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!  HE 

noannc  Biological  laboratory 

\\i  M  >DS    II'  'I  i  ,    M.\ 


1".  .  (..  (  'I\KII\      1'rincft-n  University, 

I  \.  '<;  i-  I.  «•!•»-    '/'It,-  l\  t'n-r  In>titm<  I/   Heal  Research. 

T.   II.    \Iom..\\       ('••/nmf>t\i   (  'm' 

\\  .  M.  WHEELER      ///':•/ 

^  .  i  »    W  ii  1  1  MAN       I'ii,-  I  Diversity 

II.  II.  \\'n-.i\      i    lumbia  f  ''.'.'':•>  f-.-'/v. 

I  I;\\K  \<  .  I.  ii  i  n       '/'',,-  University 

V<  'i  i  Mr   X I  X 

l<  >l  I  ,  M  \>- 
II    \l     l<  '    Ni  'VI  Ml:|-  U    I  ,i,,. 


LA-NCASTFB     "»• 



i  .    JUNE, 

M(i\'[<.«'\irk\  .   Tii'i-     II..  IK 

tirnnn-:  \ 

I  h  K     KI  'i;i  k  I    \V  .....       i  ^ 

LEFEVRE,  G     IND  (  '      .       Mumupim;  ;i 

IHN.     I  I.     >.          / 

I  i   i\i  \V    I'.     I  '  '!nt  y  f>h  \. 


\\   \\.     I'll" 
I  I  I    \  I  II.     I  I  MM  I  7  > 

\I<  ikun  i     (  ii  \I-M  i  •-  \ 

timi  ii>:<  ;•  i 

I  'I    IK  I    SM    \  I  I.    M.       \l   1    \  \\lil-K.  I  -'7 

\\  mi  i  i  K.  \\  \i    \l       An  A  '•  rranl  . 

\N.   M    \\ 


BRADLEY,  H.  (  i('i 

\  n  HI  ii  •,.  \i  .  \  «(  i-i       .' 

-I  '  '7') 


.ijiii.  . 

STURTEVANT,   \    II..  JK  /''.•<  .  l  >•  • 

llnrn,^    I! 
(  >u  i  MASS.    \.    I         The  Mo  -  17 

GUYER,  MICHAEL  F.     .  !•  '/  M<m  n>> 

MIK.KI      \     K.     <>i:  tin-  !•:  :  ;- 

i  ,i:  \\  i  .  (   \-\\  ELL,    \M'  <  -i  \-ri;.  OTTO  <         ; 

;,•///;  ///.  -  i" 


i\  CON  rENTS   Ol      \  <>!.!   Ml      \l\. 

••   K\KI>      ("l(\KI.K>     R.         I'lh  .  \tvmniftr\-    ill 

Regenerating  Cln-ln  «/  Crt  i   ** 

No.    5.       O(   1MHKK.     li)  I  (i. 

I  i  KNKK,  C.    II.      Experiments  on   Color-i  ision  of  the  IInnry-t>ee  .....    Js; 
TORREY,  HARRY  BEAL.    Biological  Studies  on  Corynmrplia.  1  1'.    Hud- 
ding  and  Fission  in  Ilftcroniorfthii  /';V(C.v  and  tlicCoiit/'nl  of  J'olurity.   J 

No.  <>.      NMYKMHKK. 
M(|NDOO.  NOKMAN  !•".     Biology  of  the  Shawnee  ('u;>  .s'/^'i/rr.s  ......   .v>.>  N 

POWERS,  J.   11..  AND  MirciiKi.i..  CLATDK.     .1    Ne-u  Species  »f  j  \ini- 
mecinm  (P.  multimicronucleata)  Experimentally  Determined.  .  .  .    ,\ 

I  HII.  i),  C.  M.     The  Central  .\em>:i*  System  </.v  a  Factor  in  the  Regen- 
eration of  Polyclad  Titrfie'laria  ............................. 

(   \\<\  .   I.K\\IS   K.      '/'//<-  i'orniution  m  (!erm   J.ayer.s  in  Actinia  l/ermn- 
;'.v  \'crr.  .  ............ 

Vol.  XIX.  June,  i9io.  No.  i 



TMi  >S.  H.    M<).\  I  i.«  'Ml-  KV. 
Tin-  pa-t  decade  li.i-  \\itii'  -\\-  renewed  intere-t  in  the 

em-  "i'  sex  determination,  <lin-  \cr\  largely  in  ilu-  -tud\  <>\ 

h\  liridi/atioii    and    tin-   I'mad   application   of   tin-   iv-ult-.      Con- 
rurrentK    tin-   in\  i  -i  i'catiou   <>f   tin-   cerm   cell-   h.i-   iiuTc.i-i'd    in 
.iinmiiil    in  .1  •   IMUM;    nc\cr  lirtV.rr  h.i\-r  ilic-c  ci-ll- 
t'iill\    i!  '.    ihc   iliMii-cln-  "I"  liinln'ci^i-.  .ind  MUI-  knoulcd'cr  of 

ill.-  coniplcx  i  lirMm<>  .t.tixitic-  li.i-  incn-.i-cd  to  .111  extent 

In    ]>.ii  tii   h.i\c    multiplied    im  'ii>n-   of    llic   modified 

chromosomes,  no\\   de-cril>ed  in  .niim.iU  for  the  -pcnn 
in    in-eci-,    .ir.nic.iil-.    m\  rioj  |  lod.i,  S.i^ii  l.i    .ind    hinU: 

and  for  tli.  tiesis  in  ri  liinodrrm-,  tin-  c.u.  and    ]io--ilil\   -oinc 

insects     /'       •  l;olli>\viiu  ilie  tenninol  .en 

|i\ me  iii  i«)o(.,  tlu-r  ni.i\  In- collccti\rl\  n. lined  .illo-oii,  ••rm 

nion-  conxciiicnt  than  in>  earlier  oin-  of  heterc ..  hronio-oine-.  in 
contrast  to  the  unmodified  chrom<i-omi--  or  autosomes  I'liry 
havereceived  ;  \ariet\- of  nam«  >r\ .  -|ic<  ial.  lac^in.u, 

hcleroiropic,  -r\  cliromo-omr-;   idiochronio-omr-.  microchromo- 
-ome-.    tli|)lo-ome-.    gonochromosomes,    chromatin    nnclcoli,  i 
.\n\  1'Mtly  within  a  nuclcu-  that  -tain-  like  chromatin  -hotild  not, 
ho\\c\cr.  lie  con-idered  .m  allo-oiiK-  until  it-  chromo-omal  nature 
lie  a-ceriaillrd. 

\\ilhin  the  pa-t  cijjit  years  an  h\-]»othi--i-  ha-  ari-cii  a-criliini; 
-cx-drterminin;c  |iropertie-  to  the-e  allo-ome-,  and  m\  ol.jcct  U 
to  tre-at  thi-  lupoihe-i-  fir-t  hi-toricalK  ,  and  st-cond  crit  icall\'. 


THOS.     II.     MoMi.oMKRV,     JR. 

A.    Tin     1  h  I'M]  HKSIS. 

The  fir-t    -tatemeiit    of    the  hypothesis   is  due   to  McClung 
in   [902,  after  in\  estimation    of  the  unpaired   accessory   chronio- 

me  in  the  spcrmatogein-si-  of  <  )rthoptera  llial  kind  of 
modified  chromosome  named  by  me  in  1906  the  monosome. 
Mi  ('lung's  conception  of  the  function  exerci-cd  by  llie  accessory 
chromosi  mic  is  "that  it  is  the  bearer  of  those  qualities  which 
pertain  to  the  male  organism,  primary  among  which  i-  the  faculty 
of  producing  -ex  cells  that  have  the  form  of  spermatozoa."  He 
i/cd  al-o  there  must  he  selective  fertilization,  that 
to  the  ovum  "come  the  two  forms  of  spermatozoa  from  which 
-election  i-  made  in  response  to  environmental  necessities."  At 
that  time  nothing  was  known  of  the  maternal  chromosomal  num- 
ber, so  that  it  was  natural  for  McClung  to  reason  that  the  mono- 
some  \\as  .1  pairnial  chromosome  not  represented  in  the  female. 

In  the  same  year  Sutton  (1902)  described  for  Bracliystola  that 
"twenty-three  is  the  number  of  chromosomes  in  the  male  cells, 
\\hile  i\\rnty-two  is  the  number  I  have  found  in  the  female  cells, 
and  thn-  \\ e  -ecm  to  find  a  confirmation  of  McClung's  suggestion 
that  the  accessory  chromosome  is  in  some  way  concerned  in  the 
determination  of  sex."  Subsequent  studies  have  shown  that 
Sutton  \\as  wrong  in  his  count  of  the  oogonial  chromosomes. 

Then  Stevens  !  11105)  found  in  Tcnchn'n  "that  in  both  somatic 
and  germ  cells  of  the  two  sexes  there  is  a  difference  not  in  the 
number  of  chromatin  elements,  hut  in  the  size  of  one,  which  is 
\vr\  -mall  in  the  male  and  of  the  same  size  as  the  other  nineteen 
in  the  female.  .  .  .  The  small  chromosome  itself  may  not  he  a 
deierminant,  but  the  conditions  in  Tcuchrio  indicate  that  sex 
may  in  some  <  as(  -  he  determined  by  a  difference  in  the  amount 
or  (|ualil\  of  i  he  chromatin  in  different  spermato/oa."  In  K)O6 
she  wrote:  "The  scheme  also  assumes  either  select  i\  e  fertilization, 
or,  what  amounts  to  tin-  same  ih ing,  infertility  of  gametic  unions 
where  like  sex  chromo-ome-  are  present";  and  in  H)o<)</ :  "Tin- 
only  other  alternative  in  these  insects  seems  to  be  that  sex  \^ 
already  determined  in  ih.  egg  helon-  fertili/ation,  either  as  a 
matter  of  dominance,  or  as  a  re-ult  of  maturation,  and  that 
zation  is  selective  .  .  .  but  any  -uch  general  application 
i-  premature  until  adequate  evidence  i-  at  hand  to  prove  thai 


the  sex  character  i-  repre-ented  in  the  chromosorn<  Net  in 

another  paper  (1909  that  appeared  simultaneously,  Su-ven- 
\vri'  \-  to  tin.-  fact  that  the-  la^in-  chromosome  ol  the  aphid- 

i-  ,1  heterochnuiio-oim-  intimately  connected  with  the  phenome- 
non "I  ••ti-rminatiim.  'hr  pre-ent  im  •  ion  ot  the-  male 
licnn  (  r]l~.  I  think,  leaves  no  doubt." 

Independently  i .f  Mi      »     vens,  .UK]  simultaneously,  \Yil-on 
found   \\herc  tlicn-  i-  Je  mono-onie  in   the-  male,  it    i- 

repre-i  nt.-d  1,\   ,1  pair  in  ii  •!.•;   .uid  \\hctv  a  lar^e  and  -mall 

idiochromosome  in  the  former,  tl  air  of  1  nes  in  the 

lattrr.      In   lr  d   him-elf 

yjiardedly  a-  to  Mich  chrom,  ilril   with  -r\ual 

|.h. -110111.  n. i.      In   hi-  third   -tud\      i  much   fulK-r 

di-cn--ii>n.  .unl  it  i-  tin-  trratnu-nt  nmrr  than  an\  other,  that  ha- 
.iroii-cd  -,  in1  in  th<-  su  ll<-  mention-  as  one 

,dtcrn.iti\e  nn-n-ly  ((iiant  hat  i\  i-  dilVerencc  in  amount  of 
ill.-  <  liroin.itin  may  1  >e  the  determinir.  >r.  lull  he  crilici-c- 

ihi-   for   the   reason    thai    in    '  are  o| 

eipial    -i/e    in    hoth  \\hilr   .1  .id.ttioii-   are 

ki'o\\n  I  •«•!  \\ern  -tich  .1  .otiditioii  and  the  one  \\here  I!ICM-  .  lc- 
ments  are  di--imilar  in  -i/e  in  tin  I  he  maintain- 

(In-    alternative    \  ic\\  .    th.u    the   all  -    ha\e    <|iialit.iti\e   dif- 

1,1,  n.  i  -    an  \\ilh    Mendcli.m    doinin.i' 

and  with  selective  fertilization.  ral  interpretation  .  .   . 

mii-t    include   tin-  .1  —  umpiion   th.u    ih-  two  kind-  ot   , 

(piv-umalil\    in   ,i|  i]'io\im.iicl\    cijiial   numl'er-     thai    contain   re- 

-|Kcii\cl\  the  mali-  and  the  female-determinant,  and  that  the 
former  are  fertilized  only  1>\  -pern.  i  that  lack  tin-  hei. 

tropic  chnuiio-i  .111.  the  n:  -ninant  i   and 

.  .  .  Su.-h  a  selective  leiiili/.uion  i-  then-fore  a  sine  '/mi  unit 
of  Hi.  .1  — umptioii  thai  the  h>  ropic  chroino-onie  i-  a  -pe.  itic 

determinant."      In     tin-     ar-nment     \\'il-oii     makes     Use     ot 
(      tie's     1903    hypothesis  that  sex  follows  the  rule  of  Mendelian 

ilion    and    dominance.      To    thi-    \ie\\    he   adhen-    al-o    in 

hi-   fourth   and    tilth   studies      i-  Hut   in   hi-   la-t    paju-r 

loo,,,  i  he  oppo-e-  tin-  Mi  lidelian  interpretation,  U-.  ause  -•  I-  - 

the  fertili/ation  i-  impn.liaMe.      He  !••  -  anotlu-r  objection 

the  case  of  tin-  bee;   luie  ih.  'ter  two  maturation  di\i-ions 

TH"-.     II.     MoNTi, oMKKY,     IK. 

form-  a  inaK-  il"  n»t  fertili/ed,  a  female  if  fertili/ed;  under  the 
hypothesis  the  female  tendency  .-hoiild  In-  derived  from  the 
spermato/oou-  -"a  rednctio  ad  absurdnm;  for  tin-  male  i-  derixed 
from  an  unfcrtili/ed  e^g  which  has  by  tin-  hypothesis  eliminated 
the  female  tendency." 

\.i\\  lin   (ig  nd   Boring  (19071  anal} /rd  tin-  phenomena  of 

the  allosomes  in  Hemiptera  and  Colcoptera  respectively,  and 
J..rdan  (1908)  in  an  orthopteran.  all  comparing  chromosomal 
numbers  in  the-  female  and  male  cells,  and  all  inclined  to  regard 
the  allosomes  .,-  -ex-determinants.  Morrill  (1909)  found  that 
in  Prole  nor  and  other  species  all  the  cleavage  cells  of  one  indi- 
vidual have  either  thirteen  or  fourteen  chromosome^,  /.  e.,  all 
either  a  Dingle  allo-ome  or  a  pair,  cmiformalile  with  \\'il>on's 
re-ults  on  the  germ  cells.1 

l'a\-ne  (1909)  has  accepted  Wilson's  views  of  a  qualitative 
-ex-determination  by  allosomes;  while  von  Baehr  (1909),  in  dis- 
cussing  the  subject  at  length,  is  inclined  towards  the  quantitative 
explanation.  \\"allace  (1909)  concluded  that  in  Ayleua  some 
rmatozoa  ha\-e  two  allosomes,  others  have  none,  and  argued 
that  a  male  would  result  when  an  ovum  is  fertilixed  by  a  sperm 
with  the>e  two  elements;  it  should  be  noted,  however,  that  the 
different  describers  of  aranead  spermatogc-nesis  have  reached 
qnile  eonllii  ling  results.2 

l!ali/er  i  too*))  on  echinoids,  drew  attention  to  the  occurrence 
of  allo-ome-  (idiochrosomes)  in  the  female  line,  though  he  studied 
the  rhro-oinoine-  only  in  the  pronuelei  and  cleavage  cells,  inn 
in  the  -ro\\ih  period  of  the  ooc\ie-.  '  We  distinguish  accord- 
ingly two  types  of  eggs:  some  with  and  some  without  an 
unpaired  element.  The  chromosome  number  i>  in  both  cases 
ei-liieen.  Therefore,  \\  e  miiM  conclude  that  the  unpaireil  chromo- 
some in  l  lie  egg  type  \\  here  il  is  \\  anting  is  repre-enied  by  a  rod- 
shaped  element.  The  sperms  al\\a\s  \\ith  eightei-n  elemeni> 
are  all  alike.  According  to  the  discoveries  on  insect-,  it  is  not 
improbable  that  the  determination  of  sex,  which  \\ould  lie  with 
the  female,  is  connected  with  this  difference  of  the  egg  nuclei." 

'Sonic  writers  ha ••  '.  •        >•      Prolenor-lype,"  evidently 

rant   that  the  spi-m.  ia  1.1    tlii-  l»im   u;i-   Kitlicr  lully  dea  nln-,1   l,y   im- 

(1901)  some  years  before  \Vil-mi  |<|  liis  stmli 

the  papers  m  \\  Ben  .nui  IU\M-II. 


Boveri  II')<KJ</     refers  to  Baltzer's  work  as  indicative  of  -• 
determination    by    partieul.if    ehmmo-oir.e-      the    -hort     lu>ok- 
-haped   one-'.      Hut    in   oppo-iiion    to   \Yil-on'-  explanation.   he 
d'M-  IK.  i  lielie\e  ih,  'i  "in-  rhron  maK-  and  the  other 

a    I'rmalr    tendency,    luit    that    they   differ   only   in   activity:   the 
larger  allosome  would  givi  «  II  a  larger  power  of  assimilation, 

and  -m  h  ,t  \ic\\    "\\ould  perhap-  In-  qualified  a  Ki-i- 

for  a  determination."      Boring     i<io.|<  de- 

lied  il:.  nee  in  th'  f'lmld  of  a 

fifth,    -in.  ill    chroii:  nt,    hut    \\.i>    unal'le    to    deride 

\\  hi-tlier  tin-  i-  "a  i  hroino-onu-  unit  in  it  -el  I.  or  a  I  raiment  ot  one 
•In     Ion-    i  hroin  d    con-idered    it    niereK     |»o»ilile 

that    it    mivjit    :  H"\«-:i      i  'inld-    \}\\> 

i-i.'iial  -tru.  -ture  i"  1-e  undoulitedK    -e\-«letcrniinin;^.  a  rhio- 
nio-oiiu-  unit   that   i-  in  n  itta<  ln-d  to  the  end  of  one  of 

th.     other-.      At    the    -ame    time   he    report-   the   oeeurremv   of   a 
iiiono-oiiie   in    iln-    -perm.  i  .    and   ei  -in  hide-. 

in   the  sen  Wilson:       1  «  '  nli/ation  of  an  em  !•>    a  -pel  in  with 

li\e  (  hloiuo-oii:(  -   I'  de\  elopinent    ot    a    female.   li\    a   -perm 

with  four  element-  to  prodiieiion  of  a  male."1 

|!\.    in    the    la-t    |>apti    on    thi-    -ul.jeit.    |.d\' 
de-«  ill"  -  allo  omes  in  the  -pern.  'tain  indi\  idu.d- 

ot  .!  >.nd  dm--  not  lu  -itate  t»  call  them  sex- 


I1-.    I'KI  \  i  it  i-\t-  MI     mi     1  lvr..i  in  sis. 

In    tlu-    :  n:<  lin-  \  ored    to    state,  in  all 

brevity,  the  nature  ofthe   arguments   ad\amed    to   pr..\e   that 

paitii-ular    allo-oiue-    pr.'duee  r    the    other    by     their 

presence    or    al--«  -m  e.\\  he  t  her  liy  (jlialitatix  •    or  quantitative  dif- 
fereno  N"\\    \\e   ma\    (on-id.  iin    olijection-  that    ha\e 

rai-ed   to  -ueh  interpretation-. 
I    have   remained    -keptieal    \\ith    regard    to    the-e    lupothe- 

I  ha\e  de-rrilied  main   .  -  in  a  -ucre--ion 

i  p.   i  .i>     !'•  ry  in   iO"-j   that  "tli'  <ii    the 

lii  -i    .....  \  tc  ili\  i-ic  Hi  :        •      .  i 

ilarly   (!•  figured    Ijy 

IIM-  •  .i!  In-i    in  th<;  -.11111-  \ 

6  THOS.     II.     MoM'.OMKKY,    JK. 

<>t"  papers,  and  ha\e  expre-- cd  my-elf  only  once  on  tin-  matter, 
in  H)o6,  in  considering  \Yil-on'-,  conu-ntion  which  1  iv-anled 
"a  very  plausible  conclusion,  but  thriv  are  in  particular  two 
phenomena  which  must  be  explained  before  it  can  be  accepted. 
One  is,  how  an  allo-ome  becomes  lost  in  the  spermatogenesis; 
and  the  other  is,  how  the  allosomes  introduced  by  the  spermato- 
zoon inio  the  ovum  behave  during  the  ovogenetic  cycle;  on  both 
of  the-e  questions  we  know  as  yet  practically  nothing." 

Gross  (1904)  objected  to  the  hypothesis  of  McClung,  (i)  that 
it  i-  not  proven  that  accessory  chromosomes  arc  ab-ent  in  female-, 
and  ( 2 )  the  case  of  the  bee,  where  males  develop  from  unfertili/ed 
fS.  He  also  believed  that  the  spcrmato/oa  with  mono-oiiies 
may  be  incapable  of  fertilization;  but  1'ailrd  to  note  that  such 
supposition  could  not  be  applied  to  -perm  with  idiochromo-onie-. 

Foot  and  Strobell  (1909)  urged  that  the  theory  of  the  indi\  id- 
uality  of  the  chromosomes  is  not  proven — today,  a  decided  minor- 
it}  view.  They  also  held  that  the  allosomes  of  Eiischistits  are 
not  chromo-onies  at  all,  and  an-  variable  in  number,  which  is  in 
direct  opposition  to  the  discoveries  of  Wilson  and  myself.  "In 
the  case  of  J-'.nscliislits  we  are  told  that  the  larger  of  the  two 
chromatin  nucleoli  of  the  spermatocyte  is  the  homologiu-  of  the 
accessor)  chromosome  of  other  forms,  and  if  this  interpretation 
i-  correcl  \\e  may  expect  to  find  a  large  bixaleni  or  two  unixalent 
chromatin  nucleoli  in  the  growing  oocytes."  Hut  they  find  no 
such  bodie-  in  oocytes,  and  therefore  conclude  that  the  chroiiialin 
nucleoli  of  the  male  AVC  never  transmitted  to  the  egg,  an-  not 
chromosomes  at  all,  and  hence  cannot  lie  ^ex-determining",  this 
objection  lo  the  Wilson-Stevens  theory  i-  inadmissible 

An  explanation  suggests  itself  to  me  \\liy  allo-onies,  \\hich  all 
lence  lead--  us  to  belie\c  mu^t  be  transmitted  to  eggs  by 
fertilization,  acl  in  a  dilfereni  \\a\  in  the  oogenetic  cycle.  That 
is,  in  spermaii);jeiie-i-  ilie  -ingle  mono-ome,  or  the  pair  of  un- 
C(|ual  idiochromosonu-^.  bi-ha\e  dillereiith  troni  the  oihi'r  chro- 
mosomes, remaining  den-e  and  compact  in  the  grout  h  |»eriod 
of  the  SpermatOCytCS,  probablx  because  lhe\  are  there  unpaired 
(monosome)  or  of  unequal  size  •  idiochromo-ome!.  \\hili'  all  the 
other  chromosome-  are  paired,  and  the  tun  of  each  pair  seemingly 
alike.  In  the  growth  period  of  the  OOC}  tes,  on  the  contrar\-.  ilie 


allo-onie-  of  the  spermatocyte-  seem  to  be  repre-eiiied  by  a  pair 
•  it'  element-  similar  in  all  respects  to  each  oilier;  there  i-  no  dis- 
similarity of  tin-  pair,  hence  no  >  on-picuou-  behavior  different 
from  thai  of  tin-  oih.-r  chn>mo-ome-  aiitosonies).  In  other 
word-,  it  i-  the  -iivjene--  of  tin-  element-  niono-ome->,  or  tlu-ir 
di-parity  in  -i/<-  and  a«  tivity  (idiochromosomes),  that  may  In-  a 
reason  why  the  allo-omr-  behave  so  peculiarly  in  -permato- 

esis.  For  the-e  \  ariou-  con-id,  ion-  tin-  argument-  ot  Foot 
and  Strobell  a^ain-t  ilu-  hypotlu-i-  .in-  u«[  \alid,  though 
ihi--c  in\ v-iii^ator-  .irr  quitr  rii;ht  in  -crin^  the  IKTI-— it\"  ot 
tin-  odgenesis. 

i  KXJ    has  entered  other  arguments  against  the  deter- 
mination   of    sex    b\    .illo-onic-,    an    h\pothr-i-    thai    lu-    \\holly 
II,     refers  to  tlu-ir  limited  «.i  «  urrrm -i-.  which  -how-  tlui\- 

!(|  imi  In-  imi\  sex-determinants.       Then  to  the  oci-ur- 
reno  >ry  i-hromo-miH1  in  ilu  nesis,  paralleling  in  i  he  -perm.itoi^-iir-i-  <.f  (,'rv///rv,  he  call-  particular  atten- 
tion, in-i-tin^  it  i-  n-  -  for  the  \\'il-"ii-Ste\  en-  ihn.ry 
ill. n  sperm-Cells  alone  -hoiild  ha\e  .illo-om«  "In  (!ryllns 
ih. -I.-  can  bf  no  talk  of  .1  -i-x-di-terminini;  function,  and  thereby 
naluralK  al-o  not  in  tlu-  other  animal-  \\ilh  3Ory  chn>mo- 


Guthei         i  ias,    however,    combated    Hnclmer'-   opinion 

that    the  chromatic  bod\    in   the  o«.c\t'  •  Iryllus  i-  a  chioino- 

-oine.  and  -ho\\-  that    it   diltri-  from  -in  h  in  many  detail-.      I  l« 
also  In  id-  that   "the  diploid  chnniio-ome  ^roiip  of  the  male  num- 
ber-  Ji.   that    of   tin-   female   22  chromo-nm.  'The  doctrine 

i  ; 

iiiiiidt  h..  niiv;lit  : 

"  ti-'|'!ii>-  i  lii.'in.niti."  ai.  liniiilt's 

ity.      A-  a  in. if-  i:    "Tli  lit  !"•  in  th<-  in-".lh    arlivity   tin-  otlu-r  i  lirinn 

kin, I  ot,li-m."       I  • 

incut  "I  tlii-  I  li.-n  on  p.  415,  B  !""- 

,,,,,.,,,11,  mi  unit  'iiin-'l   ii|)  in  thi-< 

tini--,   I. in  .1  lii\.il--iu  wiili  niin-i-,|iii\-.i],-nt  cornp  Hut  in   i';"i.  a; 

in  1905, 1  argued  that  the  largei  m  !"ay  \»:  bival,-nt  i-h-ni 

tin-  |«air  that  i-'-  in  tl  l'.i>r  U1  tu-i-iii  in  -pcrma- 


Tllns.    II.    MONTGOMERY,    JR. 

dt"  tin-  connection  between  heterochromosomes  and  sr\-deier- 
niin.ttiiin  i-  accordingly  imt  disturbed  by  this  discovery." 

Morgan     [909,  I'm"!  classes  the  theories  of  sex  determination 

by  chroiuo-oi  qualitative  ,ind  (|ii.uit  itat  i\  e,  and  incline-  to 

the  latter  \  iew  he  bring  the  first  to  take  this  stand  positively. 
By  a  quantitative  interpretation  In-  does  "not  mean  that  the 
triii.  dc  is  simply  male  plus  something  rl-e,  a  view  recently  ad- 
\anced  hy  Castle,  but  that  male  and  female  are  two  alternate 
of  ilu'  li\'ing  material,  which  po»ihilit\-  is  realized 
on  quantitative  factors.  .  .  .  The  gametes  are  not, 
therefore,  male  and  female,  but  contain  certain  factors  which, 
when  combined,  -i\<  rise,  in  an  epigenetic  fashion,  to  one  or  the 
other  altcrnath  e."  In  the  phylloxerans,  the  "loss  of  certain 
chromosomes  from  the  male  egg  appear-  to  follow,  not  to  pre- 
cede the  -i/e  relation.  .  .  .  But  there  i-  nothing  in  these  facts 
that  -how--  that-  the  effect^  are  directly  quantitative  rather  than 
that  observable  quantitative  differences  accompany,  or  follow 
in  some  cases,  more  profound  changes."  He  considers  as  the 
most  -eiious  objection  to  the  qualitative  interpretation  "that 
although  the  hypoihe-i-  is  ostensibly  based  on  the  presence  of 
certain  chromosomes  which  are  assumed  to  be  male  and  temale 
•  •running  respectively,  yet  to  these  chromosomes,  which  are 
to  all  appearances  identical,  are  ascribed  exartly  opposite  func- 
tion-." Morgan's  whole  attitude  i>  rather  hostile  to  the  view 
that  particular  chromosomes  are  sex-determinant-,  and  his  argu- 
insl  the  \  iew  are  the-  most  cogent  yet  presented. 

C.  FURTHER  CRITICISMS  OF  THE  Hvmi  in  >is. 

In  a  pivxioii-  treatment  (ic^oGa)  of  the  phenomenon  of  sex- 
uality, I  \va-  led  to  define  it  (p.  *5  )  as  "essentially  t  hi-  condition 
of  ditteicnce  obtaining  between  conjugating  individuals...- 
Because  conjugation  is  a  pn><  .  —  distinct  from  reproduction,  sex- 

Uality,  being    intimateK    associated  wit  h  conjugal  i«>n,  has  no   jiri- 

mary  connection  with  reprodut  tion.  .  .  .  The  genesis  of  sexuality 
has  been  this:  that  out  of  a  state  where  all  individuals  were  equally 
capable  of  reprodm  lion  aconditionof  division  of  labor  has  ensued, 
inducing  morpholo-ji  al  and  chemical  differences,  between  individ- 
uals capable  of  re|>rodui  tion  and  conjugation  and  other  individuals 


capable- of  reproduction  and  conjugation  alone.  Thi- hold-  true 
in  tlu-  Metaxoa,  both  for  tin-  i^erm  cells  and  for  the  per-on-.  and 
tin-  male  is  rhara<  teri/ed  by  hi-  power  to  conjugate  or  fertili/e, 
tin-  female  \>y  her  power  to  reproduce.  A  micro^aniete  in  the 
I'  or  a  -permato/onn  or  male  per-on  in  the  Meta/oa.  i- 
an  indi\  idual  that  ha-  lo-t  the  power  of  reproduction  in  becoming 
-pe<  i,ili/ed  for  tli  •!"  conjugation.  Sexuality  i-  then  the  state 

of  occurrence  of  di--imilar  conjugating  individual-,  and   the 
-ential   point   in   thi-  di  —  imilarit  y  i-  that  only  one  kind  of  the-e 
indi\  idual-  ha-  the  power  to  reproduce.      Thi-  -imple  interpreta- 
tion  w.i-  entiri-ly  overlooked   b\    '  and   Thom-on   in   their 
theor\   of  'The  b.\olution  •      3ex.'  ". 

The  germ  cells  are  then  not  w  it  lion  t  &  Morgan  would  ha\e 
us  believe,  but  have  an  actual  ^x  utility  with  re-pec t  to  each  other, 

an   o\  um    bein-    lemale  and   a   -permalo/,  „  >n    male;   a-  well   a-   a 

\nality  with        j        1   to  the  kind  of  individual   they 

may  engender.      \\ f  are  here  (  <ni<  . -i m  d  with  the  i|iie-tion  of  the 

determination  b\  particular  i  lironm-oine-  of  |>i-o-pecti\i-  sexu- 
ality . 

I  urther,    a    hermaphiodite    i-    bi-e\ual.    and    ii  therefore 

pecti\el\  bi-e\nal.  engendering  both  kind-  i-t  gametes.  Thi- 
iiulicate-  that  an  egg  nia\  i  on  lain  potentialK  the  chara<  t<  rs  of 
both  g<  .r  better  -taled,  that  both  >lat<  max  ari-e 

I'l'-m  the  -anie  egg.  Thi-  ma\  abo  be  true  for  -pecie-  thai  are 
no]  hei-maphiodile,  for  a  female  indi\  idual  fre(|Ueinl\  sho\\ - 
Certain  male  charai  teri-tic-,  and  a  ma!  dn  female  <|ualili«  -, 

even  it  in  a  more  <,r  less  latent  condition.  The-e  londition- 
indieale  that  ai  not  (ontain  pro-|  ie.  i  i\  ely  one  -e\ual 

-tale  to  the  e\i  lu-ioll  of  the  other,  but  father  that  malcnc--  and 
femalene--  are  closelj  iateil  phenomena  that  may  inter- 

change within  the  same  individual;  a  po--ibility  -u^>;e-t»-d  by 
M  'i  -an  'I'n 

Bearing  th<  se  idea-  of  the  \  a  hie  of  sex  in  mind,  the  following 
main  objection-  max  be  made  to  the  h\pothe-i-  that  particular 
allo-ome-  act  •  '  minani- : 

I.  While  the  phenomena  appear  to  admit  ot  a  -impK1  explana- 
tion in  cases  w  hen-  there  are  only  a  pair  ot  idiochromosomes,  or  a 
.-in-le  moiio-ome,  iii  the  spermatogenesis,  ohcn  the  condition- 

IO  TIK'S.     II.     MONTI  iO.MKKV,    JR. 

ot  the  .illi  >-<  'inc-  are  »i  much  morecomplex  than  this,  allowing  so 
main  different  chromosomal  combination-  in  tin-  -permato/oa, 
that  tin-  interpretation  of  \vhai  -permato/oa  are  male-producing 
and  what  are  female-producing  becomes  very  difficult.  Atten- 
tion may  be  drawn,  for  example,  to  a  case  in  the  Hemiptcra 
dc-cribcd  by  me  (1901,  1906^).  In  -permatocytes  of  Calocoris 
rapidus  there  are:  "twelve  autosomes  that  divide  in  both  mitoses, 
l\\o  that  do  likewi-e  (therefore  arc  probably  al-o  bi- 
valent |,  a  -mailer  monosome  that  does  not  divide  in  the  tir-t  but 
dot-  divide  in  the  second  mitosis,  and  a  larger  monosome  that 
divides  in  the  first  but  not  in  the  second  mitosi-."  Other  com- 
plex associations  of  allosomes  have  been  de-scribed  by  McClung 
and  Payne.  Were  tin-  allosomes  sex-determinant-,  \\c  would 
have  to  conclude  that  in  certain  species  a  considerable  number  of 
the  chromosomes  subserve  this  end,  which  would  be  allotting  an 
undue  amount  of  the  nuclear  material  to  this  purpose. 

2.  In  all  plants,  with  the  exception  of  one  (Salomon  io)  described 
by  Cardiff  (1906),  and  in  may  animals,  no  allosomes  are  known, 
yet  ihe-e  species  have  sexuality.  It  is  probable  that  such  struc- 
ture- will  be  found  in  certain  cases  where  they  have  m  i\  been 
o\  erlooked  ;  yet  they  are  apparently  absent  in  some  cases  win  -re 
-pecial  >earch  ha-  been  made  for  them;  accordingly,  at  the  most 
they  can  IK-  -ex-determinants  in  only  a  limited  number  ot  cases. 

.v  In  certain  species  there  is  the  phenomenon  ot  two  sizes  of 
i-ggs,  some  larger  that  produce  females,  others  smaller  and  male- 
produeing.  This  is  known  for  the  Ph\  lloxerans,  Rotatoria  and 
/)ino/>liilns  nfxilris;  another  <  LS6  ha-  bei'ii  de-cribed  for  an  acar- 
ine  b\  Renter  (19071;  and  I  have  -hown  il'io;)  that  there  are 
two  -i/es  of  eggs  in  '/'In'riili iini ,  though  I  did  not 
raise  these  e---  to  determine  their  prospective  sex  values.  These 
two  kind-  of  e-g-  may  be  produced  by  the  -ame  individual,  or 
(Rotatoria,  Punnet  t ,  hjodj  b\  different  indi\  idnal-.  These  eggs 
become  distinguishable  in  the  gn>\\  ih  pei-jod,  and  for  the  1  Mix  llox- 
erans Morgan  (I'jooi  has  shown  that  the  e^g  i-  "-e\na!l\  deter- 
mined" before  the  formation  <  ,\  the  polar  bodie-.  Malsen  (1906) 
held  lor  DitlOphiluS  apdtris  that  the  "dilTerence  betueen  male  and 
female  eggs  apparently  lie-  chielK  in  the  greater  or  less  number 
of  fusing  ovogonia";  but  his  brief  description  and  le\\  figures  do 


noi  prove  thi-  point.  But  however  the-c  differences  arise  they 
arc  clearly  pre-ent  early  in  the  growth  period,  which  i-  -trong 
c\  id  cm  c  that  they  cannot  he  pn  >duccd  l>y  any  Mining  of  allosomes 
in  I'erlili/ation.  And  it  i-  (|tiite  pn— ihle.a-  Beard  ha-  iva-oned.  a  di-tinctioii  "I"  male  and  female  eggs  may  l>e  a  general 
phenomenon,  though  not  u-uall\  .1— ociated  with  dinuxaly. 

4.  In    partln-n"ueiif-:-  rily   determined    without 
fei  i  ili/ation  ;    from  Mich  eggs  of   I\<  >ri.i.  aphid-,    l'h\  llo\er,m- 
.ind   d.iphnid-  limh    mali--  .md    female-  dexelnp.      SiiU'e   there   i- 
110  fertili/.ition   tin-  daughter  indi\  idnal-  -hoiild   ha\e   the  -ame 
chromosome  compl.            he  parent,  -Imuld  all  1  >e  it-male-,  were 

determined    1>\    particular  dimmo-oiii.  1   Uc   there   -hoiild 

l>i  .intii  i]i.iied  -eparatioiis  i.f  particular  chroin,  .-<  une-  in  definite 
m. inner-,  \\hich  \\mild  -eem  to  ini]p|\  nio-t  coni]iK-\  mechanit  .d 

i  no  \  ci  in-lit-;  asyel  \\»-  kno\\  nothing  definite  of  such  mo>  emem-. 

5.  In   hermaphroditic  -;  ri-eto  a  l>i-e\ual 
iiuli\,  ne\t-r  to  ,i  uni-e\ual.     \\Vn-  t!n-r«-  -«  \  determination 
l>\    |>.u  -iii  ul. u  coinliination-  of  in  the  lertili/cd  egg,  \\  e 
\\ould    nei  c--.ii  il\    i  -\p.          uni-e\ual   indixidual-   to   re- 
Mill,      [n  Sagitta  Stevens    1005   found  an  allosome  in  the  sperma- 

1'iit   neither  in  odgenesis  nor  in  the  tir-t  cleavage;   and 

>he.       '     uliii  ivho  described  one  in  the  plant  S  ».'/</, 

|ioint-  out  t  hat  -in  h  .in  element  can  ha\«-  no  -c  \  \  a  hie  in  1 1 


A-  \\'il-oii  and  other-  ha\  e  n-ali/ed.  to  regard  ]i.irtii  allo- 
SOmi  e\-deiei  ininant-  logically    n.  elective 

li  i  i  ili/ation.      I   mil    a  .e    fert  ili/at  ion    ha-    ln-en 

demoii-l  rated.  l)o\\,-\,-r.  the  di-cu— ion  mi  tlli-  point  had  lietler 
In-  t.lMed. 

7.    M..i-an  ha-  ur-^ed   it   m.i\    In-  tin-  ma—  rather  than  the 

<iualit\  oi  the  chromosome  substance  that  ma\  be  sex-determina- 
tive, pio\id,-d  that  -uch  -uli-tance  i-  d«-ti  nninativc  at  .ill.  Il  i- 
the  general  rule  in  in-ect-  that  the  male  ha-  less  chromosome 

Mili-iance  than    the    lem.ile.  in    ha\  :  -in.Je    mono-,  ,nie,  or  a 

-mall  and^e  idiochromosome  in  the  place  of^e  one-. 
It  mi;Jit  then  he  .tinned  that  -uch  allo-.  .nu--,  1  >\  tin-  diflen  in  e 
in  ma—  \\hich  the\  occasion,  e-taMi-h  the  proM>ecti\'e  sex  \alue. 

!lt   is  net  actually  |n»\-i-n  that  i  .111. il  n.itun-. 

12  THOs.     H.     MoMooMEKY,     IK. 

Tlii-  .urn-  with  the  fact  that  eggs  \\hich  h,i\c  given  off  both  bodic-  and  an-  m>t  Icrt  ili/ed  -i\c  ri-e  to  males,  as  in  the 
Rotatoria  i  \\'hit nc\  i  and  -oinc  Hymenoptera.1  Ho\\ever,  this 
does  not  nece--arily  imply  that  particular  chromosomes  are  sex- 
detcrminative  even  quantitatively,  hut  that  tin-  mass  of  all  chro- 
mosomes  collectively  may  lie  determinate e. 

8.  The  hypothesis   neglects   the  part    that  other   substances, 
such  as  the  cstopta-m  and  the  mitochondria,  may  have  in  sex 

9.  The   strongest   objection    to    the   hypothesis   of   particular 
chromosomes   being   specially   sex-de!erminative   remains   to    be 
discussed,  and  it  max  equally  well  lie  made  against  certain  current 
explanations  of  heredity  in  general.     There  can  belittle  question, 
at  least  in  the  present  state  of  our  understanding,  that   chromo- 
somes are  of  great  importance  in  cellular  metabolism,  and  even 
evidence  that  they  are  in  part  enzyme  masses.     But  these  chro-. 
niosomes,  while  preserving  their  continuity  from  generation  to 
generation,  \\hich  I  hold  to  be  abundantly  established,  are  in  no 
sense  independent  units,  but  parts  of  a  larger  whole,  the  "nuclear 
element,"   composed   of   the   sum   of   the   chromatin   and    linin. 
Further,  this  nuclear  element   is  not  an  independent  unit,  but 
only  a  part,  even  if  it  be  the  most  important  part,  of  the  cell 
whole.     Thus  the  idea  is  erroneous  to  speak  of  the  chromosome- 
as  automatic  units,  for  they  are  but  parts  of  the  cell  or  cell  com- 
plex.    The  whole,  as  Whitman   (1893)  argued,  cannot    be   the 
single  cells  or  parts  of  them,  but  the  entire  inclusive  organization. 
For  the  organism  acts  as  a  whole,  not  simply  as  the  sum  of  main- 
parts;  it  is  the  interrelation  of   the  activities  of  the  many  parts, 
added  to  these,  that  constitutes  tin-  behavior  of   this  major  unit. 

Now    to   assume    that    particular   chromosomes  alone-   are   --ex- 
determinant-  is  to  disregard  this  complex  inter-activity.      At  the 

•••-.\  taiilv  \\«-ll  r-talilNhcd  tli.u  dronea  "i  tin-  honey-bee,  hornet,  \\a-p 

and  am   all   ;  the  n-clinvd  numl»-i   "t  i  In  .mio-oim^.  and  tlu'irii.ic  mu<t  have- 

ted    IK-HI   unl'ci  lili/rd  i-.y.i;^    llild    piodllcrd    two    liodir-.       "lhr\Milk 

Mcves  (1907,    IQOS),  Mark  and  (     ">"<•,    i<}"~).  Lain-  I  Srlik-ip 

(1908)  is  thoroughly  corroborative  »t  tin-  conclusion.     But  this  docs  not  prove 
that  in  th<-  Ilyini noptcia  all  uniVi tili/rd  r^-  x\\-<-  rise  to  nuilrs,  ioi  there  seem  to 

ilished    records    oi    icinal'--   i<  -lilting   from    nnlfitilixi-d   CKK^.    \vhi'-h 
•  ve  been  coll.  ,  i,-d  t,,,m  tin-  lit.-iatuir  l.v  \\  lu-eler  (1903)  and  Slmll  M 


mo-t  \vc  are  justified  in  concluding  only  that  the  chromosomes 
have  a  share  in  tin-  establishment  of  sex.  He  would  be  ra-h  who 
\\-mld  \i-nturc  I- 1  claim  that  a  particular  chromosome  determines 

excretion,   another   determine-   locomotion;  yet    these   proces 
are   relatively    -imple   compared    with    that   of   -exuality,   which 
-(.me  ha\e  contended  may  1  .e  .  ..m  rolled  by  a  particular  chronio- 
some.     The  hypothe-i-  i-    assumes  too  great   -im- 
lilicity  of  the  cell,  i>  trong  of  rkid  predetermination. 

The  ide.i  of  unit  character-,  promulgated  mainly  by  the  work  ot 
Mendel,  I  >eYrie-  and  their  follower-,  i-  largely  to  blame  for  -uch 
hypoth.  <  I  ms  to  me  that  phy-iological  -tudy  ha-  siilYi- 

rienily  demon-ir.ited  thai  there  are  no  actual  unit  character-, 
ami  it  i-  but  natural  that  phy-iologi-t-  have  refu-ed  to  accept 
them.  hi  the  analyst!  --breeding,  the  in\e-tigator  ha- 

tn  focus  hi-  attention  upon  one  or  but  a  few  i  haracteri-t  ic-  ot 
the  orgaiii-m:  he  ha-  to  close  lr.  to  the  great  multitude  ..( 

Characteristics,   for   the\    .,  numer«>u-  for  an\    one  mind   to 

p   ,ii    once.      The   i  ha-  he   m,i\    -elect    lor  examination 

are  hi-  unit-  of  -tud\  ,  and  he  i-  en ti rely  jn- titled  in  -peaking  ol 
them  as  unit  characters,  provided  he  doe-  not  that  they 

are  merelj  .ubinai\  units  of  convenience,     lint  mo-i  h\  bridi-t- 

ha\e  ^oiie  further  t  han  t  hi-  :  t  he\  have  SOUght  to  directl)  compare 
SUCh  arbitral  •  |.t-  \\ith  unit-  of  or-aiii/alion.  scarcely  |>an- 

in-   i.i  coii-ider  uhat    i-  a  unit   of  oixani/ation.      sun-ly  it    i-  the 
mi-m  as  a  \\lmU-  that   i-  the  miU    unit,  and  ju-t   a-  -uiel\    all 
it-  part-  are  mo-t  coni].le\l\    interrelated.      The  lixin^  l"'d\    i-  a 
linitN  .  not  a  colon\  . 

Modern     Meiuleli.ui     explanation-     repre-eiit     a     determinant 
theoi\     far    mor<  i    and    complex    than    that    of    \Vei-maiin, 

lhoiii;h,  -iran^eU  enough.  m«-t  M-ideli-t-  in  the  iniTption  ot 
their  -tudie-  \\etv  im-\  ni|)athetic  to  \\  ei-mannian  interpretation. 
Thi-  i-  the  mo-t  curioii-  in-tance  of  h«'\\  men  ha\e  come  to 
identif\  an  arbiiiarx  term  of  convenience  \\ith  a  part  of  the 

When  Sutton  i.,o.V  |'ointe<l  out  that  the  paternal  and  mater- 
nal chromosome  series  parallel  in  their  pairing  and  -cparation 
phenomena  of  alteruati\e  inheritance,  thu-  -eeining  to  ptv-cnt  a 
cellular  ba-i-  for  Mendcli-m.  and  Castle  (IQO3)  argued  that  sex 

14  TIIOS.     H.    MONTGOMERY,    JR. 

follt>\\-  such  inheritance,  the  i  In  night  originated  of  identifying 
unit  characters  with  chromosomes.  It  was  made  to  appear  that 
unit  characters  are  present  in  the  germ,  though  just  what  relation 
a  rose  coml>  lias  to  a  particular  chromosome  was  not  elucidated. 
Mich  a  concatenation  of  ideas  as  this  naturally  led  to  the  iden- 
tification of  "sex-units"  with  certain  chromosomes. 

The  better  founded  idea  that  the  organism  behaves  as  a 
whole,  whether  it  be  a  germ  cell  or  a  multicellular  body,  should 
make  iis ate  to  localize  any  particular  function  solely  in  one 
particular  structure,  for  that  would  mean  to  disregard  the  im- 
portance of  interrelations  of  parts.  Thus  when  we  find  partic- 
ular chromosomes  in  one  sex  and  not  in  the  other,  it  by  no 
means  follows  that  these  are  the  cause  of  the  sex  difference.  All 
we  can  say  at  the  present  time  is  that  the  two  phenomena  are 
coincident.  Thus  I  am  inclined  to  agree  with  Morgan's  (1909) 
closing  thoughts:  "The  accessory  (chromosome)  may  follow  sex 
or  be  associated  with  other  differences  that  determine  sex, 
rather  than  be  its  sole  cause." 

In  all  probability  the  activities  of  the  chromosomes  are  in- 
thiential  in  establishing  sex,  but  not  in  the  crude  way  in  which  the 
process  has  been  imagined. 

One  point  is  quite  clear,  that  fertilization  is  not  necessary 
for  the  establishment  of  sex,  for  any  unfertilized  egg  that  de- 
velops furnishes  a  sexual  individual.  At  the  same  time  sex  may 
be  changed  by  fertilization ;  thus  Whitney  (1909)  has  shown  it  to 
be  probable  that  the  male  eggs  of  Rotatoria  furnish  males  it  noi 
fertilized,  but  females  when  fecundated.  Sex  is  then  established 
before,  but  may  bechanced  by  fertilization.  This  clearly  im- 
plies that  malcness  and  feinaleness  are  not  unchangeable  unit 
chancier-,  as  does  al-o  the  fact  that  an  individual  of  one  sex 
may  develop  some  of  the  characteristics  of  the  other  sex,  a  phe- 
nomenon ><>  apparent  in  the  human  body.  Malcness  and  fern. ile- 
tiess  would  appear  to  be  two  modes  of  one  process,  the  proce-- 
of  germ  cell  production,  not  radically  dill'erent  conditions.  In 
oilier  words,  there  i>  no  valid  reason  to  interpret  sex  as  an  im- 
mutable unit  chancier  resident  in  or  presided  over  by  particular 
Chromosomes,  and  sorted  oul  and  disiribuled  by  Mendelian 
lion  \\ilh  all  ihe  complex  mechanisms  ol  dominance  and 


determiners;  but  rather  as  a  growth,  the  result  of  a  labile  pro< 
which  may  be  changed  by  a  variety  nf  influences. 

Baehr.   W.   B.  v. 

'09      I>i'-  <  togenese  U-i  einiyen  viviparcn  Aphididen.  etc.      Anh.  Zclll'.,  3. 
Baltzer,   F. 

'09      !»:••    Chroi  18     Hvidti-    und    Ki/himi<    mi 

tub«-r<  ukitu-.      Ilti-i 
Boring,  A    M 

'07     A  -  the  Membi 


'09      A   -in. ill  Chi  .1.4. 

Boveri.   T 

O'i  .  •Minnuni;       S 

l..-r.   I'l. 
•Qo  i       Ar.  h.  /i-lli..  4. 

Buchncr,   P. 

'09      I  ' 

<  >i  tin. |  • 
Castle.   W.   E. 

'03       I  li.-  I!- 
Cardiff.   T     D 

'06      A  Mil'.  ' 

Edwards.   C     I 

'10      11 
Foot.   K     and  Strobell.   E    C. 

oy     i 

Gross.   J 
'04     I ' 
Guthcrz.   S. 

'06      /in    Ki  inn  •  iinki     A: 

'09      \\'iid    di<-    Ann.ihi  !  '•  "id 

:MK    elm 

Jordan.   H    E 

'08      I  In-  >PI-I  i 
Lams,   li 

'08      I  '  '"•"  "''" 

I  \:  /rill..    I. 

McClung.   C.   E. 

'02          I   i    •        •  I    IlK'Il:  1..    3- 

Malsen.   v. 
'07     G  .!>ililunn  '•' -  Dinophilus  apatris. 

An  li.  mikr .  An.: 

Mark.  E.   L  .  and  Copeland.   M. 

'06      -  5  Hoc.     Bull.  Mus.  Comp. 

Zool.  Il.iiv.nd. 

1 6  THUS.    II.    MONTGOMERY,    JR. 

'07     M.ituiatiuii    Stall's    in    the   Spermatogenesis   of    Vespa    maculata.     Proc. 

An.  Vrts  .aid  Sci.,  43. 

Meves,  F. 

'07     Dii'  Spermatozytenteilung  bei  dor  Honigbicne.     Ibid.,  70. 
Meves.  F.  and  Duesberg.   J. 

'08     Die  Spermatozytenteilungen  bei  der  Hornisse.     Ibid.,  71. 
Montgomery.  T.  H. 

'01     A  Study  of  the  Chromosomes  of  the  Germ  Cells  of  Metazoa.     Trans.  Amer. 

Phil.  Soc.,  20. 
'04     Some  Observations  and  Considerations  upon  tin    Maturation  Phenomena 

of  the  Germ  Cells.     Biol.  Bull.,  6. 
'05     The  Spermatogenesis  of  Syrbula  and  Lycosa,  etc.     Proc.  Acad.  Xat.  Sci. 


'06a     The  Analysis  of  Racial  Descent  in  Animals.     New  York. 
'Q6b     Chromosomes  in  the  Spermatogenesis  of  the  Hemiptera  heteroptera.  Trans. 

Amer.  Phil.  Soc.,  21. 

'07     Probable  Dimorphism  of  the  Eggs  of  an  Aranead.     Biol.  Bull.,  12. 
Morgan.   T.  H. 

'07     Experimental  Zoology.     New  York. 

'09     A  Biological  and  Cytological  Study  of  Sex  Determination  in  Phylloxerans 

and  Aphiils.     Journ.  Exp.  Zool.,  7. 
Morrill,  C.  V. 

'09     Preliminary  Note  on  the  Chromosomes  in  the  Oogenesis,  Fertilization  and 

Cleavage  of  certain  Hemiptera.     Science,  N.  S.,  30. 
Nowlin,  W.  A. 

'06     A  Study  of  the  Spermatogenesis  of  Coptocycla  aurichalcea  and  Coptocycla 

guttata,  etc.     Jour.  Exper.  Zool.,  3. 
Payne,  F. 

'09     Some  new  Types  of  Chromosome  Distribution  and  their  Relation  to  Sex. 

Biol.  Bull.,  16. 
Punnett.   R.   C. 

'06     Sex   Determination  in  Hydatina  with  some  Remark-  on  Parthenogenesis. 

Proc.  Roy.  Soc.,  78. 
Reuter,  E. 

'07     IVher   die   Eibilduni,'    bei    der   Milbe    Pedicnlopsis  graminion    (E.    R-'iit.). 

}•  es1  -<  lir.  f.   Pahiii'-n.   I  lei 
Schleip,   W. 

'08     Die  Richtungskorperbilduii.u  im  Ei  von  Formica  sanguinea.     Zool.  Jahrb., 

Shull,  A.  F. 

'10     Do  parthenogenetic   Eggs  of    Hymnioptera  prod  in  <•  only   Male.-.'      Amer. 

Nat.,   i ). 
Stevens,   N.   M. 

'05      Stndie-  in  Spermad  i«i  -iu-i-  with  e-pecial  referenrr  to  the  ".  Veossory 

mOSOme."         Plllil.    <    ai    lll-t. 

'06      Studies  in  Spermat.  I'.ut    II.       Ilii«l. 

'08     The  Chroino-oiii,     in   I  tiai.i.n  i,  l(  vittata,  Diabrotica  soror  and 

I2-punetata.      Journ,    I   \|"T.  Zool.,  5. 

'09a     Fmtliet  Sturlie-  oil  the  Chromosome-  o!  the  Coleoptera.      lliid..  <>. 
An  unpaiii ••!  Heterochromosome  in  the  Aphids.     Ibid. 


Sutton,  W.  S. 

'02     On   the  Morphology  of  the  Chromosome  Group  in   Brachystola  magna. 

Biol.  Bull..  4. 

'03     The  Chromosomes  in  Heredity.     Ibid. 
Wallace,  L.  B. 

'09     The  Spermatogenesis  of  Agalena  naevia.     Ibid.,  17. 
Wheeler,  W.  M. 

'03     The  Origin  of  Female  and  Worker  Ants  from  the  Eggs  of  parthenogenetic 

\Y-.rk«-rs.     Science. 
Whitman,  C.  O. 

'93     Tli«-   1:  :y  of  Development.     Woods  Holl  Biol. 

I  • 
Whitney.   D.   D. 

'09     <  >'•  >n  Stages  of  the  parthenogen  i  sexual 

nta.     Jour:  /ool.,  6. 

Wilson,   E.   B. 

'05.;  ,2. 

'05/i     Stu-1  .   II.      II. id. 

'06  .III.      Il.i'l..  3. 

'00  IV.      1 

'09b     Stir'  .  V.      II 

'09       KI-I  i-nt    1<  aii'l    i  l'T'-<li- 

N.  S..  29. 



Results  obtained  by  the  writer  within  the  last  five  years  from 
experiments  upon  Calligrapha  bigsbyana  and  other  chrysomelid 
beetles  have  shown  that  the  eggs,  larvae,  pupae  and  adults  of  these 
insects  are  admirably  suited  for  the  study  of  many  of  the  external 
and  internal  factors  of  development.  The  eggs  may  be  definitely 
oriented  with  regard  to  the  future  position  of  the  embryo  quite 
easily;  they  continue  to  develop  when  subjected  to  extremely 
violent  mechanical  conditions;  and  various  parts  may  be  removed 
without  retarding  their  development(Hegner,  19080, 19086, 19090, 
19096).  The  larvae  are  easily  reared  in  the  laboratory  in  an  en- 
vironment similar  to  that  which  they  encounter  in  nature;  they 
usually  thrive  well  under  experimental  conditions.  The  same 
things  may  be  said  of  the  pupae  and  adults. 

It  is  the  writer's  intention  to  present  in  this  paper,  and  those 
that  are  to  follow,  the  data  and  conclusions  derived  from  experi- 
ments dealing  with  the  growth  and  external  and  internal  factors 
which  influence  the  development  of  the  various  stages  in  the  life 
history  of  certain  chrysomelid  beetles.  Thus  far  the  willow 
beetles,  Calligrapha  bigsbyanaand  C.  miiltipunctata,  have  received 
the  largest  share  of  attention,  but  other  species  have  also  been 

I.    THE  NORMAL  RATE  OF  GROWTH  OF  Calligrapha  Bigsbyana. 

i .  The  Weight  of  Developing  Eggs. 

Method  and  Data. — Two  series  of  weighings  were  made  to  de- 
termine the  loss  of  weight  of  developing  eggs  of  C.  bigsbyana. 
Table  I.  shows  the  results  for  twelve  eggs  laid  by  four  different 
beetles  at  practically  the  same  time.  Two  batches  of  two  eggs 
each,  one  of  three,  and  one  of  five  were  taken  at  I  P.M.  on  June 
29,  placed  in  a  watch  glass,  and  covered  by  another  watch  glass. 
The  loss  in  weight  is  quite  striking.  The  pigmentation  of  ilu- 

'Contributions  from  the  Zoblogical  Laboratory  of  the  I'nivcrsity  of  Michigan. 
No.  128. 



embryos  became  \i-ible  through  the  chorion  on  the  sixth  day 
(July  5).  Ho\\e\er,  the  eg'^-  (li'l  not  hatch,  as  is  usually  the 
case,  on  the  fifth  or  -ixth  das  i  Hefner.  19080),  nor  on  the  seventh 
or  eighth  clay.  Loss  of  water  no  doubt  prevented  the  larva- 
from  breaking  through  tin-  i  horion. 

M  \M.  "i    i.  .rapha  >  :  LAID  BY  4  BEETLES  AT 

I      I'    M    .     '  '••     J1    tn       ...  I.RATURE.   2.} 











3-8              1 


A\n  age  1     M 

KgK  ill   in^s. 






•  7 



I    Mil   I       II. 

WEIGHINGS  M  :  LAID  BY  5  Mi  i  n  rs  \r 


1  ' 



JuK    •; 

Ju!\    i-i 

l  1   i 





•  71 

It    ha-  brt-n    m\    <  u-tom   t<-  kcr|i  a  -mall   |)ii-ce  <if  tiller  |iapi-r. 
IlK.i-trlled    \\ith   di-lilled    water,   in    the   \\atrll   glaSS   \\ith    the  • 
(o  prc\ciit   df-iccatioii.      'I'oo  mufh   mni-ture  frei  |iieiit  1\    enable^ 

a  tnngii-  to  establish  a  growth  upon  the  <  1  mi-ion,  sometimes  check- 
ing the  hati  liin-  i  >\  tin  -  \>,,>  little  moisture'  ma>  al-o 
|'ic\ciu  hatehing.  In  nature  the  egg-  are  laid  on  the  under  -ur- 
face  ot  lea\e-  uliele  tiles  ale  kept  -lllt'u  iellt  1\  HK'i-t  b\  the  COH- 
deii-ation  »\  \\ater  \a|mr  at  night. 

1  1  In-  inui-i.-nr,!  tih. -i   I'.ip.T  u.i-  removed  ••»  July  Qth  and  returned  on  July  10. 

Phis  account*  r.irtl>-  ti>i  the  comparatively  great  l<i><  in  weight  during  tins  inu-rv.d. 

-I\\int\    <'t  tin-  egga  li.itih'-il  i'ii  Jul\    ij.      The  chorions  from  which  tlu- 

i|)i-il   \\richrd    1.170  mi;.,  "i    ."5>-.s   m^.   per  chorion. 

2O  ROIJKKT    \V.     HKGNIiR. 

The  eggs  whose  egg  weights  are  recorded  in  the  second  series 
(Table  II.)  were  placed  in  a  covered  watch  glass  along  with  a 
piece  of  filter  paper  which  was  moistened  with  a  drop  or  two  of 
water  every  day.  The  loss  in  weight  of  these  twenty-two  eggs 
during  embryonic  development  was  not  nearly  so  great  as  was 
that  of  the  first  series  (Table  I.),  and  doubtless  represents  more 
closely  the  state  of  affairs  tinder  normal  conditions.  Twenty  of 
the  twenty-two  eggs  hatched  on  the  fifth  day,  the  usual  time  for 
eggs  of  this  beetle. 

Discussion  and  Conclusions. — The  belief  has  been  held  for  many 
years  that  eggs  diminish  in  weight  during  the  early  embryonic 
stages,  and  before  extraneous  food  is  consumed.  That  this  belief 
is  well  founded  has  been  proved  by  careful  experiments  with  the 
eggs  of  several  species  of  animals. 

Pott  and  Preyer  (1882)  have  shown  that  the  hen's  egg  loses 
weight  during  incubation.  The  amount  of  oxygen  absorbed  by 
the  eggs  equaled  the  amount  of  CO2  excreted.  This  excretion, 
produced  in  the  physiological  processes  taking  place  during  in- 
cubation, does  not,  at  least  in  this  case,  account  for  the  loss  in 
weight,  as  is  usually  supposed,  since  the  decrease  is  equalized  by 
the  absorption  of  oxygen.  The  conclusion  was  reached  that  a 
gradual  evaporation  of  the  albumen  caused  the  loss  in  weight. 

When  hens'  eggs  are  incubated  in  desiccators  the  rate  of  de- 
velopment is  accelerated  during  the  first  three  days,  but  later  is 
retarded,  and  many  of  the  embryos  become  abnormal  or  die 
(F6re,  1894). 

Eggs  that  develop  in  water  have  also  been  used  to  determine 
the  loss  in  weight  of  developing  eggs  during  development  (  Kit  ter 
and  Bailey,  1908).  Bailey  used  for  his  experiments  the  eggs  of 
the  California  mud-fish,  Funduhis  parvipinnis.  Starting  ten  days 
after  ensemination,  93  eggs  were  weighed  at  intervals  of  about  20 
hours,  covering  a  period  of  9  days.  Of  the  30  weighing:-  made, 
only  10  showed  a  gain,  and  this  was  accounted  for  l>>  the  pre-eiiee 
of  dirt  upon  the  eggs.  Bailey  believes  that  the  "lo>s  in  weight 
must  have  been  due  to  carbon  dioxide  (CO.,)  and  organic  salts 
representing  the  albuminoid  loss,  which  had  passed  «m  through 
the  egg-membrane  and  been  washed  away  in  the  -e.i-\\.iter." 

A  loss  of  energy  also  takes  place  during  segmentation,  and,  in 


the  case  of  the  sea-urchin  egg,  has  actually  been  measured,  though 
not  enough  experiments  were  performed  to  make  the  resultant 
figures  of  much  value  (Spaulding,  1907). 

The  eggs  of  chrysomelid  beetles  differ  in  several  respects  from 
any  thu-  t'.ir  u-ed  for  \\eight  experiments.  In  the  first  place  they 
an-  <  overed  l>y  a  <hitinou-  chorion  which  is  comparatively  im- 
pervious to  fluid-,  and  i-  ially  well  adapted  to  with-tand 

desiccation.  The  method  of  cleavage,  •/.  e.,  superficial,  dii't'ers 
from  that  of  tli.  'Heretofore  examined. 

The  rc-nlt-  •.(  the  t\\o  -eric-  of  \\eighings  recorded  in  Tables 
I  .  and  II.  prove  conclusively  that  there  is  a  loss  in  weight,  and 
thai  this  loss  is  largely  due  to  evaporation.  A  comparison  of  the 

data  in  Table-   I.  and    II.  -lm\\-  thi-  quite  clearly,  since  the  i 
\\ei-h"d  in  Table  1  .  \\  ci  c  allo\\  ed  tO  develop  Without  the  addition 
of  moisture,  and  <  on-equentK  d.  •  .1  in  weight  more  rapidly. 

2.    7  'In  •  A'I/'I  and  Adults. 

Method  nml  l>,it<i.     The  tuenty  l.u\a    that  hatched  from   the 
n-c(|    in   del.  -i  •mining    the  lo—  in   \\iijn    of  developing  < 
I  able  1  I      were  \\eiijicd  «lail\    until  tlu-\   |>upated  ;    the  pupa' 
\\ere  then  \\eiijicd  dail\  .  and  I'm.  illy  the  adults.      These  wei'Jim^- 
extended    over    the    peri.-d    from     Juls     i:    to    August    14,     1908. 
I'-c.  .HIM    ..|    (he  i|ail\    di-turbaiice-  made  neee  —  ary  by   the  \\ciijl- 
.  in.inx  .'!  the  lai  \  a-  die<|.      "I"  hi-  mortalit\  \\  as  great  e-t  during 
the  lir-t    lour  da\-;    ho\\e\er,  under  normal  n  mditions,  main    of 
the  lai  \  a-  die  during  thi-  earl\ 

'fhe  data  obtained  ha\  e  been  arraiued  chronologically  in  Table 

III.     1:^    i  gives  the  curve  showing  the  dail)  increase  in  weight 

and  l-'ig.  j  i^i\c-  the  curve  -ho\\iu-  i  he  daily  percentage  iiu  ie- 
nu-nt-  in  \\ci-ht. 

/'/x  /<.v.v/o;;  mid  i'i>ni'lnsinns.      The  |)roblem  of  growth  i-  one  of 

t   intere-t   to  /.Milo^i-t-.  and  its  Study  has  been    gixt'ii    added 

im|>etus  b\    the  \\oik  <>t    Minoi      I^MI.   1907).      Thi>  in\  e-ti^ator 

considered    -ro\\th    not    as   in    increase   in   -i/c  or   \olnme,    but    as 

an  increa-e  in  ma—  or  \\cijn  .     The  rate  of  growth  was  measured 

b\  him  b\  taking  the  incrca-e  in  \\eight  during  a  definite  period 
and  e\|u-i'—  ing  it  as  a  percentage  o|  ilu-  \\eight  at  the  beginning 
of  that  period.  Any  change  in  weight  can  thus  be  -hown  by 
successive  percentages  for  equal  period-  of  time. 

KUUKKT    \V.     HKCXER. 

I    MtLE    III. 

THE  RATE  OF  GROWTH  OF  LARV^,  PUP.*:  AND  ADULTS  OF  Calligrapha  bigsbyana. 



i  c  ~ 

H            - 



°.  > 


~~+  = 

.-   y 


~"  ~.^i  L' 

'r.   'f  '•£.   = 

-      - 




—  ~                          :_      — 

July  12 




July  13 



12.                     .6 



July  14'              2         20 

12.6             .63 

•03                    5- 

July  I52             3         i? 

19.             1.118 

.488                77.4 

July  i63             4         9 

15-6           1-733 

•615                55- 

July  17 

5          9 



.156                  9- 

July  18 





1.911              101.1 

July  I9< 





•  577 


July  2O5 







July  21 







July  22 







July  236 







July  24 







July  25 







July  26 







July  277 







July  28» 





-   1-544 

—  3-6 

July  29' 







July  30 





—  2.583 

—    6.2 

July  31 







August  i 







August  2 







August  3 





—  1.5 

-  3-4 

August  4 





—  2.333 

—  5-6 

August  5 





•  5 


August  6 






-5                       1-2 

August  7 






—     -67 

—  1.6 

August  cS 






—     .5 

-    1.2 

August  9 






—     .166 


August  10 








August  II 






—    .166 


August  12 







—     -5 

—    1.25 

August  13'° 







•  77 

August  14 






—     .8 

'Larvae  began  to  feed. 

'Three  larva;  died. 

'Moulting  began  on  the  fourth  day;  eight  larvae  died. 

••Second  moult  in  progress. 

6One  larva  died. 

"Third  moult  in  progress. 

7()ne  larva  died. 

•Fee-ding  practically  stopped  and  larvce  prepared  for  pupation. 

"One  larva  died. 

10Onc  larva  died. 

Minot's  results  from  weighings  made  of  ^iiiiu-.i  -p'.^  ^H<»\v  that 
the  growth  rate  increases  almost  immediately  alter  liirtli,  the 
decline  being  very  rapid  at  first,  but  less  rapid  a->  the  age  of  the 


animals  increases.  That  there  is  a  corresponding  prenatal  de- 
cline in  the  rate  of  growth  was  shown  by  means  of  rabbit  embryos. 
Curves  representing  the  change  in  the  rate  of  growth  with  age 




/   Praparation 



Period    of 


I  / 


Pa  p  at  i  o  n 




1-    ' 







.  •••                                                       ^X' 




111        4    i 








.    3. 

.      I  : 

I- 1C.    1. 

3  6      8     10 

Age  in  days. 


FIG.  2. 




have  been  o»n-tnirtr«l  for  the  embryos  and  young  of  many 
aiiimaK,  ami  almost  without  exception  the  growth-rate  declines 
as  development  proceeds. 

24  ROBERT    \V.     HKGNER. 

Davenport  (1897)  has  shown  for  the  tadpoles  of  Rana,  Bnfo 
and  Amblystoma,  that,  during  the  first  two  weeks  of  larval  life, 
growth  is  largely  due  to  the  absorption  of  water,  which  increased 
from  56  to  96  per  cent.  During  later  development,  however,  the 
storing  up  of  formed  substances  is  mainly  accountable  for  their 
growth.  The  curve  of  the  growth-rate  for  tadpoles  does  not 
agree  with  the  general  rule;  it  rises  first,  then  declines,  and 
finally  rises  again.  This  result  is  probably  due  to  the  absorption 
of  water. 

THE  RATE  OF  GROWTH  OF  LARV^:  OF  Telea  polyphemus  (TROUVELOT,  1867). 

W-   iii  Days. 

\Vt-ijiht  in  t  *ruins. 

Increase  in  Weight 
in  Grains. 

1'er  Cent.  Increase. 

Just  hatched 















Trouvelot  (1867)  has  given  a  few  weighings  of  the  larva?  of  the 
moth,  Telea  polyphemus.  These  have  been  arranged  in  Table  IV. 
so  as  to  show  the  actual  increase  in  weight,  and  also  the  percen- 
tage increments  for  ten  day  intervals.  The  decline  in  the  rate 
of  growth  is  not  regular,  probably  because  of  the  meager  data, 
but  it  is  no  doubt  similar  to  that  exhibited  by  the  guinea-pig  and 
other  animals. 

Fig.  I  shows  the  weight  of  developing  beetles  of  the  species 
C.  bigsbyana  from  the  time  of  hatching  to  the  emergence  of  the 
adults,  a  period  of  33  days.  The  following  data  will  make  clear 
certain  irregularities  in  the  curve.  The  larva?  usually  devour  a 
part  or  all  of  their  cast-off  egg-shells  soon  after  hatching,  but  do 
not  begin  to  feed  actively  until  the  second  day;  this  accounts  for 
the  very  slight  increase  in  weight  during  the  first  two  days.  An 
actual  decrease  in  weight  \\ould  be  expected  at  the  moulting 
periods,  when  food-taking  ceases  and  tin-  rhitinous  covering  is 
shed,  but  all  larva?  do  not  moult  at  the  same  time  (see  Table  V.). 
and  instead  of  a  decrease  in  the  average  \\cight,  there  is  a  slight 
increase.  This  is  shown  in  all  of  tin-  moults.  The  period  of 
most  rapifl  increase  is  that  I >n \\rcn  the  fifth  and  the  fifteenth 


THE  WEIGHT  OF  INDIVIDUAL  LARV.«  OF  Calligrapha  bigsbyana  WHEN  7  DAYS  OLD; 

M'lulting.  j  -it  in  mgs. 

July  16  5.8 

Jul-  5.4 

Jul>  5-4 

July  17  4.8 

July  17  4-6 

Jul  4- 

Jul  2.6 

Jul-  2. 
July  P,  .9 

days.      l-'roin  tin-  1.  ittcr  tinn-  onuard  the  larva?  gradually  cease 

ling   .nnl  lie  on   their  l>a<k-  in  the  earth  provided  for  them. 

1  hiring  thi-  |>re|.,ir,it  \<  >n  for  |»ii|iat  ion,  and  during  the  period  of 

|iii|i.iiioii.    there   i-   a   -tead\    dediiu-   in   weight    until    the   adults 


I  i.1.  2  -h<>\\-  the  daily  pen  vnta^e  increments  in  the  \\eiijit  of 
the  de\elopin;c  beetle-.  The  remarks  made  in  explanation  of 
I  .  .  I  .iUo  explain  the  irre^ularit  ie-  in  this  curve.  The  percent- 
age increment-  decline  very  rapidly  during  the  moulting  period-. 
It  all  of  the  l.ii\.e  moulted  .it  the  -umc  time,  the  rate  \\mild  he 

iti\  e. 

The  dat.i  obtained  fri'in  the-e  uei^hiir^-  conl'irin  \\hat  Miimt 
[891,  l  '107  h.i-  found  to  l.e  true  of  miinea-piy;-,  i.  e.,  the  rate  of 
Drouth  decline-  rapidl\  during  the  early  ^-t.i^e-  of  dexelojunent 
and  more  -lo\\l\  during  the  later  stages.  jYnkin-oii  I')'")  has 
ohtained  -imilar  n-iilt-  for  many  other  animal-  l.y  u-ini;  the 
data  alreadx  a\ailaMe  in  literature. 

II.  Tin    1  'MM  i-  MI-   LIMIT  UPON  Tin    I  >HVELOPMI-:N  r  OF 

I.   The  Influence  of  Darkness. 

Method  and  l\it<i.  l-".\|K-riinent  C.B.  42.  Kight  eggs  of  C. 
hi^/'yaiui  \\en-  laid  at  \2  M.,  June  10.  Four  were  allowed  to 
de\elop  in  an  ordinal  \  -lender  di-h  (7  cm.  in  diameter),  and  the 
other  four  were  placed  in  a  >imilar  receptacle  which  had  been 
covered  externally  \\ith  a  coat  of  opaque  paint.  The  same 
amount  of  moi-ture  was  -upplied  to  each  dish,  and  the  tempera- 
ture did  not  vary  a  d<  gr<  e. 



Two  eggs  in  the  light  and  all  of  those-  in  darkness  hatched  on 
June  19;  the  two  remaining  in  the  light  hatched  on  June  20.  On 
June  23  two  of  the  larva'  in  the  darkness  moulted.  Three  of 
those  in  the  light  died  on  June  23;  the  other  moulted  on  June  24, 
as  did  the  two  remaining  in  the  dark.  All  of  the  larva?  were 
accidentally  destroyed  on  June  25. 

Experiment  C.B.  70.  Four  batches  of  eggs  were  laid  by  four 
different  beetles  at  approximtaely  10:30  A.M.  June  26.  One 
half  of  each  batch  were  allowed  to  develop  in  the  light  several 
feet  from  a  window;  the  other  half  were  placed  in  darkness  as  in 
experiment  C.B.  42.  The  conditions  of  moisture  and  tempera- 
t  ure  were  similar  in  the  two  dishes.  The  data  have  been  arranged 
in  Table  VI. 



OF  EGGS,  LARV.E  AND  PUP^E  OF  Calligrapha  bigsbyana  IN  WHITE 


Date  1909.  White  Light. 

June  26  15  fresh  eggs  from  4  batches 

July  i — 8  A.M.         5  hatched 
July  i— i  P.M. 
July  2 
July  3 

July  4 

2  hatched 
7  larvae 
7  larvae 

7  larvae 

July  5 
July  6 

July  7 

July  8 

July  18 
July  21 
July  22 
July  23 
July  26 
July  28 
July  29 
July  30 

August  i 

1  moulted 

4  moulted 

:i  second  moult 
i  still  in  ist  instar 
•  2  second  moult 
i  still  in  ist  instar 

5  ready  to  pupate 

2  pupae 

4  pupae 

5  pupae 
.=;  pupae 

2  adults 

3  adults 
5  adult  - 
5  adults 

2  larva"  did  not  pupate 


1 6  fresh  eggs  from  4  batches 

5  hatched 
2  hatched 

2  hatched 
9  larvae 

f  8  larvae  alive 
I.  i  larva  dead 

6  moulted 
i  dead 

/  i  second  moult 
t  i  dead 

4  ready  to  pupate 

i  pupa 

4  pupae 

5  pupae 

6  pupae 
i  adult 

3  adults 
5  adults 

f  5  adults 

I  i  adult  did  not  emerge 

Discussion  and  Conclusions. — The  eggs  of  C.  hi^shyana  are 
attached  to  the  under  surface  of  the  leaves  of  the  food  plant  of 
the  larvse,  Salix  longifolia,  and  are  thus  never  exposed  to  the 
direct  rays  of  the  sun  except  for  exceedingly  brief  intervals  when 
the  leaves  twist  in  the  wind.  They  develop  therefore  in  light  of 


moderate  intensity.  Eggs  that  develop  within  an  opaque  mother, 
or  thai  possess  an  opaque  envelope,  pass  through  their  embryonic 
stages  in  darkness;  but  there  can  be  no  doubt  that  the  chorion 
of  the  beetle's  egg  allows  the  light  to  penetrate,  since,  as  1  shall 
-how  in  a  later  paper,  sunlight  has  a  decided  influence  upon 
embryonic  de\  elopment . 

In  certain  cases  experiments  have  seemed  to  prove  that  dark- 
lie--  dela\-  the  growth  of  the  eggs  or  larvae,  e.  g.,  Yung  (1878) 
recorded  not  onl\  a  retardation  in  the  development  of  fro-  larv.e, 
but  al-o  ,i  hi'Ji  death  rate.     The  same  investigator  noted  a  -liijit 
irdation  in  tin-  de\  el.  .|  .nieiit  of  the  eggs  of  the  snail,  Lymmcd 
ntlli'i.  \\heil   placed   ill   the  dark. 

\"'-ni<  .11     [895   .  <  m  the  i  .1  her  hand,  found  that  echin<  .derm  lar\  ae 
-niter  \er\    little,  it  any,  i  haiue  from  the  normal  when  reared  in 

absolute  darkness      Loeb    [896   also  has  brought  forth  evidence 

pr«>\  in-  that  darkne--  doe-  n,,i  n-tard  the  embryonic  de\  elopment 
of  the  ti-h  1'nmlnlns,  but  <]<»  ;  a  decrease  in  the  number  of 

pigment  cell-  on  the  \  oik  3a<  . 

In   other  cases,   darkne--   does   not    hinder   the  growth   of   the 
emluAo   or    lar\a.    but    tail-    to   -timnlate   the   hatching    pn><  • 
I'r/ibrain      i  mid   that    the  larva?  of  the  praying   manti-. 

Sphodromanti  mled  if  the  cocoon  is  placed  in 

the  dark. 

In  di-cu--in^  experiment-  (   .  H.  ^2  and  (\H.  70,  the  normal  rate 
of   de\elopmeiil    and    it-    \ariations   must    be   noted.       Records  of 

OVer   2, .  >!<i   an<l   the  clo-ely  allied   species  C. 

ninltipntitttitd  ij\e  5  da\-  and  to  hours  as  the  average-  hatching 
period  rlegner,  [9080).  This  period  varies  according  to  condi- 

lioii-  of  nioi-uire,  teni|)eial  m  e  and  probabK"  other  external  fac- 
tor-. I  nun  4  to  7  day-.  Record-  \\eie  also  made  of  o\  er  I  ,OOO 
Kir\.e.  The  average  larval  life  i-  :M>  da\'s;  but,  a-  in  tin-  case 
of  the  hat chini;  time,  tin-  period  may  be  shortened  to  17  days  or 
extended  o\  er  24  da>  -  b>  ditfeiences  in  external  conditions. 
The  ,i\  pupal  period  i-,  u  days,  though  adults  frequently 

emerge  in  a  -horter  time,  and  a  few  do  not  escape  until  13  or  14 
day-  have  elapsed.  These  variations  in  the  duration  of  the  dif- 
ferent stages  may  occur  in  eggs,  larvae  or  pupae  from  different 
batches  of  eggs  or  from  the  same  batch. 


The  data  from  experiments  C.B.  42  and  C.B.  70  indicate  that 
darkness  has  no  retarding  nor  accelerating  influence  upon  the 
embryonic  development,  upon  the  rate  of  larval  growth,  or  upon 
the  period  of  pupation. 

One  other  conclusion  that  may  be  arrived  at  from  these  experi- 
ments is  that  darkness  has  no  effect  upon  the  coloration  of  the 
eggs,  larvae,  pupae  or  adults  of  the  species  studied.  Frequent 
examinations  were  made  during  the  growth  of  the  beetles  reared 
in  the  dark,  but  no  variations  from  the  normal  were  discovered 
that  could  be  attributed  to  the  absence  of  light.  This  confirms 
Przibram's  (1906)  results  for  the  praying  mantis,  the  entire  post- 
embryonic  development  of  which  was  carried  out  in  the  dark 
without  producing  any  effect  upon  the  coloring. 

2.  The  Influence  of  Colored  Lights. 

Method  and  Data. — Experiment  C.B.  64.  This  experiment  is 
the  only  one  attempted  with  a  view  to  testing  the  effects  of 
colored  lights  upon  the  embryonic  development  of  beetles'  eggs; 
but  it  indicates  that  color  has  no  very  striking  influence  upon  the 
rate  of  development. 

Several  eggs  from  a  single  batch  of  15,  which  were  laid  at  10:30 
A.M.  on  June  24,  were  placed  in  each  of  six  cylindrical  tubes. 
These  tubes  were  then  closed  with  rubber  corks  through  each  of 
which  were  inserted  a  thermometer  and  a  tube  for  ventilation. 
These  cylindrical  tubes  were  then  immersed  in  different  colored 
liquids  prepared  according  to  Yung  (1878).  The  colors  used 
were  red,  blue,  yellow,  green  and  violet,  and  a  tube  was  kept  in 
pure  water  as  a  control.  The  temperature  in  the  different  tubes 
was  practically  identical.  The  eggs  in  the  white,  yellow,  green 
and  red  lights  hatched  on  June  29;  those  in  the  violet  and  blue 
were  ready  to  hatch  on  the  same  day,  but  were  prevented  by 
fungus  growths. 

Discussion  and  Conclusions. — Many  experiments  have  been 
performed  with  eggs  of  a  number  of  species  of  anim.ils  to  deter- 
mine the  influence  of  colored  lights  upon  their  dc\  dopment. 
Yung  (1878)  used  freshly  laid  eggs  of  the  frog,  Rana  esculeiita  and 
R.  temper  aria.  At  the  end  of  two  months  all  of  the  tadpoles  in 
the  green  light  were  dead,  thoM-  in  tin-  white  and  yellow  liglits 


were  greater  in  number,  those  in  the  red  light  were  retarded  and 
finally  died,  and  those  in  the  violet  light  were  larger,  but  less 
advanced  and  had  greater  powers  of  resistance. 

These  results  have  not  been  confirmed  for  the  frog  and  other 
animal-  by  later  inve-tigators.  For  example,  Yernon  (1895) 
found  that  the  larva-  of  <  <  hinoderms,  in  some  cases,  were  not 
killed  by  the  green  light,  and  that  yellow  light  caused  greater 
injury  than  red.  Dric-<  h  1*92),  moreover,  claims  that  the  eggs 
of  Riuiti.  I-.chinns  and  riunorbis  are  not  influenced  by  any  of  these 

In  e\|u  -riment-  on  the  p:  j  mantis,  Przibram  (1906)  found 
that  the  influence  of  green,  red  ami  yellow  gla--<  •>  \\  as  unfavor- 
able-, though  t  hi-  may  ha\  e  br.-n  due  to  differences  in  the  tempera- 
ture, \\  hii  li  \\  a-  not  controlled. 

M  riment  \\ith  ih«  '.  bigsbyana  confirms  for  the 

•  thi-  beetle  the  if-ult-  obtained  by  Drie-cli  for  eggs  of 
Rumi,  /•'.<  l;i>i;^  and  /'/<: 

/•••  L  LABI  IB  >  n  -v\. 

Mn  HI-. 
Ajuil   i 

1   I  II   R A  I  1    RE. 
Davenport     ( 

or  :,.xr.  Boston  Soc.  Nat.  Hist.,  \'..l 

Driesch     1! 

'/J  :  ..!..        B.|. 

Fere.   C 

'i4        .  ;it  1  intl;  'it  'I'-  1'i-inlii 

.!<•  C.  R.  S  10. 

Hegner.  R     W. 

'OS,:     •  '  Beetles,  I  al- 

pha  '•!.  Miultipu:  '          iiiatn.      l'-\'l"'.    V»L    15. 

'08  .-iininants  fr tin-  l~.^ 

Soiin-  (   b  16. 

OQa      [I,,.    ]  the  Eggs  of   N-IIIC-   C  In  \ -..iu.-li.| 

|.  .;ii  n     I   \;>    Z  '•     I.  (>. 

'00''      II;.    <  I:I-MI  .in. I    l-.iii\    Hi-:.. iv  -if  the  Germ-Cells  in  S»un«-  ("lirvMirnelid 

Hi-«'tlt-..     Joiini.  M-itph..  \'--l.  JO. 
Jenkinson.    J.    W 

'09     K.\|><  l-liii!  • 
Loeb.   J. 

•96     lYliri  '.nhihlung  bei  Thi- H-n.     PflUger's 

i..   M-l. 

3<D  ROBERT    \V.    HEGNER. 

Minot.   C.   S. 

'91     Senescence  and  Rejuvenation.     Journ.  Phys.,  \'ol.  12. 

'07     The  Problem  of  Age,  Growth,  and  Death.     Pop.  Sc.  Month.,  Vol.  70-71. 
Pott.  R.,  und  W.  Preyer. 

'82     Ueber  den  Gaswechsel  und  die  chemischen  Veranderungen  des  Hiihnereies 

wahrend  der  Bebrutung.     Pfliiger's  Arch.,  Bd.  27. 
Przibram,  H. 

'06     Aufzucht,    Farbwechsel    und    Regeneration    einer   agyptischen    Gottesan- 

beterin  (Sphodromantis  bioculata  Burm).     Arch.  Entwm.,  Bd.  22. 
Ritter,  W.  E..  and  S.  E.  Bailey. 

'08     On  the  Weight  of  Developing  Eggs.     Univ.  of  Cal.  Pub.,  Vol.  6. 
Spaulding.  E.  G. 

'07     The  Energy  of  Segmentation.     Journ.  Exp.  Zool.,  Vol.  4. 
Trouvelot.  L. 

'67     The  American  Silkworm.     Am.  Nat.,  Vol.  i. 
Vernon,  H.   M. 

'95     The  Effect  of    Environment  on  the  Development  of  Echinoderm  Larvae: 
an  Experimental  Inquiry  into  the  Causes  of  Variation.     Phil.  Trans.  Roy. 
Soc.,  Vol.  186. 
Yung.  E. 

'78     De  1'influence  des  milieux  physiques  sur  les  etres  vivants.     Arch.  Zool. 

Exp.  et  Gen.,  Tome  7. 

'81     Des  l'influence  des  lumieres  colorees  sur  le  developpement  des  animaux. 
Mitt.  Zool.  Stat.  Neapel.,  Bd.  2. 

THE    MAk^lTH  M    OF   THE   UXIOXID/E. 


In  a  reo-nt  preliminary  announcement  of  a  new  -y-tern  of 
<  l.i— ifiration  <.|"  the  I  'nionida-  which  is  based  upon  a  -tudy  of  the 
anatomy  of  the  fre-h-water  mu— els  of  Pennsylvania,  nrtinann1 
suggest^  a  divi-ii.n  •  •!"  the  tainii\  exclusive  of  the  Hyriina-i  into 
four  subfamilies,  nameK.  Margaritaninae,  Unioninae,  Anodontina- 

and  I.amp-ilii'.e.  re-pect  i\  ely.  Hi-  arrangement  lav-  especial 
enipha-i-  fii  tin-  ilia:  of  tin-  marsupiuiu  and  involves 

several  important  modifications  of  Simpson's  classification,  whirh 
In    m.iintain-  nni-t  be  recast  to  a  I  "ii-iderable  extent  in  ordi  i 
make  it   repre-ent   tin-  nalural  attmitie-  •  .f  the  group.      Although 
it  will  not  In-  pn--ible  in  fiiMn  an  opinimi  in  regard  to  tin-  validity 
•  it    ihc   priipo-cd   change-   before   tin-   appearance  of  his  detailed 
results,  lie  h.  -  undoubted  I  \  I  alien  intu  a  M-riotis  error  \\  i  h  res] 
in  ihe  iiiar-upiinn  "I  "lie  •  it   lii-  >ul  itamilies,  and  it  is  the  object 
"1   ilie  present   imie  tn  |i<iint  out   tin-  mi-take. 

In  i  •  -I  i  net  i  imi  \\  iih  tin-  tie-li- \\aier  m  n --i  I  in\  e-ti-ations  \\  hit  h 
ha\  e  been  u  l)<  lei  u  a  V  in  tlli-  la  1  ii  ua  1 1  'I  •  ime  time  and  whieh 

ha\e  bi-en  t  amid  ..n  |..r  the  I  nited  ^lates  Bureau  of  Fi^hei 
I'limaiih  Im"  the  purpn-e  "I  deifrminin-  the  feasibility'  of  arti- 
ficial pnipa.uaiiiin  of  the  I  nimiid.!-.  we  have  had  occasion  io 
give  attention  to  the  anatomical  and  histological  structure  of  the 
marsupium  in  a  lar^e  number  "I  ^i  nera,  and,  furthermore,  \\  e 
ha\e  been  paitit  ulaib  •  in  d  \\ith  the  change-  that  oeeur  in 

the  gills  during  the  pt  rind  ••!  -^ia\  itlity.  Since  a  fundamental  di  — 
i  re|'.un  >  e\i-i-  between  <  >itinann'-  de-rri|>tion  of  the  gravid  i;ill 
in  hi-  -ublamiK  Am  tlmnina'  antl  our  o\\  n  observations  on  at  lea-t 
three  ul  the  i^eiieia  \\liith  lie  include-  in  thi-  ^r<Mi]i.  nameK', 
Alasmidonta,  Anodmita  and  >\  inphynota,  we  ha\i-  thought  it 
ad\  i-able  t"  call  attention  t..  the  tact. 

Ortmann  tp.  117  makes  the  following  rather  a-toni-hing  state- 
ment concerning  the  -tnicture  "I  the  marsupium  of  the  Anodon- 

'.\  \r\\  >\  -t.-in  1.1  tin-  t  Fnionidse,"  A.  V..  '  'rtmann.  Xantilus,  XXIII,  February, 
1910,  pp.  1 14-120. 


tiiuc:  "Water-tubes  in  the  gravid  female  divided  longitudinally 
into  three  tubes,  one  lying  toward  each  face  of  the  gill,  the  third 
in  the  middle;  only  the  latter  contains  eggs  or  embryos,  and  is 
much  larger  than  the  other  tubes.  This  division  into  three  parts 
is  not  present  in  the  sterile  (sic]  female."  Although  it  is  not 
specifically  stated,  it  is  to  be  inferred  from  the  above  description 
that  the  divisions  of  the  water-tubes  into  three  parts  is  due  to 

•     T- .-;• 

'•  .'c; 

FIG.  i.  Anodonta  cataracla  Say. — Hori- 
zontal section  of  portion  of  gravid  mar- 
supium, showing  a  water-tube,  undivided 
and  filled  with  embryos.  O.L,  outer 
lamella  of  gill;  I.L,  inner  lamella;  I.J, 
interlamellar  junction;  W.T,  water  tube; 
E,  embryos,  X3I.5  Kline  del. 

FIG.  2.  Alasmidonla  truncata 
Wright.  —  Horizontal  section  of  por- 
tion of  gravid  marsupiiim.  showing 
a  water-tube,  undivided  and  tilled 
with  embryos.  The  mass  of  em- 
bryos is  somewhat  contracted  into 
the  middle  of  the  tube.  X3I.5 
Kline  del. 

the  presence  of  longitudinal  partitions  running  parallel  \\ith  the 
lamella1,  but  no  intimation  is  given  as  to  how  they  arise,  <>t  how 
they  disappear  after  the  marsupium  has  discharged  its  contents. 
To  any  one  familiar  with  the  structure  of  the  gills  of  the  I  'nionidoj 
the  statement  that  the  water-tubes  exhibit  a  temporary  division 
into  three  parts  is  on  its  face  improbable,  for  it  would  be  difficult 
to  imagine  how  such  a  division  could  be  brought  about,  and  still 
more  difficult  to  understand  why,  when  once  established,  it 



should  di-appear  after  spawning.  It  is  true  that  one  occasionally 
encounter-  a  partial  fu-ion  of  two  adjacent  interlamellar  junc- 
tions, with  a  consequent  division  into  two  or  more  parts  of  the 
water-tube  lyiiiL;  between  them,  but  this  is  not  constant  in  occur- 
rence for  the  species  and,  when  it  is  pre-ent  at  all,  it  involves 
only  a  -iiiije  tube  here  and  there  in  the  i;ill.  \Ye  have  observed 
such  fu-ions  in  a  few  indi\idual- 
bclon^inu  to  different  genera  in 
both  i;ra\  id  and  non-gravid  gill>, 
but  it  :  ndition  that  mu-t  be 

rded  nicrch  a-  an  occa-ioiutl 
variation  and  i-  entirely  different 
from  that  \\hich  i-  -uppo-<-d  by 
(  )rtmami  t"  e\i-i  in  the  Anodon- 
tin.e.  Hi-  de-i  riiition.  m 
i-  at  total  variance  \\  ith  our  ob- 

-er\ ationa  in  the  th-  -.  re- 

ferred   t'  >,  a-   -••<  lion-  of    the  ^ill- 
in    the-e     form-,    taken    at    \arioii- 

\  id    period, 
-hov.  :/</<•/ v  no  : 

diri.^inn  nf  the  tu't'f  s.      h  i     ;. 

which   are  drawn    from   hori/ontal 
section- of   the   v;ra\id  mar-u|>ium 
of    Anoilontti    cnttiniitii    Sa\  .  . 
mitlnntti  trun«iUi\\'nv.\}(  and   v 
phynota compfanata  Mann--. 
ti\el\ ,  the  water-tubes, containing 

embr\o-  and  :<lochidia,  are  -een  in 
their    u-ual    form,    undivided   lon- 
gitudinally   and     bounded     by     the      witli  nlocliidia.     x  31.5  Kline  del. 
inner  and  outer  lamella-  « <i    t  In-  ^ill 

and  by  he  interlamellar  junctions.  If  such  a  divi-ion  of  the 
tube-  into  three  part-,  a-  Uninann  describe-,  were  present,  it 
\\onld  of  cour-e  be  indicated  in  the-e  sections. 

\\  e  are  at  a  lo--  t,.  under-tand  what  appearances  observed  by 
Urtmann  could  ha\e  i^i\en  ri-e  to  his  error.  The  only  tiling 
that>t>  it-elf  i-  that  the  material  which  he  used  had  been 

•  i    complttnata 

',  .  •  \<>n  of  por- 

ti.ii.  ipitini, 

a    w.itrr-tulir.    uiKlividciJ    and 


badly  preserved  and  the  gills  in  consequence  much  shrunken. 
In  this  event,  it  is  quite  possible  that  the  embryo-  might  have 
been  contracted  into  a  mass  in  the  middle  of  the  water-tube  and 
the  mucus,  by  which  they  aie  surrounded,  coagulated  in  such  a 
way  as  to  cause  the  appearance  of  septa  stretching  between  the 
interlamellar  junctions  when  observed  under  a  low  magnification. 
It  is  not  uncommon  to  find  the  embryos  contracted  in  this  manner 
to  a  greater  or  less  degree  as  a  result  of  fixation,  as  may  be  seen 
in  Fig.  2,  in  which  the  mass  of  embryos  has  been  withdrawn 
slightly  from  the  inner  surface  of  the  lamellae.  The  fact  that  he 
states  that  the  divisions  are  only  present  in  the  gravid  gills 
would  lend  some  degree  of  plausibility  to  this  explanation. 


April  26,   1910. 

THE     TYI.nKir    GLAND"    OF   THE   ASCIDIAN 

BOTKYI.I.l  ^     AN    ORGAN    (  >F    EXCRETION? 

)  LTON, 

IM  k«  il.i  i    riON. 

This  contribution  deals  with  tin-  anatomy  and  physiolo^  of  an 

n  found  in  mosl  of  tin-  :croup-  of  the  Tunicata.      Thi-  organ 

i-  u-uall\    compoxd  ol  -tern  i'|"  tine  tul>e-  which   ramif\in^ 

over  tin-  \\all-ot   th.-  inie-iin.  ^incd  to  portion  of  the 

Btoma<  h  l'\    "He  i.j-  in,,  ic  din  ts.      Although  of  general  occurrence 

in  theAscidiacea  andThaliacea.yel  there  ha-  lucn  n.>  concurrence 

"I  o|.inion  ,i~  to  its  function.      In  c.  .n-.-i|ucncr  of  thi-  f.ict  hardly 
luo  author-  ha\c  n  :    to  it   \<\    Hi.-  -am.-  name.      Hence  \\  <• 

lia\e   ilii-  organ   loured   a-      I      Claude-  di-  ,  i;;n\  ,    [8lO 

and   let.  ii.-d    to,   il    ue  leave  out    literal   t  ran-lat  i.  «n-  as,     2)   lixer 

Hancock,    [866       Kn.lui.    1852       Milne-l-'.duar.U,    1841   .       ; 
glande  annexe  du  tube  digestif   (  'hamldon.  1875     v.  Winiwarter, 
1896),     i    'Jandola  epato-pancreatico     I  >ella  \  all.-.   1881   .     - 
la.  teal  system    Lister,  [834      llu\le\.  1851      Kilter. 

inlc-tiual    inland      llerdinan.    [882        Maurice,    lx"N    .      7      la.  line- 

stomaco-intestinales     l\..ule.    1884  .lande  -t.miacale   (van 

Hellfdell    et    Jlllill.     1  W}    .      >,      d.inillllll-|  'i  IlIlelK  11'    l>IH-e      Seelij 

[882         I  'ahl^riin.     [QOl         Isert,     [903   .       [0  j     ne    r.'trin^ent 

Giard,     Is;-1         l'i/..n.    [893     and      II      Jandr  m  |orii|Ue 

1  >uthiers  ••«  I  telagi     i  889     \\"ille\  ,  i  - 

\\iih  -uch  a  .li»i.c  .if  name-  \\hat  -hall  \\  e  call  the  or^an  in 
(|iie-iion'  >inci-  tin-  name  p\  loric  ^land  i-  -Imn  and  -ufliciently 
non-coniniittal  and  ha-  1-eeii  dignified  li\  usage,  \\  c  \\ill  use-  it  in 
preference  i.  .  the  other-. 

The  follo\\in^  -tudv  i-  an  outi;ro\\th  of  one  that  the  writer 
ha-  lieeii  at  work  on  for  the  pa-  1  two  years,  and  as  it  ha-  developed 
into  -lii;htl>  other  line-  than  \\a-  ori.uinalh  planned,  he  ha-  Liken 
thi-  e\cu-e  to  make  a  separate  I'apcr  of  thi-  |)ortion.  The  \\ork 

•     (  'li;ni.|.-l,.iL 
•   <  .I.U.I.    [8720. 



.1-  .i  whole  \\as  be^un  in  the  /<  ><  »1<  >^ical  laboratory  of  the  Univer- 
sity  of  Pennsylvania.  It  \\a-  continued  at  the  Zoological  Station 
at  Naples,  at  the  Fisheries  Laboratories  at  Woods  Hole,  and 
I'.,  an  fort  ,  and  the  following  part  of  it  completed  in  the  Zoological 
Laboratory  of  the  University  of  Pennsylvania.  At  this  point 
the  writer  wishes  to  express  his  great  thanks  to  the  Carnegie 
Institution  for  the  use  of  one  of  their  tallies  at  the  Naples  Labora- 
tory, to  the  authorities  of  the  station  for  their  many  kindnesses 
and  hospitality,  to  the  United  States  Commissioner  of  Fisheries 
for  the  use  of  a  table  for  two  weeks  at  Woods  Hole,  and  one  for 
t\\o  weeks  at  Beaufort,  and  also  to  the  directors  of  those  stations, 
1  )v.  I-'.  B.  Sumner  and  Mr.  H.  D.  Aller  in  particular. 

Although  for  this  study  most  of  the  living  material  was  pro- 
cured in  the  salt-water  tanks  of  the  vivarium  of  the  University 
where  Botryllus  colonies  have  been  established  for  many  years, 
\et  the  wealth  of  material  preserved  in  Naples  and  Woods  Hole 
has  often  been  called  into  requisition  while  living  material  of 
other  families  of  ascidians  were  studied  at  Beaufort. 

According  to  Bancroft  ('03)  there  is  but  a  single  species  of 
Botryllns  found  in  the  north  Atlantic  Ocean  and  its  extensions. 
Many  have  been  described,  but  they  are  found  to  be  based  on 
color  variations  and  habit  of  growth  depending  partly  on  the 
age  and  partly  on  the  physiological  state  of  the  colony.  The 
writer  having  worked  at  both  Naples  and  at  Woods  Hole  sup- 
port >  tin-  view  of  Bancroft  and  considers  that  Botryllus  schlosseri 
(Pallas)  Savigny,  is  the  form  represented  on  both  sides  of  the 

The  material  was  fixed  in  Flemming's  solution,  in  corrosi\e 
sublimate,  sublimate  acetic,  formol,  etc.  The  best  results  were 
procured  with  Flemming's  solution.  Sections  were  cut  6  ^  and 
stained  in  Delaficld's  ha'inatoxylene  and  eosin.  However,  most 
of  this  study  was  made  on  t  he  living  animals  and  sect  ions  were 
Used  only  to  check  up  the  results. 

MoKi'in  >\.(  ii.  V. 

The  alimentary  tract  of  Botryllns  is  of  the  typical  ascidian 
type  and  may  be  represented  by  the  letter  U  of  which  one  arm 
will  be  the  oesophagus  and  stomach  while  the  other  is  represented 

'  1'YLORIC    GLAND        OF    THE    ASCIDIAX    BOTRVLLUS.  37 

by  the  inte-tine  and  rectum  (Fig.  i).  In  the  angle  between  the 
two  arm-  lies  a  small  blind  sac,  an  out-pocket  from  the  pyloric 
end  of  the  stomach.  It-  walls  are  thick  and  glandular,  similar 
to  the  walls  of  the  stomach,  but  the  cells  that  compose  it  do  not 
contain  the  -e.  retion  that  gives  the  -tomach  it-  characteristic 
yellow  color. 

Thi-  ortMii  \\a-<  ailed  by  I.ahille  '90  the  pyloric  coecum.  It 
i-  into  thi-  sac,  at  the  point  \\here  it  niter-  the  -tomach,  that  the 
dm  t  of  the  p\  l.iric  ^l.ind  empti- 

1 1  \\  e  follow  the  duct  from  the  p(  >int  where  it  enters  the  pyloric 
CGBCUm  and  trace  it  to  the  inte-tine  we  will  find  it  divide  iu-t 
before  reaching  that  or^an.  -ending  a  branch  both  to  the  risjit 
>ide  and  to  the  left  -idc.  At  oner  on  reaching  the  walls  of  the 
inte-iine  both  branch  many  time-,  finally  ending  in  blind  bulbs 
or  ampulla-.  Ilo\\c\cr.  all  the  brain  he-  do  not  end  thus,  but  a 
leu  not  more  than  ti\e  or  -i\  pi. Meed  half  \\a\  to  the  aim-, 
often  \\ithoiit  branehiiu  again.  The-e  tube-  do  not  end  in 
ampulla-.  A-  ti  •  h  the  region  oi  the  rectum  in  -ome  cases, 

We   U  ill    for   (  oil  \  el)  iein  e    It  tel     to    I  hell  1    a-    I  e.   tal    t  llbllle-. 

It   i-  \ei  to  -tud\    the  oi'van  in   the  li\inv;  Hntryllnx  and 

indeed  it  i-  |)o--ible  in  that  ua\  to  -ee  much  more  than  can  be 
ob-ei  \ed  in  the  PM  served  material,  either  in  -ei  ti..n-  or  in  -in  : 
\  ieu  .  When  a  <"imii-  i-  ivnio\ed  tiom  it-  -ub-tratuni  and 
p'.u  ed  on  a  mil  i  '<  -i  oj  ,\<  -lide,  tin-  -toinach  and  inte-tine  can  be 
tea-ed  out  \\itll  a  ]).iil  o|  needle-  under  a  di—  ectin.^  mi(  lo-cope. 
The  coiniu-  i-  then  relinked  ir.'iii  the  -lide.  a  drop  of  sea  \\  a  lei- 
added  and  the  \\h..le  d  \vith  a  COVCr  glass.  The  writer 
foimd  .irtilicial  li^lit  in  the  -ha|>e  of  ,(  Wei-bach  burner,  a  Xei-- 

apochromatic 2  mm.  objective, and  compensai  3    \  and 

u   •  .  necessities  in  the  pre-.-nt  -tud>. 

