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Editorial  Board 

HAROLD  C.  BOLD,  Vanderbilt  University  J.  H.  LOCHHEAD,  University  of  Vermont 

JOHN  B.  BUCK,  National  Institutes  of  Health          E.  T.  MOUL,  Rutgers  University 

T.  H.  BULLOCK,  University  of  California,  ARTHUR  W.  POLLISTER,  Columbia  University 

Los  Angeles 

E.  G.  BUTLER,  Princeton  University  MARY  E"  RAWLES>  Johns  *0^s  Unlversitv 

K.  W.  COOPER,  University  of  Rochester  A.  R.  WHITING,  University  of  Pennsylvania 

M.  E.  KRAHL,  University  of  Chicago  CARROLL  M.  WILLIAMS,  Harvard  University 

DONALD  P.  COSTELLO,  University  of  North  Carolina 
Managing  Editor 

VOLUME  113 


Printed  and  Issued  by 





THE  BIOLOGICAL  BULLETIN  is  issued  six  times  a  year  at  the 
Lancaster  Press,  Inc.,  Prince  and  Lemon  Streets,  Lancaster,  Penn- 

Subscriptions  and  similar  matter  should  be  addressed  to  The 
Biological  Bulletin,  Marine  Biological  Laboratory,  Woods  Hole, 
Massachusetts.  Agent  for  Great  Britain:  Wheldon  and  Wesley, 
Limited,  2,  3  and  4  Arthur  Street,  New  Oxford  Street,  London, 
W.  C.  2.  Single  numbers  $2.50.  Subscription  per  volume  (three 
issues),  $6.00. 

Communications  relative  to  manuscripts  should  be  sent  to  the 
Managing  Editor,  Marine  Biological  Laboratory,  Woods  Hole, 
Massachusetts,  between  June  1  and  September  1,  and  to  Dr. 
Donald  P.  Costello,  P.O.  Box  429,  Chapel  Hill,  North  Carolina, 
during  the  remainder  of  the  year. 

Entered  as  second-class  matter  May  17,  1930,  at  the  post  office  at  Lancaster, 
Pa.,  under  the  Act  of  August  24,  1912. 



No.  1.  AUGUST,  1957  PAGE 

Annual  Report  of  the  Marine  Biological  Laboratory 1 


The  breeding  of  polychaetous  annelids  near  Parguera,  Puerto  Rico ....  49 

Encystment  stages  of  Dictyostelium 58 


Physiological  observations  on  starvation  and  desiccation  of  the  snail 

Australorbis  glabratus 89 


Similarities  between  daily  fluctuations  in   background  radiation  and 

Oo-consumption  in  the  living  organism 103 


Lag-lead  correlations  of  barometric  pressure  and  biological  activity. ...  112 

The  luminescence  of  the  millipede,  Luminodesmus  sequoiae 120 



The  antimitotic  and  carcinostatic  action  of  ovarian  extracts 129 


Cardiac  physiology  of  the  scorpion  Palamnaeus  bengalensis  C.  Koch. . .    135 


A  comparative  study  of  the  cuticular  structure  of  three  female  mealy 
bugs  (Homoptera :  Pseudococcidae) 141 


Phenylthiourea   treatment   and   binding   of  radioactive   iodine   in   the 
tadpole 160 


Endoparasitic   polychaetous   annelids  of   the   family  Arabellidae  with 
descriptions  of  new  species 170 


A  diurnal  activity  rhythm  in  Plethodon  cinereus  and  its  modification 

by  an  influence  having  a  lunar  frequency 188 


Studies  on  the  effects  of  irradiation  of  cellular  particulates.     II.  The 
effect  of  gamma  radiation  on  oxygen  uptake  and  phosphorylation 198 

No.  2.  OCTOBER,  1957 

The  general  form  of  excretion  in  the  lobster,  Homarus 207 





Body  growth  versus  shell  growth  in  Balanus  improvisus 224 


Factors  affecting  terminal  growth  in  the  hydroid  Campanularia 233 


Respiratory  metabolism  of  the  fiddler  crab  Uca  pugilator  from  two 

different  latitudinal  populations 245 


A  quantitative  examination  of  testicular  growth  in  the  white-crowned 

sparrow 254 


A  behavioral  mechanism  for  osmotic  regulation  in  a  semiterrestrial  crab .  268 

Freezing  and  drying  in  intertidal  algae 274 


Sound  production  in  the  spiny  lobster,  Panulirus  argus  (Latreille) 286 


Isolation    and    assay    of    the    nematocyst    toxin    of    Metridium    senile 

fimbriatum ; 296 


Studies  on  the   life-history  of  Allocreadium   alloneotenicum   sp.   nov. 

(Allocreadiidae- — Trematoda) 302 

Abstracts  of  papers  presented  at  the  Marine  Biological  Laboratory: 

Tuesday  Evening  Seminars 316 

General  Meetings 324 

Lalor  Fellowship  Reports 359 

No.  3.  DECEMBER,  1957 


Chemical    analyses   of   anterior   and    posterior    blastomeres   of    Ciona 
intestinalis 365 


The  effects  of  some  developmental  inhibitors  on  the  phosphorus  balance 

of  amphibian  gastrulae 376 


Respiration  of  homogenized  embryos:  Rana  pipiens  and  Rana  pipiens 

9    X  Rana  sylvatica  tf 382 


A  rational  approach  to  the  problem  of  cancer  chemotherapy 388 


Further  studies  in  the  behavior  of  commensal  polychaetes 397 


On  the  morphology  of  the  nephridium  of  Nereis  vexillosa  Grube 407 

Studies  on  the  isolated  islet  tissue  of  fish.  II.  The  effect  of  electrolytes 
and  other  factors  on  the  oxygen  uptake  of  pancreatic  islet  slices  of  toad- 
fish,  using  the  cartesian  diver  microrespirometer 414 



Evidence  for  hormone-containing  granules  in  sinus  glands  of  the  fiddler 
crab  Uca  pugilator ' 426 


The  metabolism  of  strontium-90  and  calcium-45  by  Lebistes 442 


The  molting  cycle  of  the  spiny  lobster,  Panulirus  argus  Latreille. 
IV.  Post-ecdysial  histological  and  histochemical-  changes  in  the  hepa- 
topancreas  and  integumental  tissues 451 


Developmental  modifications  in  the  sand  dollar  caused  by  cobaltous 
chloride  in  combination  with  sodium  selenite  and  zinc  chloride 480 


Notes  on  the  life-cycle  of  Azygia  acuminata  Goldberger,  1911  (Azy- 
giidae — Trematoda) 488 

Vol.  113,  No.  1  August,   1957 





I.     TRUSTEES  AND  EXECUTIVE  COMMITTEE  (AS  OF  AUGUST  10,  1956)    ....  1 





Statement   7 

Addenda : 

1.  The  Staff 10 

2.  Investigators,  Lalor  and  Lillie  Fellows,  and  Students 13 

3.  Fellowships  and  Scholarships 21 

4.  Tabular  View  of  Attendance,  1952-1956 22 

5.  Cooperating  and  Subscribing  Institutions 22 

6.  Evening  Lectures 23 

7 .  Shorter  Scientific  Papers  (Seminars)   24 

8.  Members  of  the  Corporation 24 





GERARD  SWOPE,  JR.,  President  of  the  Corporation,  570  Lexington  Ave.,  New  York  City 

A.  K.  PARPART,  Vice  President  of  the  Corporation,  Princeton  University 

PHILIP   B.   ARMSTRONG,  Director,  State   University   of  New   York.   Medical    Center   at 


C.  LLOYD  CLAFF,  Clerk  of  the  Corporation,  Randolph,  Mass. 
JAMES  H.  WICKERSHAM,  Treasurer,  530  Fifth  Ave.,  New  York  City 


EUGENE  DuBois,  Cornell  University  Medical  College 

G.  H.  A.  CLOWES,  Lilly  Research  Laboratory 

ROBERT  CHAMBERS,  425  Riverside  Drive,  New  York  City 





W.  C.  CURTIS,  University  of  Missouri 
Ross  G.  HARRISON,  Yale  University 

E.  B.  HARVEY,  48  Cleveland  Lane,  Princeton,  N.  J. 

M.  H.  JACOBS,  University  of  Pennsylvania  School  of  Medicine 

F.  P.  KNOWLTON,  Syracuse  University 

A.  P.  MATHEWS,  University  of  Cincinnati 

W.  J.  V.  OSTERHOUT,  Rockefeller  Institute 

CHARLES  PACKARD,  Woods  Hole,  Mass. 

LAWRASON  RIGGS,  74  Trinity  Place,  New  York  6,  N.  Y. 

TO  SERVE  UNTIL   1960 

H.  F.  BLUM,  Princeton  University 

K.  S.  COLE,  National  Institutes  of  Health 

L.  V.  HEILBRUNN,  University  of  Pennsylvania 

S.  W.  KUFFLER,  Johns  Hopkins  Hospital 

C.  B.  METZ,  Florida  State  University 

G.  T.  SCOTT,  Oberlin  College 

A.  H.  STURTEVANT,  California  Institute  of  Technology 
E.  ZWILLING,  University  of  Connecticut 

TO   SERVE  UNTIL   1959 

E.  G.  BUTLER,  Princeton  University 

C.  LALOR  BURDICK,  The  Lalor  Foundation,  Wilmington,  Delaware 

D.  P.  COSTELLO,  University  of  North  Carolina 
H.  HIBBARD,  Oberlin  College 

M.  KRAHL,  University  of  Chicago 

D.  MARSLAND,  New  York  University,  Washington  Square  College 
R.  RUGH,  College  of  Physicians  and  Surgeons 

H.  B.  STEINBACH,  University  of  Minnesota 


W.  R.  AMBERSON,  University  of  Maryland,  School  of  Medicine 

T.  H.  BULLOCK,  University  of  California,  Los  Angeles 

AURIN  CHASE,  Princeton  University 

ALBERT  I.  LANSING,  Emory  University 

DANIEL  MAZIA,  University  of  California 

S.  MERYL  ROSE,  University  of  Illinois 

MARY  SEARS,  Woods  Hole  Oceanographic  Institution 

ALBERT  TYLER,  California  Institute  of  Technology 

TO   SERVE   UNTIL   1957 

E.  G.  BALL,  Harvard  University  Medical  School 

F.  A.  BROWN,  JR.,  Northwestern  University 

P.  S.  GALTSOFF,  Woods  Hole  Bureau  of  Fisheries 

E.  N.  HARVEY,  Princeton  University 

L.  H.  KLEINHOLZ,  Reed  College 

C.  L.  PROSSER,  University  of  Illinois 

A.  E.  SZENT-GYORGYI,  Institute  for  Muscle  Research 

WM.  RANDOLPH  TAYLOR,  University  of  Michigan 



GERARD  SWOPE,  JR.,  Chairman  K.  S.  COLE 


J.    H.    WlCKERSHAM  D.    MAZIA 




MARY  SEARS,  Chairman  E.  G.  BUTLER 









P.  B.  ARMSTRONG,  Chairman  L.  V.  HEILBRUNN 

E.  G.  BALL  MAC  V.  EDDS 



S.  MERYL  ROSE,  Chairman  C.  L.  PROSSER 



EDGAR  ZWILLING,  Chairman  C.  B.  METZ 





^  V 


V^C        V       &*'**$. 



No.  3170 


Be  It  Known,  That  whereas  Alpheus  Hyatt,  William  Sanford  Stevens,  William  T. 
Sedgwick,  Edward  G.  Gardiner,  Susan  Minns,  Charles  Sedgwick  Minot,  Samuel  Wells, 
William  G.  Farlow,  Anna  D.  Phillips,  and  B.  H.  Van  Vleck  have  associated  themselves 
with  the  intention  of  forming  a  Corporation  under  the  name  of  the  Marine  Biological 
Laboratory,  for  the  purpose  of  establishing  and  maintaining  a  laboratory  or  station  for 
scientific  study  and  investigation,  and  a  school  for  instruction  in  biology  and  natural  his- 
tory, and  have  complied  with  the  provisions  of  the  statutes  of  this  Commonwealth  in  such 
case  made  and  provided,  as  appears  from  the  certificate  of  the  President,  Treasurer,  and 
Trustees  of  said  Corporation,  duly  approved  by  the  Commissioner  of  Corporations,  and 
recorded  in  this  office; 

No^v,  therefore,  I,  HENRY  B.  PIERCE,  Secretary  of  the  Commonwealth  of  Massachu- 
setts, do  hereby  certify  that  said  A.  Hyatt,  W.  S.  Stevens,  W.  T.  Sedgwick,  E.  G.  Gardi- 
ner, S.  Minns,  C.  S.  Minot,  S.  Wells,  W.  G.  Farlow,  A.  D.  Phillips,  and  B.  H.  Van  Vleck, 
their  associates  and  successors,  are  legally  organized  and  established  as,  and  are  hereby 
made,  an  existing  Corporation,  under  the  name  of  the  MARINE  BIOLOGICAL  LAB- 
ORATORY, with  the  powers,  rights,  and  privileges,  and  subject  to  the  limitations,  duties, 
and  restrictions,  which  by  law  appertain  thereto. 

Witness  my  official  signature  hereunto  subscribed,  and  the  seal  of  the  Commonwealth 
of  Massachusetts  hereunto  affixed,  this  twentieth  day  of  March,  in  the  year  of  our  Lord 
One  Thousand  Eight  Hundred  and  Eighty-Eight. 


Secretary  of  the  Commonwealth. 


I.  The  members  of  the  Corporation  shall  consist  of  persons  elected  by  the  Board  of 

II.  The  officers  of  the  Corporation  shall  consist  of  a  President,  Vice  President,  Di- 
rector, Treasurer,  and  Clerk. 

III.  The  Annual  Meeting  of  the  members  shall  be  held  on  the  Friday  following  the 
second  Tuesday  in  August  in  each  year  at  the  Laboratory  in  Woods  Hole,  Massachusetts, 
at  9:30  A.M.,  and  at  such  meeting  the  members  shall  choose  by  ballot  a  Treasurer  and  a 
Clerk  to  serve  one  year,  and  eight  Trustees  to  serve  four  years,  and  shall  transact  such 
other  business  as  may  properly  come  before  the  meeting.     Special  meetings  of  the  mem- 
bers may  be  called  by  the  Trustees  to  be  held  at  such  time  and  place  as  may  be  designated. 

IV.  Twenty-five  members  shall  constitute  a  quorum  at  any  meeting. 

V.  Any  member  in  good  standing  may  vote  at  any  meeting,  either  in  person  or  by 
proxy  duly  executed. 


VI.  Inasmuch  as  the  time  and  place  of  the  Annual  Meeting  of  members  are  fixed  by 
these  By-laws,  no  notice  of  the  Annual  Meeting  need  be  given.  Notice  of  any  special 
meeting  of  members,  however,  shall  be  given  by  the  Clerk  by  mailing  notice  of  the  time 
and  place  and  purpose  of  such  meeting,  at  least  fifteen  (15)  days  before  such  meeting, 
to  each  member  at  his  or  her  address  as  shown  on  the  records  of  the  Corporation. 

VII.  The  Annual  Meeting  of  the  Trustees  shall  be  held  promptly  after  the  Annual 
Meeting  of  the  Corporation  at  the  Laboratory  in  Woods  Hole,  Mass.     Special  meetings 
of  the  Trustees  shall  be  called  by  the  President,  or  by  any  seven  Trustees,  to  be  held  at 
such  time  and  place  as  may  be  designated,  and  the  Secretary  shall  give  notice  thereof  by 
written  or  printed  notice,  mailed  to  each  Trustee  at  his  address  as  shown  on  the  records 
of  the  Corporation,  at  least  one  (1)  week  before  the  meeting.     At  such  special  meeting 
only  matters  stated  in  the  notice  shall  be  considered.     Seven  Trustees  of  those  eligible  to 
vote  shall  constitute  a  quorum  for  the  transaction  of  business  at  any  meeting. 

VIII.  There  shall  be  three  groups  of  Trustees: 

(A)  Thirty-two  Trustees  chosen  by  the  Corporation,  divided  into  four  classes,  each 
to  serve  four  years.     After  having  served  two  consecutive  terms  of  four  years  each. 
Trustees  are  ineligible  for  re-election  until  a  year  has  elapsed.     In  addition,  there  shall 
be  two  groups  of  Trustees  as  follows : 

(B)  Trustees  ex  officio,  who  shall  be  the  President  and  Vice  President  of  the  Cor- 
poration, the  Director  of  the  Laboratory,  the  Associate  Director,  the  Treasurer,  and  the 

(C)  Trustees  Emeriti,  who  shall  be  elected  from  present  or  former  Trustees  by  the 
Corporation.     Any  regular  Trustee  who  has  attained  the  age  of  seventy  years  shall  con- 
tinue to  serve  as  Trustee  until  the  next  Annual  Meeting  of  the  Corporation,  whereupon 
his  office  as  regular  Trustee  shall  become  vacant  and  be  filled  by  election  by  the  Corpora- 
tion and  he  shall  become  eligible  for  election  as  Trustee  Emeritus  for  life.     The  Trustees 
ex  officio  and  Emeritus  shall  have  all  the  rights  of  the  Trustees  except  that  Trustees 
Emeritus  shall  not  have  the  right  to  vote. 

The  Trustees  and  officers  shall  hold  their  respective  offices  until  their  successors  are 
chosen  and  have  qualified  in  their  stead. 

IX.  The  Trustees  shall  have  the  control  and  management  of  the  affairs  of  the  Cor- 
poration ;  they  shall  elect  a  President  of  the  Corporation  who  shall  also  be  Chairman  of 
the  Board  of  Trustees  and  who  shall  be  elected  for  a  term  of  five  years  and  shall  serve 
until  his  successor  is  selected  and  qualified;  and  shall  also  elect  a  Vice  President  of  the 
Corporation  who  shall  also  be  the  Vice  Chairman  of  the  Board  of  Trustees  and  who  shall 
be  selected  for  a  term  of  five  years  and  shall  serve  until  his  successor  is  selected  and 
qualified;  they  shall  appoint  a  Director  of  the  Laboratory;  and  they  may  choose  such 
other  officers  and  agents  as  they  may  think  best;  they  may  fix  the  compensation  and  define 
the  duties  of  all  the  officers  and  agents ;  and  may  remove  them,  or  any  of  them,  except 
those  chosen  by  the  members,  at  any  time ;  they  may  fill  vacancies  occurring  in  any  manner 
in  their  own  number  or  in  any  of  the  offices.     The  Board  of  Trustees  shall  have  the  power 
to  choose  an  Executive  Committee  from  their  own  number,  and  to  delegate  to  such  Com- 
mittee such  of  their  own  powers  as  they  may  deem  expedient.     They  shall  from  time  to 
time  elect  members  to  the  Corporation  upon  such  terms  and  conditions  as  they  may  think 

X.  The  Associates  of  the  Marine  Biological  Laboratory  shalJ  be  an  unincorporated 
group  of  persons  (including  associations  and  corporations)  interested  in  the  Laboratory 
and  shall  be  organized  and  operated  under  the  general  supervision  and  authority  of  the 



XI.  The  consent  of  every  Trustee  shall  be  necessary  to  dissolution  of  the  Marine  Bi- 
ological Laboratory.     In  case  of  dissolution,  the  property  shall  be  disposed  of  in  such 
manner  and  upon  such  terms  as  shall  be  determined  by  the  affirmative  vote  of  two-thirds 
of  the  Board  of  Trustees. 

XII.  The  account  of  the  Treasurer  shall  be  audited  annually  by  a  certified  public 

XIII.  These  By-laws  may  be  altered  at  any  meeting  of  the  Trustees,  provided  that  the 
notice  of  such  meeting  shall  state  that  an  alteration  of  the  By-laws  will  be  acted  upon. 


Gentlemen : 

I  submit  herewith  the  report  of  the  sixty-ninth  session  of  the  Marine  Biological 

Since  the  close  of  World  War  II  there  have  been  certain  developments  at  the 
Laboratory  which  have  reduced  the  amount  of  research  space  available  to  summer 
investigators.  It  has  been  necessary  to  set  aside  some  space  formerly  assigned  to 
investigators  for  special  instrumentation.  Seven  laboratories  are  now  used  for 
radiobiology,  electron  microscopy,  dehumidified  laboratories  for  special  equipment 
and  the  personnel  responsible  for  these  services.  Eight  laboratories  are  used  by 
investigators  working  on  a  year-round  basis  so  are  not  available  for  the  summer 
investigators.  Thus  space  for  about  thirty  summer  investigators  has  been  diverted 
to  other  uses. 

Every  effort  has  been  made  to  accommodate  as  many  summer  investigators  as 
possible  which  has  probably  produced  serious  crowding  in  some  areas.  The  estab- 
lishment of  the  Neuromuscular  Training  Program  will  further  reduce  the  research 
space  available  for  summer  investigators.  In  recent  years  there  has  been  a  marked 
increase  in  the  number  of  applicants  for  research  space  with  many  well  qualified 
individuals  being  turned  away  every  year.  Serious  consideration  should  be  given 
to  the  expansion  of  our  research  facilities.  At  least  the  Laboratory  should  pick  up 
the  space  lost  to  other  activities.  This  can  best  be  done  by  replacing  the  Rocke- 
feller, Botany  and  Old  Lecture  Hall  with  a  modern  brick  building.  Additional 
housing  should  be  constructed  at  the  same  time  to  avoid  over-taxing  our  present 
housing  and  dining  hall  facilities. 

1.  Grants,  Contracts  and  Contributions 

The  total  income  from  these  sources  of  support  amounted  to  $204,034.00  in 
1956.  This  represents  40%  of  the  total  income  of  the  Laboratory  and  consists 
of  the  following  accounts  : 


American  Cancer  Soc. — C26AS — Function  of  Nuclei  and  Nucleic  Acids  $  18,705.00 

American  Cancer  Soc. — -R-7F — Fundamental  Studies  in  Radiobiology  6,600.00 
A.E.C. — At  30-1-1343 — -Program  of  Research  on  the  Physiology  of 

Marine  Organisms  Using  Radioisotopes 8,450.00 

N.I.H. — B643C — Encephalization  in  Embryonic  Development 2,012.00 

N.I.H. — SA43PH  423 — Investigations  of  the  Microscopic  Physiology 

of  Various  Forms  of  Living  Marine  Life 1,350.00 

N.I.H.— B799— Electrical  and  Mechanical  Changes  in  Muscle 920.00 

N.I.H.- — RG4359 — Biological  Research  on  the  Morphology,  Ecology, 

Physiology,  Biochemistry  and  Biophysics  of  Marine  Organisms  .  .  .  40,000.00 

N.I.H.— RG-E-45 13— Radiation-Induced  Paralysis  in  Protozoa 14,950.00 

National  Science  Found. — G2142 — Funds  for  Biological  Research  .  .  .  25,000.00 
National  Science  Found. — G1807 — Mechano-Chemical  Coupling  in 

Muscle  1 1,500.00 

National  Science  Found. — G1395 — Osmoregulation  of  Excretion  in 

Tunicates  2,917.00 

National  Science  Found. — G2655 — Structure  and  Function  of  Proteins  7,750.00 

O.N.R.— 1497— Studies  in  Marine  Biology 15,000.00 

O.N.R.— 09701— Studies  on  Isolated  Nerve  Fibers  6,450.00 

O.N.R. — 09702 — Investigation  of  Environmental  Factors  Influencing 

Certain  Marine  Biological  Populations  in  the  Woods  Hole  area  .  .  5,000.00 

American  Philosophical  Society  2,500.00 

M.  B.  L.  Associates 5,255.00 

Eli  Lilly  Company 5,000.00 

Rockefeller  Foundation  20,000.00 

Upjohn  Company  2,000.00 

Ciba  Company 1,000.00 

Grass  Trust  1,000.00 

Other  .  675.00 


2.  Ncuromiiscular  Training  Program 

A  neuromuscular  training  program  has  been  set  up  under  the  supervision  of 
Dr.  Stephen  Kuffler,  which  will  have  a  staff  of  three  investigators  and  eight  post- 
doctoral Fellows.  This  is  a  multidisciplinary  program  which  will  be  housed  in 
special  quarters  developed  in  the  Crane  Building.  The  program  is  being  supported 
by  the  Public  Health  Service. 

3.  Plant  Improvements 

During  the  past  winter  the  Supply  Department  Building  was  completely  recon- 
structed. Extensive  changes  were  made  in  the  internal  arrangement  of  the  building 
which  adapt  it  much  more  satisfactorily  to  its  various  functions.  Included  in  the 
building  will  be  a  study  museum  containing  specimens  of  the  various  forms  avail- 
able in  the  Woods  Hole  area  for  research.  Mr.  Milton  B.  Gray,  who  is  very  well 
acquainted  with  the  local  fauna,  will  serve  as  Curator  of  the  Museum. 


The  Crane  Wing  of  the  Brick  Building  was  built  in  1913.  It  has  been  in 
serious  need  of  rehabilitation  for  the  past  several  years.  Many  of  the  facilities 
were  not  adequate  for  much  of  the  research  currently  in  progress  at  the  Laboratory. 
A  request  for  a  grant  of  $415,000  was  made  to  the  National  Science  Foundation 
to  reconstruct  and  modernize  this  building.  Early  in  this  year,  favorable  action 
was  taken  by  the  National  Science  Foundation  on  this  grant  request.  This  recon- 
struction work  will  be  undertaken  between  the  1957-1958  summer  seasons.  The 
resulting  building  should  be  adequate  for  any  type  of  research  undertaken  at  the 

4.  Instruction 

In  line  with  the  Laboratory's  policy  Dr.  Bostwick  H.  Ketchum  will  retire  as 
head  of  the  Marine  Ecology  course,  having  served  a  five-year  term.  He  will  be 
succeeded  by  Dr.  Eugene  P.  Odum  of  the  University  of  Georgia. 

Dr.  Stephen  Kuffler  has  resigned  as  head  of  the  Physiology  course  to  take  over 
the  leadership  of  the  Neuromuscular  Training  Program.  He  will  be  succeeded  by 
Dr.  W.  D.  McElroy  of  the  Johns  Hopkins  University. 

The  course  in  Marine  Ecology  was  originally  established  under  Dr.  Ketchum's 
direction  who  can  take  real  pride  in  the  way  it  has  developed.  Dr.  Kuffler  main- 
tained the  course  in  Physiology  at  the  high  level  of  effectiveness  which  has  charac- 
terized it  for  many  years. 

5.  Retirements 

The  Laboratory  is  losing  the  services  of  three  of  its  permanent  staff  who  have 
served  the  Laboratory  most  faithfully  for  many  years.  Mr.  James  Mclnnis  is 
retiring  as  Manager  of  the  Supply  Department,  having  served  in  that  department 
for  thirty-eight  years. 

Miss  Polly  Crowell  has  been  connected  with  the  Laboratory  administration  for 
forty-one  years  and  Miss  Ruth  Crowell  with  the  Supply  Department  for  thirty- 
seven  years.  The  success  of  the  Laboratory  depends  in  a  large  measure  on  the 
effectiveness  of  its  staff,  of  which  they  have  been  outstanding  members. 

6.  Deaths 

This  past  year  the  Corporation  of  the  Marine  Biological  Laboratory  suffered  the 
loss  of  one  of  its  most  eminent  and  loyal  members,  in  the  death  of  Dr.  B.  M.  Duggar. 
A  memorial  to  Dr.  Duggar  will  be  presented  at  the  Annual  Meeting  of  1957. 

At  the  Annual  Meeting  of  1956  Dr.  Mary  Sears  read  a  memorial  for  Mrs. 
Priscilla  B.  Montgomery.  Mrs.  Montgomery  was  for  many  years  the  Librarian  of 
the  Laboratory  and  over  the  years  her  efforts  on  behalf  of  the  Library  have  made 
it  what  it  is  today.  Her  name  will  always  be  remembered  with  affection  and  pride 
by  all  who  knew  her. 

Respectfully  submitted, 






Mary  Sears 

28  December  1874-9  August  1956 

In  1897,  recent  graduates  of  women's  colleges  came  to  Woods  Hole  for  summer 
courses  just  as  they  do  today.  Priscilla  Braislin  of  Crosswicks,  New  Jersey,  arrived 
from  Vassar  and  enrolled  in  the  Embryology  Course.  The  next  year,  Thomas  Harrison 
Montgomery  came  as  an  investigator  and  in  1900  he  became  an  instructor  in  the  bird 
section  of  the  nature  study  course.  Priscilla  Braislin  was  back  to  take  this  course  after 
three  years  of  teaching  school;  the  first  at  Howard  Seminary  in  West  Bridgewater  and 
the  next  two  at  the  Pratt  Institute  High  School  in  Brooklyn.  Following  this  summer, 
they  became  engaged  and  were  married  in  Crosswicks  on  September  19,  1901.  Within 
a  few  years,  three  sons  were  born,  Thomas  Roger  in  Philadelphia  on  July  28,  1902,  Hugh 
in  Austin,  Texas,  on  April  17,  1904  and  Raymond  Braislin  in  Philadelphia  on  May  5, 
1910.  In  1908,  the  young  couple  purchased  the  house  on  Buzzards  Bay  Avenue  now 
owned  by  Norman  T.  Allen.  No  one  could  have  foreseen  then  how  closely  the  family 
was  to  become  associated  with  the  Woods  Hole  scientific  community ! 

Professor  Montgomery  died  of  pneumonia  on  March  19,  1912,  and  his  widow  had 
to  sell  the  Woods  Hole  property  and  go  to  work  to  support  her  family.  At  the  Uni- 
versity of  Pennsylvania,  Mrs.  Montgomery  worked  as  an  assistant  to  the  editor  of  the 
Journal  of  Biological  Chemistry,  Professor  A.  N.  Richards.  In  1915,  she  had  a  fellow- 
ship in  Dr.  McClung's  laboratory  to  enable  her  to  devote  more  time  to  work  toward  an 
advanced  degree — work  she  was  never  able  to  complete.  She  next  taught  at  Vassar  for 
a  year  and  then  became  an  assistant  professor  at  the  University  of  Maine  for  the  aca- 
demic year  1918-1919.  While  there  she  taught  vertebrate  anatomy,  histology  and 
embryology,  as  well  as  undertaking  some  original  studies  of  her  own  on  the  embryology 
of  the  chick. 

Coming  from  a  family  of  teachers,  one  might  have  supposed  that  Mrs.  Montgomery 
would  have  continued  in  the  family  tradition,  yet  she  had  a  drive  and  a  lack  of  patience 
which  made  her  temperamentally  unsuited  for  such  a  career.  Thus,  in  the  fall  of  1919, 
she  became  the  "resident  assistant  librarian  in  immediate  charge  of  the  library"  at  the 
Laboratory,  and  in  1925,  she  was  made  Librarian. 

It  was  due  mainly  to  Mrs.  Montgomery's  respect  for,  and  understanding  of,  research 
that  the  Library  grew  to  its  present  stature.  When  she  began  in  1919  the  entire  Library 
had  an  annual  budget  of  $2000  and  was  housed  in  Room  217  of  the  Crare  Building. 
However,  Mrs.  Montgomery  felt  that  she  was  assisting  the  work  of  the  laboratory  in  a 
very  real  way  and  consequently  her  ambition  for  the  Library  knew  no  bounds.  With 
persistence  and  the  continuing  help  and  interest  of  Dr.  Frank  R.  Lillie  and  others,  she 
accumulated  an  enviable  collection,  today  consisting  of  some  75,000  volumes. 

Although  not  a  trained  librarian,  she  knew  the  scientists'  needs  and  developed  an 
original,  yet  practical,  system  for  filing  journals,  and  at  the  same  time  expanded  the 
reprint  collection  for  circulation  so  that  the  journals  themselves  could  always  be  available 
in  the  Library.  On  Mrs.  Montgomery's  retirement  at  the  end  of  1947,  she  had  achieved 
her  goal  for  building  an  outstanding  library,  which  will  long  stand  as  a  fitting  tribute 
to  her  memory. 


The  building  of  her  home  on  Whitman  Road  in  1923  marked  the  end  of  the  years 
of  her  great  personal  struggle.  By  then  her  sons'  education  as  a  future  business  man, 
a  doctor  and  a  meteorologist-oceanographer  were  nearly  completed.  From  then  on  she 
had  time  for  sociability  as  well  as  work  and  she  will  be  remembered  for  her  genuine 
hospitality  by  many  of  the  summer  visitors  at  the  Laboratory  from  this  country  and 

1.  THE  STAFF,  1956 

PHILIP  B.  ARMSTRONG,  Director,  State  University  of  New  York,  School  of  Medicine, 

A.  P.  MATHEWS,  Professor  of  Biochemistry,  Emeritus,  University  of  Cincinnati 



F.  A.  BROWN,  JR.,  Professor  of  Zoology,  Northwestern  University 
LIBBIE  H.  HYMAN,  American  Museum  of  Natural  History 
A.  C.  REDFIELD,  Woods  Hole  Oceanographic  Institution 


THEODORE  H.  BULLOCK,  Associate  Professor  of  Zoology,  University  of  California,  Los 

Angeles,  in  charge  of  course 

JOHN  H.  LOCHHEAD,  Professor  of  Zoology,  University  of  Vermont 
NORMAN  A.  MEINKOTH,  Associate  Professor  of  Zoology,  Swarthmore  College 
GROVER  STEPHENS,  Assistant  Professor  of  Zoology,  University  of  Minnesota 
JOHN  M.  ANDERSON,  Associate  Professor  of  Zoology,  Cornell  University 
HOWARD  A.  SCHNEIDERMAN,  Assistant  Professor  of  Zoology,  Cornell  University 
MARTIN  W.  JOHNSON,   Professor  of   Marine   Biology,    Scripps   Inst.   of   Oceanography, 

University  of  California,  La  Jolla 
MORRIS  ROCKSTEIN,  Department  of  Physiology,  New  York  University,  Bellevue  Medical 



CHARLES  H.  BAXTER,  University  of  California,  Los  Angeles 
KENT  CHRISTENSEN,  Harvard  University 



MAC  V.  EDDS,  JR.,  Associate  Professor  of  Biology,  Brown  University,  in  charge  of  course 

PAUL  B.  WEISZ,  Associate  Professor  of  Biology,  Brown  University 

NELSON  T.  SPRATT,  JR.,  Professor  of  Zoology,  University  of  Minnesota 

J.  P.  TRINKAUS,  Assistant  Professor  of  Zoology,  Yale  University 

EDGAR  ZWILLING,  Associate  Professor  of  Genetics,  University  of  Connecticut 

ROBERT  G.  BEARD,  Indiana  University 




MERKEL  H.  JACOBS,  Professor  of  Physiology,  University  of  Pennsylvania 

OTTO  LOEWI,  Professor  of  Pharmacology,  New  York  University,  School  of  Medicine 

ARTHUR  K.  PARPART,  Professor  of  Biology,  Princeton  University 

ALBERT  SZENT-GYORGYI,  Director,  Institute  for  Muscle  Research,  Woods  Hole 

E.  S.  GUZMAN  BARRON,  Associate  Professor  of  Biochemistry,  University  of  Chicago 


STEPHEN  W.  KUFFLER,  Associate  Professor  of  Ophthalmology,  Wilmer  Institute,  Johns 

Hopkins  Medical  School,  in  charge  of  course 

FRANCIS  D.  CARLSON,  Assistant  Professor  of  Biophysics,  Johns  Hopkins  University 
BERNARD   D.    DAVIS,    Professor   of    Pharmacology,    New   York    University,    College    of 


ERIK  ZEUTHEN,  Lecturer,  Laboratory  of  Zoophysiology,  University  of  Copenhagen 
RAYMOND  E.  ZIRKLE,  Professor  of  Radiobiology,  University  of  Chicago 
HERMAN  M.  KALCKAR,  National  Institutes  of  Health 

MAX  A.  LAUFFER,  Professor  and  Head  of  Dept.  of  Biophysics,  University  of  Pittsburgh 
ANDREW  SZENT-GYORGYI,  Independent  Investigator,  The  Institute  for  Muscle  Research 

PAUL  BERNSTEIN,  Department  of  Zoology,  Columbia  University 



WM.  RANDOLPH  TAYLOR,  Professor  of  Botany,  University  of  Michigan 


HAROLD  C.  BOLD,  Professor  of  Biology,  Vanderbilt  University,  in  charge  of  course 

ROBERT  W.  KRAUSS,  University  of  Maryland 

PAUL  C.  SILVA,  Assistant  Professor  of  Botany,  University  of  Illinois 

RAYMOND  A.  GALLOWAY,  University  of  Maryland 

GINA  ARCE,  Vanderbilt  University 


ALFRED  C.  REDFIELD,  Woods  Hole  Oceanographic  Institution 



BOSTWICK  H.  KETCHUM,  Marine  Microbiologist,  Woods  Hole  Oceanographic  Institu- 
tion, in  charge  of  course 

EDWIN  T.  MOUL,  Assistant  Professor  of  Botany,  Rutgers  University 
CHARLES  JENNER,  Associate  Professor  of  Zoology,  University  of  North  Carolina 

RUDOLF  SCHELTEMA,  George  Washington  University 

HOMER  P.  SMITH,  General  Manager 


Librarian  Buildings  and  Grounds 

CARL  SCHWEIDENBACH,  Manager  of  ROBERT  B.  MILLS,  Manager,  De- 
Supply  Department  partment  of  Research  Service 






MARY  E.  CASTELLANO,  Assistant  Librarian 



















Independent  Investigators,  1956 

ABBOTT,  ROBINSON  S.,  Assistant  Professor  of  Botany,  Cornell  University 
ADELSON,  LIONEL  M.,  Research  Associate,  National  Agricultural  College 
ALLEN,  ROBERT  DAY,  Assistant  Professor  of  Zoology,  University  of  Michigan 
ALSCHER,  RUTH  P.,  Associate  Professor,  Manhattanville  College 

AMBERSON,  WILLIAM  R.,  Professor  of  Physiology,  University  of  Maryland  School  of  Medicine 
ANDERSON,  JOHN  MAXWELL,  Associate  Professor  of  Zoology,  Cornell  University 
ARMSTRONG,  PHILIP  B.,  Professor  of  Anatomy,  State  Univ.  of  New  York,  College  of  Medicine 
ARNOLD,  WILLIAM  A.,  Scientific  Investigator,  Oak  Ridge  National  Laboratory 
BANG,  FREDERICK  B.,  Professor  of  Pathobiology,  Johns  Hopkins  University  School  of  Medicine 
BENNETT,  MIRIAM  F.,  Instructor  of  Biology,  Sweet  Briar  College 
BENESCH,  REINHOLD,  Marine  Biological  Laboratory,  Woods  Hole,  Massachusetts 
BERGER,  CHARLES  A.,  Chairman,  Department  of  Biology,  Fordham  University 
BLUM,  HAROLD  F.,  Physiologist,  Princeton  University 
BOETTIGER.  EDWARD  G.,  Associate  Professor,  University  of  Connecticut 
BOLD,  HAROLD  C,  Vanderbilt  University 

BRADY,  ROSCOE  O.,  National  Institute  of  Neurological  Diseases  and  Blindness 
BRIDGMAN,  ANNA  J.,  Professor  of  Biology,  Agnes  Scott  College 

BROWN,  FRANK  A.,  JR.,  Chairman,  Dept.  of  Biological  Sciences,  Northwestern  University 
BRYANT,  S.  H.,  Instructor  of  Pharmacology,  University  of  Cincinnati,  College  of  Medicine 
BULLOCK,  THEODORE  H.,  Professor  of  Zoology,  University  of  California  at  Los  Angeles 
BUTLER,  ELMER  G.,  Professor  of  Zoology,  Princeton  University 
CAMPBELL,  MILDRED  A.,  Instructor  of  Zoology,  Smith  College 

CARLSON,  FRANCIS  D.,  Assistant  Professor  of  Biophysics,  Johns  Hopkins  University 
CHAET,  ALFRED  B.,  Instructor  in  Zoology,  University  of  Maine 
CHANG,  JOSEPH  J.,  Instructor,  Department  of  Biology,  Brown  University 
CHASE,  AURIN  M.,  Associate  Professor  of  Biology,  Princeton  University 
CHENEY,  RALPH  HOLT,  Professor  of  Biology,  Brooklyn  College 
CLAFF,  C.  LLOYD,  Research  Associate  in  Surgery,  Harvard  Medical  School 
CLARK,  ELLIOT  R.,  Professor  Emeritus  of  Anatomy,  University  of  Pennsylvania 
CLEMENT,  A.  C.,  Associate  Professor  of  Biology,  Emory  University 
CLOWES,  G.  H.  A.,  Research  Director  Emeritus,  Lilly  Research  Laboratories 
COHEN,  MELVIN  J.,  Instructor  in  Biology,  Harvard  University 
COHEN,  SEYMOUR  S.,  Professor  of  Biochemistry,  University  of  Pennsylvania 
COLE,  KENNETH  S.,  Chief,  Laboratory  of  Biophysics,  National  Institutes  of  Health 
COLWIN,  ARTHUR  L.,  Associate  Professor  and  Lecturer,  Queens  College 
COLWIN,  LAURA  H.,  Queens  College 

COOPERSTEIN,  SHERWIN  J.,  Associate  Professor  of  Anatomy,  Western  Reserve  University  Medi- 
cal School 
COSTELLO,  DONALD  P.,  Kenan  Professor  of  Zoology  and  chairman  of  the  Department,  University 

of  North  Carolina 

COWGILL,  ROBERT  W.,  Instructor  in  Biochemistry,  University  of  California,  Berkeley 
CROWELL,  SEARS,  Assistant  Professor  of  Zoology,  Indiana  University 
CSAPO,  A.,  Rockefeller  Institute  for  Medical  Research 
DAN,  JEAN  CLARK,  Misaki  Marine  Biological  Station,  Japan 

DAVIS,  BERNARD  D.,  Professor  and  Chairman  of  Pharmacology,  New  York  University  College 
of  Medicine 

DODGE,  FREDERICK  A.,  JR.,  Graduate  Fellow,  Rockefeller  Institute  for  Medical  Research 

DWYER,  JOHN  D.,  Director,  Department  of  Biology,  Saint  Louis  University 

EDDS,  MAC  V.,  JR.,  Associate  Professor  of  Biology,  Brown  University 

EISEN,  HERMAN  N.,  Professor  of  Medicine,  Washington  University  School  of  Medicine 

ELLIOTT,  ALFRED  M.,  Professor  of  Zoology,  University  of  Michigan 

FiTzHuGH,  RICHARD,  Biophysicist,  National  Institutes  of  Health 

FREYGANG,  WALTER  H.,  S.  A.  Surg.  (R),  U.  S.  Public  Health  Service 


GOSSELIN,  ROBERT  E.,  Assistant  Professor  of  Pharmacology,  University  of  Rochester,   School 

of  Medicine 

GREEN,  JAMES  W.,  Associate  Professor  of  Physiology,  Rutgers  University 
GREEN,  MAURICE,  Instructor  of  Biochemistry,  University  of  Pennsylvania 
GREEN,  PAUL  B.,  Junior  Fellow,  Harvard  University 

GREIF,  ROGER  L.,  Associate  Professor  of  Physiology,  Cornell  University  Medical  College 
GROSCH,  DANIEL  S.,  Associate  Professor  of  Genetics,  North  Carolina  State  College 
GRUNDFEST,  HARRY,  Associate  Professor  of  Neurology,  College  of  Physicians  and  Surgeons 
GUTTMAN,  RITA,  Assistant  Professor  of  Biology,  Brooklyn  College 
HAGERMAN,  DWAIN  D.,  Research  Fellow,  Harvard  Medical  School 
HAGIWARA,  S.,  Visiting  Scientist,  National  Institutes  of  Health 
HARVEY,  ETHEL  BROWNE,  Research  in  Biology,  Princeton  University 
HARVEY,  E.  NEWTON,  Professor  of  Physiology,  Princeton  University 
HAYASHI,  TERU,  Associate  Professor  of  Zoology,  Columbia  University 
HAYWOOD,  CHARLOTTE,  Professor  of  Physiology,  Mount  Holyoke  College 
HEILBRUNN,  L.  V.,  Professor  of  Zoology,  University  of  Pennsylvania 
HENLEY,  CATHERINE,  Research  Associate,  University  of  North  Carolina 
HERVEY,  JOHN  P.,  Electronic  Engineer,  Rockefeller  Institute  for  Medical  Research 
HOLZ,  GEORGE  G.,  JR.,  Assistant  Professor  of  Zoology,  Syracuse  University 

HOLTZER,  HOWARD,  Assistant  Professor  of  Anatomy,  University  of  Pennsylvania  Medical  School 
HOWARD,  ROBERT  S.,  Assistant  Professor  of  Biological  Sciences,  University  of  Delaware 
HUNTER,  F.  R.,  Assistant  Professor,  Roosevelt  University 

HYDE,  BEAL  B.,  Assistant  Professor  of  Plant  Sciences,  University  of  Oklahoma 
JACOBS,  WILLIAM  P.,  Associate  Professor,  Princeton  University 

JENKINS,  GEORGE  B.,  Professor  Emeritus  of  Anatomy,  George  Washington  University 
JENNER,  CHARLES  E.,  Associate  Professor  of  Zoology,  University  of  North  Carolina 
JOHNSON,  FRANK  H.,  Associate  Professor  of  Biology,  Princeton  University 
JOHNSON,  MARTIN  W.,  Professor  of  Marine  Biology,  Scripps  Institution  of  Oceanography 
KALCKAR,  HERMAN  M.,  Visiting  Scientist,  National  Institutes  of  Health 

KARUSH,  FRED,  Associate  Professor  of  Immunology,  The  Children's  Hospital  of  Philadelphia 
KAO,  C.  Y.,  Rockefeller  Institute  for  Medical  Research 

KARLSON,  PETER,  Max-Planck  Institut  fur  Biochemi,  Tubingen,  Western  Germany 
KEMP,  NORMAN  E.,  Assistant  Professor  of  Zoology,  University  of  Michigan 
KEMPTON,  RUDOLF  T.,  Professor  and  Chairman,  Department  of  Zoology,  Vassar  College 
KEOSIAN,  JOHN,  Professor  of  Biology,  Rutgers  University 

KIND,  C.  ALBERT,  Assistant  Professor  of  Biochemistry,  University  of  Connecticut 
KLEINHOLZ,  L.  H.,  Professor  of  Biology,  Reed  College 

KLOTZ,  IRVING  M.,  Professor  of  Chemistry  and  Biology,  Northwestern  University 
KOSTELLOW,  ADELE  B.,  Damon  Runyon  Fellow,  Albert  Einstein  College  of  Medicine 
KRAHL,  MAURICE  E.,  Professor  of  Physiology,  University  of  Chicago 
LANSING,  ALBERT  L,  Professor  of  Anatomy,  Emory  University 

LAUFFER,  MAX  A.,  Professor  and  Head  of  Dept.  of  Biophysics,  University  of  Pittsburgh 
LAVOIE,  MARCEL  E.,  Instructor  in  Zoology,  University  of  New  Hampshire 
LAZAROW,  ARNOLD,  Professor  and  Head  of  Dept.  of  Anatomy,  University  of  Minnesota 
LEES,  A.  D.,  Principal  Scientific  Officer,  Agricultural  Research  Council  Unit  of  Insect  Physi- 
ology, England 

LEHMANN,  FRITZ  E.,  Professor  of  Zoology,  University  of  Berne,  Switzerland 
LEVINE,  LAWRENCE,  Instructor  of  Zoology,  Wayne  University 
LEWIN,  RALPH  A.,  Grantee,  National  Institutes  of  Health 
LOCHHEAD,  JOHN  H.,  Professor  of  Zoology,  University  of  Vermont 
LORAND,  LASZLO,  Assistant  Professor  of  Chemistry,  Northwestern  University 
LOVELACE,  ROBERTA,  Assistant  Professor  of  Biology,  University  of  South  Carolina 
LUBIN,  MARTIN,  Associate  in  Pharmacology,  Harvard  Medical  School 
LUMB,  ETHEL  SUE,  Assistant  Professor  of  Zoology,  Vassar  College 
LYNCH,  WILLIAM  F.,  Professor  of  Biology,  St.  Ambrose  College 
MAAS,  WERNER  K.,  Assistant  Professor  of  Pharmacology,   New  York  University   College   of 

MARSHAK,  ALFRED,  Marine  Biological  Laboratory,  Woods  Hole,  Massachusetts 


MARSLAND,  DOUGLAS.  Professor  of  Biology,  Washington  Square  College,  New  York  University 

MEINKOTH,  NORMAN  A.,  Associate  Professor  of  Biology,  Swarthmore  College 

MENKIN,   VALY,    Head  of   Experimental    Pathology,   Agnes    Barr   Chase    Foundation,    Temple 


METZ,  CHARLES  B.,  Associate  Professor  of  Zoology,  Florida  State  University 
MONROV,  ALBERTO,  Professor  of  Comparative  Anatomy,  University  of  Palermo,  Italy 
MOORE,  JOHN  W.,  Associate  Chief,  Laboratory  of  Biophysics,  National  Institutes  of  Health 
MULLINS,  L.  J.,  Associate  Professor  of  Biophysics,  Purdue  University 
MUSACCHIA,  X.  J.,  Associate  Professor  of  Biology,  St.  Louis  University 
NACE,  PAUL  FOLEY,  Associate  Professor  of  Anatomy,  New  York  Medical  College 
NEEDLER,  MARY  E.,  Graduate  Student  and  Demonstrator,  University  of  Toronto 
OSTERHOUT,  W.  J.  V.,  Rockefeller  Institute  for  Medical  Research 
PARKER,  JOHNSON,  Assistant  Professor  of  Botany,  University  of  Idaho 

PARPART,  ARTHUR  K.,  Professor  and  Chairman,  Department  of  Biology,  Princeton  University 
PATERSON,  MABEL,  Instructor  in  Zoology,  Vassar  College 
PERSON,  PHILIP,  Chief,  Dental  Research,  V.  A.  Hospital 
PIERCE,  MADELENE  E.,  Professor  of  Zoology,  Vassar  College 
PLOUGH,  HAROLD  H.,  Professor  of  Biology,  Amherst  College 
PROCTOR,  NATHANIEL  K.,  Professor  of  Biology,  Morgan  State  College 
PROSSER,  C.  LADD,  Professor  of  Physiology,  University  of  Illinois 
RATLIFF,  FLOYD,  Rockefeller  Institute  for  Medical  Research 
RAY,  CHARLES,  Assistant  Professor  of  Biology,  Emory  University 
REBHUN,  LIONEL  I.,  Instructor  in  Anatomy,  University  of  Illinois 
REED,  CLARK  P.,  School  of  Hygiene,  Johns  Hopkins  University 
ROCKSTEIN,    MORRIS,   Associate    Professor    of    Physiology,    New    York    University    College    of 


ROGERS,  K.  T.,  Assistant  Professor  of  Zoology,  Oberlin  College 
ROSENTHAL,  THEODORE  B.,  Associate  Professor  of  Anatomy,  Emory  University 
Rossi,  HAROLD  H.,  Associate  Professor  of  Radiology,  College  of  Physicians  and  Surgeons 
ROTH,  JAY  S.,  Associate  Professor  of  Biochemistry,  Hahnemann  Medical  College 
RUGH.  ROBERTS,  Associate  Professor  of  Radiology,  Columbia  University 
SAROFF,  H.  A.,  Scientist,  USPHS,  National  Institutes  of  Health 
SCHARRER,  ERNST  A.,  Professor  and  Chairman  of  Dept.  of  Anatomy,  Albert  Einstein  College  of 


SCHECHTER,  VICTOR,  Associate  Professor  of  Biology,  City  College  of  New  York 
SCHNEIDERMAN,  HOWARD  A.,  Assistant  Professor  of  Zoology,  Cornell  University 
SCHUH,  JOSEPH  E.,  Assistant  Professor  of  Biology,  St.  Peter's  College 

SCOTT,  DWIGHT  B.  AlcNAiR,  Assistant  Professor  of  Biochemistry,  University  of  Pennsylvania 
SCOTT,  SISTER  FLORENCE  M.,  Professor  of  Biology,  Seton  Hill  College 
SCOTT,  GEORGE  T.,  Professor  of  Zoology,  Oberlin  College 
SENFT,  ALFRED  W.,  Falmouth  Medical  Associates 
SHANES,  ABRAHAM  M.,  Physiologist,  National  Institutes  of  Health 
SILVA,  PAUL  C.,  Assistant  Professor  of  Botany,  University  of  Illinois 
SLIFER,  ELEANOR  H.,  Associate  Professor  of  Zoology,  State  University  of  Iowa 
SPEIDEL,  CARL  C.,  Professor  and  Chairman  of  Anatomy  Dept.,  University  of  Virginia  Medical 


SPRATT,  NELSON  T.,  Professor  of  Zoology,  University  of  Minnesota 
SPYROPOULOS,  COXSTANTINE,  National  Institutes  of  Health 

STEARNS,  RICHARD  N.,  Instructor  in  Physiology,  Albert  Einstein  College  of  Medicine 
STEELE,  RICHARD  H.,  Visiting  Investigator,  Muscular  Dystrophy  Associations  of  America,  Inc. 
STEFANELLI,  ALBERTO,  Director,  Universita  di  Rome 
STEINBERG,  MALCOLM  S.,  Graduate  Student,  University  of  Minnesota 
STEPHENS,  GROVER  C.,  Assistant  Professor  of  Zoology,  University  of  Minnesota 
STUNKARD,  HORACE  W.,  Fishery  Research  Biologist,  New  York  University 
STURTEVANT,  ALFRED  H.,  Professor  of  Genetics,  California  Institute  of  Technology 
SZENT-GYORGYI,  ALBERT,  Marine  Biological  Laboratory,  Woods  Hole,  Mass. 
SZENT-GYORGYI,  ANDREW,  Research  Associate,  Marine  Biological  Laboratory,  Woods  Hole,  Mass. 
TASAKI,  I.,  Chief,  Section  on  Special  Senses,  National  Institutes  of  Health 


TAYLOR,  WILLIAM  RANDOLPH,  Professor  of  Botany,  University  of  Michigan 

TOKAY,  ELBERT,  Associate  Professor  of  Physiology,  Vassar  College 

TRINKAUS,  J.  P.,  Assistant  Professor  of  Zoology,  Osborn  Zoological  Laboratory,  Yale  University 

TYLER,  DAVID  B.,  Professor  of  Pharmacology  and  Director  of  Department,  University  of  Puerto 

Rico,  School  of  Medicine 

URETZ,  ROBERT  B.,  Instructor  in  Biophysics,  University  of  Chicago 
DEViLLAFRANCA,  GEORGE  W.,  Assistant  Professor  of  Zoology,  Smith  College 
VILLEE,  CLAUDE  A.,  Assistant  Professor  of  Biochemistry,  Harvard  Medical  School 
VINCENT,  W.  S.,  Instructor  in  Anatomy,  Upstate  Medical  Center,  State  University  of  New  York 
WEBB,  H.  MARGUERITE,  Assistant  Professor  of  Physiology,  Goucher  College 
WEISZ,  PAUL  B.,  Associate  Professor  of  Biology,  Brown  University 
WHITING,  ANNA  R.,  Lecturer  in  Zoology,  University  of  Pennsylvania 
WHITING,  P.  W.,  Professor  of  Zoology  Emeritus,  University  of  Pennsylvania 
WICHTERMAN,  RALPH,  Professor  of  Biology,  Temple  University 

WIERCINSKI,  FLOYD  J.,  Assistant  Professor  of  Physiology,  Hahnemann  Medical  College 
WILBER,  CHARLES  G.,  Chief,  Comparative  Physiology  Branch,  Army  Chemical  Center 
WILLEY,  C.  H.,  Chairman,  Department  of  Biology,  New  York  University,  University  College 
WILSON,  T.  G.,  Research  Associate,  Princeton  University 
WILSON,  WALTER  L.,  Assistant  Professor  of  Physiology  and  Biophysics,  College  of  Medicine, 

University  of  Vermont 

WOOTTON,  DONALD  M.,  Woods  Hole,  Mass. 
WITTENBERG,  JONATHAN  B.,  Assistant  Professor  of  Biochemistry,  Albert  Einstein  College  of 


ZEUTHEN,  ERIK,  Lecturer,  University  of  Copenhagen 

ZIMMERMAN,  ARTHUR  M.,  Research  Associate,  Washington   Square  College,   New  York  Uni- 

ZIRKLE,  RAYMOND  E.,  Professor  of  Radiology,  University  of  Chicago 

ZWEIFACH,  B.  W.,  Associate  Professor  of  Pathology,  New  York  University  College  of  Medicine 
ZWILLING,  EDGAR,  Associate  Professor  of  Genetics,  University  of  Connecticut 

Beginning  Investigators,  1956 

AMENTA,  PETER  S.,  Pre-doctoral  Student,  University  of  Chicago 

BAXTER,  CHARLES  H.,  Teaching  Assistant,  University  of  California  at  Los  Angeles 

BEARD,  ROBERT  G.,  Graduate  Student,  Indiana  University 

DAVIDSON,  MARGARET  E.,  Demonstrator-Curator  in  Zoology,  McGill  University 

FRIZ,  CARL  T.,  Research  Assistant,  University  of  Minnesota 

HONEGGER,  CAROL  M.,  Graduate  Student,  University  of  Pennsylvania 

KANE,  ROBERT  EDWARD,  Graduate  Student,  Johns  Hopkins  University 

KURAHASHI,  KIYOSHI,  Research  Fellow,  National  Institutes  of  Health 

LARIS,  PHILIP  C.,  Graduate  Student,  Princeton  University 

LEVIN,  CLINTON  N.,  Student,  New  York  University  College  of  Medicine 

Moos,  CARL,  Research  Associate,  Northwestern  University 

MORRILL,  JOHN  B.,  Graduate  Student,  Florida  State  University 

NEWMAN,  ANNA  E.,  Research  Fellow,  Western  Reserve  University 

PUGNO,  SANDRA  L.,  Post-doctoral  Fellow,  Yale  University 

REIMER,  STANLEY  M.,  Graduate  Student,  Rutgers  University 

STEVENSON,  J.  Ross,  Graduate  Student,  Northwestern  University 

TAYLOR,  ROBERT  E.,  Research  Physiologist,  National  Institutes  of  Health 

TUCKER,  MARIE,  Graduate  Student,  University  of  Illinois 

TUNIK,  BERNARD  D.,  Graduate  Student,  Columbia  University 

WHEAT,  ROBERT  W.,  Research  Fellow,  National  Institutes  of  Health 

Research  Assistants,  1956 

ADAMS,  TERRY,  86  Chestnut  Street,  Boston  8,  Massachusetts 

ARCE,  GINA,  Vanderbilt  University 

BAIRD,  SPENCER,  Institute  for  Muscle  Research 

EARNER,  HAZEL,  Children's  Hospital  of  Philadelphia 


BERNSTEIN,  PAUL  W.,  New  York  University  College  of  Medicine 

BROWN,  ROBERT  A.,  Northwestern  University 

CAGLE,  JULIEN,  Princeton  University 

CRANSTON,  MARGARET  B.,  Radcliffe  Graduate  School 

CULLERTON,  JOHN  M.,  University  of  Pennsylvania 

DAVIS,  ROGER  E.,  University  of  Wisconsin 

DRAKE,  JOHN  W.,  California  Institute  of  Technology 

ERDMAN,  HOWARD  E.,  North  Carolina  State  College 

FINCK,  HENRY,  University  of  Pennsylvania  School  of  Medicine 

GORMAN,  DONALD  J.,  New  York  University  Medical  School 

GREENLEES,  JANET,  Rutgers  University 

HARSCH,  MARY,  Rutgers  University 

HOCHGRAF,  HELEN,  Smith  College 

KARREMAN,  GEORGE,  Research  Associate,  Institute  for  Muscle  Research 

KOGEL,  JOAN,  Albert  Einstein  College  of  Medicine 

KRAMER,  ALAN  D.,  New  York  University  School  of  Medicine 

KURLAND,  CHARLES  G.,  Cornell  University 

LAMB,  GEORGE  A.,  State  University  of  New  York  Medical  School  at  Syracuse 

LANGER,  IRA  J.,  State  University  of  New  York  Medical  School  at  Syracuse 

LAURIE,  JOHN  S.,  Johns  Hopkins  University 

LEVINE,  LENORE  S.,  New  York  University  School  of  Medicine 

LIGHTEN  STEIN,  JANET,  Children's  Hospital  of  Philadelphia 

LOEB,  TIMOTHY,  Reed  College 

MCLAUGHLIN,  JANE  A.,  Institute  for  Muscle  Research 

MATHESON,  GAIL  E.,  Yale  University 

MIDDLEBROOK,  W.  R.,  Institute  for  Muscle  Research 

MINGIOLI,  ELIZABETH  S.,  New  York  University  College  of  Medicine 

PALMER,  ROGER  FARLEY,  Florida  State  University 

PHILPOTT,  DELBERT  E.,  Research  Associate,  Institute  for  Muscle  Research 

OBERLANDER,  MARCIA  I.,  State  University  of  New  York  College  of  Medicine  at  Syracuse 

OUTKA,  DARRYLL  E.,  University  of  California 

PFLUEGER,  OTTO  H.,  Reed  College 

REICH,  MELVIN,  Rutgers  University 

ROSENTHAL,  ELIZABETH,  National  Institutes  of  Health 

Ross,  SAMUEL  M.,  Brooklyn  College 

ROWE,  EDWARD  C,  University  of  Michigan 

SHRINER,  JOAN,  Northwestern  University 

SIE,  EDWARD,  Princeton  University 

SMILEY,  SHELDON,  State  University  of  New  York 

SMITH,  ZOE  HOLLINGSWORTH,  North  Carolina  State  College 

SPERELAKIS,  NICK,  University  of  Illinois 

STRAUSS,  PAUL  H.,  New  York  University  College  of  Medicine 

STRICKHOLM,  ALFRED,  University  of  Minnesota 

SZENT-GYORGYI,  EVA,  Institute  for  Muscle  Research 

SZENT-GYORGYI,  MARTA,  Institute  for  Muscle  Research 

VOZICK,  MICHAEL  W.,  Columbia  University 

Library  Readers,  1956 

BALL,  ERIC  G.,  Professor  of  Biological  Chemistry,  Harvard  Medical  School 

BENTLEY,  RONALD,  Assistant  Professor  of  Biochemistry,  University  of  Pittsburgh 

BODANSKY,  OSCAR,  Chief,  Clinical  Biochemistry,  Sloan-Kettering  Institute 

BRAITENBERG,  VALENTINE,  Yale  Medical  School 

CHACE,  JOHN  A.,  Kirksville  College  of  Osteopathy  and  Surgery 

DEANE,  HELEN  W.,  387  Harvard  Street,  Cambridge  38,  Massachusetts 

DIXON,  F.  J.,  JR.,  Professor  and  Chairman  Department  of  Pathology,  University  of  Pittsburgh 

School  of  Medicine 
DORFMAN,  ALBERT,  Associate  Professor  of  Pediatrics,  University  of  Chicago 


FREUND,  JULES,  Chief,  Division  of  Immunology,  The  Public  Health  Research  Institute  of  New 


FRIES,  E.  F.  B.,  Associate  Professor,  The  City  College  of  New  York 
GABRIEL,  MORDECAI  L.,  Associate  Professor  of  Biology,  Brooklyn  College 
GINSBERG,  HAROLD  S.,  Associate  Professor  of  Preventive  Medicine,  Western  Reserve  University, 

School  of  Medicine 

GLASS,  H.  BENTLEY,  Professor  of  Biology,  Johns  Hopkins  University 
GLASSER,  RICHARD  L.,  University  of  Maryland 

GOLDMAN,  STANFORD,  Professor  of  Electrical  Engineering,  Syracuse  University 
GOLDTHWAIT,  DAVID  A.,  Senior  Clinical  Instructor  in  Medicine,  Western  Reserve  University 
GRANT,  PHILIP,  Research  Associate,  Department  of  Embryology,  Institute  for  Cancer  Research 
GUDERNATSCH,  FREDERICK,  Cornell  University  Medical  College 

GUREWICH,  VLADIMIR,  Associate  Visiting  Physician,  Bellevue  and  Metropolitan  Hospitals 
HERBERT,  EDWARD,  Instructor  in  Biology,  Massachusetts  Institute  of  Technology 
JACOBS,  M.  H.,  Professor  Emeritus  of  General  Physiology,  University  of  Pennsylvania 
KABAT,  ELVIN  A.,  Professor  of  Microbiology,  Columbia  University 
KOHN,  ROBERT  R.,  Research  Fellow,  Benjamin  Rose  Hospital 

LEIN,  ALLEN,  Associate  Professor  of  Physiology,  Northwestern  University  Medical  School 
LEVY,  ARTHUR  L.,  Research  Biochemist,  St.  Vincent's  Hospital 
LEVINE,  RACHMIEL,  Chairman,  Department  of  Medicine,  Michael  Reese  Hospital 
LING,  GILBERT  N.,  Assistant  Professor  of  Neurophysiology,  University  of  Illinois 
LOEWI,  OTTO,  Research   Professor  of   Pharmacology,   New   York   University-Bellevue    Medical 


LOVE,  Lois  H.,  Research  Associate,  National  Research  Council 

MCDONALD,  SISTER  ELIZABETH,  Chairman,  Department  of  Biology,  College  of  Mt.  St.  Joseph 
PICK,  JOSEPH,  Associate  Professor  in  Anatomy,  New  York  Umversity-Bellevue  Medical  Center 
RENNIE,  DONALD  W.,  Research  Fellow,  Harvard  University  School  of  Medicine 
ROOT,  WALTER  S.,  Professor  of  Physiology,  College  of  Physicians  and  Surgeons 
ROSE,  S.  MERYL,  Professor  of  Zoology,  University  of  Illir.cis 

RUBIN,  SAUL  H.,  Director,  Pharmaceutical  and  Biochemical  Research,  Hoffmann-La  Roche 
SCOTT,  ALLAN,  Chairman,  Department  of  Biology,  Colby  College 
SCOTT,  THOMAS  F.  M.,  Research  Professor  of  Pediatrics,  Children's  Hospital 
STOCKARD,  ALFRED  H.,  Professor  of  Zoology,  University  of  Michigan 
SULKIN,  S.  EDWARD,  Professor  and  Chairman,  Department  of  Microbiology,  University  of  Texas 

Southwestern  Medical  School 

SWIFT,  HEWSON,  Associate  Professor  of  Zoology,  University  of  Chicago 
TEAS,  HOWARD  J.,  Plant  Physiologist,  Federal  Experiment  Station,  Mayaguez,  Puerto  Rico 
TRURNIT,  HANS  J.,  Member  of  the  Scientific  Staff,  R.  I.  A.  S.,  Baltimore 
TYLER,  ALBERT,  Professor  of  Embryology,  California  Institute  of  Technology 
VEIS,  ARTHUR,  Research  Chemist,  Armour  and  Company 
VISHNIAC,  WOLF,  Assistant  Professor  of  Microbiology,  Yale  University 
WAINIO,  WALTER  W.,  Associate  Professor  of  Biochemistry,  Rutgers  University 
WATERMAN,  ALLYN  J.,  Professor  of  Biology,  Williams  College 
WTARNER,  ROBERT  C.,  Associate   Professor  of  Biochemistry,   New   York   University   College  of 


WHEELER,  GEORGE  E.,  Instructor  in  Biology,  Brooklyn  College 
YNTEMA,  CHESTER  L.,  Professor  of  Anatomy,  State  University  of  New  York  College  of  Medicine 

Lalor  Fellows,  1956 



Lillie  Fellow,  1956 


Students,  1956 


ADAIR,  ELIZABETH  J.,  Yale  University 
ANDERSON,  ROBERT  G.,  University  of  Nebraska 
CORNETT,  MARGARET  E.,  Radcliffe  College 
DICK,  STANLEY,  Brooklyn  College 
FELITTI,  VINCENT  J.,  Dartmouth  College 
FORBES,  PATRICIA  R.,  Acadia  University 
KORN,  ROBERT  W.,  Marquette  University 
LAURENCOT,  HENRY  J.,  JR.,  Fordham  University 
LIND,  ELIZABETH  A.,  Wellesley  College 
McLEOD,  GUY  C,  Waquoit,  Massachusetts 
POSEY,  JANET  A.,  West  Virginia  University 
SMALLEY,  ALFRED  E.,  University  of  Georgia 
SPYRIDES,  GEORGE  J.,  Dartmouth  College 
TALAMO,  RICHARD  CHARLES,  Harvard  University 
WARD,  VERNON  U.,  Dartmouth  College 
WHITTIER,  DEAN  PAGE,  University  of  Massachusetts 
WILBOIS,  ANNETTE  D.,  Indiana  University 
WILLSON,  DAN  L.,  University  of  Oklahoma 


ABBOTT,  JOAN,  Washington  University 

BABCOCK,  RICHARD  G.,  University  of  Michigan 

BRICE,  MARTHA  C.,  Oberlin  College 

BULL,  ALICE  LOUISE,  Wellesley  College 

BURKE,  JOSEPH  A.,  S.J.,  Fordham  University 

CHAUBE,  SHAKUNTALA,  Osborn  Biological  Laboratory 

COLEMAX,  JOHN  R.,  Indiana  University 

DECOSTA,  AlARi  J.,  Radcliffe  College 

FILOSA,  MICHAEL  F.,  Princeton  University 

FULTON,  CHANDLER  M.,  Brown  University 

GLASSER,  JAY  H.,  University  of  Connecticut 

HINSCH,  GERTRUDE  W.,  Iowa  State  College 

HOLLENBACK,  JAMES  G.,  Marquette  University 

HUVER,  CHARLES  W.,  University  of  Wisconsin 

KATOH,  ARTHUR  K.,  University  of  Illinois 

KINYOX,  NANCY,  Northwestern  University 

LAUFER,  HANS,  Cornell  University 

MCDOWELL,  JAMES  W.,  Dartmouth  College 

OUTTEX,  LORA  M.,  Cornell  University 

PAUL,  SISTER  CLARENCE,  St.  John's  University 

RAFF,  NEIL  C.,  Amherst  College 

RAY,  FRAXCES  L.,  Columbia  University 

ROBIXSOX,  JAMES  ALAX,  Wesleyan  University 

ROTHMAX,  MAXIXE,  Indiana  University 

RUGGIERI,  GEORGE  D.,  S.J.,  St.  Louis  University 

STEINMULLER,  DAVID,  Swarthmore  College 

TSAI,  LIE  SHA,  Yale  University 

TWEEDELL,  JOAN  E.  WERBER,  University  of  Maine 


BADE,  MARIA  L.,  Omaha,  Nebraska 

BAUMAN,  NORMAN,  New  York  University  College  of  Medicine 

BRAND,  EUGENE  D.,  University  of  Virginia 


CAMPBELL,  JAMES  W.,  University  of  Oklahoma 

CHRISTIENSEN,  ALBERT  K.,  Harvard  University 

CLARK,  ELOISE  E.,  University  of  North  Carolina 

EVANS,  DAVID  R.,  Johns  Hopkins  University 

GOLDSTEIN,  JUDITH  H.,  Harvard  University 

GONZALEZ,  MARIA,  University  of  Sao  Paulo,  Brazil 

GORDON,  MARIA  F.,  Cox  Institute,  Pennsylvania  University 

GREENE,  LEWIS  J.,  Rockefeller  Institute  for  Medical  Research 

GROSS,  RUTH  T.,  Stanford  University  Medical  School 

KIM,  SOON  WON,  Columbia  University 

KOSTYO,  JACK  L.,  Cornell  University 

LENHERT,  PAUL  G.,  Johns  Hopkins  University 

NEWMAN,  ANNA  E.,  Western  Reserve  University 

PAIR,  WOON  Ki,  Dalhousie  University 

PUGNO,  SANDRA  L.,  Osborn  Zoological  Laboratory 

RUARK,  MARGARET  A.,  Yale  University 

SCHOOLEY,  CAROLINE  N.,  University  of  California 

SCHOOLEY,  JOHN  C,  University  of  California 

SCHWARTZ,  JAMES  H.,  New  York  University  College  of  Medicine 

SMITH,  GENEVA  A.,  Mount  Holyoke  College 

TEMIN,  HOWARD  M.,  California  Institute  of  Technology 

THEIS,  ROGER  ELLIOT,  Harvard  University 

TING,  ROBERT  C.  Y.,  Amherst  College 

WILT,  FRED  H.,  Indiana  University 

YAMAMOTO,  ROBERT  T.,  University  of  Illinois 

YOUNG,  ROBERT  R.,  Yale  University 

ZORZOLI,  ANITA,  Vassar  College 


ANDREWS,  FRED  B.,  Indiana  University 

BAREN,  CARL  F.,  Brooklyn  College 

BARTOL,  ROBERTA  B.,  Dunbarton  College 

BINGHAM,  EULA  L.,  University  of  Cincinnati 

BISHOP,  ALISON,  Cornell  University 

BOOHAR,  RICHARD  K.,  Drew  University 

BURGER,  CHARLES  L.,  University  of  Illinois 

CHAMBERLAIN,  NORMAN  A.,  University  of  North  Carolina 

CLARK,  GEORGE  A.,  Amherst  College 

COLLIER,  NANCY  V.,  Goucher  College 

DOUGLAS,  DONALD,  Oberlin  College 

DOWLING,  RICHARD  A.,  State  University  of  Iowa 

EIGER,  JOAN  V.,  Harvard  University 

ELLIS,  JOHN  F.,  Amherst  College 

FIORE,  CARL,  Fordham  University 

FLEISCHMAN,  JULIAN  B.,  Harvard  University 

FORD,  ELIZABETH,  Washington  University 

FRIEDL,  FRANK  EDWARD,  University  of  Minnesota 

GOLDBERG,  MORTON  F.,  Harvard  College 

GOUDSMIT,  ESTHER  M.,  University  of  Michigan 

GUIGNON,  ERNEST  F.,  Washington  and  Jefferson  College 

HAMMER,  BEVERLY  A.,  Randolph-Macon  Woman's  College 

HAMMONDS,  JOANNE,  Chatham  College 

HARMON,  WALLACE,  Syracuse  University 

HARMAN,  WALTER  J.,  University  of  Illinois 

HENDRICKS,  FREDERICK  B.,  DePauw  University 

HICHAR,  JOSEPH  K.,  Harvard  University 

HOLMES,  WILLIAM  F.,  University  of  Pennsylvania 

HOLT,  KATHLEEN,  Western  Maryland  College 


HUBER,  IVAN,  University  of  Maryland 
JOLINE,  LAURENCE  T.,  Washington  University 
KANWISHER,  JOAN  T.,  Woods  Hole,  Mass. 
KARAKASHIAN,  STEPHEN,  Drew  University 
KIRCHEN,  ROBERT  V.,  University  of  Michigan 
KOUKIDES,  MELPOMENI,  University  of  Pennsylvania 
LASSEN,  IDA,  Elmira  College 
LONDON,  ABRAM  M.,  Harvard  University 
McNAB,  BRIAN  K.,  University  of  Wisconsin 
MOFFAT,  GRACE  H.,  City  College  of  New  York 
MORROW,  CYNTHIA  J.,  Tufts  College 
PLUMB,  MARY  E.,  Vassar  College 
PURPLE,  RICHARD,  Hamilton  College 
RABINOWITCH,  VICTOR,  University  of  Illinois 
REPPERT,  JERE  ANNE,  Goucher  College 
ROBERTSON,  ROBERT,  Harvard  University 
SCHAEFER,  CARL  W.,  II,  Oberlin  College 
SCHEUING,  MARILYN  R.,  State  Medical  School 
SPOCK,  MICHAEL,  Antioch  College 
SULLIVAN,  HELEN  M.,  Marquette  University 
TAUB,  STEPHEN,  Indiana  University 
TAYLOR,  ROBERT  E.,  University  of  Delaware 
TEFFT,  EDWIN  R.,  Fordham  University 
TESTER,  RUTH  E.,  Hunter  College 
WHARTON,  THALIA  J.,  Mount  Holyoke  College 
YESAIR,  DAVID  W.,  Cornell  University 


FERSAHL,  SISTER  JOHN  BAPTIST,  Fordham  University 

FOSTER,  WALTER  S.,  Colby  College 

GATES,  JOHN  O.,  Cornell  University 

GILBERT,  ANN  C.,  Columbia  University 

HIRCHINSON,  VIVIENNE,  Mount  Holyoke  College 

JONES,  SARAH  R.,  Connecticut  College 

STRELECKI,  RAYMOND  F.,  Drew  University 

VAN  DYK,  N.  JOANNE,  University  of  New  Hampshire 

WEINSTOCK,  AMMON,  Brandeis  University 


Arsenious  Boyer  Fellowship : 


Lucretia  Crocker  Scholarship : 

ROBERT  ANDERSON,  Botany  Course 

N.  JOANNE  VAN  DYK,  Ecology  Course 

The  Gary  N.  Calkins  Scholarship : 

ROBERT  ROBERTSON,  Invertebrate  Zoology  Course 

The  Edwin  Grant  Conklin  Scholarship : 

HANS  LAUFER,  Embryology  Course 

Emma  Coote  Drew  Scholarship : 

ELOISE  CLARK,  Physiology  Course 
Bio  Club  Scholarship : 

GRACE  MOFFATT,  Invertebrate  Zoology  Course 

The  Edwin  Linton  Scholarship : 

ERNEST  GUIGNON,  Invertebrate  Zoology  Course 



4.  TABULAR  VIEW  OF  ATTENDANCE,  1952-1956 



Independent   172 

Under  Instruction   38 

Library  Readers    49 

Research  Assistants    47 


Zoology    55 

Embryology    23 

Physiology  27 

Botany    11 

Ecology    7 


Less  persons  represented  as  both  students  and  inves- 
tigators    2 



By  investigators  92 

By  students   57 


By  investigators  1 

By  students   3 


By  investigators   7 

By  students   2 
























































Cooperating  Institutions 

Amherst  College 

American  Cancer  Society 

American  Philosophical  Society 

Brooklyn  College 

Brown  University 

Bryn  Mawr  College 

California  Institute  of  Technology 

Children's  Hospital  of  Philadelphia 

City  College  of  New  York 

Colby  College 

College  of  Mt.   St.  Joseph  on  the  Ohio 

Columbia  University 

Columbia    University,    College    of    Physicians 

and  Surgeons 
Cornell  University 
Cornell  University  Medical  School 
Duke  University 
Elmira  College 
Emory  University 
Florida  State  University 
Fordham  University 
Grass  Foundation 
Hahnemann  Medical  College 
Harvard  University 
Harvard  University  Aledical  School 




















Indiana  University 

Institute  for  Cancer  Research 

Institute  for  Muscle  Research 

Johns  Hopkins  University 

Johns  Hopkins  University  Medical  School 

Lalor  Foundation 

Eli  Lilly    and  Company 

Marquette  University 

Morgan  State  College 

Mount  Holyoke  College 

National  Institutes  of  Health 

National  Science  Foundation 

New  York  University — Heights 

New  York  University,  College  of  Medicine 

New    York    University — Washington    Square 


North  Carolina  State  College 
Northwestern  University 
Oberlin  College 
Office  of  Naval  Research 
Princeton  University 
Public  Health  Institute  of  New  York 
Rockefeller  Foundation 
Rockefeller  Institute  for  Medical  Research 
Rutgers  University 



Saint  Louis  University 

Sloan-Kettering  Institute 

Southwestern  Medical  College 

State  University  of  Iowa 

State    University    of   New    York,    College    of 

Medicine,  at  Syracuse 
Syracuse  University 
Temple  University 
Tufts  College 
University  of  Chicago 
University  of  Connecticut 
University  of  Illinois 

University  of  Maryland  School  of  Medicine 
University  of  Michigan 
University  of  Minnesota 

University  of  Pennsylvania 

University  of  Pennsylvania  Medical  School 

University  of  Pittsburgh 

University  of  Rochester 

University  of  Virginia,  School  of  Medicine 

University  of  Wisconsin 

Vassar  College 

Washington  University 

Washington  and  Jefferson  College 

Wellesley  College 

Wesleyan  University 

Western  Reserve  University 

Yale  University 

Yale  University  Medical  School 

Subscribing  Institutions 

Acadia  University 

Armour  and  Company 

Brandeis  University 

Chatham  College 

City  College  of  New  York 

Drew  University 

Albert  Einstein  College  of  Medicine 

Ethicon  Corporation 

Falmouth  Medical  Associates 

Goucher  College 

Hamilton  College 

House  of  Good  Samaritan 

Hunter  College 

Massachusetts  Institute  of  Technology 

National  Agricultural  College 

Purdue  University 

Michael  Reese  Hospital 

Smith  College 

University  of  California 

University  of  Florida 

University  of  Maine 

University  of  Massachusetts 

University  of  New  Hampshire 

University  of  Oklahoma 

University  of  Puerto  Rico 

University  of  Vermont 

Veterans  Administration  Hospital 

Washington  University  School  of  Medicine 


June  2') 

DANIEL  MAZIA    "Processes  in  cell  reproduction" 

July  6 

DONALD  R.   GRIFFIN    "Listening  in  the  dark" 

July  13 

HARRY    GRUNDFEST    "The  different  kinds  of  electrical  responses 

and  their  significance  to  the  organism" 
July  20 

VINCENT  DU   VIGNEAUD    "The  posterior  pituitary  hormones" 

July  27 

W.  D.  MCELROY  "Recent    developments    in    the    biochemistry 

of  light  emission" 
August  3 

F.  E.  LEHMANN   "Cytoplasmic     organization     and     develop- 
mental physiology  of  the  egg  of  Tubifex" 
August  10 

V.  B.  WIGGLESWORTH    "The  insect  cuticle" 

August  17 

ALBERTO    STEFANELLI "The  life  cycle  of  neurons" 

August  24 

KEITH  R.  PORTER   "The   submicroscopic  morphology  of  proto- 



July  10 
JOAN  WOLFF  and  ROBERTS  RUCH    "The   relation   of  gonad   hormones   to   x-ir- 

radiation  sensitivity  in  mice" 
PAUL   R.    GROSS    "Amphibian  yolk :  chemistry  and  ultrastruc- 

SYLVAN  NASS "Amphibian  yolk :  the  phosphoprotein  phos- 

phatase  system" 


BRODIE,  MR.  DONALD  M.,  522  Fifth  Avenue,  New  York  18,  New  York 

CALVERT,  DR.  PHILIP  P.,  University  of  Pennsylvania,  Philadelphia,  Pennsylvania 

CARVER,  DR.  GAIL  L.,  Mercer  University,  Macon,  Georgia 

COLE,  DR.  ELBERT  C,  2  Chipman  Park,  Middlebury,  Vermont 

COWDRY,  DR.  E.  V.,  Washington  University,  St.  Louis,  Missouri 

DEDERER,  DR.  PAULINE  H.,  Connecticut  College,  New  London,  Connecticut 

DUNGAY,  DR.  NEIL  S.,  Carleton  College,  Northfield,  Minnesota 

GOLDFORB,  DR.  A.  J.,  College  of  the  City  of  New  York,  New  York  City,  New  York 

KNOWLTON,  DR.  F.  P.,  1356  Westmoreland  Avenue,  Syracuse,  New  York 

LEWIS,  DR.  W.  H.,  Johns  Hopkins  University,  Baltimore,  Maryland 

LOWTHER,  DR.  FLORENCE  DEL.,  Barnard  College,  New  York  City,  New  York 

MACNAUGHT,  MR.  FRANK  M.,  Woods  Hole,  Massachusetts 

MALONE,  DR.  E.  F.,  6610  North  llth  Street,  Philadelphia  26,  Pennsylvania 

MEANS,  DR.  J.  H.,  15  Chestnut  Street,  Boston,  Massachusetts 

MOORE,  DR.  GEORGE  T.,  Missouri  Botanical  Gardens,  St.  Louis,  Missouri 

MOORE,  DR.  J.  PERCY,  University  of  Pennsylvania,  Philadelphia,  Pennsylvania 

PAYNE,  DR.  FERNANDUS,  Indiana  University,  Bloomington,  Indiana 

PORTER,  DR.  H.  C.,  University  of  Pennsylvania,  Philadelphia,  Pennsylvania 

RIGGS,  MR.  LAWRASON,  74  Trinity  Place,  New  York  6,  New  York 

SCOTT,  DR.  ERNEST  L.,  Columbia  University,  New  York  City,  New  York 

TURNER,  DR.  C.  L.,  Northwestern  University,  Evanston,  Illinois 

WAITE,  DR.  F.  G.,  144  Locust  Street,  Dover,  New  Hampshire 


ABELL,  DR.  RICHARD  G.,  7  Cooper  Road,  New  York  City,  New  York 
ADAMS,  DR.  A.  ELIZABETH,  Mount  Holyoke  College,  South  Hadley,  Massachusetts 
ADDISON,  DR.  W.  H.  F.,  286  East  Sidney  Avenue,  Mount  Vernon,  New  York 
ADOLPH,  DR.  EDWARD  F.,  University  of  Rochester,  School  of  Medicine  and  Den- 
tistry, Rochester,  New  York 

ALBERT,  DR.  ALEXANDER,  Mayo  Clinic,  Rochester,  Minnesota 
ALLEN,  DR.  M.  JEAN,  Dept.  of  Biology,  Wilson  College,  Chambersburg,  Pennsyl- 
ALLEN,  DR.  ROBERT  D.,  Dept.  of  Biology,  Princeton  University,  Princeton,  New 


ALSCHER,    DR.    RUTH,    Dept.    of    Physiology,    Manhattanville    College,    Purchase, 
New  York 


AMBERSON,  DR.  WILLIAM  R.,  Dept.  of  Physiology,  University  of  Maryland  School 

of  Medicine,  Baltimore,  Maryland 

ANDERSON,  DR.  J.  M.,  Dept.  of  Zoology,  Cornell  University,  Ithaca,  New  York 
ANDERSON,  DR  RUBERT  S.,  Medical  Laboratories,  Army  Chemical  Center,  Mary- 
land (Box  632,  Edgewood,  Maryland) 
ANDERSON,  DR.  T.  F.,  c/o  Dr.  A.  Lurff,  Institut  Pasteur,  28  Rue  du  Dr.  Roux, 

Paris  XVe,  France 
ARMSTRONG,  DR.  PHILIP  B.,  State  University  of  New  York  College  of  Medicine, 

Syracuse  10,  New  York 

ATWOOD,  DR.  KIMBALL  C.,  68%  Outer  Drive,  Oak  Ridge,  Tennessee 
AUSTIN,  DR.  MARY  L.,  Wellesley  College,  Wellesley,  Massachusetts 
AYERS,   DR.   JOHN   C.,   Dept.   of  Zoology,   University  of   Michigan,   Ann   Arbor, 

BAITSELL,  DR.  GEORGE  A.,  Osborn  Zoological  Laboratory,  Yale  University,  New 

Haven,  Connecticut 

BAKER,  DR.  H.  B.,  Zoological  Laboratory,  University  of  Pennsylvania,  Philadel- 
phia, Pennsylvania 
BALL,  DR.  ERIC  G.,  Dept.  of  Biological  Chemistry,  Harvard  University  Medical 

School,  Boston  15,  Mass. 
BANG,  DR.   F.  B.,  Dept.  of  Pathobiology,  Johns  Hopkins  University   School  of 

Hygiene,  Baltimore  5,  Maryland 

BALLARD,  DR.  WILLIAM  W.,  Dartmouth  College,  Hanover,  New  Hampshire 
BARD,  DR.  PHILIP,  Johns  Hopkins  Medical  School,  Baltimore,  Maryland 
BARRON,  DR.  E.  S.  G.,  Dept.  of  Medicine,  University  of  Chicago,  Chicago,  111. 
EARTH,  DR.  L.  G.,  Dept.  of  Zoology,  Columbia  University,  New  York  City,  New 


BARTLETT,  DR.  JAMES  H.,  Dept.  of  Physics,  University  of  Illinois,  Urbana,  Illinois 
BEAMS,  DR.  HAROLD  W.,  Dept.  of  Zoology,  State  University  of  Iowa,  Iowa  City, 

BECK,  DR.  L.  V.,  Dept.  of  Physiology  and  Pharmacology,  University  of  Pittsburgh 

School  of  Medicine,  Pittsburgh  13,  Pennsylvania 
BEERS,  DR.  C.  D.,  Dept.  of  Zoology,  University  of  North  Carolina,  Chapel  Hill, 

North  Carolina 

BEHRE,  DR.  ELINOR  H.,  Louisiana  State  University,  Baton  Rouge,  Louisiana 
BENNETT,  DR.  MIRIAM  F.,  Dept.  of  Biology,  Sweet  Briar  College,  Sweet  Briar, 

BERNSTEIN,  DR.  MAURICE,  Virus  Laboratory,  University  of  California,  Berkeley  4, 


BERTHOLF,  DR.  FLOYD  M.,  College  of  the  Pacific,  Stockton,  California 
BEVELANDER,  DR.  GERRIT,  New  York  University  School  of  Medicine,  New  York 

City,  New  York 
BIGELOW,  DR.  HENRY  B.,  Museum  of  Comparative  Zoology,  Harvard  University, 

Cambridge,  Massachusetts 
BISHOP,  DR.  DAVID  W.,  Dept.  of  Embryology,  Carnegie  Institute  of  Washington, 

Baltimore  5,  Maryland 

BLANCHARD,  DR.  K.  C.,  Johns  Hopkins  Medical  School,  Baltimore,  Maryland 
BLOCK,  DR.  ROBERT,  c/o  Biological  Abstracts,  3815  Walnut  Street,  Philadelphia  4, 



BLUM,  DR.  HAROLD  F.,  Dept.  of  Biology,  Princeton  University,  Princeton,  New 

BODANSKY,  DR.  OSCAR,  Dept.  of  Biochemistry,  Memorial  Cancer  Center,  444  East 

68th  Street,  New  York  21,  New  York 
BODIAN,  DR.  DAVID,  Dept.  of  Epidemiology,  Johns  Hopkins  University,  Baltimore 

5,  Maryland 

BOELL,  DR.  EDGAR  J.,  Yale  University,  New  Haven,  Connecticut 
BOETTIGER,  DR.  EDWARD  G.,  Dept.  of  Zoology,  University  of  Connecticut,  Storrs, 


BOLD,  DR.  H.  C.,  Dept.  of  Botany,  Vanderbilt  University,  Nashville,  Tennessee 
BOREI,  DR.   HANS,   Dept.  of  Zoology,  University  of   Pennsylvania,   Philadelphia, 


BRADLEY,  DR.  HAROLD  C.,  2639  Durant  Avenue,  Berkeley  4,  California 
BRIDGMAN,  DR.  ANNA  J.,  Dept.  of  Biology,  Agnes  Scott  College,  Decatur,  Georgia 
BRONK,  DR.  DETLEV  W.,  Rockefeller  Institute,  66th  St.  and  York  Avenue,  New 

York  21,  New  York 
BROOKS,  DR.  MATILDA  M.,  Dept.  of  Physiology,  University  of  California,  Berkeley 

4,  California 
BROWN,  DR.  FRANK  A.,  JR.,  Dept.  of  Biological  Sciences,  Northwestern  University, 

Evanston,  Illinois 
BROWN,  DR.  DUGALD  E.  S.,  Dept.  of  Zoology,  University  of  Michigan,  Ann  Arbor, 


BROWNELL,  DR.  KATIIERINE  A.,  Ohio  State  University,  Columbus,  Ohio 
BUCK,  DR.  JOHN  B.,  Laboratory  of  Physical  Biology,  National  Institutes  of  Health, 

Bethesda,  Maryland  (10405  Muir  Place,  Kensington,  Maryland) 
BULLINGTON,  DR.  W.  E.,  Randolph-Macon  College,  Ashland,  Virginia 
BULLOCK,  DR.  T.  H.,  Dept.  of  Zoology,  University  of  California,  Los  Angeles  24. 


BURBANCK,  DR.  WILLIAM  D.,  Box  834,  Emory  University,  Georgia 
BURDICK,  DR.  C.  LALOR,  The  Lalor  Foundation,  4400  Lancaster  Pike,  Wilmington, 

BURKENROAD,  DR.  M.  D.,  c/o  Lab.  Nal.  de  Pesca,  Apartado  3318,  Estofeta  #1, 

Olindania,  Republic  of  Panama 

BUTLER,  DR.  E.  G.,  Dept.  of  Biology,  Princeton  University,  Princeton,  New  Jersey 
CAMERON,  DR.  J.  A.,  Baylor  College  of  Dentistry,  Dallas,  Texas 
CANTONI,  DR.  GIULIO,  National  Institutes  of  Health,  Mental  Health,  Bethesda  14, 


CARLSON,  DR.  A.  J.,  Dept.  of  Physiology,  University  of  Chicago,  Chicago  37,  Illinois 
CARLSON,  DR.  FRANCIS  D.,  Dept.  of  Biophysics,  Johns  Hopkins  University,  Balti- 
more 18,  Maryland 

CAROTHERS,  DR.  E.  ELEANOR,  9  Gladys  Sparr,  Murdock,  Kansas 
CARPENTER,  DR.  RUSSELL  L.,  Tufts  College,  Medford  55,  Massachusetts 
CARSON,  Miss  RACHEL,  204  Williamsburg  Drive,  Silver  Spring,  Maryland 
CATTELL,  DR.  McKEENE,  Cornell  University  Medical  College,  1300  York  Avenue, 

New  York  City,  New  York 
CATTELL,  MR.  WARE,  Cosmos  Club,  Washington  5,  D.  C. 


CHAET,  DR.  ALFRED  B.,  Boston  University  School  of  Medicine,  80  E.  Concord 

Street,  Boston  18,  Massachusetts 
CHAMBERS,  DR.  EDWARD,  Dept.  of  Physiology,  University  of  Miami  Medical  School, 

Coral  Gables,  Florida 
CHAMBERS,  DR.  ROBERT,  c/o  W.  N.  Chambers,  Hitchcock  Clinic,  Hanover,  New 

CHASE,  DR.  AURIN  M.,  Dept.  of  Biology,  Princeton  University,  Princeton,  New 

CHENEY,  DR.  RALPH  H.,  Biology  Department,  Brooklyn  College,   Brooklyn    10, 

New  York 

CLAFF,  MR.  C.  LLOYD,  5  Van  Beal  Road,  Randolph,  Massachusetts 
CLARK,  DR.  A.  M.,  Dept.  of  Biological  Sciences,  University  of  Delaware,  Newark, 


CLARK,  DR.  E.  R.,  The  Wistar  Institute,  Woodland  Avenue  and  36th  Street,  Phila- 
delphia 4,  Pennsylvania 

CLARK,  DR.  LEONARD  B.,  Dept.  of  Biology,  Union  College,  Schenectady,  New  York 
CLARKE,  DR.  GEORGE  L.,  Harvard  University.  Biological  Laboratories,  Cambridge 

38,  Massachusetts 

CLELAND,  DR.  RALPH  E.,  Indiana  University,  Bloomington,  Indiana 
CLEMENT,  DR.  A.  C.,  Dept.  of  Biology,  Emory  University,  Emory,  Georgia 
CLOWES,  DR.  G.  H.  A.,  Eli  Lilly  and  Company,  Indianapolis,  Indiana 
COE,  DR.  W.  R.,  183  Third  Avenue,  Chula  Vista,  California 

COHEN,  DR.  SEYMOUR  S.,  Dept.  of  Physiological  Chemistry,  University  of  Pennsyl- 
vania, Philadelphia,  Pa. 
COLE,  DR.  KENNETH  S.,  National  Institutes  of  Health   (NINDB),  Bethesda  14, 


COLLETT,  DR.  MARY  E.,  34  Weston  Road,  Wellesley  81,  Massachusetts 
COLTON,  DR.  H.  S.,  Box  601,  Flagstaff,  Arizona 

COLWIN,  DR.  ARTHUR  L.,  Dept.  of  Biology,  Queens  College,  Flushing,  New  York 
COLWIN,  DR.  LAURA  H.,  Dept.  of  Biology,  Queens  College,  Flushing,  New  York 
COOPERSTEIN,  DR.  SHERWIN  J.,  Dept.  of  Anatomy,  Western  Reserve  University 

Medical  School,  Cleveland,  Ohio 

COPELAND,  DR.  D.  E.,  1027  N.  Manchester  Street,  Arlington  5,  Virginia 
COPELAND,  DR.  MANTON,  Bowdoin  College,  Brunswick,  Maine 
COPLEY,    DR.    ALFRED    L.,    Centre    National    de    Transfusion    Sanguine    6,    Rue 

Alexandre-Cobonel,  Paris  XVe,  France 

CORN  MAN,  DR.  IVOR,  Hazleton  Laboratories,  Box  333,  Falls  Church,  Virginia 
COSTELLO,  DR.  DONALD  P.,  Dept.  of  Zoology,  University  of  North  Carolina,  Chapel 

Hill,  North  Carolina 
COSTELLO,  DR.  HELEN  MILLER,  Dept.  of  Zoology,  University  of  North  Carolina, 

Chapel  Hill,  North  Carolina 

CRANE,  MR.  JOHN  O.,  Woods  Hole,  Massachusetts 
CRANE,  MRS.  W.  MURRAY,  Woods  Hole,  Massachusetts 

CROASDALE,  DR.  HANNAH  T.,  Dartmouth  College,  Hanover,  New  Hampshire 
GROUSE,  DR.  HELEN  V.,  Goucher  College,  Baltimore,  Maryland 
CROWELL,   DR.    P.   S.,  JR.,   Dept.   of  Zoology,    Indiana  University,    Bloomington, 



CURTIS,  DR.  MAYNIE  R.,  University  of  Miami,  Box  1015,  South  Miami,  Florida 

CURTIS,  DR.  W.  C,  University  of  Missouri,  Columbia,  Missouri 

DAN,  DR.  JEAN  CLARK,  Misaki  Biological  Station,  Misaki,  Japan 

DAN,  DR.  KATSUMA,  Misaki  Biological  Station,  Misaki,  Japan 

DANIELLI,  DR.  JAMES  F.,  Dept.  of  Zoology,  King's  College,  London,  England 

DAVIS,  DR.  BERNARD  D.,  Dept.  of  Pharmacology,  New  York  University  College  of 

Medicine,  New  York  16,  New  York 

DAWSON,  DR.  A.  B.,  Harvard  University,  Cambridge  38,  Massachusetts 
DAWSON,  DR.  J.  A.,  College  of  the  City  of  New  York,  New  York  City,  New  York 
DILLER,  DR.  IRENE  C.,  Institute  for  Cancer  Research,  Philadelphia,  Pennsylvania 
DILLER,  DR.  WILLIAM  F.,  2417  Fairhill  Avenue,  Glenside,  Pennsylvania 
DIXON,  DR.  FRANK  J.,  Dept.  of  Pathology,  University  of  Pittsburgh  School  of 

Medicine,  Pittsburgh,  Pennsylvania 
DODDS,  DR.  G.  S.,  West  Virginia  University  School  of  Medicine,   Morgantown, 

West  Virginia 

DOLLEY,  DR.  WILLIAM  L.,  Heim  Road,  Getzville,  New  York 

DONALDSON,  DR.  JOHN  C.,  University  of  Pittsburgh  School  of  Medicine,  Pitts- 
burgh, Pennsylvania 

DOTY,  DR.  MAXWELL  S.,  Dept.  of  Biology,  University  of  Hawaii,  Honolulu,  T.  H. 
DRINKER,  DR.  CECIL  K.,  Box  502,  Falmouth,  Massachusetts 
DuBois,  DR.  EUGENE  F.,  200  East  End  Avenue,  New  York  28,  New  York 
DUGGAR,  DR.  BENJAMIN  M.,  Lederle  Laboratories  Inc.,  Pearl  River,  New  York 
DURYEE,  DR.  WILLIAM  R.,  George  Washington  University  School  of  Medicine, 

Dept.  of  Physiology,  Washington  5,  D.  C. 
EDDS,  DR.  MAC  V.,  JR.,  Dept.  of  Biology,  Brown  University,  Providence,  Rhode 


EICHEL,  DR.  BERTRAM,  Bureau  of  Biological  Research,  Box  515,  Rutgers  Univer- 
sity, New  Brunswick,  New  Jersey 

EICHEL,  DR.  HERBERT  J.,  Hahnemann  Medical  College,  Philadelphia,  Pennsylvania 
ELLIOTT,  DR.  ALFRED  M.,  Dept.  of  Zoology,  University  of  Michigan,  Ann  Arbor, 


EVANS,  DR.  TITUS  C.,  State  University  of  Iowa,  Iowa  City,  Iowa 
FAILLA,  DR.  G.,  College  of  Physicians  and  Surgeons,  Columbia  University,  New 

York  City,  New  York 

FAURE-FREMIET,  DR.  EMMANUEL,  College  de  France,  Paris,  France 
FERGUSON,  DR.  F.  P.,  Dept.  of  Physiology,  University  of  Maryland  Medical  School, 

Baltimore  1,  Maryland 
FERGUSON,  DR.  JAMES  K.  W.,  Connought  Laboratories,  University  of  Toronto, 

Ontario,  Canada 
FIGGE,  DR.  F.  H.  J.,  University  of  Maryland  Medical  School,  Lombard  and  Green 

Streets,  Baltimore  1,  Maryland 
FINGERMAN,  DR.  MILTON,  Dept.  of  Zoology,  Newcomb  College,  Tulane  University, 

New  Orleans  18,  Louisiana 
FISCHER,  DR.  ERNST,  Dept.  of  Physiology,  Medical  College  of  Virginia,  Richmond 

19,  Virginia 
FISHER,  DR.  JEANNE  M.,  Dept.  of  Biochemistry,  University  of  Toronto,  Toronto, 



FISHER,  DR.  KENNETH   C,  Dept.  of  Biology,  University  of  Toronto,  Toronto, 

FORBES,  DR.  ALEXANDER,  Biological  Laboratories,  Harvard  University,  Cambridge 

38,  Massachusetts 
FRAENKEL,  DR.  GOTTFRIED  S.,  Dept.  of  Entomology,  University  of  Illinois,  Urbana, 

FRIES,  DR.  ERIK  F.  B.,  Dept.  of  Biology,  City  College  of  New  York,  New  York 

City,  New  York 

FRISCH,  DR.  JOHN  A.,  Canisius  College,  Buffalo,  New  York 
FURTH,  DR.  JACOB,  18  Springdale  Road,  Wellesley  Farms,  Massachusetts 
GABRIEL,  DR.  MORDECAI,  Dept.  of  Biology,  Brooklyn  College,  Brooklyn,  New  York 
GAFFRON,  DR.  HANS,  Research  Institutes,  University  of  Chicago,  5650  Ellis  Ave- 
nue, Chicago  37,  Illinois 
GALL,  DR.  JOSEPH  G.,  Dept.  of  Zoology,  University  of  Minnesota,  Minneapolis  14, 


GALTSOFF,  DR.  PAUL  S.,  Woods  Hole,  Massachusetts 

GASSER,  DR.  HERBERT  S.,  Director,  Rockefeller  Institute,  New  York  21,  New  York 
GEISER,  DR.  S.  W.,  Southern  Methodist  University,  Dallas,  Texas 
GERARD,  DR.  R.  W.,  Illinois  Neuropsychiatric  Institute,  Chicago  12,  Illinois 
GILMAN,  DR.  LAUREN  C.,  Dept.  of  Zoology,  University  of  Miami,  Coral  Gables, 


GINSBERG,  DR.  HAROLD  S.,  Western  Reserve  University  School  of  Medicine,  Cleve- 
land, Ohio 

GOODCHILD,  DR.  CHAUNCEY  G.,  Dept.  of  Biology,  Emory  University,  Emory  Uni- 
versity, Georgia 

GOODRICH,  DR.  H.  B.,  Wesleyan  University,  Middletown,  Connecticut 
GOTTSCHALL,  DR.  GERTRUDE  Y.,  315  E.  68th  Street,  New  York  21,  New  York 
GOULD,  DR.  H.  N.,  Biological  Sciences  Information  Exchange,  1113  Dupont  Circle 

Building,  Washington,  D.  C. 
GRAHAM,  DR.  HERBERT,  Director,  Woods  Hole  Lab.,  Fish  and  Wildlife  Service, 

Woods  Hole,  Massachusetts 
GRAND,  MR.  C.  G.,  Dade  County  Cancer  Institute,  1155  N.  W.  15th  Street,  Miami, 


GRANT,  DR.  M.  P.,  Sarah  Lawrence  College,  Bronxville,  New  York 
GRAY,  DR.  IRVING  E.,  Duke  University,  Durham,  North  Carolina 
GREEN,  DR.  JAMES  W.,  Dept.  of  Physiology,  Rutgers  University,  New  Brunswick, 

New  Jersey 

GREEN,  DR.  MAURICE,  Dept.  of  Biochemistry,  University  of  Pennsylvania,  Phila- 
delphia, Pennsylvania 

GREGG,  DR.  JAMES  H.,  University  of  Florida,  Gainesville,  Florida 
GREGG,  DR.  J.  P.,  Dept.  of  Zoology,  Columbia  University,  New  York  27,  New  York 
GREIF,  DR.  ROGER  L.,  Dept.  of  Physiology,  Cornell  University  Medical  College, 

New  York  21,  New  York 
GROSCH,  DR.  DANIEL  S.,  Dept.  of  Zoology,  North  Carolina  State  College,  Raleigh, 

North  Carolina 

GROSS,  DR.  PAUL,  Dept.  of  Biology,  New  York  University,  University  Heights, 
New  York  53,  New  York 


GRUNDFEST,  DR.  HARRY,  Columbia  University,  College  of  Physicians  and  Surgeons, 

New  York  City,  New  York 

GUDERNATSCH,  DR.  FREDERICK,  41  Fifth  Avenue,  New  York  3,  New  York 
GUTHRIE,  DR.  MARY  J.,  Detroit  Institute  for  Cancer  Research,  4811  John  R.  Street, 

Detroit  1,  Michigan 

GUTTMAN,  DR.  RITA,  Dept.  of  Physiology,  Brooklyn  College,  Brooklyn,  New  York 
GUYER,  DR.  MICHAEL  F.,  University  of  Wisconsin,  Madison,  Wisconsin 
HAJDU,  DR.  STEPHEN,  U.  S.  Public  Health  Institute,  Bethesda,  Maryland 
HALL,  DR.  FRANK  G.,  Duke  University,  Durham,  North  Carolina 
HAMBURGER,  DR.  VIKTOR,  Dept.  of  Zoology,  Washington  University,  St.  Louis, 


HAMILTON,  DR.  HOWARD  L.,  Iowa  State  College,  Ames,  Iowa 
HANCE,  DR.  ROBERT  T.,  Box  108,  R.  R.  No.  3,  Loveland,  Ohio 
HARDING,   DR.   CLIFFORD  V.,  JR.,  Wistar   Institute,   University  of   Pennsylvania, 

Philadelphia,  Pennsylvania 

HARMAN,  DR.  MARY  T.,  Box  68,  Camden,  North  Carolina 
HARNLY,  DR.  MORRIS  H.,  Washington  Square  College,  New  York  University,  New 

York  City,  New  York 

HARRISON,  DR.  Ross  G.,  Yale  University,  New  Haven,  Connecticut 
HARTLINE,  DR.  H.  KEFFER,  Rockefeller  Institute  for  Medical  Research,  New  York 

21,  New  York 

HARTMAN,  DR.  FRANK  A.,  Hamilton  Hall,  Ohio  State  University,  Columbus,  Ohio 
HARVEY,  DR.  ETHEL  BROWNE,  48  Cleveland  Lane,  Princeton,  New  Jersey 
HARVEY,   DR.   E.   NEWTON,   Guyot   Hall,   Princeton   University,    Princeton,    New 

HAUSCHKA,  DR.  T.  S.,  Roswell  Park  Memorial  Institute,  663  North  Oak  Street. 

Buffalo  3,  New  York 

HAXO,  DR.  FRANCIS  T.,  Division  of  Marine  Botany,  Scripps  Institute  of  Oceanog- 
raphy, University  of  California,  La  Jolla,  California 
HAYASHI,  DR.  TERU,  Dept.  of  Zoology,  Columbia  University,  New  York  City,  New 


HAYDEN,  DR.  MARGARET  A.,  34  Weston  Road,  Wellesley  81,  Massachusetts 
HAYWOOD,  DR.  CHARLOTTE,  Mount  Holyoke  College,  South  Hadley,  Massachusetts 
HEILBRUNN,  DR.  L.  V.,  Dept.  of  Zoology,  University  of  Pennsylvania,  Philadel- 
phia, Pennsylvania 
HENDLEY,  DR.   CHARLES  D.,  615   South   Second  Avenue,   Highland   Park,   New 

HENLEY,  DR.  CATHERINE,  Dept.  of  Zoology,  University  of  North  Carolina,  Chapel 

Hill,  North  Carolina 
HENSHAW,  DR.  PAUL  S.,  17th  floor,  501  Madison  Avenue,  New  York  22,  New 


HESS,  DR.  WALTER  N.,  Hamilton  College,  Clinton,  New  York 
HIBBARD,  DR.  HOPE,  Dept.  of  Zoology,  Oberlin  College,  Oberlin,  Ohio 
HILL,  DR.  SAMUEL  E.,  135  Brunswick  Road,  Troy,  New  York 
HINRICHS,  DR.  MARIE,  Board  of  Education,  Bureau  of  Health  Service,  228  North 

LaSalle  Street,  Chicago,  Illinois 
HISAW,  DR.  F.  L.,  Harvard  University,  Cambridge  38,  Massachusetts 


HOADLEY,  DR.  LEIGH,  Harvard  University,  Biological  Laboratories,  Cambridge  38, 

HODGE,  DR.   CHARLES,  IV,  Dept.  of  Zoology,  Temple  University,   Philadelphia, 

HOFFMAN,  DR.  JOSEPH,  Dept.  of  Biology,  Princeton  University,  Princeton,  New 

HOGUE,  DR.  MARY  J.,  University  of  Pennsylvania  Medical  School,  Philadelphia, 

HOLLAENDER,  DR.  ALEXANDER,  P.  O.  Box  W,  Clinton  Laboratories,  Oak  Ridge, 

HOPKINS,  DR.  HOYT  S.,  New  York  University  College  of  Dentistry,  New  York 

City,  New  York 
HUNTER,  DR.  FRANCIS  R.,  Dept.  of  Physiology,  Southern  Illinois  University,  Car- 

bondale,  Illinois 
HUTCHENS,  DR.  JOHN  O.,  Dept.  of  Physiology,  University  of  Chicago,  Chicago  37, 

HYMAN,  DR.  LIBBIE  H.,  American  Museum  of  Natural  History,  New  York  City, 

New  York 

IRVING,  DR.  LAURENCE,  U.  S.  Public  Health  Service,  Anchorage,  Alaska 
ISELIN,  MR.  COLUMBUS  O'D.,  Woods  Hole,  Massachusetts 
JACOBS,  DR.  M.  H.,  School  of  Medicine,  University  of  Pennsylvania,  Philadelphia, 

JACOBS,  DR.  WILLIAM  P.,  Dept.  of  Biology,  Princeton  University,  Princeton,  New 


JENKINS,  DR.  GEORGE  B.,  5339  42nd  Street  N.W.,  Washington  15,  D.  C. 
JENNER,  DR.  CHARLES  E.,  Dept.  of  Zoology,  University  of  North  Carolina,  Chapel 

Hill,  North  Carolina 
JONES,  DR.  E.  RUFFIN,  JR.,  Dept.  of  Biology,  University  of  Florida,  Gainesville, 

KAAN,  DR.  HELEN  W.,  National  Heart  Institute,  National  Institutes  of  Health, 

Bethesda  14,  Maryland 
KABAT,  DR.  E.  A.,  Neurological  Institute,  College  of  Physicians  and  Surgeons,  New 

York  City,  New  York 
KARUSH,  DR.  FRED,  Dept.  of  Pediatrics,  University  of  Pennsylvania,  Philadelphia, 

KAUFMANN,  DR.  B.  P.,  Carnegie  Institute,  Cold  Spring  Harbor,  Long  Island,  New 


KEMPTON,  DR.  RUDOLF  T.,  Vassar  College,  Poughkeepsie,  New  York 
KEOSIAN,  DR.  JOHN,  Dept.  of  Biology,  Rutgers  University,  Newark  2,  New  Jersey 
KETCHUM,  DR.  BOSTWICK,  Woods  Hole  Oceanographic  Institution,  Woods  Hole, 


KILLE,  DR.  FRANK  R.,  Carleton  College,  Northfield,  Minnesota 
KIND,  DR.   C.   ALBERT,  Dept.   of  Chemistry,   University  of   Connecticut,    Storrs, 


KINDRED,  DR.  J.  E.,  University  of  Virginia,  Charlottesville,  Virginia 
KING,  DR.  JOHN  W.,  Morgan  State  College,  Baltimore  12,  Maryland 
KING,  DR.  ROBERT  L.,  State  University  of  Iowa,  Iowa  City,  Iowa 


KISCH,  DR.  BRUNO,  845  West  End  Avenue,  New  York  City,  New  York 
KLEINHOLZ,  DR.  LEWIS  H.,  Department  of  Biology,  Reed  College,  Portland,  Oregon 
KLOTZ,  DR.  I.  M.,  Department  of  Chemistry,  Northwestern  University,  Evanston, 

KOLIN,  DR.  ALEXANDER,  Division  of  Biological  Sciences,  University  of  Chicago, 

Chicago,  Illinois 
KOPAC,  DR.  M.  J.,  New  York  University,  Washington  Square  College,  New  York 

City,  New  York 
KORR,  DR.  I.  M.,  Dept.  of  Physiology,  Kirksville  College  of  Osteopathy,  Kirksville, 


KRAHL,  DR.  M.  E.,  Dept.  of  Physiology,  University  of  Chicago,  Chicago  37,  Illinois 
KRAUSS,  DR.  ROBERT,  Dept.  of  Botany,  University  of  Maryland,  Baltimore,  Mary- 

KREIG,  DR.  WENDELL  J.  S.,  303  East  Chicago  Avenue,  Chicago,  Illinois 
KUNITZ,  DR.  MOSES,  Rockefeller  Institute,  66th  Street  and  York  Avenue,  New 

York  21,  New  York 

KUFFLER,  DR.  STEPHEN,  Dept.  of  Ophthalmology,  Johns  Hopkins  Hospital,  Balti- 
more 5,  Maryland 
LACKEY,  DR.  JAMES  B.,  University  of  Florida,  College  of  Engineering,  Gainesville, 


LANCEFIELD,  DR.  D.  E.,  Queens  College,  Flushing,  New  York 
LANCEFIELD,  DR.  REBECCA  C,  Rockefeller  Institute,  66th  Street  and  York  Avenue, 

New  York  21,  New  York 

LANDIS,  DR.  E.  M.,  Harvard  Medical  School,  Boston  15,  Massachusetts 
LANGE,  DR.  MATHILDA  M.,  Box  307,  Central  Valley,  New  York 
LANSING,  DR.  ALBERT  I.,  Dept.  of  Anatomy,  University  of  Pittsburgh   Medical 

School,  Pittsburgh  13,  Pennsylvania 
LAUFFER,  DR.  MAX  A.,  Dept.  of  Biophysics,  University  of  Pittsburgh,  Pittsburgh, 


LAVIN,  DR.  GEORGE  I.,  3714  Springdale  Avenue,  Baltimore,  Maryland 
LAZAROW,  DR.  ARNOLD,   Dept.  of  Anatomy,  University  of   Minnesota,   Medical 

School,  Minneapolis  14,  Minnesota 
LEDERBERG,  DR.  JOSHUA,  Dept.  of  Genetics,  University  of  Wisconsin,  Madison  6, 

LEE,  DR.  RICHARD  E.,  Cornell  University  College  of  Medicine,  New  York  City, 

New  York 

LEFEVRE,  DR.  PAUL  G.,  Brookhaven  Apartments,  Upton,  Long  Island,  New  York 
LEHMANN,  DR.  FRITZ,  Zool.  Inst.,  University  of  Berne,  Berne,  Switzerland 
LESSER,  DR.  MILTON  A.,  Dept.  of  Physiology,  Ohio  State  University,  Columbus, 


LEVINE,  DR.  RACHMIEL,  Michael  Reese  Hospital,  Chicago  16,  Illinois 
LEVY,  DR.  MILTON,  Chemistry  Dept.,  New  York  University  School  of  Medicine, 

New  York  City,  New  York 

LEWIN,  DR.  RALPH  A.,  Marine  Biological  Laboratory,  Woods  Hole,  Massachusetts 
LEWIS,  DR.  I.  F.,  1110  Rugby  Road,  Charlottesville,  Virginia 
LING,  DR.   GILBERT,  Dept.  of  Neurophysiology,  University  of   Illinois,   Chicago, 



LITTLE,  DR.  E.  P.,  150  Causeway  Street,  Anderson  Nichols  &  Company,  Boston  24, 

LLOYD,  DR.  DAVID  P.  C,  Rockefeller  Institute,  66th  Street  and  York  Avenue, 
New  York  21,  New  York 

LOCH  HEAD,  DR.  JOHN  H.,  Dept.  of  Zoology,  University  of  Vermont,  Burlington, 

LOEB.  DR.  LEO.  40  Crestwood  Drive,  St.  Louis  5,  Missouri 

LOEB.  DR.  R.  F..  Presbyterian  Hospital.  620  W.  168  Street,  New  York  32,  New 

LOEWI,  DR.  OTTO,  155  East  93rd  Street,  New  York  City,  New  York 

LORAND,  DR.  LASZLO,  Dept.  of  Chemistry,  College  of  Liberal  Arts,  Northwestern 
University,  Evanston,  Illinois 

LOVE,  DR.  Lois  H.,  4253  Regent  Street,  Philadelphia  4,  Pennsylvania 

LOVE,  DR.  WARNER  E.,  Institute  for  Cancer  Research,  7701  Burholme  Avenue,  Fox 
Chase,  Philadelphia,  Pennsylvania 

LYNCH,  DR.  CLARA  J.,  Rockefeller  Institute,  66th  Street  and  York  Avenue,  New 
York  21,  New  York 

LYNCH,  DR.  RUTH  STOCKING,  Dept.  of  Botany,  University  of  California.  Los  An- 
geles 24,  California 

LYNCH,  DR.  WILLIAM,  Dept.  of  Biology,  St.  Ambrose  College,  Davenport,  Iowa 

LYNN,  DR.  WILLIAM  G.,  Dept.  of  Biology,  Catholic  University  of  America,  Wash- 
ington, D.  C. 

MACDOUGALL.  DR.  MARY  S.,  Mt.  Vernon  Apts.,  423  Clairmont  Avenue,  Decatur, 

McCoucH,  DR.  MARGARET  SUMWALT,  University  of  Pennsylvania  Medical  School, 
Philadelphia,  Pennsylvania 

MCDONALD,  SISTER  ELIZABETH  SETON,  Dept.  of  Biology,  College  of  Mt.  St.  Joseph, 
Mt.  St.  Joseph,  Ohio 

MCDONALD,  DR.  MARGARET  H.,  Carnegie  Institute  of  Washington,  Cold  Spring 
Harbor,  Long  Island,  New  York 

MACKLIN,  DR.  CHARLES  C.,  37  Gerard  Street,  London,  Ontario,  Canada 

MAGRUDER,  DR.  SAMUEL  R.,  Dept.  of  Anatomy,  Tufts  Medical  School,  136  Harri- 
son Avenue,  Boston,  Massachusetts 

MANWELL,  DR.  REGINALD  D.,  Syracuse  University,  Syracuse,  New  York 

MARSHAK,  DR.  ALFRED,  Woods  Hole,  Massachusetts 

MARSLAND,  DR.  DOUGLAS  A.,  New  York  University,  Washington  Square  College, 
New  York  City,  New  York 

MARTIN,  DR.  EARL  A.,  Dept.  of  Biology,  Brooklyn  College,  Brooklyn,  New  York 

MATHEWS,  DR.  A.  P.,  Glenwood  Boulevard,  Schenectady,  New  York 

MATTHEWS,  DR.  SAMUEL  A.,  Thompson  Biological  Lab.,  Williams  College,  Wil- 
liamstown,  Massachusetts 

MAVOR,  DR.  JAMES  W.,  8  Gracewood  Park,  Cambridge  58,  Massachusetts 

MAZIA,  DR.  DANIEL,  Dept.  of  Zoology,  University  of  California,  Berkeley  4,  Cali- 

MEDES,  DR.  GRACE,  Lankenau  Research  Institute,  Philadelphia,  Pennsylvania 

MEIGS.  MRS.  E.  B.,  1736  M  Street  N.W.,  Washington,  D.  C. 


MEINKOTH,  DR.  NORMAN  A.,  Dept.  of  Biology,  Swarthmore  College,  Swarthmore, 


MEMHARD,  MR.  A.  R.,  Riverside,  Connecticut 
MENKIN,  DR.  VALY,  Agnes  Barr  Chase  Foundation  for  Cancer  Research,  Temple 

University  Medical  School,  Philadelphia,  Pennsylvania 

METZ,  DR.  C.  B.,  Dept.  of  Zoology,  Florida  State  University,  Tallahassee,  Florida 
METZ,  DR.  CHARLES  W.,  University  of  Pennsylvania,  Philadelphia.  Pennsylvania 
MILLER,  DR.  J.  A.,  Basic  Science  Building,  Emory  University,  Georgia 
MILNE,  DR.  LORUS  J.,  Department  of  Zoology,  University  of  New  Hampshire,  Dur- 
ham, New  Hampshire 
MINNICH,  DR.  D.  E.,  Dept.  of  Zoology,  University  of  Minnesota,  Minneapolis  14, 

MOE,  MR.  HENRY  A.,  Secretary  General,  Guggenheim  Memorial  Foundation,  551 

Fifth  Avenue,  New  York  17,  New  York 
MONROY,  DR.  ALBERTO,  Institute  of  Comparative  Anatomy,  University  of  Palermo, 

MOORE,  DR.  GEORGE  M.,  Dept.  of  Zoology,  University  of  New  Hampshire,  Durham, 

New  Hampshire 
MOORE,  DR.  JOHN  W.,  Laboratory  of  Biophysics,  NINDB,  National  Institutes  of 

Health,  Bethesda  14,  Maryland 
MOUL,  DR.  E.  T.,  Dept.  of  Botany,  Rutgers  University,  New  Brunswick,  New 


MOUNTAIN,  MRS.  J.  D.,  9  Coolidge  Avenue,  White  Plains,  New  York 
MULLER,  DR.  H.  J.,  Dept.  of  Zoology,  Indiana  University,  Bloomington,  Indiana 
MUSACCHIA,  DR.  XAVIER  J.,  Dept.  of  Biology,  St.  Louis  University,  St.  Louis  4, 

NABRIT,  DR.  S.  M.,  President,  Texas  Southern  University,  3201  Wheeler  Avenue, 

Houston  4,  Texas 

NACE,  DR.  PAUL  FOLEY,  Dept.  of  Biology,  Hamilton  College,  McMaster  Univer- 
sity, Hamilton,  Ontario 

NACHMANSOHN,  DR.  DAVID,  College  of  Physicians  and  Surgeons,  Columbia  Uni- 
versity, New  York  City,  New  York 

NAVEZ,  DR.  ALBERT  E.,  206  Churchill's  Lane,  Milton  86,  Massachusetts 
NELSON,  DR.  LEONARD,  Dept.  of  Anatomy,  University  of  Chicago,  Chicago,  Illinois 
NEURATH,  DR.  H.,  Dept.  of  Biochemistry,  University  of  Washington,   Seattle  5, 


NEWMAN,  DR.  H.  H.,  173  Devon  Drive,  Clearwater,  Florida 
NICOLL,  DR.  PAUL  A.,  Indiana  Contract,  Box  K,  A.  P.  O.  474,  San  Francisco, 

OCHOA,  DR.  SEVERO,  New  York  University  College  of  Medicine,  New  York  16, 

New  York 
OPPENHEIMER,  DR.  JANE  M.,  Dept.  of  Biology,  Bryn  Mawr  College,  Bryn  Mawr, 

OSTER,  DR.  ROBERT  H.,  University  of  Maryland,  School  of  Medicine,  Baltimore  1, 

OSTERHOUT,  DR.  W.  J.  V.,  Rockefeller  Institute,  66th  Street  and  York  Avenue, 

New  York  21,  New  York 


OSTERHOUT,   DR.   MARION   IRVVIN,   Rockefeller   Institute,  66th   Street  and  York 

Avenue,  New  York  21,  New  York 
PACKARD,  DR.  CHARLES,  Woods  Hole,  Massachusetts 
PAGE,  DR.  IRVINE  H.,  Cleveland  Clinic,  Cleveland,  Ohio 

PARMENTER,  DR.  CHARLES  L.,  Dept.  of  Zoology,  University  of  Pennsylvania,  Phila- 
delphia, Pennsylvania 
PARPART,  DR.  ARTHUR  K.,  Dept.  of  Biology,  Princeton  University,  Princeton,  New 

PASSANO,  DR.  LEONARD  M.,  Osborn  Zoological  Laboratory,  Yale  University,  New 

Haven,  Connecticut 
PATTEN,  DR.  BRADLEY  M.,  University  of  Michigan  School  of  Medicine,  Ann  Arbor, 


PEEBLES,  DR.  FLORENCE,  380  Rosemont  Avenue,  Pasadena  3,  California 
PERKINS,  DR.  JOHN  F.,  JR.,  Dept.  of  Physiology,  University  of  Chicago,  Chicago 

37,  Illinois 
PETTIBONE,  DR.  MARIAN  H.,  Dept.  of  Zoology,  University  of  New  Hampshire, 

Durham,  New  Hampshire 

PIERCE,  DR.  MADELENE  E.,  Vassar  College,  Poughkeepsie,  New  York 
PLOUGH,  DR.  HAROLD  H.,  Amherst  College,  Amherst,  Massachusetts 
POLLISTER,  DR.  A.  W.,  Columbia  University,  New  York  City,  New  York 
POND,  DR.  SAMUEL  E.,  53  Alexander  Street,  Manchester,  Connecticut 
PRATT,  DR.  FREDERICK  H.,  105  Hundreds  Road,  Wellesley  Hills  82,  Massachusetts 
PROCTOR,  DR.  NATHANIEL,  Dept.  of  Biology,  Morgan  State  College,  Baltimore  12, 

PROSSER,  DR.  C.  LADD,  401  Natural  History  Bldg.,  University  of  Illinois,  Urbana, 

PROVASOLI,  DR.  LUIGI,  Dept.  of  Biology,  Haskins  Laboratory,  305  E.  43rd  Street, 

New  York  17,  New  York 
QUASTEL,   DR.   JUDA   H.,    Dept.   of   Biochemistry,    McGill   University,    Montreal, 


RAMSEY,  DR.  ROBERT  W.,  Medical  College  of  Virginia,  Richmond,  Virginia 
RAND,  DR.  HERBERT  W.,  7  Siders  Pond  Road,  Falmouth,  Massachusetts 
RANKIN,   DR.    JOHN    S.,    Dept.    of   Zoology,    University   of   Connecticut,    Storrs, 

RATNER,  DR.  SARAH,  Public  Health  Research  Institute  of  the  City  of  New  York, 

Foot  East  15th  Street,  New  York  9,  New  York 

RAY,  DR.  CHARLES,  JR.,  Dept.  of  Biology,  Emory  University,  Emory,  Georgia 
REDFIELD,  DR.  ALFRED  C.,  Woods  Hole,  Massachusetts 
REID,  DR.  W.  M.,  Poultry  Dept.,  University  of  Georgia,  Athens,  Georgia 
REINER,  DR.  J.  M.,  Columbia-Presbyterian  Medical  Center,  622  W.  168  St.,  New 

York  32,  New  York 
RENN,  DR.  CHARLES  E.,  509  Ames  Hall,  Johns  Hopkins  University,  Baltimore  18, 

REZNIKOFF,  DR.  PAUL,  Cornell  University  Medical  College,   1300  York  Avenue, 

New  York  City,  New  York 

RICE,  DR.  E.  L.,  2241  Seneca  Avenue,  Alliance,  Ohio 
RICHARDS,  DR.  A.,  2950E  Mabel  Street,  Tucson,  Arizona 


RICHARDS,  DR.  A.  GLENN,  Entomology  Department,  University  Farm,  University 
of  Minnesota,  St.  Paul,  Minnesota 

RICHARDS,  DR.  OSCAR  W.,  American  Optical  Company,  Research  Center,  South- 
bridge,  Massachusetts 

RIESER,  DR.  PETER,  Marine  Biological  Laboratory,  Woods  Hole,  Massachusetts 

ROCKSTEIN,  DR.  MORRIS,  Dept.  of  Physiology,  New  York  University,  College  of 
Medicine,  New  York  16,  New  York 

ROGICK,  DR.  MARY  D.,  College  of  New  Rochelle,  New  Rochelle,  New  York 

ROMER,  DR.  ALFRED  S.,  Harvard  University,  Museum  of  Comparative  Zoology, 
Cambridge,  Massachusetts 

RONKIN,  DR.  RAPHAEL  R.,  Dept.  of  Physiology,  University  of  Delaware,  Newark, 

ROOT,  DR.  R.  W.,  Dept.  of  Biology,  College  of  the  City  of  New  York,  New  York 
City,  New  York 

ROOT,  DR.  W.  S.,  Columbia  University,  College  of  Physicians  and  Surgeons,  Dept. 
of  Physiology,  New  York  City,  New  York 

ROSE,  DR.  S.  MERYL,  Dept.  of  Zoology,  University  of  Illinois,  Champaign,  Illinois 

ROSENTHAL,  DR.  THEODORE  B.,  Dept.  of  Anatomy,  University  of  Pittsburgh  Medi- 
cal School,  Pittsburgh  13,  Pennsylvania 

Rossi,  DR.  HAROLD  H.,  Dept.  of  Radiology,  Columbia  University,  New  York  32, 
New  York 

ROTH,  DR.  JAY  S.,  Dept.  of  Biochemistry,  Hahnemann  Medical  College,  Philadel- 
phia 2,  Pennsylvania 

ROTHENBERG,  DR.  M.  A.,  Chief,  Chemical  Laboratories,  Dugway  Proving  Ground, 
Dug  way,  Utah 

RUGH,  DR.  ROBERTS,  Radiological  Research  Laboratory,  College  of  Physicians  and 
Surgeons,  New  York  City,  New  York 

RUNNSTROM,  DR.  JOHN,  Wenner-Grens  Institute,  Stockholm,  Sweden 

RUTMAN,  DR.  ROBERT  J.,  Dept.  of  Zoology,  University  of  Pennsylvania,  Philadel- 
phia, Pennsylvania 

RYAN,  DR.  FRANCIS  J.,  Columbia  University,  New  York  City,  New  York 

RYTHER,  DR.  JOHN  H.,  Woods  Hole  Oceanographic  Institution,  Woods  Hole, 

SANDEEN,  DR.  MURIEL  I.,  Dept.  of  Zoology,  Duke  University,  Durham,  North 

SAUNDERS,  MR.  LAWRENCE,  R.  D.  7,  Bryn  Mawr,  Pennsylvania 

SCHAEFFER,  DR.  ASA  A.,  Dept.  of  Biology,  Temple  University,  Philadelphia, 

SCHARRER,  DR.  ERNST  A.,  Albert  Einstein  College  of  Medicine,  1710  Newport 
Avenue,  New  York  61,  New  York 

SCHECHTER,  DR.  VICTOR,  College  of  the  City  of  New  York,  New  York  City,  New 

SCHLESSINGER,  DR.  R.  WALTER,  Dept.  of  Microbiology,  St.  Louis  University 
School  of  Medicine,  1402  South  Grand  Boulevard,  St.  Louis  4,  Missouri 

SCHMIDT,  DR.  L.  H.,  Christ  Hospital,  Cincinnati,  Ohio 

SCHMITT,  DR.  FRANCIS  O.,  Dept.  of  Biology,  Massachusetts  Institute  of  Technol- 
ogy, Cambridge,  Massachusetts 


SCHMITT,  DR.  O.  H.,  Dept.  of  Physics,  University  of  Minnesota,  Minneapolis  14, 

SCHOLANDER,  DR.   P.   F.,   Institute  of  Zoophysiology,  University  of  Oslo,   Oslo, 

SCHOTTE,  DR.  OSCAR  E.,  Dept.  of  Biology,  Amherst  College,  Amherst,  Massa- 

SCHRADER,  DR.  FRANZ,  Dept.  of  Zoology,  Columbia  University,  New  York  City, 
New  York 

SCHRADER,  DR.   SALLY  HUGHES,  Dept.  of  Zoology,   Columbia  University,   New 
York  City,  New  York 

SCHRAMM,  DR.  J.  R.,  University  of  Pennsylvania,  Philadelphia,  Pennsylvania 

SCOTT,  DR.  ALLAN  C,  Colby  College,  Waterville,  Maine 

SCOTT,  DR.  D.  B.   McNAiR,  Dept.  of  Biochemistry,  University  of   Pennsylvania 
Hospital,  Philadelphia,  Pennsylvania 

SCOTT,  SISTER  FLORENCE  M.,  Seton  Hill  College,  Greensburg,  Pennsylvania 

SCOTT,  DR.  GEORGE  T.,  Oberlin  College,  Oberlin,  Ohio 

SEARS,  DR.  MARY,  Woods  Hole  Oceanographic  Institution,  Woods  Hole,  Massa- 

SEVERINGHAUS,  DR.  AURA  E.,  Dept.  of  Anatomy,  College  of  Physicians  and  Sur- 
geons, New  York  City,  New  York 

SHANES,  DR.  ABRAHAM  M.,  Experimental  Biology  and  Medicine  Institute,  National 
Institutes  of  Health,  Bethesda  14,  Maryland 

SHAPIRO,  DR.  HERBERT,  5800  North  Camac  Street,  Philadelphia  41,  Pennsylvania 

SHAVER,  DR.  JOHN  R.,  Dept.  of  Zoology,  Michigan  State  University,  East  Lansing, 

SHEDLOVSKY,  DR.  THEODORE,  Rockefeller  Institute,  66th  Street  and  York  Avenue, 
New  York  21,  New  York 

SICHEL,  DR.  FERDINAND  J.  M.,  University  of  Vermont,  Burlington,  Vermont 

SICHEL,  MRS.  F.  J.  M.,  35  Henderson  Terrace,  Burlington,  Vermont 

SILVA,  DR.  PAUL,  Dept.  of  Botany,  University  of  Illinois,  Urbana,  Illinois 

SLIFER,  DR.  ELEANOR  H.,  Dept.  of  Zoology,  State  University  of  Iowa,  Iowa  City, 

SMITH,  DR.  DIETRICH  C.,  Dept.  of  Physiology,  University  of  Maryland  School  of 
Medicine,  Baltimore,  Maryland 

SMITH,  DR.  EDWARD  H.,  Woods  Hole  Oceanographic  Institution,  Woods  Hole, 

SMITH,  MR.  HOMER  P.,  General  Manager,  Marine  Biological  Laboratory,  Woods 
Hole,  Massachusetts 

SMITH,  DR.  RALPH  I.,  Dept.  of  Zoology,  University  of  California,  Berkeley  4, 

SONNEBORN,   DR.   T.   M.,   Dept.   of   Zoology,    Indiana   University,    Bloomington, 

SONNENBLICK,  DR.  B.  P.,  40  Rector  Street,  Newark  3,  New  Jersey 

SPEIDEL,  DR.  CARL  C.,  University  of  Virginia,  University,  Virginia 

SPIEGEL,  DR.  MELVIN,  Dept.  of  Biology,  Colby  College,  Waterville,  Maine 

SPRATT,  DR.  NELSON  T.,  JR.,  Dept.  of  Zoology,  University  of  Minnesota,  Minne- 
apolis 14,  Minnesota 


STARR,  DR.  RICHARD  C.,  Dept.  of  Botany,  Indiana  University,  Bloomington,  Indiana 
STEINBACH,  DR.  HENRY  BURR,  Dept.  of  Zoology,  University  of  Minnesota,  Minne- 
apolis 14,  Minnesota 

STEINBERG,  DR.  MALCOLM  S.,  Dept.  of  Zoology,  University  of  Minnesota,  Minne- 
apolis 14,  Minnesota 

STEPHENS,  DR.  GROVER  C.,  Dept.  of  Zoology,  University  of  Minnesota,  Minne- 
apolis 14,  Minnesota 

STEWART,  DR.  DOROTHY,  Rockford  College,  Rockford,  Illinois 
STOKEY,  DR.  ALMA  G.,  Dept.  of  Botany,  Mt.  Holyoke  College,  South  Hadley, 


STRAUSS,  DR.  W.  L.,  JR.,  Johns  Hopkins  University,  Baltimore  18,  Maryland 
STUNKARD,  DR.  HORACE  W.,  New  York  University,  New  York  City,  New  York 
STURTEVANT,  DR.  ALFRED  H.,   California  Institute  of  Technology,   Pasadena  4, 

SULKIN,  DR.  S.  EDWARD,  Dept.  of  Bacteriology,  University  of  Texas,  Southwestern 

Medical  School,  Dallas,  Texas 

SWOPE,  MR.  GERARD,  JR.,  570  Lexington  Avenue,  New  York  22,  New  York 
SZENT-GYORGYI,  DR.  ALBERT,  Marine  Biological  Laboratory,  Woods  Hole,  Massa- 
SZENT-GYORGYI,  DR.  ANDREW  G.,  Marine  Biological  Laboratory,  Woods  Hole, 


TASHIRO,  DR.  SHIRO,  University  of  Cincinnati  Medical  College,  Cincinnati,  Ohio 
TAYLOR,  DR.  WM.  RANDOLPH,  Dept.  of  Botany,  University  of  Michigan,  Ann 

Arbor,  Michigan 

TEWINKEL,  DR.  Lois  E.,  Dept.  of  Zoology,  Smith  College,  Northampton,  Massa- 

TRACY,  DR.  HENRY  C.,  P.  O.  Box  54,  Oxford,  Mississippi 
TRACER,  DR.  WILLIAM,  Rockefeller  Institute,  66th  Street  and  York  Avenue,  New 

York  21,  New  York 
TRINKAUS,  DR.  J.  PHILIP,  Dept.  of  Zoology,  Osborn  Zoological  Laboratories,  Yale 

University,  New  Haven,  Connecticut 

TWEEDELL,  DR.  KEN  YON  S.,  Dept.  of  Zoology,  University  of  Maine,  Orono,  Maine 
TYLER,  DR.  ALBERT,  California  Institute  of  Technology,  Pasadena  4,  California 
UHLENHUTH,  DR.  EDWARD,  University  of  Maryland  School  of  Medicine,  Baltimore, 


URETZ,  DR.  ROBERT  B.,  Dept.  of  Biophysics,  University  of  Chicago,  Chicago,  Illinois 
DEVILLAFRANCA,  DR.  GEORGE  W.,  Dept.  of  Zoology,  Smith  College,  Northampton, 


VILLEE,  DR.  CLAUDE  A.,  Harvard  Medical  School,  Boston  15,  Massachusetts 
VINCENT,  DR.  WALTER  S.,  Dept.  of  Anatomy,   State  University  of  New  York 

School  of  Medicine,  Syracuse  10,  New  York 
WAINIO,  DR.  W.  W.,  Bureau  of  Biological  Research,  Rutgers  University,  New 

Brunswick,  New  Jersey 
WALD,  DR.  GEORGE,  Biological  Laboratory,  Harvard  University,  Cambridge  38, 

WARBASSE,  DR.  JAMES  P.,  Woods  Hole,  Massachusetts 


WARNER,  DR.  ROBERT  C,  Dept.  of  Chemistry,  New  York  University  College  of 
Medicine,  New  York  16,  New  York 

WATERMAN,  DR.   T.   H.,   Osborn  Zoological  Laboratory,   Yale  University,   New 
Haven,  Connecticut 

WEBB,  DR.  MARGUERITE,  Dept.  of  Physiology  and  Bacteriology,  Goucher  College, 
Towson,  Maryland 

WEISS,  DR.  PAUL  A.,  Laboratory  of  Developmental  Biology,  Rockefeller  Institute, 
New  York  21,  New  York 

WENRICH,  DR.  D.  H.,  University  of  Pennsylvania,  Philadelphia,  Pennsylvania 

WHEDON,  DR.  A.  D.,  21  Lawncrest,  Danbury,  Connecticut 

WHITAKER,  DR.  DOUGLAS  M.,  Rockefeller  Institute  for  Medical  Research,  New 
York  21,  New  York 

WHITE,  DR.  E.  GRACE,  Wilson  College,  Chambersburg,  Pennsylvania 

WHITING,  DR.  ANNA  R.,  University  of  Pennsylvania,  Philadelphia,  Pennsylvania 

WHITING,  DR.  PHINEAS  W.,  Zoological  Laboratory,  University  of  Pennsylvania, 
Philadelphia,  Pennsylvania 

WICKERSHAM,  MR.  JAMES  H.,  530  Fifth  Avenue,  New  York  36,  New  York 

WICHTERMAN,  DR.  RALPH,  Biology  Department,  Temple  University,  Philadelphia, 

WIEMAN,  DR.  H.  L.,  Box  485,  Falmouth,  Massachusetts 

WIERCINSKI,  DR.  FLOYD  J.,  Dept.  of  Physiology,  Hahnemann  Medical   College, 
Philadelphia,  Pennsylvania 

WILBER,   DR.   C.   G.,   Medical   Laboratories,   Applied   Physiology   Branch,   Army 
Chemical  Center,  Maryland 

WILLIER,  DR.  B.  H.,  Dept.  of  Biology,  Johns  Hopkins  University,  Baltimore  18, 

WILSON,  DR.  J.  W.,  Dept.  of  Biology,  Brown  University,  Providence,  Rhode  Island 

WILSON,  DR.  WALTER  L.,  Dept.  of  Physiology,  University  of  Vermont  College  of 
Medicine,  Burlington,  Vermont 

WITSCHI,  DR.  EMIL,  Dept.  of  Zoology,  State  University  of  Iowa,  Iowa  City,  Iowa 

WOLF,  DR.  ERNST,  Pendleton  Hall,  Wellesley  College,  Wellesley,  Massachusetts 

WOODWARD,  DR.  ARTHUR  A.,  Army  Medical  Center,  Maryland  (Applied  Physiol- 
ogy Branch,  Army  Chemical  Corps.  Medical  Laboratory) 

WRIGHT,  DR.  PAUL  A.,  Dept.  of  Zoology,  University  of  Michigan,  Ann  Arbor, 

WRINCH,  DR.  DOROTHY,  Dept.  of  Physics,  Smith  College,  Northampton,  Massa- 

YNTEMA,  DR.  C.  L.,  Dept.  of  Anatomy,  University  of  New  York  College  of  Medi- 
cine, Syracuse  10,  New  York 

YOUNG,  DR.  D.  B.,  Main  Street,  North  Hanover,  Massachusetts 

ZINN,  DR.  DONALD  J.,  Dept.  of  Zoology,  University  of  Rhode  Island,  Kingston, 
Rhode  Island 

ZIRKLE,  DR.  RAYMOND  E.,  Dept.  of  Radiobiology,  University  of  Chicago,  Chicago 
37,  Illinois 

ZORZOLI,  DR.  ANITA,  Dept.  of  Physiology,  Vassar  College,  Poughkeepsie,  New  York 

ZWILLING,  DR.  E.,  Dept.  of  Genetics,  University  of  Connecticut,  Storrs,  Connecticut 








BARBOUR,  MR.  Lucius 





















CLOWES,  MRS.  G.  H.  A. 





















GlLDEA,  DR.  AND  MRS.  E.  F. 





MAST,  MRS.  S.  O. 













NIMS,  MRS.  E.  D. 












STONE,  MR.  AND  MRS.  S.  M. 

WHITELY,  MR.  AND  MRS.  G.  W.,  JR. 





In  1956,  the  number  of  currently  received  journals  totalled  1575  (48  new). 
Of  these  titles,  there  were  471  (6  new)  Marine  Biological  Laboratory  subscriptions ; 
607  (12  new)  exchanges  and  182  (15  new)  gifts;  81  (9  new)  were  Woods  Hole 
Oceanographic  Institution  subscriptions ;  184  (4  new)  were  exchanges  and  50  (2 
new)  were  gifts. 

The  Laboratory  purchased  60  books,  received  77  complimentary  copies  (12 
from  authors  and  65  from  publishers),  and  accepted  25  miscellaneous  gifts.  The 
Institution  purchased  23  titles  and  received  5  gifts.  The  total  number  of  new 
books  accessioned  amounted  to  190. 

By  purchase  the  Laboratory  completed  14  journal  sets  and  partially  completed 
13.  The  Institution  completed  four  sets  and  partially  completed  three.  Volumes 
and  numbers  received  by  gift  and  by  exchange  completed  four  sets  and  partially  com- 
pleted 16  sets. 

There  were  6112  reprints  added  to  the  collection,  of  which  2326  were  of  current 

At  the  end  of  the  year,  the  Library  contained  66,590  bound  volumes  and  202,201 

The  Library  sent  out  on  inter-library  loan  192  volumes  and  borrowed  74  for  the 
convenience  of  the  investigators. 

Dr.  E.  Newton  Harvey's  collection  of  reprints  was  processed  in  1956  and  sev- 
eral thousand  were  added  to  the  Library's  collection.  The  duplicate  material  was 
presented  to  the  University  of  North  Carolina  Library. 

At  the  close  of  the  year,  Dr.  Albert  I.  Lansing  was  influential  in  having  an 
accumulation  of  reprints  sent  from  the  University  of  Pittsburgh.  These  will  be 
processed  in  1957. 

Grateful  acknowledgment  is  extended  to  Drs.  Alfred  C.  Redfield,  Henry 
Stommel,  Ethel  B.  Harvey,  Roberts  Rugh,  P.  W.  Whiting,  Wm.  R.  Amberson, 
Dorothy  Wrinch,  Helen  W.  Kaan,  and  to  the  Tompkins-McCaw  Library,  Medical 
College  of  Virginia,  for  valuable  and  useful  contributions  of  books,  reprints  and 
old  photographs. 


During  the  summer,  the  Library  Committee,  fully  aware  of  the  demand  for  an 
increase  in  the  purchase  of  books,  took  action  in  securing  a  larger  appropriation 
for  this  purpose.  A  Library  Advisory  Committee  was  appointed  to  recommend 
titles  for  purchase  in  1957.  There  are  23  persons  on  this  Committee  and  it  is 
hoped  a  very  substantial  increase  in  book  acquisitions  will  be  realized.  Extra  funds 
are  also  expected  in  1957  for  the  binding  of  back  periodical  volumes — work  that 
has  been  neglected  in  order  to  keep  the  current  binding  up  to  date.  The  steady 
increase  in  the  number  of  current  periodicals  now  being  published  has  also  made 
it  necessary  to  request  an  increase  in  the  budget  for  1957. 

In  August,  Mrs.  Priscilla  B.  Montgomery,  the  former  Librarian,  passed  away. 
It  is  due  to  her  foresight  during  the  early  days  of  the  Library's  rapid  growth,  that 
the  present  system,  initiated  by  her,  has  proved  to  be  an  adaptable  and  an  efficient 
one.  The  Library  is  a  very  fitting  memorial  to  the  loyal  service  and  painstaking 
work  displayed  by  her  during  the  years  1919—1947.  (A  memorial  paper  is  con- 
tained in  the  Laboratory's  report). 

Respectfully  submitted, 




The  combined  market  values  of  securities  for  the  General  Fund  and  the  Library 
at  December  31,  1956,  amounted  to  $1,472,265.00  as  compared  with  the  total  of 
$1,500,773  as  of  December  31,  1955.  The  average  yield  on  the  securities  was 
3.76%  of  market  value  and  5.55%  of  book  value.  The  total  uninvested  principal 
cash  in  the  above  accounts  as  of  December  31,  1956,  was  $1,551.72.  The  securities 
list  held  in  the  Endowment  Funds  appears  in  the  auditor's  report. 

The  pooled  securities  had  a  market  value  at  the  end  of  the  year  of  $242,759.00 
with  uninvested  principal  cash  in  the  amount  of  $430.12.  The  book  value  of  the 
securities  in  this  account  was  $223,341.33.  The  average  yield  on  market  value 
was  3.77%  and  4.10%  on  book  value. 

The  proportionate  interest  in  the  Pooled  Fund  account  of  the  various  Funds  as 
of  December  31,  1956,  is  as  follows: 

Pension  Fund 16.680% 

General  Laboratory  Investments   60.619 

Other : 

Bio  Club  Scholarship  Fund 1.768 

Rev.  Arsenious  Boyer  Scholarship  Fund 2.161 

Gary  N.  Calkins  Fund 2.024 

Allen  R.  Memhard  Fund 392 

F.  R.  Lillie  Memorial  Fund 6.824 

Lucretia  Crocker  Fund 7.391 

E.  G.  Conklin  Fund 1.252 

M.  H.  Jacobs  Scholarship  Fund 889 


During  the  year  we  received  a  gift  entitled  "Frank  R.  Lillie  Fellowship  Fund" 
consisting  of  800  shares  of  Crane  Company  common  stock.  While  WTC  can  change 
the  investments  in  this  account,  it  must  be  kept  intact.  It  was  therefore  not  eligible 
to  be  included  in  the  Pooled  Fund  account.  Accordingly,  a  special  custodian  ac- 
count was  established  for  these  securities.  We  are  also  holding  in  this  account 
the  securities  of  the  General  Biological  Supply  House. 

The  pledge  of  $8,000  par  value  government  bonds  still  remains  to  secure  the 
loan  of  the  MBL  Club  which  has  been  reduced  over  the  years  from  $7,000  to  $2,330 
at  the  year  end. 

Donations  from  MBL  Associates  for  1956  were  $5,255.00  as  compared  with 
$2,940.00  for  1955.  Gifts  from  individuals  for  unrestricted  use  were  $679.00. 
Foundations,  societies  and  companies  donated  $25,500.00.  The  $6,677.83  balance 
of  the  $50,000  from  the  National  Science  Foundation  for  hurricane  rehabilitation 
has  been  used  to  cover  delayed  repairs  to  the  plant,  attributed  to  the  hurricane. 

The  apartment  house  rentals  during  the  winter  months  amounted  to  $2,902.30. 
The  cost  of  heating  was  $922.19  leaving  a  balance  of  $1,980.11  to  be  applied  against 
the  general  expenses  of  lighting,  water  and  insurance. 

We  were  able  to  purchase  short  term  treasury  bills  to  activate  some  of  the  cash 
in  the  Falmouth  account  arising  from  the  donations  from  foundations  for  anticipated 
construction,  the  payment  for  which  was  scheduled  at  a  later  date.  The  purchase 
of  $50,000  U.  S.  Treasury  bills  was  made  in  November,  1956  to  run  for  90  days. 
The  interest  earned  on  this  purchase  was  $330.50. 

Lybrand,  Ross  Bros,  and  Montgomery  have  examined  our  books  and  sub- 
mitted financial  statements  for  examination. 

Following  is  a  statement  of  the  auditors. 

To  the  Trustees  of  the  Marine  Biological  Laboratory,  Woods  Hole,  Massachusetts: 

We  have  examined  the  balance  sheets  of  the  Marine  Biological  Laboratory  as 
at  December  31,  1956,  and  the  related  statements  of  operating  expenditures  and 
income  and  of  current  fund  for  the  year  then  ended.  Our  examination  was  made 
in  accordance  with  generally  accepted  auditing  standards,  and  accordingly  included 
such  test  of  the  accounting  records  and  such  other  auditing  procedures  as  we  con- 
sidered necessary  in  the  circumstances. 

In  our  opinion,  the  accompanying  financial  statements  present  fairly  the  assets, 
liabilities  and  funds  of  the  Marine  Biological  Laboratory  at  December  31,  1956, 
and  the  expenditures  and  income  for  the  year  then  ended. 

Boston,  Massachusetts 



December  31,  1956 


Investments  held  by  Trustee : 

Securities,  at  cost  (approximate  market  quotation  $1,472,265)    $   995,086 

Cash   1,552 


Investments  of  other  endowment  and  unrestricted  funds : 

Pooled  Investments,  at  cost  (approximate  market  quotation  $242,759)    223,341 

Other  investments   (Note  A)    75,085 

Cash   6,690 

Accounts  receivable   6,838 


Plant  Assets 

Land,  buildings,  library  and  equipment  (Note  B)    2,424,492 

Less  allowance  for  depreciation  (Note  B)    991,930 


Current  Assets 

Cash   100,045 

U.  S.  Treasury  bills,  face  value  $50,000,  due  2/15/57  temporarily  invested  pending  ex- 
penditures for  rehabilitation  of  Supply  Department  building  and  certain  labora- 
tories (approximate  market  quotation  $49,800)  50,000 

Common  stocks,  at  market  value  at  date  of  gift 5,728 

Accounts  receivable  ($12,880  from  U.  S.  Government)    25,535 

Inventories  of  specimens  and  Bulletins  58,269 

Prepaid  insurance  and  other   15,980 


Notes : 

A — The  Laboratory  has  guaranteed  a  note  of  approximately  $2,400  of  the  M.  B.  L.  Club 
and  has  pledged  as  security  therefor  bonds  with  an  original  cost  of  $7,900  included 
in  other  investments. 

B — The  Laboratory  has  since  January  1,  1916  provided  for  reduction  of  book  amounts 
of  plant  assets  and  funds  invested  in  plant  at  annual  rates  ranging  from  \%  to  5% 
of  the  original  cost  of  the  assets. 




December  31,  1956 

Endozvinent  Funds 

Endowment  funds  given  in  trust  for  the  benefit  of  the  Marine  Biological  Laboratory  $    996,638 
Endowment  funds  for  awards  and  scholarships : 

Principal     $     62,861 

Unexpended   income    1,420          64,281 

Unrestricted  funds  functioning  as  endowment  206,378 

Retirement  fund   41,824 

Pooled  investments — accumulated  gain  or  (loss)    (529) 


Plant  Liability  and  Funds 

Mortgage  payable  on  demand,  5%   5,000 

Funds  expended  for  plant,  less  retirements  2,419,492 

Less  allowance  for  depreciation  charged  thereto  991,930     1,427,562 


Current  Liabilities  and  Funds 

Accounts  payable   13,653 

Unexpended  balances  of  gifts  for  designated  purposes  11,540 

Advance  payments  on  research  contracts  83,189 

Current  fund   147,175 





Year  Ended  December  31,  1956 

Operating  Expenditures 

Direct  expenditures  of  departments  : 

Research  and  accessory  services   $161,259 

Instruction    33,186 

Library,  including  book  purchases  28,631 

Biological  Bulletin  15,902 


Direct  costs  on  research  contracts 55,343 

Administration  and  general  48,744 

Plant  operation  and  maintenance  76,926 

Hurricane  emergency  repairs  6,678 

Dormitories  and  dining  services  131,464 

Equipment  purchased  from  current  funds  2,850 

Less  depreciation  included  in  plant  operation  and  dormitories  and  dining  services 

above  but  charged  to  plant  funds  36,424 



Direct  income  of  departments  : 

Research  fees    44,507 

Accessory  services  (including  sales  of  biological  specimens  $66,571)    94,978 

Instruction  fees 17,174 

Library  fees  and  income 6,625 

Biological  Bulletin,  subscriptions  and  sales  18,148 


Reimbursement  and  allowance  for  direct  and  indirect  costs  on  research  contracts 56,429 

Dormitories  and  dining  services  income   108,375 


Investment  income  81,501 

Gifts  for  current  use  124,062 

Sundry  income   376 

Total  current  income  .  552,175 

Excess  of  income  $  27,616 



Year  Ended  December  31,  1956 

Balance  January  1,  1956   $119,559 

Excess  of  income  over  operating  expenditures,  1956 27,616 

Balance  December  31,  1956 $147,175 



December  31,   1956 

Securities  held  by  Trustee  : 
General  endowment  fund  : 


Approximate  Investment 

%  Market         %  of       Income 

Total     Quotations     Total         1956 

U.  S.  Government  bonds   

$  97052 

11  7 

$     93  46' 


$  4  799 

Other   bonds    

406  226 


409  437 

^3  6 


Preferred  stocks  



71  500 



Common  stocks    



644  556 








General    Educational    Board    endowment 
fund  : 

U.  S.  Government  bonds   



30  164 

11  9 


Other   bonds    




21  0 

1  276 

Preferred   stocks    





1  130 

Common   stocks        



145  672 








Total  securities  held  by  Trustee 








December  31,  1956 


Approximate  Investment 

%  Market        %  of       Income 

Total     Quotations     Total         1956 

Investments   of   other   endowment   and   unre- 
stricted funds : 

Pooled  investments : 

U.  S.  Government  bonds  $37,800         16.9      $     34,119        14.1       $     905 

Other  bonds    93,936        42.1  90,628        37.3          2,527 

131,736        59.0  124,747        51.4          3,432 

Common  stocks    91,605        41.0  118,012        48.6          5,439 

223,341       100.0      $   242,759      100.0          8,871 

Other  investments : 

U.  S.  Government  bonds   7,920  220 

Common  stocks    43,600  20,613 

Real  estate  and  mortgage   23,565 

75,085  20,833 

Total  investments  of  other  en- 
dowment and  unrestricted 
funds  $298,426  $29,704 

Total  investment  income  received  85,353 

Custodian's  fees  charged  thereto  (412) 




Department  of  Biology  and  Institute  of  Marine  Biology,  College  of  Agriculture  and 
Mechanic  Arts,  University  of  Puerto  Rico,  May  agues,  Puerto  Rico 

The  writer  set  out  to  accomplish  an  embryological  problem  involving  some  of 
the  polychaetous  annelids  of  Puerto  Rico.  No  information  on  the  breeding  habits 
of  this  group  was  available.  To  obtain  suitable  embryological  material,  therefore, 
it  was  necessary  to  determine  the  breeding  periods  of  some  of  the  species  which 
were  readily  accessible.  The  information  obtained  is  thus  incidental  to  the  main 
problem.  Several  people,  however,  have  expressed  an  interest  in  its  publication, 
since  apparently  little  is  known  concerning  the  breeding  habits  of  tropical  marine 
forms.  The  information  may  be  of  some  value  to  others  interested  in  studying 
tropical  or  subtropical  marine  forms. 

Observations  and  collections  were  made  throughout  the  year.  Night  collections 
were  made  at  the  laboratory  dock  on  the  island  of  Magiieyes,  Parguera,  Puerto 
Rico,  with  a  reflector  bulb  attached  to  an  extension  cord,  and  a  dip  net,  or  from  a 
boat  over  nearby  coral  reefs  with  the  aid  of  a  reflector  light  attached  to  a  battery. 
Some  of  the  former  collections  were  made  throughout  a  full  year ;  collections  over 
the  reefs  were  made  from  March  to  December,  1955.  Collections  made  during  the 
day  were  largely  from  the  shallow  seas  over  coral  reefs,  and  along  the  edge  of 
mangrove  islands.  The  \vaters  of  this  area  of  the  Caribbean  are  relatively  warm 
throughout  the  year,  being  somewhat  cooler  during  the  "winter"  months.  The 
temperature  of  the  surface  water  goes  as  high  as  87°  F.  at  the  laboratory  dock 
(September  1,  1955).  The  tides  in  this  area  show  little  variation  in  height,  the 
difference  between  the  lowest  low  tide  and  the  highest  high  tide  rarely  exceeding 
41  cm.  in  any  month. 

Dr.  Olga  Hartman  and  Dr.  Marian  H.  Pettibone  were  kind  enough  to  identify 
the  species  here  described.  I  am  most  grateful  for  their  generous  help,  and  also 
wish  to  express  my  appreciation  to  Mr.  Donald  Erdman  who  kindly  assisted  with 
many  of  the  night  collections,  and  to  those  individuals  of  the  College  of  Agriculture 
who  were  so  cooperative  in  putting  the  facilities  of  the  Marine  Institute  and  of  the 
Department  of  Biology  at  my  disposal. 

The  polychaetes  on  which  observations  have  been  made  are  arranged  by  families 
for  convenient  reference.  Throughout  the  paper,  one  asterisk  (*)  refers  to  those 
species  identified  by  Dr.  Hartman,  and  two  asterisks  (**)  to  those  identified  by 
Dr.  Pettibone. 

FAMILY  SYLLIDAE.  Autolytns  oniatns  (Verrill)  *.  The  female  or  sac- 
conereis  stage  of  the  red-banded  Antolytns  may  be  collected  at  the  dock  at  night  the 

1 U.  S.  Public  Health  Service  Post-doctoral  Research  Fellow  of  the  National  Cancer 
Institute,  1954-56.  Present  address :  Department  of  Biology,  Wilson  College,  Chambersburg, 


50  M.  JEAN  ALLEN 

year  round  with  the  possible  exception  of  the  end  of  January  and  the  beginning  of 
February.  It  was  found  to  be  most  abundant  during  the  last  half  of  May  and 
June,  during  July  (particularly  during  the  middle  of  the  month),  and  the  first  part 
of  September.  Individuals  rise  from  a  depth  of  several  feet  to  the  surface  within 
the  circle  of  light.  When  abundant,  as  many  as  50  have  been  collected  with  one  dip 
of  the  net,  and  as  many  as  165  have  been  collected  within  an  hour.  The  female 
stage  of  this  polychaete  measures  approximately  13  mm.  However,  individuals 
appear  about  half  this  size  as  they  tend  to  curl  ventrally  around  an  egg  sac  in  which 
developmental  stages  are  borne.  Before  being  released,  white  spherical  eggs,  ap- 
proximately 85  micra  in  diameter,  are  packed  within  the  coelom  for  the  entire  length 
of  the  body.  Their  development  will  be  considered  in  a  subsequent  paper.  The  male 
(polybostrichus)  stage  of  this  syllid  has  been  observed  only  twice.  This  was  not 
at  the  dock  where  the  sacconereis  stage  collects  but  over  a  reef  on  the  nights  of  July 
26,  when  8  specimens  were  obtained,  and  September  21,  1955,  when  2  specimens 
were  collected. 

In  a  series  of  papers  written  in  1951,  Fauvel  describes  some  polychaetous 
annelids  from  the  Gulf  of  Tadjoura  (French  Somaliland)  caught  by  M.  J.-L.  Dantan 
during  night  fishing  with  a  light  in  the  months  of  January,  February,  and  March, 
1933  and  1934.  The  Gulf  of  Tadjoura  is  closer  to  the  equator  than  is  Puerto  Rico 
so  presumably  the  water  would  be  very  warm  the  year  round.  Fauvel  (195 la) 
notes  that  during  night  fishing  in  the  gulf  the  syllids  and  nereids  were  the  most 
abundant  and  most  interesting  of  the  species  collected  although  other  epitokal  species 
were  obtained  too.  The  collecting  in  Puerto  Rico  also  yielded  primarily  syllids  and 
nereids.  Fauvel  (1951b)  describes  a  number  of  species  of  syllids  including 
Autolytus.  It  is  interesting  to  note,  however,  that  the  polybcstrichus  stage  of 
Autolytus  was  caught  in  enormous  quantities  (many  hundreds)  while  the  sacconereis 
stage  was  relatively  rare  (Fauvel,  1951a).  As  described  above,  the  reverse  was 
true  in  the  Puerto  Rican  waters  (although  "enormous  quantities"  were  not  ob- 
tained), the  male  stage  rarely  being  observed.  From  a  plankton  collection  Thorson 
(1946)  reported  three  sacconereis  specimens  of  A.  prolifer  with  larvae  close  to  hatch- 
ing stage  in  the  ventral  egg  sac  and  one  polybostrichus  stage  of  the  same  species. 

The  temperature  of  the  surface  water  from  which  A.  ornatus  was  collected  at 
Parguera,  Puerto  Rico,  probably  never  goes  below  75°  F.,  even  in  January.  It  is 
interesting  to  note  Bumpus  (1898a)  has  reported  that  at  Woods  Hole,  Massa- 
chusetts, during  the  month  of  March,  1898,  Antolytus  cornutus  was  frequently 
taken  with  eggs,  the  temperature  ranging  from  38°  F.  at  the  beginning  of  March  to 
43°  F.  at  the  end.  Mead,  in  1898,  reported  that  Autolytns  (species  unspecified) 
with  egg  clusters  attached  was  regularly  taken  in  his  tow  at  Woods  Hole,  visually 
3  or  4  at  a  time,  during  the  early  part  of  April  (water  temperature  approximately 
41  to  42°  F.).  Bumpus  (1898b)  noted  that  the  tow-net  on  May  7  brought  in 
Autolytus  but  without  eggs ;  on  May  10th  he  noted  several  egg-bearing  individuals, 
and  on  the  llth  a  male  swimming  about  and  finally  fastening  to  a  female  with  his 
jaw.  Throughout  the  latter  portion  of  May,  Autolytus  was  abundant.  In  his 
report  for  June,  July,  and  August,  Bumpus  (1898c)  notes  that  Autolytus  and  other 
syllids  which  were  frequently  taken  at  Woods  Hole  had  ventral  egg  sacs. 

In  the  cold  waters  of  Point  Barrow,  Alaska,  both  female  stolons  (with  egg 
sacs)  and  male  stolons  have  been  reported  for  several  species  of  Autolytus  (Petti- 
bone,  1954).  This  material  was  collected  by  Dr.  G.  E.  MacGinitie  of  the  Arctic 


Research  Laboratory.  While  the  writer  was  still  collecting  A.  ornatus  in  Puerto 
Rico,  the  following  very  interesting  description  of  Autolytus  jallax  from  the  Point 
Barrow  collection  was  published  (MacGinitie,  1955,  p.  138)  :  "The  female  sac- 
conereis  stages  bearing  egg  sacs  were  taken  through  the  ice  from  January  25  to  May 
17,  1950.  On  March  29,  1950,  there  were  hundreds  of  these  worms,  with  egg  sacs, 
swimming  in  the  water  at  the  80-foot  plankton  hole  and  on  April  7,  1950  (1.9  miles 
from  shore)  when  the  slush  ice  was  removed  from  a  4-foot- wide  lead,  hundreds  were 
welling  up  and  swimming  around.  The  worms  were  about  10  mm.  long  and  the  egg 
sacs  2.5  mm.  long."  It  thus  appears  that  Autolytus  is  able  to  tolerate  a  very  wide 
temperature  range  for  breeding,  and  that  in  the  warm  waters  of  Puerto  Rico  A. 
ornatus  breeds  all  the  year  round  with  the  possible  exception  of  late  January  and 
early  February.  Hartman  (1951)  remarks  that  both  sacconereis  and  polybostrichus 
stages  of  Autolytus  brevicirrata  Winternitz  may  be  taken  in  plankton  during  the 
summer.  Dales'  comments  (1951)  on  the  breeding  season  of  A.  f>rolifer  (A. 
cornutusf — see  Pettibone,  1954)  indicate  that  the  breeding  habits  of  this  species 
may  be  similar  to  those  of  A.  ornatus. 

The  sacconereis  stage  of  another  syllid,  unidentified  as  yet,  was  collected  oc- 
casionally along  with  A.  ornatus.  This  species  is  yellow  in  color,  is  not  banded,  and 
has  smaller  eggs  and  larvae  (various  stages  were  collected)  than  those  of  A.  ornatus. 
Thus  far  it  would  appear  that  this  species  cannot  be  collected  in  sufficient  numbers 
for  embryological  purposes. 

FAMILY  NEREIDAE.  Nereis  riisci  Grube*.  Both  male  and  female  het- 
eronereids  of  this  species  have  been  obtained  in  the  evenings,  both  at  the  dock  and 
over  reefs,  during  most  of  the  year.  No  real  swarming,  such  as  has  been  described 
for  some  species  of  Nereis,  has  been  noted.  Usually  only  one  to  a  few 
individuals  have  been  observed  in  an  evening.  The  largest  number  observed  was 
within  an  hour's  time  (between  8:00  and  9:00  P.M.)  on  March  23.  Shedding  does 
not  ordinarily  occur  when  the  worms  are  isolated  but  only  after  a  male  and  female 
are  put  together.  The  spherical  eggs,  approximately  190  micra  in  diameter,  have 
numerous  oil  droplets  as  is  characteristic  of  other  nereid  eggs.  Results  following 
attempts  at  artificial  fertilization  varied.  In  some  cases  no  shedding  occurred;  in 
others,  shedding  of  gametes  occurred  without  development ;  in  others,  development 
ceased  during  cleavage ;  and  in  successful  cases  the  eggs  developed  into  larvae  with 
three  external  sets  of  setae  within  three  days.  Results  suggest  that  the  height  of  the 
breeding  period  of  this  form  extends  from  the  last  week  in  July  to  the  beginning  of 
September.  None  were  obtained  during  four  observations  throughout  June,  with 
the  exception  of  June  27  when  one  individual  was  observed.  None  were  observed 
during  the  last  part  of  September  and  October,  1955  (a  few  were  collected  on 
October  7,  1954).  One  was  observed  on  November  7,  none  on  November  14,  and 
two  (one  with  posterior  end  missing)  on  November  22,  1955.  Occasional  indi- 
viduals were  collected  throughout  the  other  months  of  the  year. 

A  number  of  nereids  have  been  described  by  Fauval  (1951a-d)  from  the  collec- 
tion from  the  Gulf  of  Tadjoura  but  this  group  did  not  include  Nereis  riisei  Grube. 
The  heteronereid  stages  of  N.  riisei,  collected  at  Parguera,  Puerto  Rico,  are  in  size, 
color,  and  behavior  under  the  light,  reminiscent  of  Nereis  sitccinea  (Leuckart), 
commonly  called  Nereis  liuibata  (Ehlers),  found  at  Woods  Hole,  Massachusetts. 
N.  riisei  differs,  however,  in  that  the  males  observed  were  larger  than  the  females 
and  no  real  swarming  occurs.  This  is  in  even  greater  contrast  to  the  spectacular 

52  M.  JEAN  ALLEN 

behavior  of  the  Nereis  snccinea  occurring  in  eastern  Canadian  waters  (Berkeley 
and  Berkeley,  1953).  Swarming  in  the  case  of  N.  succinea  (at  least,  in  the  Woods 
Hole  area)  seems  to  be  more  closely  associated  with  the  lunar  cycle  (Lillie  and 
Just,  1913)  than  is  the  appearance  of  the  heteronereid  stage  of  N.  riisei  in  Puerto 
Rican  waters. 

Ccratoncrcis  inirabilis  Kinberg  **.  Small  heteronereids  of  this  species  (approxi- 
mately 7  mm.  in  length)  were  collected  at  night  over  coral  reefs.  They  were  never 
observed  at  the  dock.  Night  collections  over  reefs  were  begun  on  March  11,  1955, 
when  the  only  suggestion  of  real  swarming  of  this  species  was  observed.  The 
heteronereids  shed  their  gametes  when  isolated.  Males  appear  yellow  in  color  prior 
to  shedding  and  pinkish  (posterior  portion)  after  shedding.  Females  appear  whitish 
before  and  pinkish  after  shedding.  The  eggs,  approximately  120-125  micra  in  the 
long  diameter,  are  flattened  spheres  suggesting  biconvex  discs.  Artificial  fertiliza- 
tion was  attempted  whenever  both  males  and  females  were  collected.  It  was  always 
successful.  Embryos  swim  within  8  hours  after  fertilization,  trochophores  develop 
within  12  hours  after  fertilization,  and  beautiful  larvae  with  three  bushy  sets  of 
setae  develop  within  211>  days.  A  few  have  been  kept  alive  for  22  days  but  devel- 
oped no  additional  setae.  Collections  were  made  from  March  1 1  to  December  14, 
1955,  but  both  sexes  were  observed  only  during  the  new  moon  each  month  with 
the  exception  of  March  11,  three  days  after  full  moon,  when  the  best  batch  of  eggs 
was  obtained  (to  date  this  exception  has  not  been  explained),  and  three  days  before 
the  first  quarter  in  September  when  a  few  were  obtained.  It  should  be  noted  that 
only  one  sex  in  the  heteronereid  form  was  collected  during  the  new  moons  of  June, 
September,  and  December. 

Fauvel  (195lc)  describes  several  species  of  Ceratdncreis,  including  C.  inirabilis, 
from  the  night  collections  in  the  Gulf  of  Tadjoura.  In  several  species,  only 
heteronereid  males  were  caught.  In  the  case  of  C.  inirabilis,  the  male  epitoke  was 
caught  in  numbers  with  a  few  females  (mostly  in  fragments).  Fauvel  points  out 
that  while  this  species  is  very  widely  distributed  in  all  warm  regions  of  the  Atlantic, 
of  the  Pacific  and  particularly  of  the  Indian  Ocean  (with  which  the  Gulf  of  Tadjoura 
is  indirectly  connected),  the  epitokal  form  has  been  only  rarely  encountered,  the  few 
females  being  mainly  fragments.  In  the  Puerto  Rican  waters  the  writer  was  ap- 
parently fortunate  in  obtaining  both  sexes  in  the  heteronereid  form  for  embryological 

Nereis  sp**.  This  is  a  small  pink  species,  measuring  approximately  2  cm.  in 
length,  with  a  rather  thick  body.  This  worm  was  frequently  collected  along  with 
Ceratonercis  and  other  small  nereids,  but  insofar  as  can  be  determined  only  the 
male  heteronereids  were  observed.  This  has  been  the  experience  of  other  investi- 
gators (see  Fauvel,  1951a-d). 

Platynereis  dumerilii  (Audouin  and  M.  Edwards)  **.  This  small  pink  het- 
eronereid, flattened  dorso-ventrally,  is  usually  somewhat  smaller  than  the  preceding. 
The  heteronereid  stage  was  collected  frequently  along  with  Ceratonereis  and  Nereis 
sp.  Again,  only  male  heteronereids  were  detected.  Fauvel  (1951d)  describes 
several  species  of  Platynereis  but  not  P.  dumerilii.  It  is  interesting  to  note  that  in 
the  Platynereis  dumerilii  at  Naples  which  breeds  from  October  through  May 
spectacular  swarming  has  been  observed  after  the  full  moon  in  May  (Just,  1929), 
while  only  a  few  heteronereids  were  observed  in  Puerto  Rico  and  these  during  the 
last  quarter  of  the  moon  and  the  new  moon  (several  observations).  The  het- 


eronereid  stages  of  P.  ditinerilii  were  also  observed  between  8:00  and  11:00  P.M. 
in  March,  1955,  during  the  dark  of  the  moon  (no  moon)  on  Loch  Hourn, 
Scotland  (Dr.  L.  R.  Fisher,  personal  communication,  1957).  These  observations 
suggest  that  P.  dumcrilii  is  able  to  tolerate  a  wide  temperature  range  for  breeding. 

Nereis  allenae  (Pettibone).  Only  two  heteronereids  of  this  small  species  (ap- 
proximately 1  cm.  long)  have  been  collected,  one  on  August  25  (first  quarter  of  the 
moon)  and  one  on  September  15  (new  moon),  1955.  Both  were  collected  during 
the  evening  from  the  shallow  water  over  the  reef  between  the  Marine  Laboratory 
and  Caballo  Blanco  Island,  Parguera,  Puerto  Rico.  This  was  the  first  time  that  the 
writer  had  observed  polychaete  eggs  laid  in  short  strings  resembling  blue-green 
algae.  The  eggs  made  up  a  single  row  of  cells  (approximately  30  eggs  in  some 
strings).  Within  about  an  hour  after  laying,  the  eggs  became  isolated  due  to  the 
dissolution  of  the  substance  (jelly?)  holding  the  eggs  together.  The  eggs  after 
fixation  measure  approximately  160  micra  in  diameter.  This  polychaete  is  a  new 
species  (Pettibone,  1956). 

Several  other  species  of  nereids  are  represented  by  heteronereids  (including  egg- 
laying  females)  in  night  collections  but  they  have  not,  as  yet,  been  identified. 

FAMILY  GLYCERIDAE.  Glyccra  fsphyrabrancha  Schmarda  **.  On  the 
evening  of  October  31,  1955,  between  8  and  8:40  P.M., two  females,  28  cm.  and 
23  cm.  long,  respectively  (when  fixed),  and  a  long  male  segment  of  this  species- 
were  observed  swimming  in  surface  water  at  the  dock  light.  They  were  caught  in  a 
dip  net  and  isolated  in  finger  bowls,  whereupon  the  shorter  female  and  the  male- 
segment  shed  their  gametes.  The  eggs  (resembling  flattened  tops  and  approxi- 
mately 125  micra  in  diameter)  are  whitish,  with  a  large  central  germinal  vesicle 
(50  micra  in  diameter)  and  finely  granular  cytoplasm.  They  are  liberated  in  two 
streams,  apparently  from  two  pores  about  midway  down  the  body.  Two  drops  of 
diluted  very  active  spermatozoa  were  used  to  inseminate  the  eggs.  At  approxi- 
mately 9:30  P.M.  another  female  was  observed  and  caught  with  the  dip  net.  The 
relatively  few  eggs  suggested  she  may  have  shed  already.  Within  1  hour  and  40 
minutes  after  insemination  a  number  of  the  eggs  of  the  first  female  were  at  the  2-  to 
4-cell  stage  (mostly  the  latter)  but  a  number  had  not  cleaved.  Within  11  hours 
many  ciliated  swimmers  were  observed  in  the  dish.  Within  the  next  24  hours 
larvae  with  a  prominent  prototroch  had  formed  and  within  the  next  24  hours  (age,. 
21/2  days)  elongating  larvae  with  a  differentiating  gut  had  developed. 

EUNICIDAE.  Eunice  fpennata  (Miiller)  **.  These  slender  worms,  ap- 
proximately 714  cm.  long,  build  small  sand  tubes,  externally  covered  with  shell.. 
They  are  found  on  the  under  surface  of  coral  in  shallow  water.  When  the  coelom 
of  a  female  is  packed  with  eggs,  the  posterior  half  of  the  body  appears  green  due  to 
the  pigment  within  the  eggs.  The  eggs,  approximately  175  X  160  micra  in  di- 
ameter, are  oval  with  a  prominent  germinal  vesicle.  The  posterior  half  of  males 
with  spermatozoa  appears  cream  in  color.  Not  many  specimens  have  been  col- 
lected, but  females  with  eggs  have  been  observed  in  February,  March,  April,  May 
(one  female  was  observed  over  a  reef  on  the  evening  of  May  6),  September,  and 
November,  1955.  The  few  attempts  at  artificial  fertilization  were  unsuccessful. 

Eunice  (Nicidion}  sp.**.  This  is  a  small  species  about  the  size  of  E.  fpennata. 
The  worms  are  found  on  the  under  surface  of  coral  in  association  with  E.  Fpennata 
tubes,  or  close  to  them,  and  may  occur  in  clumps  of  several  individuals  twined  about 
one  another.  The  eggs  (observed  only  in  September)  are  bright  pink  and  may  be 

54  M.  JEAN  ALLEN 

observed  readily  through  the  body  wall.  This  species  has  been  observed  only  in 
September,  October,  and  November,  but  no  definite  attempts  were  made  to  look  for 
it.  Fauvel  (1951d)  identified  several  species  from  the  Gulf  of  Tadjoura  collection, 
including  Eunice  (Nicidion)  cdcntuluni  which  he  describes  as  a  cosmopolitan  and 
widely  distributed  species  living  in  the  Indian  Ocean,  Pacific,  and  Atlantic. 

Lysidice  sp.**.  Between  7:30  and  9:00  P.M.  on  the  evening  of  December  14, 
1955,  a  number  of  worms  wrere  observed  in  the  circle  of  light  swimming  in  the 
shallow  water  over  a  reef  near  the  laboratory  and  several  were  shedding  gametes. 
The  adults  were  isolated  and  the  eggs  were  inseminated  artificially.  In  about  three 
hours  spherical  surface  swimmers  were  observed  and  16  hours  after  insemination 
orange-red  eyespots  were  visible.  This  species  also  was  collected  in  November 
but  shedding  was  not  observed.  Fauvel  (1951d)  identified  Lysidice  collaris  from 
the  Gulf  of  Tadjoura  and  described  it  as  being  widely  distributed  in  warm  seas. 

AMPHINOMIDAE.  Hennodice  carnnculata  (Pallas)  *.  This  large  fireworm 
is  rather  plentiful  in  the  Puerto  Rican  area  and  is  locally  referred  to  as  a  "marine 
centipede."  It  has  been  observed  during  the  daytime  lying  about  on  reefs  in 
shallow  water  or  on  the  sandy  to  muddy  bottoms  surrounding  mangrove  islands. 
An  occasional  individual  was  checked  for  gametes  at  least  once  a  month  from  Janu- 
ary through  June,  1955,  by  making  a  small  slit  in  the  body  wall.  No  gametes  were 
observed  in  this  period  except  on  January  13  when  an  injured  female  shed  many 
orange-colored  eggs,  approximately  100  micra  in  diameter.  In  November,  1955, 
a  few  specimens  were  again  checked  for  gametes.  Eggs  were  observed  (though 
not  very  abundant)  in  one  female  on  November  8,  and  in  another  on  November  29. 

Eurythoc  coinf>lanata  (Pallas)  *.  This  is  another  common  "marine  centipede" 
often  collected  along  with  H.  carunculata  on  shallow  reefs.  Eggs  have  not  been 
observed  but  very  small  worms  have  been  collected  early  in  November  (one  meas- 
ured 19  mm.  and  a  second  13  mm.  when  fixed).  Fauvel  (1951a)  identified  one 
specimen  of  this  species  taken  from  the  Reef  of  Ambouli,  noting  that  it  is  found 
in  all  tropical  seas.  Both  this  species  and  the  preceding  are  found  in  the  Gulf  of 
Mexico  along  the  coast  of  Florida  (  Hartman,  1951  ) . 

Notopygos  crinita  Grube  **.  This  species  of  fireworm  has  been  observed  only 
in  May.  On  the  evening  of  May  13,  1955,  two  males  and  one  female  were  ob- 
served swimming  over  a  reef.  When  isolated  in  finger  bowls,  they  shed  immedi- 
ately. The  eggs  fertilized  readily,  developing  into  much  flattened,  top-like  trocho- 
phores  within  14  hours.  Four  days  after  insemination,  they  had  developed  into 
weird-looking  larvae  with  two  sets  of  much  elongated  glass-like  setae.  The  larvae 
died  within  the  next  two  days.  On  the  evening  of  May  20  a  small  male  was 
collected  similarly.  It  did  not  shed  until  taken  to  the  laboratory.  No  other  indi- 
viduals were  observed. 

FAMILY  POLYNOIDAE.  Chactacanthus  magnificns  (Grube)  *.  Often  one 
to  several  of  these  worms  were  collected  incidentally  on  coral  reefs  in  shallow  water 
from  September,  1954,  to  May,  1955,  but  no  shedding  was  observed  nor  were 
gametes  seen  when  the  body  wall  was  pricked.  Later  (November  14,  1955)  a  few 
more  were  collected.  Upon  puncturing  the  body  wall  one  of  these  shed  a  few 
whitish,  opaque,  almost  spherical  eggs,  approximately  100  X  85  mm.  in  diameter. 

FAMILY  TEREBELLIDAE.  Thelepus  sctosus  (Quatrefages)  *.  This 
species  is  found  in  tubes,  covered  by  sand  and  shells,  on  the  under  surface  of  coral 
in  shallow  water.  Pink,  disc-shaped  eggs  (the  larger  measuring  approximately  185 


micra  in  diameter)  are  readily  observed  through  the  body  wall  moving  about  within 
the  coelomic  fluid.  A  number  of  individuals  have  been  collected  each  month  from 
November,  1954,  to  November,  1955,  at  various  phases  of  the  moon  (collections 
were  made  during  the  day)  but  no  fertilization  has  been  attained.  Individuals 
when  collected  were  isolated  and  checked  periodically  for  shedding.  Changing  the 
temperature,  and  also  the  sea  water  in  which  they  have  been  kept,  was  done  con- 
sistently but  did  not  prove  successful  in  stimulating  shedding.  In  one  instance,  on 
March  31,  a  male  shed  active  spermatozoa  within  30  minutes  after  isolation;  an 
attempt  at  artificial  fertilization  was  unsuccessful.  On  September  10,  one  individual 
out  of  six  shed  many  eggs  on  the  day  after  it  was  collected  (following  two  changes 
of  temperature  and  of  sea  water).  The  breeding  habits  of  Thelepus  may  be  similar 
to  those  of  its  relative,  Amphitrite  ornata  Verrill.  Mead  (1897)  collected  approxi- 
mately 800  specimens  of  A.  ornata  from  June  through  August  and  only  rarely  ob- 
tained ripe  gametes.  He  stated  (p.  229)  that  it  "is  useless  to  cut  the  animals  open, 
for,  if  the  sexual  products  are  mature,  they  will  be  discharged,  usually  at  about  6 
o'clock  in  the  evening,  more  often  on  the  day  of  capture,  sometimes  the  next  day. 
The  rarity  of  ripe  specimens  is  partly  compensated  for  by  the  enormous  number 
of  eggs  which  may  be  obtained  from  one  female."  Scott  (1909)  concluded  that  the 
height  of  spawning  for  A.  ornata  is  in  July  and  is  closely  related  to  the  spring  tide. 
As  suggested  by  the  above  observations,  no  definite  conclusions  can  be  drawn,  as 
yet,  regarding  the  specific  breeding  habits  of  Thelepus  setosus. 

Eiipolyiiiiiia  crassicornis  (Schmarda)  *.  This  worm  lives  in  a  collapsible  tube 
of  mucus  reinforced  by  pebbles,  sand,  shell,  calcareous  algae,  etc.  The  breeding 
habits  of  this  species  probably  are  similar  to  those  of  Thelepus.  Eggs,  if  plentiful 
enough,  appear  as  lavender  areas  seen  through  the  body  wall.  The  color  is  due  to 
the  pigment  in  the  ova.  The  larger  of  the  disc-shaped  eggs  are  approximately  175 
micra  in  diameter.  This  species  likewise  has  been  checked  the  year  round,  from 
January  to  December,  1955,  and  treated  in  the  same  manner  as  Thelcpns.  On 
March  15,  at  5:00  P.M.,  individuals  collected  that  day  were  isolated,  and  by  8:00 
P.M.  two  females  had  shed  many  eggs,  and  one  a  few  eggs.  By  then,  the  germinal 
vesicle  had  broken  and  one  male  had  shed  active  spermatozoa.  Two  batches  of 
eggs  were  inseminated;  one  showed  no  development  and  the  second  had  an  occa- 
sional swimmer  moving  slowly  within  3%  hours  after  insemination.  All  of  these 
swimmers  died  within  the  next  day  and  a  half.  Possibly  the  eggs  were  over-ripe. 
On  June  27,  another  attempt  at  artificial  insemination  was  unsuccessful.  On 
September  1 1 ,  six  males  shed  active  spermatozoa.  Artificial  insemination  was  tried 
although  the  female  used  had  not  shed  normally.  No  development  occurred.  On 
November  15,  one  out  of  the  six  worms  collected  that  morning  had  shed  active 
spermatozoa  by  6:00  P.M.,  and  on  November  29  one  of  two  males  shed  at  approxi- 
mately 6:00  P.M. 

SABELLIDAE.  Sabellastarte  magnifica  (Shaw)  **.  This  large  feather  cluster 
lives  in  a  membranous  tube  attached  to  coral  in  shallow  water.  Relatively  few 
specimens  have  been  checked  the  year  round  for  gametes.  The  rather  small  eggs 
(approximately  55  micra  in  diameter)  are  whitish  discs  with  a  central  germinal 
vesicle.  They  tend  to  shrink  when  freed  from  the  coelom,  suggesting  that  they  are 
not  osmotically  balanced  with  the  sea  water.  Eggs  have  been  observed  in  August, 
September,  and  October,  and  males  with  active  spermatozoa  have  been  collected 

56  M.  JEAN  ALLEN 

in  September,  October,  and  November   (one  male,  November  23).     Tbe  few  at- 
tempts at  artificial  fertilization  were  unsuccessful. 

Sabella  mclanostigina  Schmarda*.  This  species  of  feather  duster,  smaller  and 
more  slender  than  the  preceding,  lives  in  a  slender  membranous  tube  (covered  with 
fine  silt  and  mud)  found  attached  to  stones  or  shells  or  to  mangrove  roots.  Indi- 
viduals with  eggs  (most  of  the  eggs  shrivel  in  sea  water)  and  motile  spermatozoa 
were  collected  from  January  through  May.  No  gametes  were  observed  in  the  few 
specimens  checked  in  June,  July,  and  August.  One  check  was  made  in  September 
-  two  females  examined  had  minute  eggs ;  a  male  individual,  considerably  smaller 
than  the  females,  had  active  spermatozoa.  Both  eggs  and  active  spermatozoa  were 
noted  in  October  and  November.  The  few  attempts  at  artificial  fertilization,  scat- 
tered throughout  the  year,  proved  unsuccessful. 

SERPULIDAE.  Spirobranchus  tricornis  (Morch)  *.  This  small  feather 
duster  builds  a  calcareous  tube  in  the  common  coral,  Porites  porites.  The  eggs,  ap- 
proximately 80-85  micra  in  diameter,  are  flattened  spheres.  They  are  relatively 
clear  except  for  the  orange  pigment  granules  in  the  cytoplasm.  The  sex  of  indi- 
viduals can  often  be  determined  with  the  naked  eye  if  the  coelom  is  packed  with 
gametes.  Females  have  bright  orange  tips  (basal  end),  as  the  pigment  in  the  mass 
of  eggs  shows  through  the  body  wall ;  males  have  whitish  or  creamish  tips  when 
packed  with  spermatozoa.  This  species  has  been  checked  for  gametes  in  every 
month  from  September,  1954,  to  November,  1955.  Only  a  few  swimmers  developed 
following  attempts  at  artificial  fertilization  from  November  through  February.  A 
number  cleaved  following  artificial  fertilization  from  March  through  October,  1955. 
These  developed  into  typical  trochophores,  some  batches  swarming  with  the  ciliated 
swimmers.  A  member  of  this  genus,  Spirobranchus  gigantcus  (Pallas),  has  been 
described  by  Fauvel  (195ld)  in  the  collection  from  the  Gulf  of  Tadjoura.  He 
notes  that  this  species  occurs  in  all  intertropical  regions  of  the  Indian  Ocean,  Pacific, 
and  Atlantic,  mainly  on  coral  reefs. 

It  is  hoped  that  the  positive  results  recorded  here  will  prove  useful  to  other 
investigators  interested  in  tropical  or  subtropical  marine  forms.  Negative  results 
should  be  viewed  with  caution. 


BERKELEY,  C.,  AND  E.  BERKELEY,  1953.     Swarming  of  Nereis  succinca   (Leuckart)   off  the  east 

coast  of  Canada.     Nature,  171:  847. 
BUMPUS,  H.  C.,  1898a.     The  breeding  of  animals  at  Woods  Holl  during  the  month  of  March, 

1898.     Science,  7:  485-487. 
BUMPUS,  H.  C.,  1898b.     The  breeding  of  animals  at  Woods  Holl  during  the  month  of  May, 

1898.     Science,  8:  58-61. 
BUMPUS,  H.  C.,  1898c.     The  breeding  of  animals  at  Woods  Holl  during  the  months  of  June, 

July  and  August.     Science,  8:  850-858. 
DALES,   R.    P.,    1951.     Observations   on   the   structures   and   life   history   of   Autolytus  prolifer 

(O.  F.  Miiller).     /.  Mar.  Biol.  Assoc.,  30:  119-128. 
FAUVEL,    P.,    1951a.     Annelides    Polychetes    du    Golfe    de    Tadjoura    recueillies    par    M.    J.-L. 

Dantan  en  1933,  au  cours  de  peches  nocturnes  a  la  lumiere.    Bull.  Mus.  Natl.  Hist.  Nat., 

23 :  287-294. 
FAUVEL,    P.,    1951b.     Annelides    Polychetes    du    Golfe    de    Tadjoura    recueillies    par    M.    J.-L. 

Dantan  en  1933,  au  cours  de  peches  nocturnes  a  la  lumiere   (suite).     Bull.  Mus.  Natl. 

Hist.  Nat.,  23 :  381-389. 


FAUVEL,    P.,    1951c.     Annelides    Polychetes    du    Golfe    de    Tadjoura    recueillies    par    M.    J.-L. 

Dantan  en  1934,  au  cours  de  peches  nocturnes  a  la  lumiere   (suite).     Bull  Mus.  Natl. 

Hist.  Nat.,  23  :  519-526. 
FAUVEL,    P.,    1951d.     Annelides    Polychetes    du    Golfe    de    Tadjoura    recueillies    par    M.    J.-L. 

Dantan  en  1934,  au  cours  de  peches  nocturnes  a  la  lumiere   (suite  et  fin).     Bull.  Mus. 

Nat!.  Hist.  Nat.,  23 :  630-640. 
HARTMAN,  O.,   1951.     The  littoral  marine  annelids  of  the  Gulf  of  Mexico.     Pnbl.  Inst.  Mar. 

Sci.,  2  :  7-124. 

JUST,  E.  E..  1929.     Breeding  habits  of  Nereis  dnmerilii  at  Naples.     Biol.  Bull..  57:  307-310. 
LILLIE,   F.   R.,   AND   E.   E.   JUST,    1913.     Breeding  habits   of   the   heteronereis   form   of   Nereis 

liinbata  at  Woods  Hole,  Massachusetts.     Biol.  Bull.,  24:   147-168. 
MAcGiNiTiE,    G.    E.,    1955.     Distribution    and   ecology   of   the   marine    invertebrates    of    Point 

Barrow,  Alaska.     Smithsonian  Misc.  Coll.,  128:  1-201. 

MEAD,  A.  D.,  1897.     The  early  development  of  marine  annelids.    /.  Morph.,  13 :  227-326. 
MEAD,  A.  D.,  1898.     The  breeding  of  animals  at  Woods  Holl  during  the  month  of  April,  1898. 

Science,  7 :  702-704. 

PETTIBONE,  M.  H.,  1954.     Marine  polychaete  worms  from  Point  Barrow,  Alaska,  with  addi- 
tional records  from  the  North  Atlantic  and  North   Pacific.     Proc.   U.  S.  Nat.  Mus., 

103:  203-356. 
PETTIBONE,   M.   H.,   1956.     Some  polychaete  worms  of  the  families   Hesionidae,    Syllidae,  and 

Nereidae  from  the  east  coast  of  North  America,  West   Indies,  and  Gulf  of   Mexico. 

J,  Il'ash.  Acad.  Sci.,  46:  281-294. 
SCOTT,  J.  W.,   1909.     Some  egg-laying  habits  of  Amphitrite  ornata  Verrill.     Biol.   Bull.,   17: 


THORSON,  G.,   1946.     Reproduction  and  larval  development  of   Danish  marine  bottom  inverte- 
brates, with  special  reference  to  the  planktonic  larvae  in  the  sound   (0resund).     Mcdd. 

Konnn.  Dan-marks  Fisk.-Havundersjfgelser.    Ser.:  Plankton,  4:   1-523. 


Department  of  Bacteriology,   University   of    Wisconsin,   Madison,   Wisconsin 

The  genus  Dictyostelium  Brefeld  (1869)  is  representative  of  the  Acrasieae,  a 
group  of  simple,  cellular  slime  molds,  wherein  the  life  cycle  consists  of  an  amoeboid 
vegetative  phase  and  a  plant-like  fruiting  phase.  The  vegetative  phase  of  these  primi- 
tive micro-organisms  is  characterized  by  the  independent  movement  and  multiplica- 
tion of  free-living  myxamoebae  which  feed  by  the  ingestion  and  digestion  of  bacterial 
cells.  The  fruiting  phase  normally  begins  with  the  exhaustion  of  this  food  supply 
and  is  first  evidenced  by  the  coordinated  inflowing  of  the  myxamoebae  to  form 
wheel-shaped  aggregates,  or  pseitdoplasinodia.  It  attains  its  definitive  expression 
as  a  portion  of  the  myxamoebae  thus  assembled  becomes  transformed  into  vacuolate, 
parenchyma-like  cells  to  form  the  upright  stalk,  or  sorophore,  whilst  the  remainder 
differentiate  into  capsule-shaped  reproductive  cells,  or  spores,  to  form  the  elevated 
spore  mass,  or  sonis,  of  the  slime  mold  fructification,  or  sorocarp.  In  most  cultures 
of  Dictyostelium  grown  under  favorable  cultural  conditions,  virtually  all  of  the 
former  vegetative  myxamoebae  enter  directly  into  radiate  pseudoplasmodia  and 
subsequently  differentiate  into  either  stalk  cells  or  spores  (Olive,  1902;  Raper, 
1935,  1940a,  1940b;  Bonner,  1944).  However,  marked  exceptions  to  this  be- 
havioral pattern  occur  in  certain  species  and  strains. 

Under  some  conditions,  not  wholly  understood,  many  of  the  vegetative 
myxamoebae  never  enter  the  fruiting  state  (i.e.,  aggregate  to  form  pseudo- 
plasmodia) but  as  individual  cells  enter  an  encystment  stage.  Such  resting  cells 
are  termed  microcysts  (Fig.  1).  This  designation  was  first  applied  by  Cienkowski 
(fide  Olive,  1902)  to  describe  those  myxamoebae  of  Guttnlina  which  under  unfavor- 
able conditions  tended  to  form  rounded  protoplasmic  bodies  with  definite  ecto- 
plasmic  membranes.  Olive  widened  the  application  to  include  other  Acrasieae 
and  stated  that  microcyst  formation  occurred  under  unfavorable  conditions  such  as 
slow  drying  in  hanging-drop  preparations.  In  our  investigations  such  individually 
encysted  cells  have  been  observed  from  time  to  time  and  in  large  numbers  in  agar 
plate  cultures  of  Dictyostelium  mucoroides  Brefeld  (1869),  and  with  even  greater 
frequency  in  D.  minntitni  Raper  (1941),  D.  polycephalnni  Raper  (1956a,  1956b), 
Polysphondylium  palliduin  Olive  (1901,  1902),  and  Acytostelinm  Icptosomum 
Raper  (1956b).  They  are  believed  to  occur  in  greater  or  lesser  numbers  in  all 
aging  cultures. 

An  additional,  multicellular  encystment  stage  occurs  in  occasional  strains  of 
Dictyostelium  mucoroides  and  in  many  isolates  of  D.  minutum.  These  relatively 
complex  structures  arise  by  a  morphogenetic  process  possibly  alternative  to  normal 

1  Research    investigations    reported    in    this    paper    have    been    aided   by    grants    from    the 
National  Science  Foundation  and  the  National  Institutes  of  Health. 

2  Present  address :   Department  of   Pharmacology,   Marquette   University   Medical    School, 
Mihvaukee,  Wisconsin. 



sorocarp  formation.  Because  of  their  larger  dimensions  and  their  multicellular 
origin  and  constitution,  these  bodies  are  termed  macrocysts  (Fig.  2) .  This  designa- 
tion was  first  applied  by  Raper  in  1951  with  reference  to  structures  seen  in  certain 
cultures  of  D.  minntum  isolated  from  soil,  but  no  description  of  the  macrocysts 
was  given.  More  recently,  Cormier  and  Raper  (1955)  and  Raper  (1956b)  have 
reported  briefly  concerning  their  formation  and  structure.  It  is  of  special  interest 
that  Brefeld,  in  his  original  paper  on  D.  mucoroides  (1869),  described  and  illus- 
trated as  "dwarfed  sporangia"  structures  which  are  believed  to  have  represented 
macrocysts  (Fig.  3). 

The  primary  purpose  of  this  investigation  has  been  to  extend  our  observa- 
tions on  these  long  neglected  structures  and  to  seek  answers  to  three  basic  questions 
pertaining  to  them,  namely:  How  are  the  macrocysts  and  microcysts  formed? 
What  conditions  favor  their  development  ?  What  are  the  roles  of  these  encystment 
stages  in  the  life  cycle  of  the  Acrasieae?  A  resume  of  our  present  knowledge  of 
these  matters  is  presented  herewith. 

Micro-organisms  investigated 

Several  cultures  of  Dictyosteliuni  were  examined  relative  to  the  production  and 
possible  function  of  the  macrocysts,  including  Dictyosteliuui  mucoroides  (Strains 
S-28b,  NC-12,  and  WS-47)  and  D.  minutum  (Pur-8a  and  WS-56-2).  Dictyo- 
steliuui mucoroides  was  the  slime  mold  studied  most  intensively,  particularly  strain 
S-28b  which  produces  abundant  macrocysts.  Macrocysts  were  first  observed  and 
photographed  in  strain  NC-12  when  this  slime  mold  was  isolated  in  1937  (Fig.  2). 

Microcysts  of  several  species  of  the  Acrasieae  were  studied,  including  those  of 
Dictyosteliuni  minutum  (WS-116b),  D.  polycephalum  (S^4),  Polysphondylium 
pallidum  (WS-116c),  and  Acytostelium  leptosomum  (FG-12a).  Those  of  D. 
polycephalum  are  illustrated  in  Figure  1. 

Different  bacterial  associates  were  investigated  as  food  sources  for  the  slime 
molds  and  for  their  possible  influence  upon  macrocyst  formation.  Included  among 
gram-negative  species  were  Escherichia  coli  (No.  B-281),  Aerobacter  sp.  (Singh's 
strain),  Aerobacter  aerogenes  (Sussman's  strain),  Flavobacteriitm  sp.  (DIF), 
Serratia  marc  esc  ens  (No.  B-175),  and  Pseudomonas  fluorescens  (No.  B-112)  ;  in- 
cluded among  gram-positive  species  were  Bacillus  megaterium  (No.  B-160),  B. 
subtilis  (Sarles'  strain),  and  Sarcina  lute  a  (No.  B-1018).  Escherichia  coli,  the 
organism  used  most  commonly,  is  a  short  rod  which  is  mildly  proteolytic  and 
ferments  both  dextrose  and  lactose ;  the  myxamoebae  appeared  to  grow  best  when 
feeding  upon  this  bacterium. 

Cultivation  of  the  slime  molds 

Environmental  and  cultural  conditions,  including  (1)  temperature,  (2)  culture 
media,  (3)  pH  of  substrate,  (4)  ammonium  ion  concentration,  and  (5)  per  cent 
relative  humidity,  were  varied  to  determine  their  effect  upon  macrocyst  formation 
in  Dictyosteliuni. 

Incubation  temperatures  used  in  most  of  the  experiments  were  10,  15,  20,  25, 





and  30°  C.  The  optimum  growth  temperature  for  the  macrocyst-forming  strains 
of  Dictyostelium  mucoroides  was  about  20°  C.,  whereas  that  of  the  D.  miniituin 
isolates  more  nearly  approximated  25°  C. 

Many  different  media  were  employed  for  the  cultivation  of  the  slime  molds  and 
the  associated  nutritive  bacteria,  which,  for  the  most  part,  were  patterned  after 
substrates  previously  reported  by  Raper  (1951).  An  agar  medium  containing 
0.1%  lactose  and  0.1%  peptone  (0.1  L-P  agar)  was  used  most  extensively  since 
it  provided  the  most  reproducible  growth  and  the  most  consistent  macrocyst  forma- 
tion in  D.  mucoroides  and  in  D.  iiiinutmn.  Horse  dung-infusion  and  0.05%  uric 
acid  agars  3  were  also  employed  because  of  Brefeld's  report  (1869)  that  dung 
extract  and  uric  acid  induced  spore  germination. 

The  pH  of  the  substrates  employed  for  the  conjoint  growth  of  the  slime  molds 
and  associated  bacteria  was  varied  by  buffering  with  KC1,  potassium  acid  phthalate, 
KH,PO4,  and  KSBO3  as  recommended  by  Clark  and  Lubs  (Clark,  1928).  Bac- 
teria were  also  pre-grown  on  buffered  0.1  L-P  medium  of  varied  pH  and  trans- 
ferred to  unbuffered  medium  prior  to  inoculation  with  the  slime  mold  (Raper, 
1951).  Experiments  to  determine  the  possible  effect  of  ammonium  ions  on  growth 
and  macrocyst  formation  in  Dictyostelium  were  patterned  after  those  reported  by 
Cohen  (1953). 

Different  relative  humidities  were  obtained  by  placing  specified  concentrations 
of  HL)SO4  in  water  in  desiccators,  as  reported  by  Wilson  (1921).  Two  types  of 
slide  cultures  were  employed :  ( 1 )  Maximov  tissue  culture  slides  containing  one 
ml.  0.1  L-P  agar  inoculated  with  a  mixed  suspension  of  spores,  or  myxamoebae 
and  macrocysts,  of  D.  mucoroides  and  E.  coli  cells ;  (2)  plain  flat  slides  spread  with 
1.0  ml.  molten  0.1  L-P  agar  and  inoculated  by  on-flowing  a  mixed  suspension  of 
slime  mold  and  bacteria.  The  latter  slides  were  supported  in  an  upright  position 
by  small  wooden  blocks  during  incubation. 

Agar  plate  cultures  were  grown  routinely  in  glass  Petri  dishes,  to  maintain  a 
high  per  cent  relative  humidity,  and  incubated  in  the  dark  at  varying  temperatures. 
The  plates  were  cross-streaked  or  completely  smeared  with  the  bacterial  associate 
and  then  inoculated  at  the  center  with  spores,  macrocysts,  or  myxamoebae  of  the 
selected  slime  mold,  the  type  of  inoculum  and  bacterial  associate  being  varied  with 
the  experiment. 

3  Dung  decoction  was  made  by  autoclaving  100  grams  of  fresh  horse  dung/liter  of  water  for 
twenty  minutes  at  15  pounds'  pressure.  The  resulting  decoction  was  filtered,  solidified  with 
1.5%  agar,  and  re-sterilized  (final  pH  6.1-6.35).  Uric  acid  agar  consisted  of  a  0.05%  aqueous 
solution  of  uric  acid  to  which  2.0%  agar  was  added. 


FIGURE  1.  Microcysts  of  Dictyostelium  polycephalum,  representing  individually  encysted 
vegetative  myxamoebae.  X  530. 

FIGURE  2.  Macrocysts  of  Dictyostelium  mucoroides,  Strain  MC-12,  showing  the  charac- 
teristic habit  and  structure  of  these  bodies ;  the  cellular  stalk  of  a  normal  sorocarp  appears  at  the 
far  left.  X  250. 

FIGURE  3.  Illustrations  from  Brefeld's  description  of  Dictyostelium  mucoroides  (1869), 
from  left  to  right :  "Dwarfed  sporangia,"  which  are  believed  to  be  identical  with  the  macrocysts 
reported  in  this  paper ;  "small  sporangia"  with  "rudimentary  stalks"  in  the  spore-forming  plasm ; 
"sporangium"  with  a  small  stalk  surrounded  by  an  enclosing  membrane.  <  300. 



Several  reagents  were  employed  to  establish  the  cellulosic  nature  of  the  walls  of 
the  macrocysts,  namely : 

( 1 )  Chloroiodide   of  zinc  solution   was  prepared   by   dissolving   30  grams   of 
ZnCl,  5  grams  of  KI,  and  0.89  gram  of  iodine  in  14  ml.  of  distilled  water  (Stevens, 
1916).     The  material  to  be  tested  was  mounted  in  water,  after  which  the  reagent 
was  applied  to  one  edge  of  the  cover  glass  and  drawn  under  it  by  placing  a  piece 
of  filter  paper  against  the  opposite  edge.     Cellulosic  material  stains  violet-blue. 

(2)  Congo  red  was  prepared  as  a  0.5%  aqueous  solution  of  the  dye  made 
alkaline  by  adding  two  or  three  drops  of  concentrated   NaOH.     In  an  alkaline 
solution  this   reagent   stains   cellulose   red,   which    when   put    in    HC1    turns   blue 
(Raper  and  Fennel],  1952).     This  is  a  presumptive  but  non-specific  test  for  cellu- 

(3)  Schweitzer's   reagent   was   prepared   by   bubbling   air   through  60  ml.   of 
NH4OH  containing  10  grams  of  fine  copper  turnings  for  one  hour    (Hodgman, 
1951).     Cellulose  is  quickly  dissolved  by  this  strong  cuprammonium  solution.     In 
practice,  the  macrocysts  were  generally  mounted  in  water  and  the  reagent  was 
applied  by  drawing  it  under  the  cover  glass,  hence  diluting  and  advantageously 
slowing  its  action.     A  72%  aqueous  solution  of  H2SO4  was  also  used  as  a  cellulose 

(4)  A  strong  birefringence  in  polarized  light  was  likewise  interpreted  as  con- 
firming the  predominantly  cellulosic  composition  of  the  macrocyst  wall. 

Nile  blue  sulfate  was  employed  as  a  vital  dye  for  staining  myxamoebae  and 
progressive  developmental  stages  as  reported  by  Bonner  (1952).  It  was  also 
incorporated  into  0.1  L-P  agar  prior  to  inoculation  with  E.  coli  and  the  slime 
mold,  ca.  3  ml. /liter  of  a  Q.5%  aqueous  solution  being  employed  for  this  purpose. 
Used  directly,  or  when  added  to  the  growth  medium,  it  stained  vegetative 
myxamoebae  a  very  light  blue,  whereas  aggregating  myxamoebae  and  the  cells 
of  developing  macrocysts  assumed  somewhat  darker  shades  and  appeared  less 

Origin  and  morphology  of  macrocysts 

Macrocysts  are  flattened,  irregularly  circular  to  ellipsoidal  multicellular  struc- 
tures, ranging  from  25  to  50  ju,  in  diameter.  The  myxamoebae  which  contribute 
to  their  formation  appear  normal  for  Dictyostelium  mucoroides  and  D.  minutum 
in  every  respect  as  they  move  and  feed  upon  bacterial  cells,  re-dividing  until  the 
available  food  supply  is  exhausted.  As  this  occurs,  the  myxamoebae  begin  to 
aggregate  into  pseudoplasmodia  which,  except  for  their  generally  limited  di- 
mensions, appear  basically  similar  to  other  pseudoplasmodia  that  proceed  to  sorocarp 
formation  (Fig.  4).  However,  instead  of  producing  upright  sorocarps,  the 
myxamoebae  comprising  these  aggregates  remain  in  compact  heaps  and  subse- 
quently become  surrounded  by  comparatively  thick,  cellulose  walls.  When  only  a 
few  myxamoebae  aggregate  to  form  pseudoplasmodia,  small  macrocysts  develop 
singly ;  when  larger  numbers  of  cells  are  involved,  the  macrocysts  are  somewhat 
larger  and  may  occur  in  groups  of  varying  size,  ranging  from  small  packets  to 


sheet-like  ribbons,  depending  upon  the  number  of  myxamoebae  massed  together. 
In  these  larger  aggregations,  incipient  macrocysts  are  delimited  by  the  secretion 
of  delicate  cellulosic  membranes  around  limited  groups  of  cells  more  or  less  regularly 
spaced  throughout  the  primary  aggregate.  This  is  followed  by  the  subsequent 
deposition  of  thick,  predominantly  cellulosic  walls,  mostly  circular  to  oval  in  pattern, 
that  become  the  relatively  rigid  boundaries  of  the  individual  macrocysts.  Com- 
monly the  secondary  wall  is  laid  down  in  general  conformity  with  the  primary 
membrane,  but  not  infrequently  two,  three  or  even  more  macrocysts  develop  within 
an  initial  area  of  demarcation  (Figs.  5-7). 

Somewhat  prior  to  the  first  evidence  of  secondary  wall  formation  around  the 
nascent  macrocyst,  cells  in  the  center  of  the  previously  undifferentiated  mass  ex- 
hibit signs  of  modification  and  become  surrounded  individually  by  strongly  re- 
fractive membranes.  This  process  of  cellular  differentiation  advances  outward 
until  all  of  the  cells  comprising  the  macrocyst  are  transformed  into  closely  packed, 
seemingly  firm-walled  cells,  termed  cndocytcs  (Figs.  8-9).  The  constitutive 
myxamoebae  show  no  obvious  orientation  during  the  early  stages  of  this  process; 
but  as  differentiation  proceeds,  the  peripheral  and  still  amoeboid  cells  become  con- 
spicuously elongate  as  if  appressed  against  the  surface  of  the  steadily  enlarging  body 
of  endocytes  (Fig.  6).  Parallel  with  this  progressive  differentiation  of  the  endo- 
cytes, but  in  a  manner  not  yet  understood,  the  whole  body  of  functionallv  integrated 
cells  succeeds  in  building  around  itself  a  tough  and  relatively  heavy  wall  that  is  rich 
in  cellulose.  Significantly,  the  position  of  this  wall  is  not  determined  by  that  of  the 
thin  primary  membrane  which  initially  delimited  the  bloc  of  myxamoebae  that 
jjtif/Jit  collaborate  in  macrocyst  formation;  rather  it  is  determined  by  the  group (s) 
of  cells  which  first  differentiate  as  endocytes.  This  is  clearly  evident  from  the 
examination  of  primary  aggregates  of  different  dimensions.  If  the  aggregate  is 
small,  the  subsequently  formed  macrocyst  wall  will  conform  generally  to  that  of  the 
primary  membrane.  If  the  aggregate  is  relatively  large,  several  centers  of  endocyte 
formation  will  arise  simultaneously,  and  outward  from  these  loci,  cells  will  differ- 
entiate progressively  to  form  separate  and  independent  macrocysts,  each  with  its 
own  characteristic  heavy  wall  but  all  contained  within  the  primary  membrane  (Figs. 
7-9.  25—27).  The  entire  process  of  macrocyst  formation  is  normally  completed 
within  18  to  24  hours.  Successive  stages  in  macrocyst  formation  are  illustrated 
in  Figures  4  through  9. 

The  endocytes  may  be  isodiametric  or  slightly  elongate,  ranging  in  size  from 
about  3.6  to  4.8  p.  in  diameter.  As  observed  within  the  macrocyst,  and  when  first 
released  by  breaking  the  macrocyst  wall,  these  cells  normally  appear  polyhedral 
in  outline,  but  soon  become  spheroidal  or  ellipsoidal  when  no  longer  compressed  by 
adjacent  endocytes  (Fig.  9).  For  reasons  still  unknown  they  are  appreciably 
smaller  than  the  myxamoebae  which  enter  the  primary  aggregate,  the  latter  usually 
ranging  between  6.0-8.0  p.  in  the  unexpanded  state.  The  smaller  dimensions  of 
the  endocytes  may  result  from  a  substantial  water  loss  during  their  differentiation, 
or  the  contributing  myxamoebae  may  possibly  undergo  division  prior  to  the  de- 
velopment of  the  refractive  membranes  which  so  strikingly  distinguish  them  from 
other  cells  still  amoeboid  (Fig.  8). 

