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Editorial  Board 

HAROLD  C.  BOLD,  University  of  Texas  ARTHUR  W.  POLLISTER,  Columbia  University 

FRANK  A.  BROWN,  JR.,  Northwestern  University      c    L    PROSSER)  University  of  Illinois 
JOHN  B.  BUCK,  National  Institutes  of  Health 
T.  H.  BULLOCK,  University  of  California, 

Los  Angeles 
LIBBIE  H.  HYMAN,  American  Museum  of 

Natural  History 
V.  L.  LOOSANOFF,  U.  S.  Fish  and  Wildlife 

Service       CARROLL  M.  WILLIAMS,  Harvard  University 

MARY  E.  RAWLES,  Carnegie  Institution  of 


FRANZ  SCHRADER,  Columbia  University 

WM.  RANDOLPH  TAYLOR,  University  of  Michigan 

DONALD  P.  COSTELLO,  University  of  North  Carolina 
Managing  Editor 

VOLUME  116 


Printed  and  Issued  by 





THE  BIOLOGICAL  BULLETIN  is  issued  six  times  a  year  at  the 
Lancaster  Press,  Inc.,  Prince  and  Lemon  Streets,  Lancaster,  Penn- 

Subscriptions  and  similar  matter  should  be  addressed  to  The 
Biological  Bulletin,  Marine  Biological  Laboratory,  Woods  Hole, 
Massachusetts.  Agent  for  Great  Britain :  Wheldon  and  Wesley, 
Limited,  2,  3  and  4  Arthur  Street,  New  Oxford  Street,  London, 
W.  C.  2.  Single  numbers  $2.50.  Subscription  per  volume  (three 
issues),  $6.00. 

Communications  relative  to  manuscripts  should  be  sent  to  the 
Managing  Editor,  Marine  Biological  Laboratory,  Woods  Hole, 
Massachusetts,  between  June  1  and  September  1,  and  to  Dr. 
Donald  P.  Costello,  P.O.  Box  429,  Chapel  Hill,  North  Carolina, 
during  the  remainder  of  the  year. 

Second-class  postage  paid  at  Lancaster,  Pa. 



No.   1.  FEBRUARY,  1959  PAGE 


The  influence  of  pressure,  temperature  and  urethane  on  the  luminescent 
flash  of  Mnemiopsis  leidyi 1 


Osmotic  hatching  in  the  eggs  of  some  fresh-water  copepods 15 


Dark-adapting  and  light-adapting  hormones  controlling  the  distal  retinal 
pigment  of  the  prawn  Palaemonetes  vulgaris 30 


Histophysiology  of  gill  and  kidney  of  crab  Ocypode  albicans 37 


Organic  productivity  in  the  reproductive  cycle  of  the  purple  sea  urchin  .  .      49 


The  physiology  of  skeleton  formation  in  corals.  I.  A  method  for  meas- 
uring the  rate  of  calcium  deposition  by  corals  under  different  conditions     59 

The  regulation  of  water  and  salt  by  the  fiddler  crabs,  Uca  pugnax  and 
Uca  pugilator 76 


Studies  on  the  role  of  the  corpus  allatum  in  the  Eri-silkworm,  Philosamia 
cynthia  ricini 88 


Beta-glucosidase  of  the  midgut  of  the  silkworm  Bombyx  mori 95 


The  effects  of  thiourea  and  some  related  compounds  on  regeneration  in 
planarians 106 

JONES,  N.  S.,  AND  W.   D.  BURHANCK 

Almyracuma  proximoculi  gen.  et  sp.  nov.   (Crustacea,  Cumacea)  from 
brackish  water  of  Cape  Cod,  Massachusetts 115 


Purines  and   pteridines  from   the  reflecting  pigment  of  the  arthropod 
retina 125 


The  respiratory  enzymes  of  cliapausing  silkworm  pupae:  A  new  interpre- 
tation of  carbon  monoxide-insensitive  respiration 136 


Periodicity  of  mitosis  and  cell  division  in  the  Euglenineae 162 




The  hormonal  control  of  metabolism  in  crustaceans.  IX.  Carbohydrate 
metabolism  in  the  transition  from  intermoult  to  premoult  in  Carcinides 
maenas 175 


The  life-cycle  of  the  digenetic  trematode,  Proctoeces  maculatus  (Looss, 
1901)  Odhner,  1911  [syn.  P.  subtenuis  (Linton,  1907)  Hanson,  1950], 
and  description  of  Cercaria  adranocerca  n.  sp 184 

No.  2.  APRIL,  1959 


Two  new  genera  of  dinoflagellates  from  California 195 


Photoreception  in  the  opossum  shrimp,  Mysis  relicta  Loven 204 


The  respiration  of  unfertilized  sea  urchin  eggs  in  the  presence  of  antisera 

against  fertilizin 217 


A  bicolored  gynandromorph  of  the  lobster,  Homarus  americanus 226 


Re-examination  of  an  inhibitor  of  regeneration  in  Tubularia 232 

GEORGE,  J.  C.,  AND  R.  M.  NAIK 

Studies  on  the  structure  and  physiology  of  the  flight  muscles  of  birds. 

4.  Observations  on  the  fiber  architecture  of  the  pectoralis  major  muscle 

of  the  pigeon 239 


The  effect  of  osmotic  stress  on  the  ionic  exchanges  of  a  shore  crab 248 


Histology  and  metabolism  of  frozen  intertidal  animals 258 


Chromatographic  analyses  of  amino  acids  in  the  developing  slime  mold, 

Dictyostelium  discoideum  Raper 265 

RIEGEL,  J.  A. 

Some  aspects  of  osmoregulation  in  two  species  of  sphaeromid  isopod 

Crustacea 272 

RONKIN,  R.  R. 

Motility  and  power  dissipation  in  flagellated  cells,  especially  Chlamy- 

domonas 285 


Consequences  of  unilateral  ultraviolet  irradiation  of  sea  urchin  eggs .  .  .  294 

The  role  of  the  initiator  cell  in  slime  mold  aggregation 304 


Shell  repair  in  chitons 318 


The  juvenile  hormone.  I.  Endocrine  activity  of  the  corpora  allata  of  the 

adult  Cecropia  silkworm 323 


No.  3.  JUNE,  1959 


Embryological    development    of    the    polychaetous    annelid,    Diopatra 
cuprea  (Bosc) 339 

A  contribution  to  the  biology  of  a  deep  sea  echinoid,  Allocentrotus 
fragilis  (Jackson) 362 


The  larval  development  of  Callinectes  sapidus  Rathbun  reared  in  the 
laboratory 373 


Studies  on  the  form  of  the  amphibian  red  blood  cell 397 


The  control  of  reproduction  in  Diploptera  punctata  (Blattaria) 406 


Somite  genesis  in  the  chick.  II.  Analysis  of  nutrients  from  yolk 420 


Presence  of  the  red  eft  water-drive  factor  prolactin  in  the  pituitaries  of 
teleosts 429 


Developmental  characteristics  of  low  temperature  chick  blastoderms.  I. 
Influence  of  the  hypoblast  on  development  in  vitro 436 


A  study  of  the  polysaccharide  histochemistry  of  the  oviduct  of  the 
newt,  Triturus  viridescens 446 


The  chemical  control  of  feeding  in  the  Portuguese  man-of-war,  Physalia 
physalis  L.  and  its  bearing  on  the  evolution  of  the  Cnidaria 452 


Observations  on  the  growth  of  Dunaliella  euchlora  in  culture 461 


Inhibition  of  fertilizhi  agglutination  of  sperm  by  the  dermal  secretion 
from  Arbacia 472 


Body  temperatures  in  some  Australian  mammals.  I.  Chiroptera 484 


Studies  on  the  effects  of  irradiation  of  cellular  participates.  III.  The 
effect  of  combined  radiation  treatments  on  phosphorylation 498 


Reference :  Scheer,  Bradley  T.  The  hormonal  control  of  metabolism  in  crus- 
taceans. IX.  Biol  Bull.,  116:  175-183  (February,  1959). 

Table  III  on  page  179  should  be  Table  IV ;  Table  III  was  inadvertently  omitted. 
The  mean  total  carbohydrate  of  the  blood  for  15  animals  was  10.3  mg.  per  100  ml., 
with  a  range  of  5.8  to  15.9.  There  were  no  differences  between  normal  and  eye- 
stalkless  animals  in  Stage  C4  or  D^ 

Vol.  116,  No.  1  February,  1959 






.lltirinc  Biological  Laboratory,  Woods  Hole,  Mass.,  Department  of  Biology,  Bronw  University, 
Providence,  R.  I.,  and  Department  of  Biology,  Princeton  University,  Princeton,  N.  J. 

The  luminescent  flash  response,  induced  by  electrical  stimulation  of  small  seg- 
ments of  excised  meridional  canals  of  Mneniiopsis  leidyi,  has  been  recently  analyzed 
in  relation  to  temperature  and  certain  other  factors  (Chang,  1954).  This  flash, 
as  well  as  that  of  the  firefly  (Chang,  1956),  has  been  found  to  resemble,  in  important 
respects,  the  contraction  response  of  directly  stimulated  muscle  fibers.  Temperature 
relations  of  muscular  contraction  and  various  other  biological  processes,  including 
specific  enzyme  action,  bacterial  luminescence,  cell  division,  nerve  activity,  etc.,  are 
subject  to  modification  by  increased  hydrostatic  pressure.  Moreover,  temperature- 
pressure  relations  may  be  influenced  by  the  presence  of  narcotics  such  as  alcohol 
or  urethane  as  well  as  other  chemical  agents  (cf.,  Johnson,  Eyring  and  Polissar, 
1954;  Johnson,  1957;  Brown,  1957;  Marsland,  1957;  Tasaki  and  Spyropoulos, 
1957;  Spyropoulos,  1957a,  1957b). 

Since  studies  of  pressure-temperature-inhibitor  relations  have  proved  a  useful 
approach  to  understanding  certain  aspects  of  the  chemical  and  physiological  con- 
trol of  biological  processes,  and  since  studies  incorporating  all  three  variables  are  yet 
available  with  respect  to  relatively  few  processes,  the  present  investigation  of  the 
Mneniiopsis  flash  was  undertaken.  Unfortunately,  no  separate  biochemical  com- 
ponents of  the  luminescent  system  have  been  obtained  thus  far  from  this  organism, 
and  it  does  not  secrete  a  luminous  slime,  so  the  pressure-temperature  relations 
could  not  be  studied  in  regard  to  the  luminescence  of  both  whole  organs  and  the 
reaction  system  in  vitro,  as  was  recently  done  writh  Chaetopterus  (Sie,  Chang  and 
Johnson,  1958).  More  than  8000  individual  flashes  of  the  excised  Mneniiopsis 
organs,  however,  have  been  accurately  measured  and  carefully  analyzed  to  constitute 
the  basis  of  this  study. 

1  This  study  was  aided  in  part  by  contract  Nonr  1353  (00),  Project  NR  165-233,  between 
the  Office  of  Naval  Research  and  Princeton  University,  and  in  part  by  the  Eugene  Higgens  Fund 
Allocated  to  Princeton  University.  Reproduction  in  whole  or  in  part  is  permitted  for  any 
purpose  of  the  United  States  Government. 

-  Present  address :  National  Institutes  of  Health,  Bethesda,  Maryland. 

Copyright  ©  1959,  by  the  Marine  Biological  Laboratory 



Mnemiopsis  leidyi  collected  around  Woods  Hole.  Massachusetts,  and  kept  in 
large  aquaria  with  very  slowly  running  sea  water  for  not  more  than  two  days,  were 
used  for  this  study.  As  previously  shown  (Chang,  1954),  reproducible  responses 
to  electrical  stimulation  are  obtained  only  with  small  portions  of  the  photogenic 
organs,  which  are  closely  associated  with  the  meridional  canals.  For  experiments, 
the  canals,  with  their  closely  adjacent  tissues,  were  carefully  excised.  A  small  piece, 
measuring  from  1.5  to  4  mm.  in  length,  and  including  from  one  to  four  paddle  plates, 
was  cut  out  for  the  test  material.  This  piece  was  then  placed  in  a  Incite  chamber 
which  in  turn  was  sealed  in  a  pressure  bomb  with  a  glass  window  as  previously 
described  (Sie,  Chang  and  Johnson,  1958)  for  the  purpose  of  stimulation  at  normal 
or  under  increased  hydrostatic  pressures. 

A  pair  of  Ag-AgCl  electrodes  in  the  specimen  chamber  was  connected  to  an 
electronic  stimulator  which  had  controllable  parameters  of  pulse  amplitude,  dura- 
tion, repetition  frequency  and  synchronization  delay.  The  flash  response  was  re- 
corded by  means  of  a  stabilized  photomultiplier-amplifier  unit  described  by  Chang 
(1954).  The  two  beams  of  a  dual-beam  cathode-ray  oscillograph  were  fed  respec- 
tively by  the  output  of  the  light  detection  unit  and  by  the  stimulus  signal,  and  were 
photographed  on  a  continuously  moving  film  or  with  a  single-frame  camera. 

Increased  pressure  was  applied  by  means  of  an  oil-filled  hydraulic  pump  operated 
by  hand.  Pressures  up  to  10,000  pounds  per  square  inch  (psi)  could  be  applied 
within  approximately  one  second. 

The  time  course  of  the  flash  response 

The  time  course  of  luminescent  intensity  in  the  Mnemiopsis  flash  has  been  shown 
to  remain  unaltered  with  increasing  flash  maxima  due  to  increasing  strength  of 
stimulation  (Chang,  1954).  Results  obtained  in  the  present  study  show  that,  with 
a  given  strength  of  stimulation,  increased  pressure  reduces  the  flash  maxima  but 
the  time  course  of  intensity  again  remains  essentially  the  same.  Figure  1  illustrates 
superimposed  tracings  of  oscilloscope  records  from  a  single  specimen  under  dif- 
ferent pressures  up  to  1000  psi  at  room  temperature.  With  this  specimen,  higher 
pressures  diminished  the  flash  intensity  so  much  that  the  form  of  the  response  was 
hardly  analyzable. 

Temperature  has  a  marked  effect  on  the  time  course  of  the  responding  flash, 
which  becomes  progressively  prolonged  as  the  temperature  is  lowered  (Chang, 
1954).  At  a  given  constant  temperature,  between  35  and  15.5°  C.,  however,  the 
time  course  was  found  to  remain  unaltered  by  increased  pressure. 

Latent  period 

According  to  a  limited  amount  of  data  obtained  in  the  present  study  with  re- 
spect to  the  latent  period  between  the  time  of  stimulation  and  the  onset  of  luminescent 
response,  no  significant  variation  was  induced  by  pressure.  While  a  critical  study 
of  this  relationship  would  require  additional  experiments  specifically  designed  for 
this  purpose,  it  appears  likely  that  the  differences  in  the  latent  period  under  normal 
and  increased  pressures  wrould  be  quite  small,  if  any. 


Pressure  versus  flash  height  at  constant  temperature 

The  initial  effect  of  increased  pressure  was  always  to  reduce  the  intensity  of 
the  flash,  and  remarkably  small  amounts  of  pressure  were  required  to  produce  a 
detectable  decrease  in  flash  height,  so  small  in  fact  that  they  could  not  be  read 
accurately  on  the  hydraulic  pump's  gauge,  which  was  not  calibrated  for  pressures 
less  than  200  psi.  Moreover,  when  applied  suddenly,  as  little  as  1000  to  1500  psi 



60        90        120       150 



FIGURE  1.  Superimposed  tracings  of  oscillograph  records  of  luminescent  responses  of  a 
single  specimen  at  22°  C.,  under  normal  and  various  increased  pressures,  applied  in  a  step-wise 
series.  The  time  was  measured  from  the  front  edge  of  the  square  pulse  used  for  stimulation. 

often  caused  a  virtually  complete  inhibition  of  the  luminescent  response  (Fig.  2,  A 
and  C).  Frequently,  though  not  invariably,  however,  a  process  of  adaptation  under 
a  sustained  pressure  took  place,  whereby  during  continued  stimulation  at  a  given 
frequency  the  flash  reappeared  and  facilitated  to  successively  higher  maxima,  some- 
times reaching  intensities  several  times  greater  than  the  highest  intensity  observed 
with  identical  stimuli  prior  to  compression  (Fig.  2,  C).  Apparently,  this  same 


process  of  adaptation  occurred  to  various  extents  during  step-wise  application  of 
pressure  in  small  increments,  inasmuch  as  such  step-wise  increases  up  to  a  given 
pressure  were  considerably  less  inhibitory  than  a  sudden  increase  to  that  pressure 
(Fig.  2). 









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FIGURE  2.  Intensities  of  flashes  responding  to  repeated,  identical  rectangular  pulses  at 
the  rate  of  one  every  3  seconds.  B  and  C  were  taken  from  the  same  specimen,  and  A  from 
another.  The  downward  arrows  represent  the  time  of  application  of  the  various  pressures 
indicated  in  psi,  and  upward  arrows  represent  decompression  to  normal  pressure.  The  flashes 
that  went  off  scale  in  C  reached  a  height  of  16  or  above  on  the  relative  scale  of  the  figure 
when  measured  at  a  lower  sensitivity  of  the  phototube. 

The  initial  effect  of  decompression  was  essentially  always  an  increase  in  flash 
maxima  over  those  occurring  while  under  pressure,  or  in  some  instances  those 
occurring  prior  to  compression  (Fig.  2,  A,  B,  C).  Such  increases  sometimes  at- 
tained dramatic  proportions,  especially  in  those  instances  wherein  adaptation  under 
pressure  had  taken  place  to  a  very  marked  extent,  as  indicated  in  Figure  2,  C  and 























/55°          * 









1,000  2DOO 



FIGURE  3.  Relation  between  pressure  and  logarithm  of  flash  intensity,  in  a  step-wise  series 
of  pressure  increases  during  repetitive  responses  to  identical  stimuli.  Dashed  lines  were  drawn 
by  inspection,  the  lower  two  lines  pertaining  to  a  specimen  in  sea  water,  and  the  uppermost 
line  to  a  specimen  in  sea  water  containing  0.1  M  urethane. 

illustrated  more  clearly  in  later  figures.  The  only  exceptions  to  increasing  flash 
maxima  following  decompression  occurred  when,  for  unknown  reasons,  the  speci- 
men deteriorated  under  pressure  with  complete  loss  of  excitability  (Fig.  6,  A). 

Because  of  a  wide  variability  in  the  quantitative  effects  of  pressure  on  different 
specimens,  and  the  phenomenon  of  adaptation  that  occurred  to  various  extents  at 
unpredictable  rates,  reliable  data  concerning  the  relation  between  amount  of  pres- 
sure and  of  effect  produced  are  obviously  difficult  to  achieve.  The  physiological 
state  of  the  specimen  at  the  moment  of  the  experiment  was  evidently  an  important 
factor  in  the  results  obtained.  The  most  feasible  approach  to  investigating  the 
quantitative  relation  between  amount  of  pressure  and  effect  produced  appeared  to 


be  through  a  series  of  rapid,  step-wise  pressure  increases,  that  would  permit  a 
minimum  of  adaptation  in  a  given  specimen,  under  repetitive  stimulation  by  square 
pulses  of  identical  voltage  and  duration  fired  at  a  constant  frequency.  The  results 
of  such  a  series  at  15.5°  C.  are  shown  in  Figure  2,  A  and  2,  B.  Although  analysis 
of  these  results  is  subject  to  the  complicating  factors  referred  to  above,  data  from 
Figure  2  and  from  two  other  experiments  are  plotted  in  an  analytical  manner  (cf., 
Johnson,  Eyring  and  Polissar,  1954)  in  Figure  3,  where  each  point  represents  the 
height  of  an  individual  flash  in  a  series  of  three  to  eight  flashes  immediately  before 
or  after  a  change  in  pressure,  at  a  constant  stimulation  frequency  of  one  every  three 
seconds  throughout. 

Despite  the  numerous  factors  that  potentially  influence  the  observed  results,  the 
relationship  between  the  logarithm  of  relative  flash  height  and  the  amount  of  pres- 
sure under  which  the  response  occurred  appears  to  be  roughly  linear.  The  slopes 
of  the  dashed  lines  drawn  by  inspection  in  Figure  3  indicate  a  molecular  volume 
change  of  about  170  cc.  per  mole  for  the  over-all  process. 

Pressure  effects  at  different  temperatures 

At  a  temperature  as  low  as  5°  C.,  strong  stimuli  elicited  only  a  weak  response 
at  normal  pressure.  Under  1000  psi  the  response  was  abolished  and  it  failed  to 
return  after  decompression,  so  further  experiments  at  temperatures  this  low  were 
abandoned.  A  large  number  of  experiments  were  done  within  the  range  15  to 
36°  C.,  however,  and  representative  results  are  illustrated  in  Figures  4,  5,  and  6,  in 
addition  to  Figure  2. 

Qualitatively,  no  pronounced  differences  in  the  effects  of  pressure  at  the  different 
temperatures  were  found.  The  same  phenomena,  and  same  sort  of  variability  as 
described  above  for  experiments  at  15.5°,  were  encountered  at  all  the  higher  tem- 
peratures studied.  Quantitative  differences  are  difficult  to  make  certain  of,  for 
the  reasons  already  indicated.  Certain  generalizations,  however,  may  be  adduced 
from  the  data,  as  follows. 

First,  at  all  temperatures  the  initial  effect  of  pressure  was  to  reduce  the  intensity 
of  the  flash. 

Second,  at  all  temperatures  a  sudden  compression  was  more  effective  in  reducing 
the  flash  intensity  than  was  a  more  gradual  or  step-wise  increase  in  pressure. 

Third,  adaptation  and  facilitation  under  pressure  varied  unaccountably.  Out  of 
the  total  number  of  experiments  performed,  they  failed  to  occur  in  a  larger  number 
of  instances  than  they  did  occur.  In  some  instances  they  failed  to  occur  during 
reasonably  long  periods  of  sustained  pressure  (Figs.  2,  A ;  4.  A;  5,  B  ;  6,  A)  even 
though  excitability  was  not  destroyed,  as  shown  by  recovery  after  decompression. 
In  other  instances,  they  occurred  readily,  sometimes  resulting  in  flash  intensities 
greatly  exceeding  those  at  normal  pressure  as  already  noted  (Fig.  2,  C,  1000  psi), 
or  at  pressures  as  high  as  3000  psi  (Fig.  5,  A).  4000  psi  (Fig.  6,  B)  and  5000 
psi  (not  illustrated).  Moreover,  adaptation  and  facilitation  sometimes  occurred 
promptly  on  raising  the  pressure  from  a  given  high  pressure,  where  they  had  not 
appreciably  occurred,  to  a  still  higher  pressure,  e.g.,  after  raising  from  2000  psi  to 
3000  psi  (Figs.  4,  A  and  6,  B). 

Fourth,  although  sudden  decompression  always  led  to  an  increase  in  flash  in- 
tensity, the  pattern  of  changing  maxima  in  successive  flashes  varied  considerably. 



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5«-     * 

^                             O 

ui                0 

O                              ' 

_      o  C)       °                                                                             ^ 

_  _           o  o 

X  3  ~"          ^^j- 

^§§5     §                                                             fy 

<f                   sb  \1/ 

J.  J/  J.  J,                                  c>                                                                               ^ 


§                                         Q                                        ^ 



y                   <*i                                  Ci                                 (^ 

|                                 $                                  * 


1        1                                        * 

iillllllllll  Lin,      ,,n,    llllniMilMMi 

1  Itiii*- 


2                           3 

4                            5 

6                            7 


FIGURE  4.  Intensities  of  flash  response  to  repeated  identical  stimuli,  at  the  rate  of  one 
every  3  seconds  (A  and  C)  and  of  3  per  second  (B).  Arrows  represent  the  time  of  applying 
or  of  releasing,  pressure  indicated  as  psi.  Room  temperature. 



In  some  instances  there  was  a  relatively  large  "overshoot"  in  the  first  one  or  two 
flashes  after  decompression,  followed  by  a  fairly  rapid  decline  (Figs.  2,  A;  4,  C; 
5,  A;  5,  B;  6,  A),  whereas  in  other  instances  decompression  was  followed  by  a 
more  or  less  gradual  facilitation  (Fig.  2,  C  and  Fig.  4,  B,  after  1000  psi;  Fig.  4,  A, 







I    0- 










(I   5- 
















FIGURE  S.  Influence  of  pressure  on  flash  responses,  at  25°  C.,  to  repetitive  stimulation  at 
a  frequency  of  one  every  three  seconds.  During  two  periods  under  pressure,  stimulation  was 
discontinued  as  indicated  in  the  figure.  The  complete  series,  A  and  B,  is  from  a  single  speci- 
men, with  a  rest  period  indicated  by  the  break  in  the  abscissa  of  B. 

after  4000  psi).     Out  of  the  total  series  of  experiments,  a  very  few  specimens 
deteriorated  and  failed  to  recover  at  all  (e.g.,  Fig.  6,  A,  after  5000  psi). 

Fifth,  excess  flash  intensities  after  decompression  were  not  dependent  on  main- 
taining repetitive  stimulation  during  the  period  of  sustained  pressure  (Fig.  5,  A 
and  B). 


Sixth,  qualitatively  the  same  phenomena  were  observed  when  a  high  as  well  as 
when  a  low  frequency  of  stimulation  and  response  were  involved.  A  representative 
example  of  a  high  frequency  of  stimulation,  i.e.,  3  per  second,  is  shown  in  Figure 
4,  B,  for  comparison  with  the  more  commonly  employed  frequency  of  one  every 
three  seconds.  The  higher  frequency  was  inconvenient  as  a  routine,  both  because 
of  the  rapid  fatigue  always  associated  with  it,  and  the  difficulty  of  applying  a  desired 
pressure  in  a  fraction  of  a  second  between  flashes. 
























FIGURE  6.     Flash  responses  under  various  pressures,  at  34°  (A)  and  30°  C.  (B),  at  a  stimulation 
frequency  of  one  every  three  seconds.     Two  different  specimens. 

Finally,  with  reference  to  adaptation  and  facilitation  under  pressure,  as  well  as 
to  excess  flash  intensities  following  release  of  pressure,  a  noteworthy  observation 
was  made  on  a  number  of  occasions,  namely,  that  specimens  which  had  lost  their 
excitability,  through  fatigue  or  other  causes,  could  be  rendered  excitable  again 
merely  by  holding  them  under  3000  to  5000  psi  for  periods  of  one  to  five  minutes. 
Such  treatments  were  not  invariably  successful,  of  course,  inasmuch  as  deterioration 
beyond  the  possibility  of  recovery  sometimes  occurred. 



Urethane  and  pressure 

At  room  temperature,  1.0  M  urethane  in  sea  water  quickly  abolished  the 
luminescent  response.  Lower  concentrations  of  0.5  down  to  0.05  M  caused  in- 
hibitions that  varied  in  extent  with  the  individual  specimen,  the  amount  of  adherent 
jelly,  and  duration  of  exposure  to  the  drug.  Although  some  specimens  gave 
luminescent  flashes,  at  reduced  intensity,  in  0.5  M  urethane,  at  least  for  a  short 
period  of  time,  other  specimens  very  rapidly  lost  their  excitability  in  0.25  M.  In 
0.2  to  0.15  M  urethane  the  response  of  excised  canals  disappeared  after  a  few 








1     § 


*       ^ 







.  4 





^               k 

I     1- 

1                                        ^^ 

u    °- 


1.  1 



I       0                     30                   60 

90                    120                  150                   (80 




3,  000    ON 



--_!  ' 








I  - 





1                                   1                                   1 
10                           20                           30 

40                            5 


FIGURE  7.  Flash  responses,  under  various  pressures,  of  a  single  specimen  in  sea  water 
containing  0.1  M  urethane  at  23.7°  C.  Stimulation  frequencies  were  one  every  3  seconds  (A) 
and  2  per  second  (B). 

minutes  and  the  cilia  stopped  beating,  although  in  sea  water  without  urethane  the 
luminescence  and  ciliary  action  would  often  persist  for  a  couple  of  days.  In  0.1  M 
urethane  the  response  was  lost  after  about  half  an  hour,  but  in  0.05  M  it  persisted 
dimly  for  a  longer  time.  Thus,  urethane  causes  a  progressively  increasing  inhibition 
of  the  flash  response,  at  a  rate  depending  on  the  concentration  added,  being  faster 
the  greater  the  concentration.  In  studying  the  influence  of  pressure,  therefore,  the 
experiments  wrere  carried  out  within  a  short  period  of  time  after  adding  the  drug. 

The  results  showed  that  the  generalizations  described  in  the  preceding  section 
with  respect  to  the  action  of  pressure  in  absence  of  urethane  are  qualitatively  ap- 


plicable  in  the  presence  of  urethane.  Representative  data  are  illustrated  in  Figure 
7,  for  0.1  M  urethane  and  two  different  frequencies  of  stimulation.  The  instability 
of  the  system  in  the  presence  of  urethane,  especially  in  the  higher  concentrations  or 
at  higher  temperatures,  made  satisfactory  experiments  difficult  to  carry  out,  and  the 
quantitative  significance  of  the  results  uncertain.  The  data  indicate,  however,  that 
no  marked  difference  in  volume  change  for  the  over-all  process  of  the  flash  is 
caused  by  urethane  (see  Fig.  3). 


The  Mnemiopsis  flash  is  obviously  limited  by  two  types  of  processes,  namely, 
physiological  excitation  that  leads  to  a  luminescent  response,  and  biochemical  reac- 
tions involved  in  light  emission  itself.  While  detailed  information  is  not  available 
with  respect  to  either  of  these  processes,  it  is  reasonable  to  believe  that  pressure  can 
alter  the  response  by  influencing  the  state  of  the  activating  system  in  the  photogenic 
organ  just  prior  to,  or  at  the  time  of  stimulation,  as  it  does  in  muscle  (Brown, 
1957).  Moreover,  it  may  be  assumed  with  considerable  assurance  that  the  process 
of  light  emission  is  limited  by  the  activity  of  one  or  more  essential  enzymes.  The 
probability  that  Mnemiopsis  luminescence  is  directly  dependent  on  more  than  one 
enzyme  is  suggested  by  the  somewhat  complicated  effects  of  pressure  described  in 
this  paper,  as  well  as  by  the  inability  to  demonstrate  a  simple  "luciferin-lucif  erase 
reaction,"  i.e.,  light  emission  on  mixing  a  boiled  and  cooled  aqueous  extract  of  the 
triturated  photogenic  organs  with  a  cold-water  extract  of  similar  organs.  Even 
with  a  single  limiting  enzyme,  pressure  may  affect  the  over-all  process  through 
several  mechanisms.  Two  mechanisms  of  potential  importance  are  (1),  by  in- 
fluencing an  equilibrium  between  catalytically  active  and  reversibly  inactivated 
states  of  the  enzyme,  the  actual  state  depending  upon  temperature  and  the  condi- 
tions of  the  chemical  environment  such  as  presence  of  drugs,  ions,  or  other  agents 
that  act  on  the  equilibrium,  and  (2),  by  influencing  the  catalytic  process  itself,  i.e., 
the  change  from  normal  to  activated  states  of  the  reactants.  Where  consecutive  re- 
actions are  responsible  for  the  measured  results,  the  effects  of  increased  pressure 
are  liable  to  become  considerably  more  complicated,  and  transitory  changes  from 
one  steady-state  to  another  can  assume  a  variety  of  patterns,  such  as  an  initial 
augmentation  followed  by  an  inhibition,  or  vice  versa,  with  a  converse  pattern  as- 
sociated with  the  release  of  pressure. 

In  the  present  experiments  the  immediate  effects  of  changes  in  pressure  are  at- 
tributable to  an  immediate  change  in  one  or  more  specific  reaction  rate  constants,  or 
possibly  equilibrium  constants.  The  phenomena  of  adaptation  and  facilitation  under 
pressure,  as  well  as  "overshoot"  following  decompression,  are  indicative  of  changes 
in  steady  state  concentrations  of  reactants,  although  effects  on  slowly  changing 
states  of  equilibria  cannot  be  ruled  out.  Such  equilibrium  changes  could  pertain, 
a  priori,  either  to  the  process  of  physiological  excitation  or  to  enzymes  involved  in 
light  emission,  but  the  fact  that  "overshoot"  and  excess  luminescence  following  a 
period  under  pressure  are  not  contingent  on  continued  stimulation  during  that 
period  argues  against  the  process  of  physiological  excitation  as  the  major  site  of 

The  pronounced  instability  of  the  Mnemiopsis  system  at  high  temperatures  or  in 


the  presence  of  urethane  makes  it  unusually  difficult  to  find  evidence  of  any  re- 
versible, inactivation  equilibrium  change,  analogous  to  those  which  limit  other 
processes  that  undergo  less  rapid  destruction  under  the  influence  of  these  factors 
(Johnson,  Eyring  and  Polissar,  1954).  In  Mnemiopsis,  if  such  equilibria  exist, 
they  are  obscured  by  the  essentially  irreversible  processes,  and  the  effect  of  pressure 
on  these  equilibria  becomes  correspondingly  difficult  to  detect. 

Finally,  some  basic  similarities  should  be  pointed  out  with  respect  to  the  in- 
fluence of  pressure  on  the  electrically  stimulated  flash  in  excised  segments  of  the 
Mneniiopsis  organ,  and  on  the  much  slower  flash  in  excised  notopodia  of 
Chaetopterus  (Sie,  Chang  and  Johnson,  1958).  Thus,  both  exhibit  initial  reduc- 
tions in  flash  maxima,  followed  by  adaptation  and  facilitation  under  pressure,  as 
well  as  "overshoot"  and  excess  luminescence  on  release  of  pressure.  Parenthetically, 
in  view  of  the  fact  that  the  vertical  distribution  of  certain  ctenophores  extends  to 
depths  of  some  2500  meters  (Chun,  1903),  where  the  pressure  amounts  to  250 
atmospheres  or  about  3500  psi,  it  is  interesting  to  surmise  that  the  phenomenon  of 
adaptation  of  the  flash  response  to  increased  pressure  might  enable  a  luminescent 
ctenophore  to  descend  gradually  from  the  surface  of  the  sea  to  such  depths  without 
having  the  intensity  of  its  flash  reduced  by  the  increase  in  pressure. 

The  similarities  between  the  flash  of  Mnemiopsis  and  that  of  Chaetopterus,  as 
well  as  similarities  in  the  effects  of  pressure  on  the  two,  are  more  impressive  than 
the  differences,  which  are  largely  quantitative.  The  flash  of  the  latter  organism 
is  of  the  order  of  100  times  longer  in  duration,  but  in  both  organisms  the  decay  after 
peak  intensity  is  exponential,  and  in  both  organisms  the  time-course  becomes  longer 
with  decrease  in  temperature.  The  Chaetopterus  flash,  as  well  as  luminescence 
intensity  of  the  secreted  slime,  are  somewhat  less  sensitive  to  increased  pressure 
than  is  the  Mnemiopsis  flash,  while  the  effects  of  increased  pressure  are  more  sensi- 
tive to  temperature  and  to  the  presence  of  urethane. 

The  foregoing  remarks  are  necessarily  somewhat  general.  Further  and  more 
specific  interpretation  of  the  observed  phenomena  must  await  more  detailed  knowl- 
edge than  is  presently  available  concerning  the  total  process  of  the  flash  response. 
The  effects  of  pressure  on  the  luminescence  of  homogenates  ("squeezates")  of 
Mnemiopsis  have  been  studied  and  will  be  made  the  subject  of  a  later  communication. 


Using  small  segments  of  excised  meridional  canals  of  Mnemiopsis  leidyi, 
luminescent  flashes  induced  by  square  wave  electrical  pulses  of  precise  voltage  and 
duration  have  been  accurately  recorded  with  the  aid  of  a  photomultiplier-amplifier 
and  dual  beam  cathode  ray  oscillograph.  Analyses  of  more  than  8000  flashes,  under 
various  conditions  of  temperature,  hydrostatic  pressure,  urethane  concentration, 
and  frequency  of  repetitive  stimulation,  have  led  to  the  following  generalizations. 

1.  The  time  course  of  luminescence  intensity  in  an  individual  flash  at  a  given  tem- 
perature is  not  appreciably  altered  by  increased  pressures  which  greatly  reduce  the 
flash  maximum. 

2.  The  latent  period  between  time  of  stimulation  and  onset  of  response  is  like- 
wise not  significantly  altered  by  pressure,  within  the  sensitivity  of  the  methods 


3.  In  a  series  of  consecutive  flashes,  at  frequencies  of  one  per  3  seconds  to  4  per 
second,  the  initial  effect  of  increased  pressure  is  always  to  reduce  the  maximum 
intensity  of  the  flash ;  detectable  reductions  are  caused  by  relatively  slight  pressures, 
of  less  than  100  psi. 

4.  A  series  of  pressure  increases  in  increments  of  several  hundred  psi  is  less  in- 
hibitory on  flash  intensities  than  a  sudden  increase  to  the  highest  pressure  involved. 
Sudden  increases  of  1000  to  5000  psi  temporarily  abolish  the  flash,  whereas  with 
gradual  increases  to  these  pressures,  the  flash  may  persist,  though  at  reduced  in- 

5.  Under   a    sustained    pressure,    a    process    of    adaptation    frequently    occurs, 
whereby  on  continued  repetitive  stimulation  the  initially  inhibited  flash  recovers  and 
then  facilitates,  sometimes  to  much  higher  intensities  than  prior  to  compression. 

6.  On  sudden  decompression,  part  way  or  all  the  way  to  atmospheric  pressure, 
the  initial  effect  is  always  an  increase  in  flash  intensity  over  that  occurring  under 
pressure,  or  sometimes  over  that  occurring  prior  to  compression.     The  only  excep- 
tion occurs  when  excitability  has  disappeared  completely,  as  occasionally  happens. 

7.  The  recovery  process  after  pressure  assumes  a  variety  of  unpredictable  pat- 
terns;  in  some  instances  the  first  one  to  three  flashes  are  excessively  high  ("over- 
shoot"), followed  by  rapidly  decreasing  flash  maxima,  whereas  in  other  instances 
a  gradual  facilitation  and  decline  take  place. 

8.  Excess  luminescence  intensity  in  the  recovery  phase  is  independent  of  main- 
taining repetitive  stimulation  during  the  preceding  period  under  pressure. 

9.  Excitability  that  has  been  lost  through  fatigue  or  unknown  causes  can  be 
restored  in  some  instances  by  subjecting  the  specimen  to  pressures  of  3000  to  5000 
psi  for  periods  of  1  to  5  minutes. 

10.  Qualitatively  the  same  results  of  pressure  are  observed  at  various  tempera- 
tures between  15  and  35°  C.     Any  definite  influence  of  temperature  on  the  effects 
of  pressure  is  obscured  by  variations  in  the  quantitative  effect  of  a  given  pressure  on 
different  specimens  and  on  the  same  specimen  in  different  physiological  states. 

11.  Urethane,  in  concentrations  between  0.05  and  0.5  M,  causes  a  progressively 
increasing  reduction  of  flash  maxima  with  duration  of  exposure  of  the  drug,  and 
at  rates  that  increase  with  drug  concentration  and  temperature.     Qualitatively  the 
same  phenomena  are  observed  with  respect  to  the  influence  of  pressure  on  the  flash 
jn  the  presence  as  in  the  absence  of  urethane. 

12.  The  Mnemiopsis  photogenic  system  is  particularly  sensitive  to  destructive 
effects  of  urethane  and  of  elevated  temperatures,  thereby  obscuring  the  possible 
existence  of  reversible  thermal  inactivation  reactions  and  the  possible  influence  of 
pressure  thereon. 


BROWN,  D.  E.  S.,  1957.     Temperature-pressure  relation  in  muscular  contraction.     In:  Influence 

of   Temperature    on    Biological    Systems,    F.    H.    Johnson    (ed. ),    pp.    83-110.     Amer. 

Physiol.  Soc.  Publishers,  Washington,  D.  C. 
CHANG,  J.  J.,  1954.     Analysis  of  the  luminescent  response  of  the  ctenophore,  Mnemiopsis  Lcidyi, 

to  stimulation.     /.  Cell.  Comp.  Physiol.,  44 :  365-394. 
CHANG,  J.  J.,  1956.     On  the  similarity  of  response  of  muscle  tissue  and  of  lampyrid  light  organs. 

/.  Cell.  Comp.  Physiol.,  47  :  489-492. 

CHUN,  C.,  1903.     Aus  den  Tiefen  des  Weltmeeres.     Gustav  Fischer,  Jena.     (Cf.  p.  545.) 
JOHNSON,  F.  H.  (ed.),  1957.     Influence  of  Temperature  on  Biological  Systems.     Amer.  Physiol. 

Soc.,  Publishers,  Washington,  D.  C. 


JOHNSON,  F.  H.,  H.  EYRING  AND  M.  J.  POLISSAR,  1954.     The  Kinetic  Basis  of  Molecular  Biology. 

John  Wiley  and  Sons,  New  York. 
MARSLAND,  D.  A.,  1957.     Temperature-pressure  studies  on  the  role  of  sol-gel  reactions  in  cell 

division.     In:  Influence  of  Temperature  on  Biological  Systems,  F.  H.  Johnson-  (ed.). 

pp.  111-126,  Amer.  Physiol.  Soc.,  Publishers,  Washington,  D.  C. 
SIE,  H.-C.,  J.  J.  CHANG  AND  F.  H.  JOHNSON,  1958.     Pressure-temperature-inhibitor  relations  in 

the  luminescence  of  Chaetopterus  variopedatus  and  its  luminescent  secretion.     /.  Cell. 

Comp.  Physio!.,  in  press. 
SPYROPOULOS,  C.  S.,  1957a.     Response  of  single  nerve  fibers  at  different  hydrostatic  pressures. 

Amer.  J.  Physiol.,  189 :  214-218. 
SPYROPOULOS,  C.  S.,  1957b.     The  effects  of  hydrostatic  pressure  upon  the  normal  and  narcotized 

nerve  fiber.    /.  Gen.  Physiol.,  40 :  849-857. 
TASAKI,  I.,  AND  C.  S.  SPYROPOULOS,  1957.     Influence  of  changes  in  temperature  and  pressure  on 

the  nerve  fiber.     In:  Influence  of  Temperature  on  Biological  Systems,  F.  H.  Johnson 

(ed.),  pp.  201-220,  Amer.  Physiol.  Soc.,  Publishers,  Washington,  D.  C. 


Department  of  Biology,  H7estern  Rcsen'c  University,  Cleveland  6,  Ohio 

Hatching  of  the  eggs  of  eucopepods  apparently  has  been  described  only  by 
Marshall  and  Orr  (1954,  1955)  and  Ziegelmayer  (1927).  The  two  papers  differ 
fundamentally  in  the  interpretation  that  is  given,  for  Ziegelmayer,  working  with  17 
species  of  Cyclops,  thought  the  outer  egg  membrane  swelled  over  a  period  of  6  to  12 
or  more  hours,  developing  a  pressure  between  the  inner  and  the  outer  membranes. 
Subsequently,  according  to  him,  the  outer  membrane  would  burst,  and  the  nauplius 
emerge,  closely  surrounded  by  the  inner  membrane.  On  the  other  hand,  Marshall 
and  Orr  thought  that  the  inner  membrane  swelled,  and  that  the  pressure  developing 
within  it  resulted  in  the  rupture  of  the  outer  membrane.  The  inner  membrane,  con- 
taining the  unhatched  nauplius,  emerged  through  the  opening.  These  authors 
described  a  considerable  space  between  the  nauplius  and  the  stretched  inner  mem- 
brane. Observations  were  made  by  Marshall  and  Orr  ( 1954 )  primarily  on  the 
marine  calanoid,  Calanus  finniarchicus,  but  they  supplemented  their  study  by  the 
examination  of  other  marine  copepods  belonging  to  four  sub-orders  (Calanoida, 
Cyclopoida,  Harpacticoida,  and  Caligoida),  and  by  the  examination  of  two  species 
of  fresh-water  cyclopoids  (Cyclops  agilis  and  C.  viridis).1 

From  the  general  appearance  of  the  hatching  process,  both  Ziegelmayer  and 
Marshall  and  Orr  concluded  that  it  was  osmotically  controlled.  Although  Ziegel- 
mayer's  paper  was  devoted  largely  to  reports  of  experiments  on  the  permeability 
and  changes  of  permeability  of  the  membrane,  he  performed  no  experiments  that 
were  aimed  at  proof  of  osmotic  control.  Marshall  and  Orr  performed  a  rather 
inconclusive  experiment,  in  which  they  placed  15  Calanus  finniarchicus  eggs  that 
were  nearly  ready  to  hatch  in  sea  water  that  had  been  diluted  with  a  small  quantity 
of  fresh  water.  Eleven  of  the  eggs  bulged  and  7  hatched  successfully,  whereas  in 
the  controls  in  undiluted  sea-water  only  3  out  of  14  bulged  and  hatched. 

In  explanation  of  the  onset  of  the  hatching  process,  Ziegelmayer  was  convinced 
that  there  was  a  change  of  the  permeability  of  the  membrane,  caused  by  some  in- 
fluence (hormone?)  from  within  (hence,  from  the  enclosed  nauplius).  On  the 
other  hand,  Marshall  and  Orr  (1954)  suggested  that  it  (p.  400)  "might  be  that  a 
sudden  increase  of  excretion  by  the  embryo  leads  to  an  increased  content  of  salts  and 
the  imbibition  of  water." 


Ovigerous  specimens  of  Diaptomus  siciloides,  D.  ashlandi,  D.  oregonensis, 
Cvclops  bicuspidatus  and  Mesocyclops  eda.r  were  taken  from  the  plankton  in 

1  After  the  present  paper  was  in  press,  it  was  discovered  that  P.  Heegaard  in  1947  (Con- 
tribution to  the  phylogeny  of  the  arthropods :  Copepoda,  in  Spolia  Zool.  Mus.  Hauniensis,  8  : 
1-227)  had  given  figures  and  brief  descriptions  clearly  indicating  that  hatching  in  C  aligns 
curtits,  C.  rapa.r,  and  Lernacoccra  branchialis  occurs  in  a  manner  comparable  to  that  described 
by  Marshall  and  Orr  (1954). 



Hatchery  Bay,  Put-in-Bay,  Ohio  (western  Lake  Erie)  in  mid- June  to  mid- July, 
1958  (air  and  water  temperatures  were  21°  ±  1°  C.  during  the  period  of  collection 
and  observation  —  23°  C.  for  M.  eda.r).  Most  of  the  observations,  and  all  of  the 
experiments,  were  with  Diaptomus  ashlandi  and  D.  siciloides.  Specimens  were 
kept  in  U.  S.  Bureau  of  Plant  Industry  model  watch-glasses  until  chosen  for  de- 
tailed observations,  at  which  time  the  egg  sacs  were  removed  from  the  mothers  and 
the  eggs  observed  with  a  compound  microscope  magnifying  lOOx  and  443  X.  No 
coverslip  was  used,  the  objective  being  immersed  directly  into  the  water  when 

Observations  of  the  hatching  procedure  were  supplemented  by  experiments  de- 
signed to  test  the  validity  of  the  osmotic  theory  of  hatching.  Sucrose  solutions  were 
made  up  of  the  following  concentrations:  1  M,  0.5  M,  0.4  M,  0.3  M,  0.2  M,  0.1  M, 
0.05  M,  0.04  M,  0.03  M,  0.02  M,  and  0.01  M.  These  solutions  were  used  to  ascer- 
tain the  approximate  osmotic  value  of  the  fluid  within  the  inner  membrane,  and  to 
test  the  permeability  to  water  of  the  inner  membrane  and  larval  surface  at  certain 
stages  of  the  development  of  the  nauplius  in  relation  to  the  moment  of  hatching.  To 
avoid  repetition,  the  detailed  experimental  procedures  are  more  conveniently  given 
below  under  Results. 

The  work  for  this  paper  was  undertaken  at  the  F.  T.  Stone  Laboratory,  and  was 
supported  by  a  research  stipend  furnished  by  the  Ohio  Division  of  Wildlife,  through 
the  Ohio  Natural  Resources  Institute,  Charles  A.  Dambach,  Director.  Sincere 
thanks  are  extended  to  Dr.  Dambach,  and  to  Dr.  Loren  Putnam,  Director  of  the 
Stone  Laboratory,  for  their  unstinted  aid  in  providing  space  and  equipment  for  the 
accomplishment  of  the  project. 

1.  Simple  observations 

No  difference  was  observed  in  the  hatching  of  the  eggs  of  Diaptomus  siciloides, 
D.  oregonensis,  and  D.  ashlandi.  Before  hatching,  the  eggs  averaged  109  p.  in 
diameter,  and  thus  had  a  volume  of  678,110  /A  Individual  eggs  were  separated 
from  each  other  by  the  material  of  the  egg  sac  proper,  as  shown  in  Figure  1,  which 
depicts  a  portion  of  an  egg  mass  of  D.  siciloides,  with  the  eggs  near  the  hatching 
stage.  In  this  preparation  the  eggs  were  spread  apart  with  fine  needles  for  ease  in 
viewing  them,  and  one  has  been  displaced  from  the  egg  sac.  As  shown,  there  are 
spaces  of  small  but  variable  magnitude  between  the  egg  sac  material  and  the  eggs 
proper.  Only  a  single  membrane  can  be  distinguished  around  the  enclosed  larva 
but  in  reality  there  are  two,  as  shown  below.  The  contained  embryo  for  the  most 
part  fills  the  entire  space  within  the  membranes,  although  when  viewed  from  the 
dorsal  aspect,  the  naupliar  appendages  are  visible  laterally,  closely  appressed  against 
the  body.  The  red  bi-crescentic  naupliar  eye  is  clearly  visible  anteriorly.  The 
nauplius  was  observed  to  twitch  its  legs  from  time  to  time  as  much  as  24  hours 
before  hatching  began. 

The  initiation  of  hatching  was  indicated  by  the  appearance  of  a  fluid-filled  space 
between  the  nauplius  and  the  egg  membranes.  This  was  followed  very  quickly  by 
the  bulging  of  the  egg  surface  (Fig.  2).  The  outer  membrane  broke,  probably  due 
to  the  internal  pressure,  and  it  could  be  seen  that  there  was  a  second  inner  membrane 



protruding  through  the  opening  (Fig.  3).  In  eggs  which  were  isolated  from  the 
egg  mass,  it  was  clear  that  the  two  halves  of  the  outer  membrane  were  pushed  aside 
by  the  emerging  inner  membrane.  For  some  time  a  portion  of  the  inner  membrane 
remained  inside  of  one  of  the  halves  of  the  outer  membrane  (Fig.  4),  but  eventually 
the  entire  inner  membrane  slipped  out  as  a  perfect  sphere,  and  left  the  outer  mem- 
brane behind  (Fig.  5).  For  all  of  this  period  the  volume  enclosed  by  the  inner 
membrane  was  increasing,  so  that  when  the  stretched  membrane  slipped  free  of  the 
outer  membrane  it  had  an  average  diameter  of  153  //,  and  a  volume  of  1,875,400  ju,3. 
Thus  the  volume,  compared  to  the  original  volume  of  the  egg,  increased  in  a  ratio  of 
2.77:1.  The  nauplius  was  completely  surrounded  by  a  fluid-filled  space. 

During  the  extrusion  of  the  inner  membrane  from  the  outer,  the  unhatched 
nauplius  typically  remained  completely  motionless.  In  some  instances  it  twitched, 
but  never  more  than  it  had  for  several  hours  previously.  At  first  after  extrusion, 

200  JJ 

FIGURE  1.  A  portion  of  an  egg  sac  of  Diaptounts  siciloidcs  with  eggs  near  the  hatching  stage. 
The  sac  was  teased  apart  with  fine  needles,  and  one  egg  has  been  displaced  from  it.  Note  that 
the  individual  eggs  lie  somewhat  loosely  within  the  secretion  forming  the  egg  sac.  Also  note 
that  the  embryo  is  closely  invested  by  the  egg  membranes,  so  that  there  is  no  space  between  the 
membranes  and  the  enclosed  nauplius. 

the  three  pairs  of  appendages  were  held  as  they  were  before  the  swelling  of  the 
inner  membrane.  Although  each  larva  that  was  observed  at  this  stage  was  ex- 
amined carefully,  and  larvae  were  seen  from  all  possible  angles,  no  trace  of  a  third 
membrane,  close  around  the  animal,  could  be  detected.  After  a  period  of  one  or 
two  minutes,  the  appendages  suddenly  broke  free  from  the  sides  of  the  body,  and 
became  extended  laterally  in  their  usual  free-living  naupliar  position.  This  was 
observed  many  times.  When  the  larva  was  viewed  from  a  dorsal  or  ventral  posi- 
tion, it  could  be  seen  that  the  appendages  broke  free  from  the  sides  of  the  body  in  a 
series  of  two  or  three  short  jerks.  There  was  no  evidence  that  this  movement  took 
place  through  muscular  contractions  of  the  animal  (though  this  was  not  precluded). 
The  appearance  was  that  the  appendages  were,  due  to  their  structure  and  elasticity, 
pulling  in  the  direction  of  their  normal  naupliar  position,  and  that  suddenly  some 
tissue,  membrane,  or  other  material  holding  the  appendages  down  tore  loose  from 




FIGURES  2-5.  Individual  eggs  of  Diaptomus  siciloidcs  during  hatching.  Figure  2 :  a  fluid- 
filled  space  has  appeared  between  the  egg  membranes  and  the  nauplius,  and  the  membranes  are 
bulging  on  one  side.  The  inner  and  outer  egg  membranes  are  not  yet  distinguishable.  Figure  3  : 



the  strain.  A  few  seconds  after  the  appendages  assumed  their  naupliar  position, 
the  animal  began  to  move  them  in  the  twitching  manner  characteristic  of  free-swim- 
ming calanoid  nauplii.  Approximately  a  minute  later  the  diaphanous  membrane  of 
the  sphere  burst  with  great  suddenness.  The  internal  fluid,  being  under  con- 
siderable pressure,  was  forced  almost  explosively  out  through  the  breach,  carrying 
the  nauplius  with  it.  \Yhile  the  nauplius  was  within  the  sphere,  the  setae  of  the 
appendages,  and  the  setae  at  the  posterior  end  of  the  animal,  appeared  as  though 
they  could  easily  and  readily  perforate  the  delicate  membrane,  for  they  impinged 
upon  its  surface  as  the  animal  continued  its  movements.  However,  this  method  of 
escape  apparently  did  not  occur  during  normal  hatching,  for  almost  invariably  the 
larva  escaped  head  first,  whereas  the  setae  touched  the  membrane  at  the  opposite 

O.I    MM 

FIGURE  6.     The  nauplius  of  Cyclops  bicuspidatus  within  the  sphere 
formed  by  the  inner  egg  membrane  after  extrusion. 

side  of  the  sphere.  Upon  close  observation  it  could  be  seen  that  the  end  of  each 
of  the  setae  was  pliable  and  bent  over  when  it  touched  the  membrane.  Penetration 
by  the  sharp  ends  of  the  setae  as  suggested  by  superficial  examination,  could  not 
occur  (see  below  in  section  4  for  further  observations  on  the  breaking  of  the 

The  total  time  elapsing  from  the  first  indication  of  hatching  to  its  completion 
ordinarily  varied  from  7  to  8  minutes. 

the  outer  egg  membrane  has  burst,  and  the  inner  membrane  is  bulging  out  through  the  opening. 
The  outer  and  inner  membranes  are  clearly  seen.  Figure  4 :  the  outer  membrane  covering  the 
anterior  half  of  the  emerging  larva  has  slipped  off,  but  the  inner  membrane  remains  within  the 
other  half  of  the  outer  membrane.  The  naupliar  appendages  are  closely  appressed  against  the 
sides  of  the  body.  Figure  5 :  the  inner  membrane,  expanded  to  its  maximum  diameter,  has 
slipped  out  of  the  outer  membrane  entirely,  forming  a  perfect  sphere.  The  naupliar  appendages 
have  assumed  their  swimming  position. 


Hatching  was  observed  in  single  sets  of  eggs  from  Cyclops  bicuspidatus  and 
Mesocydops  edax.  It  occurred  in  much  the  same  manner  as  in  the  3  species  of 
Diaptomus,  and  took  an  average  of  6^/2  minutes  from  start  to  fini'sh.  As  with 
Diaptomus,  the  nauplius  was  passive  during  the  swelling  and  protrusion  of  the  inner 
membrane  from  the  outer  membrane  and  from  the  egg  mass,  except  for  a  few 
twitches.  The  volume  increase  of  the  contents  of  the  inner  membrane  was  not  quite 
as  extensive  as  in  Diaptomus.  Before  hatching  the  eggs  averaged  82  /j.  in  diameter. 
The  spheres  averaged  112  p.  Hence  the  average  volume  changed  from  288,710  /u,3 
to  735,655  ju,3,  or  a  ratio  of  1:2.55.  The  nauplius  occupied  a  greater  portion  of  the 
contents  of  the  sphere  than  was  the  case  with  Diaptomus  (Fig.  6),  and  it  did  not 
escape  in  the  same  explosive  fashion.  When  the  membrane  surrounding  the  sphere 
burst,  there  was  a  sudden  release  of  pressure,  and  the  sphere  collapsed,  opening,  as 
with  Diaptomus,  at  the  head  end  of  the  larva.  In  both  of  these  cyclopoids,  in  all  the 
instances  observed,  however,  the  nauplius  remained  somewhat  entangled  in  the 
membrane,  and  escaped  only  after  a  short  struggle. 

2.  Experiments  indicating  the  osmotic  nature  of  hatching 

The  general  appearance  of  the  hatching  process  in  copepods  strongly  suggests 
that  it  is  osmotically  regulated.  However,  this  has  not  been  proven  incontrovertibly 
by  any  experimental  results  heretofore  reported. 

In  preliminary  exploratory  experiments,  eggs  of  Diaptomus  siciloides  in  the 
beginning  stages  of  hatching  were  immersed  in  a  1  M  solution  of  sucrose,  or  in 
double-distilled  water.  The  permeability  to  water  of  the  inner  membrane  and  the 
naupliar  surface  was  clearly  shown  by  the  fact  that  in  the  sucrose  solution  the  larvae 
and  the  inner  membranes  shrank  drastically  from  the  outer  membrane  through  the 
osmotic  loss  of  water  to  the  hypertonic  solution.  Obviously  the  larvae  were  de- 
stroyed (Fig.  7).  In  double-distilled  water,  on  the  other  hand,  hatching  (D. 
siciloides}  was  completely  normal  except  that  the  average  time  consumed  during 
the  hatching  process  was  reduced  to  6  minutes,  compared  to  an  average  of  71/t> 
minutes  for  the  controls  (the  nauplii  from  the  experimental  eggs  became  turgid  and 
weak  in  their  movements  after  hatching,  and  died  by  bursting  in  15  to  20  minutes). 

A  0.1  M  sucrose  solution  was  used  for  another  set  of  eggs.  Some  of  the  eggs 
already  had  hatched,  one  was  in  the  process  of  hatching,  and  a  group  of  five  in  the 
egg  mass  had  not  yet  begun  to  hatch.  The  inner  membrane  of  the  hatching  egg 
quickly  shrank  back  against  the  larva.  None  of  the  larvae  was  obviously  distorted 
from  the  osmotic  effects  of  the  solution,  and  they  continued  to  twitch  in  a  normal 
fashion.  No  sign  of  hatching  was  observed  in  any  of  the  eggs.  The  eggs  were 
maintained  in  the  0.1  M  sucrose  for  4  hours,  at  which  time  they  were  transferred 
to  lake  water.  Immediately  all  of  them  began  to  swell.  Spheres  of  normal  size 
formed,  but  they  were  not  entirely  freed  from  the  outer  membranes.  The  nauplii 
were  very  weak.  All  of  them  hatched,  but  they  died  soon.  It  is  thought  that  these 
deaths  may  have  been  the  result  of  some  other  factor  than  osmotic  effects,  for 
example  from  anoxia.  This  is  suggested  by  subsequent  experiments  and  by  the 
fact  that  some  of  the  already  hatched  siblings  of  the  experimental  nauplii  were 
placed  in  0.1  M  sucrose  for  24  hours,  then  transferred  to  lake  water,  with  no  ill 

A  set  of  eggs  of  D.  siciloides,  some  of  which  were  hatching,  was  placed  in  0.05  M 



sucrose  solution.  Some  larvae  began  the  hatching  process.  There  was  some  swell- 
ing, but  apparently  insufficient  pressure  was  built  up  to  burst  the  outer  membrane. 
The  eggs  were  placed  back  in  lake  water  after  30  minutes  in  the  sugar  solution. 
Hatching  began  immediately,  the  first  larva  being  freed  8  minutes  later. 

Another  set  of  eggs  of  the  same  species  at  hatching  time  was  placed  in  0.04  M 
sucrose  solution.  Those  that  had  already  formed  spheres  hatched.  Those  still  in 
the  outer  membranes  (including  those  that  had  started  to  hatch)  failed  to  hatch  or 
change  in  any  way  during  17  minutes.  The  eggs  were  then  placed  in  0.03  M 
sucrose.  Swelling  was  immediate  (in  3  out  of  4  eggs).  One  of  these  hatched  in 
about  three  minutes.  Another  swelled  considerably  but  failed  to  squeeze  out  of  the 
outer  membrane.  There  was  no  further  change  for  15  minutes.  The  remaining 


FIGURE  7.  Two  hatching  eggs  of  Diaptomus  siciloides  after  immersion  in  1  M  sucrose  solu- 
tion. The  nauplii  and  the  inner  membranes  have  collapsed  through  the  osmotic  loss  of  water. 
The  outer  membranes  are  unshrunken,  though  somewhat  contorted. 

eggs  were  then  placed  in  0.02  M  sucrose.  In  2V2  minutes  one  larva  had  hatched, 
but  when  the  membrane  broke,  the  larva  was  not  thrown  out.  In  another  egg  a 
sphere  was  formed  (136  p.  in  diameter — considerably  smaller  than  the  average). 
When  the  membrane  broke,  it  did  so  slowly,  taking  a  full  two  seconds  to  collapse. 
The  larva  was  not  thrown  out  in  the  usual  manner,  but  temporarily  remained  en- 
tangled in  the  collapsed  membrane. 

The  results  described  above  are  summarized,  along  with  additional  information, 
in  Table  I. 



The  resistance  of  the  outer  membrane  of  eggs  in  the  early  stages  of  hatching 
interfered  with  efforts  to  ascertain  the  approximate  osmotic  pressure  of  the  fluid 
within  the  expanded  inner  membrane.  It  was  necessary  to  experiment  with  spheres 
that  already  had  been  extruded  (thus  very  shortly  before  completion  of  hatching). 
Successful  observations  were  completed  in  18  instances,  results  being  similar  both 
for  D.  ashlandi  and  D.  siciloides. 

The  results  obtained  with  isolated  extruded  spheres  are  condensed  in  Table  I. 
The  following  are  representative  experiments:  1)  A  nauplius  of  D.  ashlandi  in  the 
twitching  stage  in  a  sphere  was  placed  in  0.05  M  sucrose.  The  diameter  of  the 
sphere  decreased  very  gradually  over  a  period  of  12  seconds  (plus  an  unknown 
portion  of  the  duration  of  time  needed  to  find  it  under  the  microscope).  When  all 
the  space  within  the  membrane  had  disappeared,  the  larva  moved,  puncturing  the 
membrane  with  one  of  its  antennae,  after  which  it  escaped.  2)  A  nauplius  of  D. 
ashlandi  in  a  sphere  was  placed  in  0.04  M  sucrose.  The  sphere  shrank.  It  was 
then  placed  back  in  lake  water  where  it  swelled  up  again.  It  was  placed  in  0.04  M 
sucrose  a  second  time,  and  shrank  again.  The  nauplius  then  moved,  punctured 
the  membrane,  and  escaped.  3 )  A  larva  of  D.  ashlandi  in  a  sphere  was  placed  in 


Summary  of  the  effect  of  various  concentrations  of  sucrose  on  the  swelling  and  hatching  of  eggs. 
(-j-  =  occurring,  ±  =  sometimes  occurring,  and  sometimes  not,  --  =  not  occurring.) 

Sucrose  cone. 

of  intact 

of  outer 

of  inner 

of  inner 

from  extruded 

of  inner 

Lake  water 
















































0.03  M  sucrose.  The  membrane  shrank  somewhat,  but  a  considerable  space  re- 
mained between  the  nauplius  and  the  membrane.  The  membrane  no  longer  formed 
a  perfect  sphere,  but  was  distorted  to  an  ovoid  shape  with  dimensions  of  119  p.  X 
146  fji.  The  larva  hatched  successfully. 

From  the  results  of  such  experiments,  it  appears  that  the  osmotic  pressure  of 
the  fluid  within  the  extruded  inner  membrane  was  approximately  equivalent  to  that 
of  0.03  M  to  0.04  M  sucrose.  Such  solutions  have  osmotic  pressures  of  0.672  to 
0.896  atmosphere.  The  A  of  the  fluid  (Af)  would  be  0.056  to  0.074.  The  freezing 
point  of  the  Lake  Erie  water  used  was  —0.03°  C.  The  A  of  the  internal  fluids  of 
nauplii  has  never  been  measured,  but  Aj  for  fresh-water  Crustacea,  as  summarized 
by  Krogh  (1939)  and  Harnisch  (1951),  lies  between  0.30  (Daphnia  magna)  and 
0.81  (Potamobius).  Przylecki  (1921),  reported  by  Krogh  (1939),  observed  the 
A  of  older  eggs  (50-80  hours)  of  Daphnia  magnet  to  be  0.74.  It  would  therefore 
appear  that  A4  is  greater  than  Af,  which  in  turn  is  greater  than  A0. 

The  above  reported  results  indicate  very  clearly  that  the  hatching  of  the  copepod 
eggs  studied  here  was  by  osmotic  means. 


3.   Test  of  the  permeability  of  the  egg  membranes 

Ziegelmayer  (1927)  concluded  that  a  change  in  the  permeability  of  the  (outer) 
membrane  initiated  the  process  of  hatching.  In  contrast,  Marshall  and  Orr  ( 1954 ) 
suggested  the  possibility  that  there  was  a  sudden  increase  of  the  osmotic  pressure  of 
the  fluid  within  the  inner  membrane,  after  which  hatching  proceeded.  To  the 
present  author  this  latter  hypothesis  seemed  reasonable,  for  the  alternate  hypothesis 
apparently  would  be  that  the  non-living  inner  membrane  would  have  to  change  its 
permeability  suddenly.  Such  a  sudden  change  certainly  would  not  be  unexpected 
in  a  living  membrane,  but  would  not  be  as  likely  for  a  non-living  membrane.  There- 
fore the  results  reported  below  were  unexpected. 

As  a  preliminary  experiment,  to  test  the  effect  of  some  of  the  higher  osmotic 
concentrations  on  the  nauplius  itself,  larvae  of  Diaptonms  siciloides  which  had  just 
hatched  were  placed  in  a  series  of  sucrose  solutions  as  follows:  1  M,  0.5  M,  0.4  M, 
0.3  M,  0.2  M,  and  0.1  M,  with  other  nauplii  remaining  in  lake  water  as  controls. 
Larvae  became  contorted  and  succumbed  instantly  in  1  M  sucrose.  In  a  0.5  M 
solution  they  died  within  a  few  seconds,  and  likewise  showed  distinct  evidence  of  the 
osmotic  removal  of  water  from  their  tissues.  Results  were  the  same  in  0.4  M 
sucrose,  though  the  larvae  lived  somewhat  longer.  In  0.3  M  sucrose  they  lived 
over  ten  minutes,  but  the  end  result  was  similar.  In  the  0.2  M  solution,  at  the  end 
of  10  minutes  they  appeared  normal,  but  moved  seldom  and  weakly.  Subsequently 
they  died.  In  the  0.1  M  solution  they  lived  normally  for  many  hours,  but  moved 
somewhat  less  vigorously  than  did  the  controls. 

Thus  the  larvae  can  withstand  a  solution  with  an  osmotic  pressure  as  great  as 
that  of  0.1  M  sucrose,  but  not  as  great  as  that  of  a  0.2  M  solution. 

In  a  subsequent  experiment,  an  egg  sac  of  D.  ashlandi  containing  hatching  eggs 
was  placed  consecutively  in  0.1  M,  0.2  M,  0.3  M,  0.4  M,  and  0.5  M  sucrose,  and 
observed  for  shrinkage  of  the  inner  membranes  and  of  the  enclosed  nauplii.  No 
shrinkage  was  apparent  in  the  0.1  M  or  0.2  M  solutions.  A  slight  shrinkage  could 
be  seen  in  the  0.3  M  solution,  but  it  was  somewhat  obscure.  In  0.4  M  and  0.5  M 
solutions,  however,  shrinkage  was  considerable.  The  nauplii  within  the  shrunken 
inner  membranes  appeared  to  be  destroyed. 

However,  in  three  out  of  the  ten  eggs  in  the  egg  case,  no  shrinkage  occurred, 
even  in  the  0.5  M  solution,  and  the  enclosed  nauplii  continued  to  twitch.  A  few 
minutes  after  being  transferred  to  0.5  M  sucrose,  one  of  the  three  suddenly  began 
to  shrink  (not  timed)  but  the  other  two  remained  as  they  were.  Approximately 
one-half  hour  later  the  second  one  rather  suddenly  shrank.  The  third,  on  the  other 
hand,  still  maintained  life,  and  was  intact,  at  the  end  of  21/^>  hours,  although  by  this 
time  (in  the  conditions  of  the  experiment)  considerable  evaporation  had  occurred, 
and  therefore  the  sugar  concentration  was  higher  than  0.5  M. 

A  second  egg  case  of  D.  siciloides  was  placed  in  0.5  M  sucrose.  Again,  three  out 
of  ten  eggs  failed  to  shrink  in  the  0.5  M  solution,  but  the  remainder  clearly  showed 
the  effects  of  the  hypertonic  external  medium.  Two  of  the  three  started  to  shrink 
19  minutes  after  the  egg  case  was  placed  in  the  sucrose,  and  the  other  began  2 
minutes  later.  The  process  of  shrinking  took  approximately  3  to  4  minutes  (the 
time  at  which  shrinking  was  completed  was  difficult  to  judge  exactly).  One-half 
hour  after  the  egg  case  was  placed  in  the  sucrose,  it  was  returned  to  lake  water. 
Hatching  was  successful  in  nine  of  the  ten  eggs,  though  the  nauplii  were  not  normal 
(see  below  in  section  4  for  a  more  detailed  description  of  this  hatching). 


These  results  suggest  that  in  those  eggs  where  hatching  had  begun,  or  was  ready 
to  begin,  the  inner  membrane  rather  suddenly  became  permeable  to  water,  whereas 
in  those  eggs  not  yet  ready  to  hatch  the  inner  membrane  was  impermeable. 

To  test  the  hypothesis  that  a  permeability  change  takes  place  when  the  nauplius 
is  ready  to  hatch,  some  eggs  definitely  not  yet  to  the  hatching  point  were  tested  by 
placing  the  egg  cases  in  0.5  M  sucrose  solution.  The  eggs  of  Diaptomus  ashlandi, 
laid  less  than  two  hours  previously  by  a  gravid  female,  failed  to  shrink  although  they 
remained  in  the  solution  for  an  hour. 

Two  egg  cases  from  D.  siciloides  were  tested.  Both  contained  eggs  with  embryos 
that  were  twitching  and  with  eyes  that  were  fully  developed.  In  neither  did  shrink- 
ing take  place  at  first.  In  one  egg  case  there  still  was  no  shrinking  after  17  y±  hours, 
at  which  time  it  was  replaced  in  lake  water.  No  hatching  took  place,  though  the 
embryos  were  alive,  as  shown  by  the  fact  that  they  continued  to  twitch.  After  8 
hours  the  eggs  were  again  placed  in  sucrose.  Again  no  shrinkage  occurred.  When 
removed  to  lake  water  16  hours  later,  the  eggs  appeared  normal  except  that  there 
was  no  twitching,  but  before  long  the  embryos  disintegrated. 

In  the  second  egg  case  containing  twitching  nauplii  there  was  no  shrinkage  in 
0.5  M  sucrose  at  the  end  of  an  hour.  In  21A  hours,  however,  3  of  the  16  eggs  were 
shrunken.  This  egg  case  was  thereupon  return  to  lake  water.  By  the  time  the 
solution  was  changed  and  the  eggs  located  under  the  microscope,  the  shrunken  eggs 
had  swollen  again,  and  one  was  beginning  the  process  of  hatching.  Hatching  then 
continued  in  egg  after  egg,  and  was  perfectly  normal  in  all  instances  except  one, 
where  the  inner  membrane  after  extrusion  must  have  been  perforated  only  slightly 
and  lost  its  internal  pressure  slowly,  collapsing  completely  around  the  larva,  which 
struggled  for  a  few  seconds  before  it  broke  out. 

These  observations  confirm  that  there  is  a  change  of  permeability  of  the  inner 
egg  membrane  at  the  time  of  hatching. 

4.   Observations  on  the  bursting  of  the  inner  egg  membrane 

As  discussed  above,  the  nauplius  always  began  its  characteristic  movements  in 
normal  hatching  about  a  minute  before  the  inner  egg  membrane  burst  and  liberated 
it.  It  appeared  as  though  the  nauplius  ruptured  the  membrane  in  some  way  by  its 
activities,  although  it  was  not  clear  how  this  was  done  inasmuch  as  the  rupture 
almost  always  occurred  at  the  head  end  of  the  nauplius.  Marshall  and  Orr  (1954) 
said  of  this  final  act  of  hatching:  "Quite  suddenly  it  [nauplius]  tears  the  membrane 
and  swims  away"  (p.  393).  Similarly,  Ziegelmayer  (1927)  stated  that  the  larva 
ruptured  the  inner  membrane  by  the  movements  of  its  second  antenna,  but  he  thought 
the  inner  membrane  was  closely  appressed  around  the  nauplius  after  it  was  liberated 
from  the  outer  membrane  passively  by  an  explosion-like  bursting  of  the  latter.  In 
the  observational  section  (section  1  above)  of  the  present  paper,  the  rupture  of  the 
membrane  was  implied  to  be  the  result  of  the  struggling  of  the  nauplius,  because 
this  was  the  way  it  appeared. 

However,  one  of  the  experiments  unexpectedly  gave  very  revealing  results.  As 
reported  in  section  3  (above),  an  egg  case  in  which  the  eggs  wrere  in  the  process  of 
hatching  was  placed  in  0.5  M  sucrose  for  half  an  hour,  then  replaced  in  lake  water. 
All  the  eggs  but  one  hatched,  but  the  nauplii  were  very  weak.  As  many  of  the 
hatchings  as  possible  were  watched  carefully  and  continuously  until  hatching  was 


completed.  If  the  nauplii  twitched  or  moved  at  all  during  hatching,  they  did  so 
only  by  very  slight  and  slow  movements  of  the  appendages.  Three  hatchings  were 
followed  where  the  entire  process  took  place  with  no  evidence  of  any  muscular 
movement  whatsoever  on  the  part  of  the  nauplius.  Two  other  cases  were  similar, 
but  there  were  some  slight  movements.  These,  however,  were  by  no  means  sufficient 
to  burst  the  membrane.  The  remaining  hatchings  could  not  be  followed  throughout 
(and  one  egg  did  not  hatch) .  In  spite  of  lack  of  naupliar  movements,  at  the  proper 
time  the  inner  egg  membrane  burst  and  the  nauplii  were  liberated. 

A  second  egg  case  (D.  siciloidcs}  in  which  hatching  was  taking  place  was 
treated  in  the  same  manner.  Of  the  9  eggs  in  the  egg  sac,  8  shrank  at  once  or 
very  soon  after  immersion  in  the  sucrose  solution.  One  however,  shrank  only  just 
before  the  case  was  returned  to  lake  water,  one-half  hour  later.  In  the  lake  water 
all  of  the  9  eggs  hatched,  although  three  of  them  had  been  "hatched"  artificially  by 
the  inevitable  rough  treatment  of  rapidly  changing  solutions  (these  three,  although 
appearing  normal,  never  moved  after  liberation).  Of  the  remaining  six  eggs,  four 
hatched  without  any  movements,  and  after  hatching,  three  of  these  never  moved 
(the  fourth  moved  its  appendages  slightly  during  the  process  of  dying,  immediately 
after  hatching).  One  of  the  nauplii  twitched  regularly,  though  weakly,  before 
hatching,  but  during  the  period  of  the  final  bursting  of  the  membrane  there  was  no 
further  movement,  and  the  larva  never  moved  after  hatching.  Only  one  of  the 
nauplii  (presumably  from  the  egg  that  shrank  at  the  last  minute)  hatched  normally 
and  lived  indefinitely  after  hatching. 

It  is  not  believed  that  the  bursting  took  place  through  the  continued  swelling  of 
the  sphere.  Both  before  and  after  the  above  observations  were  made,  numerous 
attempts  were  undertaken  by  measuring  extruded  spheres  in  normal  eggs,  to  as- 
certain whether  the  swelling  of  the  sphere  continued  until  the  time  of  breaking. 
No  evidence  of  such  growth  after  extrusion  was  obtained. 

5.  Attempts  to  demonstrate  the  existence  of  a  hatching  enzyme 

In  the  observations  and  experiments  described  above,  the  hatching  eggs  were 
immersed  in  less  than  0.5  cc.  of  lake  water  during  hatching.  There  never  was  any 
evidence  that  the  liberation  of  a  hatching  enzyme  by  the  bursting  of  hatching  eggs 
speeded  up  the  hatching  of  those  eggs  in  the  cluster  that  still  remained  unhatched. 
In  the  eggs  of  Diaptomus,  as  reported  above,  the  volume  of  the  fluid  within  the 
inner  egg  membrane  just  before  the  nauplius  was  freed  averaged  1,875,400  p?.  This 
is  less  than  1/300,000  the  volume  of  0.5  cc.  (  =  5  X  1011  /A3).  With  such  a  dilution 
of  any  hatching  enzyme  that  might  be  present,  one  would  hardly  expect  an  effect. 

Therefore,  the  volume  of  water  involved  was  reduced  (three  experiments  on 
D.  siciloides)  by  drawing  detached  egg  sacs  in  which  the  eggs  were  actively  hatching 
into  capillary  tubes  (i.d.  =  1  mm.),  along  with  half  of  an  egg  sac  in  which  no 
hatching  was  occurring.  The  other  half  of  the  non-hatching  batch  of  eggs  was 
kept  as  a  control. 

In  one  of  the  three  experiments  the  experimental  eggs  were  in  a  rather  early 
developmental  stage.  There  were  10  experimental  eggs  and  15  hatching  eggs  en- 
closed in  the  capillary  tube,  with  12.7  X  10°  /A3  of  water.  Hence  the  ratio  of  fluid 
from  the  bursting  membranes  to  the  amount  of  diluting  water  was  approximately 
1 : 450.  Neither  the  experimental  eggs  nor  the  controls  hatched. 


In  the  other  two  similar  experiments  the  experimental  eggs  were  in  a  very  late 
stage  of  development.  During  the  experimental  period,  hatching  occurred  in  the 
experimental  eggs  some  time  after  the  other  eggs  had  hatched.  However,  hatching 
took  place  almost  simultaneously  in  the  controls  (in  both  instances  hatching  began 
first,  and  was  completed  first,  in  the  experimental  eggs,  but  the  difference  is  not 
thought  to  be  significant,  inasmuch  as  some  of  the  control  eggs  hatched  before  the 
last  of  the  experimental  ones).  Thus,  the  existence  of  a  hatching  enzyme  was  not 
clearly  demonstrated,  in  the  conditions  of  these  experiments. 


The  results  reported  in  the  present  paper  fully  confirm  the  osmotic  nature  of  the 
hatching  process  in  the  eggs  of  copepods.  The  observations  of  Marshall  and  Orr 
(1954)  on  the  events  of  hatching  are  supported  and  supplemented.  No  evidence 
was  obtained  in  support  of  Ziegelmayer's  (1927)  contention  that  the  outer  membrane 
expanded  osmotically  while  the  inner  membrane  remained  closely  appressed  around 
the  enclosed  nauplius.  Furthermore,  the  observation  reported  by  Ziegelmayer  that 
the  membrane  began  swelling  6  to  12  hours  before  hatching  was  not  confirmed.. 
Repeated  attempts  to  detect  an  increase  in  volume  of  the  egg  previous  to  the  few7 
minutes  before  the  hatching  process  was  completed  gave  negative  results.  Marshall 
and  Orr  (1954)  stated  concerning  the  discrepancy  between  their  observations  and 
those  of  Ziegelmayer  (p.  400)  :  "It  is  difficult  to  decide  whether  Ziegelmayer  was 
unable  to  see  the  bulging  out  of  the  inner  membrane  or  whether  the  specimens  he 
examined  behaved  in  a  different  way."  Ziegelmayer  studied  17  (unlisted)  species 
of  Cyclops.  Inasmuch  as  Marshall  and  Orr  observed  hatching  in  Cyclops  agilis 
and  C.  viridis,  and  I  observed  it  in  C.  biciispidatus  and  Mesocyclops  edax,  and  the 
behavior  of  all  these  was  unlike  that  reported  by  Ziegelmayer,  it  would  appear  that 
his  observations  were  faulty  or  deficient,  either  through  the  use  of  too  little  magnifica- 
tion, or  through  failure  to  follow  through  hatching  in  individual  eggs. 

On  the  other  hand,  the  results  reported  above  support  Ziegelmayer's  belief  that 
hatching  is  initiated  by  a  change  of  the  permeability  of  the  membrane.  The  lack 
of  a  similar  conclusion  by  Marshall  and  Orr  undoubtedly  is  associated  with  their 
lack  of  extensive  experimentation. 

From  the  above,  two  unsolved  questions  arise :  1 )  what  is  the  origin  and  the 
nature  of  the  dissolved  material  within  the  inner  egg  membrane  that  gives  rise  to  a 
Af  of  this  fluid  greater  than  the  A0  of  the  external  medium,  and  2)  what  is  the  cause 
of  the  sudden  change  in  the  permeability  of  the  inner  membrane? 

In  fresh- water  copepods,  such  as  those  reported  here,  the  osmotic  pressure  of  the 
fluid  within  the  inner  membrane  conceivably  could  have  its  origin  simply  in  the 
attainment  of  an  equilibrium  between  Af  and  As.  However,  the  hatching  of  marine 
copepods,  as  reported  by  Marshall  and  Orr  (1954),  occurs  in  the  same  manner  as 
that  of  the  fresh-water  forms.  In  most  marine  invertebrates  the  osmotic  pressure 
of  the  internal  medium  is  in  equilibium  with  that  of  sea  water,  and  there  is  no 
reason  to  believe  that  such  species  as  Calanus  finmarchicus,  Metridia  longa,  and 
Euchaeta  norvegica,  which  are  stenohaline,  are  an  exception.  Therefore,  in  marine 
species.  Af  must  be  greater  than  A0,  and  greater  than  A,  at  the  time  the  egg  was 
laid.  No  information  exists  at  present  bearing  on  the  relation  of  As  of  the  nauplius 
to  Af  in  these  marine  species  just  before  hatching.  A4  might  either  equal  Afi,  or  it 


might  be  less  than  Ar.  A  A,-  that  is  greater  than  A,,  can  be  attained  only  by  the 
action  of  the  embryo  or  larva  enclosed  in  the  egg.  It  could  result,  as  suggested  by 
Marshall  and  Orr  (1954),  through  the  excretion  of  metabolic  wastes  by  the  embryo 
and/or  nauplius,  or  there  could  be  an  active  secretion  of  substances  with  osmotic 
value  by  special  glands  or  gland  cells  (or  both  of  these  processes  could  be  involved 
simultaneously).  In  view  of  the  sudden  change  of  permeability  of  the  inner  egg 
membrane  described  above,  if  excretory  products  are  involved  they  need  not  be 
excreted  suddenly  as  postulated  by  Marshall  and  Orr,  but  could  accumulate  grad- 
ually, and  become  osmotically  effective  suddenly  through  the  rapid  alteration  of 
membrane  permeability  that  initiates  hatching.  These  matters  can  be  settled  only 
through  further  experimentation,  particularly  on  stenohaline  marine  species  of 

It  appears  unlikely  that  a  non-living  membrane,  such  as  the  inner  egg  membrane 
of  copepods.  would  be  so  constituted  that  its  chemical  or  colloidal  nature  would 
suddenly  be  altered  spontaneously  at  the  proper  time  for  hatching.  If  there  is  no 
spontaneous  change,  the  influence  for  the  alteration  must  come  either  from  outside, 
or  from  the  larva  inside.  Conceivably,  the  chemical  nature  of  the  membrane  could 
be  such  that  bacterial  action  from  without  would  alter  it  in  a  definite  course  of 
time,  but  such  an  adaptation  in  evolution  (especially  considering  that  the  bacterial 
population  of  waters  is  far  from  constant)  seems  far  less  likely  than  the  evolution  of 
a  special  hatching  enzyme  whose  function  is  the  chemical  alteration  of  the  mem- 
brane. Such  a  chemical  alteration  could  change  the  membrane  into  a  semi-permeable 
membrane  (permeable  to  water)  from  its  initial  impermeable  condition.  It  is  true 
that  the  preliminary  experiments  described  in  section  5  above  failed  to  detect  the 
presence  of  such  a  hatching  enzyme,  but  these  experiments  need  repetition  and 
refinement,  and  furthermore,  from  the  nature  of  the  experiment,  negative  results 
are  not  conclusive  (although  positive  results  would  have  been).  The  presence  or 
absence  of  glands  or  gland  cells  producing  a  hatching  enzyme  has  not  been  as- 
certained, but  should  be  demonstrable  histologically. 

Hatching  enzymes,  such  as  are  postulated  above  for  the  hatching  of  copepod 
eggs,  have  been  proven  to  exist  in  certain  fish  eggs.  Here,  however,  hatching 
apparently  does  not  involve  osmotic  phenomena.  The  hatching  enzyme,  which  is 
produced  by  special  embryonic  glands,  digests  the  egg  membranes,  and  the  fry 
emerges  more  or  less  without  the  benefit  of  its  own  muscular  movements  (e.g., 
see  Bourdin,  1926  and  Privolnev.  1943).  Similar  enzymes  have  been  proven  to 
exist  in  eggs  of  other  aquatic  animals,  including  Rana  pipiens  (Cooper,  1936).  On 
the  other  hand,  Wilson  (1958)  obtained  results  very  similar  to  my  own  in  the 
hatching  of  the  eggs  of  the  nematode,  Trichostrongylus  retortaejormis.  Despite 
his  negative  results,  he  concluded  from  qualitative  observations  that  some  ''hatching 
factor"  is  secreted  which  weakens  the  protein  membrane  before  hatching.  The 
hatching  process  itself  in  T.  rctortaejormis  he  thought  to  be  osmotically  determined. 

Both  Ziegelmayer  and  Marshall  and  Orr  described  the  final  rupture  of  the  inner 
membrane  as  due  to  the  active  movements  of  the  nauplius.  The  present  results 
contradict  this,  and  show  that  the  hatching  process  can  proceed  to  completion  with- 
out any  movements  on  the  part  of  the  enclosed  nauplius.  Although  there  apparently 
was  no  further  increase  of  the  volume  of  the  fluid  enclosed  by  the  inner  membrane 
during  the  final  period  of  the  hatching  act,  the  possibility  is  not  eliminated  that  there 


was  a  continuation  of  the  entry  of  osmotic  water.  With  the  membrane  already 
stretched  to  its  physical  capacity,  such  a  further  entry  would  build  up  the  internal 
pressure  to  the  bursting  point  of  the  membrane.  A  further  hypothesis  suggests 
itself,  however,  namely  that  the  membrane  is  destroyed  chemically  by  a  secretion 
from  the  anterior  end  of  the  larva.  This  would  account  for  the  fact  the  membrane 
almost  invariably  burst  at  the  head  end  of  the  nauplius.  These  hypotheses  also 
can  be  tested  only  by  further  experimentation. 

Pyatakov  (1926)  studied  hatching  in  the  arguloid,  Argulus  foliaceus.  Although 
his  paper  dealt  primarily  with  the  formation  of  the  seam  in  one  of  the  egg  membranes 
along  which  splitting  occurred  during  hatching,  it  is  clearly  implied  that  the  hatching 
process  itself  is  similar  to  that  occurring  in  the  Eucopepoda.  Ziegelmayer  (1927) 
reported,  but  did  not  describe,  osmotic  hatching  in  the  eggs  of  an  isopod  (Asellus) 
and  in  an  anostracan  (Branchipus) .  Hall  (1953)  described  hatching  in  the  an- 
ostran  Chirac cphalus,  and  suggested  that  osmotic  factors  were  involved.  Przylecki 
(1921)  and  Ramult  (1925)  have  presented  results,  summarized  by  Krogh  (1939) 
and  by  Needham  (1931),  showing  that  in  certain  Cladocera,  hatching  is  by  osmotic 
means.  In  these  forms,  however,  hatching  differs  considerably  from  that  of  the 
Copepoda,  for  it  is  the  embryo  itself  that  swells  osmotically,  and  its  increase  in  vol- 
iime  stretches  the  egg  membrane  until  it  bursts.  A  similar  method  of  hatching  was 
reported  by  Manton  (1928)  for  Hemimysis  latnornae.  In  some  unpublished  ob- 
servations, the  present  author  determined  that  hatching  in  the  fresh-water  decapod, 
Palacmonctcs  kadiakensis,  occurs  in  part  through  osmosis.  For  a  discussion  of 
and  references  concerning  osmotic  hatching  in  other  invertebrates  see  Needham 

On  the  other  hand,  all  Crustacea  do  not  hatch  osmotically.  Le  Roux  (1933) 
described  hatching  in  the  amphipod  Gammarus,  where  the  young  emerges  from  the 
egg  by  the  active  use  of  special  egg  teeth  on  the  telson.  This  method  was  cor- 
roborated by  the  present  author  in  the  examination  of  hatching  in  Gammarus 
jasciatns  in  western  Lake  Erie. 


1.  The  hatching  process  is  described  for  the  fresh-water  copepods  Diaptomus 
ashlandi,  D.  siciloides,  D.  oregoncnsis,  Cyclops  bicuspidatus,  and  Mesocyclops  cda.v. 
In  all  of  these  species  the  inner  membrane  expands  by  the  osmotic  entry  of  water. 
The  internal  pressure  thus  produced  ruptures  the  outer  membrane,  and  the  inner 
membrane  containing  the  nauplius  is  extruded,  forming  a  sphere  whose  volume  is 
more  than  2^/-2  times  that  of  the  original  egg.     Subsequently  the  inner  membrane 
bursts  and  the  nauplius  is  thrown  out. 

2.  It  is  shown  that  the  osmotic  pressure  of  the  fluid  within  the  expanded  inner 
membrane  is  equivalent  to  that  of  a  0.03  to  0.04  M  sucrose  solution. 

3.  The  inner  membrane  remains  impermeable  to  water  until  the  egg  is  ready  to 
hatch.     Thereupon  the  membrane  changes  its  permeability  within  a  short  period 
of  time.     Hatching  can  be  prevented  indefinitely  in  eggs  that  are  ready  to  hatch  by 
immersing  them  in  sufficiently  concentrated  sucrose  solution. 

4.  Although  during  normal  hatching  the  nauplius  is  active  for  a  period  of  ap- 
proximately a  minute  before  hatching,  this  activity  is  not  necessary  for  the  com- 
pletion of  the  hatching  act.     Nauplii  hatched,  even  though  they  had  been  completely 


5.  Attempts  to  demonstrate  the  presence  of  a  hatching  enzyme  were  unsuccessful. 

6.  It  is  suggested  that  the  pre-hatching  change  in  permeability  of  the  membrane 
is  caused  by  the  action  of  chemicals  produced  by  the  larva.     It  is  further  suggested 
that  the  greater  osmotic  pressure  of  the  fluid  within  the  inner  membrane  is  caused 
by  external  metabolites  of  the  larva — either  excretory  or  secretory. 


(References  marked  with  an  asterisk   (*)   have  not  been  seen,  but  are  summarized  by  Krogh 
and  by  Needham.) 

BOURDIN,  JEANNE,  1926.     Le  mecanisme  de  1'eclosion  chez  les  teleosteens.  I.     fitude  biologique 

et  anatomique.     C.  R.  Soc.  Biol,  95  (32)  :  1149-1151. 
COOPER,  KENNETH  W.,  1936.     Demonstration  of  a  hatching  secretion  in  Rana  pipicns  Schreber. 

Proc.  Nat.  Acad.  Sci.,  22 :  433-434. 
HALL,  R.  E.,  1953.     Observations  on  the  hatching  of  eggs  of  Chirocephalus  diaphanous  Prevost. 

Proc.  Zoo/.  Soc.  Land..  123:  95-109. 

HARNISCH,  OTTO,  1951.     Hydrophysiologie  der  Tiere.     Die  Binnengewasser,  19:  i-vii,  1-299. 
KROGH,  AUGUST,  1939.     Osmotic  Regulation  in  Aquatic  Animals.     Cambridge  Univ.  Press,  pp. 


LE  Roux,  M.  L.,   1933.     Recherches  sur  la  sexualite  des  Gammariens.     Croissance,  reproduc- 
tion, determinisme  des  caracteres  sexuels  secondaires.     Bull.  Biol.  France  Bclqe,  Suppl.. 

16:  1-138. 
MANTON,  S.  M.,  1928.     On  the  embryology  of  a  mysid  crustacean,  Hciniinysis  lamornac.    Phil. 

Trans.  Roy.  Soc.  London,  Scr.  B.\  216:  363-463. 
MARSHALL,  S.  M.,  AND  A.   P.  ORR,   1954.     Hatching  in  Calanus  finmarchicits  and  some  other 

copepods.     /.  Mar.  Biol.  Assoc.,  33:  393-401. 
MARSHALL,  S.  M.,  AND  A.  P.  ORR,  1955.     Biology  of  a  Marine  Copepod,  Calanus  fimnarchicus 

(Gunnerus).     Oliver  and  Boyd,  Edinburgh,  pp.  i-vii,  1-188. 
NEEDHAM,  JOSEPH,   1931.     Chemical   Embryology.     Cambridge  Univ.   Press,   Vol.  2,   pp.   i-xvi, 

615-1253;  Vol  3,  pp.  i-xvi,  1255-2021. 
PRIVOLNEV,  T.  I.,  1943.     The  mechanism  of  hatching  in  fish  embryos.     Zoo/.  Zhunial,  22   (3)  : 

170-173.      (In  Russian,  English  summary.) 
*PRZYLECKI,  ST.,  1921.     Recherches  sur  la  pression  osmotique  chez  les  embryons  de  Cladoceres, 

provenants  des  oeufs  parthenogenetiques.     Trav.  Inst.  Nencki,  I.      (In  Polish,  French 

PYATAKOV,  M.  L.,  1926.     The  dorsal  organs  of  Arguhts  and  their  relation  to  the  hatching  of  the 

larva.     Quart.  J.  Micr.  Sci.,  70:  159-171. 
*RAMULT,  M.,  1925.     Development  and  resisting  power  of  Cladocera  embryos  in  the  solutions 

of  certain  inorganic  salts.     Bull.  Inst.  Acad.  Sci.  Cracovie,  1925 :  135-194. 
WILSON,  P.  A.  G.,  1958.     The  effect  of  weak  electrolyte  solutions  on  the  hatching  rate  of  the 

eggs  of    Trichostrongylus  retortaeformis    (Zeder)    and  its   interpretation   in  terms   of 

a  proposed  hatching  mechanism.     /.  Exp.  Biol.,  35  (3)  :  584-601. 
ZIEGELMAYER,  W.,  1927.      Untersuchungen  zum  Quellungsmechanismus  von  Eizellen.     Zeitschr. 

f.  Zcllforschnng,  4(1):  73-124. 



Department  of  Zoology,  Newcomb  College,  Tulane  University,  New  Orleans  18,  Louisiana,  and 
Marine  Biological  Laboratory,  Woods  Hole,  Massachusetts 

The  first  direct  evidence  that  a  light-adapting  hormone  is  involved  in  the  regu- 
lation of  the  distal  retinal  pigment  of  crustaceans  was  provided  by  Kleinholz  (1936). 
He  found  that  when  extracts  of  the  eyestalks  of  the  prawn  Palaemonetes  vulgaris 
were  injected  into  dark-adapted  specimens  kept  in  darkness,  the  distal  retinal  pig- 
ment approached  the  fully  light-adapted  condition.  That  this  hormone  is  normally 
involved  in  retinal  pigment  migration  was  indicated  by  the  fact  that  the  eyestalks  of 
dark-adapted  specimens  did  not  contain  as  much  light-adapting  hormone  as  those 
of  light-adapted  individuals. 

Brown,  Hines  and  Fingerman  (1952)  found  a  distal  retinal  pigment  light- 
adapting  hormone  in  the  supraesophageal  ganglia,  circumesophageal  connectives,  and 
ventral  nerve  cord  of  Palaemonetes  vulgaris.  In  addition,  these  investigators  re- 
ported the  presence  in  Palaemonetes  of  a  distal  retinal  pigment  dark-adapting  hor- 
mone. Their  evidence  was  indirect,  having  been  based  on  differences  in  rates  of 
dark-adaptation  between  control  prawns  and  those  injected  with  extracts  of  various 
organs,  followed  by  transfer  to  darkness.  No  one  has  supplied  direct  evidence  for 
such  a  hormone  by  causing  the  distal  retinal  pigment  of  a  specimen  of  Palaemonetes, 
or  of  any  crustacean,  to  approach  the  fully  dark-adapted  state  while  the  specimens 
were  kept  under  constant  illumination  (Knowles  and  Carlisle,  1956). 

The  aim  of  the  present  investigation  was  to  provide  direct  evidence  for  a  distal 
retinal  pigment  dark-adapting  hormone  in  Palaemonetes. 


The  prawns,  Palaemonetes  vulgaris,  used  in  the  experiments  described  below 
were  collected  in  the  Eel  Pond  at  Woods  Hole,  Massachusetts.  In  the  laboratory 
the  stock  supply  of  animals  was  kept  in  aquaria  with  running  sea  water. 

The  method  used  to  determine  the  effects  of  tissue  extracts  on  the  distal  retinal 
pigment  was  that  devised  by  Sandeen  and  Brown  ( 1952) .  The  technique  involves  di- 
rect measurement  of  the  position  of  this  pigment  in  the  living  animal.  The  prawns 
were  placed,  one  at  a  time,  ventral  surface  down  on  the  stage  of  a  stereoscopic  dis- 
secting microscope.  With  the  aid  of  an  ocular  micrometer  and  transmitted  light 
(1)  the  width  of  the  translucent  portion  of  the  compound  eye  in  a  plane  parallel 
to  the  long  axis  of  the  eyestalk  and  (2)  the  length  of  the  eye  from  the  corneal 
surface  to  the  dorsal  pigmented  spot  at  the  base  of  the  eye  proper  were  measured. 

1  This  investigation  was  supported  by  Grant  No.  B-838  from  the  National  Institutes  of 




To  render  the  distal  clear  portion  of  the  eye  more  translucent  and  the  proximal 
edge  of  this  area  more  definite,  the  prawns  were  submerged  in  a  dish  of  sea  water 
on  the  stage  of  the  microscope.  The  ratio  of  width  of  clear  area  (measurement  1) 
to  total  length  (measurement  2)  will  be  referred  to  as  the  distal  retinal  pigment 
index.  Use  of  this  ratio  minimized  the  effect  of  size  differences.  In  the  fully  dark- 
adapted  eye  the  distal  pigment  abutted  against  the  cornea ;  the  distal  pigment  index 
was  0.00.  In  the  fully  lighted-adapted  eye  the  distal  pigment  index  was  about  0.25. 
A  typical  ratio  for  a  fully  light-adapted  eye  was  10/40. 

A  magnification  of  60 X  was  used  in  the  measurements.  Each  unit  of  the  ocular 
micrometer  at  this  magnification  was  equivalent  to  24.4  p..  The  distal  pigment 
index  of  10  prawns  could  be  determined  with  ease  in  three  minutes. 

For  all  experiments  the  specimens  were  placed  into  black  enameled  pans  con- 
taining sea  water  approximately  2.5  cm.  deep.  The  pans  were  then  exposed  to  an 
illumination  of  20  ft.  c.  At  this  intensity  the  distal  retinal  pigment  was  about  one- 
third  of  the  distance  toward  the  fully  light-adapted  position  from  the  fully  dark- 










Responses  of  the  distal  retinal  pigment  to  an  extract  of  tritocerebral 
commissures,  circles.     Control,  dots. 

adapted  one.  Under  these  conditions  the  distal  pigment  could  respond  to  either 
light-adapting  or  dark-adapting  hormone.  Specimens  with  one  eyestalk  removed 
received  the  injections.  Removal  of  one  eyestalk  resulted  in  the  loss  of  an  important 
source  of  retinal  pigment  light-adapting  hormone  (  Brown,  Hines  and  Fingerman, 
1952).  Presumably,  therefore,  one-eyed  prawns  would  not  be  as  readily  able  to 
antagonize  any  injected  dark-adapting  hormone  as  would  intact  specimens. 

Extracts  of  eyestalks  and  of  supraesophageal  ganglia  plus  the  circumesophageal 
connectives  were  prepared  as  follows.  The  organs  to  be  assayed  were  extirpated 
and  placed  in  sea  water.  When  the  desired  number  of  each  organ  was  available, 
the  organs  were  transferred  with  a  minimum  of  sea  water  to  a  glass  mortar,  trit- 
urated. and  suspended  in  a  sufficient  volume  of  sea  water  to  yield  the  desired  con- 
centration. When  the  extracts  of  sinus  glands  and  optic  ganglia  were  prepared, 
these  tissues,  because  of  their  small  size,  were  placed  directly  into  mortars  rather 
than  into  sea  water.  Every  extract  was  assayed  on  10  specimens.  Control  speci- 
mens were  injected  with  0.02  ml.  sea  water.  All  experiments  unless  otherwise 



stated  were  performed  three  times.  Student's  t  test  was  used  to  determine  the 
level  of  significance.  The  95 %  level  was  taken  as  the  minimal  value  for  a  significant 
difference  between  two  means. 

Influence  of  the  tritocerebral  commissure  on  the  distal  retinal  pigment 

Brown,  Hines  and  Fingerman  (1952)  postulated  that  the  tritocerebral  com- 
missure that  runs  posterior  to  the  esophagus  from  one  circumesophageal  connective 
to  the  other  contains  little  or  no  light-adapting  hormone  but  does  possess  dark- 













I  2  3  4  J  6 


Responses  of  the  distal  retinal  pigment  to  eyestalk  extract, 
circles.     Sea  water  control,  dots. 

adapting  hormone.  The  first  experiment  was  designed  to  test  this  hypothesis  and  to 
determine  if  the  distal  retinal  pigment  of  specimens  kept  under  constant  illumination 
could  be  made  to  approach  the  fully  dark-adapted  state.  A  sufficient  volume  of  an 
extract  containing  three  tritocerebral  commissures  in  each  0.02  ml.  sea  water  was 
prepared.  In  Figure  1  are  shown  the  results  obtained  when  10  prawns  were  each 
injected  with  0.02  ml.  of  this  extract.  A  transitory  light-adaptation  was  produced 
that  was  followed  by  a  dark-adaptation  that  lasted  for  several  hours.  This  dark- 
adapting  effect  was  highly  significant  statistically  but  the  light-adaptation  was  not. 
The  same  experiment  was  also  performed  with  one  and  two  tritocerebral  com- 
missures per  dose.  In  both  of  these  experiments  the  distal  retinal  pigment  became 


slightly  more  dark-adapted  than  the  controls  but  the  differences  were  not  statistically 
significant.     The  data  of  these  experiments  are,  therefore,  not  included  herein. 

Distal  retinal  pigment  dark-adapting  hormone  in  the  cyestalk  of  Palaenionetes 

The  aim  of  this  series  of  experiments  was  to  ascertain  whether  a  dark-adapting 
hormone  is  present  in  the  eyestalks  of  Palaenionetes.  For  the  first  experiment  of 
this  group,  eyestalks  were  extracted  in  a  sufficient  volume  of  sea  water  to  yield  a 







-     0.15 



o    al° 





FIGURE  3.     Responses  of  the  distal  retinal  pigment  to  extracts  of  sinus  glands   (dots)  and 
optic  ganglia    (circles).     Sea  water  control,  half-filled  circles. 

final  concentration  of  one-third  of  a  pair  per  0.02  ml.  This  extract  was  injected  into 
10  specimens  and  its  effect  determined  over  a  period  of  seven  hours.  Control  speci- 
mens were  also  used.  A  strong  light-adaptational  response  was  observed.  This 
was  followed  by  a  large  dark-adaptational  response.  Because  of  the  importance  of 
this  experiment  it  was  done  five  more  times.  The  data  for  the  six  experiments 
were  averaged.  The  results  are  presented  in  Figure  2  where  each  point  represents 
the  mean  of  60  individuals.  These  results  are  statistically  significant. 



The  sinus  gland  in  the  eyestalk  of  crustaceans  is  thought  to  be  merely  a  storage 
and  release  center  for  neurosecretory  products  produced  elsewhere,  e.g.,  in  the  optic 
ganglia  (Knowles  and  Carlisle,  1956).  The  aim  of  the  next  experiment,  therefore, 
was  to  determine  whether  the  two  retinal  pigment  hormones  are  found  in  the  sinus 
glands  and  in  the  optic  ganglia.  These  structures  were  dissected  out,  triturated, 
and  suspended  in  sufficient  sea  water  such  that  the  final  concentration  was  one-third 
of  a  complement  per  0.02  ml.  The  experiment  was  performed  three  times  with  the 





z  0.15 








01  2345 


FIGURE  4.  Responses  of  the  distal  retinal  pigment  to  extracts  of  supraesophageal  ganglia 
with  the  circumesophageal  connectives  attached  from  which  the  tritocerebral  commissures  had 
been  removed  (circles).  Sea  water  control,  dots. 

same  results.  A  light-adaptational  response  occurred  that  was  followed  by  a  dark- 
adaptational  one  (Fig.  3)  just  as  \vas  found  with  extracts  of  whole  eyestalks  (Fig. 
2).  The  amplitudes  of  the  responses  showrn  in  Figure  3  were  slightly  less  than  in 
Figure  2,  presumably  because  of  the  decreased  quantity  of  hormonal  material  in  the 
extracts  when  the  components  of  the  eyestalks  were  separated  from  one  another. 

The  responses  of  the  prawns  to  the  extracts  of  sinus  glands  and  optic  ganglia 
were  strikingly  similar.     Since  the  volume  of  the  sinus  gland  is  about  one  per  cent 


that  of  the  tissue  in  one  eyestalk,  the  concentration  of  the  hormones  must  be  much 
greater  in  the  sinus  glands  than  in  the  optic  ganglia. 

An  objection  may  be  raised  to  the  interpretation  that  the  dark-adaptational  re- 
sponse is  due  to  a  dark-adapting  hormone,  namely  that  the  response  is  merely  over- 
compensation  on  the  part  of  the  organism  when  removing  the  injected  light-adapting 
hormone  from  the  blood.  To  offset  such  an  objection  the  final  experiment  was 
performed.  Supraesophageal  ganglia  plus  the  circumesophageal  connectives  were 
dissected  out.  The  tritocerebral  commissures  were  then  removed  from  these  organs. 
These  supraesophageal  ganglia  with  the  circumesophageal  connectives  attached 
were  then  extracted  in  sufficient  sea  water  so  that  the  final  concentration  was  one- 
third  of  a  complement  per  0.02  ml.  Such  an  extract  would  contain  considerable 
light-adapting  hormone  in  the  virtual  absence  of  a  dark-adapting  substance.  The 
extract  was  then  injected  into  10  specimens.  This  experiment  was  also  done  three 
times.  The  averaged  results  (Fig.  4)  revealed  a  statistically  significant  light- 
adaptational  response  and  no  dark-adaptation.  If  the  dark-adaptational  response 
shown  in  Figures  2  and  3  had  been  merely  overcompensation  then  it  would  have 
occurred  here  also. 


The  results  presented  herein  provide  direct  unequivocal  evidence  for  a  distal 
retinal  pigment  dark-adapting  hormone  in  Palaemonetes.  The  indirect  evidence  for 
this  endocrine  factor  presented  by  Brown,  Hines  and  Fingerman  (1952)  finds 
support  in  these  experiments.  The  results  represent  the  first  time  that  dark- 
adaptation  has  been  induced  in  light-adapted  specimens  kept  under  constant 

The  dark-adapting  hormone  appears  to  be  subordinated  to  the  light-adapting  one, 
being  able  to  function  only  after  the  latter  hormone  has  run  its  course.  However,  the 
effect  of  the  dark-adapting  hormone  persists  much  longer  than  that  of  the  light- 
adapting  substance  (Figs.  2  and  3). 

The  presence  of  these  antagonistically  functioning  hormones  probably  provides 
Palaemonetes  with  more  precise  control  of  the  position  of  its  distal  retinal  pigment 
than  it  would  have  if  these  prawns  produced  light-adapting  hormone  alone.  The 
prawns  can  secrete  an  antagonist  when  the  pigment  must  be  moved  rapidly  to  the 
dark-adapted  state  rather  than  be  forced  to  wait  for  the  light-adapting  hormone  to 
be  eliminated  from  the  circulation.  As  information  is  being  gathered  about  en- 
docrines  in  crustaceans,  we  find  more  instances  where  processes  are  controlled  by 
oppositely  functioning  substances.  Such  was  also  the  case  with  the  red  chroma- 
tophores  of  Palacuwnctcs.  Brown,  Webb  and  Sancleen  (1952)  demonstrated  red 
pigment  concentrating  and  dispersing  hormones  in  this  prawn  where  only  the  con- 
centrator had  been  found  previously. 


1.  The  distal  retinal  pigment  of  the  prawn  Palaemonetes  vidgaris  is  regulated 
by  light-adapting  and  dark-adapting  hormones. 

2.  These  hormones  are  found  in  the  sinus  glands  and  central  nervous  organs. 

3.  The  dark-adapting  hormone  was  demonstrated  by  inducing  with  tissue  ex- 
tracts  dark-adaptation   of   the   distal    retinal   pigment   of    light-adapted    specimens 


maintained  under  constant  illumination,  the  first  time  this  has  been  accomplished 
in  any  crustacean. 


BROWN,  F.  A.,  JR.,  M.  N.  HINES  AND  M.  FINGERMAN,  1952.     Hormonal  regulation  of  the  distal 

retinal  pigment  of  Palaemonctes.     Biol.  Bull.,  102 :  212-225. 
BROWN,  F.  A.,  JR.,  H.  M.  WEBB  AND  M.  I.   SANDEEN,  1952.     The  action  of  two  hormones 

regulating  the  red  chromatophores  of  Palacnioiietcs.     J.  Exp.  ZooL,  120:391-420. 
KLEINHOLZ,  L.  H.,  1936.     Crustacean  eye-stalk  hormone  and  retinal  pigment  migration.     Biol. 

Bull,,  70:  159-184. 
KNOWLES,  F.  G.  W.,  AND  D.  B.  CARLISLE,  1956.     Endocrine  control  in  the  Crustacea.     Biol. 

Rev.,  31 :  396-473. 
SANDEEN,  M.  I.,  AND  F.  A.  BROWN,  JR.,  1952.    Responses  of  the  distal  retinal  pigment  of  Palae- 

monetcs  to  illumination.     Physiol.  ZooL,  25 :  223-230. 



Edzi'ard  Martin  Biological  Laboratories,  Szvarthnwre  College,  Sivarthmorc,  Pennsylvania, 
and  Bermuda  Biological  Station,1  St.  George's  ll'sst,  Bermuda 

Brachyuran  crabs  possess  the  ability  to  regulate  the  internal  level  of  the  chloride 
ion  against  shifts  in  the  external  level  of  this  ion.  Webb  (1940)  and  Jones  (1941) 
showed  that  this  ability  varies  in  different  species  of  crabs,  and  becomes  functional 
over  an  increasingly  wider  range  as  the  animals  move  away  from  the  sea  into  an 
estuarine  or  shore  habitat.  Data  presented  by  Flemister  and  Flemister  (1951)  indi- 
cated that  the  ghost  crab,  Ocypode  albicans  (Bosq),  is  able  to  regulate  the  internal 
chloride  ion  against  a  hypotonic  environment  of  200  millimoles  of  chloride  per  liter, 
and  a  hypertonic  environment  of  600  millimoles  per  liter.  That  is,  within  this 
range  of  environmental  chloride  ion,  the  internal  chloride  ion  of  the  crab  is  main- 
tained at  375  millimoles  per  liter.  Such  regulation  is  accomplished  by  reciprocal 
mechanisms  for  uptake  and  loss  or  absorption  and  secretion  of  the  chloride  ion, 
these  mechanisms  being  located  in  cells  which  occupy  appropriate  sites  in  reference 
to  the  external  and  internal  environments. 

The  principal  site  of  chloride  ion  uptake  by  decapod  Crustacea  is  thought  to  be 
the  gills.  The  uptake  of  ions  from  the  environment  by  fresh  water  animals  was 
reported  by  Krogh  (1937)  as  a  probable  function  of  the  gill.  Webb  (1940)  sug- 
gested that  the  histology  of  the  gill  of  Carcinus  inaenas  was  compatible  with  the 
process  of  salt  and  water  transfer.  Isolated  gills  of  the  crab  Eriocheir  sinensis  were 
shown  to  absorb  ions  from  the  environment  by  Koch,  Evans  and  Schicks  (1954). 
Chloride  ions  are  excreted  from  the  body  by  the  kidney  or  antennal  gland.  It  has 
been  established  that  under  conditions  of  excess  chloride  ion  in  the  environment,  the 
urine  secreted  by  the  kidney  contains  a  higher  proportion  of  chloride  ion  than  it 
does  under  conditions  of  low  chloride  ion  in  the  environment.  An  investigation  of 
the  relation  of  oxygen  consumption  to  chloride  ion  regulation  reported  by  Flemister 
and  Flemister  ( 1951 )  led  to  the  conclusion  that  chloride  ion  regulation  by  the  kidney 
was  supplemented  by  the  activity  of  some  other  tissue  or  tissues.  Excretory  cells 
are  found  in  the  gill  and  in  the  hepato-pancreas,  in  addition  to  the  kidney.  Early 
accounts  of  crustacean  anatomy  by  Cuenot  (1895)  and  Pearson  (1908)  describe 
these  cells  and  attribute  an  excretory  function  to  them.  A  more  recent  study  by 
Lison  (1942)  emphasizes  their  possible  excretory  role.  These  findings  suggest 
that  gill  tissue  may  be  active  in  chloride  ion  loss,  as  well  as  uptake.  The  hepato- 
pancreas  is  likewise  a  site  at  which  chloride  ion  may  be  absorbed  or  excreted,  al- 
though its  role  in  regulation  is  doubtful.  Travis  (1955)  has  described  the  functional 
histology  of  this  structure  in  detail.  Similarly,  the  tufts  of  branchial  epithelium 

1  Contribution  No.  250  from  the  Bermuda  Biological  Station.  Assisted  by  a  Grant-in-Aid 
from  the  National  Science  Foundation  through  the  Bermuda  Biological  Station. 



which  partially  line  the  gill  chamber  of  Ocypodc  alhicaus  occupy  a  position  in  which 
they  might  contribute  to  the  transfer  of  ions  and  water.  An  investigation  of  the 
histophysiology  of  gill,  kidney  and  branchial  epithelium  of  Ocypodc  albicans  was 
undertaken  with  the  special  objective  of  examining  their  role  in  the  transfer  of  the 
chloride  ion. 


Ocypodc  albicans  was  collected  in  the  summer  months  on  the  beaches  at  Reho- 
both,  Delaware,  and  at  Bermuda  in  March  and  April.  The  animals  were  brought 
into  the  laboratory  where  they  were  maintained  on  damp  sand  and  offered  food 
until  they  were  subjected  to  experimental  treatment.  The  entire  period  of  their 
stay  in  the  laboratory  was  not  longer  than  ten  clays  or  two  weeks.  No  animals 
showed  indications  of  impending  molting  and  none  molted  in  the  laboratory. 

Animals  were  acclimatized  in  sea  water  containing,  respectively,  200,  400  and 
600  millimoles  of  chloride  per  liter.  The  chloride  ion  level  of  the  blood  of  Ocypode 
albicans  is  maintained  in  the  range  of  375  to  400  millimoles  of  chloride  per  liter ; 
thus  the  range  of  salinities  was  hypotonic,  isotonic  and  hypertonic  in  reference  to  the 
internal  chloride  ion  concentration.  Animals  remained  in  the  experimental  tanks 
for  seventy-two  hours.  Blood  and  urine  were  collected  and  analyzed  for  chloride 
ion  content  before  and  after  acclimatization,  using  methods  described  in  a  previous 
paper  (Flemister  and  Flemister,  1951). 

At  the  end  of  the  period  of  acclimatization,  tissues  were  removed  for  study. 
Tissues  taken  included  gill  and  antennal  gland,  which  were  fixed  without  further 
dissection,  and  the  branchial  epithelium.  This  latter  tissue  in  Ocypodc  albicans  is 
the  tufted  lining  of  the  inner  face  of  the  branchial  chamber.  It  was  removed,  cut 
into  two  portions  and  these  fixed  flattened  out.  Fixation  in  formalin  or  Bourn's 
fixative,  followed  by  hematoxylin  and  eosin  or  Mallory's  connective  tissue  stain, 
was  used  for  general  histological  examination.  Regaud's  fixative  followed  by  post- 
chroming  resulted  in  fixation  of  mitochondria  which  were  then  stained  by  iron  hema- 
toxylin or  Altman's  acid  aniline  fuchsin. 

The  Leschke  method  for  the  detection  of  chlorides  was  used  according  to  the 
sequence  described  by  Copeland  (1948).  Tissues  were  removed  from  the  animal 
and  fixed,  without  washing,  in  one  per  cent  silver  nitrate  made  acid  with  nitric  acid. 
This  fixation  was  accomplished  in  the  dark,  as  was  the  development  in  Eastman 
D-ll  (diluted  1:4)  and  final  fixing  in  Eastman  F-5  (diluted  1:5).  The  tissues 
were  then  washed,  dehydrated,  embedded  in  paraffin  and  sectioned.  Sections  were 
gold  toned  and  sometimes  counter-stained  with  eosin.  The  picture  of  silver  de- 
position which  resulted,  as  will  be  discussed  below,  led  to  testing  for  a  clue  as  to 
the  nature  of  the  material  reacting  with  the  silver.  Polyphenols,  urates  and  fats 
might  possibly  be  expected  to  react  with  the  silver  in  the  procedure  described. 
These  were  individually  tested  for  by  the  following  procedures. 

The  Hollande  method  for  the  detection  of  urates  was  used  as  described  by  Click 
(1948).  This  involved  fixation  in  one  per  cent  silver  nitrate  solution  in  neutral 
formalin,  in  the  dark.  Polyphenols  were  tested  for  by  treating  sections  of  formalin- 
fixed  material  in  ammoniacal  silver  nitrate  in  the  dark  by  Masson's  method  (Lison, 
1936).  Reduced  silver  deposits  in  each  of  these  indicates  presence  of  material 
tested  for.  Some  formalin-fixed  tissues  were  washed  and  imbedded  in  Carbowax 


after  the  method  of  Blank  and  McCarthy    (1950)    and  the  sections  stained  with 
Sudan  III  for  the  detection  of  fats. 

The  gill 

Descriptions  of  the  histology  of  decapod  crustacean  gills  are  to  be  found  in  the 
paper  of  Cuenot  (1895)  and  the  monograph  on  Cancer  by  Pearson  (1908).  The 
gill  of  Oc\f>odc  olbicans,  as  that  of  other  brachyurans,  is  formed  of  a  number  of 
lamellae,  or  broad  flattened  plates  arranged  serially  in  pairs  along  a  central  gill  stem 
(Fig.  1).  The  gill  stem  provides  support  for  the  lamellae  and  is  the  pathway  for 
the  afferent  and  efferent  branchial  vessels.  The  entire  outer  surface  of  the  gill 
is  covered  by  a  thin  layer  of  chitin  which  is  about  1  /x  in  thickness. 

The  individual  leaflet  or  lamella  may  be  likened  to  a  flattened  thin-walled  sac. 
Underlying  the  chitin  is  a  continuous  lining  of  epithelial  cells  (Fig.  2).  At  ir- 
regular intervals  the  faces  of  the  lamella  are  joined  by  large  cells  whose  cytoplasm 
contains  distinct  fibrils,  and  which  constitute  pillar  cells.  The  distal  border  of  the 
lamella  is  expanded,  being  free  of  pillar  cells  and  traversed  by  an  occasional  con- 
nective tissue  fiber.  The  irregular  cavity  within  the  lamella  resulting  from  this 
arrangement  of  pillar  cells  and  fibers  is  filled  with  blood  in  life  and  an  occasional 
blood  cell  is  seen  in  sections.  The  lamellar  blood  space  communicates  with  the 
afferent  and  efferent  branchial  vessels.  The  epithelial  cells  of  the  lamellae  are 
continued  as  the  lining  of  the  gill  stem.  Collagen  fibers  of  some  thickness  are 
found  in  the  stem  itself.  Large  connective  tissue  cells  conforming  to  the  classifica- 
tion of  Leydig  cells  of  the  first  order,  according  to  Kiikenthal  (1926-1927),  com- 
pose the  chief  support  of  the  gill  stem.  Smaller  spindle-shaped  Leydig  cells  of  the 
third  order  may  also  be  found.  Blood  cells  are  commonly  seen  lying  in  the  in- 
terstitial spaces. 

In  addition  to  the  cells  described,  there  is  yet  another  type  which  appears  to  be 
unique  to  the  gill.  It  was  termed  a  branchial  excretory  cell  by  Cuenot  (1895)  and 
a  branchial  athrocyte  by  Lison  (1942).  These  cells  are  large,  oval  in  shape,  with 
the  cytoplasm  arranged  in  a  peripheral  layer  surrounding  a  vacuole.  The  nucleus 
is  displaced  to  one  side,  close  to  the  cell  membrane.  The  vacuole  contains  material 
which  in  fixed  sections  appears  as  an  aggregate  of  granules  incompletely  filling  the 
space.  The  cells  are  arranged  in  irregular  rows  or  aggregates  which  protrude  into 
and  are  bathed  by  the  blood  which  passes  through  the  stem.  Lison  (1942)  and 
earlier  investigators  have  observed  that  certain  classes  of  dyes  injected  into  the  blood 
stream  may  be  accumulated  by  these  cells  and  from  this  function  is  derived  their 
classification  as  branchial  excretory  cells. 

In  mitochondrial  preparations  it  is  immediately  apparent  that  the  lamellar 
epithelium  is  rich  in  mitochondria,  while  the  branchial  excretory  cells  show  a  sparse 
or  absent  population  (Fig.  3).  It  is  also  apparent  that  although  the  lamellar  epithe- 
lium is  continuous  with  the  lining  of  the  gill  stem,  there  is  a  marked  decrease  in  the 
mitochondrial  count  in  the  cells  lining  the  gill  stem.  The  mitochondria  may  be 
filamentous  or  arranged  in  minute  rows  of  granules ;  they  occupy  the  cytoplasm  of 
the  cell  on  either  side  of  the  nucleus,  and  do  not  appear  to  be  constantly  located 
either  toward  the  base  or  toward  the  distal  surface  (Fig.  4  ).  In  preparations  made 



FIGURE  1.  Portion  of  gill.  17  X-  Several  lamellae  attached  to  central  stem.  Afferent, 
ventral  and  efferent,  dorsal,  vessels  appear  as  light,  roughly  circular  areas.  Darker  part  of 
stem  is  area  of  branchial  athrocytes. 

FIGURE  2.  Longitudinal  section  of  stem  of  gill  with  several  lamellae.  200  X.  Note  loosely 
packed  athrocytes,  blood  spaces  and  occasional  connective  tissue  fibers  in  stem.  Lamellae  are 
lined  by  epithelium  below  a  thin  chitin  cover.  Pillar  cells  appear  to  join  faces  of  lamellae. 

FIGURE  3.  Portion  of  stem  and  lamella  stained  with  iron  hematoxylin.  380  X.  Mito- 
chondria show  as  dark  clumps  in  lamellar  epithelium.  Athrocyte  in  extreme  left  center  field 
shows  enclosed  material  lightly  stained.  Very  dark  cells  in  stem  are  blood  cells. 

FIGURE  4.  Section  of  lamella,  iron  hematoxylin.  860  X.  Mitochondria  appear  as  dark 
clumps  and  threads.  Chitin  covering  heavily  stained. 


from  crabs  acclimatized  to  200  millimoles  of  chloride  per  liter  the  lamellar  cells 
show  some  vacuolation ;  in  such  instances  the  mitochondria  line  up  at  the  borders 
of  the  vacuoles.  Vacuolation  is  less  in  lamellar  cells  of  material  taken  from  crabs 
which  had  been  living  in  sea  water  containing  400  and  600  millimoles  of  chloride 
per  liter,  but  otherwise  the  picture  is  the  same.  Mitochondria  appear  as  scattered 
granules  in  the  peripheral  cytoplasm  of  the  branchial  excretory  cells.  However,  the 
material  present  in  the  vacuoles  of  these  cells  often  stained  with  the  mitochondrial 

The  Leschke  test  for  the  detection  of  chlorides  gave  clear  results  on  one  point: 
there  is  never,  under  any  circumstances,  any  evidence  of  silver  deposition  in  the 
lamellar  epithelium,  the  epithelium  of  the  stem,  any  of  the  connective  tissue  of  the 
stem,  or  in  any  of  the  blood  cells.  There  is  blackening  of  the  covering  chitin,  as 
would  be  expected  since  the  tissues  were  not  washed  before  fixing.  There  is 
occasional  outlining  of  the  nucleus,  and  connective  tissue  fibers  may  show  blackening. 
In  all  of  the  tissues  prepared  from  Rehoboth  Beach  crabs  there  is  blackening  of  the 
material  contained  within  the  vacuole  of  the  branchial  excretory  cells.  This  is  not 
uniformly  true  of  the  crabs  taken  in  Bermuda.  Careful  examination  of  material 
taken  from  crabs  from  the  three  classes  of  environmental  situations  shows  no 
obvious  quantitative  differences  which  might  reflect  activity  in  the  regulatory 

The  interpretation  of  the  occurrence  of  deposits  of  reduced  silver  as  evidence  of 
the  localization  of  chloride  is  open  to  dispute.  The  Leschke  method  depends  upon 
the  formation  of  silver  chloride  after  treatment  with  acid  silver  nitrate  and  sub- 
sequent reduction  of  silver  by  means  of  a  quinone-containing  solution.  Such  a 
method  was  meticulously  explored  by  MacCallum  (1905)  using  a  variety  of  biolog- 
ical materials.  It  was  his  conclusion  that  only  halides  of  all  substances  in  biological 
materials  would  give  this  particular  reaction.  It  is  to  be  noted  that  in  his  experi- 
ments, proteins  and  other  substances  used  were  purified  by  repeated  treatment  to 
rid  them  of  all  free  chloride.  His  conclusions  have  been  used  by  a  number  of 
workers  to  justify  their  results  with  the  Leschke  method.  Keys  and  ^'illmer  (1932) 
used  this  method  in  determining  the  location  of  the  "salt  cells"  of  fish. 

There  are  two  lines  of  objection  to  a  blanket  acceptance  of  silver  deposits  as 
evidence  of  the  localization  of  chlorides.  One  of  these  is  based  on  the  highly  diffusi- 
ble nature  of  the  chloride  ion  which  tends  to  move  freely  in  biological  fluids  and 
across  membranes.  Silver  is  a  heavy  metal  and  tends  to  be  adsorbed  upon  mem- 
branes so  that  penetration  of  the  solution  may  be  uneven.  Thus,  any  reduced  silver 
found  after  the  treatment  is  complete  may,  or  may  not,  represent  a  true  localization 
of  chloride  present  in  1'k'o.  The  second  objection,  which  in  some  respects  is  more 
serious,  is  that  certain  substances  found  in  tissues  are  capable  of  immediately  re- 
ducing acid  silver  nitrate  in  the  dark.  The  best  known  of  these  is  Vitamin  C,  as- 
corbic acid,  and  this  property  is  the  basis  of  the  method  of  Giroud  (1938)  for  de- 
termining the  location  of  Vitamin  C  in  tissues.  Polyphenols  give  a  silver  precipitate 
after  treatment  with  ammoniacal  silver  nitrate,  and  urates  yield  a  silver  precipitate 
after  treatment  in  neutral  silver  nitrate.  Tissues  from  Ocypode  albicans  subjected 
to  these  tests  showed  no  evidence  of  reduced  silver  in  the  locations  observed  after 
the  Leschke  test  or  in  any  other  locations.  Vitamin  C  is  regularly  found  in  the 
cytoplasm  of  the  cell,  occupying  a  position  in  the  neighborhood  of  the  Golgi  appara- 
tus. Thus  the  nature  of  the  material  contained  within  the  vacuoles  of  the  branchial 



IP  Iro^rtr^fcta^^ 


FIGURE  5.  Section  of  kidney,  hematoxylin  and  eosin-stained.  100  X.  Typical  view  of 
labyrinth,  showing  renal  tubule  cells  surrounding  saccule  cells.  The  latter  are  very  pale. 
Occasional  very  dark  cells  between  the  two  layers  are  blood  cells  in  the  blood  spaces. 

FIGURE  6.  Labyrinth,  hematoxylin  and  eosin.  380  X.  The  lower  left  hand  portion  of  the 
picture  shows  renal  tubule  cells.  Note  brush  border,  and  the  secretion  bleb  being  extruded 
into  the  lumen.  In  the  upper  right  hand  corner  are  a  few  saccule  cells,  very  pale  and  appearing 
almost  empty. 

FIGURE  7.  Labyrinth,  iron  hematoxylin.  380  X.  At  top  renal  tubule  cells  surround  saccule 
cells  which  have  not  been  stained  by  iron  hematoxylin.  Section  of  renal  tubule  at  bottom 
shows  mitochondria  situated  towards  the  hemocoele,  in  the  basal  portion  of  the  cells. 


excretory  cells  is  still  undetermined.  It  seems  reasonable  to  speculate,  however, 
that  under  some  circumstances  this  might  he  a  complex  molecule  which  is  capable 
of  combining  loosely  with  chloride.  An  alternate  interpretation  would  be  that  it  is 
a  molecule  which  under  some  circumstances  carries  a  reducing  radical  of  yet  un- 
determined nature.  The  material  is  not  fat :  it  persists  after  normal  dehydration 
and  clearing  procedures ;  it  stains  with  cytoplasmic  stains  generally ;  it  does  not 
stain  with  Sudan  III  after  Carbowax  embedding  and  sectioning.  What  it  is  re- 
mains undetermined  ;  that  the  reduced  silver  indicates  the  location  of  a  chloride  re- 
mains to  be  positively  substantiated. 

The  lei  el  n  cv 

The  histology  of  decapod  crustacean  kidneys  is  amply  treated  in  the  descriptive 
works  of  Marchal  (1892)  and  Pearson  (1908).  The  kidney  of  Ocypode  albicans 
conforms  to  these  descriptions.  The  labyrinthine  structure  is  the  result  of  the 
growth  in  close  proximity  of  two  sac-like  portions  of  the  excretory  tubule.  The 
floor  <  if  the  more  dorsal  end  sac  pushes  into  the  roof  of  the  more  ventral  renal  tubule 
with  a  consequent  close  interdigitation  of  the  layers.  The  lumen  of  the  end  sac 
communicates  with  the  lumen  of  the  renal  tubule  which  in  turn  empties  through  a 
bladder  to  the  outside.  There  is  no  direct  connection  between  the  hemocoele  and 
the  lumen  of  the  excretory  apparatus  ;  all  materials  eliminated  must  pass  through  the 
cells  either  of  the  end  sac  or  renal  tubule. 

Typical  sections  through  the  kidney  show  portions  of  the  end  sac,  renal  tubule, 
and  areas  of  interdigitation  (Fig.  5).  Comparisons  of  end  sac  epithelium  and  renal 
tubule  epithelium  can  be  made  easily  in  the  areas  of  interdigitation,  at  which  locations 
the  end  sac  epithelium  always  constitutes  the  inner  layer  of  cells,  surrounded  by  an 
outer  layer  of  renal  tubule  epithelium.  The  appearance  and  staining  capacities  are 
sufficiently  different  so  that  renal  tubule  cells  may  always  be  distinguished  from  end 
sac  cells.  Renal  tubule  cells  are  cuboidal  in  shape,  stain  deeply  and  have  a  well  de- 
nned brush  border  on  the  surface  of  the  cell  facing  the  lumen  (Fig.  6).  In  contrast 
the  cells  of  the  end  sac  are  large  oval  or  cuboidal  cells  generally  arranged  in  one  layer 
although  they  may  occasionally  form  two  indistinct  layers.  A  considerable  portion 
of  the  cell  is  occupied  by  a  vacuole  which  may  contain  granular  material,  and  the 
nucleus  is  consequently  displaced  to  one  side.  Staining  is  invariably  light  or  pale 
in  contrast  to  the  deeper  staining  renal  tubule  cells.  The  end  sac  cells  resemble 
closely  the  branchial  excretory  cells  described  for  the  gill,  and  they  have  been 
termed  kidney  athrocytes  by  Lison  (1942). 

Mitochondria  are  found  in  renal  tubule  cells,  usually  as  filaments  occupying  the 
area  of  the  cell  towards  the  hemocoele  (Fig.  7).  There  are  generally  few  or  no 
mitochondria  observed  in  the  end  sac  cells,  and  the  material  of  the  vacuole  does  not 
stain  with  the  mitochondria!  stain. 

Kidney  tissue  treated  by  the  Leschke  method  shows  silver  deposition  as  follows. 
The  contents  of  the  vacuoles  of  the  end  sac  cells  are  blackened.  The  degree  of 
blackening  is  not  uniform,  and  shows  no  correlation  with  the  observed  regulatory 

FIGURE  8.  Labyrinth,  silver  fixation.  860  X.  Portion  of  renal  tubule  from  crab  acclima- 
tized to  hypertonic  environment.  Heavy  deposition  of  silver  apparently  in  brush  border  area 
of  cell,  and  outlining  secretion  blebs.  Note  that  silver  also  accumulates  within  cell  in  discrete 
particles.  They  are  not  nuclei,  and  significance  of  their  occurrence  is  not  known. 


activity  of  the  animal.  Tests  similar  to  those  made  on  gill  tissues  for  polyphenols, 
urates  and  fats  gave  negative  results.  The  nature  of  this  material  is  undetermined. 
In  kidney  tissue  removed  from  crabs  acclimatized  to  600  millimoles  of  chloride  per 
liter  there  is  a  pronounced  deposit  on  the  lumen  side  of  the  renal  tubule  cell  (Fig.  8). 
This  blackening  appears  to  involve  the  brush  border  as  well  as  the  immediately  ad- 
jacent lumen  edge  of  the  cell.  The  blebs  of  secretion  characteristic  of  this  type  of 
cell  are  also  outlined  with  faint  depositions  of  silver.  The  cytological  picture  here 
coincides  with  the  known  physiological  activity  of  the  kidney,  which  is  excretion  of 
excess  chloride  under  the  conditions  of  regulation  to  the  hypertonic  environment. 
There  seems  to  be  little  doubt  that  the  site  of  excretion  is  through  the  renal  tubule 
cells.  Silver  deposition  in  kidneys  taken  from  animals  acclimatized  to  200  milli- 
moles of  chloride  per  liter  shows  along  the  lumen  border  of  cells,  but  not  out- 
lining the  secretion  blebs;  the  silver  always  seems  to  be  within  the  cell.  In  several 
specimens  from  Bermuda,  the  sections  show  no  silver  except  at  the  blood  side  of  the 
cell.  This  was  not  observed  uniformly  in  the  tissues  of  crabs  acclimatized  to  a 
hypotonic  environment.  Under  such  conditions  the  kidney  is  excreting  a  dilute 
urine  with  reference  to  the  chloride  content  and  it  is  perhaps  impossible  to  detect 
accumulation  or  reabsorption  of  chloride  which  might  be  occurring. 

The  branchial  epithelium 

The  lining  of  the  inner  surface  of  the  gill  chamber  is  the  branchial  epithelium, 
which  in  Ocypodc  albieans  is  developed  into  numerous  tufts  which  presumably  offer 
increased  surface  for  respiratory  exchange.  The  membrane  is  composed  chiefly  of 
a  large  blood  space  surrounded  by  the  stellate  and  spindle-shaped  connective  tissue 
cells  characteristic  of  Crustacea.  The  main  blood  channel  protrudes  into  finger-like 
projections  which  follow  poorly  denned  ridges.  Within  the  network  of  connective 
tissue  are  scattered  large  cells  corresponding  to  the  reserve  cells  of  Cuenot  (1895). 
These  cells  have  the  property  of  accumulation  and  storage  of  proteinaceous  materials. 
The  outer  covering  is  composed  of  a  single  layer  of  flattened  epithelium  covered  by 
a  very  thin  layer  of  chitin. 

None  of  the  cell  types  show  any  evidence  of  possible  active  absorption  or  secre- 
tion. The  mitochondria!  picture  does  not  indicate  such  activity  on  the  part  of  any 
cells ;  there  are  no  athrocytes ;  and  there  is  no  evidence  of  tegmental  glands  as- 
sociated with  this  epithelium.  It  seems  probable  that  respiratory  exchange  occurs 
across  this  membrane,  although  the  contiguity  of  external  and  internal  environments 
is  not  as  close  as  in  the  gill  lamellae.  Although  salt  transfer,  and  that  of  water, 
could  be  accomplished  by  direct  osmotic  forces  it  does  not  seem  possible  that  this 
membrane  takes  an  active  part  in  salt  and  water  regulation. 


The  microscopic  anatomy  of  the  gill  and  kidney  of  Ocypode  albicaiis  can  be  re- 
lated to  the  function  of  transfer  of  chloride  ion  between  the  blood  of  the  animal  and 
the  environment.  The  hepato-pancreas  and  the  branchial  epithelium  are  likewise 
areas  at  which  transfer  may  occur,  but  these  sites  do  not  appear  to  be  concerned  with 
regulation.  Gill  and  kidney  on  the  other  hand  are  not  only  areas  of  passive  transfer, 
but  are  also  elements  of  the  regulatory  mechanism.  The  regulatory  mechanism  has 



been  demonstrated  by  Flemister  and  Flemister  (1951)  to  l)e  effective  in  Ocypodc 
albicans  over  a  hypotonic  and  hypertonic  range  of  environmental  chloride  ion  con- 
tent, and  it  has  been  further  demonstrated  that  this  regulation  requires  the  expendi- 
ture of  energy. 

The  chief  portal  of  entry  of  the  chloride  ion  into  the  body  of  the  crab  is  at  the 
gill  surface.  The  lamellar  cells  which  constitute  the  cellular  surface  of  the  gill  are 
closely  associated  with  the  blood  stream,  which  bathes  one  surface,  and  the  external 
environment  which  bathes  the  other  surface.  The  cells  give  evidence  of  being  active 
in  some  secretion  or  absorption  process  by  their  rich  population  of  mitochondria, 
which  is  a  generally  accepted  sign  of  a  metabolically  active  cell.  The  lamellar  cells 
under  no  circumstances  showed  any  evidence  of  accumulation  of  chloride  ion,  and  it 
is  assumed  that  the  absorption  process  is  a  continuing  one  and  does  not  involve  even 
temporary  accumulation  within  the  cell.  These  same  cells  are  the  final  route  of 




H2O  +  CO2 









FIC.URE  9. 

carbon  dioxide  as  it  leaves  the  body.  It  is  known  from  the  work  of  Ferguson, 
Lewis  and  Smith  (1937)  that  the  gills  of  crustaceans  contain  a  large  amount  of 
the  enzyme  carbonic  anhydrase  as  compared  with  the  blood  or  other  tissues  taken 
from  the  animals.  The  diagram  (Fig.  9)  shows  how  the  excretion  of  carbon  dioxide 
may  be  related  to  the  function  of  chloride  ion  uptake  by  the  gill  of  the  crab.  Carbon 
dioxide  from  the  body  tissues  arrives  at  the  lamellar  cell  in  the  form  of  bicarbonate, 
and  is  transferred  across  the  cell  to  the  environment.  As  bicarbonate  leaves  the  cell, 
chloride  ion  enters,  maintaining  the  ionic  balance  ;  similar  exchange  occurs  at  the 
blood  surface  of  the  cell,  with  the  net  result  that  chloride  ion  enters  the  blood  stream 
as  carbon  dioxide  is  lost  from  the  body.  This  uptake  is  augmented  by  some  specific 
cellular  activity  which  results  in  the  production  of  carbon  dioxide  which  is  removed 
from  the  cell  as  bicarbonate  produced  by  the  activity  of  carbonic  anhydrase.  It  is 
believed  that  this  absorption  mechanism  is  working  under  all  conditions  of  tonicity 
of  the  environment,  and  is  independent  of  the  ion  content  of  the  environment.  It 


is  effective  in  supplying  enough  chloride  ion  to  maintain  the  internal  level  until  the 
external  level  falls  below  about  twenty-five  per  cent  of  the  internal  level  (Flemister 
and  Flemister,  1951).  Below  this  level  it  is  still  working  as  can  be  observed  from 
the  uptake  experiments  cited  above.  When  the  crab  is  subjected  to  a  hypertonic 
environment,  the  mechanism  is  still  at  work,  and  supplements  the  osmotic  force 
tending  to  drive  chloride  ion  into  the  body.  The  internal  chloride  ion  level  then 
is  maintained  by  excretion  of  excess  chloride  ion  by  the  kidney,  and  perhaps  at  other 
sites.  It  is  interesting  to  note  that  in  Gecarcinus  lateralis  as  reported  by  Flemister 
(1958)  the  blood  chloride  ion  level  tends  to  rise  above  the  normal  level  when  the 
crab  is  living  in  hypertonic  environment.  It  appears  that  the  excretory  mechanism 
cannot  keep  up  with  the  intake  in  this  particular  situation. 

The  renal  tubule  cells  of  the  kidney  are  the  principal  sites  of  chloride  ion  ex- 
cretion. The  cells  lie  between  the  blood  stream  and  the  lumen  of  the  kidney  which 
communicates  with  the  exterior ;  they  show  the  brush  border  and  mitochondria 
characteristically  associated  with  absorbing  or  secreting  cells  ;  it  is  reported  by  Krug- 
ler  and  Burkner  (1948)  that  alkaline  phosphatase  is  found  in  these  cells;  and  the 
cytological  picture  resulting  from  the  Leschke  test  adds  evidence  that  chloride  ion 
may  be  excreted  from  the  body  at  this  site.  Analysis  of  the  urine  of  crabs  reported 
by  Flemister  and  Flemister  (1951)  showed  that  there  is  always  chloride  ion  in  the 
urine,  and  the  amount  increases  directly  with  increasing  chloride  ion  in  the  environ- 
ment. The  mechanism  of  secretion  is  not  known,  but  it  appears  to  be  a  function 
of  the  renal  tubule  cells.  There  is  no  evidence  here  that  these  cells  can  reabsorb 
chloride  ion  from  the  urine.  Hence  the  renal  tubule  cells  are  the  route  of  chloride 
ion  out  of  the  body. 

The  athrocytes  of  the  end-sac  and  the  branchial  athrocytes  are  concerned  with 
the  removal  of  large,  poorly  diffusible  molecules  from  the  blood  stream.  According 
to  Lison  (1942)  this  is  accomplished  by  a  process  of  accumulation,  the  exact  nature 
of  which  is  not  understood.  Final  removal  from  the  body  results  from  the  breaking 
away  of  the  end-sac  athrocytes  so  that  they  float  freely  in  the  lumen  of  the  kidney 
and  are  lost  from  the  bodv  with  the  urine.  There  is  no  such  obvious  final  route 


for  the  gill-stem  athrocytes,  and  they  may  perhaps  be  looked  upon  as  analogous  to 
the  fixed  macrophages  of  the  vertebrate  reticulo-endothelial  system.  However,  it 
should  be  noted  that  specific  evidence  for  a  phagocytic  action  is  lacking.  It  is  dif- 
ficult to  imagine  how  the  athrocytes  could  be  involved  in  the  mechanism  resulting 
in  chloride  ion  regulation,  unless  the  ion  is  somehow  attached  to  a  large  poorly 
diffusible  molecule  within  the  cell,  and  thus  removed  from  the  blood  stream.  If  the 
Leschke  test  is  assumed  valid  as  an  indicator  of  the  presence  of  halides,  then  the 
athrocytes  contain  halides  in  quantity  far  greater  than  other  cells.  There  is  no 
quantitative  difference  in  the  amount  of  halicle  bound  by  the  athrocytes  of  crabs 
taken  from  hypotonic  or  hypertonic  environments.  Perhaps  the  only  function  of 
these  cells  is  accumulation,  and  there  can  be  no  eventual  release  back  into  the  blood 
stream.  These  cells  would  then  act  antagonistically  to  the  lamellar  cells  which  are 
continually  absorbing  chloride  ion  from  the  environment,  and  they  would  supplement 
the  function  of  the  renal  tubule  cells.  It  is  to  be  noted  that  this  speculation  is  based 
on  an  assumed  validity  of  the  Leschke  test. 

There  is  some  indication  that  the  kidney  is  not  the  only  site  of  chloride  ion  loss 
from  the  body,  according  to  Flemister  (1958).  Granting  that  the  role  of  the 


athrocytes  is  hypothetical,  one  other  source  of  leaking  of  chloride  ion  could  be  at 
the  branchial  epithelial  surface.  Since  this  surface  is  relatively  thin  and  lies  between 
blood  stream  and  environment,  there  is  ample  opportunity  here  for  exchange  of  ions 
as  a  result  of  osmotic  differentials.  Thus  the  branchial  epithelium  might  serve  as 
a  portal  of  entry  of  chloride  ion  in  a  hypertonic  medium,  a  site  of  chloride  ion  loss 
in  a  hypotonic  medium.  The  regulation  of  the  blood  chloride  ion  level  must  depend 
on  those  cells  which  are  active  in  absorbing  or  secreting  chloride  ions,  those  of  the 
lamella  of  the  gill  and  the  renal  tubule  of  the  kidney. 


1.  The  fine  structure  of  the  gill  and  kidney  of  Ocypode  albicans  was  examined 
for  evidence  of  participation  in  the  transfer  of  water  and  the  chloride  ion. 

2.  The  epithelium  of  the  gill  lamellae  was  found  to  have  the  characteristics  of 
a  secreting  epithelium.     No  other  cells  associated  with  the  gill  structure  had  either 
the  position  or  morphology  to  be  considered  important  in  this  function.     The  athro- 
cytes of  the  gill  stem  probably  do  not  participate  in  salt-water  regulation,  but  are 
concerned  principally  with  the  removal  of  poorly  diffusible  ions  from  the  blood 
stream.     No  mechanism  of  such  removal  can  be  interpreted  from  the  present  study. 

3.  The  cells  of  the  renal  tubule  of  the  kidney  were  found  to  have  the  charac- 
teristic brush  border  and  mitochondrial  picture  associated  with  actively  secreting  or 
reabsorbing  epithelia.     Silver  deposition  following  the  Leschke  test  gave  evidence 
that  these  cells  are  involved  in  the  excretion  of  chloride,  and  may  possibly  also  act 
to  reabsorb  chloride  from  the  urine.     The  athrocytes  of  the  kidney  end-sac,  like 
those  of  the  gill  stem,  probably  do  not  function  in  salt  or  water  regulation.     Materi- 
als accumulated  within  these  cells  are  lost  to  the  body  when  the  cells  break  away 
and  float  free  in  the  urine. 

4.  Absorption  of  salt  from  the  environmental  medium  is  accomplished  by  an 
energy-using  mechanism  in  the  lamellar  cells.     This  is  a  constant  function  and  is 
associated  with  the  carbonic  anhydrase  mechanism  working  in   the   excretion  of 
carbon  dioxide.     Excretion  of  salt  by  the  renal  tubule  is  probably  also  a  constant 
function,  although  no  evidence  as  to  its  possible  mechanism  is  available.     Reabsorp- 
tion  of  salt  at  this  location  is  a  possibility ;  the  triggering  mechanism  is  probably  a 
falling  chloride  concentration  in  the  blood. 


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KRUGLER,  O.   E.,   AND  M.   L.   BURKNER,   1948.     Histochemical  observations   of   alkaline   phos- 

phatase  in  the  integument,  gastrolith  sac,  digestive  gland  and  nephridium  of  the  cray- 
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Hopkins  Marine  Station  of  Stanford   University,  California 

The  gonads  of  a  gravid  purple  sea  urchin  (Strongylocentrotus  purpuratus)  may 
contribute  as  much  as  one-fifth  to  the  total  wet  weight  of  the  animal.  On  the  other 
hand,  the  shrunken  gonad  of  an  immature  animal  or  one  which  has  recently  spawned 
may  be  only  one-eighteenth  as  large.  The  development  of  the  gonad  represents  a 
remarkable  synthesis  of  organic  material,  since  the  larger  part  of  the  protoplasm  of 
a  sea  urchin  is  gonadal  during  the  breeding  season,  the  only  other  organ  of  any  bulk 
being  the  intestine.  The  intestine  in  turn  owes  part  of  its  bulk  to  its  food  contents, 
the  epithelium  itself  being  quite  delicate.  The  volume  of  perivisceral  fluid  bears 
an  inverse  relation  to  the  gonads,  being  present  in  larger  amounts  when  the  gonad 
is  less  well  developed.  The  perivisceral  fluid,  however,  contains  little  organic 
material  (Lasker  and  Giese,  1954).  Furthermore,  its  organic  constituents  do  not 
vary  in  any  striking  or  systematic  way  during  the  year  (Bennett  and  Giese,  1955). 
A  fairly  good  measure  of  organic  productivity  in  the  sea  urchin  might  therefore  be 
gained  by  a  study  of  the  increase  in  organic  constituents  in  the  gonads  during  their 
growth  from  immature  (or  spent)  to  gravid  condition.  The  results  of  such  study 
are  reported  in  this  paper. 


For  most  of  the  experiments  reported  here,  sea  urchins  were  collected  at  the 
monthly  low  tide  at  Yankee  Point,  near  Carmel,  California.  In  a  few  instances  speci- 
mens were  obtained  near  Moss  Beach,  California.  The  gonad  index  was  deter- 
mined for  each  of  ten  specimens,  the  index  being  the  ratio  of  the  volume  of  gonad  to 
wet  weight  of  animal,  times  100.  The  total  nitrogen  (TN),  non-protein  nitrogen 
(NPN),  lipid,  and  glycogen  contents  of  samples  of  gonad  were  determined.  For 
one  male  and  one  female,  water  and  ash  content  of  the  sample  were  also  determined 
monthly.  From  samples  at  the  height  of  the  season,  and  also  after  the  spawn-out, 
determinations  were  made  of  the  desoxyribonucleic  acid  (DNA)  and  ribonucleic 
acid  (RNA),  as  well  as  lipid,  total  nitrogen  and  non-protein  nitrogen  at  the  same 
time,  and  in  a  few  samples  reducing  sugar  (RS)  content  was  determined.  These 
data  give  a  biochemical  picture  of  the  constituents  of  the  gonads  correlated  with 
the  gonadal  cycle  over  an  entire  year. 

For  the  biochemical  determinations  on  the  gonads  of  each  animal,  several  samples 

1  Supported  by  funds  made  available  by  National  Science  Foundation  Grant  GS  482,  U.  S. 
Public  Health  Grant  4578,  and  the  Rockefeller  Foundation.  We  are  indebted  to  Mr.  F.  Fal- 
coner, head  librarian  of  the  Biological  Libraries,  for  verification  of  the  literature  cited. 

-  Now  at  the  University  of  California  at  Los  Angeles. 

3  Now  at  Scripps  Institution  of  Oceanography,  La  Jolla,  California. 


50  GIESE,  ET  AL. 

of  various  wet  weights  (several  grams)  were  placed  in  a  vacuum  desiccator  over 
concentrated  sulfuric  acid  and  dried  for  about  12  hours.  When  tissues  were  to  be 
used  for  glycogen  analysis,  a  few  drops  of  10  per  cent  trichloracetic  acid  were  in- 
jected before  drying  to  prevent  glycolysis  by  enzymes  during  the  drying  process. 
All  analyses  were  done  in  duplicate ;  the  duplicates  varied  by  only  a  few  per  cent. 

For  determination  of  total  nitrogen,  a  given  sample  was  digested  in  sulfuric  acid 
with  selenium  catalyst  over  electric  heat  or  gas  flame,  and  from  an  aliquot  of  the 
digest  the  ammonia  was  distilled  with  a  Markham  still  (Markham,  1942),  or  in  a 
Conway  diffusion  cell  (Conway,  1947),  into  borate  buffer  containing  brom-cresol 
green  and  methyl  red  as  indicators.  The  borate  was  then  titrated  to  the  original 
color  with  0.01  N  sulfuric  acid.  Usually  several  weights  of  samples  were  tested 
and  to  one  of  them  a  known  weight  of  a  nitrogen-containing  compound  (glycine) 
was  added  to  serve  as  a  check  on  the  accuracy  of  the  method. 

For  determining  non-protein  nitrogen  1  ml.  of  10  per  cent  trichloracetic  acid 
(TCA)  was  added  to  a  10-30  mg.  sample  of  gonad  and  the  tissue  was  macerated 
with  a  glass  rod.  It  was  heated  to  80-100°  C.  in  an  oven  for  15  minutes,  allowed 
to  cool,  centrifuged,  and  the  supernatant  plus  two  washings  of  the  precipitate  were 
added  to  the  flask  which  was  then  placed  on  the  digestion  rack  and  the  nitrogen  con- 
tent determined  as  described  above.  The  non-protein  nitrogen  subtracted  from  the 
total  nitrogen  is  taken  to  give  the  protein  nitrogen  (PN)  3.  This  is  multiplied  by 
the  factor  6.25  to  convert  to  protein. 

Total  lipids  in  gonadal  tissue  were  determined  by  extracting  100-mg.  samples 
with  10  ml.  ethyl  ether  in  a  micro-Soxhlet  apparatus,  refluxing  being  continued  for 
two  hours.  Many  samples  were  extracted  at  the  same  time  on  a  sand  bath. 

Glycogen  was  determined  in  the  following  way  (Good  ct  al.,  1933;  Meyer, 
1943).  The  ground  dry  sample  was  treated  with  an  equal  volume  of  10  per  cent 
TCA,  cooled,  and  the  supernatant  was  transferred  to  a  lusteroid  tube  to  which  was 
added  1  ml.  of  distilled  water  wash  of  the  precipitate.  After  addition  of  2.5  ml.  of 
95  per  cent  ethanol  and  mixing,  the  sample  was  centrifuged  and  the  supernatant 
fluid  was  discarded  and  the  tube  allowed  to  drain  for  several  minutes.  To  it  was 
added  enough  warm  water  to  give  about  70  //,gm  glycogen  per  ml.  and  the  content 
of  glycogen  was  determined  by  the  anthrone  method  (Seifter  et  al.,  1950).  Re- 
ducing sugar  was  determined  in  the  supernatant  fluid  of  a  homogenized  gonad  by  the 
Somogyi  method  (1945;  1952)  which  involves  first  the  precipitation  of  the  protein 
by  TCA,  centrifuging  the  sample,  and  testing  of  the  supernatant  solution. 

Water  content  was  determined  by  weighing  minced  tissue  before  and  after  drying 
in  the  desiccator  over  sulfuric  acid.  Ash  content  was  determined  on  a  known  dry 
weight  of  gonad  (about  100  mg.)  heated  to  450-500°  C.  in  a  porcelain  crucible  for 
three  to  eight  hours. 

Nucleic  acids  were  extracted  using  the  Hershey,  Dixon  and  Chase  (1953)  adap- 
tation of  the  Schmidt-Thannhauser  (1945)  and  Schneider  (1945)  procedures,  acid- 
soluble  phosphorus  being  removed  by  cold  10  per  cent  TCA,  phospholipid  being  re- 

3  Although  it  is  classical  procedure,  some  question  exists  whether  this  is  entirely  justified 
here,  because  when  a  direct  test  for  protein  nitrogen  is  made  on  the  residue  remaining  after 
extracting  acid-soluble  phosphates,  phospholipids  and  nucleic  acids  from  the  tissue  mash,  only 
about  a  half  to  a  third  as  much  is  obtained  as  by  the  difference  between  total  nitrogen  and 
non-protein  nitrogen.  It  is  possible  that  some  of  the  proteins  are  dissolved  by  the  extraction 
procedures,  but  additional  studies  are  desirable. 



moved  with  ethanol  and  a  mixture  of  ethyl  ether  and  ethanol  (60°  C.).  RNA  was 
removed  with  KOH,  DNA  being  precipitated  with  5  per  cent  TCA  (Leslie, 
1955) .  The  indole  reaction  of  Ceriotti  ( 1952)  was  used  for  DNA  and  the  orcinol  re- 
action of  Ogur  and  Rosen  (1950)  was  used  for  RNA;  the  details  of  the  method  as 
used  here  have  been  described  elsewhere  (Iverson  and  Giese,  1957).  Some  studies 
were  made  determining  the  nucleic  acids  by  the  phosphorus  method  (Fiske  and  Sub- 
barow,  1925)  but  they  were  considered  less  reliable  and  are  not  reported  here. 


The  average  values  for  some  chemical  contituents  of  gonads  of  male  and  female 
sea  urchins  taken  each  month  of  the  year  1956  are  given  in  Table  I.     Certain  trends 


Chemical  constituents  of  gonads  of  the  purple  sea  urchin  (Jan.  to  Dec.  1956) 
(Water  in  %  wet  weight,  all  others  in  %  dry  weight) 


Av.  GI* 














9           <? 












































































58.5  : 
























































































































*  GI  refers  to  gonad  index  obtained  as  denned  in  the  text.     NPN  refers  to  non-protein 

appear  in  the  data  of  this  table.  At  times  of  the  highest  gonad  index,  the  gonads 
per  unit  weight  tend  to  contain  more  lipid,  protein,  glycogen  and  ash  and  less  water 
(especially  in  the  female)  than  at  the  time  of  low  gonad  index.  A  more  significant 
rendition  of  the  data  of  Table  I  is  given  in  Figure  1,  because  it  shows  the  distribution 
of  each  chemical  in  gonads  of  members  of  a  population  sample  taken  each  month. 
It  will  be  observed  that  at  all  times  of  the  year  gonads  of  some  individuals  of  a 
population  sample  may  have  relatively  large  amounts  of  certain  constituents,  while 
gonads  of  other  individuals  of  the  same  population  sample  may  have  a  relatively 
small  amount.  Certain  trends  do  appear  but  an  average  value  which  emphasizes 
these  trends  gives  a  less  true  picture  of  the  actual  facts  than  the  distribution  plot. 
Statistics  calculated  from  the  data  are  not  a  truthful  representation  of  the  data,  be- 
cause standard  deviations  and  confidence  limits  are  meant  to  apply  to  a  population 




Gonad       l2 
Index     8 


%  dry 





Protein      40 
%  dry  wt. 30 




%  dry  wt.  I2 





NPN        40 



J25       F2I         M2I        A26       M30       JI9         J3I         A29       527       031         N28       DI8 


42        24 



--•--BOTH   OR 



FIGURE  1.  The  distribution  graphs  illustrate  the  inhomogeneity  of  the  population  of  sea 
urchins  throughout  an  annual  cycle,  not  only  in  gonad  index  but  in  content  of  various  organic 
constituents  in  the  gonads  (last  four  graphs).  Glycogen  content  of  gonads  shows  greatest 
variability,  non-protein  nitrogen  (NPN),  least.  For  explanation  see  text. 

with  a  normal  distribution,  not  to  a  skewed  one  such  as  is  the  population  dealt  with 

The  over-all  averages  for  the  entire  year  disclose  some  interesting  information 
about  the  gonads  (last  line,  Table  I).  The  ovary  is  distinctly  richer  than  the  testis 
in  lipid  and  glycogen  but  the  testis  appears  to  be  richer  than  the  ovary  in  non- 
protein  nitrogen,  protein  nitrogen  and  possibly  in  salts  (ash)  and  water,  although 
the  few  samples  taken  and  their  variability  from  month  to  month  make  any  deduc- 
tions on  the  latter  two  substances  questionable. 



When  a  sample  of  animals  is  selected  and  the  ones  with  a  low  gonad  index  are 
compared  with  those  with  a  high  index,  the  contrasts  in  chemical  constitution  of 
gonads  during  the  course  of  the  reproductive  cycle  are  most  clearly  brought  out  as 
seen  in  Table  II.  In  addition  to  the  chemicals  discussed  above,  it  is  seen  that  the 
RNA  per  unit  weight  of  the  ovary  increases  with  its  enlargement  while  the  DNA 
decreases ;  in  the  testis  the  reverse  is  true,  the  RNA  per  unit  weight  decreases  while 
the  DNA  more  than  doubles. 

These  differences  between  ovary  and  testis  are  understandable  in  view  of  the 


Chemical  constituents  in  spent  and  gravid  gonads  of  the  purple  sea  urchin  (in  %  dry  wt.) 

Sex  and 








cf  spent 






















































<?  spent 




























































9  spent 



























































d1  spent 





























































gametes  produced  and  their  prominence  in  the  gravid  gonads.  It  will  be  remem- 
bered that  female  sea  urchins  can  usually  be  distinguished  from  male  sea  urchins 
during  all  months  of  the  year  by  the  presence  of  eggs  in  the  ovary,  even  though  the 
eggs  may  be  small  and  immature.  Only  occasional  specimens  are  indeterminate  as  to 
sex,  either  just  after  spawn-out  or  because  they  have  not  yet  matured  (very  small 
ones,  that  is,  less  than  17  mm.  in  test  diameter  are  always  indeterminate  for  the  latter 
reason).  Conversely,  males  can  usually  be  detected  by  the  presence  of  sperm  in  the 
testis.  Eggs  contain  considerable  stores  of  food  for  the  development  of  the  embryo 
while  sperm  contain  only  stores  for  the  brief  period  of  locomotion  of  the  sperm 
preceding  fertilization.  A  priori,  one  expects  eggs  to  be  rich  in  lipids  and  glycogen, 
whereas  sperm  are  expected  to  contain  some  glycogen  as  food  reserve  for  movement. 
One  also  expects  the  eggs  to  contain  more  RNA  than  sperm  but  less  DNA.  As 
can  be  seen  from  the  data,  these  expectations  are  indeed  realized.  More  suprising 
is  the  fact  that  the  spent  or  immature  gonads  also  show  contrasts  in  chemical  con- 


Increase  in  organic  constituents  of  gonads  of  the  purple  sea  urchin  during 
growth  from  shrunken  to  maximal  size  (in  mg.;  total  ivt.  in  grams) 











Gonad  index 



15.2  X 



18.5  X 

Total  wt.    (arbitrary)   in 



15.2            15.2  X 



18.5  X 

Total  nitrogen,  mg. 



14.0  X           65.5 


21.0  X 

Non-protein  nitrogen, 



266                 8.9  X 



12.3  X 

Protein,  mg. 



16.7  X 



26.7  X 

Lipid,  mg. 



10.4  X 



25.1  X 

Glycogen,  mg. 


989               28.2  X 



42.1  X 

Reducing  sugar,  mg. 


5.16          143.0  X            0.07 


98.0  X 

RNA,  mg. 



6.6  X 



26.8  X 

DNA,  mg. 



31.1  X 



8.6  X 

stitution,  especially  the  large  lipid  content  of  immature  or  shrunken  ovaries  as  com- 
pared to  immature  or  shrunken  testes.  Presumably  the  lipids  are  present  in  the 
ovarian  epithelium  which  gives  rise  to  the  eggs.  Histochemical  studies  would  be 
interesting  on  ovarian  and  testicular  materials  at  different  times  in  the  gonadal  cycle. 
It  is  not  possible  to  ascertain  productivity  of  organic  materials  in  the  gonads  of 
the  sea  urchin  on  a  per  unit  weight  basis,  because  all  that  is  then  observed  is  a 
shift  in  emphasis  on  certain  materials,  which  accompanies  the  onset  of  maturity, 
i.e.,  a  synthesis  of  some  materials  at  a  greater  rate  than  that  of  others.  Further- 
more, the  relative  content  of  water  in  the  ovary  declines  to  some  extent  concomi- 
tantly  with  a  general  increase  in  the  total  mass  of  other  substances  in  the  ovary. 
Therefore,  to  ascertain  organic  productivity  of  the  gonads  it  is  necessary  to  take  into 
consideration  the  increase  in  mass  of  the  gonads,  as  well  as  their  change  in  chemical 
constitution  (per  unit  weight)  during  the  growth  from  a  spent  to  a  fully  gravid  con- 


dition.  Gonads  increase  in  mass  by  a  ratio  which  equals  the  gonad  index  of  a  gravid 
animal  divided  by  the  gonad  index  of  a  spent  animal.  For  a  female  this  is  18.5-fold, 
for  a  male  it  is  15.2-fold  (using  the  data  for  maximal  and  minimal  sizes  of  gonads 
given  in  Table  II).  If  the  gonads  of  a  spent  animal  weigh  1  gram,  as  they  would 
in  fact  for  an  average-sized  animal  of  90  grams  total  wet  weight,  then  the  ovaries 
of  a  gravid  female  of  this  size  would  weigh  18.5  grams  and  the  testes  of  a  gravid 
male  of  this  size  would  weigh  15.2  grams.  The  content  of  each  chemical  constituent 
in  the  spent  and  gravid  gonads  of  animals  of  this  size  could  then  be  calculated  by 
multiplying  the  weight  of  the  gonad  in  grams  by  its  per  cent  content  of  each  of  the 
constituents  given  in  Table  II.  Data  so  calculated  are  given  in  Table  III.  By 
dividing  the  content  of  each  constituent  in  the  gonad  of  a  gravid  individual  by  the 
content  of  that  constituent  in  the  gonad  of  a  spent  animal,  the  relative  increase  in 
mass  of  the  chemical  constituent  in  question  during  the  growth  of  the  gonads  from 
the  spent  to  the  gravid  state  was  calculated  and  the  data  are  given  in  Table  III. 
For  example,  to  obtain  the  content  in  NPN  in  a  spent  ovary  its  weight,  1000  mg.,  is 
multiplied  by  the  average  fractional  content 4  of  NPN  in  spent  ovaries,  2.66  per 
cent  or  0.0266,  giving  26.6  mg.  To  calculate  the  NPN  in  a  gravid  ovary  its  weight, 
18,500  mg.,  is  multiplied  by  the  average  fractional  content  of  NPN  in  gravid  ovaries 
-1.775  per  cent  or  0.01775.  This  gives  a  value  of  328  mg.  The  increase  in  mass 
of  NPN  from  spent  to  gravid  condition  is  then  328  divided  by  26.6,  which  is  12.3 

The  chemical  constituents  showing  the  most  striking  total  increases  during  the 
growth  of  the  gonad  observed  in  Table  III  are  of  course  the  ones  which  have  also  in- 
creased on  a  per  unit  weight  basis.  It  will  be  seen  that  the  total  amount  of  DNA  in 
the  testis  increases  by  about  31  X,  the  RNA  in  the  ovary  27  X,  the  glycogen  in  the 
testis  28  X ,  the  glycogen  in  the  ovary  42  X ,  the  lipid  in  the  ovary  25  X ,  the  lipid  in 
the  testis  10  X,  the  protein  in  the  testis  17  X ,  the  reducing  sugar  in  the  testis  143  X 
and  in  the  ovary  98  X . 


It  is  interesting  at  this  time  to  inquire  about  several  matters  concerning  the 
gonadal  biochemical  cycle  in  the  purple  sea  urchin.  To  what  extent  is  it  possible 
to  explain  the  chemical  diversity  in  gonads  in  a  population  of  sea  urchins  selected  at 
random  at  any  time  during  the  year?  How  does  the  build-up  of  the  nutrients  in 
the  gonads  occur  ?  What  is  the  over-all  productivity  of  the  purple  sea  urchin  ? 

The  variability  of  chemical  constitution  of  the  gonads  of  the  sea  urchin  during 
the  year  may  be  just  another  index  of  the  failure  to  get  synchronized  spawning  in 
this  species.  At  almost  all  times  the  population  is  rather  inhomogeneous  with  re- 
spect to  the  gonad  cycle,  some  animals  having  fairly  well-developed  gonads  while 
others  are  poorly  developed  or  spent.  Only  in  March  and  April  is  the  gonad  index 
rather  low  for  most  specimens  and  only  in  December  is  it  consistently  high.  Bi- 
ochemical inhomogeneity  of  different  individuals  may  therefore  reflect  population 
inhomogeneity  in  gonadal  development.  Even  when  animals  of  like  gonad  index 
are  compared,  however,  one  finds  biochemical  differences.  Perhaps  an  individual 
just  spending  or  one  just  building  up  to  the  same  intermediate  gonad  index,  may  be 

4  The  average  of  the  values  for  the  two  groups  of  spent  animals  in  Table  II,  namely,  2.1 
and  3.2  per  cent,  giving  2.65  per  cent  or  0.0265. 

56  GIESE,  ET  AL. 

quite  different  histologically  and  histochemically.     Information  on  this  as  a  possible 
explanation  of  chemical  inhomogeneity  is  lacking  at  the  present  time.5 

Another  factor  which  may  play  a  role  in  the  variability  in  chemical  constitution 
of  the  sea  urchin  gonad  is  availability  of  nutrients  at  different  times  during  the  year, 
or  at  any  one  time,  a  difference  in  availability  of  nutrients  to  each  individual  in  the 
population.  The  relative  immobility  of  the  urchins  which  have  bored  their  way 
into  the  soft  rocks  makes  them  dependent  upon  what  grows  in  their  immediate 
vicinity  or  what  the  waves  may  bring  to  them  by  chance.  The  gonad  is  the  main 
storage  organ  of  the  sea  urchin,  a  little  organic  material  also  being  stored  in  the 
gut  (Hilts  and  Giese,  1949).  When  an  urchin  is  starved  the  gonad  shrinks  and 
its  gonad  size  may  decline  even  without  spawning.  However,  the  intestines  of 
almost  all  urchins  from  the  field  are  filled  with  algae ;  therefore  food  seems  to  be 
generally  available.  The  purple  sea  urchin's  willingness  to  eat  almost  any  food, 
animal  or  plant,  when  starved,  makes  it  seem  unlikely  that  it  lacks  in  quantity  of 
food  in  nature.  However,  the  food  may  have  unequal  nutritive  quality  at  different 
times.  No  evidence  was  collected  upon  this  point,  but  young  growing  algae  are 
known  to  contain  much  protein  while  old  ones  are  made  up,  to  a  considerable  ex- 
tent, of  polysaccharides  which  are  probably  a  much  less  available  source  of  food 
(Wort,  1955).  The  availability  of  nutrients  may  therefore  vary  even  though 
the  bulk  of  food  taken  in  may  be  the  same. 

The  build-up  of  nutrients  in  the  gonads  must  be  a  relatively  slow  process,  yet 
the  increase  in  organic  matter  during  a  gonadal  cycle  is  rather  striking,  indicating 
effective  digestion,  mobilization,  and  conversion  of  food.  Digestion  appears  to  be  a 
rather  slow  process  in  the  sea  urchin,  since  algae  may  be  defecated  for  several 
weeks  from  a  single  gutfull  in  an  animal  deprived  of  further  sources  of  food.  While 
the  enzymes  of  the  sea  urchin  readily  handle  proteins  and  starch,  they  attack  few 
of  the  polysaccharides  of  the  algae  (Lasker  and  Giese,  1954;  Huang  and  Giese, 
1958).  However,  bacteria  may  play  a  role  in  digestion  since  they  readily  hydrolyze 
the  algal  polysaccharides  in  the  gut  of  the  urchin.  Where  the  nutrients  go  when 
they  leave  the  intestine  is  not  clear.  The  perivisceral  fluid  contains  some  protein, 
reducing  sugar,  lipid  and  very  little  non-protein  nitrogen.  Most  of  the  protein 
forms  striking  fibrous  clots.  When  these  are  filtered  out  the  remaining  fluid 
appears  to  be  protein-free  (TCA  negative)  .6  It  is  possible  that  the  continual  dribble 
of  sugar,  amino  acids,  and  possibly  lipids,  from  the  intestine  into  the  body  fluid,  is 
adequate  for  the  build-up  of  the  reserves  in  the  gonads.  However,  it  is  desirable 
that  someone  explore  other  pathways  of  nutrient  transport,  particularly  by  wander- 
ing amebocytes  and  by  the  haemal  system  which  extensively  vascularizes  both  the 
gut  and  the  gonads  (Hyman,  1955). 

To  assess  the  over-all  productivity  of  the  sea  urchin  it  is  necessary  to  consider 
not  only  the  gonad  cycle  and  the  increase  in  organic  material  which  occurs  there,  but 
also  other  possible  constituents  which  accumulate  organic  materials.  The  only 

5  That  the  small  size  of  the  sample  of  the  population  is  not  the  cause  of  the  variability  of 
the  gonads  is  shown  by  a  study  with  larger  sample  sizes  by  Josef  Miller  of  Monterey  Penin- 
sula College.     He  compared  the  gonad  index  of  samples  of  10,  20,  40  and  80  sea  urchins.     The 
gonad  index  for  a  given  population  of  sea  urchins  at  a  given  season  was  almost  the  same, 
within  a  few  per  cent,  regardless  of  the  sample  size. 

6  However,  two  protein  peaks  are  disclosed  in  paper  electrophoresis  studies  of  fluid  filtered 
after  clotting  (Favour  and  Giese,  unpublished). 


organ  of  considerable  size  in  the  sea  urchin  other  than  the  gonad  is  the  intestine, 
but  some  tissue  is  also  present  in  the  water  vascular  system,  the  muscles  of  the  spines 
and  pedicellariae,  the  dermal  branchiae,  the  epidermis,  the  mesenteries,  and  the 
coelomic  lining.  In  an  urchin  of  about  90  grams,  all  of  these  structures  are  esti- 
mated to  weigh  about  7  grams. 

If,  for  purposes  of  argument  this  figure  is  tentatively  accepted,  then  the  total 
increase  in  organic  material  with  one  gonadal  cycle  is  approximately  three-fold. 
Unfortunately  we  do  not  know  how  many  gonadal  cycles  a  single  sea  urchin  can 
undergo  in  one  season.  The  fact  that  a  population  of  sea  urchins  collected  at  almost 
any  time  of  the  year,  with  the  exception  of  the  time  of  the  highest  gonad  index  and 
the  period  just  after  the  maximal  spawn,  shows  individuals  with  widely  different 
indices  (see  Figure  1  and  the  figures  in  Bennett  and  Giese,  1955),  suggests  that 
a  single  individual  may  spawn  several  times  during  the  year.  If  this  is  true,  several 
times  the  above  figure  may  be  a  more  nearly  correct  estimate  of  production  of 
organic  material.  Since  the  sea  urchin  also  grows  in  diameter  and  bulk,  the  true 
figure  must  be  larger  on  this  account  as  well.  We  do  not  at  present  have  sufficient 
data  to  make  a  determination  of  the  growth  rate  and  the  rate  of  incorporation  of 
nutrients  into  body  material. 


1.  Monthly  determinations  were  made  of  the  amount  of  lipid,  glycogen,  non- 
protein  nitrogen,  protein,  water,  and  ash  present  per  unit  weight  in  gonads  of  the 
purple  sea  urchin,  Strongylocentrotus  purpuratus.     Tests  for  reducing  sugar,  DNA 
and  RNA  were  made  for  gonads  at  the  height  of  the  reproductive  season  and  after 

2.  A  change  in  relative  proportions  of  the  chemical  constituents  was  observed 
with  maturation  of  the  gonads.     In  the  ovary  protein,  lipid,  glycogen,   reducing 
sugar  and  RNA  increase  proportionally  more  than  the  over-all  increase  in  bulk  of 
the  gonad,  while  DNA  and  possibly  water,  increase  proportionally  less.     In  the 
testis,  glycogen,  reducing  sugar,  DNA  and  possibly  protein,  increase  proportionally 
more  than  the  over-all  increase  in  bulk,  while  RNA,  lipid,  and  possibly  water,  in- 
crease less  than  the  increase  in  total  bulk. 

3.  A  considerable  increase  in  the  total  amount  of  all  the  organic  constituents 
tested  here  occurs  during  the  growth  of  gonads.     Thus,  a  gravid  ovary  is  about 
18.5  times  the  bulk  of  a  spent  one  and  a  gravid  testis  is  about  15.2  times  the  bulk 
of  a  spent  one. 

4.  The  sources  of  nutrients  and  the  possible  transport  are  discussed  with  refer- 
ence to  the  literature. 


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HERSHEY,  A.  D.,  J.  DIXON  AND  M.  CHASE,  1953.     Nucleic  acid  economy  in  bacteria  infected 

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HUANG,  H.,  AND  A.   C.  GIESE,  1958.     Tests  for  digestion  of  algal   polysaccharides   by   some 

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SCHNEIDER,    W.    C.,    1945.     Phosphorous    compounds    in    animal    tissues.     I.    Extraction    and 

estimation  of  desoxypentose  nucleic  acid  and  of  pentose  nucleic  acid.     /.  Biol.  Chem., 

161 :  293-303. 
SEIFTER,  S.,   S.   DAYTON,  B.   Novic  AND  E.   MUNTWYLER,   1950.     The  estimation  of  glycogen 

with  the  anthrone  reagent.     Arch.  Biochem.,  25 :  191-200. 

SOMOGYI,  M.,   1945.     Determination  of  blood  sugar.     J.   Biol.   Chem.,   160 :   69-73. 
SOMOGYI,  M.,  1952.     Notes  on  sugar  determination.    /.  Biol.  Chem.,  195 :  19-23. 
WORT,  D.  J.,  1955.     The  seasonal  variation  in  chemical  composition  of  Macrocystis  integrifolia 

and  Macrocvstis  leutkcana  in   British   Columbia   coastal   waters.     Canad  J.   Bot.,  33 : 




Department   of  Physiology,   University   College   of   the    Wcsi   Indies,  and 
The  New  York  Zoological  Society 

The  purpose  of  this  study  is  to  examine  the  rate  of  growth  of  reef-building  corals 
by  measuring  the  calcium  deposition  in  the  skeleton  with  the  aid  of  a  new  method 
using  radioactive  calcium-45  as  tracer.  With  this  procedure  it  was  possible  to 
determine  calcification  rates  in  the  different  parts  of  coral  colonies,  and  to  estimate 
quantitatively  the  effect  of  light  and  darkness,  zooxanthellae  and  carbonic  anhydrase 
inhibitors  on  skeletogenesis. 

Numerous  attempts  have  been  made  in  the  past  to  estimate  the  growth  rates  of 
reef-building  corals,  mostly  by  letting  weighed  and  measured  coral  colonies  grow 
in  their  natural  habitat  for  periods  of  months  to  years  (Agassiz,  1890;  Abe,  1940; 
Boschma,  1936;  Edmondson,  1929;  Kawaguti,  1941;  Ma,  1937;  Mayor,  1924; 
Motoda,  1940;  Stephenson  and  Stephenson,  1933;  Tamura  and  Hada,  1932;  Vaug- 
han,  1919).  Recently,  Kawaguti  and  Sakumoto  (1948)  tried,  by  a  chemical 
method,  to  determine  the  rate  of  calcium  uptake  of  corals  in  light  and  darkness. 

Using  calcium-45  as  tracer,  we  have  developed  a  rapid  and  precise  method  for 
measuring  the  rate  of  incorporation  of  calcium  into  the  coral  skeleton  under  con- 
trolled laboratory  conditions  (Goreau,  1957).  The  preliminary  experiments,  de- 
scribed here,  were  carried  out  on  the  following  coral  species :  Manicina  areolata 
(Linne),  Cladocora  arbuscula  (Lesueur),  Porites  divaricata  (Lesueur),  Acropora 
prolijcra  (Lamarck),  Madracis  decactis  (Lyman)  and  Oculina  diffnsa  (Lamarck) 
from  Jamaica,  B.W.I.;  Acropora  conferta  (Quelch)  from  Eniwetok  Atoll;  and 
Montipora  vcrrucosa  (Lamarck),  Porites  compressa  (Quelch),  Pocillopora  dami- 
cornis  (Linne)  and  Porolithon  sp.,  a  coralline  alga,  from  Hawaii. 

All  the  madreporarian  corals  used  in  these  experiments  are  shallow-water  forms 
which  contain  zooxanthellae.  Among  these,  Oculina  diffnsa  is  the  only  species 
which  has  not  been  collected  from  reefs,  but  it  is  common  in  Kingston  Harbour 
where  it  grows  on  rocks  on  a  muddy  bottom  (Goreau,  1958).  The  Hawaiian 
Porolithon  listed  above  is  a  calcareous  alga  of  the  family  Corallinaceae,  representa- 
tives of  which  are  important  reef  builders  in  the  Central  Pacific  (Emery,  Tracey 
andLadd,  1954). 


Freshly  collected  coral  colonies  in  good  condition  were  put  into  glass  vessels 
containing  filtered  sea  water  and  fitted  with  tight  covers.  Aeration,  circulation  and 
pH  were  maintained  by  bubbling  a  slow  stream  of  air  through  the  water.  The 

1  Mailing  address  :  Department  of  Physiology,  University  College  of  the  West  Indies,  Mona 
St.  Andrew,  Jamaica,  B.W.I. 



temperature  was  kept  to  within  1°  C.  during  the  experiments  (about  25°  C.  in 
Jamaica  and  Hawaii,  28.5°  C.  in  Eniwetok)  by  keeping  the  vessels  partly  immersed 
in  a  water  bath.  After  allowing  the  coral  to  acclimatize  for  twenty-four  hours, 
neutralized  Ca45Cl2  was  added  to  give  about  20,000  c.p.m./ml.  of  sea  water.  The 
amount  of  calcium  thus  added  was  less  than  five  per  cent  of  the  total  dissolved  Ca++ 
already  present.  The  initial  activity  was  determined  by  counting  60-//.1  aliquots 
taken  from  each  vessel  after  one  hour,  to  allow  for  complete  mixing  of  the  isotope. 

In  addition  to  the  living  corals,  pieces  of  clean  dead  corallum  from  the  same 
species  were  included  in  each  vessel  to  act  as  controls  for  measuring  the  inorganic 
isotopic  exchange  rate  of  the  coral  skeleton  during  the  experiments. 

Samples  of  coral  and  water  were  repeatedly  taken,  starting  with  three  hours 
from  the  beginning  of  the  experiment,  by  the  following  method  :  a  coral  colony, 
together  with  its  control,  was  removed  from  the  vessel  and  small  pieces  were  cut 
off  with  scissors  or  cutting  pliers.  From  five  to  fifteen  replicate  samples  of  about 
one  hundred  milligrams  each  were  taken  at  a  time.  Samples  were  collected  only 
from  homologous  parts  of  the  colonies.  This  was  particularly  important  in  branch- 
ing corals  such  as  Acropora  and  Ponies  where  there  were  shown  to  be  strong  dif- 
ferences in  the  rate  of  calcium  uptake  between  the  apical  and  lateral  branch  polyps. 

The  coral  pieces  were  placed  on  filter  paper  to  remove  excess  radioactive  sea 
water,  then  washed  in  five  two-minute  changes  of  slightly  alkaline  distilled  water. 
After  this,  each  sample  was  dissolved  in  a  separate  tube  containing  two  milliliters 
dilute  HC1,  and  heated  to  boiling.  The  coral  suspension  was  homogenized  to 
disperse  the  organic  matter.  The  contents  of  each  tube  were  made  up  to  five  mil- 
liliters with  distilled  water,  and  a  500-/xl  aliquot  was  taken  for  Kjeldahl  nitrogen 

The  calcium  in  each  tube  was  precipitated  as  the  oxalate  by  the  method  of  Vogel 
(1943),  and  filtered  out  on  pre-weighed  Whatman  No.  42  filter  paper  planchets, 
using  a  cone  to  spread  the  precipitate  in  circles  of  uniform  diameter.  The  dried 
and  weighed  samples  were  counted  with  an  end  window  G-M  tube,  and  the  observed 
activity  corrected  for  self-absorption. 

In  the  early  stages  of  these  investigations,  the  question  arose  of  choosing  a 
suitable  parameter  on  the  basis  of  which  the  calcium  uptake  could  be  expressed.  For 
example,  Mayor  (1924)  measured  coral  respiration  in  terms  of  tissue  weight  after 
the  corallum  had  been  dissolved  with  nitric  acid;  Odum  and  Odum  (1955)  deter- 
mined biomass  by  loss  on  ignition  at  600°  C. ;  and  Kawaguti  and  Sakumoto  ( 1948) 
measured  calcification  rates  per  gram  coral.  None  of  these  methods  was  con- 
sidered satisfactory.  The  writer  had  previously  used  organic  nitrogen  as  a  measure 
of  total  cellular  matter  in  corals  (Goreau,  1956).  The  relationship  of  organic 
nitrogen  to  tissue  weight  was  determined  for  the  polyps  of  Mitssa  angulosa,  a  coral 
from  which  fairly  large  skeleton-free  pieces  of  tissue  could  be  readily  obtained.  In 
this  species  nitrogen  constituted  2  per  cent  of  the  wet  weight  and  11.2  per  cent  of 
the  dry  weight.  All  results,  save  those  of  the  exchange  controls  which  lacked  tissue, 
were  expressed  in  terms  of  calcium  deposited  per  milligram  of  nitrogen,  on  the 
assumption  that  the  nitrogen  is  a  measure  of  the  total  coral  (plus  zooxanthellae) 
protein  present.  Nitrogen  was  determined  by  the  micro-Kjeldahl  method  of  Ma 
and  Zuazaga  (1942). 

The  amount  of  calcium  taken  up  by  the  coral  was  calculated  from  the  specific 
activity  of  the  sea  water  in  the  vessels.  This  was  determined  by  counting  60-jul 



water  aliquots  spread  to  a  constant  diameter  in  lens  paper  circles  mounted  on  micro- 
scope coverslips  and  dried  under  a  lamp.  The  observed  count  was  corrected  for 
self-absorption  and  the  specific  activity  of  the  water  calculated  from  its  calcium 


Equilibrium  exchanges  of  calcium  between  the  skeleton  and  sea  water  were 
determined  on  samples  of  dead  coral  devoid  of  tissue,  and  run  at  the  same  time  as 
the  living  experimental  colonies.  Isotopic  equilibrium  appeared  to  be  established 







2  1000 

u  ^oo 

~>   800 
?   700 

%  60° 

Z   500 


O   400 

>-   300 














60         90 



FIGURE  1.  Calcium-45  exchange  of  small  pieces  of  corallum  from  Manicina  areolata  with 
sea  water  at  4°  C.,  28°  C,  58°  C.  and  100°  C.  The  coral  was  carefully  cleaned  to  remove  all 
organic  matter,  and  the  experiments  ran  for  twenty-four  hours.  The  ordinate  is  the  specific 
activity  plotted  on  a  logarithmic  scale. 










TIME        IN      HOURS 


rather  slowly,  but  in  most  species  tested,  the  process  was  sixty  to  eighty  per  cent 
complete  at  the  end  of  twenty-four  hours.  As  expected,  the  rate  of  exchange  with 
sea  water  was  strongly  temperature-dependent.  This  is  demonstrated  in  Figure  1, 
which  shows  the  specific  activity  of  small  pieces  of  Manicina  areolata  which  have 
been  allowed  to  equilibrate  at  different  temperatures  in  sea  water  containing  calcium- 
45.  In  most  species  tested,  the  rate  of  calcium-45  deposition  in  the  living  coral  was 
much  faster  than  in  the  skeleton  controls.  This  is  shown  in  Figure  2  for  Acropora 
prolijera,  in  which  the  specific  activity  of  the  dead  corallum  is  about  five  per  cent 
that  of  the  living  coral  at  the  end  of  twenty-nine  hours.  In  water  of  a  given  specific 
activity  the  equilibration  rate  appears  to  be  much  slower  in  imperforate  corals  such 
as  Oculina  or  Phyllangia  than  in  perforate  species  such  as  Acropora  or  Porites.  The 
effect  of  the  total  skeletal  surface  on  the  exchange  rate  is  being  studied. 

There  is  some  evidence  that  the  living  coenosarc  forms  a  barrier  which  re- 
stricts calcium  exchange  of  the  skeleton  with  the  sea  water.  In  a  number  of  experi- 
ments in  which  the  calcium  rate  of  the  experimental  colonies  was  very  low,  it  was 
noted  that  the  specific  activity  of  the  skeleton  controls  was  higher  than  that  of  the 
living  coral.  It  has  been  previously  demonstrated  by  Goreau  and  Bowen  (1955) 
that  the  exchangeable  calcium  in  the  tissues  of  the  cold  water  coral  Astrangia  danae 
is  maintained  at  only  about  eighty-eight  per  cent  of  the  calcium  concentration  in  the 
sea,  i.e.,  calcium  tends  to  be  excluded  from  the  tissues  of  coral.  Until  more  evidence 
is  available,  it  is  difficult  to  state  precisely  the  extent  to  which  coral  tissues  can 
restrict  the  calcium  exchange  of  the  underlying  skeleton  with  sea  water.  This 
problem  is  now  under  investigation. 



Light  has  long  been  recognized  as  an  essential  environmental  factor  in  the  growth 
of  tropical  reef  building  corals  (Vaughan,  1919;  Edmondson,  1928;  Verwey,  1930; 
Kawaguti,  1937a,  1937b;  Yonge,  1940;  Vaughan  and  Wells,  1943)  and  other 
hermatypes  such  as  Lithothanmion  and  Millepora.  Yonge  and  Nicholls  (1931a), 
Yonge  (1940)  and  Kawaguti  (1944)  stated  that  this  was  due  to  photosynthesis  by 
unicellular  zooxanthellae  contained  within  the  cells  of  the  gastrodermis.  Kawaguti 
and  Sakumoto  (1948)  claimed  that  in  five  species  of  reef  corals  the  uptake  of  cal- 
cium was  greater  in  light  than  in  darkness.  Their  observations  were  based  on 
changes  in  the  calcium  content  of  small  volumes  of  sea  water  when  corals  were  put 
in,  the  results  being  expressed  in  terms  of  milligrams  of  calcium  taken  up  per  hour 
per  gram  of  coral. 