In  tin-  li\  in;^  tissue  the  tube- and  bulb- appear  highly  refractive. 
In  -ome  cases  it  i-  quite  e.i-\  to  see  tin-  nuclei  and  e\en  the 

chromatin  in  tin- nuclei.     lnnian\  «  ell  boundaries  are  quite 

clear  and  the  pre-eiu  e  of  cell  granule-  i-  ea-\    to  determine. 

The  ampulla-  are  bounded  by  a  rather  Mat  epithelium,  the  cell 
\\all-  of  which  contain  often  refractive  granule-  ot  a  \ellow  color. 
The  cell-  bear  Ion;;  \\hip-like  Maxell. i.  but  it  i-  difficult  to  deter- 
mine if  all  are  SO  provided.  The-e  lla^-lla  -oon  lo-e  tlu-ir  mo\e- 

SKI.l.KKS    0>|    n.N. 

inrnt  after  being  placed  on  a  slide,  although  the  writer  has  ob- 
served tin-in  beating  I'm-  live  hours  after  the  alimentary  tract  was 
it-moved  from  the  organism.  Fig.  2  represents  the  character  of 
the  epithelium  and  llagella  in  two  adjoining  ampullae. 

In  Botryllns  this  organ  was  reported  ciliated  by  Delia  Yalle 
(*8i)  who  wrote,  p.  45*:  "La  struttura  intima  di  questa  glandola 
e  simplicis>ima  trattadosi  d'un  semplice  epitelio,  che  io  ho 
veduto  sempre  sfornito  di  cigli  vibratili."  He  gives  no  figure. 

Pizon  ('93)  particularly  mentions  that  he  is  unable  to  verify 
Delia  Yalle  and  finds  the  lumen  of  the  ampulla?  unciliated.  There 
are  three  other  cases  in  which  the  pyloric  gland  has  been  found 
ciliated — Chandelon  ('75)  in  Perophora,  text  Fig.  I,  Uljanin  ('84) 
in  Doliolum.  text  Fig.  2  and  Isert  ('03)  in  Microcosm  us.  The 

FIG.  i. 

FIG.  2. 

After  Chandelon.  After  Uljanin. 

Ampulla?  of  the  pyluric  gland  as  seen  in  Doliolum  and   Perophora  respectively. 

latter  found  tin-  ductsand  believed  tin-  ampulla-  were  ciliated  too, 
although  he  could  not  see  it.  The  cases  in  which  cilia  have  been 
,i  in  the  ampulla-  were  all  observed  before  the  modern  meth- 
ods of  mien.-!  npic  technique  were  evolved.  Since  then  we  have 
been  carried  away  by  the  use  of  dead  material  when  in  main 
cases,  perhap-,  as  much  if  not  more  could  be  -ecu  in  the  living. 

Although  the  protoplasm  of  the  \\.ilU  of  tin-  duct-  and  ampulla- 
seems  to  U-  clear  and  refractive  in  the  living  animal,  yel  there  are 
here  and  there  yellowish  granules  in  thecells.  These  are  exceedingly 
minute,  .1  to  .2  n  in  diameter,  and  an-  found  in  that  portion  ot 

I  < 

I  > 

PYLOKIC    i, LAND        OF    THE    ASCIDIAN    BOTKVLLUS.  39 

tin-  cell  neare-t  to  the  lumen  of  the  gland.  One  rarely  sees  more 
than  a  single  granule  in  a  cell.  Among  these  small  granules  are 
larger  ones,  o  to  .8  /*.  di-tingui-hed  from  them  by  being  more 
refractiv.  In  character  they  seem  much  like  the  brown  con- 
cretions found  in  certain  blood  cells  (Fig.  18).  However,  these 
concretion-  <  .mnot  be  found  in  the  preserved  material,  so  the 
supposition  i-  they  are  compiled  of  a  material  that  is  not 
coagulate.!  l,\  the  killing  lluid.  this  material  being  of  the  nature 
nf  ,1  secretion.  The  concretion-  in  the  blood  cell-  are  not  ea-ily 
di--olved  b\  an\  ordinary  reagents  u-ed  in  micro-. -opic  technique 
therefore  they  .ire  found  in  the  piv-.  r\rd  material. 

At  IVatifort  the  \\riter  had  the  good  fortune  to  be  able  to 
examine  the  .impull.e  of  tin-  H\  in-  .  1  n;nr<><;  inni  stcllntiini ,  P,  - 
f)lit>r<i  rt-riili*.  JM  ;<//</  Bp.,  N/\v/<;  /;/;«;.'.:  and  Mol-itla  manhat- 
IS.  All  had  llagella  in  the  pyloric  gland.  In  .  Inniroc ciiini 
the  llagella  were  -imilar  to  th.,-r  found  in  liotryllns.  In  Pcro- 
f>ln>ni  -ome  aminill.e  \\ere  like  tho-r  toimd  in  /v»/ry///<.s  1  ig.  22), 
but  other-  had  ex< cedin^U  |e\\  »  ilia  \\hich  \\ere  direct,  d  io\\ard 
the  month  of  the  tube  and  not  av.  in  <  'handelou'-  figure 

l    g.  21  .     Since  the  writer  was  able  to  observe  movement  in  all 

the  .  ilia   in   thi-  ampulla   their  direction  can  be  determined   to  a 

tainty.       1'he  \\alU  of   the  ampulla-  ..I  houed   no  ,•-- 

-riitial  character  dilleivnt    from   that   of   Hotryll;-        \  :.      [9         In 

the  cells  of  the  gland  oi  I  i  (I  •;  » found  the  yellow  secre- 
tion iu-l  as  IM-I-I  ile-ciibed  it  in  M :  and  in  the  lumen  of 
the  gland  are  tound  globule-  of  it.  In  Mol^nln  the  organ  is 
t\pical  I  5il  •  main'  diver-e  lamilie-  ot  ascidians 
-h..\\  tlagella  in  the  luinrii  "1  the  p>  loric  gland,  the  writer  believes 
that  i!  carelullx  lo,,k»-d  for  tin-  organ  in  all  tnni.ate-  \\ill  be 
found  to  bear  llagella. 

The   \\all-  of   the   tubule-   are   -imilar   to   those   of   the   ampulla- 
except    that    the   cell-   are    more   cuboid       !  and    the    tlagella 

shorter.  N  •  granules  are  to  be  detected  in  the  lumen  of  the 
tube-  of  Hotryllus  >uch  as  l-ert  found  in  the  ducts  of  the  pyloric 
gland  of  Microcosm  us,  and  a-  the  writer  has  tound  in  the  ducts 
of  the  gland  in  Stycld. 

When  \\e  compare  the  rectal   tubule-  with   the  other  portion - 
..I  the  organ  in  Hotryllit*  several  things  may  be  noticed.     Among 


these  things  our  attention  is  particularly  called  to  the  relative 
fewness  of  flagella  and  nuclei  in  the  terminal  portions  of  the  tu- 
bules. Figs.  4-13  show  flagella  while  Figs.  14  and  15  show  nuclei. 
Although  it  is  not  possible  to  distinguish  cell  boundaries  either  in 
the  preserved  material  or  in  the  living  tissue,  yet  the  fewness 
of  thr  nuclei  might  suggest  the  possibility  that  the  cells  composing 
this  part  of  the  gland  have  intracellular  lumens.  Again  the  ter- 
minal ends  of  these  tubes  exhibit  two  different  types.  We  may 
ha\ e  those  unsegmented  with  a  very  small  lumen,  2-6  p  (Figs. 
8-12,  14  and  15),  or  we  may  have  segmented  tubes  with  a  much 
larger  lumen,  4-10  fj..  In  the  first  type  of  tube  our  attention  is 
at  once  attracted  to  the  terminal  end  of  the  tube.  In  most  cases 
there  seems  to  be  a  very  thin  place  in  the  walls  of  the  tubes. 
This  thin  place  may  be  formed  in  three  ways:  (i)  by  the  lumen 
of  the  tube  approaching  the  exterior  (Figs.  8,  14,  15),  (2)  by  a 
cup-like  depression  in  the  end  of  the  tube  (Figs.  9-12,  15),  (3) 
by  a  vacuole  in  the  wall  of  the  tube  which  does  not  communicate 
either  with  the  exterior  or  the  interior.  To  these  three  cases 
there  is  a  fourth  effect  that  the  writer  has  observed.  He  thought 
that  he  could  see  tubes  less  than  a  micron  in  diameter  that  formed 
a  direct  communication  between  the  interior  of  the  tube  and  the 
blood  space.  The  structures  found  at  the  end  of  the  rectal 
tubules  are  so  small  that  what  we  may  interpret  as  a  duct  may  be 
nothing  more  than  a  division  bet ween  two  cells — or  a  nucleus— 
both  of  which  look  clearer  in  preserved  material  and  in  the  living 
tissue  than  the  cytoplasm  of  the  cell.  The  cup-like  depression 
at  the  end  of  the  tube  suggests  the  organ  of  Boveri  as  found  in 
Amphioxiis  or  perhaps  a  nephridial  funnel.  Tin-  writer  has 
searched  tin-  neighborhood  about  the  ends  of  the  lubes  to  see  if 
he  could  find  solenocytes  as  described  by  ('.oodrich  ('09)  in 
Anif>liio\iis  but  without  re>ult.  Again  he  has  watched  particles 
in  the  blood  in  the  neighborhood  of  the  possible  opening,  yet  in 
no  case  ha-;  he  been  able  to  obser\  e  Mich  a  panicle  enter  the  tube. 
In  this  connection  the  experiment  of  KuptTer  ('72)  is  interesting. 
He  sa\  -  (p.  381):  "Mir  ist  es  audi  bei  Asiitiin  rnnina  gelungen, 
dieses  Sy-tem  wenigsten-  partiell  vom  Herzen  ails  zu  injiciren. 
Die  Injectionsmasse  war  in  melm-tv  der  blinden  Anhange  einge- 
drungen.  Solche  blinde  kolliige  Anhange  sind  auch  niehts  Neues 


im  Gefasssystem  der  Ascidien.  Man  findet  dasselbe  an  den 
colonialen  Gefassen  in  der  gemeinsamen  Tunica  der  Synascidien. 
Ich  hake  <<-r  das  Gan/e  fiir  cinen  besonders  enwickelten 
Theil  dt>  Circulationsapparates  di-m  wohl  neben  der  Resorption 

des  ("hymn-  noch  anden-  Fum  t  imu-n  zukommen." 

It"  Ascidin  i'd  H  hid  -hould  have  open  communication  between 
tin-  lunicn  nf  the-e  tube-  .ind  the  him  id  ca\ity  it  would  easily 
explain  IHAV  Kupt'fer  found  tin-  injection  ma-s  in  the  lumen  of 
the  idand.  Since  no  communication  ha-  been  demonstrated,  it 
\\ould  U-  ea-ier  t.i  c\|ilain  tin-  iv-ult  of  Kuptfer  in  the  liijit  of  the 
\\riter'-  o\\  n  «-\|  leriment  -  with  indie"  c.irmin  on  Styelii  (p.  43). 
With  tin-  |in--cni  i-\  idi-nc.-  l.rfon-  u-  we  caniioi  a  —  nine  that  there 
i~  .m\  i  omnuiiiit  ati-ui  ln-i\\rrn  the  Mm  id  -pace-,  of  ttntryllns  and 
the  lumen  ol  the  p\  loric  inland. 

Tin    cases   in   uhich  cilia  ha\e  Keen  -ecu  in   the  ampulla-  were 
all  oli~er\ed  liefure  ihe  uioilem  method-  nf  ni;  pic  iechni<|iie 

\\ere  i  \o|\ed.  ^iine  then  \\  e  lia\e  Leeii  carried  a\\a\  hy  the 
u-e  of  dead  material  \\heii  in  man  -.  perhap-.  a-  much,  it 

not    ill'  'IV.   i  .  >\\\(\    lie   -eell    ill    tile   li\  il 

I'i/on      '•)  ^      In-   -tudied    tli'  :i   of   thi-  or-aii    Imth    in    tin- 

tadpole  and  Inn  I  i.l   l^'lryllns.      <  n  ilii-  -tudy  the  \\  riter  ha-  veri- 
fied  the  11 -nit-  and  can  Imt   accept   the  conchi-ion  of  I'i/on  (' 
that    in   both  the  origin   of   the   p\lori«-   inland   i-   I  nun   the 

endoderm    b\    a    -imple   <  li\  ert  iculum    of    the   i^iit.      Thi-   agl 
]ie|-|ectly  with  \'an    Helledeii  and  Julin     '84  and   '86)   in   I'lldllu^  id, 

l.etc\  re     '98     in   /'  na,   Kit  ter    '96    in 

2  in  ('A/re//;/./,  I'ljanin  '84  in  /><>ln>!iini,  etc.  In  all  cases 
it  arises  as  an  out-pocket  of  the  -toinach. 

I    \ci  KIMI  \  I-. 

The  -mallnc--  of  the  p>  loric  inland  in  Hntrylln*  and  the  tmeiie-- 
of  the  tubes  and  ampulla-  a-  found  in  the  larger  a-cidian-,  to- 
gether with  the  clo-e  ap|ilication  of  the  ^laild  to  the  walls  of  the 
inte-tine,  to  the  reproductiv  ins  or  to  the  renal  vesicles, 

\\onld  forbid,  in  an\  form  that  ha-  yet  been  available  to  the  writer, 
direct  phv-iol«»ijcal  determination-.  It  is  due  to  this  that  the 
nature  of  tin-  oi-an  has  been  problematical.  To  be  sure  Henri 
('03)  claim-  to  ha\e  i-olated  the  -land  in  Sdlfxi,  but  a-  \et  the 


writer  has  been  unable  to  procure  the  form  in  question.  As  no 
direct  experiments  on  the  nature  of  the  fluid  contained  in  the 
ducts  and  .mipull.i-  have  in  this  case  been  possible,  the  writer 
has'resorted  to  indirect  means  —  that  of  the  use  of  certain  in- 
\  it  am  stains. 

In  the  use  of  these  stains  the  writer  has  not  proceeded  far  and 
hopes  at  another  time  to  undertake  a  fuller  discussion  of  their 
-i-mtu  -.mce.  Suffice  it  to  say  that  certain  dyes,  when  introduced 
into  the  blood  of  a  living  organism  in  solution,  have  affinities 
for  formed  substances  in  the  cells  of  certain  tissues,  as  methylene 
blue  in  nervous  tissue.  Others,  such  as  neutral  red,  act  as 
indicators,  telling  us  whether  a  given  substance  has  an  acid  re- 
action or  not,  while  still  other  dyes  are  segregated  out  of  the 
blood  as  solids  and  deposited  in  cavities  often  connected  with 
the  exterior. 

Following  the  experiments  of  Chrzonszezewsky  ('64),  Heiden- 
hain  ('74)'  by  injecting  certain  dyes,  principally  indigo  carmin 
and  ammonium  carminate,  into  the  veins  of  vertebrates  came  to 
the  conclusion  that  tin-  former  dye  was  excreted  by  the  Malpig- 
hian  tubules  of  the  kidney,  while  the  glomeruli  excreted  the  car- 
minate. Kowalewsky  ('89)  carried  this  idea  into  his  experiments 
on  invertebrates,  concluding  that  renal  cells  show  either  acid  or 
alkaline  reaction  which  determines  the  character  of  the  secretion. 
However,  Schmidt  ('cji)2  has  shown  this  idea  false,  as  both  am- 
monium carminate  and  indigo  carmin  may  lie  excreted  by  the 
same  organ.  Nevertheless,  it  is  a  rather  general  characteristic 
of  renal  organs  that  they  excrete  carmin  in  some  form. 

In  this  study  of  Botrylliis  the  writer  has  placed  colonies  in 
neutral  red,  in  Bismarck  brown,  in  ammonium  carminate  and 
in  indigo  carmin,  studying  the  reaction  of  the  pyloric  gland  to 
these  dyes.  Neutral  red  in  concentrations  rendering  the  sea 
\\ater  a  pale  yellow,  stain-  i  he  secretion  in  the  re  IN  of"  the  organ 
an  intense  red  and  colors  the  liquid  in  the  lumen  of  the  <lnct-  and 
ampnll.r  also.  The  probable  -i-niln  MIICC  of  this  is  that  the  secre- 
tion has  an  acid  reaction.  Ui-marck  brown  coloring  the  water 
much  like  that  of  the  neutral  red,  stains  the  granules  brown  and 

•  I  IKIMI  I'.i  nut  /.  ' 


in  contrast  to  the  blood  and  to  the  sea  water,  the  contents  of  the 
lumes  of  the  tubes  and  bulbs  i-  very  bmxvn.  There  are  two  alter- 
natives by  which  IM  interpret  tin--.  t\\ . .  experiments — either  these 
stains  act  as  indicator-  or  th<  actually  concentrated  in  the 

lumen  of  the  organ  brin-  ted  from  the  blood  by  the  cells 

of  the  \\  all-  of  the  tube-  and  ampul  I.e.  Beyond  certain  leucocytes 
located  in  the  neighborhood  of  tin  \\hich  -eem  to  collect 

tin-  dye,  the  only  other  cell-  that  take  up  the  ammonium  car- 
mi  nate  and  indigo  i  a rm in  are  the  vat  ii"K--  in  the  inte-tinal  cells. 

A  cro «  .  lion  of  the  inte-tine  ha-  the  -hape  of  a  rectangle  (Fig. 

17  .  the  end-  of  \\hich  are  made  up  of  an  epithelium  of  Hat  cells 
bearing  cilia,  \\hile  the  -ide-  are  thick  and  are  compo-nl  of  iwo 
^orl-  of  i  olumiiar  cell-.  «ilialed  and  glandular  I  u.  14).  The 
Inland  i  ell-  muler  ordinary  condition  contain  a  cK-ar  lit|iiid.  It 
is  the  vacuolea  ot  tin  se  -Jand  <  ill-  \\  hich  -lain  -lightly  in  ammon- 
ium carminati-  and  im;  rmin.  The  -ignilicance  of  this  will 
be  ili-i  USSed  later  on. 

Both  Mul'^iiln  and  .  1  M  ?•/;</  \\eiv  tn.ited  \\ilh  indigo  carmin  at 
I'"  mforl  but  llie  p\  loric  gland  -hou.,1  no  reaction  to  them. 

In  .S7\'(7</,  ho\\e\er.  indigo  carmin  in  concentrations  as  shown 

in    the   table  ;^,i\e   in   e\  ei  'eri-tic   reaction.      The 

malerial  in  <  |iie-t  ion  \\eie  rather  -mall  .S'/vc/.:  20  ^>  mm.  The 
large  ones  i  e<  |nii  i-d  too  1.,  epiacl- 

I-  \|.i-iinn  nt  i .  rater        4  d 

dip'  r.uinin  in 
2  I""  C.C.       do 

i"  •  .!•>  4 


The  animal-  in  experiment-  I,  J  and  ^  li\ed,  in  experiment  4 
the\  died. 

\\lien  the  animal-  \\  <  ruined  lar-e  blue  concretion-  \\ere 

found  in  the  ampulla-  and  duct-  of  the  p\  loric  gland  1  igs.  25 
and  26).  These  concretions  gave  that  portion  »l  the  inte-tine 
Covered  b\  tin-  p\  loric  -land  a  blue  color.  The  writer  con- 
sider^  that  the  indigo  carmin  wa-  excreted  from  the  blood  into 
the  canal-  of  the  J  md. 




Turning  now  to  the  character  of  the  pyloric  gland  in  other 
tunicates,  we  may  as  well  begin  with  the  Larvacse.  Although 
this  organ  is  absent  in  most  of  the  genera,  it  seems  to  be  repre- 
sented at  least  in  a  rudimentary  form  in  two  described  by  Chun 
('81)  from  deep  water  of  the  Mediterranean  Sea — Stegasoma  and 
Megalocerciis.  Here  we  have  a  diverticulum  of  the  gut  which 
may  be  a  possible  homologue  of  the  pyloric  gland  or  at  least  to- 
the  pyloric  caecum.  However,  in  no  case  is  the  organ  developed 
as  it  is  in  the  other  orders  of  tunicates. 

Our  present  knowledge  of  the  pyloric  gland  in  the  Thaliacea 
and  Ascidiacea  can  best  be  presented  in  tabular  form.  The  table 
in  question  does  not  pretend  to  be  complete  but  gives  in  con- 
densed form  the  observations  of  various  investigators. 

Family.                   '  •   nus. 


No.  oi 

I  >m  Is. 







<  \  mhiadae 
M  nl-iili'l.i- 




Goods!  riu 
Clave  1  inn 


•din  sp. 
Mil  rin<>\iiiH\ 
Pol  year  pa 

\/vc/i;  >-ii\lh<i 
.Vvi7(j  filicata 

Mnli'jila  -p. 

Uljanin  ('84) 
Chandelon  ('75) 
Huxley  ('59) 
Seeliger  ('89) 
Maurice  ('88) 
Delia  Valle  ('82) 
Delia  Valle  ('82) 
Pizon  ('93) 
Hitter  ('96) 
Seeliger  ('82) 
Chandelon  ('75) 
v.  \\'ini\varter  ('96) 

All!  In  '! 

v.  \Viniwai  ter  ('96) 
I  sert  ('03) 
1  ..ii  .i/f-l  Mithii-i  < 








1  1 

1  nciliated. 



5-i  i 


1  Vmlritir 
1  )ciidritic 

1  )cn«li  it  ir 
1  >rmli  itic 

Ki't  icular 

(  liliated. 

(  liliate  I. 


(  iliated. 


ki  i  n  uhir 
1  )cinlt  iti>- 



I  "iH-iliatrd  . 


1  >i-ii'li  itir 


As  far  as  thi*.  di^.m  h.i^  been  particularly  dr^i  nbrd  it  is  much 
the  same  in  all  families.  The  usual  number  of  the  ducts  is  one, 
but  there  may  be  more.  The  tubules  are  eilher  dendriiir  or 


form  a  network  over  the  intestine.  All  the  tubes,  ducts  and 
ampulla  that  have  been  examined  carefully  have  been  found 
to  be  lined  with  a  ciliated  epithelium.  Moreover,  it  is  worthy 
of  note,  perhaps,  that  Huxley.  '51  and  Delia  Yalle  ('81)  have 
observed  a  bladder-like  -welling  of  the  duct  in  Didcnunim.  To- 
daro  figure-  the  -ame  for  Salpa.  A  type  of  gland  differing 
-lijitly  from  the  one-  referred  to  above  was  described  by  Julin 
('041  in  Ari-lnnsfidia.  The  single  dun  was  -hort,  ami  branched 
into  but  ~i\  tubule-  \\hich  did  not  branch  on  the  inte-tine  but 
ran  par,  il  lei  to  one  another  almost  -ill  the  \\a\  to  the  ami-.  There 
were  no  l\  pii  al  am  pi  1 1  I.e.  The-e  tube-  r.m  be-t  be  compared  to 
(he  ivetal  tubule-  de-i  ribed  above  for  Jititryllns. 

\-  llie  \\riter  mentioned  in  the  int  rodliclory  paragraph  great 
ditli-n -nee  o!  opinion  exists  a-  to  the  function  of  thi-  "r.;an.  To 
be  -me.  few  author-  ha\e  \eiitured  to  -tron^ly  -upport  OIK-  idea 

and    Illo-l    lla\e   been    i|llite    te-er\  e<  1    in    their   Conclusion-.    \ct    it    is 

o|  -uttn  ient  iniere-t  t»  \\arrant  the  \\riter'-  re\ie\\ing  their 
opinion-  biielly.  n-iderin^  those  \ieu-  that  \\ere  ba-ed 

<  le.irly  on  mi-,  on.  vpt  ion-  ct.  \  to  the  -tructureof 

the  or^aii.  \\e  \\ill  take  up  a  fe\\  of  the  other-.  I\..ill\  \\hell 
I  lancoi  k  i lied  (he  or^aii  in  <|ue-ti«m  a  true  liver  much  can 

be  -a ill  to  -uppoit  the  \ie\\.  It-  relation  to  the  blood  -upply 
plainl\  rei  all-  that  of  the  \  ertebraie  li\  er.  Indeed  u  ith  \\  hat  \\  e 
kllou  at  pre-ent  of  the  or^ail.  il  \\"llld  be  \er\  dilticillt  to  relute 
(hi-  idea,  particularly  a-  the  \ertebrate  li\er  ha-  been  known  to 
6»  icte  (  armin. 

Chandeloii  7^  .  |)ella  X'alla  '85  ami  \--ii  \\ini\\aitei  '  'c)6) 
and  l-ett  '03  Consider,  after  thoroughly  re\  iewing  the  -ubje.t, 
that  the  function  is  digestive.  Henri  '03  ha-  other  than  mor-  exidence.  1  |.-  -i\-,  \>.  ~>  •; :  "Kn  fai-ant  ile-  macei  \i- 
tion-  de  cette  u'aiidi1  p\lori.|ue.  on  obtient  un  liijiiide  riche  en 
am\  la-e,  il  ne  digere  ni  ralbumine,  ni  la  tibrine;  cette  maceration 
.igit  an  coiitraire  faiblement  -m  la  gelatine.  Cette  glande  con tient 
done  bien  de-  ferment-  digestifs.  Les  macerations  des  autres 
parties  du  corp-  de  la  Sdlpt  donneiit  de-  re-ultats  n^gatifs." 

Kupfter  /.sj)  and  Koule  '84  \>\  means  of  injections  arrived 
at  the  conclusion  that  the-e  tube-  \\ere  part  of  the  blood  vascular 
>y-tem.  l.i>ter  ('34),  Huxley  (,'511  and  after  them  Pizon  ('93) 


and  Lefevrc  ('98)  ha\e  agreed  that  ii  probably  serves  an  ab- 
sorbing function,  something  like  tin  gastrovascular  canals  of 
C.elentcrata.  Huxley  ('51)  asked:  "Does  this  tubular  system 
represent  a  hepatic  organ  or  is  it  not  more  probably  a  sort  of 
rudimentary  lacieal  -\  stem — a  means  of  straining  off  the  nutri- 
tive juices  from  the  stomach  into  the  blood  by  which  these  tubes 
are  bathed  ?"  It  is  very  probable  that  the  organ  has  a  digestive 
function  ;  there  seems  strong  evidence  to  support  that  idea.  But 
the  direction  of  the  cilia  in  the  duct  would  forbid  the  conclusion 
of  Huxley,  etc.,  that  the  function  is  that  of  absorption. 

There  is  yet  another  function  that  lias  been  attributed  to  the 
pyloric  gland.  Kowalewsky  ('74)  was  inclined  from  what  he 
knew  of  the  structure  of  the  organ  in  Peropora  to  attribute  to 
it  urinary  functions. 

Krunkenberg  ('80)  says:  "Ich  finde  sie  als  constantes,  durch 
die  Murexideprobe  leicht  und  schon  nachzuweisendes  Product 
der  als  Xieren  angesprochnen  driisigen  Darmanhange  bei  Phal- 
litsia  mentnla."  This  statement  is  based  on  a  misconception. 
He  did  not  distinguish  that  the  pyloric  gland  and  the  renal 
vesicles  were  not  part  of  one  system.  What  he  analyzed  were 
the  concretions  which  others  have  found  to  contain  uric  acid. 
This  interpretation  is  supported  by  the  fact  that  he  could  not 
find  uric  acid  in  the  gland  of  Ciona  and  of  Cynthia,  neither  of 
which  have  renal  vesicles  covering  the  intestine. 

In  SaJpa,  Todaro  ('oi-'o2)  described  three  pairs  of  diverticula 
from  the  alimentary  canal  that  had  the  power  of  taking  up  car- 
min.  The  first  pair  was  in  the  pharynx,  the  second  pair  in  the 
oesophagus  and  the  third  pair  the  pyloric  gland. 

Let  us  now  turn  and  inquire  as  to  what  organs  have  been  pre- 
viously described  as  possessing  the  power  of  elimination  of  waste 
products  of  metabolism  from  the  body  of  tunicates.  Roule  ('84) 
make-  ihe  di-t  inction  bet \\eeii  a  kidney  of  excretion  and  one  of 
accumulation.  Through  the  investigations  of  Van  Beneden  ('46), 
Kupffer  ('72),  Laca/e-Duthiers  ('741,  Ko\\alc>\  ky  ('89)  and  Dahl- 
griin  ('oo),  we  have  a  knowledge  of  this  latter  type  of  organ  at 
least  in  a  lew  groups.  The  kidney  accumulation  may  be  said 
to  COM^JM  of  i wo  t>  pe-.  In  .^nl/Mi,  ( 'i<»ia  and  Botryllns  it  consists 
of  blood  cells  containing  brownish  concretions.  The  second  t\  pe 


is  composed  of  closed  vi-ick--  lined  by  an  nonciliated  epithelium 
which  encloses  a  fluid  in  which  are  suspended  one  or  more  rela- 
tively large  concretion-.  There  may  be  many  small  vesicles  as 
in  Ascidia  and  Ascidiella.  In  Cynthia  we  have  a  few  larger 
\e-icle-  and  in  Mnl'^uln  a  -inje  large  one. 

In  a  kidney  of  a<  <  umulati<  .n.  ihc  waste  matter  of  the  organism 

isston-d  ii|)  in  the  form  of  a  -olid  \\hich  i-  freed  from  theon;ani-m 

only  by  death.     Harmer    '«ij    has  described  such  an  organ  in  the 

ectoprocta  and  the  kidney  of  arcumnlation  can  In-  found  in  -everal 

I]'-    of    .uiimal-.      In    the    Tunicata    other    i.ruan-    have    been 

described  as  kidneys  of  i         -ion.     Julin    '«)i    -u-^c-ted  that  the 

neural  jjand  had  perhap-  an  .-\.  function.      Metealf  t'oo), 

On  reviewing  the  sul  if  the  neural  -land.  c.>n-ider-  that  there 

is  no  evidence  to  support  the  \ie\\  ..t  Julin.     Koule    Vj  '85)  on 

the  other  h.nid.  d«-<  ribeil  about  tin-  opening  of  the  deferent  ranal 
in  Cimiti  a  nia--  ol  pigment  cell-  uhich  according  to  thj-  author 
i-  a  kidne\  ii|  t -\«  M  lion. 

I"   the  \ie\\    that    tlu-  p\l<>ii<    Jand   i-  a   kidney,   there  i-  one 

serious  objection.     This  is  the  fact  that  Hem  found  in  ihe 

p\  lorn  vjand  .,!  Siil{»:  a  ilia-:.iiic  ferment  i  '  abundaiicf. 

'1  hi-  \\tnild  -i  t-in  in  be  a  -n.  ument  in  fa\-»r  of  a  dii^e-tixe 

function  for  the  or^.m  \\ere  it  not  that  -uch  a  fernii-nt  i-  found  in 
the  kidnex-  ol  certain  mammal-,  -parin^K  in  the  do^  it  i->  true 
but  lit  hl\  in  the  rabbit  <  Ippenheiniei  ,  '<  n 

\\  e  ha\  e  ill  t  ertain  I  or  m-  of  tunicate-  a  kidne\  of  a<  •  umulat  i- •!!, 
but  in  nearK  all  i;roii|>-  a  |i\loii<  eland.  The  Appendicularia- 
\\hith  are  \\ithout  it  an  minute  that  all  their 

ti--ue-.  it  not  actualh  bathetl  b\  the  sea  uater,  are  in  cl"-e 
proximity  to  it.  SO  that  the  need  of  -pet  ial  or^an-  of  tAcretimi  i- 
not  unite  SO  urgent.  He  that  a-  it  may  the  i|ue-tion  naturalh' 
ari-e-,  lia-  thi-  limit  ale  ot-an  au\  charaiN-r-  in  common  with 
the  e\cretoi\  or-aii-  of  other  ^nuip-  of  animal.--' 

The  -hape  and  characier  of  the  terminal  bulb-,  and  the  duct- 
ate  parallelled  in  part  by  the  multit  ellular  ciliai)  (lames  found  in 
the  Nemertinea.  A  -ection  of  the  terminal  end  of  a  duct  in 
Linen* "by  1'imiiett  (*u  shows  a  condition  verj  -imilar  to  that 

of  the  a-cidian.  Mach  >  ell  of  the  or-an  beai>  a  single  ilagellum 
whit  h  i-  direct eil  a\\a\  from  the  blind  end  of  the  tube.  That  the 

48  HAROLD    SELLERS    CO  I. To  N. 

duct  of  the  pyloric  gland  opens  into  the  stomach  and  is  derived 
in  development  from  the  eiitoderm  is  a  condition  characterizing 
no  other  excretory  >ystem  out  side  of  the  Arthopods.  How- 
ever,  HIUV  tin-  vertebrate  liver  has  been  shown  by  C'hr/onsze- 
/r\\-k\  '66)  to  excrete  carmin,  and  has  morphologically  the 
>.mu  po-ition  as  has  the  pyloric  gland  of  the  ascidian  and  has  a  development,  there  is  good  reason  to  believe  that  the 
t\\<>  are  homologous.  \Yilley  has  homologized  the  organ  with 
the  hepatic  ca'cum  of  Amphioxus  which  Hammar  ('93)  about 
the  same  time  compared  to  the  liver  of  the  Craniota.  Can  we 
not  conceive  that  in  the  hypothetical  ancestor  of  the  vertebrate 
the  liver  arose  as  an  organ  of  excretion  and  in  the  tunicate  it  has 
retained  more  of  those  characters  ? 


1.  There  are  in  Botryllns  two  sorts  of  terminations  to  the  tubes 
that  compose  the  pyloric  gland,  bladder-like  ampulla?  and  long 
straight  blind  tubes — the  latter  we  have  called  rectal  tubules 
because  in  many  cases  they  extend  to  the  region  of  the  rectum. 

2.  The  ducts  and  ampulla?  of  Botryllus  as  well  as  Ascidin. 
Styela,  Molgula,  Perophora,  Clavelina  and  Amaroecium  are  lined 
by  cells-  bearing  long  wrhip-like  flagella,  the  ends  of  which  are 
directed  toward  the  mouth  of  the  duct. 

3.  Many  of  the  rectal  tubules  have  a  termination  difficult  to 
interpret.     This  has  the  appearance,  in  most  cases,  of  a  cup-like 
depression  in  the  end  of  the  tube  which  seems  to  form  a  communi- 
cation between  the  blood  cavity  and  the  lumen  of  the  tube.     In 
no  case,  however,  could  such  a  communication  be  demonstrated. 

4.  The  direction  in  which  the  free  ends  of  the  flagella  point 
indicates  that  the  contents  of  the  lumen  pass  toward  the  stomach 
and  therefore  the  function  of  the  organ  is  secretory  rather  than 
that  of  absorption. 

5.  Part  of  this  secretion  is  probably  found  in  the  minute  yellow 
globules  found  in  the  cells  of  the  ducts  and  ampulhu.     It  these 
yellow  globules  represent  a  secretion,  this  is  soluble  in  water 
and  does  not  form  masses  in  the  lumen  of  the  tube  as  in  Micro- 
cosmus  and  Styela. 

6.  Bismarck  brown  and  neutral  red  are  concentrated  in  the 


lumen  of  the  organ  in  the  form  of  a  liquid  while  the  indigo  curium 
is  found  concentrated  in  solid  form  in  the  gland  of  Styela. 

7.  In  the  tunicates  in  general  no  special  kidney  of  excretion  has 
been  recognized.  Although  the  gland  in  question  may  have 
other  function-  al-o,  \vt  its  structure  and  properties  seem  to 
indicate  that  it  i-  the  kidney  of  excretion  of  the  tunicate-,  and 
i^  in  turn  homnlogmi-.  to  the  vertebrate  liver. 



'06     Vaii.itii.r.   and    Fusion  in  Compound  Ascidians.     Proc.   Gala. 

A.  '  ;;. 

Van   Beneden 

'46      KI-I  ln-i.  li< •-    !Ui    1'i-inl-:  .mie  ct   la   physiologic   d  ii<3 

Van   Beneden   et   Julin 

'84      !<•  nt  postembrionnaire  d'une  Phallu-i'-.     Ai<h. 

<li-  I',  \ '..  '•>  i . 

'86     l<.  I  uniders.     Arch,  de  Biol..  VI..  -•  ,7. 


75     !<•  i   mix?  digestif  des  Tuniciers.     Hull.  .V.i.l. 

5d.  Bel  \XX1X  .  .,i  i. 


'64     /m  A:  .'s  Archiv.  XXXI..  153. 

'•'•      .    ii  Aii.iii'iiiir  iiinl  I'd1  •  r.     X'irchow's  Archiv.  X  \  X \'..  157. 


'01      I   ut.  I-IK  hunv;«  n  iil«-r  ili-n  i  Excri-lionsorganc  der  Tunicaton.     An  h. 

I      Mlk!    .    I    \   III 

Delle    Vail.- 

'81      Nin.vr  o>mir  .ituralc  dcllc  Ascidie  composte  del  goli<. 

•  li  Nai'i'li.      Atti  ilt-i  I  ii.  X..  431. 


'72.i     1-inl-<-.     Ar»  h.  de  Zool.  Gen.  et  Exp..  I.,  397. 

'72>'      \<< •<  In -i>  In •-  -MI  l< •-  A-  nil-  -<jesou  Synascidians.     Arch.  Zool.  I-"x|»-r. 

•  •i    <  .1  n.      i    .    I  .    507. 

'09     MMHtun-  ni  tin-  •  .ins  of  Ainpliioxus.     Quart.  Jour.  Micr.  Sci.. 

I    l\    .     ;- 

'68      J'lin  .  1  inn.  >.  H    ,   1  X. 

'98     /in    Kriiiitiii-  il.-i    1  •  1"  i-  •!'.!  -A  :•  K'  lung  bei  Anpliioxus.     Anal.  An/..  XIV., 


'92     (  >n  tin-  Naiuit- ..i  tli<-  I  Processes  in  Marine  I'oly/na.     Quar.  Jour. 

Micr.  Sci     a).  XXXIII..  i: 




'03     Etude  des  ferments  digestifs  chez  quelques  Invertebres.     C.  R.  Acad.  Sci., 

CXXXVII..  763. 

'82     Challenger  Reports.     II.  and  XIV. 

'51     Observations  upon  the  Anatomy  and  Physiology  of  Salpa  and  Pyrosoma. 

Phil.  Trans.,  Part  2. 

'03     Untersuclnmg  iiber  den  Bau  der  Driisenanhangen  des  Darm  bei  den  Mona- 

scidien.     Arch.  Naturg.,  LXIX.,  237. 

'81     Recherches  sur  1'organization  des  Ascidies  simples.     Arch,  de  Biol..  II.,  59. 
'92     Les  Ascidiens  des  C6tes  du  Boulonais.     Styelopsis  grossularia,  Anatomic 

et  embryogenie.     Bull.  Sci.  France  et  Belgium,  XXIV.,  208. 
'04     Archiascidia  neapolitana.     Mitth.  Zool.  Stat.  Neapel.,  XVI.,  489. 

'71     Entwicklung  der  cinfachen  Ascidien.     Arch.  f.  Mikr.  Anat.,  VII. 

'74     Sur  le  bourgeonnement  de  Perophora  listeri.     Rev.  de  Science  Naturelle, 

Sept.,  213 

'90     Ein  Beitrag  zur  Kenntnis  der  Excretionsorgane.     Biol.  Centr.,  IX.,  43'  57. 

'52     Ueber  die  Entwicklung  der  Ascidien.     Arch.  f.  Anat.  u.  Phys.  u.  Wiss. 

Med.,  XIX.,  313. 

'80     Yergleichend  Physologische  Studien.     Heidelberg,      i  Reihe,  2  Abt.,  B.  22. 

'72     Zur  Emvicklung  der  einfachen  Ascidien.     Arch.  f.  mikr.  Anat.,  VIII. 
Lacaze-Duthiers  et  Delage 

'89     Etudes  anatomiques  et  zoologiques  sur  les  Cynthiadees.     Arch,  de  Zool. 

Exp.  et  Gen.  (2),  VII. 

'90     Recherches  sur  les  Tuniciers  des  Cotes  de  France.     Toulouse. 

'98     On  the  Budding  of  Perophora.     Jour,  of  Morph.,  XIV.,  367. 

'34     Some  Observations  on  the  Structure  and  the  Functions  of  tubular  and  cel- 
lular Polypi  and  of  Ascidiae.     Phil.  Trans.,  380. 

'00     Notes  on  the  Morphology  of  the  Tunicata.     Zool.  Jalirb.,  XIII.,  495. 

'88     Etude    monographique    d'une    espece    d'Ascidie    composee.     Fragunmlcs 

auranliacum.          Arch,  de  Biol.,  VIII.,  367. 

'08     On  the  Morphology  of  the  Excretory  Organs  of  the  Metazoa.     Proc.  Am. 

Phil.  Soc.,  XI. VI  I. 

'09     Handbuch  der  Biochemie,  II.,  628. 

'93      Histoire    de    la    Blastogenese    chez   les   Botryllides.     Ann.   .!«•>   s<  i.    \.it., 
XIV..    i. 



01     Lineus.     L.  M.  B.  C.     Memoirs.  Xo.  VII. 

'96     Bii'MiriK  in  the  Compound  Ascidians  based   on   Studies  on  Goodsiria  and 

•  phora.     Jour,  of  M'Tph.,  XII..  149 

'84     Rechf  i  ••*  simples  des  Cdtes  de  Provence.     Ann.  Mus. 

Mar--i!li-.  II..  M«-m»ir  I. 

'82     /  u   I  ntui<  kl  .  •  r  Ascidieri.     Sitzb.  der  K.  Akad.  der  \Y 


'02     Sur  I'  Salpides.     Arch.  Ital.  de  Biol.,  XXXVIII. 


'84     DI--  Art. -n  i|.-r  <,.it(ui;.    D         urn  im  Golfe  von  Neapel.     Flora  u.  Fauna 


54     !<••,  li.  urs  de  la  Mediterranee. 


'85     Di-   u  -on  Mecres. 


03     Studiefl  .iii  il.  I.     Quart.  Jour.  Micr.  Sci.,  XXXIV.,  ,U7- 


'03     Ampin  •  !if  Vertebrates.     New  York. 

von   Winiwartcr 

'96    Note  BUI  digestif  des  Ascidics  simples.     Arch,  de 




The  figures  were  all  drawn  with  a  Zeiss  microscope  and  apocromatic  lenses.  In 
making  all  the  drawings  a  camera  lucida  and  artificial  light  was  used,  in  the  case 
of  Botryllus  a  Welsbach  burner,  and  in  the  case  of  the  other  forms  an  ordinary  oil 
lamp.  With  the  exception  of  Fig.  i,  Fig.  16  and  Fig.  17  all  were  drawn  at  a  mag- 
nification of  1,500  diameters,  and  have  been  reduced  in  reproduction  to  1,000. 
.4  =  ampullae.  PS  ==  peribranchial  sac. 

=  blood  cell.  R          rectum. 

C       =  concretions  of  indigo  carmin.  RT  =  rectal  tubules. 

=  intestine.  RO  =  pyloric  gland. 

Nu  =  nucleus.  S      =  stomach. 

0       =  (Esophagus.  V     =  vacuole  in  intestinal  cell. 

PC  =  pyloric  ccecum. 


FIG.   i.     The  stomach  and  intestine  of  Bolryllus.      X  52. 

FIG.  2.  Two  ampulla?  of  the  pyloric  gland  in  Botryllus.  This  drawing  shows 
the  long  whip-like  flagella  and  also  the  granules  in  the  cells.  X  1,000. 

FIG.  3.     Portion  of  one  of  the  main  ducts.      X  1,000. 

FIGS.  4-7.  Optical  section  of  a  rectal  tubule  showing  segmentation,  granules, 
and  flagella.  X  1,000. 

FIG.  8.  Optical  section  of  a  termination  of  a  rectal  tubule  showing  a  thin  place 
in  the  wall  of  the  tube.  X  1,000. 

FIG.  9.     Optical  section  of  a  cup- like  depression  in  the  end  of  a  tubule.       <  1,000. 

FIG.  10.  Optical  section  of  a  tube  with  two  cup-like  depressions  at  the  end. 
X  1,000 

FIGS.   ii-i2.     Termination  with  a  single  cup-like  depression.      X  1,000. 

FIG.  13.  Optical  section  of  a  segmented  tube  in  the  walls  of  which  there  are 
no  granules.  X  1,000. 




;-;- 1 

//     <f-\—  ' 

H.   8.  COLTON. 



Fie.  14.  Section  6/t  thick  of  the  termination  of  a  rectal  tubule  of  Bolryllus 
which  was  fixed  in  Flemming's  solution.  This  shows  a  thin  place  in  the  wall  of 
the  tube  and  also  a  vacuole.  In  this  figure  is  also  shown  the  relation  of  the  tube 
to  the  walls  of  the  intestine.  The  vacuoles  in  the  intestinal  cells  are  those  which 
stained  red  and  blue  in  ammonium  carminate  and  in  indigo  carmin  respectively. 
X  1,000. 

FIG.  15.  Drawing  made  from  two  adjoining  sections  of  a  rectal  tubule,  which 
show  terminations  with  both  a  thin  place  and  a  depression.  X  1,000. 

FIG.  16.  A  section  of  a  bud  of  Botryllus  showing  the  origin  of  the  pyloric  gland 
as  an  out  pocket  to  the  stomach.  X  320. 

FIG.  17.  Sections  of  the  rectum  of  Bolryllus  fixed  in  absolute  alcohol,  glacial 
acetic  acid  and  chloroform.  This  shows  the  relation  of  the  tubes  to  the  canal. 
X  150. 

FIG.  1 8.  Two  living  blood  cells,  in  one  of  which  the  nucleus  is  visible  in  the 
other  it  is  not.  X 

FIG.   19.     Optical  section  of  ampulla  of  Ascidia.      X  1,000. 

FIG.  20.     Optical  section  of  rectal  tubule  of  Ascidia.      X  1,000. 

FIG.  21.     Optical  section  of  ampulla  of  Perophora.    'X  1,000. 

FIG.  22.     Optical  section  of  ampulla  of  Perophora.      X  1,000. 

FIG.  23.     Optical  section  of  ampulla  of  Molgula.      X  1,000. 

FIG.  24.     Optical  section  of  ampulla  of  Styela.      X  1,000. 

FIG.  25.  Optical  section  of  ampulla  of  Styela,  containing  a  concretion  of  indigo 
carmin.  X  1,000. 

FIG.  26.  Optical  section  of  a  tube  of  the  refringent  organ  of  Styela  containing 
a  concretion  of  indigo  carmin.  X  1,000. 



«.  8.  COLTON. 


B.  F.  LUTMAX. 

The  numeroii-  w<  >rk-  that  have  appeared  in  recent  yours  on 
the   -pern  nesis   <>f   insects  have  covered  practically  every 

order  .ind  in  ~<mir  order-,  such  as  the  Hemiptera,  main  of  the 
import. mi  l.iinilic-.  There  still  remain,  however,  a  number  of 
the  -in. ill« T  order-  \\liirh  have  not  been  investigated,  and  there 
i-  ,il\\  a>  -  the  po^jl.jljty  th.u  these  may  contain  new  or  especially 
l"a\orable  structures.  The  Trichoptera  is  one  of  tlu--e  -mall 
orders.  The  \eun>ptera  and  Lepidoptera  to  which  it  i-  belie\  ed 
to  be  nio-i  iiearK  related  haxebeen  investigated  by  Miss  Mi  <  ".ill 
ind  l»\  'l"o\ama  i  >  .in. !  II' nking  (2).  The  small  size  of  the 

lar\a-   and    the   diltu  ill'  ;i--ecting  out    the  very  youni;    tests 

ha-  ptobabh  deterred  in\  e-i  uators  from  attacking  thi-  ^roup 
\\hen  larger,  belter  kiioun  and  more  easily  ol)tainable  form-urn- 
to  be  had  iii  the  Hi  inipieia  and  Orthoptera. 

I    -hall    HOI    gO   ilU"  all   extensive  discussion   here  of  tile   general 

liieiature  "I  -perma  t  o^me-i-.  Phityphylax  has  in  the  main  the 
-aim-  de\  e|.i|unein  that  ha-  been  described  for  all  insect  lorm-. 
There  are  certain  points  in  which  it  is  different  and  the  literature 
on  them  uill  be  di-cu--ed  in  connection  \\iih  my  own  ob-er\a- 
t  ii  Hi-. 

The  onl\  p.iper  iii  \\hich  the  spermatogenesis  of  the  Trichop- 
tera i-  di-cu— ed  .ii  .ill  i-  in  that  of  Lubben  (3).  Lubbc-n  \\a- 
moie  init  re-ied  in  the  external  morphology  and  the  development 

of  tin-  te-le-  than  he  \\a-  ill  the  CVtological  details,  but  heob-er\ed 
a  number  of  f.ut-  \\ell  \\orth  noticini;.  The  sperm. i^onial  cells 
ari-e  dit  of  the  original  genital  cells  by  division.  They  Kr"w 
into  cell-  \\  hich  appear,  united  with  two  cy-t  cell-. 
The  origin  of  the-e  epiihelial  cells  of  the  cysi-  \\as  not  clear  to 
him.  In-ide  the-e  epithelial  cells  now  ari~e-  a  mass  of  cells  by 
divi-ion.  Then  b\  two  more  division-  the  spermutids  ure  pro- 
duced; the-e  ha\e  -harply  bounded  nuclei  \\ith  cli-ar  pla-ma 
around  them.  The  -|ierm.itid-  iiuTea-e  in  length  and  the  whole 


56  B.     F.     LUTMAN. 

complex  of  spermatozoa  takes  on  the  form  of  a  long-drawn  out 
cylinder.  The  nuclei  are  all  arranged  at  one  end,  pointing  one 
way,  while  the  body  of  the  sperm  fills  the  remaining  space. 
These  he  calls  spermatocysts. 

The  formation  of  the  free  spermatozoids  does  not  seem  to 
occur  either  in  the  free  or  the  enclosed  larvae.  At  the  time  of 
pupation  there  are  only  spermatocysts.  In  the  pupa  there  re- 
sults along  with  growth  and  the  further  differentiation  of  the 
spermatozoids  the  resorption  of  the  walls  of  the  spermatocysts. 
In  the  mature  pupa  the  spermatozoa  are  free  and  lie  in  thick 
knots  in  each  division  of  the  testes. 

The  caddis-flies,  as  has  long  been  known,  pass  practically  their 
entire  life  in  the  larval  and  pupal  stage.  Vorheis  (17),  who  has 
followed  the  life-history  of  Platyphylax  designatus,  has  found  that 
the  eggs  are  laid  in  April  and  that  the  larvae  appear  about  two 
\veeks  later.  During  summer  and  fall  the  larvae  grow,  and  from 
November  to  January  more  and  more  larvae  are  found.  The 
period  of  pupation  begins  about  the  middle  of  February  and  is 
indicated  by  larger  irregular  stones  being  attached  to  the  anterior 
end  of  the  sand  cases  "while  some  are  attached  to  the  lower  sur- 
face of  the  large  rocks  by  a  mass  of  silk  at  the  anterior  end." 
For  a  few  days  after  the  closing  of  the  case  the  larvae  remain 
inactive  but  unchanged,  before  becoming  pupae. 

The  caddis-fly  larvae  offer  the  advantage  that  while  the  life- 
history  just  sketched  is  gone  through  with  at  about  the  time 
indicated,  larvae  of  almost  any  size  may  be  still  obtained  up  until 
January  and  February.  The  material  was  obtained  during  three 
years;  the  first  year  from  about  the  first  of  December  to  the  first 
of  February;  the  second  year  during  the  month  of  June,  and  the 
third  year  in  May.  The  spermagonial  and  reduction  division 
occur  in  the  larval  stage,  so  the  half-grown  larva-  of  a  length  of 
6-lo  mm.  was  the  material  in  which  it  was  found.  The  sperms 
are  apparently  all  formed  at  or  soon  after  pupation. 

In  the  older  specimens  the  testes  were  dissected  out,  but  in 
order  to  get  the  very  young  spermagonia  it  was  nere>.-ary  to 
section  the  entire  abdomen. 

Practically  all  the  material  was  fixed  in  Fleming's  weaker 
solution  although  sublimate-acetic  was  used  on  some  abdomens 


with  very  good  results.  The  sections  were  stained  in  Heiden- 
hain's  iron  alum  ha-matoxylin  or  in  Flemming's  triple  stain. 


The  testes,  a-  Yorln -i-  (17)  has  already  noted,  occur  in  the 
fourth  and  fifth  -e-ment  of  the  abdomen.  They  are  small  five 
loltrd  -trurtnre-  n-tially  -urrounded  by  a  mass  of  fat. 

Tin  -.•  ti\r  lob.--  <ir  fi.llicles  are  about  equal  size  but  of  various 
shape-.  In  general  the\  are  somewhat  wedge-shaped,  tin-  thinner 
part  nl  the  \\< •(!-«•  l.i  in-,  of  course,  toward  the  point  of  attach- 
in"  -in  of  the  oriMn  I  U.  i.}).  In  longitudinal  section  about  fifty 
ippear  in  cadi  f"lli«le  (Fig.  14),  the  larger  one-  at  it- 
-mailer  end. 

Karh  folliele  ha-  it-  ou  n  wall  and  the  flattened  nuclei  of  th. 
\\all  i  ell-   |ie.|ueiitly  appear  in  the  sections.      In  addition  each 
•    i-   pio\ided   \\iih   a   \\all.     The  youngest  cells  are  fart  he- 1 
Iti'in   the  point   ol  aiia<  hmeni  of  the  testes.      In  one  -ertion.  as 
-hounin  li^.  i(  ntaining  spiremes  for  the  first  division, 

tei  rads,  in  -i  and  se<  .  md  di\  i-ions,  transformations  of  the  speiina- 
tiiU.  and  Inllx  de\  duped  -perms  occur  in  the  order  named  at  ; 
the  -e(  limi.       The  \  min^  i  \  -IN  show  in  section,  6-8  spermatot  \  tes; 
the  older  mie-.  \\  here  the  eell-  are  smaller,  due  to  the  two  di\  i-inn- 
and  to  the  growth  of  th(  ~,  show  12-18.     There  is  no  del  in  it  r 

/oiiation  i.|  -piienie-,  lir-i  divisions,  second  di\i-ioiis,  etc.,  surh 
a-  \Vili  <i\  i'i  has  loured  in  Caloptenius  femur-rnbrntn,  but  the 
m-m-ral  lendeiK  \  i-  for  the  cysts  containing  the  younger  cell- 
to  be  further  a\\a\  limn  the  smaller  end  of  the  follicles.  'I  In- 
tact that  there  i-  in.  definite  Donation  of  su< ve--i\ely  older  spcrm- 
atocytes  make-  it  at  fir-t  confusing  in  picking  out  the  se(|in m  e 
•  •I  de\eloiMueiu.  The  difference  in  size  and  number  ol  them  in 
the  different  cysts  ho\\ ever  makes  this  possible  after  a  little 
observation.  The  -permatid-  in  developing  in  the  cysts,  as  is 
n-ual,  ha\e  their  head-  all  pointing  in  one  direction  as  they  lie 
-ide  \>\  -ide. 


As  tin  earl\  hi-t«>r\  of  the  -permagonial  cells  does  not  seem  to 
have  been  worked  out  on  many  species  of  insects  a  rather  full 
description  of  that  process  \\ill  be  given  here.  In  this  insect  the 

58  B.     F.     LUTMAN. 

primary  and  secondary  spermagonial  cells  are  sharply  distin- 
guished in  their  division  stages  while  the  development  of  the 
cysts  with  their  surrounding  epithelial  cells  is  almost  diagram- 
matic in  its  clearness. 

There  seems  to  be  a  general  agreement  in  the  literature  that 
each  of  the  cysts  that  lie  in  the  follicles  of  the  testes  has  its 
origin  from  a  single  germ-cell.  This  conception  seems  to  have 
originated  in  the  work  of  ValletteSt.  George  (12)  on  the  testes  of 
Rana  temporaries.  He  found  that  if  he  teased  apart  the  paren- 
chyma of  the  testes,  groups  of  cells,  that  he  called  spermatocysts, 
would  drop  out.  These  structures  had  walls  of  their  own  in 
which  were  imbedded  one  or  two  nuclei.  St.  George  believed 
that  each  of  these  cysts  arose  from  a  single  cell,  one  of  his  "Ur- 
samenzellen."  These  would  correspond  to  the  last  of  what  is 
now  known  as  the  primary  spermagonial  cells.  By  the  division 
of  these  cells  there  was  produced  the  spermacysts  containing  the 
spermagonia;  or  as  now  called,  the  secondary  spermagonia. 

Montgomery  (10)  describes  the  cysts  in  Pentatoma  but  did  not 
work  out  their  origin.  The  connective  tissue  network  of  the 
young  testes  contains,  he  believes,  in  each  mesh  a  single  sperma- 
gonium  or  at  least  only  a  few  spermagonia.  These  cells  divide 
and  the  cells  produced  by  their  division  are  surrounded  by  a 
cyst-membrane  derived  from  an  extension  of  the  connective  tissue 
investment  of  the  follicle.  The  germ-cells  and  the  cells  of  the 
cyst  wralls  have  then  a  different  origin. 

Several  others,  among  them  Henking,  Paulmier  and  McGregor, 
are  mentioned  by  Sutton  (14)  as  having  noted  the  arrangement 
into  cysts  and  the  cyst  walls  but  none  of  them  seems  to  have 
followed  their  development. 

Sutton  (14)  in  studying  the  spermagonial  divisions  in  Brack  ys- 
tola  magna  also  worked  out  fairly  completely  the  development 
of  the  cysts.  A  cyst  membrane  with  nuclei  in  it  is  formed  even 
in  the  two-celled  stage  of  the  secondary  spermagonia.  The  c>  sts 
assume  a  roughly  pyramidal  shape,  the  cells  inside  it  largely 
dividing  tangential!}  to  the  surface  of  the  cyst.  All  the  cells 
in  one  cyst  seem  to  divide  simultaneously  producing  by  means 
of  about  eight  divisions,  256  cells.  The  cysts  are  not  attached 
to  the  walls  of  the  follicles. 


In  all  of  the  species  so  far  described,  however,  the  cysts  lie 
so  clo-i -ly  appre--ed  against  each  other  and  against  the  follicu- 
lar  wall  that  ii  i-  impossible  to  decide  certainly  as  to  the  identity 
of  ill.-  cyst  \\.ills.  In  all  of  them  too  the  number  of  cells  seem- 
to  In-  lar^e.  In  the-e  n --peels  Platyphylax  offers  a  much  better 
opportunity  for  deriding  the  question  of  cyst  wall  and  cell  num- 
l"-r  in  a  cy-t . 

Tlu    t-.irli.  of  the  reproductive  organ  that   I  wa-  able 

to  1,..-  -UK-  \\  ,i~  tin-  testes  \vas  that  shown  in  Fig.  I .  At  this  stage 
then-  ha-  already  appeared  the  lobing  into  five  divi-ion-  that  i- 
so  characteristic  of  tin-  mature  organ.  The  cells  compo-ing  it 
are  apparently  .ill  ot  "about  the  same  size;  there  being  at  this  time 
no  \  i-ible  dill-  nil  t  ia' ion  into  germ-cells  and  cyst  epithelial  rell-, 
it  -IK  Ii  d<-  i.  I  In-  nuclei  of  these  cells  are  a  little  la: 

than  iho-e  in  other  part-  of  the  body.  The  distribution  of 
chromaiin  in  the-e  nm  lei  i-  characteristic  of  that  in  all  parts  of 
the  bod\ ,  the  piece-  l>ein;<  of  rather  large  size  and  ot  a  rather 
regular  number  iii-tead  o|  having  the  form  of  tine  granule-. 
Sometime-  these  pii  :  chromatin  are  in  the  form  of  bodie- 

uhich  miijit  \\ell  be  taken  for  split  chromosomes,  while  other- 
ha\e  the  diamond  -hape  characteristic  of  the  tetrads  with  \\hich 
the\  might  leatliK  be  i . .niounded  ( Fig.  3).  Divisions  are  rather 
ran  at  tin-  linn-  and  ^louih  is  apparently  rather  slow.  The 
di\i-ion  ti^iuv-  ob-ei  \  ed  \\ere  of  typical  initotic  type.  The 
pei  uliar  p. irt  that  the  nm  leolus  plays  in  thi-  division  \\ill  be 
di-cu— cd  under  the  reduction  divisions  as  in  them  it  is  much 

ger  and  UK  ni  le.idiK  followed.  All  that  i-  nece-sary  to  say 
hen-  i-  that  it  -i  em-  to  change  its  spherical  -hape,  bet  .  mie- 
elon-.ii,-d  and  a|>]>an-nil\  lorni-  a  chromosome. 

In   the  testes  next   adxanced  in  the  stage  of  development    the 
|irimar\  -]n-i  in.i-onial  ci-lls  occup>"  onl\  about  a  third  of  the  S]  • 
while   the   remainder  of   ii    i-   Tilled    with    the  secondary   -pernia- 
gonial  cells  in  various  s  >f  di\  ision  to  form  the  mature  c\  sts 

call   be   lolloued   .it   e\  el  \ 

The  testes  ha\e  ;^roun  cmi-iderably.  The  !i\e  tli\  i-ions  are 
fully  formed:  the\  ha\e  aci|iiired  distinct  cellular  boundaries; 
and  the  original  -ecoiidar\  -permagonial  cells,  instead  of  being 
rather  C!OM-|\  packed  iu  the  te-tes,  are  now  lying  with  consider- 

6O  B.     F.    LUTMAN. 

able  free  space  between  them.  This  free  space  is  what  makes 
the  task  of  following  them,  and  their  boundaries,  so  easy.  About 
two  thirds  of  the  primary  cells,  spermagonia,  or  "Ursamenzellen" 
as  they  are  variously  called,  have  divided  to  form  groups  of  2,  4, 
8,  1 6  or  32  cells  while  the  other  third  is  undivided. 

A  closer  examination  of  these  undivided  cells  will  now  show 
that  in  addition  to  the  larger  germ-cell  there  is  lying  closely 
appressed  against  it  a  smaller  kidney-shaped  nucleus  (Fig.  4). 
The  chromatin  in  both  nuclei  is  distributed  in  the  form  of  little 
flecks  rather  regular  in  size  and  number  and  united  by  strands. 

The  origin  of  this  nucleus  that  lies  in  the  epithelium  of  the 
cyst  is  not  clear.  There  is  no  such  differentiation  in  the  cells  in 
the  testes  at  the  preceding  stage.  If  these  epithelial  cells  were 
in  the  testes  at  that  time  it  was  impossible  to  distinguish  them. 
It  may  be  that  it  is  an  epithelial  cell  that  has  made  its  way  in 
some  fashion  into  the  interior  of  the  testes  and  there  surrounded 
the  germ-cell.  It  is  a  difficult  question  to  decide  and  one  on 
which  my  material  gives  little  evidence. 

The  further  development  of  the  cysts  of  the  follicle  can  be 
readily  followed  in  the  two-  (Fig.  5),  four-  (Fig.  6),  eight-  (Fig.  7), 
sixteen-  and  thirty-two-celled  (Fig.  8)  stages.  The  cell-walls  are 
difficult  to  distinguish  at  these  stages  as  the  plasma  membrane 
which  is  all  that  surrounds  the  cells  is  very  thin  and  the  cells 
are  pressed  tightly  against  each  other.  The  same  difficulty  was 
noted  by  St.  George  (12)  who  found,  however,  that  he  could  dis- 
tinguish the  walls  in  material  fixed  in  "quick  acting  reagents." 
At  any  of  these  stages  the  nucleus  of  the  cyst  epithelium  will 
show.  In  the  older  cysts  there  appear  quite  frequently  to  be  t\v<> 
such  nuclei,  but  in  the  younger  stages  at  least  I  have  observrd 
only  one.  These  nuclei  do  not  seem  to  divide. 

The  divisions  in  the  secondary  spermagonial  cells  are  vrr\ 
regular,  all  the  cells  in  one  follicle  dividing  at  one  time  (Fig.  9). 
All  these  divisions  are  typically  mitotic.  Sutton  (14)  found  th.ii 
the  division  spindles  were  largely  tangential  to  the  walls  ot  ilu- 
cyst,  owing  to  pressure  in  those  directions.  This  caused  the  c>  -4 
to  grow  in  length.  As  the  cysts  of  the  caddis-fly  are  spherical,  the 
divisions  occur  in  equal  numbers  in  .ill  planes.  It  can  be  readily 
determined  that  there  are  regularity  32  cells  in  each  cy>t  ot  the 


follicles,  which  indicates,  of  course,  that  five  divisions  have  oc- 

After  the  la-t  division,  the  cells  of  these  mature  cysts  grow 
;md  the  nucleu-  becomes  much  larger  in  proportion  to  the  size 
of  the  cell.  Fig.  8  shows  the  size  of  the  cyst  immediately  after 
it  ha-  acquired  it-  full  number  of  cells  and  Fig.  10  shows  a  cv-t 
after  tin-  gnmth  period  in  which  the  cells  are  in  the  -pireme  for 
the  reduction  di\  i-ion-.  There  are  therefore  two  growth  periods: 
after  the  la-t  primary  spermagonial  divi-ion  and  the  >econd 
i  In-  reduci  ion  di\  isions. 


Alter  the  l.i-t  -pel  in.e^oiiial  divisions  the  growth  i-  apparently 
very  rapid.  The  nucleus  is  very  large,  occupying  almo-t  the 
entire  cell  and  the  chromatin  is  in  the  form  of  regular  little  pi, 

Fij      it.      The  remain-  of  the  spindle  of  the  last  >permagonial 
division  lie-  near  tin-  IUK  leu>  in  the  form  of  an  <>\oid  body,  the 

•  ii-iikern. 

Apparently  the  fn-t  -tage  in  division  shows  the  little  pieces 
ol  i  hioinatin  draun  out  until  they  resemble  ehroino-,  ,nn->  while 
the  mi,  leo  lu-  become-  oval  or  spindle-shaped  big.  12).  The 
pieces  o|  rhiomatin  lu-comc  united  by  a  slender  connection  and 
-eem  to  -pin  out  and  lo-»-  their  identity.  The  niu  leolu>  in  the 
meantime  becomes  more  and  more  elongated  Fij  15). 

The  chiomatin  n»\\  -e.-ms  to  go  into  a  \»u^  -lendi-r  >|)in-ni,  , 
the  ma--  ol  the  thread-  King  at  one  side  <»t"  the  nucleus  and  oc- 
eii|)\ini;  about  one  half  of  it.  This  is  apparently  the  stai^e  of 
>\  nap-i-.  The  -i  rand-  are  very  fine  and  delicate  and  as  the  nuclei 
are  not  -,  .  \,-r\  lar^e.  it  is  impossible  to  make  out  an\  pairing 
ol  the  threads,  if  such  occurs.  The  nudeolus  lies  as  a  long  drawn 
out  l>od\  either  in  thi>  tangle  of  the  threads  or  on  its  surface. 
'  ',  •  a-ional  loop-  >tick  up  out  of  the  denser  clum]>  but  they  are 
too  -mall  to  follou  or  to  make  much  out  of.  After  tlu-e  -tages, 
\\hich  are  a|)parentl\  -hort  a-  they  are  not  nunierou-,  the  chro- 
matin again  till-  the  entire  cell  in  the  form  of  the  spireme.  This 
spireme  gradual!)  become-  -horter  and  thicker.  This  stage  is  a 
\er\  Ion-  one  as  i-  -hown  by  the  fact  that  in  sections  where  any 
di\i-ion-  ,u  all  occur,  about  half  of  the  cells  are  in  this  stage. 

62  B.    F.    LUTMAN. 

It  may  be  that  the  stage  of  synapsis  is  much  shortened  in  the 
caddis-fly  and  that  of  the  spireme  is  correspondingly  lengthened. 

The  spireme  now  breaks  up  into  chromosomes  and  these  lie  in 
the  nucleus  as  long  slender  paired  bodies  (Fig.  22).  The  chromo- 
somes now  come  to  have  the  peculiar  shapes  such  as  X's,  Y's, 
twisted  figures,  etc.,  characteristic  of  the  stage  of  the  reduction 
division  (Fig.  23).  These  soon  shorten  into  the  tetrads  (Fig.  24). 
The  tetrads  take  on  the  typical  lozenge  form  and  sometimes  show 
an  opening  in  their  center.  The  manner  in  which  these  bodies 
arrange  themselves  on  the  spindle  could  not  be  definitely  deter- 
mined as  they  are  small  in  size  and  the  four  segments  of  the 
lozenge  are  all  of  about  the  same  length. 

The  metaphase  shows  a  sharp  pointed  spindle  with  its  extremi- 
ties in  a  centrosome  just  inside  the  plasma  membrane  (Fig.  25). 
The  telophase  of  this  division  shows  the  chromosomes  pulled 
about  two-thirds  of  the  way  back  to  the  centrosome  and  the 
nuclei  still  connected  by  the  remains  of  the  central  spindle  (Fig. 
26).  The  centrosome  at  this  time  is  still  apparently  divided  and 
the  rays  from  it  extend  down  to  the  cluster  of  chromosomes. 

The  second  division,  following  almost  immediately,  has  little 
to  distinguish  it  in  the  metaphase  from  the  first  except  in  its  size 
and  in  the  size  of  its  chromosomes  (Fig.  29).  In  the  telophase  of 
this  division  the  centrosome  was  not  to  be  found — just  what  had 
become  of  it  has  not  been  ascertained.  The  remains  of  the  cen- 
tral spindle  is  the  most  conspicuous  feature  of  this  stage.  The 
chromosomes  seem  to  spread  out  at  once,  as  soon  as  a  nuclear 
membrane  is  formed,  and  make  the  ordinary  reticulated  network 
of  a  resting  nucleus  (Fig.  34). 

There  is  a  period  of  growth  after  the  reconstruction  of  the 
nucleus,  such  as  Paulmier  (n)  and  other  authors  have  described, 
followed  by  a  stage  in  which  the  nucleus  shrinks.  Even  before 
the  chromosomes  are  entirely  distributed  and  while  they  are  still 
present  as  little  pieces  of  chromatin  (Fig.  34),  the  cell  begins  to 
lengthen  and  the  axial  filament  to  form.  In  fact  the  long  drawn 
out  form  of  the  cell  which  it  has  from  the  last  division  does  not 
seem  to  change  but  passes  over  at  once  to  the  young  sperm. 
The  transition  stage  takes  a  long  time  for  its  completion  and  any 
number  of  transition  stages  can  be  found.  The  chromatin  col- 

-l'I  KMATOGENESIS    OF    Till-:    CADDIS-FLY.  63 

lects  more  or  less  to  the  outside  of  the  nucleus,  forming  a  hollow 
sphere,  just  inside  the  nuclear  wall.  The  remains  of  the  spindle 
lie  near  the  nucleus  as  an  oval  body  in  a  clear  zone.  This  body 
apparently  divide-;  as  Baumgartner  (i)  has  described  and  a  part 
of  it  -eem-  to  pa--  around  the  nucleus.  Soon  after  these  stages 
-howii  in  1  ii;.  ;>4  the  nuclei  become  very  sensitive  to  the  fixing 

gents  .iml  .1-  a  <"n  sequence  practically  all  of  them  have  col- 
lap-ed.  Tin-  would  probably  be  the  stages  when  the  chromatin 
i-  in  the  form  of  .1  tube  with  a  very  small  lumen.  The  fully 
developed  -perm  i-  -hown  in  Fig.  36. 

I  In  detail-  v;i\  en  .ibovc  arc  in  the  main  the  same  as  h,i\  e  1  >een 
dc-i  ribed  many  time-  for  animal  spermatogenesis.  In  the  action 
oi  (.mi-  p  nt-  of  the  (  rll  mechanism  there  is  always  quite  a  little 
variation  and  it  i-  to  the-e  parts  that  particular  attention  \\  ill  be 
p.iid.  The  t\\o  -tun  tures  to  be  especially  noted  are  the  centro- 
.iinl  tin-  "chrontatin  nuclcolus." 


h  i-  impo—  ibU-  to  locate  the  centrosome  except  \\hen  it  is 
o.  iiipxiii-  a  p.i-ititui  at  the  end  of  the  sj>iiulle.  At  any  other 
pl.iee  it  i-  ini|  >o--il  •!«•  to  say  wlii-ther  a  certain  dark  staining  body 
i-  .i  centrosome  or  not.  HtKlies  appear  near  the  nucleus  where 
the  ceiitro-.  .me  -hould  be  anil  have  all  the  characteristics  of 
Centrosomes,  U-in^  darkly  staining  little  granules  surrounded  b\- 
.1  i  lear  space  -ind  trequeiitly  with  what  ajjpear  to  be  rays  running 
up  to  them,  ilioii^h  these  latter  are  very  faint  and  small,  but  the 
miihiplii  it\  of  -urh  bodies  makes  it  impossible  to  trace  the  hi-tory 
of  the  (  entrosome  u  ith  any  certainty  for  any  distance  or  even  to 
be  -tire  -mil  a  centre  is  present  at  all  times.  At  tin  end- 
ot  the  -pimlle.  it-  position  is  of  course  always  easy  to  determine. 
It  u-u.ilh  lir-t  appears  so  as  to  be  definitely  recogni/ed  at  the 
tetrad  >ta^e  a-  a  dark  body  on  the  plasma  membrane.  It  ap- 
peal -  as  .1  \  ei  \  -mall  blark  -raiiiilc  on  which  the  fibres  terminate 
and  lie-  ju-i  in-ide  the  pla-ma  membrane  and  apparently  at- 
lai  hed  to  it.  hi-  mo-t  eon-|m-uous  during  the  meta]iha-e  \\  lien 
the  >harp  ])ointed  -pindle  end-  in  this  little  grannie  at  the  plasma 
membrane.  It  ma\  be.  of  course,  that  here  it  i>  not  a  bod\'  at 
all  but  onl>  the  i  omnion  point  of  att.ichment  of  the  Iil)res  of  the 

64  1?-     !•"•     I-l'TMAN. 

central  spindle  and  of  the  aster.  Whatever  the  origin  and  nature 
of  the  centrosomes  may  be  at  this  time  it  is  at  least  something 
that  will  take  a  stain  and  that  has  a  definite  location.  After 
the  second  division,  at  which  time  it  lies  at  the  ends  of  the 
spindle  again,  it  seems  to  disappear  until  a  dark  staining  granule 
appears  at  one  side  of  the  nucleus  from  which  the  axial  filament 
seems  to  be  growing  out.  I  have  not  traced  the  centrosome 
around  to  discover  whether  the  two  are  identical  or  not  but  from 
the  results  on  other  animals  it  undoubtedly  is.  From  this  stage 
on  then,  it  would  form  the  middle  piece  of  the  sperm. 


McClung  (4)  has  described  in  the  germ-cells  of  certain  grass- 
hoppers a  body  which  he  calls  the  accessory  chromosome.  Pre- 
vious to  this  discovery  of  this  body  the  "chromatin  nucleolus" 
had  been  described  by  Montgomery  (10)  in  the  Hemiptera. 
More  recently  the  discussion  of  heterotypic  chromosomes  has 
been  given  special  importance  by  the  papers  of  Stevens  (13)  and 
Wilson  (20,  21)  especially  in  connection  with  the  theory  of  sex- 

The  divisions  in  the  nuclei  of  Platyphylax  show  a  body  which, 
while  it  seems  to  have  something  in  common  with  these  described 
structures,  is  in  other  respects  quite  different.  Its  behavior  has 
been  reserved  for  this  separate  discussion. 

The  various  changes  undergone  by  this  body  have  been  fol- 
lowed to  some  extent  both  in  the  spermagonial  and  reduction 
divisions.  As  the  cells,  and  consequently  this  chromatin  nucleo- 
lus, are  larger  in  the  reductions  divisions  it  will  be  described  there 
first.  The  nucleus  of  the  young  spermatocytes  contains  a  nu- 
cleolus that  stains  typically  both  in  the  triple  and  the  iron 
haematoxylin.  This  body  is  either  spherical  or  ovoid  in  shape. 
In  the  preparatory  stages  of  division  it  begins  to  lengthen  and 
become  spindle  shaped.  It  frequently  lies  twisted  over  on  it -dl 
or  is  spoon-shaped  at  this  time  (Fig.  15). 

In  a  later  stage  when  the  chromatin  has  gone  into  the  s\  naptic 
condition  this  body  seems  as  a  rule  to  be  somewhat  smaller  in 
diameter  as  though  it  were  spun  out  as  the  other  chromatin  has 
been  (Fig.  16).  It  does  not  lie  among  the  chromatin  strand-,  but 


as  a  rule  re-ts  outside  the  chromatin  mass  which  at  this  time 
in  i  upics  about  half  the  nucleus.  At  this  time  the  body  seems 
to  IH-  a  part  of  the  spireme.  In  the  next  stage  when  the  chroma- 
tin  conic-  out  <»f  ->  napsis  this  body  appears  as  a  pan  of  the  much 
thickened  -pin-me  thread  (Figs.  17-21).  It  is  quite  large  at  this 
time  and  much  resembles  a  nucleolus  in  its  intense  -taining 
n MI  i  ion-  lull  it  i- -pindle  shaped  and  from  each  end  run- out  the 
continuation  ot  tlie  -piremc  thread.  In  the  triple  stain  at  thi- 
time  it  -till  take-  thesafranin  color.  A  still  closer  examination 
-how-  that  the  threads  leading  up  to  this  body  are  double  and 
the  body  itself  is  divided  into  two  halves  by  a  longitudinal  furrow. 
It  lie-  .n  thi-  time,  when  seen  in  side  view,  as  a  flat  spindle- 
-haped  figure  immediately  pressed  against  the  nuclear  wall.  It 
now  tv-embie-  \t-ry  much  the  accessory  chromosome  as  drawn 
l>>  M<<  li,  in  hi-  Fig.  2,  except  that  he  at  this  period  dis- 

co\rrcd  no  l.n-.ik  and  the  body  that  he  drew  was  proportionally 
coii-ider.ibly  l.uxi  r.  He  describes  and  figures  a  stage  (Fig.  5) 
\\here  thi-  liod\  goes  into  a  spireme  of  its  own  but  no  split  \\a- 
ob-cr\ed  in  ihi-  -eparati-  thread.  Considering  the  subse<  jucnt 
behavior  of  thi-  body — the  formation  of  a  tetrad  and  of  chronio- 
somes,  -mli  .1  -plit  i-  to  be  expected.  A  split  was  to  be  observed 
in  thi- chromatin  nm  leolus  of  Platyph v/a.v;  its  spireme  is  a  part 
ot  tin  -pin  me  formed  from  the  remainder  of  the  chromatin. 
The  -plit  in  it  becomes  more  marked  (Fig.  19)  and  the  body 
finally  open-  out  a-  a  lo/enge-shaped  tetrad  (Fig.  21).  At  thi- 
time  the  other  ihiomosomes  have  not  yet  formed,  although  the 
lon-iiMilinal  -plit  has  taken  place.  In  some  cases  it  look-  as 
though  the  tran-\er-e  splits  have  already  occurred,  but  the  thread 
-till  remain-  int.n  i  with  this  body  as  a  part  of  it.  This  black 
-taming  tetrad  is  one  of  the  most  conspicuous  parts  of  the  nucleu- 
at  thi-  time  i  Fig.  2l). 

The  other  chromosomes  are  now  formed  and  assume  the  pe- 
culiar -h.ipe-  characteristic  of  them  at  the  time  before  they  form 
the  tetrads.  Thi-  body  is  still  recognizable  at  thi-  time  on 
account  ot  it-  regular  lozenge  shape  while  the  other-  are  in  the 
form  ot  K's,  Y's  and  various  other  twisted  shapes  (Fig.  23).  At 
the  next  -tage.  however,  when  all  the  chromosomes  have  become 
tetrad-  thi-  body  is  indistinguishable  from  them  (Fig.  24). 

B.     F.    LU  I.MAN. 

There  is  no  evidence  that  it  has  disappeared  as  tin-  nucleolus 
usually  does;  it  seems  simply  to  have  become  a  tetrad.  The 
elaborate  formation  and  dividing  of  the  tetrad  would  argue 
against  this  disappearance  also.  This  chromatin  nucleolus  can 
be  traced  no  further.  During  the  equatorial  plate  stage  of  divi- 
sion the  chromosomes  all  lie  in  one  plane  and  it  is  impossible  to 
identify  any  particular  one  as  the  transformed  nucleolus.  Nei- 
ther does  any  one  lag  behind  in  divisions  in  the  metaphase  nor 
in  the  movement  toward  the  poles  in  anaphase  (Figs.  26  and  32). 
If  this  body  forms  a  chromosome,  as  it  undoubtedly  does,  that 
chromosome  behaves  exactly  like  all  the  others. 

The  number  of  chromosomes  is  of  great  interest  here  if  this  is 
a  true  accessory  chromosome.  According  to  cither  the  McClung 
or  the  Wilson  type  of  an  accessory  chromosome,  or  the  Wilson 
type  of  a  hcterotypic  one,  there  should  appear  an  odd  number  of 
chromosomes  plus  this  additional  one;  or  as  McClung  has  found 
in  Orchesticus  sixteen  chromosomes  and  the  accessory  one. 

In  all  the  counts  made  in  Platyphylax,  however,  the  number  of 
chromosomes  for  both  the  reduction  divisions  \vas  found  to  be 
thirty.  This  is  the  result  of  repeated  trials.  These  countings 
are  as  easy  to  make  as  of  dots  on  a  piece  of  paper  (Figs.  27,  28,  30) 
as  the  polar  plate  views  are  numerous  and  the  chromosomes  are 
short.  There  is  some  variation  in  size  in  the  chromosomes  in 
polar  view  but  it  is  impossible  to  pick  out  one  of  them  as  the 
special  structure  that  has  been  followed.1 

It  will  be  seen  from  this  description  that  while  this  body  re- 
sembles the  accessory  chromosome  of  McClung  in  many  respects 
still  it  differs  from  it  in  one  very  essential  one.  It  apparently 
forms  a  tetrad  that  divides  in  both  divisions  and  so  each  sperm 
would  receive  one  fourth  of  it.  This  wrould  make  it  impossible 
for  it  to  serve  as  a  sex-determinant,  for  all  the  sperms  would 
receive  a  part  of  it,  and  not  half  of  them,  as  would  happen  if  we 
credit  the  observations  of  McClung  or  of  Miss  Wallace  (18). 
This  body  in  that  case  could  not  be  a  sex-determinant. 

'In  cutting  abdomens  to  get  the  development  of  the  testes  I  have  cut  and  stained 
as  many,  or  more,  females  than  I  have  males.  The  divisions  in  the  former  can  be 
readily  obser%rcd  here  as  they  are  much  larger  than  in  the  testes.  The  nucleolus 
undergoes  a  similar  lengthening  out,  and  then  forms  a  part  of  the  pireme.  M.n- 
shall  (9)  in  his  paper  on  the  development  of  the  ovary  also  shows  several  figures 
that  strongly  suggests  this. 


\oinov  i  1 6;  has  described  in  the  divisions  preceding  sperm 
formation  in  a  beetle  (Cybister  roeselii]  a.  body  which  very  much 
resemble-  in  it-  appearance  the  one  under  discussion.  He,  how- 
ever,  <li<l  not  ob-erve  it  forming  a  chromosome  tetrad,  nor  did  he 
follow  it  during  the  nuclear  divisions  except  to  figure  a  small 
darkly  -tainin^  body  lying  outside  the  nucleu-  in  the  cytoplasm, 
which  he  belit -\. •-  to  be  the  same.  It  may  be  that  this  body 
niiuht  t'»r:n  a  a-  in  Platyphylax. 

Heidenhuin  in  "IM.i-ma  und  Zelle"  approves  Flemming's  opin- 
ion that  the  nu<  leolu-  is  always  surrounded  by  a  thin  Liver  of 
true  chromatin.  Some  appearance  such  as  those  shown  in  Fig.  2 
would  seem  to  -u^e-t  at  least  that  there  might  be  a  ring  of  some 
other  material  around  the  nuclcolus  but  the  structure  is  so  small 
that  it  is  impossible  to  say  certainly.  If  this  were  true,  however, 
tin-  (  haiue-  de-eribed  \\ould  only  mean  that  the  nucleolus  loses 
ii-  loim  dining  the  di\i-ions  and  becomes  pulled  out  and  split, 
bet  \\een  iln  (hi.. matin  -trands  surrounding  it.1 

\i  an\  rail  \\hate\er  this  structure  in  Platyphylax  may  be. 
wli«-ili  "accessor}  <  luomo>ome"  or  "chromatin  nucleolu-." 
>oun-  di-po-itioii  o|  it  iiui-t  be  made  in  discussing  these  aberrant 
ehn>nio-i  mie-  in  t|lr  ,lll(  |rj  <,f  insects. 

Thi-  \\oi  k  u  as  d'  me  under  the  direction  of  Prof.  \V.  S.  Marshall, 
ot  the  1  ni\er~ii\  oi  Wisconsin,  to  whom  my  thanks  are  due  imt 
onl\  for  assistance  with  methods  and  literature  but  also  for  quite 
a  portion  o|  the  material  from  which  the  sections  were  made. 


1.  The  de\elopment  of  the  follicular  cysts  can  be  readily  fol- 
lo\\ed   in    thi-   in-ect.     Each  cyst  contains  32  cells  derived   by 
5  di\i-ion-  tiom  a  primary  spermagonial  cell  and  enclosed  in  a 
membrane  containing  one  or  two  nuclei. 

2.  The  reduced  chromosome  number  is  always  30;  the  somatic 
number  i-  probably  60  from  a  count  in  the  oogonial  divi-ions. 

,v  The  centro-ome  i-  onl\  to  be  followed  from  the  tetrad  stage 
to  the  anapha-e  but  probably  forms  the  middle  piece  of  the 

A  CO  nu  i>t  tin-  si'iiKiiic  nuinlx-r  nf  chromosomi.-<  in  the  ix'.iKonial  division  gave 
5>  60.  1  h«-  <-\i'i-«-<linnly  lar.m-  number  makes  counting  difficult  and  not  very  ac- 

i  male  in  tlu-M-  ,livi-: 

B.     F.     I.rTMAN. 

4.  The  nucleolus  of  the  spermatocyte  seems  to  form  a  tetrad 
which  becomes  one  of  the  thirty  of  the  reduced  number. 


1.  Baumgartner.  W.  S. 

'02     Spermatid  Transformations.     Kans.  Univ.  Soc.   Bull..  Vol.   I.,   1902. 

2.  Henking.  H. 

'09     Das  Ei  von  Picris  brassicae  neben   Bemerkungen   iiber  samen  u.  Samen- 
bildungen.     Zeit.  f.  Wiss.  Zoo!..  XLIX.,  1890. 

3.  Lubben.   H. 

'07     t'ber  die  inncre  Metamorphose  der  Trichopteren.     Zool.  Jahrb.,  Bd.  24, 

4.  McClung.   C.   E. 

'99     A  Peculiar  New  Element  in  the  Male  Reproductive  Cells  of  Insects.     Zool. 
Bull.,  Vol.  II..  1899. 

5.  '00     The  Spermatocyte  Division  of  the  Acrididae.     Kans.   Univ.   Quart..   Vol. 

1-X,  1900. 

6.  02     The  Spermatocyte  Divisions  of  the  Locustidae.     Kans.  Univ.  Sc.   Bull., 

Vol.  I..  1902. 

7.  09     Spermatogenesis  of  Xiphidium  fasciatum.     Kans.  Univ.  Science  Bull.,  IV., 


8.  McGill.  C. 

'04     The  Spermatogenesis  of  Anax  junius.     Univ.  of  Missouri  Studies,  II.,  1904. 

9.  Marshall.   W.   S. 

'07     The  Early  History  of  the  Cellular  Elements  of  the  Ovary  of  a  Phryganid, 
Platyphylax  designatus  Walk.     Zeits.  f.  Wiss.  Zool.,  Bd.  86,  1907. 

10.  Montgomery.  T.  H..   Jr. 

'98     The  Spermatogenesis  of  Pentatoma  up  to  the  Formation  of  the  Spermatid, 
Zool.  Jahrb.,  Bd.  XII.,  1898. 

11.  Paulmier.   F.   C. 

'99     The  Spermatogenesis  of  Anasa  tristis.     Journ.  of  Morph.,  Vol.  XV.,  Supp., 

12.  St.   George.   Valletta 

'76     Die  Spermatogenese  bei  den  Amphibien.     Arch.  f.  Mik.  Anat.,  B<1.   XII.. 

13.  Stevens.    N     M 

'05     Studies  in  Spermatogenesis  with  Special  reference  to  the  "Accessory  Chro- 
mosome."    Carnegie  Inst.  Pub.,  1905. 

14.  Sutton.   W.   S. 

'00     S|K-rmatogonial   Divisions  in   Brachyostola  magna.      Kans.    Univ.  Quart., 
Vol.  IX.,  1900. 

15.  Toyama.   K 

'94     On  the  Spermatogenesis  of  the  Silk-worm.    Bull.  Coll.  Ag.  Imp.  Univ.  Japan, 
1 1.,  1894. 

16.  Voinov.    D.    N. 

'03     La  Spermatogenesis  chez  le  Cybister  Roeseli.     Arch.  Zool.  Exp.,  1903. 

17.  Vorheis,   C.   T. 

'05     Habits  and  Anatomy  of   the  Larva  of   the   Caddisfly.  Platyphylax   desig- 
natus Walker.     Trans.  Wis.  Ac.  Sc.,  Arts  and  Let.,  Vol.  XV.,  1905. 


18.  Wallace.  L.  B. 

'05     On  the  Spermatogenesis  of  the  Spider.     Biol.  Bull.,  VIII..  1905. 

19.  Wilcox.  E.   V. 

'95     Spermatogenesis  of  Caloptenus  femur-rubrum  and  Cicada  tibicen.     Bull. 
Mus.  Comp.  /.".I.  Harvard,  XXVII.,  1895. 

20.  Wilson.   E.   B. 

05    06     Miidi«-5.  »n  Chromosomes.     Journ.  Exp.  Zool..  Vols.  II.  and  III.,  1905 
and   i', 

21.  '09  >n  the  Determination  and  Heredity  of  S<          :      nee, 

X.  S.,  XXIX.,  i 

72  B.    F.    LUTMAN. 


13.  Longitudinal  diagram  of  the  entire  mature  testes. 

14.  Section  of  one  of   the  follicles  showing  size,  shape,  and  distribution  of    the 

15.  Formation  of  the  spireme  in  a  spermatocyte. 

1 6.  Synapsis. 

17.  Nucleus  showing  nucleolus  on  spireme. 

1 8.  Nucleus  showing  nucleolus  on  spireme. 

19.  Entire  cell  showing  same. 

20.  Enlarged  views  of  the  nucleolus  at  this  same  stage  showing  the  split. 

21.  Chromosomes  formed  by  the  transverse  split. 

22.  Chromosomes  lying  free  in  the  nucleus;    also  the  split  nucleolus. 

23.  Chromosomes  forming  the  tetrads;    nucleolus  at  n. 

24.  Tetrads. 

25.  Metaphase,  first  division. 

26.  Anaphase,  first  division. 

27-28.  Polar  view  of  the  equatorial  plate. 

29.  Metaphase,  second  division. 

30.  Polar  view,  equatorial  plate. 
31-32.  Anaphase,  second  division. 

33-35-  Transformation  stages  of  the  spermatid. 
36.  Sperm. 




Vol.  XIX.  July,    igio.  No.  2. 


Illl     ASSOCIATION    OF   A    FISH    WITH    A    HVDROID. 


Am-  mi;  the  most  interesting  phases  of  animal  existence  are 
tho-e  examples  of  commensalism  or  "messmateism"  known  in 
iii.niN  in-tain  •  •-  to  exist  among  species  of  widely  different  plnla. 
At  time-  tin  a--ociation.  while  no  doubt  beneficial  to  both  parties, 
i-  pnivK  .11  (  -ill.  -ntal,  such  as  that  occurring  occasionally  betucni 
the  (-..!•  mil  •-  of  various  hydroids  and  crabs  or  mall  uses  ami  on 
two  OG  i  -ions  I  have  found  flourishing  colonies  of  Clava  leptost  via 
•  tti.u  hed  tn  i  In-  spines  of  the  sea  urchin,  Strongylocentrotns  fnin- 
<i>Kinus.  A^.iin  what  appears  to  be  a  communistic  associ.ition 
in.i\  in  realit\  he  a  case  of  parasitism  as,  for  example,  the  relation 
nt  certain  h\  (In  lids  and  the  eggs  of  a  number  of  fishes,  or  po--il>ly 
"iir  h\  Mi.  -ni  to  another  as  noted  by  All  man  in  his  monograph  mi 
i;\  miii  '1  il.i-i  ic  h\  droids,  or  the  attachment,  mentioned  by  Feu  1 
nl  the  |]\«lnii<l.  Ilydrichthys  mints,  to  the  fish,  Seriola  z/nuitn. 
In  undoubted  cases  the  association  is  not  only  invariable,  or 
lairK  cim-iant.  lnn  mutually  beneficial  and  very  intimate  a^  i^ 
\\  it  m  --eil  1>\  tlie  l.ict  that  the  hermit  crab,  Eupagurns  pridcauxii, 
\\ln  n;<iii^  its  abode  removes  the  commensal  anemone,  or 
the  case  uieiuiiMied  by  Miss  Rathbun2  of  the  Hawaiian  Ishmd 
cr.ib.  I.ylna  tcssclatn,  that  held  "little  sea  anemones  one  in  each 
i  l.i\\  .mil  presented  them  in  a  boxing  attitude  whenever  teamed 
in  .ippi-D.ifhed  by  another  crab."  And,  on  the  other  hand,  it  is 
m'lier.dly  belie\ed  that  the  anemones  enjoy  a  larger  food  supply 
o«iiM'<|ueiit  upmi  the  improved  method  of  locomotion. 

In    i^'ij   Almck    added  what  he  considered  to  be  another  of 

'/'/  '.    it.     11:    t.   SOC..   \"ol.    XXIII. 

1      S.  F.  C.  Buli.-tin,  1903.  p.  866. 

3  Ann.  M  ..       \   -.       li       .6  ser..  \rol.  IO. 



these  remarkable  mutual  benefit  societies,  describing  the  associa- 
tion of  the  hydroid  Slylactis  minoi  with  the  rock  perch,  Mhinns 
inennis.  Several  specimens  wen-  taken  at  depths  varying  from 
forty  to  seventy  fathoms  in  the  Hay  of  Bengal  and  the  Laccadm- 
or  Malabar  sea;  and  in  every  ca^e  the  hydroid  was  found  at- 
tached in  large  numbers  about  the  gill  opening,  on  the  throat 
and  in  the  axilla.  And  not  only  were  no  fish  of  this  species  ever 
discovered  without  being  coated  with  the  hydroid,  but  none  of 
these  hydroids  was  ever  found  upon  the  multitudes  of  other 
animals  dredged  in  the  same  locality,  though  among  these  were 
specimens  of  Minous  coccineus.  Accordingly  it  thus  appears  to 
Alcock  that,  unusual  though  it  is,  this  is  a  case  of  true  com- 

Several  years  later  Doflein  collected  three  more  specimens  of 
M.  inermis  in  Sagami  Bay,  Japan,  and  again  all  were  coated, 
especially  between  the  pectoral  and  ventral  fins,  with  this  same 
hydroid.  In  the  first  account  the  coelenterate  was  assigned  by 
Alcock,  on  characters  associated  with  the  reproductive  sacs,  to 
the  genus  Podocoryne;  but  other  specimens,  seemingly  more 
highly  developed,  led  the  author  later  to  place  them  in  the  genus 
Stylactis.  On  the  other  hand,  Stechow,1  who  described  the 
Japanese  specimens,  finds  no  evidence  of  spordsacs,  but  young 
medusa5  with  tentacles  and  four  radial  canals  and  accordingly 
this  author  places  the  species  once  more  in  the  genus  Podocoryne. 

During  the  past  summer  my  friend  and  colleague,  Prof.  E.  C. 
Starks,  dredged  upwards  oi  a  hundred  specimens  of  an  agonoid 
fish,  Hypfdgonus  quadricornis,  in  Puget  Sound  at  a  depth  of 
approximately  forty  fathoms.  The  area  over  which  the  dredging 
extended  was  in  the  neighborhood  of  Friday  Harbor  and  em- 
braced an  area  of  at  least  two  hundred  square  miles  where  the 
bottom  varied  from  sand  to  mud.  Of  the  37  specimens  preserved 
in  the  Stanford  University  collection  10  of  them  are  coated  with  a 
new  species  of  hydroid,  Perigonimus  pugetensis,  whose  descrip- 
tion is  given  later.  In  every  specimen  the  ccelenterate  was  more 
abundant  on  the  ventral  surface  of  the  body,  especially  in  tin- 
axilla,  and  a  luxuriant  growth  was  usually  found  on  the  pectoral, 
ventral  and,  to  a  less  extent,  on  the  anal  and  caudal  fins.  With 

'Zoo/.  Am.,  Bd.  32,  p.  752,  1908. 

I  HE    ASSOCIATION    OF    A    FISH    WITH     A     HVDKOID. 


one  or  t\\<>  exceptions  the  polyps  were  much  more  sparsely  dis- 
triUitecl  over  the  body  and  dorsal  fins.  In  no  case  were  they 
found  on  the  head. 

.\]<"<k,    referring   to   several   species   of    h-hes   of   the    family 
:p.enid.e  "have  the  body  and  fin--  capriciously  co\ ered 
with  Ion-,  wavy  often  tufted  cutaneous  filament-,"  l>clic\  e-.  w  ith 
a   I.  'inpany  of  zoologists,  that  these  structure-  "assist   in 

i;ivin^  i  In-  li-h  a  deceitful  resemblance  to  the  incrusted  rocks  of 
it-  en\  iroiimeut .  in  order  to  allure,  or  at  any  rate  not  to  scare, 
prey.  And  it  appears  probable  that  Slylaclis  nnnoi  enables  it- 
(  oinpaiiioii  Minoits  inerniis  in  the  same  way  to  assume  the  same 
<  «-ii\eiiiein  .nid  successful  disguise."  \\'hile  the  e\  idence  i- 

|-ii..    i.      A  id  fish  (Hypsagonus  quadricornis)  bearing  a  hydroid  ii>l<my 

/','..    •::••::  .     Natural  size. 

-Hour,  that  these  devices  do  enable  their  possessor  to  escape 
detection  and  \\ai;e  more  successfully  it>  battle  for  exi>ten.  e. 
and  \\hile  the  hydroid  may  enable  the  fish  in  question  to  more 
(  lo-el\  harmoni/e  with  its  surroundings  it  does  not  follow  even 
then  that  this  is  a  case  of  commensalism.  Nevertheless,  a- 
I  li.  k-on  out,1  the  fact  that  "the  fish  is  never  found  without 
t  hi-  hylroid,  nor  the  hydroid  without  this  species  of  tis.h.  suggests 
\.i\  -trough  that  there  is  a  mutual  advantage  in  the  associa- 
t  imi." 

In  the  iu'eseiu  case  the  evidence  is  not  so  cogent.     About  one 
fourth  of  the  fishes  only  were  overgrown  with  the  hydroid  and 

'"(  .uul..   Nat.  Ili-t.."  Vol.  I.,  p.  268. 

76  HAROLD    1 1 1. A  I'll. 


other  specimens  taken  by  the  U.  S.  F.  C.  Str.  "Albatross"  in  the 
open  ocean  off  the  Washington  coast  and  in  Bering  Sea,  are 
totally  without  them.  These  last  named  specimens,  coming  from 
the  same'  depth  (40  fm.)  occurred  on  a  pebbly  bottom  or  one  of 
broken  shell  and  it  is  possible  that  the  Puget  Sound  individuals, 
without  the  coelenterate,  occurred  in  a  similar  habitat.  Be  that 
as  it  may,  it  is  a  suggestive  fact  that  in  the  fishes  under  con- 
sideration the  hydroid  was  "attached  in  large  numbers  about  the 
gill  opening,  on  the  throat  and  in  the  axilla,"  in  other  words  over 
the  ventral  surface  that  is  already  the  most  concealed  portion  of 
the  body.  Referring  to  Hypsagonus  quadricornis  Prof.  C.  H. 
Gilbert  writes  in  Jordan  and  Evermann's  "Fishes  of  North  and 
Middle  America"  (p.  204):  "In  the  aquarium  the  fish  appears  to 
walk,  resting  alternately  on  the  upper  and  lower  pectoral  rays 
and  on  the  front  rays  of  the  anal."  Under  such  circumstances 
the  eddies  produced  in  the  bottom  ooze  would  naturally  bring 
the  greatest  amount  of  organic  material  to  animals  ventrally 
situated.  The  appearance  strongly  suggests  that  the  advantage 
lies  rather  with  the-  hydroid  just  as  it  does  with  the  several  species 
of  barnacles  attached  to  the  skin  of  the  whale.  Whether  the 
association  is  any  more  intimate  in  the  case  Alcock  cites  it  is 
impossible  to  state  conclusively,  but  the  evidence  is  certainly  not 
entirely  convincing.1 

Prof.  C.  C.  Nutting,  to  whom  I  have  submitted  specimens,  has 
kindly  identified  them  as  a  species  of  Perigonimus,  its  nearest 
relative  being  apparently  P.  vestitus  Allman.  As  in  other  mem- 
bers of  the  genus  the  hydrorhixa  forms  a  highly  branched,  fre- 
quently anastomosing,  system  over  the  surface  of  the  fish,  but 
so  far  as  noticed  this  contact  is  purely  superficial,  there  being  no 
evidence  of  parasitism.  And  furthermore  the  presence  of  sin. ill 
cntomostracans  and  nondescript  organic  remains  in  the  gastric 

'Since  this  paper  was  sent   to  press  I   have  examined   upwards  of  two  d< 
specimens  of  this  same  species  of    rock    perch    (M.    inermis)    collected    by    my 
colleague  Prof.  J.  O.  Snyclcr,  at  Onomichi,  on  the   Inland   Sea,  in  the  Province  of 
Hingo.  Japan.     All  of  these  are  excellently  preserved  and   in  no  instance  has  a 
hydroid  been  found  upon  them.      It  thus  becomes  more  certain  that  the  associa- 
tion described  by  Allcock  is  not  an  undoubted  case  of  commensalUin.      I'i>''< 
Snyder  has  called  my  attention   to  the  fact  that  according  to  K> -.MM     \iin.  and 
Mag.  N'at.  Hist.,  1905,  Vol.  XV.,  p.  20)  Minous  inermis  should   be  Alhiotn   m  mo- 
dactyhis  (Bloch  and  Schneider). 



cavity  <>f  the  hydranths  shows  the  feeding  processes  to  be  those 
nt'  a  mm-par, i-iiic  species. 

At  frequent  intervals  branches,  3  to  4  mm.  in  height  when  fully 
<|r\rl"pr<l.  spring  from  this  root  system  and  each  i>  terminated 
by  a  -hvje  hydranth.  In  no  case  does  a  hydranth  arise  as  a 
lateral  bud  l'n>m  the  hydrocaulus,  as  in  P.  vestitus,  for  example. 
(  )n  i  he  (»i  In -r  hand,  the  medusa  buds  almost  invariably  appear  as 
.  verj  rarely  closely  associated  pairs  of  out^n-wth-  <li-- 

2.     Portion  of  hydroid  colony  (P.  pugetensis). 

IK.-. -.1  at  comparatively  regular  intervals  along  the  stem.  Thnr 
order  <>!  appearance  is  seemingly  not  so  definite,  though  this,  in 
part  at  least,  is  perhaps  due  to  the  escape  of  an  unknown  number 
of  mediae  the  older  stems.  On  the  shorter,  younger 
branchr-  one  bud  appears  usually  in  the  vicinity  of  the  ba-e.  or 
tin-  hydranth,  and  about  the  time  its  development  is  half  way 
compli-trd  a  >econd  one  arises  in  the  middle  section  of  the  stem, 


while  a  third  frequently  makes  its  appearance  in  the  vicinity  of 
the  hydrorhiza  about  the  time  the  first  medusa  is  liberati-d. 
Beyond  this  point  the  order  of  development  is  not  known,  Inn 
Fig.  2  illustrates  a  few  of  several  different  stages.  The  mode  of 
development  of  the  medusa  is  typical,  and  results  in  a  bi-tentacu- 
late  type. 

With  the  exception  of  the  distal  portion  of  each  hydranth, 
including  the  tentacles,  the  entire  colony  is  ensheathed  in  a  cuticle 
often  coated  with  minute  organisms  and  sediment.  In  the  older 
portions  this  investment  is  comparatively  firm  with  the  exception 
of  that  surrounding  the  hydranths,  which  is  less  dense  and  more 
flexible.  The  medusa  buds  are  likewise  covered,  and  for  a  time 
prior  to  their  detachment  are  bound  to  the  stem  by  an  irregular 
cuticular  bridge. 

In  the  younger  hydranths  the  line  of  demarcation  between 
them  and  the  stem  is  not  clearly  defined,  but  as  they  become  older 
the  boundary  is  more  distinct,  the  hydranth  growing  more 
globular  owing,  to  some  extent  at  least,  to  the  greater  height  of 
the  endoderm.  In  the  younger  stages  each  hydranth  bears  four 
tentacles,  later  four  others  appear,  often  with  slight  irregularities 
in  the  time  intervals,  and  finally  with  the  appearance  of  four  more 
the  number  is  complete. 

The  following  diagnosis  will  distinguish  the  present  species 
from  other  known  forms:  Perigonimus  pugetensis  new  species, 
twelve  tentacles.  Hydranths  arising  invariably  from  the  hydro- 
rhiza, and  bearing  as  many  as  four  scattered  bi-tentaculate 
medusa?.  Cuticle  relatively  thin.  Occurs  on  the  agonoid  ii>h, 
Hypsagonus  qiiadricornis,  in  Puget  Sound,  Washington. 