Endocytes  normally  remain  as  distinct  cellular  entities  within  the  macrocyst  for 
a  period  of  two  or  three  weeks  (Fig.  10),  after  which  they  commonly  lose  their 
identity  and  the  protoplasmic  content  of  the  entire  structure  assumes  a  homo- 


PLATE  II.     Origin  and  structure  of  macrocysts  in  Dictyostcliitin  i/ntcoroidcs,  Strain  S-28b. 

FIGURE  4.  Small  radiate  pseudoplasmodia  which  lead  to  the  formation  of  macrocysts. 
X  80. 

FIGURE  5.  Completed  aggregations,  consisting  of  irregular  mounds  of  myxamoebae,  prior 
to  the  formation  of  the  primary  membranes  that  delimit  incipient  macrocysts.  K  80. 

FIGURE  6.  Enlarged  view  of  a  later  stage  in  macrocyst  development,  showing  incipient 
macrocysts  and  the  orientation  of  their  constituent  myxamoebae.  <  360. 

FIGURE  7.  More  advanced  stage  showing  clusters  of  differentiated  endocytes  centrally 
located  in  developing  macrocysts.  X  80. 

FIGURE  8.     Much  enlarged  view  of  two  macrocysts  in  process  of  formation  within  a  single 


geneous  appearance.  With  further  aging,  from  four  to  six  weeks,  the  apparently 
acellular  content  often  shrinks  to  approximately  60-75%  of  its  original  volume, 
and  in  the  form  of  a  compacted,  brownish  mass  occupies  a  central  position  within 
the  partially  empty  macrocyst  wall  (Fig.  13).  The  surface  of  this  central  body 
appears  slightly  irregular  and  affords  no  clue  to  the  presence  of  a  continuous 
bounding  membrane ;  rather  it  suggests  a  plasmolyzed  and  shrunken  mass  that  has 
been  subjected  to  uneven  pressures  and  tensions  during  the  process  of  contraction. 

Many  questions  remain  unanswered  concerning  the  sequence  of  events  leading 
to  the  advanced  acellular  structures  just  described.  We  have  inadequate  informa- 
tion concerning  their  true  nature,  and  we  have  only  incomplete  knowledge  of  their 
significance  in  the  life  cycle  of  those  slime  molds  wrhere  they  occur.  Nevertheless, 
a  detailed  study  of  macrocysts  of  different  ages,  and  under  many  conditions,  has 
revealed  a  considerable  body  of  information  concerning  their  development  and 
behavior.  If  an  endocyte-filled  macrocyst  is  subjected  to  pressure  in  an  aqueous 
mount,  the  heavy  cellulose  wall  breaks,  much  as  a  hollow  rubber  ball,  and  the  endo- 
cytes  pour  out,  undergoing  the  limited  changes  in  shape  already  noted  but  retaining 
their  identity  as  relatively  firm-walled  cells.  In  contrast,  if  an  older  macrocyst 
from  which  the  discrete  endocytes  have  disappeared  is  similarly  crushed,  the  en- 
veloping wall  breaks  in  a  comparable  manner,  but  the  entire  content  flows  out  as  a 
structureless  fluid  containing  innumerable  fine  particles  that  immediately  exhibit 
brownian  movement  as  they  enter  a  more  aqueous  environment. 

The  explanation  for  endocyte  disappearance  in  naturally  aged  macrocysts  re- 
mains unknowrn,  but  a  superficially  similar  state  can  be  produced  artificially  with 
alkaline  solutions.  This  \vas  first  observed  when  Schweitzer's  reagent  was  applied 
to  preparations  of  young  macrocysts.  Upon  contact  with  the  cuprammonium  so- 
lution, the  refractive  wralls  of  the  endocytes  disappeared,  the  seemingly  merged 
content  of  the  entire  macrocyst  swelled,  and  with  the  partial  dissolution  of  the 
enveloping  cellulose  wall,  the  content  emerged  as  a  homogeneous  and  finely  granular 
mass  superficially  resembling  a  large  and  completely  undifferentiated  protoplast 
(Fig.  17).  A  comparable  disappearance  of  endocytes  was  subsequently  observed 
in  preparations  following  the  application  of  NaOH  (1.0  and  0.1  N),  albeit  the 
heavy  cyst  walls  remained  intact  (Figs.  10-11).  The  application  of  HC1  (1.0  N) 
to  the  same  preparations  prompted  a  most  dramatic  phenomenon,  for  upon  contact 
with  this  reagent  the  endocytes  reappeared  in  their  original  numbers  and  positions 
(Fig.  12).  The  same  phenomenon  of  endocyte  reversal  accompanied  the  applica- 
tion of  acid  following  treatment  of  young  macrocysts  with  Schweitzer's  reagent. 
If  the  exposed  macrocyst  was  quite  young  the  endocytes  emerged  individually  as  the 
cellulose  wall  dissolved,  and  these  collected  into  a  spreading  amorphous  mass  within 
which  cell  boundaries  remained  faintly  evident,  as  seen  in  Figure  16.  If  the  cyst 
was  older  (but  still  packed  with  endocytes)  the  content  emerged  as  an  intact, 
seemingly  homogeneous  mass  following  similar  treatment  (Fig.  17).  In  each  case 
a  discrete  cellular  structure  reappeared  with  the  addition  of  acid  (Fig.  18). 

Macrocyst  germination  has  been  observed  with  the  emergence  of  amoeboid  cells 
from  the  ruptured  cyst,  and  it  was  first  thought  that  such  induced  disappearance 

primary  envelope,  showing  clusters  of  endocytes  surrounded  by  undifferentiated  myxamoebae. 
x.  800. ' 

FIGURE  9.  A  body  comparable  to  that  shown  in  Figure  8,  compressed  to  release  endocytes 
and  still  undifferentiated  cells.  X  800. 



PLATE  III.     Behavior  of  young   (endocyte-filled)   and  aged   (homogeneous)    macrocysts  in 
D.  mucoroidcs,  Strain  S-285,  in  the  presence  of  alkali  and  acid. 


of  endocytes  might  be  analogous  to  the  natural  phenomena  of  macrocyst  maturation 
and  germination.  However,  further  experiments  failed  to  substantiate  this  view, 
for  endocyte  reversals  did  not  occur  at  pH  levels  that  permit  growth  and  other 
vital  activities  of  the  slime  mold.  Furthermore,  in  the  alternate  presence  of  acid 
and  alkaline  solutions  an  initially  endocyte-filled  macrocyst  could  be  interconverted 
repeatedly  from  an  obviously  cellular  to  a  seemingly  homogeneous  state.  Such 
reversal  undoubtedly  represents  a  physico-chemical  reaction  rather  than  a  vital 
phenomenon,  since  macrocysts  pre-killed  with  iodine-alcohol  or  Schaudinn's  fixa- 
tive react  as  do  untreated  structures. 

The  aforementioned  tests  in  combination  with  certain  others  have  provided 
substantial  information  regarding  the  wall  structure  of  the  macrocysts,  and  speci- 
mens treated  alternately  with  alkali  and  acid  and  stained  with  chloroiodide  of  zinc, 
followed  by  Schweitzer's  reagent,  have  proved  particularly  revealing.  The  "wall" 
of  a  mature,  endocyte-filled  macrocyst  is  seen  to  consist  of  three  strikingly  differ- 
ent parts :  ( 1 )  an  outer,  loosely  fitting  primary  covering  of  indeterminate  form 
which  characteristically  surrounds  one  or  more  macrocysts,  and  may  be  continuous 
with,  or  adherent  to,  comparable  envelopes  of  adjacent  structures  (Figs.  24-26)  ; 
(2)  a  very  much  thicker  secondary  layer  that  is  uniform  in  thickness,  smooth  in 
contour,  and  usually  circular  or  ellipsoidal  in  outline  (Fig.  26)  ;  and  (3)  an  inner 
membrane  formed  by  the  endocytes  prior  to  their  disappearance  as  discrete  cellular 
entities  (Fig.  22).  Both  the  primary  covering  and  the  secondary  wall  contain 
cellulose,  apparently  embedded  within  a  matrix  of  more  resistant  material  (Fig. 
24-25).  Both  stain  blue  in  chloroiodide  of  zinc  and  both  are  birefringent  when 
viewed  with  polarized  light,  yet  neither  is  completely  dissolved  by  Schweitzer's 
reagent.  However,  each  loses  its  birefringence  upon  the  addition  of  the  cupram- 
monium  or  an  aqueous  solution  of  72%  H2SO4.  The  primary  membrane  contains 
relatively  little  cellulose,  embedded  within  a  mucus-like  material,  and  is  reminiscent 
of  the  slime  track  and  the  slime  sheath  seen  in  D.  discoidcitin ;  in  contrast,  cellulose 
constitutes  the  principal  building  substance  of  the  thick  secondary  wall  (Figs.  23 
and  29),  just  as  it  does  in  the  sorophore  sheath  of  Dictyostelimn  (Raper  and 
Fennell,  1952).  The  tertiary  wall,  if  it  may  be  so  designated,  contains  no  cellulose 
and  represents  a  continuous  film  formed  in  a  peripheral  position  by  the  mass  of 
differentiating  endocytes.  This  thin,  innermost  layer  is  non-rigid  and  contracts  or 
expands  with  changes  in  the  volume  and  character  of  the  protoplasmic  material  that 


FIGURE  10.  Ten-day-old  macrocysts  produced  on  0.1  L-P  medium  containing  Nile  blue 
sulfate,  untreated.  X  360. 

FIGURE  11.  The  same  macrocysts  following  exposure  to  1.0  N  NaOH ;  note  that  all 
evidence  of  the  constituent  endocytes  has  disappeared.  X  360. 

FIGURE  12.  The  same  macrocysts  following  the  application  of  1.0  N  HC1 ;  note  how  the 
endocytes  have  reappeared.  X  360. 

FIGURE  13.  Six-week-old  macrocysts  showing  the  typical  contracted  homogeneous  content 
of  such  structures,  untreated.  X  360. 

FIGURE  14.  The  same  macrocysts  following  exposure  to  1.0  N  NaOH;  note  how  the 
contents  have  swelled.  X  360. 

FIGURE  15.  The  same  macrocysts,  displaced  in  their  relative  positions,  following  the  ap- 
plication of  acid ;  note  that  the  cyst  contents  have  contracted  somewhat,  but  that  they  show  no 
evidence  of  a  cellular  structure.  X  360. 


PLATE  IV.     Behavior  of  young  and  aged  macrocysts  in  Schweitzer's  reagent. 


FIGURE  16.  Young  (endocyte-filled)  macrocysts  following  exposure  to  Schweitzer's  re- 
agent, showing  how  the  cuprammonium  solution  dissolves  the  cellulose  walls  of  the  macrocysts 
allowing  the  endocytes,  faintly  discernible,  to  escape.  X  360. 


it  envelops,  functioning  as  the  tenacious  covering  that  confines  the  merged  cyto- 
plasmic  content  of  the  aged  macrocyst  when  this  is  released  by  dissolution  of  the 
heavy  cellulose  wall  (Fig.  21).  In  contrast,  when  an  aged  but  untreated  cyst  is 
broken  by  mechanical  pressure  this  covering  obviously  ruptures  with  the  cellulose 
wall  which  surrounds  it  (see  above). 

Similar  preparations  afforded  equally  interesting  if  more  perplexing  observa- 
tions concerning  the  behavior  of  the  contracted  acellular  protoplasmic  masses  pres- 
ent in  the  older  macrocysts.  When  exposed  to  NaOH  the  shrunken  content  lost 
the  brownish  color  characteristic  of  aged  cysts  and  swelled  to  fill  completely  the 
heavy  macrocyst  wall.  Upon  the  substitution  of  acid,  the  brownish  pigmentation 
returned  in  part  and  the  content  again  contracted,  but  not  to  its  former  dimensions 
(Figs.  13-15).  Treated  with  Schweitzer's  reagent  the  content  swelled  once  more 
and  erupted  from  the  disintegrating  thick  cellulose  wall  as  a  single,  seemingly 
homogeneous  mass.  Significantly,  no  return  to  a  cellular  structure  has  been  ob- 
served in  the  content  of  any  older  cysts  treated  with  cuprammonium  or  NaOH 
solutions  upon  the  addition  of  acid  (Fig.  15).  Thus,  there  is  evidence  that  the 
endocytes  actually  disappear,  either  by  fusion  or  disintegration,  at  the  time  the 
aging  macrocyst  assumes  a  homogeneous  appearance.  But  why  does  the  emergent 
content  remain  intact  following  treatment  with  cuprammonium  (Fig.  21)  instead 
of  flowing  out  freely  as  when  the  wall  of  the  untreated  homogeneous  macrocyst  is 
broken?  Does  the  protoplasmic  content  represent,  in  fact,  a  plasmodium-like  mass 
formed  by  the  fusion  of  endocytes  ?  Possibly  so.  Does  the  macrocyst  wall  actually 
consist  of  three  layers,  the  innermost  persisting  about  the  freed  protoplasmic  body, 
not  because  of  its  inherently  greater  strength  but  because  it  is  cupramrnonium- 
resistant?  Possibly  this  is  true,  for  upon  the  application  of  slight  pressure  this 
bounding  membrane  breaks,  permitting  the  fine  granular  content  to  escape  whilst 
the  membrane  per  sc  remains  as  a  delicate,  irregularly  wrinkled  and  contracted 
envelope  exhibiting  no  birefringence.  Alternatively,  and  more  plausibly,  if  aged 
macrocysts  remain  viable,  as  observations  indicate,  the  thin  hyaline  envelope  thus 
demonstrated  may,  in  the  living  state,  represent  only  the  inconspicuous  and  func- 
tionally modified  protoplasmic  membrane  of  the  contracted  central  body  itself. 

Two  lines  of  evidence  point  to  the  presence  of  such  a  semipermeable  membrane 
at  progressive  stages  in  macrocyst  development.  When  an  endocyte-filled  macro- 
cyst  is  exposed  to  a  saturated  solution  of  NaCl  or  sucrose,  the  content  as  a  whole 
appears  to  become  plasmolyzed  and  to  withdraw7  from  the  surrounding  thick  cellu- 
lose wall  as  seen  in  Figure  22,  plainly  demonstrating  the  presence  of  a  continuous; 

FIGURE  17.  Older  macrocysts  (but  still  endocyte-filled)  following  exposure  to  this  reagent; 
note  how  the  nearly  homogeneous  cyst  contents  remain  intact,  and  how  the  formerly  heavy 
macrocyst  walls  are  shrunken  following  the  dissolution  of  their  cellulose  content.  ><  360. 

FIGURE  18.  Macrocysts  of  the  same  age  as  those  shown  in  Figure  16,  treated  with 
Schweitzer's  reagent  and  then  exposed  to  1.0  N  HC1 ;  note  how  the  endocytes  have  reappeared, 
even  in  the  freed  contents  of  a  macrocyst  (a).  X  250. 

FIGURE  19.     Two-month-old  macrocysts,  untreated.     X  360. 

FIGURE  20.  The  same  macrocysts  following  treatment  with  Schweitzer's  reagent ;  note 
how  the  outer  cellulose  wall  is  being  dissolved  and  how  the  membrane-encased  content  is  es- 
caping intact.  X  360. 

FIGURE  21.  The  same  preparation  after  an  additional  10  minutes,  showing  the  intact  cyst 
contents  completely  free  of  the  macrocyst  walls ;  the  latter  are  no  longer  birefringent  when 
viewed  with  polarized  light.  X  360. 


PLATE  V.     Macrocyst  structure. 


FIGURE  22.  Young  (endocyte-filled)  macrocysts  in  the  presence  of  a  concentrated  sucrose 
solution  ;  note  how  a  membrane,  the  "tertiary  wall,"  surrounds  the  endocytes  and  in  the  process 
of  plasmolysis  pulls  away  from  the  rigid  cellulose  wall  which  is  external  to  it.  X  360. 

FIGURE  23.  Macrocysts  of  comparable  age  stained  with  chloroiodide  of  zinc  and  then  sub- 
jected to  pressure  to  release  the  endocytes.  X  300. 


and  differentially  permeable  membrane  external  to  the  constituent  endocytes  but 
internal  to  the  heavy  cellulose  wall.  The  same  unitary  pattern  of  plasmolysis  is 
seen  in  macrocysts  recently  turned  homogeneous,  and  in  these  there  is  no  suggestion 
of  persistent  identity  for  the  contributory  myxamoebae  or  endocytes  as  one  might 
expect  if  they  remained  as  indistinguishable  but  nonetheless  discrete  cells.  Aged 
macrocysts  likewise  provide  contributory  evidence.  When  placed  in  relatively  large 
volumes  of  distilled  water  such  structures  show  variable  response  depending  upon  the 
temperature  of  incubation.  In  preparations  held  at  10°  C.  evident  swelling  of  the 
contracted  homogeneous  content  is  observed  within  72  hours,  and  after  10  days 
many  empty  macrocyst  cases,  together  with  abundant  free  myxamoebae,  may  be 
observed  (Figs.  41-42).  At  15°  C.  little  swelling  occurs,  even  after  10  days,  and 
only  an  occasional  empty  case  may  be  seen.  At  20  to  25°  C.  these  responses  are 
almost  completely  lacking  (Fig.  40).  This  behavior  is  interpreted  to  indicate  a 
selective  permeability  mediated  by  a  low  and  favorable  incubation  temperature,  and 
it  is  most  unlikely  that  this  could  be  attributable  to  the  more  conspicuous  cellulose 
wall.  The  evidence  would  seem  to  point,  indisputably,  to  the  membrane  that  sur- 
rounds the  shrunken  cyst  content. 

The  formation  of  macrocysts  is  observed  not  infrequently  in  Dictydstelium 
tninutujn,  but  their  occurrence  in  strains  diagnosed  as  D.  mucoroides  is  relatively 
rare.  In  fact,  not  more  than  a  half-dozen  such  isolates  have  been  encountered 
among  the  hundreds  of  strains  of  the  latter  species  that  we  have  examined.  In 
view  of  this,  it  is  surprising  and  noteworthy  that  Brefeld  (1869),  in  his  description 
of  D.  mucoroides,  reported  objects  believed  to  be  similar  to  the  macrocysts  de- 
scribed above.  His  cultures  were  grown  on  microscope  slides,  and  these  structures 
developed  in  older  preparations  of  that  type.  He  described  the  structures  as 
"dwarfed  sporangia,"  since  at  times  there  was  evidence  of  a  rudimentary  stalk  in 
the  ''spore-forming  plasm."  He  reported  this  type  of  sporangium  to  be  enclosed 
by  a  comparatively  thick  membrane  of  cellulose,  which  upon  examination  was  ob- 
served to  be  stratified  and  was  stained  violet  with  chloroiodide  of  zinc.  This 
account  agrees  well  with  our  observations  of  macrocysts  submitted  to  various  tests. 
He  made  no  mention  of  the  germination  of  "spores"  from  the  "dwarfed  sporangia." 
Rudimentary  stalks  such  as  Brefeld  described  and  illustrated  (Fig.  3)  have  not 
been  observed  during  these  investigations,  and  we  believe  that  he  may  have  ob- 
served immature  macrocysts  and  interpreted  clusters  of  differentiating  endocytes 
as  representing  rudimentary  stalks.  In  our  experience,  endocytes  first  appear  in  a 
localized  central  position  within  the  developing  macrocyst,  but  occasionally  such 
cells  do  extend  to  the  periphery  along  a  particular  radius  before  comparable  dif- 
ferentiation occurs  throughout  the  macrocyst.  However,  we  must  not  overlook  the 
possibility  that,  in  his  particular  isolate  cultivated  under  different  conditions,  he 
may  have  encountered  stages  truly  transitional  between  macrocysts  and  well-formed 
sorocarps  comprised  of  sorophores  and  sori.  Certain  evidence  points  to  such  a 
possibility.  The  basic  similarity  of  the  aggregative  processes  leading  to  sorocarp 

FIGURES  24-27.  Selected  preparations  stained  with  chloroiodide  of  zinc  to  show  the  loosely 
fitting  primary  membranes  within  which  1,  2  or  4  macrocysts  have  developed;  the  bodies  shown 
in  Figure  27  are  older,  hence  the  heavy  macrocyst  walls  stain  darkly.  X  360. 

FIGURE  28.     Two-month-old  macrocysts  as  viewed  with  normal  light.     X  275. 

FIGURE  29.     The  same  as  seen  under  polarized  light.     X  275. 



PLATE  VI.     Influence  of  substrates  and  incubation  temperature  upon  macrocyst   formation   in 

D.  mitcoroidcs,  Strain  S-28b. 

'v ;:'-:: '.'•::.  •••iV..'.t.-:  •*•*.•  ••/•*•';• •*!..  ?'.••:"' 

•'••-• . •• .    »  .  •'*    • , '•      \  V*.  • ."  •  •      ,    •  •'     »«'••.**..* 

:-':C.- ••%./ ."v:"--v;:-r -;;  •:  c"  *"  l-.'?4':^  ^-'O*1 

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«*     •   *«•*        »*     «*•*    **  *-J!    !     *„        *,  .        »";*•".*•-'***• 


FIGURE  30.  "Spore-forming  clone"  grown  in  association  with  R.  coli  on  0.1  L-P  medium 
at  20°  C.  X  2. 

FIGURE  31.  Enlarged  view  of  a  portion  of  this  culture  showing  abundant  sorocarps  and  a 
complete  absence  of  macrocysts.  X  5. 

FIGURE  32.  The  same  culture  as  seen  in  Figure  30,  but  growing  upon  a  medium  containing 
0.1%  glucose-0.1%  yeast  extract,  at  20°  C.  X  2. 


formation,  on  the  one  hand,  and  to  macrocysts  on  the  other  is  indeed  striking,  and 
\ve  have  commonly  observed  in  a  single  microscopic  field  separate  pseudoplasmodia 
undergoing  differentiation  in  these  two  directions  simultaneously.  Such  a  situation 
is  illustrated  in  Figure  36.  Unfortunately,  we  have  no  adequate  explanation  of  the 
subtle  differences  that  underlie  this  contrasting  behavior,  but  it  is  easily  conceivable 
that  one  might  encounter  individual  cases  where  the  shift  from  one  to  the  other  of 
these  morphogenetic  processes  would  be  incomplete,  as  suggested  by  some  of 
Brefeld's  illustrations. 

The  formation  of  macrocysts  may  in  effect  represent  an  aberration  of  the  normal 
fruiting  process,  or  it  may  represent  an  alternative  pattern  of  differentiation  with 
implications  of  far-reaching  significance  that  are  yet  unappreciated.  The  heavy 
cellulose  wall  which  it  develops  bears  in  many  ways  a  striking  resemblance  to  the 
sorophore  sheath,  so  essential  to  the  construction  of  the  normal  sorocarp  (Raper 
and  Fennell,  1952),  but  with  this  important  distinction:  the  wall  of  the  macrocyst 
is  secreted  external  to  the  whole  mass  of  myxamoebae  that  contribute  to  the 
formation  of  this  body,  whereas  the  sorophore  sheath  is  produced  at  a  critical 
circular  locus  within  the  mass  by  a  limited  group  of  specialized  cells  which  subse- 
quently differentiate  as  the  vacuolate  cellular  elements  of  the  sorophore  itself. 

We  have,  at  present,  an  incomplete  picture  of  the  morphology  of  the  macrocyst. 
We  have  convincing  evidence  that  they  can  germinate  and  re-initiate  the  life  cycle 
of  the  slime  mold.  However,  we  do  not  know  the  fate  of  the  cells  which  enter  the 
macrocyst,  and  we  do  not  know  the  origin  of  those  which  subsequently  emerge. 
Until  such  information  is  at  hand  we  cannot  compare  in  any  definitive  sense  the 
morphogenetic  processes  that  underlie  these  contrasting  developmental  stages.  A 
thorough  cytological  and  histological  study  is  clearly  needed  and  will  be  undertaken 
at  the  earliest  possible  opportunity. 

Factors  influencing  the  formation  of  macrocysts 

The  obvious  factor  most  directly  affecting  macrocyst  formation  in  Dictyosteliitm 
nine  oroides  and  D.  niiniituni  is  the  inherent  genetic  constitution  of  the  particular 
isolate.  Within  our  experience,  a  minority  of  D.  minutuiu  strains  and  only  an 
occasional  isolate  of  D.  inucoroides  have  exhibited  this  capacity.  However,  once 
this  ability  has  been  demonstrated  for  a  culture,  it  is  sometimes  possible  to  alter 
markedly  the  relative  proportions  of  macrocysts  and  of  normal  sorocarps  by 
changing  the  conditions  under  which  the  slime  mold  is  cultivated.  The  responses 
of  D.  inucoroides,  strain  S-28b,  have  been  studied  in  considerable  detail  and  the 
observations  subsequently  recorded  apply  particularly  to  that  strain.  Whereas  the 
various  factors  that  influence  the  ratios  of  sorocarps  to  macrocysts  are  invariably 
interrelated,  certain  conditions  which  strongly  affect  these  balances  have  been 
identified  and  investigated  more  or  less  independently. 

Temperature:  Second  only  to  genetic  constitution  is  the  influence  of  the  incuba- 
tion temperature.  When  cultivated  at  24-25°  C.  in  association  with  Escherichia 

FIGURE  33.  "Cyst-forming  clone"  growing  in  association  with  E.  coli  on  0.1  L-P  medium 
at  20°  C,  .  X  2. 

FIGURE  34.  Enlarged  view  of  a  portion  of  this  culture  showing  abundant  macrocysts  and 
a  complete  absence  of  sorocarps.  X  7.5. 

FIGURE  35.  The  same  culture  as  seen  in  Figure  33,  but  growing  upon  a  medium  containing 
0.1%  glucose-0.1%  yeast  extract  at  20°  C.  X  2. 



PLATE  VII.     Macrocyst   formation   in   Dictyostelium    mitcoroidcs,    Strain    WS-47. 







FIGURE  36.  Radiate  pseudoplasmodia  leading  to  macrocyst  formation  (a)  and  to  sorocarp 
formation  (b)  within  the  same  microscopic  field,  as  seen  with  low  magnification.  X  24. 

FIGURE  37.  Irregular  clump  of  macrocysts  developing  from  a  single  pseudoplasmodium 
such  as  that  shown  in  the  preceding  figure.  X  125. 

FIGURE  38.     Detail  of  some  of  the  macrocysts  seen  in  Figure  37.     X  600. 



PLATE  VIII.     Macrocyst  germination  in  Dictyostellum   inncoroidcs.  Strain   S-28b. 

FIGURE  39.  Two-month-old  macrocysts  incubated  continuously  at  20°  C.  and  removed  from 
an  agar  plate  immediately  before  being  photographed ;  note  the  single  macrocyst  at  upper  right 
which  still  contains  endocytes.  X  300. 

FIGURE  40.  Macrocysts  similar  to  the  preceding,  but  removed  from  agar  and  incubated 
in  distilled  water  at  20°  C.  for  10  days  prior  to  photography;  note  that  little  evident  change  has 
taken  place,  x  300. 

FIGURE  41.  Macrocysts  like  the  preceding,  but  incubated  for  10  days  at  10°  C.  just  prior 
to  being  photographed ;  note  the  empty  cyst  cases  and  the  mass  of  free  myxamoebae  which  have 
escaped  from  these.  X  300. 

FIGURE  42.  Photomicrograph  showing  a  second  field  from  the  same  preparation  shown  in 
Figure  41  ;  note  the  broken  walls  of  the  empty  cyst  cases,  also  that  a  few  myxamoebae  still 
remain  within  the  germinating  cyst  at  top  center.  X  300. 


coli  on  0.1  L-P,  hay-infusion  or  thin  hay-infusion  agars,  the  stock  strain  of  S-28b 
regularly  produces  both  sorocarps  and  macrocysts  in  abundance,  although  individual 
cultures  and  even  different  areas  within  the  same  Petri  dish  commonly  exhibit 
conspicuously  disproportionate  ratios  of  these  contrasting  structures.  If  the  tem- 
perature is  raised  as  little  as  two  or  three  degrees  the  ratio  of  macrocysts  to  soro- 
carps is  increased  substantially ;  conversely,  if  it  is  lowered  to  20°  C.  or  less  this 
ratio  is  strongly  depressed. 

Clonal  substrains  of  S-281)  have  been  isolated  which  exhibit  temperature  sensi- 
tivity even  more  dramatically.  These  were  obtained  by  heating  spore  suspensions 
in  standard  salt  solution  (Bonner,  1947)  for  varying  lengths  of  time  and  then, 
following  appropriate  dilution,  plating  the  spores  in  association  with  Eschcrichia 
coli  on  0.1  L-P  agar.  Plaques,  evidenced  by  clearance  of  the  bacteria,  developed 
after  four  days  in  plates  incubated  at  20°  C.,  presumably  from  single  spores.  Some 
of  these  subsequently  developed  only  macrocysts,  others  produced  only  sorocarps. 
By  re-isolation  from  such  contrasting  areas,  a  "cyst-forming  clone"  and  a  "spore- 
forming  clone,"  with  strikingly  different  temperature  responses,  were  isolated 
(Figs.  30-35).  Upon  continued  recultivation  on  0.1  L-P  agar,  the  former 
characteristically  produced  only  macrocysts  at  20°  C.  but  developed  abundant 
sorocarps  and  scattered  macrocysts  at  15°  C.,  whereas  the  latter  typically  produced 
only  sorocarps  at  20°  C.  but  formed  both  sorocarps  and  macrocysts  at  25°  C. 
Cultures  initiated  with  spores  from  the  cyst-forming  clone  grown  at  15°  C.  de- 
veloped macrocysts  when  recultivated  at  20°  C.,  demonstrating  a  marked  degree  of 
genetic  specificity  in  the  myxamoebae  and  spores  of  the  clone.  Thus  the  pattern 
of  cellular  differentiation  exhibited  by  different  clones  of  S-28b  results  from  in- 
herited characteristics  that  are  temperature-dependent  for  their  expression. 

Culture  media:  The  production  of  macrocysts  is  strongly  influenced  by  the 
substrates  upon  which  the  slime  mold  is  cultivated,  and  these  structures  are  regu- 
larly formed  in  greater  abundance  upon  0.1  L— P  agar  than  upon  media  based  upon 
hay-infusion.  Their  development  is  even  further  accentuated  if  yeast  extract  is 
substituted  for  peptone,  this  being  used  either  as  the  sole  nutrient  or  in  combination 
with  lactose  or  glucose.  For  example,  upon  0.1%  lactose-yeast  extract  or  0.1  % 
glucose-yeast  extract  agars  abundant  macrocysts  are  formed  by  the  cyst-forming 
clone  incubated  at  15°  C.  and  by  the  spore-forming  clone  at  20°  C.,  in  each  case 
at  temperatures  where  few  or  no  macrocysts  normally  develop  on  0.1  L-P  agar. 
An  intimate  association  obviously  exists  between  substrate  composition  and  incuba- 
tion temperatures  as  these  factors  affect  macrocyst  formation,  but  just  how  they 
condition  the  cultural  environment  and  how  they  affect  the  fructifying  myxamoebae. 
influencing  them  to  produce  either  macrocysts  or  sorocarps,  has  not  been  determined 
(Figs.  30-35). 

Bacterial  associate:  Dictyosteliwn  mucoroidcs,  S-28b,  can  be  cultivated  success- 
fully with  a  variety  of  bacterial  associates  on  the  nutrient-poor  media  employed  in 
this  investigation.  Gram-negative  bacteria  support  better  growth  of  the  slime  mold 
than  do  Gram-positive  types,  and  of  the  former  Eschcrichia  coli  was  the  most 
favorable  species  investigated.  Aerobacter  aerogcnes,  Pseudomonas  flnoresccns 
and  Serratia  marcescens  yielded  satisfactory  but  less  luxuriant  slime  mold  growth. 
The  formation  of  macrocysts  and  sorocarps  followed,  in  general,  the  patterns  ob- 
served with  E.  coli.  The  myxamoebae  of  strain  S-28b  digest  or  destroy  the  red 
pigment  (prodigiosin)  of  6\  marcescens.  hence  yield  uncolored  sorocarps  and 


macrocysts.  In  marked  contrast,  the  cells  of  strain  NC-12,  like  those  of  D. 
discoidcitni.  retain  the  pigment  (Raper,  1937),  hence  produce  sorocarps  and 
macrocysts  that  are  pink  in  color.  Bacillus  subtilis,  a  Gram-positive  bacterium, 
supported  fair  growth  of  the  slime  mold  and  the  formation  of  abundant  macrocysts 
on  0.1%  lactose-yeast  extract  agar  at  20°  C.  Sarcina  Intca,  a  second  Gram-positive 
species,  permitted  only  limited  growth  of  myxamoebae  and  few  macrocysts  were 
produced  on  any  substrate.  An  experiment  conducted  to  determine  what  effect 
the  age  of  the  nutritive  E.  coli  might  have  on  growth  and  macrocyst  formation  in 
D.  iniicoroides  failed  to  reveal  any  significant  differences. 

Hydrogen-ion  concentration:  A  heavy  suspension  of  E.  coli  cells  previously 
grown  in  0.1  L-P  broth  and  concentrated  by  centrifugation  was  cross-streaked  on 
0.1  L-P  agar  plates  to  investigate  the  effect  of  pH  on  slime  mold  growth  and 
macrocyst  formation.  The  underlying  agar  substrate  was  adjusted  over  a  range 
of  pH  from  3.3  to  9.2  using  the  buffers  previously  cited.  In  these  experiments 
growth  of  myxamoebae  was  obtained  between  pH  4.5  and  8.0.  Slight  evidence  of 
aggregation  was  observed  at  pH  4.5  but  no  well-defined  pseudoplasmodia  developed, 
and  of  course  no  sorocarps  or  macrocysts  were  produced.  A  heavy  development 
of  sorocarps  and/or  macrocysts  was  obtained  between  pH  5.5  and  7.0,  depending 
upon  the  incubation  temperature.  No  growth  occurred  above  pH  8.0  where  KoBO3 
was  used  as  buffer.  Questioning  whether  it  was  the  high  pH  or  the  borate  buffer 
which  inhibited  growth,  we  made  additional  tests  using  KH.2PO4  as  buffer  with 
the  addition  of  NaOH  to  yield  pH  levels  from  7.5  to  9.0.  Growth  of  the  stock 
culture  occurred  to  pH  9.0,  but  few  and  abnormal  sorocarps  and  no  macrocysts  were 
formed.  Even  in  the  cyst-forming  clone  incubated  at  20°  C.  where  one  would 
normally  expect  only  macrocysts,  many  sorocarps  and  very  few  macrocysts  de- 
veloped on  the  more  alkaline  substrates.  The  pH  of  the  medium  did  not  change 
appreciably  during  the  period  of  slime  mold  growth. 

Ammonia  concentration:  Cohen  (1953)  reported  that  ammonia  suppressed 
normal  morphogenetic  development  in  the  Acrasieae,  either  inhibiting  growth  com- 
pletely, or  causing  various  abnormalities  in  sorocarp  formation.  His  procedures 
were  carefully  followed  to  ascertain  whether  different  concentrations  of  ammonia 
would  enhance  macrocyst  formation.  It  was  thought  that  if  these  structures  repre- 
sented aberrant  sorocarps,  their  production  might  be  enhanced  under  conditions 
where  sorocarp  formation  was  inhibited.  However,  macrocysts  were  not  formed 
in  any  of  the  ammonia  concentrations  employed,  possibly  indicating  a  suppressive 
effect  comparable  to  that  reported  for  sorocarps  by  Cohen. 

Relative  Jnuniditv:  The  effect  of  per  cent  relative  humidity  on  slime  mold 
growth  and  the  development  of  macrocysts  was  tested  by  the  procedures  previously 
indicated.  Large  depression  and  ordinary  flat  slides  with  one  ml.  of  0.1  L-P 
agar  were  employed,  rather  than  Petri  dishes,  to  insure  rapid  establishment  of  an 
equilibrium  between  the  moisture  of  the  agar  and  the  atmosphere  in  the  desiccators. 
Olive  (1902)  attributed  the  encystment  of  myxamoebae  (microcysts)  to  adverse 
conditions  such  as  the  drying  of  culture  substrates.  If  macrocyst  formation  should 
represent  a  stage  comparable  to  the  encystment  of  individual  myxamoebae,  we 
would  have  anticipated  more  macrocysts  when  the  per  cent  relative  humidity  was 
lowered,  causing  a  drying  of  the  substrate.  Such  did  not  occur  in  our  tests. 

Macrocyst  formation  in  other  strains:  Attempts  were  made  to  enhance  macro- 
cyst  formation  in  other  strains  of  D.  initcoroidcs  (WS-47  and  NC-12)  and  in  D. 


minutum  (WS-56-2  and  Purdue  8a).  Cultural  conditions  were  varied  much  as 
previously  outlined  for  D.  mucoroides,  S-28b.  However,  in  these  additional  slime 
molds  neither  the  type  of  culture  medium  nor  the  concentration  of  its  ingredients 
seemed  to  markedly  affect  the  relative  number  of  macrocysts  produced.  For  ex- 
ample, the  proportion  of  macrocysts  to  sorocarps  remained  relatively  constant  upon 
media  containing  yeast  extract  vs.  peptone  and  upon  nutrient-rich  vs.  less  concen- 
trated media,  although  total  growth  of  the  bacteria  and  of  the  slime  mold  varied 
substantially  with  such  changes. 

A  variety  of  culture  media  were  buffered  and  adjusted  between  pH  6.0  and  8.5. 
All  supported  growth  of  the  slime  mold,  and  in  no  case  was  there  an  exceptional 
increase  in  macrocyst  production. 

Temperature  relationships  were  examined  carefully.  Dictyostelium  mucoroides, 
WS^7  (Figs.  36-38),  produced  more  macrocysts  at  20°  and  25°  C.  than  at  15° 
C.,  but  this  response  was  not  so  striking  as  in  strain  S-28b.  A  few  macrocysts 
developed  in  strain  NC-12  at  20°  C.,  but  at  25°  C.  only  irregular  growth  of  the 
slime  mold  occurred,  indicating  too  high  an  incubation  temperature.  In  D. 
minutum,  Purdue  Sa,  approximately  equal  macrocyst  formation  was  observed  at 
20°,  25°  and  28°  C.  In  contrast,  WS-56-2  formed  no  macrocysts  at  20°  C.,  only 
a  very  few  at  25°  C.,  and  grew  very  poorly  at  28°  C. 

Germination  of  macrocysts 

The  possible  role  of  the  macrocysts  in  the  life  cycle  of  Dictyostelium  engaged 
our  attention  from  the  outset,  since  it  did  not  seem  reasonable  that  such  structures 
produced  in  great  abundance  and  under  seemingly  optimal  conditions  would  repre- 
sent a  terminal  and  functionless  kind  of  differentiation.  For  this  reason  much 
thought  and  effort  have  been  given  to  their  germination.  In  this,  as  in  other 
phases  of  the  investigation,  studies  have  been  centered  upon  D.  mucoroides,  S— 28b, 
and  our  researches  have  been  greatly  facilitated  by  the  cyst-forming  clones.  By 
capitalizing  upon  their  unique  temperature  responses  it  has  been  possible  to  produce 
at  will  large  populations  of  macrocysts  under  cultural  conditions  where  no  spores 
were  formed.  At  the  same  time  any  vegetative  myxamoebae  which  might  have  ad- 
hered to  the  macrocysts  were  readily  killed  by  heating  at  42°  C.  for  10  minutes. 
No  growth  of  the  slime  mold  occurred  when  the  macrocysts  were  heated  at  a  tem- 
perature high  enough  to  kill  the  mature  spores,  and  such  would  have  been  present  in 
any  macrocyst  preparations  taken  from  the  parent  culture.  The  comparative  tem- 
perature tolerances  of  the  myxamoebae  and  spores  of  D.  mucoroides,  S-28b,  are 
shown  in  Tables  I  and  II,  respectively. 

Proceeding  on  the  assumption  that  the  macrocysts  might  represent  a  resistant 
stage  in  the  cycle  ot  Dictyostelium,  they  were  subjected  to  a  variety  of  cultural  en- 
vironments and  treatments.  Plates  of  0.1  L-P  agar  containing  abundant  macro- 
cysts  were  alternately  frozen  at  -  -  10°  C.  and  thawed  at  +  25°  C.  in  an  attempt 
to  instigate  germination,  but  consistent  results  were  not  obtained.  Growth  from 
macrocysts  treated  in  this  way  was  twice  observed  after  ten  days'  incubation. 
Crump  (1950)  had  reported  that  raising  the  temperature  favored  the  germination 
of  encysted  free-living  amoebae,  but  no  germination  ensued  after  heating  macro- 
cysts  in  a  water  bath  for  five  minutes  at  55°  C. 

At  the  suggestion  of  the  late  Dr.  Charles  Thorn,  an  attempt  was  made  to  stimu- 



late  macrocyst  germination  by  spreading  a  heavy  inoculum  of  pre-grown  cysts  and 
E.  coli  on  sterilized  soil  in  Petri  dishes  and  incubating  the  plates  at  10°,  15°  and 
20°  C.  No  evidence  of  germination  was  obtained  in  28  days,  although  we  had 
demonstrated  previously  that  growth  of  the  slime  mold  could  take  place  under  these 
natural  conditions. 

Brefeld  (1869)  stated  that  germination  of  Dictyostelium  spores  took  place  only 
in  a  nitrogenous  medium  and  suggested  fresh  horse  dung  decoction  and  uric  acid 
media  as  substrates.  Both  were  investigated.  No  evidence  of  macrocyst  germina- 
tion was  observed  on  fresh  horse  dung  agar  plates,  but  growth  was  obtained,  in 
association  with  E.  coli,  on  0.05%  uric  acid  agar  after  eight  days  incubation  at 
15°  C. 


Temperature  tolerance  of  myxamoebae  of  Dictyostelium  mucoroides,  S-28b, 
suspended  in  distilled  water* 

Relative  amount  of  growth  per  test 

Time  in  water  bath, 

Temperature,  °  C. 






+  +  +  + 

+  +  +  + 

+  +  +  + 













+  +  + 


=  Excellent  growth. 
=  Very  good  growth  . 
=  Good  growth. 
=  Limited  growth. 
=  No  growth. 

*  Similar  results  were  obtained  when  myxamoebae  were  suspended  in  standard  salt  solution. 

Macrocysts  were  dismembered  in  a  McShan-Erway  tissue  homogenizer  in  the 
hope  that  the  endocytes  thus  freed  would  re-initiate  growth  under  suitable  cultural 
conditions.  Such  homogenates  were  mixed  with  E.  coli  and  the  resulting  suspen- 
sions spread  on  0.1  L-P  agar  plates.  No  growth  of  the  slime  mold  ensued,  but  the 
possibility  of  serious  injury  to  the  endocytes  could  not  be  discounted. 

Despite  the  negative  results  obtained,  the  seeming  logic  of  this  approach  led 
us  yet  again  to  attempt  the  dissolution  of  the  macrocyst  wall  by  other  means  as  a 
possible  aid  to  germination  and  regrowth.  The  procedure  employed  was  probably 
ineffective  per  sc,  but  in  performing  the  experiment  the  "treated"  macrocysts  were 
incubated  at  a  variety  of  temperatures  which  provided  a  clue  to  cultural  conditions 
where  germination  not  infrequently  occurred.  A  cellulase  preparation,  contributed 
by  Dr.  Emory  G.  Simmons,  was  investigated  as  a  means  of  digesting  the  heavy 
enveloping  macrocyst  wall.  The  enzyme  was  employed  as  a  \%  solution  in  M/20 
citrate  solution  at  pH  5.0.  Macrocysts  were  harvested  from  cultures  where  no 
spores  had  formed,  suspended  in  the  cellulase-citrate  solution,  and  heat-treated  to 
kill  any  adherent  myxamoebae.  Germination  occurred  in  varying  amounts  in  the 
cellulase-treated  macrocysts  and  also  in  controls  similarly  heat-treated  in  standard 
salt  solution.  The  earliest  evidence  of  germination  was  observed  after  6  days' 



incubation,  and  new  plaques  continued  to  develop  for  as  long  as  22  to  40  days  at 
varied  temperatures.  The  percentage  germination  was  approximately  the  same 
for  macrocysts  heat-treated  in  the  cellulase-citrate  and  in  the  standard  salt  solutions. 
The  earliest  evidence  and  the  greatest  amount  of  germination  were  observed  among 
the  macrocysts  incubated  at  15°  C.,  with  decreasing  amounts  to  25°  C.  Actual 


Temperature  tolerance  of  spores  of  Dictyostelium  mucoroides,  S-28b,  suspended 
in  standard  salt  solution  (Test  1)  and  in  distilled  water  (Tests  2,  3,  and  4) 

Time  in  water 
bath,  minutes 


Relative  amount  of  growth  per  test 







+  +  +  + 


+  +  +  + 



+  +  +  + 

+  +  +  + 






+  +  +  + 

+  +  +  + 


+  + 

+  +  + 





















+  +  +  + 

+  +  +  + 

+  +  +  + 

+++  + 


+  +  + 

+  + 





+  + 





+  + 




















+  +  +  + 

+  +++ 

++  +  + 

















+  +  +  +  =  Excellent  growth. 
+  +  +       =  Very  good  growth. 
+  -f-  =  Good  growth . 

+  =  Limited  growth. 

0  =  No  growth. 

germination  of  a  macrocyst,  or  of  the  endocytes  contained  within  it,  was  not  then 
observed,  but  in  some  instances  one  or  more  empty  macrocyst  cases  were  evident 
where  a  plaque  of  growth  occurred. 

It  was  now  hoped  that  even  though  the  percentage  viability  was  apparently 
low,  a  few  macrocysts  might  be  seen  to  germinate  if  these  were  carefully  isolated 
and  observed  periodically  over  a  period  of  several  days.  Single  macrocysts  of  dif- 



ferent  ages  (3,  15  and  35  days)  were  selected,  heat-treated  to  kill  any  vegetative 
myxamoebae,  and  placed  individually  in  marked  squares  on  0.1  L-P  agar  plates 
smeared  with  E.  coli.  Evidence  of  macrocyst  germination  was  noticed  after  in- 
cubation at  15°  C.  for  five  days. 

A  series  of  experiments  was  undertaken  to  determine  whether  macrocysts  of 
a  particular  age  would  germinate  more  readily  than  cysts  of  other  ages ;  and  since 
presumptive  germination  had  seemed  to  vary  at  different  incubation  temperatures, 
special  consideration  was  given  to  this  matter.  To  obtain  macrocysts  of  specific 
ages,  a  heavy  suspension  of  myxamoebae  of  the  cyst-forming  clone  and  E.  coli 


Percentage  germination  among  macrocysts  of  Dictyostelium  mucoroides  (No.  S-28b)  of  different  ages, 
and  the  number  of  days  before  such  germination  was  observed  at  different 

incubation  temperatures 

Age  of 

Temperature  of  incubation 
















5  (1)* 











10  (1) 



+  ** 












15  (1) 

















































*  Indicates  separate  experiments. 

**  (+)  Indicates  germination  of  macrocysts,  but  percentage  of  total  population  could  not  be 

was  spread  over  the  surface  of  0.1  L-P  plates  and  incubated  at  20°  C.  for  5,  10,  15, 
20,  25  and  35  days.  These  macrocysts  were  then  harvested,  heat-treated  to  eliminate 
all  vegetative  myxamoebae,  spread  on  fresh  agar  plates  with  E.  coli,  and  incubated 
at  5°,  10°,  15°,  20°  and  25°  C.  for  5  to  6  weeks.  The  results  of  these  experiments 
are  summarized  in  Table  III. 

Substantial  growth  of  the  slime  mold  was  obtained  in  certain  of  the  above  tests, 
particularly  in  plates  inoculated  with  10-  and  15-day-old  macrocysts  incubated  at 
intermediate  temperatures,  the  highest  percentage  (7.2%)  being  observed  in  10-day 
cysts  incubated  at  15°  C.  The  prevalence  of  empty  macrocyst  cases  in  the  de- 
veloping plaques,  the  prior  heat-treatment  of  the  cysts  to  kill  adherent  myxamoebae, 
the  carefully  prepared  and  examined  source  plates  from  which  the  macrocysts  were 


taken  for  these  experiments,  and  the  observed  presence  of  empty  macrocyst  cases 
at  central  locations  within  many  plaques,  all  convinced  us  that  the  observed  growth 
must  have  developed  from  germinated  macrocysts. 

Nevertheless,  we  had  not  actually  observed  this  phenomenon,  and  even  in  the 
most  consistent  macrocyst-forming  culture  it  is  possible  that  a  minute  sorocarp 
could  go  unobserved  and  that  an  occasional  spore,  which  would  not  be  killed  by 
heating  to  42°  C.,  might  be  carried  over  with  the  implanted  macrocyst.  An  ex- 
periment was  carried  out  to  determine  whether  an  occasional  spore,  if  present, 
might  have  served  as  the  initiator  of  the  plaques  of  amoeboid  growth  in  the  macro- 
cyst  germination  plates.  It  was  known  that  growth  from  spores  would  eventually 
occur  at  all  of  the  incubation  temperatures  employed  (5°  to  25°  C.)  ;  therefore,  the 
times  required  for  plaques  to  develop  from  individual  spores  under  cultural  condi- 
tions duplicating  the  above  were  determined.  At  20°  C.  plaques  were  evident 
within  4  days,  at  15°  and  25°  C.  within  6  days,  at  10°  C.  within  11  days,  while  at 
5°  C.  growth  was  not  evident  until  25  days.  Since  plaque  formation  is  usually 
optimal  at  15°  C.  on  the  macrocyst  germination  plates,  and  does  not  become  evident 
until  after  8  to  1 1  days,  these  results  provided  additional  evidence  that  the  observed 
growth  resulted  from  macrocysts  and  not  from  occasional  contaminating  spores. 

Having  determined  the  optimum  cyst  age  and  the  incubation  temperature  that 
are  favorable  for  macrocyst  germination,  10-day  macrocysts  in  association  with 
E.  coli  were  implanted  on  freshly  poured  plates  and  on  sterile  Maximov  slides 
containing  1.0  ml.  of  0.1  L— P  agar  to  observe  the  germination  of  the  macrocysts 
directly.  Realization  of  this  objective  proved  unexpectedly  time-consuming,  but 
it  was  accomplished.  Germination  in  this  instance,  as  in  the  majority  of  cases 
observed  up  to  this  time,  was  from  a  macrocyst  filled  with  endocytes  at  the  time  of 
implantation  in  the  test  culture.  Pre-germination  changes  were  not  observed  but 
it  is  assumed  that  the  heavy  macrocyst  wall  was  ruptured  either  by  swelling  of  its 
content  and/or  by  enzymatic  dissolution  (see  below). 

Re-examination  of  Table  III  reveals  that  maximum  germination  occurred 
among  the  10-day-old  macrocysts  ;  i.e.,  structures  which  were  packed  with  endocytes 
at  the  beginning  of  the  tests.  More  significantly,  appreciable  germination  was  re- 
corded for  some  of  the  older  macrocysts,  notably  the  25-day  cysts  incubated  at 
10°  C.  This  result  is  especially  interesting  since  cysts  of  this  age  would  have 
already  lost  their  discrete  endocytes,  in  the  great  majority  of  cases,  and  would 
have  assumed  the  homogenous  appearance  that  characterizes  aged  cysts.  Thus 
presumptive  evidence  was  obtained  that  macrocysts  of  the  latter  type  are  capable 
of  germination — presumptive  because  even  in  preparations  taken  from  cultures  after 
several  weeks  occasional  macrocysts  are  seen  in  which  the  endocytes  remain  distinct, 
and  the  recorded  germination  could  have  resulted  from  such  non-homogeneous 
structures.  The  improbability  of  this  explanation  was  subsequently  demonstrated. 
Blocks  of  0.1  L-P  agar  bearing  abundant  homogeneous  macrocysts  aged  6  and  8 
weeks  were  placed  in  sterile  Petri  dishes,  flooded  with  sterile  distilled  water,  and 
incubated  at  10°,  15°,  20°,  and  25°  C.  Within  only  10  days  approximately  half  of  the 
cysts  of  both  ages  incubated  at  10°  C.,  and  only  at  this  temperature,  had  germinated 
among  populations  where  prior  examination  had  established  that  only  occasional 
cysts  (2—4%)  were  still  in  the  endocyte  stage  at  the  beginning  of  the  experiment 
(Figs.  39-42).  An  understanding  of  the  intracystic  events  which  transpire  during 
the  progression  from  endocyte  differentiation  to  their  subsequent  disappearance. 


and  from  this  through  the  stage  of  seeming  homogeneity  and  protoplasmic  contrac- 
tion to  the  eventual  swelling  of  this  mass  and  the  reappearance  of  amoeboid  cells 
at  the  time  of  germination,  must  await  careful  cytological  investigation.  For  the 
present  we  can  only  record  that  in  the  presence  of  a  proper  aqueous  environment 
and  at  a  favorable  temperature  the  previously  shrunken  "protoplast"  (long  be- 
lieved doubtfully  viable)  swells  and  gives  rise  to  myxamoebae  which  escape  during 
cyst  germination.  Additionally,  there  is  evidence  that  these  myxamoebae,  or  the 
parent  coenocyte  (?),  produce  cellulolytic  enzymes  which  facilitate  rupture  of  the 
heavy  cyst  wall,  for  viewed  with  the  polarizing  microscope  the  empty  cyst  cases 
contain  conspicuously  less  cellulose  than  do  the  walls  of  macrocysts  still  ungermi- 

Formation  and  germination  of  microcysts 

Many  members  of  the  Acrasieae  are  characterized  by  a  second,  simpler  type 
of  encystment  stage  where  individual  vegetative  myxamoebae  round  up  and  become 
encased  by  relatively  thin  protective  membranes  (Fig.  1).  The  walls  of  these 
resting  cells,  or  microcysts,  like  those  of  the  macrocysts  and  the  more  resistant 
spores,  are  predominantly  cellulosic  in  composition.  As  reported  by  Olive  (1902), 
there  is  ample  evidence  that  these  form  in  response  to  sub-optimal  growth  condi- 
tions. It  is  probable  that  the  myxamoebae  of  any  member  of  the  Acrasieae  may 
enter  such  a  stage  temporarily,  but  they  are  most  commonly  encountered,  and  in 
greatest  numbers,  in  isolates  of  Dictyostelium  minutum,  D.  polycephalmn,  Poly- 
sphondylium  pallidum,  and  Acytostelium  leptosomum. 

Microcysts  of  several  species  of  the  Acrasieae  were  examined  to  determine 
their  method  of  germination.  Microcysts  were  placed  in  hanging-drop  slides  in 
thin-hay  broth  with  killed  cells  of  E.  coli  and  incubated  at  25°  C.  Within  two 
days  many  of  the  microcysts  had  germinated,  as  evidenced  by  the  number  of  free, 
feeding  myxamoebae  and  by  the  empty  microcyst  cases  from  which  these  had 
emerged.  Previous  workers  (Olive,  1902)  had  not  reported  true  excystment  of 
the  microcysts,  but  had  intimated  that  the  myxamoebae  absorbed  the  protective 
covering,  or  wall,  during  germination.  The  emptied  cases  are  extremely  delicate 
and  hyaline,  and  some  reveal  a  fairly  obvious  opening  at  one  side  through  which 
the  myxamoeba  escaped.  They  do  not  germinate  by  the  emergence  of  the  proto- 
plast through  a  pore  or  exit  tube,  neither  do  they  appear  to  split  as  do  the  spores 
of  most  species ;  rather,  germination  appears  to  take  place  by  the  dissolution  of  a 
fractional  portion  of  the  microcyst  wall.  The  cyst  cases  stain  violet-blue  with 
chloroiodide  of  zinc  and  show  a  weak  birefringence,  indicating  that  they  contain 
some  cellulosic  material. 

In  Dictyostelium  mucoroides  microcysts  are  about  twice  the  dimensions  of  the 
endocytes  that  comprise  the  macrocysts,  ranging  from  about  5.0  to  7.5  ^  in 
diameter  and  being  generally  spheroidal. 


Intriguing  questions  are  posed  by  the  macrocysts  of  Dictyostelium  with  regard 
to  their  morphogenesis  and  their  probable  primary  function  in  the  life-cycle  of  these 
slime  molds.  Do  they  represent  a  normal  but  generally  unrevealed  stage  in  the 


development  history  of  the  Acrasieae,  i.e.,  could  they  be  demonstrated  in  all  members 
of  the  group  if  we  but  knew  the  conditions  required  to  evoke  them?  Do  they 
provide  a  resting  stage  whereby  these  micro-organisms  survive  otherwise  im- 
possible environmental  conditions  ?  Do  they  perhaps  constitute  some  unanticipated 
manifestation  of  a  sexual  stage  ?  Or  do  they  represent,  as  their  superficial  appear- 
ance might  suggest,  groups  of  myxamoebae  so  thwarted  in  their  normal  morpho- 
genesis that  they  become  "captives"  doomed  to  a  type  of  terminal  differentiation 
approximating  that  of  sterile  stalk  cells?  Does  the  identity  of  the  contributory 
myxamoebae  remain  unchanged  during  the  formation  of  the  endocytes,  and  do  the 
latter  in  some  altered  form  persist  to  once  again  emerge  during  germination  as 
myxamoebae  capable  of  perpetuating  the  species?  For  certain  of  these  questions 
we  have  succeeded  in  providing  partial  answers. 

Brefeld  illustrated  some  "dwarfed  sporangia"  that  contained  differentiated  cells 
which  he  interpreted  as  representing  elements  of  abortive  stalks,  and  early  in  this 
investigation  we  questioned  whether  the  endocytes  might  not  in  fact  reflect  a  type  of 
cellular  differentiation  of  this  type.  More  careful  examination  has  established  be- 
yond question  that  such  is  not  the  case  despite  certain  superficial  similarities  in 
appearance.  The  walls  of  the  endocytes  contain  no  demonstrable  cellulose  and  the 
content  of  such  cells  is  actually  condensed,  whereas  the  walls  of  true  stalk  cells 
contain  cellulose  and  the  cell  content  is  strongly  vacuolate,  occupying  a  peripheral 
position  within  the  semi-rigid  cell.  Upon  treatment  with  alkali  (e.g.,  1.0  N 
NaOH)  the  walls  of  stalk  cells  do  not  disappear  as  do  those  of  the  endocytes. 

Much  evidence  supports  the  belief  that  macrocysts  arise  through  an  orderly 
and  natural  morphogenetic  process,  and  hence  in  no  wise  represent  aberrant  fruiting 
structures.  For  those  strains  which  produce  them,  they  would  appear  to  be  no  less 
normal  than  the  sorocarps  which  regularly  develop  under  similar  or,  in  some 
instances,  altered  conditions.  A  measure  of  homology  is  suggested  by  the  basically 
similar  aggregative  process  which  precedes  the  formation  of  both  types  of  structure. 
The  pseudoplasmodia  leading  to  macrocyst  formation  are  generally  diminutive,  but 
this  condition  is  not  a  necessary  precedent  to  their  formation.  Additionally,  the 
myxamoebae  entering  a  pseudoplasmodium  destined  to  form  macrocysts  rarely 
show  the  marked  elongation  characteristic  of  cells  entering  larger  aggregations, 
but  this  weak  cellular  response  is  believed  to  indicate  degree  rather  than  difference, 
i.e.,  to  reflect  a  feeble  aggregative  stimulus  incident  to,  or  responsible  for,  the  small 

A  point  of  similarity  should  be  noted  between  the  morphogenetic  processes  lead- 
ing to  the  formation  of  gregarious  sorocarps  in  certain  species  (e.g.,  D.  minutum 
and  D.  lacteuwi)  and  to  clustered  macrocysts  in  D.  mucoroides,  for  in  both  situations 
the  magnitude  of  the  initial  pseudoplasmodium  often  exceeds  the  number  of 
myxamoebae  that  can  effectively  collaborate  in  producing  a  single  sorocarp  or 
macrocyst.  In  the  former  instance,  secondary  centers  appear  soon  after  the  over- 
all pattern  of  the  wheel-like  aggregate  becomes  evident,  and  from  each  of  these  a 
separate  sorocarp  subsequently  develops ;  in  the  latter  case,  multiple  loci  of  endocyte 
formation  similarly  appear  within  the  initial  aggregate,  and  from  each  of  these  later 
develops  a  discrete  and  typical  macrocyst. 

Substantial  differences  characterize  subsequent  steps  in  the  two  morphogenetic 
processes,  and  there  is  little  if  any  evidence  to  suggest  that  the  macrocysts  represent 
modified  or  abortive  sorocarps.  The  latter  can  be  produced  in  any  known  species 


by  a  variety  of  devices  (e.g.,  unfavorable  pH,  increased  temperature,  etc.),  but 
in  no  observed  instance  have  such  abnormal  fruits  presented  a  pattern  which  is 
remotely  suggestive  of  macrocyts.  Rather,  they  assume  the  form  of  Guttulina- 
like  fructifications  wherein  the  myxamoebae  produce  irregular  mounds  and  undergo 
incomplete  differentiation,  but  they  never  form  a  common  protective  wall  about  the 
mass  of  cells  so  assembled. 

The  heavy  cellulosic  wall  of  the  macrocyst  bears  a  structural  likeness  to  the 
sorophore  sheath  of  the  normal  sore-carp,  but,  as  noted  earlier,  the  relative  positions 
at  which  these  are  deposited  by  the  constitutive  cells  are  quite  different.  Further- 
more, the  formation  of  the  sorophore  sheath  is  antecedent  to  cellular  differentiation 
in  sorocarp  building,  whereas  it  lags  behind  this  phenomenon  in  macrocyst  con- 
struction. There  is  yet  another  difference  which  may  prove  highly  significant. 
Bonner  et  al.  (1956)  demonstrated  that  the  sorophore  sheath  is  secreted  by  an 
ever-changing  epithelium-like  layer  of  myxamoebae  that  are  oriented  perpendicular 
to  the  surface  of  the  wall  being  deposited,  whilst  in  the  macrocysts  the  last  re- 
maining amoeboid  cells,  hence  those  adjacent  to  the  developing  wall,  are  oriented 
in  quite  the  opposite  direction.  Only  in  those  cultures  where  seemingly  identical 
and  intermixed  pseudoplasmodia  give  rise  either  to  sorocarps  or  to  macrocysts,  as 
in  strain  WS-47,  do  we  find  evidence  that  the  two  morphogenetic  pathways  may  be 
closely  allied,  and  in  these  we  have  at  present  no  concept  of  what  major  or  minor 
organizational  differences  may  underlie  such  divergence.  Judging  from  Bref eld's 
illustrations  (1869),  it  is  possible  that  he  may  have  seen  so-called  "dwarfed 
sporangia"  that  were  transitional  between  sorocarps  and  macrocysts,  but  no  struc- 
tures of  this  type  have  been  observed  in  our  cultures.  Finally,  we  would  reiterate 
that  the  body  of  evidence  presently  available  points  to  macrocyst  production  as 
representing  an  alternative  but  thoroughly  normal  morphogenetic  pathway  that  is  an 
inherited  character  possessed  by  occasional  strains  of  D.  mucoroidcs  and  by  many 
isolates  of  D.  niinutum.  The  isolation  of  contrasting  "cyst-forming"  and  "spore- 
forming"  clones  in  strain  S— 28b  strengthens  this  belief,  as  does  also  our  inability 
thus  far  to  induce  macrocyst  formation  in  any  culture  of  D.  mucoroides  which  did: 
not  naturally  exhibit  this  capacity  at  the  time  of  its  isolation. 

In  contrast  to  this  situation,  the  capacity  to  produce  microcysts  seems  to  be 
generally  present  among  the  Acrasieae,  and  it  is  suspected  that  every  isolate  may, 
under  certain  variable  environmental  conditions,  exhibit  such  a  resting  stage.  It 
should  be  recognized,  however,  that  this  phenomenon  is  probably  totally  unrelated 
to  macrocyst  formation.  Microcysts  represent  the  responses  of  single  myxamoebae 
to  effect  a  transitory  resting  stage  in  the  vegetative  phase  of  these  slime  molds 
and  is  perhaps  strictly  comparable  to  the  encystment  of  certain  small,  free-living 
amoebae.  Their  natural  function  is  indisputably  one  of  enabling  the  species  to 
survive  otherwise  unfavorable  environments.  The  macrocysts,  on  the  other  hand, 
arise  through  multicellular  integration  and  differentiation  and  represent  the  product 
of  a  specific  morphogenetic  process,  just  as  do  the  sorocarps.  This  function  is  still 
incompletely  known. 

We  have  obtained  convincing  evidence  that  macrocysts  germinate  under  certain 
circumstances,  emitting  amoeboid  cells  which  then  re-initiate  vegetative  growth. 
But  we  cannot  say  with  confidence  that  the  macrocysts  represent  a  vital  resting 
stage,  as  their  appearance  might  suggest.  Heat  tolerance  tests  indicate  that  they 
can  withstand  appreciably  higher  temperatures  than  vegetative  myxamoebae,  but 


they  are  in  turn  less  resistant  than  true  spores.  While  the  matter  has  not  been 
explored  under  conditions  that  exist  in  nature,  it  is  possible  that  they  might  be 
produced  under  circumstances  which  would  preclude  the  formation  of  sorocarps  and 
spores,  e.g.,  in  strains  such  as  S-28b  at  elevated  temperatures.  The  general  appli- 
cation of  this  premise  is  doubtful,  however,  for  many  macrocyst-producing  strains 
fail  to  show  a  comparable  response.  Based  upon  laboratory  tests,  we  could  not,  at 
present,  conclude  that  they  possess  singular  survival  value. 

Possibly  they  are  endowed  with  other  unique  properties,  a  suggestion  presently 
based  less  upon  fact  than  fancy.  We  find  it  difficult  to  dismiss  lightly  a  structure 
of  multicellular  origin  which  appears  to  be  so  highly  organized  as  the  older  macro- 
cyst.  We  cannot  say  with  absolute  certainty  that  its  content  represents  a  single 
homogeneous  multinucleate  protoplast,  but  such  tests  as  we  have  applied  would 
seem  to  support  this  notion.  If  the  endocytes  do  actually  lose  their  identity,  as 
appears  to  be  the  case,  the  acellular  content  of  the  aged  macrocyst  would  represent 
a  coenocyte,  or  to  use  a  term  more  commonly  associated  with  slime  molds,  perhaps 
a  plasmodium,  albeit  one  that  is  enclosed  within  a  heavy  cellulose  wall.  Such  a 
plasmodium  would  of  course  be  quite  unlike  that  which  Brefeld  (1869)  once  thought 
to  be  present,  or  that  which  Skupienski  (1920)  envisioned  as  an  accompaniment  to 
reported  sexuality  in  Dictyostelimn.  Needless  to  say,  it  would  represent  quite  a 
different  structure  from  the  large  vegetative  body  that  occupies  so  conspicuous  a 
place  in  the  life-cycle  of  the  Myogastrales.  Clearly,  the  two  could  not  be  regarded 
as  homologous.  The  same  may  be  said  of  the  plasmodial  stages  of  the  Plasmodio- 
phorales,  for  although  their  dimensions  would  be  more  nearly  comparable,  these  also 
are  never  characterized  by  heavy  cellulose  walls.  Furthermore,  no  one  has  yet 
reported  a  swimming  stage,  either  gametic  or  vegetative,  for  any  member  of  the 
Acrasieae  and  such  are  generally  precedent  to  the  formation  of  plasmodia  in  each 
of  the  other  orders. 

Here  the  matter  must  rest  for  the  present,  and  definitive  information  regarding 
the  true  nature  and  ultimate  significance  of  the  macrocysts  must  await  further 

The  writers  are  indebted  to  Miss  Mildred  M.  Smith  for  her  invaluable  aid  in 
the  preparation  of  the  illustrations  used  in  this  report. 


1.  Two  encystment  stages  of  cellular  slime  molds  belonging  to  the  genus 
Dictyosteliutn  are  described : 

The  first  of  these,  termed  microcysts,  are  unicellular  and  represent  a  transient 
resting  stage  in  the  vegetative  phase  of  these  simple  slime  molds.  If  returned  to  a 
favorable  environment,  microcysts  germinated  by  excystment  to  re-initiate  vege- 
tative growth. 

The  second  encystment  stage,  termed  macrocysts,  are  multicellular  and  arise 
through  a  morphogenetic  process  possibly  alternative  to  normal  sorocarp  formation. 
Myxamoebae  aggregate  to  form  typical  but  generally  diminutive  pseudoplasmodia 
which,  instead  of  forming  normal  sorocarps,  subdivide  into  rounded  cell  masses 
that  become  encased  in  relatively  heavy  cellulose  walls.  Concurrent  with  this  de- 


velopment,  the  myxamoebae  that  comprise  the  nascent  macrocyst  undergo  limited 
differentiation  and  appear  as  polyhedral  cells  with  highly  refractive  membranes. 
After  a  period  of  10  to  14  days  these  so-called  endocytes  generally  disappear 
whereupon  the  content  of  the  macrocyst  assumes  an  acellular,  homogeneous  appear- 
ance. With  further  aging  the  protoplasmic  content  shrinks  away  from  the  heavy 
cellulose  wall  and  in  this  contracted  stage  retains  its  viability  for  protracted  periods. 
Under  favorable  conditions  of  temperature  and  substrates,  macrocysts  of  different 
ages  germinate  to  release  amoeboid  cells  which  re-initiate  the  vegetative  stage.  The 
sequence  of  cytological  changes  underlying  this  behavior  has  not  been  elucidated, 
and  this  propagative  function  may  or  may  not  represent  the  full  measure  of  their 
significance  in  the  life-cycle  of  those  slime  molds  which  produce  them. 

2.  The  ability  to  produce  microcysts  is  apparently  inherent  in  all  members  of 
the  Acrasieae,  including  the  genus  Dictyostelium.  In  contrast,  the  capacity  to 
produce  macrocysts  is  more  restricted,  having  been  observed  only  in  occasional 
isolates  of  D.  mucoroides  and  in  many  strains  of  D.  minutum.  Various  environ- 
mental factors  influence  their  production,  and  from  one  strain  of  D.  mucoroides 
temperature-dependent  "cyst-forming"  and  "spore-forming"  clones  have  been  iso- 


BONNER,  J.  T.,  1944.     A  descriptive  study  of  the  development  of  the  slime  mold  Dictyostelium 

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BONNER,   J.   T.,    1947.     Evidence  for   the   formation   of  cell   aggregates   by  chemotaxis   in   the 

development  of  the  slime  mold  Dictyostelium  discoideum.    J.  Exp.  Zool.,   106:   1-26. 
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86:  79-89. 
BONNER,  J.  T.,  A.  DUNCAN  CHIQUOTNE  AND  MARJORIE  QUICK  KOLDERIE,  1955.     A  histochemical 

study  of  differentiation  in  the  cellular  slime  molds.     /.  Exp.  Zool.,  130:   133-158. 
BREFELD,  O.,  1869.     Dictyostelium  mucoroides.     Ein  neuer  Organismus  aus  der  Verwandschaft 

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CLARK,   W.   M.,   1928.     The  determination   of   hydrogen   ions.     Third   Edition.     The   Williams 

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COHEN,  ARTHUR  L.,  1953.     The  effect  of  ammonia  on  morphogenesis  in  the  Acrasieae.     Proc. 

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CORMIER,  JOAN  L.,  AND  KENNETH  B.  RAPER,  1955.     The  macrocysts  of  Dictyostelium.    Bact. 

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HODGMAN,    C.    D.,    ed.,    1951.     Handbook    of    chemistry    and    physics.     Thirty-third    edition. 

Chemical  Rubber  Publishing  Co.,  Cleveland,  Ohio. 
OLIVE,  E.  W.,  1901.     A  preliminary  enumeration  of  the  Sorophoreae.     Proc.  Amer.  Acad.  Arts 

Set.,  37 :  333-344. 

OLIVE,  E.  W.,  1902.     Monograph  of  the  Acrasieae.     Proc.  Boston  Soc.  Nat.  Hist.,  30:  451-513. 
RAPER,  KENNETH  B.,  1935.     Dictyostelium  discoideum,  a  new  species  of  slime  mold  from  de- 
caying forest  leaves.     /.  Agric.  Res.,  50 :  135-147. 

RAPER,  KENNETH  B.,  1937.     Growth  and  development  of  Dictyostelium  discoideum  with  differ- 
ent bacterial  associates.     /.  Agric.  Res.,  55  :  289-316. 
RAPER,  KENNETH   B.,  1940a.     Pseudoplasmodium  formation  and  organization  in  Dictyostelium 

discoideum.     J .  Elisha  Mitchell  Sci.  Soc.,  56 :   241-282. 
RAPER,  KENNETH  B.,  1940b.     The  communal  nature  of  the  fruiting  process  in  the  Acrasieae. 

Amer.  J.  Bot.,  27 :  436-448. 


RAPER,  KENNETH  B.,  1941.     Dictyostelium  minutum,  a  second  new  species  of  slime  mold  from 

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RAPER,   KENNETH    B.,    1951.     Isolation,   cultivation,   and   conservation   of   simple    slime   molds. 

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RAPER,  KENNETH  B.,  1956a.     Factors  affecting  growth  and  differentiation  in  simple  slime  molds. 

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RAPER,  KENNETH  B.,  1956b.     Dictyostelium  polycephalum  n.  sp.,  a  new  cellular  slime  mould 

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U.  S.  Department  of  Health,  Education,  and   Welfare,  Public   Health   Service, 

National  Institutes  of  Health,  National  Institute  of  Allergy  and 

Infectious  Diseases*  Bethesda,  Maryland 

It  has  been  shown  that  planorbid  snails,  all  of  which  are  aquatic  pulmonates, 
can  withstand  desiccation  rather  well  both  in  nature  and  under  laboratory  condi- 
tions (Precht,  1939;  Olivier,  1956a,  1956b ;  Olivier  and  Barbosa,  1955,  1956). 
The  physiology  of  desiccating  planorbids  has,  however,  received  scant  attention. 
Magalhaes  Neto  (1954)  observed  that  five  specimens  of  Austrdorbis  glabratus 
showed  a  considerably  decreased  rate  of  oxygen  consumption  during  desiccation 
at  an  unspecified  relative  humidity.  Desiccating  aquatic  snails  retract  into  their 
shells;  they  are  unable  to  feed  and  hence  come  under  conditions  of  starvation. 
Since  starvation  decreases  the  rate  of  oxygen  consumption  (von  Brand,  Nolan 
and  Mann,  1948),  and  since  the  anatomical  relationship  of  a  retracted  snail  to  the 
source  of  oxygen  is  quite  different  from  that  of  an  active  one,  the  following  ques- 
tions arise :  Is  the  reduction  in  oxygen  consumption  due  mainly  to  starvation,  to 
difficulties  in  securing  sufficient  oxygen,  or  to  desiccation  proper?  These  and 
related  questions  are  discussed  in  the  present  paper. 


Laboratory-reared  albino  Austrdorbis  glabratus,  derived  from  a  normally  pig- 
mented  Venezuelan  strain,  were  used  in  preference  to  pigmented  specimens  because 
the  heart-beat  could  easily  be  seen  through  the  shell.  This  was  important,  not 
only  because  a  study  of  the  heart  rate  under  desiccation  was  interesting  in  itself,  but 
also  in  order  to  establish  whether  a  snail  was  alive  or  dead.  The  usual  procedure 
of  placing  a  desiccated  snail  in  water  to  observe  whether  it  resumes  its  normal 
activities  could  not  be  employed  because  in  most  of  our  experiments  repeated 
measurements  with  the  same  specimens  were  required,  or  because  a  chemical 
determination  had  to  be  made  on  desiccated  specimens.  Most  of  the  snails  that 
appeared  dead,  as  judged  by  cessation  of  the  heart-beat,  were  tested  further  by 
placing  them  in  water.  Of  about  200  such  snails,  only  three  revived,  indicating 
that  our  death  criterion  was  reasonably  accurate. 

All  snails  initially  weighed  between  180  and  350  mg.  and  had  fed  ad  libitum. 
They  were  freed  of  excess  moisture  as  described  previously  (Newton  and  von 
Brand,  1955)  and  weighed  to  the  nearest  mg.  During  starvation,  snails  (minimum 
of  28  per  series)  were  kept  individually  in  numbered  beakers  filled  with  dechlori- 
nated  tap  water.  They  were  shifted  daily  to  fresh  beakers  during  the  first  week  of 
starvation  and  thereafter  twice  weekly.  During  desiccation,  snails  (minimum  of 

1  Laboratory  of  Tropical  Diseases. 


90          T.  VON  BRAND,  P.  McMAHON  AND  M.  O.  NOLAN 

33  per  series)  were  put  into  individual  dry  beakers  and  these  were  kept  at  the  same 
temperature  (27  ±  1°  C.)  as  the  starvation  series  in  desiccators  over  water  or  over 
saturated  salt  solutions  giving  a  desired  relative  humidity.  The  solutions  employed 
gave  the  following  relative  humidities,  as  determined  by  an  Aminco  electric 

H,O  giving  95  to  97  per  cent  relative  humidity,  average  96  per  cent 
ZnSO4  giving  83  to  87  per  cent  relative  humidity,  average  85  per  cent 
NaCl  giving  72  to  76  per  cent  relative  humidity,  average  74  per  cent 
NaBr  giving  57  per  cent  relative  humidity,  average  57  per  cent 
CaCL  giving  28  to  31  per  cent  relative  humidity,  average  30  per  cent 
LiCl  giving  13  to  17  per  cent  relative  humidity,  average  15  per  cent 

When  survival,  weight,  heart  rate,  and  rate  of  oxygen  consumption  were  de- 
termined, all  snails  alive  on  a  given  day  were  used.  At  the  end  of  the  determina- 
tions they  were  returned  to  the  desiccators,  or  the  water-containing  beakers,  re- 
spectively. These  snails  were  used  repeatedly  until  the  last  specimen  died.  When 
chemical  determinations  were  done,  only  the  specimens  to  be  analyzed  on  a  given 
day  were  used,  while  the  others  remained  undisturbed  until  required  for  analysis. 

The  heart  rate  was  determined  by  counting  the  heart-beats  for  one  minute  under 
a  dissecting  microscope. 

The  conventional  Warburg  technique  was  used  for  the  oxygen  consumption. 
The  vessels  contained  2  ml.  of  dechlorinated  tap  water  in  the  starvation  series  and 
in  the  experiments  designed  to  give  the  pre-desiccation  rate.  In  the  desiccation 
experiments  the  snails  were  put  into  the  main  compartment  of  the  vessel  without 
water.  In  these  cases  the  side  arms  of  all  vessels,  including  thermobarometer, 
contained  0.3  ml.  of  the  same  salt  solution  that  was  present  in  the  desiccators  where 
the  snails  had  been  kept,  thus  maintaining  approximately  the  same  relative  humidity. 
In  all  cases  the  temperature  was  30°  C. 

Polysaccharides  were  determined  according  to  von  Brand's  (1936)  micro- 
modification  of  Pfluger's  method.  Total  lipids  were  determined  by  heating  the 
crushed  snail  with  30  per  cent  NaOH  in  a  boiling  water  bath,  acidifying  the  solution 
with  7  per  cent  H2SO4,  extracting  the  solution  three  times  with  ether,  washing  the 
combined  ether  fractions  with  distilled  water,  evaporating  the  ether,  and  weighing 
the  lipids  on  a  microbalance  after  drying  at  80°  C.  For  lactic  acid  2  and  volatile 
acids  the  methods  of  Barker  and  Summerson  (1941)  and  Bueding  (1949)  were 
used,  respectively. 

All  measurements  were  done  on  numbered  individual  snails,  with  the  exception 
of  the  volatile  acid  determinations,  where  two  snails  were  used.  All  values  are 
expressed  on  the  basis  of  the  initial,  pre-experimental  weight  of  the  snails. 


1.  Survival.  Figure  1  shows  the  survival  groups  of  starving  snails  at  various 
relative  humidities  and  in  water.  It  is  obvious  that  time  of  survival  decreased 
with  decreasing  humidity.  When  the  50  per  cent  death  times  are  plotted  log- 
arithmically against  relative  humidity  (lower  part  of  Fig.  1),  no  straight  line 

-  We  are  indebted  to  Mr.  C.  Elwood  Claggett  for  carrying  out  the  lactic  acid  determina- 











A  Starving  in  Water 

•  Desiccation  at  96%  Relative  Humidity 
&  Desiccation  at  85%  Relative  Humidity 
o  Desiccation  at  74%  Relative  Humidity 
n  Desiccation  at  57%Relative  Humidity 

•  Desiccation  at 30%  Relative  Humidity 
o  Desiccation  at  15  %  Relative  Humidity 

I  2  4  8  16  32  64  128 


FIGURE  1.  Survival  of  Australorbis  glabratus  starving  in  water  or  desiccating  at  various 
relative  humidities.  At  the  beginning  each  desiccating  series  consisted  of  33  specimens,  the 
water-starvation  series  of  28  specimens.  The  same  groups  of  snails  yielded  the  results  shown 
in  Figures  2,  3  and  4. 



results.  The  shape  of  the  curve  indicates  that  no  fixed  relationship  between  time 
of  survival  and  relative  humidity  exists,  but  that  decreasing  humidity  leads  progres- 
sively to  an  ever  more  accelerated  death  rate.  Survival  during  starvation  in  water 
was  only  about  half  as  long  as  during  desiccation  over  water  (96  per  cent  relative 










*.  Starving in  Water 

•  Desiccation  at  96%  Relative  Humidity 
A  Desiccation  at  8 5  %  Relative  Humidity 
Q  Desiccation  at  74%  Relative  Humidity 
a  Desiccation  at  57%  Relative  Humidity 
m  Desiccation  at  30%Relative  Humidity 
(^Desiccation  at  15%  Relative  Humidity 




I  2  4  8  16  32  64  128 


FIGURE  2.     Weight  relationships  of  Australorbis  glabratus  starving  in  water 
or  desiccating  at  various  relative  humidities. 

humidity).  However,  the  50  per  cent  death  points  of  these  two  series  were  closer 
together.  This  is  due  to  the  fact  that  the  first  deaths  due  solely  to  starvation  oc- 
curred later  than  those  from  the  combined  influences  of  starvation  and  desiccation. 
2.  Weight  loss.  Thirty  fed  control  snails  averaged  40.8  per  cent  dry  substance. 
The  shells  of  30  other  controls,  after  the  soft  parts  had  been  removed  according  to 
Nolan  and  von  Brand's  (1954)  procedure  averaged  31.6  per  cent  of  the  total 



weight.  •  The  dry  weight  of  the  soft  tissues  was  thus  9.2  per  cent  of  the  total  body 
weight.  Since  the  shell  contains  practically  no  water,  the  total  water  found  can 
be  ascribed  to  the  soft  tissues.  Their  initial  over-all  hydration  is  then  calculated 
as  87  per  cent  (Table  III). 

A  total  weight  loss  of  13  per  cent  was  observed  in  snails  starving  to  death  in 
water.  It  was  hence  greater  than  the  total  dry  weight  of  the  soft  tissues  initially 
present  and  it  must  be  concluded  that  it  was  due  in  part  to  a  loss  of  water,  perhaps 
corresponding  to  the  hydration  water  of  the  metabolized  organic  material. 

The  weight  loss  of  desiccating  snails  (Fig.  2)  was  much  more  pronounced  than 
that  of  snails  starving  in  water  and  was  clearly  dependent  on  the  relative  humidity. 
The  lower  part  of  Figure  2  indicates  that  the  relationship  between  humidity  and 
weight  loss  is  very  similar  to  that  described  above  for  survival.  Snails  desiccating 
and  starving  at  96  per  cent  relative  humidity  metabolize  during  128  days  approxi- 


Desiccation  of  Australorbis  glabratus  at  85  per  cent  relative  humidity.     The  figures  are  per  cent  of  the 
pre-desiccation  values;  the  figure  following  the  ±  sign  is  the  standard  error  of  the  mean 

Heart  rate 


Rate  of  O2  consumption 

Days  of 

Per  cent 





























81  ±0.9 





















81  ±9.9 












The  initial  number  of  snails  was  33. 

A  =  Values  of  all  snails  alive  at  specified  day. 

B  =  Values  of  all  snails  surviving  on  day  22. 

mately  50  to  60  per  cent  of  their  organic  material  (corresponding  to  4—5  per  cent 
of  the  pre-experimental  live  body  weight,  see  Discussion).  Since  in  the  humidity 
range  of  15  to  85  per  cent  practically  all  snails  had  died  by  day  20,  their  loss  of 
organic  material  must  have  been  much  smaller,  and  no  appreciable  error  can  be 
introduced  if  the  entire  weight  loss  is  here  ascribed  to  loss  of  water.  At  these 
humidities  the  weight  had  declined  terminally  to  60  per  cent  of  the  initial,  corre- 
sponding to  a  loss  of  40/59.2  =  approximately  70  per  cent  of  the  initial  water. 

At  96  per  cent  humidity,  on  the  other  hand,  survival  was  much  longer  and 
the  weight  at  death  was  higher,  amounting  to  65  to  70  per  cent  of  the  initial 
weight.  As  mentioned  above,  about  4  to  5  per  cent  weight  loss  must  in  this  case 
be  ascribed  to  metabolized  organic  material.  It  is  therefore  clear  that  at  this  high 
humidity  the  last  animals  died  before  being  desiccated  to  quite  the  same  degree  as 
in  the  other  desiccation  series.  It  is  probable  that  in  this  case  starvation  was  a 
contributing  factor  to  death. 

It  should  be  realized  that  the  figures  summarized  in  Figure  2  (the  following 
applies  also  to  the  data  presented  in  Figs.  3  and  4)  are  averages  for  all  snails 



I  I  I 

Starving  in  Water 

•  Desiccation  at  96%  Relative  Humidity 
A  Desiccation  at 85%  Relative  Humidity 
o  Desiccation  at  74%  Relative  Humidity 
o  Desiccation  at  57%  Relative  Humidify 

•  Desiccation  at  30%  Relative  Humidity 
9  Desiccation  at  15%  Relative  Humidity 


FIGURE  3.     Heart  rates  of  Australorbis  glabratus  starving  in  water 
or  desiccating  at  various  relative  humidities. 

alive  at  a  specified  day.  They  therefore  represent  the  average  changes  occurring 
in  a  population.  Some  irregularities  in  the  curves,  especially  noticeable  towards  the 
end  of  an  experiment,  are  due  to  the  summation  of  experimental  errors  and  the 
slightly  variable  behavior  of  the  individual  snails.  The  curves  do  not  change 
materially,  however,  if  the  data  are  restricted  to  snails  which  are  still  alive  on  a  day 
nearing  the  end  of  a  given  experiment,  provided  the  number  is  sufficient  to  give 
a  valid  average.  This  is  illustrated  for  one  of  our  series  in  Table  I  for  weight  and 
other  criteria  studied. 

3.  Heart  rate.  The  heart  rate  of  snails  (Fig.  3)  starving  in  water  slowed 
precipitously  to  63  per  cent  of  the  original  rate  during  the  first  24  hours  of  starva- 
tion. During  the  remainder  of  the  starvation  period  the  heart  rate  declined  slowly 
further,  the  final  value  being  about  40  per  cent  of  the  initial  one.  In  snails  desic- 
cating at  96  per  cent  relative  humidity  there  was  no  decline  during  the  first  24  hours, 



but  thereafter  the  heart  rate  became  progressively  slower,  reaching  about  the  same 
end-point  as  in  snails  starving  in  water. 

A  different  situation  prevailed  in  snails  desiccating  at  all  lower  humidities. 
Within  the  first  few  days,  there  was  a  period  when  the  heart-beat  increased  in 
frequency  above  the  pre-experimental  value,  this  period  being  followed  by  one  of 
more  or  less  precipitous  decline.  While  the  heart-beat  was  generally  full  and  regu- 
lar in  snails  in  water  and  in  air  at  96  per  cent  relative  humidity,  many  irregularities 
were  observed  at  lower  humidities,  such  as  partial  contractions  of  the  heart,  or 




UJ      40 





A  Starving  in  Water 

•  Desiccation  at  96%  Relative  Humidity 
A  Desiccation  at 8 5%  Relative  Humidity 
o  Desiccation  at  74%  Relative  Humidity 
n  Desiccation  at  57% Relative  Humidity 

•  Desiccation  at  3O%Re lative  Humidity 
o  Desiccation  at  15%  Relative  Humidity 

I  2  4  8  16  32  64  128 


FIGURE  4.     Oxygen  consumption  of  Australorbis  glabratus  starving  in  water 
or  desiccating  at  various  relative  humidities. 



cessation  of  the  pulsations  for  a  few  seconds  followed  by  a  period  of  very  rapid 
contractions.  It  should  be  noted  that  at  57  per  cent  humidity  the  last  value  raises 
the  curve  (Fig.  3.)  This  artifact  is  due  to  abnormally  high  rates  in  all  three 
surviving  snails. 

Heart  rate  apparently  had  no  direct  relation  to  survival  under  our  conditions. 
For  instance,  in  our  series  of  33  snails  desiccating  at  96  per  cent  relative  humidity, 
7  snails  with  initial  heart  rates  of  33  to  37  beats  per  minute  survived  an  average 
of  48  days.  The  other  extreme  was  represented  by  5  snails  with  initial  rates  of 
50  to  63  beats/minute  and  an  average  survival  of  80  days.  After  128  days  of 
desiccation,  5  snails  still  survived ;  their  average  initial  rate  was  42  beats/minute 
with  37  and  53  as  extremes. 

4.  Oxygen  consumption.  The  rate  of  oxygen  consumption  (Fig.  4)  declined 
in  all  series  more  or  less  rapidly,  but  the  decline  was  slower  in  the  water-starvation 
than  in  the  desiccation  series.  The  daily  variations  were  more  pronounced  in  the 
former  than  in  the  latter,  possibly  due  to  the  motility  of  the  snails  starving  in  water 


Chemical  determinations  on  Australorbis  glabratus  starving  in  water  or  desiccating  at  96  per  cent 

relative  humidity.     All  values  have  been  calculated  on  the  basis  of  the  pre- starvation  or  pre-desicca- 

tion  live  weight  of  the  snails.     The  figure  following  the  ±  sign  is  the  standard  error  of  the  mean, 

the  figure  in  parenthesis  indicates  the  number  of  determinations 


Per  cent  lipids 

Per  cent  polysaccharides 

M  Lactic  acid 

/i  Volatile  acid* 








0.76  ±0.023  (24) 
0.58  ±0.019  (24) 
O.S4±0.016  (20) 
0.52  ±0.019  (19) 

0.65  ±0.036  (24) 
0.43  ±0.026  (24) 
0.38  ±0.011   (19) 
0.36  ±0.011  (19) 

1.03  ±0.10  (23) 
0.77  ±0.07  (22) 
0.69  ±0.07  (24) 
0.56  ±0.08  (20) 

1.29±0.16  (22) 
1.04±0.18  (24) 
0.69  ±0.14  (21) 
0.59  ±0.1  2  (22) 

140±27.8  (12) 
117±28.1   (10) 
35±   7.9  (12) 
0.0         (11) 

53  ±28.1   (6) 
11  ±  5.4  (6) 
18±12.8  (6) 
23  ±  3.9  (3) 

*  The  volatile  acids  are  expressed  as  acetic  acid,  since  this  is  the  predominant  volatile  fatty  acid  (Mehlman  and 
von  Brand,  1951). 

as  contrasted  with  the  immobility  of  the  desiccating  specimens.  In  the  starvation 
series  the  final  rate  was  about  30  per  cent  of  the  pre-experimental  one,  while  in  the 
desiccation  series  the  endpoint  varied  from  about  20  to  well  below  10  per  cent  of 
the  initial  value.  The  rapidity  of  decline  (lower  half  of  Fig.  4)  showed  a  rough 
correlation  with  degree  of  humidity,  but  it  was  not  so  close  as  that  shown  between 
humidity  and  survival  or  humidity  and  weight  loss. 

A  rough  inverse  correlation  probably  exists  between  survival  and  initial  rate 
of  oxygen  consumption.  Taking  the  series  of  snails  desiccating  at  96%  relative 
humidity,  as  example,  six  snails  had  initial  rates  varying  between  205  and  277 
mm.3  O2/gm./  hr.  with  an  average  survival  of  51  days.  In  four  snails  the  rate 
varied  initially  between  82  and  108  mm.3  O2/gm./hr.  and  their  average  survival  was 
103  days.  The  five  snails  surviving  128  days  desiccation  had  an  initial  rate  of  143 
mm.3  Oo/gm./hr.,  with  106  and  171  mm.3  as  extremes. 

5.  Chemical  determinations.  Chemical  determinations  were  performed  only 
during  the  first  30  days  on  animals  starving  in  water  and  desiccating  at  96  per  cent 
relative  humidity  since  snails  desiccating  at  lower  humidities  died  too  early.  In 
view  of  the  variability  in  storage  of  reserve  substances,  it  was  essential  to  limit 


periods  of  exposure  to  experimental  conditions  to  those  tolerated  by  all  or  at  least 
the  great  majority  of  specimens  employed,  since  otherwise  a  possible  differential 
death  rate  between  snails  with  high  and  low  initial  reserves  would  make  valid 
conclusions  impossible. 

The  data  summarized  in  Table  II  show  that  starving  and  desiccating  snails 
use  appreciable  amounts  of  both  polysaccharide  and  lipids,  the  consumption  being 
more  pronounced  during  the  first  10  days  than  after  prolonged  exposure  to  experi- 
mental conditions.  Snails  starving  in  water  used  little  more  of  these  reserve 
substances  than  did  the  desiccating  specimens.  In  desiccating  snails  the  lactic  acid 
initially  present  in  the  tissues  disappeared  completely  within  30  days,  while  the 
volatile  acid  content  decreased  only  slightly. 


The  laboratory  strain  of  Australorbis  glabratus  used  in  the  present  studies 
withstood  desiccation  fairly  well.  As  was  expected,  the  snails  retracted  into  their 
shells.  They  were  not  capable  of  forming  a  true  epiphragm  which  in  many  other 
species  is  an  efficient  mechanism  for  preventing  excessive  loss  of  water,  nor  did 
they  produce  complete  mucus  membranes  across  the  shell  aperture,  an  auxiliary 
mechanism  frequently  employed  (Gebhardt-Dunkel,  1953).  Partial  mucus  mem- 
branes were  observed  occasionally,  but  they  did  not  seem  to  change  the  rate  of 
evaporation  materially. 

Marked  reduction  in  the  rate  of  oxygen  consumption  with  time  was  charac- 
teristic at  all  humidities  studied  and  a  loose  inverse  correlation  with  humidity 
existed.  This  reduction  was  not  due  solely,  and  in  the  series  at  low  humidities 
not  even  primarily,  to  starvation.  Snails  starving  in  water  maintained  a  higher 
rate  of  oxygen  consumption  than  the  desiccating  specimens ;  they  must  therefore 
have  used  their  reserve  substances  at  a  faster  rate.  It  would  then  seem  that  the 
amount  of  reserve  substances  available  to  the  desiccating  animals  would  have 
sufficed  to  maintain  an  equal  rate  of  oxygen  consumption  if  starvation  alone  were 
involved.  An  altered  anatomical  relationship  to  the  source  of  oxygen  can  also  be 
eliminated  as  the  cause  of  this  reduction.  If  difficulties  in  securing  oxygen  played 
a  significant  role,  a  partial  shift  to  anaerobiosis  would  have  been  expected.  It 
should  be  noted  in  this  connection  that  a  partial  shift  to  anaerobiosis  can  readily 
be  induced  in  Australorbis  by  exposure  to  low  concentrations  of  pentachloro- 
phenol  (Weinbach  and  Nolan,  1956)  and  that  a  considerable  increase  in  lactic  acid 
content  has  been  reported  from  aestivating  Pila  (Meenakshi,  1956).  In  our  desic- 
cating specimens,  on  the  contrary,  the  lactic  acid  present  initially  disappeared  com- 
pletely and  the  volatile  acids  diminished.  There  is  little  doubt  that  Australorbis, 
at  least  during  desiccation  at  high  humidity,  maintained  a  purely  aerobic  metabolism 
despite  the  deep  retraction  into  the  shell. 

The  lung  of  a  contracted  snail  is  probably  largely  compressed  and  it  is  prob- 
lematical whether  it  plays  a  large  role  in  the  gaseous  exchanges.  Diffusion  through 
the  tissues  exposed  to  the  air  within  the  shell  may  have  been  sufficient.  It  should 
be  kept  in  mind  that  conditions  are  quite  different  when  a  snail  retracts  into  its 
shell  in  water.  During  desiccation  the  tissues  are  in  direct  contact  with  atmospheric 
air  where  the  absolute  amounts  of  oxygen  are  much  higher  than  in  water  and  where 
diffusion  is  incomparably  more  rapid  than  if  the  whorl  is  filled  with  water.  It  is 

98          T.  VON  BRAND,  P.  McMAHON  AND  M.  O.  NOLAN 

therefore  most  likely  that  the  reduction  in  oxygen  consumption  was  largely  a 
consequence  of  desiccation  proper,  although  in  the  longer-lasting  series  starvation 
may  well  have  been  a  contributing  factor. 

That  loss  of  water  per  se  influences  snails  can  be  deduced  also  from  our  heart- 
beat observations.  Starvation  in  water  led  to  a  reduction  in  rate,  and  a  similar 
reduction,  though  slower  to  appear,  was  evident  in  snails  desiccating  at  96  per  cent 
relative  humidity.  At  lower  humidities,  on  the  contrary,  the  period  of  decline  was 
preceded  by  one  of  increased  rate  and  many  irregularities  in  heart  action  were  ob- 
served. While  the  final  water  loss  was  not  very  different,  it  was  more  gradual 
in  the  96  per  cent  series  and  a  difference  in  over-all  tissue  hydration  was  probably 
present  even  towards  the  end  of  the  experiments  (see  below).  On  the  whole,  the 
impression  was  gained  that  at  96  per  cent  humidity  the  heart  had  an  opportunity 
to  adapt  itself  to  changed  conditions,  while  this  did  not  occur  during  the  shorter 
periods  involved  at  lower  humidities.  It  is  probable  that  at  the  lower  humidities 
increased  concentration  of  organic  and  inorganic  materials  accumulating  in  the 
blood  may  have  put  a  strain  on  the  heart.  It  was  not  directly  demonstrated  because 
Australorbis  is  for  technical  reasons  not  suitable  for  such  experiments,  but 
Arvanitaki  and  Cardot  (1932)  had  found  previously  a  salt  concentration  of  0.080  N 
in  Helix  pisana  collected  immediately  after  a  rain  and  0.147  N  seven  days  after- 

In  humidities  of  85  per  cent  and  below,  the  last  snails  died  when  they  had  lost 
about  70  per  cent  of  their  original  water.4  While  this  loss  is  very  large,5  the  over- 
all tissue  hydration  does  not  decline  to  the  same  extent,  because  the  remaining  water 
hydrates  the  tissues  of  an  animal  whose  weight  has  declined.  The  general  relations 
between  over-all  tissue  hydration  and  total  water  loss  are  shown  in  Figure  5.  This 
figure  is  drawn  on  the  assumption  that  the  organic  material  remains  unchanged, 
and  is  therefore  valid  only  in  cases  of  very  rapid  desiccation.  In  experiments  of 
long  duration,  such  as  at  96  per  cent  relative  humidity,  a  considerable  percentage 
of  tissue  is  lost.  While  no  exact  data  could  be  secured,  a  final  loss  of  50  to  60  per 
cent  appears  possible  (see  below).  If  this  loss  is  taken  into  account,  the  over-all 
tissue  hydration  was  about  the  same  at  the  beginning  as  at  the  end  of  the  desiccation 
period  (Table  III).  Even  if  this  should  be  literally  true  (and  no  such  claim  is 
made),  the  physiological  state  of  the  desiccating  snail  probably  differs  from  that  of 
snails  kept  in  water.  For  instance,  any  loss  of  water,  whether  accompanied  by  a 
loss  of  tissue  or  not,  should  result  in  an  increased  percentage  of  inorganic  material 

3  It  is  probably  unwarranted,  however,  to  generalize:   Pusswald    (1948)    reported  that  the 
blood  of  the  slugs  Arion  and  Limax  lost  84.5  and  92.0  per  cent  of  their  initial  water,  respectively, 
when  the  water  loss  of  the  entire  body  was  60  per  cent.     In  Limax  the  percentage  of  water 
content  of  the  blood  had  at  this  point  declined  from  97.6  per  cent  to  77.3  per  cent.     In  snails 
with  external  shells  the  water  loss  of  the  blood  seems  to  be  less  pronounced.     Gebhardt-Dunkel 
(1953)   studied  five  species  of  terrestrial  snails  and  found  a  decline  in  the  water  content  of  the 
blood  from  initial  values  ranging  in  the  various  species  from  97.7  to  98.1  per  cent  to  final  values 
varying  between  88.4  and  88.8  per  cent  shortly  before  death  from  desiccation. 

4  Actually,  the  water  loss  is  probably  slightly  higher  since  the  water   resulting  from  the 
oxidation  of  food  reserves  has  not  been  taken  into  account  in  this  calculation. 

5  This  resistance  to  loss  of  water  is  not  unique.     Roots  (1956)   states  that  the  earthworms 
Allolobophora  chlorotica  and  Lumbricus  terrestris  survive  losses  of  body  water  of  75  and  70 
per   cent,    respectively.     Other   invertebrates    are   more    sensitive.     According    to    Biancamaria 
(1955),  the  crayfish  Potamon  cdnlis  dies  after  having  lost  15  to  23  per  cent  of  the  original 
water.     For  older  data  on  resistance  to  desiccation,  see  Hall  (1922). 




•  Weight  of  snail 

Hyd ration  of  soft  tissues 

10  20  30  40  50 



FIGURE  5.     Theoretical  relation  between  weight    (water  loss)    and  over-all  hydration  of  soft 
tissues  in  desiccating  Australorbis  glabratus.     Initial  water  content  87  per  cent. 

in  the  remaining  tissues,  unless  the  snail  is  capable  of  incorporating  the  excess  into 
the  shell,  a  point  that  was  not  studied.  Computations  from  data  presented  by 
Buck  and  Keister  (1949,  Fig.  7)  show  that  in  flies,  also,  considerable  water  loss 
may  occur  without  decrease  in  over-all  tissue  hydration.  This  suggests  that  the  phe- 
nomenon may  be  widespread. 

The  endogenous  foodstuffs  during  desiccation  were  studied  only  at  96  per  cent 
relative  humidity  where  a  consumption  of  polysaccharides,  lipids,  lactic  and  volatile 
acids  was  found.  Since  there  was  no  indication  of  a  partial  shift  to  anaerobiosis, 
total  oxidation  can  be  assumed  and  the  oxygen  required  for  it  can  be  calculated. 
It  is  also  possible  to  calculate  approximately  the  total  oxygen  consumed  during  the 
desiccation  period  by  graphic  integration  of  the  rates  determined  at  the  intervals 
shown  in  Figure  4.  As  Figure  6  indicates,  the  above  substances  account  only  for 


Calculated  over-all  hydration  of  the  soft  tissues  of  Australorbis  glabratus  when  50  per  cent  of  the  soft 

tissues  disappear  during  desiccation  at  96  per  cent  relative  humidity  and  the  final  total  weight  of 

the  desiccated  snail  is  67  per  cent  of  the  pre-desiccation  value,  as  was  found 

Total  weight, 

Shell  weight, 

Weight  of  soft 
tissues,  mg. 

Weight  of 
water,  mg. 

Per  cent  water 
in  complex  soft 
tissues  +water 















a  relatively  small  fraction  of  the  total  oxygen  consumption,  both  during  desiccation 
and  during  starvation  in  water.  In  conformity  with  other  starving  organisms, 
it  may  be  assumed  that  proteins  were  the  main  substrate.  A  calculation  of  the  total 
oxygen  consumed  by  snails  desiccating  at  96  per  cent  relative  humidity  for  128  days 
gives  approximately  56  ml.  oxygen  per  one  gram  original  weight.  About  9  ml.  are 
accounted  for  by  the  oxidation  of  polysaccharides  and  lipids  during  the  first  30 
days  (the  additional  amount  for  lactic  and  volatile  acids  is  negligible).  Since  these 
reserves  were  largely  depleted  at  the  end  of  this  period,  47  ml.  of  oxygen  can 

CALCULATED   "         " 



FIGURE  6.  Comparison  of  oxygen  consumption  calculated  from  polysaccharide  and  lipid 
consumption,  assuming  total  oxidation,  and  measured  oxygen  consumption  (total  oxygen 
consumption  obtained  by  graphic  evaluation  of  determinations  done  at  specified  intervals ;  see 
text).  The  values  have  been  calculated  for  one  gram  pre-starvation  or  pre-desiccation  weight. 

tentatively  be  linked  with  protein  consumption,  permitting  the  oxidation  of  ap- 
proximately 48  mg.  of  protein.  Since  a  one-gram  snail  (initial  weight)  contains, 
on  an  average,  92  mg.  of  dried  soft  tissue,  the  calculated  tissue  loss  would  be 
roughly  50  to  60  per  cent.  This  figure  appears  possible,  since  even  higher  organ- 
isms can  lose  more  than  50  per  cent  of  their  weight  during  starvation,  e.g.,  a  dog 
discussed  by  Putter  (1911)  decreased  in  weight  from  19.65  kg.  to  9.17  kg.,  yet 
recovered  upon  feeding.  Other  examples  are  planarians,  which  decrease  so  mark- 
edly in  size  during  starvation  that  their  weight  loss  must  be  far  larger  than  50  per 
cent  (Stoppenbrinck,  1905;  Berninger,  1911). 



1.  Decreasing  humidity  leads  to  a  progressively  more  rapid  decline  of  survival 
time,  body  weight  and  rate  of  oxygen  consumption.     Snails  starving  in  air  of  high 
humidity  survive  longer  than  snails  starving  in  water,  but  their  final  weight  is 

2.  The  heart  rate  of  snails  starving  in  water  or  desiccating  at  96  per  cent  rela- 
tive humidity  decreases.     At  all  lower  humidities  a  transitory  phase  of  increased 
heart  rate  and  many  irregularities  in  heart  action  occurs. 

3.  During  starvation  in  water  and  during  desiccation,  polysaccharide  and  lipid 
stores  become  depleted.     Lactic  acid  disappears  completely  from  the  tissues  during 
desiccation  and  volatile  acids  diminish. 

4.  It  is  concluded  that  the  decrease  in  oxygen  consumption  is  largely  due  to 
desiccation  proper  but  that  at  high  humidity  starvation  is  a  contributing  factor. 

5.  Snails    desiccating   at    high    humidity    have    a    purely    aerobic    metabolism. 
The  relationship  between  the  oxygen  required  for  oxidation  of  polysaccharides  and 
lipids  and  the  total  oxygen  consumed  indicates  that  protein  may  be  the  main  sub- 
strate during  prolonged  periods  of  starvation  in  water  or  of  desiccation. 

6.  The  percentage  of  total  body  water  lost  and  the  percentage  of  water  in  the 
tissues  do  not  decrease  at  the  same  rate  during  desiccation,  tissue  hydration  de- 
clining at  a  slower  rate.     If  marked  tissue  losses  occur  during  long  periods  of 
desiccation,  the  over-all  tissue  hydration  may  remain  unchanged  even  if  the  total 
water  loss  is  very  pronounced. 


ARVANITAKI,   A.,   AND   H.   CARDOT,    1932.     Sur   les   variations    de   la   concentration   du   milieu 

interieur  chez  les  mollusques  terrestres.     /.  Physiol.  et  Pathol.  gen.,  30 :  577-592. 
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BIANCAMARIA,  E.,  1955.     Recherches  biologiques  et  physiologiques  sur  Potamon  edulis  (Latr.) 

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BUCK,  JOHN  B.,  AND  MARGARET  L.  KEISTER,   1949.     Respiration  and  water  loss  in  the  adult 

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HALL,  F.  G.,  1922.     The  vital  limit  of  exsiccation  of  certain  animals.     Biol.  Bull.,  42:  31-51. 
MAGALHAES  NETO,  B.,  1954.     Agao  de  dessecagao  e  do  jejum  sobre  a  respiragao  do  Australorbis 

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MEENAKSHI,  V.  R.,  1956.     Physiology  of  hibernation  of  the  apple-snail  Pila  virens  (Lamarck). 

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MEHLMAN,  B.,  AND  T.  VON  BRAND,  1951.     Further  studies  on  the  anaerobic  metabolism  of  some 

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NEWTON,  W.  L.,  AND  T.  VON  BRAND,  1955.     Comparative  studies  on  two  geographical  strains  of 

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102         T.  VON  BRAND,  P.  McMAHON  AND  M.  O.  NOLAN 

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Department  of  Biological  Sciences,  Northwestern   University  and  Department  of 
Physiology  and  Bacteriology,  Goucher  College 

Recent  studies  on  fluctuations  in  Oo-consumption  and  in  spontaneous  activity 
in  conditions  constant  with  respect  to  all  factors  known  to  influence  organisms,  have 
provided  strong  evidence  that  some  external  fluctuating  physical  factors  are  still 
exerting  an  influence  on  protoplasmic  systems.  The  studies  were  made  in  con- 
junction with  an  analysis  of  temperature-independent,  solar-day  and  lunar-day, 
cycles  under  constant  conditions.  Solar-day  cycles  have  been  known  for  a  number 
of  years  to  be  widespread  among  organisms,  and  more  recently  it  has  become  evident 
that  lunar-day  cycles  also  occur. 

The  evidence  for  an  influence  of  an  external  factor  has  come  from  the  recent 
rediscovery  (see  Stewart,  1898,  for  early  literature)  of  correlations  of  organismic 
activities  with  barometric  pressure  and  its  changes  (Brown,  Freeland  and  Ralph, 
1955 ;  Brown,  Webb,  Bennett  and  Sandeen,  1955 ;  Brown,  Bennett,  Webb  and 
Ralph,  1956).  These  correlations  have  recently  also  been  shown  to  occur  in  two 
lag-lead  relationships.  One  is  between  the  rates  of  barometric  pressure  change  at 
certain  specific  times  of  day  n,  n-l,  and  n-2  as  correlated  with  biological  activity 
at  an  approximately  corresponding  time  on  day  n.  A  second  correlation  is  between 
the  organismic  activity  at  a  particular  time  of  day,  expressed  either  in  absolute 
terms  or  as  deviation  from  the  daily  mean  and  the  mean  daily  barometric  pressure 
of  the  second  day  thereafter.  That  these  correlations  are  in  no  manner  responses 
to  pressure  changes  themselves  is  clear  not  only  from  the  lead-correlation  of  the 
organism  on  barometric  pressure,  but  also  from  studies  in  which  organisms  were 
shielded  from  the  normal  external  pressure  fluctuations  for  as  long  as  three  con- 
secutive months. 

Recent  work  (Figge,  1947;  Brown,  Bennett  and  Ralph,  1955)  has  suggested 
that  some  form  of  cosmic  radiation  might  be  capable  of  influencing  organisms. 
This  view  has  been  strengthened  by  the  discovery  of  27-day  organismic  fluctuations 
(Brown,  Bennett,  Webb  and  Ralph,  1956),  a  frequency  recently  reported  to  exist 
also  in  fluctuations  in  cosmic  radiation  (Simpson,  1954).  As  a  consequence,  the 
following  studies  were  undertaken  to  investigate  in  some  detail  any  possible  re- 
lationships between  general  background  radiation  and  organismic  metabolism. 

1  These  studies  were  aided  by  a  contract  between  the  Office  of  Naval  Research,  Department 
of  the  Navy,  and  Northwestern  University,  NONR-122803. 

2  The  authors  wish  to  acknowledge  their  indebtedness  to   Professor   H.   T.   Davis  of  the 
Department  of  Mathematics,   Northwestern  University,  who  gave  freely  very  valuable  advice 
during  the  course  of  the  investigation  and  preparation  of  the  material  for  publication. 


104  F.  A.  BROWN,  JR.,  J.  SHRINER  AND  H.  M.  WEBB 


The  O2-consumption  of  potatoes  was  recorded  continuously  from  February  1 
through  May  31  at  Evanston,  Illinois  by  means  of  Brown  (1954)  recording 
respirometers  modified  in  such  a  manner  (Brown,  1957),  that  a  constant  pressure 
was  maintained  by  hermetically  sealing  the  respirometers  and  recording  system  in 
rigid  copper  containers,  the  barostats,  in  which  the  pressure  was  kept  at  a  constant 
reduced  level  of  28.50  inches  Hg.  Five  barostats,  each  with  four  respirometers 
jointly  providing  a  single  continuous  record  of  the  fluctuations  in  rate  of  O2- 
consumption,  were  in  essentially  continuous  operation  during  the  four-month  period. 

A  cylindrical  core  of  potato  with  an  eye  was  placed  in  each  respirometer. 
These  cores  were  about  2.2  cm.  in  diameter  and  l1/^  cm.  high.  The  first  lot  was 
prepared  on  January  31,  and  with  the  exception  of  a  very  few  occasional  single- 
potato  replacements  continued  in  the  respirometers  until  May  1  when  a  completely 
new  set  of  potatoes  was  substituted.  These  latter  were  followed  through  the  month 
of  May.  Therefore,  the  first  lot  of  potatoes  remained  in  constant  conditions  in- 
cluding pressure  for  three  months  except  for  brief  periods  of  15—20  minutes  once 
every  two  to  six  days  when  the  O,  reservoirs  were  being  refilled  and  the  CO2- 
absorbent  renewed.  The  second  lot  remained  in  constant  conditions,  with  no 
replacements  for  one  month. 

Only  complete,  uninterrupted  calendar-days  of  recordings  were  used  in  the 
analysis.  Partial  days  of  data  (days  a  respirometer  was  set  up)  were  discarded. 

Background  radiation  was  recorded  continuously  during  the  same  four-month 
period  by  means  of  a  2  X  30-inch  cosmic-ray  counter  with  an  appropriate  sealer 
and  data  printer.  This  monitoring  system,  located  in  the  same  laboratory  with  the 
five  barostat-respirometer  ensembles,  yielded  a  count  rate  of  the  order  of  40.000/ 
hour.  A  few  days  of  data  were  missed  about  the  middle  of  May. 


There  were  clear  systematic  fluctuations  in  Oo-consumption  in  the  potatoes 
throughout  the  four-month  period.  These  were  most  commonly  ones  appearing  to 
possess  a  single  major  cycle  a  day.  When  3  X  7-hour  moving  means  of  the  average 
of  all  those  two  to  five  barostats  for  which  recordings  were  complete  on  that  day 
were  calculated  it  was  found  that  these  daily  fluctuations  involved  up  to  28%  in- 
crease, with  a  mean  of  13.7%  from  lowest  to  highest  values  for  the  day  for  30 
sample  days  taken  at  random.  In  view  of  the  leveling  influence  of  the  3  X  7-hour 
sliding  average,  the  actual  range  was  undoubtedly  substantially  greater. 

In  Figure  1  (Nos.  1-5)  are  seen  the  mean  forms  of  the  daily  fluctuation  for  the 
four-month  period  for  each  of  the  five  barostats.  It  is  quite  evident  that  two  general 
forms  of  mean  daily  fluctuation  are  apparent.  Numbers  1,  3  and  4  showed  a  clear 
major  cycle  with  a  minimum  in  the  early  morning  hours  and  a  maximum  in  the  late 
afternoon.  Numbers  2  and  5  exhibited  essentially  a  180°-phase  shift  relative  to 
the  others.  These  five,  independent,  four-month  samples,  from  lowest  to  highest 
values  in  the  mean  daily  cycles  are,  respectively,  10%,  7.3%,  9.0%,  10%,  and 
4.8%.  The  average  value  of  the  five,  8.2%,  is  in  remarkable  agreement  with  the 
value,  8.0%,  obtained  for  a  two-month  period  in  the  spring  of  1955  (Brown,  1957). 
All  five  mean  cycles  possess  a  minor  peak  about  6  P.M.  and  slight  minima  at 
1-2  A.M.  and  3  P.M.,  irrespective  of  the  form  of  the  major  cycle.  This  fact  is  em- 







FIGURE  1.  1,  2,  3,  4,  and  5  depict  the  mean  daily  cycles  of  fluctuation  in  Oa-consumption 
in  potatoes,  expressed  as  deviations  from  daily  means,  for  each  of  the  five  independent  respirom- 
eter-recording  systems  over  the  four-month  period  of  study.  1-5  is  the  mean  cycle  for  all  the 
data.  The  actual  percentage  of  the  fluctuations  is  given  in  the  text. 


F.  A.  BROWN,  JR.,  J.  SHRINER  AND  H.  M.  WEBB 

phasized  in  the  mean  4-month  cycle  for  all  the  barostats,  Figure  1,  (1-5)  in  which 
the  6  P.M.  deviation  from  the  daily  mean  is  positive  and  highly  significantly  dif- 
ferent from  0. 

The  mean  daily  cycle  for  all  the  barostats  displayed  no  really  significant  evidence 
of  a  daily  cycle  except  for  the  5-6-7  P.M.  peak  clearly  as  a  consequence  of  the 
algebraic  summation  of  two  forms  of  cycles,  one  essentially  180°  out  of  phase  with 
the  other.  It  was  apparent,  also,  from  inspection  of  the  single  monthly  mean 









FIGURE  2.  A.  The  mean  daily  cycles  of  general  background  radiation  for  each  of  four 
months.  B.  The  mean  lunar-day  cycles  of  general  background  radiation  for  each  of  the  four 
months.  Lunar  Zenith  occurs  at  the  12th  hour ;  Nadir,  about  0  or  24.  All  these  cycles  are  three- 
hour  moving  means  of  radiation.  The  mean  percentages  of  the  fluctuations  are  given  in  the  text. 

cycles  for  the  single  barostats  that  each  of  the  five  mean  four-month  cycles  included 
monthly  cycles  tending  to  be  of  the  form  of  the  final  four-month  mean  form,  or  180° 
out  of  phase  with  it. 

It  seemed  quite  evident,  therefore,  that  daily  cycles  of  the  potatoes  were  tending 
to  exhibit  one  or  the  other  of  two  forms,  with,  to  the  present,  no  suggestion  that 
the  occurrence  of  one  type  or  the  other  is  other  than  random. 

An  inspection  of  the  fluctuations  in  radiation  indicated  there  to  be,  in  general, 
a  clear  mean  daily  cycle  with  a  maximum  about  6  A.M.  and  a  minimum  about  6 



P.M.  The  mean  daily  cycles  of  three-hour  moving  means  for  each  of  the  four 
months  are  seen  in  Figure  2  A.  The  mean  cycles  for  February,  March,  and  April 
are  of  strikingly  similar  form,  with  a  gradually  increasing  amplitude  (1.2%,  1.5%, 
and  2.3%  increase  from  lowest  to  highest  values).  The  maximum  amplitude  for 
a  single  day  was  about  10%.  The  cycle  for  May  (5  days  of  data  missing)  showed 
an  altered  form  though  the  amplitude,  1.3%,  was  of  the  same  magnitude.  In- 
spection of  the  daily  data  showed  five  days  of  the  month  (May  5,  15,  20,  23,  29)  to 
have  their  cycles  shifted  about  180°  relative  to  all  the  other  days.  The  mean  ampli- 
tude for  the  "typical"  days  was  2.2%,  that  for  the  five  "shifted"  days,  3.2%.  Three 
days  of  the  preceding  month  (April  1,  2,  and  15)  were  also  "shifted"  days;  no 
"shifted"  days  were  present  in  February  and  March. 

In  view  of  the  described  presence  of  mean  lunar-day  cycles  in  numerous  animals 
and  plants,  the  mean  lunar-day  cycles  of  radiation  were  determined  for  each  of  the 
four  months.  These  are  seen  in  Figure  2  B.  The  cycles  for  February  and  March 




.  0 



V    -»' 







FIGURE  3.  Five-day  weighted  (1  :2:3:2:1)  means  of  deviations  of  radiation  intensity  during 
the  2-6  A.M.  and  2-6  P.M.  periods  from  the  daily  means  (solid  lines)  and  corresponding  weighted 
five-day  means  of  O2-consumption  in  potatoes  for  the  4-7  A.M.  and  4-7  P.M.  periods  (dotted 

were  rather  similar,  that  of  April  shifted  essentially  180°  relative  to  the  preceding 
two  months.  The  cycle  for  May,  with  the  highest  amplitude  of  the  four,  again 
resembled  those  of  February  and  March.  There  appeared  to  be  a  tendency  for  a 
maximum,  or  a  minimum,  to  occur  between  the  time  of  lunar  Zenith  and  two  to  three 
hours  afterwards,  and  for  a  maximum  or  a  minimum  to  occur  at  the  time  of  lunar 
Nadir.  The  amplitudes  of  the  four  average  monthly  cycles  are,  respectively,  from 
minimum  to  maximum  values,  0.57%,  0.37%,  0.60%,  and  0.83%. 


It  is  quite  evident  that  even  if  the  potato  possesses  mean  daily  cycles  of  O2- 
consumption,  its  apparent  tendency  towards  180°  phase-shifting  would  obscure 
much  of  this  when  large  quantities  of  data  were  averaged.  In  view,  however,  of  the 
relatively  large-amplitude,  daily  fluctuations  of  the  mean  rates  for  all  those  potatoes 
recorded  on  a  single  day,  an  attempt  was  made  to  learn  whether  there  might  be 
a  correlation  between  the  amplitude  of  the  day-by-day  fluctuation  in  the  background 


F.  A.  BROWN,  JR.,  J.  SHRINER  AND  H.  M.  WEBB 

radiation  and  the  amplitude  of  the  day-by-day  fluctuation  in  CX-consumption  of  the 

In  Figure  3  A  is  shown  a  weighted  (1:2:3:2:1)  five-day  moving  mean  of 
the  deviations  in  intensity  of  radiation  from  its  daily  mean  for  the  2-6  A.M.  period 
(all  were  positive  values),  and  similar  deviations  from  the  daily  means  for  the 
2-6  P.M.  period  (all  were  negative  values).  Plotted  on  different  ordinate  scales  are 














200       400       600       800 

1000      1200 

FIGURE  4.  The  relationship  between  the  deviation  in  O2-consumption  at  4-7  A.M.  and 
4-7  P.M.  from  the  daily  mean  of  day  n,  expressed  as  deviations  from  monthly  means,  and  the 
square  of  the  deviation  of  radiation  at  2-6  A.M.  and  2-6  P.M.  from  its  daily  means  for  day  n-1 
expressed  in  the  same  terms  (P  <  1Q-6). 

superimposed  correspondingly  weighted  five-day  moving  means  of  the  deviation  of 
Oo-consumption  from  the  daily  means  for  the  4—7  A.M.  and  4—7  P.M.  periods.  It 
is  evident  from  inspection  that  there  is  a  highly  suggestive  similarity  between  the 
fluctuations  in  radiation  and  in  Oo-consumption  if  one  admits  that  the  organismic 
cycles  display  alterations  in  sign  of  their  correlation  from  time  to  time. 

To  quantify  this  similarity  and  to  obtain  at  least  an  approximate  measure  of  the 
significance  of  such  an  apparent  similarity,  a  coefficient  was  determined  for  the 


correlation  between  the  deviations  of  radiation  from  its  mean  monthly  deviations  for 
each  of  the  two  times  of  day,  on  the  one  hand,  and  the  deviations  of  CX-consumption 
from  their  mean  monthly  deviations,  for  these  times  of  day  on  the  other.  In  this 
correlation,  the  signs  of  the  deviations  were  ignored.  A  study  of  the  regressional 
relationship  indicated  the  relationship  to  be  non-linear,  and  that  the  deviation  in 
CX-consumption  was,  instead,  linearly  related  to  the  square  of  the  deviation  in  radia- 
tion, and  that  the  deviation  in  O2-consumption  on  day  n  showed  its  correlations  with 
day  n-2,  and  especially  n-l,  of  radiation  with  a  rapid  drop  in  coefficient  to  days 
n-3  and  n.  The  coefficients  and  their  errors  for  days  n  through  n-3  were,  re- 
spectively, 0.191  ±  0.066,  0.337  ±  0.062,  0.290  ±  0.064,  and  0.135  ±  0.068. 

The  calculated  regression  for  CX-consumption  on  day  n  on  the  square  of  radiation 
for  day  n-l  is  seen  in  Figure  4.  The  relationships  between  deviations  in  radiation 
and  in  CX-consumption  were  calculated  to  be  as  follows : 

Radiation  QO2 

0.5%  0.3% 

1.0%  1.8% 

1.5%  4.1% 

2.0%  7.0% 

The  lag-lead  relationship,  radiation  day  n-l,  was  apparently  simply  the  best 
compromise  between  radiation  on  day  n-2  when  using  only  the  4-7  A.M.  value  of 
O2-consumption  (0.41  ±0.081),  and  radiation  on  day  n  using  only  the  4-7  P.M. 
value  (0.369  ±0.084). 

An  inspection  of  the  form  of  the  fluctuations  in  radiation  and  in  O2-consumption 
clearly  suggested  that  in  no  other  lag-lead  relationship  would  correlations  sig- 
nificantly different  from  zero  be  found  over  the  four-month  period.  However,  this 
was  investigated  more  specifically.  Correlations  were  found  between  radiation  and 
CX-consumption  as  follows :  between  the  4-7  A.M.  deviation  in  CX-consumption  on 
day  n  from  its  mean  13-day  deviation  for  this  time  of  day,  and  the  deviation  of  the 
4—7  P.M.  (day  n-2)  to  4—7  A.M.  (day  n-l)  change  in  radiation  from  its  mean 
monthly  change  for  this  period  the  coefficient  was  0.352  ±  0.087.  On  the  other 
hand,  between  the  corresponding  4-7  P.M.  deviation  in  CX-consumption  for  day  n 
and  the  corresponding  4—7  A.M.  to  4-7  P.M.  change  in  radiation  of  day  n  the 
coefficient  was  0.382  ±  0.083.  Eleven  other  lag-lead  relationships  for  each  of  the 
times  of  day,  sampling  from  day  n-30  to  day  n  +  15  for  radiation  failed  to  yield 
any  correlations  similarly  highly  significantly  different  from  zero. 


The  results  which  have  just  been  described  provide  one  additional  kind  of 
evidence  in  support  of  the  conclusion  reached  by  Brown,  Freeland  and  Ralph 

(1955)  and  Brown,  Webb,  Bennett  and  Sandeen  (1955),  in  a  study  of  correlations 
between  metabolism  of  various  organisms  and  concurrent  rates  and  directions  of 
barometric  pressure  change,   that  the   organism  in   "constant   conditions"   still  is 
responding  to  fluctuations  in  some  external  physical  factor  or  factors.     This  view 
was  given  further  support  by  the  studies  of  Brown,  Bennett,  Webb  and  Ralph 

(1956)  on  the  quahog.     In  more  recent  studies   (Brown,  1957)   employing  baro- 
stats  as  in  the  current  study,  correlations  with  barometric  pressure  were  found 

110  F.  A.  BROWN,  JR.,  J.  SHRINER  AND  H.  M.  WEBB 

for  O2-consumption  in  potatoes  over  about  a  l^-month  period  of  study.  In  this 
latter  investigation,  unlike  in  earlier  ones,  there  was  a  strong  indication  that  the 
fluctuations  in  O2-consumption  on  any  given  day  tended  to  display  either  one  of  two 
patterns,  one  tending  to  be  180°  out  of  phase  with  the  other  for  either  the  whole  or 
part  of  the  day. 

In  the  last-mentioned  study  there  was  a  correlation  of  the  deviations  (ignoring 
sign)  from  the  daily  mean  of  the  O2-consumption  of  the  potato  at  4—7  A.M.  on  day  n 
with  the  rate  and  direction  of  barometric  pressure  change  from  2  to  6  A.M. 
centered  on  day  n-2.  In  another  kind  of  analysis  of  the  data,  there  was  found  to  be 
for  the  potato,  a  correlation  between  the  4-7  P.M.  deviation  from  the  daily  mean  of 
O2-consumption  and  the  mean  barometric  pressure  on  day  n  +  2  (Brown,  Webb 
and  Macey,  1957).  Despite  these  correlations,  the  directly  effective  factor,  in  view 
of  the  use  of  barostats,  could  not  have  been  pressure  per  se. 

It  is  interesting  that  in  this  current  four-month  study  there  was  also  clearly 
reproduced  a  positive  correlation  between  the  deviation  of  the  4—7  P.M.  value  of 
CX-consumption  on  day  n  from  its  daily  mean  and  the  mean  barometric  pressure 
of  day  n  +  2  (Brown,  Webb  and  Macey,  1957).  It  will  be  recalled  that  the  4—7 
P.M.  period  was  the  only  period  of  the  day  possessing  a  non-inverting  cyclic 
component,  and  the  correlation  with  barometric  pressure  correspondingly  remained 
positive  throughout  the  whole  four-month  period.  In  the  spring  of  1954,  when  a 
comparable  and  relatively  striking  negative  correlation  (—0.65)  was  found  using 
the  potato  (not  in  barostats),  it  was  similarly  only  the  4-7  P.M.  period  of  the  day 
which  possessed  this  property. 

Another  notable  observation  made  in  the  current  studies  is  that  the  correlation 
with  the  deviations  in  radiation  were  maximum  for  days  n  to  n-2  (n-2,  for  the 
4—7  A.M.  O2-consumption)  for  radiation.  This  is  essentially  the  same  lead-lag 
relationship  found  for  the  potato  in  the  spring  of  1955,  a  year  earlier,  with  rates  of 
barometric  pressure  change  for  comparable  periods  of  the  day,  and  also  which 
obtained  during  the  summer  of  1955  for  the  sea  weed,  Fucus  (unpublished  results). 

It  seems  reasonable  to  postulate  that  the  living  organism  is  displaying  a  mean 
one-  to  two-day  lag  response  to  some  external  factor  correlated  both  with  fluctua- 
tions in  barometric  pressure  and  with  daily  cycles  in  background  radiation,  and 
that  the  effective  external  fluctuations  are  in  some  manner  correlated  with  the 
mean  daily  barometric  pressure  on  the  third  to  fourth  day  thereafter.  From  the 
standpoint  of  a  possible  significance  of  these  external  factors  for  the  maintenance 
of  the  precision  of  the  many  known  regular  daily  cycles  observed  to  persist  for  long 
periods  under  constant  conditions,  it  must  be  admitted  that  the  organism  can 
exhibit  a  metabolic  response  to  some  external  factor  which  has  clear  mean  daily 
cycles,  even  though  with  a  randomly  fluctuating  amplitude.  It  has  been  postu- 
lated earlier  (Brown,  1957)  that  organisms,  through  an  endogenous  capacity  to 
oscillate,  are  able  to  maintain  in  many  instances  an  endogenous  cycle  of  the  same 
frequency  as  the  external  ones. 

The  mean  lunar-day  cycles  of  radiation  are  of  special  interest  relative  to  lunar- 
day  mean  cycles  of  biological  activities  which  have  been  described  (e.g.,  Brown, 
Freeland  and  Ralph,  1955 ;  Brown,  Webb,  Bennett  and  Sandeen,  1955  ;  Brown, 
Shriner  and  Ralph,  1956).  The  principal  maximum  (or  minimum)  in  both  the 
mean  lunar-day  cycles  of  radiation  and  of  most  of  those  biological  activities  so  far 
described  appear  to  occur  at  the  times  of  lunar  Zenith  or  shortly  afterwards.  The 


results  encourage  a  more  detailed  study  of  lunar-day  relationships  of  radiation  and 
activity  comparable  to  the  current  one  for  solar-day  relationships.  Such  a  study 
is  in  progress.  Also,  very  suggestive  in  this  regard  is  the  observation  that  the 
ratio  of  amplitude  of  the  mean  solar-day  cycles  to  the  lunar-day  ones  of  radiation, 
is  of  the  same  order  as  the  ratio  of  the  amplitude  of  the  solar-to-lunar-day  cycles  of 
most  of  the  reported  mean  cycles  for  organisms,  namely  2  or  3  to  1 . 


1.  Oo-consumption  of  potatoes  was  recorded  continuously  through  the  four- 
month  period,  February-May,  1956. 

2.  There  were  daily  fluctuations  in  rate  which,  even  using  3  X  7-hour  moving 
means,  displayed  a  mean  amplitude  of  about  14%. 

3.  Five  independent  respirometer-recording  systems  yielded  mean  daily  cycles 
for  the  four-month  period  ranging  in  amplitude  from  4.8  to  10.0%  with  a  mean 
of  8.2%. 

4.  The  mean  cycles  were  of  two  forms,  one  essentially  180°  out  of  phase  with 
the  other. 

5.  Solar-day  and  lunar-day  mean  fluctuations  in  background  radiation  were 
also  determined  for  the  period  of  the  investigation. 

6.  A  small  but  very  highly  significant  correlation  existed  between  the  fluctua- 
tions in  amplitude  of  the  daily  cycles  in  radiation  on  day  n-l  and  amplitude  of  the 
daily  fluctuations  in  CX-consumption  in  the  potato  on  day  n. 


BROWN,   F.   A.,   JR.,    1954.     Simple,   automatic,    continuous-recording    respirometer.     Rev.   Sci. 

fnstr.,  25:  415-417. 
BROWN,  F.  A.,  JR.,  1957.     Response  of  a  living  organism,  under  "constant  conditions"  including 

pressure,    to   a    barometric-pressure-correlated    cyclic,    external    variable.     Biol.    Bull., 

112:  288-304. 
BROWN,  F.  A.,  JR.,  M.  F.  BENNETT  AND  C.  L.  RALPH,  1955.     Apparent  reversible  influence  of 

cosmic-ray-induced  showers  upon  a  biological  system.     Proc.  Soc.  Exp.  Biol.  and  Med., 

89:  332-337. 
BROWN,  F.  A.,  JR.,  M.  F.  BENNETT,  H.  M.  WEBB  AND  C.  L.  RALPH,  1956.     Persistent  daily, 

monthly,  and  27-day  cycles  of  activity  in  the  oyster  and  quahog.     /.  Exp.  Zool.,  131 : 

BROWN,  F.  A.,  JR.,  R.  O.  FREELAND  AND  C.  L.  RALPH,  1955.     Persistent  rhythms  of  O2-con- 

sumption  in  potatoes,  carrots  and  the  seaweed,  Fucus.     Plant  Physiol.,  30 :  280-292. 
BROWN,  F.  A.,  JR.,  J.  SHRINER  AND  C.  L.  RALPH,  1956.     Solar  and  lunar  rhythmicity  in  the  rat 

in  "constant  conditions"  and  the  mechanism  of  physiological  time  measurement.     Amer. 

J.  Physiol.,  184:  491-496. 
BROWN,  F.  A.,  JR.,  H.  M.  WEBB,  M.  F.  BENNETT  AND  M.  I.  SANDEEN,  1955.     Evidence  for  an 

exogenous   contribution   to   persistent   diurnal   and   lunar    rhythmicity    under    so-called 

constant  conditions.     Biol.  Bull.,  109 :  238-254. 
BROWN,  F.  A.,  JR.,  H.  M.  WEBB  AND  E.  J.  MACEY,  1957.     Lag-lead  correlations  of  barometric 

pressure  and  biological  activity.     Biol.  Bull.,  113:  112-119. 
FIGGE,  F.  H.  J.,  1947.     Cosmic  radiation  and  cancer.     Science,  105 :  323-325. 
SIMPSON,  J.  A.,  1954.     Cosmic-radiation  intensity-time  variations  and  their  origin.     III.   The 

origin  of  27-day  variation.     Physical  Rev.,  94 :  426-440. 
STEWART,  C.  C.,   1898.     Variations  in  daily  activity  produced  by  alcohol  and  by  changes  in 

barometric   pressure   and   diet,    with   a   description    of    recording   methods.     Amer.    J. 

Physiol.,  1  :  40-56. 



Department  of  Biological  Sciences,  Nortlnvestern  University;  Department  of  Physiology 
and  Bacteriology,  Goucher  College;  and  the  Marine  Biological  Laboratory, 

Woods  Hole,  Mass. 

It  has  been  known  for  many  years  that  numerous  kinds  of  organisms  repre- 
senting most  of  the  major  divisions  of  living  things  exhibit  under  constant  condi- 
tions overt  cyclic  fluctuations  of  solar-day  frequency  of  one  or  more  of  their 
processes.  Less  well  known  is  the  fact  that  at  least  a  few  organisms  which  live  in 
the  intertidal  regions  of  the  oceans  have  similarly  clear  cycles  of  tidal  frequency. 
These  rhythms  appear  to  be  expressions  of  a  biological-clock  system  upon  which 
the  organism  normally  relies  importantly  in  the  adaptive  regulation  of  its  physio- 
logical behavior  in  its  rhythmic  external  environment.  In  the  past  few  years  it  has 
been  firmly  established  that  the  frequencies  of  these  cycles  are  independent  of 
temperature  over  a  wide  temperature  range,  a  characteristic  which  is,  of  course, 
an  essential  one  if  these  cycles  were  to  have  practical  adaptive  value  in  the  normal 
environment  with  its  substantial  fluctuations  in  temperature  from  hour  to  hour  and 
day  to  day.  Particularly  within  the  past  two  years  it  has  become  more  and  more 
evident  that  all  animals  and  plants  have  average  solar-day  and  lunar-day  fluctua- 
tions and  that  in  the  maintenance  of  these  cycles,  the  organisms  are  receiving  stimuli 
of  some  character  from  the  fluctuating  external  physical  environment  even  under 
conditions  generally  considered  to  be  constant. 

Evidence  for  an  influence  of  a  fluctuating  external  factor  affecting  the  organisms 
even  under  "constant  conditions"  has  come  from  both  1)  highly  significant 
correlations  between  hourly  rates  of  metabolism  in  several  organisms  and  concurrent 
hourly  barometric  pressure  changes,  and  2)  remarkable  similarities  in  the  forms 
of  day-to-day  changes  in  mean  rates  of  metabolism  for  the  whole  day,  or  specific 
parts  of  a  day,  and  the  forms  of  the  day-to-day  large  climatic  changes  in  the  mean 
daily  barometric  pressures  (approximated  by  the  pressure  for  any  arbitrarily  se- 
lected, restricted,  time  of  day).  The  day-to-day  drifting  of  mean  barometric 
pressures  in  a  temperate-zone  area  appears  superficially  to  be  random,  with  every 
given  period  a  month  or  so  long,  exhibiting  its  own  specific  pattern.  Despite  this, 
the  forms  of  the  day-by-day  fluctuations  in  rates  of  metabolism  or  certain  other 
biological  phenomena  of  a  number  of  species  of  organisms  have  appeared  to  be 
rather  similar,  either  in  a  direct  relationship  or  an  inverse  one,  to  the  concurrent 
fluctuations  in  mean  daily  pressures.  This  has  been  found  true  to  such  an  extent 

1  These  studies  were  aided  by  a  contract  between  the  Office  of  Naval  Research,  Department 
of  the  Navy,  and  Northwestern  University,  NONR-122803. 

2  The  authors  wish  to  acknowledge  their  indebtedness  to  Professor  H.  T.  Davis  of  the 
Department  of  Mathematics,  Northwestern  University,  who  gave  freely  very  valuable  advice 
during  the  course  of  the  investigation  and  preparation  of  the  manuscript  for  publication. 



as  to  seem  more  than  fortuitous,  though  there  is  no  generally  acceptable  test  for 
significance  of  correlations  of  such  time  series. 

For  many  years  relationship  between  barometric  pressure  and  human  physiology 
has  been  believed  to  exist.  As  a  result  of  the  prevalence  of  such  a  view  during  the 
first  half  of  the  last  century  Vivenot  (1860)  performed  what  he  considered  a  crucial 
experiment  to  test  this  view.  He  constructed  an  air-tight  chamber  within  which  an 
experimenter  could  study  pulse  and  respiration  rates  in  subjects  while  the  pressure 
within  the  chamber  was  experimentally  altered.  With  this  he  found  no  evidence 
that  small  pressure  changes  had  any  influence  upon  the  individual.  A  few  years 
later,  Lombard  (1887)  described  striking  similarities  between  fluctuations  in  the 
strength  of  the  normal  knee-jerk  and  concurrent  fluctuations  in  external  barometric 
pressure  and  temperature.  The  correlation  was  positive  with  pressure  and  negative 
with  temperature.  Later,  the  same  investigator  (Lombard,  1892)  in  more  ex- 
tensive studies  reported  a  correlation  between  the  rate  of  fatigue  for  voluntary 
contraction  of  the  flexor  muscle  of  the  second  finger  and  barometric  pressure. 
With  rising  pressure  there  was  increased  capacity  for  work  and  with  falling,  de- 
creased. The  biological  phenomenon  retained  its  correlation  with  both  the  regular 
daily  tidal  and  the  irregular  climatic  pressure  changes.  Furthermore,  pressure 
changes  experimentally  obtained  by  ascending  and  descending  a  mountain  yielded 
quite  comparable  correlations. 

Some  experiments  with  spontaneous  activity  of  other  mammals  yielded  com- 
parable apparent  relationships  to  barometric  pressure  changes.  Hodge  (1897), 
studying  the  spontaneous  running  of  two  dogs  through  the  application  of  special 
pedometers  to  their  collars,  found  a  correlation  between  the  mean  daily  activities 
of  the  two  dogs  with  respect  to  one  another  and  to  the  concurrent  mean  daily 
barometric  pressure.  With  the  latter  the  correlation  was  positive  over  the  two- 
month  period  of  study.  The  correlation  with  pressure  was  extensively  confirmed 
by  Stewart  (1898)  employing  rats  and  certain  other  mammals,  in  activity  recorders. 
Gray  rats  exhibited  a  negative  correlation  with  pressure  over  the  70-day  period  of 
his  study.  White  rats,  for  a  30-day  period  included  within  the  previous  study 
period,  showed  a  positive  correlation  with  pressure.  Stewart  postulated,  on  the 
evidence  at  hand,  that  wild  mammals  displayed  a  negative,  and  domesticated  animals 
a  positive,  correlation  with  pressure. 

A  widespread  occurrence  of  a  correlation  between  barometric  pressure  changes 
and  biological  activities  was  found  by  Brown,  Freeland  and  Ralph  (1955)  and 
Brown,  Webb,  Bennett  and  Sandeen  (1955)  who  were  investigating  fluctuations 
in  Oo-consumption  in  potatoes,  carrots,  seaweed,  fiddler  crabs,  and  salamanders. 
All  of  these  organisms  showed  correlations  highly  significantly  different  from  zero 
between  the  hourly  rates  of  O2-consumption  and  the  concurrent  rate  and  direction 
of  barometric  pressure  change.  Later,  Brown,  Bennett,  Webb  and  Ralph  (1956) 
found  correlations  between  the  spontaneous  opening  of  oysters  and  quahogs,  and 
barometric  pressure  changes.  In  these  recent  studies  it  was  strongly  suggested 
by  inspection  of  the  data,  however,  that  in  paralleling  the  patterns  of  fluctuations, 
the  organisms  \vere  actually  leading  the  barometric  pressure  changes  by  more  than 
a  day. 

One  purpose  of  this  report  is  to  describe  results  from  a  simple  statistical  analysis 
of  all  the  results  on  this  score  obtained  in  our  laboratories  between  March  1,  1954 
and  June  9,  1955.  These  point  conclusively  to  an  ability  of  a  wide  variety  of  living 


F.  A.  BROWN,  JR.,  H.  M.  WEBB  AND  E.  J.  MACEY 


Organism  and  place 

Dates  (inclusive) 

Correlation  times 
Organism/Bar,  pressure 


Woods,  Hole,  Mass. 

July  28-Aug.  2\1954 
Aug.  21-29        J 

Aug.  3-20,           1954 

day  n       /       n  +  2 
(5-7  A.M.)        (5-7  A.M.) 
day  n       /       n  -\-  2 
(5-7  A.M.)        (5-7  A.M.) 


Ostrea  (10°  C.)2 
Evanston,  111. 


Mar.  1-April  13,  1954 

June  18-July  28,  1954 
July  29-Aug.  27,  1954 

day  n       /       n  +  1 
(av.  daily)        (av.  daily) 

day  n        /       n  +  2 
(av.  daily)        (av.  daily) 

+0.411  ±0.125 


Nov  16-Dec.  3l  1954 
Feb.  2-Mar.  13J  1955 

Dec.  5-Feb.  1,  1954-55 

day  n        /       n  -\-  7 
(noon)                (noon) 
day  n        /       n  -f-  7 
(noon)               (noon) 


Evanston,  111. 

Evanston,  111. 
(5  groups) 

May  12-June  9,  1954 
April  1-June  8,  1955 

day  n        /       n  +  1 

day  n       /       n  -\-  2 
(5-7  P.M.)         (5-7  P.M.) 


Evanston,  111. 

May  12-June  9,  1954 

day  n       /       n  -\-  2 
(5-7  P.M.)        (5-7  P.M.) 

-0.842  ±0.059* 

Uca  pugilator* 
Woods  Hole,  Mass. 

June  20-July  20,  1954 
July  21-Aug.  27,  1954 

day  n        /       n  +  2 
(5-7  A.M.)        (5-7  A.M.) 
day  n        /       n  +  2 
(5-7  A.M.)       (5-7  A.M.) 


Uca  pugnax* 
Woods  Hole,  Mass. 

June  18-Aug.  29,  1954 

day  n       /       n  +  2 
(5-7  P.M.)         (5-7  P.M.) 


Woods  Hole,  Mass. 

June  18-Aug.  29,  1954 

day  n       /       n  +  2 
(av.  daily)       (5-7  A.M.) 


1  Brown,  Freeland  and  Ralph  (1955). 

2  Brown  (1954). 

3  Brown,  Bennett,  Webb  and  Ralph  (1956). 

4  Brown,  Webb,  Bennett  and  Sandeen  (1955). 
6  Brown,  Shriner  and  Ralph  (1956). 

6  Brown  (1957). 

*  Conventionally  determined  standard  errors  for  such  large  values  of  r  do  not  provide  true 
measures  of  probabilities. 


things,  ranging  from  lower  to  higher  plants  and  from  lower  to  higher  animals,  to 
show  a  lead  correlation  with  barometric  pressure  changes  by  one  to  seven  days 
(usually  two).  The  only  organism  studied  in  our  laboratory  during  this  period 
which  was  not  included  in  this  report  is  the  carrot,  which  was  omitted,  not  because 
of  any  lack  of  similar  type  of  correlation,  but  rather  because  there  were  some  known 
injury  effects  on  the  (X-consuniption  during  part  of  the  single-month  period  of 

The  organisms,  the  times  of  study,  and  the  coefficients  of  correlation  obtained 
in  703  organism-days  are  given  in  Table  I.  These  are  all  correlations  of  three-day 
moving  means  except  for  the  potato  in  1955,  in  which  daily  mean  values  of  O2- 
consumption  were  correlated  with  three-day  sliding  averages  of  barometric  pressure. 
Indicated  in  footnotes  are  the  references  to  the  publication  of  the  results  obtained 
with  these  species.  In  these  publications  it  had  not  occurred  to  the  authors  to  make 
this  type  of  analysis,  and  furthermore,  due  to  the  extraordinary  nature  of  the 
conclusions,  it  is  to  be  doubted  that  a  single  demonstration  of  the  phenomenon 
of  a  lead  correlation,  even  though  shown  to  be  statistically  significant  (assuming 
random  fluctuation  in  the  organism),  would  have  been  credited  by  most  physiolo- 

All  of  the  results  were  obtained  in  conditions  of  constant,  continuous  low 
illumination  of  the  order  of  1  ft.  c.  or  less,  except  with  the  white  rat,  Rattus,  for 
which  two  periods  of  continuous  darkness,  totalling  43  days,  were  included  in  the 
data.  The  conditions  of  the  experiments  with  the  brown  alga,  Fucus,  two  species 
of  fiddler  crabs,  Uca  pugnax  and  Uca  pugilator,  the  salamander,  Triturus  and  the 
potato,  Solanum  included  also  very  precisely  regulated  constant  temperature,  and, 
in  addition,  for  Solanum  in  1955,  constant  pressure  through  the  use  of  a  barostat. 

The  biological  process  studied  was  the  rate  of  CX-consumption  in  Fucus,  Uca 
pugnax  and  Uca  pugilator,  Triturus  and  Solanum.  It  was  the  average  daily 
minutes  open  per  hour  for  both  the  oyster,  Ostrea  and  the  quahog,  Venus;  it  was  the 
total  distance  spontaneously  run  per  day  in  the  case  of  Rattus. 

To  determine  when  the  correlation  would  be  highest,  whether  with  the  same  day 
(day  w)  of  barometric  pressure,  the  following  day  (day  n+  1),  the  second  day 
after  (day  n  +  2),  or  some  earlier  or  later  one,  tracings  of  the  fluctuations  of  the 
physiological  process  and  of  barometric  pressure  were  superimposed  and  inspected 
in  various  temporal  relationships.  In  the  vast  majority  of  cases,  there  was  clearly 
only  one  relationship  which  promised  high  correlation  with  an  obviously  rapid  drop 
towards  no  correlation  with  either  greater  or  less  displacement  and  no  other  re- 
lationship with  nearly  as  high  a  correlation  could  be  seen  by  such  inspection  over 
the  rest  of  the  period.  In  two  cases,  Triturus  and  Solanum,  it  was  not  evident 
from  inspection,  whether  the  correlation  would  be  best  with  day  n  +  1,  n  +  2, 
or  day  n  +  3.  In  these  cases,  coefficients  were  determined  for  all  three  times  and 
the  highest  one  was  selected ;  it  was  obvious,  however,  there  was  no  other  relation- 
ship with  these  species  in  which  the  correlation  would  be  as  high  or  significant. 

The  change  in  sign  of  the  correlation  from  time  to  time  seems  clearly  to  be  a 
biological  contribution,  probably  to  be  compared  superficially  with  the  well-known 
changes  of  sign  frequently  observed  in  animal  orientation.  The  sign  change  appears 
to  occur  abruptly  and  cleanly;  the  cause  of  the  change  is  still  unknown.  It  is 
known,  however,  that  in  all  those  cases  examined  in  which  the  sign  of  correlation 

116  F.  A.  BROWN,  JR.,  H.  M.  WEBB  AND  E.  J.  MACEY 

changed,  there  was  concurrently  a  transformation  of  the  form  of  the  mean  daily 
and  lunar-day  cycles  to  essentially  their  mirror  images. 

For  all  the  periods  the  correlations  ranged  in  size  from  0.266  to  0.842.  All 
were  significantly  different  from  zero  by  ordinary  tests  for  correlations.  Both  the 
—  0.362  for  Rattiis  and  the  0.383  for  Ostrea  appeared  to  include  one  or  two  very 
brief  periods  of  change  of  sign  in  the  relationship.  The  potatoes  in  1955,  judging 
by  periodic  inversions  of  their  solar-day  cycles,  appeared  to  be  changing  the  sign 
of  their  correlation  from  time  to  time,  and  probably  hence  the  lowest,  though  quite 
real,  correlation. 

The  great  majority  of  the  correlations  centered  on  day  n  +  2  of  barometric 
pressure.  Solanum  in  1954  and  Ostrea  at  10°  C.,  centered  on  day  n  +  1.  The 
potato  in  1955  gave  almost  the  same  correlation  for  n  +  2  and  n  +  3.  The  most 
surprising  result,  on  the  basis  of  hypotheses  available  to  account  for  this  phe- 
nomenon, was  that  Rattus  showed  by  far  its  highest  correlation  with  day  n  +  7. 
The  coefficient  would  have  risen  from  0.598  ±  0.088  to  0.668  ±  0.07  by  the  justifi- 
able statistical  procedure  of  eliminating  from  consideration  the  transitional  values, 
those  of  Dec.  1-3  and  Feb.  2,  which  were  seen  clearly  to  contribute  naturally  to 
neither  series. 

Since  there  appeared  to  be  no  test  for  the  significance  of  correlations  between 
two  time  series  that  would  be  acceptable  to  all  statisticians,  further  experiments  were 
performed  to  attempt  to  demonstrate  the  reproducibility  of  the  phenomenon.  The 
first  of  these  involved  a  four-month  study  of  potatoes  in  Evanston,  Illinois.  Small 
cores  of  potatoes  bearing  eyes  were  obtained  by  means  of  a  large  cork-borer,  and 
one  was  placed  in  each  of  20  respirometer  vessels  (Brown,  1954).  Four 
respirometer  vessels  upon  a  single  recording  system  were  sealed  in  each  of  five 
barostats  on  Feb.  1,  1956.  During  a  three-month  period,  the  respirometers  were 
opened  for  about  15  minutes  once  every  two  to  six  days,  to  refill  the  O2- 
reservoirs  and  replace  the  CO2-absorbent.  Very  rarely  a  potato  was  replaced  with 
a  new  one  during  this  period.  On  the  first  of  May,  a  completely  new  lot  of 
potatoes  replaced  the  old,  and  the  observations  were  continued  through  May  31. 
During  this  study  the  potatoes  were  maintained  in  constant  conditions  of  tempera- 
ture (19.5°  C.),  of  light  (<  0.5  ft.  c.),  and  of  all  other  factors  known  to  influence 
organisms.  The  respirometers  were  kept  under  a  constant  reduced  pressure  of 
28.50  inches  Hg.  Approximately  56,000  organism-hours  of  CX-consumption  were 

Inspection  of  three-day  moving  means  of  the  mean  daily  barometric  pressure 
for  the  four-month  period,  and  comparison  of  weighted  (1  :2  :3  :2  :1)  five-day  mov- 
ing means  of  the  4—7  P.M.  deviation  in  rate  of  O2-consumption  from  the  daily  mean, 
gave  clear  suggestion  that  just  as  with  the  potatoes  in  the  1954  and  the  1955  ex- 
periments, there  was  a  lag  correlation  of  barometric  pressure  on  CX-consumption 
by  about  two  days.  A  scatterplot  of  the  relationship  between  the  barometric 
pressure  of  day  n  +  2  and  CX-consumption  on  day  n  is  seen  in  Figure  1.  This 
yielded  a  correlation  coefficient  of  0.339  ±  0.0835,  a  value  highly  significantly  differ- 
ent from  zero. 

Figure  1,  B,  illustrates  the  various  values  of  r  obtained  in  various  lag-lead 
relationships  between  the  two  phenomena,  i.e.,  for  CX-consumption  of  day  n 
correlated  with  barometric  pressure  in  various  temporal  relations  from  day  n  —  30  to 
day  n  +  15,  a  45-day  span.  In  this  instance  not  only  was  a  correlation  centered 


































1  2 




•  * 

•  • 























,   4 































h    2 

T  O 


25         20         15          10          5  N  5  10         IS 


FIGURE  1.  A.  Scatterplot  of  the  relation  between  the  mean  barometric  pressure  on  day 
n  +  2  and  the  5-6-7  P.M.  deviation  from  the  daily  mean  of  O2-consumption  of  the  potato  on  day 
n.  B.  Coefficients  of  correlation  (ordinate)  between  the  5-6-7  P.M.  deviation  in  O2-consumption 
from  the  daily  mean  on  day  n  and  the  mean  barometric  pressure  on  various  days  from  n  —  30  to 
n  +  15  (abscissa). 

on  day  n  +  2,  but  a  correlation  was  also  found  with  barometric  pressure,   day 


A  second  attempt  was  made  in  1956  to  confirm  an  organismic  lead-correlation* 
of  metabolism  on  barometric  pressure.  This  one  was  performed  in  Woods  Hole, 
Mass.,  between  June  16  and  August  1.  These  observations  were  made  upon  fiddler 
crabs,  whose  CX-consumption  was  measured  under  constant  conditions  including 
pressure  in  the  same  type  of  apparatus  as  that  used  for  the  potatoes.  In  this  study 
of  the  fiddler  crab,  the  temperature  was  similarly  very  constant  but  at  a  higher 
















•  •  • 

•  • 





•  • 











1  1 

•  •• 

•  • 

•  •• 



•  • 








•  •  • 














FIGURE  2.  A.  Scatterplot  of  the  relation  between  the  mean  barometric  pressure  on  day 
n  +  2  and  the  5-6-7  P.M.  value  of  Do-consumption  of  the  fiddler  crab  on  day  n.  B.  Coefficients 
of  correlation  (ordinate)  between  the  5-6-7  P.M.  value  of  Oa-consumption  from  the  daily  mean 
on  day  n  and  the  mean  barometric  pressure  on  various  days  from  n—  10  to  n  +  10  (abscissa). 

118  F.  A.  BROWN,  JR.,  H.  M.  WEBB  AND  E.  J.  MACEY 

value,  near  24°  C.  In  this  analysis,  as  for  the  experiments  performed  in  1954  and 
1955,  the  actual  rates  of  O2-consumption  at  the  4-7  P.M.  period  were  used.  The 
scatterplot  relationship  between  respiration  on  day  n  and  barometric  pressure  on 
day  n  +  2  is  shown  in  Figure  2,  A.  This  yielded  a  coefficient  of  0.49  ±  0.12, 
remarkably  close,  coincidentally,  to  the  mean  of  all  the  values  obtained  in  1954  and 
1955  (0.5).  In  Figure  2,  B,  are  depicted  the  values  for  r  together  with  their 
deviations  for  this  and  other  lag-lead  correlations  between  day  n  of  O2-consump- 
tion  and  day  n  —  10  to  n  +  10  for  pressure.  The  only  real  correlations  in  the  series 
are  for  days  n  +  1  and  n  +  2,  with  the  latter  being  the  more  highly  significant. 
In  these  correlations  with  the  crabs  three-day  moving  means  were  used  for  both 
pressure  and  metabolism. 

These  two  series  of  experiments  performed  in  1956  would  appear  to  confirm 
in  a  striking  manner  the  conclusions  reached  in  the  earlier  studies.3 

The  explanation  of  the  phenomenon  considered  here  seems  from  a  general 
standpoint  to  be  quite  evident.  Since  the  organisms  cannot  be  determining  the 
barometric  pressure  changes  which  are  to  occur,  the  organisms  must  be  responding 
to  some  physical  factors  and  their  fluctuations  which  themselves  exhibit  a  lead- 
correlation  on  barometric  pressure.  The  potatoes  in  1955  and  the  potatoes  and 
crabs  in  1956  remained  in  each  case  in  barostats  at  28.50  inches  Hg  from  one  to 
three  months,  the  barostats  opened  only  for  about  15  minutes  once  every  two  to 
six  days,  and  hence,  the  lead  correlation  cannot  be  due  to  any  special  responses  to 
current  rates  of  change  in  pressure  itself.  Since  organisms  have  been  shown  to 
possess  fluctuations  in  metabolic  rates  correlated  with  the  rates  and  directions  of 
barometric  pressure  change  and  especially  since  27-day  cycles  have  been  found, 
it  appears  suggestive  that  the  organism  may  be  able  to  respond  directly  to  fluctua- 
tions in  the  intensity  of  some  high  energy  radiation  or  of  some  other  physical 
factor  with  radiation-correlated  fluctuation. 

It  is  futile  at  the  present  time  to  do  much  speculating  as  to  the  external  forces 
involved  and  the  manners  in  which  fluctuations  in  them  may  interact  with  the  now 
established  solar-day  and  lunar-day  clocks  and  average  cycles  within  organisms. 
This  is  now  being  investigated.  It  may  be  shown  eventually  that  the  phenomenon 
described  in  this  report  depends  in  some  manner  on  the  possession  by  both  the 
organisms  and  the  atmosphere  of  a  solar-day  and  lunar-day  cyclicity,  and  the  inter- 
action of  these  with  some  less  orderly  cosmic  factor  to  which  both  the  organism 
and  atmosphere  can  react  in  an  oscillatory  fashion.  But  irrespective  of  the  detailed 
mechanism,  correlations  of  the  order  of  magnitude  described  here  (nearly  0.50  as 
the  average  degree  of  correlation  for  eight  species  of  animals  and  plants  over  about 
850  days),  and  tending  very  strongly  to  be  centered  on  day  n  +  2,  especially  since 
they  cannot  be  correlations  with  an  actual  causative  force,  are  to  be  viewed  as  extra- 
ordinary. They  force  one  to  conclude  that  the  living  organism  is  clearly  responsive 
in  an  orderly  way  to  forces  not  hitherto  seriously  considered  by  biologists  to  possess 
any  influence. 

3  Since  the  manuscript  was  completed,  a  further  study  of  the  potato  during  October, 
November  and  December,  1956  also  yielded  a  lead  correlation  in  which  the  highest  correlation 
(— 0.400  ±  0.089)  was  similarly  found  with  the  mean  barometric  pressure  of  day  n  +  2,  rapidly 
falling  on  days  n  +  1  and  n  +3  to  -  0.307  ±  0.094  and  -  0.328  ±  0.093,  respectively,  and  on  days 
n  and  n  +  4  to  a  value  not  significantly  different  from  zero.  From  inspection  there  was  no 
other  lag  or  lead  relationship  in  which  a  significant  correlation  existed. 


For  the  biologist  who  is  attempting  to  account  for  the  remarkable  capacity  of 
organisms  to  measure  off  with  great  precision  under  so-called  "constant  condi- 
tions," temperature-independent  cycles  of  the  frequencies  of  natural  external  cosmic 
events,  it  becomes  highly  important  to  know  whether  the  conditions  are  truly  con- 
stant for  the  organism,  and  if  not,  what  is  the  actual  character  of  the  fluctuations 
in  the  effective  external  factor  or  factors. 


1.  Eight  species  of  living  things,  ranging  from  lower  to  higher  plants  and  lower 
to  higher  animals,  in  studies  over  a  three-year  period  and  including  approximately 
850  species-days  have  exhibited  without  exception  a  statistically  significant  lead- 
correlation  on  barometric  pressure  with  an  over-all  mean  coefficient  of  about  0.5. 

2.  The  correlation  involved  sometimes  only  the  5-6-7  A.M.,  sometimes  only  the 
5-6-7  P.M.,  and  other  times  the  mean  daily  rates  of  CX-consumption. 

3.  The  sign  of  the  correlation  was  sometimes  positive  and  other  times  negative. 
Sign  changes,  when  they  occurred  during  a  single  period  of  study  were  abrupt,  and 
correlated  with  a   180° -shift  in  the  phase  relationships  of  the  concurrent  mean 
solar-day  cycles. 

4.  In  twelve  periods  of  study,  ranging  from  one  to  four  months  each,  the  corre- 
lation in  nine  cases  centered  on  day  n  +  2  of  barometric  pressure.     In  twTo  cases  it 
centered  on  day  n  +  1  and  in  one,  on  day  n  +  7. 


BROWN,  F.  A.,  JR.,  1954.     Persistent  activity  rhythms  in  the  oyster.     Amer.  J.  Physiol,  178: 

BROWN,  F.  A.,  JR.,  1957.     Response  of  a  living  organism,  under  "constant  conditions"  including 

pressure,    to   a   barometric-pressure-correlated,    cyclic,    external    variable.     Biol.    Bull., 

112:  288-304. 
BROWN,  F.  A.,  JR.,  M.  F.  BENNETT,  H.  M.  WEBB  AND  C.  L.  RALPH,  1956.     Persistent  dalfy, 

monthly  and  27-day  cycles  of  activity  in  the  oyster  and  quahog.     /.  Exp^Zool,,  131 : 

235-262.  ^__~ 

BROWN,  F.  A.,  JR.,  R.  O.  FREELAND  AND  C.  L.  RALPH,  1955.     Persistent  rhythms  of  O2-con- 

sumption  in  potatoes,  carrots  and  the  seaweed,  Fucus.    Plant  Physiol.,  30:  280-292. 
BROWN,  F.  A.,  JR.,  J.  SHRINER  AND  C.  L.  RALPH,  1956.     Solar  and  lunar  rhythmicity  in  the 

rat  in   "constant  conditions"   and   the  mechanism   of  physiological   time  measurement. 

Amer.  J.  Physiol.,  184:  491-196. 
BROWX,  F.  A.,  JR.,  H.  M.  WEBB,  M.  F.  BENNETT  AND  M.  I.  SANDEEN,  1955.     Evidence  for  an 

exogenous   contribution   to   persistent   diurnal   and   lunar   rhythmicity   under    so-called 

constant  conditions.     Biol  Bull,  109:  238-254. 
HODGE,  C.  F.,  1897.     Experiments  on  the  physiology  of  alcohol,  made  under  the  auspices  of  the 

committee  of  fifty.     Pop.  Sci.  Monthly,  50 :  796-812. 
LOMBARD,  W.  P.,  1887.     The  variations  of  normal  knee-jerk,  and  their  relation  to  the  activity 

of  the  central  nervous  system.    Amer.  J.  Psych.,  1 :  5-71. 
LOMBARD,  W.  P.,  1892.     Some  of  the  influences  which  affect  the  power  of  voluntary  muscular 

contractions.     /.  Physiol.,  13 :  1-58. 
STEWART,  COLIN  C.,  1898.     Variations  in  daily  activity  produced  by  alcohol  and  by  changes  in 

barometric   pressure   and  diet,   with   a   description   of    recording   methods.    Amer.   J. 

Physiol,  1 :  40-56. 
VrvENOT,  R.  v.,  JR.,  1860.     Ueber  den  Einfluss  des  veranderten  Luftdruckes  auf  den  Menschli- 

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Department  of  Biological  Sciences,  Northrvestcrn  University,  Evanston,  Illinois  and  Department 
of  Biological  Sciences,  University  of  California,  Santa  Barbara  College,  Goleta,  California 

The  millipede  Luminodesmus  sequoiae  was  first  described  by  Loomis  and 
Davenport  (1951).  Following  this,  Davenport,  Wootton  and  Gushing  (1952) 
described  the  biology  of  the  animal  and  the  general  nature  of  its  luminescence. 
They  found  that  light  emission  originates  from  cells  in  the  deeper  layers  of  the 
integument.  The  present  paper  describes  a  more  detailed  study  of  its  luminescence. 

The  bioluminescent  reaction  in  four  different  organisms  (Cypridina,  fireflies, 
bacteria  and  Gonyaulax*)  has  been  studied  in  recent  years  (Tsuji,  Chase  and 
Harvey,  1955 ;  McElroy  and  Hastings,  1955 ;  McElroy  and  Green,  1956 ;  Hastings 
and  McElroy,  1955;  Strehler,  1955;  Hastings  and  Sweeney,  1957).  The  common 
feature  is  that  the  reaction  involves  an  enzymatic  oxidation  with  molecular  oxygen. 
Although  it  was  demonstrated  by  McElroy  that  adenosine  triphosphate  is  an  abso- 
lute requirement  for  firefly  luminescence,  its  possible  role  as  an  energy  source  in 
the  reaction  has  not  been  clarified.  In  bioluminescent  reactions  in  general  it  is 
assumed  that  the  energy  must  be  derived  from  the  oxidation  of  a  substrate,  which 
is  usually  termed  luciferin  (e.g.,  Cypridina  luciferin,  firefly  luciferin,  etc.).  None 
of  the  products  of  luminescent  reactions  have  been  definitely  identified  and  the 
reactants  as  well  as  the  enzymes  are  different  in  all  cases  studied.  Such  studies  are 
of  interest  for  the  general  problem  of  how  the  living  cell  transforms  chemical 
energy  into  other  forms  of  energy. 


About  1000  animals  were  collected  by  a  party  of  five  on  the  nights  of  May  10 
and  11,  1956,  in  the  vicinity  of  Camp  Nelson,  Tulare  County,  California.  The 
animals  were  abundant  and  readily  visible  to  the  dark-adapted  eye  by  their  own 
light  on  the  surface  of  the  ground  in  the  forest.  The  animals  were  brought  back 
to  the  laboratory  and  stored  in  glass  containers  with  ample  humus.  Light  in- 
tensity was  measured  with  apparatus  previously  described  (Hastings,  McElroy  and 
Coulombre,  1953),  using  a  photomultiplier  tube  and  automatic  graphic  recording. 

1.  In  vivo  luminescence 

Luminescence  in  Luminodesmus  is  continuous  but  fluctuating.  The  light  in- 
tensity (recorded  from  single  animals  over  long  periods  up  to  24  hours)  fluctuates 

1  This  study  was  supported  by  grants  from  the  National  Science  Foundation,  the  Graduate 
School  of  Northwestern  University,  and  the  Research  Committee  of  the  University  of  Cali- 
fornia, Santa  Barbara  College. 




by  20  to  40  per  cent  (or  occasionally  more)  around  a  relatively  constant  mean. 
Since  these  light  intensity  changes  could  be  detected  with  the  eye,  we  are  certain 
that  they  do  not  result  from  movements  of  the  animal.  A  two-hour  portion  from 
such  a  recording  is  reproduced  in  Figure  1A.  It  can  be  seen  that  there  is  an 
instance  when  the  light  intensity  doubled,  apparently  spontaneously.  Such  a  marked 
increase  in  light  intensity  also  occurs  when  the  animal  is  handled.  Indeed  we  found 
that  striking  the  test  tube  in  which  the  animal  was  placed  would  evoke  such  a  re- 
sponse (Fig.  IB).  The  response  still  occurred  immediately  after  the  animal  had 
been  decapitated.  Upon  stimulation  of  the  nerve  cord  which  induced  electrical 
shocks  no  luminescent  response  was  observed  which  could  be  attributed  to  the  effect 
of  the  electrical  stimuli.  The  way  in  which  the  luminescent  changes  are  brought 
about  in  the  living  animal  is  not  clear. 

\        \ 

FIGURE  1.  Reproductions  of  recordings  of  Luminodesmus  luminescence.  Ordinate,  light 
intensity;  abscissa,  time,  to  be  read  from  right  to  left  in  both  cases.  Left:  Luminescence  of  an 
undisturbed  animal  over  a  two-hour  interval.  Time  between  vertical  divisions,  15  minutes. 
Right:  Luminescence  changes  of  an  animal  where  the  test  tube  containing  the  animal  was  tapped 
lightly  at  the  two  instances  noted  by  arrows.  Time  between  vertical  divisions,  one  minute. 

Isolated  pieces  of  the  animal  retain  their  luminescence  for  a  long  time.  The 
intensity  decreases  gradually  to  about  one  half  of  its  original  value  in  8  hours. 
Although  fluctuations  in  intensity  may  occur  for  the  first  15  minutes,  it  is  essentially 
a  steady  luminescence  thereafter.  An  eviscerated  specimen  from  which  the  first 
few  and  last  few  segments  are  cut  off  behaves  in  essentially  the  same  manner. 
Animals  removed  from  humus  and  kept  in  a  test  tube  for  a  day  or  more  also  showed 
little  fluctuation  in  intensity.  Whether  or  not  this  was  due  to  water  depletion  or 
to  starvation  was  not  determined.  Preparations  with  little  or  no  light  intensity 
fluctuation  were  used  in  the  various  experiments  described  below. 

2.  Possibility  of  luminous  symbiotic  bacteria 

In  some  organisms  luminescence  arises  from  an  association  with  luminous  bac- 
teria (see  Harvey,  1952) .  The  possibility  that  this  might  be  the  case  in  Luminodes- 
mus was  investigated  some  years  ago  by  W.  D.  McElroy  and  one  of  us  (J.  W.  H.). 
Whole  animals  and  extracts  of  animals  were  put  on  agar  plates  containing  a  variety 
of  media.  Plates  with  a  range  of  salt  concentrations  (0,  1%,  2%  and  3%  sodium 
chloride)  were  made  up  with  both  glycerol  and  glucose  as  carbon  sources  and 
Bacto  Tryptone.  No  growth  of  luminescent  bacteria  occurred  on  any  plate. 



It  may  also  be  noted  that  the  effect  of  varying  oxygen  concentration  upon  the 
luminescence  of  Luminodesmus  (see  section  5)  indicates  that  the  light  is  not  bac- 
terial in  nature.  In  bacteria  (Hastings,  1952;  Shapiro,  1934)  decreasing  the 
oxygen  concentration  has  no  effect  upon  luminescence  unless  the  concentration 
is  less  than  about  0.3%. 

3.  Color  of  the  light 

The  light  emission  from  Luminodesmus  is  weak,  requiring  dark-adaptation  on 
the  part  of  the  observer  to  see  it.  The  emission  spectrum  was  determined  by 
placing  a  single  animal  at  the  entrance  slit  of  a  Bausch  and  Lomb  Grating  Mono- 
chromator,  and  the  phototube  at  the  exit  slit.  A  second  phototube  was  placed  by 
the  entrance  slit  to  monitor  any  changes  in  the  intensity  of  the  animal  during  the 
course  of  the  experiment.  The  entrance  and  exit  slits  were  both  set  at  1  mm.,  which 
gives  a  dispersion  of  12  mju,  with  the  grating  used  (15,000  lines  per  inch).  The 
light  intensity  was  measured  at  the  various  wave-length  settings  and  then  corrected 
for  phototube  sensitivity  and  for  monochromator  efficiency.  The  corrected  values 
are  plotted  against  wave-length  in  Figure  2,  giving  the  emission  spectrum  with  the 
maximum  in  the  green  at  495  mju.  This  spectrum  is  similar  to  that  of  some  of  the 



uj  2 









460         480         500         520        540 

FIGURE  2.     Emission   spectrum   of   Luminodesmus   sequoiae.     Ordinate,    light   intensity    in 
arbitrary  units,  corrected  for  phototube  sensitivity  and  monochromator  efficiency. 







.0034  .0036 


FIGURE  3.  (A)  Effect  of  temperature  upon  luminescence.  Ordinate,  light  intensity  in 
arbitrary  units.  See  text  for  details.  (B)  Data  of  Figure  3 A  plotted  according  to  the 
Arrhenius  equation.  Ordinate,  light  intensity  in  arbitrary  units  plotted  on  a  log  scale ;  abscissa, 
the  reciprocal  of  absolute  temperature. 

luminous  bacteria,  although  the  spectrum  of  bacterial  emission  may  depend  upon 
the  density  of  the  suspension  (Harvey,  1952). 

4.  Effect  of  temperature 

The  effect  of  temperature  upon  the  luminescence  was  determined  using  both 
intact  organisms  and  eviscerated  specimens.  The  results  were  essentially  the  same 
in  both  cases.  The  specimen  was  held  in  place  in  a  test  tube  by  a  cotton  plug. 
Temperatures  were  adjusted  by  holding  the  tube  in  a  water  bath,  and  the  tempera- 
tures plotted  are  those  read  from  a  thermometer  placed  in  the  tube  beside  the  speci- 
men. The  tube  was  then  quickly  removed  from  the  bath  and  placed  in  front 
of  the  phototube. 

The  data  from  one  experiment  with  an  eviscerated  specimen  are  plotted  in 
Figure  3,  along  with  a  plot  of  the  data  according  to  the  Arrhenius  equation.  The 
Q10  for  the  process  is  1.95  between  10°  and  20°;  1.73  between  15°  and  25° ;  and 
1.55  between  20°  and  30°.  The  sharp  decrease  in  luminescence  above  the  optimum 
of  31.5°  is  most  likely  the  result  of  heat  denaturation  of  enzymes.  The  activation 
energy  for  the  over-all  process  may  be  calculated  from  the  slope  of  the  straight  line 
drawn  in  the  Arrhenius  plot.  The  value  obtained  in  this  case  is  about  12,000 

5.  Effect  of  varying  oxygen  concentration 

The  effect  of  oxygen  concentration  upon  the  luminescence  was  determined 
quantitatively,  using  both  whole  animals  and  eviscerated  specimens.  Both  gave 



similar  results.  Luminescence  was  greatest  in  100%  oxygen  and  progressively 
decreased  at  lower  concentrations,  being  reversibly  extinguished  in  pure  nitrogen, 
as  reported  by  Davenport,  Wootton  and  Gushing  (1952).  An  oxygen  concentra- 
tion of  about  6.5%  decreased  the  intensity  from  that  in  air  by  about  one  half. 

The  specimen  was  held  in  place  with  cotton  in  a  stoppered  10-ml.  test  tube, 
with  glass  tubing  to  bring  the  gas  mixtures  into  the  test  tube.  Gas  mixtures  of  the 
desired  oxygen  concentration  were  prepared  by  mixing  nitrogen  with  air  or  oxygen 
at  measured  rates,  using  calibrated  flow-meters.  The  typical  effect  of  lowered 





4.6  %0Z 






FIGURE  4.     Changes  in  luminescence  with  time  when  a  gas  mixture  containing  4.6%  oxygen 
was  passed  over  the  animal  for  four  minutes  followed  by  the  readmission  of  air. 

oxygen  concentration  upon  luminescence  is  shown  in  Figure  4.  The  response  is 
essentially  similar  to  that  found  in  several  other  luminous  organisms  (Hastings, 
1952;  Hastings,  McElroy  and  Coulombre,  1953;  Hastings  and  Buck,  1956). 
There  is  a  characteristic  "undershooting"  when  the  animal  is  exposed  to  a  lowered 
oxygen  concentration,  and  an  overshoot  or  excess  flash  of  luminescence,  when  it  is 
exposed  to  a  higher  concentration.  This  excess  luminescence  is  greater  when  a 
lower  oxygen  concentration  is  used  during  the  period  previous  to  the  time  when 
air  is  readmitted.  For  example,  in  the  experiment  shown  in  Figure  4,  the 
luminescence  was  about  twice  the  baseline  level  when  air  was  admitted.  With 



\°/o  oxygen  the  luminescence  was  2.5  times  and  with  10%  oxygen  it  was  1.5 
times  the  baseline  level.  This  suggests  that  the  substrate  for  the  luminescent 
reaction  (luciferin)  is  the  product  of  a  series  of  relatively  slow  reactions.  When 
the  oxygen  concentration  is  changed  the  luciferin  comes  to  a  new  steady-state 
concentration,  but  only  relatively  slowly. 

The  values  for  light  intensity  versus  oxygen  concentration  plotted  in  Figure 
5  are  the  steady-state  values,  measured  just  previous  to  the  time  when  the  animal 
was  returned  to  air.  The  data  plotted  are  the  results  obtained  with  six  different 
specimens.  Although  there  was  a  variation  in  the  results,  the  data  for  any  given 





\-    40 


O    20 











FIGURE  5.  Effect  of  oxygen  concentration  upon  the  steady-state  luminescence  of  Luminodes- 
mus.  Data  are  taken  from  experiments  such  as  are  illustrated  in  Figure  4.  The  luminescence, 
in  low  or  high  oxygen  just  prior  to  the  readmission  of  air,  is  expressed  as  the  per  cent  of  the 
steady-state  of  luminescence  in  air. 

animal  fall  along  a  smooth  curve,  suggesting  a  real  difference  between  one  animal 
and  another,  rather  than  error  in  the  method.  The  reason  for  these  differences 
could  not  be  ascertained.  Neither  carbon  monoxide  nor  carbon  dioxide  when 
added  to  the  gas  mixtures  in  1%  concentrations  had  any  effect  upon  the  shape  of 
the  curve  for  a  given  animal. 

6.  Fluorescence 

Luminodesmus  is  highly  fluorescent  under  ultraviolet  light,  and  it  was  suggested 
previously  (Davenport  et  al,  1952)  that  this  fluorescent  compound  might  be  in- 


volved  in  the  luminescent  reaction.  In  luminous  bacteria,  for  example,  it  has  been 
demonstrated  that  reduced  flavin  mononucleotide  (FMNH2)  is  involved  in  the 
luminescent  reaction,  possibly  as  luciferin  (McElroy,  Hastings,  Sonnenfeld  and 
Coulombre,  1953;  Strehler,  Harvey,  Chang  and  Cormier,  1954).  FMN  and  other 
flavins  are  highly  fluorescent  in  the  oxidized  form  and  are  not  at  all  fluorescent  in 
the  reduced  form.  Under  anaerobic  conditions  in  the  intact  animal  the  luciferin 
should  be  essentially  100%  in  the  reduced  state.  However,  there  is  absolutely  no 
change  in  the  fluorescence  of  Luniinodesmus  during  anaerobiosis.  The  possibility 
that  the  fluorescence  of  the  organism  comes  from  a  flavin  compound  involved  in  the 
luminescent  reaction  must  therefore  be  ruled  out. 

7.  Luminescence  in  extracts 

Davenport,  Wootton  and  Cushing  (1952)  reported  negative  results  in  all  at- 
tempts to  restore  luminescence  in  filtered  water  extracts  of  Luminodesmus.  Using 
sensitive  light-measuring  equipment,  we  have  repeated  their  experiments  and  made 
additional  studies  with  extracts.  The  most  suitable  method  which  we  found  for 
preparing  extracts  was  to  remove  the  gut  from  animals  and  dry  them  overnight 
in  a  vacuum  desiccator  with  calcium  chloride.  The  dry  animals  were  then  pulver- 
ized to  a  fine  powder  by  grinding,  and  extracted  with  cold  acetone.  The  acetone 
was  removed  by  filtration  and  the  dry  powder  kept  in  a  vacuum  desiccator.  The 
powder  remained  active  in  this  state  for  a  period  of  at  least  two  weeks. 

When  this  powder  was  mixed  with  water  a  dim  luminescence  occurred  (visible 
only  to  the  dark-adapted  eye),  lasting  for  about  10  minutes,  the  half  time  for  decay 
being  about  two  minutes.  Stirring  always  resulted  in  a  temporary  increase  in 
luminescence,  suggesting  that  leaching  from  participate  matter  was  taking  place. 
Following  stirring  the  light  intensity  returned  to  the  original  level.  When  such  a 
solution  was  filtered  through  fine  sintered  glass  (maximum  pore  size,  5.5  microns), 
the  filtrate  retained  luminescence.  Stirring  did  not  affect  the  intensity  of  the 
filtrate,  indicating  that  the  particles  from  which  leaching  was  occurring  had  been 

The  intensity  of  luminescence  in  these  extracts  was  dependent  upon  the  pH  of 
the  solution,  with  an  optimum  at  about  pH  8.9.  The  determination  was  made  by 
extracting  equal  quantities  of  the  powder  with  0.05  M  trihydroxyaminomethane- 
maleic  acid  buffer  at  various  pH  values  and  measuring  the  light  intensity  of  the 
solution.  In  all  experiments  described  below  a  buffered  extract  at  pH  8.9  was  used, 
and  buffered  reagents  where  needed. 

In  the  classical  luciferin-luciferase  test  a  fraction  which  has  been  extracted  with 
hot  water  is  combined  with  a  cold  water  extract  in  which  the  luminescent  reaction 
has  been  allowed  to  run  to  completion.  In  the  hot  water  extract  the  enzyme  has 
been  destroyed,  presumably  leaving  available  substrate,  or  luciferin.  In  the  cold 
water  extract  the  luciferin  has  all  been  used  up  leaving  active  enzyme,  or  luciferase. 
The  two  mixed  together  should  therefore  give  light,  but  with  Luniinodesmus  com- 
pletely negative  results  were  obtained.  Moreover,  neither  the  hot  water  extracts 
nor  exhausted  cold  water  extracts,  when  added  to  a  luminescing  extract,  had  any 
effect  upon  the  light  intensity. 

Attempts  to  separate  the  presumed  luciferase  and  show  its  activity  in  the  re- 
action were  negative.  Fractions  were  obtained  by  ammonium  sulfate  precipitation, 


by  alcobol  fractionation,  and  by  dialysis.  None  was  active  when  added  either  to 
luminescing  mixtures  or  to  hot  water  extracts. 

A  large  number  of  compounds  were  tested  for  their  ability  to  modify  the  light 
intensity  in  luminescing  extracts.2  ATP  was  found  to  have  appreciable  activity. 
ATP  added  to  an  extract  which  was  emitting  light  caused  the  intensity  to  increase 
by  10  to  30  per  cent.  The  effect  was  not  due  to  a  pH  change  since  buffered  ATP 
solutions  were  used.  It  was  effective  with  filtered  extracts  as  well  as  unfiltered. 
Other  pyrophosphate  compounds  were  not  tried,  so  it  is  possible  that  the  action  of 
ATP  could  be  non-specific,  similar  to  the  effect  of  pyrophosphate  compounds  added 
secondarily  to  luminescing  firefly  extracts  (McElroy,  Hastings,  Coulombre  and 
Sonnenfeld,  1953).  The  fact  that  ATP  would  not  restore  luminescence  to  dark 
extracts  indicates  such  a  non-specific  role.  No  restoration  of  luminescence  oc- 
curred even  when  ATP  was  added  to  hot  water  extracts  together  with  exhausted 
cold  water  extracts.  However,  when  MgSO4  was  added  following  ATP  addition, 
there  was  an  additional  increase  in  light  intensity,  suggesting  the  possibility  of  a 
more  specific  role  for  ATP.  Also,  0.05  M  Versene  (ethylene  diamine  tetra  acetic 
acid)  was  found  to  depress  luminescence,  indicating  the  possibility  that  the  reaction 
is  activated  by  a  metal  ion.  All  of  the  coenzymes  listed  in  footnote  2  were  tested 
in  combination  with  ATP.  None  was  found  to  have  any  stimulatory  effect,  al- 
though FMN  and  riboflavin  slightly  depressed  luminescence. 

The  results  give  little  clue  as  to  the  nature  of  the  reaction.  If  a  luciferin  type 
compound  is  involved  in  a  classical  oxidative  reaction,  possibly  in  combination  with 
ATP,  then  the  luciferin  must  be  highly  unstable.  In  fact,  such  a  highly  unstable 
and  heat-labile  luciferin  could  account  for  the  results  we  have  obtained.  The  in- 
hibition by  flavins  might  mean  that  some  flavin  compound  is  involved  in  the  reaction, 
although  we  would  not  expect  a  flavin  to  be  particularly  unstable. 


1.  The  luminescence  of  Liiininodcsinus  is  continuous,  but  fluctuates  by  20  to  40 
per  cent  or  more.  The  mechanism  by  which  light  emission  is  controlled  is  not 
known.  No  evidence  was  found  for  the  suggestion  that  the  light  is  bacterial  in 

2.  The  luminescence  is  green  with  a   maximum   emission   at  495   m/A  and   is 
optimal  at  a  temperature  of  31.5°  C.     Light  emission  is  greatest  in  pure  oxygen 
and  extinguished  in  pure  nitrogen.     An  oxygen  concentration  of  6.5%   decreased 
the  intensity  from  that  in  air  by  about  one  half. 

3.  Luminescence  in  water  extracts  of  dried  acetone  powders  has  been  demon- 

4.  We  have  not  been  able  to  restore  luminescence  to  dark  extracts  either  by  the 
classical  luciferin-luciferase  technique  or  by  adding  a  variety  of  biochemical  inter- 

-  Substances  tested  for  activity,  either  singly  or  in  combination,  were :  adenosine  triphos- 
phate  (ATP),  MgSO4,  riboflavin,  flavin  mononucleotide  (FMN),  flavin  adenine  dinucleotide, 
oxidized  and  reduced  diphosphopyridine  nucleotide,  oxidized  and  reduced  triphosphopyridine 
nucleotide,  coenzyme  A,  beef  heart  extract  (Armour),  yeast  concentrate  (Sigma),  liver  con- 
centrate (Sigma),  do-decyl  aldehyde,  ethyl  alcohol,  glycerol,  glucose,  glucose-1 -phosphate, 
thiomalate,  thiooctate,  glutathione,  cystine,  cysteine,  KCN,  sodium  arsenite,  iodoacetate,  sodium 
fluoride,  sodium  azide,  p  chloro-mercuro-benzoate,  naphthoquinone,  quinhydrone,  hydroquinone, 
quinone,  firefly  extracts,  NaCl,  Na_HPO:,  KHPO4  and  MnSO4. 


mediates.     We  have  found  that  if  adenosine  triphosphate  is  added  to  extracts  while 
they  are  luminescing  an  increase  in  light  intensity  occurs. 


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HASTINGS,  J.  W.,  AND  W.  D.  MCELROY,  1955.  Purification  and  properties  of  bacterial  luci- 
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HASTINGS,  J.  W.,  AND  JOHN  BUCK,  1956.  The  firefly  pseudoflash  in  relation  to  photogenic 
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HASTINGS,  J.  W.,  AND  B.  M.  SWEENEY,  1957.  The  luminescent  reaction  in  extracts  of  the 
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of  action  of  pyrophosphate  in  firefly  luminescence.  Arch.  Biochcm.  Binfhys.,  46: 

MCELROY,  W.  D.,  J.  W.  HASTINGS,  V.  SONNENFELD  AND  J.  COULOMBRE,  1953.  The  require- 
ment of  riboflavin  phosphate  for  bacterial  luminescence.  Science.  118:  385-386. 

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The  luminescence  of  biological  systems,  (F.  H.  Johnson,  ed.),  pp.  160-198.  A.A.A.S. 
Press,  Washington,  D.  C. 

MCELROY,  W.  D.,  AND  ARDA  GREEN,  1956.  Function  of  adenosine  triphosphate  in  the  activation 
of  luciferin.  Arch.  Biochcm.  Biophys..  64:  257-271. 

SHAPIRO,  H.,  1934.  The  light  intensity  of  luminous  bacteria  as  a  function  of  oxygen  pressure. 
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STREHLER,  B.  L.,  E.  N.  HARVEY,  J.  J.  CHANG  AND  M.  J.  CORMIER,  1954.  The  luminescent  oxi- 
dation of  reduced  riboflavin  or  reduced  riboflavin  phosphate  in  the  bacterial  luciferin- 
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TSUJI,  F.  L,  A.  M.  CHASE  AND  E.  N.  HARVEY,  1955.  Recent  studies  on  the  chemistry  of 
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Department  of  Zoology,  University  of  Pennsylvania,  and  the 
Marine  Biological  Laboratory,    Woods  Hole,  Mass. 

The  search  for  chemical  substances  which  might  have  a  retarding  effect  on 
the  growth  of  tumors  has  led  along  many  paths.  All  sorts  of  substances  have  been 
tried.  Those  investigators  who  have  theorized  at  all  have  for  the  most  part 
thought  in  terms  of  some  block  of  metabolic  activity.  Our  own  program  has 
sought  to  discover  relatively  non-toxic  antimitotic  substances  of  natural  origin,  and 
in  the  search  for  such  substances  we  have  based  our  attack  on  what  we  believe  to 
be  a  proper  theory  for  the  initiation  and  suppression  of  mitosis.  Such  a  theory  is 
discussed  in  some  detail  in  a  recent  book  (Heilbrunn,  1956).  It  holds  that  the 
mitotic  spindle  results  from  a  gelation  of  the  protoplasm,  the  mitotic  gelation.  Vari- 
ous substances  can  prevent  this  gelation  by  keeping  protoplasm  fluid.  And  be- 
cause the  most  usual  type  of  protoplasmic  gelation  and  the  type  involved  in  the 
mitotic  gelation  is  a  clotting  similar  to  the  clotting  of  blood,  it  is  our  belief  that 
anticlotting  agents  such  as  heparin  or  similar  substances  can  prevent  cell  division. 
This  indeed  they  do.  The  protoplasmic  colloid  contains  substances  which  favor 
clotting  and  those  which  tend  to  prevent  it.  We  have  made  extracts  from  various 
tissues  and  have  found  that  ovaries  are  especially  rich  in  anticlotting  agents.  These 
appear  to  resemble  heparin  and  to  be  mucopolysaccharides.  This  work  (Heil- 
brunn, Wilson  and  Harding,  1951;  Heilbrunn,  Chaet,  Dunn  and  Wilson,  1954; 
Heilbrunn  and  Wilson,  1956)  showed  that  the  ovaries  of  various  invertebrates  and 
fishes  do  actually  contain  antimitotic  substances  which  prevent  the  mitotic  gelation 
and  suppress  cell  division.  In  the  search  for  some  substance  or  substances  which 
might  eventually  prove  to  have  clinical  value,  we  have  recently  investigated  the 
ovaries  of  mammals  and  especially  large  mammals.  In  what  follows,  we  will  at- 
tempt to  show  first  that  extracts  of  mammalian  ovaries  do  have  antimitotic  action, 
an  action  which  is  associated  with  a  liquefying  or  anticlotting  effect  on  the  proto- 
plasm ;  and  second  that  such  extracts  may  possess  carcinostatic  activity. 


In  studying  antimitotic  activity,  the  most  favorable  test  objects  and  the  easiest 
to  work  with  are  the  eggs  of  various  marine  invertebrates.  Eggs  such  as  sea  urchin 
eggs  or  those  of  the  marine  worm  Chaetopterus  divide  synchronously  following 
fertilization.  These  eggs  can  be  obtained  in  large  quantity  and  they  represent  a 
surprisingly  constant  material.  In  previous  studies  on  Chaetopterus  eggs,  we  have 
described  the  simple  techniques  required  (Heilbrunn  and  Wilson,  1948).  Most  of 

1  This  investigation  was  supported  by  research  grants  from  the  National  Cancer  Institute 
and  the  American  Cancer  Society. 



our  work  was  clone  on  Chaetopterus  eggs.  One  experiment  was  done  on  eggs  of 
the  clam  Spisula.  The  technique  required  for  the  use  of  this  egg  has  been  described 
by  Allen  (1953).  All  of  our  experiments  were  done  at  a  controlled  temperature 
of  21°  C.  Two  minutes  after  insemination  the  eggs  were  placed  in  the  solutions 
to  be  tested. 

Crude  extracts  were  prepared  by  cutting  the  ovaries  into  thin  slices  and  im- 
mersing these  slices  in  solutions  of  acidified  sea  water  at  a  pH  of  approximately 
4.8.  For  each  gram  of  tissue,  one  ml.  of  sea  water  was  used.  After  extraction  the 
extract  was  brought  to  the  pH  of  sea  water  by  the  addition  of  NaOH.  In  a  few 
cases  the  ovaries  were  homogenized  before  extraction,  but  this  seemed  to  produce 
less  favorable  results  in  our  antimitotic  studies.  The  acidification  of  the  sea  water 
used  in  extraction  was  apparently  not  necessary  and  potent  antimitotic  extracts 
could  be  obtained  over  a  wide  range  of  pH  values. 

The  Chaetopterus  egg  has  a  very  fluid  protoplasm  which  stiffens  markedly 
before  the  formation  of  the  mitotic  spindle.  There  is  indeed  a  two-fold  increase 
in  the  viscosity  of  the  protoplasm  and  this  can  readily  be  followed  with  the 
centrifuge  method  described  in  earlier  studies.  With  a  simple  hand  centrifuge, 
turned  so  as  to  give  a  force  approximately  2250  times  gravity,  for  some  time  after 
fertilization  it  requires  only  7  seconds  to  move  granules  through  the  protoplasm 
of  the  Chaetopterus  egg  to  such  an  extent  as  to  give  the  appearance  of  zones.  The 
number  7  is  taken  as  a  relative  value  for  the  viscosity  of  the  protoplasm ;  actually 
it  probably  represents  about  twice  the  value  of  the  viscosity  in  centipoises.  At 
approximately  30  minutes  after  fertilization,  14  seconds  of  exposure  to  a  force 
2250  times  gravity  is  necessary  to  produce  the  appearance  of  zones  in  the  proto- 
plasm. In  studying  the  antimitotic  and  the  anticlotting  action  of  our  extracts  we 
determine  the  percentages  of  cleavage  following  exposure  to  various  dilutions,  and 
we  also  determined  the  effect  of  the  extracts  on  the  viscosity  of  the  protoplasm  at 
the  time  when  the  normal  control  eggs  showed  increased  viscosity.  These  tests 
had  to  be  made  rapidly,  for  the  duration  of  the  mitotic  gelation  is  short. 

Crude  extracts  prepared  in  the  way  we  have  indicated  are  very  potent  anti- 
clotting  and  antimitotic  agents,  as  our  results  will  show,  but  generally  speaking  they 
are  not  very  effective  as  carcinostatic  agents.  Indeed  these  extracts  contain  not 
only  substances  which  tend  to  prevent  protoplasmic  clotting,  they  also  contain  sub- 
stances which  have  exactly  the  opposite  effect.  Thus,  although  in  one  case  we  did 
obtain  a  definite  carcinostatic  effect  with  such  crude  extracts,  for  the  most  part  we 
were  not  successful,  and  indeed  in  some  instances  the  survival  time  of  cancerous 
mice  treated  with  crude  extracts  was  decreased  rather  than  increased.  Hence  we 
were  led  to  try  and  find  methods  of  extraction  which  would  give  us  preparations 
of  as  high  a  carcinostatic  action  as  possible  with  a  minimum  of  toxicity  or  adverse 

For  many  months,  we  had  little  or  no  success.  Then  we  hit  on  a  method  of 
fractional  alcoholic  precipitation,  and  this  has  now  provided  us  with  extracts  which 
possess  a  definite  carcinostatic  action.  This  was  perhaps  to  be  expected,  for  in 
studying  the  antimitotic  action  of  extracts  of  starfish  ovaries,  we  found  that  the 
potent  substance  could  be  precipitated  by  alcohol  (Heilbrunn,  Wilson  and  Harding, 

The  procedure  we  finally  adopted  was  the  following :  Cow  ovaries,  fresh  from 
the  slaughter-house,  were  ground  up  in  a  meat  grinder  and  were  then  extracted 


in  a  solution  containing  0.9^0  sodium  chloride  and  0.125%  sodium  bicarbonate. 
For  eacb  gram  of  ovarian  material,  2  ml.  of  solution  were  used.  The  extraction 
was  carried  out  in  a  cold  room  at  5°  C.  with  constant  stirring,  and  was  continued 
for  16-18  hours.  After  the  extract  was  strained  through  cheesecloth,  it  was 
centrifuged  at  2000  rpm  in  a  refrigerated  centrifuge.  The  supernatant  was  then 
centrifuged  in  a  Spinco  centrifuge  at  16,000  rpm  (20,000  g)  for  an  hour.  The 
resultant  supernatant  was  then  precipitated  by  various  concentrations  of  alcohol 
at  approximately  0°  C.  Following  each  precipitation  by  a  given  percentage  of 
alcohol,  the  supernatant  was  decanted.  The  precipitates  were  then  lyophyllized. 
Our  final  product  represented  only  a  small  fraction  of  the  original  ovarian  material. 
Thus  typically  by  precipitation  with  45-60%  ethanol  we  obtained  about  10  mg.  from 
a  kilogram  of  ovaries. 

In  studying  carcinostatic  action,  \ve  used  Swiss  white  mice.  These  were  in- 
oculated routinely  with  1,500,000  Ehrlich  ascites  tumor  cells  in  a  volume  of  one 
ml.  of  ascitic  fluid.  Then  24  hours  after  inoculation,  treatment  with  the  extracts 
was  begun.  Each  day  for  five  days,  each  one  of  the  mice  to  be  treated  was  injected 
with  a  solution  containing  15  mg.  of  the  material.  In  general  the  15  mg.  were  dis- 
solved in  0.5  ml.  of  saline  solution.  Details  of  our  technique  and  growth  studies  of 
our  particular  tumor  will  be  published  in  a  paper  to  be  written  by  two  of  its 
(Tosteson  and  Davidson). 


In  the  summer  of  1955,  we  tested  the  effect  of  crude  extracts  of  mammalian 
ovaries  on  cell  division  in  the  Chaetopterus  egg.  These  extracts  in  every  case 
stopped  cell  division.  They  also  prevented  the  mitotic  gelation.  Our  results  are 
shown  in  Table  I.  In  most  cases  the  viscosity  of  the  protoplasm  at  30—40  minutes 
after  fertilization  is  given  as  "less  than  8."  It  may  have  been  decidedly  less  than 
8,  but  in  the  short  space  of  time  available  for  these  measurements  it  was  not  possible 
to  make  enough  tests  to  be  sure  of  an  exact  value.  However,  the  fact  that  the 
viscosity  was  less  than  8  is  a  sure  indication  that  the  mitotic  gelation  has  been 
suppressed,  for  during  this  gelation,  the  viscosity  rises  to  a  value  of  14. 

In  addition  to  the  data  presented  in  the  table,  we  have  results  from  a  few 
additional  experiments ;  these  results  are  entirely  consistent  with  those  shown  in 
the  table.  In  most  of  these  other  experiments,  we  attempted  to  improve  the 
potency  of  the  extracts  by  purifying  them,  but  in  every  case  the  crude  extracts 
prepared  as  described  in  the  previous  section  were  superior  to  the  "purified"  prod- 
uct. We  also  tried  modifying  our  extraction  procedures.  In  the  results  reported 
in  the  table,  the  extractions  were  made  at  a  pH  of  4.8,  but  we  also  tried  extracting 
the  ovarian  material  at  pH's  of  2.25,  3.90,  6.15,  7.1,  and  10.0.  All  of  the  extracts 
prepared  at  these  different  pH's  were  likewise  effective.  Heating  the  extracts  did 
not  seem  to  have  a  very  harmful  effect,  although  our  results  were  somewhat  variable 
and  minor  differences  in  procedure  seemed  to  be  important.  In  one  experiment 
an  extract  kept  at  100°  C.  for  three  hours  was  still  highly  potent.  In  other  ex- 
periments, exposure  to  100°  C.  for  shorter  periods  caused  some  loss  in  potency. 
Extracts  made  in  distilled  water  and  then  lyophyllized  were  not  effective.  When 
the  ovaries  were  homogenized  before  being  extracted,  the  results  were  less  favorable. 
Homogenization  seemed  to  favor  the  release  of  thromboplastic  substances  into  the 
extraction  medium. 



Although  during  the  summer  of  1955,  we  were  never  able  to  obtain  any  degree 
of  successful  purification  of  our  extracts,  in  the  following  winter  one  of  us  (R.  J. 
Rutman)  hit  upon  the  plan  of  precipitation  with  various  concentrations  of  alcohol. 
Some  of  the  precipitates  obtained  in  this  way  when  dissolved  in  saline  solution  had 
a  very  definite  carcinostatic  action,  and  we  determined  therefore  to  test  the  anti- 
mitotic  action  of  these  precipitates.  Chaetopterus  eggs  (at  Woods  Hole)  are  only 
available  during  the  summer  months,  so  that  we  had  to  wait  until  the  summer  of 
1956  before  making  our  tests. 

In  making  these  tests,  we  had  some  difficulty,  for  the  precipitates  dissolved 
scarcely  at  all  in  the  sea  water  in  which  we  had  to  use  them.  However  what  tests 
we  were  able  to  make  with  the  limited  amount  of  material  we  had  at  our  disposal 
indicated  that  only  those  precipitates  obtained  with  intermediate  concentrations  of 
alcohol  were  effective.  We  had  three  fractions,  of  which  A  represented  the  pre- 
cipitate obtained  from  cow  ovary  extracts  with  0-45%  alcohol,  B  the  precipitate 
obtained  with  45-60%  alcohol,  and  C  the  precipitate  with  60-80%  alcohol.  Of 
these  three  fractions,  neither  A  nor  C  was  very  soluble.  Fraction  B  seemed  to  go 
into  solution,  but  when  the  solution  was  looked  at  under  the  microscope  it  was  seen 
to  have  a  large  number  of  small  solid  particles  suspended  in  it.  We  did  several 
experiments  with  this  fraction  B.  In  one  of  these  experiments,  5  mg.  were  dis- 
solved in  one  ml.  of  sea  water  and  then  this  solution  was  diluted  so  that  the  resultant 
dilutions  contained  2.5  mg.  per  ml.  of  sea  water  and  1.25  mg.  per  ml.  of  sea  water, 
respectively.  All  three  of  these  solutions  prevented  the  mitotic  gelation  and  in  all 
of  them  the  fluidity  of  the  protoplasm  of  the  Chaetopterus  eggs  was  maintained. 
In  the  most  concentrated  solution  only  29%  of  the  eggs  cleaved,  in  the  middle  con- 
centration 19%,  and  in  the  most  dilute  of  the  three  solutions,  26%  of  the  eggs 
cleaved.  In  the  control  90%  of  the  eggs  cleaved.  These  counts  were  made  30 
minutes  or  more  after  50%  of  the  control  eggs  had  cleaved.  The  fact  that  the 


Effect  of  ovarian  extracts  on  the  mitotic  gelation  and  on  cleavage 
of  the  eggs  of  Chaetopterus 

Source  of 

Duration  of 
extraction  in 


Viscosity  at 
30-40  min. 

%  cleavage 

%  cleavage 
in  control 















less  than  8 







less  than  8 






about  8 




120    • 


about  8 





less  than  8 















less  than  8 





less  than  8 





less  than  8 





less  than  8 



*  Ovarian  capsules. 
**  Corpora  lutea. 






10     15     20    25    30    35    40    45    50     55    60    65    70    75     80    85   9O 

%     ALCOHOL 

FIGURE  1.     Activity  of  cold  alcohol  precipitates   of  aqueous   extracts 

of  ovarian  tissue   (cow). 

various  concentrations  of  material  all  acted  in  essentially  the  same  way  indicates 
that  the  material  was  only  slightly  soluble  so  that  the  actual  concentration  in  true 
solution  was  the  same  in  all  three  cases.  In  the  very  few  experiments  that  we 
did  with  fractions  A  and  C.  these  were  without  effect,  perhaps  because  their 
solubility  was  extremely  low. 

In  addition,  the  material  of  fraction  B  was  tried  on  the  eggs  of  the  clam  Spisula, 
and  in  this  case  also  the  material  exerted  an  antimitotic  effect.  Concentrations  of 
2.5  mg.  per  ml.,  1.25  mg.  per  ml.  and  0.625  mg.  per  ml.  showed  strong  antimitotic 
action,  the  cleavage  being  reduced  from  a  control  value  of  97%  to  values  of  31% 
for  what  presumably  was  the  more  concentrated  solution,  39%  for  the  intermediate 
concentration,  and  40%  for  the  weakest  concentration. 

Thus  in  spite  of  the  fact  that  the  material  was  soluble  only  slightly,  the  fraction 
obtained  by  precipitation  with  45-60%  alcohol  did  actually  exert  an  antimitotic 
action,  and  in  the  case  of  Chaetopterus  eggs  this  action  was  associated  with  a  pre- 
vention of  the  mitotic  gelation.  No  attempt  was  made  to  study  the  effect  of 
fraction  B  on  the  mitotic  gelation  in  the  Spisula  egg,  for  as  yet  the  cycle  of 
viscosity  changes  in  the  Spisula  egg  has  not  yet  been  worked  out  with  sufficient 

Clearly,  our  results  with  marine  eggs  indicate  that  fractionation  of  the  crude 
cow  ovary  extracts  by  alcoholic  precipitation  can  preserve  the  antimitotic  and  anti- 
gelating  action. 

Let  us  consider  now  the  carcinostatic  action  of  these  alcoholic  precipitates  ob- 
tained from  extracts  of  cow  ovaries.  Up  until  the  present,  we  have  accumulated  a 


large  body  of  data.  Indeed  we  have  experimented  with  well  over  4,000  mice. 
Our  results  show  that  the  precipitates  obtained  by  treating  cow  ovary  extracts  with 
intermediate  concentrations  of  alcohol  can  cause  survival  of  some  15-25%  of  mice 
previously  inoculated  with  a  lethal  tumor,  a  tumor  which  regularly  kills  100% 
of  all  mice  properly  inoculated  with  it. 

Figure  1  illustrates  the  fact  that  treatment  with  intermediate  concentrations 
of  alcohol  in  the  cold  can  produce  precipitates  which  have  a  carcinostatic  action. 
This  figure  gives  the  results  obtained  with  five  different  extracts  and  is  based  on 
experiments  with  about  2,000  mice.  Further  details  of  these  experiments  will  be 
presented  in  another  paper  soon  to  be  prepared  by  several  members  of  our  group 
(Tosteson,  Davidson  and  Rutman).  Since  the  data  for  the  table  wrere  collected 
we  have  obtained  additional  confirmatory  data.  Also  we  have  been  experimenting 
with  various  other  types  of  extraction  media  and  with  other  types  of  fractionation. 
Preliminary  results  lead  us  to  the  hope  that  extracts  and  fractions  can  be  obtained 
which  will  cause  a  higher  percentage  of  survival  than  we  have  been  able  to  obtain 
with  the  extracts  described  in  this  paper. 


Our  work  has  been  based  on  the  idea  that  the  protoplasm  of  all  cells  is  much 
alike  both  chemically  and  physically,  that  inasmuch  as  the  process  of  mitosis  is 
much  the  same  throughout  the  animal  kingdom,  the  forces  and  agents  which  initiate 
cell  division  and  those  which  suppress  cell  division  are  also  much  the  same.  On 
the  basis  of  this  pattern  of  thought,  and  on  the  basis  also  of  many  experiments  on 
the  initiation  and  suppression  of  mitosis  (see  Heilbrunn,  1956),  we  have  been  able 
to  develop  a  new  type  of  carcinostatic  agent.  At  present  this  agent  is  at  least  as 
potent  for  our  Ehrlich  ascites  tumors  as  other  long-studied  agents.  It  is  our  hope 
that  the  type  of  agent  we  are  using  can  be  perfected  to  give  even  better  results. 
This  will  require  much  additional  work. 


Extracts  of  the  ovaries  of  cows,  pigs  and  sheep  can  suppress  mitosis  in  eggs 
of  the  worm  Chaetopterus.  This  they  do  by  keeping  the  protoplasm  fluid  and  in- 
hibiting the  mitotic  gelation  which  is  a  necessary  precursor  of  the  mitotic  spindle. 
The  potent  substance  or  substances  in  extracts  of  cow  ovaries  can  be  precipitated 
by  treating  the  extracts  in  the  cold  with  intermediate  concentrations  of  alcohol. 
Such  purified  preparations  have  a  definite  antimitotic  effect  and  they  also  have  a 
very  definite  carcinostatic  action. 


ALLEN,  R.  D.,  1953.     Fertilization  and  artificial  activation  in  the  egg  of  the  surf-clam,  Spisulu 

solidissima.     BioL  Bull.,  105:  213-239. 

HEILBRUNN,  L.  V.,  1956.     The  dynamics  of  living  protoplasm.     Academic  Press,  New  York. 
HEILBRUNN,  L.  V.,  A.  B.  CHAET,  A.  DUNN  AND  W.  L.  WILSON,  1954.     Antimitotic  substances 

from  ovaries.     BioL  Bull.,  106:  158-168. 
HEILBRUNN,  L.  V.,  AND  W.  L.  WILSON,  1948.     Protoplasmic  viscosity  changes  during  mitosis. 

BioL  Bull.,  95:  57-68. 
HEILBRUNN,   L.   V.,  AND  W.   L.   WILSON,    1956.     Antimitotic   substances   from   the   ovaries   of 

vertebrates.     BioL  Bull.,   110:    153-156. 
HEILBRUNN,  L.  V.,  W.  L.  WILSON  AND  D.  HARDING,  1951.     The  action  of  tissue  extracts  on  cell 

division.     /.  Nat.  Cancer  hist.,  11:  1287-1298. 



M.  S.  KANUNGO - 
Department  nf  Zoology,  Rarcushau1  Collci/c,  Cuttack,  India 

The  nature  of  heart-beat  among  arthropods  has  been  studied  by  several  workers 
(Prosser,  1942;  Needham,  1950;  Krijgsman,  1952).  It  has  been  observed  in 
Crustacea  and  Insecta  that  the  origin  of  heart-beat  in  each  class  is  of  varied  types 
and  has  no  relationship  with  the  taxonomic  classification.  Among  the  arachnids, 
Liinulus  has  a  myogenic  heart-beat  in  the  young  which  becomes  neurogenic  in  the 
adult  (Prosser,  1942;  Krijgsman,  1952)  and  the  heart-beat  of  spiders  is  neurogenic 
(Rijilant,  1933).  Even  though  Police  (1902)  indicated  the  presence  of  an  epi- 
cardiac  nerve  on  the  heart  of  scorpion,  the  heart-beat  of  the  scorpion,  Palamnaeus 
bengalcnsis  has  been  reported  by  Kanungo  (1955)  to  be  myogenic.  It  is  of  interest 
to  find  that,  also  in  Arachnida  as  in  Crustacea  and  Insecta,  the  nature  of  heart-beat 
is  not  of  a  single  type.  The  hearts  of  arachnids  are  poorly  understood  and  the 
present  work  is  a  detailed  study  of  the  physiology  and  pharmacology  of  the  heart 
of  Palamnaeus  bengalensis. 


Scorpions  freshly  collected  from  their  natural  habitat  (Lai  and  Kanungo,  1953) 
were  used  for  these  experiments.  They  were  lightly  chloroformed  and  immediately 
dissected  in  a  saline  containing  sodium  chloride,  0.65  gm. ;  potassium  chloride,  0.03 
gm.,  and  calcium  chloride,  0.03  gm. ;  in  100  ml.  of  distilled  water.  The  saline,  which 
was  prepared  fresh  before  the  experiments,  was  maintained  at  pH  6.3  using  phos- 
phate buffer,  as  the  haemolymph  of  the  scorpion  was  found  to  be  on  the  acid  side 
of  neutrality  in  agreement  with  Maluf's  (1939)  statement.  The  heart  was  exposed 
fully  in  situ  by  carefully  cutting  the  terga  at  the  sides  and  removing  them.  Isolated 
heart  preparations  were  made  in  petri  dishes  containing  the  saline.  Effect  of  pH, 
temperature  and  drugs  on  the  heart-beat  were  observed  on  hearts  both  in  situ  and 
isolated.  Nearly  150  heart  preparations  have  been  made  for  various  drug  experi- 


Like  that  of  ButJuts  (Parker  and  Haswell,  1940),  the  heart  of  P.  bengalensis 
is  eight-chambered,  spongy  and  muscular.  It  is  enclosed  in  a  pericardium  and  is 

1  This  research  was  supported  by  the  Board  of  Scientific  and  Industrial  Research,  Orissa, 

1  am  grateful  to  Dr.  C.  L.  Prosser  and  Dr.  J.   D.  Anderson,  Department  of  Physiology, 
University  of  Illinois,  for  their  help  in  preparation  of  the  manuscript. 

2  Present   address :    Department    of    Physiology,    University    of    Illinois,    Urbana,    Illinois, 
U.  S.  A. 


