don, 1890, 452-459. 1890.1 

Johnson, Rk. D. O. Notes on the 
habits of a climbing catfish (Arges mar- 
moratus) from the republic of Colombia. 
Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci., 1912, 22, 327— 
333. 4 figs. 1912.1 

Johnson, foswell Hill. The indi- 
viduality and variation of the pyloric 
eeca of the Centrarchide. Trans. 
Wisconsin Acad. Sci., 1907, 15, 713- 
732. 5 pls. & 2 figs. 1907.1 

Johnson, Samuel M. (Bexar, pseu- 
don.) The gulf thread-fish. Forest & 
Stream, 1879, 13, 785. 1879.1 

A Texas fish (Sphyrena picuda) 
Forest & Stream, 1879, 13, 925-926. 

— Texas trout. Forest & Stream, 
1880, 15, 49. 1880.1 

Notes on the mortality among 
fishes of the gulf of Mexico. Proc. U.S. 
Nat. Mus., 1881, 4, 205. — Smithson. 
Mise. Coll., 1882, 22, art. 2. 1881.1 

Growth of German carp sent to 
Savoy, Texas, by the United States Fish 
Commission; letter to Prof. S. F. Baird. 
Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1882 (1883), 2, 
14, 1883.1 



Johnson, Samuel William [1830 —] 
Analysis of fish guano. Rept. Comm. 
Board Agric. 1859 (1860), 35-36. 1860.1 

Johnson, 7. An account of the 
attempts to transport salmon to Aus- 
tralia. Rept. Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 
33. meet. 1863 (1864), 105. 1864.1 

An account of the successful ac- 
complishment of the plan to transport 
salmon ova to Australia. Rept. Brit. 
Assoc. Adv. Sci., 34. meet. 1864 (1865), 
99-100. 1865.1 

Johnston, George [1797-1855] <Ad- 
dress to the members of the Berwick- 
shire Naturalists’ Club. Proc. Hist. 
Berwick. Nat. Club, 1834, 1, 4-12. 


Fishes, p. 6-7. 

A list of the fishes of Berwick- 
shire, exclusive of the salmones. Proce. 
Hist. Berwick. Nat. Club, 1834, 1, 170- 
176. 1834.2 

Notice of the Myliobatis aquila 
of Cuvier, or eagle ray of Yarrell. Proc. 
Hist. Berwick. Nat. Club, 1834, 1, 205. 

On the nests of the fifteen-spined 
stickleback, or Gasterosteus spinachia of 
Linnzeus. Proc. Hist. Berwick. Nat. 
Club, 1834, 1, 200-201. 1834.4 

A description of the long-tailed 
shark. Proce. Hist. Berwick. Nat. Club, 
1849, 2, 215-220. 1849.1 

Johnston, (Sir) Henry Hamilton 
[1858 —] British Central Africa; an 
attempt to give some account of a por- 
tion of the territories under British in- 
fluence north of the Zambesi. London, 
1897. 544p. figs. 8°. 1897.1 

Contains some notice of fishes. 

Johnston, (Sir) Henry, Lydekker, 
Richard, & others. Harmsworth natural 
history. London, 1910. See Lydekker, 
R., & others. 

Johnston, H.W. The scales of sal- 
mon. Ann. Rept. Fish. Board Scotland, 
1907, 25, 54-66. 5 pls. 1907.1 

The scales of salmon. Ann. 
Rept. Fish. Board Scotland, 1911, 28, 
pt. 2, 21-24. 1911.1 

Johnston, J., & Smith, W.A. Re- 
port of their proceedings as a deputation 
from the Fishery Board for Scotland to 
the continent to inquire into the working 
of the new branding regulations {for 
herring] (In Great Britain Sessional 
Papers, 1890-91, 63. Sp. fol.) 1890.1 




Johnston, John Black [1868 —] Hind 
brain and cranial nerves of Acipenser. 
Anat. Anz., 1898, 28, 580-602. 13 figs. 


The olfactory lobes, fore-brain 
and habenular tracts of Acipenser; a 
summary of work on their minute struc- 
ture. Zool. Bull., Boston, 1898, 1, 221— 
241. 5 figs. 1898.2 

The giant ganglion cells of Cato- 
stomus and Coregonus. Journ. Comp. 
Neurol., 1900, 10, 375-381. ° 2 pls. 


Some points in the brain of lower 
vertebrates. Biol. Bull. Woods Hole, 
1901, 2, 356-357. 1901.1 

Tee brain-structure in Petromyzon and 

An attempt to define the primi- 
tive functional divisions of the central 
nervous system. Journ. Comp. Neurol., 

1902, 12, 87-106. 2 figs. 1902.1 

The brain of Acipenser. A con- 
tribution to the morphology of the verte- 
brate brain. Zool. Jahrb. (Abth. Anat.), 
1902, 15, 59-260. 11 pls. & 33 figs. 


Review by C. Judson Herrick in Science, 
1902, n. s. 14, 930-931. 

—— The brain of Petromyzon. Journ. 
Comp. Neurol., 1902, 12, 1-86. 8 pls. 

Das Gehirn und die Cranial- 
nerven der Anamnier. Ergebnisse Anat. 
Entwick., Wiesbaden, 1902, 11, 973- 
ial. 8 figs. 1902.4 

Deutsche Uebersetzung von Dr. Karl W. 

The homology of the selachian 
ampulle. A note on Allis’ recent paper 
on Mustelus levis. Anat. Anz., 1902, 21, 
308-313. 1902.5 

—— The cranial and spinal ganglia 
and the viscero-motor roots in Amphi- 
Oxus. Biol. Bull. Woods Hole, 1903, 3) 
112-127. 7 figs. 1905.1 

The cranial nerve Conponenes of 
Petromyzon. Morph. Jahrb., 1905, 34, 
149-203. pl. & 18 figs. 1905.2 

The morphology of the verte- 
brate head from the viewpoint of the 
functional divisions of the nervous sys- 
tem. Journ. Comp. Neurol., 1905, 15, 
175-275. 4 pls. 1905.3 

The radix mesencephalica tri- 
The ganglion isthmi. Anat. 


Anz., 1905, 27, 364-379. figs. — Journ. 
Comp. Neurol., 19, 593-644. 40 figs. 

The nervous system of verte- 

brates. Philadelphia. 1906. xx, 370 p. 
180 figs. 8°. 1906.1 

Thesame. English ed. London, 
1907. 1907.1 

Additional notes on the cranial 
nerves of Petromyzonts. Journ. Comp. 
Neurol., 1908, 18, 569-608. 31 figs. 


A note on the presence or ab- 
sence of the glossopharyngeal nerve in 
myxinoids. Anat. Rec., Philadelphia, 
1908, 2, 233-239. 1908.2 

On the significance of the cali- 
ber of the parts of the neurone in verte- 
brates. Journ. Comp. Neurol., 1908, 18, 
609-618. 1908.3 

The central nervous system of 
vertebrates. Ergebnisse Fortschr. Zool., 
Jena, 1909, 2,1-170. 103 figs. 1909.1 

The limit between ectoderm and 
entoderm in the mouth and the origin of 
taste buds. Anat. Rec., Philadelphia, 
1909, 3, 261-262. — Amer. Journ. Anat., 
1910, 10, 41-67. 1909.2 

The morphology of the forebrain 
vesicle in vertebrates. Journ. Comp. 
Neurol., 1909, 19, 457-539. 45 figs. 
Abstract in Anat. Rec., Philadelphia, 3, 
260-261. 1909.3 

A comment upon recent contri- 
butions on the brain of Petromyzonts. 
Anat. Anz., 1910, 37, 153-158; 182-194. 

9 figs. 1910.1 

The evolution of the cerebral 
cortex. Anat. Rec., Philadelphia, 1910, 
4, 143-166. 20 figs. 191 0.2 

A note on the forebrain of Chi- 
mera. Anat. Anz., 1910, 36, 233-242. 
27 figs. 1910.3 

The telencephalon of ganoids 
and teleosts. Journ. Comp. Neurol., 
1911, 21, 489-591. 99 figs. 1911.1 

The telencephalon of selachians. 
Journ. Comp. Neurol., 1911, 21, 1-113. 

85 figs. 1911.2 

The telencephalon in cyclo- 
stomes. Journ. Comp. Neurol., 1912, 
22, 341-404. 41 figs. 7 1912.1 

On the teleostean forebrain. 
Anat. Ree., Philadelphia, 1912, 6, 423- 
438. 3 figs. 1912.2 


Upon the morphology of the 
forebrain in fishes. Anat. Anz., 1912, 
40, 531-540. 1912.3 

Nervous system of vertebrates. 
Philadelphia, 1913. illust. 8°. 1913.1 

Johnston, Mary S. On a specimen 
of the Jurassic ganoid fish, Plewropholis 
levissima Egerton. Geol. Mag., 1909, 
5. dec. 6, 309-311. pl. 1909.1 

Johnston, Robert M. General and 
critical observations on the fishes of 
Tasmania, etc. Proc. Roy. Soc. Tas- 
mania 1882 (1883), 51-144. 1883.1 

Description of a new species of 
Odax. Proc. Roy. Soc. Tasmania, 1884, 
231-232. 1884.1 

Fishes of Tasmania. Proc. Roy. 
Soc. Tasmania, 1884, Ixv-Ixvi. 1884.2 

— Notice of recent additions to the 
list of Tasmanian fishes. Proc. Roy. 
Soc. Tasmania, 1884, 193-195. 1884.3 

Observations on six rare fishes 
recently captured in Tasmanian waters. 
Proc. Roy. Soc. Tasmania, 1884, 252- 

256. 1884.4 

Description of two rare Tasma- 
nian fishes. Proc. Roy. Soc. Tasmania, 
1887, 45-46. 1887.1 

Results of the various attempts 
to acclimatise Salmo salar in Tasmanian 
waters. Proc. Roy. Soc. Tasmania, 
1888, 27-46. . 1888.1 

Further observations upon the 
fishes and fishing industries of Tasmania, 
together with a revised list of indigenous 
species. Proc. Roy. Soc. Tasmania, 
1890, 2246. 1890.1 

— Reference list of various books 
and memoirs, on scientific and 
economic subjects, written and pub- 
lished since 1873. Hobart, 1893. 10 p. 
8°. 1893.1 

Johnston, S. J. Contributions to a 
knowledge of Australian entozoa. No. 
II. On anew species of Distomum from 
the sawfish shark, Pristiophorus cirratus 
Lath. Proc. Linn. Soc. N. South Wales, 
1902, 27, 326-330. pl. 1902.1 

Johnston, 7. Harvey, & Cleland, 
J. Burton. See Cleland & Johnston. 

Johnstone, James. Note on asporo- 
zoon parasite of the plaice (Plewronectes 
platessa) Proc. Trans. Liverpool Biol. 
Soc., 1901, 15, 184-187. pl. 1901.1 



On some experiments with “drift 
bottles.” Proc. Trans. Liverpoo! Biol. 
Soc., 1903, 17, 154-164. 3 figs. 1903.1 

Tests to determine the extent of migration of 
fish eggs. 

Report on the marine fishes 
(collected by Messrs. Annandale and 
Robinson on the coast of Patani and 

Jhering} (In Fasciculi Malayenses. 
Zoology, pt. 2, 293-302: pl. London 
& New York, 1903) 1903.2 

Report on the trawling statistics 
by the “John Fell” and sea-fisheries 
bailiffs. Proc. Trans. Liverpool Biol. 
Soc., 1903, 17, 165-180. 2 figs.. 1903.3 

Flounders with spinulated scales. 
Rept. Lancashire Sea-Fish. Labor., 1904, 

121-123. fig.— Proc. Trans. Liver- 
pool Biol. Soc., 1905, 19, 301-303. fig. 

A malformed plaice. Proce. 

Trans. Liverpool Biol. Soc., 1904, 18, 
111-112. 1904.2 

Report on the marine fishes col- 
lected by Professor Herdman, at Ceylon, 
in 1902. Rept. Gov’t. Ceylon Pearl 
Oyster Fish. Gulf of Manaar, 1904, 2, 
201-222. 2 pls. & 2 figs. 1904.3 


Some results of the international 

fishery investigations. Journ. Mar. 
Biol. Assoc., 1904-06, n. s. 7, 437-486. 
6 figs. 1904.4 

Trawling observations and re- 
sults. Proc. Trans. Liverpool Biol. Soc., 
1904, 18, 100-112. pl. Jbid., 1905, 19, 
216-241. IJbid., 1906, 20, 232-251. — 
Rept. Lancashire Sea-Fish. Labor., 1903, 
20-32. pl. Ibid. 1904, 36-61. fig. 
Tbid., 1905, 88-108. 2 figs. 1904.5 

Abnormally scaled flounders. 
Proc. Trans. Liverpool Biol. Soc., 1905, 
19, 301-303. figs. 1905.1 

British fisheries, their adminis- 
tration and their problems. London, 
1905. 350p. 8°. 1905.2 

Review by H. de Varigny in Rev. Scient., 5. 

Experiments in marking plaice. 
Proc. Trans. Liverpool Biol. Soc., 1905, 
19, 271-277. illust. — Rept. Lancashire 
Sea-Fish Labor., 1904, 91-97. pl. 


Internal parasites and diseased 
conditions of fishes. Proc. Trans. Liver- 
pool Biol. Soc., 1905, 19, 278-300. 2 
pls. & figs. Ibid., 1906, 20, 295-329. 


Johnstone, J. 

pl. IJbid., 1907, 21, 270-303. pl. Ibid., 
1909, 23, 189-202. 2 pls. Jbid., 1910, 
24, 78-99. Ibid., 1911, 25, 88-122. 5 
pls. 1905.4 

Report on experiments with 
marked fish during the years 1904- 
08. Rept. Lancashire Sea-Fish. Labor., 
1905, 108-150. fig. & 2 maps. Tbid., 
1906, 126-169. fig. & 4 maps. Jbid., 
1907, 22-43. 2 pls. Jbid., 1908, 15-24. 
— Trans. Liverpool Biol. Soc., 1906, 20, 
252-294. fig. & 2 maps. Jbid., 1907, 
21, 226-269. fig.&4 maps. Ibid., 1908, 

22, 114-135. 2 pls. Jbid., 1909, 23, 
117-126. 1905.5 
The food of fishes. Rept. Lan- 

eashire Sea-Fish. Labor., 1906, 216-— 
227. 2 pls.— Trans. Liverpool Biol. 
Soc., 1907, 21, 316-327. 2 pls. 1906.1 

Ichthyological notes. Rept. Lan- 

cashire Sea-Fish. Labor., 1905, 186-— 
191. 2 figs. Jbid., 1906, 209-215. 3 
figs. — Trans. Liverpool Biol. Soe., 
1906, 20, 330-335. 2 figs. Jbid., 1907, 
21, 309-315. 3 figs. 1906.2 

On a myxosporidian infection 
of Gadus esmarkii, with a note on the 
identification of the parasite by H. M. 
Woodcock. Rept. Lancashire Sea-Fish. 
Labor., 1906, 204-208. pl. 1906.3 

. Re-description of a trematode 
parasite, Allocreadium labracis (Dujar- 
din), from the bass. Rept. Lancashire 
Sea-Fish. Labor., 1907, 44-53. pl. & 4 
figs. 1907.1 
Conditions of life in the sea. A 
short account of quantitative marine 
biological research. Cambridge, 1908. 
332 p. 29 illust. 3maps. 8°. 1908.1 

Plaice measurements made dur- 
ing 1908-1911. Rept. Lancashire Sea- 
Fish. Labor., 1908, 25-34. Jbid., 1910, 
114-152. 5 figs. Ibid., 1911, 15-32. — 
Proc. Trans. Biol. Soc. Liverpool, 1909, 
23, 127-136. Jbid., 1911, 25, 186-224. 
Ibid., 1912, 26, 85-102. 1908.2 

An abnormal specimen of the 
brill. Trans. Liverpool Biol. Soc., 1909, 
23, 200-202. 1909.1 

—— Internal parasites and diseased 
conditions of fishes. Rept. Lancashire 
Sea-Fish. Labor., 1909, 87-100. 2 pls. & 
5 figs. Ibid., 1912, 20-42. 3 pls. & fig. 
— Trans. Liverpool Biol. Soe., 23, 189— 
202. 2 pls. & 5 figs. 1909.2 

- Report on temperature obser- 
vations in the Irish sea during 1907-09. 



Proc. Trans. Liverpool Biol. Soe., 1909, 
23, 167-188. 9 figs. Jbid., 1910, 24, 
220-247. 9 figs. 1909.3 

The fishes of Cheshire and Liver- 
pool bay (In Coward, T. A. The ver- 
tebrate fauna of Cheshire and Liverpool 
bay, vol. ii, p. 59-168. London, eed 

Internal parasites of fishes from 
the Irish sea. Proce. Trans. Liverpool 
Biol. Soc., 1910, 24, 78-99. — 18. Rept. 
Lancashire Sea-Fish. Labor., 1910, 16— 

37. 11 figs. 1910.2 
Recent hydrobiological investi- 
gations. The gulf stream and sea-fish- 

eries of northern Europe. Sci. Progress 
Twentieth Century, London, 1910, 4, 
612-622. 1910.3 

Report on measurements of 
Irish sea plaice during the year 1909. 
Proc. Trans. Liverpool Biol. Soc., 1910, 
24, 100-184. 1910.4 

General summary of the results 
of the plaice marking experiments car- 
ried out during the years 1904-1910. 
19. Rept. Lancashire Sea-Fish. Labor., 
1911, 153-190. 7 figs. — Trans. Liver- 
pool Biol. Soc., 1911, 25, 225-262. 7 figs. 

— life in the sea. Cambridge, 
TOM a 22 1911.2 

Diseased conditions of fishes. 
Rept. Lancashire Sea-Fish. Labor., 1912, 

20-42. 3 pls. 1912.1 
— Experiments with marked plaice 
during 1912. Rept. Lancashire Sea- 

Fish. Labor., 1912, 94-98. — Trans. 
Liverpool Biol. Soc., 1913, 27, 270-274. 

Hydrographic investigations and 
the fisheries of the Irish sea. Rept. 
Lancashire Sea-Fish. Labor., 1912, 99- 
150. 2 figs. — Trans. Liverpool Biol. 
Soc., 27, 275-326. 1912.3 

Report on plaice measurements 
made during the year 1912. Rept. 
Laneashire Sea-Fish. Labor., 1912, 69- 
93. 3 tables. — Proc. Trans. Liverpool 
Biol. Soc., 27, 245-269. 1912.4 

Johnstone, James, & Cole, Frank J. 
See Cole & Johnstone. 

Johnstone, James, Herdman, JW. 
A., & Scott, Andrew. See Herdman, 
W. A., Scott, Andrew, & Johnstone, 


if ea 



Johnstone, James, & Jenkins, J. 
Travis. Report on the deposits from 
the Liverpool “‘ hoppers ”’ in relation to 
shrimps and young fish. Proc. Trans. 
Liverpool Biol. Soc., 1901, 15, 181-184. 
2 pls. 1901.1 

Johnstone, James, & Wignall, A. 
See Wignall & Johnstone. 

Johnstone, James, & Woodcock, 
H.M. Ona myxosporidian infection of 
Gadus esmarkii; with a note on the iden- 
tification of the parasite. Proc. Trans. 
Liverpool Biol. Soe., 1907, 21, 304-308. 
pl. 1907.1 

Joigneaux, P. Pisciculture et cul- 
ture des eaux. Bruxelles & Paris, 1864. 
Dee 1864.1 

Joleaud, A. Faune de poissons mio- 
cénes de la basse vallée du Rhéne: mise 
en évidence, par la fossilisation, des 
caracteres histologiques de _ certains 
dents d’elasmobranches. C. R. Mém. 
Soc. Biol. Paris, 1910, 69, 481-482. ia 


Joleaud, Léonce. Description des 
terrains néogénes de la plaine du Comtat 
et de ses abords. Mém. Acad. Vaucluse, 
Avignon, 1905, pt. 1, 5, 29-82; 197-246. 
Ibid., 1906, pt. 2, 6, 103-163; 329-355. 
Also separate; Avignon, 1907. 249 p. 
Sz. 1905.1 

Numerous Tertiary fish-remains are described. 

Poissons elasmobranches. Mém. 
Acad. Vaucluse, 1905, 2. sér. 5, 392-420. 

Note sur quelques dents de 
poissons fossiles du Rio de Oro (Sahara 
occidental) Bull. Soc. Géol. France, 
1907, 4. sér. 7, 514-516. 1907.1 

Jolly, J. Sur la cicatrisation épider- 
mique chez les poissons. Bull. Soc. 
Anat. Paris, 1898, 73, 784-785. 1898.1 

Joly, Nicolas [1812-1885] Coup 
d’ceil sur les origines de la _piscicul- 
ture fluviale et sur l’état actuel de cette 

industrie en France. Journ. Agric. 
Pratique Midi France, 1866. Also sep- 
arate; Toulouse, 1866. 8°. 1866.1 

Etudes sur les mceurs, le déve- 
loppement et les métamorphoses d’un 
petit poisson chinois du genre Macro- 
pode (Macropodus paradisi) Rey. Sci. 
Nat., 1872, 1, 447-473. — Mém. Acad. 
Sci. Toulouse, 1873, 7. sér. 5, 312-340. 
— Journ. Zool. (Gervais), 1873, 2, 545— 
548. 1872.1 

Observations sur les métamor- 
phoses des poissons osseux en général, et 
particuliérement sur celles~d’un_ petit 
poisson chinois du genre Macropode, 
récemment introduit en France. C. R. 
Acad. Sci. Paris, 1872, 75, 766-768. — 
Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1872, 4. ser. 10, 
463-465. 1872.2 

Le macropode de la Chine, ou 
poisson de paradis; son embryogénie et 
ses métamorphoses. La Nature, 1874, 
2. année, pt. 1, 83-88. 1874.1 

Joly de Sailly, La disparition 
du saumon des cours d’eau du haut 
bassin de la Vienne intimement liée a 
la question des barrages. Année Fores- 
tiére, 1901, 40, 609-624. 2 figs. — Rev. 
Eaux Foréts, 1901, 40, 609-624. Also 
separate; Limoges, 1901. 1901.1 

De Vemploi de la _porcelaine 
pour augettes destinées 4 la mise en 
évolution des ceufs embryonnés dans les 
laboratoires de ville. Congr. Intern. 
d’Aquicult. Péche, Mém. & C. R., 1900 
(1901), 33-37. 1901.2 

L’établissement de pisciculture 
de Limoges. Rey. Eaux Foréts, 1901, 
40, 737-746. 1901.3 

Repeuplement des eaux douces 
en salmonides. Bull. Soc. Centr. Aqui- 
cult. Péche, 1905, 17, 119-125. TIbid., 
1906, 18, 113-120; 145-148. 1905.1 

Détermination du sexe des 
anguilles. Bull. Soc. Centr. Aquicult. 
Péche, 1907, 19, 275-276. 1907.1 

Les échelles 4 poissons dans les 
eaux de Belgique. Bull. Soc. Centr. 
Aquicult. Péche, 1909, 21, 173-182; 
205-215. 1909.1 

Jolyet, Félix. De la pression du sang 
dans l’artére branchiale chez les pois- 
sons. C.R. Mém. Soc. Biol. Paris, 1872, 
5. sér. 4, 254-255. 1872.1 

Recherches sur la respiration des 
poissons. Abstract in Rey. Intern. 
Sci., 1879, 3, 472-473. 1879.1 

Résultats de ses recherches sur 
la respiration des poissons. Bourdeaux, 
1880. 1880.1 

Sur la torpille électrique. Mém. 
Soc. Sci. Phys. Nat. Bordeaux, 1883, 2. 
sér. 5, 371-374. 1883.1 

Jolyet, Félix, & Gréhant, Nestor. 
See Gréhant & Jolyet. 




Jolyet, Félix, & Jobert, Clément. 
See Jobert & Jolyet. 

Jolyet, Félix, & Regnard, Paul. Sur 
une nouvelle méthode pour l'étude de 
la respiration des animaux aquatiques. 
C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1876, 82, 1060— 
1062. fig. 1876.1 

—— Recherches physiologiques sur 
la respiration des animaux aquatiques. 
Arch. Phys., 1877, 2. sér. 9, 584-633. 


Jolyet, Félix, & Riviére, P. Simul- 
tanéité des décharges des divers dé- 
partments de l’organe électrique de la 
torpille. Trav. Labor. Soc. Sei. Arca- 
chon, 1895, 55-56. fig. Abstract in 
Nat. Wochenschr., 1896, 11, 567—568. 


Joncas, L.Z. The fisheries of Can- 
ada. Intern. Fisheries Exhib. Lit., Lon- 
don, 1883. Conferences, 5, pt. 3. 1883.1 

The fisheries of Canada. The 

fisheries congress, Chicago, 
Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1893 


(1894), 18, 341-348. 

Jones, A.*H. The goose fish. 
est & Stream, 1878, 11, 341. 

Jones, Edgar S. A year with a cat- 
fish. Atlantic Slope Naturalist, 1903, 
1, no. 3, 31-32. 1903.1 

Jones, F. Wood. The fauna of Cocos- 
Keeling atoll, collected by F. Wood 
Jones. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1909, 
132-160. 1909.1 

Jones, Handfield. On the structure 
of the liver {in fishes] Proc. Roy. Soc. 
London, 1854, 6, 145-147. 1854.1 

Jones, John E. Nid d’épinochette. 
Feuill. Jeunes Naturalistes, 1871-72, 2, 
100. 1871.1 

Jones, J. F. The speckled catfish. 
Bull. U.S. Fish Comm. 1884, 4, 321-322. 

Jones, John Matthew. An account of 
the Bermudian riband fish. Zoologist, 

1860, 18, 6986-6989. — Ann. Mag. Nat. 
Hist., 1860, 3. ser. 6, 132-134. 1860.1 

Capture of a large species of 
Gymnetrus in the Bermudas. Ann. 
Mag. Nat. Hist., 1860, 3. ser. 6, 132- 
134. 1860.2 

(Extracts from the Bermuda 
Royal Gazette relating to the recent 
capture of a large species of Gymnetrus 

in the Bermudas) Proc. Zool. Soc. Lon- 
don, 1860, pt. 28, 185-187. 1860.3 

Notes on certain species of Nova 
Scotian fishes. Canad. Natural. & 
Geol., 1865, n. s. 2, 128-135. 1865.1 

Notes on the haddock, mackerel, tunny, 
swordfish, wolf-fish, ete. 

Contributions to the ichthyology 
of Nova Scotia. Proc. Trans. Nova 
Scotian Instit. Nat. Sci. 1863-66 (1867), 
1, 45-54. 1867.1 

Three genera of fishes from St. Margaret’s 
bay are mentioned. 

A pelagic floating  fish-nest. 
Nature, 1872, 5, 462. 1872.1 

A new fish (Lefroyia bermudensis| 
Zoologist, 1874, 2. ser. 9, 3837-3838. 

Note on a small and remarkable 
lophioid recently taken off Halifax 
harbour (Lophius americanus juv.) 
Proc. Trans. Nova Scotian Instit. Nat. 
Sei. 1871-74 (1874), 3, 103-105. 1874.2 

The visitor’s guide to Bermuda, 

with a sketch of its natural history. - 

London, New York, Montreal & Halifax, 
1876, | xii,4156 piZe 1876.1 

List of fishes, p. 131-136. A nominal list, with 
popular names, of 121 species. 

The capelin moving south. For- 
est & Stream, 1878, 10, 502. 1878.1 

Rare fish. 
1878, 11, 204. 
Aspidophoroides at Halifax, N.S. 

Forest & Stream, 

List of the fishes of Nova Scotia. 
Halifax, 1879. 1879.1 

List of the fishes of Nova 
Seotia. Proc. Trans. Nova Seotian 
Instit. Nat. Sci., 1882, 5, 87-97. 1882.1 

Jones, John Matthew, Wedderburn, 
J.W., & Herdis, ./.L. The naturalist in 
Bermuda; a sketch of the geology, zo- 
ology, and botany, ete. London, 1859. 
xi; 200’ ps. allust: 122 1859.1 

Jones, Joseph {1833 —] Investiga- 
tions, chemical and physiological, rela- 
tive to certain American vertebrata. 
Smithson. Contrib. Knowl., 1856, 8, art. 
5. Abstract in Bibl. Univ. Arch., 3, 42— 
52. 1856.1 

Blood of fishes, p. 6-10. Urine of the bass- 
fish (Corvina ocellata), p. 128. 

Forest & 

‘ The grayling again. 
Stream, 1874, 2, 389. 

on ee 



Jones, Thomas Rupert |1819-1911] 
Hybodus and other fossils. Geologist, 
1863, 312-313. 1863.1 

Manual of the natural history, 
geology and physics of Greenland and 
the neighboring regions, prepared for 
the use of the Arctic expedition of 1875. 
London, 1875. 8°. 1875.1 

Instructions for making observations on and 
collecting specimens of the fishes of Greenland, 
by Albert Giinther, p. 46-48. 

A revised catalogue of the fishes of Greenland, 
by Chr. Liitken, p. 115-12 

n the straining Ronen eee or branchial 

fringes of the basking shark (Selachus maximus 
Gunn.) by Japetus Steenstrup, p. 123-124. 

Jones, Thomas Rymer {1810—1880] 
Pisees (In Todd’s Cyclopedia of anat- 

omy, vol. iii, p. 955-1011. London, 
1847) 1847.1 

—— Aquarium naturalist. London, 
1858. xvili, 524p. 8pls. 12°. 1858.1 

‘General outline of the organiza- 
tion of the animal kingdom, and manual 
of comparative anatomy. 3. ed. Lon- 
don, 1861. 841 p. illust. 8°. 1861.1 

The aquarian naturalist. <A 

manual for the sea-side. 2. ed. London, 

1868. 524p. 8pls. 8°. 1868. 1 
Chapter lv, fishes. 

Jones, Thomas Wharton {1808-1891} 
The blood-corpuscle considered in its 
different phases of development in the 
animal series. Memoir I. Vertebrata. 
Il. Invertebrata. III. Comparison be- 
tween the blood-corpuscle of the verte- 
brata and that of the invertebrata. Phil. 
Trans. Roy. Soc. London, 1846, 63-88; 
89-101; 103-106. 2 pls. Abstracts in 

Amer. Journ. Sci., 1846, 2. ser. 1, 128- 
129. — Notizen (Froriep), 37, 38-40. 

—— Microscopical characters of the 
rhythmically contractile muscular coat 
of the caudal heart of the eel. Proc. 
Roy. Soe. London, 1868, 343. 1868.1 

The caudal heart of the eel a 
lymphatic heart. Effect of the force 
with which the lymph-stream is pro- 
pelled therefrom on the flow of the blood 
in the vein into which the heart opens. 
Explanation of the appearance of blood 
propelled in successive drops, as if from 
the heart, along the caudal vein. In- 
fluence which the force of the lymph- 
stream from the heart exerts in accel- 
erating and promoting the flow of blood 
in the caudal vein. Phil. Trans. Roy. 
Soc. London, 1869, 158, 675-683. _ pl. 
& fig. Abstract in Proc. Roy. Soc. 
London, 16, 230-231. 1869.1 

Jones, W. Large salmon. 
1873, 2. ser. 8, 3618. 1873.1 

Jonge, D. de, Kobel, //., & Salieth, 
M. Nieuwe beschryving der walvis- 
vangst en haringsvisschery. 4 vols. in 2. 
Amsterdam (circa) 1792. 1792.1 

Groote visschery. 17 copper engravings 
Gneluding title) of herring-fishing, curing, etc. 
by A. Van der Laan after S. Van der Meulen, 
Amsterdam [circa 179: 2) Oblong 4to. — [Kleine 
visschery] 17 copper engravings of whaling 
operations, by A. Van der Laan after S. Van der 
Meulen, Amsterdam [circa] 1792. Oblong 4to. 

Not seen; title from Quaritch. 


Jonge, J.C. de (editor) Geschiedenes 
van het Nederlandsche zeewezen. 2. ed. 
5 vols. Haarlem, 1862. 1862.1 

The first edition of this work, in 6 vols., was 

published at Amsterdam 1833-48. It contains 
an account of Dutch and Greenland fisheries. 

Jongh, L. J. de. Scheikundige on- 
derzoekingen omtrent de zamenstelling 
van Levertraan. Onderzoek Phys. Lab. 
Utrecht, 1842, 1, 336-349. — Annal. 
(Liebig), 48, 362-366.— Journ. de 
Pharm., 5, 381-385. 1842.1 

Jonquiére, Georg. Versuche iiber den 
Einfluss einzelner Teile des centralen 
Nervensystems des Zitterrochens auf die 
willkiirliche und reflektdrische elektri- 
sche Tatigkeit derselben. Inaug. Dis- 
sert., Bern, 1879. 41 p. 8°. 1879.1 

Jopp, Alexander. Results of an in- 
quiry into the causes of the decline in 
the produce of salmon fisheries in the 
rivers Dee and Don, in Aberdeenshire, 
and on the sea coast connected with 
these rivers. Aberdeen, 1860. 40 p. 
8°. 1860.1 

Jordan, Alden H. Statement con- 

cerning the menhaden fishery. Rept. 
U.S. Fish Comm. 1877 (1879), 5, 391. 

Jordan, August. Die Fauna der mio- 
cinen Thone von Hassendorf. Abh. 
Nat. Ver. Bremen, 1901, 15, 224—230. 


Die organischen Reste in den 
Bohrproben von der Tiefbohrung auf 
dem Schlachthofe. Abh. Nat. Ver. 
Bremen, 1909, 17, 523-541. 1909.1 

Jordan, David Starr [{1851—] A 
partial synopsis of the fishes of upper 
Cera: Ann. Lyceum Nat. Hist. 

. Y., 1874-77, 11, 307-377. 1874.1 

The cisco of lake Tippecanoe 
and its relatives. Ann. Rept. Geol. 
Surv. Indiana 1874 (1875), 187-196. 
Abstract in Amer. Naturalist, 1875, 9, 
135-138. Ibid., 1876, 10, 373. 1875.1 


Jordan, D. 8S. 

Synopsis of the genera of fishes 
to be looked for in Indiana. Ann. Rept. 
Geol. Surv. Indiana 1874 (1875), 197— 
228. 1875.2 

Concerning the fishes of the 
Ichthyologia Ohiensis. Bull. Buffalo 
Soc. Nat. Hist., 1876, 91-97. 1876.1 

Manual of the vertebrates of the 
northern United States, including the 
district east of the Mississippi river and 
north of North Carolina and Tennessee, 
exclusive of marine species. Chicago, 
1876; 342 p. 12°. 1876.2 

2. ed. Chicago, 1878. 407 p. 12°. 8. ed. 
Chicago, 1899. 397 p. 8°. 

Contributions to North Ameri- 
can ichthyology; based primarily on the 
collections of the United States National 
Museum. Bull. U. 8. Nat. Mus., 1877— 
78. 1877.1 

i. Review of Rafinesque’s memoirs on North 

American fishes. Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., 1877, 
no. 9, 1-53. : E 
ii. A. Notes on Cottide. Etheostomatide, 

Percide, Centrarchide, Aphododeridz, Doryso- 
matide and Cyprinide, with revisions of the 
genera and descriptions of new or little known 
species. Ibid., 1877, no. 10, 1-68. 

ii. B. Synopsis of the Siluride of the fresh 
waters of North America. Jbid., 1877, no. 10, 69— 
110. 45 pls. 

iii, A. On the distribution of the fishes of 
the Alleghany region of South Carolina, Georgia 
and Tennessee, with descriptions of new or little 
known species by D. 8S. Jordan and A. W. Bray- 
ton (q.v.). Ibid., no. 12, 1-95. 

ii. B. Asynopsis of the family Catostomide. 
Ibid., 1878, no. 12, 97-230. 

On the distribution of fresh- 
water fishes. Amer. Naturalist, 1877, 
11, 607-613. 1877.2 

On the fishes of northern Indi- 
ana. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sei. Philad., 
1877, 42-82. 1877.3 

— Synopsis of freshwater Siluridze 
of United States; analyses of genera and 
species. Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., 1877, 
no. 10, 69-110. 44 pls. 1877.4 

A catalogue of the fishes of IIli- 
nois. Bull. Illinois Labor. Nat. Hist., 
1878, 1, no. 2, 37-70. 1878.1 

Catalogue of the fishes of Indi- 
ana. 27. Ann. Rept. State Board Agric., 
1878, 19. 1878.2 

A catalogue of the fishes of the 

fresh waters of North America. Bull. 
U.S. Geol. Surv. Territ., 1878, 4, 407— 
442. 1878.3 

Landlocked salmon and smelts. 
Forest & Stream, 1878, 11,400. 1878.4 



Manual of the vertebrates of the 
northern United States, including the 
district east of the Mississippi river and 
north of North Carolina and Tennes- 
see, exclusive of marine species. 2. ed. 
Chicago, 1878. 407 p. 12°. 1878.5 

Notes on a collection of fishes 
from Clackamas river, Oregon. Proe. 
U.S. Nat. Mus., 1878, 1, 69-119. 1878.6 

Notes on a collection of fishes 
from the Rio Grande at Brownsville, 
Texas. Bull. U. 8. Geol. Surv. Territ., 
1878, 4, 397-406; 663-667. 1878.7 

On the distribution of freshwater 
fishes of the United States. Ann. N. Y. 
Acad. Sci., 1878, 1, 92-120. 1878.8 

On the characteristics of trout. 
Forest & Stream, 1878, 10, 196. 1878.9 

Report on the collection of fishes 
made by Dr. Elliott Coues, U. 8. A., in 
Dakota and Montana, during the sea- 
sons of 1873 and 1874. Bull. U. §. 
Geol. Surv. Territ., 1878, 4, 777-779. 


Scientific names of the black 
Forest & Stream, 1878, 11, 340. 

Contributions to North Ameri- 
can ichthyology, based primarily on the 
collections of the United States Na- 
tional Museum. III. B. A synopsis of 
the family Catostomide. Bull. U. S. 
Nat. Mus., 1878, no. 12, 97-237. 


Another wonderful transforma- 


tion. Chicago Field, 1879, 11, 20. 
. For- 

est & Stream, 1879, 11, 473. 1879.2 

The Monadnock and lake Win- 
nepisogee trout. Forest & Stream, 1879, 
x i be 1879.3 

—— The original range of the ‘‘ small- 
mouth” black bass. Chicago Field, 
1879, 11, 20. 1879.4 

Description of new species of 
North American fishes. Proc. U.S. Nat. 
Mus., 1880, 2, 235-241. 1880.1 

Does the flying-fish fly? Forest 
& Stream, 1880, 15, 265. 1880.2 

Notes on a collection of fishes 
obtained in the streams of Guanajuato 
and in Chapala lake, Mexico, by Prof. 
A. Dugés. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 1880, 
2, 298-301. 1880.3 






Notes on certain typical speci- 
mens of American fishes in the British 
Museum and in the Muséum d’ Histoire 
Naturelle at Paris. Proc. U. S. Nat. 
Mus. 1879 (1880), 2, 218-226. 1880.4 

Relates to the following genera: Micropterus, 
Grystes, Bryttus, Pomotis, Esox, Leuciscus, 
Gobio, Caratichthys, Graodus. 

The redfish identified. Forest 
& Stream, 1880, 14, 286. 1880.5 

: The revision of the Salmonide. 
Forest & Stream, 1880, 15, 130. 1880.6 

Description of a new species of 
Caranx (Caranzx beani) from Beaufort, 
North Carolina. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. 
1880 (1881), 3, 486-488. 1881.1 

Notes on a collection of fishes 
from east Florida, obtained by Dr. J. A. 
Henshall. Proce. U. S. Nat. Mus. 1880 
(1881), 3, 17-21. 1881.2 

— Notes on a collection of fishes 
from St. John’s river, Florida, obtained 
by Mr. A. H. Curtiss. Proc. U.S. Nat. 
Mus. 1880 (1881), 3, 22. 1881.3 

Notes on a forgotten paper of 
Dr. Ayres, and its bearing on the nomen- 
clature of the cyprinoid fishes of the San 
Francisco markets. Proc. U. S. Nat. 
Mus. 1880 (1881), 3, 325-327. 1881.4 

Four species of Leuciscus and one of Catosto- 
mus are noticed. 

Notes on Sema and Dacentrus. 
Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. 1880 (1881), 3, 

327. 1881.5 
— Story of a salmon. Pop. Sci. 
Monthly, 1881, 19, 1-6. 1881.6 

— Dr. Henshall’s scientific nomen- 
clature again. Amer. Angler, 1882, 391. 

Report on the fishes of Ohio. 
Rept. Geol. Surv. Ohio, 1882, 4, 735- 
1002. 1882.2 

Description of a new species of 
blenny (sesthes gilberti) from Santa 
Barbara, California. Proc. U. S. Nat. 
Mus. 1882 (1883), 5, 349-351. 1883.1 

The Canadian sea-trout (Salve- 
linus fontinalis immaculatus) Amer. 
Field, July, 1884. 1884.1 

Discussions of the Pacific species 
tof fishes} (In The fisheries and fishery 
industries of the United States, edited 
by George Brown Goode and associates. 
Section i, Natural history of useful 

aquatic animals. Washington, 1884. 
893 p. 4°) 1884.2 

A number of freshwater species and also vari- 
ous marine fishes of the Pacific coast are treated 
in this work. 

The fishes of the Florida keys. 
Bull. U. 8. Fish Comm. 1884, 4, 77-80. 

Notes on American fishes, pre- 
served in the museums of London, Paris, 
Berlin and Copenhagen. Proc. Acad. 
Nat. Sci. Philad. 1883 (1884), 281-293. 

— Proposed propagation of cat- 
fish as a food-fish. Bull. U. 8. Fish. 
Comm, 1884, 4, 292. 1884.5 

Description of a new species of 
Hybognathus (Hybognathus hayi) from 
Mississippi. Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus. 1884 
(1885), 7, 548-550. 1885.1 

Description of four new species 
of Peecilichthys in the United States 
National Museum. Proc. U. S. Nat. 
Mus. 1884 (1885), 7, 477-480. 1885.2 

The habits and the value for 
food of the American channel catfish 
(Ictalurus punctatus Rafinesque) Bull. 
U.S. Fish Comm. 1885, 5, 34. 1885.3 

An identification of the figures 
of fishes in Catesby’s ‘‘ Natural History 
of Carolina, Florida, and the Bahama 
islands.”” Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. 1884 
(1885), 7, 190-199. 1885.4 

List of fishes at Key West, 
Florida, with notes: and descriptions. 
Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. 1884 (1885), 7, 
103-150. 1885.5 

List of fishes collected in lake 
Jessup and Indian river, Florida, by Mr. 
R. E. Earll, with descriptions of two new 
species. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. 1884 
(1885), 7, 322-324. 1885.6 

List of fishes collected in the 
vicinity of New Orleans by Dr. R. W. 
Shufeldt, U.S. A. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. 
1884 (1885), 7, 318-322. 1885.7 

List of fishes from Egmont key, 
Florida, in the museum of Yale College, 
with description of two new species. 
Proce. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. 1884 
(1885), 42-46. 1885.8 

Manual of the vertebrates of 
the northern United States, including 
the district east of the Mississippi river 
and north of North Carolina and Ten- 
nessee, exclusive of marine species. 3. 
ed. Chicago, 1885. 406 p. 8°. 1885.9 



Jordan, D.S. 

The mountain or salmon trout 
of Oregon. Bull. U. 8. Fish Comm. 
1885, 5, 310. 1885.10 

Nematognathi, Seyphophori, Te- 
leocephali, Gymnoti and Haplomi (In 
The standard natural history, edited by 
J.S. Kingsley, vol. ili. Boston, 1885) 


—— Notes on a collection of fishes 
from Pensacola, Florida, obtained by 
Silas Stearns, with descriptions of two 
new species (Hxocetus volador and Gna- 
thypops mystacinus) Proc. U. S. Nat. 
Mus. 1884 (1885), 7, 33-40. 1885.12 

Notes on Aflurichthys eydouxti 
and Porichthys porosissimus. Proc. U.S. 
Nat. Mus. 1884 (1885), 7, 40-41. 
Notes on fishes collected at 
Guaymas, Mexico, by Mr. H. V. Eme- 
ric, with a description of Gobiosoma. his- 
trio, & new species. Proc. U. 8S. Nat. 
Mus. 1884 (1885), 7, 260-261. 1885.14 

Notes on fishes improperly in- 
cluded in the fauna of the United States. 
Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. 1884 (1885), 
99-103. ‘ 1885.15 
i Notes on fishes observed in lake 
Superior. Bull. U.S. Fish Comm. 1885, 
5, 191-192. 1885.16 

Soft-rayed fishes (In The stan- 
dard natural history, edited by J. 8. 
Kingsley, vol. iii, p. 110-173. 3 figs. 
Boston, 1885) 1885.17 

—— Supplementary notes on North 
American fishes. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. 
1884 (1885), 7, 545-548. 1885.18 

Identification of the species of 
Cyprinids and Catostomide, described 
by Dr. Charles Girard in Proceedings of 
the Academy of Natural Science of Phil- 
adelphia, 1856. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. 
1885 (1886), 8, 118-127. 1886.1 

—— A list of the fishes known from 
the Pacific coast of tropical America, 
from the tropic of Cancer to Panama. 
Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. 1885 (1886), 8, 
361-394. 1886.2 

—— Note on Epinephelus nigritus. 
Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. 1885 (1886), 8, 
208-209. 1886.5 

Note on Mr. Garman’s paper on 
the American salmon and trout. Proe. 
U.S. Nat. Mus. 1885 (1886), 8 81-83. 


——— Note on some Linnzan names of 
American fishes. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. 
1885 (1886), 8, 394-396. 1886.5 

—— Note on the scientific name of 
the yellow perch, the striped bass and 
other North American fishes.  Proe. 
U.S. Nat. Mus. 1885 (1886), 8, 72-73. 


On the EHtheostoma variatum of 
Kirtland. Proce. U. S. Nat. Mus. 1885 

(1886), 8, 168-165. 1886.7 
——— Rafinesque. Pop. Sci. Monthly, 
1886, 29, 212-221. 1886.8 

—— (Review of} The freshwater fishes 
of Europe, by H. G. Seeley. The Dial, 
1886, June, 34-35. 1886.9 

—— A catalogue of the fishes known 
to inhabit the waters of North America 
north of the tropic of Cancer, with notes 
on the species discovered in 1883 and 
1884. Rept. U. S. Fish Comm. 1885 
(1887), 13, 789-973. 1887.1 

The fisheries of the Pacific coast 
(In The fisheries and fishery industries 
of the United States, edited by George 
Brown Goode, 2. sect., p.- 589-630. 
Washington, 1887) 1887.2 

List of fishes collected at Ha- 
vana, Cuba, in December, 1883, with 
notes and descriptions. Proc. U.S. Nat. 
Mus. 1886 (1887), 9, 31-55. 1887.3 

Note on Polynemus californien- 
sis of Thominot. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. 
1886 (1887), 9, 322. 1887.4 

Notes on fishes collected at 
Beaufort, North Carolina, with a revised 
list of the species known from that loeal- 
ity. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. 1886 (1887), 
9, 25-30. 1887.5 

Notes on some fishes collected 
at Pensacola by Mr. Silas Stearns, with 
descriptions of one new species (Cheto- 
don aya) Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. 1886 
(1887), 9, 225-229. 1887.6 

—— Notes on typical specimens of 
fishes described by Cuvier and Valen- 
ciennes, and preserved in the Muséum 
d’Histoire Naturelle in Paris. Proce. 
U.S. Nat. Mus. 1886 (1887), 9, 525-546. 

A preliminary list of the fishes of 
the West Indies. Proe. U.S. Nat. Mus. 
1886 (1887), 9, 554-608. 1887.8 

—— Science sketches. Chicago, 1887. 
276 Dx sr. 1887.9 

The dispersion of freshwater fishes, p. 88-132. 

I ee 





Description of a new species of 
Callionymus (Callionymus bairdii) from 
the gulf of Mexico. Proc. U. 8. Nat. 
Mus. 1887 (1888), 10, 501-502. 1888.1 

Description of a new species of 
Xyrichthys (X. jessiw) from the gulf of 
Mexico. Proce. a S. Nat. Mus. 1887 
(1888), 10, 698. 1888.2 

Description of two new species 
of fishes from South America (Mycte- 
roperca xenarcha and Cristiceps eigen- 
manni) Proc. Acad. Nat. Sei. Philad. 
1887 (1888), 387-388. 1888.3 

A manual of the vertebrate ani- 
mals of the northern United States, in- 

cluding the district north and east of. 

the Ozark mountains, south of the Lau- 
rentian hills, north of the southern boun- 
dary of Virginia, and east of the Missouri 
river; inclusive of marine species. 5. ed. 

Chicago, 13882 S75 p) 8°. 1888.4 
Fishes, p. 8-173. 
Note on Achirus lorentzi. Proc. 
Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. 1887 (1888), 
389-391. 1888.5 
Note on the ‘“ Analyse de la 
nature’’ of Rafinesque. Proc. U. 8. 
Nat. Mus. 1887 (1888), 10, 480-481. 

Description of a new species of 
Etheostoma (EF. longimana) from James 

river, Virginia. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. 
Philad. 1888 (1889), 179. 1889.1 

: Descriptions of fourteen species 
of freshwater fishes collected by the U.S. 
Fish Commission in the summer of 1888. 
Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. 1888 (1889), 11, 
351-363. 3 pls. 1889.2 

List of fishes now in the United 
States National Museum, collected in 
Nicaragua by Dr. Louis F. H. Birt. 
Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. 1888 (1889), 11, 
411-416. 1889.3 

List of fishes collected by Al- 

phonse Forrer about Mazatlan, with 
descriptions of two new UGE ies. Proce. 
U.S. Nat. Mus. 1888 (1889), 11, 329- 
334. 1889.4 

— On the generic name of the 
tunny. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. 
1888 (1889), 180. 1889.5 

On the occurrence of the Great 
Lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush) in 
the waters of British Columbia. Proc. 
U.S. Nat. Mus. 1888 (1889), 11, 58 


A catalogue of fishes collected 
at Port Castries, Saint Lucia, by the 
steamer ‘‘Albatross.”’ Proc. U. 8. Nat. 
Mus. 1889 (1890), 12, 645-652. 1890.1 

The fishes of the Yellowstone 
park. Zoé, 1890, 1, 38-40. 1890.2 

List of fishes collected in the 
waters of southern Florida by Dr. 
James A. Henshall, under the direction 
of the U. S. Fish Commission. Bull. 
U.S. Fish Comm. 1888 (1890), 8, 371- 
379. 1890.8 

Report of explorations made dur- 
ing the summer and autumn of 1888, in 
the Alleghany region of Virginia, North 
Carolina and Tennessee, and in west- 
ern Indiana, with an account of the 
fishes found in each of the river basins 
of those regions. Bull. U.S. Fish Comm. 
1888 (1890), 8, 97-192. 15 pls. 1890.4 

A list of fishes collected in the 
harbor of Bahia, Brazil, by dave” WU) tS 
Fish Commission steamer ‘ Albatross.” 
Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. 1890 (1891), 13, 
313-336. 1891.1 

Notes on fishes of the genera 
Agosia, Aleansea and Zophendum. Proc. 
U: S. Nat. Mus. 1890 (1891), 138, 287— 
288. 1891.2 

On the fishes described in Miil- 
ler’s supplemental volume to the Sys- 

tema Nature of Linneus. Proc. Acad. 
Nat. Sei. Philad. 1890 (1891), 48-50. 