Tin-  n-ci-iit  i  onclu-ions  regarding  sex-production  based  on  the 
IHK  dimorphi-m  of  the  spermatozoa  in  the  trarheate-  have 
invoked  certain  assumptions  regarding  oogene-i-  and  cleavage 
which,  though  inaile  in  conformity  with  main-  well-determined 
facts,  are  -till  in  need  of  more  adequate  support  from  direct 
observations.  Tin-  principal  of  these  assumption-  i-  that  in  the 
formation  of  tin-  polar  bodies,  the  diploid  chromosome-groups 
oi  i  IK-  female  an-  reduced  to  haploid  groups  that  are  alike  in  all 
the  matin  s.  Further,  since  the  spermato/oa  are  «>t  two 

sorts,  the  embryos  produced  would  be  correspondingly  different 
.nid  tin-  diltctvnce  should  be  apparent  from  a  study  of  the  em- 
br\onic  inn  lei.  At  present,  however,  the  complete  chnnno-ome- 
le  ha-  been  uorked  out  in  only  two  groups  of  tracheates,  the 
ph\  Hi  ixer.m-  and  aphids.  In  the  phylloxeran-.  Mor-.m  'o>,  '< "  i 
ha-  tiait-d  the  lull  history  of  the  chromosomes  through  several 
genera tion-  and  the  combined  observations  of  Stevens  ('050,  'o6a, 
oil  \dii  Baehr  '08,  'oi>)  and  Morgan  ('09)  practically  completes 
the  .  \(  le  iii  the  aphid-.  The  very  recent  observations  of  Boveri 
and  C.nlii  k  hough  as  yet  published  only  in  brief  outline, 

-how  that  in  ll<:>rak\s,  a  nematode,  the  chromosome-cycle  i- 
-iniilar  to  that  a--umed  for  many  insects  and  bears  the  same 
relation  to  -ex-production,  while  Baltzer  ('08)  has  found  that  in 
-ea-un  hin-.  the  conditions  are  the  reverse  of  those  in  insects, 
the  ei;i;-  Uiii-  dimorphic  and  the  spermatozoa  all  of  one  kind. 

The  pre-eiit  \\oik1  was  undertaken  with  the  hope  of  demonstrat- 

I  !n~  1. 1.  .1.1.  in  \\a-  begun  in  the  zoological  laboratory  of  Columbia  t  "iiivi-i>ity 
.in.l  .  ..inpli -ti -.1  in  th.-  anatomical  laboratory  of  the  College  of  Medicine,  Syracuse 
t "nivi T-ity.  A  part  ni"  the  material  was  collected  while  occupying  a  John  D.  Jones 
N  l...lai-hi|>  I.M, m  at  tin.-  liinlivuical  laboratory,  Cold  Spring  Harbor.  N.  V.,  during 
t  In-  Mimiiu-r  ol'  n;"7.  an.  I  a  \Vi>tar  Institute  room  at  the  Mann.  Biological  Labor 



ing  the  chromosome  groups  in  the  oogenesis,  fertilization  and 
cleavage  in  certain  coreid  hemiptera  and  of  determining  in  this 
way,  if  possible,  whether  the  assumptions'  made  in  regard  to  tin- 
number  and  behavior  of  the  chromosomes  in  these  stages  is  in 
accordance  with  the  facts. 

Four  species  of  the  Coreidae  were  examined:  Archinierus  altcr- 
tiatus  Say,  Anasa  tristis  De  Geer,  Protenor  beljragei  Hagl.,  Chelini- 
dea  vittigera  Uhler.2  In  all  of  these  forms  the  spermatogonia 
have  been  found  to  contain  an  odd  number  of  chromosomes,  one 
of  which  (the  unpaired  idiochromosome3)  fails  to  divide  in  one  of 
the  maturation  divisions.  One  half  the  spermatozoa  thus  con- 
tain this  chromosome,  the  other  half  lack  it,  and  a  dimorphism  of 
the  spermatozoa  arises.  The  oogonia  have  been  shown  to  have 
an  even  number  of  chromosomes,  the  unpaired  element  of  the 
spermatogonia  being  represented  here  by  a  pair  of  equal  size. 
The  maturation  of  the  egg  had  not  been  fully  worked  out,  but 
it  was  assumed  that  every  chromosome  divides  equally  in  both 
polar  divisions,  giving  to  the  mature  egg  a  group  of  chromosomes 
similar  to  that  borne  by  a  spermatozoon  having  the  idiochromo- 
some. The  eggs  were  accordingly  assumed  to  be  all  of  one  kind 
with  respect  to  their  chromatin  content,  as  direct  observation 
has  shown  to  be  true  in  phylloxerans  (Morgan),  aphids  (Stevens, 
von  Baehr)  and  more  recently  in  Heterakis  (Boveri  and  Gulick.) 

atory.  Woods  Hole,  Mass.,  in  1909.  To  the  directors  of  these  laboratories  I  am 
indebted  for  the  facilities  placed  at  my  disposal.  I  wish  also  to  express  my  grati- 
tude to  Professors  E.  B.  Wilson  and  T.  H.  Morgan  for  the  many  helpful  suggestions 
they  have  made  during  the  progress  of  this  work. 

:I  am  indebted  to  Mr.  E.  P.  Van  Duzee,  of  Buffalo,  N.  Y.,  for  the  identification 
of  my  material.  The  species  Archimerus  altcrnatns  is  almost,  if  not  quite,  identical 
with  the  A.  calcarator  of  Professor  Wilson's  material  (identified  by  Mr.  P.  R.  Uhler) 
and  was  collected  from  the  same  locality  in  Van  Cortlandt  Park,  NV\\  York.  Pro- 
tenor  was  found  at  Woods  Hole,  Mass.,  and  Anasa  at  Woods  Hole,  and  Cold  spring. 
Harbor,  N.  Y.  Chelinidea  was  taken  by  Professor  Wilson  at  Southern  Pines,  N.  C. 
A  part  of  the  living  specimens  of  Anasa  were  also  furnished  by  Professor  \Yilson 

3For  the  sake  of  simplicity,  the  term  "idiochromosomes"  will  be  used  in  this 
paper  to  designate  those  chromosomes  which  are  associated  \\itli  sex-production, 
irrespective  of  their  detailed  behavior  in  the  growth  periods  or  maturation  division*. 
It  will  thus  include  the  "idiochromosomes"  (in  the  more  restricted  sen-n,  "acces- 
sory," "odd"  or  "hcterotropic"  chromosomes,  "monosomes,"  "heterochromosomes," 
"X-  and  Y-clements,"  etc.,  of  recent  writers.  Professor  Wilson  ha-  u^-.l  this  term 
in  a  similar  sense  in  the  fourth  of  his  "Studies"  ('ogb). 


It  was  fun  her  -npposed  that  if  an  egg  is  fertilized  by  a  spermato- 
zoon bearing  the  idiochromosome  an  embryo  will  result  whose 
nuclei  all  have  an  even  number  of  chromosomes,  similar  to  the 
oogonial  group-,  but  if  fertilized  by  a  spermatozoon  lacking  that 
chromosome,  the  embryonic  nuclei  will  have  an  odd  number  of 
chromo-ome-  -imilar  to  the  spermatogonial  groups.  Accordingly 
i In-  former  will  be-  females,  the  latter  males.  It  should  be  pos- 
-ible.  then,  to  distinguish  the  sex  of  an  embryo  by  an  inspection 
of  the  embi  \oni,  -omatic)  chromosome  groups.  'Again,  it"  the 
number  of  <  hroni.^omes  in  the  male  and  female  pronuclei  could 
be  accurately  determined  just  before  the  first  cleavage  spindle 
i-  loniied.  it  would  afford  additional  evidence  of  the  dimorphi-m 
ot  the  -perni.ito/oa  and  the  relation  this  condition  bears  to  sex- 
p  reduction. 


The  insects  were  brought  into  the  laboratory  or  gnvnhon-e 
and  pi. u  id  in  rages  in  which  their  food  plants  were  growing. 
1 1'  M-  the\  p.  i  ire.  I  readily  and  laid  their  eggs  either  on  the  plant- 
or  on  the  -ide-  or  bottom  of  the  cages.  The  breeding  period-  of 
the  tcnii  gener.i  employed  differ  widely.  Anasa  may  be  found 
pairing  mi  -i|ii.i-h  plants  in  the  vicinity  of  New  York  or  YVood- 
llolr  i.uK  in  July,  the  eggs  being  laid  in  clusters  on  the  under 
-in1  !  i  lie  leaves,  but  specimens  kept  in  a  greenhouse  o\er 

t  lie  \\  inti-r  laid  early  in  May.  Chelinidea,  brought  from  the  south 
and  kept  in  nhouse  during  the  winter,  began  to  la\  ii- 

•  hi-ter-  ol  in  the  latter  part  of  March.  Archimerns  begin- 

la\  ing  on  i  he  ^"Idenrod  in  the  vicinity  of  Ne\\  York  in  the  latter 
I  MI!  "i  M.i\  or  tir-t  of  June.  The  eggs  are  laid  singly,  and  it 
\\a-  found  impo--ible  to  collect  sufficient  numbers  in  the  field 
-o  tli.u  .ill  thi'-e  n-ed  were  taken  from  caged  individuals.  Pro- 
tenor  al-o  l.i\  -  ii-  eggs  one  at  a  time  and,  in  the  laboratory,  rarely 
make-  an\  attempt  at  fastening  them  to  any  object,  but  drops 
them  to  tin1  bottom  of  the  cage  where  they  were  collected  in  small 
i|iiantitie-.  In  addition  to  these,  a  number  of  egg;-  were  taken 
from  the  oviduct-  of  Anasa  and  Protenor. 

The  eggs  "I"  the  lour  species  differ  markedly  in  size,  Archimerus 
ha\  ing  tin  large-t  and  Protenor  the  smallest,  those  of  Anasa  and 

82  CHARLES    V.    MOKKII.L. 

Chelinidea  being  intermediate;  these  size  differences  correspond 
roughly  with  the  difference  in  size  of  the  several  species.  All  the 
eggs,  whether  in  the  oviduct  or  after  laying,  are  enclosed  in  a 
tough  brown  chorion. 

Several  different  fixing  fluids  were  tried.  Flemming's  strong 
fluid,  Gilson's  mercuro-nitric  and  Bouin's  picroformol  wnv  found 
very  uncertain  in  result,  as  they  seldom  penetrate  the  thick 
chorion.  All  these  can  be  used,  however,  if  the  eggs  are  pricked 
with  fine  needles  before  placing  them  in  the  fixing  fluid,  but  their 
action  is  such  as  to  render  the  yolk  very  brittle  and  difficult  to 
cut.  By  far  the  best  results  were  obtained  by  placing  the  eggs 
immediately  in  the  Gilson-Carnoy  acetic-alcohol-chloroform-sub- 
limate mixture  for  fifteen  to  thirty  minutes  or  in  a  mixture  of 
glacial  acetic,  one  part,  absolute  alcohol  saturated  with  sub- 
limate, two  parts,  for  five  to  ten  minutes.  After  either  fluid, 
the  eggs  w'ere  transferred  to  iodized  95  per  cent,  alcohol  for  twelve 
hours  and  preserved  in  80  per  cent,  alcohol.  The  acetic-alcohol- 
sublimate  mixture  was  found  invaluable  for  the  earliest  stages 
of  maturation  which  occur  while  the  eggs  are  still  in  the  lower 
part  of  the  oviduct  and  directly  after  laying.  For  later  stages, 
the  Gilson-Carnoy  mixture  gave  excellent  results.  After  immer- 
sion in  alcohol,  the  egg  shrinks  away  from  the  chorion  which  can 
then  be  removed  with  fine  forceps  and  cutting  needle.  After 
removing  the  chorion,  the  eggs  were  dehydrated,  cleared  in  ced.n- 
oil  and  immersed  in  melted  paraffin  for  two  hours.  They  WITI- 
then  oriented  in  a  drop  of  paraffin  and  embedded.  Serial  sec- 
tions were  cut  6-8  n  thick  on  a  sliding  microtome.  Very  good 
series  can  be  obtained  in  this  way  though  the  yolk  sometimes 
becomes  brittle  and  troublesome.  The  stain  most  frequently 
employed  was  iron-haematoxylin  with  or  without  a  counter-stain. 
In  addition  to  the  eggs,  ovaries  and  testes  were  fixed  in  Flem- 
ming's strong  fluid  and  stained  in  iron-haematoxylin  or  >al"ranin. 

About  twelve  hundred  egg-  in  all  were  sectioned,  but  owing 
to  mechanical  difficulties  in  technique,  only  about  two  hundred 
of  these  were  of  any  value  for  study.  In  the  maturation  and 
fertilization  stages  particularly,  one  or  two  poor  sections  may 
render  an  entire  series  worthless,  though  in  later  embryonic  stages 
this  difficulty  is  not  so  serious.  For  this  reason  the  rr-ulis  an- 


nece-- arily  -onieNvhat  meagre,  but  they  are  perfectly  clear  as  far 
as  they  go. 


A.  Oo  gene  sis. 

Tin-  n  -uli-  on  ••'i^i.-nesis  are  confined  to  the  chromosomes  of 
tin-  oo-i.nial  and  o.">cyte  divisions.  No  attempt  ha-  been  made 
lot  race  tin-  full  history  of  the  growth  period,  but  an  *  •xamiiuit  it  >n 
ct  a  leu  eggs  tak»-n  from  the  ovarian  tubes  seems  to  show  that 
no  definite  <  hioinat in-nucleolus  or  persistent  oogonial  chromatin 
eleineiit  i-  pre-em .  as  stated  by  Wilson  ('06).  The  nucleus  at 
tin-  time  contains  main-  faintly  staining  chromat in  threads  and 
-e\t  ral  -mall  nuclei di  whose  nature  was  not  determined.  Foot 
ami  "  ia\e  found  the  same  condition  to  In-  true  in 

l:nsthisti(^,  a  pi  -iiiatomid.4 

i.  Archimcrus  alternatiis. 

The  spermatogonial  groups1  have  been  figured  by  \\iUon  in 
the  -t  i  ..I  his  "Studies  '  ('056),  but  for  the  sake  of  comparison 
i\\o  more  are  -hown  (Fig.  i,  c  and  d).  Each  group  has  15  <  hn>- 
mosomes,  tu.>  <>i  uhich,  the  m-chromosomes  (following  \\il-on'- 
tei  niino|oL;\  .  <an  aluays  be  identified  by  their  very  small  -i/e. 
<  )|  the  icniainiir^  ihirtei-n  no  one  ran  be  positive!)  ideiilitied,  by 

its  size  or  shape,  as  the  idiochromosome.     In   tlu-  spermatocyte 

di\i-ion-    thi-  t  In  >  Milosome   passes  undivided    t<>  our   pole   ol    the- 
^pindle    in    the    'tr*t   mitosis   and   divides  equally    in    the   -econd 
\\il-..n,  '05  I 'hi*  condition  is  peculiar  to  Archimcrus  alone 

«.|  all  the  (".'ivid.i-  >o  far  described,6  but  a  reexamination  of  the 
>prrmaiiic\  ie  stages  in  new  material  shows  beyond  doubt  that 
\\il-.. n'-  account  i>  correct.  The  idiochromosome  can  be  easily 
identified  in  the-  first  mitosis  by  its  peripheral  position  on  the 
>pindle  ami  by  it-  inn  t mstricted  contour  when  the  other  chromo- 
somes  are  in  eail\,  and  even  late,  anaphase.  It  passes  to  one 
pole  o|"  ihe  -pindle  a  little  behind  the  others.  Further,  in  the 

•St.  \,  i  !    In  t.n  .chromosomes"  in  certain  stages  of  the  growth 

I  of  the  -»n  homopteran. 

.    i.,,,ni(.ii-  j.  .it .in  ..t  page  80. 

l'i,. i,  3801  \\il-t.n  li.i-  .iN..  i..iind  a  similar  condition  in  Pachylis  gigas  (unpub- 


cysts  of  second  spermatocytes,  one  finds  metaphase  groups  with 
eight  and  seven  chromosomes  side  by  side. 

The  oogonial  groups7  have  not  been  figured  previously,  but 
Wilson  gives  the  number  of  chromosomes  as  16  in  the  fourth  of 
his  "Studies"  (096).  In  Fig.  I,  a  and  b,  two  plates  arc  shown 





FIG.  i.  Archimerus  alternatus.  a  and  b,  oogonial,  c  and  d,  s 
metaphase-groups.  e-j,  first  oocyte- (polar)  division;  e,  daughter  groups  from  the 
same  anaphase-spindle,  polar  view;  /and  g,  anaphase,  side  view,  in  two  sections; 
h  and  i,  inner  daughter  groups,  polar  view,  of  two  anaphases;  j,  outer 
group,  polar  view,  of  an  anaphase. 

each   with    16  chromosomes.     A   pair  of   ^/-chromosomes 
appears  in  each  group.     The  fourteen  larger  element^  pir-cnt  a 
somewhat  graded  series  and  cannot  be  paired  off  readily.     T\\<> 

7The  unreduced  female  groups  in  all  the  species,  were  taken  from  tin   ir^iun  In 
the  ovary  lying  just  below  the  nutritive  chamber,  where  i>".Lr'ini.i.  inllii-Ir-i-rll-  .i 
young  oOcytes  are  found  together.     For  convenience  they  will  !«•  c.illeil  "oii 


of  the  largest  are  probably  the  idiochromosomes,  though  they  do 
not  differ  sufficiently  from  the  others,  in  size  or  shape,  to  admit 
of  exact  identification. 

The  anapha-e  of  the  first  mitosis  was  the  earliest  oocyte  stage 
obtained   ;md   was  found   in  eggs  just  after  laying.     Fig.    I,   e 
i  from   t\\o  -ection>i,  shows  a  polar  view  of  this  stage  in  which 
ei-ht  chromo-onir-  can  be  accurately  counted  in  both  outer  and 
inner  group-.     Tin-re  are  seven  large  dyads  and  one  very  small 
OIK-  in  c.ith.  corresponding  in  relative  size  to  the  fourteen  large 
ami   tuo  -m. ill  chromosomes  of  the  oogonia.     Fig.  i,  /  and  », 
-ho\\  .1  -idi   \  it-\\  of  a  late  anaphase  from  two  sections.     The  inner 
- 1,  >up  c  oi  n,i  in-  right  dyads;  one  of  them  has  divided  prematnn  1\  , 
i  IK-  t\\o  part-  appearing  in  neighboring  sections.     The  chromo- 
somes  in  i  IK- outer  group  are  too  crowded  to  be  counted.     PI.  I., 
</,  -ho\\-  aiioilit-r  anaphase  in  which  the  inner  group  is  complete 
in  one  ->'  lion  and  contains  eight  dyads.     Fig.  I,  /;  and  /,  -ln>\v 
i  IK   inin-r  giMup-  of  two  more  anaphases,  polar  view.     The  chn>- 
mo-omr-  in   both  are  all  dyads,  eight   in  each,  the  component 
parts  "I  \\lii<  li  -how  all  degrees  of  separation.     This  premainre 
di\i-ioii  oi   i  In    dyads  is  very  common  in  the  final  anapha-i--  of 
tin    In -t   c]i\i~i<>n  and  might  lead  to  mistakes  in  counting  it   it 
were  noi  that  one  finds  all  stages  of  division  up  to  the  complete 
-eparation  -houn  in  Fig.  I,  /and  g.     Menking  found  this  condi- 
tion in  tin    '  .  j   of  Pyrrhocoris  ('92,  PI.  III.)  and  it  has  also  been 
l"iiinl  in  the  lust  spermatocytes  of  Aphrophora  an  homopteran 
(Stevens,  'o6ft    and  A  mix  a  dragon-fly  (Lefevre  and  McGill.  '08). 
It  i-  probable  that  even  in  cases  of  extreme  separation,  the  halves 
oi  tin   <l\ad-  remained  connected  by  fine  strands  of  chromatin  or 
linin  \\hieh  beeoine  invisible  after  long  extraction  of  the  stain. 
The  -ei  oml  di\i-ion  is  thus  foreshadowed,  in  the  anaphase  of  the 
first,  and  e\en  before  as  will  be  shown  in  Anasa.     Since  there  is 
no  pei  i.  id  beiueen  the  first  and  second  divisions  when  the  chromo- 
some- lo-<-  their  in<li\idual  contour,  in  tact  no  telophase  in  the 
>ti  it  t  sense,  the  d\  ad-  pass  practicalh"  unchanged  into  the  second 
maturation  -pindle. 

The  ehromo-omes  which  enter  the  first  polar  body  retain  their 

contour  and  grouping  for  some  time,  forming  a  flat  plate  when 

n  in  Mirfatv  view.     Fig.  i,  j,  shows  such  a  plate  with  seven 

86  CHARLES    V.     M(  iRK  ILL. 

large  chromosomes  all  more  or  less  constricted  and  a  small  nodule 
close  to  the  central  one,  which  probably  is  the  w-chromosome. 
Fig.  2,  b,  shows  another  in  somewhat  oblique  view  with  MAID 
large  dyads,  and  the  w-chromosome  dyad,  the  latter  faintly 
stained.  Fig.  I,  /,  and  PI.  I.,  ti,  show  side  views  of  two  more 
polar  body  groups;  in  Fig.  i,/,  the  w-chromosome  dyad  is  dis- 


t  t    * 



A*  ' 



•    • 

FIG.  2.  Archimerus  allcrnatus.  Second  oocyte- (polar)  division,  a.  inctaphase- 
Rroup,  oblique  view,  b,  chromosome-group  of  the  first  polar  body  from  the  s;uiu- 
egg  as  the  last,  c,  metapbase-group,  polar  view,  d  and  c,  metaphase  groups,  >idi- 
view.  /  and  g,  daughter  groups  from  the  same  anaphase-spindlc,  oblique  vi<-\\. 
h  and  i,  anaphase.  oblique  view,  in  two  sections. 

tinctly  seen.  All  the  chromosomes  show  the  typical  con^i  i  id  ion 
as  though  ready  for  a  second  division.  Il<>\\r\rr  no  spindK-  i- 
formed  and  no  division  takes  place  except  that  in  indixidual  c  hro- 
mosomes  the  halves  of  a  dyad  may  separate  of  their  own  accord, 


ju-t  a-  in  those  of  the  inner  groups.  At  the  close  of  the  second 
division  tin-  chromosomes  of  the  first  polar  body  are  finally 
merged  together  in  a  deeply-staining  mass. 

The  -e.  Miid  division  tollows  closely  upon  the  fir>t  a-  Mated 
above.  The  chromosomes  do  not  crowd  together  in  the  final 
ana]iha-e  < >\  the  fir-t  division  as  in  the  spermatocytes,  but  merely 
rotate  about  lorty-five  degrees  and  become  disposed  upon  a  new 
-|>indle  which  lorins  out  of  the  enveloping  cytoplasm.  Fig.  2,  a, 
-ho\\-  .1  metaph.e-e  of  the  second  division  in  slightly  oblique  \  iew.  The  -even  large  dyads  and  w-chromosome  dyad  are 
-harpl\  <  Mil-nit  ted  and  ready  for  division.  The  first  polar  body 
\\ith  ii-  eight  d\ads  taken  from  the  same  section  is  shown  in 
2,i'.  Fij  ,  shows  another  polar  view  of  a  second  division 
metaphase,  and  I  ig.  2,  d  and  c,  are  side  views  of  the  same,  each 
-houing  eight  chromosomes.  All  the  dyads  are  more  or  less 
dia\\n  Mm  iii  preparation  for  division,  and  in  anaphase,  separate 
into  i  UM  -i MI 1 1 1-  df  monads.  Fig.  2, /and  »,  show  outer  and  inner 
group-  re-pecti\ely  taken  from  the  same  anaphase;  each  ha- 
M  I  ig.  2.  h  and  i,  show  an  oblique  view  of  an  ana- 
phase  in  t\\o  -ertions  (the  surface  of  the  egg  is  indicated  by  a 
doticd  lineal  iheriijn  of  each  section).  The  outer  group  which 
passes  into  tin-  -e«  ond  polar  body  is  shown  above,  the  seven 
Luge  monads  in  //,  the  w-chromosome  monad  in  /.  The  inner 
ip  \\hii  h  remains  in  the  egg,  is  shown  below;  six  of  the  large 
moii. id-  and  i  he  w-chromosome  monad  in  /,  the  remaining  large 
monad  in  /:  The  -t  ippled  object  in  /;  is  part  of  one  of  the  chromo- 
-oine-  in  ;•.  Tim-  the  end  result  is,  that  the  female  pronucleu- 
i-  lormed  I  nun  eight  single  elements  or  monads,  comparable  to 
tho-e  borne  b\  ,i  spermatozoon  containing  the  idiochromosome 
\  id.  \\'il-on.  'i  i- 

There  are  no  peculiar  or  "lagging"  chromosomes  in  either 
di\  i-i<  >n.  Which  .  -t  t  he  polar  divisions  is  reducing,  i.  e.,  -eparates 
\\hole  chidmo-ome-  which  have  paired  in  synapsis,  could  noi 
be  determiiu'd,  -ince  the  first  oocyte  pro])hases  were  not  ob- 

While  it  i-  not  possible  to  identify  the  idiochromosomes  in  the 
i\\o  di\i-ion-  ju-t  di-cribed,  the  w-chromosome  appears  as  a 
constant  element  dividing  in  both.  In  the  >permator>  les  \\il- 



son's  ('056)  figures  show  it  occupying  tin1  centre  of  spindle  in 
both  divisions.  However,  in  the  oorytes  its  position  is  variable 
in  the  first  division  (Fig.  I,  e,  //,  and  /;  PI.  I.,  a)  but  always 
peripheral  in  the  second  (Fig.  2,  a,  c,  d,f  and  g,  h  and  i). 

*  e 



s  *  * 




FIG.  3.  /Inaso  tristis.  a  and  6,  oogonial,  c  and  d.  nntaphase- 
groups.  e-j,  first  oocyte- (polar)  division:  e.  /,  g  and  /;.  mctaphase-K""ij>>.  in>lar 
view.  /  and  j,  daughter  groups  from  the  same  au.i|>lM-<  spindle,  IM.I.H  view. 


2.  Anas  a  tristis. 

The  spermatogonial  groups  have  been  figured  by  Wilson  ('056 
and  '061,  and  the  number  of  chromosomes  stated  as  21.  Wilson's 
count  ha-  been  corroborated  by  Montgomery  ('06)  and  by  Le- 
fevre  and  M<<  ,ill  ('08)  though  Paulmier  ('99)  and  Montgomery 
in  .in  earlier  paper  ('01)  had  given  the  number  as  22.  Foot  and 
Sirol-ell  07-.'  .UK!  076)  have  disputed  the  twenty-one  count  and, 
on  i  In-  li.i-i-  D|  photographs  of  smear  preparations,  have  concluded 
thai  tin-  iminb'-r  is  22,  confirming  Paulmier's  original  account. 
A  r<<  \aininatioM  of  fresh  material  from  two  different  localities 
ga\e  j  i  a-  il:'  correct  number  of  spermatogonial  chromosomes 
in  a-niineiit  \\ith  accounts  of  Wilson,  Montgomery,  and  of 
l.i  !(  \i.  and  M<  ('.ill.  Imperfect  plates  it  is  true  may  show  less 
i  ban  ilii-  inimU-r,  but  none  were  found  with  more.  In  Chelinidca 
I'itti'j.i-ni,  \\lnn-  the  spermatogonial  groups  are  aln  ost  identical 
\\itli  tho-r  o|  Anasa,  a  single  exception  may  be  cited,  in  which 
22  >  In  were  foil  nil.  Apart  from  this,  all  clear  plates 

.  •  j  i . 

A-   poinieii  out    l>\    Wilson  and  by  Lefevre  and   Mc(iill,   the 
-pi  mi  il  groups  of  Anasa  show  two  m-chromosoraes  and 

three  !  chromosomes  one  of  which  must  be  the  unpain-d 

chromosome      heterotropic"  or  "accessory"  chromosome)  though 
ii   cannot   be  precisely  identified  by  its  size  or  shape.     Fig.  3,  c 
and  •:'.  -li"u-  tuo  spermatogonial  groups  illustrating  these  points. 
•  •o-^oiiial  groups  (Fig.  3,  a  and  b)  contain  22  chromosomes, 
iiu  lining    two   m-chromosomes  and   four  largest   chromosomes. 
(>t   the  la-i   named,  two  must  be  the  idiochromosome  pair,  cor- 
"ii.lin-  to  du-  unpaired  idiochromosome  of  the  spermato^oui.i, 
as  poinied  out  b>  Wilson  in  the  third  of  his  "Studies"  ('06). 

The  nieiapliase  of  the  first  oocyte  division  was  found  in  eggs 

taken  troiii  i  he  lower  part  of  the  oviduct.     Fig.  3,  e,f,  g  and  //, 

-liou-  toni    Mich  phases,  /;  being  a  composite  figure  from  two 

There  are  ii  chromosomes  in  each,  all  undoubtedly 

-  i  he  in  size  between  the  chromosomes  as  a  whole  of  Fig.  3,  <  ami  /. 

.in,  I  tha  .  and  It.  is  probably  due  to  a  difference  in  the  length  of  fixation. 

In  tin-  formi  ie  eggs  were  left  for  ten  minutes  in  the  fixative  (alcohol-acetic-       in  i  la    latt.-r.  for  five  minutes.     The  chromosomes  of  Fig.  3,  g  and  /;, 

-h,.u  tin-  -u riling  action  of  the  acetic  unchecked  by  the  sublimate  which 








*    \ 

-    - 




FIG.  4.  Anasa  Iristis.  a-f,  first  o6cyte- (polar)  division;  a,  four  chromosomes 
in  initial  anaphase,  side  view,  showing  tetrad-character;  b,  final  anaphase,  side 
view;  c  and  d,  daughter  groups  from  the  same  anaphase-spindle,  slightly  oblique 
polar  view;  e  and  /,  the  same  from  another  egg;  g,  metaphase-group.  side  view, 
second  oocyte- (polar)  division,  h,  the  chromosomes  of  the  last  drawn  at  three 
different  focal  levels.  *,  the  chromosome-group  of  the  first  polar  body  from  the 
same  egRS 


double,  arranged  in  an  irregular  ring  with  one  in  the  centre  and 
one  or  two  outside.  Unlike  the  first  spermatocytes,  the  central 
chromosome  i-  not  the  w-chromosome  bivalent  but  one  of  the 
larger  ones,  while  the  w-chromosome  itself  lies  just  within  the 
riii'..  I  ig.  3,  -•, /and  h)  or  somewhat  outside  (Fig.  3,  g).  In  these 
lour  meiapha-e-.,  the  axis  of  the  spindle  is  somewhat  oblique  to 
tin-  plane  of  section  and  the  structure  of  the  chromosomes  can 
thus  bt-  readily  obsemxl.  As  might  be  expected  many  have  the 
-hape  o|  t \  tetrads  foreshadowing  the  two  oocyte  divisions. 
Thi-  i-  r-prrially  well  seen  in  Fig.  3,  e,  where  even  the  w;.-chromo- 
some  has  the  quadripartite  form.  Whether  distinctly  quadri- 
partite, or  -imply  dumb-bell  shaped,  the  plane  of  the  first  division 
le.irly  indicated  in  every  chromosome.  In  Fig.  3,  e  and  //, 
tin-re  are  t\\o  bivalents  (M  and  AT)  perceptibly  larger  than  any 
ot  the-  other-.  In  all  probability  these  arise  from  a  pairing  of 
i  he  | <  ii ic  1  chromosomes  of  the  oogonia.  Accordingly  one 

o|   i  In  in  m.i\    lie-  considered  to  be  the  idiochromosome  bivalent. 

The  anapha-e  of  the  first  polar  spindle  was  found  in  < 
diceiiK  .liter  laving. y  The-  chromosomes  divide  in  the  plane 
ahradv  indie  ated  at  metaphase.  Fig.  4,  a,  shows  a  side  view  of 
louc  i  hioiiio-tniie-  in  initial  anaphase;  the  tetrad  character  of 
e.u  h  i-  (  le.uK  indicated.  Fig.  3,  i  and  j,  shows  polar  views  of 
i  he  outer  and  inner  groups  respectively  from  the  same  spindle; 
ea(  h  ha-  i  i  chromosomes.  All,  with  the  exception  of  the  ni- 
(  hromosome  in  j,  are  obviously  dyads  showing  all  degrees  of  con- 
striction, as  in  the  first  polar  ana  phase  of  Archimerus.  The  outer 
group  \\hirh  passes  into  the  first  polar  body  shows  two  dyads 
completely  di\ided  though  the  polar  body  itself  neither  divides 
nor  form-  a  -pirn lie.  lu  both  groups  two  largest  dyads  (M  and 
N)  can  be  distinguished.  Fig.  4,  c  and  <7,  are  outer  and  inner 
group-  iv-pert  i\ely  from  another  spindle,  in  slightly  oblique 
\  ie\\  in  (-  the  large  chromosome,  AT,  was  found  in  the  same  section 
as  tin  inner  group,  d).  Both  groups  contain  II  dyads  of  which 
t\\o  i  M  and  .Y>  are  larger  than  any  of  the  others.  Fig.  4,  e  and 
Me  outer  and  inner  groups  respectively  of  a  third  anaphase  in 

•A  Millie  i-Mi-1'ti..n  to  this  was  found.     One  egg  taken  from  the  lowest  part  of 

tin-  .'Yicliut  >li(«\scil  tin-  first  polar  spindle  in  initial  anaphase  It  is  possible  that 
n.uuli  liaiKllinv;  -tan.',!  the  maturation  process,  as  has  been  found  in  other  groups 
of  aniin 

92  CHARM'S    V.     MOKKII.L. 

somewhat  oblique  polar  view  (the  entire  outer  group,  e,  and  six 
chromosomes  of  the  inner  group,/,  appeared  in  one  section,  the 
remaining  five  of  the  latter  group,  in  the  next  section).  Both 
groups  contain  n  dyads  of  which  several  in  /  show  premature 
separation  of  their  parts. 

The  peripheral  position  assumed  by  the  w-chromosomes  in 
metaphase  (Fig.  3,  e,  f  and  g)  is  again  seen  in  all  the  anaphase 
groups  (Fig.  3,  i  and  j;  Fig.  4,  c,  d,  e  and/).  This  is  undoubtedly 
their  normal  position  in  the  first  polar  division.  A  side  view  of 
the  final  anaphase  (Fig.  4,  b)  shows  no  peculiar  or  "lagging" 
chromosome  on  the  spindle.  All  the  chromosomes  divide  equally, 
as  the  polar  views  of  three  final  anaphases  show,  where  every 
chromosome  is  distinctly  visible. 

A  single  example  of  the  second  polar  division  was  found  (Fig.  4 
g).  It  is  a  side  view  of  a  metaphase  with  II  dyads.  In  //,  the 
dyads  of  this  group  are  drawn  at  three  different  focal  level-. 
The  first  polar  body  (i)  of  the  same  egg  also  contains  eleven  dyads. 
In  both  the  second  polar  spindle  and  the  first  polar  body,  there 
are  two  dyads  (M  and  N)  somewhat  larger  than  any  of  the  others. 
These  are  undoubtedly  the  products  of  division  of  the  two  largest 
tetrads  of  the  first  polar  metaphase  (Fig.  3,  e  and  //).  The  m- 
chromosome  in  the  second  division  (Fig.  4,  g  and  //)  takes  a 
peripheral  position  as  it  did  in  the  first.  It  appears  also  in  the 
first  polar  body  (i}.  In  short  there  are  three  chromosomes  dis- 
tinguishable by  their  size,  which  can  be  identified  in  both  polar 
divisions.  These  in  all  probability  arise  I  nun  a  pairing  of  the 
four  largest  and  two  smallest  oogonial  chromosomes. 

Though  no  anaphases  of  the  second  division  were  found,  it  U 
almost  certain  from  the  results  in  Archimerus  thai  all  the  d\-. id- 
divide  equally,  in  a  plane  corresponding  to  the  constriction  shown 
at  metaphase.  Accordingly  the  female  pronucleus,  as  well  as 
the  second  polar  body,  will  contain  1 1  monads  and  correspond  t<> 
a  spermatozoon  bearing  the  idiochromosome  as  assumed  by- 
Wilson  ('06).' 

3.  Pro  tenor  belfragei. 

The  spermatogonial  groups  have  been  described  and  figured 
by  Montgomery  ('01  and  '<>(>)  and  by  Wilson  ('06).  Tlir-e  ob- 
servers agree  that  there  are  13  chromosomes,  one  of  which  i-^ 


more  than  twice  as  large  as  the  next  in  size.  Of  the  remaining 
twelve,  two  are  much  larger  than  the  others,  and  the  rest  form  a 
graded  series  of  pairs.  The  smallest  pair,  the  m-chromosome,  is 
relatively  larg«-r  in  this  species  than  in  Archimerus  and  Anasa. 
In  Hg.  5,  c  and  d.  are  shown  two  spermatogonial  groups  illus- 




.»     * 


^    '"  h 

Ifragfi.     a  and  t.  oogonial.  f  and  d.  spermatogonial  nx-tu- 

'  vte-(polar)  division;    <•,  metaphase  group,  polar  vi>-\v; 

/.   ini-t.i;  .up.  nlilii|iii-  polar  view;    g.  six  chromosomes  in  metaph;i-<-, 

a  metaphase,  side  view. 

the  .il»>\f  mentioned  points.  The  idiochromosome  does 
not  .i|)|>t  .11  •  oii-tricied  as  figured  by  Montgomery  ('oi),  Fig.  134. 

Ili«  odgonial  groups  were  figured  by  Wilson  in  the  third  of 
hi-  "Studies"  ('06).  In  them  "there  are  two  very  large  chromo- 
SOIIH-,  in  -i/c,  in  place  of  the  single  one  that  appears  in  the 
m.  ill',  \\hili-  tlir  1  1  inaining  chromosomes  show  the  same  relations 
a-  in  tin-  In  Fig.  5,  a  and  b,  two  of  these  groups  are  shown. 

<  M  thr  m.  it  ion  stages,  only  four  preparation-  were  obtained, 

94  CHARLES    V.     MORRILL. 

all  of  the  first  polar  metaphase  (Fig.  5,  e,  f,  g  and  //).10  Two  of 
these  U>  and  /)  are  complete,  showing  se\vn  bivalents.  The  idio- 
chromosome  bivalent  can  be  positively  identified  by  its  relatively 
enormous  size,  having  been  formed,  no  doubt,  by  the  synapsis 
of  the  two  largest  chromosomes  (idiochromosomes)  of  the  oogonia  • 
It  does  not  in  any  way  resemble  a  nucleolus.  The  bivalent  next 
in  size,  corresponding  to  the  two  next  largest  chromosomes  of  the 
oogonia,  can  also  be  identified.  Indeed  the  bivalents  as  a  whole 
show  the  same  relative  size  differences  as  the  chromosome  pairs 
in  the  oogonia.  The  w-chromosome  bivalent  is  the  smallest  but 
only  slightly  smaller  than  the  next  in  size.  In  Fig.  5,  /,  three 
chromosomes  of  intermediate  size  are  seen  in  face  view;  two  of 
these  exhibit  a  quadripartite  form,  clearly  indicating  their  bivalent 
nature.  Fig.  5,  g,  is  a  side  view  of  an  incomplete  metaphase, 
drawn  from  two  sections,  showing  six  of  the  seven  chromosomes, 
and  Fig.  5,  h,  shows  a  metaphase,  side  view  with  only  five  chromo- 
somes, again  taken  from  two  sections.  In  both  of  these  figures 
the  idiochromosome  bivalent  can  be  readily  identified  by  its  n/e 
and  the  plane  of  the  second  division  is  clearly  indicated  in  all  the 
bivalents.  While  the  further  processes  of  maturation  were  not 
followed,  it  may  be  inferred,  on  the  analogy  of  Archimeriis,  that 
in  the  anaphase  of  the  first  division  the  seven  tetrads  divide  into 
two  groups  of  dyads  and  the  inner  group  of  these  separate  in 
the  second  division  into  two  groups  of  monads;  the  inner  group 
of  these  last  named,  seven  in  number,  enter  into  the  formation  of 
the  female  pronucleus,  which  is  thus  similar  in  chromatin-content 
to  a  spermatozoon  bearing  the  idiochromosome. 

4.  Conclusions  Regarding  Oo genesis. 

The  results  on  maturation  are  somewhat  meagre  it  is  true  but 
perfectly  clear  as  far  as  they  go,  and  point  to  the  conclusion  that, 
unlike  the  spermatozoa,  all  (he  mature  eggs  are  of  OIK-  kind  with 
respect  to  their  chromatin-content,  as  has  been  assumed.  Tin- 
female  pronucleus  contains  a  reduced  group  of  chromosomes 
similar  in  size  and  number  to  that  carried  by  a  "female-pro- 

l°Thc  excessive  size  of  the  chromosomes  in  these  figures,  especially  those  of  g 
and  h.  is  probably  due  to  the  peculiar  action  of  the  fixative  (see  footnote  8,  on 
page  89). 


ducing"  spermatozoon,  i.  e.,  one  bearing  the  idiochromosome 
(directly  proved  in  Archimerus,  but  only  in  part  in  Anasa  and 
Protcnnr).  The  idiochromosome  bivalent  is  not  distinguishable 
l>y  its  behavior  from  other  chromosomes,  and  divides  in  both 
mitoses,  giving  an  equal  portion  to  each  ootid.  It  never  assumes 
a  run -h-ohi— like  form  either  in  the  oogonial  or  oocyte  divisions. 

B.  Some  Details  of  Polar  Body  Formation. 
The  pi. ire  of  polar  body  formation  has  been  found  to  vary  in 
different  ^n mp-  of  insects.  It  may  be  on  the  dorsal  surface, 
either  ,ippro\im.itely  midway  between  the  poles  as  in  Blatta 
i  Blo<  hmann,  XYheeler)  and  Pyrrhocoris  (Henking),  or  a  short 
di-iance  behind  the  anterior  end  as  in  Musca  (Blochmann,  Hen- 
kin.  .  In  (  hrysomelidae  (Hegner)  it  is  ventral,  while  in  Pieris 

II. nl  in.  ii  is  close  to  the  anterior  (micropylar)  end.  In  7/v- 
drnplnlns  >  Heider)  and  Aphis  (Stevens)  it  is  lateral.  In  A  r  chi- 
me r  us  the  polar  bodies  are  given  off  on  one  of  the  flat  surfaces  of 
the  approximately  midway  between  ^the  poles.  In  this 

spei  iea  the  two  surfaces  cannot  be  distinguished  after  the  chorion 
ha-  been  renio\ed.  but  in  Protenor  the  dorsal  surface  is  markedly 
convex  \\hile  the  ventral  is  flat  or  slightly  concave,  and  it  was 
hen- drier-mined  by  proper  orientation  that  the  place  of  polar  body ion  i-  on  the  dorsal  surface.  The  first  polar  spindle  lies 
in  a  -in. ill  thickening  of  cytoplasm  with  its  axis  at  right  angles 
to  the  egg  Miitace  (Fig.  i,/  and  g;  Fig.  4,  a  and  b;  PI.  I.,  a). 
The  .ui.iph.iM-  of  the  first  polar  division  occurs  just  after  laying 
(in  Artliinti-rus  a  single  exception  was  found;  see  footnote  9, 
page  'H  \'o  centrosomes  or  asters  could  be  demonstrated 
b\  the  method  of  fixation  used  just  as  Henking  ('92)  found  in 
Pvrrhth-oris  though  he  used  a  different  method.  In  late  anaphase 
.i  cell-plate  i-  formed  by  swelling  of  the  spindle  fibers  and  the 
MII  of  the  egg  dips  down  and  around  the  outer  group  of 
chronio-onies,  until  finally  a  little  mass  of  cytoplasm  containing 
the  1. itter  comes  to  lie  free  in  a  depression  of  the  egg  surface 
(J-'ij..  i.  <  and  g;  Fig.  4,  b\  PI.  I.,  a).  In  both  the  first  and  the 
second  polar  divisions  (Fig.  4,  b,  and  PI.  I.,  b)  the  constriction 
probably  does  not  involve  the  cell-plate  but  passes  between  it 
and  the  outer  group  of  chromosomes  as  Henking  observed  in 


96  CHARLES    V.    MOKKILL. 

In  Anasa,  a  rounded  cytoplasmic  body  was  found,  in  two  cases, 
in  or  near  the  first  polar  spindle  (Fig.  3,  i;  Fig.  4,  c-d}.  This  is 
perhaps  comparable  to  the  "eigenthiimliches  Korperchen"  which 
Henking  described  in  Pyrrhocoris.  It  may  be  a  plasmosome,  but 
it  is  difficult  to  decide,  since  one  frequently  finds  a  number  of 
cytoplasmic  bodies  in  the  neighborhood  of  the  first  polar  spindle 
(PI.  I.,  a)  which  cannot  be  distinguished  from  yolk  granules  and 
which  are  inconstant  in  appearance  and  number. 

At  the  conclusion  of  the  first  polar  division  the  spindle  gradu- 
ally fades  away;  there  is  no  persistent  cylindrical  mass  of  spindle 
fibers  or  "thelyid"  as  Henking  ('90  and  '92)  found  in  Picris,  a 
lepidopteran,  and  Agelastica,  a  coleopteran.  The  chromosomes 
left  in  the  egg,  as  stated  before,  remain  separate  and  there  is  no 
telophase  in  the  strict  sense.  After  a  short  resting  period,  they 
rotate  about  45°  and  become  disposed  on  a  new  spindle  which 
has  formed  out  of  the  cytoplasm  surrounding  them.  The  axis 
of  the  second  polar  spindle  lies  very  obliquely  to  the  surface  of 
the  egg  (Fig.  2,  h  and  i;  PI.  I.,  b).  As  in  the  first  division  there 
are  no  centrosomes  or  asters.  In  late  anaphase  a  cell-plate  is 
formed  by  swellings  of  the  spindle  fibers.  The  second  polar 
body  is  constricted  off  in  the  same  manner  as  the  first  and  lies 
alongside  of  it  in  the  same  depression.  The  first  does  not  divide. 
The  two  bodies  finally  become  embedded  in  the  surface  cytoplasm 
and  can  be  distinguished  as  late  as  the  third  or  fourth  cleavage. 

At  the  close  of  the  second  polar  division,  the  chromosomes  left 
in  the  egg  become  massed  together  and  are  converted  into  the 
female  pronucleus  (PI.  I.,  b).  Those  which  have  entered  the 
polar  bodies  may  remain  separate  for  some  time  but  eventually 
fuse  into  one  or  two  deeply  staining  masses. 

C.  Fertilization. 

The  spermatozoa  enter  the  egg  through  the  micropyles  which 
form  a  conspicuous  ring  at  the  anterior  end.  Polyspermy  is 
undoubtedly  normal,  for  accessory  sperm  nuclei  were  found  in 
the  egg  as  late  as  the  copulation  stage  shown  in  PI.  II.,  h.  As 
many  as  three  of  these  nuclei  appeared  in  some  cases.  At  the 
time  when  the  first  polar  spindle  is  in  late  anaphase,  the  -.perm 
head  enveloped  in  a  mass  of  cytoplasm  has  moved  some 


into  the  egg  among  the  yolk  spheres  leaving  a  train  of  cytoplasm 
behind  it.  It  appears  as  a  compact  deeply  staining  rod  sur- 
rounded by  a  clear  area  and  preceded  by  an  aster  (PI.  I.,  d). 
Tin-  (  lear  area  is  probably  the  "arrhenoid"  mentioned  by  Henking 
t'<;2)  iii  hi-  account  of  Pyrrhocoris.  The  sperm  head  often  ap- 
pears  <"il<<!  at  the  end  which  points  away  from  the  direction 
of  it-  mi .\  i -ment.  Later  it  loses  its  staining  power  and  opens 
out  into  .111  oval  vesicle  (PI.  II.,  a).  The  clear  area  and  aster 
are  Inn-  \\<11  marked  though  no  centrosome  is  visible  in  the 
l>rc|  Still  later,  the  vesicle  becomes  considerably  larger 
ami  -in. ill  irregular  masses  of  chromatin  can  be  seen  in  its  interior. 
li  i-  tin  n  n.idy  for  copulation. 

In  th»  mi Miitime,  the  egg  nucleus,  formed  from  the  inner  group 
of  i  litMiii'i-omes  of  the  second  polar  spindle,  has  begun  to  move 
into  tl:  -urrounded  by  a  small  mass  of  cytoplasm  (PI.  I.,  c). 

Tin  i  \  topla-m  frequently  contains  one  or  more  yolk  sphere-. 
Tin  inn  leu-  is  at  t\r>(  round  in  outline  and  the  chromatin  i- 
di-ti  ibutt •<!  in  -mall  nodules  lying  chiefly  against  the  iiinli.n 
membrane.  Subsequently  it  loses  its  capacity  for  staining,  and 
apt"  >mewhat  like  the  sperm  head,  but  more  rounded.  It 

i  In  11   lii-ins  to  increase  in  size,  becoming  at  the  same  time  ir- 
il.u  in  -hape  and  the  chromatin  once  more  appears  in  irregular 

\-  tin  two  pronucki  approach  each  other  their  cytoplasmic 
areas  lu-e  and  they  come  to  lie  side  by  side  with  an  amphiaster 
bet  \\ern  I'l.  II.,  h;  the  aster  on  the  upper  side  of  the  nuclei 
was  iliaun  from  the  next  section).  In  contact  with  each  pro- 
nueleu-.  may  often  be  seen  a  large  clear  vesicle.  These  probably 
repie-eni  the  structures  mentioned  by  Henking  as  the  "descend- 
ant- "I  tin  arrhenoids,"  ;.  e.,  derived  from  the  clear  area  sur- 
rounding tin'  male  pronucleus.  In  PI.  II.,  b,  one  of  the  aster- 
contains  a  minute  centrosome.  The  entire  amphiaster  is  prob- 
abl\  lornu'd  under  the  influence  of  the  male  pronucleus,  for,  in 
the  same  egg  from  which  PI.  1 1. .6,  was  taken,  an  accessory -perm 
nui-kii-  was  found  with  a  very  small  amphiaster  lying  in  contact 
with  it.  The  further  history  of  the  clear  vesicles  could  not  be 
foll.)\\rd  as  very  few  first  cleavage  figures  were  found;  at  a  later 
stagi  of  (,.[, ulation  (PI.  II.,  c)  they  did  not  appear.  Henking 

98  CHARLES    V.    MOKRILL. 

described  them  in  Pyrrhocoris  as  forming  the  poles  of  tin-  first 
cleavage  spindle  ("Polkorperchen")  and  apparently  considered 
them  to  be  archoplasmic  masses.  That  he  did  not  see  an  aster 
in  front  of  the  male  pronucleus  nor  an  amphiaster  at  copulation, 
in  addition  to  these  structures,  is  perhaps  due  to  his  methods  of 

During  the  approach  of  the  pronuclei  the  chromatin  in  each 
becomes  more  and  more  condensed  until  the  compact  somewhat 
elongated  chromosomes  appear.  PI.  II.,  c,  the  single  example  of 
this  stage  found,  shows  the  pronuclei  of  Archimerus,  still  slightly 
separated.  An  indistinct  aster  appears  at  the  right.  In  the 
lower  nucleus  seven  chromosomes  of  different  sizes  can  be  dis- 
tinctly seen.  The  w-chromosome  is  missing  and  because  of  its 
small  size  could  not  be  identified  in  the  next  section.  There 
are  no  nucleoli  in  either  pronucleus.11  The  chromosomes  in  the 
upper  nucleus  are  not  yet  fully  condensed.  The  two  pronuclei 
are  so  nearly  equal  in  volume  that  one  cannot  distinguish  which 
is  male  and  which  female  even  before  copulation  (PI.  II.,  c). 
It  is  apparent  from  a  comparison  of  PI.  II.,  b  and  c,  that  both 
undergo  a  marked  decrease  in  volume  just  before  their  nuclear 
membranes  fade  out.  PI.  II.,  d,  shows  a  late  copulation  stage  or 
prophase  of  the  first  cleavage  spindle  of  Protenor  in  polar  view. 
The  nuclear  membranes  have  faded  out  but  the  chromosome 
groups  derived  from  each  pronucleus  are  still  separate.  This 
figure  is  obviously  incomplete  but  it  shows  distinctly  one  reduced 
group  (at  the  right  of  the  figure)  in  which  all  the  chromosomes 
appear,  seven  in  number.  Just  as  in  the  first  oocyte  division,  the 
idiochromosome  is  here  recognizable  by  its  relatively  large  size, 
and  does  not  in  any  way  resemble  a  nucleolus.  A  next  largest 
chromosome  and  an  w-chromosome  also  can  be  identified,  the 
remaining  four  being  intermediate  in  size.  The  group  at  the  left 
of  the  figure  shows  the  idiochromosome  and  three  others,  the 
remaining  chromosomes  being  too  crowded  in  the  next  section 
to  identify.  Since  each  group  contains  an  idiochromosome  it  is 
not  possible  to  say  which  was  derived  from  the  egg  nucleus  and 
which  from  a  sperm  of  the  class  which  bear  this  chromosome. 

"Stevens  ('060,  PI.  IV.,  Fig.  119)  has  figured  this  stage  in  the  "Goumi  aphid" 
•where  there  are  five  chromosomes  in  each  pronucleus,  and,  in  the  female,  two 
plasmosomes  in  addition. 


\  l<  iwever,  the  embryo  arising  from  this  union  would  have  been  a 
female,  for  all  the  products  of  the  first  cleavage  nucleus  would 
contain  two  i<li< (chromosomes  as  in  the  oogonia.  A  chromosome 
uroup  taken  from  a  female  embryo  is  shown  in  Fig.  12,  c.  Even 
these  meagre  results  make  it  probable  that  the  chromosomes 
coming  "in  <>f  the  male  and  female  pronuclei  at  copulation  are 
of  the  -a n it-  n umber  and  show  the  same  relative  size  differences  as 
tho-e  which  previously  entered  into  the  formation  of  the  gametic 

1 ).   The  Cleavage  and  Blastoderm  Nuclei. 

'l"h«-  <  le.i\at;e  nuclei  are  formed  by  successive  division  of  the 
t'i-i -iili/ati«.n  nucleus.  After  each  division  the  daughter  nuclei 
move  apart ,  each  surrounded  by  a  star-shaped  cytoplasmic  island. 
The\  \\aml. -r  toward  the  periphery,  continually  dividing  by  mito- 
-.!-,  and  ih. -re  form  the  blastoderm.  Xo  instances  of  amitosis 
\\en-  ..I.-. -r\t -d  in  these  stages  such  as  Wheeler  ('89)  described  in 
/•?/<///<;.  Ah  hough  but  few  first  cleavage  divisions  were  found, 
the  (  In  OIMOM  >mes  in  them  do  not  differ  from  those  of  somewhat 
later  -ta^es  described  beyond.  The  cleavage  mitoses  all  sho\\- 
>pindle-,  ( <  ntrosomes  and  asters  with  diagrammatic  clearness 
and  the  chromosomes,  though  somewhat  elongated,  can  be 
c'.imii-d  as  readily  as  in  the  oogonial  or  spermatogonial  divisions. 
In  metaphase  each  chromosome  appearson  the  spindle  split  length- 
\\  i-e  and  in  anaphase  the  halves  separate  as  in  ordinary  homotypic 
division.  In  telophase  the  chromosomes  at  either  pole  become 
\e~icular.  fuse  together  and  form  a  daughter  nucleus.  At  first 
tin-  t  ontt -in-  of  the  resting  nucleus  entirely  lacks  staining  power, 
n<>  mi.  l.-oli  of  any  kind  appearing.  As  the  time  for  the  subse- 
quent di\i-ion  approaches,  small  Hakes  of  chromatin  appear 
\\  hi.  h  increase  in  number  and  gradually  unite  to  form  thechromo- 
somes.  In  the  cleavage  stages,  no  definite  chromatin  nucleoli 
or  pla-moNonies  could  be  seen  with  the  methods  of  fixation  em- 
l)lo\i-d,  nor  was  there  any  elimination  of  chromatin  during  the 
earlier  mitoses  as  described  by  Boveri  in  Ascaris. 

i.  Archimems  alter natus. 

A  careful  Minly  of  the  eggs  after  fertilization  revealed  the  fact 
thai  there  are  two  sorts  of  embryos,  one  having  15  chromosomes 



in  all  its  cleavage  —  and  blastoderm  —  nuclei  and  the  other  16. 
These  chromosome  numbers  are  the  same  as  those  found  in  the 
spermatogonia  and  oogonia  respectively.  The  size-relations  al>o 


FIG.  6.     Archimerus  alternatus.     Chromosome-groups  of  embryonic  cells,    15- 
chromosome  type,     a-e,  from  the  same  embryo;  /-/,  from  other  embryos. 

are  in  general  the  same  as  in  the  gonads.  It  seems  fair  then  to 
conclude  that  the  is-chromosonu-  embryos  are  males,  the  16- 
chromosome,  females.  In  Fig.  6  are  shown  twelve  15-chromo- 


groups  '.iken  from  embryos  at  different  stages.  Fig.  6, 
a,  b,  c.  (I  and  e,  are  from  the  same  embryo  early  in  the  formation 
of  tin-  hi.  1-1 1 .derm.  Fig.  6,  f  and  g,  are  from  another  embryo  in 
tlii-~.i;  ,e.  Fig.  6,  h  and  i,  are  from  an  embryo  in  a  slightly 

I.i t IT  stage  of  the  blastoderm.     Fig.  6,  j,  is  from  still  another  at 
tin-  -.inn-  -t.ige  as  the  last,  and  k  from  a  late  blastoderm.     Fig.  6, 

1  i,.     7  •  :«s  [allfrnatiis.     Chromosome-groups  of   embryonic  cells,    16- 

.iin     t\po.     rf.   e.  and  /.   from   the  same  embryo;    others  from 

/  i-  taken  from  a  stage'in  which  the  blastoderm  is  invaginatin;^ 

to   loiin   the  embryonic  fundament  and  membranes.     The   16- 

chronioMniH-  Croups  are  shown   in   Fig.   7.     Fig.   7,  a,  shows  a 

:i|.  t.iki-n   from  tin-  interior  of  an  egg  in  the  cleavage  stage. 

7,  />  .UK!  /  .  .ire  from  an  'embryo  in  the  early  blastoderm  stage. 


Fig.  7,  d,  e  and  /,  are  from  another  embryo  in  the  same  stage  as 
the  last.  Fig.  7,  g  and  //,  arc  from  a  slightly  later  blastoderm 
and  i  is  from  a  completed  blastoderm. 

An  inspection  of  Figs.  6  and  7  as  a  whole,  shows  that  in  the 
earlier  stages,  the  chromosomes  are  somewhat  elongate  (Fig.  6, 
a— g;  Fig.  7,  a-/)  and  that  as  development  proceeds,  they  become 
shorter  and  thicker  until  at  the  time  of  invagination  or  just  before 
(Fig.  6,  k-l;  Fig.  7,  i)  they  have  about  the  same  contour  as  those 
of  the  spermatogonia  and  oogonia  (compare  with  Fig.  I,  a-d~). 
In  every  stage  the  tw-chromosomes,  though  very  minute,  are 
constant  elements.  The  unpaired  idiochrosome  in  the  male 
groups  and  the  paired  idiochromosomes  in  the  female  cannot  be 
distinguished  by  their  size  or  contour  but  are  probably  repre- 
sented among  the  larger  chromosomes.  The  remaining  chromo- 
somes cannot  be  readily  paired  off. 

2.  Anasa  tristis. 

The  embryonic  mitoses  of  Anasa,  though  having  a  larger  num- 
ber of  chromosomes  that  those  of  Archimerus,  are  much  more 
favorable  for  making  chromosome  counts,  especially  in  the  early 
(incomplete)  blastodern  stage,  i.  e.,  at  a  time  when  many  of 
the  cleavage  nuclei  have  reached  the  surface  and  are  still  rapidly 
dividing.  The  embryos  are  of  twro  classes:  one  having  21  and 
the  other  22  chromosomes.  Since  these  numbers  correspond  to 
those  in  the  spermatogonia  and  oogonia  respectively,  it  may  be 
concluded  that  the  21 -chromosome  class  are  males,  the  22-chro- 
mosome  class,  females.  Fig.  8,  a-h,  show  eight  metaphase  groups 
from  the  2 1 -chromosome  class.  Fig.  8,  a,  b,  c,  d,  e  and  /,  are 
taken  from  an  embryo  in  the  early  blastoderm  stage.  In  this 
embryo  ten  more  perfectly  clear  groups  were  found  each  with  21 
chromosomes,  making  sixteen  in  all  from  the  same  embryo.  Fig. 
8,  g  and  h,  are  from  another  embryo  in  the  same  stage.  In  Fig. 
9  six  groups  of  the  22-chromosome  class  are  shown,  all  from  the 
same  embryo  in  the  early  blastoderm  stage. 

One  exceptional  group  was  found  in  an  embryo  of  the  22- 
chromosome  class  (Fig.  8,  i).  This  group  contains  23  chromo- 
somes, of  which  three  arc  larger  than  the  rest.  It  is  difficult  to 
suggest  an  explanation  for  this  condition.  It  may  be  due-  to  an 


1  03 

accident  of  technique,  the  microtome^knife  tearing/a  chromosome 
in  half  as  it  passed  through  the  block,  or  it  may  be  the  result  of 
an  abnormality  in  a  previous  division.  There  were  no  other 


Kn..   s.       I  i;.j  d    tri.\tis.     Chromosome-groups    of    embryonic    cells,     a-h,    21- 
Miii-.'iiu'  t\  p<      ,1.  b,  c.  d,  e  and/,  from  the  same  embryo;  g  and  h,  from  anothrr 
<iiil>i\..       i.  i  \..ptional  group  with  twenty-three  chromosomes. 

in  tin-  immediate  vicinity  from  which  an  extra  chromo- 
i  ould  have  been  derived.     The  chromosome  groups  repre- 
iii   Fii^.  8  and  9  were  selected  from  a  large  number  of 

lO-j-  CHARLES    V.    MORRILL. 

very  clear  preparations.     Many  more  could  have  been  shown,  but 
it  seemed  needless  to  multiply  the  number  of  figures.12 

A  comparison  of  the  male  groups  (Fig.  8,  a-h)  with  the  female 
groups  (Fig.  9)  shows  clearly  that  in  the-  former  there  are  three 
chromosomes  larger  than  the  rest,  while  in  the  latter  there  are 
four  such  elements.  These  size  relations  are  the  same  as  those 
in  the  spermatogonia  and  oogonia  respectively  (vid.  page  89). 

$  £ 

V.     r«»  n^f£/ 

*~P       e      *QsS 

FIG.  9.  Anasa   tristis.     Chromosome-groups    of    embryonic    cells,    22-chromo- 
some  type,  all  from  the  same  embryo. 

Accordingly,  one  of  the  large  chromosomes  of  the  male  groups 
must  be  the  unpaired  idiochromosome  and  two  of  the  large  chro- 
mosomes of  the  female  groups,  the  paired  idiochromosomes.  The 
m-chromosomes  appear  as  constant  elements  in  both  groups  and 
are  usually  more, elongated  than  in  the  germ-cells,  a  feature  which 
is  common  to  all  I  he  chromosomes.  Apart  from  the  largest  and 
smallest  elements,  this  elongated  condition  makes  it  impossible  to 
pair  off  the  remaining  chromosomes  with  any  degree  of  certain  i  \  . 

12A11  the  figures  were  drawn  with  camera  lucida,  Zeiss  apochromat.  2  nun., 
compens.  oc.  12.  With  the  exception  of  Plates  I.  and  II.,  they  were  again  rnl.r 
with  the  camera  and  subsequently  reduced  in  reproduction  one-half,  giving  a  final 
magnification  of  2,650  diameters.  The  magnification  of  Plates  I.  anil  II..  is 
diameters.  Achromatic  structures,  except  those  of  Plates  I.  and  II..  havr  Inn. 
represented  semi-schematically. 



3.  Chelinidea  vittigera. 

Tin-  i-mlir\onic  groups  of  this  species  are  very  similar  to  those 
Ml"  A>i<i  'i  and  equally  favorable  for  making  chromosome  counts. 
The  embryos  are  again  of  two  sorts,  one  having  21  chromosomes, 
i  lit-  other  22.  In  fact  the  number  and  size-relations  are  so  much 
like  tlio-t.-  in  Anasa  that  the  two  forms  cannot  be  distinguished 
;h(  ir  i  hroniosome  complexes  alone. 

Pic  UniJeo  vittigera.     Chromosome-groups  of  embryonic  cells.     o-/z. 

8IH  hromosome    type;    6.  c,  d.  e  and  /.'from  the  same  embryo;    o.  from  an  early 
onal  group  with  twenty-two  chromosomes. 



In  Fig.  10,  a-//,  are  shown  eight  21  -chromosome  groups.  Fig. 
10,  a,  is  from  an  early  cleavage  stage  corresponding  approxi- 
mately to  the  fourth  cleavage  of  holoblastic  eggs.13  Fig.  10,  b,  c, 
d,  e,  and  /  are  from  an  early  blastoderm  stage.  Seven  more 
perfectly  clear  counts  were  made  in  this  embryo,  all  giving  21 
chromosomes,  making  twelve  in  all.  Fig.  10,  g  and  h,  are  from 
another  embryo  in  the  same  stage.  Fig.  1  1  shows  six  of  the  22- 
chromosome  groups.  Fig.  n,  a,  is  taken  from  an  early  cleavage 

FIG.   ii.     Chelinidea   villigera.     Chromosome-groups   of   embryonic   cells,    22- 
e,     b,  c,  d  and  e,  from  the  same  embryo;  /,  from  another  embryo; 

chromosome  type 

a,  from  an  early  cleavage 

stage,  approximately  the  fourth.  Fig.  u,  b,  c,  d  and  e,  are  from 
an  early  blastoderm  stage  in  which  eleven  perfectly  clear  groups 
were  found  all  with  22  chromosomes.  Fig.  u,/,  is  from  another 
early  blastoderm. 

As  in  Anasa,  it  seems  fair  to  conclude  that  the  embryos  with 
21  chromosomes  are  males,  those  with  22  chromosomes,  females, 

"After  the  "second  cleavage,"  the  nuclei  apparently  do  not  divide  quite  syn- 
chronously so  that  one  may  find  at  times  an  odd  number  of  nuclei,  some  resting 
and  some  in  division. 


for  these  groups  correspond  in  number  and  size-relations  with 
those  of  the  spermatogonia  and  oogonia  respectively.  Like 
.1  nasa  again,  the  male  groups  contain  three  chromosomes  which 
are  distinctly  larger  than  the  others  (Fig.  10,  a-f  and  h),  one  of 
ilu-m  probably  representing  the  unpaired  idiochromosome.  In 
the  ft  -in. ilc  Croups  four  largest  chromosomes  can  frequently  be 
di-tinv:iii-hed  (Fig.  II,  b,  c  and/),  though  they  cannot  be  identi- 
fied in  all  the  figures,  probably  on  account  of  fore-shortening. 
Two  of  the-e  may  be  considered  as  the  paired  idiochromosome-. 
in  plan-  of  the  unpaired  element  of  the  male  groups.  The  m- 
( -hromo-oiMi •-  are  typically  paired  elements  of  both  male  and 
fcin. tli  ^nuipx.  All  the  chromosomes  as  in  Anasa  are  more  i-lon- 

<1  in  the  gonads  but  still  preserve  the  same  size-relations. 
Tin  groups  -hown  in  Figs,  10  and  11  were  selected  from  a  large 
number  of  clear  preparations.  Fig.  10,  /,  is  a  group  of  22  chromo- 
somes taken  from  an  embryo  in  which  all  other  counts  gave  21. 
I  or  t  hi-,  tin-  single  exception  of  its  kind  observed,  it  is  difficult 
ic.  give  .1  -aiisfaclory  explanation,  though  the  same  possibilities 
Mii^r-trd  in  connection  with  the  exception  found  in  Anasa  (vi<l. 
page  i"-'  mil  i  also  apply  here.  There  were  no  neighboring 

ip-  In. m  which  the  extra  chromosome  could  have  been  de- 

4.   rrotcnor  belfragei. 

The  mil  T\  •  >nic  mitoses  of  this  species  are  not  quite  so  favorable 
for  making  chromosome  counts  as  those  of  the  two  preceding 
form-,  on  a.voimt  of  the  elongation  of  the  chromosomes  in  the 
rail\  ami  even  late  cleavage  stages.  In  the  blastoderm  stage 
tin  rliromo-omes  arc  more  compact,  but  very  few  embryos  were 
obtained  at  this  time  so  that  the  results  are  very  meagre.  Fig. 
u  -ho\\-  t\\o  [^-chromosome  groups  (a  and  b)  taken  from  an 
Ma-todcrm  stage,  and  one  14-chromosome  group  (c)  from 
i-mbryo  in  the  same  stage. 

In  tlu-  i  .^-chromosome  groups  (Fig.  12,  a  and  b)  a  very  large 
chrom.i-.onu-.  unquestionably  the  unpaired  idiochromosome, 
Man.l>  out  cli-arly,  being  more  than  twice  as  large  as  any  other. 
A  .  .nd  laixr-t  pair  can  also  be  readily  identified  and  a  smallest 
pair,  tin-  rn-chromosomes. 


In  the  i-j-chromosome  group  (Fig.  12,  c)  there  are  two  very 
large  chromosomes  equal  in  size,  in  place  of  the  unpaired  element 
of  the  first  two  groups.  These  arc  no  doubt  the  paired  idiochro- 
mosomes.  There  is  also  a  next  largest  pair  but  the  w-chromo- 
somes  cannot  be  identified  with  certainty. 

A  comparison  of  these  embryonic  mitoses  (Fig.  12)  with  those 
of  the  gonads  (Fig.  5,  a-d)  shows  that  the  13-chromosome  groups 
are  similar  in  the  number  and  size-relations  of  their  chromosomes 

FIG.  12.  Protenar  belfragei.  Chromosome-groups  of  embryonic  cells,  a  and  b, 
13-chromosome  type,  from  the  same  embryo,  c,  i4-chromosome  type,  from  another 

to  those  of  the  spermatogonia,  the  14-chromosome  group,  to 
those  of  the  oogonia.  Though  the  results  are  too  few  to  justify 
broad  conclusions,  it  is  most  probable  that  the  embryo  with  13 
chromosomes  is  a  male,  the  one  with  14  chromosomes  a  female, 
thus  bringing  Protenor  in  line  with  Archimerus,  Anasa  and 


Among  the  results  described  in  this  paper,14  those  of  particular 
interest  are  as  follows: 

1.  In  Archimerus,  Anasa  and  Protenor  there  is  an  odd  or  un- 
paired chromosome  in  the  spermatogonia  which  in  Protenor  is 
distinguishable  by  its  size.     The  oogonia  contain  in  addition  to 
this  chromosome,  a  second  chromosome  of  the  same  size.     These 
observations  are  in  agreement  with  those  of  Wilson,  Montgomery 
and  of  Lefevre  and  McGill  for  the  forms  mentioned. 

2.  The  chromosomes  in  the  reduced  female  groups  (polar  or 
oocyte  divisions)  show  the  same  relative  size  differences  as  the 
corresponding  pairs  in  the  oogonia  (particularly  well  shown  in 

3.  All  the  chromosomes  divide  in  both  polar  divisions  (proof 

J<A  preliminary  note  giving  the  most  important  results  was  published  in  Science 
for  December  31,  1909. 


j-ive  in  Archimerus,  less  complete  in  Anasa  and  Protenor). 
Then-  are  n<>  peculiar  or  "lagging"  chromosomes  in  either  of  these 

4.  Tin-  female  pronucleus  contains  a  group  of  chromosomes 
similar  in  that  borne  'by  a  spermatozoon  having  the  "accessory1 
or  i<lio<  hromosome  (directly  proved  in  Archimerus). 

•tilization  the  reduced  groups  from  each  pronucleus 
an-  -<-p.  irately  distinguishable  and  the  chromosomes  show  the 
-.inn  -i/e  relations  as  those  of  the  spermatocyte  and  oocyte  di\  i- 

I  here  are  no  nucleoli  in  either  pronucleus. 

In  tin-  i  leavage  and  early  blastoderm  nuclei  of  Archimerus, 

:elini(lfd  and  Protcnor,  the  chromosomes  are  pertectly 

ili-tim  t  ,m<l  can  IK-  counted  as  readily  as  those  in  the  gon.uls. 

T\\o  i\pes  of  embryos  are  found,  one  having  an  odd  and  the 

niher   .in   even   number  of  chromosomes,   these   numbers  bein- 

re-pet  ii\ely  the  same  as  occur  in  the  spermatogonia  and  oogoni.i. 

A.  •  ordingly  it  >eems  fair  to  conclude  that  the  former  arc  male-, 

the  l.i  1  1  er  females,  and  it   thus  becomes  possible  to  distinguish 

tin    sex  "I  an  embryo  by  counting  its  chromosomes. 

7      Tin   i<  li<  >rhromosomcs  behave  exactly  like  the  other  chromo- 
v,  .in.-,  in  i  he  oocyte  divisions,  at  fertilization  and  in  the  cleavage 
ami  e.uK  blasUxlerm  stages.     They  never  show  any  rcsemblan.v 
t«>  iuitle.,li  ami  in  Protcnor  they  can  be  identified  in  all  sta 
\\  iih  al.-«  ilute  certainty. 

li  \\ill  be  >een  that  the  results  in  general  bear  out  the  assump- 
tion- ina.le  by  Stevens,  Wilson  and  others  regarding  the  number 
.1111  1  bi-h.i\ii«r  of  the  chromosomes  in  the  maturation  of  the  female 
and  in  the  somatic  cells.  They  give  additional  morphological 
support  to  theories  of  sex-production  based  upon  the  presence  or 
absence  «>f  certain  chromosomes  and  to  the  hypothesis  of  chronio- 
some  -intlix  iduality  or  "genetic  continuity  of  chromosomes"  as 
\\  il-on  'iwx)  more  cautiously  calls  it. 


The  literature  on   the  maturation  and  early  development    of 
the  of  in-ects  and  allied  forms  is  very  extensi\e.  onering 

a  period  of  over  fifty  years,  but  it  is  beyond  the  scope  of  the 
pre-eiit  paper  to  review  it  in  detail  except  in  so  far  as  it  concerns 


the  history  of  the  chromatin  in  the  early  stages.     Considered 
from  this  standpoint,  the  results  briefly  are  as  follows: 

Dipt  era. — Apart  from  the  earlier  works  of  \Yeismann  and 
Blochmann  in  which  the  chromosomes  were  not  especially  con- 
sidered, there  are  no  observations  except  those  of  Henking  ('88 
and  '93)  on  Musca  vomitoria.  In  the  first  paper  Henking  figured 
the  cleavage  spindles  but  did  not  determine  the  number  of  chro- 
mosomes. Moreover,  the  results  are  difficult  to  interpret  because 
of  the  standpoint  taken  in  regard  to  "free-nuclei-formation." 
In  the  later  paper  Henking  summarizes  his  previous  results  but 
gives  no  new  observations. 

Lepidoptera. — Platner  ('88)  described  briefly  the  maturation 
and  early  cleavage  of  the  parthenogenetic  and  fertilized  eggs  of 
Liparis  dispar  but  gave  no  figures  and  no  account  of  the  chromo- 
somes. .  Henking  ('90)  described  and  figured  the  maturation, 
fertilization  and  early  cleavage  of  Pieris  brassiccz.  He  found 
the  haploid  number  of  chromosomes  to  be  14  in  both  polar 
spindles  and  in  the  female  pronucleus,  but  did  not  accurately 
determine  the  diploid  number,  though  in  a  later  paper  he  gives 
the  probable  number  as  28.  The  same  author  ('92)  gave  a  brief 
account  of  the  maturation  and  early  cleavage  of  Bombyx  mori 
and  Leucoma  salicis  in  which  the  haploid  chromosome-group  was 
stated  to  be  "at  least  12,"  in  both  species.  The  diploid  number 
was  not  determined. 

Neuroptera. — As  far  as  I  am  aware,  there  are  no  observations 
on  the  maturation  and  cleavage  of  mitoses  of  the  eggs  of  this 
group.  Miss  McGill's  ('06)  observations  on  An  ax  junius  and 
Plathemis  lydia  were  confined  to  the  nuclear  changes  during  the 
growth  period  of  the  oocytes. 

Coleoptera. — Wheeler  ('89)  observed  the  formation  of  the  first 
polar  spindle  of  Leptinotarsa  (Doryphora)  decemlineata  but  did 
not  determine  the  number  of  chromosomes.  Henking  ('92)  in 
Agelastica  alni  found  the  haploid  number  of  chromosomes  to  be 
about  12  in  both  polar  spindles  and  the  diploid  number,  24-30  in 
the  cleavage  spindles.  He  also  observed  the  approximate  num- 
ber in  Lampyris  splendidiila,  Adlmonia  tanaccti,  and  Doinuin 
(sericea  L.?).  In  none  of  these,  however,  did  he  observe  the 
diploid  groups  in  the  cleavage  stages.  The-  nb-i-rvutions  of 


r.iardina  'oi)  on  Dytiscus  marginalis  and  likewise  those  of 
I  »  laisieux  '09)  on  the  same  species  were  confined  to  the  growth 
period  <>t"  the  oocytes.  Both  authors  describe  a  large  chromatic 
ma—  in  th.-  nucleus  of  the  oocyte,  distinct  from  the  chromosomes, 
which  appears  to  be  eliminated  just  before  the  maturation  divi- 

i-      Tin-  latter  are  not  described. 
Orlhoplcra.   -The  observations  of  Blochmann  ('87)  and  Wheeler 

,    on  lilatta  germanica  were  not  very  extensive  from  our  point 
"1  \ie\v.  'hiT  author  determined  the  number  of  chromosomes 

in   tin-   maturation  spindles.     Wheeler,  however,  gives  a  good 
h^tin   nt  a  cleavage  spindle  showing  10  chromosomes.     Guther/ 
i  a  brief  paper,  described  a  chromosome-nucleolus  in  the 
!   Pyrrhocoris  but  found  no  such  body  in  the  somatic 
mi '  Gryllus  domestic  us.     He  therefore  questioned  the  occur- 

rence ..i  "heterochromoeomes,"  maintaining  that  there  were  20  chromosomes  in  the  somatic  cells  of  the  last  nanu •<! 
-pecie-  and  no  "heterochromosomes."  However  in  his  later  papers 
'08  ami  'o<><2)  he  abandoned  this  view,  describing  typical  "hetero- 
chromosomes"  in  the  spermatogonia  and  oogonia  of  Gryllus  as 
in  oilier  Orthoptera,  and  stating  further,  that  the  somatic  cells 
ha\e  the  same  number  of  chromosomes  as  the  oogonia  and 
spermatogonia  respectively  though  he  gave  no  observations  in 
Mipport  i -I  tin's  last  statement.  The  observations  of  von  Baehr 
n  the  parthenogenetic  egg  of  the  phasmid,  Bacillus  rossii, 
though  dt  tailed  in  some  respects,  are  not  quite  conclusive  in 

.nl  in  the  number  of  chromosomes.  The  egg  nucleus,  just 
before  the  lust  polar  division,  contains  18-20  chromosomes  many 
of  \\hich  are  tetrads.  In  anaphase  the  double  nature  of  the 
daughter  halves  often  becomes  apparent.  Moreover,  there  is  < me 
lar-e  tetrad  in  the  first  division  which  again  appears  in  the  second. 
Tin  number  of  chromosomes  in  the  latter  division  was  not  deter- 
mined. In  a  recent  paper  Buchner  ('09)  has  described  in  Gryllus 
«inif>t-stris  an  irregular  nucleolus-like  structure,  the  "accessory 
|po.l\  ."  \\hich  persists  through  the  growth  period  of  the  oocytes. 
It  i-  ileri\i-i|  from  a  similar  body  in  the  oogonia  which  he  ap- 
parentU  considers  identical  with  the  "accessory"  chromosome 
ol  other  torin-.  The  maturation  mitoses  were  not  observed. 
( .inher/  '09  working  on  a  nearly  related  species,  Gryllus  domes- 

112  CHARLES    V.    MOKRILL. 

ticus,  finds  a  similar  body  in  the  growth  period  of  the  oocytes. 
After  tracing  its  history,  he  concludes  however  that  it  is  com- 
parable to  a  nucleolus  and  is  not  to  be  confused  with  a  "hetero- 
chromosome."  Buchner's  identification  of  the  "accessory  body" 
as  a  chromosome  thus  appears  very  doubtful. 

Hymenoptera. — Blochmann's  ('89)  observations  on  the  matura- 
tion of  the  fertilized  and  parthenogenetic  egg  of  the  bee  were  con- 
cerned chiefly  with  the  number  of  polar  bodies  formed  in  the  two 
sorts  of  eggs.  Though  the  polar  spindles  were  figured  the  exact 
number  of  chromosomes  was  not  determined.  Henking  ('92) 
found  the  haploid  number  of  chromosomes  to  be  10  in  the  polar 
spindles  of  Lasius  niger  and  the  diploid  number  in  the  cleavage 
spindles,  20.  In  the  unfertilized  egg  of  Rhodites  rosa  he  found  9 
chromosomes  in  the  polar  spindles.  In  the  cleavage  nuclei  the 
number  was  18-20,  i.  e.,  the  number  of  chromosomes  in  the  female 
pronucleus  had  been  doubled.  Petrunkewitsch  ('01)  working  on 
the  fertilized  and  parthenogenetic  eggs  of  the  bee,  found  that 
the  first  polar  division  was  equational,  the  number  of  chromo- 
somes being  16.  In  the  second  division  there  occurred  in  both 
sorts  of  eggs,  a  reduction  of  the  chromosome-number  to  about 
half,  i.  e.,  from  16  to  8.  In  the  parthenogenetic  (drone-)  eggi 
the  female  pronucleus  contained  at  first  8,  but  later  16  chromo- 
somes, the  latter  being  produced  by  a  doubling  of  the  haploid 
group,  so  that  in  the  equatorial  plate  of  the  first  cleavage  spindle 
the  diploid  number,  16,  again  appeared.  In  later  cleavages  there 
was  a  progressive  doubling  of  the  chromosome-number,  producing 
multiple  groups  of  32  and  64.  Silvestri  ('06  and  '08)  has  de- 
scribed in  detail  the  maturation,  fertilization  and  cleavage  of 
several  species  of  parasitic  hymenoptera  (Litomastix,  Encyrtus, 
Oophthora,  Ageniaspis}.  However,  since  his  results  do  not  in- 
clude the  determination  of  the  exact  number  of  chromosomes  in 
the  early  stages,  it  will  be  unnecessary  to  review  them  here. 
Doncaster's  ('07)  results  on  Nematns  ribesii  (Tenthredinidae)  are 
quite  anomalous  and  difficult  to  interpret.  He  finds  that  there 
are  two  types  of  maturation  in  tin-  female.  In  some  egg^  there 
is  no  reduction  of  chromosomes,  the  female  pronucleus  receiving 
the  diploid  number,  8.  In  others  typical  reduction  occurs,  the 
egg  nucleus  receiving  in  all  probability  the  haploid  number,  4. 


The  former  type  of  egg  develops  parthenogenetically,  the  latter 
only  being  capable  of  fertilization,  it  is  supposed.  In  some 
somatic  tissues,  such  as  the  ovary  sheath,  there  are  more  than 
the  diploid  number  of  chromosomes,  as  in  the  bee  and  in  Ascaris. 
In  a  later  brief  communication,  however,  Doncaster  ('ioa)  states 
that  hi-  observations  on  the  polar  mitoses  may  require  revision 
ami  the  behavior  of  the  chromosomes  in  Nematus  ribesii  is 

•lithe  -ult  to  follow  that  it  is  doubtful  if  a  satisfactory  interpret  a- 
ti"n  can  1"  obtained  in  this  species.  In  a  very  recent  paper,  the 
same  author  Ciofr)  describes  in  detail  the  maturation,  fertilization 
.Hi']  i-.irly  eleavagc  of  Neuroterus  lenticularis  (Cynipidae).  Here 

in  -ome  of  the  results  are  quite  novel.  The  mitoses  of  the 
primiti\r  «.\  a  found  in  young  female  larvae  of  the  summer  gi -in T,I- 
t  ion  (oni.iin  about  2o  chromosomes,  like  those  of  the  somatic 
cells.  In  the  maturation  of  the  summer  eggs  apparently  two 
di\i-ion-  ...cur,  the  female  pronucleus  probably  containing  10 
<  In i niic.- is.  The  eggs  are  fertilized  and  in  the  cleavage  spin- 
die-  about  20  chromosomes  appear.  The  results  on  the  matura- 
tion ,,i  tlu-  spring  (parthenogenetic)  egg  are  so  anomalous  that  it 

ms  l.«--t  to  quote  from  Doncaster's  own  summary  (loc.  tit.,  p. 
[O2  "The  maturation  of  the  spring  egg  has  not  yet  been  sutli- 
i  it  ntl\  -tuilied,  but  it  appears  that  some  eggs  undergo  at  le.i-t 
OIK  in. it  mat  ion  division,  others  probably  none.  In  eggs  in  which 
in.itnrai  ion  has  occurred  segmentation  mitoses  show  10  chromo- 
BOmes;  all  the  eggs  laid  by  one  individual  female  in  which  tlie 
c  htoiiio-oincs  could  be  counted  were  of  this  type,  and  it  is  sii^- 

ted  that  the-e  develop  into  males.  In  the  eggs  laid  by  other 
1'emale-.  however.  2O  chromosomes  appear  in  the  segmentation 
di\  i-ion-;  in  these,  polar  chromosomes  appear  to  be  absent,  and 
it  i-  prob.ible  that  there  has  been  no  maturation  division,  and  that 
the  \\ould  develop  into  females."  It  will  be  seen  that  no 

definite  conclusions  can  be  drawn  without  further  confirmatory 
observations.  Schleip's  ('08)  observations  on  the  polar  body 
formation  in  Formica  sanguined  were  confined  chiefly  to  the 
part  hen.. ^onetic  egg.  He  found  in  the  latter  the  haploid  number 
of  chromo-omes  to  be  about  24  in  the  maturation  spindles  and 
female  proiiiu  lens.  This  number  also  appears  in  the  first  clea- 

e  nmleii-.      In  the  fertilized  egg,  the  number  of  chromosomes 

114  CHARLES    V.     MOKRILL. 

in  the  male  and  female  pronuclei  was  not  determined  with  cer- 
tainty but  is  probably  24  in  each.  On  the  whole,  the  chromo- 
somes were  small  and  the  size-differences  not  well  marked. 

Hemiptera-homoptera. — The  older  papers  of  Weismann,  Wit- 
laczil,  Blochmann  and  Will  on  the  early  embryology  of  aphids 
contain  no  detailed  account  of  the  chromosomes.  Stschelkanov- 
zew  ('04)  in  a  brief  paper  on  the  maturation  and  early  cleavage 
of  the  summer  (parthenogenetic)  egg  of  Aphis  roses,  gave  14  as 
the  number  of  chromosomes  in  the  maturation  spindle  (only  one 
polar  body  is  formed).  In  one  first  cleavage  spindle  there  were 
only  1 1  chromosomes  but  he  considered  that  three  of  these  might 
be  double  elements,  thus  giving  the  diploid  number,  14,  in  both 
maturation  and  cleavage.  Miss  Stevens  ('050)  and  Hewitt 
('06), 15  however,  found  the  diploid  number  in  the  parthenogenetic 
egg  of  Aphis  roses,  to  be  10  and  this  count  has  been  confirmed  by 
von  Baehr  ('09)  in  the  same  species.  Miss  Stevens  also  found 
that  the  winter  (fertilized)  egg  gave  off  two  polar  bodies  in  which 
the  haploid  number,  5,  was  present.  Three  of  these  authors 
observed  marked  size  differences  in  the  chromosomes  of  the  ma- 
turation and  early  cleavage  stages,  both  Miss  Stevens  and  von 
Baehr  finding  four  smallest  chromosomes  constantly.  Miss 
Stevens  ('o6fr)  in  a  very  extensive  paper  described  the  maturation 
and  cleavage  in  a  large  number  of  aphids,  with  especial  reference 
to  the  number  and  behavior  of  the  chromosomes.  Without 
giving  a  detailed  review  of  her  results  it  may  be  said  in  general 
that  the  number  and  size  differences  of  the  chromosomes  was 
found  to  be  constant  for  the  species  and  that  this  constancy 
applies  to  the  diploid  groups  whether  in  the  maturation  spindle 
of  a  parthenogenetic  egg  or  in  its  cleavage  spindles.  In  many 
cases  also  the  haploid  group  was  found  to  exhibit  the  same  rela- 
tive size  differences  as  the  diploid  group  of  the  same  species. 
In  the  fertilized  egg  of  the  "Goumi  aphid,"  the  number  of  chromo- 
somes in  the  male  and  female  pronuclei  just  before  copulation 
was  shown  to  be  5  in  each,  i.  e.,  the  haploid  number.  Mi^ 
Stevens  concluded  from  her  observations  on  aphids  up  to  this 
time  that  there  were  no  "heterochromosomes"  in  this  group,  but 

"Hewitt's  results  are  known  to  me  only  through  the  brief  mention  made  l>\  vmi 
Baehr  ('09,  p.  285). 


more  recently  '  '09)  she  has  abandoned  this  view  and  has  reached 
conclusion-,  in  agreement  with  those  of  Morgan  and  von  Baehr, 
mtntioned  U-luw.  The  results  of  Tannreuther  ('07)  on  the 
maturation  and  cleavage  of  several  species  of  aphids  differ  in 
many  important  respects  from  those  of  other  workers  on  the 
same  group.  They  have  been  questioned  by  Morgan  ('09)  and 
'on  Bat-In  '09)  and  will  not  be  considered  here.  Morgan  ('08 
•  ind  '09  has  traced  the  full  history  of  the  chromosomes  through 
.«m  rations  of  phylloxerans.  He  observed  that  the  par- 
-. -iii-tic  eggs  of  the  second  generation,  i.  e.,  those  which 
.  r  the  sexual  individuals,  are  of  two  sorts  both  as  to  their 
and  tin-  number  of  chromosomes  in  the  embryos  which  they 
produce.  The  male  embryos  have  actually  two  less  chromo- 
somea  than  the  female  though  this  difference  is  not  always  ap- 
parent o\\ing  to  fusions  occurring  between  certain  chromosomes 
i  tin-  "ai  •  •••--ones.")  The-  embryonic  chromosome-groups  of  fe- 
male indis  idtials  contain  four  "accessory"  chromosomes.  Those 
<il  tin-  malt •-,  however,  have  but  two  "accessories"  since  although 
malt-  an-  produced  parthenogenetically  from  females,  two  of 
tin •-<•  chromosomes  are  given  off  to  the  polar  body  in  the  matura- 
tion <  -I  t  In-  male-producing  egg.  The  most  important  conclusions 
to  IK  iliaun  In  mi  these  results  for  our  purposes  are,  that  idio- 
rl Mom.  •  -  are  present  throughout  the  entire  life-cycle-  and 
that  it  i-  |>o--ili|e  to  diagnose  the  sex  of  an  embryo  by  counting 
it-  t  hi 01  no -mnes,  though  here  it  is  true,  sex  is  also  associated 
\\ith  t!  of  tin-  egg.  Yon  Baehr  ('09)  described  the  matura- 

tion and  (  lea\agc  of  the  parthenogenetic  eggs  of  several  species 
ot  aphid-.  Hi-  results  were  in  general  similar  to  those  of  Miss 
Ste\cii-,  the  maturation  and  cleavage  mitoses  being  similar  in 
tin-  number  and  size  relations  of  the  chromosomes.  He  did  not 
obsen  <•  an\  elimination  of  "accessory"  chromosomes  in  the  polar 
di\  i-ii-n  i-t"  male  eggs  as  in  the  phylloxerans.  However,  in  one 
maturation  -pindle  of  Aphis  saliceti  (loc.  cit.,  PI.  XIV.,  Fig.  42) 
hr  ligute-  5  chromosomes,  the  remaining  figures  showing  6,  and 
in  a  male  -omaiic  cell  i.1'1.  XV.,  Fig.  94),  as  well  as  in  the  sperma- 
to-<,nia.  5  chromosomes  again  appear.  Moreover  his  results  on 
the  -permato-eiie-is  of  Aphis  salicdi  as  well  as  those  ot  Mi-- 
('09)  on  the  spermatogenesis  of  other  aphids  would  seem 

Il6  CHARLES    V.     MORRILL. 

to  indicate  that  the  behavior  of  the  chromosomes  in  the  female 
line  is  probably  similar  to  that  in  phylloxerans. 

Hemiptera-heteroptera. — The  only  observations  on  the  matura- 
tion and  cleavage  of  the  egg  in  this  group  are  those  of  Henking 
('92)  on  Pyrrhocoris.  He  has  given  a  very  extensive  and  detailed 
account  of  the  chromosome  history  in  this  form  and  in  a  previous 
paper  ('91)  described  the  spermatogenesis.  He  found  that  in  the 
diploid  groups  of  the  oogonia,  there  were  24  chromosomes.  The 
follicle  and  connective  tissue  cells,  both  larval  and  adult  also 
showed  this  number.  In  the  haploid  group  of  the  first  polar 
spindle  12  dumbbell-shaped  chromosomes  appeared.  In  one  such 
group  ('92,  PI.  III.,  Fig.  83)  one  chromosome  is  much  larger  than 
the  rest  and  is  probably  the  idiochromosome  pair  (cf.  Wilson's 
('O9</)  figures  of  the  oogonial  groups).  The  second  polar  spindle 
showed  again  12  dumbbell-shaped  chromosomes.  The  number 
of  chromosomes  in  the  male  and  female  pronuclei  was  not  ac- 
curately determined  but  in  Henking's  Fig.  90  (PI.  III.)  one  such 
nucleus  shows  12  chromosomes.  The  early  cleavage  spindles 
were  figured  but  of  them  the  author  says  (loc.  cit.,  pp.  29-30): 
"The  number  (of  chromosomes)  cannot  be  accurately  determined 
on  account  of  the  smallness  of  the  spindle  and  the  close  grouping 
of  the  chromosomes  ...  it  should  be  24."  He  thus  did  not 
distinguish  two  classes  of  embryos  with  reference  to  the  chromo- 
some number.  This,  no  doubt,  was  partly  due  to  the  fact  that 
he  had  not  observed  any  difference  in  the  number  of  chromosomes 
in  the  spermatogonia  and  oogonia  and  did  not  appreciate  the 
significance  of  the  idiochromosome  ("accessory"  chromosome) 
which  he  himself  was  the  first  to  describe.  Foot  and  Strobell 
('09)  have  described  the  growth  period  of  the  oocytes  of  Euschis- 
tus  variolarius.  In  accordance  with  the  earlier  account  of  Wilson 
('06),  they  find  no  chromatin  nucleolus  in  the  young  oocytes  or 
germinal  vesicles  of  this  species  but  in  the  older  oocytes  and  in 
the  germinal  vesicles  there  is  a  relatively  large  achromatic  nucleo- 
lus. The  maturation  divisions  were  not  described. 

Arachnida. — Montgomery's  ('07)  results  on  Theridium  are  not 
very  extensive  from  the  chromosome-standpoint.  He  found  in 
the  second  polar  spindle  12  chromosomes  and  in  a  fourth  cleavage 
spindle  24  chromosomes.  No  idiochromosomes  were  <>li-rrved. 


I  .\chxling  the  early  cleavage  groups  mentioned  above,  a  num- 
ber '•)  authors  have  described  the  chromosomes  of  older  somatir 
<  •  11-.      II.  nking  ('92)  found  the  number  of  chromosomes  in  the 
fnllii  It-  and  connective  tissue  cells,  of  Pyrrhocoris  to  be  24. 
I'  .  it^ch   ('oi)  observed  that  young  blastoderm-cells  of 

tlif  l'f  tin  multiple  groups.     Miss  Stevens  ('05$  and  '066) 

df-cribed    the  somatic  groups  of  several  species  of  Coleoptera 
.nxl  l< 'inxl  i hat  the  small  idiochromosome  which  occurs  only  in 
tlif  malt   n!  ihf-e  forms  could  be  readily  identified.     Yon  Bachr 
'1    that  the  male  somatic  groups  of  Aphis  saliceli 
•aiii  5  •  hromosomes,  one  less  than  the  female.     Gutherz  ('»•• 
liidfl  in  Gryllus  domesticus  the  somatic  cells  have  the 
-aim-  of  chromosomes  as  the  oogonia  and  spermatogonia 
though  his  obser\-ations  on  this  point  were  not  very 
nxl  no  figures  of  somatic  mitoses  were  given.     Don- 
•bserved  the  somatic  groups  in  the  male  and  female 
I  nil  if  gall-fly.     He  found  that  in  the  male,  some  somatic 

mil. I-M  -  -li«.\\  thr  diploid  number  oi  chromosomes  while  others 
lx>\\  the  haploid  number.  In  the  female,  all  somatic 
mill  i  -i  -  lia\c  the  diploid  number.  The  very  anomalous  condi- 
tion- di  -.  liU-d  for  the  male  do  not  at  present  rest  upon  dcmon- 
Btrative  <  \xlence  as  the  chromosomes  were  found  to  be  small 
.nxl  diitii  ult  to  count.  In  addition  to  the  above-mentioned  ob- 
servations,  most  recent  papers  on  the  spermatogenesis  of  insects 
(i  'iiiain  ai  i  <  'iints  of  the  oogonial  groups  in  which  idiochromosomes 
can  I'tii- n  he  identified. 

1  i. mi  iln  luregoing  brief  view  of  the  literature  on  the  chromo- 
M.iiif-  in  .... genesis  and  cleavage,  it  is  evident  that  with  the'excep- 
t inn  "I  Mi—  Elevens  and  Morgan  none  of  the  authors  have  traced 
tin  iilii.t  Im-mosomes  into  the  cleavage  and  later  somatic  mitoses, 
and  ix 'in  but  Miss  Stevens,  Morgan  and  von  Baehr  have  sho\\n 
that  tin  embryonic  or  larval  somatic  cells  of  male  indi\xluaU 
tliltt  i  limn  those  of  females  in  the  number  or  size  of  their  chromo- 
somes.  Morgan  also  shown  that  idiochromosomes  are  pres- 
ent in  tin-  ]>. -lar  spindle  where,  in  his  material,  they  behave  in  .1 
characteristic  manner.  The  results  on  the  whole  show,  1  think, 
that  idii -chromosomes  ("heterochromosomes")  are  constant  chro- 
nx-omc-flcmeiits  and  not  merely  temporary  structures  (nucleoli) 
(luring  maturation. 

Il8  CHARLES    V.     MORR1LL. 

Outside  of  the  air-breathing  arthropods,  there  are,  as  mentioned 
before,  two  other  groups  in  which  idiochromosomes  or  similar 
structures  have  been  found  in  maturation  and  cleavage.  Baltzer 
('08)  has  found  that  in  two  species  of  sea-urchins  there  is  a  par- 
ticular hook-shaped  chromosome  which  occurs  in  only  a  part  of 
the  mature  eggs.  The  eggs  are  thus  of  two  types  with  respect 
to  this  element.  (It  is  replaced  by  a  chromosome  of  the  ordinary 
sort  in  the  eggs  which  lack  it.)  The  sperm  nuclei  on  the  contrary 
are  all  alike.  It  is  not  improbable,  Baltzer  concludes,  that  the 
determination  of  sex  depends  upon  this  dissimilarity  of  egg  nuclei, 
and  therefore  lies  with  the  female  (i.  e.,  with  the  egg),  as  in  the 
male  and  female  (parthenogenetic)  eggs  of  aphids  and  phyllox- 
erans.  The  peculiar  hook-shaped  elements  might  thus  be  called 
"idiochromosomes."  Eggs  which  contain  this  element  would 
develop  into  females,  those  without,  into  males.  In  a  very 
recent  paper  Boveri  and  Gulick  ('09)  have  described  briefly  the 
chromosome-cycle  in  Heterakis,  a  nematode.  Its  cycle  corres- 
ponds exactly  with  that  of  Protenor  as  given  by  Wilson  ('06). 
The  diploid  number  in  the  male  (spermatogonia)  is  9.  During 
spermatogenesis  the  odd  chromosome  goes  undivided  to  one  pole 
of  the  spindle  in  the  first  spermatocyte  division  but  divides  in 
the  second.  The  spermatozoa  are  thus  of  two  classes,  with  5 
and  4  chromosomes  respectively.  The  diploid  number  in  the 
female  was  not  determined  with  certainty  but  the  haploid  number 
in  the  germinal  vesicles  and  polar  spindles  was  found  to  be  5. 
The  eggs  are  thus  all  alike  and,  it  is  assumed,  will  develop  into 
males  or  females  according  as  they  arc  fertilized  by  4-chromosome 
or  5-chromosome  spermatozoa.  The  chromosomes  of  the  cleav- 
age nuclei  were  not  described. 

Since  the  results  here  described  for  coreid  Hemiptera  do  not 
give  any  further  insight  into  the  fundamental  question  of  sex- 
determination  but  only  render  the  data  more  complete,  it  seems 
needless  to  add  a  lengthy  discussion  on  this  point.  In  the  recent 
papers  of  Wilson,  Bateson  Castle,  Boveri  and  Morgan,  the  cyto- 
logical  evidence  relating  to  sex-determination  has  been  thoroughly 
analyzed.  It  may  be  pointed  out,  however,  that  apart  from  theo- 
retical considerations  this  evidence  has  been  questioned  from  tin- 
standpoint  of  fact  by  several  workers  who  have  supported  their 


contentions  l>y  direct  observations  on  insect  spermatogenesis. 
Arnold  '08)  from  his  observations  on  the  spermatogenesis  of 
Ilydrnphilns  piceiis  concluded  that  there  were  no  idiochromosomes 
in  that  torin,  although  Miss  Stevens  has  found  these  elements  in 
all  tin  Colcoptcra  which  she  has  examined  (42  species).  The 
ol.jc.  -lion  "Mi-red  by  Foot  and  Strobell  ('07)  to  the  presence  of  an 
odd  mimlu-r  of  chromosomes  in  the  spermatogonia  of  Anasa 
Iritis,  hence  of  an  "accessory"  chromosome  and  the  replies  to 
tin-  objr<  ti« .n  have  already  been  considered.  The  present  work, 
particularly  the  section  dealing  with  the  cleavage  and  early  bias- 
toil,  -mi  miclri,  gives  further  proof  that  in  this  species,  as  well  as 
in  the  other  three  examined,  the  number  of  somatic  chromosomes 
in  the  male  is  one  less  than  in  the  female.  Gross,  from  hi> 
studic-  on  .^yromastes  mar^inatus  ('04)  and  Pyrrhocoris  aptcrns 
'<"•  .  '  oni  hided  that  the  "accessory"  chromosome  could  have  no 
ell.  it  on  sex-production  in  these  two  forms,  for  he  believed  that 
the  number  of  chromosomes  is  the  same  in  both  sexes — 22  in 
S\>  \  and  24  in  Pyrrhocoris.  In  the  last  named  form  his 

count-  with  the  earlier  ones  of  Henking  ('91),  though  the 

lattet  \\.i-  uncertain  of  the  spermatogonial  number.  Recently 
ho\\<\ci  \\  ilson  ('096,  'oox/)  has  reexamined  both  these  forms 
and  linds  that  in  Pyrrhocoris,  the  male  has  one  less  chromosome 
than  the  li  male,  /.  <-.,  23  instead  of  24,  while  in  Sryomastes,  the 
male  ha-  22  as  described  by  Gross  but  the  female  has  24  instead 
oi  _v  I'yrrhocoris  may  thus  be  placed  in  the  same  class  with 
Mich  tomis  as  Archinterns,  A  nasa  and  Protenor.  Syromastes,  how- 
-.  !-  unique  among  the  Hemiptera  hcteroptcra  in  having  a 
l.i\alent  "accessory,"  though  a  similar  condition  has  been  de- 
l.\  Morgan  ('09)  in  the  homopteran,  Phylloxera  caryce- 
is,  \\hile  Payne  ('09)  describes  several  cases  among  the 
K.duxiid.c  /•';/<///(/.  Rocconota,  Conorhinns)  in  which  the  large 
idiot  htomo-ome  (which  represents  the  "accessory")  is  double. 

In  addition  to  the  objections  cited  above,  a  number  of  authors 
ha\c  cither  expressed  their  doubts  of  the  presence  of  two  sorts 
ot  -pci  inato/oa.  or,  while  admitting  the  existence  of  such  a 
ilimoi  phi-m,  ha\c  questioned  its  sexual  significance.  In  recent 
years,  however,  «-\idence  has  been  steadily  accumulating  in  sup- 
port ot  the  conclusion  that  a  nuclear  dimorphism  of  the  sperm— 


or  of  the  eggs — does  occur,  not  only  in  insects  hut  in  at  least  two 
other  groups  of  animals  and  that  it  bears  a  definite  relation  to 
sex-production.  Whether  the  sexual  tendencies  are  carried  by 
specific  chromosomes  or  whether  certain  combinations  of  chromo- 
somes cause  one  sex  or  the  other  to  arise,  is  still  an  open  question, 
but  that  it  is  possible  to  demonstrate  a  nuclear  difference  in  the 
gametes,  and  frequently  indeed,  in  the  somatic  tissues  of  the 
two  sexes,  is  now,  I  think,  placed  beyond  doubt  by  many  decisive 

April  27,   1910. 

Arnold,   G. 

'08     The  Nucleolus  and  Microchromosomes  in  the  Spermatogenesis  of  Hydro- 

philus  piceus  (Linn.)-     Arch.  f.  Zellf.,  II.,   i. 
Baehr.  W.  B.   von 

'07     Ueber  die  Zahl  der  Richtungskorper  in  parthenogenetisch  sich  entwickelnden 

Eiern  von  Bacillus  rossii.  Zool.  Jahrb.,  Anat.  u.  Ontog.,  XXIV. 
'08  Ueber  die  Bildung  der  Sexualzellen  bei  Aphididae.  Zool.  Anz..  33. 
'09  Die  Oogenese  bei  einigen  viviparen  Aphicliden  und  die  Spermatogenese 

von  Aphis  saliceti,  u.  s.  w.     Arch.  f.  Zellf.,  III.,  2. 
Baltzer.   F. 

'09     Die  chromosomen  von  Strongylocentrotus  lividus  und  Echinus  microtuber- 

culatus.     Arch.  f.  Zellf.,   II. 

'87     Ueber  die  Richtungskorper  bei  Insekteneiern.     Morph.  Jahrb.,  XII. 
Boveri,  Th.   (and  Gulick.  A.) 