136  M.  S.  KANUNGO 

held  in  its  position  between  the  two  lobes  of  the  liver  by  eight  pairs  of  alary 
muscles.  It  is  2.5  cm.  long  in  a  medium-sized  scorpion  with  a  body  length  of  ap- 
proximately 5  cm.  A  thin- walled  anterior  aorta  arising  from  the  heart  bifurcates 
on  the  oesophagus.  A  thin-walled  posterior  aorta  proceeds  to  the  tail. 


Hearts  both  in  situ  and  isolated  showed  a  high  degree  of  automaticity ;  contrac- 
tions occurred  simultaneously  throughout  the  myocardium  and  following  one  an- 
other in  a  regular  uninterrupted  sequence  rhythmically.  Simultaneous  contraction 
of  the  scorpion  heart  had  been  reported  earlier  (Du  Buisson,  1925).  When  first 
isolated,  the  rate  of  beat  of  the  heart  was  irregular  and  slow,  but  it  became  normal 
after  about  5  minutes,  and  showed  a  little  acceleration  in  the  rate  of  beat  as  com- 
pared with  that  of  hearts  in  situ.  The  rate  of  beat  of  intact  hearts  was  50— 54/ 
minute  at  room  temperature  (25-27°  C.).  Cutting  of  the  alary  muscles  in  situ 
resulted  in  a  slight  increase  of  the  rate  to  56-62/minute,  which  was  the  same  as  that 
of  isolated  hearts.  It  appears,  therefore,  that  even  though  the  property  of  automatic 
movement  lies  in  the  muscles  of  the  heart  itself,  the  regulation  of  the  rate  of  beat 
is  effected  by  alary  muscles.  The  rate  of  isolated  heart  preparations  remained 
normal  for  10-12  hours  after  which  it  decreased  and  the  amplitude  fell  gradually. 
Mechanical  stimuli  like  shaking  the  saline  or  pressing  the  heart  with  a  needle 
temporarily  inhibited  the  heart-beat.  After  2-A  minutes,  an  acceleration  in  the 
rate  was  observed.  Excised  pieces  of  the  heart  beat  for  about  4—5  minutes.  In 
all  preparations,  the  anterior  end  stopped  first  and  the  posterior  end  later,  sug- 
gesting that  the  pace-maker  of  the  heart  is  situated  at  the  latter  end. 


As  stated  above,  isolated  hearts  beat  with  the  anterior  and  posterior  ends  con- 
tracting and  relaxing  simultaneously.  During  diastole  the  heart  shortens  in  length 
and  bulges  and  the  haemolymph  flows  in  through  the  paired  ostia.  During  systole, 
the  heart  extends  lengthwise,  the  ostial  valves  close  and  the  haemolymph  is  ex- 
pelled at  both  the  ends.  A  freshly  isolated  heart  was  placed  in  a  dry  watch  glass 
in  such  a  manner  that  the  two  ends  were  at  a  higher  level  than  the  middle  region. 
A  drop  of  neutral  red  was  put  at  the  center  of  the  watch  glass.  The  heart  con- 
tinued to  beat  and  neutral  red  was  seen  flowing  out  at  both  the  ends. 


Isolated  hearts  in  petri  dishes  containing  the  saline  were  kept  at  different  tem- 
peratures in  an  incubator  and  their  rates  were  noted.  An  upper  limiting  rate  of 
80-85/minute  was  observed  at  42°  C.,  above  which  beating  ceased  permanently. 
The  lower  limiting  rate  on  cooling  was  4— 5 /minute  at  5°  C.  Below  this  tempera- 
ture the  heart  ceased  beating  but  recovered  when  the  temperature  was  increased. 


Separate  stocks  of  the  same  saline  solution  were  prepared  by  buffering  with 
phosphate  buffer  between  pH  5.5  and  pH  7.5  and  the  hearts  were  kept  in  these 



salines.  The  heart  remained  active  between  pH  6.1  and  pH  6.5.  With  increase 
or  decrease  of  the  pH  of  the  saline  beyond  this  range,  depression  of  the  heart  rate 


Fresh  dilutions  of  10'3,  lO4,  5  X  10'4,  lO'5,  5  X  1O5,  and  lO'6  of  various  drugs 
were  made  in  the  saline  before  each  set  of  experiments.  Both  intact  and  isolated 
hearts  were  bathed  side  by  side  with  one  of  the  diluted  drugs  to  compare  their 
effects  on  the  heart-beat  in  isolated  and  in  situ  preparations.  No  difference  between 
isolated  and  intact  hearts  was  observed.  Mechanical  shock  to  the  heart  was 
avoided  as  far  as  possible.  The  drug  was  sucked  out  with  a  pipette,  the  heart 












FIGURE  1.     Effect  of  acetylcholine  on  the  heart  of  P.  bengalensis. 
Ach.,  acetylcholine ;  Sal.,  saline. 

washed  with  the  saline  three  times  and  the  fresh  drug  added  slowly.  Recordings 
of  the  heart  rate  were  made  following  the  methods  of  Jones  (1954).  Three  re- 
cordings, one  minute  each  in  length,  were  made  one  minute  after  adding  the  drug. 
•Acetylcholine  more  dilute  than  5  X  10~5  had  no  effect  on  the  heart  rate.  Con- 
centrations of  5  X  10~5  or  stronger  depressed  the  heart  rate ;  the  time  taken  for 
depression  was  inversely  proportional  to  the  concentration  of  the  drug  (Fig.  1). 
There  was  a  gradual  weakening  of  the  strength  of  beat,  reduction  in  the  amplitude, 
rest-pauses  and  sporadic  irregularities  in  5  X  10~5  or  stronger  concentrations.  In 
no  case  was  there  any  acceleration  before  the  depression.  Neither  did  the  beat 
recover  if  the  heart  was  left  in  the  drug.  However,  all  such  hearts  recovered  after 
they  were  washed  wdth  the  saline,  but  the  normal  rate  of  beat  was  never  reached. 
Some  hearts  showed  tolerance  to  the  drug  up  to  10~4  after  prior  treatment  with 
more  dilute  solutions  and  gradually  increasing  concentrations  (Fig.  2D). 












Ach  id"6 





FIGURE  2.     Effects  of  various  drugs  on  the  heart  of  P.  bengalcnsis.  Ach.,  acetylcholine ;  Adr., 
adrenaline ;  Atr.,  atropine ;  Hist.,  histamine ;   Physo.,  physostigmine ;   Sal.,  saline. 

Physostigniinc  at  10~4  or  stronger  did  not  by  itself  show  any  appreciable  effect 
on  the  heart  rate.  However,  application  of  acetylcholine  to  the  heart,  after  treat- 
ment with  physostigmine,  potentiated  the  effect  of  acetylcholine  (Fig.  2E). 

Histamine  at  10~*  or  stronger  accelerated  the  heart  rate  to  a  maximum  of  85/ 
minute  and  this  effect  was  reversible  on  washing  with  the  saline.  The  time  taken 
for  the  heart  to  reach  the  maximal  rate  in  different  dilutions  was  directly  pro- 
portional to  the  dilutions  of  the  drug.  It  antagonized  acetylcholine  action,  and 
hearts  collapsing  under  the  treatment  with  acetylcholine  could  be  revived  by  this 
drug.  Such  hearts  also  beat  at  85/minute  (Fig.  2F). 

Adrenaline  at  10~5  or  stronger  accelerated  the  heart  rate  to  about  75/minute 
and  this  effect  was  reversible. 

Comparison  of  the  effects  of  drugs  on  the  hearts  of  Limulus  and  P.  bcngalensis 












P.  bengalensis 








+  ,  excitation;  — ,  inhibition;  0,  no  effect. 
*  Krijgsman,  1952. 


Atropinc  at  5  X  10~4  or  stronger  inhibited  the  heart  rate  reversibly. 

Half -saturated  and  fully-saturated  aqueous  solutions  of  ether  had  no  observed 
effect  on  the  heart-beat. 

Chloroform  had  no  observed  effect  on  the  heart-beat. 

It  was  found  in  all  the  cases  that  the  drug-treated  hearts  recovered  after  wash- 
ing with  the  saline.  A  quicker  recovery  of  the  heart  was  attained  by  using  warm 
saline  which  was  added  slowly  to  the  heart  container.  The  time  taken  for  such 
recovery  varied  from  five  to  fifteen  minutes. 

Table  I  gives  comparatively  the  effects  of  various  drugs  on  the  hearts  of 
Limnlns  and  P.  bcngalcnsis.  Even  though  Table  I  does  not  indicate  the  effect  of 
ether  on  the  neurogenic  heart  of  Limulus,  it  may  be  mentioned  here  that  ether  in- 
hibits neurogenic  hearts  in  low  concentrations  (Needham,  1950). 


Bleeding  occurred  when  incisions  were  made  at  pedipalpi,  abdomen  and  tail 
regions ;  this  indicates  positive  haemolymph  pressure  throughout  the  body.  By 
inserting  capillaries  in  continuation  writh  U-tubes,  actual  pressure  was  found  to  be 
6  mm.  of  saline  at  the  pedipalpi  and  at  the  abdomen. 


The  pharmacology  of  the  scorpion  heart  resembles  that  of  the  crustacean, 
Daphnia  (Baylor,  1942)  and  the  vertebrates,  and  has  no  resemblance  to  that  of 
Limulus.  According  to  Prosser  et  al.  (1950),  the  hearts  of  arthropods  are  of  non- 
innervated  myogenic,  innervated  myogenic  and  neurogenic  types,  which  description 
is  based  mainly  on  acetylcholine  effect.  Needham  (1950)  classified  the  crustacean 
hearts  into  two  categories,  myogenic  and  neurogenic,  by  taking  several  factors  into 
consideration.  The  heart  of  P.  bcngalcnsis  in  showing  (1)  autonomous  rhythmicity 
with  contractions  developing  simultaneously  throughout  the  myocardium,  (2)  in- 
sensitiveness  to  ether,  and  (3)  inhibition  by  acetylcholine  indicates  that  the  nature 
of  its  beat  or  that  of  its  pacemaker  is  innervated  myogenic.  The  epicardiac  nerve 
reported  by  Police  (1902)  appears  to  be  either  extrinsic  or  regulating  in  function. 


1.  The  heart  of  P.  bcngalcnsis  beats  continuously  at  a  rate  of  50-62/minute 
at  a  temperature  of  26°  C.     The  contraction  is  developed  simultaneously  through- 
out the  muscle. 

2.  Acetylcholine  and  atropine  depress  the  heart-beat  and  their  actions  are  re- 
versible.    Physostigmine  potentiates  the  effect  of  acetylcholine. 

3.  Ether  and  chloroform  have  no  effect  on  the  heart-beat. 

4.  Histamine  and   adrenaline   accelerate   the   heart-beat   and   their   effects  are 
reversible  on  washing  with  saline. 

5.  The  haemolymph  pressure  is  6  mm.  of  saline. 

6.  It  is  concluded  that  the  pace-maker  of  the  heart  of  P.  bengalensis  is  of  the 
innervated  myogenic  type. 

140  M.  S.  KANUNGO 


BAYLOR,   E.   R.,    1942.     Cardiac   pharmacology   of   the   cladoceran,   Daphnia.    Biol.   Bull.,   83 : 

Du  BUISSON,  M.,  1925.     Recherches  sur  la  circulation  sanguine  et  la  ventilation  pulmonaire 

chez  les  scorpions.     Bull.  Acad.  Belg.,  Cl.  Sci.,  Ser.  5,  11 :  666-680. 
JONES,  J.  C.,  1954.     The  heart  and  associated  tissues  of  Anopheles  quadrimaculatus.     J.  Morph., 

94:  71-124. 

KANUNGO,  M.  S.,  1955.     Physiology  of  the  heart  of  a  scorpion.     Nature,  176:  980-981. 
KRIJGSMAN,  B.  J.,  1952.     Contractile  and  pace-maker  mechanisms  of  the  hearts  of  arthropods. 

Biol.  Rev.,  27:  320-346. 

LAL,  M.  B.,  AND  M.  S.  KANUNGO,  1953.     Invertase  in  P.  bengalensis.    Science,  117:  57-58. 
MALUF,  N.  S.  R.,  1939.     The  blood  of  arthropods.     Quart.  Rev.  Biol.,  14:   149-191. 
NEEDHAM,   A.   E.,    1950.     Neurogenic   heart   and   ether   anesthesia.     Nature,    166:    9-11. 
PARKER,   T.  J.,  AND  W.  A.   HASWELL,    1940.     A   Textbook  of   Zoology.     Vol.    I.     Page   509. 

Macmillan  and  Co.,  London.     Sixth  Edition. 

POLICE,  G.,  1902.     II  Nervo  del  Cuore  nello  Scorpione.     Boll.  Soc.  Nat.  Napoli,  15:   146-147. 
PROSSER,   C.   L.,    1942.     An  analysis  of  the  action   of  acetylcholine   on   hearts,   particularly   in 

arthropods.     Biol.  Bull.,  83:    145-164. 

PROSSER,  C.  L.,  F.  A.  BROWN,  JR.,  D.  BISHOP,  T.  L.  JAHN  AND  V.  J.  WULFF,  1950.     Com- 
parative  Animal    Physiology.     W.    B.    Saunders    Co.,    Philadelphia.     Chapter    15,    pp. 

RIJILANT,   P.,    1933.     L'automatisme   cardiaque   chez   1'Araignee:    Mygalc,   Espcire,    Tarentule, 

etc.     C.  R.  Soc.  Biol.     Paris.  133:  917-920. 





Waitc  Agricultural  Research  Institute,  University  of  Adelaide, 

Adelaide,  Australia 

The  recent  discovery  in  the  arid  north-west  of  South  Australia  of  a  new  species 
of  the  hitherto  monotypic  genus,  Epicoccits,  afforded  an  opportunity  to  examine  the 
cuticle  of  a  drought-resistant  pseudococcid.  Members  of  the  Pseudococcidae  are 
normally  confined  to  microhabitats  where  they  are  surrounded  by  humid  equable 
conditions,  and  it  was  anticipated  that  considerable  modification  of  cuticular  struc- 
ture would  be  shown  by  a  species  which  has  evolved  in  an  area  \vhere  it  is  fully 
exposed  to  the  desiccating  effects  of  high  temperatures,  low  relative  humidities,  and 
drying  winds.  The  extent  of  such  modification,  if  any,  could  be  gaged  only  after 
the  cuticle  had  been  compared  with  that  of  a  typical  form,  of  which,  however,  there 
appears  to  be  no  published  account.  A  study  of  the  cosmopolitan  long-tailed  mealy 
bug,  Pseudococcus  adonidnin  L.,  was  therefore  undertaken  as  a  preliminary  step 
in  the  investigation.  Finally,  the  cuticle  of  the  one  described  species  of  Epicoccus, 
E.  acaciae  (Maskell)  wras  examined  to  ascertain  whether  any  major  differences  in 
cuticular  structure  occur  within  the  genus. 

The  terminology  is  in  accord  with  the  scheme  which  I  recently  outlined  (Lower, 


Specimens  of  P.  adonidnm  were  obtained  locally  from  a  heavily-infested  plant 
of  Daphne  odora.  Those  of  Epicoccus  sp.,  were  collected  from  Acacia  aneura  F. 
Muell.,  at  Yudnapinna  in  the  north-west  of  South  Australia  while  those  of  E. 
acaciae  came  from  the  coastal  strip  of  Western  Australia,  the  only  area  in  which  the 
species  is  known  to  exist. 

The  insects  were  first  killed  with  cyanide,  and  free-hand  sections  of  some  of  each 
species  at  once  stained  with  Sudan  black  B.  The  remainder,  after  fixation  in 
Sanfelice's  fluid,  were  embedded,  part  in  a  water-soluble  wax  and  part  in  paraffin. 
Sections  cut  from  these  were  similarly  stained.  Comparison  showed  that  there  was 
no  observable  loss  of  cuticular  lipoid  when  paraffin  was  used  as  the  embedding 
medium.  All  work  wras  therefore  done  using  paraffin  sections  cut  at  4  /j,  and  1  p., 
except  that  when  the  external  wax  of  Pscudococcns  was  being  investigated,  sections 
prepared  by  the  first  two  methods  wrere  used. 

The  histochemical  tests  and  techniques  applied  have  been  described  elsewhere 
(Lower,  1957a). 


The  cuticle  (Fig.  1)  is  thin,  measuring  in  most  parts  between  6  /z  and  8  p;  only 
exceptionally  does  it  attain  a  thickness  of  10  /j,.  Its  structure  is  relatively  un- 




specialized  and  except  for  the  brown  outer  layer  of  the  epicuticle  it  is  unpigmented. 
Pore  canals,  if  present,  could  not  be  observed  with  the  light  microscope  either  under 
bright-field  or  phase-contrast  conditions.  A  thick  layer  of  wax  (discussed  later) 
covers  the  cuticular  surface. 


100  JJ 


FIGUKI-:  1.  I',  udoniihiiii:  Cuticle.  A.  Part  of  cuticle  adjoining  glandular  duct.  B.  Gen- 
eral cuticle,  c,  cuticulin  layer ;  en,  endocuticle ;  Ep,  epicuticle ;  GR,  gland  reservoir ;  P,  paraffin 
layer;  S,  spinule;  SS,  secretory  sheath;  W,  surface  wax  layer  ;  \YK~,  wax-impregnated  cuticle. 

A.  The  Epicuticle 

The  epicuticle  (Fig.  IB)  is  two-layered  and  has  a  total  thickness  of  about  1  /;, 
of  which  the  inner  layer  constitutes  the  greater  part. 

The  inner  or  cuticulin  layer  is  colorless  and  transparent.  It  responds  positively 
to  the  Millon,  xanthoproteic  and  biuret  tests,  is  non-argentaffin,  and  is  unaffected 
by  either  Sudan  black  B  or  Nile  blue  sulfate.  It  is  stained  red  by  the  routine  stain 
and  pink  by  Sevki's  diluted  Giemsa  technique,  but  it  cannot  be  stained  either  by 
Mallory's  PTAH  or  any  of  the  iron  haematoxylins.  Schmorl's  test  shows  the  ab- 
sence of  reducing  substances.  It  is  soluble  in  warm  concentrated  solutions  of 
potassium  hydroxide  or  hydrochloric  acid.  Its  location  and  general  chemical  re- 
actions indicate  that  it  is  probably  homologous  with  the  cuticulin  layer  of  Rhodnins 
(Wiggles  worth,  1947). 

The  thinner  outer  layer  is  brown-pigmented.  The  color  is  difficult  to  discharge, 
sections  requiring  about  a  week's  immersion  in  \Qc/c  hydrogen  peroxide  to  effect 
this.  The  strong  positive  response  to  Schmorl's  test,  together  with  the  non- 
argentaffin  nature  of  the  layer,  suggests  that  the  coloring  matter  is  a  lipofuscin. 
The  layer  responds  to  none  of  the  protein  tests.  It  is  blackened  by  Sudan  black  B, 
and  stained  deep  blue  by  Cain's  Nile  blue  sulfate  technique.  Prolonged  differentia- 
tion during  the  latter  process  removes  much  of  the  blue  without  any  red  appearing 
so  that  acidic  lipoid  only  appears  to  be  present.  It  is  stained  black  by  iron  haema- 
toxylins and  deep  violet  by  Mallory's  PTAH.  It  is  resistant  to  concentrated  so- 
lutions of  potassium  hydroxide  and  hydrochloric  acid  but  fuming  nitric  acid  or 
aqua  regia,  when  gently  warmed,  attacks  some  of  its  constituents  and  liberates  a 
material  which  is  practically  instantaneously  soluble  in  cyclohexane  and  is  quickly 
and  easily  stained  by  any  of  the  fat  stains.  Its  anatomical  position  and  general 
chemical  behavior  indicate  that  the  layer  is  a  paraffin  epicuticle  (Dennell  and 
Malek,  1955).  It  differs  from  the  corresponding  layer  in  Sarcophaga  (Dennell, 


1946)  by  being  non-argentaffin,  in  giving  no  response  to  the  xanthoproteic  reaction, 
and  in  its  content  of  lipofuscin  pigment. 

B.  The  Procuticle 

Practically  the  whole  of  the  procuticle  is  present  as  enclocuticle.  With  the  ex- 
ception of  the  spinules  mentioned  below,  no  exocuticle  occurs,  while  the  mesocuticle 
is  confined  to  the  alveoli  of  the  spinules  and  the  small  convex  circular  patches  (ap- 
pearing crescentic  in  transverse  section)  where  muscles  are  inserted  in  the  cuticle. 

Scattered  over  the  cuticular  surface  are  weakly-sclerotized,  colorless  spinules 
(Fig.  IB),  each  secreted  by  a  trichogenic  cell  which  is  much  larger  and  more 
granular  than  the  adjacent  hypodermal  cells.  A  cytoplasmic  process  from  each 
trichogenic  cell,  after  passing  through  the  cuticle,  attenuates  and  forms  a  core  to  the 
spinule  for  its  basal  two-thirds.  Both  spinules  and  alveoli  are  feebly  argentafnn  and 
are  stained  by  the  routine  stain,  the  former  a  very  pale  pink  and  the  latter  red. 

The  endocuticle  is  laminated  and  closely  resembles  that  found  in  other  insects 
with  soft  cuticles.  Its  principal  constituent  is  the  normal  chitin-protein  complex. 


To  comprehend  the  structure  of  the  cuticle  of  Epicoccits,  some  knowledge  of  its 
mode  of  development  is  essential. 

At  the  end  of  a  short  period  of  wandering,  the  second  female  nymphal  instar 
assumes  a  permanent  position  on  a  twig,  petiole,  or  leaf,  moults,  and  enters  her 
third  and  final  stadium.  Rapid  development  of  the  cuticle  now  begins.  The  cells 
of  the  dorsal  hypodermis  hypertrophy  and  their  secretory  activity  correspondingly 
increases.  This  gives  rise  to  enormous  allometric  growth  of  the  dorsal  cuticle 
as  two  lobes,  one  along  either  side,  whose  inner  surfaces  are  in  close  contact  with 
the  bark  of  the  host.  Posteriorly  these  do  not  clasp  the  stem  but  grow  round  until 
their  margins  meet  enclosing  a  small  orifice  (Fig.  3).  While  these  changes  have 
been  in  progress,  glands  located  along  the  parts  of  the  lobes  contiguous  with  the 
bark  have  been  pouring  out  large  quantities  of  wax.  not  unlike  bees-wax  in  colour 
and  texture,  which  cements  the  insect  firmly  to  the  surface  of  the  stem.  Mean- 
while, its  ventral  surface  has  moved  outwards  away  from  the  bark,  the  space  so 
formed  constituting  a  brood  chamber  (Figs.  2  and  3)  whose  only  means  of  com- 
munication with  the  exterior  is  through  the  pore  between  the  adpressed  posterior 
tips  of  the  lobes.  As  a  result  of  these  changes,  the  greater  part  of  the  cuticle,  and 
the  only  part  visible  when  the  insect  is  in  situ,  consists  of  the  large  thickened  dorsum. 
The  remaining  much-smaller  enclosed  region  comprises  the  small  thin  sternal 
cuticle  and  the  relatively-minute,  degenerate  pleural  regions.  The  whole  develop- 
ment resembles  much  more  closely  that  of  a  coccid  than  that  of  a  pseudococcid. 
The  thickened  dorsum,  deeply  infolded  to  expose  the  least  possible  area  to  the 
atmosphere,  the  enclosure  of  the  entire  thin  part  of  the  cuticle,  and  the  soiracles 
opening  into  the  brood  chamber,  all  appear  to  be  adaptations  to  minimize  water  loss. 

The  fully-developed  female  (Fig.  4)  has  an  average  length  of  about  3  mm.  and 
is  somewhat  less  than  this  in  width.  Transverse  sections  display  a  great  variety 
of  contour,  the  only  consistent  feature  being  their  distorted  U-shaped  outline.  Al- 
though an  occasional  isolated  female  may  be  almost  bilaterally  symmetrical,  the 
normal  condition,  brought  about  by  the  gregarious  mode  of  life,  is  for  one  or  the 





FIGUHE  2.  Epicocciis  sp.  Transverse  section  showing  spatial  relation  between  insect  and 
host.  BC,  brood  chamber  ;  D,  dorsal  cuticle ;  H,  host ;  P,  pleural  cuticle ;  V,  ventral  cuticle ; 
W,  cementing  wax. 




FIGURE  3.  Epicoccns  sp.  Fully  developed  and  immature  third  female  instars.  Ventral 
aspect  showing  brood  chamber  and  posterior  pore.  D,  dorsal  cuticle ;  Pp.  posterior  pore ;  V, 
ventral  cuticle ;  W,  cementing  wax. 



FIGURE  4.  Eficoccus  sp.,  in  situ.  Pliotoi/niph  courtesy  of  Helen  M.  Brookes.  The  fe- 
males are  invariably  so  oriented  that  the  rounded  cephalic  end  is  directed  towards  the  host's 
region  of  growth.  Part  of  the  cementing  wax  is  visible  on  the  second  insect  from  the  top. 



other  lateral  lobe  to  be  more  developed  than  its  fellow.  Which  of  these  is  the 
larger  is  determined  by  the  proximity  of  neighboring  females,  leaf  petioles  or  similar 
obstructions,  and  the  natural  asperities  of  the  bark  encountered  during  growth. 
Figure  2  was  drawn  from  a  section  selected,  not  because  it  was  typical,  but  because 
it  clearly  displayed  the  spatial  relation  between  insect  and  host. 

The  mouthparts  excepted,  the  only  regions  of  the  body  capable  even  of  limited 
movement  are  the  pleura  and  the  ventral  abdominal  surface,  both  of  which  are 
subordinate  to  the  functions  of  oviposition  and  defaecation. 

The  cuticle  exhibits  great  diversity  of  thickness,  structure  and  composition. 
For  descriptive  purposes,  four  major  types  are  here  recognized:  the  respective 
cuticles  of  the  dorsum,  the  venter,  the  pleura,  and  the  intersegmental  membranes. 
The  latter  are  restricted  to  the  enclosed  ventral  surface;  externally,  they  are  sup- 
pressed by  fusion  of  the  segments  and  are  represented  only  by  sutures. 

1.      The  Dorsal  Cuticle 

Relative  to  the  size  of  the  insect,  the  dorsal  cuticle  is  massive,  ranging  in  thick- 
ness from  a  minimum  of  30  p.  near  its  junction  with  the  pleura  (Figs.  5  and  6A) 
to  some  40  p,  in  the  remainder  (Fig.  6C).  Maximum  thickness  is  attained  in 
small  localized  patches  where  muscles,  particularly  those  in  the  abdomen  associated 
with  the  organs  of  oviposition,  are  inserted.  In  such  areas  thickenings  of  70  \L 
or  more  are  not  uncommon  (Fig.  6B).  It  exhibits  a  general  uniformity  of  struc- 
ture throughout,  consisting  of  a  two-layered  epicuticle  overlying  the  procuticle. 
It  is  interesting  to  note  that  no  part  of  the  cuticle  is  argentaftin. 

A.      The  Kpicuticle 

Irrespective  of  its  location,  the  epicuticle  displays  a  constancy  of  thickness, 
structure,  and  composition  so  that  what  is  said  of  it  here  in  connexion  with  the 

FIGURE  5.     Epicoccus  sp.     Dorso-pleural  and  ventro-pleural  junctions.     The  part  of  the  cuticle 
drawn  is  indicated  by  the  small  circle  in  the  diagram  at  right.     Symbols  as  for  Figure  2. 





FIGURE  6.  Epicoccus  sp.  Dorsal  cuticle.  A  and  C,  general  cuticle ;  B,  cuticular  ingrowth. 
Pore  canals  are  omitted  from  B  and  C  for  clarity,  hb,  heavily-staining  zone ;  m,  margins  of 
heavily-staining  zone;  mes,  mesocuticle.  Other  symbols  as  for  Figure  1. 

dorsal  cuticle  has  general  application.  Except  for  the  non-pigmented  condition 
of  the  paraffin  layer,  it  is  practically  indistinguishable  from  the  same  structure  in 
Pseudococcns.  It  has  a  total  thickness  of  about  1.5  ju.  distributed  between  the 
(outer)  paraffin  component  which  constitutes  about  one  third  of  it,  and  the  (inner) 
cuticulin  layer  which  comprises  the  remainder  (Figs.  6  and  7). 

The  Cuticulin  Layer: 

The  cuticulin  layer  is  colorless  and  transparent.  It  gives  a  vigorous  response 
to  Millon's  reagent,  is  stained  yellow  by  the  xanthoproteic  reaction,  and  orange- 



red  by  the  routine  stain.  It  is  non-argentaffin,  non-reducing,  non-iodophil,  and  is 
unaffected  by  Danielli's,  Gibb's,  or  Mallory's  PTAH  techniques.  It  gives  negative 
responses  to  Sudan  black  B  and  Nile  blue  sulfate.  It  is  easily  soluble  in  hot 
solutions  of  potassium  hydroxide  but  resists  for  at  least  twelve  hours  the  action 
of  10%  hydrochloric  acid  at  60°  C.  These  responses  indicate  a  composition  largely 
proteinaceous.  The  materials  to  which  the  protein  is  bound  are  such  that  the 
usual  range  of  tests  do  not  serve  for  their  identification.  They  also  confer  on  it 
its  resistance  to  extraction  bv  hot  dilute  acids. 

FIGURE  7.     Ej>icoccns  sp.     Dorsal  cuticle  4  /* ;   stained  with   Sudan  black   B,  bright-field.     Hy, 
hypodermis ;  L,  lipoid  zone;  mes,  mesocuticle.     Other  symbols  as  for  Figure  1. 

The  Paraffin  Layer: 

This  layer  is  colorless.  Its  characteristic  component  is  lipoid,  as  the  strong 
positive  responses  to  fat  stains  (Fig.  7)  and  osmic  acid  indicate.  Schmorl's  test 
shows  it  to  possess  strong  reducing  properties  and  Mallory's  PTAH  stains  it  deep 
violet.  It  is  intensely  iodophil  but  it  is  not  affected  by  the  other  reagents  used 
nor  is  it  soluble  in  dilute  acids  or  alkalis. 

The  Surface  Secretion: 

The  dorsal  cuticle  of  living  insects  or  of  those  killed  with  cyanide  has  a  resinous 
luster  (Fig.  4)  which  is  retained  when  the  dead  specimens  are  dehydrated.  The 


glossy  surface  cannot  be  wetted.  If  freshly  killed  or  dried  specimens  are  treated 
with  fat  solvents,  90%  ethanol,  or  warm  S(/o  sodium  or  potassium  hydroxide  solu- 
tion for  five  minutes,  and  then  washed  with  water  and  dried,  the  luster  is  lost  and 
the  entire  surface  becomes  dull.  Treatment  with  boiling  water,  hot  concentrated 
hydrochloric  acid,  or  exposure  to  dry  heat  at  100°  C.  for  twelve  hours  does  not 
affect  it.  Immersion  of  insects  in  molten  water-soluble  wax  similarly  leaves  the 
luster  undimmed. 

Untreated  and  ''dulled"  insects  were  therefore  embedded  in  this  medium,  the 
sections  stained  with  aqueous  dyes  in  acid  solution,  and  mounted  in  glycerol  which 
is  without  effect  on  the  luster.  Sections  cut  from  both  batches  were  indistinguish- 
able nor  did  comparison  with  sections  of  fresh  material  reveal  any  recognizable 

This  scanty  evidence  suggests  that  a  layer  of  sub-microscopic  thickness  (possibly 
containing  lipoid)  may  cover  the  paraffin  layer  of  the  dorsal  epicuticle. 

B.  The  Procuticle 

The  procuticle  consists  almost  entirely  of  mesocuticle  (Fig.  7).  Exocuticle  is 
restricted  to  small  widely-dispersed  papillae,  each  bearing  a  minute  hemi-sclerotized 
seta.  The  endocuticle  forms  a  narrow  zone  about  1  p.  in  thickness  except  at  the 
termination  of  cuticular  ingrowths  where  its  lobes  and  thickened  portions  serve  as 
intermediaries  for  muscle  attachment  (Figs.  6  and  7). 

The  E.rocnticlc: 

In  the  sense  that  exocuticle  is  completely-sclerotized  procuticle,  this  zone  is 
wanting  in  Epicoccus.  Both  papillae  and  setules  are  transparent;  the  former  are 
very  pale  yellow,  the  latter  are  colourless.  Neither  is  inert  to  aniline  stains  as  is 
true  exocuticle.  The  routine  stain  colours  both  of  them  pink  and  the  colour  deepens 
as  time  of  immersion  is  increased.  Treatment  for  a  few  minutes  with  "Dia- 
phanol"  is  sufficient  to  destroy  the  incipient  sclerotization  and  they  then  stain  in- 
tensely and  rapidly  with  acid  dyes.  Their  development  appears  to  be  in  a  stage 
intermediate  between  mesocuticle  and  exocuticle.  Complete  sclerotization  com- 
monly induces  changes  in  the  overlying  cuticulin  layer  but  the  epicuticle  of  the 
papillae  differs  in  no  respect  from  that  of  other  parts  of  the  body. 

The  Mesocuticle: 

The  mesocuticle  shows  little  structural  differentiation.  When  unstained  sec- 
tions are  examined  under  the  highest  powers  of  the  light  microscope  the  mesocuticle 
appears  uniform  and  featureless.  Under  phase-contrast  conditions  it  is  trans- 
versely marked  with  numerous,  irregular  dark  streaks  which  indicate  the  positions 
of  pore  canals  of  whose  organization,  however,  no  details  are  observable.  The 
routine  stain  dyes  the  zone  red  but  supplies  little  information  on  canal  structure, 

Chemically,  the  mesocuticle  is  as  complex  as  it  is  structurally  simple.  Millon's 
reagent  differentiates  it  into  three  clearly-defined  sub-zones  which,  beginning  with 
the  outermost,  are  here  referred  to  as  the  A,  B,  and  C  sub-zones,  respectively 
(Fig.  8). 

The  A  sub-zone  is  stained  pink  by  Millon's  reagent,  and  the  distal  parts  of  the 
pore  canals  appear  as  indistinct,  thin  red  lines  which,  after  traversing  the  region, 



attenuate  before  they  terminate  at  its  outer  surface.  It  is  of  variable  width ;  in 
some  parts  it  may  form  as  much  as  a  third  of  the  cuticle  but  is  generally  less.  Oc- 
casionally it  is  suppressed  by  the  outward  extension  of  the  B  sub-zone  (Fig.  6B). 
The  B  sub-zone  takes  the  form  of  a  conspicuous,  broad,  bright-red  band,  sharply 
demarcated  externally  and  internally  from  the  remainder  of  the  procuticle  by 
narrow  crimson  margins  (Figs.  6  and  8).  It  is  continuous  throughout  the  dorsal 
mesocuticle,  though  it  thins  before  it  terminates  at  the  dorso-pleural  junctions. 
This  intensely-staining  proteinaceous  region  exhibits  great  and  sudden  variations 
in  thickness.  Its  maximum  development  may  be  observed  in  cuticular  ingrowths 
of  which  it  occupies  the  greater  part  (Fig.  6B).  Where  it  is  thinnest  (Fig.  6C), 
it  is  composed  solely  of  the  contiguous  crimson  margins.  The  distinct  differences 

FIGURE  8.  Epicoccits  sp.  Dorsal  cuticle,  4  fj..  Millon's  reagent;  bright  field.  A,  B,  and 
C  are  the  three  sub-zones  referred  to  in  text.  Maximum  definition  in  the  mesocuticle  has  been 
sought ;  the  epicuticle  is  distorted  through  being  out  of  focus. 

in  color  between  the  central  part  and  its  marginal  bands  suggest  either  that  differ- 
ent proteins  are  present  in  each  or  that  the  concentration  of  the  one  protein  is 
higher  in  the  margins  than  internally.  The  general  appearance  is  reminiscent  of 
the  result  obtained  by  the  use  of  the  paper-chromatography  technique.  The  great 
mass  of  the  pore  canals  (Fig.  9)  is  located  within  the  zone  and  it  is  possible  that  a 
protein  complex  in  solution  diffuses  from  them  into  the  circumjacent  cuticle  there 
to  undergo  partial  separation,  the  chitinous  matrix  acting  similarly  to  the  chromato- 
graphic  paper. 

Sub-zone  C  is  stratified  in  alternate  red  and  pale-pink  layers  (Fig.  8).  Whether 
or  not  these  coincide  with  the  probable  original  lamellate  deposition  of  the  pro- 
cuticle  cannot  be  determined  since  no  other  stain  or  technique  used,  produced 
comparable  differentiation.  This  sub-zone  varies  in  thickness  but  occupies  about 
the  inner  third  of  the  mesocuticle. 


Of  the  wide  range  of  tests  applied  to  the  mesocuticle  none  so  clearly  dis- 
tinguished the  sub-zones  as  did  Millon's  reagent.  Other  tests  which  responded 
positively  gave  diffuse  results,  hut  confirmed  the  fact  that  the  concentration  of 
protein  in  the  B  sub-zone  is  higher  than  in  any  other  part  of  the  mesocuticle. 
Xinhydrin  colored  the  mesocuticle  violet-pink,  the  greatest  depth  of  color  being 
developed  in  the  B  sub-zone.  The  xanthoproteic  reaction  stained  it  deep  orange 
medially,  paling  to  yellow  towards  either  surface.  The  iodine  technique  (Lower, 
1957b)  approximately  delineated  the  sub-zone  by  staining  it  deep  purple-black, 
the  C  sub-zone  was  uniformly  dark  red,  and  the  A  sub-zone  was  practically  un- 
stained. Mallory's  PTAH  produced  a  similar  picture,  the  B  sub-zone  being- 
reddish  violet  with  deeper  violet  margins,  the  C  sub-zone  light  red,  and  the  A 
sub-zone  almost  colorless. 


FIGURE  9.  Epicoccus  sp.  Pore  canals  in  latero-dorsal  cuticle.  One  micron ;  stained  by 
Sevki's  technique;  bright-field.  Note  termination  of  pore  canals  at  outer  mesocuticular  surface. 
C,  cuticulin  layer ;  P,  paraffin  layer ;  pc,  pore  canals. 

As  is  usually  the  case,  Sevki's  technique  produced. the  clearest  differentiation  of 
the  pore  canals  (Figs.  9,  10).  Their  thin  hypodermal  connections  were  colored 
red,  their  thickened  portions  in  the  B  sub-zone  were  deep  purple,  and  their  thin 
terminal  parts  in  the  A  sub-zone  were  red.  Their  numerosity  is  such  that  even 
in  sections  cut  at  1  p.  they  appear  as  a  confused  mass  (Fig.  10).  The  only  valid 
conclusions  that  can  be  drawn  concerning  them  are  the  following :  the  pore  canals 
are  confined  to  the  procuticle,  being  continuous  between  its  outer  surface  and  the 
hypodermis ;  they  are  extremely  numerous,  of  highly  irregular  form,  and  the  mass 
of  their  contents,  which  possess  a  high  concentration  of  tyrosine-containing  protein, 
is  almost  entirely  located  within  the  B  sub-zone. 

The  mesocuticular  protein  is  separable  into  two  fractions.  Sections  were  im- 
mersed for  twelve  hours  in  10%  hydrochloric  acid  maintained  at  60°  C.  After 

152  HARRY  F.  LOWER 

washing  in  distilled  water  it  was  found  that  the  mesocuticle  had  lost  its  charac- 
teristic staining  properties.  Millon's  reagent  colored  it  uniformly  pink  and  the 
xanthroproteic  reaction  pale  yellow.  Ninhydrin,  Mallory's  PTAH,  and  the  Sevki 
and  iodine  techniques  all  gave  negative  results.  The  routine  stain  dyed  it  light 
red.  In  no  section  were  pore  canals  visible  and  even  the  use  of  phase-contrast 
failed  to  reveal  their  positions.  These  results  demonstrate  that  while  most  of  the 
protein  is  extractable  with  hot  dilute  hydrochloric  acid,  there  is  a  residual  fraction 
firmly  bound  to  the  chitin  in  such  a  manner  that  its  extraction  is  more  difficult. 

There  is  no  evidence  to  suggest  either  the  mode  of  accumulation  or  functioning 
of  the  apparently  high  protein  concentration  in  the  B  sub-zone.  The  adult  male 
of  either  species  of  Epicoccus  is  unknown;  the  cuticles  of  first  and  second  nymphal 



FIGURE  10.     Epicoccns  sp.     Pore  canals  in  thick  part  of  dorsal  mesocuticle. 
One  micron  ;  stained  by  Sevki's  technique ;  bright  field. 

instars  of  either  sex  do  not  differ  significantly  from  those  of  the  corresponding 
instars  of  other  pseudococcids.  Of  the  known  stages,  therefore,  the  phenomenon 
is  confined  to  the  third  female  instar  in  which  the  thickness  of  the  sub-zone  relative 
to  that  of  the  cuticle  as  a  whole  increases  with  the  age  of  the  insect. 

The  Endocuticle: 

As  mentioned  above,  the  endocuticle  is  greatly  reduced.  It  is  wanting  in  many 
parts  of  the  cuticle,  and,  where  present,  is  never  more  than  1  /*,  in  thickness  except 
where  it  caps  the  cuticular  ingrowths.  Its  structure  appears  normal. 

The  Lipoid  Zone: 

When  the  routine  stain  is  applied  to  a  cuticular  section,  a  thin  layer,  staining 
a  much  deeper  green  than  does  the  endocuticle,  can  be  seen  to  separate  the  latter 


from  the  hypodermal  cells.  This  layer  has  an  average  thickness  dorsally  of  about 
1  /j.,  and  is  continuous  throughout  the  dorsal  cuticle  except  where  interrupted  by 
cuticular  ingrowths.  Laterally,  it  attenuates  until  it  disappears  in  those  parts  of 
the  dorsal  lobes  which  are  in  contact  with  the  bark.  It  is  absent  from  the  cuticles 
of  the  pleura,  venter,  and  intersegmental  membranes.  In  unstained  sections,  the 
layer  is  indistinguishable  from  the  endocuticle,  since  the  structure  and  natural 
color  of  both  are  the  same.  Its  high  content  of  chitin  shows  it  to  be  definitely  of 
procuticular  origin,  and  but  for  its  impregnation  with  other  materials,  it  would 
merely  represent  the  innermost  part  of  the  endocuticle. 

It  is  remarkable  for  its  high  lipoid  content,  and  to  obviate  additions  to  the 
terminology,  unjustifiable  at  this  stage,  it  is  referred  to  descriptively  as  the  lipoid 
zone.  The  lipoid  zone  has  unusual  chemical  properties  for  a  part  of  the  procuticle, 
so  anatomically  located.  In  addition  to  the  reactions  characteristic  of  endocuticle 
generally,  it  is  stained  deep  violet  by  Sevki's  technique  and  Mallory's  PTAH.  It  is 
most  intensely  colored,  however,  by  the  fat  stains. 

In  free-hand  sections  of  fresh  material,  the  zone  can  be  deeply  stained  at  room 
temperature  by  short  immersion  in  the  fat  stains.  Sections  cut  from  paraffin- 
embedded  material,  or  those  cut  from  cuticles  which  have  been  repeatedly  extracted 
with  boiling  cyclohexane,  cannot  be  stained  in  this  manner.  Nearly  as  intense  color, 
however,  can  be  developed  by  immersion  for  several  hours  at  60°  C.  in  the  same 
stains.  The  Nile  blue  sulfate  technique  shows  that  part,  at  least,  of  the  lipoid  is 
neutral,  since  the  zone  is  stained  red  after  differentiation.  If  sections  cut  from  ex- 
tracted or  paraffin-embedded  material  be  gently  warmed  with  fuming  nitric  acid, 
the  chitin-lipoid  association  is  destroyed,  and  the  previously-dispersed  lipoid  ag- 
gregates into  minute  droplets  which  stain  rapidly  and  intensely  with  fat  stains. 
These  results  indicate  that  a  lipoid  complex,  rather  than  a  single  lipoid,  is  involved. 
Part  of  the  lipoid  is  free,  and  easily  extractable ;  part  is  bound  to  the  chitin  and  the 
other  constituents  of  the  procuticle  of  the  region,  and  resists  extraction. 

Of  the  origin  and  function  of  the  lipoid  zone,  nothing  is  known.  Examination 
of  females  in  various  developmental  stages  shows  that  lipoid  impregnation  syn- 
chronizes with  secretion  of  the  procuticle,  and  that  the  zone  maintains  its  position 
relative  to  the  hypodermis  throughout  the  development.  It  is  not  present  in  the 
first  and  second  nymphal  instars,  and  was  absent  from  one  very  young  third  female 
instar  which  had  reached  this  stage  only  about  the  time  that  the  insects  were 
collected.  In  all  the  other  females  examined,  no  measurable  difference  in  its 
thickness  was  observed,  and  in  two  exceptionally  large  specimens  (both  para- 
sitized), the  zone  wras  of  normal  thickness. 

Only  twice  previously  has  the  presence  of  a  layer  between  the  endocuticle  and 
the  hypodermis  been  recorded  in  the  literature.  The  two  records  are  those  of 
Schmidt  (1956)  and  Malek  (1956). 

Schmidt  reported  that,  in  certain  insects  which  he  had  examined,  a  glyco- 
protein  layer,  the  "sub-cuticle,"  separated  the  endocuticle  from  the  hypodermis. 
As  he  stated  categorically  that  the  "sub-cuticle"  was  non-chitinous,  it  clearly  has  no 
affinity  with  the  lipoid  zone  of  Epicoccits,  and  need  not  be  further  discussed  here. 

Malek  demonstrated  that  when  the  desert  locust,  Schistocerca  gregarla,  is 
moulting,  the  inner  part  of  what  was  originally  endocuticle  becomes  impregnated 
with  a  lipo-protein  complex,  to  form  the  ecdysial  membrane  of  the  insect. 

This  membrane  and  the  lipoid  zone  of  Epicoccus  appear  to  be  homologous  struc- 

154  HARRY  F.  LOWER 

tures.  Since  both  are  derived  from  the  innermost  part  of  the  procuticle  contiguous 
with  the  hypodermis,  both  occupy  corresponding  anatomical  positions.  Both  are 
impregnated  with  lipoid,  and  both,  by  reason  of  their  derivation,  contain  chitin. 

The  stages  of  the  life  cycle  in  which  each  is  present  are,  however,  completely 
reversed.  In  Schistocerca,  the  lipoid-impregnated  procuticle  must,  by  forming  an 
ecdysial  membrane,  be  necessarily  confined  to  immature  stages,  since  the  adult  does 
not  moult.  The  lipoid  zone  of  Epicoccus,  on  the  contrary,  is  found  in  the  adult 
only.  Few  details  are  given  in  Malek's  preliminary  note,  and  it  will  be  necessary 
to  await  his  full  account,  before  an  adequate  comparison  of  the  two  structures  can  be 

2.  The  Ventral  Cuticle 

The  cuticle  of  the  venter  is  thin,  averaging  some  4  p.  in  thickness.  Its  epi- 
cuticle  is  indistinguishable  from  that  of  other  parts  of  the  body. 

A.  The  Procuticle 

There  is  no  exocuticle.  Less  than  half  of  the  procuticle  consists  of  mesocuticle 
which  displays  no  signs  of  the  chemical  sub-zonation  characteristic  of  the  dorsal 
mesocuticle.  It  has  no  visible  internal  structure  and  chemically,  is  typical  of  this 
zone  generallv. 

The  endocuticle  comprises  rather  more  than  half  of  the  procuticle,  being 
thicker  than  that  of  the  dorsum.  No  lipoid  zone  is  present.  Both  chemically  and 
structurally  it  resembles  the  endocuticle  of  P.  adonidiiui. 

3.  The  Pleura!  Cittiele 

What  is  here  assumed  to  be  the  cuticle  of  the  degenerate  pleura  covers  two 
narrow  regions,  one  on  either  side,  which  connect  the  ventral  and  dorsal  cuticles. 
From  both  of  these  the  pleural  cuticle  differs  greatly  in  structure.  In  transverse 
sections,  its  surfaces  are  irregular  (Fig.  5)  and  its  general  appearance  suggests  that 
it  is  in  a  contracted  state ;  it  is  possible  that  in  the  living  insect  it  may  be  much  more 
extended  and  correspondingly  thinner. 

It  is  frequently  thick,  exceeding  30  /A  in  a  few  places.  The  epicuticle  is  typical. 
The  procuticle  consists  wholly  of  endocuticle  which,  when  stained,  shows  no  struc- 
ture under  bright-field  conditions.  When  viewed  under  phase-contrast  conditions, 
whether  stained  or  not,  numerous,  fine,  approximately-transverse  dark  lines  can  be 
seen.  These  appear  to  be  artifacts  produced  by  the  contraction  assumed  to  have 
occurred.  The  change  from  pleural  to  dorsal,  or  pleural  to  ventral,  cuticles  is 
sharp ;  there  is  no  gradation  of  one  region  into  the  other. 

Tests  reveal  the  presence  of  the  normal  chitin-protein  complex;  there  are  no 
unusual  components. 

4.  The  Cuticle  of  the  Interseginentctl  Membranes 

Functional  intersegmental  membranes  are  found  uniting  the  ventral  abdominal 
segments  only,  so  that  cuticle  of  this  kind  is  restricted  to  the  ventral  surface. 

It  is  very  thin  and  consists  of  the  typical  epicuticle  overlying  a  procuticle  rarely 


exceeding  2  ^  in  thickness  and  often  being  less.  Its  highly  plicate  condition  in  man) 
places  shows  that  it  permits  of  considerable  movement  of  the  ventral  region.  The 
procuticle,  which  is  composed  wholly  of  endocuticle,  has  no  visible  internal  struc- 
ture, and  no  peculiar  chemical  properties.  There  appear  to  be  no  pore  canals 
in  it. 


The  cuticle  of  E.  acaciae  differs  in  details,  only,  from  that  of  its  congener.  The 
species  is  somewhat  smaller  than  is  Epicoccus  sp.  but  relative  to  the  size  of  the 
insect  its  cuticle  is  still  massive. 

The  epicuticles  of  both  forms  are  indistinguishable  even  to  the  extent  that 
dorsally  the  paraffin  layer  of  each  is  covered  by  a  sub-microscopic  surface  secretion 
of  similar  properties. 

What  has  been  said  of  the  cuticles  of  the  venter,  the  pleura,  and  the  inter- 
segmental  membranes  of  Epicoccus  sp.,  applies  equally  to  those  of  the  same  regions 
of  E.  acaciae,  such  differences  as  do  occur  being  confined  to  the  dorsal  procuticle. 

The  endocuticle  of  the  latter  has  undergone  still  further  reduction  and  forms 
irregular  cappings  to  terminations  of  the  cuticular  ingrowths.  It  does  not  occur 
elsewhere.  The  procuticle  thus  consists  almost  entirely  of  mesocuticle  which 
structurally  resembles  that  of  Epicoccus  sp. ;  its  distinguishing  characters  are  chemi- 
cal. Millon's  reagent  colors  it  uniformly  cherry-red — a  much  deeper  shade  than 
is  produced  by  the  reagent  in  insect  cuticle  generally.  The  xanthoproteic  test 
stains  it  uniformly  deep  orange,  the  iodine  technique  purple-black,  ninhydrin  violet- 
pink,  and  Mallory's  PTAH  deep  purple.  Sevki's  technique  displays  the  pore 
canals  as  deep  violet,  filamentous  tubes  of  approximately  constant  diameter  through- 
out their  length  and  demonstrates  their  continuity  between  the  hypodermis  and  the 
outer  procuticular  surface.  After  twelve  hours'  extraction  at  60°  C.  with  \0% 
hydrochloric  acid,  Millon's  reagent  stains  the  whole  procuticle  pink,  and  the 
xanthoproteic  test  colors  it  yellow.  It  fails  to  give  visible  responses  with  the  other 
stains  and  reagents. 

These  results  would  seem  to  indicate  that  extra  protein  is  present  in  the 
mesocuticle.  that  it  is  uniformly  distributed  (in  contrast  to  its  aggregated  condition 
in  Epicoccus  sp.),  and  that  it  is  differentiated  into  acid-extractable  and  acid-resistant 

A  lipoid  zone,  whose  extent  and  reactions  are  identical  with  those  of  the  corre- 
sponding zone  of  Epicoccus  sp.,  is  present.  It  differs  in  being  brown  pigmented 
with  melanin  or  a  melanin-like  product,  and  is  hence  easily  recognizable  even  in 
unstained  sections. 


(a)  P.  adonidnni 

Wax  glands  are  conspicuous  in  most  sections  of  P.  adonidnni,  frequently  as 
many  as  four  or  five,  transected  in  various  places,  being  visible  in  the  one  section. 
They  resemble  those  of  P.  niartinins  as  described  by  Pollister  (1937)  and  it  is  prob- 
able that  a  general  uniformity  of  glandular  structure  prevails  throughout  the  family. 
Fundamentally,  each  consists  of  a  multicellular  secretory  sheath  enclosing  a  large. 

156  HARRY  F.  LOWER 

sub-spherical,  central  reservoir  which  communicates  with  the   surface  by  means 
of  one  or  more  ducts  (Fig.  1A). 

When  sections  of  unfixed  material  are  treated  with  Sudan  black  B,  the  surface 
wax,  the  contents  of  reservoirs  and  ducts,  and  limited  parts  of  the  cuticle  surround- 
ing the  ducts,  are  blackened.  The  local  cuticular  impregnation  appears  to  be 
brought  about  by  diffusion  of  some  of  the  wax  through  the  duct  walls.  The  Nile 
blue  sulfate  technique  stains  the  surface  wax,  that  filling  the  ducts,  and  the  im- 
pregnated cuticle  deep  blue,  but  it  colors  the  reservoir  contents  red.  Fat  solvents 
readily  dissolve  the  surface  wax  and  that  of  the  dvicts  but  have  no  apparent  effect 
on  the  impregnated  cuticle  or  the  reservoir  material.  The  latter  is  highly  resistant 
to  such  solvents;  prolonged  extraction  with  methanol-chloroform,  pyridine,  ether, 
or  boiling  cyclohexane  removes  part  only  of  its  lipoid.  This  explains  why  even  in 
paraffin  sections  cut  at  1  /*  the  contents  of  the  reservoirs  are  retained  apparently 
unaltered  by  the  treatment  they  have  undergone  in  the  course  of  their  preparation. 

These  results  suggest  that  the  material  in  the  reservoir  is  "protowax"  con- 
sisting of  neutral  lipoid  (indicated  by  the  Nile  blue  sulfate  technique)  so  bound  to 
other  substances  as  to  render  its  extraction  extremely  difficult.  Alternatively  the 
protowax  may  be  secreted  as  an  emulsoid  whose  finely  divided  lipoid  micelles  are 
dispersed  in  an  inert  medium.  By  some  means  at  present  unknown,  the  lipoid 
is  freed  and  passed  along  the  ducts.  On  its  way  to  the  surface  the  neutral  lipoid 
becomes  acidic,  in  which  form  it  is  deposited  as  wax  on  the  surface.  This  in- 
terpretation of  the  course  of  events  is  purely  speculative.  An  important  obstacle  to 
its  acceptance  is  the  failure  of  any  of  the  wide  range  of  tests  applied,  to  demonstrate 
the  presence  in  the  reservoir  of  anything  except  lipoid. 

There  is  some  evidence  suggesting  that  the  outer  surface  of  the  wax  layer  may 
be  covered  by  a  sub-microscopic  layer  of  protective  material. 

(a)  If  insects  are  killed  with  cyanide  and  then  immersed  in  a  solution  of  Sudan 
black   B,   the   surface   wax   is   stained   only    where    it    has   been    damaged    during 
manipulation.     If  they  are  first  lightly  brushed,  the  areas  so  treated  stain  rapidly. 

(b)  If  the  insects  have  a  prior  immersion  for  fifteen  minutes  in   10%   hydro- 
chloric acid  at  35°  C.  before  being  put  in  Sudan  black  B,  staining  of  the  wax  is  rapid 
and  complete.     Moreover,  from  insects  so  pre-treated,  cold  cyclohexane  dissolves 
the  wax  rapidly  whereas  it  acts  much  more  slowly  on  untreated  insects. 

(c)  If  the  insects  are  dropped  into  water  at  70°  C.,  the  wax  oozes  away  forming 
a  surface  film  on  the  water.     If  such  insects  are  then  embedded  in  paraffin  and 
sectioned,   the  epicuticle,    when   viewed   under   phase-contrast   conditions,   has   an 
outer  surface  which  cannot  be  sharply  focussed.     If  the  same  sections  are  then 
treated  with  warm  ICK/r    hydrochloric  acid  for  ten  minutes,  and  re-examined,  the 
epicuticle  has  a  well-defined  outer  boundary. 

Should  an  outer  layer  be  present,  the  wax  and  its  protective  layer  would  afford 
an  interesting  analogy  to  the  two  outer  layers  of  the  four-layered  type  of  epicuticle. 
They  would  occupy  the  same  anatomical  position  relative  to  the  two  inner  layers, 
and  apparently  perform  the  same  function  of  limiting  water  loss  as  do  the  wax  and 
cement  layers.  They  differ  in  that  the  wax  at  least  is  a  glandular  product,  they 
are  not  secreted  until  after  moulting,  and  finally,  some  of  the  wax  is  used  by  many 
species  as  a  covering  for  egg  masses. 


(1))  Epicoccus 

In  Epicoccus  most  of  the  wax  glands  have  atrophied.  Their  orifices  are  still 
open,  but  either  their  ducts  are  internally  sealed  off  by  the  growth  of  procuticle 
across  them,  or  their  secretory  cells  are  small  and  produce  little  wax.  Glands  of  the 
latter  kind  are  confined  to  the  dorsum  where  they  open  in  small  groups  in  deep 
infolds  of  the  cuticle  adjoining  muscle  insertions.  They  secrete  little  more  wax 
than  is  needed  to  plug  the  ducts  and  keep  them  filled.  Their  orifices  are  marked 
by  small  white  spots  at  the  surface  (Fig.  4). 

Typical  glands  are  confined  to  the  lateral  extremities  of  the  lobes  in  contact  with 
the  bark.  The  gland  contents  and  the  cementing  wax  respond  similarly  to  stains 
and  tests  as  do  those  of  P.  adonidum.  The  principal  differences  between  the 
waxes  of  the  two  species  are  that  that  of  Epicoccus  has  a  higher  melting  point,  and 
dissolves  easily  and  quickly  in  all  fat  solvents.  It  would  appear  that  the  wax  having 
ceased  to  function  as  an  agent  for  reducing  desiccation,  no  protective  layer  covers  it. 


The  results  of  this  investigation  demonstrate  that  notwithstanding  the  funda- 
mental similarity  of  cuticular  structure  which  prevails  throughout  the  Pseudo- 
coccidae,  great  morphological  differences  distinguish  the  two  genera  studied. 

A.  The  Epicuticle 

The  epicuticles  of  all  three  species  consist  of  the  essential  cuticulin  and  paraffin 
layers.  The  paraffin  layer  of  Epicoccus  is  overlain  by  a  sub-microscopic  covering 
of  apparently  lipoidal  material  which  probably  corresponds  to  the  wax  layer  of  more 
complex  epicuticles,  as  a  cement  layer  in  this  anatomical  position  would  be  ab- 
normal. There  is  no  indication  of  the  presence  of  any  such  layer  in  Pscndococcus 
in  which  it  is  replaced  by  a  thick  layer  of  wax  secreted  by  hypodermal  glands; 
this  surface  wax  itself  appears  to  possess  an  extremely  tenuous  protective  covering. 

The  effectiveness  of  either  of  these  systems  as  a  means  for  restricting  water  loss 
is  probably  slight.  Much  of  the  surface  wax  of  Pseiidococcns,  for  example,  is  dis- 
posed in  long  filaments  which  would  have  little  value  in  this  regard,  more  especially 
for  a  species  which  inhabits  a  humid  micro-environment.  Dead  insects  of  either 
genus,  after  removal  of  the  surface  layer,  do  not  lose  water  to  a  dry  atmosphere  at 
a  significantly  greater  rate  than  do  dead  intact  ones. 

B.  The  Procuticle 

The  procuticles  of  the  two  genera  differ  as  greatly  as  do  the  environments  in- 
habited by  each.  The  thin  procuticle  of  Pseudococcus,  consisting  almost  solely  of 
endocuticle,  displays  little  specialization.  That  of  Epicoccus,  on  the  contrary,  is 
highly  specialized  both  structurally  and  chemically. 

In  absolute  thickness  it  is  comparable  with  those  of  large  sclerotized  forms 
such  as  Periplaneta,  while  relative  to  the  individual's  size,  there  are  probably  few 
other  insects  which  can  match  it.  It  consists  almost  wholly  of  mesocuticle. 

Among  insects  whose  cuticles  have  been  described,  that  of  Epicoccus  is  unique 
in  the  high  proportion  of  protein  in  the  procuticle.  aggregated  in  a  well-defined  zone. 

158  HARRY   F.  LOWER 

Its  possession  of  a  deep-seated  lipoid  zone  in  the  procuticle  is.  so  far  as  is  known, 
shared  only  by  the  desert  locust.  Scliistoccrca  yregaria. 

All  this  specialization  betokens  a  long  period  of  evolution  under  conditions 
adverse  to  insect  life  generally,  and  the  acquisition  of  a  massive  cuticle,  together 
with  the  loss  of  mobility  by  the  adult  female,  are  presumably  closely  linked  with 
this.  Incapacity  for  locomotion  may  be  disadvantageous;  but  failure  to  cope  with 
a  hostile  environment  spells  extinction. 

The  collected  material  came  from  a  single  half-dead  plant,  not  over  ten  feet 
in  height.  Fully-exposed  as  the  insects  were,  they  not  infrequently  had  to  contend 
with  direct  sun  temperatures  of  60°  C.,  or  even  more,  accompanied  by  relative 
humidities  often  below  10r/  ,  in  a  situation  commonly  swept  by  parching  winds. 
The  brood  chambers  of  mature  females  contained  eggs,  and  first  and  second 
nymphal  instars.  These  immature  forms  were  found  nowhere  else.  Apart,  there- 
fore, from  ensuring  survival  of  the  mother,  the  thick  leathery  cuticle  functions 
equally  well  in  protecting  those  stages  in  the  life  cycle  most  vulnerable  to  the  environ- 
mental conditions,  thereby  making  it  possible  for  the  species  to  maintain  itself  in 
a  region  relatively-poor  in  the  higher  forms  of  insect  life. 

I  wish  to  thank  Miss  Helen  M.  Brookes  of  this  department  for  supplying  the 
material  used  and  for  allowing  publication  of  the  photograph  reproduced  in  Fig- 
ure 4. 

My  thanks  are  also  due  to  Mr.  Keith  P.  Phillips  (in  charge  of  Photographic 
Department)  who  is  responsible  for  all  the  photography. 


1.  The  cuticular  structure  of  three  female  pseudococcids,  Pscudococcns  adoni- 
dnui L.,  Epicoccus  sp.,  and  E.  acociac  (Maskell).  has  been  investigated. 

2.  The  cuticle  of  P.  adonidnui   consists  of  a  two-layered  epicuticle,  overlying 
a  thin  procuticle.  almost  all  of  which  is  endocuticle. 

3.  The  cuticle  of  Efiicoccns  sp.,  is  highly  specialized.     Its  epicuticle  closely  re- 
sembles that  of  P.  adonidntn.     The  dorsal  cuticle  is  relatively  thick,  and  is  much 
modified  chemically.     Most  of  it  consists  of  mesocuticle  in  which  Millon's  reagent 
delimits  three  well-defined  zones  which  differ  greatly  in  their  reactions  to  stains 
and  histochemical  reagents.     The  endocuticle  is  much  reduced.     A  thin  layer  of 
procuticle  between  the  hypodermis  and  the  endocuticle  is  impregnated  with  lipoid  to 
from  a  "lipoid  zone." 

4.  The  cuticle  of  E.   acaciac  is  thick.     It  differs  from  that  of  Epicoccus   sp. 
principally  in  that  there  is  no  chemical  zonation  of  the  procuticle,  and  the  lipoid 
zone  is  melanin-pigmented. 

5.  Wax  glands  are  numerous  in  the  cuticle  of  P.  adonidnui.     The  contents  of 
their  reservoirs   ("protowax")   differ  chemically  from  the  surface  wax.     In  Epi- 
coccus, many  of  the  glands  have  atrophied ;  typical  glands  are  confined  to  lateral 
parts  of  the  cuticle  in  contact  with  the  host  plant,  and  these  secrete  large  quantities 
of  wax  which  fixes  the  insect  permanently  in  position. 

6.  The  specialized  cuticle  of  Epicoccus  appears  to  have  evolved  over  a  long 
period,  during  which  the  insects  have  been  exposed  to  adverse  environmental  con- 



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/.  Morph.,  99:  211-226. 
WIGGLESWORTH,   V.    B.,    1947.     The   epicuticle   in   an   insect,   Rhodnius  proli.rus    (Hemiptera). 

Proc.  Roy.  Soc.  London.  Scr.  B,  134:    163-181. 




Biology  Division,  Oak  Ridge  National  Laboratory,3  and  Departments  of  Biology, 
The  Catholic  University  of  America  and  University  of  Virginia 

In  a  study  of  the  distribution  of  I131  after  administration  to  tadpoles,  Dent 
and  Hunt  (1952)  demonstrated  not  only  the  expected  concentration  of  this  sub- 
stance in  the  thyroid  gland  but  also  significant  accumulations  in  several  other 
regions.  Notable  among  these  were  the  thymus,  the  horny  teeth,  the  melanophores 
of  the  skin,  and  the  pigmented  layer  of  the  retina.  The  same  pattern  of  distribution 
was  observed  in  tadpoles  of  Hyla,  Rana,  and  Bufo  in  various  stages  of  development 
and  was  not  altered  by  thyroidectomy.  It  was  suggested  that,  since  tyrosine  is  a 
precursor  of  melanin,  the  localization  of  I131  in  pigmented  tissues  may  be  attributable 
to  the  binding  of  I131  to  tyrosine  that  must  be  present  in  those  tissues.  The 
hypothesis  was  also  advanced  that  perhaps  the  same  enzymes  that  bring  about 
oxidation  of  tyrosine  to  melanin  are  able  to  facilitate  the  union  of  iodine  and  tyro- 
sine. Gennaro  and  Clements  (1956a,  1956b),  studying  the  binding  of  I131  in  the 
skin  of  the  adult  frog,  provided  evidence  to  support  these  views.  Our  experiments 
were  undertaken  as  a  further  investigation  of  the  association  of  iodine  with  pig- 
mented tissues  and  as  a  further  test  of  the  hypothesis  cited. 

It  is  known  that  administration  of  certain  derivatives  of  thiourea  results  in  an 
inhibition  of  melanin  formation.  This  has  been  demonstrated  for  mammals 
(Richter  and  Clisby,  1941;  Dieke,  1947),  fishes  (Frieders,  1954),  and  several 
different  amphibians  (Lynn  and  de  Marie,  1946;  Lynn,  1948;  Blackstad,  1949; 
Millott  and  Lynn,  1954).  In  amphibians  the  results  are  most  striking  when  these 
substances  are  given  to  embryos  or  young  larvae  before  any  melanophores  have 
appeared.  Such  individuals  do  not  develop  black  pigment  so  long  as  the  treat- 
ment is  continued.  Cessation  of  treatment  is  followed  by  rapid  melanogenesis. 
Since  it  has  been  demonstrated  (Bernheim  and  Bernheim,  1942;  Paschkis, 
Cantarow,  Hart  and  Rakoff,  1944;  Dubois  and  Erway,  1946)  that  thiourea  deriva- 
tives inhibit  tyrosinase  activity  in  vitro,  it  is  assumed  that  their  role  in  preventing 
melanin  formation  in  frog  embryos  is  the  inhibition  of  tryosinase  activity.  In  our 
experiments,  larvae  of  several  different  ages  were  treated  with  one  of  these  tyrosi- 
nase inhibitors,  phenylthiourea,  to  obtain  unpigmented  tadpoles  or  tadpoles  with 
reduced  pigmentation.  The  pattern  of  iodine  uptake  in  these  animals  was  com- 
pared with  that  in  untreated  controls  at  various  times  after  the  beginning  of  treat- 


The  animals  used  for  this  experiment  were  tadpoles  of  Hyla  versicolor  versicolor 
LeConte  hatched  from  eggs  collected  in  a  small  temporary  pool  near  Oak  Ridge, 

1  Address  :  Department  of  Biology,  The  Catholic  University  of  America. 

2  Address:   Department  of  Biology,  University  of  Virginia.     Work   supported  in  part  by 
A. E.G.  Contract  AT- (40-1) -2000. 

3  Operated  by  Union  Carbide  Nuclear  Company  for  the  U.  S.  Atomic  Energy  Commission. 



Tennessee.  A  few  hours  after  hatching,  the  larvae  were  distributed  in  groups  of 
fifteen  in  finger  bowls,  each  containing  200  ml.  of  spring  water.  On  the  first, 
fourth,  and  fifteenth  days  after  hatching,  experimental  series  were  established  in 
this  way :  Larvae  were  transferred  to  six  finger  bowls,  fifteen  larvae  to  each  bowl ; 
two  contained  200  ml.  of  0.01%  phenylthiourea  in  spring  water,  two  contained 
200  ml.  of  0.005%  phenylthiourea  in  spring  water,  and  two  contained  spring  water 
alone  (controls).  The  tadpoles,  kept  at  laboratory  temperatures  (21°-23°  C.), 
were  fed  crumbled  pellets  of  Purina  rat  chow  and,  occasionally,  a  strained  beef- 
and-liver  soup  prepared  for  infants.  The  culture  fluids  were  changed  daily  and 
there  was  no  mortality.  At  four-day  intervals  three  animals  from  each  experi- 
mental and  control  group  were  selected  at  random  and  examined  under  the 
binocular  microscope.  Records  were  kept  of  the  gross  changes  in  pigmentation 
and  of  the  developmental  stage  reached.  The  system  of  staging  devised  by  Taylor 
and  Kollros  (1946)  for  Rana  pipiens  was  used  and  adapted  with  minor  variations 
for  Hyla  versieolor. 

At  three  ages  (4,  24,  and  29  days  after  hatching),  animals  were  removed  from 
the  experimental  and  control  series  and  used  in  the  preparation  of  autoradiograms.4 
The  procedure  was  as  follows :  Five  larvae  from  each  bowl  were  put  in  50  ml.  of  a 
solution  of  one  part  per  million  of  stable  sodium  iodide  5  and  enough  radioiodine 
to  give  an  activity  of  one  /xc./ml.  at  the  beginning  of  the  immersion  period.  For 
each  experimental  group,  one  set  of  five  animals  was  put  in  a  radioiodine  solution 
made  up  in  spring  water  and  another  was  put  in  a  radioiodine  solution  made  up  in 
the  same  phenylthiourea  solution  in  which  the  animals  had  been  raised.  After 
24  hours  in  the  radioiodine  solution,  the  larvae  were  passed  through  two  baths  of 
spring  water  and  left  in  a  third  bath  of  spring  water,  or  the  appropriate  phenyl- 
thiourea solution,  for  another  24  hours.  All  were  then  fixed  in  a  1  :1  mixture  of 
Bouin's  fluid  and  Cellosolve.  After  8  hours'  fixation,  they  were  dehydrated  in 
Cellosolve,  embedded  in  paraffin,  and  sectioned  at  10  micra.  The  mounted  and 
dried  sections  were  passed  through  two  changes  of  xylol,  transferred  to  absolute 
alcohol,  and  then  dipped  in  a  1.0%  solution  of  collodion  in  ether-alcohol,  and  dried. 
The  slides  were  attached  by  stationer's  binder  clips  against  the  emulsion  of  Eastman 
medium  contrast  lantern  slide  plates  in  the  darkroom  and  left  for  8  days.  Finally, 
the  lantern  slide  plates  were  developed  and  the  sections  themselves  were  stained 
with  Harris'  haematoxylin  and  Ponceau  de  xylidine-orange  II  (Gray,  1952). 

1.  Gross  effects  of  treatment  u'itJi  phenylthiourea 

During  ovogenesis  (Kemp,  1953)  melanin  granules  are  laid  down  in  the  cortical 
region  of  most  anuran  ova.  Superficially,  the  pigmented  area  extends  from  the 
animal  pole  to  the  presumptive  germ  ring.  These  granules  are  retained  within 

4  Joftes  and  Warren  (1956)  have  recommended  the  substitution  of  the  term  "radioautogram" 
for  "autoradiogram."     It  is  felt  that  since  the  semantic  basis  offered  by  Joftes  and  Warren  for 
the  use  of  the  former  term  does  not  appear  to  be  much  stronger  than  the  etymological  basis 
presented  by  Boyd   (1955)   for  the  use  of  the  latter  and  since  the  latter  term  has  become  well 
established,  its  use  should  be  continued. 

5  There  is   some  danger  of  introducing  errors  by  use  of  carrier-free  isotopes  because   of 
their  tendency  to  adhere  to  glassware.     The  stable  Nal  was  added  with  the  view  of  eliminating 
that  effect. 





78  9  10 

All  sections  shown  are  from  26-day-old  larvae  of  Hyla  vcrsicolor  that  had  been  immersed 
in  a  solution  of  one  /uc  of  Ii:il/rnl.  for  24  hours  and  fixed  24  hours  after  removal  from  the 





then  in  spring 




Photograph  of  living  tadpoles  12  days  old.  Upper  animal  raised  in  0.01% 
;  lower  animal  raised  in  spring  water. 

Section  through  the  eye  of  a  control  tadpole. 

Autoradicgram  prepared  from  the  section  shown  in  Figure  2. 

Section  through  the  eye  cf  a  tadpole  kept  in  0.01  'A  phenylthiourea  continuously. 

Section  through  the  eye  of  a  tadpole  kept  in  0.019^  phenylthiourea  for  24  days, 
water  for  two  days. 

Autoradiogram  of  the  section  shown  in  Figure  5. 

Section  through  the  mouth  of  a  control  tadpole  showing  the  horny  teeth. 

Autoradiogram   of   the   section   shown    in    Figure   7. 


the  presumptive  ectoderm  and  mesoderm  but  disappear  as  melanophores  begin  to 
differentiate  and  form  melanin. 

As  was  anticipated  on  the  basis  of  previous  experiments  with  other  amphibians, 
the  larvae  that  had  been  put  in  phenylthiourea  solutions  within  a  few  hours  after 
hatching  stopped  forming  melanin  and  after  only  24  hours  were  noticeably  paler 
than  controls.  After  48  hours,  and  at  all  later  stages,  the  experimental  animals 
were  completely  unpigmented,  the  embryonic  pigmentation  having  disappeared 
(Fig.  1).  Larvae  in  which  treatment  was  delayed  until  four  days  after  hatching 
had  already  developed  much  melanin  in  both  skin  and  eyes  and  exhibited  no  differ- 
ence from  the  controls  for  at  least  three  days.  After  this  they  gradually  paled, 
however,  and  by  the  tenth  day  of  treatment  their  skin  was  without  pigment.  Pig- 
mentation of  the  eyes  was  lost  much  more  slowly  and  even  when  the  experiment 
was  terminated  (51  days  after  hatching),  the  eyes  of  these  animals  still  showed 
some  pigment,  though  far  less  than  those  of  controls.  Larvae  that  were  first  put 
into  phenylthiourea  solutions  1 5  days  after  hatching  showed  no  blanching  of  the  skin 
until  near  the  end  of  the  experiment,  and  the  pigmentation  of  the  eyes  never  became 
grossly  different  from  that  of  controls.  Examination  of  the  living  animals  under 
the  binocular  microscope  and  later  study  of  the  sectioned  material  revealed  no 
significant  pigmentary  difference  between  animals  treated  with  0.01%  phenyl- 
thiourea and  those  treated  with  0.005%.  It  appears  that  both  concentrations  are 
fully  effective  in  inhibiting  melanin  formation. 

Since  phenylthiourea  is  one  of  the  well-known  thyroid-inhibiting  drugs,  the 
experimental  animals  not  only  differed  from  the  controls  in  degree  of  pigmentation 
but  also  in  their  failure  to  exhibit  definitive  metamorphic  changes.  No  significant 
differences  in  development  were  noted  for  the  first  20  days  of  the  experiment. 
At  this  time  both  treated  and  untreated  tadpoles  were  in  late  limb  bud  stages 
(Stages  IV  and  V).  Later,  however,  the  experimental  animals  showed  definite 
inhibition  in  development.  By  24  days  the  controls  were  in  Stages  VI  and  VII 
whereas  the  tadpoles  in  phenylthiourea  solutions  remained  at  Stages  IV  and  V. 
The  controls  continued  to  differentiate  steadily,  most  specimens  reaching  Stage  IX 
by  the  28th  day,  Stage  XV  by  the  40th  day,  and  late  metamorphic  stages  (Stages 
XVIII  to  XXV)  by  the  48th  day.  As  is  usual  with  anuran  larvae,  there  was  a 
considerable  variation  in  developmental  rate  among  the  controls,  a  few  specimens 
being  retarded  and  others  exceptionally  advanced.  Thus,  although  forelimb  emer- 
gence occurred  in  one  control  45  days  after  hatching,  and  had  occurred  in  more  than 
half  the  surviving  controls  by  51  days,  at  this  latter  time  there  was  still  one  animal 
at  Stage  VI  and  several  at  Stage  XIII.  Among  the  tadpoles  placed  in  0.01% 
phenylthiourea,  either  immediately  after  hatching  or  4  or  15  days  later,  none 
advanced  beyond  Stage  VI  and  most  remained  at  Stage  IV  or  Stage  V.  Tadpoles 
raised  in  0.005%  phenylthiourea  advanced  somewhat  beyond  those  in  the  higher 
concentration ;  most  of  those  kept  to  the  end  of  the  experiment  reached  Stage  VI 
or  Stage  VII  and  a  few  specimens  differentiated  to  Stage  VIII.  There  is  thus 
some  indication  that  the  lower  concentration  is  not  fully  effective  in  inhibiting 
thvroid  activity. 

j  J 

FIGURE  9.     Section    through    the    mouth    of    a    tadpole    treated    continuously    with    0.01% 

FIGURE  10.     Autoradiogram  of  the  section  shown  in  Figure  9. 


As  noted  previously,  the  larvae  used  for  the  preparation  of  autoradiograms  were 
put  in  a  radioiodine  solution  for  24  hours,  and  this  was  followed  by  another  24-hour 
period  without  radioiodine,  which  allowed  for  elimination  of  excess  iodine  before 
fixation  of  the  tadpoles.  Autoradiograms  were  made  from  two  sets  of  phenyl- 
thiourea-treated  animals,  one  in  which  the  phenylthiourea  treatment  was  continued 
until  fixation  and  one  in  which  the  radioiodine  solution  and  the  subsequent  24-hour 
bath  were  without  phenylthiourea.  The  latter  thus  had  a  48-hour  period  of  re- 
covery from  phenylthiourea  treatment  immediately  preceding  fixation.  It  has  been 
demonstrated  that  in  amphibian  embryos  melanin  reappears  very  rapidly  after 
phenylthiourea  treatment  has  stopped  (Millott  and  Lynn,  1954).  In  the  present 
experiments  the  animals  put  in  radioiodine  solutions  containing  no  phenylthiourea 
showed  a  well-defined  darkening  of  the  eyes  within  12  hours ;  and  at  24  hours,  when 
they  were  removed  from  the  radioiodine  solutions,  a  scattering  of  pigmented 
melanophores  was  also  visible  in  the  skin.  Larvae  kept  in  phenylthiourea  solutions 
throughout,  of  course,  showed  no  such  pigmentary  change. 

2.  Effects  of  phenylthiourea   treatment   on   radioiodine  bindintj   in   the  pigmented 
epithelium  of  the  retina 

The  first  group  tested  for  radioiodine  binding  consisted  of  animals  on  which 
the  phenylthiourea  treatment  started  on  the  day  of  hatching  and  continued  for 
four  days  only.  The  second  and  third  groups  tested  included  animals  on  which 
treatment  was  begun  on  the  day  of  hatching  and  some  in  which  treatment  was 
started  later  (4  and  15  days  after  hatching).  Since  the  results  were  similar  in  all 
three  groups,  detailed  consideration  will  be  given  for  only  one,  the  second  experi- 
mental group,  which  was  given  radioiodine  on  the  24th  da}'  after  hatching  and 
contained  animals  under  treatment  for  24,  20,  and  9  days. 

Photomicrographs  and  corresponding  autoradiograms  of  the  eye  region  in 
typical  animals  of  this  group  are  shown  in  Figures  2-6.  Figures  2  and  4  illus- 
trate the  conditions  found  in  control  and  experimental  animals  of  the  series  in 
which  phenylthiourea  treatment  was  started  at  hatching.  The  pigmented  epithelium 
of  the  retina  is  quite  dark  in  the  controls  but  is  entirely  without  melanin  in  the 
animals  given  continuous  phenylthiourea  treatment.  The  autoradiogram  prepared 
from  the  control  (Fig.  3)  shows  that  there  was  a  marked  concentration  of  radio- 
iodine  in  the  pigment  epithelium.  On  the  other  hand,  an  autoradiogram  prepared 
from  the  eye  shown  in  Figure  4  was  entirely  blank  and  is  not  shown.  It  has  been 
pointed  out  that  some  melanin  formed  in  the  animals  allowed  a  recovery  period 
from  treatment  with  phenylthiourea.  Plates  prepared  from  these  specimens  show 
faint  but  definite  autoradiograms,  indicating  that  some  binding  of  radioiodine  oc- 
curred both  in  the  skin  and  in  the  retina  (Figs.  5,  6).  On  the  basis  of  these 
results  it  might  be  concluded  that  the  binding  of  radioiodine  depends  on  the  presence 
of  melanin  and  varies  directly  in  amount  with  the  amount  of  melanin  present. 
However,  study  of  the  larvae  in  which  phenylthiourea  treatment  was  initiated  at 
later  ages  reveals  that  this  is  not  the  case.  It  will  be  remembered  that  pigment 
was  lost  from  the  eyes  only  very  slowly  in  the  series  started  at  4  days  and  not  at  all, 
so  far  as  could  be  seen  externally,  in  the  series  started  at  15  days.  Thus  these 
latter  tadpoles,  even  though  under  continuous  treatment  with  phenylthiourea.  still 
had  much  melanin  in  the  pigment  epithelium.  Nevertheless  the  autoradiograms 


prepared  from  this  series  exhibited  the  same  variations  as  those  previously  de- 
scribed. Control  animals  showed  high  radioiodine  level,  animals  treated  continu- 
ously with  phenylthiourea  showed  no  radioiodine  binding,  those  treated  with 
phenylthiourea  and  then  allowed  two  days'  recovery  showed  a  very  low  radioiodine 
level.  Yet  the  degree  of  pigmentation  of  the  members  of  all  groups  was  about  the 
same.  It  is  therefore  clear  that  the  binding  of  radioiodine  does  not  depend  on  the 
amount  of  formed  melanin  present. 

3.  Effects  of  phenylthiourea  treatment  on  radioiodine  binding  by  the  horny  teeth 

In  all  larvae  given  radioiodine  a  significant  localization  was  found  in  the  horny 
teeth.  The  4-day  series  (fixed  at  6  days  after  hatching)  shows  relatively  little 
cornification  of  the  teeth.  Nevertheless  the  autoradiograms  indicate  that  radio- 
iodine  was  bound  in  these  structures,  not  only  in  the  controls  but  also,  and  ap- 
parently to  the  same  extent,  in  the  phenylthiourea-treated  animals.  The  24-  and 
39-day  series  both  exhibit  extensive  cornification  of  the  teeth,  and  in  these  there  is 
an  indication  that  phenylthiourea  did  lessen  the  binding  of  radioiodine  without, 
however,  completely  halting  it.  Photomicrographs  and  corresponding  autoradio- 
grams of  the  teeth  in  control  and  experimental  animals  of  the  24-day  series  will 
serve  to  illustrate  this  inhibitory  effect  (Figs.  7-10).  It  was  found  that  whereas 
the  autoradiograms  of  control  tadpoles  (Fig.  8)  and  those  of  treated  animals 
allowed  a  48-hour  recovery  period  show  equally  dense  spots,  representing  the 
teeth,  autoradiograms  of  larvae  subjected  to  continuous  treatment  with  phenyl- 
thiourea show  definite  but  much  less  intense  darkening  (Fig.  10).  This  result  was 
consistent  in  all  specimens  of  the  older  series. 

4.  Effects  of  phenylthiourea  treatment  on  the  thyroid  and  thymus 

Although  these  experiments  were  not  primarily  concerned  with  the  thyroid 
gland,  some  observations  on  the  thyroid  response  are  of  interest.  In  most  of  the 
control  larvae  of  the  4-day  series  the  thyroid  proved  to  be  at  a  stage  of  early 
follicle  formation.  Only  one  or  two  follicles  were  present  in  each  thyroid,  the  rest 
of  the  gland  consisting  of  irregular  cords  of  cells.  The  formed  follicles  had  a 
cuboidal  epithelium  that  still  retained  some  of  the  pigmentation  characteristic  of 
the  anuran  thyroid  rudiment.  The  lumina  were  very  small  and  contained  no 
stained  colloid.  Two  of  the  five  control  specimens  had  no  organized  follicles  at 
all,  the  entire  thyroid  being  composed  of  clumps  and  cords  of  epithelial  cells.  In 
the  experimental  animals  of  this  series,  there  were  some  with  glands  lacking 
organized  follicles ;  these  showed  no  histological  differences  from  the  two  controls 
just  mentioned.  On  the  other  hand,  the  phenylthiourea-treated  larvae  in  which 
follicles  had  appeared  showed  a  sharp  contrast  to  controls  in  that  the  follicles  were 
larger,  had  a  flattened  epithelium,  and  contained  a  relatively  large  amount  of 
homogeneous  basophilic  colloid.  The  autoradiograms  of  the  control  thyroids  and 
those  allowed  48  hours'  recovery  from  phenylthiourea  showed  evidence  of  binding 
of  radioiodine,  whereas  the  animals  treated  continuously  with  phenylthiourea  did 
not.  It  is  noteworthy  that  the  thyroids  of  all  5  of  the  controls  and  of  all  5  of  the 
recovery  series  produced  clear  autoradiograms  but  in  some  of  them  no  organized 
follicles  were  yet  present.  The  effect  of  phenylthiourea  treatment  on  thyroid 


physiology  is  thus  detectable  histologically  as  soon  as  follicles  are  formed  and 
physiologically  even  before  follicles  are  formed. 

The  thyroids  of  controls  fixed  at  26  days  after  hatching  showed  a  quite  uni- 
form appearance.  The  follicular  epithelium  was  cuboidal  and  the  colloid  acido- 
philic,  usually  with  some  chromophobe  droplets.  Experimental  animals  differed 
consistently  in  having  many  more  chromophobe  droplets  and  slightly  higher 
epithelium.  The  different  lengths  of  treatment  with  phenylthiourea  resulted  in 
no  histologically  observable  differences.  There  was  also  no  significant  difference 
in  the  appearance  of  the  thyroids  of  animals  treated  continuously  and  those  allowed 
two  days'  recovery  before  fixation.  Autoradiograms  prepared  from  the  sections  of 
this  series  showed  a  high  level  of  radioiodine  in  the  control  thyroids,  a  very  low 
level  in  the  thyroids  of  larvae  treated  continuously  with  phenylthiourea,  and  a  high 
level,  apparently  as  high  as  that  of  controls,  in  those  of  larvae  removed  from 
phenylthiourea  at  the  time  of  their  exposure  to  radioiodine  solution. 

The  controls  of  the  series  fixed  at  41  days  after  hatching  were  all  in  metamorphic 
stages  and,  as  would  be  expected,  their  thyroids  gave  indications  of  high  activity. 
The  epithelium  tended  to  be  columnar  and  chromophobe  droplets  were  abundant. 
The  experimental  animals,  on  the  other  hand,  had  enlarged  follicles  with  a  mark- 
edly flattened  epithelium  and  much  homogeneous  colloid.  The  autoradiograms  of 
this  series  are  similar  to  those  for  the  24-day  series. 

The  concentration  of  radioiodine  in  the  thymus  gland  observed  by  Dent  and 
Hunt  (1952)  was  confirmed  in  these  experiments  and  proved  to  lie  affected  by 
phenylthiourea  treatment  in  exactly  the  same  way  as  is  radioiodine  concentration 
in  the  thyroid.  Autoradiograms  made  from  control  tadpoles  of  the  24-day  series  or 
from  tadpoles  allowed  a  recovery  period  show  high  concentration  of  radioactivity 
in  the  thymus;  those  made  from  tadpoles  under  continuous  treatment  with 
phenylthiourea  show  no  radioactivity  in  this  region. 


In  these  experiments  the  administration  of  phenylthiourea  to  early  larvae  of 
Hylct  vcrsicolor  vcrsicolor  resulted  in  the  production  of  completely  unpigmented 
tadpoles.  Both  concentrations  tested  (0.01  and  0.005%)  proved  equally  effective 
and  neither  gave  any  indications  of  toxicity.  The  gradual  blanching  of  the  skin 
produced  by  treatment  with  phenylthiourea  has  sometimes  been  referred  to  as  a 
depigmentation  effect.  It  is  probable,  however,  that  the  drug  has  no  effect  on  any 
pigment  already  present  when  treatment  is  begun  but  acts  entirely  by  preventing 
the  formation  of  new  pigment.  The  results  of  our  experiments  are  in  accord  with 
this  view  for,  as  has  been  pointed  out,  the  blanching  of  the  skin  (and  of  the  eyes) 
occurred  rapidly  in  larvae  treated  immediately  after  hatching,  more  slowly  in  those 
in  which  treatment  was  delayed  until  4  days  after  hatching,  and  very  slowly  indeed 
in  those  in  which  treatment  was  begun  15  days  after  hatching.  It  must  be  assumed 
that  in  all  these  animals  the  phenylthiourea  treatment  effectively  blocked  melano- 
genesis  and  that  the  rate  of  "depigmentation"  depended  on  the  rate  of  loss  of  the 
melanin  already  present.  In  fact,  it  would  appear  that  this  rate  of  blanching  after 
treatment  with  phenylthiourea  should  furnish  an  indication  of  the  normal  rate  of 
metabolic  turnover  of  melanin  at  various  ages.  Our  results  indicate  that  turn- 
over is  rapid  at  early  ages  but  much  slower  in  older  animals.  In  fact,  it  seems 


likely  that  some  of  the  formed  melanin  persists  indefinitely  after  a  certain  age  is 

These  experiments  also  demonstrate  that  phenylthiourea  affects  the  binding  of 
radioiodine  by  the  tapetum  nigrum.     Only  the  untreated  animals  show  a  significant 
concentration  of  I131  by  this  structure.     Tadpoles  given  phenylthiourea  and  then 
removed  from  the  solution  exhibit  an  ability  to  bind  iodine  within  the  first  24 
hours  after  cessation  of  treatment.     In  all  experiments,  however,  the  autoradio- 
grams,  though  they  do  not  give  quantitative  information,  indicate  clearly  that  I131 
is  not  taken  up  by  the  pigmented  epithelium  of  the  eye  in  direct  proportion  to  the 
amount  of  melanin  present.     Tadpoles  for  which  phenylthiourea  treatment  is  begun 
at  15  days  after  hatching  retain  much  pigment  in  the  eye  yet  show  no  tendency  to 
bind  I131.     This  indicates  that  the  binding  of  iodine  in  the  pigmented  epithelium 
of  the  eye    (and   doubtless   in   chromatophores  as   well)    takes   place   only   while 
melanin  is  actually  being  formed  and  is  dependent  on  some  enzymatic  activity  that  is 
inhibited  by  phenylthiourea.     Since  this  substance  is  known  to  inhibit  tyrosinase 
activity  in  vitro  and  since  tyrosine  must  be  present  where  melanogenesis  is  going 
on,  it  is  natural  to  suspect  that  tyrosinase  is  the  enzyme  involved.     These  views 
are  supported  by  the  findings  of  Gennaro  and  Clements,  who  extracted  radioactive 
mono-  and  diiodotyrosine  from  discs  of  frog  skin  that  had  been  incubated  in  Ringer 
solution   containing   Ii:u   and   from   the   skins   of  intact   frogs    injected    with    I131 
(1956a).     They  also  showed  that  pretreatment  of  the  discs  with  thiourea  decreased 
the  degree  of  incorporation  of  I131  in  the  melanized  areas  (1956b).     According  to 
the  concept  outlined,  tyrosinase  would  be  active  in  pigment-forming  tissues  both 
in  the  oxidation  of  tyrosine  to  melanin  and  in  the  oxidation  of  iodide  to  iodine  to 
permit  the  production  of  mono-  and  diiodotyrosine  and  possibly  iodinated  proteins. 
Inhibition  of  tyrosinase  activity  would  thus  be  expected  to  result  simultaneously 
in  cessation  of  melanogenesis  and  failure  to  bind  I131.     Whether  these  findings  can 
be  directly  related  to  the  goitrogenic  effects  of  phenylthiourea  is  not  certain.     The 
mechanism  by  which  iodination  of  tyrosine  occurs  in  the  thyroid  is  not  well  under- 
stood   (Roche    and    Michel,    1955).     There    is    no    evidence    of    the    presence    of 
tyrosinase  in  the  mammalian  thyroid  (Pitt-Rivers,  1950).     Fawcett  and  Kirkwood 
(1954)    have  hypothecated   a   "tyrosine   iodinase"   as  a   catalyst   for  the  process. 
There  are  many  varieties  of  tyrosinase   (Lerner  and  Fitzpatrick,  1950),  however, 
and   it   may   be   that   amphibian   tyrosinase   has   a    special    property    of    oxidizing 
iodine  or,  on  the  other  hand,  that  our  experiments  may  offer  the  key  to  a  better 
understanding  of  iodination  of  tyrosine  in  the  thyroid  itself. 

The  accumulation  of  iodine  in  the  horny  teeth  of  larval  anurans  was  first 
reported  by  Dent  and  Hunt  (1952).  Association  of  iodine  with  similar  hard 
structures  is  known  to  occur  in  a  number  of  invertebrates.  Noteworthy  examples 
are  the  hypodermis  of  Drosophila  larvae  (Wheeler,  1950),  the  setae  and  pharyn- 
geal  teeth  of  polychaetes  (Swan,  1950),  and  the  exoskeleton  of  Daphnia  (Gorbman, 
Clements  and  O'Brien,  1954).  Gorbman  (1955)  has  discussed  this  matter  in 
some  detail  and  notes  that  in  all  these  cases  the  localization  of  radioiodine  is  in 
scleroprotein.  The  present  experiments  indicate  that  phenylthiourea  treatment,  if 
given  over  a  sufficiently  long  period,  has  an  inhibitory  effect  on  the  binding  of 
radioiodine  here  although  it  does  not  completely  prevent  it. 

The  effects  of  derivatives  of  thiourea  on  the  functioning  of  the  thyroid  gland 
have  been  widelv  studied  in  mammals  and  in  several  amphibians.  The  histological 


changes  seen  in  the  thyroids  of  the  animals  studied  in  our  experiments  are  in  agree- 
ment with  those  previously  reported  and  need  not  be  discussed.  The  autoradio- 
graphic  analysis  of  the  thyroids  of  the  control  and  experimental  animals  also  gave 
results  that  would  be  expected  on  the  basis  of  what  is  known  of  the  effects  of  this 
drug.  Larvae  under  continuous  treatment  with  phenylthiourea  showed  an  extremely 
low  ability  to  bind  IK;1.  However,  treated  larvae  recovered  this  ability  very  rapidly 
after  treatment  was  discontinued.  This  rapid  rate  of  recovery  is  in  contrast  with 
the  slower  rate  observed  in  the  pigmented  regions  and  may  be  indicative  of  a 
difference  in  the  mechanism  of  iodine  binding. 

The  basis  for  the  accumulation  of  radioiodine  by  the  thymus  gland  is  not  known. 
It  was  first  reported  by  Dent  and  Hunt  (1952),  and  it  is  clearly  demonstrated  in 
our  material.  It  is  completely  inhibited  in  animals  under  continuous  treatment 
with  phenylthiourea  but  cessation  of  treatment  is  followed  by  prompt  recovery  of 
the  animal's  ability  to  concentrate  iodine.  It  appears,  then,  that  the  binding  of 
iodine  in  the  thymus  is  more  closely  related  to  that  process  as  it  occurs  in  the 
thyroid  than  as  it  occurs  in  the  melanophore. 

Earlier  observations  on  various  vertebrates  (see  citations  in  Dent  and  Hunt, 
1954)  have  all  been  to  the  effect  that  the  onset  of  iodine  accumulation  by  the 
thyroid  does  not  occur  until  discrete  follicles  make  their  appearance.  It  is  of 
some  interest,  then,  that  in  the  animals  studied  here  iodine  concentration  began 
while  the  cells  of  the  thyroid  rudiment  were  still  arranged  in  cords  at  four  days 
after  hatching.  Moreover,  such  animals,  when  given  continuous  phenylthiourea 
treatment,  showed  no  ability  to  concentrate  I131.  Thus  the  iodine-concentrating 
activity  of  thyroid  tissue,  and  also  the  ability  of  phenylthiourea  to  inhibit  this  ac- 
tivity, are  evidenced  well  before  the  appearance  of  follicles  or  colloid. 


1.  Larvae  of  Hyla  versicolor  were  immersed  in  solutions  of  phenylthiourea  at 
0,  4,  and  15  days  after  hatching.     At  4,  24,  and  39  days  after  hatching,  I131  was 
administered  and  contact  autoradiograms  were  prepared  from  serially   sectioned 
representative  specimens. 

2.  The  tadpoles  treated  with  phenylthiourea  from  the  time  of  hatching  became 
completely  unpigmented.     The  blanching  of  the  second  series  was  slower  and  never 
complete.     The  third  series  became  very  little  lighter  during  the  course  of  the 
investigation.     This  indicates  that  the  metabolic  turnover  of  melanin  goes  on  at  a 
decreasing  rate  as  the  larvae  increase  in  age. 

3.  From  the  autoradiograms,  evidence  was  obtained  to  confirm  earlier  findings 
of  the  binding  of  iodine  in  pigmented  areas,  to  show  that  the  binding  is  apparently 
not  associated  with  formed  melanin,  and  to  support  the  view  that  the  same  enzyme 
or  enzymes  that  catalyze  melanogenesis  can  catalyze  the  binding  of  iodine   (pre- 
sumably with  tyrosine). 

4.  The  accumulation  of  iodine  by  the  horny  teeth  was  inhibited  to  some  degree 
by  phenylthiourea  treatment. 

5.  Accumulation  of  radioiodine  by  the  thymus  gland  was  confirmed  and  was 
found  to  be  completely  inhibited  by  phenylthiourea  treatment. 

6.  The   thyroid   rudiment   acquires   the   facility   for   concentrating   iodine   even 
before  follicle  formation  begins,  and  at  that  time  it  also  responds  to  the  inhibitory 
action  of  phenylthiourea. 



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Department  of  Zoology,  University  of  Neiv  Hampshire,  Durham,  New  Hampshire 

Among  the  polychaetes,  which  for  the  most  part  are  free-living,  crawling, 
burrowing,  and  tube-dwelling,  commensalism  is  rather  common  but  internal  para- 
sitism is  rare  indeed.  Among  the  relatively  few  cases  that  have  been  reported  are 
some  lumbrinerid-like  polychaetes  belonging  to  the  superfamily  Eunicea,  which 
includes  the  families  Eunicidae,  Onuphidae,  Lumbrineridae,  Arabellidae,  Lysareti- 
dae,  and  Dorvilleidae  (sometimes  considered  as  subfamilies  belonging  to  the  family 
Eunicidae).  Some  of  the  parasitic  euniceans  invade  other  members  of  the  same 
superfamily  and  may  attain  an  enormous  size  in  proportion  to  the  host.  All  of 
the  known  lumbrinerid-like  parasites  belong  to,  or  show  affinities  to,  the  family 
Arabellidae  as  defined  by  Hartman  (1944). 

In  connection  with  a  study  of  polychaete  material  from  various  sources,  in- 
cluding that  in  the  United  States  National  Museum,  some  arabellids  were  found 
living  as  endoparasites  in  other  polychaetes  of  the  related  family  Onuphidae. 
Two  new  species  are  described  herein,  the  types  of  which  are  deposited  in  the 
United  States  National  Museum.  Some  small  specimens  of  a  third  species,  living 
parasitically  in  the  onuphid,  Diopatra,  are  thought  to  be  the  young  stages  of  the 
arabellid,  Notocirrns  spinifents  (Moore).  Since  this  interesting  type  of  parasitism 
is  not  widely  known  and  has  not  received  the  attention  it  no  doubt  deserves,  the 
relatively  few  known  cases  of  lumbrinerid-like  species  living  in  other  polychaetes 
and  echiuroids  are  reviewed  and  the  chief  characteristics  of  the  Eunicea  and  Arabel- 
lidae to  which  the  parasites  belong  are  summarized. 

Superfamily  EUNICEA 

All  the  members  of  the  Eunicea  are  equipped  with  a  complex  series  of  strong, 
dark,  chitinous  or  horny  jaws.  The  pharynx  is  capable  of  protrusion  and  is  pro- 
vided with  a  pair  of  ventral  plates,  called  mandibles,  and  a  more  dorsal  bilaterally 
arranged  series  of  plates,  called  maxillae.  The  prostomium  is  distinct,  with  or 
without  eyes  or  appendages.  Typically  the  first  two  segments  are  apodous.  The 
parapodia  are  essentially  uniramous,  the  upper  lobe  or  notopodium  represented  at 
most  by  a  few  embedded  notoacicula  and  a  rudimentary  papilla-like  lobe.  The 
members  of  the  Eunicea  vary  from  those  of  minute  size  with  a  moderate  number  of 
segments  to  some  very  large  ones  with  very  numerous  segments,  some  of  which  are 
among  the  largest  of  the  polychaetes.  They  are  essentially  free-living,  predaceous, 
and  carnivorous.  They  secrete  abundant  mucus,  which  may  aid  in  burrowing  or 
forming  temporary  or  more  or  less  permanent  tubes. 

1  This  study  was  aided  by  a  grant  from  the  National  Science  Foundation   (NSF-G  2012). 




Family  ARABELLIDAE  Hartman 

The  arabellids  show  a  superficial  resemblance  to  the  members  of  the  Lumbri- 
neridae,  differing  from  them  in  setal  and  pharyngeal  characters.  They  have  the 
body  elongate,  cylindrical,  of  nearly  uniform  width,  and  tapering  slightly  anteriorly 
and  posteriorly.  The  prostomium  is  reduced  to  a  simple,  conical  or  flattened 
spatulate  lobe,  without  appendages,  with  or  without  eyespots  on  the  posterior 
margin.  The  first  two  segments  are  distinct,  apodous,  and  without  appendages. 
The  parapodia  are  essentially  uniramous ;  the  notopodia  sometimes  represented  by  a 
minute  papillar  lobe  (sometimes  referred  to  as  a  reduced  dorsal  cirrus)  with  em- 
bedded notoacicula ;  the  neuropodia  are  unequally  bilobed,  with  shorter  rounded  and 
longer  digitiform  postsetal  lobes.  The  neurosetae  are  simple  (not  compound), 
limbate,  and  taper  to  fine  tips ;  in  addition  they  sometimes  have  projecting  thick 



Host  and  Distribution 


Notocirrus  sp.  (young) 

Eunicidae:  Marphysa  sanguinea  (Montagu).  Mediter- 

Koch,   1847.     Ehlers,   1868, 
p.  364.     See  below      w* 

Nolocirrus  Jspiniferus 
(Moore)  (young) 

Onuphidae:  Diopatra  cuprea  (Bosc).  Woods  Hole  region, 


Allen,  1952.     See  below 

Haematodeptes  terebellidis 

Terebellidae:  Terebellides  slroemii  Sars.  Off  Sweden, 
130  meters 

Wiren,  1886 

Labrorostratus  parasiticus 

Syllidae:  Odontosyllis  ctenostoma  Claparede,  Syllis  pro- 
"lifera  Krohn,  Eusyllis  monilicornis  Malmgren,  Piono- 
syllis  lamelligera  Saint-Joseph,  Grubea  clavata  (Clapa- 

Saint-Joseph,    1888.     Caul- 
lery    and     Mesnil,     1916. 
Fauvel,  1923,  p.  440 

Oligognathus  bonelliae 

Echiuroidea:  Bonellia  viridis  Rolando.     Mediterranean 

Spengel,  1882.  Fauvel,  1923, 
p.  442 

Oligognathus  parasiticus 

Spionidae  :  Spio  mecznikowianus  Claparede.     Mediter- 

Cerruti,  1909.  Fauvel,  1923, 
p.  442 

Drilonereis  parasiticus 

Terebellidae:  Genus  and  species?     Near  Timor,  Dutch 
East  Indies,  73  meters 

Caullery,   1914.     See  below 

Drilonereis  forcipes 

Eunicidae:  Eunice  sp.,  possibly  E.  antennata  Savigny. 
San  Benito  Island,  Lower  California,  66-81  fathoms 

Hartman,   1944.     See  below 

Drilonereis  benedicti  n.  sp. 

Onuphidae:  Onuphis  magna  (Webster).     Tampa  Bay, 
Florida,  12  fms. 

See  below 

Drilonereis  caulleryi  n.  sp. 

Onuphidae:  Onuphis  (Nothria)  conchylega  Sars.     Off 
Massachusetts  to  off  Virginia,  101-317  fms. 

See  below 

acicular  setae  or  acicula  (without  hooded  hooks  as  in  the  Lumbrineridae).  The 
parapodia  have  no  dorsal  or  ventral  cirri  or  branchiae.  The  eversible  proboscis  is 
equipped  with  strong,  chitinous,  black  jaw  pieces:  usually  with  a  pair  of  ventral, 
flat  plates,  the  mandibles;  with  4  or  5  pairs  (may  be  fewer  in  parasitic  forms)  of 
more  dorsal  maxillae  arranged  in  parallel  rows,  with  a  pair  of  long  filiform  carriers 
to  which  a  shorter  median  unpaired  piece  is  attached  on  the  ventral  side.  The 
arabellids  are  essentially  a  burrowing,  predaceous,  carnivorous  group.  They  bur- 
row readily  but  rather  slowly  in  sand  or  mud.  They  secrete  a  good  deal  of  mucus, 
which  probably  serves  to  lubricate  the  burrow. 

Some  of  the  arabellids  are  parasitic  in  other  polychaetes  (eunicids,  onuphids, 
syllids,  terebellids)  and  in  echiuroids  (Bonellia),  living  inside  the  body  cavity  or 
vascular  body  wall  or  even  in  the  vascular  system  of  the  host,  at  least  during  their 



early  developmental  stages.  The  eight  previously  reported  parasitic  arabellids, 
along  with  the  two  species  described  herein,  are  summarized  in  Table  I  and  in  the 
illustrated  Key  to  the  genera  and  species. 


[Figures  are  copied  from  the  original  descriptions,     a,  anterior  end;  b,  parapodium ;  c,  setae; 

d,  mandibles;  e,  maxillae  and  maxillary  carriers;  f,  maxillae] 
A1.  Numerous  specimens  in  single  host. 

B1.  Parasitic  in  body  cavity  of  Marpliysa  sanguined  .  .  .  Notocirrus  sp.   (young). 

(See  below  under  TV.  spiniferus.) 
B2.  Parasitic  in  body  cavity  and  vascular  body  wall  of  Diopatra  cuprea 

Notocirrus  fspinijcrus  (young).     (See  Figs.  4,  g  and  5.) 
A2.  One  parasite  per  host. 

C1.  One  to  three  pairs   of   rudimentary  maxillae,   with   single  elongate   rodlike  maxillary 

carrier.     Mandibles  present. 

D1.  Maxillae  a  single  pair  of  curved  rods,  each  curved  tooth  at  base.  Setae  and  acicula 
not  projecting  from  lobe.  Mandibles  paired,  triangular.  Prostomium  without 
eyes.  (Up  to  25  mm.  long,  about  200  segments.  Colorless.)  Parasitic  in  peri- 
intestinal  blood  sinus  of  Tcrebcllidcs  stroemii.  .  .  .  Genus  Haematocleptes  Wiren 

H.  tercbcllidis  Wiren 

D2.  Two  or  three  pairs  of  maxillae.     Setae  projecting  from  parapodial  lobe. 

E1.  Maxillae  two  pairs  of  very  small  denticled  pieces.  Mandibles  wing-shaped, 
each  with  a  spine.  Setae  all  of  one  kind,  limbate,  smooth,  tapering  to  long 
flexible  tips.  Prostomium  with  four  eyes  in  transverse  row.  (Up  to  70 
segments.)  Parasitic  in  body  cavity  of  syllids,  Odontosyllis  ctenostoma, 
Syllis  prolijera,  Eusyllis  monilicornis,  Pionosyllis  lamelligera,  Grubea  clavata. 
Also  found  free  among  calcareous  algae,  Lithothamnion. 
Genus  Labrorostratus  Saint-Joseph  L.  parasiticus  Saint-Joseph 



E2  Maxillae  three  pairs  recurved  unidentate  hooks.  Mandibles  U-shaped,  with 
two  wing-like  pieces  or  rods  united  by  transverse  band.  .  .  .  Genus 
Oligognatluts  Spengel 

F1.  Setae  of  one  kind,  simple,  arched,  limbate,  striated.     Prostomium  with  four 
eyes.      (Up  to  100  mm.  long,  more  than  200  segments.     Bright  orange 
yellow.)      Parasitic  in  body  cavity  of  echiuroid,  Bonellia  riridis. 
O.  bonclliae  Spengel 



F2.  Setae  of  two  kinds:  capillary,  flexible  and  stouter,  wide,  tapering  to  fine 
tips.      Prostomium   without   eyes.      (Up   to   8   mm.    long.    50   segments. 
Colorless,    transparent.)       Parasitic    in    body    cavity    of    spionid,    Spio 
O.  parasiticits  Cerruti 


C-.  Four  pairs  of  well  developed  maxillae,  with  pair  of  elongate  rodlike  maxillary  carriers 
and  shorter  unpaired  piece  (basal  or  maxillae  I  large,  strong,  hooked,  forceps-like ; 
maxillae  II  rectangular  plates,  sometimes  denticled ;  maxillae  III  and  IV  each  a 
single  strong  thorn-like  tooth).  Mandibles  absent.  Parapodia  with  heavy  acicula 
or  acicular  setae,  the  tips  of  which  usually  protrude.  Prostomium  without  eyes. 

Genus  Drilonci'ds  Claparede  (includes  Labidognathus  Caullery ;  see  below). 
G1.  Parasitic  in  peri-intestinal  blood  sinus  of  terebellid  (unidentified).     With  bilimbate 

setae  and  single  stout  acicular  seta  extending  out  of  parapodial  lobe.     Maxillae 

II    edentate    (  ?,   incompletely   observed).      (More    than    100   segments).  .  .  .  D. 

parasiticus    (Caullery) 

G2.  Parasitic  in  body  cavity  of  branchial  fragment  of  eunicid,  Eunice  sp.,  possibly 
E.  antcnnata.  With  bilimbate  setae  and  single  stout  yellow  aciculum,  the  latter 
not  extending  out  of  parapodial  lobe.  Maxillae  II  flat  plates,  practically  without 
teeth.  (More  than  140  segments,  more  than  30  mm.  long.).  .  .  .  D.  forcipcs 


G3.  Parasitic  in  body  cavity  of  onuphids.  Maxillae  II  rectangular  plates,  each  with 
four  distinct  teeth. 

H1.  Parasitic  in  branchial  fragment  of  Onuphis  magna.  Without  setae  or  acicular 
setae  visible  externally  (even  in  a  specimen  of  more  than  1200  crowded 
segments  and  more  than  240  mm.  long).  .  .  .  D.  benedicti  n.  sp.  See  Fig. 
1,  a-g. 

H2.  Parasitic  in  anterior  fragment  of  Onuphis  (Nothria)  conchylega.  With 
limbate  setae  and  single  stout  acicular  seta  extending  from  lobe  (except  in 
smaller  specimens;  up  to  400  segments,  110  mm.  long).  .  .  .  D.  caulleryi 
n.  sp.  See  Fig.  2,  a-o. 

The  parasitic  arabellids  may  be  separated  into  two  main  groups.  The  first  in- 
cludes those  species  of  which  numerous  specimens  are  found  in  a  single  host. 
Within  a  single  host,  they  may  be  found  in  varying  stages  of  development,  from 
small  specimens,  with  few  segments,  no  eyes,  and  no  jaws,  to  larger  ones,  with 
numerous  segments,  eyes,  developing  jaws,  parapodia,  and  setae.  The  two  re- 
ported cases  are  thought  to  be  the  young  stages  of  species  of  Notocirrus.  When 
first  observed  by  Koch  (1847),  they  were  reported  as  a  lumbrinerid-like  stage  of 
the  young  of  the  presumably  viviparous  eunicid  host,  Marphysa  sanguinea;  this 
species  lives  in  a  loose  mucous  tube,  irregularly  encrusted  with  rocks,  shells,  and 
such.  Similar  forms  have  since  been  found  in  the  onuphid,  Diopatra  cuprea, 
which  lives  in  a  parchment-like  tube,  one  end  of  which  is  buried  in  the  sand  or  mud, 
the  other  end  sticking  out  of  the  substratum  and  covered  with  shells,  plant  debris, 
etc.  The  parasites  evidently  penetrate  the  host  at  an  early  stage,  just  how  early 
and  the  mechanism  for  penetration  being  unknown.  They  grow  and  develop  within 
the  host  to  an  advanced  stage,  when  they  evidently  leave  the  host  and  perhaps  con- 
tinue to  grow  and  mature,  taking  on  a  free-living  existence. 

The  other  type  of  parasitism  is  the  condition  where  a  single  parasite  is  found  in 
a  host  and  where  the  parasite  may  attain  enormous  dimensions  in  comparison  to 
the  host,  becoming  nearly  as  large  or  larger  than  the  host  or  host  fragment.  They 
evidently  penetrate  the  host  at  an  early  stage  also  and  grow  to  an  advanced  stage, 
perhaps  even  completing  their  growth  within  the  host.  The  parasite  may  be  com- 
pletely enclosed  in  the  host  or  part  of  it  may  protrude.  Perhaps  it  matures  after 
leaving  the  host,  as  sex  products  have  not  been  observed  in  the  parasites  found  in 
the  host. 

The  parasitic  arabellids  appear  to  be  rare.  Most  of  the  records  of  the  different 
species  have  been  based  on  single  specimens.  In  a  long  study  from  1875  to  1888  at 
Dinard,  Saint- Joseph  (1888)  observed  only  14  examples  of  Labrorostratus  para- 
siticus  in  the  body  cavities  of  several  species  of  syllids.  After  numerous  years  of 
microscopical  examination  of  numerous  syllids,  Caullery  and  Mesnil  (1916)  ob- 
served only  a  single  parasite  of  the  same  species.  Considering  that  the  syllids  are 
small  and  somewhat  transparent  and  that  the  parasites  may  be  as  much  as  three- 
fourths  of  the  length  of  the  host,  the  presence  of  the  parasites  would  probably  be 


noted.     Where  the  host  is  larger  and  opaque,  the  parasites  would  be  observed  only 
accidentally  in  fragmented  or  dissected  specimens. 

Four  of  the  parasitic  species  belong  to  the  genus  Drilonereis,  which  also  includes 
free-living  species.  The  maxillae  and  maxillary  carriers  are  well  developed.  In 
D.  caulleryi  n.  sp.  the  parapodial  armature  develops  gradually ;  first  the  heavy 
aciculum  appears,  then  the  setae,  only  the  tips  of  which  project  at  first,  then  the 
setae  project  further  and  the  tips  of  the  heavy  acicula  finally  protrude.  In  D. 
benedicti  n.  sp.  the  acicula  and  setae  are  rudimentary  and  do  not  project  from  the 
parapodial  lobes,  even  in  a  specimen  of  more  than  1200  crowded  segments.  The 
parasitic  genera,  Oligognathus  Spengel,  Labrorostratus  Saint-Joseph,  and  Haemato- 
cleptes  Wiren,  have  the  maxillae  more  rudimentary  than  in  Drilonereis,  with  a 
single  elongate  rodlike  maxillary  carrier,  darker  toward  the  outside.  Haetnatocleptes 
terebellidis  shows  the  most  rudimentary  condition,  having  only  a  single  pair  of 
maxillae  and  the  setae  and  acicula  not  projecting  from  the  parapodial  lobe. 

Genus  Drilonereis  Claparede,  1870 

Type  (by  original  designation)  :  D.  filum  (Claparede,  1868). 

Labidognathus  Caullery  1914;  type  (by  monotypy)  :  L.  parasiticus  Caullery,  1914. 

Diagnosis.  Prostomium  conical  to  spatulate,  flattened  ventrally,  usually  with 
central  depression  dorsally,  without  eyes  or  appendages.  First  two  segments 
apodous  and  achaetous,  first  sometimes  partially  fused  dorsally  to  prostomium. 
Parapodia  with  dorsal  lobe  or  notopodium  usually  small,  rudimentary,  with  a 
few  embedded  notopodial  acicula ;  neuropodium  with  two  unequal  lips,  supported 
by  acicula.  Setae  all  simple,  of  two  kinds:  (1)  bilimbate  or  winged,  tapering  to 
fine  tips,  smooth  or  faintly  striated  (not  denticled)  ;  (2)  1-2  stout  acicular  setae 
with  tips  protruding  from  parapodial  lobe;  (in  some  parasitic  forms,  setae  may  be 
rudimentary,  not  extending  out  of  parapodial  lobes).  Pharynx  with  mandibles 
or  lower  jaws  rudimentary  or  absent;  maxillae  or  upper  jaws  4—5  pairs,  sym- 
metrical, dark,  chitinous,  supported  by  a  pair  of  long  slender  maxillary  carriers  and 
a  shorter  unpaired  piece ;  basal  maxillae  I  large,  heavy,  falcate  pincers  or  forceps ; 
maxillae  II  rectangular  plates,  usually  denticled;  maxillae  III  and  IV  with  one  to 
few  teeth ;  maxillae  V  rudimentary  or  absent. 

Remarks.  Labidognathus  is  herein  referred  to  Drilonereis.  The  type  species 
of  the  former,  L.  parasiticus  Caullery  (1914,  p.  490),  was  found  living  as  a  parasite 
in  a  terebellid  (not  yet  described)  near  Timor,  Dutch  East  Indies;  the  parasite  was 
found  in  the  peri-intestinal  blood  sinus,  coiled  in  a  complicated  manner  around  the 
intestine  of  the  host.  According  to  Caullery,  both  the  host  and  parasite  were  in 
rather  poor  condition;  the  jaw  apparatus  of  the  parasite  was  not  studied  completely. 
Hartman  (1944,  p.  180)  noted  the  affinities  of  Labidognathus  with  Drilonereis  and 
described  a  new  species,  L.  jorcipes,  found  in  the  body  cavity  of  a  fragment  of  a 
species  of  Eunice  from  San  Benito  Island,  Mexico.  In  addition  two  new  species 
are  described  below.  Because  of  the  scarcity  of  material  of  the  parasites,  it  is 
difficult  to  work  out  the  developmental  stages.  As  indicated  below  for  the  four 
specimens  of  Drilonereis  caulleryi  n.  sp.,  parasitic  in  Onuphis  conchylcga,  there  are 
differences  in  the  development  of  the  jaws  and  parapodia  in  different  stages  of 
growth.  The  four  parasitic  species  of  Drilonereis  show  essentially  the  characters 



of  the  genus.  They  all  lack  mandibles  and  have  four  pairs  of  maxillae,  of  which 
maxillae  I  are  stout  falcate  hooks  and  maxillae  III  and  IV  each  a  single  stout 
conical  hook.  The  parasites  were  found  singly,  one  to  a  host.  The  hosts,  at  least 
when  collected,  were  either  anterior  or  middle  fragments,  with  the  parasites  pro- 
truding and  exposed  in  part. 

Drilonereis  benedicti  n.  sp. 
Fig.  1,  A-G 

The  species  is  known  from  a  single  specimen,  incomplete  posteriorly  (U.S.N.M. 
No.  28637),  found  in  a  fragment  of   18  segments  from  the  branchial  region  of 






FIGURE  1.  Drilonereis  benedicti  n.  sp. :  A,  Lateral  view  anterior  end;  B,  dorsal  view 
anterior  end;  C,  left  parapodium  from  setiger  10,  anterior  view;  D,  same  from  about  setiger  300; 
E,  right  parapodium  from  about  setiger  600,  anterior  view ;  F,  four  pairs  maxillae  and  maxillary 
carriers,  dorsal  view  (more  ventral  unpaired  piece  not  shown)  ;  G,  maxillae  II,  enlarged. 

Onuphis  magna  (Andrews),  North  Channel  into  Tampa  Bay,  Florida,  12  fms., 
Fish  Hawk  Sta.  7108,  1901,  Dr.  J.  E.  Benedict,  collector.  The  parapodia  of  the  host 
fragment  were  compared  with  those  of  an  incomplete  specimen  of  0.  magna  found  at 
the  same  station.  The  middle  part  of  the  parasitic  Drilonereis  extended  through 
the  body  cavity  of  the  host  fragment,  the  greater  part  of  the  anterior  and  posterior 






ends  of  the  parasite  being  exposed.     It  is  named  for  the  collector,  who  evidently 
put  it  aside  to  be  worked  up  later. 

Description.  Length  of  incomplete  specimen  240  mm.,  greatest  width  1.5  mm., 
segments  more  than  1200.  Body  cylindrical,  with  segments  slightly  longer  an- 
teriorly becoming  very  short  and  crowded  posteriorly,  colorless  (in  alcohol),  shiny 
iridescent  anteriorly,  dull  posteriorly.  Prostomium  (Fig.  1,  A,  B)  conical,  rounded 
anteriorly,  flattened  ventrally,  with  a  longitudinally  depressed  area  mid-dorsally. 
First  two  segments  achaetous,  subequal  to  the  following,  first  with  mid-dorsal 
nuchal  notch.  Parapodia  (Fig.  1,  C-E)  similar  along  length  of  body,  small,  un- 
equally bilobed,  with  shorter  rounded  and  longer  thick  digitiform  lobes.  No  setae 
exposed  external  to  lobes;  internally  few  notopodial  acicula  extending  into  base 
of  rudimentary  low  notopodial  lobe  and  larger  group  of  neuropodial  acicula  and 
setae  with  tips  extending  into  the  short  neuropodial  lobe ;  one  of  the  acicular  group 
is  much  stouter,  probably  corresponding  to  the  stout  acicular  seta  characteristic  of 
Drilonereis.  Proboscis  without  mandibles  and  with  four  pairs  maxillae.  Maxillae 
(Fig.  1,  F,  G)  well  developed,  dark,  with  a  pair  of  long,  dark  filiform  maxillary  car- 
riers and  short  oval  unpaired  piece,  dark  anteriorly,  light  amber-colored  posteriorly ; 
basal  maxillae  I  stout,  falcate,  hooked;  maxillae  II  rectangular  plates,  each  with 
four  distinct  teeth  and  slight  indication  of  a  fifth;  maxillae  III  and  IV  each  a  single, 
large,  thorn-like  tooth. 

Remarks.  D.  benedicti  differs  from  the  other  parasitic  species  of  Drilonereis  in 
the  complete  absence  of  exposed  setae,  even  in  a  specimen  of  more  than  1200  seg- 
ments. The  host  normally  lives  in  a  parchment-like  tube.  Perhaps  the  host  frag- 
ment moves  along  in  the  tube  carrying  the  parasite  with  it.  Possibly  the  parasite 
at  this  stage  feeds  for  itself,  as  the  anterior  and  posterior  ends  were  exposed. 
There  is  also  the  possibility  that  the  host  fragmented  at  the  time  it  was  collected. 

Drilonereis  caulleryi  n.  sp. 
Fig.  2,  A-0 

The  species  is  represented  by  four  specimens,  each  of  which  was  found  living 
parasitically  in  anterior  fragments  of  Onnphis  (Nothria)  conchylega  Sars,  collected 
by  the  Fish  Haivk  and  Albatross  off  Martha's  Vineyard,  Massachusetts,  and  off 
Cape  Henry,  Virginia,  from  1880  to  1883.  Two  of  the  four  specimens  are  small, 
showing  different  developmental  stages.  The  specimen  designated  as  the  type 
(U.S.N.M.  No.  12867)  is  complete  and  was  found  coiled  inside  a  host  of  about  40 
anterior  segments.  The  largest  paratype  (U.S.N.M.  No.  8987)  consists  of  an 
anterior  end  of  25  mm.  and  a  posterior  end  of  10  mm.  protruding  from  the  posterior 

FIGURE  2.  Drilonereis  caulleryi  n.  sp. :  A,  Habit  sketch  of  parasite  and  host  (2)  ;  B,  dorsal 
view  anterior  end  (1)  ;  C,  dorsal  view  posterior  end  (1)  ;  D,  lateral  view  anterior  end,  proboscis 
partially  extended  (2)  ;  E,  ventral  view  same ;  F,  left  parapodium  from  setiger  20,  anterior 
view  (1)  ;  G,  right  parapodium  from  middle  of  body,  anterior  view  (1)  ;  H,  limbate  setae 
from  same ;  I,  acicular  seta  from  same ;  J,  four  pairs  maxillae  and  maxillary  carriers,  dorsal  view 
(more  ventral  unpaired  piece  not  shown)  (2)  ;  K,  right  maxillae  II-IV,  enlarged;  L,  dorsal  view 
anterior  end  of  slightly  coiled  smaller  paratype,  proboscis  partially  extended  (3)  ;  M,  parapodium 
from  setiger  10  of  same;  N,  slightly  lateral  view  anterior  end  of  smallest  paratype  (4)  ;  O,  para- 
podium from  setiger  12  of  same.  (1)  type  specimen;  (2)  largest  paratype  specimen;  (3) 
smaller  paratype  specimen;  (4)  smallest  paratype  specimen. 


end  of  the  host  fragment  of  18  segments,  the  middle  part  of  the  parasite  being 
inside  the  host  (Fig.  2,  A).  A  smaller  paratype  (U.S.N.M.  No.  28636)  occupied 
setigers  8-18  of  an  anterior  fragment  of  a  host  of  18  segments ;  the  posterior  end 
of  the  parasite  protruded  from  the  posterior  end  of  the  host  fragment.  A  very  small 
paratype  (U.S.N.M.  No.  28635)  was  found  in  a  host  fragment  of  17  segments;  the 
anterior  end  of  the  parasite  was  sticking  out  dorsally  between  setigers  15  and  16, 
the  posterior  end  was  protruding  ventrally  between  the  same  segments.  The 
species  is  named  for  Dr.  Maurice  Caullery,  who  described  the  first  parasitic 
drilonereid  (as  Labidognathus} . 

Description.  Length  up  to  110  mm.,  greatest  width  up  to  1  mm.,  segments 
up  to  400  or  more.  Body  cylindrical,  shiny  iridescent.  Prostomium  (Fig.  2,  B, 
D,  E)  conical,  rounded  anteriorly,  flattened  ventrally,  with  a  mid-dorsal  depressed 
area.  First  two  segments  apodous  and  achaetous,  subequal  to  the  following, 
first  with  mid-dorsal  nuchal  notch.  Anal  end  (Fig.  2,  C)  short,  cylindrical,  tapering 
to  pair  of  short  bulbous  lobes  (no  distinct  anal  cirri).  Parapodia  (Fig.  2,  F,  G) 
similar  along  length  of  body,  short,  unequally  bilobed,  with  shorter  rounded  and 
longer,  thick  digitiform  lobes.  Two  larger  specimens  with  two  kinds  of  setae 
projecting  from  parapodial  lobe :  4—5  bilimbate,  straight  and  curved  setae,  tapering 
to  slender  tips,  faintly  striated  (not  denticled ;  Fig.  2,  H)  ;  also  single  yellowish 
stout,  pointed  acicular  seta  (Fig.  2,  I)  ;  with  additional  internal  neuropodial  acicula 
as  well  as  few  notopodial  acicula,  the  tips  of  which  extend  into  short  bulbous  rudi- 
mentary notopodium ;  posterior  end  of  body  with  tips  of  limbate  setae  only  project- 
ing from  parapodial  lobes.  Smaller  specimen  (12+  mm.  long,  0.6  mm.  wide)  with 
tips  of  limbate  setae  only  extending  out  of  lobe,  stout  acicular  seta  being  visible 
inside  lobe  (Fig.  2,  1,  M).  Smallest  specimen  (5  +  mm.  long,  0.3  mm.  wide)  with 
no  setae  projecting,  single  stout  acicular  seta  being  visible  inside  parapodial  lobe 
(Fig.  2,  N,  O).  Proboscis,  when  partially  extended,  appearing  as  three  bulbous 
lobes  (Fig.  3,  D,  E)  ;  no  mandibles;  maxillae  four  pairs,  well  developed,  dark,  with 
pair  of  long  filiform  carriers  and  shorter  wide  oval  unpaired  piece,  dark  anteriorly, 
lighter  more  posteriorly  (Fig.  2,  J,  K)  ;  maxillae  I  stout,  falcate,  forceps-like;  maxil- 
lae II  rectangular  plates,  each  with  four  distinct  teeth ;  maxillae  III  and  IV  each  a 
single  large  hooked  thorn-like  tooth.  In  smaller  specimen,  maxillary  forceps  and 
slender  carriers  visible  through  transparent  body  wall  (Fig.  2,  L).  In  smallest 
specimen  (Fig.  2,  N)  only  maxillary  carriers  visible. 

Remarks.  D.  caulleryi  differs  from  the  other  parasitic  species  of  Driloncreis 
as  indicated  in  the  key  above.  As  shown  in  the  three  developmental  stages  found 
in  the  four  specimens,  the  maxillary  carriers  develop  first,  then  the  stout  maxillary 
forceps ;  in  the  parapodia,  the  stout  acicular  seta  appears  first,  then  the  limbate  setae, 
the  tips  of  which  may  protrude,  the  stout  acicular  seta  not  protruding  (this  would 
correspond  to  the  condition  described  for  D.  forcipes  by  Hartman)  ;  finally  the 
limbate  setae  protrude  further  and  the  tips  of  the  stout  acicular  setae  protrude. 
The  host,  Onuphis  conchylega  Sars,  occupies  a  flat  parchment-like  tube  encrusted 
with  flattened  pieces  of  rocks  and  shells.  All  four  host  specimens  are  anterior 
fragments.  The  parasite  may  be  completely  enclosed  in  the  host  fragment  or  a 
portion  of  the  parasite  may  stick  out,  revealing  its  presence.  The  parasite  perhaps 
gets  into  the  host  by  encouraging  it  to  fragment;  none  of  the  fragments  showed 
any  signs  of  regeneration,  although  0.  conchylega  fragments  and  regenerates  read- 


Material  examined.  Type:  off  Martha's  Vineyard,  Massachusetts,  39°  53'  N., 
69°  47'  W.,  317  fms.,  soft  green  mud,  Fish  Hawk  Sta.  1096,  1882.  Paratypes: 
40°  02'  N.,  70°  23'  W.,  115  fms.,  mud,  fine  sand,  Fish  Hawk  Sta.  871,  1880;  40° 
02'  N.,  70°  37'  W.,  101  fms.,  grey  mud,  fine  sand,  Fish  Hawk  Sta.  1108,  1882; 
off  Cape  Henry,  Virginia,  37°  19'  N.,  74°  26'  W.,  102  fms.,  green  mud,  shell, 
Albatross  Sta.  2004,  1883. 

Distribution.     Atlantic,  off  Massachusetts  to  off  Virginia.     101  to  317  fathoms. 

Genus  Notocirrus  Schmarda,  1861,  emend.  Ehlers,  1868 
Type  (designated  by  Ehlers,  1868,  p.  406)  :  N.  chilensis  Schmarda,  1861. 

Diagnosis.  Prostomium  conical,  without  appendages,  usually  with  4  eyespots. 
First  two  segments  apodous  and  achaetous.  Parapodia  with  dorsal  lobe  or  noto- 
podium  represented  by  small  rudimentary  lobe  and  few  notopodial  acicula;  neuro- 
podium  unequally  bilobed,  supported  by  stout  acicula,  the  tips  of  which  project 
(except  in  young  developing  stages).  Setae  all  simple,  bilimbate  or  winged,, 
tapering  to  fine  tips,  striated  and  finely  to  coarsely  denticled  along  limbate  border. 
Pharynx  with  pair  of  wing-shaped,  dark  chitinous  mandibles  or  lower  jaws; 
maxillae  or  upper  jaws  4—5  pairs,  dark,  chitinous,  denticled,  supported  by  pair  of 
long  filiform  maxillary  carriers  and  shorter  unpaired  piece;  maxillae  I  and  II 
asymmetrical,  maxillae  I  dentate  throughout  entire  length  or  only  slightly  falcate 
or  with  short  hook  distally. 

Remarks.  Notocirrus  has  affinities  with  Arabella,  having  similar  prostomia  and 
pharyngeal  jaws ;  both  have  limbate  setae  with  denticled  border.  Notocirrus  also 
has  affinities  with  Drilonereis,  both  having  stout  acicula  or  acicular  setae  which 
project  from  the  parapodial  lobes.  A  species  of  Notocirrus  is  herein  reported  to  be 
parasitic  in  an  onuphid  (Diopatra)  during  its  early  development. 

Notocirrus  spiniferus  (Moore,  1906) 

Figs.  3—5 
Arabella  spinifera  Moore,  1906,  p.  501,  pi.  19,  figs.  1-7. 

The  species  was  described  from  a  single  specimen  which  was  dredged  on  muddy 
bottom  in  the  middle  of  Buzzards  Bay,  Massachusetts.  No  additional  records  have 
been  reported.  In  working  over  a  good  deal  of  material  collected  in  New  England 
and  vicinity,  four  additional  free-living  specimens  were  found.  The  species  appears 
to  be  rare  but,  due  to  its  superficial  resemblance  to  the  more  common  Arabella 
iricolor,  it  may  be  confused  with  that  species  in  collections.  The  four  specimens 
were  obtained  from  the  following  sources :  Buzzards  Bay,  Massachusetts,  1956, 
H.  Sanders,  collector;  off  Cape  Henry,  Virginia,  Chesapeake  Bay,  9  fms.,  shelly 
and  sand,  Fish  Hawk  Sta.  8838,  1920 ;  Isle  of  Wight  Bay  above  Ocean  City,  Mary- 
land, 1953,  S.  McDowell,  collector;  Beaufort,  North  Carolina,  1951,  E.  Cole, 

In  addition  two  of  the  specimens  found  living  parasitically  in  the  body  cavity 
of  Diopatra  cuprea  (Bosc),  collected  by  M.  Jean  Allen  at  Hadley  Harbor, 
Nonamesset  Island,  Woods  Hole  region,  Massachusetts,  were  examined.  They  ap- 



FIGURE  3.  Notocirrus  spiniferns.  Drawn  from  specimen  from  Buzzards  Bay:  A,  Dorsal 
view  anterior  end;  B,  same,  ventral  view;  C,  parapodium  from  setiger  10,  posterior  view;  D, 
limbate  seta  from  same;  E,  limbate  seta  from  setiger  100;  F,  tip  of  one  of  acicula  from  same; 
G,  mandibles,  ventral  view ;  H,  left  maxillae,  I-IV,  dorsal  view ;  I,  right  maxillae,  I-IV,  dorsal 
view;  J,  left  maxillae  spread  apart;  K,  right  maxillae  spread  apart. 

pear  to  be  the  young  of  a  Notocirrus,  possibly  that  of  N.  spinijerus.  In  a  note 
recording  the  find  of  more  than  50  parasitic  specimens  in  a  single  specimen  of 
Diopatra,  Allen  (1952)  indicated  that  they  might  be  the  young  of  Arabella  iricolor 
but  the  parapodia  differ  from  that  species  as  indicated  below. 



Description  of  specimens  found  free-living.  Length  40-110+  mm.,  width  1-4 
mm.,  segments  140-220+ .  Body  cylindrical,  tapering  slightly  anteriorly  and 
posteriorly,  stiff,  wiry.  Prostomium  (Figs.  3,  A,  B;  4,  A,  B)  subconical,  rounded 
anteriorly,  slightly  depressed  dorsoventrally  but  not  greatly  flattened  as  in  Drilo- 
nereis;  a  pair  of  faint  longitudinal  grooves  ventrally  and  four  eyes  in  transverse  row 
at  posterodorsal  border,  rather  than  two  eyes  as  reported  by  Moore.  First  two  seg- 
ments achaetous  and  apodous,  first  with  mid-dorsal  nuchal  notch.  Parapodia 
(Figs.  3,  C;  4,  D)  prominent,  similar  along  length  of  body,  with  small  but  distinct 
notopodium  supported  internally  by  few  notoacicula;  neuropodium  bilobed,  with 

FIGURE  4.  Notocirrus  spiniferns.  Drawn  from  specimen  from  Isle  of  Wight  Bay  (A-F)  : 
A,  Dorsal  view  anterior  end ;  B,  lateral  view  same ;  C,  dorsal  view  posterior  end ;  D,  parapodium 
from  middle  of  body ;  E,  mandibles,  ventral  view ;  F,  five  pairs  maxillae  and  maxillary  carriers, 
dorsal  view  (more  ventral  unpaired  piece  not  shown).  G,  Dorsal  view  anterior  end  of  small 
specimen  of  Notocirrus  fspiniferus,  living  parasitically  in  Diopatra  cuprea,  Woods  Hole  region. 

short  rounded  setal  lobe  and  longer,  prominent  digitiform  postsetal  lobe  (some- 
times referred  to  as  ventral  cirrus  or  cirriform  branchial  organ),  within  which  is  a 
vascular  loop.  Setal  lobe  with  1-3,  usually  2,  stout,  deep  yellow  acicula,  the  tips 
of  which  project  out  of  lobe  (thus  differing  from  Arabella,  which  has  no  stout 
projecting  acicula)  ;  acicular  tips  bluntly  pointed,  tapered  abruptly  to  short  fine  tips, 
or  sometimes  obviously  broken  (Fig.  3,  F).  Setal  lobe  with  4-8  bilimbate,  doubly 
curved  setae  with  fine  tips,  with  wings  wide,  striated  and  finely  denticled  along 
border,  sometimes  with  a  few  coarser  denticles  near  base  of  wing  (Fig.  3,  D,  E). 
Anal  end  (Fig.  4,  C)  tapered  to  pair  of  short  bulbous  lobes,  each  with  very  short 
rudimentary  anal  cirrus. 





Proboscis,  when  partially  extended,  appears  as  bulbous  bilobed  tongue  with 
pair  of  lateral  lobes.  Ventral  mandibles  (Figs.  3,  G;  4,  E)  well  developed,  brown 
or  black,  wing-shaped,  sometimes  with  exposed  white  tips.  Five  pairs  of  dorsal 
jaws  or  maxillae  (Figs.  3,  H-K;  4,  F),  with  pair  of  long  slender  carriers,  thickened 
distally  and  subdistally,  and  shorter  unpaired  piece ;  fifth  pair,  consisting  of  single 
tooth,  easily  confused  with  the  fourth,  to  which  it  is  closely  allied.  First  two  or 
basal  pairs  of  maxillae  asymmetrical.  Right  maxilla  I  longer  than  left,  with  up  to 
10  denticles  along  length  of  inner  border  and  without  distal  hook;  left  maxilla 
I  with  up  to  six  basal  teeth  and  distinct  distal  hook.  (Moore,  in  figure  of  the  type, 
showed  distal  hooks  on  both  first  maxillae  and  fewer  teeth.)  Left  maxilla  II  much 
larger  than  right,  completely  overlapping  left  maxilla  I  and  extending  down  to 
maxillary  carriers,  with  up  to  12  or  13  teeth;  right  maxilla  II  partially  overlapping 
right  maxilla  I,  with  up  to  8  or  10  teeth.  Maxillae  III  to  V  symmetrical,  III  each 
with  6  teeth,  IV  each  with  5  teeth,  and  V  each  a  single  tooth,  without  basal  ex- 
tension as  in  other  maxillae.  (The  last  may  appear  to  blend  in  with  maxillae  IV 
and  this  may  have  led  to  Moore's  count  of  only  four  pairs  of  maxillae.)  Color 
(in  alcohol)  yellowish  to  brownish,  iridescent. 

Description  of  two  young  specimens  of  Notocirrus  ?spiniferus,  living  parasiti- 
cally  in  Diopatra  cuprea.  The  larger  parasitic  specimen  is  25  mm.  long,  1.5  mm. 
wide,  and  consists  of  almost  200  segments.  The  smaller  specimen  is  12  mm.  long, 
0.5  mm.  wide,  and  contains  about  150  segments.  Prostomium  of  smaller  one 
(Fig.  4,  G)  conical,  bullet-shaped,  that  of  larger  one  (Fig.  5,  A-C)  more  elongated, 
bulbous  basally;  both  show  four  eyes  in  transverse  row.  Parapodia  of  smaller 
specimen  showing  characteristic  bilobed  form,  without  setae  projecting  except  for 
first  two  setigerous  segments  in  which  a  single  seta  projects;  each  of  setal  lobes 
provided  with  stout  aciculum  (appears  dark  basally).  In  larger  specimen,  para- 
podia  of  anterior  region  (Fig.  5,  E)  with  four  limbate  setae  and  single  stout  aciculum ; 
those  of  middle  region  (Fig.  5,  H)  with  two  limbate  setae  and  tip  only  of  a  third 
one  projecting;  those  of  posterior  region  (Fig.  5,  K)  with  single  limbate  seta  and 
tip  of  a  second  one  projecting;  notopodia  small  but  distinct,  with  tip  of  notaciculum 
extending  into  lobe.  Limbate  setae  with  long  fine  tip,  curled  backward,  distinctly 
denticled  along  limbate  border  (Fig.  5,  F,  I)  ;  stout  projecting  acicula  with  fine  short 
tips  (Fig.  5,  G,  J).  Thus  parapodia  essentially  as  in  larger  free-living  specimens  of 
Notocirrus  spiniferus  except  for  fewer  acicula  and  setae.  Anal  end  of  small  speci- 
men tapering  gradually  to  cylindrical  posterior  end,  without  distinct  anal  cirri ;  that 
of  larger  specimen  (Fig.  5,  D)  essentially  as  in  N.  spiniferus.  Pharynx,  when 
partially  extended,  appears  as  three-lobed  structure,  the  middle  lobe  rounded, 
tongue-like,  consisting  of  pair  of  lobes  (Fig.  5,  B).  Jaw  parts  of  smaller  specimen 
(Fig.  4,  G)  not  dissected  but  darker  paired  mandibles  and  maxillary  carriers  visible 
through  the  somewhat  transparent  body  wall,  maxillary  carriers  appearing  as  single 
elongated  rod.  Jaw  parts  of  larger  specimen,  when  dissected  out,  showing  well 

FIGURE  5.  Young  Notocirrus  fspiniferus,  parasite  taken  from  body  cavity  of  Diopatra 
cuprea,  Woods  Hole  region :  A,  Laterodorsal  view  anterior  end ;  B,  ventral  view  same ;  C,  lateral 
view  same;  D,  dorsal  view  posterior  end;  E,  parapodium  from  setiger  10;  F,  limbate  seta  from 
same;  G,  aciculum  with  projecting  tip  from  same;  H,  parapodium  from  middle  of  body;  I, 
limbate  seta  from  same;  J,  aciculum  with  projecting  tip  from  same;  K,  parapodium  from 
posterior  part  of  body;  L,  mandibles,  ventral  view;  M,  developing  maxillary  carriers  and 
maxillae,  dorsal  view. 


developed  mandibles  (Fig.  5,  L),  and  incompletely  developed  maxillae  (Fig.  5,  M) 
with  elongated  rodlike  maxillary  carriers  (appearing  as  single  rod  but  darker  toward 
the  outside),  and  developing  denticled  maxillae,  indicated  by  slightly  darker  amber- 
colored  areas  on  walls  of  pharynx. 

Remarks.  The  smallest  parasites  reported  by  Allen  were  composed  of  seven 
segments ;  some  specimens  of  30  segments  showed  no  eyes  or  setae ;  the  largest 
specimen  reported  was  50  mm.  long  and  was  composed  of  about  200  segments. 
These  parasites  had  not  emerged  naturally  from  the  host.  Thus  they  live  a  para- 
sitic life  for  a  considerable  period.  The  smaller  specimens  were  in  the  body  wall 
of  the  host  near  the  parietal  blood  vessels,  the  larger  ones  were  free  in  the  body 
cavity.  A  few  large  parasites  were  observed  emerging  from  the  body  cavity  of 
Diopatra  by  Dr.  Frank  Brown  (Allen,  1952),  but  the  lengths  and  the  developmental 
stages  of  these  specimens  were  not  indicated.  It  may  be  that  the  parasites  remain 
in  Diopatra  until  the  jaw  parts  are  completely  developed;  they  were  not  completely 
developed  in  the  largest  specimen  I  was  able  to  examine.  It  is  unknown  how  the 
parasites  get  into  the  host.  Perhaps  the  eggs  of  Notocirrus  are  laid  and  fertilized 
within  the  tube  of  Diopatra.  Notocirrus,  being  a  burrowing  form,  could  enter  the 
parchment-like  tube  of  Diopatra  on  the  buried  end  which,  as  far  as  has  been  ob- 
served, is  open.  In  some  way,  the  fertilized  eggs  or  young  at  a  very  early  stage 
get  into  the  body  cavity  of  Diopatra.  The  posterior  end  of  Diopatra  is  soft  and 
flaccid  and  fragments  easily;  perhaps  the  young  are  able  to  bore  into  the  broken 
fragmented  end  of  the  host.  Diopatra  regenerates  readily  also.  One  host,  found 
by  Allen,  contained  about  30  small  parasites,  composed  of  from  7  to  approximately 
30  segments ;  another  host  contained  over  50  parasites  of  varying  sizes,  some  up  to 
50  mm.  in  length. 

In  this  connection,  it  may  be  of  interest  to  mention  the  observation  made  by 
Koch  (1847)  of  filamentous  lumbrinerid-like  forms  crawling  out  of  a  broken 
truncated  posterior  end  of  a  strongly  contracting  specimen  of  Marphysa  sanguinea, 
which  was  dredged  at  considerable  depth  in  the  Mediterranean.  On  further  exami- 
nation of  the  Marphysa,  he  found  numerous  young  specimens  in  the  body  cavity, 
in  various  stages  of  development ;  the  smallest  were  small  roundish  microscopic 
forms  with  only  slight  indication  of  a  few  segments  and  without  eyes ;  a  more  ad- 
vanced stage  of  25-30  segments  showed  a  distinct  prostomium  with  2  eyes,  para- 
podia  with  stout  aciculum  only,  and  jaw  apparatus  in  early  stages  of  development; 
a  still  more  advanced  stage  of  50-100  segments  showed  a  distinct  prostomium  with 
4  eyes  in  a  transverse  line,  parapodia  with  2  stout  acicula  and  a  few  setae  confined  to 
the  parapodia;  a  still  later  stage  of  100-120  segments  showed  the  parapodia  with  a 
short  rounded  setal  lobe  and  a  longer  postsetal  lobe,  with  stout  dark  yellow  acicula, 
the  tips  of  which  appear  from  Koch's  figure  to  project,  as  in  Notocirrus  or  Drilo- 
nereis,  and  the  jaw  apparatus  well  formed  (probably  not  completely  formed). 
Koch  thought  that  the  specimens  he  observed  were  the  young  stages  of  a  viviparous 
Marphysa  sanguinea  and  that  during  its  development,  the  young  pass  through  a 
lumbrinerid-like  stage.  Ehlers  (1868,  p.  364),  commenting  on  the  observation 
of  Koch,  indicated  that  Koch  had  more  likely  observed  parasitic  forms  of  a 
lumbrinerid-like  species  living  in  M.  sanguinea  and  that  the  latter  was  not  vivi- 
parous; he  stated  that  it  was  unreasonable  to  think  that  a  young  specimen  of  M. 
sanguinea  of  more  than  100  segments  would  not  show  some  of  the  characteristics 
of  the  adult,  that  of  antennae,  branchiae,  characteristic  setae,  etc.  In  consideration 


of  the  long  jaw  pieces  (maxillary  carriers)  and  the  four  eyes,  Ehlers  concluded  that 
it  might  be  a  parasitic  species  of  Arabella.  The  figures  and  description  given  by 
Koch  suggest  to  me  that  the  young  developing  stages  in  Marphysa  that  he  observed, 
were  the  parasitic  young  stages  of  a  species  of  Notocirrus,  as  indicated  especially 
by  the  long  maxillary  carriers,  the  stout  parapodial  acicula,  and  the  four  eyes  in  a 
transverse  row. 


ALLEN,  M.  JEAN,  1952.     An  example  of  parasitism  among  polychaetes.     Nature,  169:  197. 
CAULLERY,  MAURICE,  1914.     Labidognathus  parasiticus  n.g.,  n.  sp.     Cas  neuveaux  d'endopara- 

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CAULLERY,   MAURICE,   AND  FELIX   MESNIL,    1916.     Notes   biologiques   sur   les   mares   a  Litho- 

thamnion  de  la  Hague.     1.  Presentation  d'un  Labrorostratus  parasiticus  S.J.,  parasite 

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CERRUTI,   ATTILIO,    1909.     Oligognathus   parasiticus   n.    sp.,    endoparassita   dello    Spio    meczm- 

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HARTMAN,    OLGA,    1944.     Polychateous   annelids.      Part   V.      Eunicea.     Allan   Hancock    Pac. 

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KOCH,  HEINRICH,  1847.    Einige  Worte  zur  Entwicklungsgeschichte  von  Eunice.    Denkschr.  Allg. 

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MOORE,  J.  PERCY,  1906.     Descriptions  of  new  species  of  Polychaeta  from  the  southeastern  coast 

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Department  of  Biological  Sciences,  Northivestern  University,  Evanston,  Illinois 

It  has  become  increasingly  clear  that  many  of  the  physiological  processes  in 
organisms  do  not  occur  at  constant  rates,  even  when  the  organism  is  in  a  constant 
laboratory  environment.  These  fluctuations  in  rates  are  often  of  regular  recurrence 
and  may  be  designated  as  rhythms.2  Various  manifestations  of  these  changes  taking 
place  within  the  organisms  may  be  observed.  Among  them  are  rhythms  of  O2- 
consumption  and  CO,-production,  locomotor  activity,  chromatophore  pigment  dis- 
persal and  body  temperature  changes. 

Judging  from  the  number  of  contributed  works  in  the  field  of  biological  rhythms, 
locomotor  activity  has  been  more  often  utilized  as  an  index  to  rhythmic  behavior 
than  any  other  kind  of  biological  process.  The  simplicity  of  automatic  recording 
devices  needed,  the  long  span  of  time  over  which  animals  may  be  used  for  such 
studies,  and  the  minimal  interference  with  the  animals'  normal  functioning,  are  some 
of  the  reasons  why  activity  studies  have  been  so  popular. 

Among  the  earliest  investigators  of  activity  rhythms  was  Szymanski  (1918), 
who  demonstrated  them  in  a  variety  of  animals.  Subsequently,  studies  of  the 
activity  rhythms  of  a  host  of  animals  have  been  made.  Among  them,  to  name  only 
a  few  representative  ones,  are  those  of  Ralph  (1957)  on  the  earthworm,  Harker 
(1956)  on  Periplaneta  americana,  Brown  (1954)  on  the  oyster,  Marx  and  Kayser 
(1949)  on  lizards,  and  Aschoff  (1952)  on  mice. 

The  diurnal  rhythm  is  the  one  most  commonly  encountered  in  terrestrial  organ- 
isms (reviewed  by  Welsh,  1938,  and  Kleitman,  1949).  Among  marine  organisms 
both  diurnal  and  tidal  rhythms  have  been  found  associated  together  (Brown, 
Fingerman,  Sandeen  and  Webb,  1953),  but  sometimes  a  tidal  rhythm  may  be  the 
only  one  apparent  (Rao,  1954).  Lunar  periodicities  in  marine  animals  are  well 
known  (Korringa,  1947). 

That  lunar  influences  may  also  be  significant  in  the  metabolic  rhythms  of  ter- 
restrial organisms  has  been  indicated  by  recent  works  (Brown,  Freeland  and  Ralph, 
1955;  Ralph,  1957).  The  present  study  was  undertaken  in  order  to  examine  the 
activity  behavior  of  a  terrestrial  animal,  the  salamander,  Plethodon  cinereus,  and 
to  analyze  it  for  lunar  influences. 

1  Present  address :  Entomology  Branch,  Directorate  of  Medical  Research,  Army  Chemical 
Center,  Maryland. 

2  A  rhythm,  as  used  here,  is  defined  as  a  definitely  persisting,  regularly  recurring,  quanti- 
tative change  that  continues  after  external  stimuli  are  withdrawn.     Rhythms  can  be  roughly 
divided  into  (a)  those  of  24  hours  (diurnal)  or  less,  and  (b)  those  of  more  than  24  hours  (e.g., 
lunar).     They  generally  have  a  causal  relation  to  external  factors,  but  are  to  be  distinguished 
from  periodicities  which  are  of  extrinsic  origin  and  which  vary  directly  with  environmental 




Twenty-four  adult  Plethodon  cinereus  were  collected  on  May  8,  1955,  in  a 
beech-maple  forest  near  New  Buffalo,  Michigan.  The  animals  were  brought  to  the 
laboratory  and  placed  in  two  9-inch  crystallizing  dishes,  the  bottoms  of  which  were 
covered  with  a  moist  sand  layer  and  bits  of  wood  debris.  Small  earthworms  and 
sowbugs  were  provided  as  food  and  these  were  replenished  frequently  during  the 
experiment.  The  dishes  were  placed  in  a  slowly-moving  stream  of  cold  tap  water. 

All  work  was  carried  out  in  a  room  designed  as  a  photographic  darkroom. 
There  was  one  opening  to  the  room,  a  door  fitted  with  a  light-baffle.  Thermograph 
records  of  the  air  temperature  a  few  inches  above  the  running  water  in  which  the 
animals  were  kept  throughout  the  experiment  were  taken  between  May  10th  and 
26th.  These  showed  no  diurnal  temperature  variations,  but  rather  only  slow  changes 
requiring  several  days. 

Continuous  records  of  the  locomotor  activity  of  seven  animals  were  obtained 
by  the  use  of  the  same  apparatus,  and  data  were  translated  from  the  experimental 
records  to  tabular  form  in  the  same  manner,  as  described  by  Ralph  (1957)  for  the 
study  of  the  earthworm.  The  recording  device  consisted  essentially  of  seven 
rectangular  platforms  that  rocked  freely  upon  knife-blade  bearings.  Upon  each 
platform  was  mounted  a  chamber  consisting  of  a  3%-inch  Petri  dish  enclosing  the 
bottom  half  of  a  234-inch  Petri  dish,  thereby  forming  a  circular  track  one-half  inch 
in  width.  Movement  of  the  animal  around  this  track  resulted  in  different  degrees 
of  tipping  of  the  platform.  Platform  movements  were  transmitted  via  a  thread 
to  a  recording  pen  system  that  reproduced  them  on  a  sheet  of  paper  moving  at  a 
rate  of  two  centimeters  per  hour.  The  recording  apparatus  occupied  a  position 
adjacent  to  the  dish  of  reserve  animals  and  the  activity  chambers  were  suspended 
about  two  inches  above  the  water's  surface  in  order  to  keep  the  animals  in  the 
same  cool  air  layer. 

From  May  9th  to  13th  all  the  animals  were  exposed  to  alternating  light,  from 
6  A.M.  to  6  P.M.,  and  darkness,  from  6  P.M.  to  6  A.M.  The  light  source  during  this 
period  was  two  7%-watt  opalescent,  incandescent  lamps  suspended  about  four  feet 
above  the  animals.  The  form  of  the  diurnal  activity  cycle  under  simulated  day  and 
night  conditions  was  determined  during  this  period. 

During  the  afternoon  of  May  13th  a  light-proof  box  was  mounted  over  the 
water  table  in  which  the  reserve  animals  were  kept  so  that  they  could  be  main- 
tained in  constant  low  illumination.  The  box  was  equipped  with  a  light  source  at 
the  top  so  that  diffuse  light  of  less  than  one  foot-candle  reached  the  salamanders. 
Also,  the  transparent  glass  covers  of  the  activity  chambers  were  replaced  by  black- 
painted  covers  in  order  to  exclude  all  light.  Thus,  when  the  animals  were  in  the 
reserve  dishes  they  were  under  continuous  and  constant  low  illumination,  and  when 
placed  in  the  recording  apparatus  they  were  in  darkness.  Twenty-nine  days  of 
continuous  records  for  seven  animals  at  a  time  were  obtained  under  these  con- 

A  regular  sequence  of  replacement  was  established  at  the  outset  of  the  experi- 
ment, so  that  only  one  or  two  animals  were  replaced  daily.  As  the  animals  were 
removed  from  the  chambers  they  were  placed  in  one  of  the  crystallizing  dishes,  while 
the  replacement  animal  was  randomly  selected  from  the  other  dish.  When  the 
supply  of  animals  was  exhausted  from  one  dish,  replacement  was  started  from  the 



dish  that  had  been  receiving  the  animals.     Thus,  each  of  the  24  animals  participated 
in  the  study  at  least  twice  for  approximately  four  days  each  time. 

In  order  to  minimize  any  effects  that  the  placing  of  a  fresh  animal  in  the  ap- 
paratus might  have  on  the  data,  the  time  of  replacement  was  varied  over  the  day 
from  8  A.M.  to  midnight.  As  a  further  precaution,  the  first  three  hours  of  the 
record  produced  by  a  fresh  animal  were  not  included  in  the  data,  since  the  animals 
tended  to  be  hyperactive  for  several  minutes  after  being  placed  in  a  chamber. 

Diurnal  rhythm 

The  mean  activity  for  the  animals  in  alternating  light  and  darkness  is  shown 
by  Figure  1,  A.3  It  will  be  seen  that  the  animals  were  most  active  during  the 

z  - 

FIGURE  1.  (A)  The  average  activity  of  seven  salamanders  for  about  five  consecutive  days 
while  exposed  to  light  from  6  A.M.  to  6  P.M.  and  darkness  from  6  P.M.  to  6  A.M.  (B)  The 
average  activity  of  seven  salamanders  for  29  consecutive  days.  Their  activity  was  recorded 
while  they  were  in  darkness.  (C)  The  influence  of  the  lunar-day  frequency  on  the  activity  of 
the  salamander,  as  demonstrated  by  analysis  for  lunar  effects.  (See  text  for  explanation.)  The 
times  of  zenith  for  the  29-day  period  were  synchronized  in  column  6  for  this  analysis. 

dark  hours  and  least  active  during  the  light  hours.     A  more  complete  analysis  of 
the  exact  form  of  this  curve  will  be  presented  in  the  discussion. 

Table  I  shows  the  mean  activity  when  the  animals  were  in  dark  chambers. 
These  data  represent  hourly  determinations  for  29  consecutive  days.  The  mean 
values  for  seven  animals  for  each  hour  were  placed  in  the  table  under  the  hour  on 
which  the  determination  ended. 

3  All  graphs  in  this  paper  are  plotted  from  sliding  averages  of  three  adjacent  values.  For 
example,  the  averages  of  the  2,  3,  and  4  p.  M.  columns  were  averaged  to  give  the  3  P.M.  value. 
This  technique  is  useful  for  smoothing  curves  and  shows  trends  more  clearly. 




O   IO   O   ~H  O 

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The  data  were  first  analyzed  to  find  the  mean  activity  for  each  hour  of  the  day. 
All  24  columns  were  averaged  and  the  results  are  plotted  in  Figure  1,  B.  The 
form  of  this  variation  is  similar,  in  a  general  way,  to  that  obtained  when  the  animals 
were  exposed  to  alternating  light  and  darkness.  There  are  conspicuous  differences 
between  them,  however,  and  these  will  be  discussed  later. 

Lunar  analysis 

The  data  of  Table  I  were  inspected  for  a  lunar  influence  before  they  were  sub- 
jected to  a  detailed  analysis.  First  the  data  for  each  day  were  plotted,  each  day 
under  the  preceding  one,  and  then  a  line  representing  lunar  zenith  was  drawn 
across  the  plots,  intersecting  the  abscissae  at  the  time  of  zenith.  Since  the  moon 
reaches  zenith  for  any  given  locality  approximately  50  minutes  later  each  day,  the 
line  representing  zenith  intersected  the  time  scales  about  50  minutes  later  with 
each  successive  day. 

Upon  close  examination  of  these  plots,  it  was  seen  that  the  activity  pattern  for 
each  day  had  certain  unique  variations,  but  generally  bore  a  similarity  to  the  mean 
pattern  for  the  29  days.  However,  it  was  noted  that  when  zenith  occurred  at 
times  of  usually  moderate  or  high  activity  the  level  of  activity  was  generally  low 
for  a  few  hours  before  and  after  the  time  of  zenith.  That  is  to  say,  when  zenith 
occurred  during  the  "night  hours,"  which  were  usually  the  times  of  greatest  ac- 
tivity, depression  of  activity  resulted. 

On  the  starting  day  of  this  29-day  study,  May  14th,  the  moon  was  in  third,  or 
last,  quarter  and  thus  the  time  of  zenith  was  approximately  6  A.M.  On  May  21st 
new  moon  occurred  with  the  time  of  zenith  at  noon.  First  quarter,  with  zenith 
at  approximately  6  P.M.,  was  on  the  28th  of  May  and  full  moon,  with  zenith  at  mid- 
night, occurred  on  June  5th. 

It  may  be  postulated  that  the  mean  activity  for  any  one  day  would  tend  to  be 
high  if  zenith  occurred  during  the  times  of  normally  low  activity  and  would  tend 
to  be  lower  if  zenith  occurred  during  the  times  of  high  activity.  Therefore,  if  one 
plots  the  mean  activity  for  each  day  for  one  lunar  month,  the  resulting  curve  should 
be  essentially  the  inverse  of  the  mean  hourly  activity  curve,  provided  the  lunar  effect 
is  operative  in  the  postulated  manner.  A  comparison  of  Figure  2,  which  shows  the 
daily  means  for  a  lunar  month,  with  Figures  1,  A  or  1,  B,  the  hourly  mean  curves, 
bears  out  this  hypothesis.  This  would  then  suggest  strongly  that  a  lunar  zenith 
effect  is  operative ;  it  is  a  depressive  effect,  and  the  time  at  which  zenith  occurs 
does  indeed  appear  to  determine  to  some  extent  the  mean  activity  for  any  one  day. 

A  second  method  of  demonstrating  the  presence  of  an  apparent  lunar  modifica- 
tion of  the  diurnal  rhythm  was  applied  in  the  following  manner.  If  the  hourly 
averages  of  the  days  between  third  quarter  and  new  moon  are  found,  a  pattern  of 
activity  variation  essentially  like  the  average  for  the  entire  29  days  should  result, 
since  little  depressive  influence  should  be  in  evidence  during  this  time.  Figure  3, 
A,  shows  the  means  for  each  hour  of  the  day  for  the  seven  days  of  that  period,  and  it 
will  be  seen  that  this  pattern  is  very  similar  to  that  for  the  entire  29-day  period. 
Likewise,  the  hourly  means  for  the  succeeding  seven  days,  May  21st  to  27th,  that  is, 
from  new  moon  to  first  quarter,  should  also  be  similar  to  the  means  for  the  entire 
29  days  and  similar  to  the  pattern  for  the  preceding  seven  days.  Upon  examina- 
tion of  Figure  3,  B,  it  will  be  seen  that  this  is  true. 






i       i    i    i    i    i    i 

FIGURE  2.     The  average  activity  per  day  for  seven  salamandecs  over  a  29-day  period. 
The  approximate  times  of  the  lunar  quarters  are  indicated. 



During  the  next  eight  days,  however,  the  time  of  zenith  moved  from  about  6 
P.M.  to  near  midnight.  Any  zenith-associated  depressive  influence  should  be  very 
evident  during  this  period.  Figure  3,  C  shows  that  for  these  days  the  lowest  levels 
of  activity  occurred  between  6  P.M.  and  midnight.  Evident,  also,  in  this  figure  is 

8   - 











i     i     i     i     i 

j i     i     i 





FIGURE  3.  The  average  hourly  activity  of  seven  salamanders.  A.  May  14-20  (3rd  quarter- 
New  Moon).  B.  May  21-27  (New  Moon-lst  quarter).  C.  May  28- June  4  (1st  quarter-Full 
Moon).  D.  June  5-11  (Full  Moon-3rd  quarter). 


a  low  at  6  A.M.  This  was  largely  caused  by  a  low  average  value  of  2.9  at  6  A.M. 
Consequently,  the  sliding  averages  in  the  region  around  6  A.M.  are  affected.  Its 
significance  is  unknown. 

Finally,  the  hourly  averages  for  the  last  quarter  of  the  lunar  month  are  shown 
in  Figure  3,  D.  Once  again,  depression  appears  evident,  this  time  between  1  and 
6  A.M.,  the  range  over  which  zenith  occurred  during  the  final  seven  days  of  this 

The  third  method  for  showing  the  presence  of  a  lunar  rhythm  is  that  which 
has  been  employed  with  much  success  by  Brown  (Brown,  Bennett  and  Webb,  1954). 
For  the  purposes  of  this  analytical  technique,  one  may  visualize  the  times  of  lunar 
zenith,  and  other  corresponding  lunar  positions,  as  diagonals  running  downward 
and  from  left  to  right  across  the  daily  rows  of  data  in  Table  I.  As  pointed  out 
earlier,  the  time  at  which  lunar  zenith  occurs  for  any  one  location  is  later  with  each 
successive  day  by  about  50  minutes.  Thus,  the  lunar  day  is  of  about  24.8  hours 
duration.  A  given  lunar  position  completes  one  diagonal  crossing  of  all  the  24-hour 
vertical  columns  in  about  29  days.4 

Any  lunar-associated  influence  may  be  made  apparent  if  the  corresponding  lunar 
positions  are  aligned  in  vertical  columns.  Such  a  manipulation  will  serve  also  to 
"neutralize"  the  diurnal  rhythm.  To  accomplish  this,  the  day-by-day  data  of  Table 
I  were  shifted  to  the  left  an  average  of  about  50  minutes  with  respect  to  the  pre- 
ceding day.  That  is,  day  1  was  left  in  its  normal  hourly  relationship,  as  was  day 
2,  also.  Then  days  3  to  7  were  each  moved  one  hour  to  the  left  with  respect  to 
the  clock  hours  of  the  preceding  days.  The  data  of  day  8  were  kept  synchronized 
with  those  of  day  7,  but  days  9  to  13  were  each  shifted  one  hour  further  to  the  left, 
and  so  on  throughout  the  29  days  of  data.  Twenty-four  vertical  columns  were 
retained  by  transposing,  in  sequence,  the  data  which  extended  to  the  left  beyond  the 
first  value  of  day  1  to  the  right  side  of  the  table. 

Figure  1,  C,  shows  the  results  of  this  analysis.  Since  zenith  occurred  at  ap- 
proximately 6  A.M.  on  the  initial  day  of  this  experiment  and  all  zeniths  of  the  suc- 
ceeding days  were  aligned  with  it,  the  position  of  zenith  is  indicated  in  the  sixth 
column  in  Figure  1,  C.  This  analysis  provides  further  evidence  that  a  depressive 
effect,  which  modulates  the  diurnal  rhythm,  is  associated  with  the  time  of  lunar 


Upon  comparison,  it  will  be  observed  that  the  amplitude  of  the  average  cycle 
represented  in  Figure  1,  A  is  about  twice  that  shown  by  Figure  1,  B.  This  differ- 
ence may  be  explained  upon  the  basis  of  two  possible  reasons,  both  of  which  may 
apply.  When  the  animals  are  in  alternating  light  and  darkness  (Fig.  1,  A),  the 
persistent  rhythm  may  be  amplified  due  to  a  direct  influence  of  light  intensity  on 
locomotion.  In  continuous  darkness  the  rhythm  may  fail  to  attain  fullest  expres- 
sion, being  "damped,"  but  maintaining  essentially  the  same  frequency. 

A  second  contributing  cause  for  the  difference  in  amplitude,  and  one  which,  in 
addition,  may  explain  the  occurrence  of  the  minor  minimum  around  midnight  in 
Figure  1,  A,  could  be  that,  in  the  period  represented,  only  the  first  half  of  the  A.M. 
hours,  approximately,  were  subjected  to  the  postulated  depressive  lunar  influence, 
whereas  all  hours  of  the  period  represented  by  Figure  1,  B  were  exposed  to  this 

4  The  synodical  lunar  month,  the  period  from  one  new  moon  to  the  next,  has  a  mean  length 
of  29  days,  12  hours,  44  minutes,  and  2.8  seconds. 


influence.  Thus,  Figure  1,  B  presents  the  average  diurnal  rhythm  with  the  lunar 
influence  "neutralized,"  but  nevertheless  with  lowered  amplitude  caused  by  the 
lunar  depression.  Figure  1,  A  is  possibly  distorted,  in  part,  by  the  lunar  influence, 
but  most  of  its  values  were  little  affected  by  lunar  depression. 

The  rhythm  of  locomotor  activity,  as  determined  in  this  experiment  under  con- 
stant laboratory  conditions,  is  undoubtedly  similar  to  the  variations  in  activity  of 
this  salamander  in  nature.  Park,  Lockett  and  Myers  (1931)  note  that  in  the 
forest  this  salamander  apparently  passes  the  day  beneath  logs  and  stones  and  be- 
comes active  by  8  :45  P.M. 

The  possession  of  a  rhythm  that  assists  in  regulating  the  activity  of  the  sala- 
mander, as  described  here,  may  be  of  supreme  importance  for  the  survival  of  the 
animal.  As  we  have  seen,  it  appears  to  have  an  activity  rhythm  that  is  determined 
by  two  components :  ( 1 )  the  diurnal  activity  pattern,  which  tends  to  keep  activity 
minimal  during  the  daylight  hours  and  maximal  during  the  night  hours,  and  (2) 
the  lunar  modulation,  which  alters  the  diurnal  pattern  so  as  to  minimize  activity 
on  moonlit  nights.  Thus,  the  inference  is  that  the  animal  forays  out  of  its  hiding 
niche  on  nights  when  there  is  little  or  no  moonlight  and,  hence,  when  there  is  less 
exposure  to  predators. 

Since  the  period  of  study  extended  through  only  one  lunar  cycle,  it  cannot 
be  unequivocably  stated  that  the  lunar-frequency  modulation  constitutes  a  lunar 
rhythm,  but  due  to  its  close  correlation  with  the  lunar  cycle  and  the  similarity  of 
this  modulation  with  lunar  rhythms  that  have  previously  been  described  (cf.  Brown, 
Freeland  and  Ralph,  1955),  it  appears  very  likely  that  it  is  a  lunar  rhythm. 

Though  there  appears  to  be  a  causal  relationship  between  the  lunar  cycle  and  the 
lunar  modification,  there  need  be  no  direct  inductive  influence  of  the  moon  affecting 
the  organisms.  Diurnal  rhythms  show  a  causal  relationship  to  the  day-night  cycle, 
but,  as  several  studies  have  shown,  the  phase  relationships  of  rhythms  to  the  day- 
night  cycle  need  not  be  fixed.  Thus,  the  apparent  "influence"  of  the  moon  on  the 
activity  rhythm  may  be  only  a  persisting  behavioral  pattern  that  continues  after 
the  inductive  influence  of  the  moon  is  removed.  Just  as  the  24-hour  solar  cycle 
may  be  impressed  upon  the  activity  pattern,  likewise  the  24.8-hour  lunar  cycle  may 
also  be  impressed  upon  the  pattern.  The  two  frequencies  together  would  appear 
largely  to  determine  the  overt  expression  of  activity. 

The  author  wishes  to  express  his  appreciation  to  Dr.  F.  A.  Brown,  Jr.,  for  his 
helpful  suggestions  concerning  the  manuscript. 


1.  The  salamander,  Plethodon  cincrcus,  shows  a  diurnal  rhythm  of  locomotor 
activity,  both  in  alternating  12-hour  periods  of  light  and  darkness,  and  in  continuous 

2.  The  diurnal  rhythm  is  strongly  modified  by  a  depressive  influence  that  is 
apparently  associated  with  the  time  of  lunar  zenith. 

3.  The  activity  of  the  animal  at  any  given  time  is  a  function  of  the  diurnal  and 
lunar  influences  operative  at  that  time. 

4.  The  significance  of  the  rhythm  to  the  animal  in  nature  is  discussed. 



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Department  of  Biology,  Amherst  College,  Amherst,  Massachusetts 

It  is  now  well  established  that  dilute  solutions  of  many  enzymes  are  readily 
inactivated  by  ionizing  radiation  and  that  the  presence  of  solute  molecules,  other 
than  enzyme,  decreases  the  effect  of  the  radiation  (Barren,  1954).  Since  the 
classical  experiments  of  Dale  (1940,  1942),  it  has  been  possible  to  explain  the  effects 
of  low  dosages  of  radiation  on  the  basis  of  interactions  between  the  protein  molecule 
and  the  ionization  products  of  water.  These  findings  have  led  to  the  discovery  of 
important  facts  about  radiation  damage  and  about  the  nature  of  enzymes.  However, 
an  important  question  is  raised  by  this  work;  that  is,  are  we  able  to  draw  valid 
conclusions  about  the  biological  effects  of  radiation  from  such  studies  ?  It  is  evident 
that  cellular  enzymes  are  not  in  a  pure  state,  nor  are  they  as  dilute  as  is  necessary 
to  achieve  effects  in  some  cases.  This  makes  it  necessary  to  investigate  the  effects 
of  radiation  on  enzymes  under  conditions  which  approximate  those  of  the  cell. 

There  are  two  obvious  ways  to  do  this.  The  most  usual  method  is  to  radiate 
a  whole  organism  (or  cell)  and  then  determine  the  enzymatic  activity  after  radia- 
tion. The  results  of  such  work  indicate  that  the  damage  to  enzymes  by  lethal 
doses  of  radiation  may  be  negligible  (LeMay,  1951 ) .  However,  there  are  a  number 
of  obvious  difficulties  in  such  work ;  and  since  the  organisms  do  die  eventually  and 
do  show  loss  of  respiration  in  some  cases  (Barren,  1954),  one  is  left  with  an  un- 
satisfied feeling.  For  this  reason,  it  seemed  advisable  to  study  the  effects  of 
ionizing  radiation  on  cellular  participates  (Yost,  Robson  and  Spiegelman,  1956). 
The  participates  of  intermediate  size  (mitochondria)  offer  several  interesting  possi- 
bilities for  such  investigations :  they  can  be  isolated  from  the  cell  in  good  condition ; 
they  contain  a  large  number  of  vital  enzymes ;  they  have  a  definite  structure  to 
which  some  of  the  enzymes  are  attached ;  the  enzyme  studied  would  always  be  in 
an  environment  similar  to,  if  not  exactly  the  same  as,  that  in  which  it  finds  itself 
within  the  cell ;  and  most  important,  the  participate  is  sufficiently  large  that  one 
might  assume  that  a  major  part  of  the  damage  done  to  enzymes  within  the  particu- 
late  would  result  from  the  passage  of  the  ionizing  "particle"  through  the  mito- 
chondrion itself.  This  would  mean  that  the  effects  of  the  radiation  on  the  enzyme 
studied  would  be  the  same  whether  the  mitochondrion  was  extracted  or  within  the 

The  experiments  reported  in  this  paper  had  a  two-fold  purpose :  the  establish- 
ment of  a  dose-inactivation  curve  for  an  enzyme  known  to  be  closely  associated  with 
the  structure  of  the  particulate,  and  the  determination  of  the  effect  of  ionizing 
radiation  on  the  phosphorylation  mechanism.  Cytochrome  oxidase  was  chosen  as  the 

1  This  work  was  supported  by  a  grant.  No.  C-2154,  from  the  National  Institutes  of  Health. 



test  enzyme  since  it  is  known  to  be  closely  bound  to  the  particulate  and  therefore 
might  be  an  indicator  of  effects  of  the  radiation  on  the  particulate  as  a  whole,  and 
since  it  is  of  vital  importance  to  the  electron  transport  system.  Furthermore,  the  im- 
plication of  the  cytochrome  system  in  the  production  of  mutations  by  ionizing  radia- 
tion (Haas  et  al.,  1954)  suggests  this  enzyme  as  an  excellent  starting  point  for  the 
investigation  of  the  effects  of  radiations  on  cells. 


White  laboratory  rats  were  starved  overnight  and  sacrificed  by  a  blow  on  the 
head.  The  liver  was  removed  and  placed  in  cold  0.85%  KC1,  where  much  of  the 
blood  was  washed  free.  The  liver  was  weighed  and  pressed  through  a  bronze  screen 
to  remove  connective  tissue.  The  resulting  mash  was  then  suspended  in  50  ml.  of 
cold  8.5%  sucrose  containing  0.005  M  disodium  versenate  and  homogenized  in  a 
glass  homogenizer  with  a  "Teflon"  pestle  driven  by  a  cone-drive  stirring  motor. 
The  mitochondria  were  then  separated  from  the  rest  of  the  homogenate  by  the 
method  of  differential  centrifugation  (Schneider,  1948).  The  mitochondrial  frac- 
tion alone  was  kept. 

In  the  studies  of  the  effect  of  gamma  radiation  on  the  activity  of  cytochrome 
oxidase,  the  mitochondria  were  suspended  in  2.5  ml.  of  sucrose-versenate  per  gram 
of  original  liver.  For  irradiation,  a  sample  of  the  suspension  was  diluted  1  in  20 
with  distilled  water.  Five  milliliters  of  the  dilute  preparation  were  put  in  a  glass 
cup  and  irradiated  in  the  beam  of  a  440-curie  Co60  source.  The  radiation  was  fil- 
tered by  a  half-inch  of  lucite  to  remove  beta  radiation ;  the  intensity  of  the  radiation 
was  1000  r  per  minute.  Controls  were  kept  in  a  sheltered  alcove  outside  the 
radiation  room  under  the  same  conditions  as  the  radiated  material.  The  Warburg 
assays  were  run  with  the  diluted  preparations. 

Treatment  of  the  preparation  for  the  determination  of  the  effect  of  gamma 
radiation  on  phosphorylation  differed  from  the  above  in  some  respects.  The 
initial  preparation  was  made  by  suspending  the  mitochondria  in  one  ml.  of  sucrose- 
versenate  per  gram  of  liver.  This  suspension  was  then  diluted  1  in  20  and  radiated 
in  a  25-ml.  "Lusteroid"  centrifuge  tube.  The  controls  were  treated  in  the  same 
manner,  with  the  exception  of  the  exposure  to  the  radiation.  After  the  radiation, 
control  and  treated  suspensions  were  centrifuged,  and  the  mitochondria  re-suspended 
in  one  ml.  This  final  suspension  was  assayed  for  phosphorylation. 

The  cytochrome  oxidase  activity  was  estimated  manometrically  by  the  method 
of  Hogeboom,  Claude  and  Hotchkiss  (1946).  The  main  compartment  of  each 
vessel  contained:  0.35  ml.  of  mitochondrial  suspension,  0.1  ml.  Sorenson  phosphate 
buffer  (pH  7.4),  1  ml  1.3  X  10~*  M  cytochrome-c  (Sigma,  horse-heart)  in 
0.85%  NaCl.  and  0.15  ml.  0.005  M  A1C1,.  The  center  well  contained  0.1  ml. 
5  N  KOH,  and  the  side  arm  held  the  reducing  agent,  0.15  ml.  0.228  M  sodium 

Estimation  of  phosphorylation  was  concluded  by  a  modification  of  the  method 
of  Maley  and  Lardy  (1954),  using  succinate  as  the  substrate.  The  main  compart- 
ment of  the  vessel  contained:  0.3  ml.  (30  /JVI)  phosphate  buffer  (pH  7.4),  0.3  ml. 
0.1  M  sodium  succinate,  0.8  ml.  8.5%  sucrose,  0.1  ml.  (0.3  /*M)  cytochrome-c,  0.3 
ml.  (6  /*M)  ATP  (Schwartz,  neutral),  0.1  ml.  (30  /xM)  MgSO4,  0.1  ml.  (40 
KF,  and  0.5  ml.  of  the  mitochondrial  suspension.  The  center  well  contained 



0.1  ml.  5  N  KOH,  and  the  side  arm  held  0.5  ml.  (20  mg.)  of  hexokinase  (Pabst). 
To  assure  that  the  final  pH  of  the  reaction  would  be  7.0  or  higher,  the  pH  of 
some  of  the  more  acid  reactants  was  adjusted  with  NaOH  before  addition  to  the 
flasks.  Failure  to  do  this  results  in  lowered  oxygen  uptake  and  lowered  phosphory- 
lation.  Readings  of  the  oxygen  uptake  were  taken  for  30  minutes,  after  which 
time  the  reactions  were  stopped  with  TCA  and  the  phosphate  determined  by  the 
Lowry-Lopez  method  as  presented  by  Click  (1949). 

Assays  of  oxidase  activity  were  made  at  38°  C. ;  assays  of  phosphorylation  were 
made  at  25°  C.  Assays  of  oxygen  uptake  were  made  in  triplicate;  assays  of 
phosphorylation  were  made  in  duplicate.  All  experiments  were  repeated  at  least 
three  times. 


Table  I  presents  the  data  obtained  from  radiation  of  mitochondrial  preparations 
of  differing  age.  The  preparation  labeled  "Day  1"  was  radiated  on  the  same  day 

Inactivation  of  cytochrome  oxidase  by  gamma  radiation 

Day  1 

Day  2 

Day  3 

Dose  r 

No.  runs 

Per  cent 


No.  runs 

Per  cent 

No.  runs 

Per  cent 






















10,000                   6 








































34.1  ±3.3 

that  it  was  extracted ;  the  preparation  labeled  "Day  2"  was  radiated  on  the  following 
day;  etc.  These  data  show  that  cytochrome  oxidase  is  extremely  resistant  to 
gamma  radiation.  This  is  in  accord  with  the  earlier  studies  of  Barren  ct  al. 
(1949).  Nevertheless,  although  the  data  are  extremely  erratic  below  10,000  r, 
some  effect  is  achieved  with  doses  as  low  as  2500  r.  There  is  little  indication  that 
a  maximum  has  been  reached  at  40,000  r.  It  is  necessary  to  comment  on  the 
variability  shown  by  the  data.  The  figures  are  averages  of  several  runs  done  with 
different  rats.  We  have  found  that  preparations  from  different  rats  give  different 
results.  In  the  case  of  the  data  obtained  with  4000  r,  Day  2,  the  inactivation 
varied  from  12.1  per  cent  to  36.5  per  cent.  Whether  this  intrinsic  variability  is  the 
result  of  differences  in  age,  sex,  or  physiological  condition,  we  are  unable  to  judge 
at  this  time.  In  addition,  there  is  always  the  problem  of  variation  in  the  con- 
centration of  the  preparations.  All  dilutions  are  made  from  suspensions  made  up 
as  2.5  ml.  per  gram  of  liver  extracted.  There  is  no  reason  to  suppose  that  the 
number  of  mitochondria  will  be  the  same  in  each  case.  Until  studies  are  done  in 




The  effect  of  aging  on  the  inactivation  of  cytochrome  oxidase 




No.  runs 

Per  cent  inactivation 

No.  runs 

Per  cent  inactivation 
















which  the  number  of  mitochondria  in  each  sample  are  the  same,  no  conclusions  can 
be  drawn  about  the  variability  between  rats. 

The  data  in  Table  I  indicate  that  the  preparations  become  more  sensitive  to  low 
doses  of  radiation  with  time.  On  the  first  day,  a  dose  of  2500  r  produces  little  or 
no  inactivation ;  on  the  second  day,  it  produces  about  6  per  cent.  This  is  shown  in 
a  much  more  striking  manner  in  Table  II.  In  this  case  the  data  from  some  runs 
done  on  the  first  day  are  broken  down  into  those  done  in  the  morning  and  those 
done  in  the  afternoon.  In  all  cases,  a  preparation  was  radiated  in  the  morning  and 
afternoon,  the  only  difference  being  the  age.  It  is  evident  that  when  the  mito- 
chondria are  first  extracted  they  are  much  more  resistant  to  radiation,  particularly 
at  the  lower  doses.  At  high  doses,  Table  I  indicates  that  there  is  a  progressive 
decrease  in  sensitivity  with  age.  Intermediate  doses  are  erratic.  As  a  result  of 






FIGURE  1.  Inactivation  of  cytochrome  oxidase  by  gamma  radiation.  Points  represent 
means,  with  standard  errors  shown  as  limits.  Preparation  radiated  the  same  day  it  was  ex- 
tracted. The  dotted  line  represents  the  best  fit  of  a  regular  curve. 



this  aging  effect,  the  inactivation  curve  shown  in  Figure  1  was  constructed  on  the 
basis  of  the  first-day  results  only. 

The  data  presented  in  Table  III  show  that  the  oxidative  phosphorylation 
mechanism  is  far  more  sensitive  to  radiation  than  cytochrome  oxidase.  All  runs 
were  done  with  a  fresh  preparation.  There  is  no  appreciable  difference  in  the  age 
of  the  preparations.  In  this  case,  each  run  represents  a  different  rat,  so  that  the 
variability  results  from  this  alone.  It  can  be  seen  that  there  is  little  effect  of  the 
radiation  upon  the  oxygen  uptake  in  any  case.  The  stimulation  of  phosphorylation 
by  2500  r  is  slightly  greater  than  would  be  expected  on  the  basis  of  increased 


Inactivation  of  phosphorylation  by  gamma  radiation 

Phosphate  uptake: 


Per  cent  decrease 

No.  treated 

Ch  uptake, 
%  decrease 













































oxygen  uptake,  when  calculations  are  made  using  a  theoretical  P  :O   ratio  of  2 
for  succinate. 

In  all  tables  the  data  are  shown  as  means  ±  standard  error. 


The  data  presented  in  this  paper  indicate  that  the  inactivation  of  cytochrome 
oxidase  by  gamma  radiation  follows  an  irregular  course.  In  all  cases,  there  is  a 
plateau  reached  at  5000  r  to  10,000  r,  followed  by  a  sharp  increase  between  10,000 
r  and  12,500  r.  The  plateau  is  not  lost  upon  aging  (if  anything,  it  is  intensified)  ; 
nor  is  it  absent  in  fresh  preparations.  Table  II  indicates  that  in  very  fresh  prepa- 
rations there  is  a  sharp  increase  between  15,000  and  20,000  r.  It  appears  that 
the  age  of  the  preparation  merely  increases  the  dose  necessary  to  cause  the 
"jump."  This  observation  requires  special  consideration.  In  the  oxidation  of 
cytochrome-c  by  ionizing  radiation,  it  has  been  shown  that  the  effects  of  radiation 
doses  below  10,000  r  are  completely  reversible  (Barren,  1954).  It  is  possible  that 
part  of  the  curve  (Fig.  1)  between  10,000  r  and  15,000  r  represents  a  shift  from 
indirect  to  direct  effects  upon  the  particulate.  Since  we  are  radiating  the  entire 
particulate  system,  we  can  expect  that  the  terminal  oxidase  of  this  system  is  con- 
stantly being  reduced  by  substrate  (either  the  supplied  cytochrome-c  or  internal 
metabolites).  This  continual  reduction  may  protect  the  cytochrome  oxidase  from 
the  effects  of  the  radiation,  either  during  the  time  of  radiation,  when  it  must  draw 
upon  its  internal  supplies,  or  during  the  assay  procedure,  when  it  is  supplied  with 
a  reducing  agent  which  may  effect  post-irradiation  recovery.  Support  for  this  idea 
conies  from  the  aging  effect  shown  in  Table  II.  If  the  oxidase  were  being  pro- 


tected  by  materials  within  the  mitochondrion  at  the  time  of  radiation,  we  would 
expect  that  aging  the  preparation  would  lead  to  depletion  of  the  internal  stores  with 
a  consequent  lowering  of  the  protective  effect.  This  is  what  is  observed.  At 
higher  doses  this  protective  effect  is  apparently  negligible  compared  to  the  dose 
administered.  Thus  the  effect  of  the  radiation  is  reduced  with  age  as  might  be 
expected  from  the  protective  effect  of  particulates  whose  oxidase  has  been  inacti- 
vated by  causes  other  than  radiation. 

It  may  be  argued  that  the  protection  is  merely  the  result  of  the  various  solute 
molecules  which  are  not  removed  by  washing  during  the  extraction.  It  is  difficult 
to  decide  whether  there  is  a  specific  type  of  protection  resulting  from  the  genera- 
tion of  "reducing  power"  from  the  substrate,  or  whether  there  is  a  non-specific 
protective  effect  of  additional  substrate  (Dale,  1942).  It  is  clear  that  the  effective 
substance  is  lost  during  aging ;  therefore,  it  seems  sure  that  the  protective  substance 
must  be  within  the  particulate  to  be  effective.  If  the  substance  were  merely  lost 
from  the  mitochondrion,  it  should  be  in  the  suspending  medium  which  is  diluted 
before  radiation.  The  same  concentration  of  substance  would  be  present  in  either 
case.  Such  considerations  raise  the  question  of  whether  the  effects  of  the  radiation 
are  independent  of  the  concentration  of  the  mitochondria.  It  might  be  suspected 
that  only  those  ionizations  produced  within  a  mitochondrion  would  affect  the  en- 
zymes within  the  structure.  The  particulate  is  sufficiently  large  to  justify  such 
an  assumption.  However,  this  does  not  prove  to  be  the  case.  It  was  first  estab- 
lished that  preparations  diluted  in  sucrose  were  less  easily  inactivated  than  those 
diluted  in  distilled  water.  This  suggests  that  the  ionization  products  of  water  are 
acting  on  the  mitochondrion  and  that  the  sucrose  is  acting  as  a  non-specific  pro- 
tective agent.  Unfortunately  this  is  not  a  clear  test.  The  sucrose  might  be  caus- 
ing a  change  in  the  osmotic  condition  of  the  particulate,  so  that  the  protective  sub- 
stance (normally  lost  by  aging)  is  more  concentrated  within  the  mitochondrion,  or 
is  not  lost  as  readily.  However,  the  data  presented  in  Table  III  indicate  that  there 
is  a  dependance  upon  dilution.  It  can  be  seen  that  in  a  preparation  2.5  times  as 
concentrated  as  that  used  to  obtain  the  data  in  Table  I,  40,000  r  produce  8.3  per 
cent  inactivation  of  oxygen  uptake,  whereas  they  produce  49.1  per  cent  in  the 
dilute  preparation.  Clearly,  49.1  per  cent  is  much  greater  than  2.5  times  8.3 
per  cent.  Studies  of  intermediate  dilutions  bear  this  out.  It  is  necessary  to  con- 
clude that  the  effect  of  radiation  upon  the  particulates  is  indirect  in  the  sense  that 
any  solute  molecule  outside  the  mitochondrion  will  exert  some  protective  effect 
upon  the  enzymes  which  are  internal.  Therefore,  we  must  further  conclude  that 
the  effect  of  the  protective  substance  which  is  lost  upon  aging  must  be  the  result  of 
some  action  it  has  -within  the  mitochondrion,  and  that  the  loss  which  occurs  with 
age  probably  results  from  the  destruction  of  the  substance  by  the  particulates.  As 
pointed  out  above,  it  is  impossible  to  be  sure  of  the  mode  of  action  of  this  protective 
agent,  but  the  generation  of  materials  which  keep  the  enzymes  in  a  reduced  condi- 
tion seems  a  likely  mechanism. 

A  second  explanation  of  the  sudden  "jump"  in  inactivation  is  that  at  doses  over 
10,000  r  the  particulate  structure  is  undergoing  severe  change.  This  might  result 
in  the  freeing  of  enzyme  molecules,  with  consequent  dilution  of  protective  sub- 
stances or  in  the  loss  of  function  of  one  part  of  the  system  with  its  release  from 
another  part.  This  seems  a  very  unlikely  mechanism.  The  fact  that  cytochrome 
oxidase  can  be  freed  from  the  rest  of  the  particulate  and  still  retain  its  activity 


(Eichel  et  al.  1950)  makes  such  an  hypothesis  difficult  to  maintain.  Examination 
of  the  preparations  by  phase  contrast  did  not  show  any  radical  changes ;  however, 
any  alterations  of  ultrastructure  could  only  be  detected  by  other  methods. 

The  dilution  effect  deserves  additional  comment.  These  experiments  were 
originally  designed  in  the  hope  that  we  would  be  able  to  approximate  the  biologi- 
qal  condition.  Radiation  studies  with  dilute  solutions  of  pure  enzymes  are  in- 
formative with  regard  to  radiation  problems,  but  somewhat  off  the  point  for 
biological  problems.  No  cellular  system  exists  which  is  a  single  molecular  species. 
Attempts  to  show  that  enzyme  damage  is  the  cause  of  radiation  death  in  cells  have 
been  relatively  unsuccessful  (LeMay,  1951).  On  the  other  hand,  the  cell  is  so 
complex  that  it  may  die  from  many  different  causes,  and  it  is  difficult  to  be  sure  that 
one  is  investigating  the  right  system  in  any  particular  case.  It  seemed  necessary 
to  investigate  the  problem  in  a  system  which  had  biological  characteristics  but 
which  was  not  quite  so  diffuse  as  a  whole  cell.  The  participates  appear  to  offer 
such  a  system.  It  is  possible  to  extract  a  "package"  of  enzymes,  each  of  which 
has  a  relationship  to  other  enzymes  in  the  "package."  The  "package"  resembles 
a  cell  in  many  aspects,  but  it  is  much  simpler  in  its  total  organization.  Further- 
more it  seemed  that  it  was  of  sufficient  size  that  only  those  ionizations  produced 
within  the  mitochondrion  would  have  any  effect  on  the  internal  enzymes.  This 
would  be  of  great  importance  to  the  radiobiologist  since  it  would  indicate  that 
there  are  sub-cellular  bodies  which  can  be  considered  to  be  separate  from  the  rest 
of  the  cell,  with  regard  to  radiation  damage.  The  chromosomes  are  frequently 
considered  to  be  bodies  of  this  type.  Unfortunately  this  does  not  seem  to  be  the 
case.  The  data  presented  in  this  paper  indicate  that  ionizations  external  to  the 
mitochondrion  may  cause  internal  damage,  in  a  system  containing  only  participates 
and  distilled  water.  It  would  appear  that,  at  the  doses  studied,  the  ionization 
products  of  water  are  capable  of  producing  their  effects  over  relatively  great  dis- 
tances, or  that  the  effects  of  these  products  on  the  surface  of  the  mitochondrion  are 
capable  of  reducing  the  activity  of  the  enzymes  which  are  internal.  This  is  of 
special  interest  as  it  has  been  suggested  that  the  major  effect  of  radiation  on  cyto- 
chrome-c  is  produced  by  hydroxyl  radicals  alone  (Barren,  1954).  Knowledge  of 
the  exact  position  of  the  oxidase  in  the  participate  would  be  necessary  to  any  final 
conclusion  about  these  effects.  However,  the  difficulties  encountered  in  the  ex- 
traction of  cytochrome  oxidase  (Eichel  et  al.,  1950)  suggest  that  the  enzyme  is 
internally  bound. 

From  the  foregoing  discussion,  it  seems  evident  that  we  cannot  conclude  that 
cytochrome  oxidase  is  damaged  to  any  great  extent  by  radiation  doses  used  in  most 
biological  studies.  It  is  difficult  to  know  the  concentration  of  the  participates  in 
any  cell,  but  it  seems  that  the  final  suspension  used  in  the  phosphorylation  studies 
(one  ml.  per  one  gm.  liver)  would  best  approximate  the  natural  condition  in  liver 
cells.  At  no  time  was  radiation  given  to  participates  at  this  dilution.  The  strong- 
est preparation  ever  used  (during  radiation)  was  20  times  diluted.  At  this  dilu- 
tion (Table  III)  there  is  little  inactivation  at  40,000  r.  It  is  interesting  that  the 
effect  on  the  oxidase  seems  to  be  the  same  for  a  wide  range  of  doses.  It  is  possible 
that  in  any  dilution  some  small  fraction  of  the  activity  would  be  lost,  but  this  seems 
to  be  an  unlikely  cause  of  cell  death.  It  is  necessary  to  note  that  many  cells  do  not 
have  the  high  concentration  of  particulates  which  liver  has.  In  these  cases  the 
effective  doses  necessary  to  inactivate  cytochrome  oxidase  might  fall  within  the 


limits  of  biological  experimentation,  even  with  the  protective  substance  of  the 
cytoplasm  present.  In  highly  organized  forms,  the  failure  of  one  part  may  result 
in  the  death  of  the  whole,  so  that  damage  to  this  system  might  in  some  cases  result 
in  death.  This  is  particularly  true  of  the  forms  which  require  fantastic  doses  of 
radiation  to  induce  lethal  changes. 

When  one  considers  the  data  in  Table  III,  it  becomes  apparent  that  the  oxygen 
uptake  may  be  a  faulty  criterion  for  estimate  of  the  health  of  a  cell.  These  data 
show  quite  clearly  that  the  phosphorylation  mechanism  is  much  more  sensitive  than 
the  oxidase.  Here  we  have  a  case  in  which  over  70%  of  the  ability  to  conserve 
energy  as  organic  phosphate  is  gone  with  no  apparent  effect  on  the  oxygen  uptake. 
Considering  the  vital  role  of  this  system  in  the  life  of  the  cell,  it  seems  quite  probable 
that  disruption  of  vital  processes  would  result  from  the  loss  of  25  per  cent  (or  less) 
of  the  ability  to  phosphorylate.  We  do  not  know  how  prevalent  this  loss  is  in  the 
whole  system.  In  these  studies  only  the  uptake  which  resulted  from  the  oxidation 
of  succinic  acid  was  measured.  It  is  possible  that  the  whole  phosphorylation 
mechanism  of  the  participates  is  damaged.  Studies  to  determine  the  extent  of  the 
damage  and  to  determine  whether  phosphorylation  is  carried  out  by  a  single  system 
for  all  substrates  are  now  in  progress.  In  any  case,  it  is  evident  that  the  phos- 
phorylation mechanism  is  subject  to  destruction  by  ionizing  radiation  and  that  in- 
activation  is  achieved  in  relatively  concentrated  preparations  which  are  very  fresh. 
Although  such  preparations  must  be  high  in  the  concentration  of  the  protective 
substance  found  for  cytochrome  oxidase,  there  seems  to  be  little  protection  of  the 
phosphorylation  mechanism.  This  may  be  an  indication  that  the  protection 
mechanism  is  specific  for  the  electron  transport  system  (if  not  for  cytochrome  oxi- 
dase itself)  or  that  the  phosphorylation  mechanism  is  extremely  sensitive  to  radia- 

These  data  suggest  an  explanation  for  several  different  phenomena  which  have 
radiation  as  their  sole  common  element.  The  phenomena  are:  induced  crossing- 
over,  induced  tumor  formation,  and  the  general  protective  effect  exerted  by  reducing 
compounds  of  the  cysteine  type.  It  has  been  suggested  that  one  basis  for  the 
changes  in  genetic  crossing-over  induced  by  radiation  is  the  alteration  in  the  avail- 
ability of  phosphate  linkages  within  the  chromosome  (Yost  and  Benneyan,  1957). 
It  is  evident  that  alterations  in  the  phosphate  pool  of  the  cell  must  result  from  the 
type  of  damage  described  in  this  paper.  Indeed,  it  is  to  be  expected  that  such 
changes  will  have  drastic  effects  on  the  chromosome  structure,  as  many  studies 
have  already  indicated  (Haas  ct  at.,  1954).  It  is  also  possible  that  some  radiation- 
induced  tumors  are  the  result  of  the  uncoupling  of  the  oxidative  metabolism  of  the 
cell.  This  could  result  in  a  situation  similar  to  that  which  Warburg  has  suggested 
several  times  (Warburg,  1956).  In  cases  in  which  oxygen  uptake  alone  is  meas- 
ured, there  is  no  assurance  that  the  phosphorylation  mechanism  is  functioning. 
Lastly,  the  general  effect  of  reducing  agents  may  be  more  than  the  maintenance  of 
vital  sulfhydryl  groups.  It  is  possible  that  the  actual  utilization  of  these  compounds 
as  reducing  agents  in  the  general  metabolism  will  result  in  the  protection  of  many 
non-sulfhydryl  systems  of  the  cell. 


Data  are  presented  which  indicate  that  the  phosphorylation  mechanism  is  much 
more  sensitive  to  gamma  radiation  than  cytochrome  oxidase.  It  is  suggested  that 


the  utilization  of  substrates  by  enzymes  within  the  particulate  may  protect  these 
enzymes  against  ionizing  radiation.  Various  consequences  of  these  findings  are 


BARRON,  E.  S.  G.,  1954.     The  effect  of  X-rays  on  systems  of  biological  importance.     Radiation 

Biology,  A.  Hollaender,  ed.,  Vol.  1,  Chapter  5.     McGraw-Hill  Book  Co.,  New  York. 
BARRON,   E.   S.   G.,   S.   DICKMAN,  J.   A.   MUNTZ  AND  T.   P.   SINGER,   1949.     Studies  on  the 

mechanism    of    action    of   ionizing    radiations.     I.    Inhibition    of    enzymes    by    X-rays. 

/.  Gen.  Physiol,  32 :  537-552. 

DALE,  W.  M.,  1940.     The  effect  of  X-rays  on  enzymes.     Biochem.  J.,  34:  1367-1373. 
DALE,  W.  M.,  1942.     The  effect  of  X-rays  on  the  conjugated  protein  d-amino  acid  oxidase. 

Biochem.  J.,  36 :  80-85. 

EICHEL,  B.,  W.  WAINO,  P.  PERSON  AND  S.  COOPERSTEIN,  1950.     A  partial  separation  and  char- 
acterization of  cytochrome  oxidase  and  cytochrome-6.    /.  Biol.   Chem.,   183 :   89-103. 
CLICK,    D.,    1949.     Techniques    of    Histo-    and    Cytochemistry.     Interscience    Publishers,    Inc., 

New  York. 
HAAS,  F.  L.,  E.  DUDGEON,  F.  E.  CLAYTON  AND  W.  S.  STONE,  1954.     Measurement  and  control 

of  some  direct  and  indirect  effects  of  X-radiation.     Genetics,  39:  453-471. 
HOGEBOOM,  G.,  A.  CLAUDE  AND  R.  HOTCHKISS,  1946.     The  distribution  of  cytochrome  oxidase 

and  succinoxidase  in  the  cytoplasm  of  the  mammalian  liver  cell.     /.  Biol.  Chem.,  165 : 

LEMAY,  M.,   1951.     Effect  of  X-radiation  on  succinoxidase  of  rat  kidney.     Proc.   Soc.   Exp. 

Biol.  Med.,  77 :  337-339. 
MALEY,  G.  F.,  AND  H.  A.  LARDY,  1954.     Phosphorylation  coupled  with  the  oxidation  of  reduced 

cytochrome-c.    /.  Biol.   Chem.,  210:   903-909. 
SCHNEIDER,  W.,  1948.     Intracellular  distribution  of  enzymes.     III.  The  oxidation  of  octanoic 

acid  by  rat  liver  fractions.     /.  Biol.  Chem.,  176:   259-266. 
WARBURG,  O.,  1956.     On  the  origin  of  cancer  cells.     Science,  123 :  309-314. 
YOST,  H.  T.,  JR.,  AND  R.  N.  BENNEYAN,  1957.     The  effects  of  combined  radiations  on  crossing 

over  in  Drosophila  melanogaster.     Genetics,   (in  press). 
YOST,  H.  T.,  JR.,  H.  H.  ROBSON  AND  I.   M.   SPIEGELMAN,   1956.     Studies  on  the  effects  of 

irradiation  of  cellular  particulates.     I.  Inhibition  of  cytochrome  oxidase  by  ultraviolet. 

Biol.  Bull,  110:  96-106. 

Vol.  113,  No.  2  October,  1957 






Trinity  College  and  The  Mount  Desert  Island  Biological  Laboratory 

While  there  exists  an  extensive  literature  on  the  regulation  of  inorganic  ions  in 
the  higher  Crustacea  (Krogh,  1939;  Robertson,  1949,  1953;  Prosser  et  al.,  1950), 
the  experimental  study  of  nephridial  function  has  received  little  attention,  due  ap- 
parently to  a  lack  of  a  method  for  securing  repeated  samples  of  urine.  This  report 
gives  such  a  method  and  it  is  an  attempt  to  develop  an  integrated  picture  of  the 
regulation  of  the  internal  environment  of  a  single  species,  Homarus  americanus 
(a  lobster),  through  the  experimental  study  of  a  variety  of  organic  and  inorganic 

Comprehensive  inorganic  analyses  of  lobster  blood  have  been  made  by  Cole, 
and  Smith  in  Cole  (1940),  and  of  blood  and  urine  by  Robertson  (1939,  1949,  1953), 
and  by  Robertson  and  Webb  (1939).  The  nephridial  anatomy  has  been  described 
by  Marchal  (1892),  Waite  (1899),  and  Peters  (1935).  Historically  there  is  no 
structure  corresponding  to  the  vertebrate  glomerulus.  The  study  by  Cuenot  (1895) 
of  the  differential  concentration  of  dyes  by  various  organs  in  different  decapods  is 
of  considerable  interest. 


Because  of  the  large  number  of  substances  studied  and  of  experiments  per- 
formed, individual  techniques  will  be  described  in  context.  Over  two  hundred  lob- 
sters were  studied.  These  were  largely  from  the  Mt.  Desert  Island  region,  but  a 
few  were  from  Nova  Scotia.  For  all  experiments  the  animals  were  given  at  least 
twenty-four  hours  to  equilibrate  to  the  sea  water  at  the  Laboratory. 

Urine  from  the  nephridial  bladders  was  secured  at  will  without  catheters  by  a 
technique  shown  to  us  by  Dr.  P.  R.  Wilder  of  the  Atlantic  Biological  Laboratory, 
St.  Andrews,  N.  B.  If  one's  thumb  is  placed  between  the  bases  of  the  pereiopods 
with  the  ringers  over  the  carapace,  preferably  with  the  tail  flexed,  squeezing  the 
hand  results  in  two  jets  of  urine  from  the  nephridiopores  which  can  be  collected  in 
test  tubes  held  by  the  other  hand.  This  technique  works  best  with  so-called  "hard- 
shelled"  lobsters.  The  value  of  the  technique  was  tested  critically  with  twelve  lob- 
sters. After  expressing  the  urine,  the  carapace  was  cut  open  and  the  bladders  were 
examined  directly.  In  eight  animals  the  bladders  were  empty ;  the  highest  residuum 

1  Aided  by  a  grant  from  the  New  York  Heart  Association. 



of  the  remaining  four  was  10%  of  the  expressed  volume.  Thus  the  technique,  while 
not  perfect,  is  serviceable.  Since  not  all  lobsters  from  commercial  pounds  form 
urine,  and  since  individual  animals  differ  in  the  ease  with  which  urine  can  be  ex- 
pressed, another  critical  study  of  twelve  lobsters  was  made  which  showed  we  could 
differentiate  accurately  the  anuric  specimens.  As  with  many  other  techniques, 
judgments  depend  more  on  practice  than  on  formal  rules.  In  general,  however,  if 
the  animal  has  good  muscle  tone,  if  the  opercular  flaps  of  the  nephridiopores  are 
elevated  on  squeezing,  and  if  the  lobster  is  fresh  from  sea  water,  the  animal  is  pro- 
ducing urine.  It  is  necessary  sometimes  to  flick  the  opercular  flaps  with  the  finger- 
nail to  start  the  flow  of  urine. 

Safe  occlusion  of  the  nephridiopores  can  be  made  by  placing  a  wide  rubber  band 
across  the  pores,  crossing  the  band  over  the  dorsal  carapace,  and  then  securing  the 
band  on  the  posterio-ventral  margin  of  the  gill  covers. 

Test  substances  can  be  injected  into  the  hemocoele,  or  more  safely  can  be  pi- 
petted through  the  mouth  into  the  stomach  from  which  they  are  absorbed.  Blood 
is  most  easily  withdrawn  from  the  ventral  surface  of  the  abdomen.  The  only  re- 
liable method  we  found  for  the  prevention  of  clotting  was  to  whip  or  shake  the  blood, 
filter  it  several  times  (Cole  and  Kazalski,  1939),  and  then  preferably  dilute  it. 


The  data  2  are  presented  in  three  sections :  Organic  Substances,  Inorganic  Sub- 
stances/Intake and  Output,  with  the  discussion  pertinent  to  each  in  situ. 

Organic  substances 

1.  Inulin.     Single  injections  into  eight  lobsters  of  inulin  were  followed  up  to  28 
hours  with  up  to  5  sampling  periods.     The  analytic  method  of  Schreiner   (1950) 
was  used.     For  blood  levels  which  ranged  between  17  and  1.4  mg.  %,  the  urine- 
plasma  (U/P)  ratios  were  essentially  one  (1.0-1.1),  with  the  concentrations  in  the 
blood  and  urine  falling  with  the  same  slope.     Forster  and  Zia-Wohlrath   (1941), 
working  with  higher  blood  inulin  levels  (192-65  mg.  %),  also  found  inulin  U/P 
ratios  of  one.     In  the  lobster,  inulin  is  not  secreted  by  the  nephridium  as  reported 
for  the  crayfish  (Maluf,  1941).     Since  the  inulin  U/P  ratio  is  substantially  one, 
the  U/P  ratios  alone  of  other  test  substances  should  offer  a  reasonably  accurate 
guide  for  determining  the  partitioning  ability  of  the  nephridium,  and  there  is  no 
need  to  compare  the  concentration  of  a  test  substance  with  the  urinary  concentration 
of  inulin  in  subsequent  experiments,  as  would  be  necessary  if  there  were  a  differ- 
ential separation  of  water  and  inulin. 

2.  Vertebrate  hemoglobin  and  plasma  proteins.     To  test  the  permeability  of  the 
nephridium  to  large  molecules,  solutions  of  hemoglobin  prepared  from  hemolyzed 
red  cells  of  the  dogfish   (Squalus  acanthias)  were  injected  into  the  hemocoele  of 
eight  lobsters.     The  normally  clear  urine  promptly  became  pink  and  remained  so 
for  several  days.     Plasma  proteins  from  the  dogfish  were  injected  into  four  lobsters. 
On  gentle  evaporation,  the  urine  jelled,  an  unnatural  event.     While  it  was  not  de- 

2  The  following  technical  assistance  is  acknowledged  gratefully :  Dr.  E.  L.  Becker,  freezing 
point  depression;  Dr.  Klaus  Brunn  and  Xenia  Boysen,  urea;  Dr.  Roy  P.  Forster,  inulin  and 
PAH ;  Drs.  Henry  Heinemann  and  Wilbur  Sawyer,  chloride ;  Drs.  Martin  Rubin  and  Frederick 
Berglund,  magnesium  and  calcium;  Dr.  Charles  G.  Zubrod,  glucose. 



termined  that  the  original  molecules  were  recovered  in  the  urine  in  their  original 
state,  it  does  appear  that  the  nephridium  of  the  lobster  is  permeable  to  molecules  of 
the  size  found  in  the  blood  of  fish.  The  natural  urine  of  the  lobster  is  protein-free 
(Forster  and  Zia-Wohlrath,  1941).  Urine  treated  with  the  standard  protein- 
precipitating  agents  shows  no  increased  Tyndall  effect  or  clouding. 

3.  Glucose.  The  Hagedorn-Jensen  sugar  titration  method  (Peters  and  Van 
Slyke,  1946)  gave  in  mg.  %  urine/blood  values  of:  0/22;  0/24;  0/27;  0/28;  0/32; 
0/37;  0/39;  0/40.  Two  urine  values  were  slightly  positive:  2/31 ;  <  5/31.  It  is 


CD  ro 

I  I 

I  I 


8        10 


FIGURE  1.  Concentrations  of  phenol  red  in  urine  (Ui,  U2)  and  blood  (P)  in  two  lobsters 
with  6  and  4  mg.  of  dye  pipetted  into  the  stomach.  The  blood  levels  were  so  similar  that  they 
are  given  as  one  curve,  scarcely  distinguishable  from  the  horizontal  axis.  At  these  blood  levels 
the  dye  is  obviously  secreted  by  the  nephridia,  but  leaves  the  animal  slowly  for  reasons  explained 
in  the  text. 

uncertain  whether  these  are  genuinely  positive  values  since  the  method  involves  sub- 
tracting from  the  titrated  value  the  value  of  a  blank.  Morgulis  (1922)  reported 
previously  blood  "glucose"  levels  of  19-26  mg.  %  for  Homarus,  with  a  considerable 
variability  in  other  decapods  (1922,  1923).  That  the  test  was  measuring  sugar  and 
not  some  other  reducing  substance  is  indicated  by  the  fact  that  in  lobsters  with  the 
heart  destroyed,  the  blood  was  free  from  reducing  substance  fifteen  minutes  later. 
With  the  injection  of  exogenous  glucose,  the  lobster's  nephridium  behaves  like 
the  vertebrate  kidney.  Up  to  blood  levels  of  about  100  mg.  %  the  urine  remains 
free  of  glucose.  Urine-plasma  ratios  were:  0/81 ;  0/84;  0/94;  0/106.  With  fur- 
ther elevation,  glucose  spilled  into  the  urine,  e.g.,  30/202;  30/210,  and  at  blood  con- 
centrations of  400-500  mg.  %  the  U/P  ratio  approached  one.  The  report  by  For- 



ster  and  Zia-Wohlrath  (1941)  of  a  glucose  U/P  ratio  of  one  in  Homarus  is  due 
undoubtedly  to  the  high  level  of  glucose  employed. 

Phlorizin  resulted  in  glycosuria  with  or  without  priming  by  sub-liminal  exoge- 
nous glucose  (10  lobsters).  In  short,  under  normal  conditions  there  seems  to  be 
an  active  mechanism  which  excludes  glucose  from  the  urine,  a  mechanism  which  can 
be  poisoned  by  phlorizin. 