In  our  experiments,  the  effect  of  illumination  on  deposition  of  calcium-45  was 
determined  by  exposing  one  series  of  coral  colonies  to  a  standard  light  source  while 
keeping  a  control  series  in  darkness  under  otherwise  equal  conditions.  The  light 
source  was  a  twin  bank  of  20-watt  fluorescent  tubes  in  a  reflector  housing  located 
about  one  foot  above  the  experimental  vessels. 

FIGURE  2.  Comparison  of  the  calcium-45  deposition  and  exchange  in  living  and  dead  colonies 
of  Acropora  prolijera.  The  results  from  the  living  coral  have  been  re-calculated  in  terms  of 
the  specific  activity  to  permit  direct  comparison  with  the  exchange  controls  which  were  devoid 
of  organic  matter.  Both  controls  and  experimentals  were  run  under  identical  conditions  at  the 
same  time.  The  specific  activity  is  plotted  on  a  logarithmic  ordinate. 



The  results  of  our  preliminary  experiments  are  given  in  Table  I  which  shows 
calcium  uptake  in  nine  species  of  coral,  and  a  coralline  alga  (Porolithon}.  In  two 
of  these  species,  dark  experiments  were  not  run  ;  only  the  results  of  light  experiments 
are  shown.  In  most  species,  there  was  a  significant  increase  in  the  calcification 
rate  on  exposure  of  the  coral  to  a  light.  The  course  of  a  typical  experiment  is  seen 
in  Figure  3  which  shows  the  progressive  incorporation  of  calcium-45  into  the  skele- 
ton of  the  Caribbean  staghorn  coral  Acropora  prolifera  in  light  and  darkness. 

The  pH  in  both  light  and  dark  vessels  was  measured  every  six  hours  with  a 
Beckman  Model  G  pH  meter.  This  showed  that  the  observed  differences  in  the 
calcification  rate  in  the  light  and  dark  experiments  were  not  due  to  a  decrease  in 
the  pH  of  the  water  of  the  dark  experiments,  as  such  changes  were  prevented  by 
continuous  aeration  with  a  stream  of  air.  It  is  probable  that  the  negative  calcium 
balance  found  by  Kawaguti  and  Sakumoto  (1948)  in  some  corals  in  darkness  was 
caused  by  a  lowering  of  the  pH,  due  to  the  failure  of  these  workers  to  aerate  or 
stir  the  water  in  their  experimental  vessels. 


Calcification  rates  in  the  apical  polyps  of  branching  coral  species,  in 

Number  of  samples  in  brackets 

calcium  mg.  N~l  hr.~l 


Calcification  in  light 

Calcification  in  dark 


Cladocora  arbuscula 
Porites  divaricata 
Porites  compressa 
Acropora  prolifera 

6.3±1.58     (9) 
9.8±0.54  (10) 
7.8±1.70  (11) 
12.4±6.50  (12) 
80  _i_  2  if.  M  r\\* 

6.1±0.20*  (10) 
5.0±1.00      (8) 
7.4±2.10      (7) 
7.2±5.00*  (11) 


Acropora  conferta 
Monti  pora  verrucosa 
Pocillopora  damicornis 

.  Zit-J./O   \iv) 

11.9±5.60    (9) 

10.3±3.90  (11) 
1  n_i_n  AQ  I  \  i\ 

9.7±3.4      (10) 
6.8±2.1       (10) 


Madracis  decactis 
Oculina  diffusa 
Porolithon  sp. 

i.uiu.^y  \L£) 
1.6±0.38     (7) 
8.8±0.58  (11) 

0.8±0.15*     (9) 
3.3±0.55    (13) 


*  Measurements  made  on  individual  polyps. 

As  seen  by  the  standard  deviations  of  the  results,  there  were  usually  large  varia- 
tions in  the  calcium  uptake  rates  of  individual  samples  even  if  these  were  taken  from 
adjacent  morphologically  comparable  regions  of  the  same  colony.  This  was  never 
true  of  the  exchange  controls.  The  scatter  was  not  attributable  to  injury,  as  all 
damaged  corals  were  discarded,  and  the  error  in  counting,  weighing  and  nitrogen 
determinations  was  kept  below  three  per  cent.  In  regard  to  this,  our  tentative 
interpretation  is  that  the  calcification  rates  of  individual  polyps  fluctuate,  and  that 
some  are  in  a  resting  stage  while  others  are  more  or  less  vigorously  growing. 



All  tropical  reef-building  corals  contain  zooxanthellae.  Their  presence  as  in- 
tracellular  symbionts  in  the  tissue  of  the  coelenterate  host  has  resulted  in  a  great 
deal  of  controversy  as  to  their  possible  role  in  the  biological  economy  of  the  coral 
reef  and  its  component  animals.  Boschma  (1924,  1925a,  1925b,  1925c,  1926,  1929) 















•0—     LIGHT 

•t-      DARK 




TIME     IN     HOURS 

FIGURE  3.  The  progressive  incorporation  of  calcium  into  the  skeleton  of  Acropora  prolifera 
in  light  and  dark.  The  results  are  expressed  as  /j-g  calcium  taken  up  per  milligram  nitrogen. 
The  vertical  lines  drawn  through  the  points  represent  the  standard  deviation  of  the  means. 



concluded  that  corals  could  digest  zooxanthellae  in  the  lateral  lobes  of  the  mesenterial 
filaments  when  no  animal  food  was  available.  Yonge  and  Nicholls  (1930,  1931a 
and  1931b)  demonstrated  that,  under  the  conditions  of  their  experiments,  corals 
were  unable  to  derive  enough  food  from  the  zooxanthellae  to  prevent  starvation  if 
deprived  of  their  normal  animal  food  supply.  They  also  showed  that  zooxanthellae 
could  not  be  digested  by  corals  due  to  the  absence  of  carbohydrate-splitting  digestive 
enzymes  and  that  these  algae  were  extruded  intact  and  in  large  numbers  when  the 
coral  was  kept  in  darkness  for  long  periods  of  time,  or  whenever  the  metabolic  rate 
of  the  coral  was  depressed,  i.e.,  by  starvation  or  high  temperature.  The  question 
of  whether  or  not  the  reef-building  corals  are  at  least  in  part  herbivorous,  i.e.,  feed- 
ing on  their  zooxanthellae,  has  recently  been  revived  by  Sargent  and  Austin  (1954) 
and  Odum  and  Odum  (1955)  who  concluded  from  their  productivity  studies  that  at 
least  some  of  the  organic  matter  produced  by  zooxanthellae  and  boring  algae  may 
be  utilized  by  the  coral  host.  Unfortunately,  these  authors  were  unable  to  verify 
the  existence  of  such  an  internal  food  cycle  by  experimental  means.  At  the  present 


Calcium  uptake  by  colonies  of  Oculina  diffusa  and  Manicina  areolata 

in  presence  and  absence  of  zooxanthellae 

Number  of  samples  in  brackets 




With  zooxanthellae 

Without  zooxanthellae 

With  zooxanthellae 

Without  zooxanthellae 

0.  diffusa* 
M.  areolata** 

1.63±  0.38     (7) 
462.00±63.20  (11) 

0.37=1=0.01  (6) 
28.40±7.80  (9) 

0.81  =fc  0.15  (9) 
71.70±14.90  (8) 

0.26±0.01     (5) 
30.20±6.20  (10) 

*  Measurements  made  on  individual  polyps,  in  //g  Ca  mg.  N  :  hr.  l. 

**  Individual  samples  taken  from  different  colonies,  calcium  uptake  expressed  in  counts  per 
minute  per  milligram  skeletal  calcium  at  eighty  hours. 

time,  it  is  still  necessary  to  agree  with  the  conclusions  of  Yonge  and  Nicholls  (1930, 
1931b)  that  reef  corals  are  specialized  carnivores,  the  exceptional  proliferative 
powers  of  which  are  probably  due  to  an  increased  metabolic  efficiency  made  possible 
by  the  ability  of  the  zooxanthellae  to  assimilate  many  of  the  metabolic  waste  pro- 
ducts of  the  animal  host. 

The  zooxanthellae  per  se  are  not  necessary  to  individual  coral  polyps,  nor  do 
they  appear  to  be  directly  linked  with  the  calcification  process  since  they  are  absent 
from  deep  sea  and  cold  water  corals,  while  they  are  present  in  many  non-calcareous 
tropical  shallow  water  coelenterates. 

We  have  determined  the  effect  of  the  presence  or  absence  of  the  zooxanthellae 
on  reef  coral  calcification  in  Manicina  areolata  and  Oculina  diffusa.  Colonies  of 
these  corals,  which  are  normally  yellowish  or  greenish  brown  in  colour,  were  kept 
in  circulating  sea  water  in  darkened  tanks  for  periods  of  about  six  weeks,  to  cause 
gradual  extrusion  of  the  zooxanthellae.  The  experiments  were  run  only  when  the 
coenosarc  of  the  corals  became  completely  colourless  and  transparent,  and  when 
small  pieces  failed  to  give  the  chlorophyll  test  on  extraction  with  eighty  per  cent 




Calcification  rates  in  different  parts  of  branching  coral  colonies,  in  jug  Ca  mg.  AT-1  hr.~l 

Number  of  samples  in  brackets 


Apical  polyps  of  primary  branches 

Lateral  polyps 

M.  verrucosa 
P.  compressa 
P.  damicornis 
A.  conferta 

11.8±3.90     (9) 
7.8±1.70  (11) 
6.8±2.65  (11) 
8.2±3.76  (10) 

1.38±0.50  (6)* 
1.55=b0.20  (5)* 
1.31±0.72  (6)* 
1.87±0.92  (8)** 

*  Lateral  polyps  taken  from  base  of  branch. 
**  Apical  polyps  of  secondary  branches. 

acetone.  These  decolorized  corals  were  at  all  times  fully  expanded  and  appeared 
to  be  normal,  except  for  the  lack  of  zooxanthellae. 

The  experiments  were  conducted  in  both  light  and  darkness,  as  described  in 
the  foregoing  section.  In  the  two  species  observed  so  far,  loss  of  the  zooxanthellae 
caused  the  rate  of  calcium  deposition  to  fall  to  very  low  levels  as  shown  in  Table  II. 
The  results  for  Manicina  areolata  are  expressed  in  terms  of  the  specific  activity 
owing  to  the  accidental  loss  of  the  nitrogen  samples.  The  experiment  on  Ocidina 
diffusa  ran  for  eight  days  and  the  results  are  given  in  terms  of  the  nitrogen  content. 
It  is  significant  that  removal  of  the  zooxanthellae  almost  abolishes  the  response  of 
the  calcification  reaction  to  light  which  is  seen  in  the  normal  controls  containing 

Although  the  zooxanthellae  seem  to  play  an  important  role  in  determining 
calcification  rates  in  reef-building  corals,  certain,  as  yet  unknown,  physiological 
factors  operate  to  control  the  basic  mineralization  process  in  a  manner  which  bears 
no  obvious  relationship  to  the  number  of  algae  present  in  a  given  species.  This  is 
illustrated  by  the  fact  that  large  apical  polyps  of  some  of  the  branching  acroporid 
corals  contain  few  zooxanthellae  but  calcify  several  times  faster  per  unit  of  tissue 
nitrogen  than  the  yellowish  brown  lateral  polyps  which  are  literally  stuffed  with 


Calcium-45  uptake  of  coral  treated  with  10~z  M  Diamox 

in  light  and  darkness,  in  ^g  Ca  mg.  N~l  hr.~l 

Number  of  samples  in  brackets 


Light  control 

Light  with  Diamox 

Dark  control 

Dark  with  Diamox 

M.  decactis 

0.98±0.49  (12) 

0.56±0.05  (10) 

P.  divaricata 

9.80±0.54  (10) 

4.80±0.55     (8) 

5.00±1.00     (8) 

3.3±0.20  (11) 

C.  arbuscula 

6.30d=l.S8    (9) 

3.40±0.95  (10) 

6.10±0.20  (10) 

3.6±0.55     (7) 

0.  diffusa 


1.63±0.38     (7) 

0.30±0.02     (8) 

0.81±0.15     (9) 

Not  measurable 



0.37±0.01     (6) 

Not  measurable 

0.26±0.01     (5) 

Not  measurable 







A  glance  at  any  living  coral  will  show  that  there  must  be  large  variations  in  the 
growth  rates  of  different  parts  of  the  same  colony,  especially  in  branching  species. 
A  field  analysis  of  the  differential  growth  pattern  of  reef  corals  was  published  by 
Stephenson  and  Stephenson  (1933).  With  our  method,  the  growth  rates  in  dif- 
ferent parts  of  the  same  colony  were  quantitatively  measured.  Studies  on  four 
species  of  branching  corals,  summarized  in  Table  III,  show  that  the  calcification 
rates  of  the  apical  parts  of  such  corals  are  from  four  to  eight  times  faster  than  growth 
in  the  lateral  and  basal  regions.  Well  developed  calcification  gradients  are  found  in 
corals  which  have  a  strongly  oriented  growth  pattern.  An  example  of  this  is  seen 

Calcification    rates    in  different  parts   of   a  colony 

of    Acropora     conferta 

Direction  of  primary  growth 


8-2  ±   3-76 
l-9±  0-92 

0-5  ±  0-10 

Ca  mg  N"'  hr" 

10  cm 

FIGURE  4.  Calcification  rates  in  three  different  parts  of  a  colony  of  Acropora  conferta. 
Only  the  apical  polyps  were  sampled,  their  relative  positions  being  indicated  by  the  circles  on 
the  diagram.  The  calcium  deposition  rate  is  highest  in  the  large  pale  apical  polyps  which  are 
oriented  in  the  direction  of  primary  growth,  and  marked  by  circle  A.  At  positions  B  and  C, 
progressively  further  away  from  the  growing  edge  of  the  colony,  the  calcification  rate  becomes 
greatly  reduced. 

in  the  important  Pacific  reef -building  coral  Acropora  conferta  in  which  the  primary 
direction  of  growth  is  horizontally  outward  from  a  center,  resulting  in  the  formation 
of  large  tabular  colonies.  The  main  growth  occurs  in  the  tips  of  numerous  radially 
outgrowing  branches,  the  apical  polyps  of  which  are  colored  a  pale  pastel  mauve. 
The  apical  polyps  of  the  secondary  branches  are  still  pale  but  smaller,  whereas  those 
of  the  tertiary  branches  are  almost  indistinguishable  from  the  yellowish  brown 
lateral  polyps.  The  results  of  a  typical  experiment  are  summarized  in  Figure  4, 
the  location  of  the  different  branches  being  shown  in  the  diagram. 




Wilbur  and  Jodrey  (1955)  demonstrated  that  shell  formation  in  the  oyster 
Crassostrea  virginica  was  greatly  reduced  in  the  presence  of  small  concentrations  of 
certain  heterocyclic  sulfonamides  which  are  powerful  specific  inhibitors  of  the  enzyme 
anhydrase.  In  a  series  of  unpublished  experiments  we  found  this  enzyme  present 
in  all  of  the  twenty-three  coral  species  that  were  tested.  Although  carbonic  an- 
hydrase was  also  found  in  several  species  of  sea  anemones  and  zoanthidea,  none  of 
which  are  calcareous,  it  was  of  some  interest  to  determine  whether  the  inhibition  of 
this  enzyme  had  any  effect  on  the  calcification  rates  of  corals.  The  inhibitor  used 
in  these  preliminary  experiments  was  2  acetyl-amino  l,3,4,diathiazole-5-sulfonamide, 
or  Diamox.  This  compound  was  supplied  through  the  kindness  of  the  Lederle 
Laboratories  Division  of  the  American  Cyanamid  Division.  The  experiments  were 
carried  out  by  placing  healthy  coral  colonies  into  a  10~3  M  (approx.  1 : 20,000)  solu- 
tion of  Diamox  in  sea  water  and  adding  calcium-45  twelve  hours  later.  The  experi- 
ments were  run  in  light  and  dark,  each  having  a  control  without  Diamox.  All 
corals  used  in  these  experiments  could  survive  1 : 20,000  Diamox  for  at  least  two 
weeks,  provided  they  were  kept  in  the  light.  In  darkness,  survival  time  was  re- 
duced to  about  five  or  six  days. 

In  Porites  divaricata,  a  fast  growing  shallow-water  coral  that  tolerates  strong 
light,  treatment  with  10  3  M  Diamox  in  the  light  caused  a  fifty-one  per  cent  fall 
in  the  calcification  rate.  Exclusion  of  light  caused  the  calcium  uptake  to  fall  a  further 
thirty-four  per  cent  in  the  presence  of  Diamox,  as  shown  in  Table  IV.  It  is  in- 
teresting to  note  that,  in  this  species,  the  inhibitor  had  about  the  same  effect  as 
exclusion  of  light,  both  causing  a  fall  of  about  fifty  per  cent  in  the  calcification  rate. 
This  seems  to  indicate  that,  as  far  as  their  potentiating  effect  on  the  calcification 
rate  is  concerned,  the  action  of  carbonic  anhydrase  and  that  of  photosynthesizing 
zooxanthellae  are  similar  and  probably  synergistic. 

In  Cladocora  arbuscula,  a  coral  which  grows  best  in  a  somewhat  deeper  and 
shadier  environment,  exclusion  of  light  appears  to  have  relatively  little  effect  on  the 
calcification  rate,  as  shown  in  Table  IV,  and  the  per  cent  inhibition  of  the  calcium 
uptake  produced  by  Diamox  is  about  the  same  in  light  as  in  darkness.  Thus,  in 
this  coral,  the  zooxanthellae  appear  to  play  a  much  less  important  part  in  the 
calcification  process  than  carbonic  anhydrase. 

In  Oculina  diffusa,  the  relative  effects  of  carbonic  anhydrase  and  zooxanthellae 
could  be  studied  in  more  detail  since  it  was  possible  to  grow  this  coral  without  its 
algae.  In  the  presence  of  zooxanthellae,  there  was  a  fifty-nine  per  cent  decrease 
in  calcium  uptake  on  exclusion  of  light,  whereas  Diamox  in  the  light  caused  ap- 
proximately eighty  per  cent  inhibition.  In  darkness,  with  zooxanthellae  and  in  the 
presence  of  Diamox,  calcification  could  not  be  measured  under  the  conditions  of  our 
experiment.  Similar  results  were  found  in  light  and  darkness  in  zooxanthellae-less 
colonies,  where  there  appeared  to  be  practically  complete  cessation  of  measurable 
calcification  in  the  presence  of  Diamox.  These  results  indicate  that  in  this  species 
carbonic  anhydrase  exerts  a  somewhat  greater  effect  on  the  calcification  rate  than  do 
the  zooxanthellae. 

In  all  four  species  of  reef  corals  so  far  tested,  10~3  M  Diamox  caused  a  forty  per 
cent  to  fifty  per  cent  decrease  of  the  calcification  rate.  This  concentration  of  Diamox 




from ,  sea  water  in  coelenteron 



Ajn\  /-~\ 





Adsorbed  on  mucopolysaccharide 
in  organic  membrane 


Ca  CO,  +  H_  _.. 

o         d.       o 


FIGURE  5.  Diagram  to  show  possible  pathways  of  calcium  and  carbonate  during  calcificatioi 
in  a  reef-building  coral.  A  diagrammatic  cross-section  of  the  calicoblastic  body  wall  at  th 
base  of  the  polyp  is  shown  but  the  parts  are  not  drawn  to  scale.  The  coelenteron  and  tr 


was  sufficient  to  cause  complete  inhibition  of  carbonic  anhydrase  activity  in  coral 
homogenates  as  measured  by  the  method  of  Meldrum  and  Roughton  (1933).  It 
is  obvious  that  neither  zooxanthellae  nor  carbonic  anhydrase  in  themselves  are  es- 
sential to  the  calcification  process,  since  this  still  goes  on  in  the  absence  of  one  or 
both,  though  at  a  greatly  reduced  rate. 


The  experiments  described  in  this  paper  show  that  calcium  deposition  by  mad- 
reporarian  corals  and  other  calcareous  reef-builders  can  be  determined  under  a  vari- 
ety of  controlled  conditions.  The  methods  used  here  constitute  a  first  step  in  the  de- 
velopment of  an  accurate  procedure  for  the  rapid  measurement  of  calcification  rates 
applicable  to  further  experimental  studies  of  the  physiology  of  skeletogenesis  in 

The  question  arises  as  to  whether  coral  growth  rates  determined  under  laboratory 
conditions  can  be  compared  to  those  found  on  the  open  reef  under  natural  conditions. 
Since  the  experiments  described  above  were  not  designed  to  test  this,  we  are  now 
conducting  field  studies,  using  a  modified  technic  which  will  be  described  in  a  sub- 
sequent paper.  Preliminary  results  show  that  calcification  rates  of  coral  are  some- 
what higher  on  the  open  reef  than  reported  here,  and  that  our  standard  light  source 
was  too  bright  for  optimal  coral  growth.  We  have  evidence  that  this  latter  factor 
accounts  for  the  small  and  sometimes  insignificant  dark-light  growth  differences 
observed  in  some  coral  species  as  shown  in  Table  I ;  i.e.,  high  light  intensities  could 
partially  inhibit  coral  growth.  The  quantitative  relationship  of  light  intensity  and 
other  factors  with  coral  growth  is  now  under  investigation. 

A  working  hypothesis  has  been  developed  to  help  to  interpret  some  of  our  re- 
sults and  to  delineate  the  role  played  by  the  zooxanthellae  and  carbonic  anhydrase 
in  skeletogenesis  of  the  reef-building  madreporarian  corals.  To  be  satisfactory, 
such  a  hypothesis  must  account  for :  1 )  the  species-specific  morphology  of  the 
skeleton;  2)  its  formation  external  to  the  body  proper;  3)  its  chemical  composition 
which  is  over  ninety-nine  per  cent  CaCO3  and  less  than  one  per  cent  MgCO3  (Vin- 
ogradov,  1953)  ;  and  4)  the  crystalline  nature  of  the  mineral  matter  which  is  nearly 
pure  aragonite,  according  to  Meigen  (1903)  and  Chave  (1954). 

The  calcification  process  is  considered  as  a  reaction  in  which  Ca++  and  CO.,"  are 
brought  to  the  calcification  centers  by  separate  pathways.  The  weight  of  histological 
evidence  now  indicates  that  the  mineralization  process  occurs  outside  the  calico- 
blastic  epidermis  (Matthai.  1918;  Hayashi,  1937;  Goreau,  1956)  which  secretes 
an  organic  matrix  that  may  act  as  a  template  on  which  the  final  stages  of  skeleto- 
genesis take  place.  It  is  of  interest  that  this  organic  matrix  contains  an  acid 
mucopolysaccharide-like  substance  (Goreau,  1956).  This  gives  rise  to  the  pos- 
sibility that  Ca++,  taken  up  from  sea  water  and  transported  across  the  body  wall  to 
the  external  surface  of  the  calicoblast,  is  adsorbed  by  ion  exchange  on  an  acidic 
space  lattice  provided  by  the  mucopolysaccharide  in  the  organic  matrix.  Here 

flagellated  gastrodermis  containing  a  zooxanthella  are  shown  at  the  top  of  the  figure,  the 
calicoblastic  epidermis  is  in  the  middle  and  the  organic  membrane  with  crystals  of  calcareous 
matter  are  at  the  bottom.  The  boring  algae,  the  effects  of  which  are  problematical,  have 
been  omitted  for  simplicity.  The  direction  of  growth  is  upward,  i.e.,  calcium  deposition  is  in 
a  downward  direction. 


the  Ca++  combines  with  HCO3~  by  the  following  reaction : 

(1)  Ca++  +  2HCO3-  ^-     =-*  Ca(HCO3)2. 
The  unstable  product  of  this  reaction  then  breaks  down : 

(2)   Ca(HCO3)2  -f-  -»  CaCO3(ppt)  +  H2CO3, 

with  the  formation  of  calcium  carbonate  and  carbonic  acid.  As  long  as  calcium  is  not 
a  limiting  factor,  the  rate  of  formation  of  calcium  carbonate  will  depend  on  the  rate 
with  which  the  carbonic  acid  is  removed  from  the  site  of  calcification.  This  can  be  ac- 
complished through  the  fixation  of  CO2  by  photosynthesizing  zooxanthellae  and/or 
the  action  of  carbonic  anhydrase.  The  proposed  scheme  is  summarized  in  Figure  5. 
It  is  expected,  therefore,  that  if  the  zooxanthellae  are  prevented  from  photosynthesiz- 
ing by  keeping  the  coral  in  darkness,  or  if  the  algae  are  completely  removed,  the 
velocity  of  calcification  will  decrease,  due  to  slowing  down  of  reaction  (2) .  Since  car- 
bonic anhydrase  has  an  action  which  is,  in  this  respect,  physiologically  equivalent  to 
that  of  the  zooxanthellae,  the  inhibition  of  the  enzyme  will  also  result  in  a  slowing 
down  of  the  calcification  rate.  The  greatest  decrease  occurs  when  the  corals  are 
kept  in  darkness  in  the  presence  of  a  carbonic  anhydrase  inhibitor.  The  fact  that 
calcification  still  goes  on  under  these  conditions  simply  shows  that  neither  the  enzyme 
nor  the  algae  determine  the  basic  calcification  reaction,  but  that  they  can  exert  a 
strong  influence  on  its  over-all  rate.  This  is  in  agreement  with  the  work  of  Wilbur 
and  Jodrey  (1955)  who  showed  that  carbonic  anhydrase  does  not  affect  shell  calci- 
fication in  the  oyster  unless  the  rate  is  limited  by  one  of  the  following  reactions : 

(3)  CO2  +  H20  «=     =*  H2CO3: 

(4)  CO,  +  OH-  , >   HC.XV, 

hence  the  enzyme  cannot  be  a  primary  factor  in  calcification  as  was  previously  as- 
sumed by  Stolkowsky  (1950)  for  mollusk  shells. 

An  interesting  problem  arises  from  our  data  on  calcification  rates  of  reef  corals 
from  which  the  zooxanthellae  had  been  removed.  The  second  part  of  Table  II 
shows  that  in  darkness  normal  corals  calcify  from  two  to  three  times  faster  than 
corals  which  have  lost  their  zooxanthellae.  This  suggests  that  the  presence  of  these 
algal  symbionts,  even  when  not  photosynthesizing,  may  have  a  potentiating  effect  on 
the  calcification  rate  of  the  coral  host.  It  is  thus  considered  possible  that  the 
zooxanthellae  can  exert  a  general  stimulant  effect  on  the  host's  metabolism,  mediated 
through  a  vitamin  or  hormone-like  factor.  This  function  of  the  zooxanthellae  would 
to  some  extent  be  independent  of  the  photosynthetically  controlled  "janitorial"  activ- 
ities of  these  algae  which  result  in  the  assimilation  of  the  animal  host's  metabolic 
waste  products.  It  is  hoped  that  work  now  in  progress  will  provide  more  evidence 
for  this  interesting  possibility. 

This  work  \vas  in  part  supported  by  grants  from  the  New  York  Zoological 
Society  and  the  National  Science  Foundation  (Grant  Number  G-4017),  and  by  in- 
stitutional funds  from  the  University  College  of  the  West  Indies.  Studies  on 
Pacific  corals  were  made  at  the  Eniwetok  and  Hawaii  Marine  Laboratories  with 
the  aid  of  AEC  contract  AT  (29-2) -226  with  the  University  of  Hawaii.  The  nitro- 
gens were  determined  by  N.  I.  Goreau.  Boats  and  other  facilities  of  the  University 


College  Marine  Biological  Station  at  Port  Royal,  Jamaica  were  made  available 
through  the  kindness  of  Professor  D.  M.  Steven.  Grateful  acknowledgment  is 
hereby  made  to  all  the  persons  and  institutions  whose  generous  assistance  made  this 
work  possible. 


1.  A  method  is  described  for  the  accurate  measurement  of  calcification  rates  in 
reef-building  corals  under  various  controlled  conditions,  using  calcium-45  as  tracer. 

2.  At  the  temperatures  of  the  experiments,  there  was  a  slow  but  appreciable 
isotopic  exchange  between  the  coral  skeleton  and  sea  water.     There  are  indications 
that  this  is  considerably  less  in  living  coral  where  the  tissue  forms  a  barrier  against 
such  exchange. 

3.  In  many  of  the  reef-building  corals  tested  so  far,  the  calcification  rate  was 
significantly  lowered  by  the  exclusion  of  light. 

4.  The  calcification  rate  of  reef  corals  grown  in  darkness  for  prolonged  periods 
of  time  to  remove  the  zooxanthellae  is  considerably  reduced  and  seems  independent 
of  the  light  intensity. 

5.  Variations  in  the  growth  rates  of  different  parts  of  coral  colonies  were  meas- 
ured.    The  existence  of  growth  gradients  was  demonstrated  in  a  number  of  species. 

6.  Calcium  uptake  was  greatly  reduced  on  the  addition  of  Diamox,  a  specific 
carbonic  anhydrase  inhibitor.     In  those  species  tested,  the  effect  of  carbonic  anhy- 
drase  inhibition  and  exclusion  of  light  was  in  the  same  direction.     In  the  presence 
of  complete  inhibition  of  carbonic  anhydrase  there  was  still  an  uptake,  even  in 

7.  It  was  concluded  that  the  effect  of  light  on  reef  coral  growth  is  in  part 
mediated  through  the  zooxanthellae.     The  decreased  calcification  rates  of  reef  corals 
in  darkness,  in  the  absence  of  zooxanthellae  or  in  the  presence  of  a  carbonic  anhy- 
drase inhibitor  suggest  that  the  rapid  calcification  of  these  corals  may  be  dependent 
on  efficient  removal  of  H2CO3. 


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Department  of  Physiology  and  Biochemistry,  Rutgers  University,  New  Brunsivick, 

New  Jersey;  Department  of  Physiology,  University  of  Illinois,  Urbana,  Illinois; 

and  the  Marine  Biological  Laboratory,  Woods  Hole,  Massachusetts 

Ionic  and  osmotic  regulation  in  decapod  Crustacea  are  the  result  of  selective 
ionic  absorption  and  excretion  through  several  routes  (Prosser  et  al.,  1950;  Robert- 
son, 1953).  The  gills  have  been  implicated  as  the  primary  site  of  absorption  (Huf, 
1936;  Krogh,  1938;  Webb,  1940;  Koch,  1954;  Gross,  1957)  but  the  alimentary 
tract  may  also  be  important  (Burger,  1957).  The  antennary  glands  are  considered 
the  chief  organs  of  selective  excretion  (Nagel,  1934;  Webb,  1940;  Robertson,  1949; 
Prosser  et  al.,  1955;  Burger,  1957).  The  cellular  mechanisms  of  ionic  absorption 
and  excretion  in  crustaceans  are  poorly  understood  and  hypo-osmotic  regulation  has 
been  less  extensively  studied  than  hyper-osmotic  regulation. 

Recently  (Prosser  et  al.,  1955)  it  has  been  shown  that  Pachygrapsus  crassipcs, 
when  maintained  in  170%  sea  water  (S.W.)  excretes  a  urine  higher  in  Mg  but 
significantly  lower  in  Na  than  animals  in  normal  sea  water.  The  Na  which  is  not 
excreted  in  the  urine  may  be  stored  in  tissues  for  short  periods  (Gross,  1958)  or 
may  be  excreted  by  extra-antennary  gland  routes,  as  suggested  by  the  finding  (Gross, 
1957)  that  salt  exchanges,  as  measured  by  electroconductivity  methods,  occur  in  the 
gill  chamber  of  Pachygrapsus. 

Since  Jones  (1941)  had  shown  that  Uca  crenulata  is  a  stronger  hypo-osmotic 
regulator  than  P.  crassipes,  studies  were  undertaken  on  several  species  of  Atlantic 
coast  Uca  to  determine  their  ability  to  excrete  Na  by  extra-antennary  gland  routes. 
In  a  preliminary  survey  it  was  found  that  Uca  mina.v,  U.  pugilator  and  U.  pugnax 
all  show  hypo-osmotic  regulation  and  reduced  urine  Na  in  concentrated  sea  water. 
These  properties  were  not  found  in  Callinectes  and  Carcinus.  The  object  of  the 
present  paper  is  to  report  a  detailed  study  of  the  response  of  the  body  fluids  and 
tissues  of  Uca  pugnax  and  U.  pugilator  to  prolonged  exposure  to  concentrated  sea 


Uca  pugnax  and  U.  pugilator  were  acclimated  to  175%  sea  water  during  three- 
day  periods  by  increasing  the  concentration  of  the  sea  water  25%  per  day.  The 
crabs  were  held  at  175%  sea  water  in  large  finger  bowls  containing  a  small  amount 
of  the  bathing  medium  for  2  to  4  days  after  reaching  this  concentration.  They  were 
not  fed  in  the  laboratory  but  the  sea  water  in  the  bowls  was  changed  daily.  Usually 
crabs  were  used  within  7  to  14  days  after  collection.  Some  of  the  variability  in  the 
experiments  may  be  attributed  to  the  starvation  of  the  animals  and  their  varied 
nutritional  states  upon  collection.  Greater  experimental  variability  is  found  between 
different  batches  of  crabs  than  between  the  sexes  of  the  two  species. 



Urine  was  collected  from  single  animals  by  mounting  the  crab,  caudal  end  down, 
on  a  microscope  stage,  attaching  one  wire  from  a  Harvard  inductorium  to  the  mouth 
and  stimulating  the  opercular  region  at  the  base  of  the  antenna  with  the  other.  A 
small  capillary  drawn  out  at  the  end  was  simultaneously  placed  near  the  opercular 
covering.  Usually  moderate  shocks  resulted  in  the  expulsion  of  urine,  as  much  as 
10-20  microliters  from  a  single  crab.  Urine  from  three  crabs  was  generally  pooled 
on  a  piece  of  Parafilm  which  was  kept  in  a  high  humidity  chamber. 

Blood  was  collected  in  the  manner  described  for  Pachygrapsus  (Prosser  et  al., 

Gill  fluid  was  collected  through  small  openings  made  in  the  gill  plate  prior  to 
the  experiment.  Care  was  taken  to  prevent  bleeding  at  the  time  the  openings  were 
made.  After  exposing  crabs  to  isotopic  solutions  for  a  12-hour  period,  the  animals 
were  exposed  to  non-isotopic  sea  water  for  15  minutes  and  transferred  to  dry  finger 
bowls  for  30  minutes  before  removing  gill  fluid  by  fine  capillaries  through  the  gill 
plate  openings. 

Stomach  fluid  was  collected  in  capillaries  from  excised  stomachs. 

Some  studies  were  performed  with  isotopic  Na24.  This  ion  was  obtained  with 
Na,CO3  as  the  carrier  and  was  initially  made  up  in  a  small  amount  of  distilled  water. 
Ten-mi,  aliquots  of  this  highly  active  sample,  containing  0.1-0.2  mc./mg.,  were 
placed  in  finger  bowls  containing  490  ml.  of  the  appropriate  sea  water.  Crabs  were 
exposed  to  these  isotope  solutions  for  12-18  hours  before  sampling.  Exploratory 
experiments  had  shown  that  the  relative  specific  activity  of  the  serum  of  crabs  re- 
mained nearly  constant  after  12  hours  during  the  period  of  sampling. 

Routinely,  samples  of  blood,  urine,  gill  fluid  and  stomach  fluid  were  pooled  from 
three  animals  for  analysis.  Twenty-five  microliters  of  such  a  sample  were  added  to 
10  ml.  of  glass-distilled  water  in  small  Pyrex  tubes.  From  this  solution  Na24  counts 
were  made  with  a  well  counter  and  scintillation  tube.  Sodium.  K,  Ca  and  Mg  were 
analyzed  by  flame  photometry  in  a  conventional  manner  using  the  Beckman  flame 
attachment  with  a  photomultiplier  tube.  Chloride  was  analyzed  by  the  method  of 
Schales  and  Schales  (1941),  SO4  by  the  method  of  Nalefski  and  Takano  (1950) 
and  NH4  by  the  method  of  Russell  (1944). 

Osmotic  determinations  were  made  on  all  fluid  samples,  using  the  Jones  method 
(1941)  as  modified  by  Gross  (1954). 

In  those  studies  where  Na24  counts  of  tissue  were  made,  tissues  were  removed 
to  Parafilm,  weighed,  placed  in  test  tubes  with  the  Parafilm  and  counted  in  the  same 
manner  as  were  the  fluids.  Counts  were  expressed  per  25  mg.  of  wet  tissue. 


Several  preliminary  experiments  were  performed  to  test  our  methods  and  to 
establish  optimum  levels  for  Na24  use.  Table  I  presents  the  results  from  our  two 
most  extensive  experiments  for  osmotic  and  ionic  analyses  of  several  fluids  from 
crabs  in  100%  and  175%  sea  water.  The  measure  of  variability  is  the  standard 
error.  Significant  differences  between  100%  and  175%  groups  were  found  for  all 
components  of  serum  except  Mg,  K,  Ca  and  NH4 ;  for  urine  components  except  Ca, 
NH4  and  Cl ;  for  gill  fluid  components  except  NH4,  and  for  components  of  stomach 
fluid  except  K  and  osmotic  concentration. 

A  statistical  evaluation  of  the  difference  between  the  analytical  values    (from 



Osmotic  and  electrolyte  concentrations  in  Uca  expressed  as  niM/L 













For  Crabs  in  100%  S.W. 









































Gill  fluid 




















Stomach  fluid 




















For  Crabs  in  175%  S.W. 









































Gill  fluid 




















Stomach  fluid 










111        926 









Composition  of  S.W.  used  for  experiments 

100%  S.W. 












*  Equivalent  moles  of  NaCl;  stomach  average  of  10  crabs. 
**  Average  of  8  crabs. 

Table  I)  of  each  of  the  fluids  from  crabs  within  the  same  medium  is  given  in  Table 
IV.  The  different  fluids  from  animals  within  the  same  medium  are  as  quantitatively 
distinct  as  are  the  same  kinds  of  fluids  from  crabs  in  the  two  different  media.  For 
example,  serum  and  urine  from  crabs  in  100%  sea  water  are  as  different  as  sera  from 

Analysis  of  Na2*  counts  in  Uca  tissues.     Counts  per  25  mg.  wet  weight 

100%  S.W. 
Aver.  cts. 

175%  S.W. 
Aver.  cts. 

%  change 

P  values 
100  vs.  175 

P  values 
100  vs.  sera 

P  values 
175  vs.  sera 













Mid-gut  gland 






























crabs  in  normal  and  concentrated  sea  water.  This  finding  emphasizes  the  existence 
of  homeostatic  mechanisms  in  this  group  of  crabs.  The  ability  of  these  crabs  to 
maintain  their  sera  hypo-osmotic  to  the  medium  in  both  normal  and  concentrated  sea 
water  as  shown  by  the  osmotic  concentration,  appears  to  be  shared  with  other  mem- 
bers of  the  grapsoid  group  (Robertson,  1953).  More  striking  is  the  finding  that 
crabs  in  both  types  of  media  produce  a  urine  which  is  hypertonic  to  the  serum.  The 
data  from  Tables  I  and  IV  show  that  the  crabs  regulate  all  serum  ions  in  concen- 
trated sea  water  and  all  but  Ca  in  normal  sea  water.  With  the  exception  of  Na  all 
other  electrolytes  occur  in  higher  concentrations  in  urine  than  in  serum.  Since  the 
degrees  to  which  these  ions  are  concentrated  in  the  urine  varies  in  crabs  from  the 
same  medium  and  between  the  two  media  and  also  varies  for  the  different  ions, 
it  is  probable  that  their  concentration  is  a  result  of  secretion  or  selective  ion 

Table  I  indicates  that  the  gill  fluid  from  crabs  in  175%  sea  water  is  hyper-osmotic 
to  the  medium,  the  serum  and  the  urine.  That  this  hypertonicity  results  from  water 
and  solute  absorption  as  well  as  solute  secretion  will  be  apparent  later.  Directly 
related  to  the  gill  fluid  hypertonicity  is  the  urine  Na  concentration  which  is  signif- 

Relative  specific  activities  for  crabs  in  normal  and  hypertonic  sea  water 

100%  S.W. 

175%  S.W. 

P  Values 




per  min. 





per  min. 



RSA  100  vs. 





















Gill  fluid 










Stomach  fluid 










icantly  lower  (Table  IV)  in  crabs  in  concentrated  than  in  normal  sea  water.  And 
while  this  result  is  not  unexpected  (Prosser  ct  al.,  1955)  it  indicates  the  extra- 
antennary  gland  excretion  of  this  ion.  possibly  through  the  gills,  and  hence  its  as- 
sociation with  gill  fluid  hypertonicity. 

The  stomach  fluid  of  crabs  in  100%  sea  water  (Table  I)  is  marked  by  its 
significant  hypertonicity  to  serum,  urine  and  gill  fluid.  Its  ion  content  is  different 
from  serum  except  for  Na  and  Cl  ;  from  urine  except  for  Na,  Mg  and  K  and  from 
gill  fluid  except  for  Na,  Mg  and  Cl .  The  stomach  fluid  from  crabs  in  175%  sea  water 
is  hypertonic  to  serum  and  urine  but  not  to  gill  fluid.  Its  ion  content  is  greater 
than  that  of  serum  for  all  ions  except  Na  and  K;  stomach  fluid  is  more  concen- 
trated than  urine  except  for  Ca,  Cl  and  SO4  and  more  concentrated  than  gill  fluid 
except  for  K.  Both  water  and  solute  absorption  probably  occur  from  the  stomach 
and  the  distribution  of  electrolytes  in  the  stomach  fluid  makes  some  secretion  into 
the  gut  probable. 

Fluid/serum  ratios  have  been  summarized  in  Figure  1  for  osmotic  concentration 
and  the  electrolyte  values.  The  extent  to  which  the  urine/serum  ratio  (U/S)  de- 
parts from  unity  has  been  used  as  a  measure  of  antennary  gland  regulation  (Prosser 



Probability  values  of  analyses 









SO  4 

A.  Comparison  of  fluids  of  crabs  in  100%  and  175%  S.W. 

Gill  fluid 
Stomach  fluid 


=  .05 






100%  S.W. 

B.   Comparison  of  fluids  from  crabs  in  the  same  medium 

Serum  vs.  urine 









Serum  vs.  gill  fluid 









Serum  vs.  stomach  fluid 









Urine  vs.  gill  fluid 









Stomach  fluid  vs.  urine 


=  .05 







Gill  fluid  vs.  stomach  fluid 









175%  S.W. 

Serum  vs.  urine 
Serum  vs.  gill  fluid 
Serum  vs.  stomach  fluid 
Urine  vs.  gill  fluid 
Stomach  fluid  vs.  urine 
Gill  fluid  vs.  stomach  fluid 









100%,  S.W.                   C.   *Comparisons  of  ratios  of  fluids  from  crabs  in  the  same  medium 

U/S  vs.  one 
SW/S  vs.  GF/S 
SW/S  vs.  SF/S 







=  .01 


175%  S.W. 

U/S  vs.  one 
SW/S  vs.  GF/S 
SW/S  vs.  SF/S 





=  .01 





*  See  Figure  1  for  meaning  of  ratios. 

ct  al.,  1955).  When  the  U/S  ratios  for  crabs  in  100%  sea  water  are  compared 
with  those  from  175%  sea  water  only  the  ratios  for  osmotic  concentration,  K  and 
Cl  are  found  to  be  alike;  the  175%  sea  water  U/S  ratio  for  Na  is  lower  and  all 
others  higher  than  the  corresponding  100%  sea  water  values.  The  considerable 
regulation  exhibited  by  the  antennary  glands  of  these  crabs  in  normal  sea  water 
(Tables  I  and  IV)  is  increased  under  the  stress  of  concentrated  sea  water,  partic- 
ularly for  Mg,  NH4  and  SO4. 



Because  both  gills  and  stomach  have  a  direct  contact  with  the  external  medium 
and  appear  to  be  the  most  likely  sites  of  exchange  of  water  and  salts  with  the 
medium,  it  is  reasoned  that  the  extent  to  which  the  gill  fluid/serum  (GF/S)  and 
the  stomach  fluid/serum  (SF/S)  ratios  deviate  from  the  sea  water/serum  ratio 
should  provide  a  measure  of  the  absorptive  and  secretory  capacities  of  gill  and 
stomach  tissues.  These  ratios  are  presented  in  Figure  1,  and  the  statistical  signif- 
icances of  a  variety  of  internal  comparisons  (for  example,  GF/S  with  SF/S  ratios 
from  crabs  in  100%  sea  water)  are  given  in  Table  IV. 






2  j 


















A      B 

C      D 


BCD             A       B       C      D 



Osmotic  Cone. 




•  ' 


A     Urine/Serum  Ratio 



B     Gil 

Fluid/Serum  Ratio  (GF/S) 



C     Stomach  Fluid/Serum  Ratio  (SF/S) 




D     Sea  Water/Serum 

Ratio  (SW/S) 




U   100%  SW 





bJ  175%  SW 




S     Paired  Ratios 




,  — 
































~L  R  r 














s  i 

ts  FN 
sKjsx      s 



sx      s 









A       B       C       D 


B       C 



FIGURE  1.     Ratios  of  the  osmotic  and  electrolyte  concentrations  of  fluids  from  crabs  in  100 
and  175%  sea  water.     Statistical  significance  was  attributed  to  P  values  of  0.02  or  less. 

In  a  few  experiments  crabs  were  exposed  to  sea  water  containing  Na24.  The 
same  quantity  of  the  isotope  was  added  to  equal  volumes  of  100%  and  175%  sea 
water.  Since  the  Na23  concentration  of  the  175%  sea  water  was  greater  than  that 
of  the  100%  sea  water,  a  factor  was  used  to  correct  the  counts  obtained  from  fluids 
and  tissues  of  crabs  in  the  concentrated  sea  water  to  make  them  comparable  to  those 
from  normal  sea  water.  This  correction  factor  was  obtained  by  dividing  the  Na24/ 
Na23  ratio  in  100%  sea  water  by  the  Na21/Na23  ratio  in  175%  sea  water.  Multiply- 
ing the  counts  from  the  fluids  and  tissues  from  crabs  in  175%  sea  water  by  this 
factor  gave  the  corrected  counts.  Approximate  isotopic  equilibrium  was  attained 
in  blood  and  urine  in  both  groups  of  crabs  after  12  hours.  Isotopic  analyses  of 


tissues  were  made  in  a  number  of  experiments  and  the  assumption  was  made  that 
these  too  had  attained  isotopic  equilibrium.  The  results  of  the  tissue  studies  are 
summarized  in  Table  II.  The  high  Na24  count  in  the  gills  from  crabs  in  100%  sea 
water  implies  that  these  are  the  primary  means  of  Na  entrance  or  else  that  Na  can- 
not be  excreted  as  rapidly  as  it  enters  and  dams  up  in  this  tissue.  Since  Na24  counts 
increased  more  in  muscle  (67%)  and  stomach  tissues  (32%)  relative  to  the  increase 
in  sera  in  going  from  100%  sea  water  to  175%  sea  water,  these  tissues  may  serve 
for  Na  storage  during  the  stress  of  high  serum  Na. 

Only  gill  and  mid-gut  gland  tissues  from  crabs  in  175%  sea  water  had  lower 
Na24  counts  than  their  100%  sea  water  counterparts;  serum,  muscle  and  stomach 
all  had  higher  counts  while  heart  and  intestine  were  not  significantly  different.  With 
the  exception  of  the  gill  tissue  from  the  crabs  in  100%  sea  water  the  tissues  of  both 
groups  had  lower  counts  than  their  sera,  which  is  in  part  an  indication  that  the  Na'-4 
is  restricted  primarily  to  the  extracellular  space.  The  fact  that  in  tissues  from  the 
175%  sea  water  animals,  the  counts  from  mid-gut  gland  and  gills  were  propor- 
tionately lower  while  those  of  muscle  and  stomach  were  proportionately  higher  with 
respect  to  their  sera  than  the  same  tissues  from  the  100%>  sea  water  crabs,  in- 
dicates a  differential  tissue  response  to  the  Na  stress. 

A  study  of  the  rate  at  which  Na2*  can  penetrate  these  crabs  in  100%  and  175% 
sea  water  has  shown  (Green  and  Harsch,  1958)  that  the  isotope  enters  the  crabs 
in  the  concentrated  sea  wrater  more  readily.  This  finding,  coupled  with  the  low 
Na24  counts  in  gills  and  mid-gut  gland  shown  in  Table  II,  affords  evidence  that 
these  tissues  are  concerned  with  the  excretion  of  Na  under  the  conditions  of  these 

When  a  comparison  is  made  of  the  relative  specific  activities  (RSA)  (counts  per 
minute/meq  of  Na23/L )  for  serum,  urine,  gill  fluid  and  stomach  fluid  for  the  two 
groups  of  crabs,  as  summarized  in  Table  III,  only  serum  and  gill  fluid  values  are 
found  to  be  significantly  different.  The  high  RSA  value  of  serum  for  the  crabs  in 
175%  sea  water  indicates  a  greater  exchange  rate  of  Na24  for  Na23  as  compared 
with  normal  sea  water.  The  higher  RSA  value  in  the  gill  fluid  is  interpreted  to 
mean  that  the  crabs  in  hypertonic  sea  water  excrete  more  Na  by  the  gills  than  do 
crabs  in  normal  sea  water. 


The  osmotic  concentration  data  of  Table  I  indicate  that  in  both  normal  and 
concentrated  sea  water  Uca  is  a  hypo-osmotic  regulator;  sera  of  100%  sea  water 
crabs  were  12%  lower  in  osmotic  concentration  and  of  175%  sea  water  crabs  22% 
lower  than  their  respective  media.  Hypo-osmotic  regulation  occurs  in  crabs  which 
spend  much  time  out  of  water  (Jones,  1941)  and  in  shrimps  and  prawns  (Parry, 
1954).  Ionic  regulation  in  Uca  is  quantitatively  different  in  the  two  media.  In 
100%  sea  water  the  serum  concentrations  as  per  cent  of  medium  concentrations  are : 
Na,  83;  Mg,  52;  K,  122;  Ca,  133;  Cl,  93;  SO4,  191;  while  in  175%  sea  water 
they  are  :  Na,  65  ;  Mg,  40 ;  K,  88 ;  Ca,  70 ;  Cl.  61  ;  SO4,  169.  In  the  concentrated 
sea  water  each  ion  is  proportionately  less  concentrated  in  serum  relative  to  the  me- 
dium than  in  normal  sea  water ;  however,  the  extent  to  which  the  ions  are  regulated, 
as  measured  by  the  per  cent  increase  in  serum  concentrations  in  175%  sea  water 
relative  to  the  sera  concentrations  in  100%  sea  water,  is,  in  order  of  decreasing  order 
of  regulation:  Cl,  7;  Na,  14;  Ca,  14;  SO4,  17;  Mg,  20;  K,  36.  Uca  differs  from 



Pachygrapsus  crassipes  (Prosser  et  al.,  1955)  under  similar  conditions,  especially 
in  the  greater  ability  of  the  fiddler  crab  to  regulate  Na.  The  osmotic  concentration 
of  the  100%  sea  water  crabs  approximates  that  of  Pachygrapsus  marmoratus  as 
measured  by  Robertson  (1953),  as  do  the  K,  Ca,  and  SO4  values  relative  to  Cl, 
while  Mg  values  in  Uca  are  relatively  higher. 

A  cation  deficit  of  12%  exists  in  the  serum  of  crabs  in  100%  sea  water ;  a  deficit 
of  10%  in  crabs  in  175%  sea  water.  The  urine  cation  deficit  is  smaller  in  both 
groups.  The  serum  deficits  are  attributed  to  organic  cations.  The  lower  cation 
deficit  in  urine  than  in  serum  is  associated  with  the  higher  urine  concentration  of 
ammonia ;  however,  if  the  NH4  excreted  by  the  antennary  glands  is  subtracted  from 
the  total  cation  deficit,  the  cation  deficit  is  still  smaller  than  that  in  serum. 

Tentative  conclusions  can  be  drawn  concerning  the  formation  of  urine,  gill  fluid 
and  stomach  fluid  in  Uca.  The  urine  in  both  normal  and  concentrated  sea  water 
has  a  higher  osmotic  concentration  and  a  higher  total  electrolyte  concentration  than 
serum.  This  ability  to  produce  a  blood  hyper-osmotic  urine  is  one  means  of  keep- 
ing the  blood  hypo-osmotic  to  the  medium.  Pachygrapsus  crassipes  failed  to  show 
a  hyper-osmotic  urine  (Prosser  ct  al.,  1955).  Uca  appears  to  spend  more  time  out 

pH  of  Uca  urine 

Treatment  of  crabs 

Crabs  in  100%  S.W. 

Crabs  in  175%  S.W. 

Equilibrated  to  medium  for  3  days 
Equilibrated  to  medium  for  4  weeks 



*  Standard  error.  The  pH  was  measured  with  the  Beckmau  micro-glass  electrode.  Urine 
of  crabs  equilibrated  at  the  same  time  was  not  significantly  different.  Differences  in  the  urine 
pH  of  crabs  in  the  same  media  for  different  lengths  of  time  were  real. 

of  water  than  Pachygrapsus  and  may  be  a  better  hypo-osmotic  regulator,  partly  be- 
cause of  its  ability  to  produce  hyper-osmotic  urine. 

It  was  not  feasible  to  obtain  true  urine  volumes,  and  excretion  of  solutes  which 
are  unlikely  to  be  transported  actively  was  not  studied.  The  urine/serum  ratios 
(U/S)  differ  for  different  ions  and  are  maximal  for  NH4  (4  and  8  in  100%  and 
175%  sea  water).  If  NH4  were  excreted  by  simple  filtration,  marked  reabsorption 
of  all  other  ions  would  be  required  to  give  such  high  NH4  values ;  hence  it  is  prob- 
able that  NH4  is  either  secreted  or  its  excretion  is  accelerated  by  acidification  of 
the  urine.  This  latter  alternative  appears  unlikely  from  the  pH  data  presented  in 
Table  V.  The  U/S  ratio  is  next  highest  for  Mg,  increases  proportionately  in  the 
concentrated  sea  water.  The  high  U/S  ratios  for  Mg  and  SO4  in  (175%  sea 
water)  could  result  from  marked  reabsorption  of  water  and  other  ions  (except 
NH4)  ;  they  could  indicate  secretion  of  Mg  and,  at  least  in  175%  sea  water,  also  of 

The  treatment  of  Na  by  the  antennary  glands  is  unique.  Its  U/S  ratio  is  less 
than  one  in  normal  sea  water  and  is  decreased  in  175%  sea  water.  This  reduction 
in  urine  Na  was  found  in  Pachygrapsus  (Prosser  et  al.,  1955)  and  has  been  seen 
in  another  semi-terrestrial  genus,  Ocypode  (Gifford,  unpublished  data).  Reduced 
urine  Na  in  concentrated  sea  water  is  not  necessary  for  hypo-osmotic  regulation, 


however,  since  it  does  not  occur  in  hypo-osmotic  shrimps  and  prawns  (Parry,  1954) . 
The  decreased  urine  Na  in  175%  sea  water  could  result  from  reduced  secretion  or 
increased  reabsorption.  In  Pachygrapsus  urine  Na  was  not  reduced  in  175%  sea 
water  which  lacked  Mg  (Prosser  et  ctl.,  1955)  ;  injection  of  extra  Mg  into  land  crabs 
in  100%  sea  water  reduces  urine  Na  (Gifford,  unpublished  data).  In  Uca  in  175% 
sea  water  Mg  excretion  increases  more  than  Na  excretion  decreases  wrhen  both  are 
compared  with  responses  in  100%  sea  water.  It  seems  probable  from  these  ob- 
servations that  Mg  secretion  interferes  in  some  way  with  Na  secretion.  Filtration 
and  reabsorption  of  Na  might  serve  a  useful  function  in  causing  water  absorption. 
However,  one  would  expect  such  Na  reabsorption  to  be  associated  with  some  Cl 
or  SO4  absorption ;  this  does  not  appear  to  be  the  case.  If  the  Na  were  reabsorbecl 
by  exchange  with  Mg  one  would  expect  two  Na  ions  to  be  exchanged  for  one  of 
Mg ;  the  finding  for  175%  sea  water  was  1.3  ions  of  Mg  for  each  ion  of  Na.  Hence 
on  a  quantitative  basis  it  is  difficult  to  attribute  an  increased  Na  reabsorption  to  an 
increased  Mg  excretion.  On  an  energetic  basis  Na  reabsorption  seems  improbable. 
If  the  crab  needs  to  remove  Na  in  175%  sea  water  and  is  able  to  filter  it  in  the 
kidney,  why  would  this  Na  be  reabsorbed  against  a  Na  gradient,  using  energy  for 
this  purpose,  only  to  be  secreted  at  another  site  using  energy  a  second  time  ?  It  is 
possible  that  Na  is  exchanged  for  NH4  or  for  hydrogen  ions,  in  which  case  its 
absorption  would  serve  a  useful  function.  By  exclusion,  active  secretion  of  Na 
is  indicated,  a  process  which  is  reduced  under  a  high  Mg  load. 

The  U/S  ratios  for  K,  Cl  and  Ca  are  slightly  above  one  and  increase  slightly 
in  175%  sea  water.  Since  the  ionic  gradients  of  these  elements  are  from  urine  to 
plasma  (presumably  because  of  water  reabsorption)  the  differences  among  them 
could  result  from  differences  in  back  permeability  among  these  ions.  Rather  than 
postulate  secretion  of  all  ions,  it  seems  more  reasonable  that  there  is  filtration  coupled 
with  reabsorption  of  Na  and  water  and  some  secretion  of  NH4  and  Mg  (possibly 
also  SO4). 

The  composition  of  fluid  from  the  gill  chamber  indicates  a  combination  of  dif- 
fusion and  secretion  and  a  mixing  with  sea  water.  The  osmotic  concentration  is 
intermediate  between  serum  and  100%  sea  water;  it  may  be  as  high  or  higher 
than  175%  sea  water.  This  could  mean  outward  secretion  of  some  ions  or  absorp- 
tion of  water.  Ammonia  in  gill  fluid  is  intermediate  between  serum  and  the  me- 
dium, hence  NH4  appears  to  be  lost  from  the  gills  only  by  diffusion. 

Sodium  concentration  in  gill  fluid  is  similar  to  Na  in  serum  in  100%  sea  water, 
but  is  much  higher  in  175%  sea  water.  In  both  concentrations  it  is  lower  than  in 
the  medium.  The  gill  fluid  specific  activity  is  significantly  higher  in  175%  than  100% 
sea  water  while  the  gill  tissue  has  significantly  fewer  Na24  counts  in  175%  than 
100%  sea  water.  It  is  concluded  that  active  secretion  of  Na  occurs  in  the  gills,  at 
least  in  175%  sea  water.  The  diffusion  gradient  for  SO4  is  outward  in  100%  sea 
water  but  in  175%  sea  water  the  SO4  in  gill  fluid  is  higher  than  in  either  serum  or 
medium ;  hence  there  might  be  some  SO4  secretion  along  with  Na. 

Magnesium  and  Cl  in  gill  fluid  resemble  Na  in  being  close  to  serum  levels  in 
100%  sea  water  and  higher  than  serum  but  lower  than  175%  sea  water.  These 
gradients  could  result  from  diffusion,  secretion  (in  175%  sea  water)  or  from  water 
absorption.  Potassium  is  similar  in  serum,  gill  fluid  and  medium ;  Ca  in  gill  fluid 
is  similar  to  both  media,  lower  than  serum  in  100%  and  slightly  higher  in  175% 


sea  water.  It  is  difficult  to  see  how  these  concentrations  could  be  so  similar  if  there 
were  much  absorption  of  water.  The  relative  importance  of  differences  in  perme- 
ability, in  secretion  and  of  water  uptake  by  the  gills  cannot  be  evaluated  from  the 
present  data.  However  it  appears  that  the  gills  are  important  in  ionic  regulation 
in  Uca  and  that  the  univalent  ions  do  not  separate  from  the  divalent  ions  in  route 
of  excretion  as  they  do  in  marine  teleosts. 

It  is  probable  that,  like  the  lobster  (Burger,  1957),  Uca  swallows  some  sea  water, 
hence  stomach  fluid  is  a  modification  of  sea  water.  Since  NH4  is  absent  from  sea 
water  and  is  higher  in  stomach  fluid  than  in  serum,  gastric  secretion  of  NH4  is 
probable ;  however  the  concentration  of  NH4  in  stomach  fluid  is  less  than  in  urine, 
where  more  secretion  is  indicated,  and  greater  than  in  gill  fluid  where  NH4  may  be 
lost  only  by  diffusion. 

Sodium  in  stomach  fluid  is  similar  in  concentration  to  Na  in  serum  in  both  me- 
dia but  lower  than  sea  water,  especially  175%  sea  water,  hence  absorption  of  Na 
in  the  stomach  is  indicated.  With  the  Na,  water  is  also  probably  absorbed,  as  in- 
dicated by  the  higher  osmotic  concentration  in  stomach  fluid  than  in  sea  water. 
Concentration  of  the  other  ions  might  then  be  established  by  different  inward  perme- 
abilities. A  less  likely  alternative  would  be  absorption  of  sea  water  and  then  active 
secretion  of  the  different  ions.  Sulfate  in  stomach  fluid  is  so  high  that  it  may  well 
be  secreted.  In  any  case  there  must  be  some  absorption  of  ions  other  than  Na 
along  with  water ;  presumably  this  is  the  source  of  the  Mg  which  is  excreted  in  such 
large  amounts  by  the  antennary  glands  (kidneys). 

The  significantly  higher  Na24  levels  found  in  stomach  and  muscle  tissues  of 
crabs  in  concentrated  sea  water  indicate  that  during  Na  stress  these  tissues  may 
serve  as  repositories  for  Na,  as  indicated  by  Gross  (1958).  It  is  unlikely  that  this 
storage  mechanism  is  confined  to  a  single  kind  of  ion  or  that  it  can  account  for  ionic 
regulation  in  a  concentrated  medium  for  long  periods  of  time. 

In  the  absence  of  data  on  fluid  volumes  and  kidney  clearances,  a  tentative  quali- 
tative summary  is  as  follows :  Ammonia  diffuses  from  the  gills,  is  actively  excreted 
in  the  stomach  and  very  much  concentrated  in  the  urine.  Sea  water  is  swallowed, 
especially  in  175%  sea  water,  Na  and  water  are  absorbed,  other  ions  to  a  less  extent. 
Filtration  occurs  in  the  kidney  although  Mg  and  Na  may  be  actively  excreted ;  Na 
and  water  may  be  reabsorbed.  In  175%  sea  water  the  heavy  load  of  Mg  excretion 
is  coupled  with  decreased  secretion  or  increased  reabsorption  of  Na.  Sodium  (also 
probably  SO4)  appears  to  be  actively  secreted  by  the  gills,  more  in  concentrated 
than  in  normal  sea  water. 

The  various  fluids  which  have  been  measured  represent  steady-state  concen- 
trations resulting  from  diffusion  and  selective  permeabilities  combined  with  active 
transport,  and  fluxes  can  only  be  inferred. 


1.  Analyses  were  made  of  the  serum,  urine,  gill  and  stomach  fluids  for  total 
osmotic  concentration  and  the  electrolytes  Na.  Mg,  K,  Ca,  NH4,  Cl  and  SO4  in 
Uca  pngna.v  and  U.  pugilator  when  these  two  species  were  kept  in  100%  and  175% 
sea  water. 

2.  For  crabs  in  100%  sea  water  the  serum  electrolyte  values  for  Na,  Mg  and  Cl 
are  lower  and  those  for  K,  Ca,  NH4  and  SO4  higher  than  in  the  medium ;  for  crabs 


in  175%  sea  water  the  serum  electrolyte  values  of  Na,  Mg,  K,  Ca,  NH4  and  Cl  are 
lower  and  only  SO4  higher  than  the  values  in  the  medium.  The  sera  of  crabs  from 
both  media  are  hypotonic  to  their  saline  environment. 

3.  The  electrolyte  values  of  sera  from  crabs  in  normal  sea  water  differ  signifi- 
cantly from  the  gill  fluid  electrolytes  for  Mg,  Ca  and  Cl  only ;  while  similar  sera 
values  from  crabs  in  concentrated  sea  water  differ  significantly  for  Na,  Mg,  Ca,  Cl 
and  SO4.     In  all  cases  except  for  Ca  from  crabs  in  normal  sea  water  the  significant 
gill  fluid  electrolyte  concentrations  are  greater  than  the  corresponding  sera  values. 

4.  Crabs  in  normal  and  concentrated  sea  water  maintain  their  stomach  fluids 
more  concentrated  than  the  external  medium.     Sera  electrolyte  concentrations  from 
crabs  in  100%  sea  water  are  significantly  lower  than  stomach  fluid  concentration 
for  Mg,  K,  Ca,  NH4  and  SO4.     In  crabs  from  175%  sea  water  corresponding  serum 
electrolyte  significance  is  found  for  Mg,  Ca,  NH4,  Cl  and  SO4. 

5.  All  electrolytes  are  regulated  by  the  antennary  gland  by  crabs  in  the  high 
salinity  medium  and  all  except  Ca  in  the  normal  sea  water ;  Mg  and  NH4  are  espe- 
cially controlled  by  the  antennary  gland.     In  concentrated  media  the  antennary  gland 
excretion  of  Na  is  significantly  lower  than  in  normal  sea  water  while  the  Mg  ex- 
cretion is  markedly  elevated. 

6.  Ammonia  appears  to  be  secreted  by  both  the  antennary  gland  and  the  stomach 
but  its  appearance  in  the  gill  fluid  is  attributed  to  diffusion. 

7.  Urine  osmotic  and  electrolyte  concentrations  are  significantly  higher  than  the 
corresponding  serum  concentrations  for  animals  in  both  media. 

8.  For  crabs  in  100%  sea  water  the  average  fluid  osmotic  concentrations  are 
equivalent  to  the  following  moles  of  NaCl :  serum,  0.497 ;  urine,  0.583 ;  gill  fluid, 
0.506  and  stomach  fluid,  0.758 ;  for  crabs  in  175%  sea  water  the  corresponding  values 
are :  serum,  0.587 ;  urine,  0.683 ;  gill  fluid,  0.860  and  for  stomach  fluid,  0.828. 

9.  By  the  use  of  Na24,  the  relative  specific  activities  of  serum  and  gill  fluid  from 
crabs  in  175%  sea  water  are  shown  to  be  significantly  higher  than  the  corresponding 
serum  and  gill  fluid  values  from  crabs  in  100%  sea  water  while  the  RSA  values  of 
the  urines  are  not  significantly  different.     Na24  counts  in  gill  tissue  from  the  175% 
sea  water  crabs  are  significantly  lower  than  in  the  100%  sea  water  crabs.     Active 
excretion  of  Na  by  the  gills  is  indicated. 

10.  The  low  isotopic  concentration  of  the  mid-gut  gland  from  crabs  in  concen- 
trated sea  water,  comparable  to  that  of  gill  tissue,  suggests  a  Na  secretory  mechanism 
for  this  organ.     The  high  isotopic  Na  concentrations  found  in  muscle  and  stomach 
tissues  of  crabs  in  175%  sea  water  indicate  that  these  tissues  may  be  serving  as 
storage  depots  during  periods  of  serum  Na  stress. 

11.  The  data  show  that  the  chief  sites  of  entrance  of  water  and  electrolytes  into 
these  fiddler  crabs  are  the  stomach  and  the  gills.     They  show  that  the  chief  sites  of 
regulation  are  the  antennary  glands  and  the  gills  with  some  regulation  by  the  stomach 
and  possibly  the  mid-gut  gland. 


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129:  107-136. 


Zoological  Institute,  University  of  Kyoto,  Japan 

The  corpus  allatum  of  insects  has  two  known  functions.  In  the  developing  in- 
sect, it  furnishes  a  hormone  which,  in  collaboration  with  the  growth  and  differentia- 
tion hormone  of  the  prothoracic  glands  (or  their  homologues),  brings  about  larval 
molts.  In  the  adult  female,  presumably  the  same  corpus  allatum  hormone  stimulates 
gonadal  development,  especially  yolk  deposition  in  the  eggs.  The  latter  effect  has 
been  demonstrated  in  a  variety  of  species  representing,  among  others,  Orthoptera 
(Pfeiffer,  1939;  Scharrer,  1946),  Hemiptera  (Wigglesworth,  1936),  and  Diptera 
(Thomsen,  1940,  1942;  Vogt,  1941,  1943;  Day,  1943).  On  the  other  hand,  the 
adult  ovaries  of  several  representatives  of  Lepidoptera  tested  proved  independent 
of  the  corpus  allatum  hormone  (Bounhiol,  1942;  Fukuda,  1944;  Williams,  1946). 

In  another  lepidopteran,  the  Eri-silkworm,  Philosamia  cynthia  ricini,  the  corpus 
allatum  of  the  newly  emerged  moth  is  20  times  larger  than  that  of  the  last  instar 
larva,  an  observation  which  suggests  that  this  gland  is  functionally  active  in  the 
adult  of  this  species.  In  the  course  of  experiments  designed  to  demonstrate  this 
physiological  activity  in  adult  Philosamia,  a  new  role  of  the  corpus  allatum  was. 


Larvae  of  Philosamia  were  reared  at  around  25°  C.  Pupae  from  which  the 
brain  had  been  removed  not  later  than  22  hours  after  pupation  (artificially  induced 
diapause)  were  used  as  test  animals.  Four  to  6  corpora  allata  from  donors  of 
different  stages  were  implanted  into  these  diapausing  pupae  through  a  small  hole 
in  the  dorsal  integument  of  the  second  or  third  abdominal  segment.  The  hole  was 
then  covered  with  a  piece  of  integument  and  the  wound  was  coated  with  melted 
paraffin.  In  some  additional  experiments,  brains  were  implanted  together  with 
corpora  allata;  in  others,  corpora  cardiaca  were  added,  since  they  are  known  to 
store  neurosecretory  material  originating  in  the  brain.  Following  the  implantation, 
the  specimens  were  kept  again  at  about  25°  C.  and  were  examined  at  appropriate 


1.  Implantation  of  corpora  allata  from  adult  donors 

Implants  of  corpora  allata  from  male  or  female  donors  whose  adult  age  was  1-2 
days,  into  diapausing  pupae  that  had  been  deprived  of  their  brains  for  two  months, 

1  This  work  was  supported  by  a  research  grant  from  the  Ministry  of  Education,  Japan. 
A  part  of  this  paper  was  presented  at  the  28th  Annual  Meeting  of  the  Zoological  Society  of 
Japan,  held  at  Sapporo,  1957.  We  wish  to  thank  Dr.  Berta  Scharrer,  Albert  Einstein  College 
of  Medicine,  New  York,  for  her  assistance  in  the  preparation  of  this  manuscript. 




were  effective  in  9  out  of  10  cases  (Table  I).  Within  22-32  days  after  implanta- 
tion the  hosts  underwent  an  additional  pupal  molt.  These  animals  were  unable  to 
shed  the  old  pupal  cuticle  by  themselves,  but  molting  fluid  was  present  so  abund- 
antly that  the  old  cuticle  could  be  easily  removed  by  forceps.  The  new  pupal  skin 
thus  exposed  was  of  normal  color  in  the  posterior  half  of  the  animal,  but  it  ap- 
peared yellowish  white  in  the  anterior  part.  The  imaginal  discs  of  wings,  antennae, 
and  legs  showed  a  very  slight  development  toward  the  adult  form  while  other  organs 
displayed  no  sign  of  adult  differentiation. 

This  result  reveals  two  important  effects  of  the  corpus  allatum  of  Philosamia: 
(1)  the  implants  must  have  furnished  juvenile  hormone  since  the  molt  following 
their  implantation  was  pupal  rather  than  adult.  This  effect  is  in  keeping  with  the 
known  role  of  the  corpora  allata  in  a  variety  of  insect  species.  (2)  The  implants, 
in  addition  to  the  juvenile  hormone,  must  have  furnished  a  principle  which  initiated 
molting  in  a  diapausing  host  deprived  of  its  brain.  It  was  concluded  that  this  molt- 
inducing  hormone  originated  in  the  neurosecretory  cells  of  the  brain  of  the  donor 
and  was  stored  in  its  corpus  allatum.  An  axonal  transport  of  neurosecretory  ma- 


Implantation  of  endocrine  organs  isolated  from  adults 

Endocrine  organ 

Number  of 

Number  of 

Number  of 
deaths  or 

Number  of 

Number  of 
second  pupal 

Corpus  allatum 






Corpus  rardiarum 







Brain-cardiaca-allata  complex 







*  The  interval  needed  for  its  development  was  abnormally  long. 

terial  produced  in  the  insect  protocerebrum  has  already  been  demonstrated  in  earlier 
investigations  (Scharrer  and  Scharrer,  1944;  Scharrer,  1952;  M.  Thomsen,  1954, 
and  others).  In  many  species,  the  neurosecretory  material  can  be  traced  only  as 
far  as  the  corpora  cardiaca  which  in  these  forms  are  considered  as  the  main  storage 
and  release  center  of  neurosecretory  hormones.  Therefore,  corpus  cardiacum  im- 
plants and  brain  implants,  either  alone  or  in  combination  with  corpus  allatum  im- 
plants, also  were  tested. 

When  four  to  six  corpora  cardiaca  were  implanted  into  each  of  ten  diapausing 
pupae,  only  one  of  the  recipients  emerged  47  days  later,  an  interval  much  longer 
than  that  normally  required  for  adult  development.  The  other  nine  hosts  remained 
unchanged.  This  result  demonstrates  at  best  only  a  minor  role  of  the  corpus  card- 
iacum of  Philosamia  as  a  storage  center  for  neurosecretory  material. 

Each  of  15  diapausing  pupae  (417  days  after  their  brain  was  extirpated)  re- 
ceived three  complexes  of  brain-corpora  cardiaca-allata  plus  subesophageal  gang- 
lion. Three  animals  died.  Twelve  of  the  hosts  pupated  again  within  three  weeks 
after  implantation ;  none  proceeded  to  become  an  adult  moth.  These  results  do  not 
differ  from  those  after  the  implantation  of  corpora  allata  alone. 



2.  Implantation  of  corpora  allata  jrotn  pupal  donors 

The  pupae  which  furnished  the  corpora  allata  in  this  series  had  passed  from 
11  to  13  days  in  the  pupal  state.  Again  each  of  the  diapausing  hosts  received  six 
corpora  allata.  Seventeen  out  of  22  pupae  thus  operated  upon  differentiated  quite 
normally  into  moths  within  25  days  after  the  implantation  (Table  II).  The  re- 
maining five  hosts  remained  pupae  or  died  before  showing  any  positive  result.  It 
is  of  interest  that  none  in  this  group  underwent  a  second  pupal  molt.  Thus  the 
result  differs  from  that  of  the  previous  experiment  in  which  adult  corpus  allatum 
implants  had  been  used.  One  must  conclude  that  pupal  corpora  allata  contain  only 
the  hormone  which  stimulates  the  prothoracic  glands,  but  are  devoid  of  appreciable 
amounts  of  juvenile  hormone. 

The  addition  of  pupal  brains  and  corpora  cardiaca  to  corpus  allatum  implants 
did  not  alter  the  outcome  of  the  results.  Twenty-one  out  of  22  diapausing  animals 


Implantation  of  corpora  allata  isolated  from  pupae  and  larvae 

Endocrine  organ 

Number  of 

Number  of 

Number  of 
deaths  or 

Number  of 

Number  of 
second  pupal 

Pupal  donors: 

Corpus  allatum 







Brain-cardiaca  -allata 















Larval  donors: 

Corpus  allatum  (5th  instar) 








Corpus  allatum  (4th  instar) 







One  specimen  required  an  abnormally  long  interval. 


receiving  these  grafts  emerged  after  about  25  days ;  the  remaining  one  died, 
none  of  these  animals  underwent  an  additional  pupal  molt. 

In  another  group  of  test  animals  each  of  which  received  three  pupal  brains, 
emergence  occurred  after  the  same  period  of  time  in  19  out  of  23  specimens.  These 
results  show  that  (a)  implants  of  either  pupal  brains  or  pupal  corpora  allata  furnish 
the  hormone  necessary  for  the  initiation  of  adult  differentiation,  and  (b)  pupal 
corpora  allata  do  not  contain  appreciable  amounts  of  juvenile  hormone. 

3.  Implantation  of  corpora  allata  from  larval  donors 

Among  27  test  animals  which  received  corpora  allata  removed  from  fourth  in- 
star  caterpillars  two  days  before  the  next  molt,  21  underwent  a  second  pupal  molt 
within  11  to  14  days.  None  showed  adult  differentiation.  The  result  was  some- 
what different  when  the  donors  were  fifth  instars  which  had  just  entered  the  spin- 



ning  stage.  In  this  group  19  out  of  24  test  animals  had  another  pupal  molt  while 
four  became  adult  moths  after  a  normal,  and  one  after  a  prolonged,  interval  of  time. 
It  seems  that  in  the  last  mentioned  five  cases  the  corpora  allata  had  already  ceased 
to  secrete  juvenile  hormone. 

4.  Extirpation  of  corpora  allata  from  pupae 

Since  the  preceding  experiments  had  demonstrated  the  presence  of  juvenile  hor- 
mone in  the  corpora  allata  not  only  of  larval  but  also  of  adult  Philosamia,  the  question 
arose  which  role  is  played  by  these  glands  in  the  imago.  A  possible  control  over 
gonadal  activity  was  tested  by  removing  the  corpora  allata  from  pupae  not  older 
than  40  hours  which  were  then  allowed  to  complete  their  adult  development.  Twelve 
allatectomized  specimens  did  not  differ  essentially  from  20  sham  operated  controls. 
In  each  group  about  the  same  number  of  eggs  became  mature  (Table  III) .  In  other 


Comparison  of  egg  development  in  allatectomized  and  control  females 

Number  of 

Average  number  of  eggs 














words,  in  Philosamia  ovarian  function  seems  to  be  independent  of  the  corpora  allata. 
Future  tests  with  biochemical  methods  will  be  needed  to  show  whether  or  not  the 
corpora  allata  in  this  species  have  a  metabolic  function. 


The  present  experiments  have  revealed  that  in  Philosamia  brainless  pupae  can 
be  induced  to  molt  by  the  implantation  of  corpora  allata.  Depending  on  the  stage 
of  the  donor,  the  molt  caused  may  or  may  not  be  coupled  with  adult  differentiation. 
Larval  and  adult  corpora  allata  furnish  enough  juvenile  hormone  to  render  the  en- 
suing molt  of  the  test  animal  a  second  pupal  molt.  By  contrast,  pupal  corpora 
allata  lack  effective  doses  of  juvenile  hormone.  The  type  of  molt  occurring  is,  how- 
ever, of  less  interest  than  the  fact  that  molts  can  be  induced  at  all  by  corpus  allatum 
implants  in  cases  where  they  would  otherwise  not  occur.  While  it  has  been  known 
for  some  time  that  corpora  allata  from  larval  and  adult  donors  can  furnish  juvenile 
hormone,  the  present  study  offers  the  first  evidence  that  corpus  allatum  implants 
can  induce  molting.  Theoretically,  the  molt-inducing  hormone  present  in  the  corpus 
allatum  implants  used  in  our  experiments  either  could  have  originated  in  the  corpora 
allata  themselves,  or  it  could  merely  have  been  stored  there.  The  first  possibility 
seems  less  likely.  The  reasons  for  assuming  the  second  mode  of  action  are  as  fol- 
lows. In  Philosamia  as  well  as  other  forms  of  insects,  neurosecretory  cells  of  the 
brain  are  known  to  furnish  a  hormone  which  stimulates  the  prothoracic  glands  into 
releasing  a  molt-promoting  hormone.  It  is  also  known  that  this  neurosecretory 


material  is  transported  along  axons  and  stored  at  some  distance  from  the  site  of 
origin.  In  a  variety  of  species  the  storage  and  release  center  is  the  corpus  cardiacum. 
In  some  species,  including  Philosamia  cynthia,  neurosecretory  material  has  been  ob- 
served to  enter  also  the  corpus  allatum.  However,  the  possibility  that  this  gland 
stores  neurosecretory  material  in  appreciable  amounts  has  never  been  tested  ex- 
perimentally with  positive  results.  So  far,  the  presence  of  neurosecretory  material 
within  the  corpus  allatum  tissue  has  been  interpreted  as  a  possible  morphological 
indication  for  the  existence  of  an  allatotropic  action  on  the  part  of  neurosecretory  cells 
(E.  Thomsen,  1954).  The  present  study  neither  contradicts  nor  supports  this  view. 
However,  judging  from  the  result  with  pupal  donors  of  Philosamia,  juvenile  hormone 
can  be  absent  in  corpora  allata  in  which  brain  hormone  is  known  to  be  stored. 
Therefore,  one  would  have  to  assume  that  corpus  allatum  cells  do  not  necessarily 
respond  under  all  circumstances  to  stimulation  by  an  "allatotropic  hormone."  Fur- 
thermore this  factor  may  or  may  not  be  identical  with  the  molt-inducing  hormone. 

The  present  study  offers  evidence  that  implants  of  corpora  allata  in  Philosamia 
furnish  brainless  pupae  with  a  sufficient  amount  of  neurosecretory  material  to  in- 
duce them  to  molt.  It  does  not  prove  that  in  the  intact  animal  the  corpus  allatum 
tissue  serves  as  the  main  storage  and  release  center  of  a  hormone  produced  by  the 
brain.  The  possibility  exists  that  neurosecretory  material  which  reaches  the  organ 
via  the  nervi  corporis  allati  accumulates  within  the  corpus  allatum  in  gradually  in- 
creasing amounts  without  being  given  off  into  the  circulation.  This  situation  would 
perhaps  be  comparable  to  the  accumulation  of  juvenile  hormone  in  the  abdomen  of 
adult  males  of  Platysamia  (Williams,  1956).  Further  experiments  will  be  needed 
to  determine  whether  in  species  such  as  Philosamia  with  inconspicuous  corpora 
cardiaca  the  corpora  allata  indeed  take  over  the  main  storage  and  release  function. 

The  experimental  demonstration  of  the  presence  of  molt-promoting  hormone 
in  the  corpora  allata  of  Philosamia  is  paralleled  by  morphological  data  showing  the 
existence  of  a  corresponding  neurosecretory  pathway.  The  presence  of  neuro- 
secretory material  in  the  nervi  corporis  allati  has  been  observed  in  Bonibyx 
(Bounhiol,  Gabe  and  Arvy,  1953,  1954;  Kobayashi,  1957)  as  well  as  Philosamia 
(unpublished  observations  of  the  authors). 

Whatever  the  mechanism  of  release  of  neurosecretory  hormones  under  normal 
physiological  conditions,  the  fact  remains  that,  with  the  exception  of  the  pupal  stage, 
the  corpora  allata  of  Philosamia  contain  two  hormones  controlling  post-embryonic 
development,  the  "prothoracotropic  hormone"  of  neurosecretory  origin  and  the 
"juvenile  hormone"  produced  by  the  corpus  allatum  cells  themselves. 


1.  Pupae  of  Philosamia  cynthia  ricini  in  which  diapause  had  been  artificially  in- 
duced by  the  removal  of  the  brain,  served  as  test  animals  for  the  effects  of  corpus 
allatum  implants.  Four  to  six  corpora  allata  from  donors  in  different  stages  in- 
duced molting  in  hosts  which  otherwise  would  have  remained  pupae.  It  was  con- 
cluded that  in  Philosamia  the  corpus  allatum,  in  addition  to  producing  juvenile  hor- 
mone, contains  an  appreciable  amount  of  molt-inducing  hormone  furnished  by  neuro- 
secretory cells  of  the  brain.  The  interpretation  is  supported  by  the  existence,  in 
Philosamia  as  well  as  other  insect  species,  of  a  neurosecretory  pathway  which  links 


the  secretory  part  of  the  brain  with  the  corpora  cardiaca-allata  and  which  permits 
the  storage  of  hormones  produced  in  the  brain  at  some  distance  from  the  cells  of 
origin.  While  in  most  species  studied  so  far  the  main  storage  center  is  the  corpus 
cardiacum,  this  role  may  have  been  taken  over  by  the  corpus  allatum  in  Philosamia. 

2.  As  might  be  expected,  the  molt  induced  may  or  may  not  be  coupled  with  adult 
differentiation  depending  on  the  stage  of  the  donor.     Implants  of  corpora  allata 
from  adult  or  fourth  instar  larval  donors  caused  an  additional  pupal  molt  because, 
in  addition  to  molt-inducing  hormone,  they  also  supplied  juvenile  hormone  to  the 
host.     By  contrast,  implants  from  pupal  donors  contained  no  appreciable  amount 
of  juvenile  hormone  with  the  result  that  they  brought  about  an  imaginal  molt.     Some 
of  the  fifth  instar  implants  had  the  same  effect  as  those  from  pupae,  while  others 
acted  like  tissues  from  fourth  instars.     It  seems  that  during  the  fifth  larval  stage 
the  change  from  activity  to  temporary  inactivity  of  the  corpus  allatum  cells  occurs 
gradually.     Thus  implants  of  larval  and  adult  corpora  allata  furnish  two  hormones 
controlling  post-embryonic  development,  while  pupal  corpora  allata  contain  only 
one,  namely,  the  neurosecretory  material  derived  from  the  protocerebrum. 

3.  Even  though  the  presence  of  corpus  allatum  hormone  has  been  demonstrated 
in  glands  from  adult  donors  in  the  present  experiments,  the  role  normally  played 
by  this  hormone  in  the  adult  moth  is  still  unknown.     Extirpation  of  corpora  allata 
from  female  pupae  of  Philosamia  did  not  prevent  egg  maturation  in  the  resulting 


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THOMSEN,  E.,  1954.  Experimental  evidence  for  the  transport  of  secretory  material  in  the 
axons  of  the  neurosecretory  cells  of  Calliphora  erythrocephala  Meig.  Pubbl.  Stas. 
Zool.  Napoli,  Suppl.,  24:  48-49. 

THOMSEN,  M.,  1954.     Neurosecretion  in  some  Hymenoptera.     Dan.  Biol.  Skr.,  7,  no.  5 :  1-24. 

VOGT,  M.,  1941.     Bemerkung  zum  Corpus  allatum  von  Drosophila.    Naturwiss.,  29 :  80-81. 

VOGT,  M.,  1943.  Zur  Produktion  gonadotropen  Hormones  durch  Ringdriisen  des  ersten  Lar- 
venstadiums  bei  Drosophila.  Biol.  Zentralbl.,  63 :  467^470. 

WIGGLESWORTH,  V.  B.,  1936.  The  function  of  the  corpus  allatum  in  the  growth  and  reproduc- 
tion of  Rhodnius  prolixiis  (Hemiptera).  Quart.  J.  Micr.  Sci.,  79:  91-121. 

WILLIAMS,  C.  M.,  1946.  Physiology  of  insect  diapause.  The  role  of  the  brain  in  the  pro- 
duction and  termination  of  pupal  dormancy  in  the  giant  silkworm,  Platvsamia  cecropia. 
Biol.  Bull.,  90:  234-243. 

WILLIAMS,  C.  M.,  1956.     The  juvenile  hormone  of  insects.     Nature,  178:  212-213. 




Scriciilhinil  Experiment  Station,  Sitf/iiinmi-kit,   Tokyo,  Japan 

Contrary  to  a  wide  distribution  of  /y-glucosidase  in  plants,  the  occurrence  of  this 
enzyme  in  insects  seems  to  be  rare,  since  neither  utilization  of  /3-glucosides  nor 
presence  of  the  enzyme  activity  has  been  often  recognized  in  insects.  Until  re- 
cently, the  demonstration  of  this  enzyme  in  insects  has  been  discussed  on  the  basis 
of  the  utilization  of  /^-glucosides  in  growth  experiments  (see  the  review  by  Lipke 
and  Fraenkel.  1956).  Studies  of  this  enzyme  from  the  enzymic  points  of  view, 
however,  have  been  lately  carried  out  with  the  wood  louse  Pored! io  ( Newcomer, 
1952,  1956)  and  the  cockroach  Periplaneta  unierieuna  (Newcomer,  1954).  Ap- 
plying a  highly  sensitive  fluorimetric  method  for  /?-glucosidase  assay,  Robinson 
(1956)  has  demonstrated  the  occurrence  of  the  enzyme  in  the  locust  Locitsta  uii- 
gratorla,  the  mealworm  Tenebrio  niulitor,  the  water-boatman  Notonecta,  the  cock- 
roach Periplaneta  ainerieana,  and  the  black  aphis  Aphis  jubae.  The  occurrence  of 
this  enzyme  has  also  been  reported  for  the  bean  weevil  Callosobruchus  ehinensis,  the 
bean  blister  beetle  Epieanta  (/or/mini,  the  silkworm  Boiuby.v  inori,  and  the  wild  silk- 
worm Dictyoploca  japoniea  (Koike,  1954),  and  for  the  mealworm  Tenebrio  inolitor 
(Fraenkel,"  1955). 

A  few  years  ago  the  present  authors  became  aware  of  the  fact  that  the  midgut 
homogenate  of  the  silkworm  is  able  to  hydrolyze  salicin,  but  the  digestive  fluid  gave 
scarcely  the  same  reaction.  Recently,  this  problem  was  re-investigated  to  obtain 
more  detailed  results.  This  report  is  mainly  concerned  with  the  occurrence  of  /3- 
glucosiclase  in  the  silkworm  midgut,  its  characterization,  and  partial  purification. 
A  comparison  of  the  enzyme  activity  of  the  normal  larvae  was  also  made  with 
amylase-free  mutants,  and  with  jaundice-diseased  larvae. 


Practical  methods  of  obtaining  midgut  homogenates  have  been  previously  re- 
ported (Tto.  Horie  and  Ishikawa,  in  press;  Ito  and  Horie,  in  press).  Homogenates 
made  in  water  were  used  directly  in  some  experiments,  but  the  acetone  powder 
made  with  midgut  homogenates  was  used  for  most  enzyme  preparations.  Midgut 
homogenates  made  from  middle  fifth  instar  larvae  were  dehydrated  by  mixing  with 

7  volumes  of  chilled  acetone  and  the  precipitates  were  collected  in  a  Biichner  funnel 
under  suction.     The  precipitates  were  subsequently  re-suspended  in  chilled  acetone, 
then  separated  from  acetone  with  funnel  as  above.     The  precipitates  were  washed 
by  running  alcohol-ether  mixture  (1:1)  and  brought  to  dryness  in  a  vacuum  desicca- 
tor.   The  dried,  pale-yellow  cake  was  ground  in  a  mortar  and  the  acetone  powder  thus 
made  was  used  for  enzyme  tests.    The  powder  was  kept  in  racuo  at  5°  C.  at  least  for 

8  months  without  any  loss  of  /}-glucosidase  activity.     Preparing  the  enzyme  solu- 
tion, the  powder  was  suspended  in  water,  allowed  to  stand  for  two  hours  at  5°  C., 



and  the  supernate,  obtained  after  centrifugation  at  10,000  X  g  for  10  minutes,  was 
used  for  the  experiments. 

Digestive  fluid  was  collected  from  middle  fifth  instar  larvae  by  applying  a  weak 
electric  shock  to  them.  The  fluid  was  either  used  for  enzymic  measurements  directly 
after  dialysis  against  water  at  5°  C.  for  48  hours,  or  after  conversion  to  an  acetone 

Enzyme  activity  was  assayed  by  measuring  the  amount  of  glucose  liberated  from 
/?-glucoside  in  the  reaction  system.  Salicin  was  used  as  a  substrate  in  most  ex- 
periments, and  cellobiose  or  phenyl  /3-glucoside  in  some.  Unless  otherwise  indicated, 
each  reaction  mixture  contained  200  pM  citrate  buffer  (pH  5.4),  48  p.M  salicin  and 
1.0  ml.  acetone  powder  solution  (total  volume  4.0  ml.)  and  was  incubated  at  30°  C. 
for  two  hours.  The  reaction  was  stopped  at  intervals  by  adding  an  aliquot  to 
Ba(OH)2  and  ZnSO4,  or  Na2WO4.  When  cellobiose  was  used  as  the  substrate, 
the  reaction  was  stopped  by  Na2WO4  and  H2SO4,  and  bakers'  yeast  then  applied  to 
the  supernate  of  the  reaction  mixture  in  order  to  remove  fermentable  sugar.  Glucose 
was  determined  mainly  by  the  method  of  Hagedorn  and  Jensen  (1923)  and  some- 
times by  Somogyi's  procedure  (1952). 

Nitrogen  was  determined  by  the  micro-Kjeldahl  method. 


Optimal  pH  range 

The  supernate  obtained  from  an  acetone  powder  suspension  was  incubated  with 
various  buffers  at  different  pH  levels.  As  shown  in  Figure  1,  almost  no  alteration 
of  pH  optimum  was  found  with  different  buffers.  Optimal  pH  ranges  were  5.0-6.2 
for  citrate  and  phosphate,  and  5.2-6.4  for  acetate.  These  ranges  are  more  extended 
than  those  reported  for  other  insects  (Newcomer,  1952,  1954,  1956;  Robinson, 
1956)  and  for  plants  (Veibel,  1950).  The  enzymic  activity  was  relatively  high  at 
a  high  pH  level  such  as  7.0  or  even  8.0,  which  has  not  been  reported  so  far  for  other 
species  of  insects.  The  measurement  also  showed  that  /3-glucosidase  activity  in 
borate  buffer  was  not  reduced  to  zero  at  pH  9.4.  It  has  been  known  that  the  pH 
optimum  of  this  enzyme  is  dependent  on  the  source  of  the  enzyme  and  to  a  minor 
degree  on  the  substrate  and  the  buffer  solution  (VeibeL  1950). 

Velocity  of  hydrolysis 

The  relationship  between  enzyme  concentration  and  velocity  of  hydrolysis  is 
shown  in  Figvire  2,  where  the  enzyme  concentration  was  doubled,  respectively, 
from  curve  3  to  curve  1  (1:2:4).  It  is  apparent  that  the  rate  of  glucose  libera- 
tion is  proportional  to  enzyme  concentration.  Figure  2  also  shows  that  the  reaction 
proceeded  at  a  uniform  rate  when  enzyme  concentration  was  relatively  low. 

In  Figure  3  the  effect  of  the  concentration  of  the  substrate  on  the  enzyme  activity 
is  shown.  The  curves  were  plotted  according  to  the  procedure  of  Lineweaver  and 
Burk  (1934),  i.e.,  the  inverse  of  the  activity  against  the  inverse  of  salicin  concentra- 
tion. The  Km  value  (the  Michaelis  constant)  is  0.013  M,  which  is  in  accord  with 
the  value  reported  for  salicin  (Veibel  and  Lilleluncl,  1938). 

Inhibition  by  high  temperature 

The  effect  of  high  temperature  on  midgut  /?-glucosidase  is  shown  in  Table  I. 
The  supernate  obtained  from  acetone  powder  suspension  was  treated  at  40  to  70°  C. 









o  ^ 

<  o 




FIGURE     1.     Relationship     between     pH     and     /3-glucosidase     activity.     Phosphate     buffer: 

• •.      Borate     buffer :  -X.      Citrate     buffer :  O-      Acetate 

buffer:   A— 

2        3 








4        6 




FIGURE   2    (left).     /3-Glucosidase   activity   as    a   function    of   time   for    different    enzyme 

FIGURE  3  (right).  Relationship  between  /3-glucosidase  activity  and  salicin  concentration. 
Borate  buffer  (pH  6.0).  Total  volume,  5.0  ml.  Incubation,  one  hour.  Enzyme  activity 
was  expressed  in  terms  of  glucose  liberated  per  dry  matter  on  the  basis  of  the  same  weight. 



Effect  of  high  temperature  on  f)-glucosidase  activity 

Relative  activity  (%) 

40°  C. 

50°  C. 

60°  C. 

70°  C. 

5  min. 




















for  5  to  20  minutes.  At  40°  C.  no  effect  was  observed  with  a  10-minute  exposure 
and  slight  inhibition  was  recognized  after  exposure  for  20  minutes.  The  treatment 
at  50°  C.  for  10  minutes  resulted  in  a  slight  inhibition  and  that  for  20  minutes  in  a 
20  per  cent  inhibition.  The  treatment  at  60°  C.,  however,  resulted  in  a  markedly 
increasing  loss  of  the  activity  according  to  the  prolongation  of  exposing  period  up 
to  80  per  cent  of  inhibition.  By  applying  a  high  temperature  of  70°  C.,  most  of  the 
activity  was  lost  within  5  minutes. 

Inhibition  />v  lieai'v  metals 

In  insects  the  inhibition  of  /3-glucosidase  by  heavy  metals  has  been  reported  for 
the  ventriculus  of  the  adult  cockroach  (Newcomer,  1954) .  Inhibition  of  the  enzyme 
solution  obtained  from  the  silkworm  miclgut  with  varying  concentrations  of  AgNO3 
or  HgClL,  resulted  in  varying  degrees  of  inhibition,  as  shown  in  Table  II. 

Effect  of  organic  acids 

Inhibition  of  /8-glucosidase  by  organic  acids  has  been  reported  for  Pcnicilliuiu. 
when  phenyl  /3-glucoside  was  used  as  substrate  (Murakami,  1950).  Malic,  fumaric, 
and  citric  acids  were  tested  for  their  inhibitory  effects  on  silkworm  midgut  fi- 
glucosidase  -at  a  final  concentration  of  0.05  M.  The  results  showed  that  no  ap- 
preciable inhibition  was  observed,  when  salicin  was  used  as  substrate. 

Effect  of  toluene 

Newcomer  (1954)  has  shown  that  an  activation  of  /3-glucosidase  by  toluene 
does  not  occur  in  the  cockroach.  The  effect  of  toluene  on  midgut  /3-glucosidase  in 
the  silkworm  was  tested  and  no  activation  was  recognized.  Toluene  was,  there- 


Final  concentration  (M) 

1  X   10~- 

2  X   10-3 

1  X  10-3 

2  X  10~4 
1  X  10~4 


Inhibition  of  fi-glucosidase  activity  by  heavy  metals 

Inhibition  (%) 












fore,   added   to   the   incubation   mixture    when   a    long   period    of    incubation    was 

Distribution  of  the  actk'itv  in  the  midgut 

The  activity  of  /8-glucosidase  was  compared  among  different  parts  of  the  mid- 
gut,  i.e..  anterior,  middle,  and  posterior  midguts.  The  measurement  of  the  activity 
was  carried  out  with  fresh  homogenates  and  the  results  are  shown  in  Figure  4.  It 
is  evident  that  the  majority  of  the  activity  is  concentrated  in  the  posterior  midgut. 
while  a  very  low  activity  is  found  in  the  anterior  and  middle  midguts. 



1  9 

I  .  i. 









t—  \  r\  ^ 


—         U.O 

>    LiJ 
_    C/} 
1-    0 
0    0 

<  3  0.4 


*  02 






3                   1 






FIGURE  4.     Distribution  of  /3-glucosidase  activity   in   the   different   parts   of  the   midgut. 
1,  fourth  day;  2,  seventh  day;  3,  eighth  day  of  hfth  instar. 

The  change  in  the  activity  (hiring  larval  development 

The  changes  in  /3-glucosidase  activity  according  to  the  development  were  meas- 
ured with  fresh  midgut  homogenates  during  fourth  and  hfth  larval  instars.  The 
measurements  were  made  with  spring  silkworms,  the  rearing  temperature  ranging 
approximately  from  20  to  25°  C..  and  with  summer  silkworms,  the  rearing  tempera- 
ture ranging  approximately  from  25  to  30°  C.  Though  the  activity  expressed  by 
unit  glucose  freed  per  nitrogen  was  higher  in  spring  silkworms  than  in  summer 
silkworms,  the  changes  in  the  activity  were  almost  the  same  in  both  (Fig.  5).  In 
general,  the  activity  was  low  during  the  fourth  and  early  fifth  instars.  A  marked 
increase  in  the  activity  occurred  at  the  middle  period  of  the  fifth  instar,  and  was 
maintained  for  a  few  days.  Then  the  activity  dropped  suddenly  and  reached  the 
lowest  level  during  cocoon-spinning. 

Precipitation  by  ammonium  sulfate 

In  a  preliminary  experiment  it  was  noticed  that  the  majority  of  the  activity  was 
precipitated  between  0.3  and  0.5  saturation  with  ammonium  sulfate,  when  a  suspen- 


i.o  - 



i —  "-1-1 
>o  0.6 

*  e>  O-4 






23450123456789  012340123456789 

AGE    IN     DAYS 

FIGURE  5.  Change  in  /3-glucosidase  activity  during  larval  development.  1,  spring  rearing ; 
2,  summer  rearing.  Fresh  homogenates  were  diluted  to  ]/l>  in  spring,  and  %  in  summer.  A, 
fourth  instar  ;  B,  fourth  molting  period ;  C,  fifth  instar  ;  D,  cocoon-spinning  period  ;  M,  maturity. 

sion  of  acetone  powder  was  used.  Therefore,  an  attempt  was  made  to  purify  /?- 
glucosidase  of  the  midgut  by  means  of  ammonium  sulfate  precipitation.  Subse- 
quently, the  precipitation  procedure  was  repeated  several  times  by  increasing  the 
concentration  of  ammonium  sulfate  progressively.  Table  III  shows  one  of  the 
results  obtained.  Acetone  powder  made  with  posterior  midguts  wras  suspended  in 
water  in  the  cold  for  four  hours ;  this  suspension  was  used  for  the  precipitation 
experiment.  The  specific  activity  of  this  suspension  was  1.83  and  that  obtained 
with  supernate  after  centrifugation  at  12,000  X  g  for  10  minutes  was  increased  al- 
most three  times,  as  seen  in  Table  III.  About  90  per  cent  of  the  original  activity 
was  found  in  the  supernate.  Until  0.350  saturation,  very  slight  activity  was  pre- 
cipitated. Most  activity  was  precipitated  between  0.350  and  0.450  saturation  and 
the  highest  specific  activity  was  obtained  between  0.375  and  0.425  saturation.  The 
specific  activity  was  increased  to  about  4  times  that  of  the  supernate,  and  10  times 
that  of  the  original  suspension.  The  application  of  ammonium  sulfate  precipitation 
thus  seems  to  be  to  some  extent  useful  for  the  purification  of  ^-glucosidase. 

Precipitation  of  0- glucosidase  by  ammonium  sulfate 

Saturation  of  ammonium 

Total  activity, 
mg.  glucose 

Specific  activity, 
mg.  glucose/mg.  N 



0        -0.325 



































Acetone  powder  used  in  the  present  study  was  recognized  to  possess  amylase 
and  invertase,  in  addition  to  /3-glucosidase.  An  attempt  was  therefore  made  to 
separate  /3-glucosidase  from  amylase  or  invertase  by  means  of  ammonium  sulfate 
precipitation.  The  result  showed  that  the  precipitates  at  between  0.375  and  0.425 
saturation  contained  all  of  three  activities  at  almost  the  same  level  (/3-glucosidase, 
56.5%  ;  amylase,  41.7%  ;  invertase,  57.0%). 

Several  methods  have  been  presented  for  the  standardization  of  /3-glucosidase 
( Veibel,  1950) .  An  enzyme  efficiency  was  obtained  with  a  few  fractions  precipitated 
by  ammonium  sulfate  by  the  use  of  phenyl  /?-glucoside  as  the  substrate  (final  con- 
centration, 0.052  If),  according  to  the  procedure  by  Helferich  (1933,  1938).  A 
high  value  of  enzyme  efficiency,  0.898,  was  obtained  with  the  precipitate  at  between 
0.375  and  0.425  ammonium  sulfate  saturation,  while  0.170  with  the  precipitate  be- 





I  I  I 



FIGURE  6.     Distribution  of  /3-glucosidase  activity  after  paper  electrophoresis. 
was  expressed  in  terms  of  mg.  glucose  liberated. 

The   activity 

tween  0-0.375  saturation,  0.154  with  that  between  0.425-0.700  saturation,  and  0.095 
with  the  original  supernate  of  acetone  powder  suspension. 

Furthermore,  /3-glucosidase  of  the  silkworm  midgut  was  recognized  to  hydrolyze 
cellobiose  as  the  substrate. 

Purification  by  paper  electrophoresis 

Robinson  (1956)  has  applied  a  paper  electrophoretic  procedure  for  the  separa- 
tion of  /?-glucosidase  from  /3-glucuronidase  in  the  locust-crop  fluid.  A  similar 
procedure  was  also  tested  with  /?-glucosidase  from  the  silkworm  midgut.  Either  an 
acetone  power  supernate  or  the  precipitate  at  0.425-0.450  saturation  of  ammonium 
sulfate  was  used  for  the  experiment.  An  enzyme  fraction  was  subjected  to  elec- 
trophoresis on  filter  paper  (Toyo  No.  51)3  cm.  ><  30  cm.  in  0.1  AI  phosphate  buffer 
at  pH  5.8,  150  volts,  5  ma.,  for  8  hours.  Subsequently,  the  paper  was  cut  into  half 
along  the  long  side  of  the  paper.  One  of  the  divided  strips  was  dried  and  suspended 
in  the  staining  solution  (Amido  Black)  for  proteins,  and  the  other  was  cut  into 


one-cm,  sections  starting  from  the  original  spot,  each  section  being  chopped  into 
small  pieces  which  were  immediately  placed  into  a  test  tube  with  1.0  ml.  of  phosphate 
buffer  (pH  5.8).  The  test  tube  was  kept  at  5°  C.  for  5  hours  to  extract  the  enzyme, 
then  heated  to  37°  C.  with  the  addition  of  an  appropriate  amount  of  salicin  solution 
(final  concentration,  0.0125  M).  After  a  16-hour  incubation,  the  amount  of  sugar 
liberated  was  determined.  The  results  of  the  enzymic  test,  as  well  as  of  the  staining 
test  on  the  precipitate  by  ammonium  sulfate,  are  shown  in  Figure  6,  where  the 
/3-glucosidase  activity  is  shown  in  the  form  of  histograms.  /3-Glucosidase  appeared 
in  the  locations  corresponding  to  the  staining  test  on  the  other  strip.  Little  activity 
was  found  at  the  original  point,  where  a  protein  band  remained.  However,  when 
the  whole  midgut  suspension  was  used,  another  two  protein  bands  were  recognized 
on  the  paper,  which  were  considered  to  have  been  removed  by  the  procedure  of  the 
precipitation  with  ammonium  sulfate.  The  separation  of  invertase  from  /3-gluco- 
sidase  by  electrophoresis  was  unsuccessful. 

(3-Glucosidase  activity  in  the  inidynt  oj  jaundice-diseased  lurrac 

Two  types  of  polyhedroses  are  known  to  occur  in  the  silkworm,  one  of  which  is 
called  cytoplasmic  polyhedrosis,  with  the  formation  of  the  polyhedral  bodies  in  the 
midgut  cytoplasm.  Several  days  after  the  infection,  midgut  tissue  becomes  white, 
which  is  a  typical  svmptom  of  this  disease.  /i-Glucosidase  activity  was  compared 
between  normal  and  infected  larvae.  The  activity  was  always  lower  in  diseased 
larvae  reduced  to  61  per  cent  of  the  normal  larvae  (incubation  period,  two  hours) 
and  82  per  cent  (incubation  period,  6  hours  ). 

fl-Glucosidase  uetii'itv  in  the  digestive  fluid 

The  activity  of  the  digestive  fluid  per  unit  nitrogen  of  early  fourth  instar  larvae 
was  one-third  that  of  the  midgut  or  less,  while  that  of  late  fourth  instar  and  fifth 
instar  larvae  was  less  than  one-tenth  that  of  the  midgut.  /?-Glucosidase  activity 
was  also  recognized  in  the  digestive  fluid  of  the  amylase-free  strain,  which  is  de- 
ficient in  amylase  activity  in  the  digestive  fluid.  The  experiment  performed  at  the 
same  time  showed  that  the  midgut  of  the  amylase-free  strain  possessed  the  same 
level  of  activity  of  /?-glucosidase  as  the  normal  strain. 


The  exact  physiological  role  of  /3-glucosidase  of  the  silkworm  midgut  in  diges- 
tion is  at  present  not  well  understood.  The  enzyme  activity  on  the  basis  of  the 
same  unit  is,  however,  higher  in  the  midgut  than  in  the  digestive  fluid.  This  seems 
to  suggest  that  /?-glucosidase  in  the  midgut  cells  is  of  rather  more  importance  than 
that  in  the  digestive  fluid.  The  optimal  pH  of  midgut  /^-glucosidase  ranges  ap- 
proximately 5.0  to  6.4,  while  an  effort  was  unsuccessful  to  determine  its  range  in 
the  digestive  fluid.  A  possible  role  of  /3-glucosidase  in  the  cells  of  the  midgut  in 
digestion  is  also  deduced  from  the  fact  that  the  pH  value  of  the  digestive  fluid  is 
strongly  alkaline,  as  much  as  10.0.  The  movement  of  food  through  the  gut  is 
generally  fast  in  the  silkworm  larva,  occurring  within  a  few  hours.  Thus,  even 
though  the  degree  of  participation  of  this  enzyme  in  digestion  as  a  whole  is  still 


unknown,  the  possibility  remains  that  the  mulberry  carbohydrates  which  have  not 
been  completely  hydrolyzed  in  the  lumen  of  the  gut  might  be  hydrolyzed  after 
absorption  in  the  midgut  tissue.  It  is  interesting  from  the  standpoint  of  compara- 
tive physiology  that  the  intercellular  enzyme  might  participate  in  the  digestion.  Al- 
though conclusions  drawn  from  a  study  of  enzyme  alone  are  generally  open  to 
question  in  regard  to  the  physiological  role  in  intact  organs,  a  good  correlation  was 
found  between  pure  compounds  supporting  growth  and  the  presence  of  digestive 
enzymes  in  insects  (Day  and  Waterhouse,  1953).  Koike  (1954)  could  not  demon- 
strate cellulase  in  the  digestive  tract  of  the  silkworm  and  Hiratsuka  (1917)  has 
shown  that  cellulose  is  not  utilized  by  silkworm  larvae.  This  is  the  same  situation 
as  reported  for  the  hepatopancreas  of  Porcellio  (Newcomer,  1956)  where  an  activ- 
ity of  /3-glucosidase  was  demonstrated  without  that  of  cellulase.  /?-Glucosidase  of 
the  midgut  or  of  the  digestive  fluid  of  the  silkworm  seems  to  hydrolyze  /3-glucosides 
contained  in  the  mulberry  leaves.  A  few  papers  have  been  so  far  published  on 
glucosidic  compounds  in  the  mulberry  leaves ;  recently  Hamamura  and  Naito  (1956) 
isolated  arginine  /?-glucoside  and  the  presence  of  glucosides  of  the  pigment  has 
also  been  reported  (Oshima  and  Nakabayashi,  1951).  There  is  no  doubt  that  these 
glucosides  and  possibly  other  not  yet  identified  glucosides  are  utilized  by  the  larvae. 

The  results  on  the  characterization  experiments  suggest  that  the  /2-glucosidase  of 
the  midgut  is  very  much  similar  to  that  in  plants  (Veibel.  1950).  The  enzyme 
efficiency  of  /3-glucosidase  of  the  midgut  is  rather  higher  than  that  obtained  with 
plants  (Pigman,  1946). 

A  variation  in  the  digestive  enzyme  activities  of  different  parts  of  the  midgut,  as 
well  as  in  the  ability  of  the  absorption  of  the  nutrients,  is  well  known  in  insects  (Day 
and  Waterhouse,  1953;  Waterhouse  and  Day,  1953).  The  physiological  or  diges- 
tive differentiation  in  the  different  portions  of  the  midgut  of  the  silkworm  is  still 
not  well  known  in  many  respects.  However,  the  highest  activity  of  /?-glucosidase 
was  found  in  the  posterior  midgut  (Fig.  4).  Matsumura  and  Oka  (1935)  have 
shown  that  the  activity  of  amylase  or  invertase  is  also  the  highest  in  the  posterior 
midgut.  The  glycogen  content  is  increased  most  markedly  in  the  posterior  midgut 
after  sugar  ingestion  (Horie  and  Tanaka,  1957)  and  the  highest  phosphorus  metab- 
olism was  obtained  also  in  this  portion  (Ito,  Horie  and  Tanaka,  in  press). 

The  authors  wish  to  express  their  thanks  to  Prof.  G.  S.  Fraenkel  of  the  Uni- 
versity of  Illinois  for  reading  the  manuscript. 


1.  The  presence  of  a  /2-glucosidase  was  demonstrated  in  the  midgut  of  the  silk- 
worm larva,  Bomby.r  tnori. 

2.  The  enzyme  has  a  pH  optimum  of  approximately  5.2-6.2  and  the  Km  value 
was  0.013  with  salicin  as  a  substrate. 

3.  The  action  of  the  enzyme  was  slightly  inhibited  at  a  temperature  of  40°  C., 
and  strongly  inhibited  at  70°  C.     An  inhibition  by  silver  or  mercury  salts  was  also 
observed,  while  no  inhibition  was  found  by  organic  acids.     No  activation  by  toluene 
was  demonstrated. 

4.  Most  of  the  activity  in  the  midgut  was  concentrated  in  the  posterior  portion. 


5.  The  enzyme  activity  varies  according  to  larval  growth,  being  lower  at  the 
beginning  of  the  fifth  instar,  higher  after  the  middle  of  the  instar,  and  again  lower 
during  cocoon-spinning. 

6.  The  enzyme  activity  was  concentrated   10  times  by  means  of  ammonium 
sulfate  precipitation  at  a  saturation  of  0.375-0.425.     Separation  by  the  paper  elec- 
trophoretic  method  was  successfully  applied  for  this  fraction,  but  it  was  unsuccessful 
for  separating  /?-glucosidase  from  other  enzymes. 

7.  Virus-infected  larvae  showed  a  decrease  in  enzyme  activity,  compared  with 
normal  larvae. 

8.  /?-Glucosidase  activity  in  the  digestive  fluid  was  much  lower  than  that  in  the 
midgut.     A  mutant,  amylase-free  strain  possessed  in  the  digestive  fluid  the  same 
level  of  /?-glucosidase  activity  as  the  normal  one. 


DAY,  M.  F.,  AND  D.  F.  WATERHOUSE,  1953.     The  mechanism  of  digestion.     In:   Insect  Physi- 
ology, pp.  311-330.     John  Wiley  &  Sons,  Inc.,  New  York. 
FRAENKEL,  G.,   1955.     Inhibitory  effects  of  sugars  on  the  growth  of  the  mealworm,   Tenebrio 

molitor  L.    /.  Cell.  Comp.  Physiol,  45 :  393-408. 
HAGEDORN,  H.  C,  AND  B.  N.  JENSEN,  1923.     Zur  Mikrobestimmung  des  Blutzuckers  mittels 

Ferricyanid.     Biochem.   Zeitschr.,   135 :  46-58. 
HAMAMURA,  Y.,  AND  K.  NAITO,  1956.     Studies  on  the  micro  constituent  in  mulberry  leaves. 

I.  On  the  isolation  of  arginine-glucoside  from  mulberry  leaves.     /.  Agricul.  Chem.  Soc. 

Japan,  30:  358-361.     (In  Japanese  with  English  summary.) 

HELFERICH,  B.,    1933.     Die   Spezifitat  des   Emulsins.     Ergcbn.   Ensymforsch.,  2 :   74-89. 
HELFERICH,  B.,  1938.     Emulsin.     Ergebn.  Ensymforsch.,  7  :  83-104. 
HIRATSUKA,  E.,  1917.     Researches  on  the  nutrition  of  the  silk  worm.     Bull.  Imp.  Sericul.  Exp. 

Sta.,  2:  353-412.     (In  Japanese.) 
HORIE,  Y.,  AND  M.  TANAKA,  1957.     Absorption  and  utilization  of  glucose  in  silkworm  larvae, 

Bombyx  nwri.     J.  Sericul.  Sci.  Japan,  26:   40-45.     (In  Japanese  with  English   sum- 
ITO,  T.,  Y.  HORIE  AND  M.  TANAKA.     Phosphorus  compounds  of  the  midgut  in  the  silkworm. 

Proc.  10th  Internal.  Congr.  Entomol.   (in  press). 
ITO,   T.,   Y.    HORIE   AND    S.   ISHIKAWA.     Oxidative   enzymes   of   the   midgut   of   the    silkworm 

Bombyx  nwri.     J.  Insect  Physiol.    (in  press). 
ITO,  T.,  AND  Y.  HORIE.     Carbohydrate  metabolism  of  the  midgut  of  the  silkworm  Bombyx  mori. 

Arch.  Biochem.  Biophys.  (in  press). 
KOIKE,   H.,   1954.     Studies   on   carbohydrases   of   insects.     I.    Distribution   of   carbohydrases   in 

several  insects.     Zool.  Mag.,  63:  228-234.     (In  Japanese  with  English  summary.) 
LINEWEAVER,  H.,   AND  D.   BURK,   1934.     The   determination   of  enzyme   dissociation   constants. 

/.  Amer.  Chem,  Soc.,  34:  658-666. 

LIPKE,  H.,  AND  G.  FRAENKEL,  1956.     Insect  nutrition.     Ann.  Rev.  Entomol.,  1 :   17-44. 
MATSUMURA,  S.,  AND  T.  OKA,  1935.     Physiological  studies  on  the  carbohydrases  of  the  silk- 
worm.    Bull.  Nagano-ken  Sericul.  Exp.  Sta.,  31 :  1-32.     (In  Japanese.) 
MURAKAMI,  H.,  1950.     The  effect  of  organic  acids  on  /3-glucosidase  of  Penicillium.     Kagakn 

(Science),  20:   326-327.     (In  Japanese.) 
NEWCOMER,  W.   S.,   1952.     The  occurrence  of  beta-glucosidase   in  the  digestive   juice  of  Por- 

cellio  and  Armadillidium.     Anat.  Rec.,  113:  536. 
NEWCOMER,  W.  S.,  1954.     The  occurrence  of  0-glucosidase  in  digestive  juice  of  the  cockroach, 

Periplaneta  amcricana  L.    /.  Cell.  Comp.  Physiol.,  43 :  79-86. 
NEWCOMER,  W.  S.,  1956.     Digestive  carbohydrates  of  the  wood  louse,  Porccllio.     Physiol.  Zool., 

29:  157-162. 
OSHIMA,   Y.,    AND   T.    NAKABAYASHI,    1951.     Studies    on    tannins    and    pigments    by    partition 

chromatography.     I.    Analysis   of   quercetin   and   its    3-glycosides.     /.    Agricul.    Chem. 

Soc.  Japan,  25:   21-25.     (In  Japanese  with  English  summary.) 


PIGMAN,  W.  W.,  1946.     Specificity,  classification,  and  mechanism  of  action  of  the  glycosidases. 

Adv.  EnsymoL,  4:  41-74. 
ROBINSON,   D.,   1956.     The   fluorimetric   determination   of  £-glucosidase :   its   occurrence  in  the 

tissues  of  animals,  including  insects.     Biochem.  /.,  63  :  39-44. 
SOMOGYI,  M.,  1952.     Notes  on  sugar  determination.     /.  Biol.  Chem.,  195:  19-23. 
VEIBEL,  S.,  1950.     /3-Glucosidase.     hi:   The  Enzymes,  Vol.  I,  Part  1,  pp.  583-620.     Academic 

Press  Inc.,  New  York. 
VEIBEL,  S.,  AND  H.  LILLELUND,  1938.     t)ber  die  Standardisierung  von  /3-glucosidase.    Enzymol., 

5:  129-136. 
WATERHOUSE,  D.  F.,  AND  M.  F.  DAY,  1953.     Function  of  the  gut  in  absorption,  excretion,  and 

intermediary  metabolism.     In:    Insect   Physiology,   pp.   331-349.     John  Wiley  &   Sons, 

Inc.,  New  York. 


Department  of  Biology,  The  Catholic  University  of  America,  Washington,  D.  C. 

During  recent  years  much  research  has  been  devoted  to  the  effects  of  the  ad- 
ministration of  various  anti-thyroid  agents  to  vertebrate  animals.  Interest  is  due 
to  the  fact  that  these  agents  have  been  demonstrated  to  inhibit  the  activity  of  the 
thyroid  gland.  Only  a  few  studies  have  been  made  of  the  effects  of  such  drugs  on 
invertebrates,  and  the  majority  of  these  deal  with  the  effects  of  the  goitrogens  on 
fertilized  eggs  and  developing  embryos.  Bevelander  (1946),  using  fertilized  sea 
urchin  eggs  placed  in  test  solutions  of  0.1-1.0%  thiourea  in  sea  water,  found  that 
at  a  concentration  of  1.0%  no  cleavage  occurred,  but  cleavage  was  normal  in  a 
similar  concentration  of  urea,  indicating  the  inhibition  of  cleavage  was  not  due  to 
any  osmotic  effect.  Lower  concentrations  produced  a  retardation  in  over-all  growth 
rate.  Rulon  (1950),  studying  the  modifications  in  developmental  patterns  in  the 
sand  dollar  by  thiourea,  reports  substantially  similar  results. 

The  present  investigation  was  undertaken  in  order  to  study  some  comparative 
effects  of  varying  concentrations  of  thiourea  and  related  compounds  on  an  inverte- 
brate beyond  the  embryonic  stage.  For  this  study  a  species  of  planarian,  a  fresh- 
water flatworm,  was  chosen.  In  this  animal,  when  the  tail  is  separated  from  the 
body  by  a  dorso-ventral  cut  posterior  to  the  pharynx,  the  body  will  produce  a  new 
tail,  and  the  separated  tail  will  regenerate  all  missing  structures,  becoming  a  new 
and  independent  organism.  A  study  was  made  of  the  rate  of  growth  of  a  new 
tail  by  the  body,  and  of  the  time  required  for  the  appearance  and  development  of 
the  regenerated  organs  in  the  newly  formed  worm.  Observations  were  also  made 
of  any  modifications  in  the  regenerating  structures,  due  to  the  action  of  the  goitro- 
gens, and  of  pigment  loss  or  lack  of  development,  both  in  the  new  tissue  and  in  the 
old,  mature  cells. 


The  animals  used  in  this  study  were  specimens  of  Dugcsia  tigrina,  collected  in  a 
stream  near  Baltimore,  Maryland.  Stock  animals  were  fed  once  a  week.  Experi- 
mental animals  were  taken  five  days  after  feeding,  and  were  not  fed  during  the 

1 A  contribution  from  the  Department  of  Biology,  The  Catholic  University  of  America, 
Washington,  D.  C.  This  paper  is  based  on  the  author's  dissertation  submitted  in  partial  ful- 
fillment of  the  requirements  for  the  degree  of  Master  of  Science. 

The  writer  wishes  to  express  her  appreciation  to  Dr.  E.  G.  S.  Baker,  major  professor,  now 
Chairman  of  the  Department  of  Biology,  Drew  University,  Madison,  New  Jersey,  and  to  Dr. 
W.  G.  Lynn,  Professor  of  Zoology,  of  The  Catholic  University  of  America,  for  their  many 
helpful  suggestions  during  the  course  of  the  investigation. 

-  Present  address :   Department  of  Zoology,   University  of  Oklahoma,   Norman,   Oklahoma. 



Three  chemicals  were  used  in  the  study  :  thiourea,  phenylthiourea,  and  thiouracil. 
Since  a  comparative  study  of  the  effects  was  to  be  made,  three  series  of  experiments 
were  performed,  using  concentrations  of  0.005%,  0.01%,  and  0.02%  of  each  chem- 
ical. Worms  chosen  for  experimentation  were  as  near  the  same  size  as  possible, 
varying  from  seven  to  nine  millimeters  in  length.  Tails  were  severed  a  short  dis- 
tance behind  the  pharynx,  and  placed  in  fingerbowls  of  the  proper  solution.  These 
were  stacked  to  prevent  evaporation.  The  bodies  were  placed  similarly  in  other 
fingerbowls.  The  worms  were  handled  with  sable-hair  brushes,  or  wide-tipped 
medicine  droppers.  Control  animals  were  kept  in  tap  water. 

In  Series  I,  the  experimental  animals  were  placed  in  0.005%  solutions  of  the 
chemicals.  No  observations  were  made  on  the  regenerating  tails  the  first  day  after 
cutting.  Beginning  with  the  second  day,  the  tails  were  observed  every  day  for  ten 
days,  then  on  the  fourteenth,  eighteenth,  and  twenty-fifth  days.  At  the  end  of  seven 
days,  the  worms  in  each  chemical  were  divided  into  two  groups.  One  group  was 
kept  in  the  chemical  until  the  end  of  the  experiment ;  the  other  group  was  returned 
to  water  to  see  if  any  of  the  effects  noted  were  reversible. 

For  observation,  the  tails  were  placed  in  a  drop  of  the  solution  on  a  microscope 
slide,  and  observed  through  the  low-power  objective  of  a  compound  microscope, 
using  a  blue  filter  in  a  standard  lamp.  Information  was  obtained  concerning  the 
time  in  days  required  for  healing  to  take  place,  and  for  eyes,  proboscis,  and  sense 
lobes  to  form.  Observations  were  also  made  concerning  the  color  and  appearance 
of  the  eyes  and  of  the  proboscis,  and  of  such  noticeable  special  effects  as  might  occur. 

The  bodies  of  the  worms  were  observed  every  second  day  for  the  first  week, 
and  every  third  day  thereafter.  At  the  end  of  seven  days  the  worms  in  each 
chemical  were  divided  into  two  groups.  One  group  was  returned  to  water;  the 
other  remained  exposed  to  the  goitrogen.  The  rate  of  regeneration  was  observed 
by  measuring  the  lengths  of  the  worms  on  successive  days.  The  effect  of  the  chem- 
icals on  the  pigmentation  was  noted. 

For  measuring,  a  somewhat  modified  form  of  the  method  originated  by  Wulzen 
(1927)  was  employed,  and  the  average  length  of  worms  in  each  solution  was  com- 
puted. Graphs  of  growth  rate  were  made,  plotting  average  lengths,  calculated  to 
0.1  mm.,  against  time  in  days.  In  order  that  a  better  comparison  of  growth  rates 
in  the  different  solutions  and  series  might  be  made,  the  daily  average  length  in  each 
group  was  recalculated,  using  as  the  original  average  length  on  the  day  of  cutting 
that  average  exhibited  by  the  water  controls,  namely,  5.6  units. 

A  second  series  of  experiments,  using  a  concentration  of  0.01%  of  each  of  the 
chemicals,  was  performed.  No  other  change  was  made  in  either  method  or  mate- 
rials. A  third  series,  using  a  0.02%  concentration  was  likewise  performed,  but  due 
to  the  toxicity  of  phenylthiourea  at  this  concentration,  a  comparative  study  of  effects 
at  correspondingly  higher  concentrations  was  not  attempted. 


Healing.  In  the  normal  planarian,  when  a  tail  is  severed,  the  cut  edge  contracts, 
forming  a  pronounced,  black  indentation,  semi-circular  in  shape.  Within  two  to 
three  days,  as  healing  progresses,  relaxation  occvirs,  and  the  newly  forming,  unpig- 
mented  flesh  is  protruded  forward  in  a  more  or  less  triangular  shape  as  the  worm 
glides  about.  In  the  worms  treated  with  chemicals,  the  healing  process  was  notice- 


ably  slowed.  When  thiourea  was  vised,  the  effect  appeared  to  be  in  proportion  to 
the  concentration  used.  Worms  placed  in  a  0.005%  solution  were  all  healed  on  the 
third  day,  in  a  0.01%  solution  on  the  fourth  day,  and  in  a  0.02%  solution  on  the 
fifth  day. 

The  phenylthiourea  was  markedly  more  effective  than  the  thiourea,  even  in  the 
lower  concentrations.  It  was  not  until  the  sixth  day  that  healing  occurred  in  all 
worms  placed  in  a  0.005%  solution,  and  in  a  0.02%  solution  complete  healing  did 
not  occur.  The  effect  of  the  thiouracil  solutions  on  healing,  while  greater  than  that 
of  the  thiourea,  was  less  than  that  of  the  phenylthiourea.  Worms  placed  in  a  0.005% 
and  in  a  0.01%  solution  were  healed  by  the  third  day,  but  six  days  were  required 
for  complete  healing  of  those  placed  in  the  0.02%  solution. 

Formation  of  sense  lobes.  When  a  head  is  forming  in  a  regenerating  planarian, 
by  the  fourth  or  fifth  day  the  triangular  protuberance  of  unpigmented  new  flesh  has 
become  sufficiently  large  that  the  animal,  in  moving  about,  exhibits  the  beginnings 
of  sense  lobes  by  protruding  and  withdrawing,  seemingly  at  will,  a  small  bit  of 
tissue  on  either  side,  just  anterior  to  the  healed  cut.  In  this  experiment,  it  was 
found  that  the  0.005%  solution  of  each  of  the  three  chemicals  and  the  0.01%  con- 
centration of  thiourea  and  thiouracil  were  ineffective  in  retarding  this.  All  the 
animals  in  these  solutions  were  able  to  produce  sense  lobes  by  the  fifth  day. 

The  other  concentrations  used  were  more  effective  in  this  respect.  Sense  lobes 
appeared  in  all  worms  in  the  0.02%  solutions  of  thiourea  and  thiouracil  on  the  sixth 
day,  and  in  the  0.01%  concentration  of  phenylthiourea  on  the  eighth  day.  It  was 
not  until  the  tenth  day,  however,  that  the  worms  in  0.02%  phenylthiourea  showed 
this  stage  of  development.  In  the  worms  returned  to  water  from  higher  concen- 
trations of  the  chemicals,  the  sense  lobes  appeared  within  twenty-four  hours  after 
return,  or  by  the  eighth  day. 

Proboscis  development.  The  first  definite  sign  of  a  developing  proboscis  in  a 
severed  tail  can  be  seen  in  a  freely  moving  planarian  on  the  third  or  fourth  day  after 
cutting.  A  smooth,  tan-colored  protuberance  appears  at  the  point  where  the  two 
sides  of  the  digestive  tract  have  grown  together,  and  grows  caudally  until  its  length 
is  about  four  times  its  width.  Pigmentation  and  wrinkling,  the  latter  due  to  an 
increase  in  real  but  not  apparent  length,  occur  on  the  fifth  or  sixth  day  after  cutting, 
in  the  normal  worm. 

In  this  experiment  both  the  0.005%  and  the  0.01%  solution  of  each  of  the  three 
chemicals  had  little  effect  on  the  time  required  for  the  appearance  of  the  proboscis, 
or  on  its  subsequent  development,  but  each  of  the  chemicals  was  effective  at  a  con- 
centration of  0.02%.  At  this  concentration  the  organ  could  be  seen  in  all  the 
animals  in  thiourea  and  thiouracil  on  the  fourth  day,  but  it  was  not  until  the  fifth 
day  that  it  could  be  found  in  all  of  the  worms  in  phenylthiourea.  Further  develop- 
ment of  the  proboscis  was  also  affected.  By  the  fourteenth  day  the  worms  in  both 
thiourea  and  phenylthiourea  exhibited  a  very  immature  proboscis,  shorter  and  nar- 
rower than  is  normally  found  on  the  fourth  day.  The  latter  solution  was  particularly 
toxic.  The  animals  in  thiouracil  fared  better.  In  them  the  proboscis,  while  less 
mature  in  appearance  than  those  in  the  water  controls,  was  apparently  able  to  func- 
tion normally.  The  effect  was  reversible  in  the  worms  returned  to  water  at  the 
end  of  seven  days.  In  these  worms,  by  the  fourteenth  day  the  proboscis  was  as 
developed,  pigmented,  and  wrinkled  as  those  of  the  water  controls. 

Eye  formation.     Eye  formation  in  the  normally  regenerating  planarian  begins 


quite  early.  By  the  third  day  definite,  tiny,  black  eyespots  can  be  seen  under  the 
low  power  of  the  microscope,  and  by  the  sixth  day  the  spots  have  become  large 
and  black,  curved  and  smooth  in  outline  on  the  median  side,  and  concave  and  slightly 
granular  on  the  lateral  side. 

In  this  experiment  the  effect  of  the  thiourea  was  quite  varied  as  far  as  individual 
worms  were  concerned,  but  the  concentration  did  not  seem  to  cause  a  marked  dif- 
ference. At  all  three  concentrations  the  developing  eyes  were  somewhat  smaller 
and  more  granular  in  appearance  than  those  of  the  water  controls.  The  black 
pigment  that  formed  began  to  disappear  irregularly  on  the  sixth  day  in  Series  I 
and  II.  and  on  the  fifth  day  in  Series  III.  On  the  seventh  day.  before  the  trans- 
ference of  half  the  animals  to  water  was  made,  it  could  be  seen  the  pigment  was 
disappearing  to  a  greater  or  lesser  extent  in  the  eyes  of  all  the  worms  at  all  three 
concentrations.  During  the  following  week  a  change  could  be  noted  daily.  All  the 
worms  which  were  kept  in  the  0.005%  solution  of  thiourea  lost  all  eye-pigment  by 
the  eighteenth  day.  The  animals  in  the  0.02%  solution  of  thiourea  lost  all  eye- 
pigment  by  the  tenth  day  of  subjection  to  the  chemical,  but  in  each  one  there  per- 
sisted a  distinct,  ghost-like  outline  of  the  eye  shape,  very  faintly  yellowish-pink  in 
color.  The  0.01%  concentration  was  variable  in  its  effects.  By  the  twenty-fifth 
day,  in  one  of  the  worms  there  was  a  nearly  normal  amount  of  black  pigment,  while 
in  the  others  the  pigment  was  nearly  gone,  but  in  no  case  was  it  completely  absent. 
In  contrast,  the  worms  which  were  returned  to  water  gained  pigment  little  by  little, 
until  by  the  fourteenth  day  they  closely  resembled  the  water  controls. 

The  phenylthiourea,  at  all  concentrations  used,  inhibited  pigment  formation 
completely  in  the  developing  eyes,  although  the  eyes  themselves  could  be  seen  in 
faint,  ghost-like  outline,  faintly  yellowish-pink  in  color.  In  Series  I,  the  eyes  of 
the  worms  which  remained  in  the  chemical  showed  during  the  second  week  a 
faintly  brown,  smooth  outline.  By  the  eighteenth  day  this  was  more  pronounced, 
and  by  the  twenty-fifth  day  reddish-tan  granules  had  begun  to  appear  in  the  eyes. 
It  is  possible  that  black  pigment  might  have  eventually  developed,  but  the  regenerat- 
ing tails,  which  had  been  without  food  over  three  weeks,  had  become  so  small  that 
sustenance  was  necessary  for  their  continued  existence,  and  the  experiment  was 
brought  to  a  finish. 

In  both  the  two  higher  concentrations  of  phenylthiourea,  the  worms  which  re- 
mained in  the  chemical  during  the  entire  experiment  showed  practically  the  same 
effect.  After  the  eye  outlines  appeared,  there  was  no  change  until  the  fourteenth 
day,  when  a  slightly  pinker  color  began  to  show.  In  the  worms  in  Series  II,  the 
eyes  were  full  size  and  very  pink  in  color  on  the  twenty-fifth  day,  but  the  worms  in 
Series  III  had  died  and  disintegrated  by  the  eighteenth  day,  so  that  further  observa- 
tion was  impossible. 

In  the  worms  which  were  returned  to  water  from  each  of  the  three  concentrations 
of  phenylthiourea,  a  steady  development  of  pigment  followed.  The  smooth  outline 
became  darker  and  a  golden-brown  color  developed  inside.  This  gradually  changed 
to  a  reddish-brown,  then  black.  The  eye  outlines  became  granular  as  the  darker 
colors  appeared.  By  the  fourteenth  day,  the  eyes  of  all  returned  to  water  appeared 
like  the  eyes  of  the  water  controls,  with  the  exception  that  these  retained  a  slightly 
reddish  cast.  By  the  twenty-fifth  day  these  were  indistinguishable  from  the  water 


Solutions  of  thiouracil  showed  much  less  effect  than  solutions  of  either  thiourea 
or  phenylthiourea.  In  all  cases  the  general  effect  of  the  chemical  was  to  cause  the 
eyes  to  become  slightly  more  granular  in  appearance  than  is  normal,  and  to  become 
slightly  reddish  in  spots  as  the  pigment  partially  disappeared.  This  was  more 
pronounced  in  the  higher  concentrations,  but  in  no  case  did  the  pigment  completely 
disappear,  even  after  twenty-five  days  exposure  to  the  chemical.  Worms  returned 
to  water  on  the  seventh  day  regained  normal  eye  appearance  within  three  days. 

Skin  pigmentation.  During  all  series  careful  attention  was  given  to  possible 
effects  of  the  chemicals  on  skin  pigmentation,  both  in  mature  cells  and  in  newly 
forming  tissue.  No  bleaching  effect  was  noticed  under  the  influence  of  any  one 
of  the  three  chemicals,  at  any  concentration  used,  up  to  twenty-five  days,  when 
the  experiment  was  terminated. 


By  a  comparison  of  the  average  lengths  of  the  worms,  as  measured  on  succeeding 
days,  it  was  found  that  regenerating  planarians  in  water,  at  a  controlled  temperature, 
exhibit  a  characteristic  growth  curve.  For  the  first  four  days  after  the  tails  are 
severed,  rapid  growth  of  the  bodies  occurs,  followed  by  two  days  of  slower  growth. 
The  maximum  length  is  reached  on  the  sixth  day.  Following  this,  if  food  is  not  given 
the  animal,  it  must  begin  to  live  on  its  own  tissues,  and  a  decrease  in  length  results. 
After  a  four-  to  five-day  interval,  the  graph  line  begins  to  level  off  somewhat.  An- 
other period  of  rapid  decline  follows,  then  another  period  of  levelling-off. 

The  characteristic  growth  curve  of  planarians  in  water  is  shown  in  Figure  1, 
together  with  a  typical  response  of  the  animals  to  the  effects  of  the  goitrogens.  In 
this  graph,  the  regenerative  growth  rate  of  worms  subjected  to  a  0.02%  solution  of 
thiourea,  and  of  those  returned  to  water  at  the  end  of  seven  days,  is  compared  with 
the  curve  exhibited  by  the  water  controls.  It  will  be  noticed  the  peak  of  growth 
occurs  on  the  sixth  day  for  both  groups  of  animals,  although  the  peak  attained  by 
the  experimentals  is  lower.  The  graph  line  for  the  planarians  returned  to  water 
shows  the  characteristic  lessening  of  retardation  of  growth.  A  study  of  the  com- 
parative effects  of  thiourea  at  different  concentrations  reveals  that  the  0.005%  con- 
centration is  least  effective  in  depressing  the  growth  rate,  and  recovery  from 
exposure  to  it  follows  most  rapidly;  the  0.01%  solution  is  most  effective  in  depress- 
ing the  growth  rate  during  the  first  few  days  of  exposure;  and  the  0.02%  concen- 
tration, while  not  most  effective  in  depressing  the  initial  growth  rate,  is  much  more 
potent  after  long  exposure. 

The  distinct  lessening  of  retardation  of  growth  in  animals  returned  to  water  at  the 
end  of  seven  days  was  quite  apparent  in  all  three  series  with  each  chemical  used.  In 
the  majority  of  cases  the  lessening  of  effect  was  so  pronounced  that  a  second 
growth  peak  was  reached.  This  was  especially  noticeable  in  animals  exposed  to 
thiouracil.  In  Figure  2  the  second  growth  peak  is  shown  to  have  occurred  on  the 
fourteenth  day,  or  seven  days  after  the  planarians  were  returned  to  water  from 
0.02%  thiouracil.  The  occurrence  of  the  second  growth  peaks  ranged  from  the 
eleventh  to  the  fourteenth  day. 

It  was  found  by  a  comparison  of  the  effects  produced  by  each  of  the  goitrogens 
at  a  concentration  of  0.005%  that  the  thiourea  affected  the  rate  of  growth  less  at 
this  concentration  than  did  either  thiouracil  or  phenylthiourea,  and  that  the  latter 



was  the  most  effective.     This  conforms  with  the  findings  above  of  the  influence  of 
the  chemicals  on  the  regeneration  of  missing  organs  in  severed  tails. 

A  study  of  the  growth  rate  of  planarians  in  a  0.01%  solution  of  the  chemicals 
showed  that,  while  initial  exposure  to  thiourea  at  this  concentration  was  not  highly 
effective,  continued  exposure  produced  a  marked  retardation  in  growth,  and  a 
return  to  water  allowed  nearly  normal  growth  to  be  resumed.  At  this  concentra- 



H  6.0 





O  5.5 



68  II  14          17 

TIME     IN    DAYS 

20         23 

FIGURE  1.  Growth  rate  curve  of  planarians  exposed  to  0.02%  thiourea  (Ta)  and  of  those 
returned  to  water  at  the  end  of  seven  days  (Ta-W)  compared  with  the  characteristic  curve 
of  water  controls  (W). 

tion  both  phenylthiourea  and  thiouracil  were  found  to  be  quite  effective  in  depressing 
initial  growth,  so  much  so  that  the  peak  of  growth  was  not  only  quite  low,  but  was 
reached  seven  to  eight  days  after  exposure  to  the  chemical,  or  one  to  two  days  later 
than  the  peak  observed  in  the  water  controls. 

A  comparison  of  the  effects  of  exposing  the  experimental  animals  to  a  0.02% 



68  II  14          17 

TIME     IN    DAYS 

20        23 

FIGURE  2.  Growth  rate  curve  of  planarians  exposed  to  0.02%  thiouracil  (TL)  and  of  those 
returned  to  water  at  the  end  of  seven  days  (TL-W)  compared  with  the  characteristic  curve 
of  water  controls  (W). 

concentration  of  the  chemicals  revealed  that,  at  this  concentration,  thiouracil  was 
least  effective  in  retarding  growth,  while  phenylthiourea  was  most  effective.  A 
marked  depression,  approaching  toxicity,  followed  continued  exposure  to  both  thio- 
urea  and  phenylthiourea,  but  a  noticeable  recovery  was  made  when  the  animals 
were  returned  to  water  after  a  week's  exposure.  This,  too,  is  in  accord  with  the 
facts  noted  above. 


In  the  present  study,  it  was  found  that  the  normal  regenerative  powers  of  the 
planarians  were  reduced  by  the  administration  of  goitrogenic  agents  in  varying 
concentrations,  and  that  the  effect  was  more  pronounced  as  the  concentration  was 
increased.  This  is  in  conformity  with  the  findings  of  Lynn  (1948)  and  Rulon 
(1950).  Lynn,  testing  two  of  the  thioureas  on  a  toad,  Eleutherodactylus  ricordii, 
which  possesses  no  aquatic  larval  stage,  found  that  a  concentration  of  0.001%  thio- 
urea  was  ineffective,  a  concentration  of  0.005%  was  slightly  effective,  and  that  a 
concentration  of  0.05%  thiourea  caused  a  definite  retardation  in  development.  Rulon 
reported  that  continuous  exposure  of  newly  fertilized  eggs  of  Dcndrastcr  to  low 
concentrations  of  thiourea  resulted  in  slight  inhibition  of  development,  and  that  with 
higher  concentrations  the  degree  of  inhibition  increased. 


In  this  experiment  the  depression  of  growth  rate  by  the  goitrogens,  noticeable 
to  some  extent  at  all  concentrations,  was  shown  not  only  by  the  lower  peak  of  growth 
as  exhibited  by  the  graphs,  but  also  by  the  fact  that  certain  of  the  concentrations 
slowed  the  initial  growth  sufficiently  that  the  peak  was  reached  after  seven  to  eight 
days'  exposure  to  the  chemical,  at  a  time  when  the  period  of  rapid  decline  was 
apparent  in  the  water  controls.  A  possible  explanation  of  this  is  that  the  lowered 
metabolic  rate  allowed  a  longer  use  of  the  food  present  in  the  animal,  before  the 
necessity  of  subsisting  on  its  own  tissues  became  imperative. 

The  second  growth  peaks  noted  in  the  majority  of  animals  returned  to  water, 
which  occurred  at  a  time  when  a  levelling-off  period  was  to  be  found  in  the  water 
controls,  were  apparently  due  to  an  upsurge  of  metabolic  activity  following  the 
release  of  the  animals  from  the  influence  of  the  goitrogens.  This  effect  appears  to 
be  similar  to  that  noted  in  the  severed  tails,  when  rapid  reconstitution  of  deficient 
organs  followed  the  return  of  the  animals  to  water. 

None  of  the  chemicals  used  had  any  appreciable  effect  on  head  formation,  the 
appearance  of  functioning  sense  lobes,  or  the  development  of  the  proboscis,  when 
used  at  a  concentration  of  0.005%,  and  only  phenylthiourea  exhibited  a  marked 
modifying  action  at  a  concentration  of  0.01%.  All  three  chemicals,  at  a  concentration 
of  0.02%,  produced  a  distinct  retardation  in  all  phases  of  organ  development.  The 
results  of  this  study  show  that  not  only  is  the  retardation  of  the  metabolic  rate  of 
planarians,  as  evidenced  by  the  rate  of  regeneration,  influenced  by  the  degree  of 
concentration  to  which  the  animals  are  subjected,  but  that  certain  goitrogens  are 
more  effective  than  others  in  this  respect.  In  all  phases  of  the  study,  phenylthiourea 
was  found  to  be  more  potent  in  repressing  the  rate  of  regeneration,  and  in  causing 
modifications  in  developing  organs,  than  either  thiourea  or  thiouracil.  This,  too,  is 
in  agreement  with  the  results  obtained  by  Lynn  (1948),  who  found  that  a  0.005% 
concentration  of  phenylthiourea  was  as  effective  in  retarding  embryonic  development 
as  was  the  0.05%  thiourea. 

Reports  of  several  workers  indicate  that  the  development  of  pigmentation  in  the 
animal  body  is  intimately  associated  with  the  metabolic  process.  Lynn  (1948), 
treating  leptodactylid  embryos  with  0.005%  phenylthiourea,  found  that  not  only  was 
there  a  definite  retardation  in  development,  but  that  within  three  days  the  experi- 
mentals  were  noticeably  lighter  than  the  controls,  and  by  the  sixth  day  all  visible 
dark  pigment,  both  in  the  skin  and  in  the  retina  of  the  eye,  had  disappeared. 
Frieders  (1954),  studying  the  effect  of  the  same  chemical  on  fish,  found  that  the 
animals  showed  a  definite  loss  of  body  pigment,  and  that  a  gradual  but  noticeable 
loss  of  pigment  could  be  observed  in  the  eyes.  At  the  same  time,  the  growth  rate 
of  the  experimentals  was  much  slower  than  that  of  the  controls. 

While  no  bleaching  effect  in  regard  to  skin  pigmentation  was  noted  at  any  time 
in  this  experiment,  it  was  found  that  all  three  chemicals  interfered  to  some  extent 
with  the  production  of  eye-pigment  at  all  concentrations,  the  effect  increasing  as  the 
concentration  was  increased.  That  the  goitrogens  inhibited  pigment  formation,  not 
the  development  of  the  eye  itself,  was  shown  by  the  fact  that  the  planarians,  particu- 
larly those  in  phenylthiourea,  developed  eye  outlines,  although  pigment  did  not 

In  this  study,  as  in  those  cited  above,  the  rate  of  metabolism  of  the  planarians, 
as  evidenced  by  the  growth  rate  and  by  the  appearance  of  new  organs  appeared  to 
parallel  the  speed  or  slowness  of  pigment  formation.  It  is  probable  that  a  funda- 


mental  correlation  exists  between  the  production  of  animal  pigment  and  the  pro- 
duction of  chemicals  which  exert  a  controlling  influence  on  the  metabolic  rate.  The 
fact  that  goitrogens  affect  metabolism  and  pigment  formation  similarly  in  both 
vertebrates  and  invertebrates  lends  support  to  this  view. 


1.  A  study  was  made  of  the  effects  of  the  three  goitrogens,  thiourea,  phenylthi- 
ourea,  and  thiouracil,  on  Dugesia  tigrina,  a  species  of  planarian.     Observations  were 
made  of  the  effects  of  the  drugs  on  healing,  head  formation,  proboscis  development, 
eye  and  skin  pigmentation,  and  regenerative  growth  rate. 

2.  Phenylthiourea  wras  found  to  be  most  effective  in  preventing  healing.     Both 
thiourea  and  thiouracil  retarded  the  rate  of  healing. 

3.  Higher  concentrations  of  all  three  goitrogens  were  effective  in  retarding  or 
suppressing    the    normal    development    of    sense    lobes    and    proboscis.     Phenyl- 
thiourea was   most   potent.     Lower   concentrations   were   ineffective.     The   effect 
was  reversible. 

4.  Phenylthiourea  inhibited  eye-pigment  formation,  but  not  eye  formation.     The 
effect  was  reversible.     Thiouracil  had  little  effect  on  the  formation  of  eye-pigment. 
The  effect  of  thiourea  wjas  varied. 

5.  Bodies  with  severed  tails,  placed  in  water,  showed  a  characteristic  growth 
curve  when  body  length  was  plotted  against  time  in  days.     Plotted  curves  of  planar- 
ians  in  goitrogens,  compared  with  controls,  showed  retardation  of  growth.     Notice- 
able recovery  was  made  upon  the  return  of  the  experimentals  to  water. 


BEVELANDER,  G.,  1946.  Effect  of  thiourea  on  the  development  of  the  sea-urchin,  Arbacia  func- 
tulata.  Proc.  Soc.  Exp.  Biol.  Med.,  61 :  268-70. 

FRIEDERS,  F.,  1954.  The  effects  of  thyroid-inhibiting  drugs  on  some  tropical  fish.  The  Cath- 
olic University  of  America  Biological  Studies,  31  :  1-37. 

LYNN,  W.  G.,  1948.  The  effects  of  thiourea  and  phenylthiourea  upon  the  development  of 
Eleutherodactylus  ricordii.  Biol.  Bull.,  94:  1-15. 

RULON,  O.,  1950.  The  modification  of  developmental  patterns  in  the  sand  dollar  by  thiourea. 
Physiol  Zool,  23 :  248-57. 

WULZEN,,  R.,   1927.     Nutrition  of  planarian  worms.     Science,  65 :   331-32. 




Marine  Biological  Station,  Port  Erin,  Isle  of  Man;  and  Biology  Department,  Emory 

University,  Atlanta  22,  Georgia 

An  interesting  cumacean  was  collected  by  W.  D.  Burbanck  in  the  Pocasset 
River,  Cape  Cod,  Massachusetts.  Specimens  were  sent  to  Dr.  Thomas  E.  Bowman 
at  the  Smithsonian  Institution,  who  forwarded  them  to  N.  S.  Jones  for  identifica- 
tion. In  the  following  account  N.  S.  Jones  is  responsible  for  the  description  and 
systematic  remarks  and  W.  D.  Burbanck  for  the  sections  on  habitat  and  general 


Anterolateral  angles  of  the  carapace  not  developed.  Second  antenna  of  the 
male  rudimentary,  one-jointed,  resembling  that  of  the  female.  Second  maxilla 
with  two  endites.  First  maxilliped  with  four  joints,  the  last  very  small,  and  the 
epipodite  writh  only  rudimentary  branchiae.  Third  maxilliped  pediform,  with  an 
exopodite.  Only  the  first  and  second  peraeopods  bear  an  exopodite  in  either  sex. 


Material  examined.  Pocasset  River,  Cape  Cod,  Massachusetts ;  W.  D.  Bur- 
banck, collector;  15  March  1958;  11  males.  38  females  (12  ovigerous),  8  juveniles. 

Description.  Ovigerous  female.  Length  range  from  3.2  to  3.7  mm.  Integu- 
ment thin,  finely  granulated,  with  a  few  scattered  hairs.  Color  yellowish  white 
with  dark  brown  pigment  spots  specially  concentrated  on  the  lower  part  of  the 
carapace  and  at  the  sides  of  the  free  thoracic  somites.  Eyes  black. 

Carapace  two-sevenths  of  total  body  length,  about  as  high  as  it  is  long,  and 
slightly  longer  than  its  greatest  width  posteriorly ;  from  the  side  the  dorsal  outline 
swells  upwards  behind  the  eyelobe  and  is  further  elevated  at  the  posterior  end ;  a 
dorsal  groove  is  present  between  the  branchial  regions ;  a  prominence  is  set  on 
each  side  of  the  hinder  end  with  a  hollow  running  forwards  from  below  it  towards 
the  eyelobe ;  the  pseudorostrum  is  short  with  the  lobes  divided  for  about  half  their 
length  above ;  the  anterolateral  margin  is  only  slightly  concave  and  without  any 
angle.  Eyes  well  developed  with  corneal  lenses,  set  close  together  but  distinctly 
separated  forming  a  double  eyelobe. 

Five  free  thoracic  somites  clearly  visible  from  above.  Brood  pouch  containing 
10-14  ova.  Pleon  somites  smooth,  the  fifth  the  longest.  Telsonic  somite  little 
produced  posteriorly. 

First  antenna  with  the  three  joints  of  the  peduncle  not  very  different  in  length, 
the  third  joint  slightly  the  shorter ;  the  flagellum  with  three  joints,  the  short  third 




FIGURE  1.  Paratype   ovigerous   female   from   side. 

FIGURE  2.  Paratype  adult  male  from  side. 

FIGURE  3.  Female  from  above. 

FIGURE  4.  Male  from  above. 


joint  carrying  two  aesthetascs ;  the  accessory  flagellum  very  small,  one-jointed. 
Second  antenna  rudimentary,  one- jointed,  bearing  two  small  plumose  setae  at  its 

Mandibles  of  normal  shape,  with  molar  process  not  styliform.  First  maxilla 
with  two  processes  on  the  palp.  Second  maxilla  normal  with  twro  upper  lobes. 

First  maxillipeds  with  a  lamellar  merocarpus  and  a  small  end  joint  as  in 
Campylaspis ;  the  merocarpus  bears  a  few  flattened  bifid  spines  as  well  as  a  number 
of  pointed  plumose  spines ;  only  two  rudimentary  branchial  lobes  are  present  on 
the  epipodite.  Second  maxillipeds  six-jointed  with  the  basis  curved  outwards. 
Third  maxillipeds  pediform,  bearing  an  exopodite ;  the  basis  less  than  half  the 
length  of  the  whole  appendage,  with  its  distal  end  not  produced ;  the  ischium  short ; 
the  merus  and  carpus  about  equal  in  length  and  rather  shorter  than  the  propodus ; 
the  dactylus  shorter  than  the  propodus,  ending  in  a  fairly  strong  spine. 

First  peraeopods  longer  and  more  slender  than  the  third  maxillipeds ;  the  basis 
stout,  a  little  more  than  one-third  the  length  of  the  whole  appendage ;  the  ischium 
fairly  short:  the  remaining  joints  successively  a  little  longer;  the  dactylus  ending 
in  a  long  slender  spine.  Second  peraeopods  much  shorter  than  the  first  pair,  with 
exopodite ;  the  basis  stout,  as  long  as  the  next  four  joints  together ;  the  dactylus 
about  twice  as  long  as  the  propodus.  Third  to  fifth  peraeopods  without  exopodites ; 
the  third  and  fourth  pairs  with  the  basis  slender,  about  as  long  as  the  remaining 
joints  together ;  the  fifth  pair  with  the  basis  relatively  shorter. 

The  uropods  as  long  as  the  fifth  abdominal  and  telsonic  somites  together ;  the 
peduncle  fairly  stout,  about  the  same  length  as  the  subequal  rami,  with  three  or 
four  setae  on  the  inner  edge;  the  outer  ramus  two-jointed;  the  first  joint  about 
one-fourth  the  length  of  the  second ;  the  second  joint  with  a  stout  terminal  spine 
and  two  setae  on  the  outer  and  one  on  the  inner  edge;  the  inner  ramus  one-jointed 
with  two  strong  spines  on  the  inner  edge. 

Adult  male.  Length  3.8-4.3  mm.  Carapace  one-fourth  of  the  total  length 
of  the  body.  The  pleon  relatively  longer  than  in  the  female  and  more  stoutly  built. 
The  dorsal  outline  of  the  carapace  rather  less  elevated  than  in  the  ovigerous  female 
and  the  lateral  protuberances  more  prominent.  Rather  more  scattered  hairs  are 

The  appendages  are  similar  to  those  of  the  female  except  as  follows:  third 
maxillipeds  with  all  the  joints  stouter;  first  peraeopods  much  more  stoutly  built, 
and  with  the  dactylus  less  than  two-thirds  the  length  of  the  propodus  and  its  ter- 
minal spine  short  and  stout;  the  peduncle  of  the  uropods  relatively  stouter  and 
longer  than  in  the  female,  about  H  the  length  of  the  rami,  with  several  basal  setae 
and  10-12  stout  spines  on  the  inner  edge;  the  outer  ramus  similar  to  that  of  the 
female  but  more  robust ;  the  inner  ramus  broad  in  the  basal  half,  with  6-8  strong 
spines  on  the  inner  edge  and  two  setae  on  the  outer  edge,  and  with  a  subterminal 
plumose  spinule. 

The  bases  of  the  appendages  bearing  exopodites  are  not  specially  widened,  and 
it  may  be  noted  that  the  second  antennae  resemble  those  of  the  female,  being 
similarly  rudimentary  without  any  trace  of  a  flagellum. 

Holotype  and  paratypes.     USNM  No.  102259-102261. 

Systematic  remarks.  A.  proximoculi  clearly  must  be  placed  in  the  family 
Nannastacidae  for  the  following  reasons :  it  has  no  separate  telson ;  there  are  three 



O-l    -J 

FIGURE  5.     Female  first  antenna. 

FIGURE  6.     Male  first  antenna. 

FIGURE  7.     Female  second  antenna. 

FIGURE  8.     Male  second  antenna. 

FIGURE  9.     Female  left  mandible.     FIGURE  9a.     Same,  distal  and  further  enlarged. 

FIGURE  10.     Female  right  mandible. 

FIGURE  11.    Female  labium. 

FIGURE  12.     Female  first  maxilla.     FIGURE  12a. 

FIGURE  13.     Female  second  maxilla.     FIGURE  13a. 

FIGURE  14.     Female  first  maxilliped.     FIGURE  14a. 

FIGURE  15.     Female  second  maxilliped. 

Same,  distal  end  further  enlarged. 
Same,  distal  end  further  enlarged. 
Same,  and  joints  further  enlarged. 


pairs  of  thoracic  exopodites  in  the  female ;  the  male  has  no  pleopods ;  the  inner 
ramus  of  the  uropods  is  one-jointed.  It  differs  from  all  other  described  species  of 
Cumacea  in  the  rudimentary  state  of  the  male  second  antenna.  There  seems  to  be 
no  doubt  that  the  males  are  fully  adult.  They  are  larger  than  the  females  in  the 
collection.  They  differ  from  the  females  in  the  shape  of  the  carapace  and  the  spinu- 
lation  of  the  uropods.  Ovigerous  females  were  present  and  some  of  the  males 
when  captured  were  clasping  females.  There  is  some  tendency  towards  reduction 
of  the  second  antennae  in  certain  species  such  as  those  of  the  genus  Lamprops, 
where  these  appendages  are  used  to  clasp  the  female,  and  it  is  possible  that  in  this 
species,  where  the  second  antennae  are  rudimentary,  the  greater  development  of 
the  third  maxillipeds  and  first  peraeopods  in  the  male  is  an  adaptation  for  this 

The  male  resembles  the  female  and  differs  from  most  other  members  of  the 
Nannastacidae  in  possessing  a  similar  number  of  thoracic  exopodites.  Picrocinna 
poecilota  Hale  (1936),  placed  in  the  family  Nannastacidae  (Hale,  1945),  has 
exopodites  on  the  third  maxillipeds  and  the  first  to  third  peraeopods  in  both  sexes. 
It  also  resembles  A.  pro.i'imoculi  in  the  absence  of  an  anterolateral  angle  on  the 
carapace,  in  the  positioning  of  the  eyes,  and  in  the  pediform  shape  of  the  third 
maxillipeds.  The  second  antenna  of  the  male  has  a  reduced  prehensile  flagellum 
as  in  Lamprops.  It  differs  considerably  in  other  respects,  however,  such  as  the 
shape  of  the  first  antennae,  mandibles  and  uropods. 

Almyracuma  proximocnli  shows  a  combination  of  characters  which  excludes  it 
from  any  previously  defined  genus  of  the  Nannastacidae.  The  mouthparts  on  the 
whole  resemble  those  of  Cuinella,  with  the  exception  of  the  first  maxillipeds  which 
are  somewhat  similar  to  those  of  Campylaspis  but  have  only  rudimentary  branchial 
lobes.  Its  affinities  are  obscure  but  it  is  possibly  closer  to  Picrocinna  than  to  any 
other  genus  described  at  present. 

Habitat.  The  type  locality  of  the  new  cumacean  is  approximately  one  mile  from 
the  mouth  of  the  Pocasset  River,  Cape  Cod,  Massachusetts  (also  known  as  Bar- 
low's River)  and  nearly  100  yards  downstream  from  a  dam  which  separates  the 
brackish  part  of  the  river  from  the  last  of  a  series  of  six  confluent  ponds  (Fig.  26). 
A  constant  flow  of  fresh  water  from  the  ponds  is  appreciably  augmented  by  cold 
water  issuing  from  numerous  springs  lying  in  a  semi-circle  around  the  small  flat 
where  the  cumaceans  live. 

At  low  tide  the  flat  may  be  almost  out  of  water  (Fig.  27).  Water  running  over 
parts  of  it  has  a  pH  of  6.0  and  readings  taken  in  situ,  where  cumaceans  were  living, 
ran  as  low  as  4.4.  The  cumaceans  live  in  a  substrate  of  detritus  and  algae.  At  low 
tide  the  water  in  which  they  live  has  a  salinity  of  less  than  1  %0.  At  high  tide  they 
are  overlain  by  3-4  feet  of  water  which  has  a  pH  of  approximately  8.0  and  a  salinity 
of  about  30  %c. 

During  the  course  of  the  fall,  winter,  spring  and  summer  of  1957-58  the  tem- 
perature of  the  substrate  ranged  from  3-20°  C.,  with  water  temperatures  slightly 
higher,  3-22°  C.  Less  than  30  yards  beyond  where  the  cumaceans  were  living, 
Pocasset  River  froze  over  during  the  months  January  and  February  of  1958.  No 
cumaceans  were  found  in  this  area  later  in  the  year  while  they  were  present  in  the 
open  areas  during  the  coldest  months,  with  one  pair  being  found  clasping  in  Feb- 
ruary. Most  of  the  animals  apparently  breed  during  the  month  of  March  although 




FIGURE  16. 
FIGURE  17. 
FIGURE  18. 
FIGURE  19. 
FIGURE  20. 
FIGURE  21. 

Female  uropods. 

Male  uropods.     FIGURE 

17a.     Same,   spine  of  peduncle   further   enlarged. 

Same,  tip  of  inner  ramous  further  enlarged. 
Female  third  maxilliped.  FIGURE  22. 

Male  third  maxilliped.  FIGURE  23. 

Female  first  peraeopod.  FIGURE  24. 

Male  first  peraeopod.  FIGURE  25. 

Female  second  peraeopod. 
Female  third  peraeopod. 
Female  fourth  peraeopod. 
Female  fifth  peraeopod. 





FIGURE  26.  Tracing  of  an  airplane  photograph  of  the  Pocasset  River,  Cape  Cod,  Massa- 
chusetts taken  on  March  18,  1958  at  10:10  AM  Eastern  Standard  time  at  an  altitude  of  2300 
feet.  The  distance  from  the  mouth  of  the  river  to  the  dam  is  approximately  1.4  miles.  The 
X's  in  the  headwaters  indicate  the  type  location  of  the  cumaceans  and  the  O's  represent  known 
locations  of  springs. 



a  pair  was  seen  in  a  finger  bowl  containing  algae  which  had  been  brought  in  to  the 
laboratory  from  the  field  on  August  18,  1958. 

The  composition  of  the  substrate  is  unusual  since  it  contains  not  only  sand  and 
gravel  and  plant  debris  but  also  a  great  man}-  charcoal  fragments  and  small  pieces 
of  iron  slag.  Supposedly  the  latter  material  was  residue  left  from  an  iron  foundry 
located  on  this  site  73  years  ago.  Although  porous,  the  substrate  underlying  the 
1-cm.  thick  algal-detritus  layer  is  quite  hard  and  supports  easily  the  weight  of  a  man 
standing  or  walking  on  it. 

FIGURE  27.  View  of  the  Pocasset  River  looking  upstream  in  an  easterly  direction  at  the 
type  location.  The  cumaceans  were  found  jn  the  left  foreground  in  an  algal  mat  beneath 
shallow  water  and  on  the  exposed  flat  above  and  to  the  left.  These  two  areas  are  represented 
in  Figure  26  by  the  more  southern  of  the  two  X's.  Photograph  taken  August  4,  1955  at  low  tide. 

Although  the  small  cumaceans  were  noted  in  collections  from  Pocasset  River 
made  from  December  1957  to  September  1958,  there  is  no  reason  to  believe  that 
they  are  not  present  and  active  every  month  in  the  year. 

General  ecology.  Associated  with  the  cumacean  and  perhaps  a  source  of  food 
for  it  is  the  diatom,  Mclosira  sp.,  which  is  "probably  the  dominant  in  terms  of  bulk 
and  general  distribution"  ('A.  J.  Bernatowicz,  private  communication).  Also 
present  are  the  blue-green  alga,  Anabaena  sp.,  and,  on  pebbles,  Ulothri.r  sp.  Small 
numbers  of  the  larger  algae,  Monostroma  sp.,  Ulra  sp.,  and  Enteromorpha  sp.,  are 
present  while  Vauchcria  sp.  lives  on  the  mud  among  the  adjacent  Spartina  alterni- 
flora  Loisel. 


Living  with  tin-  cumacean  are  two  tanaids.  The  very  common  one  is  Lcptochclia 
dnbia  (Krpyer)  which  has  a  hreeding  cycle  similar  to  that  of  the  cumacean,  and 
less  frequent  is  Lcptochelia  rapa.v  (Harger).  Two  gammarids  are  also  present  in 
large  numbers  during  the  warmer  months  and  these  are  Garnmarus  tigrinus  Sex- 
ton and  Leptocheirus  sp.  Corophium  lacitstrc  Vanhoffen  is  also  in  association  with 
the  cumaceans  but  it.  unlike  the  gammarids,  is  quite  patchy  both  as  to  distribution 
and  numbers. 

Just  under  the  animal-algal  association  and  sometimes  entering  it  are  the  isopods, 
Cyathura  sp..  Edotca  sp.,  and  Chiridotca  almyra  Bowman.  Of  these  only  CyatJiura 
sp.  was  ever  found  in  appreciable  numbers ;  however,  since  it  is  commonly  found  in 
densities  of  1000-1400  per  m.'J,  it  might  be  considered  to  be  the  dominant  form  in 
the  upper  reaches  of  Pocasset  River  where  the  cumaceans  live.  Often  the  am- 
pharetid  worm,  Hypaniola  gravi  Pettibone.  was  found  with  the  crustaceans  as  well 
as  the  spionid  worm,  Scolecolepides  riridis  (Yerrill),  which  is  present  in  largest 
numbers  during  the  warmer  months. 

The  only  vertebrates  regularly  found  with  the  cumacean  were  elvers  of  the 
American  eel,  Anguilla  rostrata  ( Le  Sueur).  Examination  of  stomachs  of  small 
eels  8-10  cm.  in  length  revealed  that  they  ate  cumaceans.  Other  fish  in  the  same 
locality  which  eat  small  crustaceans  and  might  well  feed  on  cumaceans  were  the 
killifish.  Fnndnlns  hctcroclitns  (L.),  the  four-spined  stickleback,  Apcltcs  qnadraciis 
(Mitchell),  and  some  small  clupeids  and  other  members  of  the  herring  family. 
The  black  duck  and  least  sandpiper  also  feed  in  the  area  where  the  cumaceans  live. 

In  all  months  of  the  year  except  March  the  cumaceans  are  dispersed,  with  only 
a  few  occurring  in  four-cubic  inch  cores  of  the  algal-detritus  layer.  In  March,  how- 
ever, as  many  as  50  were  found  in  a  sample  of  that  size.  Apparently  the  large 
increase  is  due  to  aggregation  rather  than  to  a  sudden  seasonal  increase  in  total 

In  1955  Bowman  described  the  type  habitat  for  the  estuarine  isopocl.  Chiridotca 
alinvni.  and  he  also  listed  the  invertebrates  living  in  association  with  it.  The  type 
locality  was  the  Edisto  River,  S.  C,  with  collections  having  similar  habitats  and 
associations  from  the  Ogeechee  River,  Ga.,  and  Haverstraw,  N.  Y.  Pocasset  River, 
because  it  possesses  a  very  similar  type  of  habitat  and  fauna,  may  represent  a  north- 
ern extension  of  the  same  type  of  tidal-marsh  community. 

It  is  well  known  that  a  number  of  species  of  Cumacea,  all  placed  in  the  Pseudo- 
cumidae,  occur  in  brackish  or  almost  fresh  water  in  the  Caspian  and  neighboring 
regions,  and  species  of  Cnniclla  have  been  found  with  other  forms  in  the  Black 
Sea  in  water  of  salinity  about  18-21  r/tc,  but  Aliiivracitina  pro.vimocnli  is  the  first 
member  of  the  Xannastacidae  to  be  found  in  water  of  such  low  salinity  as  exists  in 
its  habitat  at  low  tide.  A  few  other  species  of  Cumacea  have  been  found  in  brackish 
water  on  the  eastern  coast  of  North  America,  especially  in  Chesapeake  Bay.  in- 
cluding Mancocitina  altcra  Zimmer,  M.  stcllifcra  Zimmer.  Cyclaspis  pustitlata  Zim- 
mer.  C  .  ranatis  Caiman,  Lcncon  aiucricanns  Zimmer  and  Oxyurostylis  sinitJii  Cai- 
man (Zimmer,  1941  ),  but  these  are  all  placed  in  other  families. 

Acknowledgments.  For  photographs  of  the  Pocasset  River:  Airplane  view 
from  which  tracing  was  taken.  Mr.  Carlyle  Hayes  of  the  Woods  Hole  Oceanographic 
Institution,  and  the  type  location,  Dr.  Charles  Ray.  Jr..  Dept.  of  Biology,  Emory 
University.  For  the  identification  of  Crustacea.  Dr.  Thomas  E.  Bowman  of  the 

124  N.  S.  JONES  AND  W.  D.  BURBANCK 

Smithsonian  Institution,  U.  S.  National  Museum,  Dr.  Milton  A.  Miller,  Dept.  of 
Zoology,  University  of  California,  Dr.  Henry  Werntz,  The  Biological  Laboratories, 
Harvard  Universitv.  For  identification  of  the  pnlvchaete  worms.  Dr.  Marian 

.,  i 

Pettibone,  Dept.  of  Zoology,  University  of  Xe\v  Hampshire.  For  the  identification 
of  algae.  Dr.  A.  J.  Bernatowicz,  Dept.  of  Botany,  University  of  Hawaii. 


FiowMAN,  T.  E.,  1955.  The  isopod  genus  Chlridotca  Harger,  with  a  description  of  a  new 
species  from  brackish  water.  /.  Washington  Acad.  Sci.,  45:  224-229. 

HALE,  H.  M.,  1936.  Cumacea  from  a  South  Australian  reef.  Rcc.  S.  Australian  Mtix.,  5: 

HALE,  H.  M.,  1945.  Australian  Cumacea.  No.  9.  The  family  Xannastacidae.  Rec.  S.  Aus- 
tralian Mus.,  8:  145-2 IS. 

ZIMMER,  C.,  1941.  Cumacea,  in  H.  G.  Bronn's  Klassen  und  Ordnungen  des  Tierreichs,  5  (Aht. 
1,  Buch  4,  Teil  5)  :  1-222. 



The  Biological  Laboratories,  Kccd  College,  Portland,  Ore</on;  and  Marine  Biological 

Laboratory,  Woods  Hole,  Mass. 

Three  sets  of  pigments  are  generally  found  in  the  crustacean  retina,  where  they 
may  undergo  photomechanical  movements  under  control  of  nenrosecretory  hormones 
(Kleinholz,  1936;  \Yelsh,  1939;  Brown  ct  a!.,  1952,  1953).  The  di'stal  retinal 
pigment  and  the  so-called  proximal  pigment  of  the  retinnlar  cells  are  dark  pigments, 
presumed  to  be  melanins  or  ommochromes,  although  few  studies  have  been  made  of 
their  chemical  nature.  The  retinal  reflecting  pigment  has  been  called  guanine,  but 
this  identification  has  been  based  more  on  the  analogy  with  the  tapetal  pigment 
occurring  in  the  eyes  of  some  vertebrates  than  on  chemical  study  (Welsh,  1932; 
Kleinholz,  1936).  I  attempted,  a  score  of  years  ago,  to  examine  the  chemical 
nature  of  this  reflecting  pigment  of  the  crustacean  retina,  but,  beyond  gathering 
some  information  on  solubility  properties,  efforts  toward  more  specific  characteriza- 
tion proved  abortive  because  of  limited  amounts  of  available  material. 

Development  within  the  past  decade  of  techniques  for  isolation  and  examination 
of  small  amounts  of  biological  material  prompted  a  renewed  attempt  to  identify 
this  reflecting  material.  This  initial  study,  part  of  which  has  been  reported  in 
preliminary  form  (Kleinholz,  1955),  was  done  on  the  lobster,  Hoinan/s  amcricanns, 
and  the  chelicerate,  Liinuliis  f>ol\'[>Jicnnts. 


Eyestalks  of  Honiants  were  usually  removed  before  the  rest  of  the  animal  was 
turned  to  other  purposes.  The  eyes  of  Liiintlus,  together  with  adjacent  tissue,  were 
excised  from  animals  immobilized  by  bleeding.  Immediately  after  removal  the  eyes 
were  placed  in  95 %  ethanol  for  2  to  4  days  for  hardening,  after  which  the  retinas  of 
Homarus  were  cut  from  the  stalks  while,  in  Li in n I us,  the  extraneous  tissue  was 
dissected  away  from  the  eye.  The  ethanol  was  changed  frequently  until  no  more 
color  was  leached  from  the  retinas. 

Retinal  reflecting  pigment  in  Hoinanis  does  not  undergo  photomechanical 
changes  and  occurs  as  a  compact  layer  distal  to  the  fenestrated  basement  membrane, 
as  well  as  in  substantial  deposits  proximal  to  this  membrane  (Fig.  1).  Initially, 
the  reflecting  layer  was  exposed  by  removing  and  discarding  these  proximal  de- 
posits and  adjacent  tissue;  material  from  the  reflecting  layer  was  then  scraped  free 
in  ethanol  and  concentrated  by  centrifugation.  After  it  was  found  that  the  chroma- 
tographic  results  were  qualitatively  the  same,  these  deposits  of  reflecting  pigment 

1  These  studies  were  made  possible  by  a  grant-in-aid  from  the  American  Academy  of  Arts 
and  Sciences,  as  well  as  by  grants  from  the  National  Science  Foundation. 






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FIGURE  1.  All  the  photographs  are  of  a  longitudinal  section  through  the  eye  of  Homantx 
and  show  the  proximal  portion  of  the  retina.  The  bottom  of  each  figure  is  proximal  to  the 
body ;  the  top  of  the  figure  is  distal  from  the  body. 

FIGURE  1A.  Bright-field  illumination ;  the  proximal  pigment  and  the  layer  of  reflecting 
pigment  above  the  fenestrated  basement  membrane  surround  the  rhabdomes.  Granules  of 
both  proximal  pigment  and  reflecting  pigment  also  occur  below  the  basement  membrane,  but 
these  are  not  readily  distinguishable  from  each  other. 

FIGURE  IB.  Dark-field  illumination  of  the  same  region  seen  in  Figure  1A.  The  layer  of 
reflecting  pigment  distal  to  the  fenestrated  basement  membrane,  and  the  deposits  of  this 
pigment  proximal  to  the  basement  membrane  are  now  readily  evident.  Comparison  of  the 
distribution  patterns  of  the  pigments  below  the  basement  membrane  in  the  two  prints  permits 
some  differentiation  between  granules  of  reflecting  pigment  and  of  proximal  pigment. 

FIGURE  1C.  The  rectangular  region  marked  in  Figure  1A  shown  under  higher  magnification 
by  bright-field  illumination. 


proximal  to  the  basement  membrane  also  were  combined  with  the  scrapings  from 
the  reflecting  pigment  layer. 

In  the  case  of  Linntlus,  reflecting  pigment  is  located  distally  in  the  eye.  The 
intervening  retinal  melanin  was  exposed,  chipped  away  with  a  small  scalpel,  and 
discarded.  In  a  few  instances  most  of  this  retinal  melanin  was  dissolved  by  im- 
mersing the  eye  for  an  hour  in  ethylene  chlorohydrin  ;  the  treated  retinas  were  then 
washed  in  a  tew  changes  of  ethanol.  Either  of  these  methods  of  removing  the 
melanin  exposed  the  reflecting  pigment  which  was  then  scraped  free  and  concen- 
trated by  centrifugation.  Masses  of  white  material,  similar  in  appearance  to  the 
reflecting  pigment,  and  described  by  some  authors  as  "rudimentary  eyes,"  are 
closely  associated  anatomically  witli  the  lateral  and  median  eyes  of  Linnilits;  these, 
too,  were  removed  for  study. 

The  reflecting  pigments  and  associated  tissue  were  ground  and  extracted  from 
1  to  6  hours  in  a  micro-centrifuge  tube  with  0.1  ml.  per  retina  of  one  of  the  following 
alkaline  solutions:  \%  NaOH ;  \%  LiOH ;  0.5  N  NH4OH  ;  0.069r  Li,CO, ;  0.2  M 
borate  buffer  at  pH  9.2;  or  a  solution  of  50f/r  ethanol  containing  2%  NH4OH. 
The  tubes  were  centrifuged  and  samples  of  the  supernatant  solution  as  well  as 
samples  of  standard  purine  solutions  were  applied  with  a  micro-pipette  to  sheets  or 
strips  of  Whatman  No.  1  filter  paper  for  subsequent  chromatography  or  elec- 

Either  ascending  or  descending  development  was  used  with  a  wide  variety  of 
solvent  mixtures,  such  as  are  listed  by  Block,  Durrum  and  Zweig  (1955)  and  by 
Viscontini,  Schmid  and  Hadorn  (1955).  The  most  useful  solvent  systems  were: 
(1)  water-saturated  n-butanol: formic  acid  --  9:1  ;  (2)  pyridine:  ethyl  acetate  rwater 
:  4:3:3;  (3)  isoamyl  alcohol  saturated  with  5%  disodium  hydrogen  phosphate 
(with  a  layer  of  each  in  the  chromatography  chamber)  ;  (4)  water-saturated  col- 
lidine ;  (5)  3/c  aqueous  ammonium  chloride;  (6)  n-butanol:  acetic  acid :  water  = 
8:2:2,  followed  by  a  second  development  in  the  same  direction  with  acetone :n- 
butanol :  water  ==  8:1:1.  After  development  the  paper  was  dried  and  examined 
in  short-wave  ultraviolet  light  (  Mineralight  Model  Y-41  lamp,  manufactured  by 
Ultraviolet  Prod.  Inc.)  and  the  spots  outlined  with  pencil.  Tentative  identifica- 
tions of  the  components  of  the  reflecting  pigment  were  made  by  comparing  the 
distances  the  component  spots  migrated  with  the  distances  migrated  by  the  spots 
of  reference  standards.  Spots  developed  from  reflecting  pigment  were  cut  out  and 
eluted  in  0.1  N  NaOH  or  0.1  X  HC1.  The  identification  was  then  verified  by 
determining  the  ultraviolet  absorption  spectra  of  these  eluates  in  a  Beckman  spec- 
trophotometer  and  comparing  them  with  spectra  of  the  known  standards.  In  a 
large  number  of  cases  developed  chromatograms  were  also  treated  according  to  the 
method  of  Vischer  and  ChargafT  (1948)  whereby  purine  spots  are  made  visible  as 
a  black  mercuric  sulfide  complex.  The  latter  procedure  revealed  overlapping  or 
masking  of  components  when  the}-  occurred,  and  thus  indicated  need  for  develop- 
ment in  different  solvent  systems. 

Paper  electrophoresis  was   used   primarily   in   resolving  one   of  the  pteridines 

FIGURE  ID.  Dark-field  illumination  of  the  region  shown  in  Figure  1C.  Arrows  point 
to  granules  of  dark  proximal  pigment  intermingled  with  the  reflecting  pigment  layer.  Strands- 
of  reflecting  pigment  at  the  bottom  of  the  print  aid  in  recognizing  this  pigment  in  Figure  1C. 
m,  fenestrated  basement  membrane ;  />,  proximal  pigment ;  r,  reflecting  pigment ;  s,  rhabdome. 

128  L.  H.  KLEINHOLZ 

which  could  not  be  satisfactorily  separated  from  the  other  components  of  reflecting 
pigment  by  paper  chromatography.  Samples,  about  0.1  ml.  in  volume,  of  ethanol- 
ammonia  extract  of  lobster  retina  were  applied  to  paper  strips  which  were  then 
developed  at  375  volts  or  500  volts  for  18  to  20  hours  in  the  LKB  or  the  Spinco 
instrument.  The  buffer  was  0.04  M  boric  acid  and  0.01  M  borax  at  pH  8.6. 
After  the  strips  were  developed  and  dried,  the  blue-fluorescent  segments,  which  had 
migrated  toward  the  cathode,  were  cut  out  and  eluted  in  0.1  N  HC1  or  in  0.1  N 
NaOH  for  subsequent  spectrophotometry. 

Initial  studies  on  solubility  of  the  reflecting  pigment  of  Houiarns  were  made  on 
histological  sections  cut  at  10  microns  from  paraffin-embedded  retinas.  The 
mounted  sections  were  de-waxed  with  xylene  and  re-hydrated  before  testing  with 
the  various  solvents.  The  murexide  and  enzymatic  tests  were  made  on  small 
amounts  of  reflecting  pigment  which  had  been  removed  as  described.  The  methena- 
mine-silver  reaction  of  Gomori  (1952)  was  used  as  a  histochemical  test  for  uric 

A.     Nature  of  the  reflect! in/  pigment  of  Houiarns 

Reflecting  pigment  was  dissolved  from  sections  of  lobster  retina  within  30 
minutes  after  immersion  in  1  N  solutions  of  specific  acid  (hydrochloric,  acetic, 
nitric  or  sulfuric)  or  of  specific  alkali  (ammonium  hydroxide,  sodium  hydroxide, 
0.1  %  aqueous  solutions  of  sodium  carbonate  or  sodium  bicarbonate).  At  60°  C. 
the  reflecting  pigment  dissolves  within  an  hour  in  glycerine  or  ethylene  glycol  or 
ethylene  glycol  monoethyl  ether.  When,  however,  these  same  solvents  are  used  at 
room  temperature,  one  finds  little  visible  solution  in  glycerine,  partial  solution  in 
ethylene  glycol  monoethyl  ether,  and  complete  solution  in  ethylene  glycol.  The 
reflecting  pigment  is  partially  dissolved  from  sections  remaining  overnight  in  95% 
ethanol  but  showed  no  discernible  solution  in  absolute  ethanol.  These  solubilities 
differ  in  several  important  respects  from  those  reported  for  guanine  by  Millot 
(1923).  Thus,  according  to  Millot,  guanine  is  insoluble  in  ammonium  hydroxide 
or  acetic  acid,  whereas  the  reflecting  pigment  of  Hoinants  is  soluble  in  both  these 
solutions.  Gwilliam  (1950)  also  reports  solubilities  of  retinal  reflecting  pigment 
of  the  crab,  Hemigrapsus  oregonensis,  that  fail  to  agree  with  those  of  guanine. 

The  residue  obtained  by  evaporating  to  dryness  a  dilute  lithium  carbonate  extract 
of  Honianis  reflecting  pigment  gives  positive  murexide  but  negative  or  faint, 
dubiously-positive  Weidel  reactions.  Guanine,  uric  acid,  xanthine  and  its  methyl 
derivatives  give  positive  murexide  reactions  (Lison,  1936).  Millot  (1923)  reports 
that  guanine  and  xanthine,  but  not  uric  acid,  react  positively  to  the  Weidel  test ; 
adenine  and  hypoxanthine.  among  the  other  common  purines,  are  reported  to  give 
neither  murexide  nor  Weidel  reactions.  Comparison  of  these  reported  results 
with  the  findings  for  Houiarns  casts  doubt  on  the  reflecting  pigment's  being  guanine 
and  indicates,  instead,  that  the  reflecting  pigment  of  the  lobster  may  be  uric  acid. 

A  histochemical  test  depending  on  an  argentaffin  reaction  between  uric  acid  and 
methenamine-silver  (Gomori,  1952)  proved  positive  for  the  reflecting  pigment  of 
Hojnanis.  Argentaffin  reactions,  particularly  in  neutral  solution,  have  been  criti- 
cized (Lison,  1936)  because  positive  reactions  are  also  given  by  calcium  carbonate 
and  phosphate,  if  present.  In  this  study,  however,  exposure  of  sections  to  me- 


thenamine  during  incubation  is  supposed  to  bring  about  ready  solution  of  such 

More  specific  identification  of  uric  acid  in  the  reflecting  pigment  was  made  by 
paper  chromatographic  resolution  of  mixtures  after  incubation  with  uricase  (Nutri- 
tional Biochemicals  Corp.).  Preliminary  exploration  showed  that  1  to  5  ^gm.  of 
uric  acid  in  5  pi.  of  0.5^  lithium  carbonate  solution  are  detectable  when  the  n- 
butanol-formic  acid  solvent  system  and  the  Vischer-Chargaff  (1948)  visualization 
method  are  used.  Uric  acid  and  5  pi.  of  a  solution  containing  the  reflecting  pigment 
of  one  lobster  retina  in  0.1  ml.  showed  similar  Rf  indices  (0.14  to  0.17)  with  this 
same  solvent  system. 

The  reflecting  pigment  of  20  lobster  eyes,  dissolved  in  0.5  ml.  of  dilute  lithium 
carbonate  solution,  was  mixed  with  50  mg.  of  uricase,  0.5  ml.  of  0.05  M  borate  buffer 
at  pH  9.2,  and  0.5  ml.  of  toluene.  A  5-ju.l.  sample  of  this  mixture  was  removed  for 
application  to  paper  within  5  minutes  (zero  time).  This  mixture  was  gassed  with 
oxygen  and  incubated  at  38°  C.  Thereafter,  at  intervals  of  0.5,  1,  2,  4,  and  6 
hours,  5-pl.  aliquots  were  removed  and  applied  to  paper ;  a  5-/xgm.  sample  of  uric 
acid  to  serve  as  a  reference  standard  was  applied  to  the  same  sheet  of  paper  which 
was  then  developed  in  butanol-formic  acid  solvent.  Treatment  of  the  developed 
chromatogram  by  the  Vischer-Chargaff  method  revealed  the  purine  as  black  spots 
with  an  Rf  index  of  0.15  for  the  reference  standard  and  also  for  those  aliquots 
taken  at  0-,  0.5-  and  1-hour  intervals.  The  intensity  of  the  spots  decreased  with 
time  of  incubation  with  uricase.  The  sample  taken  after  2  hours  of  incubation 
showed  an  Rf  index  of  0.14  and  was  very  faint.  No  spots  were  present  for  the  4- 
hour  and  6-hour  samples.  Because  of  the  specificity  of  uricase  in  the  oxidation  of 
uric  acid,  these  results  may  be  considered  a  satisfactory  demonstration  of  the 
presence  of  uric  acid  in  the  retinal  reflecting  pigment  of  Hoinarus.  Examination 
of  these  chromatograms  revealed  an  additional  faint  spot  distal  to  each  of  the 
corresponding  retinal  uric  acid  spots ;  this  faint  spot  was  not  present  above  the  uric 
acid  standard.  The  possible  presence  of  other  purines  besides  uric  acid  was  in- 
dicated by  this  observation. 

This  possibility  was  explored  by  first  examining  chromatograms  developed 
in  butanol-formic  acid  solvent  in  ultraviolet  light,  and  then  using  the  mercuric 
nitrate-ammonium  sulfide  visualization  method  for  purines.  When  this  was  done, 
the  results  diagrammed  in  Figure  2  were  obtained  for  the  lobster.  The  diagram 
shows  the  presence  of  three  apparent  purines.  one  of  which  is  uric  acid,  and  two 
fluorescent  compounds.  For  subsequent  reference,  these  spots  are  labelled,  starting 
from  the  baseline  on  the  chromatogram,  as  Fluorescent  1,  Absorbent  1  (uric  acid). 
Fluorescent  2,  Absorbent  2,  and  Absorbent  3. 