'09     t'eber  "Gcschlechtschromosomen"  bei  Nematoden.     Arch.  f.  Zellf.,  IV.,  i. 
Buchner.  P. 

'09     Das  accessorische  Chromosom  in  Spermatogenese  und  Ovogenese  der  Or- 

thopteren,  u.  s.  w.,     Arch.  f.  Zellf.,  III.,  3. 
Debaisieux,  P. 

'09     Les  debuts  de  1'ovogenese  dans  le  Dytiscus  marginalis.     La  Cellule,  Tome 

Doncaster,  L. 

'07     Gametogenesis  and  Fertilization  in  Nematus  ribesii.     Quart.  Jour.  Micr. 

Science,  LI. 
'10a     Gametogenesis  of  the  Sawfly,  Nematus  ribesii.     A  correction.     Science, 

N.  S.,  XXXI.,  February. 
'106     Gametogenesis    of    the    Gall-fly,    Neuroterus    lenticularis    (Spathegaster 

baccarum). — Part.  I.     Proc.  Roy.  Soc.,  B,  Vol.  82. 
Foot,  K.,  and  Strobell,  E.   C. 

'07<i     The  "Accessory  Chromosome"  of  Anasa  tristis.     Biol.  Bull.,  XII. 

'076     A  study  of  the  Chromosomes  in  the  Spermatogenesis  of  Anasa  tristis. 

Am.  Jour.  Anat.,  VII..  2. 

'09     The  Nucleoli  in  the  Spermatocytes  and  Germinal  Vesicles  of  Euschistus 
variolarius.     Biol.  Bull.,  XVI.,  5. 


Giardina.  A. 

'01     <  irigine  dell'oocite  e  delle  cellule  nutrici  nel  Dytiscus.     Internal.  Monatschr. 

f.  Anat.  u.  Phys.,  XVIII..  10-12. 
Gross.  J 

'04     \>  latogenese  von  Syromastes  marginatus.     Zool.  Jahrb.,  Anat.  u. 

.  XX. 

'06     1 1  .atogenese  von  Pyrrhocoris  apterus.     Ibid.,  XXIII. 

Gutherz.   S. 

'07     Zur  K'-nntnis  der  Heterochromosomen.     Arch.  f.  micr.  Anat..  LXIX. 

'08     I         r  Beziehung  zwischen  Chromosomenzahl  und  Geschlecht.     Zentralbl. 

i.   Phys.,  XXII..  Nr.  2. 

'09. i     V  zur  Geschichte  des  Heterochromosomes  von  Gryllus  domesticus 

I.       Sitz.  der  Gesell.  Naturfors.  Freunde.  No.  7.,  Jahrgang  1909. 

Annahme  eincr  Beziehung  zwischen  Heterochromosomen  und 
•  >bestimmung  durch  das  Studium  der  Gryllus-Oogenese  wider- 
-itz.  der  Gesell.  Naturfors.  Freunde.  Xo.  9.  Jahrgang  1909. 
Henking     H 

'88  :i   Entwicklungsvorgange  im   Fliegenei   und   freie   Kernbildung. 

wiss.  Zool..  XLVI. 
'QO     I  'in-  tsuchungen  ilber  die  ersten  Entwicklungsvorgange  in  den  Eiern  der 

kten.   I.     Ibid..  XL1X. 
'91      Uebei   Spermatogenese  uncl  deren  Beziehung  zur  Eientwicklung  bei  Pyr- 

aptvrus.     Ibid..  LI 
'92     i  !;••  :  ~uchunKi-n  Ulxr  die  ersten  Entwicklungsvorgange  in  den  Eiern  der 

u..  III.     Ibid..  LIV..  i. 
Hewitt.  C.  G. 

'06     "I  In-  <  yt.iloKU-al  Aspect  of  Parthenogenesis.     Mem.  Proc.  Manchester  Lit. 

•c..  Vol.  50. 
Lefcvt.     Q      and   McGill    C. 

'08     Tin-  Chromosomes  of  Anasa  tristis  and  Anax  junius.     Am.  Jour.  Anat., 

VIII..  4. 
McGill.    Caroline 

06      I  vior  of  the  Nucleoli  during  the  Oogenesis  of  the  Dragonfly  with 

:  Reference  to  Synapsis.     Zool.  Jahrb.,  Anat.  u.  Ontog..  XXIII.,  2. 
Montgomery,   T.   H. 

'01     A  ^tiiily  of  the  Chromosomes  of  the  Germ-cells  of  Metazoa.     Trans.  Am. 

Plnl.  Soc.,  XX. 
'06     i  !.i    inostimes    in    the    Spermatogenesis    of    the    Hemiptera    Heteroptera. 

I  i. in-*.  Am.  Phil.  Soc..  XXI..  p.  97- 

'07      M  -i  and  Fertilization  in  Theridium.     Zool.  Jahrb.,  XXV.,  2. 

MorRan.   T.   H. 

'08      Mi.-  IV.  iuction  of  Two  Kinds  of  Spermatozoa  in  Phylloxerans.     Functional 
\.il.--Producing"    and    Rudimentary   Spermatozoa.     Proc.    Soc.    Exp. 
1.          md  Med..  V..  1908. 
'09     A  al  and  Cytological  Study  of  Sex  Determination  in  Phylloxerans 

;ui'l  .\i>lii'ls.     Jour.  Exp.  Zool..  \"II..  2. 
Morrill.  C.   V. 

'09     Pn-liminary  Note  on  the  Chromosomes  in  the  Oogenesis,  Fertilization  and 
Cleavage  oi   Certain  Hemiptera.     Science,  N.  S.,  XXX.,  December. 

122  CHARLES    V.    MORRILL. 

Paulmier.  F.   C. 

'99     The    Spermatogenesis    of    Anasa    tristis.     Jour.    Morph.     Supplement    to 

Vol.  XV. 
Payne.  F. 

'09     Some  New  Types  of  Chromosome  Distribution  and  their  Relation  to  Sex. 

Biol.   Bull.,  XVI.,  3  and  4. 
Petrunkewitsch,  A. 

'01      Die  Richtungskorper  und  ihr  Schicksal  im  befruchteten  und  unbefruchteten 

Bienenei.     Zool.  Jahrb.,  Anat.  u.  Ontog.,  XIV. 
Platner.   G. 

'88     Die    erste    Entwicklung    befruchteter    und    parthenogenetischer    Eier    von 

Liparis  dispar.      Biol.  Centralbl.  VIII. 
Schleip.  W. 

'08     Die  Richtingskorperbildung  im  Ei  von  Formica  sanguinea.     Zool.  Jahrb., 

Anat.  u.  Ontog.,  XXVI. 
Silvestri,  F. 

'06     Contribuzioni  alia  conoscenza  biologica  degli  Imenotteri  Parassiti,  I.     Bio- 
logica  del  Litomastix  truncatellus  (Dalm.).     Annali  della  R.  Scuola  Sup. 
d'Argic.  di  Portici,  Vol.  VI. 
'08     Contribuzioni,  etc.,  II.-IV.     Boll,  del  Lab.  di  zool.  gen.  e  agrar.  della  R. 

Scuola  Sup.  d'Agric.  di  Portici,  Vol.  III. 
Stevens.   N.   M. 

'05a     A  Study  of   the  Germ-cells  of  Aphis  rosae  and  Aphis  CEnotherse.     Jour. 

Exp.  Zool.,  II.,  3. 
'05ft     Studies  in  Spermatogenesis.     Publication  No.  36,  Carnegie  Institution  of 


'06u     Studies  on  the  Germ-cells  of  Aphids.     Ibid.,  No.  51. 
'Q6>>     Studies  in  Spermatogenesis,  II.     Ibid.,  No.  36,  part  II. 
'09     An  Unpaired  Heterochromosome  in  the  Aphids.     Jour.  Exp.  Zool.,  VI. 
Stschelkanovzew,   J.  P. 

'04     Ueber  die  Eireifung  bei  viviparen  Aphiden.      Biol.  Centralbl.,  XXIV. 
Tannreuther,  C.  W. 

'07     History  of  the  Germ  Cells  and  Early  Embryology  of  Certain  Aphids.     Zool. 

Jahrb.,  Anat.  u.  Ontog.,  XXIV. 
Wheeler.  W.   M. 

'89     The  Embryology  of  Blatta  gemanica  and  Doryphora  decemlineata.     Jour. 

Morph.,  III. 
Wilson,   E.   B. 

'05d     Studies  on  Chromosomes,  I.     Jour.  Exp.  Zool.,  II.,  3. 

'05b     Studies  on  Chromosomes,  II.     Ibid.,  II.,  4. 

'06     Studies  on  Chromosomes,  III.     Ibid.,  III.,  i. 

'07     The  case  of  Anasa  tristis.     Science,  N.  S.,  XXV.,  February. 

'09a     Recent  Researches  on  the  Determination  and  Heredity  of  Sex.     Science, 

N.  S.,  XXIX.,  January. 

'09/<     Studies  on  Chromosomes,  IV.     Jour.  Exp.  Zool.,  VI.,  i. 
'09c     Studies  on  Chromosomes,  V.     Ibid.,  VI.,  2. 

'09d     The  Female  Chromosome  Groups  in  Syromastes  and  Pyrrhocoris.      Biol. 
Bull.,  XVI.,  4. 

124  CHARMS    V.    MORRILL. 


Archimerus  alternatus.  a,  formation  of  the  first  polar  body — the  mitotic  figure 
is  in  final  anaphase,  the  inner  daughter  group  showing  eight  chromosomes;  the 
cytoplasm  contains  a  number  of  yolk  spheres  of  different  sizes  and  staining  capacity. 

b,  formation  of  the  second  polar  body — the  inner  group  of  chromosomes  have  been 
transformed  into  the  female  pronucleus;   those  of  the  outer  group  are  still  separate. 

c,  the  female  pronucleus  advancing  into  the  egg  in  its  cytoplasmic  "island";    tin- 
latter  also  contains  two  yolk  spheres,     d,  the  sperm-head  advancing  into  the  egg, 
in  its  cytoplasmic  "island";    it  is  preceded  by  an  aster  and  surrounded  by  a  clear 
area.     The  magnification  is  1,375  diameters. 


PLATE    I. 




126  CHARLES    V.    MORRILL. 


a-c,  Archimerus  allernatus.  a,  a  stage  letter  than  PI.  I.,  d — -the  sperm  head  has 
been  transformed  into  the  male  pronucleus  and  is  still  advancing  into  the  egg  pre- 
ceded by  its  aster  and  a  small  clear  area,  b,  an  early  stage  in  the  copulation  of 
the  male  and  female  pronuclei — each  is  in  contact  with  a  clear  area  and  an  amphi- 
aster  lies  between  them,  c,  a  later  stage  in  the  copulation  of  the  pronuclei — the 
nuclear  membranes  are  still  intact;  seven  chromosomes  appear  in  the  lower  nucleus, 
the  wz-chromosome  being  absent;  a  faint  aster  appears  on  the  right,  d,  Protenor 
belfragel:  First  cleavage  prophase,  polar  view — the  male  and  female  groups  are 
still  separate,  one  of  them  being  incomplete;  an  idiochromosome  appears  in  each 
group.  The  magnification  is  1,375  diameters. 




*  • 


CMAHlES    V       MO«B  II. 



:nale  and  a  male  of  this  species  of  spiders  were  found  under 
'  <int  flat  stones  on  a  sunny  hillside  in  Montclair  on  the 

•  uing  of  April  21.  On  the  same  day  they  were  put  in  a  ivc- 
t. uvular  small  glass  dish  with  a  little  earth  at  the  bottom,  awn-o- 
lid and  a  partition  of  wire-net  in  the  middle  to  separate  the 
spider-*  from  each  other.  They  at  once  tried  to  get  at  each  otl 
>-tii  king  their  legs  through  the  net.  After  a  while  they  de-i-ted 
and  -at  quietly  on  the  ground.  The  next  morning  the  female 
und  in  the  corner  farthest  from  the  light  and  next  to  the 
partition,  in  a  little  excavation  in  the  ground,  which  \\a- 
pi«iii-i  ted  on  all  side*  with  web.  The  web  was  destroyed  and  a 
ll\  ua-  held  in  a  forceps  before  the  spider.  She  bit  at  it  but  \\a- 
•  •it In  i  in: able  or  did  not  want  to  kill  it.  The  male  made  no  ex- 
iti«m  or  web.  When  the  partition  was  removed  the  male  ami 
all-  met  several  times  in  a  rather  threatening  way,  opening 
\\ide  thi-ir  mandibles  and  at  times  seizing  each  other  by  tin 
inamlibli--.  but  the  male  would  pat  the  female  with  his  four 
ti"iit  leet  on  the  sides  and  back  and  then  they  would  separate 
l>ly.  After  a  short  time  the  female  dug  rapidly  a  hole  in 
the  Around  under  a  little  stone.  The  male  approached  several 
time-.  1 1 inching  her  legs  with  his  front  legs  and  again  going  away. 
I  in  >u  removed  the  stone  to  observe  how  the  female  digs  the  hole, 
^lie  at  once  beg. in  to  work,  using  all  parts  of  her  body.  The 
Miiall  •  lumps  of  soil  she  removes  by  pushing  them  with  palpi. 
In  >MI  to  i  and  mandibles  with  the  fangs  drawn  in.  Heavy  clump- 
"t  the  size  of  her  own  Ixxly  she  grasp*  in  her  fangs  and  either 
pu-lie-  or  pulls  backward  out  of  the  excavation.  The  hole  i- 
f(.riiiied  by  web  which  she  spins  in  a  very  interesting  manner. 
She  -tand*  head  down  with  only  the  abdomen  out  of  the  hole  ami 
nio\e-  the  latter  in  a  half  circle  about  the  petiolus  with  spinncrei- 
i.m-iretched,  I'a-tening  the  thread  first  at  one,  then  at  the  otlu-r 
end  <>t  the  half  circle.  After  doing  this  several  time-,  -he  turns 
in  th-  hole  to  spin  the  other  half  circle  in  the  same  manner. 



Meanwhile  the  male  came  quite  close  and  was  evidently  watching 
her,  at  the  same  time  cleaning  his  legs  and  palpi  by  drawing  them 
through  his  mandibles.  After  a  while  he  again  began  his  courtship ; 
patted  her  back,  standing  face  to  face  and  tried  to  bring  his 
front  legs  under  her  body.  Later  she  left  the  hole  without  finish- 
ing it,  returning  to  it  from  time  to  time.  They  met  several 
times  on  the  ground,  always  with  mandibles  wide  open  and 
touching  each  other  with  the  four  front  legs.  At  times  the  female 
would  make  a  threatening  move  toward  the  male  upon  which 
he  would  dra\v  back,  but  invariably  a  rapid  trembling  would 
seize  his  four  front  legs,  which  lasted  from  10-15  seconds.  At 
times  when  she  was  out  of  the  hole  as  though  in  search  of  some- 
thing, he  would  occuply  her  place  in  it.  On  returning,  she  gently 
displaced  him.  Later  as  the  female  showed  no  intention  of  ac- 
cepting the  male,  I  separated  them  by  means  of  the  wire  screen. 

The  next  day  was  cold  and  rainy  and  both  spiders  were  found 
in  the  morning  in  separate  excavations  covered  up  with  earth 
and  web.  On  the  third  day  after  a  stormy  night  it  became  wrarm. 
and  the  glass  was  placed  in  the  sunshine.  The  screen  w-as  re- 
moved and  the  spiders  pushed  out  of  their  holes.  The  male  at 
once  went  to  the  female,  meeting  her  face  to  face.  He  crept 
under  her  sternum  and  took  her  firmly  by  the  petiolus  between 
his  mandibles  with  fangs  drawn  in.  With  his  legs  he  embraced 
her  in  such  a  way  that  his  right  front  leg  passed  between  the 
mandibles  (with  fangs  open)  of  the  female  and  rested  on  her  back. 
His  left  front  leg  passed  between  her  right  mandible  and  palpus 
and  also  rested  on  her  back.  The  other  legs  passed  similarly 
between  the  legs  of  the  female  and  touched  her  back.  She  seemed 
to  make  no  objection  whatever.  They  tried  several  times  to 
change  their  position,  the  female  creeping  from  place  to  place 
while  the  male  continued  to  cling  to  her.  Finally  she  lay  down 
on  her  side  and  he  applied  the  palpus  (at  10.43  A.  M.),  all  the 
while  patting  her  with  his  third  leg.  The  coitus  lasted  five 
minutes,  after  which  they  slowly  separated  and  going  to  opposite 
sides  of  the  dish  hid  themselves  in  the  ground.  During  the 
whole  time  the  back  of  the  male  was  in  contact  with  the  sternum 
of  the  female,  a  position  not  common  to  the  majority  of  spiders. 

In  a  recent  paper  on  the  courtship  of  araneids  Professor  Mont- 


gomery  objects  to  my  conclusion  that  the  sense  of  sight  is  the 
only  sense  guides  hunting  spiders  in  finding  the  females 
during  tin-  mating  period.  He  says  that  he  has  "frequently 
noticed  m. tics  of  even  diurnal  attids  and  lycosids  first  recognizing 
tin-  iViii.ile  by  touch."  It  seems  to  me  however  very  doubtful  a  male  should  approach  a  female  without  having  previously 
noticed  her  or  without  having  been  noticed  by  her,  so  to  say 
imau  an--  on  the  part  of  both.  The  fact  that  the  female  may  stay 
<|tii»-t  U  no  proof  that  she  has  not  noticed  him.  From  my  obser- 
\ation-  .md  experiments  on  hunting  spiders  I  am  convinced  that 
they  n-adily  see  moving  objects.  If  frightened  they  run  away: 
i|  cons*  i"ii-  of  their  advantage  and  hungry  or  if  cornered,  they 
ai  tack.  \\  hat  Montgomery  looks  upon  as  recognition  by  touch 
ma\  l.e  merely  an  attempt  on  the  part  of  the  male  to  find  out 
\\heiher  the  female  is  inclined  to  accept  him.  I  do  not  deny 
that  -IK  h  a  chance  meeting  is  possible,  but  from  what  we  know 
o|  the  habits  of  spiders,  I  should  expect  the  female  to  be  either 
-tartled  or  resentful  on  being  touched  unawares.  In  the  case  of 
rocala,  which  may  in  a  certain  sense  be  regarded  as  a 
hunting  -pider,  the  male  shows  every  indication  of  perceiving 
mo\  inv;  objects  and  of  recognizing  the  female  by  sight.  Several 
times  h,  distinctly  watched  the  end  of  a  hatpin  with  which  I  was 
bi. -.iking  up  the  hard  clumps  of  earth  in  a  jar.  Invariably  on 
m\  .  ea-ing  to  do  this,  he  approached  the  spot  and  scratched  at  it 
\\  iih  \\\-  front  leg*.  A-  I  have  already  stated  he  also  approach. -d 
ih«  t, male  whenever  she  began  to  dig.  Reversing  the  conclusion 
:  -mery  that  touch  occupies  the  first  place  in  the  sen-e- 

•  ignition  and  sight  the  second,  I  repeat  therefore  thai 
-ight  i-  the  only  sense  of  sex-recognition  in  hunting  spider-. 
Alter  sex  has  been  recognized,  courtship  begins,  and  touch  is  the 
chid  means  by  which  the  male  excites  the  female  and  tests  her 
\\illiiune>s  to  accept  him. 




In  a  small  collection  of  Japanese  ants  recently  sent  me  for 
identification  by  Professor  S.  J.  Kuwana,  of  the  Imperial  Agri- 
cultural Experiment  Station  at  Nishigahara,  near  Tokio,  I  find 
a  single  female  specimen  of  such  unusual  conformation  that  I  at 
first  supposed  it  to  represent  an  undescribed  genus.  On  closer 
examination,  however,  it  proves  to  be  a  Lasins  strikingly  different 
from  the  females  of  any  of  the  known  species,  and  suggests  two 
hypotheses  for  both  of  which  provision  will  be  made  in  the  fol- 
lowing paragraphs.  The  specimen  may  represent  either  a  new 
species  or  merely  an  aberrant  female  phase  of  some  one  of  the 
known  Japanese  Lasii.  The  latter  supposition  will  be  considered 
at  length  in  the  sequel;  the  former  calls  for  the  following,  perhaps 
merely  provisional,  taxonomic  description: 

Lasius  spathepus  sp.  nov.    (Fig.  i,  A  and  B.) 

Female  (dealated).     Length  6  mm. 

Head  cordate,  slightly  broader  than  long,  with  notched  pos- 
terior border  and  rounded,  convex  posterior  corners  and  sides; 
convex  above;  gula  concave,  with  a  median  longitudinal  ridge. 
Mandibles  small,  flattened;  apparently  5-toothed,  with  concave 
external  borders.  Clypeus  depressed,  broadly  rounded  in  front, 
obscurely  carinate  in  the  middle.  Frontal  area  obsolescent; 
frontal  groove  distinct.  Eyes  rather  large;  ocelli  small.  Antennal 
scapes  broad  and  compressed,  reaching  well  beyond  the  posterior 
corners  of  the  head;  funiculi  slender,  not  clavate;  all  the  joints 
distinctly  longer  than  broad;  joints  1-3  more  than  twice  as  long 
as  broad ;  terminal  twice  as  long  as  the  penultimate  joint.  Thorax 
much  narrower  than  the  head,  fully  twice  as  long  as  broad ;  meso- 
notum  and  scutellum  flattened  above;  epinotum  short,  rounded 
above,  with  the  declivity  abrupt,  straight  in  profile  and  longer 
than  the  base.  Petiole  with  an  erect  scale,  compressed  antero- 
posteriorly  and  with  its  upper  margin  rather  sharp  and  distinctly 
notched  in  the  middle.  Gaster  very  short,  but  little  longer  than 

Contributions  from  the  Entomological  Laboratory  of  the  Bussey  Institution, 
Harvard  University.  No.  22. 



I  3 

AIM!  i  apilla  prominent.     Legs  very  long;  femora,  tibia? 
and  i)  etatarsi  dilated  and  compressed  anteroposteriorly;  remain- 

tarsal  joint-  growing  successively  narrower. 
Bod          'I   appendages  smooth  and  shining,  very  finely  and 
inconspi<  uously  punctate.     Pleura?  and  especially  the  sides  of  the 
•  pin-. tn in  more  opaque  and  somewhat  more  coarsely  punctate. 
M.indiM.  .|ue,  finely  and  sharply  striated. 

yrllou  ish,  very  short  and  sparse  on  the  body,  denser  and 
-  appr,  — ocl  on  the  flat  surfaces  of  the  legs,  but  absent  on  tin- 

•    i       A.  Lasius  s  path  f  pus  sp.  nov..  deflated  female  ;  B,  head  of  same. 

-harp  dot-al  and  ventral  edges  of  these  appendages.  Anterior 
I 'oidn  ot  t  l\  priis  with  a  row  of  short,  stout  bristles.  Border  of 
prin -lr  .ind  posterior  edge  of  each  gastric  segment  with  a  sinje 
row  oi  liaits.  Circlet  of  anal  cilia  long  and  coarse. 

HI  d\  drip  chestnut  brown;  scapes,  legs  and  articulations  of 
\\ini:-  p. ill  i  ,uid  more  reddish;  corners  of  clypeus  and  posterior 
bordei  -trie  segments  sordid  yellow. 

I  lii-   tnr.ale  may  be  at  once  distinguished   from  any  of  the 

kiioun    ti  in. ile   Las ii   by   its   peculiar   heart-shaped    head,   short 

•  r  .ind  dilated  and  flattened  metatarsi.     The  last  character. 

in  lari,  i>  nut  nu-t  with  in  any  other  known  ant,  except  Melisso- 

tnr.^iis.  \shirli  l.mery  regards  as  an  aberrant  Ponerine. 

Tin-  Mippo-ition  that  L.  spatliepus  may  not  be  a  new  species, 
bin  merely  an  extraordinary  female  form  of  some  one  of  the  \\rll- 
knoun  Japanese  Lasii,  is  supported  by  the  following  considera- 
tion-. Main  years  ago  Walsh1  described  an  aberrant  female 

1  'n  tin    '  .f  Aphidac  found  in  the  United  Suit'1-."  I 'roc.  J-'.nl.  Soc.  Phila.. 

I  .  N".  •;.  i  y  -1)4-311. 


Lasius  from  Illinois  as  L.  latipes,  and  in  1903  McClendon  and  I1 
showed  that  this  ant  has  two  forms  of  females:  the  one  described 
by  Walsh  and  characterized  by  extremely  flat,  dilated  femora  and 
lilii.i-.  >m. ill,  feeble  tarsi,  strongly  clavate  antennal  scapes,  short 
funicular  joints   and   long,    fulvous   pilosity;  and   another  of   a 
darker  color,  with  less  flattened  legs,  less  clavate  scapes,  longer 
funicular  joints,  longer  tarsi  and  sparser,  shorter  pilosity.     The 
latter  we  designated  as  the  a-,  the  former  as  the  /3-female.     We 
found  most  colonies  at  the  height  of  the  breeding  season  to  con- 
tain only  /3-females,  but  in  three  colonies  from  different  localities 
both   forms  occurred  simultaneously.     These  observations  sug- 
gest that  L.  spathepus  may  be  the  /3-female  of  some  Japanese 
Lasius,  which  in  its  worker  and  male  phases  show's  no  departure 
from  the  usual  generic  type  of  structure.     Five  Lasii  are  known 
from  Japan,  namely,  L.  niger  L.,  niger  alienus  Forster,  myops 
Forel,  umbratus  Nyl.  and  L.  fuliginosus  Latr.     All  of  these  are 
well-known  European  species  and,  in  all   probability,  common 
also  throughout  temperate  Asia.2     The  only  one  of  these  species 
of  which  spathepus  could  be  a  /3-female  is  L.  fuliginosus.     I  possess 
males  and  workers  of  this  species  collected  by  Mr.  Hans  Sauter  in 
Kanagawa,  Japan,  and  there  were  three  workers  in  the  collection 
sent  me  by  Professor  Kuwana,  but  as  these  bear  a  special  number 
they  were  probably  not  taken  in  the  nest  containing  the  spathepus. 
All  the  Japanese  workers  and  males  of  fuliginosus  are  indistin- 
guishable from  specimens  in  my  collection  from  several  European 
countries  (England,  France,  Germany,  Switzerland,  Austria  and 
Russia).     In  Europe,  however,  this  ant  is  known  to  have  only 
one  form  of  female,  which  is  in  no  respect  extraordinary  (Fig.  2,  A 
and  B)  though  it  would  bear  to  spathepus  about  the  same  relation 
that  the  a-female  of  latipes  bears  to  the  cospecific  /3-female.    Com- 
parison of  the  figures  accompanying  this  article  shows  that  the 
head  of  spathepus  in  its  outline  is  in  some  respects  more  like  that 

'"Dimorphic  Queens  in  an  American  Ant  (Lasius  talipes  Walsh),"  BIOL.  BULL., 
IV.,  No.  4.  1903.  PP-  149-163. 

-L.  fuliginosus  is  cited  by  Forel  from  lower  altitudes  in  the  Himalaya  ("Les 
Fourmis  de  1'Himalaya,"  Hull.  Soc.  Vaitd.  Sc.  Nat.,  5  ser.,  XLII.,  1906,  p.  85). 
Du  Buysson  in  a  paper  which  I  have  not  seen  ("Les  fourmis  fuligineuses  au  Japon." 
Rev.  Ent.,  1906,  pp.  101-102)  gives  some  notes  on  the  occurrence  of  this  ant  in 



of  the  worker  fnli^inosus  than  the  latter  is  like  that  of  the  Euro- 
pean female  of  the  species.  If  spathepus  is  an  aberrant  female 
fiiliziHtisuv,  as  M'-ms  not  only  possible,  but  probable,  we  must 
therefore  ;t--ume  either  that  this  species  in  Japan  has  two  females, 
•  iparalil.-  to  the  a-  and  /3-females  of  tetipes,  or  that  ii  has  only 
''"•  .Mi  in  ili  ,  \\hile  the  a-female  alone  is  retained  in  Europe 

I     /. ;  in      fit  :     'tuius  1. Mr.,  ilr.ili        female  ;   B.  head   of  same;  C, 

I!\  i«  lent  K  i  his  question  can  be  decided  only  by  exhaustive  obser- 
\  aiioii-  in  J.i| 

Tin-  tr.iinoi  h\  potheses  suggested  by  spathepus  isnot  terminated 
.ii  tlii-  |)i)int.  Recent  investigations  make  us  look  with  increasing 
inti TI •-(  mi  .ill  .tin  rrant  female  ants,  for  it  has  been  found  that 
oit.iin  species  of  Formica,  A phccnogaster  and  Bothriomyrmex- 
\\  hirh  h.i\  e  Ifni. ilt  -  rit  her  of  unusually  small  size,  glabrous  integu- 
ni.  f\n.i«'nliii.ti  \  color  or  pilosity,  or  with  unusual  morpho-  characters,  also  exhibit  correlative  ethological  peculiaritii  ->. 
Sin  h  t« malt--,  during  the  establishment  of  their  formicaries,  an-, 
as  a  rulr,  temporary  parasites  on  workers  of  allied  species  whose 
tVmalr-  n-tain  tin-  t\'pical  generic  characters.  The  question 
tlit-ifton-  arises  as  to  whether  the  aberrant  female,  which  I  have 
t  alK-d  1..  tfxitlh'pHs,  may  not  be  a  temporary  parasite  on  some 
otht  i  moiv  common  species  of  Lasius.  Here  the  siiiyo-iion  that 
.s/x;///<7>//.s  ma>  1  >r  a  /J-female  of  fiiliginosus  receives  a  little  support 


from  some  recent  European  investigations.  Forel1  long  ago 
showed  that  this  ant  is  unique  among  the  old  world  Lasii  umd 
the  new  world  species  may  be  included  in  this  statement)  in  its 
odor,  the  great  size  of  its  colonies,  its  habit  of  foraging  in  long 
files  in  the  broad  day-light  and  in  constructing  carton  nests  in 
old  tree-trunks.  \Yasmann2  has  recently  called  attention  to  its 
ability  to  form  new  colonies  by  sending  off  detachments  of  queens 
and  workers  after  the  manner  of  Formica  rufa.  Like  rufa  it  also 
possesses  another  method  of  colony  formation,  namely,  through 
temporary  parasitism.  Unlike  the  queens  of  the  common  Lasius 
niger,  the  queen  of  fuliginosus,  after  fecundation  on  her  marriage 
flight  and  on  returning  to  the  earth,  is  unable  to  start  a  colony 
unaided,  and  if  prevented  from  rejoining  the  maternal  colony 
or  a  detachment  of  workers  of  her  own  species,  has  to  seek  out  a 
colony  of  L.  umbratus  and  have  her  young  brought  up  by  the 
workers  of  this  ant.  The  umbratus  queen  must  be  killed  either 
by  her  own  workers  or  by  the  intrusive  fuliginosus  queen,  so  that 
the  host  species  is  destined  eventually  to  die  off  and  leave  a  pure 
and  thriving  fuliginosus  colony.  That  this  method  of  colony 
formation  is  actually  adopted  by  fuliginosus  queens  is  clearly 
indicated  by  the  following  observations  which  have  been  slowly 
accumulating  during  the  past  few  years:  In  1908  de  Lannoy 
stated  that  in  1904  he  found  at  Knoche-sur-Mer  in  Belgium  a  few 
workers  of  L.  mixtus  (a  subspecies  of  umbratus}  living  in  a  large 
colony  of  fuliginosus,  and  that  in  1906  he  found  several  similar 
colonies.  Emery4  and  Forel5  interpreted  these  observations  to 
mean  that  the  queen  fuliginosus  founds  her  colony  with  the  aid  of 
umbratus  workers,  in  a  manner  analogous  to  that  employed  by  the 
North  American  and  European  Formica  of  the  rnfa,  exsecta  and 

'"Les  Fourmis  de  la  Suisse,"  Nouv.  Mhn.  Soc.  Helv.  Sc.  Nat.  Zurich.  XXVI., 
1874,  pp.  J-447.  2  pis. 

"'Ueber  gemischte  Kolonien  von  Lasius-Arten,"  Zoo/.  Anzeig.,  XXXV.,  1909, 
pp.  129-141. 

'"Notes  sur  le  Lasius  niger  et  le  Lasius  fuliginosus,"  Ann.  Soc.  Enl.  Belg.,  LI  I., 
1908.  pp.  47-53- 

4"Remarc|ues  sur  les  observations  de  M.  de  Lannoy  touchant  1'existcnce  de 
L.  mixtus  dans  les  fourmilieres  de  L.  fuliginosus,"  Ann.  Soc.  Eiit.  Bclg.,  LIL,  1908, 
pp.  182,  183. 

6"Lettre  a  la  Societc  Entomologique  de  Belgique,"  Ann.  Soc.  Ent.  Belg.,  LIL, 
1908.  pp.  180,  181. 


niicrogyna  groups  when  they  enter  nests  of  F.  fusca  and  incerta. 
\Ya-mann  Inco  citato]  accepts  the  interpretation  given  by  Emery 
and  Ford,  and  now  recalls  that  he  has  on  several  occasions  found 
mixed  colonies  <»f  L.  nmbratus  and  fuliginosus.  Donisthorpe1 
states  ili  at  in  1X97  he  recorded  the  occurrence  of  a  large  colony 
of  fnli'jninsns  in  a  hollow  tree  at  Lymington,  England,  living  with 
\\  In  In-lit  -\«  -d  at  the  time  to  he  L.flavus  but  has  since  decided 
must  ha\<-  Ix-rn  nmbratus.  He  also  says  that  Crawley  has  re- 
ccntK  l«Mind  nn;!>rntns  workers  in  company  with  fuliginosus. 

Hut  even  ilii-  is  apparently  not  the  whole  story.  CrawK-y- 
foimd  ili.n  i  In-  ijucen  of  nmbratus  may  be  adopted  by  a  colony  of 
L  >  nid  \\.i-mann  (loco  citato}  has  shown  that  the  former 

am  is,  .ii  I.  ast  occasionally,  a  temporary  parasite  on  niger,  for  he 
loi  1  1  id  .1  inixid  i  -i  i|i  my  of  the  two  species  which  could  only  U 
inii  i  ]uvii  d  mi  this  supposition.  He  believes,  therefore,  that  we 
m.r  Ii  i\«-  In  •!<•  a  case  of  social  hyperparasitism  —  nmbratus  found- 
sith  the  aid  of  niger,  and  fuliginosus  with  the  aid 
ol  nmhrtitns!  In  these  observations  it  is,  of  course,  the  female  of 
tin-  Knro|  .1  'nliginosus  which  exhibits  temporary  social  para- 
Hti-m,  and  it  ^  />nthff>ns  is  really  the  /^-female  of  this  species,  it  is 
al-o.  in  .dl  pri'liability,  addicted  to  the  same  form  of  parasitism, 
IK  rli.ip-  MM  -,  ,nie  other  species  of  Lasins,  although  nmbratus,  as 
I  lia\c  -i.iird.  i-  known  to  occur  in  Japan. 

rim-  ii  .ip|M-ars  in  the  old  world  the  genus  Lasins,  like 
ilic  ;o'iiu-  /"''iiicd,  is  made  up  of  two  sets  of  species  —  one 
(AircincK  abundant  and  widely  distributed,  with  queens  able 
t<>  r-iaMNi  their  colonies  independently,  the  other  rare  and 
>poradir  in  tin  -ir  occurrence,  with  (jueens  that  require  the  assi-t- 
aint  ni'  \\orkn-~  ol  other  species  of  the  genus  when  engaged  in 
founding  iluir  commonwealths.  To  the  former  set  belong  L. 
I  nid  ii>  various  subspecies  (alienns  Forster,  brnmnas 
I.  at  r..  ,  »:,ir^iinilns  Fabr..  lasioides  Emery)  and  L.  flavus;  to  the 
latter  /..  nnif'nitns  Nyl.,  and  its  subspecies  mixttts  Nyl.,  bicornis 
\  -tt-r  and  affinis  Schenck,  L.  carniolicus  Mayr  and  fuliginosus 
Lair.  I'l  i  rarity  of  carniolicus  and  the  very  small 

'"On  th<'  Kiiim  Him  »i  Nests  by  Ants;  an  1  a  few  n^tes  on  Myrnr-c  •philes,"' 

l:nt.    R,.        XXII   .    No.    |.    IQIO,  4pp. 
:.    Mxtiti:     \l.:.    .    \-}>«),  p.  94. 


of  its  females  point  unmistakably  to  parasitic  habits.  The  same- 
is  probably  true  of  L.  crinitus  described  by  F.  Smith1  and  Mayr- 
from  Cashmir.  Only  the  female  of  this  species  is  known  ;m<l 
this  has  long  yellow  hairs  like  the  North  American  Formica 
ciliata  Mayr  and  crinita  Wheeler,  which  are,  in  all  probability, 
temporary  parasites  on  varieties  of  F.  schaufussi  or  fusca. 

In  North  America,  the  genus  Lasius,  which  embraces  the  sub- 
genus  (Acanthomyops)  not  represented  in  Eurasia,  seems  to  pre- 
sent a  corresponding  division  of  its  species  into  those  with  inde- 
pendent and  those  with  parasitic  queens,  although  the  data  un 
which  this  assertion  is  based  are  at  present  very  meager.  Here, 
too,  the  forms  of  L.  niger,  namely  the  varieties  americanus  Emery 
and  neoniger  Emery,  L.  flavus  var.  nearcticus  Wheeler  and  brevi- 
cornis  Emery  establish  their  colonies  independently.  This  I  can 
affirm  from  many  observations  in  the  field.  The  same  is  true  of 
L.  (Acanthomyops}  daviger  Roger  and  probably  also  of  L.  (A.}  in- 
ter jectus  Mayr.  But  I  have  never  seen  any  of  the  females  of  our 
itmbratus  forms  (mixtus  var.  aphidicola  Walsh,  subumbratus 
Viereck,  minutus  Emery  and  speculiventris  Emery)  in  the  act  of 
founding  their  colonies  independently,  and  it  is  quite  probable 
that  they  are  temporary  parasites  on  the  extremely  common  /.. 
americanus.  Equally  negative  have  been  my  observations  on  L 
(A.}  latipes,  which  has  the  a-  and  /3-females  to  which  I  alluded 
in  a  preceding  paragraph.  That  this  species  is  a  temporary 
parasite  on  L.  americanus  is  indicated  by  the  fact  that  near  Cole- 
brook,  Conn.,  I  found  four  small  mixed  colonies.3  L.  (A.) 
murphyi  Forel  and  occidentalis  Wheeler,  which  are  closely  related 
to  latipes  and  have  females  covered  with  singular  fulvous  hairs, 
are  also  very  probably  to  be  regarded  as  parasitic  in  the  early 
stages  of  colony  formation. 

The  genus  Lasius,  which  comprises  some  of  the  commonest  and 
most  characteristic  ants  of  the  north  temperate  zone,  has  never 
attracted  a  large  number  of  students,  probably  because  the 

'"Catalogue  of  Hymenopteroua  Insects  in  the  Collection  of  the  British  Museum," 
Pt.  VI..  Formicidae.  1858,  p.  13. 

"Myrmecologische  Studien,"  Verh.  K.  K.  Zoo/,  hot.  Ges.  Wien.,  XII..  1862. 
p.  700. 

'Sec  Wheeler,  "Ants:  Their  Structure,  Development  and  Behavior,"  1910,  p. 
504,  nola. 


species  are  in  the  main  subterranean  and  are  so  much  more 
moii' )t on' Hi-  in  their  habits  than  the  species  of  Formica.  Nevcr- 
th< -It •->,  an  intensive  study  of  the  ethology  of  the  European  and 
North  Ann  ri<  .in  Lasii  is  bound  to  bring  to  light  many  surprising 
I'.K  ts.  This  is  sufticiently  indicated  in  the  preceding  paragraphs 
notwithstanding  the  large  amount  of  conjecture  which  they  con- 



Scolopenda  heros.1 

M.   \V.    HI.. \CKMAN. 

I  hiring  the  last  few  years  a  number  of  attempts  have  been  made 
to  analyze  the  chromosome  complex  of  various  animals.  These 
attempts  have  met  with  such  apparent  success  in  the  case  of 
several  insects,  notably  Orthoptera,  that  I  have  been  led  to 
attempt  a  similar  analysis  of  the  chromosome  group  in  Scolopendra 
heros.  Indeed,  before  the  appearance  of  earlier  papers  upon  this 
species  such  an  attempt  had  been  made,  but  it  had  met  with  but 
small  success  owing,  as  I  now  know,  to  deficiencies  in  the  optical 
apparatus  employed.  With  the  facilities  then  at  my  disposal,  it 
was  impossible  to  secure  definite  clear-cut  images  of  the  chromo- 
somes at  a  magnification  greater  than  1,500  diameters.  As  the 
chromosomes  in  Scolopendra  heros,  although  exceedingly  clear- 
cut  and  definite  in  outline,  are  considerably  smaller  than  in  some 
insects,  a  greater  magnification- than  1,500  diameters  is  necessary 
if  the  study  is  to  be  at  all  convincing,  either  to  the  investigator  or 
to  those  reading  his  report.  However,  by  the  use  of  a  Zeiss  2- 
mm.  apochromatic  objective  and  a  number  12  compensating 
ocular,  the  source  of  light  being  a  Welsbach  mantle,  a  magnifica- 
tion of  2,300  diameters  was  obtained  with  no  perceptible  loss  of 
definition  in  the  image. 

The  material  used  in  this  study  is  the  same  which  served  as  a 
basis  of  several  previous  papers2  (Blackmail  :oi,  103,  105),  the 

'From  the  Zoological  Laboratory,  Syracuse  University,  Syracuse,  New  York. 

'Blackman,  M.  W.,  :oi,  "The  Spermatogenesis  of  the  Myriapods — I.,  Notes  on 
the  Spermatocytes  and  Spermatids  of  Scolopendra,"  Kans.  Univ.  Quart..  Vol.  10, 
pp.  61-76,  pi.  5-7. 

Blackman,  M.  W.,  103,  "The  Spermatogenesis  of  the  Myriapods — II.,  On  the 
Chromatin  in  the  Spermatocytes  of  Scolopendra  heros,"  BIOL.  BULL.,  Vol.  5,  pp. 
187-217,  22  fig. 

Blackman,  M.  \V.,  105,  "The  Spermatogenesis  of  the  Myriapods — III.,  The 
Spermatogenesis  of  Scolopendra  heros,"  Bull.  Mia.  Comp.  Zoo/.,  Harvard  ('<•//. 
Vol.  48,  No.  i.,  pp.  1-137,  9  pl- 



majority  of  the  -lides  having  been  mounted  nine  years,  but  the 
-tain  Heidenhain'-  iron-alum  haematoxylin),  except  where  a  por- 
tion of  i  In-  -ection  extends  from  under  the  cover-glass,  is  as  perfect 
a-  \\  hen  tir-t  mounted. 

Sutton,1  :O2,  Robertson,2  :o8,  and  Xowlin,3  :o8,  working  upon 
ih»-  male  cell-  of  (  )rthoptera  have  found  that  the  chromosomes 
during  both  the  -permatogonial  and  spermatocyte  generations 
may  be  arranged  in  a  graded  series  as  regards  size.  In  the  sper- 
tin-  -eries  is  a  double  one,  the  two  chromosomes  of  a 
-i/r  repre-enting  the  similar  elements  derived  from  the 
t\\'>  parent-.  The-e  -imilar  chromosomes  unite  during  synap-i- 
•  Snt  ton.  :<t2.t>f>.  fit.),  and  give  rise  to  the  single  series  character  - 
i-tic  "f  tin  -pcrm.itocytes.  The  extreme  difference  in  the  si/e 
of  the  chionio-,,nn-s  in  the  Orthoptera  is  so  marked  that  it  i- 
IK  -I  iceable  at  a  glance  (see  Sutton,  :02,  Fig.  6)  and  after  stiuh  inu 
preparation-  of  thi«,  material  one  cannot  doubt  the  accuracy  "f 
their  observation-  ,,r  deny  the  strength  of  their  conclusions,  that 
in  the-e  lorin-  the  chromosomes  at  any  given  stage  bear  a  certain 
-i/e  i  el  at  ion  to  t-ach  other,  and  that  this  presents  strong  evidence 
in  -uppoit  IP!  tlu-  theory  of  the  individuality  of  the  chromosomes. 

lint  it  ue  i^rani  the>e  conclusions  with  regard  to  the  form- 
-tndied.  dm  -  it  necessarily  follow  that  these  conclusions  should 
be  made  nioiv  general  and  applied  to  the  chromosomes  of  all 
animal-.'  What  shall  we  say  as  regards  the  application  of  this 
te-t  to  tin-  chromosomes  of  a  form  in  which  the  difference  in 
-i/e  i-  not  -  .....  arked  or  in  \\hich  the  chromosomes  all  appear  of 
nearU  one  size?  Such  is  apparently  the  case  in  Scolopendra.  At 
ordinary  magnification  there  is  very  little  difference  in  the  si/e 
«  it  the  chroiim-c  .me-  as  seen  in  a  metaphase  of  the  first  spermato- 
(  \  t.  dillereiice  is  to  be  detected  even  at  a  magnification 

a-  lnu  as  diameters,  but  this  is  so  slight  that  if  size  alone 
be  u-ed  a-  a  criterion  it  would  seem  impossible  to  distinguish  be- 
t  \\een  the  chroino-omes  farther  than  to  say:  "This  is  one  of  the 
-mallei  one-"  or  "one  of  the  larger  ones." 

.  \V    S..   :o2.  "On  the  Morphology  of  the  Chromosome  group  in  Bra- 

'i'i,"  Him-    BVLL.,  \"ol.  4,  pp.  24-39,  "  "8- 
K.  i  ..  rtson,  \\  .  K.  B.,  :o8,  "The  Chromosome  Complex  of  Syrbulii  ailmira^ilis." 

S       null..  \'ol.  1\"..  pp.  275-305,  5  plates. 

'Nmvlin.    Na.line,    :o8.   "The  Chromosome  Complex  nf     Melanoplus  biiittatus 
-  i.  Intll..  \'<>1.  I\".,  pp.  265-271.  2  plates. 

I4O  M.     \V.     lil.ACK.MAX. 

But  other  tests  may  be  applied  and  have  been  applied.  Baum- 
gartner1  (:O4),  made  an  attempt  to  distinguish  the  chromosomes 
in  Gryllns  by  differences  in  form.  He  reaches  the  conclusion 
that  in  Gryllns  certain  definite  shapes  constantly  occur  and  estab- 
lishes the  probability  that  there  is  a  fixed  number  of  each  type. 
Davis2  (:o8),  working  upon  various  Orthoptera  reaches  the  con- 
clusion that  "In  addition  to  the  difference  in  volume,  the  bivalent 
autosomes  (chromosomes)  show  constant  and  characteristic  dif- 
ferences in  form.  In  general  several  more  or  less  distinct  morpho- 
logical types  can  be  distinguished,  and  the  members  of  each  type 
appear  to  bear  a  constant  numerical  relationship  to  each  other." 

Robertson,  :o8  (op.  cit.},  does  not  consider  the  shape  of  the 
chromosome  of  first  importance  in  establishing  its  identity  but 
considers  size  as  the  primary  characteristic,  while  shape  is  second- 
ary and  to  a  certain  extent  dependent  upon  size  or  at  least  upon 
the  degree  of  lengthening.  The  main  criticism  I  wish  to  make 
regarding  Robertson's  conclusions  on  this  point  is  that  in  his 
study  of  the  chromosomes,  he  has  not  drawn  them  from  the  best 
view  point  to  establish  any  characteristic  difference  in  shape. 
His  drawings  are  all  or  nearly  all  of  chromosomes  as  seen  in  polar 
view,  whereas  a  view  at  right  angles  to  the  spindle  is  more  satis- 
factory in  determining  both  the  shape  of  the  chromosomes  and 
their  relation  to  the  mantle  fibers. 

In  Scolopendra,  as  I  have  already  implied,  it  is  impossible  to 
establish  the  identity  of  many  of  the  chromosomes  on  the  basis  of 
size  alone.  Early  in  my  work,  however,  after  six  or  eight  chromo- 
some groups  had  been  carefully  drawn,  it  became  evident  that  the 
chromosomes  as  seen  in  a  lateral  view  of  the  metaphase  of  the 
first  spermatocyte  are  of  several  distinct  types  as  regards  shape 
and  that  the  size  relation  of  the  chromosomes  of  each  type  are 
such  as  to  make  it  possible  to  distinguish  the  individual  chromo- 
somes with  some  degree  of  certainty.  This,  I  think,  will  be 
apparent  from  a  Mudy  of  the  figures  of  plates  I.  and  II.,  although 
it  must  be  borne  in  mind  that  the  figures  are  of  course  much  less 
satisfactory  for  this  comparison  than  the  actual  chromosomes, 

"Baumgartner,  \V.  J.,  104.  "Some  New  Evidences  for  the  Individuality  of  the 
Chromosomes,"  BIOL.  BTLL  ,  Vol.  8,  pp.  1-23,  3  plates. 

'Davis,  H.  S.,  :o8,  "Spermatogenesis  in  Acridickc  and  Locustida?,"  Bull.  Mm. 
Comp.  Zoo/.  Harvard  Coll.,  Vol.  LIII.,  pp.  59-158,  9  plates. 

-l'I  .ENES1S    OF    THK    .MM<|o:  j    .1 

due  to  tin-  i.i'  i  ill. it  many  of  the  chromosomes  do  not  lie  at  right 
the   I iii.-  of  vision  and  must,  therefore,   appear  fore- 
-hortcned  in  ,m  outline  drawing. 

l-efore  di  the  individual  characteristics  of  the  various 

chromo-ome-  ,  n  in  metaphase,  it  might  be  well  to  gh 

l.rii-l"  review  of  thi-ir  history  in  the  prophase.     The  spermatocvte 
<  lii-om-  nteen  in   number.     Of  these,  sixteen   are 

l.i\al<  in  element-  formed  by  the  end  to  end  union  of  univalent 

imosomes  during  the  tetophase  of  the  last  spermatogonial 
di\i-ion  Hl.ickman.  :o^.  :o5,  op.  cit.}.  The  seventeenth  element , 
'In  <  liron;,,-<imc,  is  univalent  in  character,  being  de- 

ii\«d  dinctU  from  .1  si ngle specialized  chromosome,  the  accessory 
chromosome  oi  tl  matogonium.   The  growth  period  following 

i|>-i-  i  Duration  in  Stolopendra,  and  during  this  period 

•  ill  o|  i  In-  (  In.  mi*  are  grouped  together  to  form  a  nucleolu  — 

like   -inn  tun-    to    which    I    have  given    the   name   karyosphnv. 
\\hile  in  tin-  karyi-pluTe  the  chromosomes  arc  so  closely  a^. 

d  i luir  indi\idual  outlines  cannot  be  distinguished  \\iili 

'I  In •>,  lio\\e\rr,  enter  the  karyospherc  as  distinct  in- 

dixidnal-  .uid  I.i  -e  from  it  as  definite  chroma  tin  segment-.   in   every   resj>ect  except   for  their  greater  size.     These 

Is  \\oiild  -rnn  to  argue  f(>r,  rather  than  against,  the  individu- 

.ilit\  oi  the  chromosomes  during  this  stage. 

In  tin-  proph.i-r  the  chromosomes  arising  from  the  karyosph< 
.tn    i\|.it,ill\   long.  -l«-inler  threads  of  granular  chromatin,  which 
in\'K    -h«'\\    near  their  middle  an  interruption  of  the  chro- 
in.itin     thi-  n  |'K  -niting  the  point  at  which  the  chromosomes 
united  during  -\  n.t|i-i-.     The  two  spermatocyte  divisions  al\\ 

li  in  .i  and  a  cross  division  of  these  bivalent 
rlrimnt-.  The  longitudinal  division  as  a  rule  seems  to  occur 
lir-t.  although,  a-  \\ e  -hall  see  later,  this  is  not  invariable,  CM  n 
tor  the  ordinary  chromosomes.  The  cross  division  or  reduction 
di\i-ioii  iv-uh-  in  the  separation  of  entire  spermatogonical  chro- 
nio-oim--,  tin'  di\  i-ion  occurring  at  the  point  at  which  they  united 
dining  synapsis.  However,  although  the  results  of  these  di- 
\  i-ion-  .tic  tin  -ame  for  all  of  the  chromosomes  (with  the  excep- 
tion- to  In-  iioud  later),  the  changes  through  which  the  tetrad 
pass  in  the  projih.i-e  and  the  shapes  they  assume  during  the  pro- 


M.     \V      BLACK.  MAN 

phase  and  later  during  the  metaphase  differ  to  some  extent.  A- 
this  difference  in  shape  is  one  characteristic  by  which  we  must 
hope  to  identify  the  various  chromosomes,  occasion  may  be  taken 
here  to  describe  briefly  the  processes  by  which  these  various 
forms  arise. 

What  I  shall  call  type  A  is  represented  in  the  text-figure  I. 
The  origin  and  evolution  of  this  type  of  tetrad  is  described  in 
sufficient  detail  in  previous  papers  (Blackmail,  :O3,  105,  op.  cit.); 
so  it  will  not  be  necessary  to  repeat  the  description  in  detail. 



/          « 

h       i 

FIG.  I.  Semi-diagrammatic  representation  shewing  the  formation  and  history 
of  the  cross-shaped  type  of  tetrads;  a,  bivalent  chromatin  segment  as  it  appears 
in  the  very  early  prophase;  b,  planes  of  longitudinal  and  transverse  cleavage 
established;  c,  d,  later  stage  in  evolution  of  prophase  tetrad;  e,  f,  tetrads  as  seen 
in  early  metaphase;  g,  tetrad  in  act  of  division,  showing  the  manner  in  which  the 
component  parts  glide  over  each  other;  h,  early  anaphase  showing  distortion  of 
halves  of  tetrad  due  to  their  close  adhesion;  ;,  daughter  chromosome  in  metaphase 
of  second  spermatocyte. 

FIG.   II.     Corresponding  stages  in  evolution  of  the  clouble-V  type  of  tetrad. 

I  wish,  however,  to  emphasize  two  points.  First  the  points  at 
the  ends  of  the  shorter  arms  of  the  cross-like  figure  (Fig.  I,  b,  c,d) 
represents  the  point  at  which  union  occurred  during  synapsis. 
The  attachment  of  the  mantle  fibers  in  the  metaphase  is  not  at 
this  point  as  it  is  said  to  be  in  Syrbula  by  Robertson  (:o8,  op.  cit.}, 
but  is  at  the  ends  of  the  longer  arms  of  the  cross  as  shown  in 
Fig.  I,  c,f,  g. 

Robertson  believes  that  the  attachment  of  the  mantle  fibers 


coim  id.--  with  the  point  of  synaptic  union  of  the  elements  and 
thai  cadi  bivalent  chromosome  during  its  division  undergoes  a 
"change  of  it-  long  axis  from  a  longitudinal  to  a  trail-verse  direc- 
tion." Thi-  i-  accomplished  by  a  rotation  of  the  chromatids 
over  ea<  h  other  in  such  a  manner  as  to  result  in  a  longitudinal 
division  of  tin  tetrad  in  the  first  spermatocyte.  In  Scolopendra, 

I  have  -ho\\n  in  previous  papers  (op.  cit.},  no  such  complicated 
process  occurs  in  division.  The  long  axis  of  the  tetrad  in  mo-t 
<  ases  remain-  to  the  line  of  longitudinal  clea\age  and  in 
tin-  mci.ipli.i-.  the  two  halves  glide  over  each  other  during  the 
.HI  n|  di\i-inii.  A-  may  be  seen  in  the  semi-diagrammatic 
dra\\ii.  I  I  ,  A)  and  in  several  of  the  chromosomes  of  this 
t\pe  in  tin-  .1-  <  ompanying  plates,  the  two  halves  of  tin-  tetrad 
11  to  .idhere  raihcr  closely  and  there  is  often  considerable  di-- 
toriion.  In  I  -ig.  I.  /;,  drawn  from  my  preparations  direct  it  \\ill 
be  -ecu  ih. n  the  parts  of  the  two  daughter  chromosomes  remain- 
in^  longest  in  I'Hit.ict  are  considerably  lengthened  and  di-iorted 
appareinK  due  to  the  firm  adhesion  of  the  two  parts. 

I  lie  -e<  i\pe  of  spcTmatocy to  chromosome  is  the  "double- 
V"  de-cribed  b\  me  in  a  previous  paper  (op.  cit.}.  This 
t\pe  u-ii. ill\  aii-es  from  the  bivalent  chromosomes  of  the  early 
I  'i  i .]  ihase  \v  Inch  are  bent  at  a  sharp  angle  at  the  point  of  synap-i~. 
\liei  tin  lmiv;iiiidinal  cleavage  of  the  chromatin  thread  has  oc- 
< -lined  i  he  doubli-  thread  becomes  shorter  and  thicker,  resulting 
in  the  double  \  -haped  structure  shown  in  Fig.  II,  r.  There  i-.n 
.ill  time-  .1  very  apparent  interruption  of  the  chromatin  at  the 
.mje  n|  e. irli  Hue, id  (point  of  synapsis),  and  it  is  at  this  point 
th. H  i  In  cross  di\i-ion  occurs  later.  In  the  late  prophase  there 
i-  .i  -till  further  condensation  of  the  chromatin  and  shortening  of 
the  Hue. id,  re-ulting  in  the  closer  apposition  of  the  ends  of  the 
t lire. id-  l.uthe-t  limn  the  point  of  synapsis,  resulting  in  a  chronx >- 
-nine  of  i  he  -h.ipe  -hown  in  Fig.  II,  e,f.  At  the  time  of  the  forma- 
tion ol  the  -pindle  the  mantle  fibers  come  to  be  attached  t»  the  end-  .ml-  farthest  from  point  of  synapsis)  of  the  tetrad  in 
-nth  a  manner  iFig.  II,  e,  f,  ij)  that  the  chromosome  i-di\idid 
along  it-  longitudinal  axis.  In  this  type  al^o,  the  two  halves  of 
the  chroiiio-oiiie  -ec'in  to  adhere  closely  and  to  divide  reluctantly 
Fij  II.  .  //,  al-o  1'igs.  6,  /,  and  17,  j). 


M.     W.     1U.ACKMAN. 

The  chromosomes  of  the  third  type  arise  from  thread-like 
structures  similar  to  those  from  which  type  A  and  B  arise.  This 
thread  may  be  either  approximately  straight,  or  it  may  be  curved 
slightly  in  various  ways,  but  is  never  bent  at  a  sharp  angle  at  the 
point  of  synapsis.  The  filament  undergoes  a  longitudinal  cleav- 
age just  as  with  the  other  types.  The  two  resulting  threads,  as  a 
usual  thing,  lie  parallel  to  each  other  (Fig.  Ill,  ft,  c)  but  in  some 






FIG.  III.  Evolution  of  the  double-rod-shaped  tetrads,  a,  bivalent  chromatin 
segment;  b,  c,  d,  formation  of  tetrad;  e,  f,  tetrads  as  seen  in  early  stages  of  the 
spindle;  g,  i,  ordinary  tetrad  in  two  stages  of  longitudinal  division;  h,  rod-shaped 
tetrad  apparently  in  act  of  transverse  division;  j.  dyad  as  seen  in  metaphase 
(secondary  spermatocyte). 

FIG.  IV.  Variation  of  double-rod-shaped  tetrad.  In  early  prophase  the  double 
chromatin  segment  is  often  twisted  as  shown  in  b.  The  shortening  of  chromatin 
thread  results  in  less  and  less  twisting;  so  that  the  two  parts  of  the  metaphase 
chromosome  merely  overlie  each  other  at  an  angle  or  are  only  partially  wrapped 
about  each  other. 

cases  they  are  .twisted  about  each  other,  so  as  to  form  a  rope-like 
structure  (Fig.  IV,  ft,  r).  In  such  cases  the  resulting  chromosome 
has  a  somewhat  different  shape.  In  this  type  of  chromosome  the 
tetrad  resulting  appears  rod-shaped  or  double  rod-shaped  de- 
pending upon  the  angle  from  which  the  structure  is  viewed. 


er  tlu-  plain '•-  of  longitudinal  and  cross  division  are  establi>hed. 
the  further  change-  involve  merely  a  shortening  and  condensation 
of  tin-  <  MI  in-  -tructure.  In  Fig.  Ill,  c,  d,  two  stages  in  this  pro< 
an-  -hown,  lioth  cleavages  being  very  evident.  L.ner,  as  the 
omden-ai  i<m  i.mtinues  these  planes  of  cleavage  are  obscured  to 
-nine  extent  .md  usually  the  only  evidence  we  have  of  the  longi- 
tudinal cleavage  i-  a  very  definite  notch  at  each  end  of  the  chro- 
mosome,  \\hile  the  plane  of  cross  division  is  usually  shown  merely 
b\  .1  >liyhtl\  [i  d  diameter  of  the  tetrad  near  its  middle  (Fig. 

Ill,'/,  -  I         me  cases,  however  (Fig.  3,  g,  //),  the  plain-  «\ 

longitudinal  and  transverse  cleavage  may  be  seen  very  distinctly 
;i  in  the  metaphase  (Fig.  4.  N,   13,  ;/,   16,  ;;,  etc.).      In  nu  ta- 
kine-i- a  longitudinal  division  is  accomplished  by  a  gliding  apart 
«.|    the   i\\o\i  -  of    the  tetrad    (Fig.    Ill,  g,  i)   in  a  manner 

'•iitialK   -imilar  to  the  division  of  the  cruciform  tetrads. 

In  a  number  <>i  the  cells  studied  there  seems  to  be  one  of  the 
rim  mi"-  HIM  •-  <>l  this  type,  which  presents  quite  a  different  ap- 
pearance  dining  the  act  of  division.  A  constriction  appear-  in 
thi-  rhiomo-t.nic  at  about  the  middle  point  (the  plane  of  tran  — 
verse  clea  This  is  so  pronounced  that  there  is  in  many 

dependent  on  the  stage  of  division)  a  partial  or  even  a 
(i.inpleie  interruption  of  the  chromatic  material  at  this  point 
I  igs.  ;.  \,  |.  N,  9,  N,  10,  N,  etc.).  From  a  careful  study  of  thi> 
dm uin i-iinir  in  inaiiN1  cells,  the  conclusion  seems  inevitable  that 
thi-  i me  tetrad  undergoes  a  transverse  division,  while  the  rest  of 
tin  i  hn mn '-miles  are  dividing  longitudinally. 

A  \aiiat i-'ii  i>l  the  rod-shaped  tetrad  is  shown  in  text-fig.  IV. 
1  hit  alter  the  longitudinal  cleavage  has  been  established,  the  t\\  o 
ilmad-,  in-tead  «\  King  side  by  side,  are  twisted  about  each 
other  in  -iuh  a  \\a\  as  to  form  a  rope-like  structure.  The  result - 
IIH  tapha-e  chromosome  differs  somewhat  in  appearance  fnmi 
other-  i.|'  t hi-  t\pe,  although  in  all  essentials  it  is  identical.  As 
the  thread-  -Imrten  the  twisting  gradually  becomes  less  and  less 
pi.mniinced  I  i-.  IV,  b,  c,d,  e)  until  in  the  completed  chromosomes 
there  i-  onh  a  -li^ht  twisting  and  usually  the  two  part-  merely 
overlie  •  ich  other  at  an  angle.  The  division  accomplished  by 
the  ln-t  mat ion  mitosis  is  a  longitudinal  one. 

He-itle-  the-e  three  types  of  ordinary  chromosomes  all  of  which 

146  M.    \V.    BLACKMAX. 

are  bivalent  there  is  one  element  which  is  univalent  in  character, 
being  derived  directly  from  a  single  spermatogonial  chromosome. 
This  is  the  accessory  chromosome  and  in  the  metaphase  can 
always  be  distinguished  by  its  characteristic  shape,  and  especially 
by  the  fact  that  it  is  connected  by  mantle  fibers  to  only  one  pole 
of  the  spindle.  There  is  usually  no  indication  of  the  plane  of 
division  in  the  accessory  chromosomes  at  this  time,  although  in 
the  prophase  a  longitudinal  constriction  is  often  shown. 

The  chromosomes  of  Scolopendra  heros  are  seventeen  in  number, 
sixteen  of  which  are  bivalent,  while  one  is  univalent.  The  sixteen 
bivalent  chromosomes  undergo  longitudinal  and  transverse  divi- 
sions during  the  prophase  and  at  the  beginning  of  the  metaphase 
are  of  several  different  types  as  regards  shape.  After  studying  a 
large  number  of  metaphases  of  both  the  large  and  small  (Black- 
man,  105)  type  of  spermatocytes  it  has  been  found  to  be  a  rule 
that  in  each  cell  the  chromosomes  of  the  several  types  bear  a 
definite  and  constant  numerical  relationship  to  each  other.  This 
fact  can  best  be  appreciated  by  referring  to  the  accompanying 
plates.  It  will  be  seen  at  a  glance  that  the  cruciform  tetrads 
which  have  been  described  above  as  type  A  are  in  all  cases  six  in 
number.  Furthermore,  among  the  chromosomes  of  this  typical 
form  a  definite  size  relation  exists  which  makes  it  possible  to 
arrange  the  cross-shaped  chromosomes  in  a  graded  series  on  the 
basis  of  bulk.  To  be  sure,  the  difference  in  size  is  not  so  striking 
as  that  existing  between  the  largest  and  smallest  chromosomes  in 
some  insect  material,  but  I  believe  is  as  great  as  the  difference  in 
size  between  adjacent  chromosomes  of  the  graded  series  in  insects. 
It  is  perhaps  unnecessary  to  explain  that  the  actual  size  difference 
is  in  many  cases  greater  than  appears  in  the  camera  lucida  draw- 
ings, owing  to  the  fact  that  some  of  the  chromosomes  are  fore- 
shortened on  account  of  the  angle  from  which  they  are  viewed. 
For  this  reason,  the  drawings  are  much  less  convincing  than  the 

The  shape  of  the  chromosomes,  aside  from  showing  an  apparent 
modification  due  to  the  angle  of  vision,  actually  docs  vary  con- 
siderably but  each  of  the  group  of  six  chromosomes  in  question 
are  always  reducible-  to  the  cruciform  tetrad  described  as  type  A. 
The  variations  in  shape  have  to  do  only  with  the  degree  to  which 


the  shorl  arm  f.f  the  cross  is  drawn  out  and  to  apparent  differences 
incident  to  tin-  an;Je  of  vision.     When  the  short  arm  of  the  cr«  — 
i-   drawn   out    hut   little  the  tetrad  approaches  the  rod-shaped 
(  hromosomes  of  type  C.     Then,  too,  the  cruciform  tetrads  vary 
in  -li.ipc  in  <!iti.  rent  stages  of  the  metaphase.     The  limbs  of  the 
re  more  likely  to  be  of  nearly  equal  size  in  the  early  spindle 
ill. m  uhen  division  has  actually  begun.     As  the  chronio- 
son  n  in  i  lie  same  equatorial  plate,  are  not  all  in  exact  ly 

tin-  same  staj  division  at  the  same  time-  this  factor  should 

M  «  •  i\  e  '  •  'ii-ideration. 

An  at  ii-mpt  u  a-  made  to  learn  whether  any  of  the  chromox  imes 
i  on-taiitK  either  lag  behind  or  precede  the  others  in  division.  1 1 
\\a-  found  that  chromosome  A,  the  largest  of  the  cross-shaped 
tetrad-.  -ho\\-  .i  tendency  to  lag  somewhat  behind  the  others  of 
tlii-  t\pe.  In  many  of  the  chromosome  groups  this  is  very  evi- 
dent. In  -oii;«-  cells  it  is  not  yet  oriented  in  the  characteristic 
manner  in  the  equatorial  plate  at  a  time  when  some  of  the  others 
ha\e  he^un  to  -hou  tlu- characteristic  change  in  shape  incident  to 
the  eliding  apart  of  their  component  elements.  This  can  be  seen 
h\  i  oiiipaniii;  (  hromosome  A  with  other  chromosomes  of  similar 
t  \  pe  in  1  [  i.  >,  4.  etc.  Then,  too,  this  chromosome  often 
pre-eiit-  a  l<  —  «  lear-cut  outline  than  do  the  others,  approaching 
tin  granular  condition  characteristic  of  the  prophase. 

1  M  tin-  i  hiomosonies  of  tyjx'  H  there  are  five  present  in  the 
metapha-c  oi  >',  m'upcndra  hcros.  This  is  the  type  of  chromosome 
uhicli  -h..\\-  the  characteristic  double-Y  shajx«  in  the  propha-e. 
I  he  dil!eu-i,.i-  in  -hape  between  the  tetrads  of  this  type  and  tin 
h.iped  elements  is  usually  cjuite  striking.  E\ren  more  char- 
acteri^tic  of  thi-  t \  pe  is  the  attachment  of  the  mantle  fibers  and 
the  orientation  ..f  the  chromosomes  in  the  equatorial  plate.  As 
-i  .n  in  >ide  \  ie\\ .  the  chromosome  is  more  or  less  rectangular  in 
-hape.  hut  one  end  is  usually  wider  than  the  other  and  to  the 
angles  of  tin-  .-ml  the  mantle  fibers  are  attached.  The  chromo- 
-oine  n-uall>  lie-  with  this  end  toward  the  center  of  the  spindle, 
\\  hile  the  free  end  that  to  which  the  mantle  fibers  do  not  attach  > 
extends  oiituard.  This  free  end  is  often  notched  and  this  notch 
indicate-  the  plane  of  longitudinal  division.  In  end  view  (Figs, 
i ,  /.  <>.  ./.  etc.  i  the  appearance  is  not  so  characteristic  in  the  draw- 

14$  M-     W.     111.. \CK.M.\.\. 

ings,  although  in  the  preparations  there  is  no  difficulty  in  recog- 
nizing the  true  shape  of  the  chromosome,  the  apparent  difference 
in  shape  being  due  to  the  view-point  from  which  it  is  seen. 

The  five  chromosomes  of  type  B  form  a  graded  series  as  regards 
size,  just  as  with  those  of  type  A.  The  largest  one  is  very  per- 
ceptibly greater  than  the  smallest,  and  the  intermediate  ones 
differ  in  size  to  such  an  extent  that  there  is  usually  little  difficult)" 
in  assigning  them  to  their  proper  place  in  the  series.  No  indi- 
vidual of  this  type  shows  any  constant  precocity  or  tardiness  in 
division,  although  in  some  cells  one  or  more  of  them  are  farther 
along  than  the  others  (Figs.  6,  7,  17,  J). 

The  rod-shaped  tetrads  (type  C)  are  five  in  number  in  Scolo- 
pendra  heros.  They  show  the  same  constancy  in  size  relation  as 
do  the  other  types,  and  may  be  readily  arranged  in  a  graded  series- 
Usually  one  or  more  of  this  type  of  chromosome  show  the  com- 
ponent parts  overlapping  each  other  at  an  angle  or  partially 
wrapped  around  each  other,  indicating  that  they  arise  from  the 
twisted  threads  often  seen  in  the  prophase  and  already  described. 
However,  these  are  not  constant  in  occurrence  and  this  condition 
seems  to  depend  largely  upon  chance. 

A  fact  which  has  proved  rather  puzzling  was  brought  out  by  a 
careful  study  of  the  various  chromosomes  of  this  type.  \Yhile 
it  cannot  be  doubted  that  four  of  the  rod-shaped  chromosomes 
divide  longitudinally  in  the  first  spermatocyte  division,  the  fifth 
tetrad  of  this  shape  apparently  divides  transversely.  In  all  cases 
in  which  this  element  is  well  advanced  in  the  metaphase  there  is 
a  very  evident  constriction  at  its  middle  point,  and  in  some  cases 
this  amounts  to  a  nearly  complete  interruption  ol  the  chromatic 
material.  This  is  especially  evident  in  Figs.  3,  4,  10,  chromosome 
N.  Indeed,  it  seems  hardly  possible  to  escape  the  conclusion 
that  at  the  same  time  the  other  fifteen  bivalent  chromosomes  are 
undergoing  longitudinal  division,  this  one  element  is  divided 

This,  however,  is  no  less  to  be  expected  than  is  the  behavior  of 
the  accessory  chromosome  in  this  same  division.  It  differs  from 
the  other  chromosomes  in  being  univalent  (i.  e.,  it  has  no  synaptic 
mate),  while  the  rest  are  bivalent.  Alter  the  formation  of  the 
spindle  it  lies  among  the  other  chromosomes  and  is  scarcely  dis- 
tinguishable from  the  rod-shaped  ones  aside  from  the  fact  that 


it  i-  connected  by  mantle  fibers  to  only  one  pole  of  the  spindle. 
It  i>  not  divided  by  the  first  spermatocyte  division  but  passes  to 
one  pole  entire.  Thus  the  result  is  in  a  sense  similar  to  a  reduc- 
tion. il  division,  the  two  cells  differing  as  regards  the  distribution 
of  tin-  element.  It  has  no  synaptic  mate  and  is,  therefore,  dis- 
tributed to  only  one  of  the  resulting  cells  (Figs.  19,  20). 

1  1  i-  exident  the  unequal  distribution  of  the  accessory 
chromosomes  produces  two  sorts  of  secondary  spermatocytes— 
OIK-  half  li,i\in;^  only  the  sixteen  ordinary  chromosomes  and  one 
halt"  ha\in^  t  lie  accessory  chromosome  in  addition.  By  the 
second  -peim.itoi  \  te  division,  the  accessory  chromosome  is  di- 
vided ,nid  ,i-  it  01  curs  in  but  half  of  the  second  spermatocytes  it  i- 
distributed  to  only  half  of  the  spermatids,  thus  giving  rise  to  a 
dimorphism  among  the  spermatids  and  spermatozoa.  The  signi- 
ficance ot  tin-  dimorphism  has  been  discussed  by  a  number  of 
investigators  McClung1  (:O2),  Wilson2  (:o6),  Stevens3  (:o8,  :o8a, 
:o<,i  Uoring'  i  107)  and  others  —  and,  as  I  have  nothing  new  in  the 
\\.i\  ot  ol.MT\ations  to  offer  it  would  appear  hardly  profitable  to 
consider  the  -ul>jeci  in  detail.  I  believe,  however,  that  when  the 
i-hromo-ome-  o|  the  female  germ  cells  of  Scolopemlra  are  studied 
it  \\ill  be  toiind  that  these  are  thirty-four  in  number  in  the 
ovogonia,  and  that  the  following  fertilization  formula?  of  \\'ilson 
\\ill  hold  good  for  this  species: 

.V  /  including  \ 

•  >on  I    =  A    ••'  nuile). 

2  2   \  accessory  / 

\  N  (  accessory  \ 

.-miatozoon        -  i  I  1  =  AT  -  i  (male). 

K.  t  I  .  :02.  "The  Accessory  Chromosome  —  Sex  Determinant?" 
Hi.  .I  BULL.,  Vol.  <.  ]>p-  43-84. 

\\  ilson,  I  l<  -uidies  on  Chromosomes  —  III..  The  Sexual  Differences  of 

thr  (  hi.  .111.  -.MIL-  i  -i.  .up  in  Hemiptcra.  with  some  Considerations  on  the  Deter- 
inin.Lticin  .in.l  lnh.-iit.ince  of  Sex."  Journ.  Exp.  Zoo/.,  Vol.  III.,  pp.  1-40.  6  fig. 

'Si  \  \I.,  :o8,  "A  Study  of  the  Germ  Cells  of  Certain  Diptera  with 

Ri-i.-iciii  i-  t.>  tin-  11-  :•  -.-chromosomes  and  the  Phenomena  of  Synapsis,"  Journ. 
E*i  Vol.  \'..  pp.  359-374.  4  plates. 

xt,\,  ,  "The  Chromosomes  in  Diabrotica  -.iltala,  etc.,"  Journ. 

\  ..1.  \  ..  pp.  453-469,  3  plates. 

Stevens,  X.  M  .  :OQ,  "Further  studies  on  the  Chromosomes  of  Coleoptera." 
J«ur>i.  l:.\r,r.  /.  /  .  \".-l.  \"I.,  pp.  101-113.  4  plates. 

'BmiiK.  Ali.v  M..  107.  "A  Study  of  the  Spermatogenesis  of  Twenty-two  Species 
i.t  tin-  NK  inbi.n  •  1  i  ,  Jassidae.  Cercopidse  and  Fulgoridse."  Journ.  Kxp.  Zoo/.,  Vol. 
1\  ..  pp.  4'.<>-5i2,  9  plates. 

I5O  .  M.    W.     BLACK  MAN. 

In  ScoJopendra  (Blackman,  105,  op.  cit.}  there  are  two  distinct 
types  of  spermatocytes  readily  divisible  on  the  basis  of  size. 
Those  characterized  by  the  larger  size  are  about  twice  the  average 
diameter  of  the  smaller  ones  and  vary  from  them  in  behavior  in 
the  two  maturation  divisions.  But  this  variation  in  behavior 
concerns  the  achromatic  structures  of  .the  cell  and  seems  to  be 
due  to  the  much  greater  amount  of  cytoplasmic  and  archoplasmic 
material  present  in  the  larger  cells.  It  is  extremely  interesting 
to  note  that  as  regards  the  behavior  of  the  chromosomes  these 
two  sizes  of  spermatocytes  are  essentially  identical.  Indeed,  the 
chromosome  groups  of  the  small  cells  differ  in  no  respect  from 
those  of  the  large  type.  The  elements  are  no  smaller  than  in 
many  of  the  large  cells  and  present  the  same  constancy  in  form 
and  the  same  size  relations  characteristic  of  the  large  type  of  cells. 
Figs.  1 6,  17,  1 8  represent  the  chromosome  groups  of  the  small 
type  of  spermatocytes.  Many  more  were  carefully  studied  and 
drawn  and  all  show  the  same  characteristic  shapes  and  size  rela- 
tions typical  of  the  spermatocyte  chromosomes.  In  fact,  the 
only  reason  more  of  these  were  not  used  is  that  they  are  not  so 
desirable  for  study  owning  to  the  difficulty  in  drawing  them  due 
to  their  closer  crowding  in  the  metaphase. 

The  shape  of  the  daughter  chromosomes  as  they  move  apart 
to  the  poles  in  the  anaphase  of  the  first  spermatocyte  mitosis  is 
quite  characteristically  different  for  the  different  types  of  chro- 
mosomes (Figs.  I,  II,  IV,  //,  III,  i).  Those  resulting  from  the 
division  of  cross-shaped  tetrads  have  the  three  lobed  appearance 
shown  in  Fig.  I,  //.  The  daughter  chromosomes  resulting  from 
the  division  of  the  double-V-shaped  tetrads  have  the  shape  shown 
in  Fig.  II,  //,  and  are  essentially  single-V-shaped  chromosomes, 
as  is  shown  at  a  later  stage.  Those  resulting  from  the  division 
of  the  double-rod  tetrads,  as  they  move  toward  the  poles,  have 
the  form  of  single  rods,  slightly  constricted  near  the  middle.  I 
have  been  unable  to  identify  positively  the  division  products  of 
the  tetrad  which  undergoes  its  reduction  division  in  the  first 
mitosis,  but  in  several  anaphases  six  of  the  daughter  chromosomes 
of  each  group  are  V-shaped,  and  it  is  probable  that  the  sixth  one 
of  this  shape  is  the  chromosome  in  question.  This  is  rendered 
more  certain  by  the  observation  that  in  these  cells  there  are  but 


four  of  the  rod --haped  chromosomes  exclusive  of  the  accessory, 
which,  of  cour-e.  i-  present  in  but  one  of  the  chromosome  groups. 
The  chromo-oine  groups,  as  seen  in  the  metaphase  of  the  two 
cell-  derived  from  one  primary  spermatocyte  are  shown  in  Plate 
II.,  I ;L-.  MI,  20.  The  most  striking  fact  to  be  observed  is  the 
absence  of  ih-  -ory  chromosome  in  one  of  the  cells.  Kvena 

MI  per  t"n  ial  examination,  however,  shows  that  in  shape  and  relation 
to  the  inaiitli-  titters  the  chromosomes  are  of  several  different. 
t\pe-,  am!  that  these  characteristics  coincide  with  what  would 
'1  fmm  a  study  of  their  earlier  history.  The  chromo- 
somes  deri\ed  fn-m  the  cross-shaped  tetrads  have  altered  their 
-hape  i  on-.ider.ibly  since  last  seen  in  the  anaphase  ol  the  ln>t 
maturation  <li\i-ioii.  They  are  much  shorter  and  thicker  ami 
are  m>\\  l>ilo|..-d  bodies — the  constriction  between  the  lobes  repre- 
senting the  plain-  of  transverse  cleavage.  The  attachment  ol 
ill.  mantle  liber-;  seems  to  be  at  no  particular  point  but  may  be 
ai  an\  pan  of  each  Unite ned  end  of  the  dyad. 

Tin-  -inn  itiral  peculiarities  of  the  chromosomes  derived  from 
the  double  Y--haped  tetrads  are  much  more  characteristic.  In 
-hap.-  tin-  d\ad-  of  this  type  resemble  those  just  described  to 
Mime  .Atl-iit.  but,  except  in  si/e,  bear  a  more  striking  resemblance 
i,,  iln  double- Y-shaped  chromosomes  from  which  they  are  de- 
rived.  <  >n.-  end.  usually  the  one  nearest  the  center  of  the  equa- 
torial plate,  is  broader  than  the  other,  and  the  entire  structure 
\ei\  , -\idenil\  correspond-,  to  the  single-V-shaped  chromosomes 
ol  the  iir-t  spermatocyte  anaphase.  The  mantle  fibers  are  always 
attached  to  the  broader  end  of  the  dyad,  this  fact  being  even 
more  characteristic  than  the  shape.  The  appearance  of  these 
chromosomes  \\hilt-  in  the  act  of  division  might  lead  one  to  believe 
that  the  it  Milling  division  is  a  longitudinal  one,  but  such  a  con- 
clusion \\ould  ignore  entirely  the  previous  history  of  this  type  o| 
chromo-,  .me-  during  the  prophase  and  metaphase  of  the  fn-t 
maturation  di\  i-ion. 

Chromosomes  1..  M.  O  and  P.  in  the  second  spermutocyte 
(Kiu-.  to.  jo  are  the  product  of  the  longitudinal  division  o!  the 
rod--haped  tetrads.  They  are  dumbbell-shaped  d\ad>  with  a 
manile  liber  attached  to  each  end.  The  constriction  at  the 
mid.  lie  of  each  represents  the  plane  of  tran>\  er-e  division.  Chro- 

152  M.     \V.     r.LACKMAN. 

mosome  N  shows  a  considerably  different  shape,  corresponding 
to  its  different  history.  It  is  shorter  and  in  one  plane  broader 
than  the  other  dyads  derived  from  the  double-rod-shaped  tetrads 
of  the  first  spermatocyte.  It  has  been  already  shown  that  chro- 
mosome N  of  the  first  spermatocyte  probably  undergoes  a  trans- 
verse division  while  the  other  tetrads  are  dividing  longitudinally, 
and  we  would,  therefore,  expect  the  products  of  this  division  to 
present  a  different  appearance  from  the  other  dyads.  As  a 
matter  of  fact,  it  is  of  quite  a  different  shape  from  the  others 
derived  from  the  double-rod  tetrads. 

The  differences  in  size  between  the  various  chromosomes  of 
the  different  types  is,  of  course,  only  half  as  great  in  the  second 
spermatocyte,  as  it  is  in  the  first  spermatocyte,  and  therefore 
there  is  not  such  certainty  in  identifying  the  various  individuals 
of  the  different  types.  But  the  same  size  ratio  seems  to  exist 
and  the  chromosomes  of  the  different  types  can  readily  be  ar- 
ranged in  a  graded  series  as  regards  size,  just  as  in  the  first 

It  has  been  shown  by  this  study  that  the  chromosomes  of 
Scolopendra  heros  cannot  be  considered  as  ephemeral  structures, 
which  have  one  appearance  in  one  cell  and  present  an  entirely 
different  form  in  another  cell  of  similar  history.  Any  study 
except  a  very  superficial  one  must  lead  to  an  entirely  different 
conclusion.  By  a  study  of  many  hundreds  of  cells  in  various 
stages  of  mitosis  it  has  been  found  that  the  number  of  chromo- 
somes in  the  primary  spermatocytes  is  absolutely  constant  and 
invariable.  Furthermore,  these  chromosomes  show  other  char- 
acteristics, which  speak  very  strongly  for  their  individuality. 
The  ordinary  chromosomes  arc  divisible  into  three  types  on  the 
basis  of  the  shape  they  assume  in  the  prophase  and  metaphase  of 
the  first  maturation  division,  and  in  their  relation  to  the  mantle 
fibers  of  the  spindle.  The  individuals  of  each  type  of  structure 
are  invariably  of  the  same  number  and  in  all  favorable  cases  each 
chromosome  of  a  given  type  is  distinguishable  from  the  others  of 
a  similar  shape  by  a  difference  in  size. 

In  addition,  several  of  the  chromosomes  possess  certain  in- 
dividual peculiarities  aside  from  shape  and  size,  which  serve 


further  to  characterize  them.     One  of  the  cross-shaped  tetrads 
:i'lv  in  ori< -ming  itself  in  the  plane  of  the  spindle.     Another 
chromo-ome.  o-ie  of  the  rod-shaped  ones,  shows  a  much  more 
striking  and  fundamental  peculiarity,  in  that  it  differs  from  all 
of  the  rest  "f  the  bivalent  chromosomes  in  the  plane  of  its  divi- 
-ion-   in   tin-   fir-t  and  second  spermatocytic  mitoses.     The  ac- 
orv  (  hromo-ome  shows  still  more  striking  peculiarities,  differ- 
in  mi  the  others  in  its  origin,  valence,  behavior  in  the  propha-c, 
n -l.nioii  ID  I!H-  mantle  fibers  of  the  spindle  and  in  its  distribution 
ID  1. 111  Dm    halt  of  the  resulting  cells. 

All  of  i he  t'.n  i-  enumerated  above  offer  evidence  which  seems 
cDiiclu-i\c  thai  tin-  chromosomes  of  Scolopendra  heros,  during  the 
-]>i Tinato<  \  ic  stages  ;ii  least,  must  be  considered  as  di-tinci 
cntiiic-.  each  "tie  possessing  certain  well  defined  peculiarities 
\\liith  .in  .1-  characteristic  for  any  given  chromosome  of  the 
spermato.  is  are  the  peculiarities  of  a  species  of  animals.  I 

belie\e  (Mutually  in  many  animals  it  will  be  possible  to 
make  tin-  -tatenient  still  broader  and  to  demonstrate  the  c<>n- 
linniiN  of  the  individual  elements  from  cell  generation  to  cell 
generation.  \V«-  \\ill.  then,  be  able  to  say  that,  while  in  different 
cell  '0  -i  icr.iti.>ii -or  different  conditions  of  cell  activity,  the  appear- 
.iii.e  ,ni<l  bch.i\ior  of  any  given  chromosome  may  be  quite  dif- 
iit.  jn-t  .1-  i-  true  of  many  animals  in  different  stages  of  their 
c\i-icin .  .  \»  t  in  .1  -imilar  cell  generation  any  particular  chromo- 
-ome  \\ill  | iic-.nt  the  same  appearance  and  will  behave  in  the 
-.line  111. inner.  I  believe  that  the  condition  described  above  is 
inn-  iii  Scolopendra  heros  but  several  facts  conspire  to  make  it 
impo— ible  D|'  ph\-ical  demonstration. 

The-e  difficulties  are  mechanical  difficulties  and  have  to  do 
\\ith  the  -mall  -i/e  of  the  chromosomes  in  the  spermatogonial 
stages  and  the  close  aggregation  of  these  elements  in  the  karyo- 
sphere  <>t  the  growth  period.  The  difficulties  due  to  the  small 
>i/e  ..t  the  chromosomes  in  the  spermatogonial  stages  appeal - 
in-iiriiionniable.  and  the  only  evidences  of  individuality  which 
the\  pre-cin  ha\  e  to  do  with  their  absolute  constancy  in  numb-r. 
and  \\ith  the  very  characteristic  behavior  of  the  acce— ory  — it 
being  the  only  element  which  can  be  identified  at  all  Mages. 
\Ye  might  rea-on  from  this  that  because  one  of  the  elements 

154  M-     xv-     W.ACKMAX. 

displays  unmistakable  individuality  all  of  the  chromosomes  pos- 
sess individuality.  This  argument  has  been  made  in  other  cases 
and,  while  the  continuity  of  the  accessory  chromosome  does  offer 
valuable  evidence  in  support  of  the  individual  continuity  of  the 
chromosomes  in  general,  it  cannot  be  said  to  establish  the  truth 
of  the  general  theory. 

The  difficulty  of  establishing  the  individuality  of  the  chromo- 
somes during  the  growth  period  would  seem  fully  as  great  as 
during  the  spermatogonial  period.  During  all  the  stages  in  which 
the  karyosphere  exists  the  chromosomes  are  so  densely  aggregated 
that  it  is  impossible  to  distinguish  the  separate  elements.  But 
even  at  this  time  it  is  possible  in  favorable  cases  to  distinguish 
the  accessory  chromosomes  and  to  discern  the  outlines  of  some 
of  the  other  elements.  Furthermore,  as  I  have  shown  in  previous 
papers  (Blackman,  105,  op.  cit.)  the  chromosomes  enter  the  karyo- 
sphere as  distinct  bivalent  elements,  and  at  the  end  of  the  growth 
period  arise  from  it  as  distinct  chromatic  segments  of  the  same 
number  and  character  as  in  the  earlier  stage. 

The  chromatin  segments  entering  the  karyosphere  are  bivalent 
threads  formed  by  the  union  and  subsequent  diffusion  of  two 
spermatogonial  chromosomes.  The  point  of  union  of  synapsis 
shows  very  plainly  as  a  distinct  interruption  of  the  chromatin 
granules  near  the  middle  of  the  segment,  the  interval  being 
bridged  by  linin  fibers.  In  favorable  sections  of  the  karyosphere 
(i.  e.,  those  in  which  the  stain  has  been  sufficiently  extracted)  it 
is  seen  that  this  body  is  made  up  of  a  number  of  chromatin  seg- 
ments closely  massed  about  the  accessory.  The  chromosomes 
on  leaving  the  karyosphere  are  of  the  same  structure  as  when 
they  entered,  are  of  the  same  number  and  in  appearance  differ 
from  those  of  an  earlier  period  in  size  only.  In  fact,  the  larger 
spermatocyte  chromosomes  possess  nearly  as  great  a  bulk  as  the 
entire  chromosome  group  of  the  spermatogonium,  this  immense 
increase  in  size  being  accompanied  by  a  growth  of  other  parts  of 
the  cell,  which  is  proportionally  even  greater. 

It  would  appear  then,  that  during  certain  stages  of  the  sper- 
matogenesis  of  Scolopendra  it  is  possible  to  demonstrate  absolutely 
that  each  chromosome  is  a  distinct  unit  rhararteri/ed  by  certain 
definite  and  constant  peculiarities  and  that  the  continuity  of 


each  clement  can  be  traced  from  the  early  prophase  of  the  first 
spermatocyte  to  the  anaphase  of  the  second  maturation  division. 
In  other  word-,  it  is  evident  that  during  this  very  important 
period  of  their  hi-tory  the  chromosomes  show  complete  individu- 
ality. In  other  namely,  in  the  spermatogonia  and  during 
the  Drouth  period,  it  cannot  be  claimed  that  the  continuity  of 
the  clironio-ome-  is  actually  demonstrated  in  Scolopoidra,  al- 
though e\idencr  -trongly  supporting  such  a  vie\v  undoubtedly 


The  (  hroino-ome  ^roup  of  the  primary  spermatocytes  of  Scolo- 
f>i-inlni  ln-r<>\  i-  made  up  of  sixteen  bivalent  chromosomes   tetrad- 
and   one  uni\  alcut   chromosome  (dyad),  the  accessory  chnnno- 

The  i  liromo-.oin<  -  -how  such  constancy  in  shape  in  tin-  pm- 
pha-e  and  inetapha-e  of  the  primary  spermatocytes,  and  in  their 
relation  i.,  tin-  mantle  fibers  of  the  first  maturation  spindle,  that 
tln\  -eein  naturally  to  group  themselves  under  four  di-tinct 
t\l"  I  In -.  ma\  lie  designated  respectively,  as  the  cn>--- 
-haped  t. -trad-,  the  double- Y-shaped  tetrads,  the  nxl-shaped 
tetrad-,  and  a  -in  Je-n  Kl-shaped  dyad. 

Tin-  cro — liaped  tetrads  arc  six  in  number  and  may  be  ar- 
ranged in  led  series  as  regards  size,  the  difference  in  bulk 
beini;  -nun  ientl\  ^reat  to  allow  the  individual  chromosomes  of 
thi-  t\pe  to  be  di-tiiuui^hed.  ( )ne  of  the  chromosomes  of  thi-> 
t\pe  tin  lai:ce-t  one  can  furthermore  often  be  identified  by  it> 
I. ml.  in  \  to  la-  behind  the  others  during  the  early  metaphase. 

I  i\e  of  the  tetrad-*  are  of  the  double-V  shape.  The  individual- 
of  thi-  t\|.e  al-o  ma\  be  distinguished  by  differences  in  bulk. 

The  rod--haped  tetrads  are  present  to  the  number  of  li\e. 
Tlu'M-  sho\\  con-taut  -i/.e  relations  and  may  readily  be  arrant  «l 
in  a  graded  -erie-  as  regards  magnitude.  One  of  the  tetrads  <>l 
tin-  t\pe  differ-  from  the  others  in  the  form  it  assumes  during 
actual  di\  i-ion.  It  -eem-  to  divide  transversely,  while  the  others 
are  di\  idin-  longitudinally. 

The  accessory  chromosome  is  univalent  and  passes  to  one  of 
the  -econdary  -permatocytes  without  divi-ion.  During  the 

156  M.    W.    BLACKMAN. 

metaphase  it  is  connected  by  mantle  fibers  to  only  one  pole  of  the 

As  a  result  of  the  first  spermatocyte  mitosis  fifteen  of  the 
tetrads  are  divided  longitudinally  (equationally),  while  the  one 
remaining  tetrad  divides  transversely  (reductionally).  The  fail- 
ure of  the  accessory  chromosome  to  divide  is,  also,  in  effect  a 
reductional  division. 

During  the  later  stages  of  the  first  maturation  division  and 
during  the  metaphase  of  the  second  spermatocyte,  it  is  possible  to 
distinguish  the  daughter  chromosomes  derived  from  the  several 
types  of  tetrads,  by  their  shape  and  their  relations  to  the  mantle 
fibers.  The  individuals  of  the  various  types  show  the  same  size 
ratio  as  exists  between  the  chromosomes  of  the  first  spermatocyte, 
although,  of  course,  the  actual  difference  in  bulk  is  but  half  as 

The  above  results  seem  to  establish  as  a  fact,  or  at  least  as  a 
very  strong  probability,  that  the  chromosomes  of  Scolopendra 
heros  are  distinct  and  definite  individuals,  which,  under  similar 
circumstances,  i.  e.,  in  the  same  cell  generation,  show  a  remark- 
able constancy  in  form,  relative  size,  and  in  their  attachment  to 
the  mantle  fibers.  This  constancy  of  form,  size  and  behavior, 
affords  a  strong  argument  in  favor  of  the  theory  of  the  individu- 
ality of  the  chromosomes  in  this  species  in  particular  and  adds 
support  to  the  evidence  derived  from  the  study  of  other  forms, 
to  the  general  application  of  the  theory. 


April  ii,  1910. 

158  M.     \V.     IU.ACKMAN. 


All  drawings  were  made  by  the  author  with  the  aid  of  a  camera  lucida.  The 
optical  equipment  consisted  of  a  Zeiss  apochromatic  objective  of  2  mm.  focus  and 
a  number  12  compensating  ocular,  the  source  of  the  light  being  a  Welsbach  mantle 
The  original  magnification  was  2,300  diameters  and  the  drawings  were  reduced 
one  fifth  in  reproduction,  making  the  final  magnification  1,840  diameters. 

The  seventeen  chromosomes  arranged  in  each  horizontal  row  represent  the 
chromosomes  of  a  single  cell,  as  seen  in  a  side  view  of  the  spindle  in  the  metaphase. 
They  are  arranged  as  follows:  the  six  which  show  the  characteristic  cruciform  shape 
comprise  the  first  six  of  each  row  and  are  lettered  A,  B,  C,  D.  E  and  F.  Those 
showing  the  double-V  shape — five  in  number — are  lettered  G,  H,  I.  J  and  K. 
Those  corresponding  to  the  double-rod  type  of  structure  are  lettered  L,  M,  N,  O 
and  P.  The  seventeenth  and  last  chromosome  in  each  row  is  the  accessory  and 
is  distinguished  by  the  letter  Q.  The  individuals  of  each  type  of  structure  are 
further  arranged  in  a  graded  series  as  regards  size,  the  largest  first,  etc. 

Figs.  1-15  represent  the  chromosome  groups  in  the  metaphase  of  the  large  type 
of  first  spermatocytes. 


A        B         C       D       E        FGHIJKLMNOPQ 

f  \  ii  f 

V.    A.   BLACKMAN 

l6o  M.    \V.    BLACK  MAN. 


Figs.  16-18  represent  the  chromosomes  of  the  small  type  of  spermatocyte  in  a 
similar  stage. 

Figs.  19  and  20  represent  the  chromosomes  of  the  two  second  spermatocytes, 
derived  from  one  primary  spermatocyte.  The  individual  chromosomes  are  arranged 
so  as  to  correspond  in  position  to  the  parent  chromosomes  as  seen  in  the  other 
figures.  As  will  be  seen,  in  one  cell  the  accessory  chromosome  is  not  present,  it 
being  distributed  to  only  half  of  the  secondary  spermatocytes. 


A       B       CDEFGHIJKL       M      N       O      P      Q 

-  W 

/ 1 




«  »»»«*  »  J  I  it  •  I 

/  j        I          /  I 

f   ;    «>  »  »  »  »   I  *    |   *    . 

I  \ 


/  7 



f,    >   *   4*4    PP^MC    tf 

:.  v  *  •«»»»!•«»  i  ./. 

]  '  1 

M.    A.    BLACKMAN 

\\>l.  XIX.  August,   1 910.  A~ 



H.  C.   BRADLEY. 

Dl  I  :     "K    PHYSIOUK.Y.     L'SIVERSITY    OF    WISCONSIN.    MADISON.    \\  1^ 

lii  |N')2  (  iritliths  pul)lishe(l  an  account  of  the  finding  of  man- 
gam  -i-  in  i  In-  MIMM!  of  the  lamellibranch,  Pinna  sqnanwsa.1 
far  ,i~  I  .mi  aware  this  result  has  never  been  confirmed  nor  until 

nil\  ha-  .111  examination  of  other  molluscs  led  to  an  extension 
of  this  isolated  fact.  To  the  student  of  comparative  physiol 
such  a  finding  must  be  of  considerable  interest,  adding  one  m<>iv 
respiratoiA  mechaiii-m  to  the  list  of  five  or  six  with  which  we 
are  familiar.  At  the  same  time  it  is  highly  improbable  thai 
I'inna  squanwsa  is  the  only  mollusc  utilizing  manganese  in  a 
respiratory  compound;  we  should  ex|>ect  to  find  the  element 
in  ni  her  forms  more  or  less  closely  related  to  it.  It  is  a  matin 
•  •I  i  omiiion  observation  that  the  respiratory  proteins  of  the  more 
hi.chK  or-aiii/ed  animals  fall  into  a  few  general  types,  such  as 
ha-mo;Joliiii  ,,r  ha-mocyanin,  and  that  while  individual  bloods 
ma\  -ho\\  >u  bile  biological  differences  within  one  of  these  groups, 
there  i>  ne\er  an\  ilitliculty  in  determining  chemically  whether 
a  blood  pigment  is  a  ha-mocyanin,  a  haemoglobin,  or  some 
oilier  t\pical  ((.niplex.  The  effective  respiratory  mechanisms 
are  thn-  utiiie  limited,  so  that  we  do  not  expect  to  find  a  single 
member  of  a  family  possessed  of  a  blood  protein  totally  unlike 
the  other  members  of  that  family. 

For  thi-  iva-on  we  have  extended  the  investigation  of  thi- 
point  Muucuhat  with  a  view  to  determining  what  other  lamelli- 
braiuhs  are  pn.\i<led  with  a  respiratory  mechanism  similar  to 
that  of  rinmi  sqnanwsa.  The  most  notable  group  which  we 

•/.  rend,  de  I'Acad.  dfs  Set.,  CXIV..  p.  840. 

l62  H.    C.    BRADLEY 

have  thus  far  found  to  utilize  the  element  manganese  is  the 
Unionidse,  the  common  fresh-water  mussels.  Since  1906  when 
the  element  was  first  noticed  in  the  specimens  obtained  from 
the  Madison  Lakes  of  Wisconsin,1  we  have  examined  many 
hundreds  of  specimens  from  the  Mississippi  basin,  St.  Lawrence 
and  Atlantic  coast  drainage.  In  not  a  single  specimen  has  the 
element  been  wanting  or  small  in  amount.  It  is  obvious  that  a 
single  individual  which  failed  to  show  manganese,  or  contained 
only  a  trace  of  it  would  be  sufficient  to  cast  grave  doubts  upon 
the  normality  of  the  element  and  lead  one  to  ascribe  an  adven- 
titious character  to  it.  But  in  every  case  manganese  has  been 
abundant.  The  reactions  for  its  identification  are  fortunately 
brilliant  and  decisive  and  at  the  same  time  indicate  very  well 
the  relative  amount  of  the  element.  The  quantitative  deter- 
minations show  that  the  metal  occurs  in  quite  uniform  amounts 
in  the  various  specimens  examined. 

To  summarize  briefly  the  results:  Some  twenty-four  analyses 
were  made  quantitatively  upon  material  from  about  Madison. 
Some  of  these  analyses  were  made  upon  single  specimens  of 
Anadonta  or  Unio,  more  were  made  upon  a  sample  taken  from 
the  dried  and  pulverized  tissues  from  a  large  number  of  speci- 
mens secured  at  one  time  from  a  given  locality.  Many  of  these 
analyses  therefore  represent  the  average  of  fifty  or  a  hundred 
individuals.  The  average  of  the  twenty-four  analyses  shows 
21.8  per  cent,  of  ash  in  the  tissues,  4.52  per  cent,  manganese 
present  in  the  ash  and  0.95  per  cent,  manganese  in  the  tissues. 
Mussels  from  the  Wisconsin  River  averaged  about  14.5  per  cent, 
ash,  2.4  per  cent,  manganese  in  the  ash  and  0.35  per  cent,  in 
the  tissues.  From  the  Temagami  Reserve  of  Ontario  mussels 
averaged  15.4  per  cent,  ash,  3.1  per  cent,  manganese  in  the  ash 
and  0.45  per  cent,  in  the  tissues.  Specimens  obtained  from  a 
great  number  of  localities  in  Michigan,  Illinois,  Wisconsin, 
Indiana  and  Iowa  average  about  17.0  per  cent,  ash,  3.4  per  cent, 
manganese  in  the  ash  and  0.60  per  cent,  in  the  dry  tissue.  A 
number  of  normal,  average  sized  specimens  from  Lake  Mendota 
were  dissected  into  their  more  prominent  tissues  or  organs. 
Analyses  of  these  fractions  gave  the  following  results: 

1  Bradley,  Jr.  Biological  Chem.,  III.,  151,  1907. 


Tissue.                                            Per  Cent.  Per  Cent.  Per  Cent. 

Ash.  Mn  in  Ash.  Mn  in  Tissue. 

Mi;                                                           6.0              4.87  0.293 

is  part    ....            14.5             5.73  0.831 

brous  part    32.0             4.66  1-492 

V                         ins ....27.0              5.31  J-434 

<•']'                                                                 ---33-5              4-89  1-638 

M.I:                                                                 .  .  .48.0              5.12  2.457 

..39.0              5.85  2.107 

I                                                                           .37.0              2.024  1-749 

I1'  rh.ip-  the  most  interesting  result  of  these  analyses  was  the 
pp •-. -in  ( • ,  ,1  ill,- 1  1. mem  in  the  eggs  and  embryos,  showing  clearly 
that    manganese  is  not  an  adventitious  element  picked  up  by 
tin-  ,i<ltili   .UK!   ln-lil  in  the  tissues  from  inability  to  excrete  it— 
..nnple.    iron   compounds   may   be   in    the   mammuli.m 

.  ••!!  after  -'Main  diseases  involving  great  destruction  of  red 

Another    inl  ng    |>oint    brought    out    in    the   above   table 

i-  i In-  i  mineral  content  of  such  a  tissue  as  tin 

in. inilr.      h-  a-h  content,  of  48.0  per  cent,  puts  it  in  a  class  with 

m. mini. ili. mi  is  tissue,  though  unlike  the  latter  the  mantle 

•  li  .ui'l  pliable.     This  is  a  type  of  tissue  resembling  no  verte- 

n  <>r  tissue  of  which  we  are  aware.     It  seems  probal-1 
that   it-  I  inn  as  a  gland  secreting  the  shell  must  have  some 
n  \\ith  the  high  mineral  content. 