4.  Phenol  red.  Phenol  red  was  extracted  from  the  blood  by  acid  alcohol,  read 
colorimetrically  at  440  in//,,  alkalized  and  read  again  at  550  m/t.  Urine  and  stomach 
fluid  were  treated  similarly.  It  was  found  desirable  to  use  control  blanks  from  in- 







FIGURE  2.  Urinary  concentrations  (U)  of  phenol  red  after  injection  into  the  hemocoele, 
over  wider  blood  levels  (P)  than  shown  in  Figure  1.  Note  the  concentration  of  the  dye  in  the 
digestive  fluid  (S).  The  isolated  point  is  a  urine  value. 

dividual  lobsters,  and  not  to  rely  on  a  generalized  control  zero.  Over  thirty  animals 
were  studied. 

The  pattern  of  nephridial  excretion  of  phenol  red  is  seen  in  Figures  1  and  2. 
At  low  plasma  concentrations  (Figs.  1,  2),  the  dye  is  clearly  concentrated  by  the 
nephridium  (the  U/P  ratio  is  a  valid  criterion;  see  paragraph  on  inulin).  As  the 
plasma  level  is  raised,  the  U/P  ratio  approaches  one  (cf.  Fig.  4).  This  is  the  pat- 
tern for  all  substances  "secreted"  by  the  nephridium ;  concentration  is  evident  at  low 
plasma  concentrations  but  is  apparently  swamped  by  high  plasma  concentrations. 
It  is  to  be  remembered  that  the  lobster's  kidney  is  the  elaboration  of  only  one  pair 
of  nephrons. 

Phenol  red  is  not  lost  or  absorbed  through  the  gills  or  body  covering.  Four 
lobsters  were  injected  with  5-10  mg.  and  were  placed  for  18  hours  in  volumes  of 



water  sufficiently  small  to  detect  a  small  fraction  of  the  injected  dye.  No  phenol 
red  was  detected  in  the  external  medium.  Four  animals  were  placed  for  18  hours 
in  sea  water  containing  300  mg.  %  phenol  red.  No  dye  was  detectable  in  the  blood, 
urine,  or  digestive  gland.  Phenol  red  placed  in  the  stomach  is  absorbed.  After 
injection  of  phenol  red,  this  substance  was  detectable  in  the  cells  of  the  gills.  The 
uptake  of  dye  by  branchial  cells  is  seen  more  dramatically  with  Evans  blue.  After 
a  single  injection  of  Evans  blue,  the  gills  become  a  bright  blue,  and  so  remain  for  at 
least  a  month,  when  no  dye  is  detectable  in  the  blood.  The  dye  obviously  entered 






16        24       32 

\  \ 

40        48 


Concentrations  of  para-aminohippurate  in  urine  (U)  and  blood 
stomach  infusion.     Nephridial  secretion  is  evident. 

after  a  4-mg. 

the  cells  of  the  gills,  but  did  not  move  easily  either  out  to  the  sea  water  or  back  to  the 
blood.  One  can  speculate  that  for  certain  substances  passage  through  the  branchial 
cells  involves  at  least  two  steps :  cellular  uptake  or  penetration,  and  extrusion. 

Fecal  loss  of  phenol  red  is  minute.  The  dye,  however,  is  taken  up  by  the  di- 
gestive gland.  Extracts  from  the  gland  show  phenol  red  when  after  injection  the 
blood  level  has  subsided  to  insignificant  amounts.  The  dye  absorbed  by  the  di- 
gestive gland  is  secreted  with  the  digestive  juice  at  concentrations  greater  than  those 
of  the  urine  (Fig.  2).  Whether  the  individual  cell  of  the  digestive  gland  can  con- 
centrate more  than  the  nephridial  cell  requires  further  study,  since  the  mass  of  the 
digestive  gland  is  greater  than  that  of  the  kidney,  and  the  movement  of  water 
through  these  two  types  of  cells  probably  is  not  the  same. 

The  dye  secreted  with  the  digestive  juice  is  not  lost  with  the  feces  or  voided  by 



mouth,  but  is  reabsorbed,  and  cycles  back  and  forth  between  the  stomach  and  the 
digestive  gland,  slowly  being  lost  with  the  urine  (Fig.  1).  The  nephridia  seem, 
therefore,  the  principal  port  of  exit  for  phenol  red. 

5.  Suljobromophthalein  (bromsulfalein).  This  dye,  analyzed  colorimetrically, 
was  explored  over  blood  concentration  of  0.02-100  mg.  %  in  eight  lobsters.  The 
U/P  ratios  were  between  one  and  two  with  no  tendency  to  rise  at  the  lower  plasma 
concentrations.  It  is  concluded  that  bromsulfalein  is  not  concentrated  by  the  ne- 
phridium.  In  the  digestive  juice,  however,  bromsulfalein  is  concentrated  more 







I  I 


84  36  48 



FIGURE  4.  Urine  (U)  blood  (P),  and  digestive  juice  (S)  values  following  a  400-mg.  dose 
of  PAH,  placed  in  the  stomach.  At  high  blood  levels  the  U/P  ratio  approaches  one.  As  the 
blood  level  falls,  the  U/P  ratio  increases.  This  sort  of  curve  is  characteristic  for  substances 
secreted  by  the  nephridia. 

strongly  than  phenol  red.  Without  further  quantitation,  a  numerical  comparison 
is  dangerous,  but  with  comparable  doses  (10,  25  mg.)  of  dyes  into  lobsters  of  com- 
parable weight,  the  digestive  juice  bearing  bromsulfalein  showed  about  four  times 
the  concentration  of  dye  as  that  bearing  phenol  red.  The  differential  ability  of  the 
hepato-pancreas  to  concentrate  this  dye  like  the  vertebrate  liver  indicates  that  the 
name  for  this  organ  is  more  than  an  anatomical  appellation.  Like  phenol  red,  the 
loss  from  the  lobster  of  bromsulfalein  is  very  slow. 

6.  Para-aminohippurate  (PAH).  Using  the  analytic  method  of  Smith  ct  al. 
(1945),  nephridial  concentrations  were  explored  in  eight  lobsters  with  blood  levels 


of  120-0.5  mg.  %.  At  low  blood  levels  (Fig.  3),  PAH  is  concentrated  in  the  urine 
and  the  U/P  ratio  rises  as  the  blood  level  falls.  As  the  blood  concentration  is 
raised  the  U/P  ratio  approaches  one  (Fig.  4).  The  digestive  gland  does  not  con- 
centrate PAH ;  rather,  the  stomach  juice  concentration  is  below  the  blood  concen- 

7.  Urea  and  nitrogen.  Analyses  for  urea  and  volatile  ammonia  were  made  by 
the  method  of  Seligson  and  Seligson  (1951).  For  non-protein  nitrogen  (NPN) 
sulphuric  acid  digests  were  nesslerized  directly.  Urea  and  volatile  ammonia  were 
undetectable  in  blood  arid  urine  (10  animals).  The  natural  range  for  NPN  was 
5-32  mg.  %.  Morgulis  (1922)  found  a  range  of  12.5-13.3  mg.  %  for  Homarus, 
with  a  wider  range  in  other  decapods.  No  constant  relationship  was  observed  be- 
tween blood  and  urine  NPN.  The  U/P  ratios  varied  from  0.7-6.0  in  ten  animals. 

Exogenous  urea  is  lost  rapidly  from  the  blood  through  the  gills.  Four  lobsters 
with  occluded  nephridiopores  were  injected  with  500  mg.  urea,  then  placed  in 
measured  volumes  of  sea  water.  After  one  hour  sea  water/blood  concentrations 
in  mg.  %  fell  between  12.8/12.65  and  19.6/14.25.  Since  the  external  volume  was 
greater  than  that  of  the  animals,  most  of  the  urea  was  in  the  external  medium.  In 
four  other  animals  injected  with  500  mg.  urea  and  with  occluded  nephridiopores, 
no  urea  was  detectable  in  the  blood  after  the  animals  were  24  hours  in  running  sea 
water.  Morgulis  (1922)  found  a  rapid  disappearance  of  blood  urea  and  ammonium 
sulphate  without  nephridial  occlusion  in  Panulirus.  While  currently  there  is  no  evi- 
dence that  urea  is  the  main  nitrogen  excretory  product,  the  above  experiments  in- 
dicate a  high  in-out  permeability  to  urea  by  the  gills,  and  that  this  loss  can  occur 
without  nephridial  participation.  The  presence  of  a  substantial  blood  NPN  must 
indicate  a  low  branchial  permeability  to  certain  nitrogenous  compounds. 

Inorganic  substances 

Chemical  analyses  for  sea  water,  blood,  and  urine  are  given  in  Table  I.  In  the 
paragraphs  following  are  data  on  individual  ions.  The  purpose  of  this  study  is  to 
understand  the  range  of  capacities  for  dealing  with  various  ion's  and  their  ports  of 
entrance  and  exit.  Robertson's  studies  (1939,  1949,  1953;  Robertson  and  Webb, 
1939)  have  defined  at  a  non-experimental  level  the  natural  partition  ratios  for 
Homarus  vulgaris.  Robertson  (1949)  has  criticized  correctly  the  presentation  of 
blood  values  in  millimols/liter,  and  has  emphasized  the  need  for  a  correction  for 
the  presence  of  blood  proteins.  In  working  up  his  ratios  he  seems  to  have  used  a 
single  average  value  of  29  g./liter  protein  for  Homarus,  although  for  a  variety  of 
decapods  he  found  values  ranging  from  29-80  g./liter.  Allison  and  Cole  (1940) 
got  values  of  17.1-31.2  g./liter  of  hemocyanin  for  Mt.  Desert  Island  lobsters.  Our 
data  from  over  thirty  Mt.  Desert  Island  lobsters  show  a  very  high  variability  in 
what  we  are  somewhat  arbitrarily  calling  blood  protein.  Values  ranged  from  11- 
62  g./liter,  with  about  50  g./liter  as  a  generalized  usual  figure.  .The  above  values 
were  secured,  following  one  of  the  methods  of  Robertson  (1949),  by  drying  weighed 
calibrated  volumes  of  serum  to  constant  weight  at  100°  C.  From  the  residual 
weight  was  subtracted  the  weight  of  electrolytes  (Na,  K,  Ca,  Mg,  Cl,  PO4,  SO4), 
an  arbitrary  value  for  the  water  of  crystallization  derived  from  dried  sea  water, 
known  organic  substances  such  as  NPN  and  glucose.  In  the  absence  of  any  evi- 
dence in  the  literature  of  massive  amounts  of  some  unknown  substance,  and  since 



known  organic  substances  occur  in  fractions  of  a  gram/liter,  the  values  here  pre- 
sented while  perhaps  not  entirely  pure,  do  seem  to  offer  a  fair  picture  of  the  order 
of  magnitude  and  of  the  natural  range  of  blood  proteins.  It  perhaps  should  be 
emphasized  the  values  presented  represented  a  selection  of  living  lobsters  some  of 
which  were  lethargic  and  sub-standard.  The  range  for  so-called  normal  lobsters 
was  35-62  g./liter. 

It  is  obvious  that  unless  the  non-electrolyte  concentration  of  the  blood  is  de- 
termined for  each  animal,  molal  expressions  for  electrolytes  are  not  entirely  precise. 


Analyses  of  lobster  blood,  urine,  and  of  sea  water 

Sea  water 




(7.6-8.0)       [10] 

(7.45-7.6)         [16] 

(7.4-7.55)      [26] 

Dried  solids,**  g./liter 

(35.5-35.9)     [10] 

(71.2-98.6-^47)     [22] 

(32.7-35.9)       [8] 

Organic  solids,  g./liter 

•  —  • 

50(35-62-*!!)      [22] 

(  <0.4)           [8] 

Water,  g./liter  of  blood 

—  • 

950(935-959-^976)  [22] 



(915-920)      [12] 

(920-952)          [20] 

(918-950)       [20] 

Sodium,  mM/liter 

440(428-445)  [15] 

472(451-488)       [20] 

474(454-486)    [22] 

Potassium,  mM/liter 

(9-10)         [10] 

(6-11)             [14] 

(4-10)          [16] 

Magnesium,  mM/liter 

(50-52)          [8] 

6.8(5.4-8.6)        [15] 

11.4(7.2-17.6)  [15] 

Calcium,  mM/liter 

(9-10)           [8] 

15.6(13.1-18.6)     [15] 

12.7(5.6-16.3)  [15] 

Chloride,  mM/liter 

503(476-515)  [27] 

470(465-490)       [27] 

505(490-520)    [27] 

Phosphate,  g./liter 


0.016(0.008-0.018)    [8] 

0              [16] 

"Glucose,"  g./liter 


(0.22-0.40)         [10] 

(0-0?)          [10] 

Non-protein  nitrogen, 



(0.05-0.32)         [10] 

(0.05-0.32)        [10] 

Volatile  ammonia 

0               [4] 

0                 [10] 

0              [12] 


0               [4] 

0                 [10] 

0              [12] 

Figures  within  parentheses  give  the  range  of  values.  These  fluids  are  to  be  considered  as 
having  a  natural  variability  and  are  not  of  constant  composition.  The  above  ranges  exceed  the 
experienced  variability  of  the  methods.  Figures  outside  of  parentheses  are  average  values. 
Figures  to  the  right  of  arrows  are  unusual  values.  Figures  in  brackets  show  the  number  of 
samples  (sea  water)  or  the  number  of  animals  analyzed.  The  various  zeros  are  zeros  for  the 
method  used.  Analyses  were  done  in  duplicate  or  triplicate. 

*  Measured  by  Beckman  and  Cambridge  meters.  Sea  water  from  the  Bay  was  about  8.0; 
the  running  laboratory  water  was  variable. 

**  Includes  water  of  crystallization. 

Some  of  these  data  were  secured  over  several  years,  some  in  a  single  summer  season,  and  some 
in  shorter  periods.  For  this  reason  they  should  be  viewed  only  as  general  parameters.  For 
critical  quantitative  work  complete  work-ups  of  individual  animals  should  be  made. 

For  this  reason  we  have  presented  our  data  in  Table  I  in  the  raw  form  of  mM/liter. 
A  crude  generalized  correction  can  be  made  by  taking  the  blood  protein  as  50 

1.  Phosphate.  Fiske-SubbaRow  phosphate  (method  given  by  Hawk  et  al., 
1947)  was  absent  from  sixteen  urines.  Blood  levels  of  eight  lobsters  were  about 
1.6  mg.  %  (range:  0.8-1.8).  If  exogenous  inorganic  phosphate  (sodium  salts 
mixed  to  a  slightly  alkaline  pH)  is  injected,  phosphate  spills  over  into  the  urine. 
With  blood  levels  of  about  8  mg.  %,  phosphaturia  occurred.  The  nephridium  be- 
haves toward  inorganic  phosphate  as  it  does  to  glucose. 


2.  Magnesium  and  calcium.  An  ethylenediamine  tetraacetic  acid  (EDTA)  ti- 
tration,  developed  by  Dr.  Martin  Rubin  (personal  communication),  was  used. 
Calibration  studies  indicated  that  the  method  is  serviceable  if  one  discards  all  sam- 
ples which  do  not  titrate  sharply.  The  method  gives  initially  combined  magnesium 
and  calcium,  then  magnesium.  Calcium  is  obtained  by  subtraction. 

The  analyses  of  Cole,  Smith  in  Cole  (1940)  showed  there  is  a  marked  partition- 
ing between  sea  water  and  blood  in  Homarus.  Robertson  (1953)  found  a  molal 
magnesium  U/P  ratio  of  1.8,  and  a  calcium  U/P  ratio  of  0.64.  Our  data  on  fif- 
teen lobsters  give  the  following  molar  ratios  (see  above)  :  blood/sea  water:  Mg  + 
Ca,  0.37;  Mg,  0.13;  Ca,  1.68.  Urine-plasma  ratios  were:  Mg  +  Ca,  1.16  (range: 
1-1.3)  ;  Mg,  1.7  (range:  1-2.6)  ;  Ca,  0.81  (range:  0.53-1).  In  most  animals  mag- 
nesium is  concentrated  in  the  urine  and  calcium  is  reduced.  There  are  instances, 
however,  where  each  ion  is  not  affected  (U/P  ratio  of  one),  and  there  was  one  ani- 
mal where  both  the  magnesium  and  calcium  U/P  ratio  was  one.  In  dilute  sea 
water,  the  magnesium  U/P  ratio  falls,  and  may  drop  to  0.8.  In  short,  some  quali- 
fication must  be  placed  on  the  idea  that  the  lobster's  nephridium  concentrates  mag- 
nesium in  the  urine,  and  conserves  calcium,  although  this  is  the  usual  situation. 

The  gills  and  carapace  are  relatively  impermeable  to  magnesium.  There  was 
no  elevation  in  blood  or  urinary  magnesium  in  four  lobsters  placed  for  twelve  hours 
in  baths  made  of  half  sea  water  with  magnesium  chloride  added  to  return  the  water 
to  near  its  original  equivalence.  In  lobsters  naturally  anuric,  blood  magnesium  is 
at  normal  levels.  There  seems  no  tendency  in  these  animals  for  magnesium  to 
build  up  in  the  blood  as  might  be  expected  if  the  gills  were  permeable  inwardly  to 

Since  the  lobster  usually  produces  urine,  it  is  losing  magnesium  with  the  urine. 
The  daily  urinary  loss  approximately  equals  the  magnesium  found  in  5  ml.  of  sea 
water.  The  port  of  entrance  seems  to  be  the  stomach.  With  urinating  lobsters 
sea  water  is  drunk  intermittently  with  the  food  or  on  an  empty  stomach  (see  sec- 
tion on  Intake  and  Output),  and  this  sea  water  is  absorbed.  The  stomach  normally 
contains  a  concentration  of  magnesium  greater  than  that  of  the  blood,  although  in 
unfed  lobsters  empty  stomachs  are  found  frequently.  Sea  water  placed  in  the 
stomach  is  slowly  absorbed,  and  as  shown  below,  the  stomach  fluid  does  not  furnish 
the  bulk  of  the  fluid  for  the  urine  (24  mL/diem).  It  must  not  be  thought  that 
there  is  a  steady  rapid  movement  of  magnesium-laden  fluid  into  the  blood  from  the 
stomach  which  would  result  in  high  levels  of  blood  magnesium.  The  anuric  ani- 
mals mentioned  above  had  empty  stomachs. 

With  urinating  lobsters,  injected  magnesium  sulphate  or  chloride  results  in  an 
increased  magnesium  excretion  although  the  U/P  ratios  do  not  rise  above  those 
found  normally ;  magnesium  sulphate  has  a  marked  diuretic  and  then  an  anesthetic 
effect.  Exogenous  magnesium  placed  in  the  stomach  is  absorbed  (see  Intake  and 
Output).  In  dilute  sea  water  lobsters  conserve  magnesium.  Four  animals  kept 
for  24  or  48  hours  in  60-70%  sea  water  had  urinary  levels  lower  than  plasma  levels. 
Blood  levels  remained  within  1  mM/liter  of  the  levels  found  with  full  sea  water. 
Under  these  same  conditions  blood  calcium  fell  more  obviously,  2-4  mM,  and  the 
nephridium  did  not  conserve  calcium  more  than  it  did  in  full  sea  water. 

It  is  obvious  from  Table  I  and  from  the  above  data  that  the  nephridium  has  very 
modest  powers  in  partitioning  these  two  ions  (Mg,  Ca).  Magnesium  is  lost  more 
through  the  volume  of  urine  flow  than  by  nephridial  concentration.  Calcium  is  only 


weakly  conserved.     It  should  be  noted  that  all  the  lobsters  used  were  hard-shelled 
animals  near  the  end  of  an  inter-molt  period. 

Levels  of  blood  magnesium  can  be  changed  without  nephridial  participation,  at 
least  on  a  short  term  basis.  Blood  levels  were  raised  up  to  33  mM/liter  by  placing 
magnesium  chloride  solutions  in  the  stomach  of  anuric  animals.  Over  a  subsequent 
11-hour  period,  blood  magnesium  fell  to  10-21  mM/liter  without  urine  production 
or  without  a  rise  in  stomach  magnesium.  During  this  experiment,  blood  calcium 
levels  remained  unchanged.  Either  the  magnesium  was  taken  up  by  the  tissues 
and  carapace  or  it  passed  out  through  the  gills. 

3.  Sulphate.     Analyses  were  semi-quantitative.     Known  volumes  of  fluid  were 
treated  with  known  volumes  of  barium  chloride  in  an  ice  bath,  and  the  amount  of 
precipitate  was  measured.     The  general  picture  for  this  ion  is  like  that  for  mag- 
nesium.    The  gills  and  carapace  are  relatively  impermeable  to  sulphate.     After  18 
hours,  there  was  no  elevation  of  blood  or  urinary  sulphate  in  six  lobsters  placed  in 
baths  with  elevated  sulphate  (Na,  Mg).     Blood  and  urine  sulphate  was  elevated 
when  sulphates  were  placed  in  the  stomach.     In  18  normal  lobsters,  the  sulphate 
U/P  ratio  varied  between  one  and  two,  but  rose  to  four  with  small  amounts  of  in- 
jected sulphate.     With  increased  dosage  up  to  blood  levels  of  300  mg.  %,  the  U/P 
ratio  fell  toward  one.     Increased  sulphate  was  markedly  diuretic  to  urinating  lob- 
sters.    Following  the  elevation  of  blood  levels,  the  return  to  normal  was  slower  than 
for  magnesium ;  as  with  phenol  red,  days  were  required  to  effect  normal  blood  levels. 
This  seems  to  indicate  that  sulphate  is  lost  primarily  through  the  nephridia. 

4.  Monovalent  ions.     Natural  values  are  given  in  Table  I.     Analyses  for  sodium 
and  potassium  were  done  by  flame  photometry.     Chlorides  were  done  by  electrical 
conductivity  measurements  of  silver  nitrate  titrations,  or  by  a  mercuric  nitrate  ti- 
tration  with  s-diphenyl-carbazone  as  a  visual  indicator. 

On  the  basis  of  a  generalized  calculated  molality,  using  50  g./liter  protein,  chlo- 
ride ratios  of  sea  water/blood  and  urine/blood  are  essentially  one  (1-1.01).  This 
same  ratio  holds  for  serum  dialyzed  through  Visking  membranes  against  full 
strength  and  60%  sea  water.  Cole's  data  (1940)  and  Robertson  (1949)  give  this 
same  ratio.  Under  normal  conditions  of  undiluted  sea  water  the  distribution  of 
chloride  in  the  blood  and  urine  seems  to  be  a  passive  one.  This  might  be  expected 
when  one  considers  that  the  blood  proteins  have  a  negative  charge  and  that  there 
is  no  heavy  concentration  of  a  non-diffusible  cation  in  the  blood. 

Cole  (1941)  has  presented  evidence  that  in  dilute  sea  water  the  lobster  can  se- 
crete chloride  inwardly.  Twelve  lobsters  whose  blood/sea  water  molar  ratio  av- 
eraged 0.95  (sea  water,  504  ±  9  mM/liter)  were  placed  in  dilute  running  sea  water 
which  did  not  exceed  394  mM/liter.  Between  37  and  118  hours  in  this  diluted  sea 
water,  and  following  an  initial  hemodilution,  the  blood/sea  water  ratio  rose  to  1.05- 
1.11  in  five  lobsters  sampled. 

In  twenty-seven  analyses  of  sea  water,  blood,  and  urine  for  normal  lobsters,  we 
found  without  exception  that  the  molar  blood/sea  water  ratio  was  below  one,  and 
the  urine/blood  ratio  was  above  one.  The  millimolar  differences  between  sea  water 
and  blood  were  about  25-35.  Dialysis  of  serum  of  three  lobsters  (La,  b,  c) 
against  sea  water  for  24  hours  through  Visking  membranes  gave  the  following 
chloride  values  in  mM/liter:  sea  water,  511,  512,  518;  La,  478,  478;  Lb,  480,  485; 
Lc,  483,  487.  Dialysis  of  serum  of  three  lobsters  (Ld,  e,  f )  against  dilute  sea  water 
gave  the  following  values:  dilute  sea  water,  308,  308,  311;  Ld,  287,  287;  Le,  288, 


291 ;  Lf,  287,  292.  These  values  show  that  there  is  no  capacity  of  the  blood  which 
tends  to  elevate  blood  chloride  in  situations  where  the  blood  is  separated  from  full 
and  dilute  sea  water  by  an  inert  membrane.  Under  dilute  conditions,  any  marked 
rise  in  blood  chloride  can  not  be  due  to  the  blood  itself  or  to  an  inert  membrane 

Cole's  experiment  was  repeated  with  seven  lobsters  (Ll-7).  For  three  lobsters 
(Ll-3)  pre-dilution  values  in  mM/liter  averaged:  sea  water,  510  ±  5;  serum,  470 
±  5.  Running  dilute  sea  water  varied  between  310-338.  After  72  hours,  serum 
chloride  values  were :  370,  370;  357  ±  3  ;  355  ±  3.  For  L4—5.  initial  control  values 
were:  sea  water,  500  ±  2;  serum,  485  ±  5.  Dilute  sea  water  was  358-371.  After 
96  hours,  serum  values  were  376,  380 ;  380,  384.  For  L6-7,  control  values  were : 
sea  water,  503  ±7;  serum,  485,  485;  477  ±  1.  Dilute  sea  water  was  378-392. 
After  116  hours  in  diluted  sea  water,  serum  values  were:  420,  424;  412,  417.  It 
should  be  noted  that  during  the  first  twenty-four  hours  of  dilution  blood  chloride 
falls  below  the  above  values,  and  subsequently  rises. 

In  all  the  above  animals  in  dilute  sea  water,  the  blood/sea  water  ratio  was  above 
one,  an  event  which  does  not  occur  in  full  sea  water  or  after  dialysis  with  an  inert 
membrane.  It  would  seem  that  this  elevation  in  blood  chloride  is  due  to  some  ac- 
tive process. 

In  all  the  above  animals  in  dilute  sea  water,  the  urine  chlorides  were  20-33 
mM/liter  higher  than  the  blood  chlorides.  When  calculated  on  a  molal  basis,  this 
difference  disappears  (see  above).  These  data  indicate  that  the  nephridium  is 
losing  chloride  at  the  elevated  blood  levels  and  the  nephridium  is  not  participating 
in  the  elevation  of  blood  chloride  nor  is  it  helping  to  conserve  chloride.  In  other 
Crustacea,  nephridia  are  known  to  conserve  chloride  and  the  gills  are  known  to 
secrete  chloride  inwardly.  Here  in  the  lobster,  the  nephridia  clearly  do  not  play 
such  a  role.  While  our  data  do  not  irrefutably  establish  the  secretion  of  chloride, 
the  most  likely  site  for  the  agency  effecting  the  elevation  of  blood  chloride  is  the 
gills.  The  persistent  elevated  chlorides  after  116  hours  would  seem  to  indicate  that 
the  higher  blood  chloride  is  not  due  to  tissue  chloride  which  has  come  out  of  cells 
but  has  not  been  carried  away  by  the  urine,  diffusion,  etc. 

While  it  is  clear  that  in  full- strength  sea  water  the  distribution  of  chloride  can 
be  accounted  for  on  a  passive  basis,  the  sodium  picture  is  a  bit  more  complex.  On 
a  molal  basis  there  are  about  60  equivalents  more  sodium  in  the  plasma  than  in  sea 
water.  The  sum  of  the  equivalents  of  the  major  electrolyte  cations  of  the  blood 
(Na,  K,  Mg,  Ca)  accounted  for  about  99%  of  the  cations  of  sea  water.  Since  the 
data  were  worked  up  on  an  average  basis  the  percentage  figure  should  not  be  taken 
too  literally,  but  merely  to  indicate  there  is  not  an  unforeseen  discrepancy  between 
the  cationic  sum  of  blood  and  sea  water  (the  blood  and  sea  water  are  roughly  iso- 
tonic;  see  below  and  Table  I).  The  extra  sodium  of  the  blood  can  be  accounted 
for  on  the  basis  of  the  exclusion  of  most  of  the  magnesium  of  sea  water  from  the 
blood.  If  one  groups  sea  water  magnesium  and  calcium,  subtracts  plasma  mag- 
nesium and  calcium  and  the  equivalents  bound  to  blood  sulphate  (arbitrarily  taken 
as  10  mM/liter  from  data  of  Robertson  and  Webb,  1939  and  Cole,  1940),  one  has 
about  50-60  equivalents  which  is  the  excess  of  sodium  in  the  blood.  Blood  and  sea 
water  potassium  are  very  close  to  each  other  (Table  I). 

The  U/P  partition  is  not  so  easily  explained.  There  seems  on  a  molal  basis  to 
be  a  persistent  deficit  (10-30  mEq.)  of  combined  urinary  sodium  and  potassium, 


largely  sodium.  Urinary  potassium  tends  irregularly  to  be  several  milliequivalents 
lower  than  plasma  (not  higher)  ;  combined  magnesium  and  calcium  add  only  several 
milliequivalents  to  urine  as  compared  to  blood.  Blood/urine  potassium,  magne- 
sium, and  calcium  thus  tend  to  cancel  each  other.  Robertson  (1949)  gives  a  molal 
U/P)  ratio  for  sodium  of  0.99,  indicating  again  a  sodium  deficit.  It  may  be  that 
since  the  urine  is  isotonic  with  the  blood,  there  is  an  increased  activity  in  the  urine 
where  the  cations  are  free  from  the  depressing  influence  of  the  blood  proteins. 

The  above  natural  data  and  the  following  experimental  data  indicate  that  sodium 
chloride  is  freely  mobile  across  the  gill-blood  and  blood-urine  barriers.  On  placing 
lobsters  in  dilute  sea  water  (60,  70,  75,  80,  90%)  the  osmotic  uptake  of  water,  as 
judged  by  the  gain  in  body  weight,  is  completed  in  less  than  one  hour,  with  a  gain 
of  1-2%  of  body  weight  (18  animals).  While  this  uptake  results  in  hemodilution, 
the  blood  sodium  chloride  continues  to  fall,  approaching  the  concentration  of  the 
external  medium  in  twelve  hours  or  less.  The  blood  concentration  after  the  first 
fifteen  minutes  of  dilution  falls  in  an  almost  linear  fashion  with  a  slope  varying  with 
the  amount  of  external  dilution.  Within  the  first  three  hours  the  bulk  of  the  sodium 
chloride  to  be  lost  is  lost.  Blood  sodium  chloride  begins  to  asymptotically  approach 
the  external  concentration  but  remains  superior  to  the  external  concentration  on  a 
molar  basis.  On  returning  the  lobsters  to  full-strength  sea  water,  the  concentration 
curves  are  not  the  reverse  of  the  dilution  curves.  During  the  first  hour  the  blood 
concentration  rises  very  steeply  and  asymptotically  approaches  normal  values  in 
three  to  six  hours.  After  injecting  sodium  chloride  sufficient  to  raise  blood  levels 
15-20  mM/liter,  the  blood  returns  to  normal  values  in  three  hours.  Under  these 
altered  sodium  chloride  loads,  the  urine  reflects  the  blood  concentration,  rising  or 
falling  in  sodium  chloride  concentration  with  blood  concentration  or  dilution.  In 
anuric  lobster,  blood  sodium  chloride  adjusts  to  control  values  following  the  injec- 
tion of  hypo-  or  hypertonic  saline  within  about  three  hours. 

The  above  data  suggest  that  while  under  conditions  of  external  dilution,  the 
lobster  has  the  capacity  to  actively  raise  its  blood  chloride,  under  normal  conditions 
of  undiluted  sea  water,  sodium  chloride  is  passively  distributed  between  sea  water, 
blood,  and  urine.  That  is,  normally  there  is  no  active  process  which  is  acting  on 
sodium  chloride  as  such.  The  amount  of  sodium  in  the  blood  can  be  explained  as 
the  amount  in  sea  water  plus  the  equivalents  replaced  for  the  sea  water  magnesium 
which  is  excluded  from  the  blood.  The  discrepancy  between  blood  and  urine  so- 
dium is  too  small  to  support  the  idea  that  some  active  partitioning  of  sodium  is  being 
effected  by  the  nephridium.  Indeed,  the  dilution  experiments  indicate  that  the  ne- 
phridium  does  not  have  a  chloride-conserving  mechanism. 

Intake  and  output 

While  it  is  obvious  that  in  the  natural  environment,  the  intake  of  organic  chemi- 
cals is  by  mouth,  it  is  not  recognized  that  in  the  lobster  sea  water  enters  by  mouth. 
The  stomach  capacity  is  about  10  ml.  for  a  500-gram  animal.  On  eating,  the  food 
is  diluted  with  a  good  deal  of  sea  water.  But  even  lobsters  with  empty  stomachs 
will  fill  the  stomach  with  sea  water.  This  drinking  is  not  due  to  fright  or  experi- 
mental handling.  If  the  stomach  is  emptied  by  pipette,  some  animals  will  imme- 
diately fill  the  stomach  with  sea  water.  The  stomach  contents  are  never  regurgi- 
tated unless  the  animal  is  in  great  distress.  The  stomach  contents  are  always  com- 


pletely  absorbed.  The  above  observations  come  from  dozens  of  lobsters  made  over 
five  years  and  are  not  quick  impressions.  Many  lobsters  were  followed  at  intervals 
for  several  days.  It  is  not  to  be  inferred  that  all  non-feeding  lobsters  keep  their 
stomachs  full  of  sea  water.  The  drinking  is  an  intermittent  affair,  whose  cause  was 
not  determined. 

Since  all  substances  mentioned  in  this  report,  with  the  exception  of  fish  protein 
and  lobster  NPN  which  were  not  studied  for  this  purpose,  were  found  experimen- 
tally to  be  absorbed  from  the  gut  when  placed  in  the  stomach,  the  diet  and  imbibed 
sea  water  contribute  to  the  internal  electrolytic  and  non-elecrolytic  content  of  the 
lobster.  Since,  too,  the  gills  and  carapace  were  found  to  be  relatively  impermeable 
to  magnesium  and  sulphate,  the  stomach  seems,  to  be  the  principal  port  of  entrance 
for  these  substances.  Possible  branchial  uptake  of  calcium  and  phosphate  was  not 
studied,  but  these  obviously  enter  with  the  diet.  While  water  and  monovalent  ions 
do  enter  from  the  stomach,  this  route  does  not  appear  as  the  principal  route  (see 
below).  The  principal  route  seems  to  be  the  gills. 

The  nephridia  and  the  gills  seem  to  form  the  principal  points  of  exit  for  the 
substances  under  discussion.  The  feces  were  not  studied  critically.  Their  fluid 
volume  is  small  and  only  minute  amounts  of  phenol  red  or  bromsulfalein  are  lost 
with  the  feces.  There  seems  little  likelihood  that  the  feces  play  any  great  role  with 
the  chemicals  here  discussed. 

The  concentrating  powers  of  the  nephridium  have  been  discussed.  The  daily 
chemical  loss  through  the  nephridium  depends  not  only  on  the  nephridium's  parti- 
tioning powers  but  also  on  the  urine  flow.  For  so-called  normal  lobsters  the  urine 
output  is  about  1  ml./hr./0.5  kg.  (determined  by  hourly  collections  over  12-hour 
periods),  with  flows  up  to  4  ml./hr.  with  extreme  diuresis,  e.g.  after  injected  mag- 
nesium sulphate.  There  are  various  degrees  of  oliguria  and  anuria;  lobsters  may 
be  completely  anuric  for  at  least  a  month.  Nephridial  occlusion  is  not  fatal  to  pre- 
viously urinating  lobsters  over  two-  and  three-week  periods. 

Contrary  to  possible  supposition,  the  fluid  volume  of  the  lobster  is  not  regulated 
by  the  volume  containable  within  the  exoskeleton.  Fifteen  to  twenty-five  ml.  can 
always  be  injected  into  a  normal  animal  (c.  0.5  kg.).  The  volume  increase  between 
emptiness  arid  distension  of  the  stomach  (c.  10  ml.)  and  the  nephridial  bladders 
(c.  6  ml.)  requires  internal  space  into  which  these  organs  can  expand.  If  one  draws 
blood  repeatedly,  one  sees  directly  a  loss  of  blood  volume  which  is  not  repaired  in 
a  few  hours  or  even  days  to  the  initial  volume.  A  lobster  may  be  mobile  and  active, 
and  yet  from  it  blood  can  be  drawn  only  slowly  in  contrast  to  the  normal  situation 
where  blood  can  be  drawn  rapidly.  Through  the  transparent  ventral  surface  of  the 
tail  one  can  see  the  reduced  blood  volume. 

In  the  normal  animal  there  are  about  24  ml.,  principally  a  sodium  chloride  solu- 
tion, flowing  through  the  animal  and  out  as  urine.  This  is  at  least  several  times 
the  amount  that  is  absorbed  from  the  stomach.  Indeed,  urine  at  the  above  rate  can 
be  formed  with  lobsters  with  empty  stomachs.  It  would  appear  that  this  sodium 
chloride  solution  must  enter  through  the  gills.  Experiments  with  injected  sodium 
chloride  solutions  (hypo-  or  hypertonic)  with  nephridial  occlusion  showed  that 
water  and  sodium  chloride  can  pass  quickly  (several  hours)  in  either  direction 
through  the  gills.  Iodine  also  passes  in  either  direction  through  the  gills.  Isotopic 
flux  studies  are  necessary  to  define  these  parameters.  The  minimal  net  flux  of 
water  and  sodium  chloride  is  the  urine  flow,  and  this  flow  means  that  a  sodium 


chloride  solution  is  moving  inwardly  across  the  gills  faster  than  it  is  moving  out- 
wardly across  the  gills. 

The  inward  direction  of  this  flow  of  a  sodium  chloride  solution  seems  to  be  gov- 
erned by  the  blood  proteins.  Anuria  and  oliguria  were  associated  with  low  blood 
protein  as  determined  by  the  copper  sulphate  specific  gravity  method  or  by  the 
weight  per  volume  of  blood.  A  specific  gravity  below  1.029  accompanied  poor 
urine  formation.  So-called  normal  specific  gravities  were  in  the  1.032-1.033 
range.  In  some  anuric  lobsters,  erratic  transitory  flows  of  urine  could  be  induced 
by  the  infusion  of  hypo-  or  hypertonic  solutions  (Na,  Mg,  Cl,  SO4).  The  transfu- 
sion, however,  of  10-15  ml.  of  serum  from  urinating  lobsters  into  anuric  lobsters 
induced  permanent  urine  flows,  i.e.,  the  regular  production  of  urine  over  a  subse- 
quent one  week's  test  period  (8  animals).  Osmolar  measurements  by  the  Ther- 
mistor method  (Table  I)  always  gave  isotonic  or  slightly  hypertonic,  never  hypo- 
tonic,  values  for  the  blood  as  compared  with  sea  water.  The  withdrawal  of  large 
amounts  of  blood  from  urinating  lobsters,  e.g.  0.1  of  the  blood  volume  (see  Burger 
and  Smythe,  1953),  did  not  check  urine  formation,  apparently  because  the  blood  did 
not  become  markedly  diluted.  With  a  1200-gram  lobster  with  a  blood  specific 
gravity  of  1.032,  the  removal  of  24  ml.  of  blood  did  not  check  urine  formation  nor 
was  the  specific  gravity  of  the  blood  lowered  1.5  hours  later.  With  a  650-gram 
animal,  blood  protein  sp.  gr.  1.0335,  the  specific  gravity  one  and  five  days  after  the 
removal  of  10  ml.  of  blood  was  1.032. 

Urine  formation  could  not  be  correlated  with  hemocoelar  blood  pressure,  a  rise 
in  which  is  accompanied  by  a  rise  in  arterial  pressure  (Burger  and  Smythe,  1953). 
Hemoconcentration,  resulting  from  keeping  lobsters  in  the  air,  suppresses  urine 
formation.  In  view  of  the  above  transfusion  experiments,  it  would  appear  that 
the  non-diffusible  molecules  of  the  blood  draw  in  water  principally  through  the  gills, 
and  this  water  is  bailed  out  by  the  nephridium  as  urine.  With  this  water  moves 
sodium  chloride.  Ions  to  which  the  gills  are  not  readily  permeable,  as  well  as 
some  sodium  chloride  solution,  enter  from  the  stomach  and  leave  through  the  ne- 
phridium. The  nephridium  keeps  the  blood  volume  below  the  fluid  capacity  of  the 
shell.  The  constant  nephridial  removal  of  water  from  the  blood  should  slightly 
raise  the  osmotic  pressure  of  the  blood.  Since  the  blood  circulates  rapidly  through 
the  gills  (Burger  and  Smythe,  1953),  a  very  slight  gradient  should  be  enough  to 
extract  water  from  the  external  medium.  The  nephridium,  however,  is  not  merely 
an  organ  for  maintaining  fluid  volume.  It  is  capable  of  secreting  some  organic  and 
inorganic  substances  and  of  restraining  completely  or  partially  other  constituents  of 
the  blood.  In  short,  it  acts  like  a  kidney.  The  all-over  pattern  seems  to  be  one 
where  substances  are  carried  away  by  a  high  urine  flo\v  rather  than  by  a  powerful 
concentration  of  secreted  substances.  Only  with  phenol  red,  and  only  with  very 
low  blood  concentrations  was  nephridial  concentration  marked.  Since  anuric  lob- 
sters live  for  at  least  a  month  without  eating  or  drinking  and  since  electrolytes  such 
as  magnesium  do  not  build  up  in  the  blood,  there  is  presumably  no  net  inward  flow 
of  fluid  as  is  found  in  the  urinating  animal.  If  the  nitrogenous  waste  is  ammonia, 
this  can  be  lost  through  the  gills.  While  there  is  no  evidence  that  the  lobster  forms 
urea,  exogenous  urea  is  lost  through  the  gills,  and  not  through  the  nephridium. 
The  absence  of  any  volatile  ammonia  in  the  urine  and  the  lack  of  any  clear  U/P 
difference  in  NPN  make  it  dubious  that  the  kidney  is  concerned  with  primary  ni- 
trogen excretion,  although  the  occurrence  of  a  persistent  blood  NPN  indicates  ni- 


trogenous  compounds  which  are  not  readily  diffusihle  through  the  gills  and  which 
are  removed  in  the  urine.  The  gills,  stomach,  and  nephridia  form  an  interlocking 
system  of  entrance  and  exit,  each  with  individual  capacities. 

This  report  gives  no  new  information  on  the  mechanism  of  urine  formation. 
That  the  blood  and  urine  are  absolutely  isosmotic  (Table  I)  would  be  expected 
when  one  sees  the  extreme  delicacy  of  the  walls  of  the  large  nephridial  bladders. 
Despite  this  delicacy,  substances  such  as  phenol  red  can  be  held  at  higher  than 
blood  concentrations.  Pressure  from  the  nephridial  fluid  must  distend  these  blad- 
ders and  one  can  imagine  a  small  isosmotic  filtration  from  bladder  to  blood,  or  the 
reverse  when  the  blood  pressure  is  raised. 

From  the  work  of  Peters  (1935)  it  is  assumed  that  urine  is  formed  by  nitration. 
The  ready  passage  of  fish  blood  proteins  and  of  inulin  supports  the  filtration  idea. 
Histologically,  the  nephridium  seems  more  comparable  to  the  aglomerular  fish  kid- 
ney where  filtration  does  not  occur.  The  nephridial  arteries  lie  behind  a  wall  of 
glandular  epithelium  and  there  seems  to  be  no  glomerulus-like  structure  or  arrange- 
ment. This  problem  is  worthy  of  further  study. 


1.  A  method  is  given  for  safely  securing  repeated  evacuations  of  the  nephridial 
bladders  of  the  lobster,  Homarus,  thus  permitting  experimental   analysis  of  ne- 
phridial function. 

2.  Routine  chemical  analyses  for  blood,  urine,  and  sea  water  are  given. 

3.  Experimental  analysis  shows  that  the  nephridium  can  concentrate  in  the 
urine  phenol  red,  para-aminohippurate,  magnesium,  and  sulphate.     At  normal  blood 
levels,  it  completely  excludes  glucose  and  Fiske-SubbaRow  phosphate.     Phlorizin 
blocks  glucose  retention.     With  high  blood  levels,  the  secretory  or  exclusion  powers 
of  the  nephridium  are  swamped.     Calcium  is  partially  excluded  from  the  urine. 
The  nephridium  is  indifferent  to  inulin,   bromsulfalein,   dogfish  hemoglobin  and 
plasma  protein,  sodium  and  chloride.     The  ability  of  the  digestive  gland  to  con- 
centrate phenol  red  and  bromsulfalein  in  the  digestive  juice  is  noted. 

•  4.  Exogenous  urea  is  lost  through  the  gills. 

5.  The  gills  and  carapace  are  relatively  impermeable  to  magnesium  and  sul- 
phate, and  to  phenol  red,  but  are  freely  permeable  to  water,  sodium  chloride,  and 
to  exogenous  urea. 

6.  In  full-strength  sea  water,  the  distribution  of  sodium  chloride  between  sea 
water,  blood,  and  urine  seems  to  be  passive.     In  dilute  sea  water,  experiments 
indicate  that  blood  chloride  is  elevated  in  some  active  fashion,  presumably  by  the 
gills.     The  nephridium,   however,   does  not  aid   in  the   conservation  of  chloride. 
Chloride  is  lost  at  the  elevated  blood  level.     The  nephridium  does  not  seem  to 
have  powers  to  deal  actively  with  sodium  chloride. 

7.  The  normal  urine  flow  is  approximately  1  ml./hr./0.5  kg.,  with  wide  varia- 
tions.    Water  and  sodium  chloride  for  this  flow  enter  largely  through  the  gills 
although  there  may  be  intermittent  contributions  from  the  stomach.     Magnesium 
and  sulphate  enter  largely  through  the  stomach.     Calcium,  in  addition  to  that  of 
sea  water,  is  in  the  food.     The  lobster  intermittently  drinks  sea  water  with  food 
or  on  an  empty   stomach.     The   stomach  contents   are   absorbed   completely   but 
not  rapidly  enough  to  furnish  the  fluid  for  the  bulk  of  the  urine  flow.     The  daily 


urinary  excretion  of  magnesium  roughly  ecjuals  the  magnesium  found  in  5  ml. 
of  sea  water.  All  test  substances  entered  the  blood  from  the  stomach.  In  any 
study  of  sea  water  and  blood,  the  gastric  contribution  to  the  chemistry  of  the 
blood,  even  for  electrolytes,  must  be  considered. 

8.  Lobsters   from   commercial   pounds   are   frequently   oliguric   or    completely 
anuric.     Inability  to  form  urine  is  not  lethal,  at  least  over  a  one-month  period. 
Erratic  transitory  urine  flows  can  be  induced  in  anuric  lobsters  by  the  injection  of 
various  saline  solutions.     Normal  urine  flow  can  be  induced  in  anuric   lobsters 
by  the  transfusion  of  serum  from  one  lobster  to  another.     Apparently,  substances 
such  as  blood  proteins  which  are  not  diffusible  through  the  gills  draw  in  water 
which  is  bailed  out  by  the  nephridia.     Osmolar  measurements  found  the  blood 
isotonic  or  slightly  hypertonic,  never  isetonic,  to  sea  water. 

9.  While  the  nephridium  has  a  range  of  capacities  for  dealing  with  individual 
substances  (secretion,  exclusion,  partial  exclusion,  and  a  lack  of  partition  power), 
its  secretory  capacities  are  not  great  and  are  masked  easily  by  elevated  blood 
levels.     Nephridial   removal   of   substances   from   the   blood   depends   more   on   a 
flush-out  principle,  using  large  urine  flows,  than  upon  secretory  powers.     Some 
substances  such  as  exogenous  urea  are  lost  by  the  gills  and  not  by  the  nephridium. 
Together,  the  nephridia  and  the  gills  form  an  excretory  system,  each  with  in- 
dividual capacities. 


ALLISON,  J.  B.,  AND  W.  H.  COLE,  1940.     The  nitrogen,  copper,  and  hemocyanin  content  of  the 

sera  of  several  arthropods.     /.  Biol.  Chem.,  135 :  259-265. 
BURGER,  J.  W.,  AND  C.  McC.  SMYTHE,  1953.     The  general  form  of  circulation  in  the  lobster, 

Homarus.  J.  Cell.  Comp.  PhysioL,  42 :  369-384. 
COLE,  W.  H.,  1940.     The  composition  of  fluids  and  sera  of  some  marine  animals  and  of  the 

sea  water  in  which  they  live.     /.  Gen.  PhysioL,  23 :  575-584. 
COLE,  W.  H.,  1941.     The  calcium  and  chloride  content  of  lobster  serum  as  affected  by  dilution 

of  the  environmental  sea  water.     Bull.  Mi.  Desert  Isl.  Biol.  Lab.,  1941 :  22-24. 
COLE,  W.  H.,  AND  L.  A.  KAZALSKI,  1939.     A  perfusing  solution  for  the  lobster  heart  and  the 

effects  of  its  constituent  ions  on  the  heart.     Bull.  Mt.  Desert  Isl.   Biol.  Lab..   1939: 

CUENOT,  L.,   1895.     fitudes  physiologiques  sur   les   Crustaces   Decapodes.     Arch,   de  Biol.,   13: 

FORSTER,  R.  P.,  AND  P.  ZIA-WOHLRATH,  1941.     The  absence  of  active  secretion  as  a  factor 

in  the  elimination  of  inulin  and  other  substances  by  the  green  gland  of  the  lobster 

(Homarus  amcricanus) .     Anat.  Rec.,  81   (suppl.)  :  128. 
HAWK,  P.  B.,  B.  L.  OSER  AND  W.  H.  SUMMERSON,  1947.     Practical  physiological  chemistry. 

12th  edition.     The  Blakiston  Company,  New  York. 

KROGH,  A.,  1939.  Osmotic  regulation  in  aquatic  animals.  Cambridge  at  the  University  Press. 
MALUF,  N.  S.  R.,  1941.  Secretion  of  inulin,  xylose,  and  dyes  and  its  bearing  on  the  manner 

of  urine  formation  by  the  kidney  of  the  crayfish.     Biol.  Bull.,  81  :  235-260. 
MARCHAL,   P.,    1892.     Recherches   anatomiques   et   physiologiques    sur   1'appareil    excretur   des 

crustaces  decapodes.     Arch,  de  Zool.  exper.  et  gen.,  10:  57-275. 
MORGULIS,   S.,   1922.     A   study  of  the  non-protein  constituents  in  the  blood  of  some  marine 

invertebrates.     /.  Biol.  Chem.,  50:  52-54. 
MORGULIS,  S.,  1923.     The  effect  of  injections  of  various  substances  upon  the  blood  composition 

of  the  Tortugas  crawfish,  Panulirus  argus.    J.  Biol.  Chem.,  55 :  34-36. 
PETERS,  H.,  1935.     Ueber  den  Einfluss  des  Salzgehaltes  in  Aussenmedium  auf  der  Bau  und  die 

Funktion    der    Excretionorgane    Dekapoder    Crustacean     (nach    Untersuchungen    an 

Potambhts   fluviatilis   und   Homarus   vulgaris).    Zeitschr.    f.    Morph.    u.    Oekol.    der 

Tiere,  30 :  355-381. 


PETERS,  J.  D.,  AND  D.  D.  VAN  SLYKE,  1946.     Quantitative  clinical  chemistry.     Williams  and 

Wilkins  Co.,  Baltimore,  Md. 
PROSSER,  C.  L.,  D.  W.  BISHOP,  F.  A.  BROWN,  JR.,  T.  L.  JAHN,  C.  L.  PROSSER  AND  V.  J.  WULFF, 

1950.     Comparative  animal  physiology.     W.  B.  Saunders  Co.,  Philadelphia. 
ROBERTSON,  J.  D.,   1939.     The  inorganic  composition  of  the  body  fluids  of  three  marine  in- 
vertebrates.    /.  E.vp.  Biol,  16 :  387-397. 
ROBERTSON,  J.  D.,  1949.     Ionic  regulation  in  some  marine  invertebrates.     /.   Exp.  Biol.,  26 : 

ROBERTSON,  J.  D.,  1953.     Further  studies  of  ionic  regulation  in  marine  invertebrates.     /.  Exp. 

Biol,.  30 :  277-295. 
ROBERTSON,  J.  D.,  AND  D.  A.  WEBB,  1939.     The  micro-estimation  of  sodium,  potassium,  calcium, 

magnesium,  chloride,  and  sulphate  in  sea  water  and  the  body  fluids  of  marine  animals. 

/.  Exp.  Biol.,  16  :  155-177. 
SCHREINER,  G.,  1950.     Determination  of  inulin  by  means  of  resorcinol.     Proc.  Soc.  Exp.  Biol. 

Med.,  74:  117. 
SELIGSON,  D.,  AND  H.  SELIGSON,  1951.     The  microdiffusion  method  for  the  determination  of 

nitrogen  liberated  as  ammonia.     /.  Clin.  Lab.  Med.,  38 :  324-330. 
SMITH,  H.  W.,  N.  FINKELSTEIN,  L.  ALIMINOSA,  B.  CRAWFORD  AND  M.  GRABER,   1945.     The 

renal  clearances  of  substituted  hippuric  acid  derivatives  and  other  aromatic  acids  in 

dog  and  man.     /.  Clin.  Invest.,  24 :  388. 
WAITE,   F.    C.,    1899.     The   structure   and   development   of   the   antennal    glands    in    Homanis 

americanus  Milne-Edwards.     Bull.  Mus.  Comp.  Zool.,  Harvard  College,  35 :   151-204. 



Duke  University  Marine  Laboratory,  Beaufort,  N.  C.;  and  Department  of  Zoology, 

Duke  University,  Durham,  N.  C. 

The  acorn  barnacles  are  unique  among  the  arthropods  in  that  the  body  is  per- 
manently enclosed  by,  and  separated  from,  the  outer  shell  of  calcareous  plates.  The 
chitinous  exoskeleton  of  the  body,  the  inner  chitinous  lining  of  the  mantle  adjacent 
to  the  shell-secreting  tissues,  and  the  opercular  hinge  are  shed  at  regular  intervals 
of  two  to  three  days  in  Balanus  improvisus  (Costlow  and  Bookhout,  1953)  and  in 
Balanus  amphitrite  niveus  (Costlow  and  Bookhout,  1956).  The  calcareous  shell, 
which  grows  continuously,  is  not  shed  and  apparently  is  not  affected  by  the  molting 
cycle  of  the  body. 

Numerous  papers  have  appeared  which  deal  with  the  secretions  of  the  endocrine 
organs  in  relation  to  molting  of  Malacostraca.  These  have  been  reviewed  recently 
by  Knowles  and  Carlisle  (1956).  Other  research  workers  have  been  concerned 
with  the  subdivision  of  the  molting  cycle  (Carlisle  and  Dohrn,  1953;  Drach,  1936, 
1939;  Hiatt,  1948;  and  Kincaid  and  Scheer,  1952).  Most  of  these  studies  have 
been  confined  to  two  groups,  the  Brachyura  and  Astacura,  and  have  not  been 
primarily  concerned  with  actual  growth.  Relatively  few  investigators  have  con- 
sidered the  increase  in  size  following  ecdysis.  Tait  (1917)  studied  molting  in  the 
isopod,  Ligia  oceanica,  and  makes  reference  to  size  after  molting.  Olmsted  and 
Baumberger  (1923)  worked  on  the  form  and  growth  of  grapsoid  crabs.  Marshall 
(1945)  noted  that  molting  can  occur  without  growth  in  Panulnris  argus  maintained 
in  live  cars  and  Dawson  and  Idyll  (1951)  confirmed  these  observations  from 
studies  on  tagged  individuals.  In  all  of  these  studies  direct  measurements  of  the 
exoskeleton  could  be  made,  a  procedure  which  could  not  be  followed  in  the  barnacles 
without  removing  the  body  and  thereby  killing  the  animal.  It  is  not  surprising, 
therefore,  that  most  studies  on  growth  in  barnacles  have  been  confined  to  the  shell. 

The  rate  of  shell  growth  has  been  studied  for  several  species  of  barnacles,  under 
both  natural  and  experimental  conditions.  Barnes  (1955)  described  the  growth 
rate  of  Chthamalus  stcllatus  and  Barnes  and  Powell  (1953)  studied  the  effect  of 
varying  conditions  of  submersion  on  shell  growth  in  Balanus  balanoides  and  Balanus 
crenatus.  Crisp  (1954)  described  morphological  changes  in  the  shell  which  are 
associated  with  differences  in  yearly  growth  rates  of  Balanus  porcatus.  The  rela- 
tionship between  the  daily  increments  of  the  continuously  growing  shell  and  the 
growth  rate  of  the  body,  following  a  series  of  consecutive  molts,  is  not  known  for 
any  of  the  acorn  barnacles.  In  order  to  obtain  data  over  a  series  of  consecutive 
molts  of  the  same  individuals  it  is  theoretically  possible  to  measure  the  exuvia,  or 

1  These  studies  were  aided  by  a  contract  between  the  Office  of  Naval  Research,  Department 
of  the  Navy,  and  Duke  University  NR  163-194. 




-•>]       I  -  :•;'.'.  '  ,  ;     •  j    -;  .          t      3     f 

I"  :!t   t  •:•:•;,    •    J  '      j  %'.?••  /  ,-1  ,: 


FIGURE  1.  Sagittal  view  of  a  typical  barnacle,  with  left  side  of  shell  removed,  showing 
relationship  between  internal  chitinous  covered  body  and  external  calcareous  shell. 

c  — cirri  of  body 

ca — carina  :  posterior  plate  of  shell 
b  — basis 

g  —gill 

r  — rostrum  :  anterior  plate  of  shell 

sc  — scutum  :  anterior  opercular  plate 

sr — shell  ring:  calcareous  ring  to  which  opercular 

plates  are  attached  by  opercular  hinge 
tr  — tergum  :  posterior  opercular  plate 

some  portion  of  it,  following  ecdysis.  Since  the  shed  exoskeleton  tends  to  wrinkle, 
accurate  measurements  of  total  length  or  width  are  not  possible.  The  mandibles 
and  maxillae,  however,  are  sufficiently  rigid  to  retain  their  shape  and  size  and,  as 
will  be  demonstrated,  reflect  the  per  cent  increase  of  the  entire  body  at  molting. 

The  objectives  of  this  study  were  three-fold :  one,  to  determine  whether  or  not 
body  growth  always  accompanies  an  ecdysis ;  second,  to  follow  the  increase  in  body 
size,  as  represented  by  two  mouth  parts,  through  consecutive  molting  periods; 
and,  third,  to  compare  the  relative  increase  in  size  of  the  body  with  that  of  the  shell. 

The  authors  wish  to  thank  Dr.  R.  J.  Monroe,  Professor  of  Experimental  Sta- 
tistics, North  Carolina  State  College,  for  reviewing  the  statistical  portion  of  this 
paper,  and  Dr.  Henry  Kritzler  for  providing  the  original  plate  for  Figure  1. 


Balanus  improvisus  which  had  metamorphosed  from  the  cyprid  during  the 
previous  24  hours  were  obtained  from  pyralin  plates  suspended  on  racks  beneath 


the  laboratory  dock.  Twenty  barnacles  were  maintained  individually  in  plastic 
compartment  boxes  containing  Chlamydomonas  sp.  at  25°  C.  under  daylight 
fluorescent  lights.  Each  compartment  was  examined  twice  daily  for  the  presence 
of  molts.  When  exuviae  were  found  they  were  removed  and  mounted  on  glass 
slides.  In  young  barnacles  the  mouth  parts,  maxillae  and  mandibles,  were  dis- 
sociated from  the  remainder  of  the  exoskeleton  by  repeated  manipulation  of  the 
cover-slip.  In  older  barnacles  it  was  necessary  to  dissect  out  these  parts  with 
insect  pins  or  glass  needles.  The  width  of  the  mouth  parts,  at  the  base  of  the 
spines  or  teeth,  was  then  measured  with  an  ocular  micrometer  mounted  in  a  com- 
pound microscope.  If  the  actual  molting  process  was  observed,  the  exuvia  was 
removed  as  soon  as  possible,  the  mouth  parts  measured,  and  then  returned  to  a 
depression  slide  containing  the  culture  medium.  Twenty-four  hours  later  the 
maxillae  and  mandibles  were  measured  again  to  determine  if  any  changes  in  size 
had  occurred. 

Daily  measurements  were  also  made  of  the  barnacle  shell,  rostro-carinal  length 
and  lateral-lateral  width,  with  an  ocular  micrometer  mounted -in  a  dissecting  micro- 
scope. The  barnacles  were  observed  and  measured  over  a  period  of  60  days,  an 
average  of  20  molting  periods. 

A  second  series  of  20  barnacles,  of  varying  size  and  age,  was  obtained  from  the 
harbor.  The  entire  body  was  removed  from  the  shell  and  the  widths  of  the  thorax, 
maxillae,  and  mandibles  were  measured.  The  thorax  was  measured  to  determine 
if,  in  living  barnacles,  a  relationship  exists  between  the  size  of  the  mouth  parts  and  a 
major  body  dimension,  or  if  growth  of  the  mouth  parts  is  differential. 


The  body  of  a  sessile  barnacle  is  so  completely  enclosed  by  a  calcareous  shell 
(Fig.  1)  that  direct  measurements  of  the  body  cannot  be  made  over  a  series  of  molts. 
To  obtain  data  on  body  growth  in  relation  to  molting  it  was  necessary,  therefore, 
to  resort  to  a  measurement  of  mandibles  and  maxillae  of  a  consecutive  series  of 
exuviae.  It  must  be  established,  however,  whether  the  increase  in  size  of  an 
appendage,  or  a  distinct  portion  of  the  animal,  reflects  the  increase  of  the  body 
or  represents  a  differential  growth  rate  which  is  restricted  to  a  specific  part.  The 
results  obtained  from  measurements  on  whole  bodies  and  mouth  parts  of  20  living 
barnacles  taken  at  random  from  the  harbor  indicate  that  there  is  a  definite  correla- 
tion between  the  width  of  the  thorax  and  the  width  of  the  maxillae.  A  ratio  of 
6.271  ±  0.104  was  found  in  barnacles  of  varying  size  and  age.  A  simple  correlation 
coefficient  of  0.922,  significant  at  the  1  per  cent  level,  was  determined  from  the 
sample.  This  value  exceeds  that  given  by  the  standard  tables  at  18  degrees  of 
freedom  and  indicates  that  85  per  cent  of  the  variability  in  thorax  size  is  associated 
with  concomitant  variability  in  maxillae  size,  leaving  15  per  cent  attributed  to  other 
factors  including  chance.  Thus  the  maxillary  size,  as  well  as  per  cent  increase  at 
molting,  is  not  differential  but  reflects  the  increase  in  size  of  the  body. 

Even  though  the  barnacles  were  examined  every  12  hours,  it  was  not  possible 
to  observe  the  actual  time  of  molting  for  each  barnacle.  Thus  there  was  the  pos- 
sibility that  changes  in  size  of  the  exuviae  could  occur  from  the  time  of  ecdysis  until 
actual  measurement.  To  determine  if  shrinking  or  swelling  of  the  shed  mouth 
parts  occurred,  they  were  measured  immediately  after  molting,  when  the  process  was 








I. Ill    ll 

3      4      5       6       7      8       9       10     II      12      13     14      15     16      17      18      19    20    21     22 


FIGURE  2.     Per  cent  increase  of  maxillae  and  mandibles  of  one  Bahuuis  iinproi'isus  from  the 

2nd  to  the  22nd  molt. 

observed,  and  again  after  24  hours'  immersion  in  the  culture  medium.  No  change 
in  size  was  found  in  the  mouth  parts  after  24  hours  and,  inasmuch  as  all  measure- 
ments were  made  within  8  to  12  hours  after  each  ecdysis,  the  recorded  size  accurately 
indicates  the  width  of  the  mouth  parts  prior  to  molting. 

4.8  - 
4.6  - 
4.4  - 
4.2  - 
4.0  H 
3.8  - 
3.6  - 
3.4  - 

I  .8 

I  .6 

I  .4 

I  .2 







25          30 






FIGURE  3.     Comparison   of  shell  growth  and  body  growth  over  23   molting  periods   for  one 
Balamts  iinprovisus.     Figures  for  maxillae  size,  representing  increase  in  body  size;   X  10 -1. 


The  mandibles,  while  more  difficult  to  measure  accurately,  are  approximately 
twice  the  width  of  the  maxillae.  This  ratio  is  also  maintained  in  barnacles  of 
varying  size  and  further  supports  the  hypothesis  that  the  size  increase  of  the 
maxillae  is  not  differential  but  reflects  the  size  increase  of  the  entire  body. 

Body  growth.  Figure  2  compares  the  per  cent  increase  in  size  of  the  maxillae 
and  mandibles  from  the  second  to  the  twenty-second  molt.  It  will  be  noted  that  the 
per  cent  increase  corresponds  closely  at  each  molt.  That  is,  if  the  mandible  increases 
greatly  following  one  molt,  the  maxillae  increase  approximately  the  same  per  cent 
and  similarly,  if  one  shows  no  increase  at  molting,  no  increase  is  found  in  the 
other.  Figures  2  and  3  indicate  that  increase  in  size  of  the  maxillae  does  not 
necessarily  accompany  molting.  There  are  several  periods,  ranging  from  one  to 
three  consecutive  molts,  when  no  measurable  increase  in  maxillae  size  occurred 
(Fig.  2,  molts  11,  13,  18,  and  22;  Fig.  3,  molts  21,  22,  and  23).  Tait  (1917)  re- 
ported that  no  discernible  increases  in  size  occurred  when  Ligia  occanica  molted,  but 
he  did  not  actually  measure  the  pre-  and  postmolt  animals.  Carlisle  (1956)  found 
this  to  be  true  only  when  the  animals  were  starved.  Marshall  (1945)  reported 
the  absence  of  growth  after  molting  in  Panuliris  argus  maintained  in  live  cars  and 
Travis  (1954)  also  found  that  increase  in  length  did  not  necessarily  accompany 
molting  in  P.  argus  maintained  in  the  laboratory.  That  this  condition  cannot  be 
attributed  solely  to  sub-optimal  environment  of  the  live  cars  and  the  laboratory  is 
evidenced  by  the  work  of  Dawson  and  Idyll  (1951).  Their  study  of  tagged  in- 
dividuals, recovered  from  the  area  around  the  Florida  Keys,  showed  an  absence  of 
growth  in  some  individuals  and  7  cases  of  "negative  growth."  The  latter,  how- 
ever, were  attributed  to  faulty  measurements.  Lloyd  and  Yonge  (1947),  working 
with  female  Crangon  vulgaris  under  laboratory  conditions,  found  that  normally 
there  is  an  increase  in  size  after  molting.  No  increase  occurred,  however,  at  the 
molt  leading  into  the  egg-laying  condition.  Figure  3  gives  the  increase  in  maxillae 
size  for  one  of  the  20  D.  improvisus  taken  at  random.  Molting  without  growth, 
however,  was  observed  in  each  of  the  20  barnacles  studied,  although  not  necessarily 
at  the  same  time  or  molt.  This  was  true  even  though  the  same  quantity  of  food 
was  supplied  each  day. 

As  shown  in  Figure  3,  the  increments  in  maxillae  size  over  a  period  of  20  molts 
are  variable.  In  some  instances,  a  slight  increment  was  followed  by  a  molt  which 
produced  considerable  increase  in  size.  Olmsted  and  Baumberger  (1923)  found 
that  Pachygrapsus  crassipcs  does  not  increase  by  the  same  fraction  at  each  molt 
and  that  the  increment  gradually  diminishes  as  the  crabs  become  larger.  Lloyd 
and  Yonge  (1947)  also  noted  a  decrease  in  size  increment  at  molting  with  increase 
in  over-all  size  but  attributed  it  to  egg  production.  These  observations  were  ap- 
parently made  on  molts  of  various  sized  individuals  and  not  consecutive  ecdyses 
for  the  same  animals.  It  does  apply,  however,  to  size  increase  in  the  maxillae  of 
B.  improvisus.  Olmsted  and  Baumberger  (1923)  attribute  some  reduction  in 
increment  at  molting  to  the  decrease  in  molting  frequency  with  age  in  P.  crassipes. 
Costlow  and  Bookhout  (1953)  found  that  the  frequency  of  molting  in  B.  improvisus 
continued  to  be  on  the  average  of  two  to  three  days  through  the  first  40  molts. 
Thus,  reduction  of  molting  frequency  with  age  is  not  a  factor  which  influences  the 
gradual  reduction  in  size  increment  observed  for  B.  improvisus  during  the  first  20 
molting  periods. 



Shell  growth.  In  contrast  to  the  body,  which  may  grow  only  at  the  time  of 
molting,  the  calcareous  plates  of  the  shell  grow  continuously.  Figure  3  compares 
the  growth  rates  of  shell  and  maxillae  for  one  barnacle.  As  indicated  previously, 
there  were  periods  up  to  three  molts  when  no  increase  in  maxillae  size  occurred. 
During  this  same  interval  of  time  the  shell  continued  to  grow.  Costlow  and 
Bookhout  (1953),  comparing  shell  growth  of  B.  improvisus  in  the  laboratory  with 
that  found  in  the  natural  environment  of  the  harbor,  found  that  while  the  two  rates 
followed  the  same  general  curve,  growth  in  the  laboratory  was  approximately  one- 






























25  30 







FIGURE  4.  Comparison  of  average  shell  growth  and  average  body  growth,  as  indicated  by 
measurements  of  the  maxillae,  for  20  Balanus  improvisus  over  a  period  of  20  molts.  Maxillae 
size  X  10 -1. 

third  that  found  in  nature.  Thus,  while  not  optimal,  laboratory  conditions  will 
support  growth  of  the  shell  and  the  absence  of  body  growth  cannot  be  attributed  to 

Figure  4  shows  the  average  increase  in  size  of  maxillae  and  shell  for  20  barnacles. 
It  will  be  noted  that  the  initial  ratio  between  maxillae  and  shell  sizes  is  not  main- 
tained over  any  great  length  of  time.  As  the  body  can  grow  only  by  molting,  it 
might  be  expected  to  show  an  increase  in  size  which  would  correspond  with  shell 
growth  for  that  particular  intermolt  period.  As  shown  in  Figure  5,  however,  the 
per  cent  growth  of  the  maxillae  rarely  equals  the  per  cent  accumulated  shell  growth 
during  that  intermolt  period.  With  the  exception  of  the  third  molt,  the  total  per 



cent  shell  growth  during  the  two-  to  three-day  intermolt  period  was  always  higher 
than  that  exhibited  by  the  maxillae.  If  this  trend  were  to  continue  it  would  result 
in  a  large  shell  enclosing  a  relatively  small  body.  The  changing  ratio  shown  in 
Figures  3  and  4  is  compensated  in  part  by  changes  in  opercular  plate  level  at  the 
time  of  molting.  In  a  newly  set  barnacle  the  opercular  plates  occupy  an  extreme 
apical  position.  At  each  molt  a  new  opercular  hinge  is  secreted  and  the  opercular 
plates  gradually  become  more  basal.  While  this  tends  to  reduce  the  internal  volume 
of  the  shell,  a  large  shell  and  relatively  small  body  are  not  totally  incompatible  when 
certain  other  factors  are  considered. 


I  5 


I  0 







DAILY        SHELL       GROWTH 










































6  [: 







^    - 





























\          s 
\          s 
\  _ 










13         I4 


"       1 







^                   (T 
\                     \              1C 





\       M               l7 






N        ^                rn      18 








:      s    i    |6    \    ^ 





S         :       R       ^       ^    10 
:          |        ,       \       S       •  ;   19 






\         '  '           ,    rf. 




T;;              |        :   :  ^ 


H        "l-m 

.....                  1               1 




25  30 






FIGURE  5.  Comparison  of  average  daily  per  cent  shell  growth,  average  accumulated  per 
cent  shell  growth  during  each  intermolt  period,  and  average  per  cent  body  growth  for  20 
Balanus  improvisus  over  20  consecutive  molting  periods. 

B.  improvisus  retains  the  fertilized  eggs  within  the  mantle  cavity  until  the  time 
of  hatching,  when  the  nauplii  are  expelled  through  the  opercular  orifice.  While 
actual  figures  are  not  available,  Bousfield  (1955)  has  estimated  that  B.  improvisus 
retains  from  1,000  to  10,000  eggs  during  each  breeding  period.  These  embryos, 
forming  lamellae  on  both  sides  of  the  body,  require  space  in  the  mantle  cavity  be- 
tween the  body  and  the  shell-secreting  mantle.  In  a  young  barnacle  the  mantle, 
covering  the  internal  surface  of  the  developing  shell,  occupies  considerable  space 
and,  with  the  body,  leaves  little  room  for  the  mantle  cavity.  Because  of  the  intricate 
construction  of  the  shell  (Costlow,  1956)  it  has  not  been  possible  to  accurately 
measure  the  volume  which  is  actually  utilized  by  the  body  at  different  ages.  If  the 


original  ratio  between  the  body  and  shell  sizes  were  maintained,  however,  the  size 
of  the  mantle  cavity  might  not  be  sufficient  to  allow  retention  of  the  large  numbers 
of  embryos. 


From  daily  measurements  of  shell  and  portions  of  the  shed  exoskeletons  of  20 
Balanus  iinprovisus  over  20  molting  periods,  and  comparison  of  mouth  part  size 
and  body  size  of  barnacles  taken  from  the  harbor,  the  following  conclusions  may 
be  made : 

1.  A  ratio  of  6.271  ±0.104  exists  between  the  width  of  the  thorax  and  the  width 
of  the  maxillae  in  barnacles  of  varying  size  and  age  taken  from  the  harbor.     Thus, 
the  maxillae,  which  retain  their  form  and  size  in  the  shed  exoskeleton,  are  not 
subject  to  differential  growth  and  may  be  used  as  an  index  of  body  size  increase. 
The  mandibles,  approximately  twice  the  width  of  the  maxillae,  may  also  be  used 
as  an  index  of  body  size. 

2.  Growth  of  the  body,  as  indicated  by  measurements  of  maxillae  and  mandibles, 
does  not  necessarily  accompany  ecdysis.     The  absence  of  growth  in  mandibles  and 
maxillae  occurs  frequently  and  may  extend  over  periods  of  three  molts. 

3.  The  increase  in  size  of  the  mouth  parts  is  variable  and  tends  to  become  smaller 
as  the  over-all  size  of  the  barnacle  increases. 

4.  Growth  of  the  calcareous  shell  occurs  even  when  there  is  no  increase  in  size 
of  the  mouth  parts. 

5.  The  accumulated  shell  growth  during  the  two-  to  three-day  intermolt  period 
is  usually  greater  than  the  size  increment  of  the  maxillae  and  mandibles  at  molting. 
The  original  ratio  between  body  size  and  shell  size  is  not  maintained  as  growth 

6.  The  hypothesis   is  presented   that  the   resulting  large   shell   and   relatively 
smaller  body  of  an  adult  barnacle  provide  a  mantle  cavity  sufficiently  large  to  accom- 
modate the  developing  embryos. 


BARNES,  H.,  1955.     The  growth  rate  of  Chthamalus  stellatus   (Poli).     /.  Mar.  Biol.  Assoc., 

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BARNES,  H.,  AND  H.  T.  POWELL,  1953.     The  growth  of  Balanus  balanoides  (L.)   and  Balanus 

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BOUSFIELD,  E.  L.,  1955.     Ecological  control  of  the  occurrence  of  barnacles  in  the  Miramichi 

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COSTLOW,  JOHN  D.,  1956.     Shell  development  in  Balanus  improvisus  Darwin.    /.  Morph.,  99 : 


COSTLOW,  JOHN  D.,  JR.,  AND  C.  G.  BOOKHOUT,  1953.     Moulting  and  growth  in  Balanus  im- 
provisus.   Biol.  Bull.,  105  :  420-433. 
COSTLOW,  JOHN  D.,  JR.,  AND  C.  G.  BOOKHOUT,  1956.     Molting  and  shell  growth  in  Balanus 

amphitrite  niveus.     Biol.  Bull,  110:  107-116. 
CRISP,  D.  J.,  1954.     The  breeding  of  Balanus  porcatus   (DaCosta)   in  the  Irish  Sea.     /.  Mar. 

Biol.  Assoc.,  33 :  473^96. 


DAWSON,  C.  E.,  AND  C.  P.  IDYLL,  1951.     Investigations  on  the  Florida  spiny  lobster,  Panulirus 

argus  (Latreille).     Florida  Board  of  Conservation,  Technical  Series,  No.  2. 
DRACH,  P.,  1936.     Le  cycle  parcouru  entre  deux  mues  et  ses  principales  etapes  chez  Cancer 

pagurus  Linne.     C.  R.  Acad.  Sci.,  Paris,  202 :  2103-2105. 
DRACH,  P.,  1939.     Mue  et  cycle  d'intermue  chez  les  Crustaces  decapodes.     Ann.  hist.  Occanogr. 

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HIATT,  R.  W.,  1948.     The  biology  of  the  lined  shore  crab,  Pachygrapsits  crassipes  Randall. 

Pacif.  Sci.,  2  :  135-213. 
KINCAID,  F.  D.,  AND  B.  T.  SHEER,  1952.     Hormonal  control  of  metabolism  in  crustaceans.     IV. 

Relations  of  tissue  composition  of  Hcmigrapsus  nndus  to   intermolt  cycle   and   sinus 

gland.     Physiol.  Zool,  25:  372-380. 
KNOWLES,  F.  G.  W.,  AND  D.  B.  CARLISLE,  1956.     Endocrine  control  in  the  Crustacea.     Biol. 

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LLOYD,  A.  J.,  AND  C.  M.  YONGE,  1947.     The  biology  of  Crangon  vulgaris  L.  in  the  Bristol 

Channel  and  Severn  estuary.    /.  Mar.  Biol.  Assoc.,  26:  626-661. 
MARSHALL,  N.,  1945.     The  molting  without  growth  of  spiny  lobsters,  Panulirus  argus,  kept  in 

a  live  car.     Trans.  Amer.  Fish  Soc.,  Vol.  75. 
OLMSTED,   J.   M.    D.,   AND  J.    P.    BAUMBERGER,    1923.     Form   and   growth   of   grapsoid   crabs. 

/.  Morph.,  18 :  279-294. 
TAIT,  J.,  1917.     Experiments  and  observations  on  Crustacea.     II.  Moulting  of  isopods.     Proc. 

Roy.  Soc.  Edinburgh,  37 :  59-68. 
TRAVIS,  D.  F.,  1954.     The  molting  cycle  of  the  spiny  lobster,  Panulirus  argus  (Latreille).     I. 

Molting  and  growth  in  laboratory-maintained  individuals.     Biol.  Bull.,  107 :  433-450. 



Department  of  Zoology,  Indiana  University,  Bloomington,  Indiana,  and  the 
Marine  Biological  Laboratory,  Woods  Hole,  Mass. 

The  experiments  reported  here  pertain  to  the  limitation  of  terminal  growth  in 
the  hydroid  Campanularia  flexuosa.  The  general  problem  of  growth  limitation, 
and  specifically  of  terminal  growth,  has  been  examined  for  many  different  organisms. 
A  review  is  impossible  in  a  brief  paper.  Few  general  unifying  concepts  seem  to 
have  been  established  clearly :  we  are  still  in  the  stage  of  assembling  the  necessary 

Three  considerations  led  to  these  particular  experiments.  First,  the  fact  that 
each  species  of  hydroid  has  a  stem  of  characteristic  and  fairly  definite  height  sug- 
gests the  presence  of  limiting  factors  which  must  either  vary  from  species  to  species 
or  have  a  variable  effectiveness.  Secondly,  an  earlier  experiment  (Crowell,  1957) 
had  shown  that  terminal  growth  is  very  sensitive  to  nutritional  level,  and  also  that 
the  effects  of  lowered  nutrition  are  more  striking  the  older  the  stem.  This  assured 
us  that  the  terminal  growth  zone  is  not  autonomous  but  has  a  dependence  upon 
events  and  conditions  beyond  itself.  Thirdly,  there  was  a  paradox  in  our  observa- 
tions :  well-fed  young  colonies  added  one  hydranth  per  day.  The  internodes  or 
distances  between  adjacent  hydranths  are  (almost  exactly)  one  mm.  long.  A  stem 
35  days  old  should  be  expected  to  have  35  hydranths  and  be  35  mm.  tall.  Yet 
our  older  colonies  in  the  laboratory  had  only  20  hydranths  at  the  most,  and  were 
only  about  20  mm.  high.  Likewise,  in  nature,  stems  of  this  species  are  rarely  as 
tall  as  30  mm.  and  usually  are  much  shorter. 

This  discrepancy  and  the  general  considerations  led  to  the  following  questions. 
Is  a  slowing  down  inevitable?  Is  it  gradual  or  abrupt?  Does  the  ability  to  grow 
finally  cease  entirely?  Can  experimental  procedures  be  used  which  eliminate  the 
inhibiting  factors?  Clear  answers  should  give  clues  to  the  nature  of  such  factors. 

Figure  1  and  the  following  remarks  will  enable  a  reader  who  is  unfamiliar  with 
hydroids  to  visualize  the  pattern  of  growth  and  understand  the  terminology  em- 
ployed. A  colony  has  an  attached  branching  stolon  system  from  which  stems  arise. 
The  first  hydranth  of  a  stem,  1  in  Figure  1,  is  produced  by  upward  growth  from 
the  stolon.  An  apical  growing  zone  produces  an  internode  of  the  main  stem,  then 
a  pedicel,  and  finally  a  hydranth  bud.  After  this  there  is  renewed  proliferation 
from  the  first  internode  to  produce  the  next  internode,  the  pedicel  of  hydranth  2, 

1  Contribution  Number  631   from  the  Department  of  Zoology,   Indiana  University.     This 
investigation  was  supported  by  a  research  grant    (H-1948)    from  the   National   Institutes  of 
Health,  Public  Health  Service ;  and  by  a  grant-in-aid  from  the  American  Cancer  Society  upon 
recommendation  of  the  Committee  on  Growth  of  the  National  Research  Council. 

2  Address  of   second  author  is   Department  of   Embryology,   The   Carnegie   Institution   of 
Washington,  Baltimore,  Maryland. 




and  hydranth  2.  This  sequence  is  continued  as  hydranth  after  hydranth  is  added 
terminally.  The  increasing  height  is  due  not  to  continuous  apical  growth  but  rather 
to  a  renewal  of  proliferative  activity  by  a  succession  of  zones,  each  of  which,  at 
the  time  of  its  activity,  is  in  a  location  just  proximal  to  the  most  distal  hydranth, 
(GZinFig.  1). 

FIGURE  1.  A  young  upright  showing  the  pattern  of  growth  and  the  location  of  the  terminal 
growth  zone.  GZ,  terminal  growth  zone ;  S,  secondary  growth  which  may  produce  a  branch 
or  a  gonangium ;  1 — 5  the  designations  of  the  nodes  and  of  the  primary  hydranths  or  positions. 

In  Campanularia  both  gonangia  and  lateral  branches  develop  later  from  some 
of  the  crotches  (S  in  Fig.  1).  Also,  hydranths  live  for  only  about  a  week,  after 
which  they  undergo  regression  and  are  replaced  by  a  new  hydranth  at  the  same 
location  (Crowell,  1953).  These  secondary  developments  may  be  relevant  to  the 
problem  of  apical  growth  since  they  must  be  in  competition  with  the  apical  growth 
zone  for  available  nutrition,  and  perhaps  also  in  less  obvious  ways.  In  this  report, 
however,  they  have  been  disregarded. 

The  term  stem  (or  hydrocanlns) ,  strictly  speaking,  means  only  the  stem  itself. 
There  is  no  technical  term  for  the  stem  plus  all  the  hydranths,  side  branches,  and 


gonangia  which  it  bears.  We  call  these  uprights:  that  which  grows  up  from,  or 
away  from,  the  stolon.  An  approximate  botanical  equivalent  is  shoot.  The  term 
position  is  used  to  indicate  the  primary  hydranths  or  nodes.  Each  is  numbered  as 
in  Figure  1.  Distances  along  an  upright  are  described  in  number  of  positions. 

The  colonies  used  for  experimentation  were  developed  from  cuttings  from  cul- 
tures originally  obtained  at  Woods  Hole  two  years  earlier.  These  grew  on  micro- 
scope slides,  in  running  filtered  sea  water  cooled  to  19°  C.  Colonies  were  fed  twice 
a  day  by  placing  them  in  a  dense  suspension  of  newly  hatched  brine  shrimp 
(Artemia)  for  5-10  minutes,  a  procedure  which  provides  nutrition  for  maximal 


Since  terminal  growth  is  not  continuous,  but  is  a  consequence  of  renewal  of 
activity  by  tissues  just  proximal  to  the  last  hydranth,  the  best  measure  of  rate 
which  we  have  been  able  to  devise  is  the  time  in  hours  from  the  cone  stage  of  the 
terminal  hydranth  to  the  same  stage  of  the  next  terminal  hydranth.  The  cone  stage 
may  be  thought  of  as  a  hydranth  bud ;  it  represents  a  point  in  the  development  of 
a  hydranth  at  which  cellular  proliferation  is  about  finished  and  differentiation  is 
commencing.  During  one  three-day  period,  observations  were  made  every  three 
hours  to  determine  exactly  the  time  difference  between  each  of  the  developmental 
stages  of  a  hydranth.  With  this  information  it  was  possible,  in  the  principal  experi- 
ments, to  make  observations  once  each  day  and  then  convert  these  to  the  time  at 
which  the  cone  had  been  or  would  be  present.  Since  this  method  depends  upon 
the  assumption  that  once  development  of  a  hydranth  is  initiated  it  develops  at  a 
constant  rate,  the  evidence  for  this  needs  to  be  set  forth. 

In  the  series  of  close  observations  made  to  establish  the  normal  times  for  develop- 
ment, we  found  no  significant  differences  between  old  and  young  uprights  except 
in  the  period  of  delay  prior  to  the  beginning  of  development.  The  same  is  true 
when  specimens  at  different  nutritive  levels  are  compared  (Crowell,  1957).  Re- 
grettably, the  earlier  report  of  Lund  (1923)  was  overlooked  in  that  paper.  Lund 
gives  detailed  measurements  and  states  (p.  86)  that  "The  sequence  in  the  formation 
of  polyps  on  isolated  internodes  of  Obelia  is  not  due  to  a  difference  in  rate  of  re- 
generation, but  is  due  to  a  difference  in  the  period  of  delay  between  cutting  and 
initiation  of  the  regeneration  process.  The  rate  of  regeneration  (growth)  of 
polyps  is  the  same  in  basal  and  apical  internodes."  Obelia  is  almost  identical  with 
Campanularia  in  its  growth.  An  analogous  condition  is  reported  by  Steinberg 
(1955)  in  Tiibiilaria,  a  hydroid  quite  different  from  Campanularia.  He  finds  that 
the  difference  in  time  of  hydranth  regeneration  under  varied  conditions  is  in  the 
preparatory  phase,  but  not  in  later  stages. 

In  the  first  experiment  several  colonies  with  a  large  number  of  uprights  were 
used.  Each  day  a  record  was  made  of  the  stage  of  development  of  the  terminal 
hydranth  of  each  upright.  Every  2-3  days  new  stolons  were  removed  so  that  each 
colony  consisted  of  only  about  20  of  the  oldest  uprights.  At  the  end  of  5  weeks 
this  trimming  was  stopped  to  permit  the  growth  of  a  "crop"  of  young  uprights. 
When  the  latter  had  reached  a  height  of  about  10  positions,  both  they  and  the  older 
uprights  were  used  for  the  second  series  of  experiments  described  later  on. 

On  two  occasions  during  the  experiment,  when  the  Artcmia  supply  was  known 
to  be  sub-maximal,  old  uprights  which  had  been  adding  a  new  position  every 



30-35  hours  would  suddenly  require  from  72-144  hours.  The  older  the  upright, 
the  more  pronounced  was  this  slowing  down.  With  equal  suddenness,  however,  as 
soon  as  they  were  returned  to  maximum  feeding,  the  time  shortened  to  30-35  hours. 
Large  values  obtained  during  times  of  food  depletion  were  not  included  in  the 

The  rate  of  terminal  growth,  measured  in  hours,  from  cone  stage  to  cone  stage, 
is  shown  for  each  position  on  the  uprights  in  Table  I  and  in  Figure  2.  Rate, 
strictly  speaking,  should  be  expressed  as  quantity  per  unit  time,  or  reciprocal  of 
hours.  The  conversion  seems  unnecessary  here.  A  few  uprights  were  kept  be- 


Hours  required  for  the  development  of  a  new  terminal  hydranth  at  each  position  on  an  upright.     In 

each  table  is  shown  the  position,  the  number  of  cases,  the  mean,  and  the  standard 

deviation.     The  mean  values  are  plotted  in  Figure  2 

Table  I.     The  main  series  of  observations; 
—  •  in  Figure  2. 

Table  II.     The  old  controls  (0:con)  during 
the  experimental  period;  —  O  in  Figure  2. 





















































































Table  III.     Young  controls  (N:con)  before 





and  during  the  experimental  period  ; 





—  X  in  Figure  2. 




5  7 




*J  •  1 








?0  8 

A   Q 

1  \J 


o  y 

































































































































x  x 

x  x 


•  X    X  ° 

•  • 



8  12  16  20  24  28  32  36 


FIGURE  2.  The  rate  of  development  of  terminal  hydranths,  expressed  as  number  of  hours 
from  one  cone  stage  to  the  next,  for  each  position  on  a  stem.  • ,  main  series  of  observations. 
O,  a  few  of  the  same  stems  continued  (0:  con).  X — a  second  series  of  observations  (N  :  con). 
Data  in  Tables  I-III. 

yond  the  30th  position  and  used  as  controls  in  the  subsequent  experiments.  These 
are  plotted  as  0  in  Figure  2  and  the  data  are  given  in  Table  II.  Also,  a  second 
series  of  values  was  available  for  young  uprights  and  these  are  shown  by  X  in 
Figure  2  and  are  presented  as  Table  III.  The  slightly  higher  values  obtained  in 
these  later  observations  are  probably  a  reflection  of  some  slight,  but  unrecognized, 
improvement  in  conditions.  In  Figure  2  three  periods  are  identifiable :  During  the 
first  8-10  days  one  new  hydranth  is  added  each  24  hours ;  then  the  rate  becomes 
slower  until  about  20  positions  are  established ;  after  this  there  is  a  period  of  steady 
rate  at  about  33  hours.  How  long  this  might  continue  no  one  knows.  The  oldest 
stems,  at  about  60  days,  were  taller  than  any  we  have  seen  either  in  nature  or  in 
our  ordinary  cultures. 


The  following  experiments  were  designed  to  show  the  terminal  growth  rate 
when  the  relationship  of  the  terminal  growth  zone  to  the  rest  of  the  upright  and  to 
the  colony  is  altered.  The  uprights  whose  history  had  been  closely  followed  for 
5  weeks,  and  the  newer  uprights  which  were  8-13  positions  high,  were  cut  according 
to  the  scheme  shown  in  Table  IV  and  Figure  3.  Those  sections  which  were  de- 
tached were  held  in  place  at  the  edge  of  slides  by  a  thread.  Their  proximal  ends, 
as  well  as  the  basal  ends  of  any  lateral  branches,  were  ligatured  with  a  single  strand 
of  Dacron  to  prevent  growth  at  all  but  the  distal  end. 

Measurements  were  made  for  the  time  from  cone  stage  to  cone  stage  for  the 
four  hydranths  produced  terminally  on  each  upright  of  the  control  groups.  In  the 
experimental  groups  the  hydranth  develops  from  the  cut  end  of  the  upright  and  the 
time  is  measured  from  the  moment  of  cutting  to  the  cone  stage.  The  times  for  the 
three  successive  hydranths,  which  develop  from  the  zone  of  prospective  growth, 
are  measured  as  before,  from  cone  stage  to  cone  stage. 



In  these  experiments  the  distal  cut  end  sometimes  failed  to  produce  a  hydranth, 
but  instead  produced  an  indeterminate  growth  similar  to  a  stolon.  These  are 
called  free  (i.e.,  not  attached)  stolons.  When  they  developed  we  cut  them  off. 
Following  such  amputation,  a  free  stolon  sometimes  developed  again  and  sometimes 
the  new  growth  was  a  hydranth.  This  complicates  the  analysis  and  makes  it 
necessary  to  report  both  the  rate  of  hydranth  development  when  it  did  occur  and 
also  the  incidence  of  hydranth  development  as  compared  with  that  of  free  stolons. 

:  Con       0:I8 


N;  Con 





N'Ti  p 



FIGURE  3.     Diagrams  to  illustrate  the  plan  of  the  experiments  as  outlined  in  Table  IV. 



Plan  of  experiment,  shown  also  in  Figure  3.     The  abbreviations  at  the  left  are 
the  designations  given  the  experimental  groups 

From  older  series  of  uprights,  0: 

0:con         Controls  with  about  30  positions,  connected  with  rest  of  colony 
0:18  Trimmed  to  leave  18  positions,  connected  with  rest  of  colony 

0 : 8  Trimmed  to  leave  8  positions,  connected  with  rest  of  colony 

0:2  Trimmed  to  leave  2  positions,  connected  with  rest  of  colony 

0:3-7         Sections  consisting  of  positions  3  to  7 
0: 13-17     Sections  consisting  of  positions  13  to  17 
0:22-26     Sections  consisting  of  positions  22  to  26 

0:tip          Sections  with  5  positions  including  the  uninjured  terminal  position  (approximately 

From  younger  series  of  uprights,  N  : 

N:con        Controls  with  about  10  positions,  connected  with  rest  of  colony 
N :  2  Trimmed  to  leave  2  positions,  connected  with  rest  of  colony 

N:3-7        Sections  consisting  of  positions  3-7 

N:tip         Sections  with  5  positions  including  the  uninjured  terminal  position    (approximately 

Since  the  development  of  a  hydranth  involves  more  differentiation  and  organization 
than  the  production  of  a  free  stolon,  we  think  of  the  former  as  more  "difficult"  as 
well  as  more  effective  in  respect  to  the  normal  growth  of  the  colony. 

Both  in  describing  the  results  and  in  the  discussion  the  word  significantly  has 
been  used  only  when  differences  are  significant  at  the  1%  level  as  determined  by 
"t"  test. 

The  data  are  presented  in  Table  V,  A.  The  young  controls,  N  :con,  have  a 
value  of  26.6  hours  for  positions  12-15.  This  is  significantly  faster  than  the  rate 
for  the  old  controls  at  30.7  hours.  The  old  uprights  cut  near  the  base,  0 : 2  and 
0 : 8,  have  rates  well  above  40  hours.  They  are  significantly  slower  than  old  and 
young  controls  and  also  slower  than  the  young  uprights,  N  :  2,  similarly  amputated. 
The  poorest  rate  is  seen  for  the  few  uprights  which  produced  hydranths  when  cut 
at  the  nineteenth  internode,  0:18:56.4  hours  (significantly  slower  at  the  5% 
level  than  0:2,  in  spite  of  the  small  number  of  cases). 

The  times  for  the  development  of  the  first  hydranth  are  shown  in  Table  V,  A  in 
a  separate  column.  Since  once  development  starts,  its  rate  is  the  same  for  all 
groups,  differences  among  them  must  be  a  reflection  of  the  time  required  for  healing 
and  preparation  for  proliferation.  The  O :  —  groups  are  nearly  identical  one  with 
another  but  slower  than  the  younger  N  :  2  group. 

Table  V,  B  shows  the  percentages  of  cases  in  which  the  trimmed  uprights 
produced  hydranths  rather  than  free  stolons  at  the  cut  surface.  In  one  column 
is  shown  the  percentage  of  cases  in  which  hydranths  were  produced  at  the  first 
opportunity,  in  the  last  column  the  percentage  of  cases  which  finally  produced  a 
hydranth  after  one  or  more  removals  of  the  stolon  which  had  grown  at  first.  The 
groups  stand  in  the  same  relationship  one  to  another  whichever  column  is  used. 
Comparison  of  the  values  among  the  groups  in  Table  V,  B  with  those  of  Table  V,  A 
shows  that  the  uprights  which  produce  hydranths  most  rapidly  are  the  same  ones 
which  more  often  produce  hydranths  rather  than  free  stolons. 

In  the  "effectiveness"  or  "efficiency"  of  terminal  growth  the  experimental  groups 



stand  in  the  following  order :  Tips  of  unamputated  young  uprights  —  N  :  con ;  tips 
of  unamputated  old  uprights  -  -  O  :  con ;  young  uprights  amputated  near  their 
base  —  N :  2 ;  old  uprights  amputated  at  the  third  or  ninth  internode  --0:2  and 
0:8;  and  old  uprights  amputated  at  the  nineteenth  internode  —  0 :  18. 


The  development  of  hydranths  and  free  stolons  from  amputated  uprights 


of  new 

Hours  for  hydranth  production 

Hydranths  produced  instead  of 
free  stolons 

Number  of 

Cone  to  cone 

Cut  to  cone 

Number  of 

%  the  first 

%  at  any 

Trimmed  Uprights 






43.9  db  12.2 

37.9  ±  6.0 








47.6  ±  12.8 

35.9  ±  4.9 







56.4  ±  20.3 

37.1  ±  5.4 







30.7  ±    4.2 




35.2  ±    8.1 

32.5  ±  2.3 







26.6  ±    4.0 

Isolated  Sections 






43.9  ±  12.4 

29.3  ±  7.1 







44.1  ±  10.1 

33.8  ±  7.1 







36.2  ±    6.1 

30.2  ±  4.2 







35.6  ±    8.3 





43.0  ±  12.4 

32.4  ±  7.1 







36.0  ±    9.2 


Before  considering  the  results  of  the  measurements  on  the  isolated  sections  of 
uprights,  it  is  necessary  to  point  out  that  the  values  for  them  cannot  be  directly 
compared  with  those  of  the  specimens  still  attached  to  the  rest  of  the  colony.  Because 
there  was  a  good  deal  of  regression  of  hydranths  in  segments  isolated  from  lower 
levels  of  the  uprights  and  because  it  seemed  essential  to  be  able  to  compare  the 
group  one  with  another,  we  fed  each  specimen  two  brine  shrimp  a  day  for  each 
position  present  (whether  a  hydranth  was  at  each  position  or  not).  This  gives 
as  constant  a  nutritional  intake  as  can  be  achieved.  It  is  at  a  level  known  to  be 
adequate  for  moderate,  but  not  maximal,  growth  (Crowell,  1957). 

As  before,  the  times  are  calculated  separately  for  the  first  hydranth  to  be  pro- 
duced (from  the  time  of  cutting)  and  for  the  subsequent  three.  Data  are  presented 
in  Table  V,  C  and  D. 

The  time  required  for  the  development  of  the  first  hydranth  is  nearly  equal  for 
the  four  groups. 

The  growing  tips  of  new  and  old  colonies  are  almost  identical  in  rate  although 
they  are  at  levels  20  positions  apart.  That  their  rates  are  somewhat  slower  than 
those  of  intact  uprights  is  interpreted  as  due  to  the  lower  quantity  of  food  received 
(discussed  above).  Levels  farther  from  the  growing  tips  have  slower  rates.  The 
level  nearest  the  tip,  0 :  22-26,  is  essentially  equal  to  the  tip,  and  significantly  better 
than  the  lower  two  levels,  0:13-17  and  0:3-7  which  are  alike.  N :  3-7,  even 
though  it  came  from  a  young  upright,  and  was  only  about  7  positions  below  the 
growing  tip,  is  also  slow. 

In  the  case  of  the  amputated  uprights  it  will  be  recalled  that  there  was  a  close 
parallelism  between  rate  of  hydranth  production  and  the  tendency  to  produce 
hydranths  rather  than  free  stolons.  The  same  is  true  for  the  isolated  sections 
(Table  V,  D),  with  one  exception:  the  N:  3—7  group  had  a  slow  rate  but  rarely 
produced  stolons. 


The  continuous  record  for  60  days  of  the  terminal  growth  of  uprights  (Fig.  2) 
shows  that  when  nutrition  is  optimal,  the  growth  rate  is  maximal  for  about  10  days, 
then  gradually  reaches  a  new  and  lower  level  which  it  maintains  thereafter.  One 
can  postulate  that  whatever  factors  reduce  the  rate  from  about  24  to  33  hours, 
these  have  no  further  effect,  and,  at  the  somewhat  slower  rate,  terminal  growth 
could  continue  forever.  In  nature  a  long  stem  would,  of  course,  eventually  be 
broken  off.  In  the  laboratory  one  could  cut  off  the  distal  portion  and  follow  its 
history,  an  experiment  which  we  have  not  yet  carried  out.  The  "immortal"  hydras 
described  by  Brien  and  Reniers-DeCoen  (1949),  and  the  successful  indefinite 
asexual  reproduction  of  some  oligochaetes  and  turbellarians  (e.g.  Stenostomum, 
Sonneborn,  1930)  are  examples  of  growth  without  limitation  somewhat  comparable 
to  the  situation  described  here. 

Earlier  experiments  (Crowell,  1957)  have  shown  that  the  height  or  age  of  an 
upright  determines  quite  precisely  the  extent  to  which  lowered  nutritive  level  affects 
the  rate  of  terminal  growth.  This  effect  of  age  (or  height)  is  evident  in  stems 
when  they  are  only  a  few  positions  high  or  a  few  days  old  and  indicates  that  at 
least  one  factor  which  can  influence  growth  is  accumulating  long  before  it  can  be- 
come effective  in  well-fed  colonies. 


The  experiments  involving  the  trimming  of  uprights  and  isolation  of  sections 
at  different  levels  were  designed  with  some  prejudice  in  favor  of  a  correlation  be- 
tween the  rate  of  terminal  growth  and  the  age  of  the  tissues.  Although  the  terminal 
growth  zone  is  always  young  in  actively  growing  colonies,  it  is  still  possible  that 
there  occurs  an  inherent  slowing  down  with  time,  independent  of  factors  external 
to  the  terminal  growth  region  itself.  In  the  absence  of  this  condition  it  may  be 
possible  that  the  older  tissues  below  the  terminal  zone,  as  they  become  older,  are  the 
source  of  factors  which  adversely  affect  terminal  growth. 

Analysis  of  the  data  has  made  it  necessary  to  consider  four  possibilities.  1 ) 
Correlation  with  age  of  tissues  as  discussed  above.  2)  Inhibitory  substances  arising 
from  hydranths  already  present,  but  not  correlated  with  the  age  itself  of  these 
hydranths — perhaps  a  process  of  like  inhibiting  like.  3)  Deficiency  of  nutrition 
as  the  distance  from  the  stolon  becomes  greater.  This  might  merely  be  a  con- 
sequence of  less  efficient  hydroplasmic  streaming  in  the  distal  portion  of  tall  up- 
rights. 4)  Any  combination  of  the  above. 

The  factors  suggested  are  not  the  only  possible  ones.  Hydranth  regression, 
production  of  lateral  branches  and  the  development  of  gonangia  may  have  effects, 
but  this  question  has  not  yet  been  examined.  There  are,  of  course,  still  other 

If  slowing  of  terminal  growth  were  inherent  to  the  growing  terminal  portion 
of  the  upright,  one  would  not  expect  this  to  be  expressed  during  only  the  production 
of  the  tenth  to  twentieth  positions.  Tips  of  old  and  young  uprights,  different  in 
length  by  20  positions,  when  isolated  showed  the  same  rates  of  terminal  growth 
(0 :  tip  and  N  :  tip  in  Table  V,  C) . 

When  we  compare  groups  0:  3-7,  0:  13-17,  0:  22-26,  and  0:  tip,  the  similarity 
of  rate  between  the  latter  two  suggests  that  no  marked  slowing  has  occurred  7 
positions  below  the  tip.  However,  those  about  15  positions  below  the  tip,  0:  13-17, 
show  a  significantly  slower  rate.  The  oldest  group,  0 :  3-7,  is  the  same  as  0  :  13-17. 
It  should  be  emphasized  that  each  of  these  specimens  received  the  same  amount  of 
food ;  hence  differences  cannot  be  accounted  for  on  the  basis  of  nutritional  intake. 
Further  evidence  of  a  correlation  with  age  is  seen  in  the  comparison  of  groups 
N :  3-7  and  N :  tip.  The  former,  comprising  tissue  about  7  positions  back  from 
the  tip,  shows  a  significantly  slower  rate  than  the  tip.  Comparisons  in  Table  V,  A 
between  N  :  2  and  N  :  con  and  between  N  :  2  and  0 :  2  also  show  a  correspondence 
between  rate  and  age  of  tissues. 

It  is  evident  that  there  is  no  aging  at  the  growing  tip  itself.  It  is  also  clear 
that  the  rate  of  hydranth  formation  at  increasing  distances  from  the  tip  and  in 
older  tissues  is  slower.  The  tissues  do  not  express  the  consequence  of  aging  until 
about  7  hydranths  have  been  produced  beyond  them,  that  is,  about  10  days  after 
the  tissue  had  been  first  established.  At  this  time  this  effect  increases  sharply ; 
soon  it  becomes  maximal  and  thereafter  there  is  no  further  decrease  in  rate  related 
to  the  increasing  age  of  the  tissues.  The  similar  rates  shown  by  0 :  3-7  and 
0:  13-17  support  this  last  statement. 

Not  all  of  the  results  are  consistent  with  the  idea  that  aging  effects  explain 
the  slowing  of  terminal  growth.  The  experiments  do  not  distinguish  between  the 
role  of  possible  inhibitors  and  that  of  the  efficiency  of  circulation.  With  increasing 
length  of  upright  there  is  not  only  an  increase  in  the  number  of  hydranths  to 
produce  an  inhibition,  but  also  a  greater  length  of  coenosarc  separating  the  proliferat- 


ing  zone  from  the  basal  stolon.  The  chief  indication  that  one  or  both  of  these 
factors  are  operating  is  seen  in  Table  V,  A,  particularly  for  the  old  uprights. 
With  increasing  distance  from  the  stolon  (decreasing  age  of  tissues)  there  is  an 
increase  in  the  time  required  for  hydranth  production.  Statistically,  0 : 2  with 
the  faster  rate  is  not  significantly  different  from  0:8,  but  is  different  at  the  5% 
level  from  0 :  18.  These  results  are  the  opposite  to  those  expected  as  a  consequence 
of  aging  and  indicate  that  some  f actor (s)  exert  an  effect  opposite  to  that  of  aging. 

The  frequency  with  which  the  cut  specimens  developed  free  stolons  was  higher 
the  slower  the  rate  of  hydranth  production.  To  this  generalization  there  was  one 
exception :  the  N  :  3-7  group  which  produced  relatively  few  free  stolons  but  had 
a  slow  rate  for  hydranth  production.  This  same  group  has  been  mentioned  earlier 
in  connection  with  the  effect  of  age  of  the  tissues.  It  had  a  slower  rate  than 
tissue  of  about  the  same  age  belonging  to  older  uprights,  the  0 : 22-26  group. 
We  are  unable  to  decide  whether  we  should  regard  this  case  as  anomalous  in  respect 
to  its  rate  or  in  respect  to  the  frequency  of  free  stolon  production.  Its  significance 
may  lie  in  the  hint  which  it  gives  that  the  factors  which  influence  the  production 
of  free  stolons  may  be  different  from  those  which  control  rate. 

One  result,  so  far  mentioned  only  incidentally,  is  shown  in  Table  V,  A  and  C. 
For  those  cases  in  which  the  distal  tip  had  been  severed,  the  rate  of  replacement 
of  the  first  hydranth,  that  is  the  one  arising  from  the  cut  surface,  is  tabulated 
separately  from  the  rates  for  successive  hydranths.  For  all  of  the  groups  there 
is  little  difference  in  the  rates  at  the  cvit  surface  but  marked  differences  for 
hydranths  subsequently  produced.  Lund  (1923)  found  differences  in  replacement 
of  hydranths  of  Obelia  correlated  with  the  distance  from  the  growing  tip.  The 
absence  of  such  differences  in  our  specimens  is  unexpected. 

Although  the  rates  for  the  production  of  the  hydranth  from  the  cut  surface  are 
similar  for  all  our  cases  there  was  great  variation  in  the  frequency  of  free  stolon 
production  by  these  same  cut  ends.  Apparently  if  a  hydranth  is  to  develop,  it 
can  begin  to  do  so  with  about  the  same  speed  regardless  of  the  level  of  the  cut  or 
age  of  tissue.  A  correlation  with  age  is  seen  in  the  frequency  of  free  stolon 
production,  but  the  effect  of  age  applies  to  hydranth  production  only  after  the  first 
has  been  produced. 

The  general  conclusion  from  these  many  considerations  and  comparisons  is 
that  there  is  a  period  of  maximal  rate  of  terminal  growth  expressed  by  uprights 
only  during  their  first  10  days ;  after  this  the  zones  of  prospective  terminal  growth 
become  adversely  affected  by  factors  external  to  themselves.  Although  the  age 
of  cut  sections  of  stems  is  one  factor  correlated  with  slower  hydranth  production 
and  with  the  development  of  free  stolons  instead  of  hydranths,  many  of  the  results 
cannot  be  explained  on  this  basis.  What  these  other  factors  may  be  can  only  be 
conjectured  until  further  experiments  are  carried  out. 


1.  When  terminal  growth  rate  was  measured  for  stems  of  well-fed  colonies 
of  the  hydroid  Campanularia  fle.ruosa  for  a  period  of  60  days,  it  was  found  that 
this  rate  is  constant  for  about  ten  days,  becomes  progressively  slower  for  the  next 
10  to  15  days,  and  then  remains  constant. 

2.  Isolated  sections  of  stems  of  different  ages  differ  one  from  another  both  in 


respect  to  the  time  required  for  the  production  of  additional  terminal  hydranths, 
and  in  their  ability  to  produce  hydranths  rather  than  free  stolons.  In  general  the 
same  experimental  groups  which  most  readily  produce  hydranths  following  cutting 
produce  them  at  fairly  high  rates. 

3.  Older  levels  of  stems  are  in  general  less  efficient  in  the  rate  of  terminal 
hydranth  production  and  in  the  ability  to  produce  hydranths  rather  than  free  stolons. 
Not  all  of  the  results  can  be  explained  on  the  basis  of  an  effect  of  aging.  The 
possible  role  of  inhibitors  and  of  differences  in  efficiency  of  circulation  must  be 


BRIEN,  P.,  AND  M.  RENIERS-DECOEN,  1949.  La  croissance,  la  blastogenese,  1'ovogenese  chez 
Hydra  fusca  (Pallas).  Bull.  Biol.  de  France  et  Belg.,  83:  293-386. 

CROWELL,  S.,  1953.  The  regression-replacement  cycle  of  hydranths  of  Obclia  and  Campanularia. 
Physiol.  Zool,  26:  319-327. 

CROWELL,  S.,  1957.  Differential  responses  of  growth  zones  to  nutritive  level,  age,  and  tempera- 
ture in  the  colonial  hydroid,  Campanularia.  J.  E.vp.  Zool.,  134 :  63-90. 

LUND,  E.  J.,  1923.  Experimental  control  of  organic  polarity  by  the  electric  current.  III. 
Normal  and  experimental  delay  in  the  initiation  of  polyp  formation  in  Obelia  inter- 
nodes.  /.  Exp.  Zool,  37 :  69-87. 

SONNEBORN,  T.  M.,  1930.  Genetic  studies  on  Stcnostonuun  incandatum  (Nov.  Spec.).  /.  Exp. 
Zool.,  57 :  57-108. 

STEINBERG,  M.  S.,  1955.  Cell  movement,  rate  of  regeneration,  and  the  axial  gradient  in 
Tnbularia.  Biol.  Bull.,  108:  219-234. 




Biological  Laboratories,  Harvard   University,  Cambridge,  Massachusetts 

By  definition  a  poikilotherm  is  an  animal  whose  internal  state  fluctuates  with 
temperature  changes  in  its  environment,  a  lowering  of  environmental  temperature 
resulting  in  a  reduction  of  metabolism  or  activity.  Accordingly,  it  is  to  be  expected 
that  a  poikilotherm  living  in  colder  habitats  and  subjected  seasonally  to  low  tempera- 
tures would  have  a  lower  metabolic  rate  than  would  the  same  species  inhabiting 
a  region  of  higher  temperatures.  Nevertheless,  considerable  information  indicates 
that  many  cold-blooded  animals  living  in  colder  habitats  operate  at  higher  rates 
than  those  we  could  expect  by  deduction  from  their  rate-temperature  curve.  This 
is  supported  by  the  observation  that  many  species  of  marine  invertebrates  are  as 
active  in  colder  seas  as  those  in  warmer  waters.  This  phenomenon  of  compensatory 
adaptation  of  rate  of  metabolism  or  activity  has  been  recently  reviewed  by  Bullock 
(1955)  and  Prosser  (1955). 

Compensatory  adaptation  has  been  studied  in  three  different  ways :  ( 1 )  by 
experimental  acclimation  of  animals  at  various  temperatures;  (2)  by  observation 
of  animals  at  various  seasons;  and  (3)  by  comparisons  of  groups  of  individuals 
varying  in  latitude. 

It  has  been  observed,  especially  among  the  aquatic  poikilotherms,  that  certain 
species  from  the  northern  and  southern  regions  may  show  rather  similar  rates  of 
functions  when  measured  at  their  own  habitat  temperature.  Many  animals  from 
higher  latitudes  tend  to  show  higher  rates  than  animals  from  lower  latitudes,  when 
measured  at  any  given  temperature. 

With  respect  to  latitudinal  temperature  compensation,  we  find  numerous  in- 
vestigations. Different  species  of  a  genus  or  different  individuals  of  a  given  species 
show  about  the  same  rate  functions  in  Greenland,  the  North  Sea  and  the  Mediter- 
ranean (Sparck,  1936;  Thorson,  1936;  Wingfield,  1939).  Thorson  (1956)  says 
(p.  695)  :  ".  .  .  an  arctic  Macoma  community  at  0°  C.  shows,  roughly,  a  similar 
metabolic  rate,  a  similar  rate  of  growth,  and  similar  feeding  habits,  as  a  boreal 
Macoma  community  at  8°  C.,  or  a  Mediteranean  community  at  about  12°  C.,  or  a 
tropical  community  at  a  still  higher  temperature." 

The  more  recent  investigations  deal,  in  large  part,  with  studies  of  the  same 
species  from  different  latitudes,  and  the  results  obtained  by  Roberts  (1952)  and 
Rao  (1953)  on  crabs  and  mussels  along  the  west  coast  of  the  United  States  are 
also  in  favor  of  a  certain  adaptation  of  metabolism  or  activity  to  temperature  in 
different  populations. 

In  1948,  Dr.  Dorothy  Bliss  (personal  communication)  undertook  a  few  experi- 

1  Present  address :  Institut  de  Biologic,  Nancy,  France. 



ments  concerning  the  tolerance  to  low  temperatures  of  two  species  of  Uca  from 
Woods  Hole,  Massachusetts,  namely  U.  pugnax  and  U.  pugilator,  and  of  two 
latitudinal  populations  of  Uca  pugilator  from  Woods  Hole  and  from  Florida. 
These  experiments  suggested  first,  a  very  obvious  difference  in  the  resistance  to 
cold  between  the  two  species  of  Uca  from  Woods  Hole,  and  secondly,  a  noticeable, 
although  less  impressive,  difference  in  the  behavior  of  the  northern  and  southern 
populations  of  Uca  pugilator  when  very  low  temperatures  were  reached,  that  is 
to  say,  between  1°  and  3°  C. 

The  purpose  of  this  present  investigation  was  to  continue  with  this  problem  of 
physiological  variations  and  compensatory  mechanisms,  perhaps  resulting  from  the 
different  latitudes  at  which  Woods  Hole  and  Florida  crabs  are  living.  Uca 
pugilator  (Bosc),  the  sand  fiddler,  according  to  Rathbun  (1918)  and  Crane 
(1943),  ranges  from  Boston  Harbor  to  Galveston,  Texas.  Up  to  now,  a  single 
species  has  been  described,  and  Jocelyn  Crane  (personal  communication)  states 
that  the  taxonomic  problem  of  Woods  Hole  and  Florida  Uca  pugilator  has  not 
yet  been  investigated. 

We  have  been  concerned,  first,  with  comparisons  at  a  given  temperature  of  the 
metabolism  of  these  animals,  measured  as  oxygen  uptake,  and,  in  addition,  with 
observations  of  their  activity  and  their  resistance  to  cold. 

This  work  has  been  carried  out  during  a  sojourn  at  Harvard  University  while 
holding  a  Smith-Mundt  Fulbright  travel  grant.  It  was  supported,  in  part,  by 
Research  Grant  B-623  from  the  National  Institute  of  Neurological  Diseases  and 
Blindness,  Public  Health  Service.  I  am  happy  to  express  my  thanks  to  Dr.  J.  H. 
Welsh  for  his  kind  hospitality,  for  his  constant  and  valuable  support  and  for  all 
material  facilities  he  provided.  I  am  also  much  indebted  to  Dr.  Dorothy  Bliss  who 
helped  me  with  the  use  of  the  respirometers  and  showed  a  constant  interest  in  the 
course  of  my  work. 


Crabs  from  Woods  Hole  (latitude  41°  N)  and  from  Florida  (vicinity  of 
Englewood,  latitude  28°  N)  were  shipped  periodically  to  Cambridge,  Massachu- 
setts. As  soon  as  they  arrived,  they  were  placed  in  containers  with  a  small  amount 
of  sea  water  and  kept  at  room  temperature,  that  is  to  say,  at  an  average  of  20°  C. 
They  were  fed  fish  twice  a  week.  Water  was  changed  regularly.  Some  experi- 
ments dealt  with  animals  which  were  kept  for  various  lengths  of  time  at  10°  C. 
Throughout  the  work,  only  male  crabs  were  used. 

For  the  determinations  of  the  rates  of  oxygen  consumption,  Dixon  volumetric 
respirometers  were  employed.  Carbon  dioxide  was  absorbed  either  by  Ascarite 
or  by  20%  KOH.  In  some  experiments,  in  order  to  absorb  any  excreted  ammonia, 
a  cupric  chloride  solution  was  added  in  the  apparatus  containing  KOH.  No 
significant  differences  in  readings  were  noted.  Two  temperature  baths  were  used 
in  measuring  oxygen  consumption;  one  was  maintained  at  15°  C.,  the  other  at 
1.4°  C. 

A  period  of  time  varying  between  one-half  hour  and  three-fourths  of  an  hour 
was  devoted  to  equilibration  of  the  apparatus.  Every  experiment  was  run  at  the 
same  time  of  the  day  (between  one  P.  M.  and  six  P.  M.)  to  avoid  fluctuations  due 
to  the  diurnal  variations  in  metabolism.  Readings  were  made  at  convenient  inter- 












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vals.  The  first  hour's  readings  were  discarded,  for  we  observed  an  excessive 
oxygen  consumption  at  1.4°  C.  and  at  15°  C.  After  one  hour,  more  uniform 
uptake  occurred.  (Recently,  Grainger  (1956)  has  observed  a  similar  phenomenon 
with  Artemia.}  Readings  were  recorded  during  the  following  three  hours.  Re- 
sults have  been  corrected  to  standard  temperature  and  pressure. 

The  observations  on  cold  tolerance  were  made  on  the  animals  after  they  had 
been  taken  out  of  the  respirometers. 


I.     Rate  of  oxygen  consumption  as  a  function  of  latitude 
1.     Measurement  at  1.4°  C. 

According  to  the  previously  mentioned  experiments  of  Dr.  Bliss,  we  chose  the 
temperature  of  1.4°  C.  for  our  comparisons  between  the  rates  of  oxygen  consump- 
tion of  Woods  Hole  and  Florida  Uca. 

The  measurements  were  begun  on  the  first  day  after  arrival  for  southern  crabs 
and  on  the  tenth  for  the  northern  populations.  Starting  on  September  twenty- 
seventh,  they  were  continued  for  an  eight-week  period  for  Florida  crabs  and  a 
seven-week  period  for  those  from  Woods  Hole.  The  stocks  of  crabs  of  both  regions 
were  kept  at  room  temperature  (20°  C.).  Each  day  the  rates  of  oxygen  con- 
sumption of  two  crabs  of  each  population  were  measured  and  then  the  animals  were 
discarded.  In  no  case  was  an  animal  used  twice. 

a)  The  results,  as  seen  in  Table  I,  indicate  that  there  is  an  obvious  difference 
between  the  rates  of  oxygen  consumption  of  the  two  populations  when  recorded 
at  this  temperature  and  converted  to  standard  conditions.  We  tested  the  signifi- 
cance of  the  differences  between  these  rates  in  using  the  t  test  of  significance  after 



„  4 



•       • 

o  o 

O    O      O 

o       o 

o  o 

O  O     o      0->0 

o     o 

j i I 

j I I 

5          1O         15        2O        25         3O        35         4O        45        5O        55       6O 


FIGURE  1.     Oxygen  consumption  of  Uca  pugilator  from  Florida    (O)    and  from  Woods   Hole 
(•),  as  a  function  of  time  spent  at  20°  C.     Measurements  were  made  at  1.4°  C. 




Respiratory  rates  of  Uca  pugilator  measured  at  15°  C. 

Wet  body  weight  (g.) 

Qo2  (mmVg./hr.) 


Size  of 

Significance  of 
difference  between 









Woods  Hole 
















no  signif  . 

Chambers  (1952).  This  indicates  clearly  the  possesion  of  a  compensatory  mecha- 
nism by  Uca  pugilator  in  relation  to  its  habitat  temperature,  the  northern  group 
showing  the  higher  rate. 

b)  During  their  sojourn  at  a  common  temperature  of  20°   C.  no  significant 
change  in  the  rate  of  oxygen  consumption  could  be  noticed  either  in  Florida  Uca 
or  in  Woods  Hole  Uca.     A  straight  horizontal  line  could  represent  the  steady  rate 
of  oxygen  consumed  over  the  period  of  seven  or  eight  weeks  (Fig.  1).     Therefore, 
the  same  amplitude  of  divergence  still  exists  between  the  two  groups  at  the  end 
of  their  sojourn  at  20°  C. 

c)  A  comparison  between  the  two  series  of  values  obtained  shows  that  there 
is«  a  greater  spread  in  the  values  of  Qo2  for  Woods  Hole  animals  than  for  those 
from  Florida. 

2.  Measurements  at  15°  C. 

Determinations  of  the  resting  metabolism  of  the  two  populations  made  at  the 
common  higher  temperature  of  15°  C.  gave  a  mean  value  of  25  mm3/g./hr.  for 
Woods  Hole  Uca  pugilator  and  a  mean  value  of  22.2  mm3/g./hr.  for  the  Florida 
group.  The  difference  is  not  statistically  significant  (Table  II). 

3.  Temperature  coefficient 

It  would  be  reasonable  to  expect  to  find  an  alteration  of  the  sensitivity  of 
metabolism  to  temperature  changes  among  the  cold-adapted  population  from  Woods 
Hole.  This  would  mean  that  the  northern  animals  could  withstand  large  tempera- 
ture variations  and  show  less  change  in  their  oxygen  consumption  than  those 
living  in  the  south.  In  fact,  such  findings  have  been  revealed  by  different  investi- 
gators for  various  physiological  activities  in  many  different  species  (Rao,  1953; 
Dehnel,  1955;  Tashian,  1956).  Rao  and  Bullock  (1954),  in  their  review  of  the 
relation  of  Q10  to  the  temperature  at  which  the  animal  is  adapted,  give  good 
evidence  of  a  decrease  in  Q10  with  high  latitude,  in  spite  of  contrary  results  reported 
by  Scholander  et  al.  (1953). 

From  our  metabolism  studies  on  Uca  pugilator  from  Woods  Hole,  we  find, 
between  1.4°  C.  and  15°  C.,  a  Q10  of  about  2.47.  If  we  compare  the  rates  of 
Florida  Uca  at  the  same  temperatures,  we  get  a  Q10  of  3.52.  This  shows  a  decrease 
in  Q10,  with  increasing  latitude.  Recently,  Tashian  (1956)  found  a  Q10  of  2.6 
for  Uca  speciosa  (weight  0.3-1.4  g.)  from  Key  Biscayne,  Florida,  for  temperatures 
between  14.8  and  24.5°  C.  If  we  calculate  the  Q10  from  his  results  on  Uca  pugnax, 


which  were  about  the  same  weight  as  our  Uca  pugilator  (3  g.),  we  find  that  it  is 
about  3.0  for  Florida  U.  pugnax  and  1.3  for  New  York  U.  pugnax.  But  the  com- 
parison of  his  results  with  those  of  the  present  writer  is  not  entirely  valid  because 
of  the  different  choice  of  temperature  range  for  determination  of  the  rates  (see 
Rao  and  Bullock,  1954). 

II.     Activity 

During  the  experiments  on  oxygen  consumption,  we  noticed  a  difference  be- 
tween the  two  populations  of  Uca  pugilator  in  their  ability  to  withstand  low  tempera- 
ture. After  a  five  hours'  stay  at  1.4°  C.,  specimens  of  Uca  from  Florida  were 
entirely  relaxed  and  motionless  as  though  dead.  Not  a  single  sensitive  region  of 
the  body  responded  to  touch.  As  they  recovered,  most  of  them  were  extremely 
spastic  with  occasional  movements  of  their  legs.  This  condition  lasted  as  long 
as  six  days.  Some  appeared  as  if  they  were  shivering.  In  October,  of  forty-two 
Florida  crabs  subjected  to  this  temperature,  eighteen  were  found  dead  on  the 
next  day. 

Individuals  of  Woods  Hole  Uca  appeared  much  more  resistant  under  the  same 
conditions  and  behaved  in  a  different  way.  Immediately  after  removal  from  their 
stay  at  1.4°  C.,  they  were  also  very  quiet,  but  one  could  notice  a  few  very  sluggish 
movements  of  their  legs,  and  generally  the  eyes  responded  to  touch.  They  re- 
covered rapidly,  and  sometimes  some  of  them  were  moving  around  a  quarter  of 
an  hour  after  they  had  been  returned  to  room  temperature.  No  spasticity  at  all 
could  be  observed.  Of  forty-two  crabs  subjected  in  October  to  1.4°  C.  for  five 
hours,  only  two  were  found  dead  on  the  next  day. 

No  difference  at  all  could  be  found  between  representatives  of  the  two  popula- 
tions after  they  had  been  kept  at  15°  C.  for  six  hours. 

III.     Experimental  acclimation  at  low  temperature 

Oxygen  consumption  measurements  were  also  undertaken  at  1.4°  C.,  after 
the  animals  of  the  two  regions  had  been  kept  at  a  common  lower  temperature  of 
10°  C.,  to  determine  if  there  was  any  adaptation  of  metabolism  and  activity  of  the 
animals  at  such  a  low  temperature. 

Florida  Uca  showed  a  slight  decrease  in  oxygen  consumption  for  the  first 
seven  days  of  the  experiment  (in  comparison  with  the  measurements  made  with 
crabs  maintained  at  room  temperature).  By  the  end  of  the  first  week,  a  slight 
increase  in  the  amount  of  oxygen  uptake  was  noticed,  but  may  not  be  really 
significant.  Nevertheless,  at  this  time,  a  change  in  the  behavior  of  the  Florida 
crabs  was  noticeable.  Crabs  transferred  from  room  temperature  to  10°  C.  became 
quickly  inactive.  Only  when  strongly  disturbed  did  they  respond  by  very  slow 
and  sluggish  movements.  They  remained  in  the  water  all  of  the  time.  This 
behavior  could  be  observed  for  five  days,  after  which  they  gradually  began  to  move, 
and  on  the  seventh  day  all  of  them  were  found  standing  up  on  their  legs.  Now, 
much  more  sensitive,  they  were  disturbed  even  by  a  threat  of  catching  them,  and 
many  moved  out  of  the  water.  This  recovery  of  activity,  clearly  a  sign  of  a  certain 
amount  of  acclimation,  coincided  with  the  observed  slight  increase  in  respiration. 

It  was  also  observed  that  after  this  previous  stay  at  10°  C.  the  animals  were 
more  resistant  to  a  five-hour  stay  at  1.4°  C. ;  no  spasticity  was  apparent  when  they 


became  active  after  exposure  at  this  low  temperature.  Even  after  one  day  at 
10°  C.,  they  appeared  to  be  able  to  see  and  to  move  their  eyes  and  legs  very  slowly 
during  their  exposure  to  1.4°  C.  After  three  to  eight  days  at  the  previous  tempera- 
ture of  10°  C.,  certain  individuals  recovered  within  a  few  minutes  after  removal 
from  the  1.4°  C.  bath. 

Woods  Hole  Uca  kept  at  10°  C.  and  compared  with  animals  kept  at  20°  C. 
showed  an  important  decrease  in  their  metabolism  for  the  first  ten  days  and  then 
an  appreciable  increase,  but  in  any  case  the  rate  of  oxygen  consumption  was  higher 
than  when  measured  after  sojourn  at  room  temperature.  After  thirty  days  at 
10°  C.  it  decreased  again,  perhaps  because  the  animals  were  eating  very  little  at 
this  low  temperature. 


This  work  is  an  example  to  be  added  to  those  showing  the  existence  of  a 
latitudinal  compensatory  mechanism  within  representatives  of  a  given  species. 
Our  results  are  partially  in  agreement  with  those  of  Roberts  (1952),  obtained  with 
Pachygrapsus  crassipes.  This  author  compared  the  metabolism  of  four  populations 
differing  in  latitude  along  the  coast  of  California.  He  observed  that  when  the 
oxygen  consumption  was  measured  at  a  common  temperature  of  16°  C.  during  the 
winter,  the  more  northern  the  populations,  the  more  oxygen  they  consumed. 

They  also  agree  with  the  latitudinal  compensatory  differences  found  in  rates 
of  ciliary  pumping  of  water  in  the  mussel  Mytilus  californianus  (Rao,  1953). 
The  rates  of  pumping  for  unit  weight  in  Mytilus  of  similar  weights  from  Los 
Angeles,  Fort  Ross  and  Friday  Harbor  are,  at  any  given  temperature,  much  higher 
for  animals  from  higher  latitudes  than  in  those  from  lower  latitudes.  However, 
we  must  not  forget  that  our  own  experiments  bear  upon  only  a  very  restricted 
life  span  of  Uca  pugilator.  Animals  of  both  populations  were  considered  as  adult 
crabs,  and  their  weights  did  not  vary  outside  the  range  1.05  g.-4.73  g.  Therefore 
we  could  not  study  the  fate  of  Qo2  and  Qio  over  an  extensive  size  range  but  we 
can  satisfactorily  and  precisely  compare  these  coefficients  between  our  two  groups. 

The  higher  rate  of  metabolism  shown  by  Uca  pugilator  from  Woods  Hole  as 
compared  with  Florida  individuals  was  very  obvious  at  the  low  temperature  of 
1.4°  C.  At  15°  C.  the  difference  was  not  significant  any  longer.  This  temperature 
must  be  very  close  to  the  environmental  temperature  of  Woods  Hole  crabs  in 
October.  One  might  predict  that  at  their  own  habitat  temperature  the  rates  of 
Florida  crabs  would  be  slightly  higher  than  those  of  Woods  Hole  crabs.  Recently, 
Tashian  (1956)  found  that  in  comparing  the  metabolism  of  the  Florida  and  New 
York  Uca  pugnax,  at  a  temperature  of  24°  C.,  the  rates  were  quite  similar.  The 
measurements  having  been  done  during  the  summer,  it  happens  that  24°  C.  cor- 
responds to  the  environmental  temperature  during  the  collecting  periods.  This 
author  deduces  that  at  their  normal  habitat  temperatures  the  rates  of  the  two 
populations  are  similar.  If  the  measurements  had  been  done  during  the  winter 
when  there  is  a  marked  difference  between  the  water  temperature  of  the  two 
regions,  the  results  would  probably  have  been  different. 

After  keeping  Uca  for  seven  or  eight  weeks  at  a  common  temperature  of  20°  C., 
we  could  not,  in  contrast  to  Roberts,  notice  any  decrease  in  the  amount  of  oxygen 
consumed  by  the  representatives  of  each  locality.  The  fact  that  our  animals  were 
regularly  fed  may  be  responsible  for  this  steady  rate  of  metabolism.  Moreover, 


the  difference  noticed  at  the  beginning  of  the  experiments  between  the  metabolism 
of  the  two  populations  could  not  be  abolished  by  a  sojourn  of  eight  weeks  at  a 
common  temperature.  Roberts  showed  that  Pachygrapsus  crassipes  from  different 
localities  become  adjusted  to  the  new  temperature  of  16°  C.,  at  which  they  have 
been  placed  for  six  weeks,  and  that  the  original  metabolic  differences  become 
doubtfully  significant.  This  is  not  the  case  for  Uca  pugilator,  at  least  from  Woods 
Hole  and  Florida. 

From  our  experiments,  it  appears  as  if  the  two  populations  of  Uca  pugilator 
have  acquired  their  own  metabolic  rates  which  have  become  fixed  and  not  sus- 
ceptible to  modification,  at  least  when  only  one  factor  of  their  environment  has 
been  changed.  The  two  populations,  apparently  good  examples  of  "distance  isola- 
tion," have  found  conditions  of  existence  quite  different  at  their  own  habitats,  and 
several  ecologic  factors  are  certainly  responsible  for  their  differences.  According 
to  the  quite  important  difference  in  latitude,  temperature  is  no  doubt  the  most 
significant  factor. 

Whether  the  physiological  differences  in  metabolism  and  tolerance  to  low 
temperature  in  Uca  pugilator  of  different  latitudes  are  more  than  phenotypic,  we 
cannot  say.  Work  needs  to  be  done  with  breeding  tests.  Knowledge  of  growth 
rates,  time  of  sexual  maturity,  and  behavior  of  the  animals  in  each  locality  would 
be  very  useful. 

As  we  have  already  noted,  no  information  about  differences  in  morphology  of 
the  two  populations  could  be  found.  After  a  comparative  examination  of  the 
individuals,  we  can  say  that  not  very  striking  morphological  characters  occur. 
Nevertheless,  after  becoming  familiar  with  the  animals,  we  can  easily  separate  the 
two  forms  by  their  color.  Woods  Hole  Uca,  always  darker  than  those  from 
Florida,  are  generally  bluish-gray.  Florida  Uca  are  reddish-yellow.  The  shape 
of  the  claw  is  also  slightly  different,  with  longer  dactylopodite  and  propodite  for 
the  individuals  from  Florida. 

Thus,  the  extreme  range  of  Uca  pugilator  does  not  seem  to  be  accompanied  by 
great  morphological  modification.  In  our  comparison  between  Carcinus  maenas 
from  Atlantic  and  Mediterranean  French  coasts,  the  morphological  differentiation 
appeared  more  pronounced  (Demeusy  and  Veillet,  1953).  But  Uca,  physio- 
logically, is  succeeding  very  well,  and  it  may  provide  an  example  of  a  physiological 
adaptation  previous  to  important  morphological  speciation  (Crane,  1943). 

By  their  physiological  features  (rates  of  oxygen  consumption,  sensitivity  to 
low  temperatures),  as  well  as  by  a  few  morphological  characteristics,  the  popula- 
tions of  Uca  pugilator  from  Woods  Hole  and  from  Florida  might  be  separated 
into  two  subspecies. 


Determinations  of  the  respiratory  rates  of  Uca  pugilator  from  two  different 
latitudes  (Woods  Hole  and  Florida)  have  been  made  at  1.4°  and  15°  C. 

1 .  Woods  Hole  Uca  pugilator  show  a  higher  rate  of  metabolism  at  low  tempera- 
ture than  do  specimens  of  the  more  southerly  populations. 

2.  Uca  pugilator  from  the  higher  latitude   are  less   sensitive   to   temperature 
changes  than  Uca  pugilator  of  same  weight  from  a  southern  latitude.     This  has 
been  shown  by  a  lower  Q10  for  the  Woods  Hole  population. 

3.  Woods  Hole  Uca  are  more  resistant  to  low  temperature  than  Florida  Uca. 


4.  The  same  experiments  made  after  the  animals  have  been  left  at  a  common 
temperature  of  20°  C,  show  that  a  stay  of  seven  or  eight  weeks  under  similar 
conditions  does  not  abolish  the  metabolic  differences  observed  between  populations. 

5.  These  physiological  characteristics  and  some  morphological  ones  might  be 
used  to  distinguish  two  subspecies  of  Uca  pugilator. 


Bosc,  L.  A.  G.,  1801-2.     Manuel  de  1'histoire  naturelle  des  Crustaces  contenant  leur  description 

et  leurs  moeurs ;  avec  des  figures  dessinees  d'apres  nature.     Vol.  I,  an.  X. 
BULLOCK,    T.    H.,    1955.     Compensation   for    temperature   in    the    metabolism    and    activity    of 

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Laboratories  of  Zoophysiology,  Department  of  Zoology,  State  College  of  Washington, 

Pullman,  Washington 

Since  the  pioneer  investigations  of  Rowan  (1925,  1926)  and  Bissonnette  (1930) 
on  Junco  hy emails  and  Sturnus  vulgaris,  respectively,  there  has  been  accumulated 
an  abundance  of  experimental  evidence  which  indicates  that  artificial  elongation 
of  the  daily  photoperiod  in  winter  can  cause  testicular  growth  and  development  in 
a  substantial  number  of  temperate  zone  species  of  birds.     Much  of  the  available 
information  has  been  reviewed  or  cited  by  Bissonnette   (1937),  Wolf  son   (1945, 
1952),  Benoit  (1950),  Burger  (1949),  Hammond   (1954),  Aschoff   (1955)  and 
Schildmacher  and  Rautenberg  (1953).     In  general  these  studies  contain  relatively 
little  information  on  the  actual  rates  of  testicular  development  as  functions  of  the 
length   of  the   daily   photoperiod,   although   the   investigations   of   Burger    (1948, 
1953)    on  6".  vulgaris,   Bartholomew    (1949)    on  Passer  domestlcus,   and  Winn 
(1950)  on  /.  hy emails  are  exceptions  in  this  respect.     Despite  the  sparsity  of  data 
on  rates  of  testicular  development  the  investigations  of  the  photoperiodic  stimula- 
tion of  testicular  growth  and   development  have  provided  the   basis   for   widely 
accepted  theories  in  which  the  increasing  vernal  day-length  is   regarded  as  the 
primary  stimulator  and  timer  in  the  testicular  cycle.     These  theories  are  supported 
by  the  observations  that,  in  at  least  most  species  studied,  retention  at  winter  day- 
lengths  results  in  no  development  or  relatively  slight  development.     Consequently 
an  appraisal  of  the  photoperiodic  theories  indicates  them  to  be  qualitatively  rational 
and  logical,  at  least  for  many  temperate  zone  species,  but  deficient  with  respect  to 
quantification.     Because  of  this  deficiency  it  is  not  possible  to  evaluate,  either  in- 
dividually or  collectively,   the  roles  of  other  variables  in  the  natural   course   of 
testicular  development.     It  is  the  function  of  this  paper  to  present  approximate 
quantifications  of  the  function  of  day-length  in  testicular  development  and  conse- 
quently to  indicate  the  approximate  magnitude  of  the  roles  of  other  variables  in 
natural   testicular   development   in   a   population   of   the   white-crowned    sparrow, 
Zonotrichla  leucophrys  gambelll.     The  analyses  to  be  presented  here  suggest  argu- 
ments against  the  objections  of  Blanchard  (1941)  and  Marshall  (1952,  1955)  to  the 
photoperiodic  theories.     The  data  on  which  our  analyses  are  based  were  obtained 
in  the  course  of  an  extensive  series  of  experiments  on  the  mechanism  of  photo- 
stimulation  of  testicular  development. 


Our  experimental  birds  were  captured  with  Japanese  mist  nets  from  a  wintering 
population  in  the  Snake  River  Canyon  in  southeastern  Washington  (Mewaldt  and 

1  The  data  on  which  this  paper  is  based  were  obtained  in  investigations  supported  by  the 
Office  of  Naval  Research  (Contract  Nonr-1520)  and  by  funds  made  available  for  biological 
and  medical  research  through  State  of  Washington  Initiative  Measure  No.  171. 



Farner,  1953).  Prior  to  the  beginning  of  the  experiments  they  were  held  in  large 
outdoor  aviaries.  For  experimental  lighting  they  were  placed,  one  or  two  per 
cage  in  small  cages  (8^  X  10  X  16  inches),  or  three  or  four  per  cage  in  larger 
cages  (12  X  24  X  18  inches).  Illumination  was  provided  with  incandescent  lamps 
at  an  intensity  of  40-60  foot  candles  which  is  substantially  above  the  maximal 
intensity  (i.e.,  minimum  intensity  at  which  maximum  rate  of  development  occurs) 
of  about  four  foot  candles.  The  birds  were  fed  a  vitamin-  and  mineral-enriched 
chick-starter  mash  prepared  according  to  a  formula  developed  by  the  Department 
of  Poultry  Science  of  the  State  College  of  Washington.  Food  and  water  were 
available  at  all  times.  Except  as  otherwise  noted  the  experimental  birds  were 
held  at  20-24°  C. 

Immediately  after  removal,  testes  were  placed  in  acetic  acid-formaldehyde- 
ethanol  fixing  mixture.  After  five  days  they  were  transferred  to  70%  ethanol 
and  five  days  thereafter  weighed  with  a  Roller-Smith  torsion  balance. 

We  are  indebted  to  Drs.  Richard  A.  Parker  and  Morris  S.  Knebelman  for 
suggestions  and  criticisms  concerning  the  mathematical  analyses  and  interpretation 
of  the  data.  Drs.  I.  O.  Buss  and  Albert  Wolf  son  have  made  criticisms  and  sug- 
gestions concerning  the  manuscript.  Some  of  the  data  are  from  experiments  con- 
ducted by  Dr.  L.  R.  Mewaldt  while  he  was  a  member  of  our  research  group. 



An  examination  of  the  weights  of  the  testes  taken  at  intervals  during  a  period 
of  treatment  with  constant  daily  photoperiods  of  stimulatory  duration  suggests  a 
relationship  which  approximates  a  logarithmic  growth  curve  until  the  combined 
testicular  weights  reach  about  200  mg.  If  this  is  a  good  approximation  then  the 
relationship  between  time  and  testicular  weight  may  be  expressed  as 

logio  Wt  =  logio  W0  +  kt,  (1) 

where  W0  is  the  initial  testicular  weight  in  milligrams,  Wt  is  the  weight  at  t  days, 
and  t  is  the  period  of  treatment  in  days.  As  an  illustration  and  test  of  this  rela- 
tionship, data  from  three  experiments  have  been  combined  in  Figures  1  (first-year 
birds)  and  2  (adults).  These  three  experiments  involved  treatments  with  15-hour 
daily  photoperiods  at  0°  C.  mean  temperature,  20-hour  photoperiods  at  20°  C., 
and  15-hour  photoperiods  at  22°  C.,  respectively.  Since  the  rate  constants  (&), 
with  t  expressed  in  days,  are  different,  t  in  Figures  1  and  2  is  expressed  in  arbitrary 
relative  units  (1  =  time  required  to  attain  100  mg.  combined  testicular  weight). 
On  this  basis  there  were  no  apparent  differences  among  the  three  groups;  there- 
fore, they  are  not  differentiated  in  Figures  1  and  2.  An  inspection  of  Figure  1 
indicates  that,  for  first-year  birds,  there  is  a  reasonably  good  linear  relationship 
between  the  logarithms  of  testicular  weight  and  time  up  to  about  200  mg.  (log]0  = 
2.3)  and  hence  a  reasonably  good  conformance  with  equation  (1).  For  adults 
(Fig.  2)  it  appears  possible  that  a  weak  S-relationship  may  exist  between  t  and 
log  Wf.  However,  for  purposes  of  comparison  of  rates  of  development  among 
experimental  groups,  it  appears  that  no  useful  purpose  can  be  effected  in  seeking 




first  year 



FIGURE  1.  Combined  testicular  weights  (W)  of  first-year  white-crowned  sparrows  as  a 
function  of  time  with  constant  daily  photoperiods  of  stimulatory  duration.  Time  in  arbitrary 
units  (see  text).  Closed  circles  represent  developing  testes;  open  circles  represent  regressing 
testes.  Broken  lines  represent  upper  and  lower  95%-fiducial  limits  of  the  slope. 





FIGURE  2.  Combined  testicular  weights  (W)  of  adult  white-crowned  sparrows  as  a 
function  of  time  with  constant  daily  photoperiods  of  stimulatory  duration.  Time  in  arbitrary 
units  (see  text).  Closed  circles  represent  developing  testes ;  open  circles  represent  regressing 
testes.  Broken  lines  represent  upper  and  lower  95% -fiducial  limits  of  the  slope. 



a  more  precise  relationship.  Because  of  the  less  precise  relationship  between  t  and 
Wt  for  adult  birds,  it  is  now  our  policy  to  perform  all  critical  experiments  with 
first-year  birds.  The  solid  lines  in  Figure  1  and  2  are  drawn  according  to  the  values 
of  k  obtained  by  the  procedure  outlined  by  Mood  (1950,  Chapter  13)  ;  similarly 




0  A 





8  12  16  20 

daily  photoperiod  in  hours 


FIGURE  3.  The  rate  of  testicular  development  as  a  function  of  the  duration  of  the  daily 
photoperiod  (/>).  See  text  for  definition  of  rate  constant  (k).  The  shaded  area  encloses  the 
upper  and  lower  95% -fiducial  for  all  points.  Open  circles  represent  samples  of  first-year 
birds;  closed  circles  represent  adjusted  means  for  samples  of  adults. 

the  broken  lines  represent  the  upper  and  lower  95%  fiducial  limits,  also  obtained 
according  to  Mood.  In  order  to  minimize  the  effect  of  possible  non-linear  relation- 
ships between  log  Wt  and  t  it  is  now  a  practice  in  our  laboratory  to  kill  birds  when 
the  testes  have  attained  a  combined  weight  of  about  100  mg. 



An  examination  of  k  as  a  function  of  the  length  of  a  constant  daily  photoperiod 
(/>)  has  been  effected  by  analysis  of  18  series  of  data  (11  first-year  and  7  adult) 
for  photoperiods  varying  in  length  from  8  to  24  hours.  For  each  of  these  an  esti- 
mation of  k  and  the  approximate  95%  fiducial  limits  for  k  were  obtained  according 
to  Mood  (1950).  These  are  given  in  Figure  3.  In  the  calculation  of  the  95% 
fiducial  limits  for  k  the  same  W0  sample  was  used  for  all  groups  with  the  same 
W0  date  ;  the  fiducial  limits  thus  obtained  are  therefore  to  be  regarded  as  estimated 
limits  rather  than  true  fiducial  limits.  As  indicated  above,  k  is  greater  for  first- 
year  birds  than  for  adults,  approximately  1.16  times  as  great  for  the  series  of  data 
used  here.  Therefore  in  plotting  the  data  in  Figure  3,  the  adult  values,  both  for 
estimates  of  k  and  the  approximate  fiducial  limits,  were  multiplied  by  1.16.  The 
broken  line,  suggesting  a  functional  relationship  between  p  and  k,  has  been  drawn 
by  inspection.  The  shaded  zone  on  either  side  encloses  all  of  the  estimated  fiducial 
limits  for  the  individual  estimates  of  k.  It  must  be  emphasized  that  this  shaded 
zone  does  not  represent  the  fiducial  limits  for  the  slope  of  the  curve.  The  linear 
portion  of  the  curve  (between  10  and  18  hours)  may  be  represented  by 


=    0.009  (P    -    9.1).  (2) 

Obviously  there  is  an  uncertainty  in  the  nature  of  the  functional  relationship 
between  p  and  k  for  values  of  p  less  than  10  hours.  The  relatively  small  changes 
in  W  with  respect  to  the  natural  variability  of  W  and  the  errors  in  measurement 
involved  with  small  values  of  W  make  this  a  difficult  problem.  Fortunately,  as 
it  will  become  evident  subsequently,  the  values  of  k  in  this  range  are  sufficiently 
small  so  that  the  calculations  based  on  equation  (2)  are  not  serious  even  when  it  is 
extrapolated  linearly  to  k  —  0. 


For  Z.  /.  gambelii  it  has  been  demonstrated  earlier  (Farner  and  Mewaldt,  1952, 
1953)  that  the  rate  of  testicular  development  with  a  fixed  daily  photoperiod  of 
stimulatory  duration  is  a  function  of  environmental  temperature  between  0°  and 
22°  C.  It  should  be  emphasized,  however,  that  elevation  of  environmental  tempera- 
ture has  no  effect  when  the  photoperiod  is  below  stimulatory  level  (Farner  and 
Mewaldt,  1953).  Assuming,  for  purposes  of  estimation,  that  the  effect  of  tempera- 
ture is  linear  with  respect  to  k,  the  following  relationship  should  hold  : 

kB/kA  =  1  +  c(TB  -  TA).  (3) 

We  have  estimated  the  value  of  c  on  the  basis  of  two  groups  of  birds  subjected  to 
15-hour  daily  photoperiods,  one  at  a  mean  environmental  temperature  of  1°  C.,  the 
other  at  22°  C.  On  the  basis  of  mean  values  of  k  for  these  two  groups,  c  has  a 
value  of  about  0.009  degrees"1.  Substitution  of  this  value  for  c  in  equation  (3) 
indicates  that  the  role  of  temperature  must  be  relatively  minor.  It  must  be  ob- 
served here,  however,  that  the  responses  of  the  lower  temperature  group  were 
sufficiently  variable  so  that,  were  the  true  k  near  the  lower  95%  fiducial  limit,  the 



value  of  c  would  be  approximately  0.019.  Engels  and  Jenner  (1956)  have  ex- 
amined the  effect  of  environmental  temperature  on  the  rate  of  testicular  develop- 
ment in  /.  hyemalis  subjected  to  daily  photoperiods  of  10-12  hours.  Although 
differences  in  methods  and  analyses  do  not  allow  a  direct  comparison,  it  appears 
that  c  for  this  species  must  be  of  the  order  of  0.02-0.03.  Similarly,  from  the  data 

log  W 

FIGURE  4.  A  comparison  of  predicted  curves  of  testicular  development  with  natural  de- 
velopment. Open  circles  represent  combined  testicular  weights  for  first-year  birds  taken 
from  the  Snake  River  Canyon  population ;  closed  circles  represent  combined  testicular  weights 
for  adults  from  the  same  population.  These  groups  cannot  be  distinguished  after  the  prenuptial 
molt  which  occurs  in  late  March  and  early  April.  The  four  curves  were  calculated  according 
to  equation  (4)  including  the  adjustment  for  temperature  effects  indicated  in  equation  (3). 

of  Burger  (1948)  for  5".  vulgaris  we  have  estimated  c  to  be  about  0.02.  For  these 
three  species,  then,  it  appears  that  the  role  of  environmental  temperature  in  testicular 
development  is  of  a  small,  although  similar,  order  of  magnitude. 


Using  the  empirical  relationships  presented  above,  an  attempt  has  been  made 
to  "predict"  the  course  of  vernal  testicular  development.  Since  environmental 


temperature  is  an  irregularly  fluctuating  variable,  two  temperature  values,  0°  C. 
and  20°  C.,  were  used  for  the  construction  of  two  predicted  curves.  For  the  most 
part  the  environmental  temperatures  fall  within  these  limits  although  some  sub- 
zero nights  occur  in  January  and  February.  The  four  curves  in  Figure  4  are 
based  on  values  of  k  from  Figure  3  assuming  that  k  is  a  continuous  positive  func- 
tion of  p  between  the  limits  of  0  and  24  hours,  k  being  insignificantly  (<  0.002) 
small  for  all  values  of  p  below  9.1  hours.  Calculations  were  begun  with  21  Decem- 
ber (day-length  about  8.8  hours)  when  the  mean  logarithms  of  the  testicular 
weights  for  adults  and  first-year  birds  were  +  0.15  ±  0.10  and  —  0.17  ±  0.16, 
respectively.  As  p  increases,  the  correspondingly  larger  values  of  k  were  em- 
ployed ;  the  operation  may  be  represented  by 


logic  Wn  =  logio  W0  +  Z  kt,  (4) 

where  n  is  the  number  of  days  after  the  initial  date  in  the  calculation. 

If  the  relationship  between  p  and  k  assumed  here  is  correct,  then  the  day-lengths 
following  the  termination  of  the  refractory  period  in  mid-November  (Farner  and 
Mewaldt,  1955)  would  be  stimulatory.  Accordingly  the  curves  in  Figure  3  have 
been  extrapolated  back  into  November.  This  extrapolation  indicates  weights  for 
early  November  which  are  within  the  range  of  one  standard  deviation  of  December 
weights  and  well  within  the  range  of  early  November  weights. 

An  alternative  interpretation  of  the  functional  relationship  between  p  and  k  is 
that  expressed  by  equation  (2).  Four  curves  (adults  at  0°  C.  and  20°  C.,  first- 
year  birds  at  0°  C.  and  20°  C.)  were  therefore  constructed  using  the  equation 

logic  Wn  =  logio  W0  +  nki...n  (5) 

in  which, 

k  =  0.009^-  -  -  0.082.  (6) 


The  curves  obtained  thus  were  not  detectably  different  from  those  obtained  by  the 
operation  noted  in  equation  (4)  and  plotted  in  Figure  4.  In  the  use  of  equations 
(4),  (5),  and  (6),  p  has  been  assigned  the  value  of  the  time  between  sunrise  and 
sunset.  Obviously  this  is  arbitrary  because  of  fluctuations  in  effective  day-length 
as  a  consequence  of  differences  in  meteorologic  conditions.  That  such  fluctuations 
may  affect  the  rate  of  development  is  obvious  from  our  unpublished  data  on  k  as  a 
function  of  light  intensity.  These  indicate  that  the  maximal  intensity  is  about  four 
foot  candles  whereas  the  minimal  intensity,  if  such  exists,  is  somewhat  less  than 
one  foot  candle.  There  is  the  additional  variable  of  the  amount  of  cover  about  the 
bird  early  in  the  morning  and  late  in  the  evening.  Our  measurements  of  light 
intensities  in  the  Snake  River  Canyon  suggest  that  the  period  between  sunrise  and 
sunset  is  about  as  satisfactory  an  approximation  as  we  can  select.  A  discussion 
of  the  approximate  magnitude  of  error  which  could  be  attributable  to  this  selection 
of  values  for  p  is  included  subsequently. 




A  comparison  of  the  predicted  and  natural  courses  of  vernal  testicular  develop- 
ment is  effected  in  Figure  4  by  plotting  testicular  weights  of  birds  taken  in  the 
Snake  River  Canyon  up  to  the  time  of  migration  during  the  springs  of  1952,  1953, 
1955,  and  1956.  These  data  indicate  that  the  calculations  based  on  laboratory- 
established  rates  predict  the  attainment  of  100-mg.  testicular  weights  about  10  days 
prior  to  the  actual  time  of  attainment  in  nature.  This  relatively  close  conformance 
is  consistent  with  the  hypothesis  that  the  increasing  vernal  photoperiod  is  the 
primary  timer  in  the  annual  development  of  the  testicular  cycle.  However,  it  is 
of  importance  to  examine  the  possible  bases  for  this  relatively  small  discrepancy 
between  the  calculated  and  actual  curves.  The  possible  bases  are  both  statistical 
and  natural. 

( 1 )  The  statistical  factors.  A  readily  apparent  possible  cause  of  the  differences 
between  the  calculated  and  actual  curves  in  Figure  4  is  the  statistical  nature  of  the 
initial  testicular  weights  employed  in  the  calculations,  0.7  mg.  for  first-year  birds 
and  1.4  mg.  for  adults.  These  are  mean  values  for  birds  taken  in  the  field  during 
the  appropriate  period.  The  logarithms  are  —  0.17  ±  0.16  and  +  0.15  ±  0.19, 
respectively.  An  inspection  of  Figure  4  indicates  that  a  good  conformance  would 
have  occurred  had  the  selected  initial  weights  been  about  one  standard  deviation 
below  the  estimated  means.  Also  important  is  the  possible  error  in  weighing  small 
testes  since  the  balance  and  method  used  in  weighing  have  a  combined  error  of 
±  0.1  mg. 

Another  possible  factor  is  the  statistical  nature  of  the  slope  of  the  line  relating 
k  as  a  function  of  p.  The  curve  in  Figure  3  has  been  drawn  by  inspection  with 
attention  both  to  the  means  and  their  approximate  95%  fiducial  limits.  It  can 
be  noted  that  a  reasonable  conformance  between  the  predicted  curve  and  the  natural 
data  would  require  the  slope  constant  a  in  Figure  3  and  equation  (2)  to  be  0.007 
instead  of  0.009.  Since  this  appears  somewhat  improbable,  an  error  in  a,  although 
possibly  contributory,  cannot  be  regarded  as  the  primary  cause  of  the  difference. 
It  is  also  possible  that  the  functional  relationship  between  W  and  t  with  constant 
daily  photoperiods  may  differ  further  from  the  relationship  in  equation  (1)  than 
our  data  suggest.  An  examination  of  models  indicates  that  it  is  very  unlikely 
that  this  could  be  the  primary  source  of  the  difference.  Obviously  it  could  be 

A  further  possible  source  of  error  is  in  the  value  of  the  minimal  stimulatory 
day-length  (q),  or  in  our  assumptions  concerning  the  relationship  of  k  to  p  and 
the  value  of  p  where  k  becomes  insignificantly  small.  However,  as  noted  above, 
since  very  small  values  of  k  are  involved  such  errors  affect  the  calculated  curve 
only  slightly. 

There  is  also  the  possibility  of  error  with  respect  to  the  effect  of  environmental 
temperature  as  indicated  by  c  in  equation  (3).  As  noted  previously  the  IOWT- 
temperature  group  which  was  used  in  the  estimation  of  c  showed  considerable 
variability  with  relatively  wide  fiducial  limits  for  k.  If  the  true  k  were  close  to 
the  lower  95%  fiducial  limit,  c  would  be  about  0.019  and  the  0°  C.  curves  in  Figure 
4  would  reach  the  100-mg.  level  about  18  days  later  than  the  20°  curves,  or  about 
nine  days  later  than  shown  in  Figure  4.  This  would  give  a  better,  although  not 



a  complete,  conformance.  In  other  words,  the  statistical  nature  of  c  is  such  that 
it  could  contribute  to  the  discrepancy  although  it  is  highly  unlikely  that  it  could 
be  the  sole  basis  for  it. 

(2)  The  natural  factors.  A  possible  source  of  the  difference  between  the 
predicted  curve  and  the  natural  data,  as  indicated  above,  lies  in  our  selection  of 
values  for  the  effective  day-length,  p.  The  complexity  of  this  problem  has  been 
discussed  well  by  Bartholomew  (1949).  As  a  test  of  the  magnitude  of  this  source 
of  error,  we  have  assumed  that  p  for  each  day  is  30  minutes  less  than  the  period 
between  sunrise  and  sunset.  This  alteration  is  almost  sufficient  to  make  the  pre- 
dicted curve  coincide  with  the  natural  data.  However,  our  observations  on  light 
intensities  in  the  Snake  River  Canyon  indicate  that  this  assumption  is  unreason- 
able, for  only  rarely  would  p  be  as  much  as  30  minutes  less  than  the  period  from 
sunrise  to  sunset ;  more  frequently  it  would  be  somewhat  greater  than  this  period. 


A  comparison  of  body  weights  of  male  white-crowned  sparrows  in  large  outdoor 
aviaries  at  Pullman  with  those  taken  from  the  Snake  River  Canyon 

Snake  River  Canyon 

In  cages  at  Pullman 








1-15  January 







16-31  January 







1-14  February 







15-28  February 







Prenuptial  molt 







*  Significantly  different,  P  =  ca.  0.04. 
**  Significantly  different,  P  <  0.001. 

Therefore,  although  our  definition  of  p  may  be  the  source  of  some  error,  it  is 
neither  of  sufficient  magnitude  nor  in  the  right  direction  to  account  for  the  differ- 

The  estimates  of  k  were  affected  with  birds  which  had  a  nutritionally  adequate 
food  constantly  available.  The  possibility  exists  that  a  nutritional  difference  could 
be  involved  in  the  differences  between  the  calculated  and  actual  courses  of  testicular 
development.  That  this  possibility  warrants  consideration  is  evident  from  the 
demonstrated  reduction  of  production  of  gonadotropic  hormones  by  mammals  in 
nutritionally  inadequate  states,  as  summarized  by  Ershoff  (1952).  Whether 
periods  of  nutritional  insufficiency  occur  for  white-crowned  sparrows  in  the  Snake 
River  Canyon  is  obviously  difficult  to  ascertain.  However,  a  comparison  can  be 
made  between  the  body  weights  of  birds  retained  for  a  month  or  more  under  out- 
door conditions  in  large  aviaries  at  Pullman  and  those  of  birds  taken  from  the 
natural  population  in  the  Snake  River  Canyon.  The  former  received  the  same 
food  ad  libitum  as  did  the  experimental  birds  from  which  our  laboratory-established 
rates  were  obtained.  These  data  are  summarized  in  Table  I ;  it  is  obvious  that 
they  in  no  way  support  a  hypothesis  of  poorer  nutritional  state  among  the  wild 
birds.  A  further  argument  against  an  effective  difference  in  nutritional  state  comes 


from  a  series  of  29  males  held  in  large  outdoor  aviaries  at  Pullman.  The  course 
of  testicular  development  for  this  group  shows  no  apparent  difference  from  that 
of  the  natural  population  despite  the  constant  availability  of  nutritionally  adequate 
food.  Although  we  cannot  reject  completely  the  possibility  of  an  interaction  be- 
tween low  temperature  and  poor  nutritional  state,  certainly  we  find  no  evidence 
in  our  data  to  support  it. 


It  is  patent  that  the  greatest  of  caution  must  be  applied  in  any  inductive  extra- 
polation of  our  experience  with  a  single  population  of  a  single  species.  Never- 
theless it  may  be  of  some  value  to  consider  briefly  some  possible  bases  for  variations 
among  the  temporal  patterns  in  the  initiation  of  the  testicular  cycles  of  the  temperate- 
zone  passerine  species  in  which  day-length  is  the  primary  timer.  In  this  discussion 
it  is  assumed  that  the  basic  relationships  described  here  for  Z.  /.  yainbclii  constitute, 
in  a  general  way,  a  typical  scheme. 

It  then  becomes  desirable  to  consider  the  general  form  of  equation  (2),  relating 
day-length  (/>),  the  minimum  effective  day-length  (q),  and  the  rate  constant  (&)  : 

k  =  a(p  -  q).  (7) 

For  arguments  presented  here,  days  (in  winter)  where  p  <  q  must  be  treated  as 
though  p  =  q  and  k  =  0.  This  may  be  unrealistic,  the  true  situation  possibly 
being,  as  suggested  above,  that  k  may  be  a  continuous  positive  function  of  p  be- 
coming insignificantly  small  as  p  becomes  somewhat  smaller  than  q.  Our  data 
are  not  inconsistent  with  this  possibility.  The  data  of  Burger  (1953)  for  S. 
vulgaris  suggest  this  possibility.  Although  the  effective  difference  between  these 
two  interpretations  of  the  functional  relationship  between  p  and  k  is  relatively 
trivial  for  Z.  I.  gambelii  this  may  not  necessarily  be  the  case  for  other  species.  It 
is  obvious  that  one  way  in  which  testicular  maturation  can  be  attained  earlier  in 
the  year  is  with  a  lower  value  of  q,  or  with  a  stronger  curvilinear  relationship  be- 
tween p  and  k  in  the  lower  tail  of  the  curve.  It  is  also  obvious  that  when  q  is  less 
than  the  shortest  winter  day,  or,  in  the  alternative  interpretation  of  the  relationship 
between  p  and  k,  when  k  has  an  appreciable  value  at  the  lowest  winter  values  of  p, 
the  time  of  termination  of  the  refractory  period  may  become  important  with  respect 
to  the  curve  of  testicular  development.  It  seems  possible  that  this  could  be  ap- 
plicable to  certain  non-migratory  British  species  in  which  abortive  fall  and  mid- 
winter sexual  activity  has  been  noted  (Marshall,  1949,  1952).  An  essential  part 
of  such  a  hypothesis  would  be  a  more  marked  relationship  between  k  and  the  tem- 
perature coefficient  (c). 

The  literature  actually  contains  'very  little  useful  data  on  the  minimum  effective 
day-length  (q).  For  5\  vulgaris  it  appears  to  be  less  than  8.5  hours  (Burger, 
1949).  A  recalculation  of  the  data  of  Bartholomew  (1949,  Fig.  15)  suggests  that 
q  is  about  nine  hours  for  P.  domesticus.  However,  because,  in  another  experiment 
his  data  (p.  444)  contain  two  cases  of  at  least  some  histologic  development  at  8- 
hour  photoperiods,  it  is  possible  that  the  alternative  interpretation  of  the  relationship 
between  p  and  k  may  hold.  In  considering  the  matter  of  the  minimum  effective 
day-length  (q),  it  is  necessary  to  bear  in  mind  the  possibility  of  the  existence  of 
an  internal  timer  as  Miller  (1955)  has  suggested  for  Zonotrichia  coronata  and 


Zonotrichia  leucophrys  nuttalli.  The  data  of  Benoit  ct  al.  (1955)  suggest  a  similar 
possibility  in  ducks. 

Another  way  in  which  the  time  of  maturation  of  the  testes  may  be  affected  is 
by  the  rate  of  testicular  growth  (&)  once  stimulatory  day-lengths  occur.  As  indi- 
cated in  equation  (7),  a  greater  slope  constant  a  will  result  in  a  more  rapid  develop- 
ment. From  the  data  of  Bartholomew  (1949)  for  P.  domesticus  it  has  been 
possible  to  calculate  a  curve  relating  k  to  />.  In  this  calculation  it  has  been  assumed 
that  the  rate  of  testicular  growth  under  the  influence  of  daily  photoperiods  of 
constant  length  is  in  accordance  with  the  logarithmic  curve  expressed  by  equation 
( 1 ) .  Values  of  k  for  several  different  photoperiods  have  been  similarly  calculated 
from  data  obtained  for  this  species  in  our  laboratory  and  from  Vaugien  (1952). 
These  values  are  consistent  with  the  curve  derived  from  Bartholomew's  data. 
The  curve  is  similar  to  that  of  Z.  I.  gambelii  (Fig.  3)  ;  however,  the  linear  part  is 
steeper,  a  being  0.013  compared  to  0.009  and  0.008  for  first-year  and  adult  Z.  I. 
gambelii.  It  appears,  then,  that  the  greater  value  of  a  for  P.  domesticus  correlates 
well  with  the  earlier  testicular  development  of  this  species  in  nature.  It  should 
be  observed  that  direct  comparisons  of  a  for  different  species  are  meaningful  only 
when  the  differences  between  the  logarithms  of  the  resting  and  developed  testes  are 
very  similar.  This  is  essentially  true  for  Z.  1.  gambelii  and  P.  domesticus. 

It  should  also  be  noted  that  a  greater  adjustment  to  the  conditions  of  the  develop- 
ing season  could  be  obtained  with  a  greater  sensitivity  to  environmental  temperature 
as  indicated  in  equation  (3).  As  c  becomes  greater  the  time  of  maturation  would 
fluctuate  more  as  a  function  of  environmental  temperature.  This  would  be  par- 
ticularly valuable  to  an  early  breeding,  non-migratory  species,  but  also  of  some 
value  to  species  whose  migratory  route  is  confined  to  a  relatively  restricted  range 
of  temperate-zone  latitude.  As  noted  above,  it  would  be  very  interesting  to  in- 
vestigate the  British  species  discussed  by  Marshall  (1949,  1952)  with  respect  to 
temperature  sensitivity,  the  termination  of  the  refractory  period,  and  the  functional 
relationship  between  p  and  k. 

It  is  obvious  that  variations  in  the  values  of  a,  c,  q  (or  the  nature  of  the  lower 
tail  of  the  curve  relating  k  to  />),  and  the  terminal  dates  of  the  refractory  periods 
could  produce  a  wide  range  of  times  at  which  testes  mature.  However,  it  must 
be  re-emphasized  that  these  arguments  are  derived  almost  exclusively  by  extra- 
polation from  experiments  on  a  single  population  of  Z.  I.  gambelii.  It  would  be  of 
great  interest  to  examine  additional  species  similarly. 


1.  The  rate  of  testicular  development  in  Zonotrichia  leucophrys  gambelii  has 
been  examined  quantitatively  as  functions  of  day-length,  light  intensity,  and  environ- 
mental temperature. 

2.  From  these  laboratory-established  relations  a  predicted  curve  for  testicular 
growth  under  natural  conditions  was  calculated  and  compared  with  data  obtained 
from  a  natural  population.     The  predicted  curve  indicates  the  attainment  of  100- 
mg.  combined  testicular  weight  about  ten  days  earlier  than  its  occurrence  in  the 
natural  population.     Although  this  relatively  small  discrepancy  may  be  reasonably 
explained  on  a  statistical  basis,  it  is  not  possible  to  rule  out  minor  effects  by  environ- 
mental variables  other  than  daily  photoperiod  and  temperature. 


3.  The  calculations,  and  the  relatively  close  agreement  with  the  observations  of 
the  natural  population,  emphasize  quantitatively  the  overwhelming  importance  of 
the  daily  photoperiod  as  the  primary  timer  in  the  testicular  cycle  for  this  population 
of  Zonotrichia  leucophrys  gambelii.  Other  environmental  factors,  as  they  operate 
in  the  Snake  River  Canyon,  appear  to  be  responsible  for  fluctuations  with  a  com- 
bined maximum  possible  magnitude  of  the  order  of  ten  days  to  two  weeks. 


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Division  of  Life  Sciences,  University  of  California,  Riverside,  California 

It  is  generally  known  that  an  animal  can  regulate  osmotically  by  possessing  a 
relatively  impermeable  integument  and  by  utilizing  specialized  organs  which  by 
active  metabolic  processes  control  the  flux  of  salts  and  water  between  animal  and 
its  external  medium.  However,  there  is  evidence  that  animals  are  capable  of 
assisting  the  osmo-regulatory  mechanism  by  their  behavior. 

Barnes  (1935,  1938,  1940)  demonstrated  that  the  isopod,  Ligia  baudiniana, 
prefers  distilled  water  to  normal  sea  water  when  the  choice  is  offered  in  the  form 
of  moistened  filter  paper.  Gross  (1955)  revealed  that  the  land  crab,  Birgus  latro, 
can  control  the  osmotic  pressure  of  its  body  fluids  by  selection  of  appropriate  sea 
water  concentrations.  Krijgsman  and  Krijgsman  (1954)  have  produced  evidence 
of  an  osmo-receptor  in  the  spiny  lobster  Jasus  which  apparently  serves  to  guide  the 
animal  with  respect  to  salinities. 

Pachygrapsus  crassipes  is  a  crab  of  semi-terrestrial  habits,  most  often  found  in 
exposed,  rocky  shore  situations,  but  also  occasionally  found  in  protected  bays  in 
muddy  burrows.  Typically,  it  does  not  inhabit  waters  deviating  much  in  salinity 
from  normal  sea  water,  but  it  can  regulate  osmotically  in  both  dilute  and  con- 
centrated sea  water  (Jones,  1941;  Gross,  1955;  Prusser  et  a/.,  1955).  Gross 
(1955)  raised  the  question  as  to  the  adaptive  significance  of  strong  osmo-regulatory 
powers  in  this  crab  which  is  extremely  agile  and  easily  capable  of  reaching  normal 
sea  water  should  it  by  chance  venture  from  the  sea  into  an  osmotic  stress  such 
as  would  be  afforded  by  an  isolated,  evaporated  tide  pool,  or  one  diluted  by  rain 

In  Southern  California,  situations  affording  such  osmotic  stresses  are  rare. 
However,  there  undoubtedly  are  regions  in  this  crab's  range  where  osmotic  stresses 
are  readily  enough  available  so  that  selection  would  favor  the  development  of  an 
osmo-regulatory  mechanism.  On  the  other  hand,  should  Pachygrapsus  be  capable 
of  detecting  salinities  deviating  from  normal  sea  water  and  should  it  shun  abnormal 
salinities,  then  the  adaptive  significance  of  osmotic  regulation  in  this  species  could 
remain  in  doubt. 

The  present  investigation  will  show  that  Pachygrapsus  does  show  preference  for 
sea  water  of  normal  salinity. 


Crabs  of  the  species  Pachygrapsus  crassipes,  collected  at  Laguna  and  Newport, 
California,  were  placed  singly  in  a  box  in  which  there  were  four  containers,  each 
containing  sea  water  of  a  different  salinity.  The  containers  were  placed  in  each 
corner  of  the  box  and  sunk  so  that  their  rims  were  flush  with  the  platform  which 




constituted  a  second  floor  of  the  box.  In  each  container  was  a  treadle  which  could 
be  depressed  by  about  15  grams.  The  surface  of  the  treadle  was  barely  below  the 
water  level  in  the  container. 

As  a  crab  entered  a  given  medium,  it  was  necessary  for  it  to  depress  the  treadle. 
This  caused  the  deflection  of  a  signal  magnet  which  was  recorded  on  a  kymograph 
drum,  rotating  at  a  known  rate.  Thus  a  crab  placed  in  the  box  had  the  choice  of 
remaining  on  the  platform  in  the  air  or  entering  any  of  the  containers  in  each  of 
the  four  corners  of  the  box.  The  kymograph  record  then  would  indicate  the  move- 
ments of  the  crab  while  it  remained  in  the  box,  what  container  it  entered,  when  it 
entered  and  how  long  it  remained. 

The  selection  box  was  placed  in  a  darkened,  quiet,  temperature-controlled  room 
(20°  C.).  As  a  control  against  selection  for  any  given  corner,  rather  than  salinity, 
the  respective  sea  water  concentrations  were  rotated  in  position  with  each  successive 
test  specimen.  In  most  cases  only  three  containers  were  filled  with  water ;  the 
fourth  remained  empty  to  check  on  the  preference  for  corners.  Each  crab  re- 
corded, remained  in  the  box  for  at  least  40  hours. 

Sodium  and  potassium  concentrations  of  the  blood  were  determined  in  a  few 
cases  by  means  of  a  Beckman  flame  photometer. 


Table  I  summarizes  the  results  of  the  following  experiments : 
1.  Crabs  freshly  removed  from  normal  sea  water  were  given  a  choice  of  50, 
100,  or  150%  sea  water  (seven  crabs). 


Salinity  preference  in  Pachygrapsus  crassipes 


Mean  time  spent  in  selected  salinities 

50%  sea  water 

75%  sea  water 

100%  sea  water 

125%  sea  water 

150%  sea  water 

spent  out 
of  water 


time  (hr.) 


time  (hr.) 


time  (hr.) 


time  (hr.) 


time  (hr.) 

No.  visits 

No.  visits 

No.  visits 

No.  visits 

No.  visits 

(7  animals) 









(5  animals) 









Acclimated  to 
50%  sea  water 
(5  animals) 









Acclimated  to 
150%  sea  water 
(5  animals) 










(6  animals) 









Legend :  Normal  =  animals  freshly  removed  from  normal  sea  water ; 
%  time  =  %  total  time  spent  in  chamber. 


2.  Crabs  freshly  removed  from  normal  sea  water  were  given  a  choice  of  75, 
100  or  125%  sea  water  (five  crabs). 

3.  Crabs  acclimatized  to  50%  sea  water  2—7  days  were  given  a  choice  of  50, 
100  or  150%  sea  water  (five  crabs). 

4.  Crabs  acclimatized  to  150%  sea  water  1-3  days  were  given  a  choice  of  50, 
100  or  150%  sea  water  (five  crabs). 

5.  Crabs  desiccated  2-4  days  were  given  a  choice  of  50,  100  or  150%  sea  water 
(six  crabs). 

Of  the  above  28  specimens  studied  in  the  selection  chamber,  25  spent  more 
time  in  100%  sea  water  than  any  salinity  offered,  thus  indicating  that  Pachygrapsus 
does  show  a  decided  preference  for  normal  sea  water.  Two  of  the  above  exceptions 
were  among  the  group  which  had  been  acclimated  to  150%  sea  water.  The  third 
was  one  of  those  which  had  been  desiccated.  Although  Table  I  shows  that  animals 
first  acclimatized  to  150%  sea  water  average  more  time  in  100%  sea  water  than 
any  other  salinity,  the  histories  of  the  individuals  do  not  show  such  a  preference. 

All  six  of  the  crabs  which  were  desiccated  before  being  placed  in  the  box  re- 
mained in  water  longer  than  in  the  air,  which  might  be  expected.  However,  of 
the  remaining  22  test  crabs,  17  spent  more  time  out  of  the  water  than  in  all  salinities 
offered,  thus  suggesting  the  degree  of  the  aerial  habit  in  this  marine  form. 

Considering  individual  histories,  14  crabs  spent  more  time  in  the  hypotonic 
medium  than  in  the  hypertonic  medium.  Six  spent  more  time  in  the  concentrated 
media  and  eight  showed  no  significant  preference  between  the  two  types  of  stresses. 
It  is  interesting,  however,  that  of  the  14  preferring  dilute  to  concentrated  media, 
four  had  been  previously  acclimated  to  150%  sea  water,  only  one  of  which  preferred 
dilute  to  normal  sea  water.  Three  of  the  above  14  had  been  desiccated  previously, 
one  of  which  showed  a  preference  for  dilute  sea  water  over  normal  sea  water. 
With  the  sample  at  hand,  nothing  can  be  said  concerning  the  preference  of  dilute 
and  concentrated  sea  water  or  vice  versa. 

In  only  one  of  the  24  cases  where  one  of  the  four  containers  was  not  filled  with 
water  did  a  crab  spend  more  time  in  the  empty  container  than  it  did  on  the  platform 
between  the  containers,  i.e..  out  of  the  water.  Thus,  there  does  not  seem  to  be  any 
particular  preference  for  corners,  at  least  in  an  aerial  situation. 

Of  25  crabs  showing  preference  for  100%  sea  water,  judging  by  the  time  they 
spent  in  this  salinity,  14  made  more  visits  to  normal  sea  water  than  any  other 
offered  aqueous  medium.  On  the  other  hand,  11  made  more  or  an  equal  number 
of  visits  to  other  than  100%  sea  water.  Thus,  with  the  sample  at  hand,  nothing 
can  be  resolved  precisely  as  to  the  learning  process  involved. 

Table  II  shows  the  blood  sodium  and  potassium  concentrations  of  some  of  the 
crabs  which  had  spent  at  least  40  hours  in  the  selectivity  chamber.  Here  it  can  be 
seen  that  the  blood  sodium  of  one  of  the  five  crabs  which  was  first  acclimated  to 
150%  sea  water  (number  4)  was  definitely  above  the  normal  concentration.  It 
should  be  pointed  out,  however,  that  this  particular  specimen  was  somewhat 
weakened  by  its  previous  treatment  in  150%  sea  water  and  this  was  the  only  crab 
that  spent  more  time  in  concentrated  sea  water  than  in  any  of  the  other  salinities. 
Thus,  four  out  of  five  specimens  in  the  group  attained  close  to  normal  blood  con- 
centrations after  a  period  in  the  selectivity  chamber.  The  blood  sodium  concentra- 
tion of  two  out  of  the  three  of  the  desiccated  group  sampled  was  below  the  normal 
concentration  range.  This  is  particularly  interesting  in  the  case  of  specimen  num- 




Blood  sodium  and  potassium  concentrations  in  Pachygrapsus  following 
period  in  selection  chamber 

Specimen  No. 


Blood  concentration  after  treatment* 

Na  (meq/1) 

K  (meq/1) 






Acclimatized  to  50%  sea  water 







Acclimatized  to  150%  sea  water 

























95%  fiducial  limits** 



*  Concentration  choices  available  for  all  specimens  were  50,  100,  and  150%. 

*  Calculated  from  observations  on  36  crabs  freshly  removed  from  the  sea. 

her  9  which  spent  51%  of  its  time  in  100%  sea  water  while  it  was  in  the  chamber. 
Specimen  number  11,  however,  spent  more  time  in  50%  sea  water  than  in  any 
other  offered  salinity.  The  remaining  cases  shown  in  Table  II  are  within  or  close 
to  the  normal  blood  concentrations  with  respect  to  sodium. 

Considering  the  intrinsic  error  in  determining  potassium  concentrations  by  the 
methods  used  in  this  investigation  (about  10%  of  the  concentration  of  normal 
blood),  only  the  blood  potassium  of  specimen  11  (Table  II)  seems  to  vary  from 
normal.  This,  however,  would  have  little  effect  on  the  osmotic  pressure  of  the 

The  activity  in  the  selection  chamber  of  the  above  crabs  also  was  considered 
with  respect  to  the  time  of  day  and  phase  of  the  tide,  but  no  periodicity  could  be 


Using  duration  of  immersion  as  a  criterion,  Pachygrapsus  prefers  normal  sea 
water  to  hypotonic  or  hypertonic  media  varying  at  least  25%  from  100%  sea 
water.  It  thus  seems  that  in  a  natural  situation,  this  crab  probably  would  not 
remain  long  in  an  osmotic  stress,  but  soon  would  return  to  the  salinities  of  normal 


sea  water.  Pachygrapsus  possesses  a  relatively  impermeable  integument  (Gross, 
1957)  and  this  means  that  there  would  be  a  strong  passive  resistance  to  salt-water 
exchanges,  should  the  crab  enter  an  osmotic  stress.  The  question  is  posed  then 
as  to  the  need  for  osmotic  regulation  in  an  animal  which  is  rarely  exposed  to  such 
stresses  and  which  would  attempt  to  escape,  and  could  escape  to  the  comfort  of  the 
nearby  sea  should  the  occasion  arise. 

The  strong  preference  for  normal  sea  water,  it  would  seem,  would  be  a  powerful 
factor  tending  to  restrict  this  species  to  the  intertidal  and  subtidal  zones  of  the  sea. 
For  example,  a  period  of  desiccation,  such  as  might  be  encountered  by  remaining 
out  of  the  water,  would  stimulate  the  return  to  the  water,  but  as  suggested  above, 
not  just  to  any  water,  but  to  normal  sea  water.  Again,  in  an  estuarine  situation, 
where  a  sharp  salinity  gradient  would  be  available,  an  animal  responding  thus  to 
osmotic  stresses  would  tend  to  avoid  brackish  water,  even  though  it  possessed  the 
ability  to  regulate  strongly  in  such  stresses.  Even  in  a  case  where  a  population 
were  temporarily  trapped  in  a  dilute  situation  for  an  extended  period,  this  period 
of  acclimation,  as  shown  above  (Table  I),  does  not  seem  to  diminish  the  preference 
for  normal  sea  water. 

Of  course,  the  distaste  for  brackish  water  possibly  could  be  overcome  by  other 
factors,  e.g.,  food  source  and  retreat  from  predators. 

Acclimation  to  150%  sea  water  apparently  breaks  down  the  preference  for 
normal  sea  water  (Table  I),  although  the  fact  that  four  out  of  five  of  the  specimens 
thus  treated  were  able  to  achieve  normal  blood  concentrations  suggests  effective 
salinity  selection  of  a  sort.  This  preference  breakdown  perhaps  is  correlated  with 
the  ability  of  Pachygrapsus  to  regulate  more  strongly  in  dilute  than  in  concentrated 
media  (Jones,  1941 ;  Gross,  1955;  Prosser  et  al.,  1955).  In  such  case,  a  period  of 
acclimation  would  necessitate  a  greater  alteration  on  the  physiological  condition 
of  the  organism  and  consequently  a  greater  effect  on  its  behavior.  Then,  too,  a 
precise  "knowledge"  of  external  salinities  possibly  is  necessary  for  adequate  regula- 
tion. Should  a  period  of  immersion  in  150%  sea  water  reduce  the  accuracy  of  the 
appropriate  receptors,  whatever  they  may  be,  and  efficiency  of  such  receptors  were 
necessary  for  regulation,  then  it  would  follow  that  Pachygrapsus  would  show  rela- 
tively weak  regulation  in  the  concentrated  sea  water. 

On  the  other  hand,  as  shown  above,  acclimation  to  50%  sea  water  does  not 
appreciably  affect  the  preference  for  normal  sea  water.  This  may  be  simply  be- 
cause Pachygrapsus  can  regulate  strongly  in  dilute  media  and  the  consequent 
physiological  alteration  in  the  crab  would  be  held  at  a  minimum.  Or  the  hypotonic 
media  may  not  reduce  the  efficiency  of  the  osmo-receptors  and  the  organism,  being 
"aware"  of  the  external  salinity,  could  regulate  accordingly. 

It  seems,  then,  that  should  a  population  of  Pachygrapsus  be  confined  to  a  hyper- 
tonic  medium  for  an  extended  period,  by  losing  its  preference  for  normal  sea  water, 
it  might  remain  in  such  concentrated  environments,  assuming  all  other  biological 
requirements  were  satisfied.  However,  it  is  difficult  to  imagine  natural  hypertonic 
situations  capable  of  isolating  Pachygrapsus  from  the  sea. 

Table  II  demonstrates  the  general  tendency  for  Pachygrapsus  to  achieve  normal 
blood  sodium  concentrations  after  a  period  in  the  selectivity  chamber.  This  seems 
to  be  true  even  when  blood  concentrations  were  forced  away  from  normal  by 
acclimation  to  50%  and  150%  sea  water.  Two  exceptions,  however,  were  crabs 


previously  desiccated.  The  final  blood  concentrations  in  these  cases  were  lower 
than  normal,  thus  suggesting  over-compensation. 

It  has  been  demonstrated  numerous  times  that  organisms  immersed  in  stress 
media  metabolize  more  rapidly  than  when  they  are  in  their  normal  media  ( Schlieper, 
1929;  Schwabe,  1933;  Flemister  and  Flemister,  1951).  This  increased  metabolism 
has  been  interpreted  often  as  added  osmotic  work.  However,  doubts  have  been 
thrown  on  this  interpretation  (Krogh,  1939;  Wikgren,  1953;  Potts,  1954). 

Gross  (1957)  reports  that  crabs  immersed  in  stress  media  apparently  attempt 
to  escape  and  thus  become  more  active.  He  suggested,  then,  that  increased  oxygen 
consumption  in  increased  osmotic  stresses  was  merely  the  reflection  of  the  attempt 
to  escape  an  uncomfortable  medium.  The  preference  for  normal  sea  water  estab- 
lished quantitatively  by  the  present  investigation  corroborates  this  suggestion. 

With  the  exception  of  those  crabs  first  desiccated,  the  experimental  animals 
spent  about  half  their  time  out  of  water.  This  suggests  a  high  degree  of  adaptation 
to  the  aerial  habit,  but  not  so  much  compared  with  the  land  crab  Birgus  which 
under  experimental  conditions  spends  only  about  one  hour  per  day  visiting  water 
(Gross,  1955). 

These  studies  were  aided  by  a  contract  between  the  Office  of  Naval  Research, 
Department  of  the  Navy,  and  the  University  of  California  NR  163-309.  I  am 
pleased  to  express  my  gratitude  for  the  able  technical  assistance  of  Mr.  Paul 
Holland.  Also,  I  wish  to  thank  Professor  Theodore  Holmes  Bullock  for  his  critical 
reading  of  the  manuscript. 


1.  The  shore  crab  Pachygrapsus  crassipes  prefers  100%  sea  water  to  50,  75, 
125  and  150%  sea  water. 

2.  This  preference  could  not  be  altered  by  first  desiccating  the  animal  or  by 
acclimating  the  animal  for  several  days  in  50%  sea  water.     The  preference  could 
be  altered  somewrhat  by  acclimating  to  150%  sea  water. 

3.  The  preference  for  normal  sea  water  by  Pachygrapsus  suggests  a  mechanism 
which  tends  to  restrict  this  crab  to  the  intertidal  and  subtidal  zones  of  the  sea. 

4.  Pachygrapsus  under  the  experimental  conditions  of  the  present  investigation 
spends  about  12  hours  per  day  visiting  water.     This  compares  to  one  hour  per 
day  for  the  land  crab  Birgus. 

5.  Pachygrapsus  tends  to  maintain  normal  sodium  and  potassium  blood  con- 
centrations when  given  free  choice  of  salinities,  including  100%  sea  water.     Normal 
concentrations  are  generally  achieved  under  the  same  conditions  even  when  the 
blood  has  been  forced  away  from  normal  by  acclimation  in  50  or  150%  sea  water. 
However,   animals   previously    desiccated    may   over-compensate    when    offered   a 
choice  of  media  varying  in  salinity  and  consequently  achieve  blood  sodium  con- 
centrations below  the  normal  range. 


BARNES,  T.  C.,  1935.     Salt  requirements  and  orientation  of  Ligia  in  Bermuda  III.     Biol.  Bull., 

66:  259-268. 
BARNES,  T.  C.,  1938.     Experiments  on  Ligia  in  Bermuda  V.     Further  effects  of  salts  of  heavy 

sea  water.     Biol.  Bull,  74:  108-116. 


BARNES,  T.  C,  1940.     Experiments  on  Ligia  in  Bermuda  VII.     Further  effects  of  sodium  and 

magnesium.     Biol.  Bull.,  78:  35-41. 
FLEMISTER,  L.,  AND  S.  FLEMISTER,  1951.     Chloride  ion  regulation  and  oxygen  consumption  in 

the  crab  Ocypode  albicans  (Bosq).     Biol.  Bull,  101:  259-273. 
GROSS,   W.   J.,    1955.     Aspects   of   osmotic   regulation   in   crabs   showing   the   terrestrial   habit. 

Amer.  Nat.,  89  :  205-222. 
GROSS,  W.  J.,  1957.     An  analysis  of  response  to  osmotic  stress  in  selected  decapod  Crustacea. 

Biol.  Bull.,  112:  43-62. 
JONES,  L.  L.,  1941.     Osmotic  regulation  in  several  crabs  of  the  Pacific  Coast  of  North  America. 

/.  Cell.  Coinp.  Physiol.,  18:  79-92. 
KRIJGSMAN,  B.  J.,  AND  N.  KRIJGSMAN,  1954.     Osmorezeption  in  Jasus  lalandii.    Zeitschr.  f. 

vergl.  Physiol.,  37:  78-81. 

KROGH,  A.,  1939.     Osmotic  regulation  in  aquatic  animals.     Cambridge  at  the  University  Press. 
POTTS,  W.  T.  W.,   1954.     The  energetics  of  osmotic  regulation  in  brackish  and  fresh  water 

animals.     /.  Exp.  Biol.,  31 :  618-630. 
PROSSER,  C.  L.,  J.  GREEN  AND  T.  CHOW,  1955.     Ionic  and  osmotic  concentrations  in  blood  and 

urine  of  Pachygrapsus  crassipes  acclimated   to   different   salinities.     Biol.   Bull.,   109 : 

SCHLIEPER,  C.,  1929.     Ueber  die  Einwirkung  nieder  Salzkonzentrationen  auf  marine  Organismen. 

Zeitschr.  f.  vergl.  Physiol..  9:  478-514. 
SCHWABE,    E.,    1933.     Ueber    die    Osmoregulation    verschiedener     Krebse     (Malacostracen). 

Zeitschr.  f.  vergl.  Physiol..  19:  183-236. 
WIKGREN,   B.,    1953.     Osmotic   regulation   in   some  aquatic   animals   with   special    reference   to 

the  influence  of  temperature.     Acta  Zool.  Fcnnica,  71  :  1-102. 


Woods  Hole  Oceanographic  Institution,   Woods  Hole,  Mass. 

The  intertidal  region  is  an  environment  characterized  by  widely  fluctuating 
conditions.  It  will  be  shown  in  this  paper  that  in  high  latitudes  the  algae  in  this 
zone  are  exposed  to  extensive  freezing  and  drying.  These  two  aspects  of  im- 
mersion are  considered  together,  since  they  have  the  common  feature  of  cellular 
dehydration.  In  particular,  their  separate  effects  on  the  metabolism  of  algae  have 
been  investigated. 

First  will  be  discussed  the  effect  of  low  temperatures  in  freezing  a  large  amount 
of  water  in  certain  algae.  Next,  the  natural  dehydration  that  is  caused  by  evapora- 
tion in  several  of  the  same  species  will  be  described.  Finally,  measurements  will  be 
reported  which  show  a  greatly  depressed  respiration  in  both  the  frozen  and  dried 
states.  Some  observations  on  the  winter  survival  of  Fucits  in  the  Arctic  are  also 


In  the  Woods  Hole  region  in  winter  there  are  a  number  of  macroscopic  brown, 
green,  and  red  algae  exposed  to  freezing  temperatures  by  the  tide.  They  fre- 
quently feel  brittle  to  a  degree  which  suggests  ice  in  them.  Some  of  them  have 
been  observed  imbedded  in  the  ice  at  temperatures  as  low  as  --  20°  C.  Conditions 
are  even  more  rigorous  in  the  Arctic  where  FUCKS  is  a  prominent  intertidal  alga. 
It  may  spend  six  months  or  more  frozen  in  the  ice  at  temperatures  which  go  below 
—  40°  C.  Since  these  plants  contain  70  to  80  per  cent  water,  it  seemed  pertinent 
to  determine  how  much  of  this  water,  if  any,  is  frozen  at  these  extreme  temperatures. 
Bieble  (1939)  reported  that  several  intertidal  algae  would  survive  being  frozen, 
but  he  made  no  quantitative  determinations  of  the  ice. 

1.     Method 

Water  gives  off  heat  and  also  expands  when  it  changes  to  ice.  The  expansion 
has  been  measured  directly  in  a  dilatometer  by  Moran  (1935),  Gortner  (1937), 
and  others  to  determine  the  amount  of  ice.  Scholander  ct  al.  (1955)  devised  a 
flotation  method  to  measure  specific  gravity  and  found  as  much  as  90  per  cent 
frozen  water  in  the  lichen  Cctraria  richardsonii.  Volumetric  methods  were  un- 
suitable here  because  of  the  difficulty  of  the  dissolved  gases  that  come  out  of  solu- 
tion on  freezing.  This  would  cause  a  density  change  which  could  not  be  separated 
from  the  same  effect  due  to  ice  formation.  Calorimetric  determinations  of  ice, 
based  on  the  conveniently  large  heat  of  fusion  of  water,  have  been  used  by  Great- 
house  (1935),  Ditman  et  al.  (1942),  and  others.  Scholander  et  al.  (1953)  have 
recently  reviewed  these  two  methods. 

1  Contribution  Number  887  from  the  Woods  Hole  Oceanographic  Institution. 



There  has  been  no  previous  quantitative  work  on  ice  in  algae.  This  author 
has  described  a  simplified  calorimetry  for  small  animals  (Kanwisher,  1955)  which 
has  been  used  here  on  several  of  the  large  intertidal  algae.  The  calorimeter  vessel 
is  an  ordinary  Thermos  bottle.  The  temperature  of  the  water  inside  is  read  to 
0.01  °  C.  by  a  mercury  thermometer  through  the  stopper.  The  sensitivity  is  varied 
by  changing  the  amount  of  water  in  the  Thermos.  Weighed  pieces  of  ice  are  used 
for  calibration. 

A  piece  of  the  alga  to  be  frozen,  usually  a  few  grams,  is  sponged  free  of  excess 
water  with  filter  paper,  weighed,  and  placed  in  a  small  vial  in  a  cold  chamber  set 
to  the  desired  temperature.  At  least  four  hours  is  allowed  for  phase  equilibrium 
between  the  water  and  ice  in  the  alga.  A  check  weighing  at  this  point  usually 
showed  less  than  1  per  cent  loss  of  water  by  evaporation. 

The  Thermos  is  thermally  equilibrated  with  the  desired  amount  of  water  and 
the  temperature  noted.  Then  the  vial  is  removed  from  the  cold  chamber  and  alga 
immediately  shaken  into  the  open  Thermos.  The  vial  prevents  transfer  of  heat 
from  the  hands  to  the  frozen  alga.  The  stopper  is  replaced  quickly  and  the 
Thermos  is  shaken.  During  the  next  few  minutes  the  lowest  temperature  is  noted. 
The  measurement  is  completed  by  weighing  the  alga  after  drying  it  for  two  hours 
in  an  oven  set  at  100°  C.  The  amount  of  water  and  dry  substance  in  the  initially 
frozen  material  is  then  computed. 

If  no  ice  is  formed  the  number  of  calories  supplied  to  the  alga  is  proportional 
only  to  its  weight  and  the  temperature  interval  through  which  it  is  warmed.  In 
the  absence  of  any  change  of  state  the  specific  heat  is  nearly  constant  with  tempera- 
ture. If  ice  is  present  the  calorimeter  must  supply  80  additional  calories  to  melt 
each  gram. 

The  calories  supplied  to  the  alga  by  the  calorimeter  are  equal  to  the  temperature 
drop  observed  times  the  heat  capacity  which  has  been  determined  by  calibration 
with  ice.  Part  of  these  calories  go  to  warm  the  dry  substance  and  the  water  from 
the  cold  box  temperature  Tt  up  to  the  final  calorimeter  temperature  T2.  This  is 
equal  to 

(T2  -  TJ  X  (0.3  X  dry  wt.  +  wt.  of  water), 

where  0.3  has  been  separately  determined  to  be  the  specific  heat  of  the  dry  substance. 
That  of  water  is  1.0.  The  remainder  of  the  calories  melt  any  ice  that  is  present. 
This  is  converted  to  grams  of  ice.  Since  the  water  in  the  starting  sample  is  known, 
the  fraction  of  it  frozen  at  the  temperature  Tl  has  been  determined.  A  small 
correction  is  necessary  because  the  specific  heat  of  ice  is  only  half  that  of  water 
(Ditman**  a/.,  1942). 

2.     Results 

Figure  1  is  typical  of  the  data  thus  obtained.  It  is  a  plot  of  the  per  cent  of 
water  that  is  converted  to  ice  at  various  freezing  temperatures  in  Fucus  vesiculosus. 
Similar  curves  were  obtained  for  Ascophyllum  nodosum,  Chondrus  crispus,  and 
Ulva  lactuca.  The  following  table  shows  the  percentage  of  water  as  ice  at  —  15°  C., 
the  lowest  temperature  used. 

It  is  evident  that  a  large  fraction  of  algal  water  is  readily  frozen  at  temperatures 
which  frequently  occur  in  nature.  The  large  surface  area  of  Ulva  would  t^nd 







LU    75 





TEMP.      C 

FIGURE  1.     Freezing  curve  of  Fucns. 

to  absorb  heat  during  the  transfer  to  the  calorimeter.     This  may  account  for  its 
having  the  least  ice  in  Table  I. 


Exposed  upper  intertidal  algae  become  very  obviously  dried  on  a  windy  day 
when  the  relative  humidity  is  low.  Isaac  (1933)  measured  a  68  per  cent  loss 
in  weight  in  Pclvetia  canaliculata  during  normal  exposure  on  the  short.  He  did 
not  determine  the  dry  wyeight.  Feldmann  (1937)  noted  that  Bangia  juscopurpurea 
can  remain  out  of  the  water  for  periods  as  long  as  15  days  and  still  survive. 
Zaneveld  (1937)  found  only  a  30  per  cent  weight  loss  in  drying  conditions.  A 
series  of  measurements  have  been  made  here  to  determine  how  much  water  is 
normally  lost  under  such  conditions. 

When  the  algae  looked  very  dry  at  low  tide  on  a  windy  day,  samples  were  taken 
and  weighed  immediately.  They  were  then  immersed  in  sea  water  for  several 
hours  and  weighed  again.  Some  of  them  were  used  to  demonstrate  photosynthesis 
by  a  method  described  later.  Finally,  oven  drying  and  weighing  gave  the  necessary 



Fucus  vesiculosus 
Ascophyllum  nodosum 
Chondrus  crispus 
Ulva  lactuca 

Per  cent  ice  at 


-15°  C. 





Fucus  vesiculosus 
Chondrus  crispus 
Ulva  lactuca 
Enteromorpha  linza 

Per  cent  of  water  lost 



data  to  compute  the  water  present  when  immersed  and  also  in  the  dried  state. 
Table  II  gives  the  maximum  dehydration  values  found. 

To  measure  the  rate  of  loss  and  reabsorption  of  water,  pieces  of  Fucus  were 
exposed  to  room  air  of  22°  C.  and  40  per  cent  relative  humidity.  Such  values  are 
not  uncommon  in  nature.  They  were  weighed  at  intervals  and  then  replaced  in 
sea  water  and  their  weight  again  followed.  From  Figure  2  it  is  clear  that  severe 
drying  can  take  place  during  the  length  of  time  of  tidal  exposure.  The  rate  was 
increased  several  fold  when  a  breeze  was  simulated  with  an  electric  fan.  Less 
than  an  hour  after  re-immersion  most  of  the  lost  water  has  been  regained.  Thin 
forms  such  as  Ulva  probably  dry  even  more  rapidly.  Where  the  algae  grow  in  many 
overlapping  layers  probably  only  the  uppermost  are  dried  very  much.  The  interest 
here,  however,  is  only  in  the  maximum  drying  that  can  be  tolerated. 



Respiration  is  awkward  to  measure  at  freezing  temperatures  with  conventional 
methods  such  as  the  familiar  manometric  technique.  The  volume  change  resulting 
from  water  turning  to  ice  cannot  readily  be  separated  from  that  due  to  oxygen 
consumption.  The  Winkler  method  of  following  the  disappearance  of  dissolved 


80   - 





.5  I  1.5 


FIGURE  2.     Drying  curve  of  Fucus. 


oxygen  cannot,  of  course,  be  applied  to  frozen  or  dried  material.  Oxygen  con- 
sumption in  the  region  of  freezing  is  so  sharply  temperature-dependent  that  any 
method  which  requires  part  of  the  time  at  higher  temperatures  is  open  to  gross 
errors.  Scholander  et  al.  (1953),  in  reviewing  the  literature  on  respiration  in 
frozen  material,  concluded  that  many  of  the  techniques  were  inadequate  for  the 
problem  at  hand.  They  used  a  method  of  gas  analysis  which  has  been  applied 
here  with  slight  modification. 

The  material  is  enclosed  in  a  syringe  writh  a  known  amount  of  air  and  kept  in 
the  dark.  Samples  of  gas  are  withdrawn  at  intervals  and  analyzed  for  oxygen. 
Respiration  is  computed  from  the  rate  of  oxygen  decrease  in  the  gas  phase.  Since 
blanks  run  in  the  same  way  give  negligible  values,  the  utilization  of  oxygen  can 
only  be  attributed  to  the  frozen  or  dried  algae.  The  method  is  specific  for  oxygen 
and  does  not  rely  on  volume  decrements  which  are  assumed  to  result  from  oxygen 
being  used. 

For  the  low  temperature  values  the  algae  were  placed  in  darkened  hypodermic 
syringes  in  a  cold  bath  set  at  the  desired  temperature.  At  least  six  hours  was 
allowed  for  the  ice-water  equilibrium  to  be  reached.  The  syringes  were  flushed 
with  chilled  outside  air  and  sealed.  The  tips  of  the  syringes  extended  above  the 
surface  of  the  coolant.  Samples  of  the  gas  could  be  removed  without  taking  the 
syringes  from  the  bath.  The  plunger  was  free  to  move  up  as  a  sample  was  with- 
drawn. By  thus  avoiding  any  differential  pressure  when  sampling,  the  danger 
of  leaks  is  reduced. 

The  oxygen  was  measured  with  the  %-cc.  gas  analyzer  of  Scholander  (1947) 
to  0.02  per  cent  accuracy.  Duplicate  analyses  were  made.  When  a  respiratory 
period  was  started  by  flushing  in  outside  air,  the  initial  concentration  was  assumed 
to  be  20.94  per  cent.  Repeated  measurements  varied  between  20.93  and  20.96. 
Because  of  the  possibility  of  rate  of  oxygen  consumption  depending  on  tension, 
oxygen  was  never  depleted  below  18  per  cent.  Two  readings  were  usually  taken. 
The  time  between  these  varied  from  1  to  200  hours.  The  slope  determined  by 
these  points  was  used  to  compute  the  rate  of  oxygen  consumption.  The  figures  are 
in  units  of  mm.3  02  per  gram  of  dry  weight  of  alga  per  hour. 

For  the  dried  algae  a  fresh  sample  was  weighed  fully  moist  and  dried  by 
exposing  it  to  air.  It  was  then  weighed  again  and  placed  in  a  syringe.  The  air 
in  the  syringe  becomes  saturated  and  no  additional  water  is  lost.  The  readings 
were  made  by  the  same  method  as  for  the  frozen  material.  The  temperature  was 
kept  at  15°  C. 

Fully  moist  respiration  measurements  above  0°  were  made  with  volumetric 
respirometers  (Scholander  et  al.,  1952).  At  0°  these  checked  with  the  gas  analysis 

2.     Results 

Respiration  in  Fucus  above  and  below  0°  is  plotted  in  Figure  3.  Similar  curves 
were  found  for  Chondrns  and  Ulva.  The  respiration  drops  sharply  below  0°.  In 
in  the  interval  from  0  to  —  10  the  apparent  Q10  is  17.  For  the  same  interval  above 
0°  it  is  2.  The  other  species  had  a  Q10  of  15  and  23  below  0°,  respectively,  and 
close  to  2  above.  At  —  15°  it  was  necesary  to  wait  7  to  8  days  for  the  oxygen  in 
the  syringe  to  decrease  by  a  large  enough  amount  to  insure  an  accurate  deter- 



When  the  algae  were  dried,  the  oxygen  consumption  again  decreased.  Figure  4 
shows  the  respiration  of  Fucus  related  to  the  degree  of  dehydration.  When  80 
per  cent  of  the  normal  water  was  lost,  the  metabolism  was  down  to  one-sixth  of 
its  normal  value.  If  a  sample  was  allowed  to  regain  water  by  soaking,  the  metab- 
olism increased.  The  solid  points  were  taken  consecutively  on  the  same  piece  of 
material  and  showed  the  reversible  nature  of  the  phenomenon.  Chondrus  and  Ulva 
showed  the  same  decreased  respiration  when  dried  and  also  recovered  the  higher 
rate  when  re-immersed. 















-15°     -10°      -5° 

10°       15° 

0"        5W 
TEMP.    °C 

FIGURE  3.     Oxygen  consumption  vs.  temperature  of  Fucus. 

Loss  of  water  in  freezing  or  drying  must  increase  the  salinity  of  the  remaining 
fluids.  Although  part  of  this  fluid  is  in  the  inter-cellular  space,  it  is  in  equilibrium 
with  the  interior  of  the  cells.  Thus  loss  of  any  algal  water  will  raise  the  salinity 
inside  the  cells.  To  determine  whether  salinity  had  a  specific  effect  on  metabolic 
rate,  higher  salinities  were  made  by  draining  the  brine  from  frozen  sea  water. 
Pieces  of  Fucus,  Chondrus,  and  Ulva  were  immersed  in  these  for  12  hours.  The 
tissue  chloride  concentration  was  measured  by  acid  digestion  and  titration.  It  was 
always  proportional  to  that  of  the  external  medium.  These  species  show  no 
evidence  of  regulating  chloride.  Respiration  rates  were  measured  at  the  various 



salinities.  In  all  cases  oxygen  consumption  decreased  less  than  30  per  cent  when 
the  salinity  was  increased  by  three  times.  This  concentration  is  produced  at 
-  8°  C.  by  freezing  out  of  water.  At  such  a  temperature  the  respiration  is  de- 
creased 10-  to  15-fold  below  that  at  0°.  Salinity  is  clearly  not  the  primary  respira- 
tory depressant  when  water  is  lost  from  the  cells  by  either  freezing  or  drying. 







\  o 




0  20  40  60 


FIGURE  4.     Oxygen  consumption  at  various  degrees  of  dehydration. 



Previous  attempts  have  been  made  to  determine  respiratory  gas  exchange  in 
frozen  plants.  Scholander  ct  al.  (1953)  measured  a  precipitous  drop  in  oxygen 
consumption  of  several  Arctic  phanerograms  and  lichens  below  0°  C.  Ice  determina- 
tions by  a  floatation  method  showed  that  at  --  20°  C.,  more  than  90  per  cent  of  the 
water  in  some  lichens  was  frozen.  They  thought  it  likely  the  drop  in  metabolic 
rate  was  due  to  cellular  dehydration.  They  have  reviewed  the  literature  and  point 
out  that  the  techniques  used  previously  to  measure  low  temperature  respiration 
were  inadequate  for  the  low  rates  that  occur.  At  freezing  temperatures  they  found 
a  Q10  of  20  to  50,  while  above  0°  the  same  material  showed  the  usual  two-  to  four- 
times  change  in  oxygen  consumption  over  a  ten-degree  interval. 

Smyth  (1934)  found  a  linear  relationship  between  water  content  and  respiration 



in  lichens.  The  respiration  of  air-dried  Acacia  seeds  was  measured  by  White 
(1909)  to  be  only  1/10,000  that  of  moistened  seeds.  In  dry  Ricinus  seeds  he 
could  detect  no  oxygen  consumption.  Spores  of  single-celled  forms  are  dehydrated 
and  are  known  to  show  very  low  oxygen  consumption.  Respiration  in  dried  algae 
does  not  seem  to  have  been  previously  studied. 

The  intertidal  algae  used  in  these  experiments  are  normally  exposed  to  both 
freezing  and  drying.     It  has  been  shown  here  that  their  respiration  under  either 

















TEMP.   °C 

FIGURE  5.     Curves  showing  the  freezing  of  a  greater  fraction  of  sea  water  as 

compared  to  algal  water. 

of  these  conditions  is  sharply  reduced.  In  the  region  of  freezing  temperatures 
their  Q10  is  about  two  times  what  would  be  expected  from  dehydration  alone.  In 
going  from  0°  to  -  -  10°,  75  to  80  per  cent  of  the  water  is  frozen.  This  water 
loss  alone  should  cause  a  decrease  of  six  to  ten  times  in  oxygen  consumption. 
When  the  straight  temperature  effect  of  a  Q10  of  two  is  also  included,  the  total 
apparent  Q10  should  be  in  the  range  of  12  to  20.  This  is  in  reasonable  agreement 
with  those  measured  directly  in  the  frozen  algae. 

At  progressively  lower  temperatures  calorimetric  ice  determinations  become 
less  accurate.  More  heat  must  be  supplied  to  warm  the  material  over  the  increased 
temperature  range.  The  calories  representing  the  melting  of  ice  become  a  smaller 


fraction  of  the  total  measurement  and  are  thus  subject  to  a  larger  percentage  error. 
It  appears  from  Figure  1,  however,  that  15  to  20  per  cent  of  the  water  is  resistant 
to  freezing.  The  same  technique  of  calorimetry  has  been  applied  to  a  vial  of  sea 
water  to  find  the  amount  of  ice  at  various  temperatures.  It  is  compared  with 
Ascophyllum  nodosuin  in  Figure  5.  A  larger  fraction  of  the  water  in  sea  water 
freezes  at  all  temperatures  than  in  the  algae. 

It  appears  that  part  of  the  water  in  algal  cells  is  unavailable  for  freezing. 
Many  authors  have  presented  evidence  for  unfreezable  water  in  gels  and  also  in 
plant  and  animal  material  (Moran,  1926;  Greathouse,  1935;  review  of  the  literature 
by  Scholander  ct  al.,  1953).  Moran  was  unable  to  freeze  all  of  the  water  in  a 
gelatin,  even  at  —  40°  C.  The  water  molecule  has  a  large  dipole  moment  and  may 
well  be  subject  to  forces  less  powerful  than  conventional  bonding  but  still  strong 
enough  to  prevent  its  being  frozen.  However,  Grollman  (1931)  has  rejected  the 
idea  of  bound  water  in  colloidal  systems. 

White  (1909)  found  evidence  for  binding  of  part  of  the  water  in  plants  at 
ordinary  temperatures.  In  Acacia  seeds  three  per  cent  remained  even  after  drying 
over  calcium  chloride. 

Roualt's  law  expresses  a  linear  relationship  between  the  concentration  of  a 
solution  and  its  freezing  point  depression.  If  one  can  assume  that  the  ratio  of 
dry  matter  to  water  is  equivalent  to  a  concentration,  this  quantity  should  increase 
linearly  below  freezing.  Scholander  ct  al.  (1953)  found  this  to  be  so  in  a  Chirono- 
mus  larva.  Sea  water  is  nearly  linear  as  would  be  expected  of  a  solution  of 
crystalloids.  The  ratio  in  Ascophyllum  tends  towards  a  constant  value  at  low 
temperatures.  This  could  happen  if  part  of  the  water  were  bound  in  such  a  way 
that  it  would  not  freeze.  It  would  also  result  from  any  of  the  dissolved  substances 
coming  out  of  solution.  The  concentrations  increase  as  water  is  frozen  out  while 
at  the  same  time  the  solubility  must  decrease  with  temperature.  In  a  frozen  alga 
at  —  15°  C.,  the  solubility  of  sodium  chloride  has  been  exceeded.  The  cells  can 
either  maintain  a  supersaturation  or  must  be  able  to  actually  cope  with  internal 
salt  crystals. 

Siminovitch  and  Briggs  (1949)  measured  an  increased  mobility  of  water  in 
the  frost-hardy  cells  of  the  black  locust,  Robinia.  They  thought  this  was  necessary 
to  allow  a  more  rapid  exit  of  water  from  the  cells  when  intercellular  freezing  occurs. 
Such  is  likely  the  case  with  the  algae  used  here  when  they  undergo  rapid  freezing 
and  drying.  It  is  generally  believed  that  internal  freezing  is  lethal  to  cells,  prob- 
ably by  the  physical  disruption  of  ice  crystals  in  the  protoplasm.  Direct  observation 
will  be  necessary,  however,  to  determine  the  locus  of  this  ice. 

The  lowered  respiration  observed  in  the  frozen  and  dried  algae  may  be  of 
value  to  them  in  surviving  these  periods  of  stress.  There  can  be  little  growth  at 
such  times  since  the  usual  supply  of  nutrients  from  the  sea  water  is  not  available. 
When  the  alga  is  frozen,  the  light  available  for  photosynthesis  is  usually  limited, 
such  as  during  the  Arctic  winter.  The  slowing-down  observed  here  represents  a 
less  serious  drain  on  the  food  stores.  The  ability  of  these  algae  to  survive  in  the 
intertidal  zone  may,  however,  be  merely  a  case  of  their  not  being  injured  by  the 
freezing  and  drying  that  are  inevitable  in  such  a  location. 