B.     Further  identification  of  the  retinal  compounds 

The  two  fluorescent  compounds  of  the  reflecting  pigment  were  believed  to  be 
pteridines  which  have  been  reported  present  in  the  eyes  of  vertebrates  (Pirie  and 
Simpson.  1946;  Kama.  1953)  and  of  crustaceans  ( Busnel  and  Drilhon.  194S). 
After  chromatographic  development  of  retinal  pigment  samples  and  aliquots  of 
known  purines  and  xanthopterin  as  reference  standards  in  a  variety  of  solvent 
systems,  the  Rf  indices  of  the  components  were  compared.  In  this  wav,  four  of 
the  five  spots  of  Figure  2  were  identified  :  Absorbent  1  is  uric  acid  :  Fluorescent  2  is 



xanthopterin ;  Absorbent  2  is  xanthine ;  and  Absorbent  3  is  hypoxanthine.  The 
linear  sequence  of  the  spots,  starting  from  the  baseline  on  the  chromatogram,  may 
vary  strikingly  with  different  solvent  systems  (Fig.  3).  Advantage  was  taken  of 
this  property  to  make  the  final  verification  of  the  above-mentioned  identifications. 
Well-resolved  spots,  not  masked  or  overlapped  by  other  components,  were  cut  out, 
eluted  in  0.1  N  HC1,  and  the  absorption  spectrum  of  the  eluate  determined.  The 

AB  3 

AB  2 

FL  2 

AB  I 
FL   I 





FIGURE  2.  Tracing  of  a  chromatogram  of  retinal  reflecting  pigment  of  Hotnarus,  developed 
in  butanol-formic  acid  solvent.  The  resolved  spots  were  first  outlined  in  ultraviolet  light 
and  then  were  treated  to  make  the  purine  spots  visible ;  the  broken  lines  indicate  boundaries 
made  evident  after  this  latter  treatment.  The  size  of  the  sample  applied  to  the  paper  is 
given  in  microliters.  The  labels  to  the  left  identify  and  describe  the  appearance  of  the  spots 
in  ultraviolet  light :  FL,  fluorescent ;  AB,  absorbent.  See  text. 

maxima  of  the  spectra  obtained  for  spots  identified  as  uric  acid,  xanthine,  and 
hypoxanthine  corresponded  with  those  reported  by  Borough  and  Seaton  (1954). 
The  absorption  spectrum  of  the  retinal  component  identified  by  Rf  index  as 
xanthopterin  was  determined  after  similar  elution  from  a  chromatogram  developed 
in  butanol-formic  acid  solvent.  This  is  compared  with  the  spectrum  obtained  from 
eluates  of  xanthopterin  used  as  a  reference  standard  on  a  paper  chromatogram 





RF  -30 






n  o 









U       XP      XA       H 







U       XP      XA       H 













U       XP       XA       H 






0    0 


0    0 



U       XP      XA       H 

FIGURE  3.  Diagrams  showing  the  tentative  identification  of  four  of  the  five  components 
of  the  reflecting  pigment  of  Homanis  arrived  at  by  comparing  the  Ri  indices  of  the  components 
with  those  of  reference  standards.  The  solvent  system  is  indicated  on  each  diagram.  Broken 
lines  represent  the  boundaries  of  components  not  evident  on  examination  in  ultraviolet  light 
but  which  became  visible  after  formation  of  the  mercuric  sulfide  complex.  L,  reflecting  pig- 
ment of  Homarus;  U,  uric  acid;  XP,  xanthopterin ;  XA,  xanthine ;  H,  hypoxanthine. 

(Fig.  4).  The  maxima  of  the  reference  xanthopterin  at  230  m^,  259  m/x,  and  355 
m/A  agree  with  the  maxima  reported  for  xanthopterin  by  Elion  and  Hitchings 
(1947).  The  spectrum  of  xanthopterin  from  the  retina  shows  similar  maxima  at 
231  m/ji,  261  m/i,,  and  355  m/*.,  although  the  geometry  of  the  retinal  spectrum  differs 
somewhat  from  that  of  the  reference  standard.  The  basis  of  this  difference  is  not 




-    .3 











4  0  Omp 

FIGURE  4.  Absorption  spectra  of  reference  xanthopterin  (upper  curve)  eluted  from  paper 
chromatogram  and  of  Fluorescent  2  component  (lower  curve)  from  reflecting  pigment  of 


300  350 



4  5  Omp 

FIGURE  5.  Absorption  spectra  of  unidentified  Fluorescent  1  component  of  lobster  reflecting 
pigment.  Upper  curve  is  the  eluate  from  the  paper  in  0.1  N  NaOH;  lower  curve  is  the 
eluate  in  0.1  N  HC1. 


C.  The  unidentified  fluorescent  component 

There  remains  to  be  considered  the  unidentified  component  of  Homarns  reflect- 
ing pigment  labelled  Fluorescent  1  in  Figure  2.  The  rarity  of  many  pure  pteridines 
limited  the  number  available  for  use  as  chromatographic  standards ;  the  Rf  indices 
of  the  few  pteridines  used  for  this  purpose  failed  to  give  a  satisfactory  match  with 
the  index  for  Fluorescent  1  in  a  variety  of  solvent  systems.  Attempts  to  isolate 
this  component  in  sufficient  concentration  for  subsequent  spectrophotometry,  as 
was  done  with  the  other  retinal  components,  were  generally  frustrated  by  con- 
tamination due  to  streaking  or  tailing  of  the  other  constituents. 

Fluorescent  1  was  finally  isolated  by  paper  electrophoresis,  and  was  eluted  in 
0.1  N  HC1  or  in  0.1  N  NaOH,  as  described  in  Methods.  The  absorption  spectrum 
of  the  eluate  in  acid  showed  maxima  at  245  m/A  and  353  m/j,;  in  alkali,  these  maxima 
were  shifted  to  255  mp.  and  390  m/i  (Fig.  5). 

D.  Specific  localization  within  the  retina 

It  cannot  be  stated  with  complete  certainty  in  which  part  of  the  lobster  retina 
the  five  purines  and  pteridines  are  specifically  localized.  The  evidence  described 
above  indicates  that  uric  acid  is  most  probably  a  component  of  the  reflecting  layer 
of  retinal  pigment,  as  may  also  be  the  two  other  purines,  xanthine  and  hypoxanthine. 
The  two  pteridines  may  be  more  widely  distributed  among  the  retinal  components. 
Busnel  and  Drilhon  (1948)  found  several  substances,  detectable  by  fluorescence 
microscopy,  in  the  crustacean  retina.  These  fluorescent  materials  not  only  are 
closely  associated  with  the  proximal  pigment  but  also  occur  in  the  regions  of  the 
reflecting  and  distal  pigments. 

It  is  apparent  from  Figure  1  (C  and  D)  that,  although  most  of  the  proximal 
pigment  in  light-adapted  retinas  has  migrated  distal  to  the  reflecting  pigment 
layer,  proximal  pigment  granules  still  remain  intermingled  with  and  below  this 
layer.  The  preparation  of  reflecting  pigment  for  chromatography  unavoidably  in- 
cluded some  of  these  proximal  pigment  granules.  However,  chromatography  of 
preparations  of  reflecting  pigment,  previously  washed  with  ethylene  chlorohydrin 
to  remove  the  traces  of  dark  proximal  pigment,  showed  the  presence  of  the  two 
pteridines  obtained  with  untreated  reflecting  pigment.  Thus,  while  the  above  ob- 
servations are  presumptive  evidence  for  localization  of  the  pteridines  in  the  reflecting 
pigment,  the  possibility  of  their  occurring  also  in  the  other  retinal  pigments  cannot 
be  excluded. 

E.  Retinal  reflecting  pigment  in  Limuliis 

Reflecting  pigment  from  the  lateral  and  median  eyes  of  Limulus  was  obtained 
as  described  under  Methods.  The  deposits  of  white  material  of  so-called  rudimen- 
tary eyes,  located  in  the  postero-medial  region  of  each  lateral  eye,  as  well  as  similar 
material  associated  with  the  median  eyes,  were  dissected  free.  Each  of  these  was 
dissolved  separately  in  0.5%  NaOH.  Samples  of  the  solutions  were  applied  to 
paper  and  developed,  along  with  a  series  of  purine  reference  standards.  The  solvent 
systems  were  butanol-formic  acid ;  water-saturated  collidine ;  and  butanol-water- 
morpholine-diethylene  glycol.  Examination  of  the  chromatogram  in  ultraviolet  light 
generally  revealed  a  single  quenching  spot  whose  Rf  index  was  the  same  as  that 

134  L.  H.  KLEINHOLZ 

of  guanine.  A  faintly  bluish-fluorescing  spot  was  also  evident  in  one  case  but  was 
not  observable  in  any  of  the  other  chromatograms.  Chromatograms  treated  by  the 
Vischer-Chargaff  method  confirm  the  coincidence  of  Rf  indices  for  the  reference 
guanine  and  reflecting  pigment  from  lateral,  median,  and  rudimentary  eyes. 

The  spots  quenching  ultraviolet  light,  obtained  with  reflecting  pigment  from  a 
lateral  eye,  were  cut  from  a  chromatogram  developed  in  butanol-formic  acid  and 
were  eluted  overnight  in  1%  NaOH.  The  spectrum  of  this  eluate  had  a  maximum 
at  275  m/x,  in  agreement  with  that  reported  by  Hotchkiss  (1948)  for  guanine. 

I  am  indebted  to  Profs.  C.  M.  Williams  and  J.  H.  Welsh  for  helpful  suggestions 
and  critical  comments  on  the  manuscript. 


1 .  The  chemical  nature  of  the  retinal  reflecting  pigment  was  studied  in  Homarus 
and  in  Limulus.     In  crustaceans  the  reflecting  pigment  has  been  thought  to  be 
guanine,  but  the  solubility  and  chemical  properties  of  this  pigment  from  Homarus 
do  not  agree  with  those  for  guanine. 

2.  Use  of  paper  chromatographic  methods  shows  the  presence  of  five  substances 
in  the  reflecting  pigment  of  Homarus,  three  of  which  are  absorbent  or  quenching 
in  ultraviolet  light  and  two  of  which  are  fluorescent. 

3.  Histochemical   treatment   with   methenamine-silver   and    incubation    studies 
with  uricase  identify  one  of  the  three  ultraviolet-absorbent  compounds  as  uric  acid. 
Comparisons  of  Rf  indices  of  the  other  two  ultraviolet-absorbent  compounds  with 
those  of  reference  purines  show  them  to  be  xanthine  and  hypoxanthine.     Identifica- 
tions of  all  three  were  verified  by  determining  the  ultraviolet  absorption  spectra  of 
the  retinal  purines  eluted  from  paper  chromatograms. 

4.  One  of  the  two  fluorescent  components  of  Homarus  reflecting  pigments  is 
xanthopterin,  identified  both  by  its  Rf  indices  after  chromatographic  development 
in  a  variety  of  solvent  systems,  and  by  its  absorption  spectrum.     The  second  fluores- 
cent compound,  probably  a  pteridine,  has  not  been  identified,  but  its  absorption 
spectrum  shows  maxima  at  245  mju,  and  353  m/*  in  0.1  N  HC1 ;  in  alkali  these 
maxima  are  shifted  to  255  m/t  and  390  m/i. 

5.  Retinal  reflecting  pigment  from  Limulus  is  guanine. 


BLOCK,  R.  J.,  E.  L.  DURRUM  AND  G.  ZWEIG,  1955.     A  Manual  of  Paper  Chromatography  and 

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DOROUGH,  G.  D.,  AND  D.  L.  SEATON,  1954.     A  method  for  the  extraction  and  assay  of  nucleic 

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Chem.  Soc.,  69 :  2553-2555. 
GOMORI,  G.,   1952.     Microscopic  Histochemistry.     Univ.   of  Chicago   Press.     Chicago.     273  pp. 


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DC  part  in  cut  of  Zoology,  Cornel!   University,  Ithaca,  .Yrrc   York 

The  respiration  of  most  organisms  is  inhibited  in  large  measure  by  carbon 
monoxide.  This  indicates  that  cytochrome  oxidase  is  the  main  terminal  enzyme 
in  electron  transfer  (Warburg,  1949;  Keilin  and  Slater,  1953).  But  as  is  well 
known  to  students  of  insect  physiology,  the  respiration  of  many  diapausing  insects 
is  remarkably  insensitive  to  cyanide,  carbon  monoxide,  and  other  inhibitors  of 
cytochrome  oxidase.  The  significance  of  this  insensitivity  was  recently  discussed 
by  Harvey  and  Williams  (1958a,  1958b)  as  a  result  of  studies  on  the  heart  of 
diapausing  pupae  of  the  Cecropia  and  Polyphemus  silkworms.  Quite  independently 
we  have  carried  out  a  detailed  study  of  another  aspect  of  this  phenomenon  (Kurland, 
1957).  Our  attention  has  centered,  not  on  a  single  organ  such  as  the  heart,  but 
on  the  respiration  of  the  whole  insect.  These  two  investigations  prove  complemen- 
tary in  the  analysis  of  the  problem  as  a  whole. 

Carbon  monoxide-insensitive  respiration  in  insects  was  first  detected  by  Bodine 
and  Boell  (1934a,  1934b)  who  reported  that  the  oxygen  consumption  of  diapausing 
eggs  of  the  grasshopper  Mclanoplus  was  not  inhibited  by  carbon  monoxide.  Later, 
Allen  (1940)  showed  that  the  cytochrome  c  oxidase  activity  of  these  diapausing  eggs 
was  high,  despite  the  insensitivity  of  their  respiration  to  both  carbon  monoxide  and 
cyanide.  He  concluded  (p.  162)  that  the  "rates  of  oxygen  consumption  of  pre- 
diapause,  diapause,  and  very  early  post-diapause  eggs  are  independent  of  the  relative 
amounts  of  cytochrome  oxidase."  An  important  clue  to  the  reconciliation  of  the 
CO-insensitivity  of  diapausing  Melanoplus  eggs  with  the  simultaneous  presence  of 
cytochrome  oxidase  was  provided  by  Bodine  and  Boell  (1936,  1938).  They  dis- 
covered that  2,4-dinitrophenol  (DNP)  increased  the  respiration  of  diapausing  eggs 
and  that  this  increased  respiration  was  inhibited  by  carbon  monoxide  and  cyanide. 
Unfortunately,  the  significance  of  this  observation  could  not  be  fully  comprehended 
because  the  mechanism  of  DNP  action  was  not  explained  until  a  decade  later 
(Loomis  and  Lipmann,  1948). 

As  the  result  of  an  intensive  investigation  of  the  CO-insensitivity  of  pupal  res- 
piration in  the  giant  silkworm  Hyalophora  cccropia,  Schneiderman  and  Williams 
(1952,  1954a,  1954b)  concluded  that  the  cytochrome  c  oxidase  system  was  not 
functioning  in  most  tissues  of  the  diapausing  pupa,  although  it  functioned  at  all  other 

1This  study  was  aided  by  Grant  H-1887  from  the  National  Heart  Institute,  U.  S.  Public 
Health  Service.  Several  of  the  experiments  were  drawn  from  a  thesis  submitted  in  partial 
fulfillment  of  the  requirements  for  the  degree  of  Bachelor  of  Arts  with  Honors  in  Zoology 
from  Cornell  University. 

2  Present  address :  Biological  Laboratories,  Harvard  University,  Cambridge  38,  Massa- 



stages  in  the  life  history.  Their  arguments  have  recently  been  summarized  (Lees, 
1956;  Schneiderman.  1957).  They  suggested  that  pupal  respiration  was  mediated 
by  an  autoxidizable  flavoprotein  or  a  heme-containing  enzyme  insensitive  to  carbon 
monoxide.  This  explanation  was  supported  by  the  observations  of  Shappirio  and 
Williams  (1953),  Shappirio  (1954),  and  Pappenheimer  and  Williams  (1953, 
1954)  who  reported  the  existence  of  a  new  autoxidizable  cytochrome  component  (e 
or  b5)  in  Cecropia  pupae.  Also,  Chefurka  and  Williams  (1952)  reported  an  in- 
creased amount  of  flavoprotein  in  pupal  tissues.  However,  there  was  no  evidence 
to  indicate  that  the  new  cytochrome  or  the  flavoprotein  functioned  as  a  terminal 
oxidase  in  the  pupal  respiratory  chain. 

The  experiments  reported  here  continue  these  earlier  studies  and  were 
prompted,  in  part,  by  recent  advances  in  our  understanding  of  electron  transfer  in 
the  cytochrome  system  (cj.  review  by  Chance  and  Williams,  1956).  We  examined 
the  effects  on  respiration  of  two  inhibitors  of  cytochrome  oxidase,  carbon  monoxide 
and  sodium  azide,  and  also  of  antimycin  A,  a  potent  inhibitor  of  the  DPNH-cyto- 
chrome  c  reductase  system.  In  addition  we  studied  the  effects  of  2,4-dinitrophenol 
which  dissociates  phosphorylation  from  oxidation.  It  was  hoped  that  a  study  of  the 
action  of  these  rather  specific  inhibitors  on  pupae  in  various  metabolic  states  might 
permit  a  decisive  definition  of  the  terminal  oxidase  of  diapausing  pupae.  This  ob- 
jective has  been  achieved.  The  results  of  the  present  study,  coupled  with  the  re- 
cent findings  of  Harvey  and  Williams  (1958b),  have  enabled  us  to  identify  this 
oxidase  as  cytochrome  oxidase  and  thus  contradict  earlier  conclusions.  The  ex- 
periments also  reveal  some  new  biochemical  peculiarities  of  the  diapause  condition. 


1.  Experimental  animals 

Diapausing  pupae  of  Hyalophora  (Platysaniia)  cecropia  (4to6gm.),  Callosamia 
promethea  (li/^  to  2y2  gm.),  Samia  cynthia  (iy2  to  3VL>  gm.)  and  Antheraea 
(Telca)  polyphcinus  (4  to  6  gm.)  were  used  as  experimental  animals.  In  our 
experience  diapausing  pupae  of  these  four  species  of  closely  related  saturniid  moths 
behave  in  virtually  identical  fashion  in  respiration  experiments  and  hence  we  have 
used  them  interchangeably.  The  animals  were  reared  under  field  conditions  or 
collected  in  nature  and  were  stored  at  25°  C.  for  a  minimum  of  four  months  before 
use  in  experiments.  One  group  of  Cynthia  and  Promethea  pupae  was  maintained 
at  5°  C.  for  several  months  and  then  returned  to  25°  C.,  whereupon  their  brains 
were  removed.  This  brain  removal  put  the  pupae  in  a  state  of  permanent  diapause 
(Williams.  1946)  and,  after  three  months  at  25°  C..  these  animals  behaved  in  experi- 
ments like  normal  unchilled  diapausing  pupae.  Only  pupae  displaying  a  relatively 
constant  respiratory  rate  over  a  period  of  at  least  six  hours  were  used  in  experi- 
ments. Also,  since  it  was  shown  by  Schneiderman  and  Williams  (1954a)  that 
cellular  respiration  of  the  pupal  abdominal  muscles  is  mediated  by  cytochrome  oxi- 
dase, pupae  showing  excessive  muscular  activity  were  excluded. 

2.  Measurement  of  respiration 

The  present  investigation  is  based  on  more  than  2000  respiratory  measurements 
performed  on  about  500  pupae.  Rates  of  oxygen  consumption  were  determined 


manometrically  according  to  techniques  described  previously  (Schneiderman  and 
Williams,  1953a).  Measurements  were  carried  out  in  50-cc.  vessels  equipped  with 
venting  plugs  and  adapters  for  use  with  standard  Warburg  manometers. 

3.  Gas  mixtures 

In  some  experiments,  pupae  were  exposed  to  various  gas  mixtures  while  enclosed 
in  the  Warburg  vessels.  Commercial  gases  were  purified  and  gas  mixtures  pre- 
pared and  analyzed  by  methods  described  previously  (Scheiderman  and  Williams, 
1954a).  All  of  the  experiments  were  performed  at  atmospheric  pressure.  The 
vessels  were  periodically  re-flushed  during  the  course  of  the  experiments,  a  maneuver 
which  prevented  any  significant  reduction  of  oxygen  tension  within  the  vessels. 
Appropriate  control  vessels  were  run  in  all  experiments  to  take  into  account  the 
manometric  effect  of  reactions  between  carbon  monoxide  and  the  alkali. 

4.  Reagents 

Sodium  azide  and  2,4-dinitrophenol  were  reagent  grade.  Crystalline  antimycin 
A,  obtained  from  the  Wisconsin  Alumni  Research  Foundation,  was  dissolved  in 
aqueous  ethanol.  The  final  dilutions  of  antimycin  A  injected  into  the  pupae  were 
uniformly  in  1%  ethanol  solutions. 

Previous  to  injection,  the  pupae  were  anesthetized  with  carbon  dioxide.  In  our 
experience  the  respiration  of  diapausing  pupae  is  not  significantly  affected  by  thirty 
minutes  of  carbon  dioxide  anesthesia.  Approximately  0.1  cc.  of  solution  was  in- 
jected via  a  26-gauge  needle  into  each  pupa.  The  final  concentrations  within  the 
animal  were  calculated  on  the  basis  of  a  pupal  water  content  of  70  per  cent.  Res- 
piration was  measured  for  a  minimum  of  three  hours  after  injection. 

5.  Interpretation  of  inhibitor  experiments 

The  act  of  piercing  merely  the  skin  of  a  diapausing  pupa  with  a  fine  hypodermic 
needle  causes  a  prompt  stimulation  of  respiration  for  several  hours.  This  is  followed 
by  a  subsequent  slow  rise  in  respiration — injury  respiration  (Schneiderman  and 
Williams,  1953a,  1953b).  Hence  in  interpreting  inhibitor  experiments,  it  is  neces- 
sary to  separate  the  effects  of  injury  from  those  of  the  chemical  injected  (Scheider- 
man and  Williams,  1954a).  This  can  best  be  accomplished  by  comparing  experi- 
mental pupae  with  control  pupae  injected  with  a  corresponding  volume  of  the 
solvent  used,  e.g.,  1  %  ethyl  alcohol,  distilled  water,  etc.  Furthermore,  it  is  simplest 
to  make  comparisons  soon  after  injection,  before  injury  respiration  increases  to 
high  levels  and  possibly  before  the  injected  chemical  is  detoxified  or  otherwise 
metabolized.  In  most  of  the  inhibitor  experiments  to  be  reported,  the  pupae  had  a 
very  low  basal  metabolic  rate  and  simple  injection  commonly  doubled  their  oxygen 

6.  Injury 

Pupae  were  anesthetized  with  carbon  dioxide.  Injuries  were  made  either  by 
removing  a  rectangle  of  pupal  cuticle  and  underlying  hypodermis  from  the  face  or 
by  excising  the  pupal  legs.  The  wounds  were  then  covered  with  plastic  windows 
sealed  in  place  with  paraffin.  A  few  crystals  of  streptomycin  sulfate  and  phenyl- 


thiourea  (a  1:1  mixture)  were  placed  in  the  wounds  to  prevent  infection  and  to 
prevent  darkening  of  the  blood  by  tyrosinase  (Williams,  1952;  Schneiderman  and 
Williams,  1953a). 

1.  Diapause  respiration 

A.  The  development  of  CO -insensitive  respiration  after  pupation 

The  effects  of  carbon  monoxide  on  the  respiration  of  newly  pupated  Cecropia 
silkworms  were  observed  at  intervals  over  a  ten-day  period.  The  pupae  were  ex- 
posed first  to  a  nitrogen-oxygen  mixture  and  then  to  a  carbon  monoxide-oxygen 
mixture.  The  results,  as  well  as  details  of  the  procedure,  are  recorded  in  Table  I. 
As  the  pupae  aged  they  exhibited  a  gradual  decrease  in  their  respiratory  rate  which 

The  development  of  CO-insensitive  respiration  in  four  newly  molted  Cecropia  pupae* 

Respiration  in 

Age  after  pupation  nitrogen  mixture  %  insensitive 

(hrs.)  (mm.3/gm./hr.)  respiration 

5  34  59 

29  26  49 

197  7  92 

6  37  51 

30  28  69 

198  7  86 

19  26  47 

43  25  74 

211  7  80 

19  26  57 

43  23  55 

211  10  80 

*  Pupae  were  exposed  for  three  hours  to  an  atmosphere  of  6  per  cent  oxygen  and  94  per  cent 
nitrogen,  and  then  for  three  hours  to  an  atmosphere  of  6  per  cent  oxygen  and  94  per  cent  carbon 
monoxide.  To  calculate  per  cent  insensitive  respiration,  oxygen  consumption  in  the  carbon 
monoxide  mixture  was  compared  to  oxygen  consumption  in  the  nitrogen  mixture. 

was  accompanied  by  a  marked  decrease  in  the  fraction  of  respiration  sensitive  to 
carbon  monoxide.  Thus  while  immediately  after  pupation  half  their  respiration  was 
inhibited  by  carbon  monoxide,  200  hours  later  less  than  20  per  cent  was  CO-sensitive. 

B.  The  CO-insensitiz'ity  of  respiration  of  diapausing  pupae 

Figure  1  records  the  per  cent  of  CO-insensitive  respiration  for  a  large  number 
of  pupae  with  different  basal  rates  of  oxygen  consumption.  The  data  show  that  as 
oxygen  consumption  increases,  respiration  becomes  increasingly  sensitive  to  carbon 
monoxide.  However,  it  is  of  special  interest  that  even  when  carbon  monoxide  in- 
hibited the  respiration  of  diapausing  pupae  it  rarely  inhibited  more  than  20  per 
cent  of  their  total  respiration,  and  for  pupae  whose  basal  respiration  was  between 
15  and  20  mm.3/gm.  live  wt./hr.,  the  respiration  appeared  to  be  unaffected  by  car- 
bon monoxide.  It  is  also  noteworthy  that  carbon  monoxide  appeared  to  stimulate 



the  respiration  or  at  least  the  gas  uptake  of  pupae  whose  basal  oxygen  consumption 
was  less  than  15  mm.3/gm.  live  wt./hr.  We  have  duplicated  these  results  in  numer- 
ous experiments  with  Cynthia,  Polyphemus  and  Promethea  pupae.  In  all  cases  the 
apparent  stimulation  was  greatest  for  pupae  with  low  basal  respiratory  rates  and 
possible  explanations  for  this  phenomenon  will  be  offered  in  the  Discussion.  But 

soo  r 


jl  400 



E   300 




120  r 

<  100 





S     40 




c?  20 


C < 

10  20  30  40 

02     CONSUMPTION     (MM3/GM.    LIVE     WT./HR.) 





TO    (£ 



60    £ 




50    o 

02  TENSION     AS    7.    OF     I    ATMOSPHERE 

FIGURE  1  (left).  The  CO-insensitivity  of  pupal  respiration  as  a  function  of  basal  O2  con- 
sumption. CO/Os  ratio  =  19:1.  The  oxygen  tension  was  5%  in  both  CO  and  N2  mixtures. 
The  gas  exchange  of  18  diapausing  Cynthia  pupae  was  measured  first  in  the  N2  mixture  and 
then  in  the  CO  mixture.  The  per  cent  of  CO-insensitive  respiration  is  plotted  against  the 
respiration  in  the  N2  mixture. 

FIGURE  2  (right).  The  CO-sensitivity  of  pupal  respiration  at  reduced  O2  tensions.  The 
average  O2  consumption  of  four  brainless  Promethea  pupae  whose  average  O»  consumption  in 
air  was  33  mm.3/gm.  live  wt./hr.  is  recorded  at  each  successive  O2  tension  in  the  O2-N?  mix- 
tures. Similarly  the  average  O2  consumption  of  five  other  pupae,  whose  average  O2  consumption 
in  air  was  27  mm.3/gm-  live  wt./hr.,  is  recorded  at  each  O2  tension  in  the  O2-CO-N2  mix- 
tures. The  rate  of  respiration  in  each  gas  mixture  is  expressed  as  per  cent  of  basal  rate  in 
air.  The  CO/Oa  ratio  was  kept  constant  at  19:1  by  adding  appropriate  amounts  of  N2  to 
the  O2-CO  mixture.  The  right-hand  vertical  axis  records  the  per  cent  of  CO-insensitive 
respiration.  Oxygen  consumption  decreased  at  tensions  below  2%  and  this  so  complicated 
measurements  of  CO  inhibition  that  values  for  O2  tensions  below  2%  could  not  be  calculated. 
The  average  weight  of  the  pupae  was  2  grams. 

for  the  present,  suffice  it  to  note  that  in  the  presence  of  carbon  monoxide  the  gas 
uptake  of  pupae  which  have  low  respiratory  rates  in  air  is  markedly  increased  and 
that  this  fact  complicates  studies  of  carbon  monoxide  inhibition  on  these  animals. 

C.  The  CO-sensitivity  of  pupal  respiration  at  reduced  oxygen  tensions 

In  the  following  experiment  the  CO-sensitivity  of  the  respiration  of  a  group  of 
Promethea  pupae  was  measured  at  oxygen  tensions  ranging  from  5  to  2  per  cent 
of  an  atmosphere.  The  results  summarized  in  the  lower  curve  in  Figure  2  disclose 


that  at  low  oxygen  tensions  pupal  respiration  becomes  sensitive  to  carbon  monoxide. 
As  the  figure  reveals,  pupal  respiration  was  not  depressed  by  low  oxygen  alone  down 
to  2  per  cent.  In  sharp  contrast  to  this  insensitivity  of  respiration  to  low  oxygen 
tensions  in  the  nitrogen-oxygen  mixtures,  the  respiration  in  19:1  CO/O2  remained 
constant  only  between  5  and  4  per  cent  oxygen  and  then  progressively  decreased 
as  the  oxygen  tension  decreased.  In  other  words,  at  low  oxygen  tensions  pupal 
respiration  is  inhibited  by  carbon  monoxide.  These  observations  suggest  that  cyto- 
chrome  oxidase  is  functioning  at  all  times  in  the  diapausing  pupa  but  at  higher 
oxygen  tensions  its  CO-sensitivity  is  in  some  manner  masked.  A  similar  experi- 
ment performed  on  Cynthia  pupae  yield  substantially  the  same  results. 

The  cause  of  the  slight  stimulation  of  respiration  shown  in  the  figure  in  nitrogen- 
oxygen  mixtures  containing  2  per  cent  oxygen  or  more  is  unknown.  In  1  per  cent 
oxygen  respiration  fell  to  about  85  per  cent  of  the  basal  rate.  It  is  significant  that 
these  measurements  were  conducted  on  Promethea  pupae  less  than  one  half  the 
size  of  Cecropia  pupae  used  by  Schneiderman  and  Williams  (1954a)  in  an  experi- 
ment appraising  the  effect  of  oxygen  tension  on  pupal  respiration.  They  reported 
that  the  respiration  of  Cecropia  pupae  decreased  when  oxygen  tension  fell  below 
5  per  cent.  These  contrasting  results  are  explained  by  the  fact  that  in  the  larger 
Cecropia  pupae  the  diffusion  distances  are  greater  than  in  Promethea  pupae.  There- 
fore, the  actual  tension  of  oxygen  within  the  pupal  tissues  is  probably  less  for  large 
pupae  than  small  ones.  As  a  result,  the  respiration  of  large  pupae  is  limited  at 
oxygen  tensions  which  do  not  affect  the  respiration  of  small  pupae. 

D.  The  effects  of  sodium  azide  and  antimycin  A  on  pupal  respiration 

Three  groups  of  five  diapausing  Cynthia  pupae,  whose  average  basal  respiration 
was  15.4  mm.3/gm.  live  wt./hr.,  were  injected  with  sodium  azide  to  internal  con- 
centrations of  10~5  M,  10"4  M,  and  5  X  10~4  M.  The  average  respiration  of  these 
pupae  on  the  day  of  injection  was  indistinguishable  from  the  respiration  of  five  con- 
trol pupae  injected  with  water.  Since  azide  is  an  extremely  soluble  small  molecule, 
it  is  doubtful  that  impermeability  is  responsible  for  this  insensitivity.  Pupal  res- 
piration is  thus  relatively  insensitive  to  azide  as  well  as  to  carbon  monoxide. 

In  a  similar  experiment,  the  effects  of  antimycin  A  on  respiration  were  examined 
in  fifteen  Cynthia  pupae  whose  average  basal  respiration  was  13.3  mm.3/gm.  live 
wt./hr.  A  control  group  of  five  received  a  1  per  cent  ethyl  alcohol  solution,  a  second 
group  received  antimycin  A  to  an  internal  concentration  of  10~7  M  and  the  third 
group  received  antimycin  A  to  a  final  concentration  of  10~6  M.  Injecting  the  1  per 
cent  ethyl  alcohol  had  exactly  the  same  effect  as  injecting  distilled  water  and 
promptly  doubled  the  respiration.  Compared  with  the  ethyl  alchol  control,  10~7 
antimycin  A  inhibited  respiration  about  20  per  cent  and  10~6  M  about  30  per  cent. 
Similar  concentrations  of  antimycin  A  commonly  cause  much  higher  inhibitions  in 
other  organisms  and  the  respiration  of  the  diapausing  pupa  may  be  considered 
relatively  insensitive  to  this  potent  inhibitor  of  the  cytochrome  c  reductase  system. 

2.  DNP-stimulated  respiration 
A.  The  stimulatory  effect  of  DNP 

An  important  clue  to  the  nature  of  the  oxidative  pathways  of  diapausing  pupae 
was  uncovered  in  1955  by  Harvey  and  Shappirio  (unpublished  observations)  who 



discovered  that  DNP  stimulated  the  respiration  of  diapausing  Cecropia  pupae  and 
that  this  respiration  was  CO-sensitive.  This  result,  which  they  generously  shared 
with  us,  agreed  with  the  earlier  observations  of  Bodine  and  Boell  noted  in  the 
Introduction,  and  suggested  to  us  a  number  of  experiments  using  DNP. 

A  series  of  Cynthia  pupae  were  injected  with  DNP  to  internal  concentrations 
ranging  from  5  X  10~4  M  to  10~5  M.     Figure  3  records  the  average  initial  stimula- 




ct    800 



O    600 

o  40° 


8    200 




01  2345 


FIGURE  3  (left).  The  effect  of  several  concentrations  of  DNP  on  the  respiration  of  dia- 
pausing pupae.  Five  Cynthia  pupae  received  injections  of  DNP  to  an  internal  concentration 
of  5  X  10~*  M,  four  received  10~4  M,  four  received  5  X  10"B  M,  four  received  10~B  M,  and  a 
control  group  of  four  received  distilled  water.  The  average  O2  consumption  for  the  first  three 
hours  after  injection  is  recorded. 

FIGURE  4  (right).  The  effect  of  DNP  injection  on  the  O2  consumption  of  diapausing  pupae. 
Four  Cynthia  pupae  whose  average  O2  consumption  was  13.0  mm.ygm.  live  wt./hr.  were  in- 
jected with  DNP  to  an  internal  concentration  of  1  X  10"4  M.  Respiration  was  measured  for 
three  hours  each  day  over  a  five-day  period.  The  day  of  injection  is  denoted  as  day  "0". 

tion  of  respiration  of  several  concentrations  for  the  first  three  hours  after  injection, 
while  Figure  4  records  the  respiratory  behavior  of  the  10~4  M  group  over  a  five-day 
period.  Dinitrophenol  called  forth  an  immediate  and  spectacular  increase  in  oxygen 
consumption  which  averaged  12  times  the  basal  rate  in  the  case  of  pupae  receiving 
5  X  10~4  M.  As  Figure  4  shows,  in  the  group  receiving  10~*  M  the  initial  accelera- 
tion of  respiration  on  the  day  of  injection  was  followed  by  a  decline  on  the  following 



day.  This  was  succeeded  by  a  gradual  increase  of  respiration  over  a  three-day 
period,  to  a  peak  on  the  fifth  day  after  injection  almost  as  great  as  the  initial  peak 
respiration.  The  respiration  returned  to  about  normal  approximately  two  weeks 
later.  The  initial  stimulation  of  respiration  is  doubtless  due  to  the  uncoupling  effect 
of  DNP  which  causes  an  acceleration  of  the  turnover  rate  of  the  components  of  the 
respiratory  chain  (Cross  et  al.,  1949;  Chance  and  Williams,  1956).  The  secondary 
effects  which  develop  several  days  later,  appear  to  be  the  result  of  (a)  injury-stimu- 
lated respiration  provoked  by  injection  through  the  cuticle  (see  Section  3  below)  and 

leoo  r 

1400    - 




Q.     80O 



N    600 




2     200 


2    200 





5X/O  "M.  DNP 




<->      100 







5X10    *M.  ONP 







BASAL    02   CONSUMPTION    (MM  /  GM.  LIVE    WT./HR.) 

10  20  30  40 

BASAL     02    CONSUMPTION     (MM3/GM.  LIVE    WT./HR.) 


FIGURE  5.  The  stimulation  of  O2  consumption  by  DNP  as  a  function  of  basal  respiratory 
rate.  (A)  The  percentage  stimulation  of  O2  consumption  of  Cynthia  pupae  after  injection 
of  DNP  to  internal  concentrations  of  5  X  10~*  M  and  10~*  M  is  plotted  as  a  function  of  basal 
respiration.  (B)  The  total  DNP-stimulated  respiration  of  the  pupae  in  (A)  is  plotted  as  a 
function  of  the  basal  respiration. 

(b)  the  development  of  an  "energy  debt"  metabolism  (analogous  to  an  "oxygen 
debt  repayment"  (Kurland  et  al.,  1958))  as  the  result  of  prolonged  uncoupling  of 
phosphorylation  by  DNP.  Comparable  results  were  obtained  with  diapausing 
pupae  of  Cecropia,  Promethea  and  Polyphemus. 

The  time  course  of  the  respiratory  changes  recorded  in  Figure  4  is  also  typical 
of  pupae  receiving  5  X  10~4  M  DNP  but  the  pattern  differed  somewhat  in  pupae 
that  received  lower  concentrations.  Because  the  initial  stimulation  of  respiration 
was  less,  the  fall  in  respiration  recorded  in  Figure  4  was  commonly  absent.  The 


5  X  10~4  M  concentration  is  apparently  close  to  the  lethal  level  and  occasional  in- 
dividuals died  about  a  week  after  receiving  that  amount. 

Further  analysis  of  the  effects  of  DNP  disclosed  that  pupae  with  high  initial 
basal  respirations  were  proportionately  less  stimulated  by  DNP  than  were  pupae 
with  low  basal  metabolic  rates.  Figure  5 A  shows  that  a  Cynthia  pupa  with  a  basal 
metabolic  rate  of  5  mm.3/gm.  live  wt./hr.  experienced  a  16-fold  stimulation  of 
respiration  after  injection  of  DNP  whereas  a  similar  pupa  with  a  basal  respiration 
of  30  mm.3/gm.  live  wt./hr.  experienced  only  a  6-fold  stimulation  of  respiration. 
Thus,  there  is  a  steep  decline  in  the  per  cent  of  DNP-stimulated  respiration  as  basal 
respiration  increases.  Figure  5B  further  reveals  that  DNP-stimulated  respira- 
tion approaches  a  limit  as  the  basal  respiration  approaches  25  mm.3/gm.  live  wt./hr. 
The  significance  of  this  limit  will  be  considered  in  the  Discussion. 

B.  The  effect  of  carbon  monoxide,  azide  and  antimycin  A   on  DNP-stimulated 

Diapausing  Cynthia  pupae  were  injected  with  DNP  and  then  exposed  to  carbon 
monoxide.  The  results,  summarized  in  Figure  6,  reveal  that  about  half  the  DNP- 
stimulated  respiration  was  inhibited  by  carbon  monoxide.  Further  analysis  of  the 
data  from  this  experiment  revealed  that  CO-sensitivity  increased  slightly  as  the 
rate  of  oxygen  consumption  increased.  Thus  pupae  with  a  DNP-stimulated  res- 
piration of  90  mm.s/gm.  live  wt./hr.  had  only  45  per  cent  of  their  respiration  in- 
hibited by  carbon  monoxide,  whereas  pupae  with  a  DNP-stimulated  respiration  of 
125  mm.3/gm.  live  wt./hr.  had  nearly  70  per  cent  of  their  respiration  inhibited  by 
carbon  monoxide. 

The  effect  of  azide  on  DNP-stimulated  respiration  of  diapausing  Cynthia  pupae 
is  recorded  in  Figure  7.  There  was  no  significant  initial  inhibition  of  the  respiration 
when  sodium  azide  alone  was  injected  (see  Section  ID),  but  some  of  the  DNP- 
stimulated  respiration  was  inhibited  by  this  reagent.  Indeed,  as  Figure  7B  shows, 
more  than  three-fourths  of  the  DNP-stimulated  respiration  was  inhibited  by  5  X  10~4 
Jl/  sodium  azide.  However,  in  group  B  only  half  of  the  pupae  receiving  injections 
of  DNP  and  none  of  the  pupae  receiving  sodium  azide  survived  for  more  than  a 
week,  indicating  these  high  concentrations  of  antimetabolites  were  ultimately  toxic. 
Comparable  results  were  obtained  with  Cecropia  pupae. 

Experiments  appraising  the  antimycin  A-sensitivity  of  DNP-stimulated  respira- 
tion were  conducted  on  a  series  of  15  Cynthia  pupae  which  received  10~4  M  DNP 
and  10~6  M  antimycin  A.  About  30  per  cent  of  the  DNP-stimulated  respiration 
was  inhibited  by  this  concentration  of  inhibitor.  Thus,  the  respiration  of  DNP- 
stimulated  pupae  is  no  more  sensitive  to  antimycin  A  than  the  respiration  of  normal 

3.  Injury-stimulated  respiration 

A.  The  C0-sensitivit\  of  injury-stimulated  respiration 

As  mentioned  previously,  integumentary  injuries  to  pupae  dramatically  ac- 
celerate respiration  for  one  to  three  weeks  ( Schneiderman  and  Williams,  1953a, 
1953b).  Moreover,  this  accelerated  respiration  is  proportional  to  the  extent  of 
injury  and  seems  to  be  caused  in  part  by  diffusible  substances  released  at  the  site 



of  injury  (Jankowitz,  1955;  Schneiderman,  1957).  Although  the  respiration  in- 
duced by  a  small  incision  into  Cecropia  pupae  was  not  inhibited  by  carbon  monoxide, 
repair  of  extensive  wounds  was  prevented  by  this  gas  (Schneiderman  and  Williams, 
1953b,  1954b),  suggesting  that  the  cytochrome  oxidase  system  was  functioning  in 
injured  pupae. 

To  investigate  this  possibility  the  following  experiments  were  carried  out.    Four 
Cynthia  pupae  were  given  a  large  injury  by  removing  their  pupal  legs;  two  pupae 



jj*    eoo  H 




400    - 



0.     200    -^ 







5X10  4M.  DNP 

XlCf  4M.  DNP 

FIGURE  6.  The  CO-sensitivity  of  DNP-stimulated  respiration.  Two  groups  of  five  dia- 
pausing  Cynthia  pupae  were  injected  with  DNP  to  internal  concentrations  of  5  X  10~*  M 
and  10"4  M.  All  the  pupae  were  exposed  to  5%  O2  and  95%  N2  and  then  to  5%  O2  and  95% 
CO  (CO/Os^  19:1).  The  average  respiration  over  a  one-hour  period  is  recorded. 

were  immediately  placed  in  7  per  cent  oxygen  and  nitrogen,  and  the  other  two 
were  placed  in  a  corresponding  atmosphere  of  oxygen  and  carbon  monoxide.  The 
pupae  were  maintained  in  their  respective  gas  mixtures  for  one  week,  and  the 
gas  mixtures  were  renewed  thrice  daily. 

As  Figure  8  shows,  injured  pupae  in  the  nitrogen  mixture  developed  a  charac- 
teristic injury  respiration;  on  the  other  hand,  those  in  carbon  monoxide  mixtures 
did  not.  Indeed,  five  days  after  injury  both  of  the  pupae  maintained  in  carbon 
monoxide  had  died.  Thus  carbon  monoxide  apparently  caused  death  by  preventing 



the  development  of  injury  respiration.  Similar  results  were  obtained  with  Prome- 
thea  pupae.  These  results  are  in  general  agreement  with  those  of  Schneiderman  and 
Williams  (1954b),  who  reported  that  the  repair  of  injury  was  CO-sensitive.  How- 
ever, their  experiments  failed  to  detect  the  CO-sensitivity  of  the  respiration  as- 
sociated with  repair  of  injury,  presumably  because  they  employed  only  small  injuries. 
Such  CO-sensitivity  was  demonstrated  by  Harvey  and  Shappirio  (Harvey,  1956) 
who  pointed  out  that  after  very  large  injuries  respiration  becomes  sensitive  to  car- 
bon monoxide.  This  is  confirmed  in  the  following  experiment  summarized  in 


£  1200  - 
1100  - 

<  1000- 


m  900  - 

0  800  - 

^  700  - 

g  600  - 

2  500  - 


j=  400  - 


§  300  - 



5XIO    4M.DNP 



100  - 




2.5 XfO 


FIGURE  7.  The  azide-sensitivity  of  DNP-stimulated  respiration.  (A)  Four  diapausing 
Cynthia  pupae  were  injected  with  10~4  M  DNP,  four  with  2.5  M  sodium  azide,  and  four  with 
both  reagents.  The  average  Oa  consumption  over  a  three-hour  period  is  recorded.  (B)  Five 
pupae  were  injected  with  5  X  It)"4  M  DNP,  five  with  5  X  It)"4  M  sodium  azide  and  five  with 
both  reagents.  The  average  O2  consumption  over  a  three-hour  period  is  recorded.  The 
average  initial  oxygen  consumption  of  the  pupae  in  (A)  and  (B)  was  16.8  mm.8/gm.  live  wt./hr. 

Figure  9.  Four  brainless  Cynthia  pupae  were  injured  by  removing  the  pupal  legs 
and  after  three  days,  when  they  had  developed  a  large  injury  respiration,  the  CO- 
sensitivity  of  their  respiration  was  determined.  About  two-thirds  of  the  injury 
respiration  was  inhibited  by  carbon  monoxide.  Similar  results  were  obtained 
with  Cecropia  pupae.  It  can  also  be  seen  in  Figure  9  (as  well  as  in  Figure  6)  that 
the  oxygen  uptake  of  pupae  respiring  at  a  rapid  rate  was  limited  by  the  low  oxygen 
tension.  This  contrasts  with  the  respiratory  behavior  of  pupae  with  low  metabolic 
rates,  where  5  per  cent  oxygen  and  95  per  cent  nitrogen  commonly  stimulated 
oxygen  consumption  (see  Section  1C). 



400  -i 













0  I  2 


FIGURE  8  (left).  The  effect  of  injury  and  simultaneous  exposure  to  CO  on  respiration. 
Two  injured  Cynthia  pupae  were  maintained  continuously  in  7%  O»  plus  Ns  and  two  were 
maintained  in  7%  O«  plus  CO  (CO/O«  =  13:1).  The  average  respiration  of  each  pair  over  a 
3-hour  period  is  recorded  as  a  function  of  time.  The  day  of  injury  is  denoted  as  day  "0". 

FIGURE  9  (right).  The  CO-sensitivity  of  injury  respiration.  The  average  respiration  over 
a  4-hour  period  of  four  brainless  Cynthia  pupae  3  days  after  injury  in  air,  in  5%  Oa  and  95% 
N«,  and  in  5%  O2  and  957*  CO  (CO/O2  ratio  =  19:  1). 

400  r 




300  h 



<    200 




5XIO   5M.NoN3 



IX IO    4M,NoN3 

sxio    M.NON, 





400  - 

2    200 




01  2  3  4  £ 


FIGURE  10  (left).  The  effect  of  azide  injection  on  the  O=  consumption  of  four  groups  of 
five  diapausing  Cynthia  pupae  over  a  five-day  period.  The  day  of  injection  is  denoted  as 
day  "0". 

FIGURE  11  (right).  The  effect  of  DNP  on  injury  respiration.  The  average  O2  consump- 
tion over  a  3-hour  period  of  two  injured  diapausing  Cynthia  pupae  prior  to  and  after  the  in- 
jection of  water,  and  of  two  injured  pupae  prior  to  and  after  the  injection  of  5  X  IO""4  M  DNP. 



B.  Injury-stimulated  respiration  in  newly  pupated  Cecropia 

Four  Cecropia  silkworms  were  injured  within  one  day  after  pupation  by  re- 
moving a  rectangular  window  of  pupal  cuticle  from  their  faces.  No  significant 
stimulation  of  respiration  was  observed.  Since  injury  respiration  is  characteristic 
of  diapausing  pupae,  and  since  the  respiration  of  newly  pupated  Cecropia  is  much 
greater  than  the  respiration  of  pupae  firmly  in  diapause,  this  result  suggests  that 
the  production  of  injury  respiration  is  intimately  associated  with  the  extremely  low 
respiration  of  the  diapausing  insect  (see  Discussion). 

C.  The  aside-sensitivity  of  injury-stimulated  respiration 

The  effect  of  azide  on  injury  respiration  was  examined  by  injecting  a  series  of 
diapausing  Cynthia  pupae  with  sodium  azide  at  several  concentrations.  In  this 
experiment  the  injection  itself  served  as  the  injury.  The  average  daily  respiration 
of  each  group  of  pupae  over  a  five-day  period  is  plotted  in  Figure  10. 

All  pupae  treated  with  5  X  10~4  M  sodium  azide  died  within  10  days  after  injec- 

TABLE  1 1 

Effect  of  simultaneous  injury  and  injection  of  DNP  on  the  respiration 
of  six  diapausing  Cynthia  pupae 

Basal  respiration, 


Max.  resp.  as 
%  basal  rate 

Day  of  max. 


Injury  +  H2O 




Injury  +  H2O 




Injury  +  H2O 




Injury  +  DNP 




Injurv  +  DNP 




Injiirv  +  DNP 



tion,  indicating  either  (a)  that  this  concentration  had  a  simple  toxic  effect,  or 
(b)  that  the  development  of  injury-stimulated  respiration  was  inhibited  by  azide 
and  this  caused  death,  as  was  the  case  when  injured  pupae  were  exposed  continuously 
to  mixtures  of  carbon  monoxide  and  oxygen  (see  Section  3 A  above).  In  lower 
concentrations  of  azide,  the  inhibition  of  injury  respiration  was  proportional  to 

D.  The  effects  of  DNP  on  injury-stimulated  respiration 

The  pupal  legs  were  removed  from  a  group  of  four  Cynthia  pupae.  Three  days 
after  wounding,  when  injury  respiration  had  reached  its  maximum,  two  of  the 
pupae  received  injections  of  DNP  to  an  internal  concentration  of  5  X  10~4  M,  and 
the  remaining  two  received  injections  of  water.  The  data  summarized  in  Figure  11 
show  that  5  X  10~4  M  DNP  caused  a  significant  acceleration  of  maximum  injury 
respiration ;  however,  the  increase  was  proportionately  much  less  than  that  en- 
countered in  DNP-treated  diapausing  pupae.  Comparable  results  were  obtained 
with  Cecropia  and  Promethea  pupae. 

In  another  experiment,  six  diapausing  pupae  were  injured  by  removing  their 


pupal  legs ;  half  these  pupae  immediately  received  water  injections,  while  the 
remainder  received  injections  of  DNP  to  an  internal  concentration  of  5  X  10"4  M. 
The  respiration  of  these  pupae  is  summarized  in  Table  II.  The  maximum  respira- 
tion of  injured  pupae  treated  with  DNP  was  reached  six  days  after  the  injury, 
while  those  receiving  injections  of  water  displayed  maximum  respiration  two  or 
three  days  after  injury.  Thus  DNP  delayed  the  development  of  injury  respiration. 


1.  A  new  explanation  for  the  insensitivity  of  pupal  respiration  to  carbon  monoxide 

Studies  noted  in  the  Introduction  have  shown  that  the  onset  of  pupal  diapause 
in  giant  silkworms  is  accompanied  by  a  precipitous  fall  in  the  rate  of  oxygen  con- 
sumption, and  that  the  low  respiration  of  the  diapausing  pupa  is  virtually  uninhibited 
by  carbon  monoxide  and  cyanide.  As  judged  by  its  insensitivity  to  these  inhibitors, 
nearly  all  of  the  respiration  of  the  diapausing  pupa  appeared  to  proceed  via  path- 
ways independent  of  cytochrome  oxidase.  Hence  it  was  suggested  that  the  respira- 
tion of  the  diapausing  pupa  was  mediated  by  a  terminal  oxidase  other  than  cyto- 
chrome oxidase,  possibly  a  flavoprotein  or  an  autoxidizable  cytochrome  of  the  b  type 
(Schneiderman  and  Williams.  1954a.  1954b).  This  suggestion  was  taken  up  by 
various  investigators  (Cotty,  1956;  Ito,  1955).  The  present  experiments  provide 
an  alternative  explanation  for  the  CO-insensitivity  of  pupal  respiration ;  namely, 
that  it  is  due  to  a  great  excess  of  cytochrome  oxidase  relative  to  trace  amounts 
of  cytochrome  c  in  most  of  the  tissues  of  the  diapausing  pupa.  This  limitation  of 
cytochrome  c  leads  to  an  unsaturation  of  cytochrome  oxidase,  and  this  in  turn 
leads  to  the  insensitivity  of  pupal  respiration  to  carbon  monoxide  and  azide.  Under 
this  view  the  principal  factor  underlying  the  lozv  respiration  of  the  diapausing 
pupa  is  the  limitation  of  cytochrome  c  in  most  of  the  pupal  tissues,  while  the  prin- 
cipal factor  underlying  the  CO-  and  aside-inscnsitivity  of  pupal  respiration  is  the 
excess  of  cytochrome  c  o.ridase  in  most  of  the  pupal  tissues.  Thus,  quantitative 
changes  in  the  relative  amounts  of  respiratory  enzymes  after  pupation  are  respon- 
sible for  both  the  low  over-all  respiration  of  diapause  and  for  CO-insensitivity. 
In  other  words,  the  basic  differences  between  the  respiratory  enzyme  systems  of 
diapausing  and  non-diapausing  insects  are  quantitative,  but  they  lead  to  qualitative 
differences  in  the  response  of  the  insect  to  certain  inhibitors.  Contrary  to  earlier 
opinions,  cytochrome  oxidase  appears  to  be  the  principal  terminal  oxidase  during 
diapause  as  well  as  during  all  the  other  stages  of  the  life  history. 

2.  Preliminary  theoretical  considerations 

It  can  be  shown  that  an  excess  of  cytochrome  oxidase  may  lead  to  a  virtual 
CO-insensitivity  of  respiration  that  is  actually  mediated  by  cytochrome  oxidase, 
and  in  the  final  section  of  this  discussion  a  brief  theoretical  analysis  of  this  asser- 
tion is  presented.  The  argument  offered  is  that  when  cytochrome  oxidase  is  in 
great  excess  and  thus  not  saturated,  a  large  fraction  of  the  cytochrome  oxidase 
may  be  inhibited  by  carbon  monoxide  without  affecting  the  rate  of  electron  transfer 
from  cytochrome  c.  Stated  in  another  way  the  greater  the  "saturation"  of  cyto- 
chrome oxidase  by  cytochrome  r.  the  greater  the  CO-sensitivity  of  respiration; 
the  less  the  "saturation"  of  cytochrome  oxidase  by  cytochrome  c,  the  less  the  CO- 


sensitivity.  This  conclusion  seems  intuitively  acceptable  and  is  proven  in  Section  9 
(below).  Recognizing  this  relation  between  CO-sensitivity  and  saturation  of 
cytochrome  oxidase  it  is  not  difficult  to  interpret  the  several  experimental  results. 

3.  Carbon  monoxide  experiments 

Evidence  presented  previously  has  shown  that  the  specific  target  of  carbon 
monoxide  in  the  insect  at  all  stages  is  reduced  cytochrome  c  oxidase  (Schneiderman 
and  Williams,  1954a,  1954b).  A  principal  factor  determining  the  impact  of  carbon 
monoxide  on  cytochrome  oxidase  is  the  CO/CX  ratio:  the  higher  this  ratio,  the 
greater  the  proportion  of  reduced  cytochrome  oxidase  molecules  inhibited.  The 
CO/O2  ratios  employed  in  the  present  experiments  were  usually  16:1  or  19:1 
and  ambient  oxygen  tensions  were  maintained  at  6  or  5  per  cent.  Direct  analysis 
of  the  composition  of  the  tracheal  gas  of  normal  diapausing  pupae  kept  at  these 
oxygen  tensions  by  a  precise  microgasometric  method  (Levy  and  Schneiderman, 
1957,  1958)  revealed  that  the  actual  oxygen  tension  within  the  tracheal  system, 
and  hence  within  the  insects'  tissues,  was  about  1  per  cent  lower  than  ambient,  that 
is,  about  5  or  4  per  cent.  Therefore  in  the  present  experiments  the  actual  CO/O, 
ratios  within  the  pupal  tissues  approached  24:1.  Since  it  has  been  shown  that 
a  CO/Oo  ratio  of  16:1  causes  a  50  per  cent  light-reversible  inhibition  of  the  cyto- 
chrome oxidase  activity  of  homogenates  of  the  thoracic  muscles  of  Cecropia  moths 
(Pappenheimer  and  Schneiderman,  unpublished),  we  may  conclude  that  the  CO/0,, 
ratios  used  in  the  present  experiments  were  capable  of  inhibiting  no  less  than  50 
and  probably  as  much  as  75  per  cent  of  the  reduced  cytochrome  oxidase  activity 
of  homogenates  of  the  insect's  tissues.  However,  as  we  have  already  noted  in  the 
previous  section,  the  inhibition  in  a  homogenate  where  cytochrome  oxidase  is  satu- 
rated by  added  cytochrome  c  may  be  quite  different  from  the  inhibition  observed 
in  the  intact  insect  where  the  cytochrome  oxidase  may  not  be  saturated  by  cyto- 
chrome c.  Let  us  now  consider  what  our  several  experiments  tell  us  about  the 
saturation  of  cytochrome  oxidase  in  the  diapausing  pupa. 

Perhaps  the  most  crucial  result  is  recorded  in  Figure  2.  As  the  figure  shows, 
when  the  oxygen  tension  is  reduced  to  2  per  cent  in  a  mixture  of  oxygen  and 
nitrogen,  the  oxygen  consumption  of  the  pupa  remains  about  the  same  as  in  air, 
but  the  CO-sensitivity  of  the  respiration  is  enhanced.  The  simplest  interpretation 
of  this  result  is  that  cytochrome  oxidase  is  present  in  excess  over  some  rate-limiting 
link  in  the  respiratory  chain,  and  only  at  low  oxygen  tensions  does  the  cytochrome 
oxidase-oxygen  reaction  become  the  limiting  step  in  the  respiratory  chain,  subject, 
as  a  consequence,  to  inhibition  by  carbon  monoxide. 

The  reasons  for  stimulatory  effects  of  carbon  monoxide  on  pupae  with  low 
metabolic  rates  (cf.  Fig.  1)  are  not  yet  clear.  Similar  stimulatory  effects  of  carbon 
monoxide  have  been  reported  by  Bodine  and  Boell  (1934a)  for  Melanoplus,  by 
Klein  and  Runnstrom  (1940)  for  unfertilized  eggs  of  the  sea  urchin,  and  by 
others  (cf.  review  by  Needham,  1942,  p.  496).  Possibly  it  does  not  represent 
stimulation  of  respiration  but  is  simply  gas  uptake  due  to  an  actual  oxidation  of 
CO  by  the  tissues  to  CO,,  (cf.  review  of  Lilienthal,  1950).  Perhaps  it  is  some- 
thing different  altogether,  such  as  an  uncoupling  action  (Thimann  et  al.,  1954).  For 
our  present  purposes  suffice  it  to  say  that  the  phenomenon,  although  not  yet  ex- 
plained, does  not  affect  our  interpretation  of  the  basic  action  of  carbon  monoxide 



cytochrome  oxidase  and  the  argument  that  cytochrome  oxidase  is  only  partially 
saturated  in  pupal  tissues.  Further  evidence  supporting  this  argument  derives 
from  studies  with  DNP  and  azide  which  are  considered  in  Sections  4  and  5  below. 

Significant  data  revealing  the  degree  of  saturation  of  cytochrome  oxidase  in  the 
diapausing  pupa  are  also  to  be  found  in  the  observation  that  CO-sensitivity  of  pupal 
respiration  increases  with  increasing  basal  respiration  and  is  instantly  enhanced  by 
DNP,  and  in  the  fact  that  the  increased  respiration  that  follows  injury  or  the  initia- 
tion of  adult  development  is  inhibited  by  carbon  monoxide.  Moreover,  we  have 
found  that  the  increased  respiration  that  follows  a  prolonged  period  of  anoxia  is  also 
sensitive  to  carbon  monoxide.  These  results,  which  are  summarized  in  Table  III, 


Summary  oj  tine  effects  of  metabolic  inhibitors  on  the  respiration  of  diapausing  pupae 
in  various  physiological  states  and  on  developing  adults 


Physio-  >. 
condition  \ 

CO  'O2=about  20:1 



Antimycin  A 



Stimulation  at  low  basal 

Slight   or   no   inhibition 
at    modest    basal    rates. 
Inhibition    increases    as 
basal  respiration  in- 

Up  to  50%  inhibition  at 
low  oxygen  tensions 

5  X  10-«  M  stimulates 
respiration  an  average 
of  12-fold  and  as  much 
as  16-fold 

Stimulation  less  at  high 
basal  rates 

No  immediate  effect 
at  concentrations  up 
to  5  X  10-4  M 

30%   inhibition   at 
10-6  M 


An  average  of  50%  in- 


30  to  70%  inhibition 
depending  on  concen- 
tration of  azide 

30%   inhibition  at 
10~6  \I 


No  or  slight   inhibition 
after  small  injury;  up  to 
60    per   cent    inhibition 
after  large  injury 

Exposure     immediately 
after  injury  prevents  de- 
velopment of  injury- 
stimulated  respiration 

Stimulation  by  DNP  in- 
versely proportional  to 
size  of  injury-stimulated 
respiration.  After  large 
injuries,  about  2-fold 
stimulations  by  DNP. 
Injection  of  DNP  im- 
mediately after  injury 
delays  development  of 
injury  respiration 

Inhibition  propor- 
tional   to    concentra- 
tion of  azide 

Developing  adult 

More  than  50%  inhibi- 
tion (Schneiderman  and 
Williams.  1954a) 

5  X  10-<  M  stimulates 
respiration  about  2-fold 



lead  to  the  conclusion  that  the  fraction  of  respiration  sensitive  to  carbon  monoxide 
is  a  function  of  the  rate  of  oxygen  consumption  of  the  silkworm  at  all  stages.  This 
implies  that  virtually  any  process  which  increases  the  rate  of  pupal  respiration  in- 
creases the  saturation  of  cytochrome  oxidase  and  that,  in  the  pupa,  cytochrome 
oxidase  is  in  great  excess  and  hence  very  unsaturated. 

Recognizing  the  importance  of  low  over-all  respiratory  rate  as  a  factor  in 
CO-insensitivity,  it  is  worthwhile  considering  certain  diapausing  insects  whose  res- 
piration is  not  resistant  to  carbon  monoxide  or  cyanide.  Two  species  whose  respira- 
tion continues  to  be  inhibited  by  carbon  monoxide  or  cyanide  during  diapause  are 
prepupae  of  the  larch  sawfly.  Pristophora  (McDonald  and  Brown,  1952),  and  larvae 


of  the  horse  hot  fly,  Gastrophilus  (Levenbook,  1951).  It  is  of  considerable  signifi- 
cance that  the  respiration  of  these  insects  at  25°  C.  is  many  times  greater  than  the 
respiration  of  diapausing  silkworm  pupae.  Thus  the  respiratory  rate  of  Pristophora 
is  about  165  mm.3/gm.  live  wt./hr.,  while  that  of  Gastrophilus  is  more  than  100 
mm.3/gm.  live  wt./hr.3  This  compares  with  a  respiratory  rate  for  diapausing 
silkworm  pupae  of  8  to  20  mm.3/gm.  live  wt./hr.  Furthermore,  in  diapausing 
silkworm  pupae  only  the  skeletal  muscles,  of  which  there  are  few,  have  a  saturated 
cytochrome  c  oxidase,  and  these  account  for  only  a  small  fraction  of  the  insect's 
total  respiration.  In  diapausing  species  with  high  respiratory  rates  like  Pristophora 
and  Gastrophilus  it  appears  likely  that  ( 1 )  they  have  more  muscular  tissue  and  this 
accounts  for  a  larger  fraction  of  their  total  respiration  than  do  the  muscles  of 
diapausing  pupae,  and  (2)  some  of  their  non-muscular  tissues  may  have  a  saturated 
cytochrome  oxidase.  These  factors  could  easily  account  for  their  sensitivity  to 
carbon  monoxide. 

4.  The  significance  of  DNP-stimulated  respiration 

The  experiments  with  DNP  demonstrate  that  in  diapausing  pupae  cytochrome 
oxidase  is  not  fully  saturated.  As  is  well  known,  DNP  increases  the  turnover  of 
the  respiratory  carriers,  presumably  because  it  is  able  to  uncouple  phosphorylation 
from  electron  transfer,  and  so  increases  the  demand  for  oxygen  (Chance  and  Wil- 
liams, 1956).  The  data  in  Section  2  reveal  a  striking  12-  to  16-fold  acceleration 
of  pupal  oxygen  consumption  by  5  X  10~4  M  DNP.  This  may  be  one  of  the  largest 
DNP  stimulations  ever  recorded.  It  contrasts  with  the  finding  of  Bodine  and 
Boell  (1938)  that  the  respiration  of  diapausing  Melanoplus  eggs  was  accelerated 
a  maximum  of  only  3.5  times  by  3  X  10~5  M  DNP,  while  further  increase  in  concen- 
tration produced  a  submaximal  response.  De  Meio  and  Barren  (1934)  and 
Maroney  et  al.  (1957)  have  reported  DNP  stimulations  in  various  invertebrate 
tissues  of  only  about  two-fold.  Aside  from  the  magnitude  of  DNP-stimulated 
respiration  (which  by  itself  suggests  unsaturation  of  cytochrome  oxidase),  the  CO- 
sensitivity  of  DNP-stimulated  respiration  is  of  special  interest.  It  indicates  that 
DNP  accelerates  the  turnover  of  several  carriers  of  the  respiratory  chain  but  has 
a  lesser  effect  on  the  turnover  of  cytochrome  oxidase.  This  conclusion  arises 
from  the  fact  that  CO-sensitivity  is  a  function  of  the  saturation  of  cytochrome 
oxidase.  The  CO-sensitivity  of  DNP-stimulated  respiration  tells  us  that  DNP 
increases  the  saturation  of  cytochrome  oxidase.  Thence  it  follows  that  DNP  not 
only  accelerates  over-all  respiratory  rate  but  alters  the  quantitative  relationship 
between  cytochrome  oxidase  and  the  intermediate  carriers  in  the  respiratory  chain. 

One  of  these  accelerated  carriers  is  almost  certainly  cytochrome  c,  which  may 
be  the  most  important  rate-limiting  carrier  in  the  respiratory  chain,  a  point  we  shall 
consider  further  in  Section  6  (below).  Dinitrophenol  appears  to  increase  in  some 
way  the  effective  turnover  of  this  enzyme  and  increases  thereby  the  saturation  of 
cytochrome  oxidase.  It  is  significant  that  both  the  absolute  magnitude  and  the 
CO-sensitivity  of  DNP-stimulated  respiration  were  lower  for  pupae  with  low  basal 
respiration.  Thus  in  the  present  experiments,  although  pupae  with  low  basal 
metabolic  rates  were  proportionately  more  stimulated  by  DNP  than  pupae  with 
high  basal  metabolic  rates,  the  latter  developed  a  greater  over-all  respiration  under 

3  This  last  value  was  calculated  from  values  obtained  at  37°  C.  by  assuming  a  Q™  of  about  2.5. 


the  influence  of  DNP.  The  data  also  reveal  that  CO-sensitivity  reached  a  maximum 
of  about  70  per  cent  when  DNP-stimulated  respiration  reached  its  maximum.  We 
interpret  these  findings  to  mean  that  pupae  with  low  basal  respiration  have  less 
cytochrome  c  available  to  be  turned  over  and,  as  a  result,  these  pupae  are  not  capable, 
even  under  the  influence  of  high  concentrations  of  DNP,  of  completely  saturating 
their  cytochrome  c  oxidase  and  thereby  achieving  maximum  CO-sensitivity.  These 
DNP  studies  provide  support  for  the  argument  that  the  low  over-all  respiration  of 
diapause  is  due  to  a  low  concentration  of  some  respiratory  component,  probably 
cytochrome  c,  whereas  the  CO-insensitivity  is  the  result  of  the  relatively  high  con- 
centration of  cytochrome  c  oxidase. 

In  our  experience  the  respiration  of  developing  adults  is  accelerated  by  DNP  to 
a  much  lesser  extent  than  that  of  diapa vising  pupae,  usually  about  two-fold.  This 
fact  suggests  that  in  the  developing  adult,  as  contrasted  with  the  diapausing  pupa, 
cytochrome  oxidase  is  virtually  saturated.  Also,  although  development  may  be 
delayed,  developing  adults  survive  concentrations  of  DNP  which  are  toxic  to 
diapausing  pupae,  possibly  because  their  higher  metabolic  rate  enables  them  to 
metabolize  the  DNP  (cf.  Cross  et  al.  1949). 

5.  The  significance  of  aside-insensitive  respiration 

In  these  insects  it  seems  safe  to  identify  cytochrome  oxidase  as  the  main  target 
of  azide  CHorecker  and  Stannard,  1948;  Stannard  and  Horecker,  1948).  The 
experiments  summarized  in  Section  ID  disclosed  that  azide  had  no  immediate 
effect  on  diapause  respiration  at  concentrations  as  high  as  5  X  10~4  M.  This  re- 
sult supports  the  conclusion  drawn  above,  that  cytochrome  oxidase  does  not  limit 
pupal  respiration.  On  the  other  hand,  the  sensitivity  to  azide  of  DNP-stimulated 
respiration  was  quite  striking.  This  is  consistent  with  the  argument  that,  under 
the  influence  of  DNP,  cytochrome  oxidase  becomes  more  saturated. 

6.  The  limiting  link  in  the  pupal  respiratory  chain 

The  present  experiments  provide  only  one  clue  to  the  identity  of  the  limiting 
link  in  the  pupal  respiratory  chain.  This  is  the  fact  that  antimycin  A — a  potent 
inhibitor  at  the  concentrations  we  employed  of  the  DPNH-cytochrome  c  reductase 
system — had  only  a  minor  effect  on  normal  pupal  respiration  and  DNP-stimulated 
respiration.  This  inhibitor  is  said  to  have  as  its  specific  target  the  Slater  factor 
which  mediates  the  transfer  of  electrons  from  flavoprotein  to  cytochrome  c  (Potter 
and  Reif,  1952;  Reif  and  Potter,  1953;  Chance  and  Williams,  1956).  The 
insensitivity  of  pupal  respiration  to  this  reagent  suggests  that  the  limiting  link  in 
the  pupal  respiratory  chain  lies  between  the  Slater  factor  and  cytochrome  oxidase, 
e.g.,  cytochrome  c.  Recent  studies  of  Shappirio  and  Williams  (1957a,  1957b) 
indicate  that  the  limiting  link  is  very  likely  cytochrome  c,  for  with  very  sensitive 
spectroscopic  techniques  they  were  unable  to  detect  this  enzyme  in  most  pupal 
tissues  although  cytochrome  oxidase  was  easily  demonstrated.  They  also  showed 
that  in  homogenates  of  pupal  tissues,  cytochrome  c  is  a  rate-limiting  link  in  the 
oxidation  of  DPNH.  Hence  it  seems  safe  to  identify  limiting  concentrations  of 
cytochrome  c  as  a  principal  cause  of  the  unsaturation  of  cytochrome  oxidase  in 
pupal  tissues. 


7.  Injury-stimulated  respiration 

The  increased  sensitivity  to  carbon  monoxide  and  azide  shown  by  pupae  sup- 
porting an  injury  respiration  (Sections  3 A  and  3C)  indicate  an  increased  satura- 
tion of  cytochrome  oxidase  after  injury.  The  observation  (Section  3D)  that 
5  X  10"*  M  DNP  failed  to  accelerate  injury  respiration  to  the  same  degree  as 
diapause  respiration  supports  the  conclusion  that  cytochrome  oxidase  is  virtually 
saturated  when  injury  respiration  is  at  its  maximum.  What  brings  about  this  in- 
creased saturation  of  cytochrome  oxidase  is  not  known  with  certainty  but  the  pres- 
ent experiments  suggest  that  it  is  caused  by  a  gradual  synthesis  of  cytochrome  r 
which  is  provoked  by  injury.  Recall  that  injured  pupae  treated  with  DNP  were 
delayed  in  developing  maximum  injury  respiration  when  compared  with  injured 
pupae  receiving  water  injections.  This  suggests  that  integumentary  injury  in- 
itiates some  process  which  requires  a  supply  of  phosphate  bond  energy  which  was 
uncoupled  by  DNP.  The  gradual  development  of  maximum  injury  respiration 
over  a  three-day  period  suggests  further  that  this  energy-demanding  process  in- 
volves, in  part,  the  synthesis  of  one  or  more  of  the  respiratory  chain  components 
and  does  not  simply  reflect  increased  turnover  of  pre-existing  enzymes.  We  in- 
terpret the  increased  CO-sensitivity  of  injury-stimulated  respiration  to  indicate  that 
more  cytochrome  c  is  being  synthesized  than  cytochrome  oxidase.  That  augmented 
protein  synthesis  does  in  fact  follow  injury  has  been  demonstrated  by  Telfer  and 
Williams  (1955),  who  showed  that  the  incorporation  of  OMabelled  glycine  into  the 
pupal  proteins  was  stimulated  by  injury  to  about  the  same  extent  as  respiration. 

It  is  not  without  interest  that  the  synthesis  of  these  respiratory  components  ap- 
pears to  be  obligatory.  Indeed,  the  data  in  Section  3A  suggest  that  when  synthesis 
is  prevented  by  prolonged  exposure  to  carbon  monoxide,  the  pupae  fail  to  develop 
an  injury  respiration  and  die.  This  obligatory  synthesis  of  new  respiratory  com- 
ponents may  be  imposed  upon  diapausing  pupae  because  their  capacity  for  wound 
repair  is  restricted  by  their  low  metabolic  rate.  Apparently  this  repair  process  is 
able  to  compete  with  the  "maintenance"  processes  of  the  diapausing  pupa,  thereby 
causing  death  when  total  energy  production  is  reduced  by  carbon  monoxide.  In 
this  connection,  it  is  noteworthy  that  newly  molted  pupae,  whose  respiratory  rate 
is  considerably  larger  than  that  of  pupae  firmly  in  diapause,  fail  to  show  an  injury 
respiration.  This  reflects  their  capacity  to  underwrite  the  energy  requirements  of 
injury  without  augmenting  the  respiratory  chain.  This  capacity  is  also  present  in 
developing  Cecropia  adults  and  we  have  also  shown  it  in  all  stages  of  non-diapausing 
species  such  as  the  bee-moth  Galleria  mellonella. 

8.  Conclusions 

The  several  lines  of  evidence  considered  in  the  preceding  sections  persuade  us 
that  earlier  conceptions  of  the  respiratory  enzyme  system  of  diapausing  silkworms 
need  re-evaluation.  The  basic  differences  between  the  respiratory  enzyme  chains 
of  the  diapausing  pupa  and  the  non-diapausing  stages  appear  to  be  quantitative  dif- 
ferences and  not  qualitative  differences  as  was  suggested  earlier  (Williams,  1951  ; 
Schneiderman  and  Williams,  1954a,  1954b).  The  CO-insensitivity  of  pupal  respira- 
tion does  not  stem  from  the  activity  of  a  CO-insensitive  terminal  oxidase,  but  re- 
sults from  a  great  excess  of  cytochrome  oxidase  relative  to  other  components  of  the 


respiratory  chain.  None  of  our  findings  supports  the  renewed  suggestions  of 
Wojtczak  (1955)  and  Ito  (1955)  that  tyrosinase  functions  as  a  terminal  oxidase  in 
insects.  Indeed,  in  view  of  the  failure  of  potent  inhibitors  of  tyrosinase  like 
phenylthiourea  to  inhibit  respiration  (Schneiderman  and  Williams,  1954a)  and  the 
light-reversibility  of  the  carbon  monoxide  inhibition  of  silkworm  growth  (Schneider- 
man  and  Williams,  1954b)  and  respiration  (Pappenheimer  and  Schneiderman,  un- 
published) this  is  not  likely.  The  present  data,  coupled  with  the  recent  spectroscopic 
findings  of  Shappirio  and  Williams  (1957a,  1957b)  and  with  the  studies  of  Harvey 
and  Williams  (1958a,  1958b)  on  the  pupal  heart,  indicate  that  cytochrome  oxidase 
is  the  terminal  oxidase  during  pupal  diapause  and  cytochrome  c  is  the  limiting  com- 
ponent in  the  pupal  respiratory  chain. 

In  this  perspective,  the  increased  respiration  following  integumentary  injury  and 
initiation  of  adult  development  reflects  an  increase  in  cytochrome  c  content  which 
occurs  at  a  faster  rate  than  any  increase  in  cytochrome  oxidase.  Possibly  the  in- 
crease in  cytochrome  c  reflects  its  adaptive  synthesis  in  response  to  changes  in  the 
energy  requirements  of  the  tissues.  These  changes  were  induced  on  the  one  hand 
by  injury  and  on  the  other  by  the  prothoracic  gland  hormone  which  initiated  adult 
development.  Such  an  adaptive  synthesis  of  cytochrome  c  has  been  suggested  in  the 
case  of  regenerating  rat  liver  by  Drabkin  (1955).  However,  while  the  data  sup- 
port the  view  that  cytochrome  c  is  the  limiting  link  in  the  pupal  respiratory  chain, 
they  do  not  rule  out  the  possibility  that  other  factors,  such  as  phosphate  acceptors, 
may  exert  short-term  effects  on  pupal  respiration. 

In  conclusion,  it  is  worth  recalling  that  many  animals  other  than  diapausing 
pupae  of  the  silkworm  have  a  low  respiration  that  is  insensitive  to  carbon  monoxide. 
Moreover,  in  many  of  these,  such  as  diapausing  eggs  of  grasshoppers  and  silkworms 
and  unfertilized  eggs  of  sea  urchins,  cytochrome  oxidase  is  clearly  present.  The 
usual  explanation  for  CO-insensitivity  has  been  that  respiration  proceeded  along 
tracks  alternative  to  the  cytochrome  oxidase  system  (cf.  Needham,  1942,  p.  567). 
It  is  noteworthy,  however,  that  in  interpreting  some  of  the  very  first  experiments 
which  showed  this  CO-insensitivity,  Runnstrom  (1930)  suggested  that  cytochrome 
oxidase  was  not  saturated  with  its  substrate  and  this  was  the  reason  for  CO- 
insensitivity  in  the  sea  urchin  egg.  In  retrospect,  it  seems  likely  that  this  idea  was 
sound  and  that  the  CO-insensitivity  of  the  respiration  of  many  systems  is  probably 
the  result  of  an  excess  of  cytochrome  oxidase  relative  to  some  other  component  of  the 
respiratory  chain. 

9.  Final  theoretical  considerations  of  carbon  monoxide-insensitive  respiration 

The  basic  premise  underlying  the  arguments  offered  in  the  earlier  sections  of 
this  discussion  is  that  an  excess  of  cytochrome  oxidase  can  lead  to  a  virtual  carbon 
monoxide-insensitivity  of  a  cytochrome  oxidase-mediated  respiratory  chain.  This 
is  shown  as  followrs.  It  is  well  known  that  carbon  monoxide  combines  only  with 
the  reduced  form  of  cytochrome  oxidase  (also  called  a3)  : 

(1)  CO  +  a3++ ^  C0-a,++ ;         K        (C(>a:<++) 


Equation  (1)  is  the  simple  chemical  equilibrium  with  a  characteristic  equilibrium 
•constant  that  describes  the  interaction  of  reduced  cytochrome  oxidase   (as++)  with 


carbon  monoxide.  This  equation  tells  us  that  at  a  given  concentration  of  carbon 
monoxide  the  amount  of  CO-a3++  complex  formed  is  determined  solely  by  the 
steady-state  concentration  of  reduced  cytochrome  oxidase. 

Now  the  steady-state  concentration  of  reduced  (and  oxidized)  cytochrome 
oxidase  is  determined  by  the  rate  of  electron  transfer  to  cytochrome  oxidase,  and 
this,  of  course,  is  measured  by  the  rate  of  oxygen  consumption. 

/^\  4__i_      §      /-\  +++      I      /"k   

\£)  Q-3  I      ^2  ~~       #3  ~T~   ^J%     • 

Equation  (2)  describes  this  steady-state  between  reduced  and  oxidized  cytochrome 
oxidase.  It  is  important  to  note  that  equation  (2)  does  not  describe  a  simple 
chemical  equilibrium  but  a  steady-state  where  the  "apparent  equilibrium  constant" 
depends  on  the  rate  of  electron  transfer  through  the  respiratory  chain.  Thus,  if 
the  rate  of  electron  transfer  to  as+++  from  the  previous  component  in  the  chain  is 
very  slow,  most  of  the  cytochrome  oxidase  will  be  in  the  oxidized  state  and  the  ratio 
of  a3++  to  a3+++  will  be  small.  Since  the  rate  of  electron  transfer  is  measured  by  the 
rate  of  oxygen  consumption,  the  "apparent  equilibrium  constant"  for  equation  (2) 
will  vary  with  the  rate  of  oxygen  consumption.  This  fact,  incidentally,  rules  out  the 
use  of  the  usual  Warburg  formulation  to  describe  quantitatively  the  effects  of  carbon 
monoxide  on  respiration,  namely 

N       CO 

o~  ^"oT 

where  "N"  is  the  fraction  of  respiration  not  inhibited  by  carbon  monoxide  (War- 
burg, 1927).  For,  this  formulation  assumes  that  all  the  oxidase  is  in  the  reduced 
state,  and  hence  that  "the  observed  respiration  is  proportional  to  the  amount  of 
enzyme  not  combined  with  carbon  monoxide''  (Warburg,  1949.  p.  78).  Indeed, 
Warburg  points  out  that  in  view  of  this  assumption  it  is  remarkable  that  there  are 
cells  for  which  his  equation  applies  (p.  79). 

When  carbon  monoxide  is  used  as  an  inhibitor  of  cytochrome  oxidase.  the  de- 
gree of  inhibition  of  respiration  depends  upon  the  new  steady-state  reached  by  the 
system,  in  which  both  oxygen  and  carbon  monoxide  compete  for  reduced  cytochrome 
oxidase.  In  this  steady-state,  some  of  the  cytochrome  oxidase  is  in  the  oxidized 
state,  some  is  reduced  and  complexed  with  carbon  monoxide,  and  the  remainder  is 
reduced  and  transferring  electrons  to  molecular  oxygen,  i.e.,  playing  a  role  in  res- 
piration. The  effect  of  carbon  monoxide  on  respiration  depends  on  the  degree  to 
which  carbon  monoxide  decreases  the  concentration  of  reduced  cytochrome  oxidase 
that  is  transferring  electrons  to  molecular  oxygen.  Since  as++  must  satisfy  the  equili- 
brium conditions  of  equation  (1)  and  the  steady-state  conditions  of  equation  (2),  it 
becomes  apparent  that  the  amount  of  a3+++  plays  a  major  role  in  determining  how 
much  a3++  remains  to  function  in  respiration.  We  thus  see  that  the  effect  of  carbon 
monoxide  on  respiration  depends  on  the  fraction  of  the  total  cytochrome  oxidase  in 
the  reduced  state.  In  other  words,  the  effect  of  carbon  monoxide  on  respiration 
depends  upon  the  ratio  of  the  actual  rate  of  uninhibited  respiration  (as  measured  by 
the  concentration  of  reduced  cytochrome  oxidase)  to  the  maximum  potential  rate 
of  respiration  when  virtually  all  the  oxidase  is  kept  in  the  reduced  state  (as  measured 

by   the   total   concentration   of  cytochrome   oxidase).     This    ratio, 

++   _U   /r  ..+++* 

a,++  +  a-. 


the  fraction  of  the  total  oxidase  in  the  reduced  state,  is  what  we  ordinarily  refer  to 
as  the  "saturation"  of  cytochrome  oxidase.  When  the  saturation  of  cytochrome 
oxidase  is  high,  the  carbon  monoxide  sensitivity  is  high,  and  when  the  saturation  is 
extremely  low,  the  effect  of  carbon  monoxide  on  respiration  is  insignificant.  This 
can  easily  be  seen  when  we  consider  two  extreme  cases,  bearing  in  mind  equations 

Let  us  examine  a  system  in  which  the  initial  steady-state  concentrations  of  aS+ 
and  a,+++  are  about  equal  (i.e.,  a  high  saturation).  In  such  a  system,  with  a  20:1 
CO/O2  ratio  an  appreciable  amount  of  CO-«3++  can  form.  When  the  new  steady- 
state  is  established  in  the  presence  of  carbon  monoxide,  the  ratio  of  the  concentra- 
tions of  a?i++  to  o,+++  is  the  same  as  before.  However,  the  absolute  concentration  of 
both  these  components  has  been  reduced  considerably  since  a  large  part  of  the 
cytochrome  oxidase  is  complexed  with  the  carbon  monoxide.  As  far  as  respiration 
is  concerned,  the  significant  reduction  in  a,++  leads  to  a  significant  inhibition  of 
respiration  by  carbon  monoxide. 

By  contrast,  consider  a  system  in  which  the  initial  steady-state  concentration  of 
an+++  is  much  greater  than  the  concentration  of  a,4+.  The  presence  of  a  CO/O.,  ratio 
of  20: 1  will  lead  to  the  formation  of  only  a  small  concentration  of  CO-a3++  because  of 
the  low  concentration  of  a.,++.  Indeed,  when  the  difference  between  the  concentra- 
tions of  rt3+++  and  <7.,++  is  very  great  (i.e.,  a  very  low  saturation),  the  total  pool  of 
cytochrome  oxidase  will  not  be  significantly  affected  by  carbon  monoxide.  As  a 
result,  the  steady-state  concentration  of  a.^+  will  not  be  significantly  diminished  by 
the  presence  of  carbon  monoxide.  Thus  the  CO-sensitivity  of  such  a  system  is 

From  the  above  analysis  we  learn  that  an  excess  of  cytochrome  oxidase  relative 
to  other  components  of  the  respiratory  chain  will  lead  to  CO-insensitivity  of  respira- 
tion. The  same  conclusion  was  reached  independently  by  Harvey  and  Williams 
(1958b)  using  a  different  system  and  method  of  analysis. 

One  further  theoretical  consideration  is  crucial  to  the  explanation  offered  above 
for  CO-insensitivity.  If  the  inhibition  of  cytochrome  oxidase  by  carbon  monoxide 
is  a  function  of  the  total  cytochrome  oxidase  present,  then  it  must  be  possible  for 
the  transfer  of  electrons  from  the  carrier  part  of  the  respiratory  chain  to  proceed 
independently  of  a  sterically  specific  arrangement  of  the  chain  components.  In 
their  review.  Chance  and  Williams  (1956)  have  discussed  this  possibility.  They 
concluded  that  it  was  highly  improbable  that  the  chain  components  were  fixed  in 
position,  and  they  presented  two  alternatives.  Either  the  chain  components  were 
free  to  act  by  random  collisions  according  to  a  modified  law  of  mass  action ;  or,  they 
were  fixed  in  such  a  manner  that  the  prosthetic  groups  were  free  to  rotate  on  an 
axis  and  be  brought  into  apposition  with  adjacent  chain  components.  In  either 
case,  electron  transfer  could  proceed  across  chain  components  that  were  not  im- 
mediately adjacent  to  one  another.  Therefore,  it  seems  possible  for  the  carriers 
of  the  respiratory  chain  of  the  dia  pausing  pupa  to  transfer  electrons  to  a  "pool"  of 
cytochrome  c  oxidase.  This  pool  of  cytochrome  o.ridase  can  manage  all  of  the 
oxidations,  even  in  the  presence  of  inhibitors,  as  long  as  there  is  sufficient  uninhibited 
enzyme  present  to  meet  the  needs  of  electron  transfer.  In  short,  it  appears  possible 
for  an  excess  of  cytochrome  oxidase  in  tissues  to  account  for  the  CO-  and  azide- 
insensitivity  of  respiration  and  of  various  physiological  functions  such  as  heart-beat. 


The  arguments  presented  in  the  previous  sections  persuade  us  that  this  is  the  situa- 
tion in  most  of  the  tissues  of  diapausing  silkworm  pupae. 

The  experiments  reported  in  Section  1A  were  performed  in  collaboration  with 
Dr.  Roger  D.  Smith.  We  gratefully  acknowledge  the  helpful  criticisms  of  Dr. 
David  P.  Hackett,  Dr.  Conrad  S.  Yocum,  Dr.  Carroll  M.  Williams,  and  Dr.  Howard 
M.  Lenhoff. 


1.  To  characterize  the  respiratory  enzyme  chain  that  functions  during  diapause, 
the  respiration  of  diapausing  pupae  of  the  Cecropia,  Cynthia,  Promethea  and  Poly- 
phemus silkworms  was  measured  in  the  presence  of  specific  mixtures  of  oxygen, 
nitrogen  and  carbon  monoxide,  after  injection  of  various  metabolic  inhibitors  and 
after  injury. 

2.  Pupal  respiration  is  at  best  only  slightly  inhibited  by  carbon  monoxide  and 
is  often  stimulated.     Whatever  CO-sensitivity  there  is  occurs  only  in  pupae  with 
high  basal  metabolic  rates.     Moreover,  when  respiration  is  accelerated  by  injecting 
dinitrophenol  (DNP),  or  by  injury,  this  evokes  an  enhanced  sensitivity  to  carbon 
monoxide.     Indeed,  it  appears  that  the  fraction  of  respiration  sensitive  to  carbon 
monoxide  is  a  function  of  the  rate  of  oxygen  consumption  of  the  silkworm  at  all 

3.  Reducing  external  oxygen  tension  to  2%  fails  to  inhibit  oxygen  consumption, 
but  increases  markedly  the  CO-sensitivity  of  pupal  respiration.     Thus  low  oxygen 
tensions  seem  to  unmask  CO-sensitivity. 

4.  Pupal  respiration  is  insensitive  to  azide  concentrations  as  high  as  5  X  10~4  M. 
However,  the  azide-sensitivity,  like  the  CO-sensitivity,  increases  markedly  when 
pupal  respiration  is  stimulated  by  DNP  or  injury. 

5.  Antimycin  A  at  a  concentration  of  10~6  M  inhibits  less  than  one-third  of 
normal  pupal  respiration  or  DNP-stimulated  respiration.     Compared  to  other  or- 
ganisms diapausing  pupae  are  resistant  to  this  inhibitor  of  the  cytochrome  c  re- 
ductase  system. 

6.  Dinitrophenol  at  a  concentration  of  5  X  10~4  M  stimulates  pupal  respiration 
an  average  of  12-fold  and  as  much  as  16-fold.     These  are  among  the  largest  DNP- 
stimulations  ever  recorded.     Although  pupae  with  high  basal  metabolic  rates  are 
less  stimulated  proportionately  by  DNP  than  are  pupae  with  low  basal  metabolic 
rates,  they  develop  a  greater  over-all  respiration  under  the  influence  of  DNP. 

7.  Dinitrophenol-stimulated  respiration  is  inhibited  by  carbon  monoxide.     The 
higher  the  DNP-stimulated  respiration,  the  greater  the  inhibition  by  carbon  mon- 
oxide.    From  this  and  other  evidence  it  appears  very  likely  that  DNP  accelerates 
the  turnover  of  one  or  several  components  of  the  respiratory  chain  while  having  a 
lesser  effect  on  cytochrome  oxidase. 

8.  Dinitrophenol  delays  the  appearance  of  injury-stimulated  respiration,   sug- 
gesting that  the  development  of  this  increased  respiration  requires  phosphate  bond 
energy.     Furthermore,  exposure  to  carbon  monoxide  causes  the  death  of  injured 
pupae  indicating  that  injury  respiration  is  obligatory  and  involves  the  synthesis  of 
new  respiratory  components. 

9.  Newly  molted  pupae  not  yet  firmly  in  diapause  do  not  respond  to  wounding 
with  an  injury  respiration  and  their  respiration  is  sensitive  to  carbon  monoxide. 
These  findings  are  correlated  with  their  high  respiratory  rate. 


10.  The  modes  of  action  of  the  several  inhibitors  within  diapausing,  injured, 
and  developing  insects  are  considered  in  detail  and  a  new  explanation  is  proposed 
to  account  for  the  CO-,  azide-,  and  cyanide-insensitivity  of  pupal  respiration. 

11.  It  is  concluded  that  the  insensitivity  of  diapausing  pupae  to  inhibitors  of 
cytochrome  oxidase  results  from  an  excess  of  this  enzyme  over  its  functional  require- 
ments in  the  pupal  respiratory  chain.     This  concept  is  examined  in  detail  and  found 
to  be  theoretically  sound.     Evidence  is  presented  that  the  limiting  link  in  the  res- 
piratory chain  is  cytochrome  c.     Thus,  contrary  to  earlier  conceptions,  it  appears 
that  cytochrome  oxidase  is  the  principal  terminal  oxidase  during  diapause  as  well 
as  during  all  the  other  stages  of  the  life  history,  and  that  the  CO-insensitivity  of 
pupal   respiration  stems  from  a  great  excess   of  cytochrome  oxidase   relative   to 
cytochrome  c. 

12.  The  increased  CO-  and  azide-sensitivity  of  pupal  respiration  after  injection 
of  DNP  or  injury  results  from  an  increase  in  the  saturation  of  cytochrome  oxidase 
provoked  on  the  one  hand  by  an  increase  in  the  turnover  rate  of  cytochrome  c,  and 
on  the  other  by  the  synthesis  of  cytochrome  c. 

13.  It  is  suggested  that  the  CO-insensitivity  of  the  respiration  of  other  organisms 
may  be  the  result  of  an  excess  of  cytochrome  oxidase  relative  to  some  other  com- 
ponents of  the  respiratory  chain. 


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Department  of  Botany,  The  Durham  Colleges  in  the  University  of  Durham,  England 

In  the  course  of  an  investigation  into  the  division  cytology  of  flagellates  of  the 
class  Euglenineae,  it  became  necessary  to  determine  the  time  and  rate  of  mitosis  for 
each  of  the  forty  species  under  examination.  The  present  paper  deals  with  the 
periodicity  of  mitosis  revealed  in  the  twenty  species  studied  in  detail  for  this  feature, 
and  relationship  of  the  periodicity  to  the  day-night  cycle.  An  account  of  the 
structure  and  division  of  the  cell  and  nucleus  will  be  published  separately  (see 
Leedale,  1958a,  1958b). 

1.  Species  studied  - 

The  three  main  sources  of  material  have  been  my  own  wild  collections,  the  Cam- 
bridge Culture  Collection  of  Algae  and  Protozoa,  and  the  Sammlung  von  Algenkul- 
turen,  Gottingen.  All  species  have  been  isolated  by  Professor  E.  G.  Pringsheim 
or  myself,  with  the  exception  of  Trachelomonas  grandis  which  was  isolated  by  Singh 
(Singh,  1956)  and  sent  to  me  by  Professor  H.  C.  Bold. 

The  names  of  species  are  corrected  according  to  Pringsheim  (1956)  for  the 
genus  Euglena,  and  to  Huber-Pestalozzi  (1955)  for  the  remaining  genera.  Color- 
less species  are  indicated  by  an  asterisk. 

*  Astasia  klebsii  Lemmermann 
Colacium  mucronatum  Bourrelly 
Cryptoglena  pigra  Ehrenberg 

*  Distignia  proteus  Ehrenberg  em.  Pringsheim 
Euglena  acus  Ehrenberg 

Euglena  deses  Ehrenberg 

Euglena  gracilis  Klebs  (strain  "T,"  green  form) 

*  Euglena  gracilis  Klebs   (strain  "T,"  colorless  form) 
Euglena  gracilis  Klebs  (strain  "Z,"  green) 
Euglena  spirogyra  Ehrenberg 

Euglena  viridis  Ehrenberg 
Eutreptia  pertyi  Pringsheim 
Eutreptia  viridis  Perty 

1  From  a  study  carried  out  in  the   Botany  Departments  of  Queen   Mary  College,   London, 
and  The  Durham  Colleges;  some  of  the  results  were  included  in  a  thesis  approved  for  the 
degree  of  Doctor  of   Philosophy  in  the   University   of   London.     My   thanks   are   due   to   Dr. 
M.  B.  E.  Godward  of  Queen  Mary  College  and  Professor  E.  G.  Pringsheim  of  the  University 
of  Gottingen  for  their  help  and  advice. 

2  I  would  like  to  thank  Professor  E.  G.  Pringsheim,  Mr.  E.  A.  George  of  Cambridge  and 
Professor  H.  C.  Bold  for  supplying  me  with  material. 



*  Hyalophacus  ocellatus  Pringsheim 

Lepocinclis  ovum  var.  buctschlii  (Conrad)  Huber-Pestalozzi 
Lepocinclis  steinii  Lemmermann  em.  Conrad 

*  Menoidium  cultellus  Pringsheim 

*  Peranema  trichophorum  (Ehrenberg)  Stein 
Phacus  pusillus  Lemmermann 

Phacus  pyrum  (Ehrenberg)  Stein 
Trachclomonas  India  Stein  em.  Deflandre 
Trachelomonas  grandis  Singh 

2.  Cultivation 

Cells  were  isolated  from  wild  collections  by  the  micropipette  method  (Prings- 
heim, 1946a).  All  species  except  Peranema  trichophorum  were  grown  in  soil-water 
tubes  (biphasic  culture,  Pringsheim,  1946a,  1946b)  with  a  wheat  grain,  starch  or 
ammonium  magnesium  phosphate  beneath  the  soil.  Eutreptia  spp.  were  grown  in 
tubes  with  50%  sea-water.  Peranema  trichophorum  was  grown  in  soil  extract 
containing  0.5%  milk. 

In  addition  to  the  biphasic  cultures,  green  and  colorless  forms  of  Euglena  gracilis 
(strain  "T")  were  cultivated  in  0.2%  Difco  beef  extract,  or  "SATBY"  (0.1% 
sodium  acetate,  0.2%  Difco  tryptone,  0.1%  Difco  beef  extract,  0.2%  Difco  yeast 
extract,  in  distilled  water). 

Cultures  were  hung  in  a  north-facing  window  or  in  temperature-controlled  cab- 
inets with  either  incandescent  or  fluorescent  lighting  on  a  time-switch.  The  cul- 
tures were  grown  at  a  standard  temperature  of  20°  C. 


A  biphasic  culture  of  any  species  of  the  Euglenineae  has  a  typical  growth  pattern. 
Sub-culturing  to  a  new  tube  with  a  heavy  inoculum  is  followed  by  a  lag-period  of 
two  to  three  days  during  which  time  there  are  few  or  no  divisions.  This  is  followed 
by  a  period  of  multiplication  which  is  eventually  slowed  and  halted  by  overcrowding 
of  the  medium.  There  is  an  upper  limit  of  number  of  cells  per  ml.  of  medium 
(the  "culture  saturation  point")  at  which  cell  multiplication  falls  to  a  low  rate. 
This  effect  is  not  caused  by  exhaustion  of  the  medium ;  if  the  cells  of  a  "saturated" 
culture  are  centrifuged  off  and  the  medium  re-inoculated,  the  culture  builds  up  as 
quickly  as  before,  and  this  can  be  repeated  several  times. 

According  to  the  size  of  the  inoculum,  the  division  rate,  and  the  "culture  satura- 
tion point"  of  the  species  concerned,  the  increase  in  cell  numbers  may  continue  for 
one  to  twelve  months.  It  is  the  mitotic  rhythms  occurring  during  this  period  of 
multiplication  which  are  the  subject  of  this  paper. 


Fixations  made  at  two-hourly  intervals  for  several  (not  successive)  24-hour 
periods  showed  that  all  green  species  of  the  Euglenineae  had  mitosis  confined  to 
the  dark  period  when  growing  in  biphasic  culture  under  natural  light  conditions. 

The  restriction  of  nuclear  division  to  the  dark  period  was  examined  in  detail  in 














6  (/>' 






fifteen  green  species.  Fixations  were  made  at  half-hourly  intervals  from  the  onset 
of  darkness  on  one,  two  or  three  consecutive  nights,  the  material  for  any  one  series 
being  taken  from  the  same  culture  tube.  Five  hundred  cells  were  counted  in  each 
of  two  preparations  from  each  fixation  and  the  number  of  cells  in  mitosis  and  cell 
division  noted.  The  results  of  these  counts  were  similar  for  all  species  and  are 
recorded  graphically  for  six  representative  species  in  Figures  1  and  2. 

Mitosis  began  one  to  two  hours  after  the  onset  of  darkness.  In  Euglena 
spirogyra  (Fig.  1,  A),  Euglena  viridis  (Fig.  1,  B)  and  Eutreptia  pertyi,  mitosis 
began  at  the  same  time  on  each  of  three  successive  nights.  The  mitotic  maximum 




FIGURES  1  and  2.  The  number  of  cells  per  thousand  in  mitosis  at  half-hourly  intervals 
during  one,  two  or  three  consecutive  nights,  plotted  as  mitosis  percentage  against  time.  All 
results  are  for  biphasic  cultures  growing  in  the  natural  day-night  cycle,  the  dark  period  be- 
ginning at  8  PM.  FIGURE  1.  Green  species :  A,  Euglena  spirogyra;  B,  Euglena  viridis.  FIG- 
URE 2.  Green  species :  A,  Phacus  pusillus;  B,  Phacus  pyrum;  C,  Trachelomonas  bulla;  D, 
Trachelomonas  grandis. 

occurred  from  2%  to  4^  hours  after  the  onset  of  darkness  in  all  species.  The 
maxima  for  Euglena  viridis  (Fig.  1,  B),  Eutreptia  pertyi  and  Phacus  pusillus  (Fig. 
2,  A)  occurred  at  the  same  time  on  three  successive  nights;  those  for  Euglena 
spirogyra  (Fig.  1,  A)  covered  a  two-hour  period  within  three  nights.  The  span 


of  the  nightly  period  during  which  mitosis  occurred  ranged  from  three  to  six  hours 
in  the  different  species.  The  mean  maximum  percentage  of  cells  undergoing  mitosis 
each  night  is  recorded  in  Table  I. 

Recording  the  number  of  cells  at  each  stage  of  mitosis  in  each  fixation  produced 
a  more  detailed  picture  of  the  periodicity.  The  results  for  Euglena  spirogyra  for 
one  dark  period  (Fig.  3)  illustrate  the  complete  restriction  of  nuclear  and  cell 
division  to  within  a  five-hour  period,  beginning  approximately  two  hours  after  the 
onset  of  darkness.  Successive  maxima  of  the  mitotic  stages  occur,  a  wave  of  pro- 
phases  being  followed  by  waves  of  metaphases,  anaphases,  telophases  and  cell 
cleavage.  This  pattern  was  repeated  in  other  cultures  of  the  same  species  and  by 
other  species,  the  relative  size  and  span  of  the  maxima  varying  according  to  the 
duration  of  the  stages  of  mitosis  in  the  different  species. 


The  mean  maximum  percentage  of  cells  undergoing  mitosis  each  night  in  green  species 
of  the  Euglenineae  in  biphasic  culture  at  20°  C. 

Species  Mean  maximum  % 

Colacium  mucronatum  2.6 

Cryptoglena  pigra  1.8 

Euglena  acus  1.9 

Euglena  deses  2.2 

Euglena  gracilis  "T"  4.2 

Euglena  gracilis  "Z"  5.7 

Buglena  spirogyra  3.4 

Euglena  viridis  4.9 

Sutreptia  pertyi  3.5 

Sutreptia  viridis  2.3 

Itepocinclis  ovum  var.  buetschlii  6.8 

Itepocinclis  steinii  1.3 

PJiacus  pusillus  3.4 

Rhacus  pyrum  3.1 

T*rachelomonas  butla  1.8 

Trachelomonas  grandis  2.9 

Further  series  of  fixations  over  a  period  of  one  year  showed  that  no  matter  at 
what  time  of  the  clock  the  natural  dark  period  began,  mitosis  began  one  to  two  hours 
later,  the  percentage  of  cells  dividing  each  night  being  of  the  same  order  for  any  one 
species  (at  20°  C.).  There  was  no  variation  in  the  mitotic  rate  in  relation  to 

Examination  of  the  same  culture  over  a  period  of  several  months  showed  the 
multiplication  period  to  be  discontinuous.  Weeks  with  divisions  occurring  every 
night  were  interspersed  with  occasional  days  when  no  divisions  occurred. 

The  introduction  of  an  artificial  dark  period  during  the  natural  light  period 
affected  mitotic  periodicity  in  all  the  green  species.  If  the  artificial  dark  period 
was  begun  three  hours  or  less  before  the  natural  one,  mitosis  occurred,  but  in  a 
lower  percentage  of  cells  than  usual.  When  the  artificial  dark  period  was  introduced 
six  hours  or  more  before  the  natural  one  was  due  to  begin,  divisions  rarely  occurred. 
The  shortest  day-length  after  which  mitosis  would  occur  was  approximately  twelve 

No  mitosis  or  cell  division  could  be  induced  in  any  green  species  in  biphasic 



culture  in  any  conditions  or  intensity  of  artificial  lighting,  either  direct  or  diffused, 
incandescent  or  fluorescent.  Attempts  to  reverse  the  mitotic  periodicity  in  a  tem- 
perature-controlled cabinet  with  lighting  on  a  time-switch  were  unsuccessful,  the 
cells  becoming  quiescent  with  no  divisions  occurring.  Similarly,  no  mitosis  occurred 
in  either  continuous  light  or  continuous  darkness.  Returned  to  natural  light  con- 
ditions after  such  treatment,  the  cells  recovered  their  full  division  rate  within  a  day 
if  the  treatment  had  been  short,  but  less  quickly  if  the  treatment  was  prolonged. 




O     6- 




12  M. 


Ti  me 

FIGURE  3.  Mitosis  in  Euglena  spirogyra.  The  number  of  cells  per  thousand  in  prophase 
(P),  metaphase  (M),  anaphase  (A),  telophase  (T)  and  cell  cleavage  (Cl)  at  half -hourly 
intervals  during  one  night,  plotted  as  percentage  of  each  mitotic  stage  against  time.  The 
results  are  for  a  biphasic  culture  growing  in  the  natural  day-night  cycle,  the  dark  period  be- 
ginning at  8  PM. 




6am       12N.         6pm       12M.        6am 




Once  mitosis  had  begun,  it  proceeded  to  conclusion  even  if  the  dividing  cell  was 
then  subjected  to  light.  However,  if  light  was  introduced  less  than  an  hour  after 
the  onset  of  darkness,  no  mitosis  occurred.  If  a  dark  period  of  more  than  one 
hour  followed  a  full-length  day  and  artificial  light  was  then  introduced,  some  cells 
underwent  a  complete  mitotic  division,  though  on  first  examination  no  cells  could  be 
found  in  mitosis,  not  even  in  prophase. 

Euglena  gracilis  was  the  only  species  in  which  the  time  and  rate  of  mitosis  in 
biphasic  culture  could  be  compared  with  those  in  a  rich  liquid  medium.  The 















iA    i^. 








6a.m.       12N.         6p.m.       12M.        6am. 




FIGURES  4  and  5.  The  number  of  cells  per  thousand  in  mitosis  at  half-hourly  intervals 
during  one,  two  or  three  (not  consecutive)  24-hour  periods,  plotted  as  mitosis  percentage 
against  time.  All  results  are  for  biphasic  or  milk  cultures  growing  in  the  natural  day-night 
cycle.  FIGURE  4.  Colorless  species :  A,  Astasia  klebsii ;  B,  Distigma  protcus.  FIGURE  5. 
Colorless  species :  A,  Hyalophacus  ocellatns;  B,  Menoidium  cultellus ;  C,  Pcranema  tricho- 

mitotic  rhythm  shown  by  the  green  form  of  strain  "T"  in  biphasic  culture  was  absent 
in  0.2%  beef  extract  or  "SATBY"  medium.  During  the  period  of  rapid  multiplica- 
tion prior  to  crowding  of  the  culture,  a  fixation  at  any  time  of  day  or  night  showed 
from  5-6%  (beef  extract)  or  8-10%  ("SATBY")  of  the  cells  undergoing  mitosis 


(at  20°  C.)-  At  30°  C.  the  mitotic  rate  of  Euglena  gracilis  "T"  in  "SATBY"  was 
25-30%.  In  biphasic  culture,  maximum  division  rates  were  obtained  at  20°  C. ; 
raising  or  lowering  the  temperature  by  five  degrees  resulted  in  a  fall  in  division  rate. 


Fixations  made  at  half -hourly  intervals  over  24-hour  periods  showed  that  a 
constant  rate  of  mitosis  was  not  maintained  in  any  colorless  species  of  the  Eugleni- 
neae  in  biphasic  culture,  bursts  of  mitotic  activity  alternating  with  periods  when 
mitosis  was  almost  completely  absent. 

The  results  for  24-hour  series  of  half-hourly  fixations  are  recorded  for  the  five 
species  studied  in  Figures  4  and  5.  In  addition  to  these  series  where  a  division 
maximum  occurred  at  some  time  during  the  24-hour  period,  numerous  series  con- 
tained no  divisions  or  a  few  divisions  scattered  throughout  the  period.  Many 
single  fixations  at  different  times  of  day  or  night  contained  cells  in  mitosis. 

TABLE  1 1 

The  maximum  percentage  of  cells  recorded  in  mitosis  at  any  one  time  in  colorless  species 
of  the  Englenineae  in  biphasic  or  milk  culture  at  20°  C. 

Species  Maximum  % 

Astasia  klebsii  8.0 

Distigma  proteus  3.9 

Hyalophacus  ocellatus  1.9 

Menoidium  cultellus  4.7 

Peranema  trichophorum  (in  milk)  2.1 

Mitotic  maxima  occurred  at  any  time  of  the  clock.  In  none  of  the  five  species 
did  the  periods  of  major  mitotic  activity  bear  any  relationship  to  the  alternating 
light  and  darkness  of  the  natural  day-night  cycle.  The  recorded  maxima  for 
Astasia  klebsii  (Fig.  4,  A)  occurred  at  10  AM,  4:30  PM  and  10  PM  ;  those  for 
Hyalophacus  ocellatus  (Fig.  5.  A)  at  9  AM,  3  PM  and  9:30  PM.  The  time-spans 
of  the  major  periods  of  mitotic  activity  ranged  from  3y2  to  8^2  hours. 

The  highest  percentage  of  cells  obtained  dividing  at  any  one  time  is  recorded  for 
each  species  in  Table  II.  The  percentages  of  cells  dividing  at  different  times  on 
different  dates  were  of  the  same  order  for  some  species  (Fig.  5,  A  and  B)  but  not 
for  Astasia  klebsii  (Fig.  4,  A). 

The  irregularly  spaced  bursts  of  major  mitotic  activity  in  the  colorless  species 
continued  in  alternating  artificial  light  and  darkness,  in  continuous  light,  and  in 
continuous  darkness. 

The  colorless  form  of  Euglena  gracilis  "T"  growing  in  0.2%  beef  extract  or 
•'SATBY"  medium  behaved  as  did  the  green  form  in  these  media,  exhibiting  no 
periodicity  of  mitosis,  regular  or  irregular.  A  continuous  division  rate  of  6-7% 
was  maintained  in  "SATBY"  at  20°  C.,  the  rate  increasing  to  30-35%  at  30°  C. 


Mitotic  rhythms  have  been  recorded  for  higher  plants  by  Lewis  (1901),  Kellicott 
(1904),  Karsten  (1915),  Laughlin  (1919),  Stalfelt  (1919),  Friesner  (1920), 
Tischler  (1921),  Abele  (1925),  Brown  (1951)  and  Jensen  and  Kavaljian  (1958). 


The  rhythm,  in  most  cases  thought  to  be  endogenous,  has  been  related  to  the  onset 
of  germination,  the  balance  between  cell  elongation  and  division,  or  light  periodicity. 
Lewis  (1901)  and  Karsten  (1915)  found  that  the  times  of  the  maxima  altered  when 
light  conditions  were  changed,  but  Friesner  (1920)  found  the  maxima  were  inde- 
pendent of  light  changes.  Stalfelt  (1919)  and  Brown  (1951)  state  that  the  mitotic 
rhythm  of  higher  plants  is  exogenously  imposed  by  the  day-night  cycle,  disappearing 
when  the  plants  are  grown  in  continuous  darkness.  No  evidence  of  mitotic  rhythms 
in  higher  plants  was  found  by  Winter  (1929)  or  Gray  and  Scholes  (1951). 

Mitotic  rhythms  in  animals  have  been  recorded  by  Ortiz-Picon  (1933),  Carleton, 
(1934),  Cooper  and  Schiff  (1938),  Cooper  and  Franklin  (1940),  Blumenfeld 
(1942,  1943),  Bullough  (1948)  and  Milletti  (1950).  The  rhythm  has  been  related 
to  the  activity  cycle,  a  higher  division  rate  occurring  when  the  animal  is  at  rest 
(Cooper  and  Schiff,  1938;  Bullough,  1948;  Milletti,  1950).  Kalmus  (1935)  has 
recorded  an  exogenous  rhythm  of  cell  division  for  Paramecium. 

Twenty-four-hour  rhythms  of  mitosis  have  been  recorded  for  a  number  of  algae. 
Division  occurring  exclusively  at  night  has  been  recorded  for  species  of  the  genera 
Cladophora  and  Stigeoclonium  (Braun,  1851),  Spirogyra  (Braun,  1851;  Famintzin, 
1867;  Sachs,  1874;  Strasburger,  1880).  Zygnema  (Kurssanow,  1912),  and  Vauch- 
cria,  Hydrodictyonand  Ulothri.v  (Sachs,  1874),  whilst  Karsten  (1918)  found  three 
maxima  in  each  24-hour  period  for  species  of  Closterium,  Cosmarium  and  Mesotacn- 
hmi.  Wildeman  (1891)  found  no  mitotic  rhythm  in  Spirogyra.  The  present 
author  has  found  mitosis  almost  entirely  confined  to  the  dark  period  in  species  of 
Hydrodictyon,  Ulothri.v,  Mougcotia,  Spirogwa,  Zygnema,  Closteriwn,  Cosmarium 
and  Staurastrum  in  biphasic  culture.  The  rhythm  was  exogenous  in  these  species, 
and  mitosis  could  be  produced  at  any  time  of  the  clock  by  adjusting  the  time  of  the 
dark  period  in  a  culture  cabinet.  Some  species  of  Spirogyra  and  Zygnema  under- 
went mitosis  in  continuous  light. 

A  nocturnal  periodicity  of  mitosis  in  euglenoid  species  has  been  mentioned  by 
Dangeard  (1902)  for  species  of  Euglena,  Phacus  and  Trachelomonas,  Baker  (1926) 
for  Euglena  gracilis  in  a  split  pea  infusion,  Ratcliffe  (1927)  for  Euglena  spirogvra 
in  modified  Doflein's  medium,  S.  R.  Hall  (1931)  for  the  parasitic  Euglena  leucops 
Hall  when  in  its  host,  a  species  of  Stenostomum,  Gojdics  (1934)  for  Euglena  deses 
in  0.1^  beef  extract,  Johnson  (1934)  for  Colacium  vesiculosum  Ehrbg.  and  Chu 
(1946)  for  Euglena  spp.  in  biphasic  culture.  Only  sparse  growth  was  possible  in 
several  of  the  media  recommended  by  these  authors.  Lackey  (1929)  has  made 
the  only  record  of  a  division  maximum  at  night  in  a  colorless  species  (Entosi- 
phon  sulcatum  (Duj.)  Stein,  grown  in  a  cracked  wheat  medium)  and  suggests 
it  might  be  explained  on  phylogenetic  grounds.  This  is  to  be  doubted  since 
the  nocturnal  rhythm  of  the  green  species  is  not  endogenous  and  no  such  rhythm  is 
present  in  the  five  colorless  species  investigated  in  the  present  study.  Lackey  re- 
cords some  divisions  during  the  day  and  it  is  probable  that  his  division  maxima 
occurred  during  the  dark  period  by  chance,  without  being  related  to  it. 

The  mitotic  maxima  recorded  for  higher  plants  and  animals  are  increases  over 
a  continuous  low  division  rate.  As  would  be  expected,  in  organisms  composed  of 
many  cells  arranged  in  tissues,  some  of  which  are  specifically  concerned  with  cell 
division,  mitosis  occurs  throughout  the  24-hour  period  in  the  division  sites.  Diurnal 
rhythms,  whether  in  areas  directly  affected  by  light  or  not  (root-tip  meristems  in 


plants,  bone  marrow  in  animals),  can  be  related  to  metabolic  rhythms,  maximum 
mitosis  occurring  during  the  period  of  minimum  activity. 

In  unicellular  organisms  the  division  of  labor  between  cell  growth  and  mitosis  is 
often  in  time  rather  than  in  space.  A  cell  tends  to  divide  during  a  period  of  minimum 
activity  of  that  particular  cell.  Thus  green  unicells  and  filamentous  green  algae 
often  have  a  rhythm  of  mitosis  which  is  closely  related  to  the  rhythm  of  photosyn- 
thetic  activity  in  the  day-night  cycle. 

Such  a  relationship  is  exhibited  by  the  Euglenineae.  Green  species,  when  living 
autotrophically,  divide  only  in  the  dark,  and  an  almost  full  period  of  natural  day- 
light is  necessary  before  mitosis  will  occur  in  the  ensuing  dark  period.  A  threshold 
period  of  darkness  is  required  for  the  induction  of  mitosis,  but  once  induction  has 
occurred,  the  mitotic  process  will  begin  and  proceed  to  completion,  even  though  the 
cell  be  subjected  to  light  before  its  nucleus  has  begun  the  anterior  migration  which 
is  the  first  sign  of  approaching  mitosis.  This  induction  precedes  prophase  by  a 
period  of  up  to  one  hour,  since  the  threshold  period  for  induction  is  approximately 
one  hour  after  the  onset  of  darkness,  whilst  the  first  prophases  in  all  species  appear 
one  to  two  hours  after  darkness.  The  final  inductions  would  then  be  occurring 
approximately  three  hours  later,  since  the  last  prophases  appear  four  to  five  hours 
after  darkness  (Fig.  3). 

It  has  been  shown  in  Euglena  gracilis  that  the  nocturnal  periodicity  of  mitosis  is 
removed  by  the  stimulus  of  a  rich  food  supply,  the  heterotrophic  ("chemotrophic") 
mode  of  nutrition  of  this  species  in  beef  extract  or  "SATBY"  being  unrelated  to  the 
day-night  cycle. 

Mitosis  in  colorless  species  of  the  Euglenineae  in  biphasic  culture  shows  an 
irregular  periodicity  which  is  not  related  to  the  natural  day-night  cycle.  The 
heterotrophic  mode  of  nutrition  of  the  colorless  species  is  also  independent  of  light. 

The  factor  deciding  which  cells  in  a  culture  divide  during  any  one  period  of 
mitosis  is  probably  cell  age  (reflecting  cell  size  and  cell  maturity)  in  both  green 
and  colorless  species.  If  5%  of  the  cells  of  a  biphasic  culture  of  a  green  species 
divide  each  night  in  turn,  the  span  of  a  generation  will  be  20  days.  In  Euglena 
gracilis  in  "SATBY"  at  30°  C.,  with  a  division  rate  of  25-35%,  the  generation  span 
cannot  be  more  than  8-12  hours. 

The  nocturnal  rhythm  of  mitosis  is  presumably  present  in  green  species  in  the 
wild  when  the  supply  of  nutrients  is  low.  An  influx  of  rich  organic  nutrients  will 
remove  the  periodicity  and,  when  combined  with  optimum  temperature  and  pH, 
may  result  in  the  sudden  euglenoid  "blooms"  which  often  occur  in  bog-pools,  farm- 
yards, ponds  and  lakes. 


1.  The  periodicity  of  mitosis  and  cell  division  has  been  investigated  in  15  green 
and  5  colorless  species  of  the  Euglenineae. 

2.  Green  species  in  biphasic  culture  under  natural  light  conditions  have  mitosis 
confined  to  the  dark  period.     Mitosis  begins  one  to  two  hours  after  the  onset  of 
darkness,  each  species  having  a  predictable  percentage  of  cells  dividing  each  night. 
There  is  a  threshold  period  at  the  beginning  of  the  dark  period  after  which  mitosis 
cannot  be  inhibited  by  light.     The  mitotic  rhythm  is  exogenous,  being  removed  by 
growth  in  artificial  light  or  darkness  (resulting  in  no  mitosis),  or  in  a  rich  organic 
medium   (resulting  in  continuous  mitosis  at  a  constant  rate). 


3.  Colorless  species  in  biphasic  culture  under  any  light  conditions  have  an  ir- 
regular mitotic  periodicity,  bursts  of  mitosis  occurring  at  any  time  of  the  clock  and 
alternating  with  periods  in  which  mitosis  is  almost  absent. 

4.  It  is  suggested  that  the  presence  or  absence  of  regular  or  irregular  mitotic 
periodicity  is  related  to  the  different  modes  and  rates  of  nutrition  of  green  and 
colorless  species  in  various  conditions  of  light  and  darkness,  and  in  various  media. 


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Department  of  Biology,   University  of  Oregon,  Eugene,  Oregon,  and  Laboratoire  Arago, 


Recent  reviews  of  the  metabolic  events  in  the  intermoult  cycle  of  decapod  crusta- 
ceans, and  of  the  hormonal  control  of  these  events,  have  emphasized  the  fragmentary 
nature  of  our  present  knowledge  (Knowles  and  Carlisle,  1956;  Scheer,  1957). 
Particular  interest  centers  around  the  metabolism  of  carbohydrate,  which  is  known 
from  the  work  of  Renaud  (1949)  to  undergo  considerable  changes  in  the  course  of 
the  intermoult  cycle.  The  present  report  is  based  on  a  study  of  a  laboratory 
population  of  approximately  100  specimens  of  the  crab  Carcinides  (  =  Carcinus] 
maenas,  in  which  the  content  of  total  carbohydrate,  total  soluble  polysaccharide, 
blood  carbohydrate,  blood  lipochromes,  and  total  non-protein  nitrogen  was  deter- 
mined on  the  individuals  in  samples  drawn  at  intervals  from  the  population. 


The  animals  were  taken  from  a  lagoon  north  of  Banyuls-sur-Mer  and  brought 
into  the  laboratory  on  October  11  :  they  were  maintained  throughout  the  experiment 
in  large  aquaria  in  running  sea  water,  and  fed  regularly  on  mussels.  Examination 
of  the  animals  showed  them  all  to  be  in  the  hard-shelled  condition  (stages  Co 
through  D.,  of  Drach,  1939),  but  closer  determination  of  intermoult  cycle  stage 
was  not  made  until  the  animals  were  killed  for  analysis.  Most  of  the  animals  were 
males,  and  only  males  were  used  for  the  studies  reported,  to  avoid  complications 
arising  out  of  sexual  differences.  On  October  14,  November  13,  and  December  1, 
samples  of  20  to  30  crabs,  selected  at  random,  were  drawn  from  the  group,  and 
the  eyestalks  were  removed  from  every  second  animal.  Mortality  was  very  low. 
It  is  probable  that  a  few  animals  moulted  during  the  period  of  the  experiment,  but 
cannibalism  prevented  any  certain  determination  of  this. 

Eight  to  ten  days  after  the  sampling,  the  animals  were  extracted  for  analysis. 
The  stage  in  the  intermoult  cycle  was  carefully  determined,  using  the  criteria  of 
Drach  (1939).  For  this  study,  an  exact  determination  of  the  division  between  the 
end  of  the  intermoult  period  (C4)  and  the  beginning  of  the  premoult  period  (D:) 
was  essential.  Accordingly,  microscopic  examination  of  the  external  branchial 
epipodite  of  the  first  maxilliped  was  made  to  determine  the  presence  of  newly  formed 
setae  beneath  the  old  integument  of  this  appendage.  The  presence  of  even  the  most 
rudimentary  new  setae  was  taken  as  an  index  of  the  beginning  of  stage  Da.  These 
rudimentary  setae  can  be  detected  only  by  careful  microscopic  examination  under 
good  illumination  by  transmitted  light. 



A  blood  sample  was  taken  by  bleeding  from  a  cut  walking  leg.  The  animal  was 
then  quickly  cut  up  into  50-75  ml.  of  5%  trichloracetic  acid;  Renaud  (1949)  had 
already  shown  that  the  elaborate  precautions  to  prevent  glycolysis  which  are  neces- 
sary in  mammals  are  not  as  important  in  crabs.  The  mixture  of  acid  and  tissue 
was  transferred  to  an  electric  blender  (Cadillac  Atomixer),  and  blended  at  8000 
rpm.  for  3  minutes.  The  mixture  was  rapidly  filtered  with  suction,  and  the  residue 
returned  to  the  blender  with  a  second  portion  of  acid  for  a  second  extraction.  The 
blender  and  residue  were  washed  with  a  third  portion  of  acid.  The  combined 
filtrates  were  then  diluted  in  a  volumetric  flask,  usually  to  250  ml.,  and  stored  in 
the  refrigerator  until  analyzed,  always  within  a  few  days. 

Blood  carbohydrate  was  determined  on  some  samples  by  the  anthrone  method 
of  Roe  (1955).  One  ml.  of  blood  was  collected  by  dripping  from  a  cut  walking 
leg,  into  a  calibrated  tube.  One  ml.  of  5%  trichloracetic  acid  was  added  with  mix- 
ing, and  the  mixture  was  centrifuged.  One  ml.  of  the  supernatant  was  then  trans- 
ferred to  a  second  tube  for  colorimetric  determination.  Blood  lipochromes  were 
determined  on  other  samples.  To  1  ml.  of  blood.  5  ml.  of  acetone  were  added. 
The  acetone  solution  was  then  extracted  with  2  ml.  of  petroleum  ether,  the  ether 
layer  was  washed  with  water,  dried  with  solid  KOH,  and  diluted  to  5  ml.  with 
petroleum  ether.  The  concentration  of  lipochromes  was  then  read  in  the  spectro- 
photometer  at  450  m/x  against  a  petroleum  ether  blank.  The  measurements  are 
given  as  optical  densities,  since  the  exact  nature  of  the  lipochromes  involved  is  not 

Total  carbohydrate  was  determined  by  the  anthrone  method  (Roe,  1955).  One 
hundred  microliters  (/xl)  of  the  extract  were  transferred  to  a  tube  with  a  micro- 
pipette,  and  diluted  to  one  ml.  for  colorimetric  determination.  Polysaccharide  was 
determined  by  the  same  method.  To  1  ml.  of  extract,  5  ml.  of  95%  ethyl  alcohol 
were  added,  and  the  mixture  allowed  to  stand  overnight  in  the  refrigerator.  The 
tubes  were  centrifuged,  the  precipitate  carefully  drained,  and  suspended  in  10  ml. 
of  distilled  water.  A  one-mi,  sample  of  this  suspension  was  used  for  colorimetric 
analysis.  The  anthrone  method  has  the  advantage  for  this  study  that  it  determines 
a  variety  of  carbohydrates,  and  relatively  few  other  naturally  occurring  compounds. 
All  results  are  expressed  in  terms  of  glucose  equivalents. 

Non-protein  nitrogen  (NPN)  was  determined  on  10-ml.  samples  of  the  extract, 
using  the  micro-Kjeldahl  digestion  method  of  Hiller  et  al.  (1948)  and  distilling  the 
digested  mixture  into  0.1  N  HC1  in  an  all-glass  still.  Ammonia  nitrogen  (NH3N) 
was  separated  by  distilling  the  undigested  extract  in  the  same  still.  The  final  de- 
termination of  ammonia  in  both  cases  was  colorimetric,  using  the  Nessler  reagent. 


In  the  first  sample,  examined  11  to  19  days  after  collection,  10  out  of  16  animals 
(63%}  were  in  the  C4  stage  (late  intermoult)  of  the  intermoult  cycle;  the  remainder 
were  in  the  Dt  stage  (early  premoult).  In  the  second  sample,  examined  43  to  45 
iays  after  collection,  the  proportion  of  C4  animals  was  52%  (12  C4,  8  Dx,  3  D2). 
In  the  third  sample,  the  proportion  was  32%  (7  C4,  15  Dx).  These  values  suggest 
that  the  population  from  which  the  samples  were  drawn  was  undergoing  a  steady 
progression  towards  the  moult.  The  x2  test  shows  that  the  proportion  of  C4  animals 
in  the  third  sample  is  significantly  less  than  in  the  first,  at  the  5%  level  of  probability. 



In  the  first  sample,  only  one  of  the  10  C4  animals  had  blood  clearly  pigmented 
with  lipochromes,  while  5  of  the  16  Dj  animals  had  blood  so  pigmented;  no  quanti- 
tative determinations  were  made  in  this  series.  In  the  second  sample,  5  of  the  12  C4 
animals  and  6  of  the  1 1  D1  animals  had  lipochromes  clearly  evident  in  the  blood ; 
quantitative  measurements  were  made  on  these  1 1  animals,  and  are  presented  in 
Table  I.  For  the  third  sample,  quantitative  measurements  were  made  on  all  the 
animals,  and  are  presented  in  Table  I.  From  the  results  on  the  third  sample,  in 
which  traces  of  lipochrome  are  found  in  nearly  all  specimens,  it  appears  that  the 
level  for  qualitative  detection  of  lipochromes  lies  at  about  0.05  on  the  density  scale 
used  to  express  concentrations.  On  this  basis,  we  would  conclude  that  only  one 
of  the  7  C4  animals  of  the  third  sample  had  substantial  amounts  of  lipochrome  in  the 
blood,  while  7  of  the  15  Dj  animals  had  such  amounts.  If  we  apply  the  x"  test  to 


Lipochromes  in  the  blood  of  Carcinides  maenas.     Optical  density  at  450  m/j.  of  a  petroleum 

ether  extract,  volume  5  nil.,  from  1  ml.  of  blood.     The  values  for  sample  2  (see  text) 

represent  only  animals  in  which  blood  lipochromes  were  qualitatively  evident 



.Stage  condition 













Sample  2 























Sample  3 











































*  Stage  D2. 

these  values,  we  find  that  the  frequency  of  occurrence  of  easily  observable  amounts 
of  lipochrome  in  the  blood  is  not  significantly  different  from  1  in  10  animals  for 
the  C4  stage  in  samples  1  and  3,  but  is  significantly  different,  at  the  10%  level  of 
probability  or  better,  for  all  the  other  groups.  The  1:10  ratio  observed  in  C,, 
sample  1,  is  also  significantly  different  from  the  1:2  ratio  observed  in  Dlt  sample  o. 
The  mobilization  of  lipochromes  from  the  digestive  gland  to  the  integumentary 
tissues  is  an  important  part  of  the  preparation  for  the  moult,  and  all  of  the  D, 
animals  in  this  study  showed  deposits  of  pigment  in  the  region  of  the  membranous 
layer  of  the  integument;  indeed,  this  characteristic  appears  to  be  a  fairly  reliable 
means  of  detecting  the  beginning  of  the  premoult  period.  The  appearance  of  lipo- 
chrome in  substantial  amounts  in  the  blood  may  therefore  be  taken  as  an  indication 
of  the  beginning  of  preparations  for  moulting.  It  is  clear  from  the  results  presented 
that  this  mobilization  begins  before  the  first  morphological  signs  of  premoult  (initia- 



tion  of  new  setae)  appear.  Moreover,  we  may  conclude  that  the  C4  animals  in  the 
second  sample  were  further  advanced  towards  the  premoult  stage  than  were  those 
in  the  first  or  third  samples.  There  is  no  conclusive  evidence  that  eyestalk  removal 
has  any  effect  on  the  mobilization  of  lipochromes. 

The  results  of  the  carbohydrate  determinations  are  presented  in  Table  II.  We 
may  first  note  the  rather  striking  difference  in  carbohydrate  content  of  normal 
animals  in  stage  Q  between  sample  2  and  the  other  two  samples.  The  mean  values 


Total  carbohydrate  and  polysaccharide  content  (mg.  glucose  equivalent  per  gm.  body  weight] 

of  three  samples  from  a  population  of  Carcinides  maenas, 

and  the  effect  of  eyestalk  removal 

























Sample  1 













11-19  days 





































Sample  2 













43-45  days 























































Sample  3 













67-70  days 























































*  Stage  D2. 

for  samples  1  and  3  are  2.06  and  2.62  mg.  per  gm.  for  total  carbohydrate,  while  the 
corresponding  mean  for  sample  2  is  10.12  mg.  per  gm.  The  difference  between  the 
means  for  sample  1  and  2  is  significant  at  the  5%  level  on  the  basis  of  the  t  test. 
This  difference  in  means  arises  from  the  fact  that  all  but  one  of  the  values  from 
sample  2  are  greater  than  8  mg.  per  gm.,  while  none  of  the  values  from  samples  1 
and  3  is  as  great  as  5  mg.  per  gm.  Moreover,  the  single  low  value  in  sample  2  was 
obtained  from  one  of  the  animals  (no.  26)  which  had  no  obvious  lipochrome  in  the 
blood.  If  our  earlier  conclusion,  that  a  substantial  fraction  of  the  animals  in  stage  C4 
of  the  second  sample  were  well  on  their  way  toward  stage  Dlf  is  correct,  then  we  can 
further  conclude  that  one  characteristic  of  this  transition  is  a  marked  increase  in 


the  carbohydrate  content  of  the  body.  This  conclusion  is  confirmed  by  the  values, 
for  normal  animals  in  stage  Da,  which  are  nearly  all  well  above  those  for  the  C4 
animals  of  groups  1  and  3.  The  difference  between  mean  values  for  sample  3  for 
C4  and  D1  is  significant  at  the  1%  level  on  the  basis  of  the  t  test.  Renaud  (1949) 
had  already  observed  a  similar  change  in  Cancer  pagunts  with  a  mean  glycogen 
content  of  2.09  mg.  per  gm.  for  animals  in  C4.  rising  to  4.43  mg.  per  gm.  by  the  end 
of  Dj.  We  may  therefore  conclude  that  the  increase  in  carbohydrate  content  which 
is  characteristic  of  the  transition  from  intermoult  to  premoult  may  occur  during  the 
latter  part  of  stage  C4,  before  any  morphological  evidence  of  the  transition  is 


Non-protein  nitrogen  (NPN)  and  ammonia  nitrogen  (NH3N)  in  normal 
and  eyestalkless  Carcinides  maenas  (nig.  per  gm.  body  weight) 




















Sample  1 














































Sample  2 



































































*  Stage  D... 

The  second  item  to  be  noted  from  Table  II  is  the  fact  that  the  carbohydrate 
content  of  the  eyestalkless  animals  in  C4  is  throughout  at  levels  characteristic  of  D, 
animals.  Indeed,  there  was  no  eyestalkless  C4  animal  with  a  carbohydrate  content 
as  low  as  3  mg.  per  gm.,  and  in  all  but  two,  the  value  was  higher  than  5  mg.  per  gm. 
The  differences  in  means  for  normal  and  eyestalkless  animals  in  C4  were  significant 
at  the  5%  level  for  both  samples  1  and  3,  on  the  basis  of  the  t  test.  We  may  there- 
fore conclude  that  the  operation  of  eyestalk  removal  causes  an  increase  in  carbohy- 
drate content  from  the  low  values  characteristic  of  C4  animals  to  the  higher  values 
characteristic  of  the  next  stage  in  the  cycle,  D1.  The  same  operation  is  clearly 
without  effect  upon  animals  already  in  stage  Dt  if  for  some  reason  these  animals  have 
low  carbohydrate  content,  since  there  are  several  eyestalkless  Dl  animals  with  rela- 
tively low  carbohydrate  values,  and  the  distribution  of  values  in  normal  and  eye- 
stalkless specimens  in  this  stage  is  substantially  the  same.  We  may  further  infer 
from  our  results,  though  conclusive  evidence  is  lacking,  that  some  endocrine  factor 
is  secreted  in  the  eyestalk  during  stage  C4,  and  that  secretion  of  this  factor  stops 
towards  the  end  of  that  stage.  One  effect  of  this  factor  would  be  the  maintenance 


of  carbohydrate  content  at  relatively  low  levels.  Since  Renaud  (1949)  has  shown  a 
steady  increase  in  glycogen  content  beginning  in  stage  C,,  we  may  suppose  that  the 
secretion  of  the  factor  concerned  decreases  gradually  rather  than  suddenly. 

In  general,  the  polysaccharide  values  follow  the  carbohydrate  values  rather 
closely,  and  80%  or  more  of  the  carbohydrate  is  precipitated  by  alcohol.  However, 
in  the  C4  animals  of  the  first  sample,  the  polysaccharide  averages  only  62 %  of  the 
total  carbohydrate ;  the  eyestalkless  individuals,  and  indeed  all  of  the  other  groups, 
had  a  higher  ratio.  Blood  carbohydrate  was  measured  for  the  animals  of  sample  1 
only.  The  results  are  presented  in  Table  III.  Since  it  appears  that  the  carbohy- 
drate content  of  the  blood  does  not  reflect  changes  in  the  total  carbohydrate  of  the 
body,  and  is  not  influenced  by  any  of  the  other  factors  considered  here,  we  utilized 
the  blood  samples  from  the  second  and  third  group  for  lipochrome  studies. 

The  observation  of  Needham  (1955)  that  increased  nitrogen  excretion  follows 
eyestalk  amputation,  led  us  to  examine  the  nitrogen  content  of  some  of  the  extracts. 
The  results  are  presented  in  Table  IV.  There  appears  to  be  no  systematic  variation 
in  either  NPN  or  NH3N,  except  that  both  sets  of  values,  and  especially  the  NH.,N 
values,  are  generally  lower  in  the  animals  of  sample  1  than  in  those  of  sample  2.  No 
obvious  explanation  for  this  difference  appears.  In  both  samples,  the  extracts  were 
prepared  7  to  14  days  after  eyestalk  removal,  by  which  time  Needham  (1955)  found 
that  nitrogen  excretion  had  returned  to  normal  levels.  We  conclude  that  no  long- 
lasting  modification  in  nitrogen  metabolism  evident  from  NPN  or  NH3N  content 
of  the  animals  is  related  to  the  variables  considered  here. 


Perhaps  the  most  important  finding  of  this  study  is  that  metabolic  changes 
(mobilization  of  lipochromes,  increased  carbohydrate  content)  preparatory  to  the 
moult  precede  in  time  the  morphological  changes  (formation  of  new  setae).  This 
may  not  be  surprising,  but  it  has  not  been  emphasized  before.  We  cannot  on  the 
basis  of  the  evidence  available  conclude  that  the  metabolic  changes  are  causally  related 
to  the  subsequent  structural  changes,  but  this  is  a  reasonable  inference.  However, 
the  two  metabolic  changes  observed  do  not  seem  to  be  directly  related  one  to  the 
other.  There  is  in  general  no  complete  correlation  between  increased  blood  lipo- 
chrome and  increased  carbohydrate.  Moreover,  the  increase  in  carbohydrate  which 
follows  eyestalk  removal  is  not  in  general  associated  with  increased  blood  lipochrome. 

The  increase  in  carbohydrate  content  as  the  animal  approaches  a  moult  was  al- 
ready known  from  the  study  of  Renaud  (1949)  on  Cancer  pagurus.  Moreover, 
Schwabe  et  al.  (1952)  had  observed  a  marked  increase  in  total  glycogen,  represented 
by  deposition  in  the  digestive  gland  and  epidermis,  in  the  transition  to  the  premoult 
stage  in  spiny  lobsters ;  their  data  also  suggest  that  eyestalk  removal  in  stage  C 
increases  the  total  glycogen  of  the  body,  while  the  same  operation  in  stage  D  re- 
sults in  no  change.  However,  they  did  not  determine  this  quantity  directly,  and 
neither  of  their  methods,  for  determination  of  glycogen  or  for  determining  intermoult 
cycle  stage,  was  entirely  satisfactory.  The  demonstration  of  an  increased  carbohy- 
drate content  following  eyestalk  removal  therefore  comes  as  a  definite  addition  to  the 
long  list  of  metabolic  and  other  changes  which  are  consequences  of  this  operation 
(Knowles  and  Carlisle,  1956;  Scheer,  1957). 

The  absence  of  any  changes  in  blood  carbohydrate  was  something  of  a  surprise. 


Renaud  (1949)  found  a  steady  increase  in  the  reducing  power  of  the  blood  from 
C3  through  D1  in  Cancer  payurus,  but  this  increase  was  not  evident  when  the  blood 
was  treated  with  cadmium  sulfate  and  sodium  hydroxide,  a  procedure  supposed  to 
eliminate  non-glucose  reducing  substances.  Recent  studies  in  my  laboratory  by 
McWhinnie  (unpublished)  on  the  blood  of  Hciniyrupsus  mains  have  shown  that 
the  blood  carbohydrate,  like  the  total  carbohydrate  in  acid  extracts  of  the  body,  in- 
cludes several  components,  of  which  glucose  is  a  relatively  minor  one.  Using  the 
highly  specific  hexokinase  glucose-6-phosphate  dehydrogenase  method,  she  found 
glucose  concentrations  averaging  below  2  mg.  per  100  ml.,  with  a  maximum  about 
2.5  mg(/c  in  stage  Q,  and  a  slight  decrease  in  stage  C3,  but  no  change  as  a  result  of 
eyestalk  extirpation.  We  had  earlier  found  a  decrease  in  the  reducing  substances  of 
spiny  lobster  blood  (Schee^and  Scheer,  1951)  following  eyestalk  removal,  but 
others  (Abramowitz  ct  al.,  1944;  Kleinholz  and  Little,  1949)  found  no  such  change 
in  crabs.  It  is  clear  that  the  problem  of  blood  sugar  regulation  in  crustaceans  re- 
quires further  careful  study  with  particular  attention  to  specificity  of  methods. 

The  question  now  arises,  what  is  the  source  of  the  increased  carbohydrate  in 
late  intermoult,  and  what  alterations  in  metabolism  are  responsible  for  the  increase. 
Related  to  this  is  the  question  of  the  endocrine  factors  which  we  presume  to  be  re- 
sponsible for  the  increase.  The  evidence  on  which  we  can  base  hypotheses  re- 
mains fragmentary.  Injection  of  eyestalk  extracts  increases  blood  reducing  sub- 
stances, and  specifically  the  fermentable  reducing  substances  (Abramowitz  et  al., 
1944;  Kleinholz  and  Little,  1949;  Scheer  and  Scheer,  1951).  It  would  be  unwise 
at  present  to  equate  fermentable  reducing  substances  with  glucose,  and  we  do  not 
know  the  metabolic  relations  among  the  various  carbohydrates  found  in  the  blood, 
nor  indeed  the  identity  of  these  substances.  Scheer  and  Scheer  (1951)  showed  that 
injected  glucose  was  removed  from  the  blood  more  rapidly  in  eyestalkless  than  in 
normal  spiny  lobsters,  and  that  most  of  the  carbon  of  this  glucose  could  be  recovered 
in  the  water-  and  alcohol-soluble  fraction  of  tissue  extracts.  From  the  work  of  Hu 
(1958)  we  know  that  this  fraction  may  contain,  besides  glucose,  several  oligosac- 
charides  of  the  maltose  series.  But  the  relation  of  these  substances  to  synthesis  of 
polysaccharides  or  other  aspects  of  carbohydrate  metabolism  remains  obscure. 
Present  evidence,  from  plants  and  animals  alike,  indicates  that  glycoside  linkages 
in  general  are  formed  by  adding  one  monosaccharide  unit  at  a  time  to  existing 
nuclei  by  the  agency  of  nucleotide  coenzymes.  Hu  ( 1958)  has  shown  that  nucleo- 
tides  are  present  in  crabs,  and  that  carbon  from  administered  glucose  appears  in 
these  compounds. 

Whatever  the  intermediate  steps,  the  increased  carbohydrate  content  of  late  inter- 
moult  crabs  may  be  derived  ultimately  either  from  protein  or  carbohydrate  or  both. 
The  evidence  that,  in  fed  crabs,  there  is  no  change  in  the  non-protein  nitrogen, 
suggests  that  there  is  no  fundamental  alteration  in  the  intensity  of  protein  metabo- 
lism. On  the  other  hand,  the  evidence  of  Neiland  and  Scheer  ( 1953)  that,  in  fasting 
crabs,  protein  is  used  in  preference  to  carbohydrate,  and  in  eyestalkless  crabs,  the 
amount  of  protein  used  is  greater,  together  with  the  evidence  of  Needham  (1955) 
that  under  conditions  (trauma)  in  which  protein  breakdown  is  increased  eyestalk 
removal  leads  to  a  further  increase,  suggest  that,  in  eyestalkless  animals  there  may 
be  an  increased  conversion  of  protein  to  carbohydrate.  The  fact  that,  in  such 
animals,  the  utilization  of  glucose  is  also  increased  (Scheer  and  Scheer,  1951) 


would  lead  one  to  place  the  site  of  the  presumed  endocrine  effect  in  the  process  of 
glycogenesis,  rather  than  in  that  of  gluconeogenesis.  We  may,  therefore,  postulate 
that,  during  the  C4  stage,  there  is  a  gradual  transition  from  carbohydrate  oxidation 
to  polysaccharide  synthesis  as  a  major  pathway  of  carbohydrate  metabolism.  This 
offers  a  possible  explanation  for  the  difference  in  glucose  oxidation  observed  by  Hu 
(1958)  and  Scheer  and  Scheer  (1951)  using  similar  procedures  with  different 
animals.  The  crabs  used  by  Hu  may  have  been  in  the  early  part  of  stage  C4  or 
even  in  C3,  when  carbohydrate  oxidation  is  dominant ;  the  spiny  lobsters  used  by 
Scheer  and  Scheer  (1951)  may  have  entered  into  the  phase  in  which  carbohydrate 
synthesis  predominates.  Neither  author  determined  the  intermoult  stage  with  great 
accuracy.  Or,  if  we  accept  the  view  of  Carlisle  (Knowles  and  Carlisle,  1956) 
that  the  intermoult  cycle  is  qualitatively  different  in  animals  with  prolonged  inter- 
moults  (diecdysis,  as  in  crabs  in  winter)  from  the  intermoult  in  animals  which 
moult  regularly  throughout  the  year  (anecdysis,  as  in  Hawaiian  spiny  lobsters),  we 
might  suppose  that  carbohydrate  oxidation  is  primarily  characteristic  of  diecdysis 
and  that  in  anecdysis  polysaccharide  synthesis  predominates.  These  suggestions 
can  be  tested  by  careful  comparison  of  the  fate  of  carbon  from  administered  labeled 
glucose  in  the  various  stages  of  moult  cycles  of  both  types. 

The  question  of  hormonal  control  is  likewise  a  difficult  one.  Carlisle  (Knowles 
and  Carlisle,  1956)  has  summarized  evidence  suggesting  that  two  separate  hormones 
are  concerned  in  the  control  of  the  intermoult  period.  Carlisle  attributes  diecdysis 
to  the  action  of  the  well-known  moult-inhibiting  hormone,  and  cites  his  own  ob- 
servations and  some  of  ours  (Scheer  and  Scheer,  1954)  to  the  effect  that  this  hor- 
mone is  not  active  in  certain  crustaceans,  including  British  populations  of  Carcinides 
maenas  in  the  summer.  We  have  no  way  of  knowing  whether  the  animals  studied 
in  the  present  investigation  undergo  a  cycle  of  the  type  characterized  by  anecdysis, 
or  one  characterized  by  diecdysis.  It  would  appear  that,  to  make  much  further 
progress  with  these  problems,  it  will  be  essential  to  work  with  at  least  partly  purified 
hormone  preparations,  and  to  have  full  information  about  the  type  of  cycle  and 
stage  of  the  animals  in  the  cycle.  We  earlier  postulated  ('Scheer  and  Scheer,  1951) 
an  eyestalk  factor  which  restrains  carbohydrate  utilization  for  polysaccharide,  and 
specifically  chitin,  synthesis.  This  factor  would  be  the  same  as  the  "diabetogenic" 
factor  of  Abramowitz  ct  al.  (1944),  and  we  suggested  that  it  might  also  be  the 
moult-inhibiting  factor.  The  results  reported  here  do  not  give  us  any  reason  to 
alter  this  hypothesis,  nor  do  they  substantially  strengthen  it.  However,  at  present 
it  seems  best  to  consider  that  the  effects  of  eyestalk  removal  noted  by  Neiland  and 
Scheer  (1953)  on  protein  catabolism,  and  the  related  effect  noted  by  Needham 
(1955),  might  result  from  the  action  of  this  same  factor.  For  conclusive  evidence 
concerning  this  hypothesis,  it  is  essential  to  have  a  hormone  preparation  of  reason- 
able purity  which  can  be  tested  for  its  specific  metabolic  effects. 

This  work  was  done  during  tenure  of  a  John  Simon  Guggenheim  Memorial 
Fellowship.  The  author  wishes  to  thank  the  Fellowship  Board  for  the  grant  which 
made  this  work  possible,  and  especially  to  express  his  appreciation  of  the  generous 
provision  of  materials  and  facilities  for  this  work  at  Laboratoire  Arago,  and  of  the 
many  kindnesses  and  the  helpful  assistance  of  the  director.  Prof.  G.  Petit,  and  his 



1.  A  laboratory  population  of  Carcinides  maenas  was  sampled  three  times  over 
a  period  of  70  days,  and  the  blood  carbohydrate,  blood  lipochromes,  total  body 
carbohydrate,  total  body  polysaccharide,  non-protein  nitrogen,  and  ammonia  nitrogen 
were   determined ;   the   effect   of   eyestalk   removal   on   these   quantities    was   also 

2.  During  the  course  of  the  observations,  there  was  a  progression  within  the 
population  from  late  intermoult  (C4)  to  early  premoult  (D)  stages. 

3.  The  change  from  intermoult  to  premoult  was  signalized  by  the  appearance  of 
relatively  large  amounts  of  lipochromes  in  the  blood  and  integument,  and  by  an  in- 
crease in  total  body  carbohydrate  content.      These  biochemical  changes  preceded  any 
morphological  signs  of  preparation  for  moult. 

4.  Eyestalk  extirpation  caused  an  increase  in  the  body  carbohydrate,  but  did  not 
alter  the  blood  lipochromes.     The  increase  in  carbohydrate  was  observed  only  in 
those  animals  which  had  not  undergone  the  change  spontaneously. 

5.  The  other  quantities  measured  showed  no  variation  attributable  either  to  the 
stage  in  the  intermoult  cycle  or  to  eyestalk  removal. 

6.  The  results  are  discussed  with  relation  to  the  possible  mechanisms  of  the 
effects  observed,  and  the  hormonal  factors  concerned. 


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NEEDHAM,  A.  E.,  1955.  Nitrogen-excretion  in  Carcinides  maenas  (Pennant)  during  the  early 
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RENAUD,  L.,  1949.  Le  cycle  des  reserves  organiques  chez  les  crustaces  decapodes.  Ann.  Inst. 
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Oregon,  Eugene. 

SCHEER,  B.  T.,  AND  M.  A.  R.  SCHEER,  1951.  Blood  sugar  in  spiny  lobsters.  Part  I  of  the 
hormonal  regulation  of  metabolism  in  crustaceans.  Physiol.  Comp.  Oecol,  2  :  198-209. 

SCHEER,  B.  T.,  AND  M.  A.  R.  SCHEER,  1954.  The  hormonal  control  of  metabolism  in  crus- 
taceans VII.  Moulting  and  colour  change  in  the  prawn  Lcandcr  serratus.  Pubbl.  Stas. 
Zool.  Napoli,  25  :  397-418. 

.SCHWABE,  C.  W.,  B.  T.  SCHEER  AND  M.  A.  R.  SCHEER,  1952.  The  molt  cycle  in  Pamtlirus 
japonicits.  Part  II  of  the  hormonal  regulation  of  metabolism  in  crustaceans.  Physiol. 
Comp.  Oecol,  2  :  310-320. 






U.  S.  Fish  and  ITildlifc  Service 

The  genus  Proctocccs  was  erected  by  Odhner  (1911)  to  contain  Distomum 
maculatum  Looss,  1901,  from  Labrus  memla  and  Crenilabrus  spp.  at  Triest.  Odhner 
had  found  the  parasite  in  Blennius  ocellaris  at  Naples.  One  adult  specimen  from 
Chrysophrys  bifasciata  and  two  immature  specimens  from  lulis  lunaris  taken  in 
the  Red-Sea,  were  described  as  a  new  species,  Proctoeces  erythraeus.  Dawes  (1946) 
listed  P.  erythraeus  as  a  synonym  of  P.  maculatus  (Looss),  but  the  species  was 
recognized  by  Manter  (1947)  on  the  basis  of  six  specimens  he  had  collected  from 
Calamus  calamus  and  Calamus  bajonado  at  the  biological  laboratory  of  the  Carnegie 
Institution  at  Dry  Tortugas,  Florida.  Several  additional  species  have  been  de- 
scribed. Fujita  (1925)  reported  a  metacercaria  from  the  Japanese  oyster,  Ostrea 
gigas,  as  a  new  species,  Proctoeces  ostreae.  The  paper  was  translated  by  R.  Ph. 
Dollfus  who  noted  (p.  57),  "II  est  a  souhaiter  que  des  recherches  chez  les  poissons 
mangers  de  Lamellibranches,  sur  les  cotes  de  la  prefecture  d'  Hiroshima,  permettent 
de  decouvrir  des  exemplaires  completement  adultes  de  Proctoeces  ostreae  Fuj., 
chez  lesquels  1'extension  des  vitellogenes  et  les  dimensions  des  oeufs  puissent  etre 
observees  avec  precision ;  il  sera  alors  possible  de  savoir  definitivement  si  P.  ostreae 
Fuj.  doit  ou  non  tomber  en  synonymic  avec  P.  maculatns  (Looss)."  Yamaguti 
(1934)  described  P.  maculatns  from  Spams  arics,  Spams  macrocephalus,  Pagroso- 
mus  auratus,  and  Epinephelus  akaara  in  Japan.  Several  specimens  from  Pagroso- 
mus  auratus,  which  differed  from  P.  maculatus  in  larger  size,  larger  eggs,  and  trilobed 
ovary,  he  described  as  a  new  species,  Proctoeces  major.  Yamaguti  (1938)  reported 
P.  maculatus  from  Semicossyphus  reticiilatus  and  described  a  larva  from  the  liver 
of  the  pelecypod  mollusk,  Brachidontes  senhausi,  as  an  unidentified  member  of  the 
genus  Proctoeces.  Manter  (1940)  described  Proctoeces  magnorus  from  a  single 
specimen  found  in  the  intestine  of  Caulolatilus  anomalus,  taken  at  Cerros  Island, 
Mexico.  Hanson  (1950)  identified  two  specimens  collected  from  Calamus  sp.  at 
Bermuda  by  the  late  F.  D.  Barker  as  Distomum  subtenue  Linton,  1907,  a  species 
described  originally  from  Calamus  calamus  in  the  same  area.  Comparison  of  these 
specimens  with  those  from  Tortugas  identified  by  Manter  as  P.  erythraeus  estab- 
lished their  identity,  and  P.  erythraeus  was  suppressed  as  a  synonym  of  Proctoeces 
subtenue  (Linton,  1907).  Hanson  corrected  the  statement  of  Manter  (1947), 
noting  that  it  is  the  vitellaria,  not  the  uterus,  which  never  extends  into  the  post- 
testicular  region.  Yamaguti  (1953)  predicated  that  Xenopera  Nicoll,  1915  is  a 

1  Mailing   address :    American   Museum   of   Natural    History,    Central    Park   West   at   79th 
Street,  New  York  24,  N.  Y. 



synonym  of  Proctoeces,  and  Xcnopcra  insolitus  from  S pants  australis  was  listed  as 
Proctoeces  insolitus  (Nicoll,  1915).  Winter  (1954)  described  Proctoeces  mac- 
rovitellus  from  the  intestine  of  Cyinatogaster  aggregatits,  taken  off  the  coast  of 
southern  California.  It  is  notable  that  the  final  hosts  of  these  trematodes  are 
porgies  and  labroid  fishes  of  temperate  and  warm  seas ;  hard-mouthed,  bottom  forms 
that  feed  on  mollusks. 

Uzmann  (1953)  described  Cercaria  miljordensis,  a  microcercous  trematode  larva 
from  Mytilus  edulis  in  both  intertidal  and  subtidal  areas  of  Long  Island  Sound  and 
along  the  cost  of  Connecticut.  About  seven  per  cent  of  the  mussels  were  infected 
in  the  years  1951  and  1952.  Although  the  infection  was  heavy  in  the  area  around 
Milford,  Connecticut,  Uzmann  noted  that  the  parasite  had  not  been  reported  from 
higher  latitudes  despite  intensive  study  of  M.  edulis  over  a  period  of  many  years. 
The  sporocysts  develop  in  the  venous  sinuses  of  the  mussel,  beginning  in  the  late 
fall  and  continuing  during  the  winter,  with  the  release  of  the  cercariae  in  greatest 
numbers  in  the  late  winter  and  spring.  The  infection  largely  destroys  the  gonad 
of  the  host  and  development  of  the  sporocysts  precludes  normal  gametogenesis. 
The  intensity  of  the  infection  seriously  impairs  the  vitality  of  the  mollusk  and  may 
be  lethal  under  temporary  or  sustained  periods  of  ecological  conditions  unfavorable 
to  the  host.  Uzmann  described  the  behavior  of  the  cercariae  and  reported  un- 
encysted  progenetic  larvae  referable  to  the  genus  Proctoeces  in  mussels  harboring  C. 
miljordensis  infections.  He  stated  (p.  449),  "Morphological  comparison  of  the 
two  forms  is  favorable,  and  if  the  apparent  relationship  truly  exists,  an  abbreviated 
life-cycle  may  be  possible  since  the  larval  Proctoeces  contain  many  eggs  with  well 
developed,  motile  miracidia.  Experimental  studies  are  projected  and  it  is  hoped 
that  decisive  information  can  be  presented  at  a  later  date."  Shortly  thereafter, 
Uzmann  was  transferred  to  the  Seattle,  Washington  Laboratory  of  the  U.  S.  Fish 
and  Wildlife  Service. 

Further  significant  information  was  provided  by  the  work  of  Hopkins  (1954) 
who  described  infection  of  the  hooked  mussel,  Brachidontcs  recurvus  (syn.  Mytilus 
recuri'its}  taken  in  Barataria  Bay,  Louisiana  by  Cercaria  brachidontis  n.  sp.,  a 
species  so  similar  morphologically  to  C.  miljordensis  that  their  relationship  was  im- 
mediately apparent.  Cercaria  brachidontis  develops  in  orange-pigmented  sporocysts 
which  completely  destroy  the  gonad  of  the  mussel.  Immature  cercariae  have  small, 
knob-like  tails,  similar  to  those  of  C.  miljordensis,  but  they  are  not  present  on  fully 
developed  larvae.  Hopkins  referred  the  species  to  the  family  Fellodistomatidae  but 
without  generic  designation. 

After  the  text  of  this  paper  was  written,  the  account  by  Freeman  and  Llewellyn 
(1958)  appeared,  announcing  the  discovery  of  the  adult  stage  of  a  digenetic  trema- 
tode in  the  renal  organs  of  the  lamellibranch  mollusk,  Scrobicularia  plana  taken 
from  the  mud-flats  of  the  Thames  estuary,  at  Chalkwell  in  Essex  and  Whitstable  in 
Kent.  The  worms  were  identified  as  Proctoeces  subtenuis  (Linton,  1907)  Hanson, 
1950,  a  species  which  was  known  previously  only  as  a  parasite  of  the  hind-gut  of 
marine  fishes  belonging  to  the  families  Labridae  and  Sparidae,  which  occur  chiefly 
in  tropical  and  subtropical  seas.  The  asexual  generations  were  not  discovered  and 
since  the  adult  stages  had  not  been  recorded  from  fishes  of  the  English  coast,  the 
authors  concluded  that  in  British  waters  the  life  cycle  had  been  abbreviated  and 
restricted  to  invertebrate  hosts.  Possible  methods  were  considered  by  which  the 
parasite  had  been  introduced.  They  reported  (p.  446)  that,  "The  eggs  are  enclosed 






in  a  thin,  light-brown  capsule."  This  statement  appears  confusing,  since  the  "cap- 
sule" is  obviously  the  egg-shell  and  an  egg  comprises  the  shell  and  its  contents,  ovum, 
embryo,  or  miracidium.  Although  many  eggs  contained  active  miracidia,  they 
varied  much  in  size  (from  0.026-0.073  by  0.015-0.030  mm.).  The  use  of  his- 
tochemical  techniques  disclosed  the  presence  in  the  vitellaria  of  dihydroxy-phenols 
and  protein,  which  on  oxidation  combine  to  form  the  quinones  of  the  egg-shell,  but 
the  corresponding  phenol-oxidase  was  not  demonstrated.  Deficiencies  in  the  egg- 
making  apparatus  may  account  for  the  small  and  abnormal  eggs.  Freeman  and 
Llewellyn  gave  a  detailed  account  of  the  morphology  of  the  parasite  and  noted  the 
extent  of  individual  variation.  They  stated  (p.  447),  "Several  hundred  specimens 
were  examined,  and  it  is  apparent  that  many  of  the  characters  thought  to  indicate 
specific  differences  probably  represent  intraspecific  variations  of  the  kind  emphasized 
by  Stunkard  (1957)."  As  a  result  of  their  investigation,  P.  erythraeiis  Odhner, 
1911  and  P.  inagnonts  Manter,  1940  were  suppressed  as  synonyms  of  P.  subtcnuis. 
Furthermore,  they  stated  (p.  455)  that,  "The  differences  between  P.  insolitus 
(Nicoll,  1915)  and  P.  subteniiis,  and  between  P.  maculatiis  (Looss,  1901)  and  P. 
subtcnuis,  require  reexamination." 

The  findings  of  Freeman  and  Llewellyn  amply  confirm  the  postulate  of  Uzmann 
(1953)  and  constitute  an  important  contribution  to  knowledge  of  the  biology  of  the 
digenetic  trematodes. 

The  studies  begun  by  Uzmann  at  Milford  were  continued  at  Woods  Hole, 
Massachusetts  by  the  appointment  of  Stunkard  to  investigate  the  parasites  of  clams 
and  their  predators  in  New  England.  Infections  by  C.  milfordcnsis  were  found  in 
M.  cdnlis  taken  in  the  Woods  Hole  area,  although  the  incidence  of  infection  was 
low,  about  0.5  per  cent.  However,  the  findings  of  developmental  stages,  from 
cercariae  to  adults,  confirmed  the  prescience  of  Uzmann  that  C.  inilfordcnsis  is  the 
larval  stage  of  a  species  of  Proctoeces. 

Adults.   (Figs.  3.  4) 

The  general  morphology  of  the  worms  is  portrayed  in  the  figures.  The  cuticula 
is  unarmed ;  the  suckers  large  and  powerful.  The  digestive  tract  shows  no  unusual 
features.  The  excretory  vesicle  bifurcates  at  the  level  of  the  posterior  testis ;  both 
the  stem  and  crura  are  lined  with  a  simple  epithelium  which  is  flattened  when  the 
wall  is  distended.  The  flame-cell  pattern  of  the  adult  worm  was  not  studied. 

The  genital  pore  is  lateral,  situated  usually  between  the  acetabulum  and  the 
pharynx.  The  testes  are  diagonally  tandem,  either  adjacent  or  somewhat  separated. 
Sperm  ducts  arise  at  the  anterior  ends,  pass  forward  and  join  to  form  a  common  duct 
just  before  entering  the  cirrus  sac.  In  the  posterior  end  of  the  cirrus  sac  it  forms  a 
coiled  seminal  vesicle,  filled  with  spermatozoa,  and  then  opens  into  a  straight,  thick- 
walled  muscular  canal.  This  structure  is  lined  with  high,  secretory  cells,  whose  distal 


Drawings  of  P.  macitlatits  from  M.  edulls;  made  from  fixed  and  stained  specimens  and  at 
the  same  magnification. 

FIGURE  1.     Juvenile  specimen;   length  1.20  mm. 

FIGURE  2.     Specimen  just  reaching  sexual  maturity,  6  eggs  in  uterus ;  length  2.00  mm. 
FIGURE  3.     Gravid  specimen,  eggs  small  and  mostly  misshapen ;   length  2.65  mm. 
FIGURE  4.     Gravid  specimen,  eggs  normal  with  developing  miracidia,  length  2.62  mm. 





ends  are  filled  with  chromatic  granules,  and  terminates  in  the  cirrus  which  protrudes 
into  a  long,  hermaphroditic  atrial  duct.  The  area  between  the  wall  of  the  cirrus 
sac  and  the  thick-walled  canal  is  filled  with  secretory  cells,  whose  ducts  pierce  the 
thick  wall  and  discharge  into  the  narrow  lumen.  The  ovary  is  pretesticular,  in  the 
anterior  part  of  the  posterior  one-half  of  the  body.  The  oviduct  arises  at  its  posterior 
face  and  turns  ventrad  and  mediad  where  it  expands  into  a  fertilization  space,  from 
which  Laurer's  canal  emerges  and  continues  dorsad  and  anteriad  to  open  at  the 
surface  above  the  ovary.  The  oviduct  then  enters  Mehlis'  gland  where  it  receives 
the  common  vitelline  duct  and  expands  into  the  ootype,  where  the  egg  is  formed. 
The  uterus  passes  posteriad  to  the  end  of  the  body  where  coiled  loops  on  either 
side  are  followed  by  a  median  trunk  which  passes  forward  below  the  cirrus  sac 
to  open  into  the  ventral  side  of  the  hermaphroditic  duct,  six  to  ten  microns  before  the 
genital  pore.  In  many  of  the  specimens  the  eggs  are  malformed,  of  varying  sizes, 
often  about  one-third  as  large  as  in  more  normal  individuals. 

Average  measurements  in  millimeters  of  ten  gravid,  mounted  specimens ;  limits 
in  parentheses:  length,  2.74  (2.4-3.2);  width,  0.81  (0.6-0.92);  acetabulum, 
0.38  X  0.43  (0.35-0.46)  ;  oral  sucker,  0.24  )<  0.30  (0.21-0.32)  ;  pharynx,  0.18  (0.16- 
0.20)  ;  ovary,  0.19  (0.16-0.22)  ;  anterior  testis,  0.18  (0.15-0.20)  ; 'posterior  testis, 
0.19  (0.16-0.23)  ;  eggs,  0.055  X  0.026  (see  text). 

Juveniles.    (Figs.  1,2) 

Figure  2  shows  a  specimen  just  reaching  maturity,  which  has  6  eggs  in  the 
uterus.  It  is  somewhat  flattened  as  a  result  of  pressure  during  fixation.  Measure- 
ments in  millimeters  are:  length,  2.00;  width,  0.80;  acetabulum,  0.34x0.37; 
oral  sucker,  0.18x0.22;  pharynx,  0.125x0.150;  ovary,  0.15x0.14;  anterior 
testis,  0.17  X  0.15;  posterior  testis,  same  size. 

Figure  1  shows  a  smaller  and  less  mature  specimen,  also  flattened  during  fixa- 
tion. The  acetabulum  is  almost  exactly  in  the  middle  of  the  body  ;  the  post-acetabular 
region  increases  relatively  in  size  with  the  development  of  the  reproductive  organs. 
Measurements  are:  length,  1.2;  width,  0.56;  acetabulum,  0.21  X  0.275;  oral  sucker, 
0.128  X  0.15  ;  pharynx,  0.125  X  0.125  ;  ovary,  0.057 ;  anterior  testis,  0.079  <  0.072  ; 
posterior  testis,  0.092  X  0.079. 

Sporocysts  and  Cercariae.      (Figs.  5,  6,  7,  8) 

Descriptions  of  the  sporocysts  and  cercariae  were  given  by  Uzmann  (1953). 
His  observations  have  been  confirmed  and  additional  data  are  presented.  There 
are  at  least  three  generations  in  the  mollusk.  Figure  5  shows  a  sporocyst  with  two 


FIGURE  5.  P.  inacit/atits,  mother  sporocyst  with  daughter  sporocysts  containing  germinal 
cells  of  the  next  generation  ;  length  0.34  mm. 

FIGURE  6.     P.  macidatns,  daughter  sporocyst  with  developing  cercariae;  length  0.54  mm. 

FIGURE  7.  P.  macitlatus,  large  daughter  sporocyst  with  developing  cercariae,  Cercaria 
milfordcnsis,  length  1.18  mm. 

FIGURE  8.  P.  maculatus,  cercaria,  from  stained  and  mounted  specimen,  excretory  system 
added  from  sketches  of  living  worms ;  length  0.26  mm. 

FIGURE  9.  Cercaria  adranoccrca  n.  sp.,  daughter  sporocyst  from  G.  gemma;  length  0.48 
mm.  This  drawing  is  at  the  same  magnification  as  Fig.  7. 

FIGURE  10.  Cercaria  adranocerca  n.  sp.,  stained  and  mounted  specimen,  excretory  system 
.added  from  sketches  of  living  worms ;  length  0.21  mm. 


daughter  sporocysts  and  in  each  of  them  there  are  heavily  staining  germinal  cells  of 
the  next  generation.  The  cercariae  are  subcylindrical  and  taper  toward  anterior 
and  posterior  ends.  In  addition  to  the  three  pairs  of  cephalic  gland  ducts  reported 
by  Uzmann,  two  additional  pairs  are  sometimes  visible ;  the  cell  bodies  are  lateral, 
in  the  preacetabular  area,  but  so  far  it  has  been  impossible  to  demonstrate  them  with 
certainty,  either  by  the  use  of  vital  dyes  or  in  permanent  preparations.  The  flame- 
cell  pattern  has  been  worked  out  and  is  shown  in  Figure  8.  On  either  side  a  duct, 
which  contains  patches  of  cilia,  emerges  from  the  excretory  vesicle  near  its  anterior 
end ;  it  passes  forward,  loops  backward  and  here  receives  the  two  collecting  ducts. 
The  anterior  one  of  these  ducts  receives  the  fluid  from  four  flame-cells  and  capillaries 
located  in  the  anterior  quadrant  of  the  body;  the  posterior  one  from  flame-cells 
and  capillaries  in  the  posterior  quadrant.  The  flame-cell  formula  is  2\(2  +  2)  +• 
(2  +  2)]. 

Cercaria  adranocerca  n.  sp.  (Figs.  9,  10) 

In  addition  to  the  specimens  from  M.  edulis,  described  above,  dissection  of  some 
three  hundred  Gemma  gemma  from  the  region  of  Boothbay  Harbor,  Maine,  in  Au- 
gust and  September  1957,  disclosed  two  infections  by  sporocysts  and  microcercous 
cercariae,  similar  to  those  from  M.  edulis  and  from  Brachidontcs  rccuruus.  The 
sporocysts  were  relatively  few,  oval  to  sausage-shaped ;  the  largest  one  measured 
0.42  mm.  long  and  0.11  mm.  wide  after  fixation  while  smaller  ones,  no  larger  than 
a  cercaria,  contained  a  few  germ-balls.  The  end  that  bears  the  birth-pore  may  be 
extended  as  a  long,  tapering  protrusion. 

The  cercariae  were  studied  alive,  unstained  and  after  staining  lightly  with  Nile 
blue  sulphate  and  with  neutral  red ;  also  after  fixation  as  stained  and  cleared  per- 
manent mounts.  Frequently,  one  adhered  to  the  slide  by  the  posterior  end  and 
extended  the  body  in  all  directions.  The  body  is  subcylindrical,  typically  more 
rounded  anteriorly  than  posteriorly. When  extended,  contraction  of  the  circular 
muscles  may  produce  an  annulate  appearance.  The  body  wall  is  relatively  strong 
for  so  small  a  larva.  The  cuticula  bears  rows  of  closely  set,  flattened  spines.  Ducts 
of  cephalic  glands  were  sometimes  visible  in  the  region  of  the  oral  sucker,  but  their 
number  and  the  location  of  the  cell  bodies  were  not  determined.  Alive,  cercariae 
measured  from  0.16  to  0.33  mm.  in  length  and  0.044  to  0.09  mm.  in  width.  The 
tail  is  terminal,  spherical,  and  measures  0.01  mm.  in  diameter;  it  is  easily  detached. 
The  oral  opening  is  subterminal,  the  sucker  is  0.032  to  0.043  mm.  in  diameter. 
When  the  anterior  end  of  the  body  is  extended,  the  prepharynx  is  about  one-half 
the  length  of  the  pharynx  which  measures  0.014  to  0.018  mm.  in  diameter.  The 
ceca  are  relatively  long,  extending  about  midway  between  the  acetabulum  and  the 
posterior  end  of  the  body.  The  acetabulum  is  situated  in  the  posterior  portion  of 
the  anterior  half  of  the  body  and  protrudes,  although  it  is  not  stalked.  It  measures 
0.025  to  0.036  mm.  in  diameter:  the  ratio  in  size  between  the  oral  and  ventral 
suckers  is  about  4:3;  although  the  size  increased  greatly  over  the  figures  given 
above  when  the  cercaria  was  subjected  to  extreme  pressure  for  the  study  of  the 
excretory  system.  The  region  between  the  excretory  vesicle  and  the  acetabulum 
contains  cells  which  stain  deeply ;  they  are  the  rudiments  of  the  reproductive  organs. 
The  excretory  pore  is  terminal,  at  the  base  of  the  tail ;  the  vesicle  is  oval  and  may 
extend  forward  more  than  half  the  distance  to  the  acetabulum.  On  either  side,  from 
the  anterior  end  of  the  vesicle,  a  collecting  duct  passes  forward  to  the  level  of  the 


bifurcation  of  the  digestive  tract  where  it  turns  backward ;  the  recurrent  portion 
contains  tufts  of  cilia  and  near  the  level  of  the  acetabulum  it  receives  anterior  and 
posterior  collecting  tubules.  The  arrangement  is  portrayed  in  the  figure  and  the 
flame-cell  formula  is  2 [(2  +  2)  +  (2  +  2)]. 

In  flame-cell  formula  and  vestigial  tail,  this  species  is  similar  to  Cercaria  mil- 
ford  ensis  and  Cercaria  brachidontis.  In  form  of  the  excretory  vesicle  and  presence 
of  cuticular  spines  it  more  closely  resembles  C.  brachidontis  and  although  neither 
can  be  included  in  the  genus  Proctoeces,  it  is  probable  that  they  are  larvae  of  some 
member  of  the  family  Fellodistomidae.  The  species,  described  as  ne\v  in  this  paper, 
is  designated  Cercaria  adranocerca  (adrano,  inactive,  feeble). 

Type  and  paratype  specimens  are  deposited  in  the  U.  S.  Nat.  Museum.  Helminth. 
Collection,  No.  56236. 


The  discover}'-  of  unencysted  metacercariae  and  of  developmental  stages  from 
cercariae  to  gravid  adults  demonstrates  that  C.  miljordens'is  is  the  larval  stage  of 
a  species  of  Proctoeces.  However,  the  progenetic  worms  are  often  not  entirely 
normal.  In  some  of  the  specimens  (Fig.  3).  the  eggs  are  misshapen  and  of  varying 
sizes,  often  not  more  than  one-third  as  large  as  in  other  individuals.  A  similar 
situation  was  reported  by  Freeman  and  Llewellyn  (1958).  It  appears  that  the 
female  organs,  especially  the  vitellaria,  may  be  deficient  or  that  the  ova  are  not 
fertilized,  and  such  abnormal  eggs  do  not  contain  miracidial  larvae.  For  this  reason, 
the  extent  and  development  of  the  vitelline  follicles  may  not  provide  sound  data  for 
specific  criteria. 

Identification  of  these  specimens  presents  disturbing  problems.  The  descrip- 
tion of  P.  maculatus  by  Looss  ( 1901 )  is  based  on  the  largest  of  his  specimens  and 
is  illustrated  by  a  good  figure.  The  characterization  of  P.  crythraeus  was  very 
inadequate ;  Odhner  gave  no  figure  or  measurements  and  the  species  was  distin- 
guished from  P.  maculatus  because  in  the  single  mature  specimen  the  acetabulum 
was  one-third  smaller,  the  eggs  were  smaller,  and  the  vitellaria  did  not  extend  as 
far  posteriad,  a  condition  which  might  be  expected  in  a  specimen  just  reaching 
maturity.  For  this  reason,  Dawes  (1946)  suppressed  P.  er\thraeus  as  a  synonym 
of  P.  maculatHs.  The  six  specimens  taken  by  him  from  Calamus  spp.  at  Tortugas 
agreed  with  Odhner 's  account  and  Manter  (1947)  recognized  P.  erythraeus  as  a 
valid  species,  but  there  was  no  figure  and  as  yet  there  is  no  complete  description 
of  P.  crythraeus.  In  the  (1947)  paper.  Manter  stated  that  his  (1940)  listing  of 
Proctoeces  and  Tergestia  in  the  family  Monorchidae  was  an  error,  since  the  family 
name,  Fellodistomatidae,  was  accidentally  omitted. 

In  a  report  on  parasites  of  Bermuda  fishes,  Linton  (1907)  published  the  descrip- 
tion of  a  new  species,  Distomum  subtenue,  from  Calamus  calamus.  Smaller,  im- 
mature specimens  were  found  in  other  hosts,  two  in  Iridio  bivittatus,  and  one  each 
in  Harpe  rufa  and  Lachnolaimus  ma.rimus.  Although  two  small  specimens  are 
reported  on  p.  106  from  H '.  rufa,  the  table  on  p.  87  shows  that  only  one  trematode 
was  found  in  this  host.  In  the  "Food  notes"  on  the  fishes,  which  accompanied  his 
account  of  their  parasites,  Linton  stated  that  C.  calamus  feeds  on  mussels  and  crabs ; 
the  others  on  mollusks,  crabs,  sea  urchins  and  annelids.  All  are  bottom  feeders 
and  Breder  (1929),  in  describing  these  fishes,  stated  that  the  mouths  of  porgies 
(C.  calamus  is  the  saucer-eye  porgy)  are  (p.  180),  "armed  with  strong  jaw  teeth,"' 


and  that  the  memhers  of  the  Labridae  are  (p.  202),  "usually  provided  with  strong 
canine  teeth.  .  .  .  These  fishes  are  provided  with  powerful  pharyngeal  teeth  with 
which  they  crush  mollusks." 

Comparison  of  Linton's  description  and  figure  of  Distomum  subtcnue  with  the 
two  specimens  from  Calamus  sp.  taken  at  Bermuda  by  Barker  and  the  six  specimens 
taken  from  Calamus  spp.  at  Tortugas  by  Manter,  led  Hanson  to  the  conviction  that 
all  were  conspecific  and  accordingly  she  (1950)  announced  the  specific  identity  of 
Dist.  subtcnue  Linton,  1907  and  P.  erythracus  Odhner,  1911.  The  species  was 
designated  Proctocccs  subtcnuc  (Linton,  1907).  Again,  there  was  only  a  scanty 
description  and  no  figure.  Manter  (1954)  identified  five  specimens  from  Latridop- 
sis  ciliaris,  taken  near  Wellington,  New  Zealand,  as  Proctocccs  subtenuc  (Linton, 
1907)  Hanson,  1950.  and  listed  the  soecies  from  the  Red  Sea,  Bermuda,  Tortugas, 
and  New  Zealand.  If  this  determination  is  correct,  the  parasite  is  widely  distributed 
and  infects  different  kinds  of  fish.  The  latter  point  is  probably  not  significant  since 
the  worms  are  progenetic  and  voting  mature  specimens  could  be  taken  from  the 
digestive  tract  of  any  fish  which  had  recently  ingested  an  infected  host-mussel. 
Dollfus  fin  Fujita.  1925)  was  undoubtedly  correct  in  the  prediction  that  mollusk- 
eating  fishes  would  be  found  to  harbor  the  adult  stage  of  Proctoeces  ostreac,  the 
unencysted  metacercaria  discovered  by  Fujita.  Since  members  of  the  genus 
Proctoeces  develop  and  may  actually  mature  in  bivalve  mollusks,  it  seems  certain 
that  fishes  may  acquire  the  infection  by  eating  these  mollusks,  although  another 
method  is  of  course  not  precluded. 

Linton's  (1907)  description  of  P.  subtcnuis  is  accompanied  by  a  figure  and  al- 
though done  over  fifty  years  ago  it  was,  until  the  paper  by  Freeman  and  Llewellyn 
(1958),  the  most  complete  account  of  the  species  available.  The  length  and  width 
of  the  specimens  and  the  sizes  of  the  oral  and  acetabular  suckers  as  given  by  Linton 
are  actually  greater  than  the  corresponding  measurements  given  by  Looss  (1901) 
for  P.  maculatus.  Although  P.  sitbtemds  may  be  specifically  distinct,  there  is  at 
present  no  adequate  basis  for  distinguishing  between  it  and  P.  maculatus.  The 
progenetic  specimens  described  in  the  present  paper  are  almost  certainly  identical 
with  those  described  by  Linton,  and  until  they  can  be  distinguished  from  P. 
maculatus,  should  be  assigned  to  that  species. 

Proctoeces  is  clearly  a  member  of  the  family  Fellodistomidae,  the  name  of  which 
was  confirmed  in  a  letter  by  the  late  Charles  W.  Stiles  and  published  in  Stunkard 
and  Nigrelli  (1930).  Cable  (1953)  recognized  four  subfamilies:  Fellodistominae 
Nicoll,  1909;  Gymnophallinae  Odhner,  1905;  Haplocladinae  Odhner,  1911;  and 
Tandanicolinae  Johnston,  1927.  Dollfus  (1947),  however,  had  maintained  that 
Monascus  Looss.  1907  has  priority  over  Haplocladus  Odhner,  1911  and  that  the 
correct  name  of  the  subfamily  is  Monascinae.  Finally  Freeman  and  Llewellyn 
(1958)  pointed  out  that  the  excretory  vesicle  in  members  of  the  genus  Proctocccs, 
which  has  an  epithelial  lining,  controverts  the  thesis  of  La  Rue  (1957)  that  in  the 
Anepitheliocystidia,  in  which  the  family  Fellodistomidae  is  included,  the  definitive 
bladder  is  not  epithelial. 


Sexually  mature  worms  from  Mytilus  cditlis,  taken  in  Connecticut  and  Massa- 
chusetts, are  identified  as  Proctoeces  maculatus  (Looss,  1901).  The  specimens  are 
often  sterile,  which  reflects  the  abnormal  conditions  of  development  in  the  molluscan 


host.  Similar  worms  were  reported  by  Freeman  and  Llewellyn  (1958)  from 
Scrobicularia  plana  taken  in  the  Thames  estuary,  England,  and  identified  as  Proc- 
toeccs  subtenuis  (Linton,  1907),  but  we  regard  P.  subtenuis  as  identical  with  P. 
inaculatits.  Evidence  is  presented  to  show  that  Cercaria  milfordcnsis  Uzmann, 
1953  is  the  larval  stage  of  P.  maculatns.  The  taxonomy  of  the  species  is  discussed. 
Cercaria  adranoccrca  n.  sp.  is  described  from  Gemma  gemma  taken  at  Boothbay 
Harbor,  Maine.  It  is  not  congeneric  with  P.  maculatns,  but  is  referred  tentatively 
to  the  family  Fellodistomidae. 


BREDER,  C.  M.,  JR.,  1929.     Field  Book  of  Marine  Fishes  of  the  Atlantic  Coast  from  Labrador 

to  Texas.     G.  P.  Putnam's  Sons,  New  York  and  London. 
CABLE,  R.  M.,  1953.     The  life-cycle  of  Parvatrema  borinquehae  gen.  et  sp.  nov.    ( Trematoda : 

Digenea)   and  the  systematic  position  of  the  subfamily  Gymnophallinae.     /.  Parasitol., 

39:  408-421. 

DAWES,  B.,  1946.     The  Trematoda.     Cambridge  Univ.   Press. 
DOLLFUS,  R.  P.,  1947.     Sur  Monascns  filiformis   (Rudolphi,  1819)    A.  Looss,   1907,  trematode 

de  1'intestin  de  Ccpola  ntbcsccns  (L.)   en  Mediterranee.     Ann.  Parasitol..  22:  319-323. 
FREEMAN,  R.  F.  H.,  AND  J.  LLEWELLYN,  1958.     An  adult  digenetic  trematode  from  an  inverte- 
brate host:  Proctocccs  subtenuis  (Linton)   from  the  lamellibranch  Scrobicularia  plana 

(da  Costa).     /.  Marine  Biol.  Assoc.,  37:  435-457. 
FUJITA,  T.,  1925.     Etudes  sur  les  parasites  de  1'huitre  comestible  du  Japon  Ostrca  gigas  Thun- 

berg.     Ann.  Parasitol.,  3:  37-59.     Translation  by  R.  Ph.  Dollfus. 
HANSON,   MARY   L.,   1950.     Some   digenetic   trematodes   of   marine   fishes   of   Bermuda.     Proc. 

Helm.  Soc.  ll'ashington,  17:  74-89. 
HOPKINS,   S.    H.,    1954.     Cercaria    brachidontis  n.    sp.   from   the   hooked   mussel    in    Louisiana. 

/.  Parasitol.,  40:  29-31. 
LA  RUE,  G.  R.,   1957.     The  classification  of  digenetic  Trematoda:   a  review  and  new  system. 

Exp.  Parasitol.,  6:  306-349. 
LINTON,   E.,    1907.     Notes   on   parasites   of   Bermuda   fishes.     Proc.    U.   S.   Nat.   Museum,   33 : 

Looss,  A.,   1901.     Ueber  einige  Distomen  der  Labriden   des  Triester  Hafens.     Zentrbl.  Bakt., 

29:  402-404. 
MANTER,  H.   W.,   1940.     Digenetic   trematodes  of  fishes   from  the   Galapagos   Islands   and  the 

neighboring  Pacific.     Rep.  Coll.  A.  Hancock  Pacific  E.rped.,  1932-1938,  2(16)  :  531-547. 
MANTER,    H.    W.,    1947.     The    digenetic    trematodes    of    marine    fishes    of    Tortugas,    Florida. 

Amcr.  Midi.  Naturalist,  38:  257-416. 
MANTER,  H.  W.,  1954.     Some  digenetic  trematodes  from  fishes  of  New  Zealand.     Trans.  Rov* 

Soc.  N.  Z..  82:  475-568. 

NICOLL,  W.,   1915.     The  trematode   parasites  of  North   Queensland.     Parasitol.,  8:   22-41. 
ODHNER,  T.,  1911.     Zum  naturlichen  System  der  digenen  Trematoden.     III.   Steringophoridae. 

Zoo/.  Ans.,  38:  97-117. 
STUNKARD,   H.   W.,    1957.     Intraspecific   variation   in   parasitic   flatworms.     S\stem.   Zool.,   6 : 


STUNKARD,  H.  W.,  AND  R.  F.  NIGRELLI,  1930.     On  Distomum  vibe.v  Linton,  with  special  refer- 
ence to  its  systematic  position.     Biol.  Bull.,  58 :  336-343. 
UZMANN,  J.  R.,  1953.     Cercaria  milfordcnsis  nov.  sp.,  a  microcercous  trematode  larva  from  a 

marine  bivalve,  M\tilus  cdulis  L.,  with  special  reference  to  its  effect  on  the  host.     J. 

Parasitol.,  39:  445-451. 
WINTER,   H.    A.,    1954.     Proctocccs    inacroi'itcllus   n.    sp.    de    un    pez    embiotocido   del    Oceano 

Pacifico  del  Norte   (Tremat,  Fellodistom.) .     Ciencia,  Mex.,  14:   140-142. 
YAMAGUTI,  S.,  1934.     Studies  on  the  helminth  fauna  of  Japan.     Part  2.     Trematodes  of  fishes. 

I.  Jap.  J.  Zool.,  5:  249-521. 
YAMAGUTI,  S.,  1938.     Studies  on  the  helminth  fauna  of  Japan.     Part  21.     Trematodes  of  fishes, 

IV.     Kyoto,  Japan :  pp.  1-139. 
YAMAGUTI,  S.,  1953.     Systema  Helminthum.     Part  I.     Digenetic  trematodes  of  fishes.     Tokyo, 

Japan :  pp.  1-405. 

Vol.  116,  No.  2  April,  1959 





Scripps  Institution  of  Oceanography.  University  of  California,  La  Jolla,  California 

The  coastal  waters  in  the  San  Diego  region  support  fairly  abundant  popula- 
tions of  phytoplankton.  Armored  dinoflagellates  of  this  region  were  studied 
extensively  by  Kofoid  and  his  associates  (1907-1933),  but  there  are  still  numerous 
undescribed  or  little  known  representatives  especially  among  the  smaller  species. 
In  the  present  paper,  two  new  genera  and  species  are  described.  These  were 
originally  isolated  by  Dr.  Beatrice  M.  Sweeney  in  1956-57  from  coastal  water  at 
La  Jolla,  Calif.,  and  have  since  been  maintained  as  laboratory  cultures. 

Acknowledgment  is  here  made  to  Prof.  Francis  T.  Haxo  and  Prof.  Martin 
\V.  Johnson  for  their  interest  and  for  providing  research  facilities.  The  author 
is  indebted  to  Dr.  Beatrice  M.  Sweeney  whose  cultures  made  this  study  possible, 
to  Mrs.  Anne  Dodson  for  valued  technical  aid  and  to  Dr.  K.  A.  Clendenning  for 
assistance  in  the  preparation  of  the  manuscript. 


The  dinoflagellates  were  first  examined  alive.  Fixed  material  was  then  studied 
under  an  oil  immersion  objective  and  by  phase  contrast.  To  derive  the  general 
plate  formulae  of  the  thecae,  an  individual  cell  was  isolated  under  a  cover-glass. 
A  drop  of  concentrated  sodium  hypochlorite  solution  was  then  passed  slowly  under 
the  cover-glass  to  destroy  the  protoplasm  and  to  remove  the  cement  which  unites 
the  plates.  This  process  was  assisted  by  applying  very  gentle  pressure  to  the 
cover-glass,  but  great  caution  was  necessary  because  of  the  fragility  of  the  speci- 
mens. With  Scrippsiella,  it  proved  helpful  to  store  droplets  of  the  cultures  in  a 
wet  chamber  for  a  few  hours.  Under  these  conditions  many  of  the  cells  shed 
their  thecae,  to  which  the  hypochlorite  treatment  was  then  applied.  After  testing 
other  methods,  the  following  technique  was  adopted  for  the  examination  of 
Fragilidiiim.  Actively  swimming  individuals  were  killed  by  transferring  them 
into  5%  formaldehyde  with  a  micropipette.  Individual  specimens  were  next 
isolated,  and  by  applying  gentle  pressure  to  the  cover-slip,  the  protoplasm  was 

1  Contribution  from  the  Scripps  Institution  of  Oceanography,  New   Series. 

2  Permanent  address  :  Casilla  de  Correo  64,  Necochea,  Argentina.     This  work  was  conducted 
during  the  tenure  of  a  John  Simon  Guggenheim  Fellowship,   1957-58,  at  the  Scripps  Institute 
of  Oceanography,  University  of  California,  La  Jolla. 