Report of an exploration of the 
waters of the Yellowstone park made 

under the direction e the U. S. Fish 
Commission. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 
1889 (1891), 9, 41 tas 1891.4 

Report of explorations made by 
the U. S. Fish Commission during the 
summer of 1889 in Colorado and Utah, 
with an account of the fishes found in 
each river basin examined. Bull. U.S. 
Fish Comm. 1889 (1891), 9, 1—40. 


A review of the labroid fishes of 
America and Europe. Rept. U. 8. Fish 
Comm. 1887 (1891), 15, 559-699. 11 
pls. 1891.6 

The fisheries of California. Over- 

land Monthly, 1892, 20, 469-478. 1892.1 

Relations of 
vertebrae among fishes. 
Nat. Mus. 1891 (1892), 

temperature to 
Proc. U. S. 

14, 107-120. 


Jordan, D. 8S. 
A description of the golden trout 

of Kern river, California (Salmo mykiss 
aguabonita) Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. 
1892 (1893), 15, 481483. 1893.1 

Temperature and vertebrae: a 
study in evolution, being a discussion 
of the relations of the numbers of verte- 
bre among fishes to the temperature 
of the water and to the character of 
the struggle for existence (In Wilder 
Quarter-century Book, p. 13-36. Ithaca, 

N. Y., 1893) 1893.2 
Historical sketch with literature references, 
p- 32-36. 

Description of a new species of 
cyprinoid fish (Couesius greeni) from the 
headwaters of Frazer river in British 
Columbia. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. 1893 
(1894), 16, 313-314. 1894.1 

Descriptions of new varieties of 

trout. 13. Bienn. Rept. California 
State Board Fish Comm., 1894, 142-143. 
3 pls. 1894.2 

Latitude and vertebre; a study 
in the evolution of fishes. Pop. Sei. 
Monthly, 1894, 45, 346-350. 1894.3 

Salmon and trout of the Pacific 
coast. 13. Bienn. Rept. California State 
Board Fish Comm., 1894, 125-141. 7 
pls. 1894.4 

Description of a new subspecies 
of trout from McCloud river, California. 
Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. 1894 
(1895), 60. 1895.1 

—— Description of Evermannia, a 
new genus of gobioid fishes. Proc. Cali- 
fornia Acad. Sci., 1895, 2. ser. 4, 592. 


The fishes of Sinaloa. Proc. Cal- 
ifornia Acad. Sci., 1895, 2. ser. 5, 377— 
514. 29 pls. Reprint in Contrib. Biol. 
Hopkins Seaside Labor., 3, 1-71. 1895.3 

Notes on the freshwater fishes of 
San Luis Obispo county, California. 
Bull. U.S. Fish Comm. 1894 (1895), 14, 
141-142. 1895.4 

Sketch of Charles A. Le Sueur. 
Pop. Sci. Monthly, 1895, 46, 547-550. 

: Description of a new species of 
pipe-fish (Siphostoma sinaloe) from 
Mazatlan. Proc. California Acad. Sci., 
1896, 2. ser. 6, 268. 1896.1 

Notes on fishes little known or 
new to science. Proc. California Acad. 



Sci., 1896, 2. ser. 6, 201-244. Reprint 
in Contrib. Biol. Hopkins Seaside 
Labor., 5, 1-48. 1896.2 

—— Biographical sketch of George 
Brown Goode (In “ The Smithsonian 
Institution, 1846-1896,” p. 501-515. 
Washington, 1897) 1897.1 

Agassiz on recent fishes. Amer. 
Naturalist, 1898, 32, 173-176. 1898.1 

Description of a species of fish 
(Mitsukurina owstoni) from Japan, the 
type of a distinct family of lamnoid 
sharks. Proc. California Acad. Sei., 
1898, 3. ser. 1, 199-202. 2pls. 1898.2 

In the little brook. Pop. Sci. 
Monthly, 1899, 55, 355-362. 1899.1 

Popular account of lives of various freshwater 

A manual of the vertebrate 
animals of the northern United States, 

‘including the district north and east 

of the Ozark mountains, south of the 
Laurentian hills, north of the southern 
boundary of Virginia, and east of the 
Missouri river. 8. ed. Chicago, 1899. 
397 p. 8°. 1899.2 

—— The first species named as the 
type of the genus. Science, 1900, 2. ser. 
12, 785-787. 1900.1 

The lateral line in the toad-fish. 
Amer. Naturalist, 1900, 34, 234. 1900.2 

Notes on recent fish literature. 
Amer. Naturalist, 1900, 34, 897-899. 

The whitefish of lake Chapala. 
Amer. Naturalist, 1900, 34, 523. 1900.4 

An error corrected. Amer. 
Naturalist, 1901, 35, 226. 1901.1 

Interchange of descriptions of Collettia and 
JEthoprora and omission of Neoscopelus ma- 

crolepidotus in Jordan and Evermann “ Fishes of 
North and Middle America.” 

The fish-fauna of Japan, with 
observations on the geographical distri- 
bution of fishes. Science, 1901, 2. ser. 
14, 545-567. - 1901.2 

The geographical distribution of 
fishes. Science, 1901, 2. ser. 14, 936. 

—— Identity of Xenichthys xenurus 
and Kuhlia malo. Amer. Naturalist, 
1901, 35, 84. 1901.4 

Transplanting of California trout. 
Amer. Naturalist, 1901, 35, aie i 

— The colors of fishes. Amer. 
Naturalist, 1902, 36, 803-807. 1902.1 
The evolution of fishes. Pop. 

Sei. Monthly, 1902, 60, 556-564. 1902.2 

The fishes of Japan, with obser- 
vations on the distribution of fishes. 
Pop. Sci. Monthly, 1902, 60, 76-79. 


Fishes of southern California, 
being a popular account of the fishes of 
this region. Illustrated by Mary Well- 
man and Kako Morita. Saturday Even- 
ing Post, Los Angeles, 1902. 1902.4 

The history of ichthyology: an 
address. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 
51. meet., 1902, 427-456. — Science, n. s. 

16, 241-258. 1902.5 
— How to collect fishes. Pop. Sci. 
Monthly, 1902, 62, 85-88. 1902.6 

Informal report on the investi- 
gation of the fishes of the Samoan islands 
(In a letter to Captain U. Sebree] 
Privately printed leaflet. Tutuila, Sa- 
moan Islands, 1902. 3 p. 1902.7 

—— The oarfish, Regalecus, on the 
coast of southern California. Amer. 
Naturalist, 1902, 36, 65-66. 1902.8 

Origin of the fins of fishes. Pop. 
Sci. Monthly, 1902, 61, 536-547. 4 figs. 

— A point in nomenclature. Sci- 
ence, 1902, 2. ser. 16, 870. 1902.10 

The salmon and trout of Japan. 
Annot. Zool. Japon., Tokyo, 1902, 4, 
69-75. 1902.11 

The classification of fishes. Pop. 
Sci. Monthly, 1903, 63, 5-13. 1903.1 

The parent stream theory of 
the return of the salmon. Pop. Sci. 
Monthly, 1903, 64, 48-52. 1903.2 

A review of the Cepolide, or 
band-fishes, of Japan. Proc. U. 8. Nat. 
Mus., 1903, 26, 699-702. 1903.3 

— The salmon and salmon streams 
of Alaska [Oncorhynchus] Pop. Sci. 
Monthly, 1903, 64, 165-172. 1903.4 

Supplementary note on Bleeke- 
ria mitsukurii, and on certain Japanese 
fishes. Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., 1903, 26, 
693-696. 3 figs. 1903.5 

— Boulenger on the classification of 
bony fishes [A synopsis of the suborders 



and families of teleostean fishes, by G. 
A. Boulenger] Amer. Naturalist, 1904, 
38, 597-599. < 1904.1 

Ichthyology in the “‘ Encyclo- 
pedia Americana.’”’ Science, 1904, 2. 
ser. 19, 675-676; 767. 1904.2 

A loach [Orthrias, n. sp.) from 
Nanaimo. Science, 1904, 2. ser. 19, 634- 
635. 1904.3 

Notes on fishes collected in the 
Tortugas archipelago. Bull. U. S. Fish 
Comm. 1902 (1904), 22, 539-544. 2 pls. 

The transplanting of trout in the 
streams of the Sierra Nevada. Amer. 
Naturalist, 1904, 38, 885-887. 1904.5 

A guide to the study of fishes. 
2 vols. New York, 1905. 427 illust. 
Reviews in Nature, 72, 625-626. — 
Amer. Naturalist, 40, 525-526. — Sci- 
ence, 2. ser. 22, 861-865. 1905.1 

This work presents an excellent non-technical 
account of the entire subject of ichthyology. 
The chapter on the history of the science con- 
tains a résumé of the progress of our knowledge 
of fossil fishes, by Dr. Bashford Dean. 

The loch Leven trout in Cali- 
fornia. Science, 1905, n. s. 22, 714-715. 

Note on the salmon and trout of 
Japan. Annot. Zool. Japon., Tokyo, 
1905, 5, 161-162. — Proc. U. S. Nat. 
Mus., 1905, 28, 365-366. 1905.3 

Notes on recent fish literature. 

Amer. Naturalist, 1905, 39, 91-94. 

Ontogenetic species and other 
species. Science, 1905, 2. ser. 22, 872— 
873. 1905.5 

The origin of species through 
isolation. Science, 1905, n. s. 22, 545—- 
562. 1905.6 

A review of the sand lances or 
Ammodytide of the waters of Japan. 
Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 1906, 30, 715- 
719. 1906.1 

The yellow-fin albacore (Germo 
macropterus Schlegel) in California. 
Pop. Sci. Monthly, 1906, 68, 376. 1906.2 

Fishes. New York, 1907. xv, 
789 p. 18 pls. & 673 figs. (American 
nature series) 1907.1 


The flying-fish problem. 
07. 1907.2 

Naturalist, 1907, 41, 347-348. 




Jordan, D.S. 

—— The fossil fishes of California, 
with supplementary notes on other 
species of extinct fishes. Univ. Cali- 
fornia Publ., Bull. Dept. Geol., 1907, 5, 
95-144. pl. 1907.3 

—A review of the fishes of the 
family Gerridze found in the waters 
of Japan. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., 1907, 
32, 245-248. 2 figs. 1907.4 

A review of the fishes of the 
family Histiopteridz found in the waters 
of Japan; with a note on Tephritis 
Giinther jrenamed Velifracta) Proc. 
U.S. Nat. Mus.,.1907, 32, 235-239. 
The fishes of the deep sea. 
Strange life forms near the ocean’s bot- 
tom. Scient. Amer. Suppl., 1908, 65, 
109-110. 5 figs. 1908.1 

—— Note on a fossil stickleback fish 
from Nevada. Smithson. Miscell. Col- 
lect., 1908, 52, 117. 1908.2 

Identity of Gasterosteus williamsoni leptosomus 
Hay with the earlier described Merriamella 
doryssa Jordan. 

Descriptions of three new species 
of cisco, or lake herring (Argyrosomus) 
from the Great lakes of America; with 
a note on the species of whitefish. Proc. 
U.S. Nat. Mus., 1909, 36, 165-172. 3 
figs. 1909.1 

Amer. Natural- 

ist, 1909, 43, 560-567. 

Description of a collection of 
fossil fishes from the bituminous shales 
at Riacho Doce, state of Alagéas, Brazil. 
Ann. Carnegie Mus., Pittsburgh, 1910, 
7, 23-34. 9 pls. 1910.1 

Notes on ichthyology (Review 
of recent literature; Amer. Naturalist, 
1910, 44, 178-191; 634-639. 1910.2 

Note on the generic name Safole, 
replacing Boulengerina, for a genus of 
kuhlid fishes. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 
1912, 42, 655. 1912.1 

Description of Anguilla manabei, 
a new eel from Japan. Proc. U. 8. Nat. 
Mus., 1915, 44, 359-360. pl. 1913.1 

—— E]limma, a genus of fossil her- 
rings. Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 
1913, 26, 79. 1913.2 

—— The nomenclature of American 
fishes as affected by the opinions of the 
international commission on zoological 
nomenclature. Copeia, 1916, no. 29, 
25-28. 1916.1 

——QOn Hepsetia Bonaparte, a for- 
gotten genus of atherinoid fishes. 
Copeia, 1916, no. 32, 47-48. 1916.2 

Jordan, David Starr, & Beal, Carl 
Hugh. Supplementary notes on fossil 
sharks. Univ. California Publ., Bull. 
Dept. Geol., 1913, 7, 243-256. fig. 


Jordan, David Starr, & Bollman, 
Charles Harvey. List of fishes collected 
at Green Turtle bay, in the Bahamas, 
by Charles L. Edwards, with descrip- 
tions of three new species. Proc. U. 8. 
Nat. Mus. 1888 (1889), 11, lint ; 

Description of new species of 
fishes collected at the Galapagos islands 
and along the coast of the United States 
of Colombia, 1887-1888. Proc. U. 8. 
Nat. Mus. 1889 (1890), 12, 149-183. 


Jordan, David Starr, & Branner, 
John Casper. The Cretaceous fishes of 
Ceara, Brazil. Smithson. Mise. Coll., 
1908, 52, 1-29. 8 pls. & 22 figs. 1908.1 

Jordan, David Starr, & Brayton, 
Alembert Winthrop. On Lagochila, a 
new genus of catostomoid fishes. Proc. 
Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad., 1877, Bet 


Contributions to North Ameri- 
can ichthyology. III. B. On the distribu- 
tion of the fishes of the Alleghany region 
of South Carolina, Georgia and Ten- 
nessee, with descriptions of new or little 
known species. Bull. U. 8. Nat. Mus., 
1878, no. 12, 1-95. 1878.1 

Jordan, David Starr, & Clark, G. A. 
The Bogoslofs. Pop. Sci. Monthly, 
1906, 69, 481-489. 1906.1 

Notices dredge-hauls of three deep-sea “‘ gren- 

Jordan, David Starr, & Copeland, 
Herbert Edson. The genus Pomoxys 
Rafinesque ;Centrarchus; Proc. Acad. 
Nat. Sci. Philad., 1876, 68-71. 1876.1 

Johnny darters (Etheostomoids) 
Amer. Naturalist, 1876, 10, 335-341. 
3 figs. 1876.2 

Check-list of the fishes of the 
fresh-waters of North America. Bull. 
Buffalo Soc. Nat. Hist. 1876 (1877), 2, 

133-164. 1877.1 
The sand-darter. Amer. Nat- 
uralist, 1877, 11, 86-88. 1877.2 
Jordan, David Starr, & Davis, 

Bradley Moore. A preliminary review of 

Reo oe ae eect ne cer eer 



on ag 



the apodal fishes or eels inhabiting the 
waters of America and Europe. Rept. 
U.S. Fish Comm. 1888 (1892), 16, 581— 
Oni5) 8 pls. 1892.1 

Jordan, David Starr, & Dickerson, 
Mary Cynthia. Description of a new 
species of half-beak (Hemiramphus 

reese us) from Nagasaki, Japan. Proc. 
U.S. Nat. Mus., 1908, 34, 111-112. fig. 

Notes on a collection of fishes 
from the gulf of Mexico at Vera Cruz 
and Tampico. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 
1908, 34, 11-22. 1908.2 

On a collection of fishes from 
Fiji, with notes on certain Hawaiian 
fishes. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., 1908, 34, 
603-617. 6 figs. 1908.3 

Jordan, David Starr, & Edwards, 
Charles L. A review of the American 
species of Tetraodontide. Proc. U. 3. 
Nat. Mus. 1886 (1887), 9, 230-247. 


Jordan, David Starr, & Eigenmann, 
Carl H. Notes on skeletons of Etheo- 
stomatine. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. 
1885 (1886), 8, 68-72. 1886.1 

A review of the Gobide of 
North America. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. 
1886 (1887), 9, 477-518. 1887.1 

Notes on a collection of fishes 
sent by Mr. Charles C. Leslie from 
Charleston, S.C. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. 
1887 (1888), 10, 269-270. 1888.1 

A review of the Scienide of 
America and Europe. Rept. U.S. Fish 
Comm. 1886 (1889), 14, 343-446. 4 
pls. 1889.1 

A review of the genera and 
species of Serranidz: found in the waters 

of America and Europe. Bull. U. 8. 
Fish Comm. 1888 (1890), 8, 329-441. 
10 pls. 1890.1 

Jordan, David Starr, & Evermann, 
Barton Warren. The food-fishes of 
Indiana. Rept. Indiana State Board 
Agric., 1886, 156-173. 1886.1 

Description of six new species 
of fishes from the gulf of Mexico, with 
notes on other species. Proc. U.S. Nat. 
Mus. 1886 (1887), 9, 466-476. 1887.1 

Description of the yellow-finned 

trout of Twin lakes, Colorado (Salmo 
mykiss macdonaldi) Proc. U. 8. Nat. 
Mus. 1889 (1890), 12, 453-454. 1890.1 

Description of a new darter 
(Etheostoma tippecanoe) from the Tip- 
pecanoe river, Indiana. Proc. U. 3S. 
Nat. Mus. 1890 ( (1891), 13, 3-4. 1891.1 

A check-list of the fishes and 
fish-like vertebrates of North and Mid- 
dle America. Rept. U.S. Fish Comm. 
1895 (1896), 21, 207-584. 1896.1 

The fishes of North and Middle 
America. A descriptive catalogue of the 
species of fish-like vertebrates found in 
the waters of North America, north of 
the isthmus of Panama. Bull. U. 8. 
Nat. Mus., 1896, 47, pt. 1, v-Ix; 1-1240. 
Tbid., 1898, pty 25 Wi=Kxx; 1241-2183. 
Ibid., 1898, pt. 3, v—xxiv; 2183a—3136. 
Ibid., 1900, pt. 4, m-ei; 3137-3313. 
392 pls. 1896.2 

This is the most complete and authoritative 
systematic work of descriptive and distribu- 
tional nature dealing with the fishes and fish- 
like vertebrates of North and Middle America, 
with key to the identification of species. 

Part i deals with Amphioxus, Marsipo- 
branchii, Selachii, Holocephali, and a portion of 
the Acanthopteri among teleostome fishes. 
Parts ii and iii complete the discussion of the 
Acanthopteri, and Part iv contains additional 
descriptions and an explanation of plates, 392 in 
number. An index of genera and species, and an 
artificial key to the families of teleostomes, are 
also found in Part iii. 

American food and game fishes. 
A popular account of all the species 
found in America north of the equator, 
with keys for ready identification, life 

histories, and methods of capture. 
London & New York, 1902. 573 p. 74 
pls. & figs. 8°. 1902.1 

The fishes and fisheries of the 
Hawaiian islands. Rept. U. 8. Fish 
Comm. 1901 (1902), 27, 353-499. 7 
pls. 1902.2 

Notes on a collection of fishes 
from the island of Formosa. Proc. U. 
S. Nat. Mus., 1903, 25, 315-368. 29 
figs. 1903.1 

—— Descriptions of a new genus and 
two new species of fis LES from the Ha- 
waiian islands. Bull. U. 8. Fish Comm. 
1902 (1904), 22, 209— 210. 1904.1 

Descriptions of new genera and 
species of fishes from the Hawaiian 
islands. Bull. U. 8. Fish Comm. 1902 
(1904), 22, 161—208. 1904.2 

Preliminary report of the Alaska 
Salon Commission. U.S. House Doc. 
no. 477, 1904, 58. Congr., 2.-sess., 1-37. 


Jordan & Evermann. 

The aquatic resources of the 
Hawaiian islands. I. The shore fishes 
of the Hawaiian islands, with a general 
account of the fish fauna. Bull. U. S. 
Fish Comm. 1903 (1905), 23, 1-574. 
138 pls. & 229 figs. 1905.1 

Abstract in Shield’s Mag., 1, 426. 

Descriptions of three new species 
of cisco, or lake herring (Argyrosomus) 
from the Great lakes of America; with 
a note on the species of whitefish. Proc. 
U. 8. Nat. Mus., 1909, 36, 165-172. 3 
figs. 1909.1 

A review of the salmonoid fishes 
of the Great lakes, with notes on the 
whitefishes of other regions. Bull. 
Bureau Fisheries 1909 (1911), 29, 141. 
7 pls. & 28 figs. 1911.1 

Jordan, David Starr, & Fesler, Bert. 
A review of the sparoid fishes of America 
and Europe. Rept. U. 8. Fish Comm. 

1889-91 (1893), 27, 421-544. 55 pls. 
Jordan, David Starr, & Fordice, 

Morton W. A review of the American 
species of Belonidze. Proc. U. 8. Nat. 
Mus. 1886 (1887), 9, 339-361. 1887.1 

Jordan, David Starr, & Fowler, 
Henry Wieed} Notes on little known 
Japanese fishes, with description of a 
new species of Aboma. Proc. U. 8. 
Nat. Mus., 1902, 25, 573-576. pl. 


A review of the Chetodontidze 
and related families of fishes found in 
the waters of Japan. Proc. U.S. Nat. 
Mus., 1902, 25, 513-563. 6 figs. 1902.2 

A review of the cling-fishes 
(Gobiesocide) of the waters of Japan. 
Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., 1902, 25, 413- 
415. pk 1902.3 

A review of the dragonets (Cal- 
lionymidze) and related fishes of the 
waters of Japan. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., 
1902, 25, 939-959. 1902. 4 

A review of the ophidioid fishes 
of Japan. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., 1902, 
25, 743-766. 1902.5 

A review of the oplegnathoid 
fishes of Japan. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., 
1902, 25, 75-78. 1902.6 

A review of the trigger-fishes, 
file-fishes and trunk-fishes of Japan. 
Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 1902, 25, 251- 
286. 6 figs. 1902.7 

5 figs. 



A review of the berycoid fishes 
of Japan. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., 1903, 
26, 1-21. 4 figs. 1903.1 

A review of the Cepolide or 
band-fishes of Japan. Proc. U. S. Nat. 
Mus., 1903, 26, 699-702. pl. 1903.2 

A review of the Cobitide, or 
loaches, of the rivers of Japan. Proce. 
U. S. Nat. Mus., 1903, 26, 765-774. 

2 figs. 1903.3 

A review of the Oe fishes 
of Japan. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., 1903, 
26, 811-862. 8 figs. 1903.4 

A review of the elasmobranchi- 
ate fishes of Japan. Proc. U. S. Nat. 
Mus., 1903, 26, 593-674. 2 pls. & 10 
figs. 1903.5 

A review of the siluroid fishes or 
catfishes of Japan. Proc. U. S. Nat. 
Mus., 1903, 26, 897-911. 2 figs. 1903.6 

Jordan, David Starr, & Gilbert, 
Charles Henry. List of fishes of In- 
diana. Indiana Farmer, Jan. 17, ook 


On the genera of North Ameri- 
can freshwater fishes. Proc. Acad. Nat. 
Sci. Philad., 1877, 83-104. 1877.2 

Notes on the fishes of Beaufort 
harbor, North Carolina: Proc. U. S. 
Nat. Mus., 1878, 1, 365-388. — Smith- 
son. Mise. Coll., 1880, 19, art.1. 1878.1 

pesenipaen of a new agonoid 
fish (Brachyopsis xyosternus) from Mon- 
terey bay, California. Proc. U.S. Nat. 
Mus., 1880, 3, 152-154. — Smithson. 
Mise. Coll., ‘1881, 22, art. 1. 1880.1 

— Description of a new agonoid 
(Agonus vulsus) from the coast of Cali- 
fornia. Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., 1880, 3, 
330-332. — Smithson. Misc. Coll., 1881, 
22° art. 1: 1880.2 

Description of a new embioto- 
coid (Abeona aurora) from Monterey, 
California, with notes on a related spe- 
cies. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 1880, 3, 
299-301. — Smithson. Mise. Coll., 1881, 
22, art. 1. 1880.3 

Description of a new embioto- 
coid fish (Cymatogaster rosaceus) from 
the coast of California. Proce. U.S. Nat. 
Mus., 1880, 3, 303-305. — Smithson. 
Misc. Coll., 1881, 22, art. 1. 1880.4 

Description of a new embioto- 
coid fish (Ditrema atripes) from the coast 
of California. Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., 
1880, 3, 320-322.— Smithson. Mise. 
Coll., 1881, 22, art. 1. 1880.5 




Description of a new flounder 
(Hippoglossoides exilis) from the coast 
of California. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 
1880, 3, 154-156.— Smithson. Misc. 
Coll., 1881, 22, art. 1. 1880.6 

Description of a new flounder 
(Platysomatichthys stomias) from the 
coast of California. Proc. U. S. Nat. 
Mus., 1880, 3, 301-303. — Smithson. 
Mise. Coll., 1881, 22, art. 1. 1880.7 

Description of a new flounder 
(Pleuronichthys verticalis) from the coast 
of California, with notes on other species. 
Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 1880, 3, 49- 
51. — Smithson. Misc. Coll., 1881, 22, 
art. 1. 1880.8 

Description of a new flounder 
(Xystreurys liolepis) from Santa Cata- 
lina island, California. Proc. U.S. Nat. 
Mus., 1880, 3, 34-36. — Smithson. Mise. 
Coll., 1881, 22, art. 1. 1880.9 

— Description of a new ray (Platy- 
rhina triseriata) from the coast of Cali- 
fornia. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., 1880, 3, 
36-38. — Smithson. Misc. Coll., 1881, 
22, art. 1. 1880.10 

—— Description of a new scorpzenoid 
fish (Sebastichthys maliger) from the 
coast of California. Proc. U. S. Nat. 
Mus., 1880, 3, 322-324. — Smithson. 
Misc. Coll., 1881, 22, art. 1. 1880.11 

Description of a new scorpzenoid 
fish (Sebastichthys proriger) from Mon- 
terey bay, California. Proc. U.S. Nat. 
Mus., 1880, 3, 327-329. — Smithson. 
Misc. Coll., 1881, 22, art. 1. 1880.12 

——- Description of a new species of 
deep-water fish (Icichthys lockingtont) 
from the coast of California. Proc. U.S. 
Nat. Mus., 1880, 3, 305-308. — Smith- 
son. Mise. Coll., 1881, 22, art. 1. 1880.13 

Description of a new species of 
Hemirhamphus (Hemirhamphus rose) 
from the coast of California. Proc. U. 
S. Nat. Mus., 1880, 3, 335-336. — 
Smithson. Mise. Coll., 1881, 22, art. 1. 


—— Description of a new species of 
Nemichthys (Nemichthys avocetta) from 
Puget sound. Proc. U. 8S. Nat. Mus., 
1880, 3, 409-410.— Smithson. Misc. 
Coll., 1881, 22, art. 1. 1880.15 

Description of a new species of 
notidanoid shark (Hexanchus corinus) 
from the Pacific coast of the United 
States. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 1880, 3, 

352-355. — Smithson. Mise. Coll., 1881, 
22, art. 1. 1880.16 

Description of a new species of 
Paralepis (Paralepis coruscans) from the 
straits of Juan de Fuca. Proc. U.S. Nat. 
Mus., 1880, 3, 411-413. — Smithson. 
Mise. Coll., 1881, 22, art. 1. 1880.17 

Description of a new species of 
ray (Raia rhina) from the coast of Cali- 
fornia. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., 1880, 3, 
251-253. — Smithson. Misc. Coll., 1881, 
22, art. 1. 1880.18 

—— Description of a new species of 
ray (Raia stellulata) from Monterey, 
California. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 
1880, 3, 133-135.— Smithson. Mise. 
Coll., 1881, 22, art. 1. 1880.19 

Description of a new species of 
rock cod (Sebastichthys serriceps) from 

the coast of California. Proc. U.S. Nat. 
Mus., 1880, 3, 38-40. — Smithson. 
Misc. Coll., 1881, 22, art. 1. 1880.20 

Description of a new species 
of “rock-fish’’ (Sebastichthys carnatus) 
from the coast of California. Proc. U.S. 
Nat. Mus., 1880, 3, 73-75. — Smithson. 
Misc. Coll., 1881, 22, art. 1. 1880.21 

Description of a new species 
of rock-fish (Sebastichthys chrysomelas) 
from the coast of California. Proc. U.S. 
Nat. Mus., 1880, 3, 465. — Smithson. 
Misc. Coll., 1881, 22, art.1. 1880.22 

Description of a new species of 
Sebastichthys (Sebastichthys miniatus), 
from Monterey bay, California. Proc. 
U. 8S. Nat. Mus., 1880, 3, 70-73. — 
Smithson. Misc. Coll., 1881, 22, art. 1. 

Description of seven new species 
of sebastoid fishes from the coast of 
California. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., 1880, 
3, 287-298.—Smithson Mise. Coll., 
1881, 22, art. 1. 1880.24 

Descriptions of new species of 
Xiphister (X. chirus and X. rupestris) 
and Apodichthys (A. fucorum) from 
Monterey, California. Proc. U.S. Nat. 
Mus., 1880, 3, 135-140. — Smithson. 
Misc. Coll., 1881, 22, art. 1. 1880.25 

Descriptions of two new species 
of fishes (Ascelichthys rhodorus and 
Scytalina cerdale) from Neah_ bay, 
Washington territory. Proc. U.S. Nat 
Mus., 1880, 3, 264-268. — Smithson. 
Mise. Coll., 1881, 22, art. 1. 1880.26 


Jordan & Gilbert. 

Descriptions of two new species 
of flounders (Parophrys ischyrus and 
Hippoglossoides elassodon) from Puget 
sound. Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., 1880, 3, 
276-280. — Smithson. Mise. Coll., 1881, 
2 srt ke 1880.27 

Descriptions of two new species 
of scopeloid fishes (Sudis ringens and 
Myctophum crenulare) from Santa Bar- 
bara channel, California. Proc. U. 5. 
Nat. Mus., 1880, 3, 273-276. — Smith- 
son. Misc. Coll., 1881, 22, art. 1. 1880.28 

Descriptions of two new species 
of Sebastichthys (Sebastichthys entomelas 
and Sebastichthys rhodochloris) from 
Monterey bay, California. Proc. U. 8. 
Nat. Mus., 1880, 3, 142-146. — Smith- 
son. Mise. Coll., 1881, 22, art. 1. 1880.29 

List of the fishes of the Pacific 
coast of the United States, with a table 
showing the distribution of the species. 
Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., 1880, 3, 452-458. 
—Smithson. Mise. Coll., 1881, 22, art. 1. 

Notes on a collection of fishes 
from San Diego, California. Proc. U.S. 
Nat. Mus., 1880, 3, 23-34. — Smithson. 
Misc. Coll., 1881, 22, art. 1. 1880.31 

Notes on a collection of fishes 
from Utah lake. Proce. U.S. Nat. Mus., 
1880, 3, 459-465.— Smithson. Misc. 
Coll., 1881, 22, art. 1. 1880.32 

Notes on sharks from the coast 
of California. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 
1880, 3, 51-52. — Smithson. Mise. Coll., 
1881, 22, art. 1. 1880.33 

On the generic relations of Belone 
exilis Grd. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., 1880, 
3, 459. — Smithson. Mise. Coll., 1881, 
22 artle 1880.34 

On the generic relations of 
Platyrhina exasperata. Proc. U.S. Nat. 
Mus., 1880, 3, 53.—Smithson. Misc. 
Coll., 1881, 22, art. 1. 1880.35 

On the occurrence of Cephalo- 
scyllium laticeps (Duméril) Gill, on the 
coast of California. Proc. U. 8. Nat. 
Mus., 1880, 3, 40-42. — Smithson. Mise. 
Coll., 1881, 22, art. 1. 1880.36 

On the oil shark of southern Cali- 
fornia (Galeorhinus galeus) Proe. U. 8. 
Nat. Mus., 1880, 3, 42-43. — Smithson. 
Misc. Coll., 1881, 22, art. 1. 1880.37 

Observations on the salmon of 
the Pacific. Amer. Naturalist, 1881, 15, 
177-186. 1881.1 



— Description of a new species of 
goby (Gobiosoma ios) from Vancouver 
island. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. 1881 
(1882), 5, 487-438. 1882.1 

Description of a new species of 
Pomadasys (P. cesius) from Mazatlan, 
with a key to the species known to 
inhabit the Pacific coasts of tropical 
America. Proc. U. 8S. Nat. Mus. 1881 
(1882), 4, 383-388. 1882.2 

—— Description of a new species 
of Ptychochilus (Ptychochilus harfordt) 
from Sacramento river. Proc. U.S. Nat. 
Mus. 1881 (1882), 4, 72-73. 1882.3 

Description of a new species of 
Xenichthys (X. renurus) from the west 
coast of Central America. Proce. U. 8. 
Nat. Mus. 1881 (1882), 4,454. 1882.4 

Description of five new species 
of fishes from Mazatlan, Mexico (Tylo- 
surus sterrita, T. fodiator, Cynoscion 
xanthulum, Culius aequidens, Centropo- 
mus robalito) Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus. 1881 
(1882), 4, 458-463. 1882.5 

Description of Sebastichthys my- 
stinus. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. 1881 
(1882), 4, 70-72. 1882.6 

Descriptions of nineteen new 
species of fishes from the bay of Panama. 
Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1881 (1882), 1, 
306-335. 1882.7 

Descriptions of thirty-three new 
species of fishes from Mazatlan, Mexico. 
Proc. U.’S. Nat. Mus. 1881 (1882), 4, 
338-365. 1882.8 

List of fishes collected by Lieut. 
Henry E. Nichols, U. 8. N., in the gulf 
of California and on the west coast of 
lower California, with descriptions of 
four new species (Cynoscion othonopte- 
rum, Stolephorus opercularis, Opistho- 
gnathus rhomaleus, Umbrina roncador| 
Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. 1881 (1882), 4, 
273-279. 1882.9 

— Note on Raia inornata. Proc. 
U.S. Nat. Mus. 1881 (1882), 4, 73-74. 

Notes on a collection of fishes 
made by Lieut. Henry E. Nichols, U. 8. 
N., on the west coast of Mexico, with 
descriptions of new species (Caranz or- 
thogrammus, Balistes mento, Platyglossus 
nicholsi, Scicena aluta; Proce. U.S. Nat. 
Mus. 1881 (1882), 4, 225-233. 1882.11 

Notes on the fishes of the Pacific 
coast of the United States. Proc. U.S. 
Nat. Mus. 1881 (1882), 4, 29-70. 



Catalogue of the fishes collected 
by Mr. John Xantus at cape San Lueas, 
which are now in the United States 
National Museum, with descriptions of 
eight new species. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. 
1882 (1883), 5, 353-371. 1883.1 

Description of a new cyprinodont 
(Xygonectes inurus) from southern I]li- 
nois. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. 1882 (1883), 
5, 143-144. 1883.2 

Description of a new eel (Sidera 
castanea) from Mazatlan, Mexico. Proc. 
U.S. Nat. Mus. 1882 (1883), 5, 647-648. 

Description of a new shark 
(Carcharias lamiella) from San Diego, 
California. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. 1882 
(1883), 5, 110-111. 1883.4 

Description of a new species 
of Artedius (Artedius fenestralis) from 
Puget sound. Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus. 
1882 (1883), 5, 577-579. 1883.5 

Description of a new species of 
Conodon (Conodon serrifer) from Boca 
Soledad, lower California. Proc. U.S. 
Nat. Mus. 1882 (1883), 5, 351-352. 


Description of a new species 
of Uranidea (Uranidea pollicaris) from 
lake Michigan. Proc. U. 8S. Nat. Mus. 
1882 (1883), 5, 222-223. 1883.7 

Description of a new species 
of Urolophus (Urolophus asterias) from 
Mazatlan and Panama. Proc. U. 8. 
Nat. Mus. 1882 (1883), 5, 579-580. 


Description of four new species 
of sharks from Mazatlan, Mexico. Proc. 
U.S. Nat. Mus. 1882 (1883), 5, eee 

Descriptions of two new species 
of fishes (Myrophis vafer and Chloro- 
scombrus orqueta) from Panama. Proc. 
U.S. Nat. Mus. 1882 (1883), 5, 645-647. 

Descriptions of two new species 
of fishes (Sebastichthys umbrosus and 
Citharichthys stigmeus) collected at 
Santa Barbara, California, by Andrea 
Larco. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. 1882 
(1883), 5, 410-412. 1883.11 

List of a collection of fishes made 
by Mr. L. Belding, near cape San Lucas, 
lower California. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. 
1882 (1883), 5, 378-381. 1883.12 



List of fishes collected at Mazat- 
lan, Mexico, by Charles Henry Gilbert. 
Bull. U. 8. Fish Comm. 1882 (1883), 2, 
105-108. 1883.13 

List of fishes collected at Panama 
by Capt. John M. Dow, now in the 
United States National Museum. Proc. 
U.S. Nat. Mus. 1882 (1883), 5, 373-378. 

List of fishes collected at Panama 
by Charles Henry Gilbert. Bull. U.S. 
Fish Comm. 1882 (1883), 2, 109-111. 


List of fishes collected at Pan- 
ama by Rev. Mr. Rowell, now preserved 
in the United States National Museum. 
Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus. 1882 (1883), 5, 
381-382. 1883.16 

List of fishes collected by Mr. 
John Xantus at Colima, Mexico. Proc. 
U.S. Nat. Mus. 1882 (1883), 5, 371-372. 

List of fishes now in the museum 
of Yale College, collected by Prof. Frank 
H. Bradley at Panama, with descrip- 
tions of three new species. Proc. U.S. 
Nat. Mus. 1882 (1883), 5, 620-632. 


Notes on a collection of fishes 
from Charleston, South Carolina, with 
descriptions of three new species. Proc. 
U. S. Nat. Mus. 1882 (1883), 5, 580- 

620. 1883.19 
Notes on fishes observed about 
Pensacola, Florida, and Galveston, 

Texas, with descriptions of new species. 
Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. 1882 (1883), 5, 
241-307. 1883.20 

On certain neglected generic 
names of Lacépéde. Proc. U. 8. Nat. 
Mus. 1882 (1883), 5, 570-576. 1883.21 

On the nomenclature of the 
genus Ophichthys. Proc. U. 8. Nat. 
Mus. 1882 (1883), 5, 648-651. 1883.22 

On the synonymy of the genus 
Bothus Rafinesque. Proc. U. 8. Nat. 
Mus. 1882 (1883), 5, 576-577. 1883.23 

—— A review of the siluroid fishes 
found on the Pacific coast of tropical 
America, with descriptions of three new 
species (Arius insculptus, A. elatturus, 
A. osculus) Bull. U. 8S. Fish Comm. 
1882 (1883), 2, 34-54. 1883.24 

A synopsis of the fishes of North 
America. Bull. U. 8S. Nat. Mus., 1883, 
16, 1-1018. 1883.25 




Jordan & Gilbert. 

~ —— Description of a new murenoid 
eel (Sidera chlevastes) from the Gala- 
pagos islands. Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus. 
1883 (1884), 6, 208-210. 1884.1 

Description of a new species of 
Rhinobatus (Rhinobatus glaucostigma) 
from Mazatlan, Mexico. Proc. U. 8. 
Nat. Mus. 1883 (1884), 6, 210-211. 

Description of two new species 
of fishes (Aprion ariommus and Ophi- 
dium beani) from Pensacola, Florida. 
Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. 1883 (1884), 6, 
142-144. 1884.3 
Note on the genera of Petromy- 
zontide. Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus. 1883 
(1884), 6, 208. 1884.4 

Notes on the nomenclature of 
certain North American fishes. Proc. 
U.S. Nat. Mus. 1883 (1884), 6, 110-111. 

— A review of the American Caran- 
gins. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. 1883 
(1884), 6, 188-207. 1884.6 

Description of Sciena sciera, a 
new species of Sciena from Mazatlan 
and Panama. Proc. U. 8S. Nat. Mus. 
1884 (1885), 7, 480. 1885.1 

Descriptions of ten new species 
fishes from Key West, Florida. Proc. 
S. Nat. Mus. 1884 (1885), 6, 24-32. 


Note on Calamus proridens, a 
new species of Calamus. Proc. U. S. 
Nat. Mus. 1884 (1885), 7,150. 1885.3 

Note on Caranz ruber and Caranxz 
bartholomei. Proc. U. 8S. Nat. Mus. 
1884 (1885), 7, 32-33. 1885.4 

A review of the species of the 
“genus Calamus. Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus. 
1884 (1885), 7, 14-24. 1885.5 

List of fishes collected in Arkan- 
sas, Indian Territory and Texas, in 
September, 1884, with notes and de- 
scriptions. Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus. 1886 
(1887), 9, 1-25. 1887.1 

Description of a new species of 
Thalassophryne (Thalassophryne dow?) 
from Punta Arenas and Panama. Proc. 
U.S. Nat. Mus. 1887 (1888), 10, 388. 
The fisheries and fishery inter- 
ests of the United States, by George 
Brown Goode and a staff of associates. 


Section II. A. A geographical review 
of the fishery industries and fishing com- 
munities for the year 1880. Washing- 
ton, 1888. 8°. 1888.2 

Part on fisheries of California, Oregon and 
Washington, by Jordan and Gilbert, p. 589-629. 

— Description of a new species of 
ribbon-fish (Trachypterus rex-salmono- 
rum) from San Francisco. Proc. Cali- 
fornia Acad. Sci., 1894, 2. ser. 4, 144— 
146. pl. 1894.1 

Note on the wall-eyed pollack 
(Pollachius chalcogrammus fucensis) of 
Puget sound. Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus. 
1893 (1894), 16, 315-316. 1894.2 

List of the fishes inhabiting Clear 
lake, California. Bull. U.S. Fish Comm. 
1894 (1895), 14, 139-140. 1895.1 

The fishes of Bering sea (In 
Jordan, D. S. Fur-seals and fur-seal 
islands of the north Pacific ocean, pt. 
3, 433-492. 43 pls. Washington, pre 

Macrouride (In Jordan, D.S., 
and Starks, E. C. List of fishes dredged 
by the steamer ‘‘ Albatross ”’ off the coast 

of Japan. ... Bull. U.S. Fish Comm. 
1902 (1904), 22, 602-621. pl. & 10 
illust.) 1904.1 

Jordan, David Starr, & Goss, David 
Kopp. <A review of the flounders and 
soles (Pleuronectide) of America and 
Europe. Rept. U. 8. Fish Comm. 1886 
(1889), 14, 225-342. 9 pls. 1889.1 

Jordan, David Starr, & Grinnell, 
Joseph. Description of a new species 
of trout (Salmo evermanni) from the 
upper Santa Ana river, Mount San Gor- 
gonio, southern California. Proc. Biol. 
Soc. Washington, 1908, 21, 31-32. pl. 


Jordan, David Starr, & Gunn, James 
Alexander. List of fishes collected at the 
Canary islands by O. F. Cook, with de- 
scriptions of four new species. Proc. 
Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. 1898 (1899), 
339-347. 1899.1 

Jordan, David Starr, & Henshaw, 
Henry W. Report on the fishes collected 
during the years 1875, 1876 and 1877, 
in California and Nevada. Ann. Rept. 
U.S. Geogr. Surv. West 100th Meridian, 
1878, 187-200. 3 pls.— Ann. Rept. 
Chief Engin., 1878, pt. 3, 1609-1622. 
4 pls. 1878.1 

Jordan, David Starr, & Herre, 
Albert Christian. A review of the her- 


ring-like fishes of Japan. Proce. U. 8. 
Nat. Mus., 1906, 31, 613-645. 5 figs. 

A review of the cirrhitoid fishes 
of Japan. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., 1907, 
33, 157-167. 2 figs. 1907.1 

A review of the lizard-fishes or 
Synodontide of the waters of Japan. 
Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., 1907, 32, 513-524. 
12 figs. 1907.2 

Jordan, David Starr, & Hoffman, 
Horace Addison. See Hoffman «& 

Jordan, David Starr, & Holder, 
Charles Frederick. SeeHolder & Jordan. 

Jordan, David Starr, & Hughes, 
Elizabeth G. A review of the American 
species of the genus Prionotus. Proc. 
U.S. Nat. Mus. 1886 (1887), 9, 327-338. 


A review of the genera and 
species of Julidine found in American 
waters. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. 1886 
(1887), 9, 56-70. 1887.2 

Jordan, David Starr, & Jouy, Pierre 
Louis. Checklist of duplicates of fishes 
from the Pacific coast of North America, 
distributed by the Smithsonian Insti- 
tution in behalf of the United States 
National Museum. Proc. U. 8. Nat. 
Mus. 1881 (1882), 4, 1-18. 1882.1 

Jordan, David Starr, & McGregor, 
Richard Crittenden. List of fishes col- 
lected at the Revillagigedo archipelago 
and neighboring islands. Rept. U. 8. 
Fish Comm. 1898 (1899), 24, 271-284. 

2 pls. 1899.1 
Description of a new species of 
threadfin (family Polynemide) from 

Japan. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., 1906, 30, 
813-815. 1906.1 

Jordan, David Starr, & Meek, Seth 
Eugene. Description of four new species 
of Cyprinide in the United States Na- 
tional Museum. Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus. 
1884 (1885), 7, 474-477. 1885.1 

Description of Zygonectes zonifer, 
a new species of Zygonectes from Nash- 
ville, Georgia. Proc. U. 8S. Nat. Mus. 
1884 (1885), 7, 482. 1885.2 

List of fishes observed in the St. 
John river at Jacksonville, Florida. 
Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. 1884 (1885), 7, 
235-237. 1885.3 



List of fishes collected in Iowa 
and Missouri in August, 1884, with 
descriptions of three new species. Proc. 
U.S. Nat. Mus. 1885 (1886), 8, 1-17. 


A review of the American species 
of flying fishes (Exoccetus) Proc. U.S. 
Nat. Mus. 1885 (1886), 8, 44-67. 1886.2 

Jordan, David Starr, & Metz, 
Charles William. Descriptions of two 
new species of fishes from Honolulu, 
Hawaii. Proc. U. 8S. Nat. Mus., 1912, 
42, 525-527. pl. 1912.1 

A catalogue of the fishes known 

from the waters of Korea. Mem. 
Carnegie Mus., 1913, 6, 1-65. 10 pls. & 
67 figs. 1913.1 

Jordan, David Starr, & Richardson, 
Robert Earl. Description of a new 
species of killifish, Lucania brown7, from 
a hot spring in lower California. Proc. 
U.S. Nat. Mus., 1907, 33, bees 


On a collection of fishes from 
Echigo, Japan. Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., 
1907, 33, 263-266. 3 figs. 1907.2 

‘Fishes from islands of the Philip- 
pine archipelago. Bull. Bureau Fish- 
eries, 1908, 27, 233-287. 1908.1 

A review of the flat-heads, 
gurnards and other mail-cheeked fishes 
of the waters of Japan. Proc. U.S. Nat. 
Mus., 1908, 33, 629-670. 9 figs. 1908.2 

A catalogue of the fishes of the 
island of Formosa, or Taiwan, based on 
the collections of Dr. Hans Sauter, 
Mem. Carnegie Mus., 1909, 4, 159-204. 
11 pls. & 29 figs. 1909.1 

Check-list of the species of fishes 
known from the Philippine archipelago. 
Manila, 1910. 78 p. 1910.1 

A review of the Serranide or sea~ 
bass of Japan. Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., 
1910, 37, 421-474. 16 figs. 1910.2 

Jordan, David Starr, & Rutter, 
Cloudsley. A collection of fishes made 
by Joseph Seed Roberts in Kingston, 
Jamaica. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. 
1897 (1898), 91-133. 1898.1 

Jordan, David Starr, & Seale, Alvin. 
Description of a new trout (Salmo gaird- 
neri beardsleei) from Crescent lake, 
Washington. Contrib. Biol. Hopkins 
Seaside Labor., 1896, 5, 209. 1896.1 




Jordan « Seale. 

List of fishes collected by Dr. 
Bashford Dean on the island of Negros, 
Philippines. Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., 
1905, 28, 769-803. _ figs. 1905.1 

——— List of fishes collected in 1882-83 
by Pierre Louis Jouy at Shanghai and 
Hongkong, China. Proc. U. 8S. Nat. 
Mus., 1905, 29, 517-529. 6 figs. 1905.2 

—— Descriptions of six new species 
of fishes from Japan. Proc. U. 8. Nat. 
Mus., 1906, 30, 143-148. 6 figs. 1906.1 

—— The fishes of Samoa, descrip- 
tion of the species found in the archipel- 
ago, with a provisional check-list of the 
fishes of Oceania. Bull. Bureau Fish- 
eries 1905 (1906), 25, 175-455. 20 pls. 
& 111 figs. 1906.2 

- Fishes of the islands of Luzon 
and Panay. Bull. Bureau Fisheries 
1906 (1907), 26, 1-48. 20 figs. 1907.1 

—— List of fishes collected at Hong 
kong by Captain William Finch, with 
description of five new species. Proc. 
Davenport Acad. Sci., 1907, 10, 1-17. 
13 pls. 1907.2 
List of fishes collected in the 
river at Buytenzorg, Java, by Dr. Doug- 
las Houghton Campbell. Proc. U. 8. 

Nat. Mus., 1907, 33, 535-543. 2 figs. 
Jordan, David Starr, & Sindo, 
Michitaro. A review of the Japanese 
species of surf fishes or Embiotocide. 
Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 1902, 24, 353- 
359. 2 figs. 1902.1 

A review of the pediculate fishes 
or anglers of Japan. Proc. U. S. Nat. 
Mus., 1902, 24, 361-381. 7 figs. 1902.2 

Jordan, David Starr, & Snyder, John 
Otterbein. Description of nine new spe- 
cies of fishes contained in museums 
of Japan. Journ. Coll. Sci., Imper. 
Univ. Tokyo, 1901, 15, 301-311. 2 pls. 