Respiration  has  been  called  the  flame  of  life.  In  algae  at  low  temperatures  it 
burns  very  low  but  is  never  entirely  out. 



The  author  was  a  member  of  an  expedition  to  Hebron  in  northern  Labrador, 
sponsored  by  the  Arctic  Institute  of  North  America  in  1954.  On  arrival  early 
in  July,  Fucus  was  abundant  in  the  intertidal  zone  along  much  of  the  coast.  Large 
reproducing  plants  were  common  although  the  ice  had  been  gone  only  a  month. 
It  seemed  certain  they  had  not  grown  this  much  in  the  brief  period  of  open  water. 
Yet  during  the  winter  the  ice  is  several  feet  thick  and  is  solid  to  the  bottom  along 
the  shore.  One  was  led  to  believe  the  Fucus  was  frozen  solid  in  the  ice  during 
the  entire  winter. 

During  this  summer  visit,  pieces  of  Fucus  were  cooled  to  —  13°  C.  in  a  vial 
immersed  in  a  salt  and  ice  mixture.  Calorimetry  showed  that  %  of  the  water  was 
frozen  at  this  temperature.  About  two  grams  wet  weight  of  recently  frozen  Fucus 
were  put  in  a  20-cc.  syringe  with  sea  water.  The  syringe  was  placed  in  the  sun 
and  kept  close  to  0°  by  a  snow  and  water  mixture.  One-mi,  samples  were  removed 
and  analyzed  for  dissolved  oxygen  by  a  gasometric  method  (Scholander  et  al., 
1955).  In  30  minutes  the  oxygen  rose  from  3.6  to  8.4  mm3/cc.  Soon  after  this, 
bubbles  formed  indicating  supersaturation  of  the  dissolved  oxygen.  Thus  the 
sample  of  Fucus  was  still  able  to  photosynthesize  actively,  even  directly  after  being 
unnaturally  frozen  during  the  summer. 

Fortunately  it  was  possible  to  return  to  the  same  spot  in  March  and  check  on 
the  winter  condition  of  the  Fucus.  The  ice  was  many  feet  thick  along  the  shore. 
In  places  tidal  stresses  had  buckled  it  and  the  projecting  sheets  contained  some 
of  the  algae  frozen  into  the  ice  when  it  formed.  This  Fucus  was  fully  exposed  to 
the  air  temperatures  which,  during  the  brief  visit,  were  as  low  as  --  26°  C.  Earlier 
in  the  winter  they  had  dropped  to  —  40°  C.  or  lower. 

Pieces  of  ice  with  Fucus  in  them  were  chipped  free  and  thawed.  The  melted 
water  contained  only  about  0.3  per  cent  salt.  The  alga  was  again  checked  for 
photosynthesis  with  the  same  positive  result.  The  winter  respiration  rate  was 
found  to  be  close  to  that  in  the  summer.  There  was  no  sign  of  a  large  oxygen 
debt  from  the  long  period  in  the  ice.  The  Fucus  is  apparently  ready  to  start  active 
growth  again  in  the  spring  where  it  left  off  in  the  fall. 

These  studies  were  aided  by  a  contract  between  the  Office  of  Naval  Research, 
Department  of  the  Navy,  and  Arctic  Institute  of  North  America.  Reproduction 
in  whole  or  in  part  is  permitted  for  any  purpose  of  the  United  States  Government. 
I  am  deeply  indebted  to  Dr.  Per  Scholander  for  advice  and  encouragement.  My 
wife  has  been  of  considerable  assistance  both  in  the  field  and  laboratory. 


1.  As  much  as  80  per  cent  of  the  water  in  intertidal  marine  algae  is  frozen  when 
exposed  to  the  low  air  temperatures  that  regularly  occur  in  nature. 

2.  The  same  species  may  lose  90  per  cent  of  their  water  by  ordinary  drying 
during  tidal  exposure. 

3.  Metabolism  is  greatly  depressed  in  both  the  frozen  and  dried  states. 

4.  The  ability  to  withstand  drying  may  be  related  to  freezing  hardiness. 

5.  Some  extreme  conditions  in  the  Arctic  are  described.     Fucus  spends  many 
months  frozen  into  the  sea  ice  at  temperatures  down  to""40°  C.,  yet  it  is  capable  of 
photosynthesis  immediately  upon  being  thawed  out. 



BIEBLE,  R.,   1939.     tJber  die  Temperaturresistenz  von  Meeresalgen  verschiedener   Klimazonen 

und  verschieden  tiefer  Standorte.    Jahrb.  Wiss.  Bot.,  88:  389-420. 
DITMAN,  L.  P.,  G.  B.  VOGT  AND  D.  R.   SMITH,  1942.     The  relation  of  unfreezable  water  to 

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Bowdoin  College,  Brunsivick,  Maine 

That  crustaceans  contribute  significantly  to  marine  sound  is  well-known.  A 
list  of  marine  sound  producers  prepared  by  the  United  States  National  Museum 
as  early  as  1942  included  members  of  17  crustacean  families  (Fish,  1954).  The 
significance  of  crustacean  sounds  to  crustacean  behavior  and  to  the  behavior  of 
other  marine  animals  is,  however,  largely  unknown.  There  is  some  evidence  that 
spiny  lobsters  can  detect  the  vibrations  of  the  sounds  they  produce  (Lindberg, 
1955;  Dijkgraaf,  1955).  Cohen  (1955)  rejects  the  statocysts  of  the  lobster, 
Homarus  americanus,  as  auditory  organs  in  the  sense  of  responding  to  pressure 
waves  in  the  water,  but  suggests  that  statocyst  vibration  receptors  may  detect 
substrate  vibrations  accompanying  sounds. 

During  June,  July  and  August  of  1956,  while  a  guest  of  the  Lerner  Marine 
Laboratory  of  the  American  Museum  of  Natural  History,  I  studied  the  acoustical 
behavior  of  the  West  Indian  spiny  lobster,  Panulirus  argus.  A  study  was  made 
of  the  anatomy  of  its  sound-producing  mechanism,  and  recordings  were  taken  of 
the  sounds  produced  by  this  species  under  various  conditions.  Through  direct 
observation  and  motion  pictures,  data  were  obtained  on  the  behavior  of  this  spiny 
lobster  in  relation  to  sound  production.  The  study  was  performed  on  North 
Bimini  Island,  the  site  of  the  Lerner  Marine  Laboratory. 

Listening  and  recording  equipment  used  in  the  investigation  consisted  of  two 
Rochelle  salt  hydrophones,  one  an  AX-58-C,  the  other  undesignated,  a  Woods 
Hole  Suitcase  amplifier  or  a  modified  Heathkit  amplifier  Model  A-7C,  and  an 
Ekotape  tape  recorder  Model  205.  Recordings  were  made  at  speeds  of  3%  and 
7%  in./sec.,  and  were  analyzed  on  a  Vibralyzer  vibration  frequency  analyzer  at 
the  Woods  Hole  Oceanographic  Institution.  Sound-generating  equipment  em- 
ployed in  the  experiments  consisted  of  a  Hewlett-Packard  audio  oscillator  Model 
LAJ  or  the  Ekotape  tape  recorder,  a  Craftsman  C550  amplifier,  and  a  QBG 


Stridulation  by  spiny  lobsters  (Palinuridae)  has  been  described  by  a  number 
of  authors  (Mobius,  1867;  Kent,  1877;  Goode,  1878;  Parker,  1878;  Heldt,  1929; 
Parker  and  Haswell,  1940,  p.  455;  MacGinitie  and  MacGinitie,  1949,  p.  282; 
Dijkgraaf,  1955;  Lindberg,  1955)  and  reference  to  it  is  found  in  classical  literature 
(Yonge,  1854,  p.  537).  The  characteristic  rasp  of  palinurids  is  produced  by  an 

1  Contribution  No.  914  from  the  Woods  Hole  Oceanographic  Institution. 

2  The  work  was  performed  at  the  Lerner   Marine  Laboratory  of  the  American   Museum 
of  Natural  History  and  at  the  Woods  Hole  Oceanographic  Institution,  under  grants  of  the 
Institution  and  of  the  Bowdoin  College  Faculty  Research  Fund  established  by  the  Class  of  1928. 



intricate  stridulatory  mechanism  which  has  been  partially  described  by  Parker 
(1878)  and  Dijkgraaf  (1955)  in  a  Mediterranean  species  (Palinnrus  vulgaris). 
The  following  description  is  based  on  the  mechanism  as  it  exists  in  both  males 
and  females  of  Panulirus  argus,  and  adds  detail  to  descriptions  previously  pub- 
lished of  other  species. 

The  acoustic  mechanism  of  P.  argus  consists  in  part  of  a  toothed  ridge,  orange- 
colored  in  life,  rising  from  the  surface  of  the  carapace  medial  to  each  antennal  base 
and  extending  anteriorly  from  beneath  each  stalked  eye  (Fig.  la).  A  medial 
process  of  the  basal  segment  of  each  antenna  fits  over  the  corresponding  ridge ;  as 
an  antenna  is  raised,  a  chitinous  longitudinally-ridged  membrane,  the  stridulatory 
membrane  (Fig.  2c),  forming  part  of  the  undersurface  of  the  medial  process, 
moves  proximally  over  the  toothed  ridge,  in  the  manner  described  by  Dijkgraaf 
(1955)  for  P.  vulgaris,  so  that  a  sound  may  be  produced;  the  sound  varies  with 
the  rate  and  force  of  raising  of  the  antenna. 

That  a  sound  is  produced  only  when  the  stridulatory  membrane  moves  prox- 
imally over  the  toothed  ridge — that  is,  when  the  antennae  are  raised — -is  due  to  a 
combination  of  factors.  The  medial  process  of  the  antenna  is  itself  jointed,  the 
process  being  divided  into  a  basal  flange  (Figs.  Ic,  2a)  firmly  united  with  the  basal 
antennal  segment,  and  a  terminal  portion  (Figs.  Ib.  2d)  joined  to  the  posterior 
edge  of  the  flange.  This  terminal  portion,  which  Dijkgraaf  describes  as  being  a 
freely-projecting  skin-fold  in  P.  vulgaris,  is  covered  on  its  upper  surface  in  P.  argus 
with  typical  exoskeleton.  Most  of  its  under  surface  is  formed  by  a  soft  chitinous 
membrane  covered  with  a  dense  mat  of  minute  setae,  the  setae  becoming  sparse 
along  the  leading  edge  of  the  stridulatory  membrane.  The  under  surface  of  the 
joint  between  the  basal  flange  and  the  terminal  portion  is  the  site  of  the  stridulatory 

As  a  result  of  the  arrangement  described,  when  an  antenna  is  suddenly  swept 
back,  the  jointed  edge  of  the  basal  flange  bears  down  on  the  stridulatory  membrane 
so  that  the  latter  is  forced  to  rub  proximally  over  the  toothed,  orange  ridge  and 
a  sound  is  created.  Lowering  of  the  antenna  relieves  pressure  on  the  membrane. 

The  second  factor  which  determines  the  effective  direction  of  antennal  movement 
in  producing  sound  is  the  presence  on  the  portion  of  the  orange  ridge  over  which 
the  stridulatory  membrane  moves  of  anteriorly  projecting  microscopic  teeth  (Fig. 
5)  against  which  the  stridulatory  membrane  is  forced  when  the  antennae  are 
swept  back.  These  minute  teeth  are  arranged  in  shingle-like  fashion,  teeth  of 
adjacent  rows  alternating  with  each  other,  and  the  teeth  of  one  row  appearing  to 
project  from  beneath  those  of  the  row  behind.  Anteriorly  on  the  toothed  ridge,  the 
leading  edges  of  the  teeth  form  an  angle  of  approximately  60  degrees  with  the 
surface  of  the  ridge ;  in  the  posterior  third  of  the  stridulatory  portion  of  the  ridge, 
the  edges  are  more  nearly  vertical.  Anteriorly  the  edges  of  the  teeth  are  slightly 
serrated;  posteriorly  they  are  smooth.  In  a  narrow  transition  zone  (transverse 
groove  between  a  and  b  in  Fig.  4)  between  the  stridulatory  (Fig.  4b)  and  non- 
stridulatory  (Fig.  4a)  parts  of  the  ridge,  the  teeth  give  way  to  blunter  microscopic 
projections,  irregularly  distributed,  which  are  characteristic  of  the  general  carapace. 

The  presence  of  the  teeth  lends  to  the  stridulatory  portion  of  the  orange  ridge 
a  dull  appearance  when  the  ridge  is  dry ;  the  posterior  portion  of  the  ridge,  from 
which  the  teeth  are  lacking,  possesses  a  shiny  surface  when  dry.  The  presence 
of  the  teeth  can  be  detected  by  drawing  the  tip  of  the  finger  posteriorly  along  the 




Stridulatory  mechanism  of  Panulirus  argus. 

FIGURE  1 :  dorso-lateral   view   of  head   region ;    a)    toothed  portion   of   orange   ridge,   b) 
terminal  portion  of  medial  antennal  process,  c)  basal  flange.     X  1.3. 

FIGURE  2:     under  surface  of  medial  process  of  right  antenna;  a)  basal  flange,  b)   guiding 
knob,  c)  Stridulatory  membrane,  d)  terminal  portion.     X  11. 

FIGURE  3 :  cross-section  of  Stridulatory  membrane.     X  650. 

FIGURE  4:  lateral  view  of  right  orange  ridge;  a)   smooth  portion,  b)   toothed  portion,  c) 
groove  receiving  guiding  knob.     X  7. 

FIGURE  5 :  shingle-like  teeth  of  dorsal  surface  of  right  orange  ridge  (anterior  to  the  right) . 


toothed  portion  of  the  orange  ridge.  No  difference  to  the  touch  between  tooth- 
bearing  and  toothless  portions  of  the  orange  ridge  can  be  detected  when  the  finger 
tip  is  drawn  anteriorly. 

The  region  of  transition  between  the  toothed  and  toothless  regions  of  the  ridge 
is  marked  by  a  shallow  transverse  groove  (Fig.  4)  which  is  the  posterior  limit 
reached  by  the  stridulatory  membrane  when  an  antenna  is  raised.  The  action  of 
the  stridulatory  membrane  is  guided  by  the  presence  of  a  small  knob  (Fig.  2b) 
projecting  from  the  ventrolateral  surface  of  the  basal  flange  adjacent  to  the  lateral 
end  of  the  stridulatory  membrane ;  the  knob  during  raising  and  lowering  of  the 
antenna  runs  in  a  well-defined  groove  (Fig.  4c)  on  the  lateral  surface  of  the  orange 
ridge.  This  groove  extends  as  far  posteriorly  as  the  transverse  groove  already 
described.  Behind  the  transverse  groove,  the  orange  ridge  gradually  flattens  to 
the  contour  of  the  general  carapace. 

That  the  mat  of  short  setae  covering  most  of  the  under  surface  of  the  terminal 
portion  of  the  medial  antennal  process  becomes  very  sparse  adjacent  to  the  proximal 
edge  of  the  stridulatory  membrane  allows  one  to  observe  that  the  surface  from 
which  the  setae  arise  bears  a  polygonal,  usually  hexagonal,  configuration.  In  this 
area  individual  setae  spring  from  individual  polygons ;  elsewhere,  two  to  several 
setae  arise  from  each  polygon,  and  the  dense  mat  of  setae  resulting  obscures  the 
underlying  membrane. 

Parker  (1878)  has  figured  a  cross-section  of  the  ridges  of  the  stridulatory 
membrane  in  P.  vulgaris.  In  P.  argus,  this  membrane  is  constructed  as  follows 
(Fig.  3)  :  there  is  a  basal  stratified  layer  of  squamous  epithelial  cells.  From  this 
layer  outward,  the  membrane  is  vertically  striated  to  the  level  of  the  grooves  be- 
tween ridges,  in  a  pattern  which  suggests  that  the  major  portion  of  the  membrane 
is  comprised  of  many  fused  setal  processes.  The  ridges  themselves  comprise 
approximately  %  of  the  thickness  of  the  membrane,  and  within  the  ridges,  the 
striations  radiate  outward  to  the  surface  of  each  ridge.  The  whole  surface  of  the 
stridulatory  membrane  is  covered  with  a  thin  cuticular  layer  following  the  contour 
of  the  membrane.  In  surface  view,  the  ridges  are  sculptured  in  a  finely  polygonal, 
usually  hexagonal,  pattern,  the  size  of  the  polygons  decreasing  in  the  direction  of 
the  basal  flange.  Within  the  grooves  between  ridges  the  cuticular  border  is  some- 
what folded  and  the  appearance  of  surface  granulation  of  the  ridges  is  absent. 
The  stridulatory  membrane  is  somewhat  flexible,  the  relatively  stiff  ridges  yielding 
a  rasping  sound  when  the  tip  of  a  dissecting  needle  is  drawn  across  them. 

The  stridulatory  membrane,  as  seen  in  cross-section,  is  also  striated  horizontally, 
in  a  pattern  reminiscent  of  growth  lines  in  skeletal  parts  of  other  animals  (e.g., 
tooth  enamel,  fish  scales  and  otoliths).  These  horizontal  lines  continue  into  the 
ridges  where  they  are  curved  in  the  contour  of  the  ridges. 

If  the  stridulatory  membrane  and  the  terminal  portion  of  the  medial  antennal 
process  are  removed,  raising  of  the  antenna  by  hand  produces  only  a  slight  squeak- 
ing sound  as  the  joint  edge  of  the  basal  flange  bears  directly  on  the  toothed  part 
of  the  orange  ridge.  The  spiny  lobster  itself  produces  no  sound  on  raising  of  an 
antenna  so  treated,  as  Parker  (1878)  also  observed. 

A  specimen  of  P.  argus  which  shed  in  one  of  the  cement  pools  of  the  Lerner 
Marine  Laboratory  during  the  night  of  August  11-12,  1956,  stridulated  as  usual 
in  the  morning,  although  the  general  exoskeleton  was  still  soft.  No  animal  from 


which  the  stridulatory  mechanism  had  been  removed  shed  during  the  summer,  so 
that  regeneration  of  the  mechanism  cannot  be  stated  as  fact. 


The  observation  of  Kent  (1877),  questioned  by  Goode  (1878),  that  a  shrill 
squeaking  sound  is  produced  by  the  spiny  lobster  (Palinurus  quadricornis)  by 
rubbing  together  of  abdominal  segments  was  probably  accurate.  During  abdominal 
contractions,  after  P.  argus  is  taken  from  the  water,  the  abdomen  is  at  times  held 
tightly  for  a  few  moments  under  the  cephalothorax,  and  a  rather  intense  vibration 
is  felt  throughout  the  hand-held  animal.  At  such  times  a  squeaking  sound,  higher 
pitched  than  any  antennal  noise,  may  occasionally  be  heard.  The  body  vibration 
accompanying  this  action  is  similar  to  that  sometimes  produced  by  the  lobster, 
Homarus  americanus,  freshly  removed  from  a  trap  or  tank ;  while  the  latter  does 
not  produce  an  audible  sound,  vibration  is  at  times  so  intense  that  an  inexperienced 
person  may  drop  the  animal.  This  matter  requires  further  study. 

The  antennal  sounds  of  P.  argus  most  frequently  heard  are  either  a  rasp  or  a 
slow  rattle  of  longer  duration.  The  slow  rattle,  recorded  during  my  study  only 
when  several  animals  were  confined  together  in  a  live  car,  is  seen  after  vibration 
analysis  to  consist  of  5  or  6  pulses  of  sound  spanning  approximately  .5  to  3.3  kc., 
the  rattle  lasting  about  %  second.  The  pulses  are  produced  at  an  average  rate 
of  27/second,  varying  in  several  cases  from  24  to  31 /second.  The  greatest  intensity 
of  each  of  these  pulses  lies  at  approximately  .6  kc. 

The  antennal  rasp,  which  usually  accompanies  abdominal  contractions  when  a 
specimen  is  held  in  the  hand  in  air  or  water,  is  a  single  burst  of  sound  in  which 
the  individual  pulses  of  sound  cannot  be  distinguished.  The  sound  lasts  slightly 
over  .1  second,  and  spans  frequencies  from  below  .04  kc.  to  approximately  9  kc. 
The  zones  of  greatest  intensity  lie  at  .8  kc.  and  in  a  rather  broad  band  between 
approximately  2.5  and  4.7  kc. 

As  a  hand-held  animal  slows  or  ceases  its  abdominal  contractions,  the  antennae 
may  be  swept  back  alternately  rather  than  together.  In  sounds  created  by  this 
action,  individual  pulses  can  be  distinguished  on  vibration  analysis.  They  are 
produced  at  rates  varying  between  56  and  133/second,  with  intensity  peaks  at  the 
levels  of  the  antennal  rasp. 

The  rasp  of  P.  argus  can  be  roughly  duplicated  through  moving  the  antennae 
upward  by  hand.  The  vibration  analyses  of  sounds  thus  produced  are  like  those  of 
the  rasp,  except  that  instead  of  a  single  burst  of  sound  there  are  from  four  to 
several  bursts  at  somewhat  irregular  intervals ;  the  upper  peak  intensity  is  more 
diffuse  than  in  the  normally  produced  rasp,  and  the  lower  peak  (.8  kc.)  of  the 
normally  produced  sound  is  lacking.  It  has  not  been  possible  by  this  method 
to  duplicate  the  slow  rattle  recorded  from  confined  animals  undisturbed  by  the 


That  the  production  of  sound  by  the  spiny  lobster  is  a  response  to  definite  stimuli 
is  indicated  by  the  observations  of  Lindberg  (1955)  and  Dijkgraaf  (1955).  The 
antennae  of  P.  argus  are  frequently  moved  without  the  production  of  sound,  even 


when  the  basal  segment  of  the  antenna  is  involved.  Aquarium-confined  spiny 
lobsters  trained  to  accept  food  offered  by  hand  from  above  during  the  summer  of 
1956  characteristically  raised  themselves  on  their  anterior  legs,  reaching  their  an- 
tennae up  toward  the  proffered  food.  At  such  times,  no  sound  was  produced. 
Similarly,  observations  on  live-car  confined  animals  disclosed  no  antennal  sounds 
produced  during  listening  by  hydrophone  at  times  when  the  majority  of  animals  were 
moving  their  antennae. 

Although  conditions  surrounding  production  of  the  slow  rattle  are  obscure, 
the  sound  bursts  characteristic  of  the  rasp  frequently  accompany  strong,  rapid 
abdominal  contractions  which  are  characteristic  of  the  hand-held  or  net-captured 
animal.  During  these  contractions,  whether  the  restrained  P.  argus  is  struggling 
in  the  water  or  in  air,  the  antennae  are  held  back  over  the  body  and  each  forward 
thrust  of  the  rapidly  and  forcefully  contracting  abdomen  is  accompanied  by  a  brief 
rasp  as  the  stridulatory  membrane  rubs  over  the  orange  ridge.  Sounds  inter- 
mediate between  the  slow  rattle  and  the  rasp  are  produced  by  antennal  movements 
in  the  absence  of  abdominal  contractions;  although  these  intermediate  sounds  are 
difficult  to  distinguish  by  ear  from  the  rasp,  vibration  analysis  distinguishes  them. 

It  is  evident  that  the  sounds  produced  by  P.  argus  and  the  behavior  which  they 
accompany  differ  with  circumstances.  Dijkgraaf  describes  production  of  the  rasp 
during  struggling  between  two  individuals  of  P.  vulgaris.  Circumstances  under 
which  the  rasp  is  produced  in  P.  argus  (grasping  in  the  hand,  capturing  in  a  net, 
injury)  suggest  that  this  sound  is  related  to  defensive  behavior.  This  relationship 
is  further  emphasized  by  the  fact  that  during  production  of  the  rasp,  the  spiny 
antennae  are  held  over  the  back,  tightly  depressed  against  the  carapace  or  against 
the  grasping  hand.  During  abdominal  contractions,  the  forward-directed  spines 
of  the  carapace  are  driven  against  the  hand,  and  the  hand  is  driven  against  the 
backward-directed  spines  of  the  antennae ;  blood  is  frequently  drawn.  At  the  same 
time,  the  abdominal  contractions  provide  an  efficient  scissor-like  action  through 
the  sharp  edges  of  the  abdominal  exoskeleton,  and  the  fingers  caught  within  the 
scissors  may  be  cut.  Presumably  the  action  described  would  also  be  performed 
against  natural  captors  in  the  sea. 

Gradual  subsidence  of  abdominal  contractions  and  of  antennal  sound  by  the 
hand-held  animal  will  take  place.  A  sudden  movement  of  the  hand  will,  however, 
re-initiate  the  whole  process,  and  again  a  gradual  subsidence,  usually  through  a 
period  of  alternate  antennal  stridulations,  will  occur.  The  response  gradually 

At  the  Lerner  Marine  Laboratory,  up  to  several  dozen  spiny  lobsters  are  con- 
fined at  a  time  in  a  live  car  of  screen  and  boards  adjacent  to  the  Laboratory  dock 
in  Bimini  Harbor.  When  a  hydrophone  was  lowered  into  this  live  car  and  left 
hanging  in  it  during  the  daytime,  the  slow  rattle  already  described  was  frequently 
heard.  The  individual  pulses  of  the  slow  rattle,  probably  produced  as  the  stridula- 
tory membrane  skips  along  the  orange  ridge,  can  be  detected.  The  sound  does 
not  necessarily  accompany  marked  activity  of  the  animals  to  judge  from  visual 
observations,  and  is  not  recorded  from  a  highly  active  animal.  This  slow  rattle 
seems  to  be  more  in  the  nature  of  a  conversational  sound,  as  compared  with  implica- 
tions of  argument  suggested  by  circumstances  under  which  the  rasp  is  produced. 


The  slow  rattle  could  not  be  heard  with  the  equipment  employed  30  feet  from  the 
live  car,  although  the  rasp  was  clear  over  this  distance  underwater. 

That  the  slow  rattle  is  not  produced  by  accidental  movements  of  the  antennae 
is  suggested  by  the  following  observations :  if  the  spiny  lobsters  in  the  live  car  were 
stirred  up  with  an  oar  neither  the  slow  rattle  nor  the  rasp  was  heard,  and  after 
this  procedure  it  was  some  time  before  the  slow  rattle  was  heard  again ;  nearly 
constant  antennal  movements  by  isolated  animals  moving  about  in  glass  aquaria  did 
not  result  in  production  of  any  sound,  nor  was  the  slow  rattle  recorded  from  any 
isolated  animal ;  the  slow  rattle  was  recorded  only  during  daylight,  not  at  night 
when  the  spiny  lobsters  were  moving  about  the  live  car ;  if  an  animal  were  suddenly 
clamped  to  the  bottom  with  the  edge  of  a  dip  net,  only  the  rasp  was  heard  to 
accompany  the  animal's  activity,  never  the  slow  rattle  which  might  have  been 
anticipated  if  it  were  an  accidental  sound. 

During  the  daytime,  undisturbed  P.  argus  tended  to  remain  heaped  in  the 
corners  of  the  live  car ;  at  night  the  animals  were  more  obviously  active,  moving 
about  the  screen  forming  the  sides  of  the  car.  Yet  the  slow  rattle  was  heard  only 
during  the  daytime.  Thus,  during  1%  hours  of  listening  between  0900  and  1100 
the  morning  of  21  June,  the  slow  rattle  was  heard  76  times,  whereas  it  was  not 
heard  at  all  during  comparable  time  between  1950  and  2130  the  evening  of  20  June 
under  an  approximately  %  full  moon.  These  observations  were  made  when  the 
live  car  contained  between  two  and  three  dozen  animals. 

The  stridulatory  mechanism  is  best  rendered  inoperative  by  bilateral  removal 
of  the  medial  process  of  the  antenna,  at  the  junction  of  the  basal  flange  and  basal 
segment  of  the  antenna.  It  is  difficult  effectively  to  remove  the  stridulatory  mem- 
brane without  removing  the  whole  medial  process,  since  even  a  remnant  of  the 
ridges  will  produce  considerable  sound. 

A  male  spiny  lobster  with  the  stridulatory  mechanism  bilaterally  removed  was 
confined  in  an  aquarium  with  a  normal  male  of  similar  size  during  July  of  1956. 
The  normal  animal  was  the  dominant  individual,  frequently  approaching  the 
operated  animal  head-on  with  extended  anterior  walking  legs  and  slightly  raised 
antennae,  walking  forward  as  the  operated  animal  retreated  to  a  corner.  At  such 
times,  no  sounds  were  heard. 

Numerous  attempts  to  influence  the  behavior  of  spiny  lobsters  by  playing  re- 
cordings of  the  rasp  and  of  the  slow  rattle  into  the  live  car  and  into  aquaria  contain- 
ing individual  specimens  were  unsuccessful,  nor  did  recorded  sounds  of  spiny 
lobsters  played  underwater  noticeably  alter  the  distribution  of  various  fishes  confined 
with  them.  The  same  was  true  if  pulsating  signals  generated  with  the  audio 
oscillator  set  at  17  to  40  cps.  (Moulton,  1956)  were  played  into  the  water. 


The  production  of  two  characteristic  sounds  by  Panulirus  argus  and  the  be- 
havior which  the  sounds  accompany,  parallel  a  situation  occurring  among  fishes 
in  sea  robins  (Prionotus  spp.)  which  when  free  during  the  breeding  season  produce 
a  staccato  call,  but  which  when  disturbed  in  various  ways  produce  a  vibrant  grunt 
of  other  frequency  characteristics  (Moulton,  1956).  Like  the  staccato  call  of  the 
sea  robins,  the  slow  rattle  of  the  crayfish  has  not  been  recorded  from  hand-held 
or  otherwise  disturbed  specimens.  As  the  grunt  and  the  staccato  call  of  the  sea 


robins  relate  to  two  different  patterns  of  behavior,  thus  the  rasp  and  the  slow 
rattle  of  the  spiny  lobster,  P.  argus,  do  also. 

The  significance  of  their  sound  production  to  the  survival  of  spiny  lobsters  is 
unknown.  Lindberg  (1955,  pp.  178-179)  observed  that  P.  interruptus  did  not 
stridulate  unless  it  and  an  attacking  fish  touched  each  other.  Since  the  sounds 
produced  by  P.  argus  span  the  frequency  sensitivity  of  various  fishes  which  have 
been  tested  (Kleerekoper  and  Chagnon,  1954),  it  is  not  impossible  that  a  combina- 
tion of  sound  production  and  injurious  strokes  of  the  abdomen  may  combine  as  a 
deterrent  to  predators.  Unfortunately,  information  is  lacking  on  this  point.  My 
own  observations  concur  with  those  of  Lindberg  in  denying  an  obvious  effect  of 
the  rasp  on  fish  behavior.  A  mutilated  specimen  of  P.  argus  passing,  while  vigor- 
ously rasping,  through  approximately  25  feet  of  clear  water  at  Bimini  on  the 
west  side  of  Turtle  Rocks,  did  not  immediately  nor  during  several  minutes  of  ob- 
servation through  glass  panels  at  the  surface  attract  any  of  the  numerous  reef 
fishes  feeding  within  the  zone  of  observation,  nor  did  visible  fishes  which  might  be 
anticipated  to  feed  on  injured  spiny  lobster  noticeably  alter  their  behavior. 

Dijkgraaf's  (1955)  observation  that  stridulation  could  be  induced  in  a  highly 
excited  P.  vulgaris  by  imitating  the  rasp  adjacent  to  the  aquarium  is  compatible  with 
Lindberg's  observation  that  P.  interruptus  moved  away  from  other  animals  forced 
to  stridulate  nearby  but  out  of  sight.  Lindberg  observed  that  stridulation  occurred 
only  upon  impending  conflict  and  thus  considers  the  sound  "a  threat  rather  than 
an  alarm."  Several  P.  argus  contained  in  aquaria  at  Bimini  moved  rapidly  away 
from  a  net  or  grasping  hand,  but  did  not  stridulate  until  grasped  or  captured  in 
the  net — that  is,  the  rasp  was  not  necessarily  produced  during  rather  violent  escape 

The  failure  of  fishes  to  respond  to  the  sounds  of  P.  argus  is  consistent  with 
previous  observations  on  the  responses  of  free  fishes  to  sound  generally  (Moulton 
and  Backus,  1955;  Moore  and  Newman,  1956).  Since,  however,  several  kinds  of 
fishes  will  respond  initially  by  quickened  swimming  movements — startle  reactions — 
to  sounds  which  later  will  fail  to  affect  their  behavior,  it  is  possible  that  a  sudden 
rasp  by  a  mouth-held  palinurid  might  cause  a  preying  fish  to  release  its  hold  and 
thus  its  prey,  particularly  if  the  sound  were  accompanied  by  strong  abdominal 
contractions.  This  is  to  suggest  that  the  rasp  may  act  as  a  double  assurance 

Vibration  analyses  of  various  fish  sounds  recorded  from  identified  species  at 
Woods  Hole  and  Bimini  indicate  that  sounds  produced  by  several  kinds  of  fishes 
under  duress  of  various  types  are  more  like  the  rasp  of  the  spiny  lobster  than  like 
the  slow  rattle  of  undisturbed  P.  argus  or  than  like  the  staccato  call  of  free  sea 
robins  during  the  breeding  season.  The  burst  of  sound  characterizing  the  spiny 
lobster  rasp  also  characterizes  the  sounds  produced,  during  handling,  by  sea  robins 
(Prionotus  spp.),  grouper  and  hind  (Epinephalus  spp.),  angelfish  (Poinacanthus 
spp.  and  Angelichthyes  ciliaris),  squirrelfish  (Holocentrus  ascensionis),  triggerfish 
(Balistes  vetula  and  Melichthyes  piccus),  swellfish  (Sphcroides  spp.),  porcupine- 
fish  (Diodon  hystrix},  a  jack  (Caranx  hippos),  and  grunts  (Haemulon  spp.)  — 
defensive  behavior  of  all  of  these  includes  production  of  sounds  lacking  sharply 
defined  individual  pulses  within  the  limits  of  the  analyses.  Thus  sounds  produced 
in  a  variety  of  ways — by  stridulation  of  skeletal  parts,  by  muscle  contraction  against 
an  air  bladder  or  adjacent  tissue,  by  pounding  of  pectoral  fins  against  the  body — 


but  under  similar  circumstances,  present  similar,  although  not  identical,  vibration 
analyses.  These  observations,  combined  with  observations  on  the  slow  rattle  of 
P.  argus  and  the  staccato  call  of  sea  robins,  suggest  that  while  sounds  produced 
by  undisturbed  marine  fishes  and  crustaceans  are  likely  to  be  sounds  comprised 
of  individual  pulses  of  brief  duration,  sounds  of  marine  fishes  and  crustaceans  under 
duress  are  more  likely  to  be  bursts  of  sound  of  longer  duration  in  which  individual 
pulses  are  obscured  or  absent. 

Another  category  of  marine  sound,  comparable  in  its  vibration  analyses  to 
sounds  produced  under  duress  by  fishes  and  to  the  rasp  of  the  spiny  lobster,  is  the 
feeding  noise  of  such  fishes  as  wrasses  (Labridae),  porcupinefish,  swellfish,  trigger- 
fish,  and  angelfish.  If  sound  bursts  comprise  threats  or  alarms,  as  conditions  of 
their  production  would  suggest,  noisy  eating  by  these  organisms  may  serve  to  repel 
rather  than  to  attract  predators. 

Exceptional  in  producing  sounds  of  sharp  individual  pulses  during  defensive 
behavior  are  representatives  of  two  crustacean  groups  in  the  Bimini  area,  the 
stomatopod  (Gonodactylus  oerstedi)  and  several  kinds  of  snapping  shrimp  (Al- 
pheidae),  especially  Alpheus  armatus  and  Synalpheus  spp.  (Pearse,  1950).  Al- 
though produced  in  a  different  way,  the  sound  of  the  mantis  shrimp  is  like  that 
of  the  snapping  shrimp  (Goode,  1878;  Johnson,  Everest  and  Young,  1947;  Fish, 
1954),  and  their  vibration  analyses  are  indistiguishable.  Both  are  either  burrowers 
or  symbionts  of  organisms  providing  highly  protected  situations  (Pearse,  1950; 
Townsley,  1953;  Banner,  1953;  Clarke,  1955).  Further,  the  sounds  produced  are 
the  by-products  of  accompanying  movements  which  have  a  distinctly  protective 
value — the  decisive  closure  of  the  snapping  shrimp  large  chela  with  its  accompany- 
ing squirt  of  water  (Schmitt,  1931,  p.  192;  Johnson  et  al.}  1947)  and  the  stinging 
extension  of  the  raptorial  appendage  of  the  mantis  shrimp. 

That  some  sounds  of  marine  arthropods  are  other  than  accidental  is,  however, 
clearly  indicated  by  the  intricate  stridulatory  mechanism  found  among  the  spiny 
lobsters  (Palinuridae).  The  usefulness  of  the  sounds  produced,  as  of  the  sounds 
produced  by  many  kinds  of  fishes,  is  yet  to  be  determined. 

I  am  indebted  for  constructive  criticism  to  Mr.  William  Schevill  who  read  the 
manuscript  of  this  paper,  and  for  careful  execution  of  the  drawings  to  Mr.  Ernest  R. 
Powell,  an  undergraduate  of  Bowdoin  College. 


1.  The   intricate   stridulatory   mechanism   of   the   West   Indian   spiny   lobster, 
Panulirus  argus,  and  the  sounds  it  produces  are  described.     The  sounds  are  related 
to  various  patterns  of  behavior. 

2.  On  the  basis  of  behavioral  evidence  it  is  suggested  that  a   slow  rattle  is 
characteristic  of  spiny  lobsters  when  contained  in  groups,  and  that  a  rasp  is  a  usual 
component  of  defensive  behavior. 

3.  The  characteristics  of  the  sounds  of  P.  argus  are  compared  to  those  of  other 
marine  sounds  of  biological  origin.     On  the  basis  of  this  comparison,  an  attempt 
is  made  to  generalize  (a)  the  type*  of  sound  which  accompanies  defensive  behavior 
of  marine  fishes  and  crustaceans,  and  (b)  the  type  of  sound  stemming  from  marine 
fishes  and  crustaceans  when  undisturbed. 


4.  It  is  concluded  that  the  intricacy  of  the  sound-producing  mechanism  of  P. 
argns,  and  of  other  palinurids,  justifies  a  conclusion  of  a  significance  of  sound  to 
the  biology  of  spiny  lobsters.  While  certain  suggestions  of  a  possible  value  of  the 
rasp  to  survival  of  spiny  lobsters  are  presented,  a  consistent  effect  of  the  rasp  on 
the  behavior  of  other  spiny  lobsters  and  on  predator  organisms  has  yet  to  be 


BANNER,  A.  H.,  1953.     The  Crangonidae,  or  snapping  shrimp,  of  Hawaii.     Pacific  Science,  7  : 

CLARKE,  W.  D.,  1955.     A  new  species  of  the  genus  Heteromysis  (Crustacea,  Mysidacea)  from 

the  Bahama  Islands,  commensal  with  a  sea-anemone.     Amer.  Museum  Nov.,  No.  1716 : 

COHEN,  M.  J.,  1955.     The  function  of  the  receptors  in  the  statocyst  of  the  lobster  Homarus 

americanus.    J.  Physiol.,  130:  9-34. 
DIJKGRAAF,  S.,   1955.     Lauterzeugung  und   Schallwahrnehmung  bei   der   Languste    (Palinunts 

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FISH,  M.  P.,  1954.     The  sonic  marine  animal  problem.     Research  Reviews,  Dec. :  13-18. 
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HELDT,  H.,  1929.     Rapport  sur  la  langouste  vulgaire  (Panulirus  vulgaris  Latreille).     Rapports 

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tifique  de  la  Mer  Mediterranee,  4:  113-126. 
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Hopkins  Marine  Station  of  Stanford  University,  Pacific  Grove,  California 

The  study  of  the  immune  mechanisms  of  marine  invertebrates  is  inhibited  by 
our  lack  of  knowledge  of  the  infectious  diseases  of  these  organisms.  However, 
the  many  commensal  relationships  which  exist  between  a  variety  of  organisms  and 
members  of  the  Phylum  Coelenterata  suggest  that  a  study  of  induced  immunity  to 
nematocyst  toxins  would  at  least  yield  information  pertinent  to  the  development 
of  an  understanding  of  antitoxic  immunity  in  marine  invertebrates. 

There  have  been  a  number  of  attempts  at  the  purification  and  description  of 
these  toxins  (Cosmovici,  1925;  Cantacuzene,  1926;  Cantacuzene  and  Damboviceanu, 
1934a,  1934b;  Richet  and  Portier,  1936;  Sonderhoff,  1936;  Welsh,  1955).  In  all 
cases  the  material  isolated  represents  extracts  of  the  whole  animal  or  some  of  its 
organs,  e.g.,  tentacles  or  acontia.  As  has  been  pointed  out  by  Hyman  (1940)  in 
no  case  can  it  be  certain  that  the  material  isolated  is  actually  from  nematocysts,  the 
stinging  capsules,  and  is  not  some  toxic  tissue  component  which  normally  does  not 
play  a  role  in  the  defensive  or  food  gathering  activities  of  the  animal. 

These  present  studies  were  carried  out  to  develop  a  method  of  obtaining  purified 
suspensions  of  nematocysts  from  sea  anemones  (Actiniaria)  in  order  to  obtain  a 
toxic  preparation  which  could  be  considered  to  be  nematocystic  in  origin  and  could 
be  used  in  studies  on  the  antitoxic  response  of  a  variety  of  marine  invertebrates. 


The  entire  anemone  was  used  as  a  source  of  nematocysts.  Attempts  to  isolate 
nematocysts  by  enzymatic  digestion  of  the  surrounding  tissues  with  pepsin,  trypsin, 
ficin,  and  papain  always  resulted  in  damage  to  these  structures,  but  the  physical 
methods  of  separation  described  below  have  yielded  suitable  material.  A  number 
of  variations  in  the  method  of  preparation  have  been  used,  and  the  properties  of 
the  resulting  materials  have  varied  with  the  method.  A  few  of  these  variations  are 
included  here  since  they  illustrate  species  differences  with  regard  to  ease  of  purifica- 
tion and  nature  of  the  nematocysts,  and  these  variations  in  method  may  be  of  help 
in  similar  investigations  on  other  members  of  the  phylum. 

The  anemones  were  first  cleaned  of  adherent  debris  by  placing  them  for  a  few 
days  in  a  coarse  wire  mesh  basket  in  an  aquarium  with  running  sea  water.  Ap- 
proximately 500  grams,  wet  weight,  of  the  animals  were  macerated  in  a  Waring 
Blendor  with  500  ml.  of  1  M  sucrose  in  sea  water.  An  additional  500  ml.  of 
this  suspending  medium  was  added,  and  the  material  was  passed  through  a  series 
of  graded  screens  with  openings  of  1.168,  0.589,  0.295,  and  0.147  mm.  with  the  aid 

1  American  Cancer  Society  Fellow.  Present  address :  Institute  of  Microbiology,  Rutgers 
University,  New  Brunswick,  N.  J. 



of  suction.  Tyler  Standard  Screens  fastened  to  a  Buchner  funnel  with  masking 
tape  were  used.  These  screens  remove  the  large  particles  of  tissue  from  the  sus- 
pension and  allow  the  nematocysts  to  pass  through,  along  with  fine  tissue  debris, 
dissolved  tissue  components,  and  very  fine  sand.  Filtrates  from  anemones,  whose 
tissues  contain  symbiotic  algae,  bear  these  organisms  as  an  additional  contaminant. 
Upon  centrifugation  at  1000  rpm.  for  15  minutes,  the  nematocysts  were  collected 
along  with  the  sand,  fine  tissue  debris,  and  algal  cells  if  these  were  present.  The 
sediment  was  washed  free  of  dissolved  tissue  constituents  by  repeated  re-suspension 
in  the  sucrose  solution  and  re-centrifugation.  This  procedure  also  removed  a 
considerable  amount  of  the  fine  tissue  debris.  The  nematocysts  were  purified 
further  by  differential  centrifugations  of  15  minutes  and  15  seconds  at  top  speed 
in  a  small  International  Clinical  Centrifuge  with  a  bucket  head.  The  longer 
centrifugation  left  most  of  the  fine  tissue  debris  in  suspension  while  the  nematocysts 
were  collected  in  the  sediment.  The  shorter  centrifugation  left  the  majority  of 
nematocysts  in  suspense  but  removed  the  sand.  Five  or  six  pairs  of  centrifugations 
were  usually  sufficient. 

Three  criteria  for  the  success  of  any  method  were  employed,  i.e.,  purity  of  the 
suspensions,  susceptibility  of  resulting  nematocysts  to  artificial  discharge,  and 
toxicity  of  the  material  released  on  discharge.  Particularly  good  results  were  ob- 
tained in  the  case  of  Metridium  senile  fimbriatum.  Characteristics  of  these  prepara- 
tions are  discussed  below.  However,  the  treatment  of  Anthopleura  .vanthogramica 
or  Anthopleura  elegantissima  in  this  fashion  resulted  in  unsuitable  material.  A. 
vanthogramica  is  infected  with  zooxanthellae  which  could  only  be  removed  by 
shaking  the  nematocyst  suspensions  with  ether.  Upon  centrifugation  the  nem- 
atocysts were  found  in  the  sediment  and  the  algal  cells  along  with  any  remaining 
fine  tissue  debris  stayed  in  the  ether  phase  which  had  a  gelatinous  consistency. 
With  this  modification  highly  purified  suspensions  could  be  obtained,  but  the 
nematocysts  could  not  be  artificially  discharged.  While  it  proved  possible  to 
obtain,  in  protected,  darkened  areas,  specimens  of  A.  elegantissima  which  did  not 
contain  symbiotic  algae,  the  nematocysts  obtained  from  these  animals  were  also 
not  susceptible  to  artificial  discharge. 



Approximately  0.5  gram,  dry  weight,  of  nematocysts  was  obtained  from  500 
grams,  wet  weight,  of  this  species.  The  material  was  all  but  completely  free  of 
tissue  debris  and  sand  when  examined  microscopically.  Continued  differential 
centrifugation  neither  increased  the  per  cent  hexosamine  content  of  3.1-3.2%  after 
hydrolysis  nor  decreased  the  total  nitrogen  content  which  was  10.2-10.4%.  The 
per  cent  composition  of  different  batches  of  nematocysts  agreed  within  experi- 
mental error.  A  dried  preparation  could  be  obtained  by  washing  suspensions  with 
a  solution  of  glycerine  and  distilled  water,  1  :  1  by  volume,  followed  by  95%  ethanol 
and  ether  and  drying  in  a  desiccator. 

The  half-life  of  a  purified  nematocyst  suspension  appears  to  depend  at  least 
partly  upon  the  osmotic  pressure  exerted  by  the  suspending  medium.  When  kept 
in  the  refrigerator  the  time  required  for  discharge  of  one  half  of  the  nematocysts 
was  12  hours  in  1  M  sucrose  in  sea  water,  7  days  in  1 :  1  glycerine  and  distilled 



water,  at  least  three  months  in  95  %  ethanol,  and  over  6  months  for  dried  material. 
These  observations  are  in  agreement  with  those  of  Glaser  and  Sparrow  (1909). 
The  dried  material  would  probably  keep  indefinitely  (Weill,  1926).  However, 
neither  alcoholic  suspensions  nor  dried  material  exhibits  any  toxicity.  Both  ether 
and  alcohol  effectively  detoxify  the  nematocysts. 

The  spectrum  of  nematocyst  types,  cnidom,  for  M.  senile  fimbriatum  has  been 
described  recently  by  Hand  (1955).  Table  I  gives  the  differential  count  for  each 
of  the  types  found  in  the  suspensions.  Some  of  the  types  have  been  divided  into 
size  categories  which  represent  approximate  mean  dimensions.  This  variation 
in  size  with  respect  to  a  particular  type  makes  a  physical  separation  of  one  type 
from  another  extremely  difficult.  Until  it  can  be  determined  that  the  toxin  of 

Differential  count  of  nematocysts  in  suspensions  from  Metridium  senile  fimbriatum 

Nematocyst  type 

Size  (microns) 


Per  cent 

Microbasic  b-mastigophore 

60  X  5 









Microbasic  p-mastigophore 

20  X  3 



10  X  5 



Microbasic  amastigophore 




30  X  5 



10  X  4 







13  X  2 




24-47  X  7-15 




13-23  X  4-6 




12-30  X  4 






one  type  is  the  same  or  different  from  the  toxin  of  another  type,  it  seems  desirable 
to  present  such  counts  as  a  part  of  the  description  of  the  material  whose  toxicity 
is  under  investigation. 


The  purified  suspensions  contain  37-39 7«  discharged  nematocysts.  The  re- 
mainder can  be  artificially  discharged  by  treatment  with  distilled  water,  methylene 
blue,  weak  acid,  weak  base,  sodium  thioglycolate,  or  sodium  taurocholate.  In 
order  to  obtain  the  maximum  release  of  toxin,  the  nematocysts  were  placed  in 
distilled  water  for  12  to  18  hours.  After  such  a  period  all  but  approximately  \% 
are  discharged.  Such  "normal"  discharge  was  found  to  be  just  as  effective  a 
means  of  obtaining  the  toxin  as  grinding  and  extraction.  Discharge  released 
21.8%  of  the  dry  weight  of  the  nematocysts.  Grinding  with  carborundum  in  a 
mortar  and  extraction  with  distilled  water  removed  21.7%.  Discharge  in  a  test 
tube  may  be  followed  with  the  naked  eye.  The  tubes  everted  from  the  nematocysts 
become  entangled  and  eventually  form  a  slimy,  cottony  sediment. 

Some  information  as  to  the  chemical  nature  of  the  toxin  has  been  obtained 



(Phillips,  1956).  Hydroxy-indoles  were  detected  on  paper  chromatograms.  In 
an  attempt  at  isolation  of  these  substances  from  large  amounts  of  nematocysts, 
the  content  of  5-hydroxy-indoles  was  followed  quantitatively,  using  the  method  of 
Mitoma  et  al.  (1956)  during  the  purification  of  the  nematocysts.  As  the  suspension 
became  more  and  more  free  of  tissue  components,  the  level  of  5-hydroxy-indoles 
dropped  steadily.  This  would  suggest  that  these  substances  are  not  a  part  of  the 
toxin  but  instead  represent  a  soluble  tissue  component. 

Various  marine  invertebrates  were  tested  for  their  susceptibility  to  extracts 
of  the  nematocysts  of  Metridium  senile  fimbriatum.  The  animal  found  to  be  the 
most  convenient  for  assay  purposes  was  Littorina  plana.vis,  a  small  snail  from  the 
high  intertidal  zone.  This  animal  normally  has  no  contact  with  coelenterates  of 
any  sort,  at  least  during  its  post-larval  and  adult  stages.  When  placed  upside  down 
in  sea  water  it  rapidly  rights  itself  and  moves  out  of  the  water  to  a  relatively  dry 


Per  cent  inhibition  of  the  righting  response  of  Littorina  planaxis  by  distilled  water 
extracts  of  the  nematocysts  of  Metridium  senile  fimbriatum 


Time,  minutes 
























































































































*  8/10  dead. 
**  4/10  dead. 

place.  It  was  found  that  the  time  required  for  this  righting  and  withdrawal  from 
the  water  could  be  prolonged  by  addition  of  the  toxin  and  the  length  of  inhibition 
is  dependent  upon  the  concentration  of  the  toxin.  With  very  high  doses  of  the 
toxin  the  time  was  infinitely  extended  since  there  was  a  resulting  death  of  the  snail. 
The  titrations  of  toxicity  were  carried  out  as  follows :  The  various  doses  of 
toxin  were  prepared  in  1  ml.  of  sea  water  and  placed  in  flat  bottomed  tubes,  25  X  95 
mm.  Ten  tubes  of  each  dose  were  prepared  so  that  ten  snails  per  dose  could 
be  tested  simultaneously.  The  snails  were  dried  with  a  towel,  and  the  water  in 
the  mantle  cavities  was  removed  by  gentle  pressure  on  their  opercula  with  a  towel- 
covered  probe.  They  were  then  dropped  into  the  toxin  and  shaken  so  that  the 
snails  were  upside  down  and  the  cup  of  the  shell  was  filled  with  toxin.  One  milli- 
liter  of  the  toxin  dilution  was  insufficient  to  cover  the  snail,  so  that  the  amount 
of  diluted  toxin  actually  involved  in  the  test  was  the  amount  which  was  contained 
in  the  cup  of  the  shell  and  was  ultimately  drawn  into  the  mantle  cavity.  The  time 
at  which  the  snails  were  first  dropped  into  the  diluted  toxin  was  noted,  and  the  time 
at  which  they  righted  themselves  was  noted.  Table  II  shows  the  results  obtained 



with  various  doses  of  the  toxin.  The  dose  is  expressed  in  micrograms  dry  weight 
of  toxin  contained  in  1  ml.  of  sea  water.  For  convenience,  1%  hours  was  taken 
as  the  period  of  observation  in  subsequent  titrations. 

Since  Littorina  is  exposed  to  fresh  water  in  the  form  of  rain  at  not  infrequent 
intervals,  it  seemed  unlikely  that  the  righting  response  would  be  affected  by  dilution 
of  the  sea  water  with  distilled  water.  However,  since  the  toxin  was  obtained  by 
discharge  of  the  nematocysts  in  distilled  water,  the  effect  of  the  dilution  of  the  sea 
water  by  the  addition  of  toxin  was  determined.  No  effect  due  to  dilution  could 
be  found  over  the  range  used  in  the  test. 

The  snails  employed  in  the  titrations  show  a  considerable  variation  in  size.  On 
the  basis  of  body  weight,  including  shell,  they  vary  from  1.15  to  0.33  grams.  Yet 
their  response  to  the  toxin  did  not  appear  to  be  correlated  with  body  weight.  In 
order  to  explain  this  observation  a  group  of  snails  was  weighed  independently 
before  and  after  the  removal  of  the  fluid  from  the  mantle  cavity.  In  this  way  the 
volume  and  weight  of  the  effective  dose  received  by  the  snails  of  various  weights 


Per  cent  inhibition  of  the  righting  response  of  Littorina  planaxis  by  toxin  of  Metridium 
senile  fimbriatum  obtained  by  discharge  of  nematocysts  in  two  different  media 

Dose  (micrograms/  ml.  of  sea  water) 


ED  50 

Toxin  obtained  by  discharge  in: 
Distilled  water  Sodium  thioglycolate 

95%  confidence  limits  of  ED6o 

%  Inhibited 





%  Inhibited 






were  determined.  It  was  found  that  the  dose  received  by  each  snail  is  proportional 
to  its  body  weight.  The  volume  of  sea  water  that  contains  the  toxin  and  is  drawn 
into  the  mantle  cavity  varies  from  0.10  to  0.01  ml.,  depending  on  the  size  of  the 
snail.  This  means  that  the  effective  dose  of  toxin  is  %0  to  Vioo  °f  the  amount 
present  in  the  milliliter  of  toxin  dilution. 

The  toxin  was  assayed  using  five  doses  and  ten  snails  per  dose.  The  titrations 
were  terminated  after  1%  hours.  Since  there  was  a  possibility  that  the  toxin  was 
sensitive  to  oxygen,  toxin  obtained  by  discharge  of  the  nematocysts  in  0.05%  sodium 
thioglycolate  was  compared  with  toxin  obtained  by  discharge  in  distilled  water. 
The  method  of  Litchfield  and  Wilcoxon  (1949)  was  used  to  obtain:  (a)  the  median 
effective  dose,  ED50;  and  (b)  the  factor,  fEDr,0,  for  obtaining  the  95%  confidence 
limits  of  the  ED50.  The  curves  were  found  to  be  parallel  within  experimental 
error.  Table  III  shows  the  results  of  these  titrations  and  includes  the  parameters 
mentioned  above.  It  does  not  appear  that  the  toxin  is  particularly  oxygen-labile. 


1.  A  method  of  obtaining  purified  suspensions  of  nematocysts  has  been  de- 
veloped, and  a  method  of  obtaining  the  toxin  they  contain  has  been  described. 


2.  A  method  of  assay,  using  inhibition  of  the  righting  response  of  Littorina 
plana.ris,  has  been  shown  to  be  applicable  for  toxicity  titrations. 

3.  Further  work  on  the  chemical  and  immunochemical  characterization  of  the 
toxin  is  planned,  as  well  as  the  use  of  the  toxin  for  studies  of  antitoxic  immunity 
in  marine  invertebrates. 


CANTACUZENE,  J.,  1926.     Activation  des  poisons  de  I'Adamsia  palliata  par  la  lecithine  et  pourvoir 

hemolytique.     C.  R.  Soc.  Biol,  Paris,  95:  118-120. 
CANTACUZENE,   J.,   AND   A.    DAMBOVICEANU,    1934a.     Caracteres    biologiques    de    1'extrait    des 

acconities   d'Adamsia   palliata   apres   deproteinisation.     C.    R.    Soc.    Biol.,   Paris,    117: 

CANTACUZENE,  J.,  AND  A.  DAMBOVICEANU,  1934b.     Caracteres  physiochimiques  du  poison  des 

acconities  d'Adamsia  palliata.     C.  R.  Soc.  Biol.,  Paris,  117:  138-140. 
COSMOVICI,   N.   L.,   1925.     Les  poisons   de  1'extrait  aqueux  des  tentacules   et   des   nematocystes 

d'Adamsia  palliata  sont-ils  detruits  par  1'ebullition?     Essais  d'adsorption.     C.  R.  Soc. 

Biol.,  Paris,  92  :  1373-1374. 
GLASER,  O.  C.,  AND  C.  M.  SPARROW,  1909.     The  physiology  of  nematocysts.     /.  Exp.  Zool.,  6 : 

HAND,  C.,  1955. The  sea  anemones  of  Central  California.     Part  III.     The  acontiarian  anemones. 

Wasmann  J.  Biol,  13 :  189-251. 
HYMAN,  L.  H.,  1940.     The  Invertebrates :  Protozoa  through  Ctenophora.     McGraw-Hill  Book 

Co.  Inc.,  New  York. 
LITCHFIELD,  J.  T.,  JR.,  AND  F.  WiLcoxoN,  1949.     A  simplified  method  of  evaluating  dose  effect 

experiments.     /.  Pharm.,  96:  99-113. 
MITOMA,  C.,  H.  WEISSBACH,  AND  S.  UDENFRIEND,  1956.     5-Hydroxytryptophan  formation  and 

tryptophan   metabolism   in   Chromobacterium   violaceum.     Arch.   Bioch.   Biophys.,   63: 

PHILLIPS,  J.  H.,  1956.     Isolation  of  active  nematocysts  of  Metridiiun  senile  and  their  chemical 

composition.     Nature,  178:  932. 
RICHET,  C.,  AND  D.  PORTIER,  1936.     Recherches  sur  la  toxine  des  coelenteres  et  les  phenomenes 

d'anaphylaxie.     Res.  Camp.  Sci.,  Monaco,  95  :  3-24. 
SONDERHOFF,   R.,   1936.     Uber   das   Gift   der    Seeanemonen   I.     Em    Beitrag    zur    Kenntnis   der 

Nesselgiftes.     Liebig's  Ann.,  525:  138-150. 
WEILL,   R.,    1926.     Une   technique   permettant   d'obtenir    la   devagination    des   nematocystes   au 

ralenti,  d'une  quantite  prealablement  determinee  et  fractionnee.     La   conservation  des 

nematocystes.     C.  R.  Soc.  Biol.,  Paris,  94:  1328-1329. 
WELSH,  J.   H.,   1955.     On  the  nature  and  action  of  coelenterate  toxins.     Papers   in    Marine 

Biology  and  Oceanography.       Suppl.  to  vol.  3  of  Deep  Sea  Research,  pp.  287-297. 



Marine  Biological  Laboratory,  Woods  Hole,  Mass. 

The  systematics  of  the  trematode  genus  Allocreadium  has  been  confused  because 
of  studies  which  reported  two  cercarial  types  from  members  of  the  genus.  The 
cercariae  which  have  been  reported  are  not  only  morphologically  dissimilar,  but 
the  molluscan  hosts  include  both  sphaeriid  clams  (Looss,  1894;  Dollfus,  1949; 
and  Peters,  1957)  and  prosobranch  snails  (Seitner,  1951). 

Looss  (1894)  and  Dollfus  (1949)  described  an  ophthalmoxiphidiocercaria  de- 
veloping from  rediae  in  sphaeriid  bivalves  as  the  cercarial  stage  of  the  type  species 
A.  isoporum  (Looss  1894).  Peters  (1957)  also  described  a  similar  ophthal- 
moxiphidiocercaria from  rediae  developing  in  sphaeriid  bivalves  as  the  cercarial 
stage  of  A.  neotenicum  Peters  1956.  These  three  authors  did  not  demonstrate 
the  life  cycles  of  the  parasites  experimentally  but  based  their  conclusions  on  morpho- 
logical similarities  of  the  cercariae  and  adults.  The  ecological  evidence  presented 
in  each  case  supported  their  conclusions. 

Seitner  (1951)  described  the  larval  forms  of  A.  ictaluri  Pearse  1924,  from 
Pleurocera  acuta  (Say),  a  prosobranch  gastropod.  In  this  case,  the  cercaria  was 
described  as  a  gymnocephalous  biocellate  form,  bearing  setae  in  symmetrically 
arranged  papillae  on  the  body  and  tail.  Seitner  pointed  out  that  it  is  extremely 
unlikely  that  species  in  the  same  genus  would  be  morphologically  different  and  that 
they  would  have  such  widely  different  molluscan  hosts.  Since  Seitner's  work 
was  supported  by  experimental  evidence  he  correctly  regarded  the  earlier  con- 
clusions of  Looss  and  Dollfus  as  inconclusive.  Peters  (1957)  pointed  out,  how- 
ever, that  there  are  several  reasons  to  question  whether  the  cercaria  described 
by  Seitner  is  actually  the  larva  of  A.  ictaluri.  Peters  further  showed  that  morpho- 
logical and  ecological  data  tended  to  prove  that  Seitner  was  probably  dealing  with 
the  larval  stages  of  Skrjabinopsolus  manteri  (Cable  1952),  a  lepocreadioid,  instead 
of  A.  ictaluri. 

Mathias  (1937)  reported  on  the  life-history  of  Allocreadium  angusticolle  (Haus- 
mann)  but  this  trematode  has  since  been  placed  in  the  genus  Coitocaecum  by 
Dollfus  (1949). 

Evidence  from  controlled  experiments  in  the  present  study  supports  the  morpho- 
logical and  ecological  observations  of  Looss,  Dollfus  and  Peters,  since  the  molluscan 
hosts  are  sphaeriid  clams  which  liberate  ophthalmoxiphidiocercariae.  These  pene- 
trate into  caddis  fly  larvae  and  become  precociously  mature  in  the  haemocoel  of 
these  hosts. 


Materials  used  in  this  study  were  obtained  from  the  clam,  Pisidiwn  abditmn 
Haldeman,  and  from  caddis  fly  larvae  belonging  to  the  genus  Limnephilus  collected 



at  two  localities  near  Falmouth  on  Cape  Cod,  Mass.  One  collecting  area  was  a 
spring-fed  pond  draining  into  the  Coonamessett  River  just  off  Sandwich  Road 
and  the  other  was  an  extensive  cranberry-ditch  area  along  the  Quashnet  River 
just  off  Highway  28.  Other  caddis  fly  larvae  and  various  beetle  larvae  and  adult 
beetles  occurring  in  the  type  localities  were  never  infected  in  nature  and  were 
refractive  to  experimental  infection.  Living  material,  from  both  fingernail  clams 
and  caddis  fly  larvae,  was  used  for  the  study  of  the  excretory  system  and  other 
morphological  details. 

A  caddis  fly  larva  harboring  adult  flukes  (Fig.  1)  could  be  determined  by 
forcing  the  larva  partially  out  of  the  case  and  observing  the  appendages  and  ab- 
dominal area  for  the  presence  of  the  eggs  of  the  parasite.  The  infected  larvae 
were  characteristically  darker  brown  than  uninfected  ones  because  of  the  presence 
of  the  eggs.  If  eggs  were  present  in  the  larvae,  at  least  one  adult  fluke  was  present. 
In  a  few  cases,  the  fluke  had  degenerated  so  that  they  appeared  as  a  blackish, 
internally  amorphous  mass  which,  however,  still  retained  the  characteristic  external 
shape  of  the  worm.  Various  degenerative  stages  of  the  flukes  were  observed  to 
form  an  uninterrupted  series  so  that  it  was  evident  that  this  was  not  an  isolated  or 
abnormal  occurrence.  These  stages  were  more  often  found  in  caddis  fly  larvae 
harboring  many  flukes.  (Some  contained  up  to  25  worms.) 

Worms  and  eggs  were  obtained  by  carefully  detaching  the  head  from  the  larvae, 
dissecting  the  last  two  segments  from  the  abdomen  and  withdrawing  the  intestine, 
thus  allowing  space  for  the  escape  of  the  flukes  from  the  haemocoel. 

Specimens  were  fixed  by  squirting  them  into  Gilson's  fluid  at  60°  C.  Whole 
mounts  were  stained  with  Semichon's  aceto-carmine  and  Harris'  haemotoxylin. 
Sections  of  uninfected  and  infected  caddis  fly  larvae  with  worms  in  situ  were 
stained  with  Delafield's  haematoxylin. 

Cercariae  were  studied  alive  with  the  aid  of  aqueous  vital  stains  such  as  neutral 
red.  orange  G,  brilliant  cresyl  blue,  and  Nile  blue  sulphate  and  also  as  fixed  and 
stained  specimens. 

Two  methods  were  used  to  obtain  miracidia  for  study.  One  was  to  wash  out 
as  many  eggs  as  possible  from  dissected  material,  then  to  remove  the  remains  of 
the  larvae  and  wash  the  eggs.  Such  "clean"  eggs  did  not  hatch  even  when  filtered 
water  from  finger  bowls  containing  an  abundance  of  dead  leaves  and  other  organic 
material  was  substituted  for  stream  water.  When  numerous  miracidia  could  be 
observed  actively  moving  within  the  eggs,  small  snails,  Aplexa  hypnorum  (L.), 
from  Coonamessett  pool  were  added.  The  snails  readily  ingested  the  eggs  and 
as  eggs  appeared  in  the  feces  of  the  snail,  the  miracidia  began  to  hatch.  This 
process  was  observed  under  the  dissecting  microscope.  The  other  method  of 
obtaining  miracidia,  which  gave  equal  results  as  far  as  numbers  of  miracidia  was 
concerned,  was  to  dissect  the  caddis  fly  larvae  but  to  leave  the  remains  in  the 
container  with  the  eggs  and  to  add  filtered  water  rich  in  organic  acids.  This 
method  had  the  disadvantage  of  encouraging  bacterial  and  protozoan  growth. 

Miracidia  obtained  by  these  two  methods  were  studied,  alive  by  the  use  of  vital 
stains,  and  also  as  fixed  and  stained  specimens.  For  the  study  of  the  epidermal 
plates,  the  miracidia  were  impregnated  using  the  silver  nitrate  method  of  Goodchikl 
(1948)  and  mounted  in  glycerine  jelly. 

All  measurements  used  in  this  study  are  in  millimeters.  Length  is  given  first, 
followed  by  width. 




FIGURE  1.  Limnephilns  sp.  (10  mm.  in  length)  ;  lateral  view  with  Allocreadium  al- 
loneotcnicum  adult  in  haemocoel.  Eggs  shown  only  in  middle  thoracic  segment.  Entire  figure 

FIGURE  2.  Adult  (3.5  X  1.3  mm.),  ventral  view. 

FIGURE  3.  Cercarial  stylet  (0.0238  mm.  in  length). 

FIGURE  4.  Worn  stylet  of  adult  (0.023  mm.  in  length). 

FIGURE  5.  Female  complex,  lateral  view. 

FIGURE  6.  Miracidium  (0.095  X  0.045  mm.),  dorsal  view. 

FIGURE  7.  Miracidial  epidermal  plates  (0.061  X  0.044  mm.),  dorsal  view. 



Allocreadiwn  alloneotenicutn  n.  sp. :  The  specific  name  alloncotenicum  ("an- 
other" neotenicum)  was  chosen  because  of  the  similarity  in  neotenous  development 
to  A.  neotenicum  Peters  1957. 

Host:  The  caddis  fly  larva  Limnephilus  sp. 

Site :  Haemocoel. 

Incidence:  40  of  120  larvae  (30%). 

Type  locality :  Coonamessett  River,  Barnstable  County,  Cape  Cod,  Massachu- 
setts, U.  S.  A. 

Type  specimens :  A  type  and  paratype  will  be  deposited  in  the  Helminthological 
Collection  of  the  United  States  National  Museum. 

Adult  (Fig.  2)  : 

Body  elliptical,  1.38-4.42  X  0.59-1.41  mm.,  thick  but  slightly  flattened  dorso- 
ventrally,  anterior  end  bluntly  pointed ;  usually  with  posterior  indentation  at  ex- 
cretory pore ;  cuticle  smooth.  Well  developed  eyespots,  located  at  level  of  posterior 
margin  of  oral  sucker,  present  in  all  stages  of  development.  Oral  sucker  sub- 
terminal  0.12-0.20  X  0.08-0.19  mm.  (average  0.16  X  0.14  mm.).  Stylet  present 
(Fig.  4),  imbedded  in  dorsal  lip  of  oral  sucker  in  relatively  same  position  as  in 
cercaria  at  an  angle  of  45°-60°  from  the  longitudinal  axis  of  the  body.  Ventral 
sucker  0.13-0.22  X  0.10-0.22  mm.,  (average  0.175  X  0.156  mm.),  "in  anterior 
one-sixth  or  one-seventh  of  body.  Prepharynx  short,  usually  not  evident  but 
distinguishable  in  sections.  Pharynx  spherical,  0.06-0.11  mm.  in  diameter, 
posterio-dorsal  to  oral  sucker.  Esophagus  as  long  as,  to  twice  as  long  as,  pharynx ; 
intestinal  bifurcation  at  level  of  anterior  edge  of  ventral  sucker,  caeca  simple,  some- 
what inflated,  extending  dorsally  almost  to  posterior  end  of  body.  Excretory 
bladder  elongate,  sac-shaped  with  well  defined  lumen,  extending  anteriorly  to 
middle  of  posterior  testis.  Excretory  pore  terminal  within  indentation  at  posterior 
end  of  body.  Main  excretory  tubules  extend  anterio-laterad  from  bladder  in  a 
somewhat  tortuous  pattern,  but  without  recurrent  loop  to  level  of  mid-anterior 
testis  where  each  receives  an  anterior  and  posterior  secondary  tubule.  Each 
secondary  tubule  drains  three  groups  of  flame  cells,  exhibiting  considerable  varia- 
tion both  in  numbers  and  position.  Apparent  flame  cell  formula  is  2  [(6  +  6  +  6) 
+  (6  +  6  +  6)]. 

Ovary  oval,  0.21-0.37  X  0.19-0.46  mm.  (average  0.28  X  0.31  mm.),  posterior 
to  ventral  sucker,  sometimes  overlapping  the  latter.  Oviduct  extends  mediad  a 
short  distance,  receives  the  common  duct  of  receptaculum  seminis  and  Lauer's 
canal  (Fig.  5),  then  turns  anteriad.  Receptaculum  seminis  variable  in  shape, 
usually  about  one-fourth  size  of  ovary.  Sinuous  Lauer's  canal  opens  dorsally, 
posterio-median  to  ovary.  Oviduct  extends  to  form  the  ootype  which  is  surrounded 
by  a  prominent  Mehlis'  gland ;  from  ootype  the  uterus  extends  anteriorly  composed 
of  few  loops,  usually  confined  to  area  on  right  side  of  body  bounded  posteriorly 
by  anterior  testis  and  medially  by  ovary,  but  occasionally  overlapping  these  struc- 

FIGURE  8.     Miracidial  epidermal  plates  (0.044  mm.  in  diameter),  anterior  view. 
FIGURE  9.     Miracidial  epidermal  plates  (0.044  mm.  in  diameter),  posterior  view. 
FIGURE  10.     Egg  (0.096  X  0.056  mm.),  lateral  view. 


tures.  Uterus  sometimes  with  a  loop  or  two  anterior  to  the  ovary  on  left  side  of 
body.  Metraterm  present,  opening  into  genital  pore.  Shallow  genital  pore  ventro- 
median,  near  level  of  pharynx. 

Vitelline  follicles  extend  posteriad  from  anterior  edge  of  ovary,  more  or  less 
confluent  in  post-testicular  half  of  body  on  ventral  side,  reaching  almost  to  posterior 
end  of  body.  Right  and  left  vitelline  ducts  unite  to  form  the  vitelline  reservoir 
in  the  angular  space  between  the  testes  and  ovary. 

Testes  oval  or  irregular  in  outline,  never  lobed,  subeqtial,  anterior  testis, 
0.19-0.46  X  0.24-0.44  mm.,  (average  0.29  X  0.35  mm.)  ;  posterior  testis,  0.19- 
0.51  X  0.19-0.59  mm.,  (average  0.31  X  0.39  mm.).  Testes  diagonal,  contiguous 
or  separated  by  a  short  distance,  ventral  in  position  and  confined  to  anterior  one 
half  of  body.  Vasa  efferentia  arise  on  anterior  margin  of  testes,  proceed  anteriorly 
and  join  at  posterior  end  of  cirrus  sac  to  form  a  very  short  vas  deferens  which  enters 
cirrus  sac  forming  a  vesicula  seminalis.  Cirrus  sac,  0.09-0.22  X  0.12-0.34  mm. 
(average  0.14  X  0.22  mm.),  median  or  submedian  to  left  of  mid-line,  between 
pharynx  and  ventral  sucker ;  vesicula  seminalis  convoluted,  pars  prostatica  tubular, 
prostate  cells  numerous  and  well  developed. 

Eggs  number  up  to  45,  measuring  0.092-0.108  X  0.055-0.060  mm.  (average 
0.0975  X  0.0577  mm.)  with  a  small  antopercular  knob  (Fig.  10),  shell  thin,  light 
golden  brown. 

Miracidium  (Fig.  6)  : 

When  first  laid,  the  eggs  are  segmented.  Development  of  the  eggs  is  extremely 
variable.  Within  48  hours,  motile  miracidia  can  be  observed  in  some  eggs,  in  others 
movement  of  miracidia  can  not  be  observed  for  several  days.  Upon  hatching,  the 
miracidium  swims  in  a  slightly  zig-zag  path,  rotating  slowly.  Miracidia  positively 
phototactic.  converging  either  on  light  side  of  shallow  dish  or  on  opposite  side 
where  light  rays  are  concentrated  after  passage  through  the  water.  Body  of 
miracidium  either  elongate  or  pear-shaped  when  swimming,  terrebratorium  some- 
times protruded.  Miracidia  were  infective  to  both  laboratory-reared  young  Pisid- 
ium  abditum  and  Musculium  partumeium  (Say).  No  attraction  to  clam  hosts 
was  observed  but  infections  were  present  within  24  hours  after  clams  were  added 
to  the  container  with  miracidia. 

In  using  the  Goodchild  (1948)  modification  of  Lynch's  (1933)  silver  nitrate 
method  of  delineating  epidermal  plates,  it  was  found  that  if  the  1.0%  silver  nitrate 
solution  was  warmed  slightly,  there  was  less  distortion  of  the  miracidium.  Silver 
nitrate-treated  miracidia  measured  0.061  X  0.044  mm. 

The  epidermal  cell  formula  is  6-6-4—2  (Figs.  7,  8,  9).  The  same  formula  was 
observed  by  Peters  (1957)  for  A.  neotenicum.  The  miracidia  of  both  these 
neotenous  forms  are  quite  similar,  agreeing  closely  in  most  respects.  The  anterior 
and  second  tiers  consist  of  two  ventro-lateral,  two  dorso-lateral  and  two  lateral 
cells  lined  up  essentially  end-to-end.  The  four  cells  in  the  next  tier  are  arranged 
with  a  ventro-lateral  and  a  dorso-lateral  cell  on  each  side,  while  the  posterior  tier 
consists  of  a  dorsal  and  a  ventral  cell.  The  conspicuous  double  eyespots  are 
situated  dorsally  about  one-third  of  the  length  from  the  anterior  end  in  living 
miracidia.  The  nervous  system  surrounds  the  eyespots  and  sends  branches  laterally 
to  sensory  pores  and  posterior  branches  diagonally  to  the  middle  of  the  lateral  ciliary 
plates  in  the  second  tier.  The  anterior  fourth  of  the  body  is  occupied  by  the  apical 


gland  which  is  without  a  stylet,  and  with  3-4  nuclei  along  its  posterior  margin. 
Granular  structures  representing  the  "penetration"  glands  of  other  authors  are 
difficult  to  see  clearly.  They  occupy  most  of  the  lateral  portions  of  the  miracidium. 
Observations  of  miracidial  penetration  clearly  show  four  discrete  unicellular  glands. 
Two  flame  cells,  usually  not  at  same  level,  lie  near  the  middle  of  the  miracidium. 
Five  to  nine  germinal  cells  are  scattered  in  the  center  of  the  body  posterior  to  the 
eyespots.  Living  miracidia  measure  0.068-0.108  X  0.036-0.052  mm. 

Miracidial  penetration  into  the  molluscan  host  has  been  observed  by  several 
workers,  notably  Thomas  (1883)  in  Fasciola  hepatica,  Barlow  (1925)  in  Fasciolop- 
sis  buski,  Bennett  (1936)  in  Cotylophoron  cotylophorum,  Rees  (1940)  in  Parorchis 
acanthus  and  Goodchild  (1948)  in  Gorgodera  cnuplicava.  Barlow  suggested  that 
the  apical  gland  secreted  an  "erosive  fluid"  while  Goodchild  considered  it  to  secrete 
an  adhesive  substance.  Several  authors  have  observed  droplets  of  fluid  at  the 
pores  of  the  "penetration"  glands  and  have  assigned  penetration  functions  to  the 
secretions  from  these  glands.  Bennett  pointed  out  that  as  transformation  of  the 
miracidium  took  place,  it  gradually  changed  shape  and  a  very  thin  cuticula  was 
formed  around  the  outside  of  the  body,  but  he  did  not  give  its  origin. 

In  order  to  study  the  process  of  pentration  and  transformation  of  the  miracidium 
into  the  sporocysts,  an  excised  gill  from  a  small  uninfected  P.  abditum  was  added 
to  a  drop  of  water  containing  several  miracidia  on  a  slide.  The  actively  swimming 
miracidia  came  into  contact  with  the  gill  many  times  before  they  started  to  penetrate 
into  the  gill  tissue.  No  attraction  to  the  tissue  was  evident.  The  process  of  pene- 
tration was  observed  under  high  magnification  of  a  compound  microscope. 

When  penetrating  into  the  gill,  initially  there  is  a  rotatory  movement  combined 
with  extreme  prolongations  of  the  anterior  end  of  the  larva,  followed  by  progressive 
swelling  from  anterior  to  posterior,  which  draws  the  miracidium  into  the  tissue. 
After  approximately  15  minutes,  rotary  movements  cease  and  the  miracidium 
begins  a  rhythmical  contraction  and  elongation  of  the  body.  Four  small  distinct 
droplets  of  granular  material  (Fig.  11)  are  extruded  from  the  pores  of  the  "pene- 
tration" glands.  These  pores  are  not  symmetrically  arranged  although  they  each 
open  in  the  anterior  space  between  the  first  tier  of  ciliary  plates.  On  the  left  of 
the  miradicium  one  pore  opens  in  the  space  between  the  dorso-lateral  plates,  while 
the  other  opens  between  the  dorso-lateral  and  the  lateral  plates.  On  the  right  side 
of  the  body,  however,  one  of  the  pores  opens  between  the  two  ventro-laterals  and 
the  other  between  the  ventro-lateral  and  lateral  plates.  The  droplets  coalesce  into 
two  droplets  (Fig.  12).  At  this  time  granular  material  lighter  in  color  and  more 
fluid  in  consistency  begins  to  flow  from  pores  on  the  terrebratorium  draining  the 
apical  gland.  This  material  appears  to  be  histolytic  in  function  since  there  is  a 
progressive  breakdown  and  liquefaction  of  the  clam  tissue  anterior  to  the  miracid- 
ium. As  additional  granular  material  is  extruded  from  the  pores  of  the  "penetra- 
tion glands,"  the  droplets  fuse  into  an  apical  cap  covering  the  anterior  end.  It 
could  not  be  clearly  observed  if  the  secretion  of  the  apical  gland  was  pushed  ahead 
of  the  forming  cap  or  if  it  mixed  with  the  cap  material.  At  least  some  of  the 
apical  gland  secretion  stays  anterior  to  the  apical  cap.  As  the  apical  cap  becomes 
more  extensive  (Fig.  13),  the  sporocyst  begins  to  extend  into  it  from  the  miracidial 
covering  by  way  of  the  terrebratorium. 

The  process  of  sporocyst  emergence  (Figs.  14-18)  requires  over  three  hours. 
During  this  time  the  apical  cap  becomes  increasingly  thicker  until  it  extends  0.015 





mm.  anterior  to  the  miracidium.  The  sporocyst  gradually  emerges  into  the  apical 
cap  material  from  the  miracidial  covering  by  a  rhythmical  series  of  anterior  ex- 
tensions and  expansions.  It  is  always  covered  by  either  the  miracidial  covering 
or  the  cap  material  since  the  latter  gradually  extends  more  posteriorly.  As  the 
granular  material  extends  posteriad  it  appears  to  force  the  epidermal  plate  cells 
ahead  of  it.  The  epidermal  cells  become  quite  evident,  each  with  a  well  defined 
nucleus.  When  the  cap  material  covers  about  three-fourths  of  the  emerging 
sporocyst,  the  epidermal  cells  are  almost  spherical  and  their  cilia  are  perpendicular 
to  the  cell  membrane  and  are  still  actively  beating.  A  similar  appearance  of 
epidermal  plate  cells  was  described  by  Thomas  (1883)  and  by  Barlow  (1925). 
Three  hours  after  the  sporocyst  begins  to  emerge,  the  cap  material  completely  covers 
the  body  of  the  sporocyst.  This  cuticle  is  more  evident  on  the  sides  of  the  sporocyst 
than  it  is  on  the  ends,  being  twice  as  thick  on  the  former  as  on  the  latter.  As  the 
cuticle  is  fully  formed,  the  rounded  epidermal  cells  break  away  and  are  moved 
about  by  their  beating  cilia. 

The  apical  gland  thus  appears  to  secrete  a  histolytic  substance  which  aids  in 
penetration  and  the  "penetration"  glands  do  not  seem  to  aid  in  penetration  other 
than  perhaps  passively  by  filling  the  space  eroded  by  the  material  from  the  apical 
gland.  Since  the  "penetration"  glands  do  secrete  material  which  forms  a  cuticle 
for  the  sporocyst,  it  would  be  more  correct  to  call  these  "cuticle-producing"  glands 
and  assign  the  penetration  function  to  the  apical  gland. 


Newly  formed  sporocysts  measure  0.061-0.068  X  0.029-0.031  mm.  Eyespots 
are  still  contiguous  and  the  apical  gland  and  cuticle-forming  gland  remnants  are 
confined  to  the  anterior  end  of  the  sporocysts. 

Additional  development  of  the  sporocysts  was  followed  mainly  in  infections  in 
P.  abditiim  but  M.  partnmeiitm  infections  were  followed  for  two  weeks  and  develop- 
ment in  the  two  clam  hosts  was  parallel.  Presumably  the  infection  in  M.  partu- 
meium  will  also  develop  to  the  cercarial  stage,  but  limited  numbers  of  small  clams 
of  this  species  did  not  allow  further  study  of  development. 

Much  of  the  variation  observed  in  the  following  developmental  stages  is  due  to 
the  fact  that  clams  were  left  in  containers  with  hatching  miracidia  to  insure  infection, 
and  since  miracidia  continued  to  hatch  for  several  weeks,  superimposed  infections 
were  common. 

Four  days  after  infection,  the  smallest  sporocyst  observed  measured  0.08  X  0.051 
mm.,  developing  in  the  gill  of  the  clam.  Two  eyespots  were  present,  one  in  the 
middle  of  the  anterior  end  and  one  almost  midlength  on  the  side  of  the  body.  No 
evidence  of  a  sucker  was  found.  Nine  developing  germinal  cells  occupied  most  of 


FIGURES  11-14.  Penetrating  miracidium,  showing  secretions  from  "penetration"  and  apical 
glands  and  formation  of  apical  cap  (cilia  omitted). 

FIGURES  15-18.  Formation  of  cuticle  by  gradual  posterior  progression  of  cap  material 
forcing  ciliated  epidermal  cells  away  from  new  sporocyst. 

FIGURE  19.     Sporocyst  (0.42  X  0.082  mm.). 

FIGURE  20.     Mother  redia  (0.60  X  0.120  mm.). 

FIGURE  21.     Daughter  redia  (0.090  X  0.25  mm.). 

FIGURE  22.  Cercaria  (body  0.341  X  0.15  mm.,  tail,  contracted,  0.30  X  0.063  mm.),  ventral 
view.  Detail  shown  on  the  left  and  excretory  system  on  the  right  of  body. 


the  body  space.     The  two  flame  cells  were  situated  diagonally  in  the  middle  of 
the  body. 

Seven  days  after  infection,  clams  yielded  several  sporocysts  that  measured 
0.108-0.136  X  0.035-0.08  mm.,  with  pigment  sometimes  diffuse  but  usually  present 
as  distinct  eyespots,  variable  as  to  their  location. 

Eighteen  days  after  infection,  sporocysts  measured  0.103-0.274  X  0.047-0.072 
mm.  In  all  sporocysts  at  this  stage  of  development,  eyespots  were  still  present, 
and  two  flame  cells  were  easily  seen,  one  posterior  and  one  anterior.  Usually 
one  germinal  ball  (sometimes  two)  had  increased  in  size,  and  one  was  usually 
three  or  four  times  as  large  as  the  other  germ  balls. 

By  the  25th  day  the  sporocysts  were  widely  distributed  in  the  tissues  of  the 
clam,  being  present  in  the  gills,  foot,  digestive  gland  and  mantle.  These  sporocysts 
ranged  in  size  from  0.244-0.494  X  0.072-0.108  mm.  At  this  stage  eyespot  pigment 
was  usually  diffuse  or  absent.  An  identifiable  redia,  with  its  conspicuous  globular 
sucker,  was  usually  present  in  each  sporocyst.  By  the  time  the  infection  was  33 
days  old,  rediae  could  be  found  in  the  tissues  of  the  clam  but  their  escape  from 
sporocysts  was  not  observed.  Sporocysts  (Fig.  19)  increased  very  little  in  size 
beyond  0.50  X  0.12  mm. 

At  this  stage,  rediae  surpassed  the  sporocysts  in  size,  varying  from  0.288  X 
0.057  to  0.63  X  0.075  mm.  The  redial  sucker  is  large,  reaching  0.055  X  0.048  mm. 
The  mother  rediae  (Fig.  20)  are  morphologically  the  same  as  the  daughter  rediae 
but  their  germinal  cells  give  rise  only  to  rediae  and  not  to  cercariae.  Mother  rediae 
usually  contained  several  developing  rediae,  one  of  which  was  typically  larger  than 
the  other. 

In  infections  from  40  to  50  days  old,  sporocysts  appeared  to  be  absent  while 
mother  rediae  with  a  maximum  size  of  0.73  X  0.094  mm.  were  still  producing 
daughter  rediae.  There  appeared  to  be  only  one  generation  of  mother  rediae,  since 
daughter  rediae  began  to  differentiate  identifiable  cercariae  when  the  infection  was 
50  days  old. 

Mature  daughter  rediae  (Fig.  21)  are  elongate,  thin- walled  sacs  without 
locomotory  processes.  The  sucker  is  spherical,  0.04-0.057  mm. ;  the  intestine 
reduced  and  inconspicuous.  The  birth  pore  is  just  anterior  and  lateral  to  the 
sucker,  not  clearly  visible,  but  cercariae  were  observed  escaping,  one  by  one  from 
the  pore. 

Twelve  cercariae  with  definite  eyespots  were  the  maximum  number  observed 
in  any  redia.  Combinations  of  developing  cercariae  with  eyespots,  and  germinal 
masses  numbered  up  to  18.  Rediae  containing  eyed-cercariae  measured  0.52-1.16 
X  0.12-0.30  mm.  (average  size  0.87  X  0.20  mm. ;  average  number  of  eyed-cercariae 
7).  Occasional  rediae  contained  eyed-cercariae,  germinal  masses  and  daughter 
rediae.  Rediae  were  also  observed  containing  germ  balls  and  daughter  rediae. 
This  would  indicate  that  asexual  multiplication  is  a  continuous  process  and  possibly 
continues  for  the  life  of  the  infection.  Flame  cells  were  four  in  number  and 
appeared  to  be  paired  into  two  homologous  systems,  each  with  an  anterior  and  a 
posterior  flame  cell.  However,  the  ducts  were  difficult  to  distinguish. 

Cere  aria: 

The  cercaria  is  an  ophthalmoxiphidiocercaria  (Fig.  22),  ellipsoidal  in  outline, 
from  two  to  three  times  as  long  as  wide,  slightly  depressed  dorso-ventrally  with 


unarmed  cuticle.  Anterior  sucker  (0.047-0.05  mm.  in  diameter)  equal  to,  or 
slightly  larger  than,  ventral  sucker.  A  stylet  (Fig.  3)  is  present  in  the  dorsal  lip 
of  the  oral  sucker,  oriented  at  approximately  a  45°-60°  angle  from  longitudinal 
axis  of  the  body.  Stylet  quite  constant  in  size  within  each  of  the  two  populations, 
0.023-0.024  mm.  in  cercariae  from  Coonamessett  River  and  0.021-0.0235  mm.  in 
cercariae  from  Quashnet  River.  Stylet  with  lateral  projections  curved  slightly 
upwards,  about  one-fourth  the  length  of  stylet  from  anterior  end.  Ventral  sucker 
(0.042-0.048  mm.  in  diameter)  located  at  about  middle  of  the  body,  pedunculate, 
external  margin  bearing  numerous  serrate  papillae.  Prepharynx  short;  pharynx 
globular,  0.019-0.020  mm.  in  diameter,  located  mediad  or  slightly  anteriad  to  the 
eyespots.  Esophagus  two  to  three  times  as  long  as  the  pharynx,  bifurcation  of 
the  intestine  just  anterior  to  the  midlength  of  the  body.  Caeca  incompletely 
developed,  usually  reaching  latero-posteriorly  only  to  anterior  edge  of  ventral 
sucker.  Nervous  system  composed  of  a  transverse  band  at  the  level  of  the  pharynx 
with  fibers  extending  to  the  eyespots.  Eyespots  well  developed,  brownish  black. 
Three  pairs  of  non-lobed  penetration  glands  lie  lateral  and  anterior  to  the  ventral 
sucker.  Each  of  the  anterior  pair  of  glands  is  drained  by  a  duct  which  runs  anteriad 
between  the  eyespots,  while  each  of  the  two  posterior  pairs  of  glands  has  a  duct 
which  extends  side  by  side  anteriad  between  the  body  and  the  eyespots.  Posterior 
and  some\vhat  dorsal  to  the  ventral  sucker  are  the  primordia  of  the  genital  organs 
abutting  against  the  anterior  end  of  the  excretory  bladder.  Cystogenous  glands 
appear  to  be  absent  and  since  no  cyst  is  formed  in  caddis  fly  larvae,  this  might  be 

The  sac-shaped  excretory  bladder  extends  anteriorly  almost  to  the  ventral 
sucker.  The  wall  of  the  bladder  is  thick,  composed  of  numerous  cells.  Anteriorly 
two  excretory  canals  enter  laterally,  proceeding  along  a  sinuous  path,  from  a  point 
about  mid-level  to  the  ventral  sucker  where  the  posterior  and  anterior  excretory 
ducts  join.  Ascending  and  descending  ducts  each  drain  three  groups  of  flame  cells : 
each  group  composed  of  four  flame  cells.  The  flame  cell  pattern  is  thus  2 
[(4  +  4  +  4)  +  (4  +  4  +  4)]. 

The  tail  is  attached  slightly  ventrally  and  is  variable  in  length.  Usually  it  is 
a  little  longer  than  the  body  but  it  can  be  extended  to  over  twice  the  length  of  the 
latter.  When  fully  contracted,  it  is  shorter  than  the  body  but  it  is  never  as  wide  as 
the  body,  thus  differing  from  the  cercaria  of  A.  isoporum  as  described  by  Looss 
(1894)  and  by  Dollfus  (1949). 

Measurements  of  the  tails  of  several  cercaria  killed  by  pipetting  them  into  hot 
formalin  solution  ranged  from  0.20-0.34  mm.  in  length  and  0.036-0.042  mm.  in 
width.  Both  Looss  and  Dollfus  pointed  out  that  the  tail  of  the  cercaria  of  A. 
isoporum  possessed  an  inner  medullary  portion,  containing  the  nuclei,  and  a  clear 
outer  transparent  cortical  zone.  The  tail  of  the  the  cercaria  of  A.  alloneotenicum 
also  has  a  medullary  and  a  cortical  layer  very  similar  to  A.  isoporum. 

Measurements  of  both  the  body  and  the  tail  of  the  cercariae  are  extremely  vari- 
able in  living  as  well  as  in  preserved  specimens.  No  method  of  killing  and  fixing 
the  cercaria  was  found  which  gave  consistent  results,  so  that  morphological  features 
such  as  sucker  size,  stylet  shape  and  size,  and  size  and  extent  of  the  excretory 
bladder  are  more  reliable  descriptive  characteristics. 

A  single  precocious  cercaria  which  was  0.81  X  0.30  mm.,  with  a  tail  0.17  mm. 
long,  was  present  in  a  redia  0.968  mm.  long.  Immature  gonads  were  clearly  de- 


fined.  The  stylet  was  absent  in  this  precocious  cercaria.  Since  the  stylet  was 
observed  to  aid  in  the  escape  of  normal  cercariae  from  rediae,  this  might  account 
for  the  retention  of  the  cercaria.  The  increase  in  size  and  development  of  gonads 
while  still  in  the  clam  host  is  surprising. 

Juvenile  worms: 

No  cysts  are  formed  although  occasionally  young  worms  became  isolated  in  the 
gills  of  the  caddis  fly  larvae  and  thus  appeared  cyst-like.  Such  worms  seem  to  be 
prevented  from  reaching  the  haemocoel  by  the  accumulation  of  detached  tracheal 
vessels  in  the  proximal  part  of  the  gill.  Isolated  worms  typically  cause  the  deposi- 
tion of  dark  brown  pigment  by  the  larvae,  which  is  a  common  response  to  any 
mechanical  injury  at  any  place  in  their  bodies.  . 

Experimental  infections  of  caddis  fly  larvae  isolated  with  individual  clams 
liberating  A.  alloneotenicum  cercariae  resulted  in  the  presence  of  numerous  juvenile 
worms.  One  hundred  caddis  fly  larvae  were  brought  into  the  laboratory  from 
sources  thought  to  be  free  of  infection ;  50  were  dissected  and  found  to  be  negative, 
25  were  used  in  infection  experiments  and  the  remaining  25  were  kept  as  controls 
and  found  to  be  negative  upon  dissection  at  the  conclusion  of  the  experiment. 

In  infections  up  to  a  week  old,  the  worms  varied  from  0.27-0.33  X  0.13-0.17 
mm.  The  pharynx  was  0.02-0.021  mm.  in  diameter;  the  oral  sucker  0.057-0.058 
mm.  and  the  ventral  sucker  0.047-0.050  mm.  In  the  larger  specimens  the  genital 
primordium  had  begun  to  differentiate  into  identifiable  reproductive  organs.  In 
later  stages  the  testes  had  developed  more  rapidly  than  the  ovary,  similar  to  the 
development  of  these  structures  in  other  trematodes. 

Eggs  are  present  in  infections  24  days  old,  but  are  few  in  number  for  an  addi- 
tional 14  days  during  which  the  worms  continue  to  increase  in  size.  When  eggs 
are  first  produced,  the  worms  are  usually  1.5  X  0.62  mm.  in  size  but  the  number 
of  worms  present  in  the  larvae  influences  this  size  as  well  as  the  ultimate  sizes. 


Peters  (1957)  reviewed  the  genus  Allocreadiurn  and  emended  the  generic  diag- 
nosis, retaining  16  of  the  31  species  described  in  the  genus.  He  further  listed  5 
as  species  dubiae  and  transferred  the  remaining  10  species  to  other  genera  or  left 
them  as  species  inquirendae  because  of  inadequate  descriptions. 

A.  alloneotenicum  conforms  to  the  genus  Allocreadium  as  emended  by  Peters 
(1957).  It  can  be  separated  from  the  other  species  in  the  genus,  however,  by 
the  extreme  anterior  position  of  the  ventral  sucker  (within  the  anterior  one-sixth 
of  the  body),  and  in  the  position  of  the  testes  (within  the  first  half  of  the  body). 
It  specifically  differs  from  A.  ictaluri  Pearse  1924,  and  A.  pseudotritoni  Rankin 
1937  in  lacking  vitellaria  in  the  forebody ;  by  ventral  sucker  being  larger  than  the 
oral  sucker  it  differs  from  A.  handiai  Pande  1937,  A.  nicolli  Pande  1938a,  A.  kosia 
Pande  1938a,  and  A.  mahaseri  Pande  1938b.  A.  alloneotenicum  also  differs  from 
A.  transversale  (Rudolphi  1802)  Szidat  1939,  A.  schisothorcis  Pande  1938b,  A. 
lobatum  Wallin  1909,  and  A.  hasu  Ozaki  1926  in  having  the  ventral  sucker  well 
within  the  anterior  fourth  of  the  body,  and  in  the  shape  and  position  of  the  gonads. 
It  differs  from  the  type  species  A.  isoporum  (Looss  1894),  and  from  A.  nemachilus 
Kaw  1950  and  A.  thapari  Gupta  1950  in  the  size  and  distribution  of  the  vitelline 


follicles,  the  position  of  the  cirrus  sac,  extent  of  the  uterus  and  number  and  size 
of  eggs. 

The  original  descriptions  of  A.  markewitchi  Koval  1949  and  A.  dogieli  Koval 
1950  were  not  available  for  comparison  but  from  the  description  of  these  species 
in  Markevich  (1952),  it  is  apparent  that  A.  alloneotenicum  is  distinct  from  these 

A.  alloneotenicum  corresponds  most  closely  to  A.  neotenicum  Peters  1957.  It 
differs  in  the  shape  of  the  body  (always  at  least  twice  as  long  as  wide),  the  posterior 
extent  of  the  vitellaria  and  caeca,  in  the  extent  of  the  excretory  bladder  (which 
only  reaches  mid-level  of  the  posterior  testis  instead  of  to  under  the  anterior  testis), 
and  in  the  relative  position  of  the  ovary  complex  and  the  cirrus  sac.  A.  neotenicum 
and  A.  alloneotenicum  are  unique  in  that  they  are  the  only  two  species  within  the 
genus  known  which  apparently  develop  to  sexual  maturity  in  insects. 

The  clam,  P.  abditum,  from  Coonamessett  also  contained  an  infection  of 
Crepidostomum  sp.  The  cercariae  from  this  infection  were  also  ophthalmoxiphidio- 
cercariae  developing  from  rediae.  They  encysted  both  in  nature  and  experimentally 
in  the  amphipod,  Gammants  sp.  Crepidostomum  infections  could  be  differentiated 
in  the  redial  stages  by  the  larger  number  of  cercariae  (usually  approximately  36 
being  present)  as  well  as  by  morphological  differences. 

The  Crepidostomum  cercariae  possess  a  slightly  smaller  stylet,  0.017-0.019 
mm.,  which  has  more  of  a  median  keel  and  slightly  different  lateral  projections. 
They  also  possess  44-48  clearly  denned  cystogenous  glands,  12-14  anterior  and 
32-34  posterior  to  the  ventral  sucker.  The  three  pairs  of  penetration  glands  tend 
to  be  lobed.  The  excretory  bladder  does  not  extend  as  far  anteriorly  and  the 
genital  primordium  is  more  extensive. 

No  fish  were  collected  from  this  pool  during  the  period  November,  1956  to 
April,  1957.  Attempts  to  infect  various  fish,  including  Eitcalia  inconstans,  Fundu- 
lus  heteroclitus,  and  Sah'clinus  jontinalis,  with  infected  amphipods  yielded  only  a 
limited  number  of  juvenile  Crepidostomum  from  the  trout. 

Infection  experiments  using  the  same  three  species  of  fish,  feeding  them  caddis 
fly  larvae  known  to  be  infected  with  juvenile  A.  alloneotenicum,  were  all  negative. 
The  worms  were  digested  with  the  caddis  fly  larvae  and  portions  of  both  could  be 
recovered  on  the  second  day  from  the  posterior  portion  of  the  gut  of  the  fish.  It 
might  be  possible  that  eggs  would  remain  viable  after  passage  through  the  intestine 
of  a  fish,  but  this  was  not  investigated. 

It  appears,  from  the  large  number  of  eggs  produced  by  the  adult  worms  (up  to 
1200  eggs  being  recovered  from  a  larva  containing  a  single  worm),  that  the  infection 
in  caddis  fly  larvae  is  the  normal  one  for  this  species  of  AUocreadium.  Infected 
larvae  are  never  as  active  as  uninfected  ones;  they  are  usually  smaller  and  their 
cases  show  signs  of  neglect.  The  presence  of  numerous  eggs  throughout  the  body 
of  the  caddis  fly  larvae,  including  the  appendages  and  the  head  capsule,  plus  the 
erosion  and  decrease  in  numbers  and  size  of  the  fat-bodies  make  it  extremely  un- 
likely that  an  infected  larva  is  ever  able  to  pupate  and  reach  adulthood.  The  re- 
covery of  the  remains  of  dead  larvae,  still  within  the  cases,  enclosing  empty  egg 
shells  of  A.  alloneotenicum,  substantiates  this  view. 

Peters  (1955,  1957)  stated  that  AUocreadium  neotenicum  from  aquatic  beetles 
from  Michigan  (possibly  identical  with  species  found  by  Crawford  (1940)  in 
aquatic  beetles  from  Colorado)  was  a  progenetic  form  that  did  not  require  a 


vertebrate  host  in  order  to  complete  its  life  cycle.  He  presented  ecological  evidence 
which  supported  his  supposition.  Buttner  (1950,  1955)  reviewed  the  progenetic 
trematodes  and  proposed  four  degrees  of  development  of  this  characteristic.  Peters 
(1957)  added  A.  neotenicum  to  the  fourth  group  of  Buttner,  that  is,  to  the  group 
in  which  the  development  of  the  gonads,  the  genital  activity  and  the  fecundity  rivals 
that  of  the  true  adult.  The  example  of  this  group  cited  by  Buttner  was  Paralepo- 
dernia  brumpti,  a  plagiorchid.  A.  alloneotenicum  should  be  added  to  this  group 
also.  Both  of  these  species  of  Allocreadium  differ  from  the  example  cited  by 
Buttner,  however,  since  they  develop  to  maturity  in  invertebrate  rather  than  in 
vertebrate  hosts. 

The  presence  of  ophthalmoxiphidiocercariae  developing  from  rediae  in  sphaeriid 
clams  in  A.  alloneotenicum  supports  the  systematic  scheme  proposed  by  Dollfus 
(1949).  Seitner's  work  (1951)  should  be  re-investigated  in  the  light  of  the  results 
of  the  present  study  before  final  acceptance  of  the  scheme  of  Dollfus.  The  con- 
trolled experiments  on  the  life-history  of  A.  alloneotenicum,  supporting  the  morpho- 
logical and  ecological  data  presented  by  Looss  (1894)  and  Dollfus  (1949)  for 
A.  isoporum  and  by  Peters  (1957)  for  A.  ncotcnicum,  indicate  a  close  relationship 
of  the  genera  Allocreadium,  Crepidostomwn,  and  Megalonia.  They  all  have 
ophthalmoxiphidiocercariae  developing  in  rediae  from  sphaeriid  bivalves  thus  form- 
ing a  natural  group. 

The  author  wishes  to  express  his  appreciation  to  the  Director  of  the  Marine 
Biological  Laboratory,  Woods  Hole,  Mass.,  for  the  use  of  facilities ;  to  Dr.  Nathan 
W.  Riser  for  reading  the  manuscript  and  offering  helpful  suggestions ;  and  to  Mr. 
Lewis  Peters  for  making  his  material  on  A.  neotcnicum  available  for  comparison 
and  for  the  opportunity  of  reading  his  Master's  thesis. 


Allocreadium  alloneotenicum  sp.  nov.  is  described  from  the  haemocoel  of 
Limnephilus  sp.,  caddis  fly  larvae,  from  Cape  Cod,  Massachusetts.  The  life-cycle 
is  demonstrated  both  in  natural  and  experimental  infections.  The  normal  clam 
host  is  Pisidium  abditum.  Miracidia  hatch  in  the  debris  from  dead  larvae  or  after 
ingestion  and  passage  in  the  feces  of  the  snail,  Aplexa  hypnorum.  The  process 
of  miracidial  peneration  was  observed.  Secretions  from  the  apical  gland  are 
histolytic  in  action,  facilitating  penetration,  while  the  "penetration"  glands  produce 
the  cuticula  of  the  sporocyst.  Sporocysts  give  rise  to  one  generation  of  mother 
rediae  which  in  turn  liberate  daughter  rediae.  Daughter  rediae  give  rise  to 
ophthalmoxiphidiocercariae  and  also  produce  occasional  rediae.  The  cercariae 
penetrate  caddis  fly  larvae  (as  many  as  25  of  them  being  found  in  natural  infec- 
tions). They  mature  in  the  haemocoel  and  a  single  worm  was  found  to  have 
laid  1200  eggs.  Experimental  infections  of  fish  with  infected  caddis  fly  larvae  were 


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JULY  2,  1957 

Differentiation  of  cortical  cytoplasm  and  extra- cellular  membranes  of  oocytes,  in- 
cluding changes  at  fertilisation.  NORMAN  E.  KEMP. 

The  cortical  cytoplasm  of  the  growing  oocyte  not  only  functions  in  selecting  and  transport- 
ing raw  materials  for  new  protoplasm  and  stored  inclusions  but  also  cooperates  with  surrounding 
follicle  cells  in  the  synthesis  of  the  extra-cellular  membranes,  the  vitelline  membrane  and  chorion. 
It  is  not  known  whether  the  cortical  cytoplasm  of  the  oocyte  actually  synthesizes  the  materials 
for  the  vitelline  membrane  or  merely  serves  as  a  form  on  which  materials  of  follicular  origin  are 
deposited.  Electron  micrographs  of  developing  oocytes  of  Rana  pipiens  and  Fundulus  hetero- 
clitus  have  revealed  fine  details  of  the  intimate  morphological  relationships  between  inwardly 
directed  protoplasmic  processes  of  follicular  epithelial  cells  and  outwardly  directed  protoplasmic 
processes  of  the  oocyte.  In  the  frog  a  layer  of  microvilli  greatly  increases  the  surface  area  of 
the  oocyte,  and  some  follicular  processes  extend  into  the  layer  of  microvilli.  Follicular  processes 
within  the  microvillous  layer  may  possibly  connect  with  the  surface  of  the  oocyte,  but  connec- 
tions have  not  been  found  at  stages  after  oocyte  and  follicle  cells  are  well  separated.  In  the  fish, 
protoplasmic  processes  extend  from  the  oocyte  through  the  zona  radiata,  and  these  processes 
either  adjoin  or  are  continuous  with  follicular  cell  processes  within  the  subfollicular  space.  The 
student  of  fertilization  would  like  to  know  (1)  what  membranes  or  jelly  layers  surround  the  egg 
and  how  they  develop,  (2)  how  sperm  cells  get  through  these  membranes,  and  (3)  how  the 
cortical  cytoplasm  of  the  egg  reacts  to  sperm  entrance. 

Lytic  and  other  activities  of  the  individual  spermatozoon  during  the  early  events 
of  sperm  entry  (Hydroides,  Saccoglossus,  and  several  other  invertebrates')  .a 

In  a  number  of  invertebrate  species  the  early  events  of  sperm  entry  fall  into  two  phases.  It 
is  suggested  that  during  the  first  phase,  which  lasts  only  a  matter  of  seconds,  the  following  events 
occur:  (a)  the  spermatozoon  arrives  at  or  near  the  jelly  or  membrane  (whatever  serves  as  a 
barrier  around  the  egg)  ;  (b)  the  spermatozoon  undergoes  the  acrosome  reaction  (of  Dan)  and 
sends  its  acrosome  filament  to  or  into  the  egg  proper;  (c)  the  acrosome  filament  delivers  a  stimu- 
lus to  the  egg;  (d)  the  egg  begins  to  react  (i.e.,  the  fertilization  reaction  is  initiated).  It  is  not 
known  how  the  filament  succeeds  in  spanning  the  barrier  or  in  what  way  the  filament  delivers 
the  stimulus  to  the  egg.  The  possibility  that  an  enzyme  (Bowen)  or  some  other  substance  is 
carried  into  the  egg  by  the  acrosome  filament  should  be  examined.  During  the  second  phase, 
which  in  a  number  of  species  requires  several  minutes  for  completion,  the  acrosome  filament  and 
its  attached  sperm  head,  acting  as  one  unit,  move  through  the  barriers  and  pass  into  the  egg. 
Pits  and  spaces  which  appear  in  the  egg  membranes  of  Saccoglossus  and  Hydroides,  as  seen  in 
living  material  and  electron  micrographs  of  thin  sections,  are  interpreted  as  areas  of  erosion  caused 
by  egg  membrane  lysin  emanating  from  the  spermatozoon.  It  is  suggested  that  the  individual 

1  Supported  in  part  by  a  grant  (RG-4948)  from  the  National  Institutes  of  Health,  U.  S. 
Public  Health  Service. 



spermatozoon  uses  its  own  lysin  to  enable  its  relatively  large  head  to  pass  through  the  barrier 
membranes,  which  the  acrosome  filament  has  initially  spanned  during  the  first  phase  of  sperm 

JULY  9,  1957 

Membrane  potential  changes  and  ion  movements  in  frog  muscle.     WILLIAM   K. 

Frog  sartorius  muscles  soaked  in  potassium-free  saline  for  11  to  18  hours  lost  %  their  origi- 
nal fiber  potassium  and  increased  ca.  5  times  their  fiber  sodium  concentrations.  Upon  transfer  to 
10  mM  KC1  saline  the  fibers  reaccumulated  potassium  and  extruded  sodium  in  equi-equivalent 
amounts  of  31  mEq/liter  fiber  water  within  50  minutes  (recovery  period).  The  mean  electrical 
membrane  potential  remained  constant  at  40  mV  during  the  recovery  period. 

Sodium  extrusion  is  not  directly  responsible  for  the  observed  membrane  potential  since,  in 
individual  muscles,  neither  membrane  potentials  nor  membrane  potential  changes  were  correlated 
with  the  amounts  of  sodium  extruded.  Two  lines  of  evidence  suggest  that  the  observed  potentials 
are  riot  potassium  diffusion  potentials :  (1)  there  was  no  correlation  between  potential  changes  and 
potassium  accumulated  during  recovery,  and  (2)  log  fiber  potassium  plotted  against  membrane  po- 
tential does  not  give  the  straight  line  relationship  predicted  by  the  Nernst  equation.  Results  from 
individual  muscles  also  indicate  that  the  accumulation  of  potassium  during  recovery  is  an  active 
process  since:  (1)  the  membrane  potential  during  recovery  was  not  large  enough  to  cause  the 
net  passive  influx  of  potassium,  and  (2)  membrane  potentials  were  not  positively  correlated  with 
log  fiber  potassium. 

Coupling  of  membrane  potential  to  contraction  in  muscle.     G.  HOYLE. 

The  current  tendency  is  to  regard  contraction  as  coupled  to  the  membrane  potential.  In 
crustacean  muscle  this  hypothesis  can  be  tested  probably  more  satisfactorily  than  in  any  other 
kind.  There  are  two  or  more  motor  nerve  fibers  which  effect  different  rates  of  contraction  in 
the  same  muscle  and  there  are  also  inhibitory  fibers  which  can  uncouple  the  excitatory  action  at 
the  muscle. 

The  problem  has  been  studied  in  conjunction  with  C.  A.  G.  Wiersma.  Muscles  of  eight  spe- 
cies of  decapod  Crustacea  were  studied  with  the  aid  of  intracellular  recording.  The  nerve  fibers 
were  isolated  and  stimulated  separately. 

In  many  of  the  muscles,  tension  was  associated  with  summating  junction  potentials  which 
achieved  a  plateau  of  depolarization.  The  tension  was  closely  related  to  the  height  of  the  plateau. 
Inhibitory  nerve  stimulation  caused  the  level  of  the  plateau  to  fall,  the  membrane  potential  re- 
turning towards  the  resting  level.  These  observations  therefore  support  the  hypothesis. 

But  in  muscles  in  the  "paradox"  state  a  contraction  occurred  at  a  low  frequency  of  "slow"' 
fiber  stimulation.  The  largest  responses  were  less  than  0.5  mV  and  they  were  too  widely  spaced 
to  summate.  It  did  not  seem  possible  that  the  depolarization  was  adequate  to  be  the  activating 
agent.  This  was  supported  by  the  fact  that  in  the  same  muscle  fiber  the  "fast"  nerve  fiber  did 
not  evoke  a  contraction  at  the  same  frequency  of  stimulation  although  it  gave  rise  to  large 
(12  mV)  depolarizations. 

Thus  the  contraction  is  coupled  to  some  membrane  "occurrence"  which  can  be  evoked  (by 
"slow"  fiber  stimulation)  or  abolished  (by  inhibitory  stimulation)  more  or  less  directly.  The 
"occurrence"  cannot  be  equated  to  membrane  potential  change.  However,  an  adequate  lowering 
of  membrane  potential  has  a  similar  effect. 

Evidence  for  electrical  inexcitability  of  neuron  soma.     W.  H.  FREYGANG,  JR. 

Grundfest  has  suggested  that  the  portion  of  the  neuron  soma  which  is  excited  by  synaptic 
transmitter  substances  does  not  produce  a  spike  in  response  to  an  electrical  depolarization.  The 
dendrites  and  most  of  the  somatic  membrane  of  neurones  in  the  mammalian  central  nervous  sys- 
tem, as  well  as  the  cat's  anterior  horn  cell,  are  covered  with  synaptic  endings  and,  therefore,  may 
not  be  electrically  excited.  If  the  intracellularly  recorded  action  potential  caused  by  antidromic 


excitation  is  produced  by  the  spike  of  the  axonal  initial  segment  followed  by  the  spike  of  a  small 
area  of  electrically  excited  membrane  on  the  soma,  the  impedance  of  most  of  the  soma-dendritic 
membrane  will  not  be  altered.  Since  the  resistance  and  capacity,  as  well  as  the  transient  voltage 
change  across  the  soma-dendritic  membrane,  are  known,  the  membrane  current  can  be  calculated. 
The  calculated  membrane  current  has  a  time  course  that  is  very  similar  to  the  externally  re- 
corded current,  as  measured  from  an  external  micropipette  with  its  tip  practically  in  contact  with 
the  soma-dendritic  membrane.  This  finding  supports  the  hypothesis  that  most  of  the  soma-den- 
dritic membrane  is  not  electrically  excited. 

JULY  16,  1957 

Further  studies  of  the  antimitotic  and  carcinostatic  action  of  ovarian  extracts.     T.  R. 

The  earlier  work  of  Heilbrunn  and  Wilson  showed  clearly  that  saline  extracts  of  the  ovaries 
both  of  vertebrate  and  invertebrate  animals  could  prevent  mitosis  in  eggs  of  the  worm  Chae- 
topterus  by  keeping  the  protoplasm  fluid  and  preventing  the  mitotic  gelation.  We  then  tried  to 
apply  this  knowledge  in  the  hope  of  finding  a  new  type  of  carcinostatic  agent.  However,  our 
early  experiments  on  mice  inoculated  with  Ehrlich  ascites  tumors  were  only  occasionally  suc- 
cessful and  various  attempts  were  made  to  purify  the  extracts  so  as  to  improve  their  efficacy. 
Finally  after  many  unsuccessful  experiments,  we  were  able  by  fractional  alcoholic  precipitation 
in  the  cold  to  obtain  preparations  which  markedly  increased  the  survival  time  of  mice  inoculated 
with  a  highly  lethal  ascites  tumor.  The  control  of  untreated  mice,  when  properly  inoculated,  all 
died  within  30  days.  In  experiments  on  thousands  of  mice  we  regularly  were  able  to  obtain  a 
30-day  survival  of  about  20%  of  the  mice  injected  intraperitoneally  with  the  extracts.  A  30-day 
survival  is  essentially  equivalent  to  indefinite  survival,  for  the  mice  that  survive  for  this  length 
of  time  were  found  on  autopsy  to  be  free  from  tumors.  The  extracts  obtained  by  alcoholic  pre- 
cipitation are  still  highly  impure.  We  are  now  able  further  to  purify  the  crude  extracts,  and  in 
some  of  our  latest  experiments  30-40%  survival  was  obtained.  The  potent  fractions  derived 
from  the  crude  extracts  contain  protein,  lipid  and  carbohydrate.  They  are  almost  wholly  in- 
soluble in  sea  water,  and  probably  for  this  reason  their  antimitotic  action  on  Chaetopterus  eggs 
is  slight.  However,  even  in  very  dilute  solution  they  do  tend  to  prevent  the  mitotic  gelation. 

The  action  of  insulin  on  living  cells.     L.  V.  HEILBRUNN,  FRANCIS  T.  ASHTON, 

As  yet,  in  spite  of  many  attempts  to  show  some  effect  of  insulin  on  the  enzymes  extracted 
from  living  cells,  no  great  success  has  been  obtained.  It  is  possible,  therefore,  that  the  primary 
action  of  insulin  is  on  protoplasm  and  that  the  changes  in  the  protoplasm  affect  the  enzymic  ac- 
tivity. This  is  rendered  all  the  more  probable  by  the  many-sided  evidence  that  colloidal  changes 
in  the  protoplasm  do  markedly  influence  enzymic  activity.  This  evidence  is  reviewed  in  a  recent 
book,  The  Dynamics  of  Living  Protoplasm  (Academic  Press,  1956).  In  ameba,  sol-gel  changes 
are  constantly  occurring,  and  this  organism  is  therefore  favorable  for  study.  We  used  the  giant 
ameba  Chaos  chaos.  The  surface  precipitation  reaction  in  ameba  was  found  to  be  prevented  by 
very  dilute  solutions  of  heparin.  However  if  a  dilute  solution  of  insulin  is  added  to  the  heparin 
solutions,  the  surface  precipitation  reaction  is  not  inhibited.  Using  a  solution  of  relatively  zinc- 
free  insulin,  kindly  supplied  through  the  courtesy  of  G.  H.  A.  Clowes  by  the  Eli  Lilly  Company, 
we  were  able  to  demonstrate  a  very  definite  antagonism  between  insulin  and  heparin.  Such  an 
antagonism  is  further  indicated  by  the  fact  that  solutions  of  insulin  prevent  the  metachromatic  re- 
action of  heparin  with  toluidine  blue.  Moreover  although  normally  the  amebae  give  a  strong 
metachromatic  reaction  with  toluidine  blue,  after  they  have  been  immersed  for  some  time  in  solu- 
tions of  insulin  they  no  longer  give  this  reaction.  If,  as  we  believe,  the  heparin  or  heparin-like 
substances  of  protoplasm  act  as  a  brake  on  the  enzymic  reactions  of  the  cell,  it  is  easy  to  under- 
stand why  insulin  would  promote  these  reactions.  In  many  experiments,  we  have  also  attempted 
to  show  an  effect  of  insulin  on  the  permeability  of  marine  egg  cells  to  glucose.  As  yet  we  have 
not  been  able  to  demonstrate  any  significant  effect. 


Magnetic  studies  on  cells  and  protoplasm.     F.  T.  ASHTON. 

Magnetic  forces  can  be  used  to  study  some  of  the  properties  of  cells  and  protoplasm.  Blood 
cells  can  be  moved  by  strong  magnets.  When  a  dilute  suspension  of  human  blood  cells  in  a 
small  Petri  dish  was  placed  between  the  polepieces  of  a  magnet  with  a  field  strength  of  5202 
gauss,  within  12  hours  most  of  the  erythrocytes  had  migrated  to  a  point  between  the  polepieces. 

Giant  amebae  (Chaos  chaos)  if  fed  paramecia  with  ingested  iron,  after  digesting  the  proto- 
plasm of  the  paramecia,  will  have  vacuoles  containing  iron.  If  these  are  in  the  interior  proto- 
plasm, but  not  in  the  cortex,  they  can  be  moved  by  a  magnet  which  gives  a  force  of  980  dynes  at 
a  distance  of  one  centimeter.  Measurement  of  the  force  was  accomplished  by  determining  the 
distance  at  which  the  weight  of  small  particles  of  iron  on  the  pan  of  a  microbalance  was  doubled. 
Using  Stokes'  law  with  necessary  corrections,  it  was  possible  to  measure  the  viscosity  of  the 
flowing  protoplasm,  although  not  as  yet  with  any  precision.  A  value  of  approximately  11  centi- 
poises  was  obtained  for  the  flowing  protoplasm  as  a  whole,  or  approximately  3  centipoises  for 
the  granule-free  protoplasm.  The  interior  protoplasm  of  the  ameba  gives  no  evidence  of 

Attempts  were  made  to  shoot  iron  particles  into  the  interior  of  sea  urchin  eggs  by  placing  a 
magnet  under  a  centrifuged  mass  of  the  eggs.  Usually  the  eggs  are  smashed  by  this  procedure, 
but  in  one  case,  an  egg  was  made  to  contain  a  tiny  iron  rodlet.  This  could  readily  be  twisted  by 
a  magnetic  field,  almost  as  readily  as  the  magnetic  rodlets  outside  the  egg.  On  removing  the 
magnet,  both  the  rodlets  inside  and  outside  of  the  egg  pointed  to  the  magnetic  north  like  tiny 

The  metachromatic  reaction  in  various  types  of  protoplasm.     CARL  FELDHERR. 

At  the  present  time,  it  is  commonly  believed  that  heparin  is  found  only  in  mast  cells.  This 
opinion  is  due  largely  to  earlier  work  which  has  shown  that  when  sections  of  liver  or  lung  are 
stained  with  toluidine  blue,  only  the  mast  cells  show  a  metachromatic  reaction  such  as  is  given 
by  heparin. 

However  it  can  readily  be  shown  that  many  types  of  protoplasm  give  a  metachromatic  re- 
action with  toluidine  blue.  Thus  a  very  strong  reaction  is  given  by  the  cortex  of  the  giant 
ameba,  Chaos  chaos.  Likewise  isolated  nerve  fibers  of  the  lobster  give  a  violet  color  when 
stained  with  dilute  solutions  of  toluidine  blue.  Other  types  of  cells  which  ordinarily  show  no 
metachromatic  reaction  may  contain  heparin  or  other  metachromatic  substances  combined  with 
substances  which  inhibit  the  metachromatic  reaction.  Thus  frog  muscle  fibers  stain  blue  with 
toluidine  blue,  but  if  they  are  previously  treated  with  alcohol,  if  they  are  heated,  if  they  are  ex- 
posed to  distilled  water  or  if  they  are  aged,  they  can  be  seen  to  give  a  metachromatic  reaction. 
Similarly,  the  protoplasm  of  sea  urchin  eggs,  ordinarily  not  metachromatic,  becomes  strongly 
metachromatic  when  the  eggs  are  placed  in  distilled  water.  Nematocysts  of  hydra  after  treat- 
ment with  alcohol  also  give  a  metachromatic  reaction. 

Electrophoretic  mobility  studies  on  irradiated  fibrinogen.     PETER  RIESER. 

Previous  studies  demonstrated  that  irradiation  of  purified  bovine  fibrinogen  with  500  r  causes 
a  clotting  delay  upon  the  addition  of  thrombin.  A  reduction  of  30%  in  the  liberation  of  fibrino- 
peptide  also  occurs.  Thus,  a  reduction  in  the  generation  of  charged  sites  can  be  expected  to 
occur.  In  order  to  determine  whether  a  charge  loss  has  occurred,  an  electrophoretic  mobility 
curve  of  the  irradiated  and  unirradiated  protein  was  obtained.  The  conditions  of  electrophoresis 
were:  protein  concentration  12-15  g./l.,  dialysis  against  0.1  ionic  strength  buffers  containing 
3.33  M  urea.  The  mobility  of  fibrinogen  irradiated  with  500  r  was  decreased  both  above  and 
below  the  isoelectric  point.  Since  it  is  not  likely  that  these  results  are  due  to  an  increase  in  the 
frictional  ratio,  the  change  in  mobility  is  probably  a  consequence  of  a  decrease  in  net  charge. 
The  difference  in  mobility  may  be  converted  into  differences  in  net  charge.  A  plot  of  Ah  against 
pH  shows  that  the  curve  levels  off  at  2.5,  meaning  that  irradiated  fibrinogen  has  lost  that  many 
negative  charges.  No  leveling  off  appears  to  occur  on  the  acidic  side,  but  the  charge  difference 
cannot  be  much  larger  than  10  because  of  the  relatively  small  shift  in  the  isoelectric  point.  The 
latter  is  shifted  in  the  acidic  direction  because  the  loss  of  cationic  groups  exceeds  the  loss  of 


acidic  groups.     The  cationic  groups  lost  are  probably   imidazoles  which  have  been   shown  by 
Mihalyi  to  take  part  in  the  polymerization. 

Mechanisms  of  sol-gel  transformations  in  the  cytoplasm.'1     PAUL  R.  GROSS,  SYLVAN 

Certain  in  vitro  properties  of  a  Ca++-initiated  nucleoprotein  aggregation  reaction,  obtainable 
in  breis  of  sea  urchin  eggs  or  perfused  rat  liver,  resemble  closely  the  biochemical  characteristics 
of  the  sol-gel  transformation  occurring  in  the  cytoplasm  in  vivo.  Fractionation  experiments  with 
both  the  marine  egg  material  and  liver  homogenates  show  that  the  material  which  aggregates 
upon  addition  of  small  amounts  of  Ca++  is  a  nucleoprotein  particle  originating  in  the  heteroge- 
neous "microsome"  fraction.  A  second  fraction,  ordinarily  found  among  the  soluble  macro- 
molecules  in  differential  centrifugation,  also  precipitates  under  the  influence  of  Ca++,  but  this  re- 
action differs  kinetically  and  with  respect  to  mechanism  from  that  involving  the  microsomal 
nucleoprotein  particles.  The  soluble  phase  particle,  also  a  nucleoprotein,  precipitates  instantane- 
ously with  Ca++,  even  at  levels  of  0.001  M  Ca++  and  less,  but  the  reaction  shows  a  primary  kinetic 
salt  effect,  ceasing  altogether  at  total  ionic  strengths  lower  than  those  probably  obtaining  in  the 
living  cell.  Electron  microscopic  evidence  is  presented  which  suggests  that  the  sensitive  micro- 
somal particle  is  identical  with  the  "dense  RNA  particles"  described  by  Palade  and  others  in  the 
cytoplasm  of  many  cell  types.  A  discussion  of  mitotic  spindle  structure  is  given,  with  micro- 
graphs which  show  that  in  the  mitotic  apparatus  of  the  sea  urchin  egg,  fixed  by  conventional 
buffered  OsOi  or  with  cold  30%  ethanol  and  studied  in  ultrathin  sections,  the  "Palade  particles" 
comprise  a  major  structural  component. 

JULY  23,  1957 
Uricase  inactivation  by  urea.2     AURIN  M.  CHASE. 

The  inhibiting  effect  of  urea  on  the  oxidation  of  uric  acid  catalyzed  by  uricase  (Worthing- 
ton's  semipurified  preparation)  was  studied  spectrophotometrically  (\  =  300  m/u)  in  0.1  M,  pH  9 
glycine  buffer  at  26°  C. 

Uricase  undergoes  an  immediate,  completely  reversible  inactivation  by  urea,  similar  to  that 
reported  by  Osborne  and  Chase  for  Cypridina  luciferase  (J.  Cell.  Comp.  Physiol.,  1954)  and  by 
Chase  and  Krotkov  for  yeast  invertase  (same  journal,  1956).  Whereas,  however,  luciferase  is 
completely  inactivated  by  1.5  M  urea  and  invertase  by  about  3  M,  the  inactivation  of  uricase  re- 
quires much  higher  urea  concentrations  and  varies  considerably  according  to  the  experimental 
conditions.  For  example,  quite  different  results  are  obtained  when  borate  buffer  is  used  than 
with  phosphate  or  glycine  buffer. 

In  0.1  M  glycine  buffer  of  pH  9  at  26°,  no  significant  inactivation  of  uricase  by  urea  occurs 
at  concentrations  lower  than  3  M.  Activity  becomes  increasingly  less,  however,  as  the  urea  con- 
centration is  raised  above  this  value,  and  it  is  abolished  at  a  concentration  of  about  8  M. 

In  addition  to  the  immediate,  reversible  inactivation  of  uricase,  the  enzyme  also  undergoes  an 
irreversible  loss  of  activity  when  exposed  to  urea  concentrations  greater  than  about  4  M.  This 
irreversible  process  apparently  involves  a  primary,  relatively  rapid  reaction  and  a  secondary, 
slow  one.  The  former  is  very  dependent  upon  the  urea  concentration,  its  rate  increasing  about 
one  hundred-fold  between  4.5  and  7.5  M  concentrations  of  urea. 

The  irreversible  loss  of  activity  of  uricase  during  exposure  to  urea  greatly  resembles  the 
situation  observed  by  Simpson  and  Kauzmann  for  the  effect  of  urea  on  the  change  in  optical  ro- 
tation of  ovalbumin  solutions  (J.  Amer.  Chem.  Soc.,  1953),  and  the  underlying  mechanisms  may 
well  be  similar. 

Clotting  of  blood:  A  study  in  the  polymerization  of  proteins.     L.  LORAND. 

When  fibrinogen  is  clotted  by  thrombin  in  the  presence  of  calcium  ions  and  the  fibrin-stabi- 
lizing factor  (FSF)  of  plasma,  a  clot  is  obtained  which  resembles  the  "plasma  clot"  in  every  re- 

1  Supported  by  a  grant  from  the  American  Cancer  Society. 

2  Aided  in  part  by  a  grant  from  the  National  Science  Foundation. 


spect.  It  cannot  be  dissolved  in  urea  or  monochloroacetic  acid,  in  contrast  to  the  soluble  and 
mechanically  weaker  clot  formed  in  the  absence  of  the  factor.  Thus,  the  insoluble  clot  is  re- 
garded as  a  covalently  cross-linked  network,  whereas  the  soluble  kind  is  thought  to  be  held  to- 
gether by  secondary  forces  only  (Lorand,  1954). 

The  fibrin-stabilizing  factor  has  now  been  prepared  from  bovine  plasma  in  a  highly  purified 
(>  300-fold,)  form,  as  one  of  the  globulin  fractions  giving  virtually  a  single  sedimenting  boundary 
in  the  ultracentrifuge.  The  activity  of  the  purified  factor  is  protected  by  cysteine,  but  the  latter 
cannot  substitute  for  it.  Fibrin-stabilizing  factor  contains  titratable  sulfhydryl  groups,  and  all 
the  evidence  indicates  that  these  may  be  essential  for  biological  activity. 

The  insoluble  clot,  which  in  the  case  of  the  human  and  bovine  species  is  probably  the  only 
naturally  occuring  one,  was  shown  to  be  a  co-polymer  of  fibrin  and  the  fibrin-stabilizing  factor  in 
definite  stoichiometric  proportions.  The  co-polymerization  of  two  different  proteins,  as  illustrated 
by  the  above  example,  should  be  considered  as  a  possible  pattern  for  the  biogenesis  of  other 
protein  fibers. 

This  work  was  aided  by  a  grant  from  the  National  Institutes  of  Health. 

JULY  30,  1957 
Effect  of  plant  hormones  on  sea  weeds.     LUIGI  PROVASOLI. 

Bacteria-free  cultures  of  Ulva  lactuca  were  obtained  from  small  pieces  of  thallus  treated  with 
an  antibiotic  mixture.  In  a  sea  water  medium  enriched  with  vitamins  and  organic  compounds, 
the  zoospores  formed  filaments  which  never  developed  in  the  typical  foliaceous  thallus. 

The  filaments,  after  reaching  various  lengths,  stop  grownig,  bleach  almost  completely,  leav- 
ing a  few  intensely  green  dots,  sparsely  arranged.  Upon  transfer  to  a  fresh  medium,  new  fila- 
ments arise  from  these  islands  of  pigmented  cells. 

Adenine,  kinetin,  indolacetic  acid,  and  gibberellin,  which  affect  morphogenesis  in  land  plants, 
were  then  tried  in  the  hope  of  obtaining  the  development  of  the  typical  thallus.  This  goal  was 
only  partially  reached  but  preliminary  experiments  show  a  clear  effect  of  the  plant  hormones  on 
the  germlings  of  Uh'a. 

Adenine,  kinetin,  and  indolacetic  acid  favor  the  initiation  of  more  filaments  and  affect  the 
length  of  the  new  germlings.  Adenine  and  indolacetic  acid  seem  antagonistic  at  certain  con- 
centrations. Gibberellin  dramatically  promotes  the  elongation  of  filaments. 

The  response  of  a  relatively  simply  organized  sea  weed  to  plant  hormones  promises  that  these 
morphogenetic  determinants  will  be  important  factors  for  complex  sea  weeds.  This  response 
links  even  more  tightly  the  green  algae  to  the  higher  plants. 

The  variety  of  evolutionary  steps  towards  increased  morphological  complexity  in  the  algae 
offers  the  opportunity  to  choose  appropriate  organisms  which,  because  of  their  relative  morpho- 
logical simplicity,  may  permit  a  better  understanding  of  the  mode  of  action  of  the  plant  hormones. 

Sequence  of  changes  in  nucleic  acids  in  synchronised  cultures  of  Escherichia  coli. 

Synchronization  of  division  in  cultures  of  E.  coli  in  synthetic  medium  was  achieved  by 
chilling  the  cells  at  6°  for  45  minutes  and  returning  them  to  37°.  The  past  history  of  the  cul- 
ture determined  the  possibility  and  time  of  synchronous  division.  Growing  cultures,  containing 
glucose,  divided  almost  immediately  after  return  to  37°.  Growing  cells,  chilled  in  medium  with- 
out glucose,  divided  about  60  minutes  after  glucose  was  added.  Cultures  which  had  exhausted 
glucose  divided  synchronously  at  120  minutes,  but  only  if  they  had  been  depleted  at  least  six 
hours.  During  depletion,  turbidity  and  DNA  (by  diphenylamine)  remained  constant,  the  count 
approximately  doubled  and  RNA  (by  orcinol)  decreased. 

Methods  of  extraction  of  nucleic  acids  were  investigated.  Treatment  of  acid-washed  cells 
with  5%  perchloric  acid  at  4°  for  17  hours  extracted  one  half  the  RNA  and  left  one  half  RNA 
and  all  the  DNA  in  the  residue  (core).  A  variable  proportion  of  DNA  was  made  unreactive 
to  diphenylamine  by  acid.  Just  before  division  the  effect  was  slight  but  at  midcycle  approxi- 
mately one  half  the  whole  cell  DNA  was  affected.  Acid  treatment  increased  the  color  developed 
with  orcinol  (RNA),  not  exactly  equivalent  to  the  DNA  decrease.  These  findings  may  indicate 
an  unstable  intermediate  in  DNA  svnthesis. 


Frequent  samples  of  synchronized  cultures  were  analyzed  to  determine  the  time  and  extent  of 
changes  in  nucleic  acid  components  after  glucose  addition.  Of  interest  are  the  following  observa- 
tions:  1)  Increase  at  a  logarithmic  rate  of  bases  as  measured  by  absorption  in  the  UV.  2)  An 
immediate  increase,  up  to  100%  in  10  minutes  in  core  RNA,  then  variations  around  a  plateau 
and  another  rise  before  division.  3)  A  delayed  increase  in  extractable  RNA.  4)  A  variable 
time  and  percentage  of  rise  in  DNA.  5)  Certain  reciprocal  relationships  between  core  RNA 
and  bases,  core  RNA  and  DNA,  and  core  and  extractable  RNAs. 

Sonic  observations  on  the  ribonudease  system  in  rat  liver.     JAY  S.  ROTH. 

The  supernatant  fraction  of  rat  liver,  obtained  by  centrifugation  of  a  1:10  homogenate  of  rat 
liver  in  water  at  60,000  G  for  90  minutes,  contains  a  ribonuclease  (RNase)  inhibitor  and  an  in- 
active RNase  (i-RNase).  These  substances  show  the  characteristics  of  proteins  and  have  been 
purified  and  separated  by  the  use  of  salt  precipitation,  calcium  phosphate  gel  absorption  and  heat 
treatment.  The  RNase  inhibitor  is  absorbed  by  calcium  phosphate  gel  under  optimum  condi- 
tions ;  i-RNase  is  not,  allowing  95-100%  separation.  The  properties  of  the  purified  inhibitor  and 
i-RNase  have  been  investigated.  RNase  inhibitor  is  easily  inactivated  by  heating,  dilution  with 
water,  dilute  acid  and  sulfhydryl  reactants  such  as  p-chloromercuribenzoate  (CMB)  and  Pb++. 
The  inactivation  by  Pb++,  but  not  CMB,  is  reversible  with  hydrogen  sulfide.  Inactive  RNase  is 
stable  to  heating  at  pH  5  and  65°  C.  for  5  minutes,  and  is  activated  by  this  treatment  as  well  as 
by  treatment  with  hydrogen  ion,  pH  2  for  10-20  minutes  at  25°  C.  Activation  of  i-RNase  may 
also  be  accomplished  by  sulfhydryl  reactants,  the  order  of  decreasing  effectiveness  being  Pb++, 
CMB,  phenyl  arsine  oxide,  iodoacetamide.  The  activation  of  i-RNase  by  sulfhydryl  reactants  is 
easily  reversible  with  hydrogen  sulfide.  RNase  inhibitor  reacts  competitively  with  yeast  RNA 
and  RNase.  A  new  assay  system  has  been  developed  which  allows  accurate  simultaneous  deter- 
mination of  i-RNase  and  RNase  inhibitor.  This  is  essential  for  purification  studies  where  activa- 
tion or  inactivation  of  either  component  may  occur  during  the  purification  process.  The  data 
suggest  that  RNase  inhibitor  is  monovalent,  that  is,  combines  with  one  molecule  of  RNase. 
Thus,  i-RNase  is  probably  a  complex  of  RNase  inhibitor  and  alkaline  RNase.  (Aided  by  grants 
from  the  National  Institutes  of  Health,  Damon  Runyon  Memorial  Fund  and  the  American  Cancer 

AUGUST  6,  1957 
Thymidine  incorporation  into  the  macronucleus  of  Euplotes.1     JOSEPH  G.  GALL. 

The  hypotrich  ciliate  Euplotcs  has  a  single  very  large  U-shaped  macronucleus  and  a  much 
smaller  spherical  micronucleus.  Prior  to  macronuclear  division  a  so-called  reorganization  band 
appears  at  the  tip  of  each  arm  of  the  U  and  works  its  way  slowly  to  the  middle  of  the  elongated 
nucleus.  As  seen  in  Feulgen-stained  preparations  these  bands  are  composed  of  a  lightly  staining 
zone  distal  to  a  darker  transverse  line.  In  parts  of  the  nucleus  through  which  the  reorganiza- 
tion band  has  passed,  the  Feulgen  reaction  shows  an  increased  concentration  of  desoxyribose 
nucleic  acid  (DMA).  To  check  the  hypothesis  that  the  reorganization  band  might  reflect  a 
progressive  wave  of  DNA  synthesis,  rapidly  dividing  individuals  were  placed  in  a  solution  con- 
taining 5.5  /iC/ml.  of  tritium-labeled  thymidine.  Thymidine  is  known  to  be  a  specific  precursor 
of  DNA  and  the  tritium  permits  high  autoradiographic  resolution.  After  8  hours  growth  in  the 
label,  the  animals  were  squashed  on  glass  microscope  slides,  stained  by  the  Feulgen  reaction,  and 
covered  with  autoradiographic  stripping  film.  After  an  appropriate  exposure  period  the  films 
were  developed  and  made  into  permanent  preparations.  Radioactivity  was  found  solely  in  those 
parts  of  the  macronucleus  through  which  a  reorganization  band  had  passed ;  thus  there  is  a  radio- 
active area  distal  to  each  reorganization  band  and  a  single  non-radioactive  zone  between  the 
approaching  bands.  The  incorporation  of  thymidine  into  only  those  areas  showing  increased 
Feulgen  staining  suggests  that  the  reorganization  band  represents  the  leading  edge  of  a  wave  of 
DNA  synthesis.  Since  reorganization  bands  are  found  in  other  Protozoa,  the  phenomenon  de- 
scribed here  is  probably  of  general  significance. 

1  Supported  by  funds  from  the  National  Science  Foundation  and  the  Graduate  School  of  the 
University  of  Minnesota. 


Interactions  between  chromosomes  and  cytoplasm  during  early  embryonic  develop- 
ment in  Sciara  (Diptera).     C.  W.  METZ. 

As  indicated  in  earlier  papers,  Sciara  exhibits  an  extraordinary  series  of  phenomena  which 
reflect  apparently  clear  cut  interactions  between  cytoplasm  and  chromosomes.  One  sequence  in- 
volves specific  chromosomal  (genie)  influences  on  the  cytoplasm  of  the  growing  ovarian  oocyte, 
such  that  later  this  cytoplasm  acts  selectively  on  particular  individual  chromosomes,  inhibiting 
their  mitotic  activity  and  causing  their  elimination  at  specific  times  during  cleavage  stages  in 
the  fertilized  egg.  The  work  in  question  was  done  in  our  laboratory,  largely  by  Anne  Marie 
DuBois,  M.  Louise  Schmuck  (Mrs.  Philip  Armstrong),  R.  O.  Berry  and  the  writer.  The  basic 
genetic  and  cytological  data  are  essentially  complete.  Since  the  problem  is  important  and  the 
material  may  be  exceptionally  favorable,  present  attention  is  focused  on  interpretations  and  on 
further  extension  of  experiments  to  ascertain  more  about  the  underlying  nature  of  the  respective 

In  the  fertilized  egg  of  Sciara  coprophila  Lintner,  the  prospective  soma  includes  all  but  the 
germinal  "pole-plasm"  at  the  posterior  end.  Somatic  chromosome  eliminations  ordinarily  occur 
in  a  peripheral  clear  zone  of  cytoplasm.  The  initial  interpretation  of  the  cause  of  these  elimina- 
tions was  based  on  Boveri's  classical  findings  in  Ascaris  (pre-localization  theory)  by  assuming 
a  pre-localization  of  elimination-inducing  materials  in  the  clear  zone  in  Sciara.  However,  more 
recent  unpublished  evidence  of  the  writer  indicates  that  elimination  can  occur  normally  in  cen- 
tral areas  of  the  egg  and  that  all  somatic  eliminations  may  be  under  control  of  progressive  physio- 
logical changes  taking  place  uniformly  throughout  the  cytoplasm.  The  distinction  between  the 
interpretations  is  important  in  relation  to  further  work  and  our  problem  is  to  devise  experiments 
which  will  eliminate  one  alternative  or  the  other.  The  seminar  report  was  designed  to  stimulate 
discussion  of  techniques  and  further  procedures.  Chromosome  elimination  in  the  germ  line,  by 
an  entirely  different  process,  was  also  considered. 

AUGUST  13,  1957 

Uptake  of  P3-  in  bcnthic  algae  in  relation  to  primary  productivity.     EUGENE  P. 

The  rate  of  uptake  of  P32,  net  productivity,  respiration  and  gross  productivity  of  large  inter- 
tidal  benthic  algae  were  measured  simultaneously  in  light  and  dark  bottles  suspended  in  a  run- 
ning sea  water  aquarium  under  controlled  light  and  temperature.  One  microcurie  of  P32  and  ap- 
proximately one  gram  (dry  weight)  of  alga  were  placed  in  each  500-ml.  bottle  of  sea  water  under 
450  ft.  candles  illumination  at  21°  C.  for  3.5  hours.  Uptake  of  P32  was  measured  by  determining 
activity  of  the  medium  at  intervals  during  the  experiment,  while  productivity  and  respiration  were 
determined  from  the  initial  and  final  oxygen  concentration.  Per  cent  uptake  of  P32  per  hour  per 
gram  dry  weight  was  similar  in  the  light  and  dark  for  a  given  species,  but  markedly  different 
between  species.  Rate  of  uptake  was  lowest  (6-10%)  in  Fucus  vesiculosis  which  also  had  the 
lowest  gross  production  (0.8  ml.  O2  per  gram  per  hour)  and  respiration  rates  and  the  lowest 
surface-to-volume  ratio  (approx.  22  cm2  per  cm3).  Uptake  was  highest  in  Ceramium  rubrum 
and  Ulva  lactuca  (32-52%)  which  had  much  larger  surface-to-volume  ratios  and  were  four  times 
as  productive.  Gross  production/respiration  (P/R)  ratios  were  between  3  and  4  for  all  species 
under  conditions  of  the  experiment.  It  was  evident  that  where  environmental  concentration  of 
phosphorus  is  low,  as  is  usual  in  sea  water,  tracer  amounts  of  P32  are  taken  up  at  a  rate  charac- 
teristic for  a  given  species  and  independently  of  light.  Ability  of  a  species  to  absorb  the  tracer 
appears  to  be  related  to  structural  features  of  the  alga,  high  surface-to-volume  ratio  increasing 
the  rate  of  uptake  as  well  as  increasing  the  ability  of  the  plant  to  fix  and  utilize  energy  under 
favorable  light  conditions. 

AUGUST  20,  1957 

Biochemical  studies  of  relaxation  in  glycerinated  muscle.     L.  LORAND,  J.  MOLNAR 
AND  C.  Moos. 

Rabbit  psoas  fibers  kept  at  0°  C.  in  50%  glycerol  for  two  days  and  extracted  further  in 
20%  glycerol  at  20°  C.  for  4-8  hours,  develop  maximal  isometric  tension  on  addition  of  4  mM 


adenosinetriphosphate,  and  no  spontaneous  relaxation  follows.  Relaxation  occurs,  however,  on 
adding  10  mM  phosphoenolpyruvate  (PEP)  to  the  fibers,  the  diameter  of  which  may  be  less  than 
80  fj.  ("single  fibers").  Such  relaxation  is  enhanced  by  K+  similarly  to  the  unique  activation  of 
pyruvate  phosphokinase.  Since  the  fibers  contain  this  enzyme,  PEP  is  believed  to  cause  relaxa- 
tion through  transphosphorylating  to  adenosinediphosphate.  But  transphosphorylation  alone  is 
not  sufficient,  for  fibers  extracted  in  20%  glycerol  for  about  24  hours  cannot  be  relaxed  simply 
by  adding  PEP,  in  spite  of  the  fact  that  the  pyruvate  phosphokinase  is  still  present.  Muscle 
contains  an  additional  relaxation  factor  which  is  purified  as  follows.  Minced  rabbit  muscle  is 
homogenized  in  the  cold  with  three  volumes  of  KC1  (0.15  M) ,  and  centrifuged  at  1000  G.  for 
20  minutes.  The  supernatant  is  centrifuged  at  1200  G.  for  20  minutes  to  remove  the  mitochon- 
dria which  have  no  relaxing  activity.  The  "microsomes"  are  sedimented  by  a  subsequent  run  at 
41000  G.  lasting  one  hour;  the  sediment  is  washed  with  KC1  and  finally  suspended  in  KC1.  On 
long  extracted  fibers,  neither  the  transphosphorylase  system  nor  "microsomes"  give  rise  to  re- 
laxation, but  jointly  the  two  are  very  effective.  The  "microsomal"  principle  is  thermolabile,  is 
unaffected  by  ribonuclease,  but  is  inactivated  by  trypsin,  urea  or  desoxycholic  acid.  Since  the 
latter  does  not  affect  the  adenosinetriphosphatase  of  the  particles,  this  enzyme  cannot  be  identi- 
cal with  the  relaxing  factor.  Apart  from  this,  our  findings  are  in  agreement  with  those  of 
Ebashi  and  Kumagai  who  studied  isotonic  relaxation  with  creatine  phosphokinase  and  myokinase. 

All  relaxation  studies  to  date  (including  the  prevention  of  unloaded  shortening  of  myofibrils 
by  Portzehl)  were  carried  out  in  the  presence  of  a  transphosphorylating  system.  The  interac- 
tion of  "microsomes"  and  the  transphosphorylating  system  might  give  rise  to  a  product  which 
relaxes  the  fiber.  As  found  for  liver  microsomes  (Kenney,  Colowick  and  Barbehenn),  inorganic 
pyrophosphate,  which  is  known  to  cause  relaxation,  might  conceivably  be  produced  under  these 

This  work  was  aided  by  a  grant  from  the  Muscular  Dystrophy  Associations  of  America,  Inc. 

The  dependence  of  creatine  phosphate  and  adenosine  triphosphate  breakdozvn  on 
work  in  iodoacetate  poisoned  muscles.     FRANCIS  D.  CARLSON  AND  ALVIN  SIGER. 

Net  creatine  phosphate  (CrP)  and  adenosine  triphosphate  (ATP)  breakdown  were  deter- 
mined, using  the  analytical  methods  of  Ennor,  and  Strehler  and  McElroy,  respectively,  in  an- 
aerobic, iodoacetate-poisoned  frog  sartorius  muscle  at  0°  C.  (no  rigor)  as  a  function  of  the  work 
done  in  a  series  of  isotonic  twitches  under  a  5-gm.  load.  Creatine  phosphate  breakdown  varied 
linearly  with  work  and  no  net  adenosine  triphosphate  breakdown  occurred  until  the  creatine 
phosphate  concentration  dropped  by  60%  or  more.  Under  a  5-gm.  load  .350  micromole  of  crea- 
tine phosphate  was  split  for  each  millicalorie  of  work  done,  and  the  work  done  in  a  single 
maximal  isotonic  twitch  was  .821  millicalories  per  gm.  of  muscle.  These  data  give  a  value  of 
.287  micromole  of  creatine  phosphate  split  per  gram  of  muscle  in  a  single  isotonic  twitch.  On 
the  basis  of  the  heat  studies  of  Hill  it  is  possible  to  estimate  the  total  energy  output  (heat  plus 
work)  for  a  single  maximal  isotonic  twitch  under  a  5-gm.  load.  The  value  obtained  is  3.54 
mcal./gm.  Since  the  work  done  is  degraded  to  heat  during  relaxation  the  total  energy  released 
in  a  twitch  appears  as  heat  and  so  an  estimate  of  the  heat  of  hydrolysis  of  creatine  phosphate  in 
muscle  at  0°  C,  pH  7.1,  can  be  obtained.  A  value  of  12,300  cal./mole  results.  Using  a  myosin 
content  of  12%,  a  molecular  weight  of  440,000  for  myosin,  and  the  figure  of  .287  micromole  of 
creatine  phosphate  split  per  gram  in  a  single  twitch,  it  is  calculated  that  1.05  creatine  phosphate 
molecules  are  split  per  myosin  molecule  in  a  single  maximal  isotonic  twitch  with  a  5-gm.  load. 

AUGUST  26-29,  1957 

Abstracts  in  this  section  (including  those  of  Lalor  Fellowship  Reports)  are  ar- 
ranged alphabetically  by  authors  under  the  headings  "Papers  Read,"  "Papers  Read 
by  Title,"  and  "Lalor  Fellowship  Reports."  Author  and  subject  references  will  also 
be  found  in  the  regular  volume  index. 



The  influence  of  the  branchial  nerve  and  of  5-hydroxytryptaniine  on  the  ciliary  ac- 
tivity of  Mytihis  gill.  EDWARD  AIELLO. 

When  the  gill  of  Mytilus  is  excised,  ciliary  activity  on  the  lateral  epithelium  of  the  gill  fila- 
ments declines  gradually  for  about  one  hour,  at  most,  and  then  stops.  A  similar  result  is  ob- 
tained by  cutting  the  branchial  nerve  in  situ,  just  distal  to  its  origin  at  the  visceral  ganglion. 
Ciliary  activity  on  the  gill  of  the  opposite,  uncut  side  continues  unabated  for  many  hours.  Cilia 
made  quiescent  in  this  way  can  be  stimulated  to  renewed  activity  by  crushing  a  small  section  of 
the  gill  filament.  This  resumption  of  activity  spreads  for  about  one  mm.  in  all  directions  and 
lasts  about  five  minutes.  A  hot  water  extract  of  gill  tissue  also  activates  quiescent  lateral  cilia 
and  accelerates  the  beating  of  cilia  that  are  already  active.  Veratrine  sulfate  10~6  M  and  5- 
hydroxytryptamine  10"7  M  have  similar  stimulating  effects.  Gill  tissue  extracts  are  presently 
being  assayed  for  5-HT.  These  experiments  suggest  that  lateral  ciliary  activity  might  be  de- 
pendent on  the  release  of  some  activating  substance  by  tonic  discharge  of  the  branchial  nerve. 

Supported  in  part  by  a  Predoctoral  Fellowship  from  the  National  Institutes  of  Health  and 
a  grant  to  Dr.  T.  Hayashi  from  the  Muscular  Dystrophy  Associations  of  America. 

Motility  in  developing  teleost  embryos.^     PHILIP  B.  ARMSTRONG. 

The  development  of  aquatic  lomotion  in  Amciurus  nebnlosus  closely  parallels  that  described 
for  Amblystoma  by  Coghill.  The  earliest  contractions  of  the  skeletal  muscle  occur  in  the  an- 
terior segments  of  the  body  which  is  on  the  dorsum  of  the  yolk  and  produces  passive  movements 
of  the  tail  as  a  whole.  Finally  all  of  the  muscle  segments  participate,  a  wave  of  contraction 
passes  down  one  side  of  the  embryo,  a  coil  is  formed  as  the  tip  of  the  tail  passes  over  the  dorsum 
of  the  embryo.  There  is  no  set  and  continuous  regularity  of  alternation  of  these  early  contrac- 
tions. None  of  the  above  movements  are  propulsive.  They  are  seen  prior  to  hatching. 

At  the  time  of  hatching,  propulsive  contractions  appear  abruptly  in  which  a  wave  of  con- 
traction extending  down  one  side  of  the  animal  is  so  quickly  followed  by  a  wave  down  the  op- 
posite side  that  a  coil  cannot  form.  A  rapid  succession  of  alternate  contraction  waves  produces 
forward  motion. 

Fwidulus  heteroclitus  and  Opsanits  tail  show  a  similar  development  of  motility  with  some 
differences.  Ameiurus  is  much  the  most  active  embryo  showing  considerable  spontaneous  ac- 
tivity, Fundulus  considerably  less.  Opsanus  is  relatively  lethargic. 

Patterns  of  response  and  neural  organisation  of  supramedullary  neurons  of  puffer 
(bloTvfish'} ,  Spheroides  maculatus.  M.  V.  L.  BENNETT,  S.  M.  GRAIN  AND  H. 

The  supramedullary  neurons  of  puffer  respond  in  unison  to  stimulation  of  spinal  cord,  cranial 
nerves,  dorsal  (but  not  ventral)  roots.  This  is  shown  by  simultaneous  intracellular  recordings 
from  random  pairs  of  cells  (see  abstract  by  Grain,  Bennett  and  Grundfest,  this  issue).  With 
threshold  stimuli  or  with  stronger  stimulation  that  evokes  complex  responses  of  many  spikes  at 
variable  intervals,  all  cells  fire  nearly  in  synchrony.  Direct  intracellular  excitation  or  stimula- 
tion of  a  cell  with  closely  applied  extracellular  electrodes  does  not  generally  activate  other  cells. 
Irregularly  in  some  cells,  however,  a  direct  spike  is  followed  by  a  small  potential.  When  this 
potential  occurs  a  spike  also  appears  in  each  of  the  other  cells.  These  results  are  inconsistent 
with  spread  of  excitation  ephaptically  or  through  protoplasmic  bridges,  and  suggest  synaptic 

Cord  section  immediately  above  or  below  the  cell  cluster  does  not  abolish  synchronization. 
Division  of  the  cluster  by  section  involving  the  dorsal  half  of  the  cord  eliminates  synchrony  be- 
tween the  caudal  and  rostral  halves,  but  not  within  each  half.  Although  responsiveness  to  stimuli 
distal  to  the  section  is  lowered,  both  halves  respond  to  rostral  and  caudal  stimulations. 

Activity  of  the  cluster  is  followed  by  efferent  impulses  in  cranial  nerves  and  dorsal   (but  not 

1  This  investigation  was  supported  in  part  by  NIH  grant  B-643. 


ventral)  roots.  By  tests  of  threshold,  conduction  velocity,  and  collisional  extinction  the  efferent 
fibers  belong  in  the  same  group  as  the  afferents  exciting  the  cluster.  Since  indirect  stimulation  is 
never  observed  to  excite  an  individual  cell,  either  the  efferent  impulses  are  transmitted  across  a 
synapse,  or  antidromic  invasion  of  the  cells  is  impossible. 

No  obvious  functional  loss  follows  chronic  removal  of  the  cluster. 

While  functional  and  anatomical  relations  of  the  supramedullary  cells  remain  unknown,  the 
electrophysiological  data  demonstrate  that  they  cannot  be  sensory,  as  presumed  by  anatomists. 

A   morphological  color   change   controlled   by   molting   hormone   in   Lepidoptera. 

A  morphological  color  change  preceding  metamorphosis  has  been  investigated  in  Cerura 
v'mula.  The  larvae  are  green.  When  they  stop  feeding  to  spin  their  cocoon,  they  turn  dark  red 
because  a  red  pigment  is  formed  in  the  epidermal  cells.  After  this,  red  pigment  is  formed  in  the 
fat  body  and  the  gut,  too.  The  processes  of  pupal  molt  in  the  epidermis  begin  only  5  days  after 
color  change.  Ligaturing  experiments  show  that  also  only  at  this  time  the  molting  hormone  is 
distributed  in  sufficient  amount  to  cause  pupation.  The  pupal  molt  is  completed  only  10  days 
after  color  change. 

The  color  change  can  be  prohibited  by  a  ligature.  Only  the  part  of  the  body  anterior  to  the 
ligature  will  redden.  Evidently  a  factor  causing  color  change  is  formed  in  the  thorax,  its  dis- 
tribution being  prevented  by  the  ligature.  Extracts  of  the  molting  hormone  Ecdyson,  kindly 
provided  by  Dr.  Karlson,  Munchen,  injected  into  green  abdomina  of  ligatured  larvae  in  large 
dose  (3000  Calliphora  units)  caused  pupation  without  color  change.  Smaller  doses  caused  red- 
dening of  fat  body  only.  Very  small  doses  (50  units)  caused  reddening  of  the  epidermis  only. 
So  the  normal  course  of  events  may  be  brought  about  by  slowly  increasing  hormone  concen- 

Thus  it  has  been  shown  that  Ecdyson  not  only  causes  molting  in  the  epidermis.  In  small 
concentration  it  has  quite  a  different  effect.  It  acts  on  some  metabolic  processes  leading  to  the 
formation  of  red  pigments  in  epidermis,  fat  body  and  gut.  The  nature  of  the  pigments  is  being 
investigated.  They  are  ommochromes.  The  way  ommochromes  are  formed  in  insects  is  well 
known.  They  are  a  product  of  trytophane  metabolism.  Ommochrome  production  preceding 
pupation  has  been  found  in  other  species,  too.  Presumably  it  is  a  characteristic  of  changes  in 
metabolism  preparing  metamorphosis.  Recent  experiments  tend  to  show  that  juvenile  hormone 
also  acts  on  ommochrome  production. 

Further  studies  in  experimental  hypothermia.     C.  LLOYD  CLAFF,   FREDERICK   N. 

Twelve-hour  fasted  male  white  rats  injected  (intramuscular)  with  Thorazine  (25  mg./kg.) 
responded,  in  a  cold  environment  of  6.5-7.5°  C.,  with  a  fall  in  body  temperature  of  5°  C.  and  a 
rise  of  91%  in  metabolic  activity  as  measured  by  CO2  production.  Animals  treated  with  2,4  di- 
chlorophenoxyacetic  acid  (200  mg./kg.,  subcutaneously)  responded  to  cold  with  a  drop  in  rectal 
temperature  of  3.0°  C.  but  only  a  54%  increase  in  CO2  output.  Rats  treated  with  Thorazine  and 
2,4-D  in  combination  responded  under  the  same  conditions  with  a  decrease  in  rectal  temperature 
of  7.0°  C.  while  CO2  production  increased  only  15%. 

At  room  temperature,  rats  treated  with  Nembutal  (30  mg./kg.,  intraperitoneal)  showed  a 
decrease  in  rectal  temperature  as  well  as  a  lower  CO2  output.  However,  the  peak  metabolism 
of  these  animals,  brought  about  by  placing  them  in  a  cold  environment  (6.5-7.5°  C.),  was  102% 
above  basal  and  body  temperature  fell  2°  C.  The  peak  CO2  production  and  rectal  temperature 
response  of  animals  injected  with  Thorazine  and  Nembutal  in  combination  were  the  same  as  those 
receiving  either  injection  separately.  Animals  treated  with  a  combination  of  Nembutal  (30 
mg./kg.)  and  2,4-D  (200  mg./kg.)  responded  to  cold  with  a  10°  C.  drop  in  body  temperature 
and  no  change  in  metabolic  activity. 

Studies  made  in  an  isothermic  environment  of  30.0°  C.  showed  that  the  action  of  Thorazine 
and  Nembutal  causes  a  slight  decrease  in  CO2  production  and  no  significant  change  in  rectal  tem- 
perature. On  the  other  hand,  animals  treated  with  2,4-D  increase  their  metabolism  33%%  while 
the  temperature  response  was  the  same  as  a  control  animal.  It  was  noted  that  the  metabolism  of 


2,4-D  treated  animals  was  highly  sensitive  to  any  change  in  ambient  temperature  for  a  period  of 
seven  hours  after  injection. 

Tissue  transplantation  in  Pecten  irradians.1     JOHN  E.  GUSHING. 

This  work  is  part  of  a  study  initiated  on  sipunculids  (Triplett,  Gushing  and  Durall,  unpub- 
lished data)  concerned  with  the  responses  of  invertebrates  to  transplants.  The  purpose  is  to 
learn  more  as  to  whether  or  not  invertebrates  synthesize  antibodies.  Pecten  was  selected  be- 
cause, while  little  work  has  been  done  on  transplantation  in  mollusks,  Butcher  (1930)  grafted 
eyes  to  gonads  in  this  genus.  As  he  gave  few  details,  efforts  were  made  to  confirm  and  extend 
his  observations.  Transplantations  were  performed  by  removing  mantle  strips  of  a  few  mm., 
splitting  the  integument  of  the  female  portion  of  the  gonad  with  the  tip  of  a  syringe  needle,  and 
tucking  the  strip  ends  under  the  edges  of  the  cut,  leaving  the  center  portion  exposed.  Half  the 
grafts  so  made  took  after  48  hours,  whereas  none  took  if  completely  buried,  placed  in  the  male 
portion  of  gonad,  or  under  the  mantle.  Explants  died  in  48  hours,  but  established  autografts  have 
retained  eyes,  tentacles  and  contractility  for  over  a  month.  A  comparative  series  of  auto  and 
homo  grafts  survived  as  follows :  start  A  31,  H  31 :  two  days  A  17,  H  14:  three  days  A  15,  H  12 : 
five  days  A  12,  H  11 :  eleven  days  A  10,  H  7 :  fourteen  days  A  9,  H  5.  This  small  series  does 
not  permit  conclusions  to  be  drawn,  but  does  show  the  potential  value  of  Pecten  for  transplanta- 
tion studies.  Of  further  value  is  the  fact  that  grafts  can  be  placed  so  that  they  deteriorate  in  a 
few  days,  permitting  second  graft  series  to  be  made. 

Uptake  of  a  radiomercury  labeled  diuretic   (chlormerodrin)    by  the  nephridia  of 
Phascolosoma  gouldi.     ROGER  L.  GREIF. 

The  injection  of  chlormerodrin  labeled  with  Hg203  into  the  coelomic  fluid  of  Phascolosoma 
gouldi  results  in  radiomercury  accumulation  in  the  nephridia  in  much  higher  concentration  than 
in  other  tissues.  This  accumulation  occurs  when  animals  are  kept  in  running  sea  water  at  22°  C., 
but  if  the  worms  are  cooled  to  5°  C.  for  12  hours  prior  to  injection  and  are  maintained  thereafter 
at  the  lower  temperature,  the  concentration  of  radiomercury  in  the  nephridia  will  remain  low. 
Upon  transfer  of  the  injected  cooled  animals  to  the  higher  temperature,  accumulation  of  Hg203  in 
the  nephridia  begins.  Diffusion  of  chlormerodrin  within  the  coelomic  cavity  at  5°  C.  is  not  limit- 
ing. Dimercaprol  (BAL)  appears  to  decrease  the  affinity  of  the  nephridia  for  mercury  at  22°  C. 
The  relation  of  these  findings  to  mercurial  diuresis  will  be  discussed. 

Electron  microscope  observations  on  the  cytoplasm  of  sea  urchin  eggs.2     PAUL  R. 

Fertilized,  unfertilized,  centrifuged,  uncentrifuged,  "normal,''  and  injured  eggs  of  Arbacia 
punctnlata  have  been  examined  in  thin  sections  with  the  electron  microscope.  Of  several  fixa- 
tives employed,  the  best  for  general  purposes  was  found  to  be  1%  OsOi  in  a  veronal -buffered 
isotonic  balanced  salt  solution,  pH  7.4.  Some  elements  of  the  mitotic  apparatus  are  more  easily 
studied  in  cold  alcohol-fixed  specimens,  however.  Among  the  structures  studied  were:  pigment 
vacuoles,  yolk  particles,  cytoplasmic  vesicles  of  varying  diameter,  oil  globules,  mitochondria, 
double  membrane  systems  in  the  cytoplasm,  nuclear  and  outer  limiting  membranes,  cortical 
granules,  and  small,  dense  particles  such  as  described  by  Palade  in  mammalian  tissue  cells. 
These  last  are  of  average  diameter  170  A,  with  variation  between  140  and  200  A.  The  mito- 
chondria show  double  outer  membranes  and  "cristae,"  with  osmiophilic  layers  60  A  thick  and 
total  width  of  150  A.  Pigment  and  yolk  granules  are  surrounded  by  60  A  membranes,  but  the 
yolk  particles  were  occasionally  seen  surrounded  by  a  double  membrane  of  150  A  thickness  with 
osmiophilic  outer  components  of  60  A.  The  limiting  membrane  of  the  cell  is  peripheral  to  the 
cortical  granules  and  about  100  A  thick,  while  the  nuclear  membrane  is  composed  of  a  pair  of 

1  Supported  in  part  by  the  Penrose  Fund,  American  Philosophical  Society,  and  the  Office  of 
Naval  Research. 

2  Supported  by  grants  from  the  American  Cancer  Society,  the  National  Science  Foundation, 
and  the  Graduate  School  of  New  York  University. 


87  A  dense  layers  separated  by  a  distance  of  100  A,  although  this  latter  dimension  varies  greatly 
to  produce  annuli,  seen  in  tangential  sections.  In  the  centrifuged  eggs,  the  classical  descriptions 
of  particle  distribution  hold,  except  that  mitochondria  are  always  found  trapped  in  the  centripetal 
oil  layer  as  well  as  in  the  layer  immediately  centripetal  to  the  yolk. 

The  effect  of  ions  on  the  response  of  smooth  muscle  to  cooling.  RITA  GUTTMAN 

The  anterior  byssus  retractor  of  Mytilus  cditlis  possesses  both  phasic  and  tonic  systems.  The 
slow  tonic  responses  to  rapid  cooling  were  investigated  by  simultaneously  recording  tension  and 
resting  potential  changes  after  ruling  out  the  nervous  elements  by  soaking  the  muscle  in  1U~*  M 
Banthine.  Similar  results  were  obtained  with  Phascolosoma  and  Thy  one. 

In  these  muscles  cooling  is  not  an  effective  stimulus  unless  the  tissue  is  treated  with  sub- 
threshold  concentrations  of  potassium.  The  quantitative  relations  between  the  amount  of  cooling 
and  the  amount  of  associated  depolarization  necessary  for  contraction  at  various  concentrations 
of  potentiating  potassium  were  established.  The  results  can  be  expressed  in  a  family  of  curves 
(one  curve  for  each  potassium  concentration).  The  plateaus  of  the  curves  for  sea  water  and 
potassium-free  sea  water  were  beneath  the  depolarization  value  necessary  for  contraction  so  that 
it  is  clear  that  no  amount  of  cooling  with  sea  water  alone  or  with  potassium-free  sea  water  would 
ever  be  effective. 

The  effects  of  high  and  low  sodium  and  of  high  and  low  calcium  were  also  investigated. 
When  the  muscle  is  treated  with  subthreshold  amounts  of  potassium  and  rapidly  cooled  in  vari- 
ous concentrations  of  sodium  ion  and  calcium  ion,  respectively,  the  sodium  and  calcium  have  no 
effect  whatsoever  upon  the  response.  Acetylcholine,  in  subthreshold  amounts,  has  a  potentiating 
effect  but,  unlike  potassium  and  cooling,  acts  through  the  nervous  apparatus. 

These  results  suggest  that  this  muscle  will  respond  to  cooling  with  tonic  contraction  when- 
ever a  critical  threshold  amount  of  depolarization  is  achieved.  Cooling  alone  cannot  trigger  the 
contraction  since  it  cannot  bring  about  sufficient  depolarization.  Cooling  can  result  in  contrac- 
tion, however,  if  used  in  conjunction  with  some  other  subthreshold  depolarizing  agent.  It  is 
concluded  that  cooling  affects  the  contractile  mechanism  indirectly  by  first  causing  membrane 
breakdown  and  depolarization. 

Schooling  behavior  in  mud  snails  in  Barnstable  Harbor  leading  to  the  formation  of 
massive  aggregations  at  the  completion  of  seasonal  reproduction.1  CHARLES  E. 

During  the  present  summer,  as  in  the  preceding  one  (Jenner,  1956),  snails  on  an  extensive 
sand-mud  flat  in  Barnstable  Harbor,  Massachusetts,  underwent  a  striking  change  in  distribution 
pattern — from  a  dispersed  distribution,  in  which  the  snails  were  present  over  extensive  areas  of 
the  flat,  to  an  aggregated  distribution,  with  snails  occurring  in  massive  aggregations.  In  both 
years  the  change  took  place  at  the  same  stage  of  reproductive  activity  within  the  snail  popula- 
tions. The  timing  of  the  termination  of  reproductive  activity  can  be  followed  with  great  precision 
by  making  adequate  samples  and  recording  for  females  the  per  cent  of  those  containing  a  formed 
egg  case  and  for  males  the  per  cent  having  a  fully  developed  copulatory  organ  (Jenner,  1956). 
The  change  in  distribution  pattern  occurred  during  the  first  half  of  the  transition  period  between 
the  active  reproductive  phase  (females  with  egg  cases,  males  with  developed  copulatory  organs) 
and  the  post-reproductive  phase  (females  without  egg  cases,  males  with  resorbed  copulatory  or- 
gans). It  would  appear  that  this  change  from  dispersed  to  aggregated  distribution  is  a  regular 
aspect  of  the  seasonal  activity  of  these  snails  and  is  related  to  the  state  of  reproductive  activity 
within  the  population. 

No  concerted  effort  has  been  made  to  follow  the  history  of  the  aggregations  once  they  have 
been  established,  but  it  is  now  clear  that  the  snails  within  these  groups  display  schooling  behavior, 
snails  in  any  one  part  of  the  aggregation  often  moving  in  mass  in  the  same  direction.  Such  oc- 
currences, often  involving  thousands  of  snails,  present  a  dramatic  sight.  While  such  factors  as 

1  Aided  by  grants  from  the  National  Institutes  of  Health,  U.  S.  Public  Health  Service 
(E-356)  and  from  the  University  Research  Fund,  University  of  North  Carolina. 


currents,  presence  of  food,  and  other  physical  and  chemical  stimuli  are  of  importance  in  orienta- 
tion in  these  snails,  their  schooling  behavior  cannot  be  accounted  for  solely  in  these  terms. 
Clearly,  social  factors  are  involved. 

Protoplasmic  bridges  between  follicle  cells  and  developing  oocytes  of  Fundulus 
licteroclitus.     NORMAN  E.  KEMP  AND  EMERSON  HIBBARD. 

Continued  work  with  the  electron  microscope  permits  us  to  amend  the  report  presented  by 
Kemp  and  Allen  at  the  General  Scientific  Meetings  of  the  Marine  Biological  Laboratory  in  1956. 
We  can  now  assert  that  in  Fundulus  hctcroditiis  there  are  direct  protoplasmic  connections  be- 
tween oocyte  and  follicular  cells.  What  we  formerly  called  microvilli  within  the  zona  radiata 
and  subfollicular  space  are  in  reality  not  microvilli  which  simply  adjoin  the  branching  processes 
of  follicular  epithelial  cells.  Instead,  these  processes  within  the  zona  radiata  are  regional  parts 
of  intercellular  bridges  which  are  continuous  from  oocyte  to  follicle  cells.  The  bridges  form 
when  follicle  cells  first  separate  from  the  surface  of  the  oocyte,  and  they  lengthen  with  increasing 
thickness  of  the  zona  radiata  and  subfollicular  space.  In  view  of  this  clarification  of  the  nature 
of  the  protoplasmic  bridges,  we  must  reconsider  the  concept  (Kemp  and  Allen,  1956)  that  the 
zona  radiata  is  a  product  of  the  oocyte  and  that  the  chorion  internum  is  therefore  anatomically 
a  vitelline  membrane.  It  is  possible  that  the  materials  for  the  construction  of  the  zona  radiata 
come  at  first  from  the  follicle  cells  as  they  pull  away  from  the  oocyte.  The  zona  radiata  ap- 
pears to  thicken  by  apposition  of  fibrous  matrix  internally,  i.e.,  on  the  side  next  to  the  oocyte. 
It  may  be,  however,  that  the  materials  for  the  matrix  are  transported  inward  from  the  follicle 
cells,  by  way  of  the  protoplasmic  bridges,  rather  than  outward  from  the  cortex  of  the  oocyte.  If 
the  follicle  cells  are  the  primary  source  of  the  proteins  used  in  constructing  the  zona  radiata, 
then  the  chorion  internum  is  not  anatomically  a  vitelline  membrane. 

An  effect  of  calcium-deficient  Ringer  on  intact  frog  muscle.     R.  P.  KERNAN  AND 

When  frog  toe  muscle  is  soaked  for  about  10-15  minutes  in  Ca-deficient  Ringer  solution 
(0.18  mM/1.)  and  is  then  stimulated  (in  a  60  c/s,  longitudinal  a.c.  field,  for  %  second),  the  tetanus 
tension  does  not  fall  immediately  when  the  stimulus  is  withdrawn  but  continues  for  several  sec- 
onds. It  is  of  interest  to  determine  whether  prolonged  relaxation  is  accompanied  by  prolonged 
membrane  activity  or  is  due  to  a  delayed  cessation  of  the  active  state.  Isometric  tension  and 
electrical  activity  of  the  membrane  were  recorded  simultaneously  on  a  dual  beam  oscilloscope  so 
that  the  duration  and  amplitude  of  tension  and  action  potentials  could  be  compared  directly. 
During  electrical  recording  the  muscle  was  removed  from  the  bath  and  was  stimulated  through 
contact  electrodes,  placed  at  one  end  of  the  preparation.  The  pick-up  electrodes  were  placed 
about  4  mm.  apart  at  the  other  end  of  the  muscle  and  were  connected  via  a  preamplifier  (gain 
X  60)  to  the  oscilloscope.  The  conditions  in  normal  and  Ca-deficient  muscles  were  compared. 
Action  potential  of  13-17  mV  accompanied  tension  in  the  normal  muscle  during  stimulation.  The 
electrical  activity  ceased  at  the  end  of  the  stimulus  before  the  tension  declined.  When  the  muscle 
was  stimulated  after  10  to  15  minutes  of  soaking  in  Ca-deficient  Ringer,  the  cessation  of  stimula- 
tion was  followed  by  prolonged  relaxation  and  also  by  action  potentials  of  4-7  mV  declining 
slowly  with  tension  decrement.  Prolonged  relaxation  can  be  explained,  therefore,  by  continued 
membrane  activity  without  assuming  a  genuine  prolongation  of  the  active  state. 

Potassium  contracture  in  frog  twitch  muscles.     R.  P.  KERNAN  AND  A.  CSAPO. 

Tension  and  its  rate  of  development  were  measured  in  the  sartorius  and  toe  muscles  after 
immersion  in  high  potassium  Ringer  solution.  Maximum  tetanus  tension,  elicited  by  a  longi- 
tudinal electric  field  (Vz  sec.,  60  c/s,  a.c.),  was  used  as  a  standard  of  comparison.  Barkan- 
Boyle-Locke  fluid  in  which  the  K  level  was  varied  from  24  to  120  m.eq./l.  (substituted  for  Na) 
was  introduced  suddenly  into  the  muscle  bath  to  produce  contracture.  When  contracture  was 
completed  the  modified  Ringer  was  replaced  by  normal  Ringer.  The  contractures  produced 
showed  two  phases,  a  rapid  and  a  slow  one.  The  initial  fast  phase  could  be  abolished  by  curare 


or  by  pretreatment  with  12  mM/1.  K  indicating  that  this  phase  is  associated  with  propagated  re- 
sponse and  end  plate  activity.  The  second  phase,  which  was  smaller  than  the  first,  was  un- 
affected by  this  treatment  but  its  amplitude  was  found  to  be  directly  proportional  to  the  external 
[K].  This  suggests  that  diffusion  through  the  interspace  is  a  limiting  factor  in  the  K  contrac- 
ture.  This  point  is  further  supported  by  the  fact  that  for  a  given  [K],  smaller  muscles  developed 
relatively  greater  tension.  In  order  to  eliminate  the  effect  of  diffusion,  toe  muscles  were  reduced 
to  small  fiber  bundles  (approximately  15  fibers)  and  these  were  immersed  in  96  to  120  mM/1.  K 
Ringer.  Contracture  tensions  then  became  almost  equal  to  that  of  a  normal  tetanus.  In  small 
fiber  bundles,  tension  and  its  rate  of  rise  were  directly  proportional  to  the  log  of  the  external 
[K],  suggesting  that  tension  in  K  contracture  is  a  function  of  the  degree  of  depolarization  of  the 
fiber  membrane. 

Adaptation  to  salinity  and  temperature  in  a  euryJialine  hydroid.     OTTO  KINNE. 

The  brackish  water  hydroid  Cordylophora  caspia  (Pallas)  is  able  to  endure  salinities  from 
fresh  water  to  nearly  pure  sea  water  (salinity  optimum  15%c-17#f)  and  temperatures  from  about 
4  to  25°  C.  In  extremely  suboptimal  salinities  (e.g.,  fresh  water)  and  in  extremely  supraoptimal 
salinities  (e.g.,  30%e)  the  form  of  the  colonies  and  especially  the  form  of  the  hydranths  alter 
considerably.  Colonies  with  identical  genotype  consist  in  fresh  water  mainly  of  stolons ;  hydro- 
cauli  are  short  and  unramified.  In  I5%e  and  in  30%e,  hydrocauli  are  longer  and  ramified.  The 
most  important  alterations  take  place  in  the  hydranths,  the  site  of  exchanges  of  water  and  ions, 
of  oxygen  uptake  and  excretion,  of  propagation,  growth,  etc.  In  suboptimal  salinity  and  in  supra- 
optimal  salinity  the  hydranths  become  shorter  and  bear  fewer  and  shorter  tentacles.  As  the 
breadth  is  greatest  in  fresh  water  and  decreases  with  increase  of  salinity,  the  hydranths  are  in 
fresh  water  somewhat  globular,  surface-volume  relation  of  hydranths  is  low  and  increases  with 
salinity.  Surface-volume  relation  depends  also  on  temperature;  it  is  higher  at  20°  C.  than  10°  C. 
There  occur  remarkable  alterations  at  the  cellular  level :  fresh  water  hydranths  consist  at  20°  C. 
of  about  22,000  cells;  these  are  columnar  (high  and  narrow)  and  have  a  large  nucleus.  Epithe- 
lium of  fresh  water  hydranths  seems  to  be  physiologically  highly  active  and  less  permeable; 
30%e-hydranths,  on  the  other  hand,  consist  of  only  4-5,000  cells  which  are  squamous  (flat  and 
broad)  and  have  a  small  nucleus.  Epithelium  of  30/ce-hydranths  seems  to  be  physiologically  less 
active  and  more  permeable.  All  these  alterations  caused  by  salinity  are  stronger  at  20°  C.  than 
at  10°  C.  Cell-number  is  greater  and  nuclei  are  larger  at  low  temperature. 

Inorganic   pyropJiosphatase   activity   of   glycerinated    muscle.     C.    Moos    AND    L. 


In  the  course  of  investigating  relaxation  in  glycerinated  muscle  fibers,  a  study  was  under- 
taken of  the  interaction  of  inorganic  pyrophosphate  (POP)  with  glycerinated  muscle,  and  in 
particular,  of  the  pyrophosphatase  (POPase)  activity  of  this  material.  Samples  of  glycerinated 
muscle,  prepared  by  extraction  in  cold  50%  aqueous  glycerol  as  described  by  Szent-Gyorgyi,  are 
homogenized  in  0.1  M  KC1  containing  4  mM  MgCl2  and  buffered  at  pH  7.0  with  10  mM  imid- 
azole.  Upon  addition  of  POP  to  the  suspension,  orthophosphate  is  liberated  at  roughly  a  con- 
stant rate  until  the  POP  substrate  is  nearly  exhausted.  This  rate  is,  in  rough  order  of  magni- 
tude, about  1%  of  the  rate  of  hydrolysis  of  adenosine  triphosphate  (ATP)  under  similar  condi- 
tions. It  has  been  found  that  POPase  activity  is  retained  in  glycerinated  muscle  stored  at  —  20° 
C.  for  as  long  as  18  months.  The  activity  is  completely  extracted  from  the  muscle  upon  homog- 
enization  in  the  above  buffered  salt  solution,  but  homogenization  in  water  leaves  a  major  fraction 
of  the  activity  in  the  insoluble  residue.  The  POPase  activity  of  the  homogenate  is  inhibited  by 
low  concentrations  of  calcium;  using  1.0  mM  POP,  0.2  mM  CaCU  causes  more  than  60%  in- 
hibition, and  1  mM  CaCl2  inhibits  over  90%.  Salyrgan  also  inhibits  POPase,  but  only  partially; 
all  concentrations  of  the  drug  above  0.2  mM  reduce  the  activity  by  only  about  70%,  while  ATP 
hydrolysis  is  more  than  99%  inhibited  under  these  conditions.  Utilizing  these  facts,  the  effect  of 
added  ATP  on  POPase  activity  was  investigated,  and  it  was  found  to  have  no  effect.  Adenylic 
acid,  which  could  be  studied  without  salyrgan,  was  also  without  effect. 

This  work  was  aided  by  a  grant  from  the  Muscular  Dystrophy  Associations  of  America,  Inc. 


Metabolic  consequences  of  a  genetic  block  between  a-ketoglutarate  and  succinate  in 

In  a  search  for  auxotrophic  mutants  of  Escherichia  coli,  using  ultraviolet  irradiation  and 
selection  by  means  of  penicillin,  a  new  kind  of  mutant  was  obtained.  This  strain  (309-1)  grew 
under  anaerobic  but  not  under  aerobic  conditions  when  the  mineral -glucose  medium  was  supple- 
mented with  certain  biosynthetic  products  of  the  4-carbon  dicarboxylic  acids  :  lysine  plus  me- 
thionine  or  threonine.  (A  biosynthetic  precursor  of  these  compounds,  aspartate,  was  inhibitory.) 
Succinate  supported  even  more  rapid  growth  and  was  also  effective,  alone  or  with  glucose,  under 
aerobic  conditions.  Glutamate  was  inactive.  Furthermore,  this  mutant,  growing  on  glucose 
plus  succinate,  heavily  fed  a  strain  that  responds  to  only  a-ketoglutarate  or  glutamate.  These 
findings  suggested  that  mutant  309-1  is  blocked  between  a-ketoglutarate  and  succinate.  This 
conclusion  was  established  by  showing  in  a  Warburg  respirometer  that  non-growing  cell  suspen- 
sions of  mutant  309-1  failed  to  oxidize  glutamate  to  COa,  whereas  the  wild  type  carried  out  this 
conversion  almost  quantitatively.  In  contrast,  succinate  was  oxidized  at  a  similar  rate  by  the 
two  strains. 

These  results  throw  further  light  on  the  metabolic  role  of  the  tricarboxylic  acid  cycle  in 
E.  coli.  Previous  studies  (Gilvarg  and  Davis,  1956)  have  shown  that  a  mutant  blocked  between 
oxalacetate  and  citrate  requires  glutamate  but  not  any  direct  biosynthetic  products  of  the  dicar- 
boxylic acids.  The  present  findings  show  that  when  these  4-carbon  acids  are  being  further 
metabolized  to  a-ketoglutarate  without  being  regenerated  from  that  compound,  the  rate  of  their 
formation  from  glucose  is  not  sufficient  to  meet  the  biosynthetic  needs  of  the  organism. 

Contractility  of  the  Iryaline  layer  of  Arbacia  pitnctulata.  A.  K.  PARPART  AND 

The  hyaline  layer  of  fertilized  Arbacia  punctulata  eggs  is  probably  a  polysaccharide  and  is 
contained  in  a  polymerized  state  in  the  cortical  granules  prior  to  fertilization.  Fertilization  or 
parthenogenic  agents  cause  rapid  and  explosive  depolymerization  followed  by  slow  polymeriza- 
tion, to  form  the  hyaline  layer,  about  2  /*  thick,  closely  surrounding  the  egg. 

This  hyaline  layer  exhibits  remarkable  contractile  properties  when  the  pH  of  the  environ- 
ment is  decreased.  At  pH  4.0  slight  contraction  occurs.  However,  at  pH  2.4  a  rapid  and 
strong  contraction  occurs.  It  shrinks  down  to  a  thin  line  tightly  compressing  the  egg  and  is 
capable  of  pulling  two-  and  four-cell  stage  blastomeres  tightly  together.  Several  acids  added  to 
sea  water  cause  this.  The  force  of  contraction  is  so  great  that  the  plasma  membrane  and  cyto- 
plasm of  the  egg  are  forced  through  numerous  minute  apertures  in  the  hyaline  layer  to  form 
ca.  3  to  5  fj.  blebs  over  most  of  the  egg  surface.  The  contraction  of  the  hyaline  layer  is  reversed 
in  sea  water  and  this  contraction  and  relaxation  can  be  repeated  a  number  of  times. 

The  blebbing  that  follows  active  contraction  is  not  due  to  the  acidity  of  the  environment. 
This  was  established  by  depolymerizing  the  hyaline  layer  in  isosmotic  sucrose  and  then  exposing 
the  egg  to  isosmotic  sucrose  brought  to  pH  2.4.  This  induced  a  mild  degree  of  polymerization 
of  the  hyaline  polysaccharide  but  no  blebbing. 

The  hyaline  layer  is  not  stainable  by  methyl  green,  which  suggests  it  is  not  a  sulfate-poly- 
saccharide.  It  is  stained  in  vivo  by  methylene  blue,  toluidine  blue,  pyronin  and  neutral  red, 
which  suggests  it  may  be  an  acid-polysaccharide.  It  is  not  stainable  by  phenol  red  or  Janus 
green  B.  Methylene  blue,  added  to  depolymerized  hyaline  layer  in  vivo,  causes  a  partial  poly- 
merization. This  suggests  the  polysaccharide  may  be  related  to  the  lichenins. 

Observations  on  the  histology  and  o.ri  dative  metabolism  of  gill  cartilage  from  Limn- 
lus  polyphemus.  PHILIP  PERSON  AND  ALBERT  FINE. 

Limnlus  gill  cartilage,  a  mesenchymally  derived  endoskeletal  tissue,  is  histologically  very 
similar  to  vertebrate  hyaline  cartilage.  Gill  cartilage  growth  and  development  involves  differ- 
entiation, maturation,  and  degeneration  of  cells,  such  as  are  encountered  in  the  life  history  of  a 
typical  vertebrate  cartilage.  It  is  of  interest  that  there  may  be  found,  in  this  invertebrate  tissue, 


sequences  of  cell  development  typically  associated  with  vertebrate  endochondral  ossification,  with 
the  exception  that  Limit! us  cartilage  is  never  replaced  by  a  process  of  ossification.  In  homog- 
enates  and  slices  prepared  from  cartilage  from  larger  animals,  six  inches  in  length  or  more,  it 
was  not  possible  to  demonstrate  direct  oxygen  uptake  in  the  presence  of  substrates  such  as  glu- 
cose, succinate,  ascorbate,  and  hydroquinone,  using  as  much  as  one  gram,  wet  weight  of  tissue, 
per  Warburg  vessel.  A  wide  variety  of  suspending  media  was  used  in  air  and  oxygen  atmos- 
pheres. Inability  to  demonstrate  terminal  oxidase  activity  by  manometric  and  spectrophotometric 
methods  was  not  considered  unusual  in  view  of  the  severe  degenerative  changes  seen  in  the  cells 
of  cartilage  taken  from  larger  animals.  In  specimens  approximately  one  and  one  half  to  three 
inches  in  length,  the  gill  cartilages  resemble  early  embryonic  cartilage,  histologically.  Homog- 
enates  prepared  from  such  tissue  demonstrate  aerobic  utilization  of  succinate  and  hydroquinone. 
Malonate,  equimolar  with  succinate,  inhibited  oxygen  uptake  100%.  Hydroquinone  utilization 
was  inhibited  56%  by  10"4  M  cyanide  and  32%  by  10"*  M  azide  (final  concentrations).  Spectro- 
photometrically,  such  homogenates  could  reduce  cytochrome  c  in  the  presence  of  succinate  and 
10~3  M  cyanide ;  and  could  oxidize  reduced  cytochrome  c.  This  marks  the  first  demonstration  of 
succinoxidase  and  cytochrome  oxidase  activity  in  cartilage  tissue  from  any  source. 

Studies  on  the  distribution  and  properties  of  tlie  ribonuclease  system  in  marine 

Previous  studies  on  the  ribonuclease  (RNase)  system  in  rat  liver  have  demonstrated  the 
presence  of  two  active  enzymes,  an  enzyme  inhibitor  and  an  enzyme-inhibitor  complex.  The  oc- 
currence of  different  RNase  systems  in  lower  forms,  correlated  with  other  biochemical  factors, 
may  give  some  insight  concerning  the  physiological  purpose  of  these  systems  which  occur,  appar- 
ent!}', in  most  animal  cells. 

Various  tissues  were  homogenized  in  ice-cold  water  and  a  supernatant  fraction  prepared  (ex- 
cept with  sperm)  by  centrifugation  at  60,000  G  for  30  minutes.  The  supernatant  fraction  was 
assayed  for  RNase  activity.  RNase  inhibitor  and  inactive  RNase  (i-RNase,  RNase-inhibitor 
complex)  and  the  homogenate  was  assayed  for  RNase  activity  at  pH  5.6,  6.4,  7.0  and  7.8,  and 
after  heating  for  5  minutes  at  pH  5.6  and  7.8.  All  assays  were  by  previously  published  methods 
using  ABC  buffer. 

In  a  series  of  experiments  on  marine  eggs  and  sperm,  i-RNase  but  no  RNase  activity  was 
found  in  the  supernatant  fractions.  With  starfish  nucleoli  (supplied  by  Dr.  Walter  Vincent)  the 
specific  activity  of  both  RNase  and  i-RNase  was  the  highest  encountered,  which  is  of  consider- 
able interest  in  view  of  the  rapid  RNA  metabolism  in  this  particulate.  RNase  inhibitor  was  de- 
tected, in  small  amounts,  in  Chaetoptems  eggs  or  sperm,  the  greatest  activity  being  measured  at 
pH  7.0  or  7.8. 

When  the  supernatant  fractions  from  some  higher  forms  were  examined,  all  contained  from 
moderate  to  large  amounts  of  alkaline  RNase  activity  in  contrast  to  rat  liver,  which  contains 
little.  This  RNase  activity  was  strongly  inhibited  in  squid  gill  and  starfish  gonads  by  4  X  10"4 
M  p-chloromercuribenzoate  indicating  that  the  RNase  was  of  a  sulfhydryl  nature  as  contrasted 
to  mammalian  enzymes  which  are  not.  No  i-RNase  was  detected,  but  RNase  inhibitor  was  wide- 
spread, and  both  acid  and  alkaline  RNase  activity  were  detected  in  most  specimens.  (Supported 
by  grants  from  National  Institutes  of  Health,  American  Cancer  Society  and  Damon  Runyon 
Memorial  Fund.) 

The  effect  of  sugars  on  gastrulation  of  Chaetopterus  embryos.     DWIGHT  B.  Mc- 

During  the  course  of  investigation  in  previous  summers  on  the  carbohydrate  metabolism  of 
the  developing  Chaetopterus  embryo  we  attempted  to  measure  the  production  of  labelled  CO2 
from  glucose-1-C"  and  found  that  the  presence  of  glucose  in  the  sea  water  had  an  adverse  effect 
on  the  subsequent  development  of  the  larvae.  Therefore  the  effects  of  different  concentrations  of 
glucose,  fructose  and  sucrose,  added  at  different  times  before  and  after  fertilization,  have  been 
investigated.  Fertilized  Chaetopterus  eggs  hatch  at  about  7  hours  and  the  trochophores  invagi- 
nate  at  33-36  hours.  Glucose  (0.0055  M),  added  before  fertilization  and  at  times  up  to  9  hours 
after  fertilization,  caused  a  slight  delay  in  the  time  of  gastrulation  which  otherwise  was  normal. 


Glucose  (0.014  M)  delayed  the  onset  of  gastrulation,  decreased  the  size  and  functions  of  the 
alimentary  tract,  decreased  the  proportion  of  embryos  completing  gastrulation  and  prevented 
later  growth  of  the  larvae  in  size.  Glucose  (0.028  M)  added  at  any  time  up  to  7  hours  (hatch- 
ing) prevented  gastrulation;  and  addition  at  9  hours  and  at  10  hours  delayed  gastrulation  to  the 
fourth  day  and  the  third  day,  respectively.  These  larvae  did  not  increase  in  volume  beyond  that 
of  the  egg.  Concentrations  0.045  M  and  above  prevented  any  development  beyond  the  trocho- 
phore  and  produced  abnormal  forms.  Transfer  of  the  embryos  from  glucose  to  sea  water  after 
three  hours  or  more  did  not  lead  to  normal  gastrulation.  Sucrose,  0.03  M,  produced  no  effect 
on  the  time  or  course  of  larval  development.  Thus  these  results  are  not  comparable  to  those  re- 
ported by  K.  Dan  and  A.  R.  Moore  with  Dendraster  or  Arbacia  eggs.  Their  sucrose  concentra- 
tions were  higher  and  produced  abnormal  invagination  and  exogastrulation  by  osmotic  effects. 

The  effects  of  glucose  are  more  comparable  to  the  effects  of  amino  acids  on  marine  egg's  as 
reported  by  Mathews,  or  H.  D.  King. 

Studies  on  the  interactions  of  the  bound  nucleotide  of  actin.     RICHARD  C.  STROH- 


An  investigation  was  carried  out  on  the  changes  in  the  bound  nucleotide  of  actin  associated 
both  with  actin-actin  and  actin-myosin  interaction.  The  possibility  that  the  bound  nucleotide  was 
also  available  for  interaction  with  creatine  phosphate  (CP)  was  also  studied. 

It  was  found  that  a  reversible  depolymerization  of  actin  can  be  obtained  by  dialysis  against 
CP  in  the  presence  of  creatine  phosphokinase.  During  depolymerization  the  ADP  of  the  F-actin 
was  converted  to  ATP.  If,  however,  F-actin  is  reacted  with  CP  but  under  conditions  where  the 
actin  remains  polymerized  then  no  such  transphosphorylation  takes  place. 

The  possibility  that  the  classical  depolymerization  of  actin  with  ATP  might  also  occur 
through  a  transphosphorylation,  where  ATP  is  the  phosphate  donor,  was  subsequently  investi- 
gated. Depolymerization  was  run  using  Ci4  ATP  and  it  was  found  that  there  was  no  incorpora- 
tion of  radioactivity  into  the  bound  nucleotide.  Further  studies  are  in  progress  on  this  system 
but  the  tentative  conclusion  is  that  the  mechanism  of  nucleotide  change  is  one  involving  transfer 
of  the  terminal  phosphate  of  ATP  to  the  ADP  of  the  actin. 

It  is  possible  to  show  that  G-actin  forms  a  complex  with  H-meromyosin  in  which  the  ATP 
of  the  actin  is  converted  to  ADP.  The  nucleotide  of  the  complex  is  still  able  to  interact  with 
the  creatine-phosphokinase  system  since  regeneration  of  ATP  is  observed  when  CP  is  added 
under  the  proper  conditions.  In  F-actin-H-meromyosin  complexes  the  nucleotide  is  unable  to 
interact  with  CP  under  the  conditions  used.  G-actin-H-meromyosin  complexes  are  thus  able  to 
carry  out  a  turnover  of  the  terminal  phosphate  of  the  actin  nucleotide  in  the  presence  of  a  phos- 
phate donor.  No  such  turnover  can  as  yet  be  demonstrated  for  F-actin-H-mero-myosin  com- 

Electrical  recording  in  the  living  squid.     ROGER  E.  THIES. 

The  resting  potential  and  spontaneous  activity  of  the  giant  axon  were  measured  in  Loligo 
pealii.  Animals  were  maintained  for  many  hours  strapped  under  the  lid  of  a  Incite  box  contain- 
ing oxygenated  sea  water.  The  axon  was  observed  near  the  rostral  margin  of  the  fin  with 
transmitted  light.  To  insure  visibility  the  ink  sac  duct  was  ligated  and  the  skin  removed  locally. 

Spontaneous  activity  of  two  animals  was  recorded  between  two  glass-insulated  silver  wires 
plunged  into  the  mantle  muscle  just  above  the  axon  and  one  centimeter  apart.  Irritation  by- 
poking  the  head  caused  firing  of  the  giant  fiber.  The  resultant  axon  potentials  of  0.2-0.4  milli- 
volts were  followed  after  2-3  milliseconds  by  muscle  potentials  of  1  to  5  millivolts.  The  poten- 
tials occurred  singly  or  in  bursts  of  up  to  eight.  The  longer  trains  began  at  frequencies  of  140 
per  second  and  declined  to  50  per  second,  with  the  total  duration  never  exceeding  100  milli- 
seconds. During  continuing  irritation  such  bursts  recurred  at  one-  to  five-second  intervals. 

Resting  potentials  were  measured  with  the  squid  in  a  closed  system  of  circulating  sea  water 
cooled  to  8°  C.  The  resulting  decreased  rate  of  mantle  contraction  minimized  movement  of  the 
axon  during  penetration  with  KCl-filled  micropipette  electrodes.  Removal  of  muscle  from  above 

1  Supported  by  fellowship  from  U.  S.  Public  Health  Service  to  the  author  and  by  a  grant  to 
Dr.  T.  Hayashi  from  the  Muscular  Dystrophy  Assn.  of  America. 


the  fiber  allowed  penetration  of  the  axon  membrane  under  direct  observation.  Values  of  60  to 
111  millivolts  were  measured  in  sixteen  penetrations  of  six  axons,  with  a  mean  value  of  77  milli- 
volts. Three  axons  gave  values  of  52  millivolts  and  below. 

The  high  resting  potentials  may  be  due  to  the  elimination  of  the  mechanical  trauma  associ- 
ated with  removal  of  the  giant  axon,  as  well  as  preservation  of  all  the  animal's  functions. 
Prosser  and  Young  showed  that  single  impulses  in  the  giant  axon  give  maximal  contraction. 
Yet  apparently  the  squid  frequently  uses  short  bursts  to  insure  effective  contraction. 

Glucuronidase  and  sulfatase  of  mollusks.     WALTER  TROLL. 

Glucuronidase  and  sulfatase  are  useful  reagents  in  the  study  of  mammalian  metabolism,  since 
a  number  of  compounds  such  as  steroids  and  aromatic  amines  are  excreted  as  glucuronides  and 
sulfate  esters  in  the  urine.  Recently  a  number  of  English  workers  have  reported  that  mollusks 
occurring  at  their  sea  coast  are  excellent  sources  of  these  enzymes.  We  have  confirmed  this  ob- 
servation with  several  mollusks  obtainable  here.  A  good  source  appears  to  be  the  liver  of 
Mactra  homogenized  with  water.  Both  glucuronidase  and  sulfatase  are  readily  purified  by  am- 
monium sulfate  fractionation  yielding  enzyme  preparations  with  50-fold  the  activity  of  the  most 
purified  mammalian  preparations.  The  optimum  pH  for  glucuronidase  using  phenolphthalein 
glucuronide  as  the  substrate  is  pH  4.  The  optimum  pH  for  the  sulfatase  using  p-nitrophenol 
sulfate  as  the  substrate  is  5.6.  The  sulfatase  is  inhibited  by  phosphate  and  sulfate  ions.  All 
these  properties  are  identical  with  the  ones  reported  by  the  English  workers  for  a  variety  of 
molluskan  enzymes.  These  observations  can  be  interpreted  to  indicate  that  these  enzymes  are 
characteristic  constituents  of  mollusks. 

Proteins  of  starfish  nucleoli.     W.  S.  VINCENT. 

Among  the  many  unknown  things  about  nucleoli  is  where  the  nucleolar  materials  come  from. 
As  about  95%  of  the  nucleolar  materials  are  protein,  an  analysis  of  this  component  might  sug- 
gest some  answers  to  this  particular  basic  problem. 

The  major  protein  component  of  isolated  starfish  nucleoli  proved  to  be  insoluble  in  reagents 
which  might  yield  solutions  suitable  for  ultracentrifugal  or  electrophoretic  analysis,  so  the  tech- 
nique of  end  group  labelling  with  dinitrofluorobenzine  was  used.  When  nucleoli  were  reacted 
with  this  reagent,  the  hydrolysate,  upon  chromatographic  separation,  yielded  only  a  single  amino 
acid  (as  yet  unidentified)  labelled  with  the  dinitrophenol.  A  control  reaction  on  acetone  powder 
of  whole  starfish  eggs  yielded  some  half-dozen  labelled  amino  acids. 

Although  the  possibility  is  not  completely  excluded  that  the  free  amino  end  groups  of  some 
of  the  protein  species  may  not  be  available  to  the  reagent,  the  simplest  interpretation  of  these  ex- 
periments is  that  the  nucleolus  consists  of  a  single  protein.  If  this  simple  explanation  is  true, 
then  it  is  likely  that  the  nucleolar  protein  is  the  product  of  a  single  genetic  "site"  rather  than 
being  the  accumulated  products  of  many  different  chromosomal  regions. 

Survival  of  marine  invertebrate  cells  in  tissue  culture  (Limulus  and  Ostrea).     ANNE 

Limulus  amoebocytes  were  cultured  in  varying  dilutions  of  Limulus  serum  in  roller  tubes 
with  100  units  of  penicillin  and  100  units  of  streptomycin  at  room  temperature.  As  Loeb  has 
shown,  the  amoebocytes  maintain  their  oval,  granular  appearance  in  undiluted  Limulus  blood. 
In  this  medium  a  prompt  loss  of  granules  and  change  in  shape  of  the  cells  were  obtained  with  a 
bacterial  toxin  within  15  minutes.  With  renewals  of  medium,  Limulus  cells  survived  more  than 
30  days  in  10%  Limulus  serum  in  artificial  sea  water.  Similar  observations  were  made  in  25, 
50  and  100%  Limulus  serum.  In  both  living  and  Giemsa-stained  preparations  no  mitotic  figures 
were  observed.  In  all  of  the  cultures  there  was  a  gradual  decrease  in  the  mass  of  cell  material. 
Attempts  at  transfer  by  explantation  of  recently  formed  clots,  by  trypsinization,  in  Ca-free  sea 
water  and  Versene  treatment  failed.  Oyster  amoebocytes  obtained  by  cardiac  puncture  survived 
in  their  own  serum  for  5  days.  Mantle  tissue  was  explanted  in  artificial  sea  water,  10%  and 
25%  Limulus  serum  in  artificial  sea  water  with  10  mg%  glucose,  and  in  hemocyanin-free  Limu- 
lus serum.  Following  the  early  migration  of  amoebocytes  from  the  mantle  tissue,  in  the  sea 
water  there  was  a  degeneration  of  all  of  the  cells  by  two  days.  The  addition  of  the  Limulus 


serum  was  accompanied  by  the  organization  of  mantle  epithelial  cells,  the  formation  of  ciliated 
cysts  within  the  mantle  and  ciliated  borders.  Such  ciliated  cysts  remained  spinning  for  8  to  10 
days  and  the  amoebocytes  persisted  for  12  days.  Again  no  mitotic  figures  were  seen  and  the 
cultures  gradually  degenerated.  Some  muscle  cells  apparently  also  persisted  since  contraction  of 
the  explant  was  observed  as  late  as  10  days. 

Method  of  analysis  of  a  "gene"  in  Mormoniella.     P.  W.  WHITING. 

A  restricted  region  of  the  germ  plasm,  a  gene  so-called,  may  be  studied  by  the  interaction  of 
mutant  allcles  in  the  compounds.  The  allelic  series  is  likely  to  be  complex,  affecting  more  than 
one  factor.  The  different  mutant  states  of  the  factors  constitute  sub-series  of  alternatives  within 
the  series  of  pleiotropic  allelic  genes.  These  states  cause  impairment  of  function  of  greater  or 
less  severity.  Alleles  may  be  produced  by  irradiation  of  wild  type  and  isolated  by  subsequent 
crossing  to  a  stock  with  a  recessive  marker.  Thus,  irradiated  wild-type  Mormoniella  males  have 
been  crossed  to  females  with  the  .R-locus  eye  color  peach-333.5.  A  mutant-type  daughter  will 
be  a  compound  of  peach  and  a  new  7?-locus  mutant  gene.  Wild-type  daughters  indicate  either 
no  mutation,  mutation  at  loci  other  than  R,  or  7?-locus  mutation  in  factors  other  than  those 
affected  by.  the  marker  gene.  Peach-333.5  is  a  triple  recessive  gene,  mutant  in  eye-color  factors 
O,  S  and  TV  but  not  in  M.  Mahogany-846  is  recessive  in  M  alone.  The  compound  female  is, 
therefore,  wild  type — o.s.  +  .«/+  .  +  .m.  +.  There  have  also  been  found  in  this  region  at  least 
three  factors,  A,  B  and  C,  affecting  viability  and  sterility.  Mutations  in  A  may  be  female- 
sterile,  fsa,  or  lethal,  la.  The  compound,  fsa/la,  is  a  viable  but  sterile  female  like  the  homo- 
zygote,  fsa/fsa.  Some  of  the  TtMocus  alleles  suppress  crossing-over  with  purple  body,  pu,  eleven 
map  units  distant.  It  is  postulated  that  a  similar  method  of  analysis  applied  to  other  regions 
also  would  produce  pleiotropic  alleles  and  convert  these  regions  into  loci  by  suppressing  crossing- 
over  within  them  and  thus  integrating  their  factors  into  segregating  units,  genes. 

Energy  metabolism  and  ciliary  activity  of  Mytilus  gill.     EDWARD  AIELLO. 

In  1924  James  Gray  reported  that  veratrine  stimulated  both  ciliary  activity  and  oxygen  up- 
take of  excised  Mytilus  gill  to  about  150%  normal  and  suggested  a  direct  effect  of  veratrine  on 
energy  metabolism.  It  has  been  found  that  veratrine  sulfate  0.01%  causes  no  significant  change 
in  the  oxygen  uptake  or  ciliary  activity  of  gills  whose  cilia  have  been  totally  inhibited  by  2,4- 
dinitrophenol  10"3  M  or  high  salt  (3  X  normal  osmolarity)  or  partially  inhibited  by  KCN  0.01 
M.  It  does,  however,  almost  totally  restore  the  oxygen  uptake  and  ciliary  activity  after  inhibi- 
tion by  sodium  azide  0.01  M.  Azide,  in  turn,  only  slightly  inhibits  the  oxygen  uptake  of  gills 
in  DNP  or  high  salt  but  greatly  inhibits  it,  and  ciliary  activity,  in  natural  sea  water.  The  ab- 
solute values  of  oxygen  uptake  in  DNP  or  high  salt  with  azide  present  are  higher  than  those 
with  azide  alone  although  ciliary  activity  is  only  present,  but  weak,  in  the  latter.  Veratrine  does 
not  restore  ciliary  activity  that  has  been  inhibited  by  lack  of  oxygen.  The  simplest  explanation 
seems  to  be  that  veratrine  effects  oxygen  uptake  only  indirectly  through  its  effect  on  ciliary  ac- 
tivity ;  also,  that  azide  effects  oxygen  uptake  directly  only  to  a  small  degree  and  mainly  by  a 
direct  inhibition  of  the  ciliary  mechanism.  This  latter  action  is  the  only  one  reversed  by  vera- 
trine. A  further  implication  is  that,  depending  on  circumstances,  the  degree  of  ciliary  activity 
regulates  oxygen  uptake,  e.g.  with  veratrine  stimulation,  or  the  rate  of  oxygen  uptake  determines 
the  degree  of  ciliary  activity,  e.g.  with  cyanide  inhibition. 

Supported  in  part  by  a  Predoctoral  Fellowship  from  the  National  Institutes  of  Health  and 
a  grant  to  Dr.  T.  Hayashi  from  the  Muscular  Dystrophy  Association  of  America. 

Reaction  to  injury  in  the  oyster.     F.  B.  BANG. 

Amoebocytes  of  the  oyster  readily  phagocytize  a  variety  of  marine  bacteria  in  vitro.  How- 
ever, many  strains  of  marine  bacteria  were  not  phagocytized  under  the  same  conditions.  When 
phagocytosis  took  place  it  was  preceded  by  clumping  of  bacteria  on  the  amoebocytes  and  fre- 
quently by  the  sticking  of  the  bacterial  flagella  on  the  processes  of  the  amoebocytes  (electron 


microscopy).  The  formation  of  an  extracellular  clot  with  oyster  amoebocytes  was  demon- 
strated frequently  in  blood  obtained  from  well-fed  oysters  which  had  been  kept  from  feeding  dur- 
ing the  preceding  6  to  12  hours.  This  extracellular  clot  entrapped  bacteria  and  spread  from  the 
amoebocytes  throughout  and  around  the  cellular  clot.  This  extracellular  clot  was  also  observed 
in  vivo.  Intra vascular  clotting  (white  cell  clumping)  was  observed  in  the  vessels  of  the  living 
oyster  following  trauma  directly  to  the  oyster  or  in  badly  traumatized  oysters  opened  on  the  half 
shell.  It  was  produced  regularly  by  the  intracardiac  injection  of  an  extract  of  oyster  tissue 
(gill).  This  intravascular  clotting  consisted  of  clumping  of  white  cells,  the  sticking  of  these 
clumps  to  the  walls  of  the  vessels  and  the  contraction  and  thrombosis  of  large  vessels  which 
lasted  for  one  to  two  hours.  Control  injections  of  sea  water  and  carmine  failed  to  produce  these 
effects.  Heated  extract  and  bacterial  suspensions  produced  temporary  effects  (10  to  15  minutes). 

Lethal  irradiation  of  Tillina  nmgna  in  its  active  and  encysted  states.     JOSEPHINE 

The  ciliate  Tillina  nun/na,  in  its  active  state,  is  somewhat  more  sensitive  to  x-irradiation  than 
are  many  other  protozoa  for  which  lethal  doses  are  known,  but  like  the  other  protozoa  tillinas 
vary  considerably  among  themselves  in  susceptibility  to  radiation.  This  is  particularly  con- 
spicuous if  they  are  irradiated  at  different  times  in  their  life  cycles. 

Tillina,  like  the  better  known  Colpoda,  is  very  easily  induced  to  form  cysts.  These  are 
smaller  than  the  active  form  and  in  them  the  animal  is  de-differentiated.  In  a  series  of  tests 
active  tillinas  and  tillina  cysts,  in  groups  of  twenties,  were  irradiated  at  intensities  of  175,  200 
and  225  kr,  doses  chosen  because  they  are  on  the  borderline  of  survival  for  these  animals.  It  is 
well  known  from  earlier  work  on  Tillina  that  animals  which  initially  survive  a  dose  of  irradia- 
tion often  go  subsequently  into  an  abnormal  cyst  from  which  there  is  no  revival.  The  fate  of 
the  active  animals  irradiated  at  these  doses  was  often  such  a  cyst.  The  effect  of  irradiation  on 
a  normal  cyst  is  not  immediately  apparent.  However,  unless  such  a  cyst,  under  circumstances 
favorable  to  excystment,  becomes  active  within  twenty-four  hours,  it  is  unlikely  that  it  is  alive. 

Examination,  after  twenty-four  hours,  of  the  animals  treated  as  described  above  indicated  in 
every  case  a  higher  percentage  of  survival  in  the  animals  irradiated  as  cysts  than  as  active  ani- 
mals. In  one  typical  experiment  active  animals  irradiated  at  225  kr  showed  10%  survival  after 
24  hours  and  cysts  treated  at  the  same  time  to  the  same  dose  had  a  75%  survival.  Similar  dif- 
ferences between  susceptibilities  of  active  and  encysted  forms  were  shown  at  the  other  doses. 
The  experiments  as  a  whole  show  clearly  that  active  animals  are  more  susceptible  to  x-irradia- 
tion than  animals  in  resting  cysts. 