Copyright  ©  1959,  by  the  Marine  Biological  Laboratory 



Scrippsiella  sweencyi  n.  gen.,  n.  sp. 


FIGURE  1.  Scrippsiella  sivecneyi.  a)  A  typical  individual,  ventral  view,  b)  Ventral  view 
of  the  epitheca.  c)  Dorsal  view  of  the  hypotheca.  d)  Apical  view  of  the  epitheca.  e)  Antapical 
view  of  the  hypotheca.  f)  Sulcal  region  (S.a. :  Anterior  sulcal. — S.i. :  left  sulcal. — S.d. :  right 
sulcal. — S.p. :  posterior  sulcal).  All  figures  about  X  1500. 



forced  out  of  the  theca  through  the  cingular  region.  The  hypochlorite  treatment 
was  then  applied  to  the  empty  Fragilidium  theca,  especially  in  studies  of  the  sulcus 
and  cingulum. 

Diagnosis.  Small-sized,  conical  epitheca,  rounded  hypotheca,  without  horns. 
Cingulum  wide,  cavazone,  descendent,  with  displacement  equal  to  two-thirds  of  its 
width,  without  lists.  The  cingulum  has  six  plates,  five  equal,  preceded  at  the  left 
by  a  transitional  one.  Sulcus  deep,  of  medium  width,  slightly  curved  to  the  right. 


FIGURE  2.     Scrippsiella   siveeneyi,  atypical   plate   patterns,     a   and   b)    Two   epithecae, 
apical  view,     c)  Antapical  view  of  a  hypotheca.     All  figures  about  X  1500. 

The  sulcus  has  four  plates,  with  the  posterior  plate  largest.  The  pattern  of  the 
major  body  plates  is  the  same  as  that  of  an  Orthoperidinium  with  three  inter- 
calaries.  Cell  length,  24—32.5  ^;  transdiameter,  19-24  /t,  chromoplasts  numerous, 
elliptical,  generally  brown-yellow.  La  Jolla,  California. 

Description.  This  organism  resembles  Peridinium  trochoideum  in  its  general 
shape  and  size,  and  to  some  degree  in  its  plate  formula:  4',  3a,  7",  6c,  5"  ',  2"  ", 
and  4s.  Its  epitheca  is  high  and  conical,  most  individuals  deviating  from  a 


rectilinear  outline  by  a  concavity  near  the  apex,  as  shown  in  Figure  la.  The 
hypotheca  is  almost  hemispherical,  and  slightly  shorter  in  length  than  the  epitheca. 
In  the  region  of  the  girdle,  there  is  a  slight  dorsiventral  compression.  In  apical 
view,  the  cells  normally  appear  almost  circular.  The  sulcus  indents  slightly  into  the 
epitheca,  is  very  deep,  and  of  medium  width.  It  does  not  reach  the  antapex  when 
in  true  frontal  view. 

The  plate  pattern  of  the  major  body  plates  is  the  same  as  that  of  an  Ortho- 
peridinium  with  three  intercalaries.  In  the  epitheca,  the  first  apical  plate  (!') 
is  very  narrow,  with  an  asymmetrical  rhombic  shape  and  upwardly  curved  base. 
Attached  to  its  anterior  end,  there  is  an  extremely  narrow  ventral  apical  plate. 
The  apex  of  the  theca  is  horizontal,  and  is  closed  by  a  circular  plate  (apical  pore 
platelet)  which  indents  the  pentagonally  shaped  third  apical  plate  (3').  Plates 
2'  and  4'  are  comparatively  large,  and  generally  2'  is  a  little  wider  than  4'.  There 
are  three  dorsal  intercalaries.  Plate  2a  is  usually  pentagonal  but  is  sometimes 

In  the  hypotheca,  there  are  five  post-cingulars  and  two  antapicals.     Plates  1" 
and  5"  '  are  wide,  and  3"  '  is  very  asymmetrical ;  its  border  with  2"    '  is  very  long 
in  comparison  with  its  border  with  1"  ".     The  two  antapicals  have  a  very  restricted 
connection  with  the  end  of  the  sulcus. 

The  cingulum  has  five  plates  of  similar  size,  plus  a  transitional  plate  at  the  left 
end  which  is  somewhat  different  in  shape  and  also  a  little  higher  than  the  other 
cingular  plates. 

The  sulcus  of  dinoflagellates  is  not  easily  examined,  and  has  been  neglected  by 
most  protistologists  for  that  reason.  The  sulcus  of  Scrippsiella  sweeneyi  is 
exceptionally  difficult  to  analyze,  being  about  as  difficult  to  study  as  that  of 
Hetcrocapsa  triquetra.  The  anterior  sulcal  plate  (S.a.)  is  narrow  and  a  little 
curved.  It  borders  7".  Posterior  to  this  plate  are  two  smaller  plates  (S.i.  and 
S.d.).  The  shorter  and  broader  of  these  two  is  the  left  plate  (S.i.),  which 
extends  very  slightly  beyond  the  distal  end  of  the  girdle.  The  right  border  of  this 
plate  (S.i.)  is  thickened  and  ref ringent ;  it  is  provided  with  poroids  and  at  the 
extreme  anterior  end  there  are  two  closely  spaced  pores.  The  right  sulcal  plate 
(S.d.)  narrows  toward  the  posterior.  The  posterior  plate  (S.p.)  is  the  largest, 
forming  the  greatest  part  of  the  sulcus.  Its  right  anterior  border  is  strongly 
oblique  to  the  axis  of  the  plate  and  articulates  with  S.i.  The  posterior  right 
border  of  S.p.  is  thickened. 

The  nucleus  is  round  and  located  at  the  girdle  level.  Its  diameter  is  about 
one-third  of  the  total  cell  length.  The  chromatin  strands  are  less  evident  than  in 
most  dinoflagellates.  The  chromoplasts  are  elliptical  and  numerous,  sometimes 
yellow-green  but  normally  brown-yellow.  Food  is  apparently  stored  as  small 
granules  and  also  around  the  chromoplasts  in  bodies  that  resemble  pyrenoids. 
There  is  no  pusule  nor  stigma. 

The  first  external  evidence  of  cell  division  is  the  formation  of  two  discrete 
longitudinal  flagella  with  separate  points  of  attachment.  During  division,  the 
cell  escapes  from  the  theca  but  retains  a  tough  cellular  membrane.  The  two 
daughter  cells  remain  attached  to  each  other  in  an  oblique  plane.  The  posterior 
cell  is  usually  the  smallest. 

Locomotion  is  normally  rapid,  with  a  strongly  rotatory  motion.    There  is  usually 


one  complete  rotation  of  the  organism  during  an  advancement  of  one  or  two  cell 
lengths.  Sometimes,  when  5.  sweeneyi  cells  reach  the  border  of  a  drop,  they 
suddenly  cast  off  their  flagella.  Generally  they  lose  the  transverse  ribbon-like 
flagellum  first,  which  continues  to  beat  in  the  detached  state  for  a  few  seconds  and 
then  vacuolizes.  The  longitudinal  flagellum  is  about  three  times  as  long  as  the 
cell ;  it  does  not  beat  or  vacuolize  after  detachment. 

Occurrence.  This  organism  was  originally  isolated  on  March  15,  1956,  from 
water  collected  off  the  S.I.O.  pier  at  La  Jolla,  California,  and  has  since  been 
observed  frequently  in  locally  collected  water  samples.  It  seems  to  be  a  year-round 
inhabitant  of  the  San  Diego  region,  thriving  especially  in  the  summer  months. 
This  species  has  also  been  observed  in  plankton  net  samples,  its  relative  scarcity 
in  these  being  caused  by  its  small  size  and  poor  retention  on  plankton  silk. 

Variations.  The  cingular  and  sulcal  formula  has  been  constant  in  laboratory 
and  field  specimens :  6C  and  4S.  The  cells  varied  in  size,  and  in  the  laboratory 
clonal  culture  used  in  the  description,  the  cells  also  varied  in  shape  and  in  plate 
pattern.  Deformed  or  aberrant  forms  of  5".  szveeneyi  were  numerous  in  old 
laboratory  cultures,  but  these  were  not  observed  in  plankton  samples.  The  plate 
formulae  of  the  thecae  from  plankton  samples  were  established  in  only  a  few  cases, 
so  we  do  not  yet  know  how  much  the  plate  formula  of  this  organism  varies  in 
nature.  On  the  whole,  the  plate  pattern  has  shown  an  amazing  range  of  variation. 

The  normal  plate  formula  is  as  stated  above :  4',  3a,  7",  6c,  5" ',  2"  ",  and  4s. 
It  is  generally  assumed  that  the  hypotheca  is  more  conservative  than  the  epitheca, 
and  this  is  true  of  the  present  organism.  Deviations  from  the  normal  epithecal 
plate  configuration  were  observed  in  about  10  per  cent  of  the  specimens  examined. 
The  range  of  variation  encountered  in  the  atypical  specimens  of  5\  szveeneyi  was 
rather  exceptional  for  dinoflagellates,  although  similar  variations  occur  in  Pyro- 
phacus  Jwrologiciiiu.  Plate  formulae  in  these  atypical  specimens  were: 

(1)  4',  2a,  6"; 

(2)  4',  3a.  5"; 

(3)  4',  3a,  4"; 

A  single  specimen  with  3',  3a  and  5"  showed  an  exceptional  overgrowth  of  1",  which 
reached  the  apical  pore  thus  transforming  2'  into  la. 

No  alteration  of  hypothecal  formula  has  been  noticed  in  actively  growing 
cultures.  In  old  cultures,  I  have  observed  hypothecal  formulae  of :  5"  '.  2"  '  and 
one  intercalary ;  4"  ',  2"  " ;  and  3"  ',  2"  "  and  one  intercalary.  However,  the  plate 
variation  of  the  hypotheca  has  not  exceeded  two  per  cent  in  all  examined  specimens. 

Discussion.  The  general  characteristics  of  this  organism  place  it  in  the 
Peridiniaccae.  If  it  were  classified  solely  on  the  basis  of  its  major  body  plates, 
it  would  be  included  in  the  genus  Peridinium.  The  cingular  formula  and  sulcus 
plates  are  characteristically  different,  however,  from  those  of  Peridinium.  The 
cingular  and  sulcal  plates  are  conservative  and  important  structural  features  con- 
nected with  the  most  dynamic  parts  of  the  cell.  Undoubtedly  this  organism 
belongs  to  a  new  genus.  The  species  is  also  new.  The  only  other  known  species 
which  bear  general  resemblances  to  the  present  organism  are  Peridinium  subsalsum 
Ost.,  and  especially  P.  trochoideum  (Stein)  Lemm.  Laboratory  cultures  of  these 
species  \vere  provided  by  Dr.  Sweeney  for  comparative  studies.  Their  assignment 



to  the  genus  Peridinium  was  clearly  correct,  but  they  bore  only  superficial  re- 
semblances to  Scrippsiella  sweeneyi.  The  genus  is  named  after  the  institution 
at  which  it  was  discovered,  and  the  species  is  dedicated  to  Dr.  Beatrice  M.  Sweeney 
who  made  the  original  isolation  and  whose  cultures  made  this  study  possible. 

Fragilidium  heterolobum  n.  gen.  n.  sp. 


FIGURE  3.  Fragilidium  heterolobum.  a)  A  typical  individual,  ventral  view,  b)  Apical 
view  of  the  epitheca.  c)  Sulcal  plates,  d)  Antapical  view  of  the  hypotheca.  All  figures 
about  X  1000. 

Diagnosis.  Medium-sized,  roughly  roundish  pentagonal  in  ventral  view. 
Epitheca  dome-shaped ;  hypotheca  asymmetrically  bipedal,  the  left  lobe  being  the 
largest.  Cingulum  deeply  impressed,  subcentral,  descending,  displaced  distally 
about  one  girdle  width,  without  lists.  The  cingulum  has  eleven  sub-equal  rec- 
tangular plates  plus  a  transitional  plate  at  the  right  end.  Sulcus  narrow,  only 
slightly  excavated,  with  six  plates.  Theca  easily  exuviated.  Cell  length  53-56  ^, 


transdiameter  48-54  ^.  Chromoplasts  numerous,  elliptical,  brown.  Genus  char- 
acterized by  the  high  number  of  precingular,  postcingular  and  cingular  plates. 
La  Jolla,  California. 


Plate  pattern.  The  epithecal  formula  is  4',  9"  and  a  "pore  platelet."  The 
plate  1'  is  in  general  large  and  it  has  the  most  irregular  form.  It  has  connections 
with  seven  plates:  1",  2",  the  pore  platelet,  4',  8"  and  9";  its  border  for  2"  is 
the  smallest.  Plate  1'  is  asymmetrically  located,  most  of  it  being  on  the  right 
side  of  the  epitheca;  its  width  decreases  gradually  to  the  left.  The  other  three 
apicals  are  more  regular.  Apical  2'  has  six  edges  (for  1',  3',  the  pore  platelet, 
2",  3",  4")-  The  plate  3'  touches  2',  4',  4",  5",  6"  and  the  pore  platelet.  The 
apical  4'  touches  3',  1',  6",  7",  8"  and  the  pore  platelet. 

The  so-called  pore  platelet  is  relatively  large,  oval  sigmoid,  and  placed  obliquely, 
to  the  median  plane,  i.e.,  the  plane  which  passes  through  the  sulcus,  the  joint  of  1" 
and  9",  and  the  apex.  This  plate  is  variable  but  generally  it  has  a  convex  left 
side  subdivided  into  two  edges  for  2'  and  3',  a  concave  side  which  touches  1',  a 
major  pole  for  4',  and  a  minor  one  for  the  suture  between  1'  and  2'.  The  most 
characteristic  feature  of  this  plate  is  a  long  and  narrow  reinforcement  at  the  middle 
of  the  plate,  sigmoid,  with  a  dorsal  hook  to  the  right ;  it  is  variable  sometimes 
double.  Along  it  there  are  sometimes  a  few  very  small  pores. 

The  most  characteristic  precingulars  are  1"  and  9".  The  first,  trapezoidal  in 
shape,  is  the  smallest.  The  precingular  9",  pentagonal,  has  two  edges  at  the  left : 
the  superior  one  for  1'  and  the  posterior,  reinforced,  forms  a  part  of  the  right 
border  of  the  sulcus.  The  precingulars  3",  5",  and  7"  are  more  or  less  quadrangular. 

The  hypothecal  formula  is  7"  ',  2"  "  and  Ip.  The  narrowest  postcingular  plates 
are  V"  and  7"'.  The  latter  is  the  smaller  and  is  somewhat  displaced  posteriorly. 
The  antapicals  are  very  asymmetrical,  the  left  one  being  much  longer.  The 
suture  between  1"  '  and  2"  '  is  irregular.  Antapical  2""  contacts  the  sulcus  more 
than  1"  ".  which  just  barely  touches  it.  The  intercalary  (p)  is  a  large  irregular 
plate,  bordered  by  the  antapicals,  3"  ',  4"  '  and  5"  '. 

All  plates  of  the  epi-  and  hypotheca  are  smooth.  Some  spots  of  different 
optical  densities  could  be  seen  in  a  few  specimens,  especially  in  plate  1",  with  oil 
immersion  and  phase  contrast.  There  are  sometimes  pores  located  on  the  cingular 
border  of  this  plate. 

The  cingulum  is  formed  by  eleven  subequal  retangular  plates,  plus  another 
different  plate  at  its  right  end.  This  C12  is  curved,  irregular,  extending  somewhat 
into  the  sulcus,  with  a  narrow  left-posterior  or  sulcal  end.  For  that  reason  this 
plate  could  be  named  "transitional."  The  cingular  plates  lack  sculptures. 

The  sulcus  is  narrow,  has  six  plates,  and  is  only  slightly  excavated.  The 
anterior  sulcal  plate  has  a  very  characteristic  "boomerang"  shape,  with  a  posterior 
concavity  and  a  longer  and  narrower  right  arm.  In  its  sinus  there  are  two  very  tiny 
platelets;  the  right  one  is  the  smaller.  Behind  the  anterior  plate  and  in  contact 
with  1"  '  there  is  a  long  plate,  with  a  little  sinus  at  the  middle  of  its  right  border, 
where  C12  ends.  In  connection  with  the  latter,  there  is  another  small  plate. 
Finally,  there  is  a  posterior  sulcal  plate. 

Protoplasm.  The  protoplasm  is  surrounded  by  a  strong  membrane  and 
contains  more  than  one  hundred  elongate-elliptical  chromatophores  which  are  dark 


yellowish-brown.  Food  is  stored  as  numerous  granules  of  variable  shape,  which 
are  generally  small  and  located  most  abundantly  in  the  peripheral  layer. 

The  nucleus  is  large  and  compact,  and  is  surrounded  by  a  strong  membrane.  It 
is  elongated  in  the  equatorial  plane,  is  somewhat  curved,  and  has  very  dense  thin 
threads  of  granular  chromatin  more  or  less  perpendicular  to  the  major  axis  of 
the  nucleus.  At  the  concavity,  I  sometimes  observed  large  masses  that  were  not 
distinctly  granular. 

The  longitudinal  flagellum  extends  beyond  the  antapex  about  two  and  a  half 
cell  lengths ;  it  has  a  fast  vibratory  movement  of  short  amplitude.  The  transverse 
flagellum,  very  slightly  flattened,  is  long  and  completely  encircles  the  girdle.  The 
organism  swims  with  a  predominantly  rotating  motion. 

Dimensions  (in  fixed  and  slightly  distorted  cells).  Length  53-56  //,;  trans- 
diameter  48-54  ju,.  In  an  individual  with  a  length  of  55.5  /A,  the  epitheca  was 
27.5  ju,  and  the  hypotheca  was  24  p  in  length. 

Variations.  I  have  observed  some  variation  in  form  (cell  length  more  or 
less  short  in  comparison  with  the  transdiameter)  and  also  in  the  plate  pattern. 
Sometimes  4"  appears  divided  into  two  plates;  thus  the  postcingular  series  some- 
times has  eight  instead  of  seven  plates.  Occasionally  there  are  eight  instead  of 
nine  precingulars,  and  in  one  individual,  a  very  narrow  1'  was  observed  fused  with 
the  pore  platelet. 

The  normal  formula  is:  4',  9".  a  pore  platelet,  12c,  7'",  2"",  Ip  and  6s. 


The  only  difficulty  encountered  in  the  tabulation  of  this  organism  was  the 
rapidity  with  which  it  exuviated  its  plates.  Most  of  the  individuals  were  found  in 
a  quiet  state,  short  ellipsoidal  in  form,  and  without  theca.  The  actively  swimming 
cells  were  of  course  difficult  to  measure  and  draw.  Any  attempt  to  stop  them  for 
a  moment  led  to  cell  deformation  and  ecdysis.  This  is  accomplished  in  a  very 
peculiar  way :  all  the  plates  separate  from  each  other,  but  in  general,  they  remain 
surrounding  the  cell  at  a  short  distance,  forming  a  regular  assemblage.  The  plates 
are  very  delicate. 

The  plate  pattern  of  this  species  is  fundamentally  different  from  all  of  those 
previously  known  (Balech,  1956;  Biecheler,  1952;  Dangeard,  1927;  Graham,  1942; 
Kofoid,  1907-33;  Lindemann,  1928;  Schiller,  1933,  1937).  The  differences  are 
in  both  the  epi-  and  hypotheca.  Since  very  little  is  known  regarding  the  cingulum 
and  sulcus  of  most  dinoflagellates,  we  cannot  discuss  the  differences  concerning  these 
regions.  Nevertheless,  it  should  be  pointed  out  that  the  structure  of  the  sulcus  of 
this  species  is  different  from  that  of  all  sulci  already  studied,  and  no  other  genus  is 
known  with  such  a  high  number  of  girdle  plates. 

Other  genera  without  epithecal  intercalaries  and  with  four  apical  plates  are 
Diplopsalis,  Dolichodiniwn,  Goniodinium,  Glenodiniwn,  Cladopyxis,  and  Ceratiuin. 
The  two  latter  are  very  different  in  form,  bearing  strong  horns  or  arms,  and  with 
many  differences  in  plate  pattern.  Diplopsalis  as  defined  by  Lindemann  (1928)  is 
actually  an  assemblage  of  several  genera.  But  even  on  these  terms,  Diplopsalis 
never  has  more  than  seven  precingulars,  five  postcingulars  and  it  lacks  the  posterior 
intercalary.  Glenodiniitm,  as  defined  by  Schiller  (1933-37),  is  another  very 
heterogeneous  assemblage  with  a  very  large  variation  of  plate  patterns.  None  of  its 


species  has  so  many  pre-  and  postcingular  plates,  and  they  also  lack  posterior 
intercalaries.  Dolichodinium  seems  to  have  only  six  girdle  plates  and  has  six 
precingulars  and  six  postcingulars  instead  of  nine  and  seven.  Goniodimmn  is 
perhaps  the  genus  most  closely  related  to  Fragilidium,  but  it  has  only  six  precingu- 
lars and  six  postcingulars ;  instead  of  one  posterior  intercalary  it  has  three  inter- 
calaries in  the  hypotheca.  Until  the  discovery  of  Fragilidium,  Goniodinium  was 
the  genus  with  the  highest  known  number  (nine)  of  cingular  plates  (this  number, 
however,  was  not  stated  with  certainty). 

The  high  number  of  precingular,  postcingular  and  cingular  plates  is  sufficient  to 
characterize  this  new  genus.  The  only  other  genera  with  seven  postcingulars 
are  Glenodiniopsis  and  Heterodinimn.  Pyrophacus  is  the  only  genus  with  a 
higher  number  of  these  plates. 

Fragilidium  heterolobum  was  isolated  from  plankton  at  La  Jolla  (San  Diego. 
California)  on  March  20.  1957. 


1.  Two  new  genera  and  species  of  dinoflagellates  are  described.     Both  were 
originally    isolated    from    plankton    samples    collected    at    La    Jolla    (San    Diego, 

2.  Scrippsiclla  sweeneyi  is  a  small  species  with  the  general  tabulation  of  an 
Orthoperidinium,  but  it  differs  in  having  six  cingular  plates.     The  structure  of 
the  sulcus  is  also  different.     A  great  deal  of  variation  in  plate  pattern  was  ex- 
hibited by  this  organism. 

3.  Fragilidinm  hetcrolobuin  is  a  medium-sized  species  having  a  tabulation  that 
is  quite  different  from  all  previously  described  dinoflagellates.     It  has  a  very  high 
number  of  cingular  plates  (twelve).     The  generic  name  refers  to  the  characteristic 
frequency  and  suddenness  with  which  it  sheds  its  plates. 


BALECH,   E.,    1956.     Etude  des   Dinoflagelles   du   sable   de   Roscoff.     Revue   Algologiquc   Nile., 

Serie2(l-2)  :  29-52. 
BIECHELER,    B.,    1952.     Recherches   sur   les   Peridinicns.     Supp.   an   Bull.   Biologiquc   dc   France 

et  dc  Belgiqnc.  36  :  1-149. 
DANGEARD,  P.,  1927.     Phytoplankton  de  la  croisiere  du  Sylvana.     Ann.  Inst.  Occanog.,  4   (8)  : 

GRAHAM,  H.  W.,  1942.     Studies  in  the  Morphology,  Taxonomy  and  Ecology  of  the  Peridiniales. 

Scientific   results   of   Cruise   VII   of  the   Carnegie   during   1928-29.     Carnegie    Inst.   of 

Washington  Publication  542. 
KOFOID,  C.  A.,   1907.     New  species   of  dinoflasellates.     Bull.  Mus.   Comp.  Zool.  Harvard,   50 : 

KOFOID,  C.  A.,  1911.     Dinoflagellata  of  the  San  Diego  region.     V.     On  Spiraulax,  a  new  genus 

of  the  Peridineae.     Univ.  Calif.  Pub.  Zool,  8 :  295-300. 
KOFOID,   C.   A.,   AXD   A.    M.   ADAMSON,    1933.     The   Dinoflagellata:    the   family   Heterodiniidae 

of  the  Peridinioidiae.     Mem.  3fns.  Comp.  Zool.  Harvard,  54   (1),  136  pp. 
KOFOID,  C.  A.,  AXD  J.  R.  MICHEXER,  1911.     New  genera  and  species  of  Dinoflagellates.     Bull. 

Mus.  Comp.  Zool.  Harvard,  54:  265-302. 
LINDEMANN,  E.,   1928.     Pcridiuialcs.     In:   Engler  and  Prantl,   Die   Pflanzenfamilien.     2nd  Ed., 

Vol.  2,  104  pp. 
SHILLER,  J.,  1933,  1937.     Dinoflagcllatae  (Peridineae).     In:  L.  Rabenhorst's  Kryptogamenflora. 

Vol.  10,  Leipzig. 



Department  of  Zoology,  University  of  Michigan,  Ann  Arbor,  Michigan 

Little  information  is  available  on  the  physiology  of  photoreception  in  the 
Mysidacea  other  than  a  few  studies  of  phototaxis.  Practically  nothing  is  known 
of  their  spectral  sensitivity,  dark-adaptation,  or  lower  limits  of  vision.  The  two 
observations  that  have  been  made  on  the  response  of  the  opossum  shrimp,  Mysis 
relic ta  Loven,  have  shown  that  they  swim  downward  when  subjected  to  light 
(Dakin  and  Latarche,  1913)  and  are  especially  sensitive  to  a  combination  of  high 
temperature  and  bright  light  (Larkin,  1948).  The  present  study  of  the  spectral 
sensitivity,  dark-adaptation,  and  phototaxis  of  M.  relicta  was  undertaken  to  add  to 
our  information  on  the  physiology  of  photoreception. 


Mysis  relicta  is  ideal  for  a  study  of  this  nature,  since  its  large  size  (average 
length,  15.0  mm.)  facilitates  observation,  and  a  laboratory  population  can  be 
easily  maintained.  The  animals  used  in  this  study  were  collected  in  Lakes  Huron 
and  Michigan. 

All  experiments  were  conducted  in  a  cold-room  under  controlled  light  con- 
ditions and  at  a  constant  temperature  of  10°  C.  The  dark-adaptation  and  special 
sensitivity  studies  were  carried  out  in  an  all-glass  aquarium  12.0  by  8.0  by  3.0 
inches,  filled  to  1  inch  from  the  top.  A  24-inch  glass  tube,  with  a  1-inch  diameter, 
was  used  in  the  experiments  on  phototaxis. 

Under  conditions  of  continuous  darkness  or  light,  the  mysids  normally  rested 
on  the  bottom  of  the  tank,  periodically  making  short  excursions  off  the  bottom. 
If  the  experimental  light  was  turned  on  when  the  mysids  were  swimming  upwards, 
they  hesitated  momentarily,  turned,  and  swam  rapidly  to  the  bottom  of  the  aquar- 
ium. This  momentary  hesitation  was  found  to  be  a  reliable  indicator  for  the 
photic  response. 

The  difficulty  of  observation  in  a  dark  room  was  met  by  using  an  infra-red 
viewer  and  infra-red  light  source  or  a  large  Fresnel  lens  to  focus  low-intensity 
red  light  (approximately  0.001  foot-candle)  on  the  observer's  eye.  The  red  light 
was  produced  by  a  neon  glow  lamp  and  a  number  2404  Corning  glass  filter, 
transmitting  wave-lengths  of  620  m//,  and  greater.  It  was  permissible  to  use  this 
light  for  viewing,  since  preliminary  studies  had  established  that  M.  relicta  was 
almost  completely  insensitive  to  the  red  region  of  the  visible  spectrum  in  the  620- 

1  Based  on  a  thesis  submitted  in  partial  fulfillment  of  the  requirements  for  the  Ph.D.  degree, 
University  of  Michigan,  1958. 

2  Present  address  of  the  author  is  :  U.  S.  Department  of  Interior,  Fish  and  Wildlife  Service, 
Ann  Arbor,  Michigan. 






450        500        550        600        650 

Wave- length  (mu) 

700        750 

FIGURE  1.     Spectral  distribution  of  a  tungsten  filament  lamp   (color  temperature  2300°  K)   and 
the  spectral  transmission  of  monochromatic  filter  combinations. 

to  700-nijU.  wave-band.     Mysid  behavior  was  the  same  when  viewed  by  either  of 
the  above  methods. 

A  General  Electric  7C7  tungsten  filament  lamp  suspended  3  inches  above  the 
water  surface  provided  the  light  source  for  the  spectral  sensitivity  studies.  This 
lamp  has  an  average  color  temperature  of  approximately  2300°  K  and  its  lumen 
output  averages  45.  Although  the  exact  distribution  curve  of  spectral  energy  was 
not  available  for  the  lamp,  a  reasonably  accurate  curve  was  constructed  by  extrapola- 
tion from  data  supplied  by  the  Xela  Park  Laboratory  of  General  Electric  (Fig.  1). 


450        500        550        600 
Wave-length  ( 

650        700       750 


Radiant  energy  output  from  a  tungsten  filament  lamp   (color  temperature  2300°  K) 
through  various  monochromatic  filter  combinations. 


Nine  monochromatic-filter  combinations  were  made  with  Corning  glass  color 
filters  and  interference  filters;  Figure  1  gives  the  spectral  transmission  of  these 
filter  combinations.  The  total  energy  output  of  a  given  filter  combination  was 
calculated  by  multiplying  the  energy  available  (in  10-m/x-wide  wave-bands)  from 
the  lamp  by  the  percentage  transmission  of  the  filter  combination  (Fig.  2).  The 
percentage  transmission  of  the  various  filter  combinations  was  obtained  either 
from  data  supplied  by  Corning  (1948)  or  with  a  Beckman  DU  Spectrophotometer. 
The  range  of  intensities  for  a  particular  wave-band  was  obtained  by  the  use  of 
evaporated-metal,  neutral-density  filters,  having  optical  densities  of  0.6,  0.9,  and 

The  reaction  times  of  the  mysids  to  the  various  intensities  of  radiant  energy 
were  measured  by  a  stop  watch.  Sufficient  time  was  allowed  between  successive 
tests  to  keep  the  mysids  completely  dark-adapted. 

In  the  dark-adaptation  experiments,  the  mysids  were  first  subjected  for  3 
minutes  to  the  intense  light  of  a  1000- watt  photoflood  lamp.  At  the  end  of  the 
3-minute  period  all  lights  were  turned  off  except  the  viewing  light.  Then  the 
mysids  were  subjected  to  flashes  of  light,  approximately  0.1  second  in  duration, 
of  a  given  intensity.  These  flashes  were  spaced  at  1-  to  3-minute  intervals.  The 
experimental  light  was  a  6-watt,  9-foot-candle,  115-volt.  tungsten-filament  lamp 
suspended  3  inches  above  the  water  surface.  The  intensity  of  the  light  was 
altered  by  interposing  various  numbers  of  evaporated-metal,  neutral-density  filters, 
each  having  an  optical  density  of  1.0.  The  time  in  the  dark,  prior  to  first  stimula- 
tion, was  measured  by  stop  watch. 

In  the  experiment  on  the  phototactic  response  of  M.  relic ta,  six  individuals  were 
placed  in  a  24-inch  glass  tube,  with  a  1-inch  diameter,  lying  horizontally  to  eliminate 
any  gravitational  effects.  The  experimental  light,  a  7C7  lamp,  was  suspended 
1  foot  above  the  midpoint  of  the  tube.  After  the  mysids  had  been  subjected  for 
measured  intervals  to  total  darkness  or  light,  one-half  of  the  tube  was  shaded  and 
the  number  of  mysids  in  the  unshaded  half  of  the  tube  was  recorded  at  30-second 
intervals  for  a  5-minute  period.  First  the  right  and  then  the  left  half  of  the 
tube  was  shaded  to  detect  any  bias  in  the  distribution  of  the  mysids.  Control 
runs,  with  neither  half  being  shaded,  were  made  at  frequent  intervals. 

Earlier  studies  of  spectral  sensitivity 

It  has  been  well  established  that  the  first  step  in  the  response  to  light  in  any 
animal  is  a  photochemical  reaction.  Hecht's  (1919,  1920,  1921)  work  on  the 
clam,  Mya  arenaria  Verrill,  contributed  much  toward  establishing  the  photo- 
chemical nature  of  photoreception.  He  demonstrated  that  the  fundamental  concept 
of  photochemistry,  the  Bunsen-Roscoe  reciprocity  law  which  holds  that  the  photo- 
chemical effect  is  equal  to  the  product  of  time  and  intensity,  could  be  applied  to 
the  data  of  his  studies. 

Before  a  photochemical  reaction  can  occur,  light  must  be  absorbed.  The 
absorption  spectra  of  the  visual  pigments  will  therefore  determine  the  effects  on 
the  photoreceptor  and  in  turn  the  response  of  the  organism.  The  behavioral 
response  of  an  organism  to  different  regions  of  the  radiant-energy  spectrum  has 



given  rise  to  the  concept  of  "action  spectra."  For  example,  if  a  visual  pigment 
has  its  absorption  peak  at  a  wave-length  of  500  111/1,  the  animal  possessing  this 
visual  pigment  would  be  most  sensitive  to  this  wave-length.  This  concept  has 
led  to  a  number  of  action-spectrum  studies  on  invertebrates.  Mast  (1917)  re- 


Reaction  time  (seconds)  of  Mysis  relicta  to  various  wave-lengths  of  light  at  several  intensities 
(  Unless  noted  otherwise  the  neutral-density  filters  transmitted  10  per  cent  of  the  light) 

of  peak 

Number  of 

Energy  output  of  7C7 
lamp  through  filters 
(microwatts/10  m/i/ 

reaction  times 
for  10  trials 
































































































































































(No  reaction) 

*  Neutral-density  filter  transmitting  12  per  cent  of  the  light. 
**  Neutral-density  filter  transmitting  25  per  cent  of  the  light. 

***  Filters  1  and  2  combined. 

*  Neutral-density  filter  transmitting  10  per  cent  of  the  light  combined  with  filters  1  and  2. 

ported  peak  sensitivity  to  light  at  the  following  wave-lengths :  483  in/A  in  Euglena, 
Arenicola,  Trachelonwnas,  and  Lmnbricus ;  524  m/x  in  Pandorina  and  Eudorina; 
503  nijit  in  Chlamydonionas,  and  blowfly  larvae.  Hecht  (1921)  established  the 
basis  for  future  studies  through  his  experiments  on  Mya  arcnaria.  This  clam 



had  a  maximum  sensitivity  at  490  m^u.     Most  insects  apparently  have  two  peaks 
of  maximum  sensitivity,  365  m/*,  and  492  niju,  (Weiss,  1943). 

Results  obtained  through  the  methods  of  these  investigators  are  similar  to 
those  secured  by  in  vitro  studies  of  the  spectral  absorption  of  squid  rhodopsin 
(Bliss,  1948).  An  electrical  method  has  been  employed  to  determine  the  spectral 
sensitivity  of  the  eyes  of  Limulus  (Graham  and  Hartline,  1935),  a  grasshopper, 
Melanoplus  (Jahn,  1946),  and  the  diving-beetle,  Dytiscus  (Jahn  and  Wulff,  1948). 
These  studies  demonstrated,  as  did  the  behavior  method  of  Weiss,  that  the 
arthropod  eye  has  a  peak  sensitivity  in  the  green  region  of  the  spectrum. 





c  I 



o.oi  - 


0.6         0.8  1.0  1.2          1.4 

Reaction  time  (seconds) 

FIGURE  3.     Reaction   rate  of  Mysis  rclicta   to  certain   wave-lengths    (m/ct)    of   light   at  various 
intensities.     (Each  point  represents  the  average  reaction  time  for   10  trials.) 

The  only  source  of  information  on  the  sensitivity  of  mysids  to  various  regions 
of  the  spectrum  is  Hess'  (1910)  study  of  the  phototactic  response  of  a  marine 
mysid  to  certain  regions  of  the  visible  spectrum.  Sixty-four  mysids  were  placed 
in  the  dark  and  then  subjected  to  a  continuous  spectrum  of  light.  The  mysids 
swam  toward  the  light  and  aggregated  in  certain  regions  of  the  spectrum :  40  in 
the  yellow-green,  19  in  the  blue  and  violet,  and  5  in  the  red.  When  the  position  of 
the  spectrum  was  altered  the  mysids  followed  the  yellow-green  band. 



Spectral  sensitivity  in  M.  relicta 

The  dark-adapted  mysids  reacted  to  the  different  regions  of  the  spectrum  with 
the  typical  photic  response  but  the  time  of  reaction  varied  with  wave-length.  The 
mysids  reacted  most  quickly  at  wave-lengths  in  the  vicinity  of  515  m/A  and  395  m^t. 
(Table  I).  The  reaction  times  at  wave-lengths  of  610  m^  and  640  m/A  were  much 
slower  (Fig.  3)  despite  the  fact  that  considerably  more  energy  was  available  in 
the  red  region  of  the  spectrum  than  in  the  blue  region  (Fig.  2).  If  the  mysid 
eye  were  equally  sensitive  to  all  regions  of  the  spectrum,  the  faster  reaction  time 














400  500  600 

Wave-length  (rim) 

FIGURE  4.     Action    spectrum   of   the    dark-adapted   Mysis   relicta   eye. 

would  have  been  elicited  by  the  higher  energy  of  longer  wave-lengths.  The  speed 
of  response  decreased  progressively  as  the  wave-length  increased  from  395  niju. 
to  488  m/j,  (Fig.  3).  Then  the  trend  was  reversed  and  the  mysids  responded 
progressively  faster  as  the  wave-length  increased.  The  reaction  time  at  a  wave- 

length of  496  m/A  was  similar  to  that  recorded  at  430  m//,  and  the  quickest  response 
was  elicited  by  light  with  peak  energy  at  515  m/j..  The  reaction  to  light  with 
wave-lengths  longer  than  515  m/z  became  progressively  slower  as  the  wave-length 

The  reaction  times  of  the  mysids  to  a  wide  range  of  intensities  for  a  particular 


wave-length  were  determined  through  the  use  of  evaporated-metal,  neutral-density 
filters.  Similar  reaction  times  could  be  obtained  for  different  wave-lengths  by 
altering  the  intensity.  Approximately  1000  times  more  radiant  energy  was  re- 
quired in  the  red  region  than  in  the  blue-green  region  of  the  spectrum  before 
equal  reaction  times  could  be  obtained.  The  curves  resulting  from  a  plot  of  the 
reaction  time  against  the  radiant  energy  available  from  the  7C7  lamp  and  the 
filter  combinations  show  that  the  reaction  time  varies  inversely  as  the  logarithm 
of  the  light  intensity  (Fig.  3).  It  is  apparent  that  the  rate  of  response  to  dif- 
ferent wave-lengths  was  caused  by  differences  in  the  ability  of  the  eye  to  absorb 
energy  at  various  wave-lengths. 

The  reaction  times  for  a  definite  energy  value  of  3  as  determined  from  the 
curves  in  Figure  3  were  plotted  against  the  transmission  peaks  of  the  monochromatic 
filter  combinations  to  give  an  "equal-energy"  curve.  The  resulting  curve  is  the 
"action  spectrum"  or  spectral  sensitivity  curve  for  M.  relicta  (Fig.  4).  The 
mysids  have  a  maximum  sensitivity  to  light  with  a  wave-length  of  approximately 
515  m^u,;  another  peak  of  sensitivity  occurs  in  the  violet  region  of  the  spectrum  at 
or  below  395  m^..  This  suggests  that  the  mysid  eye  contains  at  least  two  visual 

Earlier  studies  of  dark-adaptation 

All  of  the  photoreceptors  studied  by  various  investigators  have  shown  an  in- 
creased sensitivity  to  light  after  a  period  in  darkness.  This  reaction  has  given  rise 
to  the  concept  of  dark-adaptation,  a  process  that  has  been  studied  by  several  different 
methods,  including  behavior.  Studies  on  M .  relicta  have  been  made  by  a  procedure 
similar  to  a  behavioral  method  employed  by  Hecht  (1919)  to  study  dark-adaptation 
in  Mya. 

The  behavior  method  for  determining  dark-adaptation  has  produced  data  that 
are  similar  to  those  obtained  by  in  vitro  resynthesis  of  bleached  rhodopsin  (Chase 
and  Smith,  1939)  and  by  measuring  the  electrical  response  of  the  eyes  of  Limn! us 
(Hartline,  1930). 

I  could  not  find  any  published  account  of  previous  studies  on  dark-adaptation 
in  Mysidacea. 

Dark-adaptation  in  M.  relicta 

The  3-minute  exposure  of  the  mysids  to  the  photoflood  lamp  evidently  caused  a 
bleaching  of  the  visual  pigment.  The  mysids  did  not  respond  to  any  light  for  at 
least  30  seconds  after  the  lamp  was  turned  off.  Response  to  the  experimental 
light  after  a  period  in  darkness  would  indicate,  therefore,  that  sufficient  visual 
pigment  had  been  resynthesized  for  photoreception.  The  light  intensity  necessary 
to  elicit  a  response  after  a  period  in  the  dark  was  considered  the  "threshold 

The  light  intensity  required  to  produce  a  reaction  decreased  with  the  increase 
of  time  spent  in  the  dark  (Fig.  5).  Several  repetitions  of  this  experiment  gave 
closely  similar  results.  The  increase  in  sensitivity  was  relatively  fast  during  the 
first  57  seconds,  and  then  somewhat  slower.  The  upper  part  of  the  curve  probably 
lies  too  far  to  the  right,  since  the  mysids  did  not  start  to  swim  up  until  at  least 



30  seconds  after  the  photoflood  light  was  turned  off ;  consequently,  it  was  im- 
possible to  determine  their  sensitivity  during  this  period.  Possibly  the  steeper 
slope  in  the  upper  part  of  the  curve  can  be  attributed  to  a  state  of  shock  from 
exposure  to  the  intense  light.  The  initial  recovery  of  sensitivity  of  the  mysid 
eye,  therefore,  may  progress  at  a  rate  other  than  indicated  by  the  upper  part  of 
the  curve  in  Figure  5.  Light  intensity  values  of  9  X  10~2  foot-candle  and  below 






£  I0: 




-1  io4 





Time  in  the  dark  (minutes) 


FIGURE  5.  Dark-adaptation  of  Mysis  rcllcta.  Threshold  intensity  is  plotted  as  ordinate 
against  time  in  the  dark  as  abscissa.  Inset  is  the  plot  of  log  of  threshold  intensity  against 
log  of  time  in  the  dark. 

and  time  in  the  dark  gave  a  straight  line  when  plotted  on  a  logarithmic  scale. 
These  curves  closely  resemble  that  for  a  bimolecular  reaction. 

Although  a  precise  determination  of  the  lowest  limits  of  visual  sensitivity  could 
not  be  made,  a  definite  response  to  a  light  intensity  of  10~6  foot-candle  was  estab- 
lished. In  all  probability  the  mysids  can  detect  even  a  much  weaker  light. 

The  question  arises  as  to  whether  the  stimulating  flashes  themselves  have  any 
effect  upon  the  dark-adaptation  of  the  eye.  Hartline  (1930)  believed  that  if 
they  are  widely  spaced  in  time,  3  to  5  minutes,  they  have  little  effect. 


Earlier  studies  on  phototaxis 

Photoreception  is  important  for  the  normal  orientation  of  mysids.  Delage 
(1887)  established  that  the  statocysts  of  mysids  have  a  balancing  function,  but  it 
was  subsequently  demonstrated  that  if  the  statocysts  are  removed,  the  eyes  make 
possible  normal  orientation  in  the  light  (von  Buddenbrock,  1914).  The  mysids 
always  kept  their  dorsal  side  oriented  toward  the  light — a  reaction  termed  the 
"dorsal  light  reflex."  Additional  studies  on  three  different  species  of  mysids  have 
shown  that  orientation  is  governed  by  responses  to  a  combination  of  gravitational 
and  light  stimuli  (Fraenkel,  1931;  Foxon,  1940).  Fraenkel  suggested  that  light 
stimulates  the  mysids  to  assume  a  position  whereby  a  definite  region  of  the  statocyst 
is  stimulated  by  gravity. 

The  phototactic  responses  of  mysids  are  varied  and  complex.  Keeble  and 
Gamble  (1904)  reported  that  the  phototactic  sign  changed  from  positive  to  nega- 
tive when  the  mysids  were  moved  from  a  white  to  a  black  background.  Bauer 
(1908)  found  that  mysids  remained  at  the  bottom  of  an  aquarium  when  light 
came  from  above  and  were  positively  phototactic  to  a  lateral  light.  Menke  (1911) 
concluded  that  Hemimysis  lamornae  was  positively  geotactic  and  negatively  photo- 
tactic.  He  also  removed  the  statocyst  and  interpreted  the  mysids'  subsequent 
failure  to  leave  the  bottom  as  a  pronounced  negative  phototaxis.  Recent  research 
has  shown  that  this  behavior  may  be  a  "general  position  reflex"  whereby  mysids 
utilize  the  tactile  sense  for  orientation  along  with  the  "dorsal  light  reflex"  (Foxon, 
1940).  Some  differences  in  response  can  be  related  to  age.  Adults  of  Neomysis 
vulgaris  [N.  integer  Leach]  are  more  strongly  photonegative  than  are  the  young 
(Lucas,  1936).  Mysids  have  been  shown  to  be  telotactic;  when  two  light  rays  are 
crossed  at  right  angles  they  react  to  one  light  source  and  ignore  the  other.  Light- 
adapted  individuals  also  have  shown  a  reversal  in  the  phototactic  sign  by  swimming 
to  and  fro  in  the  direction  of  the  incident  light  (Fraenkel,  1931). 

The  observations  of  other  workers  that  certain  marine  mysids  possess  a  diurnal 
rhythm  in  their  chromatophore  system  (Keeble  and  Gamble,  1904)  suggested  the 
possibility  of  a  similar  periodicity  in  the  phototactic  responses  of  M.  relicta.  Their 
investigations  of  the  chemical  conditions  of  the  mysid's  tissues  indicated  the  pos- 
sibility of  a  metabolic  periodicity.  The  liver  and  muscle  tissues  were  alkaline  in 
the  morning  and  became  progressively  acid  during  the  day.  Some  of  the  experi- 
mental work  which  Menke  (1911)  conducted  led  him  to  postulate  that  Hemimysis 
lamornae  was  negatively  phototactic  during  the  day  and  positively  phototactic  at 
night.  The  experiment  described  in  the  next  section  was  devised  to  detect  such  a 
periodicity  in  M.  relicta.  Although  the  results  were  not  conclusive  on  that  point, 
other  important  findings  warrant  inclusion  of  these  data  in  this  paper. 

Phototaxis  in  M.  relicta 

Whenever  the  control  runs  were  conducted  the  distribution  did  not  differ 
significantly  from  random.  The  distribution  did  differ  significantly  (Chi  Square 
test)  when  one-half  of  the  tube  was  shaded  after  the  mysids  had  been  in  the 
dark  or  light  for  a  period  of  time.  The  mysids  were  photopositive  unless  they  had 
been  subjected  to  total  darkness  for  10  hours;  then  they  became  photonegative 



(Table  II).  The  photonegative  condition  persisted  for  only  a  short  time  as  they 
became  light-adapted  within  6  minutes.  On  August  15  at  11 :54  Eastern  Standard 
Time  (EST)  the  mysids  were  definitely  photonegative  after  being  in  the  dark  for 
13  hours;  after  exposure  to  the  experimental  light  for  6  minutes  they  tended  to 
be  photopositive.  On  the  same  date  at  21 :06  EST  the  mysids  still  responded 
photopositively  after  approximately  4  hours  in  the  dark.  Similar  results  were 


Phototactic  response  of  M.  relicta  to  a  constant  light  intensity  after  periods  in  light  and  in  total 

darkness.     {Observations  were  made  of  the  distribution  of  6  animals  at  30-second  intervals 

for  5  minutes,  except  at  21:12  (5g  minutes),  11 :55  (2\  minutes'},  11 :58  (2\  minutes). 

Numbers  in  parentheses  indicate  control  run,  i.e.,  entire  tube  unshaded.     Asterisk 

indicates  significant  Chi  Square  value  at  5  per  cent  level.     Experiments 

were  started  at  20:54  EST  on  August  14,  1956,  and  completed 

at  12:06  EST  on  August  18,  1957~] 



Time  in  dark 

Time  in  light 

Number  in  portion  of  tube 








20  :54 



































































—  - 

































































22  :43 
































































secured  on  August  16  at  10:19  EST  and  August  18  at  11:55  EST,  the  mysids 
were  photonegative  after  13  and  14  hours  in  the  dark.  At  22 :43  EST  on  August  16 
they  were  photonegative  after  10  hours  and  14  minutes  in  the  dark.  The  fact  that 
the  mysids  could  be  photonegative  either  in  the  morning  or  at  night  indicates  that 
the  phototactic  response  does  not  have  a  persistent  diurnal  rhythm.  Existence  of 
the  photonegative  condition  depends  on  the  amount  of  time  in  the  dark. 

Experiments  revealed  also  that  if  the  light  intensity  was  increased  rapidly  by 


1  or  2  foot-candles,  the  mysids  swam  into  the  shaded  area,  although  they  previously 
had  been  definitely  photopositive.     They  adapted  to  this  increased  intensity  within 

2  minutes.     Johnson   (1938)   obtained  similar  results  with  the  copepod,  Acartia 
clausii  Giesbrecht.     These  copepods  were  placed  in  a  glass  cylinder  and  subjected 
to  a  step-wide  change  in  intensity.     The  more  rapid  the  change  in  intensity,  the 
greater  was  the  response.     The  copepods  were  photopositive  after  a  period  in  the 
dark,  but  they  swam  away  from  the  light  when  the  intensity  was  increased. 


The  experiments  indicate  that  My  sis  relicta  has  at  least  two  visual  pigments, 
one  with  an  absorption  peak  at  515  m/j.  and  another  with  a  peak  at  or  below  395  mju.. 
The  maximum  sensitivity  at  515  m//,  probably  is  important  to  the  mysid  for  orienta- 
tion in  the  environment,  since  light  with  a  wave-band  of  490  m/x  to  540  m/u. 
penetrates  to  considerable  depth  in  Lake  Huron  (Beeton,  1958).  The  importance 
of  the  sensitivity  to  violet  light  (395  HI/A)  is  not  obvious,  since  light  with  a  wave- 
band of  300  niju,  to  420  m/A  does  not  penetrate  into  the  deep-water  habitat  of  the 
mysids.  Ultraviolet  light  has  been  found  to  cause  negative  phototaxis  in  Daphnia 
pule.v  (Moore,  1912),  and  D.  tnagna  (Baylor  and  Smith,  1957).  In  view  of  the 
deleterious  effect  of  ultraviolet  light,  it  is  not  surprising  to  find  that  many  arthropods 
are  sensitive  to  short  wave-lengths  and  photonegative  to  ultraviolet  light. 

The  mysids  are  able  to  "dark-adapt"  at  a  relatively  fast  rate.  This  increase  in 
sensitivity  is  interpreted  as  a  function  of  the  amount  of  regenerated  visual  purple 
available  at  each  moment  in  the  dark.  The  curve  describing  the  progress  of  this 
reaction  resembles  that  for  the  equation  for  a  bimolecular  reaction.  The  literature, 
however,  reveals  considerable  disagreement  as  to  whether  the  dark-adaptation  data 
are  fitted  best  by  the  equation  for  a  bimolecular  or  monomolecular  reaction.  The 
reaction  is  probably  bimolecular,  but  appears  monomolecular  when  one  of  the 
reactants  is  in  excess.  Some  of  the  discrepancies  in  the  results  obtained  by  different 
workers  may  possibly  be  explained,  in  part,  by  the  data  of  Haig  (1941).  Haig's 
data  showed  that  the  curve  of  recovery  after  adaptation  to  a  low  intensity  is 
decidedly  different  from  that  of  recovery  after  adaptation  to  high  intensity  of 
illumination.  Hartline  and  McDonald  (1947)  presented  a  similar  series  of  re- 
covery curves  for  single  visual  elements  of  Limulus  after  exposure  to  light  of 
different  intensities. 

The  change  in  the  phototactic  response  of  M.  relicta  is  related  to  the  prior 
presence  or  absence  of  light.  Time  also  is  involved,  since  the  mysids  were  photo- 
positive  unless  they  had  been  subjected  to  total  darkness  for  10  hours  or  more; 
then  they  responded  photonegatively. 

Changes  in  the  phototactic  sign  may  be  related  to  the  activity  of  the  organism. 
The  mysids  were  very  active  in  the  light  and  not  as  active  in  the  dark ;  possibly 
the  increased  activity  results  in  an  acidic  condition  in  the  tissues.  The  acidity 
would  decrease  with  reduced  activity.  Daphnia,  copepods,  Gammarus  (Loeb, 
1918),  and  Hemimysis  (Franz,  1911)  can  be  made  positively  phototactic  by 
adding  a  weak  acid  to  the  water.  The  assumption  of  a  metabolic  change  due  to 
differences  in  activity  does  not  account  for  the  rapid  change  from  a  photonegative 
to  a  photopositive  condition.  The  possibility  remains  that  light  may  control  a 
chemical  cycle  in  the  organism.  A  compound,  responsible  for  the  photonegative 


•condition,  may  be  broken  down  upon  exposure  to  light.     It  may  require  a  long 
period  of  darkness  for  resynthesis  of  this  compound. 

Drs.  David  C.  Chandler,  Ralph  Hile,  and  Stanford  H.  Smith  reviewed  the 
manuscript.  Dr.  E.  R.  Baylor  lent  items  of  equipment  and  made  invaluable  sug- 
gestions concerning  the  experiments. 


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FOXON,  G.  E.  H.,   1940.     The  reaction  of  certain  mysids  to  stimulation  by  light  and  gravity. 

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FRAENKEL,  G.,  1931.     Die  Mechanik  der  Orientierung  der  Tiere  in  Raum.     Biol.  Rev.,  6:  36-87. 
FRANZ,  V.,   1911.     Phototaktische  lokomotions  perioden  bei  Hemim\sis.     Int.  Rev.  Hydrobiol. 

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GRAHAM,  C.  H.,  AND  H.  K.  HARTLINE,  1935.     The  response  of  single  visual  sense  cells  to  lights 

of  different  wave  lengths.     /.  Gen.  Physiol,,  18:  917-931. 
HAIG,  CHARLES  J.,  1941.     The  course  of  rod  dark  adaptation  as  influenced  by  the  intensity  and 

duration  of  pre-adaptation  to  light.     /.  Gen.  Physiol.,  24:   735-751. 
HARTLINE,  H.  KEEPER,  1930.     The  dark  adaptation  of  the  eye  of  Limuhts,  as  manifested  by  its 

electric  response  to  illumination.     /.  Gen.  Physiol.,  13  :  379-389. 

HARTLINE,  H.  K.,  AND  P.  ROBB  MCDONALD,  1947.     Light  and  dark  adaptation  of  single  photo- 
receptor  elements  in  the  eye  of  Limulus.     J.  Cell.  Comp.  Physiol.,  30 :  225-254. 
HECHT,    SELIG,    1919.     Sensory   equilibrium    and    dark    adaptation    in    Mya    arenaria.     J.    Gen. 

Physiol.,  1:   545-558. 

HECHT,  SELIG,  1920.     Intensity  and  the  process  of  photoreception.     /.  Gen.  Physiol.,  2  :  337-347. 
HECHT,   SELIG,    1921.     The   relation   between   the   wave   length   of   light   and   its    effect   on   the 

photosensory  process.     /.  Gen,  Physiol.,  3 :  375-390. 
HESS,  C.,  1910.     Neue  Untersuchungen  iiber  den  Lichtsinn  bei  wirbellosen  Tieren.     Pflueger's 

Arch.,  136:  282-367. 
JAHN,  T.  L.,   1946.     The  electroretinogram  as   a  measure  of  wave-length   sensitivity   to   light. 

/.  New  York  Ent.  Soc.,  54 :  1-8. 
JAHN,   T.   L.,  AND  V.  J.   WULFF,   1948.     The   spectral   sensitivity  of  Dytiscus  fascivcntris.     J. 

Ne^v  York  Ent,  Soc.,  56:  109-117. 
JOHNSON,  W.  H.,  1938.     The  effect  of  light  on  the  vertical  movements  of  Acartia  clausii  (Gies- 

brecht).     Biol.  Bull.,  75:  106-118. 
KEEBLE,  F.  W.,  AND  F.  W.  GAMBLE,  1904.     The  colour-physiology  of  higher  crustaceans.     Phil. 

Trans.  Roy.  Soc.  London,  Scr.  B,  196:  295-388. 
LARKIN,  P.  A.,  1948.     Pontoporeia  and  Mysis  in  Athabaska,  Great  Bear  and  Great  Slave  Lakes. 

Bull.  Fish.  Res.  Bd.  Can.,  No.  78,  33  pp. 


LOEB,  J.,  1918.     Forced  Movements,  Tropisms,  and  Animal  Conduct.     J.  B.  Lippincott,   Phila- 
delphia, 209  pp. 
LUCAS,  C.  E.,  1936.     On  certain  inter-relations  between  phytoplankton  and  zooplankton  under 

experimental  conditions.    /.  du  Conseil,  11 :  343-362. 
MAST,  S.  O.,  1917.     The  relation  between  spectral  color  and  stimulation  in  lower  organisms. 

/.  Exp.  ZooL,  22 :  471-528. 
MENKE,   H.,    1911.     Periodische   Bewegungen   und    ihr    Zusammenhang  mit   Licht   mid    Stoff- 

wechsel.     Pflneger's  Arch.,  140:  39-91. 
MOORE,  A.  R.,  1912.     Concerning  negative  phototropism  in  Daphnia  pulex.    J.  Exp.  ZooL,  13 : 

VON  BUDDENBROCK,  W.,  1914.     tjber  die  Orientierung  der  Krebs  in  Raum.     ZooL  Jahrb.,  Abt. 

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Department  of  Biology,   University  of  Florida,   Gainesville,  Florida,  and   The  Friday  Harbor 
Laboratories  of  the  University  of  Washington,  Friday  Harbor,  Washington  - 

It  has  been  shown  (Tyler  and  Brookbank,  1956a,  1956b)  that  antisera  against 
purified  fertilizin,  as  well  as  antisera  against  homogenates  of  fertilized  and  un- 
fertilized eggs  deprived  of  the  gelatinous  coat  material,  increase  the  respiratory  rate 
of  demembranated  fertilized  eggs,  and  cause  an  inhibition  of  cleavage.  The 
respiratory  rate  of  blocked  eggs  increases  to  a  maximum  of  4  to  5  times  the  control 
rate  in  20  to  40  minutes,  and  subsequently  decreases  to  the  rate  of  the  controls 
during  the  next  40  minutes.  Gradual  cytolysis  of  the  eggs  occurs  following  4-5 
hours  of  exposure  to  undiluted  antisera.  The  observed  increase  in  the  respiratory 
rate  in  the  presence  of  immune  serum  is  apparently  without  parallel  in  the  previous 
literature.  Haurowitz  and  Schwerin  (1940)  studied  the  respiration  of  pigeon 
erythrocytes  in  the  presence  of  immune  rabbit  serum  and  active  and  inactive  com- 
plement, yielding  lysis  and  agglutination,  respectively.  No  increase  or  decrease 
in  respiratory  rate  was  noted  in  either  case.  Sevag  and  Miller  (1948),  studying 
the  respiration  of  E.  typhosa  (strain  0-901)  in  the  presence  of  immune  rabbit  serum 
and  active  or  inactive  complement,  found  that  intact,  sensitized  cells  consumed 
oxygen  at  the  same  rate  as  the  controls.  However,  in  the  presence  of  active 
guinea  pig  complement,  the  cells  lysed,  with  an  accompanying  transitory  increase 
(1.4-fold),  which  was  followed  by  a  decrease  to  one-fourth  the  control  rate  after 
180  minutes.  Harris  (1948)  measured  the  oxygen  uptake  of  Salmonella  cells 
in  the  presence  of  agglutinating  rabbit  serum,  and  found  no  increase  or  decrease  in 
respiratory  rate  over  a  wide  range  of  antiserum  concentrations.  Nowinski  (1948) 
investigated  the  possibility  of  an  effect  on  respiratory  rate  by  reticulo-endothelial- 
immune-serum  (REIS)  acting  on  rat  spleen  slices,  and  by  anti-chick  brain  serum 
acting  on  chick  brain  homogenates  (1949).  No  effect  on  respiration  was  observed 
with  REIS,  and  a  slight  inhibition  of  oxygen  uptake  of  chick  brain  homogenates 
was  noted  in  the  presence  of  anti-chick  brain  serum.  MacDonald  (1949)  ob- 
tained similar  results  with  REIS  using  rat  spleen  slices  in  Thunberg  experiments. 

The  purpose  of  the  present  experiments  was  to  explore  the  effect  of  antisera 
against  fertilizin,  which  is,  chemically,  a  rather  well  defined  substance  (Tyler,  1949, 
1956),  on  the  respiratory  rate  of  unfertilized  sea  urchin  eggs.  Unfertilized  eggs, 
though  normally  respiring  at  a  low  rate,  can  be  stimulated  to  respire  at  a  much 

1  This  investigation  was  supported  in  part  by  a  research  grant  (RG  4659)  from  the  National 
Institutes  of  Health  of  the  United  States  Public  Health  Service.     The  author  is  also  indebted 
to  Professor  Albert  Tyler  for  a  critical  reading  of  the  original  manuscript. 

2  The  author  wishes  to  thank  the  Friday  Harbor  Laboratories  of  the  University  of  Wash- 
ington, Friday  Harbor,  Washington,  for  the  use  of   space  and  equipment  during  the   summer 
•of  1957. 



greater  rate  (4-5-fold  increase)  by  parthenogenetic  agents  (Warburg,  1908; 
Keltch  and  Clowes,  1947),  by  nitrophenols  (Clowes  and  Krahl,  1934,  1936)  and 
other  non-parthenogenetic  substances,  as  well  as  by  fertilization.  In  this  connection, 
it  is  noteworthy  that  Perlman  (1954,  1957),  and  Perlman  and  Perlman  (1957) 
have  reported  that  antisera  against  fertilizin,  as  well  as  antisera  against  extracts 
of  unfertilized  eggs,  are  capable  of  activating  the  unfertilized  eggs  of  Paracentrotus 
lividus.  The  respiratory  rate  of  eggs  so  treated  therefore  becomes  of  interest. 

Preparation  of  antigens  and  antisera 

1)  Lytecliinits  variegatits  (Cedar  Key,  Florida).     Fertilizin  antigens  were  pre- 
pared from  neutralized  supernatant  egg- water  of  acid-  (pH  3.5)  treated  unfertilized 
eggs.     In  the  case  of  antigen  number  4,  the  egg- water  was  dialyzed  against  distilled 
water  and  injected  without  further  purification.     Antigen  number  10  was  prepared 
by  first  precipitating  the  fertilizin  of  the  egg- water  (derived  from  a  second  spawn 
of  eggs)   with  5/4  volumes  of  cold  95%   ethanol   (Tyler,   1949).     The  fertilizin 
precipitate  was  then  washed  thoroughly  with  additional  volumes  of  cold  ethanol, 
and  vacuum-dried.     The  dried  precipitate   was  dissolved   in   distilled   water,  and 
used  for  injection.     Both  antigens  had  a  final  agglutination  titer  of  approximately 
1/1000  on  homologous  sperm. 

A  whole  sperm  antigen  (number  11)  was  prepared  from  washed  Lytecliinits 
variegatus  sperm  (presumably  free  of  seminal  fluid)  which  were  diluted  to  a 
10%  suspension  by  volume  with  sea  water  and  frozen  until  used. 

All  above  antigens  were  stored  at  --  20°  C.  in  one-mi,  aliquots.  After  thawing 
for  use  in  injections  and  various  tests,  the  material  remaining  in  each  individual 
aliquot  was  discarded.  This  procedure  avoided  repeated  freezing  and  thawing  of 
the  antigens. 

Antisera  against  the  above  antigens  were  prepared  in  rabbits  according  to 
an  immunization  schedule  described  elsewhere  (Tyler  and  Brookbank,  1956a). 
Following  a  control  bleeding,  totals  of  400  /xg  N  (no.  4),  200  /^g  N  (no.  10),  and 
6000  /^g  N  (no.  11)  were  injected  into  the  animals  over  a  period  of  three  weeks. 
The  rabbits  were  bled  by  cardiac  puncture  5  days  following  the  final  injection. 
The  antisera  were  recovered  from  the  retracted  clots,  and  dialyzed  thoroughly 
against  sea  water  at  10°  C.,  and  stored  at  --  20°  C. 

In  addition,  an  antiserum  against  extract  of  washed,  demembranated,  fertilized 
eggs  of  Lyt echinus  pic t us  was  available,  and  was  used  in  a  number  of  experiments. 
This  antiserum  had  been  previously  shown  to  increase  the  respiration  rate  of 
fertilized  L.  pictus  eggs  (Tyler  and  Brookbank,  1956b).3 

2)  Strongylocentrotus   purpuratus    (Friday   Harbor,   Washington).     A    single 
fertilizin  antigen  was  prepared  by  precipitation  of  the  fertilizin  from  the  egg-water 
of  acid-  (pH  3.5)  treated  eggs  by  NaOH  (in  the  ratio  of  40  ml.  1  N  NaOH  per 
liter  of  egg  water;  Tyler,  1949).     The  resulting  precipitate  was  dissolved  in  sea 
water,  following  neutralization  of  the  alkali,  and  dialyzed  against  distilled  water. 

3  Due  to  an  oversight  on  the  part  of  the  authors,  Tyler  and  Brookbank  (1956b)  contains 
an  error  on  page  312,  line  6.  This  line  reads  correctly  if  L.  pictus  is  substituted  for  S. 




The  effect  of  antisera,  normal  sera,  0.1%  sperm  suspension,  and  hypertonic  sea  water 
on  the  respiration  of  unfertilised  Lytechinus  variegatiis  eggs 

Experiment  no. 

Reagent  employed 

Aver,  rate 

(^l./min.  /vessel) 

Ratios  of  aver,  rates 


No.  4  normal  serum 


No.  4  normal  serum 


Anti-no.  4 


Anti-no.  4 



Anti-L.  pictus  fertilized  egg  extract 


9  fi 

Anti-L.  pictus  fertilized  egg  extract 



Buffered  sea  water 


Buffered  sea  water 


Buffered  sea  water 



No.  10  normal  serum 


Anti-no.  11  serum 


Anti-no.  10  serum 


4  1 

Anti-no.  10  serum 

1.13  J 

T^  .  1 

Buffered  sea  water 



No.  4  normal  serum 


No.  4  normal  serum 


Anti-no.  4 



Anti-no.  4 

1.03  J 


0.1%  sperm  suspension 



Buffered  sea  water 


Buffered  sea  water 


Buffered  sea  water 



No.  5  normal  serum 


No.  5  normal  serum 


Anti-L.  pictus  fertilized  egg  extract 


^  4. 

Anti-L.  pictus  fertilized  egg  extract 


•J  .^ 

Buffered  sea  water 



No.  11  normal  serum 


Anti-no.  10 



Anti-5.  pur  pur  at  us  fertilizin  (three  anti- 








Buffered  sea  water 



0.1%  sperm  suspension 


^  9 

0.1%  sperm  suspension 



Hypertonic  sea  water 


7     3 

Hypertonic  sea  water 



Buffered  sea  water 



Anti-no.  10  undiluted 



Anti-no.  10  1:1  dilution 



Anti-no.  10  1:2  dilution 



Anti-no.  10  1:4  dilution 



No.  1  1  normal  serum 


Buffered  sea  water 


Buffered  sea  water 


*  In  experiment  5,  one  ml.  of  20%  egg  suspension  was  used  with  vessels  of  7-ml.  capacity, 
as  opposed  to  2.3  cc.  of  egg  suspension  with  vessels  of  15-ml.  capacity  in  the  other  experiments. 
Five-tenths  ml.  of  antiserum  or  normal  serum  was  used  throughout  all  experiments.  The  condi- 
tions in  experiment  5  duplicate  those  which  obtained  during  experiments  with  eggs  of  5.  purpuratus. 


After  dialysis,  the  fertilizin  was  precipitated  with  5/4  volumes  of  cold  ethanol, 
washed,  vacuum-dried,  redissolved  in  distilled  water,  and  used  for  injection  into 
each  of  three  rabbits.  This  antigen  had  a  sperm  agglutination  titer  of  approxi- 
mately 1/500. 

Following  a  control  bleeding,  the  rabbits  were  injected  according  to  a  previously 
described  schedule  (Tyler  and  Brookbank,  1956a)  for  a  period  of  21/4  weeks, 
each  receiving  a  total  of  250  ju,g  N.  The  animals  were  bled  by  cardiac  puncture 
4  days  following  the  last  injection. 

Manometric  methods 

1)  Lytechinus  variegatus.     The   effect  of  the  antisera   on   the   respiration   of 
unfertilized  eggs,  deprived  of  all  soluble  fertilizin  by  acid  (pH  3.5)  treatment,  was 
followed,  at  20°  C.,  in  a  standard  Warburg  apparatus  using  vessels  of  approxi- 
mately  15  ml.  total  capacity   (k02  =  1.4-1.5  /tl./mm.).     The  eggs  used  in  these 
experiments  were  90-100%   fertilizable  following  the  acid   treatment.     The   set- 
tled eggs  were  diluted  to  a  20%  suspension,  on  the  basis  of  settled  volume,  with 
buffered  sea  water   (0.01  M  glycyl-glycine,  pH  8.0).     The  suitability  of  glycyl- 
glycine  as  a  sea  water  buffer,  and  as  a  medium  for  the  eggs,  has  been  established 
by  Tyler  and  Horowitz  (1937).     The  main  chamber  of  the  vessel  contained  2.3  ml. 
of  egg  suspension,  the   center   well  0.2   ml.   of   10%   NaOH.   and   the   side   arm 
0.5  ml.  of  the  test  solution   (antiserum,  normal  serum,  hypertonic  sea  water,  or 
sperm  suspension).     After  the  respiratory  rate  of  the  eggs  in  buffered  sea  water 
had  been  established   (usually  after  40  minutes),  the  side  arms  were  tipped  and 
the  rate  of  respiration  in  the  test  solution  was  determined.     At  the  end  of  each 
experiment,  the  eggs  were  examined  microscopically. 

2)  Strongylocentrotus  purpuratus.     During  the  two  preliminary  experiments 
reported  in  Table  II,  the  procedure  followed  was  similar  to  that  described  above, 
with  the  following  exceptions:    (1)   The  temperature  employed  was   18°   C.,  the 
maximum  tolerated  by  these  eggs.      (2)    One  ml.  of  a  20%   suspension,  in  buf- 
fered sea  water,  was  exposed  to  0.5  ml.  of  serum,  added  from  the  side  arm  of 
vessels  of  ca.  7-ml.  total  capacity    (k02  =  0.7-0.8  jul./mm.).     Thus,   the   ratio  of 
ml.  of  serum  to  the  final  volume  in  the  vessel  was  increased,  in  these  experiments, 
from  0.18  to  0.33  ml.  serum/ml.      (3)    In  experiment  2,  Table  II,  the  egg  sus- 
pension was  exposed  to  1  mg%  trypsin  solution  (crystalline,  lyophyllized  trypsin— 
Worthington  Biochemical  Corp.,  Freehold,   N.  J.)    for   10  minutes  prior  to  sus- 
pension  in  buffered   sea   water.     This   treatment  prevented   the   elevation   of   the 
fertilization  membrane  of  test  eggs  inseminated  in  sea  water  following  washing. 
The  eggs  used  in  both  experiments  were  95-100%  fertilizable  after  acid  treatment. 
Trypsin  treatment  reduced  this  figure  to  30%   in  experiment  2,  using  the  same 
amount  and  concentration  of  sperm  suspension  for  each  test  insemination. 


As  can  be  seen  in  Table  I,  all  antisera  against  fertilizin  increased  the  respiratory 
rate  of  unfertilized  Lytechinus  eggs,  including  those  antisera  directed  against  S. 
pupuratus  fertilizin.  The  increase  noted  in  heterologous  antisera  was  somewhat 
less  than  that  observed  using  homologous  antisera.  Normal  sera  and  antiserum 


against  sperm  effected  no  measureable  increase  in  respiratory  rate  compared  with 
the  rate  observed  in  buffered  sea  water.  The  increased  respiration  in  the  presence 
of  antisera  against  fertilizin  reached  a  maximum  at  20-40  minutes  following  the 
addition  of  the  serum  from  the  side  arm.  Following  this,  the  rate  declined  toward 
the  control  level,  reaching  this  point  in  approximately  40  minutes.  The  rates 
shown  in  Table  I  represent  average  rates  over  the  entire  period  of  exposure 
(80  minutes)  of  the  cells  to  the  sera.  Maximum  rates  ranged  from  4  to  5  times 
control  rates.  Serial  dilution  of  the  antiserum  (in  this  case,  the  antiserum 
directed  against  antigen  10  was  employed)  progressively  lowers  the  value  of  the 
maximum  observed  rate,  as  indicated  in  experiment  7,  Table  I.  In  experiment  5, 


The  effect  of  antisera  against  fertilizin  on  the  respiratory  rate  of  unfertilized 
Strongylocentrotus  purpuratus  eggs 

Aver,  rate 
Experiment  No.  1 
Antiserum  from  rabbit : 

d.  0.15 

e.  0.15  0.15  aver. 

f.  0.15 

Pre-injection  control  serum: 

d.  0.14 

e.  0.14  0.14  aver. 

f.  0.14 

Experiment  no.  2  (trypsinized  eggs) 
Antiserum  from  rabbit: 

d.  0.19 

e.  0.21  0.20  aver. 

f.  0.20 

Pre-injection  control  serum : 

d.  0.16 

e.  0.17  0.1 6  aver. 

f.  0.16 

Aver,  rate,  buffered  sea  water  (12  determinations)  0.17  (Range — 0.15-0.18) 

dealing  with  the  effects  of  heterologous  antisera  directed  against  the  5".  purpuratus 
fertilizin  antigen,  a  higher  proportion  of  antiserum  relative  to  the  amount  of  egg 
suspension  was  employed  in  order  to  duplicate  conditions  existing  during  experi- 
ments with  6".  purpuratus  eggs.  The  maximum  rate  observed  with  heterologous 
antisera  was  about  three  times  the  control  rate.  The  high  (ca.  7  times  the  control 
rate)  rate  observed  with  the  homologous  antiserum  in  this  experiment  presumably 
reflects  the  higher  concentration  of  antibody  employed. 

As  controls,  some  aliquots  of  eggs  were  exposed  to  sperm  suspensions  (0.1%) 
or  to  hypertonic  medium  (1  M  final  concentration  with  respect  to  NaCl)  sea  water, 
added  from  the  side  arm  of  the  vessel.  The  increased  respiration  observed  as  a 
consequence  of  fertilization  or  treatment  with  hypertonic  sea  water  approximates  the 


increases  obtained  using  homologous  antisera  against  fertilizin  (Table  I).  In- 
creased respiration  following  exposure  to  hypertonic  medium  was  first  reported  by 
Warburg  (1908),  and  confirmed  by  Keltch  and  Clowes  (1947).  The  antiserum 
against  extract  of  fertilized  Lytechinus  pictus  eggs,  washed  and  demembranated 
prior  to  homogenization,  also  proved  effective  in  increasing  the  rate  of  respiration 
of  L.  variegatus  eggs  (results  included  in  Table  I). 

Two  preliminary  experiments  using  unfertilized  S.  purpuratus  eggs  yielded  less 
conclusive  results.  Slight  increases  in  respiratory  rate  of  questionable  significance 
occurred  after  the  addition  of  homologous  antiserum  against  fertilizin.  The  in- 
creases in  rate  usually  appeared  within  30  minutes  following  addition  of  the  sera, 
and  lasted  for  15-20  minutes,  after  which  time  the  rates  returned  to  the  control 
level.  Table  II  presents  average  rates  during  the  time  (60  minutes)  the  eggs 
were  exposed  to  the  sera.  In  experiment  2,  the  eggs  were  trypsinized  as  described 
above,  on  the  assumption  that  a  barrier  exists  at  the  egg  surface  which  prevents 
combination  of  antibodies  with  the  necessary  sites  on  the  egg.  This  treatment  did 
not  appreciably  alter  the  results  obtained  during  experiment  1.  That  the  antisera 
against  S.  purpuratus  fertilizin  contained  antibodies  capable  of  increasing  respiratory 
rate  can  be  seen  by  the  ability  of  these  antisera  to  increase  the  respiration  of 
L.  variegatus  eggs  (Table  I).  In  addition,  these  antisera  were  capable  of  blocking 
the  first  cleavage  of  demembranated  fertilized  6".  purpuratus  eggs,  indicating  the 
presence  of  antibodies  against  fertilizin  (Tyler  and  Brookbank,  1956a,  1956b). 
Furthermore,  positive  ring  precipitin  tests  were  obtained  with  the  homologous 
antigen.  The  problem  of  the  failure  of  these  antisera  to  cause  an  increase  in  the 
rate  of  respiration  of  the  unfertilized  eggs  of  6\  purpuratus  comparable  to  that 
observed  using  Lytechinus  eggs  remains  unsolved  at  this  writing.  Since  only  two 
experiments  are  available,  it  may  well  be  that  future  work  will  resolve  the  ap- 
parent difference  between  these  two  species. 

Microscopic  examination  of  Lytechinus  eggs  following  these  experiments  re- 
vealed no  morphological  evidence  of  activation,  excepting,  of  course,  the  cases  in 
which  the  eggs  had  been  inseminated.  Samples  of  Lytechinus  eggs  treated  with 
immune  serum  or  hypertonic  sea  water  in  the  manometer  vessels  were  transferred 
to  fresh  sea  water  and  observed  periodically  for  3  to  4  hours.  No  indications  of 
membrane  elevation  or  cleavage  were  seen  in  these  eggs,  though  control  eggs 
inseminated  in  the  manometer  vessels  elevated  fertilization  membranes  while  in  the 
vessels,  and  developed  normally  following  transfer  to  fresh  sea  water.  In  some 
instances,  Lytechinus  eggs  exposed  to  antisera  against  fertilizin  were  agglutinated 
(experiments  2,  3)  and  some  darkening  of  the  cortical  region  was  noted.  In  most 
instances,  the  eggs  tended  to  cytolyze  in  the  antisera  against  fertilizin  after  3-4 
hours  exposure. 


The  above  results  indicate  that  antisera  against  fertilizin  are  capable  of  tem- 
porarily elevating  the  respiratory  rate  of  unfertilized  as  well  as  fertilized  (Tyler 
and  Brookbank,  1956b)  Lytechinus  eggs.  The  time  course  followed  by  the  in- 
increase  to  the  maximum  rate  and  the  subsequent  return  to  the  control  rate  is 
similar  in  both  cases.  Judging  from  the  increased  maximum  rate  in  the  presence 
of  a  relatively  greater  amount  of  antiserum  (Table  I,  experiment  5),  it  is  probably 
safe  to  assume  that  the  rate  obtained  in  a  given  experiment  is  a  function  of  antibody 


concentration,  provided  the  total  volume  and  the  number  of  eggs  present  remain 
constant.  This  is  also  indicated  by  experiment  7  (Table  I),  in  which  serial  dilu- 
tions of  antiserum  against  antigen  number  10  were  tested. 

In  comparing  the  results  presented  in  this  report  with  results  obtained  previously 
by  others,  it  is  apparent  that  increased  respiratory  rate  in  the  presence  of  specific 
immune  serum  is  seldom  encountered,  even  over  a  rather  wide  range  of  biological 
material.  The  report  by  Sevag  and  Miller  (1948)  represents  the  only  instance 
encountered  by  this  author  in  which  a  temporary  increase  was  observed.  The  in- 
creased respiratory  rate  was  found  only  upon  lysis  of  the  E.  typhosa  cells  in  the 
presence  of  active  complement,  and  was  not  observed  when  the  cells  were  ag- 
glutinated. Complement  was  not  added  to  the  sera  employed  in  the  present  study, 
nor  were  the  sera  heated  to  inactivate  complement.  Thus,  the  role  of  complement 
in  the  system  causing  the  increased  respiration  of  Lytechinus  eggs  is  not  known, 
though  heating  antisera  against  fertilizin  to  56°  C.  for  30  minutes  to  inactivate  C'l 
and  C'2  does  not  alter  the  cleavage  blocking  property  of  these  antisera  (Tyler  and 
Brookbank,  1956a).  The  unfertilized  eggs  do  not  cytolyze  during  the  period  of 
measurement  of  respiratory  rate,  and  remain  intact  for  3  to  4  hours  following 
removal  from  the  manometer  vessels.  After  this  time,  a  gradual  cytolysis  be- 
comes evident.  The  increased  oxygen  consumption  does  not  appear,  therefore, 
to  be  associated  with  visible  cytolytic  changes  in  •  the  egg,  since  the  maximum 
respiratory  rate  in  the  presence  of  antisera  against  fertilizin  is  observed  20-40 
minutes  following  the  addition  of  the  antisera  from  the  side  arm. 

In  considering  the  reports  of  Perlman  (1954,  1957)  and  Perlman  and  Perlman 
(1957)  on  the  parthenogenetic  properties  of  antisera  against  extracts  of  unfertilized 
eggs  and  against  fertilizin,  one  might  be  tempted  to  consider  the  increased  rate  of 
respiration  of  unfertilized  eggs  in  the  presence  of  antisera  against  fertilizin,  or 
in  hypertonic  media,  to  be  indicative  of  activation.  This  conclusion  does  not 
seem  warranted  by  the  data  presented  in  this  report.  No  morphological  evidence 
of  activation  was  encountered  during  the  experiments,  and  one  might  more  properly 
consider  the  increased  respiration  of  eggs  so  treated  to  be  analogous  to  the  increases 
obtained  in  the  presence  of  nitro-phenols  (Clowes  and  Krahl,  1934,  1936;  Krahl, 
1950),  methylene  blue  (Ballentine,  1940)  and  other  substances  which  are  not 
considered  parthenogenetic.  With  regard  to  the  failure  to  observe  activation  of 
eggs  exposed  to  hypertonic  sea  water,  it  should  be  recalled  that  the  time  of  exposure 
of  unfertilized  eggs  to  the  proper  hyper-  or  hypotonic  medium  is  critical  (Harvey, 
1940).  Therefore,  failure  to  observe  morphological  signs  of  activation  under  the 
conditions  prevailing  in  the  manometer  vessels  is  not  surprising.  In  addition,  a 
wide  range  of  hyper-  or  hypotonic  media  are  capable  of  eliciting  increased  respira- 
tion of  the  unfertilized  eggs  without  effecting  activation.  The  extent  of  the  in- 
creases obtained  depends  on  the  degree  of  hyper-  or  hypotonicity  employed,  in 
much  the  same  way  as  the  extent  of  increases  obtained  with  antisera  against 
fertilizin  depends  on  the  amount  of  antibody  present  (Table  III). 

In  conclusion,  it  seems  appropriate  to  consider  the  purity  of  the  fertilizin 
antigens  used  for  injection.  Special  precaution  was  taken  in  the  preparation  of 
the  6".  purpuratns  fertilizin  antigen,  and  antigen  number  10  (L.  variegatus  fertilizin), 
to  insure  minimum  contamination  with  material  from  the  eggs.  These  antigens 
were  purified  according  to  methods  designed  to  yield  electrophoretically  homogene- 


ous  fertilizin,  and  were  injected  in  exceedingly  small  amounts.  The  initial  removal 
of  fertilizin  from  the  eggs  was  carried  out  at  pH  3.5.  Eggs  treated  at  this  pH 
for  2-3  minutes  and  returned  to  pH  8  develop  normally,  ruling  against  damage  to  the 
eggs  by  this  degree  of  acidity.  Antigen  number  4  (L.  variegatus  fertilizin)  was  ob- 
tained in  the  same  manner  as  number  10,  except  that  the  step  involving  precipita- 
tion of  the  antigen  with  ethanol  was  omitted.  Results  obtained  using  antisera 
against  antigen  number  10  paralleled  those  obtained  using  antisera  against  antigen 
number  4  completely.  Apparently  antisera  against  purified  fertilizin  are  capable  of 
temporarily  raising  the  respiratory  rate  of  the  unfertilized  egg.  Results  obtained 
using  antiserum  against  extract  of  fertilized  eggs  parallel  those  obtained  using  anti- 
sera  against  fertilizin,  since  this  antiserum  also  increased  the  rate  of  respiration  of  the 
unfertilized  eggs.  Since  antibodies  most  probably  cause  their  effects  through 
combination  with  fertilizin  at  the  egg  surface,  this  last  mentioned  result  seems  to 
indicate  the  presence  of  fertilizin  haptens  in  the  fertilized-egg  antigen.  The  most 


The  effect  of  varying  degrees  of  hyper-  and  hypotonicity  on  the  respiration  of  unfertilized 

Lytechinus  variegatus  eggs.     Conditions  the  same  as  those  prevailing  for  the 

experiments  in  Table  I.      (Hypertonicity  in  terms  of  excess  NaCl, 

hypotoncity  in  terms  of  added  distilled  water) 

Aver,  rate 
Tonicity  /ul-/min. /vessel 

Experiment  1 — hypertonic  media 

2.9  X  sea  water  0.97 

1.85  X  sea  water  0.55 

Sea  water  0.20 

Experiment  2 — hypotonic  media 

0.84  X  sea  water  0.50 

0.75  X  sea  water  0.58 

0.66  X  sea  water  0.67 

Sea  water  0.28 

probable  location  of  these  fertilizin  haptens  is  the  hyaline  layer  (ectoplasmic  layer) 
of  the  fertilized  egg,  as  proposed  by  Tyler  and  Brookbank  (1956a). 


1.  Homologous  antisera  against  purified  fertilizin,  and  against  extract  of  fer- 
tilized eggs  (of  Lytechinus  pic  tits}  have  been  shown  to  temporarily  increase  the 
respiratory  rate  of  the  unfertilized  eggs  of  L.  variegatus.     Parallel  experiments 
employing   antisera  against   fertilizin  of   Strongylocentrotus  purpuratus   and   un- 
fertilized 5".  purpuratus  eggs  yielded  essentially  negative  results.      Further  experi- 
mentation is  necessary  before  this  apparent  difference  between  the  responses  of  the 
eggs  of  these  two  species  to  antisera  against  fertilizin  can  be  resolved. 

2.  Antisera  against  fertilizin  of  6".  purpuratus  were  effective  in  increasing  the 
respiratory  rate  of  unfertilized  L.  variegatus  eggs,  indicating  the  presence  of  anti- 
body capable  of  effecting  increased  respiration. 

3.  Normal  sera  and  antiserum  against  sperm  were  without  measurable  effect 
on  the  respiratory  rate  of  L.  variegatus  eggs. 


4.  None  of  the  eggs  treated  with  antisera  against  fertilizin  showed  morphological 
evidence  of  activation. 


BALLENTINE,  R.,  1940.     Analysis  of  the  changes  in  respiratory  activity  accompanying  the  fertili- 
zation of  marine  eggs.     /.  Cell.  Comp.  Physiol.,  15 :  217-232. 
CLOWES,  G.  H.  A.,  AND  M.  E.  KRAHL,  1934.     Action  of  dinitro  compounds  on  sea  urchin  eggs. 

Science,  80 :  384-385. 
CLOWES,  G.  H.  A.,  AND  M.  E.  KRAHL,  1936.     Studies  on  metabolism  and  cell  division.     I.     On 

the  relation  between  molecular  structure,  chemical  properties,  and  biological  activities 

of  the  nitrophenols.     /.  Gen.  Physiol.,  20:   145-171. 
HARRIS,  J.   O.,   1948.     The  respiration  of   Salmonella   in  the  presence  of  agglutinating   serum. 

J.  Bact..  56 :  271-275. 
HARVEY,  E.  B.,   1940.     A  comparison  of  the  development  of  nucleate  and  non-nucleate  eggs  of 

Arbacia  pitnctiilata.     Biol  Bull,  79:   166-187. 
HAUROWITZ,  F.,  AND  P.   SCHWERIN,   1940.     Atmung  aggutinierter   und  hamolysierter  Erythro- 

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KELTCH,  A.  K.,  AND  G.  H.  A.  CLOWES,   1947.     On  the  relation  between  oxygen  consumption, 

fertilization  membrane  formation,  and  cell  division  in  artificially  fertilized  Arbacia  eggs. 

Biol.  Bull..  93:  195-196. 
KRAHL,  M.  E.,  1950.     Metabolic  activities  and  cleavage  of  the  egg  of  the  sea  urchin,  Arbacia 

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MACDONALD,   D.,   1949.     Influence  of  anti-organ   sera  upon   metabolic   processes :   the   effect   of 

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NOWIXSKI,   W.   W.,    1948.     Influence   of   anti-organ    sera   upon   metabolic    processes:    Reticulo 

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NOWINSKI,  W.  W.,  1949.     Influence  of  anti-organ  sera  upon  metabolic  processes  :   Influence  of 

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PERLMAN,  P.,  1954.     Study  on  the  effect  of  antisera  on  unfertilized  sea  urchin  eggs.     Exp.  Cell 

Res.,  6:  485-490. 

PERLMAN,  P.,  1957.     Analysis  of  the  surface  structure  of  the  sea  urchin  egg  by  means  of  anti- 
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PERLMAN,   P.,  AND  H.   PERLMAN,   1957.     Analysis  of  the  surface   structures  of  the   >ca   urchin 

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SEVAG,   M.   C,   AND   R.   E.   MILLER,    1948.     Studies   on   the   effect   of   immune   reactions   on   the 

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TYLER,  A.,  1949.     Properties  of  fertilizin  and  related  substances  of  eggs  and  sperm  of  marine 

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TYLER,    A.,    1956.     Physico-chemical    properties    of    the   fertilizins    of    the    sea    urchin    Arbacia 

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TYLER,  A.,  AND  J.  W.  BROOKBANK,  1956a.     Antisera  that  block  cell  division  in  developing  eggs 

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TYLER,  A.,  AND  J.  W.  BROOKBANK,  1956b.     Inhibition  of  division  and  development  of  sea-urchin 

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TYLER,  A.,  AND  N.  H.  HOROWITZ,   1937.     Glycyl-glycine  as  a   sea  water  buffer.     Science,  86 : 

WARBURG,  O.,  1908.     Beobachtungen  iiber  die  Oxydationprozesse  im  Seeigelei.     Hoppe-Seyler's 

Zeitschr.  f.  pliysiol.  Chcni.,  57:   1-16. 



Division  of  Marine  Invertebrates,   U.  S.  National  Museum,   Smithsonian   Institution, 

Washington  25,  D.  C.,  and  Department  of  Zoology,  University  of  Neiv 

Hampshire,  Durham,  Neiv  Hampshire 

Lobsters  with  sharply  defined,  bilateral  color  differentiation  have  been  described 
by  several  authors.  Herrick  (1896)  mentioned  the  following  variations  of  this 
pattern  in  both  the  American  and  the  European  lobster :  half  normal  color  and 
half  light  sky  blue ;  half  normal  and  half  pale  red ;  half  greenish  black  and  half 
light  orange ;  half  blue  and  half  white ;  and  half  light  yellow  and  half  bright  red. 
Schaanning  (1929)  gave  a  color  figure  of  a  European  lobster  that  was  light  red 
and  dark  blue.  Templeman  (1948)  added  records  of  two  more  bicolored  American 
lobsters,  one  normal  and  red,  the  other  whitish  red  and  purplish  blue.  Such  color 
variants  have  occasionally  been  referred  to  as  gynandromorphs  or  hermaphrodites, 
but  there  is  no  evidence  that  any  of  the  previously  recorded  bicolored  specimens 
were  also  bisexual. 

Only  two  cases  of  possibly  complete  hermaphroditism  have  been  recorded  here- 
tofore for  Homarus.  Nicholls  (1730)  described  and  figured  a  specimen  of  the 
European  lobster,  H.  gaminarus,  received  from  Newgate- Market,  London,  that 
displayed  all  of  the  external  and  internal  female  characters  on  the  right  side  and 
all  of  the  male  structures  on  the  left.  Halkett  (1919)  collected  a  specimen  of 
H.  americanus  at  Bay  View,  Pictou  County,  Nova  Scotia,  November  1917  "which 
was  absolutely  male  on  the  left  side  and  absolutely  female  on  the  right  side" ;  this 
specimen  was  sent  to  Queen's  University,  Kingston,  Ontario,  but  apparently  no 
complete  description  of  it  has  been  published.  Gordon  (1957)  described  a  speci- 
men of  H.  gammarus  from  off  Seahouses,  Northumberland,  that  had  all  of  the 
characters  of  a  perfect  gynandromorph — female  on  the  right  side,  male  on  the  left 
—except  that  there  was  no  male  opening  on  the  left  fifth  pereiopod  but,  instead, 
an  imperforate  indication  of  an  opening  on  the  coxa  of  the  left  third  pereiopod ; 
this  specimen  was  not  dissected,  but  Dr.  Gordon  suggests  that  "it  probably  has  a 
normal  ovary  on  the  right  side  and  part  ovary,  part  testis  on  the  left  side — or 
a  testis  with  ova  in  the  anterior  position."  Herrmann  (1890)  discovered  that 
eggs  are  occasionally  developed  during  spermatogenesis  in  the  lobster  testis  but 
he  gave  no  indication  that  this  was  associated  with  any  unusual  external  charac- 
teristics. Finally,  Ridewood  (1909)  recorded  an  ovigerous  specimen  of  H.  gam- 
marus, presumably  from  off  the  Orkney  Islands,  that  had  genital  openings  on  the 
third  right  pereiopod  and  on  the  fourth  and  fifth  left  pereiopods,  but  dissection 
disclosed  only  a  normal  paired  ovary  with  apparently  three  oviducts,  two  of  them 
on  the  left  side  leading  to  the  abnormally  placed  openings. 

The  specimen  described  below  (U.  S.  Nat.  Mus.  Cat.  No.  102241)  seems  to 
be  the  first  lobster  to  be  recorded  in  which  a  color  anomaly  was  associated  with 



gynanclromorphism.  The  specimen  was  alive  when  presented  to  the  Fish  and 
Wildlife  Service  at  Woods  Hole,  Massachusetts,  during  the  summer  of  1954  by 
a  dealer  operating  between  Boston  and  Cape  Cod.  Its  place  of  origin  is  unfor- 
tunately unknown ;  it  probably  came  from  Massachusetts  Bay  but  it  could  have 
been  shipped  from  New  Hampshire,  Maine,  or  even  Canada.  It  died  while  being 
photographed  by  John  P.  WTise,  who  offered  it  to  the  junior  author  for  description. 
After  remaining  in  a  freezer  for  about  six  months,  it  was  transferred  to  formalin 
for  dissection ;  the  dissected  portion  is  stored  in  ethyl  alcohol,  and  the  carapace, 
abdominal  tergites,  tail  fan,  and  chelipeds  have  been  dried. 

The  specimen  was  about  10  inches  (25  cm.)  long  from  the  tip  of  the  rostrum 
to  the  end  of  the  telson.  The  carapace  measures  86  mm.  from  the  eye  socket  to 
the  hind  margin.  To  the  left  of  the  midline  of  the  animal,  as  well  as  on  most  of 
the  gastric  and  hepatic  regions  on  the  right  side,  the  ground  color  was  orange, 
mottled  and  spotted  with  dark,  greenish  brown.  The  right  side,  posterior  to  the 
mesogastric  and  hepatic  regions,  was  similarly  spotted  and  mottled  but  in  shades 
of  blue  over  a  lighter  blue  ground  color,  reminiscent  of  the  colors  of  willow-pattern 
china.  The  color  pattern  is  indicated  in  Figure  1.  The  spotting  and  mottling 
pattern  seems  to  be  continuous  across  the  midline ;  only  the  color  is  different. 
The  color  transparency  made  from  the  living  animal  suggests  that  blue  pigment 
was  largely  lacking  on  the  left  side,  and  red,  yellow,  and  possibly  black  pigments 
were  missing  on  the  right  side,  although  there  is  a  greenish  cast  to  the  dark 
mottling  on  the  left  and  a  pinkish  tinge  in  some  of  the  light  blue  areas  on  the  right. 

The  left,  crusher  cheliped  was  colored  like  the  left  side  of  the  body  for  the 
most  part,  but  the  color  photograph  suggests  that  there  were  blue  patches  at  the 
outer,  distal  end  of  the  merus,  on  the  dorsal  surface  of  the  carpus,  on  the  thick 
portion  of  the  hand,  near  the  base  of  the  fixed  finger,  and  on  the  base  of  the 
dactyl.  The  spines  on  this  cheliped  were  bright  red.  The  right,  cutting  cheliped 
was  blue,  with  a  tinge  of  brown  near  the  base  of  the  fixed  finger,  and  the  spines 
were  almost  pure  white.  The  other  pereiopods  on  the  left  side  were  orange  with 
greenish  brown  shadings  similar  to  those  on  the  adjacent  portion  of  the  carapace. 
Those  on  the  right  side  were  very  light,  pinkish  blue  with  darker  blue  shadings. 
The  left  uropods  were  orange  with  greenish  brown  margins,  and  those  on  the 
right,  pale,  pinkish  blue  with  dark  blue  marginal  bands.  The  fringe  of  setae  on 
the  left  uropods  and  on  the  telson  to  the  left  of  the  midline  were  reddish  orange, 
those  on  the  right  side,  yellowish  orange. 

As  in  the  three  previously  described  gynandromorph  lobsters,  the  specimen  dis- 
played female  characters  on  the  right  side  and  male  structures  on  the  left.  The 
body  was  skewed  to  the  right  anteriorly  and  to  the  left  posteriorly  as  shown  in 
Figure  1.  This  was  almost  certainly  a  result  of  the  differential  growth  of  male 
and  female  lobsters.  Templeman  (1944)  stated:  "At  all  commercial  sizes  the 
relative  length  of  the  carapace  is  less  in  the  female  than  in  the  male.  It  remains 
constant  when  the  lobsters  are  small,  but  shows  a  definite  and  progressive  increase 
for  those  localities  for  which  large  lobsters  were  available  for  measurement.  .  .  . 
The  ratio  of  the  greatest  width  of  the  carapace  to  total  length  is  in  the  smaller 
relatively  immature  lobsters  approximately  the  same  for  both  males  and  females, 
while  in  the  larger  animals  it  increases  with  size  and  more  so  in  the  male  than  in 
the  female."  The  skewing  of  the  axis  and  the  more  swollen  left  (male)  side 



FIGURE  1.  Dorsal  surface  of  body  of  gynandromorph  of  Homarus  aincricantis  shuuing 
asjTnmetry  and  color  pattern.  Drawn  from  color  transparency  of  living  animal. 

FIGURE  2.  Ventral  surface  showing  opening  of  oviduct  on  coxa  of  third  right  pereiopod 
and  of  vas  deferens  on  fifth  left  pereiopod,  asymmetrical  thelycum,  and  characteristic  female 
and  male  first  pleopods. 

FIGURE  3.  Abdominal  somites  viewed  from  the  right  (female)  side.  The  left  (male) 
pleura  are  shown  as  if  viewed  from  the  inside. 


of  the  carapace  are  therefore  readily  understandable.  The  reverse  skewing  of 
the  abdomen  probably  also  resulted  from  this  differential  growth,  accentuated  by 
the  proportionately  larger  abdominal  pleura  in  the  female,  as  shown  in  Figure  3. 
The  greater  apparent  length  of  the  left  (male)  pleura  of  the  fourth,  fifth,  and  sixth 
somites  in  this  figure  is  misleading  and  is  caused  by  the  fact  that  the  left  (male) 
pleura  curve  downward  nearly  vertically,  whereas  those  on  the  right  (female) 
side  extend  obliquely  outward,  as  shown  in  Figure  1.  The  distortion  is  less 
striking  than  in  Gordon's  larger  (11-inch)  specimen  of  H.  gaiiiinarns  and  in 
Nicholls'  specimen  of  the  same  species,  the  size  of  which  was  not  given.  This 
might  be  expected  from  Templeman's  (1944)  findings  that  the  differential  growth 
of  males  and  females  becomes  progressively  more  marked  with  age. 

The  most  noticeable  disparity  in  our  specimen  is  found  on  the  ventral  surface. 
As  shown  in  Figure  2.  there  is  a  female  opening  on  the  coxa  of  the  right  third 
pereiopod  and  a  male  opening  on  the  left  fifth  pereiopod,  which  is  represented 
only  by  the  coxa  and  basis.  The  thelycum  is  distinctly  asymmetrical,  the  right 
(female)  part  being  broad  and  nearly  bare  and  the  left  (male)  part  narrower 
and  provided  with  long  hairs.  Neither  element  of  this  structure  corresponds 
exactly  with  its  form  in  normal  males  and  females,  but  the  similarity  to  the  con- 
ditions in  the  appropriate  sexes  is  more  than  superficial.  Even  the  median  plate 
extending  forward  from  the  last  thoracic  sternite  is  modified  as  would  be  expected : 
the  right  portion  is  longer  and  acute,  like  half  of  a  typical  female  plate,  and  the 
left  portion  is  shorter  and  rounded  as  in  the  male. 

The  first  right  pleopod  is  typically  female,  flexible  and  long-haired,  while  the 
left  one  is  a  rigid  male  intromittent  organ.  There  is  a  well-developed  appendix 
masculina  on  the  endopod  of  the  left  second  pleopod,  but  none  on  the  right  member 
of  this  pair.  The  second,  third,  fourth,  and  fifth  pleopods  on  the  left  (male)  side 
are  37.5,  35.3,  33.5,  and  29.0  mm.  long,  respectively,  from  the  basal  articulation 
to  the  end  of  the  endopod.  Those  on  the  right  (female)  side  have  corresponding 
lengths  of  37.2,  38.5,  38.0,  and  33.3  mm.  These  figures  agree  remarkably  well 
with  the  proportionate  lengths  of  these  appendages  in  normal  males  and  females, 
as  determined  by  Templeman  (1944)  :  "In  the  male  the  swimmerets  (including 
protopodite  and  endopodite)  on  the  second  abdominal  segment  are  the  longest 
and  in  the  female  those  on  the  third  and  fourth  are  the  longest  and  approximately 
equal.  The  second  swimmerets  are  not  greatly  different  in  length  in  males  and 
females.  .  .  ."  The  sternal  spines  of  the  gynandromorph  are  about  2.5  mm.  long 
on  the  second,  third,  and  fourth  abdominal  somites  and  about  2.0  mm.  long  on 
the  fifth  somite.  Data  given  by  Templeman  (1944)  for  New  Brunswick  speci- 
mens indicate  that  the  average  length  of  the  spine  on  the  second  somite  in  specimens 
of  comparable  size  is  about  3.75  mm.  in  males  and  0.5  mm.  in  females,  and  the 
spine  on  the  fifth  somite  is  about  2.5  mm.  long  in  males  and  0.5  mm.  in  females. 
The  spines  in  the  gynandromorph  therefore  seem  to  be  intermediate  in  size,  per- 
haps more  nearly  approaching  the  male  than  the  female  condition. 

Careful  removal  of  the  carapace  and  abdominal  tergites  of  the  specimen  disclosed 
a  well-developed  ovary  filled  with  maturing  eggs  on  the  right  side  and  a  normal 
testis  on  the  left,  as  shown  in  Figure  4.  An  oviduct  led  from  beneath  the  ovary 
to  the  opening  on  the  right  third  pereiopod  and  a  typical  vas  deferens  connected 
the  testis  with  the  left  fifth  pereiopod.  A  few  of  the  eggs  in  the  ovary  appeared 
slightly  discolored.  Herrick  (1911)  stated  that  the  presence  of  orange  flecks 



in  the  ovary,  representing  degenerating  eggs  that  were  not  shed,  is  conclusive 
evidence  that  a  lobster  has  already  spawned  at  least  once,  but  the  spots  in  our 
specimen  were  not  sufficiently  distinct  to  permit  an  unequivocal  determination  that 
spawning  had  occurred.  As  can  be  seen  in  Figure  4,  a  lobe  of  the  ovary,  probably 
representing  the  connection  between  the  two  halves  of  the  organ  in  a  normal 
female,  was  found  just  anterior  to  the  heart.  At  this  point  the  testis  was  inter- 
rupted and  the  two  parts  of  it  were  continuous  with  the  intermediate  portion  of 
the  ovary.  It  appeared  that  the  two  portions  of  the  testis  were  differentiated 
parts  of  a  single  organ.  There  is  no  doubt  that  the  testis  was  functional,  for 
sections  showed  active  spermatogenesis.  Normal,  fully  formed  spermatozoa  were 
extracted  from  the  vas  deferens. 

It  is,  of  course,  impossible  to  determine  whether  this  specimen  could  have  func- 
tioned reproductively  as  either  or  both  a  male  and  a  female  lobster.  Viable  sperma- 
tozoa and  eggs  were  probably  produced,  but  the  unpaired  intromittent  organ  and 
the  deformed  thelycum  might  have  prevented  successful  copulation  with  normal 
males  and  females.  The  specimen  must  have  been  nearly  or  quite  mature.  As 



FIGURE  4.     Dissection  of  lobster  gynandromorph  after  removal  of  heart  and   stomach   showing 
well-developed  ovary  on  right  side  and  testis  and  vas  deferens  on  left. 

mentioned  above,  we  were  unable  to  determine  whether  or  not  it  had  spawned. 
If  it  was  caught  off  the  Massachusetts  coast,  it  was  probably  six  or  seven  years 
old  according  to  Herrick  (1911).  Herrick  (1896)  also  maintained  that  "very 
few  lobsters  under  9  inches  in  length  have  external  eggs,  while  only  few  have 
attained  the  length  of  lO1/^  inches  without  having  them."  Templeman  and  Tibbo 
(1945)  concluded  from  the  examination  of  New  Brunswick  specimens  that  the 
length  of  males  at  sexual  maturity  is  at  least  5  cm.  less  than  that  of  females.  One 
can  hardly  assume,  however,  that  the  size  of  a  gynandromorph  is  directly  com- 
parable with  that  of  a  normal  individual  of  either  sex.  Female  lobsters  probably 
grow  more  slowly  than  males  (Herrick,  1911),  and  one  might  therefore  expect 
the  present  specimen  to  be  smaller  than  a  normal  male  and  larger  than  a  normal 
female  of  the  same  age,  but  the  growth  rates  of  abnormally  bisexual  crustaceans 
may  be  complicated  by  hormonal  or  other  factors. 

We  wish  to  thank  John  P.  Wise  for  calling  our  attention  to  this  unusual  speci- 
men.    We  also  wish  to  acknowledge  the  assistance  of  members  of  the  staff  of  the 


Division  of  Marine  Invertebrates,  U.  S.  National  Museum,  during  the  preparation 
of  the  paper.  Special  thanks  are  due  Charles  E.  Cutress  of  that  staff  for  the 
histological  preparation  and  study  of  the  reproductive  organs  of  the  specimen. 


GORDON,    I.,    1957.     A    pseudo-hermaphrodite    specimen    of    the    lobster,    Homants    ganimarus 

(Linnaeus).    Ann.  Mag.  Nat.  Hist.,  (12)  10:  524-528. 

HALKETT,  A.,  1919.     An  hermaphrodite  lobster.     Canad.  Field-Nat.,  33 :  40. 
HERRICK,  F.  H.,  1896.     The  American  lobster :  A  study  of  its  habits  and  environment.     Bull. 

U.  S.  Fish  Comm.,  15 :  1-252. 

HERRICK,  F.  H.,  1911.  Natural  history  of  the  American  lobster.  Bull.  Bur.  Fish.,  29:  149-408. 
HERRMANN,  G.,  1890.  Notes  sur  la  structure  et  le  developpement  des  spermatozo'ides  chez  les 

decapodes.     Bull.  sci.  Fr.  Belg.,  22:  1-59. 
NICHOLLS,  F.,  1730.     An  account  of  the  hermaphrodite  lobster  presented  to  the  Royal  Society 

on  Thursday,  May  the  7th,  by  Mr.  Fisher  of  Newgate-Market,  examined  and  dissected, 

pursuant  to  an  order  of  the  Society.     Phil.  Trans.  Roy.  Soc.  London,  36:  290-294. 
RIDEWOOD,  W.  G.,  1909.     A  case  of  abnormal  oviducts  in  Honiarus  I'ttlgaris.     Ann.  Mag.  Nat. 

Hist.,  (8)  3  (13)  :  1-7. 
SCHAANNING,   H.   T.   L.,   1929.     En   eiendommelig   varietet   av   hummer    (Homants  vulgaris). 

Staranger  Mus.  Aarsh..  1925-28,  pt.  5 :   1-3. 
TEMPLEMAN,  W.,   1944.     Sexual  dimorphism   in   the   lobster    (Homarus  americanus).     J.  Fish. 

Res.  Bd.  Canada,  6:  228-232. 
TEMPLEMAN,  W.,  1948.     Abnormalities  in  lobsters.     Bull.  Newfoundland  Govt.  Lab.,  No.   18: 

TEMPLEMAN,  W.,  AND  S.  N.  TIBBO,  1945.     Lobster  investigations  in  Newfoundland,  1938-1941. 

Dept.  Nat.  Res.  Newfoundland  Res.  Bull.,  No.  16:  1-98. 




The  Rockefeller  Institute,  Nnt'  }'ork,  New  York,  and  the  Marine  Biological  Laboratory, 

Woods  Hole,  Massachusetts 

In  the  marine  hydroid  Tnlndaria  the  presence  of  hydranth  structures  has  been 
thought  to  prevent  the  development  of  new  hydranths  in  nearby  stem  tissue.  Two 
preparations  have  been  made  from  adult  hydranths  which  inhibited  the  regeneration 
of  new  hydranths  on  isolated  stem  segments.  One  of  these  (inhibitor  ^vatcr>  Rose 
and  Rose,  1941)  was  made  by  agitating  adult  hydranths  in  aerated  sea  water  for 
from  12  to  24  hours,  while  the  other  (hydranth  extract,  Tardent,  1955)  was  found 
in  the  supernatants  of  homogenates  of  adult  hydranths.  These  inhibitors  of  re- 
generation were  specific  to  hydranth  tissue  in  that  they  were  not  obtained  when 
stems  were  treated  in  the  same  manner.  They  have  been  compared  (Tweedell, 
1958)  and  found  to  differ  in  a  number  of  properties.  The  regeneration-inhibiting 
substances  in  inhibitor  water  have  been  considered  by  a  number  of  authors  to 
represent  the  substances  normally  responsible  for  physiological  dominance  in 
Tnlndaria,  and  inhibitor  water  has  been  employed  by  Steinberg  (1954)  in  an 
experiment  to  indicate  the  mechanism  of  physiological  dominance. 

In  the  present  investigation  it  was  found  that  active  inhibitor  water  could  not 
be  prepared  in  the  absence  of  bacterial  growth,  and  as  a  consequence  a  re-examina- 
tion of  this  inhibitor  was  undertaken. 


Freshly-collected  Tubular ia  crocca,  provided  by  the  Supply  Department  of 
the  Marine  Biological  Laboratory,  was  used  in  all  experiments.  Sea  water  was 
filtered  through  paper  shortly  before  use. 

In  preparing  inhibitor  water,  an  attempt  was  made  to  use  methods  comparable 
to  those  used  by  previous  workers  (cf.  Tweedell,  1958).  Populations  of  adult 
hydranths  with  5  mm.  of  stem  attached  were  isolated  and  washed  thoroughly,  and 
then  aerated  in  sea  water  for  24  hours  at  17-22°  C.  After  aeration,  the  hydranths 
and  debris  were  removed  by  filtration  and  the  preparation  was  tested  for  its  effect 
on  regeneration. 

The  bacterial  population  was  estimated  subjectively  in  early  experiments  by 
turbidity  and  microscopical  examination,  and  in  later  experiments  was  determined 
using  a  Petroff-Hauser  bacteria-counting  slide.  The  bacterial  population  of 
filtered  sea  water  was  found  to  be  approximately  10r>  per  ml.,  which  is  too  low  for 
accurate  estimation  with  a  counting  slide.  It  was  assumed  that  no  bacterial 
proliferation  had  occurred  during  the  preparation  of  any  given  solution  if  the 
bacterial  population  did  not  exceed  this  order  of  magnitude.  It  should  be  cautioned 
that  if  mature  male  hydranths  are  used  to  prepare  inhibitor  water,  turbidity  may 
in  part  result  from  the  release  of  large  numbers  of  sperm  into  the  water. 



When  it  was  desired  to  remove  bacteria,  the  preparations  were  filtered  through 
an  HA  millipore  filter  (Millipore  Filter  Corp.,  Watertown,  Mass.)  or  centrifuged 
for  5  minutes  at  30,000  g.  Bacterial  growth  was  prevented  by  the  addition  of 
antibiotics.  Penicillin  and  streptomycin  were  used  at  100-125  ju,g./ml. ;  sulfadiazine 
was  used  at  about  0.001  per  cent  (or  saturation  in  sea  water).  At  these  con- 
centrations, and  in  the  cases  of  penicillin  and  streptomycin  even  at  four-fold  higher 
concentrations,  the  antibiotics  did  not  have  any  significant  effect  on  the  rate  or 
course  of  regeneration. 

The  solutions  to  be  described  were  tested  immediately  after  preparation  for  their 
effect  on  the  regeneration  of  freshly-cut,  7-mm.  stem  segments.  Virtually  all  of  the 
stems  in  control  groups  regenerated,  although  as  is  usual  with  Tubularia  there 
was  a  considerable  variation  in  the  rate,  even  within  a  single  group.  A  preparation 
was  considered  to  have  inhibited  regeneration  if,  during  the  time  required  for  the 
complete  regeneration  of  the  controls  (emergence),  all  or  a  significant  fraction 
of  the  experimental  group  either  disintegrated  or  healed  but  did  not  begin  re- 
generation. Stems  in  inhibitor  water  which  regenerated  were  usually  but  not 
always  retarded. 


Populations  of  1.5-2  hydranths  per  ml.  aerated  in  sea  water  regularly  pro- 
duced an  inhibitor  water  which  completely  prevented  regeneration.  Occasional 
batches  of  inhibitor  water  prepared  at  these  or  lower  hydranth  densities  were  in- 
active, while  populations  of  more  than  two  hydranths  per  ml.  usually  gave  a 
preparation  which  caused  disintegration  of  the  stem  tissue.  However,  considerable 
variability  was  found  in  the  activity  of  preparations  made  at  the  same  hydranth 
densities  and  under  the  same  conditions  (temperature,  time,  etc.),  suggesting  that 
some  factor  other  than  those  controlled  was  involved. 

A  number  of  observations  suggested  that  the  activity  of  inhibitor  water  was 
due  to  bacterial  growth.  Preparations  became  quite  turbid  during  the  course  of 
aeration,  and  the  condition  of  the  hydranths  deteriorated  rapidly.  The  solution 
developed  a  putrid  odor.  Hydranths  killed  by  exposure  to  30°  C.  for  15  minutes 
rapidly  disintegrated,  but  nevertheless  produced  active  inhibitor  water.  When 
active  preparations  were  examined  microscopically,  a  large,  heterogeneous  popula- 
tion of  bacteria  was  found.  Removal  of  these  bacteria  often  resulted  in  a  reduction 
but  never  in  an  elimination  of  the  inhibitory  activity  of  a  preparation. 

An  estimate  of  the  amount  of  bacterial  growth  which  occurs  in  inhibitor  water 
preparations  was  obtained  by  preparing  a  series  of  5  inhibitor  waters  at  a  density 
of  1.5  hydranths  per  ml.  and  making  counts  with  a  bacteria  counting  slide  at  the 
beginning  and  end  of  aeration.  In  this  series,  the  bacterial  density  increased 
during  aeration  from  about  3  X  105  bacteria  per  ml.  to  about  108  bacteria  per  ml. 
Bacteria  were  removed  by  centrifugation  and  each  preparation  tested  for  its  effect 
on  the  regeneration  of  10  stems.  The  results  are  given  in  Table  I.  The  increase 
in  bacterial  number  represents  a  minimum  of  9  generations  of  bacterial  growth. 
It  should  be  noted,  however,  that  counts  made  at  the  beginning  of  aeration  do  not 
include  bacteria  which  are  present  in  the  hydranths  and  are  released  into  the  water 
during  aeration  as  the  hydranths  disintegrate. 

In  order  to  determine  whether  or  not  hydranths  could  produce  active  inhibitor 
water  in  the  absence  of  bacterial  growth,  hydranths  were  agitated  in  sea  water 



containing  antibiotics  at  concentrations  sufficient  to  maintain  bacteriostasis.  The 
results  of  three  of  the  experiments  with  penicillin  and  streptomycin  are  given 
in  Table  II.  In  the  first  two  experiments  shown  (A  and  B),  the  amount  of 
bacterial  growth  was  estimated  subjectively.  No  detectable  bacterial  growth 
occurred  in  any  of  the  preparations  in  experiment  A,  and  in  spite  of  the  fact 
that  the  hydranth  density  was  more  than  twice  that  necessary  to  produce  complete 
inhibition  in  the  absence  of  antibiotics,  the  stems  in  both  experimental  groups  all 
regenerated  at  the  same  rate  as  the  control  stems.  In  experiment  B,  the  hydranth 
density  was  over  four  times  that  necessary  to  produce  complete  inhibition  without 
antibiotics.  The  preparation  agitated  at  this  hydranth  density  with  antibiotics 
(B4)  produced  some  delay  in  the  rate  of  regeneration.  This  delay  may  have 
been  due  to  the  cytolysis  of  some  of  the  hydranth  tissue  releasing  the  same  sub- 
stances present  in  hydranth  extracts  (see  discussion). 

These  experiments  indicate  that  in  the  presence  of  penicillin  and  streptomycin 
in  concentrations  which  suppress  bacterial  growth,  inhibitor  water  cannot  be  col- 
lected. However,  it  may  be  argued  (Tweedell,  1958)  that  the  antibiotics  used 
either  prevent  the  hydranths  from  producing  an  inhibitor  of  regeneration  or  destroy 
this  inhibitor  as  it  is  produced.  Three  observations  appear  to  exclude  these 


The  number  of  bacteria  present  in  five  similar  preparations  of  inhibitor  water  and  the  effect 
of  these  preparations  on  regeneration.     Observations  were  made  at  intervals  for  4.3  days 



Bacteria/ml.  X  10" 



Effect  of  preparation  on  stems 

10/10  emerged  within  2.4  days 
10/10  did  not  begin  regeneration 
10/10  did  not  begin  regeneration 
10/10  disintegrated  within  3.6  days 
10/10  disintegrated  within  1.4  days 
10/10  disintegrated  within  1.0  day 

alternatives.  ( 1 )  That  penicillin  and  streptomycin  do  not  destroy  the  inhibitors 
was  demonstrated  by  experiments  in  which  bacteria  were  removed  by  centrifugation 
and  these  antibiotics  added  to  inhibitor  water  after  preparation.  In  one  such 
experiment,  there  was  no  measurable  reduction  in  the  activity  of  the  preparation 
when  antibiotics  were  added  (Table  II,  C3)  ;  in  another  (not  listed)  there  was 
a  slight  reduction  but  not  an  elimination  of  the  inhibition  produced  by  the  prepara- 
tion (similar  to  that  observed  in  other  preparations  when  they  were  sterile  filtered). 
(2)  Particularly  important  are  three  experiments  with  penicillin  and  streptomycin 
and  one  with  sulfadiazine  in  which  bacterial  growth  occurred  in  the  preparations 
even  though  antibiotic  was  added  at  the  beginning  of  aeration.  Presumably  bacteria 
resistant  to  the  antibiotics  used  developed  in  these  preparations.  In  these  cases, 
the  preparations  inhibited  regeneration  in  proportion  to  the  amount  of  bacterial 
growth  which  occurred  in  them  (e.g.,  Table  II,  C5,  6),  showing  that,  in  spite  of 
the  antibiotics,  if  bacterial  growth  occurred,  an  active  regeneration  inhibitor  was 
produced.  (3)  Three  antibiotics — penicillin,  streptomycin  and  sulfadiazine — dif- 
fering greatly  in  chemical  structure  and  presumed  mode  of  action,  were  used  alone 
or  in  pairs  to  maintain  bacteriostasis.  Regardless  of  which  antibiotic  was  used,  if 
bacterial  growth  was  prevented  the  preparation  failed  to  inhibit  regeneration. 



To  see  if  hydranths  were  a  necessary  component  of  the  system,  experiments 
were  done  in  which  bacterial  growth  was  allowed  to  occur  in  sea  water  in  the 
absence  of  hydranths.  Dilute  proteose-peptone  solutions  in  sea  water,  aerated  for 
24  hours,  and  then  sterilized  by  millipore  filtration  followed  by  the  addition  of 
antibiotic,  were  potent  inhibitors  of  regeneration,  while  control  solutions  in  which 

TABLE   1 1 

Selected  experiments  which  illustrate  the  activity  of  inhibitor  water  prepared  with  penicillin 

and  streptomycin.     Bacterial  density  was  either  estimated  (number  represented  by  pluses 

in  the  table)  or  counted  directly  using  a  bacteria  counting  slide  (represented  by  number 

per  ml.).     Abbreviations:  pen.,  penicillin;  strep.,  streptomycin 


Components  added  to  sea  water 

per  ml. 

vs.  total 

Mean  time 
of  emergence 
in  days 


Pen.  and  strep. 





4  hydranths/ml.  +  pen.  and  strep. 





4  hydranths/ml.  +  pen.  and  strep. 










8  hydranths/ml. 

+  +  + 




Pen.  and  strep. 





8  hydranths/ml.  +  pen.  and  strep. 






ra.  105 




2  hydranths/ml. 

5  X  10s 




2  hvdranths/ml.,  pen.  and  strep,  added 
after  aeration* 




Pen.  and  strep. 

;  10* 




2  hvdranths/ml.  +  pen. 

2  X  10' 




2  hydranths/ml.  +  strep. 

1  X  108 




0.1%  proteose  peptone  +  pen.  and  strep. 

ca.  10r' 




0.1%  proteose  peptone,   pen.  and  strep, 
added  after  aeration 

3  X  108 



*  Penicillin  and  streptomycin  were  added  to  a  portion  of  solution  C2. 

bacterial  growth  was  prevented  by  the  addition  of  antibiotic  at  the  beginning  of 
aeration,  at  most,  slightly  retarded  regeneration  (e.g..  Table  II,  C7,  8;  compare 
Cl,  2). 

To  make  certain  that  the  inhibition  produced  as  a  result  of  bacterial  growth 
was  not  dependent  on  the  presence  of  specific  bacteria,  preparations  were  made 



using  Escherichia  coli.  Cultures  were  grown  in  a  minimal  medium  (Davis  and 
Mingioli,  1950)  from  a  small  inoculum  to  109  cells  per  ml.  The  bacteria  were 
removed  by  centrifugation,  and  the  used  medium  diluted  1 : 5  in  sea  water  containing 
antibiotic.  Such  a  preparation  completely  inhibited  regeneration,  while  control 
stems  placed  in  a  1:5  dilution  of  sterile  minimal  medium  with  antibiotic  regenerated 

From  these  data  it  is  clear  that  the  activity  of  inhibitor  water  can  be  explained 
on  the  basis  of  the  bacterial  growth  which  occurs  in  the  medium,  and  that  no  other 
inhibitors  can  be  collected  when  bacteriostasis  is  maintained  with  antibiotics. 


Summary  of  all  experiments  which  indicate  that  inhibitor  water  is  a  by-product  of  bacterial  growth. 
Refer  to  the  text  for  explanations  of  each  experiment.     Abbreviations:  pen.,  penicillin; 

strep.,  streptomycin;  sulfa.,  sulfadiazine 

Components  added  to  sea  water  before  aeration 

Number  of 


Inhibition  of 

















Heat-killed  hydranths 




Pen.,  strep.,  or  sulfa. 




Hydranths  +  pen.,   strep.,   or  both   pen.  and 







Hydranths  +  sulfa. 







Stem  lengths 




Proteose  peptone,  pen.  and  strep. 




Proteose  peptone** 




*  Preparation  sterile  filtered  after  aeration. 

*  Preparation  centrifuged  after  aeration,  penicillin  and  streptomycin  added  to  the  super- 

As  an  argument  for  the  specific  role  of  hydranth  structures  in  producing  in- 
hibitor water  it  has  been  noted  that  a  population  of  stems,  aerated  in  sea  water, 
does  not  produce  an  inhibitor  (Tweedell,  1958).  After  cutting,  the  ends  of  a 
stem  rapidly  heal  and  secrete  a  thin  layer  of  perisarc,  so  that  very  soon  a  cut  stem 
is  entirely  covered  with  chitin.  Since  no  tissue  is  exposed,  a  preparation  of  stems 
could  not  be  expected  to  be  a  good  medium  for  bacterial  growth,  and  this  might  be 


the  reason  why  no  inhibitor  was  produced.  Experiments  were  done  in  which 
populations  of  clean  stems  were  cut,  washed,  and  aerated  in  sea  water.  Such 
preparations  did  not  support  the  growth  of  significant  numbers  of  bacteria,  and, 
when  tested  on  stems,  permitted  regeneration  at  the  same  rate  as  the  controls. 

A  summary  of  the  experiments  which  have  been  described,  together  with  the 
number  of  cases  of  each  type,  is  presented  in  Table  III.  Cases  in  which  verv 
slight  bacterial  growth  occurred  in  the  preparations  or  in  which  the  preparations 
only  produced  a  slight  delay  in  regeneration  (such  as  case  B4,  Table  II)  are 
recorded  as  negative  ( — )  in  the  table ;  only  definite  cases  of  bacterial  growth  or 
regeneration  inhibition  are  recorded  as  positive  (  +  ).  As  the  table  indicates,  the 
inhibition  of  regeneration  was  always  correlated  with  the  growth  of  bacteria. 

It  is  pertinent  to  mention  certain  experiments  done  with  the  regeneration  in- 
hibitor found  in  Tnbularia  hydranth  extracts.  Such  extracts  were  prepared  by 
homogenizing  a  population  of  adult  hydranths  and  collecting  the  supernatant,  as 
described  by  Tardent  (1955)  and  Tweedell  (1958).  It  was  found  that  the  in- 
hibition of  regeneration  produced  by  such  extracts  was  not  a  result  of  bacterial 
growth,  in  that  when  penicillin  and  streptomycin  were  added  to  the  extracts  to 
maintain  bacteriostasis  the  activity  of  the  extracts  was  not  affected  in  terms  of 
the  proportion  of  stems  inhibited  by  a  given  dilution  of  extract.  It  was  found. 
however,  that  in  contrast  to  the  original  report  of  Tardent  (1955),  the  inhibition 
produced  by  Tnbularia  tissue  extracts  was  not  specific  to  hydranth  tissue.  The 
supernatant  of  homogenates  from  equivalent  quantities  of  stem  tissue  also  sup- 
pressed the  regeneration  of  stems.  Tardent  (personal  communication)  has  ob- 
tained the  same  result  recently  with  Tnbularia  larynx.  Preliminary  comparisons 
on  a  wet  weight  basis  indicate  that  hydranth  tissue  is  about  twice  as  active  a 
source  of  inhibitor  as  stem  tissue.  The  lack  of  specificity  of  this  inhibitor  makes 
it  impossible,  however,  in  the  absence  of  further  data,  to  adequately  evaluate  the 
normal  physiological  role  of  the  substances  involved. 


The  results  of  the  experiments  with  inhibitor  water  may  be  summarized  as 
follows.  (1)  Hydranths  agitated  in  sea  water  produce  bacterial  growth  and 
inhibitors  of  regeneration.  (2)  If  bacterial  growth  is  suppressed  with  antibiotics,  re- 
generation inhibitors  cannot  be  collected.  (3) If  antibotics  are  added  at  the  begin- 
ning of  aeration  but  bacterial  growth  is  not  prevented,  inhibitors  can  be  collected. 
(4)  Bacterial  growth  in  the  absence  of  hydranths  produces  regeneration  inhibitors. 
These  results,  together  with  the  appropriate  controls,  demonstrate  that  inhibitor 
water  as  prepared  in  these  experiments  is  a  by-product  of  bacterial  growth  for  which 
the  hydranths  serve  as  inoculum  and  nutrient  source.  The  results,  however, 
should  not  be  taken  to  indicate  that  hydranths  cannot  produce  any  inhibitors  of 
regeneration,  but  rather  that  inhibitor  water  prepared  as  described  by  previous 
workers  contained  no  inhibitors  which  could  not  be  accounted  for  as  the  products  of 
bacterial  rather  than  hydranth  metabolism. 

If  hydranths  are  agitated  with  antibiotics  at  densities  several-fold  higher  than 
those  used  to  prepare  inhibitor  water  (rf.  Tweedell,  1958),  occasionally  such 
preparations  (e.g..  Table  II,  B4)  retard  regeneration  even  though  bacteriostasis 
has  been  maintained  with  antibiotics.  It  is  interesting  to  note  that  in  such  cases 


bulbous  outgrowths  appear  at  one  or  both  ends  of  many  of  the  stems.  These  out- 
growths are  similar  to  those  found  in  stems  placed  in  Tubularia  tissue  extracts 
(Tweedell,  1958;  author's  unpublished  observations),  suggesting  that  the  cytolysis 
of  some  of  the  hydranth  tissue  has  released  the  substances  found  in  hydranth  extract 
into  the  water. 

Since  this  manuscript  was  originally  submitted  for  publication,  a  paper  by 
Tweedell  (1958)  has  appeared  in  which  the  results  described  in  the  present  paper 
are  discussed.  The  results  of  this  work  were  presented  incompletely  by  Tweedell ; 
the  results  as  presented  here  answer  the  objections  raised  in  his  discussion.  In 
particular,  the  possibility  that  the  antibiotics  used  had  significant  effects  other  than 
that  of  maintaining  bacteriostasis  has  been  excluded  by  the  results  described  above. 

Tweedell  notes  that  although  bacteria  were  removed  from  some  of  his  prepara- 
tions by  sterile  filtration  the  preparations  still  inhibited  regeneration.  It  is  clear 
from  the  present  work  that  it  is  not  the  bacteria  themselves,  but  rather  the  metab- 
olites they  release  into  the  medium,  which  are  primarily  responsible  for  the 
activity  of  inhibitor  water.  Removal  of  the  bacteria  from  inhibitor  water  or 
proteose-peptone  solutions  after  aeration  by  filtration  or  centrifugation,  or  the 
addition  of  penicillin  and  streptomycin  to  such  preparations,  in  some  cases  reduced 
the  inhibitory  activity  of  the  preparation  but  in  no  case  eliminated  it. 


1.  Rose  and  Rose  (1941)  found  that  adult  Tubularia  hydranths  agitated  in  sea 
water  produced  a  solution,  inhibitor  water,  which  prevented  regeneration.     They 
and  subsequent  workers  have  ascribed  to  this  inhibitor  a  role  in  normal  physiological 
dominance.    In  the  present  investigation  it  has  been  found  that  considerable  bacterial 
growth  occurs  in  the  solution  during  the  preparation  of  inhibitor  water  by  the  usual 
methods,  and  that  when  antibiotics  have  been  added  to  maintain  bacteriostasis  no 
inhibitor  can  be  collected.     Experiments  have  excluded  the  possibilities  that  the 
antibiotics  used  are  preventing  the  production  of  the  inhibitor  or  destroying  it  as  it 
is  produced.     It  has  been  shown  that  metabolites  produced  by  bacterial  growth  in 
the  absence  of  hydranths  inhibit  regeneration. 

2.  These  data  lead  to  the  conclusion  that  inhibitor  water  represents  the  by- 
products of  bacterial  growth  for  which  the  hydranths  serve  as  source  of  inoculum 
and  as  nutritive  medium. 


DAVIS,  B.  D.,  AXD  E.  S.  MIXGIOLI,  1950.       Mutants  of  Eschcrichia  coli  requiring  methionine  or 

vitamin  B12.     /.  Bact.,  60:   17-28. 
ROSE,   S.  M.,  AND  F.   C.   ROSE,   1941.    The  role  of  a  cut   surface  in   Tubularia  regeneration. 

Physiol.  Zool.,  14 :  323-343. 
STEINBERG,   M.,    1954.     Studies   on   the   mechanism   of   physiological    dominance   in    Tubularia. 

J.  Exp.  Zool.,  127 :  1-26. 
TARDENT,  P.,  1955.     Zum  Nachweis  eines  regenerationshemmenden  Stoffes  im  Hydranth  von 

Tubularia.    Rev.  Suisse  Zool.,  62:  289-294. 
TWEEDELL,  K.  S.,  1958.     Inhibitors  of  regeneration  in   Titbitlaria.     Biol.   Bull.,  114:  255-269. 





J.  C.  GEORGE  AND  R.  M.  NAIK 

Laboratories  of  Comparative  Anatomy  and  Animal  Physiology,  Department   of  Zoology, 

M.  S.    University  of  Baroda,  Baroda,  India 

Denny-Brown  (1929),  studying  the  red  and  white  muscles  of  vertebrates,  made 
some  observations  on  the  "light"  and  "dark"  muscle  fibers  in  the  breast  muscle 
of  the  pigeon.  The  later  works  on  these  two  types  of  fibers  have  been  reviewed 
by  George  and  Naik  (1957).  More  recently,  George  and  Naik  (1958a,  1958b) 
have  shown  that  the  red  narrow  fibers  are  rich  in  fat  and  mitochondria  in  sharp 
contrast  to  the  white,  broad,  glycogen-loaded  fibers,  which  contain  only  a  negligible 
amount  of  fat  and  mitochondria.  George  and  Scaria  (1958a)  histochemically 
demonstrated  higher  lipase  activity  in  the  red  narrow  fibers.  The  Krebs'  cycle 
enzymes,  too,  seem  to  be  localized  in  the  narrow  fibers  (George  and  Scaria,  1958b). 
These  findings  have  stimulated  considerable  interest  and  called  for  a  basic  under- 
standing of  the  nature  and  disposition  of  the  fiber  components  of  this  muscle  as 
a  whole.  The  present  study,  therefore,  is  an  attempt  to  provide  a  comprehensive 
picture  of  the  pattern  of  fiber  distribution  and  the  nature  of  the  metabolite  load  in 
the  different  regions  of  the  muscle. 


In  order  to  obtain  uniformly  well  developed  pectoralis  major  muscle,  only  fully 
grown  wild  pigeons,  either  shot  or  trapped  from  a  single  locality,  were  used  through- 
out for  the  present  study. 

Mapping  the  distribution  of  the  two  types  of  fibers  in  the  muscle 

Due  to  the  bipectinate  arrangement  of  the  fasciculi,  it  was  found  convenient 
to  divide  the  muscle  into  twelve  regions,  each  one  extending  to  10  mm.  in  length 
along  a  hypothetical  line,  drawn  midway  between  the  origin  of  the  muscle  fasciculi 
and  the  centrally  placed  tendon  (as  shown  in  Fig.  1 ) .  From  each  of  these  regions 
at  the  level  of  the  aforesaid  line,  fresh  frozen  transverse  sections  were  cut  on  a 
freezing  microtome.  Subsequently  the  sections  were  treated  in  the  following 
manner.  Transferring  a  fresh  frozen  section  into  distilled  water  or  even  saline 
or  isotonic  sucrose  solution  resulted  in  uneven  curling  up  of  the  section.  Again, 
the  size  of  the  muscle  piece  handled  being  large,  some  difficulties  which  were 
encountered  in  the  beginning  in  obtaining  a  good  entire  section,  were  completely 
avoided  by  transferring  the  section  directly  into  chilled  50%  glycerol  and  mounting 
it  on  a  microslide  in  the  glycerol  solution.  In  the  preparations  thus  made  the 



J.  C.  GEORGE  AND  R.  M.  NAIK 

arrangement  of  the  fibers  in  the  section,  however  large,  was  faithfully  maintained 
with  no  distortions  taking  place.  The  glycerol-impregnated  sections  were  thus 
found  to  he  ideal  to  manipulate.  Moreover,  the  sections  left  in  glycerol  solution 
and  maintained  at  0°  C.  can  remain  for  more  than  a  week  without  any  perceptible 
defect  and  thus  could  be  utilized  for  future  observations. 

The  desired  region  of  the  mounted  section  was  projected  on  the  screen  of  a 
microphotographic  camera  at  a  magnification  of  47  X  and  the  photographic  print- 
ing paper  exposed  directly  to  the  image.  "Normal"  bromide  papers  were  found 

FIGURE  1.  Dorsal  view  of  the  pectoral  is  major  muscle  of  the  pigeon  showing  the  hypo- 
thetical lines  0-120  along  which  the  distribution  of  broad  fibers  is  recorded  in  Figure  2.  The 
squares  A  and  B  indicate  the  regions  of  the  muscle  used  for  studying  the  variation  in  metabolite 
load  and  the  structure  at  different  depths  of  the  muscle. 

suitable.  Using  the  sliding  vernier  on  the  stage  of  the  microscope,  continuous 
photographic  records  of  the  distribution  of  the  broad  fibers  were  made  (Fig.  5). 
From  such  records  by  the  method  of  random  sampling,  the  mean  value  of  the 
number  of  broad  fibers  per  square  mm.  was  determined  for  every  mm.  depth  of 
the  muscle.  A  survey  of  all  the  twelve  regions  was  thus  completed  and  a  graph 
plotted  illustrating  the  continuous  distribution  of  broad  fibers  per  square  mm.  at 
the  distance  of  every  5  mm.  along  the  line  0-120  (Fig.  1).  The  lines  demarcating 
the  areas  containing  30-50.  50-70,  70-90,  90-100,  100-120  and  120-140  and 
120—150  broad  fibers  per  square  mm.  were,  drawn.  The  entire  procedure  was 



_      0  10     D-R      20  30  40      D-F      50  60 






FIGURE  2.  Cross-sectional  view  of  the  pcctnralis  major  along  the  line  0-120  drawn  in 
Figure  1.  The  figures  in  the  chart  show  the  number  of  broad  fibers  per  square  mm.  D.F., 
dorsal  face  of  the  muscle ;  V.F.,  ventral  face  of  the  muscle. 

OF  B.F. 



200  400  600  800 

NUMBER  OF  N.F.  PER    mm* 

FIGURE  3.     Relation  between  the  number  of  broad  fibers  and  the  number  of  narrow  fibers 
per  square  mm.  of  transverse  section  of  the  muscle. 


J.  C.  GEORGE  AND  R.  M.  NAIK 

repeated  on  the  f^ectoralis  of  three  pigeons.  The  results  obtained  are  summarized 
in  a  graphical  representation  as  shown  in  Figure  2.  Since  the  individual  varia- 
tions in  the  pectoralis  of  different  pigeons  are  considerable,  the  lines  demarcating 
different  areas  in  the  figure  are  not  claimed  to  be  absolute,  but  they  do  show  the 

%  AGE  OF 



%  AGE  OF 


RATIO  OF  3-° 
AREA          12 
BY  B.F.        a9 
TO  THAT     0.6 

OF   N.F./rrm? 


0          2          A          6          8 


FIGURE  4.  Variation  in  the  percentage  of  glycogen  and  fat,  in  relation  to  the  ratio  of 
the  area  occupied  by  the  broad  fibers  to  that  of  the  narrow  fibers  per  square  mm.,  at  different 
depths  of  the  muscle.  The  regions  of  the  muscle  marked  A  and  B  in  Figure  1  were  used. 

generalized  pattern  of  the  distribution  of  the  broad  fibers  in  the  pectoralis  major 
muscle  of  the  pigeon. 

For  counting  the  broad  as  well  as  the  narrow  fibers  in  one  and  the  same  region, 
the  same  procedure  was  adopted,  except  that  the  image  of  the  section  projected  on 
the  screen  was  magnified  to  about  a  hundred  times,  and  the  sections  from  the 
different  typical  regions  of  the  muscle  were  used. 

FIGURE  5.  Negative  prints  of  the  transverse  section  taken  from  the  region  A  (Fig.  1) 
showing  the  continuous  distribution  of  broad  fibers  (darker  in  color)  at  different  depths  of 
the  muscle.  The  numbers  1-10  on  microphotographs  indicate  the  depth  in  mm.  from  the 
ventral  to  the  dorsal  face  of  the  muscle. 


244  J.  C.  GEORGE  AND  R.  M.  NAIK 

Estimation  of  fat  and  glycoycn  at  different  depths  of  the  muscle 

For  the  sake  of  convenience,  the  region  of  the  muscle  (marked  A  in  Fig.  1) 
on  the  posteriormost  end  of  the  keel  was  used  throughout.  In  this  region  the 
thickness  of  the  muscle  is  only  about  10  mm.  and  the  variation  in  the  distribution 
of  the  broad  fibers  at  the  different  depths  of  the  muscle  is  gradual.  From  this 
region  A,  a  piece  about  10  cubic  mm.  in  size  was  cut  out  for  the  estimation  of 
glycogen  and  a  somewhat  bigger  piece  for  the  estimation  of  fat.  From  a  region  B 
lateral  to  A,  another  piece  was  cut  out  and  transferred  to  the  freezing  chamber 
of  the  refrigerator  and  used  later  on  for  studying  the  distribution  of  the  broad 
fibers  in  this  region  by  the  method  already  described. 

The  muscle  piece  cut  out  from  region  A  was  mounted  on  the  stage  of  a  freezing 
microtome  so  as  to  obtain  horizontal  sections.  It  was  frozen  hard,  the  outermost 
epimysium  was  peeled  off  with  a  pointed  forceps  or  sliced  off  by  a  superficial 
stroke  of  the  microtome  knife,  and  1-mm.  thick  slices  of  the  muscle  were  serially 
cut.  Since  all  these  horizontally  cut  sections  were  of  uniform  and  known  thick- 
ness, each  could  be  said  to  represent  the  nature  of  the  muscle  tissue  at  a  known 
depth.  The  thickness  of  the  sections  was  not  actually  measured  since  the  micro- 
tome used  was  a  brand  new  "Sartorius"  model  and  all  the  possible  precautions, 
such  as  avoiding  the  fluctuations  in  the  temperature,  were  taken  so  as  to  obtain 
sections  of  uniform  and  accurate  thickness.  Each  frozen  section  was  immediately 
transferred  to  a  weighing  bottle  and  dehydrated.  The  sections  to  be  used  for  the 
estimation  of  glycogen  were  dehydrated  in  a  vacuum-desiccator  at  one  atmosphere 
pressure  and  maintained  at  0°  C.,  whereas  for  fat  extraction,  sections  were  de- 
hydrated in  an  air-oven  at  80°  C.,  and  finally  in  vacuum. 

The  dehydrated  sections  were  weighed  and  their  glycogen  content  was  estimated 
according  to  the  method  of  Kemp  ct  al.  (1954).  For  the  quantity  of  the  muscle 
used  for  estimation  (about  20-30  mg.  per  dry  weight)  it  was  found  necessary  to 
dilute  the  glycogen  extract  in  the  deproteinizing  solution  to  10  ml.  The  color 
developed  was  measured  on  the  Beckman  spectrophotometer  (DU  model)  at  520  ^. 
For  the  estimation  of  fat  the  dehydrated  material  was  ground  and,  after  weighing, 
transferred  to  a  fat-extraction  thimble.  The  fat  was  extracted  in  the  Soxhlet  ap- 
paratus with  1:1  ethanol-ether  mixture  (George  and  Jyoti,  1955).  About  70-100 
mg.  of  dehydrated  muscle  were  used  for  each  estimation. 

The  estimation  of  glycogen  in  the  two  types  of  fibers 

Small  pieces  from  the  breast  muscle  of  a  decapitated  pigeon  were  cut  out  and 
dropped  in  previously  chilled  80%  methanol  and  left  undisturbed  at  -  -  10°  C.  for 
24  hours.  The  fibers  from  the  muscle  thus  preserved  were  teased  out  in  methanol 
under  a  binocular  dissection  microscope  with  watch-maker's  forceps.  The  two 
types  of  fibers  were  isolated  and  transferred  to  two  separate  containers  containing 
methanol  and  fitted  with  air-tight  glass  lids  and  stored  in  the  refrigerator.  Suffi- 
cient numbers  of  fibers  which  would  yield  about  2-5  mg.  in  dry  weight  were  iso- 
lated and  collected  for  each  estimation.  These  fibers  were  then  removed  from 
the  methanol  solution,  dehydrated  in  vacuum  and  weighed  on  a  microbalance. 
Glycogen  was  estimated,  as  already  mentioned,  by  the  micromethod  of  Kemp  et  al, 




Figure  5  presents  a  typical  picture  of  the  distribution  of  broad  fibers  in  the 
muscle.  In  each  fasciculus  the  broad  fibers  are  mainly  concentrated  towards  the 
periphery.  This  pattern  is  maintained  throughout  the  muscle.  In  regions  of  the 
muscle  where  there  are  larger  numbers  of  broad  fibers  or  lesser  numbers  of  narrow 
fibers,  the  fasciculi  have  a  smaller  cross-sectional  area  with  broad  fibers  closely 
packed  along  their  borders  without  any  intervening  narrow  fibers.  The  number 
of  broad  fibers  per  square  mm.  in  the  different  regions  of  the  muscle  is  shown  in 
Figure  2.  The  relation  of  the  number  of  broad  fibers  to  that  of  the  narrow  ones 
per  square  mm.  is  shown  in  Figure  3.  From  both  these,  the  number  of  broad 
fibers,  as  well  as  the  number  of  narrow  fibers  per  square  mm.,  in  any  region  of 
the  muscle  could  be  approximately  determined. 

The  variation  in  the  metabolite  load  and  the  number  of  broad  fibers  per  square 
mm.  at  different  depths  of  the  muscle  are  indicated  in  Table  I,  while  in  Figure  3 
the  same  data  are  utilized  to  show  the  relation  between  the  structure  of  the  muscle 


The  number  of  broad  fibers  per  square  »/»/.  and  the  percentage  of  fat  and  g/ycogen  at 

different  depths  of  the  breast  muscle  of  the  pigeon.      (The  portion  of  the  muscle 

marked  A  in  Fig.  1  was  used.      The  figures  indicate  the  average  values 

of  six  sets  of  readings) 

Depth  of  the 
muscle  in  rnin. 
(starting  from  the 
ventral  face) 

Number  of  broad  fibers 
per  square  mm. 

Percentage  per  dry  weight  of  the  muscle 




90  ±  14 

3.655  ±  0.275 

10.289  ±  1.942 


63  ±  8 

.U75  ±  0.054 

12.095  ±  1.056 


48  ±  3 

3.102  ±  0.127 

14.632  ±  1.752 


51  ±  4 

3.409  ±0.184 

13.250  ±  0.571 


72  ±  9 

3.588  ±  0.236 

11.743  ±  0.572 

and  the  metabolite  load.  The  number  of  narrow  fibers  for  the  corresponding 
number  of  broad  fibers  was  calculated  by  using  the  formula  of  the  regression  line 
in  Figure  3  and  the  ratio  of  the  area  occupied  by  the  broad  fibers  to  that  of  the 
narrow  fibers  in  square  mm.  was  determined  by  using  the  mean  value  of  the 
diameter  of  these  fibers.  The  diameter  of  the  broad  fibers  is  69.00  ±  14.00  /j. 
(  1000)  and  that  of  the  narrow  fibers  is  30.11  ±  6.56  p  (2000).  The  figures  given 
in  parentheses  indicate  the  number  of  fibers  measured  from  the  fresh  frozen  sections 
taken  from  the  various  regions  of  the  muscle. 

The  values  of  the  glycogen  content  of  the  broad  and  narrow  fibers,  calculated 
on  the  dry  weight  of  the  muscle  preserved  in  methanol,  are,  respectively,  10.240  ± 
0.093//  and  2.464  ±  0.311%  (each  value  is  the  mean  of  three  readings).  Methanol 
removes  much  of  the  fat  (mainly  from  the  narrow  fibers)  and  some  of  the  amino 


It  has  been  known  that  in  many  active  muscles,  the  muscle  fibers  towards  the 
periphery  become  larger  in   diameter  and  lighter  in  color,  compared  to  those  in 

246  J.  C.  GEORGE  AND  R.  M.  NAIK 

the  interior.  In  such  muscles  even  in  the  individual  fasciculus,  the  light  fibers 
are  situated  towards  the  periphery.  In  the  pigeon  breast  muscle,  the  white  broad 
fibers  and  the  red  narrow  fibers  show  a  somewhat  similar  distribution  pattern  but 
these  fibers  differ  from  the  light  and  dark  fibers  of  the  other  muscles  in  that  they 
are  sharply  differentiated  into  two  distinct  types  without  any  intermediate  forms. 
The  broad  fibers  are  glycogen-loaded  and  poor  in  fat  inclusions  and  mitochondria, 
whereas  the  narrow  fibers  are  fat-loaded  and  have  a  high  mitochondria!  content 
and  are  poor  in  glycogen  (George  and  Naik,  1958a,  1958b). 

In  a  single  muscle  uneven  distribution  of  metabolites  has  been  long  since  realized. 
To  reduce  such  localized  variation  to  the  minimum,  customarily  a  large  piece  of 
muscle  is  utilized  for  the  estimation  of  metabolites.  Present  work  shows  that  in 
a  muscle  like  the  pectoraHs  major  of  pigeon  having  heterogeneous  cellular  elements, 
variation  in  metabolites  in  the  different  regions  of  the  same  muscle  and  even  in  a 
single  fasciculus  is  quite  large.  Needless  to  say,  what  applies  to  glycogen  and  fat 
might  equally  apply  to  other  chemical  constituents  in  which  the  two  types  of  fibers 

A  general  belief  that  the  muscle  fibers  towards  the  periphery  of  the  muscle 
are  more  active  than  those  in  the  interior  and,  due  to  higher  activity,  increase  in 
diameter,  does  not  seem  to  hold  good,  at  least  in  the  case  of  the  pcctoralis  of 
pigeon.  Undoubtedly,  the  red  fibers  of  pigeon  breast  muscle,  due  to  their  re- 
markably well  developed  enzyme  systems,  play  a  major  role  in  effecting  the  sus- 
tained contractions  of  the  muscle.  In  white  fibers,  on  the  other  hand,  the  oxidative 
processes  are  not  developed  or  developed  only  to  a  negligible  extent,  in  that  the 
dehydrogenase  activity  in  these  fibers,  as  shown  by  histochemical  method,  is  neg- 
ligible or  nil  (George  and  Scaria,  1958b).  All  the  same,  the  white  filters  are  not 
inactive  elements  of  the  pigeon  breast  muscle.  In  the  normal  animal  they  show 
no  signs  of  atrophy.  A  glycerinated  white  fiber  of  pigeon  breast  muscle  contracts 
in  the  same  manner  as  a  glycerinated  red  fiber  of  the  same  muscle  on  the  addition 
of  ATP.  The  study  on  the  reactions  of  these  two  types  of  fibers  to  experimentally 
induced  disuse  atrophy  has  yielded  significant  results.  When  the  movement  of 
the  humerus  is  restricted  for  three  months  by  a  plaster  cast,  the  white  fibers  in 
the  deeper  layer  of  the  muscle  show  acute  sign  of  atrophy  whereas  the  red  fibers 
appear  practically  unaffected  (George  and  Naik,  unpublished  data).  These  find- 
ings suggest  the  possibility  of  some  differences  in  the  mechanical  properties  of  the 
two  types  of  the  fibers  and  in  that  case  some  physical  factors  may  underlie  the 
distribution  pattern  of  the  two  types  of  fibers  in  the  muscle. 

Denny-Brown  (1954),  has  shown  that  a  single  nerve  in  the  breast  muscle  of 
pigeon  can  innervate  both,  the  red  as  well  as  the  white  fibers.  Since  the  activity 
of  these  muscle  fibers  must  be  conditioned  by  the  fundamentally  different  chemical 
system  in  them,  it  is  difficult  to  believe  that  the  amount  and  the  mode  of  activity 
performed  by  these  two  types  of  fibers  are  the  same.  In  what  exact  manner  the 
white  fibers  contribute  to  the  activity  of  the  muscle  is  far  from  clear  and  as  a 
prelude  to  such  an  understanding,  an  extensive  study  of  these  fibers  is  essential. 
For  such  a  study  Figure  2  can  be  a  useful  guide.  Moreover,  the  method  used  in 
the  present  work  to  study  the  variation  in  the  metabolite  load  in  relation  to  the 
variation  in  the  fiber  make-up  of  the  muscle,  can  be  used  for  studying  the  distribu- 
tion of  various  constituents  such  as  enzymes,  amino  acids  and  minerals  in  the 


\Ye  are  grateful  to  the  members  of  the  staff  and  the  technicians  of  the  Depart- 
ments of  Chemistry  and  Statistics,  Faculty  of  Science,  Baroda,  for  their  unfailing 
assistance  in  completing  this  work.  One  of  us  (R.  M.  N.)  is  indebted  to  the 
Ministry  of  Education,  Government  of  India,  for  the  award  of  a  Senior  Research 


1.  The  relative  distribution  pattern  of  the  red  and  white  muscle  fibers  in  the 
breast  muscle  of  the  pigeon  is  studied. 

2.  There  exists  a  direct  relation  between  the  distribution  of  metabolites  and 
that  of  the  two  types  of  fibers  in  the  different  regions  of  the  muscle. 

3.  Quantitative  estimation  of  glycogen  in  the  two  types  of  filters  confirms  the 
higher  concentration  of  glycogen  in  the  white  fibers. 


DEX  \v-BRO\vx,  D.,  1929.     The  histological  features  of  striped  muscle  in   relation  to  its  func- 
tional activity.     Proc.  Roy.  Soc.  London.  Ser.  B,  104:  371-411. 
DEXXV-BRUWX,  D.,   1954.     As  cited  by  Adams,  R.  D.,  ct  al.  in  Diseases  of  Muscle.     Paul   B. 

Hoeber,  Inc.,  New  York  ;   pp.  38  and  40. 
GEORGE,   J.   C.,   AXD   D.   JVOTI,    1955.     The   lipid  content  and   its   reduction   in   the   muscle   and 

hver  of  birds  and  bat  during  long  and  sustained  activity.     /.  Aniin.  Morph.   Phvsiol., 

2:  38-45. 
GEORGE,  J.  C.,  AXD  R.  M.  NAIK,  1957.     Studies  on  the  structure  and  physiology  of  the  flight 

muscles  of  birds.     1.  The  variations   in  the   structure   of   the   pectoral  is  major  muscle 

of  a  few  representative  types  and  their  significance  in  the  respective  modes  of  flight. 

/.  Anim.  Morph.  Pliysiol.,  4:  23-32. 
GEORGE,   J.   C.,   AXD   R.   M.   NAIK,    1958a.     The   relative   distribution   and   the   chemical   nature 

of  the  fuel  store  of  the  two  types  of  fibres  in  the  pectoralis  major  muscle  of  the  pigeon. 

Nature,  181  :  709-710. 
GEORGE,  J.  C.,  AXD  R.  M.  NAIK,  1958b.     Relative  distribution  of  the  mitochondria  in  the  two 

types  of  fibres  in  the  pectoralis  major  muscle  of  the  pigeon.     Nature.  181  :  782-783. 
GEORGE,  J.  C.,  AXD  K.  S.  SCARIA,  1958a.     Histochemical  demonstration  of  lipase  activity  in  the 

pectoralis  major  muscle  of  the  pigeon.     Nature,  181  :  783. 
GEORGE,  J.  C.,  AXD  K.  S.  SCARIA.  1958b.     A  histochemical  study  of  the  dehydrogenase  activity 

in   the   pectoralis   major  muscle   of   the   pigeon    and   certain    other    vertebrate    skeletal 

muscles.     Quart.  J.  Micro.  Sei.   Cm  press). 
KEMP,  A.,  J.  M.  ADRIEXXE  AXD  KITS  VAX  HEIJXIGEX,   1954.     A  colorimetric  method  for  the 

determination  of  glycogen  in  tissues.     Biochcin.  J..  56:  646. 



Division   of  Life  Sciences,   University  of  California,  Riverside,  California 

The  decapod  Crustacea  have  received  considerable  attention  with  regard  to 
their  ability  to  regulate  the  inorganic  ions  of  their  blood  (Krogh,  1939;  Robertson. 
1949,  1953,  1957;  Prosser  ct  al,  1950).  Prosser  ct  al.  (1955)  studied  responses 
of  the  shore  crab  Pachygrapsus  crassipes  to  different  concentrations  of  sea  water. 
The  chief  concern  of  their  study  was  to  determine  the  changes  in  the  ionic  con- 
centrations of  blood  and  urine  which  were  effected  by  altering  the  concentration 
of  the  external  medium  from  normal.  Determinations  on  the  total  losses  and 
gains  of  the  respective  ions  between  animal  and  medium  were  not  made  nor  were  the 
effects  of  desiccation  on  ion  concentrations  in  urine  or  blood  determined.  This  in- 
formation would  be  of  special  interest  in  the  case  of  a  semi-terrestrial  crab  such 
as  Pachygrapsus. 

Gross  (1958)  demonstrated  that  when  Pachygrapsus  crassipes  was  placed 
under  osmotic  stress,  the  principal  exchanges  of  potassium  were  between  the  medium 
and  a  source  of  potassium  other  than  the  blood,  not  mainly  between  blood  and  ex- 
ternal medium.  Also,  evidence  was  produced  that  an  extra-vascular  pool  partici- 
pates in  sodium  exchanges  between  crab  and  medium.  This  paper  will  produce 
further  evidence  that  extra-vascular  salt  pools  in  Pachygrapsus  contribute  to  ionic 
exchanges  with  the  medium,  special  attention  being  paid  to  calcium  and  magnesium. 
The  effects  of  desiccation  on  the  ionic  concentration  of  urine  and  blood  in  Pachy- 
grapsus will  be  revealed  and  data  confirming  the  findings  of  Prosser  ct  al.  (1955) 
will  be  produced. 


The  subject  of  this  investigation,  Pachygrapsus  crassipes  Randall,  was  collected 
at  Laguna  and  Dana  Point,  California.  All  specimens  were  between  molts,  and 
were  mature,  none  being  smaller  than  20  gm. 

Urine  was  sampled  by  inserting  a  micropipette  into  the  excretory  pores.  Blood 
was  obtained  by  puncturing  the  cuticle  of  the  leg  joints  with  a  micropipette. 
Sodium  and  potassium  were  measured  by  means  of  a  Beckman  flame  photometer. 
Urine  and  blood  were  measured  and  diluted  appropriately  before  being  used 
directly  in  the  flame  photometer  (Gross,  1958).  Samples  as  small  as  0.05  ml. 
thus  could  be  analyzed  to  an  accuracy  of  2</f  for  sodium  and  10%  for  potassium 
at  the  minimum  concentrations  measured  in  this  investigation.  Thus,  before  and 
after  treatment  samples  of  blood  from  the  same  crab  could  be  analyzed  for  sodium 
and  potassium.  Calcium  and  magnesium  were  determined  by  titration  with  ethyl- 
enediamine  tetra  acetic  acid  (EDTA)  a  method  described  by  Schwarzenbach  ct  al. 
(1946)  and  Knight  (1951).  This  method  requires  about  0.25  ml.  of  urine  and 




about  0.50  nil.  of  blood.  Because  of  the  relatively  large  volume  needed,  repeated 
blood  samples  on  the  same  specimen  were  not  taken.  Urine  samples  were  diluted 
to  100  ml.  and  titrated  directly.  Media  were  titrated  directly.  Blood  samples 
were  dialyzed  against  distilled  water  and  the  dialysate  was  titrated,  a  correction 
being  applied  for  the  content  of  the  dialysis  bag.  This  process,  which  was  not 
necessary  in  the  case  of  urine,  gave  a  more  distinct  end-point  than  titrating  the 
diluted  blood  directly.  Calcium  and  magnesium  thus  could  be  recovered  within 
an  accuracy  of  5%  for  the  minimum  concentrations  measured. 

Effects  of  stress  on  ionic  concentrations  of  blood  and  urine  in  Pachygrapsits 


50%  sea  \vater 

1110%  sea  water 

150%  sea  water 
















Sodium  (mEq./l.) 



























U/B  ratio 













































U/B  ratio 

















Calcium  (niEq./l.) 



























U/B  ratio 













































U/B  ratio 

















*  Gross  (1958). 

In  order  to  measure  the  exchange  of  ions  between  animal  and  external  medium, 
crabs  freshly  removed  from  normal  sea  water  were  weighed,  and  blood  was  sampled 
for  sodium  and  potassium  determinations.  The  crabs  then  were  rinsed  in  water 
of  the  salinity  to  which  they  were  to  IDC  exposed,  then  immersed  in  a  small  volume 
(50  ml.)  of  that  same  water  for  a  period  of  about  24  hours.  Adequate  precautions 
were  taken  against  water  loss  by  evaporation.  Values  concerning  sodium  and 
potassium  exchanges  (Table  II)  have  been  reported  previously  (Gross,  1958) 



and  include  some  data  on  animals  immersed  24-48  hours  in  100  ml.  The  crabs 
could  raise  themselves  out  of  the  water  and  therefore  were  not  completely  immersed 
at  all  times.  After  a  period  of  about  24  hours,  the  animals  were  removed  from 
the  media  and  their  blood  and  urine  sampled  for  the  analysis  of  sodium,  potassium, 
calcium  and  magnesium.  Likewise  the  media  were  analyzed  for  these  ions. 

Other  crabs  freshly  removed  from  normal  sea  water  were  weighed,  then  desic- 
cated for  a  period  of  about  48  hours  for  a  loss  of  about  7%  original  weight.  After 
this  treatment  the  blood  and  urine  were  analyzed  for  the  above  four  cations. 


Relative  ion  changes  in  blood  and  external  medium  caused  by  altering  external  medium  from  normal 

Mean  of  ratios* 

sea  water 



sea  water 




Blood  change  (rnEq./l.) 

7  Zf. 

0  8? 


7  fi} 

0  80 


Medium  change  (mEq./l.) 


Blood  change  (mEq./l.) 

0  S(S 

0  4i 


1  00 

0  70 


Medium  change  (mEq./l.) 


Blood  change  (mEq./l.)** 

0  03 

2  77 

7  t 

n  78 

0  66 



Medium  change  (mEq./l.) 


Blood  change  (mEq./l.)** 

n  QC 

0  XO 


0  fi-i 

0  -10 

1  () 


Medium  change  (mEq./l.) 

*  Change  in  medium  for  all  ions  is  corrected  to  a  volume  equal  to  the  weight  of  the  crab. 
**  Blood  change  for  calcium  and  magnesium  equals  the  difference  between  mean  of  normal 
crabs  and  the  observed  blood  concentration  after  treatment  for  each  crab.     Medium  change  is  the 
observed  concentration  change  in  the  medium  after  treatment  for  each  crab. 

Analyses  of  blood  potassium  and  sodium  were  made  before  and  after  desiccation  on 
individual  crabs. 


Table  I  presents  the  urine  and  blood  concentrations  of  sodium,  potassium, 
calcium,  and  magnesium  after  the  following  treatments:  a)  immersion  in  normal 
sea  water;  b)  immersion  in  50%  sea  water;  c)  immersion  in  150%  sea  water 
and  d)  desiccation  for  a  water  loss  of  about  7%  body  weight.  Comparing  the 
blood  values  after  immersion  in  100%  sea  water  with  those  of  Prosser  et  al.  (1955),. 
sodium  and  calcium  appear  in  agreement.  However,  the  potassium  (7.43  mEq./l.) 
and  magnesium  (20.0  mEq./l.)  values  are  considerably  less  than  those  reported  by 
the  above  workers  (12.1  mEq./l.  and  58.4  mEq./l.,  respectively).  On  the  other 
hand  Schlatter  (1941)  reported  blood  ion  concentrations  for  this  same  species 
which  agree  closely  with  the  values  of  the  present  investigation. 

It  should  be  emphasized  that  the  indicated  stress  media  (Table  I)  represent 
only  the  initial  sea  water  concentrations,  and  that  these  necessarily  were  altered 
by  exchanges  of  salts  with  the  animal.  However,  an  accurate  knowledge  of  the 
sustained  osmotic  gradient  and  the  final  blood  concentrations  is  of  little  meaning  in 
this  investigation,  since  as  described  above,  the  animals  were  able  to  raise  them- 


selves  out  of  the  water.  The  main  objectives  of  this  study  are  to  demonstrate : 
1)  the  degree  to  which  a  blood  ion  change  is  reflected  in  the  external  medium 
and  2)  the  role  of  the  antennary  glands  in  controlling  the  ion  content  of  the  animal. 
It  also  should  be  pointed  out  that  in  this  crab  alterations  in  the  blood  concentration 
in  aqueous  media  are  effected  by  salt  exchanges,  not  water  (Gross,  1957). 

Data  in  Table  I,  however,  do  reveal  something  of  the  ability  of  Pachygrapsus 
to  regulate  ions  in  the  different  sea  water  concentrations.  Thus  blood  sodium  is 
held  above  the  sodium  concentration  of  the  dilute  medium  and  normal  sea  water, 
but  below  the  concentration  of  the  hypertonic  medium.  Blood  potassium  is  held 
above  the  concentration  of  the  dilute  medium,  but  below  the  concentration  of  normal 
sea  water  or  the  concentrated  medium.  Gross  (1958)  reported  that  when  Pachv- 
grapsus  was  immersed  in  a  small  volume  of  50%  sea  water,  the  blood  potassium 
remained  less  concentrated  than  the  medium  potassium.  However,  these  animals 
were  immersed  for  longer  periods  than  those  reported  in  the  present  studies 
(Table  I)  during  which  time  the  animal  lost  more  potassium  and  the  medium  gained 
potassium.  Table  I  also  showrs  that  the  blood  calcium  remains  more  concentrated 
than  the  medium  calcium  for  all  treatments.  Blood  magnesium,  on  the  other  hand, 
is  less  concentrated  than  the  medium  magnesium  for  all  aqueous  conditions.  All 
four  ions  increase  under  conditions  of  desiccation. 

The  ratios,  urine  concentration/blood  concentration  (U/B  ratio),  for  each 
respective  ion  suggest  the  role  of  the  antennary  glands  in  the  ion  regulatory  mech- 
anism. Values  in  Table  T  are  means  of  U/B  ratios  observed  in  individual  speci- 
mens, not  ratios  of  means.  Thus  all  the  mean  U/B  ratios  for  sodium  are  less  than 
one,  indicating  that  the  antennary  glands  do  not  regulate  sodium  under  this  set 
of  conditions.  That  is,  sodium  is  not  eliminated  effectively  \vhen  the  gradient 
between  blood  and  medium  favors  a  gain ;  nor  is  it  conserved  effectively  when  the 
gradient  favors  a  loss  to  the  medium  (mean  U/B  ratio  in  50%  sea  water  ==  0.96). 

With  respect  to  potassium  the  mean  U/B  ratio  is  less  than  one  when  the  crab 
is  immersed  in  100%  or  150%  sea  water.  Thus  the  antennary  gland  does  not 
regulate  potassium  for  this  set  of  conditions.  In  50%  sea  water  the  mean  U/B 
ratio  is  1.45  which  means,  if  anything,  potassium  is  being  wasted  when  it  is  needed. 
However,  for  conditions  of  desiccation  the  mean  U/B  ratio  is  1 .34  which  is  signifi- 
cantly greater  than  one.  P  <  0.01.  If  then  there  were  sufficient  production  of 
urine  under  conditions  of  desiccation,  the  antennary  glands  would  tend  to  keep  the 
blood  concentration  of  potassium  at  a  normal  level. 

^'ith  respect  to  calcium  the  mean  U/B  ratios  for  crabs  immersed  in  50%  sea 
water  or  subjected  to  desiccation  are  not  significantly  different  from  unity.  Thus 
the  antennary  glands  are  ineffective  as  regulators  of  calcium  for  these  two  con- 
ditions. On  the  other  hand,  after  immersion  in  150%  sea  water  the  mean  U/B 
ratio  is  1.32  which  is  significantly  different  from  one,  P  <  0.01.  In  normal  sea 
water  the  U/B  ratio  is  1.17,  again  being  significantly  greater  than  one,  P  <  0.01. 
Thus,  the  antennary  glands  might  have  a  small  role  in  regulating  calcium,  but  in 
no  sense  as  large  a  role  as  they  have  for  magnesium. 

Data  in  Table  I  demonstrate  that  the  mean  U/B  ratios  for  magnesium  under  all 
conditions  studied  are  much  greater  than  unity.  Even  after  immersion  in  50% 
sea  water,  the  mean  ratio  is  5.62.  However,  it  should  be  pointed  out  that  even  in 
this  diluted  sea  water  the  gradient  betwreen  blood  and  external  medium  favors  the 


uptake  of  magnesium.  Also,  it  will  he  noted  that  the  mean  ratio  under  conditions 
of  desiccation  is  23.6  which  suggests  that  the  urine  concentration  depends  on  the 
blood  concentration,  not  entirely  on  the  rate  of  influx  from  the  external  medium. 

The  data  presented  in  Table  I  concerning  the  treatments  in  aqueous  media  are 
qualitatively  in  general  agreement  with  the  findings  of  Prosser  ct  a  I.  (1955), 
particularly  with  regard  to  the  role  of  antennary  glands  in  the  regulation  of 
magnesium.  Quantitatively  the  data  presented  in  Table  I  differ  somewhat  from 
those  reported  by  Prosser  ct  al.  ( 1955).  However,  precise  comparison  should  not 
be  attempted  because  of  differences  in  experimental  procedure.  For  example, 
crabs  of  the  present  investigation  were  immersed  directly  in  small  volumes  of 
stress  media  for  a  maximum  of  about  24  hours.  The  data  presented  by  the  above 
workers  were  obtained  on  animals  gradually  acclimated  to  osmotic  stresses  for  a 
period  of  at  least  5  days  in  relatively  large  volumes  of  media. 

On  the  other  hand  there  are  certain  differences  which  warrant  attention. 
Normal  blood  potassium  and  magnesium  differences  already  have  been  mentioned 
above.  It  will  be  observed  that  blood  calcium  after  immersion  of  the  animal  in  50% 
sea  water  (  34.S  mEq./l.)  is  higher  than  it  is  for  animals  from  normal  sea  water 
(29.6  mEq. /I.).  These  means  are  significantly  different ;  P  =0.01.  Prosser  ct  ul. 
(1955)  showed  decreases  in  blood  calcium  in  50%  sea  water  which,  of  course, 
would  be  expected.  It  was  thought  that  perhaps  the  increased  blood  calcium 
resulting  from  immersion  in  dilute  sea  water  was  an  effect  of  the  small  volume  of 
medium.  Therefore,  blood  calcium  of  crabs  immersed  in  large  volumes  (about 
700  ml.)  of  50%  sea  water  for  24  hours  was  determined.  The  mean  blood  calcium 
of  24  crabs  thus  treated  was  30.9  mEq./l.,  S.D.  =  9.0.  This  is  not  significantly 
different  from  the  mean  (34.8)  obtained  by  the  other  treatment;  nor  is  it  signfi- 
cantly  different  from  the  average  blood  calcium  of  normal  crabs.  These  workers 
also  called  attention  to  the  inverse  relationship  between  the  urine  sodium  con- 
centration and  the  blood  sodium  concentration.  That  is,  the  urine  sodium  of 
animals  immersed  in  concentrated  sea  water  was  less  concentrated  than  that  of 
animals  immersed  in  normal  sea  water,  which  in  turn  was  less  concentrated  than 
that  of  animals  immersed  in  dilute  sea  water.  The  means  for  urine  sodium  after 
treatment  in  the  three  aqueous  media  (Table  I)  cannot  be  shown  to  be  significantly 
different,  but  the  U/B  ratios  do  suggest  the  same  phenomenon.  That  is,  the  ratios 
decrease  as  the  animal  is  placed  in  increasing  concentrations  of  sea  water.  These 
ratios  are  all  significantly  different  from  each  other;  P  <  0.01.  The  U/B  ratio 
for  the  desiccated  crabs  is  not  significantly  different  from  the  U/B  ratio  in  crabs 
exposed  to  concentrated  media,  but  is  significantly  different  from  the  ratios  ob- 
tained for  crabs  given  the  other  treatments;  P  <  0.01. 

Data  in  Table  II  demonstrate  the  ionic  changes  that  occur  in  the  medium  when 
a  given  change  in  the  blood  is  effected.  The  measurement  of  calcium  exchanges 
with  stress  media  was  complicated  by  the  fact  that  this  ion  is  lost  in  significant 
amounts  when  the  animal  is  immersed  in  normal  sea  water.  Such  was  not  the 
case  for  the  other  ions.  It  became  necessary,  therefore,  to  apply  a  correction  to 
the  calcium  exchanges,  based  on  an  average  loss  to  normal  sea  water  by  30  crabs. 
This  amounted  to  0.5  mEq./l.  per  gram  of  crab  for  a  24-hour  period  in  50  ml.  of 
medium.  It  was  thus  necessary  to  assume  that  this  normal  loss  is  constant  in 
all  concentrations  of  sea  water,  an  assumption  which  subjects  the  values  for  calcium 
change  in  the  medium  to  considerable  error. 



The  values  for  sodium  and  potassium  have  been  reported  previously  (Gross, 
1958)  and  represent  means  of  the  ratios,  blood  change  (mEq./l.) /medium  change 
(mEq./l.),  in  individual  crabs  where  the  blood  change  is  the  difference  between 
the  concentration  before  treatment  and  the  concentration  after  treatment.  For  cal- 
cium and  magnesium  the  values  in  Table  II  also  represent  means  of  the  ratios, 
blood  change  (mEq./l.) /medium  change  (mEq./l.),  in  individual  crabs,  but  since 
only  one  sample  of  blood  could  be  extracted  from  single  specimens  for  calcium  and 
magnesium  determinations,  the  blood  change  (mEq./l.)  in  the  ratio  for  calcium 
and  magnesium  equals  the  difference  between  the  observed  blood  concentration 
after  treatment  and  the  average  blood  concentration  for  crabs  from  normal  sea 

With  respect  to  sodium,  the  mean  ratios  are  greater  than  2.5  in  both  50%  and 
150%  sea  water.  The  response  to  hypertonic  stress  and  hypotonic  stress  seems 
to  be  symmetrical.  \Yith  respect  to  potassium  the  ratio  is  unity  or  less ;  while 
it  is  0.56  for  crabs  immersed  in  50 r/c  sea  water,  it  is  1.00  for  crabs  immersed  in 
150%  sea  water.  However  when  ion  exchanges  were  measured  in  crabs  transferred 
from  50%  to  150%  sea  water  or  vice  versa,  a  symmetrical  response  for  potassium 

TABLE  1 1 1 

Ion  in c reuse  in  blood  caused  by  desiccation 

Mean  change  in  concentra- 

No. crabs 

tion  (%  original)  per 
1%  body  weight  loss 


by  evaporation 



+  2.20 




+  8.68 










exchanges  is  observed,  the  mean  ratio,  change  in  blood  (mEq./l.) /change  in  medium 
(mEq./l.),  being  about  unity  in  both  extreme  stresses  (Gross,  1958). 

The  mean  ratio  for  calcium  and  magnesium  is  less  than  one  for  all  treatments. 
Attention  should  be  called  to  the  large  variance  for  the  calcium  ratio,  following 
immersion  in  50%  sea  water.  It  also  should  be  mentioned  that  the  ratio,  mean 

+  5.2 
blood  change    (mEq./l.) /mean  medium  change    (mEq./l.),  is  -     -,  ^  --  2.87,  the 

signs  of  the  numerator  and  denominator  being  opposite  to  expectation.  Not  only 
does  the  average  value  for  the  blood  calcium  increase  after  treatment  in  dilute  sea 
water,  but  the  medium  apparently  loses  rather  than  gains  calcium.  The  difference 
between  the  mean  of  the  ratios  (0.93)  and  the  ratio  of  the  means  (2.87)  can  be 
explained  on  the  basis  of  the  large  variance. 

Table  III  reveals  ionic  changes  that  occur  in  the  blood  when  Pachygrapsus  is 
desiccated  for  a  loss  of  about  7%  body  weight.  The  sodium  and  potassium  values, 
again,  have  been  reported  previously  (Gross,  1958)  and  represent  averages  of 
changes  in  individual  crabs,  where  the  blood  concentration  change  was  determined 
by  before-  and  after-treatment  readings  on  the  same  individual.  The  values  for 
calcium  and  magnesium  are  means  of  blood  concentration  changes  for  individual 


crabs,  but  since  only  after-treatment  blood  samples  were  taken,  the  blood  change 
for  these  two  ions  is  represented  by  the  difference  between  the  observed  concentra- 
tion in  an  animal  following  desiccation  and  the  mean  blood  concentration  of  the 
respective  ions  in  crabs  from  normal  sea  water.  In  Table  III  it  can  be  seen  that 
the  average  change  for  sodium  is  less  than  the  values  for  the  other  ions.  While 
the  potassium  and  calcium  changes  are  significantly  greater  than  the  sodium  change, 
P  C  0.001,  the  mean  magnesium  change  cannot  be  considered  significantly  different 
from  the  sodium  change.  It  will  be  explained  below  that  blood  ions  which  increase 
more  in  concentration  than  blood  sodium  probably  shift  from  a  salt  pool  (perhaps 
the  intra-cellular  space)  into  the  blood  when  the  animal  is  desiccated. 


The  ratios,  blood  change  (mEq./l.) /medium  change  (mEq./L),  presented  in 
Table  II  suggest  that  the  principal  exchanges  of  potassium,  calcium,  and  mag- 
nesium between  animal  and  medium  are  not  ultimately  between  blood  and  external 
medium.  A  ratio  of  unity  means  that  the  concentration  change  in  an  external 
medium  which  is  equal  in  volume  to  the  animal  is  identical  to  the  concentration 
change  in  the  blood.  Of  course,  much  of  the  animal's  volume  is  isolated  from  the 
osmotic  and  ionic  processes  which  occur  in  the  blood.  Thus  for  a  ratio  of  unity, 
the  actual  loss  or  gain  of  ions  with  the  medium  would  be  greater  than  the  loss  or 
gain  of  ions  in  the  blood.  Therefore  a  source  other  than  the  blood  must  be  con- 
tributing to  these  exchanges.  These  ratios  also  can  be  expressed  as  "apparent 
volume  of  distribution,"  using  the  equation  F  -  M/P  X  100  (Gross,  1958)  where: 

V       "apparent  volume  of  distribution"  in  %  body  weight; 
weight  of  medium 

M  = 
P  = 

weight  of  animal 

change  in  blood  ion  concentration  (mEq./l.) 
change  in  medium  ion  concentration  (mEq./l.)' 

Thus,  the  "apparent  volume  of  distribution"  for  sodium  is  38.5%  body  weight 
and  for  potassium,  calcium  and  magnesium  more  than  100%  body  weight,  which 
only  can  be  interpreted  as  an  aggregation  of  these  three  ions  in  some  sort  of  pool 
where  they  are  much  more  concentrated  than  they  are  in  the  blood.  This  also 
means  that  the  extra-vascular  pools  ultimately  contribute  more  to  potassium,  calcium 
and  magnesium  exchanges  with  the  medium  than  does  the  original  blood  supply 
(more  than  twice  as  much).  At  least,  in  the  case  of  potassium,  the  pool  probably 
lies  mainly  in  the  intra-cellular  space,  because  it  is  well  known  that  intra-cellular 
potassium  concentrations  are  high.  In  the  crab  Carcinus  the  relative  muscle  con- 
centrations of  sodium,  potassium,  calcium  and  magnesium  are  50,  120,  11  and  32 
(mEq./kg.  water),  respectively  (Shaw,  1955).  If  this  were  representative  of 
intra-cellular  concentrations,  it  would  seem  unlikely  that  the  intra-cellular  space 
harbors  the  pool  for  magnesium  and  calcium.  Although  the  nature  of  the  pools 
is  unknown,  it  becomes  apparent  that  a  change  of  a  blood  ion  concentration  can 
occur  without  a  loss  or  gain  in  the  medium.  Or  exchanges  between  animal  and 
medium  can  occur  without  being  reflected  in  the  blood.  The  probable  exception  to 


this  is  sodium.  The  "apparent  volume  of  distrihution"  for  sodium  was  calculated 
to  be  38.5%  body  weight  for  the  moderate  stresses  of  50%  and  150%  sea  water. 
Webb  (1940)  estimates  the  blood  volume  of  the  crab  Carcinus  as  36%  body 
weight.  Thus  the  calculated  volume,  38.5%  body  weight,  which  seems  close  to 
a  reasonable  value  for  blood  space,  means  that  the  major  sodium  exchanges  are 
between  the  blood  and  external  medium.  Though  there  is  evidence  that  a  sodium 
pool  contributes  to  such  exchanges  when  the  animal  is  exposed  to  extreme  osmotic 
stress,  its  role  is  relatively  small  percentage-wise,  compared  with  the  other  ions 
(Gross,  1958).  On  the  other  hand  sodium  contributes  about  half  the  ions  of  the 
blood ;  thus  the  small  percentage  effect  of  a  sodium  pool  would  nevertheless  affect 
significantly  the  total  osmotic  pressure  of  the  blood. 

Burger  (1957)  immersed  lobsters  in  media  of  abnormally  high  magnesium  con- 
centrations and  noted  that  neither  the  blood  nor  the  urine  magnesium  elevated. 
On  this  evidence  he  concluded  that  the  animal  was  impermeable  to  magnesium. 
However,  he  did  not  consider  the  possibility  that  the  magnesium  could  enter  the 
animal  and  be  fixed  outside  of  the  vascular  system,  a  phenomenon  which  obviously 
occurs  in  Pachygrapsus. 

The  variance  for  the  mean  of  the  calcium  ratios,  blood  change/medium  change, 
when  the  stress  was  50%  sea  water  is  high.  Nevertheless  this  ratio  for  calcium 
(0.93)  is  significantly  less  than  the  mean  ratio  for  sodium  (2.56),  F  <  .025.  It 
should  be  emphasized  that  the  mean  blood  calcium  after  immersion  in  50%  sea 
water  was  more  concentrated  than  that  for  crabs  from  normal  sea  water.  Also, 
the  corrected  average  change  for  calcium  in  the  medium  indicated  a  loss  rather 
than  the  expected  gain.  Now,  it  was  revealed  above  that  crabs  in  normal  sea 
water  tend  to  lose  calcium,  and  the  average  loss  in  normal  sea  water  was  applied 
as  a  correction  to  the  medium  measurements,  assuming  that  a  loss  of  calcium 
(probably  by  way  of  the  gut)  would  be  the  same  in  a  stress  as  in  a  normal  medium, 
but  if  there  were  a  curtailment  of  normal  calcium  output  in  dilute  sea  w^ater,  then 
the  correction  would  be  too  large  and  falsely  could  make  the  sign  of  the  change  in 
the  medium  negative.  It  should  be  mentioned  that  the  observed  changes  in  the 
medium  without  correction  were  all  positive.  If  the  sign  of  the  corrected  medium 
change  is  in  error,  then  the  increase  in  the  blood  calcium  concentration  after  im- 
mersion in  50%  sea  water  could  be  caused  only  by  contributions  from  a  calcium 

Data  in  Table  III  demonstrate  that  for  a  given  weight  loss  by  evaporation  the 
average  increase  in  the  blood  sodium  concentration  is  less  percentage-wise  than  the 
increase  for  the  other  ions.  It  was  concluded  by  Gross  (1958)  that  such  a  differ- 
ence in  increase  between  sodium  and  potassium  under  conditions  of  desiccation 
could  not  be  explained  on  the  basis  of  sodium  exclusion  from  the  blood.  Rather, 
it  was  concluded  that  it  represented  a  shift  of  potassium  ions  from  extra-vascular 
spaces  into  the  blood  space.  Data  for  calcium  presented  in  Table  III  suggest  that 
the  same  phenomenon  happens  in  the  case  of  this  ion ;  values  for  magnesium  are 
questionable.  No  adaptive  significance  can  be  assigned  to  such  a  phenomenon ; 
rather  it  is  interpreted  as  a  physiological  failure  which  imposes  a  limitation  on  the 
terrestrial  habits  of  this  crab. 

The  U/B  ratios  presented  in  Table  I  suggest  the  role  of  the  antennary  gland 
as  an,  ion  regulator.  It  has  been  established  previously  (Prosser  ct  ai,  1955) 


that  this  organ  is  ineffective  as  an  osmotic  regulator.  Thus,  it  seems  probable 
that  a  principal  function  of  the  antennary  gland  is  the  regulation  of  magnesium. 
That  is,  the  U/B  ratio  with  respect  to  magnesium  is  much  greater  than  unity.  Yet 
the  effectiveness  of  the  antennary  glands  as  magnesium  regulators  for  each  ex- 
perimental condition  cannot  be  known  for  certain  until  the  volume  of  urine  pro- 
duction is  known  for  each  osmotic  situation.  Thus,  even  though  the  urine  mag- 
nesium is  high  when  the  animal  is  desiccated,  it  is  possible  that  little  or  no  urine 
is  produced  when  the  animal  is  removed  from  an  aqueous  medium.  Nevertheless, 
the  antennary  glands  may  effectively  remove  magnesium  ions  from  the  blood,  thus 
tending  to  keep  the  blood  levels  normal,  even  though  no  ions  are  ejected  from 
the  animal. 

These  studies  were  aided  by  a  contract  between  the  Office  of  Naval  Research, 
Department  of  the  Navy  and  the  University  of  California,  NR  104-309. 

I  wish  to  thank  Mr.  David  Allison  for  his  able  technical  assistance.  Also  I 
wish  to  express  my  gratitude  to  all  those  students  who  assisted  in  collecting  the 
experimental  animals ;  to  Professor  Theodore  Holmes  Bullock  for  reading  the 
manuscript ;  to  Professor  Timothy  Prout  for  his  advice  concerning  the  statistical 
handling  of  the  data  and  to  Dr.  Frank  Bingham  for  suggesting  the  method  for 
the  calcium  and  magnesium  determinations. 


1.  The  effects  of  osmotic  stress  on  the  ion  concentration  in  the  blood  of  the 
crab,  Pachygrapsus  crassipes,  were  investigated.     Stresses  imposed  were  50%  sea 
water,  150%  sea  water  and  desiccation  to  a  water  loss  of  about  7%  body  weight. 

2.  The  observed  ratios,  blood  change    (mEq./l.) /medium  change    (mEq./l.), 
for  sodium,  potassium,  calcium  and  magnesium  after  the  crab  was  transferred  from 
normal  sea  water  to  50%  or  150%  sea  water  yielded  values  for  "apparent  volume 
of  distribution."     The  average  value  for  sodium  was  38.5%  body  weight,  but  for 
the  other  three  ions  wras  at  least  100%   body  weight. 

3.  The  large  values  for  "apparent  volume  of  distribution"  in  the  cases  of  potas- 
sium,  calcium   and   magnesium   indicate   that   these   ions   are   contained   in   extra- 
vascular  pools  in  greater  concentrations  than  they  are  in  the  blood  and  that  these 
pools  participate   in   ion   exchanges  between   animal   and  medium.     Thus,   a  con- 
centration change  can  occur  in  the  blood  without  being  reflected  in  the  medium 
or  vice  versa. 

4.  Calcium   is  lost  to  the  medium   by  PacJiygrapsits  when  it  is   immersed   in 
normal  sea  water.     Blood  calcium  increases  when  a  crab  is  transferred  from  normal 
sea  water  to  dilute  sea  water. 

5.  When  Pachygrapsus  is  desiccated,   the  blood  concentrations   of  potassium, 
calcium  and  magnesium  average  greater  increases  than  does  the  sodium  concentra- 
tion.    This  suggests  that  potassium,  calcium  and  possibly  magnesium  shift  from 
an  extra- vascular  pool  into  the  blood  space.     The  phenomenon  is  interpreted  as  a 
physiological  failure  and  a  factor  which  may  limit  the  terrestrial  life  of  this  species. 

6.  The   ratio,   urine   concentration    (mEq./l.) /blood   concentration    (mEq./L), 
for  the  respective  ions  suggests  the  role  of  the  antennary  glands  as  ion  regulators 


tinder  the  various  stress  conditions.  Thus  the  antennary  glands  were  found  to 
he  relatively  ineffective  as  regulators  of  sodium,  potassium  and  calcium  for  all 
conditions  studied.  The  U/B  ratio  for  magnesium  averaged  5.62  when  the  crab 
was  immersed  in  50%  sea  water;  13.6  for  normal  sea  water;  15.4  for  150%  sea 
water  and  23.6  when  the  crab  was  desiccated.  These  high  ratios  suggest  that  a 
principal  role  of  the  antennary  glands  is  magnesium  regulation. 

7 '.  The  volumes  of  urine  production  which  have  not  been  measured  must  be 
known  before  the  effectiveness  of  the  antennary  glands  as  magnesium  regulators 
can  be  determined. 


BURGER,  I.  YY.,  1957.  The  general  form  of  excretion  in  the  lobster  Homanis.  Biol.  Bull., 
113:  207-223. 

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129:   107-136. 




Woods  Hole  Occanografihic  Institution,   Woods  Hole,  Massachusetts 

Many  invertebrate  animals  are  normally  exposed  to  environmental  temperatures 
far  below  the  freezing  point  of  their  body  fluids.  Although  supercooling  may 
sometimes  be  a  factor  in  survival  (Salt,  1950;  Ditman  et  al.,  1942  ;  Scholander  et  al., 
1953),  freezing  occurs  in  nature  among  insects  (Asahina  ct  al.,  1954;  Scholander 
et  al.,  1953),  shore  animals  (Kanwisher,  1955),  and  other  groups  (Luyet  and 
Gehenio,  1940.)  On  the  shore  during  winter,  for  example,  freezing  and  thawing 
occurs  twice  a  day  when  the  animals  are  exposed  to  the  cold  air  by  the  tide. 
Intertidal  animals  in  the  Arctic  may  be  frozen  for  as  long  as  6  months  (Kanwisher, 
1955).  The  survival  of  these  animals  depends  on  their  being  able  to  have  most 
of  their  body  water  turned  to  ice.  It  is  remarkable  that  no  injury  is  produced  in  a 
living  system  when  more  than  half  of  its  bulk  is  changed  to  a  crystalline  solid. 
I  am  reporting  here  some  investigations  on  the  histology  and  metabolism  of  these 
intertidal  animals. 