—— Descriptions of two new genera 
of fishes (Ereunias and Draciscus) from 
Japan. Proc. California Acad. Sci., 
1901, 3. ser. 2, 377-380. 2 pls. 1901.2 

— List of fishes collected in 1883 
and 1885 by Pierre Louis Jouy and pre- 
served in the United States National 
Museum, with descriptions of six new 
species. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 1901, 
23, 739-769. 6 pls. 1901.3 

A list of fishes collected in Japan 
by Keinosuke Otaki, and by the United 
States Fish Commission steamer ‘ Al- 
batross.”’ with descriptions of fourteen 
new species. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 
1901, 23, 335-380. 11 pls. 1901.4 

Notes on a collection of fishes 
from the rivers of Mexico, with deserip- 
tions of twenty new species. Bull. U.5. 
Fish Comm. 1899 (1901), 19, MS ne 

A preliminary check-list of the 
fishes of Japan. Annot. Zool. Japon., 
1901, 3, 1-159. 1901.6 

A review of the apodal fishes 
or eels of Japan, with descriptions of 
nineteen new species. Proc. U. 8. Nat. 
Mus., 1901, 23, 837-890. 1901.7 

A review of the cardinal fishes of 
Japan. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., 1901, 23, 
891-913. 2 pls. 1901.8 

A review of the gobioid fishes of 
Japan, with descriptions of twenty-one 
new species. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 
1901, 24, 33-132. 33 figs. 1901.9 

A review of the gymnodont 
fishes of Japan. Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., 
1901, 24, 229-264. Sfigs. 1901.10 

A review of the hypostomide and 
lophobranchiate fishes of Japan. Proce. 
U. S. Nat. Mus., 1901, 24; 1-20: 12 
pls. 1901.11 

A review of the lancelets, hag- 
fishes and lampreys of Japan, with a 
description of two new species. Proce. 
U.S. Nat. Mus., 1901, 28, 725-734. pl. 

Descriptions of two new species 
of squaloid sharks from Japan. Proce. 
U.S. Nat. Mus., 1902, 25, 79-81. 2 figs. 

On certain species of fishes con- 
fused with Bryostemma polyactocepha- 
lum. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., 1902, 26, 
613-618. 3 figs. 1902.2 

A review of the blennioid fishes 
of Japan. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., 1902, 
25, 441-504. 28 figs. 1902.3 

A review of the discobolous 
fishes of Japan. Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., 
1902, 24, 348-351. 2 figs. 1902.4 

——A review of the labroid fishes 
and related forms found in the waters of 
Japan. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., 1902, 24, 
595-662. 10 figs. 1902.5 


A review of the salmonoid fishes 
of Japan. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., 1902, 
24, 567-593. figs. 1902.6 

—— A review of the trachinoid fishes 
and their supposed allies found in the 
waters of Japan. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., 
1902, 24, 461-497. 7 figs. 1902.7 

On a collection of fishes made 
by Mr. Alan Owston in the deep waters 
of Japan. Smithson. Mise. Coll., 1903, 
45, 230-240. 11 pls. 1903.1 

Notes on collections of fishes 
from Oahu island and Laysan island, 
Hawaii, with descriptions of four new 
species. Proc. U. 8S. Nat. Mus., 1904, 
27, 939-948. 1904.1 

On the species of white Chimera 
from Japan. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 
1904, 27, 223-226. figs. 1904.2 

Description of a new species of 
fish (A pogon evermanni) from the Hawai- 
ian islands, with notes on other species. 
Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., 1905, 28, 123-126. 

A list of fishes collected in 
Tahiti by Mr. Henry P. Bowie. Proc. 
U.S. Nat. Mus., 1905, 29, 353-357. 3 
figs. : 1905.2 

The giant bass of Japan [Stere- 
olypis ischinagi and Erilepis zonifer) 
Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 1906, 30, 841— 
$45. 1906.1 

On a species of loach, Misgurnus 
decemcirrosus (Basilewsky) from north- 

ern China. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., 1906,- 


A review of the Peecillide or 
killifishes of Japan. Proc. U. 8S. Nat. 
Mus., 1906, 31, 287-290. 1906.3 

30, 833-834. 

——A synopsis of the sturgeons 
(Acipenseride) of Japan. Proc. U. 8. 
Nat. Mus., 1906, 30, 397-398. 1906.4 

Notes on fishes of Hawai, with 
descriptions of new species. Bull. 
Bureau Fisheries 1906 (1907), 26, 205-— 
218. 2pls. & 4 figs. 1907.1 

Description of three new species 
of carangoid fishes from Formosa. 
Mem. Carnegie Mus., 1908, 2, 37-40. 
3 pls. 1908.1 

Description of a trout from lake 
Kootenay in British Columbia. Proc. 
Biol. Soc. Washington, 1908, 21, 33-34. 
pl. 1908.2 


Description of a new whitefish 
(Coregonus oregonius) from Melkenzie 
river, Oregon. Proc. U. S..Nat. Mus., 
1909, 36, 425-430. fig. 1909.1 

Description of the Yachats 
‘“ smelt,”’ a new species of atherinoid fish 
from Oregon. Proc. U. 8S. Nat. Mus., 
1913, 45, 575-576. pl. 1913.1 

Jordan, David Starr, & Starks, 
Edwin Chapin. The fishes of Puget 
sound. Proce. California Acad. Sci., 
1895, 2. ser. 5, 785-855. 38 pls. Re- 
print in Contrib. Biol. Hopkins Seaside 
ihabors 3; 1-71. 1895.1 

Description of a new species 
of pipefish (Siphostoma sinalow) from 
Mazatlan. Proc. California Acad. Sci., 
1896, 2. ser. 6, 266—267. 1896.1 

Descriptions of three new species 
of fishes from Japan. Proc. California 
Acad. Sci., 1901, 3. ser. 2, 381-386. 


On the relationships of the 

lutianoid fish (A phareus furcatus) Proc. 
U.S. Nat. Mus., 1901, 23, 719-723. 


A review of the atherine fishes of 
Japan. Proc. U. 8S. Nat. Mus., 1901, 
24, 199-206. 4 figs. 1901.5 

Description of a new cyprinoid 
fish, Hemibarbus joiteni, from the Pei 
Ho, Tientsin, China. Smithson. Mise. 
Coll., 1903, 45, 241-242. pl. 1903.1 

Description of a new species of 
sculpin (Cottunculus brephocephalus) from 
Japan. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., 1903, 26, 
689-690. fig. 1903.2 

A review of the fishes of Japan 
belonging to the family of Hexagram- 
mide. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 1903, 
26, 1003-1013. 3 figs. 1903.3 

A review of the hemibranchiate 
fishes of Japan. Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., 
1903, 26, 57-73. 3 figs. 1903.4 

A review of the synentognathous 
fishes (Scombresocide) of Japan. Proc. 
U.S. Nat. Mus., 1903, 26, 525-544. 
List of fishes dredged by the 
steamer ‘“‘ Albatross ’’ off the coast of 
Japan in the summer of 1900. Bull. 
U.S. Fish Comm. 1902 (1904), 22, 577— 

630. 8 pls. & figs. 

A review of the Cottid or 
sculpins found in the waters of Japan. 
Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., 1904, 27, 251-335. 
43 figs. ; 1904.2 




Jordan « Starks. 

A review of the Japanese fishes 

of the family of Agonidse. Proc. U. 8S. 

Nat. Mus., 1904, 27, 575-599. go ; 

A review of the scorpsnoid 
fishes of Japan. Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., 
1904, 27, 91-175. 2 pls. & 21 figs. 


Schmidtina, a genus of Japanese 
sculpins. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 1904, 
27, 961. 1904.5 

On a collection of fishes made in 
Korea by Pierre Louis Jouy, with de- 
scriptions of new species. Proc. U.S. 
Nat. Mus., 1905, 28, 193-211. fig. 


List of fishes collected on Tanega 
and Yaku, offshore islands of southern 
Japan, by Robert Van Vleck Anderson, 
with descriptions of seven new species. 
Proc. U. 8S. Nat. Mus., 1906, 30, 695- 
706. 1906.1 

Notes on a collection of fishes 
from Port Arthur, Manchuria, obtained 
by James Francis Abbott. Proc. U. 8. 
Nat. Mus., 1906, 31, 515-526. 5 figs. 


A review of the flounders and 
soles of Japan. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 
1906, 31, 161-246. 27 figs. 1906.3 

List of fishes recorded from Oki- 
nawa or the Riu Kiu islands of Japan. 
Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., 1907, 32, 491-504. 

Note on Otohime, a new genus 

of gurnards. Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., 
1907, 32, 131-133. fig. 1907.2 

—— Notes on fishes from the island 
of Santa Catalina, southern -California. 
Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., 1907, 32, 67-77. 

8 figs. 1907.3 
Jordan, David Starr, & Swain, 
Joseph. List of fishes collected in the 

Clear Fork of the Cumberland, Whitley 
county, Kentucky, with descriptions of 
three new species. Proc. U. S. Nat. 
Mus. 1883 (1884), 6, 248-251. 1884.1 

Description of three new species 
of fishes (Prionotus stearnsi, Prionotus 
ophryas, and Anthias vivanus) collected 
at Pensacola by Mr. Silas Stearns. Proce. 
U.S. Nat. Mus. 1884 (1885), 7, 541-545. 

Descriptions of scaroid fishes 
from Havana and Key West, including 

five new species. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. 
1884 (1885), 7, 81-102. 1885.2 

Notes on fishes collected by 
David 8. Jordan at Cedar keys, Florida. 
Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. 1884 (1885), 7, 
230-234. 1885.3 

—— A review of the American species 
of Epinephelus and related genera. 
Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus. 1884 (1885), 7, 



A review of the American species 
of marine Mugilide. Proc. U. &. Nat. 
Mus. 1884 (1885), 7, 261-275. 1885.5 

A review of the species Lut- 
janine and Hoplopagrine found in 
American waters. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. 
1884 (1885), 7, 427-474. 1885.6 

A review of the species of the 
genus Hemulon. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. 
1884 (1885), 7, 281-317. 1885.7 

Jordan, David Starr, Tanaka, Shi- 
geho, & Snyder, John Otterbein. A cata- 
logue of the fishes of Japan. Journ. 
Coll. Sci., Imper. Univ. Tokyo, 1913, 33, 
1497. 396 figs. 1913.1 

Jordan, David Starr, & Thompson, 
J.C. The fish-fauna of the Tortugas 
archipelago. Bull. Bureau Fisheries, 
1905, 24, 231-256. fig. 1905.1 

Jordan, David Starr, & Thompson, 
William Francis. Description of a 
new species of deep-water sculpin 
(Triglopsis ontariensis) from lake On- 
tario, with notes on related species. 
Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., 1910, 38, 75-78. 
3 figs. 1910.1 

Note on the gold-eye, Amphiodon 
alesoides Rafinesque, or Elattonistius 
chrysopsis (Richardson) Proc. U.S. Nat. 
Mus., 1910, 38, 353-357. 2 figs. 1910.2 

— Notes on a collection of fishes 
made by James Francis Abbott at Ir- 
kutsk, Siberia. Ann. Carnegie Mus., 
1910, 7, 81-88. 4pls. 1910.3 

A review of the fishes of the 
families Lobotidze and Lutianidz, found 
in the waters of Japan. Proc. U.S. Nat. 
Mus., 1911, 39, 435-471. 8 figs. 1911.1 

— A review of the sciznoid fishes 
of Japan. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., 1911, 
39, 241-261. 4 figs. 1911.2 

A review of the Sparide and re- 
lated families of perch-like fishes found 
in the waters of Japan. Proc. U.S. Nat. 
Mus., 1912, 41, 521-601. 15 figs. 1912.1 




— Notes on a collection of fishes 
from the island of Shikoku in Japan, 
with a description of a new species, 
Gnathypops iyonis. Proc. U. 8S. Nat. 
Mus., 1913, 46, 65-72. 5 figs. 1913.1 

Record of the fishes obtained in 
Japan in 1911. Mem. Carnegie Museum, 
1914, 6, 205-313. 19 pls. & 87 figs. i‘ 


Three new genera and twenty new species are 

Jordan, David Starr, & Van Vleck, 
Balfour H. A popular key to the birds, 
reptiles, batrachians and fishes of the 
northern United States, east of the 
Mississippi river. Appleton, Wisconsin, 
1874. 100p. 8°. 1874.1 

Jordan, David Starr, & others. The 
Wilder Quarter-century book; a_ col- 
lection of original papers dedicated to 
..- B. G. Wilder at the close of his 
twenty-fifth year of service in Cornell 
University (1868-1893) by some of his 
former students. Ithaca, N. Y., 1893. 
vi, 493 p. 28 pls. 8°. 1893.1 

Temperature and vertebra, a study in evolu- 
tion, etc., by D. S. Jordan, p. 13-36. 

Jordana y Morera, José. Apuntes 
bibliografico-forestaies, 6 sea breve re- 
stmen de los libros, folletos, ... y demas 
trabajos originales, 6 traducidos por 
autores espafioles relativos 4 la cria, 
cultivo .. . legislaci6n y economia de 
los montes, arbolados, plantios, prados, 
eaza y pesca. Madrid, 1873. 320 p. 
SF. 1873.1 
Joris, Hermann. Le lobe postérieur 

de la glande pituitaire. Mém. Cour. 
Acad. Méd. Belgique, 1908, 19, 1-29. 

4 pls. 1908.1 
Joseph, Heinrich. Beitrige zur 
Histologie des Amphioxus. Arb. Zool. 

Instit. Wien, 1900, 12, 99-132. pl. & 
figs. 1900.1 

Einige anatomische und _histo- 
logische Notizen iiber Amphioxus. Arb. 
Zool. Instit. Wien, 1902, 13, 125-154. 2 
pls. 1902.1 

Ueber eigentiimliche Zellstruk- 
turen im Zentralnervensystem von Am- 
phioxus. Verh. Anat. Ges., 1904, 18. 
Vers., 16-26. 6 figs. 1904.1 

Zur Beurteilung gewisser granu- 
larer Einschliisse des Protoplasmus. 
Verh. Anat. Ges., 1904, 18. Vers., 105— 
112. 8 figs. 1904.2 

—— Einiges iiber das Nierensystem 
von Myzxine glutinosa. Centralbl. Phy- 
siol. Ges. Berlin, 1905, 18, bag 


Ein Doppelei von Scyllium nebst 
Bemerkungen tiber die Eientwicklung. 
Anat. Anz., 1906, 29, 367-372. 2 figs. 
Die epidermoidalen Sinneszellen 
des Amphioxus. Anat. Anz., 1908, 32, 
448-455. 7 figs. 1908.1 

Josephson, Aksel Gustav Salomon 
(editor) Catalogue méthodique des 
Acta et nova acta Regi Societatis Scien- 
tarum Upsaliensis, 1774-1889. Upsala 
(1889) 1889.1 

Joslyn, C. D. The policy of ceding 
the control of the Great lakes from 
state to national supervision. Trans. 
Amer. Fisheries Soc. 1905 (1906), 217- 
222. 1906.1 

Jossifov, WM. S. M. Sur les voies 
principales et les organes de propulsion 
de la lymphe chez certains poissons os- 
seux. C. R. Mém. Soc. Biol. Paris, 
1905, 58, 205-207. 1905.1 

Sur les voies principales et les 
organes de propulsion de la lymphe chez 
certains poissons. Arch. Anat. Micr., 
1906, 8, 398-424. pl. «& fig. 1906.1 

Jouan, Henri. Note sur une petite 
lamproie [{Petromyzon] provenant de 
Sauxmesnil. Mém. Soc. Imp. Sci. Nat. 
Cherbourg 1859 (1860), 7, 367-369. 


Poissons de mer observés 4 
Cherbourg en 1858 et 1859. Mém. Soe. 
Imp. Sci. Nat. Cherbourg 1859 (1860), 7 
116-147. IJbid., 1864, 10, 313-314. 


Note sur quelques espéces de 
poissons de la Nouvelle-Calédonie. 
Mém. Soc. Imp. Sci. Nat. Cherbourg 
1860 (1861), 8, 241-308. Tbid., 1861 
(1862), 9, 177-187. 1861.1 

Notes sur quelques espéces de 
poissons de la Basse-Cochinchine. Mém. 
Soc. Imp. Sci. Nat. Cherbourg 1864 
(1865), 11, 257-328. 1865.1 

Description de quelques poissons 
de Vile de Poulo-Condor. Mém. Soc. 
Imp. Sci. Nat. Cherbourg 1865 (1866), 
12, 113-128. 1866.1 

Description de quelques poissons 
et de quelques oiseaux du nord de la 
Chine. Mém. Soc. Imp. Sci. Nat. 
Cherbourg 1865 (1866), 12, 263-276. 
Notes sur quelques poissons de 
mer observés 4 Hong-Kong. Mém. Soc. 
Imp. Sci. Nat. Cherbourg 1866 (1867), 
13 (2. sér. 3), 241-282. 1867.1 



Jouan, /. 

Note sur quelques  poissons 
nuisibles du Japon. Mém. Soc. Imp. 
Sei. Nat. Cherbourg 1866 (1867), 13 (2. 
sér. 3), 142-144. 1867.2 

Coup d’ceil sur l’histoire natu- 
relle du Japon. Mém. Soe. Imp. Sci. 
Nat. Cherbourg, 1869, 2. sér. 4, 49-96. 

Notes sur l’archipel Hawaiien 
(Iles Sandwich) Mém. Soe. Nat. Sci. 
Nat. Cherbourg, 1873, 17, 5-104. 


Liste des poissons, p. 89-92. 

Sur la présence de requins dans 
’Adriatique et sur les cétes d’Italie. 
Act. Soe. Linn. Bordeaux, 1873, 29 (5. 
sér. 9), 28. 1873.2 

Additions aux poissons de mer 
observés A Cherbourg. Mém. Soc. Nat. 
Sci. Nat. Cherbourg, 1874, 18 (2. sér. 
8), 353-368. 1874.1 

Sur quelques espéces rares de 
poissons de mer de Cherbourg. — Bull. 
Soc. Linn. Normandie 1873-74 (1874), 
2. sér. 8, 412-421. 1874.2 
Mélanges zoologiques [Poissons. 
Mortalité sur les poissons & la cote de 

Malabar) Mém. Soc. Nat. Sci. Nat. 
Cherbourg, 1875, 19, 233-245. 


Quelques mots sur la faune 
ichthyologique de la cdte nord-est 
d’ Australie et du détroit de Torres com- 
parée A celle de la Nouvelle-Calédonie. 
Mém. Soc. Nat. Sci. Nat. Cherbourg, 
1878, 3. sér. 21, 328-335. 1878.1 

Les poissons et les oiseaux de 
haute mer. Caen, 1881. 8°. 1881.1 

Notes ichthyologiques. Nouvel- 
les espéces de poissons de mer observés 
3. Cherbourg. Mém. Soc. Nat. Sci. Nat. 
Cherbourg, 1884, 24, 313-316. 1884.1 

Un poisson rare 4 Cherbourg, le 
“eernier” [Polyprion cernium\ Bull. 
Soc. Linn. Normandie, 1895, 4. sér. 9, 
46-48. 1895.1 
Trois poissons rares 4 Cher- 
Mém. Soe. Nat. Sci. Nat. Cher- 

oourg, 1900, 31, 219-224. 

Joubin, Louis. Note sur les ravages 
-ausés chez les sardines par un crustacé 
parasite. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1888, 
107, 842-844. 1888.1 
~ Sur un copépode parasite des sar- 

CG. R. Aead., Sci. Paris, 1888, 107, 
1178. 1888.2 

ii br/ze 



— la vie dans les océans. Paris, 
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Jouffroy, (Comte) Joseph de. La 

péche et les lois économiques de la pro- 
duction. Bésangon, 1865. 8°. 1865.1 

Joukowsky, EF. Sur quelques af- 
fleurements nouveaux de -roches terti- 
aires dans l’isthme de Panama. Mém. 
Soc. Phys. Hist. Nat. Genéve, 1906, 35, 
155-178. 2 pls. & 5 figs. 1906.1 

Jourdain, Sylvain. Recherches sur 
la veine porte-rénale (chez les oiseaux, 
les reptiles, les batraciens et les pois- 

sons) Ann. Sci. Nat. (Zool.), 1859, 4. 

sér. 12, 134-188; 321-368. Also sepa- 

rate; Paris, 1860. 103 p. 5 pls 4°. 

Note sur lappareil post-rénal 
hépatique de la baudroie (Lophius pis- 
catorius L.) C. R. Mém. Soc. Biol. 
Paris 1860 (1861), 3. sér. 2, 149-150. — 
L’ Institut, 1861, 29, 228-229. 1861.1 

Sur les filets pécheurs de la 
baudroie (Lophius piscatorius L.) L’In- 
stitut, 1861, 29, 238-239. 1861.2 

Note sur un corps d’apparence 

glanduleuse observé dans la baudroie. 
GC. R. Aead. Sci. Paris, 1863, 56, 598-599. 

Note sur le systeme lymphatique 
du Gadus morrhua. Ann. Sci. Nat. 

(Zool.), 1867, 5. sér. 8, 141-144. — Bull. 
Hebd. Assoc. Sci. France, 1867, 2, 350— 
Bore 1867.1 

Sur la structure du coeur des 
poissons du genre Gadus. C. R. Acad. 
Sci. Paris, 1867, 64, 192-194. — Ann. 
Mag. Nat. Hist., 3. ser. 19, 225-226. 
Coup d’ceil sur le systéme vei- 
neux et lymphatique de la raie bouclée 
(Raja clavata; Ann, Acad. La Rochelle 
1866-67 (1868), no. 8, 21-34. pl. 1868.1 

Recherches sur le systeme lym- 
phatique du congre (Murena conger L.) 
C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1868, 67, 1264— 
1266. — Ann. Sci. Nat. (Zool.), 1868, 5. 
sér. 10, 372-374. — Journ. Anat., 1869, 
333-335. 1868.2 

—— Sur les appendices digitiformes 
des poissons du genre Trigla. Ann. 
Sei. Nat. Charente-Inférieure 1868-69 
(1870), 9, 121-126. 1870.1 

—— Matériaux pour servir 4 l’his- 
toire anatomique du poisson lune (Or- 
thagoriscus mola) C. R, Acad. Sei. 
Paris. 1871, 78, 1225-1229. 1871.1 


Matériaux pour servir a lhis- 
toire du gymnétre épée (Gymnetrus 
gladius C. et V.) C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 
1872, 74, 58-62. 1872.1 

Recherches sur la trompe buc- 
cale de l’esturgeon. Paris, 1877. pl. 
8°. 1877.1 

L’appareil maxillo-mandibulaire 
de quelques poissons osseux. Rev. Sci. 
Nat., 1878, 7, 36-41. pl. 1878.1 

De l’action de la cyclamine sur 
les poissons. Bull. Hebd. Assoc. Sci. 
France, 1878, 23, 157-158. 1878.2 

Sur les ammodytes des cétes de 
la Manche. Rev. Sci. Nat., 1879, 8 
(2. sér. 1), 203-210. 1879.1 

Sur les poissons du genre Lepa- 
dogaster des cétes de la Manche. Bull. 
Hebd. Assoc. Sci. France, 1879, 24, 25- 
27. 1879.2 

Sur le développement tardif des 
écailles chez les anguilles. Rev. Sci. 
Nat., 1880, 2. sér. 2. 1880.1 

Sur l’existence d’une circulation 
lymphatique chez les pleuronectes. C. 
R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1880, 90, 1430- 

1432. 1880.2 
Sur lVanguille. C. R. Acad. Sci. 
Paris, 1889, 109, 200-202. 1889.1 

Jourdain, Sylvain, & Friaut, A. 
Recherches anatomiques sur la trompe 
buccale de l’esturgeon. Bull. Soc. Sci. 
Nancy, 1877, 2. sér.3, 116-121. 1877.1 

Jourdan, Antoine Jacques Louis 
[1788-1848] Dictionnaire raisonné, éty- 
mologique, synonymique et polyglotte 
des termes usités dans les sciences natu- 
relles. 2 vols. Paris, 1834. 8°. 1834.1 

Jourdan, Claude. Des cestracions. 
Mém. Acad. Imp. Sci. Lyon, 1869-70, 
17, 303-307. 1869.1 

Jourdan, Etienne. Sur les organes 
du gotit des poissons osseux. C. R. 
Acad. Sci. Paris, 1881, 92, 743-745. — 
Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 5. ser. 7, 423- 
425. 1881.1 

Structure histologique des bar- 
billons et des rayons libres du Peristedion 
cataphractum. Arch. Zool. Expér. Gén., 
1890, 2. sér. 8, 603-616. pl. 1890.1 

Jourdeuil, H. La truite, son his- 
toire, ses habitudes, ses différentes modes 
de péche. Dijon, 1872. 144 p. 8°. 




Jourdier, August. La_pisciculture 
et la production des sangsues; avec une 
introduction par M. Coste. Paris, 1856. 
30 figs. 16°. 1856.1 

Jousset de Bellesme, Georges Lowis 
Marie Félicien {1839 —| De l’alimenta- 
tion des poissons cultivés en étang. 
Pisciculture Pratique, 1897, 3, 33-37. 


New method of pond culture 
(translated by Dr. Tarleton H. Bean; 
Trans. Amer. Fisheries Soc. 1896 (1897), 
69-87. 1897.2 

De Vemploi des filtres en pisci- 
Pisciculture Pratique, 1899, 5. 

—— Culture du saumon (Salmo salar) 
C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1901, 182, 272— 
274. 1901.1 
—— La pisciculture en France de 1884 
41900. Paris, 1909. 532 p. 8°. 1909.1 


Jouy, Pierre Louis. Description of a 
new species of Squalius (Squalius alicie) 
from Utah lake. Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus. 
1881 (1882), 4, 19. 1882.1 

On cormorant fishing in Japan. 
Amer. Naturalist, 1888, 22, 1-3. 1888.1 

Jouy, Pierre Louis, & Jordan, David 
Starr. See Jordan & Jouy. 

Joynt, Ald. William L. Upon the 
salmon fishery and fishery laws of Ire- 
land. Journ. Roy. Dublin Soc. 1860— 
62 (1862), 3, 181-183. 1862.1 

Juday, Chancey. Fishes of Boulder 
county, Colorado. Univ. Colorado 
Stud., 1904, 2, 113-114. 1904.1 

List of fishes collected in Boulder 
county, Colorado, with description of a 
new species of Leuciscus (L. evermannt) 
Bull. Bureau Fisheries, 1905, 24, 223- 
927. fig. 1905.1 

— The food of the trout of the Kern 
river region (In Evermann, B. W. The 
golden trout of the southern high Sier- 
ras. Bull. Bureau Fisheries, 1906, 25, 
43-49) 1906.1 

Notes on lake Tahoe, its trout 
and trout-fishing. Bull. Bureau Fish- 
erles, 1907, 26, 135-146. 1907.1 

— A study of Twin lakes, Colorado, 
with especial consideration of the food 
of the trouts. Bull. Bureau Fisheries, 
1907, 26, 147-178. pl. 1907.2 



Juday, Chancey, & Birge, Edward A. 
See Birge & Juday. 

Juday, Chancey, & Wagner, George. 
Dissolved oxygen as a factor in the 
distribution of fishes. Trans. Wisconsin 
Acad. Sci., 1908, 16, pt. 1, 17-22. 1908.1 

Juel, (Lieuwt.) Niels. Fra Opsyn- 
schefen ved Lofotfiskeriet. Lofot- 
fiskereit, Kristiana, 1880. 1880.1 

The’ Loffoden fishery in 1880. 
Rept. U. 8. Fish Comm. 1881 (1884), 
9, 533-610. 1884.1 

Jiingling, Reinhold. Einiges iiber 
den Diamantbarsch und seine Zucht. 
Wochenschr. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 
1909, 6. Jahrg., 693-694. fig. 1909.1 

Jiirgens, W. Zur Fortpflanzung von 
Callichthys punctatus. Blatt. Aquar.- 
Terrar. Freunde, 1900, 11. Jahrg., 217— 
219. 1900.1 

Der Kalikobarsch (Pomozxis sa- 
proides) im Aquarium. Blatt. Aquar.- 
Terrar. Freunde, 1901, 12. Jahrg., 287— 
289. 1901.1 

Der Pfeilschnabel (Mastacem- 
Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 

1904, 15. Jahrg., 248-250. 

Ueber die Fortpflanzung des 
Callichthys punctatus. Wochenschr. 
Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1906, 3. Jahrg., 
368-371. fig. 1906.1 

Zur Fortpflanzung von Callich- 
thys punctatus. Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. 
Kunde, 1909, 20. Jahrg., 265-266. 


Phractolemus ansorgii Boulenger. 
Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1910, 21. 
Jahrg., 129-131. 4 figs. 1910.1 

Neigt das Bachneunauge zum 
Parasitismus? Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. 
Kunde, 1911, 22. Jahrg., 624-625; 695- 
696. fig. 1911.1 

Jiirgens, W., & Kohler, Walther. 
Drei merkwiirdige fische von der Ni- 
germiindung. Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. 
Kunde, 1906, 17. Jahrg., 395-398; 403- 
404; 415-418. 1906.1 

Jiirss, Heinrich. Die Kampffische. 
Wochenschr. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 
1911, 8. Jahrg., 489-490. 2 figs. 1911.1 

Ostindische Cypriniden. Wo- 
chenschr. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1911, 
8. Jahrg., 417-420. 6 figs. 1911.2 

: Parosphromenus deissneri Blkr. 
Wochenschr. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 
1912, 9. Jahrg., 1-2. fig. 1912.1 

Ueber Haltung und Pflege von 
Petersius spilopterus Boulenger. Wo- 
chenschr. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1913, 
10. Jahrg., 229-230. fig. 1913.1 

Zur Metamorphose der Jung- 
fische. Wochenschr. Aquar.-Terrar. 
Kunde, 1913, 10. Jahrg., 682-683. 5 
figs. 1913.2 

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— Etude sur la saumon de Cali- 
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1903, 18, 85-94. map. 1903.1 

The Cretaceous rocks of Great 
Britain. III. The Upper Chalk of Eng- 
land. Mem. Geol. Surv. United King- 
dom, London, 1904. x, 566p. 1904.1 

Contains references to fossil fishes. 

Julin, Charles. Le systéme nerveux 
grand-sympathique de lAmmoccetes 
(Petromyzon planeri) Arch. Zocl. Expér. 
Gén., 1886, 6, no. 3, 46-47. — Anat. 
Anz., 1887, 2. Jahrg., 501. 1886.1 

De la signification morpholo- 
gique de l’epiphyse (glande pinéale) des 
vertébrés. I. L’epiphyse des poissons. 
Structure et développement. Bull. Sci. 
France & Belge, 1887, 2. sér. 10, aoe 

De la valeur morphologique du 
nerf latéral du Petromyzon. 

Acad. Sci. Belgique, 1887, 3. sér. 18, 
300-309. 1887.2 

Des origines de l’aorte et des 
carotides chez les poissons cyclostomes. 
Anat. Anz., 1887, 2. Jahrg., 228-238. 
4 figs. 1887.3 

a > a aes agen 

[tie ORRIN 




Les deux premiéres fentes bran- 
chiales des poissons cyclostomes, sont- 
elles homologues respectivement 4 I’ 
évent et 4 la fente hyobranchiale des 

sélaciens? Communication — prélimi- 
naire. Bull. Acad. Sci. Belgique, 1887, 
3. sér. 13, 275-291. pl. 1887.4 

— Quelle est la valeur morpholo- 
gique du corps thyroide des vertébrés? 
Communication préliminaire. Bull. 
Acad. Sci. Belgique, 1887, 3. sér. 13, 
293-300. 1887.5 

— Recherches sur l’anatomie de 

VAmmoccetes. Bull. Sci. France & 
Belgique, 1887, 18 (2. sér. 10), 265-295. 
pl. 1887.6 

Le systéme nerveux grand- 
sympathique de l’Ammoccetes (Petromy- 
zon planeri) Communication prélimi- 
naire. Anat. Anz., 1887, 2. Jahrg., 192— 
201. 1887.7 

Sur l’appareil vasculaire et le 
systéme nerveux périphérique de |’Am- 
moccetes; réponse 4 M. le Dr. Dohrn. 
Zool. Anz., 1888, 11, 567-568. 1888.1 

—— Recherches sur la morphologie 
del’Ammoccetes. Bull. Sci. France & 
Belgique, 1889, 19 (3. sér. 1), pore : 


Julin, Johan. Bref till Hr. Prof. 
Bergius. Lik. Naturf., 1787, 8, 378— 
381. 1787.1 

— Fortsittning af viderleks jour- 
nalen som blifvit hallen uti Uledborg, 
ifran och med &r 1776 till och med Ar 
1787. K. Vet. Akad. Handl., Stock- 
holm, 1789, 10, 179-195. 1789.1 

Bref till Hr. Intendenten Fi- 
scherstrém om de uti Oesterbotten, siir- 
deles omkring Ule&iborg samlade na- 
turalier. Ny Journ. Hushalln., 1792, 15, 
28-34; 55-73; 105-134. 1792.1 

Férteckning pa nagra uti Oester- 
botten, sirdeles omkring UleAborg sam- 
lade naturalier med anmirkningar. N 
Journ. Hushalln., 1800, 19, 103-118. 

Jullien, Jules [— 1897] Remarques 
sur le vol des poissons appartenant au 
genre Exocéte. Bull. Soc. Zool. France, 
1878, 3, 109-112. 1878.1 

Jungersen, Hector Frederik Estrup. 
Eine Berichtigung [zu Haacke: 
Ueber eine neue Art uterinaler Brut- 
pflege bei Wirbelthieren} Zool. Anz., 
1885, 8, 560-561. 1885.1 

Beitrige zur Kenntniss der Ent- 
wickelung der Geschlechtsorgane bei den 
Knochenfischen. Arb. Instit. Wiirz- 
burg, 1889, 9, 89-219. 2 pls. — Vidensk. 
Meddel. Naturh. Foren. 1889 (1890), 
101-237. Also separate; Kjobenhavn, 
1889. 144 p. 1889.1 

Die Embryonalniere von Amia 
Zool. Anz., 1894, 17, 246-252. 


Om embryonalnyren hos storen 
(Acipenser sturio) Vidensk. Meddel. 
Naturh. Foren. 1893 (1894), 188-203. 
— Zool. Anz., 1893, 16. Jahrg., 464- 
467; 469-472. Also separate; Kjoben- 
havn, 1894. 8°. 1894.2 

(Critique of} “‘ Ueber die Em- 
bryonalniere von Calamoichthys cala- 
baricus (Smith)”’ von J. Lebedinsky. 
Zool. Centralbl., 1895, 2, 54-59. 1895.1 

Fra “ Ingolf-expeditionen.’’ Be- 
merkninger om dybhavsfaunaen og 
dens fordeling i de nordlige Have. Efter 
et foredrag holdt 5te Jan. 1897 i det 
kgl. danske geogr. Selskab. Geogr. 
Tidsskr., Kjobenhavn, 1898, 14, 36-44. 


Om appendices genitales hos 

havkalen, Somniosus microcephalus Bl. 

Schn., og andre selachier. Danske In- 
golf-Exped. Kjobenhavn, 1898, 2, no. 2, 
1-84. pls. & figs. 1898.2 

Ueber die Bauchflossenanhinge 
(Copulationsorgane) der Selachierminn- 
chen. Anat. Anz., 1898, 14, 498-513. 
16 figs. 1898.3 

Fra den danske Ingolf-expedi- 
tion: bemezrkninger om Udbredelsen af 
Dybets Dyreverden i de nordlige Have. 
Frohandl. 15 Skand. Naturfor. Stock- 
holm 1898 (1899), 271-274. 1899.1 

Ueber die Urogenitalorgane von 
Polypterus und Amia. Zool. Anz., 1900, 
23, 328-334. 1900.1 

Ved foreleggelsen af to Hef- 
ter af Verket om Ingolf-expeditionen. 
Overs. Danske Vidensk. Selsk. Forh., 
1905, 127-135. 1905.1 

Ichthyolotomical contributions. 
Danske Vidensk. Skrift. Naturv., 1908- 
1910. 1908.1 

i. The structure of the genera Amphisile and 
Centriscus. Danske Vidensk. Skrift. Naturv., 
1908, 7. ser. 6, 41-109. 2 pls. & 33 figs. 

ii. The structure of the Aulostomidz, Syn- 
gnathide# and Solenostomide. Jbid., 1910, 7. 
ser. 8, 268-364. 7 pls. & fig. 




Jungersen, //. Ff. E. 

On the osteology of the Lopho- 
branchii. Rept. Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 
79. meet., 1909, 503-504. 1909.1 

Some noteworthy points con- 
cerning Pegasus and  Solenostomus 
(Text in Japanese} Dobuts. Zasshi, 
Tokyo, 1910, 22, 471-476. 1910.1 

Translation into Japanese of a letter to S. 

Junod, De la pisciculture 
naturelle et artificielle, ou de la repro- 
duction et propagation du poisson dans 
les affluents des lacs et des riviéres de 
la Suisse, spécialement dans |’Arnon. 
Lauzanne, 1854. 15 p. 8°. 1854.1 

Jurinac, A.#. {List of the fishes of 

Croatia} Rad Jugoslav Akad., 1887, 
83, 114-121. 1887.1 
Jurine, Louis [1751-1819] Mémoire 

sur quelques particularités de ]’ceil du 
thon (Scomber thynnus Linn.), et d’au- 
tres poissons. Mém. Soc. Phys. Hist. 
Nat. Genéve, 1821, 1, 1-18. fig. 1821.1 

Note sur les dents et la mastica- 
tion des poissons appelés cyprins. Mém. 
Soc. Phys. Hist. Nat. Genéve, 1821, 1, 
19-24. fig. 1821.2 

Histoire abrégée des poissons du 
lac Léman. Mém. Soc. Phys. Hist. Nat. 
Genéve, 1825, 3, pt. 1, 133-235. — Bull. 
Sci. Nat. (Férussac), 13, 245-250. Also 
separate; Genéve, 1825. 102 p. 15 pls. 
4°, 1825.1 

Jurinskii, 7. Uebersicht der phino- 
logischen Frithjahrserscheinungen in 
Ostsibirien in den Jahren 1905 und 1906. 
(Text in Russian) Izv. Vost. Sib. Otd. 
Russ. Geogr. ObSé., Irkutsk, 1909, 38, 

32-63. 1909.1 
Juselius, Fiskeviigen genom 
saarikoski fors i Kiurwesi  socken. 

Teckniska Féreningens i Finland Forh., 

Helsingfors, 1905, 25. Jahrg., 219-222. 


Jussieu, Adrien de, Beudant, F. S., 

& Edwards, H. Milne. See Beudant, 
Edwards « Jussieu. 

Justander, Johan Gustaf. Specimen 
calendarii flore et faunze Aboensis. 
Inaug. Dissert., Abo, 1786. 20 p. 4°. 


Carl Niclas Hellenius, preses. 

Juvelius, Hr. Om Nejnégons fisket i 
Oesterbotten. Tidn. Sallsk. Abo, 1772, 

no. 20, 158-160; no. 21, 160-165. Also 
separate; Stockholm, 1772. 8 p. 8°. 
aly (72st 


m, Fish devoured by snails. 
Longevity of the stickleback. Zoologist, 
1861, 19, 7400. 1861.1 

K., (Baron) von. Fish-culture as a 
means of improving the race of fish. 
Bull. U.S. Fish Comm. 1885, 5, 289-291. 

K., C. A. Concerning eels. Forest 
& Stream, 1879, 12, 463. 1879.1 

K., J. N. Fish planting in Massa- 

chusetts. Forest & Stream, 1878, 11, 
399. 1878.1 

K. (junior), S. Alligator gar-fish. 
Forest & Stream, 1877, 8, 82. 1877.1 

K., W. Fish-culture in Mississippi. 
Forest & Stream, 1878, 10, 318. 1878.1 
: Moonstruck fish. Forest & 
Stream, 1879, 11, 512. 1879.1 
* Kade, G. Ueber die devonischen 
Fischreste eines Diluvialblockes. Mes- 
eritz, 1858. pl. 4°. 1858.1 

Kaensche, (.C. Beitrage zur Kennt- 
niss der Metamorphose des Ammocetes 
branchialis in Petromyzon. Zool. Beitr. 
Breslau, 1890, 2, 219-250. 4 pls. 


Kassbohrer, Matthdus. Abnahme 
des Fischbestandes in der Donau. Cir- 
cul. Deutsch. Fischerei Ver., 1880, no. 6, 
185-186. 1880.1 

Kaestner, S. Doppelbildungen bei 
Wirbelthieren; ein Beitrag zur Casuis- 
tik. Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Anat. Abth.), 
1898, 81-94. pl. & 2 figs. 1898.1 

Kahilainen, Wdind. Amerikkalai- 
nen jarvisampi eli-saita (Acipenser rubi- 
cundus) Suomen Urheilu Lehti, 1899, 
2322-323. pl: 1899.1 

Rullavapa lannistaa jittilaiska- 
Suomen Urheilu Lehti, 1899, 2, 
2 figs. 1899.2 


Valtameren piru, jonka mr. L. 
Diguet oli tuonut mukanaan Kalifor- 
nian lahdesta. Suomen Urheilu Lehti, 
1899, 2, 187-189. fig. 1899.3 

Kahlenberg, L., & Mehl, Hugo F. 
Giftwirkung von Electrolyten auf Fische. 

Chem. Centralbl., 1901, 1. 1901.1 
Kaika, /., & Fritsch, Anion. See 
Fritsch & Kaika. 
Kaiser, Hmanuel. Clarias robecchi 

Vineig. Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 
1910, 21. Jahrg., 245-246. fig. 1910.1 

Etwas iiber die Familie der 
Loricariide. Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. 
Kunde, 1910, 21. Jahrg., 161-163; 186- 
187. 2 figs. 1910.2 

Pimelodus spee. und Pimelodus 
sapo Val. Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 
1910, 21. Jahrg., 213-214. 2 figs. 1910.3 

—— Tetrodon cutcutia Hamb. Buch. 
Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1911, 22. 
Jahrg., 497-499; 511-512. 2 figs. 1911.1 

Kaiser, Paul. Die naturwissen- 
schaftlichen Schriften der Hildegard 
von Bingen (In Programm des Konig- 
stidlischen Gymnasiums zu _ Berlin, 
Ostern, 1901) 1901.1 

Kalberlah, Ff. Ueber das Riicken- 
mark der Plagiostomen. Ein Beitrag 
zur vergleichenden Anatomie des Cen- 
tralnervensystems. Zeitschr. Naturw., 
Stuttgart, 1900, 73, 140. pl. & fig. 


Kallius, 2. Endigungen motorischen 
Nerven in der Muskulatur der Wirbel- 

tiere. Ergebnisse Anat. Entw. Gesch., 
1897, 6, 26-43. 1897.1 
Kalm, Pehr (preses) [1715-1779] 

Tankar om sattet att ritt traktera his- 
toria naturalis. Inaug. Dissert., Abo, 
WACO Bayjos 2 bys 1760.1 

Henrik Aulin, respond. 

En resa til Norra America. . . 
af Pehr Kalm .. . 3 vols. Stockholm, 
1753-1761. 1761.1 

This is the editio princeps. There are various 
other editions, i.e., German, 1754-64; English, 
1770-1771, 1772 & 1812; Belgic, 2 vols. Utrecht 
1772. : ; ; 

Contains notes on the sturgeon fisheries of the 
Hudson, of the fisheries of Quebec and of the fish- 
culture in olden time; also observations on 
poisonous fishes. 


Kalm, P. 

(preses) Enfaldiga tankar om 
nyttan som England kan hafva af sina 
nybyggen i Norra America. Inaug. 
Dissert., Abo, 1763. 22p. 4°. 1763.1 

Sven Gonovinius, respond. 

Kaltenegger, F. Ueber die biolo- 
gischen und technischen Bedingungen 
des Lebendtransportes von Fischen 
und anderen Wassertieren. Verh. Ges. 
Deutsch. Nat. Aerzte, 1906, 77, pt. 2, 
111-115. 1906.1 

Kaluza, August [1776-1836] Sys- 
tematische Beschreibung der schlesi- 
schen Amphibien und Fische. Breslau, 
1845, 3": 1815.1 

Kamada, Jakezo. Experiments on 
herring fishery (Text in Japanese] 
Suisan Koshujo Shiken Hokoku, Tokyo, 
1909, 5, 1-15. 1909.1 

Kamenskii, Serghyei Nikolaevich. On 
a new species of Squalius (S. pinnoma- 
culatus) (Text in Russian} Trudui 
Obshch. Kharkoy. Univ., 1896, 30, 131— 
143. pil. 1896.1 

On the presence of Gobius mar- 
moratus Pall. in the government of Khar- 
kov (Text in Russian] Trudui Obshch. 
Kharkov. Univ., 1896, 29, 139-147. pl. 

On Caucasian ichthyology (Text 

in Russian} Trudui Obshch. Kharkov. 
Univ., 1897, 31, 77-99. 2pls. 1897.1 

Die Cypriniden der Kaukasus- 
lander und ihrer angrenzenden Meere 
(Text in Russian, with German résumé} 
4 pts. Tiflit, 1899. 8°. 1899.1 

Lief. 1 contains 349 p. & 12 pls. Lief. 2 con- 
tains 124p.&6pls. 8°. 

Kammerer, Paul. Hingende Glas- 
kugeln fiir Goldfische. Tierfreund, 1900, 
54, no. 6. 1900.1 

Die kiinstlche Fischzucht in 
Torbole. Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 
1900, 11. Jahrg., no. 24. 1900.2 

Der Allensteiger See. Oesterr. 
Tiermarkt, Suppl. (Lotus-Mitteil.),1901, 
1 (Sept. 15) 1901.1 

Faunistische und _biologische 
Skizzen von Pommerns Ostseekiiste. 
Nerthus, Altona, 1901, 3, nos. 3-5. 


Ichthyologische Beobachtungen. 
Oesterr. Tiermarkt, Suppl. (Lotus- 
Mitteil.), 1901, 1 (Oct. 15) 1901.3 

Blennius vulgaris. Blatt. Aquar.- 
Terrar. Kunde, 1903, 13. Jahrg., no. 17. 

Das Bachneunauge, Petromyzon 
planert Bloch. Wochenschr. Aquar.- 
Terrar. Kunde, 1905, 2. Jahrg., 263-265. 


Donaubarsche. Blatt. Aquar.- 
Terrar. Kunde, 1905, 16, 321-324; 333- 
334; 344-346; 353-355; 368-369. Ibid., 
1908, 19, 97-100; 111-115; 122-126; 
133-135; 145-148; 159-163; 173-176; 
185-188; 197-200; 211-214; 264-266; 
284-286; 297-301; 315-317. pl. 


Beitrige zur Oekologie, Anato- 
mie und Phylogenie der elektrischen 
Fische. I. Oekologische Beobachtungen 
am Zitterwels (Malapterurus electricus 
(Gmel.) Lacép.) Il. Die Zitterrochen 
(Torpediniz) nebst allgemeinen Bemer- 
kungen iiber die Lebensweise elektrischer 
Fische. III. Die Schnabelfische (Mor- 
myride) . . . Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. 
Kunde, 1906, 17. Jahrg., 41-44; 53-55; 
61-63; 73-76; 144-147; 156-159; 166— 
167. 1906.1 

— Das Gefangenleben der Aal- 
quappe (Lota lota Linné) Blatt. Aquar.- 
Terrar. Kunde, 1906, 17. Jahrg., 443— 
445; 455. 1906.2 

— Eine Naturforscherfahrt durch 
Aegypten und den Sudan. Wochenschr. 
Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1906, 3. Jahrg. 
Also separate; Braunschweig, 1906. 


Auffiitterung von Barschbrut 
aus dem Ei. Fischerei Zeitg., 1907, 10, 
no. 20. 1907.1 

Bastardierung von Flussbarsch 
(Perca fluviatilis L.) und Kaulbarsch 
(Acerina cernua L.) Arch. Entw.- 
Mech., Leipzig, 1907, 23, 511-551. 2 
pls. & fig. 1907.2 

Der Donauwels (Waller, Schai- 
den; Silurus glanis L.) Blatt. Aquar.- 
Terrar. Kunde, 1907, 18. Jahrg., no. 50. 

Die Flussgroppe  (Kaulkopf, 
Koppen, Kotzen; Cottus gobio L.) Blatt. 
Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1907, 18. Jahrg., 
no. 49. 1907.4 

Regulationserscheinungen _ bei 
Reptilien, Amphibien und _ Fischen. 
Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1907, 18. 
Jahrg., no. 16. 1907.5 

Sieben Tage an den Versuchs- 
teichen bei Frauenberg. Oe6csterr. Fi- 




ee ce ee a ee ee ee ee eee 

eth ad 



scherei Zeitg., 1907, 4, nos. 6-10. — 
Mitth. Teichwirtsch. Versuchsstat. Frau- 
enberg, B6hmen, 1. 1907.6 

—— Der Sterlett (Acipenser ruthenus 
L.) Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1907, 
18. Jahrg., no. 18. 1907.7 

— Siisswasserfische in Salzwasser 
und anderen abnormalen Wasserzusam- 
mensetzungen. Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. 
Kunde, 1907, 18. Jahrg., no. 36. 1907.8 

Zweiter Aufenthalt in Frauen- 
berg. Oesterr. Fischerei Zeitg., 1907, 
4, nos. 17-19. 1907.9 

Fische aus dem Gardasee. Wo- 
chenschr. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1908, 
5. Jahrg., 107-108; 130-132; 157-159. 
3 figs. 1908.1 

Fische im Seewasseraquarium 
und ihre Gewéhnung an _ Siisswasser. 
Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1909, 20. 
Jahrg., 123; 166-168; 179-182. 1909.1 

Unsere einheimischen Siisswas- 
serfische. Einzelne Beobachtungen an 
Schleihe, Karausche, Orfe, Plétze, Mo- 
derlieschen und Griindling.  Blitt. 
Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1909, 20. Jahrg., 
5138-517. 6 figs. 1909.2 

Zucht des Gardasee-W eissfisches 
(Leuciscus alburnellus Poll.) 1m Aqua- 
rium. Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 
1909, 20. Jahrg., 525-531. fig. 1909.3 

Vererbungsversuche bei Fischen. 
Oesterr. Fischerei Zeitg., 1910, 7, no. 23. 

Was kann das Fischereiwesen 
von den Ejinrichtungen eines wissen- 
schaftlichbiologischen Institutes lernen? 
Deutsch. Fischerei Korresp., 1910, 14 
(Nov.) — Mitth. Mihr. Land. Fische- 
rei Ver., 1911, 20, nos. 2-3. 1910.2 

Das Riechen der Fische. Wo- 
chenschr. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1911, 
8. Jahrg., 45-47. 1911.1 

Kamon, K. Ueber die ‘ Geruchs- 
knospen” {der Fische} Arch. Mikr. 
Anat., 1904, 64, 653-664. 1904.1 

P. N. van. Galeocerdo 
sp., aus dem indischen 
Bull. Dépt. Agric. Indes- 

fasciatus, n. 
Néerl., 1907, 8, 9-12. 