Work  done  with  the  support  of  the  A.  E.  C.  under  contract  No.  AT-(40-1  )-1818,  with 
Agnes  Scott  College. 

The  inliibition  of  the  cardiac  ganglion  of  Lininlus  polypJiemus  by  5-hydroxytryp- 
tamine.     A.  S.  V.  BURGEN  x  AND  S.  W.  KUFFLER. 

The  rhythmic  bursts  of  activity  in  the  isolated  cardiac  ganglia  of  Liinulus  polyphemns  were 
slowed  by  5-hydroxytryptamine  (5-HT)  5  X  10~8  g./ml.  and  arrested  by  2-3  times  this  concentra- 
tion. The  inhibitory  effect  of  5-HT  could  be  prevented  by  roughly  equal  concentrations  of 
bromlysergic  diethylamide  (BOL)  which  by  itself  had  no  striking  effect  on  the  activity  of  the 
ganglion.  Gamma-aminobutyrate  had  a  similar  action  to  that  of  5-HT  but  was  about  100  times 
less  active. 

Larval  development  of  Streblospio  benedicti  Webster.     MILDRED  A.  CAMPBELL. 

Early  developmental  stages  of  Strcblospio  benedicti  occur  within  a  protected  area  on  the 
dorsal  surface  of  the  middle  segments  of  the  adult.  In  the  living  material  these  segments  appear 
to  form  a  brood  chamber  with  dorsolateral  folds  of  the  body  wall,  but  definite  information  must 
wait  upon  histological  sections.  The  eggs  are  blue-green  in  color,  as  are  the  larvae  at  the  time 
of  hatching.  Larvae  are  released  into  the  plankton  at  the  3-  or  4-segmented  stage.  They  are 
typical  spiomorphic  larvae. 

1  Fellow  of  the  Lalor  Foundation. 


At  the  time  of  hatching  the  larvae  have  a  well  developed  prototroch  and  telotroch,  finely 
serrated  provisional  setae,  strong  sensory  cilia  on  the  prostomium,  and  two  pairs  of  brownish-red 
eyes.  The  pygidium  has  four  anal  cirri,  which  look  as  though  they  contain  bacillary  glands. 

In  the  later  larvae  gastrotrochs  develop  on  the  posterior  segments,  and  the  neurotroch  ap- 
pears to  extend  to  the  posterior  border  of  the  first  segment.  The  provisional  setae  are  replaced 
by  the  adult  type  and  the  pygidium  loses  the  anal  cirri.  The  prostomium  and  peristomium  are 
fused  to  form  a  bell-shaped  anterior  end.  The  lateral  lips  of  the  vestibule  are  fused  anteriorly. 
There  are  posterio-lateral  palp-like  projections  of  the  vestibule  wall  which  are  capable  of  great 
extension.  Diffuse  light  brown  pigment  develops  in  the  wall  of  the  vestibule,  as  well  as  on  the 
prostomium  and  pygidium.  Palps  and  branchiae  do  not  develop  before  the  9-segmented  stage. 
From  the  10-segmented  stage  on,  the  larvae  appear  to  be  bottom  dwellers.  In  nature  meta- 
morphosis must  occur  at  about  the  13-segmented  stage,  since  one  collection  contained  a  specimen 
13  segments  long  which  did  not  possess  any  larval  characteristics. 

Electrical  stimulation  of  light  emission  in  fireflies.     ].  F.  CASE  AND  JOHN  BUCK. 

To  provide  further  data  on  the  control  of  flashing  in  the  fireflies  Photinus  pyralis  and 
I'liotiiris  pennsylvanica,  the  effects  of  variation  in  strength,  duration  and  frequency  of  electrical 
stimuli  were  studied.  Pulses  from  a  Grass  P4  stimulator  were  applied  either  to  the  thoracic 
ventral  nerve  cord  or  directly  to  photogenic  organs  with  central  connections  severed.  The  photo- 
genic responses  of  both  species  resemble  those  of  known  neuro-effector  systems  in  showing  a 
well  defined  stimulus  intensity  threshold,  facilitation  and  adaptation.  Both  species  give  evidence 
of  complex  neuro-effector  organization  in  that  areas  or  sub-units  of  the  light  organs  may  re- 
spond asynchronously  to  the  same  external  stimulus. 

The  two  species  differ  in  spontaneous  light  emission,  P.  pennsylvanica  producing  shorter 
flashes  which  are  characteristically  double  peaked,  a  small  inflection  occurring  on  the  ascending 
limb  of  the  major  peak.  This  suggestion  of  more  precise  neural  control  of  flashing  by  P.  penn- 
sylvanica is  confirmed  by  the  considerably  higher  stimulus  frequencies  to  which  its  light  organ 
can  respond  with  discrete  flashes  (at  least  20  per  second  compared  with  less  than  5  per  second 
for  P.  pyralis)  and  by  its  considerably  shorter  response  latency  to  high  frequency  stimulus  trains. 

In  P.  pennsylvanica  response  latency  to  direct  organ  stimulation  is  about  70  msec,  and  about 
200  msec,  to  thoracic  cord  stimulation.  Since  only  a  small  fraction  of  these  delays  can  reason- 
ably be  accounted  for  in  terms  of  synaptic  delay  and  neural  transmission  time  it  appears  that  the 
control  of  light  emission  must  involve  either  some  rather  unconventional  type  of  neuro-effector 
linkage  or  considerable  delay  within  the  photogenic  tissue. 

The    nature    of    electrical    responses    of    doubly-innervated    insect    muscle    fibers. 

Depolarizing  pulses  applied  to  muscle  fibers  of  Romalea  microptcra  through  one  inserted 
microelectrode  evoke  responses  at  another  (recording)  microelectrode  at  a  low  level  of  de- 
polarization. As  the  pulse  strength  is  increased  larger,  spike-like  responses  are  obtained.  These 
are,  however,  always  graded  events.  Sustained  applied  depolarization  produces  repetitive  pulsa- 
tile responses,  but  successive  potentials  become  smaller  and  may  die  out.  The  maximum  magni- 
tude of  the  responses  is  about  35  mV. 

Keeping  the  pulse  strength  constant  and  recording  at  different  distances  from  the  stimulating 
electrode,  the  spike-like  responses  are  seen  to  die  out  very  rapidly.  At  3  mm.  distance  even  the 
largest  are  barely  detectable.  The  graded  responses  are  therefore  decrementally  propagated. 

Junction,  or  postsynaptic  potentials  (psp's)  evoked  by  stimulating  "fast"  or  "slow"  nerve 
fibers  decrease  with  increasing  depolarization  of  the  muscle  fiber.  When  the  membrane  potential 
is  reversed  to  a  sufficient  extent,  the  psp's  reverse  in  sign.  With  increasing  membrane  polariza- 
tion the  psp's  increase  in  amplitude.  These  findings  suggest  that  psp's  are  generated  in  electri- 
cally inexcitable  membrane. 

The  "fast"  psp's  evoked  during  strong  membrane  hyperpolarization  continue  to  produce  spike- 
like  responses.  The  latter  often  appear  to  be  overshooting  and  may  be  initiated  at  lower  levels 
of  depolarization  than  in  normally  polarized  fibers. 


These  data  can  account  for  the  different  types  of  activity  evoked  in  one  muscle  fiber  by 
stimulation  of  its  "fast"  or  "slow"  nerve.  The  psp's  generated  synchronously  at  multiple  sites  of 
innervation  evoke  graded,  decrementally  propagated  pulsatile  responses.  Different  combinations 
of  the  two  response  components,  large  "fast"  psp's  evoking  large  graded  responses ;  small  "slow" 
psp's  producing  smaller  graded  activity,  result  in  the  characteristically  different  mechanical  re- 
sponses of  these  doubly-innervated  muscle  fibers. 

Neuromuscular  transmission  in  the  grasshopper  Romalea  microptera.     J.  CERF,  H. 

Some  muscle  fibers  of  insects  receive  double  motor  innervation,  one  fiber  giving  rise  to  large 
electrical  responses  and  powerful  twitch  contractions,  the  other  evoking  smaller  potentials  and 
weaker  contractions.  This  is  also  the  case  in  flexor  and  extensor  muscles  of  the  meso-  and 
metathoracic  legs  of  Romalea.  The  extensor  muscle  of  the  jumping  leg  receives  a  single  "fast" 
and  a  single  "slow"  axon  which  leave  the  ganglion  in  separate  nerve  trunks  homologous  to  those 
designated  3b  and  5  in  locusts  (Hoyle,  1955). 

Intracellular  recording  reveals  that  almost  all  the  muscle  fibers  receive  branches  from  the 
"fast"  axon,  although  some  have  been  found  without  "fast"  responses.  These  were  fibers  with 
particularly  large  "slow"  responses.  The  resting  potentials  were  50-70  mV  in  magnitude. 
"Fast"  responses  typically  involved  a  small  overshoot.  Return  to  the  resting  potential  was  often 
almost  as  fast  as  the  rising  phase  but  in  many  muscle  fibers  the  later  part  was  much  slower 
than  the  first.  This  was  attributed  to  the  presence  of  persistent  junction  (postsynaptic)  poten- 
tials. "Fast"  responses  are  followed  by  a  refractory  period  for  the  spike-like  component. 

Responses  to  stimulation  of  the  "slow"  nerve  were  found  particularly  in  a  muscle  bundle 
situated  at  the  proximal  border  of  the  extensor.  These  fibers  have  a  richer  tracheal  supply  than 
purely  "fast"  innervated  ones.  The  "slow"  responses  ranged  widely  in  magnitude.  The  smaller 
ones  had  a  long  time-course  and  summed  to  give  a  plateau  of  depolarization  during  repetitive 
stimulation ;  they  showed  no  refractoriness.  The  larger  ones  gave  rise  to  graded  secondary  re- 
sponses and  had  a  shorter  time-course,  though  the  postsynaptic  potential  was  quite  long  in  some 

The  responses  to  both  kinds  of  nerve  stimulation  were  similar  when  recorded  simultaneously 
at  different  points  along  the  fiber,  reflecting  the  multiterminal  nature  of  the  innervation. 

Larval  development  of  the  mud  crab  Ncopanopc  tcxana  sayi  (Smith).1     NORMAN 

Larvae  of  Ncopanopc  tcxana  sayi  have  been  successfully  reared  in  the  laboratory  through 
the  second  crab  stage.  Two  egg-bearing  females  were  collected  from  Great  Pond,  Falmouth, 
Massachusetts,  on  July  22,  1957,  and  maintained  in  the  laboratory.  The  larvae  hatched  as 
prezoeae  and  developed  through  four  zoeal  stages  and  one  megalopal  stage  before  metamorphosing 
into  the  first  crab  stage.  The  larvae  were  cultured  in  20-liter  glass  jars  containing  15  liters  of 
sea  water  which  was  aerated  continuously.  Cultures  of  larvae  in  isolation  were  also  maintained. 
The  temperature  of  the  cultures  remained  at  24.0°  C.  ±  1.0°  C.  All  prezoeae  shed  within  five 
minutes  to  become  first  zoeae.  Duration  of  the  later  stages  in  days  for  the  two  cultures  was, 
respectively:  first  zoea,  12,  8;  second  zoea,  3,  2;  third  zoea,  1,  1;  fourth  zoea,  2,  2;  megalops, 
7,  7;  first  crab,  7,  7.  Thus  the  planktonic  stages  lasted  25  and  20  days,  respectively. 

Zoeal  stages  were  fed  Phacodactylum  tricornutum  (200,000/ml.)  and  Dunaliclla  euchlora 
(20,000/ml.).  Early  larvae  of  Arenicola  cristata  were  fed  to  the  zoeal  and  megalopal  stages 
with  the  exception  of  the  first  zoeae  of  the  first  culture  which  were  fed  only  Phacodactyhim 
tricornutum  for  the  first  six  days  of  their  development.  This  fact  probably  accounts  for  the 
observed  difference  in  the  durations  of  the  first  zoeal  stages.  Megalopal  and  crab  stages  were 
fed  Artemia  salina  nauplii.  Crab  stages  were  also  fed  small  pieces  of  clam  gill  and  mantle. 

These  data  indicate  that  duration  of  planktonic  stages  can  be  shorter  than  has  been  esti- 
mated from  plankton  studies. 

1  This  study  was  aided  by  a  summer  fellowship  from  the  Woods  Hole  Oceanographic  Insti- 


Fertilisability  of  Arbacia  eggs  after  pretreatment  in  trim e thy lated  xanthine  deriva- 
tives.    RALPH  HOLT  CHENEY. 

A  viability  time  table  for  Arbacia  punctulata  gametes  in  relation  to  time  was  noted  by  the 
author  in  1950.  The  effect  of  M/400  di-  and  trimethylated  xanthines  was  published  in  1956. 
Concurrently  with  a  study  of  inhibitory  effects  of  derivatives  of  2:6  dioxypurines  on  mitosis  and 
growth  of  this  species,  the  insemination  process  and  appearance  of  the  fertilization  membrane 
were  observed. 

Eggs  were  shed  into  equal  volumes  of  sea  water,  and  into  M/200  and  M/400  concentrations 
in  SW  of  trimethylated  xanthine  (caffeine),  8-methoxycaffeine,  8-ethoxycaffeine,  and  8-chloro- 
caffeine.  Eggs  were  mixed  with  non-treated,  fresh  sperm  in  SW  after  eggs  were  pretreated  for 
4,  10,  24,  and  48  hours. 

Delay  in  insemination  time  and  appearance  of  the  fertilization  membrane  was  only  slight  un- 
less the  egg  pretreatment  period  exceeded  four  hours  although  a  30-minute  immersion  does  affect 
subsequently  the  mitotic  process  and  early  growth.  Order  of  increasing  delay  or  complete  in- 
ability of  the  egg  to  produce  the  FM  after  10,  24,  and  48  hours  in  M/200  or  M/400  showed  the 
same  sequence ;  namely,  8-MOC ;  8-EOC ;  C ;  and  8-CC. 

All  of  these  compounds  have  been  reported  to  penetrate  the  plasma  membrane  readily  in 
plant  cells  but  only  EOC  penetrates  the  nuclear  "envelope."  Centrifugation  studies  by  the  author 
(1949)  demonstrated  an  egg  surface-action  effect  of  the  trimethylated  xanthine.  Unpublished 
data  with  respect  to  sperm  potency  after  subjection  to  these  compounds  indicate  that  the  egg  re- 
mains normal  longer  than  sperm  in  identical  molarities.  It  is  suggested  that  the  variation  of  the 
physico-chemical  surface  forces  induced  by  these  compounds  may  account  for  the  differences  in 
the  insemination  time-period  and  the  lifting  of  the  fertilization  membrane. 

Dioxypurine  derivatives  as  mitotic  and  growth  inhibitors.     RALPH  HOLT  CHENEY. 

Dimethylated  (theophylline)  and  trimethylated  (caffeine)  2:6  dioxypurines,  and  a  methoxy- 
group  (OCH3)  substituted  for  H  at  C8  (methoxycaffeine),  an  8-ethoxy  radical  (OCH2CH3)  the 
8-ethoxycaffeine,  and  a  Cl  substitution  8-chlorocaffeine,  were  employed  in  M/200  (5  mmol/L) 
and  M/400  (2.5  mmol/L)  concentrations.  Test  cell  was  the  egg  of  Arbacia  punctulata.  Non- 
treated,  fresh  sperm  were  mixed  in  sea  water  (SW)  with  eggs  pretreated  30  minutes  in  the  ex- 
perimental solutions :  SW  alone,  TpSW,  CSW,  8-MOCSW,  8-EOCSW,  and  8-CCSW. 

Based  upon  (1)  degree  of  delay  and  induced  abnormalities  of  the  mitotic  process  and  cell 
division,  and  (2)  observation  of  the  maximal  growth  at  death  in  equivalent  molarities,  the  order 
of  increasing  inhibitory  effectiveness  of  the  number,  position,  and  nature  of  the  radicals  was  de- 
termined. In  M/200,  the  order  of  increasing  effectiveness  indicated  by  relative  mitotic  inhibition 
was  Tp ;  8-MOC ;  8-EOC ;  C ;  8-CC.  An  identical  sequence  was  demonstrated  by  the  death 
series.  Using  M/400,  a  similar  order  was  noted  except  that  the  mitotic  inhibition  results  sug- 
gested a  possible  reversal  in  the  relative  effectiveness  of  8-EOC  and  C. 

Analyses  of  sequences  demonstrate  an  inhibitory  increase  associated  with  an  increase  in  N- 
bound  methylation,  still  greater  inhibition  with  ethoxy-  radical  compared  with  the  methoxy- 
group,  and  a  maximal  effect  with  the  chlorine  substitution  for  H  at  C8.  Relative  inhibitions  indi- 
cate a  significant  relationship  between  the  molecular  structure  involving  CH3,  OCH3,  OCH2CH3) 
and  Cl,  the  relative  penetration  power  of  these  compounds  at  the  nuclear  border,  and  possibly  the 
electro-negative  property  of  chlorine.  Results  regarding  the  relative  inhibitory  effect  of  C  and 
8-CC  are  in  general  agreement  with  the  report  regarding  these  same  dioxypurine  derivatives 
upon  plant  cells  in  Allium  root  tip.  See  Kihlman,  B.  (Symb.  Bot.  Upsal,  11,  No.  2:  1-40 
(1951);  11,  No.  4:  1-96  (1952)). 

The  demonstration  of  histamine  in  heparin- containing  invertebrate  cells.1     ALFRED 

This  study  of  invertebrate  eggs  resulted  from  a  consideration  of  the  mammalian  mast  cell 
which  has  been  shown  to  contain  heparin  and  more  recently  to  be  a  major  source  of  histamine. 

1  Supported  in  part  by  Parke,  Davis  Company. 

2  Lederle  Medical  Student  Research  Fellow. 


There  exists  the  possibility  that  a  single  substance  within  the  cell  binds  both  heparin  and  hista- 
mine,  and  the  work,  in  vivo  and  in  vitro,  of  other  investigators  suggests  that  there  may  in  fact 
be  a  heparin-histamine  complex.  With  these  studies  in  mind,  it  seemed  worthwhile  to  search 
for  histamine  in  other  cells  known  to  contain  heparin.  Since  blood  clotting  experiments  and/or 
the  metachromatic  reaction  have  indicated  the  presence  of  heparin  in  eggs  of  the  clam  (Spisula 
solidissima) ,  the  sea  urchin  (Arbacia  punctulata),  and  the  annelid  (Chactoptcms  pergamcn- 
taceus),  we  assayed  these  eggs  for  histamine  using  the  micro-chemical  technique  of  Lowry  et  al. 
The  results  suggest  that  these  eggs  are  rich  in  histamine.  Our  analyses  show  that  the  Spisula 
egg  contains  2.0  X  10~°  Mgm  histamine  base  per  egg  and  that  4.8  X  10~6  yugrn  histamine  is  present 
in  Arbacia.  Preliminary  experiments  indicate  9.6  X  10~8  /xgm  histamine  per  Chaetopterus  egg. 
These  figures  are  slightly  lower  than  those  calculated  by  others  for  rat  mast  cells  (6.0  X  10~G 
Mgm  histamine  per  cell).  Disruption  of  the  cell  membrane  is  apparently  sufficient  to  liberate 
most  of  the  histamine  within  the  egg  since  homogenization,  freezing  and  thawing,  or  hypotonic 
solutions  result  in  histamine  release.  Since  compound  48/80  releases  histamine  from  mast  cells 
in  vivo,  we  have  attempted  to  liberate  histamine  from  Spisula  and  Arbacia  eggs  using  various 
concentrations  of  48/80  (20-200  mg%)  ;  however,  in  no  case  did  it  act  as  a  liberating  agent. 
These  experiments  are  complicated  by  the  fact  that  48/80  interferes  with  the  histamine  deter- 
mination. Further  studies  on  the  mechanism  of  histamine  release  by  histamine  liberators,  as  well 
as  by  heparin  liberators,  are  being  carried  out. 

A  tecJiuic  for  preparing  whole  mounts  of  veliyer  larvae.     A.  C.  CLEMENT  AND  J.  N. 

Excellent,  almost  life-like  whole  mounts  of  the  young  veliger  larvae  of  Ilyanassa  obsoleta 
and  Anachis  avara  have  been  prepared  by  the  following  relatively  rapid  and  simple  technic. 
Larvae  are  first  immobilized  by  placing  them  in  a  mixture  of  one  part  saturated  aqueous  solution 
of  chloretone  and  two  parts  sea  water.  Three  or  four  minutes  exposure  to  this  mixture  is  ade- 
quate ;  prolonged  exposure  may  be  damaging.  The  larvae  are  then  fixed  for  one  hour  in  a  solu- 
tion of  10%  formalin  in  sea  water.  In  a  satisfactory  proportion  of  the  cases  the  fixed  larvae  will 
show  the  velum  fully  expanded.  The  larvae  are  next  dehydrated  in  ethyl  alcohol  ( 10  minutes  in 
each  of  the  following:  35%,  70%,  95%,  and  two  successive  baths  of  100%)  and  mounted  in 
Euparal  under  coverslips  supported  by  strips  of  filter  paper.  In  larvae  in  which  the  yolk  has 
been  largely  or  wholly  absorbed,  structural  details  of  the  digestive  tract,  velum,  foot  and  other 
parts  may  be  seen  with  great  clarity  in  these  preparations.  The  shell  and  velar  cilia  are  well 
preserved.  The  natural  pigments  are  preserved  initially,  but  some  deterioration  of  the  velar  pig- 
ment has  been  observed  after  a  month.  A  light  tinting  of  the  tissues  with  Orange  G  in  95% 
alcohol  enhances  the  value  of  the  preparations  for  some  purposes  and  provides  a  pleasing  con- 
trast with  the  natural  pigments. 

The  atninopeptidase  and  catheptic  activity  of  the  egg  of  Ilyanassa  obsoleta.     ].  R. 

The  activities  of  two  proteolytic  enzymes,  leucine  aminopeptidase  and  cathepsin  C,  were 
identified  in  the  egg  of  Ilyanassa  obsoleta.  These  enzymes  were  characterized  by  1)  their 
specificity  toward  synthetic  substrates,  2)  their  pH  optimum,  and  3)  their  requirements  for 

The  aminopeptidase  activity  was  determined  by  measuring  the  ammonia  liberated  after  the 
enzymatic  hydrolysis  of  leucinamide.  At  a  substrate  concentration  of  0.05  M ,  optimal  hydrolysis 
of  leucinamide  occurred  at  pH  8.2.  The  addition  of  0.02  M  MnCl»  (final  concentration)  gave  a 
three-fold  increase  in  the  hydrolysis  of  leucinamide.  Leucine  aminopeptidase  is  the  only  enzyme 
known  to  hydrolyze  leucinamide  under  these  conditions. 

The  activity  of  cathepsin  C  was  identified  by  the  fact  that  the  Ilyanassa  egg  hydrolyzes 
glycyl-1-tyrosinamide  at  the  amide  bond.  Fruton  has  shown  that  this  substrate  is  hydrolyzed 
only  by  chymotrypsin  and,  at  an  acid  pH,  by  an  intracellular  proteinase  which  he  has  designated 
as  cathepsin  C.  At  a  substrate  concentration  of  0.05  M,  optimal  hydrolysis  of  glycyl-1-tyrosin- 
amide  by  the  Ilyanassa  embryo  occurred  at  pH  6.0.  This  enzyme  was  not  activated  by  0.01  M 


cysteine.     A  second  pH  optimum,  at  pH  7.5,  may  be  due  to  the  activity  of  an  enzyme  similar  to 

The  activity  of  both  leucine  aminopeptidase  and  cathepsin  C  showed  a  marked  increase  dur- 
ing the  course  of  embryonic  development.  This  increase  in  activity  occurred  at  about  the  fourth 
day  of  development.  The  relative  activity  of  aminopeptidase  was  found  to  be  about  25  to  30 
times  greater  than  the  activity  of  cathepsin  C. 

Egg  membrane  lysis  by  a  sperm  extract  in  Hydroidcs  he.vagonus   (Annelida)  .* 

Eggs  of  Hydroidcs  hcxagomis  were  immersed  in  solutions  of  sea  water  extracts  of  frozen- 
thawed  sperm  of  the  same  species.  The  principal  substance  of  the  vitelline  membrane  appeared 
to  swell  and  then  dissolve ;  a  very  thin  inner  portion  appeared  to  remain  as  a  capsule  close  to 
the  egg ;  a  very  thin  outer  portion  became  elevated  from  the  egg  and  was  frequently  ruptured 
and  shed.  Possibly  the  outer  portion  represents  the  outer  border  layer,  or  some  part  of  that 
layer,  which  can  be  seen  in  electron  micrographs  of  thin  sections.  Following  treatment,  the 
outer  portion  can  be  caused  to  wrinkle  and  often  some  part  comes  to  lie  directly  against  the 
inner  capsule.  However,  if  a  treated  egg  is  compressed,  globules  of  exudate  will  pour  out 
through  the  inner  capsule  and  push  the  outer  portion  away.  In  cases  where  the  outer  portion 
has  been  shed,  eggs  may  be  pushed  together  so  that  the  inner  capsule  of  one  egg  directly  touches 
the  inner  capsules  of  adjacent  eggs.  These  facts  are  interpreted  as  indicating  that  the  substance 
between  the  inner  and  outer  portions  of  the  vitelline  membrane  becomes  liquefied. 

Essentially  the  same  results  were  obtained  with  fertilized  and  with  unfertilized  eggs. 

It  is  concluded  that  the  sperm  of  Hydroidcs  he.vagonus  contains  a  lysin  or  lysins  which  can 
dissolve  the  principal  material  of  the  vitelline  membrane  but  cannot  attack  the  inner  and  outer 
portions.  This  conclusion  lends  strength  to  the  recently  expressed  view  that  the  individual 
spermatozoon  of  Hydroidcs  hcxagomis  exerts  lytic  action  at  the  site  of  its  passage  through  the 
vitelline  membrane  (Colwin,  Colwin  and  Philpott,  1957). 

Observations  of  sperm   entry  during  re-fertilisation  in   Saccogtossus  kowalevskii 
(Enteropneusta)  .*     LAURA  HUNTER  COLWIN  AND  ARTHUR  L.  COLWIN. 

In  this  egg  normal  sperm  entry  is  marked  by  the  formation  of  a  prominent  fertilization  cone 
(Colwin  and  Colwin,  1954).  After  the  fertilization  membranes  and  other  surrounding  layers 
had  been  dissected  away  from  fertilized  eggs,  fresh  insemination  led  to  the  entry  of  additional 
spermatozoa  into  these  eggs.  Re-fertilization  was  observed  to  occur  as  late  as  the  early  blastula 
stage.  The  entry  of  these  additional  spermatozoa  is  also  marked  by  formation  of  a  cone  or  cone- 
like  structure,  but  this  structure  is  less  prominent  than  the  fertilization  cone  of  normal  sperm 

Spermatozoa  also  were  observed  to  enter  artificially  activated,  but  unfertilized,  eggs  .provided 
the  membranes  had  been  dissected  away.  Cones  similar  to  those  observed  in  re-fertilization  were 

The  cortical  response  of  the  Nereis  ovum  to  activation  after  centrifuging.-     D.  P. 


If  uninseminated  eggs  of  Nereis  limbata  are  centrifuged  at  6000  to  200,000  G  for  appropriate 
periods  of  time  (60  minutes  for  low  or  moderate,  10  minutes  for  higher  accelerations)  and  in- 
seminated shortly  after  removal  from  the  centrifuge  tubes,  an  asymmetrical  perivitelline  space  is 
produced  and  asymmetrical  jelly  outflow  occurs.  Since  the  eggs  must  be  "cushioned"  during 

1  Supported  by  a  grant  (RG-4948)  from  the  National  Institutes  of  Health,  U.  S.  Public 
Health  Service. 

'-  Aided  by  a  grant  from  the  National  Institutes  of  Health,  RG-5328. 


the  centrifuging,  in  isopycnotic  sucrose,  this  is  washed  from  the  eggs  before  inseminating.  The 
asymmetry  of  the  cortical  response  of  the  centrifuged  egg  is  obviously  due  to  displacement  of  the 
jelly-precursor  granules,  which  accumulate  at  the  centrifugal  pole  of  the  egg,  to  a  degree  de- 
pendent upon  the  intensity  and  duration  of  the  applied  centrifugal  force.  Parthenogenetic  agents 
produce  the  same  asymmetry  of  cortical  response  in  the  strongly  centrifuged  eggs,  as  do 

If  unfertilized  Nereis  eggs  are  centrifuged  sufficiently  to  sediment  the  cortical  jelly-precursor 
granules,  and  then  treated  with  alkaline  NaCl  at  pH  10.5,  the  vitelline  membranes  elevate  to  an 
exaggerated  degree,  with  a  marked  asymmetry.  The  perivitelline  space  formed  is  widest  at  the 
centrifugal  pole  and  lacking  at  the  centripetal  pole.  With  continued  exposure  to  the  alkaline 
NaCl,  the  jelly  in  the  asymmetrical  perivitelline  space  swells,  forcing  the  egg  against  the  cen- 
tripetal region  of  the  vitelline  membrane.  Eventually  the  membrane  ruptures  at  this  point,  and 
the  egg  is  extruded;  it  invariably  emerges  with  the  centripetal  oil  cap  forward,  due  to  the  con- 
tinued pressure  of  the  swelling  jelly  in  the  wide  centrifugal  region  of  the  perivitelline  space. 

This  provides  further  evidence  that  the  cortical  response  to  activation  in  the  Nereis  egg  is 
basically  similar  to  that  in  the  echinoderm  egg. 

Electrical  activity  of  supramedullary  neurons  of  puffer  (bloivfisli)  Spheroidcs 
maculatiis.  S.  M.  GRAIN,  M.  V.  L.  BENNETT  AND  H.  GRUNDFEST. 

Supramedullary  neurons  of  puffer,  300-500  /j.  in  diameter,  are  readily  visualized  and  pene- 
trated with  microelectrodes.  Their  resting  potentials  range  to  70  mv.  Spikes  up  to  100  mv.  in 
amplitude  and  3-5  msec,  in  duration  are  evoked  directly  by  stimulation  with  an  intracellular  elec- 
trode or  with  external  electrodes  close  to  the  cell,  and  indirectly  by  scratching  the  skin,  or  by 
electrical  stimulation  of  spinal  cord,  dorsal  (but  not  ventral)  roots,  or  cranial  nerves.  Indirect 
spikes  have  an  inflection  on  their  rising  phase  at  20-30  mv.  depolarization,  which  is  also  threshold 
for  direct  spikes.  During  refractoriness  or  hyperpolarization  with  another  intracellular  electrode, 
indirect  stimuli  may  fail  to  produce  full-sized  spikes,  failure  occurring  at  the  inflection.  The  re- 
maining small  potential  cannot  be  graded  by  varying  stimulus  strength. 

When  recording  extracellularly  close  to  the  cell,  electrode  negativity  indicates  inward  cur- 
rent flow  and  active  membrane  under  the  electrode ;  positivity  denotes  outward  flow  and  active 
membrane  distant  from  the  recording  site.  At  the  supramedullary  cell's  dorsal  surface,  extra- 
cellular recording  reveals  a  large  positivity  associated  with  the  first  component  of  the  indirect 
spike  and  variations  from  small  positivity  to  large  negativity  associated  with  the  bigger  second 
component.  Therefore,  the  active  membrane  producing  the  second  component  neighbors  or  in- 
cludes the  cell's  dorsal  surface ;  that  producing  the  first  is  distant. 

As  the  interval  is  shortened  between  a  direct  and  a  succeeding  indirect  spike,  the  second 
component  of  the  latter  fails  to  fire.  The  first  component,  although  reduced  in  size  during  the 
observed  post-spike  reduction  of  membrane  resistance,  cannot  be  abolished.  Moreover,  it  decays 
with  a  time  constant  greater  than  that  of  the  membrane.  These  data  (see  also  abstract  by 
Bennett,  Grain,  and  Grundfest  in  this  issue)  suggest  that  the  first  component  of  the  indirect  spike 
is  a  postsynaptic  potential. 

The  inhibition  by  a  series  of  nitro-  and  haloplicnols  of  glucosc-6-phosphate  dehy- 
drogenase  from  Arbacia  eggs  and  yeast.  ROBERT  K.  CRANE,  HOWARD  H.  HIATT 
AND  G.  H.  A.  CLOWES. 

The  influence  of  a  series  of  substituted  phenols  on  the  activity  of  glucose-6-phosphate  dehy- 
drogenase  from  Arbacia  eggs  (A)  and  yeast  (Y)  and  of  6-phosphogluconate  dehydrogenase 
from  Arbacia  eggs  (PGD)  was  determined  with  the  usual  spectrophotometric  techniques.  The 
enzymes  differed  greatly  in  the  degree  to  which  they  were  inhibited.  In  general,  A  was  strongly 
inhibited  at  low  concentrations  of  certain  phenols ;  Y  and  PGD  were  inhibited  to  a  lesser  extent 
at  much  higher  concentrations.  The  data  suggest  the  possibility  that  the  inhibition  of  A  differs 
in  character  from  the  inhibitions  of  Y  and  PGD.  This  possibility  is  being  explored  with  enzyme 
preparations  from  rapidly  dividing  cells  other  than  Arbacia  eggs.  Also,  the  relative  inhibition 
of  A  by  the  individual  phenols  shows  a  pattern  markedly  different  from  that  previously  estab- 


lished  for  inhibition  of  cell  division  and  of  aerobic  phosphorylation.  It  will  thus  be  possible  to 
investigate  the  respective  roles  of  glucose-6-phosphate  oxidation  and  of  aerobic  phosphorylation 
in  cell  division  and  other  cellular  processes.  The  data  from  the  present  experiments  are  re- 
corded below.  The  numbers  given  for  each  of  the  enzymes,  A,  Y,  and  PGD,  are  the  per  cent 
of  inhibition  which  occurred  at  the  stated  concentration  of  substituted  phenol.  The  compounds 
are  listed  in  descending  order  of  their  inhibition  of  A.  2,4,5-trichlorophenol,  0.000066  M,  A-55, 
0.00033  M,  A-86.  Y-0,  PGD-0;  4,6-dinitro-o-cresol,  0.00017  M,  A-S8,  Y-0,  PGD-6,  0.0003  M, 
A-80,  Y-16,  PGD-29,  0.000033  M,  A-19,  Y-0,  PGD-0 ;  2,4-dinitro-o-cyclohexylphenol,  0.0002  M, 
A-70,  Y-17,  PGD-18;  2,6-dinitro-4-chlorophenol,  0.00033  M,  A-73,  Y-0;  2,4-dichlorophenol, 
0.00033  M,  A-47,  Y-0 ;  2,4,6-trinitrophenol,  0.00033  M,  A-37,  Y-0 ;  2,4-dinitrothymol,  0.00033  M, 
A-23,  Y-0,  PGD-0 ;  2,4-dinitrophenol,  0.00033  M,  A-13,  Y-0,  PGD-7 ;  4,6-dinitrocarvacrol,  0.00033 
M,  A-ll.  Y-0,  0.001  M,  A-54,  Y-0,  PGD-28;  2,6-dinitrophenol,  0.00033  M,  A-8,  Y-16,  PGD-0, 
0.0017  M,  A-72,  Y-16,  PGD-1S ;  p-nitrophenol,  0.00066  M,  A-18,  Y-0,  PGD-0;  o-nitrophenol, 
0.002  M,  A-55,  Y-57,  PGD-49. 

Preliminary  studies  on  the  incorporation  of  glucose-U-C*4  into  the  poly  sac  charide 
of  Arbacia  and  Mactra  larvae  and  its  inhibition  by  4,6-dinitro-o-cresol.  ROBERT 

Twenty-four-hour  swimming  forms  of  Arbacia  and  of  Mactra  were  incubated  in  sea  water 
containing  added  glucose-U-C14.  After  an  initial  period  of  incubation,  various  concentrations  of 
4,6-dinitro-o-cresol  were  added  to  some  of  the  vessels  and  the  incubation  was  continued.  At 
termination  of  incubation,  the  larvae  were  recovered  by  centrifugation  and  their  acid-soluble 
components  were  separated  by  paper  chromatography.  The  two-dimensional  solvent  system  of 
Bandurski  and  Axelrod  was  used.  The  areas  of  the  developed  papers  containing  C14  were 
identified  by  contact  autoradiography.  Three  or  four  well-defined  spots,  which  have  not  been 
identified,  could  be  made  out.  However,  the  greatest  amount  of  radioactivity  was  found  to  re- 
main at  the  origin,  suggesting  that  significant  incorporation  into  polysaccharide  had  occurred. 
The  radioactivity  of  this  spot  was  markedly  less  when  4,6-dinitro-o-cresol  had  been  added. 
Polysaccharide  identification  of  this  spot  was  not  attempted.  Instead,  "glycogen"  was  isolated 
from  duplicate  samples  of  larvae  by  the  conventional  alkaline  digestion-ethanol  precipitation  pro- 
cedure. Assay  of  this  "glycogen"  for  radioactivity  by  the  usual  counting  techniques  and  for  total 
carbohydrate  by  the  anthrone  method  revealed  that  glucose-U-C14  was  indeed  incorporated  dur- 
ing incubation.  The  specific  activity  of  the  "glycogen"  in  the  control  larvae  increased  during 
prolonged  incubation.  In  the  "glycogen"  of  larvae  to  which  4,6-dinitro-o-cresol  had  been  added, 
the  specific  activity  decreased.  The  experiments  were  not  completed,  owing  to  the  scarcity  of 
viable  eggs,  and  they  will  be  continued  next  season. 

The  preservation  of  intact  erythrocytes  of  marine  vertebrates  for  blood  group  re- 
search.1 ].  E.  GUSHING,  G.  J.  RIDGWAY  AND  G.  L.  DURALL. 

The  glycerol -freezing  technique  (cf.  Chaplin  et  al.,  1954)  appears  to  be  a  promising  method 
for  preserving  the  erythrocytes  of  marine  vertebrates  collected  in  the  field.  The  following  points 
serve  as  a  guide  for  further  study.  Cells  of  several  species  of  fish  and  one  humpback  whale  have 
been  treated.  Whole  blood  from  vessels  in  the  gill,  tail  or  other  areas  is  allowed  to  run  into 
screwcap  bottles,  as  much  as  25  to  50  ml.  being  taken.  An  equal  volume  of  a  solution  containing 
glycerol  (40%)  and  5%  trisodium  citrate  (60%)  is  added  and  the  mixture  placed  in  a  freezer 
(approximately  —20°  C.)  after  thirty  minutes. 

Cells  are  recovered  from  a  few  ml.  aliquots  of  thawed  blood  by  reducing  the  glycerol  con- 
tent of  their  milieu  stepwise  at  five-minute  intervals,  using  cool  solutions.  For  example,  albacore 
cells  were  recovered  by  first  adding  an  excess  of  20%  glycerol  in  2%  NaCl  and  then  reducing 
the  glycerol,  by  dilution  with  2%  NaCl,  to  14,  8.5,  6.5,  5.0,  4.0,  3.0,  2.0  and  1.5  per  cents;  1.5% 
NaCl  was  substituted  and  the  glycerol  reduced  to  0.7,  0.35  and  finally  0.0%.  (Reasonable  devia- 

1  Supported  in  part  by  the  Penrose  Fund,  American  Philosophical  Society,  and  the  Office  of 
Naval  Research. 


tions  from  this  schedule  were  also  successful.)      The  cells  obtained  kept  well  and  could  be  used 
in  agglutination  and  absorption  studies. 

While  the  degree  to  which  different  antigens  remain  unchanged  during  prolonged  storage 
probably  varies,  as  in  humans,  cells  of  the  whale,  shiner  seaperch,  goosefish  and  three  species  of 
salmon  retained  antigenic  specificities  during  preservation.  Absorption  experiments  suggest  in- 
dividual differences  in  the  antigens  of  preserved  albacore  cells  that  appear  to  resemble  those  of 
other  tuna. 

The  effect  of  nervous  system  extracts  on  inhibition  and  excitation  in  single  nerve 
cells.     C.  R.  ELIOT,  A.  KAJI,  P.  SEEMAN,  E.  UBELL,  S.  W.  KUFFLER  AND  A.  S. 

V.   BURGEN.1 

Stretch  receptors  in  lobster  and  crayfish  contain  a  sensory  neuron  on  whose  dendrites  an 
efferent  nerve  fiber  forms  inhibitory  synapses.  On  this  system  extracts  from  acetone-dried 
lobster  nerve  cords  and  leg  nerves  were  tested.  First  the  physiological  action  of  crude  extracts 
and  then  of  chromatographically  purified  fractions  was  determined.  The  following  effects  on  the 
nervous  structures  were  studied : 

1.  Change  of  discharge  rate,  largely  reflecting  the  state  of  the  dendrites  of  the  sensory  cell. 

2.  Changes  in  resting  potential  and  in  inhibitory  synaptic  potentials. 

3.  Changes  in  effectiveness  of  inhibitory  transmission. 

Three  distinct  kinds  of  action  were  seen,  namely,  slowing  (inhibition)  of  sensory  discharge, 
acceleration  of  sensory  discharge,  and  reduction  in  effectiveness  of  inhibitory  transmission.  Each 
of  these  effects  could  be  obtained  separately  from  crude  extracts,  depending  on  concentration  and 
source  of  extracts,  leg  nerve  extracts  having  little  inhibitory  effect  on  the  discharge  rate.  In 
chromatographic  fractions  run  in  phenol-ammonia-water  or  in  chloroform-methanol-HCl,  the 
fractions  with  relatively  low  mobility  mainly  blocked  inhibitory  transmission  and  slightly  de- 
polarized the  nerve  cell.  The  most  mobile  fractions  had  a  purely  excitatory  effect.  Some  of  the 
intermediate  fractions  inhibited  the  sensory  discharge  in  a  manner  similar  to  gamma-amino- 
butyric  acid,  causing  mainly  a  small  hyperpolarization  or  no  appreciable  membrane  potential 
changes.  The  activity  of  the  excitatory  material  decreased  after  acid  hydrolysis. 

The  mating  type  system  in  variety  nine  of  Tetrahymena  pyriforniis.     ALFRED  M. 

Matings  involving  parental  clones  TC  105,  TC  110,  TC  156,  TC  160,  TC  148,  and  TC  89 
were  used,  as  well  as  their  ¥•>,  F3,  F4,  and  F5  progeny.  This  variety  differs  from  the  other 
varieties  studied  so  far  in  that  (1)  the  old  macronucleus  migrates  anteriorly  after  nuclear  ex- 
change has  occurred,  (2)  conjugation  is  delayed  for  18  to  36  hours  after  cultures  have  been 
mixed  (25°  C.),  (3)  no  detectable  immaturity  period  exists,  and  (4)  this  variety  has  only  been 
found  in  the  tropics  to  our  knowledge. 

The  lack  of  an  immaturity  period  complicates  the  picture  in  that  no  check  can  be  made  as 
to  whether  nuclear  exchange  has  occurred.  Since  pairs  are  isolated  when  70-80%  are  in  the 
anlagen  stages,  it  is  felt  that  a  high  percentage  of  cultures  obtained  are  from  pairs  in  which  true 
nuclear  exchange  has  occurred.  Variety  nine  possesses  five  mating  types.  No  new  ones  have 
been  derived.  A  cross  of  any  two  mating  types  yields  either  of  the  parental  types  in  98%  of 
the  cases.  Mating  types  other  than  the  parental,  selfing  caryonides,  and  non-reactive  clones  make 
up  the  remaining  2%.  Non-reactive  clones  may  possess  an  immaturity  period  the  length  of 
which  may  be  genetically  determined.  These  clones  might  be  used  in  the  future  to  obtain  clones 
with  an  immaturity  period  to  serve  as  a  check  as  to  whether  nuclear  exchange  has  occurred, 
which  also  can  be  checked  by  inbred  lines  using  the  serine  mutant  as  a  marker.  Cytoplasmic 
exchange  occurs  but  may  not  be  a  universal  phenomenon  in  the  variety.  Time  of  separation  of 
the  pairs,  after  the  anlagen  stages  are  reached,  is  highly  variable.  The  data  to  date  would  sup- 
port a  mating  type  system  analogous  to  the  B-system  of  Paramecinm  aurclia  with  multiple  mat- 
ing types  involved. 

1  Fellow  of  the  Lalor  Foundation. 

2  This  investigation  was  supported  in  part  by  a  research  grant  (PHSE  1416)  from  the  Na- 
tional Institutes  of  Health,  Public  Health  Service. 


X-radiation  effects  during  conjugation  of  Tetrahyinena  pyrifonnis.     ALFRED  M. 

An  attempt  was  made  using  x-rays  to  induce  back  mutations  to  the  serine  and  pyridoxine 
requirement.  Conjugating  F3  progeny  (var.  9)  serine  non-requirers  and  conjugating  F3  progeny 
(var.  2)  pyridoxine  non-requirers  were  x-radiated  during  early  prophase.  If  no  back  mutation 
occurred,  the  serine  F4's  should  not  require  serine  and  the  pyridoxine  F4's  pyridoxine.  Dosages 
from  200  kr-600  kr  at  100-kr  intervals  were  used  (dose  rate  4720  r  per  minute).  Forty  pairs 
were  isolated  into  peptone  for  each  cross  and  for  each  dosage,  with  half  the  pairs  incubated  at 
11°  C.  for  24  hours  and  then  returned  to  25°  C.  The  remainder  were  incubated  at  25°  C.  Suit- 
able controls  were  used.  Clones  obtained  were  checked  for  growth  on  peptone,  complete, 
pyridoxine  and  serine-deficient  media. 

Vegetative  cells  survived  dosages  of  600  kr  as  opposed  to  300  kr  for  conjugants.  No  sig- 
nificant differences  in  survival  were  observed  for  pairs  incubated  at  11°  C.  or  25°  C.  In  the 
pyridoxine  cross  viability  was  17.7%  for  controls,  27.5%  for  300  kr  and  40%  for  200  kr.  The 
serine  control  gave  viabilities  of  62.5%,  12.5%  at  300  kr  and  25%  at  200  kr  (pooled  data  for 
both  temperatures).  Serine  conjugants  are  more  sensitive  to  x-radiation  than  the  pyridoxine 
ones.  The  apparent  higher  viability  in  the  x-rayed  versus  the  control  pyridoxine  cross  may  be 
due  to  separation  of  pairs  before  nuclear  exchange  has  occurred.  From  the  pyridoxine  work  27 
irradiated  clones  were  obtained.  Eighteen  grew  without  pyridoxine,  six  required  and  three 
would  grow  only  on  peptone.  In  the  serine  study  15  clones  were  obtained,  12  of  which  were 
serine  non-requirers,  two  gave  variable  results  and  one  would  grow  only  on  peptone. 

Prophase  is  a  radiosensitive  stage  in  conjugating  forms  with  bridges  and  fragments  observed 
at  anaphase  stages. 

Post  x-radiation  effects  of  temperature  on  vegetative  cells  of  Tetrahyinena  pyri- 
fonnis.    ALFRED  M.  ELLIOTT  AND  GORDON  M.  CLARK. x 

Variations  exist  in  the  x-ray  sensitivity  for  the  various  varieties  of  Tetrahyinena.  Strains 
in  varieties  1,  2,  5  and  6  survive  500  kr  and  3,  4,  7  and  8  stand  400  kr.  Strains  TC  89  (serine 
mutant)  will  not  survive  above  300  kr  although  inbred  F4  lines  survive  600  kr. 

Using  starved  cultures  of  TC  89  (var.  9),  the  effects  of  various  post  x-radiation  tempera- 
tures on  fission  rate  and  recovery  after  incubation  at  11°  C.,  15°  C.,  20°  C.,  25°  C.,  32°  C. 
and  35°  C.  were  studied.  Dosages  of  100,  200,  and  300  kr  were  employed  (dose  rate  4720  per 
minute).  Forty  vegetative  cells  were  isolated  onto  peptone  (25°  C.)  and  incubated  at  the  vari- 
ous temperatures  for  24  hours  and  then  returned  to  25°  C.  Suitable  controls  were  used. 

A  stimulatory  effect  of  100  kr,  as  reflected  by  an  increased  rate  of  fission  over  controls,  was 
seen  at  all  temperatures.  Above  100  kr  suppression  of  fission  by  x-rays  increases  with  increas- 
ing dose.  Survival  of  cells  after  x-radiation  is  somewhat  higher  at  lower  temperatures,  with 
variable  results  at  11°  C.  and  20°  C.  No  irradiated  cells  survived  a  post-irradiation  tempera- 
ture of  35°  C.  For  those  cells  surviving  the  higher  temperatures,  recovery  was  more  rapid  and 
seemingly  temperature-dependent,  increasing  with  increasing  temperatures. 

Abnormal  cells,  characterized  by  budding  and  blistering  of  the  pellicle,  as  well  as  fusion  of 
fission  products  to  form  multinucleated  masses,  were  common  at  300  kr.  A  delay  in  appearance 
of  these  forms  was  evidenced  at  lower  temperatures.  Incubation  for  longer  periods  of  time  after 
x-radiation  at  various  temperatures  may  produce  in  the  future  studies  with  more  striking  results. 

The  effects  of  some  aniino  acids  on  the  perfused  lobster  heart.     P.  E.'S.  ENGER  AND 

A.'S.  V.  BURGEN.2 

The  response  of  the  perfused  heart  of  the  lobster  Hoinanis  americanus  to  various  amino 
acids  has  been  tested.  Aspartate  and  glutamate  were  both  found  to  have  a  marked  stimulant 

1  This  investigation  was  supported  in  part  by  a  research  grant  (PHSE  1416)  from  the  Na- 
tional Institutes  of  Health,  Public  Health  Service. 

2  Fellow  of  the  Lalor  Foundation. 


effect  on  the  rate  and  amplitude  of  the  heart  beat,  effective  down  to  a  few  micrograms.  Aspartate 
had  a  greater  action  on  the  rate  than  had  glutamate.  Both  substances  in  higher  concentrations 
produced  an  increase  in  diastolic  tone.  Asparagine  was  ineffective,  but  glutamine  showed  a  very 
weak  stimulatory  action  possibly  due  to  contamination  with  traces  of  glutamate.  L  and  D 
glutamate  were  equally  effective.  A  powerful  inhibition  of  the  heart  was  produced  by  7-amino- 
butyrate.  LTsually  this  action  was  purely  on  rate  but  occasionally  some  depression  of  force  of 
contraction  was  also  produced.  A  similar  but  weaker  effect  was  produced  by  /3-guanidopro- 
pionate,  /J-alanine,  7-guanidobutyrate,  5-aminovalerate,  and  S-guanidovalerate  in  descending  order 
of  activity.  No  significant  response  was  obtained  with  glycine,  alanine,  leucine,  serine,  lysine, 
arginine,  cystine,  methionine,  tyrosine,  histidine,  hydroxy-proline,  /3-aminobutyrate,  «>-amino- 
octanoate,  or  the  peptides  diglycine,  tryglycine,  and  carnosine.  Aqueous  alcohol  extracts  of 
lobster  nerve  cord  and  leg  nerves  produced  regular  stimulation  of  the  heart  rate  and  amplitude 
and  in  some  dilutions  a  transitory  inhibition.  Preliminary  separation  of  these  two  types  of  ac- 
tivity was  obtained  by  paper  chromatography  with  a  phenol-water-ammonia  system.  These 
fractions  were  also  tested  on  the  segmental  stretch  receptors  of  the  lobster  and  crayfish. 

Electron  microscope  studies  of  the  flagella  of  Chlamydomonas.     SARAH  P.  GIBBS, 

Ultrathin  sections  of  Chlamydomonas  inoeivusii  were  studied  to  determine  normal  flagellar 
structure,  the  structure  of  the  flagella  in  paralyzed  mutants,  and  the  nature  of  the  protoplasmic 
bridge  formed  between  mating  cells.  Each  flagellum  reveals  the  characteristic  9  double  tubular 
filaments  surrounding  a  central  pair,  all  imbedded  in  a  structureless  matrix  and  enclosed  by  a 
thin  sheath  continuous  with  the  plasma  membrane  of  the  cell.  The  two  central  fibrils  extend 
slightly  beyond  the  peripheral  ones,  forming  a  mucronate  tip.  Slightly  distad  from  the  cell 
surface,  a  diaphragm  traverses  the  flagellum,  and  below  this  the  9  peripheral  fibrils  continue 
to  form  the  walls  of  the  basal  body  (blepharoplast).  Extending  slightly  above  and  below  the 
diaphragm,  there  is  a  short  cylinder  (possibly  two  appressed  half -cylinders)  of  osmiophilic 
material  in  the  center  of  the  flagellum  and  the  blepharoplast.  The  central  fibrils  appear  to 
end  just  above  this  cylinder.  In  this  species  of  Chlamydomonas  the  two  flagella  arise  from 
opposite  sides  of  an  anterior  papilla  and  the  blepharoplasts  are  continuous  basally.  Anteriorly 
the  fused  basal  bodies  send  forward  a  conical  median  projection  into  the  papilla. 

The  flagella  of  five  paralyzed  mutants  were  found  to  be  identical  to  normal  flagella  in  all 
respects.  Two  mutants  had  stubby  flagella,  2-4  ^  instead  of  12-24  /x  long,  but  otherwise  normal 
in  structure.  Two  mutants  which  through  the  light  microscope  appear  flagella-less  were  found 
to  have  very  short  flagella  0.6-1. 0,u  long.  Their  structure  is  under  investigation. 

Sections  of  mated  pairs  show  that  the  intergametic  bridge  is  formed  by  an  extension  of  the 
anterior  projections  of  the  blepharoplasts.  Whether  the  anterior  projections  from  both  cells 
grow  out  and  fuse  with  each  other,  or  whether  only  one  grows  out,  invades  the  other  cell,  and 
connects  to  its  blepharoplast,  is  presently  being  studied. 

Effect  of  sodium  fluoride  on  the  development  of  Arbacia  punctulata.     SYLVIA  S. 

Fluoridation  of  community  water  supplies,  as  a  caries  preventive  measure,  is  a  widespread 
practice.  The  optimum  concentration  of  sodium  fluoride  has  been  determined  to  be  one  to  two 
parts  per  million.  Hypotheses  have  been  advanced  as  to  the  nature  of  the  chemical  reaction 
between  the  fluoride  ion  and  bone  and  tooth  structure.  Most  of  the  experimental  work  has 
been  done  with  rats  and  hamsters  fed  increasing  concentrations  of  fluoridated  water.  Subsequent 
sectioning  and  ashing  of  hard  tissues  have  indicated  the  extent  of  incorporation  of  fluoride  ion. 
In  the  present  experiments,  the  eggs  of  the  sea  urchin,  Arbacia  punctulata,  were  fertilized  and 
allowed  to  develop  in  sea  water  containing  varying  concentrations  of  sodium  fluoride.  Skeletal 
changes  in  the  developing  plutei  were  followed.  At  concentrations  of  one  and  ten  parts  per 
million,  differences  between  experimental  and  control  animals  were  not  detectable  with  the 
light  microscope.  At  fifty  parts  per  million,  approximately  60%  of  the  animals  exhibited 
skeletal  aberrations.  These  included  plutei  with  one  arm,  no  arms,  partially  developed  arms, 
as  well  as  completely  skeletonless  bodies.  At  seventy-five  parts  per  million,  most  of  the  cultures 


were  entirely  free  of  skeletal   spicules.     When  these  amorphous   forms  were  placed  in  non- 
fluoridated  sea  water,  skeletal  development  was  stimulated  in  two  days. 

The  intercellular  cement  of  sodium  fluoride-treated  embryos  was  noticeably  weakened  at 
concentrations  of  fifty  and  seventy-five  parts  per  million.  Free  blastula  cells  were  present  as 
well  as  exogastrula  forms.  The  affected  embryos  resembled  those  grown  in  calcium-free  sea 
water.  The  reduction  in  adhesiveness  was  not  as  great,  however,  since  many  animals  were 
able  to  develop  to  more  advanced  stages.  The  data  suggest  that  high  concentrations  of  sodium 
fluoride  in  the  growing  media  remove  available  calcium  and  phosphate  ions,  which  are  necessary 
for  normal  development  of  Arbacia  punctulata  embryos. 

Stimulation  of  the  taste  receptors  of  the  rat  with  organic  salts.     C.  W.  HARDIMAN. 

The  responses  of  the  chemoreceptors  of  the  tongue  were  studied  by  integrating  the  spike 
potentials  elicited  in  the  chorda  tympani  nerve  bundle.  A  constant  area  of  the  tongue  was 
bathed  with  the  various  stimulating  solutions. 

The  concentration/response  curves  were  determined  for  a  number  of  organic  salts.  The 
response  increases  as  the  concentration  increases  until  0.5  M ;  the  response  is  then  almost 
maximal  and  doubling  this  concentration  gives  only  a  slightly  larger  response.  The  concentra- 
tion at  which  the  maximum  or  saturated  response  level  occurred  varied  with  the  anion  within 
a  given  cation  series.  The  order  of  the  ability  of  the  anions  to  stimulate  within  a  sodium 
series  was  :  chloride  >  oxalate  >  citrate  >  tartrate  >  succinate  >  formate  >  salicylate  acetate 
>  glutamate  >  propionate  >  butyrate  >  oleate.  The  response  curves  of  many  of  these  same 
anions  were  determined  using  Li,  NH4,  Alg,  and  K.  The  relative  order  of  the  anions  remained 
the  same  within  each  of  the  cation  series  although  the  cation  species  determines  to  a  great 
degree  the  magnitude  of  the  maximum  response. 

An  enhanced  response  of  NaCl  occurred  after  an  application  of  lithium  citrate.  This 
enhancement  was  time-dependent,  in  that  the  response  of  NaCl  shortly  following  lithium  citrate 
was  much  greater,  whereas  it  declined  to  the  standard  response  within  a  few  minutes.  Other 
citrate  salts  did  not  show  this  enhancement,  nor  did  oxalates  or  mono-sodium  glutamate. 

Potassium  benzoate  below  0.25  M  did  not  stimulate  the  salt  receptor,  but  indeed  inhibited 
the  small  amount  of  spontaneous  background  activity.  As  the  solution  was  washed  from  the 
tongue,  there  was  a  large  response  to  water.  Concentrations  above  0.25  M  responded  as  a 
typical  salt.  Neither  KC1  nor  other  benzoate  salts  produced  this  effect. 

The  spectral  energy  curve  of  Cypridina  and  other  luminous  organisms.     E.  N. 

Thanks  to  the  loan  of  a  spectrophotofluorometer  by  the  American  Instrument  Company, 
spectral  energy  curves  for  the  bioluminescence  of  colorless  perfectly  transparent  aqueous 
solutions  of  Cypridina  luciferin  and  luciferase  have  been  recorded  with  an  accuracy  of  ±  5  m//,. 
The  maximum  emission  of  Cypridina  is  at  470  m/x  and  extends  from  410  to  620  m/j..  The 
luminous  bacterium,  Achromobacter  fischeri,  has  a  maximum  at  495  m/j.  and  extends  from 
440  to  about  600  m/j..  Two  new  strains  of  luminous  bacteria,  isolated  at  Woods  Hole  from 
flounder  and  from  squid,  have  essentially  the  same  spectral  distribution.  The  ctenophore, 
Mnemiopsis  leidyi,  squeezed  through  cheesecloth  and  with  water  added  to  the  transparent 
suspended  material,  luminesced  with  a  maximum  at  490  m/t  and  its  emission  extended  from  430 
to  610  m/i.  A  pale  yellow  solution  of  luminol  plus  H2O9  excited  to  luminesce  with  catalyst 
A  exhibited  an  emission  with  a  maximum  at  460  m^,  and  extending  from  380  to  610  m^.  All 
curves  are  slightly  unsymmetrical,  with  the  maximum  nearer  the  blue  than  the  red  end  of  the 
emission  spectrum. 

Neuromuscular  transmission  in  Limulus.     G.  HOYLE. 

The  electrical  and  mechanical  events  associated  with  neuromuscular  transmission  have  been 
studied  particularly  in  the  closer  muscle  of  the  claw  of  the  walking  legs,  with  the  aid  of 
intracellular  recording  electrodes.  The  mean  resting  potential  is  about  50  mV.  This  muscle 


is  innervated  by  both  a  "slow"  and  a  "fast"  nerve  fiber.  The  mechanical  response  to  single 
excitation  of  the  former  is  very  small.  At  frequencies  of  about  SO  per  second  a  smooth  tonic 
contraction  results.  The  electrical  response  consists  of  a  small  junction  potential.  This  shows 
a  moderate  degree  of  facilitation.  At  about  50  per  sec  the  maximum  height  is  about  5  mV 
depolarization.  The  duration  is  about  50  msec. 

The  mechanical  response  to  stimulation  of  the  "fast"  nerve  fiber  consists  of  a  sharp  twitch, 
though  this  does  not  completely  close  the  claw.  The  electrical  responses  to  a  single  shock 
vary  in  different  fibers  from  about  2  to  8  mV.  Their  duration  is  about  50  msec.  The  smaller 
ones  have  the  characteristic  shape  associated  with  a  pure  postsynaptic  potential.  Some  of  the 
larger  ones  show  a  departure ;  there  is  a  small,  secondary  response  of  about  4—5  mV  magnitude. 

The  responses  show  no  refractoriness.  During  repetitive  stimulation  there  is  a  small 
amount  of  growth  (facilitation)  in  the  "fast"  responses.  They  summate  completely.  If  they 
are  sufficiently  closely  spaced  the  fifth  or  sixth  may  give  rise  to  a  secondary  response  which 
reaches  or  just  overshoots  the  zero  baseline. 

The  major  part  of  the  response  thus  consists  of  a  small  synaptic  potential  which  never- 
theless gives  rise  to  a  twitch  contraction.  Repetitive  stimulation  can  evoke  secondary,  graded 
electrical  responses  which  possibly  cause  an  augmentation  of  the  mechanical  response. 

Comparative  distribution  of  radioactive  alloxan,  thiocyanate,  and  urea  in  islet  and 
other  tissues  of  the  toad  fish    (Opsanus  tan).     ARNOLD  LAZAROW  AND  S.  J. 


As  part  of  a  project  designed  to  determine  the  mechanism  by  which  alloxan  selectively 
kills  the  insulin-producing  cells  of  the  islets  of  Langerhans,  we  have  studied  the  uptake  of 
radioactive  alloxan  by  islet  and  other  tissues  of  the  toadfish.  Since  the  radioactivity  of  the 
various  tissues  measured  includes  the  radioactivity  of  contained  blood,  extracellular  fluid,  and 
intracellular  fluid,  we  have  attempted  to  differentiate  between  these  components  by  comparing 
the  distribution  of  radioactive  alloxan  with  that  obtained  for  sodium  thiocyanate  and  urea. 
Sodium  thiocyanate  is  distributed  throughout  the  extracellular  fluid,  but  it  does  not  enter  the 
cells.  On  the  other  hand,  urea  is  distributed  throughout  both  the  intracellular  and  extracellular 

The  data  obtained  to  date  indicate  that  alloxan  and  thiocyanate  have  similar  patterns  of 
distribution  in  the  various  tissues  (with  the  exception  of  kidney)  at  all  times  following  in- 
jection. On  the  other  hand  the  amount  of  urea  present  in  the  various  tissues  is  much  greater 
than  that  observed  for  either  thiocyanate  or  alloxan.  Within  2-5  minutes  after  injection,  the 
amount  of  alloxan  and  thiocyanate  present  in  the  islet  tissue  represents  about  20%  of  the  blood 
value.  However,  within  5  minutes  after  injection,  the  amount  of  urea  in  islet  is  equal  to  62% 
of  the  blood  value.  By  the  end  of  30  minutes,  both  the  alloxan  and  thiocyanate  have  reached 
a  value  equal  to  42%  of  blood  whereas  the  urea  reached  a  value  equal  to  85%  of  blood. 

These  preliminary  results  suggest  that  the  injected  alloxan  is  distributed  primarily  in  the 
extracellular  fluid.  However,  further  work  is  necessary  before  any  final  conclusions  can  be 
drawn.  If  this  observation  proves  to  be  correct  it  would  suggest  that  alloxan  may  produce  its 
effect  by  acting  on  a  system  at  the  surface  of  the  beta  cell. 

A  further  study  on  the  induced  furrowing  reaction  in  Arbacia  punctulata.     DOUGLAS 

Premature  furrowing,  starting  as  early  as  40  minutes  ahead  of  normal  schedule  (at  20°  C.), 
can  be  induced  when  fertilized  eggs  are  centrifuged  for  2-5  minutes  at  high  force  (40,000- 
50,000  G)  and  at  high  pressure  (6,000-12,000  lbs./in.2). 

The  induction  of  the  furrowing  reaction  appears  to  depend  upon  the  centripetal  displacement 
of  material  derived  from,  or  affiliated  with,  the  nucleus,  as  is  indicated  by  the  following 

1)  Eggs  treated  prior  to  prophase  of  first  cleavage  never  display  induced  furrowing  unless 
the  nuclei  are  broken  by  the  treatment.  Conversely,  when  the  nuclei  are  broken,  induced 

1  Work  supported  by  the  National  Cancer  Institute,  Grant  Series  C-807. 


furrowing  always  occurs  in  a  considerable  number  (5-95%)  of  the  eggs,  starting  some  3-6 
minutes  after  the  treatment. 

2)  The  unbroken  nuclei,   in   the  centrifuged  non-pressurized  controls,   come   to   lie   in  the 
hyaline  zone,  close  to  the  oil  cap,  but  in  cells  with  broken  nuclei,  one  finds  1-3  relatively  small 
Feulgen-positive  fragments   lying  in  or  near  the  mitochondrial  zone.     No  trace  of  the  other 
nuclear  material,  which  presumably  is  thrown  in  a  centripetal  direction,  has  been  found.     Asters 
and  spindles  are  not  found  when  furrow  induction  precedes  the  first  mitosis. 

3)  The  plane  of  induced  furrows  is  always  at  right  angles  to  the  axis  of  centrifugation, 
whereas  that  of  non-induced  furrows  (in  control  eggs  centrifuged  without  pressure)   is  always 
parallel.     Induced  furrows  tend  to  be  displaced  toward  the  light  pole,  quite  drastically  when 
higher  pressures  and  forces  are  used. 

4)  Eggs    treated   during   early   prophase,    just   before    the   nuclear    membrane    disappears, 
require  less  pressure  and  force  for  breaking  the  nucleus  and  inducing  furrows. 

5)  With  eggs  treated  during  late  prophase,  metaphase  or  anaphase,   centrifugation  alone, 
without  pressure,  suffices  to  induce  furrowing. 

Shortening  of  potassium  depolarised  muscle  in  different  electric  fields.     HIDENOBU 

Muscles  were  marked  off  into  several  segments  along  their  longitudinal  axis  by  a  fluorescent 
dye  (Zn  Cd  S  Phosphor),  and  were  illuminated  by  ultraviolet  light.  A  continuously  moving 
film  recorded  the  movement  of  these  marks  during  shortening  of  the  loaded  muscle.  Stimula- 
tion was  made  by  electric  fields  set  up  in  the  perfusion  Ringer,  using  60  c/s  a.c.,  rectified  a.c., 
constant  current  and  repeated  square  pulse  d.c. 

Then  the  muscle  of  the  frog  was  rendered  non-propagating  by  excess  K,  16  mM/1.  (sub- 
stituted for  Na).  In  the  longitudinal  a.c.  field  at  2  V/cm.  the  ends  and  the  middle  portion  of 
the  muscle  contracted  whereas  the  regions  adjoining  them  did  not.  When  relative  shortening 

(non-propagating  \ 

propagatin°-        '          /  was  P^otte^  against  the  position  of  the  segments  along  the  length  of 

the  muscle,  a  W-shape  curve  was  obtained.  Increasing  the  field  strength  resulted  in  a  gradual 
smoothening  effect  on  the  W-shaped  curve  as  the  segments  close  to  the  ends  increasingly 
participated  in  the  shortening  resulting  in  a  convex  curve.  At  8  V/cm.  the  convex  curve  was 
smooth.  In  d.c.  fields  only  the  cathodal  end  shortened. 

When  the  longitudinal  a.c.  field  was  stepwise  rotated  so  as  to  become  eventually  transverse, 
shortening  along  the  length  of  the  muscle  became  gradually  more  uniform  and  in  our  plot  of 
relative  shortening  transverse  stimulation  yielded  a  straight  horizontal  line.  In  d.c.  transverse 
field  there  was  no  shortening  whatever. 

Contraction  at  the  ends  of  the  non-propagating  muscle  in  the  longitudinal  a.c.  field  or 
shortening  of  the  whole  muscle  in  the  transverse  a.c.  field  may  be  explained  by  the  depolarizing 
effect  of  the  applied  current.  But  shortening  in  the  middle  portion,  when  the  segments  close 
to  the  ends  are  uncontracted,  cannot  be  explained  by  the  depolarizing  action  of  the  external 
longitudinal  a.c.  field. 

Uterine  strips  from  pregnant  rabbits   were  rendered  non-propagating   by   excess   K  =  120 

mM/l.(  jp-=  1  ).  Shortening  was  more  excessive  in  the  longitudinal  than  in  the  transverse 
a.c.  field.  In  the  longitudinal  d.c.  field  the  strip  shortened  along  its  whole  length. 

Cytophysiology  of  ultracentrifuged  normal  and  neoplastic  frog  kidney  cells.1     G.  M. 

Viable  cell  populations  of  normal  kidney  cells  and  tumor  cells  (Lucke  renal  adenocarcinoma 
of  Rana  pipiens)  were  obtained  by  mechanical  means  or  by  trypsin  treatment.  To  effect 

1  This  investigation  was  supported  in  part  by  a  research  grant  (C-3490)  from  the  National 
Cancer  Institute,  U.S.P.H.S. 


intracellular  displacement  and  stratification  of  the  subcellular  components,  the  cells  were  sub- 
jected to  high  centrifugal  fields  (Spinco  model  L  centrifuge).  To  prevent  crushing,  an 
isopycnotic  cushion  was  established,  the  most  satisfactory  one  being  an  isotonic,  isosmotic 
stabilized  colloidal  silica  with  a  density  gradient  maximum  of  1.19.  Most  of  the  tumor  cells 
had  a  density  (ca.  1.123)  greater  than  that  of  normal  cells. 

For  the  neoplastic  population  incipient  stratification  became  evident,  in  a  few  cells,  after 
centrifugation  for  60  minutes  at  60,000  G  at  10°  C,  but  was  clearly  defined  only  after  ultra  - 
centrifugation  at  110,000  G.  A  typical  stratified  cell  was  deformed  into  an  ovoid  shape  with  an 
agranular  centripetal  pole  and  a  centrifugal  end  packed  with  small  to  large  granules,  with 
the  nucleus  shifted  to  the  sub-equatorial  or  centrifugal  zone.  Normal  cells  showed  an  incipient 
stratification  after  two  hours  of  ultracentrifugation  at  110,000  G.  Although  they  eventually 
stratified  after  four  hours  at  110,000  G,  they  never  exhibited  the  range  of  subcellular  displace- 
ment (centripetal  lipid  droplets,  packing  of  granules  into  layers  with  sharply  defined  boundaries, 
pulled  out  and  elongated  nuclei,  and  extranuclear  nucleoli)  that  was  characteristic  of  malignant 
cells.  Other  cytophysical  differences  became  exaggerated  under  high  accelerations ;  for  example, 
nucleolonemata  remained  undisplaced,  but  optically  homogeneous  (phase  contrast  observations) 
nucleoli  exhibited  a  centrifugal  shift  within  nuclei. 

Relocation  of  the  displaced  components  occurred  imperceptibly  in  normal  cells  and  rapidly 
in  malignant  cells.  In  the  latter,  within  ten  minutes  after  cessation  of  centrifugation,  vigorous 
cytoplasmic  turbulence  was  observed.  The  original  cytoarchitectural  configuration  was  gen- 
erally restored  within  two  hours.  Ciliary  movement  in  normal  cells  continued  even  after  ex- 
posure to  high  centrifugal  fields.  Accordingly,  cytoplasmic  consistency  and  density  differ  in 
normal  and  malignant  cells. 

Cytochemical  studies  will  complete  the  identification  of  stratified  subcellular  constituents, 
already  partially  determined  by  supravital  dye  techniques. 

Studies  on  the  accelerator  cleavage  factor  recovered  in  homogenatcs  of  Arbacia 
punctulata    ovaries.     VALY    MENKIN,    LOUISE    MENKIN    AND    RICHARD    S. 


The  aqueous  homogenate  of  the  ovaries  of  Arbacia  after  centrifugation  at  510  G  for  10 
minutes  yields  a  supernatant  fraction  which  in  turn  is  centrifuged  at  1150  G  for  10  minutes. 
The  supernatant  (Si),  as  a  rule,  contains  predominantly  the  retarding  factor.  However,  this 
fraction  can  be  dialyzed  for  several  days  against  distilled  water  in  a  refrigerator.  The  diffusate 
is  found  to  contain  the  accelerator  cleavage  factor.  Thus,  by  differential  centrifugation  followed 
by  dialysis,  the  accelerator  factor  can  be  dissociated  from  any  admixed  retarding  factor. 
Eventually  the  retarding  factor  will  also  tend  to  diffuse  outward,  but  apparently  this  is  a  slower 
process,  presumably  owing  to  its  larger  molecular  size.  Following  centrifugation  to  obtain 
the  above  described  Si  in  the  supernatant,  the  sediment  in  0.25  M  sucrose  is  centrifuged  for  20 
minutes  at  8,170  G.  The  supernatant  freed  of  mitochondrial  particles  is  centrifuged  one  hour 
at  21,600  G  in  a  Servall  angle  centrifuge.  The  soluble  phase  (Sz  of  the  accelerator  factor)  is 
then  dialyzed  against  water  in  the  cold  for  several  days  to  eliminate  some  of  the  admixed 
retarding  factor.  In  9  out  of  12  experiments,  the  accelerator  factor  has  been  recovered  in  the 
diffusate.  In  the  Si  diffusate,  6  out  of  8  experiments  revealed  the  presence  of  the  accelerator 
factor,  the  average  number  of  ova  in  the  first  blastomeric  division  being  44.5%  in  the  experi- 
mental group  and  22%  in  the  controls.  In  the  succeeding  cleavage  the  averages  were  46%  and 
26.5%,  respectively.  Absorption  measurements  of  this  active  Si  diffusate  fraction  by  Dr.  J.  S. 
Roth  have  indicated  a  peak  at  265  to  270  millimicra.  Test  for  the  presence  of  ATP  by  Dr. 
W.  D.  McElroy  has  been  negative.  The  fraction  is  yellow  in  color,  and  in  the  visible  range 
manifests  a  very  tiny  prominence  at  390  millimicra.  Studies,  at  the  suggestion  of  Dr.  O. 
Lindberg,  by  the  phenol-water-ether  extraction  method  indicate  that  the  purified  accelerator 
factor  is  a  dinucleotide.  Since  uracil  per  se  induces  similar  accelerating  effects  on  cleavage, 
the  possibility  that  the  factor  is  a  uracil  dinucleotide  is  suggested. 

1  Aided  by  grants  from  the  Society  of  the  Sigma  Xi  and  the  National  Cancer  Institute, 
U.  S.  Public  Health  Service. 


Studies  on  the  nature  of  the  retarding  cleavage  factor  in  homogenates  of  sea  urchin 

The  aqueous  homogenate  of  ovaries  of  Arbacia  punctulata  was  purified  by  differential 
centrifugation  as  follows :  centrifugacion  of  the  homogenate  at  510  G  for  10  minutes  yielded  a 
sediment,  in  turn  treated  with  0.25  M  sucrose.  The  suspension  was  centrifuged  at  21,600  G 
for  10  minutes.  The  supernatant  was  then  centrifuged  at  the  same  speed  for  one  hour.  The 
resulting  soluble  phase  (S2),  devoid  of  mitochondrial  particles  and  probably  of  some  of  the 
microsomal  fraction,  was  a  clear  yellow  fluid  which  was  very  active  in  inducing  a  retardation 
in  the  cleavage  development  of  ova.  Usually  the  ova  were  exposed  to  the  material  for  20 
minutes  prior  to  fertilization.  In  two  experiments  the  ova  were  first  fertilized  and  then  the 
S2  fraction  added.  The  results  were  similar  in  both  procedures.  From  0.5  to  1  ml.  of  the 
S2  fraction  were  employed.  It  was  found  in  18  experiments,  about  44  minutes  following 
fertilization,  that  an  average  of  38.9%  of  control  ova  were  in  the  first  blastomeric  division 
as  compared  with  an  average  of  only  2.9%  in  the  experimental  series.  The  retarding  effect 
was  likewise  reflected  in  the  second  or  further  advanced  cleavages,  the  average  being  30.4% 
in  the  controls  and  18.9%  in  the  experimentals.  The  retarding  factor  was  found  to  be  heat- 
stable,  withstanding  boiling  for  30  to  45  minutes.  The  active  principle  was  diffusible  through 
cellophane  tubing  of  size  20/32.  Absorption  measurements  by  Dr.  J.  S.  Roth  and  Mrs.  Laura 
Inglis  with  a  DU  spectrophotometer  indicated  a  peak  at  265  to  270  millimicra.  These  facts 
suggest  the  nucleotide  nature  of  the  retarding  factor.  ATP  and  ADP  were  found  present  in 
one  fraction  but  not  in  another  active  one  by  Dr.  W.  D.  McElroy,  by  utilizing  the  firefly  test. 
In  the  visible  range  there  is  also  a  peak  at  400  millimicra.  The  nature  of  the  yellow  pigment 
is  not  yet  clear.  Addition  of  ascorbic  acid  induces  temporary  disappearance  of  the  color,  to  be 
soon  replaced  by  a  deep  orange  color.  This  suggests  that  an  oxidation-reduction  system  may 
also  be  present  in  the  purified  material. 

Study  of  diatom  populations  on  sand  and  mud  flats  in  the  Woods  Hole  area.     E.  T. 

The  presence  of  large  populations  of  animals  on  and  in  mud  flats  of  Barnstable  harbor  has 
raised  the  question  of  the  source  of  primary  production.  Since  few  quantitative  studies  have 
been  made  of  the  diatom  flora  of  mud  flats,  this  study  was  undertaken. 

Duplicate  mud  cores  2.5  cm.  in  diameter  and  6  cm.  deep  were  taken  in  plastic  tubes  from 
the  mud  flats  of  Barnstable  harbor.  The  tubes  were  frozen  and  sectioned  into  layers.  The 
samples  from  one  tube  were  diluted  with  sea  water  and  counts  made  of  living  diatoms.  The 
duplicate  sample  was  treated  with  acetone  to  extract  chlorophyll.  The  number  in  the  surface 
2.5  cm.  of  mud  varied  from  9000  cells  per  cubic  millimeter  of  mud  in  June  to  500  cells  per 
cubic  millimeter  in  August.  Living  diatoms  were  found  in  the  mud  to  a  depth  of  6  cm.,  de- 
creasing markedly,  however,  below  the  surface  layer.  The  number  in  the  mud  5  to  6  cm. 
deep  varied  between  40  cells  to  0  cells  per  cubic  millimeter.  The  total  calculated  number  of 
cells  in  a  column  of  mud  beneath  a  square  meter  of  surface  in  one  collection,  for  example,  was 
9.8  X  109  cells.  These  counts  should  be  regarded  as  a  relative  index  of  abundance,  since  many 
of  the  diatoms  grew  tightly  appressed  to  individual  sand  grains  affording  a  possible  source  of 

Chlorophyll  was  determined  colorimetrically  and  presented  in  graph  form  along  with  the 
counts.  There  was  general  correspondence  between  the  curves  given  by  the  two  methods.  In 
the  example  given  above,  the  chlorophyll  present  in  the  column  of  mud  was  .948  gram  per 
square  meter.  The  order  of  magnitude  of  cells  and  chlorophyll  present  is  in  general  agreement 
with  that  found  for  phytoplarikton  in  a  column  of  water  beneath  a  square  meter  of  sea  surface 
in  coastal  waters. 

1  Aided  by  grants  from  the  Society  of  the  Sigma  Xi  and  the  National  Cancer  Institute, 
U.  S.  Public  Health  Service. 


The  effect  of  varying  concentrations  of  ribonucleic  acid  on  the  development  of  some 
marine  embryos.     M.  C.  Niu  AND  STEVEN  D.  DOUGLAS. 

It  has  been  demonstrated  recently  by  the  senior  author  that  potency  of  isolated  ribonucleic 
acid  (RNA)  from  animal  tissue  is  related  to  concentration.  For  in  vitro  differentiation  of 
presumptive  ectoderm,  the  concentration  was  20-40  /ug  per  milliliter  in  modified  Holtfreter 
solution.  A  ten-fold  concentration  or  dilution  eliminated  this  effect  upon  differentiation.  The 
present  experiment  was  conducted  to  investigate  the  possible  role  of  RNA  concentrations  in  the 
development  of  some  marine  embryos. 

Embryos  of  Styela  partita  (two-cell  stage),  obtained  by  artificial  fertilization,  were  em- 
ployed, as  were  those  of  Arbacia  pimctulata.  They  were  grown  in  pasteurized  sea  water  con- 
taining known  amounts  of  RNA,  isolated  from  the  liver  of  Raia  crinacca.  Chemical  tests 
for  polysaccharide  and  protein  in  the  RNA  were  negative. 

At  concentrations  of  700  or  more  /ug  per  milliliter,  RNA  arrested  development  at  cleavage 
stage,  16-64  cells  in  Styela.  At  approximately  150-450  /j.g  per  milliliter  rate  of  development  was 
decreased ;  in  this  series,  when  the  tadpoles  hatched,  the  body  became  round  and  abnormal,  a 
conspicuous  otolith  was  present,  and  cross-sections  revealed  the  reduction  of  neural  tissue, 
particularly  the  cerebral  vesicle.  With  concentration  lowered  from  100  to  5  /ug  per  milliliter 
the  rate  of  development  increased,  with  a  maximum,  equal  to  or  occasionally  faster  than  the 
control.  However,  at  concentrations  lower  than  3  /j,g  per  milliliter  no  appreciable  effect  was 

The  effect  of  lower  concentration  is  more  striking  in  experiments  with  Arbacia  embryos : 
approximately  4-16  t^g  per  milliliter  accelerated  development.  Thus,  in  a  typical  series,  after 
treatment  with  RNA  (4  /ug  per  milliliter),  for  twenty-six  hours,  at  room  temperature  (22°  C.), 
most  embryos  attained  the  young  prism  to  young  pluteus  stage,  while  in  the  control  they  were 
predominantly  in  the  gastrula  to  prism  stage. 

In  both  forms  the  rate  of  development  was  influenced  by  RNA  isolated  from  the  liver  of 
Raia.  At  optimal  concentration  of  RNA,  when  the  embryos  hatched,  neural  structure  in 
Styela  appears  to  have  been  reduced. 

Production  of  permanent  lesions  in  living  protoplasm.     W.  J.  V.  OSTERHOUT. 

Colorless  root  cells  of  Nitclla  were  used  on  account  of  their  transparency. 

Acid  fuchsin  did  not  enter  the  cell  unless  it  was  injured.  Brilliant  cresyl  blue  entered  the 
vacuole  more  rapidly  the  higher  the  external  pH  value  but  as  soon  as  the  cell  was  injured  the 
dye  entered  independently  of  the  external  pH  values.  These  results  were  used  as  criteria  of 

When  a  living  cell  was  bent  at  the  center,  a  lesion  was  formed  which  stained  red  with  acid 
fuchsin  but  the  rest  of  the  cell  remained  colorless.  When  the  cell  was  transferred  to  a  solution 
containing  no  acid  fuchsin,  the  dye  escaped  from  the  lesion  and  the  cell  lived  for  a  long  time  in 
spite  of  the  presence  of  the  lesion. 

The  cyclosis  stopped  on  bending  but  soon  it  was  resumed  and  took  a  normal  course  unless 
the  condition  of  the  lesion  prevented  it. 

In  bending,  cytoplasmic  masses  were  often  forced  into  the  vacuole  and  they  moved  slowly 
and  often  revolved  in  the  sap. 

Sometimes  the  vacuole  separated  at  the  point  of  bending  into  two  vacuoles  but  they  later 
coalesced  to  form  one  vacuole  again.  If  the  cell  was  transferred  to  a  solution  of  brilliant  cresyl 
blue,  the  dye  entered  the  vacuole  more  rapidly  the  higher  the  external  pH  value. 

The  vacuole  stained  red  with  neutral  red  separated  into  two  red  vacuoles  at  the  point  of 
bending  but  the  space  between  them  was  colorless.  Later  the  red  vacuoles  coalesced  to  form 
one  red  vacuole  again. 

A  few  cells  freshly  collected  were  found  with  some  lesions.  Their  behavior  toward  acid 
fuchsin  and  brilliant  cresyl  blue  was  similar  to  that  of  the  cell  which  had  a  lesion  after  bending. 

These  results  indicate  that  permanent  lesion  can  be  present  at  one  or  more  points  on  a  cell 
without  affecting  the  rest  of  the  cell. 


Selective  permeability  in  relation  to  movement  of  water  into  living  cells.     W.  J.  V. 

The  purpose  of  the  experiments  was  to  determine  if  the  movement  of  water  controlled  the 
rate  of  entrance  of  solutes  into  living  cells. 

A  living  cell  was  divided  into  two  parts,  A  and  B,  by  means  of  a  vaseline  seal.  Water  was 
placed  at  A  and  0.025  M  sucrose  solution  was  placed  at  B.  The  water  rapidly  moved  into  the 
cell  and  travelled  inside  the  cell  from  A  to  B,  carrying  with  it  particles  which  collected  at  B. 
No  injury  occurred. 

When  the  water  at  A  was  replaced  by  a  solution  of  acid  fuchsin  the  water  entered  rapidly 
as  before  but  the  dye  did  not  enter  the  cell  unless  it  was  injured.  The  acid  fuchsin  did  not  enter 
the  living  cell  immersed  in  the  dye  solution  unless  it  was  injured.  These  experiments  indicate 
that  the  movement  of  water  into  the  cell  does  not  control  the  rate  of  penetration  of  the  solutes. 

This  was  confirmed  by  experiments  with  basic  dye,  brilliant  cresyl  blue.  If  the  water  at  A 
was  replaced  by  brilliant  cresyl  blue  at  pH  5,  in  which  the  dye  was  chiefly  in  the  form  of  ions,  no 
dye  entered  the  cell  though  the  water  entered  rapidly  as  before.  But  the  dye  penetrated  rapidly 
into  the  vacuole  from  a  solution  at  pH  9  in  which  the  dye  was  chiefly  in  the  form  of  undis- 
sociated  molecules,  though  the  rate  of  movement  of  water  remained  unchanged.  The  dye  was 
largely  dissociated  in  the  sap  at  pH  5.5.  The  dye  moved  from  A  to  B  and  collected  at  B  when 
the  sucrose  solution  was  at  pH  9  but  the  dye  escaped  from  the  cell  at  B  when  the  sucrose  solu- 
tion was  at  pH  5.  When  the  cell  was  immersed  in  the  dye  solution  the  dye  penetrated  more 
rapidly  at  pH  9  and  escaped  from  the  cell  more  rapidly  into  the  solution  at  pH  5  containing 
no  dye. 

Vital  staining   of   eggs   of  Spisula   solidissima    by   methylene    blue.'1     LIONEL    I. 

Washed  eggs  of  Spisula  solidissima  are  stained  over  a  period  of  hours  in  solutions  of 
methylene  blue  in  sea  water.  Initial  concentrations  of  dye  used  are  one  part  in  1,000,000  and 
final  ones,  one  part  in  250,000.  Small  (%-micron)  particles  appear  in  the  cytoplasm  and  be- 
come larger  and  darker  with  increased  dye  concentration  and  time  of  staining.  After  fertiliza- 
tion, these  particles  migrate  to  the  asters.  By  the  time  the  first  polar  body  spindle  is  formed, 
the  particles  outline  the  asters,  although  many  particles  remain  in  other  parts  of  the  egg.  By 
the  first  polar  body  stage,  the  particles  are  usually  tightly  organized  about  the  asters  and  spindle. 
The  particles  may  move  rapidly  (up  to  2-3  microns  per  second)  into  the  aster.  They  surround 
the  female  pronucleus  when  it  is  formed  and  then  form  a  ring  in  the  plane  tangent  to  the 
pronuclei  when  these  come  into  contact.  The  ring  divides  into  two  masses,  each  surrounding 
an  aster,  and  each  mass  is  distributed  to  one  blastomere  at  cleavage.  Usually  the  larger  blasto- 
mere  receives  more  particles.  The  particles  gather  at  the  peripheral  cap  of  the  re-formed 
blastomere  nucleus  and  just  before  the  next  division  this  cap  divides  in  two,  each  half  surround- 
ing an  aster.  After  division,  the  peripheral  cap  forms  again  on  each  nucleus.  The  sequence  of 
dividing  into  two  before  cleavage  and  cap  reconstitution  after  cleavage  is  followed  by  the  particles 
into  late  cleavage  stages. 

Electron  micrographs  of  normal  and  stained  eggs  indicate  that  the  dye  causes  the  forma- 
tion of  vacuoles  in  the  cytoplasm.  These  vacuoles  appear  to  be  swollen,  distorted  mitochondria. 
If  so,  only  certain  mitochondria  appear  susceptible  and  it  is  these  which  undergo  the  described 
changes  in  localization. 

The  biochemical  basis  for  positive  photokinesis  of  the  starfish,  Astcrias  forbesi.2 

Pigments  were  extracted  from  the  dorsal  skin  and  "eyespots"  of  dark-adapted  animals 
through  acid  buffer  and  into  alkaline  2%  digitonin  solutions  and  their  absorption  spectra  de- 

1  Aided  by  a  grant  from  The  American  Cancer  Society. 

2  This  research  was  supported  in  part  by  a  grant  from  the  Sigma  Xi-RESA  Research  Fund 
and  by  a  grant  from  the  National  Science  Foundation. 


termined  before  and  after  exposure  to  light  of  wave-lengths  from  300  to  700  m/j..  Both  types 
of  extracts  showed  maximum  absorbance  at  495  rmx,  with  a  primary  minimum  at  725  and  a 
secondary  minimum  absorbance  at  395  mfj..  Exposure  to  sunlight,  ultraviolet  and  visible  light 
up  to  450  m/j.  bleached  either  type  of  extract  in  a  similar  fashion,  without  altering  visibly  its 
natural  violet  color ;  maximum  density  loss  occurred  at  585  m/i,  minimum  loss  occurred  at  485 
m/u;  no  change  (isosbestic  point)  occurred  at  520  m/j..  Minimal  changes  in  the  entire  absorp- 
tion spectrum  were  observed  for  exposures  at  500  and  550  m/j.  (i.e.,  near  the  isosbestic  point), 
whereas  at  600  to  700  m/i,  changes  in  absorption  spectra  for  either  kind  of  extract  were  exactly 
reciprocal  of  those  obtained  earlier  at  lower  wave-lengths ;  i.e.,  maximal  density  loss  at  480  and 
minimal  at  580  mp.,  with  the  same  isosbestic  point  of  520  rmx.  The  consistent  occurrence  of  an 
isosbestic  point  at  520  m/j,,  as  well  as  the  similarity  of  their  respective  "difference  spectra,"  indi- 
cates a  common  photosensitive  biochemical  component  in  the  diffuse  skin  and  more  highly  or- 
ganized "eyespot"  receptors  of  this  animal.  Their  possible  respective  roles  in  the  positive  light 
orientation  of  this  animal  are  being  further  explored  in  the  form  of  correlative  behavioral  and 
pigment  sensitivities  to  different  intensities  of  different  wave-lengths  of  light. 

The  initiation  and  inhibition  of  cleavage  of  the  Chaetopterus  egg  by  ethyl  urethane. 

Because  many  of  the  same  chemical  and  physical  agents  that  initiate  cell  division  also 
inhibit  it,  experiments  were  conducted  for  the  past  two  summers  on  the  effect  of  ethyl  urethane 
on  the  cleavage  of  the  Chaetopterus  egg.  Eggs  placed  in  a  1%  solution  of  urethane  in  sea  water 
5  minutes  after  insemination  did  not  cleave,  and  viscosity  studies  made  with  the  hand  centrifuge 
indicated  that  the  mitotic  gelation,  without  which  the  spindle  cannot  form,  did  not  occur. 
Similarly,  fertilized  eggs  placed  in  2%  or  3%  solutions  did  not  cleave,  and  the  mitotic  gelation 
was  again  absent.  Return  of  these  eggs  to  normal  sea  water  after  the  controls  had  cleaved 
showed  the  treatment  with  a  3%  solution  to  be  irreversible  while  the  treatment  with  the  2% 
solution  was  only  partly  reversible.  Almost  all  the  eggs  treated  with  a  1%  solution  cleaved 
within  15  minutes  after  being  returned  to  sea  water;  a  rapid  and  sharp  increase  in  viscosity  cul- 
minated in  cleavage. 

Unfertilized  eggs  exposed  to  a  3%  solution  for  periods  ranging  from  10  to  60  minutes  be- 
gan to  cleave  and  develop,  with  a  peak  of  activity  evident  at  about  30  minutes  exposure.  Opti- 
mum cleavages  ranged  from  20%  to  88%.  Viscosity  studies  showed  an  increase  of  the  same 
order  of  magnitude  as  the  mitotic  gelation.  A  2%  solution  would  only  occasionally  initiate 
cleavage  and  development,  indicating  it  to  be  a  threshold  concentration. 

Larvae  produced  either  from  unfertilized  eggs  treated  with  2%  or  3%  solutions  or  from 
fertilized  eggs  treated  with  1%  or  2%  solutions  appeared  to  be  morphologically  abnormal,  and, 
instead  of  swimming  about,  rotated  rapidly  in  place  on  the  bottom  of  the  dish. 

Preliminary  studies  of  tlic  ontogeny  of  schooling  behavior  in  the  silversides,  Menidia 
menidia.     EVELYN  SHAW. 

The  development  of  schooling  was  studied  to  try  to  clarify  some  of  the  factors  involved  in 
the  interaction  of  fish  to  fish  when  the  first  school  is  formed.  It  was  found  that  schooling  does 
not  appear  immediately  after  hatching  but  develops  gradually  as  the  fish  matures.  Sixty  five 
individual  fish,  swimming  freely  in  glass  bowls,  were  observed  in  their  responses  to  other  fish. 
No  schooling  occurred  in  fish  younger  than  9  days.  Between  10  and  15  days  of  age,  schooling 
was  brief  and  sporadic  after  a  long  period  of  no  response.  On  the  17th  day  all  of  the  fish  re- 
sponded instantly  and  schooling  continued  throughout  the  observation.  At  this  time  the  fry 
had  grown  from  5  mm.  at  hatching  to  12  mm.,  the  size  of  the  smallest  schooling  fishes  found 
in  the  field  and  in  our  laboratory  aquarium. 

The  initial  stimulus  to  schooling  appears  to  be  a  visual  one.  This  was  tested  by  placing  a 
fish  in  a  sealed  glass  tube  with  a  fish  who  was  swimming  freely  in  a  bowl.  Fifteen  out  of  twenty 
fish  attempted  to  line  up  with  the  fish  in  the  tube.  After  one  or  two  minutes  schooling  ceased 
and  the  fish  vibrated  near  the  tube,  suggesting  that  additional  stimuli  may  be  necessary  to  the 
continuance  of  schooling. 


In  another  series  of  experiments  eighteen  fish  were  deprived  of  early  social  contact  with 
species  mates  to  see  if  this  environmental  condition  would  influence  the  appearance  of  schooling. 
On  the  17th  day  of  development  species  mates  were  introduced  into  their  bowls.  Nine  of  the 
separated  fish  schooled  within  the  first  minute  while  the  remaining  nine  did  not  school  during 
the  entire  twenty  minute  observation.  After  twenty  four  hours,  however,  schooling  was  noted 
in  all  of  the  test  fish.  Evidently  lack  of  contact  with  species  mates  does  not  alter  the  pattern 
of  schooling,  but  initially  inhibits  the  number  of  fish  participating  in  this  behavior. 

This  work  was  supported  by  an  ONR  contract  with  the  MBL. 

Effects  of  x-ray  irradiation  on  two  strains  of  Tetrahymena  corlissi.1     CARL  CASKEY 

Two  strains  of  a  recently  named  new  species,  Tetrahymena  corlissi,  have  been  subjected 
to  severe  successive  x-ray  treatments.  Strain  "W"  was  found  by  Speidel  at  Woods  Hole,  Mas- 
sachusetts, as  a  facultative  parasite  in  tadpoles  of  Bitfo.  Strain  "C"  was  found  by  Thompson  at 
Charlottesville,  Virginia,  in  a  moribund  larva  of  Pseudotriton.  Structurally  and  functionally 
the  two  strains  seemed  identical.  A  micronucleus  was  present.  The  tetrahymenae  reproduced 
rapidly  by  binary  fission  and  by  reproductive  cysts.  Conjugation  was  not  seen.  During  the 
summer  of  1956  strain  C  was  subjected  to  a  series  of  9  x-ray  treatments  over  a  period  of  60 
days.  The  separate  doses  ranged  in  strength  from  400-600  kr ;  the  cumulative  dose  totaled  4217 
kr.  During  the  summer  of  1957  strain  W  was  subjected  to  a  similar  series  of  9  x-ray  treatments 
over  a  period  of  57  days.  The  cumulative  dose  for  this  strain  totaled  4500  kr.  Surviving 
tetrahymenae  in  each  strain  gave  rise  to  progeny  containing  many  amicronucleate  individuals. 
Clones  of  amicronucleate  tetrahymenae  were  readily  established  from  both  x-rayed  strains. 
During  the  summer  of  1957  after  a  10-month  interval  of  recovery,  cultures  of  amicronucle- 
ate tetrahymenae  derived  from  strain  C  were  subjected  to  5  additional  x-ray  treatments  totaling 
2900  kr  over  a  period  of  41  days.  The  separate  doses  ranged  in  strength  from  500-700  kr.  The 
total  cumulative  dose  for  both  summers  received  by  this  strain  amounted  to  7017  kr.  The  sur- 
viving progeny  exhibited  no  marked  difference  in  radiosensitivity  or  radioresistance  as  com- 
pared with  normal  tetrahymenae.  There  was  no  conspicuous  lasting  effect  on  the  capacity  and 
speed  of  reproduction. 

Enzymatic  dissociation  of  sponge  cells.'2     MELVIN  SPIEGEL  AND  CARROLL  METCALF. 

The  effect  of  several  enzymes  on  sponge  reaggregation  was  studied  in  an  effort  to  prepare 
completely  dissociated  cell  suspensions.  The  following  enzyme  solutions  in  artificial  sea  water 
(Tyler)  were  used:  2%  crude  protease,  pH  7.6;  0.2%  crystalline  trypsin,  pH  7.7;  0.2%  crystal- 
line chymotrypsin,  pH  7.7;  2%  crude  papain  containing  100  mgm%  cysteine,  pH  7.0;  2%  steap- 
sin,  pH  7.0.  The  stomach  juices  of  the  green  crab,  Carcinus  maenas,  and  of  the  blue  crab, 
Callinectcs  sapidus,  were  also  used.  Two-tenths  ml.  of  the  expressate  obtained  by  pressing  2  gm. 
of  the  sponge  Microciona  prolifera  through  bolting  cloth  into  20  ml.  of  artificial  sea  water  was 
then  added  to  3  ml.  of  each  enzyme  solution.  Three  ml.  of  artificial  sea  water  served  as  control. 

Trypsin,  protease,  chymotrypsin,  and  steapsin  had  no  effect  on  dissociation.  Aggregates 
formed,  rounded  up  within  6-8  hours,  and  adhered  to  glass  but  did  not  exhibit  the  flattening  and 
spreading  out  which  normally  occur  24  hours  after  dispersal.  In  papain,  aggregates  were  formed 
which  failed  to  round  up  with  the  cells  loosely  adhering  to  one  another.  Attempts  to  obtain 
complete  dissociation  by  passing  the  papain-suspension  through  a  fine  pipette  led  to  cytolysis. 

In  stomach  juice  of  the  green  crab,  at  first  large  aggregates  were  formed  but  the  peripheral 
cells  were  in  loose  contact  and  18  hours  after  dispersal  many  small  aggregates  were  formed. 
No  rounding  up  occurred.  In  blue  crab  stomach  juice  little  reaggregation  took  place.  In  the 
center  of  the  largest  aggregrates  which  were  formed  condensations  of  closely  packed  cells  were 
noted  with  loosely  connected  cells  between  these  condensations.  Eighteen  hours  after  dispersal 
a  good  cell  suspension  could  be  obtained  by  passage  through  a  pipette. 

iThis  investigation  was  supported  by  a  research  grant  (PHS  RG-4326  R)  from  the  Na- 
tional Institutes  of  Health,  Public  Health  Service. 

2  Supported  by  Research  Grant  E-1365  from  the  National  Institute  of  Allergy  and  In- 
fectious Diseases. 


Viability    of    dissociated   frosen-tJunvcd    sponge    cells.1     MELVIN    SPIEGEL    AND 

A  cell  suspension  of  the  sponge  Microciona  prolijcra  was  prepared  by  pressing  2  gm.  of 
sponge  through  bolting  cloth  into  20  ml.  of  filtered  sea  water.  Two-mi,  aliquots  were  trans- 
ferred to  8  ml.  of  varying  concentrations  of  ethylene  glycol  or  glycerine  in  filtered  sea  water, 
frozen  at  —  12°  C. ;  after  1-24  hours  rapidly  thawed  at  18°  C.  and  washed  3  times  with  filtered 
sea  water.  A  control  suspension  in  filtered  sea  water  was  treated  in  identical  fashion.  Cells 
frozen  in  ethylene  glycol  did  not  survive  the  treatment.  After  freezing  in  10%  glycerine,  ap- 
proximately 30%  free  cells  were  noted  but  the  amoebocytes  exhibited  no  pseudopodial  move- 
ment and  no  collar  cells  with  a  beating  flagellum  were  noted.  No  reaggregation  of  cells  oc- 
curred. Alter  freezing  in  20%  and  30%  glycerine,  only  10%  free  cells  were  noted  with  no  cell 
movement.  In  40%  glycerine  the  amoebocytes  showed  pseudopodial  movement  and  a  few  col- 
lar cells  with  beating  flagellum  were  noted.  Twenty-four  hours  later  the  normal  rounding  up 
of  aggregates  had  not  occurred  with  no  aggregate  adherence  to  glass.  Dialysis  vs.  filtered  sea 
water  did  not  improve  survival.  Further  reaggregation  did  not  occur  after  culture  for  7  days. 
Similar  results  are  obtained  with  unfrozen  filtered  sea  water-glycerine  suspensions.  After  thaw- 
ing of  filtered  sea  water  suspensions  the  amoebocytes  exhibit  normal  psudopodial  movement 
and  adhere  to  glass.  No  collar  cell  movement  was  noted.  Normal  reaggregation  occurs  during 
the  first  4  hours  after  thawing  but  within  8  hours  cytolysis  sets  in  and  reaggregation  ceases. 
Varying  the  time  for  freezing  and  for  thawing  has  not  furthered  survival.  The  results  show 
that  sponge  cells  can  survive  freezing  and  thawing  in  glycerine-filtered  sea  water  solutions  and 
in  sea  water  alone.  Neither  glycerine  nor  ethylene  glycol  offers  any  protective  advantage  com- 
pared to  filtered  sea  water. 

The  reaggregation  of  Microciona  cells  in  culture  medial     MELVIN   SPIEGEL  AND 

Although  aggregates  of  sponge  cells  which  have  been  dissociated  by  passage  through 
bolting  cloth  into  sea  water  can  easily  regenerate  to  form  a  new  sponge  when  placed  in  a 
live-car,  attempts  to  rear  such  aggregates  in  culture  media,  synthetic  or  otherwise,  have  failed. 
In  an  effort  to  circumvent  this  difficulty  the  following  culture  media  were  used :  A.  1-leucine,  31 
mgm. ;  dl-phenylalanine,  10  mgm. ;  dl-tryptophane,  8  mgm. ;  1-cysteine,  2  mgm. ;  1-arginine,  16 
mgm. ;  dl-methionine,  26  mgm.;  glucose,  1.7  gm. ;  200  ml.  artificial  sea  water  (Tyler).  B.  1%, 
0.5%,  and  0.1%  glucose  in  artificial  sea  water.  C.  1%,  0.5%,  and  0.1%  egg  albumen  in  artificial 
sea  water.  D.  Medium  A  minus  glucose.  E.  1%,  0.5%,  and  0.1%  galactose  in  artificial  sea 
water.  F.  1%,  0.5%,  and  0.1%  levulose  in  artificial  sea  water.  G.  0.5%  boiled  dried  yeast  in 
artificial  sea  water.  All  solutions  were  adjusted  to  pH  8.2.  Filtered  sea  water  and  artificial 
sea  water  served  as  controls.  Two  ml.  of  a  cell  suspension,  obtained  by  pressing  2  gm.  of 
Microciona  prolijcra  through  bolting  cloth  in  20  ml.  of  artificial  sea  water,  were  added  to  8  ml. 
of  each  medium. 

In  media  A-F  reaggregation  was  impeded.  More  numerous  but  smaller  aggregates  were 
formed  than  in  the  controls.  These  did  not  regenerate  further.  In  medium  G  a  functional 
sponge  was  formed  with  canals  and  chambers  lined  with  beating  collar  cells  and  raised  oscula. 
When  yeast  cells  stained  with  neutral  red  were  added  to  this  sponge  within  two  hours  the  entire 
regenerate  was  stained.  In  control  media  canals  and  chambers  were  formed  but  neither  water 
currents  nor  oscula  were  observed. 

Uptake  of  amino  acids  from  sea  water  by  ciliary-mucoid  filter  feeding  animals. 

Several  reports  in  the  literature  concerning  filter  feeding  animals  indicate  that  some  may 
retain  small  quantities  of  dissolved  protein.  The  following  observations  were  undertaken  to 

1  Supported  by  Research  Grant  E-1365  from  the  National  Institute  of  Allergy  and  Infectious 


determine  whether  ciliary-mucoid  filter  feeders  are  capable  of  taking  up  small  organic  molecules. 
An  initial  set  of  observations  was  made  with  2  mM.  glycine  (150  mg./liter  sea  water)  using 
the  slipper  limpet,  Crepidula  fornicata;  the  mussel,  Mytihis  cdulis;  and  the  coral,  Astrangia 
danac.  Single  mussels,  or  several  Crepidula,  or  an  Astrangia  colony,  were  placed  in  approxi- 
mately 250  ml.  of  solution.  This  solution  was  sampled  periodically  and  the  amino  acid  concen- 
tration measured  colorimetrically  using  a  ninhydrin  reaction.  Control  samples  were  run  in 
parallel,  and  colorimetric  determinations  were  done  in  triplicate.  Considerable  variation  in  rate 
of  uptake  was  observed,  particularly  in  the  case  of  Mytilus  and  Crepidula.  However,  the  fol- 
lowing results  may  be  cited  as  typical.  Mytilus  in  one  experiment  removed  10%  of  the  glycine  in 
five  hours  and  45%  in  twenty-four  hours,  while  Crepidula  removed  15%  and  65%  and  Astrangia, 
20%  and  97%. 

Astrangia  was  chosen  as  a  suitable  animal  for  additional  experiments.  Five  readily  solu- 
ble amino  acids  were  selected  to  cover  a  range  of  isoelectric  points.  These  were  glutamic  acid, 
methionine,  glycine,  alanine  and  arginine  whose  isoelectric  points  are,  respectively,  3.08,  5.7, 
6.06,  6.1  and  10.76.  Uptake  in  all  cases  was  roughly  comparable  to  that  for  glycine.  These 
observations  were  made  by  sampling  at  intervals  about  one  liter  of  the  solution  in  which  several 
colonies  had  been  immersed.  Various  controls  included  rocks  from  which  the  colonies  had  been 
removed  but  which  still  included  masses  of  the  sponge,  Cliona,  and  rocks  together  with  the 
crushed  coral  organisms.  These  did  not  show  significant  uptake. 

Observations  were  also  made  on  the  rate  of  removal  in  concentrations  from  0.4  mM.  to  10.0 
mM.  No  striking  difference  in  rate  of  uptake  was  apparent  over  this  25-fold  concentration 

The  effect  of  2,4-dichloropheno.ryacctic  acid  on  o.vygcn  consumption  in  Uca  pugnax. 

The  lethal  concentration  of  2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic  acid,  as  determined  by  injection  di- 
rectly into  the  hemocoel,  was  found  to  be  400  mg./kg.  wet  body  weight.  The  L.D.  50/24  hrs. 
was  determined  as  325  mg./kg.  wet  body  weight.  Symptoms  resembling  myotonia,  found  in 
homeothermic  vertebrates  treated  with  this  compound,  were  produced  with  concentrations  be- 
tween 200  and  275  mg./kg.  wet  body  weight.  Muscular  movements  were  initiated  after  some 
delay  but  once  movement  was  started,  the  animal  continued  to  move  without  any  apparent 

Oxygen  consumption  of  crabs  treated  with  2,4-D  was  measured  at  17.5°  C.  using  a  modified 
Scholander  respirometer  for  aquatic  animals.  A  decrease  in  O2  consumption  of  an  average  of 
78%  occurred  within  60  minutes  after  injection  of  200  to  250  mg./kg.  into  the  ventral  hemocoel. 
Oxygen  consumption  returned  to  pre-injection  levels  10-15  hours  later.  Control  animals,  in 
simultaneous  experiments,  were  injected  with  equal  volumes  of  filtered  sea  water.  O2  consump- 
tion was  increased  for  30  minutes  after  injections  followed  by  a  recovery  to  pre-injection  levels. 

Metabolic  responses  of  albino  rats  treated  with  2,4-dlchlorophenoxyacetic  acid  to 
changes  in  ambient  temperature.  FREDERICK  N.  SUDAK,  C.  LLOYD  CLAFF  AND 

Twelve  hour  fasted  male  albino  rats  injected  with  300  mg./kg.  of  2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic 
acid  increased  their  CO2  output  43%  with  no  change  in  body  temperature  when  kept  in  an  iso- 
thermic  environment  of  30°  C.  for  40  to  60  minutes  after  injection.  Carbon  dioxide  production 
increased  85%  accompanied  by  a  rise  of  2°  C.  in  body  temperature  when  the  ambient  tempera- 
ture was  increased  to  33°  C.  Animals  treated  with  this  compound  died  within  20  minutes  in  an 
environmental  temperature  of  35°  C.  Rectal  temperatures  taken  at  the  time  of  death  were  above 
40°  C.  Control  animals  injected  with  an  equal  volume  of  physiological  saline  decreased  their 
CO2  production  14%  at  both  isothermic  and  33°  C.  temperatures  while  rectal  temperatures  re- 
mained constant.  Carbon  dioxide  production  returned  to  the  control  levels  taken  at  room  tem- 
perature and  the  rectal  temperatures  increased  1°  C.  when  the  ambient  temperature  was  increased 
to  35°  C.  Both  groups  of  animals  perspired  freely  at  this  temperature. 

Myotonia  induced  in  albino  rats  with  subcutaneous  injections  with  2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic 
acid  persists  for  18  to  24  hours  after  injection  but  the  duration  of  the  metabolic  response  to  in- 


creased  ambient  temperature  is  much  shorter,  i.e.,  seven  hours.  Animals  injected  two  hours 
earlier  died  within  20  minutes  when  the  ambient  temperature  was  increased  from  30°  C.  to 
35°  C.  The  rectal  temperature  of  these  animals  increased  from  37°  C.  to  above  40°  C.  Ani- 
mals injected  five  hours  earlier  survived  the  20-minute  exposure  to  35°  C.  heat.  CO2  produc- 
tion increased  40%  and  rectal  temperature  rose  2°  C.  Metabolic  and  body  temperature  re- 
sponses were  the  same  as  those  of  control  animals  when  the  ambient  temperature  was  raised 
to  35°  C.  seven  hours  after  an  injection  of  2,4  D. 

Metabolic  activity  of  rats  treated  with  2,4  D  behaved  much  like  that  of  a  poikilothermic  ani- 
mal for  seven  hours  after  injection.  The  calculated  Q,n  of  these  animals  was  3.5  in  heat  and  1.0 
when  they  were  placed  in  a  cold  environment. 

Expansion  of  the  pre-placcntal  yolk-sac  in  Mustclus  canis.     Lois  E.  TEWINKEL. 

Yolk-sac  folds  and  villi  were  mentioned  by  ten  Cate-Hoedemaker  and  Ranzi  in  detailed  ac- 
counts of  the  placenta  of  Mitstelits  lac-ris,  but  the  extent  of  yolk-sac  growth  was  not  emphasized, 
undoubtedly  because  they  had  no  late  pre-placental  stages.  Mahadevan,  in  several  Indian 
Selachii  (Scoliodon),  noted  elaborate  yolk-sac  growth,  but  made  no  measurements. 

Scarcity  of  pregnant  smooth  dogfish  at  Woods  Hole  has  prevented  a  thorough-going  study, 
but,  when  yolk-sacs  of  40  mm.  embryos  are  compared  with  those  of  55,  65,  and  109  mm.  embryos, 
it  is  clear  that  in  Mustelus  canis  the  yolk-sac  grows  enormously  as  yolk  is  depleted.  Spreads 
of  yolk-sacs,  dried  and  measured  on  millimeter  paper,  show  an  increase  from  an  initial  area  of 
1260  mm.'  for  a  40  mm.  embryo  (where  the  yolk-sac  has  not  begun  expansion)  to  4474  mm.1  for 
a  65  mm.  embryo,  and  over  10,000  mm.2  for  a  109  mm.  specimen. 

Although  yolk  is  still  present  in  all  sacs  and  in  vitelline  ducts  of  embryos  50  mm.  and  longer 
in  the  stages  studied,  progressive  growth  in  surface  area  of  the  sac  as  yolk  decreases,  suggests 
that,  in  addition  to  yolk  absorption,  material  is  being  taken  in  from  fluid  diffusing  into  the  egg- 
case  cavity  from  uterine  sources.  That  absorption  of  water  occurs  in  these  pre-placental  stages 
is  shown  in  a  comparison  of  wet  and  dry  weights  of  embryos  plus  yolk-sacs  when  embryos 
measured  approximately  17,  34,  and  60  mm.  The  following  figures  for  each  class  represent  an 
average  of  three  specimens.  Wet  weights  were:  2.10,  2.722,  and  4.22  grams,  respectively;  and 
dry  weights:  1.016,  1.19,  and  1.395  grams.  Thus,  in  a  60  mm.  embryo  and  yolk-sac,  water 
content  is  2.6  times  that  in  a  17  mm.  specimen  and  has  risen  to  67%  of  the  wet  weight  as  com- 
pared with  52%.  Ash  determinations  have  not  yet  been  made. 

The  hexose  monophosphate  shunt  in  marine  invertebrates.     CLAUDE  A.  VILLEE, 

The  hexose  monophosphate  shunt  provides  a  path  for  the  metabolism  of  glucose  which  is  an 
alternative  to  the  Embden-Meyerhof  glycolytic  cycle.  Glucose-6-phosphate  is  oxidized  to  6-phos- 
phogluconic  acid  which  is  then  oxidatively  cleaved  to  CO2  (from  carbon  1)  and  the  pentose, 
ribulose-5-phosphate.  An  estimate  of  the  fraction  of  glucose  metabolized  by  each  path  is  ob- 
tained by  comparing  the  rates  of  metabolism  of  glucose-6-C14  and  glucose-1-C14  to  C14O2  (Ge/G,)- 
The  rate  of  carbon  1  of  glucose  to  CO2  is  taken  as  the  sum  of  the  two  paths  and  that  of  carbon 
6  is  taken  as  the  glycolytic  path  alone.  Krahl  had  shown  that  the  monophosphate  shunt  is  an 
important  path  in  the  metabolism  of  developing  Arbacia  eggs  and  that  it  could  account  for 
essentially  all  of  the  oxygen  consumed.  We  have  confirmed  his  results  and  extended  the  study 
to  a  variety  of  excised  tissues  from  other  echinoderms,  annelids  and  molluscs.  In  our  experi- 
ments the  GS/G!  ratio  (mean  of  12  experiments)  for  unfertilized  Arbacia  eggs  was  0.07,  for 
fertilized  eggs  (12  hours  after  fertilization)  was  0.20  and  for  sperm  was  0.23.  This  confirms 
Krahl's  finding  that  the  glycolytic  path  becomes  more  important  as  development  proceeds. 
From  the  G6/G!  ratio  it  appears  that  the  hexose  monophosphate  shunt  is  an  important  metabolic 
pathway  in  Busycon  red  retractor  muscle  and  digestive  gland,  in  Thyone  respiratory  tree  and  gut, 
and  in  Chaetopterus  and  Arenicola  muscle  and  gonads.  In  marked  contrast,  the  Ge/Gi  ratio 
was  unity  in  Pecten  gill  and  mantle  and  in  Loligo  gill.  The  gills  of  these  molluscs  have  high 
rates  of  oxygen  consumption  but  it  would  appear  that  all  of  the  glucose  is  metabolized  via  a 
glycolytic  system. 


X-irradiation  of  the  giant  multinucleate  ameba,  Chaos  chaos.     RALPH  WICHTERMAN. 

Specimens  from  the  original  1936  Schaeffer  strain  were  irradiated  singly  with  doses  from 
20,000  r  to  80,000  r  in  steps  of  10,000  r  and  with  120,000  r  —  the  LD  50,  72  hours.  A  single 
ameba  was  placed  in  either  a  one-  or  two-cc.  closed  Lucite  chamber  free  of  air  and  containing 
only  10  parts  of  spring  and  90  parts  of  glass-distilled  water.  Five  or  10  of  the  isolated  amebas 
were  irradiated  at  one  time.  Immediately  after  irradiation,  the  water  was  replaced  and 
Paramecium  multimicronucleatum  and  Chilomonas  added  as  food.  The  amebas  were  maintained 
in  culture  until  either  their  death  or  until  successful  mass  clonal  cultures  were  established. 
When  an  irradiated  ameba  produced  a  clone  of  at  least  30  specimens,  it  was  considered  a  success- 
ful mass  culture.  Occasionally  some  of  the  clones  were  allowed  to  produce  several  hundred 

This  multinucleate  organism  may  divide  commonly  into  two  or  three,  occasionally  more, 
daughters.  As  a  more  reliable  measure,  all  progeny  of  a  divided  specimen  were  kept  in  the 
same  container  and  totalled  since  it  was  found  that  some  early  daughters  of  an  irradiated 
ameba  may  die  before  dividing  later,  while  others  may  survive  to  divide  again  and  produce 
successful  mass  clonal  cultures. 

As  has  been  observed  for  a  number  of  other  Protozoa,  the  greater  the  dosage,  the  greater 
the  delay  in  the  first  division  following  irradiation.  Thereafter — if  the  cell  is  to  divide  again— 
the  time  between  the  next  and  succeeding  divisions  is  progressively  shorter.  There  is  no  con- 
sistency in  the  number  of  daughters  produced  by  either  a  single  unirradiated  control  specimen  or 
an  irradiated  one  when  observed  daily  over  a  period  of  at  least  2  weeks. 

After  irradiation  with  40,000  r,  some  isolated  specimens  produced  as  many  as  10  or  less 
amebas  which  died  while  others  yielded  clones  of  hundreds.  On  the  other  hand,  a  similarly  ir- 
radiated specimen  may  live  for  at  least  23  days  without  dividing. 

With  50,000  ?-  and  60,000  r,  it  may  require  as  long  as  10-17  days  before  the  ameba  first 
divides  to  eventually  yield  a  mass  clonal  culture.  Generally  a  cell  which  divides  earlier  than 
others  similarly  irradiated  is  one  that  is  more  likely  to  produce  a  mass  culture. 

Successful  mass  cultures  have  been  established  after  the  irradiation  of  single  specimens  with 
from  20,000  r  to  70,000  r. 

Some  physiological  characteristics  of  the  fish  heart.     CHARLES  G.  WILBER. 

In  mammals  it  is  well  known  that  the  average  heart-rate  varies  inversely  with  body  size. 
In  the  present  work  fish,  which  varied  in  size  from  pipefish  to  striped  bass,  were  studied  electro- 
graphically  to  ascertain  whether  a  similar  relation  was  true.  It  was  found  that  the  average 
resting  heart-rate  in  fish  varies  inversely  with  body  size  and  an  equation  expressing  the  rela- 
tionship has  been  derived.  Teleosts  fit  the  plotted  curve  very  well ;  elasmobranchs  do  not,  al- 
though they  apparently  fit  a  special  curve  for  themselves.  Various  drugs  were  tested  with  the 
intact  hearts  of  different  species  of  fish.  Fundulus  heart  responds  readily  to  atropine  with  an 
increase  of  rate.  Darstine  has  a  similar  but  more  pronounced  effect.  Atropine  is  not  very 
effective  in  the  toadfish.  However,  darstine  in  relatively  large  doses  brings  about  complete 
A-V  dissociation ;  an  idioventricular  rhythm  is  established ;  atrial  rate  is  slightly  depressed. 
The  interpretation  of  the  results  is  not  easy.  Preliminary  results  have  been  obtained  which  in- 
dicate that  in  the  sea  robin  an  increase  in  temperature  of  the  fish  brings  about  an  increase  of 
blood  pressure  as  measured  directly  from  the  first  gill  vessel.  The  heart  rate  in  the  intact  fish 
also  increases  with  temperature  but  in  our  work  a  temperature  coefficient  of  2  or  3  has  not  been 
routinely  found.  This  is  in  accord  with  our  data  for  alligators.  These  studies  are  supported 
by  the  National  Science  Foundation. 


Accessory  fiber  synoptic  excitation  of  squid  stellar  giant  axons.     S.  H.  BRYANT. 

In  the  excised  squid  (Loligo  pealii)  stellate  ganglion  preparation  equilibrated  in  oxygen- 
saturated  medium,  it  is  possible  to  observe  excitatory  behavior  of  the  proximal  (accessory) 
synapses  of  the  stellar  giant  axons. 


The  large  pre-ganglionic  axon  to  the  giant  (distal)  synapses  was  removed  from  the  nerve 
trunk  near  the  ganglion  for  stimulation.  The  accessory  fiber  and  other  smaller  giant  axons 
were  stimulated  in  the  nerve  trunk  2  to  3  cm.  from  the  ganglion.  Selective  stimulation  of  the 
remaining  pre-ganglionic  axons  indicated  that  the  proximal  synapses  were  excited  mainly  by  the 
accessory  fiber  (Young),  occasionally  by  one  or  more  of  the  small  giants,  but  not  by  the  small 
axons.  There  was  no  evidence  of  giant  synapse  inhibition  by  stimulation  of  the  pre-ganglionic 
giant  axons. 

The  proximal  synapses  are  more  sensitive  to  oxygen  lack  and  can  be  fatigued  independently 
of,  and  earlier  than,  the  giant  synapses.  Intracellular  recording  from  the  last  stellar  axon  near 
its  inflection  in  the  ganglion  reveals  both  the  proximal  and  giant  synapse  excitatory  post  synap- 
tic  potentials  (e.p.s.p.).  The  proximal  e.p.s.p.  was  preceded  by  a  synaptic  delay  and  had  a 
temporal  form  similar  to  that  of  the  giant  synapse.  Depolarization  levels  for  spike  initiation 
were  nearly  the  same  in  spite  of  different  initial  slopes. 

When  the  e.p.s.p.  of  the  proximal  synapses  is  timed  to  arrive  shortly  after  the  giant  synapse 
is  excited,  it  can  abolish  the  undershoot  and  add  to  the  middle  of  the  falling  phase  of  the  spike. 
If  it  arrives  about  1  to  2  msec,  later,  it  can  give  rise  to  a  second  spike,  depending  upon  the  re- 
fractory period  of  the  post  axon.  Parallel  results  were  obtained  when  the  proximal  e.p.s.p.  ar- 
rived before  that  of  the  giant  synapse. 

In  preparations  where  both  sets  of  synapses  were  critically  fatigued  it  was  possible  to  get 
addition  of  excitation  when  the  e.p.s.p.'s  were  added  in  their  early  rising  phase.  If  they  were 
added  later  there  was  addition  of  depolarization  but  not  necessarily  excitation. 

The  site  of  origin  of  the  nerve  impulse  in  the  lobster  stretch  receptor.     J.  F.  CASE, 

The  cell  body  and  axon  of  the  lobster  stretch  receptor  organ  are  clearly  visible  with  dark 
field  illumination.  Thus,  microelectrodes  may  be  placed  on  visually  well  defined  sites  to  re- 
cord potential  changes  when  the  cell  is  activated  by  stretch  or  by  antidromic  stimulation. 
Simultaneous  recordings  have  been  made  with  two  glass  micro-electrodes  of  potential  changes  in 
the  cell  body  and  at  various  places  along  the  axon  of  the  lateral  seventh  thoracic  stretch  receptor 
immersed  in  saline.  An  analysis  of  latencies  and  potential  configurations  was  made  to  locate 
the  site  of  origin  of  the  conducted  impulses. 

In  a  lightly  stretched  receptor  the  potential  change  of  the  soma  starts  with  a  positivity  fol- 
lowed by  the  negative  spike.  In  the  axon  the  impulse  lacks  the  initial  positive  phase  if  re- 
corded from  a  point  near  the  cell  body.  The  start  of  the  positive  phase  of  the  cell  body  re- 
sponse is  synchronous  with  the  start  of  the  negative  phase  of  the  potential  change  in  the  axon ; 
the  cell  body  responds  with  an  impulse  0.1-0.3  msec,  later  than  the  initial  part  of  the  axon.  If 
antidromic  spikes  are  recorded  with  the  electrodes  at  the  same  position,  the  potential  changes  in 
the  axon  start  with  a  positive  phase  while  the  cell  body  response  is  identical  to  that  set  up  by 
stretch.  The  soma  impulse  follows  the  axonal  spike  by  about  the  same  interval  whether  set 
up  by  stretch  or  by  antidromic  stimulation.  On  the  basis  of  these  observations  the  conclusion 
is  drawn  that  the  impulse  set  up  by  stretch  starts  in  the  axon  near  to  the  cell  body  and  then 
propagates  out  along  the  axon  as  well  as  back  into  the  cell  body. 

Phosphoarginine    and    arginine    from    Homarus    americanus.     L. 

Enzyme  systems  capable  of  producing  adenosinetriphosphate  from  adenosinediphosphate 
seem  to  be  involved  in  the  relaxation  of  muscle,  as  suggested  by  previous  studies  with  creatine 
phosphate  and  phosphoenolpyruvate.  It  would  be  of  interest  to  test  the  effect  of  an  invertebrate 
phosphate  donor  system,  such  as  phosphoarginine,  on  vertebrate  muscle.  As  a  preliminary  to 
these  studies,  phosphoarginine  and  the  enzyme  arginine  phosphokinase  had  to  be  prepared. 

Since  phosphoarginine  cannot  be  synthesized,  its  isolation  from  Homarus  americanus  was 
attempted.  The  tail  muscle  was  homogenized  without  prior  freezing  in  liquid  nitrogen,  other- 
wise the  procedure  of  Ennor,  Morrison  and  Rosenberg  (Biochemical  Journal,  1956),  given  for 

1  Fellow  of  the  Lalor  Foundation. 


Jasus  lalandii,  was  followed.  Phosphoarginine  could  be  obtained  from  the  American  lobster, 
although  in  considerably  lower  yield  than  from  the  Australian  species. 

The  enzyme  arginine  phosphokinase  was  also  purified  from  Homanis  amcricanus  by  the 
method  given  for  Jasus  verraitxi  by  Morrison,  Griffiths  and  Ennor  (Biochemical  Journal,  1957). 

The  effect  of  the  invertebrate  phosphate  donor  system  on  the  relaxation  process  is  now 
being  studied. 

This  work  was  carried  out  during  the  tenure  of  a  Lalor  Fellowship. 

Incorporation  of  labeled  iron  into  hemerythrin.     MARTIN  P.  SCHULMAN. 

Hemerythrin  is  an  iron-containing  respiratory  pigment  that  occurs  in  nucleated  coelomic 
corpuscles  of  Phascnlnsoma  gouldii.  It  combines  reversibly  with  O2,  is  not  an  iron-porphyrin 
compound,  and  can  be  crystallized  readily  (Florkin,  1932).  When  coelomic  cells  or  hemolysates 
of  these  cells  were  incubated  with  Fe59Cl3,  the  isolated  oxyhemerythrin  contained  Fe59.  The 
incorporation  of  Fe'"'9  into  oxyhemerythrin  in  a  hemolysate  was  fifteen  times  greater  than  in  an 
intact  cell  preparation,  suggesting  low  permeability  of  these  cells  to  ferric  iron.  Although  the 
incorporation  of  Fe59  into  hemerythrin  in  hemolysates  was  not  linear  past  one  hour  incubation, 
the  uptake  of  Fe69  after  five  hours  was  still  considerable.  Experiments  that  ruled  out  a  non- 
enzymatic  exchange  of  Fe59  with  hemerythrin  were:  (1)  at  0°  intact  cells  and  hemolysates  did 
not  incorporate  Fe59  into  hemerythrin ;  (2)  incubating  Fe59CU  for  varying  lengths  of  time  with 
oxyhemerythrin  or  hemerythrin  reduced  by  deoxygenation  did  not  result  in  any  uptake  of  Fe59 
by  the  pigment.  Oxyhemerythrin  was  crystallized  four  times  to  rid  the  pigment  of  ionic  Fe5!> ; 
at  this  stage  the  specific  activity  of  oxyhemerythrin  that  contained  Fe59  as  a  result  of  incubation 
was  constant.  Oxyhemerythrin  containing  Fe59  was  assayed  by  the  following  procedure :  a 
known  volume  of  pigment  in  0.35  M  NaCl  was  assayed  for  radioactivity  in  a  scintillation  well 
counter,  while  another  aliquot  was  measured  spectrophotometrically  to  determine  the  concen- 
tration of  hemerythrin.  The  purity  of  each  sample  was  determined  by  measuring  the  optical 
densities  at  280  m/*,  330m/i  and  500  m/u  and  calculating  the  following  ratios :  280/330  and  330/500 
which  were  5.27  and  3.16  ±1%,  respectively,  for  the  best  preparations.  The  specific  activity  was 
expressed  as  counts  per  minute  per  optical  density  unit  at  330  It  is  believed  that  the  in- 
corporation of  Fe59  into  hemerythrin  is  enzymatic  and  represents  a  biosynthesis  of  the  molecule. 

Aided  by  AEC  contract  AT  (30-1)  1343  at  Marine  Biological  Laboratory,  Woods  Hole, 

Heme  synthesis  in  peripheral  blood  of  marine  fishes.     MARTIN  P.  SCHULMAN  AND 

Twenty-five  per  cent  suspensions  of  twice-washed  erythrocytes  in  saline  containing  Fe69Cl3 
were  shaken  in  air  for  two  hours  at  22°  C.  The  cells  were  then  washed  with  saline,  hemo- 
globin carrier  added,  and  hemin  isolated  and  purified  by  Fisher's  procedure.  Red  cells  were 
stained  supravitally  with  brilliant  cresyl  blue  according  to  Dawson  (1933),  who  found  that 
bloods  of  different  fishes  varied  in  their  percentages  of  immature  cells.  Our  study  showed 
that  the  incorporation  of  Fe68  into  heme  varied  with  the  degree  of  reticulation  in  each  blood. 
For  example,  the  red  cells  of  the  toadfish  (Opsanus  tau)  had  less  than  0.5%  immature  forms 
and  incorporated  negligible  Fe69  into  heme.  Other  teleosts,  such  as  the  common  sea  robin 
(Prionotus  carolinus),  scup  (Stcnotomns  chrysops),  king  mackerel  (Scomberomorus  regalis) 
and  bonito  (Sarda  sarda},  had  5  to  10%  immature  red  cells  and  incorporated  Fe59  in  proportion 
to  the  degree  of  reticulation.  In  the  elasmobranchs  studied — smooth  dogfish  (Mustehts  cams'), 
spiny  dogfish  (Squalus  acanthias) ,  spotted  skate  (Raja  diaphanes),  dusty  shark  (Carcharhinus 
obscurus) —  25  to  30%  of  the  red  cells  were  immature  and  the  uptake  of  Fe69  was  considerable. 
Since  the  bloods  of  the  elasmobranchs  contained  about  four  times  as  many  immature  cells  as  did 
the  teleost  bloods,  it  was  expected  that  the  incorporation  of  Fe59  would  also  be  increased  four- 
fold. However,  the  incorporation  was  much  greater  and  may  be  explained  by  the  increased  den- 
sity of  reticulum  per  immature  cell  of  the  elasmobranchs.  Additional  studies  on  red  cells 
of  Mustelus  showed  that  Fe59  incorporation  was  linear  during  the  incubation,  addition  of  gly- 
cine  and  succinate,  precursors  of  the  protoporphyrin  moiety  of  heme,  did  not  stimulate  the 
uptake  of  Fe69,  and  Fe59  incorporation  into  heme  was  markedly  lowered  when  cells  were  in- 
cubated in  serum. 


Aided  by  USPHS  grant  C-1852  and  AEC  contract  AT  (30-1)  1343  at  Marine  Biological 
Laboratory,  Woods  Hole,  Mass. 

The  effects  of  metabolic  inhibitors  on  ion  distribution  and  membrane  potential  in 
muscle  fibers  of  the  green  crab,  Carcinides  maenas.  WILLIAM  K.  STEPHENSON. 

Fiber  ion  compositions  were  determined  in  muscle  fibers  from  the  flexor  in  the  meropodite 
of  the  green  crab,  Carcinides  maenas.  Sodium  and  potassium  analyses  were  carried  out  by 
flame  photometry,  and  chloride  was  measured  with  a  mercurimetric  titration.  Fresh  muscle 
has  an  average  fiber  potassium  concentration  of  156  mEq/liter  fiber  water  (Ifw)  (17  determina- 
tions), a  sodium  concentration  of  72  mEq/lfw  (17  determinations),  and  a  chloride  concentra- 
tion of  94  mEq/lfw  (13  determinations).  In  calculating  fiber  ion  concentrations  an  extracellular 
space  value  of  5%  (of  wet  weight),  as  determined  by  the  inulin  method,  and  a  dry  weight  of 
22%  were  used.  Microelectrode  determinations  of  membrane  potentials  on  fresh  fibers  bathed 
in  blood  gave  an  average  value  of  58  mV  for  43  fibers  from  5  crabs.  Upon  exposure  to  natural 
sea  water  or  to  MBL-formula  sea  water  the  potential  rises  to  an  average  of  69  mV  over  a  pe- 
riod of  30-60  minutes. 

If  MBL  sea  water  is  perfused  through  the  removed,  but  unopened,  leg  segments,  the  fiber 
potassium  falls  less  than  5%  over  a  6-hour  period.  5  mM  iodoacetic  acid  (IAA),  5  mM  cya- 
nide (CN),  and  0.2  mM  dinitrophenol  (DNP),  added  to  MBL  sea  water,  were  similarly  per- 
fused through  the  preparation  and  their  effects  on  the  ion  balance  were  observed.  In  terms  of 
increasing  the  loss  of  potassium  the  effects  of  the  inhibitors  were  in  the  following  order :  CN  < 
IAA  <  DNP  ^  DNP  +  CN  ^  IAA  +  CN  <  DNP  +  IAA.  The  effects  of  inhibition  on  sodium 
and  chloride  concentrations  were  too  equivocal  to  include  here.  The  inhibitors  also  produced 
a  decrease  of  membrane  potential  in  the  following  order:  CN  <DNP^DNP  +  CN  <  IAA  < 
DNP  +  IAA  (the  effect  of  CN  IAA  was  not  clear).  IAA  thus  produces  a  rapid  effect  on 
membrane  potential  without  markedly  altering  the  potassium,  sodium,  or  chloride  distributions. 

In  vitro  studies  on  intestinal  absorption  of  fish.     T.  HASTINGS  WILSON. 

The  ability  of  fish  intestine  to  transport  sugars  and  amino  acids  across  the  wall  against  a 
concentration  gradient  was  tested  with  an  in  -vitro  technique.  A  tied  sac  of  everted  small  in- 
testine was  filled  with  saline  (usually  2  ml.),  placed  in  a  50-ml.  Erlenmeyer  flask  containing  3  ml. 
of  saline  and  gassed  with  100%  oxygen.  The  saline  composition  was  as  follows  :  NaCl  (0.21  M) , 
MgSO4  (0.002  M),  NaHCO3  (0.002  M),  K2HPO4;  pH  7.0  (0.01  M). 

Proline  and  glycine  were  actively  transported  by  the  intestine  of  the  puffer  (Spheroides 
maculatus).  In  a  representative  experiment  L-proline  (50  mg%)  was  added  to  the  saline 
on  each  side  of  the  intestinal  wall.  At  the  end  of  one  hour  of  incubation  at  26°  the  concentra- 
tion of  proline  on  the  mucosal  side  fell  to  24  mg%  while  that  on  the  serosal  side  rose  to  65 
mg%.  There  was  a  net  loss  of  proline  from  the  system  which  could  be  partially  accounted  for 
by  the  appearance  on  the  mucosal  side  of  an  amino  acid  chromatographically  similar  to  glutamic 

In  contrast  to  the  results  obtained  with  amino  acids,  glucose  was  not  transported  across  the 
intestinal  wall  against  a  gradient  by  in  vitro  preparations  from  any  of  the  following  fish :  sea 
robin  (Prionotus  carolinus),  scup  (Stenotomus  chrysops),  toadfish  (Opsamis  tan)  or  puffer. 
Galactose  and  6-deoxy-D-glucose  were  also  tested  with  the  puffer  gut  preparation  and  were  not 

During  the  in  -vitro  incubation  the  mucosal  side  of  puffer  and  sea  robin  intestine  became 
progressively  alkaline  (from  pH  7.0  to  about  7.6).  This  alkaline  intestinal  secretion  was  con- 
firmed in  vivo  in  the  case  of  the  sea  robin. 

Phylogenesis  of  plasma  proteins  and  plasma  cells.  I.  Starch  gel  zone  electrophoresis 
of  sera  from  marine  invertebrates  and  fishes.  KENNETH  R.  WOODS  AND  RALPH 
L.  ENGLE,  JR. 

The  method  of  zone  electrophoresis  in  starch  gel  described  by  O.  Smithies  in  1955  has 
been  used  to  separate  proteins  from  the  sera  of  several  marine  invertebrates,  cartilagenous  and 


bony  fishes,  and  a  few  amphibians,  reptiles,  and  lower  mammals.  From  six  to  twelve  speci- 
mens of  each  form  were  analyzed.  The  resulting  serum  electrophoretograms  exhibited  a  high 
degree  of  intraspecies  reproducibility  and  a  high  degree  of  interspecies  specificity. 

Closely  related  decapod  Crustacea  sometimes  gave  similar  serum  electrophoretograms,  but 
exceptions  were  found.  More  than  one  major  protein  fraction  was  always  obtained  from  hemo- 
cyanin-containing  sera.  This  finding  was  attributed  to  the  dissociation  of  hemocyanin  into 
non-identical  components  at  the  high  pH  (9.0)  of  the  starch  gels.  None  of  the  invertebrates 
examined  yielded  serum  proteins  with  the  electrophoretic  properties  of  human  gamma-globulin. 

Each  of  seven  species  of  the  elasmobranchs  produced  its  own  unique  serum  electrophoreto- 
gram.  These  sera  contained  fractions  which  migrated  into  the  cathodic  region  of  the  gel  in  a 
fashion  similar  to  the  movement  of  human  gamma-globulin.  Bony  fishes  gave  highly  specific 
patterns,  but  proteins  corresponding  electrophoretically  to  human  gamma-globulins  were  either 
greatly  reduced  or  absent.  Among  the  bony  fishes  the  occurrence  of  a  protein  corresponding  to 
albumin  and  of  another  with  a  slightly  slower  mobility  than  beta  globulin  were  consistently  ob- 
served. Other  proteins  of  random  mobilities  and  distributions  were  present,  giving  each  bony 
fish  species  a  characteristic  pattern. 

Despite  the  few  exceptions  which  might  prove  to  have  important  biological  significance, 
these  studies  indicate  that  serum  electrophoretic  patterns  of  closely  related  species  have  a  re- 
markable degree  of  specificity.  These  findings  suggest  that  starch  gel  electrophoresis  of  serum 
proteins  may  contribute  valuable  information  to  population  studies,  comparative  immunology, 
taxonomic  problems,  and  to  other  considerations  of  biochemical  individuality. 

Phylogenesis  of  plasma  proteins  and  plasma  cells.  II.  Observations  on  the  occur- 
rence of  plasma  cells  in  marine  invertebrates  and  fishes.  RALPH  L.  ENGLE,  JR. 

Microscopic  examinations  were  conducted  to  determine  whether  or  not  plasma  cells  are 
present  in  invertebrates  and  cold-blooded  vertebrates.  Plasma  cells  in  mammals  are  recognized 
by  their  eccentric  nucleus  and  basophilic  granuloplasm  usually  containing  a  paranuclear  clear 
zone.  Cells  in  lower  forms  having  the  same  appearance  were  considered  to  be  plasma  cells. 

Invertebrate  blood  was  obtained  by  puncturing  a  blood  vessel  and  allowing  blood  to  drip 
directly  onto  a  siliconed  glass  slide.  The  smear  was  fixed  immediately  in  osmic  acid  or  formalin 
vapor.  Blood  of  vertebrates  was  smeared  on  glass  slides  and  dried.  Spleens  and  bone  marrows 
were  sectioned  and  exposed  surfaces  lightly  touched  to  glass  slides  which  were  dried.  All 
preparations  were  stained  with  Wright-Giemsa  and  examined  using  oil  immersion  lens.  A  few 
wet  preparations  were  examined  with  the  phase  contrast  microscope.  One  to  five  specimens  of 
each  form  were  studied. 

The  following  invertebrates  were  examined:  Arenicola  cristata,  Loligo  pealii,  Cambanis 
limosus,  Homarus  americanus,  Cancer  borealis,  Libinia  emarginata,  Limulus  polyphemus,  and 
Hadrnrus  arisonensis.  No  cells  recognizable  as  plasma  cells  were  found  in  the  blood  of  any  of 

Among  vertebrates,  the  elasmobranchs  and  teleosts  examined  were  Mustelus  canis,  Squalus 
acanthias,  Carcharhinus  obscurus,  Raja  ocellata,  Torpedo  nobiliana,  Dasyatis  centroura,  Echeneis 
naucratcs,  Lophins  piscatorius,  Tantoga  onitis,  and  Psendoplcuronectes  americanus.  Plasma 
cells  were  detected  in  spleens  but  not  in  blood  of  all  species. 

Two  amphibia  were  studied.  No  plasma  cells  were  found  in  blood  or  spleens  of  Rana 
catesbiana  or  Rana  pipiens.  However,  bone  marrow  of  Rana  catesbiana  did  contain  plasma 
cells.  Satisfactory  marrow  was  not  obtained  from  Rana  pipiens. 

These  observations  demonstrate  that  cells  having  morphologic  characteristics  of  human 
plasma  cells  exist  in  lower  forms.  The  phylogenic  occurrence  of  these  cells  is  being  correlated 
with  serum  electrophoretic  studies  in  an  attempt  to  determine  relationships  between  plasma  cells 
and  gamma-globulin. 

Vol.  113,  No.  3  December,  1957 





Department  of  Zoology,  University  of  California,  Berkeley  4,  California 

Segregations  of  specific  cytoplasms  occur  during  early  cleavage  of  the  ascidian 
egg  (Conklin,  1905)  of  which  the  most  obvious  is  the  localization  of  the  myoplasm, 
presumptive  for  larval  musculature,  in  the  posterior  cells  at  the  four-cell  stage. 
Cytological  (Meves,  1913;  Duesberg,  1915;  Conklin,  1931)  and  cytochemical  (Ries, 
1937)  studies  indicate  the  localization  of  granules,  presumably  mitochondria,  within 
the  myoplasm.  Recently  Reverberi  (1956)  followed  the  distribution  of  mito- 
chondria during  development,  using  the  vital  stain,  Janus  green.  The  quantitative 
measurements  of  cytochrome  oxidase  in  anterior  and  posterior  blastomeres  (Berg, 
1956)  gave  a  biochemical  confirmation  of  the  above  studies  as  regards  the  localiza- 
tion of  mitochondria. 

The  present  study  is  a  continuation  of  quantitative  chemical  analyses  of  anterior 
and  posterior  blastomeres  from  the  four-cell  stage  of  dona,  choosing  constituents 
which  might  be  expected  to  be  located  on  cellular  particles.  The  minute  amounts  of 
cytoplasm  available  require  the  use  of  microchemical  methods  and  limit  the  number 
of  substances  which  may  be  studied ;  however,  differences  in  activities  of  succinic  de- 
hydrogenase,  apyrase,  acid  phosphatase,  and  ribonucleic  acid  have  been  found  in 
homogenates  of  the  two  types  of  cells. 


Chorions  were  digested  off  unfertilized  dona  eggs  in  3  per  cent  protease  in  sea 
water.  The  "naked"  eggs  were  washed  thoroughly,  fertilized,  and  transferred  to 
agar-coated  dishes.  At  the  end  of  the  first  cleavage  the  blastomeres  were  separated 
in  large  numbers  by  agitation  and  as  each  of  these  cleaved  in  turn,  the  anterior  and 
posterior  cells  were  separated  with  the  tip  of  a  fine  braking  pipette  and  segregated 
into  different  dishes. 

The  posterior  blastomere  is  recognizable  by  an  elongated  shape  and  a  clear  cyto- 
plasmic  cap  (Castle,  1896).  These  characteristics  are  transitory  and  the  period  for 
separation  is  critical ;  separation  before  completion  of  the  cleavage  furrow  results 
in  cytolysis  whereas  shortly  after  cleavage  identification  becomes  increasingly  diffi- 
cult due  to  sphering  of  the  posterior  cell.  This  period  was  extended  by  lowering 
the  temperature  to  8-10°  C.  after  completion  of  cleavage,  thus  prolonging  the  elon- 
gated state  of  the  posterior  cell.  Furthermore  it  was  discovered  that  with  oblique 



lighting  the  posterior  cell,  even  after  sphering,  exhibits  a  bright  crescentic  rim  of 
cytoplasm  which  is  the  remnant  of  the  clear  cytoplasmic  cap.  This  persists  for 
some  minutes  after  cleavage  and  greatly  extends  the  length  of  time  during  which 
identification  is  possible. 

Separation  of  blastomeres  was  begun  as  soon  as  possible  after  cleavage,  using  the 
difference  in  shapes  for  identification.  As  the  posterior  cells  began  to  round  up,  an 
oblique  lighting  was  adopted  and  separation  continued,  using  the  bright  rim  of  the 
posterior  cell  as  a  marker.  In  this  manner  several  hundred  blastomeres  could  be 
isolated,  a  considerable  improvement  over  initial  attempts  where  a  maximum  of 
30-40  were  obtained  (Berg,  1956). 

The  desired  number  of  segregated  blastomeres  was  counted  and  transferred  to 
0.1 -ml.  centrifuge  tubes  by  means  of  a  braking  pipette.  After  light  centrifugation 
excess  sea  water  was  removed,  a  few  [A.  of  homogenizing  solution  were  added  and 
the  cells  homogenized  by  drawing  them  in  and  out  of  a  fine-bore  pipette.  The  ho- 
mogenization  was  carried  out  at  1-2°  C.,  attained  by  placing  the  centrifuge  tube  in  a 
previously  chilled  copper  block.  All  micromethods  were  spectrophotometric,  using 
the  Beckman  spectrophotometer  adapted  for  the  use  of  microcuvettes  (Lowry  and 
Bessey,  1946). 

Succinic  dehydrogenase  activity  in  homogenates  was  measured  by  the  method  of 
Cooperstein  et  al.  (1950).  The  blastomeres  were  homogenized  in  1  //,!.  of  0.19  M 
sodium  succinate ;  5  /J.  of  0.19  M  succinate  and  2  p\.  of  0.03  M  sodium  cyanide  were 
added  and  the  mixture  transferred  to  45  /*,!.  of  2  X  10~5  cytochrome  c  contained  in  a 
microcuvette.  All  solutions  were  buffered  with  0.04  M  phosphate  buffer  at  pH  7.4. 
The  reduction  of  cytochrome  c  was  followed  at  550  m/j.  for  three  minutes  at  the  end 
of  which  time  a  few  grains  of  sodium  hydrosulfite  were  added  to  completely  reduce 
the  cytochrome  c.  A  semi-logarithmic  plot  of  the  readings,  after  substraction  of  the 
optical  density  of  reduced  cytochrome  c,  gave  a  straight  line  from  which  a  velocity 
constant,  (Alog  ferricytochrome  c/AT),  could  be  calculated.  Succinic  dehydroge- 
nase activities  were  expressed  as  velocity  constants  for  rates  of  reduction  of 
cytochrome  c. 

Acid  and  alkaline  phosphatases  and  apyrase  were  measured  by  micromethods 
described  by  Lowry  et  al.  (1954).  For  acid  phosphatase  10  /*,!.  of  substrate  (8  mM 
disodium  p-nitrophenyl  phosphate  in  0.05  M  succinate  buffer,  pH  5)  were  mixed 
with  the  homogenate.  After  thirty  minutes  of  incubation  at  25°  C.,  45  /A.  of  0.1  N 
NaOH  were  added,  with  immediate  mixing,  and  read  at  410  mju.  within  thirty 

Alkaline  phosphatase  was  measured  in  a  similar  manner  except  that  a  buffer  (2 
amino-2  methyl- 1-propanol)  at  pH  10  was  used  with  an  incubation  period  of  one 
hour.  It  was  not  necessary  to  carry  out  protein  precipitations  in  determinations  of 
either  acid  or  alkaline  phosphatase.  Blanks  were  prepared  by  separate  incubation  of 
substrate  and  homogenate  with  mixing  just  before  addition  of  NaOH. 

Apyrase  measurements  were  made  by  homogenizing  the  cells  in  0.75  per  cent 
sodium  desoxycholate,  a  procedure  which  considerably  increases  the  enzyme  activity 
presumably  due  to  particle  breakdown.  Ten  /xl.  of  substrate  (2.5  mM  adenosinetri- 
phosphate  in  0.05  M  tris  hydroxy-amino  methane  at  pH  8.0)  were  added  to  the 
homogenate  and  the  mixture  incubated  for  one  hour  at  25°  C.  Protein  was  pre- 
cipitated by  adding  2  p\.  of  30  per  cent  trichloracetic  acid  and,  after  centrifugation, 
the  supernatant  was  transferred  to  another  tube  with  100  p\.  of  molybdate-ascorbic 


acid  reagent  and  read  at  870  m^.  Blanks  were  prepared  by  separate  incubation  of 
substrate  and  homogenate  with  mixing  at  the  time  of  addition  of  trichloracetic  acid. 
Both  apyrase  and  acid  phosphatase  activities  were  expressed  as  optical  densities  after 
subtraction  of  blank  values. 

Ribonucleic  acid  was  determined  by  a  micromethod  based  on  the  procedure  of 
Ogur  and  Rosen  (1950).  Cells  were  extracted  with  60  //.I.  of  cold  70  per  cent  al- 
cohol for  5-10  minutes  followed  by  extraction  with  60  /u.1.  of  warm  alcohol-ether 
(3  :  1).  After  a  few  minutes  extraction  with  cold  0.1  M  perchloric  acid,  a  final  ex- 
traction with  45  /*!.  of  1.0  M  perchloric  acid  was  carried  out  for  48  hours. 

A  typical  absorption  curve  for  ribonucleic  acid  was  obtained  with  the  latter  ex- 
tract and  the  optical  density  at  260  m/x  was  used  as  a  measure  of  the  amount.  Re- 
peated test  extractions  with  70  per  cent  alcohol,  alcohol-ether,  and  0.1  M  perchloric 
acid  demonstrated  that  these  solutions  removed,  within  a  few  minutes,  all  amino 
acids,  polypeptides  and  acid-soluble  substances  which  absorb  at  260  m/t.  Although 
most  extractions  were  carried  out  for  a  longer  time,  nearly  all  the  ribonucleic  acid 
was  removed  within  24  hours. 

Protein  was  measured  by  the  method  of  Lowry  et  al.  (1951).  The  cells  were 
placed  in  a  0.5-ml.  test  tube  and  100  /*,!.  of  alkaline  copper  solution  added  and  mixed. 
After  10  minutes,  10  /*!.  of  diluted  Folin  reagent  were  added  with  immediate  mixing 
and  the  sample  read  at  750  m//..  Addition  of  the  Folin  reagent  is  critical  and  the 
reliability  of  color  development  depends  upon  the  rapidity  and  effectiveness  of  the 
mixing.  On  a  micro  scale  this  is  difficult  to  control  and  the  resulting  variability 
seriously  limits  this  method. 

Calibration  curves  (Fig.  1)  were  made  for  each  of  the  micromethods.  Ferti- 
lized eggs,  with  the  chorions  removed,  were  used  for  these  tests  and  as  shown  in 
Figure  1  the  optical  density  measurements,  or  velocity  constants  for  succinic  dehy- 
drogenase,  are  proportional  to  enzyme  activities  as  represented  by  the  number  of 
eggs.  The  optical  densities  at  260  m/x  of  perchloric  acid  extracts,  representing 
amounts  of  ribonucleic  acid,  are  proportional  to  the  number  of  eggs  extracted. 


Anterior  and  posterior  blastomeres  of  Ciona  were  separated  and  kept  at  1°  C. 
in  agar-coated  dishes  until  ready  for  counting  and  transference  to  the  reaction  tubes. 
From  the  calibration  curves  (Fig.  1 )  an  estimation  was  made  of  the  number  of  blas- 
tomeres necessary  in  each  test  for  reliable  measurements  of  the  constituent.  Thirty 
to  forty  cells  in  each  tube  were  sufficient  for  enzyme  and  protein  measurements, 
whereas  nearly  one  hundred  were  required  for  a  reliable  measure  of  ribonucleic  acid. 

All  determinations  of  enzymes,  ribonucleic  acid,  and  proteins  in  anterior  and 
posterior  blastomeres  were  paired ;  i.e.,  two  reaction  tubes  were  used,  one  containing 
anterior  cells,  the  other  containing  an  equal  number  of  posterior  cells.  The  anal- 
yses were  then  carried  out  simultaneously.  Due  to  the  variability  of  results  ob- 
tained with  microchemical  methods  it  was  necessary  to  repeat  the  analyses  a  number 
of  times  and,  as  each  experiment  was  on  eggs  from  different  animals  and  carried  out 
under  slightly  different  conditions,  the  data  are  expressed  as  ratios  of  activities  or 
concentrations  for  each  paired  experiment.  The  average  of  these  ratios  is  used  to 
summarize  the  results  although  statistical  significance  was  calculated  directly  from 
the  paired  series. 










O    0-2" 


Acid  phosphatase 



NUMBER      OF      EGGS 



FIGURE  1.  Acid  phosphatase  (activity  expressed  as  optical  density),  apyrase  (optical  den- 
sity), succinic  dehydrogenase  (A  log  ferricytochrome  c/3  minutes)  and  ribonucleic  acid  (optical 
density)  in  homogenates  of  Ciona  eggs. 

The  data  for  eighteen  paired  measurements  of  acid  phosphatase  in  anterior  and 
posterior  cells  are  summarized  in  Table  I.  The  anterior  cells  contain  12  per  cent 
more  of  this  enzyme  than  posterior  cells,  a  difference  which  is  significant  at  the  one 
per  cent  level.  A  number  of  these  experiments  were  carried  out  using  sodium  de- 
soxycholate  in  the  homogenization  medium,  with  no  detectable  increase  in  enzyme 


Acid  phosphatase,  expressed  as  optical  densities,  in  homogenates  of  anterior 

and  posterior  cells  of  Ciona 

Number  of  tests 

Acid  phosphatase 
in  anterior  cells 

Acid  phosphatase 
in  posterior  cells 

Average  ratio  of  paired 
determinations  (ant.  /post.) 

(25-40  cells  for 
each  test) 



1.12  ±  0.03 



A  homogenate  of  thirty  or  more  Ciona  eggs  was  necessary  to  obtain  even  a  de- 
tectable activity  of  alkaline  phosphatase  and  accordingly  it  was  not  feasible  to  meas- 
ure the  activity  of  this  enzyme  in  isolated  blastomeres.  The  very  low  alkaline  phos- 
phatase activity  in  early  cleavage  stages  is  also  characteristic  of  the  mollusk  Mytilus 
edulis  and  the  sea  urchin  Strongylocentrotus  purpuratus. 


Succinic  dehydrogenase,  expressed  as  velocity  constants  for  reduction  of  cytochrome  c, 
in  homogenates  of  anterior  and  posterior  blastomeres 

Number  of  cells 

Succinic  dehydrogenase 
in  anterior  cells 

Succinic  dehydrogenase 
in  posterior  cells 

Ratio  (ant./post.) 





















Average     0.53  ±  0.05 

As  would  be  expected  on  the  basis  of  earlier  measurements  of  cytochrome  oxi- 
dase  (Berg,  1956),  succinic  dehydrogenase  activity  is  greater  in  posterior  cells. 
The  average  of  five  experiments  shows  that  homogenates  of  posterior  cells  contain 
twice  as  much  of  this  enzyme  as  anterior  cells  (Table  II). 


Apyrase,  expressed  as  optical  densities,  in  homogenates  of  anterior  and 

posterior  blastomeres 

Number  of  blastomeres 

Apyrase  in 
anterior  cells 

Apyrase  in 
posterior  cells 

Ratio  (ant./post.) 





































Average     0.70  ±  0.03 

Apyrase  measurements,  summarized  in  Table  III,  show  that  the  activity  of  this 
enzyme  in  homogenates  of  anterior  cells  is  70  per  cent  that  in  homogenates  of  poste- 
rior cells.  In  adult  tissues  (Frank  et  al.,  1950)  and  in  amphibian  embryos  (Earth 
and  Jaeger,  1947)  apy rases  with  different  pH  activity  characteristics  have  been  ex- 
tracted and  thus  for  quantitative  measurements  of  apyrases  from  different  sources 



it  is  necessary  to  determine  pH-activity  curves.     Accordingly  an  attempt  was  made 
to  determine  the  effect  of  pH  on  apyrases  from  anterior  and  posterior  cells. 

Succinate,  tris-maleate,  and  ammediol  buffers  were  used  to  cover  the  pH  range 
from  5  to  9.3 ;  pH  values  were  checked  with  a  glass  electrode  on  mixtures  prepared 
on  a  macroscale  exactly  as  used  for  microanalyses.  Apyrase  activities  were  deter- 
mined simultaneously  at  four  different  pH's  in  a  paired  series  with  thirty  anterior 
or  posterior  blastomeres  in  each  reaction  tube.  It  was  not  feasible  to  cover  the  en- 
tire pH  range  in  any  one  test ;  accordingly  it  was  necessary  to  overlap  pH  values  in 


>   0.3 







<    O.I- 

posterior  cells 

anterior   cells 

6  7  8  9  10 


FIGURE  2.     Apyrases  in  homogenates  of  anterior  and  posterior  blastomeres ;  pH  activity  curves. 

different  experiments.  The  considerable  variability  of  determinations  was  probably 
in  part  due  to  the  necessity  of  constructing  the  curves  from  data  obtained  on  differ- 
ent batches  of  eggs. 

The  pH-activity  curves  of  apyrases  from  anterior  and  posterior  cells  (Fig.  2) 
are  very  similar  although  the  optimum  for  posterior  cell  apyrase  seems  more  alkaline. 
The  difficulties  of  obtaining  a  pH-activity  curve  on  such  minute  amounts  of  enzyme 
are  so  considerable  that  this  slight  difference  cannot  be  considered  significant. 

The  data  for  paired  ribonucleic  acid  extractions,  listed  in  Table  IV,  indicate  that 
anterior  cells  contain  9  per  cent  less  ribonucleic  acid  than  posterior  cells,  a  difference 



which  is  significant.  This  was  at  first  thought  to  be  due  to  a  slight  volume  differ- 
ence between  anterior  and  posterior  cells.  Visual  observation  of  the  four-cell  stage 
often  gives  the  impression  that  the  posterior  cells  are  larger.  However,  careful 
measurements  of  volumes  by  different  methods  failed  to  show  any  significant  differ- 
ence in  size. 

Diameters  of  blastomeres,  with  subsequent  cleavages  prevented  by  KCN  or  fixa- 
tion in  trichloracetic  acid,  were  measured  with  an  ocular  micrometer.  The  average 
volume  of  85  anterior  blastomeres,  as  calculated  from  diameter  measurements  with 
cleavage  inhibited  by  3  X  10~4  M  KCN,  was  97  per  cent  that  of  75  posterior  cells. 
The  average  volume  of  134  anterior  cells,  after  fixation  in  2  per  cent  trichloracetic 
acid,  was  98  per  cent  that  of  178  posterior  cells.  Although  with  both  types  of  meas- 
urements the  average  volume  of  the  anterior  cells  was  slightly  less,  statistical  anal- 
yses of  the  data  failed  to  show  significant  differences  of  these  values. 


Ribonucleic  acid,  expressed  as  optical  densities  at  260 
anterior  and  posterior  blastomeres 

,  extracted  from 

Number  of  blastomeres 

RNA  in  anterior  cells 

RNA  in  posterior  cells 

Ratio  (ant./post.) 

















































Average     0.91  ±  0.02 

An  additional  determination  of  volumes  was  made  indirectly  by  measuring  rela- 
tive amounts  of  protein  in  the  two  types  of  cells  using  a  micromethod  (Lowry  et  al., 
1951).  Twenty-four  paired  measurements  of  protein,  using  15^40  cells  in  each 
test,  gave  an  average  protein  ratio  (ant./post.)  of  0.99  ±  0.046.  The  difference  in 
ribonucleic  acid  content  thus  cannot  be  due  to  a  volume  difference  and  must  repre- 
sent a  slight  localization  of  this  constituent. 


A  localization  of  indophenol  blue  oxidase,  presumably  cytochrome  oxidase,  and 
succinic  dehydrogenase  in  the  ascidian  embryo  has  been  demonstrated  by  cyto- 
chemical  methods  (Ries,  1937;  Reverberi  and  Pitotti,  1939;  Mancuso,  1952).  The 
microchemical  measurements  of  cytochrome  oxidase  (Berg,  1956)  and  those  of 
succinic  dehydrogenase  in  the  present  study  confirm  the  above  cytochemical  obser- 
vations as  to  the  localization  of  these  enzymes  in  an  early  cleavage  stage. 


Information  on  the  intracellular  localization  of  enzymes  in  the  ascidian  egg  is 
lacking ;  however  a  possible  interpretation  of  the  distribution  of  cytochrome  oxidase, 
succinic  dehydrogenase,  and  apyrase  is  that  they  are  localized  in  mitochondria  which 
are  unequally  distributed  in  the  early  cleavage  blastomeres.  There  is  considerable 
evidence  that  these  enzymes  are  intracellularly  located  in  mitochondria  of  a  variety 
of  cells  (reviewed  by  Schneider  and  Hogeboom,  1951,  1956).  A  localization  of 
mitochondria  in  the  myoplasm  of  the  ascidian  egg  has  been  demonstrated  by  cyto- 
logical  methods  (Meves,  1913;  Duesberg,  1915)  and  more  recently  by  vital  staining 
with  Janus  green  (Reverberi,  1956).  Reverberi  (1957a)  also  presents  evidence 
that  cytochrome  oxidase  is  intracellularly  localized  in  the  Janus  green-staining 

It  is  doubtful  that  the  granules  described  by  Duesberg  (1915)  and  Conklin 
(1931),  classified  by  them  as  mitochondria  according  to  morphological  and  staining 
criteria,  are  responsible  for  the  unequal  distribution  of  enzymes.  The  granules  in 
Ciona  and  "yellow  mitochondria"  in  Styela  are  displaced  by  centrifugation  to  the 
centripetal  pole  (Conklin,  1931)  whereas  in  centrifuged  eggs  the  oxidase  reactions 
are  lacking  in  this  region  (Ries,  1939).  The  yellow  granules  in  Styela  may  be  dis- 
placed by  light  centrifugation  without  altering  the  localization  of  the  oxidase  reac- 
tions (Ries,  1942).  In  centrifuged  homogenates  of  Ciona  eggs  cytochrome  oxidase 
is  found  in  the  heavier  fraction  (Berg.  1956).  Furthermore  Reverberi  (1957a)  de- 
scribes rod-like  mitochondria,  stainable  with  Janus  green,  which,  in  the  centrifuged 
egg,  collect  at  a  different  location  than  the  granules  described  by  Duesberg  and 
Conklin.  It  appears  probable,  as  Reverberi  (1957a)  also  suggests,  that  several 
types  of  mitochondria  are  localized  in  the  myoplasm  of  the  ascidian  embryo. 

The  intracellular  localization  of  apyrase  is  probably  to  some  extent  within  mito- 
chondria, as  has  been  shown  for  other  types  of  cells  (Schneider  and  Hogeboom, 
1951,  1956),  and  the  higher  apyrase  content  of  posterior  cells  most  likely  results 
from  the  segregation  of  mitochondria  into  these  cells.  The  average  ratio  of  activi- 
ties in  the  two  types  of  cells  differs  significantly  from  those  for  cytochrome  oxidase 
or  succinic  dehydrogenase,  which  is  interpreted  as  due  to  a  more  heterogeneous 
intracellular  localization  of  this  enzyme  as  compared  to  the  oxidative  enzymes. 

Barth  and  Jaeger  (1947)  demonstrated  that  apyrases  with  different  pH  activity 
curves  are  present  in  several  protein  fractions  of  the  amphibian  embryo.  A  similar 
fractionation  of  proteins  and  measurements  of  the  associated  apyrases  were  not  pos- 
sible on  Ciona  blastomeres,  due  to  the  minute  amounts  of  material  available  for  anal- 
yses. The  measurements  made  therefore  represent  total  apyrase  activities  of  the 
homogenates  and,  although  there  may  be  qualitatively  different  apyrases,  the  simi- 
larity of  the  pH-activity  curves  for  anterior  and  posterior  blastomeres  indicates  that 
segregation  of  this  enzyme  at  the  second  cleavage  is  mainly  quantitative. 

Although  acid  phosphatase  has  been  found  to  be  intracellularly  localized  in  small 
mitochondria  of  adult  cells  (Appelmans  et  al.,  1955),  in  the  present  experiments  the 
opposite  distribution  of  oxidative  enzymes  and  acid  phosphatase  suggests  a  non- 
mitochondrial  localization  of  the  latter.  It  is  possible  that  the  localization  of  acid 
phosphatase  may  be  a  consequence  of  an  unequal  distribution  of  mitochondria. 
Thus  a  2 :  1  distribution  of  mitochondria,  as  indicated  by  enzyme  analyses,  might 
cause  displacement  of  a  non-mitochondrial  constituent  into  anterior  cells. 

Without  information  on  the  intracellular  localization  of  ribonucleic  acid  in  the 
ascidian  egg,  little  can  be  said  regarding  the  higher  ribonucleic  acid  content  of  the 


posterior  cells.  A  factor  other  than  mitochondrial  segregation  may  be  involved 
since  mitochondria  have  a  low  content  of  ribonucleic  acid  (Schneider  and  Hoge- 
boom,  1951,  1956). 

The  results  are  not  due  to  volume  differences  since  extensive  measurements,  dis- 
cussed previously,  of  diameters  and  total  protein  in  the  two  types  of  cells  failed  to 
demonstrate  any  significant  differences  in  volumes.  A  differential  solubility  of  ribo- 
nucleic acid  in  anterior  and  posterior  blastomeres  might  lead  to  erroneous  results; 
however,  there  is  no  indication  of  this,  in  that  continuous  extraction  for  four  days 
with  perchloric  acid  did  not  change  the  ratio  of  amounts  extracted. 

These  quantitative  analyses  do  not,  of  course,  give  any  information  as  to  the 
significance  of  the  chemical  differences  in  subsequent  differentiation.  A  few  pre- 
liminary experiments  of  rearing  embryos  in  graded  concentrations  of  KCN  failed  to 
show,  by  visual  observation  of  whole  embryos,  any  obvious  differential  effects  on 
differentiation  of  anterior  and  posterior  cells.  Recently,  however,  Reverberi 
(1957b)  has  shown  specific  effects  of  sodium  azide,  malonate,  and  selenite  on  differ- 
entiation of  the  musculature  of  ascidian  larvae,  an  effect  presumably  due  to  blocking 
activities  of  mitochondrial  enzymes.  Previously  Ries  (1939),  by  displacement  of 
cytoplasmic  areas  with  centrifugation,  had  concluded  that  the  presence  of  the  oxi- 
dative  enzymes  was  essential  for  muscle  differentiation. 

Although  localization  of  oxidases  may  be  of  significance  in  subsequent  differen- 
tiation of  ascidian  embryos  and  several  other  mosaic  forms  ( Tubijex,  Lehmann  and 
Wahli,  1954;  Nereis,  Reverberi  and  Pitotti,  1940;  Myzostoma,  Pitotti,  1947),  this 
is  not  a  common  process  during  cleavage  of  all  mosaic  eggs. 

Quantitative  measurements  of  cytochrome  oxidase  in  AB  and  CD  blastomeres 
of  Mytilns  editlis  indicated  no  unequal  distribution  of  the  enzyme  in  this  mosaic  egg 
(Berg,  unpublished).  First-cleavage  blastomeres  were  isolated  by  previously  de- 
scribed methods  (Berg,  1950)  and  cytochrome  oxidase  measured  by  a  microspectro- 
photometric  method  (Berg,  1956).  Twelve  paired  measurements  of  the  enzyme  in 
homogenates  of  isolated  blastomeres  gave  an  average  ratio  of  enzyme  activity  for  the 
two  types  of  cells  (AB/CD)  of  0.98  ±  0.03  after  correction  for  volume  differences. 

Furthermore  cytochemical  tests  for  oxidative  enzymes  failed  to  reveal  segrega- 
tion of  these  enzymes  during  early  cleavage  of  Sabellaria  (Raven  et  al.,  1950), 
Chaetopterus  and  Pomatocerus  (Ries,  1937),  Hydroides  (Reverberi  and  Pitotti, 
1940)  and  Limnaea  (Raven,  1946). 

I  am  indebted  to  Professor  Martin  W.  Johnson  of  the  Scripps  Institution  of 
Oceanography,  University  of  California,  La  Jolla  for  generously  providing  space 
and  facilities  in  his  laboratory  where  a  portion  of  this  work  was  carried  out. 


Anterior  and  posterior  blastomeres  of  the  four-cell  stage  of  Ciona  were  separated 
for  quantitative  microchemical  analyses  of  succinic  dehydrogenase,  apyrase,  acid 
and  alkaline  phosphatases,  and  ribonucleic  acid.  Larger  amounts  of  succinic  dehy- 
drogenase, apyrase  and  ribonucleic  acid  were  found  in  homogenates  of  posterior  cells 
whereas  acid  phosphatase  activity  was  higher  in  anterior  cells.  The  pH-activity 
curves  of  apyrases  from  anterior  and  posterior  cells  are  similar,  indicating  a  quan- 
titative segregation  of  this  enzyme.  The  unequal  distribution  of  succinic  dehydroge- 
nase, apyrase  and,  possibly  indirectly,  acid  phosphatase,  is  probably  the  result  of  a 
segregation  of  mitochondria. 



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Zoology  Department,  Columbia  University,  New  York  27,  Nezv  York  x 

Considering  the  available  evidence,  it  is  possible  that  the  morphogenetic  move- 
ments of  gastrulating  amphibian  embryos  are  energetically  coupled  to  exergonic 
metabolic  processes,  and  it  is  reasonable  to  assume  that  the  coupling  is  mediated 
by  energy-rich  phosphate-bonds.  On  this  basis,  it  is  possible  to  propose  explana- 
tions for  the  well-known  inhibitory  effects  upon  gastrular  development  of  such 
agents  as  anaerobiosis,  azide  and  dinitrophenol  (Ornstein  and  Gregg,  1952;  Gregg 
and  Ornstein,  1953),  for  all  of  these  are  believed  to  dissever  or  restrict  energetic 
couplings:  anaerobiosis  by  switching  out  the  aerobic  exergonic  processes  of  the 
Krebs  cycle,  azide  perhaps  by  promoting  the  immediate  remineralization  of  newly 
esterified  phosphorus  in  the  Embden-Meyerhof  system  (Spiegelman,  Kamen  and 
Sussman,  1948),  and  dinitrophenol  perhaps  by  promoting  the  catalytic  reminerali- 
zation of  esterified  phosphorus  by  mitochondrial  dephosphorylases  (Hunter,  1951) 
or  by  direct  "quenching"  of  energy-rich  phosphate  bonds  (Middlebrook  and  Szent- 
Gyorgyi,  1955).  If  the  energetic  demands  of  gastrular  movements  are  at  all  appre- 
ciable, then  embryos  treated  with  such  agents  might  be  expected  to  exhibit  decreases 
in  their  stores  of  esterified  phosphorus,  accompanied  by  corresponding  increases  of 
their  inorganic  phosphorus  contents.  The  experiments  reported  in  the  sequel  are 
intended  to  test  this  proposal. 


Obtaining  and  rearing  embryos.  Fertilized  eggs  were  obtained  by  stripping 
eggs  from  gravid  Rana  pipiens  females  into  suspensions  of  active  sperm  (R.  pipiens 
or  R.  sylvatica) .  After  about  two  hours,  the  clutches  of  embryos  were  cut  with 
scissors  into  small  groups,  dispersed  thinly  among  several  finger  bowls,  and  reared 
at  a  temperature  of  14—15°  C.  until  required  for  use.  The  medium  in  the  bowls, 
changed  daily,  was  10%  amphibian  Ringer's  solution  without  phosphate  or  bicar- 
bonate. Just  before  use,  the  embryos  were  freed  of  their  jelly-coats  with  forceps. 
Their  developmental  stages  were  determined  by  reference  to  the  tables  of  Shumway 

Treatment  with  inhibitors.  Solutions  of  sodium  azide  and  2,  4  dinitrophenol 
were  prepared  by  dissolving  weighed  samples  in  aliquots  of  the  same  medium  in 
which  embryos  were  reared.  The  treatment  consisted  in  placing  25  or  30  Stage  10 
embryos  in  a  covered  stender  dish  containing  5  or  10  ml.  of  inhibitor  solution  for 
24  hours  at  14—15°  C.  At  the  end  of  this  period  their  developmental  stages  were 
noted,  then  they  were  washed  rapidly  with  distilled  water  and  lyophilized  (see 
below).  Afterward,  they  were  dry-stored  in  the  freezing  compartment  of  a  re- 
frigerator until  phosphorus  analyses  could  be  made,  usually  within  two  or  three  days. 

1  This  investigation  was  supported  in  part  by  a  research  grant,  No.  A-1082,  from  the  Public 
Health  Service. 



Anaerobiosis.  For  each  experiment,  25  or  30  Stage  10  embryos  were  put  into 
an  Erlenmeyer  flask  fitted  with  a  two-hole  rubber  stopper  carrying  a  gas-inlet  tube 
dipping  into  the  medium  in  the  flask  (50  ml.  of  10%  amphibian  Ringer's  solution, 
without  phosphate  or  bicarbonate)  and  a  gas-outlet  tube.  Nitrogen  alone,  or  95% 
N2  :  5%  CO2  (both  previously  deoxygenated  over  hot  copper),  or  hydrogen,  was 
then  bubbled  through  the  flasks  for  one  hour,  after  which  the  inlet  and  outlet  tubes 
were  closed  off  with  pinch  clamps.  Controls  were  prepared  similarly,  except  that 
air,  instead  of  nitrogen  or  hydrogen,  was  bubbled  through  the  medium.  After  24 
hours  (at  14-15°  C),  the  embryos  were  removed  from  the  flasks,  quickly  staged, 
washed  in  distilled  water  and  lyophilized.  These  steps  preliminary  to  freeze-drying 
were  carried  out  as  rapidly  as  possible  to  prevent  the  occurrence  of  aerobic  recovery 
processes.  As  before,  frozen-dried  embryos  were  stored  for  a  short  time,  if  neces- 
sary, in  the  freezing  compartment  of  a  refrigerator. 

(The  authors  are  grateful  for  extensive  assistance  from  Dr.  Sasha  Malamed  in 
this  part  of  the  work.) 

Lyophilising.  Embryos  were  dried  in  vacua  in  the  frozen  state  with  the  help  of 
an  all-metal  apparatus  of  conventional  design  built  by  Mr.  Andrew  Pfeiffer,  Old 
Lyme,  Connecticut.  Washed  embryos  were  placed  with  a  minimum  amount  of  dis- 
tilled water  in  10  X  75  mm.  Pyrex  test  tubes  which  were  then  partly  immersed  in 
a  Cellosolve-dry  ice  slush.  After  one  or  two  minutes,  the  tubes  were  transferred  to 
the  drying  apparatus.  Drying  was  usually  complete  in  three  hours.  Samples  for 
chemical  analysis  were  weighed  out  as  rapidly  as  possible  in  a  closed  balance  con- 
taining a  silica-gel  desiccant  wafer,  since  lyophilized  amphibian  embryos  are  quite 

Phosphorus  analyses.  Total  phosphorus  (PT),  total  acid-soluble  organic  phos- 
phorus (PAO)  and  inorganic  phosphorus  (Pj)  were  estimated,  in  micro-  and  semi- 
micro  amounts,  using  the  methods  of  Lowry  ct  al.  (1954).  Since  we  made  no  es- 
sential departures  from  their  recommendations,  the  reader  is  referred  to  their  paper 
for  procedural  details.  The  results  of  analyses  are  expressed  as  micrograms  P  per 
milligram  dry  weight  of  embryo. 


Aside  and  dinitrophenol.  At  a  temperature  of  14-15°  C.,  normal  R.  pipiens  em- 
bryos will  develop  from  Stage  10  (early  gastrula)  to  Stage  12  (late  gastrula)  in 
about  24  hours.  In  the  presence  of  inhibitors,  morphogenesis  may  be  reduced  in 
amount  or  abolished  altogether,  with  varying  degrees  of  recovery  following  the  ces- 
sation of  inhibitory  treatment  (Table  I). 

After  24  hours  in  10~5  M  azide,  R.  pipiens  embryos  immersed  at  Stage  10  will 
have  reached  early  Stage  12,  with  no  observable  after-effects.  Embryos  similarly 
treated  with  10'*  to  10~3  M  azide  will  have  gastrulated  only  partially,  with  after- 
effects ranging  from  slight  to  severe.  In  10~2  M  azide,  no  gastrulation  occurs,  and 
the  after-effects  are  very  severe. 

After  24  hours  in  10~7  M  2,  4  dinitrophenol,  R.  pipiens  embryos  immersed  at 
Stage  10  exhibit  no  developmental  peculiarities,  and  there  are  no  detectable  after- 
effects of  this  treatment.  In  10~6  to  10  5  M  dinitrophenol  development  is  usually 
retarded  in  various  degrees  and  the  after-effects  range  from  moderately  severe  to 
complete  failure  of  recovery.  Dinitrophenol  in  concentrations  of  10~4  M,  or  greater, 
inhibits  gastrulation  altogether,  and  no  recovery  has  yet  been  observed. 




Development  of  R.  pipiens  embryos  after  treatment  with  azide  or  dinitrophenol,  14°-15°  C.  Stage 
10  jelly-free  embryos  were  immersed  in  inhibitors  for  24  hours,  then  washed  daily  in  10%  amphibian 
Ringer's  solution  until  controls  reached  Stage  21.  Sew  =  stage  of  treated  embryos  after  24  hours 
when  controls  are  in  Stage  12.  Sczi  =  stage  of  treated  embryos  when  controls  are  in  Stage  21 





Morphological  condition 








Mostly    normal.      Gills    underdeveloped 

but  with  circulation 





Thickened  tail  buds,  swellings  on  flanks, 

underdeveloped  gills  with  circulation 




Large  yolk  plugs,  spina  bifida,  swellings 

on  flanks,  muscular  response 








Most  in  Stage  17-18,  fairly  normal,  some 

with  spina  bifida 

2,4  Dinitrophenol 




Most   in    Stage    10+-11~.      Others   mis- 

shapen, with  large  yolk  plugs,  whitish 

"bloom"  on  surface  coat 









Thus,  it  would  seem  that  embryos  which  have  been  totally  blocked  with  azide 
can  afterwards  attain  a  considerable  degree  of  morphological  maturity,  something 
which  is  apparently  denied  embryos  similarly  blocked  with  dinitrophenol.  Just  pos- 
sibly, however,  this  difference  between  azide  and  dinitrophenol  may  be  less  related 
to  specific  differences  in  their  chemical  activities  than  to  differences  in  their  separate 
abilities  to  pass  outwards  through  the  vitelline  membrane.  For,  we  found  that  even 
repeated  washing  fails  to  remove  all  of  the  dinitrophenol  from  treated  embryos ;  part 
of  it,  at  least,  remains  visibly  concentrated  in  the  perivitelline  fluid.  Whether  there 
is  a  similar  retention  of  azide  we  do  not  kno\v,  since  solutions  of  this  inhibitor  are 

We  turn  now  to  discuss  the  effects  of  such  treatments  upon  the  phosphorus  bal- 
ance of  amphibian  gastrulae. 


Developmental  stage  and  phosphorus  balance  of  R.  pipiens  gastrulae  after  24  hours  exposure  to 
sodium  azide,  14—15°  C.  For  meanings  of  column  headings,  see  section  on  Methods.  Numerals 
following  ±  designate  standard  deviations.  Parenthesized  numerals  designate  numbers  of  experi- 
ments upon  which  values  are  based 

cone,  azide 

Shu  m  way 






13.0  ±  0.4  (3) 

0.59  ±  0.09  (3) 

0.12  ±0.02  (3) 



12.9  ±  0.7  (3) 

0.59  ±  0.11  (3) 

0.13  ±  0.02  (3) 



13.0  ±  0.3  (2) 

0.65                (1) 

0.16  ±  0.03  (2) 



12.8  ±0.5  (3) 

0.43  ±  0.02  (2) 

0.23  ±  0.02  (3) 



13.1  ±  0.4  (2) 

0.44  ±  0.04  (2) 

0.29  ±  0.05  (2) 



13.2  ±  0.5  (2) 

0.44  ±  0.01  (2) 

0.30  ±  0.01  (2) 



Table  II  shows  that  the  total  phosphorus  content  of  R.  pipiens  gastrulae,  exposed 
for  24  hours  to  10~5  to  10~2  M  azide,  is  the  same  as  that  of  untreated  control  gastru- 
lae. This  is  an  important  point  because  (together  with  the  data  in  Table  I)  it  sug- 
gests that  such  embryos  are  practically  undamaged,  otherwise  a  certain  amount  of 
leakage  of  phosphorus  might  be  expected.  The  other  two  phosphorus  fractions,, 
however,  exhibit  changes,  for  as  the  concentration  of  environmental  azide  is  in- 
creased, there  is  an  increase  of  the  inorganic  phosphorus  content  of  treated  embryos, 
accompanied  by  a  quantitatively  similar  decrease  in  the  level  of  acid-soluble  organic 
phosphorus.  Furthermore,  as  the  concentration  of  environmental  azide  is  progres- 
sively elevated,  there  is  a  parallel  increase  in  the  severity  of  gastrular  retardation. 

The  data  summarized  in  Table  III  show  that  a  similar  set  of  results  may  be  ob- 
tained with  2,  4  dinitrophenol  at  concentrations  of  10~5  M,  or  lower.  At  concen- 
trations greater  than  10~5  M,  however,  gastrulae  are  damaged  to  such  an  extent  that 
they  begin  to  leak  phosphorus ;  this  is  clearly  shown  by  a  correlated  decline  in  the 
levels  of  all  three  phosphorus  fractions. 

Finally,  it  should  be  noted  that  the  gastrulation  of  untreated  control  embryos  is 
unaccompanied  by  any  significant  alterations  of  phosphorus  balance. 


Developmental  stage  and  phosphorus  balance  of  R.  pipiens  gastrulae  after  24  hours  exposure  to 
2,4  dinitrophenol  (DNP),  14-15°  C.  For  meanings  of  column  headings,  see  section  on  Methods. 
Numerals  following  ±  designate  standard  deviations 

cone.  DNP 





No.  expts. 



13.1  ±0.7 

0.59  ±  0.07 

0.13  ±  0.01 




13.1  ±0.1 

0.58  ±  0.04 

0.13  ±  0.01 




12.9  ±  0.1 

0.60  ±  0.09 

0.17  ±0.05 




12.6  ±  0.2 

0.45  ±  0.01 

0.31  ±  0.02 


5  X  10-6 








12.4  ±  0.3 

0.19  ±  0.09 

0.08  ±  0.08 


Those  results  suggest  the  following  interpretation.  If  the  movements  of  gas- 
trulation of  normal  untreated  embryos  demand  an  available  supply  of  phosphate- 
bond  energy,  the  resulting  draughts  upon  esterified  phosphorus  are  immediately  re- 
imbursed, and  the  phosphorus  balance  is  steadily  maintained.  This  result  is  in  full 
agreement  with  the  data  of  Earth  and  Jaeger  (1947),  summarized  in  their  Table  1. 
It  is  also  consistent  with  the  view  that  gastrulation  is  a  complex  of  morphogenetic 
movements  whose  execution  requires  no  expenditure  of  energy.  The  results  with 
azide  and  dinitrophenol  suggest  the  contrary,  however,  because  of  the  correlation 
between  the  presence  of  these  inhibitors,  the  reduction  of  esterified  phosphorus,  the 
elevation  of  inorganic  phosphorus,  and  the  retardation  of  gastrular  movements. 
For  it  is  difficult  to  explain  this  correlation  except  by  assuming  that  in  the  presence 
of  inhibitors  the  production  of  esterified  phosphorus  is  uncoupled  from  its  utiliza- 
tion as  a  source  of  morphogenetic  energy  because  it  is  made  available  to  enzymes 
catalyzing  its  remineralization  (see  the  remarks  at  the  beginning  of  this  paper). 
Of  the  complex  of  movements,  Gregg  and  Ornstein  (1953)  have  presented  evidence 
suggesting  that  epiboly  is  the  most  sensitive  to  treatment  with  dinitrophenol,  while 




Developmental  stage  and  phosphorus  balance  of  R.  pipiens  gastrulae  after  24  hours  anaerobiosis, 
14°-15°  C.  For  meanings  of  column  headings,  see  section  on  Methods.  Numerals  following  ± 
designate  standard  deviations.  P  values  in  A  and  B  are  listed  separately  in  order  that  the  former 
may  be  compared  with  those  obtained  from  hybrid  embryos  prepared  from  the  same  five  clutches  of 
eggs  (Table  V) 






No.  expts. 

A     Control 




13.5  ±  0.4 
13.2  ±  1.0 
13.5  ±  1.1 

0.58  ±  0.04 
0.55  ±  0.03 
0.56  ±  0.05 

0.13  ±0.02 
0.13  ±  0.01 
0.15  ±0.01 


B     Control 






C     Control 






epiboly  and  notochordal  elongation  are  most  affected  by  the  presence  of  azide ;  but 
the  exact  relations  of  their  results  to  the  present  ones  are  yet  to  be  worked  out. 

Anaerobiosis.  Table  IV  summarizes  the  results  of  experiments  designed  to 
show  the  effects  of  24  hours  anaerobiosis  on  the  phosphorus  balance  of  R.  pipiens 
gastrulae.  Embryos  are  morphologically  retarded  under  these  conditions,  but,  in 
general,  there  is  no  alteration  of  the  phosphorus  balance  other  than  a  slight  elevation 
of  the  inorganic  phosphorus  level.  The  total  phosphorus  and  acid-soluble  organic 
phosphorus  levels  are  unaffected.  There  is  thus  a  considerable  morphogenetic  ef- 
fect of  anaerobiosis,  apparently  unaccompanied  by  a  decrease  in  the  stored  phos- 
phate-bond energy  potentially  available.  This  conclusion  is  not  in  agreement  with 
that  of  Barth  and  Jaeger,  who  found  that  anaerobioses  of  10  to  22  hours  duration 
resulted  in  a  considerable  decrease  of  ADP— ATP  phosphorus.  Their  fractionation 
procedure  is  not  strictly  comparable  with  ours,  however,  and  the  apparent  discrep- 
ancy cannot  be  resolved  without  further  investigation. 


Developmental  stage  and  phosphorus  balance  of  R.  pipiens  9  X  R.  sylvatica  c?  gastrulae  after 
24  hours  anaerobiosis,  14-15°  C.  For  meanings  of  column  headings,  see  section  on  Methods. 
Numerals  following  ±  designate  standard  deviations.  These  values  should  be  compared  with  those 
in  part  A  of  Table  IV,  obtained  from  R.  pipiens  embryos  prepared  from  the  same  five  clutches  of  eggs 






No.  expts. 



13.2  ±  1.0 

0.57  ±  0.04 

0.12  ±  0.01 




13.7  ±0.7 

0.55  ±  0.05 

0.12  ±  0.01 




13.6  ±  1.0 

0.56  ±  0.05 

0.14  ±  0.02 


*  The  stages  assigned  are  those  of  simultaneously  developing  R.  pipiens  control    embryos 
(Table  IV,  A). 


Embryos  in  the  hybrid  R.  pipiens  $  X  R.  sylvatica  $  fail  to  gastrulate,  but  re- 
main alive  during  the  whole  time  required  for  control  R.  pipiens  embryos  to  reach 
the  hatching  stage  (Moore,  1946;  see  review  by  Gregg,  1957).  They  are  charac- 
terized by  low  respiratory  rates  and  by  low  rates  of  aerobic  and  anaerobic  glycolysis. 
The  expectation  that  they  might  therefore  find  it  more  difficult  than  normal  embryos 
to  maintain  esterified  phosphorus  stores  under  the  stress  of  anaerobiosis  was  con- 
firmed by  the  data  of  Earth  and  Jaeger.  Our  own  experiments  do  not  bear  out  this 
expectation,  for  they  show  (Table  V)  that  hybrid  embryos  under  anaerobiosis  do 
not  alter  their  phosphorus  balance  to  a  greater  extent  than  R.  pipiens  controls.  But 
it  is  not  clear  that  these  results  are  in  genuine  disagreement  with  those  of  Barth  and 
Jaeger,  for  the  reason  stated  at  the  end  of  the  preceding  paragraph. 


1.  Rana  pipiens  gastrulae  treated  with  non-damaging  concentrations  of  sodium 
azide  or  2,  4  dinitrophenol  for  24  hours  at  14-15°  C.  exhibit  a  reversible  retardation 
of  morphogenetic  movements,  a  diminished  store  of  acid-soluble  organic  phosphorus, 
an  elevated  content  of  inorganic  phosphorus  and  an  unaltered  total  phosphorus 

2.  Anaerobiosis  for  24  hours  at  14-15°  C.  does  not  alter  the  phosphorus  balance 
of  R.  pipiens  gastrulae,  or  of  gastrula-arrested  hybrids  of  R.  pipiens  5$  with  R. 
pipiens  ($($,  beyond  a  slight  elevation  of  the  inorganic  phosphorus  level. 

3.  These  results  are  discussed  briefly  in  respect  to  the  energy-requirements  of  the 
morphogenetic  movements  of  gastrulation. 


BARTH,  L.  G.,  AND  L.  JAEGER,  1947.  Phosphorylation  in  the  frog's  egg.  Physiol.  Zool.,  20: 

GREGG,  J.  R.,  1957.  Morphogenesis  and  metabolism  of  gastrula-arrested  embryos  in  the  hybrid 
Rana  pipiens  $  X  Rana  sylvatica  d1.  In:  The  Beginnings  of  Embryonic  Development, 
edited  by  A.  Tyler,  R.  C.  von  Borstel  and  C.  B.  Metz,  Publ.  No.  48,  A.  A.  A.  S.,  Wash- 
ington, D.  C. 

GREGG,  J.  R.,  AND  N.  ORNSTEIN,  1953.  Explant  systems  and  the  reactions  of  gastrulating  am- 
phibians to  metabolic  poisons.  Biol.  Bull.,  105 :  466-476. 

HUNTER,  F.  E.,  JR.,  1951.  Oxidative  phosphorylation  during  electron  transport.  In:  Phospho- 
rus Metabolism,  Vol.  I,  edited  by  W.  D.  McElroy  and  B.  Glass,  The  Johns  Hopkins 
Press,  Baltimore. 

LOWRY,  O.  H.,  N.  R.  ROBERTS,  K.  Y.  LEINER,  M.-L.  Wu  AND  A.  L.  FARR,  1954.  The  quantita- 
tive histochemistry  of  brain.  I.  Chemical  methods.  /.  Biol.  Chem.,  207 :  1-17. 

MIDDLEBROOK,  M.,  AND  A.  SzENT-GvoRGYi,  1955.  The  action  of  iodide  on  oxidative  phosphory- 
lation. Biochim.  et  Biophys.  Acta,  18:  407^410. 

MOORE,  J.  A.,  1946.  Studies  in  the  development  of  frog  hybrids.  I.  Embryonic  development  in 
the  cross  Rana  pipiens  ?  X  Rana  sylvatica  <$.  J.  Exp.  Zool.,  101  :  173-220. 

ORNSTEIN,  N.,  AND  J.  R.  GREGG,  1952.  Respiratory  metabolism  of  amphibian  gastrula  explants. 
Biol.  Bull,  103  :  407-420. 

SHUMWAY,  W.,  1940.  Normal  stages  in  the  development  of  Rana  pipiens.  Anat.  Rec.,  78: 

SPIEGELMAN,  S.,  M.  D.  KAMEN  AND  M.  SUSSMAN,  1948.  Phosphate  metabolism  and  the  dis- 
sociation of  anaerobic  glycolysis  from  synthesis  in  the  presence  of  sodium  azide.  Arch. 
Biochem.,  18 :  409-436. 


Zoology  Department,  Columbia  University,  Nciv  York  27,  Neii'  York 

Embryos  belonging  to  the  hybrid  R.  pipicns  $  X  R.  sylvatica  <$  cleave  and  blas- 
tulate  normally,  but  the  normal  sequence  of  gastrulation  movements  does  not  occur 
(Moore,  1946).  Such  embryos  remain  alive,  but  suspended  in  a  morphological 
state  superficially  similar  to  that  of  a  very  young  gastrula.  Before  the  occurrence 
of  the  developmental  block,  the  respiration  of  hybrid  embryos  is  quantitatively  simi- 
lar to  that  of  normal  R.  pipicns  controls,  increasing  exponentially  with  age ;  but  for 
most  of  the  period  following  its  occurrence,  their  respiration  is  characterized  by  a 
function  whose  value  is  a  constant  (Earth,  1946).  For  an  account  of  the  attempts 
that  have  been  made  to  analyze  the  biochemical  and  morphogenetic  peculiarities  of 
this  hybrid,  the  reader  is  referred  to  the  review  by  Gregg  (1957). 

The  problem  of  explaining  the  respiratory  peculiarities  of  gastrula-blocked  hy- 
brids is  of  course  closely  connected  with  that  of  constructing  a  theory  to  account  for 
the  exponential  respiratory  increase  characterizing  the  pre-hatching  development  of 
normal  embryos.  In  connection  with  this  latter  problem,  suggested  explanations 
have  tended  to  fall  into  at  least  two  classes :  ( 1 )  those  which  postulate  an  increas- 
ingly rapid  developmental  synthesis  of  respiratory  enzymes  or  substrates,  and  (2) 
those  which  assume  a  progressive  increase  in  the  structural  availability  of  respira- 
tory enzymes  to  their  substrates.  Each  of  these  is  supported  by  at  least  some  of  the 
available  evidence.  On  the  assumption  that  one  or  both  of  those  types  of  explana- 
tion is  well-founded,  it  is  plausible  to  suggest  two  corresponding  sorts  of  explana- 
tion to  account  for  the  post-blastula  deficiencies  of  hybrid  respiration:  (i)  that  there 
is  a  failure  to  continue  the  synthesis  of  respiratory  enzymes  or  substrates  at  a  suffi- 
cient rate,  or  (ii)  there  is  a  failure  of  some  developmental  process  which  normally 
continues  to  increase  effective  contact  of  respiratory  enzymes  and  their  substrates. 

In  this  paper  we  report  the  results  of  some  simple  homogenization  experiments 
which  it  is  hoped  will  have  some  bearing  on  these  various  questions. 


Fertilizing,  rearing  and  staging  embryos.  For  fertilizing  and  rearing  embryos, 
the  following  routine  was  adopted.  Two  separate  sperm  suspensions,  one  of  R. 
pipiens  sperm  and  one  of  R.  sylvatica  sperm,  were  prepared  simultaneously  in  two 
fingerbowls,  N  and  H.  Half  of  the  ripe  eggs  from  a  gravid  R.  pipiens  were 
stripped  into  N  and  half  into  H.  After  two  or  three  hours,  the  R.  pipiens  embryos 
in  N  were  separated  with  scissors  into  small  groups  and  distributed  among  several 
fingerbowls  N1;  .  .  .  Nn ;  the  hybrid  embryos  in  H  were  similarly  dispersed  among 
several  bowls  Hb  .  .  .  Hn.  Embryos  in  pairs  of  bowls  (Ni;  HI)  were  reared  at 

1  This  investigation  was  supported  in  part  by  a  research  grant,  No.  A-1082,  from  the  Public 
Health  Service. 




similar  temperatures,  ranging  from  8°  C.  to  25°  C.,  as  convenient.  Thus,  the  nor- 
mal embryos  in  bowl  NI  served  as  controls  for  the  hybrids  in  the  corresponding  bowl 
Hi.  The  medium  in  the  bowls,  10%  amphibian  Ringer's  solution  without  phosphate 
or  bicarbonate,  was  changed  daily.  At  the  desired  stages,  obtained  by  reference  to 
the  tables  of  Shumway  (1940).  embryos  were  freed  of  their  jelly  coats  with  jewel- 
er's forceps,  re-staged,  and  homogenized.  Hybrid  embryos  were  assigned  the  stage- 
numbers  characterizing  the  developmental  stages  of  normal  control  embryos. 



S3  H 

^  - 







FIGURE  1.     Respiration  of  homogenized  R.  pipiens  embryos.     Lower  curve  for  intact  R.  pipiens 

embryos  constructed  from  data  of  Moog  (1944). 

Preparation  of  homogenates.  Cell-free  breis  were  prepared  by  homogenizing 
batches  of  n  jelly-free  embryos  in  0.05  w-ml.  aliquots  of  suitable  ice-cold  media,  using 
a  high-speed  homogenizer  manufactured  by  the  Lourdes  Instrument  Corporation. 
Two  sorts  of  media  were  used  routinely : 

(a)  0.01  M  phosphate  buffer  made  up  in  10%  amphibian  Ringer's  solution  with- 
out phosphate  or  bicarbonate,  pH  6.8-7.0  Breis  prepared  in  this  medium  will  be 
called  plain-breis. 

(b)  Medium    (a)    with  the  addition  of  0.2%   sodium   deoxycholate    (DOC). 
Breis  prepared  in  this  medium  will  be  called  DOC-breis.     (We  are  indebted  to  Dr. 
W.  H.  Berg  for  suggesting  the  use  of  deoxycholate.) 



Measurement  of  brei  respiration.  Within  10  minutes  after  preparation,  1.0-ml. 
aliquots  of  cold  homogenate  (about  20  embryos)  were  pipetted  into  7-ml.  Warburg 
flasks  rigged  for  the  measurement  of  oxygen  uptake.  After  a  period  of  temperature 
equilibration  in  the  respirometer  bath  (about  10  minutes),  manometer  readings  were 
begun  and  continued  at  6-minute  intervals  for  45-60  minutes.  The  temperature  of 
the  respirometer  bath  was  controlled  at  24°  C.  The  flasks  were  shaken  continu- 
ously at  a  rate  of  100-110  complete  cycles  per  minute,  at  an  amplitude  of  6-8  centi- 
meters. The  rates  of  oxygen  uptake  were  calculated  from  the  readings  taken  during 
the  first  30  minutes  and  are  expressed  as  microliters  (/A!.)  of  oxygen  per  hour  per 

Treatment  of  data.  In  Shumway's  tables,  each  stage  s  is  correlated  with  a 
unique  time  t(s),  namely,  the  time  required  for  a  normal  embryo  to  develop  from 
fertilization  to  that  stage,  at  18°  C.  Furthermore,  each  t(s)  falls  in  exactly  one 
of  the  successive  25-hour  intervals  following  the  moment  of  fertilization.  We  have 
made  use  of  these  correlations  in  presenting  the  results  of  measurements  of  the  respi- 
ration of  breis  made  from  embryos  with  different  environmental  (temperature)  his- 


Effect  of  buffer  concentration  on  respiration  of  plain-  and  DOC-breis,  R.  pipiens,  stage  10.     After 

equilibration  period  in  respirometer,  deoxycholate  in  appropriate  buffer,  pH  6.8-7.0, 

added  from  side-arm.     Final  brei  concentration,  20  embryos  per  ml. 


Buffer  concentration,  molar 







n\.  O2  per  hour  per  embryo 







0.2%  DOC 

Buffer  concentration,  molar 







/xl.  O2  per  hour  per  embryo 







tories.  Thus,  to  construct  Figure  1  and  Figure  2,  we  have  averaged  for  each  25- 
hour  interval  the  respiratory  rates  of  breis  made  from  embryos  whose  stage  s  has  a 
t(s)  in  that  interval  and  have  plotted  the  resulting  average  against  the  interval's 


R.  pipiens,  plain-breis.  Reference  to  Figure  1  will  show  that  the  average  respi- 
ratory rate  of  plain-breis  increases  exponentially  with  the  age  of  the  embryos  used 
in  their  preparation  from  an  initial  value  of  about  0.2  /*!.  O2  per  hour  per  embryo  to 
a  maximum  value  in  the  fourth  25-hour  interval  of  about  4.5  /*!.  O2  per  hour  per 
embryo,  and  thereafter  tends  to  decline. 

This  result  is  in  sharp  contrast  to  that  of  Spiegelman  and  Steinbach  (1945), 
who  reported  that  the  endogenous  respiration  of  plain-breis  prepared  from  embryos 
shortly  after  fertilization  is  already  at  a  maximum.  We  are  at  a  loss  to  explain  the 
discrepancy,  for  we  have  been  able  to  elevate  the  respiration  of  breis  only  by  treat- 
ment with  a  detergent  (see  next  paragraph),  but  not  by  altering  the  buffer  concen- 
tration (Table  I),  nor,  in  preliminary  experiments,  by  adding  glycogen,  glucose, 
hexose  diphosphate,  adenylic  acid,  magnesium,  or  various  combinations  thereof. 




Effect  of  sodium  deoxycholate  concentration  on  respiration  of  homogenized  R.  pipiens  embryos, 
stage  10-11.  Breis  and  deoxycholate  made  up  separately  in  0.07  M  phosphate  buffer,  pH  6.8-7.0. 
After  equilibration  period  in  respirometer  bath,  deoxycholate  added  from  side-arm.  Final  brei  con- 
centration, 20  embryos  per  ml. 

Final  concentration  of  sodium  deoxycholate, 
per  cent 






/il.  O2  per  hour  per  embryo 






R.  pipiens,  DOC-breis.  The  maximum  respiratory  rate  attained  by  plain-breis, 
i.e.,  that  exhibited  by  embryos  homogenized  during  the  fourth  25-hour  period  of  de- 
velopment, can  be  matched  by  that  of  deoxycholate-treated  breis  prepared  from  em- 
bryos of  any  lesser  age  (Fig.  1).  Plain-breis  and  DOC-breis  prepared  from  em- 
bryos older  than  this,  however,  respire  at  the  same  rate.  The  degree  of  respiratory 
elevation  obtained  earlier  is  a  function  of  the  concentration  of  DOC,  0.2%  being  the 
optimal  concentration  (Table  II). 

5  - 

1  - 

I   - 

Intatt  ... 


59  ^S  100 

hours  Development     I8*C- 

FIGURE  2.  Respiration  of  homogenized  gastrula-blocked  hybrid  embryos  (R.  pipiens  $  X  R. 
sylvatica  c?).  Lower  curve  for  intact  embryos  constructed  from  data  of  Earth  (1946)  and 
Moog  (1944). 


The  curve  for  DOC-breis  shown  in  Figure  1  is  very  similar  to  that  reported  for 
plain-breis  by  Spiegelman  and  Steinbach,  although  the  general  respiratory  level  is 
much  higher  and  begins  to  decline  somewhat  later.  We  do  not  know  if  the  stimu- 
latory effect  of  DOC  can  be  obtained  with  other  detergents.  However,  we  have 
found  that  plain-breis  of  early  embryos  respire  at  unusually  high  rates  if  they  are 
prepared  in  Waring  Blendor  vessels  freshly  washed  in  Alconox.  The  effect  wears 
off  after  several  preparations  without  intervening  cleansings  with  Alconox.  This 
suggests  that  detergent  is  trapped  in  the  bearings  and  leaks  out  slowly  during  the 
preparation  of  breis,  but  a  systematic  study  of  the  question  has  not  been  made. 

Hybrids,  plain-breis  and  DOC-brcis.  The  results  of  our  measurements  of  the 
respiratory  rates  of  plain-  and  DOC-breis  made  from  hybrid  embryos  (Fig.  2)  can 
be  summarized  very  briefly :  the  respiration  of  such  breis  is  quantitatively  similar  to 
that  of  corresponding  breis  made  from  normal  control  embryos,  except  perhaps  in 
the  seventh  25-hour  period  when  the  hybrids  are  moribund. 


There  is  no  need  to  postulate  a  developmental  synthesis  of  respiratory  enzymes 
or  substrates  to  account  for  the  exponential  rise  of  respiratory  rate  characterizing 
the  development  of  normal  amphibian  embryos;  for,  as  the  high  respiratory  rates 
of  DOC-breis  show,  there  is  from  the  outset  of  development  enough  respiratory  ma- 
chinery to  support  oxidation-rates  greater  than  any  exhibited  by  intact  pre-hatching 
embryos.  Similarly,  there  is  no  need  to  assume  a  synthetic  failure  to  account  for 
the  abnormal  constancy  of  post-blastula  hybrid  respiration,  because  the  experiments 
with  DOC-breis  have  shown  that  hybrid  embryos  at  nearly  all  stages  are  potentially 
capable  of  as  much  respiration  as  normal  controls. 

For  normal  embryos,  we  adopt  the  conclusion  of  Spiegelman  and  Steinbach, 
namely,  that  the  exponential  respiratory  increase  is  causally  related  to  morpho- 
genetic  changes  which  progressively  facilitate  the  union  of  respiratory  enzymes  and 
their  substrates.  Correspondingly,  to  explain  the  respiratory  constancy  of  aging 
post-blastula  hybrids,  we  assume  that  those  changes  somehow  have  been  brought  to 
a  halt  at  the  commencement  of  the  gastrula  stage.  What  sorts  of  changes  might  be 
involved  is  at  present  unknown.  The  elevation  of  embryonic  respiration  obtained 
by  homogenizing  in  plain  phosphate  buffer,  increasingly  extensive  as  development 
proceeds,  suggests  that  some  cellular  structures  are  becoming  increasingly  sensitive 
to  mechanical  disturbance  or  to  alterations  of  chemical  milieu,  and  the  maximal 
respiration  obtained  at  all  stages  by  the  treatment  of  breis  with  deoxycholate  sug- 
gests a  cellular  component  sensitive  to  detergent  action :  in  both  cases  the  mitochon- 
dria come  immediately  to  mind  because  of  their  close  association  with  oxidative  en- 
zymes of  the  Krebs  cycle  and  of  the  hydrogen  transport  system,  and  because  they 
are  sensitive  to  isolative  procedures,  especially  in  the  presence  of  deoxycholate 
(Siekevitz  and  Watson,  1956).  It  is  reasonable  to  suppose  that  the  extensive  frag- 
mentation of  mitochondria  by  deoxycholate  is  only  a  more  thoroughgoing  version 
of  what  happens  at  any  developmental  stage  to  the  mitochondria  in  plain-breis.  In 
any  case,  it  would  be  very  interesting  to  study  the  mitochondria  of  differentiating 
embryos,  and  to  compare  those  of  hybrids  with  those  of  normal  embryos. 

The  decline  in  the  respiration  obtainable  from  breis  of  late  embryos  may  be  ex- 
plained by  assuming,  as  Spiegelman  and  Steinbach  do,  a  depletion  of  endogenous 


respiratory  substrates.  In  this  connection,  it  is  known  that  only  half  of  the  stored 
carbohydrate  available  at  the  time  of  fertilization  remains  in  normal  embryos  at 
the  time  of  hatching,  although  more  than  this  remains  in  hybrids  of  the  same  age 
(Gregg,  1948). 


1.  The    respiration    of   phosphate-buffered   cell-free   homogenates    made    from 
R.  pi  pi  ens  embryos  increases  exponentially  with  the  age  of  the  embryos  up  until 
the  time  at  which  they  are  in  the  tailbud  stage,  after  which  the  rate  declines. 

2.  Addition  of  0.2%  sodium  deoxycholate  elevates  the  respiration  of  homoge- 
nized embryos  at  any  pre-tailbud  stage  to  that  of  tailbud-breis,  but  has  no  effect  upon 
that  of  breis  of  post-tailbud  embryos. 

3.  The  respiration  of  plain-  or  deoxycholate-treated  breis  is  at  all  stages  greater 
than  or  equal  to  that  of  intact  embryos. 

4.  The  respiration  of  breis  (plain-  and  deoxycholate-treated)  made  from  gas- 
trula-arrested  R.  pipiens  $  X  R.  sylvatica  <$  hybrid  embryos  is  at  all  non-moribund 
stages  quantitatively  the  same  as  that  of  control  breis  of  normal  embryos. 

5.  The  implications  of  these  findings  are  briefly  discussed. 


BARTH,  L.  G.,  1946.     Studies  on  the  metabolism  of  development.    /.  Exp.  Zool.,  103 :  463-486. 

GREGG,  J.  R.,  1948.  Carbohydrate  metabolism  of  normal  and  of  hybrid  amphibian  embryos. 
/.  Exp.  Zool,  109:  119-134. 

GREGG,  J.  R.,  1957.  Morphogenesis  and  metabolism  of  gastrula-arrested  embryos  in  the  hybrid 
Rana  pipiens  ?  X  Rana  sylvatica  <$.  In:  The  Beginnings  of  Embryonic  Development, 
edited  by  Albert  Tyler,  R.  C.  von  Borstel  and  Charles  B.  Metz,  Publication  No.  48  of 
the  American  Association  for  the  Advancement  of  Science,  Washington,  D.  C. 

MOOG,  F.,  1944.  The  chloretone  sensitivity  of  frog's  eggs  in  relation  to  respiration  and  de- 
velopment. /.  Cell,  Comp.  Physiol.,  23:  131~155. 

MOORE,  J.  A.,  1946.  Studies  in  the  development  of  frog  hybrids.  I.  Embryonic  development  in 
the  cross  Rana  pipiens  ?  X  Rana  sylvatica  <$.  J.  Exp.  Zool.,  101 :  173-220. 

SIEKEVITZ,  P.,  AND  M.  WATSON,  1956.  Cytochemical  studies  of  mitochondria.  I.  The  separation 
and  identification  of  a  membrane  fraction  from  isolated  mitochondria.  /.  Biophys.  Bio- 
chem.  Res.,  2  :  639-652. 

SHUMWAY,  W.,  1940.  Normal  stages  in  the  development  of  R.  pipiens.  Anat.  Rec.,  78:  139- 

SPIEGELMAN,  S.,  AND  H.  B.  STEINBACH,  1945.  Substrate-enzyme  orientation  during  embryonic 
development.  Biol.  Bull.,  88 :  254-268. 




Department  of  Zoology,  University  of  Pennsylvania,  Philadelphia,  Pa.;  Department  of 

Physiology  and  Biophysics,  University  of  Vermont,  Burlington,  Vt.;  and  the 

Marine  Biological  Laboratory,  Woods  Hole,  Mass. 

In  spite  of  the  fact  that  over  a  long  period  of  time,  many  workers  in  various 
parts  of  the  world  have  been  studying  the  curative  effect  of  various  chemical  agents 
on  cancer,  there  has  been  no  very  great  effort  to  determine  why  these  agents  act 
as  they  do,  and  there  is  at  present  but  little  pertinent  information  as  to  the  type  of 
action  these  agents  have  on  the  cancer  cell. 

The  problem  is  complicated  by  the  fact  that  many  of  the  very  agents  that  have 
a  definite  curative  effect  can  also  act  as  carcinogenic  agents.  This  was  first  noted 
by  Haddow  in  1935,  and  he  and  his  collaborators  have  written  a  number  of  papers 
on  the  subject.  In  his  very  useful  book  on  the  "Biochemistry  of  Cancer,"  Green- 
stein  (1954)  frequently  refers  to  this  phenomenon  as  the  "Haddow  paradox." 
But  neither  Haddow  nor  Greenstein  has  any  interpretation  of  the  paradox.  In  1951, 
Haddow  in  writing  about  carcinogens  and  substances  which  have  a  therapeutic 
effect  on  cancer  writes  (p.  264)  :  "But  in  no  case — a  striking  fact — do  we  know  the 
place  in  the  cell  at  which  they  act — whether  the  cell  surface,  the  cytoplasm,  the 
nuclear  membrane,  the  nucleus  itself — or  the  nature  of  the  receptors  with  which  they 
combine."  And  all  that  Greenstein  has  to  suggest  when  he  considers  the  problem 
is  that  (p.  278)  "The  capacity  for  intellectual  flexibility  combined  with  scientific  care 
is  one  of  the  demands  in  the  field." 