In  the  freeze-drying  histological  technique,  tissue  is  cooled  very  quickly  with 
liquid  nitrogen.  Freezing  occurs  so  fast  that  ice  crystals  do  not  have  time  to 
grow  very  large  and  cellular  organization  is  very  little  disturbed.  The  water  is 
removed  by  vacuum  while  the  sample  is  kept  cold.  The  resulting  dehydrated 
tissue  matrix  is  imbedded,  sectioned,  and  stained  in  a  conventional  manner.  I 
have  used  the  method  here  to  capture  the  situation  in  tissue  from  shore  animals 
frozen  to  relatively  mild  natural  temperatures.  Comparison  with  material  from 
unfrozen  animals  has  shown  the  distortions  caused  by  the  freezing. 

Animals  were  collected  from  the  shore  at  Woods  Hole  in  January  and  moved 
to  a  --10°  cold  room  without  thawing.  Sections  of  tissue  about  1  mm.  thick  were 
cut  with  a  cold  knife,  held  with  cold  tweezers,  and  plunged  into  a  vial  of  isopentane 
suspended  in  a  container  of  liquid  nitrogen.  The  isopentane  allows  a  faster  heat 
transfer  because  it  does  not  boil  and  form  an  insulating  gas  layer.  The  hard  frozen 
samples  were  quickly  transferred  to  the  already  cold  dehydrating  chamber  and 
vacuum  applied  for  24  hours  at  about  -45°.  The  dehydrated  tissue  was  then 
imbedded  in  de-gassed  paraffin  already  in  the  chamber  with  the  vacuum  still  applied. 
Photomicrographs  of  10-micron  sections  are  shown  in  Figure  1.  The  unfrozen 
controls  were  tissue  taken  from  identical  animals  that  had  thawed  at  room  tem- 
perature for  an  hour. 

1  Contribution  Number  1013  from  the  Woods  Hole  Oceanographic  Institution.  This  study 
was  aided  by  a  contract  between  the  Office  of  Naval  Research  and  the  Arctic  Institute  of 
North  America. 






FIGURE  1.     Photomicrographs  of  unfrozen  and  frozen  tissue. 

Figure  1,  A  is  the  unfrozen  foot  of  the  shore  snail  Littorina  littorea.  The 
purpose  of  the  randomly  arranged  muscle  fihers  is  related  to  the  snail's  type  of 
locomotion.  In  the  frozen  tissue  in  Figure  1,  B.  the  ice  forms  in  large  pockets 
with  a  resulting  shrinkage  and  distortion  of  the  cells. 

The  extreme  distortions  indicated  in  the  initial  results  were  surprising  enough 


to  warrant  the  following  procedure.  The  frozen  muscle  slice  was  cut  in  two 
pieces.  One  was  used  as  the  frozen  specimen.  The  other  was  warmed  for  less 
than  a  minute  on  the  palm  of  my  hand  and  then  hard  frozen  in  the  liquid  nitrogen. 
When  sectioned  it  appeared  nearly  the  same  as  tissue  from  an  unfrozen  animal. 
Figures  1,  A  and  1,  B  are  actually  sections  from  this  run. 

A  transverse  section  of  the  unfrozen  adductor  muscle  in  the  oyster,  Crassostrea 
virgimcus,  is  shown  in  Figure  1,  C.  The  parallel  muscle  fibers  are  viewed  end-on. 
In  its  frozen  counterpart  in  Figure  1.  D,  the  fibers  are  clumped  into  groups  to 
make  room  for  the  intervening  ice.  The  prominent  elements  that  resulted  are  all 
about  the  same  size.  There  may  be  membranes  not  visible  in  the  unfrozen  muscle 
to  account  for  this  regularity.  The  same  regular  clumping  was  seen  in  the  ad- 
ductor muscle  of  two  mussels,  Modiolus  modiolus  and  Mytilus  cdulis. 

Figure  1,  E  is  of  the  eggs  in  the  unfrozen  ovary  of  the  blue  mussel  Mytilus 
ednlis.  When  frozen  as  in  Figure  1,  F,  the  detail  is  much  less  distinct  but  the 
eggs  clearly  have  shrunken  during  the  formation  of  the  large  amounts  of  inter- 
cellular ice.  Comparable  distortions  were  seen  in  other  tissues  from  these  and  other 


Scholander  ct  al.  (1953)  measured  respiration  at  freezing  temperatures  by 
following  the  decrease  in  oxygen  concentration  in  a  closed  volume  containing  the 
animal.  The  same  method  has  been  used  here.  Manometric  and  volumetric 
techniques  can  not  be  used  because  of  the  volume  change  when  water  turns  to  ice. 

The  snails  to  be  used  were  frozen  in  20-nil.  syringes  in  a  cold  bath.  Only  those 
in  which  the  snail  froze  while  fully  extended  from  its  shell  were  used.  A  short 
section  of  tubing  on  the  tip  of  the  syringe  extended  above  the  surface  of  the 
liquid  and  was  closed  with  a  pinch  clamp.  A  sample  of  gas  could  be  withdrawn 
without  removing  the  syringe  from  the  bath.  The  plunger  was  free  to  move  up 
and  replace  the  volume  lost  in  sampling.  Allowance  was  made  for  the  decreased 
volume  in  calculating  the  rate  of  oxygen  removal. 

Duplicate  oxygen  analyses  good  to  0.02  per  cent  were  made  with  the  half-cc. 
analyzer  of  Scholander  (1947).  Serial  samples  were  plotted  against  time  and 
the  slope  was  used  in  computing  the  oxygen  consumption.  The  concentration 
was  never  allowed  to  go  below  18  per  cent  in  any  run.  Respiration  was  assumed 
to  be  independent  of  tension  over  this  small  range. 

After  the  snails  were  placed  in  the  cold  bath,  at  least  6  hours  were  allowed  for 
phase  equilibration  between  ice  and  water  in  the  tissues.  Previous  experience 
(Kamvisher,  1955)  had  shown  that  there  was  no  appreciable  increase  in  ice  after 
this  length  of  time.  The  syringe  was  then  flushed  with  cold  outside  air.  A  series 
of  oxygen  determinations  showed  that  such  air  did  not  vary  appreciably  from 
20.94  per  cent  so  this  was  considered  the  starting  concentration.  At  intervals 
ranging  from  2  to  120  hours  samples  were  withdrawn  with  a  mercury  gas  sampler. 

Volumetric  respirometers  (Scholander  ct  a!.,  1952)  were  used  above  0°.  One 
ml.  of  sea  water  was  included  in  the  vial  with  the  animals.  At  0°  such  values 
wrere  in  good  agreement  with  those  made  by  gas  analysis  which  is  specific  for 
oxygen.  The  often  used  and  rarely  proven  hypothesis  is  thus  confirmed  that  the 
volume  decrease  is  due  to  oxygen  being  consumed. 

The  respiration  temperature  data  from  —10  to  +30°  C.  are  plotted  in  Figure  2. 
Between  0  and  +20°,  oxygen  consumption  shows  the  usual  logarithmic  increase 



\vith  a  Q10  of  2  to  3.  Above  this  respiration  decreases,  probably  due  to  thermal 
injury.  Below  0°  the  metabolic  activity  drops  sharply  with  an  apparent  Q10  of 
about  50. 

At  -10°,  respiration  was  so  low  it  took  6  days  for  the  snails  to  consume  a 
measureable  amount  of  oxygen.  Even  in  this  length  of  time  the  concentration 
change  was  smaller  than  desired  for  accurate  determination.  This  may  account 
for  the  greater  spread  of  values  at  this  low  temperature.  At  -15°  the  empty 
syringes  gave  blank  values  of  one-third  the  oxygen  decrease  in  those  containing 
snails.  This  may  be  due  to  oxidation  of  grease  used  on  the  syringe  plunger.  It 


-    I 



















TEMP.  °C. 

-10  -5  0  5  10  15  20 

FIGURE  2.     Variation  of  oxygen  uptake  with  temperature. 



did  not  seem  that  this  technique  could  be  trusted  on  the  slower  rates  to  be  expected 
at  still  lower  temperatures. 


Scholander  et  al.  (1953)  have  given  several  reasons  why  the  respiratory  gas 
exchange  of  a  frozen  animal  drops  so  much  more  rapidly  with  temperature  than  it 
does  above  0°  when  no  ice  is  present.  The  ice  may  act  as  a  diffusion  barrier  to 
the  gases.  The  increased  viscosity  of  the  body  fluids  may  slow  the  reaction  rates. 
Finally  the  increased  salinity  may  directly  inhibit  the  animal's  metabolism.  No 
way  could  be  devised  to  test  the  first  two  hypotheses.  The  respiratory  response 
to  increased  salinity  above  0°  can  be  determined  independently  of  any  ice  effects. 



Higher  than  normal  salinities  were  made  by  freezing  sea  water  and  using 
the  brine.  Dilution  with  fresh  water  gave  lower  than  normal  salinities.  Freshly 
collected  snails  were  placed  in  jars  containing  the  different  salinities  for  a  minimum 
of  6  hours  before  being  used.  At  very  high  and  low  values  the  snails  withdrew 
into  their  shells.  Experience  had  shown  that  the  operculum  blocks  respiratory 
gas  exchange  so  these  could  not  be  used. 

For  the  respiration  measurements  single  snails  were  placed  in  20-ml.  syringes 
filled  with  the  desired  salinity.  The  syringes  were  kept  in  a  constant  temperature 
bath  except  when  sampling.  One-mi,  samples  were  removed  at  convenient  intervals 
and  analyzed  gasometrically  for  oxygen  by  the  method  of  Scholander  et  al.  (1955). 












%   SAL 

0     \ 

o     \  o 



\        LITTOREA 

0°    \0 






2.5  5.0  7.5 

FIGURE  3.     Response  of  oxygen  uptake  to  different  salinities. 

Since  this  is  a  physical  extraction  of  the  gases  it  could  be  relied  on  in  spite  of  the 
water  sometimes  becoming  cloudy  with  waste  products. 

As  in  the  low  temperature  gas  analysis  method  several  serial  readings  were 
used  to  indicate  the  rate  of  oxygen  removal  by  the  snails.  Low  oxygen  tensions 
were  avoided  by  working  in  the  range  of  2.5  to  6  mm.3  of  oxygen  per  ml.  The 
curves  showed  that  respiration  was  independent  of  tension  over  this  range. 

The  variations  of  oxygen  consumption  with  changes  in  the  external  salinity  are 
shown  in  Figure  3.  High  salinity  depresses  the  respiration  of  Littorina  littorca. 
This  is  a  reversible  effect  since  the  rate  increases  again  when  the  snail  is  returned 
to  normal  salinity.  When  the  snails  withdrew  into  their  shells  at  higher  salinities 
than  shown,  no  oxygen  consumption  could  be  detected.  They  are  apparently  able 
to  subsist  for  long  periods  anaerobically. 


Since  freezing  occurs  throughout  the  animal,  the  remaining  body  fluids  in  all  parts 
of  the  animal  are  concentrated.  If  any  effect  of  external  salinity  above  0°  is  to  be 
related  to  freezing,  it  must  be  shown  that  the  animal  is  not  osmotically  regulating. 
Increased  salinity  could  conceivably  be  effective  in  only  altering  the  absorption  of 
oxygen  at  the  surface.  Tissues  of  snails  from  water  of  different  salinities  were 
analyzed  for  chlorides.  By  carefully  cracking  the  shell,  the  animal  could  be  re- 
moved whole.  Excess  water  was  mopped  off  and  the  weight  quickly  taken.  The 
water  was  removed  by  drying  for  several  hours  in  a  100°  oven.  The  dry  weight 
then  gave  the  total  water  by  difference.  The  dry  tissue  was  then  digested  and 
titrated  for  the  amount  of  total  chlorides  present.  This  amount  was  considered 
dispersed  in  all  the  animal  water  in  order  to  calculate  the  concentration  in  the  live 
animal.  From  the  resulting  normalities  at  different  external  salinities  it  was 
clear  that  internal  chloride  concentration  was  proportional  to  that  outside  the 
animal.  Any  result  of  externally  varied  salinity  can  reasonably  be  viewed  as 
arising  from  a  corresponding  change  throughout  the  animal. 


Chambers  and  Hale  (1932)  observed  plant  and  animal  cells  freezing  under 
the  microscope.  They  found  that  ice  formation  inside  the  cellular  membrane  always 
resulted  in  the  death  of  the  cell.  The  detailed  studies  of  Asahina  and  his  colleagues 
(1954)  have  described  the  freezing  process  in  the  blood  and  isolated  organs  of 
insect  pre-pupae  and  in  the  intact  insects  themselves.  They  also  found  that 
intra-cellular  freezing  is  lethal  to  the  cell  or  tissue.  Such  results  are  responsible 
for  the  general  belief  that  all  freezing  in  animals  and  plants  takes  place  outside 
the  cells. 

The  impressive  liquid  air  freezing  experiments  of  nematodes  by  Luyet  and 
Gehenio  (1940)  have  almost  certainly  been  an  instance  of  ice  within  cells.  Lack 
of  injury  here  has  been  attributed  to  the  very  rapid  rate  of  freezing.  This  vitrifica- 
tion does  not  allow  time  enough  for  ice  crystals  to  grow  to  a  size  where  they  can 
damage  protoplasmic  structures.  It  forms  the  basis  of  the  histology  used  here. 
This  phenomenon  probably  has  little  to  do  with  the  normal  ecology  of  these  animals 
in  nature. 

Shore  animals  that  are  exposed  to  freezing  are  in  shells.  This  impedes  heat 
transfer  and  gives  ice  crystals  time  to  grow.  One  can  readily  see  them  in  an 
opened  animal.  The  tissues  of  such  an  animal  are  similar  in  texture  and  appearance 
to  a  frozen  piece  of  meat.  It  is  not  surprising  when  one  considers  that  water  makes 
up  three-fourths  of  the  bulk  of  the  animal  and  four-fifths  or  more  of  it  may  be  ice. 
The  photomicrographs  presented  here  show  the  large  amount  of  distortion  necessary 
at  the  cellular  scale  to  make  room  for  this  ice.  Yet  this  can  change  back  to  a  more 
or  less  normal  appearing  tissue  in  30  seconds  as  shown  in  Figures  1,  A  and  B. 
Siminovitch  and  Briggs  (1949)  have  related  frost  hardiness  in  plants  to  the  ability 
of  water  to  migrate  rapidly  in  and  out  of  the  cells.  Unfortunately  no  equivalent 
test  could  be  devised  to  apply  this  to  shore  animals. 

Littorina  littorea  was  found  to  remain  out  of  its  shell  and  behave  normally  in 
salinities  of  2  to  7  per  cent.  It  sharply  decreased  its  metabolism  in  response  to  a 
salinity  increase.  In  Figure  3.  the  data  indicate  that  doubling  the  salinity  above 
the  optimum  decreases  the  oxygen  demand  to  about  a  third.  As  the  salinity  of 


the  body  fluids  is  increased  by  the  freezing  out  of  water,  oxygen  uptake  must 
drop  in  the  same  fashion.  From  the  freezing  curves  in  a  previous  paper  (Kan- 
wisher,  1955)  70  to  80  per  cent  of  the  water  in  this  species  is  frozen  at  —10°. 
This  would  result  in  a  Q10  from  the  salinity  of  about  10.  Above  0°  the  Q10  due 
to  the  usual  temperature  effect  on  reaction  rates  is  between  2  and  3.  Combining 
these  one  would  expect  a  Qlf,  in  the  range  of  20  to  30  below  0°.  The  actually 
observed  one  is  closer  to  50.  The  effect  of  ice  as  a  gaseous  diffusion  barrier  and 
that  from  the  loss  of  water  itself  may  account  for  the  difference.  It  is  felt  that 
the  present  data  do  not  warrant  a  more  vigorous  interpretation.  Similar  work  with 
intertidal  algae  (Kan wisher,  1957)  has  shown  that  the  drying  effect  of  freezing 
was  chiefly  responsible  for  a  similar  large  decrease  in  respiration.  A  three-times 
increase  in  salinity  had  little  effect  on  the  oxygen  uptake  of  these  plants. 

Freezing  in  shore  animals  to  the  extent  shown  here  is  a  normal  occurrence 
twice  daily  in  the  winter  with  no  obvious  injury  to  the  animal.  This  freezing 
hardiness  is  probably  connected  with  the  ability  to  stand  the  internal  distortions  and 
high  salinities  that  result.  The  greatly  lowered  metabolism  may  be  of  adaptive 
significance  in  severe  locations  where  shore  animals  are  frozen  into  the  ice  for 
months  at  a  time.  As  such  it  could  represent  a  considerable  saving  in  food  reserves. 


1.  Histology  of  frozen  shore  animals  has  shown  large  pockets  of  intercellular 
ice  with  consequent  shrinkage  and  distortion  of  the  surrounding  cells. 

2.  The  Q10  drops  precipitously  in  the  region  of  ice  formation  and  may  be  as 
high  as  50. 

3.  High  tissue  salinity  without  freezing  decreases  oxygen  uptake.     Thus  the 
salinity  increase  that  results  from  freezing  is  responsible  for  a  large  part  of  the 

high  Qio- 


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SIMINOVITCH,  D.,  AND  D.  R.  BRiGGS,  1949.  The  chemistry  of  the  living  bark  of  the  black 
locust  tree  in  relation  to  frost-hardiness.  Arch.  Biochcm.,  23 :  8-17. 





Department  of  Zoology,  Neivcomb  College  of  Tulane   University,  New  Orleans  18,  Louisiana 

The  slime  mold,  Dictyostelium  discoideum  Raper,  is  a  relatively  simple  biological 
system  in  which  to  study  the  processes  of  differentiation  and  morphogenesis. 
From  a  seemingly  homogeneous  mass  of  cells  (the  aggregation  mass),  there  are 
eventually  formed  in  the  mature  sorocarp  two  basic  cell  types — the  stalk  cell  and 
the  spore  cell.  The  developmental  cycle  of  D.  discoideum  has  been  described  in 
detail  by  Bonner  (1944)  and  Raper  (1935,  1940)  and  will  not  be  repeated  here. 

In  the  recent  literature,  studies  have  been  reported  that  suggest  correlations 
between  nitrogen  metabolism  and  the  processes  of  differentiation  and  morphogenesis 
in  this  slime  mold.  Gregg,  Hackney  and  Krivanek  (1954)  detected  the  evolution 
of  ammonia  and  described  changes  in  several  nitrogenous  fractions  during  the  life 
cycle  of  this  organism.  In  this  same  study,  they  suggested  that  the  cellulose  of 
the  mature  sorocarp  was  synthesized  at  the  expense  of  a  protein  precursor  and 
pointed  out  that  the  major  nitrogen  changes  took  place  while  the  spore  and  stalk 
cells  were  being  formed,  i.e.,  during  the  culmination  process.  In  addition,  Krivanek 
and  Krivanek  (1958),  using  the  histochemical  technique  devised  by  Francis  (1953), 
demonstrated  the  occurrence  of  amine  oxidase  activity  in  various  regions  of  the 
slime  mold  undergoing  differentiative  changes.  The  simultaneous  occurrence  of 
changes  in  nitrogen  metabolism  and  of  differentiative  and  morphogenetic  phe- 
nomena prompted  the  present  study. 


The  method  as  outlined  by  Block,  Durrum  and  Zweig  (1955)  was  used  for 
ascending  paper  chromatographic  determinations  of  amino  acids  in  the  slime  mold. 
Chromatograms,  using  hydrolyzed  and  unhydrolyzed  tissues,  were  made  of  four 
representative  stages  of  development — migrating  pseudoplasmodium,  pre-culmina- 
tion,  culmination,  and  mature  sorocarp.  In  the  case  of  hydrolyzed  tissue,  in- 
dividuals in  the  desired  stage  of  development  were  isolated  and  homogenized  in 
6  N  HC1,  hydrolyzed  for  18  hours,  and  evaporated  over  a  boiling  water  bath. 
The  residue  was  placed  in  a  soda  lime  desiccator  for  48  hours  and  then  taken  up 
in  2  cc.  of  warm  glass-distilled  water  and  filtered.  After  evaporating  the  water 
filtrate,  the  residue  therefrom  was  taken  up  in  1  cc.  of  iso-propanol,  the  vehicle 
used  in  the  application  of  the  spot.  In  the  case  of  the  unhydrolyzed  tissue, 

1  This  research  was  supported  in  part  by  Research  Grant  E  1453  from  the  National  Insti- 
tute of  Allergy  and  Infectious  Diseases,  National  Institutes  of  Health,  U.  S.  Public  Health 




homogenates  were  made  with  water  and  evaporated.     The  residue  was  taken  up 
in  1  cc.  of  iso-propanol  and  applied  to  the  paper. 

The  microhomogenizer  described  by  Gregg,  Hackney  and  Krivanek  (1954) 
was  used  for  the  preparation  of  the  tissue  homogenates.  All  homogenization  took 
place  at  room  temperature  (22°  C.).  Depending  upon  the  stage  of  development  to 
be  analyzed,  the  homogenization  procedure  lasted  from  thirty  minutes  to  an  hour. 
All  evaporation  took  place  over  a  boiling  water  bath  with  the  evaporation  lasting 




FIGURE  1.  Diagram  of  the  results  of  two-dimensional  chromatography  on  hydrolyzed 
tissue  of  D.  discoideum.  Spots  are  identified  as  the  leucines  (1),  phenylalanine  (2),  methionine 
(3),  proline  (4),  tyrosine  (5),  alanine  (6),  threonine  (7),  histidine  (8),  glycine  (9),  glutamic 
acid  (10),  serine  (11),  asparagine  (12),  unknown  (13),  cystine  (14),  and  aspartic  acid  (15). 

no  more  than  five  minutes  in  any  case.     Rupture  of  virtually  all  cells  was  insured 
by  means  of  periodic  microscopic  examination  of  the  homogenate. 

For  both  types  of  analyses,  i.e.,  hydrolyzed  and  unhydrolyzed,  two-dimensional 
chromatograms  were  made  on  Whatman  No.  1  filter  paper.  For  the  first  dimension, 
n-butanol,  acetic  acid  and  water  (250,  60,  250  v/v/v)  were  used  as  the  solvent 
mixture.  For  the  second  dimension,  an  80%  solution  of  phenol  in  water  was 
used  as  solvent.  Development  of  the  spots  was  accomplished  by  means  of  spraying 
the  chromatograms  with  a  solution  of  0.3%  ninhydrin  in  95%  ethanol.  After 



spraying,  the  chromatograms  were  allowed  to  dry  in  complete  darkness  for  18 
hours.  No  less  than  6  and  no  more  than  10  runs  were  made  for  each  analysis. 
In  the  majority  of  cases,  consistent  spot  patterns  were  achieved  and  only  6  runs 
were  made.  However,  in  those  few  cases  where  slight  inconsistencies  in  the 
patterns  were  evident,  additional  runs  were  made  to  achieve  reproducibility. 

Identification  of  the  spots  was  achieved  in  two  ways.  Firstly,  Rf  values  were 
calculated  and  compared  with  the  Rf  values  of  known  amino  acids.  Secondly,  one- 
dimensional  as  well  as  two-dimensional  "control"  runs  were  made  using  solutions 
of  known  amino  acids,  both  singly  and  grouped,  and  the  loci  of  spots  were  com- 
pared between  the  control  and  experimental  series. 


Hydrolyzcd  tissue.  Results  of  the  chromatographic  studies  of  amino  acids  in 
hydrolyzed  tissues  of  D.  discoidcinn  are  shown  in  Figure  1.  With  the  exception 




FIGURE  2.  Diagram  of  the  results  of  two-dimensional  chromatography  on  unhydrolyzed 
tissue  of  D.  discoidcwn  in  the  migrating  pseudoplasmodium  stage.  Identified  spots  are  the 
leucines  (1),  methionine  (2),  tyrosine  (4),  alanine  (5),  threonine  (6),  glycine  (9),  serine  (10), 
glutamic  acid  (11),  aspartic  acid  (13),  and  cystine  (15).  Spots  7,  14,  16,  and  17  are  unknowns. 

of  one  spot  (no.  13),  all  spots  were  identified.  The  identified  spots  included  the 
leucines  (1),  phenylalanine  (2),  methionine  (3),  proline  (4),  tyrosine  (5),  alanine 
(6),  threonine  (7),  histidine  (8),  glycine  (9),  glutamic  acid  (10),  serine  (11), 
asparagine  (12),  cystine  (14),  and  aspartic  acid  (15). 

The  same  spot  pattern  persisted  throughout  the  four  analyzed  stages  of  develop- 
ment. Although  no  quantitative  determinations  of  the  amino  acids  were  made, 
comparisons  of  the  relative  spot  intensities  afforded  some  degree  of  quantification. 
Glutamic  acid  presented  the  most  intense  color  in  each  stage.  Also  quite  intense, 
but  not  to  the  degree  of  glutamic  acid,  were  the  spots  of  the  leucines,  methionine, 
alanine,  threonine,  serine,  and  asparagine.  Medium  light  spots  resulted  from 









FIGURE  3.  Diagram  of  the  results  of  two-dimensional  chromatography  on  unhydrolyzed 
tissue  of  D.  discoideum  in  the  pre-culmination  stage.  Spots  as  in  Figure  2,  plus  spot  12,  an 

phenylalanine,  tyrosine,  glycine,  and  histidine.     The  faintest  spots  were  those  of 
proline,  cystine  and  aspartic  acid. 

In  addition  to  these  well-formed  spots,  a  very  faint,  vaguely-defined  spot  was 
occasionally  found  in  the  approximate  locus  of  cysteine.  Because  of  its  vagueness 



0  0 


FIGURE  4.  Diagram  of  the  results  of  two-dimensional  chromatography  on  unhydrolyzed 
tissue  of  D.  discoidcum  in  the  culmination  stage.  Spots  as  in  Figure  2,  plus  spots  3  and  12, 



and  the  failure  of  our  controls  to  show  a  clear  cysteine  spot,   we  cannot   state 
positively  either  the  presence  or  absence  of  cysteine. 

Unhydrolyzed  tissue.  Results  of  the  chromatographic  studies  of  amino  acids 
in  unhydrolyzed  tissue  of  D.  discoidewn  are  shown  in  Figures  2,  3,  4  and  5. 
Whereas  a  consistent  spot  pattern  occurred  throughout  the  developmental  cycle 
in  the  case  of  hydrolyzed  tissue,  considerable  variability  in  the  spot  patterns  oc- 
curred between  the  several  stages  in  the  case  of  unhydrolyzed  tissue.  A  total  of 
17  spots  appeared  in  all  or  nearly  all  of  the  stages  of  development.  However,  only 
ten  were  identified.  They  were  the  spots  of  the  leucines  (1),  methionine  (2), 
tyrosine  (4),  alanine  (5),  threonine  (6),  glycine  (9),  serine  (10),  glutamic  acid 
(11),  aspartic  acid  (13),  and  cystine  (15).  The  remaining  seven  spots — 3,  7,  8, 
12,  14.  16,  and  17- — were  not  identified.  Presumably  these  ninhydrin-positive 




03  o  ar« 

FIGURE  5.  Diagram  of  the  results  of  two-dimensional  chromatography  on  unhydrolyzed 
tissue  of  D.  discoidewn  in  the  mature  sorocarp  stage.  Spots  as  in  Figure  2,  plus  spots  3,  8, 
and  12,  unknowns. 

spots  were  simple  peptides.  It  is  possible  that  these  spots  were  the  products  of 
partial  hydrolysis  by  enzymes  derived  from  the  cells.  However,  in  view  of  the 
rapidity  with  which  the  tissues  were  prepared,  this  would  seem  unlikely.  Those 
spots  which  were  evident  in  all  stages  of  development  were  1,  2,  5,  6,  7,  9,  10,  11, 
13.  14,  15,  and  16.  Although  spot  12,  an  unknown,  did  not  appear  in  the  migrating 
pseudoplasmodium.  it  did  appear  in  the  succeeding  three  stages  of  development. 
Spot  3,  also  unknown,  appeared  only  in  the  culmination  and  mature  sorocarp 
stages,  while  spot  8,  a  third  unknown,  appeared  only  in  the  mature  sorocarp  stage. 
Spot  4,  identified  as  tyrosine,  was  present  in  all  stages  except  the  mature  sorocarp, 
and  spot  17  appeared  erratically — being  present  in  all  but  the  pre-culmination  stage. 
As  in  the  case  of  hydrolyzed  tissue,  cysteine  could  not  be  definitely  ascertained  as 
either  being  present  or  absent. 



In  their  quantitative  studies  of  the  nitrogen  metabolism  in  the  slime  mold,  D. 
discoideum,  Gregg,  Hackney  and  Krivanek  (1954)  demonstrated  a  decrease  in  the 
total  nitrogen/dry  weight  during  the  transition  from  the  migrating  pseudoplas- 
modiuni  to  the  mature  sorocarp.  They  attributed  this  decrease  to  a  decrease  in 
the  total  extractable  protein  nitrogen  and  total  unextractable  nitrogen  components 
of  the  slime  mold.  In  addition,  they  found  that  ammonia  was  being  given  off 
by  the  slime  mold  during  its  life  cycle.  In  a  subsequent  study,  Gregg  and 
Bronsweig  (1956)  found  a  steady  increase  in  the  total  amount  of  reducing  sub- 
stances (presumably  carbohydrates)  as  the  life  cycle  progressed.  On  the  basis  of 
these  data,  it  was  suggested  that  the  protein  fraction  of  the  slime  mold  served 
as  a  precursor  for  the  carbohydrate  of  the  mature  sorocarp.  However,  no  indica- 
tion was  made  of  the  possible  pathway  (s)  involved  in  this  conversion.  The  present 
study  may  be  suggestive  in  this  respect. 

Glutamic  acid  invariably  presented  the  most  intense  spot  of  any  of  the  deter- 
mined amino  acids.  This  was  evident  in  both  hydrolyzed  and  unhydrolyzed 
tissues.  The  deamination  of  glutamic  acid  to  a-ketoglutaric  acid  with  the  cor- 
responding release  of  ammonia  is  known.  Because  of  the  reversibility  of  this 
reaction,  it  is  considered  to  be  one  of  the  prime  mechanisms  responsible  for  the 
interconversion  of  ammonia  and  a-amino  group  nitrogen.  The  reaction  is  catalyzed 
by  glutamic  acid  dehydrogenase,  requiring  either  DPN  or  TPN  as  a  coenzyme 
(Meister,  1957).  The  importance  of  this  reaction,  as  it  relates  to  D.  discoideum, 
lies  in  the  fact  that  not  only  has  glutamic  acid  been  detected  to  a  high  degree  in 
the  slime  mold,  but,  also,  the  liberation  of  ammonia  during  the  life  cycle  suggests 
such  a  deamination  reaction.  Further,  Krivanek  and  Krivanek  (1958)  demon- 
strated non-specific  dehydrogenase  activity  in  the  pre-stalk  area  of  the  pre-culmina-- 
tion  and  culmination  stages — stages  in  which  the  future  sorophore  sheath  (con- 
sisting primarily  of  polysaccharides)  is  being  secreted  by  the  stalk  cells  as  they 
move  apically  to  become  eventually  enclosed  within  the  sorophore  sheath.  This 
non-specific  dehydrogenase  activity  could  logically  be  attributed  to  glutamic  acid 
dehydrogenase.  By  virtue  of  the  relationship  between  glutamic  acid,  a-ketoglutarate, 
areas  of  dehydrogenase  activity,  and  sites  of  carbohydrate  secretion,  there  thus  can 
be  postulated  this  link  between  carbohydrate  metabolism  and  protein  metabolism  in 
the  slime  mold. 

The  glutamic  acid-ketoglutarate  relationship,  if  actually  operative  in  the  slime 
mold,  need  not  be  the  only  link  between  carbohydrate  metabolism  and  protein 
metabolism.  Aspartic  acid,  also  demonstrated  in  hydrolyzed  and  unhydrolyzed 
tissues  of  the  slime  mold,  can  be  deaminated  to  fumarate,  another  intermediate  in 
the  citric  acid  cycle  (Meister,  1957),  thus  creating  a  second  possible  link  between  the 
two  types  of  metabolism.  Further,  there  is  the  possibility  that  alanine  can  undergo 
deamination  forming  the  Krebs  cycle  intermediate — pyruvate — as  has  been  sug- 
gested by  Meister  (1957),  and  serine,  as  well  as  cysteine,  can  undergo  the  same 
process  yielding  ammonia  and  pyruvate. 

The  suggested  relationships  already  discussed  do  not  preclude  the  possibility 
of  other  mechanisms  relating  carbohydrate  metabolism  to  protein  metabolism,  such 
as  clecarboxylation  and  transamination.  There  is  as  yet,  however,  no  evidence 
to  indicate  the  presence  of  these  mechanisms  in  the  slime  mold. 


Several  of  the  amino  acids  of  the  hydrolyzed  tissues  appear  as  well  in  un- 
hydrolyzed tissue.  Consequently,  it  is  not  possible  to  determine  whether  these 
amino  acids  occur  as  free  amino  acids  only,  or  also  as  bound  amino  acids.  How- 
ever, four  amino  acids  appear  only  in  the  hydrolyzed  tissue  (phenylalanine,  proline, 
histidine,  and  asparagine).  They  are  considered  therefore  to  exist  only  in  the 
bound  form.  The  significance  of  these  amino  acids  with  respect  to  the  differentia- 
tive  process  in  Dictyosteliuni  is  at  present  not  apparent. 

Studies  have  recently  been  initiated  to  test  the  validity  of  the  above  postulates. 
These  correlative  studies  will  embrace  the  use  of  the  analogs  of  the  amino  acids 
shown  to  be  present  in  D.  discoideum. 


1.  The  amino  acids  in  hydrolyzed  and  unhydrolyzed  tissue  of  the  slime  mold, 
Dictyosteliuni  discoideum  Raper,  have  been  determined  by  means  of  two-dimen- 
sional ascending  paper  chromatography.     Analyses  were  made  on  four  stages  of 
development — migrating    pseudoplasmodium,     pre-culmination,     culmination,     and 
mature  sorocarp. 

2.  Unhydrolyzed  tissue  contained  the  leucines,  methionine,   tyrosine,  alanine, 
threonine,  glycine,  serine,  glutamic  acid,  aspartic  acid,  cystine,  and  seven  unidentified 
spots,  presumably  simple  peptides.     Not  all  these  spots  were  present  in  all  tested 

3.  Hydrolyzed  tissue  contained  in  addition  to  the  amino  acids  identified  above, 
phenylalanine,  proline,  histidine,  asparagine,  and  one  unknown  spot.     All  tested 
stages  were  identical. 

4.  The  postulate  is  presented  that  glutamic  acid  (and  possibly  also  to  a  lesser 
degree  aspartic  acid,  alanine,  serine,  and  cysteine)  through  deamination  may  enter 
the  Krebs  cycle  and  form  a  link  between  protein  and  carbohydrate  metabolism, 
the  change  in  balance  between  protein  and  carbohydrate  being  one  of  the  most 
prominent  features  of  differentiation  in  this  organism. 


BLOCK,  R.  J.,  E.  L.  DURRUM  AND  G.  ZWEIG,  1955.     A  Manual  of  Paper  Chromatography  and 

Paper  Electrophoresis.     Academic  Press,  Inc.,  New  York. 
BONNEK,  J.  T.,  1944.     A  descriptive  study  of  the  slime  mold,  Dictyostelium  discoideum.     Anier. 

J.  Bot.,  31 :  175-182. 
FRANCIS,  C.  M.,  1953.     Histochemical  demonstration  of  amine  oxidase  in  liver.     Nature,  171  : 

GREGG,  J.  H.,  A.  L.  HACKNEY  AND  J.  O.  KRIVANEK,  1954.     Nitrogen  metabolism  of  the  slime 

mold  Distvostcliiim  discoideum  during  growth  and  morphogenesis.     Biol.   Bull.,   107 : 

GREGG,  J.  H.,  AND  R.  D.  BRONSWEIG,  1956.     Biochemical  events  accompanying  stalk  formation 

in  the  slime  mold,  Distyostelium  discoideum.    J.  Cell.  Comp.  Physiol.,  48:  293-300. 
KRIVANEK,  J.  O.,  AND  R.  C.  KRIVANEK,  1958.     The  histochemical  localization  of  certain  bio- 
chemical   intermediates    and    enzymes    in    the    developing    slime    mold,    Dictyostelium 

discoideum  Raper.    /.  Exp.  Zool,  37:  89-116. 

MEISTER,  A.,  1957.     Biochemistry  of  the  Amino  Acids.     Academic  Press,  Inc.,  New  York. 
RAPER,  K.  B.,  1935.     Dictyostelium  discoideum,  a  new  species  of  slime  mold  from  decaying  forest 

leaves.    /.  Agric.  Res.,  50:   135-147. 
RAPER,  K.  B.,  1940.     Pseudoplasmodium  formation  and  organization  in  Dictyostelium  discoideum. 

J.  Elisha  Mitchell  Sci.  Soc.,  56 :  241-282. 



J.  A.  RIEGEL1 
Department   of  Zoology,    University   of  California,   Davis,    California 

The  internal  effects  of  osmoregulation  were  studied  in  two  euryhaline  species 
of  isopod  crustaceans,  Gnorhnophaeroma  orcgonensis  (Dana)  and  Sphaeroma 
pcntodon  Richardson.  Although  a  large  literature  exists  on  the  subject  of  osmoreg- 
ulation in  Crustacea,  only  a  little  of  it  concerns  isopods.  Therefore,  the  present 
study  was  undertaken  to  gain  more  information  in  this  relatively  unexplored  area. 

Bogucki  (1932)  studied  the  ionic  composition  of  the  body  fluid  in  Mesidotea 
cntomon,  which  according  to  Ekman  (1953)  is  an  inhabitant  of  the  Baltic  and 
Arctic  Seas  and  several  fresh-water  lakes  in  the  land  area  of  the  northwest  Pacific, 
Siberia,  and  northern  Europe.  Bogucki  found  the  body  fluid  concentration  to  be 
hypertonic  to  the  medium  in  lower  salinities,  becoming  isotonic  as  the  medium 
approached  sea  water.  Lockwood  and  Croghan  (1957),  studying  the  brackish-  and 
fresh-water  races  of  the  same  species,  found  the  osmotic  behavior  to  be  similar  in 
both  races,  except  that  the  brackish-water  animals  could  not  survive  in  fresh  water. 
They  concluded  that  the  fresh-water  race  has  developed  a  more  effective  osmoreg- 
ulatory  mechanism  that  enables  it  to  maintain  the  high  haemolymph  concentrations 
of  the  brackish-water  race  in  fresh  water.  Bateman  (1933)  found  that  Ligia 
oceanica  maintained  its  body  fluid  hypertonic  to  a  medium  of  about  80  per  cent 
sea  water,  but  swelled  and  died  in  50  per  cent  sea  water.  However,  Parry  (1953), 
working  with  Ligia  exotica,  found  that  in  well-aerated  sea  water,  specimens  of 
the  species  could  survive  17  to  30  days  in  salinities  ranging  from  50  to  125  per 
cent  sea  water.  In  very  concentrated  media  (A  =  3.46°  C.),  the  body  fluid  was 
maintained  hypotonic  to  the  medium.  Menzies  (1954),  in  addition  to  splitting 
Gnorimosphacroma  orcgonensis  into  two  subspecies,  lute  a  and  oregonensis,  per- 
formed preliminary  experiments  to  test  the  ability  of  the  two  subspecies  to  survive 
in  various  salinities.  Specimens  of  G.  o.  oregonensis  taken  from  25  per  cent  sea 
water  and  placed  in  tap  water  were  all  dead  after  one  day.  Specimens  of  G.  o. 
lutea  taken  from  1.6  per  cent  sea  water  and  placed  in  tap  water  died  slowly  over 
a  period  of  three  days.  Menzies  concluded  that  G.  o.  oregonensis  is  probably  re- 
stricted to  sea  water,  but  he  was  puzzled  as  to  why  G.  o.  lutea  could  survive  in 
sea  water,  but  not  in  tap  water  (salts  equivalent  to  0.3%  sea  water),  which  was  not 
very  much  less  saline  than  the  normal  habitat  water  (1.6%  sea  water).  He 
postulated  that  G.  o.  lutea  required  a  slight  concentration  of  salts,  greater  than  the 
tap  water  used,  or  that  there  were  toxins  present  in  that  medium. 

1  Present  address :  Department  of  Zoology,  State  College  of  Washington,  Pullman, 



Experimental  animals 

Gnorimosphaeroma  oregonensis  is  widely  distributed  over  the  west  coast  of 
North  America  from  Alaska  to  central  California  (Menzies,  1954).  It  also  occurs 
in  Hawaii  (M.  A.  Miller,  unpublished  report).  It  may  be  collected  intertidally  in 
bays,  in  estuarine  conditions  and  occasionally  populations  of  the  species  are  found  in 
fresh-water  creeks  and  ponds.  Because  of  its  ability  to  inhabit  such  a  wide  eco- 
logical range,  it  was  considered  to  be  a  suitable  experimental  type  for  the  further 
elucidation  of  osmoregulatory  adaptations  which  enable  a  marine  animal  to  live 
in  brackish  and  fresh  water. 

The  following  designations  will  be  used  for  the  three  habitat  groups  of 
Gnorimosphaeroma  oregonensis.  Animals  taken  from  fresh  water  will  be  called 
G.  oregonensis  (FW)  ;  those  taken  from  estuarine  populations  will  be  called  G. 
oregonensis  (EF  =  estuarine  form),  and  those  animals  taken  from  intertidal  bay 
populations  will  be  designated  G.  oregonensis  (BF  =  bay  form).  G.  oregonensis 
(FW  and  EF)  equal  the  subspecies  G.  o.  lute  a  of  Menzies.  G.  oregonensis  (BF) 
equals  the  subspecies  G.  o.  oregonensis  of  Menzies. 

Sphaeroma  pentodon  is  known  only  from  San  Francisco  Bay  (Richardson, 
1905),  Tomales  Bay  (new  locality),  and  Bolinas  Lagoon  (new  locality),  California. 
It  lives  intertidally  in  burrows,  which  it  constructs  in  mud,  wooden  logs  and  pilings, 
and  sandstone.  The  salinity  of  the  habitats  from  which  it  was  collected  ranged 
from  about  11  per  cent  sea  water  to  about  96  per  cent  sea  water.  6\  pentodon 
was  included  in  the  study  because  it  is  related  to  Gnorimosphaeroma  oregonensis, 
and  its  range  overlaps  that  of  the  latter  species  in  parts  of  its  distribution. 


Four  principal  types  of  studies  were  made :  ( 1 )  Changes  in  the  total  osmotic 
pressure  of  the  body  fluid  after  three,  24,  and  48  hours  exposure  to  the  experimental 
salinities  were  made  in  order  to  determine  the  relative  degree  and  pattern  of 
osmoregulation  exhibited  by  the  animals.  (2)  The  animals  were  weighed  before 
and  after  exposure  to  the  experimental  salinities  for  24  hours  in  order  to  detect 
possible  changes  in  weight  indicating  water  gain  or  loss.  (3)  Survival  tests  were 
run  to  determine  the  length  of  time  the  experimental  animals  could  live  in  the 
experimental  salinities.  (4)  Field  checks  were  made  by  measuring  changes  in 
the  body  fluid  of  all  but  Gnorimosphaeroma  oregonensis  (FW)  during  a  portion  of 
a  tidal  cycle. 

The  laboratory  experiments  were  conducted  at  16°  C.,  a  temperature  to  which 
all  forms  were  accustomed.  The  animals  were  placed  in  60  per  cent  sea  water  for 
24  hours  prior  to  the  start  of  the  experiments.  The  60  per  cent  sea  water  permitted 
a  common  starting  salinity  for  all  experimental  series,  facilitating  comparisons. 

E.vperimen tal  salinities 

The  experimental  salinities  used  in  this  study  were  125,  100,  75,  50,  and  25 
per  cent  sea  water,  and  fresh  water  (salts  equivalent  to  0.25%  sea  water  by  chloride 
determination).  The  100  per  cent  sea  water  (salinity  =  34.44%o)  was  collected  off 

274  J.  A.  RIEGEL 

the  Marin  County  coast  away  from  the  influence  of  fresh-water  streams.  The  25, 
50,  and  75  per  cent  sea  water  solutions  were  made  by  diluting  normal  sea  water 
with  distilled  \vater.  The  125  per  cent  sea  water  solution  was  prepared  by  boiling 
normal  sea  water,  taking  care  not  to  precipitate  salts.  The  pH  was  checked  before 
and  after  boiling  to  ascertain  that  any  loss  of  carbon  dioxide  was  regained  by 
exposure  to  air.  The  fresh  water  was  soft  creek  water  collected  at  Pilarcitos 
Creek,  San  Mateo  County,  California. 

Salinity  determinations 

Salinity  determinations  on  sea  water  concentrations  greater  than  25  per  cent 
sea  water  were  made  by  a  short  method  described  by  Welsh  and  Smith  (1953). 
The  salinity  of  sea  water  diluted  to  less  than  25  per  cent  normal  sea  water  and  fresh 
water  was  determined  by  the  standard  silver  nitrate  titration  method  using  the 
Knudsen  Tables  (1901). 

Melting  point  determinations 

A  method  devised  by  Gross  (1954)  was  used  for  determining  the  melting  point 
of  body  fluids.  From  repeated  runs  on  standard  samples,  it  was  found  that  the 
concentration  of  the  body  fluids  could  be  obtained  within  an  error  of  about  two 
per  cent  sea  water  (0.04°  C). 

Body  fluid  samples  (ca.  1-2  mm3.)  were  collected  into  prepared  melting  point 
capillaries  (ca.  1  mm.  ID  X  3  cm.  length)  which  were  previously  marked  with  a 
coded  series  of  dots  corresponding  to  the  experimental  salinities  to  which  the 
animals  had  been  exposed.  Collection  of  the  body  fluid  was  facilitated  by  the  use 
of  a  hand  control.  After  collection,  both  ends  of  the  capillary  were  sealed  with 
petroleum  jelly  and  the  sample  quick-frozen  on  dry  ice. 

Survival  tests 

The  ability  of  the  experimental  animals  to  survive  for  extended  periods  of  time 
in  the  experimental  salinities  was  tested  as  follows :  Seventy  animals  of  each  experi- 
mental group  were  placed,  ten  each,  in  six  jars  containing  the  experimental  salini- 
ties, and  one  jar  containing  filtered  habitat  water.  The  jars  were  checked  daily 
for  21  days,  and  the  number  of  survivors  recorded. 

Field  tests 

Changes  in  the  body  fluid  concentration  of  Gnorinwsphaeroma  oregonensis 
(EF),  G.  oregonensis  (BF),  and  Sphacronm  pcntodon  during  a  71/o-hour  period 
from  low  to  high  tide  in  the  field  were  measured  as  follows  :  In  the  case  of  G. 
oregonensis  (EF),  which  remains  immersed  in  water  during  low  tide,  five  body 
fluid  samples  and  one  sea  water  sample  were  taken  at  114 -hour  intervals.  In  the 
case  of  G.  oregonensis  (BF)  and  5".  pcntodon,  which  remain  out  of  the  water 
during  low  tide,  five  body  fluid  samples  and  five  samples  of  water  around  the 
pleopods  were  collected.  The  body  fluid  and  pleopod  water  samples  were  frozen 
on  dry  ice  and  returned  to  Davis  for  determination. 




The  term  "gradient"  will  be  used  in  the  following  pages  to  indicate  the  differ- 
ence in  concentration  (expressed  in  percentage  sea  water)  between  the  body  fluid 
and  the  medium. 

Melting  point  determination  of  body  fluid  concentrations 

The  results  of  melting  point  determination  of  body  fluid  concentrations  are 
shown  in  Figure  1.  In  general,  changes  in  the  body  fluid  concentrations  seemed 

Exposure  Time  (hours) 

Exposure  Time  (hours) 









Exposure  Time  (hours) 

Exposure  Time  (hours) 

FIGURE  1.  Body  fluid  concentration  changes  with  time  in  the  experimental  salinities. 
The  dotted  line  represents  the  body  fluid  concentration  changes  of  animals  kept  in  habitat 
salinities  (controls)  indicated. 

to  be  rapid — the  major  changes  occurred  within  the  first  three  hours  of  exposure 
to  the  experimental  salinities. 

After  48  hours'  exposure,  the  fresh-water  and  estuarine  forms  of  Gnorimosphae- 
roma  oregoncnsis  maintained  their  body  fluids  hypertonic  to  the  medium  in  50  per 

276  J.  A.  RIEGEL 

cent  sea  water  and  less,  and  hypotonic  in  75  per  cent  sea  water  and  above.  How- 
ever, in  75  per  cent  sea  water  after  24  hours'  exposure,  the  body  fluid  concentration 
values  of  G.  oregonensis  (FW)  were  quite  variable,  ranging  between  hypotonicity 
and  hypertonicity.  Possibly  that  salinity  is  close  to  the  medium  concentration 
where  the  "switch"  from  hyper-  to  hypo-osmotic  regulation  occurs.  G.  oregonensis 
(BF)  maintained  its  body  fluid  hypotonic  to  the  medium  in  75  per  cent  sea  water 
and  above,  and  hypertonic  to  50  and  25  per  cent  sea  water.  Apparently,  there  was 
no  maintenance  of  the  body  fluid  concentration  in  fresh  water.  In  that  medium, 
the  body  fluid  concentration  steadily  dropped,  and  after  48  hours,  all  of  the  animals 
were  dead. 

Comparing  the  above  results  with  those  of  Menzies  (1954)  above  it  can 
be  seen  that  in  both  studies,  Gnorimosphaeroma  oregonensis  (BF)  (=  G.  o. 
oregonensis  of  Menzies)  could  not  survive  in  fresh  water.  However,  in  Men- 
zies' study,  G.  oregonensis  (EF)  (=  G.  o.  lutca  of  Menzies)  were  not  surviving 
after  three  days  in  tap  water,  while  in  the  present  study,  that  form  lived 
for  several  days  in  fresh  water.  It  is  possible  that  the  tap  water  used  by  Menzies 
(unchlorinated  well  water)  contained  some  unknown  toxic  substance  or  had  an 
imbalance  of  ions.  Its  ion  analysis  is  as  follows :  HCOs,  0.241%c ;  SC>4,  0.037%c ; 
Cl,  0.029%0;  Ca,  0.01  \%0\  Mg,  0.020^-,;  and  Na.  0.078%0. 

After  48  hours,  Sphaeroma  pentodon  maintained  its  body  fluid  hypotonic  to 
the  medium  in  100  and  125  per  cent  sea  water  and  hypertonic  in  the  lower  salinities. 
It  is  interesting  to  note  that  6".  pentodon  and  Gnorimosphaeroma  oregonensis  (BF) 
have  extremely  wide  viability  limits  in  terms  of  the  concentration  and  dilution  of 
their  body  fluids — surviving  within  a  concentration  range  (of  their  body  fluids) 
of  over  70  per  cent  sea  water ! 

Weight  changes  in  the  experimental  media 

No  weight  changes  were  detected  in  any  of  the  experimental  animal  groups, 
except  Gnorinwspliacronia  oregonensis  (BF)  in  fresh  water.  In  that  salinity,  the 
majority  of  the  animals  were  very  close  to  death  at  the  end  of  the  24-hour  period, 
and  the  weight  changes  were  considered  to  be  subnormal.  Those  animals  that 
were  still  active  at  the  end  of  the  24  hours  did  not  lose  weight.  It  was  possible 
to  weigh  the  animals  within  an  average  error  of  one  per  cent  of  their  body  weight. 

Survival  tests 

The  survival  experiment  was  terminated  after  21  days.  At  termination,  the 
estuarine  and  fresh-water  forms  of  Gnorhnosphaeronia  oregonensis  were  surviving 
in  all  salinities.  G.  oregonensis  (BF)  was  surviving  in  all  salinities  except  fresh 
water,  where  the  LD;-)0  value  (average  survival  time)  was  less  than  two  days. 
Sphaeroma  pentodon  was  surviving  in  all  experimental  salinities,  except  fresh  water, 
where  the  LD50  value  was  1 1  clays.  No  unusual  mortality  was  noted  among  the 

Field  tests 

The  results  of  the  field  test  of  body  fluid  concentration  changes  during  a  tidal 
cycle  showed  that  no  significant  changes  in  concentration  of  the  body  fluid  or  water 


surrounding  the  pleopods  were  detected  in  Gnorimosphaeroma  oregonensis  (BF) 
or  Sphaeroma  pentodon.  In  G.  orcgonensis  (EF),  however,  changes  were  rather 
characteristic.  Starting  at  low  tide,  when  the  animals  were  exposed  to  fresh  water, 
the  body  fluid  concentration  was  50  per  cent  sea  water.  This  concentration  did 
not  change  until  over  five  hours  later,  when  the  salinity  of  the  habitat  had  reached 
42  per  cent  sea  water,  at  which  time  the  body  fluid  concentration  was  58  per  cent 
sea  water.  Then,  by  the  time  of  the  extreme  high  tide,  1^4  hours  later,  the  body 
fluid  concentration  had  changed  again  to  70  per  cent  sea  water,  while  the  medium 
concentration  had  changed  to  65  per  cent  sea  water. 


Comparative  osmoregulatory  abilities 

Figure  2  shows  the  48-hour  body  fluid  concentrations  of  the  experimental 
animals  in  the  experimental  media.  It  was  assumed  that  all  major  changes  in  body 
fluid  concentration  had  occurred  by  48  hours.  In  hypotonic  media,  Sphaeroma 
pentodon  appears  to  be  a  strong  regulator,  at  least  in  50  and  75  per  cent  sea  water. 
There  is  no  apparent  reason  for  the  animals  to  maintain  such  high  body  fluid  con- 
centration in  those  salinities  when  they  can  live,  at  least  for  several  days,  in  fresh 
water  and  25  per  cent  sea  water  with  (presumably)  much  lower  body  fluid  con- 
centrations. Gnorimosphaeroma  oregonensis  (BF)  has  only  limited  regulation 
in  all  media  and  appears  to  be  the  greatest  conformer  of  the  group,  maintaining  a 
relatively  small  gradient  between  its  body  fluid  and  the  medium  in  all  salinities. 
G.  oregonensis  (EF)  and  G.  orcgonensis  (FW)  are  the  most  able  regulators  in 
terms  of  the  ability  to  maintain  their  body  fluid  concentrations  relatively  constant 
in  hypotonic  media.  The  body  fluid  concentration  differences  between  the  two 
forms  seen  in  fresh  water,  25  per  cent  sea  water,  and  50  per  cent  sea  water,  are 
statistically  significant  (t  —  6.15,  3.87,  and  12.3,  respectively,  with  11,  10,  and  9 
degrees  of  freedom).  The  ability  of  G.  orcgonensis  (FW)  to  maintain  its  body 
fluid  more  concentrated  in  the  hypotonic  media  perhaps  represents  the  major 
osmoregulatory  difference  between  the  two  forms.  The  estuarine  form  is  inter- 
mediate between  the  bay  and  fresh-water  forms  in  osmoregulatory  ability. 

Comparing  the  osmoregulatory  abilities  of  the  isopods  in  this  study  with  those 
of  other  crustaceans,  a  similarity  can  be  seen  to  species  inhabiting  similar  salinity 
ranges.  From  the  results  of  Lockwood  and  Croghan  (1957),  it  appears  that 
Mesidotca  entomon  is  similar  in  its  osmotic  regulation  to  Gnorimosphaeroma 
oregonensis.  The  former  species  consists  of  two  "races"  which  have  adapted  to 
brackish-  and  fresh-water.  As  in  G.  oregonensis  (FW),  the  fresh-water  M. 
entotnon  is  able  to  live  in  salinities  up  to  normal  sea  water.  However,  unlike 
G.  oregonensis  (EF),  the  brackish-water  "race"  of  M.  cntomon  cannot  live  in  fresh 
water.  The  brackish-water  M.  cntomon  is  thus  closer  to  G.  oregonensis  (BF)  and 
Sphaeroma  pentodon  in  its  osmoregulatory  abilities.  However,  M.  entomon  does 
not  show  the  high  degree  of  hypo-osmotic  regulation  seen  in  the  isopods  in  the 
present  study.  Beadle  and  Cragg  (1940)  reported  a  difference  in  the  ability  to 
retain  chloride  between  the  brackish-  and  fresh-water  forms  of  the  amphipod, 
Gammarus  duebeni,  when  placed  in  distilled  water.  The  fresh-water  form  retained 
sufficient  chloride  to  survive  for  several  days  in  distilled  water,  whereas  the  brackish- 






50  75 

Medium  Concentration (%SW) 


FIGURE  2.     Relation  of  the  body  fluid  concentration   to   the  medium   concentration   of 
animals  exposed  for  48  hours  to  the  experimental  salinities. 

water  form  lost  chloride  and  died  rapidly  in  that  medium.  It  appears  that  the 
osmoregulatory  abilities  of  the  isopods  in  this  study  are  intermediate  between  those 
of  one  group  of  crustaceans  which  can  hyper-regulate  in  dilute  sea  water,  but  become 
isosmotic,  or  nearly  so,  in  salinities  approaching  normal  sea  water  {e.g.,  Carcinus 
maenasj  Schlieper,  1929;  Hemigrapsus  oregonensis  and  H.  nudus,  Jones,  1941)  and 
a  second  group  of  crustaceans,  which  hyper-regulate  in  dilute  sea  water  and  hypo- 
regulate  in  salinities  approaching  normal  sea  water  (e.g.,  Heloecius  cordiformis, 
Edmonds,  1935 ;  Uca  crenulata  and  Pachygrapsus  crassipes,  Jones,  1941 ;  Palae- 
monetes  varians,  Panikkar,  1941;  and  Palaemon  serratus,  Parry,  1954).  All  but 
the  last  two  members  of  the  latter  group  are  primarily  semi-terrestrial,  which  has 
led  Prosser  ct  al.  (1950a,  1955)  to  suggest  that  hypo-osmotic  regulation  may  be 
associated  with  the  semi-terrestrial  habit.  The  isopods  in  this  study  are  able  to 
survive  for  extended  periods  out  of  water,  but  they  cannot  be  classified  as  semi- 


The  mechanism  of  osmoregulation 

Although  there  is  little  direct  evidence  elucidating  the  actual  mechanisms  of 
osmotic  regulation  of  the  body  fluid  of  the  experimental  animals,  it  is  possible  to 
make  certain  hypotheses  concerning  that  phenomenon  based  on  data  obtained  in 
the  present  study  and  in  studies  (unpublished)  which  were  made  prior  to  the 
present  study. 

a.  Evidence  for  water  movement 

There  were  no  detectable  weight  changes  in  the  experiments  conducted  at 
16°  C.,  which  indicates  that  there  was  no  net  gain  or  loss  of  water  from  the 
experimental  animals'  bodies.  It  is  probable  that  the  maintenance  of  a  zero  net 
water  flux  (that  is,  no  imbalance  of  the  water  gain/loss  ratio)  is  dependent  upon 
the  ability  of  the  animal  to  maintain  its  metabolic  rate  at  a  normal  level.  Duplicate 
experiments  done  at  5°  C.  (see  Riegel,  1958)  resulted  in  weight  gains  by  the 
experimental  animals  in  the  dilute  salinities  and  weight  losses  in  the  more  con- 
centrated salinities.  These  results  may  be  interpreted  as  being  due  to  an  inter- 
ference by  the  low  temperature  with  the  normal  metabolism  of  the  animals. 

b.  Evidence  for  salt  movement 

Since  there  were  no  weight  changes  in  the  experiments  conducted  at  16°  C., 
it  must  be  assumed  that  body  fluid  concentration  changes  were  due  to  salt  move- 
ment. In  dilute  media  (fresh  water  to  50  per  cent  sea  water),  the  salt  concentra- 
tion of  the  body  fluid  was  actively  maintained  against  a  gradient.  In  more  con- 
centrated media  (75  to  125  per  cent  sea  water),  salts  were  prevented  from  entering 
the  body  (or  were  eliminated  as  fast  as  they  came  in),  since  after  the  initial 
concentration  of  the  body  fluids  (generally  by  24  hours)  the  body  fluid  was 
maintained  hypotonic  to  the  medium.  This  mechanism  could  possibly  involve,  at 
least  in  part,  an  arrest  of  the  mechanism  for  active  salt  absorption. 

Except  for  Gnorimosphaeroma  orcgonensis  (FW)  there  was  a  rapid  loss  of 
salts  (within  three  hours)  in  the  more  dilute  salinities.  Whether  this  loss  was 
due  to  an  active  elimination  of  salts  by  the  animal,  thus  reducing  the  concentration 
gradient  between  their  body  fluids  and  the  medium,  or  a  passive  loss  from  the 
body  is  not  known.  There  is  some  evidence  suggesting  an  active  elimination  of 
salts  in  the  more  dilute  salinities,  shown  especially  by  G.  orcgonensis  (EF)  and 
Sphaeroma  pentodon  after  three  hours'  exposure  to  fresh  water.  In  those  two 
forms,  the  body  fluid  concentrations  dropped  more  rapidly  at  16°  C.  than  at  5°  C. 
(see  Riegel,  1958). 

Whatever  the  mechanism  for  the  maintenance  of  the  body  fluid  concentrations 
in  lower  salinities,  low  temperatures  interfere  with  the  metabolism  of  the  animals, 
causing  variations  in  osmoregulation  not  seen  at  the  higher  temperature.  In  all 
cases,  except  Gnorimosphaeroma  oregonensis  (BF)  in  fresh  water,  the  animals  were 
able  to  maintain  their  body  fluid  concentrations  within  viable  limits  after  48  hours' 
exposure  at  16°  C.  But  at  5°  C.,  G.  oregonensis  (BF)  was  dead  after  24  hours' 
exposure  to  fresh  water  and  48  hours'  exposure  to  25  per  cent  sea  water,  and 
Sphaeroma  pentodon  died  after  48  hours'  exposure  to  fresh  water.  Further,  the 
body  fluid  concentration  of  G.  oregonensis  (FW)  and  G.  oregonensis  (EF)  dropped 

280  J.  A.  RIEGEL 

to  subnormal  values  in  fresh  water  at  the  lower  temperature,  but  remained  within 
normal  limits  at  the  higher  temperature. 

Wikgren  (1953)  studied  the  effect  of  low  temperature  on  various  poikilotherm- 
ons  animals  (a  crayfish,  a  lamprey,  and  a  bony  fish)  and  concluded  that  low 
temperatures  have  their  chief  effect  in  interfering  with  the  ion-absorbing  mechanism 
of  the  animals.  In  the  lamprey,  urine  production  was  decreased  by  low  tem- 
perature, which  may  have  resulted  in  a  weight  gain,  although  Wikgren  did  not 
indicate  that  such  was  the  case.  David  (1925)  performed  experiments  on  the 
living  kidney  of  the  frog,  which  indicated  that  that  organ's  urine  diluting  and  con- 
centrating activity  was  not  affected  by  temperature.  However,  Wikgren  (1953) 
recalculated  David's  data  and  stated  that  the  diluting  capacity  of  the  frog's  kidney 
was  reduced  by  low  temperature.  Thus,  evidence  may  be  inferred  from  the  review 
by  Wikgren  (1953)  that  low  temperature  adversely  affects  the  ability  of  cold- 
blooded animals  (at  least,  cold-blooded  vertebrates)  to  rid  the  body  of  water. 

The  changes  in  body  fluid  concentration  seen  in  the  present  study  at  16°  C. 
were  undoubtedly  due  to  salt  movement.  Since  there  were  demonstrated  water 
losses  and  gains  at  5°  C.,  the  question  arose  as  to  whether  the  body  fluid  concentra- 
tion changes  which  occurred  at  that  low  temperature  were  due  entirely  to  water 
movement  or  were  partly  due  to  salt  movement. 

Because  the  usual  procedures  for  determining  body  fluid  volume  were  hardly 
applicable  to  animals  of  such  small  size  as  used  in  this  study,  that  component 
was  estimated  in  the  following  manner.  Ten  animals  of  each  experimental  group 
were  weighed,  and  all  the  body  fluid  removed  from  their  bodies  that  could  be 
collected  into  capillaries  of  1-mm.  bore.  The  animals  were  then  re-weighed. 
Average  collectable  body  fluid  weights  as  a  percentage  of  total  body  weight  were 
9.5,  9.7,  11.1,  and  6.  8,  respectively,  for  Gnorimosphaeroma  oregonensis  (FW), 
G.  oregonensis  (EF),  G.  oregonensis  (BF),  and  Sphaeroma  pentodon.  These 
values  established  the  minimum  possible  weight  of  the  body  fluid.  Ten  animals  of 
each  experimental  group  were  weighed  and  dried  to  constant  weight  in  a  calcium 
chloride  desiccator.  The  average  values  for  total  body  water  as  a  percentage  of 
the  total  body  weight  were  56.5,  55.6,  56.4,  and  53.8,  respectively,  for  G.  oregonensis 
(FW),  G.  oregonensis  (EF),  G.  oregonensis  (BF),  and  5".  pentodon.  These 
values  established  the  maximum  possible  weight  of  the  body  fluid  as  a  percentage  of 
the  total  body  weight. 

Table  I  compares  the  calculated  and  actual  dilution  and  concentration  of  the 
body  fluids  in  fresh  water  and  125  per  cent  sea  water  [using  a  40-milligram  speci- 
men of  Gnorimosphaeroma  oregonensis  (EF)  as  an  example]  based  on  estimates 
of  the  body  fluid  weight  ranging  from  ten  to  50  per  cent  of  the  total  body  weight. 
A  sample  calculation  follows :  Referring  to  Table  I,  it  can  be  seen  that  a  40-milligram 
animal,  with  a  body  fluid  concentration  of  50  per  cent  sea  water  (column  5),  when 
placed  in  fresh  water  would  gain  11.3  per  cent  of  its  body  weight  (column  3)  after 
24  hours.  If  the  weight  gain  is  due  entirely  to  water  entry  into  the  body,  the 
incoming  water  would  dilute  the  body  fluids  by  a  factor,  X,  given  by  the  relation : 

wt0  (=  original  body  fluid  weight)         .    .  a   .,  .         CA 

X  =  -  If  the   body   fluid   comprises    50  per 

wt24  (=  24-hour  body  fluid  weight) 

cent  of  the  total  body  weight  (column  1),  its  dilution  by  the  gain  of  4.5  milligrams 



v^  j. 


of    water    (column    4)    would    result    in    a    body    fluid    concentration    of    X-SQ 

20        \ 

^T-I  •  50  I,  or  40.8  per  cent  sea  water  (column  6) . 

When  a  40-milligram  animal  whose  initial  body  fluid  concentration  is  50  per 
cent  sea  water  is  placed  in  125  per  cent  sea  water,  if  the  body  fluid  comprises  50 
per  cent  of  the  total  weight,  the  body  fluid  would  be  concentrated  by  the  factor 

X  I  ••  •-     _      1.      Thus  the  body  fluid  will  be  concentrated  to  57.8  per  cent  sea  water 
\       1  / .  «5  / 

(column  10). 


Comparison  of  actual  and  calculated  concentration  and  dilution  of  the  body  fluids*  (BF)  at  5°  C. 

based  on  several  estimates  of  the  body  fluid  weight  (BF  Wt.)  as  a  percentage  of  total 

body  weight  (B  W)  and  assuming  the  concentration  and  dilution  to  be  due 

entirely  to  water  movement 












Est.  BF 

(%  BW) 

Est.  BF 


%  BW 


BF  Wt. 
24  hrs. 

BF  cone. 
(%  SW) 

BF  cone. 

BF  cone. 
24  hrs. 

%  BW 

BF  Wt. 
24  hrs. 

BF  cone. 
24  hrs. 
in  125% 

BF  cone. 
24  hrs. 
in  125% 




























































































































*  A  40-mg.  specimen  of  Gnorimosphaeroma  oregonensis  (EF)  was  used  as  an  example. 

From  Table  I  it  can  be  seen  that  the  calculated  body  fluid  concentrations  and 
dilutions  in  125  per  cent  sea  water  and  fresh  water,  based  on  estimates  of  the  body 
fluid  weight  percentage,  do  not  completely  match  the  actual  results.  If  the 
estimated  body  fluid  weight  of  50  per  cent  total  weight  is  correct,  the  calculated 
dilution  in  fresh  water  is  close  to  the  actual  value.  However,  the  calculated  con- 
centration in  125  per  cent  sea  water  is  much  lower  than  the  actual  value.  If  the 
estimated  body  fluid  weight  of  12  per  cent  total  body  weight  is  correct,  the  calcu- 
lated body  fluid  concentration  in  125  per  cent  sea  water  is  close  to  the  actual  value, 
but  the  calculated  body  fluid  concentration  in  fresh  water  is  much  lower  than  the 
actual  value.  Therefore,  it  is  likely  that  the  actual  body  fluid  weight  lies  somewhere 
between  10  and  50  per  cent  of  the  total  body  weight.  If  a  reasonable  estimate  of 
20  to  30  per  cent  is  close  to  the  actual  value  for  the  body  fluid  component  of  the 
total  body  weight,  it  appears  that  the  actual  body  fluid  concentrations  in  fresh  water 
and  125  per  cent  sea  water  at  5°  C.  are  not  due  entirely  to  water  movement.  That 
is.  it  is  probable  that  there  is  a  retention  or  reabsorption  of  salts  in  fresh  water  and 
an  absorption  of  salts  in  125  per  cent  sea  water. 


These  results  are  in  general  agreement  with  those  of  Hukuda  (1932)  who 
compared  the  theoretical  and  actual  change  in  weight  with  the  observed  change  in 
osmotic  pressure  of  the  blood  in  P  or  tunas  puber  when  that  marine  animal  was. 
immersed  in  %  normal  sea  water.  Gross  (1957)  found  in  Emerita  analoga  that 
a  weight  change  of  less  than  two  per  cent  of  the  body  weight  resulted  in  a  body 
fluid  concentration  change  equivalent  to  25  per  cent  sea  water.  Based  on  the 
assumption  that  osmotically  active  water  comprised  40  per  cent  of  the  body  weight,, 
he  calculated  that  the  weight  change,  if  due  entirely  to  water  movement,  would 
have  changed  the  body  fluid  concentration  by  less  than  six  per  cent. 

The  estimate  of  20  to  30  per  cent  as  the  haemolymph  component  of  the  body 
weight  in  Gnorimosphaeroma  oregonensis  (EF)  only  partially  agrees  with  similar 
estimates  of  that  value  in  other  crustaceans.  A  body  fluid  value  of  50  per  cent 
of  body  weight  was  assumed  by  Lockwood  and  Croghan  (1957)  for  Mesidotea 
cntomon.  Similarly,  a  body  fluid  of  %  body  weight  was  assumed  for  Palaemonetcs 
antennarius  by  Parry  (1957).  Gross  (1957)  made  actual  calculations  of  the 
"solute  space"  in  Pachygrapsus  crassipcs  and  Emerita  analoga  which  were,  re- 
spectively, 56  and  40  per  cent  of  body  weight.  However,  solute  space  would  be 
expected  to  be  greater  than  the  body  fluid  volume  and  less  than  the  total  body  water. 
Approximate  measurements  of  blood  volume  of  various  crustaceans  have  been 
made  using  sodium  thiocyanate.  Nagel  (1934)  found  a  blood  volume  of  37  per 
cent  of  body  weight  in  Carcinus  maenas.  Krogh  (1939)  measured  a  blood  volume 
of  33  per  cent  of  body  weight  in  Eriocheir  sinensis.  Prosser  and  Weinstein  (1950) 
measured  the  body  fluid  volume  of  the  crayfish.  Orconectes  virilis,  obtaining  values 
of  25.6  per  cent  and  25.1  per  cent,  respectively,  with  sodium  ferrocyanide  and  a  dye, 
T-1824.  The  isopods  in  the  present  study  seemed  to  have  large  amount  of 
exoskeleton  relative  to  soft  tissue.  This  fact  was  further  borne  out  by  the  relatively 
low  total  water  values,  and  in  the  writer's  opinion,  supports  the  estimate  of  20  to 
30  per  cent  of  total  body  weight  as  the  body  fluid  component. 

To  summarize,  it  is  probable  that  the  osmoregulatory  abilities  of  the  experimental 
animals  include  a  mechanism  for  active  salt  uptake  and  retention.  In  the  experi- 
ments conducted  at  16°  C.,  the  body  fluid  concentrations  and  dilutions  were  not 
accompanied  by  detectable  weight  losses  or  gains,  sviggesting  that  the  concentration 
and  dilution  are  due  to  salt  movement.  Since  concentrations  and  dilutions  of  the 
body  fluids  could  not  be  explained  purely  on  the  basis  of  water  movement  (weight 
losses  or  gains),  in  experiments  conducted  at  5°  C.,  there  is  evidence  that  con- 
centration changes,  especially  in  the  higher  salinities  (75  to  125  per  cent  sea  water) 
were  also  due  to  salt  movement  at  the  low  temperature.  There  is  some  evidence 
that  the  experimental  animals  actively  maintain  the  normal  water  content  of  the 
body  fluid.  Though  body  fluid  concentrations  were  well-marked  at  16°  C.,  no 
weight  changes  were  detected.  Rather  than  propose  that  no  water  enters  or  leaves 
the  bodies  of  the  experimental  animals  upon  exposure  to  the  experimental  salinities, 
it  might  be  more  reasonable  to  assume  that  the  normal  body  water  component  is 
actively  maintained  by  pumping  water  out  as  fast  as  it  comes  in  in  hypotonic  media 
and  by  active  water  uptake  and/or  salt  elimination  in  hypertonic  media.  The  fact 
that  weight  changes  were  well-marked  in  experiments  conducted  at  5°  C.  and 
non-existent  in  experiments  conducted  at  16°  C.  indicates  that  the  mechanism  for 
active  maintenance  of  the  water  balance  of  the  body  is  depressed  or  inactivated  by- 
low  temperature. 


The  writer  wishes  to  express  his  gratitude  to  Professor  Milton  A.  Miller  of  the 
University  of  California,  Davis,  for  his  guidance  during  the  writer's  period  of 
graduate  study.  Appreciation  is  expressed  to  Dr.  Ralph  I.  Smith,  of  the  Uni- 
versity of  California,  Berkeley,  for  suggestions  and  helpful  criticism  during  the 
balance  of  the  research  embodied  in  this  paper.  Sincere  thanks  go  to  Dr.  A.  H. 
Smith,  of  the  University  of  California,  Davis,  for  technical  aid  and  advice  and 
critical  review  of  the  manuscript,  and  to  the  Committee  on  Research  of  the  Uni- 
versity of  California  for  a  Graduate  Student  Research  Grant  (DG-6)  which  made 
a  greater  part  of  this  work  possible.  Finally,  a  special  note  of  thanks  to  Professor 
C.  Ladd  Prosser,  of  the  University  of  Illinois,  who  contributed  much  to  the  form 
of  the  paper  presented  here  by  his  generous  comments  and  criticism. 


1.  Osmoregulatory  requirements  were  analyzed  and  compared  in  Menzies'  two 
subspecies  of  Gnoriinosphacroma  orcgoncnsis  (G.  o.  orcgoncnsis  and  G.  o.  lutca) 
and  Sphaeroma  pcntodon  Richardson. 

2.  The  mechanism  of  osmoregulation  was   studied  by  measuring  changes   in 
the  total  osmotic  concentration  of  the  body  fluid  after  three  to  48  hours'  exposure 
to  various  experimental  salinities  ranging  from  fresh  water  to   125  per  cent  sea 
water.     Changes  were  also  measured  in  the  field  during  a  partial  tidal  cycle.     The 
principal  findings  and  conclusions  are  as  follows : 

a.)  The  body  fluids  of  the  experimental  animals  became  either  diluted  or  con- 
centrated in  the  experimental  salinities.  Generally,  in  more  dilute  media 
(50%  sea  water  or  less),  the  body  fluids  were  maintained  hypertonic  to  the 
medium,  while  in  more  concentrated  media  (75  to  125%  sea  water),  they  were 
usually  maintained  hypotonic  to  the  medium. 

b.)  The  lack  of  weight  changes  in  experimental  salinities  in  experiments  conducted 
at  16°  C.  indicates  that  dilution  and  concentration  of  the  body  fluid  at  normal 
temperatures  are  caused  primarily  by  salt  movement. 

c.)  Pronounced  weight  changes  that  occurred  in  experiments  conducted  at  5°  C. 
suggest  that  the  normal  water  component  of  the  body  fluid  is  actively  main- 
tained and  that  low  temperature  interferes  with  this  active  maintenance,  which 
normally  permits  excess  water  to  leave  the  body  in  diluted  media  and  to  enter 
in  more  concentrated  salinities.  However,  the  fact  that  the  degree  of  concentra- 
tion and  dilution  of  the  body  fluids  at  the  low  temperature  could  not  be  explained 
solely  on  the  basis  of  water  movement  suggests  concurrent  salt  gains  or  losses. 


BATEMAN,  J.  B.,  1933.     Osmotic  and  ionic  regulation  in  the  shore  crab,  Carcinus  maenas,  with 

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284  j.  A.  RIEGEL 

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Department   of  Biological  Sciences,    University   of  Dclmvare,   Newark,   Dclaivarc 

The  energetics  of  cellular  motion  have  evoked  much  interest  over  the  past 
few  decades.  Muscle,  amoeboid  cells,  and  ciliated  or  flagellated  cells  have  all  been 
studied,  but  skeletal  muscle  has  received  the  most  attention.  This  is  true  partly 
because  the  motion  of  muscle  cells  can  be  stopped  and  started  at  the  will  of  the 
experimenter.  This  fortunate  property,  absent  in  amoeboid  and  ciliated  cells, 
allows  the  muscle  cell  to  be  compared  with  itself  during  rest  and  exercise.  Meta- 
bolic poisons  can  be  used  to  stop  movement  in  non-muscular  cells,  but  chemical 
inhibition  is  seldom  reversible  or  specific  enough  for  experimental  designs  as  elegant 
as  those  possible  in  studies  on  muscle. 

Recently,  genetic  mechanisms  have  been  discovered  for  controlling  the  motility 
of  certain  flagellated  cells:  the  bacterium  Salmonella  typhimurium  (Stocker,  Zinder 
and  Lederberg,  1953)  and  the  autotrophic  green  alga,  Chlamydomonas  (Lewin, 
1952).  Of  the  two  organisms,  Chlamydomonas  has  some  advantages  as  an  experi- 
mental object,  since  it  is  nonpathogenic  and  has  simple,  well-defined  nutrient  re- 
quirements. By  using  ultraviolet  light,  Lewin  (1954)  has  produced  several  single- 
locus  mutant  strains  with  abnormal  flagellar  characters,  including  some  which  look- 
just  like  the  wild-type  strain  but  do  not  move  their  flagella.  The  paralysis  must 
be  related  to  an  abnormality  either  of  flagellar  structure  or  of  some  other  part  of 
the  cell.  The  failure  of  Mintz  and  Lewin  (1954)  to  find  serological  differences 
between  the  flagella  of  normal  and  paralyzed  strains  suggests  that  these  flagella 
may  be  structurally  similar.  If  this  is  so,  the  loss  of  motility  is  probably  related 
to  a  metabolic  change  elsewhere  in  the  cell.  It  is  now  possible  by  using  these 
algal  strains  to  compare  the  metabolism  of  "normal"  and  "paralyzed"  flagellated 
cells  which  are  presumably  alike  in  other  respects.  For  this  comparison  it  is 
necessary  to  assume  that  a  large  and  definite  proportion  of  the  cells  in  the  "normal" 
culture  is  motile.  An  estimate  of  this  proportion,  the  motility  index,  will  be 
developed  primarily  for  use  in  later  studies.  Its  use  in  this  paper  will  be  only 
to  justify  the  above  assumption. 

The  energetic  cost  of  flagellar  motion  will  be  estimated  in  two  ways.  One 
estimate  is  based  on  microscopic  study  of  the  motile  cells,  the  other  on  measure- 
ments of  respiration.  The  two  estimates  will  be  compared. 

It  is  a  pleasure  to  acknowledge  the  technical  assistance  of  Karl  M.  Buretz, 
L.  \\  .  Clem,  Miss  Mary  C.  Straughn,  and  Irwin  D.  Zimmerman ;  the  use  of  the 
facilities  of  the  Marine  Biological  Laboratory,  Woods  Hole,  Massachusetts,  in 

1  Aided  by  a  contract  between  the  Office  of  Naval  Research,  Department  of  the  Navy,  and 
the  University  of  Delaware,  NR  164-280.  Technical  Report  58-2. 


286  R.  R.  RONKIN 

1955 ;  and  the  helpful  comments  of  Drs.   Paul   Plesner  and   Erik  Zeuthen,   who 
read  the  manuscript. 


The  marine  organisms  used  in  this  study,  Amphidinium  Klebsi,  Carteria  (?) 
sp.  and  DunalicUa  sp.,  were  obtained  from  Dr.  J.  H.  Ryther  at  the  Woods  Hole 
Oceanographic  Institute.  The  three  strains  of  Chlamydomonas  came  from  the 
Department  of  Botany,  Indiana  University  (I.U.)  :  they  were  C.  Moewusii  (  +  ) 
(I.U.  No.  97)  herein  called  "CMW,"  C.  Moewusii  (  +  )  (Lewin's  paralyzed  strain 
No.  M  1001;  I.U.  No.  697)  herein  called  "CMP,"  and  C.  Reinhardi  (  +  )  (I.U. 
No.  89,  Sager  and  Granick,  1953)  herein  called  "CRW."  Marine  organisms  were 
studied  in  filtered,  autoclavecl  Woods  Hole  sea  water  and  kept  on  agar  slants 
made  with  sea  water.  Fresh-water  Chlamydomonas  was  grown  and  studied  in 
a  liquid  medium  suggested  by  Fuller  "  which  contained 

KNO3,  1  M  5.0  ml. 

K2HPO4,  1  M  0.5  ml. 

KH2PO4,  1  M  0.5  ml. 

MgSO4,  1  M  2.0  ml. 

Ca(NO3)2,  1  M  0.25  ml. 

'Trace  element  solution"  1.0  ml. 

"Iron  solution"  1.0  ml. 

Iron-free  water  to  make                1000  ml. 

'Trace  element  solution"  contained 

H3BO3  1.43  g. 

MnSO4-H2O  1.05g. 

ZnCl2  0.05  g. 

CuSO4-5H2O  0.04  g. 

H2MoO4-H2O  0.01  g. 

Distilled  water  to  make  1000        ml. 

"Iron  solution"  contained 

Disoclium  ethylenediaminetetra-acetate  0.5  g. 

FeSO4-7H2O  5.0  g. 

Distilled  water  to  make  1000     ml. 

The  culture  vessels  were  125-ml.  Erlenmeyer  flasks  containing  50  ml.  of  medium 
and  2.5-liter,  wide,  flat-bottomed  culture  flasks  (like  A.  H.  Thomas  No.  4372-F) 
containing  one  liter  of  medium.  Air  containing  5%  CO2  was  bubbled  through 
the  larger  cultures.  The  flasks  were  shaken  mechanically  to  swirl  the  contents 
gently.  Four  fluorescent  lamps  (type  F40T12W  or  SW)  were  mounted  under 
a  glass-bottomed  water  thermostat  kept  at  23°  C.,  in  which  the  larger  flasks  were 
immersed  to  the  level  of  the  medium  inside.  The  illumination  2.5  cm.  above 
the  bottom  of  the  flasks  was  about  500  foot-candles  as  estimated  with  a  photographic 
exposure  meter.  The  large  flasks  were  inoculated  either  with  100  ml.  of  a 
previous  one-liter  culture,  or  with  a  50-ml.  culture,  reared  for  the  purpose  in  a 

2  R.  C.  Fuller,  personal  communication   (1955). 


small  flask.  The  small  flasks  were  illuminated  from  above  and  shaken  gently 
but  were  not  otherwise  aerated.  One-liter  cultures  were  ready  for  harvest  (about 
2  X  106  cells  mlr1)  in  two  to  four  days,  depending  on  the  inoculum.  The  harvest 
was  usually  concentrated  by  gentle  centrifugation,  and  the  cells  were  re-suspended 
in  fresh  medium  before  use. 

Motility  of  whole  populations  of  cells  was  studied  by  comparing  photomicro- 
graphs of  samples  of  cell  suspensions.  The  film  (Du  Pont  Microcopy)  was  ex- 
posed for  8  seconds  and  developed  for  maximal  contrast  with  elon-hydroquinone 
contrast  developer  (Kodak  formula  No.  D-ll).  After  being  processed,  the  photo- 
graphs were  projected  onto  a  screen  for  counting  those  cells  which  were  stationary 
long  enough  to  form  images.  Images  of  moving  cells  failed  to  register  because 
of  the  long  photographic  exposure.  The  use  of  a  haemacytometer  3  and  a  phase- 
contrast  microscope  in  photography  made  the  counting  easier. 

This  method  leads  easily  to  the  formulation  of  a  motility  index,  M.  A  practical 
definition  of  M  is 


in  which  n\  •-  --  the  number  of  cells  counted  in  a  defined  area  of  the  photograph  of 

a  cell  suspension,  made  with  a  time  exposure  of  8  seconds; 
n>2  ----  the  number  of  cells  in  the  first  photograph  whose  images  fail  to 

appear  in  the  second,  otherwise  similar,  photograph  taken  one 

minute  later; 
//-  =:  the  number  of  cells  appearing  in  a  photograph  of  a  different  drop 

of  the  same  suspension,  in  which  all  the  cells  are  immobilized  (e.g.  , 

with  HCHO  or  I2  vapor). 

The  second  measure  of  motility  used  here  is  based  on  the  speed  of  locomotion 
of  individual  motile  cells  in  a  drop  of  a  dilute  suspension,  placed  on  a  slide  and 
covered  with  a  coverglass,  at  room  temperature  (21  to  23°  C.).  The  individuals 
to  be  studied  were  selected  at  random  by  tracking  every  cell  which  crossed  a  line 
bisecting  the  field,  for  as  long  as  it  remained  in  the  field.  The  image  of  the  cell 
was  projected  on  to  a  sheet  of  paper,  using  a  camera  lucida.  The  path  of  motion 
was  described  by  pencil  marks  indicating  the  position  of  the  cell  every  two  seconds. 
A  loudly  ticking  clock  or  mechanical  sounder  was  found  to  be  essential.  The  dis- 
tance travelled  by  the  cell  per  second  was  calculated  from  a  summation  of  the 
line  segments  connecting  the  pencil  marks  on  the  sheet,  and  from  the  time  elapsed 
between  the  placement  of  the  first  and  the  last  marks.  The  distances  travelled 
per  second  by  several  cells  in  the  same  suspension  were  averaged  to  estimate  the 
average  speed  of  locomotion  for  the  population. 

Oxygen  consumption  was  measured  at  23°  C.  by  the  Warburg  method.  Each 
14-ml.  reaction  vessel  was  inclosed  in  a  light-tight  cloth  bag  and  contained  2  ml. 
of  a  suspension  of  cells  which  had  been  washed  by  gentle  centrifugation  (700  X  G, 
30  seconds)  and  re-  suspended  in  fresh  medium.  The  manometers  were  read  every 
10  minutes.  The  respiratory  rate  was  found  to  decline  slowly  with  time,  but 

3  A  haemacytometer  chamber  for  phase-contrast  microscopy  is  manufactured  by  the  Ameri- 
can Optical  Co. 

288  R.  R.  RONKIN 

not  appreciably  during  the  first  90  minutes ;  the  readings  during  this  period  were 
fitted  with  a  straight  line  by  the  method  of  least  squares.  Respiratory  rates  were 
then  expressed  in  /x,l.  of  O2  (S.T.P.)  per  mg.  total  nitrogen  per  hour  (Qo2  (N)). 
Total  N  was  estimated  by  sulfuric-acid  digestion  of  an  aliquot,  with  three  succes- 
sive additions  of  H2O2,  followed  by  direct  Nesslerization  and  reading  of  the 
samples  in  a  Klett-Summerson  photoelectric  colorimeter  (Miller  and  Miller,  1948). 

Degrees  of  tnotility  in  a  culture  of  C.  Reinhardi 

When  samples  of  a  culture  of  C.  Reinhardi  were  observed  with  the  microscope, 
they  were  found  to  contain  some  stationary  cells.  Some  of  these  became  motile 
from  time  to  time ;  at  the  same  time  swimming  individuals  settled  down  to  become 
members  of  the  stationary  group.  In  general  the  stationary  group  seemed  to 
remain  constant  in  size ;  therefore,  in  any  series  of  observations  the  number  of 
originally  stationary  cells  becoming  active  in  any  time  interval  may  be  expected 
to  bear  a  constant  relation  to  the  number  of  originally  stationary  cells  remaining. 
To  test  this  supposition,  a  single  drop  of  a  culture  was  photographed  repeatedly 
over  a  period  of  several  minutes.  The  photographs  were  studied,  and  numbers 
of  originally  stationary  cells  remaining  were  plotted  on  a  logarithmic  scale  against 
time.  In  one  experiment  (Fig.  1)  the  points  fell  on  a  straight  line  for  the  first 








1 100 






Nonmotility  in  Chlamydomonas 
Of  1,915   cells  in  this  group, 
7.4%    (141)    were  nonmotile  at 
time  zero. 

=  3  min. 

0  5  10  15 

Time   in  minutes 

FIGURE  1.  Degrees  of  motility  in  a  culture  of  Chlamydomonas  Reinhardi.  For  the  first 
5  minutes  many  of  the  originally  stationary  cells  became  motile  as  shown  by  the  points  fitted 
with  a  straight  line.  During  the  first  30  seconds  a  more  active  group  of  cells  dominated ;  a 
slower,  possibly  more  heterogeneous  group  dominated  after  5  minutes. 


five  minutes ;  this  supports  the  hypothesis  that  a  constant  proportion  of  the  re- 
maining non-motile  cells  become  active  during  each  time  interval.  However,  the 
graph  also  revealed  that  the  entire  original  population  of  stationary  cells  was 
made  up  of  three  classes,  according  to  their  rates  of  decrease.  The  first  two  had 
half-times  of  one  and  three  minutes,  respectively.  Cells  in  the  third  class,  pos- 
sibly including  dead  individuals  in  the  culture,  failed  to  move  in  16  minutes.  For 
this  population  the  first  photograph  showed  141  («,)  stationary  cells;  in  the 
second  photo  23  (n2)  of  these  particular  cells  were  missing.  A  photo  of  a  killed 
sample  showed  1915  («3)  cells.  Thus,  J\l  =  0.94.  In  general,  samples  from  other 
cultures  gave  similar  results,  except  that  the  "one-minute"  class  often  could  not 
be  found. 

Locomotion  of  individual  cells  of  several  species 

A  different  quantitative  concept  of  cellular  motion  results  from  the  detailed 
observation  of  single  motile  cells  selected  at  random  from  a  culture.  The  path 
of  motion  of  a  flagellated  algal  cell  is  a  series  of  straight  lines  or  arcs  of  large 
radius.  Cells  may  occasionally  change  direction  abruptly  or  spin  briefly  in  place 
as  if  held  by  a  mucous  attachment.  In  addition,  cells  which  are  swimming  for- 
ward often  revolve  about  an  axis  parallel  to  the  direction  of  motion  (Brown,  1945) 
and  may  oscillate  as  they  swim. 

For  studies  of  the  velocity  of  motion,  several  kinds  of  elliptical  or  nearly  spherical 
flagellates  were  selected.  Table  I  shows  the  observations  and  calculations  derived 
from  them.  The  "average  radius"  is  one  fourth  the  sum  of  length  and  width. 
The  minimal  power  dissipation,  P,  per  cell  was  calculated  from  Stokes's  Law 
relating  to  the  force,  /,  needed  to  propel  a  sphere  through  a  fluid : 

/  :  =  6-rrrrju, 
and  from  the  relation 

P  --  ••  1017/z<, 

/  •  =  force  needed  to  overcome  fluid  resistance  (dyne), 

r  =  average  radius  of  cell  (cm.), 

77  =:  viscosity  of  fluid  (poise  =  dyne  sec.  cm.~2), 

u  =  average  speed  of  locomotion  (cm.  sec."1), 

P  =  power  (watt  =  107  dyne  cm.  sec."1). 

Oxygen  consumed  by  normal  and  by  paralysed  Chlamydomonas 

A  third  aspect  of  flagellar  motion  concerns  the  intensity  of  metabolism  of  the 
flagellated  cell.  In  this  study,  the  oxygen  consumption  of  a  population  of  normal 
Chlamydomonas  Moezvusii  (CMW)  was  compared  with  that  of  the  ultraviolet- 
induced,  "paralyzed"  mutant  (CMP).  The  mutant  cells  have  flagella  but  fail 
to  use  them ;  these  are  held  out  rigidly  almost  perpendicular  to  the  main  axis  of  the 
cell.  Occasionally  a  flagellum  showed  a  little  motion  at  its  tip,  but  this  hardly 
ever  caused  the  whole  cell  to  move. 

The  figures  in  Table  II  are  based  on  12  reaction  vessels  for  CMW  and  13  for 
CMP.  In  preparation  for  each  experiment  the  cells  of  the  two  strains  were  reared 




Minimal  power  output  of  selected  flagellated  cells 




Aver,  velocity 
10~2  cm.  sec."1 

Min.  power 
10~16  watt 

Aver,  radius 


10~4  cm. 


^4  tnphidinium  Klebsi 

7.98      (11) 


Sea  water 

0.739     (11) 


Carteria  (?)  sp. 

6.54      (9) 


Sea  water 

1.25       (10) 


Chlatnydomonas  Moewnsii  (CM\Y) 

5.54     (11) 


Fresh  water 

1.28       (16) 


Dunaliella  sp. 

4.40       (9) 


Sea  water 

2.26         (9) 


Chlani.  Reinhardi  (CRW) 

3.26  (100) 


Fresh  water 

0.828  (100) 



Numbers  of  individuals  studied  are  in  parentheses.  Viscosities  (corrected  for  density)  used 
in  calculations  were:  sea  water,  0.965  cp  (estimated  from  Miyake  and  Koizumi,  1948) ;  fresh  water, 
0.931  cp. 

in  one-liter  cultures  under  identical  conditions.  In  each  experiment  the  oxygen 
consumption  of  the  paralyzed  cells  was  less  than  that  of  the  normal  cells  when 
expressed  in  terms  of  total  cellular  nitrogen. 


The  quantitative  description  of  cellular  motility  will  be  discussed  before  con- 
sidering the  energy  required  for  flagellar  motion.  This  study  presents  two  quanti- 
tative methods  of  studying  locomotion  in  populations  of  flagellated  cells. 

The  motility  index  (photographic  method)  can  be  used  for  distinguishing  the 
behavior  of  cell  populations  exposed  to  varying  experimental  treatments.  It  may 
prove  helpful  in  pharmacologic  and  toxicologic  studies  on  suspensions  of  algae, 
protozoa,  bacteria,  or  sperm  cells;  these  forms  may  offer  the  experimenter  ad- 
vantages over  larger  and  more  expensive  animal  subjects.  Compared  with  other 
proposed  estimates  of  the  proportion  of  non-motile  cells  in  a  microscopic  field 
(Emmens,  1947;  White,  1954)  it  would  appear  to  avoid  certain  subjective  errors 
in  sampling  and  counting,  and  to  minimize  the  error  due  to  the  inclusion  of  cells 


Oxygen  consumption  (Qo«  (N))  of  normal  and  paralyzed  Chlamydomonas  Moewusii 

(paired  comparison) 

Experiment  no. 








7-  1-57 








8-  3-57 




8-  5-57 




8-  7-57 




Mean  difference  and  its  standard  error  (n  =  6) 

0.223  ±  0.0706 


which  may  stop  for  momentary  "rest"  periods.  It  cannot  distinguish  degrees  of 
impairment  of  locomotion. 

The  average  speed  of  locomotion  appears  to  be  valuable  for  distinguishing 
populations  of  cells  which  show  normal  speeds  of  locomotion  from  populations  with 
impaired  locomotion.  It  takes  no  notice  of  non-motile  cells,  and  thus  becomes 
most  useful  in  estimating  the  degree  of  motility  in  cultures  where  the  motility 
index  is  high.  It  is  similar  in  principle  to  one  devised  by  Baker,  Cragle,  Salis- 
bury and  Van  Demark  (1957)  who  measured  the  time  required  for  100  free- 
swimming  sperm  cells  to  pass  through  a  segment  of  a  plane.  Their  method,  which 
seems  admirably  suited  to  cells  displaying  the  sperm  type  of  locomotion,  has  the 
advantage  of  presenting  the  result  of  an  experiment  immediately  without  waiting 
for  photographic  processing.  The  decision  to  use  a  given  method  will  rest  partly 
upon  the  extent  to  which  its  assumptions  are  fulfilled  by  the  swimming  habits 
of  the  organism.  The  method  described  here  is  of  special  value,  since  from  it  can 
be  derived  an  estimate  of  the  external  work  done  by  the  motile  cells  in  the 

The  estimates  of  power  dissipation  in  Table  I  are  certainly  low,  because  the 
premises  on  which  they  are  based  all  tend  to  reduce  the  estimates.  It  is  supposed, 
for  example,  that  the  cell's  internal  energetic  conversions  are  100%  efficient.  The 
other  assumptions,  each  known  to  be  false  to  some  extent,  are :  that  there  are  no 
degrees  of  motion  other  than  uniform  in  a  straight  line  (contradicted  by  Brown, 
1945,  and  others),  that  the  cell  is  a  sphere  (contradicted  in  Table  III),  and  that 


Estimates  of  size  of  Chlamydomonas 





Length,  M 

Width,  M 

6.49  ±0.14 
5.24  ±  0.17 

7.64  ±  0.17 
5.62  ±  0.14 

7.41  ±0.14 
4.92  ±  0.10 

The  "±"  sign  is  inserted  between  the  mean  and  its  standard  error.  Fifty  cells  of  a  single 
culture  of  each  strain  were  measured. 

the  frictional  drag  of  the  flagellum,  apparently  of  major  importance  in  the  locomo- 
tion of  sea  urchin  sperm  (Gray  and  Hancock,  1955),  is  negligible  in  Chlamydo- 
monas. Excepting  C.  Reinhardi,  the  smaller  flagellates  travelled  faster  and  dis- 
played a  higher  power  output  than  the  larger  cells.  Whether  this  difference  is 
related  to  a  greater  metabolic  rate  of  the  smaller  cells  has  not  been  determined. 

When  normal  and  paralyzed  C.  Moe^vusi^  were  reared  and  studied  under  the 
same  conditions  in  several  successive  experiments,  the  paralyzed  cells  (CMP) 
always  consumed  less  oxygen  than  did  the  wild-type,  motile  cells  (CMW).  The 
average  difference  in  Qo2  (N)  was  about  14%  of  that  of  the  normal  cells,  and 
was  found  to  be  statistically  significant  (Mest,  n  --  6)  at  the  5%  level,  but  not 
at  the  2%  level.  It  must  be  assumed  that  the  proportion  of  dead  cells  in  the 
CMP  culture  is  no  greater  than  in  the  CMW  culture.  In  interpreting  this  dif- 
ference, certain  other  features  of  the  two  strains  should  be  borne  in  mind. 

Ocular  micrometer  measurements  showed  that  although  CMW  and  CMP  are 
of  equal  length,  the  paralyzed  cells  are,  on  the  average,  a  little  more  slender  than 

292  R.  R.  RONKIN 

the  motile  ones  (Table  III).  Thus,  a  paralyzed  cell's  surface-to-volume  ratio  is 
slightly  greater  than  that  of  a  normal  cell.  From  the  size  of  this  difference  alone 
one  would  expect  the  Qo2  (N)  of  the  paralyzed  strain  to  be  a  little  greater  than 
that  of  the  normal  strain ;  it  appears  in  fact  to  be  less.  The  single  mutation  which 
resulted  in  paralysis  of  the  flagella  may  have  had  other  expressions,  possibly  in- 
volving alterations  in  the  efficiency  of  biochemical  pathways  of  metabolism.  In 
summary,  the  physiologic  differences  between  the  two  strains  may  be  much  greater 
than  appeared  at  first.  In  ignorance  of  the  magnitudes  of  these  possible  factors, 
it  is  tempting  to  suggest  that  the  difference  in  oxygen  consumption  is  actually 
related  to  the  state  of  motility  of  the  cell,  but  a  cautious  attitude  seems  desirable. 

As  a  partial  test  of  this  relationship,  we  may  now  compare  the  two  available 
estimates  of  the  energy  required  for  motility.  One  of  these  (Table  I)  states  that 
C.  Moeu'usii  dissipates  at  least  10~15  watt  per  cell  in  overcoming  the  frictional 
losses  in  water.  The  other  estimate  is  derived  from  the  difference  in  Qo2  (N) 
between  the  normal  and  paralyzed  strains,  which  is  0.22  p\.  hr."1  (mg.  N)"1.  If 
we  suppose  that  the  exclusion  of  light  from  the  Warburg  vessel  does  not  affect 
motility  (Lewin,  1953),  the  two  figures  are  comparable;  the  latter  figure  can  then 
be  transformed  to  watts  per  cell  by  making  the  following  reasonable  assumptions : 

1.  The    consumption    of    1    fA.    of    (X    releases    about    4.8  X  10~3    calorie    or 
5.58  X  10-6  watt  hour. 

2.  A  CMW  cell  contains  2.65  X  10~9  mg.  N   (estimated  from  cell  counts  and 
N  determinations  on  a  single  culture  at  the  time  of  harvest) . 

3.  The  motility  index  in  the  CMW  culture  is  high. 

The  observed  difference  in  the  rate  of  oxygen  consumption  thus  corresponds 
to  a  difference  in  power  dissipation  of  3.3  X  10~15  watt  per  cell.  Rothschild's 
(1953)  reworking  of  Taylor's  figures  gives  estimates  close  to  these  for  the  minimal 
energy  dissipated  by  bull  sperm:  for  two  kinds  of  assumptions,  3.74  X  10~14  watt 
and  2.04  X  10~15  watt  per  cell.  In  our  comparison,  the  efficiency  of  conversion  of 
chemical  to  mechanical  energy  is  not  taken  into  account.  The  closeness  of  the  two 
estimates  derived  in  this  paper  suggests  that  the  lower  rate  of  oxygen  consumption 
of  paralyzed  cells  may  be  correlated  with  their  loss  of  motility. 


1.  The  paper  describes  a  method  for  estimating  the  minimal  power  output  of 
individual,  nearly  spherical,  flagellated  cells.     A  comparison  of  5  species  of  green 
flagellates  suggests  no  relationship  between  size  and  power  dissipation   (Table  I). 

2.  A  simple  photographic  method  for  estimating  the  fraction  of  motile  organisms 
in  a  culture  is  described. 

3.  Cultured  populations  of  Chlamydomonas  Reinhardi  may  contain  two  or  more 
distinct  groups  of  cells  with  different  degrees  of  motility  (Fig.  1). 

4.  The  motile,  "wild-type"  C.  Moeu'iisii  consumed  1.57  /*!.  O2    (S.T.P.)   per 
hour  per  mg.  total  N. 

5.  A  paralyzed  mutant  strain  of  the  same  species  consumed  14%  less  oxygen 
than  the  wild  type.     The  extra  oxygen  consumed  by  the  motile   strain  is  com- 
mensurate with  its  estimated  minimal  power  output. 



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MINTZ,  RITA  H.,  AND  R.  A.  LEWIN,  1954.  Studies  on  the  flagella  of  algae.  V.  Serology  of 
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Mammalian  Germ  Cells,  Little,  Brown  and  Company,  Boston,  pp.  122-130. 

SAGER,  RUTH,  AND  S.  GRANICK,  1953.  Nutritional  studies  with  Chlamydomonas  reinhardi. 
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STOCKER,  B.  A.  D.,  N.  O.  ZINDER  AND  J.  LEDERBERG,  1953.  Transduction  of  flagellar  characters 
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WHITE,  1.  G.,  1954.  The  effect  of  some  seminal  constituents  and  related  substances  on  diluted 
mammalian  spermatozoa.  Austral.  J.  Biol.  Sci.,  7:  379-390. 




Department  of  Zoology,   University  of  California,  Berkeley  4,  California 

The  suppression  of  the  elevation  of  the  fertilization  membrane  on  the  half  of 
a  sea  urchin  egg  which  directly  receives  high  doses  of  ultraviolet  light  has  been 
described  by  Reed  (1943)  and  Spikes  (1944).  The  experiments  reported  herein 
are  an  examination  of  the  consequences  of  unilateral  U.V.  irradiation  of  the  sea 
urchin  egg  in  terms  of  changes  in  cell  morphology  with  dose,  the  physical  state  of 
the  cytoplasm,  the  effects  of  time  and  temperature,  and  the  effects  on  subsequent 
cell  division.  Particular  attention  is  directed  toward  observations  on  hyaline  layer 
formation,  local  gelation,  and  excentric  formation  of  the  mitotic  figure. 


Gametes  were  obtained  from  the  sea  urchin  Strongylocentrotus  purf>itratus  by 
injection  with  0.5  M  KC1.  The  groups  of  eggs  selected  were  more  than  99% 
fertilizable,  were  free  from  visible  abnormalities,  yielded  symmetrical  fertilization 
membranes,  and  showed  little  distortion  when  the  lifting  of  the  fertilization  mem- 
brane began.  The  pattern  of  morphological  changes  at  different  doses  was  con- 
firmed with  suitable  eggs  obtained  from  a  single  female  of  the  related  species 
Strongylocentrotus  franciscanus,  which  has  larger  eggs  with  less  yolk. 

The  ultraviolet  source  was  an  Electrotherapy  Products  Corp.  low  pressure 
mercury  vapor  lamp,  which  produces  approximately  95%  of  its  U.V.  energy  in  a 
2537  A  band.  The  intensity  was  measured  with  a  Hanoviameter. 

In  some  experiments  the  eggs  were  centrifuged  in  a  Servall  refrigerated  angle- 
head  centrifuge,  either  in  sea  water  or  in  a  sucrose  gradient  formed  by  layering 
sea  water  over  0.88  M  sucrose. 

Unless  otherwise  noted,  all  experiments  were  carried  out  in  1  cm.  deep,  filtered 
sea  water  at  17.5  ±  0.1°  C.  Artificial  calcium-free  sea  water  was  prepared  accord- 
ing to  the  formula  of  Moore  (1956). 

Clarification  of  terminology 

In  order  to  describe  concisely  and  accurately  the  changes  associated  with  uni- 
lateral irradiation  of  the  strongly-absorbing  egg  certain  special  terms  must  be 
defined.  The  directly-irradiated  hemisphere  is  the  surface  of  the  egg  which  faces 

1  Supported  by  grants  from  the  American  Cancer  Society  and  the  Office  of  Naval  Research 
awarded  to  Dr.  Daniel  Mazia. 

2  This  work  was  performed  under  the  tenure  of  a   Research   Fellowship  of  the   National 
Cancer    Institute,    United    States    Public    Health    Service.     Present    address:    Department    of 
Biological  Sciences,  Florida  State  University,  Tallahassee,   Florida. 



the  U.V.  lamp.  The  shaded  hemisphere  is  the  surface  which  does  not  face  the 
lamp,  and,  hence,  is  shaded  by  the  cytoplasm.  The  shaded-irradiated  axis  is  an 
imaginary  line  drawn  between  the  poles  or  centers  of  these  two  hemispheres.  Uni- 
lateral membranes  are  fertilization  membranes  which  lift  off  the  egg  on  the  shaded 
hemisphere  only.  All  drawings  and  photographs  except  Figures  1  and  8  have 
been  mounted  with  the  shaded  pole  facing  the  top  of  the  page. 


When  eggs  were  irradiated  with  large  doses  of  U.V.  and  then  fertilized,  the 
height  of  the  fertilization  membrane  and  the  hyaline  layer  on  the  directly-irradiated 
hemisphere  was  reduced.  Sufficiently  large  doses  unilaterally  inhibited  the  forma- 
tion of  these  membranes  entirely. 

The  dose  required  to  produce  a  definable  level  of  effect  varied  by  as  much  as 
a  factor  of  three  between  the  most  sensitive  and  the  most  resistant  groups  of  eggs. 
Nevertheless,  the  ratio  of  doses  necessary  to  produce  two  definable  effects  on  the 
majority  of  eggs  in  a  population  appeared  to  be  constant  even  in  the  extreme 
cases.  The  data  presented  represent  the  most  frequently  encountered  dose  relations. 

Less  than  1600  ergs/mm.2  did  not  interfere  with  the  normal  membrane  eleva- 
tion. When  the  dose  was  increased  the  fertilization  membranes  did  not  elevate 
to  their  normal  height  over  the  irradiated  pole  (Fig.  2).  Doses  of  approxi- 
mately 2800  ergs/mm.2  resulted  in  the  almost  complete  suppression  of  the  fertiliza- 
tion membrane  over  a  small  area,  but  the  hyaline  layer  differentiated  over  the 
entire  surface.  When  the  dose  was  increased  to  4800  ergs/mm.2  the  fertilization 
membrane  covered  only  one  hemisphere,  while  the  hyaline  layer  appeared  normal 
(Fig.  3).  With  slightly  higher  doses  a  reduction  in  the  thickness  of  the  hyaline 
layer  was  sometimes  found  (Fig.  4).  With  doses  above  7200  ergs/mm.2  the 
hyaline  layer  could  be  distinguished  only  slightly  beyond  the  cell  equator  (Fig.  5). 
No  further  changes  in  the  pattern  of  membrane  elevation  were  noted  at  increased 
doses  up  to  the  range  of  40,000  to  50,000  ergs/mm.2  At  this  dose  level  partial 
cytolysis  often  occurred  immediately  on  the  directly-irradiated  hemisphere,  and 
complete  cytolysis  usually  followed  after  standing  or  at  fertilization. 

Identification  of  the  inhibited  surface 

A  simple  experimental  procedure  was  devised  to  demonstrate  that  the  irradiated 
surface  was  in  fact  the  one  that  showed  inhibition  at  fertilization.  Stationary  eggs 
were  irradiated  from  above  with  7200  ergs/mm.-  in  a  large  petri  dish  on  a  micro- 
scope stage  and  observed  as  sperm  were  carefully  added.  In  four  experiments 
there  was  no  detectable  net  rotation  of  any  of  the  eggs  in  the  field  of  a  low  power 
objective.  By  careful  focussing  it  was  established  that  the  fertilization  membranes 
first  encircled  the  lower  hemispheres  which  had  been  shaded  by  cytoplasm.  As 
the  membranes  raised  further  the  eggs  rolled  over  and  came  to  rest  on  their  sides 
revealing  total  suppression  of  membrane  elevation  on  the  irradiated  hemispheres. 

Rclationsliif>  to  time  and  temperature 

Eggs  were  fertilized  at  regular  intervals  from  a  few  seconds  after  irradiation 
to  as  much  as  twelve  hours  later  without  any  visible  changes  in  the  unilateral 







FIGURES     1     to    6 

Photomicrographs  of  sea  urchin  eggs  showing  different  degrees  of  suppression  of  the 
fertilization  reaction  when  irradiated  with  increasing  doses  of  U.V.  from  the  direction  of  the 
bottom  of  the  page. 

FIGURE  1.     Control. 

FIGURE  2.     Reduction  of  the  height  of  the  fertilization  membrane. 

FIGURE  3.  Complete  suppression  of  the  elevation  of  the  fertilization  membrane  on  the 
directly-irradiated  hemisphere. 

FIGURE  4.     Reduction  of  the  height  of  the  hyaline  layer. 

FIGURE  5.  Complete  suppression  of  both  fertilization  membrane  elevation  and  the  hyaline 
layer  differentiation  on  one  hemisphere. 

FIGURE  6.  Later  swelling  of  the  initially  flattened  shaded  hemisphere  of  an  egg  similar 
to  Figure  4. 

fertilization  reaction.  In  five  separate  experiments  there  was  no  increase  or  de- 
crease in  the  inhibited  area  with  time.  In  general,  the  irradiated  eggs  cytolyzed 
sooner  than  the  controls,  but  in  most  experiments  both  the  irradiated  and  the 
control  eggs  became  unfertilizable  at  approximately  the  same  time,  even  with 
very  high  concentrations  of  sperm. 

Attempts  were  made  to  re-fertilize  eggs  which  had  been  fertilized  but  did  not 
completely  differentiate  the  hyaline  layer.  The  simple  addition  of  viable  sperm 
did  not  cause  re-fertilization  at  any  time  up  to  28  hours  after  irradiation.  The 
sperm  were  observed  to  accumulate  in  the  egg  jelly  which  adhered  to  the  irradiated 
hemisphere  in  each  of  these  experiments. 

Irradiating  eggs  from  the  same  females  at  18  and  8°  C.  with  various  doses 
revealed  that  there  were  no  differences  in  sensitivity  at  the  two  temperatures. 


C  /ian(/cs  in  morphology  and  physical  state  of  the  cytoplasm 

The  progressive  dose-dependent  suppression  on  the  elevation  of  the  fertilization 
membrane  and  the  differentiation  of  the  hyaline  layer  have  already  been  described. 
Sometimes  at  high  doses  the  fertilization  membrane  was  elevated  to  an  abnormal 
height  above  the  shaded  pole  and  the  cytoplasm  under  it  was  considerably  flat- 
tened (Figs.  4  and  5).  A  large  amount  of  participate  matter,  possibly  cortical 
granule  materials,  was  found  in  the  perivitelline  space  under  these  conditions. 
The  amount  of  this  material  was  apparently  greater  at  all  doses  than  in  the  controls. 

After  flattening,  the  cytoplasm  under  the  unilateral  membranes  sometimes 
swelled  and  reduced  the  thickness  of  the  perivitelline  space  (Fig.  6).  In  some 
cases  the  thickness  was  less  than  the  controls.  Under  these  conditions  there  was 
a  constriction  around  the  cell  at  the  equator  where  the  fertilization  membrane  met 
the  hyaline  layer  (Fig.  6). 

There  were  no  cases  of  membrane  elevation  activation  by  U.V.  at  any  dose 
in  any  of  the  experiments. 

Unfertilized  irradiated  eggs  were  centrifuged  for  ten  minutes  at  approximately 
12,000  g  in  a  sucrose  gradient.  In  two  such  experiments  90%  of  the  eggs  stratified 
with  the  center  of  the  light  pole  (identified  by  an  oil  cap  over  a  clear  region  of 
cytoplasm)  in  the  center  of  the  shaded  hemisphere  (identified  by  subsequent  fertili- 
zation) (Fig.  7).  Almost  all  of  the  remaining  10%  had  an  asymmetry  of  less 
than  30°  between  the  light-heavy  and  the  shaded-irradiated  axis.  A  very  small 
fraction  of  a  per  cent  were  30  to  90°  off  center,  and  no  cases  were  found  in  which 
the  shaded  pole  appeared  to  have  a  greater  density  than  the  irradiated  one. 

When  unfertilized  eggs  were  placed  in  70%  sea  water  after  irradiation  they 
swelled  on  one  pole  only,  giving  the  eggs  a  somewhat  pear-shaped  appearance. 
Standing  in  this  hypotonic  medium  for  several  hours  did  not  result  in  any  further 
changes  in  shape.  The  treated  eggs  were  fertilized  to  establish  that  the  shaded 
pole  was  the  swollen  one.  Hence,  while  both  unirradiated  eggs  and  the  shaded 
side  of  an  irradiated  one  swell  in  70%  sea  water,  the  directly  irradiated  surface 
does  not. 

Irradiated  eggs  placed  in  70 %  sea  water  had  a  dense  darkened  area  near  the 
irradiated  pole,  a  somewhat  less  dense  region  at  the  shaded  pole,  and  a  lighter 
less  granular  region  near  the  equator.  Occasionally  this  pattern  appeared  in  eggs 
kept  in  normal  sea  water  and  seemed  to  be  accompanied  by  a  slight  enlargement 
of  the  shaded  hemisphere.  With  doses  of  the  order  of  40,000  ergs/mm.2  a  large 
blister  of  non-granular  material  formed  on  the  irradiated  pole  when  the  eggs  were 
placed  in  the  hypotonic  sea  water.  With  slightly  higher  doses  these  blisters  ap- 
peared spontaneously. 

Irradiated  eggs  were  centrifuged  at  approximately  12,000  g  in  sufficiently 
dense  suspensions  that  some  of  the  eggs  were  confined  in  a  random  orientation 
with  respect  to  their  light-heavy  axes.  Some  of  these  cells  showed  stratification 
only  on  the  shaded  side,  which  was  identified  by  subsequent  fertilization.  When 
the  direction  of  centrifugation  was  perpendicular  to  the  shaded-irradiated  axis  there 
was  a  narrow  region  near  the  irradiated  surface  with  a  very  high  gel  strength 
that  resisted  stratification  when  the  central  cytoplasm  and  the  shaded  side  stratified 
(Fig.  8). 

FIGURES  7-12 


Eggs  irradiated  after  equilibration  in  calcium-free  artificial  sea  water  and 
fertilized  immediately  when  returned  to  normal  sea  water  showed  the  same  degree 
of  inhibition  as  eggs  irradiated  in  normal  sea  water. 

J\Iitotic  abnormalities 

Cells  irradiated  at  doses  that  inhibited  the  full  differentiation  of  the  hyaline 
layer  seldom  divided.  At  lower  doses  some  or  all  of  the  eggs  would  divide  several 
times  and  sometimes  form  apparently  normal  swimming  blastulae.  Gastrulation 
was  usually  abnormal.  In  some  experiments  even  the  first  division  was  abnormal. 

A  systematic  group  of  abnormalities  occurred  as  a  result  of  the  mitotic  figure 
failing  to  migrate  to  the  center  of  the  egg.  The  nucleus  of  the  unfertilized  egg 
is  excentrically  located,  and  in  normal  division  the  mitotic  apparatus  is  positioned 
approximately  in  the  center  of  the  cell.  The  position  of  the  furrow  is  determined 
by  the  plane  formerly  occupied  by  the  metaphase  plate  both  in  normal  cells  and 
these  abnormal  cells. 

When  the  mitotic  figure  located  in  either  hemisphere  was  oriented  perpendicular 
to  the  shaded-irradiated  axis,  the  furrow  formed  along  that  axis  and  the  egg 
cleaved  into  two  equal-sized  blastomeres  (Figs.  9  to  12). 

When  the  mitotic  figure  was  oriented  parallel  to  the  shaded-irradiated  axis  in 
either  hemisphere,  the  furrow  formed  perpendicular  to  the  axis  and  the  sizes  of 
the  resulting  blastomeres  were  quite  different  (Figs.  13  to  16). 

Variable  results  were  observed  when  the  mitotic  figure  was  formed  with  other 
orientations  with  respect  to  the  shaded-irradiated  axis  (Figs.  17  and  18). 

Excentric  spindles  were  also  found  in  eggs  which  were  irradiated  during  the 
early  part  of  the  first  mitotic  cycle  with  comparatively  low  doses  of  U.V.  The 
blastomeres  in  such  experiments  were  always  equal  in  size. 

Whenever  the  mitotic  apparatus  was  excentric  the  furrow  formed  first  on  the 
surface  that  was  closest  to  the  spindle.  At  later  stages  of  cytokinesis  the  furrow 
on  the  near  side  would  always  be  deeper  than  the  furrow  on  the  far  side.  In  some 
cases  the  furrow  actually  passed  through  the  spindle  before  the  first  indentation 
occurred  on  the  far  side  of  the  cell. 


The  progressive  unilateral  inhibition  of  the  fertilization  reaction  has  been  de- 
scribed in  terms  of  the  U.V.  doses  required  to  produce  different  degrees  of  inhibi- 

FIGURES  7  to  18 

Schematic  drawings  of  eggs  irradiated  from  the  direction  of  the  bottom  of  the  page 
(except  Fig.  8)  ;  refer  to  text  for  explanation. 

FIGURE  7.  Egg  centrifuged  in  a  sucrose  gradient  and  then  fertilized.  Stratification  direc- 
tion indicates  that  the  irradiated  pole  was  heavier  than  the  shaded  pole. 

FIGURE  8.  Egg  irradiated  from  the  left  side  of  the  page  and  centrifuged  while  confined 
with  the  shaded-irradiated  axis  perpendicular  to  the  direction  of  centrifugation.  A  narrow 
region  near  the  surface  of  the  irradiated  hemisphere  resisted  stratification  indicating  a  local 
increase  in  gel  strength. 

FIGURES  9  to  12.  Division  patterns  of  cells  with  spindles  oriented  perpendicular  to  the 
shaded-irradiated  axis. 






FIGURES  13-18 



tion  of  both  the  elevation  of  the  fertilization  membrane  and  the  differentiation  of 
the  hyaline  layer.  Hyaline  layer  differentiation  is  less  sensitive  to  U.V.  than 
fertilization  membrane  elevation ;  however,  it  may  be  suppressed  completely  on 
the  directly-irradiated  hemisphere  with  high  doses.  The  inhibition  of  the  elevation 
of  the  fertilization  membrane  has  been  described  previously  by  Reed  (1943)  and 
Spikes  (1944). 

By  means  of  local  dye  experiments  Spikes  (1944)  was  able  to  demonstrate  that 
the  directly-irradiated  hemisphere  is  the  site  of  inhibition.  His  findings  have  been 
reconfirmed  with  the  direct  observations  of  undisturbed  eggs  reported  herein. 
Giese  (1947)  has  shown  that  the  sea  urchin  egg  strongly  absorbs  or  scatters  2537  A 
U.V.  light.  Harvey  and  Lavin's  (  1944)  U.V.  photomicrographs  also  indicate  that 
a  considerable  amount  of  the  light  is  absorbed  in  sea  urchin  eggs  of  another  genus. 
Since  the  shaded  pole  is  not  inhibited  even  at  very  high  doses,  it  may  be  concluded 
that  the  transmission  of  the  cytoplasm  is  too  low  to  allow  the  necessary  energy  to 
reach  the  sensitive  sites  on  the  shaded  side  of  the  egg. 

The  demonstration  that  there  was  no  spreading  of  the  damaged  area  with  time 
indicates  that  the  U.V.  action  is  relatively  direct,  and,  in  particular,  that  there  is 
no  secondary  effect  of  "diffusible  poisons."  There  was  no  recovery  with  time ; 
hence,  the  damage  seems  to  be  irreversible  by  any  metabolic  mechanism.  Since 
the  degree  of  injury  did  not  decrease  with  time,  and  a  diffusible  toxic  product  would 
be  expected  to  decrease  in  local  concentration,  this  observation  provides  additional 
evidence  against  the  action  of  such  substances. 

The  sensitivity  was  the  same  at  8  and  18°  C. 

Direct  photochemical  action  has  been  shown  repeatedly  to  have  a  O10  of  approxi- 
mately 1.  Therefore,  insofar  as  visually  equivalent  degrees  of  damage  may  be 
used  as  a  measure  of  the  rate  of  damage,  it  appears  that  the  injury  results  from 
direct  photochemical  action.  The  time  and  temperature  relations  together  offer 
evidence  that  the  effect  is  localized  and  that  there  is  a  lack  of  intermediary  toxic 

The  observation  that  the  inhibited  surface  could  not  be  re-fertilized  by  the 
addition  of  fresh  sperm  could  be  interpreted  in  two  ways :  either  the  U.V.  damage 
rendered  it  unfertilizable  or  some  of  the  steps  of  the  fertilization  reaction  occurred 
on  this  side  when  the  egg  was  initially  fertilized.  If  some  substances  necessary  for 
the  initial  steps  of  the  reaction  had  been  used  up  the  sperm  could  not  initiate  a 
response  later.  A  pronounced  green  Becke  line  appears  in  the  out-of-focus  image 
of  the  damaged  hemisphere  of  heavily  irradiated  eggs  after  fertilization.  This 
change  is  probably  similar  to  the  dark-field  changes  which  have  been  observed  prior 
to  membrane  elevation  (Runnstrom,  1928;  Rothschild  and  Swann,  1949)  and  indi- 
cates that  some  step  in  the  fertilization  reaction  has  taken  place. 

Two  types  of  evidence  for  local  gelation  in  the  irradiated  hemispheres  were 
obtained :  first,  that  swelling  in  70%  sea  water  was  confined  to  the  shaded  pole, 
and,  second,  that  a  narrow  band  near  the  irradiated  surface  resisted  stratification 
with  centrifugation  when  the  rest  of  the  cytoplasm  stratified.  Reed  (1948)  found 

FIGURES  13  to  16.  Division  patterns  of  cells  with  spindles  oriented  parallel  to  the  shaded- 
irradiated  axis. 

FIGURES  17  and  18.  An  example  of  one  of  several  division  patterns  obtained  when  the 
spindles  have  intermediate  angular  orientations. 


that  moderate  doses  of  unilateral  U.V.  did  not  change  the  permeability  of  the 
egg  to  a  large  variety  of  solutions.  Although  no  measurements  were  made,  he 
discussed  possible  differences  at  higher  doses  and  proposed  that  some  sort  of  gela- 
tion occurred  on  the  basis  that  vacuoles  were  formed  in  the  irradiated  pole.  Spikes 
(1944)  also  proposed  that  gelation  occurred,  because  he  found  that  while  normal 
eggs  only  swelled  in  50%  sea  water,  irradiated  ones  lysed  on  the  irradiated  side. 

Spikes'  data  might  also  be  interpreted  as  indicating  either  that  the  surface  of 
the  shaded  hemisphere  was  weakened  or  that  the  osmotically  inert  volume  had  been 
increased  permitting  greater  than  normal  swelling  followed  by  lysis.  The  obser- 
vation of  the  large  amounts  of  granular  material  released  into  the  perivitelline 
space  at  the  shaded  pole  suggests  the  weakening  either  of  the  cell  membrane  or 
of  some  other  surface  structure.  The  flattening  of  the  shaded  pole  at  fertilization 
at  high  doses  seems  to  fit  either  hypothesis,  although  an  enhancement  of  the  vigor 
of  the  fertilization  reaction  would  yield  the  same  pattern.  It  would  not  be  un- 
reasonable to  suppose  that  U.V.  damage  could  affect  both  the  surface  strength 
and  the  osmotically  inert  volume,  perhaps  by  a  common  mechanism. 

The  observation  that  eggs  irradiated  in  calcium-free  sea  water  showed  the 
same  degree  of  damage  as  eggs  in  normal  sea  water  cannot  be  interpreted  directly 
in  terms  of  the  often  demonstrated  role  of  calcium  in  gelation  (Heilbrunn,  1952). 
First,  the  eggs  had  to  be  fertilized  in  normal  sea  water  since  fertilization  will  not 
occur  in  the  absence  of  external  calcium  ion;  hence,  new  calcium  may  have  been 
introduced  before  the  damage  was  measured.  Second,  since  Heilbrunn  and  his 
co-workers  have  shown  that  U.V.  causes  solation  in  low  doses  and  gelation  in  high 
doses,  it  is  quite  possible  that  the  calcium  ion  left  in  the  egg  after  treatment  with 
calcium-free  sea  water  shifts  between  the  less  and  more  heavily  damaged  portions 
of  the  cytoplasm.  The  second  possibility  is  quite  attractive,  since  it  would  pro- 
vide a  mechanism  for  an  increase  in  osmotically  inert  volume  in  the  less  damaged 
hemisphere  and  introduces  the  possibility  that  the  surface  on  the  shaded  side  might 
be  weakened  by  small  amounts  of  U.V.  penetrating  the  cytoplasm  to  cause  solation. 

Spikes  (1944)  reported  that  in  Lytechinus  pie t us  furrow  formation  almost 
always  occurs  along  the  shaded-irradiated  axis.  Clearly  this  is  not  the  case  in 
the  Strongylocentrotus  purpuratus  used  in  these  experiments;  cleavage  may  take 
place  with  any  orientation.  Successful  cleavage  writh  the  furrow  passing  through 
the  irradiated  portion  of  the  egg  indicates  either  that  the  furrowing  strength  exceeds 
the  resistance  of  the  radiation-induced  gel  or  that  the  gel  is  solated  in  the  course 
of  cytokinesis. 

Cleavage  into  equal  or  unequal  sized  blastomeres  is  determined  by  the  orienta- 
tion of  the  spindle  with  respect  to  the  shaded-irradiated  axis.  It  occurs  because 
the  mitotic  figure  remains  centered  around  the  original  location  of  the  nucleus. 
The  nucleus  is  excentrically  located  in  unfertilized  eggs  of  this  species.  When 
the  axis  of  the  mitotic  figure  is  perpendicular  to  the  shaded-irradiated  axis  the 
blastomeres  are  equal  in  size.  Where  the  axes  are  parallel  the  blastomeres  are 
unequally  sized.  In  intermediate  angular  orientations  the  results  are  variable. 
While  both  parallel  and  perpendicular  orientations  can  occur  when  the  mitotic 
figure  is  located  in  either  the  shaded  or  irradiated  hemisphere,  mitotic  figures  near 
the  equator  seem  to  be  restricted  to  intermediate  angular  orientations.  It  is  clear 
that  the  migration  of  the  nucleus  to  its  normal  central  position  is  inhibited.  An 


increase  in  cytoplasmic  viscosity  would  provide  a  plausible  explanation  for  this 
failure  of  migration. 


It  is  a  great  pleasure  to  acknowledge  my  gratitude  to  Professor  Daniel  Muzia 
for  his  helpful  advice  and  encouragement  during  the  course  of  this  work.  I  also 
wish  to  thank  Professors  J.  E.  Gullherg,  L.  V.  Heilbrunn  and  C.  B.  Metz  for 
their  valuable  comments  about  the  results,  and  Mr.  Fred  Burnet  for  his  skillful 
preparation  of  the  drawings. 


1.  The  progressive   dose-dependent   inhibition   of   the   fertilization   reaction   on 
the  directly-irradiated  hemisphere  of  the  unilaterally  U.V. -irradiated  sea  urchin  egg 
has  been  described  in  terms  of  changes  in  the  ability  to  elevate  the  fertilization 
membrane  and  to  differentiate  the  hyaline  layer. 

2.  Membrane  elevation  was  not  activated  by  2537  A  U.V.  light. 

3.  No  spreading  of  the  extent  of  injury  or  recovery  was  found  with  time ;  and 
no  temperature  sensitivity  differences  were  found ;  hence,  the  injury  appeared  to 
be  the  result  of  direct  photochemical  action. 

4.  The  irradiated  hemisphere  of  the  fertilized  egg  maintained  its  jelly  for  con- 
siderable periods  of  time. 

5.  Evidence  was  obtained  showing  partial  gelation  of  the  irradiated  hemisphere 
and  suggesting  that  the  gelled  cytoplasm  had  a  higher  density  than  the  rest  of 
the  egg.     Irradiation  in  calcium-free  sea  water  did  not  change  the  degree  of  dam- 
age observed  after  fertilization  in  normal  sea  water. 

6.  The   behavior  of   the   cytoplasm   of   the   shaded   hemisphere   at   fertilization 
suggested  either  that  the  surface  structure  was  damaged  or  that  the  osmotically 
inert  volume  had  been  increased. 

7.  Unilateral  irradiation  caused  excentric  spindle  formation  which  resulted  in 
equal  sized  blastomeres  if  the  spindle  axis  was  perpendicular  to  the  axis  of  irradia- 
tion and  unequal  sized  blastomeres  if  the  axes  were  parallel. 


GIESE,  A.  C.,  1947.     Radiations  and  cell  division.     Quart.  Rcr.  Biol.,  22  :  253-282. 

HARVEY,  E.  B.,  AND  G.  I.  LAVIX,   1944.     The  chromatin  in  the  living  Arbacia  punctiilata  egg 

and  the  cytoplasm  of  the  centrifuged  egg  as  photographed  by  ultraviolet  light.     Biol. 

Bull,  86:"  163-168. 
HEILBRUNN,  L.  V.,  1952.     An  Outline  of  General  Physiology.     Third  ed.     W.  B.  Saunders  Co., 

MOORE,  A.  R.,   1956.     In:   Formulae  and  Methods   IV,   Marine   Biological   Laboratory,   Woods 

Hole,  Massachusetts. 

REED,  E.  A.,   1943.     Unilateral  membrane  formation  in  the  sea  urchin  egg  treated  with  ultra- 
violet light.     Anat.  Rcc.,  87  :   467. 
REED,   E.   A.,    1948.     Ultraviolet   light   and   permeability   of   sea    urchin    eggs.     /.    Cell.    Comp. 

Physiol.,  31  :  261-280. 
ROTHSCHILD,  LORD,  AND  M.  M.  SWANN,  1949.     The  fertilization  reaction  in  the  sea  urchin  egg. 

A  propagated  response  to  sperm  attachment.     /.  E.vp.  Biol.,  26:   164-176. 
RUNNSTROM,  J.,  1928.     Die  Veranderungen  der  Plasmakolloide  bei  der  Entwicklungserregung 

des  Seeigeleies.     Protoplasma,  4:  388-514. 
SPIKES,  J.   D.,    1944.     Membrane  formation   and  cleavage   in   unilaterally   irradiated    sea   urchin 

eggs.     /.  E.rp.  Zoo!..  95:  89-103. 



Department  of  Biological  Sciences,  Northwestern    ['nii'crsity,  Evanston,  Illinois 

Previous  studies  of  slime  mold  aggregation  (Sussman  and  Noel,  1952)  had 
shown  that  the  number  of  aggregative  centers  is  linearly  related  to  the  number 
of  cells  present  and,  further,  that  centers  are  distributed  in  accord  with  the 
Poisson  series  among  small,  replicate  population  samples.  These  and  supporting 
data  were  considered  to  dictate  the  existence  of  specially  endowed  individuals 
termed  "initiator  cells,"  each  of  which  could  evoke  the  aggregative  response  by 
its  neighbors,  the  "responder  cells."  Recently  a  distinctive  cell  type  was  detected 
by  morphological  criteria  in  Dictyosteliuni  discoideiun  Raper  and  evidence  was 
presented  in  support  of  the  contention  that  cells  of  this  type  are  in  fact  the 
initiators  of  aggregation  (Ennis  and  Sussman,  1958a,  1958b ;  Sussman,  1958).  The 
distinctive  individuals,  termed  I -cells,  are  much  larger  than  the  remainder  of  the 
population  (R-cells),  the  difference  amounting  to  2-3-fold  in  diameter,  3-10-fold 
in  area.  They  are  much  flatter  and  more  heavily  granulated  and  vacuolated.  In 
contrast  to  the  R-cells  which  move  sluggishly,  the  I-cells  are  highly  motile  and 
extensive  lobopodia  and  filopodia  are  seen  to  protrude  constantly  and  explosively. 
Figure  1  presents  histograms  to  illustrate  the  size  differences.  Two  modes  are 
apparent  without  overlap. 

The  evidence  (Ennis  and  Sussman,  1958b)  supporting  the  candidacy  of  the 
I-cells  for  the  appellation  of  "initiator"  is  summarized  below : 

a)  The  ratio  of  I-cells  to  R-cells  remained  .constant  during  the  pre-aggregative 
period   at    1 : 1940.     This   figure   agrees   closely   with   the   ratio   of  centers 
formed  to  cells  present  at  optimal  density  (1:2200). 

b)  A  high  correlation  was  encountered  between  the  positions  of  I-cells  and 
of  subsequently  formed  aggregative  centers. 

c)  The  appearance  of  centers  among  small,  replicate  population  samples  was 
correlated    (perfectly   in   one  experimental   series   and   almost   perfectly   in 
another)    with   the   previously   determined    incidence    of    I-cells.     That   is, 
centers  appeared  in  samples  containing  I-cells ;  none  appeared  in  samples 
without  I-cells. 

d)  Removal  of  I-cells  at  an  early  enough  time  prevented  subsequent  center 

1  This  work  was  supported  by  grants  from  the  National  Cancer  Institute  and  the  Office 
of  Naval  Research. 

-  Present  address  :   Department  of  Biology,   Brandeis  University,  Waltham,   Massachusetts. 

3  Postdoctoral  Fellow,  N.I.H.  Present  address :  Department  of  Bacteriology  and  Immunol- 
ogy, Harvard  University  School  of  Medicine,  Boston,  Massachusetts. 







RANDOM         I -CELL 

r    =18.8 
CV   =29  21 



<r    =72 
CV    =247. 

P-i    r-i    n 




tr     60 




I         5O          100         150       200       250       300        350        400       450        500 

r   r      IN 





RANDOM        I  -  CELL 

MEAN =3^3 
o-      --  1 5.4 
CV     =43.67. 

1  n      n 



20  30 





FIGURE  1.  Histograms  of  mean  diameters  and  products  of  major  and  minor  radii.  I-cells 
were  detected  under  100  X  and  confirmed  under  440  X  as  described  in  the  Methods  section. 
As  controls,  myxamoebae  were  chosen  at  random  for  micrometric  determinations. 


e)  Micromanipulation  of  I-cells  to  test  areas  caused  the  induction  of  aggregates 
within  the  test  populations,  whereas  movement  of  R-cells  at  the  same  stage 
of  development  did  not. 

The  data  to  be  presented  provide  subsidiary  support  for  the  contention  that 
the  I-cells  are  the  initiator  cells  and  throw  light  upon  their  role  in  the  aggregative 


D.  discoidenm,  strain  NC-4  wild  type,  was  grown  on  SM  agar  medium  in 
association  with  Aerobacter  aerogenes  (Sussman  and  Noel,  1952).  After  44 
hours  at  22°  C.,  the  myxamoebae  had  attained  the  stationary  phase  and  were 
harvested,  washed  by  differential  centrifugation,  and  dispensed  on  washed  agar 
plates  (Sussman  and  Noel,  1952).  Under  these  conditions  the  myxamoebae  do 
not  increase  in  number  and  aggregate  and  fruit  in  normal  fashion. 

The  procedure  for  I-cell  identification  has  been  previously  given  in  detail 
(Ennis  and  Sussman,  1958b).  Initial  recognition  is  accomplished  at  100  X  mag- 
nification by  size  and  flatness.  Examination  at  440  X  reveals  the  great  pseudopodial 
activity,  high  rate  of  protoplasmic  streaming,  and  granulation,  and  thereby  con- 
firms the  diagnosis.  A  cautionary  note  is  appended  here.  Occasionally,  one 
encounters  moribund  cells  which  typically  attain  enormous  size  before  lysing. 
However,  these  cells  are  perfectly  round  and  hemispherical.  They  display  no 
motility  and  have  lost  their  granules  and  vacuoles.  After  one  has  seen  an  I-cell, 
there  is  no  chance  of  confusing  the  two  types  and  in  any  case,  moribund  cells  are 
extremely  rare  under  the  conditions  of  preparation  and  incubation  described  above. 


A.     Tune-lapse  studies  of  aggregation 

As  mentioned,  a  high  correlation  was  shown  to  exist  between  the  positions  of 
I-cells  and  of  subsequently  formed  aggregative  centers.  In  these  experiments, 
washed  myxamoebae  were  dispensed  on  washed  agar  at  a  population  density  of 
200  cells/mm.2,  optimal  for  center  formation  in  this  strain  (Sussman  and  Noel, 
1952).  After  8  hours'  incubation  at  22°  C.,  low  power  fields  were  chosen  at 
random  and  fixed  in  position  on  microscope  stages.  Those  found  to  contain  I-cells 
were  retained  for  further  study.  Camera  lucida  drawings  or  photomicrographs 
were  made  at  intervals  until  aggregation  had  begun  and  the  centers  were  estab- 
lished. In  50%  of  the  fields,  a  center  formed  precisely  at  the  position  of  the  I-cell. 
(Since  in  this  stock,  the  ratio  of  centers  formed  to  cells  present  is  1:2200,  the 
random  chance  of  predicting  that  a  center  would  form  at  a  particular  cell  is  0.05%.) 
In  30%  of  the  fields  a  center  formed  near  the  I-cell.  No  centers  formed  in  the 
remaining  20%.  In  contrast,  the  incidence  of  centers  in  randomly  chosen  fields, 
not  examined  for  the  presence  of  I-cells,  was  25%.  Thus  the  over-all  chance  of 
a  center  appearing  in  a  field  containing  an  I-cell  was  three  times  greater  than 
random.  The  numerical  data,  given  in  detail  elsewhere  (Ennis  and  Sussman, 
1958b),  are  here  amplified  by  time-lapse  series  of  camera  lucida  drawings  and 



Figure  2  illustrates  the  sequence  of  events  when  the  center  formed  at  the  I-cell. 
The  first  overt  sign  of  impending  aggregation  was  the  appearance  of  large  cell 
clumps  near  the  I-cell.  Associations  of  more  than  two  or  three  cells  were  never 
encountered  prior  to  this  time  and  even  these  were  purely  transient.  In  the  series 
shown,  the  I-cell  itself  became  part  of  a  clump  as  its  nearest  neighbors  began  to 



o  X 





„    *X  • 



FIGURE  2.  Time  lapse  camera  lucida  drawings  of  aggregation.  The  I-cell  is  the  black 
individual.  Cell  clumps,  appearing  first  in  C,  were  merely  outlined.  The  two  cross-hatches 
mark  the  positions  of  dirt  particles,  used  as  points  of  reference.  Respective  times,  in  hours, 
after  deposition  on  washed  agar :  10.8,  11.25,  11.7.  11.9.  12.4,  13.0,  14.4. 



_, , m 

FIGURE  3.  Time  lapse  photomicrographs  of  an  aggregation.  The  arrows  point  to  the 
I-cell.  In  photograph  No.  2,  the  I-cell  was  joined  by  a  few  neighboring  R-cells  to  form  a 
tiny  central  clump.  Photograph  No.  3  was  the  last  clearly  discernible  position  of  the  I-cell. 



0  0 

o      « 

o  '•   •        o 

«    O    0   » 


0°  P 

,0     •-^•:*7\v\- 


FIGURE  4.     Time  lapse  camera  lucida  drawings  of  an  aggregation.     See  legend  of  Figure  2  for 
details.     Respective  times,  in  hours  after  deposition  on  washed  agar :  12,  12.5,  13,  13.4,  14. 

nestle  against  it.  This  occurred  in  all  but  a  few  of  the  aggregations  studied.  The 
last  clearly  discerned  position  of  the  I-cell  is  in  Figure  2-D.  Its  position  was 
barely  visible  in  Figure  2-E  as  the  I-cell  enlarged  and  extended  to  the  right.  Mean- 
while, the  previously  formed  clumps  enlarged  and  new  ones  appeared  concen- 
trically about  and  at  progressively  greater  distances  from  the  I-cell.  At  this  time, 
the  loose  cells  and  those  in  the  clumps  elongated  and  oriented  radially.  This 
caused  the  clumps  to  attain  the  appearance  of  streams.  The  position  of  the  ag- 
gregative center  then  emerged  clearly  (Fig.  2-F)  and  is  seen  to  have  occupied  the 
last  known  position  of  the  I-cell.  Ultimately  the  streams  moved  into  and  joined 
the  center,  producing  the  usual  conical  cell  mass.  Figure  3  is  a  series  of 
photomicrographs  of  another  aggregation  in  which  the  center  again  formed  at 
the  I-cell. 


A  typical  sequence  in  which  a  center  was  established  near  the  I-cell  is  shown 
in  Figure  4.  Again,  the  first  sign  of  impending  aggregation  was  the  appearance 
of  cell  clumps,  although  on  this  occasion,  no  clump  formed  around  the  I-cell.  A 
particularly  large  clump  appeared  at  a  distance  of  about  200  /A  from  the  I-cell 
(Fig.  4-C).  The  I-cell  then  moved  into  a  small  clump  immediately  above  the 
upper  right  reference  mark.  The  cells  elongated  and  oriented  radially  and  a 
center  was  established  at  a  distance  of  about  100  /x  from  the  last  known  position  of 
the  I-cell.  Thus  the  only  real  difference  between  the  sequences  shown  in  Figure  2 
and  Figure  4  is  the  appearance  of  the  abnormally  large  clump,  and  this  event  always 
preceded  the  establishment  of  a  center  near,  rather  than  at,  the  I-cell.  In  10  of  19 
cases,  the  R-cells  entered  the  aggregate  but  the  I-cell  remained  outside.  In  the 
other  9  cases  the  I-cell  was  also  swept  into  the  aggregate. 

Figure  5  shows  that  a  center  need  not  form  at  a  point  along  the  previous  path 
of  the  I-cell.  The  four  cases  were  chosen  because  the  respective  I-cells  wandered 
along  relatively  straight  paths  and  could  therefore  clearly  illustrate  that  such  a 
relation  did  not  exist.  Cases  3  and  4  are  particularly  pertinent  in  that  the  centers 
did  not  form  at  the  I-cells  but  did  so  at  distances  of  250  and  300  ju,  respectively. 

B.     Aggregation  after  I-cell  removal 

The  fact  that  I-cell  removal  can  prevent  subsequent  aggregation  was  established 
in  previously  reported  experiments  (Ennis  and  Sussman,  1958b).  They  also 
showed  that,  to  be  effective,  the  removal  must  be  accomplished  at  a  very  early 
stage  of  the  pre-aggregative  period.  Thus,  I-cells  were  removed  from  drops  con- 
taining 500  myxamoebae  within  two  minutes  after  they  had  been  dispensed  on 
washed  agar.  The  incidence  of  centers  16  hours  later  (at  which  time  all  aggrega- 
tions were  completed),  was  only  9%  of  the  incidence  in  the  control  drops  from 
which  I-cells  had  not  been  removed.  If,  however,  the  I-cells  were  permitted  to 
remain  for  about  5  minutes  before  removal,  the  incidence  of  centers  rose  to  40% 
of  the  control  value.  Removal  at  20  minutes  increased  the  incidence  to  67%  of 
the  controls  and  removal  at  one  hour  was  totally  ineffective,  i.e.,  equal  percentages 
of  aggregates  developed  in  the  controls  and  in  populations  from  which  I-cells  were 
removed.  Clearly,  then,  the  presence  of  the  I-cell  in  the  immediate  vicinity  of  the 
R-cells,  even  for  a  few  minutes,  is  sufficient  to  produce  an  inductive  effect. 

Experiments  performed  since  then  have  indicated  that  the  I-cells  can  exert  this 
inductive  effect  upon  R-cells  well  outside  of  their  immediate  vicinity,  albeit  they 
require  more  time  to  do  so.  Replicate  samples  of  6000  washed  myxamoebae  were 
dispensed  on  washed  agar  at  the  optimal  density  of  200  cells/mm.2.  The  excess 
fluid  was  absorbed  by  the  agar  and  after  one  hour's  incubation,  an  area,  1  mm.2, 
was  delineated  at  the  center  of  each  drop  by  scoring  the  agar  surface  lightly  with 
two  pieces  of  razor  blade,  mounted  parallel  at  a  distance  of  1  mm.  The  cells  outside 
of  the  square  were  brushed  away,  thereby  leaving  replicate  samples  of  200  myxa- 
moebae at  a  density  of  200  cells/mm.2. 

Since  the  distribution  of  I-cells  has  been  found  to  be  1 : 1940,  one  would  expect 
about  10%  of  the  squares  to  have  contained  I-cells  and  accordingly  to  have  ag- 
gregated. As  may  be  seen  in  Table  I,  precisely  10%  of  the  squares  so  treated 
did  aggregate.  Thus,  it  can  be  said  that  all  of  the  aggregates  observed  must  have 
been  contributed  by  those  squares  that  contained  I-cells  and  that  no  I-cells  lying 


O.I  MM. 

FIGURE  5.  Relation  between  aggregative  centers  and  previous  migratory  pathways  of 
I-cells  in  four  aggregations.  In  the  top  two,  the  centers  coincided  with  the  final  positions 
of  the  I-cells.  In  the  bottom  two,  they  did  not.  The  respective  times,  in  hours,  at  which  the 
first  and  last  camera  lucida  drawings  were  made  after  deposition  on  washed  agar :  10.8,  11.9; 
9.8,  12.25;  9.8,  14.0;  10.0,  13.0. 





After  the  stated  periods  of  pre-incubation,  squares  were  scored  on  the  agar  surface  and 
outlying  cells  were  brushed  away.     See  text  for  details. 

Pre-incubation  period 
in  hours 

No.  of  squares 

No.  with  aggregates 


















outside  the  boundaries  of  said  squares  for  the  one-hour  period  and  then  brushed 
away,  appear  to  have  exerted  an  inductive  effect  upon  the  R-cells  lying  within. 
When,  however,  a  period  of  4-5  hours  elapsed  before  the  squares  were  delineated 
and  the  outlying  cells  removed,  the  incidence  of  aggregates  within  the  square  rose 
to  16.7%.  After  6-8  hours  the  incidence  was  49%  and  after  10-12  hours,  91%. 
(At  12  hours,  but  not  at  10,  the  cells  were  elongated  and  were  beginning  aggrega- 
tion.) Thus,  even  at  4-5  hours,  significantly  more  aggregates  appeared  than  could 
be  accounted  for  simply  by  the  presence  of  I-cells  within  the  squares.  The  data 
would  therefore  seem  to  force  the  conclusion  that  the  I-cells  lying  outside  the 
squares  must  have  exerted  an  inductive  effect  upon  the  R-cells  within.  It  is 
important  to  note  that,  since  the  total  cell  density  was  200  cells/mm.2,  the  density  of 
the  I-cells  would  have  been  about  1  per  10  mm.2.  Thus  the  I-cells  in  exerting 
their  effect  acted  over  truly  fantastic  distances. 

The  objection  may  be  raised  that  not  only  the  outlying  I-cells  were  removed 
but  also  the  outlying  R-cells.  Why,  then,  could  one  ascribe  the  inductive  effect  to 
the  latter  ?  The  answer  lies  in  the  fact  that  when  replicate  samples  of  from  250  to 
2000  myxamoebae  were  dispensed  at  densities  even  greater  than  200  cells/mm.2,  a 
Poisson  distribution  of  aggregates  was  obtained  in  strict  accordance  with  the  dis- 
tribution of  I-cells.  If  R-cells  had  any  inductive  capacity  of  their  own  at  these 
densities,  why  then  did  not  every  sample  aggregate  regardless  of  whether  an  I -cell 
was  present  or  not? 

In  summary,  the  data  indicate  that  the  I-cell  performs  its  mission  at  the  early 
stages  of  the  pre-aggregative  period.  The  immediate  neighbors  of  the  I-cell  re- 
quire its  presence  for  only  a  few  minutes  and  can  then  subsequently  aggregate  in 
its  absence.  The  more  remote  neighbors  can  also  be  affected  if  the  I-cell  is 
alfowed  to  remain  for  a  longer  period  of  time.  It  is  difficult  to  explain  these 
results  save  by  the  assumption  of  a  diffusible  "initiator  substance." 

C.     The  initiative  capacity  of  R-cells 

As  mentioned  previously,  when  I-cells  were  micromanipulated  to  test  areas,  they 
could  induce  the  test  populations  to  aggregate,  whereas  R-cells  at  the  same  stage 
of  development  could  not  (Ennis  and  Sussman,  1958b).  In  these  experiments, 
the  I-cells  and  R-cells  were  micromanipulated  to  the  test  areas  within  20  minutes 
after  they  had  been  dispensed  on  washed  agar.  The  question  arose  as  to  whether 
or  not  R-cells  which  had  been  incubated  for  periods  longer  than  20  minutes  prior 
to  micromanipulation  might  not  display  initiative  capacity. 




After  the  stated  periods  of  £>re- incubation,  R-cells  were  individually  micro-manipulated 

to  test  areas.     See  text  for  details 

period  in  hours 




No.  with 



No.  with 























Washed  myxamoebae  were  dispensed  on  washed  agar  at  a  density  of  150-200 
cells/mm.2.  After  1,  4-6,  and  10-12  hours,  R-cells  were  picked  up  individually  with 
a  glass  loop  mounted  in  a  deFonbrune  micromanipulator  and  moved  to  test  areas. 
The  test  areas  had  been  prepared  by  dispensing  washed  myxamoebae  on  washed 
agar  at  a  density  of  250  cells/mm.-,  one  hour  prior  to  use.  After  the  excess  fluid 
had  been  absorbed,  an  area,  1  mm.2,  was  delineated  in  the  middle  of  each  drop  as 
described  in  the  previous  section.  The  outlying  cells  were  brushed  away  leaving 
test  squares  containing  250  myxamoebae  at  a  density  of  250.  The  center: cell 
ratio  being  1:2200,  one  would  expect  11.3%  of  the  squares  to  have  aggregated 
spontaneously.  The  background  controls  shown  in  Tables  II  and  III  showed  an 
incidence  of  72  squares  with  aggregates  out  of  a  total  of  578,  or  12.4%.  The 
extent  to  which  addition  of  R-cells,  pre-incubated  for  periods  between  1  and  12 
hours,  affected  the  background  incidence  is  shown  in  Table  II.  R-cells  pre- 


Initiative  capacity  of  R-cells  tested  upon  their  developmental  juniors 

A.  Samples  with  I-cells 

Samples  without  I-cells 


No.  with 



No.  with 








R-cells  from  samples  with 

R-cells  from  samples  without 


B  .   Experi- 



No.  with 



No.  with 



No.  with 










































Twenty-one  which  certainly  con- 
The  percentages  of  samples  that 

A.  Samples  of  500  cells  were  dispensed  on  washed  agar. 
tained  I-cells  and   13  which  certainly  did  not  were  chosen, 
produced  aggregates  are  shown. 

B.  After  8  hours'  pre-incubation,  R-cells,  taken  from  the  samples  with  and  without  I-cells, 
were  micromanipulated  to  test  areas.     See  text  for  details. 



incubated  for  one  hour  did  not  affect  the  background  frequency  but  increases  of 
10  and  24%  over  background  were  obtained  by  adding  R-cells  pre-incubated  for 
4-6  and  10-12  hours,  respectively.  In  other  words,  when  pre-incubated  for  10-12 
hours  and  then  moved  to  test  areas,  one  out  of  four  R-cells  could  induce  the 
formation  of  a  center  among  the  test  cells,  12  hours  after  its  introduction. 





FIGURE  6.  A  kinetic  comparison  of :  I.  The  capacity  of  small  population  samples  to  ag- 
gregate when  isolated  from  their  neighbors  after  varying  periods  of  incubation.  Ordinate : 
per  cent  of  250  cell  samples  that  aggregated.  Abscissa :  time  of  incubation  on  washed  agar 
prior  to  isolation.  (Data  from  Table  I.)  II.  The  capacity  of  R-cells  incubated  for  varying 
times  on  washed  agar  to  initiate  centers  amongst  their  developmental  juniors.  Ordinate:  per 
cent  of  R-cells  capable  of  initiation.  Abscissa  time  of  incubation  on  washed  agar  prior  to 
their  micromanipulation  to  test  areas.  (Data  from  Table  II.) 

Figure  6  is  a  graphic  comparison  of  the  kinetics  of  induction  of  centers  in  test 
squares  (I)  by  progressively  delayed  removal  of  outlying  I-cells  (data  from  Table  I) 
and  (II)  by  addition  of  pre-incubated  R-cells  (data  from  Table  II).  The  crude  ki- 
netic similarity  suggested  that  the  outlying  I-cell  might  not  only  'be  responsible  for  the 
subsequent  aggregation  of  the  R-cells  but  also  for  the  concomitant  increase  in  their 
capacity  to  themselves  initiate  centers.  To  test  this  possibility,  replicate  samples 


of  500  washed  myxamoebae  were  dispensed  on  washed  agar.  In  three  experiments 
21  samples  were  chosen  which  certainly  contained  I-cells  and  13  which  certainly 
did  not.  The  data  in  Table  III  confirm  the  correctness  of  these  choices  since  86% 
of  the  samples  said  to  contain  I-cells  aggregated  while  none  of  those  said  not  to 
contain  I-cells  did  so.  After  these  samples  had  been  incubated  for  8  hours,  R-cells 
were  picked  and  moved  to  test  squares  as  described  in  the  preceding  paragraph. 
Table  III  shows  that  R-cells,  whether  pre-incubated  in  the  presence  or  absence  of  I- 
cells,  were  equally  capable  of  inducing  center  formation.  Thus,  the  rise  of  the  initia- 
tive capacity  of  the  R-cells  during  the  pre-aggregative  period  is  not  dependent  upon 
their  contiguity  with  I-cells.  Two  points  must  be  kept  in  mind  here.  First,  it 
must  be  remembered  that  prior  to  their  deposition  on  the  washed  agar,  R-cells  had 
all  been  in  contact  with  I-cells  and  therefore  could  have  been  at  this  time  the 
subject  of  interactions  emanating  from  the  latter.  Second,  even  though  the  R-cells 
after  12  hours  of  incubation  had  attained  a  significant  degree  of  initiative  capacity, 
they  fell  far  short  of  the  level  displayed  by  the  I-cells  after  only  20  minutes  of 
incubation.  Therefore,  the  phenotypic  difference  between  the  two  cell  types  in  this 
respect  remains  clear. 

Finally,  the  results  reveal  a  most  puzzling  paradox.  When  R-cells  were  pre- 
incubated  for  8  hours  in  the  absence  of  an  I-cell  and  then  placed  in  the  presence 
of  test  cells  for  an  additional  12  hours,  at  least  one  out  of  ten  could  induce  center 
formation.  Yet  the  samples  from  which  these  R-cells  originally  came,  when  in- 
cubated for  a  total  of  20  or  indeed  36  hours,  had  not  aggregated.  It  is  clear,  there- 
fore, that  the  observed  increase  in  the  initiative  capacity  of  R-cells  during  the 
pre-aggregative  period  in  the  development  of  a  population  is  of  no  consequence  to 
the  ultimate  aggregation  of  that  population.  In  other  words,  the  initiative  capacity 
of  such  R-cells,  demonstrated  by  movement  to  another  population,  is  an  experimental 
artifact  bearing  no  relation  to  normal  aggregation  but  which  may  possibly  be  used  to 
understand  the  biochemical  and  genetic  differences  between  the  I-cell  and  R-cell 


The  data  presented  here  and  previously  suggest  a  developmental  program  of 
slime  mold  aggregation  that  may  serve  as  a  useful  working  hypothesis. 

I-cells  arise  during  the  growth  of  an  R-cell  population  (which  in  turn  had 
originated  from  the  spores  of  the  preceding  fruit),  and  attain  a  steady-state  ratio  of 
approximately  1:2000  early  in  the  exponential  phase  (Sussman,  1956;  unpublished 
data).  Entrance  into  the  stationary  phase  marks  the  beginning  of  the  pre-aggrega- 
tive period.  At  the  beginning  of  this  period,  the  I-cells  secrete  material  which, 
during  the  ensuing  12  hours,  so  conditions  the  neighboring  R-cells  as  to  induce  them 
to  aggregate.  This  interaction,  as  might  be  expected,  affects  the  nearest  neighbors 
first  but  its  influence  is  progressively  extended.  Concomitant  with,  but  unrelated 
to  either  the  presence  of  the  I-cell  or  the  subsequent  course  of  aggregation  in  the 
same  population  is  a  significant  rise  in  the  initiative  capacity  of  the  R-cells  them- 
selves. Such  cells  upon  extended  incubation  never  do  attain  the  degree  of  initiative 
capacity  displayed  by  the  I-cells  nor  can  they  act  upon  their  developmental  con- 
temporaries but  only  upon  cells  at  an  earlier  developmental  stage  to  which  they 
have  been  added  by  the  observer. 


The  first  overt  sign  of  aggregation  is  the  formation  of  cell  clumps  concentrically 
about  and  usually  at  the  I-cell.  This  is  followed  by  excitation  and  elongation  of  the 
loose  and  clumped  cells  in  response  to  the  chemotactic  complex  (Sussman  et  al., 
1956;  Shaffer,  1956;  Sussman,  1958).  The  appearance  of  oriented  streams  estab- 
lishes the  position  of  the  aggregative  center.  This  is  usually  coincident  with  the 
final  position  of  the  I-cell  but  sometimes  with  the  position  of  a  particularly  large 
clump  nearby,  and  possibly  reflects  the  point  of  greatest  production  of  the  chemo- 
tactic complex.  In  the  latter  case,  the  position  of  the  center  need  bear  no  relation 
to  the  previous  path  of  the  I-cell. 

The  picture  as  drawn  raises  many  questions  and  offers  a  number  of  predictions 
under  current  study.  The  most  important  of  the  latter  involves  the  hypothetical 
existence  of  an  "initiator"  substance.  In  view  of  the  I-cell  removal  experiments, 
one  ought  under  the  same  conditions  to  be  able  to  induce  test  cells  to  aggregate 
by  dispensing  them  in  an  area  previously  but  no  longer  occupied  by  an  I-cell.  This 
is  being  tested.  The  I-cell  addition  experiments  raise  the  question  as  to  what  is 
the  minimum  period  of  time  after  contact  with  the  I-cell  in  which  the  induced 
R-cells  can  begin  aggregation.  Is  the  12-hour  period  subsequent  to  contact  manda- 
tory or  does  it  involve  preparations  by  the  R-cells  for  aggregation,  unconnected 
with  the  function  of  the  I-cell?  In  the  latter  case,  one  ought  to  be  able  to  pre- 
incubate  the  test  cells  for  twelve  hours,  add  I-cells,  and  observe  the  onset  of 
aggregation  very  shortly  thereafter. 

The  fact  that  R-cells  can  also  attain  initiative  capacity  to  a  far  smaller  degree, 
albeit  much  later  than  do  the  I-cells  and  ineffectively  so  far  as  inducing  their 
contemporaries  to  aggregate  is  concerned,  still  suggests  that  the  metabolic  path- 
ways involved  in  initiation  are  not  unique  to  the  I-cells.  Indeed,  one  may  imagine 
that  the  sole  basis  for  the  difference  between  I-cells  and  R-cells  in  this  respect  is 
the  much  greater  size  of  the  former.  Perhaps,  then,  any  of  the  diverse  methods 
for  producing  giant  cells  may  serve  to  create  initiators  just  as  does  the  normally 
occurring  R-cell  to  I-cell  transformation.  This  point  is  also  under  current  study. 


Dictyostelium  discoidcinn  myxamoebae  occur  as  two  distinct  morphological 
types,  termed  I-cells  and  R-cells.  Data  presented  in  a  previous  publication  demon- 
strate that  I-cells  can  initiate  centers  of  aggregation  and  suggest  compellingly  that 
they  are  in  fact  the  initiator  cells  for  normal  aggregation.  The  present  communi- 
cation extends  and  amplifies  these  findings. 

A.  Time   lapse  camera   lucida   drawings   and   photomicrographs   illustrate   the 
sequence  of  events  dviring  the  onset  of  aggregation. 

B.  Small  population  samples  of  myxamoebae,  when  isolated  from  their  neigh- 
bors shortly  after  deposition  on  washed  agar,  showed  a  distribution  of  aggregative 
centers   consistent   with   the   distribution   of    I-cells   within   the   samples.     Longer 
periods  of  contact  with  neighboring  cells  (including  other  I-cells)  that  surrounded 
the  samples  prior  to  isolation  permitted  progressively  greater  proportions  of  the 
samples  to  aggregate.     The  possibility  arises  of  an  "initiator  substance"   whose 
effect  may  extend  over  relatively  great  distances. 

C.  R-cells,  incubated  for  long  periods  of  time  on  washed  agar,  were  found  to 
have  acquired  initiative  capacity.     At  best,  only  a  small  proportion  did  so  and  fur- 


thermore  could  only  induce  the  formation  of  aggregative  centers  amongst  their 
developmental  juniors  (by  twelve  hours)  but  not  amongst  their  developmental 


ENNIS,    H.    L.,    AND    M.    SUSSMAN,    1958a.     The    initiator    cell    for    slime    mold    aggregation. 

Bacteriol.  Proceedings,  p.  32. 
ENNIS,  H.  L.,  AND  M.  SUSSMAN,  1958h.     The  initiator  cell  for  slime  mold  aggregation.     Proc. 

Nat.  Acad.  Set.,  44:  401-411. 

SHAFFER,  B.  M.,  1956.     Properties  of  acrasin.     Science,  123:  1172-1173. 
SUSSMAN,  M.,   1956.     On  the  relation  between  growth  and  morphogenesis   in   the   slime  mold 

Dictyostettwm  discoidcnm.     Biol.  Bull.,  110:  91-95. 
SUSSMAN,  M.,   1958.     A  developmental   analysis   of  slime  mold  aggregation.     McCollum-Pratt 

Symposium  on  the  chemical  basis  of  development.     (In  press.)     Johns  Hopkins  Uni- 
versity Press,  Baltimore,  Md. 
SUSSMAN,  M.,  AND  E.  NOEL,   1952.     An  analysis  of  the  aggregation  stage  in  the  development 

of  the  slime  molds  Dictyosteliaceae.     I.     The  populational  distribution  of  the  capacity 

to  initiate  center  formation.     Biol.  Bull..  103  :  259-268. 
SUSSMAN,    M.,    F.    LEE    AND    N.    S.    KERR,    1956.     Fractionation    of    acrasin.     Science,    123 : 




Hopkins  Marine  Station  of  Stanford  University,  California  l 

Cryptochiton  stelleri  (the  "gumboot")  is  not  only  the  largest  member  of  the 
class  Amphineura,  but  also  one  of  the  most  specialized  in  that  the  girdle  tissue 
has  completely  overgrown  the  skeletal  plates  (Heath,  1897).  It  therefore  lacks 
the  outer  shell  layer,  the  tegmentum.  While  preparing  some  of  the  skeletal 
plates  for  display,  it  was  noticed  that  occasional  plates  were  cracked  and  that 
many  of  these  cracks  were  repaired  by  an  amber-colored  membrane  resembling 
conchiolin.  It  seemed  of  interest  to  determine  the  frequency  of  damage,  the  stages 
of  repair,  the  possible  significance  of  this  ability  to  the  survival  of  the  animal,  and 
the  relative  incidence  of  breakage  and  repair  in  several  other  species  of  chitons 
(Katherina  tunicata,  Mopalia  hindsii). 

Cryptochiton  (Amicula)  stelleri  is  a  subtidal  browsing  herbivore,  but  it  is  also 
found  in  fair  numbers  up  into  the  middle  zone  of  the  intertidal  region.  When 
found  in  the  intertidal  zone  it  is  attached  loosely  to  rock  encrusted  with  coralline 
algae  or  to  algal  curtains,  and  occasionally  it  is  found  on  a  sandy  bottom. 
Cryptochiton  holds  to  its  substrate  only  gently  and  can  be  removed  easily  by  hand. 
It  is  also  dislodged  by  wrave  action  as  evidenced  by  the  large  number  (approximately 
75)  counted  on  three  local  beaches  after  a  heavy  storm  in  April,  1958.  The  plates 
of  the  storm-tossed  animals  were  shattered  and  all  but  five  of  the  animals  were 
dead.  It  is  possible  that  after  seeking  food  in  shallower  tidepools  and  crevices 
during  high  water,  the  chiton  is  left  by  the  subsequent  receding  tide  and  falls  from 
its  loosely-held  position  among  the  algae.  Caught  by  wave  action,  it  may  be  beaten 
against  the  rocks  before  it  can  re-establish  its  hold  or  before  it  can  get  back  to 
deeper  waters.  The  animals  when  strongly  stimulated  in  the  laboratory  have  been 
seen  to  contract  with  sufficient  force  to  crack  their  plates ;  perhaps  some  are  also 
broken  in  this  manner  in  nature. 

Of  the  146  sets  of  plates  (Fig.  1A)  collected  2  87,  or  59.5  per  cent,  had  one  or 
more  plates  broken  (about  18  per  cent  had  one,  17  per  cent  had  two,  11  per  cent 
had  three,  6.2  per  cent  had  four,  3.4  per  cent  had  five,  2.7  per  cent  had  six,  1.3 
per  cent  had  seven,  but  none  had  all  eight).  Two  animals  had  seven  of  the  eight 
plates  broken.  The  middle  plates  were  broken  most  often,  these  being  the  widest 
and  flattest  (6.2  per  cent  plate  1,  11.4  per  cent  plate  2,  14.1  per  cent  plate  3,  18  per 
•cent  plate  4,  21.2  per  cent  plate  5,  16.8  per  cent  plate  6,  8.4  per  cent  plate  7,  and 
3.9  per  cent  plate  8).  Often  two  or  three  adjacent  plates  were  found  with  similar 
breaks,  suggesting  a  blow  from  a  large  surface. 

1  Supported  in  part  by  U.  S.  Public  Health  Grant  RG  4578  to  A.  C.  Giese. 

2  The  chitons   were  being  used   in   a   study  of   the   annual    reproductive   cycle   and   of   the 
biochemistry   of   the   blood    and    tissues ;    hence    the    plates    were    available    in    numbers,    from 
specimens  collected  for  these  purposes. 



Plates  that  had  been  broken  just  prior  to  the  animal's  death,  either  by  storms 
or  in  the  laboratory,  showed  a  clean  cleavage  with  the  parts  fitting  perfectly  together. 
Depending  upon  the  severity  of  the  blow,  the  cleavage  was  in  a  single  straight  line  or 
in  an  arborescent  pattern.  Repairs  were  seen  in  few  plates  that  had  been  shattered 
into  as  many  as  seven  pieces. 

The  first  step  in  repair  is  the  formation  of  a  strip  of  membrane  overlapping  the 
crack  on  both  sides  of  the  plate.  The  second  stage  seems  to  be  the  accumulation  of 
fine  granules  of  a  calcium  salt,  presumably  in  the  form  of  carbonate  (Bevelander 
and  Benzer,  1948),  under  the  conchiolin  strip  with  the  concomitant  erosion  of  the 
underlying  crystalline  shell.  This  erosion  often  extends  for  some  distance  laterally 
from  the  crack  under  an  extension  of  the  membrane  strip  (Fig.  1C).  The  last 
step  in  repair  (Figs.  1D-G)  is  the  invasion  or  growth  of  existing  minute  crystals 
(Bevelander  and  Benzer,  1948;  Bevelander,  1953)  of  the  surface  of  the  membrane 
strip  by  crystals  of  calcium  carbonate  in  the  form  of  aragonite  (Prenant,  1927). 
The  crystals  are  imbedded  in  the  surface  of  the  conchiolin,  leaving  a  ridge  over  the 
crack,  and  often  an  air  space  or  a  layer  of  membrane  between  the  old  shell  and  the 
new  material  (Fig.  IE).  This  leaves  the  plate  weakened  so  that  a  second  blow 
usually  splits  the  plate  along  the  old  crack. 

To  determine  the  rate  of  repair  of  broken  plates,  five  chitons  subjected  to 
hammer  blows  were  kept  in  the  laboratory  with  ample  food  and  in  running  sea 
water,  and  sacrificed  after  varying  lengths  of  time.  The  results  are  quite  variable 
but  they  serve  to  illustrate  the  slowness  of  repair.  For  example,  while  one  chiton 
developed  membranes  around  the  cracks  in  twenty  days  and  granular  calcium 
carbonate  deposition  in  twenty-four,  another  showed  no  visible  sign  of  repair  in 
the  same  period  of  time.  In  still  another  chiton,  dissected  sixty  days  after  breaking 
the  plates,  crystalline  calcium  carbonate  was  evident  in  the  cracks.  However, 
in  two  chitons  examined  100  days  after  injury,  only  membranes  had  been  laid 
down  over  the  cracked  edges  of  the  plates. 

Energy  for  mobilization  of  the  shell  calcium  is  available  only  during  active 
feeding  and  digestion  in  some  mollusks  (Wagge,  1951,  1952;  Robertson,  1941). 
The  effects  of  starvation  were  not  tested  here  in  view  of  the  variability  of  results 
with  well-fed  specimens. 

Wilbur  and  Jodrey  (1955)  inhibited  shell  deposition  in  the  oyster  with  car- 
bonic anhydrase  inhibitor.  However,  no  tests  were  made  with  such  inhibitors  on 
Cryptochiton  in  view  of  the  variability  of  results  and  the  long  time  required  for 
repair  of  broken  skeletal  plates.  Furthermore,  it  is  not  even  known  whether 
amphineurans  possess  carbonic  anhydrase  although  Freeman  and  Wilbur  (1948) 
found  it  in  most,  but  not  all,  of  the  species  of  gastropods  and  pelecypods  tested. 

Katherina  tunicata 

Fifty-five  sets  of  plates  of  Katherina  were  examined  and  only  five  plates  were 
found  to  be  broken,  although  many  of  them  were  eroded  to  some  extent,  possibly 
by  a  disease.  Of  these,  two  showed  slight  evidence  of  repair.  One  had  a  thin 
membrane  with  a  few  lime  crystals,  the  other  showed  an  old  crack  completely 
repaired.  It  is  possible  that  the  other  cracked  shells  were  broken  when  the 
eviscerated  specimens  were  boiled  to  loosen  the  plates  for  examination.  One  valve 
broken  experimentally  showed  a  conchiolin  membrane  after  a  few  weeks. 






Katherina  lives  in  the  surf  zone  on  exposed  shores  among  the  sea  palms  and 
between  mussel  beds  where,  at  certain  times  of  the  day,  it  withstands  an  almost 
continual  pounding  by  the  waves.  Even  at  low  tides  the  animals  hold  fast  to  bare 
rock  or  crustose  algae  with  such  strength  that  a  knife  or  screwdriver  is  needed  to 
pry  them  loose.  At  that,  an  inexperienced  collector  will  often  get  only  the  plates 
and  girdle,  the  foot  and  viscera  remaining  on  the  substrate.  The  storms  of  1958 
which  left  so  many  specimens  of  Cryptochiton  on  the  beaches  presumably  failed 
to  dislodge  specimens  of  Katherina;  at  least  none  was  seen  on  the  beaches  with 

The  infrequency  of  broken  plates  in  Katherina  suggests  that  its  plates  are 
proportionally  stronger  than  those  of  Cryptochiton.  The  average  weight  of  the 
eight  plates  (10  specimens;  average  wet  weight  33  grams)  was  19.6  per  cent  of 
the  wet  weight  of  the  entire  chiton,  in  comparison  to  the  7.4  per  cent  for  Cryptochiton 
(45  specimens;  average  wet  weight  850  grams). 

It  is  also  possible  that  the  shape  of  a  skeletal  plate  has  some  bearing  on  its 
resistance  to  shock.  Plates  No.  2  to  No.  7  of  Cryptochiton  are  in  the  shape  of 
butterflies  (Fig.  1A)  and  are  relatively  flat.  The  skeletal  plates  in  Katherina 
consist  of  a  heavy,  roughly  circular,  disc  with  one  pair  of  thin  lateral  lobes  (Fig.  IB). 

Mopalia  hindsii 

Twenty-six  sets  of  skeletal  plates  of  Mopalia  were  examined  and,  other  than 
chipping  along  the  edges  of  the  thin  membrane,  eleven  had  broken  plates  (six  had 
one  plate  broken,  three  had  two  and  one  each  had  three  or  four  plates  broken). 
The  most  common  crack  was  from  the  lateral  notch  to  the  beak  of  the  plate.  Along 
this  line  the  plate  is  porous.  Although  many  of  the  cracks  are  clean  and  may 
have  resulted  from  boiling  eviscerated  specimens  to  release  the  plates,  Mopalia 
suffers  a  fairly  high  incidence  of  infection  from  an  unidentified  boring  animal  which 
weakens  the  prismatic  layer  of  the  plate  with  long  tunnels.  One  of  these  weakened 
plates  was  broken  and  the  shell  was  thickened  along  the  cracked  tunnel.  A  thin 
membrane  and  some  lime  crystals  were  also  deposited  after  a  lapse  of  several 
weeks  along  cracks  in  plates  No.  2  to  No.  7  broken  by  a  blow  from  a  hammer. 
One  unbroken  plate  showed  deposition  of  new  material  where  an  attached  barnacle 
overlapped  the  edge  of  the  plate  (Fig.  1H).  Mopalia  therefore  can  to  some  extent 
repair  its  skeletal  plates. 

The  specimens  of  Mopalia  used  in  this  work  were  collected  from  concrete  pilings 
in  Monterey  Harbor,  a  relatively  protected  habitat.  While  the  skeletal  plates  are 
broad  and  flat  (Fig.  1C)  and  in  this  respect  resemble  those  of  Cryptochiton,  at 
the  same  time  they  constitute  about  22.1  per  cent  of  the  wet  weight  of  the  animals. 
Apparently  they  are  adequate  for  the  conditions  to  which  the  animals  are  exposed. 

FIGURE  1.  A.  Shell  plates  of  Cryptochiton  stclleri.  X  %.  Plate  No.  1  (anterior)  is 
toward  the  top  of  the  page.  B.  Shell  plates  of  Katherina  tunicata.  X  %.  Plate  No.  1 
(anterior)  is  toward  the  top  of  the  page.  C.  Shell  plates  of  Mopalia  hindsii.  X  %.  Plate 
No.  1  (anterior)  is  toward  the  top  of  the  page.  D.  Representative  cracks  in  shell  plates  of 
Cryptochiton  undergoing  repair.  X  ^o-  E.  A  section  along  a  crack  in  a  plate  of  Cryptochiton 
showing  the  space  between  the  old  shell  and  the  new  material  deposited  during  repair.  X  1. 
F.  Lateral  extension  of  the  conchiolin  strip  (dark  material)  over  two  breaks.  X  1.  G.  Inva- 
sion of  the  conchiolin  strip  (dark)  by  crystalline  calcium  carbonate  (light).  X  1.  H.  Deposi- 
tion of  new  shell  (above,  right)  along  edge  of  barnacle  attached  to  Mopalia  plate.  X  1. 



The  skeletal  plates  of  Katherina  tunicata  and  Mopalia  hindsii  are  sturdy,  con- 
stituting about  a  fifth  of  the  wet  weight  of  the  animal.  They  were  seldom  found 
broken  in  the  specimens  examined,  but  some  broken  plates  were  undergoing  re- 
pair. The  skeletal  plates  of  Cryptochiton  stcllcri,  on  the  other  hand,  are  flat  and 
thin  and  constitute  only  7.4  per  cent  of  the  wet  weight  of  the  animal.  The  majority 
of  cryptochitons  examined  showed  breaks  in  one  or  more  skeletal  plates  and  in 
almost  all  of  these,  some  degree  of  repair  and  deposition  of  membrane  or  mineral 
could  be  observed.  The  ability  to  repair  its  plates  is  probably  of  value  to  this 
species  in  view  of  the  weakness  in  design  of  its  skeleton. 

Irregularities  of  plates  and  variations  in  numbers  of  skeletal  plates  have  been 
described  for  other  species  of  chitons  (Crozier,  1919;  Berry,  1925,  1935;  Taki, 
1932).  It  is  interesting  that  apart  from  an  occasional  asymmetrical  terminal 
plate  of  a  Cryptochiton,  no  such  irregularities  in  number  or  shape  were  observed 
in  the  three  species  of  chiton  studied  here. 


BERRY,  S.  S.,  1925.     On  an  abnormal  specimen  of  the  chiton,  Acanthoplcura  qrannlata.     Ann. 

and  Mag.  Nat.  Hist.,  16:  173-175. 
BERRY,   S.   S.,   1935.     A  further   record  of  a   Chiton    (Nuttalina)    with   nine  valves.     Nautilus, 

48:  89-90. 
BEVELANDER,  G.,  1953.     Interrelations  between  protein  elaboration  and  calcification  in  molluscs. 

Anat.  Rec.,  117:  568-569. 
BEVELANDER,   G.,   AND   P.    BENZER,    1948.     Calcification    in    marine   molluscs.     Biol.   Bull.,   94 : 


CROZIER,  W.  J.,  1919.     Coalescence  of  the  shell  plates  in  Chiton.     Amcr.  Nat.,  53:  278-279. 
FREEMAN,  J.  A.,  AND  K.  M.  WILBUR,  1948.     Carbonic  anhydrase  in  molluscs.     Biol.  Bull.,  94 : 

HEATH,  H.,  1897.     External  features  of  young  Cryptochiton.     Proc.  Acad.  Nat.  Sci.  Phil.,  8 : 

PRENANT,  M.,  1927.     Les  formes  mineralogiques  du  calcaire  chez  les  etres  vivants,  et  le  problem 

de  leur  determinisme.     Biol.  Rev.,  2  :  365-393. 
ROBERTSON,  J.   D.,   1941.     The  function  and  metabolism  of  calcium   in  the   Invertebrata.     Biol. 

Rev.,  16:  106-133. 
TAKI,  I.,  1932.     On  some  cases  of  abnormality  of  the  shell  plates  in  chitons.    Mem.  Coll.  Sci. 

Kyoto  Imp.  Univ.,  8:  27-64. 
WAGGE,  L.  E.,  1951.     Amoebocytic  activity  and  alkaline  phosphatase  during  shell  regeneration 

in  Helix.     Quart.  J.  Micr.  Sci.,  92 :  307-321. 
WAGGE,  L.   E.,   1952.     Quantitative   studies  of  calcium   metabolism   in  Helix  aspcrsa.     J.   Exp. 

Zool,  120:  311-342. 
WILBUR,  K.  M.,  AND  L.  H.  JODREY,   1955.     Studies  on  shell  formation.     V.     The  inhibition  of 

shell  formation  by  carbonic  anhydrase  inhibition.     Biol.  Bull.,  108 :   359-365. 



The  Biological  Laboratories,  Harvard  University,  Cambridge  38,  Massachusetts 

The  endocrine  role  of  the  corpora  allata  of  insects  was  discovered  by  V.  B. 
Wigglesworth  (1934,  1936)  over  twenty  years  ago.  In  a  series  of  simple  and 
decisive  experiments  on  Rhodnius  he  showed  that  the  corpora  allata  secrete  a 
"juvenile  hormone"  which  opposes  metamorphosis.  In  these  early  studies  Wig- 
glesworth also  recognized  that  the  corpora  allata  undergo  pronounced  changes  in 
endocrine  activity  during  the  course  of  metamorphosis ;  namely,  that  they  are 
active  in  the  immature  nymph,  inactive  in  the  mature  nymph  just  prior  to  metamor- 
phosis, and  active  again  in  the  adult  insect  after  metamorphosis.  Subsequently, 
the  general  validity  of  these  conclusions  has  been  confirmed  repeatedly  and  found 
to  apply  to  both  hemi-  and  holometabolous  insects  (for  review,  see  Wigglesworth, 
1954,  pages  56-64). 

During  the  past  twelve  years,  in  the  course  of  studies  of  the  metamorphosis 
of  the  Cecropia  silkworm,  the  juvenile  hormone  has  necessarily  been  an  object  of 
detailed  attention.  While  confirming  the  essential  elements  in  Wigglesworth's 
theory,  the  study  has  helped  to  resolve  certain  persistent  mysteries  and,  more 
recently,  has  pointed  the  way  to  the  successful  extraction  and  purification  of  the 
hormone  itself.  This  first  of  a  series  of  communications  is  concerned  with  the 
endocrine  activity  of  the  corpora  allata  of  the  adult  moth. 

1.    Experimental  animals 

The  experiments  were  performed  on  Cecropia,  Cynthia,  and  Polyphemus  silk- 
worms. Taxonomists  continue  to  amuse  themselves  by  changing  the  generic  and 
specific  names  of  these  Saturniids.  What  began  as  Phalacna  cecropia  became 
Samia  cecropia,  then  Platysamia  cecropia,  and  now  Hyalophora  cecropia  (Michener, 
1952).  The  Cynthia  silkworm,  known  throughout  the  world  as  Philosamia 
cynthia,  was  changed  to  Samia  walkcri,  and  then  back  to  Samia  cynthia.  Telea 
polyphemus  is  now  Antheraea  polyphemus.  As  in  the  analogous  cases  discussed  by 
Wald  (1952,  page  339),  the  "common  names"  have  escaped  the  attention  of 
taxonomists  and  have  remained  firm  and  unchanging.  Therefore,  the  common 
names  will  be  used  routinely  in  the  present  reports. 

1  This  study  was  aided  by  a  grant  from  the  National  Institutes  of  Health  of  the  U.  S. 
Public  Health  Service.  It  is  a  pleasure  to  acknowledge  the  advice  and  counsel  of  Prof.  Berta 



Cecropia  silkworms  were  reared  under  nylon  nets  on  wild-cherry  trees.  Poly- 
phemus were  reared  on  oak  or  maple ;  Cynthia,  on  cherry  or  ailanthus  or  purchased 
from  dealers.  The  cocoons  were  harvested  and  stored  as  previously  described 
(Williams,  1946a;  Shappirio  and  Williams,  1957). 

2.    Surgical  procedures 

Experimental  animals  must  be  deeply  anesthetized  during  surgical  procedures. 
We  use  carbon  dioxide  for  this  purpose  and  with  mixtures  of  air  and  carbon 
dioxide  have  maintained  pupae  anesthetized  for  as  long  as  one  month  without 
injury.  Groups  of  animals  are  placed  in  a  capped,  flat-bottom  Buchner  funnel 
and  exposed  for  about  twenty  minutes  to  a  slow  stream  of  carbon  dioxide  from  a 
compressed  cylinder.  The  gas  is  bubbled  through  water  en  route  to  the  funnel. 
The  animals  are  flaccid  when  fully  anesthetized,  and  one  can  no  longer  elicit  any 
movements  of  the  abdominal  segments. 

Surgical  procedures  are  performed  in  a  second  Buchner  funnel  (diameter  11 
cm.,  height  3  cm.)  \vhich  is  mounted  flush  on  the  top  of  the  operating  bench.  A 
slow  stream  of  carbon  dioxide  is  bubbled  through  water  and  passed  through  the 
bottom  of  the  uncovered  funnel.  Carbon  dioxide,  being  heavier  than  air,  fills  the 
cavity  of  the  funnel  and  maintains  a  continuous  anesthesia  during  the  surgical 
procedure  (Williams,  1946b). 

Operations  are  carried  out  under  the  low  magnification  of  the  dissecting  micro- 
scope, making  use  of  9  X  oculars  and  0.7,  1,  or  2  X  objectives.  The  foot  of  the 
microscope  is  removed  and  the  vertical  pillar  permanently  attached  to  the  operating 
bench  on  the  distal  side  of  the  funnel.  A  hinged-arm  permits  the  microscope  to 
scan  the  entire  diameter  of  the  funnel.  In  order  to  leave  both  hands  free,  the 
microscope  is  equipped  with  a  foot-focusing  device  (designed  and  built  by  Mr. 
Robert  Chapman  of  the  Harvard  Biological  Laboratories).  Illumination  is  pro- 
vided by  a  6-volt  microscope  lamp  (Zeiss  "Osram")  attached  to  and  moving  with 
the  microscope.  The  lamp  is  equipped  with  an  infra-red  filter. 

Anesthetized  animals  are  transferred  to  the  carbon  dioxide-filled  funnel  for 
the  surgical  procedure.  They  are  then  returned  to  air,  placed  in  individual  num- 
bered glass  containers  ("creamers"),  and  stored  in  a  room  having  a  controlled 
humidity  of  sixty  per  cent  and  a  temperature  of  25°  C. 

Dissecting  instruments  consist  of  the  following:  watchmaker's  forceps  (Dumont 
"rustless";  two  of  No.  3  and  two  of  No.  5)  ;  a  scalpel  (Bard-Parker  No.  3  handle 
with  a  No.  11  detachable  blade);  stainless  iris  scissors  curved  on  the  flat  and 
closing  to  the  tip ;  several  forms  of  stainless  steel  iridectomy  and  micro-scissors ;  a 
stainless  steel  dental  probe ;  a  5-ml.  hypodermic  syringe  filled  with  insect  Ringer 
and  capped  with  a  25-gauge  needle. 

Prior  to  each  group  of  operations  the  instruments  are  briefly  rinsed  in  seventy 
per  cent  ethanol  and  wiped  dry.  Rigorous  asepsis  is  unnecessary  because  the  blood 
of  the  silkworms  apparently  contains  an  anti-bacterial  substance  that  protects  it 
from  the  ordinary  contaminants.  However,  it  fails  to  protect  from  insect  pathogens 
and  no  diseased  insect  should  be  operated  upon  with  the  same  instruments  or 
even  in  the  same  room. 

Healthy  pupae  can  withstand  almost  any  degree  of  surgery  provided  that  a 
few  crystals  of  the  potent  anti-tyrosinase,  phenylthiourea,  are  placed  in  the  operat- 


ing  field.  We  routinely  use  an  equal  part  mixture  of  phenylthiourea  (twice  recrystal- 
lized  from  hot  95  per  cent  ethanol)  and  streptomycin  sulphate,  the  two  having 
been  ground  together  in  a  mortar  and  stored  in  a  capped  vial  in  the  refrigerator. 
Small  amounts  of  the  powder  are  removed  and  discarded  within  two  days  after 
being  placed  at  room  temperature. 

Ephrussi-Beadle  Ringer's  solution  is  utilized  containing  7.5  gm.  NaCl,  0.35  gm. 
KG,  and  0.21  gm.  CaCL,  per  liter  of  distilled  water.  The  stock  solution  is  brought 
to  a  boil,  capped,  and  stored  in  the  dark  under  refrigeration.  Fungal  contamination 
of  physiological  solutions,  especially  those  containing  bicarbonate,  is  a  common 
source  of  difficulty  when  solutions  are  stored  at  room  temperature. 

Excised  tissues  and  organs  are  transferred  to  small  depression  dishes  made  of 
black  glass  and  filled  with  Ringer.  Black  plastic  bottle-caps  are  also  satisfactory  for 
this  purpose.  Dissections  of  sacrificed  animals  are  performed  in  a  glass  Petri  dish 
which  fits  snugly  into  the  cavity  of  the  Biichner  funnel.  Plasticine  is  pressed  into 
the  bottom  of  the  dish  to  receive  short  stainless  steel  pins.  The  dish  is  filled  with 
Ringer  and  the  dissection  performed  with  the  animal  spread  and  pinned  under 
the  solution. 