_ =— Ueber zwei Scomber-Arten des 
indischen Archipels. Bull. Dépt. Agric. 
Indes-Néerl., 1907, 8, 1-8. pl. 1907.2 



Kurze Notizen iiber Fische des 
Java-Meeres. I. Histiophoridz von Ba- 
tavia. II. Die Nahrung von Rhinodon 
typicus Smith. Natuurk. Tijdschr. 
Néerl.-Indie, 1907 (1908), 67, 120-124. 
Overzicht der hulpmiddelen bij 
de zeevisscherij van Java en Madoera 
in gebruik. Batavia Meded. Visscherij- 
station, 1908, 1, 1-32. 1908.2 

Aanteekeningen omtrent de vis- 
scherij van Sumatra en Riouw ,{Bermer- 
kungen iiber die Fischerei von Sumatra 
und Riouw] Meded. Dept. Landbourd, 
1909, 3, 1-29. 1909.1 

De hulpmiddelen der seevissche- 
rij, op Java en Madoera in gebruik. 
Meded. Dept. Landbourd, 1909, no. 9, 
1-116. 19 pls. 1909.2 

Kurze Notizen iiber Fische des 
Java-Meeres. III. Die Larve von Me- 
galops cyprinoides Brouss. Bull. Dépt. 
Agric. Indes-Néerl. 1908 (1909), 20, 
10-12. 1909.3 

Kurze Notizen tiber Fische des 
Java-Meeres. IV. Mobulide aus der 
Java-See. V. Brutpflege von Arius 
sagor. {ete.) Bull. Dépt. Agric. Indes- 
Néerl., 1910, 35, 9-13. 1910.1 

Kampen, P. N.van, & Roosendaal, 
A. M. van. See Roosendaal & Kam- 

Kane, D. P. Statement concerning 
the menhaden fishery. Rept. U.S. Fish 
Comm. 1877 (1879), 5, 483. 1879.1 

Kantorowicz, R. Ueber Bau und 
Entwicklung des Spiraldarms der Se- 

lachier. Zeitschr. Naturw., 1897, 70, 
337-364. 4 pls. & 3 figs. 1897.1 

Kapelikin, V. Der histologische Bau 
der Haut von Petromyzon. Bull. Soc. 

Nat. Moscou 1896 (1897), 481-514. 2 
pls. Abstract in Journ. Roy. Micr. Soc., 
1897, pt. 1, 64-65. 1897.1 

Zur Frage iiber die Farbung der 
Fische (Text in Russian} Psoyv. Ruzejn. 
Ochota, Moskva, 1904, pt. 11, 66-69. 


Die biologische Bedeutung der 
Silberglanzes der Fischschuppen [Text 
in Russian) Jestestv. Geogr., Moskva, 
1905, pt. 1, 61-65. — Biol. Centralbl., 

1907, 27, 252-256. 1905.1 

Kappers, Cornelius Ubbo Ariéns. 
Die Bahnen und Zentren im Gehirn der 
Teleostier und Selachier (Text in 
Dutch) Amsterdam, 1904. 194 p. 7 
Iss 4 Su. 1904.1 


Kappers, (. U. A. 

The structure of the teleostean 
and selachian brain. Journ. Comp. 
Neurol., 1906, 16, 1-112. 16 pls. 1906.1 

Untersuchungen iiber das Ge- 
hirn der Ganoiden Amia calva und Lepi- 
dosteus osseus. Abh. Senckenb. Naturf. 
Ges. Frankfurt-a.-M., 1907, 30, 447-500. 
pl. & 6 figs. 1907.1 

Eversion and inversion of the 
dorso-lateral wall in different parts of 
the brain. Journ. Comp. Neurol., 1908, 
18, 433-436. 5 figs. 1908.1 

Deals with brain-structure of teleosts. 

Weitere Mitteilungen tiber die 
Phylogenese des Corpus striatum und 
des Thalamus. Anat. Anz., 1908, 33, 

321-336. 6 figs. 1908.2 
—— Weitere Mitteilungen iiber Neu- 
robiotaxis. II. Die phylogenetische 

Entwicklung des horizontalen Schenkels 
des Facialiswurzelknies. Folia Neuro- 
Biol., 1908, 2, 255-261. 2 figs. 1908.3 

Ikurze Skizze der phylogene- 
tischen Entwicklung der Oktavus- und 
Lateralisbahnen mit Beriicksichtigung 
der neuesten Ergebnisse. Zentralbl. 
Physiol., 1909, 28, 545-554. 1909.1 

Die Furchen am Vorderhirn eini- 
ger Teleostier, nebst Diskussion iiber 
den allgemeinen Bauplan des Verte- 
bratenhirns und dessen Kommissur- 
systeme. Anat. Anz., 1911, 40, 1-18. 
7 figs. 1911.1 

: De rangschikking van de moto- 
rische kernen in de oblongata en mid- 
denhersenen van Chimera monstrosa 
vergeleken bij die van andere visschen 
(The arrangement of the motor nuclei in 
Chimera monstrosa compared with other 
fishes} Versl. Akad. Wet. Amsterdam, 
Wis. Nat. Afd., 1912, 20, 1141-1148. — 
Proc. Akad. Wet. Amsterdam, 14, 1176— 
1180. 3 figs. 1912.1 

De oculomotorius- en trochlearis- 
kernen bij lagere vertebraten.- Werk. 
Gen. Nat. Geneesk. Heelkunde Amster- 
dam, 1913, 2. ser. 7, 135-138. 1913.1 

Kappers, Cornelius Ubbo Ariéns, & 
Carpentier, fF. W. Das Gehirn von 
Chimera monstrosa. Folia Nuero-Biol., 
1911, 5, 127-160. 1911.1 

Kappers, Cornelius Ubbo Ariéns, & 
Theunissen, W.F'. Zur vergleichenden 
Anatomie des Vorderhirnes der Verte- 
braten. Anat. Anz., 1907, 30, 496-509. 




Kappler, August [1815-1887] Some 
semi-popular notes on the fishes of 
Dutch Guiana [Text in German, Aus- 
land, 1885, 879-880; 896-899; 918-920; 
936-938. 1885.1 

Karakash, Nikolai Ivanovich. Le 
Crétacé inférieur de la Crimée et sa 
faune [Text in Russian} Trav. Soc. 
Nat. St. Pétersb. (Geol.), 1907, 32, pt. 5, 
1-482. 28 pls. 1907.1 

Karl, Johann. See Karoli, Jdnos, 
formerly Karl. 

Karny,G. Einiges tiber Hechtenfang. 
Oesterr.-ungar. Fischerei Zeitg., 1880, 
321-322. 1880.1 

Karoli, Janos [— 1882] A Duna hal- 
6ridsai. Természet. Fiizetek, 1. Fiizet, 
1877, 12-16; 2. Fiuzet, 1877, 77-81. 
(Résumé in German] Die Fischriesen 
der Donau. Jbid., 1877, p. 51; 119-126. 


A magyar halfauna egy Uj faja. 

Természet. Fiizetek, 1. Fiizet, 1877, 
p. 16. 1877.2 

Catalogus piscium Hungarie. 
Bude, 1879. 8°. 1879.1 

Prodromus piscium Asie orien- 
talis a Domino Joanne Xantus annis 
1868-70 collectorum. Természet. Fu- 
zetek, 5. Fiizet, 1882, 147-187. Also 
separate; Budapest, 1882. 8°. 1882.1 

Karpinskii, Aleksandr Petrovich 
[1846 —] Osztueznem rozmnazaniu ryb. 
Varszava, 1874. 35p. 8°. 1874.1 

Ueber die Reste von Edestiden 
und die neue Gattung Helicoprion [Text 
in Russian} Mém. Acad. Sci. St. Pétersb. 
1899, 8. sér. 8, no. 7.— Verh. Russ. 
Mineral. Ges. St. Petersb., 2. ser. 36, 
3614475. 1899.1 

Ueber das Auftreten der Gat- 
tung Campodus de Koninck in den 
artinskischen Ablagerungen Russlands 
(Text in Russian] Verh. Russ. Mineral. 
Ges. St. Petersb., 1904, 2. ser. 41, 32-37. 
5 figs. 1904.1 

Notes sur l’Helicoprion et les 
autres édestides (Text in Russian} Bull. 
Acad. Sci. St. Pétersb. 1911, 1105-1122. 

On Helicoprion and other Edes- 
tide. Verh. Russ. Mineral. Ges. St. 
Petersb., 1912, 2. ser. 49, 69-94. 6 figs. 


Notice sur la nature de l’organe 
hélicoidal du Helicoprion. Bull. Soc. 
Oural. Sci. Nat. Ekatérinebourg, 1915, 
35, 117-145. pl. & figs. 1915.1 

(Preliminary communication on 
a new species of Helicoprion, H. clerci| 
(Text in Russian} Bull. Acad. Imp. 
Sei. St. Pétersb., 1916, 10, 701-708. 
figs. 1916.1 

Karpinsky, Aleksandr Petrovich. See 
Karpinskii, A. P. 

Karr, Alphonse. Dictionnaire du 
pécheur. Traité complet de la péche en 
eau douce et en eau salée. Paris, 1855. 
iv, 336 p. 12°. 1855.1 

JLa péche en eau douce et en eau 
salée; histoire, mceurs, habitudes des 
poissons, crustacés, testacés, ete.; lois, 
usages, procédés, ruses et secrets des 
pécheurs, suivi du dictionnaire du 
pécheur. Paris, 1860. 12°. 1860.1 

Karsten, ——, Weber, , & Nuss- 
baum, —— See Nussbaum, Karsten 
& Weber. 

Karsten, Gustav {1820-1900} On the 
scientific investigation of the Baltic and 
the German ocean. Rept. U. 8. Fish 
Comm. 1878 (1880), 6, 283-294. 1880.1 

The physical condition of the 
Baltic and the North sea, from investi- 
gations of the commission for the scien- 
tific examination of the German seas. 
Rept. U. S. Fish Comm. 1879 (1882), 
7, 525-533. 1882.1 

Kasanzeff, W. Ueber die Entste- 
hung des Hautpanzers bei Syngnathus 
acus. Zool. Anz., 1906, 30, 854-861. 6 
figs. 1906.1 

Kaschejev, S. S. Die Fischereige- 
werbliche Bedeutung des Kaspischen 

Meeres (Text in Russian} Dnevn. 
Otd. Icht. Imp. R. Obseh. Acclimat., 
Moskva, 1901, 3, 96-102. TJbid., 4, 
120-133. Jbid., 5, 172-177. Tbid., 6, 
198-205. 1901.1 

Kaschkaroff, D. 
mis bei Trachypterus tenia. 
1913, 44, 214-218. 3 figs. 1913.1 

Kasem-Beck, .& Dogiel, Johann. 
Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Struktur und 
der Funktion des Herzens der Knochen- 
fische. Zeitschr. Wiss. Zool., 1882, 37, 
247-262. 2 pls. 1882.1 

Kaskarov, DD. N. Das Skelet der 
Siluroidei (Text in Russian) Trd. 

Ueber die Epider- 
Anat. Anz., 



Sravnit.-Anatom. Instit. Univ. Moskva, 
1907, 1-91. pl. 1907.1 

Kasteliz, Raimund. Kine Abnorma- 
litat der Fluss- Barbe (Barbus fluviatilis) 
Oesterr.-ungar. Fischerei Zeitg., 1880, 
107-108. 1880.1 
Der Forellenbach Wessnitz in 
Krain. Oesterr.-ungar. Fischerei Zeitg., 
1880, 288. 1880.2 

Kastschenko, VV. Zur Entwick- 

lungsgeschichte des Selachierembryos. 
Anat. Anz., 1888, 3. Jahrg., 445-467. 


Zur Frage iiber die Herkunft der 

Dotterkerne im  Selachierei. Anat. 
Anz., 1888, 3. Jahrg., 253-257. - pl. 


‘ Ueber den Reifungsprocess des 

Selachiereies. Zeitschr. Wiss. Zool., 

1890, 50, 428-442. pl. 1890.1 

Zur frithesten Entwickelung be- 
sonders der Muskeln der Elasmobran- 
chier. Zool. Beitréage, 1890, 2, 251-266. 
pl. 1890.2 

Kathariner, L. Die Gattung Gyro- 
dactylus v. Nordmann. Arb. Zool. In- 
stit. Wiirzburg, 1895, 10, 125-164. 2 pls. 


_ Im Kiemenschleime von Cyprinus brama und 
C. carpio gefunden, p. 152-155. 

rindet sich eine ‘“‘ Tragerfunc- 
tion’’ der paarigen Flossen nur bei den 

Dipnoern? Zool. Anz., 1899, 22, 345— 
346. 1899.1 
Kato, H. Ueber die peripherischen 

dndigungen des Nervus acusticus beim 

Leucopsarion petersi Hilgendorf. Folia 
Neurobiol., 1911, 5, 425-435. 1911.1 
Kattendijke, J. L. Huyssen van. 

See Huyssen van Kattendijke, /. L. 

Katuric, VV. 
tologici. Zagreb, 1887. 8°. 

Cenni ittiologici-erpe- 

——Ranzania truncata Nardo. Zagreb, 
1891. 1891.1 

Ichtijoloske-erpetoloske biljeske. 
Glasnik Naravosl. Druzt., 1896, 8, 115— 

116. 1896.1 
——Sull? Anguilla fluviatilis della 
Dalmazia. Zagreb, 1899. 1899.1 

Lampris luna Linn. Rad Jugo- 
slav. Akad., Zagreb, 1902, 149, 89-92. 
Novo nalaziste jesetre atlantske, 
Acipenser sturio L. Rad Jugoslav. 
Akad., Zagreb, 1903, 154, 1-6. 1903.1 


Katuric, VV. 

Elenco dei corpi naturali finora 
raccolti. Museo Civico Storia Naturale 
Zara, 1907. 1907.1 

Katzer, Friedrich [1861—] A fauna 
devonica do rio Maecurti e as suas re- 
lacdes com a fauna de outros terrenos 
devonicos do globo. Bol. Mus. Paraense, 
1897, 2, 204-246. map. 1897.1 

Kaufmann, Ernst. Die kiimstliche 

Fischzucht. Zeitschr. Acclim., Berlin, 
1859, 2, 162-220; 247-256. 1859.1 
Kaumann, Zur Aalfrage. 

Cireul. Deutsch. Fischerei Zeitg., 1878, 
1. Jahrg., 214-215. 1878.1 

Kaup, Johann Jacob [1803-1873] 
Beitrige zur Amphibiologie und Ichthy- 
ologie. Isis (Oken), 1826, 87-90. 1826.1 

Genus Narke. Arch. Anat. 
Physiol., 1826, 365. 1826.2 
Fall of fish (Clupea cultrata) 

Journ. Asiat. Soc. Bengal, 1834, 3, 367. 

Das Thierreich in seinen Haupt- 
formen systematisch beschrieben. 3 
vols. Darmstadt, 1835-37. 535 figs. 
oa 1835.1 
Bd. iii, Teil 1. Naturgeschichte der Fische. 

— Uebersicht der Lophobranchier. 
Arch. Naturgesch., 1853, 19, pt. 1, 226— 
234. 1853.1 

Enchelynassa, neue Gattung aus 
der Familie der Aale. Arch. Natur- 
gesch., 1855, 21, pt. 1, 2138-214. pl. & 
fig. 1855.1 

Ueber die Synonymie von Sym- 
branchus immaculatus Bl. Arch. Natur- 
gesch., 1855, 21, pt. 1, 59-61 1855.2 

Uebersicht iiber die Species 
einiger Familien der Sclerodermen. 
Arch. Naturgesch., 1855, 21,. pt. 1, 215— 
233 1855.3 
Catalogue of the apodal fish in 
the collection of the British Museum. 
London, 1856. 19 pls. 8°. 1856.1 

Catalogue of the lophobranchiate 
fish in the collection of the British 
Museum. London, 1856. 4 pls. 12°. 

Einiges iiber die Unterfamilie 
Ophidine. Arch. Naturgesch., 1856, 22, 
pt. 1, 93-100. 1856.3 

Ueber die Gattung Echiodon. 
Verh. Phys.-Med. Ges. Wiirzburg, 1856, 
7, pt. 2, 238-234. 1856.4 



Ueber die Schwimmblasen von 
Carapus “inequilabiatus Val. Arch. 
Naturgesch., 1856, 22, pt. 1, 88-92. pl. 
& 2 figs. 1856.5 

Uebersicht der Aale. Arch. 
Naturgesch., 1856, 22, pt. 1, 41-77. 

Uebersicht der Gymnotide. 
Arch. Naturgesch., 1856, 22, pt. 1, 78- 
87. pl. & 10 figs. 1856.7 

Einiges iiber die Acanthoptery- 
giens A joue cuirassée Cuv. Arch. Na- 
turgesch., 1858, 24, pt. 1, ae : 

On Nemiphos, a new genus of 
riband-shaped fishes. Proc. Zool. Soc. 
London, 1858, pt. 26, 168-169. — Ann. 
Mag. Nat. Hist., 3. ser. 2, 301-803. 


Uebersicht der Familie Gadide. 
Arch. Naturgesch., 1858, 24, pt. 1, 85- 
93. 1858.3 

Uebersicht der Plagusine, der 
fiinften Subfamilie der Pleuronectide. 
Arch. Naturgesch., 1858, 24, pt. 1, 105- 
110. 1858.4 

Uebersicht der Soleine, der 
vierten Subfamilie der Pleuronectide. 
Arch. Naturgesch., 1858, 24, pt. 1, 94- 
104. 1858.5 

Description of a new species of 
fish, Peristethus rieffeli. Proc. Zool. Soc. 
London, 1859, pt. 27, 103-107. pl. — 
Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1859, 3. ser. 5, 
64-68. 1859.1 

Anabas trifoliatus n. sp. Arch. 
Naturgesch., 1860, 26, pt. 1, 124-128. 
pl. & fig. 1860.1 

Hoplarchus, neues Genus der 
Familie Labride. Arch. Naturgesch., 
1860, 26, pt. 1, 128-133. 1860.2 

Neue aalihnliche Fische des 
Hamburger Museums. Abh. Naturw. 
Verein Hamburg 1859 (1860), 4, Abth. 
2. 35p. 1860.3 
On some new genera and species 
of fishes collected by Drs. Keferstein 
and Heckel at Messina. Ann. Mag. Nat. 

Hist., 1860, 3. ser. 6, 270-273. pil. ‘ 

Ueber die Chetodontidz. Arch. 
Naturgesch., 1860, 26, pt. 1, ag 

Ueber eine neue art Trigla (7. 
armata) aus China. Arch. Naturgesch., 
1860, 26, pt. 1, 17-23. 1860.6 

* -T-oe 7 



—— Eine neue Art des Genus Pegasus 
Linn. [P. lancifer) Arch. Naturgesch., 
1861, 27, pt. 1, 116-117. 1861.1 

Eine neue Art von Spatularia 
wS. (Polyodon) angustifolium, Arch. 
Naturgesch., 1862, 28, pt. 1, ees 

Bemerkungen iiber Caprodon, 
Serranus octocinctus, ete. Nederl. Tijd- 
schr. Dierk., 1863, 1, 19-23. 1863.1 

Ueber einige Arten der Gattung 
Chetodon. Nederl. Tijdschr. Dierk., 
1863, 1, 125-129. 1863.2 

Ueber einige Japanische Fische. 
Nederl. Tijdschr. Dierk., 1863, 1, 161- 
162. 1863.3 

Ueber die Familie Triglide nebst 
einigen Worten iiber die Classification. 
Arch. Naturgesch., 1873, 39, pt. 1, 
71-94. 1873.1 

Kavraiskii, Theodor Theodorovich 
{1866 —] Lists and descriptions of the 
specimens preserved in the zoological 
museum of the Imperial University of 
Moscow. Section 1, no. 2. Lists and 
descriptions of the collection of fishes in 
the museum [Text in Russian} Nachr. 
k. Ges. Liebhaber Naturk. Moskau, 1893, 
56. 50 p. 1893.1 

Die Lachse der Kaukasuslinder 
und ihrer angrenzenden Meere. 2 pts. 
Tiflis, 1896-97. 170 p. 14 pls. 8°. 


Bemerkungen iiber kaukasische 
Fische. II. Die kaukasischen Ucklei- 
Arten. Genus Alburnus /Text in Rus- 
sian} Mitt. Kaukas. Mus. Tiflis, 1897, 
i BOO 1897.1 

Schlussresultat iiber die Unter- 
suchungen von Salmo trutta caspius 
Kessl., S. trutta L., S. lacustris und S. 
trutta fario L. Radde’s ‘f Sammlungen 
des Kaukasischen Museums’’ (Zool.), 
1899, 1, 327-328. 1899.1 

Rechenschaftbericht iiber die 
Abcommandirung zur Untersuchung des 
Kura-Flusses und der Seen in den 
Gouvernements Tiflis und Kars [Text 
in Russian] Vést. RybopromySl., St. 
Pétersb., 1901, pts. 8,9, &10. 1901.1 

Die Stérarten der Kaukasus- 
lander und ihrer angrenzenden Meere 
(Text in Russian and German) Tiflis, 
1907. xu, 78p. 14pls. 8°. 1907.1 

The final portion of this work is thus in- 

dicated: ‘‘ Lieferung 5 und Schluss des Werkes: 
Die Fische des Kaukasus.”’ 

Beitrige zur Kenntniss der 
Laichverhiltnisse der Fische in den 
Jahren 1910-11 nach den Beobachtun- 
gen des Ichthyologischen Laboratoriums 
(Russian text with German résumé] 
Arb. Ichth. Laboriums Astrachan 1912 
(1913), 2. ser. 4, 39-54. 1913.1 

Kavraiskii, Theodor Theodorovich, & 
Zoghraff, N.Y. See Zoghraff & Kay- 

Renreiskt), F. F. See Kavraiskii, 

Kaye, C. T., & Egerton, (Sir) Philip 
de Malpas Grey. See Egerton & Kaye. 

Kayser, Friedrich Heinrich Emanuel 
[1845—] [Ueber Ctenacanthus aus 
den unterdevonischen Nereitenschichten 
Thiringens} Zeitschr. Deutsch. Geol. 
Ges., 1877, 29, 423-424. 1877.1 

Ueber Dinichthys? eifelensis von 
Gerolstein. Zeitschr. Deutsch. Geol. 
Ges., 1880, 32, 817-818. 1880.1 

(Ueber Macropetalichthys priimi- 
ensis] Zeitschr. Deutsch. Geol. Ges., 
1880, 32, 677-678. 1880.2 

— Lehrbuch der geologischen For- 
mationskunde. 5. ed. Stuttgart, 1913. 
852 p. 97 pls. & 190 figs. 1913.1 
This also bears the title: Lehrbuch der Geo- 
logie in zwei Teilen. 
Contains frequent mention of fossil fishes. 

Keene, John Harrington. The ene- 
mies of trout. Fishing Gazette, 1877, 
ig Bh a ah 1877.1 

A chat about the grayling 
(Thymallus vulgaris} Fishing Gazette, 
1878, n. s; 2, 109-110. 1878.1 

Fish-culture and farming. Fish- 
ing Gazette, 1878, n.s. 2,147. 1878.2 

Gill fever in young fish. Fish- 
ing Gazette, 1878, n. s. 2, 171; 185. 
Methods of grayling fishing. 
Fishing Gazette, 1878, n. s. 2, 26. 1878.4 

Fish-fancying. Trout. Fishing 

Gazette, 1879, n. s. 3, 231. 1879.1 
Fish scales. Chicago Field, 
1879, 10, 364. 1879.2 

Food of salmon in sea and fresh- 
water. Fishing Gazette, 1879, n. s. 3, 
468. 1879.3 

The loves of the fishes. Sci. 
Gossip, 1879, 15, 125-127. 1879.4 


Keene, J. //. 

Notes on the natural history of 
freshwater fishes. No. I. Pike. Fishing 
Gazette, 1879, n. s. 3, 561-562; 597- 
598. — No. II. The Perch. Jbid., 1880, 
n. s. 4, 9-11.— No. III. The chub 
tLeuciscus cephalus) Ibid., 16-17.— 
No. IV. The roach (Leuciscus rutilus) 
Ibid., 28-29; 79-80.— No..V. Rudd 
or red eye (Leuciscus erythrophthalmus} 
Ibid., p. 87. — No. VI. The dace (Leu- 
ciscus vulgaris] Ibid., p. 98. — No. VII. 
The dobule and blue roaches, the ide 
and graining (Leuciscus dobula, L. 
ceruleus, idus, lancastriensis; Ibid., 
287-288. — No. VIII. Bleak (Leuciscus 
alburnus) Ibid., 299-300.— No. IX. 
Bream [Abramis brama, blicca, briggen- 
hagii) Ibid., 312.— No. X. The gud- 
geon (Gobio fluviatilis) Ibid., 432.— 
No. XI. Theearps. [bid., 589; 600-601. 

Parasites on fish. Fishing Ga- 
zette, 1879, n. s. 3, 272. 1879.6 

Curiosities of salmon history. 
Fishing Gazette, 1880, n. s. 4, 470-471. 


The emotions of fishes. Fishing 
Gazette, 1880, n. s. 4, 110. 1880.2 
American fish culture. Fishing 
Gazette, 1881, n. s. 5, 521-522. 1881.1 
Miscellaneous notes. Fishing 
Gazette, 1881, n. s. 5, 288. 1881.2 

The natural history of the eel. 
Fishing Gazette, 1881, n. s. 5, 137; 186- 
187. 1881.5 

Perch and perch fishing. Fish- 
ing Gazette, 1881, n. s. 5, 550-551. 

The practical fisherman; deal- 
ing with the natural history, the legen- 
dary lore, the capture of British fresh- 
water fish, and tackle and tackle making. 
London, 1881. iv, 481 p. illust. 8°. 
Osmund Lambert in his “‘ Angling literature in 
England ”’ says that this work “‘ cannot be too 
highly spoken of. It contains some of the most 
beautiful drawings of fish ever published.” 

Some notes on coarse fish- 
culture. Fishing Gazette, 1881, n. s. 
5, 586-587; 637-638. 1881.6 

Keferstein, Wilhelm Moritz [1833- 
1870] Beitrag zur Geschichte der 
Physik der electrischen Fische. Nach- 
richten, Gd6ttingen, 1859, 17-34. — 
Untersuch. (Moleschott), 1859, 6, 158— 
172. 1859.1 



Ueber den feineren Bau der 
quergestreiften Muskeln von Petromy- 
zon marinus. Arch, Anat. Physiol., 1859, 


Keferstein, Wilhelm Moritz, & 
Bronn, Heinrich Georg. Die Klassen 


und Ordnungen des Thierreichs. 
Bronn, //.G., & Keferstein, W. 

Keferstein, Wilhelm Moritz, & Kupf- 
fer, Carl. Ueber den feineren Bau des 
electrischen Organs beim Zitter-Aal 
(Gymnotus electricus) Nachrichten, Got- 
tingen, 1857, 253-268. 1857.1 

Untersuchung iiber die electri- 
schen Organe von Gymnotus electricus 

und Mormyrus oxyrhynchus. Zeitschr. 
Ration. Medicin (Henle & Pfeufer), 
1858, 2, 344-356. 1858.1 

Kegel, —— Besprechung der Fische- 
rei-Austellung. Jahrb. Deutsch. Land- 
wirthschaft. Ges., 1902, 17, 297-303. 


Kehrer, 7. A. Zur Phylogenie des 
Beckens. Verh. Nat.-Med. Ver., Heidel- 
berg, 1896, n. s. 5, 346-359. 2 pls. 


Contains references to fishes. 

Keibel, Franz. Normentafeln zur 
Entwickelungsgeschichte der Wirbel- 
tiere. Anat. Anz., 1896, 11, 225-234. 


Das biogenetische Grundgesetz 
und die Cenogenese. Ergebnisse Anat. 
Entw.-Ges., 1898, 7, 722-792. 1898.1 

Zu  Mehnert’s Bemerkungen 

liber meine Kritiken und Referate. Anat. 

Hefte, 1898, 12, 567-573. 1898.2 
See also Mehnert, EL. 

(editor) Normentafeln zur Ent- 
wicklungsgeschichte der Wirbeltiere. 
3 vols. Jena, 1909. 1909.1 

Bd. iii, no. x. Normal plates of the de- 
velopment of Lepidosiren paradoxa and Pro- 
topterus annectans, by J. G. Kerr. Jena, 1909. 
31lp. 3pls. 

Keilhack, Friedrich Ludwig Heinrich 
Konrad {1858 —] Thiere und Pflanzen 
als Gesteinsbilder in Gegenwart und 
Vorzeit. Prometheus, Berlin, 1896, 7, 
577-583; 595-598; 611-615. 7 figs. 


Contains some references to fishes. 

Contribution 4 la connaissance 
de la faune des eaux dans les Alpes du 
Dauphiné. Ann. Univ. Grenoble, 1907. 



Bemerkungen zur Fischfauna 
des nérdlichen Njassa-Gebietes: einige 
neue Arten aus den Gattungen Barbus 
und Synodontis und Beitriige zur Syste- 
matik der Gattung Clarias. Sitzber. 
Ges. Naturf. Freunde Berlin, 1908, 164— 
169. 1908.1 

Njassa-Fische gesammelt von 
Professor Dr. Fiilleborn. Mitth. Zool. 
Mus. Berlin, 1910, 5, 89-115. 2 pls. & 
3 figs. 1910.1 

Ueber einige von Herrn Dr. H. 
Monke in Duala (Kamerun) gesam- 
melte Fische. Mitth. Zool. Mus. Berlin, 
1910, 5, 117-124. fig. 1910.2 

Rassen-Untersuchungen an 
Nordsee-Schollen. Wiss. Meeresunter- 
such. Kiel (Abt. Helgoland), 1913, n. s. 
10, 168-186. 1913.1 

Keim, De B. Randolph. Washington 
and its environs: a descriptive and his- 
torical handbook to the capital of the 
United States of America. Washington 
(1861) 1861.1 

Section 1, Ichthyology. 

Keith, Arthur. Three demonstra- 
tions on congenital malformations of 
palate, face, and neck. Brit. Med. 
Journ., 1909, 2, 310-313; 363-367; 438— 
441. 30 figs. 1909.1 

Contains references to fishes. 

Keith, Arthur, & Flack, Martin. The 
form and nature of the muscular con- 
nections between the primary divisions 
of the vertebrate heart. Journ. Anat. 
Physiol., London, 1907, 41, 172-189. 8 
figs. 1907.1 

Fish material consists of eel, dogfish and 

Kelaart, Edward Frederick {1818?— 
1860] Prodromus faunze Zeylanice. 
Ceylon, 1852. 8°. 1852.1 

Keller, Conrad {1848 —] Notiz tiber 
Ceratodus. Vierteljahrsschr. Naturf. 
Ges. Ziirich, 1880, 25. Jahrg., 415-416. 


Keller, Gustav. Thiere der Vorwelt. 
Reconstructionen vorweltliche Thiere, 
mit Erlauterung von Prof. Dr. Andreaes. 
Wandtafeln fiir den Anschauungsunter- 
richt mit Textheft. Cassel, 1901. 34 p. 
8°. 1901.1 

Keller, H. 
Berlin, 1885. figs. 8°. 

Freedom of migration for fish in 
Bull. U. 8. Fish Comm. 

Anlage der Fischwege. 

1886 (1887), 6, 113-116. 


Keller, Oszkdr. A csontos halak elé- 
és kézbiilsO agyanak alaktana (Ueber 
die Morphologie des Vorder- und Zwi- 
schenhirns der Teleostier) Allatt. K6z- 
lem., 1906, 5, 48-86; 105. pl. & 12 figs. 
Abstract in Math.-Nat. Ber. Ungarn, 
1909, 24, 370. 1906.1 

A halak gerinezoszlopanak elfer- 
diilése (Die Verkriimmung der Wirbel- 
siule der Fische} Természet. K6zl., 
Budapest, 1911, 43, 818-819. 1911.1 

Keller, Otto [1838—] Die antike 
Tierwelt. 2 vols. Leipzig, 1909-13. 
illust. 8°. 1909.1 

Bd. i. Saiugetiere. 

Bd. ii. Végel, Reptilien, Fische, ete. 

Keller, Robert. Das Schweizerbild, 
eine Niederlassung aus paliaolithischer 
und neolithischer Zeit. .N. Denkschr. 
Allgem. Schweiz. Gesell. Nat., 1896, 35. 
— Biol. CentraJbl., 1897, 17, 545-559. 


Kellicott, William Erskine [1878 —| 
The development of the vascular system 
of Ceratodus. Biol. Bull. Wood’s Hole, 
1904, 6, 320-321.— Anat. Anz., 26, 200— 
208; 400. 1904.1 

The development of the vascular 
and respiratory systems of Ceratodus. 
Mem. N. Y. Acad. Scei., 1905, 2, 135-249. 
Sp iseen) 1905.1 

—— The growth of the brain and 
viscera in the smooth dogfish (Mustelus 
canis Mitehill) Amer. Journ. Anat., 
1908, 8, 319-353. 7 pls. & 3 tables. 

The growth of parts in the dog- 
fish. Science, 1909, n. s. 29, 437. 1909.1 

A contribution to the theory of 
erowth. Verh. 8. Intern. Zool. Congr., 
Graz, 1912, 597-601. 1912.1 

Contains reference to Mustelus. 

Outlines of chordate develop- 
ment. New York, 1913. 471 p. illust. 
8°. 1913.1 

A textbook of general embry- 
ology. New York, 1913. 376 p. 8°. 
Kellogg, Albert J. Salmon of Long 
lake. Chicago Field, 1878, 10, 260. 
Kemna, Ad. Les caractéres généraux 
des vertébrés. Bull. Soc. Roy. Malac. 
Belgique, 1903, 38, xevii-—cvii. 1903.1 

Les récentes découvertes de 
poissons fossiles primitifs. Bull. Soc. 
Belge Géol., 1903, 17, 339-382. 17 figs. 




Kemna, A. 

— L’origine de la corde dorsale. 
Bull. Soe. Roy. Malac. Belgique, 1904, 
39, Ixxxv—clvil. 1904.1 

Les récentes découvertes de 
poissons fossiles primitifs. | Deuxiéme 
notice. Bull. Soc. Belge Géol., 1904, 
18, 3-78. 14 figs. 1904.2 

Les structures cérébrales dor- 
sales chez les vertébrés inférieurs. Bull. 
Soe. Roy. Malac. Belgique, 1904, 39, 
elxvi-cci. 1904.3 

— La biologie des eaux potables. 
Ann. Soe. Roy. Malac. Belgique, 1905, 
39 (mém.), 9-132. 1905.1 

Notices bibliographiques. G. A. 
Boulenger sur la distribution des pois- 
sons d’eau douce africains. Ann. Soc. 
Roy. Malac. Belgique, 1905, 40, 35-41. 

L’Amphioxus comestible. Ann. 
Soe. Roy. Malac. Belgique, 1906, 41, 
127-128. 1906.1 

Analyse du mémoire de O. 
Jaekel: Ueber die Beurteilung der paa- 
rigen Extremititen. Ann. Soc. Roy. 
Malac. Belgique, 1910, 45, sae ; 

Kemps, David. Statement concern- 
ing the menhaden fishery. Rept. U. 8. 
Fish Comm. 1877 (1879), 5, Sie 


Kemp-Welch, £.B. Tenacity of life 
in sharks. Zoologist, 1875, 2. ser. 10, 
4460. 1875.1 

Boar-fish (Capros aper Lacép.) 
on the British coast. Sci. Gossip, 1879, 
15, 137. 1879.1 

Kendall, William Converse [1861 —] 
Notes on the freshwater fishes of Wash- 
ington county, Maine. Bull. U.S. Fish 
Comm. 1894 (1895), 14, 48-54. 1895.1 

Description of a new stickleback, 

Gasterosteus gladiunculus, from the 
coast of Maine. Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus. 
1895 (1896), 18, 623-624. 1896.1 

Notes on the food of four species 
of the cod family. Rept. U. 8S. Fish 
Comm. 1896 (1898), 22, 177-186. 1898.1 

Notes on the silversides of the 
genus Menidia, of the east coast of the 
United States, with descriptions of two 
new subspecies. Rept. U.S. Fish Comm. 
1901 (1902), 27, 241-267. 6 figs. 1902.1 

Habits of some of the commer- 
cial catfishes (Siluride) Bull. U. S. 
Fish Comm. 1902 (1904), 22, 399-415. 


—— Identifying the catch (In The 
Maine woods, Bangor and Aroostook 
R. R. vacation guide book, p. 34-66. 26 
figs. Bangor, 1904) 1904.2 

Notes on some freshwater fishes 
from Maine, with descriptions of three 
new species. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 
1902 (1904), 22, 353-368. 5 figs. 1904.3 

Descriptions are given of Leuciscus carletoni, 
Pimephales anuli and Coregonus stanleyi Kendall. 

History of Pierce pond “ quin- 
nat.” Maine Central R. R. publication, 
June and July 1905. 1905.1 

—— The trouts of the Rangely lakes. 
Maine Sportsman, Bangor, 1905, 12, 
no. 138, 103-105. 1905.2 

The whitefish as a game fish. 
Maine Central R. R. publication, 1905, 
140-144. fig. 1905.3 

Perch would do harm (In The 
Maine woods, Bangor and Aroostook 
R. R. vacation guide book, p.3. Bangor, 
1906) 1906.1 

—— The white perch; other fish 
(In The Maine woods, Bangor and 
Aroostook R. R. vacation guide book. 
Bangor, 1906) 1906.2 

Fauna of New England. List 
of the Pisces. Occ. Papers Boston Soc. 
Nat. Hist., 1908, no. 7, 1-152. 1908.1 

Identity of a supposed whitefish, 
Coregonus angusticeps Cuvier & Valen- 
ciennes, with a northern cyprinid, 
Platygobio gracilis (Richardson) Smith- 
son. Misc. Coll., 1908, 52, 95-99. 1908.2 

— The Mainechub. Maine Woods, 
1908, 30, no. 47, 5-7. 4 figs. 1908.3 

The fishes of Labrador. Proc. 
Portland Soc. Nat. Hist., 1909, 2, 207— 
243. 1909.1 

American catfishes: habits, cul- 
ture and commercial importance. Rept. 
U. S. Comm. Fisheries 1908 (1910), 
3-39. 10 pls. 1910.1 

Effects of the menhaden and 
mackerel fisheries upon the fish supply 
(In Proc. 4. Intern. Fish. Congr., Wash- 
ington, 1908) Bull. U. 8S. Fish Comm. 
1908 (1910), 28, pt. 1, 279-293. 1910.2 


Report on the fishes collected 
by Mr. Owen Bryant on a trip to Lab- 
rador in the summer of 1908. Proc. 
U.S. Nat. Mus., 1910, 38, 503-510. pil. 


An account of Tisbury Great 
pond, Martha’s Vineyard, with a part of 
fishes collected in October and Novem- 
ber, 1906. Rept. Comm. Fisheries, 
Game, Mass. 1910 (1911), Public Doc. 
HO: 2o. 1911.1 

Notes on Percopsis guttatus 
Agassiz and Salmo omiscomaycus Wal- 
baum. Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 
1911, 24, 45-52. 1911.2 

Notes upon two rare flatfishes 
(Gymnachirus fasciatus Ginther and G. 
nudus Kaup) Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., 
1911, 40, 201-203. 2 figs. 1911.3 

‘Notes on a new species of flat- 
fish from off the coast of New England. 
Bull. Bureau Fisheries, 1912, 30, 389- 
394. pl. 1912.1 

Fishes and fishing in Sunapee 
lake. Bull. Bureau Fisheries, 1913, 
Doe. no. 783, 5-96. 9 pls. & 4 figs. 


The Chinook vs. other salmon- 
oids as a game fish with which to stock 
lakes. Forest & Stream, 1914, 82, 
209-211. 1914.1 

The fisheries of New England. 
The salmon family. Part i. The trout 
or chars. Mem. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., 
1914, 8, no. 1. 7 pls. & 18 figs. 1914.2 

A new record for the lumpfish 
in Chesapeake bay. Copeia, 1914, no. 
laa ple 19 14.3 

A new record for the prowfish. 
Copeia, 1914, no. 12, 1-2. 1914.4 

Kendall, William Converse, & Ad- 
ams, A.C. See Adams & Kendall. 

Kendall, William Converse, & Ever- 
mann, Barton Warren. See Evermann 
& Kendall. 

Kendall, William Converse, & Golds- 
borough, #.L. The fishes of the Con- 
necticut lakes and neighboring waters, 
with notes on the plankton environ- 

ment. Rept. Comm. Fisheries, 1907, 
Doe. no. 633. 77 p. 12 pls. & 5 figs. 

— The shore fishes (In Reports 
on the scientific results of the expedition 
to the tropical Pacific, in charge of 



Alexander Agassiz, by the U. S. Fish 
Commission steamer ‘‘ Albatross,’’ from 
August, 1899, to March, 1900) Mem. 
Mus. Comp. Zool. Hary. Coll., 1911, 26, 
239-348. 7 pls. 1911.1 

Kendall, William Converse, & Rad- 
cliffe, Lewis. The shore fishes tof the 
‘“‘ Albatross”? Expedition, 1904-1905) 
Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool. Harv. Coll., 
1912, 25, 75-171. 8 pls. 1912.1 

Kendall, William Converse, & Smith, 
Hugh McCormick. Extension of the re- 
corded range of certain marine and fresh- 
water fishes of the Atlantic coast of the 
United States. Bull. U.S. Fish Comm. 
1894 (1895), 14, 15-21. 1895.1 

Notes on the extension of the 
recorded range of certain fishes of the 
United States coast. Rept. U.S. Fish 
Comm. 1896 (1897), 22, 169-176. 1897.1 

Kennard, A. S., & Hinton, Martin 
A.C. See Hinton & Kennard. 

Kennedy, Clarence Hamilton, «& 
Eigenmann, Carl H. See Eigenmann 
& Kennedy. 

Kenney, Ff. C. Statement concern- 
ing the menhaden fishery. Rept. U.S. 
Fish Comm. 1877 (1879), 5, 414. 1879.1 

Kennicott, Robert [1835-1866] Cat- 
alogue of animals observed in Cook 
county, Illinois. Trans. Ill. State Agric. 
Soe. 1853-54 (1855), 1, 577-595. 1855.1 

Kenniston, G. B. Statement con- 
cerning the menhaden fishery. Rept. 
U. 8. Fish Comm. 1877 (1879), 5, 382. ; 


Kensington, H. 7. Composition of 
some of the food-fishes. Bull. U.S. Fish 

Comm. 1884, 4, 74-75. 1884.1 
Kent, Alexander. Diseases of fish. 
Forest & Stream, 1874, 3, 100. 1874.1 

Journal kept of shad-hatching 
camp on Chester river. Rept. Comm. 

Fisheries Maryland, 1876, 71-79. 1876.1 

Kent, William Saville. Fish dis- 
tinguished by their action. Nature, 
1873, 8, 263-264. 1873.1 

— Notes from the Brighton aqua- 
rium. Zoologist, 1873, 2. ser. 8, 3634- 
3639. 1873.2 
Permanent and temporary vari- 

ation of colour in fish. Nature, 1873, 8; 
25. 1873.: 


Kent, W.S. 
Phosphorescence in fish. 
ture, 1873, 7, 47-48. 


An angler or fishing frog (Lo- 
“phius piscatorius] at the Manchester 

aquarium. Zoologist, 1874, 2. ser. 9, 
4264-4266. 1874.1 

Fiskenes bevaegelser. Nord. 
Tidssk. Fiskeri, 1874, n. s. 1. Jahrg., 
408-412. 1874.2 

Motions of fishes. Zoologist, 
1874, 2. ser. 9, 3872. 1874.3* 

Marine and freshwater fishes of 
the British islands. Intern. Fisheries 
Exhib. Lit., London, 1883. Handbooks, 
a ptn2., 4295p) 7 fies: 1883.1 

New or rare fish taken in Tas- 
manian waters. Rept. Fisheries Tas- 
mania, 1886, 13-14. 1886.1 

— Observations on the acclimatisa- 
tion of the true salmon (Salmo salar) in 
Tasmanian waters and upon the re- 
ported salmon disease at the breeding 
establishment on the river Plenty. Proce. 
Roy. Soc. Tasmania, 1887, 54-66. 


Description of a new species of 
true barrimundi, Osteoglossum jardinit, 
from north Queensland. Proc. Soc. 
Queensland, 1892, 8, 105-108. 1892.1 

—— The great barrier reef of Aus- 
tralia; its products and potentialities. 
London, 1893. 1893.1 

Description of Polyacanthus queenslandia, 
p. 308. 

The naturalist in Australia. 
London, 1897. 302 p. 50 pls. & figs. 
- 1897.1 

Contains observations on fishes. 

Kerb, Heinz. Betrachtungen zur 
Erndhrungsphy siologie des Fisches. 
Arch. Hydrobiol. Planktonkunde, 1910, 
5, 283-286. 1910.1 

Kerbert, Coenraad. Beitrige zur 
Kenntniss die niederlindischen Fauna. 
Tijdschr. Nederl. Dierk. Ver., 1884, 5, 
pt. 1, 1-20. 2 pls. 1884.1 


i parasiticus, a 
contribution to the 

natural history of 

parasites. Rept. U. 8. Fish Comm. 
1884 (1886), 12, 1127-1136. 1886.1 
On the fishes of the Kara sea. 

Amsterdam, 1887. fol. 1887.1 



Het aquarium en zijne bewoners. 
Bijdr. Dierk. Zool. Genootsch. Nat. Art. 
Mag. Amsterdam, Feest-nummer, 1888, 
5-98. 2 pls. 1888. 

Kermode, Philip M. C.  Phycis 
blennoides (Giinther) off the Manx coast. 
Zoologist, 1882, 3. ser. 6, 353-354. 

Contributions to a vertebrate 
fauna of the Isle of Man. Fishes. 

Zoologist, 1893, 3. ser. 17, 65-70. 1893.1 

Large halibut at Isle of Man 
(Hippoglossus vulgaris) Zoologist, 1897, 
4. ser. 1, 235. 1897.1 

The porbeagle in Manx waters. 
Zoologist, 1897, 4. ser. 1, 579. 1897.2 

Sharks in Manx waters. Lioar 
Mannin, Isle of Man, 1898, 3, 339-341. 

List of the fishes. 5. Rept. 
Fauna Liverpool Bay, 1900, 32-83. 

1900.1 - 

Kerr, John Graham (Account of his 
recent expedition to the Gran Chaco of 
Paraguay with the object of investigat- 
ing the development of Lepidosiren} 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1897, me 


(Exhibition of specimens of 
Lepidosiren and other fishes collected 
in the Gran Chaco of Paraguay] Proc. 
Zool. Soc. London, 1898, 492. 1898.1 

Notes on the dry-season habits 
of Lepidosiren, communicated to him 
in a letter by Mr. R. J. Hunt, of Para- 
guay. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1898, 
41-44. 1898.2 

A fishing expedition in the Gran 
Chaco. Christ’s College Mag., Cam- 
bridge, 1899, 118-132. 1899.1 

The development of Lepidosiren 
paradoxa Fitz., 1900-1902. 1900.1 

i. The external features in the development of 
Lepidosiren paradoxa Fitz. hil. ans. Roy. 
Soc. London 1899 (1900), 192, 229-230. 5 pls. & 
82 figs. Review in Proc. Roy. Soc. London, 1899, 
65, 160-161. — Zool. Anz., 1899, 22, 292-294. 

ii. The development of Lepidosiren paradoza, 
with a note upon the corresponding stages in the 
development of Protopterus annectens. Quart. 
Journ. Mier. Sci., 1901, 2. ser. 45, 1-40. 4 pls. 

iii. Development of the skin and its deriva- 
tives. Jbid., 1902, 2. ser. 46, 417-459. i pls. & 
3 figs. 

Note on hypotheses as to the 
origin of the paired limbs of vertebrates. 
Proc. Phil. Soc., Cambridge, 1900, 10, 
227-235. 1900.2 

— The zoological position of Pal- 
ospondylus Traquair. Proc. Phil. Soc., 
Cambridge, 1900, 10, 298-299. 1900.3 

On the male genito-uriary 
organs of the Lepidosiren and Protop- 
terus. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1901, 
pt. 2, 484-498. 2 pls. & 11 figs. 1901.1 

— The origin of the paired limbs 
of vertebrates. Rept. Brit. Assoc. Adv. 
Sci., 71. meet., 1901, 6938-695. 1901.2 

The early development of mus- 
cles and motor nerves in Lepidosiren. 
Rept. Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 72. meet., 
1902, 655-657. 1902.1 

— The genito-urinary organs of 
dipnoan fishes. Proc. Phil. Soc., Cam- 
bridge, 1902, 11, 329-333. 1902.2 

Note on the developmental ma- 
terial of Polypterus obtained by the late 
Mr. J. 8. Budgett. Rept. Brit. Assoc. 
Ady. Sci., 74. meet., 1904, 604-605. 


On some points in the early 
development of motor nerve trunks 
and myotomes in Lepidosiren paradoxa 
(Fitz.) Trans Roy. Soc. Edinb., 1904, 
41, 119-128. 6 pls. 1904.2 

The embryology of certain of the 
lower fishes and its bearing upon verte- 
brate morphology. Proc. Roy. Phys. 
Soc. Edinb., 1906, 16, 191-215. 1906.1 

The development of Polypterus. 
Proc. Roy. Phys. Soc. Edinb., 1907, 17, 
13-75. 1907.1 

— The development of Polypterus 
senegalus Cuv. (In Budgett Memorial 
volume, p. 195-284. 3 pls. & 67 
figs. Cambridge, 1907) Review in 
Science, n. s. 18, 477—478. 1907.2 

(editor) The work of John 
Samuel Budgett, Balfour student of the 
University of Cambridge: being a col- 
lection of his zoological papers, together 
with a biographical sketch by A. E. S. 
Shipley, F. R. S., and contributions 
by Richard Assheton, Edward J. Bles, 
Edward T. Browne, J. Herbert Budgett 
and J. Graham Kerr. Cambridge, 1907. 
494 p. 29 pls. 4°. 1907.3 

For contents of this work, see Budgett, J. S. 