In  the  past,  most  of  the  work  that  has  been  done  on  the  chemical  treatment  of 
cancer  and  the  theory  back  of  such  treatment  has  been  done  by  chemists.  And 
whatever  efforts  they  have  made  toward  interpretation  have  for  the  most  part  been 
inspired  by  chemical  concepts  built  around  the  idea  of  some  disturbance  of  metabo- 
lism. But  some  of  the  most  powerful  chemotherapeutic  agents  do  not  affect  the 
growth  of  the  cell.  Thus  in  the  presence  of  nitrogen  mustard  or  its  oxygen  deriva- 
tive, Nitromin,  cells  increase  in  size  but  do  not  divide  (Bodenstein,  1947;  Frieden- 
wald,  Buschke  and  Scholz,  1948;  Sato,  Belkin  and  Essner,  1956). 

When  a  tumor  arises  in  an  organ  or  tissue  the  appearance  of  the  neoplasm  is 
always  accompanied  by  a  great  increase  in  the  number  of  cells  that  are  dividing. 
Thus  for  example  in  the  brain,  there  are  normally  no  mitoses,  but  in  a  brain  tumor 
there  are  great  numbers  of  dividing  cells.  It  is  of  course  possible  to  believe  that 
some  increase  in  metabolism,  or  some  change  in  metabolism,  is  the  primary  cause 
that  started  the  tumor  to  develop.  But  it  is  just  as  possible  to  assume  that  the  pri- 
mary factor  is  an  initiation  of  mitosis  and  that  metabolic  changes  are  a  result  rather 
than  a  cause. 

1  Supported  by  grants  from  the  National  Institutes  of  Health  and  from  the  American  Cancer 



At  the  present  time,  we  have  a  considerable  body  of  information  concerning  the 
initiation  of  cell  division,  and  there  is  also  a  satisfactory  theory  as  to  why  and  how 
cells  can  be  made  to  divide.  Moreover  we  have  information  as  to  the  suppression  of 
cell  division  and  the  reasons  for  it.  Both  the  initiation  and  the  suppression  of  cell 
division  can  be  understood  in  terms  of  the  behavior  of  the  protoplasmic  colloid,  and 
the  changes  that  occur  in  it  that  lead  to  the  formation  of  the  mitotic  spindle.  For 
a  survey  of  this  knowledge,  see  Heilbrunn's  "Dynamics  of  Living  Protoplasm" 
(1956).  One  of  the  strange  facts  about  protoplasm  is  that  the  same  agents  which 
suppress  its  activity  can  also  under  certain  conditions  arouse  it  to  activity.  We  thus 
have  a  parallel  to  the  Haddow  paradox,  and  indeed  the  initiation  of  cell  division  can 
be  regarded  as  one  example  of  the  response  to  stimulation. 

Can  we  hope  therefore  to  interpret  the  chemotherapy  of  cancer  and  the  Haddow 
paradox  on  the  basis  of  a  colloidal  theory  ?  Surely  such  an  approach  is  worth  look- 
ing into,  especially  in  view  of  the  fact  that  other  types  of  interpretation  have  not  as 
yet  been  successful. 

In  a  long  series  of  papers,  most  of  them  referred  to  in  the  book  already  cited, 
Heilbrunn  and  his  co-workers  have  investigated  the  problem  of  the  initiation  and 
suppression  of  cell  division  from  the  standpoint  of  the  colloidal  properties  of  proto- 
plasm and  the  changes  that  the  protoplasmic  colloid  must  undergo  in  order  to  form 
a  mitotic  spindle.  The  basic  colloidal  reaction  of  protoplasm  is  a  clotting  reaction 
similar  in  many  respects  to  the  clotting  of  blood.  The  protoplasm  is  in  a  state  of 
equilibrium  between  the  various  factors  which  favor  or  induce  clotting  and  those 
which  prevent  it.  Before  a  mitotic  spindle  can  form,  a  gelation  must  occur  in  the 
protoplasm.  This  is  the  mitotic  gelation,  and  it  can  be  induced  either  by  a  release  of 
calcium  from  a  bound  state  in  the  outer  cortex  of  the  cell  or  by  the  entrance  into 
the  cell  of  thrombin-like  substances.  Many  agents  prevent  the  mitotic  gelation — 
among  them,  substances  of  a  heparin-like  nature. 

Starting  out  from  this  point  of  view,  we  thought  to  investigate  the  action  of  cer- 
tain chemotherapeutic  agents  which  have  been  used  in  the  experimental  study  of 
cancer  as  well  as  in  clinical  practice.  The  first  question  to  be  answered  is  whether 
or  not  these  agents  prevent  the  mitotic  gelation.  Then  later  we  will  consider  the 
question  of  the  Haddow  paradox. 


The  cell  we  used  as  a  test  object  was  the  egg  of  the  worm  Chaetopterus  perga- 
wientaccus.  The  eggs  of  this  worm  can  readily  be  obtained  at  Woods  Hole  during 
the  summer  months.  When  the  eggs  are  shed  into  sea  water  they  are  in  the  germi- 
nal vesicle  stage.  In  7  minutes  (at  21°  C.)  the  germinal  vesicle  breaks  down  and 
the  first  maturation  division  proceeds  as  far  as  the  metaphase.  Then  all  mitotic 
activity  ceases  until  the  egg  is  fertilized.  Following  fertilization  the  first  maturation 
division  is  completed  and  the  second  maturation  division  immediately  follows  the 
first.  As  a  result  two  polar  bodies  are  given  off  and  the  egg  then  prepares  for  its 
first  cleavage  division.  The  mitotic  spindle  for  this  division  appears  at  forty  min- 
utes after  insemination  (at  21°  C.)  and  50%  of  the  eggs  cleave  at  56  minutes  after 
insemination.  Before  the  appearance  of  the  mitotic  spindle,  the  viscosity  of  the  pro- 
toplasm increases  markedly ;  this  constitutes  the  mitotic  gelation.  Simultaneously 
with  the  appearance  of  the  spindle  the  protoplasm  becomes  more  fluid  again  so  that 

390  L.  V.  HEILBRUNN  AND  W.  L.  WILSON 

at  the  metaphase  the  viscosity  is  again  low.  Details  of  these  changes  are  given  by 
Heilbrunn  and  Wilson  (1948).  One  advantage  in  using  the  Chaetopterus  egg  is 
that  in  any  given  lot  the  course  of  events  in  different  individual  eggs  varies  but 
little,  and  there  is  almost  perfect  synchrony. 

Viscosity  measurements  were  made  with  a  hand  centrifuge.  At  the  present  time 
it  is  not  possible  to  buy  suitable  hand  centrifuges.  The  ones  we  use  are  made  for 
us  by  Mr.  J.  A.  Appenzeller,  technician  of  the  Zoology  Department  of  the  University 
of  Pennsylvania.  They  are  adapted  from  a  hand  centrifuge  sold  by  Sears,  Roe- 
buck and  Co.  and  intended  for  the  separation  of  cream  from  milk.  In  order  to  use 
these  cream  separators  for  our  purposes  it  is  necessary  to  fit  them  with  a  head 
which  will  hold  glass  tubes.  The  tubes  we  use  have  an  outside  diameter  of  4  or  5 
millimeters.  When  our  centrifuges  are  turned  at  the  rate  of  one  turn  of  the  handle 
per  second,  they  give  a  force  approximately  9,000  times  gravity.  We  prefer  to 
turn  the  handle  once  every  two  seconds ;  this  gives  a  force  one-fourth  as  great, 
that  is  to  say,  2,250  times  gravity.  With  a  force  of  this  magnitude,  for  most  of  the 
time  between  insemination  and  cleavage,  it  requires  7  seconds  to  move  the  granules 
in  the  Chaetopterus  egg  sufficiently  so  as  to  give  the  impression  of  zones.  (The 
heavier  granules  move  centrifugally  and  the  lighter  granules  centripetally.)  The 
number  of  seconds  required  to  produce  zoning  is  taken  as  an  arbitrary  viscosity 
value.  At  about  27  minutes  after  insemination  (at  21°  C.)  the  viscosity  of  the  pro- 
toplasm begins  to  increase,  and  by  about  30  or  32  minutes  the  viscosity  has  increased 
until  it  is  approximately  twice  what  it  was  before  this  mitotic  gelation  began.  The 
viscosity  then  stays  high  until  the  spindle  appears,  a  matter  of  about  8  minutes.  It 
is  during  this  time  that  tests  of  viscosity  must  be  made  if  we  are  to  discover  if  a 
given  substance  keeps  the  protoplasm  fluid  and  prevents  the  mitotic  gelation.  These 
tests  must  therefore  be  made  rapidly  so  that  it  is  not  possible  to  obtain  definite 
values.  But  we  can  be  sure  that  in  the  controls  mitotic  gelation  has  occurred  if  the 
viscosity  is  high  enough  so  that  it  requires  more  than  8  seconds  of  centrifugal  turn- 
ing to  cause  an  appearance  of  zones.  Actually  the  viscosity  during  normal  mitotic 
gelation  is  14  in  our  arbitrary  units.  In  the  tables  we  record  the  viscosity  of  the 
control  eggs  as  more  than  8 ;  it  almost  certainly  is  14. 

The  nitrogen  mustard  used  in  our  experiments  was  obtained  from  Sharp  and 
Dohme  in  the  form  of  a  commercial  preparation  called  Mustargen.  This  prepara- 
tion comes  in  separate  sealed  vials,  each  of  which  contains  10  mg.  of  nitrogen  mus- 
tard, that  is  to  say  methyl-bis(beta-chloro-ethyl)  amine  hydrochloride  plus  100  mg. 
of  NaCl.  The  contents  of  each  vial  were  hastily  dissolved  in  sea  water,  but  be- 
cause of  the  presence  of  the  NaCl  it  was  not  possible  to  prepare  solutions  of  high 
concentration,  for  such  solutions  would  have  been  hypertonic  and  might  have 
masked  the  effect  of  the  nitrogen  mustard. 

Through  the  kindness  of  Dr.  Edward  S.  Essner  we  were  able  to  obtain  Nitromin, 
an  oxide  derivative  of  nitrogen  mustard  manufactured  by  the  Yoshitomi  Pharma- 
ceutical Industries  of  Osaka  in  Japan  and  distributed  by  Takeda  Pharmaceutical 
Industries,  also  of  Osaka.  Nitromin  is  methyl-bis(beta-chloroethyl)amine-N- 
oxide  hydrochloride.  This  compound  is  less  toxic  than  nitrogen  mustard  and  has 
been  claimed  to  have  better  therapeutic  value. 

In  using  6-mercaptopurine,  we  had  difficulty.  This  substance  is  scarcely  soluble 
at  all  in  sea  water.  In  order  to  obtain  a  solution  we  dissolved  it  first  in  a  small 
amount  of  normal  NaOH.  Then  strongly  acidified  sea  water  was  added  until  a  pH 



Effect  of  Mustargen  on  fertilized  Chaetopterus  eggs 



Viscosity  at  32-38  min. 

%  Cleavage 

0  (control) 





8  or  less 



8  or  less 



8  or  less 


0  (control) 





8  or  less 



8  or  less 



8  or  less 


a  little  higher  than  that  of  sea  water  was  reached.  At  this  pH,  microscopic  obser- 
vations showed  the  solution  to  be  full  of  suspended  material,  so  that  we  could  not  be 
at  all  certain  as  to  how  much  of  the  substance  remained  in  solution.  In  all  of  our 
experiments  we  were  dealing  with  a  saturated  solution  of  unknown  concentration, 
and  we  have  the  impression  that  in  sea  water  6-mercaptopurine  is  barely  soluble. 


When  nitrogen  mustard  is  dissolved  in  sea  water  the  resultant  solution  has  a 
much  lower  pH  than  does  sea  water.  In  our  first  experiments  we  made  no  attempt 
to  neutralize  the  acid  in  our  solutions,  and  the  results  of  these  experiments  were 
therefore  discarded.  Table  I  gives  the  results  of  two  experiments  in  which  the 
Mustargen  solution  was  made  more  alkaline  by  the  addition  of  NaOH  solution.  In 
both  experiments,  the  solutions  were  brought  to  a  pH  of  7.5  and  were  thus  still 
somewhat  less  alkaline  than  sea  water.  However,  in  preparing  dilutions  from  the 
0.1%  solution  of  nitrogen  mustard,  the  dilutions  were  of  course  made  with  sea 
water  so  that  in  the  lower  concentrations  of  the  drug,  the  pH  was  not  very  different 


Effect  of  Nitromin  on  fertilized  Chaetopterus  eggs 



Viscosity  at  31-35  min. 

%  Cleavage 

0  (control) 





8  or  less 



8  or  less 



8  or  less 


0  (control) 





8  or  less 


0  (control) 





8  or  less 



8  or  less 



8  or  less 




from  that  of  sea  water.  Moreover,  a  pH  of  7.5  has  but  little  effect  on  the  proto- 
plasm of  Chaetopterus  eggs. 

The  experiments  with  nitrogen  mustard  indicate  that  this  substance  keeps  pro- 
toplasm fluid  and  prevents  the  mitotic  gelation.  It  thus  acts  in  the  same  way  as  do 
various  other  antimitotic  substances  previously  studied  by  us  (Heilbrunn  and 
Wilson,  1950a,  1950b,  1956;  Heilbrunn.  Wilson  and  Harding,  1951;  Heilbrunn, 
Chaet,  Dunn  and  Wilson,  1954).  The  mechanism  of  this  action  will  be  discussed 

Our  experiments  with  Nitromin  gave  more  striking  results  than  those  with  ni- 
trogen mustard.  Like  Mustargen,  Nitromin  when  dissolved  in  sea  water  causes  a 
substantial  reduction  in  the  pH.  As  before,  we  added  enough  NaOH  to  bring  back 
the  solution  to  a  pH  like  that  of  sea  water.  The  results  obtained  with  Nitromin  are 
shown  in  Table  II.  They  show  conclusively  that  this  derivative  of  nitrogen  mustard 
keeps  protoplasm  fluid  and  completely  prevents  the  mitotic  gelation.  Very  few  of 
the  eggs  exposed  to  rather  dilute  solutions  of  Nitromin  ever  cleave. 

As  pointed  out  in  the  section  on  Materials  and  Methods,  6-mercaptopurine  is 
very  sparingly  soluble  in  sea  water,  and  sometimes  we  wondered  if  any  of  it  went 



Effect  of  6-mercaptopurine  on  Chaetopterus  eggs 



Viscosity  at  30-35  min. 

%  Cleavage 

0  (control) 





8  or  less 


0  (control) 







0.3  (exposure  30  min. 

before  fertilization) 




into  solution  at  all.  Our  results  with  this  substances  are  not  very  impressive ;  they 
are  shown  in  Table  III.  The  results  we  did  obtain  indicate  clearly  enough  that 
6-mercaptopurine  tends  to  keep  the  protoplasm  of  the  Chaetopterus  egg  fluid.  This 
effect  is  more  pronounced  when  the  solution  is  a  little  more  alkaline,  presumably 
because  at  the  higher  alkalinity  more  of  the  substance  stays  in  solution.  Also  at 
the  higher  pH  the  inhibition  of  cleavage  was  greater. 

Nitrogen  mustard,  Nitromin  and  6-mercaptopurine  thus  all  have  the  same  sort 
of  effect  on  the  protoplasmic  colloid.  All  of  them  tend  to  keep  the  protoplasm  fluid 
and  prevent  the  mitotic  gelation.  In  the  past  it  has  been  shown  many  times  that  the 
same  agents  which  prevent  gelation  may,  in  other  concentrations,  have  quite  the 
opposite  effect  (for  references  and  discussion,  see  Heilbrunn,  1956).  Fat  solvent 
anesthetics,  which  keep  protoplasm  fluid  and  thus  prevent  response  to  stimulation, 
may  in  certain  concentrations  act  as  stimulating  agents  and  when  they  do  they 
induce  a  clotting  or  gelation  of  the  protoplasm.  Now  it  is  proper  to  consider  the 
prevention  of  cell  division  by  agents  which  do  not  kill  the  cell  as  a  form  of  anesthesia 
or  narcosis,  and  indeed  various  anesthetic  agents  do  prevent  cell  division.  And 
the  initiation  of  cell  division  can  be  regarded  as  a  response  to  stimulation.  All  this 
being  true,  might  it  not  be  possible  to  show  that  with  other  concentrations  of  nitrogen 



Effect  of  ethyl  urethane  on  fertilized  Chaetopterus  eggs 

Viscosity  30-33  min. 
%  Urethane  after  fertilization  %  Cleavage 

0  (control) 

8  or  less 
8  or  less 
8  or  less 


mustard  or  Nitromin  a  gelation  of  the  protoplasm  could  be  induced  and  perhaps 
also  an  initiation  of  cell  division  ?  If  we  could  show  this,  we  would  have  a  way  of 
interpreting  the  Haddow  paradox. 

We  did  not  attempt  to  do  this  experiment  with  nitrogen  mustard,  for  the  prepa- 
ration of  this  drug  that  was  available  to  us — Mustargen — contains  ten  times  as 
much  NaCl  as  it  does  nitrogen  mustard,  and  if  we  made  relatively  concentrated  solu- 
tions we  would  arrive  at  concentrations  of  salt  which  would  in  themselves  cause  the 
initiation  of  cell  division.  However,  with  Nitromin  this  difficulty  does  not  exist. 
Accordingly,  we  tried  the  effect  of  a  \%  and  a  0.5%  solution  of  Nitromin  on  un- 
fertilized Chaetopterus  eggs.  Both  of  these  solutions  caused  a  marked  increase  in 
the  viscosity  of  the  protoplasm.  In  the  weaker  solution  this  increase  (after  80  min- 
utes) was  at  least  two-fold;  in  the  stronger  solution  the  viscosity  increase  was  even 
greater  and  the  protoplasm  seemed  quite  solid.  In  both  cases  the  drug  caused  a 
vacuolization  of  the  protoplasm.  This  is  the  type  of  reaction  which  Loeb  (1913) 
called  cytolysis,  and  it  is  a  reaction  commonly  produced  by  agents  which  initiate 
division  in  marine  eggs  when  these  agents  are  used  in  too  strong  a  concentration  or 
for  too  long  an  exposure.  However,  in  the  one  experiment  we  tried,  we  were  not 
able  to  obtain  any  initiation  of  cell  division.  In  this  experiment  the  eggs  were  ex- 
posed to  \%  and  to  0.5%  Nitromin  for  periods  of  1,  2,  5,  10,  20,  30  and  60  minutes. 
Our  failure  to  obtain  initiation  of  cell  division  with  the  Nitromin  solutions  \vas  not 
surprising,  for  although  in  every  case  when  egg  cells  are  stimulated  to  divide,  the 
viscosity  of  the  protoplasm  in  the  interior  of  the  cell  is  markedly  increased,  the  re- 
verse is  not  true ;  for  an  agent  which  tends  to  gel  or  clot  the  protoplasm  may  be  too 
toxic  to  permit  cell  division  to  proceed.  Thus  in  the  work  on  Nitromin,  there  is  only 
a  partial  explanation  of  the  Haddow  paradox.  For  though  it  is  true  that  Nitromin 
can  produce  opposite  effects  on  the  protoplasmic  colloid,  we  know  only  that  it  can 
suppress  cell  division  and  not  that  it  can  initiate  it. 

Effect  of  ethyl  urethane  on  unfertilized  Chaetopterus  eggs 

Time  of  exposure 
to  3%  urethane  Viscosity 

20  min.  11 

32  13 

54  13 

Control  (untreated)  8 




Effect  of  3%  ethyl  urethane  in  initiating  cell  division  of  unfertilized  Chaetopterus  eggs 

Exposure  time 
in  minutes 

Exp.  A: 
%  cleavage 
after  3$  hours 

F.xp.  B: 
%  cleavage 
after  6  hours 

Exp.  C: 
%  cleavage 
after  8  hours 















































We  thought  therefore  to  try  the  effect  of  urethane ;  for  this  substance,  which  is 
known  to  act  both  as  a  carcinogen  and  as  a  chemotherapeutic  agent  for  tumors,  is 
presumably  less  toxic  than  Nitromin.  In  relatively  weak  concentrations,  ethyl  ure- 
thane suppresses  cell  division  in  the  Chaetopterus  egg.  This  is  shown  in  Table  IV. 
This  table  also  shows  that  in  concentrations  which  suppress  cell  division,  the  urethane 
keeps  the  protoplasm  fluid  and  prevents  the  mitotic  gelation. 

Higher  concentrations  of  urethane  have  quite  the  opposite  effect.  Thus  when 
unfertilized  eggs  are  placed  in  a  3%  solution  of  urethane,  the  protoplasmic  viscosity 
increases  sharply,  as  is  shown  in  Table  V. 

Moreover  exposure  to  3%  urethane  can,  in  a  high  percentage  of  cases,  cause  the 
egg  cells  to  divide.  We  have  done  some  experiments  of  our  own  to  show  this,  but 
experiments  done  by  Mr.  Herbert  Schuel  are  more  complete  than  ours  and  we  prefer 
to  present  them.  They  are  shown  in  Table  VI. 


Clearly,  then,  one  and  the  same  agent  in  different  concentrations  can  cause  either 
initiation  of  cell  division  or  suppression  of  cell  division  and  these  opposite  effects  are 
readily  correlated  with  the  action  the  reagent  has  on  the  colloidal  state  of  the  pro- 
toplasm in  the  interior  of  the  cell. 

The  facts  as  we  have  reported  them  are  so  clear  cut  that  they  scarcely  require 
additional  comment.  Therapeutic  agents  commonly  used  in  the  treatment  of  cancer 
can  prevent  cell  division  by  keeping  the  protoplasm  fluid.  Some  of  these  agents, 
when  used  in  different  concentrations,  can  have  opposite  effects  both  on  the  physical 
state  of  the  protoplasmic  colloid  and  also,  in  the  case  of  urethane,  on  the  end  result. 
Here,  then,  we  have  a  way  of  interpreting  the  Haddow  paradox,  and  we  are  able  to 
supply  the  information  Haddow  was  so  concerned  about,  namely  on  which  part  of 
the  cell  these  agents  act  and  what  they  do. 

But  the  question  immediately  arises  as  to  the  mechanism  of  the  paradoxical  ac- 


tion.  In  the  case  of  urethane,  the  answer  is  rather  obvious  in  the  light  of  what 
we  know  concerning  the  way  various  anesthetic  or  narcotic  agents  act  on  protoplasm. 
This  subject  is  discussed  at  some  length  by  Heilbrunn  (1956).  Suffice  to  say  here 
that  these  agents  liquefy  the  cortical  protoplasm  and  release  calcium  from  it;  the 
calcium  thus  released  enters  the  interior  of  the  cell  and  there  causes  a  clotting  reac- 
tion, which  may  lead  either  to  excitation  or  to  a  complete  vacuolization  of  the  pro- 
toplasm and  death  of  the  cell.  But  fat  solvent  anesthetics  not  only  tend  to  free  cal- 
cium from  the  cortex,  they  also  tend  to  prevent  calcium  in  the  cell  interior  from 
causing  a  clotting  reaction.  There  is  a  large  and  growing  body  of  evidence  in  sup- 
port of  these  statements  (see  Heilbrunn,  1956).  In  addition  it  should  perhaps  be 
noted  that  ether,  which  in  low  concentrations  keeps  the  protoplasm  of  sea  urchin 
eggs  fluid  (Heilbrunn,  1920,  1925),  can  in  higher  concentrations  induce  cell  di- 
vision (Mathews,  1900;  McClendon,  1910)  ;  in  these  higher  concentrations  it  causes 
a  clotting  reaction  in  the  protoplasm. 

It  is  to  be  hoped  that  other  investigators  will  join  with  us  in  approaching  the 
problem  of  cancer  chemotherapy  from  the  standpoint  of  the  colloid  chemistry  of 
protoplasm.  At  the  present  time  there  are  so  many  excellent  and  well  trained 
workers  interested  in  the  metabolic  approach,  and  scarcely  anyone  concerned  with 
the  reasons  why  the  protoplasmic  colloid  changes  in  such  a  way  as  to  form  a  mitotic 
spindle.  And  yet,  without  mitosis  there  can  be  no  cancer,  and  if  there  are  rela- 
tively non-toxic  ways  of  preventing  mitosis,  certainly  this  is  a  field  that  should 
be  investigated  on  a  large  scale.  Insofar  as  we  know  at  present,  neither  the  initia- 
tion nor  the  suppression  of  mitosis  depends  on  any  particular  metabolic  pathway 
and  it  certainly  does  depend  on  colloidal  changes  in  the  protoplasm.  Antimitotic 
substances  such  as  can  be  extracted  from  ovaries  can  indeed  be  used  to  cure  mice 
inoculated  with  a  lethal  ascites  tumor  (Heilbrunn,  Wilson,  Tosteson,  Davidson  and 
Rutman,  1957)  and  in  their  therapeutic  action  on  this  tumor  they  are  at  least  as 
effective  as  nitrogen  mustard  or  Nitromin.  Indeed  more  recent  experiments  have 
shown  them  to  be  decidedly  more  effective. 


1.  Nitrogen  mustard,  Nitromin,  6-mercaptopurine,  and  urethane  suppress  cell 
division  in  Chaetopterus  eggs. 

2.  This  inhibition  of  mitosis  is  due  to  the  fact  that  these  agents  keep  the  proto- 
plasm fluid  and  prevent  the  mitotic  gelation. 

3.  In  relatively  high  concentration,  both  Nitromin  and  urethane  cause  a  gela- 
tion of  the  protoplasm  and  in  these  concentrations,  urethane  can  initiate  cell  division 
in  a  high  percentage  of  the  eggs. 

4.  An  interpretation  is  given  of  this  paradoxical  action  of  reagents  in  causing 
either  liquefaction  or  gelation,  either  suppression  or  initiation  of  cell  division. 

5.  The  results  are  believed  to  provide  an  explanation  of  the  Haddow  paradox. 


BODENSTEIN,  D.,  1947.     The  effects  of  nitrogen  mustard  on  embryonic  amphibian  development. 

/.  Exp.  Zool,  104:  311-341. 
FRIEDENWALD,  J.  S.,  W.  BUSCHKE  AND  R.  O.  SCHOLZ,  1948.     Effect  of  mustard  and  nitrogen 

mustard  on   mitotic   and   wound   healing   activities    of   the   corneal    epithelium.     Bull. 

Johns  Hopkins  Hasp.,  82:  148-160. 

396  L.  V.  HEILBRUNN  AND  W.  L.  WILSON 

GREENSTEIN,  J.  P.,  1954.     Biochemistry  of  Cancer,  Second  Ed.  Academic  Press,  New  York. 
HADDOW,  A.,  1935.     Influence  of  certain  polycyclic  hydrocarbons  on  the  growth  of  the  Jensen 

rat  sarcoma.     Nature,  136:  868-869. 
HADDOW,  A.,  1951.     Advances  in  the  study  of  chemical  carcinogenesis.     Proc.  Roy.  Soc.  Mcd., 

44:  263-266. 
HEILBRUNN,  L.  V.,  1920.     An  experimental  study  of  cell  division.     I.  The  physical  conditions 

which  determine  the  appearance  of  the  spindle  in  sea-urchin  eggs.     /.  E.rp.  Zool.,  30 : 


HEILBRUNN,  L.  V.,  1925.The  action  of  ether  on  protoplasm.     Biol.  Bull.,  49 :  461-476. 
HEILBRUNN,  L.  V.,  1956.     The  Dynamics  of  Living  Protoplasm.     Academic  Press,  New  York. 
HEILBRUNN,  L.  V.,  A.  B.  CHAET,  A.  DUNN  AND  W.  L.  WILSON,  1954.     Antimitotic  substances 

from  ovaries.     Biol.  Bull,  106:  158-168. 
HEILBRUNN,  L.  V.,  AND  W.  L.  WILSON,  1948.     Protoplasmic  viscosity  changes  during  mitosis 

in  the  egg  of  Chaetopterus.     Biol.  Bull,  95 :  57-68. 
HEILBRUNN,   L.  V.,  AND  W.   L.   WILSON,    1950a.     Effect  of   bacterial   polysaccharide  on   cell 

division.     Science,  112:  56-57. 
HEILBRUNN,  L.  V.,  AND  W.  L.  WILSON,  1950b.     The  prevention  of  cell  division  by  anti-clotting 

agents.     Protoplasma,  39:  389-399. 
HEILBRUNN,  L.  V.,  AND  W.   L.  WILSON,   1956.     Antimitotic  substances   from   the  ovaries   of 

vertebrates.     Biol.  Bull,  110:  153-156. 
HEILBRUNN,  L.  V.,  W.  L.  WILSON  AND  D.  HARDING,  1951.     The  action  of  tissue  extracts  on 

cell  division.     /.  Nat.  Cancer  Inst.,  11:  1287-1298. 
HEILBRUNN,  L.  V.,  W.  L.  WILSON,  T.  R.  TOSTESON,  E.  DAVIDSON  AND  R.  J.  RUTMAN,  1957. 

The  antimitotic  and  carcinostatic  action  of  ovarian  extracts.     Biol.  Bull.,  113:  129-134. 
LOEB,   J.,    1913.     Artificial    Parthenogenesis   and    Fertilization.     University    of    Chicago    Press, 

MATHEWS,  A.  P.,  1900.     Some  ways  of  causing  mitotic  division  in  unfertilized  Arbacia  eggs. 

Amer.  J.  Physio!.,  4:  343-347. 

McQ-ENDON,  J.  F.,  1910.     On  the  dynamics  of  cell  division.     II.  Changes  in  permeability  of  de- 
veloping eggs  to  electrolytes.     Amer.  J.  Physiol,  27:  240-275. 

SATO,  H.,  M.  BELKIN  AND  E.  ESSNER,  1956.     Effect  of  Nitromin  on  mitosis  and  cytoplasmic  vol- 
ume in  the  cells  of  two  mouse  ascites  tumors.     /.  Nat.  Cancer  Inst.,  17:  421-433. 




.  of  Biological  Sciences,  University  of  California,  Santa  Barbara  College,  Golcta,  Calif. 

To  date  a  number  of  studies  have  been  made  on  the  response  specificity  of  com- 
mensal polychaetes  (Davenport,  1950,  1953a,  1953b;  Davenport  and  Hickok,  1951 ; 
Bartel  and  Davenport,  1956).  In  these  studies  a  number  of  techniques  to  discern 
the  presence  of  chemical  responses  to  host  have  been  employed.  The  subject  of 
specificity  and  behavior  in  animal  partnerships  has  recently  been  reviewed  (Daven- 
port, 1955). 

During  the  summer  of  1956  further  investigations  of  the  behavior  of  a  number 
of  polychaete  commensals  were  conducted  at  the  Friday  Harbor  Laboratories  of  the 
University  of  Washington.  The  authors  wish  to  express  their  appreciation  to  the 
Director  and  staff  of  the  Laboratories  for  their  continued  interest  and  support  in 
these  researches.  The  studies  are  currently  continuing  in  the  Marine  Biological 
Laboratory  of  Santa  Barbara  College  and  have  been  supported  since  1955  by  a  con- 
tract from  the  Office  of  Naval  Research. 

The  preliminary  investigations  cited  above  had  indicated  the  necessity  to  com- 
pare the  behavior  of  populations  of  single  species  of  facultative  and  obligate  com- 
mensals of  diverse  host-habit,  and  to  determine  whether  these  populations  showed 
different  response  specificity.  The  following  studies  were  directed  to  that  end. 


The  hesionid  polychaete  Podarke  pugettensis  provides  a  most  interesting  subject 
for  behavioral  studies.  The  worm  is  a  facultative  commensal,  and  there  appears  to 
be  no  discernible  morphological  difference  between  free-living  and  commensal  mem- 
bers of  the  species.  In  the  free  state  the  species  occurs  in  great  numbers  under  cer- 
tain conditions;  one  may  at  times  collect  as  many  as  15—20  per  square  yard  on  the 
mudflats  of  Garrison  Bay,  San  Juan  Island,  Washington.  In  the  Southern  Cali- 
fornia region  it  may  be  collected  as  it  settles  out  of  the  plankton  by  suspending  open- 
mouth  jars  under  floats  in  San  Pedro  Harbor  (D.  J.  Reish,  personal  communica- 
tion), wrhile  numbers  of  adults  may  be  taken  by  scraping  the  under  surface  of  floats 
in  the  same  locality  and  in  Santa  Barbara  Harbor.  It  may  also  be  collected  by  re- 
moving large  pieces  of  the  growth  from  pilings,  where  it  occurs  near  the  wood  surface 
deep  among  the  shells  of  the  gastropod  Aletes  and  the  pelecypod  Chama.  It  occurs 
among  the  byssus  threads  of  Mytilus  on  pilings.  Under  these  conditions  the  worms 
do  not  appear  to  be  associated  with  any  particular  organism,  but  they  certainly  seem 
to  thrive  in  environments  of  extremely  rich  organic  content.  Free-living  indi- 
viduals will  be  found  sporadically  in  many  sorts  of  environments,  particularly  where 
there  is  rich  mud,  in  the  inter-tidal  and  subtidal.  During  the  summer  of  1956  ripe 



swarming  adults  were  taken  at  the  night  light  at  Friday  Harbor  for  the  first  time ; 
whether  these  had  been  free-living  or  had  come  from  hosts  could  not  be  determined. 
Swarming  has  never  been  observed  by  us  in  Southern  California. 

In  California,  these  worms  are  commonly  associated  with  the  web-star  Patiria 
ininiata  (Brandt),  on  one  individual  of  which  as  many  as  15-20  may  occur.  In  the 
Pacific  Northwest  they  are  equally  common  on  the  mud-star  Luidia  joliolata  Grube. 
There  may  be  considerable  variation  in  the  size  of  worms  on  both  hosts,  indicating 
repetitive  colonization  by  different  age  classes.  In  the  Puget  Sound- Vancouver 
Island  region  they  may  occur  on  the  cushion-star  Pteraster  tcsselatus  Ives  and  to- 
gether with  Nereis  cyclurus  Harrington  commensal  with  hermit  crabs  (Berkeley  and 
Berkeley,  1948).  Steinbeck  and  Ricketts  (1941)  list  the  species  as  commensal  with 
the  starfish  Oreastcr  occidcntalis  Verrill  in  the  Gulf  of  California.  That  it  may 
occur  occasionally  with  Pisaster  ochraceus  (Brandt)  is  indicated  by  a  single  speci- 
men in  the  collection  of  Dr.  Olga  Hartman,  taken  by  Dr.  S.  F.  Light  at  Dillon  Beach, 
California.  In  spite  of  examining  numerous  specimens  of  the  common  starfish, 
from  Puget  Sound  to  Southern  California,  we  have  never  found  commensal  poly- 
chaetes  of  any  sort  associated  with  it ;  there  would  appear  to  be  a  likelihood  that  the 
above  case  was  fortuitous. 

Method  of  investigating  responses 

A  choice-apparatus  has  been  designed  for  the  investigation  of  the  possible  role  of 
chemical  attractants  in  the  regulation  of  partnerships,  such  as  that  between  Podarke 
and  Patiria,  in  which  we  have  been  unable  to  demonstrate  in  the  individual  com- 
mensal partner  any  sharply  defined,  objectively  recordable  response  to  the  host 
(Bartel  and  Davenport,  1956).  The  apparatus  consists  of  an  aquarium  with  a  cen- 
tral chamber  surrounded  by  and  connected  by  passages  with  six  radially  arranged 
chambers.  It  may  be  constructed  out  of  latex  as  described  in  the  above  citation. 
Our  use  of  the  apparatus  was  as  described  except  that  a  cover  of  plywood  was  added 
to  reduce  the  possible  effects  of  light.  The  latter  factor  was  eliminated  from  con- 
sideration in  any  series  of  tests  by  the  random  selection  of  test  chambers  from  the 
possible  six.  In  all  the  experiments  using  this  apparatus  described  below,  the  pres- 
ence or  absence  of  an  attractant  factor  in  one  of  the  chambers  among  the  radial  six 
(the  "critical"  chamber)  is  indicated  when  probabilities,  using  the  null  hypothesis 
that  distribution  into  the  six  chambers  is  the  result  of  chance,  indicate  that  either  a 
significant  or  insignificant  number  of  worms  have  moved  from  the  central  chamber 
into  the  critical  chamber.  Tests  averaged  from  8  to  12  hours. 

Between  each  test  in  a  series  in  any  experiment  the  apparatus  was  washed. 
Host  animals  were  generally  housed  during  tests  directly  in  one  of  the  radial  cham- 
bers, but  in  certain  tests  indicated  below,  when  host  animals  were  very  large,  they 
were  housed  in  a  clean,  redwood  and  glass  aquarium  and  the  water  therefrom  si- 
phoned into  a  radial  chamber  of  the  choice-apparatus. 


Prior  to  employing  the  above  described  choice-apparatus,  Bartel  and  Davenport 
(1956)  had  found,  by  the  simple  expedient  of  placing  in  dishes  large  numbers  of 
free-living  and  commensal  Podarke  together  with  Patiria,  that  toward  this  host 



there  is  a  marked  difference  in  behavior  in  the  two  populations ;  the  commensals 
gathered  on  the  star  while  none  of  the  free-living  worms  did.  It  seemed  wise  to  re- 
peat this  experiment  in  Puget  Sound,  using  both  the  free-living  worms  and  those 
commensal  with  the  common  host  of  that  region,  Luidia  foliolata.  As  an  experi- 
mental animal  in  behavior  studies  this  starfish  presents  difficulties ;  it  readily  au- 
totomizes  its  arms  when  handled  or  placed  in  a  confined  space  and  hence  is  not  well 
suited  to  the  latex  choice-apparatus.  At  the  same  time  it  is  so  large  that  one  cannot 
readily  place  it  in  a  dish  or  tray  with  commensals.  We  therefore  employed  a  large 
cement  water  table  (internal  dimensions  3'  X  5'  X  3")  in  which  the  starfish  could 
wander  freely  and  "pick  up"  commensals  or  in  which  one  could  confine  the  star  to 
a  limited  space  so  that  the  commensals  had  to  "find"  it  (Fig.  1).  In  order  to  so 
confine  the  starfish  we  simply  placed  a  plywood  "T"  in  the  table  as  shown,  which 
would  allow  free  movement  of  water  or  worms  under  its  parts  but  which  would 

FIGURE  1.     Plan  of  water  table. 

trap  the  star  in  one  corner.  Water  was  introduced  at  a  very  slow  flow  in  one  cor- 
ner and  drained  out  at  the  point  shown.  One  introduced  experimental  worms  at 
random  at  the  lower  end  of  the  table. 

This  apparatus  lent  itself  well  to  the  study  of  the  specificity  of  response  in  part- 
nerships in  which  evidence  for  a  chemical  attraction  effective  at  a  considerable  dis- 
tance from  the  host  had  already  been  presented  (Arctonoc-Evasterias,  etc. — Daven- 
port, 1950),  and  also  made  it  possible  to  conduct  tests  concurrently  with  those  using 
the  latex  apparatus,  likewise  testing  the  responses  of  a  large  sample  of  worms  in  a 
single  test  run. 


Experiment  No.  1.  Will  commensal  worms  gather  on  the  host  Luidia  when 
both  have  the  freedom  of  the  water  table  ? 


After  a  time  duration  of  approximately  eight  hours,  23  out  of  36  introduced 
worms  (59%)  had  moved  onto  the  starfish. 

Experiment  No.  2.  Will  commensals,  introduced  at  random  at  the  lower  end 
of  the  table,  find  the  host  if  it  is  trapped  at  the  opposite  end  ? 

After  a  time  duration  of  approximately  nine  hours,  out  of  23  worms  introduced 
13  had  found  the  starfish  (56%). 

Experiment  No.  3.  Will  free-living  Podarke  (Garrison  Bay)  gather  on  Luidia 
when  both  have  the  freedom  of  the  water  table  ? 

After  a  time  duration  of  approximately  eight  hours,  out  of  32  worms  introduced 
none  had  moved  onto  the  starfish. 

Experiment  No.  4.  Can  an  attraction  for  commensal  worms  be  demonstrated 
in  the  latex  choice-apparatus  if  water  is  siphoned  from  a  large  aquarium  containing 
the  host  Luidia  into  one  of  the  six  radial  chambers  ? 

Six  Luidia  were  placed  in  a  large  redwood  aquarium  and  three  tests  followed  a 
control.  In  the  control  test  with  no  starfish  water  in  the  system,  18  out  of  23 
worms  made  a  choice  and  the  distribution  in  the  radial  chambers  was  random.  In 
the  first  test  to  starfish  water,  out  of  25  worms  introduced,  23  made  a  choice  and  of 
the  23,  14  entered  the  critical  chamber  (P  <  .001).  In  the  second  test  all  of  20 
worms  made  a  choice  and  of  these  8  entered  the  critical  chamber  (P  <  .01).  In 
the  final  test  out  of  25  worms  11  made  a  choice,  of  which  9  entered  the  critical 
chamber  (P  <  .001). 

It  is  clear  that  an  attraction  can  be  demonstrated  with  the  Podarke-Lnidia  part- 
nership in  the  latex  apparatus.  The  above  data  compare  very  well  with  those  ob- 
tained by  Bartel  and  Davenport  (1956)  with  the  Podarke-Patiria  partnership  in 
California,  in  which  two  tests  gave  probabilities  of  <  .001  (24  out  of  68  and  23  out 
of  53  entering  the  critical  chamber). 

Experiment  No.  5.  Are  free-living  worms  attracted  to  a  radial  chamber  into 
which  water  from  an  aquarium  containing  Luidia  is  siphoned  ? 

In  a  control  test  with  no  starfish  water  in  the  system,  16  out  of  22  worms  made 
a  choice  and  the  distribution  was  random.  In  four  tests  in  which  15  out  of  25,  16 
out  of  20,  17  out  of  20  and  17  out  of  24  made  a  choice  when  starfish  water  was  in 
one  of  the  chambers,  the  distribution  was  still  purely  random.  In  a  single  test 
against  starfish  water  when  16  out  of  24  worms  made  a  choice,  8  entered  the  critical 
chamber  (P  <  .01). 

Since  the  above  results  were  not  consistent,  further  tests  were  indicated  to  de- 
termine whether  or  not  the  release  of  metabolites  in  test  chambers  may  occasionally 
cause  free-living  worms  to  distribute  themselves  unequally  in  the  choice-apparatus, 
in  spite  of  the  fact  that  under  conditions  more  nearly  approaching  natural  ones,  they 
do  not  gather  on  Luidia  (Experiment  No.  3  above). 

Experiment  No.  6.  Can  closer  propinquity  to  starfish  (and  therefore  possibly 
greater  concentration  of  metabolites)  perhaps  be  the  answer  to  the  unequal  distri- 
bution that  may  occur  when  free-living  worms  are  tested  in  the  choice-apparatus 
against  Luidia?  With  considerable  difficulty  a  single  small  Luidia  was  obtained  for 
testing  and  one  test  completed  with  the  starfish  directly  in  one  of  the  radial  chambers 
before  it  autotomized  its  arms.  In  this  test  when  23  out  of  30  worms  made  a  choice, 
8  entered  the  critical  chamber  (P  <  .01). 


Experiment  No.  7.  A  further  series  of  tests  were  conducted  at  a  later  date  to 
see  whether  free-living  worms  from  a  different  environment  than  those  used  in  Ex- 
periments 5  and  6  might  distribute  themselves  in  a  non-random  fashion  when  a  host 
was  in  the  system.  Free-living  Podarkc  from  harbor  floats  in  Santa  Barbara  were 
tested  against  the  host  starfish  of  California,  Patina  miniata.  In  four  out  of  five 
tests  of  this  kind  the  distribution  was  random,  but  in  one,  when  19  out  of  27  worms 
made  a  choice,  10  entered  the  critical  chamber  (P  <  .001). 

Experiments  5,  6  and  7  have  all  given  an  indication  that  under  certain  conditions 
the  behavior  of  free-living  worms  may  be  so  affected  by  the  presence  of  a  host  star- 
fish in  the  system  (perhaps  by  some  metabolite)  that  their  distribution  will  be  non- 
random.  However,  they  certainly  do  not  respond  positively  as  consistently  as  their 
commensal  relatives. 

Experiment  No.  8.  It  has  been  demonstrated  that  commensal  Podarke  show  a 
positive  response  to  the  host  Luidia  (Experiments  1,  2,  and  4).  Will  worms  from 
Luidia  respond  to  the  alternate  host  Pter aster  tesselatus? 

In  two  tests  in  which  water  from  a  redwood  aquarium  containing  a  single  large 
Pter  aster  was  siphoned  into  one  of  the  six  chambers,  samples  of  19  and  20  worms 
distributed  themselves  in  a  random  fashion.  But  when  a  smaller  Pteraster  was 
placed  in  a  radial  chamber  directly,  in  one  test  when  18  out  of  23  worms  made  a 
choice,  9  entered  the  critical  chamber  (P  <  .01)  and  in  the  second  test  when  31 
out  of  36  worms  made  a  choice,  16  entered  the  critical  chamber  (P  <  .001). 

Here  again  propinquity  may  be  a  factor,  and  perhaps  the  great  secretion  of 
mucus  produced  by  handling  this  starfish  may  have  been  a  factor  in  preventing  a 
response  in  the  first  two  tests,  when  the  starfish  was  at  a  greater  distance. 

Experiment  No.  9.  How  specific  is  the  response  of  commensals  from  Luidia 
in  the  choice-apparatus  ?  Will  the  commensals  respond  to  non-host  starfish  ? 

In  a  test  against  Mediaster  aequalis  Stimpson,  when  24  out  of  31  worms  made  a 
choice,  9  entered  the  chamber  containing  the  host  (P  <  .01).  In  a  test  against 
Pisastcr  ochraceus  (Brandt)  when  9  out  of  19  worms  made  a  choice,  5  entered  the 
critical  chamber  (P  <  1.0)  and  in  a  test  against  Evasterias  troschelii  (Stimpson) 
when  17  out  of  27  worms  made  a  choice,  11  entered  the  critical  chamber  (P  <  .001). 

Apparently  no  response  specificity  can  be  demonstrated  in  the  latex  choice  ap- 
paratus when  one  tests  Podarkc  commensal  with  Luidia  in  Puget  Sound. 

Experiment  No.  10.  Do  California  Podarke  commensal  with  Patina  show  a 
similar  non-specific  response  in  the  latex  choice-apparatus  ? 

In  a  series  of  six  control  tests  against  the  host  alternated  with  tests  against  non- 
host  stars,  distributions  giving  probabilities  of  <  .001  were  obtained  in  five,  while 
in  one  test  the  distribution  was  random.  In  the  series  of  15  tests  against  P.  ochra- 
ceus (Brandt),  P.  gigantcns  (Stimpson),  Pycnopodia  hclianthoidcs  (Brandt)  and 
Dermasterias  imbricata  (Grube),  when  samples  of  from  10  to  44  commensals  were 
used  in  a  single  test,  all  but  one  test  gave  completely  random  distributions.  In  one 
test  against  P.  gigantcns  19  out  of  33  worms  making  a  choice  entered  the  critical 
chamber  (P  <  .001). 

There  would  appear  to  be  a  marked  difference  in  the  response  specificity  demon- 
strable in  the  choice  apparatus  between  worms  commensal  with  Luidia  in  Puget 
Sound  and  worms  commensal  with  Patiria  in  California,  the  latter  demonstrating  a 
greater  specificity. 


Material  and  methods 

The  polynoid  commensal  Arctonoe  fragilis  has  been  studied  previously  by  the 
authors  (citations  above).  In  the  first  experiments  in  which  it  was  demonstrated 
that  a  marine  commensal  would  respond  positively  to  sea  water  which  housed  its 
host,  a  Y-tube  olfactometer  was  used,  but  no  detailed  studies  of  response-specificity 
were  made.  Such  apparatus  does  not  lend  itself  readily  to  investigations  of  speci- 
ficity of  response,  since  large  samples  of  commensals  cannot  be  tested  at  once.  As 
it  had  already  been  demonstrated  that  these  worms  showed  an  ''overt"  response  to 
sea  water  from  their  host  even  at  a  distance,  there  appeared  to  be  no  advantage  in 
employing  the  latex  choice-apparatus.  The  use  of  similar  water-table  tests  as  de- 
scribed above  (Fig.  1)  was  in  order. 

A.  fragilis  has  been  listed  as  commensal  by  Pettibone  (1953)  with  the  following 
asteroid  hosts :  Evasterias  troschelii;  Leptasterias  aequalis  and  L.  hexactis;  Ortha- 
sterias koehleri;  Pisaster  ochraceus;  Solaster  dazvsoni  and  Stylasterias  foreri.  We 
collected  and  used  in  the  experiments  below  a  large  number  of  worms  commensal 
with  Evasterias,  a  few  with  Orthasterias  and  one  (?)  with  Solaster  dazvsoni.  It  is 
unfortunate  that  cross-specificity  studies  are  made  difficult  by  the  fact  that  it  is  al- 
most impossible  to  collect  a  working  sample  of  commensals  from  any  other  host  than 
Evasterias.  The  Berkeleys  tell  us  that  at  Nanaimo  large  numbers  of  Orthasterias 
koehleri  can  be  collected  in  the  inter-tidal  zone  in  winter  and  early  spring ;  in  sum- 
mer they  can  only  rarely  be  so  collected.  Our  few  specimens  of  Orthasterias  were 
taken  in  dredges  and  with  the  aqualung.  It  may  in  fact  be  possible  in  the  future  to 
compare  the  behavior  of  populations  of  A.  fragilis  from  Evasterias  and  Orthasterias, 
by  conducting  winter  experiments.  The  value  of  making  a  thorough  comparison  of 
the  behavior  of  two  or  more  separate  populations  of  a  single  commensal  species 
which  inhabits  several  hosts  is  obvious.  The  brief  preliminary  tests  presented  below 
give  evidence  that  the  results  of  such  experiments  would  be  most  interesting. 

Experiment  No.  11.  Prior  to  running  cross-specificity  tests  with  the  two  popu- 
lations of  Arctonoe  available,  it  was  necessary  to  run  a  control  experiment  to  deter- 
mine whether  under  the  conditions  of  the  water  table,  Arctonoe  fragilis  (commensal 
with  Evasterias)  would  show  a  response  to  non-host  stars.  In  four  control  tests 
against  Evasterias,  run  in  alternation  with  tests  against  non-host  stars,  fifteen  worms 
were  used  in  three  and  fourteen  in  one.  Tests  had  a  duration  of  not  less  than  nine 
hours.  In  the  first  three  12  out  of  15  (79.9%),  10  out  of  15  (66.6%),  and  10  out 
of  15  "found"  the  "trapped"  host.  In  the  one  test  using  14  worms,  13  "found" 
the  host  (92.8%).  In  single  tests  using  fifteen  worms  against  Pisaster  ochraceus, 
Luidia  foliolata,  Mediaster  aequalis,  Hippasteria  spinosa  and  Dermasterias  inibri- 
cata  no  worms  "found"  or  moved  onto  the  "trapped"  non-host. 

Commensal  Arctonoe,  therefore,  demonstrate  a  rather  precise  response  specificity 
in  the  water-table. 

Experiment  No.  12.  It  appears  that  commensals  from  Evasterias  do  not,  as  one 
might  expect,  demonstrate  in  the  water-table  a  response  to  stars  with  which  the 
species  is  not  associated,  but  what  sort  of  behavior  would  the  worms  show  in  rela- 
tion to  alternate  hosts?  Will  the  worms,  regardless  of  host  habit,  respond  to  al- 
ternate hosts? 


To  answer  this  question  we  presented  mixed  samples  of  Arctonoe,  some  from 
Evasterias  and  some  from  Orthasterias  koehleri,  with  opportunities  to  "find"  each 
host  in  the  water  table.  Will  each  host  "sort  out"  the  correct  commensals?  Un- 
fortunately, because  of  the  above-mentioned  difficulty  of  finding  Orthasterias  we 
were  able  to  collect  only  two  specimens  of  Arctonoe  from  this  host.  In  the  follow- 
ing experiments  these  worms  were  lightly  stained  in  indulin  in  order  to  distinguish 
them  from  the  sample  collected  from  Evasterias. 

In  a  series  of  three  water-table  tests  of  this  mixed  population  against  Evasterias 
a  total  sample  of  16  worms  were  used  in  each.  In  the  first  two  tests  15  Evasterias 
commensals  "ran  against"  one  Orthasterias  commensal.  At  the  end  of  nine  hours 
in  both  tests  10  (75%)  of  the  Evasterias  commensals  had  "found"  their  host  while 
the  single  Orthasterias  commensal  was  still  wandering  free.  In  the  third  test  14 
Evasterias  commensals  were  "run  against"  two  Orthasterias  commensals.  At  the 
end  of  nine  hours  all  but  one  of  the  Evasterias  commensals  had  "found"  the  host 
while  the  two  Orthasterias  commensals  were  still  wandering  free. 

In  two  tests  against  Orthasterias  a  mixed  sample  of  15  worms  was  used  in  the 
first  and  of  17  worms  in  the  second.  In  the  first,  out  of  14  worms  from  Evasterias 
13  were  still  wandering  free  after  nine  hours,  while  the  single  Orthasterias  worm 
had  "found"  its  host.  In  the  second  test  at  the  end  of  the  same  time,  out  of  15 
Evasterias  worms  none  had  moved  onto  the  Orthasterias,  while  of  the  two  Ortha- 
sterias worms,  one  had  "found"  the  host. 

These  preliminary  experiments  against  alternate  hosts  were  conducted  with  a 
much  smaller  sample  of  worms  than  one  would  desire  and  it  is  hoped  that  at  some 
time  such  tests  can  be  repeated  with  balanced  samples.  But  the  tests  give  an  indi- 
cation of  what  may  be  a  significant  fact.  There  may,  if  such  responses  are  not  con- 
ditioned during  development,  be  good  physiological  or  behavioral  races  inhabiting 
different  hosts  within  single  commensal  polychaete  species.  That  this  may  be  the 
case  was  further  indicated  by  a  brief  experiment  in  which  we  tested  a  mixed  popu- 
lation from  Evasterias  and  Solaster.  Accurate  identification  of  the  three  species  of 
Solaster  with  their  two  commensal  species  of  Arctonoe  (S.  stitnpsoni  and  6".  endeca 
with  A.  vittata  and  ^S".  dawsoni  with  A.  jragilis},  may  be  difficult.  This  is  particu- 
larly true  in  the  case  of  the  worms,  in  which  two  species  inhabiting  closely  related 
hosts  may  resemble  each  other  greatly ;  identification  can  at  times  only  be  made  by 
dissection  which  renders  the  animals  useless  for  behavior  experiments.  However, 
we  believe  our  identification  of  a  single  A.  jragilis  on  5\  dawsoni  to  be  correct. 
When  a  mixed  population  consisting  of  16  A.  jragilis,  one  from  Solaster  and  15  from 
Evasterias,  were  tested  in  the  water-table  against  Solaster,  not  one  of  the  Evasterias 
worms  moved  to  the  star  and  yet  the  single  Solaster  commensal  quickly  "found" 
its  host. 

Material  and  methods 

The  polynoid  Arctonoe  vittata,  closely  related  to  A.  jragilis,  has  perhaps  the  most 
interesting  variation  in  host-habit  of  all  the  members  of  the  genus.  It  colonizes  cer- 
tain asteroids,  amphineurans,  gastropods  and  polychaetes  and  within  these  groups 
shows  a  rather  precise  specificity  (Pettibone,  1953).  For  this  reason  one  might 
suppose  that  there  could  hardly  be  a  commensal  better  suited  to  studies  of  response 


specificity.  Unfortunately,  however,  as  with  Arctonoe  fragilis,  it  is  very  difficult  to 
obtain  large  enough  numbers  of  commensals  from  each  host  to  make  good  studies  of 
cross-specificity.  In  addition  to  the  difficulty  in  collecting  diverse  populations  of 
this  commensal,  one  faces  the  problem  of  the  general  inactivity  of  the  worm,  which 
makes  studies  using  a  Y-tube  or  an  open  water-table  tedious  in  the  extreme.  It  was 
found,  however,  that  a  sample  of  animals  distributed  themselves  well  overnight  in 
the  latex  choice-apparatus.  The  following  questions  were  asked  and  to  a  certain 
extent  answered,  using  a  single  population  of  worms  from  the  key-hole  limpet 
Diadora  in  the  latex  apparatus,  according  to  the  technique  described  above. 

Experiment  No.  13.  Will  commensals  from  Diadora  show  a  response  to  the 
host  in  the  choice-apparatus  ? 

In  eight  tests  samples  of  from  11  to  29  worms  were  tested  against  a  group  of  six 
limpets  in  a  radial  chamber.  In  two  of  the  eight  tests  the  worms  distributed  them- 
selves in  a  random  fashion  but  in  six  of  the  tests  enough  worms  chose  the  critical 
chamber  to  give  probabilities  of  <  .001,  <  .01,  <  1.0,  <  1.0,  <  .001,  and  <  .1. 

Experiment  No.  14.  Do  worms  commensal  with  Diadora  show  a  response  to 
alternate  hosts?  Sample  alternate  hosts  tested  were  the  starfish  Luidia  foliolata 
Grube,  Solastcr  stiinpsoni  Verrill,  and  Dermasterias  imbricata  Grube;  the  chiton 
Cryptochiton  stelleri  Middendorf;  and  the  gastropods  Acmaea  mitra  Eschscholtz 
and  Fusitriton  orcgonense  (Redfield).  Large  hosts  (Luidia,  Solaster,  Dermaste- 
rias, Cryptochiton}  were  housed  in  a  clean  redwood  aquarium  and  the  water  si- 
phoned from  this  into  one  of  the  radial  chambers  of  the  choice-apparatus.  Small 
hosts  (Acmaea,  Fusitriton,  small  Cryptochiton  and  Dermasterias}  were  placed  di- 
rectly in  a  radial  chamber. 

In  thirteen  tests  against  these  alternate  hosts  using  samples  in  each  of  from  13 
to  27  commensals  the  worms  distributed  themselves  in  the  radial  chambers  in  a  ran- 
dom fashion.  In  a  single  test  of  the  three  against  Fusitriton,  when  20  worms  made 
a  choice,  8  entered  the  critical  chamber  (P  <  .1),  while  in  the  other  two  tests  the 
distribution,  although  in  both  cases  the  greatest  number  of  worms  making  a  choice 
entered  the  critical  chamber,  gave  probabilities  >  .1. 

This  series  of  tests  indicates  that  the  population  of  worms  commensal  with  Dia- 
dora shows  under  these  experimental  conditions  a  rather  precise  response  speci- 
ficity. Unfortunately,  the  time  duration  of  this  experiment  precluded  our  going 
further  than  analyzing  the  response  to  an  array  of  available  hosts.  Certainly,  a 
longer  series  of  tests  should  be  made  against  Fusitriton  to  determine  whether  toward 
this  animal,  which  in  some  places  occupies  the  identical  environment  from  which  the 
host  Diadora  may  be  collected,  the  worms  show  a  constant  response. 


Since  the  initiation  of  the  study  of  the  specificity  of  response  of  polychaete  com- 
mensals in  the  summer  of  1949,  a  number  of  different  forms  have  been  investigated. 
It  has  been  our  continued  aim  to  try  to  correlate  this  response  specificity  with  the 
known  host  specificity  of  the  species  or  races.  In  our  effort  to  make  comparisons 
we  have  been  continually  faced  with  difficulties,  some  of  which  have  been  insur- 
mountable. Among  these  is  the  fact  that  it  is  extremely  difficult  to  collect  large 
enough  samples  of  worms  for  such  studies  in  those  most  interesting  species  which 
show  within  themselves  a  diversity  of  host  habit ;  in  most  such  species  the  worms 


will,  in  one  locality,  occur  commonly  on  one  host  but  very  rarely  on  others.  A  dif- 
ficulty encountered  in  making  comparisons  between  the  behavior  of  different  species 
has  been  that,  as  one  might  expect,  not  all  species  exhibit  the  same  sort  of  response, 
some  showing  as  individuals  a  marked  or  overt  response  to  factors  from  the  host 
coming  from  a  distance  and  others  merely  "accumulating"  on  or  near  the  host  after 
a  passage  of  time.  With  such  forms  as  the  latter  it  has  been  necessary  to  design 
special  techniques  quite  different  from  those  used  in  studies  on  the  former  to  discern 
whether  or  not  there  is  in  actuality  any  response  to  chemical  factors  coming  from 
the  host.  The  use  of  entirely  different  techniques  has  made  a  comparison  of  results 
difficult.  Some  differences  in  response  specificity  may  turn  out  to  be  more  apparent 
than  real  when  some  technique  has  been  developed  which  lends  itself  equally  well  to 
the  study  of  the  responses  of  forms  which  appear  to  differ  in  behavior.  Recently 
we  have  begun  an  analysis  of  the  behavior  of  individual  polychaete  commensals 
when  under  the  influence  of  host  factor,  using  apparatus  which  may  give  us  some 
truly  comparable  data  even  when  studying  animals  of  greatly  differing  activity  or 

However,  it  may  be  possible  at  this  time,  in  spite  of  the  above-mentioned  diffi- 
culties, to  make  some  brief  general  observations  on  response  specificity  in  commen- 
sal polychaetes. 

There  would  appear  to  be  different  categories  of  response  specificity.  There  is 
a  range  of  behavior,  from  the  sort  which  is  exhibited  by  species  or  populations  within 
species  that  respond  to  their  host  alone,  to  the  sort  in  which  the  commensals  appear 
to  have  no  chemical  discernment  and  respond,  at  least  under  experimental  condi- 
tions, to  many  non-host  animals.  Specificity  of  host  habit  is  by  no  means  an  indi- 
cation of  specificity  of  response  in  experimental  apparatus.  As  an  example  of  the 
first  category  which  exhibits  precise  response  we  have  Arctonoc  fragilis  and  its  be- 
havior in  relation  to  Erastcrias,  Orthasterias  and  Solaster.  But  there  are  also  spe- 
cies in  which  populations  from  one  host  may  give  a  similar  precise  response  to  some, 
but  not  necessarily  all,  alternate  hosts,  regardless  of  the  absence  of  any  taxonomic 
affinity  between  the  hosts  to  which  they  do  respond  (Hannothoc  lunulata  from  the 
brittle-star  Acrocnida  brachiata  vs.  its  host  and  the  alternate  eunicid  Lycidicc  ninetta 
—Davenport,  1953b).  Among  such  species  of  diverse  host  habit  there  may  be  a 
population  occurring  on  one  of  the  array  of  hosts  which  responds  to  its  host  alone, 
in  spite  of  the  fact  that  other  populations  of  the  same  species  respond  to  several  al- 
ternates (Hannothoc  lunulata  from  Lcptosynapta  inhacrens).  A  further  category 
consists  of  those  species  which  respond  with  the  same  intensity  to  the  known  alter- 
nate hosts  but  with  reduced  intensity  to  a  number  of  non-host  relatives  of  their  hosts 
(Acholoc  astcricola  from  Astropecten  irrcgitlaris  vs.  its  host  and  the  alternate  Litidia 
ciliaris,  as  well  as  non-host  stars — Davenport,  1953a).  Finally  we  have  a  category 
which,  though  somewhat  unexplainable,  can  be  demonstrated  to  exist  even  \vhen 
using  a  standard  technique.  In  some  facultative  commensals  there  appear  to  be 
populations  (Podarke  on  Patina)  which  show  a  precise  response  specificity  to  their 
host  alone  and  others  (Podarke  on  Litidia)  which  seem  unable  to  discern  the  differ- 
ence between  their  host  and  other  non-host  animals. 

It  is  therefore  quite  apparent  that  it  is  pressing  to  determine,  particularly  in 
forms  such  as  Podarke.  whether  responses  are  inherited  or  conditioned.  Although 
it  would  seem  difficult  to  imagine  a  mechanism  whereby  such  a  host  response  could 
be  conditioned  in  forms  such  as  Podarke,  the  early  stages  of  which  (in  the  labora- 


tory)  remain  in  the  plankton  for  some  30  days,  nevertheless  only  successful  breeding 
and  settling  experiments  will  give  us  the  answer. 


1 .  A  new  water-table  test  apparatus  for  the  investigation  of  commensal  response 
behavior  is  described. 

2.  Evidence  is  presented  that  the  two  populations  of  the  facultative  commensal 
Podarke  pmjcttcnsis  (  Polychaeta :  Hesionidae)  which  may  be  termed  "commensal" 
and  "free-living"  differ  markedly  in  their  response  to  host  animals,  the  commensal 
worms  showing  a  strong  tendency  to  respond  positively  to  the  host  and  the  free- 
living  worms  not  doing  so. 

3.  Commensals  with  the  starfish  Lnidia  in  Puget  Sound  appear  to  respond  with 
almost  equal  intensity  to  other  non-host  animals  (the  response  is  not  specific),  while 
commensals  of  the  star  Fatiria  in  Southern  California  show  a  more  precise  and  spe- 
cific response.     This  behavioral  difference  remains  unexplained. 

4.  The  behavior  of  three  populations  of  the  obligate  commensal  Arctonoc  fragilis 
(Polychaeta:  Polynoidae)  was  compared.     Evidence  is  presented  that  each  popula- 
tion (one  commensal  with  the  star  Evastcrias,  one  with  the  star  Orthastcrias  and 
one  with  the  star  Sohistcr)  shows  a  response  to  its  host  alone. 

5.  The  response  behavior  of  Arctonoc  rittata  (Polychaeta:  Polynoidae),  an  ob- 
ligate commensal  of  diverse  habit,  was  investigated  in  relation  to  a  number  of  its 
alternate  hosts. 


BARTEL,  A.  H.,  AND  D.  DAVENPORT,  1956.  A  technique  for  the  investigation  of  chemical  re- 
sponses in  aquatic  animals.  Brit.  J.  Aniin.  Bchav.,  4:  117-119. 

BERKELEY,  E.,  AND  C.  BERKELEY,  1948.  Canadian  Pacific  Fauna,  9.  Annelida.  9b(l)  Poly- 
chaeta Errantia.  Fisheries  Research  Board  of  Canada,  Toronto,  100  pp. 

DAVENPORT,  D.,  1950.  Studies  in  the  physiology  of  commensalism.  I.  The  polynoid  genus 
Arctonoe.  Biol.  Bull..  98:  81-93. 

DAVENPORT,  D.,  1953a.  Studies  in  the  physiology  of  commensalism.  III.  The  polynoid  genera 
Acholoe,  Gattyana  and  Lepidasthenia.  /.  Mar.  Biol.  Assoc..  32:  161-173. 

DAVENPORT,  D.,  1953b.  Studies  in  the  physiology  of  commensalism.  IV.  The  polynoid  genera 
Polynoe,  Lepidasthenia  and  Harmothoe.  /.  Mar.  Biol.  Assoc.  32  :  273-288. 

DAVENPORT,  D.,  1955.     Specificity  and  behavior  in  symbioses.     Quart.  Rev.  Biol.,  30:  29-46. 

DAVENPORT,  D.,  AND  J.  F.  HICKOK,  1951.  Studies  in  the  physiology  of  commensalism.  II.  The 
polynoid  genera  Arctonoe  and  Halosydna.  Biol.  Bull.,  100:  71-83. 

PETTIBONE,  MARION  H.,  1953.  Some  scale-bearing  polychaetes  of  Puget  Sound  and  adjacent 
waters.  Univ.  of  Wash.  Press,  Seattle,  89  pp. 

STEINBECK,  J.,  AND  E.  F.  RICKETTS,  1941.     Sea  of  Cortez.     The  Viking  Press,  N.  Y.,  598  pp. 




/'r/1/.  of  Zoolof/v.  ['nh'crsitv  of  California,  Berkeley,  California2 

It  has  been  well  established  that  certain  of  the  Nereidae  are  capable  of  surviving 
in  waters  of  low  salinity.  In  the  field  this  is  demonstrated  by  their  invasion  of 
brackish  and  even  fresh  waters  (Johnson,  1903;  Hartman,  1938;  Smith,  1950,  1953, 
1956),  and  has  also  been  suggested  in  the  experimental  work  of  some  investigators 
(Schlieper,  1929;  Nomura,  1930;  Jurgens,  1935;  Sayles,  1935;  Beadle,  1937;  Ellis, 
1937;  Topping  and  Fuller.  1942;  Krishnan,  1952;  Smith,  1955).  In  spite  of  the 
fact  that  many  physiological  studies  have  been  carried  out  on  various  nereids,  only 
a  few  morphological  descriptions  of  the  presumed  osmoregulatory  organ  of  these 
annelids,  the  nephridium,  are  to  be  found  in  the  literature. 

The  first  detailed  description  of  nephridial  morphology  was  made  by  Goodrich 
(1893)  on  ATcrcis  dircrsicolor.  He  found  three  sections  along  the  length  of  the 
nephridial  tubule,  each  grading  into  the  next.  The  sections  varied  in  respect  to  the 
presence  or  absence  of  cilia,  the  diameter  of  the  tubule  lumen,  and  the  extent  of 
convolution  of  the  tubule. 

Fage  (1906)  studied  Pcrincrcis  cultrijcra,  confining  his  work  to  living  material. 
He  also  found  areas  of  ciliation,  but  these  differed  from  those  observed  by  Goodrich 
in  X .  dirersicolor.  Much  later,  in  his  extensive  review  of  observations  of  nephridia 
and  genital  ducts,  Goodrich  ( 1945)  re-stated  his  earlier  findings  but  added  little  to 
them.  In  his  work  on  Lycastis  indica.  Nereis  chilkacnsis,  and  Perinereis  nitntia, 
Krishnan  (1952)  made  a  study  of  the  nephridia  of  each  species  and  compared  them 
with  respect  to  vascularization  and  size,  relative  to  body  size^ 

Because  of  the  paucity  of  adequate  morphological  studies  on  nereid  nephridia,  it 
was  felt  that  further  study  was  in  order,  to  provide  a  better  basis  for  physiological 
work,  and  for  later  studies  of  comparative  functional  morphology. 


Specimens  of  Nereis  t'e.rillosa  utilized  in  this  study  were  obtained  from  a  break- 
water at  the  Berkeley  Yacht  Harbor,  in  San  Francisco  Bay,  California.  Although 
no  salinity  determinations  were  made  at  this  time,  the  annual  salinity  range  for  this 
area  is  from  26.3  to  32.4/^r  (approximately  73  to  90%  sea  water),  according  to 
Sumner  ct  al.  ( 1914)  and  Miller  ct  al  ( 1928). 

The  worms  were  relaxed  by  gradual  addition  of  30%  ethyl  alcohol,  fixed  in 
Benin's  fixative  and  serially  sectioned  at  eight  micra.  They  were  then  stained  with 

1  Representing  a  portion  of  a  thesis  submitted  in  partial  satisfaction  for  the  degree  of  Master 
of  Arts  in  Zoology  at  the  University  of  California  at  Berkeley. 

-  Present  address :  United  States  Naval  Mine  Defense  Laboratory,   Panama  City,  Florida. 




Harris1  haematoxylin  and  counterstained  with  eosin  Y.     Other  fixatives  and  stains 
were  utilized,  but  these  gave  poor  results. 

In  order  to  obtain  a  graphic  representation  of  the  canal  as  it  passed  through  the 
nephridial  mass,  a  plaster-of-Paris  reconstruction  was  made.  Camera  lucida  draw- 
ings were  transferred  to  sheets  of  paraffin  of  proper  thickness,  and  as  the  replica  was 
built  up,  the  lumen  of  the  canal  was  hollowed  out.  Later,  the  canal  was  filled  with 
plaster,  and  the  surrounding  paraffin  was  melted  away. 


The  nephridia  of  Xcrcis  I'c.villosa  are  paired  organs  in  the  coelomic  cavity  of 
each  segment,  just  lateral  to  the  ventral  longitudinal  muscle  bundles,  near  the  base 
of  each  parapodium.  Within  the  broad  base  of  attachment  of  the  nephridium  to  the 
body  wall,  the  nephridial  canal  opens  to  the  exterior  by  way  of  the  nephridiopore 





FIGURE  1.     Schematic  diagram  of  a  nephridium  of  Nerds  :'c.rill/isa. 

(Figs.  1,  2,  6,  NPR).     The  internal  opening  of  the  nephridial  canal,  the  nephro- 

stome  (Figs.  1,  3,  5,  NST),  is  found  at  the  end  of  an  anterior  extension  of  the  canal 

(the  post-septal  canal,  Figs.  1,  3,  PSC)  which  leaves  the  mass  of  the  nephridium  and 

passes  anteriorly,  through  the  inter-segmental  septum  (Figs.  1,  3,  5.  SEP),  to  the 

next  segment. 

Externally,  the  nephridium  is  a  discrete  mass  of  tissue,  varying  from  globose  or 
pyriform  to  irregular  in  shape.  The  surface  may  be  ridged  to  some  extent,  because 
of  the  passage  of  the  nephridial  canal  close  to  the  surface.  In  mature  worms  of  from 
55  to  70  segments  (ca.  70  mm.  long  when  relaxed)  nephridia  were  approximately 
.250  micra  at  their  widest  and  about  the  same  dorso-ventrally.  They  measured 
nearly  200  micra  through  their  antero-posterior  axis,  exclusive  of  the  post-septal 
•canal  and  nephrostome  which,  in  themselves,  were  about  300  micra  in  length. 

In  section,  the  convoluted  nephridial  canal  is  seen  as  many  perforations  in  the 


nephridial  tissue  (Figs.  1,  2,  3,  4,  NC).  A  fairly  discrete  wall  often  lines  the  tubule, 
although,  usually,  the  boundaries  of  these  cells  are  difficult  to  resolve  (Fig.  4).  The 
surface  of  the  nephridium  is  covered  by  a  single,  very  thin  layer  of  squamous  co- 
elomic  epithelium  cells  (Fig.  2,  EPI).  It  is  well  to  point  out  that,  as  far  as  is 
known,  all  nereid  nephridia  have  this  general  configuration,  i.e.,  a  convoluted  canal 
in  the  nephridial  mass.  An  apparent  contradiction  to  this  fact  occurs  in  a  recent 
text  (Prosser  ct  a!.,  1950,  pp.  17-18)  where  it  is  stated  that  ".  .  .  the  nephridium 
of  AT.  cultrifcra  is  a  simple  sac."  This  is  justified  by  a  figure  modified  from  Jiirgens 
(1935)  which  had  been  redrawn  from  the  work  of  Fage  (1906).  Page's  original 
figure  was  a  surface  view  of  the  nephridium  of  Nereis  cultrifera,  and  in  subsequent 
copyings,  the  delicate  shadings  which  showed  surface  texture  were  lost,  and  the 
figure  evolved  to  that  of  an  optical  section  of  the  nephridium.  The  fate  of  the  figure 
notwithstanding,  Fage  (1906,  p.  338)  described  the  nephridium  as  a  "...  masse 
spongieuse,  perforce  en  tons  sens  par  un  grand  nombre  de  canaux" ;  therefore,  it  is 
certainly  not  a  simple  sac.  The  matrix  of  the  nephridium  is  a  highly  vacillated, 
syncitial,  network  of  loose  connective  tissue,  which  serves  to  bind  the  convolutions 
of  the  nephridial  canal. 

Xuclei  are  of  two  types,  a  smaller  kind,  rich  in  chromatic  material  (3  X  5  /A),  and 
a  larger,  clearer  kind  (5  X  10  /j.).  Nuclei  of  both  types  are  usually  found  in  or  near 
the  canal  walls,  and  only  occasionally  are  they  seen  isolated  in  the  matrix  tissue 
(Figs.  2.  3,  4). 

No  blood  vessels  have  been  noted  within  the  nephridial  mass,  and  in  only  two 
places  is  the  nephridial  system  approached  by  vascular  elements.  One  blood  vessel 
passes  over  the  anterior  face  of  the  nephridium  (Fig.  3,  BV)  and  another,  the  ven- 
tral segmental  vessel,  lies  along  the  post-septal  canal  (Figs.  3,  5,  VSV).  In  neither 
case  is  the  association  intimate,  and  there  is  little  opportunity  for  the  transfer  of 
materials  from  one  structure  to  the  other.  Although  neither  Goodrich  (1893)  nor 
Fage  (1906)  mentions  the  relationships  between  the  nephridium  and  the  vascular 
system,  Krishnan  (1952)  has  indicated  that  in  Lyeastis  indica,  Xercis  chilkacnsis, 
and  Perinereis  uuntia,  blood  vessels  are  found  in  close  association  with  nephridia. 
He  also  points  out  that  the  extent  of  nephridial  vascularization  is  inversely  related 
to  the  salinity  of  the  environment. 

Occasionally,  eosinophilic  granules  have  been  seen  in  the  tubule  walls  and  the 
matrix  tissue  (Fig.  4,  EG).  There  is  no  special  distribution  along  the  length  of  the 
canal,  and  no  special  accumulations  in  the  nephridial  mass.  Goodrich  (1893)  men- 
tioned minute  granules  in  the  cells  of  the  tubule  wall  in  N.  divcrsicolor  and  con- 
sidered these  to  be  composed  of  excretory  materials.  Fage  (1906)  observed  that 
with  the  addition  of  neutral  red  to  the  sea  water  bathing  the  freshly-dissected  ne- 
phridia of  Perinereis  cultrifcra,  granules  were  formed  which  were  similar  to  those 
which  were  observed  in  untreated  nephridia,  and  which  Fage  terms,  excretory  gran- 
ules (grains  d'excretion). 

The  post-septal  canal  (Fig.  3,  PSC)  is  produced  anteriorly  as  an  extension  of 
the  nephridial  canal,  and  is  covered  by  the  same  thin  squamous  layer  which  invests 
the  nephridium.  Nuclei  are  uniformly  scattered  along  its  length  and  are  concen- 
trated in  a  band  at  the  level  of  the  septum  (Fig.  5,  NB).  Anterior  to  the  septum, 
the  post-septal  canal  enlarges  and  gives  rise  to  the  funnel-shaped  nephrostome. 
The  lateral  margin  of  the  nephrostome  is  slightly  recurved,  and  around  the  entire 
rim,  there  are  numerous  cytoplasmic  processes  (Fig.  5,  CP). 





50  MICRA 

FIGS.  2-7. 


At  the  terminal  end  of  the  nephridial  canal,  the  wall  of  the  lumen  thins  and  be- 
comes continuous  with  the  invaginated  cuticle  of  the  outer  surface  to  form  the  ne- 
phridiopore  (Fig.  6,  NPR).  In  this  respect,  the  structure  of  this  area  differs  from 
that  of  N.  dii'crsicolor  and  A',  clullcacnsis,  for  Goodrich  (1893)  states  that  in  N. 
dii'crsicolor  the  wall  of  the  tube  pierces  the  epidermis,  and  Krishnan  (1952)  presents 
a  figure  showing  the  same  condition  in  N.  cltilkacnsis. 

By  means  of  camera  lucida  drawings,  the  entire  course  of  the  convolutions  of  the 
nephridial  canal  was  followed  from  the  nephrostome  to  the  nephridiopore.  It  was 
then  possible  to  ascertain  the  extent  of  ciliation  within  the  lumen  of  the  canal  (Fig. 
4,  CIL).  It  was  seen  that  the  ciliation  of  the  nephrostome  is  extremely  heavy,  and 
forms  a  tightly  wound  swirl  in  the  throat  of  the  nephrostome  (Fig.  5.  CM).  The 
heavy  ciliation  is  maintained  throughout  the  rest  of  the  post-septal  canal,  and  gives 
a  characteristic  "star"  or  "wagon  wheel"  aspect  to  transverse  sections  of  this  struc- 
ture. The  ciliation  of  the  portion  of  the  canal  included  within  the  nephridial  mass 
is  constant,  but  not  uniform.  No  obvious  areas  of  heavy  or  sparse  ciliation,  such 
as  were  noted  by  Goodrich  (1893)  in  N.  dii'crsicolor,  have  been  observed  here,  and 
in  general,  the  midportion  is  only  slightly  more  heavily  ciliated  than  either  end.  In 
the  region  of  the  nephridiopore  (Fig.  6),  the  canal  is  devoid  of  cilia  for  about  the 
last  40  micra  of  its  length.  It  has  also  been  noted  that  in  Ar.  z'c.villosa  the  cilia  are 
never  attached  on  only  one  side  of  the  lumen  as  Goodrich  reported  in  N.  dircrsi- 
color.  In  addition,  no  tufts  of  cilia,  such  as  Fage  ( 1906)  has  described  in  the  ne- 
phridial canal  of  Pcrincrcis  cultrifcra,  have  been  seen  here. 

The  plaster  reconstruction  (Fig.  7)  shows  that  after  the  post-septal  canal  joins 
the  nephridial  mass,  the  canal  is  thrown  into  fairly  tight,  somewhat  spiraled  convo- 
lutions ( I,  Fig.  7).  It  then  winds  back  and  forth  along  the  medial  surface,  roughly 
parallel  to  the  antero-posterior  axis  (II,  Fig.  7).  Next,  it  passes  to  the  mid-lateral 
portion  of  the  mass  and  is  once  more  tightly  convoluted  (III,  Fig.  7).  This  condi- 
tion gives  way  to  a  relatively  straight  length  which  terminates  at  the  nephridiopore 
(Fig.  7,  NPR). 

In  addition  to  affording  a  three-dimensional  view  of  the  path  of  the  canal  through 

Key  to  lettering:  BV,  blood  vessel;  CIL,  cilia;  CM,  mass  of  cilia;  EG,  eosinophilic  gran- 
ules; EPI,  coelomic  epithelium;  NB,  band  of  nuclei  of  nephrostome;  NC,  nephridial  canal:  NPR, 
nephridiopore;  NST,  nephrostome;  CP,  cytoplasmic  processes  of  nephrostome;  PSC,  post-septal 
canal;  SEP,  intersegmental  septum;  VSV,  ventral  segmental  blood  vessel;  I,  II,  III,  first,  sec- 
ond, and  third  regions  of  the  nephridial  canal,  respectively. 

FIGURE  2.  General  view  of  a  nephridium,  transverse  section  (8  /*,  Harris'  haematoxylin 
and  eosin  ;  the  cavity  extending  internally  from  the  area  of  the  nephridiopore,  NPR,  is  a  longi- 
tudinal fold  of  the  body  wall ;  the  ventral  nerve  cord  is  to  the  left  of  the  figure  and  the  para- 
podium  is  to  the  lower  right). 

FIGURE  3.  View  of  nephridium  and  its  associated  nephrostome,  frontal  section  (8  n,  Harris' 
haematoxylin  and  eosin  ) . 

FIGURE  4.     Detailed  view  of  nephridial  tissue  (8  /JL,  Harris'  haematoxylin  and  eosin). 

FIGURE  5.     Detailed  view  of  the  nephrostome  of  Figure  3. 

FIGURE  6.  Detailed  view  of  the  nephridiopore,  transverse  section  ( 8  /j.,  Harris'  haema- 
toxylin and  eosin  ;  the  large  cavity  extending  toward  the  upper  left  of  the  figure  is  a  longitudinal 
fold  of  the  body  wall ). 

FIGURE  7.  Plaster  reconstruction  of  the  nephridial  canal,  view  of  the  anterior  face.  (The 
consecutive  numbers  indicate  the  course  cf  the  canal;  section  I,  1-18;  section  II,  19-30-  section 
III,  31-55.) 


the  nephridium,  the  reconstruction  shows  three  regions  which  merge  gradually  into 
one  another.  After  the  narrow  post-septal  canal  joins  the  nephridium,  the  canal  he- 
comes  slightly  enlarged  through  the  first  region  of  convolution  (I,  Fig.  7).  The 
canal  is  then  further  enlarged  to  its  maximal  diameter  as  it  passes  to  the  medial  sur- 
face (II,  Fig.  7).  It  becomes  narrowed  in  the  second  series  of  tight  convolutions 
(III,  Fig.  7),  and  it  is  at  its  minimal  diameter  as  it  passes  to  the  nephridiopore. 
This  condition  is  reflected  to  some  extent  in  Figure  8,  which  is  a  graph  of  the  inner 
diameter  along  the  length  of  the  canal  (a  measurement  of  the  outer  diameter,  which 
would  show  the  thickness  of  the  canal  wall,  was  not  possible,  due  to  the  poor  defi- 
nition of  the  cells  of  the  wall).  It  is  of  interest  to  mention  the  regions  of  the  tubule 
within  the  nephridium,  as  determined  by  Goodrich  and  Krishnan,  although  such 
differences  may  well  be  due  to  observations  of  different  species.  In  N.  dh'crsicolor, 
Goodrich  (1893)  found  a  much  convoluted  portion  with  few  cilia,  into  which  the 
post-septal  canal  led.  The  next  region  was  very  narrow,  and  the  cilia  here  were 
confined  to  one  side  of  the  canal.  The  last  section  was  short,  less  convoluted,  mod- 
erately wide,  and  without  cilia.  In  N.  chilkaensis,  Krishnan  (1952)  found  that  the 
first  portion  of  the  canal,  as  it  enters  the  nephridium,  is  convoluted  and  ciliated. 
The  next  portion  is  wider,  without  cilia,  and  longer  than  the  preceding  section. 


FIGURE  8.  Graphic  representation  of  the  inner  diameter  of  that  part  of  the  nephridial  canal 
within  the  nephridial  mass  (reconstructed  by  measuring  the  shortest  diameter  of  elliptical  sec- 
tions of  the  nephridial  canal). 

This  latter  portion  gives  way  to  a  canal  which  leaves  the  body  of  the  nephridium 
and  terminates  at  the  nephridiopore. 

The  mean  diameter  of  the  nephridial  canal  upon  which  the  reconstruction  (Fig. 
7)  and  the  graph  (Fig.  8)  were  based,  was  24  /*,  and  the  over-all  length  of  the  canal 
within  the  nephridial  mass  (not  including  the  nephrostome  or  the  post-septal  canal) 
was  approximately  1.7  mm. 

The  author  wishes  to  acknowledge  advice,  criticisms,  and  suggestions  from  Dr. 
Ralph  I.  Smith  and  Dr.  Kenneth  B.  DeOme  of  this  Department,  and  from  Dr.  Wil- 
lard  D.  Hartman,  of  the  Peabody  Museum,  Yale  University. 


1.  The  morphology  of  the  nephridia  of  Nereis  vexillosa  Grube  is  described. 

2.  Comparisons  are  made  with  the  morphology  of  the  nephridia  of  certain  other 
nereids  and  differences  are  noted.     Chief  among  these  are,  in  N.  vc.rillosa: 

a.  that  ciliation  extends  along  the  whole  length  of  the  nephridial  canal,  with  the 
exception  of  a  short  region  just  preceding  the  nephridiopore; 


b.  that  three  general  regions  of  the  nephridial  canal  are  noted,  on  the  basis  of  the 
diameter  and  the  amount  of  convolution ; 

c.  that  the  wall  of  the  nephridiopore  appears  to  be  inserted  on  the  invaginated 
surface  cuticle. 

3.  A  reconstruction  of  the  nephridial  canal  is  presented  in  which  the  course  of 
the  canal  is  readily  seen. 


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HARTMAN,  O.,  1938.  Brackish  and  fresh-water  Nereidae  from  the  northeast  Pacific,  with  the 
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KRISHNAN,  G.,  1952.  On  the  nephridia  of  Nereidae  in  relation  to  habitat.  Proc.  Nat.  Inst.  Sci. 
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NOMURA,  S.,  1930.  A  note  on  the  physico-chemical  conditions  of  the  habitat  of  Nereis  japonica, 
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C.  T.  FRIZ 

Departments  of  Anatomy,  University  of  Minnesota,  Minneapolis  14,  Minnesota;   Western 
Reserve  University,  Cleveland,  Ohio;  and  the  Marine  Biological  Laboratory, 

Woods  Hole,  Mass. 

We  have  undertaken  a  detailed  characterization  of  the  metabolism  of  islet  tissue 
because  we  believe  that  these  studies  may  provide  the  basis  for  understanding  the 
factors  which  control  insulin  synthesis  and  the  mechanism  by  which  alloxan  and 
other  toxic  agents  selectively  kill  the  insulin-producing  cells  (Lazarow,  1949).  In 
approaching  this  problem  we  have  found  it  convenient  to  use  the  toadfish  as  an  ex- 
perimental animal.  Whereas  in  mammals  the  islet  tissue  is  distributed  throughout 
the  pancreas  in  a  million  or  more  individual  islets  of  Langerhans  totaling  only  1% 
of  the  pancreatic  mass,  in  the  toadfish  the  islet  cells  are  segregated  into  one  or  more 
discrete  bodies  which  are  located  in  the  mesentery  and  which  are  called  the  principal 
islets  (Diamare,  1899;  Rennie,  1905).  The  pancreatic  acinar  tissue  in  the  toadfish 
does  not  form  a  definite  organ  ;  rather,  it  is  diffusely  scattered  throughout  the  mesen- 
tery, along  the  bile  ducts,  and  within  the  liver. 

In  a  previous  study  (Lazarow  and  Cooperstein,  1951)  we  have  measured  the 
activity  of  certain  specific  enzymes  (cytochrome  oxidase  and  succinic  dehydroge- 
nase)  in  normal  toadfish  islet  tissue  homogenates.  However,  in  order  to  character- 
ize the  over-all  metabolic  pathways  in  islet  tissue,  it  is  important  to  measure  the 
endogenous  oxygen  uptake  as  well  as  that  following  the  addition  of  specific  exoge- 
nous substrates.  We  have  therefore  studied  the  endogenous  respiration  of  islet 
tissue  slices  and  in  the  present  paper  we  are  reporting  the  effect  of  varying  pH, 
tonicity,  electrolyte  composition,  and  other  factors.  By  means  of  these  studies  we 
have  been  able  to  define  the  conditions  under  which  maximal  respiration  of  the  islet 
tissue  slices  occurs.  This  should  provide  a  base-line  for  subsequent  work,  which 
will  include  a  study  of  (a)  the  effect  of  various  substrates  known  to  play  a  role  in 
intermediary  metabolism,  (b)  the  effect  of  various  inhibitors  and,  (c)  the  effect  of 
hormones  and  other  agents  which  influence  the  blood  sugar  level  and/or  insulin 


Mature  toadfish,  Opsanits  tan,  weighing  200  to  600  gm.  were  used.  During  the 
summer  months  the  animals  were  kept  in  a  running  sea  water  tank,  and  they  were 

1  Aided  by  a  grant  from  the  National  Science  Foundation  (G-1928)  and  from  the  National 
Institute  for  Arthritis  and  Metabolic  Diseases  of  the  U.  S.  Public  Health  Service  (#A-720). 



killed  within  several  weeks  of  the  time  that  they  were  caught.  During  the  fall  and 
winter  months  the  toad  fish  were  kept  in  a  live  car  for  varying  periods  of  time 
(.1-6  months)  after  which  they  were  shipped  inland  by  air  express  from  the  Marine 
Biological  Laboratory,  Woods  Hole,  Massachusetts.  The  fish  were  stored  for  pe- 
riods up  to  one  week  in  an  aerated  sea  water  tank  (30-gallon  crock).  The  tem- 
perature of  the  sea  water  was  maintained  below  20°  C.  by  circulating  cold  water 
through  the  inside  of  submerged  lead  coils. 

The  cartesian  divers  used  were  of  the  cylindrical  type  without  a  bulb  and  they 
were  silicone-treated  prior  to  use.  Before  the  fish  were  killed,  the  divers  were  filled 
with  the  various  liquid  media  to  be  studied ;  they  were  completely  filled  except  for  a 
1-2  mm.  air  bubble  at  the  very  bottom  of  the  diver.  The  divers  were  then  cooled  to 
0°  C.  by  placing  them  in  a  cooling  block.  During  the  intervals  between  manipulative 
procedures,  the  divers  were  stored  in  this  cold  block.  After  the  toadfish  were 
decapitated,  the  islets  were  dissected  from  the  mesentery  and  placed  on  a  piece  of 
Parafilm.  The  connective  tissue  capsule  surrounding  the  islet  was  removed.  A 
petri  dish  cover,  containing  a  piece  of  wet  filter  paper,  was  placed  over  the  tissue; 
this  served  as  a  moist  chamber.  The  razor  blade  used  for  cutting  the  islet  slices  was 
previously  cleaned  with  sodium  hydroxide  (to  remove  all  traces  of  oil),  thoroughly 
rinsed  in  tap  water,  and  finally  washed  in  distilled  water.  In  general  the  islet  ob- 
tained from  one  toadfish  was  used  for  each  day's  experiment ;  it  was  cut  into  eight 
pieces,  each  weighing  approximately  0.1  to  0.2  mg.  wet  weight.  A  slice  of  islet 
tissue  was  then  placed  at  the  lower  air-liquid  meniscus  in  each  of  eight  divers  with 
the  aid  of  a  fine  stainless  steel  needle.  Most  of  the  liquid  medium  was  then  re- 
moved from  the  diver  using  a  micro  pipette ;  however,  a  cylindrical  segment  of 
medium,  about  1  mm.  in  length,  was  left  behind  to  form  the  tissue  seal  containing 
the  islet  slice.  With  the  aid  of  the  cartesian  diver  filler  (Lazarow,  1950),  the  neck 
seals  of  sodium  hydroxide,  oil  and  flotation  medium  were  successively  placed,  in 
the  stated  order,  above  the  tissue  sample.  The  divers  were  then  transferred  to  a 
thermostatically  controlled  water  bath  maintained  at  25°  C.  ±  0.01°  C.  The  pres- 
sure was  measured  using  a  Wallace  Tiernan  gauge  (Belleville,  New  Jersey)  which 
was  initially  suggested  and  used  by  Claff  (personal  communication,  1948).  This 
gauge  was  calibrated  in  millimeters  of  Brodie's  solution.  A  compensating  device 
(Lazarow  and  Bloomfield,  unpublished)  connected  to  the  outer  chamber  of  the 
gauge  was  used  to  minimize  the  effect  of  changes  in  barometric  pressure.  An  ini- 
tial reading  was  taken  after  a  20-minute  equilibration  period.  Subsequent  readings 
were  taken  at  20-minute  intervals  during  the  next  hour.  Thermobar  divers  usually 
showed  a  pressure  change  of  less  than  4  mm.  per  hour,  whereas  experimental  divers 
showed  a  change  up  to  100  mm.  per  hour.  At  the  end  of  the  experiment  the  divers 
were  removed  from  the  water  bath  and  the  sodium  hydroxide,  oil  and  flotation 
medium  seals  were  removed.  The  tissue  slice  plus  the  tissue  seal  were  transferred 
from  the  diver  to  a  smaller  model  of  the  conical-tipped  micro  homogenizer  (Lazarow 
and  Portis,  1951),  using  a  capillary  pipette.  The  tissue  was  homogenized  in  100 
/A!,  of  water  and  three  25-/xl.  aliquots  were  removed  for  protein  estimation.  The 
protein  was  determined  by  a  modification  of  the  method  of  Lowry,  Rosenbrough, 
Farr  and  Randall  (1951).  Twenty-five  /*!.  of  the  sample  were  mixed  with  250  /*!. 
of  the  protein  reagent;  the  mixture  was  allowed  to  stand  at  45°  C.  for  ten  minutes 
and,  at  the  end  of  this  time,  25  /xl.  of  the  diluted  phenol  reagent  were  added.  The 
absorption  was  read  after  15  minutes  at  room  temperature  in  the  Beckman  spectro- 



photometer  at  700  m/x.  The  amount  of  protein  in  the  sample  was  determined  by 
comparing  the  extinction  with  that  obtained  using  a  standard  serum  albumin  solu- 
tion. The  metabolic  activity  was  expressed  as  millimicroliters  (m/xl.)  of  oxygen 
taken  up  per  microgram  of  protein  per  hour. 


At  the  time  this  study  was  begun  the  osmotic  pressure  of  toadfish  blood  (sample 
obtained  from  the  gill)  had  been  determined  and  found  to  be  equivalent  to 
0.19  M  NaCl  (Green,  personal  communication).  In  the  first  group  of  ex- 


Effect  of  phosphate  buffer  on  islet  tissue  respiration 

m/il.  Oz/Vg.  protein/hr.  in 

m^l.  Oa/Mg-  protein/hr.  in  saline 


(0.19  M  NaCl) 

(0.033  M  Na2HPO<-KH2PO«, 

pH  7.4  +  0.144  M  NaCl) 
























































•  — 








.  — 




.  —  . 




.  — 






















•  — 














(deviations  from  mean)2 



/      2  2 

**  Calculated  from  the  formula  \/—  +  —  • 

\Ni       N2 

|  Each  series  taken  as  one  figure. 

periments  shown  in  Table  I,  the  respiration  of  islet  tissue  in  0.19  M  NaCl 
was  compared  with  that  observed  in  a  saline-phosphate  buffer  mixture  (con- 
taining 0.144  M  saline  and  0.033  M  Na2HPO4-KH2PO4  buffer,  pH  7.4).  In 
three  series  of  experiments  the  oxygen  uptake  of  islet  tissue  in  the  saline-phosphate 
mixture  was  43  to  153%  greater  than  that  observed  in  0.19  M  saline.  The  p  values 
indicated  that  the  differences  were  all  highly  significant.  Table  I  also  shows  that 
in  a  group  of  1 1  experiments  in  which  the  saline-phosphate  mixture  was  used,  there 
was  excellent  reproducibility  in  the  average  oxygen  uptake  for  the  individual  series. 
On  the  other  hand,  in  the  three  series  of  experiments  in  which  0.19  M  NaCl  was 



OXYGEN       2.0 
m>j*  02  PER 






0.2          0.4          0.6          0.8  1.0 

WIDTH    OF   TISSUE    SEAL  (mm) 


FIGURE  1.  Effect  of  cartesian  diver  tissue  seal  width  on  the  respiration  of  islet  slices  sus- 
pended in  0.19  M  NaCl.  All  of  the  points  on  the  graph  in  which  the  tissue  seal  width  was  0.8 
mm.  or  less  represent  an  average  of  19  or  more  individual  determinations ;  the  other  points  repre- 
sent the  average  of  5  to  13  individual  determinations. 

used,  the  reproducibility  was  not  as  good  as  that  observed  in  the  saline-phosphate 
mixture.  A  possible  explanation  of  this  is  shown  in  Figure  1.  The  volume  of  the 
tissue  seal  varied  considerably  from  experiment  to  experiment  and  in  Figure  1  the 
oxygen  uptake  of  islet  slices  in  0.19  M  saline  was  plotted  against  the  volume  of  tissue 
seal  in  the  diver,  i.e.,  the  volume  of  fluid  medium  surrounding  the  tissue  slice.  The 
metabolic  activity  of  the  islet  slices  in  0.19  M  saline  decreased  as  the  volume  of  the 
tissue  seal  increased.  Moreover,  this  did  not  occur  when  phosphate  was  used ; 
therefore,  this  greater  metabolic  variability  in  saline  may  be  the  result  of  variable 
dilution  of  the  phosphate  extracted  from  the  tissue.  Since  phosphate  addition  stim- 
ulated the  respiration  of  islet,  one  would  expect  that  the  oxygen  uptake  would  be 
greater  in  the  divers  with  small  tissue  seals. 

The  oxygen  uptake  of  the  islet  tissue  slices,  when  expressed  as  m/A.  of  oxygen  per 


Effect  of  different  proportions  of  Na+  to  K+  on  islet  tissue  respiration.     All  media  contained  0.033  M 

phosphate  buffer  pH  7.4  +  0.144  M  NaCl  or  KCl.     The  proportions  of  Na+  to 

K+  were  changed  by  varying  the  buffer  and  saline  cations 

Ratio  Na+/K+ 
in  medium 


m^l.  O2/Mg.  protein/hr. 






*  Saline-PO4  mixture  as  described  in  Table  I. 




Effect  of  different  proportions  of  Na+  to  K+  on  islet  tissue  respiration.     All  media  contained  0.033  M 

phosphate  buffer  pH  7.4  +  0.144  M  NaCl  or  KCl.     The  proportions  of  Na+  to 

K+  were  changed  by  varying  the  buffer  and  saline  cations 

Ratio  Na+/K+ 



in  medium 


m^l.  O2/Mg-  protein/hr. 













/xg.  of  tissue  protein,  appears  to  be  independent  of  the  size  of  islet  tissue  slice 

Since  the  stimulation  observed  in  the  saline-phosphate  buffer  medium  could  be 
due  either  to  (a)  the  addition  of  potassium  ion  (contained  in  the  buffer),  (b)  buf- 
fering action,  or  (c)  a  specific  phosphate  ion  effect,  experiments  were  carried  out 
in  order  to  determine  which  factor  was  responsible. 

The  effect  of  varying  the  potassium  and  sodium  ion  concentrations  of  the  medium 
is  shown  in  Tables  II  and  III.  In  the  usual  saline-phosphate  buffer  medium  there 
are  three  and  one  half  parts  of  potassium  to  ninety-six  and  one  half  parts  of  sodium. 
When  an  all-sodium  phosphate  buffer  was  used  (prepared  by  mixing  sodium  mono- 
basic and  sodium  dibasic  phosphates),  there  was  no  change  in  metabolic  activity  of 
the  islet  slices.  When  higher  potassium  ion  concentrations  were  used  (Table  III), 
the  activity  was  about  20%  higher  than  that  observed  with  an  all-sodium  medium. 
However,  analysis  of  these  results  showed  that  this  difference  was  not  statistically 
significant.  Since  the  addition  of  phosphate  buffer  increased  the  metabolic  ac- 
tivity of  islet  slices  by  43  to  153%,  it  may  be  concluded  that  this  stimulation  is  not 
due  to  the  addition  of  the  potassium  ion  contained  in  the  buffer. 

The  effect  of  pH.  Various  saline-phosphate-buffer  mixtures  were  prepared  in 
which  the  pH  of  the  phosphate  buffer  was  varied.  Table  IV  shows  that  there  were 
no  significant  differences  in  the  metabolic  activity  of  islet  slices  when  the  pH  was 
varied  from  6.2  to  8.0;  the  p  values  were  all  greater  than  0.3.  This  finding  is  in 
keeping  with  the  studies  previously  reported  by  other  investigators  (Elliott  and 
Birmingham,  1949)  who  suggest  that  the  internal  pH  of  tissue  slices  is  maintained 
fairly  constant  over  a  wide  range  of  external  pH.  This  finding  therefore  suggests 
that  the  stimulatory  effect  observed  with  phosphate  buffer  addition  (Table  I)  was 


Effect  of  pH  on  islet  tissue  slice  respiration.     In  all  cases  the  medium  consisted  of 
0.144  M  NaCl  +  0.033  M  NasHPOi-KHsPO*  buffer 

pH  of  medium 

No.  of 

mftl.  OS/MS-  protein/hr. 




















due  to  a  specific  phosphate  ion  effect  rather  than  to  the  ability  of  the  phosphate 
buffer  to  maintain  the  pH  of  the  medium. 

The  effect  of  buffer  type.  The  metabolic  activity  of  islet  slices  was  studied  in 
phosphate,  tris  (trishydroxyaminomethane),  and  veronal  buffers  at  pH  7.4  and  the 
results  are  shown  in  Table  V.  The  highest  metabolic  activity  was  observed  with 
phosphate  buffer.  With  an  equimolar  concentration  of  tris  buffer,  the  oxygen  up- 
take was  lower  than  with  phosphate  buffer  (p  value  <  .001),  but  it  was  of  the  same 
order  of  magnitude  as  with  0.19  M  saline  (Table  I).  With  veronal  buffer  the  me- 
tabolic activity  was  86%  lower  than  with  phosphate  and  much  lower  than  with  0.19 
M  saline.  Thus  veronal  buffer  inhibits  the  metabolic  activity  of  islet  slices.  Since 
in  the  presence  of  0.033  M  tris  plus  0.033  M  phosphate  buffer  the  (X  uptake  was 
the  same  as  in  phosphate,  the  low  activity  in  tris  buffer  was  not  due  to  inhibition, 
but  rather  to  the  absence  of  phosphate. 

The  effect  of  phosphate  concentration.  A  large  series  of  experiments  were  car- 
ried out  in  which  varying  concentrations  of  the  Na2HPO4-KH2PO4  buffer  (pH  7.4) 


Effect  of  buffer  type  on  islet  tissue  slice  respiration.  In  all  cases  the  medium  contained  0.033  M 
buffer,  pH  7.4;  the  medium  containing  both  tris  and  phosphate  buffer  was  0.033  M  with  respect  to 
each.  Enough  NaCl  was  added  to  each  medium  to  maintain  a  tonicity  equivalent  to  0.19  M  NaCl 

Series  I 

Series  II 

Buffer  in  medium 




•    Aver. 


m/ul. Ot/pg. 



mn\. O*/fi.g. 



























Tris  Na2HPO4-KH2PO4 







were  added  and  the  tonicity  of  the  medium  was  maintained  equivalent  to  0.19  M 
NaCl  by  adjusting  the  NaCl  concentration.  These  results  are  shown  in  Figure  2. 
There  was  a  progressive  increase  in  the  oxygen  uptake  as  the  phosphate  ion  con- 
centration was  increased.  Maximal  stimulation  of  metabolic  activity  was  observed 
at  a  phosphate  ion  concentration  of  0.066  M.  The  stimulation  observed  in  the 
presence  of  0.066  M  phosphate  was  highly  significant.  A  comparison  of  the  ac- 
tivity in  0.066  M  phosphate  with  that  observed  in  the  absence  of  phosphate,  or  in 
the  presence  of  0.002  M  or  0.008  M  phosphate,  gave  a  />  value  <  0.001.  The  dif- 
ference between  0.066  M  and  0.033  M  phosphate  is  also  probably  significant  (/> 
value  =  0.057).  At  a  phosphate  ion  concentration  greater  than  0.066  M  there  was 
no  further  stimulation;  in  fact  the  value  at  0.136  M  is  actually  5%  lower  than  at 
0.066M.2  This  difference,  however,  is  not  significant  (p  -  0.6). 

-  Later  studies  on  the  effect  of  tonicity  showed  that  at  the  high  concentrations  of  phos- 
phate one  would  have  expected  a  large  decrease  in  metabolic  activity  due  to  the  increasing  tonicity 
of  the  medium.  In  the  presence  of  0.136  M  phosphate,  this  decrease  should  have  been  much 
larger  than  the  5%  actually  observed.  The  fact  that  a  decrease  of  only  5%  was  observed  using 
0.136  M  phosphate  suggests  that  the  higher  concentration  of  phosphate  is  effectively  stimulating 
the  metabolic  activity  but  that  this  stimulation  is  masked  by  inhibitory  effects  of  increasing 



The  effect  of  tonicity.  In  order  to  study  the  effect  of  tonicity,  the  oxygen  up- 
take of  islet  slices  was  measured  in  media  of  varying  salt  concentrations.  However, 
since  the  phosphate  buffer  concentration  that  gives  maximal  stimulation  (0.066  M) 
has  a  tonicity  equivalent  to  0.093  M  NaCl,  it  was  necessary  to  reduce  the  phosphate 
ion  to  a  suboptimal  value  if  lower  tonicities  were  to  be  used.  Therefore  additional 

OXYGEN      4.0 
m/j  I  02  PER 





.02          .04 

.06          .08  .10  .12 



FIGURE  2.  Effect  of  phosphate  ion  concentration  on  the  respiration  of  toadfish  islet  slices. 
The  tonicity  of  the  medium  was  maintained  equivalent  to  that  of  0.19  M  NaCl;  pH  =  7.4. 
Each  of  the  points  represents  the  average  of  32  to  161  individual  determinations. 

studies  were  carried  out  with  lower  phosphate  concentrations.  Where  necessary 
the  tonicity  was  adjusted  by  adding  NaCl.  Table  VI  shows  that  the  oxygen  uptake 
increased  with  decreasing  tonicity.  When  the  tonicity  of  the  medium  was  equivalent 
to  0.093  M  NaCl,  the  metabolic  activity  of  islet  slices  was  60%  greater  (p  =  0.006) 

tonicity.     Thus  the  appearance  of  a  maximum  at  a  phosphate  concentration  of  0.066  M  may  be 
more  apparent  than  real. 



than  that  observed  when  the  tonicity  was  equivalent  to  0.19  M  NaCl.  When  the 
tonicity  was  decreased  further,  the  oxygen  uptake  diminished.  Furthermore  it 
should  be  noted  that  at  a  tonicity  equivalent  to  0.093  M  NaCl,  a  progressive  decrease 
in  the  phosphate  ion  concentration  from  0.066  to  0.033  to  0.017  M  gave  a  slight  but 
progressive  decrease  in  metabolic  activity  of  the  islet  slices.  This  decrease  is  of  the 
order  of  magnitude  that  would  be  expected  from  the  phosphate  curve  (Fig.  2). 

In  order  to  explore  more  fully  the  effect  of  the  tonicity  of  the  medium,  a  series 
of  experiments  were  carried  out  in  which  the  phosphate  ion  concentration  was  main- 
tained at  0.033  M  (a.  slightly  sub-optimal  phosphate  level)  and  in  which  the  tonicity 
was  varied  between  a  sodium  chloride  equivalent  of  0.048  M  and  0.50  M.  The  re- 
sults are  shown  in  Figure  3.  The  maximum  activity  was  observed  at  a  tonicity 
equivalent  to  0.075  M  NaCl.  At  higher  or  lower  tonicities  the  oxygen  uptake  was 
less  than  this  optimal  value.  On  statistical  analysis  the  differences  between  the 
oxygen  uptake  at  a  tonicity  equivalent  to  0.075  M  NaCl  and  those  at  the  following 


Effect  of  varying  tonicity  on  islet  tissue  slice  respiration  in  phosphate  buffer.     The  media  contained 

varying  concentrations  of  Na^HPO^KH^POt  buffer,  pH  7.4;  the  proper  tonicity 

•was  attained  by  adding  the  appropriate  concentration  of  NaCl 





of  medium 
NaCl  con- 













































tonicities  were  found  to  be  significant:  0.047  M  (p  =  0.036),  0.147  M  (p  =  0.036), 
0.190  M  (p  =  0.03).  Although  the  differences  between  the  oxygen  uptake  at 
0.075  M  and  those  at  the  other  tonicity  values  were  not  significant  on  statistical 
analysis,  these  values  nevertheless  fall  into  a  smooth  curve  (Fig.  3).  Although  a 
more  precise  localization  of  the  maximum  could  be  determined  if  a  larger  number  of 
studies  were  carried  out,  there  is  little  doubt  that  maximum  stimulation  occurs  at  or 
near  a  tonicity  equivalent  to  0.075  M  NaCl. 

Since  0.066  M  phosphate  buffer  has  a  tonicity  equivalent  to  0.093  M  NaCl,  it  is 
obvious  that  one  cannot  simultaneously  achieve  the  conditions  for  both  optimal  phos- 
phate and  optimal  tonicity.  In  order  to  achieve  the  most  effective  compromise,  we 
have  compared  the  respiration  of  islet  tissue  slices  at  pH  7.4  and  at  optimal  phos- 
phate sub-optimal  tonicity  (0.066  M  Na2HPO4-KH2PO4  buffer,  tonicity  equivalent 
to  0.093  M  NaCl)  with  that  obtained  at  sub-optimal  phosphate-optimal  tonicity 
(0.054  M  Na2HPO4-KH2PO4  buffer,  tonicity  equivalent  to  0.075  M  NaCl).  The 
oxygen  uptake  in  0.054  M  phosphate  buffer  was  3.54  m/xl.  per  /xg.  protein  per  hour : 



OXYGEN        5.0 
nryj  I  02  PER 







I I 

I I 



.10  .15 

OF    NaOf  IN  MAO 


FIGURE  3.  Effect  of  tonicity  of  the  medium  on  the  respiration  of  islet  slices  suspended  in 
0.033  M  Na,HPO4— KH2PO4  buffer,  pH  7.4.  Each  of  the  points  represents  the  average  of  8 
to  10  individual  determinations.  The  measurements  at  zero  tonicity  were  carried  out  in  distilled 
water  and  therefore  this  point  represents  the  respiration  in  the  absence  of  phosphate. 

this  was  5%  greater  than  the  activity  in  0.066  M  phosphate  buffer.  Although  this 
difference  is  slight,  it  does  agree  with  the  value  that  would  be  expected  on  the  basis 
of  data  shown  in  Figures  2  and  3.  A  decrease  in  the  phosphate  concentration  from 
0.006  M  to  0.054  M  would  bring  about  a  3%  decrease  in  the  metabolic  activity 
(Fig.  2),  whereas  a  change  in  the  tonicity  of  the  medium  from  a  sodium  chloride 
equivalent  of  0.093  M  to  0.075  M  would  bring  about  a  13%  increase  in  the  meta- 
bolic activity.  Therefore  in  the  subsequent  studies  we  used  a  0.054  M  Na2HPO4- 
KH,PO4  buffer,  pH  7.4,  which  has  a  tonicity  equivalent  to  0.075  M  NaCl. 


The  effect  of  calcium.  Media  containing  a  constant  amount  of  phosphate  buffer 
(0.054  M)  and  varying  amounts  of  calcium  chloride  ranging  from  0.002  M  to 
0.00005  M  were  prepared.  Since  the  final  tonicity  of  these  solutions  ranged  from 
a  sodium  chloride  equivalent  of  0.075  M  to  0.077  M,  the  expected  changes  in  meta- 
bolic activity  as  a  consequence  of  tonicity  changes  would  be  insignificant.  The  ad- 
dition of  calcium  ion  at  a  concentration  of  0.002  M  produced  a  49%  inhibition  (p  < 
0.001)  of  oxygen  uptake;  at  0.001  M  it  produced  a  25%  inhibition  (p  =  0.02)  of 
oxygen  uptake ;  at  concentrations  of  0.0005  M  and  0.00005  M  it  did  not  affect  the 
metabolic  activity. 

The  effect  of  magnesium.  The  effect  of  magnesium  ion  addition  was  tested 
both  in  the  presence  and  absence  of  added  calcium.  Magnesium,  in  concentrations 
ranging  from  0.01  M  to  0.002  M,  did  not  affect  the  metabolism  of  the  islet  tissue 
slices  either  in  the  absence  or  presence  of  calcium  chloride  (1  X  10~*  M  CaCl2). 

The  effect  of  trace  metals.  A  mixture  of  trace  metal  salts,  constituting  the  mini- 
mal trace  element  requirements  for  Neurospora  growth  (Beadle,  1945),  was  added 
to  0.054  M  phosphate  buffer.  The  final  concentrations  of  the  trace  elements  per 
liter  of  medium  were :  boron  0.01  mg.,  molybdenum  0.02  ing.,  iron  0.2  mg.,  manga- 
nese 0.02  mg.,  and  zinc  2.0  mg.  These  metals  were  added  as  the  following  salts : 
Na,B4O7,  (NH4)2MoO4,  FeQ3,  MnCl,,  and  ZnCL.  In  addition,  two  other  media 
were  prepared  in  which  the  concentrations  of  the  trace  metals  were  10  times  and  100 
times  greater,  respectively,  than  those  listed  above.  The  addition  of  the  above  trace 
metals  at  the  minimal  concentration  did  not  affect  the  respiration  of  the  islet  tissue 
slices.  When  the  concentration  of  each  trace  metal  was  increased  10-fold  there  was 
a  15%  inhibition  (p  =  0.44)  of  the  oxygen  uptake;  when  increased  100-fold,  there 
was  a  30%  inhibition  (p  =  0.05). 

The  effect  of  pyrophosphate.  The  respiration  of  islet  slices  was  studied  in  a 
medium  containing  0.005  M  pyrophosphate  plus  0.054  M  phosphate  buffer.  The 
added  pyrophosphate  can  act  as  a  chelating  agent  and  thus  remove  trace  metal  ions. 
Its  addition,  however,  did  not  affect  the  respiration  of  islet  tissue  slices. 

The  effect  of  serum.  Samples  of  toadfish  blood  were  drawn  from  the  gill  by 
venipuncture  and  the  serum  separated  by  centrifugation.  The  oxygen  uptake  of 
islet  slices  in  serum  was  compared  with  that  in  0.054  M  phosphate  buffer  and  found 
to  be  34%  lower  (p  =  0.007).  On  the  other  hand,  when  the  serum  was  previously 
dialyzed  against  three  liters  of  0.054  M  phosphate  buffer  for  18  hours  at  0°  C,  the 
oxygen  uptake  almost  equaled  (95%)  that  in  the  0.054  M  buffer.  Part  of  this  dif- 
ference may  be  due  to  a  phosphate  ion  effect.  However,  since  the  tonicity  of  toad- 
fish  serum  is  considerably  greater  than  the  tonicity  of  0.054  M  phosphate  (equiva- 
lent to  0.075  M  NaCl),  the  low  values  obtained  in  serum,  and  the  higher  values 
obtained  in  dialyzed  serum,  can  in  part  be  due  to  tonicity  differences.  From  the 
results  obtained  in  Figure  3  one  would  expect  that  an  increase  in  tonicity  to  that 
found  in  serum  would  produce  a  50%  decrease  in  the  oxygen  uptake,  whereas  a 
35%  decrease  was  actually  found.  These  results  suggest  that  the  addition  of  serum 
protein  per  sc  does  not  materially  affect  the  respiration  of  islet  slices. 


It  should  be  noted  that  maximal  stimulation  of  islet  respiration  was  observed  at 
a  tonicity  equivalent  to  0.075  M  NaCl ;  this  is  considerably  lower  than  the  tonicity 


of  toadfish  blood.3  Similar  stimulation  of  the  oxygen  uptake  of  brain  homogenates 
when  suspended  in  hypotonic  media  has  been  reported  by  Elliott  and  Libet  (1942). 
The  activity  of  the  succinic  oxidase  system  is  likewise  increased  in  hypotonic  media 
and  this  stimulation  is  believed  to  be  a  direct  effect  on  the  enzyme  complex  (Tyler, 

The  stimulation  of  toadfish  islet  metabolism  by  phosphate  is  of  interest.  The 
addition  of  phosphate  increases  the  oxygen  uptake  of  brain  homogenates  (Elliott 
and  Libet,  1942)  ;  it  also  increases  the  activity  of  certain  isolated  enzyme  systems 
(Kearney,  Singer  and  Zastrow,  1955;  cf.  Koeppe,  Boyer  and  Stulberg,  1956).  It 
has  been  suggested  that  it  may  also  play  a  role  in  the  control  of  respiration  (cf. 
Lardy  and  Wellman,  1952).  It  would  therefore  be  of  interest  to  determine  whether 
the  oxygen  uptake  of  slices  of  other  toadfish  tissues  is  similarly  stimulated  by  phos- 
phate addition,  or  if  this  stimulation  is  limited  to  islet  tissue.  Since  islet  tissue  con- 
tains large  amounts  of  zinc  (Okamoto,  1942),  and  since  high  concentrations  of  the 
trace  metal  ions  inhibited  the  oxygen  uptake  of  the  islet  tissue,  the  phosphate  stimu- 
lation could  be  the  result  of  zinc  chelation.  It  would  therefore  be  of  interest  to  see 
if  pyrophosphate  or  other  chelating  agents  can  substitute  for  phosphate. 

Islet  tissue  contains  about  11%  4  protein  and  therefore  the  oxygen  uptake  of 
islet  tissue  slices  (3.5  rm/.l.  of  oxygen  consumed  per  p.g.  of  protein  per  hour)  would 
be  equivalent  to  0.39  cc.  per  gram  of  tissue  (wet  weight)  per  hour.  This  observed 
value  is  about  equal  to  the  reported  value  for  brain  brei  and  greater  than  that  re- 
ported for  liver  slices.  Vernberg  (1954)  found  that  the  oxygen  uptake  of  toadfish 
brain  brei  was  equal  to  0.41  cc./gm./hr. ;  the  Qo2  of  toadfish  liver  slices  was  equal 
to  0.27  cc./gm./hr.  The  Qo2  of  the  toadfish  islet  tissue  is  about  10  times  greater 
than  the  oxygen  utilization  by  the  intact  animal.  Hall  (1929)  has  reported  that  the 
oxygen  consumed  by  the  toadfish  varies  directly  with  the  oxygen  tension  (between 
a  partial  pressure  of  0  and  115  mm.  of  oxygen).  At  the  atmospheric  oxygen  con- 
tent he  found  that  the  toadfish  utilized  0.038  cc.  of  oxygen  per  gram  of  fish  per 
hour.  Thus  the  toadfish  islet  tissue  is  very  active  metabolically  compared  to  the 
fish  as  a  whole  and  to  the  other  tissues. 


1.  The  metabolic  activity  of  toadfish  islet  slices  was  measured  in  a  cartesian 
diver  microrespirometer  under  varying  experimental  conditions.     The  effects  of 
pH,  specific  electrolytes,  tonicity,  trace  metals,  and  protein  addition  were  studied. 

2.  The  metabolic  activity  was  not  affected  by  varying  the  pH  of  the  medium 
between  6.2  and  8.0.     The  addition  of  phosphate  ion  stimulated  the  respiration. 
The  maximum   stimulation  was   observed  when  the   external   medium   contained 
0.066  M  phosphate. 

3.  The  respiration  of  islet  slices  was  increased  when  the  tonicity  of  the  sus- 
pending media  was  reduced ;  optimal  respiration  was  observed  in  a  hypotonic  me- 

3  Green  and  Hoffman  (1953)  have  measured  the  osmotic  pressure  of  blood  samples  obtained 
from  the  heart  and  found  them  to  be  equivalent  to  0.14  M  NaCl ;  the  osmotic  pressure  of  blood 
samples  obtained  from  the  gill  were  equivalent  to  0.19  M  NaCl.     These  authors  consider  the 
tonicity  values  of  the  heart  blood  samples  to  be  the  more  accurate,  for  the  gill  blood  samples  may 
have  been  contaminated  with  sea  water. 

4  The  protein  content  of  5  samples  of  islet  tissue  was  measured  and  found  to  contain  11.2% 


dium  with  a  tonicity  equivalent  to  0.075  M  NaCl ;  this  corresponds  to  a  phosphate 
buffer  concentration  of  0.054  M.  This  is  slightly  sub-optimal  with  respect  to  phos- 
phate ion  concentration.  Since  the  metabolic  activity  of  islet  tissue  slices  suspended 
in  0.054  M  phosphate  buffer  (optimal  tonicity  but  sub-optimal  phosphate)  is  slightly 
greater  than  in  0.066  M  phosphate  buffer  (optimal  phosphate  but  sub-optimal 
tonicity),  subsequent  studies  were  carried  out  using  0.054  M  phosphate  buffer. 

4.  High  concentrations  of  calcium  (0.001-0.002  M)  inhibited  the  respiration  of 
islet  slices.  The  addition  of  serum  protein,  lower  concentrations  of  calcium  ion 
(0.0005  M),  magnesium  ion  (0.0002-0.01  M},  and  small  amounts  of  trace  metals 
(boron,  molybdenum,  iron,  manganese,  zinc)  did  not  stimulate  the  respiration  of 
islet  tissue  slices. 


BEADLE,  G.  W.,  1945.  Genetics  and  metabolism  in  Neurospora.  Physiol.  Rev.,  25 :  643-663. 
DIAMARE,  V.,  1899.  Studii  comparativi  sulle  isole  di  Langerhans  del  pancreas.  Internal. 

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ELLIOTT,  K.  A.  C.,  AND  M.  K.  BIRMINGHAM,  1949.     The  effect  of  pH  on  the  respiration  of  brain 

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HALL,  F.  G.,  1929.     The  influence  of  varying  oxygen  tensions  upon  the  rate  of  oxygen  con- 
sumption in  marine  fishes.     Amer.  J.  Physiol.,  88:  212-218. 
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drogenase  for  inorganic  phosphate.     Arch.  Biochem.  Biophys.,  55 :  579-581. 
KOEPPE,  O.  J.,  P.  D.  BOYER  AND  M.  P.  STULBERG,  1956.     On  the  occurrence,  equilibria,  and 

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LARDY,  H.  A.,  AND  H.  WELLMAN,  1952.     Oxidative  phosphorylations :  Role  of  inorganic  phos- 
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OKAMOTO,  K.,   1942.     Biologische  Untersuchungen  der   Metalle.     VI.    Histochemischer   Nach- 

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TYLER,  DAVID  B.,   1954.     The  effect  of  osmotic  pressure  on  succinoxidase  activity.     /.   Biol. 

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VERNBERG,  F.  J.,  1954.     The  respiratory  metabolism  of  tissues  of  marine  teleosts  in  relation  to 

activity  and  body  size.     Biol.  Bull.,  106 :  360-370. 


Biological  Laboratories,  Harvard  University,  Cambridge  38,  Mass. 

It  is  known  that  in  neurosecretory  systems  the  products  of  secretion  are  stored 
in  axon  terminations  where  they  aggregate  in  particles  or  granules  (Scharrer  and 
Scharrer,  1954;  Welsh,  1955).  ' 

Some  recent  electron  microscope  studies  have  shown  a  constancy  in  the  ap- 
pearance of  such  structures  in  the  neurohypophysis  of  different  vertebrates  (Dun- 
can, 1955,  1956).  The  size  of  these  granules  varies  from  0.1  to  0.3  micron,  and  in 
the  neurohypophysis  of  the  rat  they  seem  to  be  bounded  by  a  delicate  membrane 
(Palay,  1955). 

Through  the  differential  centrifugation  technique  for  isolation  of  mitochondria 
and  other  particles  of  the  cells,  Hillarp,  Lagersted  and  Nilson  (1953)  and  Blaschko 
and  Welch  (1953)  could  obtain  a  fraction  of  granules  which  is  responsible  for  80 
to  90%  of  the  total  adrenaline  and  noradrenaline  present  in  the  adrenal  medulla  of 
cattle.  Further,  Hillarp  and  Nilson  (1954)  and  Blaschko,  Hagen  and  Welch 
(1955),  doing  physiological  experiments  with  the  separated  granular  fraction,  ob- 
tained information  concerning  the  nature  of  the  granules  containing  the  catechol 
amines.  Similar  results  were  obtained  for  the  granules  containing  vasopressin  and 
oxytocin  in  the  posterior  pituitary  of  the  rat  (Pardoe  and  Weatherall,  1955).  The 
observations  of  the  several  authors,  above  cited,  strongly  support  the  assumption 
that  the  granules  have  a  semipermeable  membrane  of  a  lipid  or  lipo-protein  nature. 
The  granules,  which  are  stable  in  isotonic  solutions  of  saline  or  sucrose,  release 
their  hormone  when  treated  by  agents  which  are  known  to  damage  biological 

In  the  invertebrates,  especially  among  insects  and  crustaceans,  some  neuro- 
secretory systems  are  very  well  known,  and  the  study  of  the  granules  in  these 
systems  might  give  valuable  information  concerning  such  storage  particles.  A  good 
structure  for  these  studies  is  the  "sinus  gland"  of  the  crustaceans.  A  sinus  gland 
in  each  eyestalk  is  the  storage-release  organ  for  several  neurohormones  of  the  crus- 
taceans. They  are  formed  by  the  axon  terminations  of  neurosecretory  cells  local- 
ized in  the  X-organ,  in  the  brain  and  in  other  parts  of  the  central  nerve  system 
(Passano,  1951a,  1951b;  Bliss  and  Welsh,  1952;  Bliss,  Durand  and  Welsh,  1954). 
The  axon  terminations  in  sinus  glands  are  filled  with  granules  0.1  to  0.3  micron  in 
diameter  (Potter,  1956)  which  can  be  seen  in  living  preparations  (Passano,  1952). 

The  aim  of  the  present  work  was  to  show  that  the  granules  in  sinus  glands  are 
really  the  depots  of  neurosecretory  materials  and  that  they  behave  like  similar  struc- 
tures found  in  the  neurosecretory  systems  of  vertebrates. 

1  Rockefeller  Foundation  Fellow,  from  Department  of  General  and  Animal  Physiology, 
Fac.  Fil.  Cien.  Letras,  Universidade  de  Sao  Paulo,  Brasil. 




For  this  purpose  the  study  of  one  of  the  chromatophorotropic  hormones  stored 
in  sinus  glands  was  chosen.  According  to  the  usual  technique  for  isolation  and 
preservation  of  mitochondria  (Hogeboom,  Schneider  and  Palade,  1948)  the  sinus 
glands  were  homogenized  in  isotonic  solutions  of  sucrose.  The  homogenates  be- 
fore and  after  several  treatments  were  injected  into  test  animals  for  an  estimation 
of  the  activity  of  the  hormone  in  the  different  cases. 

Preparation  of  the  homogenates 

Sinus  glands  of  the  fiddler  crab,  Uca  pugilator,  from  Florida,  were  used  in  these 
experiments.  With  the  aid  of  a  dissecting  microscope  the  sinus  glands  were  iso- 
lated from  the  adjacent  tissues  immediately  after  cutting  the  eyestalk  of  the  crabs, 
and  were  placed  in  solutions  of  cold  1.3  M  sucrose,  which,  according  to  Abramo- 
witz  and  Abramowitz  (1938),  is  isosmotic  with  the  blood  of  Uca.  In  each  experi- 
ment four  or  more  sinus  glands  were  homogenized  in  one  ml.  of  isotonic  sucrose, 
in  the  Elvehjem  homogenizer  for  three  minutes.  After  homogenization  more  su- 
crose was  added  according  the  requirement  of  the  experiment.  A  part  of  the  ho- 
mogenate  was  then  kept  at  2°  C.  until  the  moment  of  the  experiment,  and  the  re- 
mainder was  submitted  to  different  treatments.  Before  being  injected  into  the  test 
animals  all  homogenates  were  diluted  in  isotonic  sucrose,  or  sea  water  to  make  the 
same  final  concentration.  All  the  procedures  were  carried  out  in  the  cold  at  2°  C. 
For  details,  see  below. 


The  activity  of  the  black  chromatophore-dispersing  hormone  in  the  different 
homogenates  was  tested  in  isolated  legs  of  Uca  pugna.v.  It  was  observed  that  in 
legs  of  Uca  pugilator  when  they  are  separated  from  the  body,  the  black  chromato- 
phores  disperse  gradually.  Such  dispersion  may  be  explained  by  a  direct  effect  of 
light  on  the  chromatophores,  since  legs  isolated  and  kept  in  sea  water  in  the  dark 
do  not  show  this  phenomenon.  A  direct  effect  of  light  on  the  chromatophores  of 
Uca  pugilator  has  been  already  observed  by  Brown  and  collaborators  (Brown  and 
Sandeen,  1946,  1948;  Brown,  Guyselman  and  Sandeen,  1949).  For  this  reason  in 
the  present  experiments  the  legs  of  Uca  pugna.v  which  do  not  show  this  behavior 
were  used. 

Uca  pugna.v  were  destalked  24  hours  before  the  experiment  so  that  at  the  time 
of  the  experiment  the  black  chromatophores  were  in  the  stage  of  maximal  concen- 
tration. The  legs  were  cut  off  at  the  level  of  the  ischial  segment,  and  were  placed 
in  5  ml.  of  sea  water  in  Syracuse  dishes.  Each  leg  received  an  injection  of  0.01  ml. 
of  homogenate,  and  the  dispersion  of  the  black  chromatophores  was  observed  every 
ten  minutes  for  one  hour.  Uca  pugilator  was  used  for  experiments  in  which  the 
homogenates  were  tested  in  the  whole  animal.  In  these  cases,  each  animal  re- 
ceived 0.1  ml.  of  homogenate  and  the  stages  of  the  chromatophores  were  observed 
for  several  hours. 

Preliminary  attempts  were  made  to  remove  granules  from  the  homogenates  by 


All  the  results  are  presented  in  graphs  according  to  Hogben  and  Slome  (1931), 



where  1  represents  maximal  concentration  of  the  chromatophores,  5  maximal  dis- 
persion, and  2,  3  and  4,  intermediate  stages. 

/.  Hormone  in  granules  and  in  cytoplasm 

The  homogenate  of  4  sinus  glands  in  1  ml.  of  1.3  M  sucrose  was  divided;  one- 
half  of  the  suspension  received  4.5  ml.  of  distilled  water  and  was  kept  at  2°  C. ; 
the  other  half  was  kept  undiluted  at  the  same  temperature.  After  one-half  hour, 
the  homogenate  in  sucrose  was  diluted  with  sucrose,  and  that  with  added  distilled 





10        20       30        40       50 


FIGURE  1.  Response  of  the  black  chromatophores  of  isolated  legs  of  Uca  pugnax  to  injections 
of  homogenates  of  sinus  glands  of  Uca  pugilator :  •,  homogenates  in  distilled  water ;  O,  homogenates 
in  1.3  M  sucrose.  Each  point  in  the  graph  represents  the  average  of  20  experiments. 

water  was  diluted  with  sea  water  to  make  a  final  concentration  of  0.02  sinus  gland 
per  ml.  Every  time  that  distilled  water  was  added  to  the  homogenates,  the  final 
dilution  was  made  in  sea  water;  these  homogenates  throughout  the  paper  will  be 
called  "homogenates  in  distilled  water,"  to  shorten  the  explanation. 

As  one  can  see  in  Figure  1,  the  homogenate  in  distilled  water  caused  maximal 
dispersion  of  the  chromatophores  in  the  legs  of  Uca,  and  that  in  sucrose  exhibited 
only  a  small  effect.  These  results  show  that  in  isotonic  sucrose  the  black  chromato- 
phore-dispersing  hormone  is  present  in  large  part  in  a  state  in  which  it  cannot  act ; 
whereas  in  distilled  water  it  seems  to  be  free  in  solution  and  able  to  induce  the  dis- 



persion  of  the  chromatophores.  This  evidence  supports  the  view  that  the  hormone 
is  contained  in  granules,  which  in  isotonic  sucrose  remain  intact  and  in  distilled 
water  release  the  hormone  into  the  solution. 

If  that  were  the  case  it  would  be  possible  to  separate  a  fraction  of  granules  con- 
taining hormone,  using  the  usual  technique  of  differential  centrifugation.  To  avoid 
the  high  density  of  a  medium  like  1.3  M  sucrose,  16  sinus  glands  were  homogenized 
in  one  ml.  of  a  mixture  of  25%  of  1.3  M  sucrose  and  75%  of  sea  water,  which  has 
been  demonstrated  to  be  as  effective  in  preserving  the  granules  as  pure  sucrose. 
The  homogenate,  after  dilution  to  make  10  ml.,  was  centrifuged  at  800  X  gravity 








10        20       30      40       50       60 

FIGURE  2.  Response  of  black  chromatophores  of  Uca  to  injections  of  homogenates  of  sinus 
glands  in  isotonic  sucrose  after  centrifugation:  •,  "supernatant  A"  (low  speed) ;  C,  "supernatant 
B"  (high  speed) ;  O,  "sediment  C"  (high  speed). 

for  30  minutes  for  separation  of  unbroken  cells,  nuclei,  etc.  No  visible  sediment 
was  observed  after  this  slow-speed  centrifugation,  so  the  whole  solution  was  de- 
canted. Part  was  set  aside,  as  "solution  A,"  and  the  rest  was  centrifuged  at  20,000 
X  gravity  for  30  minutes.  No  sediment  was  observed  this  time  either.  The  whole 
solution  was  decanted  carefully  and  taken  as  "solution  B."  Then  one  ml.  of  dis- 
tilled water  was  added  to  the  centrifuged  tube  and  was  stirred  and  the  tube  walls 
were  scraped  with  a  spatula.  After  15  minutes  9  ml.  of  sea  water  were  added  to 
make  10  ml.,  and  this  solution  was  called  "solution  C."  Part  of  the  solution  A  and 
B  was  treated  with  distilled  water  and  all  three  solutions  were  finally  diluted  to  the 
concentration  of  0.02  sinus  gland  per  ml.  Both  solutions  A  and  B  showed  the  same 



effect  on  the  chromatophores  of  legs  of  Uca  pugna.v.  No  significant  loss  of  activity 
was  observed  in  solution  B  after  the  high  speed  centrifugation.  However,  solution 
C,  the  suspension  of  a  presumably  invisible  sediment,  caused  a  small  effect  on  the 
chromatophores  (Fig.  2).  This  fact  is  indicative  of  some  sedimentation  of  gran- 
ules and  from  these  results  it  is  not  possible  to  infer  how  much  of  the  hormone  is 
present  in  granules  and  how  much  is  found  free  in  the  homogenate.  It  is  prob- 
able that  for  a  complete  sedimentation  a  longer  and  higher-speed  centrifugation  is 

An  indication  of  the  percentage  of  hormone  contained  in  granules  in  isotonic 
sucrose  is  given  by  the  analysis  of  the  activity  of  homogenates  in  isotonic  sucrose 
and  distilled  water  after  a  series  of  dilutions.  Figure  3  shows  the  results  of  injec- 
tions of  0.01  ml.  of  homogenates  of  2  sinus  glands  in  1  ml.  of  1.3  M  sucrose  and  in 
1  ml.  of  distilled  water  diluted  10,  100  and  1000  times  in  1.3  M"  sucrose  and  sea 








c- — ® 

Q — 9 

10        20       30 


50       60 


10       20 

30       40       50      60 

FIGURE  3.  Response  of  black  chromatophores  of  Uca  to  injections  of  homogenates  of  sinus 
glands  in  distilled  water  (left)  and  in  1.3  M  sucrose  (right)  in  different  concentrations:  e,  0.2; 
C),  0.02;  and  O,  0.002  sinus  glands  per  ml. 

water,  respectively.  It  appears  that  in  isotonic  solution  only  less  than  10%  of  the 
hormone  is  found  free  in  the  suspension,  since  the  effects  of  the  homogenates  in 
sucrose  are  smaller  than  those  of  the  homogenates  in  distilled  water,  ten  times  more 

//.  Effect  of  several  treatments  on  the  release  of  the  hormone 

1.  Effect  of  the  tonicity  of  the  medium.  From  the  homogenates  of  8  sinus 
glands  in  2  ml.  of  1.3  M  sucrose,  7  samples  of  0.25  ml.  each  were  separated.  The 
addition  of  9.75  ml.  of  0.9,  0.8,  0.7,  0.65,  0.32  M  sucrose  was  made  to  a  series  of  5 
tubes  and  to  a  sixth,  4.75  ml.  of  distilled  water  were  added.  After  one  hour  at 
2°  C.,  the  solutions  were  diluted  in  1.3  M  sucrose  to  the  final  concentration  of  0.02 
sinus  gland  per  ml.  and  were  tested  on  isolated  legs.  Figure  4  illustrates  the  ac- 
tivity of  the  hormone  in  the  different  solutions.  As  the  tonicity  of  the  medium  de- 



creases  there  is  a  liberation  of  hormone  which,  to  some  extent,  is  proportional  to 
the  concentration  of  sucrose,  from  1.3  to  0.7  M.  In  0.65  and  0.32  M  solutions  there 
seems  to  be  a  complete  release  since  the  activity  of  the  hormone  in  these  two  latter 
concentrations  is  as  great  as  that  of  homogenate  in  distilled  water.  The  action  of 
distilled  water  after  15  minutes  standing  is  as  effective  as  after  30  minutes.  This 
fact  shows  that  the  release  in  distilled  water  is  rapid.  The  granules  in  this  respect, 
like  red  blood  cells  and  mitochondria  under  the  same  conditions,  appear  to  act  as 

2.  Effect  of  different  solutions.     One  group  of  experiments  was  performed  to 
determine  whether  the  granules  containing  the  hormone  are  also  stable  in  isotonic 








10       20        30 

40        50       60 

FIGURE  4.  Response  of  black  chromatophores  of  Uca  to  injections  of  homogenates  of  sinus 
glands  in  different  concentrations  of  sucrose  solutions:  +,  1.3;  O,  0.9;  O,  0.8;  ©,  0.7;  3,  0.65;  and 
C,  0.32  M;  •,  homogenate  in  distilled  water. 

solutions  of  electrolytes.  Samples  of  0.5  ml.  of  homogenates  in  1.3  M  sucrose  were 
held  for  30  minutes  at  2°  C.  with  the  addition  of  4.5  ml.  of  the  following:  distilled 
water,  sea  water,  sodium  chloride  and  potassium  chloride.  The  sodium  chloride 
was  either  isotonic  with  sea  water  (0.54  M)  or  isotonic  with  1.3  M  sucrose  (0.78 
M).  Figure  5  shows  that  sea  water  and  isotonic  salt  solutions  produce  a  large  and 
rapid  release  of  hormone.  This  fact  indicates  that  the  simple  dilution  in  isotonic 
electrolyte  solutions  is  sufficient  to  provoke  alterations  in  the  granules  very  similar 
to  those  observed  by  lowering  the  tonicity  of  the  medium.  However,  in  electrolyte 



solutions  to  which  an  equal  part  or  a  fourth  part  of  isotonic  sucrose  is  added,  the 
granules  remain  largely  intact.  The  activity  of  the  hormone  in  these  media  (Fig. 
5)  is  comparable  to  that  in  isotonic  sucrose. 

In  another  group  of  experiments  an  effort  was  made  to  find  the  best  medium 
for  preservation  of  the  granules.  Watanabe  and  Williams  (1953)  have  shown  that 
2.5%  bovine  plasma  albumin  in  isotonic  potassium  phosphate  buffer  at  pH  7  is  a 
good  medium  to  preserve  mitochondria  of  insect  muscles.  In  the  following  experi- 
ments, besides  the  1.3  M  sucrose,  a  mixture  of  25%  1.3  M  sucrose  and  75%  sea 
water  was  also  used,  as  well  as  2.5%  bovine  plasma  albumin  in  0.54  M  potassium 





10        20        30       40       50       60 

FIGURE  5.     Response  of  black  chromatophores  of  Uca  to  injections  of  homogenates  of  sinus 
glands  in  different  solutions:  O,  distilled  water;  f>,  sea  water;  O,  0.78  and  0.54  M  NaCl;  o,  0.54 
M  KC1 ;  e,  G,  and  3,  NaCl,  KC1  and  sea  water  in  a  mixture  with  25%  of  1.3  M  sucrose. 

phosphate  at  pH  7.  The  homogenates  of  sinus  glands  in  these  three  media  were 
kept  at  2°  C.  and  at  different  times  were  diluted  in  1.3  M  sucrose  and  assayed  using 
legs  of  Uca  (Fig.  6).  After  6  hours  of  incubation  in  these  media,  the  activity  of 
the  black  chromatophore-dispersing  hormone  is  insignificant,  and  after  24  hours 
only  a  slight  effect  was  observed.  That  the  hormone  was  preserved  in  the  granules 
was  shown  by  the  following  procedure.  After  24  hours  the  homogenates  were 
heated  for  5  minutes  in  boiling  water  and  diluted  in  sea  water.  After  this  treat- 
ment all  the  solutions  produced  a  maximal  dispersion  of  the  chromatophores,  com- 
parable to  that  caused  by  homogenates  in  distilled  water.  Thus,  the  three  different 
media  used  seem  to  be  equally  efficient  in  keeping  the  granules  intact. 



3.  Effect  of  heat,  and  of  freezing  and  thawing.     A  release  of  hormone  from  the 
granules  was  observed  when  homogenates  of  sinus  glands  in  isotonic  sucrose  were 
kept  at  room  temperature  for  several  hours.     However,  homogenates  in  1.3  M  su- 
crose when  heated  for  5  minutes  at  70°  C.  or  in  boiling  water  showed  only  a  slightly 
greater  activity  than  the  original  homogenate  without  this  treatment  (Fig.  7). 

Freezing  at  —  10°  C.  and  thawing  to  room  temperature  three  times  in  succes- 
sion was  more  effective  than  heating,  but  even  so,  the  release  of  the  hormone  was 
not  the  same  as  when  homogenate  was  merely  diluted  in  distilled  water  (Fig.  7). 

4.  Effect  of  detergents  and  digit onin.     Detergents  and  digitonin  did  not  give  a 
complete  release  of  hormone  from  the  granules.     Samples  of  0.25  ml.  of  homoge- 












oa — on 


10        20        30       40       50 


FIGURE  6.  Response  of  black  chromatophores  of  Uca  to  injections  of  homogenates  of  sinus 
glands  in  different  media.  Circles,  homogenate  in  5%  bovine  plasma  albumin  in  0.54  M  potassium 
phosphate  buffer;  squares,  homogenate  in  1.3  M  sucrose;  triangles,  homogenate  in  25%  1.3  M 
sucrose  plus  75%  sea  water.  •  D  A,  homogenates  kept  6  hours  and  C),  C,  A,  24  hours  at  2°  C.; 
O,  D,  A,  after  being  kept  24  hours  at  2°  C.,  the  homogenates  were  heated  and  diluted  in  sea  water. 

nates  in  1.3  M  sucrose  were  maintained  for  one  hour  at  2°  C.  with  1.75  ml.  of  10~3 
M  concentration  of  the  following  substances:  sodium  lauryl  sulfonate  (Duponol)  ; 
sodium  desoxycholate,  saponin  and  digitonin,  in  1.3  M  sucrose.  After  the  required 
dilution  of  the  homogenates  for  the  bio-assays,  the  concentration  of  the  detergents 
and  digitonin  was  10~5  M.  When  control  legs  of  Uca  or  the  whole  control  animal 
received  injections  of  the  detergents  and  digitonin  in  such  concentration,  no  effect 
on  the  chromatophores  was  observed.  Therefore,  the  dispersion  following  the  in- 
jections of  homogenates  in  sucrose  plus  detergents  is  attributed  to  the  hormone 
present  in  the  solutions. 



The  detergents  employed  and  digitonin  provoked  only  a  partial  release  of  hor- 
mone (Fig.  8).  Part  of  the  homogenate  plus  desoxycholate  after  one  hour  of  in- 
cubation was  heated  and  diluted  in  sea  water,  and  greater  activity  was  seen  after 
this  treatment. 

///.  Inactivation  of  the  hormone 

In  some  experiments  the  homogenates  of  sinus  glands  in  distilled  water  were 
injected  into  the  whole  crab  (Uca  pugilator).  Figure  9  shows  the  degree  and  the 








10        20        30       40       50 


FIGURE  7.  Response  of  black  chromatophores  of  Uca  to  injections  of  homogenates  of  sinus 
glands  in  isotonic  sucrose  before,  +,  and  after  heating  at  70°  C.,  O,  and  in  boiling  water,  C;  and 
after  freezing  and  thawing,  O.  Homogenate  in  distilled  water,  • 

duration  of  the  dispersion  of  chromatophores  in  relation  to  the  concentration  of  the 
homogenates.  The  injection  of  0.1  ml.  of  a  homogenate  of  0.2  sinus  gland  per  ml., 
i.e.,  the  injection  of  an  amount  corresponding  to  0.02  sinus  gland,  is  enough  to  cause 
a  maximal  dispersion  of  the  chromatophores  in  almost  30  minutes  and  only  four 
hours  later  have  the  chromatophores  reached  the  stage  of  complete  concentration 
again.  It  is  interesting  to  notice  that  the  time  required  for  normal  dark  Uca  to 
become  pale  after  eyestalk  removal  is  three  to  four  hours.  At  all  concentrations  of 
homogenates  dispersion  was  found  to  require  less  time  than  concentration  of  pig- 
ment within  the  chromatophores.  The  elimination  of  the  hormone  seems  to  be  a 
very  slow  process.  Even  an  injection  corresponding  to  0.001  sinus  gland  (open 



circles  in  Fig.  9)  induces  an  effect  which  disappears  completely  only  after  three 

In  order  to  obtain  some  information  about  the  inactivation  of  the  hormone, 
homogenates  of  sinus  gland  in  distilled  water  were  incubated  with  extracts  of 
hepatopancreas,  hypodermis  and  muscle  and  with  one  ml.  of  blood  of  Uca.  The 
extracts  were  prepared  by  homogenizing  one  hepatopancreas,  the  muscle  of  one 
claw,  and  the  hypodermis  of  the  branchiostegites  separately,  in  one  ml.  of  sea 
water.  The  blood  was  removed  at  the  junction  of  the  body  and  the  fourth  walking 

KT      20 
TIME      IN 

^4CT      50 

FIGURE  8.  Response  of  black  chromatophores  of  Uca  to  injections  of  homogenates  of  sinus 
glands  in  isotonic  sucrose  before,  +,  and  after  treatment  with  detergents  and  digitonin.  Q, 
Duponol;  9,  saponin;  O,  sodium  desoxycholate ;  O,  digitonin;  •.  sodium  desoxycholate  plus  heat 
and  dilution  in  sea  water. 

leg,  with  the  aid  of  a  glass  pipette.  The  only  extract  which  caused  a  complete  in- 
activation of  the  black  chromatophore-dispersing  hormone  was  that  of  hepatopan- 
After  one  hour  of  incubation  with  extracts  of  hypodermis  or  muscle,  or  with 


blood,  at  room  temperature,  no  decrease  in  the  activity  of  the  hormone  was  observed 
(Fig.  lOa). 

The  enzyme  in  the  hepatopancreas  responsible  for  its  action  might  be  a  proteo- 
lytic  one,  since  the  same  effect  was  obtained  when  homogenates  of  sinus  glands  in 
distilled  water  were  incubated  at  37°  C.  for  one  hour  with  some  crystals  of  chymo- 
trypsin  (Fig.  lOb).  These  results  suggest  that  the  black  chromatophore-dispersing 











FIGURE  9.  Response  of  black  chromatophores  of  the  whole  Uca  pugilator  to  injections  of  0.1 
ml.  of  homogenates  of  sinus  glands  in  distilled  water,  in  different  concentrations:  •,  0.2 ;  f),  0.02 ; 
O,  0.001  sinus  gland  per  ml. 



IN       H 





C C C « 


© © O ©• 

10       20       30      40        50      60          10       20       30       40       50       60 


FIGURE  10.  Response  of  black  chromatophores  of  Uca  to  injections  of  homogenates  of 
sinus  glands  in  distilled  water  before  and  after  incubation  with  extracts  of  different  tissues  for  one 
hour  at  room  temperature  and  after  incubation  with  chymotrypsin  for  one  hour  at  37°  C. :  o. 
muscle;  O,  blood;  3,  hypodermis;  C,  hepatopancreas ;  0,  distilled  water;  and  O,  chymotrypsin. 


hormone  is  a  polypeptide,  but  the  acceptance  of  this  hypothesis  depends  upon  fur- 
ther experiments. 


The  experiments  in  section  I  indicate  that  in  the  crab,  Uca  pugilator,  the  black 
chromatophore-dispersing  hormone  is  stored  in  sinus  glands  within  the  granules. 
This  assertion  is  supported  by  the  following  observations.  First,  homogenates  of 
sinus  glands  in  isotonic  sucrose  have  only  a  small  effect  on  the  chromatophores  of 
legs  of  Uca  pugna.v.  These  homogenates  diluted  in  distilled  water  cause  a  maximal 
dispersion  of  the  chromatophores,  indicating  a  more  or  less  complete  release  of  the 
hormone.  Second,  a  sedimentable  fraction  containing  hormone  was  obtained  by 
centrifugations  at  the  speed  of  20,000  X  gravity.  This  centrifugation  caused  only 
a  partial  sedimentation  of  granules.  However  the  analysis  of  the  activity  of  ho- 
mogenates in  isotonic  sucrose  and  in  distilled  water  after  a  series  of  dilutions  shows 
that  the  homogenates  in  sucrose  are  as  effective  as  those  in  distilled  water  ten  times 
more  diluted,  indicating  that  only  10%  or  less  of  the  total  amount  of  hormone  is 
present  free  in  the  solution,  the  other  90%  remaining  in  the  granules.  Whether 
this  free  hormone  is  already  present  in  sinus  glands  in  vivo,  or  whether  it  is  the  ef- 
fect of  the  disruption  of  some  granules  during  the  process  of  homogenizing,  is  not 
known.  Hillarp,  Lagersted  and  Nilson  (1953)  have  observed  that  at  increased 
duration  of  homogenization  the  catechol  content  of  the  granules  of  the  adrenal 
medulla  cells  decreases.  Berthet  and  De  Duve  (1951)  have  also  found  that  a 
partial  damage  to  the  mitochondria  containing  acid  phosphatase  is  caused  by  the 
process  of  homogenizing  liver  tissue.  This  may  be  the  case  with  the  homogenates 
of  sinus  glands. 

The  effect  observed  by  lowering  the  tonicity  of  the  medium  reinforces  the  evi- 
dence of  the  presence  of  the  chromatophore-dispersing  hormone  in  granules,  and 
suggests  the  existence  of  a  semipermeable  membrane  for  the  granules.  The  rapid 
release  of  hormone  observed  when  the  tonicity  of  the  medium  decreases  suggests  that 
there  is  a  lysis  of  the  granules,  by  rapid  entrance  of  water. 

The  membrane  of  the  granules  seems  to  be  freely  permeable  to  ions  like  sodium 
and  potassium,  because  the  solutions  of  isotonic  sodium  chloride,  potassium  chlo- 
ride, or  sea  water  cause  an  immediate  and  marked  release  of  hormone  from  the 
granules.  Hillarp  and  Nilson  (1954)  have  found  that  the  granules  of  the  adrenal 
medulla  can  be  suspended  in  sucrose  or  in  certain  isotonic  electrolyte  solutions  with- 
out a  considerable  release  of  catechol  amines.  Blaschko,  Hagen  and  Welch  (1955), 
however,  have  observed  that  in  NaCl  or  KG  an  appreciable  liberation  of  adrenaline 
occurs.  Pardoe  and  Weatherall  (1955)  also  have  obtained  liberation  of  vasopres- 
sin  and  oxytocin  from  granules  of  the  posterior  pituitary  of  rats,  by  simple  dilution 
in  saline  of  the  suspensions  of  granules  in  isotonic  sucrose.  Isotonic  saline  solu- 
tions have  been  demonstrated  to  afford  only  transient  osmotic  protection  for  mito- 
chondria of  the  rat  liver  (Berthet,  Berthet,  Appelman  and  De  Duve,  1951 ;  Appel- 
man  and  De  Duve,  1955)  and  for  mitochondria  of  insect  muscle  (Watanabe  and 
Williams,  1953).  The  authors  above  cited  observed  also  that  in  media  where  part 
of  the  saline  is  replaced  by  isotonic  sucrose,  the  mitochondria  are  very  stable. 
Similarly,  the  granules  of  sinus  glands  are  equally  stable  in  pure  sucrose,  in  a  mix- 
ture of  25%  isotonic  sucrose  and  75%  isotonic  salines,  and  in  2.5%  bovine  plasma 
albumin  in  0.54  M  potassium  phosphate  buffer  at  pH  7. 


Heating,  freezing  and  thawing,  and  the  action  of  detergents  have  been  proved 
efficient  treatments  to  release  physiologically  active  substances  from  granules  (Hil- 
larp  and  Nilson,  1954;  Pardoe  and  Weatherall,  1955).  In  the  case  of  granules  of 
sinus  glands,  all  these  treatments  induce  a  more  or  less  appreciable  release  of  hor- 
mone but  none  of  them  is  sufficient  to  cause  a  complete  liberation  of  hormone  from 
the  granules. 

The  hormone  in  the  homogenates  in  isotonic  sucrose  after  heating,  freezing  and 
thawing  and  after  the  action  of  detergents  is  still  present  either  inside  the  granules 
or  in  such  combination  that  it  can  not  be  active.  This  was  proved  by  the  experi- 
ments in  which  parts  of  the  homogenates  after  these  treatments  were  diluted  in  sea 
water,  and  greater  activity  was  then  observed. 

These  observations  may  suggest  the  following  hypothesis :  that  inside  the  gran- 
ules the  chromatophore-dispersing  hormone  is  found  in  two  forms,  bound  to  a  large 
molecule  and  as  free  small  molecules.  By  heating,  freezing  and  thawing  and  by  the 
action  of  detergents,  the  membrane  of  the  granules  suffers  some  disruption,  per- 
mitting only  the  passage  of  the  small  molecules  to  the  solution.  In  hypotonic  and 
saline  media,  which  cause  a  lysis  of  the  granules,  all  the  molecules  are  present  free 
in  the  solution.  One  has  to  admit  also  that  the  hormone  is  active  in  both  forms, 
or  that  once  free  in  the  solution,  the  large  molecules  disintegrate  into  the  smaller 
ones.  This  could  explain  the  different  activity  of  the  homogenates  of  sinus  glands 
in  isotonic  sucrose  after  these  different  treatments. 

It  is  interesting  to  discuss  here  the  results  of  Knowles,  Carlisle,  and  Dupont- 
Raabe  (1955)  with  the  chromactivating  substances  of  sinus  glands  and  post- 
commissure  organs  of  Lcandcr  serratus,  and  corpora  cardiaca  of  Carassius.  By 
electrophoresis  of  extracts  of  these  organs  they  detected  the  presence  of  a  substance, 
the  "A-substance,"  which  is  relatively  immobile  at  pH  7.5  and  does  not  pass 
through  cellophane  membranes.  This  substance  concentrates  all  the  red  chromato- 
phores  of  Lcander.  When  the  extracts  are  left  standing  several  hours  at  room  tem- 
perature, the  A-substance  disintegrates  into  others,  the  a-substances,  which  have 
high  mobility  at  pH  7.5  and  pass  freely  through  a  dialysis  membrane.  The  a- 
substances  affect  only  the  small  red  chromatophores  of  Leander.  They  observed 
also  that  only  the  a-substances  are  released  by  electrical  stimulus  of  the  commissure 
when  the  post-commissure  organ  is  in  a  saline  bath. 

So,  it  is  reasonable  to  believe  that  the  dispersing  hormone  of  Uca  can  also  be 
found  as  large  and  small  molecules  and  both  be  active  on  black  chromatophores. 
But,  of  course,  this  is  an  assumption  which  depends  upon  further  experiments  in 
this  subject. 

Heating  in  boiling  water  does  not  cause  loss  in  the  activity  of  the  chromatophore- 
dispersing  hormone  of  Uca.  Inactivation  of  the  hormone  can  be  achieved,  however, 
by  incubation  of  the  homogenates  of  sinus  glands  with  extracts  of  hepatopancreas 
and  by  the  action  of  the  enzyme  chymotrypsin.  These  results  suggest  that  the  hor- 
mone is  a  polypeptide. 

Carstam  (1951)  has  found  that  extracts  of  hepatopancreas  of  crustaceans  and 
molluscs,  and  extracts  of  liver  of  the  guinea  pig  inactivate  the  pigment-concentrating 
hormone  of  Leander  adspcrsiis,  but  he  could  not  obtain  the  inactivation  of  the  hor- 
mone with  trypsin.  However,  Knowles,  Carlisle  and  Dupont-Raabe  (1956)  have 
obtained  a  complete  inactivation  of  the  "A-substance"  from  sinus  glands  and  post- 
commissure  organ  of  Leander,  by  a  crystalline  preparation  of  trypsin  and  also  by  a 


prolonged  acid  hydrolysis.  Ostlund  and  Fange  (1956)  have  suggested  that  a 
chromactivating  substance  from  the  eyestalk  of  Pandalus  could  be  an  aromatic 
amine,  but  in  personal  communication  to  Knowles  and  Carlisle  (1956)  they  have 
stated  that  their  more  recent  work  indicates  that  this  hormone  may  possibly  be  a 
polypeptide.  So  far,  the  studies  concerning  the  nature  of  the  chromactivating  sub- 
stances of  crustaceans  indicate  that  they  are  polypeptides.  Porath,  Roos,  Land- 
grebe  and  Mitchell  (1955)  have  isolated  a  melanophore-stimulating  peptide  from 
the  pig-pituitary  gland.  Thus,  also  in  vertebrates  the  chromatophorotropins  seem 
to  be  peptides. 

Carstam  (1951)  has  also  obtained  the  inactivation  of  the  pigment-concentrating 
hormone  by  an  enzyme  present  in  the  hypodermis  of  Leander.  In  Uca  pugilator, 
in  hypodermis  as  well  as  in  the  blood,  there  was  not  found  an  inactivating  enzyme 
for  the  chromatophore-dispersing  hormone. 

The  experiments  where  the  homogenates  of  sinus  glands  in  distilled  water  were 
injected  into  the  whole  Uca  pugilator  show  that  the  response  of  the  black  chromato- 
phores  is  a  function  of  the  concentration  of  the  hormone.  These  results  give  also 
an  idea  about  the  amount  of  hormone  liberated  and  its  way  of  action  in  normal 
crabs.  Insignificant  amounts  of  the  hormone  (corresponding  to  0.02  sinus  gland) 
are  enough  to  induce  a  maximal  dispersion  of  the  chromatophores  for  a  long  time. 
This  shows  that  the  elimination  or  destruction  of  such  small  quantities  of  hormone 
is  a  slow  process.  Stephens,  Strickholm  and  Friedl  (1956)  have  also  observed 
that  the  dispersing  hormone  in  Uca  was  present  in  the  circulating  blood  of  destalked 
assay  animals  in  discernible  amounts  for  approximately  three  hours  after  injection. 
Hence,  it  is  reasonable  to  believe  that  the  dispersing  hormone  is  liberated  into  the 
blood  in  small  quantities  and  eliminated  by  excretory  processes  without  the  inter- 
ference of  special  enzymes  for  its  inactivation. 

This  work  has  been  supported  in  part  by  a  Rockefeller  Foundation  fellowship  to 
the  author,  for  a  stay  in  the  laboratory  of  Prof.  John  H.  Welsh,  at  Harvard  Uni- 
versity ;  and  in  part  by  Research  Grant  B-623  from  the  National  Institute  of  Neuro- 
logical Diseases  and  Blindness,  National  Institutes  of  Health.  I  wish  to  express 
my  sincere  appreciation  to  Prof.  John  H.  Welsh  for  his  skillful  assistance  during 
the  course  of  this  investigation.  I  am  grateful  to  Dr.  I.  Ringler  for  his  help  in 
running  the  high  speed  centrifugation  experiments. 


1.  Homogenates  of  sinus  glands  in  isotonic  sucrose  cause  little  dispersion  of 
black  chromatophores  when  injected  into  legs  or  whole  Uca.     A  liberation  of  hor- 
mone occurs  when  homogenates  of  sinus  glands  in  isotonic  sucrose  are  diluted  in 
distilled  water.     A  fraction,  sedimentable  by  high  speed  centrifugation,  when  re- 
suspended  in  distilled  water  and  injected  into  the  test  animals,  induces  a  dispersion 
of  the  chromatophores.     These  results  support  the  view  that  the  black  chromato- 
phore-dispersing hormone  is  contained  within  granules  in  sinus  glands. 

2.  The  release  of  the  hormone  from  the  granules,  obtainable  by  lowering  the 
tonicity  of  the  medium  or  by  dilution  in  isotonic  saline  solutions,  suggests  that  the 
granules  possess  a  semipermeable  membrane. 


3.  The  release  of  the  hormone  from  the  granules  is  increased  by  heating,  by 
freezing  and  thawing,  and  by  the  action  of  detergents  and  digitonin. 

4.  The  black  chromatophore-dispersing  hormone  may  be  a  polypeptide,  since  it 
is  inactivated  by  extracts  of  hepatopancreas  and  by  chymotrypsin. 

5.  The  rate  of  disappearance  of  the  hormone  from  the  blood  of  the  crab  is  very 


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Division  of  Biochemistry,  Department  of  Pathology,  Rochester  General  Hospital, 

Rochester,  New  York 

That  fishes  accumulate  mineral  elements  from  the  water  in  which  they  swim 
and  incorporate  these  elements  into  body  tissues  has  recently  been  demonstrated  by 
the  use  of  calcium-45  and  strontium-89  in  fresh  water  and  marine  fishes  of  various 
species  (Prosser  et  al.,  1945;  Rosenthal,  1956;  Lovelace  and  Podoliak,  1952; 
Boroughs  et  al.,  1956;  Alexander  et  al.,  1956).  The  rate  of  incorporation  of  cal- 
cium-45 into  the  total  body  and  tissues  is  linear  for  Lebistes  and  Salmo  sp.  (Rosen- 
thai,  1956;  Lovelace  and  Podoliak,  1952),  but  bone  and  osseous  tissues  incorporate 
the  nuclide  at  a  greater  rate  than  either  visceral  organs  or  muscle.  In  Lebistes, 
the  loss  of  incorporated  calcium-45  from  the  whole  body  may  be  described  by  at 
least  three  separate  first-order  reactions  varying  from  very  fast  to  very  slow,  prob- 
ably reflecting  the  rate  of  turnover  of  visceral  organs,  muscle,  and  osseous  tissues, 
respectively.  In  marine  fishes,  Boroughs  et  al.  (1956)  have  shown  that  strontium- 
89,  placed  in  water,  is  rapidly  incorporated  into  body  tissues  and  the  distribution  in 
tissues  is  similar  to  that  following  oral  dosage  of  the  nuclide.  These  investigators 
also  showed  that  the  rate  of  excretion  of  a  single  oral  dose  of  strontium-89  is  rapid 
during  the  first  few  days  of  the  experiment.  However,  the  isotope  remaining  in 
the  body  after  the  first  few  days  persisted  at  a  constant  level  for  a  long  time. 

In  view  of  the  reports  that  small  laboratory  mammals  (Alexander  et  al.,  1956; 
Comar  et  al.,  1955),  man  (Turekian  and  Kulp,  1956)  and  marine  fishes  (Boroughs 
et  al.,  1957)  discriminate  against  strontium  relative  to  calcium,  and  since  strontium 
is  chemically  similar  to  calcium,  it  was  of  interest  to  determine  the  uptake  and  turn- 
over of  strontium-90  by  Lebistes  and  to  compare  this  information  with  that  previ- 
ously obtained  with  calcium-45.  The  results  of  this  study  form  the  basis  for  this 


Adult  male  wild-type  guppies,  averaging  125  mg.  in  weight,  were  obtained  from 
commercial  sources.  The  experimental  design  and  the  treatment  of  animals  and 
tissues  for  analysis  has  been  described  in  detail  in  a  previous  publication  (Rosen- 
thai,  1956). 

All  samples  for  radioactivity  assay  for  strontium-90  were  counted  after  a  wait- 
ing period  of  20  days  to  permit  equilibrium  between  strontium-90  and  its  yttrium-90 
daughter  nuclide.  The  samples  were  counted  with  a  windowless  gas  flow  counter 
to  less  than  a  5  per  cent  statistical  error.  Corrections  for  self-absorption  of  stron- 
tium-90 were  made  when  necessary  but  the  28-year  half-life  of  this  nuclide  obviated 
decay  corrections.  Assay  of  calcium-45  was  performed  as  previously  described, 
with  the  same  counting  assembly. 




No  attempt  was  made  to  differentiate  between  strontium-90  and  its  yttrium-90 
daughter,  and  the  use  of  the  term  strontium-90  throughout  this  report  refers  to  the 
combined  activities  of  strontium-90  and  yttrium-90  at  equilibrium.  The  efficiency 
of  the  counter  for  strontium-90  and  calcium-45  was  determined  to  be  1.5  X  1010  and 
1  X  109  counts  per  minute  per  millicurie,  respectively.  The  strontium-90  and  cal- 
cium-45 were  obtained  from  the  Oak  Ridge  National  Laboratories  in  the  form  of 
carrier-free  salts. 

o>       I 





LU     0 

<     5 














FIGURE  1.  Uptake  of  strontium-90  by  male  Lebistes  versus  days  in  water  containing  the 
isotope.  Each  point  represents  two  to  four  fish.  The  water  activity  for  Curve  A,  1  X  108 
cpm/ml.,  Curve  B,  1.7  X  105  cpm/ml,  Curve  C,  1.1  X  104  cpm/ml. 


The  rate  of  uptake  of  strontium-90  by  male  Lebistes  from  the  water  in  which 
they  swim  was  determined  by  placing  the  fish  in  glass  aquaria  containing  500  milli- 
liters  of  aged  tap  water  containing  the  isotope.  Distilled  water  was  added  daily  to 
compensate  for  losses  of  water  by  evaporation  and  to  maintain  the  isotope  activity 
of  the  water  within  ±  5  per  cent  during  the  experimental  period. 


The  results  obtained  from  these  experiments  demonstrate  the  rapid  incorpora- 
tion of  strontium-90  into  the  body  of  the  fish  (Fig.  1).  The  incorporation  is  linear 
during  a  10-  or  15-day  experimental  period  for  all  concentrations  of  isotope  thus 
far  studied,  and  the  uptake  of  strontium-90  is  similar  to  the  data  previously  obtained 
with  calcium-45  (Rosenthal,  1956).  The  similarity  between  the  uptake  of  stron- 
tium-90 and  calcium-45  is  further  shown  by  calculation  of  a  "concentration  factor" 
which  relates  the  logarithm  of  the  rate  of  incorporation  of  the  isotope  in  the  body 
of  the  fish  to  the  logarithm  of  the  activity  of  isotope  in  water  (Table  I).  It  is  ap- 
parent that  the  concentration  factors  for  both  calcium-45  and  strontium-90  are  sur- 
prisingly similar  within  experimental  error.  These  data  are  markedly  different 
from  those  obtained  for  marine  fishes  by  Boroughs  et  al.  (1957),  who  found  that 
Tilapia  discriminate  against  strontium-89  relative  to  calcium.  It  is  conceivable  that 


Relationship  between  rate  of  uptake  and  water  activity  for  various  nuclides 

by  the  body  of  male  Lebistes 

Isotope  cpm/ml.  Concentration  factor*  ±  S.E. 

Strontium-90  8.25  X  10«  0.70  ±  0.007  (10)** 

1.72  X  10B  0.72  ±  0.003  (16) 

1.00  X  106  0.82  ±  0.004  (13) 

Weighted  Average  0.75 

Calcium-45  8.52  X  10"  0.72  ±  0.007  (18) 

9.42  X  104  0.80  ±  0.005  (20) 

7.37  X  106  0.78  ±  0.010  (13) 

Weighted  Average     0.77 

/  Uptake  m  count/mm,  per  100  mg.  per  day  \ 

*  Concentration  Factor  =  log  I  — ^  -1—. ; — : — — - — : — -  }  . 

\       Water  activity  in  count/mm,  per  ml.       / 

*  The  numbers  in  parentheses  indicate  number  of  animals  analyzed. 

/      S  d2      V 

S.E.  =  Standard  error  =  I  — I  . 

\  n(n  —  I)/ 


these  differences  are  due  to  entirely  different  mechanisms  involving  the  osmotic 
physiology  of  fresh  water  and  marine  fishes. 

The  various  organs  of  the  body  such  as  the  spine,  head,  viscera,  and  muscle  also 
take  up  strontium-90  in  a  linear  fashion  during  a  10-day  experimental  period,  but 
the  rate  of  uptake  differs  for  each  organ,  as  shown  in  Figure  2.  Highly  mineralized 
tissues  such  as  the  spine  and  head  accumulate  strontium-90  at  a  greater  rate  than 
the  total  body  while  soft  tissues  (muscle  and  viscera)  accumulate  less  of  the  isotope. 
The  accumulation  of  strontium-90  by  the  tissues  of  Lebistes  is  qualitatively  similar 
to  that  of  calcium.  Although  the  total  body  accumulates  the  same  amount  of 
calcium-45  and  strontium-90,  the  ratio  of  organ  isotope  concentration  to  total  body 
isotope  concentration  for  strontium-90  differs  significantly  from  that  of  calcium-45 
in  all  of  the  organs  studied  (Table  II).  Thus  it  is  apparent  that  the  spine,  head 










</>    0.5 





HEAD          7.2xl03 
TOTAL       5.9  xlO3 

VISCERA    I.6xl03 
MUSCLE  3.0xl02. 



FIGURE  2.  Uptake  of  strontium-90  by  various  tissues  of  male  Lcbistcs  versus  days  in  water 
containing  9  X  104  counts  per  minute  per  milliliter.  Values  for  each  tissue  represent  rate  of  up- 
take of  strontium-90  in  terms  of  counts  per  minute  per  100  milligrams  per  day.  Each  point 
represents  6  values. 

and  viscera  accumulate  significantly  more  strontium-90  than  calcium-45  on  a  con- 
centration basis.  Muscle  tissue,  on  the  other  hand,  tends  to  incorporate  somewhat 
less  strontium-90  than  calcium-45.  A  comparison  of  the  total  distribution  of  stron- 
tium-90 and  calcium-45  in  the  various  tissues  of  the  body  following  10  days  of  up- 
take of  the  isotope  from  water  (Table  III)  is  consistent  with  the  data  based  on 

Relative  uptake  of  strontium-90  and  calcium-45  by  tissues  of  male  Lebistes 







1.00    ±  0.026**  (16)*** 

1.00    ±  0.045** 





1.28    ±0.051       (18) 

1.07    ±  0.039 





0.96    ±0.118       (18) 

0.59    ±  0.087 





0.061  ±  0.020      (17) 

0.102  ±0.024 





2.28    ±0.10        (15) 

1.87    ±0.10 




The  values  represent  the  ratio 

cpm/100  ing.  tissue 

cpm/100  mg.  carcass 
the  water  activity  varied  from  104  to  106  cpm/ml.  for  each  isotope. 

*  Standard  error. 

*  The  numbers  in  parentheses  indicate  number  of  fish  analyzed. 

derived  from  3  to  5  experiments  in  which 

Students  "t"  value  = 

Mi  -  M2 

/  sth2  +  sd22  y 

\Ni  +  X,  -  27 

[7     NtN2     V] 
L\  Ni  +  No  7  J  ' 




Distribution  of  strontium-90  and  calcium-45  in  tissues  of  male  Lebistes 
after  10  days  in  isotopic  water 


Isotope  distribution  ±  S.E. 
(per  cent  of  total) 






100.0  ±  10.11  (13)* 
29.9  ±    0.97  (13) 
13.5  ±     1.87  (13) 

100.0  ±  2.92  (15)* 
21.3  ±  1.12  (14) 
7.3  ±  0.48  (14) 




2.8  ±    0.29  (12) 
6.9  ±    0.61   (12) 
46.9  ±    2.24  (12) 

3.7  ±  0.31  (14) 
6.2  ±  0.36  (14) 
61.5  ±  2.32  (13) 



"  The  numbers  in  parentheses  indicate  number  of  animals  analyzed. 
**  Calculated  by  difference. 

***  Muscle  tissues  estimated  to  comprise  40  per  cent  of  body  weight, 
t  From  Rosenthal  (1956). 

concentration  shown  in  Table  II.  The  apparent  discrepancy  for  the  similarity  be- 
tween the  distribution  of  calcium-45  and  strontium-90  in  the  spine  (Table  III)  and 
the  relative  uptake  of  the  two  isotopes  by  the  spine  on  a  concentration  basis  is  due, 
in  all  probability,  to  our  inability  to  always  remove  the  entire  spine  from  these  small 
fishes.  This  unavoidable  error  introduces  some  uncertainty  into  the  distribution 
data  for  the  spines. 

The  head  and  "remainder"  (skin,  scales  and  fins)  account  for  77  per  cent  of 
the  total  body  strontium-90,  while  these  tissues  account  for  almost  83  per  cent  of 
the  total  body  calcium-45.  Muscle  contains  the  smallest  proportion  of  the  total 
body  strontium  and  calcium  (2.8  and  3.7  per  cent,  respectively)  while  occupying 
about  40  per  cent  of  the  total  body  weight.  The  spine,  representing  less  than  3  per 
cent  of  the  body  weight,  contains  between  6  and  7  per  cent  of  the  total  calcium  and 
strontium  nuclides,  respectively.  This  comparison  between  the  distribution  of 
strontium-90  and  calcium-45,  under  the  same  experimental  conditions,  indicates 
that  the  head  and  viscera  incorporate,  respectively,  25  per  cent  and  46  per  cent 
more  strontium-90  than  calcium-45,  while  muscle  and  the  remaining  tissues  accu- 

Relative  proportions  of  tissues  of  male  Lebistes 


No.  of 

Per  cent  of  body  weight 



20.6  ±  0.22* 



12.3  ±0.37 



2.8  ±  0.07 
24.4  ±  0.25 



40.0  (estimated) 

*  Standard  error. 

*  Remainder  includes  skin,  fins,  scales  and  is  calculated  by  difference  assuming  that  muscle 
comprises  40  per  cent  of  body  weight. 



mulate  about  25  per  cent  less  strontium-90  than  calcium-45.  These  differences  in 
tissue  uptake  of  the  two  nuclides  are  statistically  significant  and  further  accentuate 
subtle  differences  in  the  metabolism  of  these  two  elements. 

Since  the  relationship  of  the  weight  of  organs  to  body  weight  has  not,  to  my 
knowledge,  been  previously  determined  or  published,  for  Lebistcs,  the  relative  pro- 
portions of  the  various  tissues  analyzed  in  this  study  are  shown  in  Table  IV. 
















FIGURE  3.  Turnover  of  strontium-90  by  various  tissues  of  male  Lebistes  versus  days  in 
water  containing  no  isotope.  Each  point  represents  4  to  11  values  obtained  from  3  experiments. 
©,  spine:  O,  body:  •.  muscle:  CD,  head:  ©,  viscera.  The  fish  contained  about  104  cpm/100  mg. 
on  day  zero  of  turnover. 

The  rate  of  turnover  of  strontium-90  by  the  body  and  tissues  of  Lebistcs  was 
determined  by  first  placing  the  animals  in  isotope-containing  water  for  10  days  in 
order  to  incorporate  sufficient  radioactivity  into  the  tissues.  After  this  period  the 
fishes  were  transferred  to  isotope-free  water  which  was  changed  periodically  and 
they  were  sacrificed  at  suitable  intervals  previously  described  in  detail  (Rosenthal, 



1956).  During  a  50-day  experimental  period,  the  loss  of  strontium-90  from  the 
total  fish  could  be  resolved  into  two  components  that  may  be  described  by  first 
order  reactions  (Fig.  3).  The  first  component,  turning  over  rapidly  with  a  bio- 
logical half-life  of  about  8  days,  represents  loosely-bound  strontium-90  in  visceral 
tissues  of  the  body.  This  is  somewhat  longer  than  the  three-day  half-life  for  the 
rate  of  turnover  of  the  fast  component  with  calcium-45  (Rosenthal,  1956).  The 
loss  of  strontium-90  by  the  viscera  is  extremely  rapid,  so  that  92  per  cent  of  the 
radioactivity  is  lost  during  the  first  two  days  of  the  experiment.  The  second  com- 
ponent has  an  exceedingly  long  half -life  of  about  two  years  or  more.  During  a 
similar  experimental  period  with  calcium-45  (Rosenthal.  1956)  three  components 
with  biological  half-lives  of  3  days,  137  days,  and  309  days  were  apparent  which 
reflect  the  turnover  rates  of  visceral  tissues,  muscle  and  carcass,  respectively.  The 
absence  of  an  intermediate  component  for  strontium-90  is  primarily  due  to  the  very 
slow  turnover  rate  of  strontium-90  by  muscle  tissue,  and  to  a  lesser  extent,  the  head. 


Distribution  of  strontium-90  and  calciinn-45  in  tissues  of  male  Lcbistes  after 
40-50  days  of  turnover  in  non-isotopic  water 

Isotope  distribution  ±  S.E. 

(per  cent  of  total) 




Strontium-90  (SO  days) 


(40  days)t 


100.0  ± 

11.2     (5)* 

ibo.o  ± 

5.48   (8)* 




42.7  ± 

5.16  (5) 

34.4  db 

2.08  (7) 




0.2  ± 

0.06  (5) 

0.5  ± 

0.04  (5) 




3.0  ± 

0.87  (5) 


0.46  (5) 




21.0  ± 

4.47  (5) 

19.4  ± 

1.04  (7) 




33.1  ± 

7.79  (5) 

43.1  ± 

2.38  (6) 



*  The  numbers  in  parentheses  indicate  number  of  animals  analyzed. 
**  Calculated  by  difference. 

*  Muscle  tissue  estimated  to  comprise  40  per  cent  of  body  weight. 
f  From  Rosenthal  (1956). 

It  is  of  interest  to  note  that  muscle  tissue  strontium-90  with  a  biological  half-life 
of  about  two  years  as  calculated  from  the  last  25  days  of  the  experiment,  is  lost  in  a 
manner  similar  to  that  of  the  total  body.  This  is  in  contrast  to  the  biological  half- 
life  for  muscle  of  137  days  as  determined  previously  for  calcium-45,  and  it  would 
appear  that  the  metabolism  of  the  two  elements  differs  in  muscle  tissue.  The  ex- 
ceptionally slow  turnover  of  strontium-90  in  muscle  tissue  of  marine  fishes  has  re- 
cently been  observed  by  Boroughs  ct  a!.  (  1956). 

The  spine,  which  consists  not  only  of  mineral  matter  but  also  of  intervertebral 
cartilage,  tendon,  and  organic  bone  matrix,  continues  to  incorporate  the  isotope  for 
about  10  days  after  the  fish  is  placed  in  isotope-free  water.  The  additional  nuclide 
must  be  derived  from  a  redistribution  of  isotope  from  soft  tissues  such  as  viscera. 
Similar  data  were  obtained  with  calcium-45  (Rosenthal,  1956).  The  accumulated 
isotope  does  not  remain  fixed  in  the  spine,  however,  but  is  subsequently  lost  and  a 
new  equilibrium  consistent  with  that  of  the  mineral  component  of  bone  becomes 


established.  The  biological  half-life  of  strontium-90  in  the  spine,  calculated  during 
the  last  25  days  of  the  experiment,  may  be  estimated  to  exceed  two  years,  a  value 
consistent  with  the  biological  half-life  of  calcium-45  previously  determined  (Rosen- 
thai,  1956).  The  additional  increase  of  the  strontium-90  and  calcium-45  in  the 
bone  and  its  relatively  rapid  loss  may  represent  a  rather  labile  binding-site  (T1/;  = 
about  50  days)  for  bone  formation. 

The  distribution  of  strontium-90  in  various  organs  and  tissues  of  the  body  after 
50  days  in  isotope-free  water  is  compared  with  the  distribution  of  calcium-45  after 
40  days  in  isotope-free  water  (Table  V).  It  is  interesting  to  note  that  the  distri- 
butions of  both  isotopes  at  the  end  of  40  days  of  turnover  for  calcium-45  and  50 
days  for  strontium-90  are  not  significantly  different.  A  comparison  of  the  rate  of 
turnover  of  strontium-90  by  the  tissues,  shown  in  Figure  3  of  this  report,  with  the 
rate  of  turnover  of  calcium-45  previously  published  (Rosenthal,  1956)  indicates 
that  the  similarity  of  distribution  of  both  isotopes  at  these  particular  time  intervals 
is  coincidental.  Extrapolation  of  the  turnover  rates  for  both  isotopes  indicates  that 
the  head,  muscle  and  spine  would  retain  a  greater  proportion  of  the  body  strontium- 
90,  while  the  viscera  and  "remainder"  would  contain  less  strontium-90  throughout 
the  life  of  the  fish. 


It  is  apparent  from  these  studies  that  fresh  water  fishes  accumulate  strontium-90 
from  the  water  in  which  they  swim  and  that  the  rate  of  uptake  is  similar  to  that  of 
calcium-45.  Moreover,  we  have  recently  shown  that  the  rate  of  uptake  of  stron- 
tium-90 and  calcium-45  by  other  fresh  water  fishes  (Danio  and  Tanichthys}  is  simi- 
lar to  the  data  we  have  obtained  with  Lcbistcs.  These  data  differ  from  the  studies 
of  Boroughs  ct  al.  (1957),  who  found  that  marine  fishes  discriminate  against  stron- 
tium-89.  This  apparent  disagreement  may  be  due  to  marked  differences  in  osmotic 
regulation  between  marine  and  fresh  water  fishes.  On  the  other  hand,  discrimina- 
tion of  strontium  isotopes  relative  to  calcium  by  small  laboratory  mammals  appears 
to  be  well  documented  (Comar  ct  al.,  1955  ;  Turekian  and  Kulp,  1956;  Comar  ct  al., 
1956).  Comar  ct  al.,  (1956)  have  indicated  that  the  processes  of  major  discrimina- 
tion, in  rats,  are  decreased  absorption  of  strontium  from  the  intestinal  tract  and  in- 
creased urinary  strontium  excretion,  processes  which  cannot  be  measured  directly 
in  small  fishes.  These  two  processes  would  tend  to  limit  the  quantity  of  strontium 
entering  the  body  and  its  retention  in  the  body,  but  in  fishes,  the  gills  play  a  major 
role  for  the  absorption  and  excretion  of  mineral  elements.  The  similarity  of  the 
"concentration  factor"  (Table  I)  for  both  nuclides  by  the  total  body  of  the  fish  in- 
dicates no  discrimination  of  strontium-90  by  these  fishes.  It  is  possible  that  subtle 
differences  between  strontium-90  and  calcium-45  uptake  by  fishes  may  become  ap- 
parent by  the  use  of  differential  methods  in  which  both  nuclides  are  present  in  the 
same  medium.  These  and  other  aspects  of  the  problem  are  under  investigation. 

The  rate  of  excretion  of  strontium-90  by  the  total  body  and  tissues  (except  vis- 
cera)  of  Lcbistcs  is  slower  than  that  of  calcium-45.  The  data  appear  to  be  in  con- 
trast with  the  report  by  Lengeman  (1957),  who  showed  that  rat  bones,  in  vitro, 
lose  more  strontium-90  than  calcium-45.  Since  the  accumulation  and  retention  of 
mineral  elements  into  bone  depend  on  the  rate  of  bone  formation  and  sequestration 
of  elements  into  slowly  exchanging  bone  matrix,  comparisons  between  such  diverse 
biological  systems  may  be  hazardous.  Nonetheless,  tissues  of  Lcbistcs  rich  in  cal- 


cium,  such  as  the  spine  and  head,  accumulate  and  retain  a -larger  percentage  of  the 
total  body  strontium-90  than  that  of  calcium-45,  in  accord  with  the  studies  of  Lenge- 
man  (1957)  and  Comar  ct  al.  (1956)  for  rats.  Although  no  explanation  is  offered 
at  this  time  concerning  the  mechanism  of  incorporation  of  alkaline  earth  elements 
from  water  by  fishes,  the  similarity  of  uptake  of  calcium-45  and  strontium-90  by 
fresh  water  fishes  (Rosenthal,  1957)  indicates  a  fundamental  and  essentially  simi- 
lar process. 

I  am  grateful  to  Atari  Lou  Pfluke,  Helen  Cundiff  and  Paul  Myers  for  their 
technical  assistance  and  to  E.  Pfluke,  Pfluke's  Aquarium  and  Pet  Shop,  Rochester, 
N.  Y.  for  animals  and  supplies.  This  study  was  aided  by  a  grant,  contract  No. 
AT  (30-1)-1712,  from  the  Atomic  Energy  Commission. 


1.  The  uptake  of  strontium-90  by  male  Lcbistcs  from  the  water  in  which  they 
swim  is  linear  with  time  for  the  total  carcass  and  tissues  studied.     Tissues  con- 
taining high  concentrations   of  calcium   accumulate   more   strontium-90  than   soft 
tissues.     The  rate  of  turnover  of  the  nuclide  varies  from  very  fast  to  very  slow  ac- 
cording to  the  type  of  tissue.     The  whole  body,  head  and  spine  retain  strontium-90 
for  long  periods  of  time  (T1^  ==  600  days)  \vhile  viscera  loses  the  isotope  rapidly 

2.  A  comparison  between  strontium-90  and  calcium-45  uptake  and  turnover  by 
male  Lchistcs  are  qualitatively  similar  but  significant  quantitative  differences  are 


ALEXANDER,  G.  V.,  R.   E.   NUSBAUM  AND  N.    S.   MACDONALD,    1956.     The   relative   retention 

of  strontium  and  calcium  in  bone  tissue.     /.  Biol.  Chan.,  218:  911-919. 
BOROUGHS,  H.,  S.  J.  TOWNSLEY  AND  R.  W.  HIATT,  1956.     The  metabolism  of  raclionuclides  by 

marine   organisms.     I.    The   uptake,   accumulation,   and    loss    of    strontium*9   by    fishes. 

Biol.  Bull.,  Ill:  336-351. 
BOROUGHS,   H.,   S.  J.   TOWNSLEY  AND  R.   W.   HIATT,   1957.     The   metabolism   of   radionuclides 

by    marine    organisms.     III.    The    uptake    of    calcium45    in    solution    by    marine    fish. 

Limnology  and  Oceanography,  2  :  28-32. 
COMAR,  C.  L.,  I.  B.  WHITNEY  AND  F.  W.  LENGEMAN,  1955.     Comparative  utilization  of  dietary 

strontium-90  and  calcium  by  developing  rat  fetus  and  growing  rat.     Proc.  Soc.  E.rper. 

Biol.  Mcd..  88:  232-236. 
COMAR,  C.  L.,  R.  H.  WASSERMAN  AND  M.   M.   NOLD,   1956.     Strontium-calcium  discrimination 

factors  in  the  rat.     Proc.  Soc.  E.rpcr.  Biol.  Mcd.,  92:  859-863. 
LENGEMAN,   F.   W.,    1957.     Comparative   metabolism   of   strontium -89   and   calcium-45   by   bone 

grown  in  ritru.     Proc.  Soc.  E.rpcr.  Biol.  Mcd.,  94:  64—66. 
LOVELACE,   F.   E.,   AND   H.   A.    PODOLIAK,    1952.     Absorption   of   radioactive   calcium   by    brook 

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PROSSER,  C.  L.,  W.  PERVINSEK,  J.  ARNOLD,  G.  SVIHLA  AND  P.  C.  TOMPKINS,  1945.     Accumula- 
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sodium  in  goldfish.     U.  S.  Atomic  Energy  Coinin.  Tech.  Inform.  Serv.  MDDC.-496. 
ROSENTHAL,  H.  L.,  1956.     Uptake  and  turnover  of  calcium-45  by  the  guppy.     Science,  124:  571- 

ROSENTHAL,  H.   L.,   1957.     Uptake  of  calcium-45  and  strontium-90  from   water   by   freshwater 

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TUREKIAN,  K.  K.,  AND  J.  L.  KULP,  1956.     Strontium  content  of  human  bones.     Science,  124: 







Bermuda  Biological  Station  3  and   The  Biological  Laboratories,  Harvard   University  and 

Radcliffe  College,  Cambridge  36,  Mass. 

Following  molt,  the  major  tasks  which  confront  the  crustacean  are  growth  of 
the  soft  tissues  and  the  continued  accretionary  growth  and  hardening  of  the  skeleton 
by  deposition  of  mineral  salts  therein.  In  spiny  lobsters  of  80-89  mm.  carapace 
length,  weight  stability  is  not  achieved  until  28-35  days  following  molt  (late  Stage 
C)  (Travis,  1954).  This  is  a  period  at  which  the  skeleton  is  fully  hardened,  water 
content  is  normal,  and  presumably  growth  of  the  tissues  is  fairly  stable.  During 
the  early  postmolt  period,  however,  when  rapid  accretionary  growth  and  calcifica- 
tion of  the  skeleton  are  occurring,  marked  changes  are  observed  in  the  hepato- 
pancreas  and  integumental  tissues.  Accordingly,  the  present  paper  will  be  con- 
cerned with  those  marked  changes  in  the  hepatopancreas  and  integumental  tissues 
which  occur  concomitantly  with  the  development  and  calcification  of  the  post-exuvial 
layers  of  the  skeleton. 


Male  and  female  spiny  lobsters  ranging  in  carapace  length  from  80—89  mm.  were 
obtained  and  handled  as  previously  described  (Travis,  1954). 

Designation  of  stages  in  the  molting  cycle 

Stages  of  the  molting"  cycle  were  designated  by  time  intervals,  in  days,  as  previ- 
ously described  (Travis,  1955a)  and  by  the  method  of  Drach  (1939).  For 
Pan H lints  argns.  Stage  A  through  C  encompasses  a  period  of  approximately  51  days 
during  the  summer  months.  Stage  A.  immediately  following  molt  and  the  stage 
in  which  the  principal  layer  begins  to  be  deposited,  has  a  duration  of  approximately 
24  hours  or  one  day.  Stage  B,  beginning  calcification,  continued  thickening  of  the 
principal  layer  and  preliminary  hardening  of  the  skeleton,  is  approximately  six  days 

1  This   work  was   supported  in   part   by  an   E.   L.   Mark   Fellowship   from    Harvard   Uni- 
versity, a  Mees  Fellowship  from  the  Bermuda  Biological  Station,  and  an  Atomic  Energy  Com- 
mission Pre-  and  Postdoctoral  Fellowship.     The  author  wishes  to  express  her  sincere  apprecia- 
tion to  Dr.  John  H.  Welsh,  Dr.  E.  E.  Mortensen,  and  Dr.  A.  B.  Dawson  for  their  most  helpful 
criticism  and  suggestions  regarding  this  manuscript. 

2  Present  address  :  Department  of  Zoology,  University  of  New  Hampshire,  Durham,  New 

3  Contribution  No.  233. 




FIGS.  1-6. 


in  length,  existing  from  two  through  seven  days  following  molt.  Stage  C,  a  stage 
in  which  the  principal  layer  and  the  new  membranous  layer  are  completed  and  in 
which  the  skeleton  is  completely  hardened,  is  the  longest  period  of  the  molting  cycle 
(44  days),  existing  from  approximately  the  eighth  day  through  the  fifty-first  day 
following  molt. 

Histological  and  histochemical  methods 

For  the  histological  and  histochemical  studies,  pieces  of  integument  and  integu- 
mental tissues  were  removed  from  the  carapace  of  Panulirus  (see  Figure  1 ;  Travis, 
1955a)  on  each  of  eight  consecutive  days  following  molt.  Likewise  the  right  pos- 
terior lobe  of  the  hepatopancreas  was  removed  on  each  of  seven  consecutive  days 
following  molt.  Tissues  from  three  animals  were  used  to  represent  each  of  these 
days  with  the  exception  of  the  first,  fourth,  and  eighth  day  following  molt  for  the 
integumental  tissues.  In  these  cases,  tissues  from  one  animal  were  used. 

Most  integumental  tissues  were  embedded  in  celloidin  and  cut  at  10  p..  The  pos- 
terior lobe  of  the  hepatopancreas  was  embedded  in  paraffin  and  cut  at  8  /JL,  with  the 
exception  of  hepatopancreatic  tissues  fixed  and  embedded  for  lipid  detection. 

Portions  of  the  integument  and  hepatopancreas  fixed  in  Helly's  and  alcoholic 
Bouin's  fluid  were  stained  by  the  following  methods  : 

1.  Mallory's  triple  stain 

2.  Periodic  acid  Schiff  (PAS)  of  McManus,  as  described  by  Lillie  (1948) 

3.  Bensley  and  Bensley's  method  (1938),  for  demonstrating  muco-  or  glycoprotein 

by  means  of  toluidine  blue  (see  Travis,  1955a). 

For  detection  of  calcium  deposits,  portions  of  the  skeleton  were  fixed  in  nine 
parts  of  95%  alcohol  and  one  part  of  40%  formaldehyde,  and  were  stained  with 
the  following : 

1.  Mallory's  triple  stain 

2.  Schmorl's  purpurin  (Lillie,  1948) 

FIGURE  1.  A  reserve  cell,  "mulberry"-like  in  appearance,  of  the  sub-epidermal  connective 
tissue  from  an  animal  three  days  following  molt.  Note  lumpy  or  stainable  balls  of  material 
(arrow)  of  mucopolysaccharide  as  well  as  calcium.  800  X. 

FIGURE  2.  Large  oval  reserve  cells  of  the  hepatopancreas  showing  the  presence  of  large 
vacuoles  (arrows),  some  of  which  contain  flaky  or  granular-like  stainable  material  while 
others  appear  clear,  a  condition  observed  from  five  through  seven  days  following  molt  and 
possibly  correlated  with  a  marked  decrease  in  mucopolysaccharide  and  calcium.  800  X. 

FIGURE  3.  X-ray  diffraction  photograph  taken  of  dry  powder  obtained  from  triturated 
pieces  of  the  area  of  softening.  The  presence  of  calcite  lines  reveals  that  calcium  carbonate  is 
present  in  the  spiny  lobster  skeleton  as  calcite,  not  aragonite  or  amorphous  calcium  carbonate. 

FIGURE  4.  Glycogen  distribution  in  the  epidermis  of  the  outer  integument  and  sub-epidermal 
connective  tissue  at  one  day  postmolt.  Note  small  number  of  glycogen  granules  localized  in 
the  proximal  half  of  the  outer  epidermal  cells.  At  this  same  time  abundant  amounts  are 
concentrated  at  the  bases  of  the  epidermal  cells  of  the  inner  integument.  760  X. 

FIGURE  5.  Note  that  at  two  days  postmolt  glycogen  has  completely  disappeared  from  the 
epidermis  of  the  inner  integument  and  is  not  observed  again  in  this  tissue  during  the  entire 
postmolt  period.  760  X. 

FIGURE  6.  The  heavy  concentration  of  glycogen  observed  in  the  distal  half  of  the  outer 
epidermal  cells  during  a  period  of  two  through  four  days  following  molt.  Little  glycogen  at 
this  time  is  present  in  the  sub-epidermal  connective  tissue.  760  X. 


3.  Alizarin  red  S  (Manigault,  1939) 

4.  Von  Kossa's  method   (Lillie,   1948).     Before  following  this  procedure,  tissues 

were  washed  in  5%  aqueous  KNO3  for  five  minutes  or  more  to  remove  the 
chloride  present.  With  Von  Kossa's  method,  the  silver  from  the  silver  ni- 
trate is  precipitated  as  phosphate  on  the  surface  of  calcium  phosphate  granules. 
The  silver  phosphate  is  reduced  in  the  presence  of  light  to  metallic  silver, 
forming  a  black  crust  on  the  surface  of  calcium  phosphate  granules.  Mallory 
(1942)  states  that  calcium  carbonate  granules  become  coated  with  silver 
carbonate,  which  in  sunlight  gives  off  CO2  and  leaves  a  black  silver  oxide  on 
the  surface  of  these  granules.  These  reactions  may  not  occur  in  the  presence 
of  organic  substances  (Lison,  1953)  nor  in  the  presence  of  quantities  of  chlo- 
ride (Lee,  1946). 

Parts  of  the  epicuticle,  pigmented  layer  and  principal  layer  appear  either 
black  or  brown  with  Von  Kossa's  method.  Cameron  (1930)  pointed  out  that 
the  most  recent  calcium  deposits  in  teeth  appear  dark  brown  by  this  method, 
while  the  older  calcified  layers  appear  lighter  brown.  Some  calcified  areas, 
he  noted,  did  not  stain  at  all.  It  should  be  pointed  out  that  this  method  has 
the  great  advantage  over  alizarin  and  purpurin  in  that  it  enables  one  to  visu- 
alize calcium  deposits  in  granular  form.  It  is,  therefore,  excellent  for  the  de- 
tection of  skeletal  deposits  whereas  the  latter  methods  are  not. 

5.  Microincineration  (Scott,  1933)  was  used  to  confirm  the  presence  of  calcium  de- 

posits detected  by  the  stains  mentioned  above.  The  white  calcium  ash  vmder 
dark-field  illimination  appeared  in  the  same  areas  as  indicated  by  the  stains. 
To  confirm  this  as  being  calcium  ash,  the  gypsum  test  was  used. 

For  detection  of  calcium  in  the  hepatopancreas,  tissues  were  fixed  in  the 
same  fashion  as  the  integumental  tissues  and  were  stained  with  alizarin  red  S. 

For  detection  of  alkaline  phosphatase,  integumental  and  hepatopancreatic  tis- 
sues were  fixed  in  cold  80%  alcohol,  and  embedded  in  paraffin.  Alkaline  phospha- 
tase was  determined  by  the  method  of  Gomori  ( 1941 ) .  Control  sections  were  made 
using  the  incubating  medium  without  added  substrate.  This  method  is  extremely 
useful  for  the  detection  of  calcium  deposits.  In  control  sections  which  do  not 
show  the  presence  of  alkaline  phosphatase,  calcium  deposits,  if  present,  show  up 
remarkably  well. 

Only  the  hepatopancreas  was  used  for  the  detection  of  lipids.  Portions  of  the 
tissue,  in  this  case,  were  fixed  in  10%  neutral  formalin  and  were  imbedded  in  car- 
bowax  (method  of  Blank  and  McCarthy,  1950),  cut  at  10  and  15  ^  and  stained  for 
lipids  with  Sudan  black  B. 


1.  The  integument  and  integumental  tissues 
a.  Tissues 

During  the  early  post-ecdysial  period  (Stage  A  and  B)  pieces  of  exoskeleton 
with  attached  integumental  tissues  were  removed  from  the  lateral  portion  of  the 
carapace  (see  Fig.  1;  Travis,  1955a).  The  lateral  portions  of  the  carapace  of 


Crustacea,  as  one  will  recall,  are  folded  in  such  a  way  that  there  is  an  outer  epi- 
dermis and  integument,  (the  outer  integument  being  in  contact  with  the  surround- 
ing sea  water)  as  well  as  an  inner  epidermis  and  integument  (the  inner  integument 
facing  the  gills,  in  contact  with  the  sea  water  in  the  branchial  chamber).  Sections 
of  the  exoskeleton  with  attached  integumental  tissues  indicate  that  the  epidermal 
cells  of  the  outer  integument  remain  extremely  long  and  attenuated  and  indeed  fibril- 
lar  in  nature.  This  condition  is  similar  to  that  observed  in  the  late  premolt  ani- 
mal. The  markedly  fibrillar  nature  of  the  outer  epidermis,  however,  is  apparent 
in  all  stages  of  the  molting  cycle.  Nuclei  in  these  epidermal  cells  of  the  outer 
integument  are  central  (Fig.  4)  whereas  those  of  the  inner  integument  are  more 
distal  in  location  (Fig.  5).  The  inner  epidermal  cells,  also  somewhat  fibrillar  in 
nature,  remain  about  half  the  length  of  the  outer  epidermal  cells  during  all  stages 
of  the  molting  cycle  (see  figures  from  Travis,  1955a). 

Both  the  outer  and  inner  epidermis,  during  the  early  postmolt  period  (Stage  A 
and  B).  show  a  gamma  metachromasia  (pink-purple)  with  toluidine  blue,  indicating 
the  presence  of  a  glyco-  or  mucoprotein.  The  presence  of  phosphatase,  glycogen, 
and  calcium  in  these  tissues  during  the  early  post-molt  period  will  be  discussed  in  a 
subsequent  section  of  this  paper. 

As  was  pointed  out  (Travis,  1955a),  the  sub-epidermal  connective  tissue  is  of 
a  loose  spongy  type. 

The  large  oval  reserve  cells,  described  as  "protein  cells"  by  Cuenot  (1893)  and 
resembling  Leydig  Cells,  Type  I  (Kiikenthal,  1926-1927).  constitute  by  far  the 
most  prominent  and  most  interesting  cell  types  within  this  sub-epidermal  connec- 
tive tissue.  These  reserve  cells  vary  greatly  in  structural  appearance  during  the 
molting  cycle.  When  storing  reserves  they  become  greatly  swollen  and  may  take 
on  a  "mulberry"  appearance  (Fig.  1).  When  devoid  of  reserves  they  may  de- 
crease in  size  with  their  vacuoles  becoming  clear  or  containing  flaky  or  granular- 
like  stainable  material.  Since  the  reserve  cells  are  found  within  the  tissue  spaces 
among  other  Leydig  cells,  they  should  not,  perhaps,  be  considered  as  permanent 
structures  within  this  tissue.  This  has  become  somewhat  clearer  from  the  work 
of  Sewell  (1955),  in  which  he  points  out  that  the  origin  of  these  reserve  cells, 
which  he  calls  "lipo-protein  cells,"  in  Carcinns  is  from  amoebocytes  and  that  pos- 
sibly they  revert  to  amoebocytes  following  molt.  This  suggestion  could  account 
for  their  cyclic  peaks  and  declines  in  size  and  abundance,  and  changes  in  structural 
appearance  at  daily  intervals  during  the  early  postmolt  period  of  Paniilints,  as  indi- 
cated below. 

For  the  sake  of  comparison,  the  reserve  cells  in  intcrmolt  animals  (late  Stage  C) 
constitute  the  most  prominent  cell-types  within  the  connective  tissue.  They  are 
large  oval  cells,  vesicular  in  nature,  with  a  capsule-like  envelope  of  cytoplasm  and 
a  peripheral  nucleus  (see  figures;  Travis,  1955a).  They  range  in  size  from  24- 
51  /x  with  an  average  size  of  32  p..  After  alcoholic  Bouin's  fixation  they  stain  blue- 
gray  with  Mallory's  triple  stain,  the  vacuoles  in  this  case  containing  blue-gray  flaky 
or  granular-like  material ;  with  the  PAS  method  the  entire  cell  is  a  deep  pink- 
purple  color ;  with  toluidine  blue  these  cells  stain  either  blue-gray  or  green-gray. 
After  A-F  (alcoholic  formaldehyde)  fixation  they  similarly  stain  blue-gray  with 
Mallory's  triple  stain,  but  do  not  stain  with  alizarin  red  S,  purpurin  or  the  Von 
Kossa  method.  With  these  three  latter  stains  the  reserve  cells  could  be  easily 


Similarly,  for  the  sake  of  comparison  reserve  cells  in  premolt  animals  (Stage  D) 
range  in  size  from  30-51  p.  with  an  average  size  of  around  40  /JL.  Structurally,  they 
maintain  their  oval  appearance  but  stainable  material  within  the  cells  is  lumpy  and 
might  well  be  described  as  consisting  of  rather  discrete  spheres  (Fig.  1).  After 
alcoholic  Bouin's  fixation,  the  cells  again  stain  blue-gray  with  Mallory's  but  do  not 
show  clearly  the  speres  of  stainable  material ;  with  PAS  they  again  stain  deep  pink- 
purple  and  show  clearly  the  discrete  balls  of  material ;  with  toluidine  blue  the  balls 
of  material  are  yellow-green  in  color  and  refractile  in  nature.  Following  A-F  fixa- 
tion, the  cells  again  fail  to  stain  with  alizarin  red  S,  purpurin  and  the  Von  Kossa 

From  one  through  seven  days  following  molt  ( Stage  A  and  B ) ,  the  reserve  cells 
appear  to  undergo  cyclic  peaks  and  declines  in  size  and  abundance,  and  the  storing 
of  reserves. 

At  one  dav  following  molt  (Stage  A)  the  reserve  cells  remain  approximately 
the  same  size  as  those  observed  in  the  premolt  animal,  a  range  in  size  from  32- 
48  p.  and  an  average  size  of  36  p..  However,  there  would  appear  to  be  a  slight  de- 
crease in  number.  Following  alcoholic  Bouin's  fixation,  they  stain  in  much  the 
same  fashion  as  that  observed  in  the  premolt  animal,  although  the  spheres  of  stain- 
able  material  are  not  as  apparent.  They  fail  to  stain,  following  A-F  fixation,  with 
the  same  stains  mentioned  in  the  premolt  animal. 

On  the  second  dav  following  molt  (beginning  of  Stage  B)  the  reserve  cells 
have  greatly  decreased  in  number  and  size.  They  range  in  size  from  12-29  p.  with 
an  average  of  around  19  p..  When  observed,  their  vacuoles  are  clear  and  vesicular, 
lacking  the  lumpy  balls  of  material,  with  the  exception  of  very  small  spheres  at  their 
periphery.  They  stain  in  a  similar  manner  to  those  observed  on  the  first  day  with 
the  exception  of  the  fact  that  a  few  show  a  very  small  number  of  calcium  granules 
after  the  Von  Kossa  method. 

On  the  third  day  the  reserve  cells  again  are  present  in  great  numbers,  compara- 
ble to  the  condition  observed  in  the  premolt  animals.  They  range  in  size  from 
32^1-5  p.  with  an  average  size  of  around  38  p.,  which  compares  favorably  with  the 
average  size  observed  in  the  pre-  or  intermolt  animal.  The  reserve  cells  at  this 
time  take  on  an  irregular  "mulberry"  appearance  by  enclosing  large  stainable  spheres 
of  material  within  their  vacuoles  (Fig.  1).  Further,  their  staining  properties 
change  markedly.  Following  Bouin's  fixation,  they  again  stain  blue-gray  with 
Mallory's,  deep  pink-purple  with  PAS  and  yellow-green  with  toluidine  blue. 
Following  A-F  fixation,  they  stain  for  the  first  time,  a  brilliant  orange-red  with 
Mallory's  scarlet  with  alizarin  red  S  and  purpurin,  and  yellow-brown  with  Von 
Kossa's  method.  This  indicates  that  not  only  is  muco-polysaccharide,  possibly 
muco-  or  glycoprotein,  bound  by  these  cells  at  this  time  but  that  they  are  filled 
with  calcium,  which  is  distinctly  apparent  with  stains  used  for  this  purpose. 

Interestingly  enough,  by  the  fourth  da\<  the  reserve  cells  are  hardly  apparent. 
The  large  stainable  balls  of  material  are  lacking  and  the  few  cells  present  are  smaller 
in  size,  ranging  from  19—29  p.  with  an  average  size  of  about  26  p..  In  the  few  ap- 
parent cells,  there  is  little  evidence  of  either  mucopolysaccharide  material  or  calcium. 
On  the  fifth  day,  these  cells  again  reach  a  peak  in  abundance  and  size.  With 
all  stains  and  fixatives  used,  they  are  similar  in  every  way  to  the  three-day  condition, 
with  the  exception  of  the  fact  that  the  mucopolysaccharide  present  stains  only 
faintly  with  PAS,  possibly  indicating  a  decrease  in  concentration  of  the  muco- 


polysaccharide  material  or  the  unavailability  of  its  reactive  groups  to  PAS.  The 
cells  range  in  size  from  29-42  ^  with  an  average  of  around  34  /j.,  are  "mulberry- 
like"  in  appearance,  and  are  again  filled  with  calcium  which  shows  up  after  appropri- 
ate fixation  and  staining. 

By  si.r  days,  the  cells  are  fewer  in  number,  somewhat  smaller  (range  17-27  /j., 
average  23  /.i),  but  similar  in  staining  properties  to  the  fifth-day  condition. 

On  the  seventh  day  (end  of  Stage  B)  the  cells  are  few  in  number  but  are  some- 
what larger  in  size  (35-40  /A,  average  about  37  //.),  and  are  detected  after  Bouin's 
fixation  and  toluidine  blue  staining  and  following  A— F  fixation  and  Mallory's.  ali- 
zarin red  S.  purpurin,  and  Yon  Kossa's  method,  indicating  again  that  these  cells 
are  loaded  with  calcium. 

By  eight  days  following  molt  (beginning  of  Stage  C),  the  reserve  cells  are  again 
not  apparent. 

It  is,  therefore,  evident  that  the  reserve  cells  even  within  the  early  postmolt  pe- 
riod. Stage  A  and  B,  undergo,  at  daily  intervals,  cyclic  peaks  and  declines  in  size 
and  abundance,  changes  in  structural  appearance,  and  staining  properties.  The 
polysaccharide  material  which  is  distinctly  evident  up  to  the  fifth  day  following 
molt  is  always  diastase-fast  and  colors  deep  pink-purple  with  PAS  but  does  not  show 
gamma  metachromasia  with  toluidine  blue.  Pearse  ( 1953)  has  suggested  that  poly- 
saccharide material  staining  in  this  way  with  PAS  and  frequently  failing  to  show- 
gamma  metachromasia  with  toluidine  blue  probably  indicates  the  presence  of  either 
a  muco-  or  glycoprotein.  As  has  been  mentioned  previously  (Travis,  1955a)  the 
reserve  cells  of  late  Stage  C  and  Stage  D  animals  stain  with  PAS  in  the  same  man- 
ner. This  polysaccharide  material  probably  represents  reserve  substances  for  the 
new  skeleton  and  may.  as  was  pointed  out  by  Travis  (T955a),  during  the  premolt 
period  represent  breakdown  products  from  the  old  skeleton. 

None  of  the  integumental  tissues  of  Panulirns,  unfortunately,  wrere  fixed  for  the 
detection  of  lipicls.  As  was  pointed  out  by  Travis  (1955a)  the  reserve  cells  within 
the  connective  tissue  of  the  hepatopancreas  contain  much  lipid  and  it  would  like- 
wise be  expected  that  the  reserve  cells  of  the  sub7epidermal  tissue  also  store  it. 
Sewell  (1955)  has  definitely  shown  that  these  reserve  cells  beneath  the  connective 
tissue  of  Ca rein  us  do  indeed  store  lipoprotein.  These  lipoprotein  reserves  reach 
a  maximum  in  C4  (late  Stage  C)  and  early  D  (Dt)  and  then  begin  to  decrease,  ap- 
parently as  lipid  content  of  the  epidermis  increases.  These  cells,  as  Sewell  sug- 
gests, begin  to  disappear  after  the  pre-exuvial  layers  of  the  skeleton  are  deposited 
and  completely  disappear  by  the  end  of  Stage  B.  However,  reserve  cells  of 
Pannlints  become  filled  with  calcium  on  the  third,  fifth,  sixth,  and  seventh  day  fol- 
lowing molt  whereas  on  the  first,  second,  and  eighth  day  either  no  calcium  or  very 
little  was  apparent  in  the  reserve  cells.  This  would  suggest  to  the  present  author 
cyclic  peaks  in  calcium  storage  alternating  with  cyclic  release  to  the  epidermis  as 
calcification  of  the  skeleton  occurs.  The  present  author  would  expect  this  cyclic 
process  (peaks  and  declines  in  size  and  abundance,  changes  in  structural  appearance, 
and  calcium  binding  and  release)  to  continue  throughout  early  and  middle  Stage  C, 
since  calcification  of  the  skeleton  is  not  fully  completed  for  at  least  three  weeks  fol- 
lowing molt.  If,  therefore,  the  reserve  cells  arise  from  amoebocytes,  as  Sewrell 
(1955)  suggests,  and  possibly  revert  to  amoebocytes  after  they  have  discharged 
their  reserves,  such  a  situation  could  clearly  account  for  the  cyclic  peaks  in  size 
and  abundance  at  varying  daily  intervals  within  a  single  stage  of  the  molting  cycle. 


In  this  sense,  the  present  author  would  be  inclined  to  accept  Sewell's  suggestion 
that  the  reserve  cells  represent  phases  of  activity  of  the  amoebocyts  with  peaks  not 
only  before  molting,  as  Sewell  suggests,  but  following  molt  as  well.  The  reserve 
cell  cycle  would  then  correspond  more  closely  with  the  oenocyte  cycle,  being  present 
throughout  the  molting  cycle  but  reaching  peaks  at  various  phases  of  it.  It  might 
be  pointed  out  that  days  in  which  reserve  cells  are  scarcely  apparent  (2,  4,  and  8 
days  following  molt),  large  numbers  of  amoebocytes  are  apparent  in  the  sub-epi- 
dermal connective  tissue. 

b.  The  integument 

During  the  early  postmolt  period  ( Stage  A  and  B )  the  post-exuvial  layers  of  the 
skeleton  are  deposited.  Of  the  post-exuvial  layers  of  the  outer  integument,  only 
the  principal  layer  or  calcified  zone  is  progressively  thickened  during  Stages  A 
and  B. 