After  surgical  procedures  on  surviving  pupae.  Ringer's  solution  is  added  from 
a  hypodermic  syringe  so  that  the  blood  is  flush  with  the  surface  of  the  cuticle.  The 
area  of  excised  cuticle  is  then  capped  by  a  plastic  window  of  appropriate  size. 
The  latter  is  punched  or  cut  with  scissors  from  cellulose  acetate  cover  slips 
("Turtox,"  thickness  1  or  2).  The  window  is  sealed  in  place  with  paraffin  wax 
which  is  melted  in  an  alcohol  lamp  and  transferred  with  a  curved  needle  or  drawing 
pen.  The  melted  wax  adheres  to  the  cuticle  and  the  underside  of  the  rim  of  the 
plastic  slip  provided  that  both  are  dry.  The  operating  field  is  thereby  equipped 
with  a  transparent  window  which  permits  one  to  look  inside  the  living  animal. 

3.    Excision  of  pupal  corpora  allata  and  corpora  cardiaca 

An  anesthetized  pupa  is  placed  in  a  plasticine  cradle  in  the  bottom  of  the 
carbon  dioxide-filled  funnel.  The  cuticle  of  the  facial  region  is  first  removed. 
For  this  purpose  a  scalpel  incision  is  made  through  the  integument  on  each  side 
of  the  face.  The  two  cuts  are  joined  by  a  transverse  cut  and  the  rectangle  of 
cuticle  is  grasped  with  forceps  and  pulled  free  from  its  attachment  at  the  base  of 
the  legs.  The  insect's  abdomen  is  then  pressed  forward  with  plasticine  and  held 
in  this  position  so  that  the  blood  fills,  but  does  not  overflow,  the  operating  field. 
The  naked  epidermis  is  grasped  with  forceps,  split  down  the  middle,  and  trimmed 
free  with  scissors.  The  brain  is  thereby  exposed.  This  is  pressed  down  in  the 
field  to  reveal  the  tiny  corpus  allatum-corpus  cardiacum  complex  on  each  side. 
The  complexes  are  dorso-lateral  to  the  brain  and  attached  on  each  side  to  a  large 
tracheal  trunk  at  this  position  (see  Figure  1).  A  pair  of  tiny  nerves  emerges  from 
the  posterior  face  of  each  brain  hemisphere  and  passes  to  the  corpus  cardiacum 
on  that  side.  These  nerves  are  very  delicate  and  difficult  to  see  in  a  dissection  of 
this  type. 

By  means  of  forceps  the  connections  between  glandular  complex  and  the  adjacent 
trachea  are  broken,  and  the  complex  transferred  to  Ringer's  solution  in  a  black- 
dish.  Alternatively,  the  tracheal  segment  can  be  excised  with  iridectomy  scissors 
and  removed  along  with  the  glandular  complex. 




4.  Excision  of  adult  corpora  allata 

The  moth  is  anesthetized  and  its  head  dipped  momentarily  into  seventy  per 
cent  ethanol  to  wet  the  scales  and  hairs.  The  head  is  then  cut  off  with  scissors 
and  placed  in  Ringer's  solution.  (The  headless  moth  will  continue  to  live  for 
approximately  the  normal  life-span  of  7  to  10  days  at  25°  C.) 

The  antennae  are  excised  at  their  bases.  Then  with  fine  scissors  the  head  is  cut 
along  the  dorsal  midline  from  its  posterior  margin  to  the  mouth  parts.  The  head  is 
then  spread  apart  with  foreceps  and  pinned  under  Ringer.  The  pair  of  corpora 
allata-corpora  cardiaca  complexes  is  attached  to  the  aorta  just  behind  the  brain. 
The  brain  is  split  in  the  midline  to  expose  the  aorta.  The  glandular  complexes  can 
now  be  broken  free  from  the  rear  of  the  brain  and  transferred  to  a  black  dish  by 
grasping  the  aorta  with  forceps. 

Under  the  favorable  conditions  of  illumination  in  the  black  dish,  one  can 
recognize  the  corpus  cardiacum ;  it  is  attached  by  short  nerves  to  the  much  larger 
corpus  allatum.  The  latter  is  ordinarily  flattened  or  wedge-shaped  and  sub- 
divided into  a  number  of  lobes  and  lobules.  If  necessary,  the  glandular  complex 
may  now  be  subdivided  into  its  constituent  parts  by  breaking  the  nerves  between 
corpus  cardiacum  and  corpus  allatum. 

5.  Isolation  of  pupal  abdomens 

This  procedure  has  already  been  described  for  the  Cecropia  silkworm  (Williams, 
1947).  The  principal  difficulty  is  to  isolate  the  terminal  abdominal  segments  with- 
out puncturing  the  fluid-filled  midgut.  This  difficulty  is  circumvented  by  the  use 
of  the  Cynthia  silkworm.  In  this  species  the  midgut  contains  only  a  solid,  rod-like 
mass.  Therefore  the  perforation  of  the  midgut  is  inconsequential.  The  pupa  is 
transected  just  behind  the  metathorax  with  a  single  transverse  cut  of  a  sharp 
razor  blade.  The  abdomen  is  then  supported  with  the  cut  surface  facing  upward. 
Crystals  of  the  phenylthiourea-streptomycin  mixture  are  spread  in  the  wound,  and 
Ringer's  solution  is  added  to  fill  the  cavity  of  the  abdomen.  The  wound  is  then 
capped  with  a  plastic  slip  in  which  a  central  hole  has  been  punched.  The  plastic 
is  sealed  in  place  with  melted  wax.  Ringer  is  finally  added  via  the  central  hole  to 
replace  all  air,  and  the  hole  itself  sealed  with  wax. 

1.    Role  of  the  corpora  allata  in  adult  development  and  sexual  maturation 

The  pair  of  corpora  allata-corpora  cardiaca  complexes  was  removed  from  each 
of  a  series  of  twenty  chilled  male  or  female  Cecropia  pupae  via  the  facial  approach. 
The  integumentary  defect  was  capped  and  sealed  with  a  plastic  window,  and  the 
animals  placed  at  25°  C. 

Adult  development  was  initiated  after  about  two  weeks  and  proceeded  in  syn- 
chrony with  the  time-table  for  the  normal  development  of  Cecropia  at  25°  C. 
(Schneiderman  and  Williams,  1954).  The  moths,  emerging  after  three  weeks 

FIGURE  1.  Brain  and  corpora  allata  of  the  Cecropia  silkworm  are  shown  in  cutaway 
views  of  the  head  of  larva  (top),  pupa  (middle),  and  adult  (bottom).  The  corpora  allata  are 
the  two  small  bodies  attached  by  tiny  nerves  to  the  back  of  the  brain.  (This  figure  is  used 
with  the  permission  of  Scientific  American.) 



FIGURE  2.  After  receiving  implants  of  three  pairs  of  corpora  allata  of  adult  Cecropia, 
the  Polyphemus  pupa,  here  illustrated,  has  transformed  into  a  second  pupal  stage.  (See  right 
side  of  preparation  where  the  old  pupal  cuticle  has  been  trimmed  away.) 

FIGURE  3.  This  Cecropia  pupa  received  implants  of  two  pairs  of  adult  Cecropia  corpora 
allata.  Development  has  given  rise  to  a  mixture  of  pupa  and  adult.  (The  old  pupal  cuticle 
has  been  completely  removed.) 


of  adult  development,  could  not  be  distinguished  from  un-operated  individuals.  The 
females  deposited  a  normal  complement  of  eggs  and  both  sexes  survived  for  the 
customary  period  of  7  to  10  days  at  25°  C. 

The  absence  of  corpora  allata  was  confirmed  in  dissections  of  many  of  these 
moths.  All  the  internal  organs,  including  the  gonads,  showed  full  and  complete 
development.  The  abdomens  of  females  were  packed  with  ripe  eggs,  and  the 
males  showed  normal  spermatogenesis. 

The  experiment  was  repeated  on  a  series  of  six  male  and  six  female  pupae  to 
produce  moths  lacking  corpora  allata.  The  two  sexes  were  cross-mated  and  each 
of  the  six  females  was  allowed  to  oviposit  in  a  paper  bag.  A  normal  number 
(150-225)  of  eggs  was  collected  from  each  female.  These  were  placed  under 
large  nylon  nets  and  the  larvae  reared  to  maturity  on  wild-cherry  leaves.  No 
deviation  from  normal  development  could  be  detected. 

These  experiments  show  that  the  corpora  allata  play  no  evident  role  in  the 
transformation  of  the  pupa  into  an  adult  Cecropia  or  in  the  gonadal  function  of 
the  adult  itself. 

2.    Endocrine  activity  of  adult  corpora  allata 

In  the  absence  of  any  obvious  function  of  the  corpora  allata  of  adult  Cecropia, 
it  is  paradoxical  to  find  that  the  glands,  when  excised  and  tested  for  endocrine 
activity,  are  more  active  in  the  moth  than  at  any  other  stage  in  the  life  history 
(Williams,  unpublished  data).  This  fact  was  discovered  eleven  years  ago  in  the 
course  of  an  experiment  performed  for  other  purposes.  It  happened  by  chance  that 
a  pair  of  adult  corpora  allata  was  implanted  into  a  brainless  diapausing  Cecropia 
pupa.  Ten  days  later,  the  host  showed  the  termination  of  diapause  and  the  initia- 
tion of  development.  This  result  would  have  been  puzzling  in  a  normal  diapaus- 
ing pupa ;  in  a  brainless  diapausing  pupa  it  was  incomprehensible. 

Even  more  puzzling  wTas  the  character  of  the  development  which  then  took 
place.  Within  two  weeks  the  brainless  pupa  transformed,  not  into  a  moth,  but 
into  a  bizarre  creature  in  which  large  areas  of  pupal  cuticle  had  been  freshly 
formed  (see  Figs.  3  and  4).  The  animal,  in  short,  was  a  mosaic  of  pupal  and 
adult  characteristics  (Williams,  1952b). 

During  the  past  eleven  years  this  result  has  been  duplicated  on  numerous 
occasions.  The  experimental  series  includes  fifty-one  brainless  Cecropia  pupae 
which  received  one  to  three  pairs  of  corpora  allata-corpora  cardiaca  complexes 
derived  from  male  or  female  Cecropia  moths.  As  shown  in  Table  I  a  total  of 
twelve  individuals  (23  per  cent)  showed  the  result  just  described.  The  residual 
77  per  cent  showed  no  effect  of  the  implantation  and  continued  to  diapause.  But 
the  twelve  positive  experiments  were  of  sufficient  interest  in  themselves.  Not  only 

FIGURE  4.  Pupal-adult  monstrosity  after  implantation  of  adult  corpora  allata.  Note  the 
pupal  cuticle  on  head,  palps,  and  antennae.  However,  the  wings  show  scale-covered  adult 
cuticle  and  the  eyes  show  considerable  adult  development. 

FIGURE  5.  This  isolated  pupal  abdomen  received  implants  of  adult  corpora  allata,  plus 
an  injection  of  ecdysone.  The  tip  of  the  old  pupal  cuticle  has  been  torn  away  to  reveal  a  second 
pupal  abdomen  that  has  formed. 



Tests  of  adult  corpora  allata-corpora  cardiaca  complexes*  in  brainless  diapausing  pupae 

Adult  donors 

Brainless  hosts 











































*  One  to  three  pairs  of  complexes  from  male  or  female  moths  were  implanted  into  each 
brainless  pupa. 

had  the  implants  caused  the  formation  of  mixtures  of  pupa  and  adult;  seemingly, 
they  also  had  substituted  for  the  brain  and  provoked  the  termination  of  diapause. 

As  shown  in  Table  I,  this  result  was  duplicated  when  corpora  allata  of  adult 
male  or  female  Cecropia  were  implanted  into  brainless  diapausing  pupae  of  Cynthia 
or  Polyphemus.  Here  again,  a  certain  percentage  of  animals  terminated  diapause 
and  developed  into  pupal-adult  mixtures. 

The  corpora  allata-corpora  cardiaca  complexes  of  male  and  female  Cynthia  and 
Polyphemus  moths  were  also  tested.  The  three  species  seem  to  differ  among  them- 
selves in  the  endocrine  activity  of  the  adult  corpora  allata.  For  example,  the 
corpora  allata  of  adult  Cynthia  gave  negative  tests  in  all  twenty-five  preparations. 
By  contrast,  the  glands  of  adult  Polyphemus  gave  positive  tests  in  six  of  sixteen 
preparations.  Moreover,  when  used  as  recipients  of  implants,  brainless  Poly- 
phemus pupae  seemed  to  have  a  lower  developmental  threshold  than  the  other  two 
species,  for  four  of  five  individuals  gave  a  positive  reaction  to  the  implantation  of 
adult  corpora  allata.  In  retrospect,  Polyphemus  appears  to  be  the  animal  of  choice 
for  experiments  of  this  type. 

In  the  far  more  numerous  tests  of  Cecropia  corpora  allata,  the  conditions  of 
the  experiment  were  subjected  to  minor  variations  in  the  hope  of  recruiting  a 
positive  response  in  a  larger  proportion  of  individuals.  By  increasing  the  number 
of  implanted  glands  from  one  to  two  or  three  pairs,  little  additional  effect  was 
realized.  However,  the  developmental  response  was  markedly  enhanced  when  the 
host  animals  wfere  placed  at  15  or  20°  C.  rather  than  at  25°  C.  after  the  implantation 
of  corpora  allata.  It  was  also  observed  that  the  experimental  animals  which 
developed  at  the  lower  temperature  retained  a  far  larger  proportion  of  pupal 
characters  than  in  similar  animals  developing  at  25°  C. 

3.    Inactivity  of  corpora  cardiaca 

In  the  experiments  just  considered,  the  adult  corpora  allata  were  implanted 
together  with  the  attached  corpora  cardiaca.  However,  in  thirty-five  additional 
preparations,  the  corpora  allata  were  carefully  dissected  from  the  attached  corpora 
cardiaca  and  then  implanted  into  brainless  diapausing  pupae. 




Tests  of  adult  corpora  allata*  (minus  corpora  cardiaca)  in  brainless  diapausing  pupae 

Adult  donors 

Brainless  hosts 

































*  One  to  three  pairs  of  corpora  allata  from  male  or  female  moths  were  implanted  into  each 
brainless  pupa. 

The  results,  recorded  in  Table  II,  were  substantially  the  same  as  those  observed 
in  the  previous  experiments.  Once  again,  a  certain  low  percentage  of  brainless 
animals  terminated  diapause  and  transformed  into  pupal-adult  monstrosities. 

The  inactivity  of  implanted  corpora  cardiaca  was  further  confirmed  in  fourteen 
experiments  in  which  adult  corpora  cardiaca  were  freed  from  corpora  allata  and 
tested,  as  such,  in  brainless  diapausing  pupae.  No  developmental  response  was 
obtained  even  when  as  many  as  ten  pairs  of  adult  corpora  cardiaca  were  implanted. 
Indeed,  in  the  course  of  twelve  years  of  experimentation,  we  have  never  detected 
any  trace  of  developmental  response  after  the  implantation  of  corpora  cardiaca  of 
larvae,  pupae,  or  adults. 

For  present  purposes  it  is  necessary  to  conclude  that  the  developmental  reactions 
under  consideration  are  attributable  to  the  adult  corpora  allata  per  sc.  This 
implies  that  in  a  certain  proportion  of  individuals  the  adult  corpora  allata  have  two 
effects :  they  first  promote  the  initiation  of  adult  development ;  they  then  prevent 
the  transformation  of  the  pupa  into  a  normal  adult  moth. 

4.    Effects  of  brain  implantation 

As  noted  in  Tables  I  and  II,  the  vast  majority  of  brainless  Cecropia  pupae 
continued  to  diapause  when  implanted  with  adult  corpora  allata.  In  all  of  these 
preparations  the  implants  gave  the  impression  of  being  inert.  The  true  state  of 
affairs  is  suggested  by  the  following  experiment : 

Two  pairs  of  adult  corpora  allata  were  implanted  into  each  of  five  brainless 
Cecropia  pupae.  Six  weeks  later  the  pupae  showed  no  change  from  their  condition 
at  the  outset.  Two  brains  of  previously  chilled  Cecropia  pupae  were  implanted  at 
this  time  to  cause  the  initiation  of  development.  The  latter  gave  rise  to  creatures 
showing  large  areas  of  pupal  cuticle.  In  effect,  the  initiation  of  development  un- 
masked the  endocrine  activity  of  the  previously  implanted  corpora  allata.  Further 
information  was  provided  by  the  following  experiment : 

Two  pairs  of  adult  Cecropia  corpora  allata  were  implanted  under  a  facial  window 
in  each  of  two  brainless  diapausing  Cecropia  pupae.  One  month  later  the  implants 
were  removed  and  the  pupae  caused  to  develop  by  the  injection  of  125  ^g.  of  a 


purified    extract    of   prothoracic   gland    hormone    (ecdysone).2     Both    individuals 
transformed  into  moths  which  retained  large  areas  of  pupal  cuticle. 

This  experiment  shows  that  the  presence  of  the  brain  is  not  necessary  for  the 
secretion  of  juvenile  hormone  by  adult  corpora  allata.  In  the  absence  of  the 
initiation  of  adult  development,  the  implants  had  built  up  a  substantial  titer  of 
juvenile  hormone.  But  the  host  could  not  signal  this  fact  until  its  development 
was  brought  about  by  ecdysone. 

5.    Experiments  on  isolated  pupal  abdomens 

Eight  abdomens  were  isolated  from  diapausing  Cecropia  pupae.  Preparations 
of  this  type  remain  in  permanent  diapause  unless  provided  with  ecdysone  by  in- 
jection (Williams,  1954),  or  by  the  implantation  of  active  prothoracic  glands,  or 
by  the  implantation  of  inactive  prothoracic  glands  plus  active  brains  (Williams, 
I952a).  In  the  present  experiment  efforts  wrere  made  to  evoke  a  developmental 
response  of  isolated  abdomens  by  the  implantation  of  adult  corpora  allata — either 
alone,  or  in  conjunction  with  brains,  prothoracic  glands,  or  injections  of  ecdysone. 


Effects  of  implantations  into  isolated  abdomens  of  diapausing  cecropia 
Abdomen  no.  Implant  Result 

1415  1  pr.  adult  C.C.  +  C.A.  No  development 

1447  1  pr.  adult  C.C.  +  C.A.  No  development 

2123  3  pr.  adult  C.C.  +  C.A.  No  development 

2090.  .  5  pr.  adult  C.C.  +  C.A.  No  development 

2212  2^  pr.  adult  C.C.  +  C.A.  plus  2  chilled  No  development 

pupal  brains 

1515  1  pr.  adult  C.C.  +  C.A.  plus  2  pr.  No  development 

prothoracic  glands  of  diapausing  pupae 

2109  3J  pr.  adult  C.C.  +  C.A.  plus  4  pr.  Molted  to  form  second 

prothoracic  glands  of  diapausing  pupae  pupal  abdomen 

9320  2  pr.  adult  C.A.  (-C.C.)  plus  25  Mg.  of  Molted  to  form  second 

crystalline  ecdysone  pupal  abdomen 

Table  III  summarizes  the  several  types  of  preparations.  It  is  of  particular 
interest  and  importance  to  note  that  no  development  took  place  when  the  abdomens 
received  only  adult  corpora  allata.  We  have  checked  this  finding  in  twelve  ad- 
ditional experiments  performed  on  isolated  Cynthia  abdomens ;  in  this  case  the 
pupal  abdomens  were  distributed  at  15,  20,  and  25°  C.  after  the  implantation  of 
two  to  five  pairs  of  corpora  allata  derived  from  adult  Cecropia  or  Polyphemus.  In 
short,  no  trace  of  development  was  ever  observed  in  response  to  the  implantation 
of  adult  corpora  allata  per  se.  The  same  negative  result  was  also  recorded  in  an 
experiment  where  adult  corpora  allata  were  implanted  along  with  active  brains. 

The  preparation  numbered  9320  in  Table  III  is  of  particular  interest.  Here, 
two  pairs  of  adult  corpora  allata  were  implanted  into  an  isolated  abdomen.  A 

-  I  am  indebted  to  Dr.  Peter  Karlson  for  supplying  highly  purified  preparations  of  ecdysone. 


month  later  25  /zg.  of  crystalline  ecdysone  were  injected.  Development  began 
within  two  days.  Within  the  following  ten  days  the  pupal  abdomen  transformed 
and  molted  into  a  second  pupal  abdomen  (see  Figure  5).  This  result  was 
duplicated  in  two  additional  experiments  utilizing  Cynthia  abdomens.  It  is  clear 
that  ecdysone  is  the  prime-mover  in  the  developmental  response  and  that  the 
juvenile  hormone  is  inactive  in  the  absence  of  ecdysone. 

Attention  is  now  directed  to  preparation  2109  in  Table  III.  This  pupal 
abdomen  received  implants  of  adult  corpora  allata  plus  diapausing  pupal  prothoracic 
glands.  Precisely  the  same  result  was  observed  as  after  the  injection  of  ecdysone: 
the  pupal  abdomen  molted  and  transformed  into  a  second  pupal  abdomen.  In  this 
case  it  seems  necessary  to  conclude  that  the  corpora  allata  activated  the  diapausing 
prothoracic  glands — that,  in  this  sense,  a  hormone  from  the  corpora  allata  had 
substituted  for  the  brain  hormone.  However,  there  is  no  indication  in  Table  III 
that  this  corpus  allatum  hormone  can  substitute  for  ecdysone  itself. 

6.    Tests  of  adult  corpora  allata  hi  previously  chilled  pupae 

The  results  considered  to  this  point  lead  to  the  prediction  that  adult  corpora 
allata  should  be  uniformly  active  when  tested  in  previously  chilled  pupae  just  prior 
to  the  initiation  of  adult  development. 

During  the  past  ten  years  this  prediction  has  been  confirmed  on  a  large  scale. 
The  experimental  series  includes  ninety-eight  preparations  in  which  corpora  allata 
of  male  and  female  moths  of  Cecropia,  Polyphemus,  and  Cynthia  were  tested  in 
chilled  pupae  of  each  of  the  same  three  species.  All  except  eight  animals  gave 
rise  to  adults  retaining  pupal  characters.  In  the  eight  negative  tests  the  implanted 
glands  had  been  derived  from  elderly  adults  just  prior  to  death. 

There  was  a  rough  correlation  between  the  number  of  implanted  glands  and 
the  degree  to  which  pupal  characters  were  preserved — a  finding  which  will  be 
considered  in  further  detail  in  the  following  paper.  Moreover,  as  was  true  in  the 
earlier  experiments  on  brainless  pupae,  the  effects  of  the  implanted  corpora  allata 
were  amplified  when  the  host  pupae  were  placed  at  15  or  20°  C.,  rather  than  at 
25°  C.,  immediately  after  the  implantation. 

The  retention  of  pupal  characters  was  extreme  in  many  of  the  test  animals. 
As  shown  in  Figure  2,  the  pupa  transformed  into  a  second  pupa  which  showed  only 
traces  of  adult  characteristics.  In  several  experiments  performed  on  Polyphemus 
and  Cecropia,  the  secondary  pupa  molted  into  a  tertiary  form.  In  this  case,  the 
pupal  characteristics  were  less  prominent  after  the  second  molt  than  after  the  first. 

None  of  these  animals  was  viable  for  any  prolonged  period  after  transforming 
into  mixed  forms.  Although  the  old  pupal  cuticle  became  thin  and  crisp  and  the 
ecdysial  lines  were  eroded  to  the  surface,  spontaneous  escape  from  the  old  pupal 
cuticle  occurred  only  in  individuals  showing  minimal  retention  of  pupal  character- 
istics. All  other  animals  remained  enveloped  in  the  old  pupal  cuticle  until  they 
died  or  were  sacrificed. 

In  many  of  the  individuals  the  molting  process  proceeded  to  a  normal  terminal 
phase  accompanied  by  a  complete  breakdown  of  the  old  endocuticle  and  a  partial 
or  complete  resorption  of  the  molting  fluid.  Yet,  for  some  unexplained  reason,  the 
insect  failed  to  undertake  the  vigorous  muscular  efforts  that  accompany  a  normal 
ecdysis.  It  did  not  "try  to  molt"  even  though  it  possessed  the  nervous  and 


muscular  equipment  to  do  so.     The  use  of  forceps  was   therefore  necessary  to 
peel  off  the  old  pupal  exuviae. 

In  many  individuals  it  was  difficult  or  impossible  to  withdraw  the  lining  of  the 
old  tracheal  tubes  through  the  spiracular  openings.  Indeed,  in  the  case  of  Cecropia, 
the  larger  branches  of  this  old  system  became  stiff  and  melanized  and  therefore 
incapable  of  being  shed.  The  net  effect  is  that  the  juvenile  hormone  is  a  lethal 
agent  for  all  these  Saturniid  pupae. 

7.  Inactivity  of  killed  corpora  allata 

The  high  activity  recorded  for  implanted  adult  corpora  allata  suggested  the 
possibility  that  substantial  amounts  of  hormone  might  be  stored  within  the  glands 
themselves.  This  prospect  was  tested  in  five  experiments.  In  one  experiment 
eight  adult  Cecropia  corpora  allata  were  frozen  and  thawed  twice  at  —40°  C.  and 
then  implanted  into  a  previously  chilled  pupa.  Normal  development  ensued. 

In  four  other  experiments  adult  corpora  allata,  in  numbers  ranging  from  9  to 
44,  were  homogenized  in  0.1  ml.  of  insect  Ringer  and  then  introduced  into  four 
previously  chilled  pupae.  All  four  animals  developed  into  normal  adult  moths. 
Evidently,  little  or  no  hormone  is  stored  in  the  living  gland,  for  the  activity  of 
a  single  living  adult  corpus  allatum  was  not  duplicated  by  the  implantation  of  up 
to  forty-four  dead  glands. 


1.  Secretion  of  the  juvenile  hormone  by  the  adult  corpora  allata 

The  experimental  results  demonstrate  the  endocrine  activity  of  the  corpora 
allata  of  Cecropia,  Polyphemus,  and  Cynthia  moths.  As  is  amply  evident  in 
Wigglesworth's  (1954)  recent  review,  this  finding  is  consistent  with  the  picture 
presented  in  all  other  insects  that  have  been  studied  in  detail  including  several 
families  of  Lepidoptera.  In  the  Cecropia  silkworm  the  corpora  allata,  when  re- 
moved and  tested,  are  found  to  be  more  active  in  the  adult  moth  than  at  any  other 
stage  in  the  life  history  (Williams,  unpublished  data).  Moreover,  there  is  general 
agreement  that  at  least  one  of  the  secretory  products  of  the  adult  corpora  allata  is 
the  same  juvenile  hormone  which  is  secreted  weeks  or  months  earlier  by  the 
corpora  allata  of  the  immature  insect.  This  conclusion  was  first  proposed  by 
Pflugfelder  (1938a,  1938b)  and  Pfeiffer  (1945),  and  will  be  further  documented 
in  the  subsequent  papers  in  this  series. 

2.  The  role  of  the  juvenile  hormone  in  adult  moths 

We  have  been  unable  to  detect  any  function  for  the  corpora  allata  in  the  pupal 
or  adult  stages  of  these  Lepidoptera.  Thus,  as  we  have  seen,  the  corpora  allata 
can  be  removed  from  pupae  of  either  sex  without  disturbing  the  development  of 
normal,  viable,  sexually  mature  moths.  These  findings  are  the  same  as  those  re- 
ported for  Bombyx  mori  by  Bounhiol  (1938)  and  Fukuda  (1944).  The  present 
study  enlarges  the  negative  evidence  by  showing  that  the  absence  of  corpora  allata 
fails  to  interfere  with  the  maturation  of  functional  gametes  and  the  production  of 
normal  offspring. 


The  situation  in  the  Lepidoptera  therefore  departs  from  that  described  for  most 
other  orders  of  insects  where  the  corpora  allata  are  necessary  for  the  deposition  of 
yolk  in  the  adult  female  and  for  the  secretory  activity  of  the  accessory  glands  in 
the  adult  male  (for  summary,  see  Wigglesworth,  1954,  pages  77-80).  In  the 
Lepidoptera  which  have  been  studied,  all  these  functions  can  go  forward  in  the 
absence  of  corpora  allata.  For  the  sexual  maturation  of  both  males  and  females 
all  that  is  required  is  the  presence  of  prothoracic  gland  hormone  (ecdysone).  The 
brain  hormone  is  also  unnecessary  for  the  sexual  maturation  of  these  silkworms. 
Pupae  from  which  the  brain,  corpora  cardiaca,  and  corpora  allata  have  been 
removed  develop  into  sexually  mature  moths  after  the  injection  of  crystalline 
ecdysone  (Williams,  1954). 

Adult  Lepidoptera  therefore  present  the  paradoxical  picture  of  the  presence  of 
highly  active  corpora  allata  for  which  there  appears  to  be  no  apparent  function. 
However,  it  is  worth  recalling  that  corpora  allata  have  been  tested  only  in  species 
of  adult  Lepidoptera  which  are  short-lived  and  unable  to  feed.  In  adults  of  the 
giant  silkworms,  as  in  the  commercial  silkworm,  functional  mouth-parts  are  absent. 
Consequently,  the  duration  of  the  adult  stage  is  greatly  curtailed :  ripe  eggs  must 
be  ready  for  oviposition  at  the  time  of  adult  emergence.  In  short,  the  absence  of 
mouth-parts  has  enforced  on  these  short-lived  moths  a  precocious  maturation  of 
the  gonads  during  the  course  of  pupal-adult  development.  Indeed,  months  before 
the  development  of  the  adult  moth,  the  proteins  which  later  appear  in  the  yolk  of 
the  eggs  are  already  present  in  high  concentrations  in  the  blood  of  the  diapausing 
pupa  (Telfer,  1954). 

It  is  among  the  feeding,  long-lived  species  of  adult  Lepidoptera  that  one  would 
anticipate  a  gonadotropic  function  for  the  corpora  allata  akin  to  that  seen  in  most 
other  orders  of  insects.  This  inference  is  in  accord  with  the  histological  studies 
of  Kaiser  (1949)  on  long-lived  butterflies  of  the  genus  Vanessa.  Presumably,  in 
the  Ephemeroptera  and  other  non-feeding  adults  one  should  find  the  same  picture 
as  presented  by  the  Saturniidae. 

The  absence  of  functional  adult  mouth-parts  is  clearly  a  secondary  affair  in  the 
evolution  of  the  Lepidoptera.  Indeed,  the  very  same  moths  contain  digestive 
tracts  of  normal  organization,  but  of  no  apparent  function.  Evidently,  the  presence 
of  active  corpora  allata  is  a  memento  of  a  more  primitive  endocrinological  situation. 

3.    Biological  role  of  the  juvenile  hormone 

The  juvenile  hormone  plays  no  role  in  the  transformation  of  a  pupa  into  an  adult 
moth.  All  that  is  required  is  that  the  juvenile  hormone  be  absent  throughout  the 
early  phases  of  this  transformation  (Williams,  1952b).  This  conclusion  is  in  line 
with  the  finding  that  the  corpora  allata  are  inactive  throughout  the  entire  pupal 
stage  and  during  the  first  two-thirds  of  adult  development  (Williams,  unpublished 

A  pupa  can  be  supplied  with  juvenile  hormone  by  the  implantation  of  living, 
active  corpora  allata  obtained  from  larvae  or  adults.  However,  as  demonstrated 
in  the  experiments  on  isolated  pupal  abdomens  (Table  III),  the  juvenile  hormone 
has  no  effects  in  the  absence  of  the  prothoracic  gland  hormone,  ecdysone.  Only 
when  the  abdomen  is  provided  with  this  hormone  can  one  detect  any  action  of 


the  implanted  corpora  allata.     The  outcome  is  that  the  pupal  abdomen  terminates 
diapause,  molts,  and  transforms  into  a  second  pupal  abdomen  (Fig.  5). 

Substantially  the  same  result  is  seen  in  experiments  performed  on  brainless 
diapausing  pupae.  Here  again  the  implantation  of  adult  corpora  allata  is  in- 
consequential unless  ecdysone  is  supplied  by  injection  or  by  the  secretory  activity 
of  the  animal's  own  prothoracic  glands.  The  juvenile  hormone  then  opposes 
the  transformation  of  the  pupa  into  an  adult  moth.  The  result  (Figs.  3  and  4) 
is  a  creature  showing  to  varying  degrees  a  retention  of  pupal  characters  of  the 
type  previously  described  by  Piepho  (1952)  and  Williams  (1952b).  When 
the  titer  of  juvenile  hormone  is  high,  then  one  may  witness  the  formation  of  a 
bona  fide  second  pupal  instar — a  phenomenon  hitherto  unknown  in  any  insect 
(Fig.  2).  But,  even  in  the  presence  of  the  highest  concentrations  of  juvenile 
hormone,  we  have  never  observed  in  this  material  the  reappearance  of  larval 
characters  such  as  described  in  Rhodnius  (Wigglesworth,  1954,  1957,  1958). 

4.    Mimicking  of  brain  hormone 

In  a  certain  proportion  of  brainless  diapausing  pupae  the  implantation  of 
active  corpora  allata  causes  the  termination  of  diapause  and  the  initiation  of  adult 
development.  This  result  is  not  seen  in  isolated  pupal  abdomens  or  other  prepara- 
tions lacking  prothoracic  glands.  But,  as  noted  in  Table  III,  the  developmental  re- 
action becomes  possible  if  an  isolated  abdomen  receives  active  corpora  allata  plus 
inactive  prothoracic  glands,  or  active  corpora  allata  plus  an  injection  of  ecdysone 
(Fig.  5).  Moreover,  in  numerous  experiments  to  be  described  on  a  later  occasion, 
the  development  of  brainless  diapausing  pupae  has  been  provoked  by  the  injection  of 
crude  or  purified  extracts  of  juvenile  hormone.  Evidently,  under  certain  un- 
defined conditions,  a  hormonal  secretion  of  the  corpora  allata  can  activate  the 
prothoracic  glands  and,  in  this  sense,  mimic  the  function  of  the  brain  hormone. 
Whether  this  hormone  is  the  juvenile  hormone  or  some  further  secretory  product 
of  the  corpora  allata  is  impossible  to  state  at  the  present  time.  A  decision  on  this 
point  will  become  possible  only  when  the  juvenile  hormone  is  isolated  and  tested 
in  pure  form. 

The  finding  that  the  corpora  allata  can  turn  on  the  prothoracic  glands  has  an 
obvious  bearing  on  the  endocrine  control  of  larval  molting.  If  the  corpora  allata 
can  activate  the  pupal  prothoracic  glands,  there  is  no  reason  to  suppose  that  they 
cannot  do  so  in  the  immature  larva. 

We  begin  to  see  a  multiplicity  of  agencies  which  can  promote  the  secretion  of 
ecdysone  by  the  prothoracic  glands.  The  brain  can  turn  on  the  prothoracic  glands. 
Ecdysone  can  turn  on  the  prothoracic  glands  (Williams,  1952a,  1954).  And, 
evidently,  under  certain  undefined  conditions,  so  also  can  the  corpora  allata. 
Nature  has  apparently  found  it  prudent  to  surround  the  prothoracic  glands  by  a 
net-work  of  controls.  The  present  study  suggests  that  the  corpora  allata  are  a 
part  of  that  net- work. 


1.  Juvenile  hormone  is  secreted  in  high  concentration  by  the  corpora  allata 
of  the  adult  Cecropia  moth. 


2.  Notwithstanding  this  fact,  the  juvenile  hormone  has  no  apparent  function  in 
the  adult   moth.     Extirpation  of   the   corpora  allata   in   the   pupal   stage   fails   to 
interfere  with  the  production  of  normal  moths  whose  gametes  give  rise  to  normal 

3.  The  corpora  allata  are  inactive  during  the  entire  pupal  stage  as  well  as  during 
the  first  two-thirds  of  adult  development.     If  active  corpora  allata  are  implanted  into 
a  pupa  just  prior  to  the  initiation  of  adult  development,  the  juvenile  hormone  acts 
to  oppose  the  differentiation  of  the  adult  moth.     Development  gives  rise  to  an  insect 
showing  a  mixture  of  pupal  and  adult  characters.     In  the  presence  of  high  con- 
centrations of  juvenile  hormone  the  pupa  molts  and  transforms  into  a  second  pupa 
showing  only  traces  of  adult  characters. 

4.  The  biological  action  of  juvenile  hormone  is  seen  only  in  the  presence  of 
active   prothoracic  glands  or  their   secretory   product,    ecdysone.     Isolated   pupal 
abdomens  fail  to  respond  to  juvenile  hormone  unless  ecdysone  is  simultaneously 
present.     When  both  hormones  are  present,  the  pupal  abdomen  terminates  dia- 
pause, molts,  and  transforms  into  a  second  pupal  abdomen. 

5.  Evidence  is  presented  that  the  corpora  allata  secrete  a  factor  which  can 
mimic  the  brain  hormone  and  activate  the  prothoracic  glands.     This   finding  is 
considered  in  relation  to  the  endocrine  control  of  larval  molting. 


BOUNHIOL,  J.  J.,   1938.     Recherches   experimentales   sur   le   determinisme   de   la   metamorphose 

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KAISER,  P.,  1949.     Histologische  Untersuchungen  iiber  die  Corpora  allata  und  Prothoraxdrusen 

der  Lepidopteren  in  Bezug  auf  ihre  Funktion.     Arch.  f.  Ent^v.,  144 :  99-131. 
MICHENER,  C.   D.,   1952.     The   Saturniidae    (Lepidoptera)    of  the  Western   Hemisphere.     Bull. 

Amer.  Museum  Nat.  Hist.,  98 :  Article  5. 
PFEIFFER,  I.  W.,   1945.     The  influence  of  the  corpora  allata  over  the  development  of  nymphal 

characters    in    the   grasshopper    Melanoplus   differentialis.     Trans.    Conn.    Acad.    Arts 

Sci.,  36:  489-515. 
PFLUGFELDER,    O.,    1938a.     Untersuchungen    iiber    die    histologischen    Veranderungen    und    das 

Kernwachstum  der  Corpora  allata  von  Termiten.     Zcitschr.  f.  wiss.  ZooL,  150:  451-467. 
PFLUGFELDER,  O.,  1938b.    Weitere  experimentelle  Untersuchungen  iiber  die  Funktion  der  Corpora 

allata  von  Dixippus  morosus  Br.  Zeitschr.  f.  iviss.  Zool.,  151 :  149-191. 
PIEPHO,    H.,    1952.     liber    die    Lenkung    der    Insektenmetamorphose    durch    Hormone.     Verh. 

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SCHNEIDERMAN,  H.  A.,  AND  C.  M.  WILLIAMS,  1954.     Physiology  of  insect  diapause.     IX.     The 

cytochrome  oxidase  system  in  relation  to  the  diapause  and  development  of  the  Cecropia 

silkworm.     Biol.  Bull,  106 :  238-252. 

SHAPPIRO,  D.  G.,  AND  C.  M.  WILLIAMS,  1957.     The  cytochrome  system  of  the  Cecropia  silk- 
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WIGGLESWORTH,  V.  B.,  1936.     The  function  of  the  corpus  allatum  in  the  growth  and  reproduction 

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Vol.  116,  No.  3  June,  1959 





Marine  Biological  Laboratory,   ]]7oods  Hole,  Massachusetts 

Insofar  as  the  writer  knows,  the  normal  embryology  of  Diopatra  cuf>rea  has 
never  been  completely  worked  out.  The  main  trouble  seems  to  have  been  that 
investigators,  with  the  exception  of  Just  (1922),  have  found  that  it  is  difficult 
to  activate  the  eggs  of  this  species  even  when  they  appear  ripe.  Andrews  had 
similar  difficulty  with  the  eggs  of  the  closely  related  species,  Diopatra  magnet 
(since  designated  Onn[>his  nia;/ua  ).  He  made  the  statement  (1891b,  page  115)  that 
"attempts  at  artificial  fertilization  were  unsuccessful"  although  the  eggs  seemed 
ripe  as  indicated  by  their  size  and  the  large  numbers  present  packing  the  coelom, 
as  well  as  the  occasional  finding  of  similar  eggs  amongst  the  larvae  in  the  egg 
masses  which  he  found  during  the  breeding  season.  However,  Just  (1922),  in 
a  paper  concerned  primarily  with  raising  mature  Platynercis  nicyalops  from  eggs, 
noted  (page  477),  "Though  it  is  usually  stated  that  artificial  insemination  of  Dio- 
patra eggs  is  not  possible,  every  attempt  made  by  the  writer  .  .  .  was  successful," 
and  that  he  reared  Diopatra  citprea  to  a  length  of  4  cm.  No  record  of  development 
was  given. 

The  problem  of  activation  has  remained  a  significant  one  throughout  the  course 
of  this  investigation.  \Yith  perseverance  (particularly  initially  )  larvae  from  many 
batches  of  eggs  have  been  raised  during  the  course  of  several  summers  to  a  stage 
where  6  sets  of  setae  have  been  formed  and,  in  the  summer  of  1958,  a  few  were 
raised  to  a  stage  with  7  sets  of  setae.  Thus  far  two  abstracts  have  been  published 
on  this  work  (Allen,  1951,  1953)  and  more  recently  Costello  ct  al.  (1957)  have 
included  some  additional  previously  unpublished  data  (furnished  by  the  present 
writer )  in  their  book  on  handling  marine  eggs  and  embryos. 

The  study  of  the  development  of  D.  citprea  is  still  incomplete  but  enough  addi- 
tional material  has  recently  been  worked  out  so  that  it  was  thought  advisable  to 
publish  a  more  detailed  account  of  development  than  has  thus  far  been  done. 
There  is  little  material  in  the  literature  on  the  development  of  the  genus,  Diopatra. 
As  further  observations  on  living  material  were  made,  the  confusion  in  the  litera- 
ture surrounding  the  development  of  the  species,  D.  cuf>rca,  became  more  apparent. 

1  Supported  in  part  by  summer  research  grants  from  the  University  of  New  Hampshire 
and  Wilson  College. 

-  Present  address :    Department   of   Biology,   Wilson   College,   Chambersburg,    Pennsylvania. 



Copyright  ©  1959,  by  the  Marine  Biological  Laboratory 

340  M.  JEAN  ALLEN 

Observations  made  during  the  present  study  suggest  that  most,  if  not  all,  of  the 
material  which  has  been  published  on  the  development  of  Diopatra  cuprca  has 
been  incorrectly  attributed  to  this  species,  so  that  the  investigations  of  the  writer 
may  represent  the  only  material  published  on  the  development  of  this  polychaete. 


The  adult  worm.  The  characteristics  and  habits  of  the  adult  worms  of  this 
species  have  been  described  by  various  investigators  (Andrews,  1891a;  Sumner, 
Osborn  and  Cole,  1911;  Hartman,  1945,  1951;  ct  a!.}.  The  parchment-like  tubes 
of  these  polychaetes,  which  are  found  in  the  intertidal  zone,  go  down  two  to  three 
feet  into  the  substratum.  When  disturbed  the  worm  retreats  into  the  tube  so  that 
in  digging  for  the  adults  one  rarely  obtains  the  whole  worm.  As  a  result,  the 
posterior  tip  with  its  four  anal  cirri  is  rarely  seen.  The  head  bears  five  occipital 
tentacles  and  two  shorter  frontal  tentacles.  Larvae  have  been  raised  to  a  stage 
when  the  five  occipital  tentacles  and  two  anal  cirri  are  noticeable.  Males  which  are 
sexually  mature  are  cream  to  yellowish  in  color  as  a  result  of  the  sperm  packed  in 
the  coelom.  In  males  with  fewer  sperm  only  the  parapodia  are  yellowish  in  color. 
Females  when  sexually  mature  are  usually  grey-green  due  to  the  color  of  the 
eggs  (which  have  a  green  pigment)  packed  in  the  coelom.  This  species  is  plentiful 
in  Woods  Hole  waters.  Most  of  the  collecting  for  this  investigation  was  done  at 
Northwest  Gutter,  Hadley  Harbor,  Massachusetts,  and  some  of  it  was  done  in 
the  harbor  at  North  Falmouth  and  at  Woods  Hole,  on  the  Buzzards  Bay  side. 
The  adults  for  the  most  part  were  kept  in  aquaria  in  running  sea  water.  The 
worms  were  fed  every  day  or  two  with  pieces  of  the  mussel,  Mytilus. 

Procuring  and  handling  living  developmental  stages.  The  writer  has  raised 
larvae  of  Diopatra  cuprca  from  mid-June  through  August  following  artificial  ferti- 
lization. The  problem  of  activation  of  apparently  ripe  eggs  was  present  throughout 
this  period  but  artificial  insemination  was  more  successful  in  June  and  July  than 
in  August.  This  is  contrary  to  the  remark  of  Bumpus  (1898,  page  855)  that 
"the  ova  are  nearly  ripe  in  August." 

During  the  breeding  period  of  a  sexually  mature  worm,  the  coelom  becomes 
packed  with  gametes.  When  eggs  or  sperm  are  needed,  the  posterior  end  of  a 
worm  is  exposed  by  cutting  the  end  of  the  tube  with  scissors.  The  exposed  portion 
is  then  held  lightly  with  forceps.  This  usually  results  in  the  worm's  pinching 
off  its  posterior  segments.  Eggs  were  obtained  from  the  isolated  posterior  sections 
by  slitting  the  body  wall  along  the  bases  of  the  parapodia  with  No.  5  watchmaker's 
forceps.  Eggs  thus  obtained  were  washed  in  Syracuse  dishes  with  sand-filtered 
sea  water.  In  general,  spermatozoa  were  obtained  by  making  a  small  slit  at  the 
base  of  a  parapodium  with  a  No.  5  watchmaker's  forceps  and  diluting  the  "dry" 
sperm  with  sand-filtered  sea  water.  Under  the  dissecting  microscope  ripe  sperm 
were  observed  to  be  active  immediately.  Polyspermy  should  be  avoided. 

Within  a  few  minutes  after  insemination  the  eggs  were  washed  several  times 
with  sand-filtered  sea  water.  Usually  they  were  given  fresh  sea  water  one  to 
two  hours  later.  If  development  were  normal,  ciliated  larvae  developed  at  room 
temperature  within  three  hours  after  insemination.  At  this  stage  larvae  usually 
were  transferred  to  stender  dishes  and  placed  on  the  sea  water  table  in  a  moist 


chamber  with  90 %  sea  water  in  the  bottom.     The  water  was  changed  at  least  once 
a  day  thereafter. 

Apparently  egg  laying  in  D.  cuprca  is  a  phenomenon  rarely  observed  (Sumner 
et  al.,  1911).  In  only  one  instance  did  the  writer  observe  natural  egg  laying  in 
the  laboratory.  This  was  on  the  evening  of  June  23,  1949.  A  worm  tube  was 
picked  up  and  eggs  were  immediately  released  in  a  transparent,  only  slightly 
viscous,  jelly  which  dissolved  readily  in  sea  w^ater.  The  eggs  wrere  fertilized  arti- 
ficially and  almost  \00c/c  cleaved.  Only  a  few  other  times  in  the  experience  of 
the  writer  has  fertilization  approached  100%,  as  the  method  of  artificial  insemina- 
tion described  is  frequently  unsuccessful.  To  get  a  batch  of  eggs  with  50%  of 
the  eggs  cleaving  is  good. 

Observations  were  made  on  living  stages  with  the  dissecting  and  compound 
microscopes  and,  in  the  summer  of  1958,  additional  observations  w-ere  made  with 
the  phase  microscope.  For  study  and  for  photomicrographs  the  ciliated  stages 
were  slowed  down  with  a  little  dry  MS-222  (tricain)  added  with  a  dissecting  needle 
to  a  drop  of  filtered  sea  water  containing  the  larvae  (optimal  concentrations  for 
quieting  various  larval  stages  were  not  determined). 

For  the  setal  studies  the  larvae  were  placed  on  a  slide  in  a  drop  of  filtered  sea 
water  and  then  a  cover  slip  was  applied.  They  were  examined  briefly  under  a 
magnification  of  X  430  and  then  left  to  dry  a  little.  This  treatment  in  many  cases 
spread  out  the  setae  which  were  then  studied  in  more  detail  under  X  430. 

Handling  of  fixed  material.  Various  stages  were  fixed,  paraffin-embedded,  and 
serially  sectioned  (usually  at  7  or  10  micra).  Whole  mounts  of  stained  and  un- 
stained stages  were  also  made.  The  fixatives  used  for  the  early  stages  were  usually 
Allen's  B-15  or  Bouin's,  and  for  later  larval  stages  Schaudinn's  or  Bouin's  heated 
to  60°  C.  A  series  was  also  fixed  in  Meves'.  A  variety  of  stains  was  tried  includ- 
ing Heidenhain's  hematoxylin,  Harris'  hematoxylin,  acetocarmine,  alum-cochineal, 
Giemsa's,  toluidin  blue,  and  Feulgen's.  Sections  and  whole  mounts  usually  were 
mounted  in  Permount  or  Canada  balsam.  It  was  considered  important  to  use 
such  whole  mounts  to  make  a  cell  lineage  study  through  at  least  the  early  cleavage 
stages.  However,  the  method  which  had  given  excellent  results  with  cleavage 
stages  of  the  gastropod,  Crepidula,  failed  completely  with  Diopatra.  Various  other 
techniques  have  been  tried,  including  pre-treatment  to  remove  lipids  or  ribonucleic 
acid,  either  of  which  might  take  up  the  stain  in  the  cytoplasm.  To  date  a  technique 
has  not  been  developed  that  would  stain  the  chromosomes  and  enable  one  to  follow 
the  orientation  of  the  spindles  without  staining  the  cytoplasm. 


The  writer  has  indicated  already  (1951  )  that  the  cleavage  of  Diopatra  cnprea 
occurs  with  amazing  rapidity,  functional  cilia  being  formed  within  three  hours 
after  insemination.  Prior  to  this  age,  it  is  difficult  to  construct  a  time  table  of 
development  because  there  is  considerable  variability  among  different  batches  of 
eggs  and  also  among  different  eggs  in  the  same  batch,  particularly  in  cases  in  which 
low  percentages  of  fertilization  occur.  The  following  represents  a  slight  elabora- 
tion of  the  schedule  recorded  in  Costello  ct  al.  ( 1957)  which  is  based  on  the  writer's 
data  obtained  over  several  summers.  The  times  are  recorded  from  insemination 
at  temperatures  of  21-24°  C. 

342  M.  JEAN  ALLEN 

Stage  Time 

First  polar  body  15-20  minutes 

Second  polar  body  20-30  minutes 

Two-  to  four-cells  40-60  minutes 

Eight-cells  50-90  minutes 

Mid-  to  late  cleavage  90-120  minutes 

Functional  cilia  3  hours 

Apical  tuft  (apparent  in  some)  8-9  hours 

Apical  tuft  (present  in  all  normal  larvae)  12  hours 

Rotating  trochophores  24  hours 

2  to  3  sets  of  internal  setae  36  hours 

3  sets  of  external  setae,  no  tentacles  2  days 

4  sets  of  external  setae,  some  with  3  tentacles  3—4  days 

5  sets  of  external  setae,  5  tentacles  4^-5 %  days 

6  sets  of  external  setae,  5  tentacles  6^-8  days 

7  sets  of  external  setae,  5  tentacles  13-17  days  (typical?) 

The  various  stages  of  normal  development  are  described  in  more  detail  below. 

The  unfertilized  e<jg.  In  Diopatra  cuprca  the  unfertilized  egg  is  oval.  After 
its  growth  period  the  average  size  of  the  egg  is  approximately  235-240  X  205-210 
micra  (Fig.  2).  (Andrews,  1891b,  gives  the  diameter  of  this  egg  as  400  micra ; 
however,  the  above  dimensions  are  based  on  repeated  measurements  by  the  writer. ) 
In  living  eggs  the  germinal  vesicle  is  visible  as  a  lighter  region  near  the  animal  pole. 
Surrounding  it  is  an  area  of  non-yolky  cytoplasm  in  which  are  suspended  bright 
green  pigment  granules.  External  to  these  are  yolk  granules  which  increase  in 
number  towards  the  vegetal  pole.  Their  accumulation  thus  establishes  a  visible 
animal-vegetal  gradient  and  makes  the  egg  very  opacme.  In  reflected  light  under 
•the  dissecting  microscope  the  eggs  en  masse  in  some  batches  are  creamy  yellow  or 
creamy  white;  in  other  batches,  eggs  have  a  greenish  hue.  With  dark-field  (under 
low  power  )  the  eggs  are  a  rich  yellowish  cream  color  with  brilliant  green  granules 
obvious  around  the  germinal  vesicle.  The  differences  in  color  apparent  under  the 
dissecting  microscope  are  due  to  the  relative  amounts  of  green  pigment  and  yolk. 
The  egg  has  a  clearly  defined  membrane,  approximately  3  micra  thick,  which  ap- 
pears to  be  perforated  by  radial  pores  when  viewed  under  the  compound  microscope. 

A  curious  feature  of  the  development  of  these  eggs  is  the  two  strings  of  cells 
attached  to  them  during  their  growth  period  in  the  coelom.  Andrews  (1891b) 
described  these  follicle  cells  and  states  (page  113)  that  "these  objects  were  at  first 
mistaken  for  parasitic  algae."  These  "nurse"  cells  are  transparent  (Fig.  1) 
and  bear  a  striking  resemblance  to  blue-green  algae.  However,  each  algal-like  cell 
has  a  relatively  large  nucleus  with  a  prominent  nucleolus  (Fig.  16).  In  the  very 
small  oocytes  bearing  these  "nurse"  or  follicle  cells,  the  pigment  is  a  brilliant 
green  as  there  is  little  or  no  yolk  to  mask  it.  These  smaller  eggs  have  a  central 
nucleus  (Fig.  16).  Subsequently,  with  the  differential  accumulation  of  yolk,  the 
nucleus  becomes  excentrically  located,  coming  to  lie  near  the  animal  pole  (region 
indicated  in  Figure  17). 

Apparently  the  follicle  cells  are  not  lost  until  the  end  of  the  growth  period  in 
oogenesis  as  a  few  full-size  eggs  have  been  observed  with  these  algal-like  strings 
attached.  Andrews  (1891b)  has  observed  that  these  cell  strings  are  retained  in 
D.  inagna  until  near  the  end  of  the  growth  period. 

Fertilization.  The  egg  is  fertilizable  at  the  germinal  vesicle  stage.  The  first 
indication  of  fertilization  is  the  lifting  off  of  the  egg  membrane  to  form  the  fertiliza- 


tion  membrane.  The  perivitelline  space  is  slight,  being  most  obvious  in  the  region 
of  the  animal  pole.  The  germinal  vesicle  becomes  less  and  less  distinct  as  the 
perivitelline  space  forms.  Usually  the  first  polar  body  is  given  off  within  20  min- 
utes after  insemination  and  the  second  within  30  minutes  after  insemination.  A 
small  pigment-free  area  around  the  animal  pole  marks  the  position  where  the  sec- 
ond polar  body  will  pinch  off  (Fig.  2).  The  polar  bodies  are  small  (Fig.  4),  the 
second  polar  body  being  somewhat  larger  than  the  first.  Figure  17  shows  a  section 
of  an  egg  in  metaphase  I  (the  polar  bodies  are  not  visible). 

Cleavage.  Occasionally  the  two-cell  stage  may  be  observed  30  minutes  after  in- 
semination but  usually  the  first  cleavage  is  not  completed  until  40  minutes  or  so  after 
insemination.  The  first  cleavage  furrow  is  meridional,  cutting  through  the  animal 
pole  first  (Fig.  3)  resulting  in  two  blastomeres  of  unequal  size,  the  AB  being  some- 
what smaller  than  the  CD  blastomere  (Figs.  4  and  18).  There  is  some  variation  in 
the  size  difference  between  the  first  two  blastomeres.  Blastomeres  AB  and  CD 
often  divide  about  the  same  time  as  seen  in  living  stages  and  sections.  In  some 
cases  the  larger  blastomere  appears  to  divide  first,  as  three-cell  stages  may  be 
observed  (Fig.  19).  It  is  possible,  however,  that  these  three-cell  stages  represent 
abnormal  development.  The  four-cell  stage  shows  a  cross  furrow  with  the  ar- 
rangement of  cells  typical  of  spiral  cleavage  (Fig.  5).  In  living  stages  the  nuclei 
appear  as  lighter  regions.  The  third  cleavage  results  in  an  eight-cell  stage  with 
four  somewhat  smaller  micromeres  being  polar  in  position  ( Fig.  6 ) .  Cleavages 
beyond  these  first  few  are  amazingly  rapid.  A  mid-cleavage  stage  is  shown  in 
Figure  7.  During  late  cleavage  the  blastomeres  are  held  firmly  together  within 
the  original  egg  membrane,  and  a  vacuolated  peripheral  area  is  appearing  (Fig.  2SQ. 

Earl\  ciliated  stages  (3  to  12  hours).  These  stages  are  approximately  the^ 
size  of  the  unfertilized  egg.  While  there  is  no  increase  in  mass,  cells  are  continuing 
to  divide.  Gastrulation  in  these  very  rapidly  developing  early  stages  may  be 
occurring  by  the  time  cilia  have  differentiated  and  probably  takes  place  primarily 
by  epiboly. 

Functional  cilia  penetrate  the  egg  membrane  within  three  hours  after  insemina- 
tion. They  appear  to  push  through  the  pores  noted  above  in  the  membrane  of  the 
unfertilized  egg.  It  is  difficult  to  be  certain  of  the  ciliary  distribution  even  when 
using  the  phase  contrast  microscope,  but  cilia  appear  to  cover  the  entire  surface 
except  for  two  areas,  a  disc  at  the  posterior  end  and  the  region  around  the  future 
apical  tuft.  The  cilia  thus  appear  to  form  a  very  broad  band  involving  most  of 
the  larva.  At  this  stage  peripheral  vacuolated  cells  form  four  anterior  plates  which 
surround,  and  appear  distinct  from,  a  central  mound  of  denser  cells  ( Figs.  8,  9, 
21,  23).  A  few  small  pigment  spots  may  be  observed  in  living  larvae.  Normal 
larvae  move  in  place  for  awhile  but  very  shortly  become  surface  swimmers.  They 
swim  forward,  at  the  same  time  spinning  clockwise  on  the  longitudinal  axes  when 
viewed  from  the  animal  pole. 

By  slowing  down  swimmers  with  MS-222  and  observing  them  with  the  phase 
microscope  (using  dark-field  which  gives  a  strikingly  beautiful  picture),  it  is  pos- 
sible to  get  a  "head-on"  view  of  the  former  animal  pole  region.  If  the  larvae  spin 
slowly  enough,  one  can  see  what  looks  like  a  diagrammatic  representation  of  both 
the  apical  rosette  (blastomeres  ai.3-di.3)  and  annelid  cross  (compare  Plate  XI, 
Figure  18,  on  Amphitrite  in  Mead's  paper,  1897,  page  311,  or  Figure  196-5,  based 
on  Nereis,  in  Borradaile  and  Potts,  page  283).  Blastomeres  a^-'^-d1-  are  less  dis- 






tinct  but  can  be  made  out  (blastomeres  a1  ^-d1-2  and  ai.3-cli.3  are  apparently  desig- 
nated as  a12-d12  and  a13-d13  in  Borradaile  and  Potts).  The  four  anterior  plates 
of  cells  appear  to  arise  from  the  four  groups  of  prototroch  cells  and  thus  mark  the 
position  of  the  prototroch  proper  beneath  them.  The  apical  rosette  forms  the  tip 
of  the  central  mound  of  cells.  Sometimes  one  or  two  globules  (probably  polar 
bodies  which  have  not  yet  disintegrated)  are  seen  in  the  space  between  the  central 
mound  and  the  membrane  (Fig.  21). 

The  central  mound  in  some  7-hour  swimmers  has  grown  almost  to  the  animal 
region  of  the  membrane.  The  apical  tuft,  in  some  larvae  at  least,  appears  one  to 
two  hours  later.  The  cilia  of  the  apical  tuft  have  their  origin  from  the  central  cells 
at  the  tip  of  the  mound  (in  the  few  cases  measured,  cilia  were  approximately  40 
micra  when  first  formed).  Their  origin  is  not  surprising,  for,  as  noted  above,  the 
central  cells  make  up  the  apical  rosette  which  has  been  shown  in  other  polychaetes 
to  become  the  apical  organ  of  the  trochophore. 

Continuous  with  the  four  anterior  vacuolated  plates,  but  extending  posteriorly, 
are  at  least  four  yolk  plates.  Their  formation  leaves  a  space  between  them  and  the 
medial  endodermal  yolk  mass  of  the  larva.  Anterior  vacuolated  plates  and  pos- 
terior yolk  plates  merge  in  the  peripheral  portion  of  the  larval  mass  at  about  the 
equatorial  level.  Yolk  spheres  similar  to  those  in  these  curious  thin  plates  can  be 
traced  in  serial  sections  from  the  posterior  part  of  the  larval  mass  peripherally 
and  anteriorly  (where  some  are  observed  at  the  base  of  the  vacuolated  plates) 
and  then  posteriorly  just  under  the  cuticle  where  they  form  thin  plates.  The 
yolk  plates  thus  appear  to  arise  from  the  posterior  part  of  the  larval  mass  (original 
vegetal  hemisphere).  The  narrow  spaces  between  each  plate  and  the  median  mass 
are  continuous  with  each  other  posteriorly  and  are  visible  as  slits  in  some  12-hour 
larvae  (and  older )  when  they  rotate.  All  normal  larvae  of  12  hours  have  a 
prominent  apical  tuft  (one  measured  approximately  100  micra)  which  can  be  seen 
under  the  dissecting  microscope.  Larvae  swim  rapidly  about  the  antero-posterior 
axis  much  as  before  with  the  apical  tuft  directed  forward. 

All  figures  are  photomicrographs  taken  with  a  Makam  camera.  Figures  1  through  15  are 
all  of  living  stages,  taken  at  X  100,  without  a  cover  glass  except  for  Figure  15.  Moving  stages 
were  quieted  with  MS-222  (tricain).  Figures  16  through  28  are  all  of  sectioned  material, 
taken  at  X  352  except  for  27  and  28  which  were  taken  at  X  220.  Figures  29  through  34  are 
all  photomicrographs  taken  from  "dry"  mounts  of  larvae  at  X  430. 


FIGURE  1.  Developing  eggs  before  their  growth  period  is  completed,  showing  algal-like 
strings  of  cells.  FIGURE  2.  Unfertilized  egg  showing  lighter  granular  area  at  the  animal  pole 
where  the  polar  bodies  will  pinch  off.  FIGURE  3.  Fertilized  egg  with  cleavage  furrow  begin- 
ning first  at  the  animal  pole.  FIGURE  4.  Two-cell  stage,  showing  that  the  CD  blastomere  is 
somewhat  larger  than  the  AB.  Note  the  fertilization  membrane  and  one  of  the  polar  bodies. 
FIGURE  5.  Four-cell  stage  viewed  from  animal  pole,  showing  the  cross  furrow  characteristic 
of  spiral  cleavage.  FIGURE  6.  Eight-cell  stage  in  two  tiers,  four  slightly  smaller  micromeres 
towards  the  animal  pole.  FIGURE  7.  Early  to  mid-cleavage  showing  individual  blastomeres. 
FIGURE  8.  Early  swimming  stage,  approximately  four  hours  old,  showing  two  of  the  four 
plates  surrounding  the  central  mound.  FIGURE  9.  "Head-on"  view  of  stage  similar  to  Figure  8, 
showing  four  plates  of  cells  (one  at  lower  right  clear)  surrounding  the  mound.  FIGURE  10. 
Trochophore,  approximately  28  hours  old,  with  apical  tuft  and  prototroch  (haze  at  right 
represents  the  beating  cilia). 






Trochophore  stage,  24  hours  old.  Larvae  of  this  stage  are  still  approximately 
the  size  of  the  unfertilized  egg  and  are  positively  phototactic  active  swimmers, 
rotating  clockwise  as  in  the  preceding  stages.  Anteriorly,  they  have  two  red  eye- 
spots  and  a  prominent  apical  tuft,  60-70  micra  or  more  in  length,  consisting  of  sev- 
eral long  cilia  surrounded  by  a  ring  of  shorter  cilia.  The  body  is  still  covered  with 
cilia  except  for  the  small  disc  at  the  posterior  end  and  a  small  area  around  the 
apical  tuft  (Fig.  10).  The  cilia  appear  somewhat  longer  in  the  region  of  the 
developing  prototroch  and  telotroch.  The  denser  central  mass  of  cells  represents 
the  differentiating  yolk-laden  mid-gut  (Fig.  22).  In  living  stages  a  slight  inden- 
tation observed  on  one  side  may  represent  the  stomadeum.  A  few  dark  pigment 
spots  (green  in  dark-field  )  in  the  region  of  the  broad  prototroch  tend  to  mask 
the  pharynx  in  living  larvae.  In  some  larvae  the  slit-like  spaces  formed  between 
the  posterior  yolk  plates  and  the  underlying  larval  mass  are  still  obvious ;  in  others, 
growing  cells  have  obliterated  the  slits  so  that  the  peripheral  yolk  plates  are  caught 
between  the  mesodermal  bands  and  the  cuticle.  The  yolk  plates  are  then  visible 
as  a  line  of  yolk  spheres  just  beneath  the  cuticle  (barely  visible  in  Fig.  22).  Thus, 
posteriorly,  the  layers  from  inside  out  are  the  central  yolk  mass,  mesodermal  bands, 
slits  (in  some  instances),  yolk  plates,  and  larval  membrane  (Fig.  22). 

Post-troclwplwrc  stage,  36  lioiirs  old.  This  stage  is  usually  little  longer,  though 
somewhat  narrower,  than  the  preceding  and  is  characterized  internally  by  the  be- 
ginnings of  two  to  three  sets  of  setae  and  the  formation  of  glandular  cells  (prob- 
ably mucous  in  nature;  Figs.  24,  25,  26).  The  larvae  are  strongly  positively 
phototactic  as  evidenced  by  their  swarming  toward  the  light.  They  have  prominent 
red  eyespots  and  a  well  developed  apical  tuft  ( most  of  the  cilia  are  approximately 
85  micra,  the  longest  measured  being  approximately  100  micra ) .  The  cytoplasm 
at  the  level  of  the  broad  prototroch  has  a  bubbly  appearance  due  to  refractile  drop- 
lets which  tend  to  obscure  the  pharynx.  Other  external  features  are  the  narrow 
telotroch,  short  cilia  between  the  proto-  and  telotrochs,  and  possibly  a  posterior 
tuft  of  cilia  (a  suggestion  of  this  last  was  observed  only  twice,  with  the  phase 
microscope).  Yellowish  pigment  may  be  observed  scattered  over  the  surface. 
Visible  under  the  cuticle  posteriorly  are  the  peripheral  yolk  plates.  The  gut  from 
an  external  view  is  similar  to  that  in  the  preceding  stage,  forming  a  darker  central 
mass  (yellow  in  reflected  light).  A  posterior  indentation  may  represent  the  proc- 
todeum,  as  the  hind-gut  has  not  yet  formed.  The  larvae  appear  to  be  flattened 
slightly  on  the  ventral  surface.  Serial  sections  reveal  the  pharynx,  differentiating 
setae,  mucous  cells,  and  four  large  posterior  vacuoles  which  probably  represent  the 
free  ends  of  mucus-secreting  cells  (Figs.  24  and  26). 


FIGURE  11.  Larva  of  3%  days  with  four  sets  of  setae  (the  fourth  set  has  retracted). 
Visible  are  two  eyespots  at  right,  two  posterior  vacuolated  cells  at  left,  and  darker  mid-gut 
region  between  the  setae.  FIGURE  12.  Swimming  larva,  also  3%  days  old,  with  the  fourth 
set  of  setae  just  emerging.  Note  the  beating  prototroch  at  eye  level  and  the  telotroch  at  left. 
FIGURE  13.  Larva  of  approximately  four  days,  showing  four  sets  of  setae,  three  dorsal  tentacles 
beginning  to  form,  and  black  jaws  visible  through  the  body  wall.  FIGURE  14.  Larva  of  six 
days  with  five  sets  of  setae  and  dorsal  tentacles  elongating.  Note  the  eyespots,  dark  jaws,  and 
dark  mid-gut  region.  FIGURE  15.  Larva  of  seven  days,  with  five  sets  of  setae,  photographed 
with  cover  glass.  Visible  are  two  eyes,  "knobby"  tentacles,  black  jaws,  light  mid-gut  region, 
and  two  anal  cirri. 




*  >*<< 
*i.      .'  ;*v. 



,. ._— — •• 




FIGURE  16.  Section  of  two  young  eggs  in  the  coelom,  showing  attached  algal-like  strings 
of  cells  (second  string  not  in  plane  of  section),  the  nucleus  and  prominent  nucleolus  in  the  egg 
and  in  each  of  the  "nurse"  cells.  FIGURE  17.  Fertilized  egg  in  metaphase  I,  showing  the 


Larvae  of  2  days,  8-12  hours.  These  larvae,  about  the  same  width  as  the  pre- 
ceding, have  elongated  by  about  100  micra  and  measure  approximately  325  X  200 
micra  (in  measurements  of  larvae,  widths  indicate  the  broadest  portion).  The 
tendency  of  some  larvae  to  settle  on  the  bottom  at  this  stage  seems  to  be  correlated 
with  the  secretion  of  mucus ;  other  larvae,  however,  are  still  actively  rotating, 
positively  phototactic  swimmers.  Their  invariable  swarming  towards  the  light 
makes  changing  the  water  easy  at  this  stage.  The  larvae  usually  have  differentiated 
three  sets  of  setae  externally  (sometimes  only  two),  with  a  fourth  set  forming 
internally  in  some.  The  third  set,  though  extending  externally,  may  be  incom- 
pletely formed  ( see  Table  I ) . 

Larvae  have  two  prominent  red  eyespots  and  several  pigment  spots  anteriorly. 
The  apical  tuft,  though  reduced,  is  still  prominent,  being  roughly  55  micra  long. 
The  anterior  arms  of  the  opaque  Y-shaped  mid-gut  surround  the  colorless  pharynx. 
Scattered  black  pigment  spots  can  be  seen  in  surface  view.  The  prototroch  is  still 
present  as  is  the  telotroch  of  longer  cilia,  and  between  them  are  shorter  cilia. 
Rarely  seen,  but  very  clear  when  observed  with  the  phase  microscope,  is  a  little 
patch  of  cilia  just  posterior  to  each  set  of  setae.  The  characteristic  refractile  drop- 
lets are  still  present  at  the  widest  part  of  the  prototroch  and  this  area  appears  con- 
tinuous with  the  mid-gut  region.  The  hind-gut  is  not  clearly  defined. 

Larvae  of  3  days,  8  to  12  hours.  Larvae  of  this  stage  are  slightly  longer  and 
usually  somewhat  narrower  than  those  of  the  preceding  stage  (for  example,  one 
measured  400  X  180  micra).  A  few  are  still  swimming  and  are  positively  photo- 
tactic,  but  most  tend  to  crawl  on  the  bottom,  secreting  mucus  as  they  do  so.  They 
sometimes  stick  together  in  clumps  in  which  case  they  should  be  separated  before 
they  die.  Some  have  formed  transparent  slime  tubes.  Usually  four  functional 
sets  of  setae  are  visible  externally  (Figs.  11  and  12)  and  the  parapodium  of  the 
first  setigerous  segment  has  two  protrusions,  a  finger-like  postsetal  lobe  and  a 
shorter  presetal  lobe  (Fig.  33).  A  tuft  of  cilia,  rarely  observed,  is  present  at  the 
base  of  each  parapodium.  An  apical  tuft  is  still  prominent  but  is  often  missed 
even  with  the  phase  microscope,  for  it  tends  to  bend  backward  when  slowed  with 
MS-222.  The  fairly  broad  prototroch  extends  from  the  anterior  level  of  the  eye- 
spots  to  just  anterior  to  the  first  set  of  setae  (compare  Figures  11  and  12).  The 
prominent  telotroch  lies  just  posterior  to  the  last  set  of  setae  (Fig.  12).  Incipient 
jaws  have  differentiated  which  have  an  extra  toothed  plate  on  one  side  of  the 
otherwise  symmetrical  maxillae  (similar  to  Fig.  29).  This  asymmetry  of  the 
jaws  is  characteristic  of  the  adult.  These  larval  jaws  are  movable  indicating  that 
pharyngeal  muscle  is  differentiating.  Peripheral  vacuolated  mucous  cells  are 
clearly  defined.  Two  of  the  large  posterior  vacuoles  may  be  visible  externally 
(Fig.  11).  The  broad  anterior  region,  with  its  bubbly  cytoplasm,  still  appears 

contrast  between  yolky  and  non-yolky  cytoplasm.  FIGURE  18.  Two-cell  stage  in  metaphase 
of  second  cleavage  showing  that  the  CD  blastomere  is  larger  than  the  AB.  Note  the  fertiliza- 
tion membrane.  FIGURE  19.  Three-cell  stage  showing  that  the  CD  blastomere  sometimes 
cleaves  before  the  AB.  This  may  represent  abnormal  development.  FIGURE  20.  Blastomeres 
of  late  cleavage  held  firmly  within  the  egg  membrane.  The  peripheral  vacuolated  region  is 
beginning  to  appear  and  one  blastomere  is  in  metaphase.  FIGURE  21.  Longitudinal  section 
through  an  early  ciliated  stage,  approximately  three  hours,  showing  central  mound  of  cells  at 
the  animal  pole,  two  of  the  four  vacuolated  plates  of  cells,  and  small  round  body  (probably  a 
polar  body)  beneath  membrane  at  the  right. 






continuous  with  the  droplet-filled  darker  mid-gut  region  (Fig.  11,  droplets  not 
in  focus ) .  The  arms  of  the  Y-shaped  mid-gut  surround  the  pharynx.  The  thick- 
\valled,  rather  transparent  hind-gut,  presumably  ectodermal,  is  forming.  In  some 
batches,  buds  of  the  three  more  dorsal  tentacles  are  obvious,  as  well  as  the  rudi- 
ments of  the  two  anal  cirri. 

Further  internal  structure  can  be  seen  in  serial  sections.  Figure  27  is  a  sagittal 
section  of  this  stage,  showing  pharynx  and  incipient  jaws,  narrow  esophageal  por- 
tion, and  the  mid-gut  which  has  no  lumen  as  yet  and  contains  some  dark  pigment 
spots.  A  coelom  has  appeared,  two  flattened  nuclei  of  the  ventral  peritoneal  cells 
being  clearly  visible.  The  ventral  body  wall  is  thick  compared  with  the  dorsal 
and  a  ventral  nerve  cord  is  differentiating  just  beneath  the  peritoneum.  A  cerebral 
ganglion  is  visible  just  anterior  to  the  pharynx.  At  least  four  large  posterior 
vacuoles  are  visible. 

Larvae  of  4  days.  By  this  stage  four  sets  of  setae  are  visible  externally  and 
a  fifth  is  beginning  to  form  internally.  The  apical  tuft  was  not  observed  and 
proto-  and  telotrochs  are  reduced.  A  few  superficial  scattered  dark  pigment  spots 
can  be  seen  in  living  larvae,  and  the  endodermal  and  mid-gut  contains  some  pig- 
ment. The  transparent  hind-gut  has  a  narrow  lumen.  In  most  larvae,  three  well 
developed  tentacular  protrusions  have  appeared  (Fig.  13)  and  buds  of  the  two  more 
ventral  tentacles,  as  well  as  two  anal  cirri.  Also  visible  through  the  body  wall 
are  the  developing  jaws  (Fig.  13). 

Larvae  of  4  days,  8  to  12  hours.  Larvae  of  this  stage  have  settled  on  the  bot- 
tom and  some  may  be  observed  in  transparent  slime  tubes.  They  have  four  sets 
of  functional  setae  externally  with  a  fifth  beginning  to  protrude  in  some.  The 
presetal  and  postsetal  lobes  on  the  parapodia  of  the  first  setigerous  segment  are 
retained  in  this  stage  and  in  the  subsequent  stages  described  (compare  Fig.  33). 
Five  occipital  tentacles  are  present,  one  mid-dorsal,  two  dorso-lateral,  and  two 
ventro-lateral  ones,  the  last  two  being  shorter.  Two  anal  cirri  are  represented  by 


FIGURE  22.  Frontal  section  of  24-hour  trochophore  (anterior  at  right)  showing  pharynx 
near  center,  light  undifferentiated  yolk  mass  just  posterior  to  it,  and  mesodermal  bands  flanking 
the  mid-gut.  FIGURE  23.  Transverse  section  through  the  central  mound  in  a  larva  similar  to 
that  in  Figure  21,  showing  the  four  plates  of  vacuolated  cells  surrounding  the  mound.  FIGURE 
24.  Frontal  section  through  a  36-hour  larva  (cut  at  15  micra)  showing  pharynx  (note 
anaphase),  light  undifferentiated  yolk  mass,  and  four  prominent  posterior  vacuoles.  FIGURE  25. 
Transverse  section  through  the  pharynx  of  a  larva  that  is  similar  to  Figure  24,  showing 
peripheral  vacuolated  cells  and  the  cilia  penetrating  the  larval  membrane.  FIGURE  26.  Frontal 
section  through  a  36-hour  larva  (cut  at  10  micra)  showing  the  pharynx  (note  anaphase), 
yolk  mass,  and  two  large  posterior  vacuoles.  Two  sets  of  internal  setae  are  forming  (tip  of 
lower  arrow)  and  two  of  the  mucus-secreting  cells  with  basal  nuclei  are  visible  (tip  of  upper 
arrow).  FIGURE  27.  Sagittal  section  through  larva  of  3%  days,  with  four  sets  of  setae.  The 
jaws  are  beginning  to  form  in  the  pharynx,  the  cerebral  ganglion  (light  area)  is  anterior  to 
them,  and  the  mid-gut  (without  a  lumen)  is  posterior  to  them.  Note  also  the  posterior  vacuoles, 
the  coelom  around  the  gut,  and  the  peritoneal  cells  (two  nuclei  clear)  lying  in  contact  with  the 
ventral  nerve  cord.  The  ventral  body  wall  is  thicker  than  the  dorsal.  FIGURE  28.  Sagittal 
section  through  larva  of  5^/2  days,  with  five  sets  of  setae.  The  same  structures  seen  in  Figure  27 
may  be  noted,  although  they  are  more  highly  differentiated.  The  mid-gut  region  now  has 
a  lumen  continuous  with  the  intestine  which  opens  by  way  of  a  ventral  anus,  and  some  of  the 
mid-gut  cells  have  black  pigment. 






FIGURE  29.  Differentiating  jaws  of  a  larva  of  4%  days  showing  toothed  asymmetrical 
maxillary  plates  on  the  left  (an  extra  toothed  portion  is  present  on  the  left  side)  and  mandibles 
on  the  right.  Note  also  the  bundle  of  curved  pointed  setae  from  the  first  setigerous  segment. 
FIGURE  30.  Jaws  from  a  larva  of  approximately  eleven  days,  showing  further  differentiation 


buds  in  some  larvae  of  this  stage,  but  are  more  obvious  in  others.  Tufts  of  cilia, 
visible  at  the  eye  level  in  some,  probably  represent  the  remains  of  the  prototroch. 
A  prominent  telotroch  is  still  present.  Also  visible  externally  are  jaws  consisting 
of  asymmetrical  maxillary  plates  with  well  defined  teeth  and  differentiating  man- 
dibles (Fig.  29).  An  esophagus  is  differentiating  between  pharynx  and  mid-gut, 
and  the  latter  continues  posteriorly  into  the  hind-gut.  The  dark  yolk  mass  and 
droplets  are  restricted  to  the  mid-gut  and  black  pigment  is  visible  in  its  lining. 
Some  of  the  larvae  appeared  to  be  feeding  on  microorganisms. 

Larvae  of  5l/2  to  71/.  days.  Larvae  of  5l/2  days  have  5  sets  of  functional  setae 
although  the  last  set  is  usually  not  completely  formed ;  in  some  cases  a  sixth  set  is 
differentiating  internally.  Some  larvae  may  be  observed  in  transparent  slime  tubes 
on  the  bottom,  and  in  one  instance  a  larva  was  observed  turning  around  in  its  tube. 
Larvae  which  have  not  formed  tubes  often  stick  to  the  bottom  at  this  stage  and 
may  constrict  in  two  in  attempting  to  free  themselves.  The  five  occipital  tentacles 
are  "knobby"  and  well  developed  (Fig.  15)  :  the  three  more  dorsal  ones  are  ap- 
proximately 1 50  micra  in  length  and  have  two  basal  segments  by  7  days ;  the  two 
more  ventral  ones  are  shorter  and  have  one  basal  segment  each.  Two  anal  cirri 
are  well  developed  (approximately  30  micra  in  length)  and  "knobby"  (Fig.  15). 

A  number  of  the  differentiating  internal  structures  of  this  stage  can  be  illus- 
trated by  Figure  28.  This  is  a  sagittal  section  through  a  larva  with  5  sets  of  setae 
(SVs  days  old)  and  with  well  developed  jaws  associated  with  the  pharynx.  The 
mid-gut  is  patent  throughout,  its  lumen  being  continuous  with  that  of  the  hind-gut 
which,  in  turn,  opens  ventrally  through  the  anus.  The  coelom  has  enlarged  as 
compared  with  the  preceding  stage  (Fig.  27).  Nuclei  of  two  of  the  flattened  peri- 
toneal cells  are  visible  ventrally  (the  peritoneum  can  also  be  seen  in  living  larvae), 
and  the  cerebral  ganglion  and  ventral  nerve  cord  are  clearly  visible. 

Larvae  of  8  days,  8  hours  and  older.  By  8%  days,  6  sets  of  setae  have  formed 
externally  in  most  cases  and  are  complete,  or  almost  so.  However,  some  larvae 
take  one  to  three  days  longer  to  form  the  sixth  set  (a  few  take  even  longer).  The 
black  jaws  are  well  differentiated  and  active  at  these  stages.  The  asymmetrical 
maxillary  plates  have  a  medial  toothed  margin  in  each  half  (as  well  as  the  toothed 

as  compared  with  Figure  29.  The  bundle  of  curved  pointed  setae  from  the  first  setigerous 
segment  and  an  additional  slender  rod  are  also  visible.  FIGURE  31.  Curved  pointed  setae  on 
the  first  setigerous  segment  of  a  larva  of  8l/2  days,  with  six  sets  of  setae.  Characteristically, 
four  such  setae  are  present  but  here  the  curved  tip  of  a  fifth  set  is  appearing  (off  tip  of  right- 
hand  arrow).  Note  also  the  aciculum  with  a  deeper  origin  than  the  external  setae,  and  the 
slender  rod  (off  tip  of  left-hand  arrow).  FIGURE  32.  Two  anterior  parapodia  in  a  larva  of 
approximately  5  days,  with  four  sets  of  setae.  The  curved,  pointed,  claw-like  setae  of  the  first 
setigerous  segment  are  visible;  contrast  these  with  the  short-tipped  winged  capillary  type  (one 
in  focus)  characteristic  of  the  second,  third,  and  fourth  setigerous  segments.  FIGURE  33. 
Parapodia  of  first  and  second  setigerous  segments  (anterior  at  right)  in  a  larva  of  5l/s  days, 
with  a  small  fifth  set  of  setae.  The  finger-like  postsetal  lobe  and  the  smaller  presetal  lobe 
which  are  characteristic  of  the  first  parapodium  are  visible.  FIGURE  34.  Setal  types  from  the 
fourth,  fifth,  and  sixth  setigerous  segments  ( anterior  at  left ) .  Note  the  three  short-tipped 
winged  capillary  setae  ( and  basal  aciculum )  characteristic  of  the  second,  third,  and  fourth 
setigerous  segments,  the  two  bidentate  acicular  setae  and  one  long-tipped  winged  capillary  seta 
(and  basal  aciculum)  characteristic  of  the  fifth,  sixth,  and  seventh  setigerous  segments.  The 
two-pronged  tip  (off  tip  of  arrow)  of  the  second  bidentate  acicular  seta  developing  in  the  sixth 
setigerous  segment  is  also  visible. 

354  M.  JEAN  ALLEN 

additional  piece  ;  see  Figure  30)  and  work  in  scissors-like  fashion  with  the  man- 
dibles either  held  stationary  or  with  both  jaws  working  alternately  in  an  antero- 
posterior  direction.  The  maxillary  plates  move  forward,  open,  and  then  close 
during  their  posterior  movement. 

In  a  few  cases  a  culture  of  algae  was  allowed  to  accumulate  in  the  stender 
dishes.  The  larvae  in  these  cases  appeared  to  be  feeding  on  the  algae  although  the 
mid-gut  was  still  dark  with  stored  food  material  and  contained  large  food  vacuoles. 
The  larvae  upon  occasion  will  eat  their  own  kind  as  in  one  instance  black  jaws  of 
another  larva  were  observed  in  the  mid-gut  of  an  lli/^-day  larva,  and  one  larva 
appeared  to  be  "gnawing"  on  another  living  larva  stuck  to  it.  An  active  rolling 
movement  from  side  to  side  was  noted  in  the  esophageal  region  of  a  number  of 
larvae,  and  in  one  food  particles  were  noted  in  this  region  of  the  fore-gut  which  is 
very  thick-walled. 

The  five  occipital  tentacles  are  similar  to  those  of  the  preceding  stage  except 
that  they  are  longer,  the  dorsal  ones  measuring  approximately  225  micra  in  9-day 
larvae.  Anal  cirri  in  larvae  of  this  age  are  approximately  50  micra  long. 

Headless  larvae,  capable  of  moving  about,  were  observed  occasionally.  Larvae 
of  this  age  tend  to  stick  to  the  bottom  of  the  dish,  often  on  their  backs,  in  which 
case  they  may  constrict  in  two  in  an  attempt  to  become  free. 

The  larvae  were  not  fed  (except  for  any  microorganisms  which  came  through 
the  sand-filtered  sea  water )  and  may  live  as  long  as  the  yolk  material  lasts  in  the 
mid-gut  (this  area  becomes  transparent  when  the  food  supply  is  gone).  Over 
several  summers,  6  sets  was  the  maximum  number  of  setae  observed  in  these  larvae 
of  D.  euprea.  However,  in  the  summer  of  1958,  7  sets  were  recorded  for  nine 
larvae,  in  two  (from  different  batches)  by  13Vi>  days  of  development,  in  one  by 
l4l/2  clays,  in  two  (from  different  batches  )  by  171/2  days,  and  in  one  by  IS1/-;  days 
of  development.  One  larva  from  this  last  batch  did  not  develop  a  seventh  set  until 
the  twenty-fifth  day,  and  another  from  this  batch  until  the  thirtieth  day  of  develop- 
ment. One  from  a  different  batch  developed  a  seventh  set  by  the  twenty-sixth 
day.  Among  these  larvae  the  oldest  lived  for  13  days  after  developing  a  seventh 
set  of  setae,  dying  at  an  age  of  301/o  days.  Most  larvae  died  before  developing  a 
seventh  set.  The  types  of  setae  are  described  in  more  detail  below. 

Types  of  larval  setae  and  their  order  of  appearance.  By  the  time  5  sets  of 
setae  have  formed  in  these  larvae,  four  types  of  setae  have  differentiated.  The  type 
(or  types)  and  distribution  of  each  are  characteristic  for  each  segment.  As  indi- 
cated in  Figures  29  to  34,  those  in  the  first  setigerous  segment  are  different  from 
any  of  the  others,  those  in  segments  two,  three  and  four  are  similar,  and  those  in 
segment  five  are  new  types  which  are  retained  in  segments  six  and  seven.  One 
aciculum  is  associated  with  each  setigerous  sac  at  all  levels.  These  internal  basal 
setae  have  a  deeper  origin  than  the  others  (Figs.  31  and  34)  and  appear  to  direct 
the  movements  of  the  external  ones.  Once  the  direction  of  movement  has  been 
determined  at  any  one  level,  the  external  setal  complement  seems  to  work  against 
the  aciculum  which  thus  acts  as  a  fulcrum. 

The  following  tables  indicate  the  setigerous  segments,  the  number  and  types 
of  setae  in  each  setigerous  sac  (omitting  acicula  which  are  present  at  all  levels), 
the  time  of  appearance  at  each  level,  and  the  setal  complement  of  each  segment  at 
successive  developmental  stages.  Photomicrographs  are  presented  to  help  in  the 




Time  of  appearance  of  setal  types  in  various  segments 

Setigerous  segment 

Type  of  setae 


3C  +  tip  of  C 








IB,  1L 

2B,  1L 

IB,  1L 

2B,  1L 

IB,  1L 

2B,  1L 

Time  of  external  appearance 

2  days 

3^  days 

4^  days 

2  days 

1\  days 

2\  days 

3§  days 

1\  days 

3^  days 

4^  days 

5J  days 

7  days 

8£  days 

13  days  (typical?) 

identification  of  these  setal  types.  The  key  to  the  letters  in  the  tables  is  as  follows : 
C — curved  pointed  type  (Figs.  29  to  33),  S — short-tipped  winged  capillary  type 
(Figs.  32  to  34),  B — bidentate  acicular  type  (Fig.  34),  L — long-tipped  winged 
capillary  type  (Fig.  34). 

The  individual  setae  develop  in  a  disto-proximal  direction,  the  tip  differentiating 
first.  This  was  observed  repeatedly  in  "dry"  mounts.  For  example,  in  the  first 
setigerous  segment  of  a  4-day  larva,  three  curved  setae  are  complete  and  just  the 
curved  tip  of  the  fourth  is  visible  internally.  In  the  fifth  setigerous  segment  of 
4-  to  6-day  larvae,  one  of  the  bidentate  setae  and  the  aciculum  appear  to  develop 
simultaneously;  then  the  long-tipped  seta  of  this  level  develops  and  before  it  is 
completed  the  two-pronged  tip  of  the  second  bidentate  seta  has  developed  inter- 
nally (Fig.  34).  This  sequence  of  setal  development  noted  in  setigerous  segment 
number  five  is  followed  also  in  the  sixth  and  seventh  segments. 

In  one  larva  (8V.>  days  old)  the  distal  tip  of  a  fifth  seta  of  the  curved  type 
characteristic  of  segment  1  was  noted  (Fig.  31).  This  indicates  that  4  curved 
setae  may  not  be  the  full  complement  for  this  level ;  however,  this  one  case  may 
not  represent  the  typical  condition.  Also,  in  a  number  of  larvae  of  8  days,  8  hours 

Distribution  of  setal  types  by  segments  at  different  stages 

Setigerous  segment 

Larval  stage 








3  parapodia 




4  parapodia 





5  parapodia 





2B,  1L 

6  parapodia 





2B,  1L 

2B,  1L 

7  parapodia 





2B,  1L 

2B,  1L 

2B,  1L 

356  M.  JEAN  ALLEN 

and  older,  a  tiny  slender  rod  was  noted  in  both  of  the  first  setigerous  sacs  (Figs. 
30  and  31).  Its  presence  was  not  observed  consistently  throughout  this  age  group. 
As  suggested  by  the  tables,  the  setae  once  formed  were  retained  throughout  the 
period  of  observation.  This  is  in  contrast  to  Wilson's  analysis  of  the  succession 
of  larval  bristles  in  Nereis  pclagica  (1932)  in  which  he  found  that  as  successive 
setae  formed,  the  ones  more  anterior  began  falling  out. 


Certain  aspects  of  the  development  of  the  egg  and  of  the  early  larvae  of  Diopatra 
cuprca  seem  to  be  peculiar  to  this  species,  and  in  other  instances  to  this  genus  or 
to  the  closely  related  genus,  Onuphis.  The  curious  process  by  which  the  eggs  are 
formed  in  the  ovary  has  been  described  by  Andrews  (1891b)  and  recently  has  been 
briefly  reviewed  by  Costello  ct  al.  (1957).  Lieber  (1931)  has  described  this  proc- 
ess for  D.  aniboinensis.  Andrews  (1891b)  suggests  that  the  algal-like  strings  of 
"nurse"  cells  attached  to  the  developing  egg  may  have  a  supportive  function  while 
the  eggs  are  floating  free  in  the  coelom,  rather  than  a  nutritive  one.  However, 
Treadwell  (1921,  page  81)  states  that  in  the  eggs  of  Diopatra  cuprca  at  Woods 
Hole  he  was  able  to  demonstrate  a  "definite  communication  pore  between  the  ovum 
and  the  first  cell  of  the  chain,  indicating  that  they  are  true  'nurse'  cells."  Lieber 
(1931  )  in  a  detailed  study  of  oogenesis  in  Diopatra  described  and  figured  a  cyto- 
plasmic  connection  between  the  developing  egg  of  D.  aniboinensis  and  its  attached 
"nurse"  cell  and  concluded  that  the  cells  were,  in  fact,  nutritive  in  function  and, 
therefore,  properly  termed  nurse  cells.  The  communication  pore  noted  by  Tread- 
well  (1921)  may  conceivably  represent  the  area  where  an  amoeboid  process  of  the 
egg  could  contact  the  cytoplasm  of  the  "nurse"  cell. 

Lieber  ( 1931  )  has  described  a  micropyle  in  the  egg  membrane  of  D.  aniboincnsis. 
The  defect  observed  near  the  vegetal  pole  in  some  eggs  of  D.  cuprca  in  the  present 
investigation  may  be  a  micropyle,  although  Andrews  (1891b)  makes  no  mention 
of  it  in  either  D.  cuprca  or  D.  uiagna.  These  defects  may  instead  represent  the 
remains  of  the  communication  pore  noted  by  Treadwell  (1921)  in  the  developing 

It  has  been  noted  that  the  ripe  eggs  of  Diopatra  cuprca  appear  to  be  perforated. 
The  canalicular  nature  of  the  membrane  has  been  demonstrated  in  stained  eggs 
of  Diopatra  by  Lieber  (1931).  A  porous  membrane  is  not  restricted  to  the  eggs 
of  Diopatra  but  has  been  noted  in  other  polychaete  eggs,  for  example,  those  of 
Arcnicola  cristata  (Wilson,  1882). 

Retention  of  the  egg  membrane  as  a  larval  cuticle  (noted  in  D.  cuprea)  ap- 
parently is  not  uncommon  among  polychaetes.  Wilson  (1882,  page  295)  states, 
:'The  persistence  in  some  cases  of  the  chorion  as  the  larval  cuticle  is  a  remarkable 
occurrence  entirely  confined,  so  far  as  known,  to  the  Chaetopods  and  Gephyrea, 
and  by  no  means  universal  among  them."  Examples  of  species  which  retain  the 
original  egg  membrane  are  Clyuienella  torquata  and  Arcnicola  cristata  (Wilson, 
1882),  Nereis  direr  sic  olor  (Dales,  1950),  and  Thary.r  inarioni  (Dales,  1951). 

The  four  anterior  vacuolated  plates  of  cells  which  have  formed  by  the  time 
ciliation  has  been  attained  are  peculiar  to  this  form  insofar  as  the  writer  knows, 
and  appear  to  originate  from  the  four  groups  of  prototroch  cells. 


The  significance  of  the  curious  arrangement  of  yolk  spheres  into  peripherally 
located  yolk  plates  has  not  been  determined,  for  the  main  mass  of  yolk  remains 
in  the  central  endodermal  position  (mid-gut  region)  of  the  trochophore.  One  pos- 
sibility is  that  these  peripheral  plates  may  serve  as  a  more  efficiently  placed  food 
supply  for  the  rather  precocious  development  of  the  setae  and  associated  muscle 
strands  which  differentiate  from  the  mesoderm  just  medial  to  them. 

As  has  been  noted  in  the  introduction  there  seems  to  be  considerable  confusion 
in  the  literature  concerning  the  identification  of  larvae  and  earlier  stages  ascribed 
to  Diopatra  cuprea.  It  is  well  known  that  larval  types  are  difficult  to  identify. 
Two  important  characteristics  used  for  distinguishing  between  larvae  are  the  jaws 
and  setal  types.  The  conspicuous  asymmetry  of  the  maxillary  plates  in  Diopatra 
cuprea  has  been  noted  (Figs.  29  and  30).  Monro  (1924),  in  his  description  of  the 
post-larval  stage  of  D.  cuprea,  also  pictures  the  unpaired,  toothed  plate  associated 
with  the  otherwise  symmetrical  maxillae.  This  asymmetrical  jaw  type  is  charac- 
teristic of  adult  onuphids  and  eunicids.  The  functional  significance  of  unpaired 
maxillary  plates  in  otherwise  symmetrical  jaws,  which  appear  to  work  in  scissors- 
like  fashion,  is  obscure.  Comparing  the  diagram  of  the  upper  jaw  pictured  in 
Monro  (1924,  Fig.  6,  page  197)  with  the  writer's  photomicrograph  of  the  jaws 
of  an  11 -day  larva  (Fig.  30),  one  may  conclude  that  they  are  closely  similar  and 
in  all  probability  could  have  come  from  larvae  of  the  same  species  when  one  con- 
siders the  difference  in  age.  Monro  (1924)  includes  a  brief  discussion  of  the 
possible  evolution  of  jaws  within  the  eunicids  and  closely  related  groups. 

Setae  develop  precociously  in  Diopatra  cnprca.  at  least  as  compared  with  some 
of  the  nereids,  such  as  Nereis  pelagica  (Wilson,  1932)  and  Nereis  divcrsicolor 
(Dales,  1950).  The  importance  of  setal  types  in  distinguishing  between  larvae  is 
indicated  by  the  work  of  Wilson  (1932),  Krishnan  (1936),  Dales  (1950),  et  al. 
A  comparison  of  the  setae  pictured  here  with  the  description  and  diagrams  in 
Monro's  post-larval  stage  (1924)  suggests  that  the  larvae  described  by  Monro 
belong  to  a  closely  related  species,  if  not  to  D.  cuprea.  Development  of  the  first 
setigerous  segment  (Monro,  1924,  Figure  2,  and  text,  page  195)  is  in  agreement  with 
the  findings  described  in  the  present  study,  but  Monro  indicates  that  from  the  second 
through  the  fifth  set  all  setae  are  of  the  short-tipped  winged  capillary  type.  The 
view  pictured  is  not  clear  (Fig.  3,  page  195),  and  this  setal  type  may  or  may  not 
fit  the  type  shown  in  the  present  investigation  (Figs.  32,  33,  and  34).  In  con- 
trast to  Monro's  larvae,  the  fifth  set  of  setae  observed  in  the  present  study  has  a 
new  setal  complement  which  includes  a  bidentate  acicular  type  which  is  retained 
in  segments  6  and  7  (Fig.  34).  Beginning  on  the  sixth  segment  of  Monro's 
larvae  a  setigerous  type  (Fig.  4,  page  196)  appears  which  probably  could  be  de- 
veloped from  the  bidentate  acicular  type  described  here  ( Fig.  34 )  by  the  develop- 
ment of  a  hook.  However,  to  be  comparable  to  the  larvae  described  by  the  writer, 
this  hooked  type  should  begin  on  the  fifth  parapodium  instead  of  the  sixth.  Thus, 
the  two  species  may  not  be  identical. 

Wilson  (1882)  describes  and  figures  some  early  stages  in  the  development  of 
a  polychaete  which  he  identifies  as  Diopatra  cuprea.  These  larvae,  however,  were 
obtained  from  gelatinous  egg  masses,  and  Andrews  (1891a,  1891b)  states  that  these 
early  stages  and  larvae  described  by  Wilson  do  not  belong  to  Diopatra  cuprea 
but  to  Diopatra  uiagna.  Monro  (1924)  notes  that  Andrews  does  not  give  the 

358  M.  JEAN  ALLEN 

basis  for  his  statement  and  Monro,  therefore,  questions  its  validity.  Treadwell 
(1921)  has  shown  that  the  polychaetes  described  in  the  literature  as  D.  magna 
in  reality  belong  to  another  genus  which  he  has  designated  as  Onuphis.  Both 
Diopatra  and  Onuphis  are  now  accepted  as  distinct  genera  although  they  are 
closely  related  ones  (Dr.  Marian  H.  Pettibone,  personal  communication;  also  see 
Hartman,  1945,  page  24,  and  Hartman,  1951,  page  51,  for  keys  separating  these  two 
genera).  Treadwell  (1921)  further  points  out  the  possibility  that  the  larvae  de- 
scribed by  Wilson  are  really  those  of  Onuphis  magna  and  seems  inclined  to  agree 
with  Andrew's  interpretation.  A  comparison  of  the  ciliated  larva  pictured  by 
Treadwell  from  the  gelatinous  egg  masses  of  Onuphis  magna  (1921,  Plate  7,  Fig- 
ure 5)  with  that  figured  by  Wilson  (1882,  Plate  XXIII,  Fig.  10)  shows  more 
similarity  between  these  two  larvae  than  between  Wilson's  larvae  and  those  of  D. 
cuprca  described  in  the  present  study. 

Comparing  Wilson's  larvae  with  the  larvae  pictured  here,  raised  from  the  fer- 
tilized eggs  of  D.  cuprca,  certain  differences  are  noted.  No  stages  in  the  present 
study  were  observed  that  were  as  pear-shaped  as  Wilson's  Figures  89  and  90 
(Plate  XXI),  nor  was  any  stage  observed  so  markedly  spotted  with  pigment  as 
the  larva  in  Wilson's  Figure  89.  Further,  the  rudimentary  apical  tuft  shown  is 
in  marked  contrast  to  the  prominent  apical  tuft  in  the  larvae  here  described.  A 
comparison  of  larvae  with  five  sets  of  setae  shows  that  there  are  differences  be- 
tween those  of  Wilson  (1882,  Plate  XXIII,  Fig.  10,  and  description  on  page  289) 
and  those  pictured  and  described  by  the  writer.  In  Diopatra  cuprca,  in  the  present 
study,  no  dorsal  cirri  were  observed,  five  occipital  tentacles  are  present  in  normal 
larvae  at  this  setal  stage,  and  the  mid-dorsal  tentacle  is  almost  the  same  size  as 
the  dorso-lateral  (contrast  Wilson's  Fig.  10,  Plate  XXIII).  Also  a  clearly  defined 
pharynx  and  well  developed  jaws  are  visible  at  this  stage  (Figs.  14  and  15  of  the 
present  paper ;  however,  Wilson  and  Treadwell  may  have  intentionally  omitted 
internal  structures  from  their  drawings ) .  Further,  the  enlarged  tip  of  the  one 
setal  type  shown  in  Wilson's  larva  (Plate  XXI,  Fig.  91)  is  different  from  any  here 
described  for  D.  cuprca  (Figs.  31  and  34),  although  it  is  possible  that  this  type 
might  develop  in  a  later  stage. 

Distribution  of  the  two  species  in  question  provides  further  evidence  concerning 
the  possibility  of  erroneous  identification  of  their  larvae.  Both  Diopatra  cuprca 
and  Onuphis  magna  are  found  intertidally  in  the  Beaufort,  North  Carolina,  area 
(Hartman,  1945  )  and  in  the  Gulf  of  Mexico  (Hartman,  1951 )  ;  there  is,  therefore, 
a  chance  of  confusing  the  egg  cases  of  the  two  genera  in  these  areas.  Thus  far, 
however,  D.  cuprca  is  the  only  onuphid  found  intertidally  in  the  Woods  Hole  area 
(Dr.  Marian  H.  Pettibone,  personal  communication),  so  to  date  there  is  no  pos- 
sibility of  confusion  between  these  two  onuphids  (D.  cuprca  and  0.  magna)  in 
the  intertidal  zone  at  Woods  Hole.  The  writer  is  led  to  the  conclusion,  there- 
fore, that  the  stages  pictured  by  Wilson  do  not  belong  to  Diopatra  cuprca  and 
probably  belong  to  Onupliis  magna  (D.  magna  of  Andrews)  as  Andrews  has  stated. 

If  Andrews  is  correct — and  the  evidence  presented  here  indicates  that  he  is 

—then  the  gelatinous  egg  masses  found   by  Wilson   belong  to    Onuphis  magna. 

Insofar  as  the  writer  knows,  gelatinous  egg  masses  of  D.  cuprca  have  never  been 

found  in  the  Woods  Hole  area  where  this  species  is  common.     She  herself  has 

never  observed  them  and  Mr.  Milton  B.  Gray,  who  has  collected  D.  cuprea  for 


a  number  of  summers  in  the  Woods  Hole  area  (both  for  investigators  and  for 
Course  work),  has  never  seen  them  (personal  communication).  Circumstantial 
evidence  presented  by  Monro  (1924)  indicates  that  the  eggs  of  D.  cuprea  are  laid 
inside  the  tube  (where  the  larvae  develop)  rather  than  in  gelatinous  egg  capsules 
lying  free  on  the  sand.  However,  the  possibility  remains  that  Monro  is  not  deal- 
ing with  /).  cuprea  but  with  a  closely  related  species.  The  one  time  normal  spawn 
jelly  was  observed  in  the  present  study,  it  dissolved  readily  in  sea  water.  This 
property  of  the  jelly  and  the  facts  that  cilia  develop  early  and  that  the  larva  forms 
a  prominent  apical  tuft  suggest  that  D.  cuprea  may  have  a  free-swimming  stage. 

The  writer,  with  the  above  observations  in  mind,  would  like  to  suggest  that 
the  egg  masses  with  developing  larvae  which  have  been  noted  along  the  Gulf  of 
Mexico  (Hartman,  1951)  as  well  as  at  Beaufort,  North  Carolina  (Andrews,  1891b; 
Hartman,  1945;  Wilson,  1882),  belong  to  Onuphis  inagna  and  not  to  Diopatra 
cuprea.  Both  species  have  been  described  as  occurring  together  in  these  areas 
although  their  distribution  along  the  Gulf  of  Mexico  is  somewhat  different  (Hart- 
man, 1951  ). 

With  the  confusion  of  these  larval  types  apparent  in  the  literature,  the  brief 
study  of  the  setal  types  of  D .  cuprea  included  here  may  serve  as  at  least  one  criterion 
for  distinguishing  between  the  species  of  onuphids  in  the  future.  The  usefulness 
of  setal  types  is  apparent  if  one  compares  the  table  given  by  Krishnan  ( 1936,  page 
521)  for  D.  I'ariabills  (Southern)  with  the  tables  included  here  for  D.  citprea. 

In  summary,  one  is  led  to  the  conclusion  that  the  early  stages  and  larvae  de- 
scribed by  the  several  investigators  cited  probably  do  not  belong  to  the  species, 
Diopatra  cuprea,  but  to  a  closely  related  genus  or  species,  in  two  instances  probably 
to  Onuphis  niagna  which  is  the  Diopatra  inac/na  of  Andrews. 

Further,  this  would  seem  to  indicate  that  the  descriptions  of  the  writer  for 
Diopatra  cuprea  are  the  only  ones  which  can  be  correctly  attributed  to  this  species, 
with  the  possible  exception  of  Monro's  post-larval  description  which  may  belong 
to  D.  cuprea.  The  possibility  remains,  however,  that  some  investigation  not  here 
cited  has  escaped  the  writer's  attention. 

The  problem  of  activation  of  the  egg  of  D.  cuprea  will  have  to  be  solved  before 
this  egg  can  be  used  to  any  extent  either  for  experimental  purposes  or  for  class 
use.  Some  histochemical  tests  have  been  run  on  these  stages  (Allen,  1957)  and 
it  is  hoped  that  in  working  further  with  the  eggs  of  D.  cuprea  some  of  the  problems 
noted  will  be  solved.  Further  details  of  development  may  then  be  worked  out  to 
serve  as  a  basis  for  experimental  and  histochemical  studies. 


1.  Larvae  of  Diopatra  cuprea  (Bosc)  have  been  raised,  following  artificial  fer- 
tilization, to  a  stage  with  seven  sets  of  setae.     Observations  on  living  stages  and 
also  on  fixed  and  stained  preparations  have  been  described  and  photographed. 

2.  Cell  lineage  studies  have  not  been  made,  but  observations  indicate  that  the 
early  cleavages  are  typical  of  those  for  spiral  cleavage  and  that  the  ciliated  stage 
(age,  three  hours  )   has  a  typical  annelid  cross  and  apical  rosette.     It,  therefore, 
seems  justifiable  to  conclude  that  the  development  of  Diopatra  cuprea  follows  the 
typical  spiral  pattern  and  mosaic  development  characteristic  of  other  polychaetous 

360  M.  JEAN  ALLEN 

3.  Peculiarities  of  the  development  of  this  polychaete,  and  possibly  of  closely 
related  species,  are  the  following :  the  peculiar  algal-like  nurse  cells  attached  to 
the  developing  oocyte  (also  characteristic  of  Onuphis  eggs)   when  floating  free  in 
the  coelom,  the  amazing  rapidity  of  development  to  the  free-swimming  stage  (three 
hours ) ,  the  four  plates  of  cells  which  appear  to  develop  from  cells  of  the  prototroch 
and  their  peculiar  posterior  extensions  into  at  least  four  plates  of  yolk  spheres, 
and  the  asymmetry  of  the  maxillary  plates. 

4.  Very  little  can  be  found  in  the  literature  on  the  embryology  of  the  genus, 
Diopatra,  and  at  least  two  authors  have  pointed  out  the  possibility  of  error  as  to 
species  in  the  identification  of  the  developmental  stages.     Evidence  is  presented 
here  which  indicates  that  the  early  embryological  and  larval  stages  described  by 
other  investigators  have  been  erroneously  assigned  to  Diopatra  cuprea. 

5.  If  the  above  is  correct — and  it  would  appear  that  Diopatra  cuprea  is  the  only 
onuphid  found  intertidally  in  the  Woods  Hole  area — one  may  conclude  that  the 
investigation  presented  by  the  writer  is  probably  the  only  study  recorded  in  the 
literature  on  the  early  developmental  stages  of  Diopatra  cuprea   (Bosc).     This  is 
exclusive  of  Monro's  description  of  the  later  (post-larval)  stage  which,  if  not  be- 
longing to  D.  cuprea,  is  undoubtedly  closely  related  to  this  species. 


ALLEN,  M.  J.,  1951.     Observations  on  living  developmental  stages  of  the  polychaete,  Diopatra 

cuprea   (Bosc).     Anat.  Rec.,  Ill:  550. 
ALLEN,   M.   J.,    1953.     Development   of   the   polychaete,   Diopatra   cuprea    (Bosc).     Anat.   Rec., 

117:  572-573. 
ALLEN,  M.  J.,   1957.     Histochemical   studies  on  developmental   stages  of  polychaetous  annelids. 

Anat.  Rec..  128:  515-516. 
ANDREWS,  E.  A.,   1891a.     Report  upon  the  Annelida   Polychaeta  of   Beaufort,   North  Carolina. 

Proc.  U.  S.  Nat.  Mus.,  14 :  277-302. 

ANDREWS,  E.  A.,  1891b.     Reproductive  organs  of  Diopatra.     /.  Morph.,  5:   113-124. 
BORRADAILE,  L.  A.,  AND  F.  A.  POTTS,  1935.     The  Invertebrata.     Second  edition.     The  Macmillan 

Co.,  New  York. 
BUMPUS,  H.  C,   1898.     The  breeding  of  animals  at  Woods   Holl  during  the  months  of  June, 

July  and  August.     Science,  8:  850-858. 
COSTELLO,  D.  P.,  M.  E.  DAVIDSON,  A.  EGGERS,  M.  H.  Fox  AND  C.  HENLEY,   1957.     Methods 

for  Obtaining  and  Handling  Marine  Eggs  and  Embryos.     Marine   Biological   Labora- 
tory, Woods  Hole. 
DALES,   R.   P.,   1950.     The   reproduction  and   larval   development   of   Nereis  diversicolor   O.   F. 

Muller.     /.  Mar.  Biol.  Assoc.,  29 :  321-360. 
DALES,  R.  P.,  1951.     Notes  on  the  reproduction  and  early  development  of  the  cirratulid  Thary.v 

marioni  (St  Joseph).     /.  Mar.  Biol.  Assoc.,  30:  113-117. 
y  HARTMAN,  O.,  1945.     The  marine  annelids  of  North  Carolina.     Duke  Univ.  Mar.  Station,  Bull. 

no.  2. 
HARTMAN,  O.,   1951.     The  littoral  marine  annelids  of  the   Gulf  of   Mexico.     Publ.   Inst.  Mar. 

Sci.,  Univ.  of  Texas,  2  :  7-124. 
JUST,  E.  E.,  1922.     On  rearing  sexually  mature  Plat\nereis  mcgalops  from  eggs.     Amer.  Nat., 

56 :  471-478. 
KRISHNAN,    G.,    1936.     The   development   of   Diopatra    variabilis    (Southern).     Zeitschr.    wiss. 

Zoo/.  Leipzig,  147:  513-525. 
LIBBER,  A.,   1931.     Zur  Oogenese  einiger  Diopatra-arten.     Zeitschr.  itnss.  Zoo/.   Leipzig,   138: 



MEAD,  A.  D.,  1897.     The  early  development  of  marine  annelids.     /.  Morpli..  13:  227-326. 
MONRO,   C.   C.   A.,   1924.     On  the  post-larval   stage   in   Dia/mtni   citprca.   Bosc,   a   Polychaetous 

Annelid  of  the  family  Eunicidae.     Aim.  Mag.  Nat.  Hist.,  scr.  9,  14:    193-199. 
"SUMNER,  F.   B.,   R.   C.   OSBORN  AND  L.  J.   COLE,   1911.     A   biological   survey  of  the   waters   of 

Woods  Hole  and  vicinity.     Part  2.     Bull.  U.  S.  Bur.  Fisheries.  31  :  545-860. 
TREADWELL,  A.  L.,  1921.     Leodicidae  of  the  West  Indian  region.     Carnegie  Inst.  Wash.,  Pub., 

no.  293. 
WILSON,  D.  P.,  1932.     The  development  of  Nereis  pclagica  Linnaeus.     /.  Mar.  Biol.  Assoc     18 : 

WILSON,   E.   B.,   1882.     Observations  on   the  early  developmental   stages   of   some   polychaetous 

Annelides.     Stud.  Biol.  Lab.,  Johns  Hopkins  Univ.,  2:  271-299. 



Hopkins  Marine  Station   of  Stanford   University,  California 

In  February,  1957,  a  hydrographic  team  3  from  the  Hopkins  Marine  Station 
accidentally  discovered  a  bed  of  Allocentrotus  fragilis  (Swann,  1953)  at  a  depth 
of  68  to  98  fathoms  in  Monterey  Bay,  California.  This  discovery  was  made  during 
a  routine  hydrographic  run.  At  the  time  a  mid-water  plankton  haul  with  a  stand- 
ard one-meter  net  was  in  progress.  The  Hopkins  Marine  Station  research  vessel, 
the  "Tage,"  had  apparently  drifted  with  the  onshore  current.  When  the  net  was 
surfaced,  to  their  surprise  and  delight,  the  team  found  approximately  two  dozen 
specimens  of  the  deep  sea  urchin,  Allocentrotus.  This  was  the  first  time  that  the 
animal  had  been  obtained  alive  and  intact  in  large  numbers.  At  this  spot  the 
fathometer  indicated  80  fathoms  and  a  radio  "fix"  recorded  the  position  of  the  boat 
to  be  36°37'54"  N  and  122°01'12"  W.  All  subsequent  hauls  were  started  from 
this  station. 

Since  a  project  on  the  biology  of  the  shore  sea  urchins,  Strongyloccntrotus 
pur  pit  rat  its  and  S.  francisannts,  was  in  progress  at  the  Hopkins  Marine  Station,  the 
chance  finding  of  a  bed  of  the  deep  sea  urchins  was  of  immediate  comparative  inter- 
est. Consequently,  whenever  possible,  studies  were  made  on  the  biology  of  Al- 
locentrotus for  comparison  with  Strongylocentrotus. 

The  oceanographic  vessel,  "Tage,"  was  used  for  all  work  reported  here.  For 
dredging  a  four-meter  beam  trawl  was  employed.  The  average  dredging  time  was 
twenty  minutes.  The  entire  sample,  consisting  of  a  variety  of  organisms,  was 
brought  into  the  laboratory  in  live  condition  in  a  tub  of  sea  water.  The  animals 
were  sorted  and  placed  in  separate  tanks  of  running  sea  water.  The  species  were 
identified  and  at  times  the  number  of  individuals  counted. 

The  gonad  index  of  the  sea  urchins,  indicating  the  reproductive  condition  of 
the  urchins,  was  determined  as  in  previous  studies,  as  were  also  the  biochemical 
constituents  of  body  fluid  and  tissues  (Lasker  and  Giese,  1954;  Bennett  and  Giese, 

Habitat  of  Allocentrotus 

Some  of  the  physical  features  of  the  habitat  of  Allocentrotus  should  be  con- 
sidered in  order  to  gain  an  understanding  of  the  conditions  under  which  this  species 

1  This  research  was  supported  by  USPH  Grant  4578C  to  A.  C.  Giese.  We  are  indebted  to 
Dr.  L.  R.  Blinks,  Director  of  the  Hopkins  Marine  Station,  for  making  available  the  facilities 
of  the  laboratory,  to  Dr.  R.  L.  Bolin  for  facilitating  the  use  of  the  "Tage,"  to  Dr.  D.  P.  Abbott 
for  sustained  interest  in  the  study,  and  to  Mr.  Joseph  Balesteri,  skipper  of  the  "Tage,"  for  his 

-  Now  at  the  Department  of  Zoology,  University  of  California  at  Los  Angeles. 

3  Under  the  direction  of  Professor  R.  L.  Bolin  of  the  Hopkins  Marine  Station  and  including 
Mr.  Thomas  Fast  and  Mr.  Robert  Aughtry  operating  with  the  financial  assistance  of  Grant 
N60NR-26127  and  Grant  NSF-G-1780. 



lives  in  this  area  in  Monterey  Bay.  By  systematic  grid  dredging,  the  area  of  the 
sea  urchin  bed  was  estimated  to  be  about  one  square  mile.  The  depth  of  the  area 
in  which  the  urchins  were  taken  varies  between  55  to  90  fathoms,  the  shallow  part 
of  the  bed  lying  on  the  continental  shelf,  the  deeper  part  bordering  the  Monterey 

Dredges  at  various  depths  indicate  that  the  larger  animals  tend  to  inhabit  the 
deeper  regions  near  the  Canyon,  whereas  the  smaller  animals  are  more  frequently 
found  in  shallower  areas.  These  results  are  summarized  in  Table  I. 

The  area  nearest  the  Canyon  is  relatively  flat  and  is  composed  of  gravel  and 
sand  overlying  gray  silt  (Galliher,  1932a,  1932b).  From  time  to  time,  however, 
large  boulders  mainly  of  granite  and  shale,  the  largest  of  which  weighed  approxi- 
mately 15  kilograms,  were  brought  up  in  the  dredge.  In  the  shale  young  urchins 
were  frequently  observed  in  their  burrows,  as  illustrated  in  Figure  IE.  As  the 
shoreline  is  approached  the  configuration  of  the  bottom  is  somewhat  changed,  con- 
sisting mainly  of  granitic  rock  and  coarse  sand. 

Sizes  of  Allocentrotus  taken  at  various  depths 

Bathymetrical  range  Range  in  size  of  test  diameter* 

in  fathoms  in  mm. 

55-65  11.2-  21.3 

60-65  11.2-  18.0 

68  13.3-  29.4 

65-90  55.0-103.3 

*  The  measurement  was  made  across  the  widest  part  of  the  test  (the  ambitus). 

Olga  Hartman  (1955)  has  published  a  photograph  of  Allocentrotus  taken  at. 
350  to  400  fathoms  in  the  San  Pedro  Basin  1 1  miles  northeast  of  Avalon,  Catalina 
Island,  California.  It  was  found  in  a  sandy  mud  which  appears  to  be  relatively 
flat  except  for  small  mounds. 

As  this  species  has  been  taken  from  48  to  417  fathoms  (Clark,  1912),  the  data 
considered  in  this  paper  represent  only  a  limited  aspect  of  the  habitat  of  Allocentro- 
tus. It  is  possible  that  for  the  larger  range  over  which  it  occurs,  physical  condi- 
tions other  than  those  described  above  may  obtain. 

Animals  associated  zvith  Allocentrotus 

Since  the  organisms  found  in  the  same  habitat  as  Allocentrotus  may  play  a  role 
in  the  ecology  of  the  species,  all  of  the  organisms  which  came  up  in  the  beam  trawl 
were  identified  when  possible  and  counts  of  their  numbers  were  made  to  ascertain 
their  relative  abundance.  These  organisms  are  listed  in  Table  II.  It  is  observed 
that  protozoans,  coelenterates,  annelids,  nematodes.  mollusks,  arthropods,  echino- 
derms  and  fishes  are  found  in  the  association.  The  interrelationships  between 
the  various  forms  have  not  been  studied. 

Because  of  the  random  nature  of  the  sampling  it  is  difficult  to  say  much  about 
the  relative  abundance  of  the  various  species  in  the  natural  habitat.  However,  the 
crab,  Mursia,  is  usually  obtained,  sometimes  in  large  numbers  as  is  the  holothuroid, 
Stlchopus  and  an  unknown  tectibranch.  The  starfishes  Mcdiaster,  Pycnopodia, 



FIGURE  1.  A,  An  adult  Allocentrotus  fragilis  67  mm.  in  diameter.  B,  A  test  of  Alloccn- 
t  rot  us  fragilis  73  mm.  in  diameter.  C,  A  photograph  of  the  aboral  half  of  the  shell  of  Allo- 
centrotus showing  the  gonads.  D,  The  Aristotle's  lantern  and  the  peripharyngeal  coelom  of 
Allocentrotus.  E,  A  specimen  of  Allocentrotus  fragilis  (15  mm.  in  diameter)  imbedded  in  its 
shale  burrow. 

Henricia,  Pterastcr  and  Astro[>cctcn  are  also  rather  likely  to  be  among  the  speci- 
mens brought  up  in  the  trawl.  From  the  numerous  species  and  their  relative 
abundance  it  seems  likely  that  the  habitat  of  Allocentrotus  is  one  with  relative 
abundance  of  food. 

Olga  Hartman  (1955)  found  AUoccntrotns  in  deep  waters  (350-400  fathoms) 
in  association  with  a  variety  of  animals  (legend  to  plate  2A)  :  "A  two-foot  square 



sample  from  the  bottom  yielded  glass  sponge,  many  foraminiferans,  20  or  more 
species  of  annelids,  many  ophiuroids,  and  a  large  percentage  of  new  or  little  known 
animals."  In  her  photograph  of  the  benthos  a  crinoid  and  a  sea  star  are  seen  among 
the  numerous  Allocentrotus  which  appear  to  be  spaced  about  a  meter  from  one 

It  is  of  interest  to  note  that  a  rhabdocoel  parasite  similar  to  Syndesmus  jrancls- 
canus  commonly  found  in  the  shore  urchin  (Lehman,  1946)  was  observed  in  the  gut 
of  several  specimens  of  Allocentrotus,  and  the  specimens  are  of  the  same  size  as 
those  found  in  Strongylocentrotus.  One,  two  or  three  at  most,  were  found  in  the 
gut  and  the  incidence  of  infection  was  low. 



Metridium  senile 

Animals  taken  in  association  with  Allocentrotus  fragilis 

Stylasterias  sp. 
Astropecten  californicus 
Luidia  foliolata 


Three  different  species  of  polychaetes 


A  variety  of  specimens 


Rosea  pacifica  (octopus) 

Numerous  unidentified  small  gastropods 

Munidopsis  sp. 
Spirontocaris  sp. 
Mursia  quadichaudii 
Paguristes  sp. 

Mediaster  aequalis 
Pycnopodia  helianthoides 
Pteraster  tessalatus 
Henricia  aspera 
Orthasterias  koehleri 


Gorgonocephalus  eucnemis 

Two  other  species  of  brittle  stars 


Stichopus  californicus 


Fishes  representing  the  following  families : 











Entophenus  tridentatus 

Raja  sp. 

Hydrolagus  colliei 

Nutrition  of  Allocentrotus 

Although  the  Allocentrotus  bed  occurs  in  the  euphotic  zone  (down  to  200  meters 
according  to  Sverdrup  ct  al.,  1942),  no  conspicuous  algae  have  ever  come  up  in  our 
numerous  dredgings.  The  large  algae  serve  as  the  main  food  of  the  shore  urchins 
of  the  genus  Strongylocentrotus  (Lasker  and  Giese,  1954;  Bennett  and  Giese, 
1955).  The  sediments  collected  along  with  Allocentrotus  in  the  dredge  hauls  con- 
sist of  a  variety  of  decomposing  organic  materials  in  which  strands  of  algae,  diatoms, 


sponge  spicules,  nematodes,  foraminiferan  and  other  shells,  as  well  as  other  protozo- 
ans are  found  among  numerous  bacteria.  Sometimes  live  nematodes  and  protozo- 
ans were  observed  in  the  mud. 

The  gut  usually  contains  numerous  olive-green  pellets  measuring  1.2  to  2.8 
mm.  in  diameter,  relatively  compact  but  soft  in  texture.  When  these  pellets  are 
crushed  and  examined  microscopically  they  are  found  to  contain  many  small  glassy 
rings  (desmids?),  foraminiferans,  sponge  spicules,  a  variety  of  diatoms,  sand 
particles  and  unidentifiable  organic  particles.  Acidification  with  HC1  indicates  that 
most  of  the  skeletal  particles  are  silicious  since  they  do  not  dissolve.  Treatment 
with  concentrated  HNCX  oxidized  all  the  fluffy  organic  material  leaving  the  silicious 
diatom  skeletons,  sponge  spicules  and  glassy  rings.  In  the  collection  of  July  25, 
1958  the  intestines  of  all  the  animals  sampled  were  more  completely  filled  with 
pellets  than  in  the  other  collections.  The  pellets  were,  in  addition,  a  more  vivid 
green  than  in  all  the  other  cases.  Extracts  indicated  the  presence  of  a  brown  pig- 
ment, fucoxanthin,  plus  a  large  amount  of  chlorophyll.  The  feeding  was  correlated 
with  a  rich  plankton  bloom  in  the  surface  waters  nearby.  In  the  collection  made  on 
August  14,  1958,  some  reddish  pellets  consisting  entirely  of  organic  debris  and 
bacteria  were  found  among  the  green  ones.  The  constituents  of  the  gut  pellets  are 
shown  in  Figure  2. 

Specimens  of  AUocentrotus  which  survive  the  hazards  of  the  trip  to  the  surface 
and  arrive  at  the  laboratory  in  good  condition  remain  alive  for  many  days.  When 
the  animals  are  kept  out  of  water  for  even  a  brief  time  they  lose  body  fluid  and  air 
is  trapped  inside  the  test,  after  which  they  float  and  die.  Normal  animals  move 
about  the  aquaria  like  Strongylocentrotus  purpitratus,  though  less  actively,  and  they 
adhere  less  firmly  so  that  they  are  more  readily  knocked  off  by  even  a  small  push. 
They  right  themselves  much  more  slowly  than  the  purple  sea  urchin.  Attempts 
were  made  to  feed  AUocentrotus  with  boiled  potatos,  Phyllospadlx  (eel  grass)  and 
the  algae,  Uh'a,  Iridaea,  and  Gigartina,  as  well  as  with  animal  matter  such  as 
crushed  mussel  (Mytilus)  and  crushed  deep  sea  crab  (Mwrsia)  after  several  days  of 
fasting.  The  animals  nibbled  at  some  of  the  algae  and  at  Mytilus  and  Mursia, 
dropping  the  material  after  a  while,  then  going  down  to  the  bottom  of  the  aquaria 
to  nibble  again.  It  would  appear,  therefore,  that  AUocentrotus  is  more  selective 
than  ,S\  pitrpuratits,  which  eats  almost  any  organic  material  when  hungry  and 
shows  sustained  intake  for  hours.  However,  it  must  be  remembered  that  the  speci- 
mens are  being  tested  at  sea  level  and  at  about  15-16°  C.  whereas  they  come  from 
a  deep  sea  environment  where  they  are  subjected  to  about  15  atmospheres  of  pres- 
sure and  temperatures  of  about  9  C.  It  is  difficult  to  say  what  their  behavior 
might  be  in  their  natural  environment. 

It  has  been  shown  that  the  gonads  of  a  purple  sea  urchin  are  probably  the  main 
storage  organs  of  the  animal,  the  gonads  in  a  gravid  animal  increasing  to  a  size 
which  all  but  obliterates  the  body  cavity  left  unoccupied  by  the  gut  and  its  contents. 
The  relative  mass  of  the  gonads  in  gravid  AUocentrotus  is  much  less  than  that  of  a 
gravid  Strongylocentrotus.  At  its  peak  the  gonad  of  AUocentrotus  is  still  a  delicate 
structure,  both  in  size  and  in  color  (pale  creamy- white  in  the  male  and  yellowish 
in  the  female).  The  gut  of  an  AUocentrotus  is  generally  well  filled  with  pellets, 
but  it  does  not  appear  to  be  as  full  as  the  gut  of  the  two  species  of  Strongylocentrotus 
studied.  It  appears,  then,  that  food  is  generally  less  available  in  deeper  waters 



FIGURE  2.  Food  pellets  of  AUoccnirotus  as  seen  under  low  and  high  powers.  A,  Food 
pellets  as  removed  from  the  intestine  (X  6).  B,  Crushed  food  pellets  showing  desmids  (X  60). 
C,  Diatoms  and  sponge  spicules  in  crushed  food  pellets  (X60).  D  and  E,  Foraminiferans  in 
crushed  food  pellets  (X  60). 


than  on  the  shore,  except  after  an  unusually  rich  bloom  of  plankton  as  in  the  col- 
lection of  July  25,  1958. 

Like  the  gonad  of  the  two  species  of  Strongylocentrotus  tested,  the  gonad  of 
Allocentrotus  contains  a  little  stored  glycogen  (0.36  to  0.83  per  cent  or  an  average 
of  0.57  per  cent  of  the  dry  weight),  considerable  protein  (about  30  per  cent  of  the 
dry  weight),  and  a  large  store  of  lipid  (an  average  of  about  28  per  cent  of  the  dry 
weight).  The  chemical  constitution  of  the  gonad  of  Allocentrotus  is  much  like 
that  of  the  gonads  of  other  species  of  sea  urchins  although  it  is  smaller  in  proportion 
to  body  size.  The  perivisceral  fluid,  which  is  possibly  one  of  the  channels  for  distri- 
bution of  the  food  from  the  gut,  contains  nutrients  in  solution  much  like  the  same 
fluid  in  the  other  species  of  sea  urchins  tested.  Total  nitrogen  amounted  to  3.78  to 
4.98  milligrams  per  cent,  non-protein  nitrogen  to  1.28  to  1.34  milligrams  per  cent, 
and  a  small  amount  of  lipid  is  present.  A  variety  of  cells  is  present  in  the  peri- 
visceral  fluid,  resembling  those  of  the  other  species  of  sea  urchin  (Boolootian  and 
Giese,  1958)  and  a  clot  forms  much  as  in  the  other  species  of  sea  urchins  tested 
(unpublished  data). 

Healthy  specimens  of  Allocentrotus  kept  in  aquaria  at  about  15°  C.  in  the 
laboratory  defecate  very  slowly.  This  may  be  an  indication  of  a  rather  slow  rate 
of  digestion  but  it  may  be  the  result  of  the  abnormal  conditions  in  the  laboratory. 
When  animals  with  the  gut  loaded  with  food  were  brought  in  on  July  25,  1958, 
they  defecated  copiously.  Defecation  may  therefore  depend  upon  how  full  the  gut 
is  at  the  time  of  collection. 

All  specimens  collected  sooner  or  later  fall  prey  to  a  peculiar  disorder.  Small 
spots  of  dark  red  color  begin  to  appear  on  the  surface  of  the  test.  These  spots 
then  spread,  covering  the  animal  with  large  blotches  of  color.  The  tube  feet 
degenerate  and  the  spines  fall  off  after  which  the  animal  dies.  Microscopic  ex- 
amination of  the  spots  indicates  that  they  are  composed  mainly  of  dead  eleocytes, 
the  pigmented  cells  of  the  perivisceral  fluid. 


The  first  collection  of  Allocentrotus  in  Februarv  of  1957  contained  individuals 


in  full  reproductive  condition,  the  gonads  of  many  males  and  females  containing 
mature  gametes  in  large  numbers.  The  eggs  were  readily  fertilized  and  normal 
development  to  the  pluteus  followed.  Development  was  best  at  temperatures 
between  9°— 14°  C.,  cleavage  being  inhibited  by  higher  temperatures.4  The  same 
was  true  for  the  second  collection  in  March  of  1957.  However,  the  gonads  of  the 
animals  collected  in  April  no  longer  contained  ripe  gametes.  Thereafter  storms 
and  other  difficulties  prevented  collecting  the  urchins  until  September  of  1957. 
The  gonads  of  animals  sampled  in  September,  October,  November  and  December 
of  1957  and  in  January  of  1958  were  well  developed  and  of  relatively  large  size 
until  they  spawned  between  January  and  the  end  of  February,  1958,  when  the 
next  collection  was  made.  The  gonads  during  the  second  breeding  season  were 
never  as  well  developed  as  those  of  the  first  season,  nor  was  as  good  a  development 
of  the  embryonic  stages  observed.4 

4  The  results  on  development  of  Allocentrotus  are  being  published  by  Dr.  A.  R.  Moore  in  a 
separate  report.  We  are  indebted  to  Dr.  Moore  for  permitting  us  to  quote  here  and  in  footnote 
6  from  his  unpublished  data. 



The  reproductive  state  of  an  animal  can  be  ascertained  by  measuring  the  ratio 

of  the  volume  of  the  gonad  to  the  wet  weight  of  the  animal  (Lasker  and  Giese, 

1954).     This  ratio  times  100  has  been  called  the  gonad  index.  The  average  gonad 

indices  determined  in  this  manner  are  plotted  in  Figure   3.  The  course  of  the 








I     I     I     I 


1 I 

J I 

I       I       I       I 

I       i 








"no  data 

J L 










J I 

I   I   I   I   I   I   I   I   I   I   I   I 

J   I 


J I 


FIGURE  3.  A,  Gonad  index  of  Allocentrotus  at  different  times  from  February,  1957  to 
July,  1958.  B,  Variations  in  phytoplankton  during  the  years  1954  and  1955  as  determined  by 
Barham  (1957).  C,  Variations  of  thermal  monthly  averages  between  100-200  m.  as  reported 
by  Skogsberg  and  Phelps  (1946)  for  the  years  1936  and  1937.  Same  locality  as  that  used  in 
the  present  study. 


curve  (dashed  line)  from  April  to  September,  1957  is  not  known  but  since  in 
1958  the  gonads  of  animals  obtained  in  July  were  just  beginning  to  enlarge,  a  period 
of  reproductive  quiescence  may  have  occurred  from  April  to  the  end  of  June,  1957 
as  happened  in  1958.3 

All  of  the  urchins  used  in  determining  the  gonad  index  were  mature,  varying 
in  wet  weight  from  45.5  grams  to  264.0  grams  and  in  test  diameter  G  from  55.0 
to  96  mm.  Even  a  population  of  mature  animals  of  similar  size  shows  considerable 
variability  in  gonadal  development  at  a  given  time.  During  the  period  when  the 
gonads  of  some  individuals  are  well  developed  and  large,  the  gonads  of  other 
individuals  are  shrunken  or  undeveloped.  The  variability  of  gonad  size  is  con- 
siderably smaller  when  the  gonads  are  immature  or  spent. 

The  great  variability  in  the  gonad  index  during  the  breeding  season  may 
indicate  :  1 )  that  some  individuals  do  not  have  access  to  adequate  food  to  ripen 
or  to  maintain  their  gonads,  2)  that  some  individuals  have  just  spawned  while 
others  are  ready  to  do  so,  or  3 )  that  some  individuals  may  be  immature  when 
others  are  gravid.  A  histological  study  of  the  gravid  and  non-gravid  gonads 
might  make  it  possible  to  decide  between  these  alternatives. 


It  is  interesting  to  compare  the  biology  of  Allocentrotus  jrai/ilis  to  that  of  the 
intertidal  sea  urchin,  Strongylocentrotus  purpuratns  and  to  that  of  the  subtidal 
urchin,  S.  franciscanus.  Whereas  the  inshore  urchins  generally  graze  on  algae, 
Allocentrotus  appears  to  graze  on  whatever  organic  material  occurs  in  the  substrate, 
but  chiefly  on  organic  detritus,  bacteria,  and  microscopic  animals  and  plants  of  the 
organic  "rain."  5".  pnrpnratns  is,  on  the  other  hand,  omnivorous.  When  trapped 
in  a  burrow  with  an  opening  smaller  than  the  test  diameter  it  feeds  largely  on  the 
detritus  brought  by  sea  water.  In  a  sense,  then,  Allocentrotus  represents  an  exten- 
sion of  this  special  feeding  habit  of  S.  purpuratus. 

Allocentrotus  lives  in  a  community  of  invertebrates  and  fishes  perhaps  fewer 
in  species  and  in  numbers  than  the  urchins  of  the  intertidal  and  subtidal  zone, 
although  no  decisive  comparison  can  be  made  between  the  two  communities  because 
of  the  paucity  of  data  for  the  deep  sea  community.  It  is  also  singularly  interesting 
that  a  rhabdocoel  containing  hemoglobin  should  be  present  in  the  gut  of  the  deep 
sea  urchin  as  in  the  gut  of  shore  forms. 

The  data  gathered  in  1957-58  suggest  that  Allocentrotus  has  an  annual  breeding 
season  although  the  span  of  the  cycle  cannot  be  defined  precisely  at  the  present 
time.  During  the  fall  and  winter  months  from  September,  1957  to  January,  1958 
the  gonad  index  remained  high.  In  both  1957  and  1958  the  gonad  index  fell  pre- 
cipitously between  February  and  March.  It  is  of  interest  to  correlate  1)  growth 
of  gonads,  and  2)  spawning  with  physical  conditions  in  Monterey  Bay.  Among 
the  possible  variables  are  1)  light,  2)  temperature,  3)  salinity  and  minerals  and 
4)  planktonic  bloom  which  may  be  correlated  with  up  welling. 

5  Only  one  Allocentrotus  was  obtained  on  August  14,  1957  but  this  male  had  a  gonad  index 
of  6.72  per  cent,  suggesting  that  the  gonads  were  probably  increasing  in  volume.     Because  of 
the  general  variability  of  size  of  gonads  in  any  sample,  the  measurement  is  only  indicative. 

6  The    largest    test    diameter    observed    in    specimens    from    Monterey    Bay    is    103.3    mm. 
according  to  Dr.  A.  R.  Moore. 


Although  day-length  has  been  correlated  with  breeding  cycles  of  some  inverte- 
brates and  vertebrates  (Borthwick  ct  al.,  1956),  it  does  not  seem  likely  that  it  is 
a  controlling  factor  for  Alloccntrotus  because  of  the  low  intensity  of  light  at  the 
depths  in  which  this  animal  lives.  However,  some  photoperiodic  animals  are 
affected  by  very  low  light  intensities  and  to  them  the  span  of  illumination  is  of 
greater  importance  than  the  intensity  of  the  light.  The  possible  action  of  light  in 
timing  the  reproductive  cycle  of  Alloccntrotus  is  not  excluded. 

Cyclic  variations  in  temperature  of  the  habitat  of  Alloccntrotus  have  been  ob- 
served (Skogsberg,  1936;  Skogsberg  and  Phelps,  1946).  The  data  for  the  years 
1936  and  1937  are  given  in  Figure  3C  at  a  depth  between  100  and  200  meters.  A 
seasonal  rhythm  is  seen  with  low  and  fairly  constant  temperatures  in  spring  and  early 
summer.  In  May  the  temperature  range  at  150  meters  was  8.2  to  8.5°  C.  in  1936, 
and  7.9  to  8.4°  C.  in  1937.  In  July  the  temperature  at  150  meters  began  to  rise, 
reaching  a  maximum  by  December  at  which  time  it  ranged  from  9.6  to  10.1°  C.  in 
1936,  and  was  9.3°  C.  in  1937.  The  difference  between  highest  and  lowest  tempera- 
tures is  greater  during  upwelling  of  cold  waters  than  during  the  period  of  warmer 
waters.  The  temperature  variations  may  be  correlated  with  three  major  water 
movements :  the  Oceanic  period  lasting  from  September  to  October,  the  Davidson 
current  period  lasting  from  November  through  February,  and  the  Upwelling  period 
occurring  from  late  February  through  August.  The  Oceanic  period  and  the 
Davidson  Current  generally  coincide  with  the  high  thermal  phase  and  the  some- 
what lower  chlorinity,  although  chlorinity  variation  is  never  large  (Skogsberg, 
1936).  The  onset  of  upwelling  in  late  February  coincides  with  the  spawning  of 
Alloccntrotus  and  may  act  as  the  trigger  for  initiation  of  the  spawning.  The  sub- 
sequent warmer  phase  coincides  with  the  period  of  growth  of  the  gonads.  As  is 
to  be  expected,  surface  temperatures  were  found  to  be  more  variable  than  deep 
water  temperatures  according  to  Skogsberg  and  Phelps  (1946)  and  the  more  recent 
CCOFI  report  of  1958. 

The  upwelling  in  Monterey  Bay  is  followed  by  a  phytoplankton  bloom  (Bar- 
ham,  1956),  as  seen  in  Figure  3B.  It  is  possible  that  the  phytoplankton  is  used  by 
the  planktonic  larvae  of  Alloccntrotus  and  by  the  metamorphosed  young  urchins 
themselves  when  they  reach  the  sea  bottom.  In  this  way  the  timing  of  events 
in  the  breeding  cycle  may  ultimately  depend  upon  the  food  supply,  the  larvae  ap- 
pearing at  the  most  favorable  time  for  their  growth,  namely,  when  phytoplankton 
is  most  abundant.  All  of  these  attempts  to  explain  the  breeding  cycle  of  Allo- 
centrotus  must  be  considered  as  tentative  hypotheses  for  which  substantiating  data 
are  still  needed. 


1.  Following  a  chance  collection  of  a  deep  sea  urchin,  Alloccntrotus  jragilis, 
from  a  depth  of  80  fathoms,  it  subsequently  became  possible  to  collect  the  urchins 
on  numerous  occasions  from  the  same  area. 

2.  The  area  of  the  bed  was  determined  by  grid  dredging  and  the  nature  of  the 
habitat  determined  to  be  relatively  flat,  gravel  and  sand  underlaid  with  gray  silt 
containing  organic  detritus  and  microscopic  organisms. 

3.  The  deep  sea  urchin  appears  to  graze  on  the  bottom  since  the  organisms  and 
organic  debris  of  the  bottom  sediment  appear  in  little  pellets  in  its  gut. 


4.  Many  types  of  invertebrates  are  associated   with   Allocentrotus f   including 
various  other  echinoderms.     A  variety  of  fishes  is  found  as  well. 

5.  Individuals  with  mature  gametes  were  obtained  in  February  and  March  of 
1957  and  during  the  period  of  September.  1957  to  January,  1958.     Spawn-out  ap- 
peared to  occur  between  February  and  March  during  both  years. 

6.  Attempts  to  correlate  the  life  cycle  of  Allocentrotus  with  various  environ- 
mental factors  led  to  the  suggestion  that  upwelling  may  trigger  spawning.     The 
planktonic  larvae  then  presumably  develop  during  the  most  effective  time  when 
the  planktonic  blooms  occur. 


BARHAM,  E.  G.,  1956.  The  ecology  of  sonic  scattering  layers  in  the  Monterey  Bay  Area,  Cali- 
fornia. Ph.D.  Thesis,  Stanford. 

BENNETT,  J.,  AND  A.  C.  GIESE,  1955.  The  annual  reproductive  and  nutritional  cycles  in  two 
western  sea  urchins.  Biol.  Bull.,  109:  226-237. 

BOOLOOTIAN,  R.  A.,  AND  A.  C.  GIESE,  1958.  Coelomic  corpuscles  of  echinoderms.  Biol.  Bull., 
115:  53-63. 

BORTHVVICK,  H.  A.,  S.  B.  HENDRICKS  AND  M.  W.  PARKER,  1956.  Photoperiodism.  In:  Radia- 
tion Biology.  A.  Hollaender,  ed.,  McGraw-Hill  Book  Co.,  N.  Y.  ///:  Visible  and 
Near- Visible  Light,  479-517. 

Progress  Report.  State  of  California,  Department  of  Fish  and  Game.  Marine  Re- 
search Committee  7-56. 

CLARK,  H.  L.,  1912.  Hawaiian  and  other  Pacific  Echini.  Mem.  Mus.  Comp.  Zoo/.,  34 :  209- 
'  383. 

GALLIHER,  E.  W.,  1932a.  Sediments  of  Monterey  Bay,  California.  Mining  in  California,  28: 

GALLIHER,  E.  W.,  1932b.  Sediments  of  Monterey  Bay,  California.  Ph.D.  Thesis,  Stanford. 
135  pp. 

HARTMAN,  O.,  1955.  Quantitative  survey  of  the  benthos  of  San  Pedro  Basin,  Southern  Cali- 
fornia. Part  I,  Preliminary  Results.  University  of  Southern  California  Publications. 
Alan  Hancock  Pacific  Expeditions,  19:  1-185  (see  especially  Plate  2A,  legend). 

LASKER,  R.,  AND  A.  C.  GIESE,  1954.  Nutrition  of  the  sea  urchin,  Strongylocentrotus  purpuratus. 
Biol.  Bull..  106:  328-340. 

LEHMAN,  H.  E.,  1946.  A  histological  study  of  Syndisyrinx  franciscanus,  gen.  et  sp.  nov.,  an 
endoparasitic  rhabdocoel  of  the  sea  urchin,  Strongylocentrotus  frauciscanus.  Biol. 
Bull.,  91:  295-311. 

SKOGSBERG,  T.,  1936.  Hydrography  of  Monterey  Bay,  California.  Thermal  conditions,  1929- 
1933.  Trans.  Aincr.  Philos.  Soc.,  29:  1-152. 

SKOGSBERG,  T.,  AND  A.  PHELPS,  1946.  Hydrography  of  Monterey  Bay,  California.  Thermal 
conditions,  Part  II  (1934-1937).  Proc.  Amer.  Philos.  Soc.,  90:  350-386. 

SVERDRUP,  H.  U.,  M.  JOHNSON  AND  R.  FLEMING,  1942.     The  Oceans.     Prentice-Hall  Inc.,  N.  Y. 

SWAN,  E.  F.,  1953.  The  Strongylocentrotidae  (Echinoidea)  of  the  Northeast  Pacific.  Evolu- 
tion, 7  :  269-273. 



Duke    University  Marine  Laboratory,   Beaufort,  North    Carolina,   and   Department   of 

Zoology,  Duke   Unii'ersity,  Durliain.  N.   C. 

The  crabs  which  comprise  the  family  Portunidae  include  several  commercially 
important  species  and  studies  on  their  life  history  have  been  in  progress  for  the 
last  100  years.  Of  the  British  species  only  Port-units  f>uber  (L.)  has  been  success- 
fully reared  in  the  laboratory  through  all  larval  stages  to  the  first  crab  (Lebour, 
1928).  Larvae  of  Carcinus  inacnas  Penn.  have  been  described  by  a  variety  of 
workers  but  the  complete  development  is  not  known  from  laboratory  rearing.  Of 
the  American  species  Callinectcs  sapidus  Rathbun  is  the  most  important  com- 
mercial crab  in  the  Western  Atlantic  and  Gulf  of  Mexico.  Churchill  (1942) 
described  the  larval  development  of  C.  sapidus  by  reconstructing  the  sequence  of 
stages  from  planktonic  material.  Hopkins  (1943,  1944),  rearing  the  larvae  through 
the  third  zoeal  stage,  found  that  not  all  of  the  stages  fit  the  description  given  by 
Churchill  (1942)  and  was  of  the  opinion  that  the  larvae  described  by  Churchill 
(1942)  represented  several  different  species.  The  complete  larval  development  of 
C.  sapidus,  from  hatching  to  the  first  crab  stage  and  beyond,  was  first  reported  from 
laboratory  rearing  by  Costlow,  Rees  and  Bookhout  (1959).  While  a  brief  account 
is  given  of  the  number  of  stages,  the  duration  of  the  intermolt  periods,  and  the 
time  required  for  complete  development,  the  larval  stages  are  not  described  nor 
is  detailed  information  given  on  the  various  environmental  factors  under  which 
complete  development  occurred. 

The  present  study  has  had  two  major  objectives :  one,  to  provide  a  detailed 
description  of  all  the  larval  stages  of  Callinectcs  sapidus  Rathbun  reared  in  the 
laboratory ;  and  two,  to  determine  the  effects  of  salinity  and  temperature  on  larval 


Ovigerous  Callinectcs  sapidus  females  were  obtained  from  the  Beaufort  Inlet 
through  the  cooperation  of  Mr.  David  Beveridge,  captain  of  the  commercial 
trawler  "Beveridge."  Additional  females  were  obtained  from  crab  pots  placed  in 
waters  of  lower  salinity.  The  crabs  were  placed  in  glass  battery  jars  containing 
running,  filtered  sea  water  of  a  salinity  of  23-26  p.p.t.  The  battery  jars  were 
tilted  so  that  the  slight  overflow  passed  through  a  series  of  glass  trays.  When  the 
eggs  hatched  the  larvae  were  carried  into  the  glass  trays  by  the  overflow,  removed 
by  large-bore  pipettes  as  they  collected  on  the  light  side,  and  segregated  into 
cultures  of  50-75  zoeae  per  finger  bowl.  These  were  further  subdivided  into 

1  These  studies  were  aided  by  a  contract  between  the  National  Science  Foundation  and 
Duke  University,  G  4400.  The  authors  wish  to  express  their  appreciation  to  Mrs.  W.  A. 
Chipman  and  Mrs.  C.  King  for  their  assistance  throughout  the  study. 




plastic  compartmented  boxes  with  one  zoea  per  compartment.  Larvae  which 
hatched  from  these  crabs  (Series  a,  c,  and  d)  were  maintained  at  25°  C.,  26.7  p.p.t. 
with  a  photoperiod  of  approximately  12  hours  light  and  12  hours  darkness.  The 
larvae  which  would  have  been  designated  "b"  did  not  hatch. 

To  assure  acclimation  of  the  larvae  to  different  salinities  before  hatching,  other 
ovigerous  crabs  were  placed  in  battery  jars  which  did  not  incline  but  were 
partially  filled  with  water  of  approximately  the  same  salinity  as  the  inlet  water 
during  the  summer  months  (32  p.p.t.).  Four  salinities  were  obtained  from  the 
32  p.p.t.  sea  water  by  the  gradual  addition  of  appropriate  volumes  of  distilled 
water.  The  four  salinities  used  were:  15  p.p.t.,  20.1  p.p.t.,  26.7  p.p.t.  and  31.1  p.p.t. 
The  water  used  for  the  adult  crabs  was  aerated  but  not  changed.  The  crabs  were 
not  fed  and  any  fecal  material  which  did  appear  was  removed. 

Some  larvae  which  hatched  at  20.1  p.p.t.  were  gradually  changed  to  water  of 
10  p.p.t.  Additional  zoeae  were  hatched  and  maintained  through  most  of  the 
larval  period  at  32  p.p.t. 


Original  number  of  Callinectes  sapidus  larvae  maintained  in  15  combinations  of  salinity  and 

temperature.     Because  the  larvae  reared  at  25°  C.,  26.7  p.p.t.  were  hatched  from  three 

different  females  at  different  times  they  are  designated  as  a,  c,  and  d.     S~ 

per  cent  survival  to  first  crab  stage;  * — maintained 

on  shaker,  120  'mi H. 
























a)  18* 






c)  150* 





<  1 

d)  100 







t  Diluted  to  28  p.p.t.  on  day  41. 

When  hatching  occurred  in  the  jars  without  any  overflow  the  zoeae  were  removed 
with  a  large-bore  pipette  to  finger  bowls.  The  salinity  of  the  water  in  the  finger 
bowls  was  identical  to  the  water  in  which  hatching  had  occurred.  Both  plastic 
compartmented  boxes  and  Syracuse  watch  glasses  were  used  as  rearing  containers 
for  larvae  within  each  salinity.  Ten  zoeae  were  maintained  in  each  Syracuse 
watch  glass  and  6  zoeae  in  each  plastic  compartment.  Zoeae  in  each  of  the  salinities 
were  maintained  at  three  different  temperatures :  20°  C.,  25°  C.,  and  30°  C.  Zoeae 
of  all  series  were  fed  Arbacia  eggs  and  Artcmia  nauplii  which  were  added  each  day 
when  the  larvae  were  changed  to  freshly  filtered  sea  water  and  clean  receptacles. 
Some  plastic  boxes  were  maintained  on  an  Eberbach  shaker  (120/min.)  at  25°  C. 
but  the  majority  of  the  containers  were  stationary  (Table  I).  The  megalops  and 
crab  stages  were  fed  Artemia  nauplii  plus  beef  liver.  The  compartments  containing 
the  zoeae  were  observed  daily  for  exuvia  and,  at  this  time,  the  number  of  molts 
and  the  mortality  were  recorded. 

Drawings  of  the  zoeal  stages  and  megalops  stage  were  made  from  the  exuvia 
of  known  molts  and  from  larvae  preserved  at  a  known  stage  of  development.     All 


figures  were  made  to  scale  on  graph  paper  with  the  aid  of  a  Whipple  disc  inserted 
in  the  ocular  of  a  compound  microscope.  The  detailed  drawings  of  the  appendages 
of  each  stage  are  also  drawn  to  scale,  different  from  that  used  for  the  whole  larva, 
from  appendages  dissected  out  with  glass  needles. 

Larval  stages 

First  zoea:  The  characteristics  of  the  first  stage  zoeae  agree  closely  with  those 
given  by  Hopkins  (1943).  A  small  seta,  described  as  between  the  dorsal  and  lat- 
eral spines  of  the  cephalothorax  (Hopkins,  1943)  was  not  found.  The  abdomen 
has  five  segments  plus  a  telson.  As  shown  in  Figure  1,  A,  B,  the  eyes  are  not 
stalked.  The  conical  antennule  (Fig.  1,  C)  bears  a  total  of  5  terminal  processes, 
the  three  aesthetes  being  longer  and  flatter  than  the  two  small  setae.  The  proto- 
podite  of  the  antenna  (Fig.  1,  D)  is  elongated,  bears  two  rows  of  minute  spines  on 
the  distal  half,  and  the  small  exopodite  terminates  in  two  unequal  setae.  The 
mandibles  are  small,  with  a  broad  cutting  surface  (Fig.  1,  E).  The  endopodite 
of  the  maxillule  (Fig.  1,  F)  bears  four  terminal  spines,  equal  in  length,  and  two 
slightly  subterminal  spines.  The  basal  and  coxal  endites  of  the  protopodite  have 
5  and  6  spines,  respectively,  and  show  slight  bifurcation.  The  unsegmented  endop- 
odite of  the  maxilla  (Fig.  1,  G)  also  bears  four  terminal  spines  and  two  sub- 
terminal  spines.  The  basal  endite  of  the  protopodite  bears  four  spines  on  each 
bifurcation  and  three  spines  project  from  each  lobe  of  the  coxal  endite.  The 
scaphognathite  has  three  setae  on  the  outer  margin  of  the  distal  portion  plus  two 
apical  setae  at  the  proximal  tip.  The  first  maxilliped  (Fig.  1,  H)  has  4  natatory 
setae  (cut  short  in  the  figures)  on  the  exopodite  and  a  spine  arrangement  of  2,  2, 
0,  2,  5  on  the  5  segments  of  the  endopodite.  The  second  maxilliped  also  has  4 
swimming  hairs  and  a  1,  1,  4  spine  arrangement  on  the  three  segments  of  the 
endopodite  (Fig.  1,  I). 

The  second  segment  of  the  abdomen  bears  a  short  lateral  knob  and  the  third 
segment  has  a  short  hook  on  each  side.  Segments  3  to  5  also  have  prominent 
lateral  spines  which  project  caudally,  overlapping  the  adjacent  segment.  A  pair 
of  small  setae  project  dorsally  from  all  abdominal  segments  other  than  the  first. 
Each  furcus  of  the  telson  bears  a  small  dorsal  spine  and  a  larger  lateral  spine 
(Fig.  1,  A,  B).  The  inner  margin  of  each  furcus  has  three  spines. 

The  pattern  of  the  chromatophores  was  consistent  for  all  zoeal  stages.  The 
location  of  those  evident  in  Bourns-fixed  larvae  were :  between  the  eyes ;  posterior 
to  the  eye  and  dorso-lateral  to  anterior  part  of  gut ;  dorsal  to  gut  in  posterior  region 
of  cephalothorax ;  below  base  of  carapace  spine ;  mandible ;  distal  region  of  basop- 
odite  of  first  maxilliped ;  middle  of  first  abdominal  segment,  dorsal  to  gut ;  margin 
of  third  through  last  abdominal  segments. 

Second  zoea:  Eyes  stalked.  Number  of  aesthetes  of  antennule  identical  to  first 
stage.  Endopodite  of  maxillule  bears  4  terminal  and  2  subterminal  spines  (Fig. 
2,  F)  ;  basal  endite  bears  7  spines  and  coxal  endite  has  7  spines;  a  small  spine  is 
now  present  on  outer  margin  of  protopodite.  Basal  endite  of  maxilla  (Fig.  2,  G) 
has  8  spines  and  coxal  endite  6  spines.  Five  spines  are  present  on  distal  margin 
of  scaphognathite  and  two  project  from  apical  tip.  On  third  segment  of  endopodite 
of  first  maxilliped,  one  spine  is  added  (2,  2,  1,  2,  5)  (Fig.  2,  H).  The  exopodite 



FIGURE  1.  Side  (A)  and  ventral  view  (B)  of  first  zoeal  stage  of  Callinectes  sapidits  with 
appendages.  C,  antennule  ;  D,  antenna ;  E,  mandible ;  F,  maxillule  ;  G,  maxilla ;  H,  first  maxil- 
liped;  I,  second  maxilliped.  Whole  zoea,  X  65 ;  appendages,  X  290. 



FIGURE  2.  Side  (A)  and  ventral  view  (B)  of  second  zoea  of  Callincctes  sapidus  with 
appendages.  C,  antennule ;  D,  antenna ;  E,  mandible ;  F,  maxillule ;  G,  maxilla ;  H,  first  maxil- 
liped ;  I,  second  maxilliped.  Whole  larvae,  X  65 ;  appendages,  X  290. 



FIGURE  3.  Side  (A)  and  ventral  view  (B)  of  third  zoea  of  Callincctes  sapidus  with 
appendages.  C,  antennule ;  D,  antenna;  E,  mandible;  F,  maxillule ;  G,  maxilla;  H,  first  maxil- 
liped;  I,  second  maxilliped.  Whole  larvae,  X  43 ;  appendages,  X  170. 



FIGURE  4.  Side  (A)  and  ventral  view  (B)  of  fourth  zoea  of  Callincctes  sapidus  with 
appendages.  C,  antennule ;  D,  antenna ;  E,  mandible ;  F,  maxillule ;  G,  maxilla ;  H,  first  maxil- 
liped;  I,  second  maxilliped.  Whole  larva,  X  43 ;  appendages,  X  170. 

380  J.  D.  COSTLOW,  JR.  AND  C.  G.  BOOKHOUT 

bears  6  plumose  swimming  setae.  Endopodite  of  second  maxilliped  has  one  addi- 
tional subterminal  spine  (Fig.  2,  I).  This  setation,  1,  1,  5,  remains  constant 
through  the  remaining  larval  stages.  Exopodite  of  second  maxilliped  hears  6 
plumose  swimming  setae.  Inner  margin  of  each  furcus  of  telson  now  bears  one 
additional  spine  without  setules  (Fig.  2,  B). 

Third  zoea:  Setation  of  antennule  and  antenna  unchanged  from  previous  stage. 
The  mandible  (Fig.  3,  E)  has  several  small  teeth  in  addition  to  the  broad  cutting 
surface.  Basal  endite  of  maxillule  bears  8  spines  and  7  spines  project  from  coxal 
endite  (Fig.  3,  F).  Basal  and  coxal  endites  of  maxilla  (Fig.  3,  G)  have  9  and  7 
spines,  respectively.  Scaphognathite  has  8  hairs  on  distal  margin  and  4  hairs 
at  apical  tip.  A  second,  subterminal  spine  added  to  the  fifth  segment  of  the  endop- 
odite  of  the  first  maxilliped  gives  a  spine  arrangement  (2,  2,  1,  2,  6)  which  re- 
mains constant  in  the  remaining  larval  stages  (Fig.  3,  H).  The  exopodites  of 
both  maxillipeds  terminate  in  8  swimming  setae  (Fig.  3,  H,  I).  A  sixth  segment 
has  been  added  to  the  abdomen.  It  bears  the  small  dorsal  setae  but  does  not  have 
lateral  spines  (Fig.  3,  B). 

Fourtli  zoea:  A  slight  swelling  in  the  basal  region  of  the  antenna  indicates  the 
beginning  of  the  endopodite  bud  (Fig.  4,  D).  A  small,  unsegmented  palp  appears 
with  the  mandible  (Fig.  4,  E).  The  basal  endite  of  the  maxillule  bears  10  ter- 
minal spines  and  one  smaller  subterminal  spine  (Fig.  4,  F).  Six  spines  project 
from  the  terminal  portion  of  the  coxal  endite  and  two  more  appear  at  the  margin. 
The  basal  endite  of  the  maxilla  bears  10  spines  and  7  project  terminally  from  the 
coxal  endite  (Fig.  4.  G).  The  exopodites  of  both  the  first  and  the  second  maxilli- 
peds bear  9  swimming  setae  of  unequal  length  (Fig.  4.  H,  I).  The  lateral  edges 
of  the  cephalothorax  have  three  small  setae  (Fig.  4,  A). 

Fift/i  zoea:  The  developing  endopodite  bud  of  the  antenna  (Fig.  5,  D)  is  larger 
than  in  the  previous  stage.  The  maxillule  remains  as  in  the  previous  stage  but 
setation  of  the  maxilla  is  increased  to  8  spines  on  the  coxal  endite  (Fig.  5,  F)  and 
the  soft  hairs  on  the  Scaphognathite  are  increased  to  20.  The  number  of  swim- 
ming setae  on  the  first  maxilliped  remains  as  in  the  previous  stage  (9)  while  the 
second  maxilliped  now  bears  a  total  of  11  setae.  Buds  of  the  third  maxilliped,  chela, 
and  pereiopods  are  visible  beneath  the  carapace.  The  number  of  setae  pro- 
jecting from  the  edge  of  the  carapace  has  increased. 

Si.vtli  zoca:  A  fourth  aesthete,  subterminal  to  the  original  3  aesthetes  and  2 
setae,  is  added  to  the  antennule  (Fig.  6,  C).  Hairs  appear  on  the  small,  unseg- 
mented palp  of  the  mandible  (Fig.  6,  E).  A  plumose  spine  is  added  to  the  basal 
segment  of  the  endopodite  of  the  maxillule  (Fig.  6,  F)  and  the  coxal  endite  bears 
a  total  of  9  spines.  Spines  on  the  basal  endite  of  the  maxilla  (Fig.  6,  G)  have 
increased  to  13  and  the  marginal  hairs  of  the  Scaphognathite  total  approximately  25. 
There  are  11  swimming  setae  on  the  first  maxilliped  and  12  on  the  second  maxilliped. 

Pleopod  buds  appear  for  the  first  time  on  the  abdominal  segments  2  through  6 
(Fig.  6,  A,  B).  A  small,  non-plumose  spine  is  added  to  the  8  spines  within  the 
inner  margin  of  the  telson.  The  number  of  setae  on  the  margin  of  the  carapace  is 
also  increased. 

Seventh  zoca:  The  terminal  aesthetes  of  the  antennule  increase  to  7  and  5 
subterminal  aesthetes  have  been  added  (Fig.  7,  C).  The  basal  portion  of  the  an- 
tennule is  swollen  and  there  is  a  slight  indentation  in  the  distal  half.  The  devel- 



FIGURE  5.  Side  (A)  and  ventral  view  (B)  of  fifth  zoea  of  Calliticctcs  sapid  us  with 
appendages.  C,  antennule ;  D,  antenna;  E,  maxillule;  F,  maxilla;  G,  endopodite  of  first  maxil- 
liped;  H,  endopodite  of  second  maxilliped.  Whole  larva,  X  43 ;  appendages,  X  170. 



FIGURE  6.  Side  (A)  and  ventral  view  (B)  of  sixth  zoea  of  Callincctcs  sapidus  with 
appendages.  C,  antennule ;  D,  antenna ;  E,  mandible ;  F,  maxillule ;  G,  maxilla ;  H,  endopodite 
of  first  maxilliped;  I,  endopodite  of  second  maxilliped.  Whole  larva,  X  43 ;  appendages,  X  170. 



FIGURE  7.  Side  (A)  and  ventral  view  (B)  of  seventh  zoea  of  Callinectes  sapidus  with 
appendages.  C,  antennule ;  D,  antenna ;  E,  maxillule ;  F,  maxilla ;  G,  endopodite  of  first  maxil- 
liped ;  H,  endopodite  of  second  maxilliped ;  I,  third  maxilliped.  Whole  larva,  X  43 ;  appendages, 



FIGURE  8.  Side  (A)  and  ventral  view  (B)  of  eighth  zoea  of  Callincctcs  sapidus  and 
appendages.  C,  antennule ;  D,  antenna ;  E,  maxillule ;  F,  maxilla.  Whole  larva,  X  32 ;  ap- 
pendages, X  135. 


oping  enclopodite  bud  of  the  antenna  (Fig.  7,  D)  is  approximately  half  the  length 
of  the  antenna.  The  basal  endite  of  the  maxillule  (Fig.  7,  E)  bears  17  spines  and 
the  coxal  endite  retains  the  9  spines  observed  in  the  previous  stage.  The  spines 
of  the  basal  endite  of  the  maxilla  number  14  and  10  spines  are  present  on  the  coxal 
endite  (Fig.  7,  F).  On  the  scaphognathite  approximately  29  soft,  plumose  hairs 
fringe  the  outer  margin.  The  swimming  setae  have  increased  to  14  on  the  first 
maxilliped  and  to  13  on  the  second  maxilliped  (Fig.  7,  A,  B).  The  developing 
thoracic  appendages  have  increased  in  size  and  project  below  the  margin  of  the 

Eighlh  zoca:  The  aesthetes  of  the  antennule  are  arranged  in  three  tiers:  7  ter- 
minal, 6  subterminal,  and  5  in  the  most  basal  row  (Fig.  8,  C).  Basal  portion  of 
the  antennule  is  more  inflated  and  the  endopodite  is  visible  as  a  small  knob.  Endop- 
odite  of  antenna  (Fig.  8,  D )  is  now  almost  equal  in  length  to  protopodite  and 
shows  evidence  of  segmentation.  Basal  endite  of  maxillule  (Fig.  8,  E)  bears  21 
spines  and  coxal  endite  has  15  spines.  A  second  spine  is  added  below  the  endop- 
odite. Spines  of  the  basal  and  coxal  endites  of  the  maxilla  have  increased  to  15 
and  10,  respectively  (Fig.  8,  F).  On  the  scaphognathite  the  plumose  hairs  have 
increased  to  approximately  36.  Swimming  setae  on  the  first  maxilliped  have  de- 
creased to  12  and  14  setae  are  found  on  the  second  maxilliped  (Fig.  8,  A,  B  ).  On 
the  first  maxilliped  an  epipodite,  partially  developed,  bears  short  setae  and  soft, 
non-plumose  hairs  (Fig.  9,  A).  Exopodite  of  the  third  maxilliped  (Fig.  9,  C) 
bears  two  short  terminal  spines  and  the  epipodite  terminates  in  one  small,  non- 
plumose  spine.  Chela  and  pereiopods  are  larger  and  project  well  beyond  border  of 
the  carapace.  Pleopod  buds  (Fig.  8,  A,  B)  bear  short  non-plumose  hairs.  Spines 
on  inner  margin  of  telson  total  10.  Four  small  hairs  project  dorsally  from  posterior 
margin  of  first  abdominal  segment. 

Megalops:  Rostrum  pointed,  longer  than  antennules  but  shorter  than  antennae ; 
eyes  stalked  (Fig.  9,  D,  E).  Appendages,  eyes,  and  margins  of  carapace  pro- 
vided with  small  hairs. 

Antennule  (Fig.  10,  A)  now  divided  into  peduncle  of  three  segments  and  two 
flagella.  The  unsegmented  flagellum  bears  6  non-plumose  setae  and  the  four  seg- 
ments of  the  other  flagellum  bear  numerous  aesthetes.  The  longer,  terminal  seg- 
ment also  bears  two  non-plumose  setae.  The  antenna  is  composed  of  1 1  segments, 
some  of  which  bear  setae  as  shown  in  Figure  10,  B.  The  mandible  (Fig.  10,  C) 
has  a  palp  of  two  segments  with  11  bristles  on  distal  segment.  Endopodite  of 
maxillule  (Fig.  10,  D)  has  4  spines  on  terminal  segment  and  6  spines  on  first 
segment.  The  number  of  spines  on  the  coxal  and  basal  endites  has  increased  to 
17  and  25,  respectively.  Endopodite  of  maxilla  (Fig.  10,  E)  reduced  in  size  and 
bearing  only  three  spines.  There  is  an  increase  in  the  number  of  spines  on  endites 
of  the  protopodite  and  on  the  scaphognathite. 

First  maxilliped  (Fig.  11,  A)  is  considerably  modified  from  swimming  ap- 
pendage of  zoeal  stages.  Endopodite  broader  with  8  non-plumose  setae  on  distal 
border.  Exopodite  of  two  segments,  with  6  terminal  setae  on  second  segment. 
Epipodite  well  developed  and  fringed  with  long,  non-plumose  hairs.  Second  maxil- 
liped (Fig.  11,  B)  has  endopodite  of  4  segments  with  stout  spines  on  terminal  seg- 
ment. Exopodite  is  two-segmented  with  6  terminal  hairs.  The  epipodite  is  small. 
Third  maxilliped  (Fig.  11,  C)  with  large  endopodite  bearing  numerous  spines  on 



FIGURE  9.  Appendages  of  eighth  zoea  and  side  and  dorsal  view  of  megalops  of  Callinectes 
sapidus.  A,  first  maxilliped;  B,  second  maxilliped;  C,  third  maxilliped;  D,  side  view  of 
megalops ;  E,  dorsal  view  of  megalops ;  F,  ventral  view  of  abdominal  segments  of  megalops 
(setae  removed  on  alternate  pleopods  for  clarity).  Whole  megalops,  X32;  appendages,  X  135. 



FIGURE  10.     Appendages  of  megalops  of  Callinectes  sapidus.     A,  antennule;  B,  antenna;  C, 

mandible ;  D,  maxillule  ;  E,  maxilla.     X  135. 




FIGURE  11.     Appendages  of  megalops  of  Callinectes  sapidns.     A,  first  maxilliped ;  B,  second 
maxilliped;  C,  third  maxilliped;  D,  terminal  segment  of  third  maxilliped.     X  135. 



all  segments ;  exopodite  unsegmented  and  bearing  6  terminal  setae ;  epipodite 
fringed  at  distal  portion  by  soft,  non-plumose  hairs.  Spine  on  lateral  surface  of 
basi-ischiopodite  of  cheliped  (Fig.  9,  D,  E),  and  dactylopodite  of  fifth  pereiopod 
has  5  terminal  spines.  Cornua  project  from  posterior  edge  of  cephalothorax 


Time  of  molting,  expressed  as  days  after  hatching,  for  larvae  of  C.  sapidus  in  salinity-temperature 
combinations  in  which  development  was  complete  or  partially  complete 





Molt  I 
Molt  II 
Molt  III 

Molt  IV 
Molt  V 
Molt  VI 

Molt  VII 
(to  megalops) 

Molt  VIII 
(to  crab) 



a)     7-9 
c)     6-12 
cl)     7-9 





a)    10-12 
c)    10-20 
d)    10-12 





a)   15 
c)    17-26 
d)   14-23 





a)    19 
c)   20-32 
d)    18-26 




a)   22 
c)   24-39 
d)   22-33 




a)   27 
c)   28-39 
d)   26-38 




a)   31 
c)  35-49 
d)   32-45 




a)  37 
c)   50-55 
d)  39-53 


(Fig.  9,  E,  F).  Fifth  abdominal  segment  retains  lateral  spines,  projecting  caudally 
past  the  smaller  sixth  abdominal  segment  (Fig.  9,  D,  F).  Endopodites  developed 
on  all  pleopods  other  than  fifth  pair.  Exopodites  of  pleopods  on  segments  2 
through  6  with  24,  23,  22,  21,  and  12  long,  non-plumose  setae  (Fig.  9,  F).  Four 
small,  curled  spines  are  found  on  inner  surface  of  endopodite  of  the  pleopod  of 



the  second  abdominal  segment  and  three  similar  spines  are  present  on  endopodites 
of  remaining  pleopods.     Telson  with  6  to  8  short  spines  on  posterior  border. 

Larval  development 

Hatching  was  observed  at  all  experimental  salinities  except  15  p.p.t.  In  water 
of  20.1  p.p.t.-32  p.p.t.  the  zoeae  hatched  as  first  stage  larvae  and  the  so-called  "pre- 
zoea"  was  never  observed.  Complete  development  to  the  first  crab  stage  occurred 
in  the  four  temperature-salinity  combinations  shown  in  Table  I. 

As  shown  in  Table  II,  the  time  of  molting  of  the  three  series  of  larvae  main- 
tained at  26.7  p.p.t.,  25°  C.  (Series  a,  c  and  d)  was  similar.  The  first  molt  oc- 
curred within  the  same  period  of  time  for  larvae  at  20.1,  26.7,  and  31.1  p.p.t.  At 
these  three  salinities  there  was  also  little  difference  in  the  time  of  the  later  molts 
(Table  II )  and  in  the  range  of  time  for  complete  larval  development  (Table  III). 
The  only  difference  in  time  required  for  total  development  was  found  in  the 
series  of  larvae  hatched  and  reared  at  32  p.p.t.  After  dilution  to  28  p.p.t.  on 
day  41,  at  which  time  all  the  larvae  had  been  either  sixth  or  seventh  stage  zoea 


Number  of  days  observed  for  development  of  all  zoeal  stages  (Z),  duration  of  the  megalops  stage  (M), 

and  time  for  total  development  to  the  first  crab  stage  (T)  for  larvae  of  Callinectes 

sapidus  hatched  and  maintained  at  25°  C.  in  the  salinities  shown 




















a)  31 









b)  35-49 



d)  32-45 



*  Diluted  to  28  p.p.t.  on  day  41. 

for  some  time,  some  molted  to  the  megalops  stage  and  eventually  metamorphosed 
to  the  first  crab  on  day  61. 

The  one  series  in  which  zoeae  completed  the  first  three  molts  at  30°  C., 
26.7  p.p.t.,  shows  no  significant  difference  in  the  time  of  the  molts  in  spite  of  the 
additional  5°  C.  in  temperature  (Table  II). 

Mortality  of  C.  sapid  us  larvae  (Table  IV)  was  highest  during  the  first  two  zoeal 
stages  in  all  temperature-salinity  combinations.  In  all  salinities  larvae  never  went 
beyond  the  first  zoeal  stage  when  maintained  at  20°  C.  At  10.5  and  15.6  p.p.t. 
mortality  was  also  highest  during  the  first  stage  at  all  three  temperatures.  Larvae 
maintained  at  one  temperature-salinity  combination,  25°  C.,  15.6  p.p.t.,  did  molt 
to  the  second  stage  but  died  within  a  few  days  (Table  IV).  Once  the  second  molt 
had  been  completed  some  of  the  remaining  larvae  usually  lived  to  complete  meta- 
morphosis to  the  crab. 

The  number  of  zoeal  stages  of  C.  sapidus  varied  from  7  to  8.  Most  of  the 
larvae  which  molted  to  the  megalops  did  so  following  the  seventh  zoeal  stage  but 
one  completed  8  zoeal  stages  and  then  metamorphosed  to  the  megalops.  The 
majority  of  the  eighth  stage  zoeae  died  without  additional  molts.  The  variation 




Mortality  of  larvae  of  Callinectes  sapidns  at  different  stages,  expressed  as  per  cent  of 

original  number  of  zoeae,  in  those  temperature-salinity  combinations 

which  permitted  at  least  partial  development. 






Stage  I 




a)  72.2 
c)  30.0 
d)  11.0 






Stage  II 




a)  16.7 
c)  57.5 
d)  42 






Stage  III 



a)  5.5 
c)  3.5 
d)  10.0 





Stage  IV 



a)  0.0 
c)  2.0 
d)  5.0 




Stage  V 



a)  0.0 
c)  0.0 
d)  9.0 


Stage  VI 



a)  0.0 
c)  0.0 
d)  9.0 


Stage  VII 



a)  0.0 
c)  0.0 
d)  4.0 





a)  0.0 
c)  4.3 
d)   1.0 


in  number  of  stages  occurred  within  one  salinity-temperature  combination  (26.7 
p.p.t.,  25°  C.)  as  well  as  in  the  other  salinities.  The  megalops  stage  metamor- 
phosed directly  to  the  first  crab  stage. 

Larval  stages 

The  only  existing  description  of  all  larval  stages  of  Callinectes  sap  id  us  (Churchill, 
1942)    is   based   entirely   on   reconstruction   from   planktonic   material.      Hopkins 

392  J.  D.  COSTLOW,  JR.  AND  C.  G.  BOOKHOUT 

(1943,  1944)  was  able  to  rear  C.  sapldns  through  the  first  three  zoeal  stages  and 
concluded  that  Churchill's  (1942)  description  of  the  larvae  included  zoeae  from 
several  species.  Reconstruction  of  the  stages  in  larval  development  is  always 
susceptible  to  this  error  in  an  area  which  includes  more  than  one  species.  By 
rearing  zoeae,  liberated  in  the  laboratory  from  the  egg  mass  of  an  identified  female, 
the  species  can  definitely  be  known  and  confusion  resulting  from  the  mixing  of 
larvae  from  several  species  is  avoided. 

The  larval  development  of  many  crabs  has  been  reported  to  include  a  "pre- 
zoeal"  stage.  The  "pre-zoea"  is  described  for  C.  sapidus  by  Robertson  (1938)  and 
by  Churchill  (1942).  In  the  present  study  the  larvae,  although  varying  con- 
siderably in  size,  always  hatched  as  first  zoeae  in  salinities  of  20.1,  26.7,  31.1  and 
32  p.p.t.  Lochhead,  Lochhead  and  Newcombe  (1942)  observed  that  90  per  cent 
of  the  eggs  hatched  as  first  zoeae  under  "favorable  conditions"  but  that  "pre-zoeae" 
were  obtained  if  conditions  were  "unfavorable."  Sandoz  and  Rogers  (1944)  found 
hatching  to  be  associated  with  salinity  :  below  20  p.p.t.  the  per  cent  of  larvae  which 
emerged  as  "pre-zoeae"  increased. 

The  setation  of  the  maxillipeds  of  C.  sapidus  larvae  has  been  given  by  Churchill 
(1942)  and,  for  the  first  three  stages  reared  in  the  laboratory,  by  Hopkins  (1943, 
1944).  The  results  of  the  present  study  agree  with  previous  findings  for  the  first 
two  zoeal  stages.  Beginning  with  the  third  zoea,  however,  our  description  does 
not  agree  with  that  given  by  previous  workers.  Churchill  ( 1942)  gives  6  and  7 
setae  for  the  first  and  second  maxillipeds,  respectively,  Hopkins  (1944)  found  8 
and  9  setae,  and  we  observed  8  swimming  setae  on  each  maxilliped.  Hopkins 
(1944),  describing  a  fourth  stage  zoea  obtained  from  the  plankton,  gave  the  setation 
of  the  first  and  second  maxillipeds  as  8  and  10  while  we  found  it  to  be  9  and  9. 

Robertson  (1938)  and  Churchill  (1942)  put  great  emphasis  on  the  cornua  as 
a  distinguishing  feature  of  the  C.  sapidus  megalops.  Aikawa  (1937)  described  the 
megalops  of  several  species  of  Porhinus,  obtained  from  the  plankton,  and  included 
the  cornua  in  the  figures  for  these  species.  Aikawa  (1937)  also  mentioned  the 
hook  on  the  basi-ischiopodite  of  the  chela  and  the  lateral  spines  on  the  fifth  ab- 
dominal segment  of  the  megalops.  Lebour  (1928),  describing  the  megalops  of 
Port unns  pubcr  reared  from  the  egg  in  the  laboratory  and  megalops  of  other  species 
of  Portunus  obtained  from  the  plankton,  did  not  figure  or  describe  these  three 
characters  for  any  species  of  Portunus. 

The  present  description  of  setation  of  the  maxillule  and  maxilla  agrees  with 
Hopkins'  (1943,  1944)  findings  for  the  first  three  stages.  In  many  previous  studies 
on  larvae  of  the  Brachyura  the  zoeae  have  been  staged  very  largely  by  differences 
in  the  number  of  swimming  hairs  on  the  first  and  second  maxillipeds.  Aikawa 
(1937)  compares  setation  of  the  maxillule  and  maxilla  for  a  great  variety  of 
brachyuran  larvae  but  includes  only  the  first  stage  zoea.  In  each  zoeal  stage  of 
C.  sapidus  examined  in  the  present  study  it  was  found  that  there  was  always  a 
progressive  change  in  the  setation  of  the  maxilla.  Setation  of  the  maxillule  was 
also  different,  except  for  the  fourth  and  fifth  zoeae.  Hence  these  appendages,  and 
others,  may  be  important  in  staging  larvae  of  different  crabs.  The  significance  of 
these  appendages  as  diagnostic  characters,  however,  will  have  to  await  a  com- 
parative study  of  all  stages  in  the  larval  development  of  other  species  of  crabs. 


Larval  development 

Although  the  effects  of  salinity  and  temperature  on  larval  development  of  other 
crabs  have  been  studied  (Coffin,  1958;  Costlow  and  Bookhout,  unpublished  results), 
Sandoz  and  Rogers  (1944,  1948)  give  the  only  available  data  dealing  specifically 
with  the  blue  crab,  Callincctcs  sapidus.  In  the  present  study  on  larvae  of  this 
species  the  results  agree  closely  with  those  reported  for  the  first  zoeal  stage  by 
Sandoz  and  Rogers  (1944). 

If  the  salinity  were  reduced  beyond  20.1  p.p.t.  by  dilution  with  distilled  water, 
the  zoeae  did  not  usually  live  beyond  the  first  molt.  Sandoz  and  Rogers  (1944) 
obtained  some  second  zoeae  at  20  p.p.t.  and  25  p.p.t.  (24°-29°  C.)  but  the  few 
which  molted  to  the  third  stage  did  not  live.  In  the  present  study  the  time  of 
molting  (Table  II)  was  quite  variable,  even  within  one  salinity-temperature  com- 
bination. Sandoz  and  Rogers  (1944)  reported  an  average  of  from  6—7  days  for 
the  first  molt  at  20  and  25  p.p.t.,  24°-29°  C.,  although  some  larvae  molted  as  late 
as  the  eleventh  day.  In  the  present  study  the  first  molt  was  completed  in  from 
5  to  13  days  in  several  salinity-temperature  combinations  (Table  II).  The  later 
molts  became  more  variable  in  time  in  all  three  salinities  in  which  development  was 

In  the  present  study  isolated  larvae  did  molt  and  successfully  complete  develop- 
ment to  the  crab  stage.  Sandoz  and  Rogers  (1944)  did  not  observe  any  molting 
among  isolated  larvae  and  all  eventually  died. 

One  series  of  larvae,  hatched  and  maintained  for  41  days  at  32  p.p.t.,  was  of 
particular  interest.  The  sixth  and  seventh  stage  zoeae  were  active  but  did  not 
molt  to  the  megalops.  On  day  41  the  larvae  were  divided  into  three  groups.  The 
water  containing  one  group  of  zoeae  was  reduced  from  32  p.p.t.  to  28  p.p.t.  in 
approximately  4  hours.  All  zoeae  of  this  group  died  within  24  hours.  Water 
containing  the  second  group  of  larvae  was  diluted  to  28  p.p.t.  over  a  period  of 
approximately  24  hours.  Five  days  later  one  zoea  molted  to  the  megalops  and 
on  day  61,  metamorphosed  to  the  crab.  Larvae  of  the  third  group,  retained  at 
32  p.p.t.,  died  without  any  additional  molting.  While  the  number  of  larvae  used 
should  not  be  relied  upon  for  any  definite  conclusions,  it  may  be  pointed  out  that 
the  larvae  hatched  and  reared  at  31.1  p.p.t.  completed  metamorphosis  to  the  crab 
without  dilution  to  a  lower  salinity.  Thus  it  would  appear  that  the  threshold  which 
exists  in  the  upper  range  of  salinities  is  abrupt  and  well  defined. 

At  25°  C.  the  duration  of  the  megalops  stage  (6-9  days)  was  similar  for  larvae 
maintained  at  20.1  and  26.7  p.p.t.  (Table  III).  In  the  higher  salinity  (31.1  p.p.t.) 
10-20  days  were  required  and  in  water  diluted  from  32  p.p.t.  to  28  p.p.t.,  the 
megalops  persisted  for  15  days  before  molting  to  the  crab.  Sandoz  and  Rogers 
(1948)  found  little  difference  in  the  time  required  for  the  megalops  to  molt  to  the 
crab  in  20  p.p.t.  and  31  p.p.t.  The  2.6-2.9  days  which  they  record,  however,  were 
for  stages  obtained  from  the  plankton  and  the  exact  age  could  not  be  known.  If, 
as  suggested  by  Sandoz  and  Rogers  (1948),  the  megalops  were  approximately  2-3 
days  old  when  first  obtained,  the  total  period  of  5-6  days  would  correspond 
closely  with  our  results  at  20.1  and  26.7  p.p.t. 

Churchill  (1942)  estimated  that  zoeal  development  of  C.  sapidus  in  the  Chesa- 
peake Bay  was  completed  in  approximately  one  month.  Zoeal  development  in 

394  J.  D.  COSTLOW,  JR.  AND  C.  G.  BOOKHOUT 

the  laboratory  required  a  minimum  of  31  days  and  a  maximum  of  49  days,  at 
various  salinities.  In  the  laboratory  7  zoeal  stages  and  one  megalops  stage  were 
observed  whereas  Churchill  (1942)  described  5  zoeal  stages  and  one  megalops 
from  planktonic  material. 

The  use  of  Artemia  nauplii  has  proven  successful  in  rearing  a  variety  of  decapod 
larvae  (Broad,  1957;  Chamberlain,  1957;  Knudsen,  1958;  Coffin,  1958;  Costlow 
and  Bookhout,  unpublished  results)  and  Cirripedia  larvae  have  been  reared  from 
hatching  to  settling  and  metamorphosis  on  Arbacia  eggs  (Costlow  and  Bookhout, 
1957,  1958).  The  combination  of  Arbacia  eggs  and  recently  hatched  Artemia 
nauplii  used  in  the  present  study  provides  a  source  of  motile  food  of  different 
sizes.  In  our  experience  with  other  decapod  larvae,  also  reared  at  different 
salinity-temperature  combinations,  the  zoeae  were  vigorous  and  fed  actively. 
C.  sapidus  larvae,  even  after  completion  of  several  molts,  often  appeared  fragile 
and  less  vigorous  than  larvae  of  other  species.  Algae  have  been  used  unsuccessfully 
in  attempts  to  rear  the  larvae  of  many  decapods  by  previous  workers.  We  have 
found  that  while  C.  sapidus  zoeae  will  ingest  many  of  the  unicellular  algae  and 
live  10-13  days,  the  larvae  never  molt.  Even  though  the  gut  is  full  of  the  cells, 
and  fecal  pellets  are  numerous,  further  development  does  not  occur.  In  the  present 
study  algae  were  not  used  because  zoeae  which  were  provided  algae  have  been 
observed  to  feed  less  actively  on  Artemia  nauplii.  Dean  (1958)  has  suggested  that 
what  have  been  interpreted  as  differences  in  the  nutritive  quality  of  algae  may 
represent  "resistance"  to  digestion. 

The  7  zoeal  stages  described  for  C.  sapidus  may  not  represent  the  number  of 
stages  present  in  development  under  natural  conditions.  A  main  criticism  of 
laboratory  rearing  has  been  that  suboptimal  conditions  may  produce  "abnormal" 
stages  and  give  a  picture  of  larval  development  which  is  not  consistent  with  that 
assumed  to  be  found  in  the  natural  environment  (Gurney,  1942).  In  the  few 
existing  examples  of  successful  rearing  of  Brachyura  in  the  laboratory  no  reference 
is  made  to  "extra"  or  "abnormal"  stages.  Lebour  (1930),  dealing  with  larvae  of 
the  Anomura,  noted  that  5  larval  stages  usually  represent  the  normal  development 
of  Galathca  but  that  the  fourth  and  fifth  stages  may  be  omitted.  In  the  Macrura, 
Templeman  (1936)  found  a  stage  in  the  larvae  of  Homarus  americanus,  inter- 
mediate in  form  between  the  recognized  third  and  fourth  stages,  and  attributed  it  to 
unfavorable  rearing  conditions.  More  recently,  Broad  (1957)  has  shown  that  the 
number  of  larval  stages  of  Palacmonetes  is  directly  associated  with  the  availability 
of  food.  Lebour  (1928),  discussing  the  primitive  nature  of  the  Brachyrhyncha 
larvae,  considers  Portunus  as  the  most  primitive  because  of  the  many  zoeal  stages 
(5)  and  the  spine  structure  of  the  telson.  The  7  zoeal  stages  described  for  C. 
sapidus,  a  form  closely  allied  to  Portunus,  may  indicate  a  primitive  adaptive  quality 
which  has,  in  part,  accounted  for  the  success  of  this  species  all  along  the  Atlantic 
and  Gulf  coasts. 

If  larval  development  is  complete,  and  the  post-larval  stage  is  reached,  it  appears 
erroneous  to  refer  to  "abnormal"  stages  of  development.  Our  present  knowledge 
of  the  factors  involved  in  the  physiology  of  larval  development  of  the  Brachyura 
is  too  limited  to  predetermine  the  number  of  larval  stages  required  for  the  develop- 
ment of  any  crab. 