Note on swim-bladder and lungs. 
Proc. Roy. Phys. Soc. Edinb., 1908, 17, 
170-174. 2 figs. 1908.1 

Note on the autostylic skull of 
vertebrates. Proc. Roy. Phys. Soc. 
Edinb., 1908, 17, 169. 1908.2 


Note on the cause of disappear- 
ance of the fifth aortic arch in air- 
breathing vertebrates. Proc. Roy. 
Phys. Soe. Edinb., 1908; 17, 167-168. 
5 figs. 1908.3 

Normal plates of the develop- 
ment of Lepidosiren paradoxa and Pro- 
topterus annectens (In Normentafeln 
zur Entwicklungsgeschichte der Wir- 
beltiere, herausgegeben von F. Keibel, 
Bd. ii, 1-31. 3 pls. Jena, 1909) 1909.1 

Ichthyology; anatomy [of fishes) 
Encyel. Britannica, 11. ed., 1910, 14, 
250-267. 1910.1 

Morphological method and the 
ancestry of vertebrates. Nature, 1910, 
85, 203-205. 1910.2 

Note on the posterior vena cava 
in Polypterus. Proc. Roy. Phys. Soc. 
Edinb., 1910, 18, 102-104. fig. 1910.3 

On certain features in the devel- 
opment of the alimentary canal in Lepi- 
dosiren and Protopterus. Quart. Journ. 
Mier. Sci., 1910, 54, 483-518. 13 figs. 


Presidential address. I. Re- 
marks upon certain points connected 
with evolutionary theory. II. The de- 
velopment of the peripheral nerves of 
vertebrates (Lepidosiren) Proc. Roy. 
Phys. Soc. Edinb., 1910, 18, 1-20. 6 
figs. 1910.5 

Selachians. Encycl. Britannica, 
11. ed., 1911, 24, 594-597. 1911.1 

Note on the morphology of the 
heart of vertebrates. Proc. Roy. Phys. 
Soc. Edinb., 1913, 19, 37-48. 2 figs. 
Kerr, John Graham, & Giinther, 
Albert (Carl Ludwig Gotthilf) See Gun- 
ther & Kerr. 

Kerr, John W. Letter relating to the 
whitefish of lakes Erie and Ontario. 
Rept. U.S. Fish Comm. 1872-73 (1874), 
2, 80-81. 1874.1 

Kerry, Mortimer, pseudonym for 
Murphy, /. Mortimer. 

Kershaw, 7. W. La industria pes- 
quera en los Estados Unidos. Boletin 
de Bosques, Pesca i Caza, Santiago, 
1912, 1, 624-628. 1912.1 

Kershaw, James A. Swordfish in 
Port Phillip. Victorian Naturalist, 1901, 
18, 100. 1901.1 




Kershaw, J. A. 

Notes on a rare Victorian shark 
(Cetorhinus maximus) Victorian Natu- 
ralist, 1902, 19, 62-66. 2 pls. 1902.1 

A colour variety of the common 
eel, Anguilla australis Rich. Victorian 
Naturalist, 1904, 20, 140. 1904.1 

General zoology, Wilson’s pro- 

montory. Victorian Naturalist, 1906, 

22, 197-207. 1906.1 
Fishes, p. 202-203. 

On some additions to the fish- 
fauna of Victoria. Victorian Natural- 
ist, 1906, 23, 121-127. Ibid., 1909, 26, 
78-79. Ibid., 1911, 28, 93-95. 1906.2 

Migration of eels in Victoria. 
Victorian Naturalist, 1911, 27, 196-201. 
2 pls. 1911.1 

Pseudaphrilis bassii Cuv. & Val. 
Victorian Naturalist, 1911, 28, 92. 
Additions to the fish-fauna of 
Victoria (Family Lampridids) Victo- 
rian Naturalist, 1913, 30, 95-96. pl. 

Se € 

Kerville, Henri Gadeau de. 
Gadeau de Kerrville, H. 

Kessler, Karl Theodorovich [(1815- 
1881] Zur Ichthyologie des siidwest- 
lichen Russlands. Bull. Soc. Nat. 
Moscou, 1856, 29, pt. 1, 335-393. Ibid., 
1857, 30, pt. 2, 453-481. Also separate; 
Moscou & Riga, 1856-57. 8°. 1856.1 

Beitrage zur Kenntniss der den 
Unterordnungen Anacanthini Miill., 
Pharyngognathi Miill., Physostomi 
Mill. und Lophobranchii Cuv. ange- 
hérenden Knochenfische des Schwarzen 
Meeres. Bull. Soc. Nat. Moscou, 1859, 
32, no. 4, 437-478. 1859.1 

Systematische Uebersicht der 
Stachelflosser (Acanthopteri Miiller), 
welche im nordwestlichen Theile des 
Schwarzen Meeres und in den Miindun- 
gen der in derselben sich ergiessenden 
siidrussischen Fliisse vorkommen (In 
his Ausziige aus dem Berichte iiber eine 
an die nordwestlichen Kiisten des 
Schwarzen Meeres und durch die west- 
liche Krym unternommene Reise. II) 
Bull. Soc. Nat. Moscou, 1859, 32, no. 3, 
186-268. - 1859.2 

— Ueber die Siisswasserfische der 
Krym (In his Ausziige aus dem Be- 
richte iiber eine an die nordwestlichen 
Kiisten des Schwarzen Meeres und durch 

die westliche Krym unternommene 
Reise. I) Bull. Soc. Nat. Moscou, 
1859, 32, no. 2, 520-546. 1859.3 

Ueber einige Fische des 
Schwarzen Meeres. Amtl. Ber. 35. 
Vers. Deutsch. Naturf. 1860 (1861), 
p. 85. 1861.1 

Ichthyological fauna of Tur- 
kestan (Text in Russian) Bull. Soe. 
Sci. Moscou, 1872, 10, 47-76. —N. 
Mém. Soc. Nat. Moscou, 1872, 10. 32 
p. 7 pls. 1872.1 

Letter relating to fishes of Tur- 
kestan (Text in German) Bull. Soe. 
Nat. Moscou, 1873, 47, pt. 1, 183-184. 


On a remarkable fish of the 
family of sturgeons discovered by M. 
A. P. Fedtschenko in the river Suir- 
dar (Scaphirhynchus fedtschenkoi) Ann. 
Mag. Nat. Hist., 1873, 4. ser. 12, 269- 
276. 1873.2 

A new ganoid-fish (Scaphirhyn- 
chus fedtschenkoi\ from Turkestan. Pop. 
Sci. Rev., 1874, 13, 109. 1874.1 

Pisces (In Fedtschenko’s expe- 

dition to Turkestan. Zoogeographical 
researches) Bull. Soc. Sci. Moscou, 
1874, 11, 1-63. 1874.2 

—— Descriptions of the fishes col- 
lected by Col. Prejevalsky in Mongolia 
(Text in Russian} (In Prejevalsky, N. 
Mongolia i Strana Tangutov, ii, pt. 4, 
1-36. 3 pls. St. Petersburg, mee : 

: 1876. 

of the Aralo-Caspio- 
(In his The Aralo-Cas- 
St. Petersburg, 1877. 

Reisebriefe aus der Krym. Bull. 
Soc. Nat. Moscou, 1878, 53, pt. 2, 212— 
216. 1878.1 

Beitrage zur Ichthyologie von 
Central-Asien. Bull. Acad. Sci. St. 
Pétersb., 1879, 25, 282-310. — Mél. 
Biol. Bull. Acad. Sci. St. Pétersb., 1879, 
10, 233-272. 1879.1 

Notiz iiber die Fische des Flusses 
Tuapse. Bull. Soc. Nat. Moscou, 1879, 
54, pt. 1, 424-428. 1879.2 

Pontine region 
pian expedition. 
360 p. 26 figs.) 

Kesteloot, ——— Toxicographie de 
quelques poissons et crustacés de la Mer 
du Nord. Bull. Acad. Sci. Bruxelles, 
1841, 8, pt. 2, 502-511. 1841.1 


Kesteven, Leighton. The venom of 
the fish Notesthes robusta. Proc. Linn. 
Soe. N. South Wales, 1914, 39, pt. 1, 91- 
92. 1914.1 

Ketel, 7. Ueber das Geh6rorgan der 
Cyclostomen. Anat. Studien 1872 
(1873), 3, 489-541. Also separate; 
Leipzig, 1872. 8°. 1873.1 

Kettler, —— Girardinus decemma- 
culatus. Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Freunde, 
1901, 12. Jahrg., 64-65. 1901.1 

Key, Avel, & Retzius, Gustaf. Stu- 
dien in der Anatomie des Nervensystems 
und des Bindegewebes. 2 vols. Stock- 
holm, 1875-76. 75 pls. fol. 1875.1 

Keyes, C. M. The fishing industry 
of lake Erie, past and present. Bull. 
U.S. Fish Comm. 1893 (1894), 13, 349- 
353. 1894.1 

Keyes, Charles Rollin {[1864—] On 
some fossils from the lower Coal Meas- 
ures at Des Moines, lowa. Amer. Ge- 
ologist, 1888, 2, 23-28. 1888.1 
( oe Petrodus occidentalis? and Diplodus 

Fossil faunas in central Iowa. 
Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad., 1891, 
242-265. 1891.1 

Paleontology of Missouri, part 

li. Rept. Missouri Geol. Surv., 1894, 5, 

1-266. 24 pls. 1894.1 
Vertebrates [fossil fishes] p. 227-238. 

Keyserling, (Count) Alexander Frie- 
drich Michael Leberecht Arthur von, & 
Blasius, J. H. Die Wirbelthiere Euro- 

pa’s. Erstes Buch: Die unterscheiden- 
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1889] Neue Cypriniden aus Persien 
Zeitschr. Ges. Naturw., 1861, 17, 1-24. 
Also separate; Berlin, 1861. 8°. Ex- 
tract in Rev. Mag. Zool., 1863, 2. ser. 15, 
419-422. 1861.1 

Keysselitz, Ueber flagellate 
Blutparasiten bei Sitisswasserfischen. 
Sitzber. Ges. Naturf. Freunde Berlin, 
1904, 285-296. 1904.1 

Khvorostansky, C. Sur la lumina- 
tion des animaux de la mer Blanche. 
Congr. Intern. Zool., Moscou, 1892, 2. 
sess., pt. 4, no. 24, 184-186. 1892.1 

Kizr, Anders Nicolai. Bericht iiber 
Norwegens Fischerei im Jahre 1868. 
Cireul. Deutsch. Fischerei Ver., 1871, 
no. 1, 3-9. 1871.1 



Norwegian fisheries 
of 1885. Peon U.S. Fish Comm. 1886 
(1889), 14, 1055-1064. 1889.1 

Kier, Hans. Om ‘Tromsesundets 
fiske; en oversigt over deres udbredelse 
og biologi. Tromso Mus. Aarsbog, 1905, 
27, 127-169. 4 figs. 1905.1 

Kier, Johan [1870 —} 
zldste fiske. Nyt Mag. Nat., 1910, 48, 
373-374. 1910.1 

A new Downtonian fauna in the 
sandstone series of the Kristiania area. 
A preliminary report. Skrift. Vidensk. 
Selsk. Kristiania, 1911, no. 7, 5-22. 

Describes five new genera of Silurian fishes. 

Om jordens 

Kidd, Waring. On the occurrence of 
the boar-fish at Brighton. Zoologist, 
1843, 1, 191-192. 1843.1 

Kidder, J. A. Blood temperature of 
fishes. Chicago Field, 1880, 13, 156- 
157. 1880.1 

Effect of cold and heat on fishes. 
Forest & Stream, 1880, 15, 425. 1880.2 

Kidder, Jerome H. Contributions 
to the natural history of Kerguelen 
island made in connection with the 
United States Transit of Venus expedi- 
tion, 1874-75. Washington, 1876. 122 
p. 8°. 1876.1 
Fishes, identified by Theodore N. Gill, p. 41- 

Report of experiments upon the 
animal heat of fishes, made at Province- 
town, Mass., during the summer of 1879, 
in connection with operations of the 

U. S. Fish Commission. Proc. U. 8S. 
Nat. Mus., 1880, 2, 306-326. Abstract 
in Nature, 1880, 21, 156. 1880.1 

Kiel, Peter. Letters relating to the 
whitefish of lake Erie and lake Ontario. 
Rept. U. S. Fish Comm. 1872-73 (1874), 
2, 80-84. 1874.1 

Kielmann, Friedrich. Fassung fir 
Fischnetze.. D. R. Pat. Kl. 45 h., 1906, 
nosk1139t) at pe pk: 1906.1 

Kielsen, Frederik Christian [1774- 
1850] Icones piscium. Hafnie, 1835. 
8°. Notice in Arch. Naturges. (Wieg- 
mann), 1836, 2. Jahrg., pt. 2, 164. 


Kiesow, . Ueber silurische und 
devonische Geschiebe Westpreussens 
tPisces} Schrift. Naturf. Ges. Danzig, 
1885, 6, 289-290. pl. & fig. 1885.1 





Kikkert, //.  Hollindischer oder 
schottischer Hiring?  Circeul. Deutse sh. 

Fischerei Zeitg., 1879, 2. Jahrg., 385— 
386. 1879: 1 

Kilbourn, J. K. Fish preservation 
and refrigeration. Intern. Fisheries 
Exhib. Lit., London, 1883. Conferences, 
7, pt. 8. 1883.1 

Killermann, Sebastien. Das Tier- 
buch des Petrus Candidus, geschrieben 
1460, gemalt im 16. Jahrhundert 

(Codex Vaticanus Urb. lat. 276) Zool. 
Annalen, 1914, 6, 113-221. 8 pls. 
Fische, p. 182-197. pl. 

Killian, Gusiav. Zur Metamerie des 
Selachierkopfes. Anat. Anz., 1891, 7 
(Verh. Anat. Ges.), 85-107. figs. 


Kinahan, John Robert [1828-1863] 
On the nidus and ova of Gasterosteus leiu- 
rus. Nat. Hist. Rev., 1854, 1, 235-236. 


On the spawning of the smooth- 
tailed stickleback (Gasterosteus leiurus) 
with a list of the fishes inhabiting the 
Dodder. Proc. Nat. Hist. Soe. Dublin, 
1854, 1, 129-134.— Nat. Hist. Rev., 
1854, 81-83; 235-236. 1854.2 

Notes on the marine fauna of 
the coast of Clare. Proc. Nat. Hist. Soc. 
Dublin, 1859, 3, 99-103. 1859.1 

On the genus Raniceps, and the 
occurrence of the tadpole-fish {R. tri- 
furcatus) in Dublin bay. Nat. Hist. 
Rey., 1859, 6, 459-460. — Proc. nee 
Hist. Soc. Dublin 1856-59 ee , 
197-198. 859.2 

Kincaid, Walter S. New methods of 
transporting eggs and fish (In Proe. 4. 
Intern. Fish. Congr., Washington) Bull. 
Bureau Fisheries 1908 (1910), 28, pt. 2, 
1037-1039. 1910.1 

Kinder, Recollections of early 
days of American fish-culture revived. 
Chicago Field, 1879, 11, 340. 1879.1 

Kindle, Edward Martin [1869 —] 
The South American catfishes belonging 
to Cornell University. Ann. N. Y. Aead. 
Sei., 1895, 8, 249-256. 1895.1 

The relation of the fauna of the 
Ithaca group to the faunas of the Portage 
and Chemung. Bull. Amer. Pal., 1896, 
2, 1-56. pl. 1896.1 

—— A eatalogue of the fossils of In- 
diana, accompanied by a bibliography 

of the literature relating to them. 22. 
Ann. Rept. Dep. Geol. and Natural Re- 
sources (of Indiana; 1897 (1898), 407- 
514. 1898.1 

The list of fossil vertebrates is found at 484—- 

King, Obed. Testimony in regard to 
the present condition of the fisheries, 
taken in 1871. Rept. U.S. Fish Comm. 
1871-72 (1873), 1, 12-13. 1873.1 

King, Richard [{1811?-1876] Tem- 
perature of quadrupeds, birds, fishes, 
plants and earths, as ascertained at dif- 
ferent times and places in arctic America 
during Capt. Back’s expedition. Edinb. 
New Phil. Journ., 1836, 21, 150-151. — 
Journ. Pharm., 1836, 22, 515-516. 


King, William. A monograph of the 
Permian fossils of England. Monogr. 
Palzeontogr. Soc. 1849 (1850), 1-285. 
28 pls. 1850.1 

Fossil fishes, p. 221-236. 

King, William Ross [1822 —] The 
sportsman and naturalist in Canada; 
with notes on the fish of that country. 
London, 1866. xv, 334 p. 8°. 1866.1 

Fishes, p. 245-330. 

Kingfisher (pseudon.) Raising white 
fish in confinement. Chicago Field, 1878, 
9, 243. 1878.1 

Gameness of the pickerel (Esox) 
Chicago Field, 1880, 13, 35. 1880.1 

Kingsbury, Benjamin Freeman 
{1872 —]| The lateral line system and 
sense-organs in some American amphi- 
bia, and comparison with the dipnoans. 
Trans. Amer. Micr. Soc., 1896, 17, 115— 

154. 5 pls. 1896.1 

The encephalic evaginations in 
ganoids. Journ. Comp. Neurol., 1897, 
7, 37-44. 1897.1 

The structure and morphology 
of the oblongata in fishes. Journ. Comp. 
Neurol., 1897, 7, 1-36. 5 pls. 1897.2 

Kingsbury, (. A. The blue-back 
trout. Forest & Stream, 1874, 3, 277. 

Kingsbury, W. H. Alphabetical 
list of Victorian edible salt and fresh- 
water fish. Geelong Natural., 1896, 5, 
no. 3, 18-19. 189 16. 1 

Kingsley, ———, Ainsworth, JW. F. 
& Tristram, H. B. See Ainsworth, 
Tristram « Kingsley. 


Kingsley, John Sterling [1859 —] 
Discovery of maleeels. Forest & Stream, 
1879, 12, 386. 1879.1 

The naturalist’s assistant, with 
a bibliography of 1500 works necessary 
for the systematic zoologist. Boston, 
1882. 228 p. 8°. 1882.1 

The bibliography contains references to about 
100 ichthyological papers. 

‘ (editor) The standard natural 
history. 6 vols. Boston, 1885. 1885.1 

Vol. iii. Vertebrata. Introduction, by R. R. 

Cyclostomi and Elasmobranchii, by J. 8. 

Ganoidea, by J. 8S. Kingsley. 
meus Apodes and Lyomeri, by T. N. 

Nematognathi, Seyptophori and Teleocephali 
(Gymnonoti to Xenomi), by D. 8. Jordan. 

Teleocephali (Synentognathi to Heteroso- 
mata), Hemibranchii, Lophobranchii, Plecto- 
gnathi and Pediculati, by T. N. Gill. 

Dipnoi, by J. S. Kingsley. 

The origin of the vertebrate 
skeleton. Amer. Naturalist, 1894, 28, 
635-640. 1894.1 

Edward .Drinker Cope [a me- 
morial notice] Amer. Naturalist, 1897, 
31, 414-419. 1897.1 

Textbook of vertebrate zoology. 
London, 1900. 439 p. 378 figs. 8°. 

The dogfish (Acanthias); an 
elasmobranch (Guides for vertebrate 
dissection) New York, 1907. v, 32 p. 
8°. 1907.1 

Comparative anatomy of ver- 
tebrates. Philadelphia, 1912. 401 p. 
illust. 1912.1 

Kingsley, John Sterling, & Conn, 
Herbert William. Some observations on 
the embryology of the teleosts. Mem. 
Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., 1883, 3, 183- 
210. 2 pls. 1883.1 

Kingsley, John Sterling, & Packard 
(junior), A. S. See Packard & Kingsley. 

Kingsley, R. J. On a specimen of 
the great ribbon-fish (Regalecus argen- 
teus) taken in Nelson harbor. Trans. 
Proc. New Zealand Inst., 1889, 15, 333— 
Dosen Di: 1889.1 

Kinnear, N. B. Large mahseer. 
Journ. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc., 1910, 
20, 234-235. 1910.1 

Kinnear, W. Tait. Homacanthus 
borealis Traq., a new selachian from the 
Lower Old Red of Caithness; with plate 
and description by Dr. R. H. Traquair. 



Trans. Geol. Soe. Edinb., 1892, 6, 205- 
208. pi. 1892.1 

Kinnear, W. Tait, & Anderson, JW. 
Notes on the fossils of the first Gilmerton 
limestone. Trans. Geol. Soe. Edinb., 
1883, 299-306. 1883.1 

Carboniferous sharks’ teeth are noted. 

Kinoshita, 7., & Kreidl, A. 
Kreidl & Kinoshita. 

Kinsey, J. W. (Boz, pseudon.| Blue- 
fish versus weakfish. Chicago Field, 


1879, 12, 36. 1879.1 
— Menhaden. Chicago Field, 
1879, 12, 100. 1879.2 

Purse nets and the menhaden. 
Chicago Field, 1880, 14, 48. 1880.1 

Kiprijanov, Valerian Aleksandrovich 
{1818 —] Ueberreste von Fischen im 
Kurskschen eisenhaltigen Sandsteine. 
Bull. Soc. Nat. Moscou, 1852, 25, 221— 
226; 483-495. Ibid., 1853, 26, 331-336; 

286-294. -2 pls. Ibid., 1854, 27, 373- 
397. 2 pls. Ibid., 1857, 30, 151-162. 
2 pls. Ibid., 1860, 38, 40-56; 601-670 

3 pls. 1852.1 

Coprolites, sharks’ teeth and Saurocephalus 
are described. 

Erster Zusatz zur Beschreibung 
des Koprolithes mantellit Ag. Bull. Soc. 
Nat. Moscou, 1854, 27, 251-254. 4 figs. 


Zweiter Beitrag zu Hybodus 
eichwaldi. Bull. Soe. Nat. Moscou, 
1855, 28, 392-400. pl. 1855.1 

Erster Beitrag is the same as Part 3 of Fisch- 
Ueberreste im Kurskschen eisenhaltigen Sand- 
stein. See supra. 

Kirchmeister, Friedrich. Freie 
Uebersetzung und Bearbeitung des Auf- 
satzes von Jules Haime ‘“ La Piscicul- 
ture’’ in der Revue des Deux Mondes 
vom Juni 1854. Allgem. Deutsch. 
Naturhist. Zeitg., 1855, 1, 1. 1855.1 

Kirk, H. B. Some features of the 
circulatory system of Heptatrema cirrata 
Forster. Trans. Proc. New Zealand 
Inst., 1912, 44, 241-244. 2pls. 1912.1 

Kirk, Henry C. 
Black bass of New York. 
Stream, 1876, 7, 500. 
Freshwater fishes in salt water. 
Forest & Stream, 1877, 8, 340. 1877.1 

Death of salmon by osmosis. 


(Dexter, pseudon.} 
Forest & 

Forest & Stream, 1875 

10, 265. 


Bark, H.C. 
‘Piscators”’ herring. Forest & 
Stream, 1878, 11, 114. 1878.2 

Kirk, Thomas W. [1828-1898] Addi- 
tions to the list of New Zealand fishes. 

Trans. Proc. New Zealand Inst., 1880, 
12, 308. 1880.1 
Kirkaldy, J. W. On the head kidney 

of Myxine. Quart. Journ. Mier. Sci., 
London, 1894, n. s. 35, 353-359. pl. 

A revision of the genera and 

species of the Branchiostomide. Quart. 
Journ. Mier. Sci., 1895, 37, 303-323. 2 
pls. 1895.1 

Kirkby, James Walker [1834-1901] 
On the remains of fish and plants from 
the Upper limestone of the Permian series 
of Durham. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 
1862, 3. ser. 9, 267-269. — Quart. Journ. 
Geol. Soc. London, 1862, 20, 345-358. 
pl. & 2 figs. — Trans. Nat. Hist. Soc. 
Northumb., 1, 64-83. pl. 1862.1 

Palzoniscid remains are mentioned. 

Fossil fish in Magnesian lime- 
stone at Fulwell hill. Trans. Tyneside 
Nat. Field Club, 1863, 5, 248. 1863.1 

Palg#oniscus and Acrolepis. 

—— On the occurrence of fossils in 
the highest beds of the Durham Coal 
Measures. Trans. Tyneside Nat. Field 
Club, 1864,-6, 220-225. 1864.1 

Ganoid scales. 

On the fossils of the Marl-slate 
and Lower Magnesian limestone (Dur- 
ham, no. II) Trans. Nat. Hist. Soe. 
Northumb., 1867, 1, 184-200. 1867.1 

Contains kon on Pygopterus mandibularis 
and Platysomus striatus among ganoid fishes. 

On the occurrence of marine 
fossils in the Coal Measures of Fife. 
Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc., 1888, 44, 747— 
754. 1888. 1 

Stybodus teeth are mentioned. 

On Lower Carboniferous strata 

and fossils at Randerstone, near Crail, 

Fife. Trans. Edinb. Geol. Soc., 1905, 

8, 61-75. pl. 1905.1 
List of ganoid fishes. 

Kirkby, James Walker, & Atthey, 
Thomas. On some fish-remains from the 
Durham and Northumberland Coal 
Measures. Trans. Tyneside Nat. Field 
Club, 1864, 6, 231-235. pl. 1864.1 

Sharks’ teeth and ganoids. 

Kirkby, James Walker, & Binney, 
Edward W. See Binney & Kirkby. 



Kirkpatrick, C. A. Salmon fishery 

on the Sacramento river. California 
Mag., 1860, 4, 529-534. 1860.1 
Kirsch, A. Ueber internationale 

Massregeln zum Schutze und zur Ver- 
mehrung des Lachses in der Ostsee. 
Congr. Intern. Péche Piscicult. St. 
Pétersbourg, 1903, pt. 1, 116-119. 

Kirsch, D. W. Ueber Zucht der 
Goldorfen. Circul. Deutsch. Fischerei- 
Ver., 1872, 1. Jahrg., no. 4, ee 


On the raising of the “‘ gold orfe”’ 
(Cyprinus orfus) Rept. U. 8.. Fish 
Comm. 1873-75 (1876), 3, Soo . 

Rothe Orfen (Leuciscus idus) und 
deren Zucht. Deutsch. Fischerei Zeitg., 
1880, 3. Jahrg., 124-125; 132-134. — 
Oesterr. -ungar. Fischerei ’ Zeitg. -F LOSOy 
1. Jahrg., 58-59; 68-70. 1880.1 

Kirsch, Philip Henry [— 1900] Notes 
on a collection of fishes from the Rio 
Gila at Fort Thomas, Arizona, ob- 
tained by Lieut. W. L. Carpenter, U. 8. 
Army. Proc. U. 8S. Nat. Mus. 1888 
(1889), 11, 555-558. 1889.1 

A review of the American species 
of thread-fins (Polynemidz) Ann. N.Y. 
Acad. Sci., 1889-91, 5, 231-236. 1890.1 

Notes on the streams and fishes 
of Clinton county, Kentucky, with a de- 
scription of a new darter. Bull. U. 8. 
Fish Comm. 1890 (1892), 10, 289-292. 
fig. 1892.1 

Notes on a collection of fishes 
from the southern tributaries of the 
Cumberland river in Kentucky and 
Tennessee. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 
1891 (1893), 11, 259-268. 1893.1 

A report upon explorations made 
in Eel river basin in the northeastern 
part of Indiana in the summer of 1892. 
Bull. U.S. Fish Comm. 1894 (1895), 14, 
31-40. 1895.1 

Report upon investigations in 
the Maumee river basin during the sum- 
mer of 1893. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 
1894 (1895), 14, 315-337. 1895.2 

Kirsch, Philip Henry, & Fordice, 
Morton W. A review of the sturgeons 
(Acipenseridz) of North America. Proce. 
Acad. Nat. Sei. Philad. 1889 (1890), 245— 
257. 1890.1 

¢ 200. 184 


Kirschbaum, C. Ll. Die Reptilien 
und Fische des Herzogthums Nassau; 
Verzeichniss und Bestimmungstabelle. 
Jahrb. Ver. Naturk. Nassau, 1863, 17— 
18, 77-122. — Zeitsch. Naturw. Halle, 
1863, 27, 94. 1863.1 

’ Kirtland, Frederick. Shad spawning 
in October. Forest & Stream, 1879, 12, 
5. 1879.1 

Kirtland, Jared Potter [1793-1877] 
Report on the zoology of Ohio. Colum- 
bus, 1838. 8°. 1838.1 

Contains some account of fishes. 

Description of fifteen new species 
of fishes. Amer. Journ. Sci., 1840, 38, 
392. 1840.1 

Descriptions of eleven species of 
fishes from western rivers. Amer. Journ. 
Sci., 1840-41, 40, 388. 1840.2 

Notice of the completion of the 
descriptions and figures of the fishes of 
western waters. Amer. Journ. Sci., 1840, 
39, 375. 1840.3 

Descriptions of four new species 
of fishes. Boston Journ. Nat. Hist. 
1840 (1841), 3, 273-279. 1841.1 

New species are described of Gasterosteus, 
Etheostoma and Hydrargira. 

Ohio river and its tributaries. Boston 
Journ. Nat. Hist., 1841, 3, 338-352; 
469-482. Ibid., 4, 16-26; 303-308. 
Ibid., 6, 21-32. 1841.2 

66 species are enumerated, 8 of which are new. 

Descriptions of Acipenser rubi- 

cundus, A. platyrhynchus and Rutilus 
storertanus. Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. 
Hist. 1841-44 (1844), 1, 71. 1844.1 

(Descriptions of several new 
species of fishes} Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. 
Hist. 1841-44 (1844), 1, 1. 1844.2 

Description of Leuciscus storeri- 
anus, sp. nov., from Ohio. Proc. Boston 
Soc. Nat. Hist. 1841-44 (1844), 1, 199- 


Descriptions of the fishes of lake 
Erie, the Ohio river and their tributaries. 
Boston Journ. Nat. Hist., 1844, 4, 231— 
240. Ibid., 1846, 5, 265-276; 330- 
344. pls. 1844.4 

Remarks on Acipenser rubicun- 
dus and Rutilus plagiurus. Proc. Boston 
Soc. Nat. Hist. 1841-44 (1844), 1, 71. 

j 184 



Descriptions of the fishes of the 


Description of a new species 
of fish from Ohio (Hxoglossum dubium) 
Proc. Boston Nat. Hist. Soc. 1845-48 
(1848), 2, 49-50. . 1848.1 

On the resuscitation of frozen 
fish, in a letter to Prof. O. P. Hubbard. 
Amer. Journ. Sci., 1851, 12, 291-292. 


Describes experiments with eels at Middle- 
town, Conn. 

Fish-culture. Amer. Sportsman, 
1874, 3, 347. 1874.1 

Kiselevich, K. Beitriige zur Ichthyo- 
fauna der Bucht von Odessa _ [Text in 

Russian] Sborn. Stud. Biol. KruZ, 
Odessa, 1908, 3, 116-140. 1908.1 
Kishinouye, Kamakichi. The Jap- 

anese mackerel and mackerels from 
Europe and America [Text in Japanese] 
Journ. Imp. Fish. Bureau, Tokyo, 1893, 

2, 1-6. 3 pls. 1893.1 
A large bonito [Text in Japan- 
ese] Zool. Mag., 1894, 6, 342. 1894.1 

Food of fishes of the mackerel 
family [Text in Japanese] Journ. Imp. 
Fish. Bureau, Tokyo, 1895, 4, no. 2, 17— 
32. pl. — Zool. Mag., 1895, 7, 111. 


Injury of Ayu (Plecoglossus 
altivelis) to other fishes [Text in Jap- 
anese] Zool. Mag., 1895, 7, 255. 1895.2 

The fishing industry in Japan. 
Bergen, 1898. 13p. 8°. 1898.1 

Faunal lists; Pisces, p. 5. 

The goldfish and other ornamen- 
tal fish of Japan. Nat. Sci., 1898, 13, 
39-42. 4 figs. 1898.2 

The grey mullet fishery in Japan. 
Nat. Sci., 1898, 13, 253-258. 6 figs. 

The Japanese species of the 
genus Pagrus. Journ. Imp. Fish. Bu- 
reau, Tokyo, 1901, 10, 31-42. 6 pls. & 
figs. 1901.1 

On a new [unnamed] species of 
Salanx from the Ariake sea, Japan 
(Text in Japanese] Dobuts. Zasshi., 
Tokyo, 1901, 13, 359-360. 1901.2 

A rare shark, Rhinodon pentali- 
neatus,n.sp. Zool. Anz., 1901, 24, 694— 
695. 2 figs. 1901.3 


About Ingandarumi 
pretiosus) [Text in Japanese} 
Mag., 1902, 14, 418-419. 


Kishinouye, Kk. 

Investigations regarding the Pa- 
grus fishery (Text in Japanese] Suisan 
Chosa Hokuku, Tokyo, 1902, 10, 57—68. 
pls. 1902.2 

—— Nomenclature of Kidai (Pagrus 
tumifrons Schlegel = Dentex hypselosoma 
Bleeker) {Textin Japanese] Zool. Mag., 
1902, 14, 439. 1902.3 

Nomenclature of Katsuwo (nec 
Gymnosarda affinis Cantor) [Text in 
Japanese] Zool. Mag., 1905, 15, 415— 
416. 1903.1 

On Yasurizame (Rhinodon pen- 
talineatus) and Torafuzame (Stegostoma 
tigrinum) (Text in Japanese] Dobuts. 
Zasshi, Tokyo, 1903, 15, 41-44. figs. 


Inawashiroko no Nijimasu (Salmo 
irideus in the lake Inawashiro) Dobuts. 
Zasshi, Tokyo, 1904, 16, 387-388. 


The Nigisu again (Argentina 
semifasciata Kish.) [Text in Japanese} 
Dobuts. Zasshi, Tokyo, 1904, 16, 26; 
197-198. 1904.2 

Gyorui zakki [Miscellaneous 
notes on fishes} Dobuts. Zasshi, Tokyo, 
1905, 17, 176-179. 1905.1 

Hompo ni sansuru 3 shu no 
Amadai |The three species of Latilus in 
Japan} Dobuts. Zasshi, Tokyo, 1907, 
19, 56-60. 1907.1 

Homposan kurodai zoku no uwo 
(On the four Japanese species 
Dobuts. Zasshi, 

4 shu 
of the genus Sparus] 
Tokyo, 1907, 19, 326-329. 

Notes on the natural history of 
the sardine. Journ. Imp. Fish. Bur., 
Tokyo, 1907, 14, 71-105. 6pls. 1907.3 

Iwashi gyogyo chosa_ Investi- 
gations regarding the fishery of clupeids) 
Suisan Chosa Hokoku, Tokyo, 1908, 14, 
72-111. pls. 1908.1 

This is the Japanese edition of ‘‘ Notes on the 

natural history of the sardine”’ in Journ. Imp. 
Fish. Bur., Tokyo, 1907, 14, 71—105. 

Ushisawara) oyobi Kamarusa- 
wara [(Scomberomorus chinensis (Schl.) 
and Acanthocybium solandri (Cuv. & 
Val.)) Dobuts. Zasshi, Tokyo, 1908, 20, 
1-3. pl. 1908.2 

Description of the clupeoid fishes 
from Ogasawara or Bonin islands. Journ. 
College Agriculture Tokyo, 1911, 2, no. 
7, 383-386. pl. 1911.1 



Prehistoric fishing in Japan. 

Journ. College Agriculture Tokyo, 1911, 

2, no. 7, 327-382. 11 pls. & 10 figs. oe 

Kiss, Hlek. A hal mint tapszer (Fish 
as food) Vasdrnapi Ujdg., 1871, or a 

Kissling, Hrnst. Die Fauna des 
Mittel-Oligocins im Berner Jura. Abh. 
Schweiz. Paliont. Ges., 1896, 22, no. 3. 
74p. 9 pls. 1896.1 

Tertiary fish-remains are referred to. 

Meeresmolasse im Emmenthal. 
Mitth. Nat. Ges. Bern 1901 (1902), 98— 
101. 1902.1 

Teeth of Lamna are mentioned. 

Stachel eines Rochen aus der 
Meeresmolasse des Belpberges. Mitth. 
Nat. Ges. Bern 1901 (1902), eee 5 

Spines of Myliobatis. 

Kistler, Herbert D. The primitive 
pores of Polyodon spathula. Journ. 
Comp. Neurol., 1906, 16, 294-298. bee 


Kitahara, Tasaku. Scombride of 
Japan. Journ. Imp. Fish. Bureau, 
Tokyo, 1897, 6, 1-3. 4 pls. 1897.1 

Note on the Leucopsarion petersi 
Hilg. Annot. Zool. Japon., Tokyo, 1904, 
5, pt. 3, 113-115. pl. 1904.1 

Preliminary note on the salmon 
and trout of Japan. Annot. Zool. Japon., 
Tokyo, 1904, 5, pt. 3, 117-120. 1904.2 

Homposan sakerui [The Sal- 
monide of Japan] Dobuts. Zasshi, 
Tokyo, 1905, 17, 175-176.- ~ 1905.1 

—— The fisheries of Japan considered 
from a geographical standpoint (In 
Proc. 4. Intern. Fish. Congr., Washing- 
ton, D. C.) Bull. Bureau Fisheries 
1908 (1910), 28, pt. 1, 375-379. 1910.1 

On the hydrographical observa- 
tions made on board the “ Kinkasan 
Maru,” 1910. Rept. Imp. Fish. Bur., 
Tokyo, Scient. Invest., 1912, 1, 1-3. 3 
maps. 1912.1 

Kittary, Wodeste. Recherches ana- 
tomiques sur les poissons du genre Aci- 
penser. Bull. Soc. Nat. Moscou, 1850, 
93, pt. 2, 389-445. 2 pls. 1850.1 

Kittler, 0. Ueber die Zucht von 
Pyrrhulina filamentosa Cuv. et Val. 
Wochenschr. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 
1907, 4. Jahre., 545-546. 1907.1 


Die Zucht von Pyrrhulina 
natterert. Wochenschr. Aquar.-Terrar. 
Kunde, 1909, 6. Jahrg., 548-549. 1909.1 

Kittlitz, Albert Freiherr von. Zur 
Entwickelung der Gefiisse im Auge der 
Forelle. Anat. Hefte, Wiesbaden, 1906, 
32, 1. Abt., 279-305. 3 figs. Also sepa- 
rate; Wiesbaden, 1906. Inaug. Dissert. 

Kittlitz, Friedrich Heinrich von 
[1799-1874] Beschreibung mehrerer 

neuer oder wenig gekannter Arten des 
Geschlechtes Acanthurus, im stillen 
Ocean. Museum Senckenb., Frankfurt- 
a.-M., 1834, 1, 189-194. 1834.1 

Denkwiirdigkeiten emer Reise 
nach dem russischen Amerika, nach Mi- 
kronesien und durch Kamschatka. 2 
vols. Gotha, 1858. pls. 8°. 1858.1 

Description of different species of fish, Bd. i, 
p. 57-66; 223-227; 299-303. Bd. ii, p. 65-66; 
101-102; 123-126. 

Klaatsch, Hermann. Zur Morpholo- 
gie Fischschuppen und zur Geschichte 
der Hartsubstanzgewebe. I. Die Schup- 
pen der Selachier. II. Die Rhom- 
benschuppen der Ganoiden. III. Die 
Schuppen der Teleostier. IV. Die Cy- 
cloidschuppen der Dipnoer und fossiler 
Ganoiden. Die Phylogenese der ‘“ Cy- 
cloidschuppen.”” V. Die Schuppen 
von Ichthyophis. VI. Die Ableitung 
der Schuppen. VII. Die Geschichte der 
Hartsubstanzgewebe. Morphol. Jahrb., 
1890, 16, 97-203; 209-258. 2 De 


Appended are references to the works of 48 
authors who have treated the subject. 

Beitrige zur vergleichenden 
Anatomie der Wirbelsiule. Morphol. 
Jahrb., 1892-95. 1892.1 
i. Ueber den Urzustand der Fischwirbelsiule. 
Morphol. Jabrb., 1892, 19, 649-680. pl. & fig. 
ii. Ueber die Bildung knorpeliger Wirbelkér- 
per bei Fischen. Jbid., 1893, 20, 143-186. pl. 
iii. Zur Phylogenese und zur Geschichte der 
Umwandlungen der Chordastruktur. IJbid., 1895, 
22, 514-560. 2 pls. 
Ueber die Wirbelsiule der Dip- 
noer. Anat. Anz., 1893, 9 (Verh. Anat. 
Ges.), 130-132. 1893.1 

Ueber die Herkunft der Sclero- 

- blasten. Ein Beitrag zur Lehre von der 

Osteogenese. Morphol. Jahrb., 1894, 
21, 153-240. 5pls. & figs. 1894.1 
Die Brustflosse der Crossoptery- 
gier. Ein Beitrag zur Anwendung der 
Archipterygium-Theorie auf die Glied- 
massen der Landwirbelthiere (In Fest- 
schrift zum siebenzigsten Geburtstage 
von Carl Gegenbaur, Bd. i, p. 261-891. 
4 pls. & 42 figs. Leipzig, 1896) 1896.1 

Appended is a list of 75 papers pertaining to 
the subject discussed. 


Bemerkungen iiber die Gastrula 
des Amphioxus. Morphol. Jahrb., 1897, 
25, 224-243. pl. & 4 figs. Abstracts in 
Zool. Centralbl., 4. Jahrg., 712-714. — 
Journ. Roy. Micr. Soe. London, 1897, 
357. 1897.1 

Zur Frage nach der morpholo- 
gischen Bedeutung der Hypochorda. 
Morphol. Jahrb., 1897, 25, 156-169. pl. 

Die Intercellularstructuren an 
der Keimblase des Amphioxus. Sitzber. 
Akad. Wiss. Berlin, 1898, 800-806. 4 
figs. 1898.1 

Ueber den Bau und die Ent- 
wickelung des Tentakelapparates des 
Amphioxus. Anat. Anz., 1898, 14, (Verh. 
Anat. Ges.), 184-195. 1898.2 

Zur Deutung von Helicoprion 
Karp. Centralbl. Mineral., Stuttgart, 
1901, 429-436. 2 figs. 1901.1 

Klaatsch, Hermann Martin August 
[1827-1885] De cerebris piscium Osta- 
canthorum aquas nostras incolentium. 
Dissertatio inauguralis zootomica. Pars 
commentationis a gratioso medicorum 
ordine premio ornata. Halis Saxonie, 
1850. 40p. 4pls. 4°. 1850.1 

Klapproth, Adolf. Der Maulbriiter, 
seine Pflege und Zucht im Aquarium. 
Wochenschr. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 
1909, 6. Jahrg., pp. 445-447. fig. 1909.1 

Klaptocz, A. Reptilien, Amphibien 
und Fische aus Franzésisch Guinea. 
Zool. Jahrb. (Syst. Abt.), 1913, 279-290. 

Klaussner, /. Mehrfachbildungen 
bei Wirbeltieren. Miinchen, ae ; 

Ofversigt af Plagiosto- 

Kleberg, 0. 
Lund, 1868. 8°. 

mernas anatomi. 

Klein, A. von. Beitrige zur Bildung 
des Schiidels der Knochenfische. I-III. 

Jahr. Ver. Vaterl. Naturk. Wiirttemberg, 
1884, 40, 129-251. Ibid., 1885, 41, 107— 
256. Ibid., 1886, 42, 205-300. pls. 
Klein, Edward Emanuel.  Beitrage 
zur Anatomie der Lepidosiren (Protopte- 
rus) annectens. Jahresh. Ver. Vaterl. 
Naturk. Wiirttemberg, 1864, 20, 134— 
144. 1864.1 

Der Kopf der Pleuronectidz. 
Jahresh. Ver. Vaterl. Naturk. Wiirttem- 
berg, 1868, 24, 271-308. pl. 1868.1 

Klein, FE. E. : _ Kleine, Max. Die Zucht des Griind- 

Vergleichende Beschreibung des lings (Gobio fluviatilis Flem.) im Aqua- 
Schiidels der Wirbelthiere. Versuch rium. Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde 
einer auf anatomische Griinde sich 1912, 28, 466-468. fig. 1912.1 

stiitzenden, gleichartig durchgefiihr- 
ten Benennung der Schidelknochen. 
Jahresh. Ver. Vaterl. Naturk. Wirttem- 

berg, 1868, 24, 71-171. 1868.2 
Beitrige zur Osteologie des 
Genus Balistes Cuv. (Sclerodermi) 

Jahresh. Ver. Vaterl. Naturk. Wirttem- 
berg, 1872, 28, 262-300. 1872.1 

Researches on the first stages of 
the development of the common trout, 
Salmo fario. Monthly Micr. Journ., 
1872, 7, 193-200. 2 pls. 1872.2 

Observations on the early de- 
velopment of the common trout (Salmo 

fario) Quart. Journ. Mier. Sci., 1876, 
n. s. 16, 113-131. pl. 1876.1 

Beitrige zur Osteologie des 
Schidels der Knochenfische. Jahresh. 
Ver. Vaterl. Naturk. Wiirttemberg, 
1879, 35, 66-126. pl. 1879.1 

Beitrage zur Osteologie der 
Fische. Jahresh. Ver. Vaterl. Naturk. 
Wiirttemberg, 1881, 37, 325-360. pl. 

Beitrige zur Bildung des Schia- 
dels der Knochenfische. Jahresh. Ver. 
Vaterl. Naturk. Wiirttemberg, 1884, 
40, 129-257. Ibid., 1885, 41, 107-261. 

Ibid., 1886, 42, 205-300. 1884.1 
Klein, Jacob Theodor [1685-1759] 
Specimen descriptionis petrefactorum 

Gedanensium cum syllabo tabularum. 
— Probe einer Beschreibung und Abbil- 
dung der in der Dantziger und umliegen- 
den Gegend befindlichen Versteinerun- 
gen. Niirnberg, 1770. 16 p. 24 pls. 
Latin and German in parallel columns. 
J. T. Kemi Ichthyologia eno- 
data, sive Index rerum ad_ historiam 
piscium naturalem, synonymis recentis- 
simorum systematicoram explicatus ab 
J. J. Walbaum. Lipsis, 1793. 114 p. 
4°. See Walbaum, J.J. 1793.1 

Ichthyologia; seu, Historiz pis- 
cium naturalis quinque missus. Cui 
accedit Ichthyologia Kleiniana enodata, 
sive Index rerum ad historiam piscium 
naturalem, cum synonymis recentissi- 
morum systematicorum Artedi, Lin- 
ni, Gmelini, Blochii, etc., explicatam. 
Lipsie, 1802. 53 pls. 4°. 1802.1 

This is a later edition of Klein’s pre-Linnzan 
Historia Piscium, appended to which are Wal- 
baum’s emendations, first published in 1793. 
See Walbaum, J. J. 

Kleinert, —— Extrait du rapport 
sur les essais de pisciculture faits & Her- 
renalb. Bull. Soe. Acclim. Paris, 1861, 
8, 38-44. fig. 1861.1 

Klencke, P. F. Hermann. Alexan- 
der von Humboldt, ein biographisches 
Denkmal. Leipzig, 1851. xii, 252 p. 8°. 

The same. 2. Auflage. Leipzig 
1852. xvi, 224 p. 1852.1 

An English translation, by Juliette Bauer, was 
published at London in 1852. 

_Klinckowstroém, Avel. Beitraige zur 
Kenntniss des Verlaufes der Darm- und 
Lebervenen bei Myzxine glutinosa. Biol. 
Foren. Férh., Stockholm, 1890, 2, 62-67. 


Ueber die blutfiithrenden Lymph~ 
rdume bei Myzine glutinosa. Biol. 
Foren. Férh., Stockholm, 1891, 4. 1891.1 

Beitrige zur Kenntniss der Au- 
gen von Anableps tetrophthalmus. Skand. 
Arch. Physiol., Leipzig, 1893, 5. 1893.1 

Die Zirbel und das Foramen 
parietale bei Callichthys (C. asper und 
littoralis) Anat. Anz., 1893, 8, 561-564. 
figs. 1893.2 

Om ett nyligen funnet moget 
agg of piraten (Myzxine glutinosa) Vet. 
Akad. Foérh., Stockholm, 1895, 52. Jahrg., 
55-56. Abstract in Zool. Centralbl., 4. 
Jahrg., no. 1, 37. 1895.1 

Klingelhoffer, W. Das Auge der 
Wirbeltiere. Wochenschr. Aquar.-Ter- 
rar. Kunde, 1911, 8. Jahrg. 1911.1 

Der Brechungszustand und die 
Einstellungsvorrichtung des Schlamm- 
springerauges. Wochenschr. Aquar.- 
Terrar. Kunde, 1912, 9. Jahrg., 196-197. 
2 figs. 1912.1 

Klingspor, D. M. Sdodra sveriges fis- 
kerif6renings insjOfiske ar 1910. Skrift. 
Sédra Sveriges Fiskerif6ren., 1911, 1, 
no. 8, 23-27. 1911.1 

Klinkhardt, Werner. Beitrige zur 
Entwickelungsgeschichte der Kopfgang- 
lien und Sinneslinien der Selachier. Jena 
Zeitschr. Naturw., 1905, 40, 423-486. 
3 pls. & 6 figs. 1905.1 

Klippart, John H. [— 1878] On 
fish guano. Rept. Ohio Agric., 1861, 
180-220. 1861.1 

let lincusteaasiictin dnd isa hades Lae 



— An essay on fish-culture. 
lumbus, Ohio, 1873. 20 p. 8°. 

Do inland fish migrate? Forest 
& Stream, 1876, 6, 132. 1876.1 

History of the fisheries of Toledo 

and Sandusky. 1. Ann. Rept. Ohio 

State Fish Comm. 1875 (1876), 30-41. 


Kliss von Zilah, A. Ueber den 
schidlichen Einfluss von Mikroorganis- 
men auf die kiinstliche Forellenzucht. 

Oesterr. Monatschr. Tierheilk., 1897, 
433-435. 1897.1 
Klose, ©. Der Uckelei [Alburnus 

lucidus} Wochenschr. Aquar.-Terrar. 
Kunde, 1910, 7. Jahrg., 101-103. 

Klug, C. Die Wasserinsektenzucht 
als Nahrung fiir Fische. Deutsch. 
Fischerei Zeitg., 1878, 1. Jahrg., 182-— 
183. 1878.1 

Klug, Johann Christoph Friedrich 
[1775-1856] Die Arten der Gattung 
Megalopus. Jahrbiicher Insectenkunde, 
1834, 1, 208-223. 1834.1 

Contains incidental mention of fishes. 