The  amount  of  skeletal  material,  in  total  thickness,  deposited  per  day,  in  the 
area  of  carapace  from  which  sections  of  the  integument  were  cut,  during  Stages  A 
and  B,  varies  from  14-72  ^  with  an  average  of  around  38  /*.  The  thickness  of  the 
principal  layer  when  fully  formed  varies  from  around  460-550  ^  in  animals  used 
in  this  investigation  (80-89  mm.  carapace  length).  If  one  assumes  that  a  con- 
stant amount  of  skeletal  material  is  deposited  daily  in  the  principal  layer,  for  exam- 
ple 38  p.,  one  can,  by  using  this  figure  and  the  total  thickness  of  the  fully  formed 
principal  layer,  roughly  calculate  the  time  in  days  when  this  layer  is  completed. 
By  using  these  values,  the  calculated  time  at  which  the  principal  layer  is  completed 
would  be  around  15  days  following  molt.  This  time,  however,  is  in  actuality  closer 
to  20  days  following  molt.  Therefore,  the  membranous  or  non-calcified  layer  would 
not  apparently  begin  to  be  deposited  before  the  third  week  following  molt  (Stage 
C.  of  Drach,  1939).  By  the  fourth  week  following  molt  (late  Stage  C  or  C4  of 
Drach)  the  membranous  layer  is  fully  formed  (Travis,  1955a). 

The  pigmented  layer  (toluidine  blue-staining)  shows  the  presence  of  a  muco- 
or  glycoprotein  one  through  five  days  following  molt  but  by  the  end  of  this  period 
the  tinctorial  properties  of  this  layer  have  decidedly  changed.  A  deep  purple 
rather  than  a  pink-purple  is  given  with  this  stain,  indicating  that  the  properties  of 
the  protein  and  closely  associated  chitin  units  of  the  pigmented  zone  have  been 
changed  by  quinones.  The  newly  formed  principal  layers  initially  show  a  green 
coloration  with  toluidine  blue  but  shortly  take  on  a  pink  coloration.  The  mem- 
branous layer,  when  fully  formed,  is  light  green  in  color  with  toluidine  blue,  pos- 
sibly indicating  differences  in  the  organic  nature  or  composition  of  this  and  the 
principal  layers. 

The  inner  integument,  bordering  the  gill  chamber,  undergoes  little  if  any  thick- 
ening after  the  second  day  following  molt.  It  attains  a  total  thickness  of  approxi- 
mately 30  /A,  that  of  a  late  Stage  C  animal,  by  the  second  day  following  molt,  indi- 
cating that  the  inner  integument  is  completed  during  a  period  of  three  days  preced- 
ing molt  and  two  days  following  molt  (Travis,  1955a). 

As  the  post-exuvial  layers  are  deposited  during  the  early  postmolt  period  ( Stage 
A  and  B),  concomitant  hardening  of  these  layers  occurs  by  the  deposition  of  mineral 
salts  therein.  It  is  evident  from  the  analyses  of  small  pieces  of  the  area  of  soften- 
ing (Travis,  19551) )  that  the  most  abundant  mineral  constituent  in  the  exoskeleton 


is  calcium.  In  order  to  determine  what  salts  were  deposited  in  the  skeleton,  further 
chemical  analyses  were  carried  out  on  the  entire  area  of  softening  from  late  Stage 
C  animals.  The  results  of  these  analyses  are  indicated  in  Table  I.  From  these 
results  it  is  apparent  that  most  of  the  calcium  present  in  the  skeleton  is  in  the  form 
of  calcium  carbonate.  In  order  to  determine  whether  this  is  deposited  in  the  or- 
ganic matrix  of  the  skeleton  as  amorphous  calcium  carbonate  or  as  crystalline  arago- 
nite  or  calcite,  x-ray  diffraction  photographs  (kindly  made  by  Dr.  C.  Frondel,  De- 
partment of  Minerology,  Harvard  University),  were  taken  of  dry  powder  obtained 
from  triturated  pieces  of  the  area  of  softening.  These  photographs  (Fig.  3)  indicate 
that  calcium  carbonate  exists  in  the  spiny  lobster  skeleton  as  calcite. 

Since  the  basic  organic  components  of  the  crustacean  exoskeleton  are  chitin  and 
protein,  which  are  firmly  associated  with  one  another,  Trim  (1941),  Stacy  (1943) 
and  Haworth  (1946)  regard  the  arthropod  cuticle  as  a  mucopolysaccharide  because 
of  the  firm  combination  of  carbohydrate-containing  amino  sugars  (chitin)  with  the 
protein.  Further,  since  calcium  is  the  most  abundant,  if  not  the  most  important, 
mineral  constituent  within  the  crustacean  skeleton,  an  emphasis  will  be  placed  on 
the  abundance  and  distribution  of  glycogen,  phosphatase,  and  calcium  in  the  integu- 
mental  tissues.  These  three  constituents,  among  others,  are  of  extreme  importance 
in  the  development  and  calcification  of  the  new  skeleton. 

c.  Localization  of  glycogen,  phosphatase  and  calcium 

(Hvcogen:  At  one  dav  following  molt  (Stage  A),  glycogen  granules  are  scat- 
tered throughout  the  sub-epidermal  connective  tissue.  Abundant  amounts  are 
concentrated  at  the  bases  of  epidermal  cells  of  the  inner  integument  while  the  epi- 
dermal cells  of  the  outer  integument  show  little  glycogen,  which  is  localized  in  the 
proximal  half  of  the  cells  (  Fig.  4). 

On  the  second  day  following  molt,  glycogen  completely  disappears  from  the 
inner  epidermis  (Fig.  5)  and  is  not  observed  again  in  this  tissue  during  the  entire 
postmolt  period.  From  two  through  four  days  following  molt,  little  glycogen  is  ap- 
parent in  the  sub-epidermal  connective  tissues.  Much  heavier  concentrations,  on 
the  other  hand,  are  observed  in  the  distal  half  of  the  outer  epidermal  cells  (Fig.  6). 
By  the  fifth  day  glycogen  accumulates  in  large  amounts  in  the  sub-epidermal  tis- 
sues while  the  outer  epidermis  becomes  almost  depleted  of  it  (Fig.  7).  From  the 
si.vth  through  the  seventh  day  most  of  the  glycogen  disappears  from  the  sub-epi- 
dermal connective  tissue  and  moves  again  to  the  outer  epidermis  where  it  is  heavily 
concentrated  in  the  distal  portion  of  this  tissue. 

Phosf>hatase :  Alkaline  phosphatase  becomes  localized  in  the  outer  epidermis, 
being  more  heavily  concentrated  in  the  distal  rather  than  the  proximal  half  of  the 
cells.  Furthermore,  the  enzyme  is  heavily  concentrated  in  the  integument  immedi- 
ately above  the  epidermis  (Fig.  8).  It  appears  to  be  concentrated  at  this  site  in 
the  region  of  the  proximal  portions  of  the  innumerable  pore  canals.  The  localiza- 
tion of  phosphatase  in  these  sites  is  evident  on  the  first  day  following  molt,  before 
calcification  of  the  branchial  integument  begins,  and  remains  in  this  localization 
throughout  Stages  A,  B  and  very  early  C.  In  addition  to  its  presence  at  these  sites 
alkaline  phosphatase  is  observed  rather  evenly  distributed  in  the  reserve  cells  during 
the  entire  period  of  observation.  Control  treated  sections  indicate  that  not  only 
the  enzyme  but  calcium  as  well  are  present  in  all  of  these  sites  from  the  second 



*."     0 


FIGS.  7-12. 


through  the  eighth  day,  although  purpurin  and  alizarin  red  S  did  not  show  the 
presence  of  calcium  within  the  reserve  cells  hefore  the  third  day  following  molt.  It 
might  also  he  pointed  out  that  the  enzyme  is  likewise  heavily  concentrated  around 
newly  developing  bristles. 

Calcium:  Calcification  of  the  new  outer  integument  of  the  branchiostegites  begins 
on  the  second  day  following  molt  (Stage  B).  Before  calcification  begins,  however, 
the  epidermis  begins  to  concentrate  calcium  in  markedly  evident  amounts  (detectable 
by  purpurin.  alizarin  red  S,  Von  Kossa's  method,  Gomori's  (1941)  method  for 
alkaline  phosphatase  and  confirmed  by  microincineration) .  Before  discussing  the 
calcification  of  the  skeleton  the  author  would  like  to  point  out  that  of  these  methods 
used  for  the  detection  of  calcium.  Von  Kossa's  method  and  Gomori's  (1941) 
method  for  alkaline  phosphatase  are  the  most  useful  for  showing  actual  stages  in 
calcification  of  the  integument.  Furthermore,  these  two  methods  show  calcium 
salts  or  complexes  in  granular  form. 

At  one  day  following  molt  and  one  day  before  calcification  of  the  integument 
begins,  the  distal  ends  of  the  epidermal  cells  begin  to  show  calcium.  No  reserve 
cells  of  the  integumental  tissues,  as  will  be  recalled,  bind  calcium  at  this  time. 

By  the  second  day,  the  distal  portions  of  the  epidermal  cells  are  filled  with 
calcium.  The  tissue  spaces  or  sinuses  at  the  base  of  the  epidermis  and  the  blood 
channels,  sometimes  observed  between  the  epidermal  cells,  show  the  presence  of 
calcium.  Although  only  a  few  reserve  cells  are  apparent,  a  few  show  scattered 
granular  deposits  of  calcium.  At  this  same  period  a  narrow  band  of  calcium  gran- 
ules appears  in  the  new  principal  layer  immediately  distal  to.  but  paralleling,  the 
epidermis  (Fig.  9).  Likewise,  immediately  underlying  the  epicuticle  and  within 
the  pigmented  zone  a  heavy  concentration  of  rows  of  granules  is  observed. 

By  the  third  day  the  epidermal  cells  as  well  as  the  reserve  cells  of  the  sub-epi- 
dermal connective  tissue  are  completely  filled  with  calcium  (Figs.  10.  11)  detected 
by  all  methods  used  for  this  purpose.  The  heaviest  concentrations  of  calcium  gran- 
ules in  the  epidermis  are  observed  in  the  distal  half  of  the  cell.  Here  they  are  ob- 
served to  be  extruded  from  the  distal  ends  of  the  epidermal  cells  in  two  distinct  ways 
(Travis,  1951a,  1951c).  As  the  post-exuvial  layers  are  deposited,  masses  of  cal- 

FIGURE  7.  At  five  days  following  molt  glycogen  has  disappeared  from  the  outer  epidermis 
but  is  heavily  concentrated  by  the  sub-epidermal  connective  tissue.  760  X. 

FIGURE  8.  One  day  postmolt,  before  calcification  begins  in  the  branchial  integument. 
Localization  of  alkaline  phosphatase  in  the  distal  portion  of  the  outer  epidermis  and  in  the 
integument  immediately  above  the  epidermis  (region  of  the  proximal  portions  of  the  innu- 
merable pore  canals,  arrows).  Phosphatase  remains  concentrated  here  through  Stages  A.  B 
and  early  C.  420  X. 

FIGURE  9.  At  two  days  postmolt  calcification  of  the  integument  begins.  Note  that  the 
distal  portions  of  the  outer  epidermal  cells  (E)  are  filled  with  calcium  and  the  narrow  band 
of  calcium  granules  (arrow)  which  appear  in  the  newly  forming  principal  layer  immediately 
distal  to,  but  paralleling,  the  epidermis.  2000  X.  Van  Kossa's  method. 

FIGURE  10.  By  the  third  day  postmolt  the  epidermal  cells  (arrow)  and  the  reserve  cells 
(arrow)  of  the  sub-epidermal  connective  tissue  are  filled  with  calcium.  90  X. 

FIGURE  11.  Higher  magnification  showing  that  the  epidermal  cells  (E)  and  reserve 
cells  (R)  of  sub-epidermal  connective  tissues,  at  three  days  postmolt,  are  filled  with  calcium. 
Note  lumpy  stainable  balls  of  material  in  the  reserve  cells.  760  X.  Alizarin  red  S  staining. 

FIGURE  12.  As  the  post-exuvial  layers  are  deposited  ( three  days  following  molt )  masses  of 
calcium  granules  are  simultaneously  extruded  from  the  epidermal  cells  (E)  to  form  narrow 
calcified  bands  paralleling  the  epidermis  (arrow).  2000  X.  Van  Kossa's  method. 



FIGS.  13-18. 


cium  granules  are  simultaneously  extruded  to  form  narrow  bands  paralleling  the 
epidermis  (Fig.  12).  In  the  pre-exuvial  layers  of  the  skeleton,  deposited  before 
molt,  calcium  granules  are  observed  in  uniform  vertical  rows.  These  rows  of 
granules  are  particularly  evident  in  the  pigmented  layer  (Fig.  13)  and  can  be  seen 
to  emanate  from  the  epidermis  (Fig.  14).  The  rows  of  granules  correspond  in  lo- 
cation to  the  pore  canals  or  vertical  striae.  Calcification  of  the  pre-exuvial  layers 
occurs  after  their  formation.  Hence,  calcium  has  to  be  transported  and  deposited 
some  distance  from  the  epidermis.  This  transport,  therefore,  appears  to  occur 
through  the  pore  canals. 

From  four  through  scz'cn  cla\s  calcium  in  the  epidermis  remains  equal  in  amount 
to  that  observed  on  the  third  day. 

Calcification  continues  to  occur  as  the  post-exuvial  layers  are  deposited.  As  a 
consequence,  the  horizontal  bands  of  granules  paralleling  the  epidermis  have  thick- 
ened considerably  by  the  end  of  Stage  B  (Fig.  15).  By  the  seventh  day  portions 
of  the  inner  integument  are  completely  calcified.  Calcification  of  the  inner  integu- 
ment appears  to  occur  in  an  identical  fashion  to  that  observed  in  the  pre-exuvial 
layers  of  the  outer  integument. 

2.  The  liepatopancreas 
a.   Tissues 

The  hepatopancreas,  as  discussed  by  Travis  (1955a),  is  the  major  storage  depot 
of  organic  and  mineral  reserves  during  Stage  D  and  is,  consequently,  the  major  or- 
gan from  which  these  reserves  are  mobilized  when  needed  by  other  tissues  during 
the  postmolt  period. 

For  fi-ve  days  following  molt  (Stage  A  and  part  of  Stage  B),  the  epithelial  tis- 
sue of  the  hepatopancreatic  tubules  is  predominantly  of  the  absorbing  type.  This 
epithelial  tissue  consists  of  long  tall  columnar  cells  without  large  vacuoles  and 
which  may  have  either  a  central  or  basal  nucleus  (the  so-called  B:  or  R  cells  of 
Hirsch  and  Jacobs,  1928,  1930)  as  discussed  by  Travis  (1955a).  A  few  of  the 
epithelial  cells  are  of  the  secretory  type  (the  vesicular  or  B2  cells  of  Hirsch  and 
Jacobs).  These  are  enlarged  swollen  cells  which  enclose  large  vacuoles,  some  of 

FIGURE  13.  In  the  pre-exuvial  layers  of  the  skeleton,  deposited  before  molt,  calcium 
granules  are  observed  in  uniform  vertical  rows  corresponding  in  location  to  the  pore  canals. 
2000  X.  Von  Kossa's  method. 

FIGURE  14.  Note  narrow  vertical  rows  of  calcium  granules,  corresponding  in  location  to 
the  pore  canals  (arrow)  emanating  from  the  epidermis  (E).  Also  note  the  rather  wide  band 
of  calcium  granules  (C)  in  a  newly  formed  portion  of  the  principal  zone  paralleling  the  epi- 
dermis. 2000  X.  Von  Kossa's  method. 

FIGURE  15.  Horizontal  bands  of  calcium  granules  paralleling  the  epidermis  (E)  con- 
tinue to  be  deposited  as  the  post-exuvial  layers  are  deposited  and  a  thick  calcined  band  (C) 
in  the  new  principal  layer  is  noted  by  the  end  of  Stage  B.  2000  X.  Von  Kossa's  method. 

FIGURE  16.  By  seven  days  following  molt  (end  of  Stage  B)  the  epicuticle  (arrow)  and 
most  of  the  pigmented  layer  (P)  appear  to  be  fully  calcined  except  in  certain  areas  where  this 
is  not  complete.  2000  X.  Von  Kossa's  method. 

FIGURE  17.  Note  the  heavy  concentration  of  glycogen  at  the  basal  and  distal  ends  of 
the  absorption  cells  and  at  the  periphery  of  the  vacuoles  of  secretory  cells  in  the  tubular  epi- 
thelium of  the  hepatopancreas.  One  day  following  molt  (Stage  A).  200  X. 

FIGURE  18.  At  seven  days  following  molt  (end  of  Stage  B)  the  tubular  epithelium  of  the 
hepatopancreas  is  virtually  devoid  of  glycogen.  200  X. 


which  contain  stainable  material.  These  cells  (Travis,  1955a)  undergo  apocrine 
breakdown  in  Pamtlirns.  Their  vacuolar  contents  plus  adjacent  cytoplasm  are 
discharged  into  the  lumen  of  the  hepatopancreatic  tubules,  leaving  only  the 
basal  region  and  nucleus  of  the  cell  intact.  However,  none  of  these  observed  se- 
cretory cells,  during  this  period  of  five  days  following  molt,  show  any  sign  of  apo- 
crine breakdown.  This  would  be  expected  because  the  animals  are  still  under- 
going a  period  of  inanition  (Travis,  1954,  1955a,  1955b).  Stainable  material  in 
the  large  vacuoles  of  the  secretory  cells  frequently  indicates  the  presence  of  lipid  and 

By  the  sixth  and  seventh  day  following  molt,  the  predominant  cell  types  ob- 
served in  the  epithelial  tissue  of  the  tubules  are  the  secretory  cells.  On  the  seventh 
day  there  is  much  evidence  of  apocrine  secretion  within  these  cells.  In  general, 
most  animals  begin  to  feed  again  on  the  seventh  day.  This  would  not  only  ac- 
count for  the  numerous  secretory  cells  but  also  for  the  apocrine  breakdown  of  many 
of  these  cells. 

The  large  oval  reserve  cells  are  likewise  apparent  in  the  connective  tissue  be- 
tween the  individual  tubules  of  the  hepatopancreas.  They  similarly  show,  as  do 
the  reserve  cells  of  the  integumental  tissues,  the  presence  of  phosphatase,  mucopoly- 
saccharide and  calcium.  Much  lipid  is  also  present  during  Stage  A  and  B.  From 
the  fifth  through  the  seventh  day  the  reserve  cells  of  the  hepatopancreas  show  the 
presence  of  large  vacuoles  (Fig.  2),  some  of  which  contain  flaky  or  granular-like 
stainable  material  while  others  appear  to  be  clear.  This  is  possibly  correlated  with 
a  decrease  in  mucopolysaccharide,  lipid,  and  calcium  content  in  these  cells.  The 
reserve  cells  of  the  hepatopancreas,  like  those  of  the  integumental  tissues,  undergo 
cyclic  peaks  and  declines  in  size  and  abundance,  changes  in  structural  appearance, 
and  the  storing  and  apparent  release  of  reserves  as  indicated  below. 

During  the  intcnnolt  period  (late  Stage  C)  they  are  numerous  and  large, 
ranging  in  size  from  17-38  //,  with  an  average  size  of  30  p..  They  show  markedly 
evident  amounts  of  mucopolysaccharide.  A  similar  situation  prevails  during  the 
premolt  period.  The  cells  range  in  size  from  17-38  p.  with  an  average  size  of  32  /*. 
and  show  large  stainable  spheres  of  material.  At  both  of  these  stages  much  muco- 
polysaccharide is  present.  Calcium  is  likewise  apparent  in  large  amounts  in  the 
hepatopancreatic  reserve  cells,  while  the  integumental  tissue  reserve  cells  are  de- 
void of  it  during  these  periods. 

By  the  first  day  following  molt,  there  are  few  reserve  cells  present  in  the  hepato- 
pancreas and  these  have  undergone  a  general  decrease  in  size  (8-29  p,  average  size 
16  p.),  a  situation  opposite  to  that  observed  in  the  integumental  tissues.  Of  the 
reserves,  however,  little  calcium  seems  to  be  apparent  and  there  is  no  evidence  of 
spheres  of  material  found  within  them.  On  the  second  day  (beginning  of  Stage  B) 
the  cells  remain  few  in  number  but  have  increased  in  size  (range  24—38  p.,  average 
size  31  p) ,  again  a  situation  opposite  to  that  observed  in  the  integumental  tissues, 
although  no  large  spheres  of  material  are  evident.  They  again  show  the  presence 
of  small  amounts  of  calcium.  At  three  days,  as  in  the  integumental  tissues,  the 
reserve  cells  become  numerous  and  remain  large  (range  24-48  p.,  average  size  30  p.). 
They  take  on  a  distinct  "mulberry"  appearance  and  show  the  presence  of  mucopoly- 
saccharide and  markedly  evident  amounts  of  calcium.  A  similar  situation  prevails 
on  the  fourth  day.  The  cells  in  the  hepatopancreas  remain  numerous  and  large 
(range  26-43  p.,  average  size  35  p.)  and  likewise  show  abundant  mucopolysaccharide 


and  calcium.  By  the  fifth  day  few  cells  are  apparent  and  they  are  slightly  smaller 
in  size  (21—48  /A,  average  size  28  /A).  These  cells  become  highly  vacuolated,  al- 
though some  balls  of  material  are  present  within  the  vacuoles,  and  show  only  a 
slightly  pink  coloration  with  PAS,  a  condition  similar  to  that  observed  in  the  re- 
serve cells  of  the  integumental  tissues.  Little  calcium  is  apparent.  Except  for  the 
increase  in  number  and  slight  increase  in  size  (29-38  p.,  average  size  32  /A)  the  re- 
serve cells  on  the  si.vth  day  remain  similar  to  the  fifth  day  condition  though  they  con- 
tain large  single  vacuoles  with  no  stainable  balls  of  material.  They  remain  numer- 
ous on  the  seventh  day  but  the  average  size  is  slightly  smaller  (24—32  /A,  average 
size  29  /A).  Except  for  these  changes  they  are  similar  to  the  fifth  day  condition  with 
respect  to  reserves.  It  should  be  added  that  at  all  stages  of  the  observation  period, 
phosphatase  and  lipid  are  present. 

Since  different  groups  of  animals  were  used  for  the  study  of  hepatopancreatic 
and  integumental  tissues  (fixed  in  different  years),  it  is  difficult  to  determine 
whether  or  not  the  cycles  may  be  slightly  out  of  phase  at  the  sites  of  observation. 
The  information  at  hand  (Sewell,  1955;  Travis,  1955a)  strongly  suggests  that 
much  more  information  is  needed  on  these  highly  interesting  and  obviously  impor- 
tant reserve  cells. 

b.  Localization  of  glycogen,  phosphatase,  calcium  and  lipid 

Glycogcn:  Although  the  concentration  of  glycogen  within  the  tubular  tissue  on 
the  first  day  following  molt  (Fig.  17)  would  compare  with  the  premolt  condition 
(see  Figure  30;  Travis,  1955a),  there  is  a  progressive  decrease  in  abundance  from 
the  first  through  the  seventh  day.  A  decidedly  marked  decrease  occurs  by  the  sixth 
day  and  by  the  seventh  day  hardly  a  single  granule  of  free  glycogen  can  be  detected 
within  the  tubular  tissue  (Fig.  18).  During  Stages  A  and  B,  glycogen  is  more 
heavily  distributed  in  the  distal  and  basal  ends  of  the  absorption  cells.  When  ma- 
ture secretory  cells  are  observed  during  the  early  phase  of  Stage  B,  glycogen  gran- 
ules are  localized  at  the  periphery  of  the  vacuoles  and  are  sometimes  observed 
within  the  lumen  of  the  tubules. 

The  disappearance  of  glycogen  from  the  hepatopancreas  by  the  seventh  day 
might  be  expected  because  of  the  need  of  this  constituent  in  the  synthesis  of  the 
new  skeleton.  The  integumental  tissues,  among  others,  therefore,  accumulate  and 
use  large  amounts  of  glycogen  at  the  expense  of  the  hepatopancreas.  This  is  evi- 
dent in  both  the  premolt  and  postmolt  period. 

Phosphatase:  During  the  early  postmolt  period  alkaline  phosphatase  is  almost 
absent  from  the  striated  borders  of  the  tubular  tissue  but  remains  localized  around 
the  calcospherites  (Fig.  19),  which  disappear  progressively  as  calcification  of  the 
skeleton  occurs.  From  the  sixth  through  the  seventh  day  when  many  large  se- 
cretory cells  are  present,  the  enzyme  is  localized  around  the  periphery  of  small  and 
large  secretory  vacuoles.  It  is  at  all  times  present  in  the  reserve  cells. 

Calcium  phospliatc:  As  in  the  premolt  animals,  the  tubular  epithelium  of  the 
postmolt  animal  is  marked  by  the  presence  of  innumerable  calcospherites  in  the 
apical  ends  of  the  absorbing  cells,  very  few  being  apparent  in  the  small  number  of 
secretory  cells.  In  the  postmolt  animal,  however,  these  calcospherites  disappear 
progressively  as  the  skeleton  is  calcified.  They  have  markedly  decreased  by  the 
fifth  day  and  by  the  seventh  day  (Fig.  20)  hardly  a  single  calcospherite  can  be  de- 



FIGURE  19.  The  tubular  epithelium  of  the  hepatopancreas  at  one  day  following  molt 
(Stage  A).  Note  alkaline  phosphatase  localized  around  innumerable  calcospherites  (arrow) 
at  the  apical  ends  of  absorbing  cells.  200  X. 

FIGURE  20.  At  seven  days  following  molt,  note  that  there  is  almost  a  complete  absence 
of  calcospherites  and  the  enzyme  alkaline  phosphatase  in  the  tubular  epithelium  of  the  hepato- 
pancreas, a  situation  that  occurs  progressively  as  the  integument  is  calcified.  160  X. 


tected.  The  complete  disappearance  of  the  calcospherites  by  the  seventh  day  would 
be  expected  in  Paniilirus  because  these  animals  have  to  rely  completely  on  this 
stored  phosphate,  stockpiled  during  the  two-week  premolt  inanition  period,  as  a 
source  of  phosphate  for  incorporation  into  the  new  skeleton.  Since,  as  was  pointed 
out  previously  (Travis,  1954,  1955a,  19551>),  phosphate  is  obtained  primarily  from 
food,  the  stockpile  of  stored  phosphate  in  the  hepatopancreas  would  readily  be 
depleted  by  the  sixth  or  seventh  day  of  starvation  following  molt.  From  low 
blood  values  following  molt  (Travis,  1955b)  it  is  evident  that  the  normal  intermolt 
blood  concentration  within  the  body  would  not  be  replenished  for  at  least  three  or 
four  weeks  following  molt.  Although  the  reserve  cells  of  the  hepatopancreas  show 
the  presence  of  calcium  from  one  through  seven  days  following  molt,  from  the  fifth 
through  the  seventh  clay  little  is  apparent. 

Lipid:  For  the  entire  observation  period  (Stages  A  and  B)  droplets  of  lipid 
are  found  throughout  the  epithelial  tissue  of  the  hepatopancreatic  tubules.  There 
would  appear,  by  the  sixth  and  seventh  day,  to  be  a  decrease  over  that  observed  in 
the  premolt  animal,  although  much  is  still  apparent.  When  secretory  cells  are  ap- 
parent in  great  numbers  (6  and  7  days)  lipid  droplets  are  frequently  observed 
within  the  vacuoles  (Figs.  21.  22).  On  the  seventh  day,  when  apocrine  breakdown 
is  evident,  and  when  some  of  the  animals  begin  to  feed  a  little,  lipid  material  be- 
comes quite  apparent  within  the  lumen  of  the  tubules,  a  condition  which  would  be 
correlated  with  extracellular  digestion  of  this  constituent,  as  Van  Weel  (1955)  has 

The  reserve  cells  contain  considerable  quantities  of  lipid  for  the  entire  postmolt 
observation  period  (Fig.  23).  There  does  appear  to  be  a  decrease  over  that  ob- 
served during  the  intermolt  (late  Stage  C)  and  the  premolt  period.  Because  of  the 
presence  of  considerable  quantities  of  lipid  within  the  hepatopancreas  at  this  time, 
a  histochemical  or  a  qualitative  difference  in  amount  is  difficult,  with  certainty,  to 


The  continued  accretionary  growth  and  hardening  of  the  post-exuvial  layers  of 
the  skeleton  imposes  upon  the  epidermis  two  major  tasks,  namely  the  synthesis  and 
elaboration  of  the  organic  matrix  and  the  simultaneous  or  accompanying  elaboration 
of  constituents  for  hardening  the  skeleton  which  may  or  may  not  alter  the  proper- 
ties of  the  basic  organic  components,  chitin  and  protein.  The  complexities  of 
these  two  functions  cannot  be  over-emphasized.  Although  the  epidermis  takes 
the  lead  in  the  performance  of  these  tasks,  the  importance  of  other  tissues,  such 
as  the  hepatopancreatic  and  subepidermal  tissues,  cannot  be  under-estimated. 

As  the  principal  layer  of  the  skeleton  in  Panulirus  is  deposited  during  the  early 
postmolt  period  of  observation  (Stages  A  and  B),  the  outer  epidermis  shows,  tinc- 
torially,  that  considerable  amounts  of  a  glyco-  or  mucoprotein  are  concentrated  or 

FIGURE  21.  The  distribution  of  lipid  droplets  within  secretory  cells  of  the  hepatopancreas 
(arrows).  The  secretory  cells  become  apparent  in  great  numbers  at  six  and  seven  days  fol- 
lowing molt.  200  X. 

FIGURE  22.  Seven  days  following  molt.  Note  lipid  droplets  (arrow)  within  the  vacuoles 
of  the  secretory  cells  and  within  the  lumen  of  the  tubules  (arrow).  200  X. 

FIGURE  23.  Note  that  considerable  quantities  of  lipid  are  bound  by  the  reserve  cells  (ar- 
rows) of  the  hepatopancreas.  100  X. 


synthesized  by  this  tissue.  Similarly,  during  Stage  A  and  most  of  B,  the  pigmented 
layer,  one  of  the  two  pre-exuvial  layers  formed  before  molt,  shows  the  presence  of 
this  same  mucopolysaccharide.  By  the  fifth  day  the  pigmented  layer  no  longer  in- 
dicates a  positive  reaction  for  this  constituent.  There  is  a  tinctorial  change  from 
gamma  metachromasia  (pink-purple)  to  beta  metachromasia  (deep  purple)  with 
toluidine  blue,  which  indicates  that  the  properties  of  the  basic  organic  components, 
chitin  and  protein,  have  been  altered.  Possibly  this  is  caused  by  considerable 
impregnation  with  calcium  salts  at  this  time  or,  more  certainly,  by  quinones  which 
form  cross-linkages  with  the  native  protein  phase  of  the  cuticle  (Pryor,  1940). 
The  net  result  of  this  combination  is  the  formation  of  a  highly  stable  and  insoluble 
product.  As  Krishnan  (1951)  pointed  out,  the  tanning  by  quinones  of  the  pig- 
mented layer  occurs  in  Carcinns  macnas  shortly  following  molt  and  this  is  followed 
by  pigmentation  at  a  slightly  later  period.  It  is,  therefore,  possible  that  both  of 
these  related  processes  are  completed  by  the  fifth  day  in  Paniilints,  thus  causing 
this  change  in  tinctorial  properties. 

The  presence  of  muco-  or  glycoprotein  in  the  epidermis  for  the  entire  postmolt 
observation  period  (Stages  A  and  B)  is  doubtlessly  related  to  the  secretion  and 
development  of  the  principal  layer,  which  is  the  only  post-exuvial  layer  deposited 
during  this  period.  This  layer,  like  the  pre-exuvial  pigmented  layer  and  post- 
exuvial  membranous  layer  (formed  and  completed  from  the  third  through  the  fourth 
week  following  molt  in  Pannlirns},  consists  as  in  insects  of  the  basic  organic  com- 
ponents, chitin  and  protein,  which  are  closely  associated  with  one  another.  The 
firm  combination  of  these  two  organic  constituents  has  led  Trim  (1941),  Stacy 
(1943)  and  Haworth  (1946)  to  regard  the  arthropod  cuticle  as  a  mucopolysac- 
charide because  of  the  firm  combination  of  the  carbohydrate-containing  amino 
sugars  (chitin)  with  the  protein.  Richards  (1951)  has  pointed  out  that  the  con- 
sideration of  the  arthropod  cuticle  as  a  double  set  of  layers  (the  outer  set  being 
composed  of  lipoprotein  and  the  inner  set  being  composed  of  glyco-  or  mucopro- 
teins)  is  advantageous.  This  consideration  emphasizes  that  the  major  cuticular 
components  seem  to  be  formed  and  secreted  as  conjugated  proteins  and  not  as 
separate  components. 

The  principal  layer  in  Pannlirns  always  shows,  tinctorially,  the  presence  of 
muco-  or  glycoproteins  with  the  exception  of  the  fact  that  immediately  after  each 
layer  is  deposited  a  green,  rather  than  a  pink,  coloration  with  toluidine  blue  occurs. 
This  suggests  that  the  reactive  groups  are  slightly  altered  following  their  immediate 
formation.  Although  the  early  stages  in  the  formation  of  the  membranous  layer 
were  not  followed,  the  completed  layer,  in  contrast  to  the  principal  layer,  shows  a 
green  rather  than  a  pink  coloration,  which  indicates  that  this  layer  is,  in  some  way, 
different  from  the  principal  layer.  This  is  further  revealed  by  the  fact  that  calcium 
salts  are  never  bound  in  this  layer. 

During  the  deposition  of  the  principal  layer  of  the  outer  integument  glycogen 
accumulates  in  large  amounts  in  the  epidermis.  There  is  a  periodic  shift  of  gly- 
cogen from  the  sub-epidermal  tissues  to  the  outer  epidermis  (Travis.  1951a,  1951c, 
1955a)  and  in  turn  a  shift  from  the  hepatopancreatic  tissues  to  these  integumental 
tissues  (see  Observations).  During  the  postmolt  period  of  accumulation  and 
utilization  of  glycogen  by  the  integumental  tissues  (Stages  A  and  B),  hepatopan- 
creatic glycogen  progressively  disappears.  Although  it  is  abundant  in  the  tubular 
tissue  on  the  first  day  following  molt,  there  is  a  marked  decrease  in  glycogen  by  the 


fifth  day  and  hardly  a  single  granule  of  free  glycogen  is  present  by  the  seventh  day. 
The  rhythmical  accumulation  by,  and  disappearance  of,  glycogen  from  the  sub- 
epidermal  tissues  and  similarly  its  accumulation  by  the  epidermal  cells  and  disap- 
pearance from  the  sub-epidermal  tissues  suggests  a  rhythmical  cycle  of  accumula- 
tion and  utilization  in  the  epidermis,  at  the  expense  of  sub-epidermal  tissue  gly- 
cogen. Likewise,  the  rhythmical  accumulation  of  glycogen  by  the  sub-epidermal 
tissue  and  progressive  disappearance  from  the  hepatopancreas  similarly  suggests 
that  there  are  marked  cycles  of  accumulation  and  utilization.  These  cycles  of  ac- 
cumulation and  utilization  stem  from  the  epidermis,  which  takes  the  lead  in  the 
elaboration  of  the  post-exuvial  layers  of  the  integument,  but  also  involves  the  hepato- 
pancreas, which  serves  as  the  major  storage  organ  from  which  such  reserves  can 
be  mobilized  and  upon  which  the  epidermis  is  ultimately  dependent  for  the  success- 
ful completion  of  its  tasks.  Since  feeding  begins  on  the  seventh  day  following  molt 
in  the  summer  months,  a  constant  supply  of  glycogen  would  be  available  to  the  epi- 
dermis until  the  integument  is  completed  (late  Stage  C),  but  is  not  stockpiled  in  the 
hepatopancreas  again  until  Stage  D.  The  stockpiling  of  glycogen  during  this  period 
of  inanition  would  suggest  strongly  that  the  source  of  this  constituent  is  from  the 
large  quantities  of  lipid  reserves,  likewise  present  in  the  hepatopancreas  at  this 
time.  By  the  conversion  of  some  lipid,  through  its  glycerol  moiety,  to  carbohydrate, 
the  latter  being  stored  as  glycogen,  the  peak  glycogen  concentration  could  be 
achieved  during  Stage  D.  As  was  pointed  out  by  Travis  (1955a),  evidence  sug- 
gests (Renaud,  1949)  that  during  periods  of  inanition  (Stages  D,  A  and  B),  lipids 
likewise  serve  as  a  major  source  of  energy  by  playing  a  principal  role  in  oxidative 

The  periodic  accumulation  and  utilization  of  glycogen  by  the  epidermis  as  the 
post-exuvial  layers  are  deposited  suggests  that  glycogen  is  a  necessary  precursor 
for  chitin  formation.  This  possibility,  as  discussed  by  Travis  (1955a),  has  been 
suggested  by  Verne  (1924,  1926),  Mataczynska-Suchcitz  (1948),  Renaud  (1949), 
Travis  (1951a,  1955a)  and  Schwabe  et  al.  (1952).  Glycogen  may  likewise  serve  as 
a  ready  energy-source  for  the  synthesis  and  elaboration  of  the  organic  constituents 
of  the  integument.  This  possibility  has  been  suggested  by  Bradfield  (1951).  He 
found  an  abundance  of  glycogen  in  regenerating  epidermis  of  the  vertebrates.  As 
the  outermost  cells  keratinized,  glycogen  disappeared.  He  attributed  this  disap- 
pearance to  the  utilization  of  glycogen  for  the  supply  of  energy  in  keratin  synthesis. 
Glycogen  may  further  serve  indirectly  as  added  substrate  for  phosphatase  action 
after  its  hydrolysis  and  phosphorylation  by  phosphorylases.  In  this  way,  it  has 
been  postulated  as  one  of  the  necessary  mechanisms  in  calcification  of  bone  and 
teeth  of  vertebrates  (Robison  and  Soames,  1924;  Harris,  1932;  Clock,  1940;  Horo- 
witz, 1942;  Engel,  1948;  Marks  and  Shorr,  1950  and  others).  It  is  more  likely, 
however,  that  glycogen  participates  in  all  of  these  functions  and  possibly  others 
that  have  not  been  mentioned. 

During  the  entire  postmolt  observation  period  (Stage  A  and  D),  alkaline  phos- 
phatase is  heavily  concentrated  in  the  distal  ends  of  the  outer  epidermal  cells  and 
is  observed  in  the  integument  immediately  distal  to  but  paralleling  the  epidermis. 
The  localization  of  the  enzyme  in  this  latter  site  is  distinctly  apparent  by  the  first 
day  following  molt  before  any  calcification  begins  in  the  branchial  region  of  the 
integument.  Krugler  and  Birkner  (1948)  noted  a  similar  localization  of  the 
enzyme  in  the  integument  of  the  crayfish  during  premolt.  In  Panulints  this  is  a 


strategic  location  for  the  enzyme  during  the  postmolt  period  because  it  is  in  a 
region  of  high  activity  as  the  deposition  and  hardening  of  the  post-exuvial  layers 
occur.  Further,  it  would  appear  that  the  enzyme  may  be  specifically  localized  in 
the  proximal  portions  of  the  pore  canals.  Because  of  its  heavy  concentration 
along  this  entire  region  of  the  integument,  however,  its  specific  localization  in  the 
pore  canals  is  difficult  to  determine  with  certainty.  The  enzyme  is  likewise  heavily 
concentrated  in  the  integument  around  newly  developing  bristles.  In  the  sub-epi- 
dermal tissues  it  is  observed  in  the  reserve  cells. 

In  the  hepatopancreas  the  most  marked  localization  of  the  enzyme  is  seen  around 
the  innumerable  calcospherites  in  the  distal  portions  of  the  absorption  cells.  The 
enzyme  is  observed  in  the  striated  borders  of  these  cells  and  on  the  sixth  and  seventh 
day,  when  a  predominance  of  secretory  cells  is  evident,  it  is  observed  at  the  periph- 
ery of  small  and  large  vacuoles.  The  reserve  cells  within  the  blood  or  tissue 
spaces  between  the  tubules  of  the  hepatopancreas  likewise  show  the  presence  of  the 

As  in  the  premolt  animal,  phosphatase  is  localized  around  the  calcospherites  in 
the  absorption  cells  of  the  hepatopancreas  and  since  these  disappear  progressively  as 
calcification  of  the  post-exuvial  layers  occurs,  it  is  possible  that  the  enzyme  par- 
ticipates in  the  mobilization  of  this  reserve  for  transfer  to  the  integument.  It  may 
do  so  by  dephosphorylating,  in  some  way,  the  precipitated  complex.  In  this  role, 
it  would  be  serving  in  resorption  at  this  site  and  could  at  the  same  time  be  involved 
in  mediating  the  synthesis  of  other  phosphoric  esters  to  be  conveyed  via  the  blood 
from  the  hepatopancreas  to  the  integumental  tissues.  That  this  indeed  may  be  an 
important  function  of  phosphatase  in  bone  resorption  has  been  suggested  by  McLean 
and  Urist  (1955).  Further,  its  localization  around  the  periphery  of  small  and  large 
vacuoles  on  the  sixth  and  seventh  day  would  suggest  that  the  enzyme  is  possibly 
involved,  in  some  way,  with  the  synthesis  of  secretory  products  or  the  transfer  of 
these  products  from  the  adjacent  cytoplasm  into  the  secretory  vacuoles.  Phospha- 
tase localization  at  the  striated  borders  of  the  absorption,  as  well  as  the  secretory, 
cells  would  suggest  that  when  these  cells  are  active  the  enzyme  would  likewise  serve 
the  function  of  participating  in  transfer  reactions  by  producing  molecules  which 
enter  or  leave  the  cells  more  readily.  Such  a  function  has  been  suggested  by  Moog 

The  concentration  of  the  enzyme  at  the  distal  ends  of  the  outer  epidermal  cells 
and  in  the  integument  immediately  distal  to,  but  paralleling,  the  epidermis  suggests 
its  extremely  important  functions  in  the  deposition  and  hardening  of  the  post- 
exuvial  layers.  The  periodic  accumulation  and  utilization  of  glycogen  by  the  epi- 
dermis, as  was  pointed  out  earlier,  would  suggest  that  possibly  this  constituent,  gly- 
cogen, is  used  as  a  precursor  in  chitin  formation.  If  this  is  so,  and  if  the  synthesis 
of  chitin  occurs,  as  Renaud  (1949)  suggested,  by  the  hydrolysis  of  glycogen  and 
dephosphorylation  of  glucose  phosphate  to  glucose,  this  step  being  followed  by  sub- 
sequent steps  to  yield  chitin,  phosphatase  would  play  an  important  role  in  this  chain 
of  events  by  its  dephosphorylation  of  glucose  phosphate  to  glucose,  a  possible  start- 
ing point  for  chitin  formation.  Likewise,  if  glycogen  were  used  as  an  energy- 
source  for  the  synthesis  and  elaboration  of  the  organic  matrix,  phosphatase  would 
be  intimately  involved  in  these  reactions.  Glycogen,  as  suggested  earlier,  could 
serve  indirectly  as  added  substrate  for  phosphatase  action.  The  distribution  of 
phosphatase  and  mucopolysaccharide  in  the  epidermis  and  its  distribution  in  the 


region  of  the  newly  forming  post-exuvial  layers  of  the  integument,  immediately 
above  the  epidermis,  suggests  that  it  may  play  a  very  important  part  in  the  forma- 
tion of  the  ground  substance  (mucopolysaccharide)  of  the  post-exuvial  layers. 
Furthermore,  the  enzyme  is  thought  to  play  an  important  role  in  the  manufacture 
of  fibrous  proteins,  thus  participating  in  the  formation  of  the  ground  substance  of 
bone  (McLean  and  Urist,  1955).  Moog  and  Wenger  (1952),  however,  have  sug- 
gested that  since  the  enzyme  and  mucopolysaccharide  are  frequently  found  together 
in  fibrous  structures,  the  mucopolysaccharide  constitutes  part  of  a  cytoskeletal 
mechanism  to  which  the  enzyme  is  bound. 

The  appearance  of  alkaline  phosphatase  in  the  integument  immediately  distal  to 
and  paralleling  the  epidermis  one  day  before  calcification  begins,  likewise  suggests 
to  the  author  that  the  enzyme  is  intimately  involved  in  calcification  of  the  integu- 
ment. In  such  a  localization  it  could  provide  a  mechanism  for  the  production  of  a 
local  high  concentration  of  phosphate  ions.  In  the  presence  of  calcium  ions,  trans- 
ferred across  the  cell  membranes  of  the  epidermis,  phosphate  could  then  unite  to 
form  the  calcium  salt,  calcium  phosphate,  which  constitutes  about  3%  of  the  total 


Analyses  to  indicate  the  amount  of  mineral  and  organic  matter  in  the  entire 
area  of  softening  of  a  late  Stage  C  animal 


Per  cent  present  in  the 
area  of  softening 

Calculated  %  of 
salts  present 
















unaccounted  for 


Per  cent  mineral  as  Ca, 

P,  and  Mg  oxides 


Per  cent  organic  matter 


mineral  salt  of  the  integument  (Table  I).  The  almost  certain  presence  of  phos- 
phorylases  at  these  sites,  although  not  specifically  determined,  would  likewise  be 
expected  to  be  important  in  the  calcification  of  the  integument,  by  synthesizing  po- 
tential substrates  for  phosphatase  action  in  zones  of  calcification. 

Hardening  of  the  crustacean  skeleton  occurs  by  quinone  tanning  and  calcification. 
Hardening  by  quinones  is  a  result  of  the  oxidation  of  polyphenols  to  quinones, 
which  form  cross  linkages  with  the  native  protein  of  the  cuticle.  The  net  result  of 
this  combination  is  a  highly  stable  and  highly  insoluble  product.  Of  the  pre- 
exuvial  layers,  the  epicuticle  of  Carcinus  maenas  is  hardened  by  quinones  shortly 
after  its  formation,  whereas  subsequent  hardening  of  the  pigmented  layer  occurs 
soon  after  molt  (Krishnan,  1951).  As  was  suggested  in  a  previous  section  of  the 
discussion,  changes  in  tinctorial  properties  of  the  pigmented  layer  suggest  that  the 
process  of  hardening  by  quinones  is  complete  by  the  fifth  day  following  molt. 
Quinone  tanning,  although  the  primary  cause  of  hardening  in  the  exoskeleton  of 
insects,  plays  a  much  smaller  role  in  Crustacea  (Dennell,  1947),  calcification  being 
the  major  cause  of  hardening. 


Calcification  begins  on  the  second  day  following  molt  in  Panulirus  and  occurs 
thereafter  simultaneously  with  or  immediately  accompanying  the  elaboration  of 
layers  of  the  principal  zone.  Further,  the  additional  task  posed  to  the  epidermis 
is  that  of  calcifying  the  pre-exuvial  layers;  calcification,  in  this  case,  is  of  course  a 
process  that  is  accomplished  long  after  their  formation  but  during  the  same  time 
at  which  the  post-exuvial  layers  are  being  calcified. 

In  the  distal  region  of  the  epidermal  cells,  where  calcium  becomes  most  heavily 
concentrated,  extrusion  of  calcium  from  this  tissue  occurs  in  two  distinct  ways 
(Travis,  1951a,  1951c).  As  the  post-exuvial  layers  are  deposited,  masses  of  cal- 
cium granules  are  simultaneously  extruded,  thus  forming  narrow  bands  paralleling 
the  epidermis.  In  the  pre-exuvial  layers,  on  the  other  hand,  calcium  granules  are 
observed  in  uniform  vertical  rows.  These  rows,  as  pointed  out  earlier,  are  particu- 
larly evident  in  the  pigmented  layer,  and  are  likewise  observed  to  emanate  from  the 
epidermis.  They  correspond  in  location  to  the  pore  canals  or  vertical  striae,  proto- 
plasmic extensions  of  the  epidermis.  Thus,  in  the  case  of  the  pre-exuvial  layers, 
calcification  occurs  after  their  formation.  Hence,  calcium  must  be  transported  and 
deposited  some  distance  from  the  newly  forming  pre-exuvial  layers.  This  trans- 
port occurs  through  the  pore  canals,  thus  enabling  the  epidermis  to  act  at  these 
distant  sites. 

Calcification  of  the  integument  continues  and  is  almost  entirely  completed  by 
the  seventh  day  (end  of  Stage  B)  in  the  epicuticle  and  most  of  the  pigmented  layer. 

While  calcification  of  the  integument  occurs,  the  reserve  cells  in  the  sub- 
epidermal  tissues  undergo  what  appear  to  be  cyclic  peaks  in  calcium  storage,  pos- 
sibly alternating  with  cyclic  release  to  the  epidermis.  If  calcium  in  these  cells  is 
used  periodically  by  the  epidermis,  which  it  probably  is,  the  reserve  cells  could  serve 
as  reservoirs  for  providing  additional  calcium  during  periods  of  concentration  by 
the  epidermis.  At  no  time  during  Stage  A  and  B,  however,  are  the  epidermal  cells 
depleted  of  calcium.  This  might  be  expected  because  the  concentration  of  calcium 
in  the  blood  (Travis,  1951b,  1955b)  is  sufficiently  high  to  provide  a  continued  sup- 
ply of  this  element  to  the  epidermis.  Previous  reference  to  the  reserve  cells  has 
already  been  made  as  to  their  cyclic  peaks  and  declines  in  abundance  and  size, 
change  in  structural  appearance  and  in  the  binding  and  release  of  reserves,  other 
than  calcium  (see  Observations)  and  will  not  therefore  be  discussed  in  this  section. 

As  calcification  of  the  integument  occurs  there  is  a  progressive  decrease  in  num- 
ber of  calcospherites — spherules  of  calcium  phosphate — present  in  the  absorption 
cells  of  the  hepatopancreas.  Though  abundant  on  the  first  day  following  molt  they 
progressively  decrease  in  number  as  calcification  of  the  new  integument  occurs  and 
by  the  seventh  day  hardly  a  single  calcospherite  is  to  be  detected.  The  calcospher- 
ites, premolt  storage  depots  of  reserve  phosphate  from  the  old  skeleton  (Travis, 
1955a),  represent  a  major  source,  therefore,  from  which  phosphate  can  be  mobilized 
for  hardening  of  the  new  skeleton  during  Stage  B,  a  time  at  which  the  animals  do 
not  feed.  Since  the  spiny  lobster  obtains  most  of  its  phosphorus  from  food  and 
since  the  animals  do  not  feed  for  two  weeks  before  molt,  when  resorbed  phosphorus 
from  the  old  skeleton  is  being  stockpiled  in  the  hepatopancreas  (Travis,  1955a), 
one  would  expect  a  depletion  of  this  mineral  reserve  during  the  first  week  following 
molt  as  calcification  of  the  new  integument  occurs.  This  depletion  is  also  evidenced 
by  the  low  blood-phosphorus  levels  following  molt  (Travis,  1955b). 

It  is  interesting  that  the  reserve  cells  of  the  hepatopancreas  show  the  presence 


of  calcium  from  one  through  seven  days  following  molt  but  from  the  fifth  through 
the  seventh  day  little  is  apparent.  The  fifth  through  the  seventh  day  is  a  period 
when  these  cells  become  vacuolated,  which  may  be  correlated  with  the  apparent  de- 
crease in  mucopolysaccharide,  lipid  and  calcium.  It  is  possible  that  as  the  calcium 
phosphate  is  mobilized  from  the  calcospherites  it  is  immediately  transferred  from  the 
absorption  cells  to  the  reserve  cells  and  from  these  to  carriers  in  the  blood,  possibly 
organic  acids  of  oxidative  and  glycolytic  metabolism.  The  evidence  at  hand,  how- 
ever, is  not  sufficient  at  this  time  to  determine  whether  there  is  an  actual  movement 
of  the  reserve  cells  from  the  hepatopancreatic  tissues  to  the  integumental  tissues. 

Little  has  been  said  about  the  development  and  hardening  of  the  inner  integu- 
ment during  Stages  A  and  B.  It  will  be  recalled  that  glycogen  is  observed  in 
abundance  at  the  bases  of  the  epidermal  cells  of  the  inner  integument  on  the  first 
day  following  molt  (Stage  A)  but  completely  disappears  from  the  inner  epidermis 
by  the  second  day,  not  to  be  observed  again  at  this  site  for  the  entire  observation 
period.  Similarly,  no  further  thickening  of  this  integument  occurs  after  the  second 
day  following  molt,  indicating  that  the  development  of  the  inner  integument  of  the 
branchiostegites  is  completed  during  a  period  of  three  days  preceding  molt  and  two 
days  following  molt  (Travis,  1955a).  This  does  not  mean,  however,  that  harden- 
ing by  calcification  is  completed  at  this  time.  Calcification  of  the  inner  integument, 
as  in  the  pre-exuvial  layers  of  the  outer  integument,  occurs  after  its  formation.  By 
the  fourth  day  the  uniformly  staining  endocuticle  of  the  inner  integument  has  begun 
to  calcify  and  by  the  seventh  day  portions  of  it  have  completely  calcified.  Calcifica- 
tion in  the  inner  integument  occurs  in  the  same  fashion  as  that  observed  in  the  pre- 
exuvial  layers  of  the  outer  integument,  i.e.,  via  the  port  canals. 

The  two  major  tasks  which  must  be  achieved  by  the  epidermis,  namely,  the 
synthesis  and  elaboration  of  an  organic  matrix  and  the  simultaneous  or  accompany- 
ing elaboration  of  calcium  salts  for  hardening  of  the  newly  developing  skeleton,  are 
not  completely  accomplished  before  the  fourth  week  following  molt  during  the  sum- 
mer months.  Calcification  is  probably  completed  by  the  third  week  following  molt, 
a  time  at  which  the  membranous  or  non-calcified  layer  begins  to  be  formed.  This 
layer  is  not  fully  completed  before  the  fourth  week  following  molt  (late  Stage  C  or 
C4  of  Drach,  1939).  Approximately  three  weeks  following  the  completion  of  the 
integument  the  epidermis  is  again  confronted  with  the  preparation  for  growth  in 
size  of  the  animal  (Travis,  1955a). 

The  cells  of  the  epidermis,  like  the  osteoblasts  of  bone,  synthesize  and  elaborate 
the  organic  matrix  of  the  skeleton  and,  unlike  the  osteoblasts  of  bone,  they  actually 
concentrate  and  secrete  the  mineral  constituents,  principally  calcium,  which  are  pre- 
cipitated in  the  matrix.  Furthermore,  the  epidermis,  like  the  osteoclasts  of  bone, 
participates  intimately  in  processes  of  resorption  of  the  integument.  It  elaborates 
the  proteinases  and  chitinases  which  break  down  the  organic  matrix.  It  likewise 
resorbs  these  organic  breakdown  products  along  with  the  mineral  constituents  and 
also  participates  in  their  transfer  across  its  cell  membranes  to  the  blood  for  further 
handling  (Travis,  1955b). 

Following  molt  the  transfer  of  calcium  ions  from  the  blood  across  the  cell  mem- 
branes of  the  epidermis  and  the  concentration  of  calcium  by  this  tissue  is  truly  re- 
markable. Within  the  epidermal  cells,  the  calcium  is  doubtlessly  immobilized  ion- 
ically  by  the  binding  capacity  of  weakly  acidic  groups  of  protein,  succinate,  lactate, 
bicarbonate,  phosphate,  citrate  or  by  other  anionic  groups.  On  release  of  calcium 


to  the  exterior  of  the  cell,  an  alteration  in  the  binding  capacity  of  anionic  groups  is 
necessary.  After  release  from  the  epidermis,  calcium  is  precipitated  as  salts,  by 
various  mechanisms,  in  the  organic  matrix  of  the  integument. 

The  distribution  of  alkaline  phosphatase  in  the  distal  portion  of  the  epidermis 
and  particularly  in  the  integument  immediately  distal  to  and  paralleling  the  epider- 
mis suggests  that  this  enzyme  would  provide  a  mechanism  for  the  local  high  con- 
centration of  phosphate  ions,  which  in  the  presence  of  some  of  the  calcium  released 
from  the  epidermis  could  account  for  the  precipitation  of  the  3%  calcium  phosphate 
of  the  integument  (Table  I). 

Calcium  carbonate,  however,  is  the  principal  salt  of  the  spiny  lobster  skeleton, 
and  Crustacea  in  general,  and  constitutes  approximately  42%  of  the  total  mineral 
deposited  in  the  skeleton  of  Panulirus.  It  is,  therefore,  of  interest  to  point  out  a 
related  and  possibly  important  enzyme  involved  in  calcification  of  the  skeleton. 
This  is  the  enzyme,  carbonic  anhydrase.  Sabotka  and  Kann  (1941)  found  that 
this  enzyme  was  not  present  in  the  gills  of  Panulirus  argus.  Because  of  this,  they 
suggested  that  elimination  of  CO2  is  not  confined  to  the  gills,  but  that  the  bicarbon- 
ate formed  may  be  eliminated  in  the  skeleton  by  precipitation  as  CaCO3.  Maluf 
(1940)  found  that  considerable  quantities  of  carbonic  anhydrase  were  present  in 
the  epidermis  and  skeleton  of  the  crayfish,  Carnbarus  clarkii  and  the  American  lob- 
ster, Homarus  americanus.  The  fact  that  alkaline  phosphatase  is  found  in  the  dis- 
tal ends  of  the  epidermal  cells  and  integument  immediately  above  and  paralleling 
the  epidermis  would  suggest  that  the  hydrogen  ion  concentration  is  low  and  the  pH 
is  on  the  alkaline  side  (between  8—10).  At  this  pH,  dissociation  of  bicarbonate  into 
CO3=  and  H+  would  be  expected.  In  the  presence  of  calcium  ions  released  from  the 
epidermis,  the  precipitation  of  calcium  carbonate  could  occur.  Thus,  again  the 
mechanism  and  conditions  exist  for  the  production  of  local  high  concentrations  of 
bicarbonate  and  carbonate  ions  in  the  epidermis  and  integument  of  Crustacea. 

The  manner  in  which  calcium  carbonate  is  precipitated,  i.e.,  as  calcite  rather 
than  aragonite  or  amorphous  calcium  carbonate,  is  undoubtedly  determined  by  con- 
ditions inherent  in  the  organic  matrix  which  favor  calcite  precipitation.  Prenant 
(1927),  however,  pointed  out  that  the  condition  determining  the  state  of  calcium 
carbonate  precipitation  is  the  proportion  of  phosphates  to  carbonates,  as  indicated 
by  the  P2O5/CO2  ratio.  If  the  ratio  is  more  than  0.015,  calcium  carbonate  is  de- 
posited in  amorphous  form.  If  the  ratio  is  0.105  or  less,  the  calcium  is  deposited 
in  crystalline  form.  The  P2O5/CO2  ratio  in  Panulirus  is  0.0657.  Calcium  carbon- 
ate in  Panulirus  is  precipitated  as  calcite,  which  is  consistent  with  the  idea  proposed 
by  Prenant.  This  would  not  mean,  however,  that  conditions  in  the  organic  matrix 
do  not  favor  calcite,  rather  than  aragonite,  precipitation. 

That  the  calcification  mechanism  in  Panulirus  may  be  influenced  by  the  presence 
of  organic  acids  such  as  lactic,  succinic,  and  citric  acid  at  the  sites  of  calcification 
has  yet  to  be  investigated.  These  acids  have  a  marked  propensity  for  forming 
weakly  ionized  salts  with  calcium.  It  is  highly  likely,  therefore,  that,  as  in  the  cal- 
cification of  bone,  citric  acid  plays  an  important  role  in  the  calcification  mechanism 
of  Crustacea.  It  is  known  from  the  work  of  Dickens  (1941)  that  more  than  70% 
of  the  citric  acid  of  the  human  body  is  in  the  skeleton  and  that  as  much  as  1  %  of 
the  fresh  weight  of  bone  may  be  accounted  for  as  citrate.  It  is  not  definitely  known 
whether  citrate  is  present  as  an  ion  or  precipitated  as  a  calcium  citrate  complex. 
Bones  examined  for  enzymes  of  the  citric  acid  cycle  have  shown  that  by  comparison 


with  other  tissues,  such  as  the  kidney  or  liver,  citrogenase  and  aconitase  activities 
are  much  greater  than  those  of  isocitric  dehydrogenase  (McLean  and  Urist,  1955). 
As  these  authors  point  out,  the  mechanism  for  the  production  of  local  high  concen- 
trations of  citric  acid  exists  in  bone.  Other  than  the  work  of  Thunberg  (1949), 
however,  as  quoted  from  Thunberg  (1953)  and  Steinhardt  (1946),  nothing  has 
been  done  with  the  role  of  citric  acid  in  the  calcification  process  of  the  Crustacea. 
Thunberg  found  that  at  least  0.8%  of  the  gastroliths  of  a  European  crayfish  was 
constituted  of  citric  acid.  This  would  suggest  strongly  that  citric  acid  is  involved, 
as  in  bone,  in  some  way  in  the  calcification  process.  Steinhardt  (1946)  has  further 
pointed  out  that  in  structures  such  as  bone  and  gastroliths,  where  high  concentra- 
tions of  citric  acid  are  found,  the  phosphorus  and  calcium  content  is  also  high.  In 
such  cases,  citrate  probably  exists  in  a  complex  form  in  which  calcium,  phosphoric 
and  citric  acid  enter. 

It  is  highly  likely,  therefore,  that  within  the  integument  of  Crustacea,  as  in  the 
gastroliths  of  the  crayfish,  the  mechanism  for  the  production  of  local  high  concen- 
trations of  citric  acid  exists.  If  so,  the  citrate  produced,  having  a  marked  propen- 
sity for  forming  weakly  ionized  salts  with  certain  cations  such  as  calcium,  could 
combine  with  calcium  released  from  the  epidermis  and  could  enter  into  the  mineral 
complex  of  calcium  salts  of  the  integument.  If  this  is  the  case,  increases  and  de- 
creases of  citrate  formed  enzymatically  within  tissues  may  be  one  of  the  regulators 
of  ionic  calcium  activity.  Furthermore,  in  normal  metabolism,  the  normal  activity 
of  tissues  may  be  controlled,  in  part,  by  the  interaction  of  ionic  calcium  with  citrate 
reached  via  the  tricarboxylic  cycle.  Such  a  possibility  has  been  suggested  for 
the  mammal  by  Peters  (1950). 

It  is  apparent  from  the  foregoing  discussion  that  the  continued  growth  of  the 
skeleton  in  an  accretionary  manner  and  the  hardening  of  it  by  calcification,  two  of 
the  major  tasks  confronting  the  crustacean  from  Stage  A  to  late  Stage  C,  are  indeed 
complex.  Although  these  extraordinary  duties  are  put  to  the  epidermis,  which 
takes  the  lead  in  the  performance  of  them,  the  importance  of  the  other  tissues,  namely 
the  hepatopancreatic  and  sub-epidermal  tissues,  should  not  be  under-estimated. 


1.  During  the  early  postmolt  period   (Stages  A  and  B)   as  rapid  accretionary 
growth  and  calcification  of  the  skeleton  are  occurring,  changes  are  observed  in  the 
hepatopancreas  and  integumental  tissues. 

2.  As  the  principal  layer  of  the  skeleton  in  Panulirus  is  deposited  during  Stage 
A  and  B,  the  outer  epidermis  concentrates  or  synthesizes  a  considerable  amount  of 
glyco-  or  mucoprotein,  which  is  probably  related  to  and  involved  in  the  secretion 
and  development  of  this  layer.     Similarly,  the  pigmented  layer,  one  of  the  pre- 
exuvial  layers  formed  before  molt,  shows  the  presence  of  this  same  mucopolysac- 
charide.     Near  the  end  of  Stage  B,  however,  the  properties  of  the  basic  organic 
components  in  the  pigmented  layer  have  been  altered,  possibly  by  considerable  im- 
pregnation with  calcium  salts  or  by  quinones. 

3.  During  the  deposition  of  the  principal  layer  of  the  outer  integument,  glycogen 
accumulates  in  large  amounts  in  the  epidermis.     There  is  a  periodic  shift  of  gly- 
cogen from  the  sub-epidermal  tissues  to  the  outer  epidermis  and  in  turn  a  shift 
from  the  hepatopancreatic  tissues  to  the  integumental  tissues.     During  this  period 


of  accumulation  and  utilization  by  the  integumental  tissues  (Stages  A  and  B), 
hepatopancreatic  glycogen  progressively  disappears  and  by  the  end  of  Stage  B 
none  remains. 

4.  The  possibility  of  lipid  conversion  to  carbohydrate,  and  the  storing  of  this  as 
glycogen  in  the  hepatopancreas  during  Stage  D,  is  discussed.     The  utilization  of 
glycogen  by  the  epidermis  during  Stages  A  and  B,  periods  of  inanition,  is  also 

5.  During  Stages  A  and  B  alkaline  phosphatase  is  heavily  concentrated  in  the 
distal  ends  of  the  outer  epidermal  cells.     It  is  observed  in  the  integument  in  the 
region  of  the  proximal  portions  of  the  pore  canals,  even  before  calcification  begins. 
This  is  a  region  of  high  activity  as  deposition  and  hardening  of  the  post-exuvial 
layers  occurs.     The   enzyme   is   likewise  found   in  the   reserve  cells   of  the   sub- 
epidermal  cells.     In  the  hepatopancreas,  the  most  marked  localization  of  the  enzyme 
is  seen  around  the  innumerable  calcospherites  in  the  absorption  cells  and  in  the 
striated  border  of  these  cells.     The  reserve  cells  of  the  hepatopancreas  likewise  show 
the  presence  of  the  enzyme.     Functions  of  phosphatase  in  these  sites  are  suggested. 

6.  Calcification  begins  the  second  day  following  molt  and  occurs  thereafter  si- 
multaneously with,  or  immediately  accompanying,  the  elaboration  of  layers  of  the 
principal  zone.     Calcification  of  the  pre-exuvial  layers,  formed  before  molt,  is  a 
process  accomplished  long  after  their  formation  but  during  the  same  period  at 
which  the  post-exuvial  layers,  formed  after  molt,  are  being  calcified. 

Calcium,  heavily  concentrated  in  the  distal  region  of  the  epidermal  cells,  is  ex- 
truded from  this  tissue  in  two  distinct  ways.  As  the  post-exuvial  layers  are  de- 
posited, masses  of  calcium  granules  are  simultaneously  extruded,  thus  forming  nar- 
row bands  paralleling  the  epidermis.  In  the  pre-exuvial  layers,  on  the  other  hand, 
calcium  granules  are  observed  in  uniform  vertical  rows  which  emanate  from  the 
epidermis.  These  vertical  rows  of  calcium  granules  correspond  in  location  to  the 
pore  canals.  Since  calcification  of  the  pre-exuvial  layers  occurs  after  their  forma- 
tion calcium  must  be  transported  and  deposited  some  distance  from  the  newly  form- 
ing post-exuvial  layers.  This  transport  occurs  through  the  pore  canals,  protoplas- 
mic extensions  of  the  epidermis,  thus  enabling  this  tissue  to  act  at  these  distant  sites. 

7.  While  calcification  of  the  integument  occurs,  the  reserve  cells  in  the  sub- 
epidermal  tissues  undergo  what  appear  to  be  cyclic  peaks  in  calcium  storing  alter- 
nating with  cyclic  release  to  the  epidermis.     The  reserve  cells  in  this  capacity  could 
serve  as  reservoirs  for  providing  additional  calcium  during  periods  of  concentration 
by  the  epidermis.     Furthermore,  these  interesting  reserve  cells,  during  the  early 
postmolt  period  ( Stages  A  and  B ) ,  undergo  at  daily  intervals,  cyclic  peaks  and  de- 
clines in  size  and  abundance,  changes  in  structural  appearance,  and  staining  prop- 
erties and  the  storing  of  reserves  other  than  calcium.     The  mucopolysaccharide  ma- 
terial, either  muco-  or  glycoprotein,  in  the  reserve  cells  disappears  near  the  latter 
part  of  Stage  B.     This  indicates  a  decrease  in  the  concentration  of  the  material  and 
suggests  that  the  mucopolysaccharide  stored  by  the  reserve  cells  represents  reserve 
material  for  the  construction  of  the  new  skeleton. 

The  reserve  cells  of  the  hepatopancreas,  like  those  of  the  integumental  tissues, 
undergo  during  the  early  postmolt  period  (Stages  A  and  B)  cyclic  peaks  and  de- 
clines in  number,  size  and  the  storing  and  apparent  release  of  reserves.  They  simi- 
larly show  the  presence  of  phosphatase,  mucopolysaccharide,  calcium  and  much 


8.  As  calcification  of  the  integument  occurs  there  is  a  progressive  decrease  in 
number  of  calcospherites — spherules  of  calcium  phosphate — present  in  the  absorp- 
tion cells  of  the  hepatopancreas.     These  calcospherites,  abundant  preceding  molt 
and  on  the  first  day  following  molt,  progressively  decrease  in  number  as  calcifica- 
tion of  the  new  integument  occurs  and  by  the  seventh  day  (end  of  Stage  B)  hardly 
a  single  calcospherite  can  be  detected.     The  calcospherites,  premolt  storage  depots 
of  reserve  phosphate  from  the  old  skeleton,  probably  represent  a  major  source  from 
which  phosphate  can  be  mobilized  for  hardening  of  the  new  skeleton  during  Stage 
B,  a  time  at  which  the  animals  do  not  feed. 

9.  Development  of  the  inner  integument  of  the  branchiostegites  is  completed  in 
Pannlirus  during  a  period  of  three  days  preceding  molt  and  two  days  following  molt. 
Calcification  of  the  inner  integument,  as  in  the  pre-exuvial  layers  of  the  outer  in- 
tegument, occurs  after  its  formation  via  the  pore  canals,  and  portions  of  this  integu- 
ment are  completely  calcified  by  the  seventh  day  following  molt  (end  of  Stage  B). 

10.  Calcium  carbonate,  the  principal  salt  of  the  spiny  lobster  skeleton,  constitutes 
approximately  42%  of  the  total  mineral  deposited  and  is  precipitated  in  the  organic 
matrix  as  calcite,  rather  than  aragonite  or  amorphous  calcium  carbonate. 

11.  The  roles  of  carbonic  anhydrase  and  citric  acid  in  the  calcification  of  the 
integument  of  Crustacea  are  discussed. 

12.  Continued  accretionary  growth  of  the  skeleton  and  the  hardening  of  it  by 
calcification  are  two  major  tasks  confronting  the  crustacean  from  Stage  A  to  late 
Stage  C.     Although  the  epidermis  takes  the  lead  in  the  performance  of  these  duties, 
the  importance  of  the  other  tissues,  namely  the  hepatopancreatic  and  sub-epidermal 
tissues,  should  not  be  under-estimated. 


BENSLEY,  R.  R.,  AND  S.  H.  BENSLEY,  1938.     Handbook  of  histological  and  cytochemical  tech- 
nique.    University  of  Chicago  Press,  Chicago. 
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Dept.  of  Biological  Sciences,  Northivestern  University,  Evans  ton,  Illinois, 
and  The  Hopkins  Marine  Station,  Pacific  Grove,  California 

Studies  on  the  effects  of  chemical  agents  on  early  developmental  patterns  in 
echinoderms  have  shown  that  similar  modifications  may  often  be  caused  by  entirely 
different  agents.  Some  groups  of  totally  different  substances  will  cause  entodermi- 
zation  of  the  young  embryo  while  others  will  produce  the  opposite  effect  (ectodermi- 
zation)  if  concentrations  and  exposure  periods  are  carefully  controlled.  Some  will 
increase  the  area  of  the  ventral  field  while  others  will  decrease  it.  In  recent  studies 
(Rulon,  1952,  1953,  1955,  1956)  it  has  been  found  that  compounds  such  as  sodium 
selenite,  nickelous  chloride,  zinc  chloride,  and  cobaltous  chloride  will  all  cause  the 
loss  of  bilaterality  and  a  polar  elongation  of  the  larva.  Such  larvae  differentiate 
with  reference  to  the  new  pattern  and  are  very  similar  to  each  other,  irrespective 
of  the  compound  used. 

When  two  unlike  substances  produce  similar  effects  certain  questions  may  be 
asked :  ( 1 )  Do  these  agents  affect  identical  reaction  systems  in  the  morphogenetic 
process?  Or  (2)  are  different  loci  in  the  reaction  complex  affected  in  such  a  way 
that  the  final  results  are  the  same  ?  A  definite  answer  to  either  question  is  difficult 
to  make  but  it  is  believed  that  at  least  a  partial  answer  may  be  suggested  by  the  use 
of  combinations  of  the  different  agents. 

In  our  experiments  it  has  been  customary  to  submit  the  eggs  and  early  embryos 
to  a  wide  range  of  concentrations  when  testing  the  effects  of  any  particular  agent. 
This  range  usually  extends  from  a  concentration  that  is  lethal  in  a  few  hours  to  one 
that  has  little  or  no  effect.  The  range  is  commonly  set  up  so  that  the  succeeding 
steps  are  each  one-half  the  concentration  of  the  preceding  (i.e.,  M/100,  M/200, 
M/400,  M/800,  M/ 1,600,  M/3,200  .  .  .).  When  newly  fertilized  eggs  from  the 
same  lot  are  distributed  throughout  the  various  concentrations,  interesting  compari- 
sons may  often  be  made.  The  stronger  solutions  commonly  give  proportionate  in- 
hibition— that  is,  all  structures  are  grossly  inhibited.  With  decreased  concentra- 
tions the  inhibition  may  be  disproportionate  (differential)  in  that  certain  processes 
or  structures  are  strongly  affected  while  others  are  affected  slightly  if  at  all.  The 
differential  inhibition  of  one  structure  often  provides  for  the  physiological  release 
of  another  to  the  extent  that  the  structure  not  inhibited  increases  in  size  beyond  the 

The  present  work  deals  chiefly  with  combinations  of  agents.  Since  previous  in- 
vestigations have  shown  that  cobaltous  chloride,  sodium  selenite,  and  zinc  chloride 

1  This  investigation  was  supported  by  the  Graduate  School  of  Northwestern  University. 
The  writer  is  also  much  indebted  to  Dr.  L.  R.  Blinks,  Director  of  the  Hopkins  Marine  Station, 
Pacific  Grove,  California,  for  many  considerations. 



all  cause  the  development  of  sand  dollar  embryos  that  are  quite  similar,  it  seemed 
important  to  determine  if  these  agents  could  replace  one  another  in  inhibitory  solu- 
tions. Would  the  effects  of  these  different  agents  be  antagonistic,  additive,  or 
possibly  synergistic? 


This  work  was  conducted  at  the  Hopkins  Marine  Station,  Pacific  Grove,  Cali- 
fornia, during  the  summers  of  1954—55.  The  adult  sand  dollars  (Dendraster  ex- 
centricus)  were  dredged  from  Monterey  Bay  and  maintained  in  the  laboratory  in 
running  sea  water.  Ovaries  were  exposed  by  removing  the  oral  surfaces  of  the 
animals.  The  bright  red  eggs,  exuding  in  droplets,  were  washed  into  finger  bowls. 
After  several  washings  in  sea  water  the  ova  were  fertilized  by  the  addition  of  a  few 
drops  of  sperm  suspension.  Only  ova  that  were  over  95  per  cent  fertilizable  were 
used.  All  test  solutions  were  made  up  in  sea  water  and  the  controls  and  tests  were 
always  from  the  same  batch  of  eggs.  All  eggs  developed  under  uncrowded  condi- 
tions in  finger  bowls,  out  of  direct  sunlight  and  under  the  moist  conditions  of  the 
aquarium  room  where  the  temperature  varied  by  no  more  than  one  degree  from  18 
degrees  C.  and  smoking  was  not  permitted. 


1.  Continuous  exposure  of  newly  fertilised  eggs  to  single  and  combination  solu- 
tions of  cobaltous  chloride  and  sodium  selenite.  It  would  be  repetitious  to  report 
here  all  of  the  modifications  caused  by  solutions  of  only  cobalt  and  selenium  (see 
Rulon,  1952,  1956).  The  object  of  this  paper  is  to  make  comparisons  between  the 
effects  of  solutions  containing  the  ions  singly  and  in  combinations  at  critical  con- 
centrations of  the  range.  Accordingly,  only  the  effects  of  the  following  solutions 
will  be  discussed  although  additional  data  have  been  obtained  from  various  other 
concentrations  and  combinations : 

Solution  1 — Sea  water  control 

2 — M/SOO  cobaltous  chloride 

3 — M/1,600  cobaltous  chloride 

4 — M/800  sodium  selenite 

5 — M/1,600  sodium  selenite 

6 — M/1,600  cobaltous  chloride — M/1,600  sodium  selenite  (50  cc.  of 

M/800  CoCl2-6H2O  plus  50  cc.  of  M/800  Na2SeO3) 
7— M/3,200  cobaltous  chloride — M/3,200  sodium  selenite  (50  cc.  of 

M/1,600  CoCl2-6H2O  plus  50  cc.  of  M/ 1.600  Na2SeO,) 

After  48  hours  almost  all  (98  per  cent)  in  solution  1  (control)  had  developed 
into  normal  free-swimming  bilateral  plutei  with  well-differentiated  oral  and  anal 
arms  and  with  full  skeletal  development  (Fig.  1).  In  solution  2  all  were  radial  in 
symmetry  and  almost  all  (95  per  cent)  showed  polar  elongation  (Figs.  2-A}. 
Most  showed  differentiation  of  an  apical  lobe  (Figs.  2,  4).  All  had  thickened  basal 
regions  and  commonly  a  basal  circle  of  cilia  was  to  be  seen.  Exogastrulation  was 
present  in  20-30  per  cent  and  skeletal  development  was  inhibited  in  all.  All  were 
slow-moving  bottom  forms.  In  solution  3,  which  was  one-half  the  strength  in  co- 
baltous chloride  of  solution  2,  less  than  10  per  cent  resembled  the  radial  elongated 



forms  of  solution  2.  Instead,  approximately  90  per  cent  were  bilateral,  free- 
swimming  larvae  (as  Figs.  5-7).  The  majority  of  these  larvae  showed  well- 
differentiated  entera  and  stomodaea  but  no  differentiation  of  skeleton  or  arms. 
There  were  some  indications  of  polar  elongation  but  they  were  not  nearly  so  pro- 
nounced as  in  the  larvae  that  had  developed  in  solution  2.  Approximately  20  per 
cent  showed  exogastrulation. 

After  48  hours  in  solution  4  almost  all  (95  per  cent)  were  radial  forms  with  very 
little  movement  (Figs.  8-11).  Over  75  per  cent  showed  considerable  polar  elonga- 
tion (Figs.  10-11)  with  differentiation  of  apical  and  basal  lobes.  No  skeleton  dif- 
ferentiated and  many  had  basal  ciliated  bands.  Only  a  few  exogastrulae  appeared. 
Approximately  75  per  cent  of  the  eggs  developing  in  solution  5  resulted  in  bilateral 

FIGURES  1-7.  Figure  1,  normal  48-hour  larva, 
exposed  continuously  to  M/800  cobaltous  chloride, 
tinuously  to  M/1,600  cobaltous  chloride. 

Figures  2-4,  48-hour  larvae  that  have  been 
Figures  5-7,  48-hour  larvae  exposed  con- 

plutei  with  short  anal  arms  containing  skeleton  and  at  increased  angles  (Figs.  12- 
13).  Oral  lobes  were  broad  but  poorly  differentiated.  The  remainder  of  the  lar- 
vae in  solution  5  graded  from  slightly  bilateral  forms  without  skeleton  (Fig.  14) 
into  the  polar  elongated  radial  larvae  of  higher  concentrations  (Figs.  10-11).  Only 
an  occasional  exogastrula  was  seen. 

Almost  100  per  cent  of  the  eggs  developing  in  solution  6  became  radial  or  near 
radial  larvae  (Figs.  15-18).  Of  these,  over  50  per  cent  showed  polar  elongation 
with  oral  and  basal  lobes  (Figs.  15-17).  Approximately  10  per  cent  were  exo- 
gastrulae. In  solution  7,  there  was  only  an  occasional  elongated  radial  form  while 
approximately  90  per  cent  were  bilateral  free-swimming  larvae  with  ventral  ciliated 
bands  but  no  skeleton  or  arms  (Figs.  19-21).  Approximately  10  per  cent  were 
exogastrulae  but  the  remainder  had  well-differentiated  entera  with  stomodaea. 



From  these  experiments  it  was  shown  that  when  the  eggs  of  D.  excentricus  were 
exposed  to  a  combined  solution  of  cobalt  and  selenite  (M/1,600  CoCl2-M/ 1,600 
Na2SeO3)  they  differentiated  according  to  a  pattern  of  radial  symmetry  very  much 
as  if  they  had  been  exposed  to  single  solutions  of  double  strength  of  either  agent. 
That  is,  while  M/ 1,600  cobalt  alone  caused  10  per  cent  radial  and  M/ 1,600  selenite 
alone  caused  25  per  cent  radial,  together  they  caused  100  per  cent  radial  (approxi- 
mately 100  per  cent  radial  forms  are  caused  by  M/800  of  either  agent).  In  the 
case  of  polar  elongation  the  combined  solution  gave  a  considerably  higher  percentage 
than  did  the  single  solutions  (M/ 1,600  CoCl,  or  M/1,600  Na2SeO3)  but  not  as  high 
as  single  solutions  of  double  strength.  Exogastrulation  was  highest  in  the  cobalt, 



FIGURES  8-14.  Figures  8-11,  48-hour  larvae  that  have  been  exposed  continuously  to  M/800 
sodium  selenite.  Figures  12-14,  48-hour  larvae  that  have  been  exposed  continuously  to  M/1,600 
sodium  selenite. 

next  in  the  combination,  and  least  in  the  selenite  solutions.  The  data  have  demon- 
strated that  the  actions  of  these  two  different  agents  are  additive  in  most  respects 
in  affecting  developmental  pattern  but  that  there  are  also  some  effects  caused  by 
one  agent  but  not  (at  least  to  an  appreciable  degree)  by  the  other  at  the  concen- 
tration used. 

2.  Continuous  exposure  of  newly  fertilised  eggs  to  single  and  combination  solu- 
tions of  cobaltous  chloride  and  sine  chloride.  As  in  the  preceding  experiments, 
eggs  from  the  same  lot  were  placed  in  wide  ranges  (single  and  combination)  of 
concentrations.  Since  the  single  effects  have  previously  been  reported  (Rulon, 
1955.  1956)  only  the  effects  of  selected  solutions  on  development  shall  be  reported 
here.  The  solutions  were  as  follows : 



Solution     8 — Sea  water  control 

9 — M/3,200  cobaltous  chloride 
10— il//80.000  zinc  chloride 
11—  M/ 160.000  zinc  chloride 

12— M/3,200  cobaltous  chloride— M/ 160,000  zinc  chloride  (50  cc.  of 
M/1,600  CoCL-6H,O  plus  50  cc.  of  3//80.000  ZnCl.) 

After  48  hours  the  eggs  developing  in  the  sea  water  control  (solution  8)  were  prac- 
tically 100  per  cent  normal  free-swimming  bilateral  plutei  with  good  development 
of  oral  and  anal  arms.  In  solution  9  all  were  slightly  flattened  bilateral  larvae 







FIGURES  15-21.  Figures  15-18,  48-hour  larvae  that  have  been  exposed  continuously  to  a 
combination  solution  (If/1,600  cobaltous  chloride-.V/l,600  sodium  selenite).  Figures  19-21,  48- 
hour  larvae  that  have  been  exposed  continuously  to  a  combination  solution  (.V/3,200  cobaltous 
chloride-3//3,200  sodium  selenite). 

which  were  either  actively  swimming  or  moving  about  near  the  bottom  of  the  cul- 
ture (Figs.  22-24).  Approximately  20  per  cent  had  short  anal  arms  with  skeletal 
spicules  and  10-20  per  cent  had  undergone  exogastrulation.  "While  these  larvae 
were  definitely  in  advance  of  those  treated  with  cobalt  solutions  of  twice  the  strength 
(solution  3),  they  still  showed  markedly  the  effects  of  the  agent. 

In  solution  10  all  of  the  larvae  (Figs.  25-27)  were  slow-moving  and  radial  with 
a  large  differentiated  gut  which  commonly  extended  to  the  apical  end  (Fig.  25) 
although  there  were  approximately  10  per  cent  which  showed  exogastrulation. 
These  larvae  had  no  skeleton  and  there  was  an  excess  of  internal  cells.  Most 
showed  apical  thickenings  or  extensions  although  the  polar  elongation  fell  short  of 




FIGURES  22-33.  Figures  22-24,  48-hour  larvae  that  have  been  exposed  continuously  to 
.17/3,200  cobaltous  chloride.  Figures  25-27,  48-hour  larvae  that  have  been  exposed  continuously 
to  .V/80,000  zinc  chloride.  Figures  28-30,  48-hour  larvae  that  have  been  exposed  continuously 
to  -V/160.000  zinc  chloride.  Figures  31-33,  48-hour  larvae  that  have  been  exposed  continuously 
to  a  combination  solution  (lf/3,200  cobaltous  chloride-Af/160,000  zinc  chloride). 

that  noted  in  certain  effective  solutions  of  cobalt  and  selenium.  In  solution  11 
(which  was  one-half  the  concentration  of  zinc  chloride  as  solution  10)  over  90  per 
cent  of  the  larvae  were  bilateral  (Figs.  28-30)  and  over  50  per  cent  of  these  had 
short  anal  arms  with  skeleton.  The  remaining  10  per  cent  approached  radial  sym- 
metry and  there  was  approximately  5  per  cent  exogastrulation. 

In  solution  12  (combination  solution)  over  90  per  cent  were  elongated  radial 
forms  with  neither  skeleton  nor  arms  (Figs.  31-33).  Slight  bilaterality  was  evi- 
denced in  the  remaining  10  per  cent.  Most  had  well-developed  entera  but  20-30 
per  cent  had  undergone  exogastrulation. 


These  experiments  show  that  zinc  chloride  causes  modifications  similar  to  those 
caused  by  cobaltous  chloride  but  in  concentrations  that  are  I/ 100th  those  of  the 
latter.  The  addition  of  M/3,200  cobalt  to  M/160,000  zinc  gives  an  effect  which  is 
approximately  that  of  a  single  solution  of  zinc  of  twice  the  concentration  (M/80,000) 
but  not  that  of  a  single  solution  of  cobalt  of  twice  the  strength  (M/1,600).  In- 
stead the  effect  is  that  of  a  cobalt  solution  of  four  times  the  concentration  (M/800). 


Previous  work  by  the  author  has  shown  that  several  substances  are  effective 
in  causing  polar  elongation  and  differentiation  around  a  radial  symmetry  in  the 
developing  sand  dollar  embryo.  The  present  data  show  that  cobalt  and  selenite 
at  the  same  concentrations  will  produce  such  modifications.  They  also  show  that 
the  effects  of  these  two  different  agents  were  additive  in  causing  radial  symmetry 
and  almost  additive  in  polar  elongation  and  exogastrulation. 

Other  work  has  indicated  that  the  radial  symmetry  described  here  is  the  result 
of  a  process  of  ventralization  (see  Rulon,  1949)  rather  than  a  direct  inhibition  of 
the  factors  which  give  bilaterality  to  the  normal  embryo.  It  has  been  shown  (see 
Child,  1941)  that  the  ventral  side  of  the  early  blastula  has  greater  indophenol  oxi- 
dase  (cytochrome  oxidase)  activity  than  the  dorsal  side,  even  though  visible  mor- 
phological differences  are  not  apparent.  Neither  cobalt  nor  selenite  appears  to  in- 
hibit the  activity  of  ventral  as  much  as  dorsal  regions.  The  ventral  area  therefore 
spreads  until  it  encircles  the  entire  embryo.  It  is  suggested  that  the  similar  effects 
of  cobalt  and  selenite  may  be  related  to  their  known  inhibitory  action  of  thiol  groups 
(see  Rulon,  1955)  and  that  enzymes  important  in  symmetry  relationships  bear  ac- 
tive sulfhydryl  radicals.  It  is  further  suggested  that  these  enzymes  are  more  dor- 
sally  located  at  the  stage  of  development  preceding  visible  bilaterality.  Cytochrome 
oxidase,  whose  greater  activity  at  the  ventral  side  has  been  proven,  does  not  possess 
an  active  sulfhydryl  radical  (Sumner  and  Somers,  1953,  p.  9). 

Polar  elongation  seems  to  have  certain  factors  in  common  with  ventralization. 
Child  (1941)  also  showed  a  polar  gradient  of  cytochrome  oxidase  activity  in  these 
eggs  with  the  highest  activity  at  the  animal  pole.  If  it  is  assumed  that  cobalt  and 
selenite  are  inhibiting  activities  other  than  cytochrome  oxidase  and  more  basally 
located,  then  it  would  follow  that  the  apical  end  would  grow  and  become  extended 
at  the  expense  of  basal  regions. 

Zinc  was  highly  effective  in  causing  ventralization  and  polar  elongation,  and  at 
a  concentration  far  below  that  of  the  other  two  agents.  In  other  words,  it  was  more 
effective  in  inactivating,  or  partially  inactivating,  certain  of  the  factors  or  processes 
concerned  with  bilaterality  and  polarity.  It  may  not  be  unreasonable  to  suggest 
that  the  affinity  of  the  thiol  groups  of  certain  enzymes  for  this  ion  may  be  much 
greater  than  for  cobalt  or  selenite  ions.  However,  the  picture  may  be  more  com- 
plicated, as  shown  by  the  fact  that  a  solution  of  zinc  (M/160,000)  which  is  effec- 
tive in  causing  10  per  cent  radial  forms  will,  when  administered  along  with  M/3,200 
cobalt,  which  causes  no  radial  forms,  cause  90  per  cent  radials.  This  would  seem 
to  suggest  a  synergistic  action  although  the  complexity  of  the  phenomenon  does  not 
lend  itself  to  an  easy  interpretation. 

Cobalt  was  much  more  effective  in  the  concentration  used  than  was  selenite  in 
causing  exogastrulation  and  skeletal  inhibition.  This  may  be  because  the  differ- 


entiation  of  gut  and  skeleton  is  of  a  more  specific  nature  and  therefore  subject  to 
more  specific  influences  than  is  either  ventralization  or  polar  elongation. 


1.  Newly  fertilized  eggs  of  D.  c.vcentricus  were  allowed  to  develop  in  single  and 
combined   sea   water   solutions   of   cobaltous   chloride,    sodium    selenite,   and   zinc 

2.  Combination  solutions  of  cobalt  and  selenite  were  additive  in  causing  the  de- 
velopment of  radial  larvae  and  almost  additive  in  causing  polar  elongation  of  the 

3.  In  solutions  of  equivalent   strength  the  development  of  exogastrulae   was 
highest  in  cobalt,  next  in  the  combination,  and  least  in  the  selenite  solutions. 

4.  Solutions  of  zinc  caused  effects  that  were  similar  to  those  of  cobalt  but  in 
concentrations  that  were  1 /100th  the  latter. 

5.  Combination  solutions  of  cobalt  and  zinc  gave  effects  that  indicated  syner- 
gistic  action. 

6.  It  is  suggested  that  the  effects  of  cobalt,  selenite,  and  zinc  are  through  their 
reaction  with  the  thiol  groups  of  certain  enzymes  and  that  the  greater  effect  of  zinc 
is  because  of  a  greater  affinity  for  such  groupings. 


CHILD,  C.  M.,  1941.     Formation  and  reduction  of  indophenol  blue  in  the  development  of  an 

echinoderm.     Proc.  Nat.  A  cad.  Sci.,  27 :  523-528. 
RULON,  O.,  1949.     The  modification  of  developmental  patterns  in  the  sand  dollar  with  maleic 

acid.     Physio!,  Zool,  22:  247-261. 
RULON,  O.,  1952.     The  modification  of  developmental  patterns  in  the  sand  dollar  by  sodium 

selenite.     Physiol.  Zoo!.,  25  :  333-346. 
RULON,  O.,  1953.     The  modification  of  developmental  patterns  in  the  sand  dollar  with  nickelous 

chloride.     Anat.  Rcc.,  177:  615. 
RULON,  O.,  1955.     Developmental  modifications  in  the  sand  dollar  caused  by  zinc  chloride  and 

prevented  by  glutathione.     Biol.  Bull.,  109:  316-327. 
RULON,  O.,   1956.     Effects  of  cobaltous  chloride  on  development  in  the  sand  dollar.     Ph\siol. 

Zool.,  29 :  51-63. 
SUMNER,  J.  B.,  AND  G.  F.  SOMERS,  1953.     Chemistry  and  methods  of  enzymes.     Third  Edition. 

New  York,  Academic  Press,  Inc. 


Marine  Biological  Laboratory,  Woods  Hole,  Mass. 

Studies  of  trematodes  belonging  to  the  genus  Asygia  Looss,  1899  from  North 
American  fresh-water  fish,  date  from  the  work  of  Leidy  (1851).  He  described 
Distoma  longum  from  the  stomach  of  Esox  ester  LeSueur,  1818  from  near  Cleve- 
land, Ohio.  Since  that  time  many  workers  have  added  to  knowledge  of  the  North 
American  species  belonging  to  this  genus.  Manter  (1926)  gave  a  systematic  re- 
view of  the  family  Azygiidae  and  stated  (p.  57)  that  "Azygia  is  the  only  genus  of 
the  family  showing  taxonomic  confusion  in  its  species."  He  further  pointed  out 
that  these  forms  are  all  very  muscular  and  highly  contractile,  which  not  only  alters 
the  general  shape  of  the  worm  but  also  changes  the  relative  position  of  such  struc- 
tures as  the  acetabulum  and  the  reproductive  organs.  He  also  mentioned  that  size 
of  the  eggs  and  distribution  of  the  vitellaria  vary  considerably  within  a  species  and 
cannot  be  relied  on  as  taxonomic  characters.  Manter  recognized  three  valid  North 
American  species:  A.  acuminata  Goldberger,  1911,  A.  angusticauda  (Stafford, 
1904)  and  A.  longa  (Leidy,  1851). 

Van  Cleave  and  Mueller  (1934)  endorsed  the  action  of  Manter  in  reducing  the 
number  of  species  in  North  America  and  felt  that  A.  acuminata  should  also  be  re- 
duced to  synonymy  with  A.  longa. 

Stunkard  (1956)  gave  a  chronological  account  of  the  genus  Asygia  and  noted 
(p.  266)  " — discordant  observations  and  divergent  opinions,"  concerning  the  pro- 
posed specific  and  generic  names  for  members  of  the  genus.  This  thorough  ac- 
count need  not  be  repeated  here.  Stunkard  recognized  A.  sebago  as  a  distinct  spe- 
cies and  suggested  that  the  European  A.  lucii  may  also  be  present  in  North  Amer- 
ica and  that  it  possibly  is  distinct  from  A.  longa. 

None  of  the  species  have  been  studied  to  determine  the  extent  of  variation  that 
normally  occurs  as  the  result  of  early  development  in  a  wide  variety  of  paratenic 
hosts  (small  fishes  and  planarians)  and  further  development  in  varied  definitive 
hosts  (large  fishes).  Until  such  studies  are  undertaken,  the  taxonomic  picture  of 
the  group  will  remain  confused. 

It  is  evident,  in  reviewing  the  literature,  that  species  proposed  by  various  North 
American  authors  and  since  placed  in  synonymy  may  indeed  be  valid  species.  In 
such  worms,  which  are  very  muscular  and  highly  contractile,  size  and  shape  can  not 
be  relied  on  as  taxonomic  characters  except  in  a  very  general  way.  The  fact  that 
these  worms  become  sexually  mature  while  relatively  small  and  continue  to  grow 
throughout  life  further  complicates  the  taxonomic  picture.  A.  angusticauda  is  the 
only  North  American  species  which  can  be  readily  distinguished  from  the  other 
species  described  from  this  continent.  It  can  be  separated  because  of  the  more 

1  Present  address :  Chico  State  College,  Chico,  California. 



posterior  position  of  the  acetabulum  and  the  presence  of  the  gonads  in  the  posterior 
one-sixth  of  the  body  (usually  within  the  posterior  one-seventh  to  one-eighth  of 
the  body).  The  rest  of  the  species  comprise  a  complex  composed  of  A.  longa, 
A.  sebago,  A.  lucii  and  A.  acuminata.  This  complex  may  perhaps  include  as  yet 
unrecognized  species,  or  species  which  at  the  present  time  are  represented  as 
identical  to  A.  longa. 

The  descriptions  of  the  cercaria  of  A.  longa  by  Sillman  (1953a,  1953b),  of  the 
cercaria  of  A.  sebago  by  Stunkard  (1956),  and  the  description  of  the  cercaria  of 
A.  acuminata  in  the  present  report  complete  the  life-histories  of  all  of  the  recognized 
species  of  Asygia  in  North  America  with  the  possible  exception  of  A.  lucii  and 
A.  angusticauda.  Dickerman  (1937)  named  Cercaria  angusticauda  as  a  new  spe- 
cies, but  did  not  describe  the  larva. 

Moreover,  in  discussing  the  cystocercous  cercariae  of  North  America  Horsfall 
(1934)  pointed  out  that  C.  wrighti  Ward,  1916,  C.  anchoroides  Ward,  1916,  and  C. 
brookoveri  Faust,  1918  appear  to  be  typically  azygiid  in  morphology  and  should 
logically  develop  into  adult  azygiids.  One  of  these  cercariae  may  develop  into  A. 
lucii,  but  if  so  it  is  morphologically  distinct  from  the  European  larva. 

Szidat  (1932)  showed  that  Cercaria  mirabilis  Braun  is  the  larva  of  A.  lucii  in 
Europe.  Sillman  (1953a)  described  the  larva  of  A.  longa  from  the  snail,  Amnicola 
limosa,  on  the  basis  of  experimental  and  limited  natural  infections.  Sillman 
(1953b)  added  additional  information  concerning  the  life-cycle  of  A.  longa  which 
was  reported  from  both  the  mud  pickerel,  Esox  vermiculatus  and  Amia  calva  in  the 
vicinity  of  Ann  Arbor,  Michigan.  Sillman  also  assigned  worms  from  the  bowfin, 
Amia  calva,  to  the  suppressed  species,  A.  acuminata.  He  was  unable  to  experi- 
mentally obtain  infections  of  Amnicola  from  eggs  of  A.  acuminata. 

Stunkard  (1950)  identified  larval  distomes  from  the  pharyngeal  pockets  of 
planarians,  Dugesia  tigrinum,  as  immature  azygiids.  Planarians  serve  as  para- 
tenic  hosts  since  further  development  of  the  distomes  does  not  occur  in  this  host. 
Stunkard  (1956)  reported  on  the  life-cycle  of  Azygia  sebago  and  experimentally 
showed  that  larval  stages  develop  in  Amnicola  limosa;  further  that  the  cystocercous 
cercaria  is  distinct  from  that  reported  by  Sillman  (1953a,  1953b)  from  the  same 
snail  host.  Stunkard  also  reported  that  these  cercariae  were  ingested  by  small 
fish  (guppies  and  small  blue  gill  sunfish,  Lepomis  macrochirus}  and  also  were  ob- 
tained experimentally  and  naturally  from  the  pharyngeal  pockets  of  planarians, 
Dugesia  tigrinum.  He  stated  (p.  265),  "How  the  larvae  reach  the  pharyngeal 
pockets  is  not  clear."  On  the  basis  of  known  feeding  habits  of  planarians,  he  cor- 
rectly suggested  the  manner  in  which  the  distomes  enter  the  pharyngeal  pockets  but 
did  not  observe  it. 

In  preliminary  observations  during  the  present  study,  cystocercous  cercariae 
belonging  to  both  A.  sebago  from  Amnicola  limosa  and  A.  acuminata  from  Campe- 
loma  decisum  (Say)  were  placed  in  finger  bowls  with  Dugesia  tigrinum.  The 
planarians  reacted  to  close  proximity  of  both  species  of  larvae  by  raising  the  an- 
terior end  of  the  body  and,  when  the  swimming  cercaria  came  in  contact  with  the 
under  surface  of  the  planarian,  actively  enclosing  the  cercaria  against  the  glass 
container.  The  pharynx  was  then  extruded  and  the  cercaria  was  sucked  into  the 
protruded  pharynx.  Usually  the  tail  entered  first,  always  so  in  cercaria  of  A. 
acuminata.  The  distome  portion  of  A.  sebago  was  sucked  into  the  pharynx  where 
it  was  gradually  divested  of  the  tail  and  the  distome  became  active  and  eventually 



FIGURE  1.  Asyyia  acuminata,  adult  (5.1  mm.  in  length),  ventral  view,  collected  from 
Ameiurus  ncbulosus. 

FIGURE  2.  Asyyia  acuminata,  miracidium  in  egg  (0.064  mm.  in  length),  from  sketches 
made  of  living  larvae. 

FIGURE  3.  Azygia  acuminata,  redia  (2.52  mm.  in  length),  showing  recognizable  pharynx, 
annulations  of  the  body  and  developing  cercariae. 


crawled  out  of  the  pharynx  into  the  pharyngeal  pocket.  Up  to  six  A.  sebago  larval 
distomes  were  seen  to  thus  enter  a  single  planarian.  The  larvae  of  A.  acuminata 
were  also  enfolded  by  the  planarians.  The  tail  was  sucked  in  but  the  larger  size  of 
the  distome  prevented  both  its  entrance  into  the  pharynx  as  well  as  into  the  aper- 
ture to  the  pharyngeal  pocket.  Occasionally  a  distome  would  be  sucked  part  way 
into  the  pharynx  and  would  remain  so  for  several  hours  before  finally  becoming 
detached.  Observations  indicated  that  D.  tigrinum  could  and  probably  does 
serve  as  a  normal  paratenic  host  for  A.  sebago  but  not  for  A.  acuminata. 

The  cercaria  of  A.  acuminata  was  found  in  Campeloma  decisum  obtained  from 
the  Santuit  River,  a  small  stream  near  the  settlement  of  Santuit,  Cape  Cod,  Mass. 
Small  fishes,  sticklebacks,  Eucalia  inconstant  (Kirtland),  Fundulus  heteroclitus, 
the  trout,  Salvclinus  fontinalis  (Mitchill),  and  small  eels,  Anguilla  rostrata  Le- 
Sueur  were  obtained  from  streams  known  to  be  free  of  azygiid  infections  and  were 
utilized  as  paratenic  hosts.  Specimens  of  each  lot  were  examined  and  found  to  be 
free  of  azygiids  and  the  remainder  used,  after  infection,  in  feeding  the  definitive 
host  fishes.  These  were  found  to  be  bull-heads,  Ameiurus  nebulosus  LeSueur ; 
blue  gill  sunfish,  Lepomis  macrochirus  Raf . ;  chain  pickerel,  Esox  niger  LeSueur ; 
and  yellow  perch,  Pcrca  flavescens  (Mitchill).  Yellow  perch  do  not  occur  in  this 
stream.  These  hosts  were  collected  from  a  small  pond  known  to  be  free  of  azygiids 
and  were  experimentally  infected. 

Large  numbers  of  snails,  Campeloma  decisum,  were  kept  in  shallow,  well  aerated 
aquaria.  In  some  instances  liberated  cercariae  were  pipetted  from  the  aquarium 
and  fed  to  small  fish,  and  in  other  cases  small  fish  were  kept  in  the  same  aquarium. 
Heavy  infections  resulted  in  both  cases  since  the  swimming  cercariae  were  readily 
ingested  by  the  fish. 

The  young  distomes  differed  in  their  relationship  to  the  different  species  of 
small  fish.  Young  trout  and  Fundulus  heteroclitus  retained  an  infection  for  only 
six  to  seven  days.  During  this  time  the  worms  became  less  active  and  were  found 
further  and  further  posterior  in  the  intestine  of  the  fish.  Sticklebacks  and  eels  re- 
tained most  of  their  infection  in  the  stomach  region.  Worms  removed  from  the 
latter  species  of  fish  were  more  active  and  their  caeca  were  crowded  with  ingested 
material.  Sticklebacks  retained  up  to  ten  worms  in  the  anterior  portion  of  the  in- 
testine for  as  long  as  two  weeks,  whereas  eels  were  found  to  have  the  stomach 
crowded  with  as  many  as  twenty-four  distomes. 

Small  fish  were  ingested  by  the  larger  fish  used  in  the  feeding  experiments.  The 
pectoral  and  dorsal  spines  of  the  sticklebacks  were  clipped  before  placing  them  in 
the  aquarium  with  the  definitive  hosts. 

Adult  (Fig.  1) 

The  original  description  of  A.  acuminata  by  Goldberger  (1911)  emphasized 
taxonomically-unimportant  points  such  as  zigzag  caeca,  rounded  cephalic  and 

FIGURE  4.  Azygia  acuminata  cercaria,  naturally  emerged,  from  sketches  of  living  speci- 
men (4.20  mm.  in  length).  Flame  cell  pattern  of  the  tail,  transposed  from  sketches  made  from 
other  cercariae,  shown  on  right  side  of  tail.  Detail  of  musculature  shown  on  the  left,  omitted 
on  the  right  side  of  the  tail. 

FIGURE  5.  Asygia  acuminata,  juvenile  worm  (1.18  mm.  in  length),  experimental  infection, 
from  stomach  of  small  eel,  Anguilla  rostrata. 


pointed  caudal  ends,  uninterrupted  vitellaria  and  constricted  neck  region  in  his 
specific  diagnosis. 

Planter  (1926}  studied  Goldberger's  material,  also  material  identified  by  A.  R. 
Cooper,  and  specimens  from  H.  B.  Ward's  collection.  He  suggested  that  certain 
similarities  in  the  material  showed  A.  acuminata  to  be  a  valid  species.  Manter 
stated  (p.  61).  "The  most  distinguishing  specific  characters  were  found  to  be:  rela- 
tively wide  body,  anterior  extent  of  the  vitellaria,  egg  size,  and  poorly  developed 
condition  of  the  internal  parenchyma  muscles.  It  should  be  realized  that  the  na- 
ture of  all  of  these  features  is  of  somewhat  precarious  standing  in  this  group. 
Probably  no  one  of  them,  unless  very  marked,  would  justify  recognition  of  a  sepa- 
rate species.  Only  because  of  the  general  association  of  all  of  these  characters  can 
the  forms  be  separated  from  the  other  common  American  species." 

Van  Cleave  and  Mueller  (1934)  regarded  A.  aciuninata  and  A.  bulbosa  of 
Goldberger  (1911)  as  synonyms,  and  since  Manter  had  regarded  A.  bulbosa  as  a 
synonym  of  A.  longa.  they  added  A.  acuminata  to  the  long  list  of  synonyms  of 
A.  longa.  They  pointed  out  that  while  the  anterior  extent  of  vitellaria  was  an  im- 
portant taxonomic  character  in  the  genus,  the  comparative  width,  constriction  of  the 
neck,  and  insignificant  differences  in  egg  size  did  not  justify  maintaining  A.  acumi- 
nata  as  a  valid  species.  They  stated  that  the  less  highly  developed  condition  of  the 
internal  muscles  was  a  dubious  character.  On  the  basis  of  the  present  study  it  ap- 
pears evident  that  Van  Cleave  and  Mueller  were  not  justified  in  reducing  A.  acumi- 
nata to  synonymy  with  A.  longa;  that  A.  bulbosa  should  be  considered  synonymous 
with  A.  acuminata;  and  the  species  should  be  maintained  in  the  genus  Azygia. 

En: ended  description  of  the  adult 

Characters  of  the  genus,  body.  4—10  mm.  long,  width  usually  less  than  one-fifth 
of  the  length.  Body  characteristically  slightly  constricted  anterior  to  the  aceta- 
bulum.  Position  of  constriction  variable  depending  on  state  of  contraction  of  the 
worm.  Acetabulum  one-fourth  to  one-third  total  length  from  anterior  end  of  body. 
Genital  pore  and  cirrus  sac  median  in  position  immediately  cephalad  of  acetabulum. 
Oral  sucker  0.25-0.90  mm.  in  diameter,  acetabulum  slightly  larger,  0.28-0.95  mm. 
in  diameter.  Gonads  contiguous.  Posterior  testis  larger  than  anterior  testis. 
Yitellaria  extra-caecal,  extending  from  level  of  posterior  margin  of  acetabulum  to 
level  midway  between  posterior  testis  and  caudal  end  of  body.  Eggs  consistently 
larger  than  in  other  described  azygiid  species.  0.64-0.69  X  0.30-0.34  mm. 

Host:  Anna  cah-a,  Lcpomis  macrochirus,  and  Ameiurus  nebulosus. 

Habitat:  Stomach. 

Localities :  Illinois,  Michigan,  and  Cape  Cod,  Massachusetts. 


Miracidia  representing  all  genera  of  the  family  Azygiidae  have  been  described 
except  for  the  genus  L.  --irus.  Azygiid  miracidia  lack  cilia  and  are  provided 

with  bristle  plates  or  plaques.  The  miracidium  of  A.  acuminata  is  morphologically 
similar  to  the  miracidium  of  A.  sebago  described  by  Stunkard  (1956),  to  that  of 
Proterometra  macrostoau:  as  reported  by  Hussey  (1945),  and  to  the  earlier  de- 
scriptions of  that  of  A.  longa  by  Schauinsland  (1883)  and  Looss  (1894). 

Eggs  must  be  ingested  by  the  proper  snail  hosts  before  hatching  will  occur. 


Attempts  to  hatch  the  eggs  by  placing  them  with  material  from  the  digestive  tract 
of  large  Campeloma  decision  were  unsuccessful. 

Miracidia  were  studied  both  alive  in  the  egg  (Fig.  2)  and  in  stained  sections  of 
gravid  worms.  The  miracidium  almost  completely  fills  the  egg-shell.  Radiating 
from  the  anterior  end  are  five  plaques  bearing  fine  bristles  arranged  in  chevron 
fashion  with  the  apices  anterior  in  position.  These  plaques  extend  posteriad  about 
one-third  of  the  length  of  the  larva.  A  short  distance  from  the  posterior  end  of  the 
miracidium,  four  other  bristle  plaques  extend  anteriad  with  a  tendency  to  spiral, 
which  may  be  due  to  movements  of  the  larva. 

Internally,  occupying  almost  the  anterior  one-third  of  the  miradicium.  are 
four  unicellular  gland-like  structures,  the  so-called  primitive  gut  of  earlier  authors, 
which  Stunkard  considered  probably  secrete  substances  which  aid  in  penetration. 
"Wcotton  (1957)  demonstrated  that  in  Allocreadhim  alloneotenicum  this  group  of 
glands  does  aid  in  penetration  and  that  the  penetration  glands  of  earlier  authors 
serve  in  forming  the  cuticle  of  the  sporocyst.  Attempts,  in  crushed  snails,  to 
observe  the  action  of  the  anterior  gland  in  the  miracidium  of  A.  a-cuminata  were 
unsuccessful.  It  is  possible  since  ciliary  plates  are  lacking  in  azygiid  miracidia  that 
the  miracidial  covering  serves  also  as  the  covering  of  the  sporocyst,  thus  explaining 
the  absence  of  cuticle-forming  glands.  Up  to  twelve  germinal  cells  are  visible  in  the 
posterior  two-thirds  of  the  miracidium.  Paired  flame  cells  lie  near  the  middle  of 
the  body,  one  on  each  side,  each  with  a  duct  leading  caudad.  The  ducts  could  not 
be  clearly  traced  to  their  pores. 


Young  snails  were  removed  directly  from  the  uterus  of  an  uninfected  female 
Campeloma  decision.  The  young  snails  readily  fed  in  a  layer  of  clean  sand.  Eggs 
of  A.  acuminata,  each  containing  an  active  miracidium.  were  added  to  the  sand  in 
which  the  snails  were  feeding.  Snails  were  dissected  at  the  end  of  one,  two,  and 
three  weeks  but  no  infection  was  found.  It  is  probable  that  the  snails  must  be 
larger  before  infection  will  occur. 


Infections  with  larvae  of  A.  acioninata  were  present  only  in  females  of  Campe- 
loma decision.  Infections  of  male  Campeloma  were  never  observed.  The  redial 
stages  were  present,  usually  with  unencysted  metacercariae  identified  as  Leuco- 
chloridiomorpha  constantiae  (Mueller),  in  the  uterus  of  the  snail.  The  loci  of  in- 
fection did  not  extend  into  the  digestive  gland,  the  usual  site  of  infection  for  larval 
trematodes.  Up  to  eighty  rediae  were  dissected  from  the  uterus  of  a  single  snail. 
These,  plus  almost  as  many  metacercariae  of  L.  constantia-e,  completely  filled  the 
uterus.  Embryo  snails,  which  were  usually  found  in  the  uterus  of  uninfected  fe- 
males, were  absent  in  infected  snails.  In  a  few  instances  partially  empty  embryo 
snail  shells  were  found  in  the  uterus,  but  it  was  evident  that  infection  with  larval 
A.  acuminata  adversely  affected  normal  development  of  the  young  snails.  The 
redial  stages  undoubtedly  derived  their  nourishment  from  the  developing  embryo 
snails  within  the  uterus.  Young  snails  develop  normally  when  associated  only 
with  metacercariae  of  L.  constantiae.  Thus,  infection  of  the  snail  with  larvae  of 


A.  acuminata  caused  the  degeneration  of  the  young  snails.  Rediae  (Fig.  3)  when 
fixed  averaged  2.15  X  0.71  mm. 

The  vermiform  rediae  are  very  active  and  are  capable  of  extending  to  a  length  of 
over  5  mm.  When  contracted,  the  external  body  wall  is  formed  into  regularly 
spaced  annular  rings,  giving  it  a  wrinkled  appearance.  Even  when  fully  extended, 
these  rings  persist  as  fine  annular  projections.  The  body  wall  is  0.043  mm.  in 
thickness  in  sectioned  material.  The  small  pharynx  is  not  easily  observable  in 
stained  whole  mounts,  but  is  visible  in  sections  as  a  rudimentary  structure  (0.11 
mm.  in  diameter)  with  a  well  defined  lumen.  No  recognizable  birth  pore  can  be 
seen,  either  in  sectioned  materials  or  in  stained  whole  mounts  or  rediae.  It  is  prob- 
able that  cercariae  escape  through  the  pharynx. 

Up  to  twelve  recognizable  cercariae  are  present  in  each  redia,  with  seven 
to  ten  being  the  usual  number.  Other  developing  cercariae  are  present  as  germ- 
balls,  and  a  maximum  number  of  twelve  developing  cercariae  present  with  six 
germ-balls  was  observed.  The  redial  stage  is  very  similar  to  that  reported  by  Szi- 
dat  (1932)  for  A.  lucii  and  by  Stunkard  (1956)  for  A.  sebago,  varying  only  in 
size  and  in  number  of  developing  cercariae. 


The  development  of  the  cercaria  is  typical  of  that  reported  for  cystocercous 
larvae.  The  tail  becomes  evident  in  development  when  the  larva  reaches  a  length 
of  only  about  0.1  mm.  When  the  larva  reaches  a  total  length  of  0.5-0.6  mm.  the 
furcal  buds  appear  as  oval  projections.  At  this  stage  the  suckers  are  recognizable, 
and  the  primordia  of  one  testis  and  the  cirrus  sac  are  also  visible  as  deeper  staining 
areas.  The  tail  increases  more  rapidly  than  the  distome  during  further  develop- 
ment. The  largest  cercaria  observed  within  a  redia  as  a  stained  whole  mount 
measured  2.22  mm.  in  total  length.  The  distome  measured  0.74  X  0.37  mm. 

Cercariae  appear  to  undergo  additional  development  in  the  uterus  of  the  snail 
before  escaping  from  the  female  genital  pore.  After  emergence,  they  are  quiescent 
for  a  brief  period  before  actively  swimming  in  a  typical  cystocercous  fashion.  Cer- 
cariae normally  emerge  between  12  :00  P.M.  and  4 :00  A.M.  Standard  Time.  Lim- 
ited numbers  escape  during  daylight  hours.  It  appears,  however,  that  the  ma- 
jority emerge  during  hours  of  darkness  and  are  either  ingested  by  small  fish  at  this 
time  or  in  the  early  hours  of  daylight.  They  live  for  only  ten  to  twelve  hours,  be- 
coming less  active  as  they  age.  Cercariae  while  still  within  the  uterus  of  the  snail 
do  not  have  the  distome  portion  enclosed  by  the  tail.  Upon  coming  into  contact 
with  the  water,  the  anterior  tail  bulb  absorbs  water,  expands  rapidly  anteriorly  thus 
enclosing  the  distome,  as  has  been  described  for  other  cyctocercous  cercariae. 

Mature,  normally  liberated  cercariae  (Fig.  4)  measure  3.21-4.69  mm.  (averaged 
4.22  mm.)  in  total  length  when  infected  snails  are  first  brought  into  the  laboratory. 
The  size  of  the  cercariae  gradually  decreases  in  snails  kept  in  captivity,  undoubtedly 
a  result  of  deficient  nutrition  of  the  hosts.  The  tail  stem  is  round  in  cross-section 
at  the  bulb-like  anterior  end  enclosing  the  distome.  This  portion  measures  0.69- 
0.96  mm.  in  diameter  (average  0.78  mm.).  Just  posterior  to  the  more  or  less  rigid 
anterior  bulb  enclosing  the  distome,  the  tail  decreases  slightly  to  a  diameter  of  0.52- 
0.82  mm.  (average  0.66  mm.).  From  the  constricted  neck-portion  the  tail  gradu- 
ally flattens  and  widens  to  a  width  of  0.62-1.11  mm.  (average  0.84  mm.)  and  then 
tapers  gradually  to  an  average  width  of  0.79  mm.  just  anterior  to  the  furcal  branches. 


The  furci  are  broadly  lobed  structures,  1.11-1.28  mm.  in  length  (average  1.21 
mm.)  and  0.89-1.09  mm.  in  width  (average  0.94  mm.).  Each  furca  has  a  terminal 
papilla  on  which  the  excretory  pore  opens  and  small  regularly  arranged  scale-like 
marginal  protuberances.  The  tail  of  the  cercaria  is  colorless,  slightly  opaque  and 
devoid  of  protuberances,  spines  and  mammulations  characteristic  of  C.  mirabilis 
Braun,  1891,  C.  niacrostoma  Faust,  1918,  C.  splendens  Szidat,  1932,  C.  anchoroides 
Ward,  1916.  and  C.  sebago  Stunkard,  1956.  The  cercaria  of  A.  acuminata  dif- 
fers in  size  and  in  the  proportionate  size  of  the  distome  when  compared  with  the 
tail  length  from  other  cystocercous  cercariae  which  characteristically  do  not  possess 
papillae.  It  differs  from  A.  hodgesiana  Smith,  1932  since  the  genital  organs  are  not 
functional  as  they  are  in  the  latter;  from  A.  stephanocauda  Faust,  1921  in  size  and 
shape  of  the  tail;  from  C.  ivrighti  Ward,  1916  in  size;  and  from  C.  pekinensis 
Faust,  1921  in  proportionate  size  of  the  distome. 

The  cercaria  of  A.  acuminata  is  most  like  C.  brookoveri  Faust,  1918  and  C. 
anchoroides  Ward,  1916,  but  is  over  twice  as  large.  C.  brookoveri  was  originally 
described  from  crushed  Campeloma  sp.  and  the  free-swimming  larva  was  rediscov- 
ered by  Dickerman  (1937)  from  the  same  snails.  Unfortunately  Dickerman  did 
not  further  describe  the  species.  C.  anchoroides  was  collected  only  in  plankton  tows 
from  Lake  Erie.  The  size  and  obvious  similarities  in  structure  of  the  two  forms, 
as  well  as  geographic  proximity  of  the  type  localities,  caused  Horsfall  (1934)  to 
think  that  they  will  prove  to  be  synonymous  when  the  life-cycles  are  known. 

The  enclosed  distome  measures  0.66  -0.79  X  0.37-0.47  mm.  in  living  material. 
It  usually  lies  with  the  oral  sucker  at  the  anterior  end  of  the  tail-bulb.  It  is  flat- 
tened and  varies  as  to  its  orientation  to  the  width  of  the  tail,  sometimes  being  at 
right  angles  and  at  others  with  its  width  the  same  as  the  width  of  the  tail.  The 
excretory  system  is  continuous  with  that  of  the  tail,  extending  down  the  tail  as  a 
common  excretory  canal  bifurcating  at  the  bases  of  the  furci  and  opening  at  the 
small  points  of  the  furci. 

The  structure  of  the  larva  when  forced  from  the  tail-bulb  is  typically  azygiid. 
The  preacetabular  region  bears  many  papillae  which  decrease  in  size  and  number, 
and  are  absent  behind  the  mid-acetabular  region.  Living  specimens,  flattened 
slightly  under  a  cover  glass,  measure  from  0.98—1.38  mm.  (average  1.18  mm.)  in 
length  and  from  0.37-0.54  mm.  in  width  (average  0.48  mm.).  The  oral  sucker 
varies  from  0.22-0.25  mm.  in  length  and  from  0.20-0.23  mm.  in  width.  It  is  sub- 
terminal,  opening  ventrally.  The  pharynx  measures  0.090-0.098  mm.  in  length  and 
0.49-0.61  mm.  in  width.  The  acetabulum  varies  from  0.22-0.25  mm.  in  length  and 
from  0.25-0.29  mm.  in  width.  It  is  about  midlength  in  the  body.  The  digestive 
caeca  are  filled  with  opaque  material  and  extend  almost  to  the  posterior  end  of  the 
larva.  The  excretory  bladder  extends  anteriorly  to  the  region  just  posterior  to  the 
testes  where  it  branches  into  two  main  collecting  ducts.  These  extend  median  to 
the  caeca,  crossing  laterad  as  the  caeca  turn  mediad  to  join  the  pharynx.  After 
crossing  under  the  caeca,  the  ducts  pass  laterally  and  antero-laterally  to  the  oral 
sucker,  continuing  almost  to  the  anterior  end  of  the  body,  but  they  do  not  join. 
Anterio-lateral  to  the  oral  sucker  each  duct  doubles  backward  and  extends  posteriad, 
lateral  to  the  caeca,  giving  off  eleven  branches. 

The  first  branch  is  located  lateral  to  the  oral  sucker,  the  second  at  the  level  of 
the  pharynx,  the  third  and  fourth  anterior  to  the  acetabulum,  the  fifth  at  the  anterior 
edge  of  the  acetabulum,  the  sixth  lateral  to  the  acetabulum,  the  seventh  and  eighth 


are  close  together  just  behind  the  acetabulum,  the  ninth  and  tenth  are  about  equally 
spaced  in  the  intervening  region,  while  the  last  branch  continues  to  the  posterior  end 
of  the  body  lateral  to  the  excretory  bladder.  Each  branch  divides  three  times  in  a 
dichotomous  fashion,  thus  forming  two  primary,  four  secondary,  and  eight  tertiary 
branches.  Each  tertiary  branch  drains  four  flame  cells.  Thus  the  flame  cell 
formula  is  2  (11  X  32)  or  704  flame  cells. 

The  number  and  arrangement  of  the  flame  cells  is  in  agreement  with  those  re- 
ported by  Looss  (1894)  for  Asygia  terreticolla  (  =  A.  lucii)  and  by  Stunkard 
(1956)  for  A.  scbago.  While  the  numbers  of  branches  and  flame  cells  agree  with 
these  earlier  descriptions,  the  positions  of  the  branches  are  different  in  A.  acuminata 
due  to  the  relatively  more  posterior  position  of  the  acetabulum. 

The  excretory  system  of  the  tail  is  equally  complex  (Fig.  4).  In  addition  to 
the  common  excretory  canal  extending  down  the  center  of  the  tail  and  bifurcating 
into  each  furca,  two  paired  accessory  canals  paralleling  the  main  canal  were  ob- 
served. One  duct  and  its  branches  drained  the  right  side  of  the  tail  and  the  right 
furca,  and  the  other  the  left  side  and  the  left  furca.  Each  duct  collected  from  five 
branches  but  dichotomous  bifurcation  of  the  ducts  was  not  as  clearly  evident  as  in 
the  distome  portion. 

Each  of  the  five  branches,  however,  did  drain  from  32  flame  cells,  arranged  in 
groups  of  fours.  The  first  branch  turned  anteriad  from  just  caudad  of  the  distome, 
draining  the  enclosing  bulb  area,  the  second  and  third  branches  joined  the  collecting 
duct  close  together  in  about  the  middle  of  the  tail,  the  second  turning  anteriad  and 
draining  that  area,  the  third  posteriad  collecting  from  the  third  quarter  of  the  tail. 
The  fourth  branch  joined  the  collecting  ducts  about  three-fourths  the  length  of  the 
tail  and  drained  the  final  quarter  of  the  tail.  From  the  fourth  branch,  the  duct  ex- 
tended into  a  furca  draining  from  32  flame  cells.  The  formula  for  the  tail  is  thus 
2  (5  X  32)  or  320  and  the  entire  cercaria  has  a  formula  of  2  (16  X  32)  or  1,024 
flame  cells. 

The  connection  of  the  accessory  ducts  of  the  tail  to  the  rest  of  the  excretory  sys- 
tem was  not  resolved.  The  dense  protoplasm  at  the  tip  of  the  tail  in  immature  cer- 
cariae  freed  from  rediae  and  the  congested  area  at  the  base  of  distomes  enclosed  in 
the  tail  of  normally  liberated  cercariae  made  observations  impossible.  These 
ducts  are  0.011  mm.  in  diameter  compared  to  the  common  duct  which  is  0.055  mm. 
in  diameter.  Faust  (1921)  reported  that  in  C.  pekinensis,  the  tail  had  only  32  flame 
cells  and  connected  to  the  excretory  system  of  the  distome  as  the  eighth  branch. 
He  further  reported  only  seven  branches  in  the  distome  portion  of  C.  pekinensis. 
The  flame  cell  pattern  of  this  form  should  be  examined  in  the  light  of  the  observa- 
tions of  the  cercariae  of  A.  lucii  Looss  (1894),  A.  sebago  Stunkard  1956,  and  the 
present  observations  of  A.  acuminata,  since  C.  pekinensis  would  appear  to  also 
develop  into  an  azygiid. 

Young  worms 

Worms  increased  very  little  in  size  and  did  not  undergo  further  development 
while  in  the  stomach  of  small  fishes.  A  young  distome  (Fig.  5)  from  the  stomach 
of  a  small  eel  differed  from  one  newly  forced  from  the  cercarial  tail  only  in  the 
size  of  the  caeca.  In  worms  taken  from  paratenic  hosts,  the  caeca  were  enlarged 
with  food  particles.  No  measureable  differences  in  worms  from  various  hosts 


were  found.     Worms  from  the  sticklebacks  and  young  eels  were  more  active  and 
appeared  healthier  than  worms  from  other  small  fish. 

Manter's  synopsis  and  key  to  the  genus  Azygia  can  be  revised  to  include  A, 
sebago  and  the  cercaria  of  each  species  can  be  noted  as  follows : 


1  (2)   Vitellaria   not   extending   appreciably   posterior    to   the    last   testis.     Length    6-54   mm. 

(C.  mirabilis  Braun,  1891 )    A.  lucii  (Mueller) 

2  (1)   Vitellaria  extending  posteriad  at  least  half  the  distance  between  posterior  testis  and  end 

of  body 3 

3  (4)   Acetabulum  near  middle  of  body,  gonads  in  posterior  one-sixth  of  body    (C.  angiisti- 

cauda  Dickerman,  1937)    A.  angusticauda  (Stafford,  1904) 

4  (3)  Acetabulum  within  anterior  one-third  of  body,  gonads  more  anterior  5 

5  (6)   Body  width  usually  one-fifth  the  total  length,  vitellaria  extending  posteriad  from  close 

behind  acetabulum,  internal  parenchyma  muscles   relatively  weak.     Eggs   0.064-0.069  X 
0.30-0.34  mm.  (Cercaria  acuminata,  present  paper)    A.  acuminata  Goldberger,  1911 

6  (7)   Body  width  proportionately  less  than  one-fifth  the  length,  vitellaria  begin  some  distance 

posterior  to  acetabulum,  internal  parenchyma  muscles  strongly  developed,  eggs  variable 
in  size  but  smaller  than  A.  acuminata 7 

7  (8)   Body  length  not  over   15  mm.,  usually  smaller,  body  robust  in  appearance    (Cercaria 

sebago  Stunkard,  1956)    A.  sebago  Ward,  1910 

8  (7)   Body   often    extremely    elongate,    vitellaria    beginning    proportionally    more    posteriorly 

(Cercaria  longa  Sillman,  1953a)    A.  longa  (Leidy,  1851). 

The  writer  wishes  to  express  his  appreciation  to  the  Director  of  the  Marine 
Biological  Laboratory,  Woods  Hole,  Mass.,  for  the  use  of  facilities.  Further,  he  is 
particularly  grateful  for  the  helpful  suggestions  offered  by  H.  W.  Stunkard  through- 
out this  investigation  and  for  his  criticism  of  the  manuscript. 


1.  Stages  in  the  life-cycle  of  Azygia  acuminata  are   described  and   figured. 
Cystocercous  cercariae  develop  from  rediae  in  the  snail,  Campeloma  decisum.     The 
cercaria  is  morphologically  distinct  from  other  described  cystocercous  cercariae. 
Rediae  are  similar  to  the  same  stage  described  for  other  members  of  the  genus,  but 
are  unique  since  they  develop  in  the  uterus  of  female  Campeloma  decisum. 

2.  The  excretory  system  of  the  cercaria  is  complex,  showing  a  formula  of  2  (11 
X  32)  or  704  flame  cells  for  the  distome  portion  and  2  (5  X  32)  or  320  flame  cells 
in  the  tail.     The  excretory  formula  of  the  cercariae  is  thus  2   (16  X  32)  or  1,024 
flame  cells. 

3.  Attempts  to  experimentally  infect  small  snails,  taken  from  the  uterus  of  a 
Campeloma  decisum,  by  feeding  them  eggs  of  A.  acuminata  were  not  successful. 

4.  Various  small  fishes  were  utilized  as  paratenic  hosts  by  the  young  distomes. 
Infections  in  sticklebacks,  Eucalia  inconstans,  and  small  eels,  Anguilla  rostrata,  re- 
sulted in  more  active  and  vigorous  worms  than  did  infections  from  other  paratenic 

5.  The  variation  that  normally  occurs  in  members  of  the  genus  Asygia  due  to 
development  in  a  wide  variety  of  hosts  is  not  known.     Consequently  diagnostic 
characters  of  mature  worms  can  not  be  relied  on  to  distinguish  species.     On  the 
basis  of  this  report  the  suppressed  species  A.  acuminata  is  regarded  as  a  valid  species 
and  should  be  retained  in  the  genus  Azygia. 

6.  A.  acuminata,  previously  reported  only  from  Amia  calva,  was  found  occur- 


ring  naturally  in  bullheads,  Auiciunis  ncbulosus,  blue  gill  sunfish,  Lcpomis  mu-cro- 
chirus,  and  chain  pickerel,  Esox  niger,  from  Santuit  River,  Barnstable  County,  Cape 
Cod,  Massachusetts.  Experimental  infections  were  also  obtained  in  these  fishes 
and  in  the  yellow  perch.  Pcrca  flarescens. 

7.  A  revised  key  for  the  genus  Azygia  is  presented,  listing  the  recognized  spe- 
cies and  the  described  cercarial  stages. 


BRAUX,  M..  1891.  Die  sogenannte  "freischwimmende  Sporocyste."  Zentralbl.  BakterioL,  10: 

DICKERMAX.  E.  E.,  1937.  Cystocercous  cercariae  of  the  mirabilis  group  from  Lake  Erie 
snails.  /.  Parasitol..  23  (6)  :  566. 

FAUST,  E.  C,  1918.  Two  new  cystocercous  cercariae  from  North  America.  /.  Parasitol.,  4: 

FAUST,  E.  C..  1921.  The  excretory  system  in  Digenea  (Trematoda).  IV.  A  study  of  the  de- 
velopment of  the  excretory  system  in  a  cystocercous  larva,  Cercaria  pekinensis,  nov.  sp. 
Parasitol.,  13  :  205-212. 

GOLDBERGER,  JOSEPH,  1911.  Some  known  and  three  new  endoparasitic  trematodes  from  Ameri- 
can fresh-water  fish.  Bull.  Hyg.  Lab.,  71 :  7-35. 

HORSFALL,  MARGERY  \V.,  1934.  Studies  on  the  life  history  and  morphology  of  the  cystocercous 
cercariae.  Trans.  Aincr.  Micros.  Soc.,  53:  311-347. 

HUSSEY,  KATHLEEX  L.,  1945.  The  miracidium  of  Proteromctra  macrostoma  (Faust)  Horsfall, 
1933.  /.  Parasitol.,  31:  269-271. 

LEIDY,  JOSEPH,  1851.  Contributions  to  helminthology.  Proc.  Acad.  Nat.  Sci.  Philadelphia,  5: 

Looss,  A.,  1894.  Die  Distomen  unserer  Fische  und  Fr<")sche.  Biblioth.  Zoo/.,  Stuttgart,  6  (16)  : 

Looss,  A.,  1899.  YVeitere  Beitrage  zur  Kenntnis  der  Trematoden-Fauna  Aegyptens,  zugleich 
Versuch  einer  naturlichen  Gliederung  des  Genus  Distomum  Rctzius.  Zoo/.  Jahrb. 
Syst..  12:  521-784. 

MAXTER,  H.  W.,  1926.  Some  North  American  fish  trematodes.  Illinois  Biol.  Monogr.,  10 
(2)  :  1-138. 

SCHAUIXSLAXD,  H.,  1883.  Beitrag  zur  Kenntnis  der  Embryonalentwicklung  der  Trematoden. 
Jenaischcn  Zeitschr.  Xaturin.'.,  16 :  465-527. 

SILLMAX,  E.,  1953a.  The  lite  history  of  Azygia  longa  (Leidy,  1851)  (Trematoda:  Azygiidae). 
/.  Parasitol..  39  (suppl.)  :  15. 

SILLMAX,  E.,  1953b.  Morphology  and  life  history  studies  on  Azygia  longa  (Leidy,  1851)  and 
Azygia  acuminata  Goldberger,  1911,  with  taxonomic  considerations  in  the  genus 
Azygia  Looss,  1899  (Trematoda:  Azygiidae).  Thesis:  University  of  Michigan,  Ann 
Arbor,  Mich. 

SMITH,  SEPTIMA  C.,  1932.  Two  new  cystocercous  cercariae  from  Alabama.  /.  Parasitol.,  19: 

STAFFORD,  J.,  1904.     Trematodes  from  Canadian  fishes.     Zoo/.  Anz.,  27:  481-495. 

STUXKARD,  H.  W.,  1950.  Larval  trematodes  from  the  planarian,  Dugesia  tigrinum.  Biol. 
Bull.,  99 :  347-348. 

STUXKARD,  H.  W.,  1956.  The  morphology  and  life-history  of  the  digenetic  trematode,  Azygia 
scbago  Ward,  1910.  Biol.  Bull.,  Ill :  248-268. 

SZIDAT,  L.,  1932.  Ueber  cysticerke  Riesencercarien,  insbesondere  Cercaria  mirabilis  Braun  und 
Cercaria  splcndcns  n.  sp.,  und  ihre  Entwicklung  im  Magen  von  Raubfischen  zu  Tremato- 
den der  Gattung  Azygia  Looss.  Zeitschr.  f.  Parasitenk.,  4 :  477-505. 

VAN  CLEAVE,  H.  J.,  AXD  J.  F.  MUELLER,  1934.  Parasites  of  Oneida  Lake  fishes.  III.  A  bio- 
logical and  ecological  survey  of  the  worm  parasites.  Roosevelt  Wildlife  Annals.  1 : 

WARD,  H.  B.,  1916.  Notes  on  two  free-living  larval  trematodes  from  North  America.  /. 
Parasitol.,  3:  10-20. 

WOOTTOX,  D.  M.,  1957.  Life-history  of  Allocrcadium  alloneotenicum,  n.  sp.  (Allocreadiidae — 
Trematoda).  Biol.  Bull,  113:  302-315. 


A  TP,  effect  of  on  luminescence  of  millipede 
extracts,  120. 

ABBOTT,  D.  P.     Sec  J.  H.  PHILLIPS,  JR.,  296. 

Abstracts  of  papers  presented  at  the  M.  B.  L., 

Acclimatization  of  crabs,  268. 

Acetylcholine,  effect  of  on  scorpion  heart-beat, 

Acorn  barnacle,  body  and  shell  growth  in,  224. 

Acrasiae,  encystment  in  member  of,  58. 

Actin,  bound  nucleotide  of,  333. 

Action  of  ovarian  extracts  on  mitosis,  129. 

Activity,  correlation  of  with  barometric  pres- 
sure, 112. 

Activity  of  fiddler  crabs  as  affected  by  tem- 
perature, 245. 

Activity  of  Pachygrapsus,  in  relation  to  time 
of  day  and  tidal  phase,  268. 

Activity  rhythm  in  salamander,  188. 

Adaptive  significance  of  activity  rhythm  in 
salamander,  188. 

Adaptive  significance  of  osmoregulation  in 
crab,  268. 

Adenosine  triphosphate,  effect  of  on  lumines- 
cence of  millipede  extracts,  120. 

Adrenaline,  effect  of  on  scorpion  heart-beat. 

Aging  in  relation  to  terminal  growth  in  Cam- 
panularia,  233. 

AIELLO.  E.  Energy  metabolism  and  ciliary 
activity  of  Mytilus  gill,  335. 

AIELLO,  E.  The  influence  of  the  branchial 
nerves  and  of  5-hydroxytryptamine  on  the 
ciliary  activity  of  Mytilus  gill.  325. 

Albino  snails,  starvation  and  desiccation  of,  89. 

Alga,  correlation  of  oxygen  consumption  of, 
with  barometric  pressure,  112. 

Algae,  freezing  and  drying  in,  275. 

Alkaline  phosphatase  activity  in  spiny  lobster 
exoskeleton,  451. 

ALLEX,  M.  J.  Breeding  of  polychaetous  an- 
nelids near  Parguera,  49. 

Allocreadium,  life-history  of,  302. 

Amino  acids,  effects  of  on  perfused  lobster 
heart,  345. 

Amino  acids,  uptake  of  by  ciliary-mucoid  fil- 
ter-feeders, 356. 

Amphibian,  activity  rhythm  in,  188. 

Amphibian,  correlation  of  oxygen  consumption 
of,  with  barometric  pressure,  112. 

Amphibian   gastrulae,    phosphorus   balance   of, 

Amphibian    tadpole,    phenylthiourea    treatment 

of,  160. 

Anaerobiosis  in  Rana  gastrulae,  382. 
Analyses  of  Ciona  blastomeres,  365. 
Anatomy  of  Allocreadium,  302. 
Anatomy  of  Azygia,  488. 
Anatomy  of  Nereis  nephridium,  407. 
Anemones,  sea,  nematocyst  toxin  of,  296. 
Annelid,  morphology  of  nephridium  of.  407. 
Annelid  eggs,  effects  of  nitrogen  mustards  on, 

Annelid   esgs,   effects  of  ovarian  extracts   on, 


Annelids,  commensal,  behavior  of,  397. 
Annelids,  endoparasitic,  170. 
Annelids,  polychaete,  breeding  habits  of,  49. 
Annual   Report  of  the   M.   B.   L..   1. 
Antimitotic    action    of    ovarian    extracts,    129, 


Antitoxic  response  to  nematocyst  toxin,  296. 
Anuran,  phenylthiourea  treatment  of,  160. 
Anuria  in  lobsters,  207. 
Apyrase  activity  of  Ciona  blastomeres.  365. 
Arabellidae,  endoparasites  of,   170. 
Arctic  Fucus,  oxygen  consumption  of,  275. 
Arctonoe  as  commensal,  397. 
ARMSTRONG,    P.    B.      Motility    in    developing 

teleost  embryos.  325. 

Arrested  gastrulae,  phosphorus  balance  of,  376. 
Artemia  as  food  for  Campanularia,  233. 
Arthropod,  body  and  shell  growth  in,  224. 
Arthropod,  cardiac  physiology  of.  135. 
Arthropod,  excretion  in,  207. 
Arthropod,  luminescence  of,  120. 
Arthropod,  molting  cycle  of,  451. 
Arthropod,  osmoregulation  in,  268. 
Arthropod,  respiratory  metabolism  of.  245. 
Arthropod,  sound  production  in,  286. 
Arthropod  cuticle,  structure  of,  141. 
Ascidian    blastomeres,    chemical    analyses    of, 


Ascophyllum,  freezing  and  drying  in.  275. 
ASHTOX,  F.  T.     Magnetic  studies  on  cells  and 

protoplasm,  319. 

ASHTOX,  F.  T.    Sec  L.  Y.  HEILBRUXX.  318. 
Assay  of  Metridium  nematocyst  toxin,  296. 
Atropine,  effect  of  on  scorpion  heart-beat.  135. 
AUCLAIR,  \Y.    .SVr  D.  MARSLAXD,  348 




Australorbis,  starvation  and  desiccation  of,  89. 
Autolytus,  breeding  habits  of,  49. 
Autoradiograms  of  Hyla  tadpoles,  160. 
Azide,   sodium,   effects   of  on   Rana  gastrulae, 

Azygia,  life-cycle  and  morphology  of,  488. 

gACHMURSKI,  D.     See  J.  S.  ROTH,  332. 

Balanus,  body  and  shell  growth  in,  224. 
BANG,  F.  B.    Reaction  to  injury  in  the  oyster, 


BANG,  F.  B.    See  A.  WARWICK,  334. 
Barnacle,  body  and  shell  growth  in,  224. 
Barometric    pressure   as   correlated   with    bio- 
logical activity,  112. 

Behavior  of  commensal  polychaetes,  397. 
Behavior  of  spiny  lobsters,  286. 
Behavioral  mechanism  for  osmotic   regulation 

in  crab,  268. 

BENNETT,    M.    V.    L.,    S.    M.    GRAIN    and   H. 
GRUNDFEST.      Patterns    of    response    and 
neural     organization     of     supramedullary 
neurons  of  Spheroides,  325. 
BENNETT,  M.  V.  L.    See  S.  M.  GRAIN,  342. 
BERG,  W.  E.  Chemical  analyses  of  anterior  and 

posterior  blastomeres  of  Ciona,  365. 
Binding  of  radioactive  iodine  by  tadpoles,  160. 
Biological   activity,   correlation   of   with   baro- 
metric pressure,  112. 
Bioluminescence  in  millipedes,  120. 
Birds,  testicular  growth  in,  254. 
Bladder,  urinary,  of  lobster,  207. 
BLASKOVICS,  J.  C.,  AND  K.  B.  RAPER.    Encyst- 

ment  stages  of  Dictyostelium,  58. 
Blastomeres,  Ciona,  chemical  analyses  of,  365. 
Blood,  crab,  sodium  and  potassium  concentra- 
tions in,  268. 

Blood  analyses  of  lobster,  207. 
Blood  of  Uca,  hormone  level  of,  426. 
BLOOMFIELD,  D.  K.    Sec  A.  LAZAROW,  414. 
BLUNT,  SISTER  M.  X.    Sec  E.  P.  ODUM,  323. 
Body  growth  in  Balanus,  224. 
Body  weight  of  snails,  89. 
BOOKHOUT,   C.   G.     Sec  J.   D.   COSTLOW,   JR., 


NOLAN.  Physiological  observations  on 
starvation  and  desiccation  of  the  snail 
Australorbis,  89. 

Breeding  habits  of  polychaetes,  49. 
BRIDGMAN,  J.    Lethal  irradiation  of  Tillina  in 

its  active  and  encysted  states,  336. 
Brine  shrimp  as  food  for  Campanularia,  233. 
Bromsulfalein,   effect  of  on  lobster   excretion, 

BROWN,  F.  A.,  JR.,  J.  SHRINER  AND  H.  M. 
WEBB.  Similarities  between  daily  fluctua- 
tions in  background  radiation  and  oxygen 
consumption  in  the  living  organism,  103. 

BROWN,  F.  A.,  JR.,  H.  M.  WEBB  AND  E.  J. 
MACEY.  Lag-lead  correlations  of  baro- 
metric pressure  and  biological  activity, 

BRYANT,  S.  H.  Accessory  fiber  synaptic  exci- 
tation of  squid  stellar  axons,  359. 

BUCK,  J.    See  J.  F.  CASE,  337. 

BUCKMANN,  D.  A  morphological  color  change 
controlled  by  molting  hormone  in  Lepi- 
doptera,  326. 

Buffer  action,  effect  of  on  fish  islet  tissue 
metabolism,  414. 

Bugs,  cuticle  of,  141. 

BURGEN,   A.    S.    V.,    AND    S.    W.    KUFFLER.      The 

inhibition  of  the  cardiac  ganglion  of  Limu- 

lus  by  5-hydroxytryptamine,  336. 
BURGEN,   A.    S.    V.     See   C.   R.    ELIOT,    344; 

P.  E.  S.  ENGER,  345. 
BURGER,  J.  W.    The  general  form  of  excretion 

in  the  lobster,   Homarus,  207. 

(CADDIS  flies  as  hosts  of  Allocreadium,  302. 

CAGLE,  J.    See  A.  K.  PARPART,  331. 

Calcareous  plates  of  barnacles,  224. 

Calcification  of  spiny  lobster  exoskeleton,  451. 

Calcium,  effect  of  on  lobster  excretion,  207. 

Calcium,  effect  of  on  metabolism  of  fish  islet 
tissue,  414. 

Calcium,  role  of  in  electrical  responses  of  frog 
muscle,  329. 

Calcium,  role  of  in  hardening  of  spiny  lobster 
exoskeleton,  451. 

Calcium-45,  metabolism  of  by  Lebistes,  442. 

Calorimetric  measurements  of  algae,  275. 

Campanularia,  terminal  growth  in,  233. 

CAMPBELL,  M.  A.  Larval  development  of 
Streblospio,  336. 

Cancer,  ovarian  extracts  in  treatment  of,  129. 

Cancer  chemotherapy,  388. 

CANTOR,  M.  H.  See  C.  L.  CLAFF,  326;  F.  N. 
SUDAK,  357. 

Carcinostatic  action  of  ovarian  extracts,  129. 

Cardiac  physiology  of  fish,  359. 

Cardiac  physiology  of  scorpion,  135. 

Caribbean  annelids,  breeding  habits  of,  49. 

CARLSON,  F.  D.,  AND  A.  SIGER.  The  depend- 
ence of  creatine  phosphate  and  ATP 
breakdown  on  work  in  iodoacetate- 
poisoned  muscles,  324. 

Cartesian  diver,  use  of  in  study  of  fish  islet 
tissue,  414. 

CASE,  J.  F.,  AND  J.  BUCK.  Electrical  stimu- 
lation of  light  emission  in  fireflies,  337. 



D.  OTTOSON.  The  site  of  origin  of  the 
nerve  impulse  in  the  lobster  stretch  re- 
ceptor, 360. 

GATHER,  J.  N.    See  A.  C.  CLEMENT,  340. 

Cell  division,  effects  of  nitrogen  mustards  on, 
129,  388. 

Cell  division,  effects  of  ovarian  extracts  on, 

Cellular  particulates,  irradiation  of,  198. 

Centrifugation,  differential,  of  Uca  sinus  gland 
granules,  426. 

Centrifuged  Arbacia  eggs,  premature  furrow- 
ing in,  348. 

Centrifuged  Nereis  egg,  cortical  response  of, 

Ceratonereis,  breeding  habits  of,  49. 

Cercaria   of   Allocreadium,    302. 

Cercaria  of  Azygia,  488. 

McCANN.  The  nature  of  electrical  re- 
sponses of  doubly-innervated  insect  muscle 
fibers,  337. 

McCANN.  Neuromuscular  transmission 
in  the  grasshopper  Romalea,  338. 

CHAET,  A.  B.,  AND  W.  R.  CLARK,  JR.  The 
demonstration  of  histamine  in  heparin- 
containing  invertebrate  cells,  339. 

Chaetacanthus,  breeding  habits  of,  49. 

Chaetopterus  eggs,  effects  of  nitrogen  mus- 
tards on,  388. 

Chaetopterus  eggs,  effects  of  ovarian  extracts 
on,  129. 

Chamberlain,  N.  A.  Larval  development  of 
the  mud  crab  Neopanope,  338. 

CHASE,  A.  M.  Uricase  inactivation  by  urea, 

CHASE,  A.  M.    See  E.  N.  HARVEY,  347. 

Chemical  agents,  effects  of  on  sand  dollar  de- 
velopment, 480. 

Chemical  analyses  of  Ciona  blastomeres,  365. 

Chemotherapy  of  cancer,  388. 

CHENEY,  R.  H.  Dioxypurine  derivatives  as 
mitotic  and  growth  inhibitors,  339. 

CHENEY,  R.  H.  Fertilizability  of  Arbacia 
eggs  after  pretreatment  in  trimethylated 
xanthine  derivatives,  339. 

Chloride  regulation  in  lobster,  207. 

Chondrus,  freezing  and  drying  in,  275. 

Chromatography  of  Metridium  nematocyst 
toxin,  296. 

Chromatophorotropic  hormones  in  Uca,  426. 

Chromosome-cytoplasm  interactions  in  devel- 
opment of  Sciara,  323. 

Ciliary  activity  of  Mytilus  gill,  325. 

Ciona  blastomeres,  chemical  analyses  of,  365. 

Citric  acid,  role  of  in  calcification  of  lobster 
integument,  451. 

CLAFF,  C.  L.,  F.  N.  SUDAK  AND  M.  H. 
CANTOR.  Further  studies  in  experimental 
hypothermia,  326. 

CLAFF,  C.  L.    See  F.  N.  SUDAK,  357. 

Clam,  correlation  of  oxygen  consumption  of, 
with  barometric  pressure,  112. 

CLARK,  G.  M.    See  A.  M.  ELLIOTT,  344,  345. 

CLARK,  W.  R.,  JR.    See  A.  B.  CHAET,  339. 

Cleavage-accelerating  factor  in  Arbacia  ovary 
homogenates,  350. 

Cleavage  of  Chaetopterus  eggs,  effects  of 
ethyl  urethane  on,  354. 

Cleavage  of  Chaetopterus  eggs,  effects  of  ni- 
trogen mustards  on,  388. 

Cleavage  products,  Ciona,  chemical  analyses 
of,  365. 

Cleavage-retarding  factor  in  Arbacia  ovary 
homogenates,  351. 

CLEMENT,  A.  C.,  AND  J.  N.  GATHER.  A  tech- 
nic  for  preparing  whole  mounts  of  veliger 
larvae,  340. 

Clotting  of  blood,  320. 

CLOWES,  G.  H.  A.    See  R.  K.  CRANE,  342,  343. 

Cobalt-60  irradiation  of  rat  liver  mitochondria, 

Cobaltous  chloride,  effects  of  on  sand  dollar 
development,  480. 

Coelenterate,  adaptation  to  salinity  and  tem- 
perature in,  330. 

Coelenterate,  nematocyst  toxin  of,  296. 

Coelenterate,  terminal  growth  in,  233. 

Cold,  effects  of  on  intertidal  algae,  275. 

Cold,  effects  of  on  metabolism  of  fiddler  crabs, 

Cold-treatment  of  rats,  326. 

COLLIER,  J.  R.  The  aminopeptidase  and 
catheptic  activity  of  the  egg  of  Ilyanassa, 

Colonial  hydroid,  growth  in,  233. 

COLWIN,  A.  L.,  AND  L.  H.  COLWIN.  Egg 
membrane  lysis  by  a  sperm  extract  in 
Hydroides,  341. 

COLWIN,  L.  H.,  AND  A.  L.  COLWIN.  Lytic 
and  other  activities  of  the  individual 
sperm  during  the  early  events  of  sperm 
entry,  316. 

COLWIN,  L.  H.,  AND  A.  L.  COLWIN.  Observa- 
tions of  sperm  entry  during  re-fertilization 
in  Saccoglossus,  341. 

Commensal  polychaetes,  behavior  of,  397. 

Comparative  study  of  mealy  bug  cuticle,  141. 

Cooling  of  muscle,  effect  of  ions  on,  328. 

COOPERSTEIN,  S.  J.    See  A.  LAZAROW,  347,  414. 

Correlations  in  barometric  pressure  and  bio- 
logical activity,  112. 

Cortical  cytoplasm  of  oocytes,  316. 



Cortical  response  of  Nereis  egg,  341. 
Cosmic  radiation,  similarities  between  oxygen 
consumption    fluctuations    of    potato    and, 

COSTELLO,  D.  P.  The  cortical  response  of  the 
Nereis  ovum  to  activation  after  centrifug- 
ing,  341. 

COSTLOW,   J.   D.,   JR.,   AND   C.   G.    BOOKHOUT. 
Body  growth  versus  shell  growth  in  Bala- 
nus,  224. 
Crab,  fiddler,  hormone-containing  granules  in, 


Crab,  fiddler,  respiratory  metabolism  of,  245. 
Crab,  osmoregulation  in,  268. 
GRAIN,    S.    M.,    M.    V.    L.    BENNETT   AND   H. 
GRUNDFEST.     Electrical  activity  of  supra- 
medullary  neurons  of  Spheroides,  342. 
GRAIN,  S.  M.    Sec  M.  V.  L.  BENNETT,  325. 
CRANE,  R.  K.,  H.   H.   HIATT  AND  G.   H.  A. 
CLOWES.      The    inhibition    by   a    series    of 
nitro-  and  halophenols  of  glucose-6-phos- 
phate   dehydrogenase   from    Arbacia    eggs 
and  yeast,  342. 

CRANE,  R.  K.,  A.  K.  KELTCH,  C.  P.  WALTERS 
AND  G.  H.  A.  CLOWES.  Preliminary  stud- 
ies on  the  incorporation  of  glucose-U-C 
into  the  polysaccharides  of  Arbacia  and 
Mactra  larvae  and  its  inhibition  by  4,6- 
dinitro-o-cresol,  343. 

Crassostrea,   correlation   of   oxygen    consump- 
tion of,  with  barometric  pressure,  112. 
CROWELL,  S.,  AND  C.  WYTTENBACH.     Factors 
affecting  terminal  growth  in  the  hydroid 
Campanularia,  233. 

Crustacean,    correlation    of    oxygen    consump- 
tion of,  with  barometric  pressure,  112. 
Crustacean,  excretion  in,  207. 
Crustacean,    hormone-containing    granules    of, 


Crustacean,  molting  cycle  of,  451. 
Crustacean,  osmoregulation  in,  268. 
Crustacean,  respiratory  metabolism  of,  245. 
Crustacean,  sound  production  in,  286. 
CSAPO,  A.    Sec  R.  P.  KERNAN,  329;  H.  MA- 

SHIMA,  349. 
GUSHING,    J.    E.      Tissue    transplantation    in 

Pecten,  327. 

GUSHING,  J.   E.,   G.   J.   RIDGWAY  AND   G.   L. 
DURALL.       The     preservation     of     intact 
erythrocytes    of    marine    vertebrates    for 
blood  group  research,  343. 
Cuticle  of  mealy  bugs,  141. 
Cycle,  molting,  of  spiny  lobster,  451. 
Cycles  of  oxygen  consumption  in  potato,  103. 
Cyclic  changes  in  integument  of  spiny  lobster, 

Cystocercous  cercariae  of  Azygia,  488. 

Cytochrome  oxidase,   sensitivity  of  to  gamma 

irradiation,  198. 
Cytoplasmic  segregation  in  Ciona,  365. 

T~)AILY  fluctuations  in  background  radiation 

and  oxygen  consumption  in  potatoes,  103. 

Darkness,  effect  of  on  activity  of  salamander, 

DAVENPORT,   D.     Sec  J.   W.   HASTINGS,    120; 

J.  F.  HICKOCK,  397. 

DAVIDSON,  E.    Sec  L.  V.  Heilbrunn,  129. 
DAVIS,  B.  D.    Sec  A.  L.  NAGLER,  331. 
Day-length  in  relation  to  testicular  growth  in 

sparrow,  254. 
Dehydration  in  ?nails,  89. 

DEMEUSY,  N.     Respiratory  metabolism  of  fid- 
dler  crabs   from   two  different   latitudinal 
populations,  245. 
Dendraster,     developmental    modifications     in, 


DENT,  J.  N.    See  W.  G.  LYNN,  160. 
Deoxycholate,   effect  of  on   respiration  of  ho- 
mogenized frog  embryos,  382. 
Desiccation  of  crabs,  268. 
Desiccation  of  intertidal  algae,  275. 
Desiccation  of  snail,  89. 
Detergents,   effects   of   on   hormone-containing 

granules  of  Uca,  426. 

Developing  frog  embryos,   respiration  of,  382. 
Development  of  Arbacia,  effect  of  fluoride  on, 


Development  of  Campanularia,  233. 
Development  of  Ciona,  365. 
Development  of  Neopanope,  338. 
Development    of    phenylthiourea-treated    tad- 
poles, 160. 

Development  of  polychaetes,  49. 
Development  of  Sciara,  chromosome-cytoplasm 

interrelations  in,  323. 
Developmental   inhibitors,   effects   of   on   Rana 

gastrulae,  376,  382. 
Developmental    modifications    of    sand    dollar, 


Diadora  commensals,  397. 
Diatoms,  ecology  of,  351. 
Dictyostelium,  encystment  in,  58. 
Differential  growth  in  barnacles,  224. 
Digitonin,    effects    of    on    hormone-containing 

granules  of  Uca,  426. 
Dinitrophenol,    effects    of    on    frog    gastrulae, 


Diopatra,  endoparasites  of,  170. 
Dissociated     sponge    cells,     reaggregation     of, 


Dissociation  of  sponge  cells,  355,  356. 
Distribution   of   endoparasitic   annelids,    170. 
Diurnal  activity  rhythm  in  salamander,  188. 



Diver,  cartesian,  use  of  in  study  of  fish  islet 

tissue,  414. 
Dose-inactivation  curve  for  irradiated  rat  liver 

mitochondria,  198. 

DOUGLAS,  S.  D.    See  M.  C.  Niu,  352. 
Drilonereis,  morphology  of,  170. 
Drugs,  effects  of  on  scorpion  heart-beat,   135. 
Drying  in  intertidal  algae,  275. 
DURALL,  G.  L.    See  J.  E.  GUSHING,  343. 
Dyes,  distribution  of  during  lobster  excretion, 


J7CDYSIS  of  barnacles,  224. 
Echinoderm,    developmental    modifications    in, 

Echiuroids,  endoparasites  of,   170. 

Ecology  of  algae,  323. 

Ecology  of  crabs,  in  relation  to  salinity,  268. 

Ecology  of  diatoms,  351. 

Ecology  of  hydroid,  330. 

Ecology  of  intertidal  algae,  275. 

Ecology  of  marine  commensals,  397. 

Ectodermization  of  sand  dollar  embryos,  480. 

EDWARDS,  C.    Sec  J.  F.  CASE,  360. 

Effects   of   developmental    inhibitors   on    Rana 
gastrulae,  376. 

Egg,   cortical    response   of   after   centrifuging, 

Egg,  Ilyanassa,  enzymes  of,  340. 

Egg  membrane  lysis  by  sperm  extract,  341. 

Eggs,   Chaetopterus,   effects   of  nitrogen   mus- 
tards on  division  of,  388. 

Eggs,  Spisula,  vital  staining  of,  353. 

Electrical   activity   of   supramedullary   neurons 
of  Spheroides,  342. 

Electrical   inexcitability   of  neuron   soma,   317. 

Electrical  recording  in  the  living  squid,  333. 

Electrical  responses  of  doubly-innervated  in- 
sect muscle  fibers,  337. 

Electrical  stimulation  of  firefly  light  emission, 

Electrolyte  constituents  of  lobster  blood,  207. 

Electrolytes,  effects  of  on  respiration  of  fish 
islet  tissue,  414. 

Electron  microscopy  of  Chlamydomonas,   346. 

Electron  microscopy  of  Fundulus  oocytes,  329. 

Electron  microscopy  of  sea  urchin  egg  cyto- 
plasm, 327. 

Electron  microscopy  of  Spisula  egg,  353. 

ELIOT,  C.  R.,  A.  KAJI,  P.  SEEMAX,  E.  UBELL, 

S.     W.     KUFFLER    AND    A.     S.     V.     BuRGEN. 

The  effect  of  nervous  system  extracts  on 
inhibition  and  excitation  in  single  nerve 
cells,  344. 

ELLIOTT,  A.  M.,  AND  G.  M.  CLARK.  The  mat- 
ing type  system  in  variety  nine  of  Tetra- 
hymena,  344. 

ELLIOTT,  A.  M.,  AND  G.  M.  CLARK.     Post  x- 
radiation  effects  of  temperature  on  vege- 
tative cells  of  Tetrahymena,  345. 
ELLIOTT,  A.  M.,  AND  G.  M.  CLARK.     X-radia- 
tion  effects  during  conjugation  of  Tetra- 
hymena, 345. 
Embryological    modifications    in    sand    dollar, 


Embryos,  effect  of  ribonucleic  acid  on,  352. 
Embryos,  frog,  phosphorus  balance  of,  376. 
Embryos,  frog,  respiration  of,  382. 
Embryos,  teleost,  motility  in,  325. 
Embryology  of  Ciona,  365. 
Encystment  stages  of  Dictyostelium,  58. 
Endocytes  of  Dictyostelium,  58. 
Endogenous  oxygen  uptake  of  fish,  414. 
Endoparasites  of  arabellids,  170. 
Energetics  of  amphibian  development,  376. 
ENGER,  P.  E.  S.,  AND  A.  S.  V.  BURGEN.    The 
effects  of  some  amino  acids  on  the  per- 
fused lobster  heart,  345. 

ENGLE,  R.  L.,  JR.,  AND  K.  R.  WOODS.  Phylo- 
genesis of  plasma  proteins  and  plasma 
cells.  II.,  363. 

ENGLE,  R.  L.,  JR.    See  K.  R.  WOODS,  362. 
Enteromorpha,  desiccation  in,  275. 
Entodermization  of  sand  dollar  embryos,  480. 
Environment,   role  of   in   testicular  growth   in 

sparrows,  254. 

Enzyme  activity  of  Ciona  blastomeres,  365. 
Enzyme  studies  on  irradiated  rat  liver,  198. 
Enzymes  (glucuronidase  and  sulfatase)  of 

molluscs,  334. 
Epicoccus,  cuticle  of,  141. 

Erythrocytes  of  marine  vertebrates,  preserva- 
tion of,  343. 

Escherichia,   changes   in  nucleic  acids   in,   321. 
Escherichia,    genetic   block    in   metabolism    in, 


Eunice,  breeding  habits  of,  49. 
Eunice,  endoparasites  of,  170. 
Eupolymnia,  breeding  habits  of,  49. 
Eurothoe,  breeding  habits  of,  49. 
Evasterias  as  host  for  polychaete  commensal, 

Excitation,  synaptic,  of  squid  stellar  ganglion, 


Excretion  in  lobster,  207. 

Exogastrulation   in   echinoderm  embryos,   480. 
Exogenous  urea,  loss  of  through  lobster  gills, 

Extracts,   ovarian,   antimitotic   action   of,    129, 


Exuviae  of  barnacles,  224. 

Eye  pigmentation  in  phenylthiourea-treated 
tadpoles,  160. 



P ACTORS  affecting  growth  in  Campanu- 
laria,  233. 

Facultative  commensals,  397. 

FARNER,  D.  S.,  AND  A.  C.  WILSON.  A  quan- 
titative examination  of  testicular  growth 
in  the  white-crowned  sparrow,  254. 

FELDHERR,  C.  The  metachromatic  reaction  in 
various  types  of  protoplasm,  319. 

FELDHERR,  C.    See  L.  V.  HEILBRUNN,  318. 

Female  mealy  bugs,  cuticle  of,  141. 

FERGUSON,  S.  A.     See  T.  R.  Tosteson,  318. 

Fertilizability  of  Arbacia  eggs  after  treatment 
with  xanthine  derivatives,  339. 

Fibrinogen,  irradiated,  electrophoretic  mobility 
of,  319. 

Fiddler  crab,  correlation  of  oxygen  consump- 
tion of  with  barometric  pressure,  112. 

Fiddler  crab,  hormone-containing  granules  of, 

Fiddler  crab,  respiratory  metabolism  of,  245. 

FINE,  A.    See  P.  PERSON,  331. 

Fish,  metabolism  of  strontium-90  and  calcium- 
45  by,  442. 

Fish,  studies  on  isolated  islet  tissue  of,  414. 

Fish  as  hosts  for  Azygia,  488. 

Flatworm,  life-history  of,  488. 

Flatworm,  parasitic,  life-history  of,  302. 

Florida  fiddler  crabs,  metabolism  of,  245. 

Fluke,  life-history  of,  302. 

Fluorescence  of  millipede  extracts,  120. 

Fluoride,  effect  of  on  Arbacia  development, 

Food,  relation  of  to  growth  in  Campanularia, 

Freezing  and  drying  in  intertidal  algae,  275. 

FREYGANG,  W.  H.,  JR.  Evidence  for  electrical 
inexcitability  of  neuron  soma,  317. 

FRIZ,  C.  T.    See  A.  LAZAROW,  414. 

Frog  embryos,  homogenized,  respiration  of, 

Frog  gastrulae,  phosphorus  balance  of,  376. 

Frog  tadpoles,  phenylthiourea  treatment  of, 

Fucus,  correlation  of  oxygen  consumption  of, 
with  barometric  pressure,  112. 

Fucus,  freezing  and  drying  in,  275. 

/TJALL,  J.  G.     Thymidine  incorporation  into 

the  macronucleus  of  Euplotes,  322. 
Gamma    irradiation    of    cellular    particulates, 

Ganglion,    cardiac,    of    Limulus,    inhibition   of, 

Gastropods  as  hosts  of  polychaete  commensals, 

Gastrulae,   amphibian,   phosphorus   balance   of, 


Gastrulation  of  Chaetopterus  embryos,  effect 
of  sugars  on,  332. 

Gelation  changes,  effects  of  ovarian  extracts 
on,  129. 

Genetic  analysis  of  Mormoniella,  335. 

GESTELAND,  R.    See  J.  F.  CASE,  360. 

GIBBS,  S.  P.,  D.  E.  PHILPOTT  AND  R.  A. 
LEWIN.  Electron  microscope  studies  of 
the  flagella  of  Chlamydomonas,  346. 

Glucose,  effects  of  on  lobster  excretion,  207. 

Glucose  utilization  by  Arbacia  and  Mactra 
larvae,  343. 

Glycera,  breeding  habits  of,  49. 

Glycogen  accumulation  in  spiny  lobster  exo- 
skeleton,  451. 

Glycoprotein,  role  of  in  spiny  lobster  ecdysis, 

Granules,  hormone-containing,  in  Uca,  426. 

of  sodium  fluoride  on  the  development  of 
Arbacia,  346. 

GREGG,  J.  R.,  AND  M.  KAHLBROCK.  The  ef- 
fects of  some  developmental  inhibitors  on 
the  phosphorus  balance  of  amphibian  gas- 
trulae, 376. 

GREGG,  J.  R.,  AND  F.  L.  RAY.  Respiration  of 
homogenized  embryos :  Rana  pipiens  and 
Rana  pipiens  $  X  Rana  sylvatica  c?,  382. 

GREIF,  R.  L.  Uptake  of  Chlormerodrin  by 
Phascolosoma  nephridia,  327. 

GROSS,  P.  R.,  S.  NASS  AND  W.  PEARL.  Mech- 
anisms of  sol-gel  transformations  in  the 
cytoplasm,  320. 

GROSS,  P.  R.,  D.  E.  PHILPOTT  AND  S.  NASS. 
Electron  microscope  observations  on  the 
cytoplasm  of  sea  urchin  eggs,  327. 

GROSS,  W.  J.  A  behavioral  mechanism  for 
osmotic  regulation  in  a  semi-terrestrial 
crab,  268. 

Growth,  terminal,  in  Campanularia,  233. 

Growth  of  body  and  shell  in  Balanus,  224. 

Growth  of  testes  in  sparrow,  254. 

GRUNDFEST,  H.  See  M.  V.  L.  BENNETT,  325 ; 
J.  CERF,  337,  338;  S.  M.  GRAIN,  342. 

Guppy,  metabolism  of  strontium-90  and  cal- 
cium-45  by,  442. 

GUTTMAN,  R.,  AND  S.  Ross.  The  effect  of 
ions  on  the  response  of  smooth  muscle  to 
cooling,  328. 

"HADDOW  Paradox'"  388- 
Haemolymph  pressure  of  scorpion,  135. 
HARDIMAN,   C.   W.      Stimulation   of  the   taste 
receptors    of   the    rat    with    organic   salts, 




HARVEY,  E.  N.,  A.  M.  CHASE  AND  W.  D. 
MCELROY.  The  spectral  energy  curve  of 
Cypridina  and  other  luminous  organisms, 

luminescence  of  the  millipede,  Lumino- 
desmus,  120. 

Heart-beat  of  scorpion,  135. 

Heart-beat  of  snail,  89. 

rational  approach  to  the  problem  of  can- 
cer chemotherapy,  388. 

HEILBRUNN,  L.  V.,  F.  T.  ASHTON,  C.  FELD- 
HERR  AND  W.  L.  WILSON.  The  action  of 
insulin  on  living  cells,  318. 

HEILBRUNN,  L.  V.,  W.  L.  WILSON,  T.  R. 
MAN.  The  antimitotic  and  carcinostatic 
action  of  ovarian  extracts,  129. 

HEILBRUNN,  L.  V.    See  T.  R.  TOSTESON,  318. 

HEILMAN,  R.  S.     See  V.  MENKIN,  350,  351. 

Heme  synthesis  in  marine  fishes,  361. 

Hemerythrin,  incorporation  of  labelled  iron 
into,  361. 

Hemoglobin,  vertebrate,  effect  of  on  lobster 
excretion,  207. 

Hepatopancreas  of  spiny  lobster  during  ecdy- 
sis,  451. 

Hermodice,  breeding  habits  of,  49. 

Hesionid  polychaete,  commensalism  of,  397. 

Hexosamine  content  of  Metridium  nematocyst 
toxin,  296. 

HIATT,  H.  H.    See  R.  K.  CRANE,  342. 

HIBBARD,  E.    See  N.  E.  KEMP,  329. 

HICKOK,  J.  F.,  AND  D.  DAVENPORT.  Further 
studies  in  the  behavior  of  commensal 
polychaetes,  397. 

Histamine,  effect  of  on  scorpion  heart-beat, 

Histamine  in  invertebrate  cells,  339. 

Histochemistry  of   lobster  molting  cycle,   451. 

Histochemistry  of  mealy  bug  cuticle,  141. 

Histological  changes  in  lobster  hepatopancreas 
during  molting,  451. 

Histology  of  Nereis  nephridium,  407. 

Histology  of  phenylthiourea-treated  tadpole 
thyroids,  160. 

Histology  of  spiny  lobster  stridulatory  mem- 
brane, 286. 

Homarus,  excretion  in,  207. 

Homogenized  frog  embryos,  respiration  of, 

Homopteran,  cuticle  of,  141. 

Hormone-containing  granules  of  Uca,  426. 

Hormone  control  of  color  change  in  Lepidop- 
tera,  326. 

Hormones,  plant,  effects  of  on  Ulva,  321. 

Host-commensal  relations,  397. 

HOYLE,   G.     Coupling  of  membrane  potential 

to  contraction  in  muscle,  317. 
HOYLE,    G.      Neuromuscular    transmission    in 

Limulus,  347. 

HOYLE,  G.    See  J.  CERF,  337,  338. 
Humidity,  role  of  in  metabolism  of  snail,  89. 
Hyaline  layer  of  Arbacia  egg,  contractility  of, 


Hybrid  frog  embryos,  respiration  of,  382. 
Hybrid  frog  gastrulae,  phosphorus  balance  of, 


Hydration  in  snails,  89. 

Hydrocaulus,  growth  of  in  Campanularia,  233. 
Hydroid,  terminal  growth  in,  233. 
Hydroxy-indoles     in     Metridium     nematocyst 

toxin,  296. 
Hyla    tadpoles,    phenylthiourea    treatment    of, 

Hypothermia  in  rats,  326. 

IMMUNITY  in  relation  to  nematocyst  toxin, 


Indian  scorpion,  cardiac  physiology  of,  135. 
Influence     of     lunar     frequency     on     activity 

rhythm  of  Plethodon,  188. 
Inhibitors,  developmental,  effects  of  on  Rana 

gastrulae,  376. 
Insect,  cuticle  of,  141. 
Insulin,  effect  of  on  Chaos,  318- 
Integumental  tissue  of  spiny  lobster  during  ec- 

dysis,  451. 

Intertidal   algae,   freezing  and  drying  in,  275. 
Intertidal  crab,   salinity  preferences  of,  268. 
Intestinal  absorption  of  fish,  362. 
Inulin,  effect  of  on  lobster  excretion,  207. 
Iodine,  radioactive,  binding  of  in  tadpoles,  160. 
Irradiation  of  cellular  particulates,   198. 
Isolation  of  Metridium  nematocyst  toxin,  296. 
Islet  tissue  of  fish,  414. 
Isotope  treatment  of  Hyla  tadpoles,  160. 
Isotopes,  metabolism  of  by  Lebistes,  442. 

JONES,   M.  L.     On  the  morphology  of  the 
nephridium  of  Nereis  vexillosa,  407. 

M.     See  J.  R.  GREGG,  376. 

KAJI,  A.    See  C.  R.  ELIOT,  344. 

KANUNGO,  M.  S.  Cardiac  physiology  of  the 
scorpion  Palamnaeus,  135. 

KANWISHER,  J.  Freezing  and  drying  in  inter- 
tidal  algae,  275. 

KELTCH,  A.  K.    See  R.  K.  CRANE,  343. 

KEMP,  N.  E.  Differentiation  of  cortical  cyto- 
plasm and  extra-cellular  membranes  of 
oocytes,  including  changes  at  fertilization, 



KEMP,  N.  E.,  AND  E.  HIBBARD.  Protoplasmic 
bridges  between  follicle  cells  and  develop- 
ing oocytes  of  Fundulus,  329. 

KERNAN,  R.  P.,  AND  A.  CSAPO.  An  effect  of 
calcium-deficient  Ringer  on  intact  frog 
muscle,  329. 

KERNAN,  R.  P.,  AND  A.  CSAPO.  Potassium 
contracture  in  frog  twitch  muscles,  329. 

Key  to  species  of  endoparasitic  annelids,   170. 

Key  to  species  of  North  American  Azygia, 

KINNE,  O.  Adaptation  to  salinity  and  tem- 
perature in  a  euryhaline  hydroid,  330. 

KUENZLER,  E.  J.    Sec  E.  P.  OouM,  323. 

KUFFLER,  S.  W.  Sec  A.  S.  V.  BURGEN,  336; 
C.  R.  ELIOT,  344. 

£^AG-lead  correlations  in  barometric  pres- 
sure and  biological  activity,  112. 

LAMB,  G.  A.    See  M.  P.  SCHULMAN,  361. 

Larvae,  frog,  phenylthiourea-treatment  of,  160. 

Larvae,  Ilyanassa,  method  for  preparing  whole- 
mounts  of,  340. 

Larval  development  of  mud  crab  Neopanope, 

Larval  development  of  Streblospio,  336. 

Latitudinally-different  populations  of  fiddler 
crabs,  245. 

parative distribution  of  radioactive  al- 
loxan,  thiocyanate,  and  urea  in  islet  and 
other  toadfish  tissues,  348. 

BLOOMFIELD  AND  C.  T.  FRIZ.  Studies  on 
the  isolated  islet  tissue  of  fish.  II.,  414. 

Lebistes,  metabolism  of  strontium-90  and  cal- 
cium-45  by,  442. 

LEWIN,  R.  A.    See  S.  P.  GIBBS,  346. 

Life-cycle  of  Azygia,  488. 

Life-cycle  of  slime  mold,  58. 

Life-history  of  Allocreadium,  302. 

Light,  effect  of  on  activity  of  salamander,  188. 

Light,  emission  of  by  millipede,  120. 

Light,  role  of  in  testicular  growth  in  sparrow, 

Limitation  of  growth  in  Campanularia,  233. 

Limnephilus,  as  host  for  Allocreadium,  302. 

Lipoids  in  mealy  bug  cuticle,  141. 

Littorina,  susceptibility  of  to  Metridium  ne- 
matocyst  toxin,  296. 

Liver,  rat,  effects  of  gamma  irradiation  on 
mitochondria  of,  198. 

Lobster,  excretion  in,  207. 

Lobster,  spiny,  molting  cycle  in,  451. 

Lobster,  spiny,  sound  production  in,  286. 

Locomotor  activity  rhythm  in  salamander,  188. 

LORAND,  L.  Clotting  of  blood :  A  study  in  the 
polymerization  of  proteins,  320. 

LORAND,  L.  Phosphoarginine  and  arginine 
phosphopkinase  from  Homarus,  360. 

LORAND,  L.,  J.  MOLNAR  AND  C.  Moos.  Bio- 
chemical studies  of  relaxation  in  glycerin- 
ated  muscle,  323. 

LORAND,  L.    Sec  C.  Moos,  330. 

LORIXG,  J.    See  C.  A.  VILLEE,  358. 

Low  temperature,  effect  of  on  intertidal  algae, 

Low,  temperature,  effect  of  on  metabolism  of 
fiddler  crabs,  245. 

LOWER,  H.  F.  A  comparative  study  of  the 
cuticular  structure  of  three  female  mealy 
bugs,  141. 

Luidia  as  host  for  polychaete  commensals,  397. 

Luminescence  of  millipede,  120. 

Luminous  orgaiiisms,  spectral  energy  curve  of, 

Lunar-day  fluctuations-  in  cosmic  radiation, 

Lunar  influence  on  activity  rhythm  of  sala- 
mander, 188. 

LYNN,  W.  G.,  AND  J.  N.  DENT.  Phenylthio- 
urea  treatment  and  binding  of  radioactive 
iodine  in  the  tadpole,  160. 

Lysidice,  breeding  habits  of,  49. 

MACEY,  E.  J.    See  F.  A.  BROWN,  JR.,  112. 

Magnesium,  effect  of  on  lobster  excretion,  207. 
Magnetic  studies  on  cells  and  protoplasm,  319. 
Malignant  tumors,  chemotherapy  of,  388. 
Mammalian  ovary  extracts,  effects  of  on  cell 

division,  129. 

Mandibles  of  barnacles,  224. 
Mantle  cavity  of  barnacle,  224. 
Marine   eggs,   effects   of  nitrogen   mustard   on 

division  of,  388. 
Marine   eggs,    effects    of   ovarian    extracts    on 

division  of,  129. 
Marine  fish,  studies  on  isolated  islet  tissue  of, 


Marine  organisms,  sound  production  in,  286. 
MARSLAND,  D.,  AND  W.  AUCLAIR.     A  further 

study  on   the   induced   furrowing   reaction 

in  Arbacia,  348. 
MASHIMA,  H.,  AND  A.  CSAPO.     Shortening  of 

potassium  depolarized  muscle  in  different 

electric  fields,  349. 
MASON,  D.    Sec  E.  T.  MOUL,  351. 
Massachusetts  fiddler  crab,  metabolism  of,  245. 
MATEYKO,  G.  M.     Cytophysiology  of  ultracen- 

trifuged  normal  and  neoplastic  frog  kidney 

cells,  349. 
Mating   types    in    variety   9    of    Tetrahymena, 

344.   " 

Maxillae  of  barnacles,  224. 
McCANN,  F.  V.    See  J.  CERF,  337,  338. 



MCELROY,  W.  D.    See  E.  N.  HARVEY,  347. 

MCMAHON,  P.    Sec  T.  VON  BRAND,  89. 

Mealy  bugs,  cuticle  of,  141. 

Mechanism  of  osmoregulation  in  crab,  268. 

Mediaster  as  host  for  polychaete  commensal, 

Melanin  formation  in  phenylthiourea-treated 
Hyla  tadpoles,  160. 

Melanin  of  mealy  bug  cuticle,  141. 

Membrane  potential  changes  in  crab  muscle 
fibers,  362. 

MAN.  Studies  on  the  accelerator  cleavage 
factor  recovered  in  homogenates  of  Ar- 
bacia  ovaries,  350. 

MAN.  Studies  on  the  nature  of  the  re- 
tarding cleavage  factor  in  homogenates  of 
sea  urchin  ovaries,  351. 

Metabolic  pathways  in  Arbacia  eggs,  342. 

Metabolic  responses  to  temperature  of  2,4-D- 
treated  albino  rats,  357. 

Metabolism  and  ciliary  activity  of  Mytilus 
gill,  335. 

Metabolism  in  frozen  and  dried  algae,  275. 

Metabolism  of  fiddler  crabs,  245. 

Metabolism  of  fish  islet  tissue,  414. 

Metabolism  of  glucose  in  marine  invertebrates, 

Metabolism  of  homogenized  frog  embryos,  382. 

Metabolism  of  Limulus  gill  cartilage,  331. 

Metabolism  of  snails,  89. 

Metabolism  of  strontium-90  and  calcium-45  by 
fish,  442. 

Metachromasy  in  protoplasm,  319. 

Metamorphosis  in  phenylthiourea-treated  tad- 
poles, 160. 

METCALF,  C.    See  M.  SPIEGEL,  355,  356. 

Metridium,  nematocyst  toxin  of,  296. 

METZ,  C.  W.  Interactions  between  chromo- 
somes and  cytoplasm  during  early  em- 
bryonic development  in  Sciara,  323. 

Microchemical  analyses  of  Ciona  blastomeres, 

Microcysts  of  Dictyostelium,  58. 

Microrespirometer,  use  of  in  study  of  fish 
islet  tissue,  414. 

MINGOLI,  E.  S.     Sec  A.  L.  NAGLER,  331. 

Miracidia  of  Allocreadium,  302. 

Miracidia  of  Azygia,  488. 

Mitochondria,  rat,  effects  of  gamma  irradia- 
tion on,  198. 

Mitosis,  effects  of  nitrogen  mustards  on,  388. 

Mitosis,  effects  of  ovarian  extracts  on,  129. 

Mitotic  inhibition  by  dioxypurine  derivatives, 

Modification  of  diurnal  rhythm  in  Plethodon, 

Modifications  of  development  in  sand  dollar, 

Mollusc,  correlation  of  oxygen  consumption 
of,  with  barometric  pressure,  112. 

Mollusc,  starvation  and  desiccation  of,  89. 

Molluscan  host  of  Allocreadium,  302. 

Molluscan  host  of  Azygia,  488. 

MOLNAR,  J.     Sec  L.  LORAND,  323. 

Molting  of  barnacles,  224. 

Molting  cycle  of  spiny  lobster,  451. 

Moos,  C.,  AND  L.  LORAND.  Inorganic  pyro- 
phosphatase  activity  of  glycerinated  mus- 
cle, 330. 

Moos,  C.    Sec  L.  LORAND,  323. 

Mormoniella,  genetic  analysis  of,  335. 

Morphogenesis  in  Dictyostelium,  58. 

Morphogenesis  of  frog  embryos,  376,  382. 

Morphology  of  Allocreadium,  302. 

Morphology  of  annelid  endoparasites,  170. 

Morphology  of  Azygia,  488. 

Morphology  of  Nereis  nephridium,  407. 

MOUL,  E.  T.,  AND  D.  MASON.  Study  of  di- 
atom populations  on  sand  and  mud  flats 
in  the  Woods  Hole  area,  351. 

MOULTON,  J.  M.  Sound  production  in  spiny 
lobster,  286. 

Mouthparts  of  barnacles,  224. 

Mouthparts  of  endoparasitic  annelids,   170. 

Mucoprotein,  role  of  in  spiny  lobster  ecdysis, 

Muscle,  effect  of  ions  on  response  of,  to  cool- 
ing, 328. 

Muscle,  glycerinated,  inorganic  pyrophospha- 
tase  activity  of,  330. 

Muscle,  glycerinated,  relaxation  in,  323. 

Muscle,  iodoacetate-poisoned,  creatine  phos- 
phate and  ATP  breakdown  in,  324. 

Muscle,  potassium  depolarized,  shortening  of 
in  electric  fields,  349. 

Myxamoebae,  encystment  in,  58. 

,  distribution  of  in  lobster  blood  and 
urine,  207. 

NAGLER,  A.  L.,  E.  S.  MINGOLI  AND  B.  D. 
DAVIS.  Metabolic  consequences  of  a 
genetic  block  between  alpha-ketoglutarate 
and  succinate  in  Escherichia,  331. 

NASS,  S.    See  P.  R.  GROSS,  320,  327. 

Nematocyst  toxin  of  Metridium,  296. 

Neoplasms,  chemotherapy  of,  388. 

Neoplastic  frog  kidney  cells,  349. 

Nephridia  of  Phascolosoma,  uptake  of  Chlor- 
merodin  by,  327. 

Nephridial  function  in  lobster,  207. 

Nephridium  of  Nereis,  morphology  of,  407. 

Nereis,  breeding  habits  of,  49. 

Nereis  vexillosa,  nephridium  of,  407. 



Nerve  cell,  effect  of  nervous  system  extracts 

on,  344. 

Nerve  impulse  in  lobster  stretch  receptor,  360. 
Neural  organization  of  puffer  supramedullary 

neurons,  325. 
Neuromuscular    transmission    in    grasshopper, 


Neuromuscular  transmission   in   Limulus,   347. 
Neurosecretion  in  Uca,  426. 
Nitrogen  analyses  of  lobster  urine,  207. 
Nitrogen    content    of    Metridium    nematocyst 

toxin,  296. 
Niu,  M.  C,  AND  S.  D.  DOUGLAS.     The  effect 

of    varying    concentrations    of    ribonucleic 

acid  on  the  development  of  some  marine 

embryos,  352. 

NOLAN,  M.  O.    Sec  T.  VON  BRAND,  89. 
Notocirrus,  morphology  of,   170. 
Notopygos,  breeding  habits  of,  49. 
Nuclear    incorporation    of    thymidine    in    Eu- 

plotes,  322. 

Nucleic  acid  content  of  Ciona  blastomeres,  365. 
Nucleoli,   starfish,   proteins   of,   334. 
Nuclide,  metabolism  of  by  Lebistes,  442. 
Nutrition,  relation  of  to  growth  in  Campanu- 

laria,  233. 

Nutrition,  role  of  in  testicular  growth  in  spar- 
rows, 254. 

QBLIGATE  commensals,  397. 

M.  X.  BLUNT.  Uptake  of  P-32  in  benthic 
algae  in  relation  to  primary  productivity, 

Oliguria  in  lobster,  207. 

Onuphids,  endoparasites  of,  170. 

Oocytes  of  Fundulus,  electron  microscope 
studies  of,  329. 

Opsanus,  studies  on  isolated  islet  tissue  of,  414. 

Osmolar  measurements  in  lobster,  207. 

Osmoregulatory  organ  of  Nereis,  407. 

Osmotic  pressure  in  relation  to  toxicity  of 
Metridium  nematocyst  toxin,  296. 

Osmotic  properties  of  hormone-containing 
granules  of  Uca,  426. 

Osmotic  regulation  in  crab,  268. 

OSTERHOUT,  W.  J.  V.  Production  of  perma- 
nent lesions  in  living  protoplasm,  352. 

OSTERHOUT,  W.  J.  V.  Selective  permeability 
in  relation  to  movement  of  water  into 
living  cells,  353. 

OTTOSON,  D.    Sec  J.  F.  CASE,  360. 

Ova,  Chaetopterus,  effects  of  nitrogen  mus- 
tards on,  388. 

Ova,  marine,  effects  of  ovarian  extracts  on 
division  of,  129. 

Ovarian  extracts,  antimitotic  action  of,  129. 

Oxygen,  effect  of  on  luminescence  of  millipede, 

Oxygen  consumption  of  algae,  275. 

Oxygen  consumption  of  organisms  as  corre- 
lated with  barometric  pressure,  112. 

Oxygen  consumption  of  potatoes,  103. 

Oxygen  consumption  of  snails,  89. 

Oxygen  uptake  of  fiddler  crabs,  245. 

Oxygen  uptake  of  fish  islet  tissue,  414. 

Oxygen  uptake  of  homogenized  frog  embryos, 

Oxygen  uptake  of  rat  liver  mitochondria,  ef- 
fects of  gamma  irradiation  on,  198. 

Oxygen  uptake  of  Uca,  effect  of  2,4-D  on,  357. 

Oyster,  correlation  of  oxygen  consumption  of, 
with  barometric  pressure,  112. 

Oyster,  injury-reaction  in,  335. 

pACE-maker    of    scorpion    heart-beat,    135. 

Pachygrapsus,  osmoregulation  in,  268. 

Palamnaeus,  cardiac  physiology  of,  135. 

Pancreatic  islet  tissue  of  fish,  414. 

Panulirus,  molting  cycle  of,  451. 

Panulirus,  sound  production  in,  286. 

Paper  chromatograpliy  of  Metridium  nemato- 
cyst toxin,  296. 

Para-amminohippurate,  effect  of  on  lobster 
excretion,  207. 

Parasite,  life-history  of,  302. 

Parasites  of  arabellids,  170. 

Paratenic  hosts  of  Azygia,  488. 

PARPART,  A.  K.,  AND  J.  CAGLE.  Contractility 
of  the  hyaline  layer  of  Arbacia,  331. 

Particulates,  cellular,  enzyme  assay  of,  365. 

Particulates,  cellular,  irradiation  of,  198. 

Patiria  as  host  for  commensal  polychaete,  397. 

PEARL,  W.     See  P.  R.  GROSS,  320. 

PEREZ-GONZALEZ,  M.  D.  Evidence  for  hor- 
mone-containing granules  in  sinus  glands 
of  the  fiddler  crab,  Uca,  426. 

Permeability  of  crab  integument,  268. 

Permeability  of  lobster  gills  and  exoskeleton, 

Permeability  of  Nitella,  in  relation  to  injury, 
352,  353. 

PERSON,  P.,  AND  A.  FINE.  Observations  on 
the  histology  and  oxidative  metabolism  of 
Limulus  gill  cartilage,  331. 

PETTIBONE,  M.  H.  Endoparasitic  polychae- 
tous  annelids  of  the  family  Arabellidae 
with  descriptions  of  new  species,  170. 

pH,  effect  of  on  metabolism  of  fish  islet  tissue, 

Pharmacology  of  scorpion  heart-beat,  135. 

Phenol  red,  effect  of  on  lobster  excretion,  207. 

Phenylthiourea  treatment  of  tadpoles,  160. 



PHILLIPS,  J.  H.,  JR.,  AND  D.  P.  ABBOTT.     Iso- 
lation and  assay  of  the  nematocyst  toxin 
of  Metridium,  296. 
PHILPOTT,  D.  E.    Sec  P.  R.  GROSS,  327 ;  S.  P. 

GIBBS,  346. 

Phlorizin,  effect  of  on  lobster  excretion,  207. 
Phosphatase    activity    of    Ciona    blastomeres, 


Phosphate,  effect  of  on  lobster  excretion,  207. 
Phosphate   ion,   effect   of   on    fish   islet   tissue 

metabolism,   414. 
Phosphoarginine    and    arginine    phosphokinase 

from  lobster,  360. 

Phosphorus  balance  of  Rana  gastrulae,  376. 
Phosphorylation    in     rat    liver    mitochondria, 

effects  of  gamma  irradiation  on,  198. 
Photoperiod  in  relation  to  testicular  growth  in 

sparrow,  254. 

Photosynthesis  in  Arctic  Fucus,  275. 
Physiological  variations  in  fiddler  crabs,  245. 
Physiology,  cardiac,  of  scorpion,  135. 
Physiology  of  desiccation  of  snails,  89. 
Physostigmine,  effect  of  on  heart-beat  of  scor- 
pion, 135. 

Pigment  extracts  from  Asterias,  353. 
Pigmentation    in    phenylthiourea-treated    Hyla 

tadpoles,  160. 
Pisaster    as    host    for    polychaete    commensal, 


Pisidium  as  host  for  Allocreadium,  302. 
Planorbid  snails,  starvation  and  desiccation  of, 


Plasma  proteins,  effects  of  on  lobster  excre- 
tion, 207. 
Plasma    proteins    and    cells,    phylogenesis    of, 

362,  363. 

Platyhelminth,  life-history  of,  302,  488. 
Platynereis,  breeding  habits  of,  49. 
Plethodon,  diurnal  activity  rhythm  in,  188. 
Podarke,  commensalism  of,  397. 
Polychaetes,  breeding  habits  of,  49. 
Polychaetes,  commensal,  behavior  of,  397. 
Polychaetes,  endoparasitic,  170. 
Polymerization  of  blood  proteins,  320. 
Population  differences  as  a  factor  in  commen- 
salism, 397. 
Population  differences  in  metabolism  of  fiddler 

crabs,  245. 
Post-ecdysial    changes    in    lobster    hepatopan- 

creas,  451. 

Potassium  concentrations  of  crab  blood,  268. 
Potassium  contracture  in  frog  twitch  muscles, 


Potatoes,  fluctuations  in  oxygen  consumption 
of,  as  compared  with  background  radia- 
tion, 103. 

Potential,  membrane,  and  muscle  contraction, 

Potential  changes  and  ion  movements  in  frog 

muscle,  317. 

Pressure,   barometric,  as  correlated  with  bio- 
logical activity,  112. 
Pressure  effects  on  Arbacia  eggs,  348. 
Production  of  sound  in  spiny  lobster,  286. 
Productivity  of  algae,  as   studied  with   P-32, 


Protease  digestion  of  Ciona  chorion,  365. 
Protection   effects   against   gamma   irradiation 

of  rat  liver  mitochondria,  198. 
Protochordate  blastomeres,   chemical  analyses 

of,  365. 
PROVASOLI,   L.     Effect  of  plant  hormones   on 

sea  weeds,  321. 

Pseudococcidae,  cuticle  of,  141. 
Pteraster  as  host  for  polychaete  commensals, 

Puerto  Rican  annelids,  breeding  habits  of,  49. 

QUAHOG,  correlation  of  oxygen  consump- 
tion of,  with  barometric  pressure,  112. 
Quantitative  examination  of  testicular  growth 
in  sparrow,  254. 

D  NA  content  of  Ciona  blastomeres,  365. 

Radiation,  background,  as  compared  with  oxy- 
gen consumption  of  potatoes,  103. 

Radioactive  alloxan,  uptake  of  by  toadfish 
tissues,  348. 

Radioiodine,  binding  of,  in  tadpoles,  160. 

Radiostrontium  and  radiocalcium,  metabolism 
of  by  Lebistes,  442. 

RALPH,  C.  L.  A  diurnal  activity  rhythm  in 
Plethodon  and  its  modification  by  an  in- 
fluence having  a  lunar  frequency,  188. 

Rana  embryos,  homogenized,  respiration  of, 

Rana  gastrulae,  phosphorus  balance  of,  376. 

RAPER,  K.  B.    See  J.  C.  BLASKOVICS,  58. 

Rat,  correlation  of  oxygen  consumption  of, 
with  barometric  pressure,  112. 

Rat  mitochondria,  effects  of  gamma  irradia- 
tion on,  198. 

Rate  of  growth  in  Campanularia,  233. 

Rate  of  oxygen  consumption  of  fiddler  crabs, 

RAY,  F.  L.    See  J.  R.  GREGG,  382. 

Reaggregation  of  dissociated  sponge  cells,  356. 

Reconstruction  of  Nereis  nephridium,  407. 

REBHUN,  L.  I.  Vital  staining  of  Spisula  by 
methylene  blue,  353. 

Rediae  of  Allocreadium,  302. 

Rediae  of  Azygia,  488. 

Re-fertilization  of  Saccoglossus  eggs,  341. 

Reproduction  of  polychaetes,  49. 

Respiration  in  frozen  and  dried  algae,  275. 



Respiration  of  fiddler  crabs,  245. 

Respiration  of  fish  islet  tissue,  414. 

Respiration  of  homogenized  frog  embryos,  382. 

Respiration  of  organisms  as  correlated  with 
barometric  pressure,  112. 

Respiration  of  potatoes,  103. 

Respiration  of  snails,  89. 

Retardation  of  development  of  Rana  embryos, 

Rhythm,  diurnal  activity,  in  salamander,  188. 

Ribonuclease  in  rat  liver,  322. 

Ribonuclease  system  in  marine  forms,  332. 

Ribonucleic  acid,  effect  of  on  developing  em- 
bryos, 352. 

Ribonucleic  acid  content  of  Ciona  blastomeres, 

RIDGWAY,  G.  J.    See  J.  E.  GUSHING,  343. 

RIESER,  P.  Electrophoretic  mobility  studies 
on  irradiated  fibrinogen,  319. 

ROBSON,  H.  H.    Sec  H.  T.  YOST,  JR.,  198. 

ROCKSTEIN,     M.,     AND     M.     RUBENSTEIN.        The 

biochemical  basis  for  positive  photokinesis 

of  Asterias,  353. 
ROSENTHAL,  H.  L.     The  metabolism  of  stron- 

tium-90  and  calcium-45  by  Lebistes,  442. 
Ross,  S.    See  R.  GUTTMAN,  328. 
ROTH,  J.  S.     Some  observations  on  the  ribo- 

nuclease  system  in  rat  liver,  322. 
ROTH,  J.   S.,  AND  D.   BACHMURSKI.     Studies 

on  the  distribution  and  properties  of  the 

ribonuclease  system  in  marine  forms,  332. 
RUBENSTEIN,  M.    See  M.  ROCKSTEIN,  353. 
RULON,    O.      Developmental    modifications    in 

the  sand  dollar,  480. 
RUTMAN,  R.  J.     See  L.  V.  HEILBRUNN,  129. 

gABELLA,   breeding   habits   of,   49. 

Salamander,  correlation  of  oxygen  consump- 
tion of,  with  barometric  pressure,  112. 

Salamander,  locomotor  activity  rhythm  in,  188. 

Salinity,  effect  of  on  respiration  of  frozen  and 
dried  algae,  275. 

Salinity  preferences  of  crab,  268. 

Sand  dollar,  developmental  modifications  in, 

SCHINSKE,  R.  A.  Sec  G.  C.  STEPHENS,  356. 

Schooling   behavior    in    Menidia,    354. 

SCHUEL,  H.  The  initiation  and  inhibition  of 
cleavage  in  the  Chaetopterus  egg  by  ethyl 
urethane,  354. 

SCHULMAN,  M.  P.  Incorporation  of  labelled 
iron  into  hemerythrin,  361. 

SCHULMAN,  M.  P.,  AND  G.  A.  LAMB.  Heme 
synthesis  in  peripheral  blood  of  marine 
fishes,  361. 

Scorpion,  cardiac  physiology  of,  135. 

SCOTT,  D.  B.  M.  The  effect  of  sugar  on  gas- 
trulation  of  Chaetopterus  embryos,  332. 

SCOTT,  D.  M.  Sequence  of  changes  in  nucleic 
acids  in  synchronized  cultures  of  Esche- 
richia,  321. 

SEEMAN,  P.    Sec  C.  R.  ELIOT,  344. 

Segregation,  cytoplasmi^,  in  Ciona,  365. 

Selenite,  effects  of  on  sand  dollar  development, 

Semi-terrestrial  crab,  osmoregulation  in,  268. 

Serum  addition,  effect  lof  on  fish  islet  tissue 
metabolism,  414. 

Sexual  reproduction  of  polychaetes,  49. 

SHAW,  E.  Preliminary  studies  on  the  ontog- 
eny of  schooling  behavior  in  the  silver- 
sides,  Menidia,  354. 

Shell  growth  in  Balanus,  224. 

SHRINER,  J.    See  F.  A.  BROWN,  JR.,  103. 

SIGER,  A.    Sec  F.  D.  CARLSON,  324. 

Sinus  glands  of  Uca,  hormone-containing 
granules  in,  426. 

Size  increase  in  Balanus,  224. 

Skeletal  development  of  sand  dollar  embryos, 

Skeletal  development  of  sea  urchin  embryos, 

Skin  pigmentation  in  phenylthiourea-treated 
tadpoles,  160. 

Slime  mold,  encystment  in,  58. 

Snail,  starvation  and  desiccation  of,  89. 

Snail,  susceptibility  of  to  Metridium  nemato- 
cyst  toxins,  296. 

Snails  as  intermediate  hosts  of  Azygia,  488. 

Sodium  concentrations  of  crab  blood,  268. 

Sodium  selenite,  effects  of  on  sand  dollar  de- 
velopment, 480. 

Sol-gel  transformations  in  cytoplasm,  320. 

Solanus,  oxygen  consumption  of,   103. 

Solar-day  fluctuations  in  cosmic  radiation,  103. 

Sorocarp  formation  in  Dictyostelium,  58. 

Sound  production  in  spiny  lobster,  286. 

Sparrow,  white-crowned,  testicular  growth  in, 

Species  of  polychaete  endoparasites,   170. 

Specificity  of  commensalism,  397. 

SPEIDEL,  C.  C.  X-ray  effects  on  Tetrahymena, 

Sperm  entry,  lytic  activity  of  sperm  during, 

Sperm  entry  in  Saccoglossus,  341. 

SPIEGEL,  M.,  AND  C.  METCALF.  Enzymatic 
dissociation  of  sponge  cells,  355. 

SPIEGEL,  M.,  AND  C.  METCALF.  The  reaggre- 
gation  of  Microciona  cells  in  culture 
media,  356. 

SPIEGEL,  M.,  AND  C.  METCALF.  Viability  of 
dissociated  frozen-thawed  sponge  cells, 



Spiny  lobster,  molting  cycle  of,  451. 

Spiny  lobster,  sound  production  in,  286. 

Spirobranchus,  breeding  habits  of,  49. 

Spisula  eggs,  effects  of  ovarian  extracts  on, 

Spore-formation  in  Dictyostelium,  58. 

Sporocysts  of  Allocreadium,  302. 

Sporocysts  of  Azygia,  488. 

Stages  of  encystment  in  Dictyostelium,  58. 

Starfish  hosts  of  polychaete  commensals,  397. 

Starvation  of  snail,  89. 

Stem  growth  in  Campanularia,  233. 

take of  amino  acids  from  sea  water  by 
ciliary-mucoid  filter  feeding  animals,  356. 

STEPHENSON,  W.  K.  The  effects  of  metabolic 
inhibitors  on  ion  distribution  and  mem- 
brane potential  in  muscle  fibers  of  the 
green  crab,  Carcinides,  362. 

STEPHENSON,  W.  K.  Membrane  potential 
changes  and  ion  movements  in  frog  mus- 
cle, 317. 

Stridulatory  mechanism  of  spiny  lobster,  286. 

STROHMAN,  R.  C.  Studies  on  the  interactions 
of  the  bound  nucleotide  of  actin,  333. 

Strontium-90,  metabolism  of  by  Lebistes,  442. 

Structure  of  mealy  bug  cuticle,  141. 

Studies  on  irradiation  of  cellular  particulates, 

Substrate,  effect  of  on  encystment  of  Dictyo- 
stelium, 58. 

Succinic  dehydrogenase  activity  of  Ciona  blas- 
tomeres,  365. 

SUDAK,  F.  N.,  AND  C.  L.  CLAFF.  The  effect 
of  2,4-D  on  oxygen  consumption  in  Uca, 

SUDAK,  F.  N.,  C.  L.  CLAFF  AND  M.  H. 
CANTOR.  Metabolic  responses  of  albino 
rats  treated  with  2,4-D  to  changes  in  am- 
bient temperature,  357. 

SUDAK,  F.  N.    Sec  C.  L.  CLAFF,  326. 

Sugar,  role  of  in  lobster  excretion,  207. 

Sulfate,  effect  of  on  lobster  excretion,  207. 

Sulfobromophthalein,  effect  of  on  lobster  ex- 
cretion, 207. 

Synergistic  action  of  chemical  agents  on  sand 
dollar  development,  480. 

Systematics  of  trematodes,  302,  488. 

'"TADPOLES,  phenylthiourea  treatment  of, 

Taste  receptors  of  rat,  347. 

Taxonomy  of  Azygia,  488. 

Taxonomy  of  endoparasitic  annelids,  170. 

Taxonomy  of  trematodes,  302,  488. 

Teeth,  accumulation  of  radioiodine  in,  in  tad- 
poles, 160. 

Teleost,  studies  on  isolated  islet  tissue  of,  414. 

Temperature,  effect  of  on  encystment  of  Dic- 
tyostelium, 58. 

Temperature,  effect  of  on  hormone-containing 
granules  of  Uca,  426. 

Temperature,  effect  of  on  luminescence  of 
millipede,  120. 

Temperature,  effect  of  on  post  x-irradiation 
effects  in  Tetrahymena,  345. 

Temperature,  role  of  in  metabolism  of  fiddler 
crabs,  245. 

Temperature,  role  of  in  testicular  growth  of 
sparrows,  254. 

Temperature  in  relation  to  metabolism  of 
2,4-D-treated  albino  rats,  357. 

Terminal  growth  in  Campanularia,  233. 

Testicular  growth  in  sparrow,  254. 

TEWINKEL,  L.  E.  Expansion  of  the  pre- 
placental  yolk-sac  in  Mustelus,  358. 

Thelepus,  breeding  habits  of,  49. 

THIES,  R.  E.  Electrical  recording  in  the  liv- 
ing squid,  333. 

Thiol  groups  of  enzyme,  importance  of  in 
modifications  of  sand  dollar  development, 

Thymus,  effects  of  phenylthiourea-treatment 
on,  in  tadpoles,  160. 

Thyroid  accumulation  of  radioiodine  in  tad- 
poles, 160. 

Tissue-accumulation  of  isotopes  by  fish,  442. 

Tissue  culture  of  marine  invertebrate  cells, 

Tissue  transplantation  in  Pecten,  327. 

Toadfish,  studies  on  isolated  islet  tissue  of, 

Tolerance  to  cold  of  fiddler  crabs,  245. 

Tonicity,  effects  of  on  fish  islet  tissue  metabo- 
lism, 414. 

TOSTESON,  T.  R.,  S.  A.  FERGUSON  and  L.  V. 
HEILBRUNN.  Further  studies  of  the  anti- 
mitotic  and  carcinostatic  action  of  ovarian 
extracts,  318. 

TOSTESON,  T.  R.    Sec  L.  V.  HEILBRUNN,  129. 

Toxin,   nematocyst,   of   Metridium,   296. 

Trace  metals,  effects  of  on  fish  islet  tissue 
metabolism,  414. 

TRAVIS,  D.  F.  The  molting  cycle  of  the  spiny 
lobster,  Panulirus.  IV.,  451. 

Trematode,  life-history  of,  302,  488. 

Triturus,  correlation  of  oxygen  consumption 
of,  with  barometric  pressure,  112. 

TROLL,  W.  Glucuronidase  and  sulfatase  of 
molluscs,  334. 

Tumor  regression,  effects  of  ovarian  extracts 
on,  129. 

Tunicate  blastomeres,  chemical  analyses  of, 

Tyrosine  iodination  in  phenylthiourea-treated 
tadpoles,  160. 



,  E.    See  C.  R.  ELIOT,  344. 

Uca,    correlation    of   oxygen    consumption    of, 

with  barometric  pressure,  112. 
Uca,  hormone-containing  granules  of,  426. 
Uca,  respiratory  metabolism  of,  245. 
Ultracentrifuged  frog  kidney  cells,  349. 
Ulva,  freezing  and  drying  in,  275. 
Uptake,  oxygen,  of  fish  islet  tissue,  414. 
Uptake  of  isotopes  by  fish,  442. 
Urethane,  effects  of  on  Chaetopterus  eggs,  388. 
Uricase  inactivation  by  urea,  320. 
Urinary  output  of  lobster,  207. 

YEGETATIVE  stages  of  Dictyostelium,  58. 

Veliger  larvae,  method  for  preparing  whole- 
mounts  of,  340. 

Venus,  correlation  of  oxygen  consumption  of, 
with  barometric  pressure,  112. 

Vernal  testicular  development  in  sparrow,  254. 


The  hexose  monophosphate  shunt  in  ma- 
rine invertebrates,  358. 

VINCENT,  W.  S.  Proteins  of  starfish  nucleoli, 

^ ALTERS,  C.  P.    See  R.  K.  CRANE,  343. 
WARWICK,  A.,  AND  F.  B.  BANG.     Survival  of 

marine  invertebrate  cells  in  tissue  culture, 


Water  loss  in  algae,  275. 
Wax  glands  of  mealy  bugs,  141. 
WEBB,  H.  M.    See  F.  A.  BROWN,  JR.,  103,  112. 
Weight,  body,  of  snails,  89. 
WELLINGTON,  F.    See  C.  A.  VILLEE,  358. 
West   Indian   spiny   lobster,   sound   production 

in,  286. 
White-crowned  sparrow,  testicular  growth  in, 

WHITING,    P.   W.     Method  of   analysis   of  a 

"gene"  in  Mormoniella,  335. 
WICHTERMAN,  R.     X-irradiation  of  the  giant 

multinucleate  ameba,  Chaos,  359. 

WILBER,  C.  G.  Some  physiological  character- 
istics of  the  fish  heart,  359. 

WILSON,  A.  C.    See  D.  S.  FARNER,  254. 

WILSON,  T.  H.  In  vitro  studies  on  intestinal 
absorption  of  fish,  362. 

WILSON,  W.  L.  Seie  L.  V.  HEILBRUNN,  129, 
318,  388. 

WOODS,  K.  R.,  AND  R.  L.  ENGLE,  JR.  Phylo- 
genesis of  plasma  proteins  and  plasma 
cells.  I.,  362. 

WOODS,  K.  R.    See  R.  L.  ENGLE,  JR.,  363. 

Woods  Hole  fiddler  crabs,  metabolism  of,  245. 

WOOTTON,  D.  M.  Studies  on  the  life-history 
of  Allocreadium,  302. 

WOOTTON,  D.  M.  Notes  on  the  life-cycle  of 
Azygia,  488. 

Worm,  annelid,  morphology  of  nephridium  of, 

Worm,  flat,  life-history  of,  302,  488. 

Worm  eggs,  effects  of  nitrogen  mustards  on, 

Worms,  annelid,  breeding  habits  of,  49. 

Worms,  annelid  commensal,  behavior  of,  397. 

Worms,  endoparasites  of,  170. 

WYTTENBACH,  C.    See  S.  CROWELL,  233. 

X-IRRADIATION  of  ameba,  359. 

X-irradiation     of     conjugating    Tetrahymena, 


X-irradiation  of  Tillina,  336. 
X-irradiation  of  vegetative  Tetrahymena,  345, 


VOLK-sac,  expansion  of,  in  Mustelus,  358. 

YOST,  H.  T.,  JR.,  AND  H.  H.  ROBSON.  Studies 
on  the  effects  of  irradiation  of  cellular 
particulates.  II.,  198. 

VINC  chloride,  effects  of  on  sand  dollar  de- 
velopment, 480. 
Zonotrichia,  testicular  growth  in,  254. 

Volume  113 

Number  1 





Editorial  Board 

HAROLD  C.  BOLD,  Vanderbilt  University 
JOHN  B.  BUCK,  National  Institutes  of  Health 
T.  H.  BULLOCK,  University  of  California, 

Los  Angeles 

E.  G.  BUTLER,  Princeton  University 
K.  W.  COOPER,  University  of  Rochester 
M.  E.  KRAHL,  University  of  Chicago 

J.  H.  LOCHHEAD,  University  of  Vermont 
E.  T.  MOUL,  Rutgers  University 
ARTHUR  W.  POLLISTER,  Columbia  University 
MARY  E.  RAWLES,  Johns  Hopkins  University 
A.  R.  WHITING,  University  of  Pennsylvania 
CARROLL  M.  WILLIAMS,  Harvard  University 

DONALD  P.  COSTELLO,  University  of  North  Carolina 

Managing  Editor 


Marine  Biological  Laboratory 




Printed  and  Issued  by 






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Zoology,  Botany,  Embryology, 
and  Comparative  Anatomy 


Zoology  and  Botany 

including  Protozoan  and 
Drosophila  Cultures,  and 
Animals  for  Experimental  and 
Laboratory  Use. 




Zoology,  Botany,  Embryology, 
Histology,  Bacteriology,  and 


Supply  Department 


Woods  Hole,  Massachusetts 



'  -.  * 

Annual  Report  of  the  Marine  Biological  Laboratory.- 1 


The  breeding  of  polychaetous  annelids  near  Parguera,  Puerto  Rico.     49 


Encystment  stages  of  Dictyostelium 58 


Physiological  observations  on  starvation  and  desiccation  of  the  snail 
Australorbis  glabratus 89 

Similarities  between  daily  fluctuations  in  background  radiation  and 
O2-consumption  in  the  living  organism 103 


Lag-lead  correlations  of  barometric  pressure  and  biological  activity. .   112 


The  luminescence  of  the  millipede,  Luminodesmus  sequoiae 120 



The  antimitotic  and  carcinostatic  action  of  ovarian  extracts 129 


Cardiac  physiology  of  the  scorpion  Palamnaeus  bengalensis  C.  Koch  135 


A  comparative  study  of  the  cuticular  structure  of  three  female  mealy 
bugs  (Homoptera :  Pseudococcidae) 141 


Phenylthiourea  treatment  and  binding  of  radioactive  iodine  in  the 
tadpole 160 


Endoparasitic  polychaetous  annelids  of  the  family  Arabellidae  with 
descriptions  of  new  species 170 


A  diurnal  activity  rhythm  in  Plethodon  cinereus  and  its  modification 
by  an  influence  having  a  lunar  frequency 188 


Studies  on  the  effects  of  irradiation  of  cellular  particulates.    II.  The 
effect  of  gamma  radiation  on  oxygen  uptake  and  phosphorylation 198 


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