II  ivii  !>li-hed  as  we  In-lieve  the  normality  of  the  element 

ni.m^.iiH-M-  in  the  tissues  of  the  I'nionida?,  the  question  as  to 
it-  .  infill  naturally  presents  itself.  It  is  hardly  to  be  supposed  .m  of  so  great  complexity  as  a  lamellibranch  would 
trate  the  element  from  its  highly  dilute  solu- 
tion-, in  lake-  .md  streams.  Such  concentration  is  usually  ]>•  r- 
tdiiiu-il  l>\  lc.\\rr  forms  of  lift-  which  are  then  obtained  as  fo<><l. 
In  tin  the  Tnioniche  the  food  origin  of  manganese  i- 

nnu  h  iii"iv  .-It-.irly  apparent  than  is  the  food  origin  of  copper 
in  m. m\  ••!'  the  h.emocyanin-bearing  animals.  The  water-  in 
\\  hi.  h  t  he  mn— els  are  found  have  invariably  contained  the  I  >n  >\\  n 
m. i— e-  .M  the  manganiferous  crenothrix  mixed  \\iili  di.ii«.m-, 
.md  ether  pl.mrton  forms  which  very  probably  contain  m.m-.i- 
IUM-  .il-o.  And  this  brown  slime  seems  to  be  the  normal  l"o<,d 
M!  these  mn—  el-  so  far  as  our  observations  exti-nd.  In  Ontario 

164  H.    C.    BRADLEY. 

there  are  many  lakes  set  in  clean  rocky  basins,  and  fed  by 
streams  which  leave  little  or  no  manganese  stain  on  the  rocks, 
and  which  appear  to  be  free  from  the  masses  of  crenothrix. 
In  such  lakes  we  have  been  unable  to  find  mussels.  In  other  lakes 
in  the  same  region  where  seepage  through  glacial  drift  was  ap- 
parent, or  where  the  tributary  streams  flowed  through  such 
drift,  discoloration  of  the  stones,  evidence  of  the  presence  of 
crenothrix,  and  the  presence  of  the  mussels  seemed  always  to 
go  together.  For  example  in  the  Temagami  Reserve,  Lake 
Temagami  itself  is  characterized  by  its  clear  water,  and  its  clean 
rock  basin.  In  certain  parts  occur  limited  areas  of  drift — sand 
and  gravel — which  are  of  insignificant  amount.  But  though 
the  bottom  afforded,  where  the  lake  washed  such  drift  areas, 
looked  promising  no  mussels  were  found  and  the  sandy  stretches 
were  apparently  free  from  crenothrix.  To  the  north  of  Lake 
Temagami  are  several  lakes  which  lie  in  basins  of  glacial  drift. 
In  Sucker  Gut,  for  example,  sand  and  gravel  beaches  are  abun- 
dant, the  tributary  stream  flows  through  .many  miles  of  drift 
and  carries  enough  manganese  and  iron  in  solution  to  stain  its 
stones  and  pebbles  strongly  brown  and  black.  The  sand  itself 
is  stained  with  iron,  and  the  brown  slimy  masses  of  crenothrix 
are  abundant.  In  this  lake  and  its  tributary  stream  we  found 
enormous  numbers  of  small  mussels  wedged  in  thickly  between 
pebbles  or  projecting  from  the  sandy  bottom.  The  many  obvious 
examples  in  this  region  of  the  simultaneous  presence  of  manga- 
nese, crenothrix  and  mussels,  or  of  the  absence  of  all  three  is 
probably  more  than  a  mere  coincidence.  We  believe  that  more 
careful  examination  would  show  thai  the  mussels  require  such 
manganiferous  food  as  crenothrix  and  that  they  cannot  live  in 
\vaters  where  such  food  does  not  thrive. 

In  growing  the  mussels  in  aquaria  the  specimens  always  carry 
enough  of  the  manganiferous  organisms  clinging  to  them  so  that 
in  a  few  days  an  abundant  development  of  the  bacteria  results. 
In  this  way  several  hundred  grams  of  the  dry  organisms  have 
been  obtained  for  analysis.  Such  specimens  are  mixtures  of 
a  great  variety  of  organisms  and  thus  show  large  differences  in 
chemical  content.  The  ash  content  of  such  plancton  crops 
vary  from  24  to  76  per  cent,  of  the  dry  weight ;  the  manganese 


fn>m  o.i.}  i"  i-*4  per  cent,  of  the  dry  weight.     It  has  thus  been 

•  obtain,  through  the  agency  of  these  organisms,  several 

gram-  »\  manganese  from  running  water  which  contained  about 

r  rent,  of   that   element.     The  concentrating  effi- 

eiei.  lower  forms  is  therefore  of  a  high  order. 

1 1,  in;.;    the  shell,   the   Unionida?  deposit  salts  of   man- 

-.iii'  '11   as  of  calcium  and  magnesium.     The  nacer  of 

tin-  -lull-,  r.iivtully  freed  from  contaminating  material,  al\va>s 

ion  for  manganese;   its  presence  in  the  shell 
ts  its  presence  in  any  of  the  tissues.     It  was 
Him -lore   that   an  examination   of   fossil   shells  <>t    the 
\\onld  be  of  interest  in  determining  whether  the  man- 
ganese i-  "t   <  »mparativdy  recent  occurrence  in  these  animals 
»r  \\liether  it  i-  a  metabolic  characteristic  of  long  standing. 

\\«    II.IM-  h.i«l  the  opportunity  to  examine  but  one  well  pr<  - 

il  -hell.     This  was  a  specimen  obtained  through  the 

c.nii  if    Dr.  G       -e  Wagner    who    published  a  description 

..I  it  in    .\<:ii!i!in.  \'ol.  iK.     The  nacer  of  this  shell  was  perfectly 

retaining    its    luster,   though   friable    and    crumbling 

i   ]>i.\\d«T  ea-ily.     The  fossil  nacer  gave  0.085  per  cent,  of 

ni.r  ,  \\hili-  fresh  shells  of  the  present  jwriod  frequently 

contain  as  mm-h  as  0.14*  |HT  cent.     Thus  it  can  be  definitely 

I    that    the    1'nionuhe   in   pre- Pliocene   times  were   u>iii^ 

the  <  li -IIH  ut  manganese  as  we  find  them  today.      It  seems  pn>b- 

.iblr  tliat  tin    marine  ancestors  of  the  l*nionicl«u  were  thcmscKe- 

inan^.initi -r.-u-..     The    fact    that    at    least    one    marine    lamelli- 

liran.h  i-  kii"\\n  makes  such  an  assumption  the  more  plausible. 

I'.,   determine    \\lu-ther   mlu-r    marine   lamellibranchs    utili/e 

inan^an.-M-   in   thi-  same  way,  an  examination  of  the  common 

I. uni-  aloni:  the  coast  of  southern  Massachusetts  was  made  at 

ih.     \\ 1-    Molt-    laboratory.     In   several    forms    the    elements 

could  u-ualK  l.e  detected  as  a  trace,  but  in  such  cases  no  import 
(an  be  atta.  hed  to  its  presence  except  as  indicating  that  then- 
i-  -oine  marine  low  form  of  life  serving  as  food  for  lamellibranchs, 
\\hirh  also  .  arries  manganese.  In  Pectcn  the  man^am •-<•  was 
\ariaMe.  -ometimes  large  in  amount,  at  others  very  small.  It 
was  frequently  found  abundant  in  the  stomarh  contents.  In 
nwtliolus  the  element  was  present  in  every  specimen 

1 66  H.    C.    BRADLEY. 

examined,  and  it  seemed  to  be  rather  uniform  in  amount.  It 
was  present  in  every  tissue,  and  in  the  nephridial  organs  it  was 
really  abundant.  In  most  of  the  tissues  it  was  not  at  all  com- 
parable to  the  amount  present  in  the  Unionidae,  approximately 
o.i  per  cent,  or  less  of  the  dry  material.  It  will  be  remembered 
that  the  nephridial  organs  of  Modiola  modiolus  are  usually  pig- 
mented  a  dark  brown — in  all  of  some  fifty  specimens  examined 
by  us  this  brown  pigmentation  was  prominent.  It  is  possible 
that  this  lamellibranch  deposits  manganese  obtained  with  its 
food  in  the  nephridia  in  an  attempt  to  excrete  the  element; 
that  it  is  in  this  case  adventitious  and  analogous  to  deposits  of 
iron-containing  pigment  in  mammalian  tissues  as  the  result  of 
pathological  conditions.  It  is  interesting  to  note  however  that 
this  marine  mussel  which  stands  morphologically  fairly  close  to 
the  Unionidse,  should  appear  to  utilize  the  element  so  charac- 
teristic of  the  latter  family. 

It  is  our  belief  that  other  lamellibranchs  will  be  found  which, 
like  Pinna  squamosa,  the  Unionidae  and  perhaps  Modiola  modi- 
olus, utilize  the  element  manganese  in  their  metabolic  processes. 
Such  a  chemical  relationship  may  be  useful  in  suggesting  the 
lines  of  the  evolutionary  process  which  has  led  to  the  develop- 
ment of  the  present  forms.  It  is  our  expectation  to  continue 
this  line  of  investigation  as  opportunity  permits. 




Tin-  lar^e-4  of  the  huprestid  beetles,  Eitchroma  gigaiitcn.  i- 
n;iti\c  to  Central  and  South  America  and  is  commonly  found 
sunning  it -elf  on  the  trunks  of  trees.  In  such  situations  tin- 
ties  are  not  difficult  to  capture,  as  their  movements  are 
rather  -lir^i-h  until  they  become  thoroughly  alarmed.  The 
-pei  imen-  trom  which  the  present  study  was  made  were  taken 
at  (  nlel.ra.  Panama,  in  the  month  of  August,  at  which  time 
some  "I  i In-  l>eetles  were  mating,  the  male  apparently  attracting 
tin  ti  in, ill-  by  a  clicking  sound  produced  by  the  elytra. 

I  pi  MI  M-< -i  inning  the  testes,  I  was  surprised  to  find  a  complete 
verie-  nt  -t.e^es  from  the  spermatogonia  to  the  mature  sperma- 
tozoa,  tin-  \niinger  stages  not  being  confined  to  the  larva,-  <>r 
pnp.e.  .1-  i-  ln-i|iu-iitly  the  case  in  insects.  The  testes  were  fixi ••! 
in  (  lil-nn's  mi  nuro-acetic-nitric  solution  or  in  Fleming's  strong 
-olution  and  stained  with  iron-luematoxylin  or  with  saffranin 
ami  malai  hite  green. 

In  i  In-  development  of  the  germ  cells  of  insects,  as  is  well  known 
through  tin-  results  of  the  researches  of  Montgomery,  Wilson, 
Stevens  and  others,  there  are  present  chromosomes  which  have 
been  lallnl  heterochromosomes  or  idiochromosomes.  Wilson 
(1909  ha-  slin\\n  for  the  Hemiptera  that  in  certain  forms  tin- 
idiochromosomes  are  equally  well  developed  in  both  sexes,  in 
oilier-  the  male  possesses  one  well  developed,  the  other  rediK-'l 
in  si/c,  \\hiU-  in  still  others  one  is  entirely  lacking  in  the  malf. 
Mr\<-n-  [906  t ound  somewhat  similar  conditions  in  the  Coleop- 
tera.  llm-.  tin  l^laterida?  and  Lampyrida-  possess  only  ilu 
in  Id  i-hn  uni -si  unes.  while  the  families  Chrysomelida?,  Cocci- 
nelidae,  Scarabidae,  Silphidae  and  Buprestida- show  one  of  tin-  idin- 
clii-oino-i'ini-s  reduced  in  size.  In  Carabida^  some  nu-nil'»-r- 
have  an  unequal  pair  of  heterochromosomes,  others  an  odd 
din >nu !-•  mie.  Enchroma  gigantea,  as  a  member  of  the  taniih 
Hupu-stida-.  belongs  in  the  second  of  these  groups  (Figs.  21-22). 


1 68  M.    LOUISE    NICHOLS. 

Besides  the  idiochromosomes,  Wilson  discovered  in  the  He- 
miptera  a  pair  of  chromosomes  equal  in  size  but  noticeably 
smaller  than  the  others,  which  he  designated  as  w-chromosomes. 
According  to  the  researches  of  Stevens  these  are  occasionally 
present  in  the  Coleoptera,  i.  e.,  in  Trirhabda  virgata  and  T. 
canadense  and  in  an  unidentified  buprestid.  They  likewise  are 
represented  in  Eiichroma  (Figs.  19,  23,  24).  In  addition  there 
are,  in  the  spermatocytes,  eleven  chromosomes  of  more  nearly 
equal  size,  making  the  total  reduced  number  thirteen. 

In  most  forms  heretofore  studied,  the  idiochromosomes  are 
evident  not  only  at  the  time  of  mitosis  but  also  in  the  resting 
stage  and  prophases,  for  while  the  other  chromosomes  become 
resolved  into  the  nuclear  network,  the  idiochromosomes  remain 
compact.  It  is  in  the  manner  of  formation  of  the  chromosomes 
during  the  prophases  of  the  first  maturation  division  and  in  the 
fact  that  neither  at  that  time  nor  in  the  previous  stages  are  the 
idiochromosomes  distinctly  different  in  behavior  from  the  other 
chromosomes  that  the  chief  interest  of  the  spermatogenesis  of 
this  beetle  lies. 

The  nuclear  network  of  the  last  generation  of  spermatogonia 
is  of  delicate  texture.  Chromatin  masses  occur  at  intervals, 
at  first  few  in  number  and  without  constancy  of  position  or  shape 
(Fig.  5).  The  masses  gradually  become  more  distinct  and  form 
elongated  threads  near  the  center  of  the  nucleus  (Figs.  6,  7). 
The  network  breaks  away  from  the  nuclear  wall  and  the  synapsis 
is  inaugurated  (Figs.  8,  9).  During  this  time  there  is  no  evidence 
of  the  idiochromosomes  being  isolated  from  the  synaptic  threads 
or  failing  to  take  part  in  their  formation,  nor,  in  the  resting 
spermatocyte,  do  the  idiochromosomes  differ  from  the  others. 
Stevens  (1906)  has  reported  a  somewhat  similar  condition  in 
the  beetle  Tenebrio  molitor. 

The  nuclear  network  of  the  resting  spermatocyte  is  more 
clearly  defined  than  that  of  the  spermatogonia  and  bears  chro- 
matin  masses  distributed  with  a  fair  degree  of  regularity  (Fig. 
10).  This  condition,  however,  does  not  continue.  Instead  of 
the  usual  spireme  formation,  the  chromatin  granules  commence 
to  migrate  towards  a  specialized  area  within  the  nucleus  (Figs. 
11-14).  The  final  result  of  this  process  is  the  formation  of  a 


den-e  ma--  -  -t"  chromatin  in  one  part  of  the  nucleus,  the  remainder 
of  the  nucK-ii-  being  occupied  by  a  fine  network.  It  sometinu- 
happen-  thai  mop-  than  one  of  these  areas  of  aggregation  de- 
velop- Figs,  i  -  i  s). 

The  outline-  of  the  separate  chromosomes  may  be  seen,  al- 
though the\  lie  very  close  together.  The  nuclear  network 
iio\v  a  parallel  arrangement  of  thread-  prepara- 
to  the  formation  of  the  spindle  (Figs.  17-18). 

A-  i-  tli-  with  other  members  of  this  order,  the  small 

lir<>m<>-"ine  is  separated  from  the  larger  by  the  hr-t  divi- 
-ioii  Fig.  2l).  In  mitosis  the  w-chromosomes  tend  to  divide 
-..meuhai  later  than  the  others  (Figs.  23-25). 

.  \tier  tli  d  «li\i>ion  the  spindle  fibers  persist  in  the  cyto- 

plasm.     Ill--,    .radiially   to   run    parallel    to   each   other, 

•  in.     in.  .n-   or    less   interlaced,    and    finally   are   arranged    in 

spiral   for:        i  26-28).     Later  they  are  converted  into  the 

tail  ..I    i  he  -|MTP  •  'm   (.Fig.  32). 

The  (hroMiatin  "I  the  s|K-rmatid  at  first  condenses  in  lar-e 
measure  it  ihe  -ide  .>t  the  nucleus  nearest  the  spindle  fibtr-. 
but  a-  tlu  laiter  1<  --e  th<  ir  regularity  of  arrangement,  the  chro- 
maiin  i-  di-p<T-ed  throughout  the  network  (Figs.  26-27).  It 
M.  -\t  l.nak-  into  small  fragments  which  migrate  to  the  center 
..!  i  he  nucleus,  one  mass,  however,  (probably  the  heterochro- 
m.i-.  .m.  .  i.  -m.  lining  distinct  from  the  rest  (Figs.  29-32).  As 
the  nu.  K  -u-  api-r.  -aches  maturity,  it  elongates  and  the  chromatin 
becomes  im.  1\  -i  nuilar,  although  fragments  in  chain  form  are 
(li-iiucui-lial-1.  Fig.  33). 

1  Mscussinx   OF    RKSULTS. 

\  numb»  r   "i    \\.-rkers  (see    Blackman,  1903)    have  described 

;ir..  matin  nucleoli."     They   occur    in  a  wide  variety  (jf  plant 

an.l  animal  groups  and  usually  during  a  [period  of  growth.      In 

enesis  and  -permatogencsis  they  may  be  present  in  the  06- 
aiiil  -|>ermat.'U"iiia  as  well  as  in  the  later  stages.  Among  the 

up-  in  which  they  have  been  discovered  are  echinoderms, 
inolln-c-.  arthro|»ods,  amphibians  and  mammalian-,  al-o  in 
pn  -t../.  -a  and  plants.  It  may  prove  instructive  to  compare 
some  "t"  the  more  -triking  of  these  cases  with  that  of 



Sometimes  the  karyosphere  is  formed  immediately  after  syn- 
apsis.  Illustrations  of  this  are  furnished  by  the  oogenesis  of 
the  dragonfly,  PUitln-mis  (McGill,  1906),  and  the  pollen  develop- 
ment of  Sarracenia  (Nichols,  1908).  In  this  plant  the  karyo- 
some  is  formed  from  the  synaptic  threads  through  an  absorp- 
tion of  the  chromatin  substance  by  a  nucleolus  (Plate  III.,  Fig. 
i).  The  achromatic  substance  (linin)  remains  as  a  dense  mass 
after  the  chromatin  has  passed  by  drops  into  the  closely  con- 
tiguous nucleolus.  There  is,  therefore,  a  rather  conspicuous 
separation  here  of  chromatin  and  linin.1 

In  Plathemis  the  synaptic  threads  gather  closely  around  the 
nucleolus  and  form  what  Miss  McGill  calls  a  double  nucleolus 
(oxyphil  +  basophil).  There  is  plainly  an  interchange  of  material 
between  the  two  parts  of  the  nucleolus  and,  as  the  network 
again  expands,  masses  of  basophil  substance  are  elaborated 
within  the  nucleolus  and  pass  out  on  to  the  network. 

In  Euchroma  the  transfer  of  chromatic  material  to  the  kary- 
osome  is  less  direct,  inasmuch  as  the  synaptic  threads  are  first 
extended  into  the  network  of  the  resting  spermatocyte  (Fig.  10; 
Plate  III,  Fig.  4,  a).  The  latter  possesses  no  large  nucleolus  such 
as  is  present  in  the  plant  nucleus.  Nevertheless  a  center  of  activ- 
ity arises,  towards  which  the  chromatin  passes  and  simulta- 
neously also  the  linin,  at  first  in  the  form  of  streamers  radiating 
from  the  karyosphere  (Figs.  11-12).  Later,  as  the  chromosomes 
become  distinct  within  the  karyosphere,  the  linin  is  incorporated 
with  them  (Figs.  16-18). 

Blackman  (1903)  interprets  the  karyosphere  of  the  spermato- 
cytic  prophase  of  myriapods  as  a  mass  of  fine,  granular  filaments 
closely  gathered  about  the  accessory  chromosome.  As  the 
nucleus  approaches  mitosis,  the  threads  emerge  from  the  karo- 
sphere,  shorten  and  thicken  to  become  the  mitotic  chromosomes 
(Plate  III,  Fig.  3,  a  and  b).  There  is  here  no  separation  of  chro- 
matic from  achromatic  substance,  only  a  strong  attraction  for  both 
to  a  definite  region  of  the  nucleus.  As  compared  with  Euchroma 
this  tendency  manifests  itself  much  earlier,  for  the  karyosphere 
has  already  begun  to  resolve  itself  into  definite  chrojnosomes  in 

'A  closely  similar  behavior  of  chromatin  has  been  described  for  Spirogyra  by 
Berghs  (1906). 


itpcndra  at  a  period  when  in  Euchroma  it  is  condensing 
(Plate-  III.,  Figs.  3  and  4).  In  Scolopendra  there  i-  likewise  a 
kar\o-phere  present  in  the  spermatogonia,  wherea-  it  i-  Inking 
in  I:  in  hrti  ni<i. 

\  -onieuhat  different  condition  is  described  by  Eisen  (1901  > 
for    Hulniilniseps.     A   karyosphere   (chromoplast)   is   present    in 
tin-,  obj«  t.      .\i   fir-t   it  lies  free  in  a  vacuole,  but  later  appear- 
tttrai  i    "leaders"  which  might  be  compared  to  the  radiating 
-  of   l-.uchron:.:     I  igs.  I  I  -12). 

Through   the-e.   leaders  small  particles  of  chromatin  are  pn>- 
jei  led  into  the  karyosphere  and  again  emerge  from  it.    The  c«m- 
the    Naders    towards   the    karyosphere   apparently 
corresponds  t"  a  -\napsis  stage,  and  as  they  finally  break  apart 
eat  h  i  thread  receives  a  portion  of  the  karyo>pln  n 
\\hiih  i-  ^radnalK  di-t  ribiited  through  the  length  of  the  thread 
Plate  Ml     I  b  and  c). 

'I  lie    ("iidition    in    echinoderm   eggs   treated    with    Mg   salt- 
\\il-on.     [901      and   in   normal   mouse  eggs  (Sobotta,    1895)   is 
in  -nine  i  imil.ii    t"  that  of   Euchroma,  for  although  then 

i-  ,i|ipan  nil  paration  of  liniii  and  chromatin,  the  kary>- 

^]>here  bre.ik-  up  din  i  ilv  into  the  mitotic  chromosomes  (Plate 
111,   FigS.   5.  </  ami  b). 

What  l.e.iiiiu  have  these  facts  on  the  question  of  the  indi- 
\idnalit\  <-t  the  chromosomes?  In  the  pajxT  on  Sarracenia  1 
suggested  that  tin-  phenomena  there  "might  be  explained  on 
the  a--mnptioii  that  the  morphological  basis  of  the  chromosomes 
remain-  in  the  linin  \\hile  that  portion  of  their  substance  which 
caii.-c-  i  hem  to  col,,  i  deeply  is  absorbed  by  the  nucleolus.  It 
.i  -imilar  inti  r|.retaiioit  be  applied  to  the  case  of  Batrachoscf^, 
it  \\ill  In-  -«  en  that  tin  linin  retains  its  individuality  more  clearly 
than  the  »hromatin.  \\hich  may  be  transferred  to  the  kary- 
>pheie.  In  the  m\riapi.ds  there  is  apparently  no  separation  ot  in  .UK!  linin,  but  a  tight  coil  of  threads,  consisting  ol 

I  r  work  on  Batrachoseps.  remarks:  "il  imu-. 

i|ii<-  1,--  ]>lastes  resultaient  de  la  soudure  tios  intim--  dea 

in.i-,.  in.  i  laveur  de  rapprochement."     "II  semble  qu'un,  inti-11-.fiiifiu   -i.l>  n.pliilc.   une  sorte  de  nucleine,  soit  venue  etnpau-r  t,.ut 
1.-  poll-  ,!i-  l.i  tii^iiii-  K  litre  ace  moment.     II  se  pi-ut  qu  -,•  la  d'un  t-x<u>lat 

i  lit,.  in-  ix-inOiues." 

1/2  M.     LOUISE    NICHOLS. 

both,  forms  the  karyosphere.  Possibly  this  might  be  regarded 
as  a  continuation  and  exaggeration  of  the  synaptic  condition, 
and,  if  this  were  true,  a  series  of  consecutive  stages  might  be  con- 
ceived between  the  typical  synapsis  and  post-synapsis  of  most 
animals  and  plants  and  the  extreme  conditions  presented  by 

In  the  echinoderms,  in  MHS  and  in  Euchroma  a  similar  ten- 
dency to  condense  reappears  and  in  the  germ  cells  later  than 
synapsis,  owing,  no  doubt,  to  a  chemical  condition  of  the  nu- 
cleus varying  from  the  usual  type.  Here  there  is  in  one  case 
(Euchroma)  a  more  rapid  condensation  of  chromatin  than  of  linin 
and  a  consequent  partial  separation,  while  in  the  other  (Mus, 
echinoderms)  no  such  separation  is  apparent,  chromatin  and  linin 
condensing  simultaneously  (Plate  III.,  Figs.  4  and  5). 

There  is,  however,  little  reason  to  believe  that  the  difference 
in  the  method  of  formation  of  the  spermatocytic  chromosomes 
of  Euchroma  and  most  others  insects  is  fundamental.  The 
gradual  change  in  coloration  as  resting  chromatin  becomes 
active  goes  to  show  that  there  is  a  chemical  change  in  progress 
from  less  acid  to  more  acid  condition,  accompanied  by  a  conden- 
sation of  substance.  According  to  the  differing  constitution 
of  different  nuclei,  this  chemical  activity  might  be  confined  to 
one  center  or  distributed  through  the  nucleus  around  several 
centers.  If  the  latter  were  the  case,  the  network  of  resting 
spermatocytes  would  break  at  various  points  and,  condensing, 
form  the  chromosomes,  but  if  there  were  but  one  center,  the 
condensation  would  occur  within  a  more  circumscribed  area. 
In  Euchroma,  while  the  latter  method  is  more  common,  it  may 
happen  that  the  centers  of  condensation  are  multiplied  (Fig.  15). 

An  interesting  question  concerning  the  relation  of  the  chemistry 
of  the  nucleus  to  the  individuality  of  the  chromosomes  presents 
itself  at  this  point.  If  it  be  true  that  the  aggregation  of  chro- 
matin is  accompanied  by  a  decomposition  of  nucleo-proteids 
and  a  reduction  of  chromatin  to  nucleic  acid  or  a  simple  com- 
pound of  that  acid  and  also  true'  that  the  chromatin  may  be 
separated  from  the  linin  and  gathered  into  a  karyosphere,  may 
it  not  be  possible  that  the  linin  network  is  not  homogeneous  as 
regards  its  chemical  character,  but  that  in  different  areas  are 


developed  ditYerx-nt  proteid  substances  which,  when  combined 
with  the  nucleic  acid  of  the  karyosphere,  become  active  and  color- 
aMc  by  chromatin  stains.  It  may  be  that  usually  in  the  devel- 
opment ot  tin  UITIII  cells  the  nucleic  acid  becomes  chemically 
<li"o<  'fated.  Inn  not  visibly  separated  from  these  proteid  -ub- 
Btan  !i-e<|iiuuly  no  karyosphere  is  present,  simply 

rliroMio-oiix  •-  coii-iMing  of  a  condensed  linin  framework  sur- 
rounded by  nucleic  acid. 

PHIL  \HI.I  rin  \   N«KMAL  SCHOOL, 



Berghs,   J. 

:06     I  •  chez  Ic  Spirogyra.     La  Cellule.  XXIII..  i. 

Blackman.    M.    B. 

:03      I  1.  i   tl»e  Myriapods.     Biol.   Bull..  \'.,  4. 

Eisen,   G. 

:00     S|.«  n  hoscps.     Jour.  Morph..  XVII..   i. 

Jannsens,   F.   A. 

:06     Kv«ilini'>i:  vtcs     males    du    Batrachoseps   attenuatu?.     l..i 

McGill,  C. 

:06      I  li«-   1  !eoli  During  Oogenesis  with  Especial  Refen-n.  <• 


Nichols.   M.    I 

:08      III-    1  >.  •>.  '..|iiin-nt  of  the  Pollen  of  Sarracenia.     Bot.  Gaz..  45. 
Stevens,    N.   M. 

:06     i.   A    '  of   Hi-UTochromosomes   in   Certain   Species   of 

Hemiptera  and  Lepidoptera,  with  Especial   Reference  to  Sex 
•  trnegie  Institute.  36. 

:09     .'.   1'iiitlni  Mti«lii-«  i.  M  tin-  Chromosomes  of  Coleoptera.     Jour.  Exp.  Zoo!., 

VI  .    i. 
Sobotta,   J. 

'05     I  M.    I'..  iiu>  lining  und  Furchung  des  Eies  der  Maus.     A.  m.  A.,  XL\'. 
Wilson,   E.   B. 

:01      i    Minlii-s    in    Cytology.     Archiv     f.    Entwicklungs-ni. 

:Q(i  M>mes  in  Syromastes  and  Pyrrochoris  with  a 

|i.n.ui\i-   K.-\  i.  \\   i-t    I  ypes  of  Sex  Differentiation  of  Chromosome 

Jour     K\i>.  /.'..|  .   \  1.,   i. 

174  M-    LOUISE    NICHOLS. 


The  drawings  were  made  with  the  camera  lucida,  Zeiss  microscope,  oc.  12,  obj. 
oil  immersion  1/12.  They  have  been  enlarged  to  twice  the  diameter  and  reduced 
one  half. 

FIGS.   1-4.     Spermatogonia.     Prophases. 

FIGS.  5-7.     Last  generation  of  spermatogonia.     Prophases. 

FIGS.  8-0.     Synapsis. 

FIG.   10.     Resting  spermatocyte. 

FIGS.   11-18.     Spermatocytes.     Prophases  of  the  first  maturation  division. 

FIGS.  19-20.  Equatorial  plates  of  the  first  maturation  division.  13  chromo- 

FIGS.  21.     The  heterochromosome  x. 



-i^   \  o 

.   Wr 




M.    LOUISE    MCHOL8. 

176  M.    LOUISE    NICHOLS. 


FIG.  22.     The  heterochromosome  x. 

FIG.  23.     Side  view  of  the  first  maturation  division.     Metaphase. 

FIG.  24.     Anaphase.     Late  division  of  the  microchromosomes. 

FIG.  25.     Telophase.     Traces  of  the  late  division  of  the  microchromosomes. 

FIGS.  26-33.     Spermatids. 


PLATE    ll> 







FIGS.   1-5.     Diagrams  showing  the  relation  of  the  karyosphere  to  chromatin 
and  linin. 










•  )\    I  Hi;  \.\  Tl   KK  OF  THE  CAXALICULAR  APPARATl- 


R.   R.   BENSLEY. 

I  Miring  i In-  i \\vl\r  years  that  have  elapsed  since  the  discovery 
•In-  internal  reticular  apparatus  of  the  nerve  cell, 
mini)  .itti  -nti'iii  h.i-,  l>een  devoted  by  investigators  to  the  c»>n- 
-ider.ttii.n  "t  reticular  structures  in  cells.     Our  knowledge 
h.i-    pi  1  nig  several  different   lines,   which   have  been 

determined    IIH  .re  .  >r  less  by   the   techniques  employed   by  dit- 
nt   in\  .  and  although  all  are  not  agreed  as  to  the 

t  tin  -inn  tures  so  revealed,  their  consideration  to- 
gether in-tilk-d  by  the  great  similarity  in  configu- 
ration .UK!  1  .  \\hiih  these  elements  jx)ssess. 

It  i-  ii"'  in  this  paper  to  review  in  extenso  the  liter- 

. it  iin    i  .11   i  hi-   t"   for  that  is  well  covered  by  the  summary 
vM\en    by    Holmgren    (*O2)    in    Mi-rkel   und    Bonnet,   Ergebnisse, 
.  in  \\hirh  also  the  difTert-nt  theories  of  the  nature  of  these 
Mrii<  tun  >   are   \\rll    brought    out.     The   more   recent   contribu- 
tions .lit    ti.ii-idt  !••<!  in  the  article  of  von  Bergen  ('04)  and  that 
ft    I  .t  o  n.lre   (.'oS-'OQ).      It    will   suffice  here   to  summarize   the 
|.ri>^rr-«.  has  been  made  along  the  different  lines  of  inves- 
ition,  antl  to  considi  r  the-  interpretations  of  these  structures 
uhith  ha\t    I .« t  n  .nlvanced  by  different  workers. 

1  lir-t    described    the   internal   reticular  apparatus 

in  tin  1 1 II  I'-irkifije  of  the  cerebellar  cortex,  where  he  dem  n- 
-tr.itt  (1  it  by  < .1  a  miKlification  of  his  well-known  chrome 
>il\ir  imprr^n.itinti  nu-thod.  IK-  describes  it  as  a  closed  net 
"I  lint-  tiU-r-  LI  fiiji\ing  the  intermediate  zone  of  the  cell  pro-  and  separated  by  a  distinct  interval  from  the  nucl«  M- 
. .n  tin-  LIU-  hand  .unl  from  the  surface  of  the  cell  on  the  other, 
that  i-  to  -.i\.  tin  re  was  a  zone  of  protoplasm  on  the  periphery 
..t  tin  (rll  \\ltirh  \\.i-  wholly  free  from  the  fibers  con-tit  mini; 
tin-  nrt\\ork.  T«.\.  id  the  nucleus  the  net  sent  out  fine  fi ber-  the  ].t  riiiinK  ar  space  was  not  \\holly  de\  ot  fibers. 
1  i. >in  tin-  Hull  I  ;il'. .ratory  of  Anatomy,  t'ni .  ;o. 

I  SO  K.    R.    BENSLEY. 

In  his  later  studies  Golgi  confirmed  this  result  for  other  types 
of  nerve  cells  including  spinal  ganglion  cells,  spinal  cord  cells 
and  cells  of  the  cerebral  cortex.  In  some  of  these  cases  he  found 
the  network  provided  with  freely  ending  branches  which  ter- 
minated in  a  small  swelling.  In  some  cases,  too,  the  fibers  of 
which  the  network  was  composed  had  varicose  swellings  on 
them,  and  nodal  enlargements,  and,  in  some  cells,  he  even  found 
two  concentric  nets  which  differed  inter  se  by  the  amplitude  of 
the  meshes  and  the  size  of  the  fibers.  Golgi  in  all  of  his  papers 
expressed  himself  with  great  reserve  as  to  the  nature  of  the  net- 
work, but  was  confident  that  they  had  nothing  to  do  with  the 
neurofibrils  and  that  they  were  not  canals  which  had  been  filled 
with  the  silver  precipitate.  He  was  moreover  certain  that  they 
were  entirely  intracellular  and  that  they  had  no  communication 
with  extracellular  structures. 

In  the  meantime  Golgi  himself  and  his  students  had  been  ex- 
tending the  field  of  investigation  to  other  than  nervous  tissues, 
and  it  had  developed  from  these  investigations  that  the  retic- 
ular  apparatus  was  not  confined  by  any  means  to  nerve  cells 
but  was  present  in  a  large  variety  of  cells  from  different  sources. 
For  example,  Negri  ('oo)  demonstrated  an  apparatus  of  this 
sort  in  the  cells  of  the  pancreas  and  of  the  parotid  gland  of  the 
cat,  and  in  the  thyroid  epithelium  of  the  dog.  In  these  cells 
the  situation  of  the  network  was  quite  characteristic  and  recalled 
the  observations  of  Golgi  that  in  young  nerve  cells  with  excen- 
tric  nucleus  the  reticular  apparatus  was  also  excentric  and  lo- 
cated for  the  most  part  at  one  pole  of  the  nucleus.  In  the  epi- 
thelial cells,  namely,  it  was  found  that  the  reticular  apparatus 
was  located  near  the  nucleus,  but  between  the  latter  and  the 
free  border  on  the  lumen  or  surface,  that  is,  it  was  distal  to  the 
blood  vessels.  Later,  similar  nets  were  found  in  the  cells  of  the 
epididymus  by  Negri,  in  cartilage  cells  by  Pensa  ('oi),  and  in 
striated  muscle  fibers  by  Veratti  ('02). 

The  observations  of  Golgi  were  confirmed  by  a  number  of  ob- 
servers, using  this  method  or  one  of  the  silver  reduction  methods 
of  Cajal.  ketzius,  for  example,  obtained  good  impregnations 
of  the  apparatus  in  the  nerve  cells  of  the  cat  and  rabbit,  which 
corresponded  in  their  salient  characters  \\ith  those  <>l  ('.<>l^i  but 


were  n»t   ne.irh    so  complete  judging  by  the  figures  published. 
In  view  of  thi-  it  i>  surprising  to  note  that  Retzius  ('oo)  found, 
in   -om«-  nf  the  cells,  the  fibers  of  the  network  communicai 
by  .t  branch  with  the  surface  of  the  cell,  which  Golgi  had  never 
oli-er\ed  in  hi-  more  perfect  preparations. 

In  a  recent  publication  Golgi  has  adopted  a  new  method  for 
the  demon-iration  of  the  reticulum  \vhich  is  based  on  the  -il\er 
reduction  method  of  Cajal.  In  view  of  this  fact  it  is  proper  to 
mention  hen-  that  <  ajal  ('07)  has  also  studied  the  reticular  ap- 
liaratu-  in  the  nerve  cell,  which  he  accepts,  contrary  to  Golgi. 

a  tubular  a]i|iaratus  to  which  he  applies  the  name  "Conduii- 
de  Golgi-Holmgren,"  thus  accepting  the  interpretation  of  Holm- 
gren that  they  are  the  same  as  the  so-called  juice  canals  describe*! 
l>\  him.  II'  i-  .ids  the.  appearances  seen  in  his  preparations 

lue  i"  the  pn  >f  canals  filled  with  a  coagulable  substance 

which  ha-  an  at'finit\    lor  colloidal  silver.     He  also  notes  dit'ler- 

es  in  the  I  eha\iot  ( if  the  apparatus  in  different  animals,  from 
\\hich  he-  •  on.  hull •-  that  the  contents  of  the  canals  in  different 
tell-  i'iav  ha\e  ililtereiit  chemical  pro[KTties. 

I.  •'  •       line  met  In. 1 1-  as  those  employed  by  Cajal,  Sam  li<  / 
ilemon-i  rait  il  an  c\t  vrdingly   interesting  system  in  the  striated 
inn-tie  tibet-  of  mammals  and  insects.     In  the  former  this  sys- 
tt  in   did    not    communicate   with   structures  outside  of  the  cell 
but  -eni   free  ending  branches  \\hich  terminated  just  under  the 
-aivi.lrmma.      In   tin-  insects,  however,  he  made  the  surprising 
nb-er\  ation    thai    the    intercellular    network    was   in    continuity 
\\  ith    the   irai  In  al   -ystcm. 

I'lie  -eciuitl  line  of  progress  in  the  study  of  the  reticular  ap- 
paratu-.  bi^an  \\iih  the  discovery  by  Kopsch  that  it  could  be 
-taineil  b\  pn>lon^etl  immersion  of  the  tissues  in  a  two  per  cent, 
-olutiun  of  o-niic  acid.  In  a  short  paper  (Kopsch,  '02)  he  de- 
->  til  .til  hi-  inethoil  and  contributed  the  results  of  his  application 
of  it.  Tin  n -nit-  obtained  corresponded  very  closely  to  those 
.. I  i  ,..l-i  but  \\,n-  obtained  \,'ith  greater  certainty.  Like  < ',ol-i 
he  wa-  unable  to  find  any  communications  between  the  apparatus 
ami  the  Mirfacc  ol  the  cell,  although  in  addition  to  the  osmic 
acid  met  hot  1  he  eni|)loycd  the  resorcin-fuch-iii  method  of  Holm- 

II,  to  \\hich  reft  re  .ice  will  be  made  later. 

1 82  R.    R.    BENSLEY. 

The  method  of  Kopsch  has  been  exploited  in  particular  by 
Misch  ('03),  and  von  Bergen  ('04).  The  former  found  that  the 
apparatus  was  not  present  in  all  cells  and  that  in  some  cells  it 
presented  itself  in  the  form  of  fragments,  or  of  rows  of  granules. 
He  found,  moreover,  in  agreement  with  Golgi  and  Kopsch  that 
the  network  never  communicated  with  the  surface  of  the  cell, 
nor  did  it  penetrate  the  nucleus.  Von  Bergen's  studies  extended 
to  a  very  large  category  of  cells  ranging  from  wander  cells  to 
nerve  cells.  To  show  how  general  these  structures  are  in  animal 
cells  a  list  of  the  elements  in  which  von  Bergen  obtained  positive 
results  would  have  considerable  interest.  In  addition  to  nerve 
cells  he  found  a  reticular  apparatus  in  the  following  elements: 
prostate  epithelium,  pancreas  cells,  demilunes  and  mucous  cells 
of  the  submaxillary  gland  of  the  cat,  glandular  epithelium  from 
the  trachea,  chief  cells  of  the  fundus  glands  of  the  stomach, 
ciliated  epithelium  of  the  trachea,  epithelium  of  the  sweat  glands, 
wander  cells  and  many  leucocytes,  fixed  connective  tissue  cells, 
cartilage  cells,  endothelium,  smooth  muscle,  interstitial  cells  of 
the  testis.  The  wide  range  of  these  observations  taken  in  con- 
nection with  the  observations  of  Golgi  and  Cajal  and  their  pupils 
indicate  that  the  reticular  apparatus  is  by  no  means  a  structure 
confined  to  a  single  cell  category  but  is  a  cell  organ  of  almost  if 
not  quite  universal  occurrence  in  the. protoplasm  of  animal  cells. 

Before  passing  to  a  review  of  the  investigations  that  have 
been  made  from  the  standpoint  of  the  canalicular  apparatus  of 
Holmgren  and  others  it  may  be  of  interest  to  refer  briefly  to  the 
studies  of  Golgi  on  the  development  of  the  reticular  apparatus. 
In  the  nerve  cells  of  the  foetal  calves  of  two  or  three  months,  he 
found  the  apparatus  greatly  reduced,  often  consisting  of  but  a 
single  fiber,  with  short  branches  running  in  various  directions.  In 
these  cells  the  apparatus  has  a  distinctly  excentric  position  at 
one  pole  of  the  nucleus.  In  the  new-born  animal  the  net  often 
extended  around  the  nucleus,  but  left  the  perinuclear  zone  as 
well  as  the  peripheral  protoplasmic  zone  entirely  free  of  such 
fibers.  In  old  animals  the  apparatus  was  sometimes  broken 
up  into  peculiar  island-like  fragments  which  however  were  con- 
nected with  one  another  by  single  fibers.  These  observations 
suggest  strongly  that  the  apparatus  constitutes  a  unit  in  its  ori- 
gin and  developmental  history. 



'I  In-   hi-tory   of   the   intracellular  canalicular  apparatus,   con- 

n-d  apart  the  positive  impregnations  of  Golgi  and  his 

follourr-.  I.'-- ins  with  the  discovery  by  Holmgren  ('99)  of  endo- 

cellular   net-  of  juice-canals  in  nerve  cells  which   he  said   was 

exhibited    particularly   well   in    preparations   made   from   ral>l>it 

tissui  s.     Almo-t  at  the  same  time  Nelis  ('99)  described,  in  nerve 

•  ill-  tixed  in  -ublimate  or  osmic  acid  and  stained  in  iron-lia-ma- 

uliar  coil-like  bands  to  which  he  gave  the  name 

t    spin  "    the   nature  of   which,   however,   remained 

to  him  fully  ob-cure. 

h  ml  publication  (Holmgren,  '99,  2)  Holmgren  described 

in  .  n  ater  d-  tail  the  canalicular  apparatus  in  the  spinal  ganglion 
cell-  of  ill.  rabbit,  fixed  in  picric  acid-sublimate  and  stained  with 
toluidi  IK-  blue  and  erythrosin.  Hi-  found  in  these  cells  nn«ler- 
atel\  Inn-  i  anal-  of  fairly  uniform  calil>er  which,  anastomo-ing 
ly,  loriiu-il  a  ! airly  dense  network.  The  latter  extended  in 
'  at- nmd  the  nucleus  but  often  was  found  at  one  pole  of  the 
inn  Iru-.  more  rarely  at  both  |w>lcs.  Here  and  there  he  found 
ihe-e  i  anal-  communicating  with  pericellular  canals,  and  at  tl 
point-  In  \\.(-  able  to  make  out  a  distinct  wall  staining  with 
er\  thro-iii.  Hi  ~scd  the  opinion  that  the  canals  were  of 

Kmphatic  n, nun  \\ithout  however  stating  \\hether  they  were  of 
extracellular  or  int racellulur  origin. 

In  i^o'i  ^indnit  l.a  ('99)  also  described  the  canals  in  the  pro- 
topla-m  of  ih.  ganglion  cells  of  the  trigeminus  of  Petromyzon 

and  al.-o  in  tin  -pinal  ganglion  cells,  in  the  nerve  cells  of  the 
medulla  obloii-aia  and  the  cells  of  Reissner  of  the  same  animal. 
II.  explained  tl..  n  of  the  canals  as  due  to  the  union  of  a 

t"\\  ot  \aciiolt--.  .;iid  Kiid  that  while  many  of  the  canals  had 
-month  contour-.  \t  t  in  others  might  easily  l)e  seen  the  constit- 
uent \aciiole-  from  \\hich  they  had  arisen.  In  a  foot-note  In- 
remarked  that  IK-  had  not  found  in  his  objects  the  connection 
\\iih  extrai  ellnlar  -trncturcs  descril)ed  by  Holmgren,  although 
h.  admitted  that  the  canals  opened  on  the  surface  into  tin  peri- 
i  rllnlar  -p. 

In  a  series  "f  papers  dating  from  1899  Holmgren  has  described 
the  n -nits  of  hi.-  in\e-iigations  on  this  topic,  covering  a  wide 
range  of  material  including  not  only  nerve  cells,  but  cells  from 

184  R-     R-     BENSLEY. 

various  epithi-lia  ,ind  from  other  sources.  The  existence  of  tin- 
canals  has  also  been  confirmed  by  a  large  number  of  observers 
including  Kolster  Coo),  Fragnito  foo),  Lugaro  ('oo),  Donaggio 
( — ),  Pugnat  ('oi),  Sjovall  ('01),  Smirnow  ('01),  von  Bergen  ('04) 
and  others. 

F"or  comparison  with  the  results  of  the  Golgi  and  Kopsch 
techniques  an  enumeration  of  the  different  types  of  cells  in  which 
a  canalicular  apparatus  has  been  found  may  be  of  interest. 
Holmgren  demonstrated  the  canals  in  the  following  cells:  gland 
cells  of  the  pancreas  and  parotid,  intestinal  and  gastric  epithe- 
lium, epithelium  of  the  epididymus,  biliary  duct  epithelium, 
uterine  epithelium,  thyroid  epithelium,  liver  cells,  epithelium 
of  the  suprarenal  gland.  Retzius  ('oi)  described  similar  canals 
in  the  giant  cells  of  the  bone-marrow,  which,  like  Holmgren,  he 
considered  to  be  in  direct  connection  with  pericellular  spaces. 

It  is  to  be  noted  that  many  of  the  objects  studied  by  Holm- 
gren coincide  with  those  studied  by  Golgi  and  his  pupils,  and 
with  those  investigated  by  von  Bergen,  and  that  where  this  is  the 
case,  the  canalicular  structures  described  by  Holmgren  correspond 
closely  in  tln-ir  location  and  in  their  configuration  with  those 
demonstrated  by  the  other  methods.  Whatever  conclusion  we 
may  reach  with  regard  to  the  relation  between  the  canalicular 
apparatus  of  Holmgren  and  the  reticular  apparatus  in  nerve 
cells,  few  who  have  studied  the  actual  preparations  made  ac- 
cording to  these  different  techniques  in  respect  to  epithelial 
cells  and  cartilage  cells  will  deny  their  substantial  identity.  Ii 
is  true  that  there  are  differences  in  the  appearances  obtained, 
but,  in  the  opinion  of  many,  these  are  sufficiently  accounted  for 
by  the  differences  in  the  thickness  of  the  sections  studied  in  the 
different  methods,  and  so,  in  the  completeness  of  the  apparatus 
which  is  brought  to  expression  in  a  single  preparation. 

In  his  later  papers  dealing  with  these  structures  Holmgren 
has  abandoned  his  original  opinion  that  the  canals  are  lymphatic 
in  nature  and  constructed  an  entirely  ne\v  hypothesis  as  to  their 
nature.  This  hypothesis  is  based  on  the  confirmation  by  him 
of  the  interesting  observations  of  Nansen  ('86)  and  Rhode  ('91, 
'93.  '95).  that  the  nerve  cells  of  certain  Crustacea  (NaiiM-n,  '86), 
and  those  of  certain  Gastropoda  and  Hirudinea  i  Rhode,  loc. 


cit.)  were  penetrated  by  a  network  derived  from  surrounding  cell-.  Holmgren  found  the  nerve  cells  of  Helix  pomatia 
particularly  suitable  for  the  demonstration  of  these  intracellular 
nets  of  capsular  origin.  He  found  here  that  UK-  nerve  cells 
were  provided  \vith  a  richer  or  poorer  network  of  juice-canals, 
which  were  formed  in  the  interior  of  a  network  of  processes 
derived  from  other  cells.  He  even  found  nucleated  strands 
within  the  bo- lie-  of  t lie  nerve  cell.  In  later  publications  \  Holm- 
gren, '01,  '02,  et<  he  has  developed  this  hypothesis  on  tlie  ba-i- 
of  results  obt. lined  by  the  employment  of  a  new  method,  lie 
fixed  hi-  m.iteri.i!  in  trichloracetic  acid,  or  trichlorlactic  acid, 
and  -lained  it  v\ith  a  fre-hly  prepared  solution  of  Weigert's 

•  rcin-fucli-in.  H\  this  method  the  protoplasm  of  the  nerve 
cell-  -taiii'-d  faintly  luit  thai  of  the  intracapsular  cell-  stained 
dark  \iolet.  as  did  al-o  the  processes  of  the  latter.  By  this 
me. in-  lie  wa-  able  t.,  -.  r  processes  of  the  darkly  stained  intra- 
cap-ular  ci  11-  \\hich  penetrated  the  nerve  cells,  branched  within 
them,  and  ana-h  >ni"-ed  with  one  another,  in  order  to  produce 
an  intracellular  uet\\ork.  lie  applied  this  observation  al-o  to 
the  ner\e  cell-  .  s,  and  came  to  the  conclusion  that 

ihe  latter  were  ])«-netrat«-d  by  processes  of  other  cells  which 
branched  and  aiia-iomo-<-d  I  ret  1\'.  to  form  in  the  interior  <.|  the 
iiti\e  cell-  a  "spongioplasma"  which,  however,  in  no  wise  be- 
lonvied  to  the  neixetell.  but  was  of  extraneous  origin.  In  the 
interior  •  t  the-e  mi-  juice  canals  coukl  arise,  which  communi- 

.  d  directK  \\ith  -imilar  -paces  in  the  interior  of  the  matrix- 
tell-  of  thi-  iKi.  lo  ihi-  net  of  cxtraneou-  origin  Holmgren 
.e  tin-  name  " t n»pho-| ...n^ium."  He  regarded  therefore  the 
tro|iho-|>..n-ia  not  a-  tixe.l  -tmctures,  but  as  undergoing  a  om- 
-tant  change,  v.  hich  depended  upon  the  physico-chemical  proc- 
i  5S(  -  in  ih.  cell,  and  thought  that,  while  at  one  moment  the  net- 
work of  cell  pi  might  sacrifice  itself  by  liquefaction  to 
the  need-  of  the  ner\e  cell,  it  might  later  be  regenerated,  by 
new  gro\\t h  ••!'  the  pro..---  fnun  without.  He  ilm-  abandoned 
com])letel\  hi-  t'ornu  r  view  that  the  canals  nprc-cined  circu- 
lator\  or  l\'iupliatic  -tructures.  or  a  drainage  -\-HMII,  in  la\or 

Foi        m]  ;  l..lingren.  E.,  "Ni    -     !••   ti    g<    zui 

ili-t  /rllr,"  in  "Merkel-Bonnet    !  \'"l.   ti,  p. 

1 86  R.    R.    BENSLEV. 

of  the  view  that  they  represented  the  transitory  phases  of  the 
reciprocal  nutritive  inter-relations  of  the  capsular  and  nerve  cells. 

The  object  of  the  foregoing  brief  and  incomplete  resume  of 
the  literature,  has  been  to  show  that  from  three  different  lines 
of  investigation  we  have  evidence  of  the  wide  occurrence  in 
animal  cells,  ranging  in  diversity  from  leucocytes  to  nerve  cells 
and  muscle  cells,  of  a  reticular  apparatus,  which  exhibits  itself 
in  the  form  of  a  network  of  canals  with  colorless  contents,  or 
of  a  stained  network  according  to  the  technique  employed.  The 
uniformity  with  which  this  apparatus  has  been  discovered  in 
those  types  of  cells  in  which  it  has  been  sought  justifies  the  expec- 
tation that  similar  methods  will  reveal  similar  structures  in 
cells  which  have  thus  far  not  been  investigated  with  this  point 
in  view.  We  are  thus  dealing  with  a  cell  organ  of  almost  if  not 
quite  universal  distribution  in  animal  cells. 

The  question  now  arises — What  is  the  significance  of  this 

The  trophospongium  theory  of  Holmgren,  as  far  as  I  am  aware, 
has  found  no  support.  Even  if  it  were  admitted  for  the  nerve 
cells  there  are  many  categories  of  cells  in  which  a  reticular  ap- 
paratus, or  a  canalicular  apparatus  is  to  be  found,  to  which  the 
theory  is  wholly  inapplicable.  For  example,  it  is  difficult  to  con- 
ceive how  the  reticular  canalicular  apparatus  of  the  cartilage  cells 
and  of  leucocytes,  could  be  derived  from  the  liquefaction  of  pene- 
trating processes  of  other  cells.  Holmgren,  it  is  true,  has  made  an 
attempt  to  adapt  his  hypothesis  to  the  canalicu  ar  apparatus  of 
epithelial  cells,  and  has  described  in  the  pancreas  of  the  sala- 
mander the  continuity  of  the  intracellular  network  \vitli  mtra- 
cellular  strands  which  go  to  the  periglandular  connective  tissue 
cells  or  to  the  centro-acinous  cells.  However,  all  of  Holmgren's 
figures  of  preparations  made  by  the  trichloracetic  acid,  resorcin- 
fuchsin  method  are  explainable  on  the  basis  of  the  canals  having 
a  precipi table  content  which  when  precipitated  by  the  fixative, 
has  an  elective  affinity  for  the  dye.  It  is  not  by  any  means 
certain  that  the  figures  which  Holmgren  has  given  us  of  intra- 
cellular nets  stained  by  fuchsin,  in  continuity  with  processes  of 
capsular  cells,  do  not  really  represent  two  different  structures 
brought  into  apparent  relation  with  one  another  by  a  common 


affinit\-  for  the  dye.  It  is  certain,  moreover,  that  the  networks 
apparently  composed  of  solid  fibers  denvm-trated  in  the  pancrca- 
epit helium  l>y  the  resorcin-fuchsin  method,  are  not  solid,  for. 
in  preparation-  made  by  this  method,  every  cell  in  the  section 
\\ill  -ho\\  Mich  a  deeply  stained  network  while  section-  of  the 
same  pancreas  fixed  in  Kopsch's  formol-bichromate  solution 
and  -i. lined  with  iron-huematoxylin,  will  show  in  every  cell  a 

i)  of  •\itti  unstiined  contents. 

AccordingK  .    u«     must    either   reject    Holmgren's    hypothesi- 
or  .i--ume  ili.n  then   .ire  two  sorts  of  these  nets,  those  of  cartii 
c.-ll-  .nid  epithelial  cell- and  leucocytes  being  different  from  th  >-c 

of    Del  \e    cell-. 

The  -tatemeiu  of  Legeiidre  foS-'og)  that  these  structure-  arc 
either  wholl\  .tb-ein  or  are  the  result  of  pathological  chai 
i-  not  to  be  -eriou-ly  considered,  in  view  of  the  fact  that  thi> 
author  in  .itu-aiptin^  to  explain  the  positive  observations  in 
tlii-  regard  ot  so  experienced  investigators,  is  compelled 
io  re-ort  to  ihe  \\holl\  unwarranted  assumption  that  their  re- 
sults ha\e  been  due  to  the  selection  of  unhealthy  animal-,  or 
to  the  1 1 \.nioi i  ot  ii-Mie-  .ttier  several  days  of  inanition,  or  ^e\eral 
hour-  .liter  de.tth. 

Main  observers,  includiiu  Retxius  ('oo),  are  inclined  to 
|.elie\e  that  the\  repiv-eiit  an  int racelluUir  system  of  nutritive  or 
drain. t^e  canals  ha\ing  direct  relations  with  the  lymphatic 
system.  I'lu-  extracellular  communications  are,  however,  denied 

\>\  <  ml^i  and  hi-  jmpiU.  who  have  never  seen  them  in  their 
prep.n.iti..ii-  nude  b\  the  chrome-silver  impregnation  method-. 
nor  by  the  -il\er  reduction  method.  They  are  equally  denied 
by  \on  Rer^en.  \\ho.  however,  admits  the  existence  of  canal-  in 
no  \\IM  ..nine,  led  \vith  tlu-se,  which  he  regards  as  artefact-. 
\\hich  do  open  on  the  -urface  of  the  cell. 

\  "ii  I'ti^'ii  114  who  studied  these  structures  by  all  three 
method-  but,  in  particular,  by  the  osmic  acid  method  of  Kop-ch, 
agrees  \\ith  <  iol^i  that  the  structures  are  for  the  most  part 
net  u  i  'i  k-  1 1|  liber-  compx  >-ed  of  a  -ul  stance  which  reduce-  •  i-mic 
.icid.  but  e\|>lain>  the  discontinuous  elements  found  b\-  him  in 
main  cell-  studied,  b\-  the  assumption  that  the>"  represent  dif- 
lerent  stages  in  tlu-  formation  or  destruction  of  the  apparatu- 

I  88  R.    R.    BENS  LEY. 

which  thus  would  have  a  variable  structure  from  moment  to 
moment  in  the  cell.  He  claims  that  the  reticular  apparatus 
arises  by  the  appearance  in  the  cell  protoplasm  of  granules  or 
droplets  which  arrange  themselves  in  net-like  or  tortuous  n>\\- 
which  fuse  to  form  more  continuous  fibers,  and  further,  that  the 
network  so  formed  can  undergo  vital  changes,  by  virtue  of  which 
it  loses  its  stainability  and  becomes  dissolved,  the  canals  so 
formed  finally  disappearing  by  absorption  of  their  contents. 

In  view  of  the  almost  universal  occurrence  of  these  structures 
in  all  of  the  tissue  cells  of  mammals,  and  in  many  of  those  of 
lower  vertebrates  and  invertebrates,  it  seemed  probable  that 
they  would  not  be  wholly  absent  from  the  cells  of  the  other  great 
division  of  living  organisms,  namely  from  the  cells  of  plants. 
Accordingly,  I  have  studied  with  this  end  in  view  the  structure 
of  certain  plant  cells,  using  for  this  purpose  in  addition  to  the 
conventional  methods  of  plant  histology,  those  methods  which 
in  my  experience  were  best  for  demonstration  of  the  canalicular 
system  in  animal  cells.  It  seemed  probable,  in  view  of  the  con- 
ditions found  in  the  animal  cell,  that,  if  a  homologue  of  the  canal 
network  of  the  animal  cell  were  to  be  found  in  plant  cells,  it 
would  be  studied  with  greatest  ease  in  those  plant  cells  in  which 
the  vacuolar  system  had  not  yet  reached  its  full  development, 
namely  in  meristem  tissues,  sporogenous  tissues  and  their  prod- 
ucts, cambium  and  embryonic  tissues.  The  three  last,  however, 
did  not  lend  themselves  readily  to  this  investigation  because 
of  the  difficulty  introduced  by  the  slow  penetration  of  the  fixing 
agents,  so  that  I  have  been  obliged  for  the  present  to  content 
myself  with  the  results  obtained  in  the  root-tips  of  AUiuni. 
Lilinm  and  Iris,  and  in  the  tapetum  of  the  lily.  Whether  tin- 
consistent  results  obtained  from  the  study  of  these  cells  are 
generally  applicable  or  not  to  plant  cells,  future  investigation 
will  show.  In  the  meantime,  because  of  the  fact  that  the  result  - 
are  at  variance  with  the  accepted  views  of  the  structure  of  tin 
cells  in  question,  because  they  furnish  a  new  interpretation  <>t 
the  history  of  the  vacuole  of  these  cells  and  in  particular  because 
they  seem  to  throw  an  interesting  light  on  the  question  of  de- 
nature of  the  canalicular  apparatus  of  animal  cells,  it  seem-  \\i-<- 
to  put  these  preliminary  observations  on  record. 


The  de-cription-  which   follow   have  lx.-t.-n  ilrawn  largely  from 
iht-  -tudy  <>f  preparations  of  the  root-tip  of  the  onion,  but  the 
r\ation-  m.i'li-  on  the  roots  of  the  other  genera  mentioned 
an-  in   lull  accord   with  them. 

In    hi-   -tiidy  of  the  vacuolar  system  of  tin-   cells  of   plant-. 
\V«  :  -he  young  cells  of  the  onion   root-tip 

follou-:  "In  tin-  \oimgest  cells  of  roots  two  or  three  niillinu 
in  diameti-r  I  -a\\  a  -reat  miml>er  of  ver>-  small  vaciiole-;  the 
lar^e-t  had  a  diameter  of  four  mikra,  the  smallest  of  one  mikron." 
-mall  \ai  iiole-  he  claims  reproduction  by  di\i>ion,  in 
the  sense  of  the  tonoplast  theory  of  DeYries  ('85'.  He  al-o 
deri\  e-  i  In  \  at  IK  .It-  i  .t  t  he  older  cell  from  these  multiple  \  arm  >le-. 


In  preparation-  made  after  fixation  in  Flemming's  .-tn>ng  tluid, 
I  In  •maim'-  tluid.  /.<  iikn'-  lluid,  Carnoy's  Huid,  etc.,  and  >tain«-d 
in  iron  h.i-mato\>  lin.  or  in  the  three-color  process  of  Flemm 

•  tiding  to  these  were  obtaineil,  that   i-  io 
tin-   \oim-    cell-    contained   a   multitude  of  small   vaciioK  - 
\\hich  l>\  their  coalescence  seemed  to  form  the  large  central  \ 

Hole     of     tile     i.Mer     Cell. 

(  }\\  the  other  hand,  preparations  made  by  methods  whieh  I 
had  found  to  1  -I  •  mo  ii\e  for  the  demonstration  of  the  canal  - 

ieular  apparatus  in  animal  cells,  gave  results  which  were  wholly 
diltireiii.      In  the-e  iluie  \vas  no  trace  in  the  youngest  cells  of 

the     rout     tip    <i|      the     multiple 
\  at  IK  .le-  de-i  ril-ed  l'\    \\  «-nt  and 

other-.     l>ul     in-lead.    <  .1.  h     tell  »^> 

^r       *MI*  X% 
po--e--ed    an    imri.aie    network  *  ^L4!'  *    * 

o|     canals    the     .omponeiit     ele-  .  ' 

ment-  ot   -.\hieh  in   tin-  \oimgcst 

II-  \\en-  often  of  extreme  fine- 

Fir,.   I.     Cell  of  outer  \  tin- 

111  "        !1"  inals  were   best     root  tip  of  onion  showing  fin, 

a  in   the   dermato^en    cells   on       in  the  cytoplasm.     X  800. 
the  -urfai-e  of  the  root  but  were 

i.  .  o^ni/able  a-  -ueh,  though  less  well  preserve*  1.  in  the  .  ell>  of  the 
plenum-.      I  i-.    i   -lio\\-  a  cell  in  which  this  >\-tem  i-  romp< 
of  extremelx    tine  .anal-.      In  this  figure  it   will  be  -et-n  that   the 
ranalicular  -\-tem   tend-  in  the-e  cell-  a-  in   the  animaljvl1 

*'*  * 


R.     K.    'BENSLEV. 

leave  a  peripheral  zone  of  cytoplasm  wholly  free  from  the  canals 
which  constitute  it.  In  Fig.  2  are  shown  four  of  the  large  wedge- 
shaped  cells  from  the  region  of  most  active  division  of  the  der- 
matogen.  in  which  the  type  of  the  canalicular  system  is  well 
brought  out.  Here  it  will  be  seen  that  in  these  plant  cells,  as 
in  the  animal  cells,  the  network  tends  to  be  concentrated  on  one 
side  of  the  nucleus,  and,  as  in  the  epithelial  cells,  this  point  of 
concentration  is  not  one  of  the  division  poles  of  the  nucleus  but 

FIG.  2.     Four  cells  of  outer  layer  of  root  tip  of  onion,  showing  more  advanced 
condition  of  the  cytoplasmic  canals.     X  800. 

corresponds  to  one  side  of  the  equator  of  the  future  spindle. 
The  system  constitutes  a  closed  system  of  canals,  lying  in  very 
close  relation  to  the  nucleus,  never,  however,  invading,  in  dividing 
cells,  the  spindle  territory.  From  this  network  run  out  branches 
which  end  freely  often  near  the  cell  wall  in  a  small  expansion. 
Many  of  the  canals  in  some  preparations,  and  this  is  particularly 
true  of  the  smallest  canals,  such  as  those  shown  in  Fig.  I,  show 
moniliform  enlargements,  as  if  they  were  on  the  point  of  breaking 
up  into  a  row  of  vacuoles,  or  possibly,  as  if  they  had  just  been 
formed  by  the  coalescence  of  a  row  of  vacuoles.  Again  fre- 
quently, the  canals  show  a  spiral  or  tortuous  course,  as  if  they 
were  fixed  while  in  a  condition  of  internal  tension,  which  re- 
sembles very  closely  the  spiral  or  tortuous  condition  found  in  many 
nerve  cells  (etat  spiremateux  of  Nelis). 

Tracing  this  system  in  the  older  and  older  cells  of  the  root  tip 
it  is  found  that  as  the  cell  retreats  from  the  growing  point,  the 
canals  become  progressively  larger  and  larger.  In  the  inter- 
mediate stages  of  this  process  the  condition  depicted  in  Fig.  3 
is  obtained.  Here  there  is  still  a  continuous  system  of 
but  they  are  fewer  in  number  and  broader  than  in  the  younger 


•  ell-,      ritimately   by   a   continuation   of   this   process   we   ha\c 
ill'-  f.tiuiliar  picture  ot'  the  plant  cell  with  a  large  central  vacuole 
\\hich  run  -trand-  of  protoplasm  which  are  the  la.-t   at- 
tenuated   remain-  «.f   i  In-    protoplasmic   partitions  between   t  lu- 

A  -imilar  inn  hani-m  is  revealed  by  the  same  technique  in 
the  ia|n-ial  M-ll-  "t  Liliitm  candid nm.  In  preparations  made 
alter  fixation  in  I  lemming-  fluid,  the  protoplasmic  tip  of^the 
t  i-ll  pre-eni-  a  t< >am--t ru«  t urt-  o\\ing  to  the  presence  in  it  of  a 

•  J^ 


'•  otiowinj;  the  expanded 


e  nuinl'(  i  .  >t  inn-  \.u      In  .11-.  however,  which 

ha\i-  !.»<  11   madr  l>\    the  tr.  hni(|ii<-  to  above,  it  is  seen 

thai    in-icad  <>|  a  mull  il  in  !••  •  >l  minutr  \a«  u«.lr-  <  >r  alveola-,  there 

-trin  .  r  canal-  t'Tiniiii;  a  network  which 

"]>t  n-  at  intt  i\al-  int..  the  large  vacuole  which  ncmpies  the  base 

..I      the     .  ell. 

Apart    Irmn   the  «  1«  ineni-    \\hich    i"ii-tilute   the  tubes  or  vac- 

ii"l«  to  the  UK  tlmtl  of  preparation,  the  cytoplasm  of 

ihe-e  celU  -In  >\\  -  M,  .  i  ndi<  at  i«  >n  whate\'er  of  an  alveolar  struc- 
uire  under  the  mil  r« •-• ' >|M-.  It  i-  composed  of  an  optically 
homogeneous  ui.'iind  -ub-ianci-  in  which  are  imbedded  the  mit<>- 

•  ln>ndria  and  ciher  granular  eleiiieni-.  t.>r  example  |)Ia-tid-, 
\\  hich  ma\  I  »e  pre-i-nt. 

The  tun  ditlereiit  ti  chiiique-.  therefore,  jjve  u-  t \vo  entirely 
dittereni  •  •  .nceptioii-  of"  the  hi-inry  of"  the  \-aciinle.  According 
to  ihe  lir-t  ihe  \a,  uole  ari-e-  from  the  't  preexi-iin;^ 

innunieral'le    -mall    \acuoK--.      According    !•>    the    new    method-, 
the   \acuole   in    the-e   cell-    con-iitute-  a    unit    elemenl    from    the 
verj    I'l-^innin^.  beini;  re|>re-<-uted  in  the  N'oiin^er  cell-  l.\   a  -ii 
-\  -tern   of    ana-tomo-ini;  canal-. 

192  K.    R.     BENSLEY. 

The  decision  as  to  which  of  these  views  expresses  the  condition 
in  the  living  cell  must  of  necessity  rest  on  the  examination  of 
living  cells.  Before  taking  up  this  question,  however,  we  may 
discuss  the  significance  of  these  observations  in  the  interpretation 
of  the  canalicular  apparatus  of  the  animal  cell  for  this  inter- 
pretation does  not  of  necessity  imply  the  assumption  that  the 
canalicular  structure  so  demonstrated  in  the  plant  cell  has  a 
real  preexistence  in  that  form  in  the  living  cell.  We  may,  on 
the  contrary,  treat  the  technique  as  an  experimental  method 
and  discuss  the  results  comparatively  on  this  basis. 

For  the  demonstration  of  the  vacuolar  system  of  plant  cells 
as  a  network  of  canals  I  have  found  the  following  fixing  fluids 
best  adapted: 


Neutral  formaline  (freshly  distilled)   10     c.c. 

Water   90      c.c. 

Potassium  bichromate 2.5    gr. 

Mercuric  chloride 5        gr. 


Potassium  bichromate  2.5  per  cent,  in  water    75      c.c. 

Neutral  formaline 25     c.c. 

With  these  fluids,  as  indicated  above,  the  cells  of  the  root  tip 
show  a  network  of  canals,  whereas  the  same  tissues  fixed  in 
Flemming's  solution  show,  instead  of  canals,  multiple  small 
vacuoles.  The  same  statement  holds  good  for  animal  cells 
similarly  treated.  For  example,  the  epithelial  cells  of  the  in- 
testinal glands  fixed  in  the  formaline-bichromate-sublimate 
mixture,  or  in  Kopsch's  fluid,  show  a  beautiful  canalicular 
system,  while  the  same  cells  fixed  in  Flemming's  fluid  show  at 
the  site  of  the  canals  merely  a  large  number  of  exceedingly  fine 
vacuoles.  Thus  whether  we  accept  the  multiply  vacuolated 
condition,  or  the  canalicular  condition,  as  the  preexisting  one 
in  the  living  cell,  the  analogy  between  these  structures  in  the 
animal  and  vegetable  cell  holds. 

On  the  basis  of  the  similarity  in  constitution  of  the  canalicular 
apparatus  of  the  plant  cell  to  that  of  the  animal  cell,  and  of  the 
similarity  in  behavior  of  this  system  when  treated  by  the  same 
methods  and  an  account  of  the  part  these  canals  in  the  plant  cell 


take  in  the  hi-  .tcuole  of  the  latter.  I  think  we  are  iu-u- 

•r  the  present,  to  be  sure,  only  as  a  working  hy- 

•hat   t:  -.v-rk  of  canal-  found  in  so  many  animal 

(i-ll-  i-  the  ph\ -i'.l-or  and  morphologic  equivalent  of  the  vacn-  '-11. 

\\'e    ma-  'urn    to    the  consii  a  of    the  question 

\\heiln-r  tin-  e.malii  tilar  -\-tem  represents  the  true  structure  of 

the  vacuolar  mechanisn  g  plant  cells  or  not.    Thisquesti<>n 

f  course,  b  !« -nl  >  l-\  observations  of  the  living  cells 

tin  ni-i -1\< •-.  and  the  ii  it  ion  of  these  is  beset  byextraordi- 

dittH  ultie- in  r  cell  due  in  particular  to  the 

impo— ibiliu  nidi  in  \\hirh  to  examine  the  cell-. 

\\hiih  i-in.t  it-i-l!'  injurim!-.      In  theet't'ort  to  find  a  suitable  fluid 

;hi-  pin  |"  •-<    1  tri(  inin  nitrate,  of  sodium 

rhlnndr.  .im!  ntrations, but  found 

in  all  i  hat  t he  -nrl.u  «•  .ipid  changes  of  tin 

-true  tun- <•!  tin  !.i-m  \\  hit  h  i  'ill  to  study  t  In 

uinaliK  uninini'  5.      1  was  linalU 

i.l>li;^(  il  tu  re  a  mounting  medium 

the  ire-lil-  of  similar  ti-  (though even  in  this 

the  t  «-ll- i-i  tin  rsoffree-hai  underwent  more 

-lip\\l\  tin  ,     In  these  s  so  mounted  the 

cell-  -hn\\ed  the  iiuilti|)le  \ aeuolar  o >ndii i« -n  ili-cribed  by  Went. 
In  tin  the  contrary,  in  set  >i  the  onion  i 

tip,  one  emild  see,  \\  ith  ditiu  tilty  to  l>e  sure,  but  still  unmistakably 
the  canal  system  i          entedii  1.2  and  3.     As  these  cell- 

\\atehed.  however,  t  !n    '  anals  are  seen  to  break  up  slowly  int" 
munded    \aeu»li-    thu-   1  about   the   ronditimi   i:enerall\- 

1  in  th»  -i   .  rll-.     I  n  _trd,  therefore,  the  canalicular  - 
ti  in  a-  the  in  iition  intra  vitam  of  the  vacuolar  apparatus  in 

ilu--e  .-ell -of  the  n" -t  lip.  a  ml  believe  that  the  multiply  vacuol. 

•  lition  i-  •  !idar>    origin    due   in  most  cases  to  injur 

the  (ell. 


i  ;   \vitli  • 

Holmgren,  E. 
'02     \ 


194  K-    K-    BENSLEY. 

von  Bergen,  F. 

'04     Zur  Kenntniss  gewisser  Strukturbilder   (Xctz-apparate,   "Saftkanalchen," 
"Trophospongien")  im  Protoplasma    verschiedener   Zellenarten.     Arch.  f. 
mikr.  Anat.,  Bonn,  1904,  Vol.  LXIV.,  pp.  498-574. 
Cajal,  S.  R. 

'07     L'appareil  reticulaire  de  Golgi-Holmgren  colore  par  le  nitrate  d'argent. 
Travaux  du  laboratoire  de  recherches  biologiques,  del'universite  de  Madrid, 
Madrid,  1907,  Vol.  V.,  pp.  151-155. 
Golgi,  C. 

'08     Di  un  metodo  per  la  facile  e  pronta  dimostrazione  dell'  apparato  reticolare 
interne  delle  cellule  nervose.     Boll,  della  Societa  medico-chirugica,  Pavia, 
1908,  Anno  XXII.,  della  Societa,  No.  2. 
Legendre,  R. 

'08- '09     Contribution   a   la    connaissance   de   la  cellule   nerveuse.     La   cellule 
nerveuse  d'Helix  pomatia.     Arch.  d.  anat.  micr.,   Par.,  1908-09,  Vol.   X., 
pp.  287-555. 
Sanchez,   D. 

'07  I.'appareil  reticulaire  de  Cajal-Fusari  des  muscles  stries.  Travaux  du 
laboratoire  de  recherches  biologiques  de  1'universite  de  Madrid,  Madrid, 
1907,  Vol.  V.,  pp.  155-69. 


VARIEGAT1  -  WHICH  SHO\\    IM  >IYII>r.\l. 

!'i;<  I  LIARITIES  OF   FORM. 



The  observation-  descril>ed  in  this  paper  were  made  during 
tlic  \\inter  ami  -priii;,;.  1909-10.  in  the  Biological  Lai  >•  .rati  »ry 
o|  Br\n  Maur  (  'ml<  .  Last  Novemlnr  after  my  arrival  in 

Hr\n  Ma\\r  rp>te—m  I  «  iinen  t  suggested  to  me  a  -tudy  of  the 
•  hr"iu<  •  tain  echinoderms  with  -pecial  tvl- 

«  in  e  to  cl  iliarities  of  form,  a  question  e-|Hviall\ 

-unilic.ini  since  tlu-  appearance  of  Baltxer's  ('090)  pa|*r  mi  llu- 
<lii«'in  ..I  >  ntrotus  livid  us  and  Echinus  »;: 

•.\hiili    h.i-    thrown    ne\\    li^ht    on    tie   indi\  idnalit  \ 
"t    i  hn.  in.  hinoid-.      I'revious    to    this   author'^    lir-t 

publication  mi   tin-  -nl.;«-ii     'oHj  there  existed  only  a  stigj;c-iimi 

!>\  lioM-ii  'ui  .iml  '1.7  i  hat  in  some  echinoids  there  occur  chro- 
mosomes "I  a  chai  tic  shajx.-.  Baltxer  pointed  out  that 

in   l-.<i:inn  \  ;;:.'-  •  there  are  two  very  long  rotl->hapcd 

chromosomes,  t\\''  long  hook-shaped  ones,  and  two  or  thn-r 
horseshoe-shaped  chrmni-mnes,  while  in  Strongylocentrotus  livid  us 
then-  are  t\\o  I  .l--ha|>ed  chromosomes,  two  long  ho»k- 

-ha|)«-«l  mil  •-  and  in  a  part  of  the  eggs  one  smaller  hook-shaped 
chrmin'-i-ii..  \->  ihi-  laiu-rone  occurs  only  in  a  purl  of  tin- 

in  al>mn  mu-  half  "I  them  —  Baltxer  suggests  ('oga,  p.  5 
that  it  i^  ppiliai'!>  an  idi<  x  hromosome  whose  smaller  matt-  i- 
1'iic  of  the  ^horu-r  P-d-~hai>ed  chromosomes.  The  sanu-  -ui;- 
i"ii  i-  in.  iili-  in  p-ard  to  one  of  the  horseshoe-shaped  chro- 
nio-oiiH--  in  /-.,  itinio.  in  cases  \\hcre  there  are  three  of  that  t\pc. 
\\'hile  idiochromo-mm->  and  other  heterochromosonie-  ha\e  for 
-mne  ti.iie  been  kuo\\n  in  insects,  arachnids  and 

I   t.ikr  j>|Mittiniiiy  to  express  in;  th.uiks  i^r  • 

:."],ir>liip  ,iu        •  ••.   M>I\\I  .iii-l  t<>r  i-iu-nuranini;  -uv;- 

and  Dr.  Su-vriis  ihirin^  ill-  »i"  my  \vi>rk 

in  their  lalmiat^ 


they  have  only  quite  recently  been  discovered  by  (.ulick  in  tin- 
nematode  Heterakis  (Boveri,  '10),  by  Baltzer  in  the  ediinoid-. 
and  by  Guyer  ('090  and  b)  in  vertebrates. 

Observations  on  metakinesis  stages  (Baltzer  '090,  Plate 
XXXVII.,  Fig.  9)  have  shown  that  the  hook-shape  of  certain 
chromosomes  in  Strongylocentrotus  is  due  to  the  fact  that  the 
spindle  fiber  from  each  pole  is  attached  at  a  point  about  one 
third  of  the  length  of  the  chromosome  from  one  end,  so  that  a 
shorter  and  a  longer  arm  are  formed.  In  the  horseshoe-shaped 
chromosomes  in  Echinus  the  fiber  is  attached  about  half  way 
between  the  two  ends,  so  that  the  two  arms  are  nearly  of  the 
same  length  (ibid.,  Fig.  10).  As  for  the  origin  of  the  hook- 
shaped  and  horseshoe-shaped  heterochromosomes,  observations 

Strongylocentrotus  c 
on  cross-fertilized  eggs,  „  ,  . <         -  ,  and  on  multipolar 

mitoses  of  Strongylocentrotus  have  shown  that  they  come  from 
the  female  pronucleus,  the  corresponding  pair  in  the  male  being 
rod-shaped.  Apparently  the  female  has  an  unequal  pair  of 
heterochromosomes,  one  hook-  or  horseshoe-shaped,  the  other 
rod-shaped;  while  the  male  has  a  corresponding  equal  pair  of 
rod-shaped  chromosomes.  It  may  be  mentioned  that  this  is  the 
reverse  of  what  is  found  in  insects,  but  as  in  most  insects  the 
female  nucleus  must  obtain  more  chromatin  than  the  male 



My  observations  were  made  upon  eggs  of  Toxopneustes  and 
Arbacia,  collected  and  preserved  by  Professor  Tennent.  As 
preserving  fluid  either  picro-acetic  or  sublimate-acetic  was  used. 
Sections  of  5  /*  thickness  were  stained  with  Heidenhain's  iron 
haematoxylin,  except  in  a  few  cases  mentioned  later. 

The  figures  are  all  drawn  with  Abbe's  drawing  camera,  Zeiss 
oil  immersion  2  mm.  apochr.  objective,  oc.  12,  enlarged  to  twice 
or  four  time£  the  original  diameter  and  reduced  one  half. 


The  eggs  of  this  species  are  quite  unfavorable  for  detailed 
cytological  studies.  Not  only  are  the  chromosomes  very  small 
but  the  cytoplasm  of  the  egg  is  filled  \\ith  pigment  granules  so 

i:S    OF    TOXOI'NEO  I  !.-    VARIEGA1     5.  197 

that  a  -harp  differentiation  of  plasma  and  chromosome-  i-  im- 
possible.  1  ollowing  Dr.  Stevens's  suggestion,  I  tried  to  bleach 
tin  ii  with  H^i  >.,,  a  method  -ucce--fully  applied  in  -ome 

other  cases,  I. ut  entireh  useless  in  Arbacia.  I  therefore  gave 
up  further  -tudv  of  the  chromosomes  of  tin-  -peci.  - 

-OPNEUSTES    VARIEi.A  I  l  -. 

'I  In-  o|,-rr\  at  ion-  were  made  on  two  series  of  ruu>  from  \\\« 
different  loealiti'  from  Beaufort,  X.  C.,  the  other  from  the 

Tortugas.     The  results  obtained  are  the  same  for  both.     I  U  . 

\\iih  the  -iu«l\  ol  the  chromosomes  in  the  first  segmentation 
-pindle  ami  found  in  .  neustes  as  Baltzer  ('09',"  had  done 

in  nd    l:<>::nus  a   considerable   variation   in 

the  length  and  form  of  the  chromosomes. 

As  iii   /••  and  St  ntrotns  there  are  t\\o  i-\tremel\ 

Ion-  chroino -"in.  ~   in  «-.n  h   daughter   plate.     Their   beha\  ioi -i, 
-einM< •-  that  \>\    I'.alt/er  in  thai  these  long  rod-bha 
< •linimo-c.iiu--  lair  in  .splitting  and  moving  to  the  p<  >li  s 

ii|>an-  Tc\t  i  ,ith  Balt/er's  '090.  1M.  XXX\  II..   i 

5.  </  and  I  hr-r  «  In  •  i ncs  may  also  be  seen  in  my  l-'iu;-.  i, 

_•    and    ;v     Sonietinii-    the-e  long  chromosomes  are  contra. 
inoiv  and  then  ajipear  thicker  and  shorter  (Fig.  I,  a,  the  lett  pair 
nt  Ion-  rod--haped  chromosomes). 

A  t\;  hroiiio-oinc  of  |>eculiar  shajx-,  found  in  all  of  the 

in-    \\hi<li    i-    n-nally    \'-shajK'd,   but   sometimes  more 
horseshoe-shape*  -.  4  and  5).     Very  frequently  in  late  ana- 

pha-t •-  tin-  t\\o  arm-   are    |.arallel.   or   nearly  so,   and  one   may 
p.niK  o\(  -rlie  the  other,  I  nit   there  is  hardly  ever  any  doubi 
to  \\hether  there  i-  oiu    .hroinosome  with  two  arms  present   or 
tuo   -eparate   rod  -h.iped   ones  (Fig.  3,   a    and  b).     As  may  l'« 
O|P-«  r\ed   from   I  [g.  4  tin-  length  cf   the  two  arms  in  these  chro- 
iiio-oine-   ma\    \  'i^htly    when    the   arms   are   lying   in   OIK 

optical  plane.  I  tried  to  determine  whether  this  different!  i- 
confined  onl>  to  certain  chromosomes  or  to  chromosome-  in  cer- 
taii  l>ut  no  regularity  seems  to  exist.  The  probable  origin 

of  the  difference  in  length  will  be  discussed  la 

Ihe-.     V-shaped    chromo-      .  r   in   all    tertili/ed    1<>.\<>{>- 

ncii  nd  tin  either  two  or  three  present.     .\monw  ;.( 



one-cell  stages  examined  with  reference  to  this  point,  I  found  in  16 
cases  two,  and  in  18  three  such  chromosomes.  Fig.  I,  a,  illus- 
trates a  case  with  two  V-shaped  chromosomes  in  each  daughter 
plate.  Their  antagonistic  position  proves  that  they  are  division 









FIGS.  1-5. 

products  of  the  same  chromosome,  their  regular  number,  that 
they  are  not  merely  incidental  features.  The  other  chromo- 
somes are  very  crowded,  as  most  of  them  occur  in  one  section. 
Their  position  has  been  slightly  changed  in  cases  where  they  were 


over  <>r   under   tin-   V--haped  chromosomes,  and  this  holds   f.-r 
all  -imilar  1'iL'iirr-.     >p< «  ial  care  was  of  course  taken  to  keep  tin 
'i'.n  «•!"  the  Ion-  rod-shaped  and  the  \*-shaped  chromosome^ 
iiratcly  as  possible. 

I- i.  shows  daughter  plates  of  a  late  anaphase  where  th< 

arc  tlin-c  V--haped  (hi  :iies  \vith  more  nearly  parallel  arm>. 

T\\o  ot   the-e  t  hronio-<,ni(  -  are  very  close  together,  one  partly 

mother  in  each  plate.     Fig.  3  also  shows  in  a  aiv 

three   \--haped   < ,me-  in  early  anaphase.     One  pair  of 

the-e   ehronio-ome-   -mailer   than   the  two  others,   but 

in  evui'imiu  othei  I  I        '1  no  regularity  in  the  apparent 

the  ilin-e  pair-,     Sometimes  all  three  pairs  vary  a  little, 

sometime-  ti  tly  the  same  si/e,  sometimes 

onU    i  lie  member-  ..!  <>ne  pair  \  apparent  size.     This  dit- 

ma\   IM   <hie  to  dii-  ictimi  or  to  an  original 

diltei.iK.     in    length   of   the  i  hroino-oiiies.     As   Balt/er's   ('090, 

urements  of  the  hook-^hajn-d  chromosomes  show, 

i  In    length  of    ch<»mosomes  of  a  certain  t\|H-  is  (jiiite  variable; 

it    ma\     \ar\     Irom    <>-^    ijo    mm.  rr    is    no    n-st-inblance 

ho\\i  \(  i   to  the  t •omlitioii-N  in  :is  in  res|X.'Cl  to  the 

thinl  jiair  <»f  hook--ha|M-<l  ehromo-onn-,  \\hith  always  is  coiisid- 

•  1\    -mailer  than  t  he  oiht-r  two. 

<  IIM-  of  the  three  Y-sha|>ed  chromosomes  is  probably  a  hetero- 
.  hronii-onie.  as  Ralt/er  assumes  to  account  for  the  conditions 
loimd  in  -ntrotus  and  Echinus.  Studies  in  orogenesis 

and  -|>eriiiat"^eii( -i-  u-.nld  be  necessar\-  to  obtain  evidence 
li  T  '  'i  a^ain-t  tin  -tion  ma<le. 

\-  it  i-  dilfu  uh  to  ic. tint  the  total  number  of  chromosomes  in 
a  lateial  \ie\\  o|  the  daughter  plates  I  counted  the  number  in 
I  ic  ilar  \ie\\-  \\here  tort  unateU'  the  X'-shajK-d  chromosomes  sho\\ 
\er\  i  learly. 

l-i.  !  presents  two  succeeding  sections  through 

t\\o  anapha-e  daughter  j)lates;  the  \"-shaped  chromosome-  are 
the  t\\o  double  ones,  finished  in  solid  black.  The  number  ot 
fhromo-oine-  in  earh  j'late  is  36.  l;i^.  ~  shows  a  p»lar  \  ieu  with 
thn.  \  -hajted  cliromo-<»mes;  here  also  the  number  i-  36. 

I  (..tinted  14  anaphase  plates  from  the  pole,  \\ith  a  clear 
arrangement  of  chromosomes,  and  found  the  average  number 


36,  always  counting  the  two  arms  of  the  Y-shaped  chromosome 
as  one. 

Although  I  did  not  have  very  much  material  I  was  never- 
theless able  to  trace  the  V-shaped  chromosomes  in  the  2-,  4-, 
8-,  12-  and  16-  to  32-cell  stages. 

•  .  . .  ..•••;" 

O         0  ~"     O     rt  Q  n         O 

°°n°*°  o°  °      0     o°       °° 

0  0  o  O  o  o 

o    o    o  a 

6a  6b  7 

FIG.  6.  FIG.  7. 

Fig.  8,  a  and  &,  shows  a  metaphase  from  a  2-cell  stage,  with 
the  three  V-shaped  chromosomes  distinguishable  by  their  char- 
acteristic splitting  figures,  which  are  fully  explained  below. 

Fig.  9,  A  and  B,  represents  two  adjoining  cells  of  a  16-  to 
32-cell  stage.  In  cell  A,  gb,  we  see  three  V-shaped  chromosomes 





FIG.  8. 

and  the  two  long  ones.  In  B,  gc,  we  see  again  two  of  the  V-- 
shaped chromosomes;  and  in  gd  the  third  one.  The  two  long 
ones  are  distributed  between  c  and  d.  The  chromosomes  in 
this  stage  are  so  small  and  crowded  together  that  an  accurate 
count  of  their  total  number  is  impossible. 

The  figures  10-15,  enlarged  4  diameters  and  in  publication 
reduced  one  half,  show  splitting,  or  metakinesis,  stages  of  the 



V--haped   rhroii  From  these  :  it  is  evident    that 

the  Y--haped  ehronio-omes  of  the  anaphase  come  from  a  long 
r«nl-  iromo-  >  which  the  spindle  fibers  are  attached 

with   m<>re  <>r  It •—  re-ul.trity  in  the  middle  of  the  chromosome 
Fig.     12        It     tin  it  ion    of    the    daughter-chromosomes 

i  than  at  the  other  (Fig.  13)  or  one 

.inn  of  tin-  <  hrom"  «n traded  more  than  the  other,  or, 

a-  I  i^.   14  ie  hindrance  on  one  side  prevents  one 







i -ml  I'nun  iiM\ii  rd  tin    pole  as  rapidly  as  the  other  end, 

thea  tin    \aiiation-,  in  ih'  h  of  the  arms  mentioned  above 

Fig     i    ap|>«     In  comparing  these  figures  with  Baltzer's '090, 

I'l.  \\X\1I  .  Fig    i"  v<    cannot  fail  to  find  a  dose  resemblance. 

In  K.ili/i T'-  |>a|H-i  '«>«)  n,  p.  <)o;,  we  notice  a  suggestion  that  in 
tin-  h.M.k--hap«-d  rhp-in. •-, mu-s  there  may  be  a  union  of  two  chn>- 
mosomes,  i-nd  tn  md  at  tin-  jx)int  where  spindle  fibers  are  at- 
tached. Tin  -on  for  this  suggestion  are  tin-  extra- 
ordinary len-th  nt'  the  hook-shaped  chromosomes,  and  the  fan 
that  all  other  ehnuno-onii--  are  attached  to  the  spindle  til.i-r- 
1>\  one  end.  Thi-  suggi  'ii  is  a  very  natural  one,  for  Mich 
apparently  hoim  .-eneou-  but  pllirixalenl  chromosomes  are 


known  in  Ascaris,  and  compound  chromosomes  are  found  in 
the  maturation  mitoses  of  certain  insects  (McClung,  '05,  Payin-. 
'09).  In  some  of  these  latter  cases  (Payne,  '09)  the  plurivak'iu 
chromosome  has  a  spindle  fiber  attached  to  each  unit  in  the  early 
metaphase  and  in  many  cases  two  spindle  fibers  from  each  pole 
are  attached  to  one  of  each  of  the  four  units  of  a  tetrad  in  primary 
maturation  mitoses  (Stevens,  '10). 

Since  the  Y-shaped  chromosome  of  To \~opneustes  seems  to  be 
exactly  comparable  to  the  hook-shaped  chromosome  of  Echinus 
and  StrongyJocentrotus,  the  question  arose  whether,  assuming 
that  the  V-shaped  chromosomes  of  Toxopneustes  may  be  biva- 
lent, one  might  by  careful  observation  be  able  to  trace  in  the  early 
metaphase  two  spindle  fibers  from  each  pole  attached  to  each 
of  them.  As  the  spindle  fibers  were  not  especially  clear  in  the 
preparation  stained  with  iron-ha?matoxylin  alone,  a  few  slides 
were  counter-stained  with  Rubin  S.  Among  42  cases  I  found 
only  two  where  I  was  inclined  to  count  two  fibers;  in  all  other 
cases  I  was  certain  that  only  one  fiber  from  each  pole  was  attached 
to  each  V-shaped  chromosome.  My  observations  have  there- 
fore failed  to  add  any  facts  supporting  Baltzer's  suggestion, 
which,  however,  future  investigation  may  verify. 

Baltzer  ('090)  traced  the  heterochromosome  in  Strongylo- 
centrotus  and  Echinus  to  the  female  pronucleus.  Unfortunately 
I  was  not  able  to  obtain  suitable  material  for  this  purpose,  but 
further  investigation  will  probably  reveal  the  same  conditions 
as  in  Echinus  and  Strongylocentrotus. 


Comparing  the  chromosomes  with  peculiar  shape  in  Echinus 
and  Strongylocentrotus  with  those  in  Toxopneustes  we  find  that 
the  hook-shaped  chromosomes  in  Echinus  and  Strongylocen- 
trotus have  no  exact  equivalent  in  Toxopneustes.  The  two  ex- 
tremely long  rod-shaped  ones  are  found  in  the  three  spr< -i< •-. 
The  Y-shaped  chromosomes  in  Toxopneustes  are  very  similar 
to  the  horseshoe-shaped  chromosomes  of  Echinus  in  rrs|xrt  to 
their  formation  and  the  equal  length  of  their  two  arms.  They 
differ  from  the  Echinus  chromosomes  as  already  mentioiu-d  in 
their  length  and  slender  ness.  As  in  Echinus  we  are  n<>t  aliK  i.. 


di-tin^uish  a  particular  one  of  these  three  V-shaped  chromosomes 

a  heterochromosome. 

The  discovery  of  individuality  of  form  among  the  chromo- 
~-.nx •-  in  <•<  hinoid-  is  a  very  valuable  factor  in  support  of  Boveri's 
"Individualitatstheorie"  of  the  chromosomes.  One  also  wrl- 
con  ry  MI-  h  nu-ans  of  distinguishing  parental  chroni'.-»!ii<^ 

in  <  ross-fertilized  Toxopneustes  for  instance  has  been'used 

for  -p  :li/ati<m  'Tennent,  '07  and  *io).  These  rhnnnu- 

somes  which  show  marked  individuality  of  form  will  be  of^special 
\ahii-  in  -  fertilized  eggs,  where,  as  shown  l>y  llerbst 

('09  .iii-l  Kilt/-  .•'•),  the  chromosomes  of  one  parent  arv  al- 

most entii  minau-d  during  the  first  segmentation  divi-imis. 

II!  I  KATl'RE. 
Baltzer.   F. 

'On     i  Chromosomen  bci  Sceigcleiern.     Vcrh.  -1.  -I. 

'OOa     I  •>•!.  liv.  u.  Ech.  micr.     Arch.  f.  Zcllt"i-i  h.. 

H.l    II. 


'OOb      I  u-Bastardc  mil  bes.      Bcril-  uny. 

'I.  '  Anz.,  B<l.  XXX\'. 

Boveri.  Th. 

'01  IV.     Jena. 

'07  VI       Jena. 

'10     I  n    bei     Ncmatodon.     Arch.    f.    Zcllforsi  li.. 

l\  . 
Guycr,   M.   F. 

Domestic  Guinea    (Numida  meleagris  doni.).   An/  IV. 

"OOti  lie  Domestic  Chicken  (Callus  gallus  dom.). 

Herbst,   C. 

'00     \  VI.     Arch.  f.  Entw.  Mech..  Bel.  XXVII..  Heft  2. 

McClung,  C.  E. 

"05     '1  In-    >  :nplex  of  Orthopteran   Spermatocytes.     Biol.    Bull., 

V..1.   IX, 
Payne,  F. 

'0<J  Miosomc  Distribution  and  Their  Relation  to  S 

Bi..l.    Hull.,   XVI. 
Stevens,   N.   M. 

'10     An    l'iu-(|    I  Ik-ierochromosomes   in    Furlkula.     Joiirn. 

/,.,,!..   \,,1 
Tennent,    D.   H. 

'07     Tin-  >  i     i.inoiil   K.UK*.      Biol.   Bull.,   XV. 

'10      Tin-    I  >. .mill. mi  i-  ••!    M.iifiiuil   ami   »l    Piiti-rnul   Character-;   in   Ecliino'li-ini 
llvl.ri.l-,     Arch.  i.  Hutu.  Mech.,  H.I.  XXIX. 



In  a  study  of  the  English  thoroughbred  horse  C.  C.  Hurst1  has 
shown  that  chestnut  is  recessive  to  bay  and  brown.  He  supposes 
that  the  presence  of  black  in  the  coat  is  the  dominant  character. 
Now  black,  gray  and  most  roan  horses  also  have  black  in  their 
coats,  but  95  per  cent,  of  the  English  thoroughbreds  are  bay, 
brown  or  chestnut,  so  that  Hurst  was  unable  to  verify  his  supposi- 
tion. The  American  trotting  and  pacing  horse,  however,  a  close 
relative  of  the  English  thoroughbred,  exhibits  colors  in  proportions 
much  more  favorable  for  an  investigation  of  this  kind.  These 
proportions  are  about  as  follows:  bay,  53  per  cent.;  black, 
13  percent.;  brown,  15  percent.;  chestnut,  14  per  cent.;  gray, 
3  per  cent.;  roan,  2  per  cent.;  dun,  .1  per  cent. 

Perhaps  before  going  further  it  will  be  well  to  give  a  brief  dis- 
cussion of  these  colors.  According  to  Miss  F.  M.  Durham,  as 
quoted  by  \V.  Bateson,2  there  are  three  pigments,  yellow,  black 
and  chocolate,  concerned  in  the  color  of  horses,  as  in  mice,  rabbits 
and  other  animals.  Chestnuts  have  the  yellow  pigment  alone.3 
Bays  have  both  yellow  and  black  pigments,  and  browns  are  only 
very  dark  bays,  shading  into  the  self-colored  blacks  on  the 
other  extreme.  Grays  have  black  hairs  mixed  with  white  ones, 
usually  in  a  dapple  pattern.  Roans  are  of  at  least  three  types. 
The  most  common  are  the  bay,  red  or  strawberry  roans,  which 
have  yellow-black  hairs*  intimately  mixed  with  white  ones. 
The  black,  blue  or  gray  roans  appear  to  differ  from  grays  chiefly  in 
that  their  black  and  white  hairs  are  more  intimately  mixed.  The 
chestnut  roans  have  yellow  and  white  hairs.  As  will  appear  later 
the  fact  that  there  is  no  black  in  this  class  introduces  a  possible 
source  of  error  into  my  calculations.  However,  these  chr-iiiut 

lProc.  Royal  Soc.,  Vol.  77.   B.,   1906,  p.  388. 
"Mendel's  Principles  of  Heredity,"  p.  125. 

'According  to  Bateson  some  chestnuts  are  really  chocolates,  but  these  an 
the  yellows  in  having  no  black. 



roans  are  ran  .  forming  something  less  than  10  per  cent  of  the 

il  mimlicr  of  roan-  -eeii  on  the  streets  of  New  York,  and  nearly 

all  nl'  tho-e  -eeii  an-  heav  y  draught  horses,  so  that  I  feel  sure  they 

verv  ran  indeed  among  blooded  trotters.     The  official  record - 

dn  ii":    di-iingui-h   between   these  three  types  of  roans,  but  in 

the  journal-  it  i-  not  ran    to  see  a  horse  described  as  belonging 

to  on.-  ui"  tin-  two  i..niinoiu-r  .lasses,  though   I  have  never  yet 

n  in  tin  in  a  reien-n.-e  i..  ,(  chestnut  roan.     There  are  several 

ty|x--  ol   dun-.   Inn.  in  the  list  above,  all  are  rare. 

In  a  lew   lainilic-  dun-  -<  .  in  in  lx?  dominant  to  bay,  brown  and. 

Ma.  k.  and  out-  v.  1  \\ith  gray,  but  l>eyond  this  I  have 

Iniind    mulling   aliout    tin-   color,      l.a-tly   there  are  a  very   few 

>poiird   trmti-r-.  luit   ihe-e  arc  all   poorly  bred  ones,  with  short 

and   1   have  done  nothing  with  them. 

I  ha\c  tried  to-lm\\  Inn-  that  Hur-t's  discovery  of  the  domi- 
nance nl  l»a>  andMouiii  t nut  holds  good  for  the  American 
harm  —  hoi -c,  and  th.c  .  and  roan,  or  all  other  colors 
containing  Mai  k,  are  al-o  dominant  to  chestnut.  In  order  to 
avoid  coiitu-ioii  I  -hall  call  tin-  dominant  factor  for  the  presence 
o|  Mack  Hurst's  factor.  Apparently  all  tn liters  have  the  factor 
l"i  i  In  -unit,  which  I  -hall  represent  by  C.  This  factor  is  hypo- 
-tati.  in  all  the  others  here  mentioned.  1  he  factor  next  highest 
in  the  -.ale  i-  thai  for  black,  or  Hur-i'-  .  //,  its  absence 
In  in;<  //.  \.  \t  higher  is  that  for  bay,  B,  its  absence  being  b. 
At  the  to|i  -land  the  i^ray  and  roan  factors,  (/  and  R.  Now 
nio-t  horses  have  neither  of  these  last  two,  and  are  therefore 
\  .he-tnut  will  al\va\s  be  Cfili,  but  may  have  any  com- 
bination »l  the  other  la.  tors  and  their  absences,  since  they  pro- 
duce no  vi-iMe  eiieci  in  the  al>-ence  of  Hur-t's  factor.  N-ll 
Mack- are  (  7///;';>  or  i  //'.•.  -ince  bay  is  epistatic  to  sc'lf  black. 
Ha\-  have  .me  or  two  (">.  //'.<,  and  B's.  Gra\'s  ha\'e  C,  II  and 
(/',  and  loan-  have  i  '.  //  and  7^.  Whether  these  last  two  mu-t 
have  /•>'  or  nm  i»  not  clear.  I  -hall  discuss  the  three  epi-iatic 
color-  more  lullv  and  give  my  theory  as  to  brown  when  I  have 
I'lVM-nu-d  the  evidence  a-  to  Hurst's  factor. 

The  chief  authoritic-  for  the  statistics  and  color  pedign  .-- 
given  here  ha\e  ln-eii  \\alla«e'-  '^"ear  liook  of  Trotting  and 
Pacing"  and  Walla.  <•'-  "American  Trolling  Kegi-ier."  l»>ih  of 
which  are  oiticial  record-. 

2O6  A.    H.    STURTEVANT. 

It  is  a  recognized  fact  among  the  breeders  of  harness  horses 
that  certain  stallions  never  produce  chestnut  foals.  In  Wallace's 
Monthly  for  February,  1880,  there  is  an  article  by  "Truth,"  in 
which  he  says:  "I  have  learned  that  neither  of  the  brothers 
[Volunteer  and  Sentinel]  have  ever  sired  a  chestnut  colt."  W.  H. 
Marrett,  in  the  September,  1890,  issue  of  the  same  paper,  tells 
us  that  the  two  bay  sires  Volunteer  and  Electioneer  never  had 
chestnut  foals.  Both  were  by  a  bay  sire  (Rysdyk's  Hamble- 
tonian,  which  appears  in  the  first  table  below),  one  being  from 
a  bay  mare,  the  other  from  a  brown.  In  a  sale  catalogue  issued 
in  1903  C.  \V.  Williams  says  of  the  browrn  stallion  Belsire:  "His 
get  are  .  .  .  bays,  browns  and  blacks."  This  horse  is  a  son 
of  the  Electioneer  mentioned  above  and  of  a  black  mare  whose 
sire  was  a  black  and  dam  bay.  He  is  a  full  brother  to  the  bay 
Chimes  which  appears  in  the  table  below,  and  to  Bow  Bells, 
bay,  and  St.  Bel,  black,  both  also  probably  homozygous. 

I  have  found  a  good  many  sires  homozygous  for  Hurst's  factor. 
The  small  number  of  gray  and  roan  sires  in  the  table  below  is 
to  be  explained  by  the  small  number  of  those  colors  existing. 
It  will  be  noticed  that  two  of  the  number  have  one  chestnut 
foal  each  recorded.  Director's  was  found  in  an  advertisement 
in  a  horse  journal — obviously  a  poor  authority,  as  the  pedigree 
might  easily  have  been  false.  That  by  Jay  Bird  is  Cardenas, 
trotting  record  2:263/4.  from  a  chestnut  mare.  He  is  recorded 
as  a  chestnut  by  the  "Year  Book."  But  the  "Year  Book"  does 
sometimes  make  mistakes  in  the  matter  of  color.  Among  others 
I  could  mention  is  the  case  of  the  bay  stallion  Charley  Wilkhurst, 
recorded  as  a  gray  gelding.1  In  this  connection  it  is  worth  noting 
that  Hurst  found  about  I  per  cent,  of  exceptions  recorded  in  his 
investigation,  but  wras  able  to  explain  most  of  them  by  showing 
them  to  be  probably  mistakes. 

'See  The   Horse  Review  for  December  12,  1905,  p.  1424. 







v  Mciliutii . 
:  ••- 



Or.,  \\J|K,  - 

•    - 

bay        brown  40 

n  bay       i  i 5 

brown   brown  12 

black  15 

bay               k    i  33 

k  12 
^  n 

or  12 

bay  94 

gray  3 

gray  49 









































bay        bay 

59                    404 













61          i 








3       63 




a      30 


Pilot  M«-'liiim.  .  . 
••I      .... 

•H.i'i   "I   tlii'-r  :  the  ch-  ng. 

nut  marea. 

I  ii  iv<    ;. 'inid  only  69  cases  of  chestnuts  bc-ing  mated  togeth 
Inn    in  .ill   ihrse  the  rf-ult   was  chestnut.     They  are  from   t lu- 
ll ,lli  '\\  •    [        illi'  >n->:    . 

N  u  t  wood 

fn>m  Cli- 

Sire.                 l'.mi. 

bay              gray 
bay              bay 
.     bay                    ? 
bay                   ? 



nut                      4 



\ttci[  nrv 

I  >;«!. 