Note sur ie genre Thynnus. 
L’Institut, 1840, 8, 310. — Rev. Zool., 
1840, 285. 1840.1 

Klunzinger, Carl Benjamin (1834 —] 
Synopsis der Fische des Rothen Meeres. 
I. Theil. Percoiden-Mugiloiden. Verh. 
Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien, 1870, 20, 669-834. 


Synopsis der Fische des Rothen 
Meeres. II. Theil. Verh. Zool.-Bot. 
Ges. Wien, 1871, 21, 441-668. 1871.1 

The two parts were alee published separately 
in one volume, with an appendix entitled Syste- 
matische Uebersicht der Fische des Rothen 
Meeres, als Anhang und Register zur Synopsis. 
Wien, 1871. 8° 

Systematische Uebersicht der 
Fische des Rothen Meeres, als Anhang 
und Register zur Synopsis. Verh. 
Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien, 1871, 21, 1355— 
1368. 1871.2 

dung “der Fische und anderer Meee 
schépfe im Rothen Meere.  Zeitschr. 
Erdkunde Berlin, 1871, 6, 58-72. 1871.3 

— Eine zoologische Exkursion auf 
ein Korallriff des Roten Meeres, bei 
Koseir. Zeitschr. Ges. Erdkunde, Ber- 
lin, 1872, 20-56. Abstract in ‘Verh. 
Zool. -Bot. Ges. Wien, 1870, 389-394. 


Observations on fishes, p. 50—56. 



— Zur Fischfauna von Siid-Aus- 
tralien. Arch. Naturgesch., 1872, 38. 
Jahrg., pt. 1, 17-47. 1872.2 

Bilder aus Oberiigypten, der 
Wiiste, und dem Roten Meere. Stutt- 
gart, 1877. 400 p. illust. 1877.1 

Fische vom Nil, p. 148. — Die Fischer, p. 297— 
300. — Zubereitung der Fische, p. 300-301. — 
Dei Naturschaitze des Roten Meeres (Fische), 
p. 365-373. 

Upper Egypt, its people and its 
products. With sketches of the natural 
history and geology . . . and with pref- 
atory notice by G. Schweinfurth. Lon- 
don, etc., 1878. 408 p. illust. 8°. 


Die von Miiller’sche Sammlung 
australischer Fische in Stuttgart. Sitz- 
ber. Akad. Wiss. Wien, 1880, 80, 1. 
Abth., 325-430. 8 pls. 1880.1 

Die Fische in Wirttemberg, 
faunistisch-biologisch betrachtet, und 
die Fischereiverhaltnisse daselbst. Jah- 
resh. Ver. Vaterl. Naturk. Wirttem- 
berg, 1881, 37, 172-304. 1881.1 

Die Fische des Roten Meeres. 
Eine kritische Revision mit Bestim- 
mungs-Tabellen. Teil I. Acanthopteri 
veri Owen. Stuttgart, 1884. 133 p. 
pls. & figs. fol. 1884.1 

Ueber die Felchenarten des 
Bodensees. Jahresh. Ver. Vaterl. Na- 
turk. Wirttemburg, 1884, 40, 105-128. 

Ueber Bach- und Seeforellen. 
Jahresh. Ver. Vaterl. Naturk. Wiirttem- 
berg, 1885, 41, 266-288. 1885.1 

Die Fischfauna der Schweiz 
nach Fabio. Naturw. Wochenschr., 
1891, 6, no. 51, 513-515. 1891.1 

Bodenseefische, deren Pflege und 

Fang. Stuttgart, 1892. 232 p. 88 figs. 
8°. 1892.1 
Die Fischerei Ausstellung in 

Friedrichshafen (am Bodensee) am 

vierten deutschen Fischereitag. Circul. 

Deutsch. Fischerei Ver., 1892, 1-15. 

Ueber die prihistorischen Fi- 

schereigeriitschaften, insbesondere der 

Pfahlbauten des Bodensee’s. Circul. 

Deutsch. Fischerei Ver., 1892. 6 p. 

— Ueber Zwergrassen bei Fischen 

und bei Felchen insbesondere. Jahresh. 
Ver. Vaterl. Naturk. Wiirttemberg, 
1900, 56, 519-532. 1900.1 


muda, Opel ay 
Die zoologischen und anato- 
misch-physiologischen Kenntnisse und 

Anschauungen des Aristotles. Jahresh. 
Ver. Vaterl. Naturk. Wiirttemberg, 
1901, 57, Ixxi-lxxiii. 1901.1 

Gangfisch und Blaufelchen (Co- 
regonus exiguus und C. macrophthalmus) 
Jahresh. Ver. Vaterl. Naturk. Wiirttem- 
berg, 1903, 59, 255-266. 2 pls. 1903.1 

Ueber Melanismus bei Tieren im 
allgemeinen und bei unseren  einhei- 
mischen insbesondere. Jahresh. Ver. 
Vaterl. Naturk. Wiirttemberg, 1903, 59, 
267-297. 1903.2 

Entgegnung auf Niisslin’s Aus- 
fiihrungen in der Gangfisch-Blaufelchen- 

Frage vom September 1903. Jahresh. 
Ver. Vaterl. Naturk. Wiirttemberg, 
1904, 60, 335-343. 1904.1 

Schlusswort auf obenstehende 
“Letzte Erwiderung”’ Professor Niiss- 
lin’s, in dieser Zeitschrift die Gangfisch- 

Blaufelchen-Frage betreffend. Jahresh. 
Ver. Vaterl. Naturk. Wiirttemberg, 
1905, 61, 307-309. 1905.1 

Ueber neue Funde von schwar- 
zen Fréschen und Forellen im Murg- 
tal. Jahresh. Ver. Vaterl. Naturk. 
Wiirttemberg, 1907, 63, Ixxv—Ixxvi. 


—— Die Trommelsucht der Kropf- 
felchen oder Kilchen (Coregonus acro- 
nius Rapp.) Verh. Deutsch. Zool. Ges., 
1908, 18, 241-243. 1908.1 

Futtertiere fiir Aquarien-Fische. 
Wochenschr. Aquar-Terrar. Kunde, 
1911, 378-379. 1911.1 

—— Ueber die Goldfischabarten und 
ihre kiinstliche Erzeugung nach Tornier. 
Jahresh. Ver. Vaterl. Naturk. Wiirttem- 
berg, 1912, 68, xevi-cii. 1912.1 

Knapp, F. H. |— 1863] Ueber die 
medicinische Wirkung des Leberthrans 
und deren Ursachen. Annal. Pharm. 
(Liebig), 1846, 58, 84-89. 1846.1 

Knauer, Friedrich Karl. 
liche Fischgestalten. Eine Wanderung 
durch die Formenwelt der Fische. 
Oesterr.-ungar. Fischerei Zeitg., 1880, 
286-287; 294-295; 302-303. 1880.1 


—— Handworterbuch der Zoologie. 
Unter Mitwirkung von Prof. von Dalla 
Torre bearbeitet. Stuttgart, 1887. xiv, 
828 p. Opis. 8°. 1887.1 



Neue Beobachtungen an Fischen. 
Wochenschr. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 
1908, 5, 455-456. 1908.1 

Die Bauchmuskulatur der Fi- 
sche. Arb. Zool. Inst. Wien, 1910, 18, 
207-226. 3 pls. & 6 figs. 1910.1 

Knauthe, Karl. (Remarks on the 
endurance of fish in pools, the water of 
which has been completely frozen up} 
Zool. Garten, 1887, 29, 71-73; 142-148. 


——— (Remarks on the breeding habits 
of Phoxinus levis, Leucaspius delineatus 
and Cobitis barbatula in Silesiay Zool. 
Garten, 1890, 31, 56-57. 1890.1 

Ueber Barbus petenyi Heck. in 
Schlesien. Zool. Anz., 1890, 18, 720— 
721. 1890.2 

—— Bastarde von Gobio fluviatilis 
und Leuciscus phoxinus, ete. Zool. 
Anz., 1891, 14, 258. 1891.1 

notes on 
Zool. Gar- 

Ichthyologische Mittheilungen. 
Zool. Anz., 1891, 14, 259-264. 5 figs. 

Meine Erfahrungen iiber das 
Verhalten von Amphibien und Fischen 
gegeniiber der Kalte. Zool. Anz., 1891, 
14, 104-106; 109-115. 1891.4 

Ueber Entwicklungsformen von 
Gobio fluviatilis. Zool. Anz., 1891, 14, 

(Further biological 
German freshwater fishes] 
ten, 1891, 32, 17-23. 

59-61. 1891.5 
Zur Biologie der Fische. Zool. 
Anz., 1891, 14, 73-76. 1891.6 

Zur Bressen und Zanderzucht. 
Berichte Fischerei Ver. Ost- u. West- 

preuss., 1891-92. 1891.7 
Ueber Melanismus bei Fischen. 
Zool. Anz., 1892, 15, 25. 1892.1 
Ichthyologische Notiz. Zool. 

1893, 16, 109-110; 355-356. 

Ueber einen neuen Fortpflan- 
zungsfihigen Cypriniden aus Mittel- 
schlesien, Alburnus leydigii mihi, sp. nov. 
(A. lucidus < Leucaspius delineatus) 
Zool. Anz., 1893, 16, 448-450. 1893.2 


Zwei Fille von latenter Verer- 
bung der Mopskopfigkeit bei Cyprinoi- 
den. Biol. Centralbl., 1893, 13, 766— 
767. 1893.3 




—— Zwei Fortpflanzungsfihige Cy- 
prinidenbastarde. Zool. Anz., 1893, 16, 
216-418. 1893.4 

Einfluss der Nahrung auf Far- 
bung. Zeitschr. Naturw., 1894, 67. 

Cypriniden-Bastarde. Zool. 
Anz., 1895, 18, 407. 1895.1 

Einige Notizen tiber Bliccopsis 
erythrophthalmoides Jick. Zool. Anz., 
1895, 18, 490-491. 1895.2 

Maximaltemperaturen, bei denen 
Fische am Leben bleiben. Biol. Cen- 
tralbl., 1895, 15, 752. 1895.3 

Two fertile cyprinoid hybrids. 
Bull. U.S. Fish Comm. 1894 (1895), 14, 
29-30. 1895.4 

Blendlinge zwischen Bitterling 
und Rapfenlaube (Rhodeus amarus und 
Leucaspius delineatus) Zool. Garten, 
1896, 37. Jahrg., 220. 1896.1 

Die deutschen Siisswasserfische, 
ihre Lebensverhiltnisse, Zucht und 
Pflege. Die Natur, 1896, 45. Jahrg., 
569-571; 577-580. 5 figs. 1896.2 

Fortpflanzung des Aales. Biol. 
Centralbl., 1896, 16, 847-848. 1896.3 

Nahrung des Karpfens. Zool. 
Garten, 1896, 37. Jahrg., 345-346. 

Ueber die Erbriitung der Forel- 
leneier und Aufzucht der Jungbrut. 
Correspbl. Fischzucht., 1896, 3. Jahrg., 
no. 4, 59-62. 1896.5 

— Ueber Weissfischbastarde aus 
den Gewiissern in der Nahe von Berlin. 
Forschungsber. Biol. Station Plon, 1896, 
4, 262-272. 1896.6 

Zur Biologie der Siisswasser- 

fische. Biol. Centralbl., 1896, 16, 410— 
416. 1896.7 

Die Verdauungsorgane des Kar- 
pfens. Deutsch. Fischerei Zeitg., 1897. 


Untersuchungen iiber die Ver- 
dauung der Fische. Fischerei Zeitg., 

1898, 1. 1898.1 

Zur Kenntniss des Stoffwechsels 
der Fische. Arch. Gesammt. Anat., 
1898,73, 490-500. 1898.2 

Beobachtungen itber den Gasge- 
halt der Gewiisser im Winter. Biol. 
Centralbl., 1899, 19, 783-799. 1899.1 

Ueber neuere Futterausnutzungs- 
versuche an Karpfen. Fischerei Zeitg., 
1899, 2. 1899.2 

Neuere Erfahrungen in der 
Fischfiitterung. Fischerei Zeitg., 1900, 


Fischsterben bei Gewittern. 
Fischerei Zeitg., 1901, 4, 71-72. 1901.1 

Gewitter und Fischsterben; eine 
Umfrage. Allgem. Fischerei Zeitg., 1901, 
26, 74-76. — Natur, Halle, 50, 100-101. 
— Deutsch. Landw. Presse, Berlin, 28, 
101-102. — Zool. Garten, 42. Jahrg., 
153-156. — Natur u. Haus, 9, 325-327. 


—— Die Karpfenzucht. Neudamm, 
1901. 53 figs. 8° 1901.5 
Nahrung der Rotfeder. Zool. 

Garten, 1902, 43. Jahrg., 404-405. 


Varietiiten des Hechtes. 
Garten, 1902, 43. Jahrg., 405. 

Zur Frage der Degeneration und 
Bastardbildung bei Fischen. Fischerei 
Zeitg., 1902, 5, 629. 1902.3 

- Zusammenhang zwischen Dege- 
neration und Bastardbildung bei Weiss- 
fischen. Zool. Garten, 1903, 44. Jahrg., 
57-58. 1903.1 

Ueber rationelle Karpfenzucht 
unter besonderer Beriicksichtigung von 
Diingung und Fiitterung. Oester.-ungar. 
Fischerei Zeitg., 1905. 1905.1 

Das Siisswasser. Neudamm, 1907. 
194 figs. 8°. 1907.1 

Ueber Siurebildung in Gewas- 
sern und deren Beziehung zum Auftreten 
von Fischkrankheiten. Arch. Hydro- 
biol. Planktonkunde, Stuttgart, 1908, 3, 
290-308. 1908.1 

Knauthe, Karl, Apstein, C., Ber- 

thelmann, Borcherding, /’r., 
Cronheim, & Debschitz, H. 

von. Die Karpfenzucht. Anleitung zum 
praktischen Betriebe unter Beriicksich- 
tigung der neuesten wissenschaftlichen 
Erfahrungen. Neudamm, 1901. 389 p. 
53 figs. 8. 1901.1 

Knauthe, Karl, & Zuntz, Nathan. 
See Zuntz & Knauthe. 

Kneeland, Samuel [1821-1888] Dis- 
section of a female fox shark (Alopias 
vulpes) Boston Journ. Nat. Hist., 1847, 
5, 485-486. 1847.1 


Kneeland, S. 

Dissection of Scymnus brevipinna 
(Lesueur) Boston Journ. Nat. Hist., 
1847, 6, 479-485. fig. 1847.2 

(How to avoid having fish enter 
the water-pipes of reservoirs] Proc. 
Boston Soe. Nat. Hist., 1856, 5, 206-207. 

Some crustacean parasites from 
the skin of a sunfish, Orthagoriscus mola, 
obtained at Cohasset. Proc. Boston Soc. 
Nat. Hist., 1858, 6, 396. 1858.1 

(Respiration of fishes of the 
blenny family, and genus Pholis, called 
shanny in Europe) Proc. Boston Soc. 
Nat. Hist. 1861 (1862), 8, 103. 1862.1 

Fish from Cochituate water- 
pipe. Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., 
1866, 5, 206-207. 1866.1 

A zoologist on the Pacific coast. 
Amer. Naturalist, 1871, 5, 312. 1871.1 

Describes movements of flying-fish in the 

Account of a trip in 1870, from 

San Francisco to Panama. Proc. 
Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., 1872, 14, 137- 
139. 1872.1 

Remarks upon flying-fish, etc. 

Remarks on the abundance of 
the hair-finned dory (Argyriosus capil- 
laris Mitch.) near Cohasset. Proc. 
Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., 1877, 19, 4. 


Kner, Rudolf [1810-1869] Ueber die 
beiden Arten Cephalaspis loydii und 
C. lewisii Agassiz, und einige diesen zu- 

nichst stehenden Schalenreste. Natur- 
wiss. Abhandl. (Haidinger), 1847, 1, 
159-168. pl. 1847.1 

Lehrbuch der Zoologie. Wien, 
1849. 8°. 1849.1 

A third edition of this work, entitled ‘‘ Com- 
penciam der Zoologie,’’ was published at Vienna 
in 1862. 

Ueber die Verschiedenheiten der 
Blinddirme bei den Salmonen. Sitzber. 
Akad. Wiss. Wien, 1851, 6, 240-248. 
pl. 1851.1 

Ueber die Magen und Blind- 
dirme der Salmoniden. Sitzber. Akad. 

Wiss. Wien, 1852, 7, 201-232. 1852.1 
Die Hypostomiden. Zweite 
Hauptgruppe der Familie der Pan- 

zerfische (Loricata vel Goniodontes) 
Denkschr. Akad. Wiss. Wien, 1854, 7, 
251-286. pls. — Abstract in Sitzber. 
Akad. Wiss. Wien, 1853, 10, 279-282. 



Die Panzerwelse des k. k. Hof- 
Naturalien-Cabinetes zu Wien. I. Ab- 
theilung. Loricarine. Denkschr. Akad. 
Wiss. Wien, 1854, 6, 65-98. 8 pls. Ab- 
stract in Sitzber. Akad. Wiss. Wien, 
1853, 10, 113-116. 1854.2 

Ueber einige Sexual-Unter- 
schiede bei der Gattung Callichthys - 
und die Schwimmblase bei Doras C. Val. 
Sitzber. Akad. Wiss. Wien 1853 (1854), 
11, 138-146. pl.—Also separate; Beh 
1854. 10: po Se 1854.3 

Ichthyologische Beitriige. Sitz- 
ber. Akad. Wiss. Wien, 1855, 17, 92-— 
162. 9 pls. 1855.1 

Under this title various of the author’s con- 
tributions appearing in the Sitzungsberichte and 
Denkschriften of the Vienna Academy were also 
published separately, 1855-58. 

Ueber ein neues Genus aus der 
Familie der Welse, Siluroidei (Clarotes 
heuglini} Sitzber. Akad. Wiss. Wien, 
1855, 17, 313-316. 2 pls. 1855.2 

Ichthyologische Beitraige. II. 
Abtheilung. Sitzber. Akad. Wiss. Wien, 
1858, 26, 373-448. 9 pls. 1858.1 

Silurid# from Brazil. 

Kritische Bemerkungen  iiber 
Castelnau’s Siluroiden. Arch. Natur- 
gesch., 1858, 24, pt. 1, 344-350. 1858.2 

Ueber Trachypterus altivelis und 
Chetodon truncatus, n. sp.  Sitzber. 
Akad. Wiss. Wien, 1859, 34, 437-445. 
2 pls. 1859.1 

Zur Familie der Characinen. 
III. Folge der Ichthyologischen Bei- 
triage. Denkschr. Akad. Wiss. Wien, 
1859, 17, 137-182. 9 pls. Ibid., 1860, 
18, 9-62. 8 pls. Abstract in Sitzber. 
Akad. Wiss. Wien, 30, 75-80. Ibid., 32, 
163-169. 1859.2 

Ueber Belonesox belizanus, nov. 
gen. et spec., aus der Familie der 
Cyprinodonten. Sitzber. Akad. Wiss. 
Wien, 1860, 40, 419-422. pl. 1860.1 

Ueber den Flossenbau der Fische 
Sitzber. Akad. Wiss. Wien, 1860, 41, 
807-824. IJbid., 1861, 42,1. Abth., 232— 
260, 759-786. Ibid., 1862, 43, 1. Abth., 
123-152. Ibid., 1863, 44, 1. Abth., 49- 
80. 72 figs. 1860.2 

— Ueber einige noch unbeschrie- 
bene Fische. Sitzber. Akad. Wiss. 
Wien, 1860, 39, 531-547. pl. 1860.3 

Centropus, Amphisile, Hemirhamphus, As- 


Uebersicht der ichthyologischen 
Ausbeute wihrend der Reise Sr. kais. 

Maj. Fregatte ‘ Novara.” —Sitzber. 
Akad. Wiss. Wien, 1860, 40, Hea “ 

Preliminary note with remarks on geographi- 
cal distribution. 

— Zur Charakteristik und Syste- 
matik der Labroiden. Sitzber. Akad. 
Wiss. Wien, 1860, 40, 41-57. 2 pls. 


Ichthyologische Berichtigungen. 
Arch. Naturgesch., 1861, 27, pt. 1, 57— 
59. 1861.1 

Ueber Kiemen-Anhiinge _ bei 
Characinen. Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ver. 
Wien, 1861, 11, 189-192. pl. 1861.2 

—— Kleinere Beitrige zur Kenntniss 
der fossilen Fische Oesterreichs. Sitz- 
ber. Akad. Wiss. Wien, 1862, 45, 1. 
Abth., 485-498. 2 pls. 1862.1 

New species are described of Julis, Palimphe- 

eae and Pagrus from the Eocene of the Leithage- 

Ueber die drei Fischgattungen 
Pierophyllum, Symphysodon und Mono- 
cirrhus Heck. Sitzber. Akad. Wiss. 
Wien, 1863, 45, 1. Abth., 294-303. 2 pls. 

— Ueber die sogenannten Sporn- 
schuppen der Fische und ihre Bedeutung 
fiir die Systematik. Sitzber. Akad. 
Wiss. Wien, 1863, 46, 1. Abth., 477-481. 


Ueber einige fossile Fische aus 
den Kreide- und Tertia&rschichten von 
Comen und Podsused. Sitzber. Akad. 
Wiss. Wien, 1863, 48, 1. Abth., 126-148: 
3 pls. 1863.3 

New species are described of Amiopsis (= Ami- 
urus), Scombroclupea, Elopopsis, Coelodus and 
Clupea from the Cretaceous, and of Clupea and 
Brasmius from the Tertiary of Croatia. Note 
on Palimphemus, p. 148. 

Einige fiir die Fauna der Oester- 
reichischen Siisswasserfische neue Arten. 
Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ver. Wien, 1864, 14, 
75-84. Notice in Zeitschr. Gesam. 
Naturwiss. Berlin, 26, 225-226. 1864.1 

Acerina, Gobius, Cyprinus, Carpio, etc. 

Einige neue Fische: TJhysano- 
cheilus ornatus, Leius ferox, Cottus gi- 
gas, Osmerus oligodon. Anzeiger Akad. 
Wiss. Wien, 1864, 1, 185-187. Notice 
in Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 3. ser. 15, 
77-78. 1864.2 

—— Einiges tiber die Thymusdriise 
bei Fischen und die Schwimmblase der 
Stachelflosser. Sitzber. Akad. Wiss. 



Wien, 1864, 49, 1. Abth., 455-459. — 
Anzeiger Akad. Wiss. Wien, 1, 63-64. 

Specielles Verzeichniss der Wah- 
rend der Reise der kaiserlichen Fregatte 
“ Novara”’ gesammelten Fische. Sitz- 
ber. Akad. Wiss. Wien, 1864, 49, 1. 
Abth., 481-486. JIbid., 51, 1. Abth., 
499-504. Ibid., 58, 1. Abth., 543-550. 


List of teleosts. 

Fische aus dem _ naturhistori- 
schen Museum der Herren J. C. Godef- 
froy & Sohn in Hamburg. Denkschr. 
Akad. Wiss. Wien, 1865, 24, 1. Abth., 
1-12. 4 pls. 1865.1 

Psalidostoma, eine neue Chara- 
cinen-Gattung aus dem weissen Nil. 
Sitzber. Akad. Wiss. Wien, 1865, 50, 
1. Abth., 99--102. pl. Notice in Ann. 
Mag. Nat. Hist., 3. ser. 14, 399. 1865.2 

Reise der 6sterreichischen Fre- 
gatte “ Novara’? um die Erde in den 
Jahren 1857-1859, unter den Befehlen 
des Commodore B. von Wiillerstorf- 
Urbain. Wien, 1865-67. 4°. 1865.3 

Zoologischer Theil, Fische. 1-3 Abth. 433 p. 
16 pls. . 

Ueber Salmoniden-Bastarde. 
Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ver. Wien, 1865, 15, 
199-202. Abstract in Zeitschr. Gesam. 
Naturw. Berlin, 27, 453-454. 1865.4 

Vergleichung eines jungen Zeus 
faber mit Argyropelecus hemigymnus. 
Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ver.- Wien, 1865, ‘15, 
287-290. 1865.5 

Betrachtungen iiber die Ganoi- 
den, als natiirliche Ordnung. Sitzber. 
Akad. Wiss. Wien, 1866, 54, 1. Abth., 
519-536. Abstract in Geol. Mag., 5, 
429-432. : 1866.1 

Die Fische der  bitumin6dsen 
Schiefer von Raibl in Kiirnthen. Sitz- 
ber. Akad. Wiss. Wien, 1866, 53, 1. 
Abth., 152-197. 6 pls. 1866.2 

Fossile Fische aus Ungarn. Verh. 
Geol. Reichsanst., Wien, 1866, 16, 143-— 
145. 1866.3 

Die fossilen Fische der Asphalt- 
schiefer von Seefeld in Tirol. Sitzber. 
Akad. Wiss. Wien, 1866, 54, 1. Abth., 
303-341. 6 pls. 1866.4 
Supplementary notes to this paper, entitled 
“Nachtrag I” and ‘‘ Nachtrag II,” are con- 
tained in Sitzber. Akad. Wiss. Wien, 56, 1. 
Abth., 898-909, and 909-913, with pls. i-11. 
The following genera are discussed: Eugna- 
thus, Lepidotus, Semionotus, Pholidophorus.. 


Kner, fF. 
Neue Fische aus dem Museum 
der Herren J. Cas. Godeffroy & Sohn 

in Hamburg. Sitzber. Akad. Wiss. 
Wien, 1866, 54, 356-395. 5 pls. Also 
separate; Hamburg, 1867. 1866.5 

Berycide, Trachinide, Trichiuride, Carangi- 
dx, Scombrids, Gobiide, Blenniide#, Centris- 
cidex, Labride# and Ophidiide. 

Ueber das Vorkommen_ der 
Schimmblase und die Anordnung der 
Sexualorgane bei Aalihnlichen Fischen. 
Sitzber. Akad. Wiss. Wien, 1866, 52, 
648-653. Notice in Ann. Mag., Nat. 
Hist., 3. ser. 17, 388. 1866.6 

Nachtrag zu den fossilen Fischen 
von Raibl. Sitzber. Akad. Wiss. Wien, 
1867, 55, 1. Abth., 718-722. pl. 
Thoracopterus, Pterygopterus, ete., from the 

Neuer Beitrag zur Kenntniss 
der fossilen Fische von Comen bei Géorz. 
Sitzber. Akad. Wiss. Wien., 1867, 56, 
171-200. 1867.2 

Hemisaurida, Saurocephalus, Hemirhynchus, 
Palzobalistes, Saurorhamphus, Scombroclupea, 
Chirocentrites, Elopopsis. 

— Ueber Orthacanthus  dechenii 
Goldf. oder Xenacanthus dechenti Beyr. 
Sitzber. Akad. Wiss. Wien, 1867, 55, 1. 
Abth., 540-584. 10 pls. Notices in 
Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 3. ser. 19, 152. — 
Geol. Mag., 5, 376-380. 1867.3 

— Ueber Conchopoma gadiforme, 
nov. gen. et spec., und Acanthodes aus 
dem Rothliegenden (der untern Dyas) 
von Lebach bei Saarbriicken in Rhein- 
preussen. Sitzber. Akad. Wiss. Wien, 
57, 1868, 1. Abth., 278-305. 8 pls. 
Abstract in Geol. Mag., 7, 29-30. 1868.1 

Ueber die fossilen Fische in der 
Kreide von Sendenhorst. Zeitschr. 
Gesam. Naturw., Halle, 1868, 31, 374— 
ile 1868.2 

Ueber neue Fische aus dem Mu- 
seum der Herren Johann Ciisar Godef- 
froy & Sohnin Hamburg. IV. Folge. 
Sitzber. Akad. Wiss. Wien, 1868, 58, 
26-31. Ibid., 293-356. QOpls. 1868.3 

Berycide, Percidex, Mullide, Squamipennes, 
Trachinide#, Carangide and other Acanthopteri. 

Kner, Rudolf, & Heckel, Johann 
Jakob. See Heckel & Kner. 

Kner, fudolf, & Steindachner, 
Franz. Neue Beitrage zur Kenntniss 
der fossilen Fische Oesterreichs. Denk- 



schr. Akad. Wiss. Wien, 1863, 21, 17— 
36. 7 pls. 1863.1 
Fish described of the followi : 
Glupeatday sonmiecatie) lophobeanchtatent pace 
and Raiide (Urolophus). 
‘Beitrage zur Kenntniss der 
Chromiden Mexico’s und Central-Ame- 
rika’s. Denkschr. Akad. Wiss. Wien, 
1864, 23. 5 pls. 1864.1 

- Neue Gattungen und Arten von 
Fischen aus Central-Amerika, gesam- 
melt von Prof. Moritz Wagner. Ab- 
handl. Bayer. Akad. Wiss., Miinchen, 
1870, 10, 1-61. 6 pls. 1870.1 

Scienoide, Chromid#, Eleotrini, Clupeoidei, 
Cyprinodontidi, Erythrini, Characini, Siluroidei, 
Trichomycterini, Loricati. 

See also Steindachner & Kner. 

Knies, Jan. Stopy  diluvidlniho 
élovéka a fossilni zvitena jeskyn Lud- 
mirovskych (Spuren des Diluvialmen- 
schen und fossile Tiere der Ludmiroy- 
Hohlen) Casop. moraysk. Mus. 
Zemsk. Roén., 1905, 5, 213-254. 


Incidental mention of fossil fish-remains. 

Knight, 4. P. The action of certain 
chemical salts on the heart-beat of the 
embryo of Fundulus magellus. Brit. 
Med. Journ., London, 1897, 2, 1484. 


— The effects of polluted waters on 
fish life. 32. Ann. Rept. Dept. Mar. 
Fish. Canada, 1902, no. 22a, 9-18. 

Sawdust and fish life. Trans. 
Canadian Instit., 1903, 7, 1-42; 425— 
466. 6 figs. Also separate; Toronto, 
1903. 1903.1 

The effects of dynamite explo- 
sions upon fish life. Ann. Rept. Dept. 
Mar. Fish. Canada, Ottawa, 1907, 39, 
21-30. 1907.1 

A further report upon the effects 

of sawdust on fish life. Rept. 
Dept. Mar. Fish. Canada, Ottawa, 
1907, 39, 37-54. 1907.2 

Sawdust and fish life. Final 

report. Ann. Rept. Dept. Mar. Fish. 
Canada, Ottawa, 1907, 39, 111-120. 

Knight, John T. Presence of shad 
in the rivers tributary to the gulf of 
Mexico. Rept. U. S. Fish Comm. 
1872-73 (1874), 2, 391. 1874.1 

Knight, /. W. On the fin of the Ba- 
lista. Trans. Med. Phys. Soc. Caleutta, 
1836, 8, 134-136. 1836.1. 


Knight, Thomas F. Descriptive cat- 
alogue of the fishes of Nova Scotia. 
Halifax, N.S., 1866. 54p. 8°. 1866.1 

51 nominal species are enumerated, of which 
44 are salt or brackish-water forms, and 7 fresh- 

Shore and deep-sea fisheries of 
Nova Scotia. Halifax, 1867. vi, 113 p. 
8°. 1867.1 

This and the preceding publication, in paper 
covers, are respectively entitled, at middle half 
{1, 2} Pamphlets on the fishes and fisheries of 
Nova Scotia. No. I. Fishes of Nova Scotia. 
No. II. Shore and deep-sea fisheries. 

Knight, Wilbur C. [— 1903] Some 
new Jurassic vertebrates from Wyoming. 
Amer. Journ. Sci., 4. ser. 5, 1898, 186; 
378-380. pl. & 2 figs. 1898.1 

Dental plates of Ceratodus are referred to 
two new species, C. rubustus and C. americanus. 

—— The Nebraska Permian. Journ. 
Geol., 1899, 7, 357-374. 1899.1 

The oceurrence of Styptobasis and Diplodus 
n. sp. isreported. Some of the forms were sub- 
sequently described by C.-R. Eastman. 

Knight, William. A bill proposed to 
the Maryland legislature at the session 
of 1876, and entitled ‘‘ An act to regu- 
late the catching and to provide for the 
preservation of fish in the waters of the 
state and of the Potomac river.” Bull. 
U.S. Fish Comm. 1882 (1883), 2, 265— 
272. 1883.1 

Knipovich, Nicolai Michailovich. 
Report of voyage in the Arctic ocean on 
cruiser of 2d rank ‘‘ Najezdnik”’ (Rider) 
in the summer of 1893. Trav. Soc. np. 
Nat. St. Pétersb., 1894, 25. 1894.1 

Status of marine fish and animal 
industries of Archangel province, 1895. 

St. Petersburg, 1897. 1897.1 
Verzeichniss der Fische des 
Weissen und Murmanschen Meeres. 

Ann. Mus. St. Pétersb., 1897, 2, 144— 
158. 1897.2 
Nachtrag zu demselben. Ibid., 1898, 3, 1-11. 

Einige Worte tiber das Vorkom- 
men von Lampris pelagicus (Gunn.) an 
den nérdlichen Kiisten Russlands. Ann. 
Mus. Acad. Imp. St. Pétersb., 1900, 5, 
244-245. 1900.1 

—— Short review of the works of 
expedition for scientific and industrial 
investigations of the Murman coast 
(Text in Russian} Mém. Acad. Imp. 
Sei. St. Pétersb., 1900, 12, no. 5. 1900.2 

Einige Resultate der wissen- 
schaftlich praktischen Untersuchungen 
an der Murman-Kiiste im Jahre 1900. 



Rey. Intern. Péche Piscicult,, St. Péters- 
bourg, 1901, 3, 11-12. 1901.1 

Zoologische Ergebnisse der rus- 
sischen Expeditionen nach Spitzbergen. 
Ann. Mus. Zool. Acad. Sci. St. Pétersb., 
1901, 6, 56-83. Jbid., 1903, 8, 144-156. 

Nachtrag: Fische. 

Expedition fiir wissenschaftlich- 
praktische Untersuchungen an der Mur- 
mankiiste. I. Edition des comités fiir 
Unterstiitzung der Kiisten-Bevélkerung 
des russischen Nordens /Text in Rus- 
sian] St. Pétersbourg, 1902. viii, 544 p. 
11 pls. & 73 figs. map. 8°. 1902.1 

Deutsches Résumé, p. 545-650. 

Zoological investigations on the 
icebreaker ‘‘ Hrmak’’ in the summer of 
1901. im. p.1 1902. 1902.2 

Scientific results of the expedi- 
tion for investigation of the Murman 
coast. [n. p.] 1903. 1903.1 

Pisces, vol. ii, pt. 1. 

Ueber die geographische Ver- 
breitung einiger Fische. Trav. Soc. 
Imp. Nat. St. Pétersb., 1903, 34, 1. livr., 
258. 1903.2 

Description is given of Lycodes maris-albi, sp. 
nov. ; 

Zoologische Ergebnisse der rus- 

sischen Expeditionen nach Spitzber- 

gen (Nachtrag) Ann. Zool. Mus. St. 

Pétersb., 1903, 2. 1903.3 
Fische, p. 144-156. 

Hydrobiologische Untersuchun- 
gen des Kaspischen Meeres. Schluss. 
Petermanns Geogr. Mittheil., 1904, 50, 
291-294. 1904.1 

Mittheilungen aus der Biologie 
des Kaspischen Meeres [Text in Rus- 
sian] Trav. Soc. Imp. Nat. St. Pétersb., 
1904, 35, C. R. 318-320. 1904.2 

Hydrologische Untersuchungen 
im europiischen Eismeer. Annal. Hy- 
drol. Marit. Meteorol., Berlin, 1905. 


Remarks on fishes are included. 

Summary of the works of the 
Caspian expedition of 1904 (Text in 
Russian] Bull. Russ. Imp. Geogr. Soc. 
St. Pétersb., 1905. 1905.2 

Ueber die neuesten Erforschun- 
gen des Kaspischen Meeres (Text in 
Russian] Jestestv. Geogr., Moskva, 
1905, pt. 5, 39-46. 1905.3 


Knipovich, \V. V. 

Arbeiten der Kaspischen Ex- 
pedition im Jahre 1904. Bd.1. Allge- 
meine Uebersicht der Arbeiten der Kas- 
pischen Expedition im Jahre 1904. St. 
Petersburg, 1906. i, 104 p. 8°. 


Deutsche Zusammenfassung, p. 105-113. 

Grundziige der Hydrologie des 
europiischen Eismeeres (Text in Rus- 
sian with German résumé} Mém. Soc. 
Russe Géogr. St. Pétersb., 1906, 40. 


Ichthyologische Untersuchungen 
im Eismeer, St. Petersburg, 1906-08. 
i. Lycodes und Lycenchelys. Mém. Acad. 
Sci. St. Pétersb., 1906, 8. sér. 19, pt. 1, 1-130. pl. 
& map. 
ii. Gymnelis und Enchelyopus sive Zoarces. 
Ibid., 1908, 22, pt. 4, 40. 

Zoologische Ergebnisse der rus- 
sischen Expeditionen nach Spitzbergen. 
Ueber die in Jahren 1899-1900 im 
Gebiete von Spitzbergen gesammelten 
Fische. Ann. Mus. Zool. Acad. St. 
Pétersb., 1907, 6. 1907.1 

Zur Ichthyologie des Eismeeres. 
Die von der Russischen Polar-Expedi- 
tion im Eismeer gesammelten Fische. 
Mém. Acad. Sci. St. Pétersb., 1907, 8. 
sér. 18, pt. 5, 53. 2 pls. 1907.2 

Rapport sur les collections zoo- 
logiques, faites pour le Musée Zoologique 
de l’Académie Impériale des Sciences 
par N. M. Knipovich et 8. A. Pavlovich 
dans la mer Baltique durant l’été de 

1890. Ann. Mus. Zool. Acad. Sci. St. 
Pétersb., 1909, 14, 0131-0245. map. 

Neue Exemplare von Lycodes 
maris-albi Knipovich. Ann. Mus. Zool. 
Acad. Sci. St. Pétersb., 1911, 16, 155— 
157. 1911.1 

Ueber das Vorkommen von 
Chirolophis galerita (..) sive Carelophus 
ascanit (Walb.), an der Murmankiiste. 
Ann. Mus. Zool. Acad. Sci. St. Pétersb., 
1911, 16, 152-154. 1911.2 

Knoch, Julius [1828-1893] Ueber 
die Anstalten zur kiinstlichen Fisch- 
zucht in Russland. St. Petersb. Med. 
Zeitschr., 1869, 15, 347-350. 1869.1 

— Die Beschreibung der Reise zur 
Wolga, behufs der Sterlettbefruchtung. 
Bull. Soe. Nat. Moscou, 1871, 44, pt. 1, 
254-289. pl. Ibid., 1872, 45, pt. 1, 351- 
355. 1871.1 



Ueber Missbildungen betreffend 
die Embryonen des Salmonen- und 
Coregonus-Geschlechts. Bull. Soc. Nat. 

_Moscou, 1873, 46, pt. 1, 173-228. 2 


Knocker, H. H. Stickleback in salt 
water. Sci. Gossip, 1868, 87. 1868.1 

Knopfler, Franz. Ein Beitrag zur 
Kenntnis der Lebensweise des Kletter- 
fisches (Anabas scandens C. V.) in der 
gefangenschaft. Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. 
Kunde, 1909, 20. Jahrg., 667-668; 684- 
685. 1909.1 

Knorrich, fF. W. Studien iiber die 
Ernihrungsbedingungen einiger fiir die 
Fischproduction wichtiger Mikroorga- 
nismen des Siisswassers. Stuttgart, 
1900. 54p. 8°. 1900.1 

Knoll, P. Ueber die Blutkérperchen 
bei wechselwarmen Wirbelthieren. Sitz- 
ber. Akad. Wiss. Wien, 1896, 105, 3. 
Abth., 35-66. 3 pls. & figs. 1896.1 

Contains incidental reference to teleosts. 

Knorr, Georg Wolfgang [1705-1761] 
Deliciz nature selecte; oder, Auserle- 
zenes Naturalien-Kabinet aus den drey 
Reichen der Natur. Fortgesetzt von 
Ph. L. Statius Miller. 2 vols. Niirn- 
berg, 1766. 90 col. pls. fol. 1766.1 

Text in German and French. 
Fische, Bd. ii, p. 42-65. Spls. 34 figs. 

Sammlung von Merckwiirdig- 
keiten der Natur und Alterthiimern des 
Erdbodens, welche petrificirte Korper 
enthilt, ausgewiesen und beschrieben, 
ete. Niirnberg, 1775. pls. 1775.1 

Knorr, Georg Wolfgang, & Walch, 
J. E. E. Recueil des monumens des 
catastrophes que le globe terrestre a 
essuiés, contenant des pétrifactions des- 
sinées, gravées et enluminées d’aprés les 
originaux. 3 vols. in 4. Nirnberg, 
1768-77. 273 col. pls. fol. 1768.1 

This work is a translation of the German edi- 
tion of 1755. It contains plates of fossil fishes. 


Knorring, Frans P. von. Gamla 
Finland eller det fordna Wiborgska 
guvernementet. Abo, 1833. 269 Dae 


Knowles, Herbert M. Dead fish on 
the coast of Rhode Island. Bull. U. 8. 
Fish Comm. 1886 (1887), 6, Ieee 


Knox, Arthur Edward [1808 ?-1886] 

Autumns on the Spey. London, 1872. 
illust. 8°. 1872.1 

Five of the chapters are on salmon fishing, and 
one on “ Tynet burn and its ichthyolites.” 


Knox, Frederick John. On the New 
Zealand swordfish. Trans. Proc. New 
Zealand Inst. 1869 (£820); 2, 13-16. pl. 


Observations on an albino eel. 
Trans. Proc. New Zealand Inst., 1871, 
4, 378. 1871.1 

Observations on Coridodax pul- 
lus. Trans. Proc. New Zealand Inst., 
1871, 3, 1380-132. fig. 1871.2 

Notes on the anatomy of the 
Kanae (Mugil sp.) Trans. Proc. New 
Zealand Inst. 1871 (1872), 4, 189-191. 

Note on Ctenolabrus  knozi. 
Trans. Proc. New Zealand Inst. 1872, 
(1873), 5, 308. 1873.1 

Knox, Robert [1791-1862] Observa- 
tions relative to the action of the heart 
in fishes. Edinb. Med. Surg. Journ., 
1822, 18, 564-567. 1822. 1 

Observations on the general 
anatomy of the Gymnotus electricus, the 
electric eel of America; and on the 
microscopical anatomy of the electric 
organs. Edinb. Journ. Sci., 1824, 1, 96— 

— Observations on the structure 
and functions of the canal of Petit and 
of the marsupium nigrum, or peculiar 
vascular tissue traversing the vitreous 
humour, in the eyes of birds, fishes and 
reptiles. Edinb. New Phil. Journ., 
1824, 10, 323-325. — Trans. Roy. Soc. 
Edinb., 10, 231-252. 1824.2 

On the theory of the existence 
of a sixth sense in fishes, supposed to re- 
side in certain peculiar tubular organs, 
found immediately under the integu- 
ments of the head in sharks and rays. 
Edinb. Journ. Sci., 1825, 2, 12-16. 


Der sechste Sinn bei den Fischen. 
Notizen (Froriep), 1825, 9, 164-165. 

— Observations on the size of the 
teeth in sharks compared with the fossil 
teeth of an animal analogous to the 
present shark, and described by MM. 
Lacépéde and Faujas St. Fond in the 
Annales du Muséum. Edinb. Journ. 
Sci., 1826, 5, 16-18. — Bull. Sci. Nat. 
(Férussac), 11, 387. 1826.1 

Sur Jexistence d’un _ sixiéme 
sens chez les poissons. Bull. Sci. Nat. 
(Férussac), 1827, 12, 135-137. 1827.1 



—— Notice of a swordfish recently 
caught in the river Tay. Edinb. Journ. 
Sci., 1830, 2, 427-430. 1830.1 

Notice regarding the nature of a 
peculiar structure observed in the second 
stomach of certain Cetacea, generally 
considered as simply glandular, but 
seemingly analogous to the electric 
organs of the Torpedo and Gymnotus. 
Edinb. Journ. Sci., 1830, 3, 319-324. — 
Isis (Oken), 1830, 302. 1830.2 

Observations on the natural his- 
tory of the salmon. Rept. Brit. Assoc. 
Adv. Sci., 1831-32, 587-589. — Notizen 
(Froriep), 1832, 37, 33-35. 1832.1 

Observations on the natural 
history of the salmon, herring and 
vendace. Trans. Roy. Soc. Edinb., 
1834, 12, 462-518. 1834.1 

On the anatomy of the charr 
(Salmo umbla) Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinb., 
1845, 1, 90-91. 1845.1 

On the natural history of the 
Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinb., 1845, 

1, 7-10. 

Recollections of researches into 
the natural and economic history of cer- 
tain species of the Clupeide, Coregoni 
and Salmonide. Rept. Brit. Assoc. Ady. 
Sci., 16. meet., 1846, pt. 2, 79-80. 


Fish and fishing in the lone 
glens of Scotland, with a history of the 
propagation, growth and metamorphoses 
of the salmon. London, 1854. 8°. 


Inquiries into the philosophy 
of zoology. I. On the dentition of 
the Salmonide. II. Coloration of the 
Salmonide. III. The proportions of 
the Salmonide, as compared with each 
other and with the generic animal. Zo- 
ologist, 1855, 18, 4777-4792. . 1855.1 

On the food of certain gregarious 
fishes. Proc. Linn. Soc. London (Zool.), 
1855, 2, 354-359. — Zoologist, 1855, 13, 
4709-4724. — Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 

1855, 2. ser. 16, 57-60. 1855.2 

On the growth of the salmon 
from the egg to the adult. Zoologist, 
1855, 13, 4792-4798. 1855.3 

Some observations on the Salmo 
estuarius or estuary trout. Zoologist, 
1855, 13, 4662-4673. 1855.4 

Knox, i. _ Koch, Maz. Bemerkungen zu_ E. 

—— The present position of the sal- Schmidt: Die Flunder als Aquarien- 
mon question, considered physiologi- fisch. Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 
cally. Zoologist, 1856, 14, 4985-4992. 1912, 23, 387-389. fig. 1912.1 


Kobert, Eduard Rudolf {1854 —] 

Ueber Giftfische und Fischgifte. Med. 

Woche, Berlin, 1902, 199-201; 209- 

212; 221-225; 236-241. Also separate; 
Stuttgart, 1905. 36 p. 11 figs. 8°. 


Fischgifte, i.e., Gifte fir den Fischfang. 

Koch, Antal (= Anton) [1843 —] 
Die Tertiirbildungen des Beckens der 
siebenbiirgischen Landestheile. II. Neo- 
gene Abtheilung. Budapest, 1900. 369 
p. 3 pls. & 50 figs. 1900.1 

— Tarnécz in Komitat Négrad, als 
neuer reicher Fundort fossiler Haifisch- 
zibne. Féldtani Kézlény (Geol. Mit- 
theil.), Budapest, 1903, 33, 139-164. 2 
pls. 1903.1 

—— Apré palaeontologiai kézlemén- 
yek (Kleine paliontologische Mitteilun- 
gen] Féldtani Kézlony (Geol. Mittheil.), 
Budapest, 1904, 34, 332-335; 365-368. 


Fossil fishes are noticed. 

Erganzungen zur Haifischfauna 
des untermediterriinen Sandsteines von 
Tornoez (Text in Hungarian) Foéldtani 
K6zlony, Budapest, 1904, 37, 202-203; 
274. 1904.2 

Fossile Haifischzihne und Siiuge- 
tierreste von FelsGesztergily, im Komi- 
tate Négrid. Féldtani Kézlény (Geol. 
Mittheil.), Budapest, 1904, 34, 190-203; 
260-274. pl. & 3 figs. 1904.3 

Die fossilen Fische des Beocsiner 
Cementmergels. Ann. Mus. Nat. Hun- 
garici, 1904, 2, 1-72. 7 pls. & 2 figs. 


Geologisches aus Siebenbiirgen 
(Text in Hungarian) Sitzber. Sieben- 
burg. Mus.-Ver., 1905, 27, 90-149. 

: 1905.1 

Notices of fossil fishes. 

Die fossilen Fische des Reocsiner 
Zementmergels. Math.-Nat. Ber. Un- 
garn, 1906, 23, 274-275. 1906.1 

Koch, Carl Ludwig [1778-1857] Fau- 
naratisbonensis. Regensburg, 1840. 8°. 
. 1840.1 
Faunal list of fishes. 

_ Koch, Charles. Statement concern- 
ing the menhaden fishery. Rept. U. S. 

Fish Comm. 1877 (1879), 5, 482. 

Ueber ein gehiuftes Vorkommen 
von Wirbelsiiulenverkriimmungen bei 
Fischen. Berlin. Klin. Wochenschr., 
1912, 49, 323-324. 1912.2 

Kochetov, \V. A. Untersuchungen 
iiber das Pigment-Epithel der Retina im 
Zusammenhange mit der Frage iiber die 
Teilung der Zellen. Vorliufige Mittei- 
lung Text in Russian) Trav. Soc. 
Nat. St. Pétersb., 1908, 39 (C. R. livr. 
1), 166-167. pl. & fig. 1908.1 

Kochmann, WV. Beitrige zur Phar- 
makologie der Mischnarkose. I. Wir- 
kung von Narcoticagemischen auf poiki- 
lotherme Wasserthiere. Zeitschr. Ex- 
per. Path. Berlin, 1913, 12, sei 


Kochs, W. Ueber die Ursachen der 
Schidigung der Fischbestiinde im stren- 
gen Winter. Biol. Centralbl., 1891, 11, 
498-508. 1891.1 

Ueber die Vorgiinge beim Ein- 
frieren von Tieren und Pflanzensamen. 
Biol. Centralbl., 1892, 12. 1892.1 

Versuche iiber die kiinstliche 
Vermehrung kleiner Crustaceen. Biol. 
Centralbl., 1892, 12. 1892.2 

Koefoed, Hinar. Brislingen (The 
sprat) Rept. Norwegian Fishery «& 
Marine Investigations, 1909, 2, pt. 1, 
128-132. 1909.1 

Les poissons de la_ croisiére 
océanographique de la ‘‘ Belgica”’ dans 
la mer du Gronland, 1905. Bruxelles, 
1909. pl. 1909.2 

Koehler, Johann Jakob. Die alten- 
glischen Fischnamen. Anglistische For- 
schungen, 1906, Heft 21, 1-87. Also 
separate; Heidelberg, 1906. 87 p. 8°. 


Kohler, Karl Ernst [1765-1838] Der 
Fischfang der Alten und die Bereitung 
des “ Tarichos.” 