The  larvae  of  Callinectes  sapidus  Rathbun  were  reared  in  the  laboratory  from 
hatching  to  the  post-larval  stages  under  conditions  which  combined  20°  C,  25°  C., 
30°  C,  and  6  salinities  (10.5,  15.6,  20.1,  26.7,  31.1  and  32  p.p.t.).  Of  the  3,014 
zoeae  maintained  in  15  different  combinations  of  salinity  and  temperature  1-8  per 
cent  completed  development  at  25°  C.,  in  salinities  of  20.1,  26.7,  and  31.1  p.p.t. 
The  zoeal  stages  and  megalops  stage  are  described  and  figured.  From  this  study 
the  following  conclusions  may  be  made  : 

1.  Eggs  hatched  as  first  zoeae  and  the  "pre-zoea"  stage  was  not  observed. 

2.  Seven  zoeal  stages  and  one  megalops  stage  were  observed  in  the  complete 
development  to  the  first  crab  in  the  laboratory.     An  eighth  zoeal  stage  was  some- 
times observed  but  usually  did  not  complete  metamorphosis  to  the  megalops. 

3.  Setation  of  the  maxillipeds  and  the  maxillule  showed  a  progressive  increase 
with  each  larval  stage  and  may  be  useful  in  the  staging  of  species  obtained  from 
the  plankton. 

4.  Development  to  the  megalops  required  a  minimum  of  31  days  and  a  maximum 
of  49  days.     The  megalops  persisted  from  6-20  days  in  the  salinities  used. 

5.  There  is  no  significant  difference  in  time  of  zoeal  development  in  water  with 
salinities  of  20.1-31.1  p.p.t. 

6.  At  a  higher  salinity  (31.1  p.p.t.)  a  greater  length  of  time  is  required  for  the 
megalops  to  complete  metamorphosis  to  the  first  crab  than  when  reared  in  lower 
salinities  (20.1-26.7  p.p.t.). 

7.  Even  though  some  zoeae  completed  development  in  salinities  of  20.1-31.1 
p.p.t.   mortality   was   usually   highest   during   the   first   two   zoeal   stages.     Below 
20.1  p.p.t.  larvae  rarely  completed  the  first  molt. 

8.  The  large  number  of  zoeal  stages  may  not  reflect  development  under  natural 
conditions.     The    7    zoeal    stages    may,    however,    indicate    a    primitive    adaptive 
quality  which  has  accounted  for  the  success  of  Callinectes  sapidus  Rathbun  along 
the  Western  Atlantic  and  Gulf  of  Mexico  coasts. 


AIKAWA,   H.,   1937.     Further  notes   on   Brachyuran  larva.     Rec.   Oceanogr.    Wks.  Japan,   IX: 

BROAD,  A.  C.,   1957.     The  relationship  between  diet  and  larval   development  of   Palaemonetes. 

Biol.  Bull.,  112:  162-170. 
CHAMBERLAIN,   N.   A.,    1957.     Larval   development   of   the   mud   crab   Neopanope   texana   sayi 

(Smith).     Biol.  Bull.,  113:  338. 
CHURCHILL,   E.    P.,    1942.     The   zoeal    stages   of   the   blue   crab,    Callinectes  sapidus   Rathbun. 

Chesapeake  Biol.  Lab.,  Publ.  No.  49,  pp.  1-26. 
COFFIN,   H.   G.,   1958.     The  laboratory  culture  of  Pagurns  samuelis    (Stimpson)    (Crustacea, 

Decapoda).     Walla  Walla  College  Publ.  No.  22,  pp.  1-5. 
COSTLOW,  J.  D.,  JR.,  AND  C.  G.  BOOKHOUT,  1957.     Larval  development  of  Balanus  eburneus  in 

the  laboratory.     Biol.  Bull.,  112:  313-324. 
COSTLOW,  J.  D.,  JR.,  AND  C.  G.  BOOKHOUT,  1958.     Larval  development  of  Balanus  amphitrite 

var.  denticulata  Broch  reared  in  the  laboratory.     Biol.  Bull.,  114:  284—295. 
COSTLOW,  J.  D.,  JR.,  G.  REES  AND  C.  G.  BOOKHOUT,  1959.     A  preliminary  note  on  the  complete 

larval   development  of   Callinectes  sapidus   Rathbun   reared   in   the   laboratory.     Limn. 

and  Oceanography.     In  press. 

396  J.  D.  COSTLOW,  JR.  AND  C.  G.  BOOKHOUT 

DEAN,  D.,  1958.     New  property  of  the  crystalline  style  of  Crassostrea  virginica.     Science,  128 : 


GURNEY,  R.,  1942.     Larvae  of  Decapod  Crustacea.     Pp.  1-306,  Ray  Society,  London. 
HOPKINS,  S.  H.,  1943.     The  external  morphology  of  the  first  and  second  zoeal  stages  of  the 

blue  crab,  Callinectcs  sapidus  Rathbun.     Trans.  Amer.  Micro.  Soc.,  62 :   85-90. 
HOPKINS,  S.  H.,  1944.     The  external  morphology  of  the  third  and  fourth  zoeal  stages  of  the 

blue  crab,  Callinectes  sapidtis  Rathbun.     Biol.  Bull.,  87:   145-152. 
KNUDSEN,  J.  W.,   1958.     Life  cycle  studies  of  the  Brachyura  of  Western  North  America,  I. 

General  culture  methods  and  the  life  cycle  of  Lophopanopcus  Icucomanus  leucomanus 

(Lockington).     Bull.  So.  Calif.  Acad.  Sci.,  57:  51-59. 
LEBOUR,  M.  V.,  1928.     The  larval  stages  of  the  Plymouth  Brachyura.     Proc.  Zool.  Soc.  London, 

1928 :  473-560. 
LEBOUR,  M.  V.,  1930.     The  larvae  of  the  Plymouth  Galatheidae.     I.  Munida  banffica,  Galathea 

strigosa  and  G.  dispersa.  J.  Mar.  Biol.  Assoc.,  17 :  175-186. 
LOCHHEAD,  M.  S.,  J.  H.  LOCHHEAD  AND  C.  L.  NfiwcoMBE,  1942.     Hatching  of  the  blue  crab, 

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ROBERTSON,  R.  L.,  1938.     Observations  on  the  growth  stages  in  the  common  blue  crab,   Cal- 
linectes sapidus  Rathbun,   with   special   reference   to   post-larval   development.     Thesis, 

Univ.  of  Maryland,  46  pp. 
SANDOZ,  M.,  AND  R.  ROGERS,  1944.     The  effect  of  environmental  factors  on  hatching,  moulting, 

and  survival  of  zoea  larvae  of  the  blue  crab,  Callinectcs  sapidus  Rathbun.    Ecology, 

25 :  216-228. 
SANDOZ,  M.,  AND  R.  ROGERS,   1948.     The  effect  of  temperature  and  salinity  on  moulting  and 

survival    of   megalops    and    post-larval    stages    of    the    blue    crab,    Callinectes    sapidus. 

Va.  Fish.  Lab.,  unpubl.  MS,  12  pp. 
TEMPLEMAN,   W.,    1936.     Fourth   stage  larvae  of  Homarus   americanus   intermediate   in   form 

between  normal  third  and  fourth  stages.     /.  Biol.  Bd.  Canada,  2:  349-354. 



Department  of  Biology,  Princeton  University,  Princeton,  N.  7.,1  and  Department  of  Biological 
Sciences,   Florida   State    University,    Tallahassee,   Florida  - 

To  a  student  of  cell  form  the  erythrocyte  is  an  ideal  subject  for  investigation. 
It  is  a  free  cell,  not  permanently  involved  in  contact  with  other  cells,  and  it  has  a 
definite  and  relatively  simple  form.  I  recently  published  an  account  of  a  model 
which  was  proposed  as  a  partial  explanation  for  the  elliptical  form  of  the  amphibian 
red  cell  (Davison,  1957).  Since  the  model  has  served  as  a  guide  to  the  present 
work,  I  will  briefly  describe  its  salient  features  as  an  introduction  to  these  further 

The  blood  cells  of  the  newt  Tritunis  viridescens  approximate  thin  elliptical 
discs  in  form.  Viewed  as  plane  elliptical  figures,  triploid  cells  have  approximately 
1.5  times  greater  area  than  diploid  blood  cells,  but  are  apparently  no  greater  in 
thickness,  a  relationship  similar  to  that  described  by  Fankhauser  for  2n  and  3n 
skin  epidermal  cells  (Fankhauser,  1952).  Not  only  are  the  3n  cells  larger,  they 
clearly  have  a  different  shape  than  2n  cells,  being  more  eccentric  regarded  as 
elliptical  figures.  Using  the  ratio  of  the  major  to  minor  axes  (a/b)  as  an  index 
to  cell  form,  2n  and  3n  Tritunis  red  cells  were  found  to  have  mean  eccentricities 
of  1.55  and  1.82,  respectively. 

It  has  long  been  recognized  that  liquid  drops  can,  under  the  proper  physical 
conditions,  simulate  many  protoplasmic  structures  (Thompson,  1942).  Reasoning 
that  the  blood  cell  exists  in  a  system  of  cylinders,  the  blood  vessels,  I  thought  it 
might  prove  interesting  to  examine  the  form  characteristics  of  a  fluid  drop  in  con- 
tact with  a  cylindrical  surface.  If  one  places  a  large  (29  cm.  in  diameter)  cylin- 
drical glass  vessel  with  the  axis  horizontal,  and  pours  mercury  on  the  inside  of 
the  cylinder,  the  mercury  will  assume  the  form  of  a  flat  elliptical  disc.  Adding 
more  mercury  to  the  pool  increases  both  the  area  and  the  eccentricity  of  the  drop 
but  does  not  appreciably  increase  its  thickness.  The  model  thus  simulates  the 
form  differences  observed  between  2n  and  3n  blood  cells.  In  the  model  the  mercury 
is  in  contact  with  the  cylindrical  surface  through  the  deforming  force  of  gravity. 
In  the  animal  it  is  clear  that  the  blood  cells  are  applied  to  the  wall  of  the  capillary 
but  are  not  so  oriented  during  their  passage  through  larger  vessels.  No  significant 
differences  were  found  in  the  diameter  of  2n  and  3n  capillaries,  an  essential  point, 
since  it  is  also  clear  from  the  model  that  the  larger  the  cylinder  the  less  eccentric 
the  fluid  drop.  The  latter  observations  from  the  model  suggest  that  changes  in 
capillary  diameter  should  lead  to  alterations  in  red  cell  form,  with  an  increase  in 

1  I  would  like  to  express  my  sincere  appreciation  to  Dr.  Gerhard  Fankhauser  of  Princeton 
University  who  so  generously  offered  me  the  use  of  his  laboratory  and  supported  this  work 
through  a  grant  from  the  Pfeiffer  Foundation. 

-  Permanent  address  :  Department  of  Biological  Sciences,  Florida  State  University,  Talla- 
hassee, Florida. 



cell  eccentricity  following  a  decrease  in  capillary  diameter  and  a  decrease  in  cell 
eccentricity  following  an  increase  in  capillary  diameter. 

With  this  background  in  mind,  the  further  objectives  of  the  study  may  be 
stated  as  follows : 

( 1 )  To  examine  cell  form  when  expressed  as  a  continuous  function  of  cell  area, 
especially  with  reference  to  the  cross-sectional  area  of  the  capillary. 

(2)  To  examine  the  effect  of  changes  in  capillary  diameter  on  red  cell  form 
under  conditions  of  constant  cell  area. 

(3)  To  quantitatively  relate  these  variables. 


Since  both  diploid  and  triploid  Spanish  newts  (Pleurodeles  waltlii)  were  avail- 
able, this  animal  was  selected  to  examine  cell  eccentricity  as  a  function  of  cell  area. 
Pleurodeles  cells  are  less  eccentric  than  those  of  Triturus,  better  permitting  an 
analysis  of  the  manner  in  which  the  blood  cell  approaches  the  circular  form.  The 
studies  on  adult  Triturus  followed  the  accidental  discovery  that  cold-adapted 
(8.5°  C.)  animals  have  much  more  eccentric  blood  cells  than  the  same  animals 
maintained  at  room  temperature  (air  conditioned  21°  C.).  Also  one  can  con- 
veniently measure  capillary  diameter  in  the  tail  fin  of  adult  Triturus,  especially  the 
males,  while  this  is  not  possible  in  the  heavily  pigmented  Pleurodeles  adult.  Capil- 
lary visibility  is  good  in  the  larvae  of  both  species. 

The  animals  were  maintained  either  singly  in  small  finger  bowls  or  in  groups 
of  5  to  6  in  large  finger  bowls,  and  fed  with  beef  liver  or  live  Tubijex.  The  cold- 
adapted  Triturus  had  been  kept  for  several  months  in  stainless  steel  trays  in  the 
refrigerator  and  fed  weekly  on  live  Tubijex  while  at  room  temperature  for  a  few 

Experimental  procedures  were  essentially  identical  for  all  animals  as  follows : 
Blood  was  obtained  by  removing  about  1  mm.  of  the  tail  tip  with  a  pair  of  scissors 
and  permitting  the  tail  to  bleed  directly  into  a  drop  of  buffered  saline  on  a  glass 
slide.  The  slide  was  examined  immediately  without  coverslip  and  the  outlines  of 
about  35  cells  traced  by  means  of  the  camera  lucida.  Placing  a  coverslip  on  the 
preparation  resulted  in  a  certain  amount  of  deformation  so  the  practice  was  aban- 
doned in  favor  of  working  quickly  before  any  appreciable  drying  could  take  place. 
Certain  precautions  that  were  taken  should  be  mentioned.  The  slide  should  be 
very  clean  to  prevent  deformation  due  to  adhesion  between  the  red  cell  and  the 
glass  surface.  All  margins  of  the  cell  must  come  into  focus  at  the  same  focal 
setting,  indicating  that  the  cell  is  resting  on  one  elliptical  surface  and  not  oriented 
at  an  angle  to  the  plane  of  observation.  Following  the  tracing  of  a  known  linear 
dimension  from  a  stage  micrometer  it  was  possible  to  determine  both  the  area  and 
the  eccentricity  of  the  red  cell  (area  =  y^-n-ab,  and  eccentricity  ==  a/b,  with  a  and  b 
the  major  and  minor  axes  of  the  cell,  respectively).  A  phosphate-buffered  saline 
(pH  7.4)  was  found  to  be  a  suitable  medium  for  the  cells,  Q.7%  NaCl  being  approxi- 
mately isotonic  for  Plcnrodcles  and  adult  Triturus  while  0.6%  NaCl  was  more 
nearly  isotonic  for  larval  Triturus. 

Capillary  measurements  were  made  by  lightly  anesthetizing  the  animal  by  short 
term  exposure  to  0.1  %  chloretone  solution,  rinsing  in  tap  water  and  placing  the 



animal  on  its  side  on  a  5-inch  square  glass  plate.  Measurements  of  capillary 
diameter  were  made  on  the  tail  fin  margin  by  means  of  a  calibrated  ocular  microm- 
eter at  about  430  X.  Capillaries  were  identified  as  the  smallest  blood  vessels  con- 
stituting a  uniform  size  class  when  a  given  portion  of  the  circulation  was  traced 
from  the  arterial  to  the  venous  end,  and  through  which  the  red  cells  pass  in  single 
file.  It  is  important  that  anesthesia  be  light  as  considerable  capillary  collapse  can 
occur  in  animals  with  partially  arrested  circulation.  Measurements  were  restricted 
to  vessels  through  which  blood  was  flowing  in  normal  fashion.  The  measurements 
on  adult  Triturus  were  carried  out  largely  on  males,  not  because  of  any  sex  differ- 
ences but  because  of  better  visibility  in  the  broader  tail  fin  of  the  male.  The  animals 
recovered  from  anesthesia  in  about  one  hour. 

2.0  -• 


1.5  -- 






FIGURE  1.  The  relationship  between  cell  area  (^2)  and  cell  eccentricity  (a/b)  in  diploid 
and  triploid  Pleurodclcs.  The  open  circles  represent  the  mean  values  for  diploid  and  triploid 
blood  cells.  Other  points  were  obtained  by  breaking  the  total  sample  into  classes  of  50  fi2  and 
plotting  the  mean  values  for  area  and  eccentricity  within  each  class.  The  arrow  indicates  the 
mean  value  for  the  cross-sectional  area  of  the  capillary  of  the  tail  fin. 

The  relationship  between  red  cell  form  and  area  was  determined  as  follows  with 
mature  larvae  of  Pleurodeles.  Approximately  150  cells  from  diploid  animals  and 
an  equal  number  of  cells  from  triploid  animals  were  traced  and  the  eccentricity  and 
area  determined  for  each  cell.  The  mean  values  for  2n  and  3n  blood  cells  were 
determined  from  these  samples.  An  additional  30  selected  small  cells  and  30 
selected  large  cells  were  measured  in  order  to  extend  the  analysis  over  the  widest 
possible  range.  The  total  sample  was  then  arranged  in  order  of  increasing  cell 
area,  and  broken  into  size  classes  of  50  //,2.  Within  each  size  class  the  mean  cell 
area  and  eccentricity  were  calculated.  Eccentricity  (a/b}  was  then  plotted  versus 
area  for  each  size  class  together  with  the  mean  values  for  2n  and  3n  blood  (Fig.  1). 
No  significant  differences  were  found  between  2n  and  3n  capillary  diameter  and 



the  average  capillary  cross-sectional  area  for  about  40  determinations  is  indicated 
by  the  arrow  in  Figure  1. 

Triturus  came  from  two  sources.  The  males  used  for  the  temperature  studies 
and  the  larvae  represent  stock  originally  from  Farmville,  Virginia.  A  small  group 
of  female  animals  of  uncertain  origin  were  found  to  have  less  eccentric  blood  cells 
than  those  of  Farmville  animals  maintained  at  the  same  temperature.  These  females 
were  unusually  large  and  probably  represent  a  genetically  distinct  population.  In 
that  regard  it  is  interesting  to  note  that  the  values  reported  for  eccentricity  in 
Missouri  animals  are  different  from  any  of  the  findings  in  the  present  study 
(Davison,  1957).  Analyses  were  made  of  cell  form,  cell  area,  and  capillary  cross- 
sectional  area  for  each  of  the  following  groups  of  animals :  Farmville  males  at 
21°  C,  Farmville  larvae  at  21°  C.,  females  of  uncertain  origin  at  21°  C.,  Farmville 
males  adapted  to  8.5°  C.,  and  the  same  males  during  the  adaptation  period  following 
transfer  to  21°  C.  From  4  to  10  animals  were  measured  from  each  group.  Blood 
cell  findings  represent  the  means  of  from  90  to  200  measurements  and  mean  capillary 



0  C. 

area  ^ 

area  //2 


K  in  the  expression 
(a/b)  -1  =X(Aoeii/A«»p.) 


Farmville  males 






Farmville  males 






Farmville  males 
Farmville  larvae 

21  (6  days) 







?  females 







Mature  larvae  (2n) 
Mature  larvae  (3n) 






*  Standard  deviations  for  cell  area  were  uniformly  about  20%  of  the  mean  and  about  10% 
of  the  mean  for  capillary  diameter  and  a/b. 

size  was  calculated  from  40  to  100  measurements.  The  same  animals  were  used 
for  capillary  and  blood  cell  analyses.  The  time  course  experiment  following  transfer 
from  8.5  to  21°  C.  was  carried  out  on  a  group  of  6  Triturus  on  which  daily 
measurements  were  made  for  a  period  of  6  days.  The  pertinent  tabular  data  derived 
from  these  studies  appear  in  Table  I. 


Cell  eccentricity  as  a  function  of  cell  area  is  plotted  in  Figure  1.  For  values 
of  a/b  greater  than  about  1.3,  a/b  is  essentially  linear  with  respect  to  area  and  would 
pass  through  the  origin  if  extrapolated.  For  values  of  a/b  less  than  1.3,  eccentricity 
rapidly  approaches  1  (circular  form)  as  the  area  of  the  cell  approaches  the  mean 
cross-sectional  area  of  the  capillary  (indicated  by  the  arrow  in  Figure  1).  It  is 
reasonable  that  if  the  red  cell  is  no  larger  than  the  capillary  it  can  pass  through 
without  deformation,  accounting  for  the  circular  form  of  the  smallest  blood  cells. 
Somewhat  larger  cells  may  be  deformed  as  they  pass  through  but  not  actually 
applied  to  the  wall  of  the  capillary,  an  interpretation  which  may  account  for  the 



curvilinear  portion  of  Figure  1.  Still  larger  cells  slide  through  the  capillary  with 
one  elliptical  surface  applied  to  the  capillary  wall,  with  their  form  determined  in 
accordance  with  the  linear  portion  of  Figure  1 .  The  graphic  information  in  Figure 
1  may  be  given  a  somewhat  more  intuitive  presentation  as  a  series  of  forms  in 
Figure  2.  The  central  circle  represents  the  capillary  area  (184  p~)  while  the  sur- 
rounding blood  cell  forms  were  constructed  from  the  data  of  Figure  1  at  areas  of 
300,  500,  700  and  900  p.-.  In  this  and  all  other  reconstructed  cell  forms  the  blood 
cells  were  assumed  to  be  perfect  ellipses  in  plane  view  and  were  first  constructed 
on  coordinate  paper  employing  the  basic  property  of  ellipses  that  .r- /a'2  +  y~/b2  =  1 
(a  and  b  are  the  major  and  minor  semi-axes  of  the  ellipse). 

Figure  3  illustrates  the  reconstructed  form  of  larval  and  adult  Farmville  Tri- 
turus  cells  and  capillaries.  The  larval  blood  cell  is  slightly  smaller  and  less  eccentric 
while  the  larval  capillary  is  larger. 

FIGURE  2.  The  information  in  Figure  1  was  used  to  reconstruct  the  form  of  the  blood  cells 
employing  the  property  that  x-/aT-  +  y-/bz  =  1.  The  central  circle  is  the  capillary  (184  fj.2). 
The  other  figures  represent  cell  forms  at  300,  500,  700,  and  900  /u2.  The  lower  line  represents 

Figure  4  indicates  the  form  differences  observed  in  Triturus  males  maintained 
at  8.5°  C.  (left)  and  21°  C.  (center).  The  right  hand  figure  illustrates  red  cell 
form  and  capillary  size  in  Triturus  females  of  uncertain  origin  (21°  C.).  It  is  clear 
from  both  Figures  3  and  4  that  the  larger  the  capillary  the  less  eccentric  the  blood 
cell,  a  result  previously  suggested  from  considerations  of  the  model  system.  The 
product  of  (a/b)  --  1  and  capillary  cross-sectional  area  (/4cap.)  approximates  con- 
stancy for  adult  Triturus  in  which  cell  area  (^Ceii)  is  essentially  constant.  That  is  : 

The  study  of  eccentricity  versus  cell  area  in  Pleurodeles  indicates  for  the  linear 
portion  of  the  curve  (a/b  greater  than  1.3)  that  : 

(a/6)  -  1  -  k'Ac,u. 




FIGURE  3.  The  form  of  the  blood  cells  and  capillaries  of  adult  (left)  and  larval  (right) 
Farmville  Triturus  reconstructed  from  the  tabular  data  in  Table  I.  The  larval  blood  cell  is 
slightly  smaller. 

10  U 

FIGURE  4.  The  mean  forms  of  blood  cells  and  capillaries  in  Triturus  adults  constructed 
from  the  data  in  Table  I.  Farmville  males  at  8.5°  C.  (left),  Farmville  males  at  21°  C.  (center), 
and  females  of  unknown  origin  at  21°  C.  (right).  All  cells  have  approximately  the  same  area. 



These  two  expressions  may  be  combined  to  give  an  equation  relating  all  three 
variables :  a/b,  Acen,  and  ACiip_ : 


The  extent  to  which  this  equation  adequately  describes  the  relationship  between 
these  variables  is  clear  from  the  uniformity  of  the  constant  K  calculated  from  the 
data  in  Table  I.  Triturus  values  vary  from  0.163  to  0.195,  while  the  Pleurodeles 
values  are  somewhat  smaller  being  0.138  and  0.134  for  diploids  and  triploids, 


FIGURE  5.  The  time  course  of  the  adaptation  from  8.5°  C.  to  21°  C.  in  Farmville  male 
Triturus.  Closed  circles  are  capillary  cross-sectional  area  measurements  and  open  circles  red 
cell  area  measurements  (right  ordinate).  Triangles  are  eccentricities  of  the  red  cells  (a/b) 
(left  ordinate).  Notice  the  break  in  the  right  ordinate  (^2)- 

A  point  of  considerable  interest  is  the  time  at  which  red  cell  form  is  determined. 
Two  possibilities  might  be  considered.  The  form  of  the  cell  might  be  determined 
at  the  time  it  first  enters  the  circulatory  system  with  subsequent  changes  in  the 
capillary  environment  having  no  further  effect  on  cell  form.  If  this  were  true, 
average  cell  form  should  change  slowly  following  a  change  in  capillary  diameter, 
with  the  total  time  period  for  the  change  equal  to  the  life  span  of  the  erythrocyte. 
On  the  other  hand,  if  red  cell  form  is  plastic,  one  might  expect  a  more  rapid 
response  in  red  cell  form  following  a  change  in  capillary  diameter,  a  result  which 
would  support  the  concept  that  red  cell  form  is  constantly  subject  to  the  forces 
acting  on  the  cell  during  its  passage  through  the  capillaries.  The  latter  view  is 


clearly  favored  by  the  time  course  data  represented  in  Figure  5.  Following  trans- 
fer of  the  animals  from  8.5  to  21°  C.,  the  increase  in  capillary  diameter  is  complete 
within  3  days,  while  the  change  in  red  cell  form  is  largely  complete  within  the 
same  period  of  time.  There  is,  however,  a  clear  lag  in  the  cell  form  response  and 
a  somewhat  greater  time  for  the  complete  form  transformation.  It  is  interesting 
to  note  that  there  is  a  small  transient  increase  in  cell  area  corresponding  to  the 
time  period  when  cell  form  is  most  rapidly  changing.  This  increase  may  represent 
a  temporary  change  in  the  osmotic  properties  of  the  cell  dependent  on  alterations 
of  the  cell  surface. 


The  quantitative  and  temporal  relationship  between  red  cell  form  and  capillary 
size  clearly  supports  the  concept  that  the  form  of  the  cell  is  determined,  at  least  in 
part,  by  the  size  of  the  capillary  through  which  the  cell  is  passing.  Alterations  in 
capillary  diameter  lead  to  changes  in  cell  form  with  kinetics  supporting  a  view  that 
the  red  cell  form  is  plastic  and  not  fixed.  Since  the  reasoning  leading  to  these 
analyses  was  influenced  by  considerations  of  the  model  system,  a  comparison  be- 
tween the  model  and  the  biological  systems  may  be  useful.  I  would  like  to  point  out 
first,  however,  that  model  systems  serve  only  to  guide  rationale,  and  certainly  should 
not  be  taken  as  literal  representations  of  biological  reality. 

(1)  There  are  gross  differences  between  the  relative  sizes  of  the  "capillary" 
and  the  "cell."     In  the  model  the  cylinder  is  many  times  larger  than  the  mercury 
drop.     In  the  living  system  the  cell  is  elliptical  only  if  its  area  exceeds  that  of  the 
capillary  cross-section,  while  in  the  model  eccentricity  steadily  increases  with  drop 
area  since  the  drop  is  always  in  contact  with  the  cylindrical  surface. 

(2)  There  is  abundant  evidence  that  the  interior  of  the  amphibian  cell  is  fluid 
like  the  mercury  drop.     Norris  studied  the  manner  in  which  displaced  nuclei  re- 
turned to  the  center  of  the  cell  and  concluded  that  except  for  the  nucleus  the  cell 
interior  is  liquid  with  the  shape  of  the  cell  conferred  by  an  outer  envelope  (Norris, 
1939).     Dawson  presumed  a  liquid  interior  based  on  the  observation  of  Brownian 
movement  in  the  cell  interior  (Dawson,  1928).     Based  on  microsurgical  findings, 
Seifriz  described  the  cell  interior  as  essentially  liquid  with  a  plastic  and  elastic 
cell  envelope  approximately  0.8  p.  in  thickness  (Seifriz,  1926).     The  envelope  thick- 
ness agrees  well  with  more  recent  estimates  based  on  polarized  light  analyses  of 
human  red  cells  (Mitchison,  1953). 

(3)  The  model  system  is  static  while  the  living  system  is  of  course  dynamic  since 
the  cells  are  constantly  moving  through  the  circulatory  system.     It  is  of  interest  to 
note  that  although  the  blood  cells  are  ellipses  with  symmetrical  ends  as  observed 
at  rest,  they  clearly  do  not  have  this  form  while  passing  through  the  capillaries.     The 
advancing  end  of  the  cell  is  more  rounded  than  the  trailing  end  so  that  if  the 
cell  could  be  removed  and  flattened  it  would  approximate  a  pear  shape  in  plane 
view.     This  configuration  may  also  be  imitated  with  the  model  by  tipping  the 
cylinder  and  permitting  the  mercury  drop  to  slowly  flow  along  the  surface  of  the 
cylinder.     The  dynamic  form  of  the  blood  cell  may  be  interpreted  as  further  evi- 
dence for  a  fluid  red  cell  interior. 

In  summary,  then,  it  appears  that  red  cell  form  is  a  consequence  of  physical 
forces  operating  between  the  cell  and  the  capillary  wall.  In  answer  to  the  classical 
dilemma  of  whether  form  determines  function  or  function  determines  form  one  may 


arrive  at  the  inadequacy  of  either  of  these  alternatives  and  conclude  on  the  basis 
of  these  studies  :  form  determines  form. 


1.  A  mercury  drop  in  contact  with  a  cylindrical  surface  takes  the  form  of  a 
flat  elliptical  disc.     Increasing  the  volume  of  the  drop  causes  an  increase  in  the 
area  and  eccentricity  of  the  drop  but  causes  no  appreciable  increase  in  thickness. 
With  constant  drop  volume,  the  larger  the  cylinder  the  less  eccentric  the  fluid  drop. 

2.  Analyses  of  blood  cell  form  and  capillary  diameter  in  Triturus  and  Pleurodclcs 
disclosed  the  following  relationships.     The  red  cell  is  circular  if  its  area  does  not 
exceed  that  of  the  capillary.     Eccentricity  increases  first  in  a  curvilinear  and  then 
in  a  linear  fashion  as  the  red  cell  increases  beyond  the  cross-sectional  area  of  the 
capillary.     Under  conditions  of  essentially  constant  red  cell  area,   eccentricity   is 
inversely  related  to  the  cross-sectional  area  of  the  capillary. 

3.  Based  on  the  experimental  findings  the  following  equation  may  be  derived 
relating  red  cell  area,  capillary  cross-sectional  areas  and  eccentricity  (a/b)  : 

4.  Evidence  for  the  physical  nature  of  the  red  cell  was  discussed  in  relation 
to  the  model  system. 


DAVISON,  J.,  1957.     A  fluid  drop  model  of  the  elliptical  red  blood  cell.     Expcrientia,  13  :  472. 
DAWSON,  A.  H.,  1928.     The  segregation  apparatus  of  the  amphibian  erythrocyte  and  its  possible 

relationship  to  the  Golgi  apparatus.     Anat.  Rcc.,  39  :   137-152. 
FANKHAUSER,    G.,    1952.     Nucleo-cytoplasmic    relations    in    amphibian    development.     Internal. 

Rev.  Cyt.,  1  :  165-193. 
MITCHISON,  J.  M.,  1953.    A  polarized  light  analysis  of  the  human  red  cell  ghost.    /.  Exp.  Biol., 

30:  397-432. 
NORRIS,  C.  H.,  1939.     The  tension  at  the  surface  and  other  physical  properties  of  the  nucleated 

erythrocyte.     /.  Cell.  Comp.  Physiol.,  14:  117-133. 

SEIFRIZ,  W.,   1926.     The  physical   properties  of  erythrocytes.     Protoplasma,   1  :   345-375. 
THOMPSON,  D'ARCY,  1942.     Growth  and  Form.     The  Macmillan  Company,   New  York. 


Department  of  Anatomy,  Albert  Einstein   College  of  Medicine,  Nciv   York  61,  N.   Y. 

In  cockroaches,  as  in  many  insect  species  studied,  a  hormone  released  by 
the  corpora  allata  is  necessary  for  the  maturation  of  eggs  (Scharrer,  1946;  Engel- 
mann, 1957).  A  variety  of  intrinsic  and  extrinsic  factors,  such  as  pregnancy, 
egg  resorption,  or  involution  of  the  corpus  luteum  (Liischer  and  Engelmann,  1955; 
Engelmann,  1957),  food  supply  (Scharrer,  1946;  Johansson,  1955,  1958;  von 
Harnack,  1958),  and  probably  humidity  and  temperature  are  involved  in  the  con- 
trol of  the  function  of  the  corpora  allata.  Furthermore,  in  some  cockroach 
species,  mating  accelerates  the  growth  rate  of  the  eggs  and,  therefore,  increases  the 
total  number  of  eggs  produced  during  the  lifetime  of  the  animal  (Griffiths  and 
Tauber,  1942;  Roth  and  Willis,  1956;  Wharton  and  Wharton,  1957). 

In  Diploptera  punctata,  a  viviparous  cockroach,  the  influence  of  mating,  an 
extrinsic  factor,  on  egg  maturation  plays  a  more  dominant  role  than  in  related 
species.  In  virgins,  the  maturation  of  the  first  batch  of  eggs  takes  several  weeks 
or  even  months  (Roth,  personal  communication),  whereas  after  mating  only  10  days 
are  required  for  egg  maturation  (Roth  and  Willis,  1955).  Since  a  variety  of 
factors  known  to  condition  the  activity  of  insect  ovaries  reach  the  gonads  via  brain 
and  corpora  allata  (Scharrer,  1958)  it  seems  probable  that  the  stimuli  exerted 
by  the  act  of  mating  influence  the  ovary  by  the  same  route. 

The  present  paper  deals  with  the  elucidation  of  the  control  mechanism  govern- 
ing female  reproduction  in  Diploptera.  Particular  emphasis  was  given  to  the  study 
of  the  pathways  by  which  the  mating  stimulus  reaches  the  ovary. 


All  experimental  animals  were  taken  from  a  stock  colony  and  maintained  in  finger 
bowls  at  room  temperature  of  22—26°  C.  They  were  fed  dog  chow  and  water. 
Daily  records  were  kept  of  the  reproductive  activity  of  the  females.  The  presence 
of  a  spermatophore  in  the  bursa  copulatrix  of  the  female  indicated  mating,  that  of 
an  egg  case  in  the  brood  sac  ovulation. 

Experiments  such  as  castration,  allatectomy,  excision  of  the  gonapophyses,  and 
severance  of  nerves  were  performed  under  CO2  anesthesia.  The  nervi  corporis 
cardiaci  or  the  nervi  corporis  allati  were  severed  either  by  frontal  or  occipital 

For  the  histological  investigation  of  the  corpora  allata  and  for  the  determination 
of  the  completeness  of  the  severance  of  nerves  an  organ  complex  consisting  of 
brain,  corpora  cardiaca,  and  corpora  allata  was  fixed  either  in  Bouin-Duboscq's  or  in 
Zenker's  fluid.  The  sections  were  stained  in  Gomori's  chrome  hematoxylin  phloxin 

1  Supported  by  U.S.P.H.S.  Grant  C-3413  administered  by  Dr.  Berta  Scharrer,  and  by  a 
travel  grant  from  Deutsche  Forschungsgemeinschaft. 



or  in  aldehyde  fuchsin  as  modified  by  Halmi.  The  volume  of  corpus  allatum  tissue 
per  one  million  nuclei  was  determined  by  a  formula  given  in  an  earlier  paper 
(Engelmann,  1957).  The  data  obtained,  expressed  as  mean  values  for  both  corpora 
allata  of  a  given  specimen,  indicate  the  degree  of  activity  of  the  corpora  allata; 
these  values  were  correlated  with  the  observed  length  of  the  oocytes. 

1.  The  cyclic  activity  of  ovary  and  corpus  allatum 

In  ovoviviparous  or  viviparous  cockroaches  there  is  no  space  for  additional 
eggs  within  the  brood  sac  of  the  female  during  the  development  of  the  embryos. 
Egg  maturation  in  the  ovaries  must,  therefore,  be  temporarily  suppressed.  Since  in 
other  species  of  cockroaches  egg  maturation  depends  on  the  activity  of  the  corpora 
allata,  we  first  looked  for  a  possible  relationship  between  the  structure  of  the  corpora 
allata  and  ovarian  activity  in  Diploptcra  during  an  interval  encompassing  the  first 
pre-oviposition,  first  pregnancy,  and  second  pre-oviposition  periods.  The  results 
which  are  reported  in  the  following  paragraphs  provided  a  basis  for  experimental 

In  Diploptera  mating  takes  place  a  few  minutes  after  emergence  (Roth  and  Willis, 
1955).  Within  9.43  ±  0.22  days  thereafter  (53  animals  observed  in  our  labora- 
tory) the  largest  oocyte  of  each  ovariole  grows  from  about  0.55  mm.  to  a  size 
of  approximately  1.5  mm.  and  then  ovulates.  Large  amounts  of  yolk  are  deposited 
in  the  oocytes  during  their  period  of  growth. 

No  eggs  ripen  in  the  ovaries  during  pregnancy,  which  follows  ovulation  and 
which  lasts  for  75.49  ±  1.47  days  (45  animals ;  see  also  Willis  et  al,  1958).  There 
is  merely  a  slight  growth  of  the  oocytes,  but  no  yolk  whatsoever  is  deposited  until 
the  second  or  third  day  before  parturition.  Then  a  more  rapid  growth  of  the 
oocytes  accompanied  by  yolk  deposition  begins,  so  that  on  the  day  of  parturition 
the  largest  eggs  in  the  ovarioles  measure  about  0.87  mm.  (Fig.  1).  Within  the  next 
three  or  four  days  the  eggs  grow  to  full  size;  5.98  ±  0.17  days  after  parturition 
these  mature  eggs  ovulate  (45  animals). 

The  activity  of  the  corpora  allata,  as  judged  by  the  amount  of  cytoplasm,  cor- 
relates with  the  activity  of  the  ovaries.  The  relative  and  absolute  amount  of 
cytoplasm  in  these  glands  gradually  increases  during  the  first  pre-oviposition  period 
until  a  maximum  of  activity  is  reached  at  the  fourth  day  after  mating  (Fig.  1). 
Values  of  less  than  0.95  mm.3  of  total  tissue  per  one  million  nuclei  indicate  that  this 
gland  is  inactive;  more  than  1.45  mm.3  tissue  per  one  million  nuclei  represents  a 
highly  active  gland.  Between  these  figures  there  are  varying  degrees  of  activity. 
The  cells  of  the  corpora  allata  maintain  a  high  activity  for  about  four  days,  during 
which  time  most  of  the  yolk  is  deposited  in  the  oocytes.  Shortly  before  ovulation, 
a  decrease  in  the  activity  of  the  corpora  allata  is  observed,  so  that  on  the  day  of 
ovulation  the  corpora  allata  contain  only  a  small  amount  of  cytoplasm. 

During  pregnancy,  when  the  ovaries  are  quiescent,  the  corpora  allata  are  in- 
active, as  shown  by  histological  criteria  (Fig.  1 ;  see  also  Table  II,  a)  ;  the  distribu- 
tion of  the  nuclei  in  the  corpora  allata  is  similar  to  that  on  the  day  of  emergence, 
i.e.,  0.84  mm.3  gland  tissue  per  one  million  nuclei.  Shortly  before  parturition  an 
activation  of  the  corpora  allata  can  be  observed  which  gradually  increases  until 



the  second  or  third  day  after  parturition  (Fig.  1).  After  reaching  a  peak  of  ac- 
tivity, the  cytoplasmic  content  of  the  glands  decreases.  The  corpora  allata  are 
nearly  inactive  again  at  the  time  of  the  second  ovulation. 

The  second  pre-oviposition  period  is  three  days  shorter  than  the  first.  The 
growth  rate  of  the  oocytes,  however,  is  about  the  same  in  both  periods  (Fig.  1). 
The  shortening  of  the  second  period  is  merely  due  to  the  fact  that  yolk  deposition 
in  the  second  batch  of  oocytes  begins  already  during  the  late  days  of  pregnancy. 
The  average  peak  of  corpus  allatum  activity  in  the  second  reproductive  period  is 
below  that  of  the  first,  but  this  difference  is  statistically  insignificant.  The  reason 
for  the  variability  of  the  data  is,  at  least  in  part,  that  the  onset  of  the  second  period 
of  activity  is  not  as  clearly  defined  as  that  of  the  first  period.  Therefore,  the 

1st  Egg  maturation 

8         9 




2nd  Egg  maturation 

5         6 

FIGURE  1.  Diagram  indicating  the  morphological  changes  signalling  cyclic  activity  in  the 
corpora  allata  of  Diploptcra  (upper  curves),  which  are  correlated  with  the  growth  of  the 
oocytes  (lower  curves)  during  the  first  and  second  pre-oviposition  periods. 

corpora  allata  of  some  females  may  have  surpassed  their  highest  activity  when 
those  of  other  females,  fixed  after  the  same  interval,  are  still  maximally  active. 

2.  The  junction  of  the  corpora  allata  in  the  adult  female 

The  role  of  the  corpora  allata  in  the  ovarian  control  of  Diploptera  was  further 
elucidated  by  the  removal  of  these  glands.  Allatectomy  was  performed  two  to 
four  days  after  mating.  In  all  nine  animals  thus  operated  the  deposition  of  yolk 
in  the  oocytes  beyond  the  stage  characteristic  of  the  day  of  operation  was  pre- 
vented. Twenty  days  after  mating  degeneration  of  most  of  the  oocytes  of  the  al- 


latectomized  animals  had  begun.  It  appears  that  by  the  fourth  day  after  mating 
not  enough  corpus  allatum  hormone  has  been  released  into  the  circulation  to  permit 
the  completion  of  egg  maturation.  Thus  in  Diploptera,  in  the  same  way  as  in 
other  species  of  cockroaches,  egg  maturation  depends  on  the  activity  of  the  corpora 
allata  not  only  during  the  initial  phase,  but  also  during  the  time  when  most  of  the 
yolk  is  being  deposited  in  the  oocytes. 

The  activity  of  the  accessory  glands  of  the  female  genital  apparatus  also  de- 
pends on  the  function  of  the  corpora  allata,  since  no  secretory  material  is  detectable 
in  the  lumen  of  these  glands  in  animals  allatectomized  shortly  after  mating.  There 
is  yet  another  type  of  secretory  cell  that  seems  to  be  under  the  control  of  the  corpora 
allata  as  the  following  observation  indicates.  Around  the  sixth  day  after  mating 
the  spermatophore  is  extruded  from  the  bursa  copulatrix  (53  animals).  At  the 
same  time  an  aqueous  fluid  appears  in  the  genital  apparatus,  which  probably  facili- 
tates the  extrusion  of  the  spermatophore.  In  allatectomized  females  the  spermato- 
phore stays  within  the  bursa,  and  the  genital  apparatus  remains  dry.  In  four  nor- 
mally mated  females,  in  which  for  undetermined  reasons  the  corpora  allata  did  not  be- 
come active,  as  shown  by  the  failure  of  eggs  to  mature,  the  spermatophores  re- 
mained in  the  bursa  copulatrix  for  18  days  at  which  time  the  females  were  fixed 
for  further  investigation. 

Thus  it  appears  that  the  hormone  released  by  the  corpora  allata  serves  at  least 
three  different  functions  in  the  adult  female  of  Diploptera.  It  causes  the  deposi- 
tion of  yolk  in  the  oocytes,  it  activates  the  accessory  glands  of  the  female  genital 
apparatus,  and  it  stimulates  an  as  yet  unknown  type  of  cell  presumably  present  in 
the  bursa  copulatrix,  whose  secretion  facilitates  the  extrusion  of  the  spermatophore. 
The  function  of  the  accessory  glands  and  of  the  secretory  cells  in  the  bursa  seems 
to  be  regulated  directly  by  the  corpora  allata,  since  this  mechanism  is  not  disturbed 
by  ovariectomy. 

3.  The  control  of  the  activity  of  the  corpora  allata  by  the  brain 

In  Diploptera,  as  in  many  other  insect  species  studied,  the  brain  innervates  the 
corpora  allata  via  the  nervi  corporis  allati,  which  are  a  component  of  the  nervi 
corporis  cardiaci.  Severance  of  these  nerves  was  attempted  in  44  virgins  of  Diplop- 
tera, one  to  10  days  after  emergence.  Activation  of  the  ovaries,  i.e.,  deposition  of 
yolk  in  the  oocytes,  resulted  in  39  of  these  animals,  whereas  in  the  five  remaining 
roaches  no  ovarian  activity  was  found.  A  histological  study  of  the  brain-corpora 
cardiaca-corpora  allata  complex  of  all  44  experimental  animals  was  undertaken  to 
check  for  the  completeness  of  the  severance  of  the  nerves.  In  16  of  these  animals, 
fixed  nine  to  33  days  after  operation,  no  severance  or  other  disturbance  of  the  in- 
nervation  of  the  corpora  allata  could  be  detected  histologically.  This  group  of  16 
virgins  includes  the  five  cases  mentioned  above  that  matured  no  eggs ;  the  remaining 
11  had  matured  their  eggs.  In  all  of  these  16  virgins  the  corpora  allata  were  in- 
active at  the  day  of  fixation.  Obviously,  the  nerve  severance  had  failed  in  this 
group.  But  how  can  egg  maturation  in  11  of  these  virgins  be  accounted  for? 
Perhaps  in  these  cases  the  nerves  were  squeezed  or  stretched  during  the  operation, 
a  situation  which  interfered  with  nerve  conduction  and  thus  led  to  temporary  activa- 
tion of  the  corpora  allata.  Apparently  the  brain  must  have  resumed  the  inhibition 
of  the  corpora  allata  a  few  days  later. 


In  21  animals  of  the  operated  group  an  interruption  of  the  nerves  which  in- 
nervate the  corpora  allata  could  be  detected  histologically ;  all  of  these  animals  had 
active  corpora  allata,  as  determined  by  histological  criteria.  In  all,  egg  maturation 
took  place  as  a  result  of  the  activation  of  the  corpora  allata  within  a  period  similar 
to  that  normally  observed  after  mating.  From  this  it  seems  that  mating  does  not 
cause  a  higher  activity  of  the  corpora  allata  than  that  which  results  from  severance 
of  the  nerves  that  transmit  inhibitory  impulses  to  the  corpora  allata.  One  might 
conclude,  therefore,  that  mating  prevents  the  flow  of  inhibitory  nerve  impulses.  In 
the  remaining  seven  animals,  which  also  matured  their  eggs,  the  success  of  the 
operation  could  not  be  determined,  because  parts  of  the  tissue  were  lost  during  the 
histological  procedure.  It  appears  that  severance  of  the  nervi  corporis  allati  in 
virgins  results  in  activation  of  the  corpora  allata,  which  indicates  that  in  unmated 
young  females  the  brain  restrains  the  function  of  the  corpora  allata  by  way  of  the 
nervi  corporis  allati. 

It  was  of  further,  interest  to  determine  whether  the  corpora  allata  severed  from 
the  restraining  center  in  the  brain  remain  active  permanently  or  only  for  a  period 
sufficient  to  induce  the  maturation  of  one  batch  of  eggs.  In  order  to  test  this  point, 
15  virgins  with  severed  nervi  corporis  allati  were  fixed  14  to  31  days  after  their 
first  ovulation  had  taken  place.  In  eight  of  these  animals  only  one  egg  maturation 
had  occurred ;  the  size  of  the  next  oocytes  in  line  in  the  ovarioles  was  about  0.40 
mm.  at  the  time  of  fixation.  This  size  is  comparable  to  the  measurements  in  preg- 
nant females  at  a  similar  interval  after  ovulation.  The  corpora  allata  of  these  eight 
animals  were  inactive  as  determined  by  histological  criteria.  The  innervation  of 
the  corpora  allata  in  these  animals  seems  to  have  been  incomplete.  A  few  intact 
nerve  fibers  were  observed  in  the  sections.  It  may  be  that  these  had  been  squeezed, 
and  thus  prevented  from  inhibiting  the  corpora  allata  for  a  short  time,  or  these 
nerve  fibers  may  have  regenerated  and  thus  may  have  resumed  inhibition  of  the 
corpora  allata.  This  might  have  been  the  case  also  in  four  additional  virgins  in 
which  egg  maturation  had  begun  a  second  time,  but  had  not  progressed  beyond  an 
initial  phase;  here  the  largest  oocytes  measured  on  the  average  0.62  mm.  20  to  30 
days  after  the  preceding  ovulation,  whereas  in  normal  pregnant  females,  after  a 
similar  interval,  the  oocytes  measured  only  about  0.40  mm.  In  these  operated 
virgins  the  resumption  of  the  inhibition  of  the  corpora  allata  may  have  taken  more 
time  and,  therefore,  a  second  growth  period  of  the  oocytes  had  been  initiated.  Only 
in  three  specimens,  in  which  the  separation  of  the  corpora  allata  from  the  brain 
was  complete  at  the  time  of  fixation  (interval  over  40  days),  the  glands  were  active 
(average  of  1.32  mm.3  gland  tissue  per  million  nuclei).  In  these  three  animals, 
the  corpora  allata  had  induced  the  growth  of  a  second  batch  of  eggs  to  full  size 
(1.50  mm.)  within  24  to  30  days  after  the  first  ovulation. 

Thus,  severance  of  the  corpora  allata  from  the  restraining  center  in  the  brain 
results  in  a  sustained  activity  of  the  glands.  This  activity  persists  at  least  long 
enough  for  two  successive  batches  of  eggs  to  mature.  In  the  three  animals  with 
completely  severed  corpora  allata  the  maturation  of  the  second  batch  of  eggs  took 
considerably  longer  than  that  of  the  first.  This  may  have  two  reasons.  In  the 
first  place  yolk  deposition  begins  when  the  oocytes  measure  about  0.55  mm.  which 
means  that  the  oocytes  next  in  line  after  ovulation  have  first  to  grow  from  about 
0.35  mm.  to  0.55  mm.  This  initial  growth  of  the  oocytes  results  in  a  prolongation 



of  the  pre-oviposition  period  which  immediately  follows  ovulation.  A  second 
factor  may  be  a  restraining  influence  coming  from  the  corpus  luteum  which,  during 
its  involution,  seems  to  inhibit  the  growth  of  the  next  oocyte  in  line,  as  was  reported 
in  Leucophaea  (Engelmann,  1957). 

4.  The  activation  of  the  corpora  allata  by  afferent  stimuli 

In  mated  females  of  Diploptera  the  growth  of  the  oocytes  accompanied  by  the 
deposition  of  yolk  began  about  one  day  after  emergence,  and  was  completed  within 
10  days  thereafter  (53  animals;  see  also  Table  I,  a).  Among  45  virgins,  on  the 
other  hand,  the  shortest  interval  in  which  egg  maturation  occurred  was  37  days 
(one  animal)  ;  at  60  days  after  emergence  eight  additional  virgins  had  ovulated. 


Experiments  during  first  pre-oviposition  period 

(days  after 




(mm.  3/l 

(length  of 
the  largest 
in  mm.) 

(Days  after 

(Days  after 

a.  Control  :  mated  females 







b.  Severance  of  ventral  nerve 
cord.     No  mating 





0.95  ±0.03 

0.60  ±0.02 

c.  Severance  of  ventral  nerve 
cord  followed  by  mating 






0.61  ±0.02 

d.  Artificial  mating  stimuli 





1.03  ±0.08 


e.  Excision  of  gonapophyses 





1.33  ±0.14 


f.  Control:  virgin  females 





0.84  ±0.02 


Numbers  following  ±  are  standard  errors. 

Of  the  remaining  36  animals  13  virgins  ovulated  within  a  period  of  two  to  five 
months,  whereas  14  animals  had  not  ovulated  when  they  either  died  or  were  dis- 
continued for  other  reasons.  Nine  virgins  had  not  ovulated  even  after  five  months. 
It  is  not  definitely  known  whether  or  not  all  virgins  eventually  produce  mature 
eggs  without  mating.  It  is  obvious,  however,  that  mating  is  essential  for  a  normal 
growth  rate  of  the  oocytes  maturing  after  emergence. 

One  may  now  ask,  whether  mating  is  equally  essential  to  induce  the  normal 
growth  rate  of  eggs  maturing  after  the  first  parturition.  Therefore,  24  females 
were  isolated  at  parturition.  The  next  ovulation  occurred  5.83  ±  0.28  days  there- 
after. In  eight  additional  females,  in  which  mating  was  allowed  to  take  place  on  the 
first  day  after  parturition,  the  pre-oviposition  period  took  5.75  ±  0.37  days.  Thus, 
mating  does  not  accelerate  the  growth  of  the  eggs  maturing  after  parturition. 
From  this  it  appears  that  giving  birth  may  serve  as  a  stimulus  replacing  that  of 



mating  from  the  induction  of  egg  maturation  at  a  normal  rate.  Furthermore,  there 
is  sufficient  viable  sperm  stored  in  the  spermathecae  from  the  mating  before  the 
first  pregnancy,  so  that  additional  batches  of  eggs  can  be  fertilized. 

If  parturition  activates  the  corpora  allata  and  consequently  the  ovaries,  how  is 
it  possible  that  yolk  deposition  in  the  second  batch  of  oocytes  begins  a  few  days 
before  parturition  (Fig.  1)?  The  following  observation  may  give  an  answer  to 
this  question.  During  the  late  days  of  pregnancy,  when  the  abdomen  of  the  female 
is  distended  by  the  ootheca,  the  animal  rhythmically  contracts  the  abdomen.  The 
resulting  movements  of  the  egg  case  in  the  genital  apparatus  presumably  initiate 
the  activity  of  the  corpora  allata  occurring  before  parturition.  The  observation 
that  mating,  as  well  as  parturition,  and  presumably  movements  of  the  egg  case  in 
the  genital  apparatus,  activate  the  corpora  allata  suggests  that  sensory  receptors 
located  in  the  genital  apparatus  receive  those  stimuli.  It  is  likely  that  movements 
of  the  young  hatching  within  the  vagina  (Roth  and  Willis,  1955)  enhance  the 


Experiments  with  pregnant  females 

(days  after 





(length  of 
the  largest 
in  mm.) 

(Days  after 
removal  of 
ootheca  or 

(Days  after 

a.  Control  :  pregnancy 





0.83  ±0.02 


b.  Removal  of  ootheca 







c.   Removal  of  ootheca  followed 
by  mating  (within  4  to  6 






1.20  ±0.19 

d.  Control:  parturition 







Numbers  following  ±  are  standard  errors. 

activity  of  the  corpora  allata  resulting  from  the  rhythmical  contraction  of  the  ab- 
domen prior  to  parturition.  It  is  not  known,  however,  whether  the  initial  activa- 
tion of  the  corpora  allata  by  the  movement  of  the  egg  case  in  itself  would  be  suf- 
ficient to  bring  about  complete  egg  maturation.  From  the  facts  reported  here  and 
in  the  preceding  paragraphs  it  appears  that  in  Diploptera  afferent  stimuli  are  solely 
responsible  for  the  induction  of  a  normal  growth  rate  of  the  oocytes  in  the  ovaries. 

This  conclusion  was  further  substantiated  by  an  additional  experiment.  After 
the  removal  of  the  egg  cases  from  five  pregnant  females  maturation  of  the  next 
batch  of  eggs  took  at  least  41  days  when  no  mating  was  permitted.  On  the  other 
hand,  if  mating  was  allowed  after  egg  case  removal,  the  oocytes  matured  within  9 
days  after  mating  (Table  II,  c).  The  time  required  for  the  maturation  of  the  eggs 
after  removal  of  the  egg  case  and  subsequent  mating,  and  that  after  mating  following 
emergence  are  practically  the  same.  Again,  an  external  factor  accounts  for  the 
induction  of  egg  maturation  at  a  normal  rate. 


If  stimuli,  received  in  the  genital  apparatus  during  mating  and  parturition,  acti- 
vate the  corpora  allata,  a  transmission  of  these  stimuli  to  the  brain  and  corpora 
allata  via  the  ventral  nerve  cord  has  to  be  postulated.  In  order  to  test  this  point  the 
ventral  nerve  cord  was  severed  in  16  virgins  1-3  days  after  emergence.  Eight  of 
these  animals  were  allowed  to  mate  afterwards,  whereas  another  eight  animals  were 
kept  isolated  as  controls.  None  of  the  operated  and  mated  females  showed  matura- 
tion of  the  eggs.  The  corpora  allata  must  have  remained  inactive  and,  conse- 
quently, in  these  animals  yolk  deposition  was  completely  prevented  (Table  I,  c). 
The  same  was  the  case  in  the  eight  females,  which  did  not  mate  after  severance  of 
the  abdominal  nerve  cord  (Table  I,  b).  From  these  experiments  one  may  con- 
clude that  stimuli  received  in  the  genital  apparatus  during  the  act  of  mating,  and 
presumably  also  during  parturition,  are  transmitted  via  the  ventral  nerve  cord  to 
the  brain  and  corpora  allata. 

Further  experimental  proof  for  the  conclusion  that  stimuli  are  received  in  the 
genital  apparatus  seemed  desirable.  Therefore,  a  small  artificial  spermatophore, 
made  of  glass,  was  pushed  into  the  bursa  copulatrix  of  virgins  (Table  I,  d) .  Most  of 
these  artificial  spermatophores  remained  in  the  bursa  copulatrix  for  the  duration  of 
the  experiment,  but  in  some  cases  they  were  extruded  and  had  to  be  replaced.  A 
few  days  after  successful  implantation  of  the  "spermatophores"  the  animals  were 
sacrificed  in  order  to  check  the  degree  of  maturation  of  the  oocytes  and  to  determine 
histologically  the  state  of  the  corpora  allata.  Among  eight  animals  five  had  be- 
gun to  deposit  yolk  in  the  oocytes.  This  result  is  not  as  clear-cut  as  that  after 
mating  (Table  I,  a),  which  might  be  due  to  the  fact  that  a  glass  spermatophore  is 
too  smooth  to  afford  sufficient  stimulation.  Furthermore,  normal  mating  may  last 
up  to  several  hours  during  which  time  the  movements  of  the  male  provide  a  more 
efficient  stimulation  of  the  genital  apparatus  than  that  caused  by  deposition  of  a 
smooth  artificial  glass  spermatophore. 

Apparently  mating  alone,  without  the  deposition  of  a  spermatophore,  also  induces 
activity  of  the  corpora  allata  (Roth,  personal  communication).  On  the  other  hand, 
from  the  fact  that  yolk  deposition  in  some  of  the  experimental  animals  was  in- 
duced by  artificial  mating,  it  appears  that  mechanical  stimulation  during  the  act  of 
mating  or  during  parturition  tends  to  activate  the  corpora  allata  and  in  turn  to 
induce  maturation  of  the  oocytes. 

As  stated  above,  it  was  thought  that  sensory  receptors  on  the  gonapophyses  of 
Diploptera  are  involved  in  the  perception  of  these  mechanical  stimuli.  For  this 
reason  in  12  virgins  all  three  pairs  of  gonapophyses  were  excised  in  order  to  pre- 
vent the  perception  of  stimuli,  when  mating  was  allowed  afterwards.  However, 
none  of  the  virgins  thus  operated  upon  accepted  a  male  within  the  duration  of  the 
experiment.  Nevertheless  of  the  12  operated  females,  10  were  found  to  have  de- 
posited yolk  in  the  oocytes  after  a  few  days ;  in  some  females  the  eggs  had  reached 
nearly  full  size  (Table  I,  e).  Probably  the  afferent  nerves  were  stimulated  by  the 
excision  of  the  gonapophyses  and  this  resulted  in  activation  of  the  corpora  allata 
and  of  the  ovaries.  The  conclusion  that  sensory  receptors  on  the  gonapophyses 
receive  the  stimuli  during  the  act  of  mating  or  parturition  seems,  therefore,  justi- 
fied. This  experiment  does  not  exclude  the  possibility  that  other  parts  of  the 
genital  apparatus  supplied  with  sensory  receptors  may  also  be  involved  in  the  per- 
ception of  mating  stimuli.  As  the  following  experiment  shows,  this  proved  actually 


to  be  the  case.  In  three  virgins  with  gonapophyses  excised  shortly  after  emergence 
mating  eventually  took  place  21,  28,  and  52  days  after  operation.  Nine  to  ten 
days  later,  i.e.,  after  an  interval  normally  required  for  egg  maturation  in  mated 
females,  ovulation  took  place.  Thus,  we  conclude  that  sensory  receptors  on  the 
gonapophyses  and  on  other  parts  of  the  genital  apparatus  receive  the  stimuli  ex- 
erted by  mating  and  parturition. 

5.  The  effect  of  mature  eggs  on  the  corpora  allata 

In  other  species  of  roaches  mature  eggs  seem  to  exert  an  inhibitory  effect  on 
the  corpora  allata  (Engelmann,  1957).  The  question  arises  whether  in  Diploptera 
mature  eggs,  either  before  ovulation  or  during  embryonic  development  in  the  brood 
sac,  likewise  inhibit  the  corpora  allata  in  their  function.  For  this  reason,  the  egg 
cases  were  removed  from  the  brood  sac  during  anesthesia  in  13  females  of  Diplop- 
tera, at  different  stages  of  pregnancy.  These  animals  were  kept  isolated  to  pre- 
vent mating  and  were  fixed  three  to  31  days  thereafter  in  order  to  check  the  degree 
of  activity  of  the  corpora  allata  and  of  the  ovaries.  None  of  these  13  females  ma- 
tured their  eggs  in  the  ovaries  within  the  tested  period  (Table  II,  b).  Additional 
five  females,  in  which  the  oothecae  were  removed  three  to  five  days  after  ovulation, 
were  kept  until  the  next  ovulation  occurred.  This  took  place  42,  51,  54,  57,  and 
71  days  after  the  removal  of  the  oothecae.  Thus,  the  period  required  for  egg 
maturation  after  removal  of  the  egg  case  is  roughly  comparable  to  that  observed 
in  virgins.  In  other  words,  in  this  experimental  series  in  which  appropriate  af- 
ferent stimulation  was  lacking,  the  corpora  allata  were  retarded  in  their  activity, 
but  not  completely  suppressed. 

By  contrast,  egg  maturation  is  inhibited  throughout  the  period  of  pregnancy 
which  in  Diploptera  lasts  75  days.  Therefore,  the  absence  of  mating  or  equivalent 
stimuli  alone  would  not  account  for  this  complete  state  of  quiescence  in  the  ovary 
which  in  turn  signals  complete  inactivity  of  the  corpora  allata.  An  additional  in- 
hibitory action  seems  to  come  from  the  ootheca  and,  in  analogy  with  the  known 
situation  in  Leucophaea,  it  may  be  due  to  a  humoral  factor. 

As  to  the  mechanisms  which,  in  the  absence  of  appropriate  stimuli  such  as 
mating,  keep  the  corpora  allata  of  adult  females  of  Diploptera  partially  suppressed, 
nothing  can  be  added  to  the  already  discussed  inhibitory  nervous  link  between  brain 
and  corpora  allata.  It  may  well  be  that  the  factor  eliciting  this  inhibition  acts 
independently  of  the  inhibitor  released  by  the  egg  case. 

Further  support  for  the  concept  that  a  restraining  factor  from  the  eggs  is  not 
the  sole  or  even  primary  afferent  link  governing  the  inhibition  of  the  corpora  allata 
of  Diploptera  was  obtained  by  castration  experiments  Eleven  females  were  ovari- 
ectomized  two  to  three  days  after  mating.  Yolk  had  already  been  deposited  in  the 
oocytes,  which  indicated  that  the  corpora  allata  had  been  activated  by  mating. 
Twelve  to  44  days  after  this  operation  the  females  were  fixed  in  order  to  check 
histologically  the  activity  of  the  corpora  allata.  The  glands  were  completely  in- 
active as  indicated  by  the  calculation  of  an  average  of  0.86  mm.3  of  gland  tissue  per 
million  of  nuclei.  From  this  it  again  appears  that  an  as  yet  unknown  mechanism 
residing  outside  the  ovary  inhibits  the  corpora  allata.  These  findings  in  Diplop- 
tera are  in  contrast  to  observations  in  several  other  species  of  insects  including 
Leucophaea  (von  Harnack  and  Scharrer,  1956)  where  ovariectomy  results  in  hy- 
peractivity  of  the  corpora  allata. 



Brain  ^^ 



Egg  case 

Genffal  apparatus 

FIGURE  2.  Diagram  illustrating  the  control  of  reproduction  in  Diploptera.  Stimuli  exerted 
by  mating  or  parturition,  received  in  the  genital  apparatus,  are  transmitted  to  the  brain  where 
they  inhibit  the  normal  flow  of  restraining  impulses  from  the  brain  to  the  corpora  allata.  The 
corpora  allata  then  release  gonadotropic  hormone  which  induces  egg  maturation.  During 
pregnancy,  complete  inhibition  of  the  corpora  allata  is  accomplished,  presumably  by  a  humoral 
principle  originating  in  the  developing  eggs.  For  further  details  see  text. 


The  control  of  egg  maturation  in  the  viviparous  cockroach,  Diploptera,  depends 
on  the  following  sequence  of  events  (Fig.  2)  :  Stimuli  exerted  by  mating,  which 
are  received  by  sensory  receptors  on  the  gonapophyses  or  other  parts  of  the  genital 
apparatus,  ascend  via  the  ventral  nerve  cord  to  the  brain  and  act  to  inhibit  the  normal 
flow  of  restraining  impulses  from  the  brain  to  the  corpora  allata.  The  corpora 


allata  then  release  a  hormone  that  induces  the  maturation  of  the  eggs.  Parturition 
provides  stimuli  adequate  for  eliciting  egg  maturation  in  the  second  or  subsequent 
cycles,  and  no  mating  is  then  required.  In  virgins,  the  corpora  allata  seem  to  be 
completely  inhibited  at  first,  but  become  slowly  activated  after  some  time  and 
eventually  induce  egg  growth.  During  pregnancy  another  controlling  factor  origi- 
nating in  the  ootheca  makes  the  inhibition  of  the  corpora  allata  complete. 

As  in  Leucophaea  (Scharrer,  1952;  Engelmann  and  Liischer,  1956),  and  in 
Oncopeltus  (Johansson,  1958),  the  brain  in  Diploptera  restricts  the  function  of 
the  corpora  allata  by  way  of  the  nervi  corporis  allati.  This  can  be  concluded 
from  the  fact  that  severance  of  these  nerves  in  the  species  mentioned  results  in 
persistent  activity  of  the  glands. 

The  fact  that  the  brain  inhibits  the  corpora  allata  in  Leucophaea  and  Diploptera 
at  certain  periods  suggests  that  extrinsic  and  intrinsic  "information"  is  integrated  in 
the  brain  and  then  passed  on  as  messages  to  the  corpora  allata.  In  Leucophaea 
the  presence  of  mature  eggs  in  the  brood  sac  causes  the  brain  to  inhibit  the  corpora 
allata  by  way  of  the  nervi  corporis  allati  during  pregnancy.  No  eggs  mature  in 
the  ovary  during  this  period.  On  the  other  hand,  in  Diploptera,  the  brain  converts 
stimuli  received  in  the  genital  apparatus  with  the  result  that  inhibitory  impulses  to 
the  corpora  allata  cease.  The  corpora  allata  then  become  active  and  induce  egg 
maturation.  In  both  cases  the  brain  seems  to  be  the  regulating  center  for  the 
function  of  the  corpora  allata,  and  there  is  evidence  that  also  in  other  insect  species 
the  brain  functions  as  a  controlling  center  for  a  variety  of  different  endocrine  func- 
tions (Wigglesworth,  1934;  Scharrer,  1958). 

Extrinsic  factors  such  as  mating  and  parturition,  are  particularly  important  for 
the  proper  control  of  the  reproductive  cycles  in  Diploptera.  In  other  species  of 
cockroaches,  at  least  one  of  these  factors,  namely  mating,  is  involved  in  reproduc- 
tion. In  Periplaneta  americana,  for  instance,  mating  accelerates  growth  of  the 
eggs  and  consequently  more  eggs  are  produced  during  the  animal's  lifetime  if  it  is 
permitted  to  mate  (Griffiths  and  Tauber,  1942;  Roth  and  Willis,  1956).  In  this 
species,  however,  the  influence  of  mating  seems  less  pronounced  than  in  Diploptera. 
The  same  is  true  for  Leucophaea  maderae  where  mating  also  enhances  the  activity 
of  the  corpora  allata  during  the  first  pre-oviposition  period.  Egg  maturation  in  this 
species  is  accelerated  by  mating  only  by  about  one-third  of  the  period  required  in 
virgins  (Engelmann,  unpublished  data)  in  contrast  to  the  observation  in  Diploptera 
where  the  acceleration  of  egg  maturation  upon  mating  amounts  to  at  least  five 
times ;  on  the  average  even  more. 

In  the  second  and  subsequent  reproductive  cycles  of  Diploptera  the  stimuli 
normally  occurring  in  parturition  are  essential  in  replacing  those  of  mating.  In 
Periplaneta  and  in  Leucophaea,  on  the  other  hand,  no  comparable  stimulation  seems 
to  be  required  as  is  shown  by  the  following  observations.  In  females  of  Periplaneta, 
isolated  after  their  first  mating,  egg  maturation  in  successive  batches  took  only 
slightly  longer  than  that  in  females  which  were  continuously  kept  with  males 
(Griffiths  and  Tauber,  1942).  In  this  species  parturition  does  not  occur  and, 
therefore,  mating  would  have  to  replace  the  effect  of  giving  birth  as  described  in 
Diploptera.  In  contrast  to  the  situation  in  Diploptera,  mating  in  Leucophaea  after 
removal  of  the  egg  case  did  not  shorten  the  time  needed  for  egg  maturation  (Engel- 
mann, unpublished  data).  At  the  present  time  no  explanation  can  be  given  for  the 


fact  that  in  Periplaneta  and  in  Leucophaea  mating  influences  egg  maturation  only 
during  the  first  pre-oviposition  period  and  not  thereafter.  From  this  it  seems  that 
Diploptera  is  unique  among  cockroaches  with  respect  to  the  degree  to  which  stimula- 
tion of  the  corpora  allata  and  consequently  activation  of  the  ovaries  depends  on 
afferent  nervous  stimuli. 

In  females  of  Diploptera  the  normal  mating  act  can  be  simulated  by  "artificial 
mating,"  a  fact  which  indicates  that  mechanical  stimulation  of  parts  of  the  genital 
apparatus  is  the  essential  factor  involved.  It  might  be  worth  mentioning  in  this 
connection  that  in  some  mammals  such  as  the  ferret,  rabbit,  weasel,  cat,  mating 
likewise  is  essential  for  the  completion  of  egg  maturation  and  ovulation.  In  the 
cat,  ovulation  can  be  brought  about  even  by  artificial  stimulation  of  the  cervix 
uteri  by  means  of  a  glass  rod  (Greulich,  1934;  Porter  et  al.,  1957).  Here,  upon 
mechanical  stimulation  of  an  area  in  the  genital  apparatus,  the  brain  activates  the 
hypophysis,  which  in  turn  induces  ovulation  by  releasing  gonadotropic  hormones ; 
this  is  analogous  to  the  situation  in  Diploptera.  One  should  point  out  that  in  the 
cat  maturation  of  the  egg  nucleus  and  the  rupture  of  the  follicle  is  induced  by 
mating,  whereas  in  Diploptera  it  results  in  deposition  of  yolk  in  the  oocytes.  These 
are  two  fundamentally  different  processes  related  to  different  reproductive  mecha- 
nisms, but  both  are  induced  by  mating  and  both  finally  lead  to  ovulation. 

In  Diploptera,  as  in  Leucophaea,  we  observe  alternating  activity  and  inactivity 
of  the  corpora  allata  correlated  with  periods  of  egg  maturation  and  of  quiescence 
of  the  ovaries.  In  this  respect  the  reproductive  patterns  of  two  related  species  are 
strikingly  similar,  but  as  was  shown  the  regulation  of  these  reproductive  cycles  is 
achieved  in  different  ways.  In  the  female  of  Diploptera  the  corpora  allata  seem  to 
be  maintained  at  a  low  level  of  activity.  For  every  activation  of  these  glands, 
sufficiently  high  to  induce  egg  maturation  within  a  normal  period  of  time,  a  stimula- 
tion of  the  genital  apparatus  has  to  take  place.  On  the  other  hand,  in  most  virgins 
of  Leucophaea  the  corpora  allata  appear  to  be  only  slightly  inhibited  during  the  first 
pre-oviposition  period.  During  pregnancy,  in  Diploptera,  a  substance  furnished  by 
the  mature  eggs  in  the  brood  sac  inhibiting  the  corpora  allata  seems  not  to  be  the 
primary  restraining  principle.  In  pregnant  Leucophaea,  however,  such  a  sub- 
stance originating  in  the  eggs  plays  a  dominant  role  in  the  control  of  the  corpora 
allata  (Engelmann,  1957).  Thus,  in  both  related  species  we  find  humoral  as  well 
as  nervous  afferent  stimuli  involved  in  the  regulation  of  reproduction.  They  seem 
to  operate  independently  of  each  other.  They  are  effective  in  both  species,  but  in 
Diploptera  the  nervous  factor  is  the  more  important,  whereas  in  Leucophaea  the 
reverse  is  the  case. 

The  author  wishes  to  express  his  graditude  to  Dr.  B.  Scharrer  for  her  valuable 
discussions  during  the  preparation  of  the  present  paper.  I  thank  Dr.  L.  M.  Roth, 
Natick,  Massachusetts,  for  providing  me  with  a  colony  of  Diploptera  punctata. 


1.  In  the  viviparous  roach,  Diploptera,  the  factors  controlling  the  maturation 
of  the  eggs  were  studied  during  an  interval  encompassing  the  first  pre-oviposition, 
first  pregnancy,  and  second  pre-oviposition  periods.  During  egg  maturation  the 
corpora  allata  become  active  as  judged  by  histological  criteria  (increase  of  cyto- 


plasmic  content)  ;  they  become  and  stay  inactive  during  pregnancy.  Ovarian  in- 
activity after  allatectomy  also  demonstrates  that  active  corpora  allata  are  responsible 
for  the  deposition  of  yolk  in  the  oocytes.  In  addition,  the  corpora  allata  control 
the  activity  of  the  accessory  sex  glands,  and  of  an  as  yet  unknown  type  of  cell 
presumably  located  in  the  bursa  copulatrix,  the  secretion  of  which  facilitates  the 
extrusion  of  the  spermatophore. 

2.  In  virgins,  the  brain  inhibits  the  function  of  the  corpora  allata  by  way  of 
the  nervi  corporis  allati,  and  thus  prevents  or  delays  the  maturation  of  the  eggs. 
Severance  of  these  nerves  results  in  a  sustained  activity  of  the  corpora  allata  with 
the  result  that  several  successive  batches  of  eggs  mature. 

3.  In  females  which  have  not  yet  borne  young,  mating  is  essential  for  a  normal 
rate  of  egg  maturation.     The  effect  of  mating  can  be  replaced  by  parturition  which 
provides  adequate  stimuli  to  induce  egg  maturation.     Thus,  in  an  animal  that  has 
just  given  birth,  mating  does  not  step  up  the  growth  rate  of  the  eggs.     The  stimuli 
exerted  by  mating  or  parturition  are  transmitted  to  the  corpora  allata  by  way  of 
the  ventral  nerve  cord  and  the  brain. 

4.  Artificial  mating  (mechanical  stimulation  with  a  small  glass  spermatophore) 
also  results  in  activation  of  the  corpora  allata  and  in  subsequent  maturation  of 
the  eggs.     Similarly,  excision  of  the  gonapophyses  induces  egg  maturation,  pre- 
sumably because  the  afferent  nerves  are  stimulated  by  this  procedure.     It  seems 
likely  that  sensory  receptors  on  the  gonapophyses  and  possibly  on  other  parts  of 
the  genital  apparatus  receive  the  stimuli  exerted  by  mating  and  parturition. 

5.  The  corpora  allata  of  adult  females  of  Diploptera  are  restrained  to  the  extent 
that  egg  maturation  occurs  only  after  considerable  delay  unless  this  inhibition  is 
eliminated   by  appropriate   afferent   stimuli.     Complete   inhibition   of   the  corpora 
allata,  and  thus  of  the  ovaries,  during  pregnancy  is  achieved  by  the  eggs  developing 
in  the  brood  sac. 

6.  Ovariectomy  does  not  result  in  sustained  activity  of  the  corpora  allata  as 
is  the  case  in  some  other  insect  species. 


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Department  of  Zoology  and  Entomology,   University  of  Tennessee,  Knowillc ,   Tennessee 

A  previous  communication  has  disclosed  that  there  are  a  number  of  components 
in  the  albumen  of  the  avian  egg  which  collectively  are  used  by  the  embryo  in  the 
development  of  somites  (Fraser,  1957).  These  components  were  indicated  to  be 
such  small  molecular  forms  as  glucose,  alanine  and  a  heat-labile  substance.  More- 
over, the  protein  moiety  of  the  albumen  may  possibly  be  used  to  a  limited  extent 
as  well  in  this  function. 

Because  the  yolk  provides  the  natural  environment  of  the  early  chick  blastoderm, 
it  seemed  advisable  to  assay  this  portion  of  the  egg  for  its  nutritional  value  with 
respect  to  the  formation  of  somites.  Studies  by  Needham  (1931)  and  Romanoff 
and  Romanoff  (1949)  have  indicated  that  the  yolk  of  the  avian  egg  is  chemically 
complex,  containing  such  diverse  molecular  species  as  proteins,  phospholipids, 
coenzymes,  amino  acids,  etc. 

It  has  become  apparent  from  many  studies  that  the  embryo  does  not  use  in- 
discriminately all  of  the  materials  made  available  to  it  at  any  one  period  during 
development.  For  example,  the  transitional  nature  of  energy  sources  has  been 
pointed  out  by  Needham  (1950).  Fraser  (1956)  has  shown  that  the  early  blasto- 
derm will  starve  on  a  fat  diet,  although  there  is  much  of  this  food  substance  present 
in  the  unincubated  egg. 

With  respect  to  the  utilization  of  certain  nutrients  for  specific  morphogenetic 
events,  there  exists  but  little  information.  Wilde  (1955)  has  revealed  the  use  of 
various  portions  of  the  phenylalanine  molecule  by  neural  crest  cells  of  the  amphibian 
in  melanogenesis.  Similarly,  the  development  of  the  heart  and  of  the  brain  of  the 
chick  embryo  have  been  shown  to  have  different  sugar  requirements  (Spratt,  1950). 
The  present  paper  represents  an  attempt  to  assay  the  yolk  of  the  chicken  egg  for  its 
nutritional  value,  specifically  in  somite  genesis.  Other  papers  to  follow  will  cover 
other  facets  of  this  morphogenetic  event. 


While  a  few  of  the  eggs  used  in  the  present  investigation  were  from  Rhode 
Island  Red  chickens,  most  were  from  White  Leghorn  hens.  Nutritionally,  the 
two  breeds  appear  equivalent,  although  the  rate  of  development  of  the  former  is 
perceptibly  slower  during  the  earliest  phases  of  embryogenesis.  The  eggs  were 
stored  at  18°  C.  until  incubated,  in  all  instances  within  a  week  after  they  had  been 
layed.  Eggs  were  incubated  at  38.0°  C.,  while  explants  were  cultured  at  37.8°  C. 

1  This  investigation  was  supported  in  part  by  research  grant  G-3486  from  the  National 
Science  Foundation. 



General  methods  for  the  culture  of  the  early  chick  blastoderm  have  been  outlined 
previously  (Spratt,  1947;  Fraser,  1957).  Definitive  primitive  streak  (DPS) 
blastoderms  were  removed  from  the  eggs  following  approximately  21  hours  of 
incubation,  and  placed  on  semi-solid  media.  After  camera  lucida  diagrams  had 
been  made  of  them,  the  embryos  were  incubated  for  a  period  of  22  hours,  after 
which  time  diagrams  were  again  made  for  the  purpose  of  recording  the  extent  of 
development.  The  embryos  were  then  fixed  on  the  gel  with  Gerhard's  fixative 
and  prepared  for  whole  mounts.  Delafield's  hematoxylin  was  used  as  a  stain. 
Greater  accuracy  could  be  obtained  in  counting  somites  in  stained  preparations. 
Approximately  six  hundred  explants  were  cultured  in  the  course  of  this  investigation. 


The  reader  is  referred  to  a  previous  communication  (Fraser,  1957)  for  an  out- 
line of  the  general  procedure  in  preparing  the  media  used  in  this  study. 

Yolk  dialysate.  One  hundred  and  fifty  ml.  of  yolk  from  unincubated  fertile 
eggs  were  dialyzed  against  75  ml.  of  chick  Ringer's  solution  in  cylinders  for  two 
days  at  5°  C.  The  dialysate  was  then  collected  and  stored  under  refrigeration 
until  used. 

Dialyzed  yolk.  One  hundred  ml.  of  whole  yolk  were  dialyzed  in  the  cold  for 
three  days  against  large  volumes  of  the  Ringer's  solution.  Dialysis  proceeded  in 
10-liter  flasks,  the  saline  contents  of  which  were  changed  on  three  occasions.  The 
contents  of  the  casings,  representing  the  large  molecule  fraction  of  whole  yolk,  were 
then  collected  for  use. 

Boiled  dialysate.  Fifty  ml.  of  freshly  prepared  yolk  dialysate  were  gently 
refluxed  for  10  minutes  prior  to  use. 

Ether  partition  of  yolk  dialysate.  Fifty  ml.  of  freshly  prepared  yolk  dialysate 
were  shaken  on  three  occasions  with  15  ml.  of  redistilled  ethyl  ether  in  a  separatory 
funnel.  The  pooled  ether  phases  were  condensed  at  45°  C.  under  vacuum  to  near 
dryness.  Five  ml.  of  chick  Ringer's  were  added  and  the  remaining  ether  was 
distilled.  Ether  was  removed  from  the  aqueous  phase  in  the  same  manner. 

Acid  hydrolysis  of  dialyzed  yolk.  The  preparation  of  amino  acids  by  the  hy- 
drolysis of  dialyzed  whole  yolk  used  in  the  present  study  has  been  described  by 
Block  et  al.  (1958).  Twenty  ml.  of  dialyzed  yolk  were  boiled  under  reflux  with 
40  ml.  of  8  N  sulfuric  acid  for  20  hours.  To  this,  hot  saturated  barium  hydroxide 
was  added  until  a  pH  of  11  had  been  reached.  After  distillation  in  vacua  had 
removed  the  free  ammonia,  the  excess  barium  was  precipitated  by  an  equivalent 
amount  of  1  N  H2SO4.  The  BaSO4  was  centrifuged  off  and  the  supernatant  fluid 
reduced  in  volume  to  dryness.  The  residue  was  then  taken  up  in  10  ml.  of  chick 
Ringer's  solution  for  use. 


Twenty  ml.  of  the  yolk  dialysate,  prepared  as  indicated  above,  were  reduced  in 
volume  to  zero  under  mild  heat  from  an  infra-red  lamp,  and  while  agitated  by  a 
jet  of  air.  The  excess  salt  was  removed  by  solvent  extraction  as  outlined  by 
Harris  (1953).  Drops  of  the  concentrated  aqueous  phase,  following  ether  extrac- 
tion, were  applied  to  Whatman  No.  1  paper,  measuring  18  by  22  inches.  Two- 



dimensional  chromatograms  were  prepared  by  descending  chromatography  with 
water-saturated  phenol  as  the  first  solvent  and  lutidine-collidine- water  (3:1:1  by 
volume)  as  the  second.  After  drying,  the  papers  were  sprayed  with  a  0.1%  nin- 
hydrin  solution  in  95%  ethanol.  On  drying  in  an  oven,  the  spots  that  appeared 
were  compared  with  those  on  the  amino  acid  map  of  Dent  (1948).  Similar  chro- 
matograms were  made  of  the  dialysate  concentrate  following  oxidation  with  hydro- 
gen peroxide,  a  procedure  that  is  necessary  for  the  identification  of  cysteine. 

Figure  1  illustrates  the  identification  of  the  free  amino  acids  in  yolk.  In  all 
there  are  thirteen  such  compounds  readily  distinguishable  by  this  assay  method. 
Spots  numbered  1,  2  and  3  appeared  only  from  a  preparation  following  oxidation. 








glutamic  ospartic 

acid  acid 

lysine       ornithine 


08            0.7 


0.6           O.5            0.4 

0.3            0.2           0-1 

O   Ld 


0    ^ 


FIGURE  1.     Two-dimensional  chromatogram  showing  the  amino  acids  detected 

free  in  yolk  dialysate. 

Grey  colored  spots  indicated  by  numbers  2  and  3  do  not  coincide  with  any  shown 
on  Dent's  map,  and  hence  are  unidentified  at  this  time.  The  presence  of  cysteic 
acid,  however,  indicates  the  presence  of  free  cysteine. 


To  establish  more  precisely  the  requirements  of  the  young  chick  blastoderm 
from  yolk  and  albumen  in  the  formation  of  somites,  a  barium  and  alcohol  frac- 
tionation  of  these  food  sources  was  undertaken.  The  procedure  has  been  indicated 
in  a  general  way  by  Harris  (1953). 

The  pH  of  15  ml.  of  yolk  dialysate  was  brought  to  8.2  by  the  careful  addition 



of  0.1  M  NaOH.  To  this  were  added  2  ml.  of  1  M  Bad,,  the  pH  of  which 
had  previously  been  adjusted  to  8.2.  The  resulting  mixture  was  placed  in  the 
freezing  compartment  of  a  refrigerator  for  30  minutes  and  then  centrifuged.  The 
pellet  was  washed  with  five  drops  of  BaCU  (pH  8.2)  and  then  brought  into  solution 
with  a  small  amount  of  doubly  distilled  water.  To  this  was  added  a  stoichiometric 
amount  of  1  M  Xa2SO4  to  precipitate  all  of  the  barium.  The  resulting  supernatant 
was  retained  as  the  "barium  insoluble"  fraction. 

The  supernatant  from  this  procedure  was  further  fractionated  by  ethanol.  The 
barium-soluble  solution  obtained  was  treated  with  sufficient  molar  sodium  sulfate 
to  precipitate  all  of  the  barium.  The  supernatant  was  reduced  in  volume  to  10  ml. 
and  chilled.  To  this  were  added  40  ml.  of  chilled  absolute  ethyl  alcohol,  thus 
bringing  the  concentration  of  the  alcohol  to  80  per  cent.  After  further  chilling  for 
30  minutes  the  preparation  was  centrifuged,  and  the  pellet  (the  "barium-soluble, 
alcohol-insoluble"  fraction)  was  washed  with  5  drops  of  cold  80  per  cent  ethanol. 
The  supernatant  from  this  fractionation  is  termed  the  "barium-soluble,  alcohol- 
soluble"  fraction. 


Assay  of  barium  and  alcohol  fractions  of  yolk  and  albumen  for  nitrogen  and  phosphorus 


















Barium-soluble,  alcohol-insoluble 







Barium-soluble,  alcohol-soluble 







Whole  dialysate 







The  three  fractions  thus  obtained  were  placed  individually  in  Stender  dishes 
and  the  volume  of  each  reduced  to  zero  with  mild  heat  and  air  agitation.  Excess 
salt  was  removed  and  the  volume  again  reduced  to  zero.  To  each  were  added 
4  ml.  of  chick  Ringer's  solution  and  the  resulting  fractions  set  aside  for  incorpora- 
tion into  media. 

A  similar  fractionation  was  carried  out  on  albumen  dialysate. 



Umbreit  ct  al.  (1949)  have  listed  the  phosphorylated  intermediates  known  to 
be  present  in  the  fractions  derived  from  barium  and  alcohol  treatment.  In  order 
to  determine  the  relative  concentrations  of  the  various  esterified  compounds  in  the 
fractions  used  in  the  test  media,  an  analysis  was  made  on  the  fractions  for  nitrogen 
and  phosphorus. 

The  results  of  such  an  analysis  are  shown  in  Table  I.  Total  phosphorus  was 
determined  by  the  method  given  by  Umbreit  et  al.  (1949)  after  Fiske  and  Sub- 
barow  (1925).  The  nesslerization  method  of  Koch  and  McMeekin  (1924)  for 
nitrogen  was  employed.  Phosphorus  and  nitrogen  determinations  were  made,  as 



indicated  in  the  table,  on  the  whole  dialysate,  the  "barium-insoluble,"  "barium- 
soluble,  alcohol-insoluble,"  and  "barium-soluble,  alcohol-soluble"  fractions.  Prepa- 
rations from  both  yolk  and  egg  white  were  assayed. 


The  contents  of  the  media  used  in  the  present  investigation  are  given  in 
Table  II,  along  with  the  amounts  of  each  expressed  in  milliliters.  Phenol  red, 
in  concentration  of  0.01  per  cent,  was  used  as  an  inside  pH  indicator.  Moreover, 
this  dye  also  serves  by  coloring  the  medium,  thus  making  it  easier  for  the  observer 


Components  of  media  used  in  the  experiments  and  somite  development 
in  ex  planted  chick  embryos 

Aver.  no. 

Test  material 


of  test 









±  stand. 












Whole  yolk 









7.0  ±0.6 

Yolk  dialysate 









7.4  ±0.3 

Dialyzed  yolk 










Dialyzed  yolk  +  glucose 










Boiled  yolk  dialysate 









2.0  ±0.5 

Dialyzed  yolk  hydrolysate 










Dialyzed  yolk  hydrolysate 

+  glucose 









3.2  ±0.5 

Ether-soluble  fraction 










Saline-soluble  fraction 









7.9  ±  0.3 

Free  amino  acids  +  glucose 









2.5  ±  0.3 

Barium-insoluble  fraction  of  yolk 









1.5  ±0.2 

Barium-soluble,  alcohol-insoluble 

fraction  of  yolk 









0.4  ±  0.2 

Barium-soluble,  alcohol-soluble 

fraction  of  yolk 









1.8  ±0.4 

Barium-insoluble  fraction  of 











Barium-soluble,  alcohol-insoluble 

fraction  of  albumen 









2.2  ±  0.5 

Barium  -soluble,  alcohol-soluble 

fraction  of  albumen 









1.0  ±0.3 

*  Twenty-five  ml.  of  whole  or  dialyzed  yolk  were  shaken  with  50  ml.  of  Ringer's.     Twenty  ml.  of  the  froth-free 
liquid  were  decanted  for  use. 

:*  Eight  ml.  of  1%  glucose  plus  20  ml.  of  dialyzed  albumen  prepared  as  above. 

**  Four-fifths  ml.  of  1%  glucose  plus  2  ml.  of  dialyzed  yolk  acid  hydrolysate. 

t  One  ml.  of  a  100  mg.  %  solution  of  each  of  the  13  amino  acids  found  free  in  yolk  dialysate  plus  4  ml.  of  a  2% 
glucose  preparation.     Final  concentrations:  each  amino  acid,  2.5  mg.  %;  glucose,  200  mg.  %. 

ft  The  same  amount  (3.5  ml.)  of  the  barium  and  alcohol  fractions  of  both  yolk  and  albumen  was  used. 

to  see  the  explanted  embryos.  The  preparation  of  the  penicillin-streptomycin 
solution  used  to  prevent  bacterial  growth,  and  the  phosphate  and  bicarbonate 
buffers  has  been  described  previously  (Fraser,  1956).  Throughout  the  period  of 
culture  the  pH  of  the  media  remained  near  7.6.  The  concentration  of  the  agar 
used  in  preparing  the  semi-solid  gels  was  250  mg.%.  The  Ringer's  solution  was 
prepared  in  accordance  with  the  formula  given  by  Spratt  (1947),  with  NaCl 
content  reduced  to  123  millimolar  (Howard,  1953).  In  previous  communications 
(Fraser,  1956,  1957)  the  details  of  preparing  the  media  have  been  given.  When 
the  volume  of  the  medium  was  small,  4  or  8  ml.,  it  was  poured  into  depression 
slides  supported  on  cotton  rings  within  petri  dishes.  The  media  of  larger  volume 
were  placed  in  watch  crystals  held  in  similar  fashion.  The  cotton  rings  supporting 



the  containers  of  media  were  moistened  with  sulfadiazine    (0.25   per  cent)    as  a 
further  precaution  against  microbial  contamination. 


The  development  of  somites  in  DPS  explants  cultured  on  the  media  outlined 
above  for  22  hours  is  given  in  Table  II. 

One  of  the  most  striking  observations  is  that  the  food  materials  used  in  this 
morphogenetic  process  are  present  free  in  the  dialyzable  (small  molecule)  fraction. 

FIGURE  2.  Photograph  of  a  DPS  blastoderm  cultured  for  22  hours  on  dialyzed  whole  yolk. 
Note  absence  of  any  appreciable  development. 

FIGURE  3.  Photograph  of  an  embryo  of  similar  age  cultured  for  22  hours  on  a  medium 
containing  yolk  dialysate.  Note  the  formation  of  somites. 

The  same  was  found  to  be  true  when  the  egg  white  was  assayed  (Fraser,  1957). 
Somites  developing  in  explants  on  the  dialyzable  fraction  of  whole  yolk  were 
equal  in  number  to  those  in  explants  cultured  on  the  yolk  medium  itself.  On  the 
other  hand,  no  somites  formed  in  blastoderms  cultured  on  the  large  molecule 
moiety,  even  when  glucose  was  added  to  the  medium.  This  observation  would 
indicate,  in  contrast  to  the  conclusion  of  Taylor  and  Schechtman  (1949),  that  the 
embryo  in  culture  cannot  use  native  protein  alone  from  either  yolk  or  albumen 


for  early  morphogenesis.  Figures  2  and  3  show  these  results.  Blastoderms  cul- 
tured on  dialyzed  yolk  appear  the  same  as  those  cultured  on  dialyzed  albumen  or 
on  a  saline-agar  (non-nutrient)  medium. 

The  chick  embryo  cultured  in  vitro  can,  however,  use  the  protein  moiety  of 
yolk  following  hydrolysis  of  the  polymers,  when  supplemented  by  glucose  as  an 
energy  source.  This  observation  would  suggest  that  at  this  stage  of  development 
the  embryo  lacks  sufficient  proteolytic  enzymes  for  its  early  morphogenic  require- 
ments, and  relies  almost  entirely  ( if  not  completely )  on  molecules  of  simpler  form 
found  free  in  its  environment. 

There  is,  as  yet,  no  complete  characterization  of  the  small  molecule  nutrients 
used  by  the  chick  blastoderm  for  somite  development.  Ether  fractionation  reveals 
that  all  materials  used  are  in  the  aqueous  phase.  The  inability  of  the  very  early 
embryo  to  use  fat  as  a  substrate  for  development  has  been  noted  previously  ( Eraser, 
1956,  1957).  It  is  equally  true  that  some  of  the  somite-forming  capacity  of  yolk 
dialysate  is  curtailed  by  heat.  A  similar  heat-labile  fraction  has  been  found  in 
albumen  dialysate  (Eraser,  1957).  There  is  further  support  for  the  presence  of 
a  heat-labile  component  in  the  observation  that  somite  development  is  somewhat 
depressed  in  explants  cultured  on  a  medium  containing  all  of  the  amino  acids 
found  free  in  yolk. 

As  one  would  expect,  the  bulk  of  nitrogen,  signifying  the  presence  primarily 
of  amino  acids,  is  found  in  the  barium-  and  alcohol-soluble  fraction  of  both  yolk 
and  albumen.  In  view  of  the  fact  that  there  is  some  development  of  somites  in 
explants  cultured  on  the  amino  acids  detected  in  this  portion  of  the  avian  egg,  it 
is  not  surprising  that  this  fraction  derived  from  barium  and  alcohol  precipitation 
should  yield  a  similar  result.  This  is  borne  out  by  observation. 

There  has  been,  however,  some  dispute  as  to  whether  the  early  chick  blasto- 
derm can  utilize  phosphorylated  carbohydrate  intermediates  for  its  development. 
Needham  and  Nowinski  (1937)  have  come  to  the  conclusion  that  such  substances 
cannot  serve  as  nutrients  for  the  early  chick  embryo.  Novikoff,  Potter  and  Le 
Page  (1948),  on  the  other  hand,  have  demonstrated  the  presence  of  phosphorylated 
intermediates  in  embryonic  chick  homogenate.  Eraser  (1956)  has  reported  the 
presence  of  cytochrome  oxidase  in  blastoderms  as  young  as  the  beginning  streak 
stage.  The  great  importance  of  glucose  in  the  development  of  the  early  chick 
embryo  has  been  repeatedly  demonstrated  (Spratt,  1949;  Eraser,  1954).  More- 
over, unpublished  work  from  this  laboratory  has  indicated  that  only  a  small  portion 
of  carbohydrate  metabolism  in  the  young  avian  embryo  is  directed  through  the 
phosphogluconate  shunt.  It  is  evident,  therefore,  that  unless  some  other,  much 
less  likely,  mechanism  for  sugar  oxidation  exists,  carbohydrate  must  be  handled 
in  the  conventional  phosphorylated  manner.  If  this  assumption  is  true,  we  might 
well  expect  that  phosphorylated  intermediates,  when  offered  to  the  embryos,  would 
be  metabolized.  This  contention  is  borne  out  by  observation  that  somite  develop- 
ment proceeds  to  a  limited  degree  in  explants  cultured  on  media  containing  these 
carbohydrate  phosphate  esters. 

Umbreit  ct  al.  (1949)  have  listed  the  various  phosphorylated  compounds  pre- 
cipitated by  barium  and  alcohol  fractionation.  According  to  them,  most  of  these 
intermediates  in  carbohydrate  metabolism  are  brought  down  in  the  barium-soluble, 
alcohol-insoluble  fraction.  Comparison  of  P/N  ratios  would  indicate  that  such 


fractionation  precipitates  different  compounds  in  albumen  than  in  yolk.  The  wide 
discrepancies  in  phosphate  values  point  to  this  conclusion.  Differences  in  somite 
counts  in  embryos  cultured  on  these  fractions  add  further  support.  Finally,  em- 
bryos were  cultured  on  media  containing  the  barium-soluble,  alcohol-insoluble 
fractions  of  both  yolk  and  albumen  clialy sates  which  had  been  boiled.  No  somites 
formed  in  blastoderms  explanted  on  either  of  these  media.  There  was  no  sup- 
pressing effect,  however,  by  heat  on  the  barium-insoluble  fraction  of  yolk.  We 
might  conclude  from  this,  then,  that  insofar  as  the  development  of  somites  is 
concerned,  the  explanted  chick  embryo  utilizes  at  least  one  different  component 
which  is  present  in  yolk  but  not  in  egg  white. 

Finally,  w7e  should  attempt  to  ans\ver  the  provocative  question  why  it  is  that 
less  than  the  maximal  number  of  somites  form  in  embryos  cultured  on  certain 
media.  Actually  the  total  number  of  somite  pairs  found  in  explants  cultured 
under  optimal  conditions  on  any  yolk  or  albumen  medium  is  somewrhat  less  than 
that  seen  in  embryos  grown  in  ovo  for  a  similar  period  of  time.  We  can  there- 
fore conclude  that  the  in  vitro  culture  technique  falls  short  in  providing  the  embryo 
with  appropriate  environmental  conditions  other  than  of  a  nutritive  nature.  But 
insofar  as  somite  development  in  explanted  embryos  alone  is  concerned,  such  dif- 
ferences must  have  a  nutritional  basis,  since  physical  environmental  conditions  are 
presumably  equivalent. 

The  experiments  in  this  and  the  former  paper  in  this  series  ( Fraser,  1957) 
have  shown  that  the  formation  of  somites  in  the  chick  embryo  cultured  in  vitro 
is  dependent  on  a  number  of  chemical  constituents  in  the  food  supply.  We  might 
therefore  profitably  think  that  a  submaximal  number  of  somites  in  explants  results 
when  one  or  more  of  the  nutritional  requirements  for  the  maximal  formation  is 
lacking.  This  deficiency  may  then  act  to  limit  the  number  of  somites  which  could 
develop  within  a  specified  period  of  time.  It  is  only  when  all  of  the  components 
needed  for  this  morphogenetic  event  are  present  that  the  maximum  number  of 
somites  will  form. 


1.  Definitive   primitive   streak  chick  embryos  have  been  cultured   in   vitro   on 
media  containing  various  fractions  of  whole  yolk.     Other  embryos  were  grown  on 
agar  gels  containing  fractions  derived  by  barium  and  alcohol  fractionation  of  yolk 
and  albumen  dialy sates.     Following  22  hours  of  incubation,  the  blastoderms  were 
mounted  and  examined  for  the  development  of  somites. 

2.  The   nutritional   components   of   whole   yolk   are   all   present    in   the    saline- 
soluble,  dialyzable  moiety,  although  the  embryo  can  use  the  acid  hydrolysate  of 
dialyzed  yolk,  when  accompanied  by  glucose,  for  this  morphogenetic  process. 

3.  The  results,  derived  from  an  assay  of  barium  and  alcohol  fractionation  of 
both  yolk  and  egg  white,  indicate  that  the  early  chick  embryo  can  use,  to  limited 
extent,   certain   phosphate   esters   of   carbohydrates    in   the   formation   of   somites. 
There  appear  to  be  different  phosphorylated  materials  in  yolk  than  in  albumen  used 
by  the  embryo. 

4.  Insofar  as  whole  yolk  utilization  is  concerned  for  the  formation  of  somites, 
there  is  evidence  that  the  chick  embryo  grown  in  vitro  uses:  (1)  glucose,  (2)  the 
amino  acids  found  free  in  yolk,   (3)  a  heat-labile,  uncharacterized  factor,  and   (4) 


certain   phosphorylated   carbohydrate   intermediates.     It   may   also   use,   but   to   a 
very  limited  extent,  the  products  of  proteolysis  of  yolk  proteins. 


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TAYLOR,  K.  M.,  AND  A.  M.  SCHECHTMAN,  1949.  In  ritro  development  of  the  early  chick  embryo 
in  the  absence  of  small  organic  molecules.  /.  E.\'f>.  Zool.,  Ill  :  227-253. 

UMBREIT,  W.  W.,  R.  H.  BURRIS  AND  J.  H.  STAUFFER,  1949.  Manometric  Techniques  and  Tissue 
Metabolism.  Burgess  Pub.  Co.,  Minneapolis. 

WILDE,  C.  E.,  JR.,  1955.  The  urodele  neuroepithelium.  II.  The  relationship  between  phenylal- 
anine  metabolism  and  the  differentiation  of  neural  crest  cells.  /.  Morphol.,  97  :  313- 



Department   of  Biology,    Williams   College,    Williamstown,   Massachusetts,   and   Biiif/liam 
Oceanographic   Laboratory,    Yale    University,    New   Haven,    Connecticut 

The  lactogenic  hormone  (prolactin),  on  account  of  the  complexity  and  diversity 
of  its  functions,  continues  to  excite  speculation  concerning  its  relation  to  changing 
target  organs  during  the  course  of  vertebrate  evolution.  The  role  of  this  hormone 
in  the  promotion  of  lactation  in  mammals,  its  effect  on  the  secretory  activity  of 
the  crop  gland  in  pigeons,  and  its  association  with  certain  aspects  of  parental  care 
in  both  mammals  and  birds  are  well  known.  In  addition,  prolactin  is  thought  to 
act  as  a  hyperglycemic  agent  in  some  higher  vertebrates  and  may  be  important  in 
regulating  various  events  in  the  reproductive  cycle,  such  as  ovulation  and  pro- 
gesterone secretion.  Recently,  Juhn  and  Harris  (1958)  have  shown  that  the 
lactogenic  hormone  may  participate  in  the  production  of  new  plumage  in  birds 
through  stimulation  of  the  feather  papilla. 

The  problem  of  prolactin  in  the  lower  vertebrates  has  been  reviewed  by  Atz 
(in  Pickford  and  Atz,  1957)  with  special  reference  to  fishes.  There  is  con- 
siderable evidence  that  this  hormone  plays  a  physiological  role  in  the  poikilotherms, 
although  direct  evidence  for  its  presence  is  scanty.  Blair  (1946)  found  that 
prolactin  (of  uncertain  purity)  stimulated  the  production  of  new  melanophores  in 
toads,  while  Pickford  and  Kosto  (1957)  have  shown  that  highly  purified  inter- 
medin-free  prolactin  promotes  melanin  synthesis  (but  not  new  pigment  cell  forma- 
tion) in  the  partially  depigmented  melanophores  of  hypophysectomized  killifish, 
Fundulns  hetcroditus.  The  synergic  action  of  prolactin  on  the  melanocyte- 
stimulating  effect  of  intermedin  (new  pigment  cell  formation)  was  also  demonstrated. 
The  acceleration  of  molting  in  prolactin-treated  newts,  Dicmyctylus  (  =  ;Triturus) 
viridesccns,  observed  by  Chadwick  and  Jackson  (1948),  may  have  resulted  from 
stimulation  of  the  endogenous  release  of  thyrotropin  rather  than  to  a  specific  action 
of  prolactin  since  the  recipients  were  not  hypophysectomized.  The  lactogenic 
hormone  stimulates  the  secretion  of  jelly  by  the  oviducts  of  anurans  (de  Allende, 
1939;  Houssay,  1947  and  later  papers  cited  by  Pickford  and  Atz,  1957;  de  Allende 
and  Orias,  1955).  Positive  results  could  be  obtained  even  after  castration  or 
hypophysectomy  and  the  gonadotropins  were  ineffective.  The  gonadotropic  effects 
of  prolactin  on  the  European  newts,  Triton  cristatus  and  T.  alpestris,  and  the 
stimulation  of  sperm  release  in  male  dogfish,  Scyliorhinus  caniculus,  reported  by 
Tuchmann-Duplessis  (1948,  1949)  and  Carlisle  (1954),  respectively,  are  inter- 
esting but  require  further  investigation. 

1  Supported   by   a   research   grant    (A1786   C-l)    from   the   National    Institutes   of   Health, 
U.  S.  Public  Health  Service. 

2  Supported  by  a  grant  from  the  National  Science  Foundation   (NSF  G4001). 


430  W.  C.  GRANT,  JR.  AND  G.  E.  PICKFORD 

A  most  curious  and  interesting  reaction  to  prolactin  was  described  by  Chadwick 
(1940)  in  tbe  immature,  terrestrial  (red  eft)  stage  of  Dicmyctylus  viridcscens. 
The  red  efts  migrated  to  water  within  a  few  days  after  injection  of  the  hormone 
and  developed  the  olive  pigmentation  and  strongly  keeled  tail  of  the  aquatic  adult. 
Similar  results  were  reported  by  Tuchmann-Duplessis  (1949)  in  experiments  with 
immature  terrestrial  stages  of  Tritunts  alpcstris.  In  a  further  study  of  this 
problem,  Grant  and  Grant  (1956,  1958),  using  hypophysectomized  efts  to  exclude 
the  reflex  release  of  other  pituitary  factors,  have  confirmed  that  prolactin  is  directly 
responsible  for  initiating  the  change  in  habitat  preference.  Hypophysectomized 
efts  receiving  intraperitoneal  injections  varying  from  8  to  0.04  mg.  of  highly 
purified  prolactin  (C.  H.  Li)  migrated  to  the  water  compartment  of  the  vivarium 
but  failed  to  develop  the  pigment  and  morphological  characteristics  of  the  complete 
"water-drive  syndrome."  The  total  response  observed  by  Chadwick  must  therefore 
involve  other  hormonal  factors.  In  developing  a  more  decisive  test  for  the  water 
hormone,  Grant  (1958  and  unpublished  data)  has  estimated  that  a  minimum  dose 
of  1.4  jug.  of  prolactin  is  necessary  to  elicit  the  response  in  50%  of  the  hypophysecto- 
mized efts  tested. 

Although  the  indirect  evidence  cited  above  is  strongly  in  favor  of  the  hypothesis 
that  prolactin  plays  a  natural  role  in  the  physiology  of  the  lower  vertebrates,  direct 
evidence  for  the  presence  of  this  hormone  in  the  poikilotherm  pituitary  is  limited 
and  requires  confirmation.  Leblond  and  Noble  (1937),  using  the  pigeon  crop 
test,  obtained  weakly  positive  results  of  an  indecisive  nature  with  pituitary  implants 
of  turtle  (Kinostcrnon  odoratum),  frog  (Rana  pipiens}  and  some  species  of  teleos- 
tean  fishes  (Amciuriis  nebulosus  and  Lepomis  gibbosus)  although  others  were 
negative.  Foglia  (1940)  found  that  pituitaries  of  the  toad,  Bufo  arcnanim, 
stimulated  the  crop  gland  of  the  pigeon.  Carlisle  (in  Medawar,  1953)  reports 
that  dogfish  pituitary  contains  a  factor  which  promotes  lactation  in  the  mammary 
gland,  but  the  presence  of  oxytocin  may  be  suspected.  More  recently  Lehrman  (in 
Pickford  and  Atz,  1957)  has  demonstrated  prolactin-like  activity  in  pollack 
pituitary  brei  (Pollachius  virens)  by  means  of  the  pigeon  crop  test.  However, 
negative  results  were  obtained  with  a  lyophilized  powder  derived  from  hake,  pollack 
and  cod  (Wilhelmi,  Lot  FSOx)  (Lehrman,  personal  communication).  The  data 
of  Fonseca  Ribiero  and  Tabarelli  Neto  (1943),  with  alcohol-preserved  pituitaries 
of  the  teleost  Prochilodns  harti,  depend  on  the  validity  of  the  anuran  oviduct  test. 
Chadwick  (1941),  using  the  red  eft  test,  demonstrated  the  presence  of  a  "water-drive 
factor"  in  the  pituitaries  of  the  toad,  Bufo  americanus,  the  water  snake,  Natrix  sp. 
and  the  chicken.  The  pituitaries  of  two  salamanders  (Plcthodon  mctcalfi  and 
Desmognathus  juscus)  and  of  two  snakes  (Diadophis  sp.  and  Tlianmoplus  sp.) 
gave  negative  results. 

The  present  investigation  was  undertaken  to  obtain  further  information  on  the 
distribution  of  prolactin  among  the  lower  vertebrates.  Pituitary  glands  of  pollack, 
Pollachius  virens,  carp,  Cyprinus  carpio,  and  killifish.  Fittidit/tts  hctcroclitns,  were 
tested  for  the  presence  of  the  water-drive  factor  by  means  of  the  red  eft  test. 


The  pituitary  material  was  collected  and  prepared  by  one  of  us  (G.  E.  P.). 
The  wet  weight  of  an  average  gland  varies  with  the  species,  the  size  of  the  fish,  the 



stage  of  the  reproductive  cycle,  and  possibly  also  the  sex.  In  any  given  sample, 
fishes  of  both  sexes  and  different  size  ranges  were  taken  together  so  that  the 
approximate  number  of  glands  injected  per  eft  is  less  meaningful  than  the  actual 
weight  of  the  material  (Table  I).  In  the  case  of  Fundnlns  it  should  be  noted, 
however,  that  unpublished  data  of  B.  Kosto  have  shown  that  the  mean  weight  of  the 
pituitary  expressed  in  terms  of  body  weight  is  less  in  winter  (sexual  regression) 
than  in  spring.  The  mean  index,  Pituitary  Wt./Fish  Wt.  in  mg.  per  cent  was  0.36 
in  September  and  October,  0.51  in  April.  (Both  sexes  combined,  no  significant  sex 
differences  were  noted.) 

Pollack  (Lots  1,  2,  3,  4)  :  Glands  were  collected  from  fish  in  the  pre-spawning 
condition  at  Wilson's  Beach,  Campobello  Island,  on  June  28,  1954.  Fish  were 
brought  in  in  the  morning  and  the  glands  removed  within  two  hours,  wrapped  in 


Doses  and  calculated  numbers  of  pituitaries  involved  for 
each  lot  of  teleost  material  tested 

Lot  numbers 

Number  of  test 
animals  each  lot 

Total  dose 
in  mg. 

Approx.  number  of 
donor  pituitaries 
per  dose 

Pollack  :  No.  1 







No.  2,  4* 







No.  3 







Carp:  No.  5,  6,  7* 







Fundulus:  No.  9 







No.  10 







No.  11 







No.  12 




*  Each  sample  tested  with  same  numbers  of  efts. 

"Parafilm"  in  lots  of  5  glands  each,  and  frozen  immediately.  After  four  years 
storage  in  a  closed  can  in  the  deep  freezer,  it  was  found  from  their  appearance  that 
many  of  the  glands  were  partially  desiccated.  The  average  weight  was  approxi- 
mately 50%  of  the  expected  wet  weight  (ca.  20  mg.).  Therefore,  in  making  up 
dilutions  for  comparison  with  carp  and  Fundulus  pituitaries  (not  semi-desiccated) 
it  was  assumed  that  100  mg.  =  200  mg.  wet  weight.  Pollack  glands  were  weighed 
in  lots  of  ca.  100  mg.  and  homogenized  in  2  ml.  of  0.6%  NaCl.  The  brei  was  kept 
frozen  until  used.  Carp  (Lots  5,  6,  7)  :  The  glands  were  taken  from  fish  collected 
in  the  Connecticut  River  on  October  22,  1957.  Although  late  in  the  season,  some 
of  the  males  had  flowing  sperm  and  many  of  the  females  had  well-developed  ovaries. 
After  eight  months  storage  in  closed  vials  in  the  deep  freezer  the  glands  were 
weighed  in  lots  of  200  mg.  each  (9-12  glands)  and  homogenized,  as  in  the  case  of 
the  pollack  material,  in  2  ml.  of  0.6%  NaCl. 

432  W.  C.  GRANT,  JR.  AND  G.  E.  PICKFORD 

Fundulus  (Lot  9)  :  A  total  of  1700  glands  weighing  199.5  mg.  was  prepared 
from  freshly  captured  fish  collected  near  New  Haven,  Connecticut,  in  October  and 
November,  1957,  plus  a  few  from  aquarium-kept  fish  of  the  same  batch  killed  in 
December,  1957.  All  were  in  a  state  of  complete  sexual  regression.  The  material 
was  frozen  in  closed  vials  to  prevent  desiccation.  The  brei  was  prepared  seven 
months  later ;  homogenization  was  difficult,  probably  on  account  of  the  tough  neural 
processes  and  diminished  glandular  material  at  this  season  of  the  year,  but  a  smooth 
homogenate  was  finally  prepared  and  diluted  to  2  ml.  in  0.6%  NaCl. 

(Lot  10)  :  The  greater  part  of  the  material  (280  glands)  was  taken  from  pre- 
spawning  fish  captured  near  New  Haven,  Connecticut,  ca.  May  1,  1955  and  kept 
up  to  ten  days  in  the  laboratory;  80  glands  from  freshly  captured,  early  spawning 
fish  caught  June  7-8,  1955,  were  added  to  bring  the  total  to  the  required  weight. 
The  material  was  stored  for  two  years  in  closed  vials  in  the  deep  freezer  and  the 
brei  was  prepared  in  the  usual  manner  from  a  total  of  360  glands  weighing  195.5  mg. 

(Lot  11)  :  Two  hundred  glands  weighing  197.5  mg.  taken  from  freshly  captured 
fish  at  the  beginning  of  the  spawning  season,  June  7-8,  1955,  were  prepared  as 
described  above. 

(Lot  12)  :  Three  hundred  and  twenty  glands  weighing  129.0  mg.  taken  from 
freshly  captured  fish  during  the  period  of  sexual  regression  in  September  and 
October,  1955  and  kept  frozen  for  two  and  one-half  years  in  closed  vials  were 
homogenized  in  1.3  ml.  of  0.6%  NaCl  so  that  the  concentration  was  equivalent  to 
that  used  in  the  preceding  samples. 

In  addition  to  the  above  material,  tests  were  conducted  on  a  lyophilized  prepara- 
tion (Wilhelmi,  Lot  FSOx)  derived  from  a  mixture  of  hake,  pollack  and  cod.  The 
bulk  of  the  glands  were  taken  from  hake  (Urophycis  tennis)  in  post-spawning 
condition.  The  material  was  collected  at  Wilson's  Beach,  Campobello  Island,  New 
Brunswick,  in  the  summer  of  1952. 

A  number  of  efts  collected  near  Petersham,  Massachusetts  in  August  and  Sep- 
tember, 1958  were  hypophysectomized  and  kept  for  a  period  of  two  weeks  before 
treatment.  The  animals  varied  in  weight  from  0.63  to  1.48  gm.  and  all  were 
considered  to  be  well  removed  from  the  naturally  occurring  water-drive  phase  of 
their  life  cycle.  Each  animal  received  intraperitoneal  injections  on  each  of  two 
separate  days  of  fish  pituitary  brei  delivered  at  a  standard  volume  of  either  0.1  ml. 
or  0.2  ml.  per  injection.  After  the  first  injection  the  efts  were  placed  in  containers 
with  a  land  and  a  water  area  and  the  time  of  their  migration  to  water  was  noted. 
Changes  in  weight  and  length  during  a  period  of  four  weeks  after  the  first  injection 
were  recorded  in  most  instances.  The  data  for  the  doses  administered  and  the 
calculated  number  of  pituitaries  involved  are  given  in  Table  I. 


The  results  of  the  above  experiments  are  summarized  in  Table  II. 

(a)  Tests  with  pollack:  Most  animals  tested  with  pollack  pituitary  failed  to 
show  the  water-drive  response.  In  all  respects  they  appeared  as  non-treated  hy- 
pophysectomized efts,  their  skin  dark  and  dry  as  layers  of  cornified  epithelium  built 
up  in  the  absence  of  normal  molting  factors  presumably  involving  TSH.  Two  ani- 
mals receiving  brei  from  Lot  1  gave  a  partial  response.  Their  skin  sloughed  off  in 
rough  patches  and  the  efts  entered  water  at  irregular  intervals,  remaining  there  for 



several  hours  at  a  time.  One  animal,  however,  treated  with  Lot  4  material,  gave  a 
positive  reaction  by  assuming  the  water  habitat  for  a  period  of  a  week,  during 
which  time  all  of  the  old  cornified  epithelium  sloughed  off  revealing  the  smooth, 
non-granular  skin  characteristic  of  the  aquatic  phase.  Changes  in  weight  and  length 
were  erratic  but  some  individuals  (8)  undoubtedly  grew  slightly. 

(b)   Tests  with  carp:   Fourteen  out  of  the   18  individuals  treated  with  carp 
pituitary  gave  a  positive  response  on  an  average  of  about  ten  days  following  the 


Results  of  water  drive  studies  following  treatment  of  efts  with 
various  teleost  pituitary  preparations 

Donor  material 
and  lot  numbers 

No.  test 

Wt.  change 
per  cent 
4  weeks 

per  cent 
4  weeks 


Days  to 



Fundulus  (post- 


Lot  No.  9 


5  (1  dead) 



not  recorded 

Lot  No.  12 





Fundulus  (chiefly 


Lot  No.  10 


+  7.41 

+  6.35 




Fundulus  (early 


Lot  No.  11 


not  recorded 



Pollack  (pre- 


Lot  No.  1 


loss  and  gain 

2  (partial) 


Lot  No.  2 


loss  and  gain 



Lot  No.  3 


loss  and  gain 



Lot  No.  4 


loss  and  gain 




Carp  (late 


Lot  No.  5 



+  4.46 




Lot  No.  6 


5  (1  dead) 


Lot  No.  7 




5  (1  dead) 


F80x  Wilhelmi— 

lyophilized  hake, 

pollack,  cod 


not  recorded 









*See  Table  I. 
f  See  text. 

initial  injection  and  remained  in  water  for  periods  of  from  two  to  three  weeks.  The 
four  unresponsive  individuals  may  be  discounted.  Two  receiving  Lot  5  brei  failed 
to  give  even  a  partial  response,  but  one  of  these  was  poorly  injected  so  that  some  of 
the  preparation  was  lost,  while  the  second  individual  was  suffering  from  an  acute 
fungus  infection.  An  additional  two  animals  died  shortly  after  the  second  injection, 
before  any  response  could  have  been  expected.  The  efts  showed  a  mean  in- 
crease in  weight  and  length.  All  animals  molted  normally. 

434  W.  C.  GRANT,  JR.  AND  G.  E.  PICKFORD 

(c)  Tests  with  Fimduhis:  Injection  of  pituitary  brei  from  fish  in  sexual  regres- 
sion (Lots  9  and  12)  yield  positive  results  in  all  animals  tested,  with  the  exception 
of  one  which  died  shortly  after  the  first  injection.  The  animals  went  to  water 
between  eight  and  nine  days  after  their  first  treatment  and  molted  normally.  It  is 
interesting  to  note  that  Lot  10,  largely  prepared  from  laboratory-kept  animals  in 
the  early  pre-spawning  condition,  also  gave  positive  results,  while  tests  with  Lot  11 
brei  from  spawning  animals  were  entirely  negative.  Efts  receiving  Lot  10  increased 
significantly  in  weight  and  length ;  the  other  preparations  were  not  studied  in 
respect  to  the  growth  response.  Animals  receiving  Lot  11  molted  regularly,  in- 
dicating that  the  preparation  contained  at  least  some  endocrine  activity. 

Injections  of  the  lyophilized  preparation  FSOx  gave  negative  results  in  all 
animals  tested. 

Controls  remained  in  the  terrestrial  phase,  did  not  molt,  lost  weight  and  showed 
no  change  in  length. 


These  tests  present  convincing  evidence  that  a  prolactin-like  substance  is  a 
naturally  occurring  factor  in  the  pituitary  glands  of  teleost  fishes.  Carp  brei 
(Lots  5,  6,  7)  gave  a  positive  response  as  did  material  prepared  from  Fundulus 
(Lots  9,  10,  12)  in  the  pre-  and  post-spawning  conditions.  The  nature  of  this 
response  indicates  that  this  material,  administered  in  doses  of  10  or  20  mg.,  con- 
tained lactogenic  hormone  well  above  the  estimated  threshold  of  1 .4  ^g.  for  initiation 
of  the  water-drive  response.  That  there  was  no  apparent  difference  in  the  nature 
and  time  of  response  between  animals  receiving  10  and  20  mg.  of  brei  agrees  with 
Grant  (unpublished  data)  who  has  shown  that  at  or  above  the  3  /Jig.  level  total 
response  can  be  expected  in  all  efts  treated,  provided  they  are  in  a  healthy  condition. 

One  of  the  animals  receiving  pollack  preparations  showed  positive  water-drive, 
while  two  others  gave  a  partial  reaction.  Although  the  response  was  very  weak  in 
this  case,  the  presence  of  prolactin  in  small  amounts  is  indicated.  This  is  in  agree- 
ment with  the  work  of  Lehrman  (in  Pickford  and  Atz,  1957)  who  obtained  positive 
results  with  pollack  brei  on  the  pigeon  crop  test.  Both  the  present  series  of  tests 
and  those  of  Lehrman's  gave  negative  results  with  the  lyophilized  powder  FSOx. 

The  fact  that  pituitaries  taken  from  animals  near  the  end  of  the  spawning  season 
and  from  those  in  the  post-spawning  condition,  gave  the  strongest  response  is  in- 
teresting. Lot  11  brei  from  early  spawning  killifish  gave  negative  results  while 
pollack  brei  from  pre-spawning  animals  produced  a  very  weak  response.  In  the 
latter  case  the  possibility  of  deterioration  of  the  sample,  which  was  partially  de- 
hydrated after  four  years'  storage  in  the  deep  freezer,  cannot  be  excluded,  but  the 
glands  taken  from  Fundulus  in  June,  1958  are  believed  to  have  been  in  perfect 
condition.  Further  experiments  are  needed  to  exclude  a  possible  unexplained 
deterioration  of  the  sample.  These  tests  may  indicate  a  seasonal  depletion  in  pro- 
lactin associated  with  the  reproductive  cycle,  but  the  results  are  not  decisive.  Nega- 
tive results  with  the  lyophilized  powder,  chiefly  from  post-spawning  hake,  conflict 
with  this  hypothesis. 


It  has  been  demonstrated,  by  means  of  the  red  eft  water-drive  test,  that  a 
prolactin-like  hormone  is  present  in  the  hypophysis  of  teleostean  fishes.  Pituitary 


extracts  from  late  spawning  carp  (Cyprinus  car  pi  o}  and  pre-  or  post-spawning 
killifish  (Fundulus  heteroclitus}  gave  a  positive  response  in  all  instances.  Pollack 
pituitary  brei  (Pollachius  virens]  from  pre-spawning  fishes  gave  only  a  weak  re- 
sponse, and  wholly  negative  results  were  obtained  with  an  extract  of  Fundulus 
pituitary  glands  from  fish  taken  at  the  beginning  of  the  spawning  season.  While 
these  data  suggest  a  possible  period  of  depletion  during  the  early  spawning  phase  of 
the  sexual  cycle,  the  findings  require  confirmation.  The  experiments  also  demon- 
strated that  the  pituitary  of  the  three  species  investigated  contains  a  growth- 
promoting  factor  and  a  molting  hormone,  presumably  somatotropin  and  thyrotropin, 


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BLAIR,  A.  P.,  1946.     The  effects  of  various  hormones  on  primary  and  secondary  sex  characters 

of  juvenile  Bufo  jotvlcri.     J.  Exp.  Zool.,  103 :  365-400. 
CARLISLE,  D.  B.,   1954.     The  effect  of  mammalian  lactogenic  hormone  on  lower  chordates.     /. 

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CHADWICK,  C.  S.,  1940.     Identity  of  prolactin  with  water  drive  factor  in  Triturus  viridcsccns. 

Proc.  Soc.  Exp.  Biol.  Mcd.,  45 :  335-337. 
CHADWICK,  C.  S.,  1941.     Further  observations  on  the  water  drive  in  Tritnrus  viridcsccns.     II. 

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CHADWICK,  C.  S.,  AND  H.  R.  JACKSON,  1948.     Acceleration  of  skin  growth  and  molting  in  the 

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FOGLIA,  V.  G.,  1940.     Accion  de  la  hipofisis  del  sapo  Bufa  arenarum  Hensel  sobre  el  el  buche 

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Micr.  Morph.  Exp.,  38:  302-317. 





Department  of  Zoology,  Miami   University,   Oxford,   Ohio 

This  is  the  third  paper  dealing  with  investigations  of  the  developmental  charac- 
teristics of  chick  blastoderms  incubated  in  ovo  for  extended  periods  at  25°  C.  Pre- 
vious papers  (Harrison  and  Klein,  1954 ;  Harrison,  1957)  reported  on  the  formation 
and  dispersal  of  the  primitive  streak  during  low  temperature  incubation,  and  on  a 
differential  sensitivity  between  neurogenesis  and  heart  formation  to  low  temperature 

Depending  upon  the  length  of  exposure  to  the  low  temperature,  morphologically 
different  blastoderms  occur.  The  primitive  streak  forms  but  subsequently  dis- 
perses in  a  posterio-anterior  direction.  Blastoderms  containing  partial  streaks  are 
called  the  "diffuse  streak"  type.  As  dispersal  progresses  blastoderms  retaining 
only  the  node  result.  These  are  called  "node"  blastoderms.  With  continued  in- 
cubation dispersal  of  the  node  occurs  to  yield  the  "diffuse  node"  type  and  finally 
blastoderms  are  formed  which  are  devoid  of  axiation,  the  "anidian-like"  blastoderms. 

Interest  in  the  present  work  resulted  from  a  discrepancy  in  previous  data 
(Harrison,  1957)  which  reported  the  adaptation  of  in  vitro  culture  methods  to 
the  study  of  the  low  temperature  blastoderms.  Following  incubation  at  25°  C. 
for  10  to  14  days,  the  blastoderms  were  removed,  transected  and  cultured  on  a 
yolk-albumen  medium.  The  percentage  of  explants  developing  normally  after  10 
days  exposure  was  lower  than  that  for  explants  exposed  for  11  days.  The  sigmoid 
curve  was  not  expected  and  did  not  agree  with  data  published  in  1954  (Harrison 
and  Klein).  A  possible  explanation  seemed  to  be  a  variation  in  technique  as  the 
experiments  progressed.  The  original  method  of  transecting  blastoderms  was  that 
followed  by  Spratt  (1947b)  in  which  he  cut  blastoderms  approximately  0.2  mm. 
behind  the  primitive  pit.  This  procedure  was  followed  in  the  early  experiments 
but  very  soon  the  level  of  the  cut  was  shifted  posteriorly  near  the  junction  of  the 
area  pellucida  and  area  opaca.  The  developmental  capacity  of  explants  which 
retained  more  of  the  primitive  streak  area  appeared  to  be  better  at  that  time  and 
the  procedure  was  subsequently  followed  in  the  experiments. 

The  present  work  reports  on  the  attempt  to  determine  if  there  is  a  significant 
difference  in  developmental  potency  of  blastoderms  transected  at  different  levels. 
Due  to  the  higher  developmental  potency  of  the  diffuse  streak  blastoderms  as  op- 
posed to  the  other  degenerate  types,  this  form  was  used.  Since  transection  re- 

1  This  investigation  was  supported  by  a  research  grant  (B-789)  from  the  National  Institute 
of  Neurological  Diseases  and  Blindness,  Public  Health  Service. 

-  The  author  wishes  to  express  his  appreciation  to  Margaret  Ann  Berry  and  Carol 
Crumbaker  for  their  interest  and  contributions  to  the  work  as  assistants  on  the  project. 



moves  both  epiblast  and  hypoblast,  data  are  presented  to  show  the  effect  of  the 
removal  of  posterior  hypoblast. 


Fertile  eggs  were  obtained  locally  from  a  two-year-old  flock  of  White  Rock 
chickens  during  the  period  June,  1956  through  October,  1957.  A  total  of  567 
eggs  was  used  and  showed  a  fertility  rate  of  83%.  All  eggs  were  less  than  24 
hours  old  when  placed  in  incubators,  to  minimize  effects  from  storage.  Incubation 
was  carried  out  in  two  identical  forced-draft,  thermostatically  controlled  incubators 
having  a  relative  humidity  of  75  ±  5.0%.  For  low  temperature  incubation,  the 
incubator  was  kept  in  a  walk-in  cold  room  with  a  temperature  of  18°  C.,  which 
permitted  maintenance  of  an  incubation  temperature  of  25°  ±  0.5°  C.  The  control 
incubator  was  maintained  at  the  normal  incubation  temperature  of  37.5°  ±  0.5°  C. 

In  all  instances  the  period  of  low-temperature  incubation  was  9  days.  On  the 
basis  of  previous  work  (Harrison  and  Klein,  1954;  Harrison,  1957),  this  particu- 
lar period  was  selected  as  being  one  which  would  yield  a  high  percentage  of 
blastoderms  containing  diffuse  primitive  streaks.  Of  390  fertile  eggs  which  were 
incubated  for  9  days  at  25°  C.,  238  (61%)  contained  blastoderms  with  the  diffuse 

The  Petri-dish  technique  of  tissue  culture  developed  by  Fell  and  Robinson 
(1929)  and  subsequently  modified  by  Spratt  (1947a)  was  used  and  is  fully  de- 
scribed elsewhere  (Spratt,  1947b;  Harrison,  1957).  For  the  culture  medium  a 
yolk-albumen-saline-agar  mixture  was  used.  This  was  prepared  under  sterile 
conditions  by  adding  the  contents  of  one  unincubated  egg  to  100  cm.3  of  Ringer 
solution.3  This  mixture  was  shaken  thoroughly  and  decanted  to  centrifuge  tubes 
in  such  a  manner  as  to  leave  the  larger  masses  of  albumen  behind.  The  fluid  was 
centrifuged  for  one  hour  at  825  g.  Twenty  cubic  centimeters  of  the  yolk-albumen 
supernatant  were  added  to  a  sterilized  mixture  of  20  cm.3  of  Ringer  solution,  1  cm.3 
of  indicator  solution  (0.02  gm.  phenol  red/100  cm.3  solution),  and  200  mgm.  of 
Bacto  Agar  which  had  been  cooled  to  30°-40°  C.  After  mixing,  CO2  was  added 
by  blowing  through  a  sterile  pipette  with  a  cotton  plug.  One  cubic  centimeter  of 
the  medium  was  pipetted  into  each  culture  watch  crystal.4  The  pH  of  the  final 
medium  varied  from  7.4  to  8.1.  Appropriate  explants  were  placed  on  this  medium 
and  incubated  at  37.5°  C.  for  two  days.  At  the  termination  of  incubation,  the 
morphology  and  degree  of  development  of  the  blastoderms  were  recorded.  They 
were  then  fixed  in  Bouin's  solution.  All  explants  were  sectioned,  stained  with 
Delafield's  hematoxylin,  and  counterstained  with  eosin. 

In  ovo  controls 

Two  types  of  in  ovo  controls  were  used  to  determine  the  developmental  potency 
of  the  intact  blastoderms  as  opposed  to  those  removed  from  the  yolk.  In  the  first 
type,  21  eggs  were  incubated  for  two  days  at  37.5°  C.  Of  these,  16  were  fertile 

s  NaCl,  0.9 ;  KC1,  0.042 ;  CaCl2,  0.024  gm.  per  100  cm.3  solution. 

4  The  yolk-albumen  medium  was  prepared  fresh  each  morning  of  the  day  in  which  ex- 
plantations  were  made.  Storage  of  culture  plates  reduced  the  success  of  explantations. 



and  15  or  93.8%  produced  normal  embryos.  From  this  particular  flock  of  chickens, 
fertile  eggs  develop  normally  for  the  first  two  days  in  better  than  90%  of  the  cases. 
In  the  second  type  107  fertile  eggs  were  incubated  for  9  days  at  25°  C.  followed 
by  incubation  for  two  days  at  37.5°  C.  Fifty-one  of  these  (47.7%)  produced 
normal  embryos.  This  potency  for  normal  development  was  not  as  high  as  pre- 
viously reported  (Harrison  and  Klein,  1954).  In  the  earlier  work  one  group  of 
10  eggs  was  pretreated  for  10  days  at  25°  C.  Ninety  per  cent  of  the  eggs  produced 
normal  embryos.  In  the  present  work,  1 1  groups  of  eggs  were  set,  and  the  highest 
percentage  of  normal  development  for  any  group  was  83.3%  and  the  lowest  was 
0.0%  normal  development.  The  average  of  47.7%  is  comparable  to  that  obtained 
in  1957  (Harrison)  and  is  more  indicative  of  the  true  developmental  potency  of 
eggs  exposed  at  25°  C.  and  subsequently  incubated  at  37.5°  C.  in  ovo.  The 
present  control  groups  consisted  of  5  to  26  eggs  and  represent  a  much  better 
sampling  than  did  the  1954  group.  Differences  between  the  groups,  in  terms  of 
susceptibility  to  the  low  temperature  exposure,  seem  to  be  the  result  of  individual 
variations  in  eggs. 





I  mm. 

FIGURE  1.     Morphology  of  a  typical  diffuse  streak  blastoderm  resulting  from 

incubation  for  9  days  at  25°  C. 

Variations  in  level  of  blastoderm  transection 

To  determine  whether  or  not  the  amount  of  streak  which  remained  in  a 
transected  blastoderm  affected  its  in  vitro  development,  a  series  of  experiments 
was  performed  transecting  the  blastoderm  at  different  levels  of  the  primitive  streak 
behind  the  node.  In  all  instances  the  blastoderms  used  were  those  previously 
classified  as  "diffuse  streak."  Figure  1  represents  a  typical  diffuse  streak  blasto- 
derm. In  general,  the  area  pellucida  tends  to  be  elliptical  rather  than  narrow  at 
the  posterior  portion  as  in  normal  definitive  streak  blastoderms.  The  posterior 
portions  of  the  streak  are  no  longer  visible,  indicating  a  posterio-anterior  gradient 
of  streak  dispersal.  The  anterior  end  of  the  primitive  streak  remains  but  does 
not  contain  a  clearly  defined  primitive  pit  area.  Vacuolation  has  occurred  in  the 
area  pellucida  and  frequently  is  more  pronounced  than  shown  in  the  figure.  How- 
ever, the  degree  of  vacuolation  is  not  correlated  with  ability  to  continue  normal 



In  preparation  for  explantation,  blastoderms  were  removed  from  eggs  exposed 
to  the  low  temperature.  The  morphology  was  determined  and  diffuse  streak  area 
was  measured  from  the  anterior  rim  of  the  primitive  node  posteriorly  to  the  edge 
of  the  area  pellucida  with  an  ocular  micrometer.  A  transverse  cut  was  made  at 
the  desired  level  with  two  finely  ground  steel  needles.  Excess  area  opaca  was 
trimmed  from  the  anterior  piece  following  the  method  of  Spratt  (1947b).  The 
length  of  the  streak  in  the  anterior  piece  was  re-measured,  and  it  was  then  placed 
on  the  culture  medium  using  a  wide-mouth  medicine  dropper.  Excess  Ringer 
solution  was  removed  with  a  fine  pipette. 


Summary  of  results  with  transected  diffuse  streak  blastoderms 
incubated  in  vitro  for  two  days 

In  vitro  development  of  the  explants 

Explants  containing  from  node  to 

Explants  containing  from  50%  to 

49%  of  the  primitive  streak 

100%  of  the  primitive  streak 



























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—  1   *- 


•3  i 







_  1 







E  ° 


E  > 






E  "* 












































































































































































Totals  13 








Table  I  summarizes  the  results  of  these  explants  after  two  days  of  incubation 
at  37.5°  C.  One  hundred  and  six  diffuse  streak  blastoderms  were  transected  and 
the  anterior  portions  explanted  to  the  yolk-albumen  medium.  Thirty  of  the  ex- 
plants  included  only  the  primitive  node  region  or  up  to  49%  of  the  primitive  streak. 
Seventy-six  of  the  explants  retained  from  50%  to  100%  of  the  primitive  streak 
tissue.  Of  the  explants  retaining  49%  or  less  of  the  primitive  streak  tissue  only 
6.7%  developed  normally  and  60%  showed  no  development  during  the  period  of 
incubation.  The  remaining  33.3%  were  classified  as  abnormal  embryos.  These 
are  embryos  which  are  normal  in  at  least  one  morphological  system,  i.e.,  nervous, 
circulatory  (heart  and/or  vitelline  vessels),  closed  gut  or  notochord,  as  revealed 



by  histological  examination  of  serial  sections.  As  opposed  to  these,  explants  which 
had  no  discernible  embryonic  systems  or  which  lacked  at  least  one  normal  system 
were  classified  as  "no  development." 

In  contrast,  explants  which  retained  from  50%  to  100%  of  the  streak  tissue 
developed  normally  in  30.3%  of  the  cases.  Forty-six  per  cent  of  the  explants  were 
classified  as  abnormal  and  23.7%  showed  no  development.  This  developmental 
difference  proved  to  be  significant  when  a  coefficient  of  correlation  was  made  for 
variation  between  individual  experiments  as  opposed  to  occurrence  of  develop- 
mental types.  Comparison  of  normals,  abnormals  and  those  showing  no  devel- 
opment for  explants  with  49%  or  less  of  the  primitive  streak  gave  an  F- value 
significant  at  the  0.1%  level  (F2oA5',  n\  —  2,  n2  =  15).  The  same  comparison 








jjj  NODE- 49% 
;li;  50-100% 

-  Wff: 1 













FIGURE  2.     Comparison  of  explant  development  in  relation  to  amount  of  primitive 

streak  tissue  present. 

for  explants  retaining  50%  to  100%  of  the  primitive  streak  was  not  significant. 
Differences  in  the  percentages  of  the  developmental  types  were  a  factor  of  chance 
rather  than  the  result  of  transecting  the  embryo.  The  developmental  potency  of 
transected  embryos  is  enhanced  when  the  level  of  transection  is  such  that  the  explants 
retain  more  than  50%  of  the  primitive  streak  tissue. 

Figure  2  summarizes  material  contained  in  Table  I.  The  trend  in  develop- 
mental types  shown  by  explants  containing  49%  or  less  of  the  primitive  streak 
tissue  is  significant  at  the  1%  level  (-F5.066;  n\  =  4,  w2  =  25)  and  the  trend  for 
explants  with  50-100%  of  the  primitive  streak  is  significant  at  the  0.1%  level 
(-^7.798;  n\  =  4,  w2  =  50).  Explants  which  possess  a  normal  brain  are  normal 
with  respect  to  all  other  systems.  Consequently  the  percentage  given  is  the  same 



for  those  classified  normal.  The  difference  between  this  percentage  and  the  per- 
centage of  explants  showing  no  development  is  6.6%  for  explants  containing 
50-100%  of  the  primitive  streak.  For  explants  retaining  49%  or  less  of  the  primi- 
tive streak,  the  same  percentage  difference  is  53.3%.  This  striking  contrast  in 
developmental  potency  between  the  two  types  of  explants  is  significant,  since  both 
of  the  over-all  trends  are  significant,  and  illustrates  the  necessity  of  including  pos- 
terior portions  of  the  primitive  streak  in  explants. 

Removal  of  posterior  hypoblast 

Establishment  of  the  importance  of  the  posterior  portion  of  the  primitive  streak 
region  for  development  of  explants  posed  the  problem  as  to  whether  or  not  the 
hypoblast  of  this  region  was  the  stimulating  tissue.  In  an  attempt  to  answer  this 
the  following  experiments  were  performed.  Low-temperature  blastoderms  were 

I  mm. 

FIGURE  3.     Preparation  of  diffuse  streak  blastoderm  for  explantation  in  hypoblast  removal 

experiments.     See  text  for  discussion. 

removed  from  eggs  and  diffuse  streak  blastoderms  were  selected  for  explantation. 
The  most  successful  operative  steps  were  as  follows.  Excess  area  opaca  was  re- 
moved from  around  the  entire  area  pellucida.  The  length  of  the  primitive  streak 
tissue  was  measured  from  the  anterior  edge  of  the  primitive  node  posteriorly  to 
the  edge  of  the  area  pellucida.  The  blastoderm  was  then  inverted  and  the  meas- 
urement checked  from  the  ventral  surface.  With  finely  ground  steel  needles  the 
hypoblast  was  cut  at  right  angles  to  the  streak  axis  approximately  at  a  level  which 
would  leave  37%  of  the  primitive  streak  tissue  anterior  to  the  cut.  This  is  shown 
in  Figure  3  by  the  anterior  margin  of  the  stippled  area.  This  transverse  cut  was 
continued  posteriorly  and  parallel  to  the  primitive  streak  axis  at  each  edge  to  the 
junction  of  the  areas  pellucida  and  opaca.  This  flap  of  hypoblast  was  peeled  back 
by  gently  teasing  with  the  needles.  Removal  of  the  hypoblast  was  most  difficult 



in  the  streak  region  where  it  had  an  intimate  fusion  with  the  tissue  of  the  epiblast. 
The  operation  was  completed  by  making  a  transverse  cut  across  the  entire  tissue 
at  a  level  which  left  approximately  75%  of  the  primitive  streak  epiblast  intact. 
The  explant  was  transferred  to  the  culture  medium. 

Figure  3  summarizes  schematically  the  steps  involved  in  preparing  a  blasto- 
derm for  explantation.  The  solid  line  indicates  the  method  of  trimming  the  blasto- 
derm to  remove  the  excess  area  opaca.  The  stippled  area  represents  the  portion 
of  the  hypoblast  that  is  removed.  The  cross-hatched  area  is  discarded  after  tran- 
section,  leaving  approximately  75  %  of  the  primitive  streak  tissue  in  the  anterior 
blastoderm  portion  to  be  explanted.  Essentially  the  explant  retains  75  %  of  the 
original  streak  area  from  which  about  half  of  the  underlying  hypoblast  is  removed 
to  leave  approximately  37%  of  the  original  hypoblast  intact. 

Summary  of  results  in  the  hypoblast  removal  experiments 

In  vitro  development  of  explants  during  two 

days  of  incubation  at  37.5°  C. 

Explants  with  hypoblast 

Explants  with  hypoblast 


intact:  Controls 











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E  " 






























































































































































Totals    9 








The  decision  to  transect  the  blastoderms  at  a  level  which  would  leave  approxi- 
mately 75%  of  the  primitive  streak  area  intact  was  based  on  the  foregoing  experi- 
ments dealing  with  level  of  cut.  And  in  this  present  series  of  experiments  a  control 
group  consisted  of  blastoderms  with  the  excess  area  opaca  removed  and  transected 
so  that  about  75  %  of  the  primitive  streak  area  remained  intact.  The  only  difference 
was  that  the  hypoblast  was  left  intact. 

Eighty-three  explantations  were  made.  In  33  of  these  hypoblast  was  removed, 
and  the  remaining  50  were  controls.  The  nature  of  the  development  of  these  ex- 
plants  during  two  days  of  incubation  at  37.5°  C.  is  summarized  in  Table  II.  Ex- 
amination of  serial  sections  of  explants  from  which  the  hypoblast  was  removed 



showed  that  in  all  instances  the  hypoblast  reconstituted  during  the  two  day  incuba- 
tion period. 

The  information  in  Table  II  is  summarized  in  Figure  4.  The  information  in 
the  graph  was  analyzed  for  coefficient  of  correlation  to  see  if  the  trends  in  develop- 
ment types  for  both  kinds  of  explant  were  significant.  The  trend  as  seen  in  the 
graph  for  development  of  explants  with  hypoblast  removed  is  significant  at  the  0.1% 
level  (-F7. 121;  %  ==  4,  n^  --  30).  The  F-value  for  analysis  of  the  trend  in  develop- 
ment of  explants  with  hypoblast  intact  is  significant  at  the  1%  level  (F3.5S7 ;  MI  ==  4, 
u2  =  40).  Removal  of  the  hypoblast  results  in  a  decrease  in  developmental  potency. 
Although  there  is  a  very  slight  (0.8%)  difference  in  the  numbers  of  embryos  show- 
ing no  development  in  the  two  types  of  explants,  there  is  a  significant  lowering  in 
the  numbers  of  explants  showing  normality  of  the  nervous  system.  The  hypoblast 













FIGURE  4.     Comparison  of  explant  development  in  relation  to  presence  or  absence  of  hypoblast. 

of  the  posterior  primitive  streak  region  has  some  influence  on  the  normal  develop- 
ment of  the  central  nervous  system.  In  contrast,  the  development  of  the  circulatory 
system,  heart  and/or  vitelline  vessels,  is  not  affected.  This  specificity  of  hy- 
poblast influence  would  be  more  clearly  indicated  if  it  were  possible  to  show  signifi- 
cance for  the  difference  in  percentage  between  explants  possessing  a  normal  heart 
as  opposed  to  those  with  a  normal  brain  for  control  explants  in  contrast  to  explants 
with  hypoblast  removed.  However,  a  coefficient  of  correlation  for  this  difference 
shows  that  there  is  as  much  variation  between  individual  experiments  as  between 
explant  types.  This  lack  of  significance  can  be  explained  on  the  basis  of  develop- 
mental sequence  of  the  two  systems.  The  heart  forms  later  in  development  than 
does  the  brain.  Explants  which  do  not  form  a  heart  in  the  two  days  of  in  vitro 


incubation  may  be  expressing  a  slower  developmental  rate  rather  than  abnormal 


In  any  series  of  experiments  which  by  necessity  disrupt  the  normal  conditions 
under  which  an  embryo  develops,  it  is  important  to  determine  the  extent  of  the 
disruption.  The  various  types  of  controls  maintained  in  the  present  experiments 
provide  an  opportunity  to  determine  if  application  of  the  in  vitro  culture  technique 
has  influenced  the  results.  Of  the  series  of  in  ovo  controls  which  were  exposed  only 
to  incubation  at  the  normal  37.5°  C.  temperature  for  2  days,  93.8%  developed 
normally.  In  contrast,  fertile  eggs  which  were  first  incubated  for  9  days  at  the 
lower  temperature  (25°  C.)  and  then  incubated  in  ovo  at  37.5°  C.  contained  em- 
bryos which  developed  normally  only  47.7%  of  the  time.  This  decrease  in  develop- 
mental potency  can  only  be  ascribed  to  the  effect  of  low  temperature  exposure.  The 
point  of  interest  is  that  blastoderms  which  were  exposed  in  ovo  at  25°  C.  for  9  days 
and  then  cultured  in  vitro  at  37.5°  C.  as  transected  blastoderms  developed  normally 
in  46%  of  the  cases.  This  percentage  is  for  explants  under  optimal  conditions,  i.e., 
those  containing  75%  of  the  primitive  streak  material.  The  close  correspondence 
of  developmental  capacity  of  low  temperature  blastoderms  in  ovo  and  in  vitro  in- 
dicates that  application  of  the  culture  method  is  valid  and  does  not  affect  the 
developmental  potency  of  blastoderms  in  terms  of  the  first  two  days  of  development. 

The  drop  in  developmental  potency  when  posterior  portions  of  the  primitive 
streak  region  are  removed  by  transection  or  dissection  indicates  that  tissue  of  this 
region  is  concerned  with  normal  development  of  the  central  nervous  system,  pri- 
marily with  morphogenesis  of  the  brain.  Specifically  those  experiments  involving 
removal  of  the  hypoblast  show  that  the  tissue  which  is  related  to  this  process  is 
the  hypoblast.  Transection  at  levels  which  remove  the  posterior  half  of  the 
primitive  streak  region  results  in  a  drop  in  developmental  potency  which  can  be 
duplicated  by  removal  of  the  hypoblast  from  that  area  while  leaving  the  epiblast 
intact.  This  does  not  imply  that  the  drop  in  developmental  potency  is  reflected  in 
a  great  increase  in  the  numbers  of  explants  which  show  no  development.  Rather 
the  striking  change  is  in  the  numbers  of  embryos  that  are  abnormal  as  a  result  of 
mal-development  of  the  central  nervous  system. 

A  corresponding  influence,  or  organizer-like  activity,  of  the  posterior  hypoblast 
is  not  shown  in  work  with  normal  definitive  streak  blastoderms.  Fraser  (1954) 
investigated  the  role  of  the  posterior  hypoblast  in  normal  primitive  streak  embryos 
and  concluded  that  this  tissue  is  not  essential.  The  difference  in  conclusions  may 
be  explained  on  the  basis  that  the  low  temperature  blastoderm  and  the  normal 
definitive  streak  blastoderm  are  not  physiologically  and  developmentally  identical. 
The  ability  of  a  diffuse  streak  blastoderm  which  has  not  undergone  involution 
(Harrison,  1957)  to  re-form  a  primitive  streak  indicates  that  it  still  retains  develop- 
mental capacities  of  a  normal  pre-streak  blastoderm.  It  is  conceivable  that  the 
posterior  hypoblast  of  the  pre-streak  blastoderm  possesses  an  organizer-like  activity 
that  has  been  expressed  by  the  time  the  blastoderm  attains  the  definitive  streak 
stage.  This  concept  agrees  with  Waddington's  work  (1933)  in  which  he  showed 
that  pieces  of  posterior  hypoblast  were  capable  of  inducing  axiation  in  anterior 
epiblast  which  normally  gives  rise  to  extra-embryonic  material. 

If  an  organizer  activity  by  the  posterior  hypoblast  is  assumed,  it  is  possible  to 


hypothesize  that  the  effect  of  lowered  temperature  is  upon  the  hypoblast.  The 
greater  sensitivity  of  the  nervous  system  to  low-temperature  incubation  as  opposed 
to  that  of  the  heart  and/or  vitelline  vessels  would  be  an  expression  of  hypoblast 
sensitivity.  This  would  explain  the  apparent  residual  effect  of  low-temperature 
incubation,  i.e.,  low  temperature  exerts  its  effect  at  a  time  in  development  before 
the  central  nervous  system  begins  to  form. 


1.  This  paper  reports  work  showing  the  influence  of  posterior  hypoblast  on  the 
in  vitro  development  of  diffuse  streak  blastoderms  produced  by  incubation  at  low 
temperature  (25°  C.). 

2.  Normal  in  ovo  controls  incubated  at  37.5°   C.  for  two  days  show  93.8% 
normal  development.     In  ovo  controls  incubated  at  25°  C.  for  9  days  followed  by 
two  days'  incubation  at  37.5°  C.  produced  normal  embryos  in  only  47.7%  of  the 
cases.     Transected   blastoderms   explanted   to   a  yolk-albumen  medium   following 
9  days'  exposure  in  ovo  at  25°  C.  developed  normally  in  46%  of  the  cases.     Thus 
the  drop  in  developmental  potency  is  the  result  of  low-temperature  exposure  rather 
than  transection. 

3.  Fertile  eggs  were  incubated  for  9  days  at  25°  C.     The  blastoderms  were 
removed  from  the  yolk  and  only  those  containing  a  diffuse  streak  were  chosen  for 
transection  and  explantation  to  a  yolk-albumen  medium.     The  results  show  that 
explants  which  retain  only  the  primitive  node  region  or  up  to  49%  of  the  primitive 
streak  tissue  have  a  lower  developmental  potency  than  explants  in  which  50-100% 
of  the  primitive  streak  region  was  retained. 

4.  A  series  of  explants  were  transected  in  such  a  manner  that  approximately 
75%  of  the  original  primitive  streak  epiblast  and  about  37%  of  the  original  hypoblast 
beneath  the  streak  remained.     In  comparison  with  explants  which  retained  75%  of 
both  hypoblast  and  streak  region,  those  with  hypoblast  removed  show  a  significantly 
lower  developmental  potency  with  respect  to  formation  of  normal  brain. 

5.  The  present  results  are  discussed  in  correlation  with  previous  results  dealing 
with  the  effect  of  low  temperature  incubation  on  morphogenetic  processes. 


FELL,  H.  B.,  AND  R.  ROBINSON,  1929.     The  growth,  development  and  phosphatase  activity  of 

embryonic  avian  femora  and  limb  buds  cultivated  in  vitro.     Biochem.  J .,  23 :  767-784. 
ERASER,  R.,  1954.     Studies  on  the  hypoblast  of  the  young  chick  embryo.     /.  Exp.  Zool,  126: 

HARRISON,  J.   R.,   1957.     Morphogenesis   of   chick   embryo   in   vitro   after   exposure   to   lowered 

temperature  in  ovo.     Physiol.  Zool.,  30:   187-197. 
HARRISON,  J.  R.,  AND  I.  KLEIN,  1954.     Effect  of  lowered  incubation  temperature  on  the  growth 

and  differentiation  of  the  chick  embryo.     Biol.  Bull,  106:  48-59. 
SPRATT,  N.  T.,  JR.,  1947a.     A  simple  method  for  explaining  and  cultivating  early  chick  embryos 

in  vitro.     Science,  106 :  452. 
SPRATT,  N.  T.,  JR.,   1947b.     Development  in  vitro  of  the  early  chick  blastoderm  explanted  on 

yolk  and  albumen  extract  saline-agar  substrata.     /.  Exp.  Zool.,  106 :  345-366. 
WADDINGTON,  C.  H.,  1933.     Induction  by  the  endoderm  in  birds.     Arch.  f.  Entw.  128:  502-541. 


A.  A.  HUMPHRIES,  JR.  AND  W.  N.  HUGHES  - 
Department  of  Biology,  Emory  University,  Atlanta  22,  Georgia 

The  physiological  importance  of  the  jelly  secreted  by  the  oviducts  of  amphibia 
has  become  increasingly  apparent  in  recent  years,  especially  so  with  regard  to  the 
process  of  fertilization  (Good  and  Daniel,  1943;  Bernstein,  1952;  Kambara,  1953; 
Nadamitsu,  1953,  1957;  Tchou-Su  and  Wang  Yu-Lan,  1956;  Hughes,  1957). 
Previous  work  in  this  laboratory  seems  to  show  that  the  jelly  is  somehow  involved 
in  the  normal  blockage  of  meiosis  in  the  eggs  of  Triturus  viridescens  (Humphries, 
1955,  1958,  and  unpublished)  ;  thus  for  our  work,  it  had  become  almost  essential  to 
know  more  of  the  nature  of  the  oviducal  secretions  and  something  of  the  parts  of 
the  oviduct  which  were  actively  involved. 

The  oviducts  of  Triturus  viridescens,  as  well  as  those  of  other  urodele  am- 
phibians, exhibit  a  gross  and  histological  differentiation  into  rather  well-defined 
regions  (Adams,  1940,  1950;  von  Wahlert,  1953).  Adams  (1940)  described  six 
regions:  (1)  the  infundibular  region,  (2)  a  transparent  region  with  a  watery 
secretion,  (3)  an  opaque  region  with  eosinophilic  granules,  (4)  a  transparent,  wider 
section,  similar  to  section  2,  (5)  an  opaque,  chalky-white  region,  similar  to  section  3, 
and  (6)  a  straight  vaginal  section  with  fewer  folds  and  fewer  secretory  cells,  which 
leads  to  the  cloaca.  The  first  three  lie  anterior  to  the  kidney,  the  remaining  three 
lie  parallel  to  the  kidney.  For  our  purpose,  however,  it  seemed  desirable  to  designate 
the  divisions  of  the  oviduct  somewhat  differently,  as  follows :  an  infundibular,  or 
ostial  region,  apparently  non-secreting,  at  the  extreme  anterior  end ;  a  region  A,  just 
posterior,  of  gray  color,  ending  abruptly  in  a  white,  or  B  region,  of  about  the  same 
diameter,  which  gradually  decreases  in  diameter  and  whiteness  until  it  passes  into 
region  C,  a  division  of  small  diameter  and  gray  color.  Region  D  begins  abruptly 
as  a  much  wider  section  of  dull  white  coloration,  and  region  E  as  a  division  with 
about  the  same  diameter  as  D,  but  with  a  brighter  white  color.  The  posterior  part 
of  E  is  narrower  and  less  convoluted  than  its  anterior  portion.  Our  region  A 
seems  to  correspond  to  region  2  of  Adams,  B  and  C  to  her  region  3,  D  to  her 
region  4,  and  E  apparently  includes  regions  5  and  6. 

In  view  of  the  striking  regional  zonation  of  the  oviduct  and  what  is  known  of 
the  chemistry  of  amphibian  egg  jelly,  it  appeared  that  an  investigation  of  the  poly- 
saccharide  histochemistry  of  the  secretory  portions  might  provide  useful  information. 


All  animals  were  collected  in  April  from  the  vicinity  of  Franklin,  North  Caro- 
lina, and  maintained  in  a  refrigerator  at  about  12°  C.  until  used.  Oviducts  were, 

1  Supported  by  an  Institutional  Grant  from  the  American  Cancer  Society. 

-  Present  address :   Department   of   Biology,   Lubbock   Christian   College,   Lubbock,   Texas. 



in  general,  taken  from  animals  which  had  been  treated  with  one  or  two  injections 
of  Antuitrin  "S"  (Parke,  Davis)  to  induce  ovulation,  hut  several  animals  were  taken 
directly  from  the  refrigerator  and  immediately  sacrificed  without  treatment.  No 
differences  between  the  oviducts  of  treated  and  untreated  animals  were  observed. 
In  either  case,  the  oviducts  were  in  the  normal  condition  for  animals  in  the  breeding 
season.  Oviducts  were,  in  one  instance,  taken  from  an  animal  which  had  com- 
pleted her  breeding  activity,  and  in  this  animal  the  oviducts  were  considerably 
smaller  in  diameter  and  less  convoluted  than  in  females  in  breeding  condition.  The 
results  presented  here  represent  studies  of  the  oviducts  of  thirteen  animals,  though 
not  all  of  these  were  used  for  all  procedures. 

Periodic  Acid-Schiff  Method :  Portions  of  the  oviduct  were  fixed  in  Bouin's 
fixative,  10%  formalin,  or  Carney's  fixative,  embedded  in  Tissuemat,  and  sectioned 
at  10  microns.  The  PAS  procedure  was  carried  through  on  both  untreated  sec- 
tions and  sections  treated  with  saliva  or  malt  diastase  for  removal  of  glycogen. 

Toluidine  blue:  Fixation  was  in  Bouin's  fixative,  10', <  formalin,  Carney's 
fluid,  or  in  4%  basic  lead  acetate  followed  by  formalin.  Sections  were  stained  for 
ten  minutes  in  a  0.03%  solution  of  toluidine  blue  O  in  a  citrate  buffer  at  pH  3.8, 
after  which  they  were  dehydrated  in  alcohol,  cleared  in  xylene,  and  mounted  in 
Clarite  or  Canada  balsam. 

Alcian  blue:  Fixation  was  in  Carney's  fluid  or  10%  formalin.  Most  of  the 
staining  was  done  with  Alcian  Blue  8GX  300,  kindly  supplied  by  Arnold,  Hoffman 
and  Company,  Providence,  Rhode  Island.  However,  several  slides  from  each 
region  were  stained  with  alcian  blue  obtained  from  the  Hartman  Leddon  Company. 
For  our  purposes  the  dye  from  the  former  source  was  considerably  superior,  since 
it  appeared  to  have  a  greater  differential  specificity  for  the  several  regions  of  the 
oviduct.  Sections  were  stained  for  twenty  minutes  in  a  0.3%  solution  of  the  dye 
in  3%  acetic  acid  (pH  2.5  to  2.6). 

Hyaluronidase  :  Nearly  all  the  tests  with  hyaluronidase  involved  material  from 
region  A  only.  Testicular  hyaluronidase,  assayed  at  approximately  300  U.  S.  P. 
units  per  mg.,  was  obtained  from  Nutritional  Biochemicals  Corporation.  Sections 
were  treated  in  solutions  of  enzyme  in  0.3%  NaCl  at  pH  5.7  or  in  a  phosphate 
buffer  at  pH  6.7,  at  37°  C.  Several  concentrations  and  periods  of  treatment  were 
used,  ranging  up  to  60  U.  S.  P.  units  per  ml.  for  as  long  as  eighteen  hours.  Stain- 
ing was  done  with  toluidine  blue,  as  described  above.  Controls  consisted  of 
alternate  sections  placed  in  comparable  solutions  of  boiled  enzyme  and  in  enzyme- 
free  solutions. 

Ribonuclease :  Ribonuclease  (Worthington)  was  used  in  a  0.1%  solution  at 
pH  5.9.  Sections  (chiefly  from  region  A)  were  treated  for  periods  of  one  hour  or 
six  hours  at  37°  C.  Following  treatment,  sections  were  stained  for  ten  minutes  in 
toluidine  blue,  as  described  above,  in  1%  pyronin  Y  in  aqueous  solution  at  pH 
3.4,  or  in  1%  pyronin  Y  in  a  phosphate  buffer  at  pH  6.7. 


All  the  descriptions  to  follow  refer  to  the  secretory  epithelium  alone.  In  general, 
regions  A,  B,  and  D  showed  reactions  in  common  while  regions  C  and  E  responded 
differently  but  like  each  other. 

448  A.  A.  HUMPHRIES,  JR.  AND  W.  N.  HUGHES 

The  entire  secretory  portion  of  the  oviduct  stained  intensely  with  the  PAS 
technique.  The  ostial  region,  which  presumably  is  relatively  non-secretory,  and  is 
characterized  by  very  low  epithelium,  stained  pink.  The  A  region  stained  a  bright 
purplish  red,  whereas  regions  B,  C,  D,  and  E  stained  a  distinctly  different  shade 
which  might  be  called  reddish  purple.  The  staining  of  all  portions  remained  un- 
changed after  treatment  with  saliva  or  malt  diastase. 

There  was  a  marked  difference  in  the  response  of  the  several  regions  to 
toluidine  blue.  The  staining  of  the  ostial  region  was  orthochromatic.  Region  A 
showed  violet  to  purple  metachromasia  in  all  cases.  This  region  in  the  one  post- 
breeding  animal  also  showed  metachromasia  after  all  fixatives ;  however,  the  color 
produced  in  lead  acetate-fixed  material  was  chiefly  blue.  The  metachromasia  of 
region  A  is  alcohol-fast.  After  destaining  for  periods  up  to  one  and  one-half  hours 
in  70%  alcohol,  the  major  part  of  the  stain  was  removed,  yet  the  violet  meta- 
chromasia persisted.  Region  B  usually  stained  an  orthochromatic  dark  blue,  but 
in  some  cases  strong  tinges  of  purple  were  seen.  There  was,  however,  no  difficulty 
in  distinguishing  between  regions  A  and  B  following  this  stain.  Sections  from 
region  C  showed  little  or  no  cytoplasmic  stain,  and  that  which  was  present  was 
usually  a  very  light  blue.  In  a  few  cases  there  were  traces  of  metachromasia.  The 
staining  reaction  of  region  C,  then,  was  a  striking  contrast  to  that  of  either  A  or  B. 
Preparations  from  region  D  were  variable  in  their  response  to  toluidine  blue,  but, 
for  the  most  part,  the  cytoplasm  stained  a  pale  blue,  and  nearly  all  preparations 
showed  at  least  some  violet  metachromasia.  The  cytoplasm  in  cells  of  region  E 
stained  a  pale  blue,  with  no  trace  of  metachromasia. 

The  reaction  of  the  several  regions  to  alcian  blue  was  also  varied.  The  cyto- 
plasm of  the  secretory  cells  of  region  A  stained  a  bright  sky  blue,  as  did  that  of 
region  B.  The  cells  of  region  C,  however,  stained  only  lightly.  In  many  cases  the 
stain  in  this  region  was  so  light  as  to  be  only  barely  detectable.  The  cytoplasm  of 
the  cells  of  region  D  stained  sky  blue,  similar  to  the  reaction  of  regions  A  and  B, 
while  that  of  region  E  was  extremely  lightly  stained,  similar  to  the  reaction  of  the 
cells  of  region  C. 

Although  only  one  slide  from  each  region  was  used,  it  may  be  worthwhile  to 
mention  that  results  with  Kale's  technique  were  essentially  the  same  as  those  with 
alcian  blue,  but  gave  promise  of  less  clear  differentiation  between  the  regions. 

Treatment  with  hyaluronidase  failed  to  alter  the  strong  violet  metachromasia  of 
region  A,  or,  in  the  few  tests  run,  the  staining  reactions  of  regions  B,  C,  or  D. 
Similarly,  treatment  with  ribonuclease  failed  to  alter  the  staining  reaction  of  the 
cytoplasm  of  the  cells  of  either  region  A  or  region  B.  No  other  regions  were  tested. 


These  results  show  the  secreting  epithelium  of  the  newt  oviduct  to  be  rich  in 
polysaccharide,  apparently  distributed  qualitatively  among  the  several  regions.  The 
histochemical  differences  follow  the  zonation  which  is  anatomically  demonstrable. 
It  is  clear  that  the  epithelium  contains  polysaccharide  other  than  glycogen,  since  the 
PAS  reaction  of  all  regions  remains  unchanged  after  glycogen  digestion.  The 
PAS  technique  allows  but  little  differentiation  between  the  regions,  however,  since 
region  A  is  the  only  one  which  stains  in  a  fashion  distinctly  different  from  the 


A  striking  parallelism  between  metachromatic  staining  with  toluidine  blue  and  a 
positive  reaction  with  alcian  blue  has  been  previously  shown  (Vialli,  1951 ;  Wagner 
and  Shapiro,  1957).  This  finding  was  clearly  borne  out  in  our  material.  Un- 
fortunately, the  metachromatic  staining  reaction  has  had  a  long  history  of  confusion 
as  to  application  and  interpretation,  but  "true"  metachromasia,  in  the  sense  of  Lison 
(1953)  or  Kramer  and  Windrum  (1955),  generally  is  taken  to  indicate  the  presence 
of  sulphated  mucopolysaccharides,  though  nucleoprotein  has  also  been  reported  to 
stain  metachromatically  at  times  (Wiame,  1946;  Penney  and  Balfour,  1949;  Kramer 
and  Windrum,  1955).  The  occurrence  of  alcohol-resistant  beta  (violet)  meta- 
chromasia, such  as  encountered  in  our  material,  is  strong  presumptive  evidence  of 
nucleoprotein,  according  to  Kramer  and  Windrum  (1955).  However,  we  found  no 
change  in  staining  reaction  with  toluidine  blue  or  with  pyronine  following  treatment 
with  ribonuclease.  Results  of  several  workers  (especially  Vialli,  1951 ;  Lison, 
1954;  Alowry,  1956;  and  Wagner  and  Shapiro,  1957)  indicate  that  alcian  blue 
positivity  is  good  evidence  for  the  presence  of  acidic  carbohydrates.  Combining  the 
evidence,  then,  the  distinctive  staining  reactions  of  region  A,  in  particular,  and 
probably  those  of  regions  B  and  D,  would  seem  most  likely  attributable  to  the 
presence  of  acid  polysaccharide.  The  results  with  hyaluronidase  seem  to  rule  out 
the  possibility  that  the  distinctive  reactions,  at  least  of  region  A,  are  due  to  hyalu- 
ronic  acid  or  anything  very  closely  related  to  it. 

Similar  findings  with  respect  to  the  PAS  reaction,  toluidine  blue  metachro- 
masia, and  hyaluronidase  treatment  have  been  reported  for  the  Japanese  newt, 
Tritnnts  pyrrhogastcr,  by  Kambara  (1956a,  1956b,  1957a,  1957b).  Due  to  lack  of 
certainty  as  to  corresponding  regions  in  oviducts  of  the  two  species,  it  is  not  possible 
to  make  more  than  a  rough  comparison  of  our  results  with  those  of  Kambara,  but 
our  results  show  strong  general  agreement  with  his. 

The  most  probable  conclusion  to  be  drawn,  at  present,  from  the  findings  of 
distinctive  reactions  along  the  oviduct  is  that  the  differential  staining  is  due  to  the 
presence  of  acid  polysaccharide  in  regions  A,  B,  and  D  only,  with  the  positive  PAS 
reaction  of  regions  C  and  E  due  perhaps  to  neutral  polysaccharide.  However, 
quantitative  differences  alone  might  account  for  the  results.  Since  PAS  positivity 
and  strong  metachromasia  do  not  tend  to  coexist,  it  is  worthwhile  to  note  the  sug- 
gestion of  Hale  (1957),  that  the  combination  may  be  caused  by  the  presence  of  two 
distinct  substances.  Our  evidence,  coupled  with  evidence  from  studies  on  the 
chemistry  and  physiology  of  egg  jellies  themselves  (Immers  and  Vasseur,  1949; 
Vasseur.  1952;  Kelly,  1954;  Minganti,  1955;  Runnstrom  and  Immers,  1956), 
leads  to  the  conclusion  that  the  metachromasia  and  alcian  blue  positivity  of  regions 
A,  B,  and  D  are  probably  due  to  the  presence  of  a  heparin-like  compound.  If  this 
is  the  case,  and  if,  as  seems  quite  probable,  the  innermost  layer  secreted  about  the 
egg  contains  the  substance,  it  may  very  likely  have  significant  effects  upon  the 
physiology  of  the  maturing  oocyte.  The  effects  of  heparin  and  heparin-like  com- 
pounds on  the  physiology  of  cells,  especially  egg  cells,  have  been  studied  for  years, 
particularly  by  Heilbrunn  and  his  co-workers  (see  Heilbrunn,  1956,  for  references). 
In  addition,  one  of  us  (Humphries,  1955,  1958)  has  obtained  results  which  have 
led  to  the  hypothesis  that  the  oviducal  jell)-  plays  an  important  role  in  the  natural 
blockage  of  the  second  meiotic  division  in  the  oocyte  prior  to  fertilization.  Oocytes 
never  exposed  to  oviducal  jelly,  such  as  coelomic  eggs  and  eggs  stopped  experi- 

450  A.  A.  HUMPHRIES,  JR.  AND  W.  N.  HUGHES 

mentally  in  the  ostial  (non-secreting)  part  of  the  oviduct,  are  capable  of  completing 
meiosis,  while  eggs  exposed  to  jelly  have  in  no  case  been  seen  to  advance  beyond 
the  normal  stage  of  blockage,  metaphase  II.  It  is  perhaps  significant  that  as  the 
oocyte  enters  the  first  secreting  portion  of  the  oviduct  it  is  completing  the  first 
meiotic  division  or  beginning  the  second  (Humphries,  1956).  One  of  the  possible 
explanations  of  the  meiotic  blockage  is  that  the  oviduct  secretes  an  antimitotic 
substance.  This  possibility  led  to  the  present  study  of  the  histochemistry  of  the 
oviduct,  with  the  aim  of  gaining  information  concerning  the  secretions  of  particularly 
the  more  anterior  regions.  Since  heparin-like  substances  have  been  shown  to  act  as 
antimitotics  (see  especially  Heilbrunn,  1956,  and  Heilbrunn  ct  al.,  1957),  the  dis- 
covery that  oviducal  region  A  apparently  produces  a  heparin-like  compound  is  in 
good  agreement  with  the  hypothesis.  If  this  type  of  antimitotic  is  involved,  how- 
ever, it  is  surprising  that  blockage  of  the  division  occurs  at  metaphase,  rather  than 
prior  to  spindle  formation. 


1 .  Application  of  some  techniques  of  polysaccharide  histochemistry  to  the  oviduct 
of  the  newt  showed  a  histochemical  differentiation  of  the  secretory  epithelium  cor- 
responding to  the  grossly  and  histologically  demonstrable  zonation  of  the  oviduct. 
All  regions  responded  positively  to  the  PAS  technique.     No  difference  was  detected 
in  sections  previously  exposed  to  glycogen  digestion  methods.     Regions  designated 
A,  B,  and  D  were  metachromatic  with  toluidine  blue  and  reacted  positively  to  alcian 

2.  The  most  probable  explanation  of  the  differences  in  staining  reaction  seems 
to  be  the  presence  of  an  acid  polysaccharide,  probably  a  heparin-like  compound,  in 
regions  A,  B.  and  D,  and  its  absence  (or  much  lower  concentration)  in  regions  C 
and  E. 

3.  The  possible  significance  of  the  findings  relative  to  the  physiology   of  the 
oocyte,  particularly  with  regard  to  meiotic  blockage,  is  discussed. 


ADAMS,  A.  ELIZABETH,  1940.     Sexual  conditions  in  Triturus  viridesccns.     III.  The  reproductive 

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ADAMS,  A.  ELIZABETH,  1950.     Sexual  conditions  in  Triturus  viridesccns.     V.  The  effect  of  the 

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effects  of  heat  shock  on  the  first  meiotic  division.     /.  Morph.,  99:  97-136. 
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KAMBARA,    SHUNICHI,    1956a.     Histochemical    studies    on    the   distribution    of    phosphatases    in 

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Marine  Biological  Laboratory,  Woods  Hole,  Mass.,  Howard  Hughes  Medical  Institute, 
Miami,  Fla.,  and  Department  of  Zoology,  Cornell  University,  Ithaca,  N.  Y. 

The  remarkable  demonstration  by  Loomis  (1955)  that  reduced  glutathione 
(GSH)  induces  a  feeding  response  in  Hydra  led  us  to  examine  the  feeding  re- 
sponses of  other  cniclarians.  Our  object  was  to  see  whether  the  chemical  control 
of  feeding  occurred  in  other  hydrozoans  and  to  identify  the  chemicals  involved. 
The  first  organism  selected  was  the  Portuguese  man-of-war,  Physalia  physalis  L. 
Many  different  types  of  zooids  suspend  from  the  crested  pneumatophore,  or  float, 
of  this  colonial  hydrozoan  (Figs.  1-4).  Among  the  most  numerous  are  the  gastrozo- 
oids  (Fig.  5),  which  are  the  only  members  of  the  colony  capable  of  ingesting  food. 
These  gastrozooids  have  the  usual  polyp  form,  but  lack  tentacles.  In  the  feeding 
process,  the  prey  is  drawn  up  to  the  gastrozooids  which  apply  their  mouths  to  the 
surface  of  the  prey ;  the  lips  of  the  gastrozooids  then  spread  out  until  they  envelop 
the  prey  (Fig.  4)  and  digestion  proceeds.  This  process  has  been  described  briefly 
by  Wilson  (1947).  The  present  report  describes  the  chemical  control  by  GSH  of 
the  behavior  of  both  isolated  and  attached  gastrozooids,  and  discusses  the  possible 
evolutionary  significance  of  these  findings. 


Physalia  were  captured  off  the  coast  of  Woods  Hole,  Massachusetts,  in  the 
summers  of  1957  and  1958  and  were  maintained  in  aquaria  supplied  with  fresh 
running  sea  water.  A  total  of  fifteen  colonies  were  studied.  Hydra  littoralis  were 
grown  by  the  methods  of  Loomis  and  Lenhoff  (1956). 

Experiments  testing  the  effects  of  GSH  and  cysteine  were  performed  in  the 
following  manner : 

1)  Groups  of  gastrozooids  were  removed  from  the  float  with  forceps  and  scis- 
sors.    Single  polyps  were  separated,  collected  in  a  finger  bowl,  and  rinsed  several 
times  to  remove  any  fluids  that  had  oozed  from  the  cut  surface.     This  washing 
prevented  most  of  the  spontaneous  opening  of  the  gastrozooid  mouth  which  oc- 
casionally occurred  after  the  gastrozooids  were  isolated.     Apparently  this  spon- 
taneous mouth  opening  is  a  response  to  some  substance  released  from  either  the  cut 
surface  of  the  gastrozooid  itself,  or  from  recently  ingested  food  in  the  cavity  of  the 

2)  The   rinsed  gastrozooids  were  distributed  randomly  in  a   series  of  finger 
bowls,  each  containing  90  cc.  of  fresh  sea  water  (non-aerated).     Only  newly  iso- 
lated gastrozooids  with  closed  mouths  were  used. 

iThis  research  was   supported  by  a  grant    (H-1887)    from  the   National   Heart   Institute, 
U.  S.  Public  Health  Service. 




FIGURE  1.     Physalia  fishing  tentacle  captures  small  fish. 

FIGURE  2.     Fishing  tentacle  draws  fish  into  colony  of  zooids. 

FIGURE  3.  Enlargement  of  Physalia  zooids.  Note  the  long  coiled  fishing  tentacle,  and  the 
many  small  finger-like,  white  tipped  gastrozooids. 

FIGURE  4.  Gastrozooids  envelop  captured  fish.  Note,  in  the  area  of  the  caudal  fin,  the 
mosaic  pattern  formed  by  the  rims  of  the  spreading  gastrozooids  in  contact  with  each  other. 
Compare  this  arrangement  with  that  of  the  isolated  spreading  gastrozooids  shown  in  Figure  7. 

3)  After  the  gastrozooids  were  added  to  the  finger  bowls,  10  ml.  of  a  freshly- 
prepared,  neutralized  solution  of  GSH  or  cysteine  were  added  to  give  final  concen- 
trations ranging  from  10  3  to  10~8  M. 

1.   Observations  of  the  "feeding  response"  of  Physalia  gastrozooids 

In  the  experiments  to  be  described,  the  gastrozooids  exhibited  a  specific  "feed- 
ing response,"  which  is  described  here  in  detail.  Several  of  the  stages  are  illus- 
trated in  Figures  5-8. 



FIGURE  5.  Isolated  gastrozooid.  The  mouth  is  at  the  uppermost  part  at  the  end  of  the 
narrow  cylindrical  neck. 

FIGURE  6.  Gastrozooid  induced  to  spread  by  GSH.  Note  the  many  small  batteries  of 
nematocysts  along  the  rim  of  the  gastrozooid  lip. 

FIGURE  7.     Several  GSH-induced  spreading  gastrozooids  cover  a  large  surface  area. 

FIGURE  8.     Gastrozooids  turned  partially  inside  out  by  GSH. 


Upon  addition  of  GSH  or  fresh  fish  blood,  the  isolated  gastrozooids  immediately 
began  to  writhe.  Within  five  minutes  their  mouths  opened.  Whenever  a  mouth 
contacted  a  solid  object,  such  as  a  fish  or  a  glass  surface,  it  attached  itself  and  began 
spreading  (Fig.  6)  as  if  to  enclose  the  object  in  conjunction  with  the  other  spread- 
ing gastrozooids  (Fig.  7).  The  gastrozooids,  normally  about  1  to  2  mm.  in  di- 
ameter, frequently  spread  to  a  diameter  of  20-25  mm.  By  this  process  many 
small  gastrozooids  could  surround  and  digest  a  large  fish  (Fig.  4).  The  spreading 
phenomenon  usually  took  about  one-half  hour  from  initial  contact  with  the  solid 
object  until  the  maximum  diameter  was  reached.  This  spreading  of  the  gastrozo- 
oids may  persist  for  only  a  few  minutes  or  last  for  two  or  more  hours.  The  dura- 
tion probably  depends  in  part  upon  the  nature  of  the  surface  to  which  the  gastro- 
zooid  is  attached  (i.e.,  smoothness,  etc.)  and  upon  their  nutritional  state.  Oc- 
casionally spreading  gastrozooids  detached  from  the  solid  object  and  folded  back 
over  themselves,  sometimes  completely  inverting  so  that  endoderm  was  on  the 
outside  and  ectoderm  on  the  inside  (Fig.  8).  A  similar  phenomenon  was  described 
by  Loomis  (1955)  in  Hydra. 

Some  outspread  gastrozooids  migrated  slowly  over  the  surface  of  the  solid  ob- 
ject leaving  a  "mucous"  trail.  The  polyp  probably  secreted  extracellular  proteolytic 
enzyme  in  this  mucus  to  partially  break  down  its  prey. 

2.  Feeding  response  of  the  intact  animal 

A  small  piece  of  filter  paper,  soaked  in  a  10~3  M  solution  of  GSH,  was  placed 
several  centimeters  from  the  gastrozooids  of  an  intact  Physalia.  A  typical  feeding 
response  occurred,  with  active  squirming  of  the  gastrozooids  and  then  a  spreading 
of  their  mouths  on  the  paper  and  on  the  wall  of  the  aquarium. 

3.  Demonstration  of  a  chemical  feeding  mechanism  using  live  prey 

Ten  gastrozooids  and  a  small  killifish  (Fundulus  sp.  )  (8  cm.)  were  placed  in  a 
finger  bowl.  After  a  half  hour  no  feeding  response  of  the  gastrozooids  was  ob- 
served. At  this  time  a  fragment  of  a  fishing  tentacle  armed  with  a  large  number 
of  nematocysts  (Fig.  3)  was  dropped  onto  the  fish.  The  fish  thrashed  about  for  a 
moment  and  became  immobilized.  Within  10  to  15  minutes  most  of  the  gastro- 
zooids began  spreading  on  the  surface  of  the  finger  bowl,  apparently  in  response  to 
some  substance  released  from  the  pierced  fish.  Had  the  gastrozooids  been  close  to 
the  fish  (as  occurs  when  the  intact  colony  draws  the  prey  up  to  the  float)  then 
doubtless  their  mouths  would  have  enveloped  the  fish  (Fig.  4). 

4.  The  effect  of  different  concentrations  of  reduced  glutathione 

Ten  gastrozooids  were  placed  in  several  concentrations  of  GSH.  The  number 
of  gastrozooids  spreading  was  counted  at  intervals.  As  shown  in  Table  I,  after 
approximately  two  and  one-half  hours,  80-90%  of  the  gastrozooids  in  10~5  — 10~6 
M  GSH  had  spread  their  mouths  over  the  surface  of  the  glass  bowl.  The  fact  that 
higher  concentrations  failed  to  elicit  this  response  is  not  unusual,  and  finds  a  parallel 
in  Hydra  where  concentrations  of  GSH  above  optimum  caused  a  tight  closing  of 
the  animal's  mouth.  Also,  as  in  Hydra,  concentrations  of  GSH  less  than  10"7  M 
were  ineffective. 




Number  of  gastrozooids  spreading  in  different  concentrations  of  reduced 
glutathione  after  various  time  intervals* 

Time  (min.) 









Number  spreading 

10~3  M 






10-4  M 






ID"5  M 






10-6  M 






10-7  M 






lO-8  M 






0      M 






*  Ten  isolated  gastrozooids  were  exposed  to  each  concentration. 
**  Spread  only  slightly. 

A  delayed  spreading  phenomenon  was  often  observed  at  high  concentrations  of 
GSH.  For  example,  9  of  10  gastrozooids,  which  initially  failed  to  respond  to  10~3 
M  GSH,  responded  7  hours  after  the  start  of  the  experiment.  Occasionally  a  few 
gastrozooids  took  as  long  as  24  hours  to  respond.  Perhaps  these  delayed  responses 
occurred  when  the  "excess"  GSH  had  oxidized,  giving  the  optimum  concentration. 

5.  A  comparison  of  the  effects  of  cysteine  and  of  reduced  glutathione 

The  effects  of  another  biological  reducing  agent,  cysteine,  were  tested.  The 
results  shown  in  Table  II  clearly  demonstrate  that  cysteine  failed  to  induce  a  feeding 
response  at  concentrations  at  which  GSH  was  active. 

6.  Differences  in  the  feeding  response  of  animals  in  different  physiological  states 

In  one  series  of  experiments  the  effects  of  GSH  were  studied  on  gastrozooids 
from  two  Physalia  in  different  physiological  states.  The  first  (ca.  16-cm.  float)  was 
maintained  without  food  in  the  laboratory  for  one  week,  while  the  second  (ca.  24-cm. 
float)  was  kept  under  the  same  conditions  for  one  day.  The  results  in  Table  III 
indicate  that  the  one-day  captive  responded  rapidly  to  10~4  M  GSH,  while  the 


A  comparison  of  the  effects  of  cysteine  and  of  reduced 
elutalhione  on  the  sbreadins  of  eastrozooids* 

ompanson  oj  the  effects  oj  cysteine  ana  oj  rec 
glutathione  on  the  spreading  of  gastrozooids* 


10-4  M 
ID"5  M 
10-6  M 
10-'  M 

Number  spreading  at  90  minutes 
Cysteine  Reduced  glutathione 

1**  0 

0  8 

0  4 

0  2 

*  Ten  isolated  gastrozooids  were  exposed  to  each  concentration. 
**  Spread  only  slightly. 



7-day  captive  did  not.  Also,  the  response  was  quicker  in  the  one-day  captive 
animal  at  all  concentrations  of  GSH.  These  differences  may  have  been  due  to  the 
nutritional  state  or  over-all  well-being  of  the  one-day  captive  animal  as  compared 
to  the  7-day  captive  animal. 

Further  studies  of  more  than  a  dozen  Physalia  revealed  striking  differences  in 
the  responsiveness  of  the  gastrozooids  to  GSH.  Sometimes  newly-captured  Phy- 
salia exuded  a  copious  mucus  secretion  for  several  days.  Gastrozooids  from  these 
mucus-covered  animals  were  usually  unresponsive  to  GSH.  By  contrast,  in 
captives  which  produced  little  mucus  the  gastrozooids  always  responded.  In  one 


A  comparison  of  the  effect  of  different  concentrations  of  reduced  glutathione  after  various  time 
intervals  on  the  gastrozooids  of  a  7-day  captive  and  1-day  captive  Physalia* 

7-day  (16-cm.  float) 

one-day  (24-cm.  float) 






Per  cent  spreading 

10-4  M 





10-5  M 





1C-6  M 





*  Ten  isolated  gastrozooids  of  the  7-day  captive  and  6  of  the  one-day  captive  were  used  at 
each  concentration. 

case  an  animal  was  kept  in  the  laboratory  for  two  weeks  and  its  gastrozooids  re- 
sponded throughout  this  period. 

1.  Feeding  response 

In  Physalia,  the  feeding  response  of  the  gastrozooid  involves  mouth-opening, 
spreading,  and  food  ingestion.  The  food  is  drawn  to  the  gastrozooids  by  the 
dactylozooids.  Each  gastrozooid  then  writhes  and  stretches  until  its  mouth  comes 
in  contact  with  a  solid  object,  whether  it  be  the  fish  that  the  colony  has  captured, 
or  the  wall  of  the  container  in  which  the  gastrozooids  were  placed.  In  Hydra  the 
tentacles  writhe  and  sweep  inward  toward  the  mouth.  The  mouth  then  opens  and 
ingests  the  prey  whenever  the  prey  is  brought  in  direct  contact  with  it  (Ewer,  1947) . 
Thus  in  contrast  to  Physalia  where  the  whole  gastrozooid  writhes,  in  Hydra  only 
the  tentacles  writhe.  Moreover,  in  Hydra,  the  body  tube  and  mouth  do  not  spread 
when  exposed  to  GSH,  but  do  so  only  when  the  food,  or  some  other  solid  object, 
is  brought  to  the  mouth  by  the  writhing  and  contracting  tentacles.  For  example, 
when  10  Hydra  were  placed  in  each  of  a  series  of  Petri  dishes  having  25  ml.  of 
GSH  of  10"3  to  10~7  molarity,  none  of  the  Hydra  exhibited  the  spreading  phenome- 
non, although  their  mouths  opened.  This  failure  to  spread  was  not  due  to  the 
tentacles  blocking  the  mouth,  because  removal  of  the  tentacles  did  not  increase 
spreading.  However,  when  10  Hydra  were  crowded  in  a  0.5-ml.  volume  of  10~4 


M  GSH  so  that  their  mouths  were  forced  to  contact  the  wall  of  the  container  or  the 
surface  of  the  water,  6  animals  spread  within  3  minutes. 

It  must  be  stressed  that  mere  mouth  opening  or  writhing  does  not  indicate  a 
feeding  response  in  Physalia  or  in  Hydra.  The  only  true  index  of  a  feeding  re- 
sponse is  an  actual  attempt  to  feed — that  is,  to  spread  the  mouth  over  or  around 
the  prey.  Many  deleterious  chemicals  cause  writhing  or  mouth  opening.  For 
example,  in  Physalia,  high  concentrations  of  alloxan  (which,  besides  inhibiting  the 
true  feeding  response,  subsequently  killed  the  gastrozooids)  caused  occasional 
"mouth  opening"  but  no  characteristic  feeding  response.  This  "gaping"  has  also 
been  observed  in  Hydra  by  using  Tween,  and  other  harmful  compounds  (Lenhoff, 
unpublished  observations). 

2.  The  action  of  reduced  glutathione 

The  data  leave  little  doubt  that  GSH  induces  a  feeding  response  in  Physalia 
just  as  it  does  in  Hydra.  We  cannot  be  certain  that  GSH  is  the  only  biological 
compound  that  will  induce  the  response  in  Pliysalia  but  the  clear  response  of  the 
gastrozooids  to  low  concentrations  of  GSH,  coupled  with  Loomis'  finding  (1955) 
that  no  other  commonly  occurring  compound  of  many  tested  worked  on  Hydra, 
make  this  likely.  Since  a  gastrozooid  of  Physalia  is  four  to  six  times  as  long  as  a 
Hydra,  and  thicker,  it  should  be  practical  to  explore  the  detailed  mechanism  of  the 
feeding  response  with  greater  ease  than  in  the  case  of  Hydra.  For  example,  it 
should  be  possible  to  locate  the  receptor  cells  sensitive  to  GSH  and  to  explain  the 
mechanics  of  the  transformation  of  the  cylindrical  gastrozooid  into  a  disc. 