M.  mil'!  ino  K 


bav              chest 

.     black                 ? 

uith   tv                     .... 
\\  i  1  1  .                  (i       

'  1 

Tin-    timlinu   « >t    t'n.ils   from   heterozygous  sires  and 
iii.uv-  i-  ,i  \«T\   -l->\v  and  laborious  task,  but  1  have  found 
t'ri'in  tlu-  I'cllowin^  -millions: 


A.    H.    STURTEVANT. 

Foals  fr 

om  Chestnut  Mares. 


Total  Found  of  all  Colors. 





Axtell    .  .  '  








Guy  Wilkes  








Onward             .         




Red  Wilkes 



T    1 





Total  bay  sires  








Simmons                         .                      .  . 




Total  black  sires 



j  j 








I  7 

Total  brown  sires  .       ... 




Alcrvon  ....               ... 







Total  gray  sires  




Grand  Total  



Exnectation.  . 



Here  again  I  have  been  handicapped  in  working  with  gray  and 
roan  by  the  small  number  of  sires  of  those  colors,  and  also  by 
the  fact  that  most  of  the  best  known  of  those  existing  seem  to  be 
homozygous.  However,  I  have  found  some  sires  of  those  colors 
which  throw  a  fair  percentage  of  chestnut  foals,  as  shown  in  the 
following  table,  which  shows  all  known  foals.  Two  blacks  are 
also  included. 




Foals  of  All  Colors. 





Manibrino  Patchcn  




Alcryon                 .       .         




Pilot,  Jr  




Jay  Hawker1  




Roan  Wilkes  




Tom  Hal,  Jr.2  




1  The  one  chestnut  from  Jay  Hawker  is  scarcely  to  be  doubted,  as  he  is  Coun- 
try Jay  2:07^,  world's  champion  trotter  under  saddle,  and  one  of  the  most  prom- 
inent race  horses  of  the  season  of  1909. 

'-This  one  chestnut  also  is  not  a  doubtful  one.  His  name  is  in  fact  Chestnut 


It  seems  to  me  that  we  have  here  sufficient  proof  that  H ur- 
inal -uppo-ition  is  right — that  the  dominant  character  i-  the 
Mack  in  the  coat.     However  his  idea  that  the  Mark,  it"  pre-ent. 
-    '.n    ili,-   tVt locks,   seems  to  me  to  be  unjustified,   as   Joe 
I1   t<  IK  n.  a  h-  gous  Mack,  has  white  feet,  though  the.-  white 

do,--  not  n-ach  as  far  up  as  the  fetlock  on  the  left  hind  one. 
('•rattan,  anotlu-r  heterozygous  black,  also  has  three  white  fet- 
1"<  k-.  It  i-  not  at  all  rare  to  see  pictures  of  bays  or  l»n>\\n- 
\\ith  one  foot  or  more  white  as  far  up  as  the  fetlock  or  further. 
II-!  amples:  bays — Capo,  both  hinds;  Moko, 

i  hind:  Aii"  l.eyburn,  left  hind;  Allerworthy,  both  left>; 
Hail  ('loud.  riv;lit  front;  browns — Rcdlac,  both  hind-:  The 
II  lett  hind;  Searchlight,  both  hinds.  At  lea-t  on. 

the-.     Moko    is       :  lozygous. 

In  th<  the  next  factor,  bay,  a  complication  arises  in 

nl    to  l>ro\\n.     A-  explained   lx.-fore  the  presence  of  Ui\    i- 

dominant  e,  and  the  color  next  below  it  in  tin   -cale 

i-  Mai  k.      l'.r>.\\:  T  l»ctwei-n  these  two,  shading  into  both 

•  \i  '  brown  is  usually  a  heterozygous  color, 

I 'lit  that  bay  also  is  quite  often  het«  i 
uid  that  l'io\\n  may  occasionally  be  either  of  the  homo/v- 

i-  I\|H--.(  1 1 /l /•>  or  t  'I  I  fib.  This  suggests  the  idea  that  the  line 
Ixtuieii  Mack  and  bay  should  l>e  drawn  somewhere  near  the 
black  limit  ot  l.n.un.  The  obvious  result  of  this  complication 
i-  the  creation  ol  considerable  confusion  in  the  numerical  propor- 
tion- of  the  t\\o  (uli.r-..  It  is  evident  that,  except  for  this  com- 
plication and  the  appearance  of  some  chestnuts,  bay  will  acl 
as  ihou-h  it  \\ere  an  ordinary  dominant  to  black. 

I'..  l..\\  i-  a  taMe  -Imwing  twelve  sires  homozygous  for  the  l>a\ 
factor.     >i\  of  them  are  bays,  and  one  is  the  only  brown  certainly 
kiio\\M   to  In-  homo/\  gous  for  this  factor.     Two  are  ihe-tnuts, 
and  therefore  la.  k   Hurst's  factor.     The  other  three  are  a  K'"-I>' 
and  t  \\o  roan-,  and  it  \\  ill  IK?  noted  that  all  three  of  them  appeared 
in  the  taMe  of  -ires  homozygous  for  HurstV  factor.     They  arc- 
not  l.a\-  Ucaii-c  they  also  bear  other  fa»  I  -hall  explain 
later,     uf  the  bays  two  are  homozygous  and  four  are  heten>/y- 
gousfor  H  in -t'- factor.     The  single  black  from  KoU-n  Mc(',r. 
i-     l>oM.\    Good,   pacer,  2:II14,  out    of    a    daughter    of    A-hland 



A.    H.    STURTEVANT. 

































Ashland  Wilkes 























Happy  Medium. 






















Red  Wilkes 










































McGregor  .... 











Pilot  Medium   .  . 











Tav  Bird  . 




-  , 


I  c 





Mar  crave  . 










The  mating  together  of  blacks  should  produce  only  blacks  and 
a  few  chestnuts,  since  chestnut  is  the  only  color  hypostatic  to 
black.  However  it  does  produce  some  browns  and  is  recorded 
as  producing  occasional  bays.  The  bays  so  far  found  are:  Kip- 
ling 2 :2i^,  by  Gambetta  Wilkes  ex  Margaret  W.,  and  Gipsey  Bel 
2 130,  by  St.  Bel  ex  Gipsey  A.  Now  there  is  some  reason  to  doubt 
the  color  of  St.  Bel.  His  dam  was  the  black  Beautiful  Bells, 
but  his  sire  was  the  bay  Electioneer,  and  he  is  the  only  black 
among  the  eleven  foals  by  Electioneer  from  black  mares  that  I 
have  found.  Moreover,  counting  St.  Bel,  I  have  found  only 
two  black  foals  out  of  a  total  of  52  from  Electioneer.  Since 
Electioneer  was  homozygous  for  Hurst's  factor  this  small  pro- 
portion cannot  be  partly  explained  by  supposing  that  more  of  the 
52  would  have  been  black  had  they  had  that  factor.  Neither 
is  it  possible  to  suppose  that  the  small  proportion  is  due  to  sup- 
pression by  the  gray  or  roan  factor,  since  the  52  include  only 
two  grays  and  no  roans.  It  looks  very  much  as  though  Elec- 
tioneer were  homozygous  for  the  bay  factor.  St.  Bel  died  young, 
leaving  few  foals,  so  that  I  have  been  unable  to  get  much  data 
about  his  descendants.  As  to  the  other  apparent  exception, 
Kipling,  I  shall  only  call  attention  to  the  fact  that  neither  he 
nor  his  dam  are  very  well  known.  The  following  table  shows 
foals  from  two  black  parents. 

The  case  of  foals  from  heterozygous  sires  and  black  mares  is 


21  I 


Bla                        Brown- 


Bellini  .  .  . 

2                                   0 
3                             0 
3                          o 
8                         o 

7                          i 



1.1                                         A 





Ci  rat  tan 

\Vilkcs  i 


ben  \\ 



Nin«-  i.tli'-r 

g                                                  i 


th<-  cm-  ulu-p-    the  uncertainty  about    brown  causes   tin- 

trouble.     Since  the  presence  of  Hurst's  factor  is  nece— ary  before 

"I"  the  time  colors  in  question  can  ap|x\ir  I  have  left  out 

tin- 1  he-unit  foals  in  the  following  tal)le  of  foals  fnun  black  mare-. 

•]    ...... 


AN  an) 

Nti  i  v 




















Tin-  numbers  in  tin-  .ibovc  table  are  small,  and,  as  in  the  similar 
e  \\ith  Ibir-i  >r,  I  have  supplemented  it  with  one 

all  kiK'un  t'l-.ils,  chrstnuts  being  again  left  out. 

Mnu     I. 

Mi  k;it:;.  • 

ii  \\  ilk  .\vn 

:    AVn 


:    >WI1 

bn  '\vn 

M.iiiil)riiii>  Kini;    .  .  .          chi  -inut 

'1  In-  !•'.!!  1 .  •  '     -tnut 

('iiii'i  i;ray 

I'ilnt.  Ji. .  .  . 

:  Hiiil  . 






















































Ni»\\   t.>  tin  ii  to  the  gray  factor.     In  tin-  first  place.  I  in. ike  no 
claims  .ill  -ray  is  epistatic  to  the  four  Usual  colors.      Perhaps 


A.     H.    STURTEVANT. 

it  will  be  best  to  take  up  the  grays  by  families,  and  I  will  first 
treat  of  those  in  which  it  is  epistatic,  and  then  of  the  one  in  which 
it  seems  not  to  be. 

Most  of  the  high-bred  grays  of  to-day  go  back  to  Pilot,  Jr., 
through  an  unbroken  line  of  grays.  This  horse  was  a  gray,  son 
of  a  black  sire  and  of  a  mare  of  untraced  breeding  whose  color 
I  have  been  unable  to  find.  The  gray  sires  in  the  next  table  all 
get  their  gray  from  him.  This  table  includes  all  known  foals 
except  chestnuts,  these  being  omitted  for  the  same  reason  as 
in  the  last  case.  Since  gray  is  an  unpopular  color  it  is  safe  to 
say  that  nearly  all  these  foals  were  from  recessive  (gg)  mares.  I 
have  so  far  found  only  one  case  of  grays  being  mated  together, 
and,  since  the  produce  of  that  mating  was  never  heard  from  after 
racing,  I  know  of  no  horse  homozygous  for  the  gray  factor,  G. 

Gray  Stallion. 

.    Sire's  Color. 

Dam's  Color. 

Foals  not  Gray 
or  Chestnut. 

Gray  Foals. 






Pilot,  Jr  





Pilot  Medium 









I  ; 

Total  . 



The  following  sires  are  all  sons  of  gray  members  of  the  Pilot, 
Jr.,  family.  Several  of  them  have  gray  foals  in  this  table,  but 
all  of  these  are  from  gray  mares. 

Q  to  1  linn 








Lord  Russell  







Peter  the  Great 

!  M  ' 




















Kxpedit  ion  







High  wood 







Mambrino  Russell  .... 










There  can  be  little  doubt  that  in  the  Pilot,  Jr.,  family  gray  is 
an  ordinary  dominant,  and  there  are  other  families  where  it  seems 
to  be,  though  there  is  not  as  much  evidence.  One  of  these  goes 
back  to  the  mare  Sontag  Mohawk,  and  through  her  probably 
to  imported  Messenger,  the  foundation  of  the  breed  of  American 

COLOR    IN    THE    AMI  N     HARNESS    HORSE.  21 

harm---  IP  \n<  >t  h<  r  ^oes  to  the  m;:          »haw  Belle,  daughter 

of  Y'.unw  Ba-haw.  ^ray.     Of  the  three  li.>r-r-  K-l»\\.  Conduct.  >r 

M»hawk,  Manager  is  a  grand  x>n  of  Ba>haw 
ml  Ah  r\"ii  i-  "lit  of  Lady  Blanche,  daughter  <>t  I'm  au  -i-r. 

I>am'>  Color. 

•  r  Chestnut. 

gray  14  7 

!  .ay  gray  7 

•Jiut  gray  ii  i- 


Kn>-  ,iinl   Walnut    Hall,  a  brother  and  son,  respectively,  <>t 

h  lirowns,  have  no  gray  foals  anmn-  tin 
I    lia\«-  fdiinil. 

n  which  gray  apjx?ars  not  to  In- rpUtatir. 
I  In-  in  -t  IP.I  :  iinily  that  I  know  of  is  General  \\  il 

\\ilkes  (an  ordinary  brown  which  ap|><ai- 

in   t\\<>  i.f   tin-  iaMi •-  .iln-a.K    given  and  has  nine  di!tn\-nt   x-n- 
in  ilicni   am!  in. ire.     This  stallion  had  some  gra)  !«M!-, 

(•I'  \\lii'  I  have  found  no  record.      But  In-  had  t\\<. 

\\hiih  ha\i-  prtnluced  many  gray  foals.      1  In  \  an 
hi-puir.  Ma.  k.  .,ii.l   Bubby   Burns,  bay.      I  am  not  sure  of  tin- 
color  "I  ill-    dam-  «•!  any  of  Dipute's  gray  foals,  but  in  the  • 
l'...l.l.\    1 :  -<MIH-  (jf  them  are  from  bay  mares.      Dispu 

inau-nial    «.•!,, r   |xduive    I   do   not   know,   but    Bobby    Burn-  i- 
fr.  .MI   hixii.  a  ba\   dau^liter  of  the  brown  Dictator  appearing 
in  -niiif  . .f  iln-  lir-i   tables  in  this  paper.     The  colors  of  all  foaU 
fiitind  lie. in  l>i-pute  and   Bobby  Burns  are: 
Pi-puti-:    bay,  ,\;    black.  2;    gray,  4;    all.  9. 
l'...l,|,\    I'.uin-:    Lay,  40;    black,   10;    brown,   lo;    choimit,  3; 

;',-    all.    i 

1  'hi-  i-  n-rtainK   a  dil'u-rent  kind  of  gray  from  the  otlur-  ju-t 
.  ril'td.  but   I  ha\r  not  enough  data  to  try  to  rxplain  it.1 

'In  'i..n  with  tlie  bay  and  gray  factors  I  may  q  i..ll,.\\i: 

tin-  IH-II  arson  ("The  Law  of  Ancestral  Heredity,1  i-ika> 

th»ui;h  it  was  written  about  tli  i-lil.n.|        I: 

lil.u-  :   in  lu.rses  were  'ret'  \\li.-n  tu»  }•'. 

-h..ulil  rxi'«vt   ciily  Mack  oil-spring,  but  black  can  <li  i'..r  a  Ki-iu-ration 

>r  even  two  and  then  ir.     Or.  take  a  case  like  that  of  a  gray  h.  unt, 


A.    H.    STUKTEVANT. 

The  last  character  I  have  to  deal  with  is  roan.  This,  like  gray, 
is  epistatic  to  the  four  usual  colors  in  most  families,  but  may 
not  be  in  all. 

Many  of  the  roans  of  to-day  go  back  to  the  old  roan  race-mare 
Lady  Franklin,  through  her  daughter  Lady  Frank  and  grandson 
Jay  Bird,  both  roans.  Jay  Bird  sired  Eagle  Bird,  Jay  Hawker, 
Allerton  and  Jackdaw,  and  Jay  Hawker  sired  Jay  McGregor. 
The  following  table  shows  all  foals  but  chestnuts. 










All  not 

Eagle  Bird    


I  c 






Jay  Bird  . 




I  c 




Jay  Hawker  













,S  I 


Jay  McGregor  
















Tackdaw.  . 








Allerton's  roan  foal  is  from  a  roan  daughter  of  Jay  Bird. 

Another  family  goes  back  to  Laura  Fair,  roan,  through  her 
roan  granddaughter  Spanish  Maiden.  This  last  mare  produced 
I  bay  and  3  roans,  including  the  sire  Margrave.  Tom  Hal,  Jr., 
founded  another  family  of  roans,  and  another  goes  to  the  roan 
mare  Tilla,  which  had  4  bay  foals,  I  brown  and  3  roans,  the  latter 
including  Fred  S.  Wilkes.  The  Brown  Hal  appearing  in  the 
table  below  is  a  son  of  Tom  Hal,  Jr.  Chestnut  foals  are  omitted 
as  before. 




Not  Chestnut 
or  Roan. 


Fred  S.  Wilkes 


I  -i 






Tom  Hal,  Jr  







Brown  Hal  . 




where  gray  remained  dominant  for  three  generations  only  to  disappear  before  the 
chestnut  of  the  mare  Blue  Stocking  in  the  Viscount  and  Blue  Stocking  filly  Miss 
Johanna!"  Just  what  that  passage  was  intended  to  mean  is  a  problem  which  I 
have  not  yet  solved.  What  do  blacks  produce  when  mated  together,  and  what 
has  that  to  do  with  skipping  a  generation  or  so?  And  if  a  recessive  cannot  skip 
what  can?  Certainly  not  a  dominant.  What  is  to  prevent  us  from  supposing 
Viscount  a  heterozygote? 


roan  ami  also  the  two  gray  foals  of  Brown  Hal  probably 
get  their  color  from  their  dams,  since  in  all  cases  the-e   \\cre. 
daughter-  "f  r.  MII  or  gray  sires.     As  to  the  kind  of  roan-  these 
I  can  on!  that  Margrave  and  one  of  his  foals,  and  one 

of  tin-  foal-  of  Tom  Hal,  Jr.,  are  all  red  roans. 

I    li  md  .-ix  roan  foals  which  had  neither  pan-in   roan. 

(  )m-  was  from  a  dun  man-.     One  was  from  two  bays  and  another 
was   from  ut    and   a   bay,    the   chestnut   beinv;    Robert 

M'  •  ,  which  almost  certainly  carried  no  gray  factor.     An- 

other \\.i-  from  a  bay  sire  and  a  chestnut  dam.     The  other  i\\.. 
hhada  .  ,  and  at  least  one  of  them  was  a  black  roan. 

d  i  iced  by  the  thousands  of  cases  of  mat  in- 
tin  r  hor-e-  ,in  isa  very  small  jx-rcentage.     It  i-  to  be 
noii.  eel   thai  are  not  closely  related.     Even   tin    t\\<> 
•  rued   .11  I'ilot,   Jr.,  and  one  Sontag  Mohauk. 
I      eems  to  me  probable  that  red  roan  at  least  is  an  ordinary 
dominant .  ami  that  all  but  oiu?  of  the  above  cases  are  mi -take-  or 

•  ption-.     h  i-  (|iiii'  ible  that  all  horses  having  the  fai 

A'  .(I-   i    .n.  the  i\|  an  depending  upon  the  color  the  II«IM 

\\iiulil   ha\e  been  if  he  had  not  had  that  factor.     This,  if  cor- 
.plain-  away  the  dilhculty  presented  in  the  next  paragraph 
in  -o  far  as  r-  Mil  is  concerned. 

1  he   [elation   I K-t \veen  gray  and  roan  is  not  clear.      It  seem- 
probable  that  some  of  the  black  roans  may  be  connected  \\iih 
. ,  bin  an  examination  of  the  tables  given  above  will  convince 
one  i  hat.  in  1.  the  two  colors  are  quite  distinct.      1   ha\e 

found  niil\  t\\o  in-tances  of  the  mating  together  of  grays  and 
roan-,  ami  in  both  the  result  was  gray.  Of  course  much  im-iv 
e\  idem  e  \\oiild  be  m -eded  in  order  to  find  out  how  tin  \  ,ut 
io\\ard  each  other.  The  relation  between  these  two  laci.>r- 
aml  the  bay  factm  i->  also  not  quite  clear.  It  is  evident  that  the 
presence  of  eitln  r  can  conceal  bay,  but  whether  or  not  either 
can  .i|>pear  iii  the  absence  of  the  bay  factor  is  not  certain.  I  am 
inclined  in  think  that  they  can.  If  gray  cannot  we  ha\e  an 
explanation  of  the  gray  foals  from  the  black  Pi-pute,  but 
m>  help  in  the  much  harder  problem  concerning  hi-  bay  half- 
brother,  liobby  Burns.  One  would  expect  to  tmd  -<»ine  ch. 
nut-  carrying  gray  or  roan  factors  (if  the  ChhR  horses  are  ch< 

2l6  A.    H.    STURTEVANT. 

nut  roans  there  should  be  no  chestnuts  carrying  the  roan  factor). 
With  one  possible  exception  in  the  case  of  each  color  I  have  found 
no  such  case.  How  unsatisfactory  these  two  cases  are  will 
appear  from  the  color  pedigrees  of  the  horses  concerned. 

(  Banker  Rothschild,  f  Rothschild. 

brown.  {  Pilot  Anna,  gray. 

i  Lady  Forrester,  ]  Royal  George,  chestnut. 

chestnut.  \  Belle  of  Saratoga,  brown. 

f  Young  Clay  Pilot.  /  Clay  Pilot,  bay. 

North  Wind,  roan.  bay  ,  R       Executorf  brown. 

I  Lola  M.,  chestnut.  {  Ljght  ^  chestnut< 


This  study  of  the  pedigrees  of  blooded  trotters  indicates  that 
the  color  of  such  horses  is  usually  controlled  by  five  factors,  as 
follows.  First,  a  factor  for  chestnut,  C,  present  in  all  the  horses 
studied.  Second,  a  factor  for  black,  Hurst's  factor,  H,  epistatic 
to  the  factor  C,  and  hypostatic  to  the  three  following.  Third, 
a  factor  for  bay,  B.  Fourth,  a  factor  for  roan,  R.  Fifth,  a 
factor  for  gray,  G.  R  or  G  inhibits  B  if  it  is  present,  but  whether 
they  depend  upon  its  presence  for  their  own  appearance  or  not 
is  not  clear. 

June,  1910. 

THl     \I\K-l  PITM  OF  THE  AXOI  ><  >\  II  N.E. 

In  the  June  number  of  the  BIOLOGICAL  BULLETIN  (p.  ;i  .  G. 

nl  \\  .  (   .  Curtis  have  published  a  paper  on  "tin-  Mar- 

siipium   of   tin-    I  'nionida'."  in   which   they  say   that   the   lateral 

•  •inlar  r  tubes  cut  off  from  the  original  (primary)  water 

tubi--  in  the  of  the  Anodontinae,  described  by  myself 

in    \...,'  ru.iry,  1910,  are  not  present.     In  order   to  show 

thi-..  tin  \  publish  three  figures  of  horizontal  sections  throiisji  the  of  tin.  ies  of  Anodontiiuc. 

I  nisunderstanding,  I  want  to  point  out,  that,  in 

t\M.i.f   the  figun  vrcd   to,  these  secondan- water  tube-  \KI 

pin  SENT,   in.  v  and   typically  in    Fiji.   I.      In    1  L 

ti.t,  :hein  -able,  while  in   Fi^.  2   they  are  not  yet 

develop  :       I  tul>csarc  not  blood  vessels,  as  might  be  be- 

ln  \t-.l  .ifti-r  -u|  ii. \i-tination. 

|.,r   tlie  I       nnot  go  into  detail,  but   must  refer  t<>  in\ 

funiif    publie.ition      illu-trated     by    micmphotographs)    in    the 
.17.  •  :*•   Museum,  where  additional  facts  \\ill  be 

pul  ili-hnl. 



Vol.  AV.V.  September,  1910.  No.  ./ 




• ion  of  my  papers  on  the  sperm,  i  isis  of 

tin    guinea  and  of  the  rhirken  respectively  (Guyc-r  '090,   '< 

in  \\  liirh  was  recorded  tin-  finding  of  a  chromosome  or  chromosome. 

complex  comparable-  to  the  "odd,"  "accessory"  or  "X-elrmeiu," 

ile-i  rilHxl  so  frequently  of  late  as  occurring  in  a  \\i<le  r.m-i    .  .f 

tin-   Artliropoda,    particularly   the  Tracheata,    I   have  rx.imiiinl   from   otlu-r  \ertebratcs  and  can  at  present  record   it-; 

presence    iii     the   rat,   its    probable  occurrence    in    tin      pigeon 

.ihhoii-li  this  \\ill  require  some  further  corroboration),  ami  ii> 

piiiious    occurrence    in    man.      Inasmuch    as    the    material 

u-  stu<  l\  in  the  rat  is  in  the  hands  of  a  student   lor  further 

iii\e-ti^aiion.   I   >hall  confine  myself  in  this  pa|>er  to  a  de-rrip- 

tioii  ot  tlu-  t wo  accessory  chromosomes  as  found  in  man,  together 

\\iih  other  leaimv>  of  human  sjx;rmatoR:enesi- 

I  i  >r  m\    studies  on  man   1   have  l>een  fortunate  in  l>eiivsr  able 

•ibtain  CM  epti. -nally  PIKK!  material  through   the  courte>\    of 

m\    (ollea^iii.   I  >r.   Paul.  <  '•  \Voolley.     The  subject  from  which 

the  testicular  material  was  secured  was  a  negro  thirty  years  of 

\\  ho  ilie<l  MuliK-nly  from  the  rupture  of  an  aortic  aneuri-m 

1       •     no.    151,1.};     Pathological    Records,    the   Cincinnati    City 

II.  spital).       \  -  was  removed  within  l)etween  an  hour  and 

an  hour  and  a  half  after  death  while  the  body  was  still  warm 

and    >li<  e-    \\etv    placed    immediately    into    Gil-on'v    and    into 

-.   fluid-. 

The  mounted  sections  were  from  ti\e  to  twelve  microns  thick. 
(,f   tlu-m   \\ere   >tained   in   Heidrnhain'.-   iron-lurmatoxylin 

22O  MICHAEL    F.    GUVER. 

and  counter-stained  with  Congo  red  or  acid  fuchsin,  although 
Delafield's  haematoxylin  was  used  with  some. 

An  abundance  of  cell  divisions  were  found  to  have  been  in 
progress  at  the  time  of  death.  In  a  given  field  of  the  microscope, 
in  a  favorable  region,  it  was  not  unusual  to  observe  as  high  as 
six  or  seven  cells  in  various  phases  of  division.  As  many  as  five 
or  six  of  such  areas  might  exist  in  a  single  section,  although  it 
was  more  usual  to  find  only  one  or  two.  The  material  was  very 
uneven  in  that  slides  would  be  found  in  which  section  after  sec- 
tion showed  division  stages,  while  in  others  divisions  were  scarce. 
These  facts  indicate  that  there  were  proliferating  and  resting 
zones  in  the  testis.  The  stages  found  in  most  abundance  were 
the  metaphases  and  late  prophases  of  the  primary  spermatocytes. 
It  was  a  comparatively  simple  matter  to  find  spindles  on  which 
the  ordinary  chromosomes  were  in  metaphase  with  the  two 
accessories,  closely  associated,  well  removed  toward,  or  at,  one 
pole  (Figs.  6,  7,  8  and  9). 

In  the  literature  of  the  subject  much  confusion  prevails  re- 
garding the  number  of  chromosomes  characteristic  of  man. 
There  is  wide  disagreement  in  the  counts  of  different  observers 
and  there  seems  to  have  been  a  great  dearth  of  material  showing 
division  stages.  Most  of  the  enumerations  are  based  on  obser- 
vations of  from  two  to  eighteen  cells  and  these  often  in  ques- 
tionable stages  of  preservation.  The  great  difficulty  apparently 
has  been  to  secure  material  which  was  sufficiently  fresh  or  which 
was  not  diseased  tissue  that  is  notoriously  irregular  as  regards 
karyokinetic  phenomena. 

As  early  as  1881  Flemming  discussed  mitosis  in  the  case  of 
man  illustrating  it  with  some  six  figures  (Taf.  3,  Figs.  11-16) 
of  which  Fig.  16  is  from  leucocytes  of  leucemic  blood,  the  others, 
from  the  corneal  epithelium  of  two  different  subjects  from  each 
of  whom  an  eye  had  been  removed  because  of  affection  of  the 
bulbus.  Although  at  this  time  he  made  no  definite  record  of 
the  number  of  chromosomes,  his  drawings  show  them  to  be 
considerably  in  excess  of  sixteen,  the  number  later  announced 
by  Bardeleben  ('92). 

Writing  several  years  later,  however,  in  response  to  the  1892 
paper  of  Bardeleben,  Flemming  ('97),  from  a  reexamination  ot 


old  in. iii-rial.  -  the  number  of  chrumnsom«  \\vmy- 

foiir.  He  <  ites  tin-  papers  of  Hansemann  ('91,  '93  as  the  earlie-t 
attempi-  kn«.\vn  to  him  to  make  a  count  of  the  fhn>m<»«>nu--  of 
man.  Bui  sin<  e  1  l.msemann  records  eighteen  in  one  case,  twenty- 
four  in  another,  and  forty  in  a  third,  the  latter  apparently 

:nattd   Irom   the  spireme  stage,  and  inasmuch  as  he   him-elt 
admit-  ihat  his  count  was  very  uncertain,  concluding  with  the 

••  -nient  that,  "die  Zahl  sicher  holier  als  24  sei,"  we  may  fairly 
di -regard  it.  I  think,  in  the  light  of  modern  technique.      In  this 

ml  papi  r  1  lemming  ('97)  states  that  his  count  i-  ba-ed  <>n 
iinl\  ti.ur  cell-divisions  in  which  the  chromosomes  had  ju-t 
split  preparatory  to  separation.  His  exact  statement  of  hi> 
ol,-«-r\  ations  is  as  follows:  "Es  gelang  das  zwar  bei  keinen 
>i<  her.  alx-r  bei  zweien  der  vier  darin  enthaltenen  Mito-<  n 
ann.iheriid ;  es  scheinen  in  beiden  I'iillen  24  Doppelchromosomen 
zu  sein.  Bei  beiden  sind  es  jedenfalls  mehr  als  22  und.  \\  ie  ich 

•  •n  /u  konnen  glaul>e,  weniger  als  28;  an  einigcr  Stellen  di  (  ken 
sie   sich   so,   dasx   eine    exacte    Zahlung    mir    unmoglich    \\ird." 
I  !•  -mining's  material  had  IK.VII  fixed  in  one  sixth  per  cent,  chromic 

I  and  stained  \\ith  safranin. 

Kirdelelx-n    has    published    thn-e    paj>ers    ('92,   '97,    '^s '    mi 

the  spermatogenesis  of   mammals  including   man   in   which   he 

comes   l«>   the  conclusion   that   the   number  of  chromosomes  in 

the  spermatogonia  and  siK-rmatocytes  of  man  are  sixteen  and 

•ectively,   and   in   his  later  pajKTs  he  sets  down   four 

as  i lu   nnmlH-r  that  ultimately  reaches  the  spermatids.     That  is, 

there  i-  in  successive  divisions  a  reduction  in  numbers  from  six- 

ijn   and   then  from  eight  to  four.     This  is  much   the 

•  lit ion  thai   I  have  found  prevailing  in  birds  (Guyer,  '02,  '< 
\\ilc.'\  ulied  sections  from  a  testis  which  had  been  re- 
moved 1 1  oin  a  man  lit  ty-four  years  old,  in  an  operation  for  hernia. 
Alihon'ji  -,T,, i al  swelling  had  existed  for  a  year  previous  to  tin- 
operation  the  te-tis  seemed  to  be  normal  in  size  and  appearan.v. 
He   repon-,   that,   "In   my   material   the   number  seemed   to   be 

iteen,  the  difterent  counts  resulting  in  ti  ran-in^   troin 

titteeii  to  nineteen."  lie  remarks  howc\'er  u|«»n  the  Mrikiii^ 
absence,  of  kar\okinetic  stages,  so  that  his  ob-ervation-,  were 
ba-ed  upon  a  \er\  limited  number  ot  di\-i>ion>.  liec.m-e  of 

222  MICHAEL    F.    GUVER. 

this  lack  of  favorable  stages  he  says:  "The  whole  organ  was, 
therefore,  sectioned  and  in  the  great  number  of  sections  thus  ob- 
tained, not  more  than  twenty  cells  were  found  in  mitotic  con- 

Wilcox  continues:  'The  few  cases  of  mitosis  observed  were 
in  spermatocytes  of  the  first  order.  One  could  easily  distinguish 
spermatogonia,  spermatocytes  of  the  first  and  second  order, 
spermatids,  and  numerous  nearly  mature  spermatozoa.  The 
number  of  the  latter  to  be  seen  was  very  large  and  precludes  the 
assumption  that  the  testis  was  functionally  impaired  by  age  or 
by  hernia.  In  the  opinion  of  the  writer,  this  condition  merely 
indicates  that  all  the  various  processes  in  the  spermatogenetic 
series  are  not  necessarily  to  be  observed  as  taking  place  at  the 
same  time.  I  can  see  no  reason  why  there  might  not  become 
established  in  the  testis  periods  of  cellular  activity  alternating 
with  periods  of  cellular  rest." 

Unfortunately  Wilcox  gives  no  drawings  with  his  paper  nor 
does  he  state  definitely  whether  he  regards  the  eighteen  chro- 
mosomes seen  in  the  spermatocytes  of  the  first  order  as  the 
reduced  number  or  not.  He  does  remark,  however,  that,  "in 
many  cases  they  were  plainly  arranged  in  the  tetrad  or  ring  for- 
mation which  has  been  observed  in  a  pretty  general  variety  of 
investigated  species,"  consequently  the  inference  would  be  that 
a  synapsis  had  occurred  and  that  one  might  expect  to  find  in 
the  neighborhood  of  thirty-six  as  the  somatic  number. 

The  latest  investigation  on  the  number  of  chromosomes  in 
man  with  which  I  am  acquainted  is  that  of  Duesberg  ('06). 
He  reviews  the  work  of  Hansemann,  von  Bardeleben,  and  Flem- 
ming  and  on  the  strength  of  his  own  observations  concludes 
that  Flemming's  count  of  twenty-four  is  correct.  The  excessive 
number  found  by  Hansemann  he  would  account  for  on  the  basis 
of  the  abnormal  increase  in  the  number  of  chromosomes  which 
is  likely  to  occur  in  pathological  tissues.  In  the  case  of  Bar- 
deleben he  is  inclined  to  believe  that  very  thin  sections  (three 
microns)  are  responsible  for  the  smallness  of  the  count  since  he 
regards  it  as  probable  that  part  of  the  cell  had  been  cut  away. 

The  tissue  upon  which  Duesberg  worked  had  been  fixed  in 
Flemming's  or  in  Hermann's  fluid  and  stained  by  the  iron-hat- 

V    CHROMOSOMES    IN    MAN.  223 

matoxylin  method.  However,  the  number,  twenty-four,  which 
he  records  for  in. in  was  not 'determined  by  direct  count  but  was 
intVrn-d  i'r«>m  tl  that  he  found  two  or  three  clear  cases  of 

Ive  «  hromo-imit •-  in  the  primary  spermatocytes.  That  his 
find  in-.:  "t  t  \\i-l\r  in  the  primary  spermatocytes  was  comvt  is 
l...rm-  MUI  by  in  rvations  but  he  is  not  justified,  in  con-r- 

qm-iiri-.   in   -i.ttin-   i hat  there  must  be  twenty-four  in  SJKTIU.I- 

•nial    <>r     nil-divisions.     My    material    shows    that 
two  "t    tin-  lui-Kr  chromosomes  are  the  univalent  accessor 
and    a  cl<  int   of   favorable  spermatogonial   chromosomes 

n  \i-.d-  .>nly  t\\« -nty-two.  This  means  in  all  probability  that 
•  •I'  iln  i \\d\i-  c  hromosomes  of  the  primary  spermatocyte, 
.in  lii\.iltni  .Mul  two  accessories.  Although  Duesberg examined 
tin-  spermatogonial  chromosomes  he  states  that  he  was  unaliK- 
to  '  "inn  tin-in  «  \.niK  U-yond  determining  that,  contrary  to 
the  «i|iiniuii  of  \'on  Hardrlt-U-n.  there  were  clearly  more  than  six- 
teen. II'  :  I-  -  lunhi  i  p.  477)  that,  "Je  n'ai  pas  pu  les  compter 
rx.u  i. UK  nt.  taut  ;\  i-aii-r  de  la  petitcsse  dcs  cellules  qnr  du 
iioml.iv  assez  -1<\.  dr-  chromosomes,  mais  dans  quelqucs  cas 
l.i\  o|-.iMi  -  .,11  li-ur  iniii  u  a  pu  el  re  tMitreprise,  j'ai  obtenu 

dr-  n-uli.ii^  trrs  M>i-iu>  dc  24,  jamais  sup6rieurs  ;\  ce  nombre  lr-  n  llules  normales."  And  in  conclusion  he  says:  "II  r£- 
Miltrdr  l.i  i |iu  lr  nombre des chromosomes est certainement  a  mon 
a\  i-.  di-  u  dan-,  les  sj)ermatocytes  et  par  cons6(juent  de  24  dans 

;permatogoni<  U--  i»llules  somatiques.     C'est  la  confir- 

matiiin  dc  r«i|iininn  dr  I  Innniin^." 

In  i  In  '  •>«  h<  nir  of  the  s|K-rmatogcnesis  of  man  there  ap- 
|n-ar>  IK  In-  in >i hin-  unique.  One  can  readily  recognize  the  usual 
fniir  m 'in -r. uio n-  n  i-i-IU;  viz.,  spermatogonia,  primary  sper- 

in. r  i   -|K  rniai'n  ytcs  of  the  first  order),  secondary  sper- 

matocytes  "i  ~\» mi.ii,>.  \  tes  of  the  second  order),  and  la>il\ 
spermatids  which  transform  directly  into  the  spermatozoa.  An 
abundant'  •  i-il\  identified  Sertoli  or  nurse  cells  are  in  evi- 
dence. <  '<  >  a-i«mal  centrosomes  were  observed  in  suitably  stained 
pri'i>aratii'ns  Inn  I  have  not  pictured  any  in  my  drawings  U-- 
cause  the  preparations  from  which  the  latter  were  made  were  all 

'K-nJx  d<-(  i  ilori/rd  that  the  stain  had  evidently  o>m])K-ii-l\- 
di-.ip|u  .IK  d  I'mni  an\  centTOSOmes which  mi^hi  ha\v  Urn  |>iv-nn  . 

224  MICHAEL    F.    GUYER. 

The  matter  of  counting  the  spermatogonial  chromosomes,  it 
must  be  admitted,  is  one  of  great  difficulty.  In  the  late  prophase 
or  equatorial  plate  stage,  the  only  time  at  which  a  count  is  possible, 
they  lie  for  the  most  part  in  an  irregular  band  around  a  central 
clearer  area.  In  the  vast  majority  of  cases  only  a  deeply  stained 
mass  of  small  contiguous  or  overlapping  chromosomes  is  visible 
in  this  band  and  an  accurate  count  is  out  of  the  question  although 
one  can  frequently  determine  that  there  are  over  twenty.  In  sev- 
eral instances,  however,  in  which  the  positions  of  the  chromo- 
somes and  the  degree  of  the  staining  were  favorable,  twenty-two 

distinct  chromosomes,  never  more,  were  visible. 


There  is  considerable  range  in  size  among  the  individual  chro- 
mosomes of  the  spermatogonia  as  well  as  observable  differences  of 
form.  Most  of  them  were  rod-like  or  oval  in  shape  although  some 
were  more  nearly  spherical.  In  several  though  by  no  means  all 
instances  two  chromosomes,  closely  associated,  were  seen  lying 
at  some  distance  away  from  the  main  band,  out  in  the  cytoplasm. 
Taking  into  account  this  isolation,  the  rounded  shape  of  these 
chromosomes  and  their  relative  sizes,  it  seems  very  probable  that 
they  are  the  two  accessory  chromosomes  which  do  not  manifest 
their  presence  for  a  certainty  until  the  next  division.  It  will  be 
observed  that  one  is  somewhat  smaller  than  the  other.  This  con- 
dition obtains  also  between  the  twro  chromatin  nucleoli  of  subse- 
quent stages  as  well  as  between  the  accessory  chromosomes  where- 
ever  they  can  be  identified,  and  one  is  led  in  consequence  to 
strongly  suspect  that  they  are  all  one  and  the  same  thing.  This 
inference  is  all  the  more  justifiable  when  the  relation  between  the 
chromatin  nucleoli  and  the  accessory  chromosomes  in  some  of  the 
lower  forms  is  recalled. 

Fig.  2  represents  a  nucleus  of  the  primary  spcrmatocyte  in  the 
spireme  stage  which  shows  the  two  chromatin  nucleoli  in  question. 
In  deeply  stained  specimens  these  nucleoli,  especially  the  smaller 
one,  are  not  always  evident  but  in  preparations  stained  by  the  iron- 
hsematoxylin  method  and  then  almost  entirely  decolorized,  even 
as  regards  the  ordinary  chromatin  of  the  spireme  they  are  usually 
conspicuously  visible.  It  should  be  mentioned  that  occasionally 
other  small  nucleolus-like  granules  were  observable  but  since  there 
was  no  constancy  in  their  presence,  size  or  relationship,  I  h;i\r 


ft  It  iu-titied  in  ignoring  them  in  the  prc-ent  di-cn— inn.      FL 
repre-em-  th*  me  in  the  contraction  pha-e  which  is  not  very 

pronounced  in  m. in.  It  will  be  observred  that  the  two  character- 
i-tic  (  hroinatin  nudeoli  still  persist. 

I    •    primar\    -i«-nnatocytes  when  ready  for  divi-ion.  a-  has 

alre.i<l\  }><  •  < '  1,  reveal  twelve  chromosomes  in  late  prophase 

irly  metaphase  (Figs.  4,  5).     In  Fig.  4  the  two  a<  are 

seen  at  and  the  remaining  chromosomes,  jud^in-  from 

their  in<  n-a-ed   -i/e  and  changed  form,  are  bivalent,  ivpn. -cnt- 

iin-il    imivalent  chromosomes  of  the  spermatogonium. 

Thai    i  ^inal  twenty-two  chromosomes  t \\rnty  ha\e 

jiain-d  io  ii.nn  the  ten  bivalent*  of  the  primary  s|x-nnai  md 

i\\o  h.i\e  r<  inained  unpaired  as  the  accessory  chromosomes.      In 

\  ii  i-  no!  i  \idcntjust  which  two  are  the  accessories  although 

i \\el\e  i  In  -  are  present. 

li  i- ob\  ion- iroin  tin-  the  figures  (Figs.  4-9)  that  there  is  con- 
-id<  r. (Mr  dil!-  in  the  si/e  of  the  various  chromosomes  ot  tin- 

|irim.i!  Although  the  attempt  was  made  ii  \\a> 

not  found  |>o--il»lr  t. .  .il\\  i\ -s  idrntif\'  the  individual  chroino-'u; 
Tin  :••  i|n\\  n  in  -i/r  from  some  three  or  fcmr  large  ones  to  i  \\. . 

or  ilin  .  -mall  oiu-^  luit  the  fluctuations  in  sixe,  prohabh  dm-  lor  tin- 
in. -i  pan  to  diitrtvnces  in  the  effects  of  fixation  to-ctlicr  \\ith 
dill,  n  in  .  of  extraction  of  the  stain,  were  too  great  to  render 

idniiilii  aiion  -nrc.      In    \vry    strongly   tlecolori/t-d  -ret ion-, 

ill\  \\ln  n  <  oiinterstained  with  Congo  red,  one  large  chromo- 
some in  p.inirular  fretjuently  exhibited  a  tetrad-like  formati -n. 
\\hilc  ilu-  oth.-r  l.ii^e  ones  at  times  showed  in. in  or  less  drliniu- 
indication- oi  l«.|.in-.  1  n  some  cases  this  was  siillicu-ntly  niarki-d 
to  interfere  with  accurate  counting.  In  a  very  fi-w  in>i.u: 
i«  \\  I  think  as  io  U«  practically  negligible,  tlu-n-  app«-arcrl  t»  In- 
foiirir-'ii  in-tr.ul  of  the  customary  twelve  chroino-omes,  but  tin- 
r\tra  < •lironio-miu •-  always  took  the  form  of  a  tiny  pair  which  I  am 
inclined  to  think  had  Ixxrome  split  off  from  one  of  the  ordinary 
tetrad-  or  \\hich  had  through  some  chance  never  entered  into  tin- 
proper  tetrad  formation.  They  were  always  united  by  linin-like 
-trand-  to  one  or  two  of  the  larger  chromo-om 

I  i--.  (..  ~.  ^  .md  9  show   the  two  accessories  in  characteristic 
p.  .-it ion-,     ^ide  \<\  side.  the\  alwa\  s  pass  entire,  considerably  in 

ail\  ance  of  the  di\  ided  ordinarx   chromox  .me-.  io\\ard  one  pole. 

226  MICHAEL    F.    GUYER. 

Of  the  ordinary  daughter  chromosomes  of  this  first  spermato- 
cytic  division,  a  pair  of  small  elongated  ones  not  infrequently 
are  the  first  to  emerge  from  the  general  equatorial  mass  as  shown 
in  Fig.  7.  One  is  led  to  suspect  that  they  may  possibly  be  compar- 
able to  the  small  pair  of  chromosomes  found  so  constantly  in  cer- 
tain of  the  Tracheata  although  the  evidence  is  not  sufficiently 
decisive  to  make  this  an  established  fact. 

It  is  inferred  that  the  division  of  the  primary  spermatocyte 
is  the  reducing  division,  not  simply  because  such  a  division  ordi- 
narily occurs  at  this  stage,  but  from  the  fact  that  the  chromo- 
somes after  divergence  (Figs.  10,  n)  when  compared  with  corre- 
sponding divisions  of  the  secondary  spermatocytes  are  seen  to 
resume  more  the  elongate,  rod-like  appearance  that  characterizes 
the  univalent  spermatogonial  chromosomes,  and  also  because 
the  accessory  chromosomes  pass  over  entire  to  one  pole  here 
while  they  are  halved  in  the  next  division. 

It  is  evident  from  the  foregoing  that  as  regards  chromatin  con- 
tent the  result  of  the  division  of  the  primary  spermatocyte  is  the 
production  of  two  dissimilar  cells,  one  of  which  receives  ten,  the 
other,  twelve  chromosomes.  Fig.  10  is  a  drawing  of  one  end  of  a 
late  anaphase  of  such  a  division  showing  twelve  chromosomes  (10 
plus  2  accessory).  Fig.  n,  in  which  only  ten  chromosomes  are 
visible,  was  drawn  from  what  is  probably  the  reverse  end  of  a  some- 
what later  anaphase  than  that  shown  in  Fig.  10.  It  is  just  pos- 
sible that  it  is  a  prophase  of  division  in  a  secondary  spermatocyte 
where  univalent  chromosomes  come  to  the  equator,  but  if  so  it  is 
the  exception  rather  than  the  rule,  as  the  secondary  spermatocytes 
ordinarily  divide  according  to  a  different  scheme.  In  any  event 
the  drawing  serves  to  illustrate  the  fact  that  some  daughter  cells 
of  the  primary  spermatocytes  have  twelve  chromosomes  and  some 
only  ten. 

In  places  both  primary  and  secondary  spermatocytes  were  found 
dividing  in  the  same  field  and  one  is  led  to  conclude  that  either 
there  was  no  intervening  period  of  rest  between  the  two  divisions 
or  that  it  was  a  very  brief  one.  In  other  instances,  however,  un- 
doubted resting  stages  of  secondary  spermatocyte  nuclei  were  seen 
in  abundance.  Approximately  half  of  them  showed,  under 
proper  decolorization,  two  chromatin  nucleoli  of  which  one 
was  somewhat  smaller  than  the  other. 

sQRY    CHROMOSOMES    IN    MAN.  22~ 

VYhile  at  the  < -inclusion  of  the  divisions  of  the  primary  sper- 
mat'K  M  and  twelve  chromosomes  respectively  were  delivered 

\'<  the  pair-  of  daughter  cells,  nevertheless,  when  the  latter  a- 
•ndary  Bpermatocytes  become  ready  for  division,  half  of  them 
-how  h\e. mil  i  In-  remainder  seven  chromosomes.  A  -.-cond  pair- 
inc  "t  tin-  ordinary  chromosomes  has  evidently  occurred,  so  that 
tln-n-  an-  li\<-  l.ivalent  chromosomes  in  each  type  of  cell  and  the 
additional  i  v.  ssories  in  the  one  type.  1  i_  u  i-  a  dra\\  in- 

ns secondary  spermatocytes;  th<  -ho\\>  five 

bivalent  <  hroino-oim-s  in  late  prophase,  the  other  more  than  ti\v 
chr"iiio~.,iiir^  in   nu-taphase.     These  two  cells  art-  undoubtedly 
tin    i\\o  daii^hii  r  n  Us  of  the  same  primary  spermat'>i  >  tr.      i 
i  ;         •     "Hi-  d.iiii;htiT  cell  containing  a  group  ol  i  rhn>ino- 

:iidil)'  a  late  ana  phase  of  division  which  shows  at  one 

i-nd  five  chromosomes.  The  number  of  chromosomes  at  tlu-oppo- 
site  i»'li  "I  the  second  cell  should  of  course  be  five  although  l>r- 
cause  "1  ilu-  dm-*-  ma--ini;  it  could  not  he  |M)>iti\d\  drti-rinincd. 

i}  represents  a  late  anaphase  of  division  in  a  aecondar)  -pn- 

ma'  \\hiih  niaiiitt -ily  had  had   seven  chromosome*-  in  nu-ia- 

pli.    . 

Both  acccssoi  nosomes  divide  in  this  semiid  -pi-niia1 

•!i\i-iini    period  so  that  each   resulting  spennaiid   receives 

n   chroinMsunu-.    (Fig.    16).      Fig.   15   reprr-ml>  an   aiia|)lia-r 

o|  ili\ixi,,n  in  a  secondary  spermatocyte  showing  -till  at  tin-  f|iia- 

i"i   c.t   iln-  ~;iindle  a  laKgmis  chnnnatic  mass.     Smli  a  rendition 

\\as  toiind  in  -«-\«-ral  instances  and  while  I  l»«-lif\«-  ii  to  In-  tin-  two 

hromosomes  which  happened  merely  to  !•«•  unta\oralil\ 

pla.iillor  I.I.M  r\  alion,  I  rould  not  positi\'rl\    idrniilv   it  a^ -nch. 

I  r. -in  tin  relative  positions  of  the  chromosomes  as  seen  in  11-.  i'« 

onr  \\onld  inli-r  that   the  two  sets  of  acce--oric-  \\  •  -n-  the  la-i  to 

have  passed  from  the  equator  to  the  poles  of  the  spindle  M<>r» 
over,  -ni-h  a  ^  of  the  accessory  in  this  divi-ion  was  ob- 

served in  1-oth  the  guinea  and  the  chicken  (Guyer,  'oo  . 

It   .should  l.t-  mentioned  that  occasional  di\-isinn  stages  \\> 
\isjMc  which,  judging  from  the  smalhu-ss  ol  tin-  cell  and  the  -\/c 
and  sli,i|«e  M|"  the  chromosomes,  looked  a-  it"  they  miijit  he  secon- 
dary spermatocytes  preparing  to  divide  with  the  univalent  t\pe 
iten  or  t\\rl\i-    of  chromosome.      It  i-  po— ihK-,  for  instance,  that 

228  MICHAEL    F.    GUVER. 

Fig.  1 1  represents  a  prophasc  of  the  secondary  rather  than  an  ana- 
phase  of  the  primary  division  although  I  am  inclined  to  think  it  is 
the  latter.  If  such  simple  divisions  do  take  place,  however,  they 
are  certainly  scarce  in  the  material  which  I  have  examined  so  far. 

From  the  foregoing  evidence  it  is  manifest  that  there  are  in  all 
two  distinct  groups  of  spermatids  equal  in  number;  namely, 
those  which  have  received  five  and  those  which  have  received 
seven  chromosomes.  These  chromosomes  soon  lose  their  visible 
identity  and  the  spermatids  are  apparently  all  alike  except  for  the 
significant  fact  that  approximately  half  of  them,  in  such  prepara- 
tions as  have  been  stained  by  the  iron-haematoxylin  method  and 
then  all  but  entirely  decolorized  show  two  chromatin  nucleoli. 
It  would  seem  probable  that  these  nucleoli  stand  in  direct  genetic 
continuity  with  the  two  eccentric  chromosomes  seen  in  the  sper- 
matogonia  and  the  two  chromatin  nucleoli  and  the  accessory 
chromosomes  of  the  spermatocytes.  Fig.  18  represents  two  con- 
tiguous spermatids,  one  of  which  shows  no  nucleoli,  the  other,  two. 
Comparison  with  Fig.  19  shows  the  relative  conditions  of  size  be- 
tween the  nucleoli  of  the  spermatid  and  those  of  a  primary  sper- 

As  to  the  meaning  of  the  second  conjugation  there  seems  to  be 
at  present  no  clew.  I  have  commented  on  it  briefly  in  a  former 
paper  ('090,  p.  509).  It  is  not  peculiar  to  man  for  I  have  observed 
it  also  in  the  pigeon  ('02,  '03),  the  guinea  ('oga)  and  the  rooster 
('096).  Undoubtedly  Bardeleben  ('97,  '98)  still  earlier  saw  the 
same  phenomenon  in  man,  for  although  my  results  do  not  agree 
numerically  with  his  count  of  sixteen,  eight  and  four  respectively, 
evidently,  from  the  relative  proportions  in  his  counts,  he  had  come 
upon  this  second  curious  numerical  reduction. 

Assuming  that  the  respective  ehromosomes  are  more  or  less 
qualitatively  differentiated,  such  a  numerical  reduction,  however, 
by  no  means  necessarily  implies  that  there  has  also  been  a  second 
qualitative  reduction.  Aside  from  the  improbability  of  such  a 
reduction,  the  general  appearance  of  the  divided  chromosomes 
would  not  warrant  this  interpretation;  for  instead  of  the  elongated 
univalent  type  as  seen  in  the  spermatogonia  or  in  anaphases  <>t  tin; 
divisions  of  spermatocytes  of  the  first  order,  the  daughter  chromo- 
somes here  retain  the  rounded  appearance  and  increased  size  that 


liivalent  types  (compare  Figs.  i.  i'>.m<l  11. 
[3,  14.  [5,  P.  and  i;        Thus  while  half  of  the  spermatids  receive 

.  .iml  hall"  seven  chromosomes,  in  terms  of  uni\  alence-  the  num- 
ber- \\ould  in  all  probability  be  ten  and  twelve  r<  ively. 

Ina-mn<  h  .1-  tin-  -(lermatids  transform  directly  inio  -|HTinato- 
ii  !<>1|(,\\  -  there  must  be  be  two  classes  of  the  latter  diltt  r- 
uith  r-  to  whether  they  have  or  do  not  have  tin  t\\. 

chpimo-oinrs.     Thus  the  conditions  in  man  appear  t"  be 
much  the  -aim-  that  Wilson  ('09)  describes  for  .Vvrc 
<>n<  <|iia-li-biu  lamily  (Coreulze). 

\tiuii  P. u-  ;•!»•>  of  such  dimorphism  of  tin-  -|H-rmai' 

ha\e  I  'led  iii  various  invertebrates,  particularly   in  in- 

irachni  apods,  and  it  has  Ix'en  clearK  dtni«>n- 

-n.iiid  Hi  by  spermatozoa  which  J>O-M  --  thi- 

<  hromosome group  (there  may  lu-om  ,  t\\<>, 
tin.  chromatic  bodies,  depending  upon  the 

1«.|>   ii  >,   those   fertilized   by  spnin.n 

\\hirhd<i!i<>i  [M)t>sess  it,          lop  into  males.     Hence th<  •>!> 

me  to  id.  il  by  some  of  our  most  careful  and   expe- 

workei         in  actual  sex  determinant.     In  any  event  it  i- 
o|i\inii-l>  :  \\ith  tin- determination  of  sex  either  a- t.ui-. 

i  In  tin  li^lit  of  numerous  recent  researches  both  «.n 
|ilani-  and  animal-  tin-  idea  has  rapidly  gained  ground  that 
ari-r-  n. 'i  .1-  \\as  lojig  l>elieved,  as  a  response  of  the  developing 
:IHHH  t.i  ^timuli  from  without,  but  that  under  normal  condi- 
tion- at  least,  il  is  automatically  determined  by  some-  internal 
ph\  ii  .il  mechanism. 

Ina-inn.  Ii  a-  [\\\>  intricate  matter  has  been  repeatedly  and  ex- 
haustive!) di-.n-M.l  pro  and  con  during  the  past  ten  year.-  it  i- 
unncn---ar\  I"!  in.  to  enter  into  a  review  of  the  subject  anew. 
Forth  general  reader  who  may  not  have  kept  in  touch  with  the 
current  literature  «>f  the  subject,  two  excellent  critique-  are  now 
available  in  the  recent  papers  of  Wilson  ('090)  and  Morgan  '10 
In  tlu-e  |«aper-  oii«-  will  also  find  thorougliK"iiVv  di-cu— ion-  . .1"  the 
subtle  problem  a.-  to  whether,  assuming  that  th.  sories  are 

sex  determinant-,  the  matter  of  sex  determination  i-  to  !„•  re^ardi-d 
a- a  qualitative  pi  effected  by  soi ne  inherent  peculiaritN'  of  the 

accesson    i-hn>ino-.  mu-.  or  whetlu-r  the  relation  o|   -uch  .1  thro- 

230  MICHAEL    F.    GUYER. 

mosome  or  group  of  chromosomes  to  sex  is  merely  a  quanti- 
tative one,  the  female  type  resulting  when  a  greater  amount  of 
active  chromatin  is  present.  Extensive  bibliographies  will  be 
found  in  the  recent  papers  of  Wilson  ('05,  '06,  '09),  Payne  ('09), 
Morse  ('09)  and  Morgan  ('10). 

In  conclusion  I  wish  merely  to  point  out  that  as  regards  ac- 
cessory chromosomes,  conditions  prevail  among  vertebrates 
(guinea,  chicken,  rat,  man,  etc.)  similar  to  those  found  among 
numerous  Tracheata  (and  probably  certain  other  invertebrates) 
where  the  accessories  are  undoubtedly  associated  in  some  way 
with  the  phenomena  of  sexuality.  In  Syromastes  (Wilson,  '096), 
which  seems  to  parallel  most  nearly  the  condition  found  in  man, 
half  of  the  spermatids  were  found  to  possess  two  more  chro- 
mosomes than  the  remainder.  It  was  predicted  by  Wilson 
that  in  consequence  the  somatic  cells  of  the  female  of  this  species 
would  show  two  more  chromosomes  than  the  somatic  cells  of 
the  male.  Later  the  facts  were  found  to  be  in  exact  accord 
with  his  prediction,  the  somatic  cells  of  the  female  containing 
twenty-four,  of  the  male  twenty-two  chromosomes.  Similar 
verifications  have  been  made  in  other  tracheate  forms. 

In  the  light  of  these  facts  we  should  expect  the  somatic  cells 
of  man  to  contain  twenty-two,  and  of  woman,  twenty-four 
chromosomes.  The  tissues  of  the  female  have  not  yet  been 
studied  with  this  in  mind.  Flemming  ('97)  records  the  somatic 
number  of  chromosomes,  determined  from  corneal  cells,  as  twenty- 
four  but  unfortunately  he  does  not  record  the  sex  of  the  sub- 
jects from  which  the  material  was  obtained.  If  it  were  a  female 
his  count  would  bear  out  the  interpretation  given  above. 


1.  Twenty-two   chromosomes   differing   considerably    in    size 
occur  in  all  spermatogonia  in  which  a  definite  count  could  be 
made.     In  a  few  instances  two,  apparently  the  two  accessory 
chromosomes,  were  seen  considerably  to  one  side  of  the   main 
mass  of  chromosomes,   surrounded   by  a  small   clear  court  of 

2.  Twelve  chromosomes  appear  for  division  in  the  primary 
spermatocyte,   of   which    ten   are   evidently   bivalent   and    two 

V    CHROMOSOME    IN    MAN.  2U 

;v  The    t\\o   a< •« -t-sory   chromosomes   pass   undivided   to  one 
•  •t"  the  -pindle  considerably  in  advance  of  the  other  chro- 
\vith  tin-  re-ult  that  half  of  the  daughter  cells  in  thi> 
division  re<  «-i\e  twelve,  and  half,  only  ten  univalent  chronic-.  >im- 
'1  hi-  i-  evidently  the  reduction  division. 

4.  The  ten  univalent  chromosomes  \vhich  passed   t<>  the    one 

•  ndary  -perm  e  unite  again  in  pairs,  at  least  in  the  ina- 

j«>ri  •  form  five  bivalent  chromosomes  which  appear 

at  the  e(|'»r  of  the  spindle  when  the  cell  is  ready  for  di\  i-ion. 

Tin    di\i-ion  lii-re  is  presumably  an  equation  and  not  a  >ec«»nd 

reduction    di\i-i"M.    judging   from    the   size,    shape   and   general 

a|i|K -aram ,  the    resulting    daughter    chromosom          Thus 

while  .  •  the-  s|XTin.uiiU  formed  as  a  result  of  this  division 

live  chonv  -.the  latter  are  bivalent  and  equiv- 

.il<  lit   to  ten  of  the  somatic  or  spermatogonial  chromo-'-nu  ~. 

'Ih,  -me  -li^ln  i  that  the  secondary  sjxTnuito, 

in.r.  ion.ilK  di\i«le  \\ith  these  chromosomes  in  their  origin. il 

:diiion  ol    uni\.ilei 

5.    !•  11  oi'  tin-  (\\il\.-  i  hronioMnnes  which  passed  to  the  othrr 
pol.-  of  tin-  spindle  in  the  primary  s|x«rmatocyte  behave  in 
i  iselj    the  s.uue  way  as  descril)ed  in  the  last  paragraph.      The 
t\\,  ies  come  to  the  equator  of  the  spindle 

in    i  h«  d.irv    s|H-rin.itoc\  te    with    the    five    bivalents    thus 

making  in  .ill   seven,      l.uh  accessory  now  divides  so  that  the 

h    receive    seven    chromosomes;     that 

i-,  ii\i    liixalent  |ihis  t\\o  accessory,  or  the  equivalent  of  twel\e 
uni\  alent   i  hroni"-'  -ines. 

o.  In  reality,  then,  ol'  the  total  number  of  spermatids,  lull 
h.i\e  in  .ill  |\  recei\-ed  ten.  and  half,  twelve  do  plus  2} 
uni\  alent  chronio-omes.  Inasmuch  as  the  spermatids  transform 
direct l\  into  s^-nnato/oa,  there  must  lx-  two  classes  of  the  latter 
difleriiu  \\ith  i.  to  whether  they  have  or  do  not  have  the 

t\\.  ;iromosonies. 

7.   It  is  a  si-niiiiant  fact  that  approximately  half  tin    resting 

s|HTinatid-   \\lun   >trongly   decolorized  after   iron-haematoxylin 

staining.    -ho\\     two   chromatin    nucleoli    and    halt    do    not.      h 

nis  probable  that  these  nucleoli  may  corn-pond   to  the  ac- 

son     diromos,  uncs   and    are    to   lx?    identilied    \\ith    the    two 

232  MICHAEL    F.    GUYER. 

nucleoli  of  the   primary  sperm atocyte  and   the   two  eccentric 
chromosomes  seen  in  the  spermatogonia. 

8.  It  is  probable  that  in  man  and  certain  other  vertebrates, 
as  in  the  insects,  myriapods  and  arachnids,  the  accessory  chro- 
mosomes are  in  some  way  associated  with  the  determination 

of  sex. 

Bardeleben,  K.  von 

'92     Ueber  Spermatogenese  bei  Saugetieren.     Verhandl.  Anat.  Gesellsch.  Wien. 
'97     Beitrage  zur  Histologie  des  Hodens  und  zur  Spermatogenese  beim  Menschen. 

Arch.  f.  Anat.  und  Physiol.,  Anat.  Abth.,  Supplement. 
'98     Weitcre  Beitrage  zur  Spermatogenese  beim  Menschen.     Jenaische  Zeitschr. 

f.  Naturw.,  XXXI. 
Duesberg,  J. 

'06     Sur  Ic  nombre  des  chromosomes  chez  1'homme.     Anat.  Anz.,  XXVIII. 
Flemming,   Von  W. 

'81     Beitrage  zur  Kenntnis  der  Zelle,  III.     Arch.  f.  mikr.  Anat.,  XX. 
'97     Ueber  die  Chromosomenzahl  beim  Menschen.     Anat.  Anz.,  XIV. 
Guyer,  M.  F. 

'02     Hybridism  and  the  Germ-Cell.     Univ.  of  Cincinnati  Bull.,  Scr.   II.,  Vol. 

II.,  No.  21. 
'03     Spermatogenesis  of  Normal  and  of  Hybrid  Pigeons.     Reprint  of  an  earlier 

('oo)  thesis.     Univ.  of  Cincinnati  Bui.,   Ser.   II.,   Vol.   III.,   No.   22. 
'09a     The  Spermatogenesis  of  the  Guinea.     Anat.  Anz.,  XXXIV.,  Nos.  20-21. 
'09b     The  Spermatogenesis  of  the  Domestic  Chicken.     Anat.  Anz.,   XXXIV., 

Nos.  22-24. 

'91     Ueber  pathologische  Mitosen.     Virchovv's  Archiv,  CXXIII. 

'93     Studien  iiber  die  Specificitat,  der  Altruismus  und  die  Anaplasie  der  Zelle, 

etc.,  p.  64. 
Morgan,  T.  H. 

'10     A  Biological  and  Cytological  Study  of  Sex  Determination  in  Phylloxerans 

and  Aphids.     Jour.  Exp.  Zool.,  VII.,  2. 
Morse,   Max 

'09     The  Nuclear  Components  of  the  Sex  Cells  of  Four  Species  of  Cockroaches. 

Arch.  f.  Zellforsch.,  III.,  3. 
Payne,  Fernandus 

'09     Some  New  Types  of  Chromosome  Distribution  and  their  Relation  to  Sex. 

Biol.  Bull.,  XVI. 
Wilcox,  E.  V. 

'00     Human  Spermatogenesis.     Anat.  Anz.,  XVII. 
Wilson,   E.   B. 

'05     Studies  on  Chromosomes,  I.,  II.     Jour.  Exp.  Zool.,  II. 

'06     Studies,  etc.,  III.      Ibid.,  III. 

'09a     Recent  Researches  on  the  Determination  and  Heredity  of  Sex.     Science, 

XXIX.,  Jan.  8. 
'09b     Studies  on  Chromosomes,  IV.,  V.     Jour.  Exp.  Zool.,  VI. 


•LAXATIOX    OF    PLATI      I 

•  VI  re  made  with  the  aid  of  a  camera  luoi-hi;    their  nuit;ni- 

1,550  diameters.     While    : 

Me,  no  attempt  has  been  ma  the 

•>    beyond    general    appearances   and    relations.      Ir 
'>mes  were  not  in  the  same  local  plane  they  h.. 

My  in  the  most  favorable  plane  and  then  corr  --iMi- 

i run  ae  drawings  of  such  individual  < 


1  ate  p;- phase  of  spcrmatogonial  division  showing  tui-nty-tu 
Chromosomes  lying  to  one  side  of  the  in 
lie  two  accessories. 

us  of  primary  spermatocyte  showing   - 

..   3.      Nucleus    of    primary    spermatocyte    showing    the 
•  •  nuclear  contents,  also  two  persisting  nucleoli. 
Flu.  4.     I. ate  prophasc  of  division  in  a  primary  spermato- 
tiiosomes.     The  two  lying  to  one  side  of  the  main  group 

•  .   5-     I. air  of  division  in  a  primary  spermatocyte  sho\\inu  t\\ 

•  the  two  accessories  are  not  readily  identified. 

I-'ius.  6.  7.  8.  9.     Mclnphases  of  divisions  in  primary 
•\vo  accessories  in  characteristic  positions  passing  ea: 
AS  also  two  precociously  diverging  daughter  chromosomes. 

..   10.     One  end  of  a  late  ana  phase  of  division  in  .1 
twelve  chromosomes  (10  plus  a  accessory). 

..   n.     I  one  end  of  a  late  anaphase  of  divi  <  ptim.u 

tig   ten  chromosomes,   the  accessory  ch; 
•.  a  prophasc  of  division  in  a 
in  which  tl  have  remained   univalent. 

I- 1  i«»us  secondary  spermatocytes  ol   \\ ! 

i  late  prophasc,  the  other  more  than  live  chn>! 
two  accessory)  in  met.i:  1  lu-se  two  • 

niK   tli.  :.>n  of  a  primary  spri  te  in  which  t«-n  • 

and  ten  plus  the  two  accc>  "tlu-r. 

li  i-condary  spermalocytes.     Oiu-,  !  :i\i. !••.!. 

-ln'u  at  one  pole;    the  chromoson 

unting  although  there  shnul-1  !»•  li\' 
il.ii'  \-en  chromosomes  in  late  pn>ph.. 

I- h  ise  of  division  in  a  \\hidi 

,i.|  tin-  t\\"  iiromosomes,  showing  seven  clirnnin-iini--  in  all. 

l-'h..    i  :i  in  a  sf'"iiilai  •.  -hi  >\\ini;  still  at 

Hiati'i  ,i  l.iuuin.c  cliii'in.itic  mass  which  i-  pi"\-  the  t\\-  ry  chm- 

.iltlii>ui;h  it  cuiilil  nut  he  pn>iti\'ely  ident1  :ich. 

234  MICHAEL    F.    GUYER. 

FIG.  16.  Late  anaphase  of  division  in  a  secondary  spermatocyte  which  has 
received  the  two  accessory  chromosomes.  Each  of  the  latter  divides  as  an  inde- 
pendent chromosome  at  this  time. 

FIG.  17.  One  end  of  a  late  anaphase  of  a  division  in  a  secondary  spermatocyte 
which  had  not  received  the  accessory  chromosomes. 

FIG.  1 8.  Two  contiguous  spermatids,  one  without  chromatin  nucleoli,  the 
other  with  two.  The  spermatids  in  general  are  about  equally  divided  into  these 
two  classes. 

FIG.   19.     Nucleus  of  a  primary  spermatocyte  showing  two  chromatin  nucleoli. 


PLATE     I 









'•   •>;•• 



A.  R.  MOORE. 

In  an  iirtirlc  entitled  "The  Behavior  of  the  Starti-h,  Aster  ins 
For  re r  i  de  Lariol,"2  Jennings  discusses  the  movements  of  that 
aniinal  in  righting  itself.  He  assumes  that  tin-  -tarfi-h  makes 
it-  IIK.M mi nts  in  order  to  adapt  itself  to  it-  environment  and 
that  t  re  these  movements  are  purposeful.  1  "mm  thi-  as- 

sumption he  concludes  that  "when  the  starfish  is  turned  over  on 
ii-  dor-al  surface  locomotion  is  impossible,  the  finding  and  capture 
«-f  fo.-d  must  stop;  the  delicate  gills  are  pressed  a^ain-t  tin-  l.<.i- 
loin.  injuring  them  and  impeding  respiration;  and  di-plat  t  un -m- 
oi  tin-  inicrnal  organs  must  occur  that  may  be  harmful  io  their 
per  functioning.  We  find,  as  might  lie  anticipated,  that  tin  it- 
is  a  regulation  of  these  bad  effects  by  movement:  tin  -tarii-h 
turn-  again  on  it-  \«  ntral  -urface.' 

A  much  simpler  explanation  of  the  righting  mo\ement-  h.i- 

IM-III   given   by   I.oeb.'     He  points  out  that   the  ttil-c  ire 

iti\ely  stereotropic.     Therefore  the  arms  twist  and  turn  until 

all  of  tin    tul't-  feet   are  in  a  position  to  be  in  contact  \\ith  a 

Mirfai  6. 

I  have  ma<  le  •  >l>servations on  about  thirty  specimen^  <  >\  A  stcritm 
minnita  and  a  like  number  of  Asterias  ochra«<i.  \\ith  a  \'ie\\  to 
determining  the  nature  of  the  righting  movement-. 

lit  n-  look  tir-i  at  the  cau-es,  which  Jenniiu-  ha-  ^i\eii  u~, 
tor  the  -larli-h  riv;litinv:  ii-elf. 

In  regard  to  the  tir-t,  \i/..  that  locomoti<'ii  i- one  of  the  ends 
which  a  -tarti-h  ha-  in  \  iew  in  righting  it-elf,  I  ha\f  found  that 
\ei\  tret|iientl\-  the  starfish  crawls  up  the  -ide  of  the-  aquarium 
and,  upon  reaching  the  -urfare  of  the  \\ater,  thru-t-  out  three  or 
four  arm-  dorsal  side  downward,  their  tube  Icet  clin^ini;  to  the 
surface  film  of  the  \\ater.  In  >udi  a  po-itioii  the>  n-mained 

l  i. 'in  tin-  I  rchLaboi  '  .il. 

.  Vul.  4,  pp.  .vi   1 85. 

I  (X  !|.  rative  l'h>>ii>ln>;y  nf  tin-  Hrain,"  ('luipti-r  3. 

236  A.    K.    MOORE. 

sometimes  for  more  than  an  hour,  although  further  locomotion 
was  impossible,  and  no  attempt  at  righting  was  made.  In  fact, 
the  starfish  often  retained  such  a  slight  attachment  to  the  wall 
of  the  aquarium  that  the  surface  film  of  the  water  could  no 
longer  support  the  weight  of  the  animal,  with  the  consequence 
that  the  latter  fell  to  the  bottom  of  the  tank.  In  such  cases  the 
tube  feet  cling  to  the  surface  film  of  the  water  because  the  film 
acts  as  a  solid  surface;  it  cannot,  however,  bear  the  animal's 
weight.  Romanes1  speaks  of  these  movements  as  follows:  "On 
reaching  the  surface,  the  animal  does  not  wish  (!)  to  leave  its 
native  element  .  .  .  and  neither  does  it  wish  ( !)  again  to  descend 
into  the  levels  from  which  it  has  just  ascended.  It  therefore 
begins  to  feel  about  for  rocks  or  sea  weeds  at  the  surface,  by 
crawling  along  the  side  of  the  tank  and  every  now  and  then 
throwing  back  its  uppermost  ray  or  rays  along  the  surface  of 
the  water  to  feel  for  any  solid  support  that  may  be  within  reach." 
Romanes  evidently  was  not  familiar  with  surface  tension.  Had 
he  known  that  the  surface  film  of  a  liquid  acts  like  a  solid  surface 
he  would  have  been  prevented  from  attributing  intelligence  to 
the  starfish. 

In  order  to  see  whether  pressure  on  the  gills  might,  as  Jennings 
states,  cause  the  starfish  to  turn  over,  I  supported  a  glass  plate 
in  the  aquarium,  at  a  height  just  sufficient  to  press  lightly  on  the 
dorsal  side  of  a  starfish  moving  over  the  floor  of  the  tank.  This 
was  placed  in  the  path  of  an  approaching  starfish.  The  latter 
did  not  change  its  direction  when  the  plate  was  touched,  but 
pursued  its  course,  although  the  gills  were  pressed  down.  Fur- 
thermore, if  a  starfish  is  allowed  to  attach  itself  to  a  glass  plate 
and  is  then  suspended  dorsal  side  downward  so  that  it  touches 
the  bottom,  its  movements  continue  normally,  although  it  could 
easily  right  itself  if  that  were  necessary.  Clearly,  then,  pressure 
on  the  gills  is  not  one  of  the  factors  which  causes  a  starfish  to 
right  itself. 

The  displacements  of  the  internal  organs  which,  we  are  assured, 
"must  occur"  when  the  dorsal  side  is  down,  can  only  be  due  to 
gravity.  I  have  frequently  observed  large  numbers  of  st.tNi^h 
clinging,  dorsal  side  downward,  to  overhanging  ledges,  feeding 

'Romanes,  "Jellyfish.  Starfish  and  Sea  Urchins,"  p.  268. 



on  barnacle-  .ni'l  mollu-k-.  Surely,  "the  displacements  of  the 
internal  or^an-  which  must  occur"  when  the  dorsal  -ide  is  down- 
ward, do  not  interfere  in  the  lea-t  with  the  in^c-ti.  >n  and  di^c-tion 
of  f.  M  id.  Such  "di-placcments"  can,  therefore,  hardly  be  con- 
-id-  rion-b.  'or  the  riijitin^  nio\ ement-  taking 


\Ye  arc   forced  Delude,  from  the  oli~cr\  ation^  dr-i-ril'cd, 

thai,  a-   Loeb  h  ted,  the  starfish  cca-c-.  it-  effort-  to  ri-ht 

If  the  inoincni  all  the  tube  feet  can  be  brought  into  contact 

with  a  solid  surface.     (  -ra\  it\-  plays  no  part  in  the  riijitin;.;  nio\  c- 


I  'he  i«lc,i  ha-  I'ccn  ad\aiiced  by  Loeb1  that   the  mechani-m  of 
the  i  i^hiin^  movements  i-  the  result  of  coordinating  and  inhil>it- 
i  in  pn  l-c-,  \\  hit  h  arc  I  ran -in  itt  eel  to  the  \  ariou-  arm-  b\    the 
\  cut  ral  nei  \  c  n 

^i\  ili-timt    method-  ot    the  rii-htin.n   reaction   ha\c  been   de- 

-«  ribed  b\  Jciinin^-.  but  he  has  made  no  anal\  -i-  of  them  on  the 

is  of  inhibiting  and  ci  ninlinat  inv;  impul-e-.      M\   ob-ciA  at  ion- 

A  i'  !i  Loeb's  assumption  and  give  a  rather  simper  <  \plana- 

t  ion  i  il   t  he  I  >ch.i\  i<  M   ( it   t  he  -lai  li-h. 

\-  a  rule,  \\heii  a  -tarti-h  is  placed  upon  it-  dor-al  -idc,  the 
arm  \\ho-e  tube  feet  lir-t  touch  bottom  deti-rmine-  the  coiir-e 
of  the  ri.uhtiniL;.  This  arm  be^in-  at  it-  di-tal  end  to  t\\i-t  the 

•np.irativi-  I'hy-i  ;       ,:i."  ("li.ipti  i 

238  A.    R.    MOORE. 

dorsal  side  upward,  and  as  rapidly  as  the  twisting  is  accomplished 
the  tube  feet  secure  a  hold  on  the  bottom.  Next,  if  not  simul- 
taneously, the  arm  adjacent  to  the  ventral  side  of  the  arm  which 
is  obtaining  a  hold,  twists,  so  that  the  ventral  surfaces  of  the 
two  arms  face  each  other,  and  secures  itself  in  the  same  manner 
as  the  first.  If  A  and  B  have  in  this  way  attached  themselves 
to  the  bottom,  inhibiting  impulses  are  sent  to  C  and  D.  The 
latter  release  themselves  if  they  have  already  seized  the  bottom, 
rise  ventrally,  dragging  E  which  either  remains  passive  or  bends 
dorsally,  even  catching  the  bottom  with  its  tube  feet  in  some 
cases.  The  righting  is  completed  by  C,  D  and  E  passing  over 
A  and  B  and  attaching. 

This  simple  and  useful  method  of  righting  may  be  modified 
by  (i)  inequalities  in  the  length  of  the  arms,  (2)  injuries  to  certain 
of  the  arms,  (3)  any  initial  twist  an  arm  may  have  due  to  its 
position  before  the  animal  was  laid  upon  its  dorsal  side. 

As  to  (i)  short  arms  are  more  sluggish  than  ones  of  normal 
length,  (2)  injury  to  an  arm  inhibits  the  active  twisting  and 
seizing  of  the  surface  with  the  tube  feet  of  this  arm,  (3)  if  an 
arm  is  partially  twisted  its  tube  feet  reach  the  bottom  more  quickly 
than  they  otherwise  would.  As  a  result  we  have  the  following 
modifications  of  the  normal  method  of  righting. 

1.  If  four  arms  are  injured,  their  activity  is  inhibited  and  the 
righting  is  accomplished   by  the  one  uninjured  arm.     It  may 
force  an  adjacent  arm  to  coordinate  weakly. 

2.  If  A  and  C  (Fig.  i)  twist  so  as  to  face  each  other  with  their 
ventral  surfaces,  B  receives  two  impulses,  from  opposite  direc- 
tions, to  coordinate,  and  therefore  does  not  twist  either  way  but 
bends  under  dorsally,  allowing  A  and  C  to  accomplish  what  A 
and  B  did  in  the  normal  case.     The  same  result  may  be  brought 
about  by  injuring  B,  D  and  E. 

3.  Sometimes  inhibitions  are  weak  and  A,  B,  C  and  D  may  all 
remain  attached,   C  and.  B  facing  ventrally  toward  A  and  D. 
E  alone  is  inhibited  and  the  righting  is  accomplished  by  A  and  B 
walking  backward  under  C  and  D. 

I  found,  as  Jennings  noted,  that  in  a  few  cases  a  starfish  per- 
sistently refused  to  use  a  certain  arm  for  initiating  the  righting 
movements.  In  most  cases  this  was  clearly  due  to  an  injury  or 

<»N    THE    RIGHTINi,    MOVEMENTS    OF    THE    STARFISH.  239 

malformation  -if  the  inactive  arm.  According  to  the  author  cited, 
such  a  -tarri-h  could  be  "taught"  to  use  the  idle  arm  by  giving 
the  animal  a  lar^e  number  of  "lessons"  (  180  in  one  case)  in  which 
arm-  ordinarily  acti\  <•  were  pn  A  en  led  from  taking  hold  by  "stim- 
ulatiiu  their  tube  iV.-i  with  a  ;Ja--  r-  >d"  \\  •  IK-IK-  \  er  they  attempted 
to  at  tach  thrm-el\  • 

I  wa-  able  to  compel  -tarli-h  of  thi-^  -ort  to  use  the  idle 
arm  l>y  injuring  tin-  active  "in--  in  the  following  ways:  (l) 
Irritating  tin-  \i-ntral  .  of  the  arm  by  rubbing  it  \\iih  a 

ida--  r«>d,     j     t;  the  tip-  <  >f  the  arm  with  a  fe\\   drop-  <-t 

w/io  arid.  r\v«.  or  thn-e  aj»plicati«>n-  a  few  minute-  apart  u-ually 
-ut'tn  ed  to  render  the  arm  inacti\e.  In  tin-  \\a>  I  \\a-~  able  to 
"teach"  the  -tarti-h  in  one  "lesson,"  -|>ontaiH-ou-l\  i.i  u-e  an 
arm  pre\i.m-l\  inactive.  I  he  length  of  time  the  !<•—..  n  \\  as 
"remembered"  depended  upon  tlie<:  t  the  injur\  .  It  -eem> 

exident    fn.m   tin-   that   Jenni  "lessons"  c«.n-i-ted   men-l\    in 

inhibitii'ii-  due   to   the  injur\    cau-i-d   b\    hi-  irritat  iii;<   the   mbe 
,,!    i  he  active  arm-.      lint    an   inhibition  i    by  a  -inde 

or  per-i-teiit    -limnl.ition  i-  n..t    identical  \\ith   tin-  |>heiiomena  •  >\ 
A    manili--ted  in  the  \<: 

5l    MM  \K\  . 

i  .  The  righting  movements  of  a  -tarti-h  whicli  ha-  been  placed 

on  it-  d"i-al  -ide  are  due  only  to  tin-  po-iti\e  -ten-ot  mpism  of 
the  tube  I. 

2.  An  injury  t"  an  arm  inhibit-  it-  beiii;^  u-ed  t->r  the  initiation 
of  i  iijitiiii;  m«i\  einent 

3.  A  -tarli-h  cann«-t  be  taught  t"  n-e  an  arm  which  i-  ordinarily 
passive,  but   b\    injuring  the  other  I'mir  arm-  the-e  can   be  pre- 
\entrd    from    initiating    ri^htin^    mo\enu-nt-   and    tin-   filth   arm 
then  initiate-  the-e  m«'\  eiiu-nt-. 

I  wi-h  to  express  my  -incere  thank-  t^  Professor  Loeb  I'-r  his 

helpful  >u;^e-tious  and  critici-m. 



The  microtomist's  ability  to  prepare  thin  paraffin  sections, 
depends,  among  other  things,  on  the  hardness  of  his  imbedding 
medium,  and  this,  in  turn,  on  the  temperature  of  the  laboratory. 
Usually  this  circumstance  offers  no  insurmountable  difficulties, 
but  there  are  times  and  places  when  this  is  not  true.  To  meet 
such  conditions  several  devices  have  been  suggested  and  used 
by  various  investigators,  but  we  know  of  none  so  simple,  or  as 
little  likely  to  make  difficulties,  as  the  one  about  to  be  described. 

The  apparatus,  which  is  shown,  set  up  for  action,  in  Fig.  i,  is 
essentially  a  hollow  truncated  pyramid,  open  at  both  ends,  and 
suspended  in  an  inverted  position  from  a  standard,  so  adjusted 
that  the  lower  end  of  the  shoot  is  at  a  convenient  distance  above 
the  knife.  At  [the  upper  end  of  the  inverted  pyramid,  and 
surrounded  by  it,  is  a  tray  whose  dimensions  are  less  than  those 
of  the  base  of  the  shoot.  This  tray  is  filled  with  crushed  ice, 
and  from  one  corner  of  it  a  drain  leads  the  water  to  the  escape 
from  the  lower  end  of  the  air-channel.  At  that  point  a  rubber 
tube  connects  the  pipe  with  a  suitable  receptacle. 

The  cooler  is  easily  set  up,  interferes  in  nowise  with  the  opera- 
tor, and  is  thoroughly  effective.  When  the  air  of  the  room 
strikes  the  melting  ice  in  the  tray,  it  is  chilled  and  immediately 
falls  between  the  tray  and  the  walls  of  the  pyramid.  In  this 
way  a  constant  stream  of  cold  air  pours  from  the  lower  end  of  the 
shoot,  and  as  this  may  be  placed  directly  above  the  paraffin-block 
and  knife-edge,  both  of  these  are  cooled,  and  make  it  possible 
to  cut  sections  very  much  thinner  than  the  unmodified  temper- 
ature of  the  room  would  allow. 

The  extent  to  which  it  is  desirable  to  cool  the  paratim  and 
knife  varies  with  each  specific  case,  but  the  cooler  is  adjustable 
in  at  least  two  ways.  In  the  first  place  the  distance  of  the  block 
from  the  end  of  the  shoot  can  be  changed  within  comparatively 

wide  limits;  in  the  second  place  the  temperature  of  the  air  de- 


A    SIMI'I.K    CnoI.l.K    1  OK    USE    WITH     11IK    MICKOTOM;  -^4  I 

li\cred  in.i>  1/c  fiirtlu-r  lowered  by  the  addition  of  N.iCI  to  the 
ice.  Uther  -alt-  can  be  used  should  a  greater  (K']in---i(in  of  the 
K-rnpi-ral  urv  l.r  ;  ;ry. 

Tin-  lollou  in-  ia M<-  i-  the  record  of  a  test  made  at  a  room  tem- 
perature •  I        Tin-  material  in  thi>  particular  case  could 

Fie.  i.    PI 

in. :  tru  'in       M • 


imi  IK-  iinlicildcd  in  parai'tin  with  hi^h  melting-point  ami  satis- 
factory sections,  c\cii  as  thick  a-  u  niicra,  could  not  In-  cut. 
With  the  aid  of  the  (.idler  ho\\r\er.  a  perfect  -eric-,  ^  niicra  in 
thicknc--.  was  ca-il\  |ucparcd  fnnil  the  -ailic  Nock  of  45  . 


242          CASWELL  GRAVE  AND  OTTO  C.  GLASER. 

Room    temperature 3i°C.  .  .  .87.8°F 

Contents  of  Tray.  Distance  below 

Mouth  of  Shoot. 

Crushed  ice 6cm.  24.5  76.1 

Crushed  ice  +NaCI 6  '  23  73.4 

Crushed  ice 3'  18  64.4 

Crushed  ice+NaCl 3  "  17  62.6 

Several  coolers,  varying  somewhat  in  size,  but  all  modeled  af- 
ter our  original  one  at  Johns  Hopkins  University,  are  now  in  use  in 
different  laboratories.  The  measurements  given  in  connection 
with  Fig.  i,  are  those  of  the  cooler  at  the  University  of  Michigan. 
This  particular  one  does  not  have  the  advantage  of  a  removable 
ice-pan.  In  general,  size  is  of  little  consequence  unless  it  in- 
volves too  great  a  reduction  in  the  capacity  of  the  ice-tray,  or  is 
conducive  to  too  much  absorption  of  heat  by  the  sides  of  the 
pyramid.  This  latter  difficulty  is  easily  overcome  by  lining  the 
shoot  with  asbestos  paper. 


July  15,  1910. 



I  >urin-  the  summer  of  1909  while  at  the  Tortuga-  Laboratory 
•  •I  ill.-  Carnegie  Institution  I  undertook  a  further  analysis  of 
the  re\.T-al  phenomenon  in  regenerating  specimen-  <  >\  tin-  p-iu-ra 
Alf>hfn\  and  .^ynul  Aliens.  These  small  Crustacea  commonly 
call.  -«1  -napping  shrimp,  on  account  of  their  habit  of  snapping 
tin-  lar^<-  fin  -l.i-  \\  ith  such  force  as  to  produce  a  -urpri-ingly  loud 
noi-.-,  an  abundantly  found  in  the  "logger-he.  id"  sponge  and 
in  the  holes  of  disintegrating  coral  rock  on  the  Toruiga-  reels. 
There  .ne  a  number  of  species  five  of  \\hieh,  Alpheus  formosus 
and  tirniillatns  and  Synalpheus  minus  and  two  other  unideiit  itied 
^pecies  of  Synalphens,  were  employed  in  these  experiment-. 

The  several  species  differ  in  si/e  and  body  color  but  are  . 
sentially  similar  in  general  structure.  The  lir-t  pair  ..I"  appen- 
es  is  decidedly  asymmetrical  in  both  sexes.  <  >m  member  <>t 
the  pair,  either  the  right  or  the  left,  is  extremely  laixe.  in  some 
cases  being  more  than  half  the  size  of  the  bod\  it  -ell".  The 
general  t\'pe  of  this  chela  in  the  five  specie-  follou-  IIK.K  ..r 
<  l.p-ely  the  description  given  by  Wilson,1  for  the  vivai  ehela 
"I"  AlplifHs  lictcrochelis.  It  is  greatly  rounded  or  s\\olK-n  \\iili 
tran-\er-e  grooves  on  either  side  of  the  proiiodu-.  \ar\in.u  in 
de|)th  with  tin-  -jwcies,  and  presents  characteri-tie  color  patterns 
beini;  tip|)ed  with  a  li\'cly  rose  color  in  Synalphcus  minus  while 
in  the  other  species  it  is  bluish,  dark  or  brown.  On  tin-  e"iiea\e 
sidt-  of  the  dart\ln-  is  a  swollen  knob  forming  tin-  "hami 
which  lit-  intii  a  corresponding  socket  on  the  outer  side  of  the 
propodu-  claw.  M\-  extending  the  dactylu-  and  then  suddenly 
-na|»pini;  the  tlaus  together  the  "hammer"  is  forced  into  tin- 
socket  with  the  surprisingly  loud  sound. 

XYil-i'ii'-  de-cription  further  applies  in  that  the  large  chela 
ha-  essentially  the  same  structure  in  both  sexes,  while  the  small 

!•".   H.,  "Not.--  mi  tin-  Ki-vrr.-ul  <>t  A.-ynniK-try  in  the  Regeneration  •  -i 
tlu-  I'lu-l.i-  in  Alphciis  hftcrochdis."     BlOL.  BrtL.,  IV'.,  pp.    iv7    -'i-i.   1903. 


244  CHAkLES    R.    STOCKARD. 

chela  shows  characteristic  sexual  differences,  we  shall  be  mainly 
concerned,  however,  with  the  fact  that  the  small  chela  is  always 
typically  different  from  the  large  chela  in  shape  as  well  as  in  size. 

Przibram1  discovered  that  in  several  species  of  Alpheus  after 
the  removal  of  the  large  chela  a  chela  of  the  small  type  regener- 
ated from  its  base  while  the  small  chela  of  the  opposite  side  meta- 
morphosed or  developed  into  a  great  chela  of  typical  form  at  the 
following  moult.  In  other  words,  the  asymmetry  was  reversed. 
Further,  when  both  first  chelae  are  removed  they  regenerate  in 
their  original  conditions,  no  reversal  following. 

Zeleny2  found  an  exactly  similar  phenomenon  to  occur  after 
removal  of  the  functional  operculum  in  the  worm,  Hydroides. 
In  this  case  the  rudimentary  operculum  of  the  opposite  side  de- 
velops into  a  functional  operculum  while  a  rudimentary  organ 
regenerated  from  the  base  of  the  former  functional  one.  The 
principle  involved  in  this  reversal  phenomenon  is  doubtless  the 
same  as  that  in  the  Crustacea. 

Przibram3  later  found  a  similar  reversal  to  occur  in  other 
species  of  Crustacea,  while  in  others  the  removal  of  either  chela 
is  followed  by  the  regeneration  of  one  of  the  simpler  or  smaller 
type  without  a  regulatory  change  taking  place  in  the  uninjured 
chela  of  the  other  side.  In  still  other  cases,  as  for  example  the 
lobster,  Homorus,  a  chela  similar  to  the  one  removed  invariably 
regenerates  whether  the  original  chela  was  a  large  crusher  claw 
or  the  slender  nipping  claw. 

The  Crustacea  thus  present  a  series  from  those  forms  which 
regenerate  appendages  of  the  type  of  the  ones  removed,  others 
which  regenerate  appendages  of  the  simpler  type  without  a  com- 
pensatory change  taking  place  in  the  uninjured  chela,  and  finally 
such  forms  as  Alpheus  in  which  (lie  simpler  type  of  chela  is  re- 
generated after  the  removal  of  the  more  specialized  chela  while 
the  uninjured  small  chela  develops  into  the  more  modified  type, 

'Przibram,  H.,  "Experimentelle  Studien  uber  Regeneration,"  Arch,  fur  Entw.- 
Mech..  XI.,  1901. 

2Zeleny,  C.,  "A  Case  of  Compensatory  Regeneration  in  the  Regeneration  of 
Hydroides  dianthus,"  Arch.  fur.  Entw.-Mech.,  XIII..  4,  1902. 

"Przibram,  H.,  "Experimentelle  Studien  uber  Regeneration,  II.,"  Arch,  fur 
Entw.-Mech.,  XIII.,  1901-1902;  "Equilibrium  of  Animal  Form,"  Jour.  Exp.  Zoo/., 
V.,  p.  259,  1907-1908. 


.iii'l  tint-  by  a  -uri  <it  compensatory  regulation  the  animal'-  asym- 
metrical •  ondition  i-  quickly  reestablished. 

\Vil-on  repeated  Przibram's  experiment-  on  Alphcns  Itctcro- 
chflis  with  -imilar  results,  hut  carried  tin-  experiment-  further, 
hoping  to  analyze  the  factors  concerned  in  the  reversal  pro.,  --. 
After  removing  the  great  chela  the  nerve  trunk  leading  to  the 
-in.  ill  i  lii-la  <»t  the  opposite  side  was  Hipped  in  order  io  u-t 
\\hetln-r  tin-re-  was  a  nervous  control  determining  the  growth  of 
i  In-  -mall  chela  into  a  large  one.  After  Mich  an  operation  the 
-mall  chda  wa-  generally  thrown  off  and  only  \\\«  -]•«•»  -inn  n-  are 
-,iid  io  I  -I-  l"-\  ond  (|uestion,  >'et  "one  of  the-e  did  in  it  moult  quite 
noniialK  and  the  other  not  at  all.".  The  evident  e,  ihen.  doc-  not 
warrant  conclusions  as  to  the  CailSC  of  reversal  of  ,i-\mmeir\  ill 
i  he  cln-I.e.  Wilson  finally  helievcs  that  the  initial  factor  that  sets 
iii  moiiiui  the  complex  process  of  different  iat  imi  of  \\hich  either 
-id<  'lahle,  is  primarily  only  ;i  dilh  n  me  in  the  amount  of 

material  <  m  the  two  sides.     "Removal  ot  t  he  lari^i  chela  <  <\  >\  i<  .u-l\ 
d  the  asymmetry  in  respect  to  the  amount  of  material  and 
nm-t.   l«-mporaril\',  at    least.  K-ad   to  a  functional   IUT\OU-  dillci- 
eip  Such  a  suggestion  may  easily  he  submitted   to  (  \pi  ri- 

mrntal  test,  for  example,  after  removal  of  the^c  «  hcl.i  fr..m 
one  -ide  of  the  body  if  several  posterior  appendage-  be  ivmo\ed 
lioni  the  other  side  the  greater  amount  of  material  may  -till 
remain  on  the  original  large  chela  side.  I  u.  I,  .1,  illust  rate- 
tin-  operation.  I'nder  the-e  conditions  \\ill  a  large  chela  re- 
generate I  nun  the  -tump  ot  tin  old  one,  in-tead  of  ari-in^  I 
gi«i\\  th  o|  the  -mall  In  -t  chela  of  the  oppo-ile  -ide.' 

X^ain,  tin-  propn-iiion  ma>-  he  tested  b\    removing  hoth   the 

a  and  -mall  chela-  o|  t  he  lir-t  pair  and  in  addition  amputating 

several  legs  "ii  the  -ide  of  iln-  large  chela;  the  operation  i-  illu-- 

tratedb\   Fig.  i,  J        fh(    greater  amount  of  material  is  no\N  on 

the    original    -mall    chela    -ide;    \\ill    thi-    extra    amoiini    caU5( 

it  chela  to  regenerate  from  the  small  stump  instead  of  from  the 

-tump  of  the  great  chela  which  i>  on  the  -ide  \\ith  le—  material' 
Lastly,  \\hen  onl\  a  |iortion  of  the  great  chela  i-  amputated 
doe-  it  regenerate  in  the  original  condition  Of  become  a  Miiall 
chela,  while  a  large  chela  appear-  on  the  opposite  -ide  through 
a  metamorphosis  o|  the  -mall  tir-t  chela.' 



FIG.  i.  Diagrams  illustrating  the  manner  of  operation  in  the  several  experi- 
ments. A,  removal  of  the  great  chela  and  the  posterior  appendages  of  the  opposite 
side,  causing  the  larger  amount  of  material  to  still  remain  on  the  great  chela  side; 
B,  the  opposite  operation  as  a  control;  C,  the  heavy  lines  show  the  places  at  which 
portions  of  the  great  chela  may  be  cut  away  without  reversal;  D  and  E,  removal  of 
both  first  chelae  and  posterior  appendages  from  either  the  small,  D,  or  great,  E, 
chela  side,  to  determine  the  influence  of  the  lateral  amount  of  material  on  the  regen- 
eration of  the  first  chelae;  L.  large  chela  stump;  S,  small  chela  stump. 


Aiming  towards  an  answer  for  these  que-tion-  a  number  of 
experiment  -  \vep-  performed  the  re-ult-  of  which  may  now  be 
i  onsidered. 

Fifty  healthy  -pecimens  representing  the  five  different  >JKM 
\\en-  selected,  and  tested  as  to  their  tendency  t<>  reverse  the 
:nniftry  of  tin-  first  pair  of  chela1  during  tin-  regeneration 
following  tin-  removal  of  the  great  chela.  Without  exception 
all  ot"  the  specimens  responded  as  Przibram  had  found,  a  -mall 
chela  regenerated  Irom  the  stump  of  the  original  great  one  and 
the  small  (  hela  of  the  opposite  side  metamorphosed  into  a  ^reat 
chela.  Forty  of  the  specimens  favorably  survived  the  experi- 


Nineteen  individuals  had  the  great  chela  removed  and  in  addi- 
tion a  numU-r  of  posterior  appendages  were  amputated  from 
the  opposite  or  small  chela  side,  so  as  to  allow  tin-  greater  ma  — 
oi  material  to  remain  on  the  original  great  (hela  -ide.  The 
opt 'rat  ion  i-  illustrated  by  Fig.  I,  A,  and  the  opposite  or  <  "in  ml 
operation  by  Fig.  I,  B,  or  specimens  lo,  12  and  ,}i  in  the  table. 
\\<  '•  rrii  .  to  the  table  the  results  of  such  an  experiment  ma\  be 

The  left  side  of  the  table  gives  the  date  of  the  oprratitni.  the 
number  of  the  specimen,  and  the  appendages  rrmo\ed  are  indi- 
cated b\  .v,  (/and  5  in  the  first  appendage  column  indicate  the 
it  and  -mall  chela.  The  right  side  of  the  table  i;i\e-  the 
time  ot  moulting  and  the  manner  of  regeneration,  the  r  signifies 
a  new  or  :  :ated  Kv.  (/and  .V  in  the  tir-t  appendage  column 

m  indicate  the  great  and  small  chela.  The  horizontal  lines 
ot  the  table  are  BO  arranged  that  the  appendages  on  tin-  right 
side  of  an  indi\idual  ate  gi\en  immediately  above  those  on  the 
left  of  the  same  animal,  c.  g.,  specimen  I  had  the  great  chela  and 
the  -ei  ond  leg  removed  from  the  right  side  and  the  fourth  leg 
from  the  left  side  in  the  first  instance.  Kach  -pecinieli,  as  tin- 
table  sh,.\\s,  \\as  operated  upon  a  second  time  during  the  experi- 

Of  the  nineteen  cases  having  the  great  chela  removed  from  one 
side  and  other  appendage-  than  the  lifst  chela  trotn  the  opposite 
-ide  i  he  -mall  chela.  e\  en  though  it  wa>  uii  the  -ide  of  less  mate- 

248  CHARLES    R.    STOCKARD. 

rial,  retained  the  power  to  grow  into  a  large  chela  of  typical  form 
in  seventeen  cases.  One  of  these  cases,  specimen  23,  is  remark- 
able, since  at  the  first  operation  the  small  chela  which  was  on 
the  left  side  and  the  other  four  left  appendages  were  all  removed 
and  regenerated  at  the  next  moult.  After  this  moult  the  large 
chela  of  the  right  side  was  amputated  along  with  the  four  pos- 
terior legs  of  the  left  side,  thus  leaving  only  the  regenerated 
small  chela  on  the  left  side  while  the  four  posterior  legs  remained 
on  the  right  side.  Nevertheless,  the  left  small  chela  grew  into 
a  great  chela  and  the  four  more  posterior  left  appendages  re- 
generated for  the  second  time.  The  case  seems  an  extreme  test 
of  the  power  of  one  side  to  regenerate  all  of  its  posterior  legs  for  a 
second  time  and  in  addition  to  change  the  first  chela  from  the 
small  to  the  large  size  and  type.  Specimen  25  further  indicates 
this  remarkable  power  of  the  side  of  the  individual  with  less 
material  to  replace  all  lost  parts  and  at  the  same  time  increase 
the  size  and  type  of  its  first  chela. 

The  remaining  two  of  the  nineteen  cases,  specimens  9  and  18, 
present  the  first  chela?  equal  in  size  after  the  moult  following 
the  second  operation.  Specimen  9  had  in  the  first  case  the  great 
chela  removed  from  the  right  side  and  the  third,  fourth  and 
fifth  appendages  from  the  left  side.  The  greater  amount  of 
material  was,  therefore,  still  on  the  right  side,  yet  the  small 
first  chela  of  the  left  side  became  larger  after  the  moult.  The 
second  operation  removed  the  great  left  chela  and  the  second, 
third,  fourth  and  fifth  legs  of  the  right  side.  After  the  moult 
all  of  the  amputated  legs  were  regenerated  but  the  regenerated 
left  first  was  small,  and  the  right  first  appendage  had  not  in- 
creased in  size.  Thus  the  first  pair  were  symmetrical  in  respect 
to  size  yet  the  right  first  or  old  chela  had  slightly  approached 
the  large  chela  type.  The  specimen  18  responded  in  a  closely 
similar  fashion. 

The  type  of  the  chela  is  equally,  if  not  more,  important  than 
the  size  since  Przibram  found  the  chelae  to  be  of  almost  equal 
size  in  some  cases  but  of  reversed  type,  and  the  great  type  in- 
variably increases  in  size  at  the  following  moult. 

The  experimental  evidence  in  the  first  case,  then,  does  not 
support  the  idea  that  the  side  with  most  appendage  material 

"K    ASVMMETKY    IN  EA.  249 

moM  powt-r  n,  produce  a  great  chela  of  typical  size  ami  form, 
'lie  t<-ii<li-n.  .  produce  a  chela  of  tin-  ;>;rcat   -i/e  an<l  t\pe 

tn.m  ilu-  uninjured  first  chela,  even  though  this  In.-  tin-  original 
-mall  .  lu-l.i  and  i-  located  on  the  body  side  which  has  >uft< 
the  I"—  "t  -til  -.ihcr  walking  appendages.  There  seem-  to  \>c  no 
e\idt -in •«•  In -in  the-e  experiments  to  suggest  a  bilateral  distribu- 
ii"ji  .,i  ^n.uth  energy  accompanying  distribution  of  appendage 


Tin-  '|nr-tiun  of  a  bilateral  distribution  of  i;ro\\th  rmn:\  re- 
lated to,  «»r  accompanying,  the  amount  of  appendage  man-rial 
"ii  n  side  was  furtlu-r  tested  in  the  follu\\ini;  nianiui. 

I  specimens  were  operated  upon  so  as  to  remove  both  chelae 

•  •I  ill.    tii^t  pair.      It  was  known  that  when  only  tin •-«•  i\\<.  (  IK  la 
moved  that  they  regenerated  in  tln-ir  original  cniidiiii.ii. 
a   lai<r  chela  from   the  base  of  the  original   large  cln-la   and   ,t 
-mall  i  licla  from   the  opposite  side.      If  now  in  addition   to   du- 
•  I  of  the  first  pair  of  appendages  a  number  of  mon    pos- 
terior appnidav;es  also  be  removed   from   tin-  large  chela   -idr. 
HiU   sidi-   will    have   less  appendage   material    remaining  and    i-. 
therefore,  called  upon  to  regenerate  a  greater  amount  of  man-rial 
to  n  place  the  posterior  legs.      Will  this  side  of  the  body  at  tin 
-aim-  time  br  more  capable  of  producing  a  first  chela  of  larger 
and  -prfi.ilixed  type  than  the  opposite  side  which  is  calli-d 
upon  in  it-place  only  the  first  chela?     Such  an  operation  is  illus- 
iratrd  |.\    I  j-.  i,  /{,  and  Fig.  I,  D,  forms  a  control  experiment  in 
\\hirh    tin-  additional  appendages  are  removed   from   the  small 

chela   -ide. 