Not seen; title from V. Carus, in his Ge- 
schichte der Zoologie, 1872, p. 718. 

Keehler, René. Résultats scientifi- 
ques de la campagne du ‘“ Caudan” 
dans le golfe de Gaseogne, aotit—septem- 
bre, 1895. Poissons. Ann. Univ. Lyon, 
1896, 26, 475-526. 2 pls. 1896.1 

Kehler, René, & Bataillion, L. 
Observations sur les phénoménes karyo- 


kinétiques dans les cellules du blasto- 
derme des téléostéens. C. R. Acad. Sci. 
Paris, 1893, 117, 521-524. 1893.1 

Recherches sur l’extension du 
blastoderme et Jorientation de l’em- 
bryon dans |’ceuf des téléostéens. C. R. 
Acad. Sci. Paris, 1893, 117, 490-493. 
Kohler, Walther. Chromis multicolor 
Schoeller, ein Fisch, der seine Kier im 
Maule ausbriitet. Nerthus, 1903, 5. 
Jahrg., 821-823; 835-837. fig. 1903.1 

Blitzlichtaufnahmen —_ lebender 
Fische. Photogr. Rundschau, Halle, 
1904, 31-36.— Photogr. Centralbl., 
Halle, 1904, 10, 31-36. 1904.1 

‘ Neotroplus carpintis Jordan und 
Snyder. Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 
1905, 16. Jahrg., 393-395. 1905.1 

Nomenklaturfragen {betreffend 
Barbus pyrrhopterus, B. vittatus, und 
Lepidocephalichthys — guntert) Blatt. 
Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1905, 16. Jahrg., 
402-406; 415-416. 1905.2 

Osphromenus trichopterus (Pall.) 
var. cantoris Giinther. Blatt. Aquar.- 
Terrar. Kunde, 1905, 16. Jahrg., 501— 
505. 1905.3 

Zur Nomenklatur von Pecilia 
reticulata Peters. Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. 
Kunde, 1906, 17. Jahrg., 497-498. 


Beitriige zur Biologie der Ophio- 
cephalide (Schlangenkopftische) Blatt. 
Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1907, 18. Jahrg., 
13-16; 21-25. 1907.1 

—— Untersuchungen iiber das 
Schaumnest und den Schaumnestbau der 
Osphromeniden. Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. 
Kunde, 1908, 19. Jahrg., 382-384; 392- 
396. pl. 1908.1 

Etwas vom Steinbeisser (Cobitis 
tenia L.) Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 
1909, 20. Jahrg., 517-521. 2figs. 1909.1 

Weitere Mitteilungen iiber den 
Formenkreis des Girardinus reticulatus 
Pet. Blitt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 
1910, 21. Jahrg., 657-658. 1910.1 

Nordseefische, die sich zu Zucht- 
versuchen im Aquarium eignen. Blatt. 
Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1913, 24. Jahrg., 
214-216; 231-234. 2 figs. 1913.1 

Koelbel, Carl [— 1897] Ueber die 

Identitit des Gobius semilunaris Heck. 
und G. rubromaculatus Kriesch mit G. 


marmoratus Pallas. Verh. Zool.-Bot. 
Ges. Wien, 1874, 24, 569-574. 1874.1 

Kolliker, Rudolf Albert von [1817 —| 
Ueber das Geruchsorgan von Amphi- 
oxus. Arch. Anat. (Miiller), 1843, 32- 
35. figs. 1843.1 

Ueber die elektrischen Organe 
des Mormyrus longipinnis Riipp. Ber. 
Zool. Anst. Wiirzburg, 1849. 1849.1 

Zur Entwickelungsgeschichte der 
Fische. Zeitschr. Wiss. Zool., 1850, 2, 
267-270. 1850.1 

Bau von Leptocephalus und 
Helmichthys. Zeitschr. Wiss. Zool., 
1853, 4, 360-366. 1853.1 

Weitere Bemerkungen iiber die 

Helmichthyiden. Verh. Phys. Med. 
Ges. Wiirzburg, 1853, 4, Heft 1, 100-102. 

Notiz iiber die electrischen Ner- 
ven des Malapterurus. Verh. Phys. 
Med. Ges. Wiirzburg, 1854, 4, 102-103. 


Sur la terminaison des nerfs dans 
Vorgane électrique de la torpille. C. R 
Acad. Sci. Paris, 1856, 48, 792-794. — 
Verh. Phys. Med. Ges. Wiirzburg, 1857, 
8, Heft 1, 2-12. 1856.1 

Allgemeine Bemerkungen tiber 
Porenkanile in Zellmembranen; Nach- 
schrift zu Leuckart’s Nachweis von Por- 
enkaniilchen in den Epidermiszellen von 
Ammoccetes. - Verh. Phys. Med. Ges. 
Wiirzburg, 1857, 7, 195-198. 1857.1 

Nervenkérperchen in der Haut 
von Stomias barbatus. Verh. Phys. Med. 
Ges. Wiirzburg, 1857, 8, Heft 1, 28-31. 
fig. 1857.2 

On the different types in the 
microscopic structure of the skeleton of 
osseous fishes. Proc. Roy. Soc. London, 
1857, 9, 656-668.— Ann. Mag. Nat. 
Hist., 1859, 3. ser. 4, 67-77. 1857.3 

Sur l'appareil folliculaire ner- 
veux de Savi. Verh. Phys. Med. Ges. 
Wiirzburg, 1857, 8, Heft 1, 26-28. 
Ueber die Ausbreitung der Ner- 
ven in der Geruchsschleimhaut von 
Plagiostomen. Verh. Phys. Med. Ges. 
Wiirzburg, 1857, 8, Heft 1, 31-37. 


Ueber das Schwanzorgan der 
gewohnlichen Rochen. Verh. Phys. 
Med. Ges. Wiirzburg, 1857, 8, Heft_1, 
12-25. fig. 1857.6 


Kolliker, PR. A. 

Ueber das Schwanzorgan der 

Zitterrochen. Verh. Phys. Med. Ges. 

Wiirzburg, 1857, 8, Heft 1, 25-26. 

Vorlaiufige Mittheilung tiber den 
Bau des Riickenmarks bei niederen 
Wirbelthieren. Zeitschr. Wiss. 
1858, 9, 1-11. 

Fische, p. 9-11. 


On the different types in the 
microscopic structure of the skeleton of 
osseous fishes. Proc. Roy. Soc. London, 
1859, 9, 656-668. 1859.1 

Ueber verschiedene Typen in der 
mikroskopischen Structur des Skelettes 
der Knochenfische. Verh. Phys. Med. 
Ges. Wiirzburg, 1859, 9, 257-271; Ann. 
Mag. Nat. Hist., 1859, 3. ser. 4, 67-77. 


Histologisches tiber Rhinocryp- 
tis (Lepidosiren) annectens Pet. Wiurz- 
burg. Naturw. Zeitschr., 1860, 1, eat 

On the structure of the Chorda 
dorsalis of the Plagiostomes and some 
other fishes, and on the relation of its 
proper sheath to the development of the 

vertebre. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1860, 
3. ser. 5, 323-329.— Proc. Roy. Soc. 
London, 1860, 10, 214-222. 1860.2 

— Ueber das Ende der Wirbel- 
siule der Ganoiden und einiger Teleos- 
tier. Leipzig, 1860. 27 p. 4 pls. 8°. 

Ueber den Antheil der Chor- 
dascheide an der Bildung des Schidel- 
grundes der Squalide. Wiirzburg. 
Naturw. Zeitschr., 1860, 1, 97-105. — 
Notizen (Froriep), 1861, 3,15. 1860.4 

Ueber den Bau der Sage des 
Sagefisches (Pristis!) Wirzburg. Na- 
turw. Zeitschr., 1860, 1, 144-149. 


Ueber den Inhalt der Schleim- 
sicke der Myxinoiden und die Epi- 
dermis der Neunaugen. Wiirzburg. 
Naturw. Zeitschr., 1860, 1, 1-10. 1860.6 

Ueber die Beziehungen der 
Chorda dorsalis zur Bildung der Wirbel 
der Selachier und einiger andern Fische. 
Verh. Phys. Med. Ges. Wiirzburg, 1860, 
10, 193-243. 1860.7 

Ueber die Knochen von Ortha- 
goriscus. Verh. Phys. Med. Ges. Wiirz- 
burg, 1860, 10, xxxviii. 1860.8 



Weitere Beobachtungen iiber die 

Wirbel der Selachier, insbesondere iiber 
die Wirbel der Lamnoidei, nebst allge- 
meinen Bemerkungen iiber die Bildung 
der Wirbel der Plagiostomen. Abhl. 
Senckenberg. Naturf. Ges., 1864-65, 5, 
51-99. Also separate; Frankfurt a. M., 

1864. 5lp. 4°. 1864.1 

Festschrift. A. von Kolliker zur 
Feier seines siebenzigsten Geburtstages 
gewidmet von seinen Schiilern. Leipzig, 
1887. See Gegenbaur, C., & one 


Koelpin, Alexander Bernhard {1739— 
1801] Anmarkningar vid svard-fiskens 
(Xiphias]} anatomie och naturalhistoria. 
K. Svensk. Vetensk. Akadem. Handling. 
1770, 32, 7-18. Ibid., 1771, 33, 115-121, 


Koelreuter, Joseph Gottlieb [1733- 
1866] Piscium variorum e Museo Pe- 
tropolitano excerptorum descriptiones. 
Nov. Comment. Acad. Petropol., 1761, 
8, 404-430. 17612 

13 species of fishes are described. 

Descriptio piscis e Gadorum 
genere, Russi Nawaga dicti, historico- 
anatomica. Nov. Comment. Acad. 
Petropol., 1769, 14, 484-497. pl. 1769.1 

Descriptio Cyprini rutili, quem 
Halawel Russi vocant, historico-anato- 
mica. Nov. Comment. Acad. Petropol., 
1770, 15, 494-503. pl. 1770.1 

—— Descriptio piscis, e Coregonorum 
genere, russice Sig vocati, historico- 
anatomico (Coregonus lavaretus} Nov. 
Comment. Acad. Petropol., ee 15, 
504-516. 1770.2 

Observationes _ splanchnologice 
ad Acipensert ruthent L., anatomi spec- 
tantes. Nov. Comment. Acad. Petro- 
pol., 1771, 16, 511-524. pil. ight 

Continuatio ad auditus organum 
spectantem. Nov. Comment. Acad. Pe- 
tropol., 1772, 17, 522-541. 2 pl. 1772.1 

Descriptio piscis e Coregonorum 
genere, russice Riapache dicti, historico- 
anatomico [Salmo albula} Nov. Com- 
ment. Acad. Petropol., 1773, 18, Hist., 
47; Mem., 503-511. Ibid., 19, Hist., 40; 
Mem., 304. 1773.1 

Descriptio Pleuronecii flesi et 
passeris L. historico-anatomica. Nova 
Acta Acad. Petropol., 1791, 9, 327-350. 

Koelreuter, Joseph Theophilus. See 
Koelreuter, Joseph Gottlieb. 




Koelsch, Adolf. Ichthyologische Um- 
schau. Kosmos, poublizant, 1908, 5, 129- 
132. fig. - 1908.1 

Koenen, Adolf von [1837-1915] Ueber 

Coccosteus (Brachydirus) birkensis. Zeit- 
schr. Deutsch. Geol. Ges., 1876, 28, 
667-668. 1876.1 

Ueber Coccosteus-Arten aus dem 
Devon von Birken. Zeitschr. Deutsch. 
Geol. Ges., 1880, 32, 673-675. 1880.1 

Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Pla- 
codermen des norddeutschen Oberde- 
von’s. Abh. Ges. Wiss. Géttingen, 1883, 
30, 1-41. 4 pls. 1883.1 

Ueber eine paleociine Fauna von 
Kopenhagen [Pisces] Abh. Ges. Wiss. 
Géttingen, 1885, 32; 111-116. pl. & 8 

figs. 1885.1 
Coccosteus decipiens. Geol. Mag. 
1890, 3. dec. 7, 191. 1890.1 

Discusses the eee presence of a pectoral 
spine in this form. 

Hat Coeccosteus vordere Ruder- 
organe? Neues Jahrb. Mineral., 1890, 
2, pt. 2, 198. 1890.2 

Ueber einige Fischreste des nord- 
deutschen und bédhmischen Devons. 
Abhl. Ges. Wiss. Géttingen, 1895, 40, 
no. 2, 1-37. 5 pls. 1895.1 

Koenig, Alexander Ferdinand [1858 
—] Die Entwicklung des Aales. Mitth. 
Sect. Naturk. Oesterr. Touristen-Club, 
1898, 10. Jahrg., 53-56. fig. 1898.1 

Konig, Clemens. Der Dorschfang 
auf die Lofoten. Dresden, 1895. 8°. 

Die geographische Verbreitung 
des australischen Lungenfisches. Nat. 
Wochenschr., Jena, 1911, 26, 104-107. 
fig. 1911.1 

Konig, Joseph, & Hiinnemeier, B. 
Ueber den niedrigsten fiir das Leben der 
Fische nothwendigen Sauerstoffgehalt 

des Wassers. Zeitschr. Untersuch. 
Nahrungs-Genussmit., Berlin, 1901, 4, 
385-391. 1901.1 

Konig, Joseph, Thienemann, Aw- 
gust, & Limprich, Der Einfluss 
des Futterfettes auf das Kérperfett der 
Karpfen. Zeitschr. Untersuch. Nahr- 
ungs-Genussmit., Berlin, 1912, 23, 177— 
197. > 1912.1 

Koenig-Warthausen, (Fretherr) 
Richard von. Naturwissenschaftlicher 
Jahresbericht fiir 1893. Jahreshefte Ver. 

Vaterl. Naturk. Wiirttemberg, 1896, 41, 
163-164. 1896.1 
Teleosts, p. 163-164. 

: Zur Fischkrankheit. 
Isis (Russ), 1877, 2. Jahrg., 175. 1877.1 

Ko6nnen die Fische héren? (In 
Beitrage zur Ohrenheilkunde, Festschrift 
fiir A. Lucas, p. 938-127. Berlin, 1905) 

Abstracts in Ber. Senckenberg. Nat: Ges. 
Frankfurt a. M., 1908, 110-111. — Arch. Hy- 
drobiol., Stuttgart, 2, 9-20. 

Koerting, Berthold. Ornamental 
fishes. Suggestions for the aquarium. 
Scient. Amer. Suppl., 1909, 68, 92-93. 
11 figs. 1909.1 

— Ueber Zierfische. Prometheus, 
1909, 20, 497-502. 11 figs. 1909.2 

Kostler, Max. Ueber Knochenver- 
dickungen am Skelette von Knochen- 
fischen. Zeitschr. Wiss. Zool., 1882, 37, 
429-456. pil. 1882.1 

Kostlin, Otto [1818-1884] Der Bau 
des knéchernen Kopfes in den vier Klas- 
sen der Wirbelthiere. Stuttgart, 1844. 

Korner, Otto. 

xe H0GPp:. plss 18a: 1844.1 

Fischzucht im grossen. Jahresh. 
Ver. Vaterl. Naturk. Wiirttemberg, 
1854, 10, 176-193. 1854.1 

Kottgen, Else, & Abelsdorff, Georg. 
Die Arten des Sehpurpurs in der Wirbel- 
thierreihe. Sitzber. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, 
1895, 921-926. 1895.1 

Visual purple in teleosts. 

Kottl, Johann. Transportirung der 
edleren Speisefische. Deutsch. Fischerei 
Zeitg., 1878, 1. Jahrg., 390-391. soni 


Zur Entwicklung der Aesche 
(Thymallus vulgaris} Deutsch. Fischerei 
Zeitg., 1878, 1. Jahrg., 241. 1878.2 

Die Bewirthschaftung der Fisch- 

wasser. Oestter.-ungar. Fischerei Zeitg., 
1880, 13. 1880.1 
Kofoid, Charles Atwood [1865 —] 

Notes on thie natural history of Polyo- 

don. Science, 1900, n. s. 11, 250-25 se 
Life history of the eel. Amer. 
Naturalist, 1908, 42, 491-496. 13 figs. 
Kohaut, Rezsé. <A pisztring faldénk- 
sdigdrél (U ‘eber die Fressgier der Forelle} 
Természet. K6zl., Budapest, 1906, 38, 
637. 1906.1 


Kohl, Carl. Einige Bemerkungen 
iiber Sinnesorgane des Amphioxus lance- 
olatus. Zool. Anz., 1890, 18, 182-185. 


Das Auge von Petromyzon pla- 

neri und von Myzxine glutinosa. Leipzig, 
1892. 8°. 1892.1 

Rudimentire Wirbeltieraugen. 
Teil I. Bibliot. Zool., Cassel, 1892, 
Heft 13. Teil Il. Jbid., 1895, Heft 14. 
Teil III. Zusammenfassung, [bid., 181— 
274. 1895.1 

Kohl, Johann Georg [1808-1878] Der 
Schellfischfang von Norderney (In 
his Nordwestdeutsche Skizzen, 1864, Bd. 
li, p. 371-391) 1864.1 

Kohl-Jakimova, Nina, & Jakimov, 
Vasimir D. See Jakimov & Kohl- 

Kohn, Alfred. Die Nebenniere der 
Selachier nebst Beitragen zur Kenntniss 
der Morphologie der Wirbelthierneben- 
niere im Allgememen. Arch. Mikr. 
Anat., Bonn, 1898, 53, 281-312. pil. 


; Die chromaftinen Zellen des 
Sympathicus. Anat. Anz., 1899, 15, 
393-400. 1899.1 

Cells of supravenal bodies of selachians. 

Koike, /zuwo. Ueber die Schlagfolge 
des elektrischen Organes des Zitter- 
welses. Zeitschr. Biol., 1910, 54, 431— 
454. pl. & 12 figs. 1910.1 

Koken, Ernst (Friedrich Rudolf Karl) 
[1860-1912] For biographical notice see 
Pompeckj, J. F. Ernst Koken, mit 
einem Portrait. Paleontogr., 1913, 59, 

Ueber Fisch-Otolithen, insbe- 
sondere iiber diejenigen der nord- 
deutschen Oligocin-Ablagerungen. Zeit- 
schr. Deutsch. Geol. Ges., 1884, 36, 500— 
565. 4 pls. 1884.1 

—— Neue Untersuchungen an tertiii- 
ren Fisch-Otolithen. Zeitschr. Deutsch. 

Geol. Ges., 1888, 40, 274-305. 3 pls. 
—— Fossile Fisch-Otolithen. Sitzber. 

Ges. Naturf. Freunde Berlin, 1889, 117— 
121. 1889.1 

Pleuracanthus Ag. oder. Xena- 

canthus Beyr. Sitzber. Ges. Naturf. 
Freunde Berlin, 1889, 77-94. 5 figs. 


(Referat iiber von  Ihering’s 
“ Bemerkungen iiber die zoologisch- 
systematische Bedeutung ‘der Fisch- 

Otolithen] Sitzber.Ges. Naturf. Freunde - 

Berlin, 1891, 26-28. 1891.1 

Helicoprion im Productus-Kalk 
der Saltrange. Centralbl. Mineral., 
Stuttgart, 1901, 225-227. fig. 1901.1 

——— Ueber Hybodus. Geol. Palzeon- 
tol. Abh., 1907, n. s. 5, pt. 4, 261-276. 
4 pls. 1907.1 
(editor) Pisces (In Zittel, K. A. 
von. Grundziige der Paliontologie. 
Zweite Abteilung. Vertebrata. 2. ed., 
p. 3-142. Miinchen & Berlin, 1911. 8°) 


Kolb, Wax. Die Fische in Bezug auf 
ihren Nutzen und Handel. Zeitschr. 
Landw. Ver. Bayern., 1868, 58. Jahrg., 
177-183. 1868.1 

Kolessnikow, \V. Ueber die Eient- 
wickelung bei Batrachiern und Knoch- 
enfischen. Arch. Mikr. Anat., 1878, 15, 
382-414. pil. 1878.1 

Kolff, Wilhemina M. Sulla fisiologia 
del cuore dei pesci teleostei. Rend. 
Acead. Lincei, Roma, 1907, 5. ser. 16, 
pt. 2, 479-499. 5 figs. 1907.1 

Sur la physiologie du coeur des 
poissons téléostéens. Arch. Ital. Biol., 
1907, 48, 337-351. 5 figs. 1907.2 

Untersuchungen iiber die Herz- 
taitigkeit bei Teleostiern. Arch. Ges. 
Physiol., 1908, 122, 37-97. 28 figs. 
Kolikov, \V. K. Die Entwicklung des 
Neunaugenkopfes (Petromyzon planerz) 
Beitrag zur Lehre von der Metamerie des 
Vertebratenkopfes [Text in Russian} 
Zap. Univ. (Otd. Jest. Istor.), Moskva, 
1901, 16, 395-400. 7 pls. 1901.1 

Kollbrunner, #. Erhebungen iiber 
die Fischfauna und die hierauf beziig- 
lichen Verhiltnisse der Gewasser des 
Kantons Thurgau. Mitth. Thurgau- 
ischen Naturf. Ges., 1879, Heft.4, 3-104. 

Die Thurgauische Fischfauna 
und beziigliche Gewiisserverhiltnisse. 
Frauenfeld, 1879. 102 p. 8°. 1879.2 

Koller, Die heurige Diirre und 
die Forellengewiisser (n. p.) 1905. 
Kollmann, Hugene. Sur quelques 
résultats des recherches entreprises par 
l Association Internationale pour l’ex- 
ploration de la mer du Nord. Rey. 
Scient., 1909, 5. sér. 10, 141-145. 1909.1 



Kollmann, J. Der Mesoblast und 
die Entwicklung der Gewebe bei den 

Wirbelthieren. Biol. Centralbl., 1883, 
3, no. 24. "1883.1 
Der Bandwulst und der Ur- 

sprung der Stiitzsubstanz. Arch. Anat. 
Physiol. (Abth. Anat.), 1884, 341-434; 
461-465. 3 pls. 1884.1 

Gemeinsame —Entwicklungs- 
Bahnen der Wirbelthiere. Arch. Anat. 
Physiol. (Abth. Anat.), 1885, 279-306. 
pl. 1885.1 

Die Geschichte des 


streifens bei den Meroblastiern. Verh. 
Naturf. Gesell. Basel, 1886, Theil 8, 
Heft 1. 1886. 1 

Ueber Furchung an dem Sela- 
chier-Ei. Verh. Naturf. Ges. Basel, 
1886, 8, 103-105. 1886.2 

Kolmer, Walther. Ueber das Ver- 
halten der Neurofibrillen an der Peri- 

pherie (Die Riechzellen der Fische auf 
das Verhalten der Neurofibrillen hin un- 
tersucht] Anat. Anz., 1905, 26, 560— 
569. 8 figs. 1905.1 

s Riickenmarks 
von Ammoccetes. Anat. Hefte, 1905, 
29, 163-213. 9 pls. 1905.2 

—— Zur Kenntnis der Riechepithe- 
lien. Anat. Anz., 1907, 30, 513-517. 
fig. 1907.1 

Ueber einen sekretartigen Be- 
standteil der Stabchenzapfenschicht der 
Wirbeltierretina. Vorliufige Mitteilung. 
Arch. Gesam. Physiol., Bonn, 1909, 129, 
35-45. pl. 1909.1 

Ueber Strukturen im Epithel der 
Sinnesorgane. Anat. Anz., 1910, 36, 
281-299. pl. & 3 figs. 1910.1 

Ueber das Ligamentum annulare 
in der vorderen Kammer des Auges von 
Anabas scandens. Anat. Anz., 1913, 44, 
183-186. 1913.1 

Kolombatovi¢é, Jwro (=George) Os- 
servazioni sul lavoro di M. Stossich dal 
titolo: “ Prospetto della fauna dei ver- 
tebrati dell’ Adriatico.”” Spalato, 1880. 


Pesci delle acque di Spalato e 
catalogo degli anfibi e dei rettili dei con- 
torni di Spalato. Spalato, 1881. 1881.1 

Fische welche in den Gewiissern 
von Spalato beobachtet und iiberhaupt 
im Adriatischen Meere registrirt wur- 
den. Spalato, 1882. 1882.1 


Mammiferi, anfibi e rettili della 
Dalmazia, e pesci rari e nuovi per |’ Adri- 
atico che furono catturati nelleacque de 
Spalato. Spalato, 1882. 35 p. 8°. 

Aggiunte ai “ Vertebrati’’ pub- 
blicati nei programmi degli anni scolas- 
tici 1879-82. Spalato, 1884. 28 p. 8°. 

Secunda aggiunta ai ‘ Verte- 
brati”’ della Dalmazia.  Splitu, Sere 
8°. 1885. 

Imenik kraljeSnka Dalmacije 
(On the reptiles, batrachians, and fishes 
of Dalmatia} Spalato, 1886. 12 p. 8°. 

Sui Pleuronectes boscit Risso e P. 
megastoma (Donov.) Godisnje izojesce 
C. K. Velike Realke u Splitu, 1887, 27— 
‘33. Also separate; Spalato, 1887. 


Catalogus vertebratorum Dal- 
maticorum. Spalati, 1888. 1888.1 

— Gobii della Dalmazia. 


Notizie sui pesci del circondario 
marittimo di Spalato (Dalmazia) Glas- 
nik Naray. Druztva, Zagreb, 1891, 6, 
172-186. 1891. 

Vertebrati della Dalmazia. Spa- 
lato, 1891. 1891.5 

Blennius zvonimirt, D. sp., nova 
yrsta babice dalmatinskoga mora. Glas- 
nik Narav. Druztva, Zagreb, 1892, 7, 
107-112. pil. 1892.1 

Novi nadodatei kraljeSnjacima 
Dalmacije. Spalato, 1893. 27 p. 8°. 

O navodima vrsti meci (Cepha- 
lopoda) i kralje’njaké (Vertebrata) 
jadranskoga mora. Spalato, sere A 


—— Druge zoologiske vijesti iz Dal- 
maciji. Spalato, 1900. 34 p. 8°. 

Contribuzioni alla fauna dei ver- 
tebrati della Dalmatia. Glasnik Narav. 
Druztva, Zagreb, 1902, 13, 22-37. pl. 

Ibid., 1904, 15, 182-200. Ibid., 1907, 
19, 1-24. 1902.1 

Kolombatovié, Georg, & Stein- 
dachner, Franz. See Steindachner 

«& Kolombatovic. 




Kolster, (Karl Fredrik) Rudolf. Stu- 
dien iiber das centrale Nervensystem, 
1898-1902. 1898.1 

I. Ueber das Riickenmark emiger Teleostier. 
Acta Soc. Sci. Fenn. Helsingfors, 1898, 24, 1-88. 
9 pls. 

ne Zur Kenntniss der Nervenzellen von 
Petromyzon fluviatilis. Ibid., 1902, 29, no. 2, 
1-93. 6 pls. 

Ueber bemerkenswerte Ganglien- 
zellen im Riickenmark von Perca fluvia- 
tilis, Anat. Anz., 1898, 14, 250-253. 
figs. 1898.2 

Ueber die Mauthner’schen Fa- 
sern einiger Teleostier. Verh. Anat. 
Ges., Anat. Anz., 1898, 14, 145-148. 


Beitrige zur Kenntniss der His- 
togenese der peripheralen Nerven, nebst 
Bemerkungen iiber die Regeneration 
derselben nach Verletzungen. Beitr. 
Anat. Allgem. Pathol., 1899, 26, 190— 
201. pl. 1899.1 

Studier 6fver protoplasmastruk- 
turer i spinalganglieceller. Finska Li- 
karesillsk. Handl., 1899, 41, 552-598. 

French résumé, p. xlii—xlvi. 

Ueber das Vorkommen von Zen- 
tralk6rpern in den Nervenzellen von 
Cottus scorpius. Anat. Anz., 1900, 17, 
172-173. figs. 1900.1 

Ueber die Embryotrophe, spe- 
ziell bei Zoarces viviparus Cuv. (In 
Festschrift Palmén, 1905, no. 4, p. 146. 
5 pls.) 1905.1 

Ueber die Magenschleimhaut 
von Centrophorus granulosus. Anat. 
Hefte, 1907, 33, 1. Abth., 491-511. 2 
pls. 1907.1 

Weitere Beitrige zur Kenntnis 
der Embryotrophe. I. Die Embryotro- 
phe bei den Lophobranchiern. Anat. 
Hefte, Wiesbaden, 1907, 34, 1. Abth., 
401-428. 2 pls. 1907.2 

Koltz, Jean Pierre Joseph [1827 —] 
Traité de pisciculture: multiplication 
artificielle des poissons. 2e éd. Bru- 
xelles, 1858. illust. 160 p. 12°. (Bibl. 
rurale, vol. xxxix) 1858.1 

The same. 3.ed. Paris, 1866. 12°. 

The artificial propagation of fish. 
Rept. U. 8. Fish Comm. 1880 (1883), 
8, 491-519. 27 figs. 1883.1 

Traité de pisciculture pratique, 
ou Les procédés de multiplication et 
d’incubation naturelle et artificielle des 
poissons d’eau douce. 4. ed. Paris, 
1883. 8°. 1883.2 

Koltzoff, V. K. Das primiire Skelet 
der Bauchflossen der Teleostier. Bull. 
Soc. Imp. Nat. Moscou, 1896, 514-521. 
12 figs. 1896.1 

Metamerie des Kopfes von Petro- 
myzon planert. Vorliufige Mitteilung. 
Anat. Anz., 1899, 16, 510-523. 3 figs. 

—— Entwickelungsgeschichte des 
Kopfes von Petromyzon planeri. Bull. 

Soc. Imp. Nat. Moscou, 1901 (1902), 
259-589. 7 pls. & 3 figs. Also separate; 
Moscow, 1901. 395p. 8°. 1902.1 

Literature references are found at p. 259. 

Koninck, Laurent (Guillaume, de 
[1809-1887] Description des animaux 
fossiles qui se trouvent dans le terrain 
carbonifére de Belgique. Liége, 1842— 
44. iv, 716 p. & atlas of 60 pls. 4°. 


Poissons, p. 608-618. pl. liv [erroneously 

marked pl. liiij 

Mémoires de paléontologie Nos. 
i-vill. Bruxelles, 1857-58 (-71) 82 p. 
5 pls. 8°: 1857.1 

Under the above collective title are included 
the following ichthyological papers, reprinted 
from Bull. Acad. Roy. Belg., 1864-70: 

iv. Notice sur le Paledaphus insignis, par 
e J. van Beneden et L. de Koninck. Bull. 1864, 
Eb © 

vii. Notice sur un nouveau genre de poissons 
fossiles ,Ankistrodus] de la craie supérieure. 
Bull. 1870, 30, 27-28 (See following titie) 

Notice sur un nouveau genre de ~ 
poissons fossiles de la craie supérieure 
tAnkistrodus} Bull. Acad. Sei. Roy. 
Bruxelles, 1870, 2. ser. 29, 75-79. Ibid., 
1870, 30, 27-28. — Journ. Zool. (Ger- 
vais), 1872, 1, 394-396. figs. 1870.1 

Faune du caleaire carbonifére de 
la Belgique; premiére partie. Ann. 
Mus. Roy. Hist. Nat. Belgique, 1878, 2, 
1-152. 31 pls. 1878.1 

Pt. 1. Poissons et genre Nautile, p. 9-76. 
8 pls. 

Koninck, Laurent Guillaume) de, & 
Beneden, P. J. van. See Beneden & 

Koningsberger, J. C. Verslag over 
visscherij in Nederlandsch Indie. Jaarb. 
Dept. Landbouw Nederl. Indie, Batavia, 
1907, 51-62. 1907.1 

Konnertz, A. Entwickelung der 
Jungfische bei Hemichromis bimaculatus. 
Wochenschr. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 
1913, 10. Jahrg., 941-942. 3 figs. 1913.1 

Kopal, Gustav. Kieler Biicklinge. 
Gartenlaube, Leipzig, 1878, no. 6, ia 


Koppen, Hermann. Ueber Epithe- 
lien mit netzférmig angeordneten Zellen 
und iiber die Flossenstacheln von Spinax 
niger. Zool. Jahrb. (Anat. Abth.), 1901, 
14, 477-522. 3 pls. & figs. 1901.1 

Kopsch, Friedrich. Oberfliichenbil- 
der des sich entwickelnden Forellen- 
keimes.. Verh. Anat. Ges., Anat. Anz., 
1894, 10, 60-66. fig. 1894.1 

Ueber Bildung und Bedeutung 
des Canalis neurentericus. Sitzber. Ges. 
Naturf. Freunde Berlin, 1896, 165-175. 
Ibid., 1897, 5-13. figs. 1896.1 

i. Amphibien, Selachier, Knochenfische. 
ii. Amphioxus, Tunicaten. 

Experimentelle Untersuchungen 
iiber den Keimhautrand der Salmoniden. 
Verh. Anat. Ges., Anat. Anz., 1896, 12, 
113-121. 10 figs. 1896.2 

Ueber die Ei-Ablage von Scyl- 
lium. canicula in dem Aquarium der 
zoologischen Station zu Rovigno. Biol. 
Centralbl., 1897, 17, 885-893. 3 figs. 


Die Entwicklung der ‘usseren 

Form des Forellen-Embryos. Arch. 
Mikr. Anat., 1898, 51, 181-213. 2 pls. 

Experimentelle Untersuchungen 
am Primitivstreifen des Hiithnchens und 
an Seylium-Embryonen. Verh. Anat. 
Ges., Anat. Anz., 1898, 14, 49-67. 10 
figs. — Discussion, 79-80. 1898.2 

Gemeinsame Entwickelungsfor- 
men bei Wirbeltieren und Wirbellosen. 
Verh. Anat. Ges., Anat. Anz., 1898, 14, 
67-80. 183 figs. 1898.3 

Die Organisation der Hemidi- 
dymi und Anadidymi der Knochenfische 
und ihre Bedeutung fiir die Theorien 
iiber Bildung und Wachstum des Knoch- 
enfischembryos. Zugleich ein Beitrag 
zur Differenzierungsfaihigkeit embryo- 
naler Zellen. Intern. Monatsschr. Anat. 
Physiol., 1899, 16, 221-267. 2 pls. & 
4 figs. 1899.1 

Homologie und phylogenetische 

Bedeutung der Kupffer’schen Blase. 
Anat. Anz., 1900, 17, 497-509. 1900.1 
Die Entstehung des Dotter- 

sackentoblasts und die Furchung bei 

Belone acus. Intern. Monatsschr. Anat. 

Physiol., 1901, 18, 43-127. 34 figs. 

Art, Ort und Zeit der Entste- 
hung des Dottersackentoblasts bei ver- 



schiedenen Knochenfischarten. Intern. 
Monatsschr. Anat. Physiol., 1902, 20, 
101-124. 15 figs. 1902.1 

Ueber die kiinstliche Befruch- 
tung der Eier von Cristiceps argentatus. 
Sitzber. Ges. Naturf. Freunde Berlin, 
1902, 33-36. 1902.2 

Untersuchungen iiber Gastrula- 
tion und Embryobildung bei den Chor- 
daten. Morphologische Bedeutung des 
Keimhautrandes und die Embryobil- 
dung bei der Forelle. Leipzig, 1904. 
iv, 166 p. 10 pls. & I8 figs. 4°. 1904.1 
Die Entstehung des Dottersack- 
entoblast und die Furchung bei der 
Forelle (Salmo fario) Arch. Mikr. Anat., 
1911, 78, Abth. 1, 618-659. 16 figs. 
Kopsch, Friedrich, & Hilgendorf, 

Franz Martin. See Hilgendorf «& 
Kopsch, H. Fish-culture in China. 

Forest & Stream, 1875, 5, 259. 1875.1 

Notes on pisciculture in Kiangsi. 
Rept. U.S. Fish Comm. 1873-75 (1876), 
3, 543-547. 1876.1 

Koraes jor Corais or Coray) Ada- 

mantios |1748-1833]  Graeecxe  biblio- 
thecee appendix. 9 vols. in 6. Paris, 
1809-27. 8°. 1809.1 

Vol. 111. Xenocrates: 

Eevoxpatovs kat Vadjnvov epi THs amo Two 
evudpev tpodns. ‘ImmoKpatovs wept acpwr, vdaTwr, 

An important commentary on the writings 
of Nenocrates and Galen, in which the names of 
fishes mentioned by these authors and by Hip- 
pocrates are considered. 

Koranyi, A. Beitriige zur Entwicke- 
lung der Krystallinse bei den Wirbel- 
thieren. Intern. Journ. Anat. Histol., 
1886, 3, 229-238. 1886.1 

Fishes, p. 235-237. 

_ Koren, Johan, & Diiben, M. von. 
See Diiben & Koren. 

Korff, K. von. 
derer Wirbeltiere. 
128-136. pl. 

Kornhuber, G. Andrds. Beitrag zur 
Kenntniss der Fische im Waag-Gebiet. 
Verh. Ver. Naturk. Presburg, 1860, 
40-44. IJbid., 1861, lv—Ivi. 1860.1 

— Bemerkungen iiber das Vorkom- 
men der Fische um Presburg und an 
einigen anderen Orten Ungarns. Cor- 
respbl. Ver. Naturk. Presburg, 1863, 2. 
Jahrg., 205-213. 1863.1 

Zur Histogenese der 
Stiitzsubstanzen nie- 
Anat. Anz., 1910, 37, 




Kornhuber, G. A. 

Der Thebener Kabel. Ein Bei- 
trag zu seiner Naturgeschichte. Verh. 
Ver. Nat.-Heilk. Presburg, 1899, n. s. 
10, 57-97. 1899.1 

Hochzeitskleid bei einheimischen 
Fischen. Verh. Ver. Nat.-Heilk. Pres- 
burg, 1900, 20, 84-85. 1900.1 

Erstaunliche Gefriissigkeit bei 
Fischen. Verh. Ver. Nat.-Heilk. Pres- 
burg, 1901, 21, 36-39. 1901.1 

Vom Scherg oder Sternhausen, 
Acipenser stellatus Pallas. Verh. Ver. 
Nat.-Heilk. Presburg, 1901, 21, 32-84. 

Vom Stein-Schnee und vom 
Stor Gmelin’s (Lucioperca volgensis und 
Acipenser gmelini) Verh. Ver. Nat.- 
Heilk. Presburg, 1901, 21, 39-41. 1901.3 

Vom Waxdick, Acipenser gluden- 
stadti Brandt. Verh. Ver. Nat.-Heilk. 
Presburg, 1901, 21, 30-32. 1901.4 

Korotnev, Alexis. Bericht an das 
Ministerium der Landwirthschaft und 
der Staatsdominen iiber die Thatigkeit 
der zoologischen Expedition auf dem 
Baikalsee im Sommer des Jahres 1902 
(Text in Russian] Moskva, 1902. 27 p. 
9 figs. 1902.1 

Rapport sur les résultats d’une 
expédition au lac Baikal pendant I’été 
de 1902. Apergu faunistique et spéciale- 
ment ichthyologique. Congr. Intern. 
Péche Piscicult. St. Pétersb., 1903, pt. 1, 

244-248. — Arch. Zool. Expér. Gén., 
4. sér. 2, 1-26. figs. — Rev. Intern. 
Péche Piscicult., 5, 4-9. 1903.1 

Ueber einen Baikalfisch (Come- 

phorus) Biol. Centralbl., 1904, 24, 641— 
644. 5 figs. 1904.1 

Die Comephoriden des Baikal- 
Sees. Wiss. Ergebn. Zool. Exped. 
Baikal See, 1905, 2. Lief. 39 p. 3 pls. 
& 19 figs. 1905.1 

Korpela, Johan Em. Eran Manty- 
harju. Fiskeritidskr. Finl., 1892, 2, 80. 


Korschelt, Hugen {1858 —} 

logie (In Handworterbuch der Natur- 
wissenschaften. 7 vols. Jena, 1912-14. 
illust. 8°) 1912.1 

Koschkarov, D. N. Beitrage zur 
Morphologie des Skelets der Teleostier. 
Das Skelet der Siluroidei. Bull. Soe. 
Nat. Moscou, 1905, 209-307. pl. & 72 
figs. 1905.1 

Koshida, Tokujiro. Report on the 
salmonid fishes of Kamtschatka (Text 
in Japanese] Rept. Fish. Instit., Tokyo, 
1910, 6, no. 2, 1-39. 9 pls. 1910.1 

Kosié, \V. B. Nova grada za dub- 

rovaéku nomenclatura i fauna riba, 
Glasnik Naravosl. DruZtva, Zagreb, 
1898, 10, 77-88. 1898.1 

Koskinen, }7jé. Kertomus himeen- 
kyr6n  pitijasti. Suomi, 1852, 11, 
17-116. map. 1852.1 

Kosmak, (George William. Dermal 

armor of the sturgeon. Journ. N. Y. 
Micr. Soc., 1895, 11, 1-21. 3 pls. 1895.1 

Koss, /?. A. Trout and trout cul- ~ 
ture. Bull. U.S. Fish Comm., 1883, 3, 
473-476. 1883.1 

Kossel, Albrecht. Ueber den einfach- 
sten Eiweisskérper (Preparation of a 
histon from Centrophorus] Biochem. 
Centralbl., 1907, 5, 35. 1907.1 

— Ueber eine neue Base aus dem 
Tierkérper. Sitzber. Heidelberg. Akad. 
Wiss., math.-nat. K1., 1910, Abh. 11, 
1-5. 1910.1 

Agmatin aus Heringshoden, 

Weitere Mittheilung iiber den 
Proteine der Fischspermien. {n. p.] 
1913. 1913.1 

Kossel, Albrecht, & Kutscher, F. 
Beitrige zur Kenntniss der Eiweiss- 
kérper. Zeitschr. Physiol. Chem., 1900, 
31, 165. 1900.1 

Contains account of preparation of Gadus 

Kossmann, Robby August [1849 —] 
Ueber die sogenannte Chorda des Am- 
phioxus. Wiirzburg, 1873. pl. 1873.1 

Bericht iiber eine im Auftrage 
der koniglichen Akademie der Wissen- 
schaften zu Berlin ausgefiihrte Reise in 
die Kiistengebiete des rothen Meeres zur 
Erforschung der dortigen Fauna der 
Wirbellosen. Verh. Nat.-Med. Ver. 
Heidelberg, 1877, n. s. 1, 140-151. 


Wissenschaftliche | Ergebnisse 
einer Reise in die Kiistengebiete des 
Rothen Meers im Auftrage der kénigli- 
chen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu 
Berlin ausgefiihrt von Robby Koss- 
mann. Erste Abtheilung. Verh. Nat.- 
Med. Ver. Heidelberg, 1877, 1, 378-420. 

Fische, von R. A. Kossmann und H. Rauber. 


gtr Py) 





List of fishes mostly from the 
Red sea which are offered for exchange 
‘(Text in German) Zool. Anz., 1879, 2, 
21-22. 1879.1 

Kossmann, Robby August, & Rau- 
ber, H. Pisces (In Zoologische Ergeb- 
nisse einer im Auftrage der kéniglichen 
Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Ber- 
lin ausgefiihrten Reise in die Kiisten- 
gebiete des Rothen Meeres. Leipzig, 
1877-80. 4°) 1877.1 

Kostanecki, A. Zur vergleichenden 
Morphologie des Blind-Darmes unter 
Beriicksichtigung seies Verhiltnisses 
zum Bauchfell. Anat. Hefte, 1913, 48, 
1. Abth., 307-388. pls. 1913.1 

Kotarbinksi, Huzebjusz. Manuel 
pour servir 4 la détermination des pois- 
sons de la Pologne /Text in Polish) 
Warszawa, 1909. 29p. 8°. 1909.1 

Kotschetow, \. A. 

Kouliabko, A. Notice biologique sur 
la lamproie (Petromyzon fluviatilis) 
(Text in Russian} Bull. Aead. Sei. St. 
Pétersb., 1897, 5. sér. 7, 27-28. 1897.1 

See Kochetov, 

_ Kouznetzoff, Jnnokintii Dmitrievich. 
See Kuznetzov, /. D. 

Kovalevski, Mieczyslav. Die Gas- 
trulation und die sogenannte AlJantois 
bei den Teleostiern. Sitzber. Soc. 
Physik.-Med. Erlangen, 1886, Heft 18, 
31-36. pl. 1886.1 

Ueber die ersten Entwickelungs- 
processe der Knochenfische. Zeitschr. 

Wiss. Zool., 1886, 43, 434-480. pls. 
Kovalevskii, Aleksandr Onufrievich 

[1840-1901] For biographical notice see 
that by E. Ray Lankester in Nature, 
1902, 66, 395. 

Le développement de VT Amphi- 
lanceolatus. Abstracts in Arch. 
Phys. Nat. Genéve, 1866, n. s. 27, 193- 
195. — Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1867, 
3. ser. 19, 69-70. 1866.1 

Entwickelungsgeschichte = von 
Amphiox us lanceolatus. Mém. Acad. 
Imp. Sci. St. Pétersb., 1867, 7. sér. 11, 
no. 4, 1-17. 3 pls. 1867.1 


Development of Acanthias vul- 
garis and Mustelus levis (Text in Rus- 

sian} Mém. Soc. Nat. Kiev, 1870, 1, 
163-187. 2 pls. 1870.1 

—— Weitere Studien iiber die Ent- 
wicklungsgeschichte des Amphioxus 
lanceolatus, nebst einem Beitrage zur 
Homologie des Nervensystems der Wiir- 
mer und Wirbelthiere. Arch. Mikr. 
Anat., 1877, 18, 181-204. 2 pls. 1877.1 

Kovalevskii, Aleksandr Onufrievitch, 
Ovsjannikov, Phillipp, & Wagner, 
Rudolf. Die Entwickelungsgeschichte 

der Store. Bull. Acad. Sei. St. Pétersb., 
1870, 14, 317-325. 7 figs. 1870.1 
Kozhevnikov, (Ghrighorii Aleksan- 

drovich [1866 —] Fischfang und Fisch- 
zucht auf der Weltausstellung 1900 in 
Paris (Text in Russian} Dnevn. Otd. 
Icht. Imp. R. ObSé. Acclim., Moskva, 
1901, 4, 109-120. 1901.1 

Die internationale Ausstellung 
fiir Fischerei und Fischzucht in Wien im 
Jahre 1902 (Text in Russian) Dnevn. 
Otd. Icht. Imp. R. Obsé. Acclim., 
Moskva, 1904, 2, pt. 3, 1-8. 1904.1 

Kozlov, D. Ueber die Pflege und 
Aufzucht von Danio rerio im Aquarium 
(Text in Russian} Akvarium, Moskva, 
1905, 1, 215-222. 1905.1 

Kozubov, V. Ueber die Fischzucht 
im Gouvernement Mogilev (Text in 
Russian} Dneyn. Otd. Icht. Imp. R. 
Obsé.. Acclim., Moskva, 1902, 7, 207— 
PA lay 1902.1 

Kracheninnikov, Stefan Petrovich 

[17138-1755] The history of 
schatka and the Kurilski islands, 
the countries adjacent. Translated into 
English by J. Grieve. Glouce&ter, 1764. 
vill, 280 p. 5pls.& 2maps. 4°. 1764.1 

La deseription du Kamtchatka 

.. . traduit du russe . . . (In Chappe 

d’Auteroche, J. Voyage en Sibérie, ete. 

vol. i. Paris, 1768. illust. 4°) 1768.1 
Poissons, p. 455-485. 


Kraemer, Adolph. Beitrige zur Ana- 
tomie und Histologie der Cestoden der 
Siisswasserfische. Zeitschr. Wiss. Zool., 

1892, 53, 647-722. 2 pls. 1892.1 

Ueber den inneren Bau 
Teenien der Siisswasserfische. 
Anz., 1892, 15, 14-18. 

Kramer, Augustin. Der Purgierfisch 
der Gulbertinseln. Globus, Braun- 
schweig, 1901, 79, 181-183. 1901.1 
Karl Mathias Friedrich 
[1848 —]. Die Fauna der Umgegend 
Hamburgs (In Das Naturhistorische 
Museum, p. 32-149. Hamburg, 1901. 
2) 1901.1 






Krafft, Carl. Die neuesten Erhe- 
bungen uber die Zustiinde der Fischerei 
in dem im Reichsrathe vertretenen 
Konigreichen und Lindern und an 
den Osterreichisch-ungarischen Meeres- 
kiisten. Wien, 1874. 145 p. 8°. 


Die Seefischerei der im Reichs- 
rathe vertretenen JK6nigreiche und 
Linder im Jahre 1873-74. Statistische 
Monatssehr., Wien, 1875, 1, 160-171. 


Krall, Albert. Die minnliche Beck- 
enflosse von Hexanchus griseus M.u. H. 
Ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Copula- 
tionsorgane der Selachier und deren 
Herkunft. Morphol. Jahrb., 1908, 37, 
529-585. 2 pls. & 17 figs. 1908.1 

Kramberger, Aarl Gorjanovié.- See 
Gorjanovi¢-Kramberger, Dragulin |= 

Kramp, HE. 
seine Zucht. 

Haplochilus sp. und 
Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. 

Kunde, 1913, 24. Jarhg., 565-666. fig. 
Meine Erfahrungen bei der 

Zucht von Fundulus sjéstedti. Wochen- 
sehr. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1913, 10. 
Jahrg., 247-248. fig. 1913.2 

Kramp, P. L. Report on the fish 
eggs and larvee collected by the Danish 
research steamer ‘‘ Thor ”’ in the Lange- 
landsbelt in 1909. Medd. Havunders. 
Kjobenhavn, 1913, 4 (Ser. Fiskeri), no. 5, 
1-38. 1913.1 

Krasheninnikov, Siefan Petrovich. 
See Kracheninnikoy, 8. P. 

Krause, Cod and halibut fish- 
eries near the Shumagin islands. Bull. 
U. S. Fish Comm. 1881 (1882), 1, 259— 
260. 1882.1 

Krause, Ernst [1839-1903] Chem- 
ische Bedenken gegen die Wirbelthier- 
Verwandtschaft des Lanzetthieres. 

Kosmos, 1877, 1, 170-171. 1877.1 
— Die elektrischen Fische ~ Kos- 
mos, 1877, 1, 255-260. 1877.2 
— Die Entwickelung des Aales. 
Prometheus, 1897, 8. Jahrg., 488-491. 
fig. 1897.1 

3 figs. 1897.2 

—— Der Sonnenfisch. 
1897, 8. Jahrg., 756-758. 

——Neu_ entstandene 
(Atherina riqueli Roule) 
1902, 14. Jahrg., 27-29. 