3.  Phylogenetic  considerations 

The  Siphonophora  are  commonly  regarded  as  the  most  specialized  order  of  the 
Hydrozoa  in  that  they  attain  the  highest  degree  of  polymorphism  and  present  the 
greatest  number  of  medusoid  and  polypoid  types.  While  there  is  some  disagree- 
ment regarding  the  phylogenetic  relations  within  the  group,  there  appears  to  be  no 
question  but  that  they  have  clear  hydrozoan  characters  (Hyman,  1940;  Totten, 
1954).  Furthermore  it  is  generally  accepted  that  save  for  the  Chondrophora  (e.g., 
Velella)  which  are  now  thought  to  have  close  affinities  with  tubularian  hydroids 
(Totten,  1954;  Rees,  1957),  the  Siphonophora  proper,  including  Physalia,  early 
diverged  from  the  cnidarian  stem  and  evolved  in  directions  quite  different  from 
other  hydrozoans  (Hyman,  1940).  On  the  other  hand,  Hydra  itself  is  commonly 
considered  a  highly  specialized  gynmoblastic  hydroid,  in  all  likelihood  a  fresh-water- 
adapted  tubularian  (Hyman,  1940).  Thus  among  the  Hydrozoa  it  would  be  hard 
to  find  two  forms  which  diverged  earlier  from  one  another  during  evolution — two 
forms  which  are  very  specialized  and  not  generalized  members  of  their  class.  Rec- 
ognizing this,  the  demonstration  of  a  GSH-induced  feeding  response  in  both  forms 
assumes  special  interest.  It  suggests  that  either  (1)  this  GSH-induced  response 
is  primitive  (Loomis,  1955)  and  has  persisted  through  the  course  of  geological 
time  since  these  animals  diverged  because  they  both  retain  a  primitive  carnivorous 
feeding  habit,  or  (2)  that  this  is  simply  convergence.  The  former  suggestion  is 
not  only  more  attractive  but  is  more  likely,  and  implies  that  GSH-stimulation  of 
feeding  is  a  very  ancient  coordinating  system  and  will  be  found  among  many  of  the 


Hydrozoa  and  possibly  among  Scyphomedusae  and  Anthozoa  as  well.  This  con- 
clusion finds  support  in  recent  observations  that  Campanularia  flexuosa,  a  calypto- 
blastic  hydroid  unrelated  to  either  Hydra  or  Pliysalia,  gives  a  feeding  response  to 
GSH.  It  must  be  emphasized,  however,  that  the  presence  of  a  GSH  response  in 
these  three  hydrozoans  does  not  rule  out  the  possibility  that  other  small  molecules 
in  the  fluids  released  from  captured  prey  may  function  in  the  feeding  response  of 
other  cnidarians.  The  essential  feature  of  the  primitive  feeding  mechanism  is  that 
the  prey  must  release  fluid  when  pierced  (see  below). 

These  experiments  support  the  opinion  offered  earlier  (Schneiderman  and 
Gilbert,  1958)  that  the  evolution  of  chemical  control  mechanisms  has  proceeded  by 
particular  groups  of  animals  adapting  available  and  often  ubiquitous  molecules  to 
special  tasks.  Under  this  view  the  evolution  of  hormonal  coordination  involves 
primarily  the  evolution  of  receptor  systems  sensitive  to  specific  molecules  rather 
than  any  evolution  of  hormones  as  such. 

The  chemical  similarities  between  the  nematocyst-GSH  feeding  mechanisms  of 
Physalia  and  Hydra  invite  inquiry  into  the  nature  of  their  possible  common  ancestor. 
Both  of  these  organisms  sting  and  capture  their  prey  by  means  of  nematocysts.  It 
is  of  interest  in  this  connection  that  the  nematocyst  capsule  of  Hydra  (Lenhoff 
et  al.,  1957)  and  Physalia  (Lane  and  Dodge,  1958;  Lenhoff  and  Kline,  1958)  are 
composed  of  similar  kinds  of  unusual  hydroxyproline-rich,  collagen-like  proteins. 
After  the  prey  is  penetrated,  the  GSH  in  the  fluids  flowing  from  the  wound  stimu- 
lates the  feeding  response. 

Since  Hydra  and  Physalia  both  have  a  nearly  identical  chemical  control  of  their 
feeding  behavior,  and  since  their  nematocysts  are  of  a  unique  chemical  composition, 
it  seems  probable  that  both  animals  evolved  from  a  common  hydrozoan  stem-form 
which  also  possessed  these  chemical  characteristics.  It  is  noteworthy  that  the 
nematocyst-GSH  mechanism  can  only  be  used  to  capture  prey  which  has  sufficient 
body  fluids  to  release  enough  GSH  on  being  stung  to  elicit  the  feeding  response 
(i.e.,  organisms  which  have  either  a  pseudocoelom,  or  vascular  system)  (Loomis, 
1955).  Therefore,  either  (1)  the  primitive  nematocyst-bearing  hydrozoan  stem- 
form  ate  prey  which  was  more  highly  evolved  than  itself,  or  alternatively,  (2)  the 
primitive  nematocyst-bearing  hydrozoan  stem-form  fed  on  some  presently  unknown 
lower  form,  perhaps  a  large  protozoan,  with  a  great  deal  of  body  fluid.  We  favor 
the  first  alternative  and  prefer  to  believe  that  the  hydrozoan  stem-form  fed  on 
animals  with  "vascular"  fluids  (i.e.,  nematodes,  and  members  of  higher  phyla). 

These  facts  permit  us  to  speculate  about  the  feeding  habits  of  the  ancestral 
cnidarians,  i.e.,  the  forms  from  which  the  Hydrozoa  and  the  other  classes  of  Cnidaria 
evolved.  Ordinarily  one  hesitates  to  base  phylogenetic  schemes  on  feeding  habits 
which  in  most  phyla  are  notoriously  labile.  However,  the  universal  use  of  nemato- 
cysts to  capture  prey  by  all  contemporary  cnidarians  supports  the  view  that  the 
feeding  habits  of  members  of  this  phylum  are  far  more  stable  than  those  of  other 
animals.  The  ancestral  cnidarians  most  probably  fed  on  animals  which  were  of  a 
lower  grade  of  organization  than  themselves,  and  hence  could  not  have  employed 
the  nematocyst-GSH  mechanism.  Most  likely  they  were  filter  feeders  like  many 
present-day  Anthozoa.  Under  this  view,  nematocyst-bearing  cnidarians  with  a 
GSH-mechanism  evolved  from  filter-feeding  ancestors  at  the  same  time  as  did 
higher  forms.  Thus  cnidarians  with  nematocysts  (a  diagnostic  feature  of  the 


phylum)  may  be  removed  from  their  position  as  the  ancestors  of  higher  metazoans. 
Whether  they  are  members  of  a  regressive  line  of  evolution  which  have  degenerated 
because  of  a  sessile  habit  (Hadzi,  1953),  or  are  an  offshoot  of  a  progressive  line 
of  evolution,  remains  to  be  proven.  Since  all  these  events  took  place  in  the  Pre- 
Cambrian  Era,  none  of  these  suggestions  can  be  ruled  out  at  present  and  doubtless 
others  will  arise. 

Our  special  thanks  go  to  the  Supply  Department  of  the  Marine  Biological 
Laboratory  at  Woods  Hole  who  went  to  great  efforts  to  capture  the  Physalia  used 
in  this  study;  to  Dr.  Sears  Crowell  for  his  helpful  comments  on  the  typescript  of 
this  paper  and  for  his  help  in  conducting  experiments  with  Campa nularia;  and  to 
Mr.  Ernest  Bay  for  his  most  valuable  contribution  in  photographing  our 


1.  Physalia  gastrozooids,  both  isolated  and  in  situ,  exhibit  a  feeding  response 
when  exposed  to  low  concentrations  of  reduced  glutathione  (10>5  —  10~6  M). 

2.  Cysteine  did  not  elicit  the  response. 

3.  The  feeding  response  of  the  gastrozooid  consisted  of  opening  of  its  mouth  and 
the  subsequent  spreading  of  its  lips  over  a  large  area  in  an  attempt  to  envelop  the 
prey.     This  response  resembles  a  similar  GSH-induced  feeding  response  found  in 

4.  The    sensitivity    to    GSH    depended    upon    the    physiological    state    of    the 

5.  The  significance  of  this  primitive  chemical  coordinating  mechanism  in  relation 
to  the  evolution  of  the  Cnidaria  and  of  the  Metazoa  as  a  whole  is  considered. 


EWER,    R.    F.,    1947.     On    the   functions    and    mode    of    action    of    the    nematocysts    of    hydra. 

Proc.   Zool.  Soc.,    117:    365-376. 
HADZI,  J.,  1953.     An  attempt  to  reconstruct  the  system  of  animal  classification.     Syst.  Zool., 

2:  145-154. 
HYMAN,  L.  H.,  1940.     The  Invertebrates:  Protozoa  through  Ctenophora.     McGraw-Hill  Book 

Co.,  N.  Y. 
LANE,  C.  E.,  AND  E.  DODGE,  1958.     The  toxicity  of  Physalia  nematocysts.     Biol.  Bull,   115: 

LENHOFF,   H.   M.,  E.   S.   KLINE  AND  R.   HURLEY,   1957.     A   hydroxyproline-rich,   intracellular, 

collagen-like  protein  of  Hydra  nematocysts.     Biochim.  Biophys.  Ada,  26:  204-205. 
LENHOFF,  H.  M.,  AND  E.  S.  KLINE,  1958.     The  high  imino  acid  content  of  the  capsule  from 

Hydra  nematocysts.     Anat.  Rec.,   130:   425. 
LOOMIS,   W.   F.,   1955.     Glutathione   control   of   the   specific  feeding   reactions   of   hydra.     Ann. 

N.  Y.  Acad.  Sci.,  62:  209-228. 
LOOMIS,  W.  F.,  AND  H.   M.   LENHOFF,   1956.     Growth  and   sexual   differentiation   of   hydra   in 

mass  culture.    /.  Exp.  Zool.,  132 :  555-574. 
REES,  W.  J.,  1957.     Evolutionary  trends  in  the  classification  of  capitate  hydroids  and  medusae. 

Brit.  Mus.  Nat.  Hist.  Bull.,  4 :  229-235. 
SCHNEIDERMAN,  H.  A.,  AND  L.   I.  GILBERT,   1958.     Substances   with  juvenile  hormone  activity 

in  hydroids  and  other   invertebrates.     Biol.   Bull.,   115:   530-535. 
TOTTEN,  A.  K.,  1954.     Siphonophora  of  the  Indian  Ocean  together  with  systematic  notes  and 

biological  notes  on  related  species  from  other  oceans.     Discovery  Reports,  27 :   162  pp. 
WILSON,  D.  P.,  1947.     The  Portuguese  man-of-war,  Physalia  physalis  in  British  and  adjacent 

seas.    /.  Mar.  Biol.  Assn.,  27:  139-172. 


Woods  Hole  Oceanographic  Institution,  Woods  Hole,  Mass. 

Under  natural  conditions,  an  intimate,  but  poorly  understood  relationship  exists 
between  bacteria  and  phytoplankton.  Some  investigators  have  claimed  that  phyto- 
plankton  produce  a  substance  which  is  inhibitory  to  the  growth  of  bacteria  ( Steemann 
Nielsen,  1955a,  1955b;  Steemann  Nielsen  and  Jensen,  1957).  Contrariwise,  the 
results  of  Waksman  ct  al.  (1937)  suggest  a  harmonious  relationship  between  algae 
and  bacteria. 

In  experimental  work,  the  use  of  bacteria-free  cultures  is  customary.  It  has 
not  always  been  possible  to  obtain  bacteria-free  cultures,  and  the  assumption  has 
been  that  the  growth  of  the  alga  would  have  not  been  altered  if  axenic  cultures 
had  been  used  (rf.  Goldberg  et  al.,  1951;  Kain  and  Fogg,  1958).  This  assump- 
tion seems  correct  when  using  media  with  no  organic  additions  (McLachlan,  un- 
published). However,  little  is  known  of  the  effects  of  bacteria  on  the  growth  of 
algae  in  cultures  containing  organic  supplements. 

In  the  present  investigation,  growth  of  the  green  flagellate  Dunuliella  euchlora 
WHOI-1  in  pure  culture  and  contaminated  cultures  containing  organic  enrichments 
was  studied.  Growth  was  estimated  by  cell  numbers  and  chlorophyll  a  synthesis. 
The  production  of  algal  and  bacterial  inhibitors  was  also  investigated. 


A  pure  culture  of  Dunaliella  euchlora  Lerche  strain  WHOI-1  (McLachlan, 
1959)  was  used  in  this  study.  The  alga  was  grown  in  a  modification  of  the  ASP 
medium  of  Provasoli  et  al.  ( 1957)  ;  the  composition  of  this  medium  is  presented 
in  Table  I.  In  some  of  the  experiments,  the  ASP  medium  was  enriched  with 
organic  material  by  the  addition  of  beef  extract  (0.3  g./l.)  and  bactopeptone  (0.5 
g./l.).  At  16%  nitrogen,  this  corresponds  to  an  addition  of  about  9.1  mM  of 
organic  nitrogen,  or  nine  times  as  much  as  is  available  in  the  basic  medium.  The 
cultures  were  incubated  at  16°  C.  under  3,000  meter-candles  of  illumination  pro- 
vided by  40-watt  fluorescent  lights.  Growth  of  the  alga  was  determined  by  cell 
counts  made  in  duplicate  with  a  total  of  eight  replicate  counts  using  a  Levy  hemo- 
cytometer,  and  is  expressed  as  Iog2  Nt/N0  where  N0  is  the  concentration  of  cells  at 
inoculation  and  Nt  the  concentration  at  time  t. 

Chlorophyll  a  was  measured  spectrophotometrically  in  acetone  extractions  ac- 
cording to  the  Richards  with  Thompson  method  (1952)  as  modified  for  use  with 
the  millipore  membrane  filter  procedure  of  Creitz  and  Richards  (1955).  The  con- 

1  Contribution  no.  1010  from  the  Woods  Hole  Oceanographic  Institution.  This  investiga- 
tion was  supported,  in  part,  by  a  grant  from  the  National  Science  Foundation. 

-  Public  Health  Service  Research  Fellow  of  the  National  Institutes  of  Health. 





Composition  of  the  modified  ASP  medium 








410  mM 

24  mM 

22  mM 

10  mM 

1  mM 












centration  of  chlorophyll  a  was  determined  using  the  nomographs  of  Duxbury  and 
Yentsch  (1956),  and  the  organic  nitrogen  content  of  the  cells  was  estimated  by  the 
procedure  of  Yentsch  and  Vaccaro  (1958). 


1.  Groivth  in  contaminated  beef  extract-peptone  cultures.  To  determine  the 
effect  of  bacterial  contamination  on  the  growth  of  Dunaliella  euchlora,  the  alga 
was  inoculated  into  autoclaved  and  unautoclaved  ASP  medium,  and  autoclaved  and 




0        2        4        6        8        10      12 

FIGURE  1.     Growth  of  the  alga  in  contaminated  and  non-contaminated  ASP  medium  and 
contaminated  and  non-contaminated  ASP  medium  containing  beef  extract  and  peptone. 



unautoclaved  ASP  cultures  containing  beef  extract  and  peptone.  In  the  unauto- 
claved  cultures  with  organic  enrichments,  approximately  2.5  times  as  many  cells 
were  obtained  as  in  the  other  cultures  (Fig.  1).  The  growth  rate  and  the  final 
number  of  cells  in  the  other  treatments  were  approximately  the  same.  From  these 
results  it  can  be  seen  that  the  addition  of  beef  extract  and  peptone  per  se  did  not 
increase  the  growth  of  the  alga,  but  bacterial  breakdown  of  these  materials  was  of 
considerable  benefit. 

The  unautoclaved  cultures  with  organic  additions  became  very  dense,  and  after 
twelve  days  of  growth  contained  approximately  three  times  as  much  chlorophyll  a 


The  size  of  the  population  of  Dunaliella  euchlora,  and  the  chlorophyll  a  content 
after  growth  in  media  treated  as  discussed  in  the  text 



Days  of 

No.  cells/ml. 

Mg  ChlVcell 
XI  0-9 

Beef  extract-peptone  no.  1 

Enriched  and  contaminated 




Enriched,  not  contaminated 








ASP-not  autoclaved 





1.0  mM 




2.0  mM 




5.0  mM 




8.0  mM 




10.0  mM 




Beef  extract-peptone  no.  2 

















+  7 




+  11 








Dunaliella  nitrate 





Autoclaved  nitrate 




Unautoclaved  filtrate 




Bacteria  nitrate 









per  cell  as  the  autoclaved  enriched  culture  (Table  II).  Using  the  method  of 
Yentsch  and  Vaccaro  (1958),  it  was  found  that  in  the  enriched  contaminated 
cultures  about  10  mM  per  liter  of  organic  nitrogen  was  incorporated  into  the  algal 
cells,  or  approximately  0.91  X  10~6  //.M  of  nitrogen  per  cell.  In  contrast,  the  non- 
contaminated  enriched  culture  contained  about  0.9  mM  per  liter  of  organic  nitrogen 
as  algal  cellular  material,  or  approximately  0.23  X  10~6  ,uM  of  nitrogen  per  cell. 
The  chlorophyll  content  of  the  two  cultures  containing  only  inorganic  additions  was 
not  determined,  but  other  estimates  have  indicated  that  at  the  end  of  exponential 
growth,  all  of  the  added  nitrate-nitrogen  is  organically  incorporated.  This  suggests 



that  in  the  non-contaminated  beef  extract  peptone  culture  all  of  the  incorporated 
organic  nitrogen  had  been  obtained  from  the  added  nitrate-nitrogen,  and  not  from 
the  organic  material. 

2.  Grozvth  in  various  concentrations  of  nitrate-nitrogen.  To  determine  if  the 
number  of  cells  and  the  amount  of  chlorophyll  a  obtained  in  the  contaminated  beef 
extract-peptone  cultures  could  be  obtained  by  the  addition  of  inorganic  nitrogen,, 
sodium  nitrate  was  added  at  the  following  concentrations:  1.0  (ASP  level),  2.0, 
5.0,  8.0  and  10.0  mM.  The  ASP  concentration  of  potassium  was  maintained  by 
the  addition  of  potassium  chloride,  and  the  phosphorus  concentration  was  maintained 
at  100  fj-M  in  all  cultures.  The  two  highest  concentrations  of  nitrogen  slightly  in- 
hibited the  growth  of  the  alga  (Fig.  2),  but  the  total  number  of  cells  in  all  cultures 

0        2        4        6        8        10       12       14 

FIGURE  2.     Growth  of  the  alga  in  various  concentrations  of  nitrate-nitrogen. 

exceeded  that  of  the  1.0  mM  culture  after  fourteen  days  of  growth.  The  maximum 
density  of  cells  developed  in  the  2.0  and  5.0  mM  cultures  had  a  final  cell  count  of 
almost  twice  that  of  the  1.0  mM  culture  (Table  II),  although  the  initial  growth 
rates  of  these  three  cultures  were  approximately  the  same. 

Pigment  analysis  showed  that  the  chlorophyll  a  content  of  the  cells  in  all  cultures 
was  about  the  same  (Table  II).  The  total  number  of  cells  obtained  in  the  cultures 
containing  2.0  and  5.0  mM  of  nitrate-nitrogen  approached  that  obtained  in  the 
contaminated  beef  extract-peptone  culture  of  the  previous  experiment,  but  the 
amount  of  chlorophyll  a  was  considerably  less.  Since  the  maximum  amount  of 
chlorophyll  synthesized  in  these  cultures  was  considerably  less  than  was  found 
in  the  contaminated  culture  containing  beef  extract  and  peptone,  it  may  be  concluded 



that  available  nitrogen  alone  is  not  the  limiting  factor.  Perhaps  release  of  other 
nutrients  in  beef  extract  and  peptone  by  bacterial  activity  or  direct  utilization  of 
organic  breakdown  products  by  the  alga  also  stimulated  chlorophyll  synthesis. 

3.  Growth  in  beef  extract-peptone  cultures  with  periodic  addition  of  bacteria. 
To  determine  the  effects  of  organic  breakdown  products  on  the  growth  of  the  alga 
at  different  phases  of  growth,  a  mixed  culture  of  marine  bacteria  was  obtained  from 
the  surface  waters  of  Woods  Hole  Harbor,  and  uniform  inocula  were  added  period- 
ically to  cultures  of  Dunaliella  containing  beef  extract  and  peptone.  The  original 
bacterial  inoculum  was  collected  using  a  sterile  container  so  only  bacteria  present 



4        6        8        10       12       14 


FIGURE  3.     Growth  of  the  alga  in  the  ASP  medium  containing  beef  extract 
and  peptone  to  which  bacteria  were  added  periodically. 

in  the  surface  water  were  introduced  into  culture.  The  bacteria  were  grown  in 
the  ASP  medium  with  the  addition  of  beef  extract  and  peptone  under  the  same 
conditions  as  the  algal  cultures.  Before  the  bacterial  cultures  were  used  in  the 
experimental  work,  they  were  carried  through  a  number  of  transfers  in  order  to 
obtain  a  uniform  population. 

Beef  extract  and  peptone  were  added  to  the  ASP  medium  and  inoculated  period- 
ically with  1  ml.  of  the  bacterial  culture.  In  all  cases  the  bacteria  inocula  were  from 
three-day-old  cultures  when  introduced  into  the  experimental  flasks.  Inoculation 





0  +2  +  4  +7 









+  11 

FIGURE  4.    A  comparison  of  algal  cell  density  and  chlorophyll  a  in  cultures 
to  which  bacteria  were  added  periodically. 


024        6        8        10       12 

FIGURE  5.     Growth  of  the  alga  in  autoclaved  and  non-autoclaved  algal  filtrate. 



took  place  at  the  following  times :  three  days  before  inoculation  with  the  alga,  at 
the  same  time  as  the  alga,  two  days,  four  days,  seven  days,  and  eleven  days  after 
inoculation  with  the  alga. 

Bacteria  introduced  three  days  before  and  at  the  time  of  inoculation  with 
Dunaliella  inhibited  the  growth  of  the  alga  (Fig.  3).  In  all  cultures,  except  the 
one  inoculated  with  bacteria  three  days  before  the  alga,  growth  after  fifteen  days 
exceeded  that  of  the  control.  In  Figure  4  cell  density  and  chlorophyll  a  after 
fifteen  days  of  growth  are  presented.  The  greatest  number  of  cells  occurred  in 
the  culture  which  was  inoculated  with  bacteria  four  days  after  the  alga,  and  those 
cultures  which  were  inoculated  with  bacteria  prior  to  this  time  showed  less  growth. 
Less  growth  was  also  obtained  in  the  cultures  which  had  been  inoculated  with 







'•  •    CONTROL 


0        4        8       12       16      20     24 

Growth  of  Woods  Hole  Harbor  bacteria  in  the  algal  nitrate 
containing  beef  extract  and  peptone. 

bacteria  seven  and  eleven  days  after  inoculation  with  the  alga.  However,  the  cells 
in  the  culture  inoculated  with  bacteria  seven  days  after  the  alga  contained  more 
chlorophyll  a  than  the  other  cultures  after  fifteen  days  of  growth  (Table  II).  These 
results  show  that  growth  of  the  alga  was  directly  related  to  the  time  at  which  the 
bacteria  were  added.  Under  the  conditions  of  this  experiment,  chlorophyll  a 
synthesis  preceded  cell  division  (Fig.  4).  The  highest  concentration  of  chlorophyll 
per  cell,  however,  was  not  as  great  as  that  obtained  in  the  previous  beef  extract-pep- 
tone experiment. 

4.  Growth  of  the  alga  in  the  algal  filtrate.  To  determine  if  auto-inhibitors 
are  produced  by  Dunaliella  euchlora,  growth  of  the  alga  in  the  ASP  medium  was 
compared  with  growth  in  the  filtrate  of  a  Dunaliella  culture  which  had  reached 
maximum  density.  Part  of  the  filtrate  was  autoclaved  and  the  other  part  was  not 

46  S 


autoclaved  as  there  has  been  a  suggestion  of  heat-labile  inhibitors  (Lefevre  et  al., 
1952).  Nitrogen,  phosphorus,  and  iron  were  added  to  all  cultures  at  ASP  con- 
centrations. Growth  in  all  cultures  was  identical  as  shown  by  the  data  in  Figure  5. 
The  chlorophyll  a  content  per  cell  was  greater  in  the  filtrate  cultures  than  in  the 
control  whether  or  not  the  filtrate  had  been  autoclaved  (Table  II).  This  indicates 
that  the  filtrate  contained  something  which  enhanced  chlorophyll  synthesis,  but  did 
not  promote  cell  division. 

5.  Growth  of  the  bacteria  in   the  algal  filtrate.     To   determine   if  Dunaliella 
filtrate  would  inhibit  the  growth  of  bacteria,  a  filtrate  was  obtained  from  a  five-day 

8  - 




2        4        6        8       10      12 

FIGURE  7.     Growth  of  the  alga  in  the  Woods  Hole  Harbor  bacteria  filtrate. 

culture  of  the  alga.  Beef  extract  and  peptone  were  added  to  the  filtrate  and  to  the 
control  ASP  medium,  and  inoculated  with  the  previously  isolated  Woods  Hole 
Harbor  bacteria.  Growth  of  the  bacteria  was  measured  by  optical  density  at  750  m/x 
using  a  Beckman  model  DU  spectrophotometer,  and  is  expressed  as  Iog2  ODt/OD0. 
The  growth  of  the  bacteria  was  approximately  the  same  in  the  filtrate  as  in  the 
enriched  ASP  medium  with  no  suggestion  of  a  bacteriostatic  substance  produced 
by  the  alga  (Fig.  6). 


6.  Growth  of  the  alga  in  the  bacterial  filtrate.  To  determine  the  effects  of 
the  bacterial  filtrate  on  the  growth  of  Dunaliella,  a  culture  of  the  Woods  Hole 
Harbor  bacteria  was  grown  in  the  ASP  medium  containing  beef  extract  and  pep- 
tone. After  three  days  of  growth,  the  culture  was  passed  through  a  HA  millipore 
filter  resulting  in  a  clear  filtrate  which  was  autoclaved  and  inoculated  with  the  alga. 
There  was  a  considerable  increase  in  the  maximum  cell  density  in  the  nitrate  culture 
as  compared  with  the  control  (Fig.  7).  The  inhibition  noted  in  the  previous  beef 
extract-peptone  experiment  where  the  bacteria  had  been  added  to  the  culture  three 
days  before  the  alga  did  not  occur  in  this  experiment.  This  suggests  that  the 
inhibitory  substance  is  volatile  or  heat-labile.  Pigment  analysis  also  showed  the 
cells  in  the  filtrate  culture  contained  considerably  more  chlorophyll  a  than  those  in 
the  control  culture  (Table  II). 


The  addition  of  beef  extract  and  peptone  to  bacteria-free  cultures  of  Dunaliella 
•euchlora  did  not  stimulate  the  growth  of  the  alga.  In  the  presence  of  bacteria,  how- 
ever, a  considerable  increase  in  the  algal  population,  as  determined  by  cell  counts 
and  chlorophyll  analysis,  was  observed.  This  increase  presumably  resulted  from 
the  bacterial  hydrolysis  of  the  added  organic  material.  The  organic  additions 
were  not  entirely  inert  to  algal  metabolism  as  the  amount  of  chlorophyll  a  per  cell 
in  the  uncontaminated  cultures  always  exceeded  that  obtained  with  only  the  ad- 
dition of  inorganic  salts. 

The  large  amount  of  synthesis  of  chlorophyll  a  suggested  that  the  alga  was  able 
to  utilize  nitrogenous  breakdown  products  of  the  peptone  and  beef  extract.  A  large 
fraction  of  the  utilizable  nitrogen  from  the  beef  extract  and  peptone  was  probably 
present  as  ammonia,  nitrite,  or  simple  organic  compounds  since  the  conversion  of 
these  to  nitrate-nitrogen  by  marine  bacteria  is  a  slow  process  (Harvey,  1955;  Sver- 
drup  et  al.,  1942).  Harvey  (1940)  and  Gibor  (1956)  observed  that  several  species  of 
Dunaliella  were  able  to  utilize  some  amino  acids  as  nitrogen  sources.  There  are 
also  numerous  reports  of  other  autotrophic  algae  capable  of  utilizing  organic  nitro- 
gen compounds  (Fogg,  1953;  Ryther,  1954).  In  addition,  Huzisige  et  al.  (1957) 
found  that  Euglena  synthesized  chlorophyll  more  rapidly  when  provided  with  casein 
hydrolysate  than  when  provided  with  inorganic  nitrogen  compounds. 

Growth  of  the  alga  in  cultures  containing  organic  additions  was  inhibited  if 
bacteria  were  introduced  before  the  alga  began  to  grow.  However,  no  inhibition 
of  the  alga  was  observed  in  the  bacterial  filtrate  which  had  been  autoclaved.  This 
suggests  a  volatile  or  heat-labile  inhibitor.  Inhibition  could  have  resulted  from 
ammonia  which  is  known  to  be  toxic  at  low  concentrations  (Fogg,  1953;  Myers, 
1951).  Any  ammonia  present  in  the  bacterial  filtrate  would  have  been  lost  during 
autoclaving,  and  the  inhibition  noted  in  the  second  beef  extract-peptone  experiment 
may  have  been  due  to  toxic  concentrations  of  ammonia. 


In  the  cultures  which  developed  a  heavy  suspension  of  cells  and  chlorophyll,  light 
and  probably  carbon  dioxide  may  have  been  limiting,  but  organic  carbon  could  have 
been  utilized  by  the  alga.  Organic  carbon  could  have  been  incorporated  by  the 
alga  simultaneously  with  the  utilization  of  organic  nitrogen  (Fogg,  1953;  Krauss, 
1958),  or  as  separate  compounds.  If  the  alga  is  capable  of  heterotrophic  growth, 
light  would  not  necessarily  be  a  limiting  factor.  It  seems  probable  that  the  very 


dense  cultures  obtained  in  this  study  may  have  been  due  in  part  to  heterotrophic 

It  was  not  possible  in  this  study  to  demonstrate  that  Dunaliella  inhibited  the 
growth  of  bacteria,  nor  was  there  any  indication  of  auto-inhibitors  produced  by  the 
alga.  The  production  of  antibiotics  by  algae  may  not  be  a  general  phenomenon. 

The  authors  wish  to  express  their  grateful  appreciation  to  Dr.  Bostwick  H. 
Ketchum  for  his  many  helpful  suggestions  in  preparing  the  manuscript. 


1.  Bacteria  added  to  cultures  of  Dunaliella  euchlora  in  the  presence  of  nitrog- 
enous organic  matter  stimulated  the  growth  of  the  alga,  and  enhanced  the  synthesis 
of  chlorophyll  a. 

2.  It  was  not  possible  to  obtain  comparable  concentrations  of  chlorophyll  a  by  the 
addition   of   nitrate-nitrogen,   although   a   comparable   number    of   cells   could   be 

3.  If  the  bacteria  obtained  a  "head-start"  in  the  enriched  cultures,  growth  of 
the  alga  was  inhibited.     This   inhibition  could  be  overcome  by  autoclaving  the 
filtrate  from  the  bacteria  cultures. 

4.  Growth  of  the  bacteria  was  not  inhibited  in  the  algal  filtrate,  nor  was  the 
growth  of  the  alga  inhibited  in  the  algal  filtrate. 


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KRAUSS,    R.    W.,    1958.       Physiology  of   fresh-water   algae.      Ann.   Rev.    Plant   Physiol,   9: 

LEFEVRE,  M.,  H.  JAKOB  AND  M.  NISBET,  1952.    Auto,  et  Heteroantagonisme  chez  les  Algues 

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MCLACHLAN,  J.,  1959.     The  growth  of  unicellular  algae  in  artificial  and  enriched  sea  water 

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MYERS,  J.,  1951.     Physiology  of  the  algae.    Ann.  Rev.  Microbiol,  5:  157-180. 
PROVASOLI,  L.,  J.  J.  A.  MCLAUGHLIN  AND  M.  R.  DROOP,  1957.     The  development  of  artificial 

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RICHARDS,  F.  A.,  WITH  T.  G.  THOMPSON,  1952.  The  estimation  and  characterization  of  plank- 
ton populations  by  pigment  analysis.  II.  A  spectrophotometric  method  for  the  estima- 
tion of  plankton  pigments.  /.  Mar.  Res.,  11  :  156-172. 

RYTHER,  J.  H.,  1954.  The  ecology  of  the  phytoplankton  blooms  of  Moriches  Bay  and  Great 
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STEEMANN  NIELSEN,  E.,  1955a.  An  effect  of  antibiotics  produced  by  plankton  algae.  Nature, 
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Oceanogr.,  3 :  443-448. 



Oceanographic  Institute,  Florida  State  University,  Tallahassee,  Florida, 
and  Marine  Biological  Laboratory,  Woods  Hole,  Mass. 

Upon  appropriate  stimulation,  Arbacia  release  a  yellowish  fluid  from  the  integu- 
ment. This  fluid  strongly  inhibits  fertilization  (Oshima,  1921;  Pequegnat,  1948) 
and  is  probably  the  material  responsible  for  the  inhibitory  action  ascribed  to 
Arbacia  blood  by  Lillie  (1914).  Current  interest  arose  from  the  observation  that 
this  "dermal  secretion"  not  only  inhibits  fertilization  but  inhibits  fertilizin  aggluti- 
nation of  sperm  as  well.  Fertilizin  is  the  specific  sperm  isoagglutinin  obtained 
from  eggs  of  the  species.  It  is  initially  present  as  a  jelly  surrounding  the  sea 
urchin  egg,  but  on  standing  in  sea  water  this  jelly  dissolves  charging  the  water 
with  the  agglutinin.  The  dual  effect  of  the  dermal  secretion  suggests  a  causal 
relation  between  inhibition  of  fertilizin  agglutination  of  sperm  and  of  fertilization. 
Demonstration  of  such  a  relation  would  support  the  view  that  fertilizin  is  essential 
for  fertilization.  The  experiments  described  here  and  reported  briefly  elsewhere 
(Metz,  1958)  mainly  concern  the  action  of  the  dermal  secretion  on  sperm  and  the 
fertilizin  agglutination  of  sperm.  The  results  are  consistent  with  the  view  that 
inhibition  of  fertilization  by  the  dermal  secretion  is  related  to  an  inhibitory  action 
on  fertilizin. 


Arbacia  punctulata  was  used  in  all  experiments  except  the  specificity  tests 
outlined  in  the  text.  Most  of  this  material  was  collected  in  the  vicinity  of  the 
Florida  State  University  Marine  Laboratory,  Alligator  Point,  Florida,  although  a 
few  collections  we/e  made  from  a  very  large  population  at  Panama  City,  Florida. 
A  few  experiments  were  performed  at  the  Marine  Biological  Laboratory,  Woods 
Hole,  Mass.,  using  the  local  material. 

Gametes  were  obtained  by  electrical  stimulation  of  the  animals.  Gametes  ob- 
tained by  the  KC1  injection  method,  especially  during  the  winter  months,  proved 
unsatisfactory  in  both  fertilization  and  sperm  agglutination  tests  (Metz,  1957a). 
In  fact,  investigation  of  the  cause  of  this  failure  revealed  that  KCl-treatment  fre- 
quently stimulated  release  of  the  dermal  secretion  (see  also  Harvey,  1956,  page  57) 
as  well  as  the  gametes. 

Sperm  oxygen  consumption  was  measured  using  standard  Warburg  apparatus. 
Single  side  arm  vessels  of  15-20  ml.  capacity  containing  3  ml.  of  fluid  were  run  in 
duplicate  at  20°  C.  The  vessels  were  shaken  at  a  rate  of  120  cycles  per  minute 
with  an  amplitude  of  3.5  cm. 

1  Aided  by  a  grant  from  the  National  Science  Foundation.  Contribution  number  95  from 
the  Oceanographic  Institute,  Florida  State  University. 



Solutions  of  the  dermal  secretion  were  prepared  in  a  manner  similar  to  that 
described  by  Pequegnat  (1948),  and  consisted  of  the  following  steps:  The  Arbacia 
were  immersed  in  tap  water  for  1-3  minutes.  They  were  subsequently  rinsed  in 
distilled  water  and  finally  in  filtered  sea  water.  The  animals  were  then  placed  in 
a  dry  funnel  and  the  yellow  fluid  which  drained  off  was  collected.  The  pH  of 
such  fluid  is  about  7.5.  In  experiments  where  this  might  be  critical  the  pH  was 
raised  to  that  of  sea  water  (pH  8.0-8.2).  To  test  for  sperm  agglutination  one  to 
two  drops  of  the  test  solution  were  mixed  with  an  equal  volume  of  a  sperm  sus- 
pension prepared  by  diluting  semen  to  2%  with  sea  water.  The  mixtures  were 
examined  both  macro-  and  microscopically. 


A)  Action  on  sperm 

Pequegnat  (1948)  noted  that  the  dermal  secretion  of  Arbacia  stimulated  sperm 
to  increased  activity.  This  effect  was  observed  repeatedly  in  the  current  investiga- 
tion. Even  preparations  of  dermal  secretion  at  the  initial  pH  (7.5),  and  therefore 
at  a  pH  disadvantage  as  compared  to  sea  water  controls,  had  the  stimulating  action. 
As  Pequegnat  was  aware,  this  effect  is  not  a  transient  one.  The  sperm  remain 
strongly  active  for  a  prolonged  period  of  time. 

The  enhanced  motility  of  the  sperm  in  the  presence  of  the  dermal  secretion  is 
associated  with  an  increase  in  oxygen  consumption  as  seen  in  Figure  1.  Again 
the  effect  is  not  a  short  term  one  for  the  inhibitor-treated  sperms  were  still  respir- 
ing at  approximately  twice  the  rate  of  the  controls  even  at  the  end  of  one  hour. 
The  increased  oxygen  uptake  is  clearly  the  result  of  enhanced  sperm  respiration, 
not  to  the  oxidation  of  the  pigment  in  the  dermal  secretion  (see  later  section). 
This  follows  from  the  fact  that  the  increase  in  oxygen  uptake  does  not  appear 
until  the  dermal  secretion  is  tipped  into  the  sperm  suspension.  Furthermore,  in 
independent  experiments  dermal  secretion  collected  over  nitrogen  to  prevent  pre- 
mature oxidation  failed  to  consume  appreciable  amounts  of  oxygen  in  Warburg 

Nothing  definite  is  as  yet  known  regarding  the  chemical  nature  or  properties 
of  the  sperm-stimulating  agent,  except  that  it  is  gradually  destroyed  by  heat 
(Fig.  1). 

B)  Action  on  fertilisin  agglutination  of  sperm 

An  inhibitory  effect  of  the  dermal  secretion  on  fertilizin  agglutination  of  sperm 
was  first  noted  by  Pequegnat  (1948).  The  present  investigation  was  designed 
to  obtain  information  concerning  the  mechanism  of  action  of  the  material  in  this 
effect.  Attention  was  directed  especially  to  determine  if  the  inhibitory  agent 
acted  upon  the  sperm,  the  fertilizin  or  both  constituents  of  the  agglutinating  system. 

Possible  inhibitory  action  on  the  sperm.  One  possible  means  whereby  the 
dermal  secretion  could  inhibit  agglutination  would  be  by  action  on  the  sperm. 
For  example,  the  agent  could  destroy  the  antifertilizin  receptor  sites  on  the  sperm 
surface.  Such  destruction  might  be  expected  to  be  irreversible  in  which  case 
washing  dermal  secretion-treated  sperm  should  not  restore  agglutinability.  Such 
experiments  show,  however,  that  treated  sperm  recover  agglutinability  upon  wash- 


C.  B.  METZ 

ing  in  sea  water.  A  typical  experiment  from  a  series  of  four  is  given  in  Table  I. 
From  this  experiment  it  is  clear  that  the  inhibiting  agent  in  the  dermal  secretion 
does  not  render  the  sperm  irreversibly  refractory  to  the  agglutinating  action  of 

200  r 


0D.S.  (HEATED) 




FIGURE  1.  Effect  of  dermal  secretion  (D.S.)  on  oxygen  uptake  of  Arbacia  sperm.  Heated 
aliquots  (3  ml.)  were  immersed  in  a  boiling  water  bath  for  5  minutes.  The  pH  of  both 
heated  and  unheated  dermal  secretion  solutions  was  adjusted  to  7.9.  Vessels  contained  1.8  ml. 
of  Arbacia  semen  diluted  to  10%  with  sea  water.  Center  wells  contained  0.2  ml.  20%  KOH. 
The  1-ml.  samples  of  dermal  secretion  (or  sea  water)  in  side  arms  were  tipped  into  vessels 
at  48  minutes. 

Likewise,  the  inhibitor  is  not  used  up  or  destroyed  by  sperm  in  the  inhibiting 
reaction  as  seen  in  Table  II  (one  of  five  experiments).  Accordingly,  it  appears 
likely  that  the  dermal  secretion  acts  upon  the  fertilizin,  not  the  sperm,  to  inhibit 
agglutination.  Experiments  supporting  this  view  are  described  below. 



Fertilizin  agglutination  of  Arbacia  sperm  after  washing  from  dermal  secretion 






in  S.W.) 

re-suspended  in 
original  super- 
natant D.S.) 

in  S.W.) 

re-suspended  in 
original  super- 
natant S.W.) 

Agglutination  of  sperm  on  ad- 
dition of  fertilizin  after  one 



+  +  +  + 

+  +  +  + 


Agglutination  of  sperm  on  ad- 
dition of  fertilizin  after  sec- 

+ +  + 


+  +  +  + 

+  +  +  + 

ond  centrifugation 

Semen  concentration  in  the  four  0.75-ml.  samples  was  8%.  After  standing  30  minutes  the 
samples  were  centrifuged  twice  at  4°  C.  Sperm  in  1  and  3  was  re-suspended  in  sea  water;  the 
sperm  in  2  and  4  in  the  original  supernatant  after  each  centrifugation.  Aliquots  of  sperm  from 
all  re-suspended  samples  were  tested  for  agglutination  with  fertilizin. 

Inhibitory  action  on  fertilizin.  Tests  for  action  of  the  inhibiting  solution  on 
fertilizin  are  complicated  by  the  fact  that  fertilizin  itself  can  inhibit  sperm  agglutina- 
tion when  in  the  univalent  form  (Metz,  1942).  Indeed,  one  possible  mode  of 
action  of  the  inhibitor  would  be  that  it  converts  fertilizin  from  the  multivalent, 
agglutinating  form  to  the  univalent,  non-agglutinating  condition.  Another  pos- 


Agglutination  inhibiting  action  of  sperm  absorbed  dermal  secretion 

Absorbing  mixtures 





0.5  ml. 

Sperm  (33%) 


Sperm  (33%) 


0.5  ml. 





Agglutination  inhibiting  assay  of  supernatants  from  above  mixtures 

Dilution  of  absorption 








+  +  +  + 

+  +  +  + 







After  standing  for  30  minutes  the  absorbing  mixtures  were  centrifuged,  supernatants  were 
removed  and  diluted  serially  in  S.W.  Constant  amounts  of  fertilizin  and  test  sperm  suspension 
were  then  added  to  each  dilution.  The  slight  difference  between  No.  1  and  No.  2  is  not  considered 


C.  B.  METZ 

sibility  is  that  the  inhibitor  destroys  the  reactive  sites  of  the  fertilizin  which  com- 
bine with  the  sperm  surface.  This  could  occur  with  or  without  conversion  to 
the  univalent  form. 

Ideally,  to  test  for  direct  action  on  fertilizin,  the  inhibiting  agent  and  fertilizin 
should  be  mixed  and  subsequently  separated  before  testing  the  fertilizin  for  activity. 
Unfortunately,  no  simple  means  has  yet  been  devised  for  separating  the  two  mate- 
rials. However,  results  obtained  using  two  other  procedures  leave  no  doubt  that 
the  agglutination-inhibiting  agent  does  destroy  not  only  the  sperm-agglutinating 
action  of  fertilizin,  but  also  the  ability  of  the  fertilizin  to  combine  with  the  anti- 
fertilizin  of  the  sperm. 

In  the  first  procedure  advantage  was  taken  of  the  fact  that  the  agglutination- 
inhibiting  action  of  the  dermal  secretion  is  rapidly  destroyed  by  heating  to  100°  C. 


Effect  of  heating  on  fertilizin-dermal  secretion  mixtures 

Heated  mixtures 

Unheated  mixtures 









0.5  ml. 









0.5  ml. 










Agglutination    on   addition 
of  sperm  to  mixtures 



+  +  +  + 

+  +  +  + 


Inhibition  tests  (agglutina- 
tion on  addition  of  con- 

+ +  + 



+  +  + 


+  +  + 

trol  fertilizin  to  samples 
tested  in  A  above) 

The  heated  mixtures  were  held  at  100°  C.  for  four  minutes.  In  A  the  mixtures  were  tested 
for  agglutinating  action  on  sperm.  The  heating  failed  to  restore  agglutinating  action  to  the  D.S.- 
fertilizin  mixture  (Al).  In  B  the  mixtures  were  tested  for  agglutination  inhibiting  action  by  add- 
ing control  fertilizin  to  the  mixtures  in  A  following  spontaneous  reversal  of  the  initial  agglutination 
in  A3  and  A7 .  The  heated  mixture  fails  to  inhibit  agglutination  (Bl  and  B5).  Both  the  inhibitor 
in  the  dermal  secretion  and  the  fertilizin  have  been  destroyed  in  the  heated  mixture. 

whereas  fertilizin  is  relatively  stable  to  such  heating.  As  seen  in  Table  III  (A) 
when  a  non-agglutinating,  fertilizin-inhibitor  mixture  was  heated  sufficiently  to 
destroy  the  inhibitor  but  not  the  fertilizin,  the  mixture  still  failed  to  agglutinate 
sperm.  Restoration  of  agglutinating  action  would  be  expected  if  the  inhibitor  in 
the  mixture  acted  exclusively  on  the  sperm.  Accordingly,  the  experiment  is 
explained  by  an  inactivation  of  the  fertilizin  by  the  inhibitor  and  a  subsequent 
inactivation  of  any  remaining  inhibitor  by  the  heating.  Four  other  experiments 
yielded  similar  results. 

The  question  now  arises  whether  the  agent  inactivates  the  sperm  combining 
sites  of  fertilizin  or  converts  the  fertilizin  to  the  univalent  form  without  combining 
site  destruction.  Evidence  concerning  this  was  obtained  by  testing  for  sperm 



agglutination  inhibiting  action  of  the  heated  fertilizin-inhibitor  mixture.  As  seen 
in  Table  III  (B)  control  fertilizin  agglutinates  sperm  that  was  pretreated  with  the 
heated  fertilizin-inhibitor  mixture.  This  agglutination  means  that  the  heated  mix- 
ture contains  insufficient  fertilizin  combining  sites  to  block  the  sperm  surface. 
However,  controls  in  the  experiment  show  that  fertilizin  combining  sites  sufficient 
to  block  the  sperm  surface  were  initially  present  in  the  mixtures.  Therefore,  it 
must  be  concluded  that  combining  site  destruction  occurred  in  the  fertilizin-inhibitor 
mixture.  Inactivation  of  agglutinating  action  by  dermal  secretion  does  not  result 
simply  from  conversion  of  the  fertilizin  to  the  univalent  form. 

In  a  second  series  of  experiments  fertilizin  was  tested  for  its  ability  to  combine 
with  the  sperm  surface  in  the  presence  of  unheated  dermal  secretion.  As  seen 
in  Table  IV  sperm  was  mixed  with  a  non-agglutinating  inhibitor-fertilizin  mixture 
in  proportions  that  assured  sufficient  fertilizin  to  saturate  the  sperm  surface.  The 
sperm  in  the  mixture  was  subsequently  centrifuged  free  of  the  mixture  and  tested 

Fertilizin  agglutination  of  Arbacia  sperm  washed  from  fertilizin-dermal  secretion  mixtures 





Sperm  washed  from 

mixture  of  









Agglutination  on  addition  of 
fertilizin     to    the    washed 

+  +  + 



+++  + 


The  four  mixtures  were  prepared  in  the  following  proportions:  0.5  ml.  dermal  secretion, 
0.25  ml.  fertilizin,  0.25  ml.  approximately  47%  semen.  They  were  centrifuged  at  4°  C.,  and  the 
sperm  were  re-suspended  in  0.5  ml.  sea  water.  These  sperm  suspensions  were  then  tested  for 
agglutinability  with  control  fertilizin.  The  sperm  suspensions  were  not  agglutinated  in  sea  water 
alone.  Test  3  shows  that  the  original  mixtures  1  and  3  contained  sufficient  fertilizin  to  block 
the  sperm  surface.  In  the  presence  of  dermal  secretion,  this  amount  of  fertilizin  failed  to  block 
the  sperm  surface  (test  1).  Controls  not  listed  show  that  the  mixtures  contained  an  excess  of 
dermal  secretion. 

for  agglutinability  by  control  fertilizin.  As  seen  in  the  table  the  sperm  washed 
from  the  fertilizin-inhibitor  mixture  agglutinated  upon  addition  of  control  fertilizin, 
but  sperm  washed  from  fertilizin  alone  failed  to  agglutinate.  In  the  latter  case, 
the  fertilizin  evidently  saturated  the  sperm  surface  (as  univalent  fertilizin)  to 
prevent  agglutination  by  the  control  fertilizin.  Failure  of  fertilizin  to  block  the 
sperm  surface  in  the  fertilizin-inhibitor  mixture  is  most  readily  explained  by  an 
inactivation  of  combining  sites  of  fertilizin  by  the  inhibitor  prior  to  addition  of 

C)   Action  on  antifertilizin  agglutination  of  eggs 

In  view  of  its  action  on  solutions  of  fertilizin  the  dermal  secretion  might  be 
expected  to  affect  fertilizin  in  the  gel  form.  The  natural  jelly  surrounding  the 
eggs  of  sea  urchins  is  largely,  if  not  entirely,  fertilizin  (Tyler,  1949).  Thus  the 
dermal  secretion  might  be  expected  to  precipitate,  dissolve  or  otherwise  alter  this 


C.  B.  METZ 

jelly  layer  in  some  visible  way.  In  any  event  it  should  affect  the  egg  agglutination 
and  jelly  precipitation  reaction  that  results  when  antifertilizin  from  sperm  is  mixed 
with  eggs. 

According  to  Pequegnat  (1948)  (p.  79)  the  dermal  secretion  "appeared  to  re- 
move part  of  the  egg's  jelly  layer,  in  proportion  to  concentration  or  to  the  duration 
of  exposure."  Similar  action  was  sometimes  observed  in  the  present  investiga- 
tion. However,  the  effect  was  not  consistently  found.  It  seems  likely  that  this 
jelly-dissolving  action  is  related  to  the  pH  of  the  inhibitor  solutions.  Aside  from 
this  possible  dissolving  action  the  dermal  secretion  has  no  visible  effect  on  the 
egg  jelly.  It  certainly  does  not  precipitate  the  egg  jelly  in  the  form  of  a  mem- 
brane as  might  be  expected  in  view  of  its  ability  to  inactivate  the  combining  sites 
of  fertilizin. 

In  spite  of  its  failure  to  have  a  direct  precipitatory  action  on  the  egg  jelly,  the 
dermal  secretion  was  found  to  inhibit  the  jelly  precipitation  and  egg  agglutination 


Effect  of  heated  and  unheated  dermal  secretion  on  A,  fertilizin  agglutination  of 
sperm  and  B,  antifertilizin  precipitation  of  egg  jellies 




























+  +  +  + 

+  +  +  + 



+  +  +  + 


+  +  +  + 

+  +  +  + 


The  heated  dermal  secretion  was  treated  for  5  minutes  at  100°  C.     Two  other  experiments 
gave  similar  results.     In  one  of  these  the  dermal  secretion  was  heated  for  25  minutes. 

that  results  when  sperm  antifertilizin  is  mixed  with  eggs.  However,  the  inhibiting 
action  on  egg  jelly  precipitation  was  found  to  be  reversible.  After  washing  the 
eggs  from  the  dermal  secretion  or  dermal  secretion-antifertilizin  mixture  into  sea 
water,  and  subsequently  adding  antifertilizin  they  formed  satisfactory  jelly  precipi- 
tation membranes.  Clearly,  then,  the  dermal  secretion  inhibits  antifertilizin  ag- 
glutination of  eggs.  However,  the  mechanism  of  this  action  is  apparently  more 
complicated  than  would  have  been  predicted  from  the  mode  of  action  of  the  dermal 
secretion  on  sperm  agglutination.  Results  from  the  latter  study  (above)  indicate 
that  the  dermal  secretion  inactivates  the  combining  sites  of  fertilizin.  The  inhibi- 
tion of  egg  agglutination  by  antifertilizin,  however,  appears  to  result  primarily  from 
action  of  the  material  on  the  egg  agglutinating  agent,  antifertilizin,  in  the  sperm 
extracts.  This  conclusion  is  suggested  by  1)  the  ready  reversibility  of  the  inhi- 
bition upon  washing  eggs,  2)  the  fact  that  a  precipitate  forms  upon  mixing  anti- 
fertilizin and  the  dermal  secretion  and  finally,  3)  the  fact  that  the  egg  agglutination 


inhibitor  is  heat-stable,  whereas  the  fertilizin  agglutination  inhibitor  is  heat-labile. 
These  last  relations  are  demonstrated  in  the  experiment  summarized  in  Table  V. 
From  these  experiments  it  would  appear  that  there  are  two  inhibitors  in  the  dermal 
secretion.  One  of  these  inhibits  the  sperm  agglutinating  action  of  fertilizin  by 
inactivating  the  combining  sites  of  the  agglutinin.  The  second  agent  inhibits  the 
egg  jelly  precipitating  and  agglutinating  action  of  sperm  antifertilizin  by  inactivating 
the  antifertilizin. 

Although  these  experiments  adequately  explain  failure  of  antifertilizin  to  ag- 
glutinate eggs  in  the  presence  of  dermal  secretion,  they  still  do  not  directly  answer 
the  question  whether  the  heat-labile  agent  can  combine  with  the  reactive  sites  of 
fertilizin  when  the  latter  is  in  the  gel  form.  To  test  for  such  combination,  eggs 
were  treated  with  an  excess  of  dermal  secretion  for  periods  up  to  55  minutes.  The 
eggs  were  subsequently  washed  in  sea  water  and  extracted  for  fertilizin  in  normal 
or  acid  sea  water.  In  each  of  three  such  experiments  the  dermal  secretion-treated 
eggs  yielded  sperm  agglutinating  fertilizin  solutions.  Indeed  the  sperm  agglutinin 
titers  of  fertilizin  solutions  prepared  by  acid  extraction  of  dermal  secretion-treated 
and  control  eggs  were  not  significantly  different.  Evidently,  then,  the  reactive 
sites  of  fertilizin  in  the  gel  form  are  not  accessible  to  the  heat-labile  inhibitor  of 
the  dermal  secretion. 

D)   Some  pJiysical  and  chemical  properties  of  the  dcnnal  secretion 

No  systematic  study  of  the  physical  and  chemical  properties  of  the  dermal 
secretion  has  yet  been  made.  Nevertheless,  some  information  has  been  obtained 
concerning  the  secretion  and  the  sperm  agglutination  inhibitor  contained  in  it. 
This  information  is  recorded  here. 

Color  changes.  The  freshly  prepared  dermal  secretion  is  light  yellow-green  in 
color.  Upon  standing  in  air  the  solution  gradually  darkens  to  a  deep  brown  or 
black  color.  This  color  change  is  evidently  a  rather  direct  oxidation  by  atmospheric 
oxygen,  for  the  color  change  fails  to  occur  in  an  atmosphere  of  nitrogen.  Further- 
more, it  appears  unlikely  that  the  oxidation  is  mediated  by  enzymes  because  both 
heated  and  unheated  preparations  undergo  the  color  changes.  Finally,  the  oxida- 
tion is  not  reversed  by  reducing  agents  such  as  hydrosulfite.  The  colored  material 
is  a  component  of  a  large  molecule  since  it  precipitates  with  (NH4)2SO4  and  fails 
to  diffuse  through  cellophane.  The  sperm  agglutination  inhibitor  is  associated 
with  the  pigmented  material  to  the  extent  that  the  inhibitor  also  precipitates  with 
(NH,),SO4  and  fails  to  diffuse. 

Antigenic  composition.  No  serious  serological  study  has  been  made  of  the 
dermal  secretion.  Nevertheless,  the  dermal  secretion  lowered  the  sperm  aggluti- 
nating titer  of  unti-Arbacia  sperm  serum.  In  agar  diffusion  precipitin  tests 
(Ochterlony  tests)  the  dermal  secretion  produced  three  precipitin  bands  both  with 
antisera  prepared  against  Arbacia  sperm  and  with  antisera  against  jellyless  Arbacia 
eggs.  One  precipitin  band  formed  when  the  dermal  secretion  was  diffused  against 
antiserum  prepared  against  Arbacia  fertilizin.  No  precipitates  formed  with  control 
(pre-injection)  serum.  The  antisera  used  in  these  experiments  were  prepared 
with  considerable  care.  The  sperm  and  jellyless  eggs  used  for  injection  were  washed 
to  remove  contaminating  material.  Likewise,  the  fertilizin  used  as  immunizing 
antigen  was  obtained  by  careful  acid  extraction  of  washed  eggs  (see  Tyler,  1949). 

480  C.  B.  METZ 

In  view  of  this,  it  appears  likely  that  the  immunizing  antigens  were  largely  free  of 
contaminating  material  including  dermal  secretion.  Evidently,  then,  the  dermal 
secretion  contains  antigenic  groups  in  common  with  sperm,  eggs  and  fertilizin. 
The  antigenic  relationships  here  have  not  yet  been  investigated,  but  it  is  evident 
that  the  dermal  secretion  contains  at  least  three  separate  and  distinct  materials. 


The  observations  of  Oshima  (1921)  and  Pequegnat  (1948)  combined  with  the 
present  investigation  show  that  the  dermal  secretion  of  Arbacia  has  a  variety  of 
effects  on  sea  urchin  gametes  and  their  interaction.  Action  on  sperm  includes 
enhancement  of  motility  and  respiration.  These  are  not  pH  effects  but  appear 
to  depend  upon  an  agent  or  agents  in  the  dermal  secretion.  The  two  effects  may 
be  due  to  separate  agents  although  it  seems  more  likely  that  increase  in  motility 
and  respiration  are  related  and  result  from  action  of  a  single  agent.  Little  infor- 
mation concerning  the  mechanism  of  action  of  the  agent  has  been  obtained.  How- 
ever, it  is  unlikely  that  the  motility  and  respiration  enhancing  effects  are  due  to  a 
metal-binding  action  of  the  dermal  secretion.  Metal-binding  agents  do  increase 
the  motility  of  sea  urchin  sperm  (Tyler  and  Atkinson,  1950),  but  they  differ  from 
the  dermal  secretion  in  that  they  fail  to  increase  the  rate  of  oxygen  uptake  (Tyler 
and  Rothschild,  1951;  Tyler,  1953).  Metal-binding  agents  and  the  dermal  secre- 
tion of  Arbacia  also  differ  in  their  action  on  Asterias  sperm.  The  former  agents 
have  a  spectacular  stimulatory  action  on  Asterias  sperm  motility  (Metz  and  Birky, 
1955)  whereas  the  dermal  secretion  of  Arbacia  was  observed  to  have  no  effect  on 
Asterias  sperm  motility.  Evidently,  the  dermal  secretion  does  not  contain  appre- 
ciable amounts  of  substances  which  bind  metals.  Finally,  contamination  with  the 
dermal  secretion  is  a  hazard  to  be  avoided  in  studies  of  stimulating  action  of  egg 
water  and  other  extracts  on  sperm  motility  and  respiration. 

The  dermal  secretion  also  inhibits  fertilizin  agglutination  of  sperm,  antifertilizin 
precipitation  of  egg  jelly  and  fertilization.  From  the  sperm  centrifugation  experi- 
ments it  is  evident  that  the  dermal  secretion  does  not  inhibit  agglutination  by 
combining  with  and  blocking  the  sperm  surface  in  irreversible  fashion.  In  this 
respect  the  agent  differs  from  fertilizin.  As  is  well  known,  sea  urchin  sperm 
washed  from  an  excess  of  fertilizin  after  reversal  of  agglutination  fails  to  reag- 
glutinate  upon  a  second  addition  of  fertilizin.  Indeed,  sperm  remove  the  fertilizin 
from  solution  (e.g.,  Monroy  et  al.,  1954).  Conceivably,  the  agent  could  inhibit 
agglutination  enzymatically  by  digesting  the  antifertilizin  from  the  sperm  surface 
with  sufficient  rapidity  to  prevent  agglutination.  If  the  antifertilizin  were  ar- 
ranged in  layers  at  the  sperm  surface,  sufficient  of  this  material  might  remain 
after  addition  and  subsequent  removal  of  the  inhibitor  to  insure  agglutination  by 
fertilizin.  However,  even  granting  this  unlikely  possibility  it  is  clear  from  the 
experiments  with  dermal  secretion-fertilizin  mixtures  that  the  dermal  secretion 
destroys  the  agglutinating  action  of  fertilizin.  In  the  first  series  of  these  experi- 
ments non-agglutinating  mixtures  were  heated  sufficiently  to  destroy  the  inhibiting 
agent  but  not  the  fertilizin.  Such  heated  mixtures  failed  to  agglutinate  sperm  and 
to  inhibit  agglutination.  In  the  second  series  sperm  were  washed  from  unheated 
inhibitor-fertilizin  mixtures  containing  sufficient  fertilizin  to  block  the  sperm  sur- 


face.  These  washed  sperm  agglutinated  on  addition  of  fertilizin.  These  experi- 
ments show  that  the  dermal  secretion  of  Arbacia  can  inhibit  agglutination  by  inac- 
tivation  of  the  agglutinin  fertilizin.  This  inactivation  is  not  simply  a  conversion 
of  the  fertilizin  molecule  to  a  form  similar  to  the  univalent  fertilizin  produced  by 
some  other  agent  (see  Metz,  1957b,  for  review).  The  inhibiting  agent  in  the 
dermal  secretion  inactivates  or  blocks  the  combining  sites  of  the  fertilizin  that 
react  with  the  sperm  surface  in  agglutination. 

In  view  of  this  action  on  fertilizin  it  is  surprising  that  the  dermal  secretion  has 
no  visible  effect  on  the  sea  urchin  egg  jelly  since  this  jelly  consists  of  undissolved 
fertilizin.  It  is  even  more  surprising  that  eggs  washed  from  dermal  secretion 
will  agglutinate  with  antifertilizin,  since  the  agent  in  the  dermal  secretion  inac- 
tivates the  combining  sites  of  fertilizin.  These  unexpected  observations  are  ex- 
plained by  experiments  showing  that  the  combining  sites  of  fertilizin  are  not  inac- 
tivated by  dermal  secretion  when  the  fertilizin  is  in  the  gel  form.  Possibly  the 
inhibiting  agent  fails  to  diffuse  through  the  egg  jelly.  However,  it  seems  more 
likely  that  the  specific  combining  sites  are  inaccessible  to  the  dermal  secretion 
because  they  are  blocked  by  cross  linkages  in  the  gel  structure.  This  concept  has 
been  offered  as  a  possible  explanation  of  passage  of  sperm  through  the  egg  jelly 
without  saturation  by  fertilizin  (Tyler,  1941).  It  is  also  consistent  with  the  ob- 
servation that  fertilizin  in  solution  and  in  the  gel  form  differs  in  staining  properties 
with  metachromatic  dyes  (Monroy  et  al.,  1954).  Even  with  this  explanation 
one  difficulty  remains.  If  the  combining  sites  of  fertilizin  in  the  gel  form  are  not 
available  for  reaction  with  dermal  secretion,  then  they  might  reasonably  be  expected 
to  be  unavailable  to  antifertilizin  as  well.  This  difficulty  is  resolved  by  assuming 
that  egg  jelly  precipitation  results  from  combination  of  antifertilizin  with  a  part 
of  the  fertilizin  other  than  the  specific  combining  sites  involved  in  sperm 

Finally,  consideration  of  the  effect  of  dermal  secretion  on  the  egg  jelly  pre- 
cipitating action  of  antifertilizin  leads  to  other  interesting  implications.  In  the 
presence  of  dermal  secretion  antifertilizin  fails  to  precipitate  egg  jellies.  This 
inhibition  results  from  a  second,  heat-stable  agent  in  the  dermal  secretion  which 
acts  upon  antifertilizin.  This  complicates  the  problem  further  because  the  first 
experiments  performed  in  this  study  show  that  the  dermal  secretion  does  not  irre- 
versibly inactivate  the  combining  sites  of  the  sperm  surface  antifertilizin.  There- 
fore, the  heat-stable  inhibitor  must  inactivate  egg  agglutinating  antifertilizin  prepa- 
rations by  combination  with  some  other  part  of  the  molecule.  A  final  possibility 
that  is  not  excluded  is  that  the  "antifertilizin"  extracted  from  sperm  is  not  related 
to  the  sperm  surface  material  that  combines  with  fertilizin  in  the  sperm  agglutina- 
tion reaction.  The  "antifertilizin"  may  be  a  fortuitous  product  of  the  extraction 
procedure  which,  like  some  other  proteins,  precipitates  sea  urchin  egg  jelly  non- 

One  other  question  requires  consideration ;  namely,  the  relation  of  the  inhibitors 
described  above  to  inhibition  of  fertilization.  Like  the  sperm  agglutination  in- 
hibitor the  fertilization  inhibitor  is  heat-labile.  This  is  consistent  with  the  view 
that  inhibition  of  agglutination  and  of  fertilization  result  from  action  of  the  same 
agent.  Further  investigation  of  this  relationship  may  reveal  that  the  fertilization 
inhibiting  action  of  dermal  secretion  results  from  inactivation  of  fertilizin. 

482  C.  B.  METZ 

Other  agents  are  also  known  to  inhibit  fertilization  in  the  sea  urchin.  Notable 
among  these  are  the  preparations  from  the  brown  alga,  Fucus,  studied  by  Runn- 
strom  and  co-workers.  Two  inhibitory  agents  are  recognized.  One  is  a  phenolic 
substance  and  has  not  been  studied  in  great  detail  (Wicklund,  1954).  The  other, 
named  "fertilization  inhibitor  (Fucus),"  is  heat-stable,  increases  motility  of  sperm 
(Wicklund,  1954)  but  does  not  inhibit  fertilizin  agglutination  of  sperm  (Runnstrom 
and  Hagstrom,  1955).  Clearly  this  agent  has  different  properties  than  the  dermal 
secretion  and  the  two  preparations  probably  act  in  different  fashion  to  inhibit 
fertilization.  Indeed,  they  may  very  well  block  different  steps  in  the  initial  stages 
of  fertilization.  Accordingly,  a  detailed  analysis  of  the  site  and  mechanism  of 
action  of  these  and  other  inhibitors  might  provide  interesting  information  con- 
cerning the  sequence  of  events  in  the  initial  stages  of  fertilization. 


1.  As   demonstrated   previously   by    Oshima    (1921)    and    Pequegnat    (1948) 
Arbacia  release  a  yellowish  secretion  upon  appropriate  stimulation. 

2.  This  dermal   secretion  increases   the  motility   and   oxygen   consumption   of 
sperm.     The  effect  is  not  short  lived  and  does  not  appear  to  depend  upon  a  metal 
binding  action. 

3.  The  dermal  secretion  inhibits  fertilizin  agglutination  of  sperm.     This  action 
results  from  an  inactivation  of  the  specific  combining  sites  of  fertilizin.     The  dermal 
secretion  does  not  act  upon  the  sperm  surface  to  inhibit  agglutination.     The  agent 
in  dermal  secretion  that  inactivates  fertilizin  is  destroyed  by  heating  to  100°   C. 
and  fails  to  diffuse  through  cellophane. 

4.  The  dermal  secretion  has  no  visible  action  on  the  Arbacia  egg  or  egg  jelly. 

5.  The  dermal  secretion  inhibits  antifertilizin  precipitation  of  intact  egg  jellies. 
This  action  depends  upon  a  heat-stable  agent  which  precipitates  antifertilizin. 

6.  Some  properties  of  the  dermal  secretion  are  described.     The  material  con- 
tains at  least  three  distinct  antigens. 

7.  The  results  are  in  agreement  with  the  view  that  fertilizin  is  essential  for 


HARVEY,  E.  B.,  1956.     The  American  Arbacia  and  Other  Sea  Urchins.     Princeton  University 

LILLIE,  F.  R.,  1914.     Studies  on  fertilization.     VI.  The  mechanism  of  fertilization  in  Arbacia. 

J.  Exp.  Zool,  16:  523-588. 
METZ,  C.  B.,   1942.     The  inactivation  of  fertilizin  and  its  conversion  to  the  "univalent"  form 

by  x-rays  and  ultraviolet  light.     Biol.  Bull.,  82:  446-454. 
METZ,  C.  B.,  1957a.     Mechanisms  in  fertilization.     In:   Physiological  Triggers,  T.  H.   Bullock, 

editor,   American   Physiological   Society,   Washington,   D.   C. 

METZ,  C.  B.,  1957b.     Specific  egg  and  sperm  substances  and  activation  of  the  egg.     In:  Begin- 
nings of  Embryonic  Development,  A.  Tyler,  R.  C.  von  Borstel,   C.  B.   Metz,  editors. 

American  Association  for  the  Advancement  of  Science,  Washington,  D.   C. 
METZ,  C.  B.,  1958.     Fertilization  and  agglutination  inhibitors  from  Arbacia.     Biol.  Bull.,  115: 

METZ,  C.  B.,  AND  C.  W.  BIRKY,  JR.,  1955.     The  action  of  some  metal  ions  and  metal  chelating 

agents  on  the  motility  and  respiration  of  starfish  sperm.     Biol.  Bull.,  109:  365-366. 
MONROY,   A.,   L.   Tosi,    G.    GIARDINA   AND   R.    MAGGIO,    1954.     Further   investigations   on   the 

interaction  between   sperm   and  jelly-coat   in   the   fertilization   of   the   sea   urchin   egg. 

Biol.  Bull,  106:  169-177. 


OSHIMA,  H.,  1921.     Inhibitiory  effect  of  dermal  secretion  of  the  sea  urchin  upon  the  fertiliza- 

bility  of  the  egg.     Science,  54:   578-580. 
PEQUEGNAT,   W.,    1948.     Inhibition   of   fertilization   in   Arbacia   by   blood   extract.     Biol.   Bull., 

95:  69-82. 
RUNNSTROM,  J.,  AND  B.  HAGSTROM,   1955.     Studies  on  the  action  of  the   "Fucus  fertilization 

inhibitor"  on  sea  urchin  egg  and  sperm.     E.vp.  Cell  Res.,  8 :  1-14. 
TYLER,  A.,  1941.     The  role  of  fertilizin  in  the  fertilization  of  eggs  of  the  sea  urchin  and  other 

animals.     Biol.  Bull.,  81 :  190-204. 
TYLER,  A.,  1949.     Properties  of  fertilizin  and  related  substances  of  eggs  and  sperm  of  marine 

animals.     Amer.  Natur.,  83:   195-219. 
TYLER,  A.,  1953.     Prolongation  of  life-span  of  sea  urchin  spermatozoa,  and  improvement  of  the 

fertilization-reaction,  by  treatment  of  spermatozoa  and  eggs  with  metal-chelating  agents 

(amino  acids,  Versene,  DEDTC,  oxine,  cupron).     Biol.  Bull.,  104:  228-239. 
TYLER,   A.,   AND   E.   ATKINSON,    1950.     Prolongation   of   the  fertilizing   capacity   of   sea   urchin 

spermatozoa  by  amino  acids.     Science,  112:  783-785. 
TYLER,  A.,  AND  LORD  ROTHSCHILD,  1951.     Metabolism  of  sea  urchin  spermatozoa  and  induced 

anaerobic  motility  in  solutions  of  amino  acids.     Proc.  Soc.  Exp.  Biol.  Med.,  76 :  52-58. 
WICKLUND,  E.,  1954.     The  influence  of  some  inhibiting  substances  on  fertilization  in  the  sea 

urchin  egg.     Ark.  f.  Zool.  S.2,  6:   485-503. 




School  of  Physiology,  University  of  Queensland,  Brisbane  ~  Australia  and  the  Departments 
of  Zoology  and  Physiology,   University  of  Wisconsin,  Madison  6,   Wisconsin 

The  Microchiroptera  are  a  group  of  mammals  which  show  unique  thermo- 
regulatory  behavior  since  they  alone  exhibit  a  daily  reversal  between  homeothermic 
and  poikilothermic  conditions.  Their  poikilothermic  nature  is  without  question 
since  their  body  temperature  (TB)  often  closely  follows  the  ambient  temperature 
(T4)  (Hock,  1951;  Eisentraut,  1956a).  However,  some  question  has  been  raised 
as  to  the  nature  of  their  homeothermism  at  other  times  by  the  suggestion  that  they 
must  be  physically  active  in  order  to  maintain  their  temperature;  the  implication 
being  that  the  elevation  is  a  passive  concomitant  of  the  heat  produced  during  exercise, 
analogous  perhaps  to  the  warming  of  a  bumblebee  or  a  tarpon,  and  thus  may  not 
represent  positive  regulation.  In  the  present  study  the  relation  between  activity 
and  body  temperature  is  examined  in  one  microchiropteran  to  throw  light  on  this 

The  situation  in  the  Megachiroptera  is  also  in  some  question.  Although  a 
limited  number  of  measurements  (about  a  dozen)  have  suggested  considerable 
regulation  in  this  group  of  larger  bats  (Burbank  and  Young,  1934 ;  Eisentraut,  1938) 
the  statement  has  still  been  made  recently,  that  all  bats  exhibit  a  lack  of  thermo- 
regulatory  control  when  they  become  inactive.  The  following  observations  on  a 
representative  of  this  group  will  allow  us  to  compare  it  more  closely  in  this  regard 
both  to  other  mammals  and  to  the  suborder  of  smaller  bats. 


The  Microchiroptera  were  represented  by  the  bent-wing  bat,  Miniopterus 
blepotis.  This  genus  of  simple-nosed  bats  (Vespertilionidae)  is  distinguished  by 
the  extended  terminal  joint  of  the  longest  digit  which  is  bent  up  against  the  upper 
part  of  the  wing  during  rest,  and  by  the  tail  length  which  is  equal  to  the  head 
and  body.  This  species  ranges  through  most  of  Australia  and  is  known  for  its 
communal,  cave-dwelling  habit  (Troughton,  1941).  These  individuals  were  be- 
tween our  little  brown  and  big  brown  bats  in  size  with  a  weight  range  from  6  to 
12  grams.  The  animals  were  taken  from  a  colony  living  in  a  cave  formed  by 
fallen  slabs  of  rock  in  a  small  stream  about  50  miles  north  of  Brisbane.  Its  depth 

1  These  studies  were  supported  by  the  Guggenheim  Foundation  and  the  U.  S.  Educational 
Foundation  in  Australia,  with  supplemental  assistance  from  the  Wisconsin  Alumnae  Research 
Foundation.     The  loan  and  transport  of  certain  equipment  were  effected  under  contract  between 
the  University  of  Wisconsin  and  the  Office  of  Naval  Research. 

2  These  studies  would  not  have  been  possible  without  the  enthusiastic  support  of  Prof. 
W.  V.  Macfarlane  who  generously  made  available  the  resources  of  his  Department. 




was  about  30  feet  and  access  was  through  the  falling  water,  although  other  smaller 
openings  were  available  to  the  bats.  The  animals  were  closely  packed,  hanging 
from  the  ceiling  over  an  area  of  several  square  yards.  They  became  active  quite 
quickly  on  disturbance  since  the  ambient  temperature  was  not  low  in  this  first 
month  of  spring  (September).  A  subsequent  visit  in  the  fall  (March)  showed 
only  a  few  scattered  individuals,  but  whether  this  was  a  seasonal  change  or  a  result 
of  the  previous  disturbance  is  not  known.  We  are  greatly  indebted  to  Dr.  Peter 
Ulrich  for  his  assistance  in  locating  and  procuring  these  Miniopterus. 

The  megachiropteran  studied  was  the  grey-headed  fruit  bat,  Pteropus  polio- 
cephalus,  a  representative  of  the  single  Australian  genus,  which  was  kindly  loaned 
us  from  his  collection  by  Mr.  David  Flea  of  West  Burleigh.  This  individual,  a 


FIGURE  1.     Relation  between  body  temperature  and  activity  in  Miniopterus.     Symbols  indicate 
hours    after   capture.     Ambient   temperature,    19-21°. 



250-gram  male,  had  been  well  adjusted  to  captivity  but  following  transfer  it  showed 
some  progressive  readjustment  during  the  week  it  was  studied.  This  species,  which 
like  its  fellows  feeds  on  fruit  and  eucalyptus  blossoms  of  various  sorts,  is  found  in 
central-coastal,  eastern  Australia.  It  has  been  distinguished  from  the  three  other 
mainland  species  by  its  longer  coat  on  body  and  legs  which  give  it  a  furry  appearance 
(Troughton,  1941).  Specimens  up  to  a  kilogram  in  weight  and  with  a  4-foot 
wing  spread  have  been  reported. 

Body  temperature  measurements  were  made  with  iron-constantan  thermo- 
couples and  a  Leeds  and  Northrup  recording  potentiometer.  The  Miniopterus 
were  flown  in  a  large  room,  which,  however,  did  not  provide  sufficient  space  to 
fly  the  Pteropits.  One  set  of  observations  was  carried  out  on  the  former  animals 
at  night  within  8  hours  of  capture.  The  group  was  then  stored  in  a  refrigerator 
at  5-10°  and  subsequent  observations  were  made  one  day  and  three  days  later. 
Metabolic  measurements  of  oxygen  consumption  utilized  a  manometric  apparatus 
(Morrison,  1951)  and  were  carried  out  with  the  assistance  of  Mr.  Len  Morris  and 
Miss  Nancy  Harvey. 



The  relation  between  activity  and  body  temperature  is  summarized  in  Figure  1 
in  animals  observed  within  8  hours  of  capture.  Activity  is  expressed  as  resting 


Body  temperature  and  activity  in  Miniopterus 

Activity  level 

Hours  after 

Mean  ±  S.D. 



Cannot  walk 


22.7  ±  0.36 



Can  walk 
Cannot  fly 


30.0  ±  1.15 
30.7  ±  0.59 




Can  fly- 


31.7  ±  1.24 
32.0  ±  0.10 




Resting  after  activity 


37.2  ±  0.40 





38.7  ±  1.16 



Stop  flying 


38.9  ±  0.61 



Short  flight 



36.4  db  1.10 
35.8  ±  1.55 
39.6  ±  0.72 
39.2  ±  1.08 



Long  flight 


39.6  ±  1.07 
41.1  ±  0.45 




39.1  ±  1.0 






20  40  60 




FIGURE  2.     Course  of  temperature  changes  during  awakening  and  extended  flight.     TA  —  20°. 
Upper  solid  curve  indicates  flight  at  ca.  600  ft./min.,  followed  by  rest. 

(1  +  ),  walking  or  stops  flying  (2+),  short  flight  (3+)  and  long  flight  (4+). 
These  symbols  follow  a  scale  of  relative  activity  which  has  been  used  with  other 
mammals  (Morrison  and  Ryser,  1959),  and  ranges  from  sleep  (0+),  through 
awake  (1  +  ),  moving  (2+),  active  (3+)  and  very  active  (4  4-).  A  condition 
of  sleep  (0  +  )  was  not  seen  in  any  of  these  initial  observations  which  were  carried 
out  in  the  evening  when  the  bats  are  normally  active.  Further,  these  animals  were 
undoubtedly  disturbed  by  their  recent  capture  and  travel.  Actually,  the  majority 
of  these  animals  were  actively  walking  or  flying,  so  that  only  a  few  were  in  the 
"resting"  state.  However,  the  observed  range  of  activity  was  as  wide  as  in  most 
animals  since  it  is  usually  not  possible  to  elicit  maximum  activity  (4+). 

A  regular  increase  in  body  temperature  with  activity  level  is  seen.  Values  given 
in  Table  I  show  a  mean  increase  of  1.3°  per  activity  grade,  or  an  over-all  increase 
of  3.9°  (1  -I — >4  +).  These  49  values  may  be  averaged  to  give  a  mean  for  the 
awake  condition,  although  this  is  an  artificial  situation  and  so  gives  an  artificial 
distribution  of  activity.  This  mean  is  39.1°  ±  1.00  (49),  at  a  mean  activity  of 
2.6  +  and  with  an  over-all  range  of  5.0°  from  36.7-41.7°. 

The  values  taken  32  and  84  hours  after  capture  are  similar,  but  they  are  quite 
distinct  from  the  earlier  observations.  After  these  animals  were  taken  from  the 
refrigerator  and  warmed  to  room  temperature,  many  were  loath  to  engage  in  any 
activity.  Below  a  body  temperature  of  26°  the  bats  could  not  walk;  at  28-31.5° 



the  bats  could  fly  when  launched,  sometimes  with  difficulty,  but  would  not  take 
off  spontaneously.     They  would  bite. 

Some  of  these  temperatures  were  transient  values  during  warming,  but  others 
represented  a  maintained  level  in  an  inactive  animal  (0+  activity  level).  Thus, 
for  example,  one  bat  (A)  which  was  followed  during  warming  rose  to  22.7° 
(+9.3°)  in  20  minutes,  and  to  30.3°  (+  12.2°)  in  another  hour,  but  only  to 
30.6°  (+0.3°)  in  another  15-minute  period  (Fig.  2).  Another,  warmed  to  22.1° 
(+  7.5°)  in  20  minutes,  and  to  28.2°  (+6.1°)  in  a  second  20-minute  period.  After 
a  third  period  the  value  rose  to  31.2°  (+  3.0°),  but  with  a  fourth  period  a  slight 
fall  to  30.8°  (—0.4°)  was  observed.  Accordingly,  these  quiet  animals  are 
maintaining  their  body  temperatures  well  above  the  ambient  temperature  of  20° 














FIGURE  3.     Changes  in  body  temperature  following  the  initiation  or  completion 

of  flight  in  Miniopterus. 

(AT  =  +  10°)  but  at  the  same  time,  greatly  below  the  level  of  more  active  states; 
10°  less  than  the  actively  flying  animal. 

Some  animals  become  active  spontaneously  and  others  were  forced  to  be  active. 
Under  these  conditions  shorter  flights  were  made  and  lower  body  temperatures 
were  recorded  than  before  (36°  vs.  39°).  The  animals  which  made  prolonged 
flights  averaged  3°  warmer,  equivalent  to  the  "short  flight"  (3+)  condition  in  the 
fresh  bats,  but  still  1.5°  below  the  "long  flight"  (4+)  level  in  fresh  bats. 

Figure  3  presents  successive  measurements  on  individuals  to  show  temperature 
change  in  active  bats.  During  flights  an  average  increase  of  0.85°/min.  was  seen 
for  the  first  two  or  three  minutes.  After  this  the  temperature  leveled  out  abruptly, 
showing  a  quite  positive  regulation  at  this  higher  temperature.  The  decline  in 
body  temperature  following  flight  was  more  gradual  (— 0.32°/min.)  but  could 
continue  for  as  long  as  10  minutes  without  leveling  off  at  a  lower  value.  Figure  2 








•  3/19-21/55 


0  + 


FIGURE  4.  Relation  between  activity  and  body  temperature  in  Pteropus.  TA  =  25°. 
Average  ±  S.D.  (#)  :  0  (asleep)  =  35.2  ±  0.05(3)  ;+  (awake,  not  moving)  =  36.5°  ±  0.49(15)  ; 
open  circles  only  =  36.8  ±  0.39(9)  ;  closed  circles  only  =  36.1  ±  0.27(6)  ;  ++  (moving  around 
or  feeding)  =37.5  ±0.25(5).  Slope  of  curve  =  1.2V+.  Crosses  show  values  of  Burbank  and 
Young  (1934)  for  P.  geddei,  P.  giganteus  and  P.  cotinus  at  TA  =  19°. 







•  3/19-21/55 




8  NOON 





FIGURE  5.     Body  temperature  in  Pteropus  as  a  function  of  the  hour  of  day.     TA  =  25C 

Average  values  for  solid  symbols:   7^  10  =  35.5° (5)  ;  22-^24  =  36.7° (7). 
8  -»  14  =  36.9°  (6)  ;   16  ->  22  =  36.9°  (4) .     A  =  0,  O  =  1+,  d  =  2+  activity. 

Open   symbols 



shows  a  value  40  minutes  after  stopping  activity  which  has  returned  to  the  level 
of  quiet,  awake  animals. 

These  changes  in  body  temperature  may  be  used  to  estimate  heat  production 
during  warming.  Thus,  a  maximum  increase  of  1.03°/min.  (11.5-^23.8°  in 
12  minutes)  was  observed  in  one  individual.  This  is  equivalent  to  0.85  cal.  g.-1min.~1 
or  an  oxygen  consumption  of  10.7  cc.  g.~1hrr1  (other  cases  (24.6^32.2°  in  10 

FIGURE  6.  Body  temperature  in  Pteropus  after  exposure  at  various  ambient  temperatures. 
Values  indicate  hours  of  exposure.  Circles,  earlier  data  (3/14-18)  and  squares,  later  data 
(3/19-21)  at  1+  activity.  Top  and  bottom  curves  are  for  2+  and  0+  activity,  respectively. 
Crosses  show  values  of  Burbank  and  Young  (1934).  Stars  and  dotted  line  show  range  of 
ambient  and  body  temperatures  reported  by  Eisentraut  (1938)  for  Rousettus  angolensis. 

minutes;  22.2^28°  in  12  minutes;  22— >  28.3°  in  14  minutes)  were  equivalent  to 
metabolic  levels  of  7.9,  5.0  and  4.7  cc.  O-2  grMir."1.)  Of  course,  the  first  estimate 
with  body  temperature  below  ambient  temperature  was  high  because  of  the  heat 
flow  into  the  animal,  and  the  latter  three  were  low  for  the  reverse  reason.  An 
average  maximum  between  these  is  equivalent  to  9  cc.  g.~1hr.~1.  This  is  a  sub- 
stantial but  not  unreasonable  rate  for  such  a  small  animal.  But  when  it  is  recalled 
that  the  body  temperature  was  only  15-25°,  it  is  much  more  striking.  Even  with 



a  modest  Q10  of  2.0,  this  would  be  equivalent  to  a  rate  of  some  36  cc.  g.~1hr.~1  at 
40°  or  greater  than  the  maximum  observed  even  in  the  smallest  mammal,  the 
long-tailed  shrew  (Morrison  et  al,  1953,  1959). 


Data  relating  activity  to  body  temperature  in  this  form  are  presented  in  Figure  4. 
Because  of  its  size,  it  was  not  possible  to  fly  it,  and  thus  activity  was  limited  to 
moving  about  its  cage.  However,  three  observations  during  sleep  (0  activity) 

RUN  114:3/19/55 


FIGURE  7.  Oxygen  consumption  in  Pteropus  at  three  ambient  temperatures.  Representa- 
tive experiment  showing  variation,  particularly  in  the  form  of  short  reductions  from  the  average 
level  at  TA  =  I°. 

were  made.  These  animals  had  closed  eyes  and  were  distinctly  less  responsive  on 
handling.  The  average  increment  was  1.2°/+.  The  average  temperature  was 
36.5  ±  0.77°  (23)  at  a  mean  activity  of  2.1  +. 

Temperature  values  for  Pteropus  are  plotted  against  the  hour  of  day  in  Figure  5. 
During  the  first  four  days  no  value  less  than  36°  was  observed  and  no  daily  cycle 
was  seen.  During  the  last  three  days,  after  the  animal  had  settled  down,  there  was 
a  definite  diurnal  difference  with  the  day-time  values  (7-10)  averaging  35.5°  and 
the  night-time  values  (22-24)  averaging  36.7°. 



The  influence  of  ambient  temperature  on  body  temperature  in  Pteropus  is 
shown  in  Figure  6.  Exposures  of  up  to  4  hours  at  10°  had  little  effect  on  the 
body  temperature.  At  an  ambient  temperature  of  40°  the  body  temperature  was 
maintained  roughly  constant  through  a  6-hour  exposure  but  the  level  was  elevated 
to  between  40  and  41°.  The  average  value  of  40.5°  provided  a  temperature  dif- 
ferential of  only  0.5°  for  the  dissipation  of  body  heat.  However,  this  small  differ- 
ential was  apparently  adequate  because  of  the  very  large  surface  available  in  the 
wings,  and  the  ceaseless  fanning  activity  during  this  heat  stress  (Robinson  and 
Morrison,  1957).  During  the  later  period  after  the  bat  had  settled  down  pre- 
sumably with  a  lower  resting  metabolic  rate,  the  upper  limit  of  thermal  neutrality 
appears  to  have  been  substantially  raised. 












FIGURE  8.  Oxygen  consumption  in  Pteropus  at  various  ambient  temperatures.  Minimum 
and  average  values  from  three  runs  ($100,  105,  114).  Bottom  pair  of  curves  shows  conductance 
at  low  temperature ;  top  pair,  at  room  temperature. 

The  metabolic  response  to  cold  exposure  measured  as  oxygen  consumption  is 
illustrated  in  Figure  7.  The  measurements  at  higher  temperatures  (28-34°)  were 
extremely  regular,  reflecting  the  behavior  of  the  animal  which  hung  quietly.  Indeed, 
for  all  measurements  the  averages  for  each  temperature  period  (12)  were  only  10% 
higher  than  the  minimum  values,  and  the  maximum  values  were  only  32%  higher. 
Minimum  and  average  values  are  plotted  in  Figure  8  against  ambient  temperature. 
There  is  some  question  as  to  which  of  these  most  accurately  describes  the  minimum 
conductance  at  each  temperature.  The  average  value  may  be  too  high  since  extra 
heat  (i.e.,  above  maintenance)  is  dissipated  during  movement  and  activity.  On  the 


other  hand,  if  there  are  fluctuations  in  body  temperature  a  minimum  value  may  rep- 
resent not  equilibrium  but  a  negative  heat  balance.  Such  a  situation  appears  in  the 
series  at  TA  —  1°  in  Figure  7,  which  is  characterized  by  several  periods  of  brief 
duration  and  much  lower  rate.  We  interpret  these  as  inadequate  heat  production. 
The  oxygen  deficit  and  durations  (ca.  1  cc.  g.^hr."1  and  3  min.)  correspond  to 
a  temperature  change  of  0.3°,  and  it  may  be  noted  that  each  of  these  low  periods 
is  followed  by  a  period  of  increased,  presumably  compensatory,  activity.  We  have 
previously  observed  this  type  of  response  (a  sharp,  brief  fall)  only  in  hibernators 
entering  hibernation.  These  low  values  are  excluded  in  our  estimate  of  conductance 
but  their  values  are  indicated  in  Figure  8  along  with  the  average  and  minimum 
values.  We  feel  that  the  latter  is  preferable  in  calculating  minimum  conductance, 
but  in  this  species  the  difference  is  only  10%. 

In  the  simplest  model  homeotherm  the  metabolism  below  thermal  neutrality  is 
represented  by  a  single  curve,  M  =  C  (TB  —  TA).  This  is  not  possible  in  the 
present  case  which  requires  separate  curves  for  the  cold  and  for  room  temperatures. 
This  is  not  an  uncommon  situation  and  simply  means  that  at  moderate  tempera- 
tures the  animal  does  not  make  use  of  its  maximum  insulative  potential.  In  this 
instance,  the  higher  conductance  at  25-30°  (0.13  cc.  O2  g.^hr.-10  C."1)  is  about 
twice  the  minimum  value  measured  at  0-5°  (0.068  cc.  O.2  g.'Mir.-10  C.'1). 


The  behavior  of  Miniopterus  shows  that  when  awake  these  animals  can  act  as 
homeotherms  with  a  regulated  body  temperature  comparable  to  other  mammals. 
On  the  night  following  capture  the  group  was  all  awake  and,  although  some  were 
quite  inactive,  no  temperature  less  than  36.7°  (out  of  49  values)  was  observed. 
While  the  level  of  the  temperature  varied  with  the  level  of  activity,  this  is  a  normal 
feature  in  homeotherms.  The  activity  increment  of  1.3°/+  or  3.9°  from  "awake" 
to  "very  active"  is  comparable  to  that  in  non-hibernating  mammals ;  and  indeed  is 
less  than  that  seen  in  some.  The  average  temperature  of  39.1°  is  more  than  a  de- 
gree above  the  average  for  mammals  (Morrison  and  Ryser,  1952).  Although  the 
mean  activity  represented  by  these  values  is  high  (2.6  + ) ,  the  value  corrected  to  a 
level  of  1  -f ,  37.0°,  is  still  a  reasonable  one.  Although  1°  below  the  mean  for  "all" 
mammals  it  is  within  one  standard  deviation  (for  species)  and  is  close  to  mean 
values  for  other  hibernators  in  the  awake  condition.  And  it  is  almost  identical  to 
that  of  Sorex,  a  small  representative  of  another  primitive  group  of  mammals,  the 
insectivores  (Morrison  et  al.,  1953,  1959). 

The  observed  values  are  also  in  accord  with  values  of  37.8  and  38.2°  made  on 
two  "fully  awake"  but  not  flying  individuals  of  a  related  species,  M.  in  flat  us 
(Eisentraut,  1956b),  since  the  latter  lie  within  our  range  for  walking  animals. 
This  range,  36.7-40.6°,  is  slightly  higher,  but  quite  comparable  to  those  for  5 
species  of  temperate  bats  (limits,  34.4-40.8°)  cited  by  Eisentraut  (1938).  But 
it  is  distinctly  above  the  range  given  by  him  for  5  tropical  species  from  Africa 
(limits  28-39.2°).  Swanson  and  Evans  (1936)  report  values  of  36.7  and  36.1° 
for  aroused  Eptesicus  in  winter. 

Values  for  animals  following  extended  flight  were  the  most  uniform  of  any 
activity  level  (41.1  =t  0.45°  (13))  and  this  may  reflect  the  more  positive  thermo- 
regulation  in  response  to  the  excess  heat  of  flying,  using  the  very  effective  dissipat- 

494  P.  MORRISON 

ing  potential  of  the  wings.  Burbank  and  Young  (1934)  reported  a  maximum 
temperature  of  41.0°  after  flight  in  the  horseshoe  bat  (Rhinolophus} .  In  Myotis 
yumanensis,  Reeder  and  Cowles  (1951)  observed  temperatures  of  39.0-40.3  after 
flight  and  reported  that  vasodilation  of  the  wings  took  place  at  a  body  temperature 
of  about  40°.  This  species  also  appears  to  be  similar  in  its  critical  temperature 
for  flight,  31°,  which  represents  the  dividing  point  for  Miniopterus.  Burbank  and 
Young  also  note  30°  as  the  minimum  temperature  for  flight  in  Rhinolophus,  and 
30-33°  as  the  temperature  for  initiation  of  flight  in  the  noctule  bat,  Nyc talus 
noctula.  Minimum  temperatures  for  flight  in  hibernating  birds  are  also  somewhat 
above  30°.  Miller  (1950)  reported  a  temperature  of  34.0°  after  a  short  flight  in 
a  poor-will  (Phalaenoptilus).  And  Marshall  (1955)  described  an  awakening 
captive  individual  that  could  not  fly  at  a  body  temperature  of  34.4°. 

Following  refrigeration  at  10°  some  of  the  animals  appeared  in  a  different  con- 
dition. On  transfer  into  the  room  they  warmed  to  a  level  well  above  room  tempera- 
ture (31°),  but  much  less  than  before  even  though  some  walked.  Eisentraut 
(1956b)  reported  the  M.  in  flat  us  did  not  warm  above  30°  after  refrigeration.  Other 
Miniopterus  in  the  present  study  flew  and  warmed  to  a  higher  level,  though  still 
less  than  following  short  flights  in  fresh  animals.  However,  with  extended 
(forced)  flights,  almost  as  high  values  were  noted.  But  after  activity  the  body 
temperature  again  fell  to  near  30°.  This  approach  to  the  same  level  from  above 
as  from  below  (Fig.  2)  provides  rather  convincing  evidence  of  a  maintained  level 
and  it  appears  significant  that  this  level  is  such  as  to  just  permit  flight.  This  sug- 
gests that  the  lower  temperatures  did  not  result  from  any  energetic  deficiency,  but 
possibly  from  a  less  disturbed  condition  than  on  the  day  of  capture.  Pearson 
(1947)  in  metabolic  measurements,  observed  a  case  of  continuously  elevated  me- 
tabolism during  the  day  in  a  specimen  of  Eptesicus  which  was  disturbed  for  some 
reason.  It  may  be  that  bats  can  maintain  different  levels  of  temperature,  without 
exercise,  in  relation  to  different  excitatory  levels. 

In  this  regard  it  should  be  noted  that  although  bats  have  been  considered  unique 
in  their  daily  transformation  into  poikilotherms,  observations  from  another  phase 
of  this  study  have  revealed  essentially  this  same  behavior  in  one  of  the  Dasyurid 
marsupials,  Chaetocercus.  During  the  day  this  animal's  temperature  may  fall  close 
to  the  ambient  temperature  even  though  this  is  as  high  as  28°.  A  related,  but  not 
so  pronounced  effect  has  also  been  observed  in  the  deer  mouse  (Peromyscus  leu- 
copus)  in  which  certain  individuals  cool  substantially  beyond  the  ordinary  range  of 
variation  during  enforced  inactivity  even  at  moderate  temperatures  (Morrison  and 
Ryser,  1959). 

Slonim  (1952)  describes  studies  of  body  temperature  and  metabolism  in  rela- 
tion to  ambient  temperature  in  four  microchiropterans.  Two  species  (Miniopterus 
schreibersi  and  Myotis  Myotis)  showed  clear  temperature  regulation  between  13 
and  24°  with  a  maintained  temperature  level  and  a  strong  metabolic  response  of 
17-20%/°  C.  Two  species  of  horseshoe  bats  (Rhynolophus  jcrrum  equinum  and 
R.  hipposideros)  showed  limited,  irregular  response  (at  20-25°).  However  these 
latter  observations  were  made  in  March  and  in  the  fall,  while  the  first  mentioned 
species  were  studied  in  May  and  June.  In  all  these  experiments  (10  values)  the 
maintained  body  temperatures  ranged  between  29  and  33°.  It  may  be  of  signifi- 
cance that  this  level  of  regulation  (31-33°)  is  also  that  found  in  our  most  primitive 
homeotherm,  the  echidna  (Wordlaw,  1915). 


The  rates  of  rewarming  were  comparable  to  the  maximum  rates  observed  in  the 
same  genus  (1.28,  0.93°/min.)  by  Eisentraut  (1956b)  and  in  Myotis  (1.33°/imn.) 
by  Reeder  and  Cowles  (1951).  But  our  maximum  rate  of  warming  during  flight 
(ca.  1.0°/min.)  was  substantially  less  than  a  value  for  Myotis. 


The  influence  of  activity  on  body  temperature  in  Pteropus  appears  quite  similar 
to  Miniopterus  with  an  activity  increment  of  1.2°/+,  although  the  observed  range 
was  more  limited.  If  we  correct  the  mean  body  temperature  of  36.5°  (2.1  +)  to 
a  standard  activity  of  1  +  ,  we  have  a  value  of  35.2°.  This  is  definitely  lower  than 
in  Miniopterus  and  the  average  for  mammals,  but  it  is  quite  comparable  to  values 
for  two  larger  insectivores,  the  mole  and  the  hedgehog,  35.5  and  35.8° (Morrison  and 
Ryser,  1952).  Similarly,  the  variability  of  the  temperature  (a-  =  0.77°)  is  reason- 
able. The  range,  35.2-37.9°,  is  somewhat  less  than  that  of  34.4-38.6°  (TA  =  22- 
35°)  reported  in  an  African  form,  Rousettus  angolcnsis  by  Eisentraut  (1938),  but 
the  midpoint  of  this  range  (36.5°)  falls  just  at  our  mean  value.  The  other  observa- 
tions on  megachiropterans  are  by  Burbank  and  Young  (1934).  They  found  an 
average  of  35.9  ±  1.4°  (8)  in  measurements  on  three  species  of  Pteropus.  Exclud- 
ing one  value  for  an  active  and  two  for  sleeping  individuals  gave  an  average  of 
35.8°  or  within  the  a  of  our  second  group  of  values.  Their  single  value  on  an 
actual  individual  (37.5°)  checks  well  with  our  value  at  2  +  activity  (37.6°),  but 
two  values  on  a  "large  male  hanging  quietly"  were  well  below  our  range  of  values 
(33.0  and  34.0°).  Possibly  the  lower  ambient  temperature  (18°)  in  these  studies 
was  only  of  influence  at  0  +  activity.  Under  these  conditions  they  noted  a  response 
of  shivering  and  a  maintenance  of  body  temperature  between  33.0  and  37.5°.  This 
is  considerably  more  variation  than  we  observed  in  our  specimen,  which  maintained 
a  body  temperature  of  36.5  even  after  a  4-hour  exposure  at  a  lower  temperature 
of  10°.  But  if  we  limit  Burbank  and  Young's  values  to  the  four  at  1  +  activity 
(neither  active  nor  asleep)  corresponding  to  our  specimen  in  the  cold,  a  close 
correspondence  is  seen  (36.8  vs.  36.5°). 

It  might  be  suggested  that  conditions  of  captivity  prevented  the  observation  of 
temperature  lability  which  still  might  be  present  in  nature.  This  indeed  appeared 
to  be  the  case  in  several  specimens  of  Chaetocercus  referred  to  above.  While  this 
suggestion  cannot  be  disposed  of  completely  in  Pteropus,  what  evidence  there  is 
appears  against  it.  Field  observations  show  that  these  animals  are  not  sluggish  and 
lethargic  during  the  day  as  are  smaller  bats.  Rather,  we  found  them  alert  and 
able  to  fly  off  at  once  when  their  roosting  place  is  approached  or  their  roosting  tree 
disturbed,  even  at  midday. 

Metabolic  measurements  confirm  observations  on  body  temperature  in  the  cold. 
Pteropus  can  substantially  increase  its  heat  production,  the  average  minimum  value 
at  0°  being  2.5  cc.  O2  g.^hrr1  or  3  times  the  B.M.R.  This  rate  corresponds  to  a 
thermal  conductance,  C,  of  0.068  cc.  O2  g.^hrr10  C.'1.  This  minimum  value  is 
close  to  that  observed  in  similar  measurements  on  small  mammals  from  Wisconsin 
(Morrison  and  Ryser,  1951).  This  series  could  be  described  as  C  =  0.95  W"48 
which  function  has  a  value  of  0.071  cc.  O2  g.^hrr10  C.-1  at  250  grams.  Accordingly, 
this  subtropical  megachiropteran  has  an  insulation  quite  comparable  to  temperate 
species.  This  contrasts  to  the  tropical  mammals  examined  by  Scholander  et  al. 

496  P.  MORRISON 

(1949)  which  had  inferior  insulation  as  compared  to  Arctic  forms.  We  have 
previously  observed  less  effective  regulation  in  several  Central  American  species 
than  that  shown  here  by  Pteropus  (Morrison,  1946).  The  minimum  temperature 
at  Brisbane  approaches,  but  does  not  go  below  0°,  so  these  bats  had  the  capacity  to 
regulate  at  any  time  during  the  year. 

The  "slips"  in  metabolism  at  low  temperatures  below  the  maintenance  level 
(Figs.  7  and  8)  might  be  interpreted  as  incipient  hibernation  since  we  have  seen 
this  phenomenon  only  in  animals  entering  hibernation.  However,  there  is  nothing 
to  confirm  this  view,  and  an  alternative  suggestion  relates  to  short  rests  between 
bouts  of  shivering.  Such  a  phenomenon  has  been  observed  in  the  dog  with  rests 
of  one  to  fifteen  minutes  and  a  concomitant  reduction  of  metabolism  to  the  basal 
level  (Hammel  and  Hardy,  1957). 

A  final  point  of  interest  relates  to  the  basal  metabolic  level.  The  observed  mean 
value  of  0.84  cc.  O2  g.-Mir."1  compared  closely  with  the  "standard"  value  for  a  250- 
gram  mammal,  3.8  W~-27  =  0.87  cc.  O2  grMir.'1.  Or  conversely  we  may  describe 
the  metabolic  rate  in  Pteropus  as  3.7  W~-27  cc.  O2  grMir.'1.  There  are  no  data 
in  the  literature  with  which  to  directly  compare  this  value.  Hock  (1951)  reports 
a  value  of  3.0  cc.  O2  grMir.-1  in  Myotis  at  TA  =  37°  or  about  5  W-27  cc.  O2 
g.^hr.-1.  But  although  the  body  temperature  probably  lay  between  37  and  38°, 
these  measurements  made  over  one-hour  periods  undoubtedly  included  some  muscu- 
lar activity  and  cannot  be  taken  as  minimum  values.  Accordingly,  in  the  matter 
of  the  B.M.R.  as  well,  the  Chiroptera  appear  to  be  closely  comparable  to  other 


In  summary  we  may  conclude  from  these  studies  and  other  data  that  the 
Megachiroptera  (Pteropus)  are  not  to  be  distinguished  from  other  mammals  on 
the  basis  of  thermoregulation  as  are  the  Microchiroptera.  Their  temperature  is 
quite  typical  in  regard  to  variability,  activity  response  and  cold  response ;  and  its 
level,  although  somewhat  lower  than  average,  is  still  higher  than  some  other 
mammals  of  comparable  size  such  as  the  insectivores. 

Although  the  Microchiroptera  (Miniopterus)  are  well  developed  hibernators 
which  can  become  poikilothermic  when  circumstances  demand,  when  awake  they 
may  show  thermoregulatory  behavior  which  is  comparable  to  other  mammals  in 
regard  to  variability,  activity  response  and  mean  level.  But  they  may  also  show  an 
intermediate  maintained  level,  neither  poikilothermic  nor  homeothermic  in  the  usual 


BURBANK,   R.   C,   AND  J.   Z.   YOUNG,    1934.     Temperature   changes   and   winter   sleep   of   bats. 

/.  Physiol.,  82:  459-467. 
EISENTRAUT,    M.,    1938.     Die    Warmeregulation    tropischer    Fledermaiise.     Sitzungsberichte    d. 

gesellschaft  naturforschender  Freunde  (21  Juni),  86-90. 
EISENTRAUT,    M.,    1956a.     Der    Wintersschlaf    mit    seinen    okologischen    und    physiologischen 

EISENTRAUT,  M.,  1956b.     Korpertemperaturen  bei  tropischen  Fledermausen  und  Schuppentieren. 

Sonderdruck  mis  Sdugetierkundlische  Mittcilungcn,  4 :  64-67. 
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acclimatized  dogs  upon  exposure  to  cold.     Fed.  Proc.,   16 :   54. 
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Department  of  Biology,  Amherst  College,  Amherst,  Mass. 

Previous  work  has  established  that  particulate-linked,  oxidative  phosphorylation 
is  very  sensitive  to  ionizing  radiation.  This  is  true  whether  the  radiation  is  de- 
livered to  the  whole  organism  (van  Bekkum  and  Vos,  1955)  or  to  the  isolated  par- 
ticulates  (Yost  and  Robson,  1957).  These  findings  suggest  that  one  of  the 
principal  modes  of  action  of  radiation  is  the  destruction  of  the  cells'  ability  to  carry 
on  their  "energy  metabolism."  Interference  with  oxidative  phosphorylation  would 
be  expected  to  have  profound  effects  upon  all  reactions  of  the  cell  which  are  de- 
pendent upon  a  supply  of  ATP  (the  synthesis  of  proteins  and  nucleic  acids  being 
the  most  obvious).  This  suggests  that  some  of  the  observed  damage  to  the 
chromosomes  resulting  from  radiation  might  be  the  result  of  extra-nuclear  damage 
to  the  phosphorylating  mechanism,  which  suggestion  is  supported  by  the  observa- 
tion of  many  investigators  (see  Wolff  and  Luippold,  1955)  that  the  number  of 
chromosomal  aberrations  recovered  after  radiation  treatment  is  altered  by  known 
inhibitors  of  oxidative  phosphorylation. 

The  radiation  literature  contains  many  references  to  the  effects  of  combined 
radiations  in  producing  alterations  in  chromosomal  aberration  (Giles,  1954).  It 
has  been  shown  that  pretreatment  with  ultraviolet  radiation  will  cause  a  decrease 
in  the  number  of  translocations  recovered  after  exposure  to  ionizing  radiations 
(Swanson,  1943).  On  the  other  hand,  pretreatment  with  near  infrared  radiation 
causes  an  increase  in  the  recovered  aberrations  resulting  from  exposure  to  ionizing 
radiations  (Swanson,  1949).  To  date,  no  completely  satisfactory  explanation  has 
been  advanced  for  these  results.  Explanations  of  complimentary  or  antagonistic 
action  by  radiations  used  in  combination  are  complicated  by  the  duration  of  these 
effects.  In  the  case  of  infrared  treatment,  there  may  be  a  time  lapse  of  at  least  96 
hours  between  the  application  of  the  infrared  and  the  x-rays  with  no  decrease  in 
effectiveness.  Thus,  the  condition  induced  is  stable,  although  it  may  be  altered  by 
drastic  environmental  changes  (Swanson  and  Yost,  1951).  However,  when  the 
data  from  combined  radiation  studies  are  taken  together  with  the  data  on  the  effects 
of  combined  radiation  and  chemical  treatments  (Kihlman,  Merz  and  Swanson, 
1957),  an  hypothesis  may  be  formulated.  It  is  possible  that  the  various  combined 
treatment  effects  are  the  result  of  activation  or  inactivation  (depending  upon  the 
radiations  or  chemicals  used)  on  oxidative  phosphorylation. 

The  data  presented  in  this  paper  are  the  result  of  studies  designed  to  test  the 
hypothesis  that  the  observed  effects  of  combined  radiation  treatments  are  the  result 

1  This  work  was  supported  by  a  grant  from  the  National  Institutes  of  Health  (C-2154) 
and  a  grant  from  the  Smith  Klein  and  French  Foundation. 



of  interference  with  the  normal  phosphorylation  pathways.  The  effect  of  ultra- 
violet radiation  alone  and  in  combination  with  gamma  radiation,  and  the  effect  of 
infrared  radiation  alone  and  in  combination  with  gamma  and  ultraviolet  radiations 
was  studied.  Isolated  particulates  from  rat  liver  were  chosen  since  the  effects  of 
gamma  radiation  and  some  ultraviolet  effects  were  already  known  (Yost  and 
Robson,  1957;  Yost,  Robson  and  Spiegelman,  1956). 


White  laboratory  rats  were  starved  overnight  and  sacrificed  by  a  blow  on  the 
head.  The  liver  was  removed  and  placed  in  cold  0.85%  KC1,  where  much  of  the 
blood  is  washed  free.  The  liver  was  weighed  and  pressed  through  a  bronze  screen 
to  remove  connective  tissue.  The  resulting  mash  was  then  suspended  in  50  ml.  of 
cold  8.5%  sucrose  containing  0.005  M  disodium  versenate  and  homogenized  in  a 
glass  homogenizer.  The  mitochondria  were  then  separated  from  the  rest  of  the 
homogenate  by  differential  centrifugation  (Schneider,  1948).  The  mitochondrial 
fraction  alone  was  kept.  The  final  centrifugate  was  re-suspended  in  1  ml.  8.5% 
sucrose  per  gram  of  original  liver.  All  dilutions  were  made  from  this  stock  solution. 

For  treatment  with  gamma  radiation  the  preparation  was  diluted  1  in  20  with 
cold  distilled  water.  This  diluted  suspension  was  radiated  in  a  25-ml.  "Lusteroid" 
centrifuge  tube  in  the  beam  of  a  440  curie  Co60  source.  The  radiation  was  filtered 
by  a  half-inch  lucite  shield  to  remove  the  beta  radiation.  The  intensity  of  radiation 
was  1000  r  per  minute.  The  controls  were  treated  in  the  same  manner,  with  the 
exception  of  the  exposure  to  radiation.  After  radiation,  control  and  treated  sus- 
pensions were  centrifuged,  and  the  mitochondria  re-suspended  in  one  ml.  This  final 
suspension  was  assayed  for  phosphorylation. 

For  treatment  with  ultraviolet  radiation  the  preparation  was  not  diluted.  Two 
and  five-tenths  ml.  were  placed  in  a  quartz  flask  rotated  in  the  ultraviolet  beam  by  a 
slow  speed  stirring  motor ;  2.5  ml.  were  kept  in  a  Pyrex  tube  in  the  cold  as  a  con- 
trol. During  the  period  of  irradiation,  the  quartz  flask  was  partially  submerged 
in  an  ice- water  bath  maintaining  a  temperature  under  5°  C.  This  flask  was  kept 
11.5  cm.  from  a  germicidal  lamp  for  all  radiations.  The  intensity  of  the  radiation 
was  5500  ergs/cm2/sec.  For  most  studies  the  radiations  were  filtered  by  a  Corn- 
ing No.  7910  filter  which  transmits  principally  those  wave-lengths  above  2400  A 
(Filter  I).  In  one  case,  to  test  the  effect  of  longer  wave-lengths,  a  Corning  No. 
9700  filter  (transmits  principally  above  2700  A)  was  used  (Filter  II).  To  test  the 
effect  of  the  flask  rotation  on  phosphorylation,  experiments  were  run  in  which  the 
mitochondria  were  treated  in  the  same  way  that  they  would  have  been  for  ultraviolet 
treatment  with  the  exception  that  the  ultraviolet  source  was  not  turned  on. 

For  treatment  with  infrared  radiation,  the  preparation  was  not  diluted.  Four 
or  five  ml.  of  the  suspension  were  placed  in  a  small  test  tube  which  was  rotated  in 
the  infrared  beam  by  a  slow  stirring  motor.  Temperature  changes  were  eliminated 
by  radiating  the  suspension  while  immersed  in  a  water  bath  cooled  by  a  Blue-M 
cooling  coil.  The  bath  was  maintained  at  9°  C.  for  all  studies.  Controls  were 
kept  in  the  rear  of  the  water  bath  wrapped  in  aluminum  foil  to  prevent  exposure  to 
radiation ;  in  two  cases  they  were  rotated  as  were  the  treated.  The  infrared  source 
was  6  inches  from  the  center  of  the  exposed  test  tube.  All  radiation  passed  through 
a  Corning  No.  2540  filter,  the  glass  side  of  the  water  bath  (window  glass),  and  1 

500  H.  T.  YOST,  JR.  AND  H.  H.  ROBSON 

cm.  of  water.  This  arrangement  provides  intense  radiation  in  the  region  7600  to 
15,000  A.  The  source  of  radiation  was  a  250- watt  commercial  heat  lamp  operated 
at  110  volts.  The  usual  exposure  was  for  three  hours.  The  intensity  of  the 
source  is  not  accurately  determined,  but  this  was  capable  of  increasing  the  chrom- 
osome aberrations  in  Tradescantia  by  at  least  100%  when  used  in  combination  with 
gamma  rays. 

For  studies  of  the  effects  of  combined  radiations,  the  procedures  outlined  above 
were  followed.  The  controls  were  taken  through  all  the  steps  with  the  exception 
of  exposure  to  radiation. 

Some  attempts  to  reactivate  the  ultraviolet-damaged  phosphorylation  mecha- 
nism were  made.  In  attempts  to  photoreactivate  the  system,  the  suspension  was 
exposed  to  visible  light  from  a  250-watt  incandescent  spot-light  filtered  to  remove 
the  red  wave-lengths.  This  treatment  was  carried  out  at  10°  C.  in  the  same  water 
bath  used  in  the  infrared  studies,  to  prevent  heat-inactivation  of  the  system. 
Treatments  were  of  20  minutes  duration.  In  attempts  to  reactivate  the  system  by 
the  addition  of  co-factors,  the  co-factor  was  added  to  the  reaction  flask  prior  to 
assay  of  phosphorylation  and  oxygen  uptake.  In  one  case,  0.1  ml.  of  0.01  M  DPN 
was  added,  and  in  the  other,  0.1  ml.  of  10'*  M  FAD. 

Estimation  of  phosphorylation  was  conducted  by  a  modification  of  the  method 
of  Maley  and  Lardy  (1954),  using  succinate  as  the  substrate.  The  main  compart- 
ment of  the  Warburg  vessel  contained:  0.3  ml.  (30  /xM)  phosphate  buffer  (pH 
7.4),  0.3  ml.  0.1  M  sodium  succinate,  0.8  ml.  8.5%  sucrose,  0.1  ml.  (0.3  /*M)  cyto- 
chrome-c,  0.3  ml.  (6  MM)  ATP  (Schwartz,  neutral),  0.1  ml.  (30  ^M)  MgSO4, 
0.1  ml.  (40  //M)  KF,  and  0.5  ml.  of  the  mitochondrial  suspension.  The  center 
well  contained  0.1  ml.  5  N  KOH,  and  the  side  arm  held  0.5  ml.  (10  mg.)  of 
hexokinase  (Pabst)  dissolved  in  0.15  M  glucose.  To  assure  that  the  initial  pH 
of  the  reaction  would  be  7.4  or  higher,  the  pH  of  some  of  the  more  acid  reactants 
was  adjusted  with  NaOH  before  addition  to  the  flasks.  Readings  of  the  oxygen 
uptake  were  taken  for  30  minutes,  after  which  the  reactions  were  stopped  with  TCA 
and  the  phosphate  determined  by  the  Lowry-Lopez  method  as  presented  by  Click 
(1949).  All  Warburg  assays  were  carried  out  at  25°  C.  All  assays  were  made 
in  duplicate.  All  experiments  were  repeated  at  least  three  times. 


The  data  presented  in  Table  I  show  the  effectiveness  of  ultraviolet  radiation  in 
the  inactivation  of  oxidative  phosphorylation.  Although  the  phosphorylation  mech- 
anism is  very  labile  and  therefore  shows  variation  from  experiment  to  experiment 
and  from  assay  to  assay,  it  is  clear  that  ultraviolet  radiation  inactivates  phosphoryla- 
tion rather  easily.  These  data  cannot  be  used  to  construct  an  inactivation  curve 
because  of  the  variability,  but  there  is  clear  indication  that  the  inactivation  proceeds 
in  a  non-linear  manner.  It  is  also  clear  that  the  inactivation  is  not  the  result  of 
either  the  time  lag  between  the  isolation  of  the  mitochondria  and  the  assay  or  the 
rotation  in  the  quartz  flask.  Thirty  minutes'  rotation  causes  no  loss  of  phosphoryla- 
tion. Further,  it  can  be  seen  that  the  filter  which  transmits  principally  those  wave- 
lengths above  2700  A  is  not  effective  in  bringing  about  this  change.  It  would 
appear  that  the  effective  wave-length  lies  somewhere  between  the  minimum  of 
Filter  I  and  the  minimum  of  Filter  II,  that  is,  between  about  2200  and  2700  A. 



Inactivation  of  phosphorylation  by  ultraviolet  radiation 


Phosphate  uptake  (/iM) 


No.  runs 


Decrease  O2 



5  mill.  UV 


11.1  ±  2.1 

10.2  ±  2.6 



10  min.  UV 


12.7  ±  1.7 

11.1  db  2.0 



20  min.  UV 


12.8  ±  1.1 

7.4  ±  1.5 



30  min.  UV 


15.7  ±  1.4 

6.4  ±  0.8 



30  min.  rotation 


13.8  db  1.7 

13.8  ±  1.7 



30  min.  UV 


10.2  ±  2.6 

1.8  ±  1.5 



Filter  I 

30  min.  UV 


10.2  db  3.1 

11.7  ±  2.7 



Filter  II 

*  Particulates  undiluted ;  treated  in  rotating  quartz  flask, 
above  2400  A;  Filter  II  transmits  principally  above  2700  A. 

Filter  I   transmits  principally 

One  other  thing  should  be  noted.  The  inactivation  of  the  phosphorylating  mech- 
anism bears  no  clear  relationship  to  the  inactivation  of  the  cytochrome  oxidase 
system.  Oxygen  uptake  is  essentially  unaffected  in  many  cases  in  which  there  is 
extreme  damage  to  phosphorylation.  This  is  in  agreement  with  earlier  findings 
with  gamma  radiation  (Yost  and  Robson,  1957). 

The  data  in  Table  II  show  that  the  inactivated  phosphorylation  mechanism  can- 
not be  easily  revived.  Addition  of  DPN  to  the  system  stimulates  phosphorylation 
but  does  not  overcome  the  effect  of  the  ultraviolet.  As  a  matter  of  fact,  when  the 


Failure  to  reactivate  ultraviolet-damaged  phosphorylation 


No.  runs 

Phosphate  uptake 



Decrease  Oz 



10.3  ±  1.1 



Control  -f-  DPN 


13.7  ±  0.9 


-   7.7 

20  min.  UV 


6.7  ±  1.5 



20  min.  UV  +  DPN 


7.3  ±  0.8 



20  min.  UV  +  DPN  using  DPN 



as  control 



21.2  ±  0.7 



Control  +  FAD 


20.2  ±  1.0 



20  min.  UV 


16.2  ±  1.4 



20  min.  UV  +  FAD 


14.2  ±  1.0 





15.7  ±  1.2 



20  min.  visible 


15.1  ±  1.9 



20  min.  UV 


11.1  ±  2.2 



20  min.  UV  +  20  min.  visible 


10.1  ±  2.5 



*  Particulates  undiluted;  treated  in  a  rotating  quartz  flask.  Ultraviolet  filtered  by  Filter  I ; 
visible  light  filtered  to  remove  ultraviolet  and  infrared.  DPH  (0.1  ml.  of  0.01  M)  and  FAD 
(0.1  ml.  of  10~4  M)  added  after  exposure. 


H.  T.  YOST,  JR.  AND  H.  H.  ROBSON 

DPN-treated  series  is  used  as  a  control  for  a  series  having  both  ultraviolet  and 
DPN,  the  DPN-treated  suspensions  show  greater  inactivation  than  untreated. 
FAD  has  a  more  pronounced  inhibitory  effect.  This  may  well  result  from  the 
competition  between  the  normal  electron  transport  pathway  in  the  mitochondrion 
and  the  FAD  for  excess  electrons,  when  the  system  is  partially  damaged.  Similarly, 
the  system  was  not  reactivated  by  light  under  our  conditions.  Treatment  with 
visible  light  increased  the  damage  in  most  cases  even  when  filtered  to  remove  far 
red  and  ultraviolet  components.  No  attempt  was  made  to  use  a  narrow  region  of 
the  visible  near  3600  A  in  these  studies ;  however,  the  treatment  used  is  similar  to 
that  used  to  reactivate  bacteria  successfully.  Addition  of  cytochrome-c  to  the 
suspension  did  not  result  in  reactivation  by  visible  light. 

Table  III  presents  the  data  obtained  in  studies  of  the  effect  of  infrared  radiation 
on  phosphorylation.  It  is  important  to  note  that  this  process  is  temperature-sensitive 
and  that  any  rise  in  temperature  during  the  infrared  treatment  results  in  inactivation 


The  effect  of  infrared  radiation  alone  and  in  combination 


No.  runs 

Phosphate  uptake 




Decrease  Oz 



13.8  ±  1.7 



3  hrs.  IR 


14.0  ±  2.1 

-    1.4 


20  min.  UV 


10.5  ±  1.5 



3  hrs.  IR  +  20  min.  UV 


10.3  ±  2.0 





12.8  ±  1.5 



20  min.  UV 


8.8  ±  1.0 



20  min.  UV  +  3  hrs.  IR 


8.8  ±  1.0 





9.9  ±  2.5 



2  X  104  r  7 


5.4  ±  0.8 



2  X  104  r  7  +  3  hrs.  IR 


5.2  ±  0.8 



*  Particulates  undiluted  for  ultraviolet  and  infrared  treatment;  ultraviolet  exposure  in  a 
rotating  quartz  flask;  infrared  exposure  in  a  rotating  5-ml.  test  tube.  Particulates  diluted  1  in 
20  for  7  ray  exposure. 

of  the  phosphorylation  mechanism.  For  this  reason,  the  data  reported  here  are 
those  from  studies  in  which  the  temperature  was  carefully  controlled  and  kept  below 
10°  C.  Under  these  conditions,  there  is  no  effect  of  infrared  treatment  either  alone 
or  in  combination  with  ultraviolet  or  gamma  radiation.  This  statement  must  have 
one  reservation,  however;  the  variability  between  runs  was  rather  high  in  these 
experiments  as  a  result  of  the  extended  time  of  treatment  and  the  dilution  necessary 
for  gamma  radiation.  As  a  result  the  averages  may  not  present  a  completely 
accurate  picture.  In  the  case  of  pretreatment  with  infrared  and  treatment  with 
ultraviolet  radiation,  three  runs  showed  some  increased  inactivation  and  two 
showed  decreased  inactivation.  There  is  a  suggestion  in  these  data  that  the 
infrared  may  have  a  slight  effect  on  the  phosphorylating  mechanism,  but  nothing 
of  the  order  of  magnitude  of  its  other  known  effects. 

In  Table  IV  are  presented  the  data  from  studies  of  the  effect  of  combined 
ultraviolet  and  gamma  radiation.  The  figures  in  this  table  need  explanation.  The 
wide  discrepancy  between  the  two  types  of  experiment  with  regard  to  the  inactiva- 



tion  by  ultraviolet  alone  is  the  result  of  the  fact  that  to  treat  the  mitochondria  with 
gamma  radiation  the  mitochondria  must  be  diluted.  Consequently  in  studies  of 
the  effects  of  post-treatment  with  ultraviolet  the  mitochondria  had  been  diluted, 
centrifuged  and  re-suspended  before  treatment  with  ultraviolet.  In  this  condition 
they  seem  more  sensitive.  Because  of  the  difficulties  of  doing  studies  of  this  kind, 
these  data  can  only  be  taken  as  suggestive.  It  would  appear  that  the  gamma  radia- 
tion sensitizes  the  phosphorylation  mechanism  to  ultraviolet  treatment,  but  not  the 
converse.  However,  unless  these  studies  can  be  carried  out  in  some  manner  which 
is  not  so  drastic  to  the  mitochondria,  it  will  be  impossible  to  be  sure  of  this  point. 
Attempts  are  being  made  to  do  this  at  present. 

The  oxidative  phosphorylation  of  isolated  particulates  is  sensitive  to  both  aging 
and  dilution  of  the  preparation.  However,  in  undiluted  preparations  kept  in  the 
cold  (below  10°  C.),  the  aging  effects  are  slight  for  the  first  4  or  5  hours.  There- 
fore, most  experiments  reported  in  this  paper  were  conducted  under  conditions  in 
which  the  mitochondria  were  in  fresh  condition  at  the  time  of  assay.  Even  the 
delay  between  isolation  and  assay  of  three  hours,  experienced  with  preparations 

The  effect  of  combined  ultraviolet  and  gamma,  radiation 


No.  runs 

Phosphate  uptake 




Decrease  Oz 



11.8  ±  1.4 



5  min.  UV 


9.2  ±  1.5 



104  r  7  rays 


11.2  ±  1.0 


-  5.6 

5  min.  UV  +  104  r  7  rays 


9.2  ±  0.03 





8.7  ±  2.1 



5  min.  UV 


3.3  ±  0.1 



104  r  7  rays 


4.1  ±  0.9 



104  r  7  rays  +  5  min.  UV 


2.0  ±  1.2 



*  Particulates  undiluted  for  ultraviolet  treatment;  diluted  1  in  20  for  7  ray  treatment. 

treated  with  infrared  radiation,  caused  no  appreciable  decrease  in  phosphorylative 
ability  due  to  aging.  On  the  other  hand,  when  a  preparation  is  diluted,  the  phos- 
phorylative ability  is  damaged.  Therefore,  the  experiments  done  with  gamma 
radiation  show  the  superimposition  of  two  effects :  dilution  and  exposure  to  radia- 
tion. The  degree  of  inhibition  resulting  from  dilution  varies  from  preparation 
to  preparation.  We  are  unable  to  explain  this  at  the  present  time.  This  double 
effect  in  the  gamma-treated  series  may  be  obscuring  an  effect  that  the  radiation 
would  have  on  undiluted  preparations.  The  part  of  oxidative  phosphorylation 
which  is  sensitive  to  dilution  may  be  highly  sensitive  to  radiation.  However,  this 
only  means  that  the  effects  reported  are  the  minimum  effects  of  radiation.  It  should 
be  emphasized  that  the  effect  of  which  we  speak  is  a  decrease  in  the  total  phosphate 
uptake  and  not  a  serious  change  in  the  P:O  ratio.  Some  uncoupling  occurs  in 
highly  diluted  preparations  but  none  occurs  in  undiluted  preparations  or  in  diluted 
preparations  which  are  not  allowed  to  stand  in  the  diluted  condition. 

All  the  data  presented  in  these  tables  represent  the  average  values  for  the 
experiments,  with  standard  errors.     The  problem  of  the  variation  from  run  to 

504  H.  T.  YOST,  JR.  AND  H.  H.  ROBSON 

run  cannot  be  eliminated  at  this  time.  The  mitochondria  for  each  run  are  obtained 
from  a  different  rat.  Phosphate  uptake  and  sensitivity  to  radiation  varies  from 
rat  to  rat.  Attempts  to  standardize  the  procedures  by  using  rats  of  uniform  age 
and  of  denned  diet  reduce  this  variation  only  slightly.  Therefore,  all  of  these 
data  must  be  regarded  as  indicating  relationships  in  a  manner  that  is  qualitative 
rather  than  quantitative. 


The  data  presented  in  Table  I  show  quite  clearly  that  ultraviolet  radiation  in 
the  wave-length  region  of  2400-2700  A  (probably  2600  A)  readily  inactivates  the 
oxidative  phosphorylation  mechanism  of  isolated  cellular  particulates.  Further- 
more, it  is  clear  that  the  inactivation  of  phosphorylation  is  unrelated  to  inactivation 
of  the  oxidase  system,  since  oxygen  uptake  may  be  very  slightly  affected  in  some 
cases  in  which  phosphorylation  is  quite  low.  The  separation  of  phosphorylation 
from  oxidation  is  a  common  observation  in  mitochondrial  preparations.  Aging  of 
the  preparation  will  cause  a  loss  of  phosphorylative  ability  without  appreciable 
damage  to  the  oxidative  system.  Ultraviolet  radiation  merely  accelerates  this 
process.  The  observations  with  ultraviolet  radiation  are  in  complete  agreement 
with  those  using  gamma  radiation  (Yost  and  Robson,  1957).  It  appears  that  any 
one  of  a  variety  of  agents  will  uncouple  phosphorylation  and  oxidation. 

The  use  of  ultraviolet  radiation  to  uncouple  the  phosphorylation  mechanism 
presents  some  interesting  approaches  to  the  general  problem  of  radiation  effects  and 
to  the  general  problem  of  the  sequence  of  events  in  oxidative  phosphorylation. 
On  this  last  point,  Beyer  (1958)  has  recently  suggested  that  reversal  of  the 
effects  of  ultraviolet  radiation  may  be  used  as  a  tool  to  indicate  the  normal  pathway 
of  electron  flow  in  this  system.  His  observation  that  addition  of  vitamin  K  is 
necessary  to  reactivate  the  glutamate  system  may  be  taken  as  evidence  that  this 
vitamin  participates  in  the  over-all  process.  Similar  experiments  may  be  done  to 
elucidate  further  the  mechanisms  of  phosphorylation.  However,  the  observations 
of  Beyer  that  photoreactivation  can  be  achieved  after  treatment  with  ultraviolet 
radiation  are  not  substantiated  by  the  data  presented  in  this  paper.  Under  the 
conditions  employed  in  these  studies,  it  has  been  impossible  to  reactivate  phos- 
phorylation with  visible  light  or  the  addition  of  several  co-factors.  Although  the 
inactivation  of  oxidative  phosphorylation  by  ultraviolet  radiation  may  play  a  large 
part  in  the  death  of  cells  exposed  to  radiations,  and  although  it  is  a  well  known 
fact  that  cells  exposed  to  lethal  doses  of  ultraviolet  radiation  can  be  revived  by 
subsequent  exposure  to  visible  radiation  (Kelner,  1949),  the  results  reported  in 
Table  I  indicate  that  the  isolated  particulate  system  cannot  be  reactivated  by  the 
same  means  that  the  whole  cells  can.  Whether  this  inability  to  reactivate  the 
phosphorylation  mechanism  is  the  result  of  a  failure  to  use  the  right  wave-lengths 
(3600  A)  exclusively,  or  is  the  result  of  failure  to  combine  co-factor  addition  with 
light  treatment  can  only  be  determined  in  the  future.  Whether  the  phosphorylation 
mechanism  is  inactivated  in  whole  cells  by  ultraviolet  radiation  and  then  revived  bv 
light  treatments  will  be  the  subject  of  a  new  series  of  investigations. 

Since  the  report  of  inactivation  and  photoreactivation  of  DPN  (Wells,  1956), 
it  has  seemed  possible  that  any  interference  with  oxidative  metabolism  might  be  the 
result  of  inactivation  of  the  nucleotide-containing  co-enzymes.  These  were  tried 


in  this  system  in  attempts  to  reactivate  phosphorylation  although  they  have  no 
known  function  in  the  succinate  system.  That  they  failed  to  reactivate  the  system 
is  not  surprising.  It  does  indicate  that  the  decrease  in  phosphorylative  ability  is 
not  the  result  of  inactivation  of  some  other  (nucleotide-requiring)  part  of  the  system. 
Since  ATP  is  a  normal  part  of  the  reaction  mixture,  it  is  safe  to  assume  that  the 
effect  is  not  upon  the  adenosine  nucleotides.  This  agrees  with  the  findings  of 
Beyer  (1958). 

The  data  in  Tables  III  and  IV  represent  an  attempt  to  find  a  mechanism  of 
action  for  combined  radiation  effects.  The  effects  of  combined  radiations  on 
chromosomes  must  have  their  explanation  either  in  the  alteration  of  the  ability  of 
the  breaks  to  rejoin  or  in  the  alteration  of  the  fragility  of  the  chromosome  to 
radiation.  Unless  a  mechanism  of  action  can  be  discovered,  it  is  unlikely  that  any 
satisfactory  explanation  will  be  forthcoming.  The  many  experiments  indicating 
that  the  damage  to  chromosomes  by  radiation  is  greatly  influenced  by  known 
inhibitors  of  phosphorylation  (Wolff  and  Luippold,  1955)  suggests  that  studies 
on  the  combined  effects  of  radiations  on  phosphorylation  might  give  some  important 
clues  to  radiation  mechanisms.  The  data  gathered  in  these  experiments  indicate 
that  there  is  no  pronounced  effect  of  combined  treatments  with  ultraviolet,  infrared 
and  gamma  radiations.  The  potentiating  effect  of  infrared,  so  clearly  demonstrated 
in  Tradescantia  (Swanson,  1949),  cannot  be  found  in  the  mitochondrial  systems; 
nor  is  there  any  indication  of  interactions  (other  than  an  additive  effect  of  the 
radiations)  between  gamma  rays  and  ultraviolet.  These  findings  are  not  in  accord 
with  the  report  by  Gordon  and  Surrey  (1958)  that  near-infrared  radiation  acceler- 
ates the  decay  of  phosphorylative  ability  in  rat  liver  mitochondria.  The  techniques 
employed  in  the  two  studies  are  quite  different,  and  the  difference  in  results  is 
undoubtedly  attributable  to  the  greater  sensitivity  of  the  technique  of  Gordon  and 
Surrey.  Indeed  this  may  explain  the  variability  of  some  of  our  results.  It  is 
possible  that  a  slight  infrared  effect  is  present  in  our  test  materials,  but  that  our 
test  is  too  insensitive  to  give  a  consistent  measure  of  its  magnitude.  However, 
there  can  be  little  comparison  of  an  effect  on  phosphorylation  of  this  small  degree 
with  the  enormous  effect  of  infrared  radiation  on  chromosome  breakage.  It  seems 
highly  unlikely  that  an  increase  in  x-ray  breakage  of  chromosomes  amounting  to 
100  to  200  per  cent  can  be  induced  by  alterations  of  the  phosphorylation  mechanism 
too  slight  to  be  detected  by  the  hexokinase  method  employed  in  this  study. 


Data  are  presented  which  show  that  ultraviolet  radiation  in  the  2600  A  region 
inactivates  oxidative  phosphorylation.  The  addition  of  co-factors  and  the  exposure 
to  light  of  the  preparations  failed  to  reactivate  the  phosphorylation  after  treatment 
with  ultraviolet.  Treatment  with  infrared  radiation  and  treatment  with  combined 
infrared  and  ultraviolet,  infrared  and  gamma,  and  ultraviolet  and  gamma  radiation 
failed  to  show  any  alteration  in  the  normal  inactivation  patterns  found  with  treatment 
with  ultraviolet  or  gamma  radiation  alone.  These  data  suggest  that  both  ionizing 
and  non-ionizing  ultraviolet  radiations  damage  cells,  at  least  in  part,  by  inactivation 
of  oxidative  phosphorylation.  However,  these  data  do  not  give  any  clue  to  the 
mechanism  of  action  of  combined  radiations  in  altering  the  chromosomal  structure 
of  cells. 

506  H.  T.  YOST,  JR.  AND  H.  H.  ROBSON 


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SWANSON,  C.  P.,  AND  H.  T.  YOST.  JR.,  1951.     The  induction  of  activated,  stable  states  in  the 

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^CROPORA,  skeleton  formation  in,  59. 

Activity  of  bats,  484. 

Adult  silkworm,  corpora  allata  of,  323. 

Agglutination,     fertilizin,     inhibition     of     by 

Arbacia  dermal  secretion,  472. 
Aggregation  of  slime  molds,  304. 
Alga,  marine,  growth  of  in  culture,  461. 
Allatectomized    Philosamia,    egg   development 

in,  88. 
ALLEN,  M.  J.     Embryological  development  of 

the  polychaetous  annelid,  Diopatra,  339. 
Allocentrotus,  biology  of,  362. 
Almyracuma  from  Cape  Cod,  115. 
Amicula,  shell  repair  in,  318. 
Amino  acids  in  chicken  egg  yolk,  420. 
Amino  acids  in  slime  mold,  265. 
Ammonium  concentrations  in  Uca,  76. 
Amphibian  oviduct,  histochemistry  of,  446. 
Amphibian  red  blood  cell  form,  397. 
Amphibian  water-drive,  429. 
Amphidinium,  energetics  of  motion  of,  285. 
Amphineurans,  shell  repair  in,  318. 
Analysis  of  nutrients  in  chick  yolk,  420. 
Analysis  of  slime  mold  amino  acids,  265. 
Anatomy  of  Callinectes  larvae,  373. 
Anatomy  of  dinoflagellates,  195. 
Anatomy  of  frozen  intertidal  animals,  258. 
Anatomy  of  lobster  gynandromorph,  226. 
Anatomy  of  new  cumacean,  115. 
Anatomy  of  Proctoeces,  184. 
Annelid,  development  of,  339. 
Antherea,  endocrine  activity  of,  323. 
Antherea,  respiratory  enzymes  of,  136. 
Antibiotics,    use    of    in    study    of    Tubularian 

regeneration,  232. 

Antigens  in  Arbacia  dermal  secretion,  472. 
Antimycin  A,  effects  of  on  silkworm  respiration, 

Antisera   against   fertilizin,   effects   of   on   sea 

urchin  egg  respiration,  217. 
Arbacia  dermal  secretion,  inhibition  of  fertilizin 

by,  472. 

Arthropod,  photoreception  in,  204. 
Arthropod  retina,  reflecting  pigment  from,  125. 
Astasia,  periodicity  of  mitosis  in,  162. 
Australian  bats,  body  temperatures  of,  484. 
Avian  flight  muscles,  structure  and  physiology 

of,  239. 
Azide,  effects  of  on  silkworm  respiration,  136. 

gACTERIA,  role  of  in  growth  of  Dunaliella 

in  culture,  461. 

Bacteria,  role  of  in  Tubularia  regeneration,  232. 
BALECH,  E.     Two  new  genera  of  dinoflagellates 

from  California,  195. 
BARR,  L.     See  J.  W.  GREEN,  76. 
Bats,  Australian,  body  temperatures  of,  484. 
BEETON,  A.  M.    Photoreception  in  the  opossum 

shrimp  Mysis,  204. 

Behavior  of  molluscs  at  low  temperatures,  258. 
Beta-glucosidase  of  silkworm  midgut,  95. 
Bicolor  lobster  gynandromorph,  226. 
Biology  of  Allocentrotus,  362. 
Bird  flight  muscles,  structure  and  physiology 

of,  239. 

Bisexual  lobster,  226. 

Blastoderm,  chick,  in  vitro  culture  of,  420. 
Blastoderm,    chick,    development    of    at    low 

temperature,  436. 

Blockage  of  meiosis  in  salamander  eggs,  446. 
Blood  cell,  red,  of  amphibians,  397. 
Blood  ion  exchanges  in  Pachygrapsus,  248. 
Body  temperatures  of  Australian  bats,  484. 
Bombyx  midgut,  beta-glucosidase  of,  95. 
BOOKHOUT,  C.  G.     See  J.  D.  COSTLOW,  JR., 


AND  A.  FARMANFARMAIAN.    A  contribution 

to   the   biology   of  a   deep   sea  echinoid, 

Allocentrotus,  362. 

BOOLOOTIAN,  R.     See  A.  C.  GIESE,  49. 
Brachyuran  crab,  osmotic  regulation  in,  37. 
Brackish  water  cumacean,  115. 
Brain  formation  in  chick  embryo,  436. 
BROOKBANK,   J.   W.     The  respiration   of   un- 
fertilized sea  urchin  eggs  in  the  presence  of 
antisera  against  fertilizin,  217. 
BURBANCK,  W.  D.     See  N.  S.  JONES,  115. 

QALCIUM,  possible  role  of  in  UV-irradiated 

sea  urchin  eggs,  294. 
Calcium  concentrations  in  Uca,  76. 
Calcium  deposition  in  coral  skeletons,  59. 
California  dinoflagellates,  new  genera  of,  195. 
Callinectes,  larval  development  of,  373. 
Cape  Cod  cumacean,  115. 
Carbohydrate    metabolism    of    chick    embryo, 

Carbohydrate  metabolism  of  crustacean,  175. 




Carbohydrate  metabolism  of  slime  mold,  265. 

Carbon  dioxide,  role  of  in  skeleton  formation  of 
corals,  59. 

Carbon  monoxide-insensitive  respiration  of 
silkworm  pupae,  136. 

Carbonic  anhydrase,  effect  of  on  coral  skeleton 
formation,  59. 

Carcinides,  hormonal  control  of  metabolism  in, 

Carp  pituitary,  prolactin  in,  429. 

Carteria,  energetics  of  motion  of,  285. 

Cecropia  silkworm,  corpora  allata  of,  323. 

Cell,  initiator,  role  of  in  slime  mold  aggregation, 

Cell  division,  periodicity  of,  in  euglenids,  162. 

Cell  division  in  UV-irradiated  sea  urchin  eggs, 

Cell  form  of  amphibian  erythrocytes,  397. 

Cells,  flagellated,  motility  and  power  dissipa- 
tion in,  285. 

Cellular  particulates,  irradiation  of,  498. 

Centrifuged  and  UV-irradiated  sea  urchin  eggs, 

Cercaria,  new  species  of,  184. 

CHACE,  F.  A.,  JR.,  AND  G.  M.  MOORE.  A  bi- 
colored  gynandromorph  of  the  lobster, 
Homarus,  226. 

CHANG,  J.  J.,  AND  F.  H.  JOHNSON.  The  in- 
fluence of  pressure,  temperature  and 
urethane  on  the  luminescent  flash  of 
Mnemiopsis,  1. 

Characteristics  of  low  temperature  chick 
blastoderms,  436. 

Chemical  control  of  feeding  in  Physalia,  452. 

Chick  blastoderms,  development  of  at  low 
temperatures,  436. 

Chick  embryo  somite  formation,  420. 

Chicken  egg  yolk,  nutrients  in,  420. 

Chiroptera,  body  temperatures  of,  484. 

Chitons,  shell  repair  in,  318. 

Chlamydomonas,  motility  and  power  dissipa- 
tion in,  285. 

Chloride  concentrations  in  Uca,  76. 

Chloride  ion,  role  of  in  histophysiology  of  crab 
gill  and  kidney,  37. 

Chlorophyll  a  synthesis  of  Dunaliella,  461. 

Chromatographic  analysis  of  slime  mold,  265. 

Chromatography  of  chicken  egg  yolk,  420. 

Chromatography  of  crustacean  retinas,  125. 

Cladocora,  skeleton  formation  in,  59. 

Cleavage  of  Diopatra,  339. 

Cleavage  of  UV-irradiated  sea  urchin  eggs,  294. 

Cnidaria,  evolution  of,  452. 

Cobalt-60  irradiation  of  cellular  particulates, 

Cockroach,  control  of  reproduction  in,  406. 

Coelenterate,  chemical  control  of  feeding  in, 

Coelenterate,  inhibition  of  regeneration  in,  232. 

Colacium,  periodicity  of  mitosis  in,  162. 

Cold,  effect  of  on  amphibian  erythrocyte  form, 

Cold,  effect  of  on  Mnemiopsis  flash,  1. 

Cold,  effects  of  on  intertidal  animals,  25 

Cold,  response  of  bats  to,  484. 

Color  variant  of  lobster,  226. 

Comb  jelly,  luminescence  of,  1. 

Combined  radiation  of  cellular  particulates, 

Control  of  feeding  in  Physalia,  452. 

Control  of  metabolism  in  crustaceans,  175. 

Control  of  reproduction  in  Diploptera,  406. 

Cooling,  effect  of  on  development  of  chick 
blastoderm,  436. 

Copepods,  hatching  of  eggs  of,  15. 

Coral  skeleton  formation,  59. 

Corpora  allata,  role  of  in  reproduction  of 
Diploptera,  406. 

Corpora  allata  of  Cecropia  silkworm,  323. 

Corpus  allatum  of  Philosamia,  88. 

COSTLOW,  J.  D.,  JR.,  AND  C.  G.  BOOKHOUT. 
The  larval  development  of  Callinectes 
reared  in  the  laboratory,  373. 

Cryptochiton,  shell  repair  in,  318. 

Cumacean,  new  genus  and  species  of,  115. 

Crab,  hormonal  control  of  metabolism  in,  175. 

Crab,  larval  development  of,  373. 

Crab,  osmotic  stress  in,  248. 

Crab  gill  and  kidney,  histophysiology  of,  37. 

Crabs,  fiddler,  regulation  of  salt  and  water  by, 

Crassostrea,  frozen,  histology  and  metabolism 

of,  258. 

Crustacea,  osmotic  regulation  in,  272. 
Crustacea,  reflecting  pigment  from  retina  of, 

Crustacean,  histophysiology  of  gill  and  kidney 

of,  37. 

Crustacean,  hormones  of,  30. 
Crustacean,  larval  development  of,  373. 
Crustacean,  new  genus  and  species  of,  115. 
Crustacean,  osmotic  stress  in,  248 
Crustacean,  regulation  of  water  and  salt  by,  76. 
Crustacean  gynandromorph,  226. 
Crustaceans,  hormonal  control  of  metabolism 

in,  175. 

Cryptoglena,  periodicity  of  mitosis  in,  162. 
Ctenophore,  luminescence  of,  1. 
Culture  of  Chlamydomonas,  285. 
Cultured  Dunaliella,  growth  of,  461. 
Cycle,  reproductive,  of  sea  urchin,  49. 
Cyclic  sexual  activity  of  Diploptera,  406. 
Cyclops,  hatching  of  eggs  of,  15. 
Cynthia,  endocrine  activity  of,  323. 
Cyprinus  pituitary,  prolactin  in,  429. 



Cysteine,    effects    of    on    feeding    reaction    of 

Physalia,  452. 
Cytochrome  oxidase,  role  of  in  silkworm  pupa 

respiration,  136. 

3,  effects  of  on  silkworm  respiration,  136. 

DPN,  effects  of  on  dephosphorylation  of  rat 

liver  cell  particulates,  498. 
Dark  adaptation  in  Mysis,  204. 
Dark-adapting  hormones  of  Palaemonetes,  30. 
Darkness,   effect  of  on   mitotic  periodicity  of 

euglenids,  162. 
DAVIS,  C.  C.     Osmotic  hatching  in  the  eggs  of 

some  fresh-water  copepods,  15. 
DAVISON,  J.     Studies  on  the  form  of  the  am- 
phibian red  blood  cell,  397. 
Decapod,  osmotic  stress  in,  248. 
Decapod  Crustacea,  osmotic  regulation  in,  76. 
Decompression,     effects     of     on     Mnemiopsis 

luminescent  flash,  1. 
Deep  sea  echinoid,  biology  of,  362. 
Deposition  of  calcium  in  coral  skeleton,  59. 
Dermal    secretion    of    Arbacia,    inhibition    of 

fertilizin  by,  472. 
Description  of  new  species  of  dinoflagellates 


Desiccation  of  Pachygrapsus,  248. 
Developing  slime  mold,  amino  acids  in,  265. 
Development  of  Callinectes,  373. 
Development  of  chick  somites,  420. 
Development  of  Diopatra,  339. 
Development  of  silkworm,  role  of  corpora  allata 

in,  323. 

Development  of  slime  mold  aggregations,  304. 
Development  of  UV-irradiated  sea  urchin  eggs 


Developmental  characteristics  of  low  temper- 
ature chick  blastoderms,  436. 
Diamox,  effects  of  on  coral  skeleton  formation 


Diapausing  silkworm  pupae,  respiratory  en- 
zymes of,  136. 

Diapausing  silkworm  pupae,  role  of  corpus 
allatum  in,  88. 

Diapausing  silkworms,  endocrine  activity  of 

Diaptomus,  hatching  of  eggs  of,  15. 

Dictyostelium,  aggregation  of,  304. 

Dictyostelium,  amino  acids  in,  265. 

Digenetic  trematode,  life-cycle  of,  184. 

Dinitrophenol,  effects  of  on  silkworm  respira- 
tion, 136. 

Dinoflagellates,  new  genera  of ,  195. 

Diopatra,  development  of,  339. 

Distal  retinal  pigment  migration  of  Palae- 
monetes, 30. 

Distigma,  periodicity  of  mitosis  in,  162. 

Distribution  of  fibers  in  pigeon  flight  muscle, 

Division,  cell,  in  UV-irradiated  sea  urchin  eggs, 

Dugesia   regeneration,   effects  of  thiourea   on 


Dunaliella,  energetics  of  motion  of,  285. 
Dunaliella,  growth  of  in  culture,  461. 

gCDYSONE,  role  of  in  endocrine  activity  of 

silkworm,  323. 

Echinoderm,  deep  sea,  biology  of,  362 
Echinoderm,  productivity  of,  49. 
Echinoderm    dermal    secretion,    inhibition    of 

fertilizin  by,  472. 

Echinoderm  eggs,  respiration  of,  217. 
Echinoderm    eggs,    ultraviolet    irradiation    of 


Echinoid,  deep  sea,  biology  of,  362. 
Ecology  of  Allocentrotus,  362. 
Ecology  of  chitons,  318. 
Ecology  of  cumacean,  115. 
Effect  of  osmotic  stress  on  Pachygrapsus,  248. 
Effects  of  irradiation  of  cellular  particulates 


Effects  of  thiourea  on  planarians,  106. 
Eft  water-drive  factor  in  teleost  pituitaries,  429. 
Egg  maturation  in  Diploptera,  406. 
Eggs,  copepod,  osmotic  hatching  of,  15. 
Eggs,  sea  urchin,  respiration  of,  217. 
Eggs,  sea  urchin,  ultraviolet  irradiation  of,  294. 
Electrical  measurements  of  Mnemiopsis  lumi- 
nescence, 1. 

Embryo,  chick,  somite  formation  in,  420. 
Embryological  development  of  Diopatra,  339. 
Embryology  of  UV-irradiated  sea  urchin  eggs 


Embryos,  chick,  development  of  at  low  temper- 
ature, 436. 

Endocrine  activity  of  Diploptera,  406. 
Endocrine  activity  of  silkworm,  323. 
Endocrine  relations  in  Philosamia,  88. 
Endocrine  studies  on  crab,  175. 
Endocrinology  of  amphibians,  429. 
Endocrinology  of  crustaceans,  30. 
Energetics  of  cell  motion,  285. 
ENGELMANN,  F.     The  control  of  reproduction 

in  Diploptera,  406. 

ENNIS,  H.  M.     See  M.  SUSSMAN,  304. 
Enzyme  studies  on  silkworm  midgut,  95. 
Enzymes,  respiratory,  of  diapausing  silkworm 

pupae,  136. 

Eri-silkworm,  corpus  allatum  of,  88. 
Erythrocytes  of  amphibians,  397. 
Euglenineae,  periodicity  of  mitosis  in,  162. 
Eutreptia,  periodicity  of  mitosis  in,  162. 
Evolution  of  Cnidaria,  452. 
Exchanges,  ionic,  in  Pachygrapsus,  248. 



Excretion  of  crab,  37. 

Exogenous   rhythm   of   mitotic   periodicity   in 

euglenids,  162. 

Explantation  of  chick  embryos,  420,  436. 
Eye  formation  in  regenerating  planarian,  106. 
Eyes  of  Crustacea,  reflecting  pigment  from,  125. 
Eyestalk  removal,  effect  of  on  metabolism  of 

crab,  175. 

49 ;  R.  A.  BOOLOOTIAN,  362. 

Fat  content  of  pigeon  flight  muscle,  239. 

Feeding,  chemical  control  of,  in  Physalia,  452. 

Fertilization  of  Diopatra  eggs,  339. 

Fertilization  reactions  in  UV-irradiated  sea 
urchin  eggs,  294. 

Fertilizin  antisera,  effects  of  on  sea  urchin  egg 
respiration,  217. 

Fertilizin  inhibition  by  Arbacia  dermal  secre- 
tion, 472. 

Fiber  architecture  of  pigeon  muscle,  239. 

Fiddler  crab,  regulation  of  salt  and  water  by,  76. 

FlNGERMAN,      M.,      M.      E.     LOWE     AND     B.      I. 

SUNDARARAJ.  Dark-adapting  and  light- 
adapting  hormones  controlling  the  distal 
retinal  pigment  migration  of  the  prawn, 
Palaemonetes,  30. 

Fish  pituitaries,  prolactin  in,  429. 

Flagellate,  growth  of  in  culture,  461. 

Flagellated  cells,  motility  and  power  dissipation 
in,  285. 

Flash,  luminescent,  of  Mnemiopsis,  1. 

FLEMISTER,  S.  C.  Histophysiology  of  gill  and 
kidney  of  crab  Ocypode,  37. 

Flight  muscles  of  birds,  239. 

Fluorescent  compounds  in  arthropod  retinas, 

Food,  role  of  in  growth  of  Callinectes  larvae, 

Form  of  amphibian  red  blood  cell,  397. 

Formation  of  skeletons  in  corals,  59. 

Fragilidium,  a  new  species,  195. 

FRASER,  R.  C.  Somite  genesis  in  the  chick. 
II.,  420. 

Fresh-water  copepods,  osmotic  hatching  of  eggs 
of,  15. 

Frozen  intertidal  animals,-  histology  and 
metabolism  of,  258. 

Fruit  bat,  body  temperatures  of,  484. 

FULTON,  C.  Re-examination  of  an  inhibitor 
of  regeneration  in  Tubularia,  232. 

Fundulus,  prolactin  in  pituitary  of,  429. 

pAMETES  of  Diopatra,  339. 

Gamma  radiation,  effects  of  on  cellular  particu- 

lates,  498. 
GEORGE,  J.  C.,  AND  R.  M.  NAIK.     Studies  on 

the  structure  and  physiology  of  the  flight 

muscles  of  birds,  4.,  239. 

GIESE,  A.  C.,  el  al.     Organic    productivity    in 

the  reproductive  cycle  of  the  purple  sea 

urchin,  49. 
GIESE,  A.   C.     See  R.  A.   BOOLOOTIAN,  362; 

J.  S.  TUCKER,  318. 
Gill  of  crab,  histophysiology  of,  37. 
Gill  fluid  ion  concentrations  in  Uca,  76. 
Glucose  as  energy  source  in  chick  somite  genesis, 


Glucosidase  of  silkworm  midgut,  95. 
Glutamic  acid,  role  of  in  development  of  slime 

mold,  265. 
Glutathione,  feeding  response  to,  by  Physalia, 


Glycogen  content  of  pigeon  flight  muscle,  239. 
Gnorimosphaeroma,  osmoregulation  in,  272. 
Goitrogenic  compounds,  effects  of  on  regenera- 
tion of  planarian,  106. 
Gonad  development  of  Allocentrotus,  362. 
Gonad  index  of  sea  urchin,  49,  362. 
GOREAU,  T.  F.     The    physiology    of    skeleton 

formation  in  corals,  I.,  59. 
GRANT,  W.  C.,  AND  G.  E.  PICKFORD.     Presence 

of  the  red  eft  water-drive  factor  prolactin 

in  the  pituitaries  of  teleosts,  429. 
GREEN,  J.  W.,  M.  HARSCH,  L.  BARR  AND  C.  L. 

PROSSER.     Regulation  of  water  and  salt 

by  fiddler  crabs,  76. 
Greenfield,  L.     See  A.  C.  GIESE,  49. 
GROSS,  W.  J.     The  effect  of  osmotic  stress  on 

the  ionic  exchanges  of  a  shore  crab,  248. 
Growth  of  Callinectes  larvae,  373. 
Growth  of  Dunaliella  in  culture,  461. 
Growth-promoting  factor  in  teleost  pituitaries, 


Growth  rates  of  coral  colony  parts,  59. 
Growth  of  regenerating  planarians,  effects  of 

thiourea  on,  106. 
Guanine  from  lobster  eye,  125. 
Gynandromorph  of  lobster,  226. 

I_J  ABITAT  of  Allocentrotus,  362. 

Habitat  in  relation  to  osmoregulation  of 
isopods,  272. 

HARRISON,  J.  R.  Developmental  characteris- 
tics of  low  temperature  chick  blastoderms. 
I. ,436. 

HARSCH,  M.     See  J.  W.  GREEN,  76. 

Hatching  of  copepod  eggs,  15. 

Healing  of  planarians,  effects  of  thiourea  on, 

Heat,  effect  of  on  Mnemiopsis  luminescent 
flash,  1. 

Heat,  response  of  bats  to,  484. 

Heat  transfer  in  frozen  intertidal  animals,  258. 

Hermaphroditism  in  lobster,  226. 

Hibernating  bats,  body  temperatures  of,  484. 

High  temperature,  response  of  bats  to,  484. 



Histochemistry  of  arthropod  retina,  125. 
Histochemistry  of  newt  oviduct,  446. 
Histology  of  Diploptera  endocrine  organs,  406. 
Histology  of  frozen  intertidal  animals,  258. 
Histophysiology  of  crab  gill  and  kidney,  37. 
Homarus,   reflecting   pigment   from   retina  of, 


Homarus  gynandromorph,  226. 
Hormonal  control  of  metabolism  in  crustaceans, 


Hormonal    control     of    reproduction    in     Di- 
ploptera, 406. 

Hormone,  juvenile,  of  silkworms,  323. 
Hormones  of  Palaemonetes,  30. 
Hormones  of  Philosamia,  88. 
Hormones  of  teleost  pituitaries,  429. 
Horseshoe  crab,  reflecting  pigment  from  retina 

of,  125. 

HUANG,  H.     See  A.  C.  GIESE,  49. 
HUGHES,  W.  N.     See  A.  A.  HUMPHRIES,  JR., 

HUMPHRIES,  A.  A.,  JR.,  AND  W.  N.  HUGHES. 

A    study    of    the    polysaccharide    histo- 

chemistry    of    the    oviduct   of    the    newt, 

Triturus,  446. 
Hyaline   layer   reaction   in   UV-irradiated   sea 

urchin  eggs,  294. 

Hyalophacus,  periodicity  of  mitosis  in,  162. 
Hyalophora,  endocrine  activity  of,  323. 
Hyalophora,  respiratory  enzymes  of,  136. 
Hydroid  regeneration,  232. 
Hydrozoan,  chemical  control  of  feeding  in,  452. 
Hypertonic  medium,  effect  of  on  Pachygrapsus, 

Hypoblast,    role    of    in    development    of    low 

temperature  chick  blastoderms,  436. 

T  CE  formation  in  intertidal  animals,  258. 


Studies  on  the  role  of  the  corpus  allatum 
in  the  Eri  silkworm,  Philosamia,  88. 

Immunology  of  sea  urchin  egg  fertilization,  217. 

Immunology  of  Arbacia  fertilization,  472. 

In  vitro  culture  of  chick  blastoderms,  420,  436. 

In  vitro  growth  of  Dunaliella,  461. 

Incubation  temperature,  effect  of  on  develop- 
ment of  chick  embryos,  436. 

"Induction"  of  aggregation  centers  in  slime 
molds,  304. 

Infrared  irradiation  of  cellular  particulates,  498. 

Inhibition  of  fertilizin  by  Arbacia  dermal 
secretion,  472. 

Inhibition  of  regeneration  in  Tubularia,  232. 

Initiator  cell  in  slime  mold  aggregation,  304. 

Injury  respiration  of  silkworm,  136. 

Insemination  of  Diopatra  eggs,  339. 

Intermolt  period  of  crustaceans,  hormonal 
control  of  metabolism  during,  175. 

Intertidal     animals,     frozen,     histology     and 

metabolism  of,  258. 
Ionic  exchanges  in  Pachygrapsus,  248. 
Ionic  regulation  in  Uca,  76. 
Ionizing     radiation,     effects     of     on     cellular 

particulates,  498. 

Irradiation,  ultraviolet,  of  sea  urchin  eggs,  294. 
Irradiation  of  cellular  particulates,  498. 
Isopods,  osmoregulation  in,  272. 
ITO,  T.,  AND  M.  TANAKA.     Beta  glucosidase  of 

the  midgut  of  the  silkworm,  Bombyx,  95. 


ELLY  of  amphibian  eggs,  importance  of,  446. 

JENKINS,  M.  M.     The  effects  of  thiourea  and 

some  related  compounds  on  regeneration 

in  planarians,  106. 

JOHNSON,  F.  H.     See  J.  J.  CHANG,  1. 
JONES,   N.   S.,   AND  W.    D.    BURBANCK.     Al- 

myracuma  from  brackish  water  of  Cape 

Cod,  115. 
Juvenile  hormone  of  silkworms,  323. 

J^ANWISHER,  J.     Histology   and    metabo- 

"   lism  of  frozen  intertidal  animals,  258. 
Katherina,  shell  repair  in,  318. 
Kidney  of  crab,  histophysiology  of,  37. 
Killifish,  prolactin  in  pituitary  of,  429. 
KLEINHOLZ,  L.  H.     Purines  and  pteridines  from 

the   reflecting   pigment   of   the  arthropod 

retina,  125. 

Krebs  cycle  in  slime  mold,  265. 
KRIVANEK,    J.    O.,    AND    R.    C.    KRIVANEK. 

Chromatographic  analyses  of  amino  acids 

in    the    developing    slime    mold,    Dictyo- 

stelium,  265. 

KURLAND,    C.    G.,    AND    H.    A.    SCHNEIDERMAN. 

The  respiratory  enzymes  of  diapausing 
silkworm  pupae:  a  new  interpretation  of 
CO-insensitive  respiration,  136. 

T  ABORATORY-RAISED  Callinectes  larvae, 

-^    373. 

Lactogenic  hormone  in  fish  pituitaries,  429. 

Larvae  of  Diopatra,  339. 

Larval  development  of  Callinectes,  373. 

Larval  stages  of  Bombyx,  beta-glucosidase 
activity  of  midgut  in,  95. 

LASKER,  R.     See  A.  C.  GIESE,  49. 

LEEDALE,  G.  F.  Periodicity  of  mitosis  and 
cell  division  in  the  Euglenineae,  162. 

The  control  of  feeding  in  the  Portuguese 
man-of-war,  Physalia,  and  its  bearing  on 
the  evolution  of  the  Cnidaria,  452. 

Lepidoptera,  endocrine  activity  of,  323. 

Lepocinclis,  periodicity  of  mitosis  in,  162. 

Life-cycle  of  Protoeces,  184. 



Light,  effect  of  on  coral  skeleton  formation,  59. 
Light,    effect    of    on    mitotic    periodicity    of 

euglenids,  162. 

Light-adapting  hormone  of  Palaemonetes,  30. 
Light  emission  by  Mnemiopsis,  1. 
Light  reactions  of  Mysis,  204. 
Limulus,  reflecting  pigment  from  retina  of,  125. 
Littorina,  frozen,  histology  and  metabolism  of, 

Liver  cell  particulates,  effects  of  radiation  on, 


Lobster,  reflecting  pigment  from  retina  of,  125. 
Lobster  gynandromorph,  226. 
Locomotion  of  flagellated  cells,  285. 
Low    temperature,    effect    of    on    amphibian 

erythrocyte  form,  397. 

Low  temperature,  response  of  bats  to,  484. 
Low  temperature  chick  blastoderms,  436. 
Low    temperatures,    effects    of    on    intertidal 

animals,  258. 

LOWE,  M.  E.     See  M.  FINGERMAN,  30. 
Luminescence  of  Mnemiopsis,  1. 
Lytechinus  eggs,  respiration  of,  217. 

\/(  ADREPORARIAN  corals,  reef -building  in, 

1  59. 

Magnesium  concentration  in  Uca,  76. 
Madracis,  skeleton  formation  in,  59. 
Mammals,  Australian,   body  temperatures  of, 


Manicina,  skeleton  formation  in,  59. 
Marine  alga,  growth  of  in  culture,  461. 
Marine  fish,  prolactin  in  pituitaries  of,  429. 
Mating,    influence    of    on    egg    maturation    in 

Diploptera,  406. 

Maturation  of  eggs  in  Diploptera,  406. 
McLACHLAN,  J.,  AND  C.  S.  YENTSCH.     Obser- 
vations  on   the   growth   of   Dunaliella   in 

culture,  461. 
Measurement    of   skeleton   formation    rate    in 

corals,  59. 

Megalops  of  Callinectes,  373. 
Meiotic  blockage  in  salamander  eggs,  446. 
Membrane    elevation     in     UV-irradiated    sea 

urchin  eggs,  294. 
Membranes  of  copepod  eggs,  15. 
Menoideum,  periodicity  of  mitosis  in,  162. 
Mesocyclops,  hatching  of  eggs  of,  15. 
Metabolism  of  Arbacia  sperm,  472. 
Metabolism  of  bats,  484. 
Metabolism  of  Chlamydomonas,  285. 
Metabolism  of  frozen  intertidal  animals,  258. 
Metabolism  of  rat  liver  particulates,  498. 
Metabolism  of  sea  urchin  eggs,  217. 
Metabolism  of  silkworm  pupae,  136. 
Metabolite  load  of  pigeon  flight  muscle,  239. 
Metabolites,    bacterial,    role    of    in    Tubularia 

regeneration  inhibition,  232. 

Metachromasia  in  salamander  oviduct,  446. 

Metamorphosis  of  Callinectes,  373. 

Metamorphosis  of  silkworm,  323. 

Method  for  measuring  coral  skeleton  formation,. 

METZ,  C.  B.  Inhibition  of  fertilizin  agglutina- 
tion of  sperm  by  the  dermal  secretion  from 
Arbacia,  472. 

Microscopic  anatomy  of  arthropod  retina,  125. 

Microscopic  anatomy  of  crab  gill  and  kidney, 

Migration  of  slime  mold  cells,  304. 

Midgut  of  silkworm,  beta-glucosidase  of,  95. 

Miniopterus,  body  temperatures  of,  484. 

Mitochondria,  effects  of  radiation  on,  498. 

Mitotic  abnormalities  in  UV-irradiated  sea 
urchin  eggs,  294. 

Mitotic  periodicity  in  euglenids,  162. 

Mnemiopsis,  luminescent  flash  of,  1. 

Model  of  amphibian  erythrocyte,  397. 

Modiolus,  frozen,  histology  and  metabolism  of, 

Mold,  slime,  aggregation  of,  304. 

Mold,  slime,  amino  acids  in,  265. 

Molluscs,  frozen,  histology  and  metabolism  of, 

Molluscs,  shell  repair  in,  318. 

Molt-inducing  hormone  of  Philosamia,  88. 

Molting  hormone  in  teleost  pituitaries,  429. 

Molting  in  relation  to  metabolism  of  crus- 
taceans, 175. 

Montipora,  skeleton  formation  in,  59. 

MOORE,  G.  M.     See  F.  A.  CHACE,  JR.,  226. 

Mopalia,  shell  repair  in,  318. 

Morphogenesis  of  chick  embryo  at  low  temper- 
ature, 436. 

Morphogenesis  of  chick  somites,  420. 

Morphogenesis  of  UV-irradiated  sea  urchin 
eggs,  294. 

Morphology  of  Callinectes  larvae,  373. 

Morphology  of  dinoflagellates,  195. 

Morphology  of  lobster  gynandromorph,  226. 

Morphology  of  new  cumacean,  115. 

Morphology  of  Proctoeces,  184. 

Morphology  of  slime  mold  initiator  cells,  394. 

MORRISON,  P.  R.  Body  temperatures  in  some 
Australian  mammals.  I.,  484. 

Motility  of  Arbacia  sperm,  effect  of  dermal 
secretion  on,  472. 

Motility  in  flagellated  cells,  285. 

Motion  of  cells,  energetics  of,  285. 

Muscles,  flight,  of  birds,  239. 

Mutant  of  Chlamydomonas,  285. 

Mysis,  photoreception  in,  204. 

Mytilus,  frozen,  histology  and  metabolism  of, 

Myxamoebae,  aggregation  of,  304. 

Myxamoebae,  amino  acids  in,  265. 



X^AIK,  R.  M.     See  J.  C.  GEORGE,  239. 

Nauplii  of  copepods,  hatching  of,  15. 
Neurosecretory  activity  of  Diploptera,  406. 
Neurosecretory  hormone  in  Philosamia,  88. 
New  genera  of  dinoflagellates,  195. 
New  genus  and  species  of  cumacean,  115. 
Newt  oviduct,  histochemistry  of,  446. 
NiSHiiTsuxsuji-Uwo,    J.     See   M.    ICHIKAWA, 


Nitrate  nitrogen  and  growth  of  Dunaliella,  461. 
Nutrients  in  chicken  egg  yolk,  420. 
Nutrition,    role    of    in    growth    of    Callinectes 

larvae,  373. 

Nutrition  of  Allocentrotus,  362. 
Nutrition  of  Physalia,  452. 
Nutrition  of  sea  urchin,  49. 

QBSERVATIONS  on  growth  of  Dunaliella, 


Oculina,  skeleton  formation  in,  59. 
Ocypode,  histophysiology  of  gill  and  kidney  of, 


Onuphid,  development  of,  339. 
Opossum  shrimp,  photoreception  in,  204. 
Organic  productivity  of  sea  urchin,  49. 
Osmotic  hatching  of  copepod  eggs,  15. 
Osmotic  relations  of  crab  gill  and  kidney,  37. 
Osmotic  relations  in  Uca,  76. 
Osmotic  stress,  effects  of  on  Pachygrapsus,  248. 
Ova,  copepod,  osmotic  hatching  of,  15. 
Ova,  maturation  of  in  Diploptera,  406. 
Ova,  sea  urchin,  respiration  of,  217. 
Ova,  sea  urchin,  ultraviolet  irradiation  of,  294. 
Oviduct  of  newt,  histochemistry  of,  446. 
Oxygen  consumption  of  Arbacia  sperm,  472. 
Oxygen  consumption  of  Chlamydomonas,  285. 
Oxygen  consumption  of  frozen  animals,  258. 
Oxygen  consumption  of  rat  liver  cell  particu- 

lates,  498. 

Oxygen  consumption  of  sea  urchin  eggs,  217. 
Oxygen  consumption  of  silkworm  pupae,  136. 
Oyster,    frozen,    histology  and  metabolism  of, 


pACHYGRAPSUS,  osmotic  stress  in,  248. 

Palaemonetes,  hormones  of,  30. 

Parasite  of  sea  urchin,  362. 

Parasitic  trematode,  life-cycle  of,  184. 

Particulates,  cell,  irradiation  of,  498. 

Pattern  of  pigmentation  in  lobster  gynandro- 

morph,  226. 
Pectoralis    muscle    of    pigeon,    structure    and 

physiology  of,  239. 

Peranema,  periodicity  of  mitosis  in,  162. 
Periodicity  of  mitosis  in  euglenids,  162. 
Permeability  of  copepod  egg  membranes,  15. 
Phacus,  periodicity  of  mitosis  in,  162. 

Phenylthiourea,    effects    of    on    planarian    re- 
generation, 106. 

Philosamia,  corpus  allatum  of,  88. 
Philosamia,  endocrine  activity  of,  323. 
Phosphorylated  intermediaries  in  chick  carbo- 
hydrate metabolism,  420. 
Phosphorylation,  effects  of  combined  radiation 

treatments  on,  498. 
Photoreception  in  Mysis,  204. 
Phylogenetic  aspects  of  Physalia  feeding  habits, 


Physalia,  chemical  control  of  feeding  in,  452. 
Physiology  of  bird  flight  muscles,  239. 
Physiology  of  skeleton  formation  in  corals,  59. 
Phytoplankton,  growth  of  in  culture,  461. 
PICKFORD,  G.  E.     See  W.  C.  GRANT,  JR.,  429. 
Pigeon  flight  muscle,  structure  and  physiology 

of,  239. 

Pigment,  reflecting,  of  arthropod  retina,  125. 
Pigment,  retinal,  of  Palaemonetes,  30. 
Pigment  variation  in  lobster,  226. 
Pigmentation  in  regenerating  planarians,  effects 

of  thiourea  on,  106. 

Pituitaries  of  teleosts,  prolactin  in,  429. 
Planarian  regeneration,  effects  of  thiourea  on, 

Plankton    samples,    new   dinoflagellates   from, 


Platysamia,  endocrine  activity  of,  323. 
Platysamia,  respiratory  enzymes  of,  136. 
Pleurodeles,  erythrocytes  of,  397. 
Pocillopora,  skeleton  formation  in,  59. 
Pollachius  pituitary,  prolactin  in,  429. 
Pollack  pituitary,  prolactin  in,  329. 
Polychaete,  development  of,  339. 
Polyphemus,  endocrine  activity  of,  323. 
Polyphemus,  respiratory  enzymes  of,  136. 
Polysaccharide  histochemistry  of  newt  oviduct, 

Population    size    in    relation    to    slime    mold 

aggregation,  304. 

Porites,  skeleton  formation  in,  59. 
Porolithon,  skeleton  formation  in,  59. 
Portuguese    man-of-war,    chemical    control    of 

feeding  in,  452. 

Potassium  concentrations  in  Uca,  76. 
Power  dissipation  in  flagellated  cells,  285. 
Prawn,  hormones  of,  30. 
Premolt     period     of     crustaceans,     hormonal 

control  of  metabolism  during,  175. 
Pressure,  effect  of  on  Mnemiopsis  luminescent 

flash,  1. 

Proctoeces,  life-cycle  of,  184. 
Productivity  of  sea  urchin,  49. 
Prolactin  in  teleost  pituitaries,  429. 
PROSSER,  C.  L.     See  J.  W.  GREEN,  76. 
Protein  metabolism  of  slime  molds,  265. 
Prothoracic  gland  hormone  of  silkworm,  323. 



Protista,  new  genera  of,  195. 
Pteridines  from  arthropod  retina,  125. 
Pteropus,  body  temperatures  of,  484. 
Pupae,    diapausing   silkworm,    respiratory   en- 
zymes of,  136. 

Pupae  of  Philosamia,  corpus  allatum  of,  88. 
Purines  from  arthropod  retina,  125. 
Purple  sea  urchin,  productivity  of,  49. 

DADIATION  effects  on  sea  urchin  eggs,  294. 
Radiation  treatments  of  cellular  particulates, 


Radiocalcium  uptake  by  coral  colonies,  59. 
Radiosodium  studies  with  Uca,  76. 
Rate  of  calcium  deposition  in  coral  skeleton,  59. 
Rat  cellular  particulates,  effects  of  radiation  on, 


Reaction  times  of  mysids,  204. 
Reconstitution  in  planarians,  106. 
Red  blood  cell  form,  397. 
Red  eft  water-drive  factor  in  teleost  pituitaries, 


Reef  corals,  rate  of  formation  of,  59. 
Re-fertilization  of  fertilized  UV-irradiated  sea 

urchin  eggs,  294. 

Reflecting  pigment  of  arthropod  retina,  125. 
Regeneration  inhibition  in  Tubularia,  232. 
Regeneration  in  planarians,  effects  of  thiourea 

on,  106. 

Regulation  of  ions  in  Pachygrapsus,  248. 
Regulation  of  water  and  salt  by  Uca,  76. 
Renal  structure  in  Ocypode,  37. 
Repair  of  shells  in  chitons,  318. 
Reproduction,  control  of  in  Diploptera,  406. 
Reproduction  of  Allocentrotus,  362. 
Reproductive  cycle  of  sea  urchin,  49. 
Respiration  of  Arbacia  sperm,  472. 
Respiration  of  Chlamydomonas,  285. 
Respiration  of  frozen  intertidal  animals,  258. 
Respiration  of  rat  liver  cell  particulates,  498. 
Respiration  of  sea  urchin  eggs,  217. 
Respiratory  enzymes  of  diapausing  silkworm 

pupae,  136. 
Retina  of  arthropods,  reflecting  pigment  from, 


Retinal  pigment  migration  of  Palaemonetes,  30. 

Rhabdocoel  parasite  of  sea  urchin,  362. 

Rhythm  of  mitotic  activity  in  euglenids,  162. 

RIEGEL,  J.  A.  Some  aspects  of  osmoregulation 
in  two  species  of  sphaeromid  isopod 
Crustacea,  272. 

ROBSON,  H.  H.     See  H.  T.  YOST,  JR.,  498. 

Role  of  corpus  allatum  in  Philosamia,  88. 

Role  of  initiator  cell  in  slime  mold  aggregation, 

RONKIN,  R.  R.  Motility  and  power  dissipation 
in  flagellated  cells,  especially  Chlamy- 
domonas, 285. 

RUSTAD,    R.    C.     Consequences   of    unilateral 
ultraviolet  irradiation  of  sea  urchin  eggs 

QALAMANDER  oviduct,  histochemistry  of, 

D     446. 

Salinity,  role  of  in  growth  of  Callinectes  larvae, 

Salinity  relations  of  frozen  intertidal  animals, 


Salt  balance  in  isopods,  272. 
Salt  content  of  crab  gill  and  kidney,  37. 
Salt  pool  in  Pachygrapsus,  248. 
Salt  regulation  by  Uca,  76. 
Samia,  respiratory  enzymes  of,  136. 
Saturniids,  endocrine  activity  of,  323. 
SCHEER,     B.     T.     The    hormonal    control    of 

metabolism  in  crustaceans.  IX.,  175. 

SCHNEIDERMAN,    H.    A.       See    C.    G.    KURLAND, 

136;  H.  M.  LENHOFF,  452. 
Scrippsiella,  a  new  genus,  195. 
Sea  urchin,  deep  sea,  biology  of,  263. 
Sea  urchin,  productivity  of,  49. 
Sea    urchin    dermal    secretion,    inhibition    of 

fertilizin  by,  472. 

Sea  urchin  eggs,  respiration  of,  217. 
Sea  urchin  eggs,  ultraviolet  irradiation  of,  294. 
Serum  ion  concentrations  in  Uca,  76. 
Setae  of  Diopatra,  development  of,  339. 
Setation  of  Callinectes  larvae,  373. 
Sexual  activities  of  Diploptera,  406. 
Sexual  anatomy  of  lobster  gynandromorph,  226. 
Sexual  maturation  of  silkworm,  role  of  corpora 

allata  in,  323. 

Shell  repair  in  chitons,  318. 
Shore  crab,  osmotic  stress  in,  248. 
Shrimp,  opossum,  photoreception  in,  204. 
Silkworm,  corpus  allatum  of,  88. 
Silkworm,  endocrine  activity  of,  323. 
Silkworm  midgut,  beta-glucosidase  of,  95. 
Silkworm   pupae,   diapausing,   respiratory   en- 
zymes of,  136. 

Sinus  gland  hormones  of  Palaemonetes,  30. 
Siphonophora,  chemical  control  of  feeding  in, 

Size  and  power  dissipation  of  flagellated  cells, 


Skeleton  formation  in  corals,  59. 
Slime  mold,  amino  acids  in,  265. 
Slime  mold  aggregation,  304. 
Snail,  frozen,  histology  and  metabolism  of,  258. 
Sodium-24  levels  in  Uca,  76. 
Somite  genesis  in  the  chick,  420. 
Spawning,  relation  of  to  chemical  composition 

of  sea  urchin  gonads,  49. 
Spawning  of  Allocentrotus,  362. 
Spawning    of    fish    in    relation    to    prolactin 

content  of  pituitary,  429. 



Spectral  sensitivity  of  Mysis,  204. 

Sperm    fertilizin    agglutination    inhibition    by 

Arbacia  dermal  secretion,  472. 
Sphaeroma,  osmoregulation  in,  272. 
Stomach  fluid  ion  concentrations  in  Uca,  76. 
Stress,  osmotic,  effects  of  on  Pachygrapsus,  248. 
Strongylocentrotus,  productivity  of,  49. 
Strongylocentrotus  eggs,  respiration  of,  217. 
Strongylocentrotus  eggs,  ultraviolet  irradiation 

of,  294. 

Structure  of  bird  flight  muscles,  239. 
Studies  of  amphibian  red  blood  cell,  397. 
STUNKARD,  H.  W.,  AND  J.  R.  UZMANN.     The 

life-cycle     of     the     digenetic     trematode 

Proctoeces  and  description  of  new  cercaria, 

Sucrose,  effects  of  on  hatching  of  copepod  eggs, 

Sulfadiazine,    use    of    in    study    of    Tubularia 

regeneration,  232. 
Sulfate  concentrations  in  Uca,  76. 

SUNDARARAJ,  B.   I.       See  M.  FlNGERMAN,  30. 

Suppression  of  fertilization  membrane  elevation 
in  UV-irradiated  sea  urchin  eggs,  294. 

SUSSMAN,  M.,  AND  H.  L.  ENNis.  The  role  of 
the  initiator  cell  in  slime  mold  aggregation, 

Syndesmis  as  a  parasite  of  Allocentrotus,  362. 

'pACTIC  responses  in  Mysis,  204. 

TANAKA,  M.     See  T.  Ixo,  95. 

Taxonomy  of  cumaceans,  115. 

Taxonomy  of  flagellates,  195. 

Taxonomy  of  Diopatra,  339. 

Taxonomy  of  flatworms,  184. 

Telea,  endocrine  activity  of,  323. 

Telea,  respiratory  enzymes  of,  136. 

Teleost,  prolactin  in  pituitaries  of,  429. 

Temperature,  effect  of  on  amphibian  erythro- 
cyte  form,  397. 

Temperature,  effect  of  on  Mnemiopsis  lumi- 
nescent flash,  1. 

Temperature,  effect  of  on  radiation  damage  in 
sea  urchin  eggs,  294. 

Temperature,  role  of  in  growth  of  Callinectes 
larvae,  373. 

Temperature  of  incubation,  effect  of  on 
development  of  chick  blastoderms,  436. 

Temperature  relations  of  bats,  484. 

Temperature-sensitivity  of  rat  liver  cell  particu- 
late  phosphorylative  metabolism,  498. 

Temperatures,  body,  of  Australian  bats,  484. 

Thawing  of  frozen  intertidal  animals,  258. 

Thermoregulatory  behavior  of  bats,  484. 
Thiourea,  effects  of  on  planarians,  106. 
Thiouracil,  effects  of  on  planarians,  106. 
Tonicity  relations  of  isopods,  272. 
Trachelomonas,  periodicity  of  mitosis  in,  162. 
Transitional  period  of  crustaceans,   hormonal 

control  of  metabolism  in,  174. 
Trematode,  life-cycle  of,  184. 
Triturus,  erythrocytes  of,  397. 
Triturus,  histochemistry  of  oviduct  of,  446. 
Tubularia,  inhibition  of  regeneration  in,  232. 
TUCKER,  J.  S.,  AND  A.  C.  GIESE.     Shell  repair 

in  chitons,  318. 
TUCKER,  J.  S.     See  R.  A.  BOOLOOTIAN,  362. 

TTCA,  salt  and  water  regulation  in,  76. 

Ultraviolet  irradiation  of  sea  urchin  eggs,  294. 
Ultraviolet   irradiation,   effects   of   on   cellular 

particulates,  498. 

Unfertilized  sea  urchin  eggs,  respiration  of,  217. 
Unilateral  ultraviolet  irradiation  of  sea  urchin 

eggs,  294. 
Urethane,   effect   of   on   luminescent   flash   of 

Mnemiopsis,  1. 

Uric  acid  in  crustacean  retinas,  125. 
Urine  ion  concentrations  in  Uca,  76. 
Urine  ion  exchanges  in  Pachygrapsus,  248. 
UZMANN,  J.  R.     See  H.  W.  STUNKARD,  184. 

y  ASCULAR  cells  of  amphibians,  form  of,  397. 

Visual  reactions  of  mysids,  204. 
Viviparous  cockroach,  control  of  reproduction 
in,  406. 

VyATER  balance  in  isopods,  272. 

Water-drive  factor  in  teleost  pituitaries,  429. 
Water  regulation  by  Uca,  76. 
Water  relations  of  crab,  37. 
Water  relations  in  hatching  of  copepod  eggs,  15. 
WILLIAMS,  C.  M.     The  juvenile  hormone.  I., 

yENTSCH,  C.  S.     See  J.  MCLACHLAN,  461. 

Yolk,  chicken  egg,  nutrients  in,  420. 

YOST,  H.  T.,  JR.,  AND  H.  H.  ROBSON.     Studies 

on    the   effects   of   irradiation   of   cellular 

particulates.  III.,  498. 

T'OEAE  of  Callinectes,  373. 

Zooxanthellae,  role  of  in  coral  skeleton  forma- 
tion, 59. 

Volume  116 

Number  1 





Editorial  Board 

HAROLD  C.  BOLD,  University  of  Texas  ARTHUR  W.  POLLISTER,  Columbia  University 

5^A-  2&&S^^2*^SS^     C.  L.  PROSSER,  University  of  Illinois 

MARY  E.  RAWLES,  Carnegie  Institution  of 

JOHN  B.  BUCK,  National  Institutes  of  Health 
T.  H.  BULLOCK,  University  of  California, 

Los  Angeles 
LIBBIE  H.  HYMAN,  American  Museum  of 

Natural  History 
V.  L.  LOOSANOFF,  U.  S.  Fish  and  Wildlife 


FRANZ  SCHRADER,  Columbia  University 
WM.  RANDOLPH  TAYLOR,  University  of  Michigan 

Service     CARROLL  M.  WILLIAMS,  Harvard  University 



FEBRUARY,    1959 

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Zoology,  Botany,  Embryology, 
and  Comparative  Anatomy 


Zoology  and  Botany 

including  Protozoan  and 
Drosophila  Cultures,  and 
Animals  for  Experimental  and 
Laboratory  Use. 



Zoology,  Botany,  Embryology, 
Histology,  Bacteriology,  and 


Supply  Department 


Woods  Hole,  Massachusetts 



The  influence  of  pressure,  temperature  and  urethane  on  the  lumi- 
nescent flash  of  Mnemiopsis  leidyi 1 


Osmotic  hatching  in  the  eggs  of  some  fresh- water  copepods 15 


Dark-adapting  and  light-adapting  hormones  controlling  the  distal 

retinal  pigment  of  the  prawn  Palaemonetes  vulgaris 30 


Histophysiology  of  gill  and  kidney  of  crab  Ocypode  albicans 37 


Organic  productivity  in  the  reproductive  cycle  of  the  purple  sea  urchin    49 


The  physiology  of  skeleton  formation  in  corals.  I.  A  method  for 
measuring  the  rate  of  calcium  deposition  by  corals  under  different 
conditions 59 

The  regulation  of  water  and  salt  by  the  fiddler  crabs,  Uca  pugnax  and 
Uca  pugilator 76 


Studies  on  the  role  of  the  corpus  allatum  in  the  Eri-silkworm,  Philo- 
samia  cynthia  ricini 88 


Beta-glucosidase  of  the  midgut  of  the  silkworm  Bombyx  mori 95 


The  effects  of  thiourea  and  some  related  compounds  on  regeneration 
in  planarians 106 


Almyracuma  proximoculi  gen.  et  sp.  nov.  (Crustacea,  Cumacea)  from 
brackish  water  of  Cape  Cod,  Massachusetts 115 


Purines  and  pteridines  from  the  reflecting  pigment  of  the  arthropod 
retina 125 


The  respiratory  enzymes  of  diapausing  silkworm  pupae :  A  new  inter- 
pretation of  carbon  monoxide-insensitive  respiration 136 


Periodicity  of  mitosis  and  cell  division  in  the  Euglenineae 162 


The  hormonal  control  of  metabolism  in  crustaceans.  IX.  Carbo- 
hydrate metabolism  in  the  transition  from  intermoult  to  premoult  in 
Carcinides  maenas  r 175 


The  life-cycle  of  the  digenetic  trematode,  Proctoeces  maculatus 
(Looss,  1901)  Odhner,  1911  [syn.  P.  subtenuis  (Linton,  1907)  Hanson, 
1950],  and  description  of  Cercaria  adranocerca  n.  sp 184