Hie  iiMial  idea  of  regulation  would  require  the  side  with  only 
ilie  in -i  N  -  removed  to  regenerate  a  large  chela  while  the  other 
^ide  n  plat  i  d  tl  •  ral  posterior  legs  and  produced  a  small 

lir-i  chela.  It  i-  found  on  examining  the  table  that  alter  an 
operation  to  remo\e  l>oth  first  chelae  and  one  or  more  posterior 

on   1-itln-r   tli'  it  or  small   chela   sidr   that    M'\   of   (if; 

specimens  regenerated  the  chela-  of  tin-  lii>i   pair  etjual  in  >i/e. 

noi  out-  individual  re\er-etl  the  t>|>e  of  the  hr-t  clu-la-.  and 
eiijit  re-i-m-raied  the  lir-i  ehela-  iii  their  original  condiiion  a> 
thou-h  no  .11  Mi  i  ion  a  I  appendage-  had  In  t  n  reino\  ed.  <  >ne  speci- 
men died  liffoic  the  experiment  \\a-  completed. 

350  CHARLES    K.    STOCKAKD. 

Considering  the  six  specimens  that  regenerated  the  chela-  oi 
the  first  pair  equal  in  size  it  is  important  to  find  that  tour  o! 
these  cases,  specimens  16,  20,  21  and  39,  had  the  larger  number 
of  posterior  appendages  removed  from  the  side  of  the  original 
small  chela  and  not  from  that  of  the  large  chela,  so  that  the 
greater  amount  of  material  remained  on  the  large  chela  side. 
Such  operations  were  intended  as  a  control  for  the  results  fol- 
lowing the  removal  of  posterior  appendages  from  the  large  chela 
side.  Although  in  these  four  specimens  there  was  more  material 
on  the  original  large  chela  side  and  this  side  was  called  upon  lo 
regenerate  fewer  appendages  it  failed  to  produce  a  great  chela 
from  the  stump  of  the  original  one. 

In  specimen  16  the  first  chelse  remained  equal  in  size  and  were 
both  of  the  small  chela  type  after  a  second  moult.  The  left 
chela  was  then  removed  and  after  the  next  moult  the  right  de- 
veloped into  a  great  chela  and  the  left  again  regenerated  small. 
Both  first  chelae  in  specimens  20  and  21  were  also  of  the  small 
chela  type,  while  in  specimen  39  the  small  chela  failed  to  re- 
generate at  the  first  moult  after  the  operation  though  a  chela 
of  the  small  type  regenerated  from  the  base  of  the  great  chela 
and  remained  small  while  the  right  small  chela  regenerated  at 
the  next  moult . 

Specimens  31  and  32  had  both  first  chela-  and  a  number  of 
appendages,  four  and  three,  on  the  great  chela  side  removed. 
After  the  moult  following  the  operation  the  first  chela?  were  equal 
in  size.  Yet  again  specimens  27,  35  and  38  were  operated  upon  in 
an  identical  fashion  and  after  the  moult  they  were  able  to  produce- 
a  great  chela  from  the  original  great  chela  stump  even  though 
this  side  was  called  upon  to  regenerate  three  other  appendages. 

Of  the  fifteen  cases  tried,  therefore,  eight  regenerate  their  first 
chela;  in  the  original  condition  of  asymmetry  while  six  regenerate 
the  chehe  of  the  first  pair  equal  in  sixc-  and  usually  similar  in 
type  whether  additional  appendages  are  amputated  from  the 
great  chela  side  or  from  the  small  chela  side.  Such  a  fact  would 
seem  to  indicate  that  the  amount  of  appendage  material  present 
on  either  side  is  an  unimportant  factor  in  determining  the  typr 
of  the  first  chela  on  a  given  side,  and  it  seems  to  show  lurtln-r 
that  there  is  no  clearly  evident  bilateral  distribution  of  growth 
energy  in  these  regenerating  specimens. 





FIRM  PAIR  •  >i-  <  IIKL.E  is  FIVE  SPECIES  OF  Synalphftis  AND  Alphetis* 

.III.  .11. 



14   \  i 











linn-  '.        (  . 

May  24 


.linn-  6 


i    i  .\ 

Jllllr    f.         '•   , 
Mas     ,,      7   , 


June  4 

June  16 




June  i 



June  15 





'1  i  hrl.i  i 


it<  term 
t<>  t\|><  !.i. 

;liinl   ami   tittli  an-  >>nly 

May  29 
Juno  13 

June  4 

x   JUnC   I3 

Im.K.  nut  ml! 

Only  the  <lartvl  rnn..\i-.|  an. I 

r       I       I      Also    liiniillril    oilr    <i.i\     altrl 

the  operation  luit  hail 

••  i 




Sr  I 

,  Sr    r  i  ure  of  third   and   fourth 

G     r    O    O    r        legs    to    regennat.     inu'lu 
account  for  first  dn-la 
coming  large. 


June  12  |Sr 

June  3 



Moiiltrd  few  hours  after  op- 
eration on  May  24  ami 
right  first  chela  began  to 


JIIIK-  '• 

\<    '  .x 

x      x      x 

r  '  r 

I   ,X 

May  30 





June   14 







i  » 















June  14 







>    .X 





r     r 

Also  moulted  two  days  afti-r 
operation  but  no  ri 

Moult  followed  so  so.  .n  uin-r 
operation  that  left  lir-t 
chela  had  not  ati.iim-d  lull 
size,  but  di<l  -  lew 


.  inolllti  alli-l   np- 

erati'Hi.      Ri.uht  fir-t  -.iiin- 
wliat  -imilai   (••  hela 

luit  --niall. 


rilAKI.ES    R.    STOCKAKH. 

TABLE    I. — Continued. 


rt  t 

















June  7 

10  R 




x  i 

'  Sr 
June  14   ~ 




Operated  immediately  after  a 
moult  on  June  7. 

May  24 






May  30  | 



June  7 








June  13 






May  24 


12  L 





June  2 





June  7 

12  J 





June  15 






May  24 

13  J 



May  29 



,  R 

Died  after  operation. 

June  7 

•'  1.    <",x 

May  24 






June  i 


Only  the  dactylus  and  index 
cut  from  great  chela,  no  re- 


June  7 

14  L 


June  14 


Second  operation  and  result 
the  same  as  first. 

May  24 



June  3 



June  7 






June  15 





May  24 

16  L 




May  31 




After  a  second  moult  on  June 
7  the  first  chelae  were  still 

of  equal  size. 

June  7 



June  13 



The   left   first   chela  was   re- 
moved   and    right   became 

large    and    Irlt    ir.ui-iu-ialrd 


May  25 

18  I 



June  I 




June  7 






June  14 




I'incer    of    left    first    seems 

r        slightly    ncaic-r    tin-    gi<-ai 

chela  type. 




May  25 

IQ      L 


June  3 

June  8 

19  J 





June  15 





May  25 

20  L 





June  6 






June  8 

20  I 



<  X 

June  19 





Both  first  chelae  of  the  small 
type  and  equal  in  size. 

May  25 





i  x 

May  30 






June  8 

21  L 




June  13 




Both  first  chelae  of  equal  size 
and  small  type. 


(  ',     r 


May  25 





x  June  4 




r     r 

June  7 

23  L 





x  •l"""   tS 






Second  regeneration  of  all  pos- 
terior left  legs,  yet  left  first 

became  large  chela. 

May  25 

2SjL        X    X 


Juno  i 








TABLE   I. — Continued. 

•   — 




e  j. 














June  17 





ration  on 

i.  in-  -Mr  y  t  ih-t  chela  of 

thi^   -i'li-   In  -  •  .n.. 

-•'.  ^ 

Gx       x            June  6 







I>iil  not  moult  tin-  «ivonil 




June  4     Sr 







X    . 

June  17  Sr 




1  x  1  ,                Sr  '               1  r 
June  2     c 

Junr  s 






i                G     r 
June  14  S|     , 




Second    pair    i-t     1.  i 
VI.:'                 :  ti-i     than  ll-tlal. 

M.I-.    .• 


June  6      J 

Molllti-,1  d.iy  IM-I..II-  tin-  npi-I- 


Jinn-  8 

29  L 





June  16 











May  29 




Moult  followed  so  so"ti  .iitn 
operation  that  little  in- 

cre;t-i-  in  liylit  chi-! 

generation    of    lei' 

second   moult  Jun 

Innc   10 


Gx        xxx 

•  1  1  1  l<   '1  1      \    '   •!  1  I  j  111     I  » 

1  June  16  without  inoult- 

-  L, 


\  I  .  i  \     .• 

;  G 

_                            In  ne  7      — 


X     X 










C  June  i 





First  ch>  il  in  size  and 
of  small  ty|H'. 

xxx,                G 

31   Sr 





JllMi-     [0 



^   June   15 





Both  first  chela-  smaller  than 
n  hut  of  equal 



i*  l 


;  •  r 

May  30 



J  1  1  1  1  • 

i  .\    \     \     \ 

June  1  6 


r  o 

are  of  3  and  4  to  n-.o-m-r- 
rate  may  account  for  In   t 

\  tli. 


•  ,x 







i  .  \   \    \          x 





first  chela  great  tlmnvjli 
rcKeiii-iatiiii;  thn-i-  ntlu-r 


.  <  on  sann-  -ii|<-. 

Ma>    a  ;   56 

x    x        June  3 




motilti-d     J    -lay-    atli-r 




June  15 





Ma\     .'       17  , 



x          May  30  Sr 


Mniilt'-'l  av;ain  Juin-  <> 


57  J 



X   June  15 







TABLE   I. — Continued. 



S  u 

'o  e 


u  "=             Regenerated. 


J5  ^ 
—  — 


—  f- 











May  25 





May  30 





June  8 






June  15 






Also  moulted  June  o  day  after 

May  25 

39  L 





June  6 






June  14 





First    chelae    finally  regener- 
ated equal    in  size  and   re- 

mained so  after  next  moult 

May  25 





May  30 




Moulted  again  June  6. 

June  8 

K    Sx 
40  L  Gx 



June  15 




Each  specimen  was  operated  upon  twice  as  indicated.  R  and  L  following 
the  specimen  number  signifies  right  and  left  sides  of  the  animal;  G  indicates  the 
great  and  S  the  small  first  chela;  x  indicates  the  appendages  removed  and  r  the 
appendages  regenerated. 


Finally,  an  attempt  was  made  to  determine  how  large  a  portion 
of  the  great  first  chela  might  be  removed  without  causing  it  to 
regenerate  small;  or  to  cause  the  small  chela  of  the  opposite 
side  to  grow  into  the  great  type.  When  a  large  portion  of  the 
chela  was  quickly  clipped  off  with  sharp  scissors  or  a  knife  the 
remaining  portion  was  soon  thrown  off  at  the  breaking  joint. 
The  only  successful  operations  consisted  in  the  removal  of  the 
dactylus  or  most  distal  segment  which  forms  part  ol  the  claw, 
and  in  the  removal  of  the  entire  pinccr  or  dactylus  and  distal 
end  of  the  propodus,  as  is  indicated  by  the  lines  drawn  across 
the  chela  in  Fig.  i,  C.  In  the  last  case  a  stump-like  appendage 
without  a  pincer  remains. 

Following  either  of  these  operations  the  great  chela  was  fully 
reformed  or  renewed  at  the  next  moult,  no  reversal  taking  place. 

A  small  portion  of  the  great  chela  may  then  be  regenerated  in 
its  original  form.  \Yhrn  tin  entire1  chela  is  removed  the  small 
chela  of  the  opposite  side-  invariably  grows  into  a  great  chela 
and  a  small  chela  regenerates  from  the  stump  of  the  orii'.inal 
great  one.  This  reversal  of  asymmetry  may  be  shifted  back  and 
forth  for  a  number  of  times  and  occurs  in  a  manner  as  decidedly 
pronounced  after  several  operations  as  it  does  after  the  first. 



Tin-  power  in  reverse  the  asymmetry  of   the  tir-t  chela-  when 

in-rating  .1  claw  in  Alphens  dor-  not  -eem  t<>  l>c  clo-dy 

a--ot  i.itrd   with   .1   difference  in   the  amount   of  material   on   the 

tuo  -ide-  of  the  liorly  nor  with  a  bilateral  di-trihution  of  growth 

or  regenerative  <  n«  • 

Although  in  certain  cases  there  seems  to  lie  a  tendency  to 
aerate  tin-  clu-hi'  of  the  first  pair  equal  in  -i/e  and  >imilar 
in  i\|ie. -mh  a  tendency  is  manifest  under  condition-  -o  \aried 
in  re-pi-d  io  the  bilateral  clistriltution  of  ajipi'iida^e  material 
and  <  all  upon  the  powers  of  regenerative  eneiu\  that  the  pre-cnt 
com  Ill-ion  j-  warranted.  The  amount  of  material  on  a  ;J\»n 
-ide  of  the  animal,  or  the  amount  of  t<  ^ -m -ration  requited  of 
ihi-  -id«-  .in-  negative  factors  in  determining  tin-  al>ilit\  of  the 
-ide  to  pid<ltK  e  a  great  chela  instead  of  a  HIM  1 1  one. 

N  \i'i  i .-.  July  5.  1910. 

Vol.  XIX.  October,  1910.  No.  5 




C.  H.  TURNER. 


Whether  insects  can  or  cannot  di-tini;ui-h  color-  i-  a  mailer 
of  much  theoretical  importance,  for  the  correct  interpret. ui<>n 
ol  tin-  n-l.iiion  of  insects  to  flowers  depends  upon  thi-  an-\\er. 
Mo-t  -indents  of  natural  selection  believed,  at  one  time,  that  the 
form-  and  colors  of  flowers  were  adaptations  to  insect  \i-itoi>. 
Lately  i  line  lias  been  a  reaction  based  on  the  general  cmi-ensus 
of  opinion,  among  morphological  entomo|o-i-i-,  concerning  the 
poorness  of  insect  vision.  Kellogg1  writes:  "The  fixed -hort  focal 
<li-iaiu-e,  the  incompleteness  and  lack  of  detail  incident  to  a 
mo-aic  image,  and  the  lack  of  accommodation  'onl\  partly  pro- 
vided f.,r  l)\  the  shifting  of  the  peripheral  pigment)  to  var\in^ 
liijit  intensity,  which  are  admitted  conditions  of  insect  vision, 
make  it  -eem  difficult  to  account  for  the  intricacy  in  pattern 
common  to  man\  tlo\\ers  on  a  basis  of  adaptation  to  animal 
\  i-itor^  of  -uch  | r  -eein-  capacity  as  insects. 

"Experimental  e\  idence  touching  this  criticism  is  singularly 
meaner  \\heii  one  coii-ider-  the  importance  of  the  subject.  If 
in-eci-  can  accnrateK  di-i  in^ni-h  i«'lors,  and  at  some  di>ta: 
and  can  pen  ei\  e  the  tine  deiail>  of  color-pattern  at  a  \vr\  -hort 
di-iance.  then  the  explanation  of  floral  structure  and  pattern  as 
adaptation  to  in-ect  \i-itors  has  -olid  foundation  for  even  the 
ama/in.uK-  lar-e  and  \aried  results  which  il  attempt-  to  explain: 
if  not,  it  i>  hard  to  understand  how  the  explanation  i-  \alid  (at 

\     1    .  ".\im-ii.\m  In-tvts."  Ilriiry  II"It  ^S:  Co.,  second  LMlitimi.  revised. 


258  C.    H.    TURNER. 

least  in  any  such  all-sufficient  degree  as  commonly  held),  despite 
its  logical  character  (in  light  of  our  knowledge  of  the  nearly 
limitless  capacity  for  modification  of  natural  selection)  and  the 
abundant  confirmatory  evidence. 

"Most  of  the  experimental  evidence  so  far  offered  is  that  in- 
cluded in  Darwin's  account  ('On  the  Fertilization  of  Flowers  by 
Insects');  in  Lubbock's  account  of  his  experiments  on  honey- 
bees, familiar  because  of  its  presentation  in  his  readable  book, 
'Ants,  Bees  and  Wasps';  and  in  Plateau's  account  of  his  more 
recent  but  less  familiarly  known  experiments  with  various  insects 
including  bees.  Both  Lubbock  and  Plateau  are  investigators 
ingenious  in  device,  keen  in  deduction,  and  of  unquestioned 
scientific  honesty.  Yet  their  conclusions  are  a  direct  contradic- 
tion. Lubbock  believes  that  bees  recognize  colors  at  a  consider- 
able distance,  that  they  'prefer  one  color  to  another,  and  that 
blue  is  distinctly  their  favorite.'  Plateau  finds  that  neither  the 
form  nor  the  brilliant  colors  of  flowers  seem  to  have  any  important 
attractive  role,  'as  insects  visit  flowers  whose  colors  and  forms 
are  masked  by  green  leaves,  as  well  as  to  continue  to  visit  flowers 
which  have  been  almost  totally  denuded  of  colored  parts' ;  that 
insects  show  no  preference  or  antipathy  for  different  colors  which 
flowers  of  different  varieties  of  the  same  or  of  allied  species 
may  show;  that  flowers  concealed  by  foliage  are  readily  dis- 
covered and  visited;  that  insects  ordinarily  pay  no  attention 
to  flowers  artificially  made  of  colored  paper  or  of  cloth  whether 
these  artifacts  are  provided  or  not  with  honey,  while,  on  the 
contrary,  flowers  artificially  made  of  living  green  leaves  and  pro- 
vided with  honey  are  visited  (from  the  attraction  of  the  'natural 
vegetable  odor').  From  these  observations  Plateau  concludes 
that  'insects  are  guided  with  certainty  to  flowers  with  pollen  or 
nectar  by  a  sense  other  than  that  of  vision  and  which  can  only  be 
that  of  smell,'  and  finds  particular  proof  of  this  in  the  facts,  ac- 
cording to  his  observations,  (i)  that  insects  tend,  without  hesita- 
tion, towards  flowers  usually  neglected  by  reason  of  the  absence 
or  poverty  of  nectar,  from  the  moment  that  one  supplies  these 
flowers  with  artificial  nectar,  represented  by  honey;  (2)  that 
insects  cease  their  visits  when  one  cuts  out  the  nectary  without 
injuring  the  colored  parts,  and  re-begin  their  visit  if  one  replaces 

EXPERIMENTS    ON    COLOR-VISION    OF    THE    HONEY    DEE.        259 

the  destroyed  nectary  by  honey;  (3)  that  it  suffices  to  attract 
numerous  insects  if  one  puts  honey  on  or  in  normally  anemophil- 
ou-  flowers,  simply  green  or  brown  in  color,  which  an-  normally 
pr,«  -ti< -.illy  invisible  and  almost  never  visited  by  in-ivts;  and 
1  thai  the  visiting  of  flower-  artificially  made-  of  fresh  green 
leaves  and  containing  honey  demonstrate-,  plainly  the  role  of 
i  In  sense  of  smell. 

"It  must  be  said  that,  despite  main  ju-t  critici-m^  that  may 
be  madf  on  the  character  of  hi>  experiment-,  Plateau  has  made 
necessary  more  experimentation  for  the  relief  of  the  general 
theory  that  floral  adaptation  of  (dor  i-  due  t..  c<.lor  prefi  fences 
of  in-eei  \  i-itors." 

Forel  nd  von  Buttel-Reepen1  are  opposed  to  Plateau1-  \  ie\\  -, 
but  Bet  he'  is  in  accord  with  Plateau. 

I  '  •  ;•  -t  his  conclusions,  Forel  repeated,  in  the  follov.  in-  manner, 
Plateau's  dahlia  experiment.  ( I  j  Paper  dahlias  were  di-tribi 
amoii-  some  dahlias  from  \\hich  a  large  number  of  bees  \\eie 
e  <\\ct  tin^  honey.  The  bees  paid  no  attention  to  these  artit.n  ts. 
Honey  was  placed  on  these  artifacts,  and.  }<\  -killtul  manipu- 
lation, brought  to  the  attention  of  one  of  the  bees.  Immediately 
that  bee  neglected  the  real  dahlias  for  these  artificial  <•; 

(iradually  all  of  the  bees  neglected  the  dahlias  for  those 
an  it. n  t-  \\  it  h  their  inexhaustible  supply  of  honey-  inexhaustible 
luse  ii  was  constantly  replenished  by  Forel.  141  The  artifacts 
\\eii  remo\ed.  After  a  lapse  of  several  days,  similar  artifacts, 
bin  i  I'liiaininv;  no  honey,  were  scattered  among  those  dahlias. 
Immediate!)  tin-  bee-  n  ejected  the  dahlias  for  the  artifacts, 
\\hich  the\  -e. ii  dud  for  hone\-.  I'orel  thinks  this  experiment 
>ln>\\-  that  bees  ha\e  -pace,  form  and  color  perception. 

\  on  Hut  iel  l\.  .  ]  M  n  ba-e>  hi>  opposition  to  Plateau's  \ie\\- 
larueK  upon  information  furni-hed  him  by  Herr  Roth,  leader  of 
the  Haden  bee-keepei-  -•  liool.  and  a  teacher  named  Staeliclin. 

•ii-l.  Ain;..  "l>ir   p-\i  In-,  ln-ii  l-'.i  -i  del    Ai:i' Uen  und  i-ini.o-r   am!- 

Iii-i-lxii-n."  Miii-iu-lii-ii.  I'j'ii.      "Ants  and  -  tlirir  In-iiiu-i-."  .\/. •»;:-.'.  \-nl.  i  }. 

.    )• 

-Miii!  ii,    II.   von,   ">md  dit-   Mii-in-ii    ReSex-maschinen?,    I-!\i"-iinu-iit;il 

Mi-iti.iv;,-  /ui    Minli>i;ii-  <kt    1 1.  mi.nlii.'iii-."  Biul.  Ctnlralhl.,   Bd.   -'".   n;uo.      "An-   i 
Rctl.  \    \l.i.  liiiif- '"   iran-l.itril   \>y    Maiy   11.  (ivi-li-r.   Medina.  <>..    iv 

*Bftlu'.  A..  "I>ic  Hi-iinlalii^kcit  drr  . \nn-i-i-n  und  Hii-nni  /inn  Thril  naoh  ni-ucn 
ii-hrn."    /:         •        '•.       ,    I'.'l.   22,    IQO2. 

26O  C.    H.    TURNER. 

Von  Buttel-Reepen  states:  "We  have  seen  above  that  the  flight 
[of  bees]  becomes  very  unsafe  in  the  dusk;  therefore  it  is  evident 
that  gloomy  weather  influences  considerably  the  ability  to  orient. 
'One  of  my  former  neighbors,'  Roth  says  in  his  communication, 
'painted  the  gable  of  his  house  over  the  apiary  with  a  sky-blue 
(luftblau)  color.  The  same  bees  which  always  flew  over  the 
gable,  on  the  next  dark  day,  bumped  against  it  with  their  heads, 
trying  to  fly  through  it.'  A  teacher,  Staehelin,  made  the  following 
observations:  A  weak  after-swarm,  mostly  of  young  bees  from 
a  hive  painted  blue,  dispersed  among  the  masses  of  humming  bees 
which  were  just  taking  their  flight  of  orientation  out  of  the  other 
hives  (which,  as  is  usually  the  case  in  Germany,  Switzerland,  and 
Austria,  were  standing  close  together),  and  settled  here  and  there 
in  clumps.  After  a  short  time  they  flew  back  to  the  bee-house; 
but  only  a  few  found  the  right  hive;  the  rest  flew  to  other 
colonies,  and  to  which?  Only  to  those  where  a  blue  door  invited 
them  did  they  attempt  an  entrance,  but  nowhere  else.  Unfor- 
tunately they  were  so  hostilely  received  that  the  ground  in  front 
of  all  of  the  blue  hives  was  covered  with  bees." 

Bethe  had  a  swarm  of  bees  lodged  in  a  brown  hive  which  rested 
on  a  table.  He  painted  the  outside  of  the  hive  blue  and  covered 
the  table  with  green  branches.  Instead  of  the  backgrond  of 
trees,  he  substituted  one  of  white  and  yellow  flowered  cloth. 
No  change  was  produced  in  the  home-coming  of  the  bees.  This 
Bethe  considers  conclusive  proof  that  bees  are  not  guided  home 
by  memory  picture  contributed  by  the  eyes. 

So  far  as  my  knowledge  goes,  M.  Gaston  Bonnier1  is  the  only 
recent  investigator  who  furnishes  any  experimental  evidence  that 
supports  Bethe's  view.  He  found  that  bees,  the  eyes  of  which 
had  been  rendered  opaque  with  pigmented  collodion,  would  pass 
direct  to  the  hive  from  any  distance  less  than  three  kilometers. 
This  observation,  which  is  not  in  harmony  with  Forel's  experi- 
ence,2 supports  Bethe's  contention,  but  it  has  no  direct  bearing 
upon  color  vision. 

The  purpose  of  this  paper  is  not  to  discuss  the  homing  of  the 

'Bonnier,  M.  Gaston,  "Le  sens  de  la  direction  chcz  les  abeilles,"  C.  R.  Acad. 
Sci.,  Paris,  T.  CXLVIII.,  1909,  pp.  1019-1022. 

2Forel  always  found  that  bees,  the  eyes  of  which  had  been  rendered  opaque, 
could  not  find  their  way  home. 

EXPERIMENTS    ON    COLOR-VISION    OF    THE    HONEY    BEE,        26l 

honey  bee;  but,  by  means  of  simple  experiments,  to  throw  some 
light  upon  the  question  "Can  bees  distinguish  color 


The  following  experiments  were  performed  in  a  large  held  just 
\\<-i  "i  (  »'!•". illon  Park,  St.  Louis,  Mo.  The  \\hite  sweet  elover 
Mclilntiis  alba  Lam.),  with  its  long  raivme-  uf  white  papiliona- 
ceoiH  llower-,,  was  abundant  in  den^-e  pan  -In--;  luit  there  were  a 
t«-\\  vacant  places  in  the  field.  Forajn-  bee-  \\ere  \i-itin-  this 
white  meliloi  in  large  numbers. 

Series  I.     (July  12,  2  P.M.  . 

The  discs  used  in  this  scries  o!"  experiment-  \\en-    cut    I'nnn 
colored  cardboard,  and  each  was  six  centimeters  in  diameter. 

I   \ri  imiKNT  I. — /  placed  six  discs  of  red  cardboard  on  the  top 

that  had  been  erected  in  the  midst  of  a  patch  of  wlii.'' 
clover.     The  rods  were  so  adjusted  that  the  top  of  each  was  about 
<»i  n  /err/  with  the  tops  of  the  weeds.     Six  similar  discs  were  attached, 
nt  ii  :  heights,  to  the  branches  of  the  weeds.     Honey  was  />/.. 

mi  nil  nl  ///or  i/iscs. 

Mure  1 1). in  an  hour  passed  by  and  no  response  was  made  to 

the-e  di-es  by  the  bees;  but  both  Hies  and  wasps  visited  them. 

Hie  \\eeils  were  lull  of  bees  that  were  continuous!)    living  to 

and  !i<>  in    tin-  immediate  vicinity  of  these  artilaets  with  their 

eopimi-  >iippl\  <>f  honey.     Were  the  odor  of  honey  alone  sufficient 

MI r. iet   l>ee-  reilexlv,  ilu-e  bees  should  have  been  attracted\.     Alter  \\.iitiiu  h.ilt  an  hour,  I  decided  to  force  the  bees 

to  .ttteiitl  to  m\   artil.i' 

EXPERIMENT  2.     .1  .       :!>tured  in  a  wide-month  bottle  and 

tin-  bottle,  with  the  cork  >ted  over  one  of  the  red  <li*i 

experiment  i,  until  th,  <->pped  upon  the  disc;  the  bottle 

then  rennn-eii.      This  ;.•<;. v  tried  with  six  ditjerent  bees. 

Ill  e.ich   Case   tile  bee  ,il\\  ,i\  -  ,i~<  flldt  d   to  the  top  (»t    the  but  I  le 

.mil  .utempteil  to  escape.  After  sc\-eral  futile  effort ^  it  \\ould 
drop,  either  l>\  .u  «  idem  or  from  exhaii-tion,  upon  the  di-e.  At 
that  moment,  1  al\\.i\-  reiimx  ed  tin  bottk-.  Immediately  the 
liee  \\oiild  lea\  e  ne\  er  to  return.  Some  of  the  I  M  i  S  I  ell  into  the 
hone\  ;  but,  e\en  ill  that  case,  the\  did  not  re-turn. 

262  C.    H.    TURNER. 

EXPERIMENT  3. — A  branch  containing  blossoms  on  which  a  bee 
was  foraging  was  gently  removed  from  the  plant  and  so  manipulated 
that  the  bee  was  less  than  two  centimeters  from  the  honey  of  one  of 
the  discs  of  experiment  i.  This  was  tried  with  six  bees. 

In  no  case  did  the  bee  pay  any  attention  either  to  the  honey 
or  to  my  discs.  The  bee  always  left  immediately  and  went  to 
one  of  the  blossoms  of  the  melilotus. 

EXPERIMENT  4. — Whenever  a  bee  alighted  on  a  blossom  near  one 
of  the  discs  of  experiment  i,  I  gently  moved  the  sprig  until  the  bee 
was  brought  to  within  less  than  two  centimeters  of  the  honey.  This 
was  tried  with  a  dozen  bees. 

No  response  was  made  to  the  honey. 

In  a  cluster  of  weeds  about  a  yard  from  the  one  in  which  most 
of  my  discs  were  located,  I  had  placed,  at  the  beginning  of  this 
series  of  experiments,  a  red  disc  so  copiously  supplied  with  honey 
that  it  overflowed  upon  the  weed.  This  disc  was  so  situated 
that  by  simply  raising  my  eyes  I  could  see  it.  Although  the 
melilotus  was  swarming  with  bees,  that  disc  remained  in  that 
place  for  nearly  two  hours  before  receiving  its  first  visit  from  a 
bee.  At  that  time,  however,  a  bee  hovered  at  the  edge  of  the 
disc  and  began  to  sip  the  honey.  It  then  alighted  on  the  edge 
of  the  disc  and  continued  to  sip  the  honey.  Almost  immediately 
another  bee  flew  up  to  this  one.  They  both  circled  about  for  a 
moment  and  then  alighted  on  the  disc;  one  on  the  edge  and  the 
other  near  the  center  of  the  upper  surface.  From  this  time  on, 
all  of  my  attention  was  focused  upon  this  plant. 

EXPERIMENT  5. — Near  this  disc  was  a  blossom  which  I  had  wet 
with  honey.  While  the  two  bees  mentioned  in  the  above  experiment 
were  foraging  on  disc  one,  a  bee  alighted  on  this  blossom.  I  gently 
moved  the  sprig  until  the  bee  was  within  about  a  centimeter  of  the 
two  bees  just  mentioned. 

It  left  the  blossom  and,  alighting  on  the  disc,  began  to  forage. 

EXPERIMENT  6. — While  these  bees  were  imbibing  honey,  I  at- 
tached two  other  red  discs,  each  supplied  with  honey,  to  other 
branches  of  the  weed.  (For  descriptive  purposes,  starting  wiih 
the  disc  upon  which  the  bees  were  feeding,  we  will  designate 
them  disc  one,  disc  two,  disc  three.) 

One  by  one,  the  three  bees  on  disc  one  departed  for  the  hi\i  . 

EXPERIMENTS    ON    COLOR-VISION    OF    THE    HONEY    BEE.        263 

On  leaving,  each  hovered  a  moment  above  the  disc,  circled  around 
it.  made  two  or  more  short  circles  about  the  weed,  then,  ascend- 
in^,  depart.  •<!.  In  about  five  minutes,  two  of  the  bee-  had  re- 
turned to  the  weed.  They  did  not  visit  any  ot"  tin-  blossoms; 
hut,  alter  circling  in  the  vicinity  of  the  disc  for  a  moment, 
alighted  on  ihe  disc  and  began  to  imbibe  the  honey.  They 
arri\ed  I.---  ih.m  half  a  minute  apart.  Alter  >eciiring  a  supply 
of  lione\  ,  they  <leparted  in  the  same  manner  that  they  did  before. 
In  It  •--  than  ti\e  minutes,  the  two  had  returned.  <  >ne  .  .f  th. 
alter  arming  at  disc  one,  left  it  and  went  to  di-c  \\\»  and  ob- 
tained honey.  These  three  bees  were  watched  carefully  for  half 
an  hour.  In  that  time  fourteen  visits  were  made  to  the  red  <li 
ele\en  io  <li-c  one  and  three  to  disc  two.  No  vi-it-  \\ere  made 
i"  disc  three.  On  two  occasions  three  and  on  two  other  occa- 
sions t\\o  bees  were  on  disc  one  at  the  -ame  time.  On  each  of 
the-.-  occasions,  before  departing  for  the  hive,  the  bee-  al\\a\- 
explored  the  neighborhood  of  the  disc. 

I  or  the  half  hour  or  more  that  I  was  conducting  this  experi- 
ment, I  was  too  much  occupied  to  pay  anj  attention  to  the  di 
on  the  other  weed.  I  now  watched  them  continuous!)  f<>r  fifteen 
minute-.  Although  the  weed  was  alive  with  U  es,  no  bee  vi-iie.| 
the  red  <li-c-.  Had  any  of  the  bees  discovered  tho-e  di-c-  and 
had  tin  \  begun  to  collect  honey  from  them,  some  of  them  should 
ha\e  made  a  return  trip  while  I  was  watching.  It  i-  reasonable 
to  conclude  that  no  bees  hail  visited  them. 

Thu-.  although  over  a  dozen  discs,  well  supplied  with  lumey, 
\\ere  e\po-ed.  on  weeds  that  were  alive  with  bee-,  for  fully  three 
hour-,  \et  onl\  tliree  bees  visited  those  disc-  and  their  vint- 
\\ere  confined  to  two  of  them!1 

I  \i'i  KiMi-\i  7.  —  On  leaving  for  home,  all  of  the  discs  were  rc- 
n:,  >:;-(l  from  the  field  except  the  three  from  which  (lie  l>ces  were  collect- 
ing honey,  (hi  those  discs  I  placed  all  of  the  honey  that  they  icould 
hold.  Ihi-  \\a-  done  hoping  that,  before  dark,  other  bee-,  by 
imitation,  would  learn  to  collect  honey  from  those  di-< 

tric<l  i\\\<  .-aim-  t>rpe  of  experiments  at  oth^r  tim.--.     Altli»iiv;li 
«-i.ilil<-  time  aluay-  rl.i|»r.l  l.i-i.ire  the  di-  nded  to  1'V  tin-  l»-t-~.  yt-t  the 

timr  \va-  -rlili'in  as  Imij;  a-  thi>. 

264  C.     H.    TURNER. 

Series  II.     (July  13,  8  A.M.) 

On  my  arrival  at  the  field  this  morning,  I  noticed  that  all  of 
the  honey  had  been  removed  from  the  discs;  and,  in  i\\o  cases, 
that  much  of  the  color  had  been  removed  in  spots.  It  looked 
as  though  the  bees  had  attempted  to  carry  off  even  the  paper 
that  had  been  saturated  with  honey. 

EXPERIMENT  8. — Among  the  branches  of  the  same  plants  of 
melilotus  from  which,  yesterday,  a  few  bees  learned  to  collect  hoin-y, 
I  placed  six  red  and  six  blue  discs.  Two  of  the  red  discs  (i,  4) 
and  one  of  the  blue  were  attached  to  the  tops  of  rods  five  feet  high 
(the  height  of  the  weeds},  the  others  were  pinned,  at  different  levels , 
to  the  branches  of  the  weed.  In  the  center  of  each  red  disc,  honey 
was  placed.  The  red  discs  were  numbered  from  i  to  6,  the  blue 
from  7  to  12.  There  was  no  honey  on  the  blue  discs. 

Almost  immediately  a  bee  alighted  on  disc  one.  These  discs 
were  watched  continuously  for  a  little  less  than  a  half  hour. 
During  that  time  no  bees  visited  the  blue  discs,  but  they  made 
thirty-nine  visits1  to  the  red  discs.  These  visits  were  distributed 
as  follows:  disc  one,  seven;  disc  two,  two;  disc  three,  nine;  disc 
four,  seven;  disc  five,  six;  disc  six,  eight.  The  bees  visited  the 
discs  on  the  rods  (i,  4)  just  as  readily  as  they  did  those  attached 
to  the  weeds;  they  visited  those  high  up  (i,  2,  4,  6)  just  as 
frequently  as  they  did  those  low  down  (3,  5).  \Yhenever  a  bee 
was  ready  to  depart  for  the  hive,  it  always  made,  in  the  manner 
already  described,  a  careful  orienting  flight.  From  now  on  the 
bees  began  to  visit  the  red  discs  in  such  large  numbers  that  it 
was  impossible  to  keep  an  accurate  record  of  the  number  of  visits 
Sometimes  as  many  as  ten  bees  would  visit  the'  same  di^c  at 
the  same  time.2  The  significance  of  this  marked  change  in  the1 
behavior  of  the  bees  will  be  discussed  later. 

EXPERIMENT  9. — /  selected  a  red  disc  from  which  four  bees  had 
been  collecting  honey  and,  while  the  bees  were  away,  placed  it  al  out 
six  inches  lower  on  the  plant.  In  its  place  I  placed  a  blue  dis<  . 
The  blue  disc  did  not  have  any  honey  on  it. 

'In  all  of  these  experiments,  whenever  a  bee  alighted  on  one  of  my  artifacts,  it 
was  counted  a  visit,  whether  it  was  the  arrival  of  a  new  bee  or  a  return  visit  of  a 
former  visitor. 

!Whcn  these  experiments  were  first  planned,  it  was  my  intention  to  mark  each 
bee  that  participated;  but,  at  this  stage  of  the  work,  I  rcali/i-d  tluit  such  a.  pro- 
cedure would  be  impracticable  and  my  paint  and  brush  were  put  auay. 

EXPERIMENTS    ON    COLOR-VISION    OF    THE    HONEY    BEE.        265 

The  bees  that  arrived  at  the  weed  in  the  vicinity  <>t"  the  blue 
disc  dropped  at  once  to  the  red  disc,  without  even  pausing  before 

th<-  MIII-. 

Exi'KKiMMNT  10. — I  placed  three  more  rods  in  the  midst  of  the 
san:  :';  on  two  of  them  I  placed  blue  discs  without  honey,  and 

on  the  othrr  »n>-  ,i  red  disc  with  honey. 

At  the  end  of  fifteen  minutes,  all  <>f  tin-  red  di-r-  were  bring 
vi-iied  by  numerous  bees;  none  of  the  blur  di-r-  \\ere  bi-ini; 

EXI-I  KIMI  \  i    i  i. —  Two  rods  were  pla<  ir  each  other  that 

a  spaec  of  >i<>t  more  than  tu'O  centimeters  separated  the  discs,     (hie 
diM   7.(/v  ri'd  and  the  other  blue.     The  red  di>>  ^upplied  with 

honey,  I  In-  him-  was  not.    After  they  had  been  in  one  position  for  fifteen 
-minutes,  the  red  disc  was  placed  where  the  blue  had  :nd  the 

hi ite  placed  in  //'  -  from  which  the  red  had  been  taken. 

I  >urin;<  ilit-  tc\\  minutes  that  the-e  di-r-.  \\cn-  under  observa- 
tion, 1 1  I.LIU  bees  \  i-ited  the  red  di-r:  >ne  occasion,  three  1 

\\ere  i. lit. lining  h»ne\  in.m  it  at  the  -.tine  time.  (  )nly  one  bee 
\i-ilt  •«  I  the  blue,  and,  rvideniK,  -he  \\.i-  not  fura-in-  |..r  hoiie\  . 
She  -|  ten  i  .it  le.i-i  ten  minute-  on  the  di-c  and  mo-t  of  that  time 
was  spent  in  one  place.  A  part  of  the  time  -lie  \\a-  rubbing  her 
.  .iin-t  the  edge  of  the  di-r,  the  remainder  -he  -eiiind  to 
be  -impK  re-ting. 

I   \i-i  KIMI.NI    u.      FiVi  om  a  red  disc  contain; 

honey.  I  ;  ntainin^  honey. 

I  Hi rin-  the  ten  minute-  that  the-e  di-(  -,  \\cre  \\atched.  nvd\  e 
Visits  were  m.nK-  to  the  red  di-r  and  only  one  t.t  the  blue.  <  >n 
three  dillerriit  occasions,  tlu  le  \\eie  three  bee-  on  t  hf  rr<  I  di-r 
at  the  -a me  time.  It  \\a-  at  the  close  of  the  ten  minutes  that  the 
tii>t  bee  \  i-itcd  the  blue  di-c. 

Just  as  soon  as  t'i:>  d  the  honey  and  left  the  blue 

disc,  the  a  replaced  icith  a  blue  disc  that  nut  supplied 

icith  honey. 

\  Hiring  the  next  ti\ \-  minute-,  ti\  e  \i-it-  \\ere  made  to  the  red 
and  none  to  the  blue.  <  >ne  bee  hovered  momen  t  ai  il\  above  the 
blue  and  t  hen  \\ent  to  the  red. 

K  MM  ixi\ii  \  i  i.v      /;/  a  different  place  from  that  ichere  experiment 
•med,  I  arranged,  close  together  on  rods,  one  blue 

266  C.    H.    TURNER. 

and  tico  red  discs.  On  the  blue  disc  and  on  one  of  the  red  discs 
honey  was  placed. 

During  the  time  these  discs  were  under  continuous  observation, 
fifteen  visits  were  made  to  the  red  disc  that  was  supplied  with 
honey,  one  bee  alighted  on  the  red  disc  that  did  not  bear  honey, 
and  three  bees  alighted  on  the  blue  disc.  These  three  bees  visited 
the  blue  disc  at  the  same  time;  one  bee  alighted  on  the  disc, 
and  then  almost  immediately  the  other  two  followed. 

While  the  three  bees  just  mentioned  were  on  the  blue  disc,  the  rod 
supporting  that  disc  was  gently  removed  to  a  portion  of  the  melilotus 
patch  that  did  not  contain  any  of  my  experimental  discs. 

One  by  one,  the  bees  made  a  careful  orienting  flight  and  then 
flew  away.  These  discs  were  no  longer  kept  under  continuous 
observation;  but,  at  regular  intervals,  they  were  visited  and  the 
honey  replenished.  On  those  occasions  I  would  watch  each  disc 
for  about  five  minutes.  On  each  trip  I  found  three  bees  visiting 
the  blue  disc.  The  disc  might  be  free  from  bees  when  I  arrived ; 
in  a  short  time,  however,  three  bees  would  arrive.  They  did 
not  arrive  simultaneously;  but,  before  the  first  arrival  had  left 
two  more  would  be  there.  I  therefore  concluded  that  the  same 
three  bees  that  discovered  the  honey  on  the  blue  disc  had  con- 
tinued to  visit  it,  and  that  no  other  bees  had  grasped  the  signifi- 
cance of  that  blue  disc.  (Unfortunately,  for  the  reason  mentioned 
above,  these  bees  were  not  marked  and  one  cannot  be  absolutely 
certain  of  their  identity;  but,  from  a  knowledge  of  the  habits  of 
bees  when  foraging  and  of  the  time  required  to  make  a  trip  to 
the  hive,  I  feel  certain  that  they  were  the  same  bees.) 

EXPERIMENT  14. — While  several  bees  were  collecting  honey  from 
one  of  the  red  discs  that  capped  one  of  my  rods,  the  rod  was  gently 
carried  fifteen  feet  in  the  direction  of  the  hive  and  erected  in  another 
patch  of  melilotus. 

One  by  one,  the  bees  made  a  careful  orienting  flight  and  then 
flew  away.  In  a  short  time  they  had  returned.  Often  eight 
or  ten  bees  would  be  on  the  disc  at  the  same  time.  While  I  was 
taking  my  notes,  some  of  the  bees  hovered  within  a  short  distance 
of  the  small  pad  (13X8  cm.)  on  which  I  was  writing,  as  though 
they  were  examining  it.  From  now  on  this  behavior  was  common. 

EXPERIMENT  15. — While  ten  bees  were  foraging  on  the  red  disc 

EXPERIMENT-    ON    COLOR-VISION    OF    THE    HoM  V     BEE.         267 

used  in  experiment  fourteen,  the  rod  was  gently  carried  fifteen  feet 
nearer  the  hire  and  erected  in  a  place  that  was  free  from  tall  weeds; 

•:  the  grass  had  been  cropped  short  by  a  horse  that  had  been 

:/;/;'  //;• 

The  bees,  on  leaving,  hovered  about  tin-  di-c  a  Ion-  time,  even 
mining  the  cork  to  which  the  di-c  \\a-  piniu-d.  1  hen,  alter 
dea  riliinu  .1  -hallow  spiral,  they  flew  a\\a\ .  In  a  -lion  iinu-  -i\  reiumed  to  this  disc.  On  her  return,  each  bee  ile\\  to  the 
i  <.:k  tir-t  and  then  to  the  top  of  the  di-c.  I  was  ii"\\  t'orcrd  to 
leave  the  experiment  for  half  an  hour.  On  my  return,  the  di-c 
\\.i-  l.iiirc  \i-iied  liy  numerous  bees.  1  hiring  the  !i\e  minntc-  I  \\.itched  it,  twenty-six  visits  were  made  to  it.  There  \\<  n 
.il\\a\  -  from  six  to  ten  bees  on  the  disc. 

I  \ri  KIM!  vi  16. — From  the  melilotus  weed  in  which  the  first 
r.v/  !s  of  this  series  were  perform •<:.  I  •'..'..  '  a  rod 

whii  h  .  •!  with  a  red  disc  upon  ichich  ten  ' 

tim:  en  feet  further  away  from  the  hire,  in  another  patch 


The  bees  on  leaving  made  a  careful  orienting  Ili^ht.  I  left 
the  di^c  for  about  twenty  minutes.  On  m\  return.  1  found 
seven  bee-  re-ting  on  the  disc  and  imbibing  hoi,. 

I  \v\  -NIMKNT  17.     At  that  end  of  the  field  most  distant 

from  the  hire,  and  at  about  fifty  yards  from  th<  ^  in  which  the 

first  experiments  of  this  series  were  performed,  there  was  a  l<. 
patch  of  the  same  plants,  from  the  racemes  of  :  numerous 

.'/<•(  //;;;•  honey.     In  the  midst  of  these  weeds,  hut  well  exposed, 
I  placed  a  red  .//  poured  some  honey. 

I  inn, lined  b\  thi-  i  »d  for  tuenty  minutes,  but  no  bee  a|)- 
pn. ached  it.  At  intei\al>  of  ten  minutes,  I  made  six  vi-it-  to 
thi>  di-c.  l-'.ach  time  I  leinained  h\'e  minutes.  At  no  time  did 

1    III  id  an\    bee-  \  i-itili^   the  di-c. 

l;..\ri  KIMI -NT  18.—  In  a  space  /  •»!  tall  weeds,  about  thirty 

vtirds  nearer  the  hire  than  the  icccd  in  which  the  first  experiments  of 
this  scries  were  performed,  I  erected  <  my  free  foot  rods  and  on 

its  top  placed  a  red  disc  well  supplied  with  honey. 

At    interxals  of   ten   minute-,    1    made  four  vi-it-  to   thi-  di-< 
Tin-  tn-t  time  1  I'mmd  one  bee  on  thedi>c;   the  second  lime,  three; 
the  third  time,  t\\o,  and  the  fourth,  four. 

268  C.    H.    TURNER. 

At  this  stage,  I  removed  all  of  the  discs  from  the  field  except  the 
one  used  in  this  experiment. 

At  intervals  of  ten  minutes,  I  made  two  additional  visits  to 
this  disc.  On  the  first  trip  I  found  ten  bees  on  the  disc;  on  the 
second  trip,  I  found  eight. 

On  leaving  for  home  all  of  the  discs  were  removed  from  the  field. 

Series  III.     (July  14,  7:30  A.M.) 

Apparatus. — The  cornucopias  used  in  this  series  of  experiments 
were  made  in  the  following  manner:  A  piece  of  cardboard, 
colored  on  both  sides,  was  cut  the  shape  and  dimensions  shown 
in  Fig.  i.  It  was  folded  along  the  dotted  lines  and  the  flaps 

FIG.  i. 

fastened  where  they  lapped.  About  one  centimeter  of  the  apex 
of  the  cone  was  bent  over  and  fastened.  When  finished,  each 
cornucopia  was  nine  centimeters  long,  with  an  elliptical  lip 
six  centimeters  wide  and  three  centimeters  high.  The  lip  was 
used  for  attaching  the  cornucopia  to  some  support.  Incidentally 
it  furnished  a  platform  for  the  bees.  Some  of  the  cornucopias 
were  red  and  some  were  green. 

EXPERIMENT  19. — In  the  weeds  that  were  the  seat  of  the  experi- 
ments of  yesterday,  several  cornucopias  were  arranged  at  dijlcroit 

EXPERIMENTS    ON    COLOR-VISION    OF    THE    HONEY    BEE.         269 

levels.  Half  of  these  were  red  and  half  were  green  and  they  were 
arranged  in  pairs,  one  red  and  one  green  constituting  a  pair.  The 
openings  of  both  members  of  a  pair  faced  in  the  same  direction.  All 
of  these  cornucopias  were  attached  to  parts  of  the  weed.  The  red 
ones  were  supplied  with  honey,  but  the  green  were  not. 

Immediately  .ifi<-r  I  had  pinned  the  tir-t  red  cornucopia  to 
tin-  l>u-h,  .1  her  entered  it  and  began  t<>  collect  tin-  honey.  Two  of 
thr-r  ]),iir-  \\ere  kept  under  observation  for  nearly  an  hour. 
During  that  time  numerous  bees  entered  the  red  cornucopias, 
luit  not  .1  bee  eniercd  the  green  ones. 

1  ,\IM  KIMI  \  i   Jo.  —  Five  red  corn  nco  pi  >nt<iining  honey, 

wrrc  arranged  on  rods  in  the  following  manner:  A,  in  a  patch  of 
melilotns  a/iout   ntty  yards  further  from  the  hire  than  th< 
that  were  the  site  of  experiment  nineteen;  H,  ('.  />.  arranged  in  a 
lin>  <>n  the  patch  that  was  the  site  of  experiment  nint 

inls  the  hire,  H  twenty  feet  from  the   patch,  ('  thirt 
and  /)    fifty  feet;   I  .'  yards  from  th<  patch   mentioned 

a/>ore  in  a  line  which,  at  the  ex/  <'/,  made  an  an^i* 

45°  with  the  line  containing  B,  C,  and  D.     1  these  cornucopias 

ited  once  nery  twenty  minutes,  at  which  tin:  .matched 

closely  for  three  minutes.     The  number  oj  n  the  cornucopia 

when  I  arrived  were  counted,  the  number  to  arri:<  I  did  ; 

noted  anil  the  sum  of  the  two  numbers  recorded. 

The  results  of  the  above  experiment  are  ivionK-d  in  the  |dl-  'le  : 

<  i\\ 

N.I  ,-ia. 

N  n  n  1  1  n  i  I  on  trip  i 

Nuuilii  :  I  "ii  trip  2 

Niiinl"  s  I  nil  trip  3 

Niiniln  •  1  mi  trip  4 

!  "ii  trip  5 

Niirnl"-:  !  "ii  trip  6 

of  bees  obsiT\i-.l  ..n  tri|i  7- 











2              8 







U           ii 




12               Hi 




X            X 





Bel    ;••  I<M\  \\\\i  tin-  IMT  in.i  -itim;  tli^lit.      Sin-  i-xaiiiiru-il  the  < 

i.i  "ii  all  >ulr-  -inic-.  n-i-iui'ii-'l  it   thro-  tim.-s.  .in.  I.  -iiibing 

ic\v  i-iir  vi-.   tlr\\    ,i\\.iy  t"  tin-  hi\ 

1  I:*  re  \\.i-  .in  inti-r\.il  "!  an  Imur  lu-turcn  trip  -ix  an'l  trip  -rvni. 
>T\vii  ntlii-r   IM-I--  h"\i  •[•••!   in  ai.   luit  ili.l   i-mrr.      Tin-  "nc  that  t-iui-rt-d  l.-u 
iinincili.iti-ly.      Tin-  i-i>riuio>pia  \v.i~  ~\var  riling  with  ant-. 

X  nii-.ui-  that  tin-  I»T<  wen-  so  numerous  that  it  wa<  iinp"--il>li-  tn  make  an  ac- 
curate i-niint. 

2/O  C.    H.    TURNER. 

EXPERIMENT  21. — Side  by  side,  on  one  of  the  branches  of  the 
melilotus  weed  upon  which  most  of  these  experiments  -were  conducted, 
I  arranged  a  red  and  a  green  cornucopia,  and  placed  honey  in  each. 

During  the  first  five  minutes  that  these  were  under  observation 
twenty-five  bees  entered  the  red  cornucopia  and  three  the  green. 

EXPERIMENT  22.  On  rods  erected  in  the  open  space  between  the 
experiment  weed  and  the  hive,  and  about  three  feet  from  disc  C  of 
experiment  20,  a  red  and  a  green  cornucopia  were  arranged  side  by 
side.  Each  contained  honey. 

During  the  first  five  minutes  that  these  cornucopias  were 
watched,  sixteen  bees  entered  the  red  cornucopia  and  four  the 

EXPERIMENT  23. — The  green  cornucopia  of  experiment  22  was 
replaced  by  a  red  cornucopia  which  did  not  contain,  and  never  had 
contained,  honey.  This  placed  two  red  cornucopias  side  by  side, 
one  containing  honey  and  the  other  empty. 

During  the  five  minutes  that  these  cornucopias  were  under 
observation,  so  many  bees  entered  the  red  cornucopia  which 
contained  honey  that  it  was  impossible  to  count  them;  five  en- 
tered the  empty  red  cornucopia. 

The  empty  red  cornucopia  was  now  placed  where  the  one  containing 
honey  had  been  and  the  one  containing  honey  placed  in  its  stead. 

During  the  first  five  minutes  that  they  were  observed,  so  many 
bees  entered  the  cornucopia  which  contained  honey  that  it  was 
'impossible  to  count  them;  many  bees  hovered  around  the  empty 
cornucopia,  but  none  entered. 

The  cornucopia  that  contained  the  honey  was  removed,  the  bees 
shaken  out,  and  the  cornucopia  put  out  of  sight.  This  left  an  empty 
red  cornucopia  in  a  part  of  the  field  which,  for  more  than  half  an 
hour,  had  contained  at  least  one  red  cornucopia  which  was  well 
supplied  with  honey. 

At  first  the  bees  circled  around  the  cornucopia,  presently  one 
entered  and  then  left  immediately.  Within  ten  minutes  twenty- 
five  bees  had  entered  the  cornucopia.  (This  does  not  mean  twenty- 
five  different  bees,  for  the  same  bee  entered  more  than  once 
and  was  counted  each  time.)  At  first  each  IKV  left  as  soon  as 
she  had  reached  the  inner  depths  of  the  cornucopia.  Soon,  how- 
ever, the  bees  began  to  enter  so  rapidly  and  in  such  large  numbers 

.PEKIMENTS    ON    COLOR-VISION    OF    THE    HONEY    BEE.        271 

that  it  \\a-  impo— ible  for  those  that  had  reached  the  inner  depths 
to  leave  without  a  struggle;  and,  in  less  than  tliirty  minute-, 
tin-  cornucopia  \\  a-  packed  almost  full  of  strutting  bees,  and 
numerou-  others  were  hovering  around  the  mouth.  -ecking  a 
place  to  enter. 

Ivxi'i  KIMI.NT  24. — Ever  since  the  beginning  of  this  of  ex- 

periments, the  red  cornucopias  on  the  melilotus  had  been  kept  well 
supplied  :cith  honey.  At  this  time  the  w>  >:>ained  ei'J;t  red 

•  -.nenpins  and  an  equal  number  of  empt  •      •      .     Into  the 

upper  pnrlmn  tif  this  weed,  I  placed  an  empty  red  eornn> 

1'iiiii,^  i!ic  five  minutes  that  this  cornucopia  \\a-  uatched, 
t  \\  el\  c  I  »ees  i -n tercel,  one  at  a  time,  tarried  a  m<  micnt  ami  i  lu-n  left . 

I   \ri  KIMI  NT  25. — In  the  open,  three  feet  from  //';• 

•:n<t>pid  of  experiment  23,  I  placed,  on  a  rod,  a>: 
i  uniin  npiii.     In  this  place,  earlier  in  the  morning,  there  had 
d  cornucopia  well  supplied  with  honey. 

1  Miring  the  ten  minutes  that  this  cornucopia  was  ol)MT\r<l, 
man\  I •»•(•-  liovered  around  it ;  one  alighted  on  the  front  platform, 
but  MOIH-  entered. 

All  of  the  cornucopias  were  removed  from  .  '</  except  the 

empty  red  cornucopia  of  experiment  23  and  :•  '>ty  ^reen 

•his  experiment.     This  left  only  two  corns  in  the  field; 

red  and  one  green,  neither  of  which  had  ever  contained  honey. 

I  hi  i^reen  cornucopia  was  watched  continuous!)  for  tc-n  min- 
utt-.  I'miiii;  that  time  many  bees  ho\'ered  around  the  green 
conmcopi.i ;  t  \\  o  aliijiied  on  the  front  platform,  and  one  entered. 
\i  i  lir  close  "t  i  In-  icn  minutes,  I  walked  over  to  the  empty  red 
cornucopia  and  ton  ml  it  almost  full  of  strui^liiiK  bees,  and  ntinier- 
ou- other  I iee-  \\en-  ho\ering  around  the  entrance  seeking  admit - 

Series  IV.     (July  15,  3  P.M.) 

This  >erie>  <  •!"  e\periinciil  s  was  I'ontliu'ted   with   sj>ecial   (.ud- 

boanllH.v  h  consisting  of  a  rectangular  outer  case  (8  >  5.2 

X  2.5  cm.)  with  a  porch-like  cxtcn-ioii  in  front  and  open  end-, 
into  \\hich  then'  \\a-  -ho\.il.  from  the  rear,  .1  canll'oanl  t  ra\- 

5-5  Xvs  X  2.4  cm.     \<  ir  one  side  of  the  front  end  of  this  tray  an 

i-iiirance  \\  a-  m.ule.  In  most  cases  this  entrance  was  a  reciaii-u- 
lar  optMiinu  2  X  1. 2  cm.;  in  a  >pecial  ca-e  it  wa>  circular  and  1.5 


C.    H.    TURNER. 

cm.  in  diameter.  The  tray  was  shoved  in  from  the  rear  until 
its  rear  end  was  just  inside  of  the  rear  edge  of  the  outer  case. 

In  constructing  the  outer  case,  a  piece  of  cardboard  was  cut 
the  shape  and  dimensions  of  figure  two,  folded  along  the  dotted 
lines  and  glued  where  the  sides  overlap.  In  constructing  the 
inner  tray,  a  piece  of  cardboard  was  cut  the  shape  and  dimensions 
of  figure  three,  folded  along  the  dotted  lines  and  glued,  by  the 
flaps,  to  the  inner  portions  of  the  adjacent  sides. 

EXPERIMENT  26. — In  the  same  weed  that  has  been  the  site  of  most 
of  these  experiments,  I  placed  one  green  and  two  red  boxes.  The 
green  box  was  placed  near  one  of  the  red  boxes.  The  red  boxes  con- 
tained honey,  the  green  was  empty. 

It  had  been  raining  all  morning  and  it  was  still  quite  cloudy, 
and  only  a  few  bees  were  afield.  About  five  minutes  after  the 
beginning  of  the  experiment  a  bee  noticed  one  of  the^red  boxes. 
She  examined  it  carefully  from  all  sides,  found  the  entrance 

FIG.  2. 

and  entered.  Soon  after  she  entered,  a  heavy  shower  of  rain 
began  to  fall  and  I  took  shelter  under  a  tree.  On  my  return 
(about  fifteen  minutes  later)  I  found  a  large  digger  wasp  in  box 
number  one  and  bees  visiting  red  box  number  two.  As  long  as 
that  wasp  remained  in  box  number  one,  no  bee  would  enter  it. 
During  the  time  that  these  boxes  were  under  continuous  observa- 
tion, fifteen  bees  visited  red  box  number  one  and  twenty-ri^ht 
visited  red  box  number  two.  Towards  the  close  of  this  cxpcri- 

EXPERIMENTS    ON    COLOR-VISION    OF    THE    HONEY    BEE.        2~  \ 

no  alien- 

.    1    • 

ment,  some  of  the  bees  would  fly  into  the  tray  without  first 
alighting  on  the  portico.  Not  once  was  the  green  box  visited 
by  a  1  • 

Kxn.kiMi .\  i  27. — On  my  return  after  the  rain  mentioned  in 
experiment  j  'itch-glass,  seven  centimeters  in  diameter,  con- 

tain in  cd  on  the  ground  within  \  of  the  weed  in 

which  the  boxes  mentioned  in  experiment  26  were  located.     It  was 
:tt,  on  such  a  cloudy  afternoon,  it  was  not  cons  pic  u- 

I  >iin'ii^  ilx-  time  that  I  was  watching  expi-rinu-nt 
tion   w.i-  1 1. 1  id  to  the  watch- 
gla--.     At  the  close  of    that 
•  liinciit     the   watch-glass 
was    "b-rrvi'd    continuously 
t  i-ii      minutes.       During 
t  In!  i  nut-  not  a  single  bee  vis- 
i i i-i|    the   watch-glass.      Since 
i  IK    trip  to  the  hive  required 
ill. in    live-    minutes,    any 
that    had    succeeded    in 
li nd inv;   this   watch-glass    full 
"i    honey  would    have  made 
.it    one    visit    whilr    I 
\\  .1-  \\  .1  irli in-  ;  hrnce  it  is  log- 
it  .il  in  i  < iiu  hide  that  no  bee  had  visited  it. 

At  this  point  rain  caused  a  recess  until  eight  A.  M.,  July  16. 
On  /cc.  the  boxes  were  removed  from  the  weeds 

and  the  watci:  >:  the  ground. 

I  AIM  KIM  i  \  i  28.  >/</«  by  side,  in  the  same  weed  that  has  been 
the  s,'<it  of  the  majority  of  these  experiments,  I  placed  tu'o  red  experi- 
ment />o\,  .iained  honey  and  the  other  was  empty. 

\~  -"mi  ,1-  I  .ippr.uvd  on  the  scene,  the  bees  began  to  IIDMT 
aliDiit  IIH-.  .ind.  brl'dri-  I  could  pin  the  red  box  with  it-  -upply  <>f 
li(MH'\  to  tlu-  \\rrd,  .1  1  >oe  had  entered  its  tray.  In  a  feu  minutes 
so  many  bees  \\<  r<-  \  i -it  ing  the  ml  lm\  that  cmitaiiu-d  the  honey 
that  it  \\a-  imp.  >— il  >]<•  to  count  tlu-m.  l;m|iirntly  bees  would 

the  i-mpty  ml  b«.\,  but  tln-\  \v«.uld  not  tarry  long. 
Exn.RiMi.N  r  2').  — /;;  ///(•  open  spa.  ,-n  the  experiment  weed 

2/4  C.    H.    TURNER. 

and  the  hive,  I  arranged,  on  poles,  about  ten  centimeters  apart,  three 
red  boxes  containing  honey,  one  empty  red  box  and  one  empty  green 
box.  The  arrangement  of  the  boxes  in  the  group  was  altered  once  in 
ten  minutes. 

These  boxes  were  under  continuous  observation  for  about  an 
hour.  Immediately  the  bees  began  to  visit  the  boxes  that  con- 
tained honey  in  such  large  numbers  that  it  was  impossible  to 
count  them.  Occasionally  a  bee  would  enter  the  empty  red  box 
and  frequently  the}'  would  hover  in  front  of  the  entrance  to  its 
tray.  No  bee  entered  the  green  box,  although  occasionally  a 
bee  would  alight  on  its  top  and  pause  long  enough  to  clean 
its  legs  on  an  edge  of  it,  and  frequently  one  would  pause  a 
moment  before  some  portion  of  the  box.  Whenever  the  honey 
was  exhausted  from  one  of  the  trays,  the  number  of  visitors  would 
drop  off.  Seldom  would  a  bee  pass  through  the  entrance;  fre- 
quently one  wrould  hover  momentarily  before  the  door  and  then 
pass  on.  As  soon  as  I  had  replenished  the  honey,  the  bees  would 
begin  to  revisit  it. 

EXPERIMENT  30. — After  the  above  experiment  had  been  under 
way  for  an  hour,  all  of  the  boxes  were  removed  from  the  field,  except 
the  empty  red  and  the  empty  green  box  of  experiment  29. 

Immediately  the  bees  began  to  enter  the  red  box  more  frequently 
than  they  had  hitherto;  as  soon  as  one  got  well  inside,  it  would 
leave.  After  a  lapse  of  a  few  minutes,  the  bees  began  to  rush 
for  the  entrance  in  such  large  numbers  that  those  that  had  en- 
tered and  wanted  to  leave  could  not  do  so  without  a  struggle. 
As  a  result  the  tray  and  the  portico  were  crowded  with  struggling 
bees,  and  numerous  others  were  hovering  about  the  entrance, 
seeking  admittance. 

At  first  no  bees  entered  the  green  box,  although  many  circled 
about  it.  After  a  lapse  of  ten  minutes  a  few  began  to  enter. 
During  the  period  of  observation,  ten  were  noticed  to  enter  it 
and  leave  immediately,  and  about  twice  that  number  were  noticed 
to  alight  in  the  portico. 

EXPERIMENT  31. — Standing  about  three  feet  from  the  above  boxes, 
I  held,  in  my  hand,  a  red  box  containing  honey. 

Immediately  a  few  bees  approached  and  entered  the  box.  I 
held  the  box  in  my  hand  for  about  five  minutes.  Throughout 

KXl'EKIMEXTS    OX    COLOR-VI-K  >X    OF    THE    HOXEY    BEE.        275 

that  period  there  were  from  one  to  four  bees  inside  of  the  box 
all  the  time. 

I  .\\n  \T  32. — Standing  in  the  same  place  mentioned  in  ex- 
periment 3i,I  held  an  empty  red  box  in  my  hand.  This  box  had 
'nitnincd  honey. 

Several  bee-,  approached  and  hovered  around  the  box, and  t\\<- 

IN  I  1  KI'RETATION    OF   THE    Ex  PI-KIM  I  NTS. 

Vision  or  smell  or  some  combination  of  the  t\\o  are  instrumental 
in  '^iiidiii'4  in-ects  to  flowers.  Lately  some  observers  have 

•••d  ilia!  \i-ion  plays  no  part  in  thi-  belia\ior;  indeed,  ii  is 
'  la  in  ii -d  ilia  i  ii  is  not  even  olfactory  perception-,  but  odors  a<  i  ini; 
n-ilexK  that  lead  insects  to  flowers.  No  one  \\lin  ha-  made 
ol.ser\  alii -i i-  lor  himself  would  think  of  claiming  thai  smell  pla\  s 
in-  role  in  in-ect  behavior;  but,  the  experiment-  described  al-o\e 
-ho\\  i -i. in  lu-i\e|y  that  odors,  acting  rcllexh  .  do  not  lead  I 
lo  llouer-.  In  I  •  -i  a  lilies  where  bees  are  m-i  accu- turned  to  obi.  i  in 
hone\  from  anything  but  flowers,  hone)  ma\  be  placed  on  small 

di-i  I  l,  17  ,  or  ill  open  ve— >  1-  I  \.  Jo  .1  and  /•>'.  J7  and 
left  «-\|'i>~ei|  l<-r  a  li-ni;  time  without  bein^  re-pi. nded  t<.  by  tin- 
I'.-  e-,  captured  in  In. tile-  and  turned  Im.-e  upon  <IUc-  that 
are  \\ell  xii|.|ilicd  with  In -ne\  ,  will  usually  di-part  \\  itlmut  pa\  ini; 
an\  atteniion  to  the  honey  (Ex.  2).  If  a  llo\\er  upon  which 
Mich  a  In  -ni;  is  so  manipulated  as  t<-  bring  the  bee  in 

clo~e  pn-ximii  \  to  the  honey  of  one  of  those  di-c-.  -he  \\  ill  n-uall\ 
depart  \\ithoiii  re-ponding  to  cither  the  hi-ne\  or  the  disc  (Ex. 
3,  4  '.  It  i-  incredible  that  an  od<.r  of  hone\  loo  \\eak  to  at  tract 
3  a  feu  mil!imeter>  oft  i-  able  to  entice  them  from  several 
meters  iii  the  air.  Then,  too,  each  »\  my  di-o  contained  more  than 
a  thou-and  times  as  much  honey  as  any  one  of  those  !lo\\  t  i  - 
did  nectar,  and  the  cornucopias  thai  1  u-ed  contained  more  than 

tile    di-c-;    \ct     the    bee-    pa— ed    1  >\     the    tea-t     of    hmieN     prepared 

for  them  to  sip  tin-  meaner  -ii|i|il>  of  nectar  stored  in  the  neighbor- 
ing; -mall  llower-.  ^uch  behaxior  \\ould  be  impossible  if  their 
mo\emcnl-  \\ere  controlled  b\  the  hone\-oilor  actiiiL;  retlexK  . 

To  claim  that  the  nectar  of  the  tl«. \\i-r  h  reater  attractive 

power  than  the  IIOIHA  \\--uld  be  illo-ical  for:  1st,  hone\  i-  con- 
centrated nectar:  and  2nd,  these  same  bee-,  after  they  ha\e 

2/6  C.    II.    TURNER. 

learned  to  collect  honey  from  objects  other  than  flowers,  will 
visit  such  objects  as  soon  as  they  are  attached  to  the  support 
(Ex.  8,  19),  at  times  they  will  even  enter  them  while  they  are 
being  attached  to  the  support  (Ex.  28),  or  they  may  even  enter 
such  an  object  while  held  in  the  hand  (Ex.  31,  32). 

If  a  set  of  bees  has  become  accustomed  to  collect  honey 
from  artifacts,  and  paper  discs,  arranged  in  pairs  of  one  red 
and  one  blue  (or  discs  of  any  other  two  colors)  are  scattered  on 
weeds  or  placed  on  weed-high  rods,  and  honey  is  placed  on  the 
discs  of  one  color  and  none  placed  on  those  of  the  other  color, 
the  bees  will  make  regular  visits  to  the  color  that  bears  the  honey, 
but  will  not  so  respond  to  the  other  color  (Ex.  8,  9,  10,  u).  If 
these  experiments  are  repeated,  using  cornucopias  (Ex.  19)  or 
boxes  with  small  openings  (Ex.  29)  in  place  of  the  discs,  the 
results  will  be  the  same.  If  bees  have  become  accustomed  to  col- 
lect honey  from  an  artifact  of  a  certain  color,  and  empty  artifacts 
of  the  same  kind  and  color  are  placed  along  side  of  those  that 
contain  honey,  many  of  the  bees  will  enter  those  artifacts  that 
never  have  contained  honey;  empty  artifacts  of  a  different  color 
are  not  responded  to  in  that  manner  (Ex.  23,  24,  28,  29).  After 
bees  have,  for  a  long  time,  been  collecting  honey  from  artifacts 
of  a  certain  color,  if  all  the  artifacts  be  removed  from  the  field 
except  two  that  never  have  contained  honey,  but  one  of  which 
is  the  color  of  the  artifacts  from  which  the  bees  have  been  col- 
lecting honey,  numerous  bees  will  flock  into  the  empty  artifact 
of  the  same  color  as  those  from  which  the  bees  have  been  foraging; 
but  none,  or  nearly  none,  will  visit  the  other  artifact  (Ex.  25,  30). 
When  bees  have  become  accustomed  to  collecting  honey  from  other 
sources  than  flowers,  if  receptacles  of  two  different  colors  are 
placed  on  a  bush,  all  of  one  color  containing  honey  and  all  of 
the  other  color  being  empty,  and  if,  after  the  bees  have  been  busy 
for  a  long  time,  honey  is  placed  in  one  of  the  artifacts  of  the  color 
that  has  been  empty  all  along,  it  will  remain  on  the  bush  some 
time  before  it  will  be  visited  by  any  bees  (Ex.  12,  13,  21,  22). 
All  of  the  facts  recorded  in  this  paragraph  indicate  that  the  be- 
havior of  foraging  bees  is  influenced  by  colors. 

That  these  bees  not  only  respond  to  colors,  but  that  they  are 
capable  of  recognizing  them  at  a  distance  is  evidenced  by  the 

EXPERIMENTS    ON    COLOR-VISION    OF    THE    HONEY    KEE.        2" 

following  facts  :  (i)  If,  in  an  open  space  between  their  hive  and 
a  number  of  artifacts  from  which  the  bees  are  collecting  honey, 
you  place  an  artifact  of  the  same  kind  and  color  and  supply  it 
with  hoiH-y.  it  will  be  vi-ited  by  bees  almost  immediate!}  l.\.  [8, 
29).  (2  >  When  bees  are  collecting  honey  from  red  artifacts  situ- 
ated in  two  different  Stations,  one  of  which  is  much  nearer  the 
hive  than  the  other  and  beneath  the  line  of  flight  of  tin  i 
collet  tin-  from  the  more  distant  station,  if  all  of  the  artifact^ 
are  removed  from  the  more  distant  -tation.  immediately  the 
number  of  visitors  to  the  other  station  i-  much  increa-ed  (Ex. 
'I  hi-  was  the  case  even  when  the  artifact  in  the  nearer 
station  ditl  not  contain  honey  (Ex.  30).  Kmpty  artifact-  nl 
another  color  than  the  honey-bearing  i-"l--r  \\<-re  n-'t  re-ponded 
to  iii  tin-  in. inner  (Kx.  30.). 

<  »u  lea\iir^  one  of  these  artifacts  the  bee  u-uall\  made  an 
orient  in;.;  flight.  <  )n  the  first  few  vi-it-  tin-  \\a-  thorough  l\  done. 
I  ing  tin  artifact  and  keeping  about  one  centimeter  tn  m  it- 
surface,  -he  \\«nld  -idle,  in  a  xig/ag  line,  around  the  -tincture 
two  or  more  times  and  occasional!)  neuter  it  one  or  more  tin 
I  In  n  -he  \\oiild  de-i  libe  one  or  more  spiral-,  pau-ing  at  certain 
plai  e-  in  the  environment  as  though  examining  landmark-.  In 
-nine  of  the  cases  I  was,  apparently,  one  of  the  objects  tlm.- 
-t mi  in i/e<l.  In  harmony  with  her  other  beha\  ior.  it  -eems  plan-- 
l-ile  to  interpret  this  as  an  act  by  which  menior\  |iicturesof  the 
en\  iidiinieiit  ate  formed. 

llo\\  minute  are  the  details  that  bees  obser\  e  1  am  not  pre- 
pared to  -a\;  but  that  the\  do  observe  details  is  indicated  by  the 
following  observations.  i  In  the  bo\e-  u-cd  in  the  experiments 
•  •!'  •>«  i  i«  -  I  \  .  t  he  t  ra\  5  of  t  he  1  -t  >\e>  used  were  entered,  frt  un  t  he 
portico,  by  mean-  of  an  e<  >  «  ntric  opeiiin^.  In  most  of  the  1" 
thi-dooi\\a\  \\a-  i<  ular,  in  others  it  was  circular,  \\lnn 

a  bee  ln-t  appioached  one  of  the-i-  1  .o\.  5,  -he  had  to  search  tor 
the  entrance.  After  a  te\\  trip-  -he  \\oiild  land  on  the  portico 
directK  in  front  of  the  entrance,  and.  in  -ome  .  asi  5,  she  \\oiild 
ll\  into  tin-  tra\  \\ithoiit  e\eti  pau-inu  .  .n  the  jmrtico.  u  I  or 
about  an  hour  bee!-  had  been  collecting  hone\  from  -ome  red 
artitai  t-.  It  -eeined  that  llearK  all  of  the  bee-  that  \i-iled  that 
of  the  field  \\ere  collet  tin-  from  t  lm-e  artifact-.  Alonu-ide 

2/8  C.    H.    TURNER. 

one  of  the  red  boxes  I  placed  a  red  box  on  the  sides  and  top  of 
which  I  had  pasted  bits  of  white  paper.  This  gave  a  box  with 
red  front  and  spotted  sides.  Into  this  box  I  placed  some  honey. 
The  bees  that  approached  this  box  from  the  front  always  entered 
immediately;  the  majority  of  those  that  approached  the  sides 
paused  a  moment,  then  went  to  the  nearest  red  box. 

Whether  this  is  a  true  color  vision  or  simply  a  greyness  dis- 
crimination is  no  easy  question  to  answer;  indeed,  from  our  view- 
point, it  does  not  seem  an  important  one.  If  what  to  us  is  red 
and  green  appears  to  the  bees  as  two  distinct  sensations,  as  a 
factor  for  controlling  behavior,  it  will  have  the  same  value  to 
the  bee  whether  it  is  a  red-green  discrimination  or  a  grey-grey 
discrimination.  However,  the  following  line  of  reasoning  has 
led  me  to  believe  this  a  case  of  true  color-vision.  Bees  that  had 
learned  to  respond  to  red  boxes  in  the  shadow  of  the  weeds  would 
respond,  without  hesitation,  to  similar  boxes  placed  in  the  sun- 
shine. They  responded  to  the  boxes  when  the  sun  was  shining 
brightly  just  as  readily  as  they  did  when  a  dark  cloud  hid  the 
face  of  the  sun.  The  brightness  content  of  a  body  in  the  bright 
sunlight  is  quite  unlike  the  brightness  content  of  the  same  body 
when  in  the  shadow  of  weeds;  the  brightness  content  of  a  body 
in  the  sunshine  is  quite  unlike  the  brightness  content  of  the 
same  body  beneath  a  cloudy  sky.  The  only  factor  common  to 
all  of  these  cases  is  redness;  hence  I  feel  that,  with  the  bees,  it 
is  a  case  of  true  color  vision. 

Although  odor  as  a  incitive  to  reflex  actions  does  not  play  any 
part  in  leading  bees  to  flowers,  yet  odor  as  a  sensation  does.  If 
a  large  number  of  bees  are  collecting  honey  from  a  cluster  of 
boxes  that  are  all  of  the  same  color  and  you  allow  the  honey  of 
some  of  those  boxes  to  become  practically  exhausted  while  that 
in  the  others  is  constantly  replenished,  when  the  workers  ap- 
proach the  boxes  that  are  practically  exhausted,  they,  as  a  rule, 
do  not  pass  inside;  but,  pausing  momentarily  before  the  box, 
pass  on  to  one  of  those  with  an  abundant  store  of  honey.  Re- 
plenish the  empty  tray  with  honey,  and  the  next  bee  that  ap- 
proaches that  box  will  enter  (Ex.  29).  This,  to  my  mind,  shows 
that  when  a  bee  approaches  a  box  and  finds  the  honey-odor  weak 
she  immediately  departs  for  a  box  where  the  honey-odor  is 

EXPKKIMKN  COLOR-VISION    OF    THE    HONKV    HI  I  .        279 

These  experiments  prove  that,  to  tin-  bee,  my  colored  di-cs, 
my  colored  < -onim  opias,  and  my  colored  boxc-  were  something 
more  i ban  mere  -en-ations;  it  seems  t<>  me  that  they  were  true 

•  I it-.     T<.   the  bees  those  things  had  acquired   a   mean: 
tlio-.-   -trance   n-d    things  had  come  to  mean    "honey-bean 
and  th'  :tr^e  green  things  and  strange  blue  tiling-  had  come 

to  in. -an  "not-honey-bearers."     Hence,  whenever  the  bees   -aw 
the  n-d  tiling-,  they  made  the  appropriate  movement-  tor  -ecurinji 
the  lioiie\ ,  and  when  they  saw  the  blue  thin--  .  .r  the  ureeti  thi 
the\  pa  —  i-d  on.    This  explains  why,  in  the  experiments  oi  series 
One,  di-«  -   -i\  centimeters  in  diameter  and   \\ell   -upplied   with 
hone\  i  ould  remain  in  the  presence  of  hundred-  of  bee-  \\ 
b.-in^   r. -ponded  to  by  them;  and  yet,  tho-e  -aim-  bee-,  a  te\\ 
da\-  lai«-r,  when  those  things  had  acquired  a  meaning,  \\oiild 
em.  i    m\    red  boxes  even  before  I   had  had  an  opportunit\    to 
.ittai  h   them  to  their  supports.      In  their  past  experience  tl 
tiling  had  never  accjuired  a  meaning,  while  the  -mall  blo--.>in- 
ot  the  melilotus  had  come  to  mean  "honey-bear. -i-":  lum.  the> 
tened  l»y  the  feast  that  had  been  prepared  for  them  and  ru-hed 
i  he  meager  supply  of  nectar  in  the  blo--«un-  of  the  \\hite 
-\\iet  clover. 

Although  Plateau's  conclusions  are  diametrically  oppo-ed  io 
the  re-ults  of  this  series  of  investigations,  yet  the  facts  related 
b\  him  are  in  accord  \\ith  them. 

While  proving  that  bees  have  color-vision,  these  experiments 
thio\\  no  liyjn  upon  the  color  preferences  of  in-ects.  That  has 
not  been  the  purpose  of  these  researches.  The  aim  has  been  to 
an-\\er  the  i|iie-tion.  C 'an  bees  distinguish  colors?  The  experi- 
ment- seem  to  demon-!  rate  that  foraging  bees  have  percepts  and 
that  t\\..  i.i,  tors  \\hich  enter  into  those  percepts  are  color  sen-a- 
tion-  and  olfactor\  -eii-at  ions. 


July    is.    i.. 





The  large  solitary  hydroid  Corymorpha  exhibits  the  phenome- 
non of  heteromorphosis  in  forms  even  more  striking  than  those 
under  which  it  appears  in  the  related  Tubularia.  At  the  same 
time,  its  normal  polarity  is  in  several  respects  more  obviously 
marked.  As  against  a  stem;  in  Tubularia,  that  presents  little 
or  no  indication  of  axial  differentiation,  the  column  of  Corymorpha 
is  divided  into  several  regions  sharply  characterized  by  differences 
in  form,  structure  and  function.  Its  diameter  varies,  being 
greatest  near  the  base,  which  is  enveloped,  for  about  one  third 
the  total  length,  in  a  thin  layer  of  perisarc.  Beyond  the  edge 
of  the  latter,  the  naked  ectoderm  is  thicker,  its  cells  are  more 
narrowly  columnar,  and  there  is  a  marked  increase  in  the  number 
of  nematocysts.  Within  the  perisarc  is  the  zone  of  frustules,  or 
rootlets,  that  form  the  holdfast  and  have  been  homologized  with 
the  stolonal  processes  of  Tubularia,  although  they  are  far  more 
specialized  structures.  The  proximal  extremity,  conical  in  form, 
is  furnished  with  an  amoeboid  ectoderm,  by  means  of  which  the 
polyp  creeps  about. 

Not  only  in  structure  does  one  find  evidence  of  regional  dif- 
ferentiation, but  in  capacity  for  regeneration  as  well.  A  hy- 
dranth  is  replaced  after  section  of  the  column,  with  a  velocity  that 
decreases  wdth  the  distance  from  the  distal  end  of  the  intact 
hydroid.  The  differences  in  velocity  are  so  slight  as  to  be  ap- 
preciated with  difficulty  in  the  distal  half  of  the  column,  but  are 
easily  recognizable  in  a  comparison  of  rates  of  regeneration  in 
distal  and  proximal  thirds.  Furthermore,  heteromorphosis, 

'Contribution  32  from  the  Laboratory  of  the  Marine  Biological  Association  of 
San  Diego.  Preceding  numbers  of  the  Biological  Studies  on  Corymorpha  have 
appeared  as  follows:  I.,  C.  palma  and  Environment,  J.  E.  Z.,  i  (1904),  p.  395; 
II.,  The  Development  of  C.  palma  from  the  Egg,  Univ.  Calif.  Publ.  Zool.,  3  (1907), 
p.  253;  III.,  Regeneration  of  Hydranth  and  Holdfast,  ibid.,  6  (1910),  p.  205. 





though  it  may  occur  after  section  of  the  column  even  below  the 
fru-tular  /one,  in  the  extreme  basal  region,  is  most  frequent  in 
piece-  (lit  from  the  column  in  its  distal  half. 

At  the  very  1>< -ginning  of  my  observations  on  the  regeneration 
of  C'i>r\nii>r{fhii,  I  was  Struck  with  two  facts :  (I)  that  a  -egment 
from  tin-  di-tal  half  of  the  column  and  including  the  hydraiuh, 
do.--  IK  it  d.-\elo|.  ,i  h  \dranth  at  the  proximal  end  until  the  original 
hydrant  h  i-  removed;  (2)  that  when  the  original  hydranth  ha- 
lii-eu  reino\ . -d.  the  proximal  hydranth  dexelop-,  umler  normal 
condition-,  in. ire  slowly  than  the  distal—  another  indication,  it 
ma\  Li-  mentioned,  in  passing,  of  the  initial  polarization  ol  the 
(  <  .luinii. 

Tin-,  facts  suggested  the  possibility  that,  1>\  dela\ing  the 
development  of  the  distal  hydranth  on  a  regenerating  piece  until 
the  pioxiiiial  h\dranth  should 
h.i\c  n.ii  lud  an  advanced  stage 
oi  di  \clopiueiit,  the  initial  polar- 
i/atii-ii  mi-Jit  lie  completely  re- 
ed.  A.  .  '  .idingly,  in  the 
Mimim-i  .  .1  i'M>2,  I  performed  the 
I'ollou  ing  experiment.1  A  seg- 
nieiit  \\a-cut  I  loin  the  distal  hall 
o|  .111  a\erage  polyp  (Fig.  I,  A). 
h  \\a-  linn  inserted,  and  the 
di-lal  cut  Mirface  held  against 
tin-  gla---  IK.  it  on  i  .  .f  th.-  aquarium  F 

|.\    the    uei^lit    "I    a    -trrl    iici-dle 
through    the  distal    region      I 
1.     />').      The    |.n. \imal    end    was 
and    the    Mem    \ertical.       At 
tin'  end  of    three  da\ -.  a   ludianth    lloiiri>hed   at  p,  though  tin  re 
\\a-   -ign  neithi-r  "t  tentacle-  nor  fru-tule-  at  <l.      The  needli-  was 

removed.      I"\M>  <la\  -  later  a  -mail  hydranth  had  appeared  al  <1 

(Fij  [,  I  .\\ith  three  di-tal  and  f. -ur  pn.vim.d  tentacli'>,  sonu- 
\\hat  iriegularK  arranged,  probal  >1\  <  .\\ing  to  the  \\oiind  let't  l'\ 
the  needle  and  t..  other  adverse  conditions  to  \\hich  that  end 
max  ha\e  l>eeii  -ul.jected  \\heii  |>re— ed  against  the  -til  stratum. 

nnti'.l  in  tin  ixurred  under  starvation  conditions. 


FIG.  i. 

282  HARRY    BEAL    TORREY. 

It  will  be  noted  that  while  a  distal  hydranth  failed  to  develop 
in  contact  with  the  substratum,  it  soon  appeared  when  freed 
from  this  contact,  in  spite  of  the  presence  of  the  large  promixal 
hydranth.  On  the  supposition,  however,  that  the  result  may 
not  have  fully  indicated  the  real  state  of  affairs  in  the  hetero- 
morphic  segment,  the  latter  was  sectioned  at  the  level  x.  In  two 
days  frustules  were  appearing  at  p'  ;  the  original  polarity  of  this 
portion  of  the  column  was  preserved.  But  frustules  were  also 
appearing  at  d'  ,  and  two  days  later,  were  unmistakably  defined. 
In  this  latter  region,  therefore,  the  original  polarity  was  reversed; 
on  a  segment  of  a  given  polyp,  not  only  had  hydranth  appeared  in  the 
customary  position  of  holdfast,  but  holdfast  had  appeared  in  the  cus- 
tomary position  of  hydranth. 

The  outcome  of  this  experiment  recalls  the  reversal  of  polarity 
which  Loeb  later  obtained  in  Tubularia  crocea  when,  after  ac- 
celerating the  development  of  the  proximal  hydranth  by  inhibiting 
the  development  of  the  distal,  he  cut  a  segment  just  distal  to  the 
proximal  hydranth  and  found  that  a  proximal  was  now  produced 
more  rapidly  than  a  distal  hydranth.1  Morgan  and  Stevens 
obtained  a  similar  result  on  T.  marina  although  the  polarity  of 
the  stem  was  reversed  for  but  a  very  short  distance  from  the 
proximal  end  in  this  species.2 


The  suggestion,  coming  from  the  above  experiment  with  Cory- 
morpha,  that  section  of  the  column  between  the  hydranths  merely 
disclosed  a  reversed  polarity  that  already  existed  but  was  not, 
under  the  conditions,  expressed  in  structural  differentiation,  led 
to  a  number  of  similar  experiments  which  showed  that  the  original 
result  was  in  no  sense  exceptional.  I  will  consider  three  series 
of  these  experiments. 

In  the  first,  nine  heteromorphic  pieces  were  sectioned  at  dif- 
ferent levels  to  determine  the  extent  to  which  each  hydranth 
might  control  the  intermediate  region  in  regeneration.  In  no.  I, 
the  distal  hydranth  was  removed  by  a  cut  immediately  below  it 

uger's  Arch.,   102   (1904),   p.    152;  trans,  in   Univ.  Calif.   Publ.   Physiol.,    I 
(1904),  p.  151. 

*J.  E.  Z.,  i  (1904).  P-  559- 



(Fig.  2,  a);  it  was  replaced  by  another  hydrunth  that  at  the  end 
of  ten  day-  \va-  in  tin-  condition  shown  in  Fit;.  2,  b.  No.  2  wa- 
a  similar  <  ase.  In  neither  of  these  case-  wa-  re\er-al  inhibited. 
No.  ;>  died.  Mo.  4  is  represented  in  i  the  proximal  hydranth 

bcin^  in  in -1 1  li  ---d»  -\  doped  than  the  distal,  and  the  plain-  of  -cction 
g  near  but  not  immediately  distal  to  it.     In  four  days  both 


FIG.  3. 

nentB  p"--e--ed  frustulcs;  the  proximal  set;  men  t  had,  accord- 
ingly, r<  I  •  ompletely.     No.  5  (Fig.  4)  exhibited  a  noil, 
ot   complete  iv\   in   the    proximal   .segment;  both   sev;iUfn!- 
\\.  M-  .1-   -houn  in  I  i.;.  5  .it  t he  end  of  five  da>         No.  6  wa>  a 
-iinil.ii  No    7.  i  ut  \\ln-n  in  the  c-«.ndition  shown  in   1  i. 

appeared,  five  days  later,  as  -ho\\n  in  l-'i^.  7.     No.  8,  a  similar 

case,  exhibited  -imil.irl\  a  complete  re\  in  li\  e  days.       No.  M 
aibled    I-'I'L;.   2.  ,1 ;   but   it  was  the  smaller,  proximal   hydranth 
that  was  removed,  by  a  CUl  immediately  di-tal  to  it  ;  in  -e\  en  d.i\'s 
a  lieu   ludranth  \\a>  e-tabli-hed  in  it-  pla. 

\<  .  •  >rdint;  to  the-i-  iv-ult-.  heteroinorphic  piece-  pnuluce  hold- 
fa -ts  .11  the  \\ound  when  sectioned  approximately  midway  bet  \\een 

the  h\draiuh>,  but  i)ro<luce  ludranth-  at  the  wound  on  tin-  longer 
piei ••.--  iii  tho-  9  in  \\hich  either  ludranth  has  been  removed 

by  a  cut  immediately  bclo\\  it. 



The  second  series  of  experiments  involved  14  heteromorphic 
pieces  whose  proportions  and  stage  of  development  are  represented 
in  the  accompanying  diagrams  (Fig.  8).  These  pieces  were  cut 
as  indicated  in  the  diagrams.  Four  days  later,  both  parts  of  a,  c, 

FIG.  3. 

FIG.  4. 

d,  e,f,  h,  i,  I,  were  attached  and  possessed  frustules;  the  polarity 
of  one  of  the  pieces  in  each  of  these  cases,  accordingly,  was  com- 
pletely reversed.  At  the  same  time,  both  portions  of  b  were 

FIG.  5, 

regenerating  as  single  polyps,  one  being  attached  and  furnished 
with  frustules,  the  other  being  unattached  and  lacking  frustules. 
Under  g,  four  heteromorphic  pieces  were  grouped.  Four  days 


at't.-r  cutting,  all  were  regenerating  as  -in-le   polyps,  six  being 
.cht-d  .uid  j^i,-  g  frustules,  two  being  unattached  and  lack- 

ing" fru-tulr-.      Moth  pieces  of  k  were  attached,  three  days  after 





FIG.  8. 

iiii;,    but    i'\\iivvr    !<>    acrideiital    nei^U'Ct,    d i-i nt < -grated    lie-lore 
forming  frustule-. 



It  should  be  noticed  especially  that  all  the  heteromorphic 
pieces  used  in  this  series  were  short,  and  none  were  above  medium 
diameter.  In  not  a  single  case,  tinder  these  conditions,  did  the 
polarity  fail  to  reverse  in  one  of  the  portions  into  which  the  hetero- 
morphic pieces  were  divided. 

The  third  series  shows  the  importance  of  this  consideration  of 
length.  Three  heteromorphic  pieces,  absolutely  and  relatively 
much  longer  than  those  of  the  second  series,  one  of  them  con- 
siderably larger  than  the  other  two,  were  sec- 
tioned as  shown  in  Fig.  9.  Five  days  after 
section,  all  six  pieces  wrere  heteromorphic  which 
indicated  that  in  none  of  them,  whether  distal 
or  proximal,  was  development  at  the  wound 
dominated  by  the  conditions,  existing  at  the 
other  end  of  the  piece. 

The  same  fact  is  brought  into  clear  relief 
by  a  comparison  of  the  following  figures.  Of 
14  segments  representing  the  distal  half  of  the 
column  of  14  polyps  of  moderate  size,  12  were 
heteromorphic  in  3  days.  Of  81  very  short 
segments  from  several  small  polyps,  only  6, 
j/  or  7.4  per  cent.,  became  heteromorphic. 

Further,  of  13  segments  of  approximately 
the  same  length  and  diameter  as  the  pieces 
obtained  by  cutting  the  heteromorphic  pieces 
in  series  2,  8  became  heteromorphic.  Of  15  similar  segments, 
10  became  heteromorphic. 

Besides  these  figures,  there  is  a  mass  of  evidence,  obtained  by 
repeated  experiments  on  large  numbers  of  individuals,  demon- 
strating that  the  presence  of  the  original  hyd ninth  on  a  segment 
of  the  column  inhibits  the  development  of  a  proximal  hydranth. 
It  is  clear,  then,  in  the  light  of  the  facts  cited  in  this  section, 
(i)  that  reversals  of  polarity  profound  enough  to  effect  entire  seg- 
ments of  the  column  as  units  are  readily  produced  in  Corymorpha; 
and  (2)  that  the  stage  of  differentiation  at  one  end  of  a  piece  will 
under  certain  conditions  control  differentiation  at  the  other  end.  That 
reversals  of  polarity,  in  cases  of  heteromorphosis,  are  often  shown, 
by  form  changes,  to  affect  considerable  areas  of  the  column, 
without  aid  from  the  knife,  will  appear  in  the  following  section. 

FIG.  9. 




Aa  tin-  fir-t  evidence  in  this  direct  inn  I  may  refer  at  once  t<> 
certain  I'--haped  figure-  formed  from  hcteromorphic  segment-  1  >y 
tin-  attaclnncnt  ••!"  tin-  latter  to  the  bottom  of  tin-  a«(iiariuni  di-h 
by  mean-  of  adhc-i\e  ectoderm  developed  mi  one  -ide  of  the 
column.  Sin  h  a  case  is  shown  in  Fig.  lo,  \\hich  rcpre-ent-  the 
condition  of  a  M  _iin  nt  sixteen  days  after  it^  remo\al  fnnn  the 
di-ial  hall"  "I  a  i  «ilunin.  A  constriction  define-  the  al»>ral  limits 
1. 1  the  n-^eneratinv;  polyps.  Frustules  are  pre-ent  in  two 


ri'iii:hl\-   |ir<«|mrti"iial   in   numbers  to  the  >f  the  |>«.l\|)s  to 

which  they  belong,  and  situated  in  the  p"-iti'»n  nnrmall\  nccupieil 
l'\  I'rii-tule-  ill  the  adult.  The  smaller  p"I>  p  appn>ache-  nmre 
rl»-el\  tn  the  proportions  of  the  larva.  <  >n  the  lnll«i\\  in^  <la>  , 
thi-  process  <>t  li— imi  had  been  n'mpleted.  pn>l.ably  1>\  rupture, 
althi'ti.uh  the  pn-ximal  end-  uf  the  t\\«p  p»lvp-  were  then  n>uudrd 
and  -month  \\ithuut  trace-  nl  -uch  a  p' 

Throiisji  m\  failure,  after  repeated  attempt-,  to  obtain  many 
Cases  "f  li  — ii.n  nf  thi-  -<>rt,  1  found  that  a  neces-ary  ek-ment  in 
the  (iroce—  was  the  adheii-nce  of  the  hctcromorphic  piece  to  the 



substratum.  I  pointed  out  some  years  ago1  that  Corymorpha 
is  negatively  geotropic,  even  small  fractions  of  the  column  re- 
acting with  great  definiteness.  This  tendency  to  bend  away 
from  the  center  of  the  earth  can  be  effective,  however,  only  when 
the  reacting  piece  is  properly  anchored.  Pieces  free  from  the 

FIG.  ii. 

substratum  never  exhibit  the  reaction.  As  soon  as  they  are  at- 
tached, it  appears;  and  U-  and  Y-shaped  figures  are  formed  when 
pieces  are  heteromorphic  and  the  point  of  attachment  is  between 
the  developing  ends. 

FIG.  12. 

Each  Y-shaped  figure  is  formed  from  a  straight  piece  by  the 
development  of  a  protuberance  that  corresponds  to  the  stem  of 
the  Y,  and  is  terminally  adhesive  (Figs,  n,  12,  in  both  of  which 
the  limbs  of  the  Y  have  become  much  attenuated  during  the 

1J.  E.  Z.,  i  (1904),  p.  395;    Univ.  Calif.  Publ.  Zool.,  2  (1905).  P-  335- 


development).  Such  protuberances  and  Y-shaped  figures  are 
found  in  nature  only  in  the  most  exceptional  cases,  where  they 
probably  ari-e  in  re-ponse  to  the  same  conditions  that  bring 
tin-in  forth  in  the  laboratory.  To  present  these  conditions  with 
-iithcient  ftillne-s,  I  must  refer  briefly  to  otlu-r  abnormal  forms 
that  lia\t-  <,|i. -n  appeared  in  neglected  aquaria. 

It  \\a-  i-it.-n  difficult,  in  warm  weather,  in  tin-  absence  of 
running  \vater,  to  prevent  the  growth  of  bacteria  in  the  di>hes 
in  which  fre-hly  collected  polyps  were  placed,  ("nder  the  in- 
lluein  •  Mientative  changes  induced  by  the-e  condition-,  the 

hyiranth-  \\ould  cast  their  large  proximal  tentacle-  and  medu-i- 
u-  peduncles,  the  distal  tentacles  would  be  ab-orbcd.  and  the 
(oluinn  uoiild  come  rapidly  to  be  surmounted  by  a  in  less 

rounded    ina-s  of    (i»ue  that   might   show   two  or  three  knobby 

.nl.iiities.     The  columns  were  alle.  i.  d  in  a  much  !• 
it  .it  all.      In  fact  it  is  quite  easy  to  avoid  these  ditlicultie-  alto- 
gether by  removing  the  hydranths  as  soon  as  the  polyps  are  <<.!- 

•  d.      This  fact  is  doubtless  due  to  the  relatively   lar^e  ma 
pioi.,p|.i-ni  in,  ami  the  greater  differentiation  of  the  ti--iir-  of  the 

I  pon  the  reduction  of  the  hydranths  to  the  knobby  ma- 
ju-i  meiiiioned,  and  the  remo\'al  of  the  delui-  composed  of  di-- 
inie^raiing  tentacles  ami  medusa'  with  their  peduncles,  the 
<  iia  \\oultl  disappear,  fermentative  processes  would  lead  to 
t  he  Mib-t  it  ut  ion,  for  the  original  hydranths,  of  \  at  i>  >u*  monstn  -11- 
fonn-  double  ludrantlis.  hydranths  with  double  or  triple 
proboscea  in  \ai\in^  dt  ^rees  of  independence,  combinations  of 
hydranths  with  \ai\iiu  numbers  of  probosces,  etc.  These  phe- 
nomena indicated  i  he  breaking  up  of  the  original  single  ph\-io- 
al  -\Mem  into  several,  the  first  sign  of  this  multiplication 
appearing  in  the  irregular  form  of  the  terminal  mass  of  tissue. 
I  ^ularit\  \\a>  the  center  of  a  budding  proce--.  And 

\\  ithoiit  la\  in  14  an\  empha-i-  mi  the  manner  of  it-  initiation.  «-ach 
budding  process  ma\  In-  i'om|ian-il  direi'tK  \\ilh  the  prore—  b\ 
\\hich  the  >tem  i>  |iroduced  in  the  Y->haped  ti.^nre-  \\  e  ha\e  been 


In  one  imporianl  respect  lhe-e  budding  processes  n-emble  each 
other;  the\  -land,  n.inieh  .  for  tl  eertain  t !i-or^ani/.ation  I  how 



produced  may,  for  the  time,  not  detain  us)  in  the  original  physio- 
logical system.  In  another  respect  they  differ,  in  that  they  lead, 
in  the  one  case,  to  a  hydranth,  or  part  of  a  hydranth,  in  the  other 
to  a  holdfast.  This  difference  is  essentially  an  expression  of  the 
different  conditions  controlling  their  development,  of  which  the 
influence  of  adjacent  parts  is  the  chief.  The  intimacy  of  this 
coordination  is  obviously  a  function  of  the  physiological  isolation 

of  the  parts  concerned.  It  is  a 
conspicuous  fact  that  Y  figures 
are  formed  almost  invariably 
from  short  heteromorphic  seg- 
ments; shrunken,  starving,  slow 
developing  (Fig.  13,  which  shows 
eth  beginning  of  a  bud)  pieces  give  an  especially  large  proportion 
of  them.  Frequently  that  portion  of  a  segment  of  the  column 
which  lies  against  the  floor  of  the  aquarium  puts  forth  tentacles 
more  slowly  than  the  upper  surface.  This  retardation  in  develop- 

FIG.  13. 

FIG.  14. 

ment,  due  probably  to  diminished  supply  of  oxygen  next  the  sub- 
stratum, is  accompanied  by  a  bending  of  the  segment  by  means  of 
a  contraction  of  the  affected  side.  It  is  on  the  opposite,  convex, 
aspect  of  the  column  that  the  bud  develops  (Fig.  14,  in  which 
tentacles  and  gonads  are  only  partly  drawn),  not,  therefore,  in 
direct  contact  with  the  substratum.  And  it  is  significant  that, 
with  the  rarest  exceptions  that  are  referable  to  exceptional  con- 


ditions,  such  buds  arising  on  heteromorphic  pieces  become 

The-e  fact-  indicate  that  while  the  origin  of  the  bud  depends 
upon  a  degree  of  disorganization  in  the  original  physiological 
system,  its  fate  depends  upon  a  secondary  physiological  coordi- 
nation with  the  hydranths  between  which  it  develops.  The  bud 
.11  quires  'In-  distinctive  character  of  a  holdfast,  namely,  its  adhe- 
siveni  ss,  indi -pendent  of  any  influence  of  tin-  -ul-tratum.  It  has 

;i  pointed  out  already  that  a  hydranth  at  one  end  of  a  pi 

i  profound  influence  upon  the  differentiation  that  may 
occur  al  the  other  end,  depending  on  its  own  -ta^e  ot  dc\  elopim-nt 
and  it-  di-tance  from  that  end.  In  the  V  ligim--,  then,  there  i-  a 
de\  eloping  region  between  the  two  hy- 
dr.mths  whose  differentiation  is  con- 
trolU-d  to  some  extent  by  them.  An 
intere-ting  case  of  the  coordination  of 
parts  in  a  -hort  piece  developing  as  a 
Y  figure,  i-  represented  in  Fig.  15.  A 
m -u  axis  ai  ri-Jit  angles  to  the  original  Fjc 

a\i-     ha-    IMI  n    established.      And    the 

orientation  of  gonads  and  tentacles — especially  the  latter  i- 
dearly  a  resultant  of  the  redistribution  of  forces  correlated  \\ith 
that  (  liange. 

l-'i--ion  may  be  considered  as  a  special  case  of  budding,  depend- 
ing upon  the  length  of  the  heteromorphic  piece  in\ol\  ed.  A-  the 
piece  It  1 1- 1  hen-  the  tendency  to  bud  vanishes,  until  the  <  ha  rat  ter- 
i-tic  of  a«lhe-i\eiie--  alone  remains.  This  indicates  that  the 
region  bei  \\een  the  t\\o  li\drantlis  is  still  controlled  by  them, 
while  the  constriction  and  the  frustules  on  either  side  of  i'  1  ig. 
10)  mark  the  incn-a-ing  elYecti\  eness  of  their  independence  —or 
of  the  systems  ot"  \\hich  they  form  important  parts. 

It  i-  onl\  on  heteromorphic  pie.  es  of  moderate  length,  ho\\e\er. 
that  li— ion  of  thi-  ty|>e  ha-  been  ob-er\ed.  Ju-t  a-  il  ua-  from 
|-elaii\el\  -hort  heteromorphic  piece-  only  that  the  re\er-al- 
de-cribcd  in  the  pre\  ion-  -cctioii  were  obiained,  the  proximal 
elements  (>f  tlu-  longer  jiiece-  failing  to  produce  holdfa-'-  at  the 
\\oiind,  so  it  ha-  been  only  in  the  -horter  heteromorphic  pieces 
thai  llie  column  between  the  hydranth-  ha-  -ho\\  n  any  sign 
budding,  con-triciinn  or  fni-iule  form.ition. 