Krause, Hrnst, & Sterne, Carus. 
Die Brutpflege der Fische. Prometheus, 
1902, 13. Jahrg., 121-125. 5 figs. 


Krause, Ernst H. L.  Fliegende 
Fische (Exoccetus sp.) und Fischziige. 
Abh. Nat. Ver. Bremen, 1888, 10. 1888.1 

Krause, K. Experimentelle Unter- 
suchungen iiber die Sehbahnen des Gold- 
karpfens (Cyprinus auratus) Arch. Mi- 
krosk. Anat., 1898, 51, 820-839. pl. 


Krause, A. #. H. A hybrid plaice, 

Platessa vulgaris with Rhombus mazi- 
mus. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1882 
(1883), 2, 341-342. 1883.1 

Krause, Richard. Der Aal. Wochen- 
schr. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1911, 8. 
Jahrg., 198-199. 1911.1 

Krause, Rudolf. Die Endigungs- 
weise des Nervus acusticus im Gehd6r- 
organ. Verh. Anat. Ges., 1896, 10. Vers., 
165-170. 3 figs. 1896.1 

Die Entwickelung des Aqua- 
ductus vestibuli sive Ductus endolym- 

phaticus. Anat. Anz., 1901, 19, 49-59. 
figs. 1901.1 

_—— Die Endigung des Nervus acus- 
ticus im Gehérorgan des Flussneunauges. 
Sitzber. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, 1905, 1015— 

1032. 5 figs. 1905.1 
Entwickelungsgeschichte des 
Gehororgans (In Hertwig, Oscar. 

Handbuch der vergleichenden und ex- 
perimentelle Entwickelung der Wirbel- 
tiere, vol. 1, pt..2, p. 83-138; 76-145. 
Jena, 1906. 3 vols. 1906.1 

Das Geh6rorgan der Petromy- 
Anat. Anz., 1906, 29 (Suppl.), 
257-265. 4 figs. 1906.2 

Krause, Wilhelm [1833 —] 
Nerven-Endigung in der Retina. Arch. 
Mikr. Anat., 1876, 12, 742-790. 1876.1 

Die Retina. II. Die Retina der 
Monat. Anat. Histol., 1885, 3, 

Die Nervenendigung im_ elec- 
trischen Organ [Torpedo ocellata) Monat. 
Anat. Histol., 1886, 3, 285-308. pl. 
Ibid., 4, 371-392. 2 pls. 1886.1 

Ueber die Folgen der Resection 
der elektrischen Nerven des Zitterro- 
chen. Sitzber. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, 1886, 
675-680. fig. — Arch. Anat. Physiol. 
(Physiol. Abth.), 1887, 148-153. fig. 






—— Die Nervenendigung im electri- 

schen Organ. Dritter Artikel. Monat. 
Anat. Histol., 1891, 8, 250-265. pl. 


Die Retina der Fische. Monat. 

Anat. Histol., 1892, 9. 1892.1 

Die Farbenempfindung des Am- 
phioxus. Zool. Anz., 1897, 20, 513-515. 

Historische Bemerkungen iiber 
Amphioxus. Zool. Anz., 1898, 21, 481— 
483. 1898.1 

Die Lichtempfindung des Am- 
phioxus. Anat. Anz., 1898, 14, 470-471. 

Krauss, Ferdinand von. Ueber den 
Bitterling (Rhodeus amarus Ag.)  Jah- 

resh. Ver. Vaterl. Naturk. Wiirttem- 
berg, 1858, 14, 115-123. 1858.1 

(Beobachtungen iiber das Zah- 
lenverhiltniss der im Neckar vorkom- 
menden verschiedenen Fischarten] Jah- 
resh. Ver. Vaterl. Naturk. Wiirttemberg, 
1863, 19, 56—57. 1863.1 

Ueber eine fiir das Neckargebiet 
neue Brachsen-art (Abramis leuckarti 
Heckel), und iiber eine bei Heilbronn 
gefangene Meerpricke (Petromyzon ma- 
rinus L.) Jahresh. Ver. Vaterl. Naturk. 
Wiirttemberg, 1863, 19, 54-56. 1863.2 

—— Ueber einen lebendigen Lungen- 
fisch (Lepidosiren annectens Owen) Jah- 
resh. Ver. Vaterl. Naturk. Wiirttem- 
berg, 1864, 20, 126-133. 1864.1 

Ein Lachs (Trutta salar L.) aus 
dem Neckar bei Heilbronn. Jahresh. 
Ver. Vaterl. Naturk. Wiirttemberg, 
1865, 21, 276-277. 1865.1 

Das Zahlenverhiltniss der im 
Neckar vorkommenden  Fischarten. 
Jahresh. Ver. Vaterl. Naturk. Wiirttem- 
berg, 1865, 21, 165-167. 1865.2 

Kopfmissbildung einer Bach- 
forelle. Jahresh. Ver. Vaterl. Naturk. 
Wiirttemberg, 1886, 42, 345-346. 1886.1 

Kravetz,Z. Entwickelung des Knor- 
pelschadels von Ceratodus. Bull. Soe. 
Nat. Moscou 1910 (1911), 332-365. 2 
pis. & 5 figs. 1911.1 

Krebs, Wilhelm. 
der deutschen Seen. 

Die Felechenfauna 
Globus, 1904, 86, 

Geophysikalische, besonders kli- 
matische Beziehungen des Auftretens 


der Heringsschwiirme in der siidéstlichen 
Nordsee. Fischerbete, 1911, 3, 150-152. 

Geophysikalische Verhaltnisse 
auf den Fundstellen der Aallarven im 
Atlantik und im Mittelmeer. Fischer- 
bote, 1911, 3, 180-184. 1911.2 

Vulkanische Tiefseeheizung und 
Aalbrut. Mitth. Deutsch. Seefischerei 
Ver., 1912, 28, 258-263. 2 figs. 1912.1 

Krefit, Johann Ludwig Gerhard {1850- 
1881] Notes on Australian freshwater 
fishes, and descriptions of four new 
species (Hleotris coxii, EF. australis, E. 
grandiceps, E. compressus| Proc. Zool. 
Soe. London, 1864, 182—184.— Ann. 
Mag. Nat. Hist., 3. ser. 15, 68-71. 

Descriptions of some new Aus- 

tralian freshwater fishes. Proc. Zool. 
Soc. London, 1867, 942-944. 1867.1 

Description of a gigantic am- 
phibian allied to the genus Lepidosiren, 
from the Wide-Bay district, Queensland 
(Ceratodus forsteri) Proc. Zool. Soe. 
London, 1870, 221-224. 1870.1 

Ein neuer Ganoidfisch aus Aus- 

tralien (East-Queensland) Das Aus- 
land, 1870, 792. 1870.2 

Beschreibung eines gigantischen 
Amphibiums aus der Verwandtschaft 
der Gattung Lepidosiren, aus dem Wide- 
Bay district in Queensland. — Arch. 
Naturgesch., 1871, 37. Jahrg., 1, 321- 
324. 1871.1 


The Ceratodus forstert. 
1871, 3, 107—108. 

Kreidl, Alois. Ueber die Perception 

der Schallwellen bei den Fischen. Arch. 
Physiol., 1895, 61, 450-464. Abstract 

in Centralbl. Physiol., 1896, 10, 56-57. 

Ueber den Ursprung der Hem- 
mungsnerven des Herzens bei Fischen. 
Arch. Gesam. Physiol., 1899, T7, 196— 
201. 2 figs. 1899.1 

Kreidl, Alois, & Kinoshita, 7. 
Ueber die Entladung des elektrischen 
Organes von Torpedo marmorata im 
Siisswasser. Zentralbl. Physiol., 1910, 

24, 831.— Med. Klinik, 6. Jahrg., 
2034.— Arch. Intern. Physiol., 10, 
p. 63. 1910.1 

Kressner, WV. (G., & Dietzell, b. L. 
See Dietzell & Kressner. 


Ueber den soliden 

Inaug. Dis- 
2 pls. 


Kreyenberg, \/. Ein Beitrag zur 
KXKenntniss der Fische der Yangtze und 
seiner Zufliisse. Abh. Mus. Natur- 

Kreuter, Erwin. 
Oesophagus der Selachier. 
sert. Erlangen, 1903. 40 p. 

Heimatk. Magdeburg, 1910, 2, 1—24. 
—— Briefe aus China. VY. Ueber die 
Zucht der Goldfischrassen in China. 
Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1911, 22. 
Jahrg., 265-267. fig. 1911.1 

Eine neue Cobitinen-Gattung 
(Gobiobotia pappenheimi, n. g., N. sp.) aus 
China. Zool. Anz., 1911, 38, 417-419. 
4 figs. 1911.2 

Ueber die Zucht der Goldfisch- 
rassen in China. Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. 
Kunde, 1911, 22. Jahrg., 265-267. : 

Kreyenberg, \/., « Pappenheim, P. 
Ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Fische des 
Jangtze und seiner Zufliisse. Sitzber. 
Ges. Naturf. Freunde Berlin, 1908, 95— 
109. — Abh. Ber. Mus. Nat. Heimat- 
kunde Nat. Ver. Magdeburg, 1909, 2, 
1-24. 1908.1 

Kriesch, Jdnos [1834-1888] 
terséges haltenyésztésrél. Term. 
K6zl., 1869, 1, 409-421. 

A mes- 

3 Ein neuer Gobius (G. maculatus) 
Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien, 1873, 23, 
369-376. fig. 1873.1 

Egy «uj hal-faj (Gobius rubro- 
maculatus; Math. Természett. Kézle- 
mények, 1872 (1875), 10, 221-232. fig. 

_Krisch, A. Die Fischerei im Adria- 
tischen Meere. Wien & Pola, 1900. 
280 p. 89 figs. 8°. 1900.1 

Der Wiener Fischmarkt. Volks- 
wirthschaftliche den Hausfrauen der 
Oesterreichischen Haupt- und Residenz- 

stadt gewidmete Studie. Wien, 1900. 
50%pS “Se. 1900.2 
Kroeff, \. M. 7. On herring fish- 
eries. Edinb. New Phil. Journ., 1858, 
8, 450-470. 1858.1 
Krohn, August David {1804?-1891] 

Ueber das Brutorgan der Gattung Hip- 
pocampus. Arch. Naturgesch. (Wieg- 
mann), 1840, 6. Jahrg., 1, 16-17. 1840.1 

Kronecker, //., 
Ueber die 

« Nicolaides, /?. 
Krregung der Gefiissnerven- 



centren durch Summation elektrischer 
Reize. Arch. Anat. Physiol., 1883, 27— 
42. 2 pls. 1883.1 

Krotov, Bb. Fische der permischen 
Ablagerungen Russlands (Text in Rus- 
sian} Arb. Nat. Ges. Kasan, 1904, 38, 
no. 3. 40p. 2 pls. 1904.1 

Kroyer, Henrik Nicolaj [1799-1870] 
De Danske ostersbanker et bidrag til 
kundskab om Danmarks _ fiskerier. 
KXjobenhavn, 1837. 8°. 1837.1 

Notice in Arch. Naturgesch. (Wiegmann), 
1839, pt. 1, 358. 

Ichthyologiske bidrag. Natur- 
hist. Tidssk. (Kroyer), 1837, 1, 25-38; 
213-282; 639-649. Ibid., 1846, 2, 225- 
288. 1837.2 
i. Chirus precisus, en ny gronlandsk fisk. 
ii. Blennius lampetreformis Walb. 

Ichthyologiske noticer, den nor- 
diske fauna vedrerende. Naturhist. 
Tidssk. (Kroyer), 1837, 1, 371-387. 


Notice om den norske Lumpe- 
nus. Naturh. Tidsskr. (Kroyer), 1837, 
1, 519-520. 1837. 4 

Notice om den stromske Blen- 

nius lumpenus af Udg. Naturhist. 
Tidssk. (Kroyer), 1837, 1, 519-549. 

Om Pleuronectes-arterne. Na- 
turh. Tidsskr. (Kroyer), 1837, 1, 378— 

384. 1837.6 
Zur Verbreitung von Cyprinus 
farenus. Arch. Naturgesch. (Wieg- 
mann), 1837, 3. Jahrg., 393. 1837.7 
Danmarks Fiske. 4 vols. in 3. 

Kjobenhavn, 1838-53. illust. 8°. 

Vol. iv contains a bibliography which gives 
full references to the older writers on Scandi- 
navian ichthyology. A second edition of this 
work was published in 1853. 

Ichthyologische, die nordische 
Fauna betreffende Notizen. Isis (Oken), 
1841, 24-32. 1841.1 

Om slaegten Tricaster Ag. Na- 
turhist. Tidsskr. (Kroyer), 1841, 3, 544— 

545. 1841.2 
—— Agriopus alboguttatus. Natur- 
hist. Tidsskr. (Kroyer), 1845, n. s. 1, 
224-227. 1845.1 
Aspidophorus decagonus. Na- 

turhist. Tidsskr. (Kroyer), 1845, n. s. 1, 

243-250. 1845.2 

~ Aspidophorus niger. Naturhist. 
Tidsskr. (Kroyer), 1845, n. s. 1, 238- 
243. 1845.3 


Aspidophorus — spinosissimus. 
Naturhist. Tidsskr. (Kroyer), 1845, n. s. 
1, 250-253. 1845.4 

Caracanthus typicus. Naturhist. 
Tidsskr. (Kroyer), 1845, n. s. 1, 264-268. 


Carelophus strémii. Naturhist. 
Tidsskr. (Kroyer), 1845, 1, 227-238. 


Ceratias  hollbélli. | Naturhist. 

Tidsskr. (Kroyer), 1845, n. s. 1, 639- 

649. 1845.7 

Icelus hamatus. Naturhist. 


(Kroyer), 1845, 

Meddeler forégelser til kundskab 

om de Gréndlandske fiske-arter. Over- 
sigt Danske Vid. Selsk. Forh. 1844 
(1845), no. 8, 139-141. 1845.9 

—— Om de nordiske arter af slaegten 
Sebastes. Naturhist. Tidsskr. (Kroyer), 
1845, n: s. 1, 268-282. 1845.10 

Oplegnathus fasciatus. Natur- 
hist. Tidsskr. (Kroyer), 1845, n. s. 1, 213— 
223. 1845.11 

Poissons de la mer du Nord, 
regus pendant le voyage scientifique en 
Scandinavie, en Laponie, etc., exécuté 
sous la direction de P. Gaimard. Paris, 
1847. J 1847.1 

Atlas of 20 colored plates, unaccompanied by 
explanatory text. 

Cyclopterus spinosus Fabr. Na- 
turhist. Tidsskr. (Kroyer), 1849, n. s. 2, 
262-274. 1849.1 

—— liparis fabrici Kr. et L. lineatus 

Kr. Naturhist. Tidsskr. (Kroyer), 1849, 
n. s. 2, 274-290. 1849.2 
Paralepis borealis Rhdt. Natur- 

hist. Tidsskr. (Kroyer), 1849, n. s. 2, 
241-252. 1849.3 
Scopelus glacialis Rhdt. Natur- 

hist. Tidsskr. (Kroyer), 1849, n. s. 2, 
225-240. 1849.4 

Stomias ferox Rhdt. Naturhist. 
Tidsskr. (Kroyer), 1849, n. s. 2, 252— 

261. 1849.5 

Danmarks Fiske. 2. ed. 4 
vols. in 3. Kjobenhayn, 1853. _ illust. 
8°. 1853.1 

The vernacular names of fishes are given in 
connection with the species treated. 
- ——Nogle bidrag til Nordisk ich- 
thyoiogi. Naturhist. Tidsskr. (Kroyer), 
1861, 3. ser. 1, 233-310. 1861.1 


n. s. 1, 253— 


Nogle yderligere bemaerkninger 
i anledning af Liparis lineata wulgaris| 
Naturhist. Tidsskr. (raver); ee 3. 
ser. 1, 539-553. 1861.2 

To nye fiske for den danske 
fauna. Tidsskr. Fiskeri, 1868, 2. Jahrg., 
70-71. 1868.1 

Kriiger, Albert. Ueber die Verbrei- 
tung junger Schollen an der deutschen 
Ostseekiiste im Sommer und Herbst 
1903. Mitth. Deutsch. Seefischerei Ver., 
1903, 19, 449-456. 1903.1 

Bericht tiber die . . . Unter- 
suchung zur Feststellung des Vorkom- 
mens junger Schollen an der deutschen 
Ostseekiiste. Mitth. Deutsch. Seefische- 
rei Ver., 1904, 20, 330-335. 1904.1 

Untersuchungen iiber das Pan- 
kreas der Knochenfische. Wiss. Meeres- 
untersuch. Kiel (Abt. Kiel), 1905, n. s. 
8, 57-81. 2 pls. 1905.1 

Kriiger, Alfred. Betta rubra (Perugia) 
Wochenschr. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 
1912, 9. Jahrg., 668-669. 1912.1 

Der Argusfisch, 
Prakt. Zierfisch- 

Kriiger, Berthold. 
Scatophagus argus. 
zuchter, 1910, 10-12. 

— Etwas vom Belonesox belizanus 

Kkner. Prakt. Zierfischziichter, 1910, 
35-36. 1910.2 

Der neue Tetragonopterus spec. 
Prakt. Zierfischziichter, 1910, 17-19. 

fig. 1910.3 

Barbus ticto (Hamm. Buch.) ihre 
Pflege und Zucht. Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. 
Kunde, 1912, 23. Jahrg., 839-840. fig. 


Ein neuer Cichlide der Gattung 
Cichlasoma. Blatt. | Aquar.-Terrar. 
Kunde, 1912, 23. Jahrg., 821-822. fig. 

Ueber das Vorkommen von 
Aquarienfischen in und bei Buenos- 
Aires. Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 
1912, 23. Jahrg., 465-466. 1912.3 

Beobachtungen an Barbus cal- 
lipterus vom Kongo. Wochenschr. 
Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1913, 10. Jahrg., 
797-798. fig. 1913.1 

Gasteropelecus strigatus Giimther 
(Carnegiella strigata Giinther) und seine 

Pflege im Aquarium. Blatt. Aquar.- 
Terrar. Kunde, 1913, 24. Jahrg., 342— 
343. 1913.2 


Kruger, Bb. 
Leporinus melanopleura Giinther. 

Wochenschr. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 
1913, 10. Jahrg., 601-603. fig. 1913.3 

Monocirrus polyacanthus Heckel. 
W oehenstie: Se -Terrar. Kunde, 

Ein neuer bunter Hemichromis 
von West-Afrika. Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. 
Kunde, 1913, 24. Jahrg., 747-749. fig. 

Ein neuer ‘ stahlblauer”’ Fun- 
dulus von West-Afrika. Wochenschr. 

Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1913, 10. Jahrg., . 


Ueber die Pflege des Tetragonop- 
terus mexicanus Filippi. Wochenschr. 
Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1913, 10. Jahrg., 
835-838. 1913.7 
Weitere Mitteilungen zur Kennt- 
nis der Schlafstellungen bei Siisswasser- 

fischen. Biol. Centralbl., 1913, 33, 14— 
Wir 1913.8 

Kriiger, Berthold, & Wolterstorff, W. 
Zur Nomenklatur von Girardinus guppyi, 

753-754. fig. 

ete. Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1910, 
21. Jahrg., 396-397. 1910.1 
Krueger, Johann Friedrich {1770- 

1836] (editor) Die versteinerten Fische 

. von de Blainville, aus dem Franz6- 
sischen iibersetzt. Herausgegeben, mit 
Anmerkungen und mit einer Vorrede 
versehen von J. F. Krueger. Quedlin- 
burg & Leipzig, 1823. 232p. 8°. 1823.1 

Kriiger, /.G. Die ersten Griinde der 
Naturlehre auf eine leichte und ange- 
nehme Art zum Gebrauch der Jugend 
und Anfanger. Halle, 1759. 370 p., 
with portrait. 12°. 1759.1 

Capitel 9. Von dem Wasser. 

10. Von der Erde. 
14. Von den Pflanzen und Thieren. 

Krukenberg, Carl Friedrich Wilhelm 
[1852-1889] Versuche zur vergleichende 
Physiologie der Verdauung mit besonder 
Beriicksichtigung der Verhaltnisse bei 
den Fischen. Untersuch. Physiol. Instit. 
Heidelberg, 1877, 1. 1877.1 

_—— “ur Verdauung bei den Fischen. 
Untersuch. Physiol. Instit. Heidelberg, 
1879, 2, Heft 4, 385-401. 1879.1 

—— Untersuchung der Fleischex- 
tracte verschiedener Fische und Wirbel- 
losen. Untersuch. Physiol. Inst. Heidel- 
berg, 1881, 4, Heft 1. 1881.1 



Zur Kenntnis des chemischen 
Baues von Amphiorus lanceolatus und 
der Cephalopoden. Zool. Anz., 1881, 4, 
64-66. 1881.2 

Die Pigmente der Fischhaut. 
Verg]l. Physiol. Stud. Adria, 1882, 2, 55- 
58; 138-143. 2 pls. 1882.1 

Ueber die chemische Beschaf- 
fenheit der sogenannten Hornfiden bei 
Mustelus und iiber die Zusammen- 
setzung der keratinédsen Hiillen und der 
Eiern von Scylliwm stellare. Mitth. 
Zool. Stat. Neapel, 1885, 6, 286-296. 


Neue Tatsachen fiir eine ver- 
gleichende Physiologie der Phosphores- 
cenzerscheinungen bei Tieren und Pflan- 
zen. Vergl. Physio]. Stud. Heidelberg, 
1887, 2. ser. 1887.1 

La rétention de l’urée chez les 
sélaciens, avec quelques remarques sur 
accumulation d’autres substances cris- 
taloides dans les tissus contractiles de 
certains espéces animales. Ann. Mus. 
Hist. Nat. Marseille, 1888, 3, pt. 3. 


Krukenberg, Carl Friedrich Wilhelm, 
& Ewald, August. See Ewald & Kru- 

Krumbacher, Aarl. Das mittel- 
griechisches Fischbuch (Opsaralogos) 

Sitzber. Bayer. Akad. Wiss., phil.-nat. 
Cl. 1903, 345-386. 1903.1 

Bibliography of glossaries of classical names, 
etc., p. 365. Review in Zool. Annalen, 1905, 1, 
396, and noticed with other writings on ancient 
Greek names of fishes by C. R. Eastman in 
Science, 1905, n. s. 22, 23. 

Krumbholz, Johannes. Anatomie 
des Darmtraktus einiger Macruriden 
und des Zoarciden Lamprogammus niger. 
Inaug. Dissert., Borna-Leipzig, 1910. 
52p. 8°. 1910.1 

Kruuse, H.G. Nogle meddelelser 
om fiskeriet paa vestkysten af Sydam- 
erika. Nord. Tidsskr. Fiskeri, 1879, n. s. 
5. Jahrg., 286-299. 1879.1 

The fisheries on the west coast 
of South America. Rept. U. 8. Fish 
Comm. 1879 (1882), 7, 515-522. 1882.1 

Krynicki, /. Schilus pallasii de- 
scriptus et icone illustratus. Nouv. 
Mém. Soc. Nat. Moscou, 1832, 2, 441— 
446. pl. 1832.1 

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den Selachiern. Arch. Gesam. Physiol., 
1912, 148, 585-607. 1912.1 


Kucera, Albin. Der Wandertrieb der 
Forellen. Oesterr. Fischerei Zeitg., 1908, 
5, 175-176. 1908.1 

Kuchin, 7. B. Erforschung der Fi- 
scherei auf dem Beloozero See. Natur- 
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Petersb., 1902, 17, 331-359. 1902.1 

—— Beobachtungen iiber das Leben 
des Stintes im Ilmensee (Text in Rus- 
sian} Fischzuchtanst. Nikolsk St. Pe- 
tersb., 1903, no. 7, 42-49. 1903.1 

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(Text in Russian} Trd. Jub. Akklim. 
Sjézda, Moskva, 1908 (1909) (pt. 2, 
sec. ichtiol.), 169-187. 1909.1 

Matériaux sur la pisciculture et 
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Oural. Nat., Ekaterinburg, 1909, 28, 
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Essai de fécondation artificielle 
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la région des monts Ouraliens [Text 
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Nat. Ekaterinburg, 1910, 30, 29-47. 


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reigewebe in den Seen des Urals. Aus- 
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ix, 80 p. 6 pls. map. 1910.2 

Kuchin, V. Die Fischerei auf dem 
Ilmen-See Text in Russian) Vést. 
Rybopromysl., St. Petersb., 1904, 19, 
pt. 1, 1-35. Ibid., pt. 2, 93-150. 1904.1 

Kiichenmeister, (Gottlob Friedrich 
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Hist. Zeitg., 1855, 1, 129-152. 1855.1 

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1. Jahrg., 30. 1861.1 
—— Zur _ kiinstlichen Fischzucht. 

Mitth. Central-Instit. Akklim., 1861, 3. 
Jahrg., 51-53. 1861.2 

Ueber den Befruchtungsmodus 
bei den Fischen und iiber die Partheno- 
genesis bei den niederen Thieren. Sitz- 
ber. Naturw. Ges. Isis, Dresden, 1866, 
87-88. 1866.1 


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den, 1879, 103-104. 1879.1 
Kuechler, Anton. Fischerei. Sar- 
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Congrés de la fédération des 
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Paris, 1905, 1-68. fig. 1905.1 

Observations sur l Amiurus ne- 
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deaux, 1907, 61-63. 1907.1 

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L’ide mélanote dans les eaux du 
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1908, 64, 835-840. 1908.2 

——TLa reproduction du _ goujon. 
C. R. Mém. Soe. Biol. Paris, 1908, 64, 
545-546. 1908.3 
Le rouvet précieux dans le golfe 
de Gasecogne. C. R. Mém. Soc. Biol. 
Paris, 1908, 64, 500-501. 1908.4 

— Bassins 4 earpes (petite culture) 
C. R. Mém. Soe. Biol. Paris, 1910, 69, 
595-596. 1910.1 




——-- -—-erOOOOOOO—__ Xk rkxkxKxK??_l—— 

Kiinstler, /. 

Sur la plasticité évolutive des 
salmonides sous l’influence des condi- 
tions ambiantes. Bull. Soc. Aecclim. 
Paris, 1913, 1-3. 1913.1 

Kiinstler, /., & Chaine, Joseph. 
Notice ichthyologique (le Beryx decadac- 
tylus Cuv. et Val.) Proc. Verb. Soe. Sci. 
Phys. Nat., 1904, 27-29; 50. 1904.1 

Le Centriscus scolopax L. dans 
Yocéan Atlantique. Trav. Labor. Soc. 
Sci. Arcachon 1905 (1906), 8. année, 126. 

Note sur la centrine humantin 
(Centrina vulpecula Bel.) Trav. Labor. 

Soc. Sci. Areachon 1905 (1906), 8. 
année, 120-125. 2 figs. 1906.2 

Note sur la castagnole (Bramaj 
Le Naturaliste, 1906, 2. sér. 28. année, 
138-139. 1906.3 

Kiinstler, J., & Gruvel, A. Sur 
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Kuster, Heinrich Carl [1807-1876] 
Verzeichniss der Fische im Umgegend 
Nirnbergs (In Lochner, Niirn- 
bergs Vorzeit, p. 364. Niirnberg, tn. d.)) 

Not seen; reference from Bosgoeéd. 

——— Systematisches Verzeichniss der 
in der Umgegend Erlangens beobach- 
teten Thieren. Erlangen, 1840. 8°. 


Namenverzeichniss der Fische der Regnitz- 
und Regnitz-Gewisser. 

Kuffer, Johannes Baptist. Bericht 
des landwirthschaftliche Vereins-Fisch- 
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der kiinstlichen Fischzucht wiihrend der 
Winterlaichperiode 1860-61. Zeitschr. 
Landw. Ver. Bayern, 1861, 51. Jahrg., 
526-528. 1861.1 

Kuhl, Heinrich [1797-1821] Bei- 
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Anatomie. 2 pts.  Frankfurt-a.-M., 
1820. 4°. 1820.1 

—— Lettre 4 M. Boie, sur l’anatomie 
de quelques poissons. Allgem. Kunst u. 
Litterb., 1822, 20.— Bull. Sci. Nat. 
(Férussac), 1822, 2, 206-207. 1822.1 

Kuhl, Heinrich, & Hasselt, J. K. 
van. Anatomische Beschreibung vieler 
Fische, vorziiglich der Nordsee, in 
splanchnologischer und myologischer- 
Hinsicht (In Kuhl, H. Beitrage zur 
Zoologie und vergleichenden Anatomie, 

Abt. 2, 

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: Notice anatomique sur quelques 
poissons. Bull. Sci. Nat. (Férussac), 
1824, 2, 206-207. 1824.1 

Kuhlmann, Waller. Beobachtungen 
am Bachneunauge. Blatt. Aquar.- 
Terrar. Kunde, 1912, 23. Jahrg., p. 521. 


Kuhn, Abraham. Untersuchungen 
liber das hiaiutige Labyrinth der Kno- 
chenfische. Arch. Mikr. Anat., Bonn, 
1877, 14, 264-308. 4 pls. 1877.1 

Kuhnert, R. Ueber die Diingung 
von Teichen und deren Wirkung auf 
den Fischerei-Ertrag. Arch. Hydrobiol. 
Planktonkde., 1909, 4, 383-392. 1909.1 

Kuhnt, B. Weitere Mitteilungen 
iiber den Formenkreis des Girardinus 
reticulatus Pet. Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. 
Kunde, 1910, 21. Jahrg., 658. 1910.1 

Kuiper, Jaco. Sul meccanismo re- 
spiratorio dei pesci ossei. Rendic. 
Accad. Lincei, Roma, 1906, 5. ser. 15, 
pt. 1, 385-394. 9 figs. — Arch. Ital. 
Biol., Torino, 45, 393-405. 1906.1 

—— Untersuchungen iiber die At- 
mung der Teleostier. Arch. Gesam. 
Physiol., 1907, 117, 1-107. 1907.1 

Kukula, Wilhelm. Die Fischfauna 

Oberésterreichs. 5. Jahresber. Ver. Na- 
turk. Oesterreich, Enns zu Linz, 1874, 
17-25. 1874.1 

Kulchitzkii, \. Beitrage zur 

Kenntniss des Darmkanals der Fische 
(Text in Russian] Mem. New Russ. Soe. 
Nat., Odessa, 1888, 12, pt. 2. 1888.1 

Biologische Notizen. I. Glan- 
dula lacrimalis preparotidea bei Nage- 
tieren. II. Das Adenoide Organ in der 
Speiseréhre der Selachier. Arch. Mikr. 
Anat., 1911, 78, Abt. 1, 234-244. ae 

Kulezycki, Wlodzimierz, & Nus- 
baum, Jézef. See Nusbaum & Kul- 

Kuliabko, Al. A. Notice biologique 
sur la lamproie, Petromyzon fluviatalis. 
Bull. Acad. Imp. Sei. St. Pétersb., 1897, 
7, no. 1, 27-28. 1897.1 

Kinige Beobachtungen iiber die 
Leber des Flussneunauges (Petromyzon 
fluviatilis) Centralbl. Physiol., 1898, 12, 
380-381. 1898.1 


Anwendung der kiinstlichen Cir- 
culation am abgeschnittenen Fischkopf 
(Text in Russian} . Mém. Acad. Sci. 
St. Pétersb., 1907, 8. sér. 20, pt. 7 7, 22 p. 
2 pls. 1907.1 

Application de la circulation 
artificielle aux tétes de poisson coupées. 
Bull. Acad. Imp. Sci. St. Pétersb., 1907, 
6. sér. 1, pt. 1, 103-104. 1907.2 

Kuliabko, A., & Diamare, Vincenzo. 
See Diamare «& Kuliabko. 

Kumlien, Vhure Ludwig Theodor 
{1819-1888] Contributions to the nat- 
ural history of arctic America, made in 
se. L877—/8. Bull. U. S. Nat. Mu- 
seum, 1879, no. 15, 1-179. 1879.1 

Fishes collected in Cumberland gulf and Disco 
bay, by T. H. Bean, p. 131-138 

Fisheries of the Great Lakes 
(In The fisheries and fishery industries 
of the United States, edited by George 
Brown Goode, sect. 5, vol. 1, p. 755- 
769. 12 pls. Washington, 1887) 1887.1 

Kumlien, Vhure Ludwig Theodor, & 
True, Frederick William. ‘The fishing- 
grounds of the Great Lakes (In The 
fisheries and fishery industries of the 
United Selig edited by George Brown 

Goode, sect. 3, 117-131. Washington, 
1887) 1887.1 
Kummer, Hans. Ctenops vittatus 

Cuv. et Val. Blatt. 
Kunde, 1904, 15. Jahrg., 


Kums, A. Les choses naturelles dans 

Homére |Poissons} Antwerp «& Paris, 
1897. 194 p. 8°. Review in Nature, 
57, 146-148. 1897.1 

Kunisch, Hermann |1856-1893] Sac- 
tylolepis gogolinensis, gen. et ay. nov. 
Zeitschr. Deutsch. Geol. Ges., 1885, 37, 
588-594. pil. 1885.1 

Kunkel, On the conditions 
under which trout exist in the German 
waters.. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm., 1884, 
4, 393-395 De 18 84.1 

Kunth, A. Ueber Pteraspis. Zeit- 
schr. Deutsch. Geol. Ges., 1872, 24, 1-8. 

pl. — Verh. Geol. Reichsanst. Wien, 
1872, 336.— Neues Jahrb. Mineral., 
1872, 892. 1872.1 

Kuntz, A. The development of the 

sympathetic nervous system in certain 
fishes. Journ. Comp. Neurol., 1911, 21, 
177-214. 15 figs. 1911.1 



The evolution of the sympathetic 
nervous system in vertebrates. Journ. 
Comp. Neurol., 1911, 21, 215-236. 6 
figs. 1911.2 

Kuntzmann, Johann Heinrich Le- 
brecht. Bemerkungen iiber die Schuppen 
der Fische. Verh. Ges. Naturf. Freunde 
Berlin, 1829, 1, 269-284; 369-374. 4 
pls. "Abstracts in Bull. Sci. Nat. 
(Férussac), 7, 118. IJbid., 18, 289. 
Isis (Oken), 5, 444. 1829.1 

Kupffer, Carl Wilhelm von [1829— 
1902] For biographical notice, see 
Life and work with bibliography, by 
Bashford Dean. Science, n.s. 1900, 11, 

Ueber den feineren Bau des 
elektrischen Organs beim Zitteraal (Gym- 
notus electricus), mit Riicksicht auf den 
Bau bei andren elektrischen, inbesondre 
bei Mormyrus oxyrhynchus.  Zeitschr. 
Rat. Medicin., 1857, 3. ser. 2,1. 1857.1 

Untersuchungen iiber die Ent- 
wickelung des Harn und Geschlechtssys- 
tems. Arch. Mikr. Anat., 1865, 1, 233- 
298. Ibid., 1866, 2, 473-488. pl. 1865.1 
Review by Pieter Harting in Album Natuur, 
1868 (Wetensch. bijblad), 19. 
— Die Bildung des Embryo im Ei 
der Knochenfische. Nachr. Univ. Ges. 
Wiss. G6ttingen, 1867, 317-324. 1867.1 

Beobachtungen wber die Ent- 
wicklung der Knochenfische. Arch. 
Mikr. Anat., 1868, 4, 209-272. pls. 
— Abstract in Monthly Micr. Journ., 
1869, 1, 47-48. 1868.1 

Die Entwicklung der Retina des 
Fischauges. Med. Centralbl., 1868, 6. 
Jahrg., 641-643. 1868.2 

—— Die Stammverwandtschaft zwi- 
schen Ascidien und Wirbelthieren. Arch. 
Mikr. Anat., 1869, 5, 459-463. Tbid., 
1870, 6, pp. 115-172. 1869.1 

Ueber die! Hiiringsfischerei in der 
Schrift. Naturw. Ver. Schlesw.- 
1876, 2, Heft 1, 209-210. 1876.1 

Ueber das Laichen und die Ent- 
wicklung des Hirings (Strémlings) bet 
Pillau und iiber einen ersten Versuch, 
den Entwicklungsgang eines Fisches 
durch kontinuirliche photographische 
Aufnahme zur Darstellung zu bringen. 
1. Ber. Sitzung. Fischerei Ver. Prov. 
Preussen, 1876. 1876.2 

- Ueber den Keim’ und die Be- 
fruchtung der Fischeier. 2. Ber. Sitzung 
Fischerei Ver. Prov. Preussen, 1877, 1-5. 



Kupffer, (. IV. j 
Die Entwickelung des Herings 

im ki. 4.6.  Jahresber. Komm. 
Deutsch. Meere Kiel, 1878, 175-226. 3 
pls. 1878.1 

. Ueber Laichen und Entwicke- 
lung des Herings im westlichen Ostsee. 
4-6.  Jahresber. Komm. Deutsch. 
Meere Kiel, 1878, 23-35. 1878.2 

Die Entstehung der Allantois 
und die Gastrula der Wirbelthiere. 
Zool. Anz., 1879, 2, 520-522; 593-597; 
612-617. 1879.1 

Die Gastrulation an den mero- 
blastischen Eiern der Wirbelthiere und 
die Bedeutung des Primitivstreifs. Arch. 
Anat. Physiol., 1884, 1-38. 2 pls. 


Die Befruchtung des Forelle- 
Bayer. Fischerei Zeitg., 1886. 

Ueber den Canalis neurentericus 
der Wirbeltiere. Sitzber. Ges. Morphol. 
Physiol. Miinchen, 1887, 3, 1-8. 1887.1 

Ueber die Entwicklung von 
Petromyzon planert. Arch. Mikr. Anat., 
1889, 35, 469-558. pls. — Sitzber. 
Bayer. Akad. Wiss., Miinchen, 1888, 18, 
71-79. Abstract in Journ. Roy. Mier. 
Sci., 1885, 5, 708-709. 1888.1 


Die Entwickelung der Kopfner- 
ven der Vertebraten. Verh. Anat. Ges., 
Anat. Anz., 1891, 7. Jahrg., 22-55. figs. 

Mitteilungen der Entwicklungs- 
geschichte des Kopfes bei Acipenser 
sturio. Sitzber. Ges. Morphol. Physioi. 
Miinchen, 1891, 8, 107-123. 1891.2 

—— Ueber die Entwicklung von 
Milz und Pankreas. Sitzber. Ges. 
Morphol. Physiol. Miinchen, 1892, 8, 

Studien zur vergleichenden Ent- 

wicklungsgeschichte des Kopfes der 

Kranioten. 5 Hefte. 1893-1900. 

i. Die Entwicklung des Kopfes von Acipenser 
sturio. Munchen & Leipzig, 1893. 95 p. 9 pls. 

ii. Die Entwicklung des Kopfes von Ammo- 
rates planert. Miinchen & Leipzig, 1894. 79 p. 
12 pls. 

ili. Die Entwicklung des Kopfes von Ammo- 
cetes planeri. Miinchen, 1895. 80 p. 48 figs. 

—— Ueber das Pankreas bei Ammo- 
coetes. Sitzber. Ges. Morph. Physiol. 
Minchen, 1893, 9, 37-58. figs. 1893.2 


KUP . 

Ergebnisse der Entwicklungsge- 
schichte des Kopfes. Ergebnisse Anat. 
Entwick., Wiesbaden, 1893, 2, 501-564. 

Ueber Monorhinie und Amphir- 

hinie. Sitzber. Bayer. Akad. Wiss., 
math.-phys. Cl., 1894, 24, 1. Heft, 51— 
60. 1894.1 

Ueber die Entwickelung des 
KXKiemenskelets von Ammoccetes und die 
Organogene Bestimmung des Exoderms. 
Verh. Anat. Ges., Anat. Anz., 1895, 11, 
105-122. figs. Abstract in Journ. Roy. 
Mier. Soc. London, 1895, 6, 610. 1895.1 

Ergebnisse der Entwicklungsge- 
schichte des Kopfes. Ergebnisse Anat. 
Entwick., Wiesbaden, 1896, 5, 562-618. 

Festschrift zum _ siebenzigsten 
Geburtstag von Carl von Kupffer. Jena, 
1899. 1899.1 

Verlauf und Schichtenbau des Darmkanals 
yon Mae glutinosa 1.., von Otto Maas, p. 197— 


Zur Kopfentwicklung von Bdel- 
lostoma. Sitzber. Ges. Morphol. Phy- 
siol. Miinchen, 1899, 15, 21-35. 7 figs. 

Die Morphogenie des Central- 
nervensystems [Bdellostoma, Petromy- 
zon, Elasmobranchier, Ganoiden, Tele- 
ostier} (In Hertwig, O. Handbuch der 
vergleichenden und _ experimentellen 
Entwickelungslehre der Wirbeltiere, vol. 
il, pt. 3, 1-166. figs. Jena, 1906) 

Kupffer, Carl Wilhelm von, & Ben- . 
ecke, Berthold. Der Vorgang der Be- 
fruchtung am Ei der Neunaugen [Pe- 
tromyzon} beobachtet (In Festschrift 
Theodore Schwann. Ko6nigsberg, 1878. 
24p. pl. 4°) 1878.1 

Kupffer, Carl Wilhelm von, & Kefer- 
stein, Wilhelm. Ueber den feineren Bau 
des electrischen Organs beim Zitter-Aal 
(Gymnotus electricus) mit Riicksicht auf 
den Bau bei anderen electrischen Fischen 
insbesondere bei Mormyrus oxyrhynchus, 
mit nachtriglichen Bemerkungen der 
Nerven im Allgemeinen, von Rudolph 
Wagner. Nachr. Univ. Ges. Wiss. 
Gottingen, 1857, no. 19, 253-268. 1857.1 

Untersuchung iiber die elektri- 
schen Organe von Gymnotus electricus 
und Mormyrus oxyrhynchus. Zeitschr. 
Rat. Medicin., 1858, 2, pt. 3, 344-356. 
2 pls. 1858.1 



rg by 

Kupzis, J. Ueber den niedrigsten 
fiir das Leben der Fische nothwendigen 
Sauerstoffgehalt des Wassers und iiber 
die fiir dieselben giftigen Mengen im 
Wasser geléster Kohlensiiure. Zeitschr. 
Untersuch. Nahr. Genussmit., Berlin, 
1901, 4, 631-638. 1901.1 

Die Naphthafischgifte und ihr 
Einfluss auf Fische, andere Tiere und 
Bakterien. Zeitschr. Fischerei, Berlin, 
1902, 9, 134-167. 1902.1 

Kurajeff, D. Ueber das Protamin 
aus den Spermatozoen der Makrele. 
Zeitschr. Physiol. Chem., 1899, 26. 


Ueber das Protamin aus den 
Spermatozoen des Acipenser  stellatus. 
Zeitschr. Physiol. Chem., 1901, 32, 197— 
200. 1901.1 

Kurze, Robert. Altes und Neues 
iiber Acara-Zucht. Wochenschr. Aquar.- 
Terrar. Kunde, 1909, 6. Jahrg., 389-390. 


Kusnetzow, Jnnekentiit Dmitrievich. 
See Kuznetzov, /. D. 

Kutchin, Harriet Lehmann. Studies 
on the peripheral nervous system of 
Amphioxus. Proc. Amer. Acad. Arts 
Sci., 1913, 49, 571-624. 8pls. 1913.1 

Kutchin, Howard M. Report on the 
salmon fisheries of Alaska, 1897—98. 
Washington, 1898-99. 8°. 1899.1 

Report on inspection of the 
salmon fisheries (In Cobb, J. N. Re- 
port on the fisheries of Alaska. Rept. 
U. S. Bureau Fisheries, 1906 (1907), 
25-44) 1907.1 

Kutorga, Stepan Semenovich [1812— 
1861] Beitrag zur Geognosie und Palii- 
ontologie Dorpats und seiner nachsten 

Umgebungen. St. Pétersbourg, 1835. 
TRO OEDA ols. = S=- 1835.1 
Zweiter Beitrag. St. Péters- 

pours, 1837, 51 p. 8°. 

Contains descriptions of Devonian fishes. 

Kutscher, F., & Kossel, Albrecht. 
See Kossel & Kutscher. 

Kutzner, A. Noch etwas iiber den 
Geschlechtsunterschied des Hemichro- 
mis bimaculata. Wochenschr. Aquar.- 
Terrar. Kunde, 1909, 6. Jahrg., 450. 


Kuznetzov, Jnnokentii Dmitrievich. 
On the spring migration of Clupea cas- 
pica {Text in Russian} Journ. Fish 
Industr. St. Petersb., 1894, 9, 147-165. 


Fischerei und Tiererbeutung in 
den Gewiissern Russlands. Minist. fiir 
Landw. Reichsdomiinen, St. Petersb., 
1898. 120p. 8°. 1898.1 

The fisheries of the 'Terek river 
and the neighboring sea {Text in Rus- 
sian} St. Petersburg, 1898. 120 p. 8°. 

- Zur Biologie der Wolgahiringe 
(Text in Russian) Vést. RybopromySsl., 
St. Petersb., 1904, 19, 629-640. 1904.1 

Un exemplaire de Barbus brachy- 
cephalus Kessl. trouvé dans la Volga en 
amont de Tsaritsyn. Ann. Mus. Zool. 
Acad. Sci. St. Pétersb., 1908, 13, p. xlv— 
Sliven eett':, 1908.1 

Le scombre macquereau dans la 
mer Blanche. Ann. Mus. Zool. Acad. 
Sci. St. Pétersb., 1908, 18, p. xlv. 1908.2 

Der gegenwirtige Zustand der 
Fischerei im Baikal-See (Text in Rus- 
sian} Trd. Jud. Akklim. Sjézda, 
Moskva, 1908 (1909) (pt. 2, see. ichtiol.), 
112-124. 1909.1 

A continuation of this paper was published 
by N. P. Sokolinikoy in 1911. 

Kuznetzov, /. D., & Berg, Lev Se- 
menovich. See Berg & Kuznetzovy. 

Kwietniewski, (. Ricerche intorno 
allastruttura istologica dell’ integumento 
dei selachi. Padova, 1905. 156 p. 6 
pls. 1905.1 

Kwitka, S. K. Ueber einige Fossi- 
lien von Saray und Massasyr auf der 
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Mineral. Ges., 1901, 2. ser. 38, 359-385. 
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Kyle, Harry M. Note on the repro- 
ductive organs of a hermaphrodite ling. 
15. Ann. Rept. Fish. Board Scotland, 
1897, pt. 3, 396-398. pl. 1897.1 

Report on the pelagic ova, larvee, 
and young fishes procured by the 5. 5. 
“ Garland ” during the greater part of 
1896. 15. Ann. Rept. Fish. Board 
Scotland, 1897, pt. 3, 246-261. 1897.2 

The post-larval stages of the 
plaice, dab, flounder, long rough dab, 
and lemon dab. 16. Ann. Rept. Fish. 
Board Scotland, 1898, pt. 3, 225-247. 
2 pis. 1898.1 



Kyle, H. V. ' 
The natural history of the her- 
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Herings’? von F. Heincke) 17. Ann. 
Rept. Fish. Board Scotland, 1899, pt. 3, 
274-287. 1899.1 

The classification of the flat- 
fishes (Heterosomata) 18. Ann. Rept. 
Fish. Board Scotland, 1900, 335-369. 
2 pls. - 1900.1 

Contributions towards the nat- 
ural history of the plaice (P. platessa L.) 
17. Ann. Rept. Fish. Board Scotland, 
1900, 189-241. 2 pls. 1900.2 

—— Fishing nets, with special ref- 
erence to the otter-trawl. Journ. Mar. 
Biol. Assoc., 1900-03, n: s. 6, 562-586. 
2 pls. 1900.3 

Notes and memoranda. Journ. 
Mar. Biol. Assoc., 1900-03, n. s. 6, 617— 
625. pil. 1900.4 

Occupation of a table at the 
Zoological Station at Naples. Appendix 
A. The anatomy of the flatfishes (He- 
terosomata) Rept. Brit. Assoc. Adv. 
Sci., 70. meet., 1900, 380-383. 1900.5 

On the presence of nasal secre- 
tory sacs and a naso-pharyngeal com- 
munication in Teleostei, with especial 
reference to Cynoglossus semilevis Gthr. 
Journ. Linn. Soc. London (Zool.), 1900, 
27, 541-556. pi. 1900.6 

The reproduction of the flat- 
Journ. Mar. Biol. Assoc., 1900— 

03, n. s. 6, 490-498. 

——QOn a new genus of flat-fishes 
from New Zealand. Proc. Zool. Soe. 
London, 1901, 986-992. 3 figs. 1901.1 

‘On the action of the spurge 

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70, 48—66. 1901.2 

Rapport sommaire sur les ex- 
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Rapport sur les statistiques con- 
cernant les petites plies envoyées au 
bureau. Conseil Perm. Intern. Explor. 
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Statistics of the North Sea fish- 
eries. II. Summary of the available 
fisheries statistics and their value for 
the solution of the problems of overfish- 
ing. Conseil Perm. Intern. Explor. de la 
Mer, Rapp., 1905, 3 (Append. K), 3-58. 
figs. 1905.3 

Bulletin statistique des péches 
maritimes des pays du nord de l’Europe. 
Conseil Perm. Intern. Explor. de la Mer, 
Rapp., 1906, 1, 1-262. 12 charts. 


Memorandum iiber die interna- 
tionalen Schollenmessungen mit beson- 
derer Beriicksichtigung der Methoden, 
welche statistische Angaben behandeln. 
Conseil Perm. Intern. Explor. de la 
Mer, Proc. Verb., 1907, 7, 83-103. 1907.1 

Bulletin statistique des péches 
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Conseil Perm. Intern. Explor. de la Mer, 
Bull., 1908, 2, 1-157. Jbid., 1909, 3, 
1-83. Ibid., 1910, 4, 1-83. Ibid., 1911, 
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Flat-fishes (Heterosomata) (In 
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tions 1908-10 to the Mediterranean and 
adjacent seas, 1913, vol. 1, p. 1-150. 
pls.) 1913.1 
Kyle, Harry M., & Hoek, Paulus 
Peronius Cato. See Hoek & Kyle. 

Kyle, Harry M., Johansen, Anders 
Cornelius Jacob, & Petersen, C. G. J. 
See Petersen, Kyle & Johansen. 

Kyle, Harry M., Petersen, C.G. J., 
& Garstang, Walter. See Petersen, 

.Garstang «& Kyle. 

Kynaston, Augustus F. Report on 
the fisheries in the bay of Fundy (In 
Perley, M. H. Rept. Fish New Bruns- 
wick, p. 252-260. 2. ed. St. John, N.B., 
1852) 1852.1 

Relates chiefly to the herring fishery of Grand 
Manan and its protection, 


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