The  longer  pieces  failed  to  differentiate  in  these  directions, 
although  attempts  were  made  to  encourage  such  developments,  as 
follows : 

1.  Nine  long  heteromorphic  segments  were  held  against  the 
aquarium  bottom  by  weighted  glass  needles  laid   across  their 
middle.     One  was  cut  in  two  in  two  days;  neither  portion  had 
developed  frustules  twenty-four  hours  later.     One  was  cut  in 
two  in  three  days;    both  portions  had  aboral  processes,  but  no 
frustules  developed  in  the  following  twenty-four  hours.     Four 
escaped  from  their  needles  on  the  third  day,  and  showed  no  change 
at  the  end  of  another  day.     One  was  almost  cut  through  by  the 
needle,  and  three  processes  were  formed  at  the  wound,  but  no 
frustules  or  adhesiveness  at  the  end  of  another  day.     One  re- 
mained under  the  needle  unchanged  for  four  days,  when  the  exper- 
iment terminated  with  my  departure  from  the  laboratory. 

2.  Discontinuity  was  produced  by  ligature  on  16  long  hetero- 
morphic pieces  two  days  after  regeneration  had  begun.     In  two 
days,  3  had  broken  into  two  parts.     Two  days  later,  6  more  had 
done  so;   the  next  day,  7  more.     Seven  days  after  the  ligatures 
were  applied,  2  had  frustules  at  the  ligatures.     Both  were  con- 
tracted and  opaque — signs  of  structural  degradation;  3  possessed 
no  frustules  at  the  ligature;   on  the  contrary,  the  proximal  seg- 
ment of  one  possessed  a  hydranth  there.     All  the  other  ligatured 
pieces  had  separated  into  two  portions,  18  in  all,  of  which  but  4 
were  attached  aborally  and  possessed  frustules. 

The  first  of  these  experiments  serves  to  emphasize  the  feeble- 
ness of  contact  as  a  formative  influence,  while  the  second  adds 
to  the  evidence  that  differentiation  in  the  region  between  hetero- 
morphic hydranths  depends  in  an  important  degree  upon  the 
distance  between  them,  which  other  things  equal,  is  an  index  of 
their  control. 

That  the  longer  pieces  do  not  show  signs  of  fission,  then,  is  to 
be  attributed,  I  believe,  to  the  freedom  of  the  intermediate  region 
in  each  case  from  the  effective  control  of  the  physiological  systems 
on  either  side,  that  may  be  conceived  as  extending  over  it  from 
opposite  directions.  Where  these  systems  are  near  enough  to- 
gether, a  new  compound  system  is  created,  of  which  a  bud  may 
form  a  part.  \Yhen  farther  apart,  their  disharmony  may  appear 
in  the  phenomnea  of  fiisson. 


These  statement-  are  <>b\ -ioiisly  very  general.  Since  all  short 
heteromorphic  pit-re-  <\«  not  either  hud  or  divide  by  process  of 
h--i(ni.  ilicn-  mu-t  IK-  a  factor  still  undefined  that  determines  the 
la<  k  <-f  uniformity.  There  is  no  doubt  thai  external  a^encie- 
i  an  fai  ilitaii-  either  budding  or  fission.  Small  \\ound-  in  the 
-ide  ut'  tin-  column  may  lead  to  a  variety  of  rc-ult-.  including 
sporadic  tentacles,  and  buds  furni-hcd  \\  iih  ti-ntai  le-  •  >v  tru-tule-, 
or  neither.  In  this  connection  two  heteromophic  piece-,  cut  in 
the  middle  region,  hall"  way  through  the  column,  ga\e  the  tol- 
louing  results.  On  the  longer  piece,  a  narrow  bud  de\  eloped 
in  four  da>-  at  the  wound,  with  neither  fru-tule-  nor  tentacle-. 
(  )n  the  -horter  piece,  frustules  developed  around  a  blunter  bud 
at  the  \\oinnl,  before  attachment  took  place.  In  thi-  the 

\\ound  ua-  -iilticicnt  to  break  up  the  original  -\-tem  exi-tmg 
at  that  point  and  initiate  a  ne\\  de\  elojnnent .  The  tact  thai 
fru-iule-  appeared  shows  the  control  of  both  h\dranlh-  on  that 

de\  elopinellt  . 

I '.  lidding  OC<  in  -,  ho\\  e\  er.  \\  hen  t  here  i-  no  -i^n  .  .|  local  injury 
I  loin  \\  ithout .  And  it  i-  ditfn  ult  to  aC(  oimt  on  thi-  ^louiid  alone 
for  the  fact  that  the  large  niajoritx  of  luid-  aii-e  appn  >\imatel\- 
nii.luax  b«-t  \\eeii  the  hydranths.  To  m\  mind,  far  more  -signifi- 
cant i-s  the  fatt  that  buds  develop  so  of  ten  on  pieces  obviously  in 
i  ph\  -iol.  ,J.  al  condition  generally.  It  i-s  then  that  theph\-io- 
.  al  continuity  of  the  piece  through  the  tran-itional  middle 
on  miuht  be  • -\ peeled  to  be  especially  afl'e.  ted  b\  «li-rupti\e 
leiideii.  ies  -i>iin:^in:<  from  the  antagonism  of  proximal  and  di-tal 
-\-lein-  -o  iib\iou-I\  antagonistic  in  the  fi>-ioii  -ho\\  n  in  1  ig. 
lo.  In  that  case,  the  canals  are  complett  l>  obliterated  at  the 
coii-trit -tion  and  the  ti--ue  is  opaque  and  apparently  impo\er- 
i-hed.  Thi-  con-tricted  region  is  under  ten-ion,  uhich  probabh 
accounts  in  part  for  its  form.  The  ten-ion  i-  produced  by  the 
acti\e  migration  of  the  l\\<>  pol\  p-  a\\a\  from  each  other,  in  the 
manner  of  the  oppo-ite  hal\e-  of  an  anemone  in  process  of  ti--i<.n 
b\  rupture.1  The  initial  di-coiitimiit\  i-  thu-  a<  <  entuated  by  the 
acti\  itie-  of  the  po|\  p-  them-el\ 

Porrey,  J  1'ubl.  Zoo/.,  i  ;«.  Ji  i. 

294  HARRY    DEAL    TORREY. 


Discontinuity  can  be  established  experimentally  not  only  by 
the  knife,  which  entails  a  wound,  but,  as  already  indicated,  by 
ligature,  by  the  use  of  which  a  wound  can  be  avoided  and  condi- 
tions obtained  that  more  nearly  approximate  those  described 
in  the  last  section. 

This  method  has  been  used  on  Tubularia  by  Driesch,  Morgan, 
Loeb,  and  Morgan  and  Stevens,  and  results  obtained  which  are 
of  interest  in  the  present  connection.  By  ligating  segments  of 
the  stem,  not  only  is  the  production  of  aboral  (proximal)  hy- 
dranths  assured,  but  accelerated;  and  only  exceptionally,  after 
much  longer  periods,  is  there  any  development  at  the  ligature 
itself.  Loeb  succeeded  in  showing  that  the  acceleration  of  the 
development  of  the  aboral  hydranth  is  an  indication  of  reversed 
polarity  that  exhibits  a  certain  stability  in  regeneration.  This  is 
in  accord  with  what  I  had  already  observed  in  Corymorpha, 
where  reversals  of  polarity  accomplished  without  the  aid  of  the 
ligature  are  even  more  marked. 

The  experiments  with  ligatures  have  been  repeated  so  many 
times  on  Tubularia,  that  it  is  hardly  necessary  for  me  to  refer  at 
present  to  similar  experiments  of  my  own  farther  than  to  say 
that  the  ligature  accelerated  the  development  of  the  aboral  but 
not  of  the  oral  hydranth,  and  in  no  case  was  there  any  develop- 
ment at  the  ligature,  on  either  side  of  it. 

In  Corymorpha,  as  in  Tubularia,  ligatures  accelerate  the  velocity 
of  development  at  the  proximal  ends  of  segments  of  the  column.  The 
fact  does  not  stand  out  with  such  dramatic  clearness,  however, 
partly  because  there  is  greater  individual  variation  in  rate  of 
regeneration,  partly  because  the  time  intervening  between  the 
appearance  of  distal  and  proximal  hydranths  is  much  shorter. 
That  such  an  acceleration  occurs  can  be  shown  by  an  experiment 
like  the  following:  Segments  about  2  cm.  long  wrere  cut  from  the 
distal  half  of  20  polyps,  a  ligature  being  passed  tightly  around 
each  near  its  distal  end.  Segments  of  similar  length  were  cut 
from  the  distal  halves  of  21  polyps  of  similar  size;  these  were  not 
ligatured.  All  were  placed  together  in  the  same  dish.  In  28 
hours,  there  were  signs  of  proximal  hvdranths  on  13  ligatured 
segments,  and  14  on  non-ligatured  segments.  The  condition  of 


affairs  at  the  end  of  56  hours  is  shown  in  the  following  table,  in 
which  the  serial  numbers  represent  stages  in  the  development 
arbitrarily  sel  for  purposes  of  classification.  I'mler  each 

of  tin  -«•  appear-  tin-  number  (l)  of  proximal  hvdranths  in  that 
1'ipment  on  the  ligatured  segments,  (2)  of  proximal 
h\ 'Ira nth-  on  non-ligatured  segments,  and  (3)  <>f  di-tal  h\  drain hs 
on  non-ligatured  -e^ments. 


I '•••..  -tages I  234567      I'-t.iU. 

i.l  o  5     3     5     5      i      i 

4  4     5     <>      i      i      o 

ist.) 3  2841.'!          Ji 

In  -pile  of  i  he  individual  variation  represented  by  thr-e  tunr 
tin1.  ncy  in  the  proximal  etui  '<  hydrant/: 

rapidly  on  the  ligatured  segments,  and  alii:  >af>idly 

on  tin-  latter  as  the  distal  hydranths  on  non-li^atur 


Although  <  'orymorpha  responds proximally  like  'I'n'mlaria  \\hen 
nenta  of  tin-  column  are  ligatured  as  al>o\e,  there  i-  an  im- 
1 1-  M  taut  diltereiH  e  iii  its  response  at 
tin-  li^at  me,  namely,  in  the  rapidity 

\\itli  \\hich  h  \dranths  are  formed 
immediaieU  below  it.  In  Tubit- 
Itiria,  a  hydranth  very  rarely  ap- 
peals immediate!)  brlow  the  liga- 
ture, and  then  oiil\  alter  the  lapse 

.'t    inaii\    days.       In  i>rf>lia, 

on    the   ei.ntraiA,    hydranth»    form 
ieadil\      and      fre<ineiitl\      in     thi-          A, 

That     a     lixdranth     >hotild    arise 


immediately    below   a    ligature   in 

yinorpha    mii;ht    \n-    antii'ipated 
n    the   occasional    occurrence   of 
Mich    monsters    as    that     sh(,\\n    in  \^         / 

l;iu.     16,     \\hich     represents    a     re- 

FIG.  16. 

generating  Moment  ol  the  column. 

The   proximal   ludranth  ^belo\\   the'an^le)  is  not  so  far  along  as 

296  HARRY    DEAL    TORREY. 

the  distal  hydranth,  and  has  apparently  developed  later,  below 
an  interruption  in  the  physiological  continuity  of  the  column 
comparable  with  what  a  ligature  might  produce.  In  fact,  just 
such  cases  have  been  produced  experimentally  several  times. 
A  typical  experiment  may  be  recorded,  showing  incidentally  the 
difficulties  that  made  the  number  of  positive  cases  so  small. 

The  column  of  Corymorpha  is  very  mobile,  capable  of  con- 
siderable changes  in  length  and  bulk,  and  its  tissues  are  very 
delicate  and  easily  ruptured.  So  it  has  been  difficult  to  make 
ligatures  tight  enough  to  interrupt  the  currents  in  the  canals, 
as  well  as  possible  diffusions  through  the  axial  cells,  without  so 
weakening  the  column  as  to  lead  to  complete  rupture  in  two  or 
three  days.  This  has  been  accomplished,  however,  in  a  number 
of  cases  sufficient  for  the  present  purpose. 


April  29,  1910,  3.30  P.  M.  Sectioned  20  polyps  of  similar  size, 
about  midway  of  the  column,  and  ligated  each  just  below 
wound,  leaving  a  small  segment  of  tissue  above  the  ligature. 

May  i,  9.30  A.  M.  Four  stumps  removed,  ligature  having  come 
away  with  terminal  button  of  tissue. 

May  2,  5  P.  M.  Thirteen  more  removed  for  similar  reason. 
There  are  hydranths  on  these  stumps  that  seem  to  be  too  far 
along,  under  the  conditions,  for  31^/2  hours  (i.  e.,  assuming 
the  separation  to  have  occurred  immediately  after  the  previous 
survey  of  them,  which  is  not  probable). 

Of  the  remaining  3,  2  show  nothing  below  the  ligature, 
while  the  third  appears  as  in  the  semi-diagrammatic  Fig.  17, 
which  bears  a  striking  resemblance  to  Fig.  16. 

May  3,  9.45  A.  M.  The  two  hydranths  of  Fig.  17  have  fallen 

May  4,  10.00  A.  M.  Of  the  2  stumps  showing  no  development 
below  the  ligature  of  May  2,  one  (a)  has  now  budded  a  set  of 
tentacles  just  below  the  ligature;  the  other  (b)  as  before. 

May  6.     The  tentacles  of  (a)  are  larger. 

May  9.     Still  no  change  in  (b).     Exp.  abandoned. 

In  a  second  experiment,  6  columns  were  tied  as  indicated  in 

the  diagram  (Fig.  18,  a),  after  removal  of  hydrant li. 




April  7 .   vOO  P.  M.     Hydranths  removed  and  column-  tied. 

April  8,  i.""  1'.  M.  (a)  Distal  ligature  and  tip  fragment  (i) 
liroken  away  in  2  cases.  (6)  The  three  segments  have  sepa- 
rated in  i  •  -•  >  cases  in  original  condition. 

April  <».  j.oo  I'.  M .       .     First  case.     Distal  hydranth  appearing 

on   SCg.    J.   also  On  ;   l>Ut    ii"t    SO   far  alon^.      Second   « 

l)i-tal  h\diantli  a|ipcarin.;  • -n  -<  g.  2;  nol  .i|ipan-nl  on  >».•-.  3, 
(b)  •  — .  (c)  l-'ir-t  case.  1  lie  Moment •>  ha\  e  >i-parati-d  \\hile 
under  i»b-er\  alion.  There  are  signs  ot"  ,1  very  >li^ht  rii|iture. 
and  indication-  ol  tentacle-  on  seg.  l  di-tall\-.  Second  case. 

fhe  segments  separated  at  [o.oo  A.  M.    Se-.  j  -ho\\  jof 

lentai-le-  at  l>oth  end-.      In  seg.  .;.  tentacle-  an-  heinv;  >hado\\.  d 
di-tally.     Third   case.      The  segments  have  separated, 

298  HARRY    BEAL    TORREY. 

seg.  2  showing  faint  signs  of  tentacles  distally;  seg.  3  in  poor 

shape,  removed. 
April   10,  9.00  A.  M.     (a)   First  case.     See  Fig.   18,  b.     Note 

tentacles  appearing  just  below  ligature.     Second  case.     Similar 

to  first  case;  tentacles  on  seg.  3  not  quite  so  far  advanced. 
April  ii,  2.15  P.  M.     (a)  Segments  in  both  cases  broken  apart; 

exp.  abandoned. 

Of  the  six  cases  considered  in  this  experiment,  three  show 
development  of  hydranths  immediately  below  the  ligature. 

In  a  third  experiment,  the  hydranth  was  removed  from  a  polyp 
and  the  column  ligatured  near  the  cut  and  near  the  base.  In 
three  days,  tentacles  had  budded  just  proximal  to  the  distal 
ligature,  as  well  as  on  the  small  distal  segment.  The  next  day, 
the  latter  was  loosely  joined  to  the  segment  proximal  to  it;  both 
segments  possessed  hydranths  with  both  sets  of  tentacles. 

These  results  show  that  hydranths  form  readily  immediately 
below  the  ligature  in  experiments  like  the  foregoing. 


The  failure  of  Tubularia  in  such  experiments  to  form  a  hy- 
dranth immediately  below  the  ligature  with  the  facility  exhibited 
by  Corymorpha  is  correlated  with  an  important  structural  dif- 
ference. The  stem  of  Tubularia  is  encased  in  a  stiff,  chitinous 
layer  of  perisarc,  that  offers  a  certain  barrier  to  the  diffusion  of 
gases  between  coenosarc  and  the  surrounding  medium.  The 
column  of  Corymorpha,  furnished  with  a  thin,  rudimentary  peri- 
sarc about  its  base,  is  naked  for  more  than  half  its  distal  length; 
in  this  naked  distal  region,  the  ligatures  wrere  in  all  cases  located. 

When  a  ligature  is  passed  tightly  around  a  stem  of  Tubularia, 
the  coenosarc  is  not  only  ruptured,  but  the  perisarc,  itself  intact 
in  most  cases,  is  drawn  closely  about  each  end  of  the  coenosarc 
thus  produced.  The  result  is  that,  while  discontinuity  has  been 
established,  the  ccenosarc  remains,  as  before,  separated  by  the 
perisarc  from  the  surrounding  medium.  When  a  ligature  is 
passed  tightly  around  a  column  of  Corymorpha^  discontinuity  is 
established  without  in  any  way  interfering  in  a  comparable  de- 
gree, if  at  all,  with  the  diffusion  of  gases  between  ccenosarc  and 
sea  water.  Now,  when  it  is  remembered  that  a  discontinuity 


brought  about  by  a  knife-  in  Tnbularia  leads  promptly  to  regenera- 
tion at  the- wound,  tin-  f, n  t  suggests  that  Tnbularia  develops  \\  ith 
•.ter  difticulty  than   Cormyorpha  at  the  ligature  because  the 
coenosarc  recei\e-  a  -mailer  supply  of  oxygen  in  that  region. 

Tin-  \ie\\    vi  I   by  the  following  experiment,   in   \\hich 

the  factor  .if  contact,  which  tends  to  inhibit  development  orally 
in  L'orytnnrpha,  wa-  eliminated. 

Fifteen  .-h  about  2  cm.  lonu    were  cut   from  fifteen 

Tnbnlnria  -tem-  of  -imilar  size  and  condition,  ju-t  below  the 
hxdranth.  The  di-tal  end  of  each  wa-  in-erted  in  a  capillary 
Vila--  tubi-  .  l.,-ed  at  one  end  by  a  para  Hi  in-  pln^'  into  \\hich  it 
fitted  easily,  without  terminal  contact,  nnill  quan- 

tity :  the  proximal  end   \\a-   free.      A-  a  <i>ntrol,  \<> 

-imilar  pie<  es  were  cut,  both  end-  remaining  i\> 

1  "rt\-h\c  hoiir>  later,  the  piece-  in  the  tube-  had  de\elopeil 
nine  h\dranth-  (tn  the  outer  (proximal'  end-,  nothing  «\\  the 
inner  end-.  In  the  control,  though  titteen  ..f  the  -ixtecn  pi. 

ed  di-tal  h\drainhs,  no  proximal  Indranth-  \\ere  \i-ible. 

Twenty-five  hours  later  still,  all  the  pii-i  e-  in  the  tube-  j»i-- 

•  •d  pr"\imal  hydranths;  nothing  had  de\  eloped  on  the  inner 

idi-tali   end-       In    tin-  control,   only  eiijit    proximal    h\dranth- 

\\eie  present. 

l\«iii«'\ed  now  from  t  he  tubi--,  all  the  ]iie»  e-  rapidl>  prudmed 
ii"i  mal  h\<lranths  distally. 

Tin- experiment  -eems  to  e>tabli.-h  (l)  that  the  failure  >i<- 

lariii   si  : ninths,  'chcn  ligatured,   immediately  /'. 

the  ligature,   is  due  to  lack  of  oxygen;  (2)  that  >i»  tin 

distal  end  in  a  'Jass  cap  leads  to  the  sa>>  deration  of 

'.of»ncnt   <»/  ///<•   proximal   hydra  nth   as  does   the   f)re  »f  a 

ligature;  and  « ;vi  ///(;/  accordingly,  sn<ii  iicceleration  is  due  to  the 
inhibit;  the  distal  hydranth  in  the  absence  of 

an  adequate  supply  of  oxygen,  rather  than  to  an  interruption  of  or 
other  change  in  the  the  circulation  in  the  canals.  The 

(  in  illation  i-  merely  a  transportation  -v-tein,  carrying  -nbstances 
fa\i'iiii-  de\elopment  that  are  rcinoxed  from  the  -tie. mi  by  those 
tissues  e-pecially  that  have  I:  6SS  to  ox\-gen,  that  i-,  b\'  the 

tissues  al  the  open  ends  of  the  peri-arcal  t ube.  The  po— ibility 
that  oxygen  mi-ht  |ila\  -nch  a  role  in  thi-  pn.ce—  of  selection 


was  suggested  by  Loeb,1  though  in  a  somewhat  different  form  in 
connection  with  a  discussion  of  the  function  of  the  red  pigment 
granules  of  the  circulation. 

The  acceleration  of  proximal  development  in  ligated  pieces  of 
Corymorpha  is  connected,  not  so  much  with  any  effect  the  ligature 
may  have  upon  the  supply  of  oxygen  to  the  neighboring  tissues, 
as  with  the  inhibitory  factors  of  contact  and  necrotic  change  that 
it  introduces.  The  same  factors  may  play  a  certain  part  in  the 
inhibitory  effect  of  the  ligature  in  Tubularia  also. 

It  will  be  remembered  that  if  a  piece  of  Tubularia  or  Cory- 
morpha is  ligated  in  the  middle,  development  at  the  distal  wound 
does  not  exhibit  the  acceleration  characteristic  of  development  at 
the  proximal  wound.  This  difference  is  to  be  explained,  I  believe, 
in  the  following  way.  Inhibition  of  development  at  the  ligature 
on  its  proximal  side  hinders  the  utilization  of  a  certain  quantity 
of  substances  that  would  be  used  up  proximally  were  the  ligature 
not  present.  That  the  availability  of  this  material  for  the  distal 
end  does  not  obviously  accelerate  the  development  distally  is 
due,  probably,  to  the  initial  acceleration  of  the  distal  over  the 
proximal  development  in  the  absence  of  the  ligature,  that  is, 
under  conditions  of  active  competition  with  the  proximal  end. 


The  considerations  in  the  foregoing  sections  lead  to  the  con- 
clusion that  the  polarity  of  Corymorpha,  of  which  the  initial  ac- 
celeration just  mentioned  is  one  expression,  is  a  product  of  con. 
ditions  under  which  the  organism  develops,  changing  as  they 
change;  that  it  is  essentially  but  an  inclusive  designation  for 
certain  phenomena  that  depend  upon  both  internal  and  external 
conditions,  all  of  which  can  be  experimentally  controlled.  The 
internal  conditions  appear  in  the  effect  of  the  continuity  of  tissue 
in  an  intact  stem,  and  the  presence  of  the  original  hydranth  on  a 
segment  of  stem,  both  inhibiting  the  development  of  a  hydranth. 
The  external  conditions  are  represented  by  oxygen,  contact,  and 
necrotic  changes  such  as  are  produced  by  ligatures.  The  first  is 
necessary  to  all  development  while  the  others  inhibit  the  develop- 
ment of  the  hydranth. 

'Loc.  cit. 


With  the  exception  of  the  third,  these  are  conditions  that 
govern  tin-  development .  whether  cnil i \ nuiic  or  regenerutixv  and 
they  are  ju-t  tin-  . •< .millions  by  whose  manipulation  the  original 
pol.irity  of  the  column  can  be  reversed.  Since  such  rever-al 
depend-  upon  .in  a<  «  <-leration  of  proximal  relative  to  di-tal  de\el- 
Opment, it WOUld  seem  reasonable  to  -u-pect  that  a  local  accelera- 
tion in  the  development  of  the  embryo  might  be  the  efficient 
cause  of  ihc  initial  polarity  in  the  individual. 

S  :•  h  a  local  growth  area  appear-  in  the  embr\  o  at  the  point 
which  hr-t  lea\e-  iln-  e^g  case  and  thereupon  define-  the  oral 
cxtremitN.1  Thi-  eMremity  may  emerge  at  any  point  not  ad- 
herent to  the  -iil.-iratum;  \\hich  ion  indicate-  that  c..n- 
•  limit-  to  -.-i<lerablt  •  the  an-a  in  which  the  oral 

pole  inu-t  appear.  Since  i\]<  rtain  barrier  to  the 

diffusion  of  oxygen  into  the  egg  if  i-  po--ible  that  \ariation  in  it- 
thii  kne--  ina\  be  an  important  lactor  in  determining  the  po-iiion 
o|  i  he  p.  .|e  in  ihi-  ai- 

i.  \i     I    \in.k  \  i- 

!•:.:•:  IV. 

\\>l.  XIX.  November,    igio.  No.  6. 



N<  >KM.\N    E.    M.  IN!  II 

N'ERAL    IN  I  K«  'I'l    i    I  I<  iN. 

I  rom  v<  pteinber  7,  KjoX,  to  "September  ~.  [QOO,,  ilu-  author 
held  lln-  Sp,-|,.,,l,,  I  i  M..U  -hip  in  Indian. i  I  niver-itv  with 
it  tin-  I  niver-ity'-  <".i\«-  I. inn  three  mile-  ea-t  of 
Miti  hell,  Ind  Tin-  present  paper  einbodie-  the  re-ult-  of  the 
ob-er\.ition^  during  tin-  linn-  on  tin-  h.ilni-  ••!'  -|udt-r-  in 
and  in  tin-  laboratory. 

Tin-  \\ork  ha-  lu-i-n  larrinl  mi  under  tin-  dirn-tioii  ot  I  >r. 
<  Ml  igenmann,  prot'i---or  nt  ;n  Indiana  I  'ni\  i  r-ii  \  . 

to  \\hoin   I  am  indebted  l'or  -  ions  and  the  lo.m  ot  hi-  cave 

literature.  I  \\i-h  to  expre^  in\  thank-  to  Dr.  Cliarle-  /el. n\  , 
associate  pr"!.  ->or  of  /o<.|,  .  :  main-  heljiful  Mi^e-t  ions. 

I  .mi  indebted  t«>  I  >r.  \le\.mder  1'et rnnke\  ii.  h  (Or  the  ideinili- 
ealion  ot  the  -|ie(  inien- ;  to  I  >i  .  \.  M.  M.mia.  for  the  lo.m  <•!  his 
entire  eolleetioii  o|  ,.i\e  spider-,  and  to  Mr.  Will  Scott,  tor 

I  MI  i  oi  the  map  of  this  s.     He  surveyed  and  mapped 

the  cave  t'roin  "i"  to  "37"  or  the  I  pi>er  halton  (see  map,  i 

.UM     in    the  aiitnnin  o|    iv"7:    the  ant h<>r  a--i-ted    b\-  Mr.  l-'rank 
'•n   snr\e\ed   and    mapped    the    I  "|>|»r    1  >altoii    t'roin    "37"    t11 

"1.4"  in  <  October,  19 

I'KI  vrioi  -   \\'<  IKK. 

1'nbli-hed  ob-er\ation-  on  the  habit-  of  cave  -|>ider-  are 
limited  to  .i  ir\\  -(.it  it-red  paper-  \\hirh  ^i\e  li-t-  of  species  and 
l.ualities.1  Tlu-  be.-t  studies  [iiibli-hed  are  tho-e  of  I'a<  kard- 
and  Bain 

I'.-  al         06)  ami  hi. •>    ('96)  v;iv  li>t>  ot    Arai'hniil-  I'MUII    Indiana  Caves. 
W,  ..:.     A   :•       I  .    I\'..    1888. 

"l-'.iuna  i«l    Maylii-ld  "    IQO?. 


304  NORMAN  E.  M'INDOO. 


Two  species  of  spiders  permanently  live  in  the  Mitchell  caves. 
One,  Troglohyphantes  (Willibalda)  cavernicola  Keyserling,  a 
linyphid1  is  a  true  cave  form;  the  other,  Meta  menardi  Latreille, 
is  an  epeiriclicl  and  also  lives  outside  of  caves.  According  to 
Emerton  (1902,  190-)  the  latter  arachnid  "lives  in  caves  and  simi- 
lar cool  and  shady  places  in  various  parts  of  this  country  and 
also  in  Europe." 

Banta  (1907,  65)  reports  Erigone  infer nalis  Key.  from  the 
Twin  Cave  at  Mitchell,  Ind.  I  have  been  unable  to  find  it 
here,  but  have  taken  it  in  Mayfield's  Cave  at  Bloomington,  Ind. 

Troglohyphantes  has  been  observed  in  detail  in  order  to  get 
as  far  as  possible  the  life  history  of  a  typical  cave  spider.  The 
distribution,  food  and  results  of  the  experiments  of  Meta  are 
given  in  order  to  show  how  an  outside  form  is  able  to  adapt 
itself  to  a  subterranean  life.  All  notes  unless  otherwise  stated 
refer  to  Troglohyphantes.  The  numbers  in  quotation  marks 
refer  to  localities  in  the  caves  (see  maps,  pages  321  and  323). 

In  Troglohyphantes  there  are  all  degrees  of  differences  in 
coloration,  and  in  the  degeneration  of  the  eyes.  The  abdomen 
varies  in  color  from  black,  dark  brown,  light  to  white.  The 
cephalothorax  varies  from  dark,  pinkish,  light  to  a  white  color. 
The  most  common  combination  of  colors  is  a  light  brown  ab- 
domen with  a  pinkish  cephalothorax.  The  adult  females  range 
in  length  (cephalothorax  and  abdomen)  from  2.4  mm.  to  3.7  mm., 
while  the  adult  males  vary  from  2.2  mm.  to  3  mm. 

In  the  adults  the  eyes  range  from  eight  in  number,  each  with 
a  maximum  size  of  0.036  mm.  in  diameter  to  no  external  signs 
of  eyes.  I  have  not  seen  Keyserling's  description,  but  from  his 
figure,  which  Packard2  has  copied,  the  eyes  are  small,  and  the 
front  middle  ones  extremely  minute. 


These  spiders  are  found  only  in  total  darkness,  where  the 
atmosphere  is  saturated,  and  in  places  suitable  for  the  construc- 
tion of  snares.  They  are  never  found  where  the  walls  are  per- 
pendicular with  water  covering  the  entire  floor;  nor  are  they 

'Banks,  '06,  classification. 
2i888,  Plate  XV.,  Fig.  32. 


found  where  the  walls  and  floor  are  dry.  Distance  from  the 
entrance  does  not  necessarily  limit  the  distribution  it"  the  three 
necessary  condition-  an-  present,  nor  does  -carcity  of  food  limit 
their  distribution  to  a  very  great  decree. 

A-      .       .  lV\v  were  collected  last  fall  but  none  ha-  been  found 
since.      Thi-   i-   200   feet   from    the  entrance   in   total   darkm 
At  "o"  a  feu   more  than  at  "2"  have  been  found;  at  "lo"  a  y,reat 
many  ha\e  been  taken  and  "13"  wa>  my  best  collecting  ground. 
Tlii-   pla<  c  from   the   mouth.      Un   several   occa-ions 

1   h.  i  In-red   two  or  three  do/en  individuals  hen-  and  -uch 

whole-ale  <  olle<  tiim  at  one  plaee  -eemcd  at  the  time  to  exhaust 
the  -upply,  but  a  month  alter  -in  h  a  collection  had  been  made, 
I  ha\e  been  able  to  duplicate  tin-  record.  Main  havWbecn 
•  oil,,  ted  al  "14"  and  at  "l<»  "  The  latter  localit>  i-  tin-  "B 

Room,"  1.7001.    :  from  the  entran          Three  w<  n  at  "23" 

and  oi, |\  a  leu  \\ere  .ib-er\ed  in  a  branch  at  "31."  Thi-  latter 
plai  <•  i-  in  total  darkne--  200  feet  from  the  mouth  of  the  l.ouer 

T  \\ill     Cave     at  \f>t      on,-     ha-     berll     ob-cr\ed     bet\'. 

;"  and  A  IV\\    have  b.-en  ,  ..11<  .  ted  in  a  branch  at  " 

in  t  lie  1    pp<  r  I  >allon.      Thi-  loi  at  ion  i^  in  total  dark  lie--   I  50 
from    the   entrain  e.      A    number   \\eiv    taken    from    brain  he-   at 
"46"  uhnh   i-   1,024  feet  from    the  entrain.         1  hi-  l<>«alit\    \\a- 
m\  collecting  ground,   partii  ularly  for  tin  ons. 

\  ',  \\  u.  i.    taken  at  "50."     i  >ne  was  caught  in  the  "P.u  koom" 
at    "57 "   and    *  \<ral  -nar-  re  seen.      At  a   mile 

from  the  eiitrani-e  of  I'pp.-r  l>ali->n.  three  \\en-  observed  and 
-<  \<-ral  \\eb-  \\en  among  tin  i  o(  k^  at  a  "i  a\e-in." 

'/''  al-o    .|iiitc    abundant     in     llanu-r'-     Ca\e 

oin-  halt  mile  west  "f  tln-e  «a\es.      None  ua-  loiiinl  nearer  than 
Vo  |\.,-i    ti-otn   the  entrar 

Thi-  an  hnid  -hare-  a-  \\ide  a  distribution  as  the  blind  bet  tie, 
AnophthalntUS  tains  Horn  (Hlatchle\.  "96).  It  far  outnumber^ 
the  latter  in  iin li\  but  i-  le--  e\.-nl\-  distributed.  Hy 
attual  D  unt  there  are  t  \\iie  a-  man\  teinale-  as  male-  in  all 
the  rollet'tion-  made  from  the  \arioii-  cavi 

Mt-!<:  i-  found  both  in  t\\ilii;ht  and  total  darkne--.  In  the 
Shaunee  ('a\e  the\  an-  <|uite  abundant  from  the  entrance  at 
"  i"  to  "4."  The  lat  ler  place  i-  o\  t  r  2o<>  feet  from  the  entrance 

306  NORMAN    E.    M'lNDOO. 

in  total  darkness.  Several  were  seen  at  "6,"  100  feet  from  the 
mouth.  An  adult  male  was  observed  on  the  roof  at  "14";  nine 
days  later,  it  was  seen  under  a  rock  on  the  floor  and  had  con- 
structed a  snare.  One  immature  specimen  was  seen  in  a  branch 
at  "23."  At  "30,"  200  feet  from  the  entrance  of  Lower  Twin, 
a  few  live,  and  at  "32"  and  "33"  they  are  quite  numerous. 

May  17,  I  collected  eighteen  Metas  and  placed  them  on  the 
north  wall  by  a  large  pile  of  rocks  at  "19"  in  the  "Big  Room." 
August  3,  I  saw  six  of  them.  They  had  scattered  along  the  wall 
about  50  feet  and  among  the  rock  pile.  Each  had  built  an  orb- 
web  and  remains  of  small  diptera  were  seen  in  the  snares.  August 
17,  after  a  brief  search  I  saw  only  three  of  the  eighteen.  This 
absence  does  not  mean  that  they  had  died,  but  that  it  was  im- 
possible to  find  them. 


This  arachnid  is  very  agile  and  is  a  good  runner.  Its  long 
legs  and  slender  body  enable  it  to  move  from  place  to  place, 
and  to  avoid  an  obstacle  with  much  ease.  When  not  irritated 
it  moves  along  slowly  and  gently.  When  stimulated  mechan- 
ically, it  gives  a  quick  jump,  runs  and  dodges  whatever  obstacle 
may  be  in  its  way.  However,  it  runs  only  a  few  inches  and  if 
stimulated  a  second  or  third  time  often  drops  in  an  instant  and 
hangs  to  its  web.  Sometimes  it  climbs  the  web  to  the  place 
from  which  it  dropped,  at  other  times  it  lets  itself  down  to  the 
floor  and  then  runs  off. 

Several  were  placed  on  the  roof  among  beads  of  water  and  other 
small  obstacles.  A  pencil  was  used  to  stimulate  and  guide  them 
so  that  they  were  obliged  to  run  up  against  the  obstacles.  They 
use  the  first  pair  of  legs  as  feelers.  These  are  kept  well  in  advance 
of  the  other  legs  and  head  so  that  they  can  detect  an  object  in 
front  of  them  the  length  of  the  body.  While  walking  or  running 
slowly,  they  are  able  to  dodge  an  object  every  time.  If  caused 
to  run  swiftly,  they  run  against  the  object,  or  if  the  object  be 
a  low  bead  of  water,  they  run  over  it  and  pass  on. 


This  spider  usually  spins  a  web  wherever  it  goes.  It  is  im- 
possible to  see  a  single  thread  in  the  cave  with  a  carbide  bicycle 

IMOLOi.V    OF    THE    SHAWXEE    CAVE    SPIDERS.  307 

lamp  link---  the-  thread  is  coated  with  water.  Unite  often  <>n 
the  root  in  a  -lit  U-tweeii  two  strata  of  rock-,  nr  in  crevices  in 
th<-  u.ill-  .ire  found  ...lie.  tion-  <  >i  \\el>-  which  .erally  coaled 

with  water.  The-e  wel .-  do  not  seem  to  In-  of  any  -er\ ice  ID 
tin-  -pider  after  oner  -pun.  They,  ho\\e\  er.  show  h<>\\  it  \\anders 
from  pl.i<  e  to  pi. ire.  It  makes  a  Hat  sheet-like  snare  under 
which  it  li\e~.  I  ht  Miare  is  slightly  curved  downward  and  may 
lie  in  -u<h  a  jio-inon  as  to  form  any  amjr  l»etwe\-n  o'  and  90° 
with  the  iloor.  The  t li reads  are  tine  and  the  >naiv  SO  transparent 
that  ii  i-  dil'tieult  to  see  unless  it  i-  ted  \\ith  water.  The 
IIM  -he-  are  -o  minute  that  the  snan-  turn-  \\ater.  The  Miare  i> 
supported  hy  many  fine  thr>  nun  the  ^iiles,  the  length  of 

the-e    \,u  to    the   surroundiiu-.      \\heii    in-e(t>    ll\- 

into  the  xn.tre  the\  .ire  taken  through  it  \>\  the  spider  \\hich  is 
on  the  under  -ide. 

siiai«  •     iiio~t    .ilumdant    in    the    older    part-    of    the    <  .1 

u  here  I  he  pa  1 -lo.  k<  d  up  \\  i  t  h  i  la  \  .      At  Mich  places  the 

(  la\     haul.  :i<  ular    and    the  \\aler  has 

\\a-lled     ollt     lllall\      Mil. ill     CT<  ^"Illetime-.     lari^e     M<uk 

clay  tumble  down  into  a  heap.  la\  bl<  «  k- 

and  in  MI.  h  •  the  .1  r\    numerous. 

In  a  crevice  ti\e  in.  In--.  \\ i«le  I  once  saw  tin  Imilt  •    • 

al"'\e   the  other  not  more  tli. in   three  inche-.    .ip.irt.      All     t: 
\\.  re    |Mialli  1    \\ith    the   floor. 

h.  il    pl.t  jiiite   (  oil-pit  noils    in    the   an 

I  tet  \\eeii   the   :  :ul   \\all.       In  ML  ili-'ii-  the  spider-  ha\e 

litttei   route-  i.-r  travel  from  on.-  snai  mother  than  in  the 

t  la\ 

The  third  pl.n  e  \\  here  -nar.  :•  umd  i-  anioir^  the  ro.  k-  at 

"cave-ins."    The  rough  cornered  appear  to  form  good  pla 

lor  attachment  and  quite  frequently  dripping  \\at.-r  i-  present 
\\  hich  this  >]  : ppan  in  l\  iii''  •• 

1  •  KDD. 

\\hile    in    capti\'it\     I    have   fed    them    small,  -mall    li; 
and  the  spiderlings  "t  Mi-la. 

In   the  caves  the  following;  oli-er\alion-  \\ere  made:  At    "13" 
while  \\atchiiiL;  a  nuiK1  \\lio  \\a-  tr\in;4  to  (.-otirt  a  female   1    -aw 

308  NORMAN    E.    M'lNDOO. 

a  white-winged  dipteron  fly  into  the  snare.  In  an  instant  the 
female  seized  the  insect,  then  ran  back  to  the  male.  The  latter 
then  ran  to  the  other  side  of  the  snare.  In  a  few  minutes  another 
white-winged  dipteron  flew  into  the  snare  near  the  male,  and  he 
lost  no  time  in  seizing  it.  Several  other  times  these  diptera 
flew  against  the  snare  but  failed  to  be  entangled  in  its  meshes. 
In  each  case  the  spiders  made  a  dash  for  the  would-be  victim 
while  holding  one  insect  in  their  mandibles.  At  an  earlier  date 
a  spider  at  this  same  place  was  seen  eating  a  white-winged  dip- 
teron. On  various  dates  at  "14"  one  was  caught  eating  a 
myriopod;  one,  a  small  gnat;  and  several  were  caught  under  an 
old  turtle's  shell  with  thysanurans.1  At  "19"  two  or  three  were 
observed  in  a  mouse  trap  with  some  cheese.  At  "40"  one  was 
caught  under  an  old  piece  of  meat  with  a  small  white  thysanuran 
in  its  mandibles.  At  "43"  one  was  eating  a  white-winged 
dipteron,  this  spider  was  running  on  the  wall.  At  "50"  one 
was  seen  in  its  snare  eating  a  small  myriopod. 

This  spider  is  usually  very  peaceful.  Neither  in  the  caves 
nor  in  captivity  have  I  ever  seen  them  to  show  the  least  signs 
of  pugnacity  when  they  came  in  contact  with  each  other.  Never- 
theless it  appears  certain  that  they  at  times  eat  each  other.  A 
few  times  their  remains  have  been  found  in  the  snares.  A  few 
remains  were  observed  in  the  glass  cases  in  which  they  were 
sometimes  kept  in  the  laboratory.  Quite  a  number  of  times 
remains  were  found  in  the  collecting  vials  the  next  morning  when 
three  or  four  were  left  in  the  same  vial  over  night. 

When  bits  of  dirt  were  thrown  into  the  snares,  the  spiders 
ran  away  quickly.  Blind  beetles  were  caught  and  tossed  into 
the  snares.  At  the  instant  when  the  beetles  struck  the  snare, 
the  spiders  ran  and  with  a  jump  seized  the  victim.  Neither  the 
web,  nor  spider,  nor  both  together  were  strong  enough  to  hold 
the  beetle.  Large  flies  were  also  thrown  into  the  snare  \\iih 
the  same  results.  The  spiders  always  seized  their  prey  and  held 
on  tenaciously  until  the  last  second.  Small  flies  and  mosquitoes 
were  likewise  tossed  into  the  snares.  In  each  case  the  spider 
made  a  quirk  run  and  with  a  jump  seized  the  victims  and  held 

'Here  as  elsewhere  used  in  broad  sense  to  include  both  Tliysannra  and  Collem- 

BIOLOGY    OF    THE    SHAWNEE    CAVE    SPIDER- .  309 

mi  so  firmly  that  both  prey  and  spider  were  torn  loose  from   the 
\vd>  by  pirkiii^  the  prey  up  with  forceps. 

\"i  one  -;><•<  imeii  lid-  even  been  seen  drinking  water.  Since 
they  alwa\  -  live  in  a  -atura'ed  atmosphere  all  the  water  required 
i-  probably  ab-orbed  through  the  ^kin. 

In  «-a|)tivity  I  have  fed  Mfln  Hies,  mosquitoes,  i^nats  and 
variou-  her  arachnids  -mailer  than  thcmsel 

\\'hen  two  <>r  more  of  them  are  placed  in  the  sam-  he  lai\ 

invariabl  Mir-  all  the  others  in  a  short  time. 

In   tl.'  ;s  have  been   ob-er\vd   at    xarimi-   Incali: 

eatiiu  juitoes,    flies    and  .  ricket-.      (  )ne    u  as 

11  eatil  'iall  moth  and  another  an  old  dried  m\ 

I   •.  •  " 

\-   i  ir  as  m>    "b-tTVaiii>n-  L;O,   \\](^-  -pidcr>  ha\e  im  eiieii 
bi--ide-    iht-ii:  Ii    i-    \  id»m    thai    one    can    find    the 

remain  mien  in  tin-  webs  and  a-  mentioned  above  no < 

ol    li-hiiii^    h        •  \\iine--etl.      Ai  a    mile 

troin    the   entrance    the   onl\    other   in^  Mini    ua-    the    blind 

tie.     l>"Ml.'l  i"nll\  i  ervations  at  this  locality 

\\ill   |iro\e   that   other  in-eM-  are  al->  present. 

I       Ml'l    K  \  I  I    i 
I  >lll  11:.      the    la-t     tlir.  •  "{->\>{ 

ha\e  been  taken  at  "!<)."  or  in  tin  Room."  I'm;  the 

tein]>eratiire  ;  11.5    C.  for  January,  February,  March, 

Ajiril   and    Ma\;  June    11.7    :    |u'  .    ;  Aii^ti-t    and  September 

u.;      October    t2.2°;    Noveml    ;    11.9°;  ami    I  ber  11.7°. 

Since  |o,,.l  i-  in- -re  abundant  and  the  three  necessar)  ph\>iial 
condition  ,  \identl\  suitable  at  "J."  "M"  and  ".Vs,"  \\  e  tan 

pri'bal.K  attribute  the  -mail  number  of  -pecimeii-.  to  the  une\eii 
tempi-rature.  Vgain,  -in*  i  i-  e\tremel\  scarce  a  halt  mile 

from  the  entrance  \\hile  the  number  of  -peeimeii-  i-  few,  [x.-rhap> 

the  -mall  number  of  -piders  i-  due  to  the  scarcity  of  f 1.      Mid- 

\\a\  betueeii  the-e  t  u  <•  loralilie-  fo«  ><  1  is  eoini  >arat  i\  el  \  ]ilentiful, 
the  temperature  i-  practically  e\eii  throughout  the  \ear.  and 
thi>  combination  i-  probably  re-poii-ibk-  for  the  i^n  at  number  ol 
indi\  idllal-. 



Specimens  have  been  kept  in  captivity  in  the  laboratory 
throughout  the  year.  In  cold  weather  they  are  less  active  than 
in  warm  and  are  very  fretful  when  the  vials  become  too  warm, 
and  often  die. 


November  16  two  were  seen  copulating.  In  order  to  see 
them  I  got  too  close  and  my  breath  irritated  the  web.  This 
caused  them  to  separate.  After  an  absence  of  five  minutes  I 
returned  and  found  them  together  again.  A  second  time  they 
were  disturbed.  Returning  after  an  absence  of  fifteen  minutes, 
they  were  found  close  together.  While  copulating,  they  were 
lying  one  under  the  other  with  anterior  and  posterior  ends  re- 
versed and  with  the  ventral  parts  of  their  cephalothorax  in 
contact.  November  19,  a  pair  was  seen  pairing.  December  17, 
two  wrere  observed  copulating,  these  were  both  under  the  snare, 
and  the  anterior  and  posterior  ends  of  the  cephalothorax  were 
reversed.  The  dorsal  surface  of  the  cephalothorax  of  the  male 
was  pressed  against  the  corresponding  ventral  part  of  the  female. 
The  male  placed  his  palp  on  the  epigynum  once,  this  lasted  only 
a  few  seconds,  then  they  parted.  December  14  and  22,  two 
couples  were  seen  copulating.  Those  on  the  latter  date  were  first 
seen  at  2:25  P.M.  and  then  disturbed  by  breath.  At  2:27  they 
were  together  again  after  the  male  had  circled  once  around  the 
female.  This  pair  was  on  top  of  the  horizontal  snare  all  the  time. 
The  male  used  his  palps  alternatively  three  times  in  three  minutes, 
each  time  lasted  only  a  few  seconds.  They  were  disturbed  at 
2:30.  January  4,  two  were  observed  copulating  June  7,  a 
male  was  seen  courting  a  female.  Both  were  under  the  snare 
within  one  and  one-half  inches  of  each  other.  They  were  first 
seen  at  3:45  P.M.  When  the  male  tried  to  advance  toward  the 
female,  she  caused  him  to  keep  his  distance,  the  result  of  which 
caused  the  male  to  circle  completely  around  her  clockwise  in 
six  minutes.  Most  of  the  time  she  kept  the  posterior  end  of 
her  abdomen  toward  him,  while  he  had  his  head  facing  her  all 
the  time.  At  4:00  I  left  them  and  a  half  hour  later  upon  my 
return  they  were  still  in  the  same  position.  They  were  placed 
in  a  vial,  taken  to  the  house  and  were  put  in  a  case.  In  this 

'McCook,  '93,  describes  only  courtship  of  outside  form 


case  they  lived  two  weeks  where  they  died.  This  pair  like  all 
others  when  in  captivity  had  no  inclination  to  mate. 

Coco-  >NS  AND  Er,<,- 

One  cocoon  wa-  made  in  a  -l.t--  case  <  Vt<>U-r  4.  It  contained 
six  eggs.  Another  was  made  in  a  case  I  >«  •  <-ml>cr  1 1.  January 
21 ,  MIII-  with  !  •  c.m-tructed  in  a  vial.  (  Hhrr  cocoons 

wen-  made  in  \i.d-  on  the  following  dates:  April  J>> :  May  5.  8, 
jj.  27  ,uid  ,}i;  June  3,  J.s  and  28;  Jul\  >  and  27;  August  6,  19 
and  J I . 

<  Mi  tin-  follouiiu  dates  cocoons  with  eggs  \\ere  collected  in 
tin-  cavi  Octobei  -  one  with  two  t.  ne  with  ei-h  2O;  |anuar\  Jo,  one  containing;  ei-hl  ne\\ly  hatched 
spider-  .ind  one  \\ith  -<  M-II  eggs;  another  \\itli  -e\t  :  h 

2\  li    i<>,    i  •.  -is,  one  with   egii»   and    tin-  other   \\itli 

ncul\  h.iiiln-d;  M.i\  j}.  one  with  four  i-i;y;  July  -.  OIK-  \\ith 
loin  J"ly  '•'.  at  various  localities  collected  -<-\(-n  cocoons, 

OIK  o|  \\hiili  i  iiiitainrd  fijn  eggs,  and  t  \\  o  other-  IM.  h  hcl<l 
tour  yum-,  .tt  \.irioii-  1...  ,ilitii->  in  1'pprr  Malion  Au^n-i  jj 
(-..lleitrd  seven  ns.  S<jme  f)f  lh>  'itaim-d  yoiinv;  ju-t 

hatched,  and  others  young  r«.iil\  to  l<  ,i\(- tli.  ns. 

Tin-  i -ii-  in   (!:•  ^  are  u-uall\    c-  >n>i  nu  tf<l   in  ^ccludnl 

pi. i'  •  -  and   .in-  ditlu  nit    to  find   unless  examine-  r\t-r\    little 

rnce  and  looks  under  the  li  k-\<r\  ran-iull\. 

timr-   tin  \    are   lound   .ittaihnl    !«•   the   undi  r-idr  o|    rocks 

on   tin-  !lo.,r.   din  »llrn   undi  r  litllr  Ird^r^  •>!    fm-k-  and   in 

tlir   amtr  aii'^lr-  ( .('   -mall   i  fr\  i. 

In  i  nlof  1 1 1, -\    .in-  -now  \\  hiir  and  an-  di-<  -like  in  -h.r  Thr 

tlat   part  o|  tlir  di-i    i-  I'.i-tnird  lirmK    to  tin-  P.,  '  '!'!.. 

-i/r  i-  (.  mm.  in  diameter  l.y  ;,  mm.  in  depth,  although  -i.metime- 
a  i  moon  i  i. in, lining  the  minimum  numl-er  ol  i-  .1-  large  as 

one  i-oiiiaiiiiiiii  the  maximum  number.  I  ha\e  ne\  rr  l.reii 
lortunaie  eiion-h  to  \\itnr--  .1  lemale  making  her  CQCOOn,  luit 
on  examination,  .1  ,  , ,,  „  . -n  i-  compn-ed  ..f  .1  mofe  or  less  linn  ami 
rlo-el\  woven  circular  base.  The  -  re  pil<  d  into  a  heap  in 

the  middle  ol   this  IMM-  and   then   the  convex   part    i-  -pun  over 
them  in  Mich  a  crude  and  iniMilistantial  \\.ty  that  one  can  gener- 
ally  count    the  eggs   through    this   covering.      In    detachini;    the 
M.'nm<'iiu-ry.  '06,  describes  the  cocoons  and  eggs  of  an  allied  out-ide  form. 

312  NORMAN    E.   M  INDOO. 

cocoon  from  the  rock  one  must  use  precaution  for  fear  the  eggs 
fall  through  the  covering. 

In  number  the  eggs  vary  from  two  to  eight  with  five  for  an 
average  cocoon.  They  are  transparent  whitish  in  color  and 
are  perfect  spheres  with  an  average  diameter  of  0.6  mm.  During 
the  embryological  stages,  they  soon  take  on  a  yellowish  color, 
become  oblong  in  shape,  and  the  outline  of  the  embryos  is  dis- 
cernible through  the  covering.  Some  of  these  embryos  assume 
the  shape  of  the  profile  of  a  man's  head. 


When  hatched  they  remain  for  an  indefinite  period  inside  the 
cocoon  and  when  strong  enough  emerge  through  a  small  circular 

March  22,  three  of  the  seven  eggs  in  a  cocoon  collected  March  2, 
hatched;  April  3,  two  of  these  spiderlings  were  dead,  they  with 
the  remaining  eggs  were  covered  with  mold.  June  4,  two  of  the 
four  eggs  in  a  cocoon  collected  May  24,  were  hatched,  one  spider- 
ling  was  dead  and  the  other  alive  on  this  date.  Neither  one  had 
any  eyes.  July  29,  a  cocoon  collected  July  19,  was  examined  and 
contained  three  young.  Each  one  was  examined  both  alive 
and  dead.  All  eyes,  except  the  anterior  middle  ones,  were  dis- 
cernible. Female  no.  139  made  a  cocoon  and  laid  four  eggs 
May  5.  On  May  23  all  four  eggs  were  hatched,  but  the  young 
were  still  inside  the  cocoon.  Each  spiderling  had  all  eight  eyes 
except  the  anterior  middle  ones.  The  eyes  had  a  uniform  diam- 
eter of  0.018  mm.  While  alive  under  the  microscope  their  little 
eyes  shone  like  small  electric  lights.  Their  mother  had  no  signs 
of  external  eyes.  Many  other  newly  hatched  spiderlings  were 
observed  both  alive  and  dead.  The  anterior  middle  eyes  are 
never  discernible.  In  some,  the  other  six  eyes  are  present  and 
in  others  no  eyes  can  be  seen.  All  the  other  eggs  laid  in  the 
laboratory  failed  to  hatch.  Perhaps  this  was  due  to  uneven 

The  young  are  much  thicker-set  than  the  old.  The  legs  are 
thick  and  stubby.  The  cephalothorax  and  legs  are  transparent 
whitish  while  the  abdomen  is  light  cream  in  color.  The  latter 
has  a  few  longitudinal  rows  of  hairs.  The  length  varies  from 
0.6  to  0.8  mm. 

I;:  THE    ?H,  \\VNEE    CAVE    SPIDERS.  313 

While  in  captivity  -even  individuals  moulted,  three  of  which 
iund  dead  shortly        •  r  the  skins  were  cast  off  .     The  deaths 
wen-  probably   partial!  to  an  -  of  water  in   tin-   vial- 

for   inm,<  diatelv    aft<  r   the   old   -kii  •   -hed    the   spiders   lay 

lifele--  in   tin-  water.      The  -kins  v.  •  aded   by  thread- 

the  ujipiT  The  moults  -how  that  the  -kin  >plits 

on  i  •  -f  i!i--  cephalothorax  at  the  <l<>  -i-le  of  \\here  the 

!•  hed.      Ili-ni  «-.   ilu-  moulted  -kin  of  ml  mouth 

ntrul  hall"  of   tin-  moult,  and   the  ronieal 
belonf  'lie  dorsal   half.      All    the  old   hair-  an 

with   the  -kin,   new  OIK-S  take   the  plare  of  the  old   \\hith 

•iiMy  brighter.      The  moulted  >kins 

lie  al-doinrii  \\.-re  ciih.-r  mi-  rolleil  up  into  littK-  \\ad- 

•liat  one  i  oiild   not    tell   prei-Udy  how  they  \s  • 

M'  IB  rALITY. 

In    tl,  tmd-   dr.  id    Bpecimi  US        In    eaptix  it\' 

mortalitN    i-  not  I  h  •   mos!    important    n-i|iiirement    i-   to 

pi.  n  •    i  hem  in    a  sat  urati-d  atm<  >Sph<  Jit.       l'\\o 

third-  of   ih.  and  dead   in   I  he  i  .  .ll.-i  t  in^   \ial- 

tlu-  follouin-    morning   \\hen   l<-tt    in   tin-   vial-  without  a  dro: 
v\ati  r   over    night.       l;    i-   imp"~-il'l<-    t"   kre]i   tin-in    Ion-    in    anv  - 
tiling  not  .lir-ti^hl,  hov  lul  on<  p  them  -upplii  d 

with  water.  "l'h«-  !»«•-!  device  i-  -mall  vial-  with  air-ti'Jit  cork 
-topper-.  In  -urh  vial-  they  may  \»-  kept  for  month-  without 
food.  <  >m-  rau-Jn  5  i  her  I  o  was  placed  in  a  small  vial  con- 

taining two  dr-'  <  >n  Jann.i:  more  water  wa- 

added  whirh    alnio-t  drowned    t  imeii.       (  »n  Januarv    Jo  it 

dii-d.      Dunn:;  all  thi-  time  it  had  had  nothii  it.       Another 

indiv  idual  wa-  placed  in  a  -mall  v  ial  January  ~,  and  died  April  \<t, 
dm-  to  l.iek  of  nioi-t  utv  or  lood. 

In  ca|)tivit\-  tlu-v  i|iiite  often  di<-  soon  after  moulting.  In 
vial-  -unshine  kill-  them  in  a  tew  minute-.  The  heat  from  a 
Mudent'.-  lamp  i-  al-o  fatal. 

l.Ii.ll  1    I-'.M'l  klMl  N  I-. 

In  tin-  caves  one  may  throw  the  li^ht  from  a  carlude  lii<  vrl«- 
lamp  on  Tro'Johyplnintt-*  for  a  half  hour  or  more  without  pro- 

314  NORMAN  E.  M'INDOO. 

ducing  any  effect.  Such  is  not  true  with  Meta.  Just  as  soon 
as  the  light  strikes  their  eyes,  they  run  into  the  dark.  If  the 
light  is  repeatedly  thrown  on  their  eyes,  they  may  be  turned  in 
any  direction  and  often  can  be  driven  into  places  where  the  light 
cannot  reach  them. 

The  following  apparatus  was  used  in  the  laboratory:  For  the 
adult  Metas,  slender  lo-inch  bottles;  for  the  medium  sized  Metas, 
6-inch  test-tubes;  for  the  spiderlings  of  Meta  and  for  Troglo- 
hyphantes,  small  5-inch  vials.  The  closed  end  and  the  lower 
half  of  each  vessel  were  covered  with  black  carbon  paper.  The 
open  ends  were  securely  closed  with  air-tight  cork  stoppers. 
One  specimen  with  one  or  two  drops  of  water  were  placed  in 
each  vessel.  In  a  very  short  time  the  water  forms  a  thin  film  of 
moisture  all  over  the  inner  surface  of  the  vessel.  This  saturated 
the  air  in  both  ends  equally.  The  vessels  were  then  placed 
on  an  inclined  rack  by  a  south  window  in  order  to  give  each 
an  equal  amount  of  light.  Occasionally  they  were  rotated  so 
that  the  light  always  fell  directly  upon  the  spiders'  eyes.  At 
various  times  the  carbon  paper  was  transferred  to  the  cork  end, 
thus  throwing  the  specimen  into  the  light  or  dark  as  the  case 
may  be.  Those  that  were  strongly  negatively  phototropic 
never  lost  much  time  in  finding  the  dark  end,  regardless  of  the 
number  of  times  the  carbon  paper  was  changed.  Such  individuals 
often  pass  into  the  dark  in  three  minutes.  The  few  that  were 
strongly  positively  phototropic  always  changed  from  the  dark 
end  to  the  light  end  whenever  they  were  thrown  into  the  dark. 
Some  were  thus  experimented  with  for  thirty  days,  but  experi- 
ence taught  that  their  actions  were  reliable  for  only  the  first 
four  or  five  days.  Darkness  and  cloudy  weather  had  much  to 
do  with  the  final  results.  Time  was  counted  from  the  period 
when  first  placed  in  the  vessel,  and  each  morning  when  first 
observed  until  6:00  P.M.  each  day  for  four  consecutive  days. 
When  first  placed  in  the  vessels  and  for  a  short  time  after  the 
carbon  paper  was  transferred,  they  were  noticed  every  few 
minutes,  after  that  irregularly  five  times  every  day. 

The  adult  Metas  were  always  in  the  dark  end  during  clear 
and  cloudy  weather,  and  always  in  the  light  end  when  it  was 
dark.  The  medium  sized  Metas  were  ahva\N  found  in  the  dark 


end  in  clear  weather,  one  half  the  time  in  the  dark  end  during 
cloudy  weather,  and  usually  in  the  lii;ht  end  when  dark.  The 
-piderl:  remained  in  the  dark  end  one  half  the  time 

in  clear  \\eather.  one  third  the  time  in  the  dark  end  during  cloudy 
her  and  mo-t  of  the  time  in  the  li^ht  end  when  dark. 

All  ei^ht  eyes  in  the  .1/VM\  \\ere  present  and  presumabK  well 
de\elo])ed.  The  anterior  middle  OIH--  v  nerallx  a  little 

^mailer  than  the  other-  an  1  ••«  ,  a-nmally  an  eye  \\a-  found  anioii- 
tin-  other-  which  wa-  about  one  half  -i/e.  In  all  the-e  experiments 
forty  .!/<.',."  \\ere  n-ed. 

The  following  table  gives  the  re-ult-  of  the  liijit  experiments 
tor  /  >!yf}hnn!'^.  <>uthe  left  i- entered  the  number  of  the 

specimen,  the  localil  .'.  he  t  her  mature  or  immature 

and  the  four  \MI.  -land-  for  anterior  middl* 

I'M  I     tor  |io-terior  middl'  \H     for  anterior  -ide  •  itnl 

I'^l     for  po-ti  rior  -ide  <     •  All  mea-uremeiit  -  \\etv  made  \\ith 

a  mil  lometer  -lide  in-ide  the  i  wo  inch  ocular  \\ith  i  u  o  third-  or 

lo\\    nbjet  li\e.        \\hellthee\e-\v  •  1  \    1 1  i  -<  elllible   t  he  olie- 

iin  li  o,  \\as  -iib-lituied  for  the  i  \\o-inch.  A-  a  unit  of  meas- 
urement tor  the  •  in-  lifty-tiflh  of  a  millimeter  O.OlB  mm 

I.        Phe  f  1  nal  |.at  'mil   are  mil>   approxi- 

mate. The  — '-  are  U-ed  uhell  tile  e\"-  are  joined  together,  if 
sej.arate  einplo\ed.  1*  stand-  tor  pigment  Speck.  The 

under   i-   -eli-e\planat 

The  thirl\    example-  included   in   tin-  table  \\  i  :  I,   not 

on   a    photoiropic  ba-i-,  but  •  nt    the  \ariou-   localilie-. 

the  •  iteration  o|  "the  •  :n  1  •  --lorat  ion.       It  another 

table  \\ere  made  Iroiu  th.-  -]>eciinen-  not  included  in  thi-  one,  t  he 
re-uli-  \\oiild  be  If  .'  c.  .rn-ciii  .11  could  be  made  for 
rloudx  \\eatln  r  and  for  the  ti:  ii)tied  in  ^oin^  inlo  the  dark, 

the  total  i  .t.  of  .).)  for  tho-e  in  the-  dark  column  would  be 

ion-id  -rabl\    larger  than  the  total  per  lent,  ol  51   lor  tho-e  in  the 

li.uht  column.     In  all  these  experiments 225  specimens  have  been 

1  and  I  am  po-iii\elv  (crtain  that  the  result-  ..-  .i\en  in  the 
tabl  •  are  correct. 

Summari/in-  the  following  table  and  other  data  not  included 
therein  \\>-  have  the  t'ollou  iiv.;  statements: 

T\\ent\--ix   per  cent     of  all    the  indixidual-  examined   had   no 






e  • 





















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0  0 

o  —     i 


v      14 








4  4 


•  5—  -5 

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1  1 

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21.  2O 








o  —  o 

o  —  o 

0  0 

o  —    o 










*  * 



0—  I 

0  0 

o  —    o 













[  ?  Abdomen  was  lost.  ] 

external  eyes.  Sometimes  the  eyes  are  not  in  their  natural 
position.  Often  black  pigment  specks  are  found  where  the  eyes 
are  absent.  The  largest  eyes  are  two  fifty-fifths  millimeter 
(0.036  mm.)  in  diameter,  being  twice  as  large  as  those  of  the  newly 
hatched,  but  such  individuals  are  comparatively  rare.  Hence 
as  a  rule,  the  eyes  do  not  grow  larger  after  birth,  while  the  speci- 
mens more  than  thribble  themselves  in  size.  Neither  locality 
nor  size  of  the  specimen  determines  the  degree  of  degeneration 
in  the  eyes,  or  the  shade  of  coloration.  Generally,  the  lighter 
colored  the  individual,  the  more  degenerated  the  eyes,  and  vice 
versa.  Specimens  totally  devoid  of  eyes  always  stay  in  the  dark 
more  than  fifty  per  cent,  of  the  time;  those  with  one  or  more 

l:l»I-<",Y    nl-     IMF.    SHAWNEE    CAVE    SPIDERS.  $1* 

either  in  the  IK; In  or  dark  more  than  fifty  per  cent. 
of  the  time,  the  per  cent.  depending  mi  the  amount  of  degen- 


Apparatus.  < ".la-s  tube-  with  one-half-inch  l>ore  ami  twelve 
iii(  lie-  lon.y  were  u-e  1.  The  opening  and  three  inches  of  one 
end  w«  I  with  Mack  carlioii  paper.  The  other  end  \\as 

<  lo-ed  \\itli  .1  <-otion  cloth.  A  -pider  and  two  drop-  of  water 
wen  pla<  <-d  in  the  Ikht  end  of  ea<  h  tnl.e  ami  the  tube-  were  placed 
in  th<-  li.yht  the  -aim-  as  in  the  liijn  experiment-.  When  lirM 
pla<  ed  in  the  lube-  the  -|>ecimen-  wandered  from  one  end  to 
the  oil),  r.  In  iu.-t  a  h  w  moment-  th«  -ed  their  wandering 

and  rein. lined  within  reach  of  the  drop-  of  water.  A-  it  \\.i- 
ini|>o--iM«-  to  \\.it<  h  i  xjKTiments  .ill  the  time,  (|tiite  fre- 

quently tin  drop-  ot  \\.itir  c\  .iporati  d  1-efore  m-u  ones  could 
:ddid.  ^oiiu-tiim--  when  the  ttil-e-  liti.nne  dr\  .  the  -pidcrs 
were  tound  in  th<  d.irk  end,  other  linn  -  in  the  li-ht  end.  1  nder 
MU  h  loiidition-  -opie  u«n-  ,iM«-  to  li\e  only  one  or  t  \\  o  d.i\-, 
BOme  tour  or  ti\e  da\-  while  other-  -ur\i\ed  ten  days.  <  Mil  of 
two  do/en  indi\  n-<-i|  not  one  .it  .ui\  time  w.i~  ever  found 
in  the  dark  end  when  the  li^ht  end  w.i-  wet.  Mach  -|>ei  imeii  w.i- 

evimined.         •  had  eyes  and  others  were  devoid  of  <  Jud^- 

llom      the     |.leied:  inilit-     oil     lii^llt      the     -peiimeiis 

i|e\oid  ot  '  Mould  ha\-         •       foiiml  in  the  dark  end  at   time-, 

pi"\idiiK  there  wa-  no  other  tatior  -u«'ii^er  than  ne-ati\e 
photOtTOpism.  Nm  <•  t  he-e  -pi  i  iim  -i-  remained  n.-ar  the  drop-  of 
water  all  the  time  in-tead  0  -  into  the  dark,  \\  e  i  •  •ncludc 

that    hiimidilx    i-  a   -ti  tor  than  nei;ati\e   plmtoi  ropi-in. 

The    -ami-    e\]u  rinieiit-    were  iii<l  with  the    -piderlii 

and  medium  -i/i  d  -]K •«  inn  n-  ot  .\ !,:>:.  At  time-  the-e  were  found 
in  the  dark  end  when  the  li.uht  end  \\a-  wet,  tliereli^re  pn>l>aMy 
humidit\-  with  them  i-  not  greater  than  ne;4ati\e  photot  ropi-m. 

(  'll  ANi.l      "I       Hi    MII'I  l\. 


Afiparatns.  The  -aim-  tul>c-  a-  u-ed  in  the  |irecediii^  e\[ieri- 
inent-  for  humidity,  al-o  a  lu^rometer  wa-  eni]»loy«-d.  A  -pei  i- 
men  wa-  |>laced  in  i-ach  lul'e  and  wa-  <.l-er\ed  -e\cral  linn- 
each  day.  The  follow  in-  re-ult-  -how  the  relatixe  humidity  and 
the  number  of  hour-  and  minutes  various  individuals  lived. 

318  NORMAN  E.  M'INDOO. 

No.  of  Specimens.  Relative  Humidity.  Hrs.  Min. 

4  38—36  3  15 

70—66—59  5  30 

I  38—36—44  8  15 

4  63—93  8  15 

i  95—82—84—88—  92—78  23  35 

I  81—60—76—73—100—75—89  31  45 

.1  ioo — 65 — 55 — 60 —  72 — 66 — 60  33  45 

On  various  dates  at  the  entrance  and  at  the  different  localities 
in  the  caves  the  relative  humidity  was  recorded.  At  the  entrance 
it  varied  considerably  on  different  days,  but  in  the  caves,  the 
hygrometer  always  stood  at  ioo  (saturation  point). 

These  arachnids  always  live  in  a  saturated  atmosphere  and  it  is 
impossible  for  them  to  survive  long  outside  the  caves  where  the 
variation  in  the  degree  of  humidity  is  great.  As  a  general  rule 
the  higher  the  relative  humidity  (with  but  a  gradual  and  small 
amount  of  variability),  the  longer  they  live.  Since  the  above 
experiments  were  prosecuted  from  May  18  to  June  8,  when  the 
change  in  temperature  was  not  such  as  to  materially  affect  these 
spiders,  we  must  attribute  their  deaths  to  the  hygrometric 


1.  Troglohyphantes  cavernicola  Keys,  is  found  everywhere  in 
these   caves,    where    the    three    following   necessary   conditions 
exist — total  darkness,  a  saturated  atmosphere,  and  a  suitable 
place  for  the  construction  of  snares. 

2.  The  first  pair  of  legs  are  used  as  tactile  organs. 

3.  All  small  winged  insects,  thysanurans  and  small  myriopods 
serve  as  food.     Scarcity  of  food  does  not  entirely  limit  their 

4.  They  have  no  known  enemies  other  than  themselves. 

5.  While  temperature  outside  the  caves  does  not  materially 
affect  the  adult    spiders  themselves,  it  is  probable  that  to  the 
even  temperature  at  localities  between  600  and  1,700  feet  from 
the  entrance  is  due  the  great  number  of  specimens  found  at  this 

6.  Courtship  is  similar  to  that  of  some  outside  forms. 

7.  Cocooning  is  rudimentary.     The  eggs  are  few  and  com- 
paratively large. 

1  THE    SHAWXEE    CAVE    SFII'l  319 

-.  I  white  and  arc  thicker  set  than  tin-  adults, 

had  lied  with  eyes,  while  other-  are  entirely  blind. 

9.  Moultin.  'ively  rare  and  is  often  fatal.  There 

are  all  -hade-  from  white  in  Mack  in  coloration. 

i".  !•  try  from  a  -mall  pigment  -peck  100.036 

millimeter  in  diameter.  A-  a  rule,  after  birth  the  •  <•  to 

.yrow  while  :!ie  -pe.-imeii-  more  than  thribblc  them-el\e-  in 
size.  T\\i  it.  of  all  the  individual-  are  entirely 

de\oid  ,,! 

l  I  .  'I  !:<  tion  iu  t!  -  and  the  -hade  of 

(ol., ration  ai  .ined  by  eitlur  loralii  of  the 


12.    I  !H    lighter  •  "lored  the  specimen  the  in*  generated 


.    I  he  m"--  eel  the  eye-  tin                             gative 

phototropi-m.  am!  .1. 

I}.    lliimidit\    ;  router  factor  than   m  .              photropi-m 

!ll    detei  iiiiliilU     the    |o.  atioil    of    S|H-ciiiiell-    in     the    (\perilllellLal 


15     (   h.c  :elaii\e  humidi(\-  i-  fatal  in  a  few  h«.iir- 


Banks.   Nathan 

'06       A     1':     :   ::  :  ::!i     K 

Banta    A.  M 

Blatchley.  W    S. 

'96      1 1,  .'U. 

EiRenmann    C    H 

'09      I  be   U!in.|   \".  Publii  .it  ;•  •!!   v- 

:  :i~Ututi"ll. 
Emerton    J    11 
'02      I  in-  <  '.imiiMii  Ginn  and  Co..  B     ton. 

Emerton.  J.  H. 

'75     N"tt^  "ii   tin-   S  iroin    Ki-ntui-ky.   \'ir.v;ini:i.  and      I'.i.  k.ud's 

\  nth    \in.ii.. i.      M.-in.  A.  .id.  Sci.,   I\    .   iS88,  57-58. 

McCook.  H.  C. 

'93      Aiuciicaii  S|.;  :  tlu-ir  Spiunii:^  \\  .  .1  k.      I'hil.Aoad.  i  vols. 

Montgomery.  Thorn.  H  .  Jr. 

'06       I  In-  <  )vi|)n-itii>ii.  ( '.K-iH.iiinu  .nid  Hat,  hin.;  ,,i"  an  T  In-rid  ium  T«-pi- 
d. Hi.. rum   •      Mi-.l.    Hull..  \'..l.   XI. I ...   N".    I.   Dec..    1906. 

32O  NORMAN    E.  M  INDOO. 


Shawnee  Cave  (the  outlet).     Sec.  I.,  No.  i. 

Closed  chamber  caused  by  collapse  of  roof  at  Sec.  I.,  Nos.  2-3. 

Cascade.     Sec.  I.,  No.  6. 

Double  passage.     Sec.  I.,  Nos.  7-8. 

Old  cross  cave.     Sec.  I.,  Nos.  9-10. 

New  passages.     Sec.  I.,  Nos.  1-8  and  11-13. 

Opening  in  roof  leading  to  upper  older  levels  of  cave.     Sec.  I.,  No.  14. 

"Big  Room."     Sec.  I.,  Nos.  15,  16,  17,  18,  19,  20,  21,  22. 

"Fallen  Rock."     Sec.  I.,  No.  31. 

Lower  Twin  Cave.     Sec.  I.,  No.  32. 

Upper  Twin  Cave.     Sec.  I.,  No.  33. 

Roof  too  low  for  passage  of  boat.     Sec.  I.,  No.  34. 

Deepest  water  in  cave,  10  feet  4  inches.     Sec.  I.,  No.  35. 

Lower  Dalton  Cave.     Sec.  I.,  No.  36. 

Upper  Dalton  Cave.     Sec.  I.,  No.  37. 

•       -    :  \  V.  Ml      CAVE     -111':       - 


1   I.,     i        \I.ip    <>t    Hi.r.<  MVtion    I.    I'ri'in    >h.i\MH-.-    t.i    I  nun 

th    |.  is  i   l<-vt.       -  to   ill''   IIH  h. 

322  NORMAN    E.   M'lXDOO. 


Upper  Dalton  Cave.     Sec.  II.,  No.  37. 

"Cross  bedding"  in  limestone.     Sec.  II.,  Nos.  46-47. 

"Old  passages."     Sec.  II.,  Nos.  56-57. 

Obstruction  past  which  boat  cannot  be  taken.     Sec.  II.,  No.  63. 

End  of  exploration.     Sec.  II.,  No.  64. 

Y    "I     'lllK    SHAWNEE    CAVK    .-TIDERS. 


I-'n;.   J.      Map  ct   sliawn-  -mn  _•,  iii.m  !.<>\wr  I  >aiton  to  unexplored 



On  September  27,  1909,  I  received  from  Dr.  Powers  two  sample 
cultures  of  Paramecia  with  the  request  that  I  investigate  them 
as  to  type  and  purity  of  culture.  To  this  end  I  first  killed,  fixed, 
mounted  and  examined  1,000  individuals.  They  proved  to  be 
neither  typical  Paramecium  cdiitJatnni  nor  Paramecium  anrclhi, 
although  most  of  their  characters  differed  but  little  from  these 
well-known  types.  Their  length  ranged  between  144  and  288 /z. 
Their  anterior  end  was  a  little  blunter  and  the  posterior  end  a 
little  more  pointed  than  even  in  P.  caudatitm.  The  cytoplasm 
was  more  dense  and  more  opaque.  Their  chief  difference, 
however,  from  hitherto  described  types  of  Paramecia  lay  in  the 
matter  of  the  micronucleus,  for,  instead  of  the  single  micronucleus 
of  P.  caudatum  or  the  two  micronuclei  of  its  variety  P.  a  arc/ in, 
there  is  a  number  of  very  small  bodies,  evidently  micronuclei, 
ranging  in  diameter  from  about  .7  to  1.15  //  (Fig.  3).  The  char- 
acteristic position  of  micronuclei  is  fully  retained,  these  bodies 
lying  either  in  slight  grooves  or  in  shallow  impocketings  of  the 
macronucleus.  Like  the  micromiclei  of  other  types,  these  deli- 
cate bodies  are  always  surrounded  by  a  nuclear  membrane. 

Of  the  I ,OOO  individuals  examined  875  distinctly  showed 
Iroin  two  to  six  of  these  small  micronuclei,  1 24  showed  apparently 
no  micronuclei  whatever,  while  one  appeared  at  first  to  possess 
a  micronucleus  of  the  type  found  in  P.  cditdatitni.  This  single 
instance,  however,  turned  out  upon  careful  study  to  be  a  ca>e 
in  which  a  detached  fragment  of  the  macronucleii>  chanced  to 
simulate  in  size  and  appearance  the  regular  micronucleus.  As 
to  the  124  which  appeared  \\iihout  micromiclei,  entire  degenera- 
tion of  these  bodies  may  h.i\  e  been  possible,  but  it  is  more  prob- 
able that  a  slight  oxerstain  obscured  I  hem,  especially  when 
lying  behind  the  macronucleus;  the  same  explanation  is  doubt- 
studies  from  the  Zoological  .itoiy,  the  I  'nivrrsity  n\  \VI,i  .i^ka,  No.  101. 


A    NK\V    SPEI   [ES    OF    PA  RAM  EC  I  I'M.  525 

true  <>f  the  individuals  in  which  luit  two  or  tlmv  micronuclei 
u.-re  found,  other-  e\i-iin-  l»ut  in  a  les-  vi-ible  location. 

Finding  ihu-  that  tin-  cultures  in  hand  contained  nothing  but 
thi-  -aim-  type  of  Paramecinni,  I  next  pron-edi-d  to  u-t  the  per- 
manence  of  the  type.  On  October  o.  I  i-ol.ued  live  indi\  idual-, 
pl.t,  i  h  in  a  rle.m  watch  glass  c<  mtainini;  a  definite  pro- 

portion -.f  -terile  and  bacterially  infected  water.  Thc-e  indi- 
vidual-, however,  lived  but  .1  day.  I  then  a^ain  -elected  live 
more,  \ar\inu  tin-  proportion- of  the-  fluid  media.  Of  the-e.  the 
l  u  .  i  which  were  pl.u  ed  in  u  ater  c«  miaininv;  the  hi'Jie-t  perceir 
of  ba<teria  lived,  uhile  the  other-  did  not.  Three  more  were 
Marled  in  the  -ame  manner  ,1-  the  t  u  ••  successful  ones  and  all 
the'  e  lixinu  cultures.  (  >\  the  li\e  li\iirc  culture-  thu- 

obi, lined  tuo  pp.\ed  much  -iron-er  than  the  other-,  de-pile  the 
lh. it    the  condition-  \\ere  kept   as  .1-  po--ible  in  all 
two  iii'  I   rapidly  in  number-,  uhile  the  other- 

but  litlle  and  lill.tlK  died  olll  allel  li\e  \\eek-. 
the-e  tuo  strong  culture-,  |ott\  in. li\  idual-  were  kill..!, 
-t. lined  .ind  mounted  on  \o\einber  JJ  and  about  lill\  more  OH 
I  ).  .  ember  17.  All  of  ihe-e  pi .  '\  ed  identical  in  l\p«-  uith  tin- 
ori-inal  uild  stock.  The  minute  micronuclei  \\.re  pre-eiit  .1- 
before,  and  ,uain  -eeiiie.l  (o  \ar\  from  ihr.e  to  -e\eii  in  number, 
uhich  ditleieiice  .|e|u-ii<led.  in  |iart  at  least,  upon  the  -lain  and 
the  iraii-pareiic\  of  ihe  indi\  idual. 

Unfortunately  during  <'hri-tma-  \\eek  extreme  ...Id  uealhcr 
and  |),ulial  failure  of  heating  (ilaiit  c.m-ed  the  death  of  .ill  i-..l,i- 
tion  culture-,  the  ..luinal  cullure.  houe\  mainin.  1  rom 

thi-   lailer.  -in^le   individual-  Wl  iiu    i-olated  and   neu    cul- 

ture- -I  art  ed  on  January  1\ ,  the  culture  media  I  ••  tried  OS  in 

|)n-\  ion-  in-i.ince-.  Thi-  re-ulted  auain  in  culture-  of  \ar\ini; 
degrees  of  -irengih.  One  of  the  best,  which  I  will  de-i-n.ite  as 
culture  X.  u.i-  chosen  and  le-ted  \>\  mounting  a  number  of 
individual-  all  of  uhich  a^ain  i>ro\ed  [«  be  of  the  mull imicro- 
nucleaie  t\pc.  Thi-  culture  X  was  now  accordingly  taken  as  a 

basis  for  all   furllu'r  uoik.      l;roin    it    -ix    culture-    were    -larted, 
the    medium   bi'invi  modified  in  (hi-  case  b\    ihe  u-e  of    different 
pro|)ortion-  of  agar  agar  infected  uith  the  customary  bacteri.i. 
Of  the-e  six  culture-  one,   culture  V,   \\a-  \\orihy  of  e>pecial 

326  J.    H.    POWERS    AND    CLAUDE    MITCHELL. 

note  in  that  it  produced  a  few  conjugants.  Early  in  April  this 
culture  became  infected  with  a  minute  unicellular  alga  and,  pos- 
sibly as  the  result  of  this,  the  paramecia  became  more  active 
and  increased  more  rapidly  in  number.  They  also  ingested  the 
algse  until  they  became  greenish  in  color.  On  April  15  six  pairs 
of  conjugants  appeared.  Three  of  these  were  killed  in  about  the 
three-hour  stage  of  conjugation,  another  in  about  the  seventeenth 
hour  of  conjugation,  while  the  other  two  pairs  were  isolated, 
allowed  to  complete  the  act  of  conjugation,  and  the  ex-conju- 
gants  used  to  start  new  cultures.  It  was  hoped  that  stronger 
cultures  would  thereby  be  obtained,  but  this  did  not  follow. 
They  lived  and  divided  slowly  for  about  three  weeks  only. 

The  pairs  of  conjugants  which  had  been  killed  were  stained 
and  mounted  in  toto,  and  are  of  interest  as  showing,  not  only 
that  this  type  of  Paramecium  is  capable  of  conjugation,  but 
something  of  the  nuclear  phenomena  undergone  during  the  proc- 
ess. In  all  cases  the  micronuclei,  or  at  least  a  part  of  them, 
could  be  made  out.  In  those  killed  at  the  three-hour  stage 
(Fig.  i)  all  were  in  pairs,  indicating  no  doubt  the  customary 
divisions  preceding  nuclear  exchange.  In  one  case  three  of  these 
pairs  were  really  single  nuclei  in  advanced  division.  With  dif- 
ficulty the  nuclear  membrane  could  be  made  out,  extending,  as 
in  the  case  of  the  larger  dividing  micronuclei  of  P.  caudalum, 
between  the  separating  portions  of  the  dividing  nucleus.  The 
micronuclei  forming  the  pairs  in  these  three-hour  conjugants  were 
smaller  than  those  in  non-conjugants.  The  macronucleus  in  this 
stage  is  still  unchanged  except  that  its  surface  is  more  or  less 

In  the  pair  of  conjugants  killed  at  the  seventeen-hour  stage 
the  micronuclei  are  also  present,  some  again  in  pairs  or  in  division, 
some  single.  The  macronucleus  on  the  other  hand  has  now 
broken  up  into  bands  and  curved  segments,  simulating  a  reticu- 
lum.  This  breaking  up  of  the  macronucleus  at  an  early  stage 
does  not  occur  with  P.  caudatum,  and,  in  case  further  study 
shows  it  to  be  habitual  with  the  present  type,  this  will  constitute 
further  proof  of  its  independence. 

The  limited  number  of  conjugants  at  our  disposal  and  the 
consequent  inability  to  procure  all  the  stages  ha\r  prevented 

A    NEW    SPEC  IKS    OF    I 'A  KAM  KCIL'M. 

our  demonstration  of  the  actual  nuclear  exchange  during  c.m- 
n.  Ian  -uch  exchano-  i-  naturally  \»  In-  inferred  from  the 
ry   divi-ion   ()f   the    micronuclei   ami    from   -ul>-e<iuein 
loun  of  ill.-  niai  roniit leu-.      K\ery  feature  of  the  fc\v 
•.amined  indicated  normal  pi  •  -  ami  con- 


Although  tin-  i  ultiire-  -tarted  t'mni  th,    ,  \  ,  onjugants  I'an-d   SO 
•il\   it   :  h  noting    -h«Ttl\-   .ilt.-r   tlu-   lattrr  \\.icdi  — 

d  in  Culture  Y  this  culture  nnd.-r\u-iu   a  rapid  at  i  (  Icrati.'ii 
i..\\  ih  .nid  di\  i-i-.i!         I     is  n      .    lia\»-  1-ri-n  dm-  to  limit 

•  urrini;  in  the  cull  u:  M  i  In-  <  -t  lu-r  hand 

it  ina\  ha-.  ..I  -tiniulu-.  u  liich  it-i-lt" 

I  r-iin  thi-  rapidk   ^r<p\\in^  culture 

tin  ih.-i  -I-  ••        r  i  have  been  mounted,  and,  as  bel 

all  |M"\r  1. 1  l.»-  «.t"  tin-  multimacronucli  -     dona  1 

also  been  und.   and  d  uith  iron  h.i-inaln\\lin     I  "in 

dittrn-nl    i;r.iup-    imiiintrd    during    lli.  llu-N     ha\e    I'ully 

IH.MI,-  ..til   lln-  it  -uli-  ••!  l  In-  in. m-  IIUIIHT..U-  ti-l«»  nitnint-. 

All    t.ild    the  i  lllllll.--    lia\e   !  'iitlllt  ted.    tin-   ti:  up   tfl 

ihiff.  and   lli*  •     ni.iiith-.       llif\    ha\r  imt    ln-m   as 

str«  •  "U  It  I  In-  \\  i-ln  d.  I  UK  tin-  In  -i  i  ulturr-  t'l.tainrd  -h<>\\rd 

at    lra-t    n  tO    'lit-   "ill    ami    a(    thr    cl-.-r    "t    the    U"ik 

ciilinit-  Y  \\a>  multiplying  im>rr  r.i|iidl>  than  at  an\  |ut\i"ii- 
liin.  II  nl  "in  trinpi-iaiuri-  d -mlit  i<  m«>  ln-i-n  imuv  unilHrin  ami 
!a\",  \\t-  -hoiild  pM.|iaM\  ha\«-  lu-di  al.l.  !i  imirc- 

t  "pi.  ni-  «  nh  in.  3.       Iht-  t-ni  in-  nnil"iiiiit\   nl"  tin-  t  Y|'r  I  hn  m;<  limit 

thr-i-    culture-    -eelll  i    e\it|t  :     il-    peniiailelHe    ami    the 

ppilialiility  lhat  it  deserv<  ilic  rank. 

LUD1     \\'M.    Mi  n  in  i  i.. 

I  tan  I  ill  I  \   \  i  >uch  I't-r  the  meth"d-  ami  resultswhich  ni\  -tin  lei  it , 
Mr.    Mitchell,    h  »rde«l    in    ihe   lir>t    part    "I"    thi-    pap.  r.      I 

ina\  -|'e.ik  a  tfu  \\"i.l-  lunlu-r  a-  in  nu  •  >\\  n  experience  \\ith 
/'.  muUimicronucleata.  It  i>  not,  in  the  \\riter'-  \icinit\-.  a  rare 

or  attidental  t\|>e.  Tin •  Mi^hoiit  a  lUlinlit-r  ol  years  of  \\ork  in 
eastern  .V-lira-ka  it  ha-  lu-en  a  frc-<|iienl  and  t roulile-oiiie  in- 
truder  in  mv  I\ir<i»ii'(inni  culture-.  The  ;u«.-t  ]>er-i-teiit  elT"rl> 

J.    H.    POWERS    AND    CLAUDE    M1TCHELF.. 

have  often  failed  to  procure,  from  wild  slock,  pure  cultures  of 
P.  caudatum.  A  portion,  usually  the  bulk,  and  frequently  the 
whole,  of  any  culture  obtained  from  pond  or  river  water  would 
turn  out  to  be  of  this  multimicronucleate  type. 

I  did  not  at  first  recognize  the  minute  micronuclei.  I  regarded 
the  individuals,  which  careful  and  elaborate  technique  showed 
to  be  lacking  in  the  typical  micronuclei  of  P.  caudatum  and  P. 
ditrelia,  as  degenerates  in  the  sense  of  Maupas'  contention.  As 
however  the  hypothesis  of  the  degeneration  of  the  micronucleus 
became  more  and  more  discredited,  I  reexamined  mounted  slides 
of  these  Paramecia  under  high  magnifications,  with  the  result 
that  the  minute  bodies  in  question  were  visible  in  every  case. 
That  this  type  of  Paramecium  was  not  related  to  degeneration 
was  further  shown  by  the  fact  that  many  pure  cultures,  unlike 
those  with  which  Mr.  Mitchell  has  labored  so  assiduously,  have 
been  vigorous  and  strong  growrers.  I  may  further  mention  the 
fact  that  in  several  very  large  aquaria  supplied  with  running 
water  and  a  small  amount  of  fresh  meat  added  occasionally, 
this  type  of  Paramecium  apparently  maintained  itself  continu- 
ously for  several  years.  As  often  as  the  organic  matter  was 
supplied  the  animals  would  multiply  and  appear  in  vast  swarms 
in  the  corners  and  protected  portions  of  their  space;  whenever 
examined  they  proved  of  this  type  and  of  this  type  only. 

The  existence  of  an  undescribed  species  of  Paramecium  seems 
improbable.  The  protozoa  are  considered  of  universal  distribu- 
tion, and  Paramecium  is  the  most-studied  genus  in  existence. 
Nevertheless  much  of  the  study  of  mircoorganisms  is  superficial; 
many  have  failed  to  develop  a  suitable  technique,  easy  as  this  is, 
for  the  certain  demonstration  of  micronuclei ;  and  as  to  the 
hypothesis  of  universal  distribution,  it  is  certainly  assumed  much 
further  than  it  is  proven.  Thus,  for  the  last  six  years,  I  have 
made  careful  search  among  cultures  derived  from  very  numerous 
wild  stocks,  for  Paramecium  of  the  aitrdni  lype,  i.  e.,  with  thr 
well-known  two  micronuclei.  But,  aside  from  a  very  few  isolated 
individuals  derived  experimentally  from  P.  caudal  nm,  not  a  single 
example  has  been  found. 

All  in  all,  it  seems  that,  in  the  light  of  Mr.  Mitchell's  results, 
the  type  in  question  deserves  specific  rank,  although  this  rank 

A     NT  IES    OF    I'AKAMKCIt'M. 

-  upon    nuclear    difference-    only.      Tin-    external    character- 
mentioned  l.s    Mr.  Mitchell,  although  holding  good  for  the-  ma- 
terial in\.  iiim  and  for  many  other  lot-  a-  \\ell,  are 
not    univer-al,   ii«.r  have    [l     ted      •  rnal  character  that   i-. 
When   /'.   multiti                                    AH  in  the  -a mo  culturo  \\ith 

i\\\  -:tni,  the  t\\o  can  u-nally  l>e  readily 

•ed   |.\  or   i  ;ial  characui-        1  requeiitly   the 

/'.  m  nltim:                     :e  uniformK  than  the  accompanying 

•  iiolntnn:     hut   die\    do  n  ;]]e  kno\\n  dirndl-ion-  ..f 
the  commoner   lorin.   and.   in   -ome  culture-  the\    are   uniformly 
-mallei        -      \\ith    length  form   of  end-,   opaquoi' 

The    iin. -I     unit". tin    (ll.r  1    lia\e    -eell    i-    the 

neu    I  \  pe  i~  a   liirh     n  -m.   luil^ini:   le--  at    tho 

point     .                                                         iriit     /'  appioa;  he-    this 

I'M  III    ill    -la!  \  ed    CllltllV 

I  he  pro;  :|»on  IHK  lear  <  harai  ter-  «n\y 

depend  upon    their  :i<  y.      (  "alkin-    ha-    -ho\\  n 

dial   id  \\ilh  ind  doul.le  microiim  lei 

i\el\  an-  not  \\  h«i||\  i  <.n-i  iran-ili-'n-  taking 

pla<  e   in   l.oth   dii-  II..    then  ;  -rom  .1111.  ed    die   t  \  pe- 

\  aiieiii         But  the  conclusion  h  tiled  in  question, 

the   illtlei|llel  ill-ilio||    leadilU     Iv'l.'id    to    re-illlel  pl'el 

die  phen.  uneiia  a-  in-lain  e-  o|   nnitalion. 

I    ha\  e  m\  -tit  'ii-iiletaMe  part  of 

the  pie-,  in  year,  pieliminai\  experiment-  on  /'.  mmlntnii:,  -nl»- 
ieciin-  them  to  dill.t,  nt  (.-ndiiioii-  uilh  a  \ie\\  to  a-certainin^ 
iheir  |>o--il)ilitir-  <.|  \arialioii.  The  oiil\  -irik  lilt-  ha\e 

Occurred     as     the     c,.n-e(|Ueiiee-     ol  in     leedinii 


/'.  i.utdntitni  i-  alm«-t  e\clu-i\el\  a  kicteria  U-t-der.  Hut  a- 
Mr  Mill  hell  ha-  re.  orded  tli<-\  occ.i-ionalK  de\iale  l"  '-llier 
minute  \e^elal>le  Organisms.  Thi-  Near  I  ha\e  -ucceeded  ill 
inducing  a  cerlain  percentage  of  the  individual-  irom  a  pun- 
culture  of  \  ei\  lat^e  and  -trolly  -ro\\in-  /'.  mndatnm  to  h-,(|  on 
minor  animal  or-aiii-in-.  lir-i  on  Magellan-  ( 'hilonwini?- •  and 
then,  lo  a  con-ider.ible  extent.  ii])oii  -mailer  ciliate-.  Th«--e  \  et  \ 
:-trikinu  i  han-e-  in  fo,.d  habit  produced  \  er\  -irikinj;  \ariatioiis 
in  die  Parameria.  1-oth  nuclear  and  c\'to|ila-mic.  I  will  not 


describe  these  at  the  present  time  save  in  so  far  as  they  relate 
to  the  present  discussion.  Many  of  the  nuclear  changes  were 
erratic  and  possibly  pathological:  Macronuclei  greatly  enlarged, 
micronuclei  unchanged,  or  sometimes  apparently  absent,  or  again 
enlarged,  even  more  in  proportion  than  the  macronucleus,  and 
sometimes  divided. 

Among  the  large  mass  of  such  material,  stained,  mounted  and 
examined,  I  discovered  a  very  few  instances  of  individuals  with 
two  typical  micronuclei.  In  fission  these  micronuclei  divided 
simultaneously  and  normally.  The  number  of  these  individuals 
was  very  few,  probably  not  exceeding  one  to  several  thousand, 
but  they  confirm,  to  some  extent,  Calkins's  observation  that  P. 
aurelia  may  arise  from  P.  caitdatum. 

Among  the  different  types  of  variants  I  sought  assiduously 
for  examples  of  P.  multimicronucleata.  But  none  of  the  exact 
type  were  found.  Evidently  this  type  is  farther  separated  from 
P.  caudatum  than  is  P.  aurelia.  A  considerable  number  of  indi- 
viduals were  found  however  which  showed  an  approach  to  P. 
multimicronucleata,  in  that  the  micronucleus  was  divided,  usually, 
again,  into  but  two  bodies,  perfectly  normal  in  appearance,  but 
much  smaller  than  the  typical  micronuclei  of  the  genus,  though  a 
little  larger  than  those  of  the  new  type.  This  variant  was  one  of 
the  most  constant  and  frequent  results  of  the  changed  diet.  In 
other  characters,  however,  it  did  resemble  closely  P.  multimicro- 
nucleata or,  for  that  matter,  any  recognized  type  of  the  genus. 
I  regard  it  merely  as  an  instance  of  the  well-known  law  that  a 
powerful  stimulus  to  variation  applied  to  any  species  brings  out,, 
not  only  new  characters,  but  characters  of  existing  allied  species 
as  well.  The  phenomena,  to  the  writer,  serve  to  confirm,  rather 
than  to  refute,  the  specific  independence  of  the  new  type.  But 
they  are  of  interest  in  themselves  as  showing  possible  lines  of 
experiment  leading  to  nuclear  variation.  In  the  present  instance 
it  seemed  especially  worth  while  to  record  them,  and  indeed  this 
is  the  chief  reason  for  the  entire  studs',  in  thai  Paramecium  is- 
more  and  more  being  made  the  subject  of  extensive  experimental 
research.  So  far,  little  of  this  study  has  had  regard  to  other 
than  external  characters,  but  this  admitted  limitation  must  soon 
be  remedied,  and  to  this  end  it  is  e»ential  that  we  kn<>\\  the  typec 

A    NE\V    SPECIES    « »F    I'AKAM  ECICM.  33! 

"'  nuclear  structun  ent  in  the  ditkTvnt  r  varieties 

"f  tllr  ?enus  :l  as  the  lin^  of  variation  to  which  UK-V  arc 


J.  II.  I1'  >\\  i 

Julj-  30. 

332  J.    H.    POWERS    AND    CLAUDE    MITCHELL. 


Parameciiim  multiinicronucleata. 

FIG.  i.  Conjugation  near  the  three-hour  stage,  showing  micronuclei  in  pairs 
or  in  division. 

FIG.  2.  Conjugation  at  about  seventeen  hours.  Macronucleus  already  broken 
into  band-like  portions.  Micronuclei  visible  in  part,  in  pairs  or  single. 

FIG.  3.  Section  of  typical  P.  miiltimicronucleata,  an  unusual  number  of  the 
micronuclei  chancing  to  lie  in  one  plane. 


PLATE    t. 








>>O*mS    AND    MITCMELl.. 


I!   KhKI.I.AKIA. 

M.    CHILD. 

Someyeai  I    V.  Morgan1  described  a  series  of  experiments 

•  •  ninij  tl  f  removal  of  the  cephalic  ganglia  upon  the 

COUl  :.iti'«n,  particularly  of  tin-  anterior  re-inn,  in  the 

(  'aliforniaii  >nilis.      IK-r    conclu-ion    i-    mull  Million-  .   |i.irtirul.irly  in   tin-  piv-rnce 

n|'   M--UI-  .iiiti-ii'ii-  in  t  ;  :i<T.nion  incur-  .1-  rr.ulily 

and  as  completely  in  thea!.-  .  .mjia  a-  \\  hrn  thr\  an- 

At   .iliiuii   tin-  -aim-  lime  tin-  rc-nlt-  of  ni\   o\\  n  i-xprri- 
incnt  -  •  in   /..  ptoplc  I   I'  i  'Mini   that   \\  hen 

h.ili  i.t  less  th.  in  h.ilt  i»t  tin-  -nil-  ti--m-  \\.i-  rcin<  >\  nl,  re- 

generation inii;lit  In  1  1|  'It  -If  .UK  I  a-  r.  i  piil  .1-  \\  hen  the  i;. 

Were  iininjiin-il,  Imt   uhcii  niMir  hall  <>f  the 

!Vllln\  ril.  -ii.ll     \\  '     '>lll\-     -s|n\\rr     lull     l( 

than  uhni  lh«-\    \\  .  i  ,     iiiiiiijn: 

I  aUn  li'timl,  h'  its  n«t  int'ivi|iiriiily 

appcaiiil    in   .  :i;^lia   1  lu-in-rh  r-   \\  i  i  •  .   SO   I'.r 

rmilil  I"-  lU-lt  i  ininnl.  i  <>ni|ilt  ld\-  rrnn  >\  cil,  and  thai   tin-  aiimunt 
nl  antni'T  lu-u   ii--in-  in  all  -in  i  ih.  in  in  tl 

-  uhi-M-  r\c  -p..t-  ili,l   n,  ,t    .ippcar,   tlimi^h   if^ciirratii  ui   \\as 

never  complete.      M-.  general  conclusion  from  tl  .;UT|IIH-IHS 

was   that    the   in-r\i.u-  -\-tt-in   in   thr-r  lOn:  :  -timiiln-  t"  the  ^r«i\\ili  (>|"  iu-\v  ii--nc,  incn-a»in^  lioth 
tlu-  r.ipiiliu   ami  the  amount  ,,f  growth. 

The  al'o\i-  nii-ntionfil  «-\pi-riin»-in  -  of  I..  V.   Mm-.  m  seem  to 

1     V.  Morgan.  "Incomplel  •.  imi  in  Hi«-  A  .1  "tin; 

in   /  '•'  ii.  I  \  "5. 

"V.     -Tin-  Rfl.uion  !i''t\vi-<-ii  ' 

itinii,"   Jiuirn.    I 

on    !<•  \  I.  -Tin'    Kt-laiiciii.   etc.:   Anterior 

ami  I.  atria!  l<  .nun,"  ./  ,  I.,  4.   i 

i   liilil.  "Stin  In-  on   Ki  i^  \'L."   I  i,;.  ]>.  $22,  l-'i-^-.    \\     i  ;,  p.  526. 


3  >  ^ 

334  c-  M-  CHILD. 

indicate  that  under  certain  conditions  this  is  not  the  case.  In 
view  of  the  apparent  disagreement  between  her  results  and  my 
own  further  experiment  seemed  desirable  and  during  the  autumn 
of  1907  and  the  summer  of  1910  I  took  the  opportunity  to 
examine  several  species  of  Leptoplanida*  which  occur  at  La  Jollar 
Calif.,  with  reference  to  this  point.  In  1905  I  had  worked  with 
L.  littoralis  at  Pacific  Grove  and  obtained  results  similar  to  those 
described  for  L.  tremellaris. 

My  conclusions  from  this  later  work  are  essentially  the  same 
as  those  reached  in  my  earlier  paper.  Removal  of  the  ganglia 
with  as  little  of  the  surrounding  tissue  as  possible  always  results 
in  decreased  rapidity  and  completeness  of  regeneration,  wrhatever 
the  method  of  operation  employed.  In  many  cases,  however, 
groups  of  eye  spots  appear  in  the  new  tissue,  even  when  the 
ganglia  are  wholly  absent,  and  in  such  cases  the  regeneration  is 
always  more  rapid  and  more  nearly  complete  than  when  the 
eye  spots  do  not  appear. 

When  the  ganglia  are  removed  by  a  cut  from  one  side  of  the 
head,  as  in  some  of . Morgan's  experiments,  more  new  tissue  is 
often  formed,  or  it  forms  more  rapidly,  in  the  deep  cleft  made  by 
the  cuts  than  on  a  nearly  flat  terminal  surface.  This,  however, 
is  not  due  to  any  specific  effect  of  the  anterior  tissue,  but  is  merely 
a  very  general  characteristic  of  wound-healing,  not  only  in  Tur- 
beUaria,  but  in  many  other  forms,  and  is  doubtless  due  to  the 
fact  that  nutritive  and  other  conditions  for  growth  are  better  in 
such  a  cleft,  where  the  growing  parts  are  in  contact  on  both  sides 
with  other  tissue,  than  on  surfaces  where  such  contact  exists 
only  on  one  side. 

I  believe  that  the  important  point  in  connection  with  the 
problem  of  the  influence  of  the  central  nervous  system  on  re- 
generation in  these  forms  lies  in  the  question  as  to  what  con- 
stitutes the  central  nervous  system.  As  Morgan  states,  thecepha- 
lic  ganglia  in  the  polyclads  are  enclosed  in  a  definite  sheath,  but 
a  further  point  of  great  importance  which  she  does  not  consider 
at  all  is  that  the  nerve  roots  contain  numerous  ganglion  cells 
for  a  considerable  diMauee  from  their  point  of  origin  in  the  ganglia. 
Reference  to  Lang's  monograph  of  the  polyclads1  is  sufficient  to 

'Lang.  "Die  Poly  I;I.|I-M  >\<-~-  Golfes  \<>n  Nr.iprl."  Fnumi  nn<l  Flora  des  Colfes 
von  Neapel,  XL,  Leipzig,  1884. 


e-i.ibli-h  tin-  [M)int.     There  i-  thru  every  reason  in  believe  that 
the  central  ner\ou-  a  comprises,  not  the  yanijia  alone,  but 

tin-   u .niylia   phi-   the  nerve  roots  for  a  certain   greater  or   le>s 
di-tan.e    I  nun    their   origin.      Kveii    when    the   ^anijia    arc   com- 
plt-ii-l;.   removed,  tin-  capacitie-  of  tlu-  central  nervou-  -v-u-m  for 
in-raiioii    and    -timulation    are   not    wholly    lo-t ,    if   sufficient 
portion-  of   the   ner\  e   roots   near   the   u.nulia    remain.      In    Mich 
CS  the  amount  of  n-.  ii.-ration  i-  ^rcaier  than  \\lu-n  the  IHT\  e 
root-   are   al-o   remo\ed.   .iinl    Croups   of  eye   -pm^   ma\    appear. 
In   !a<  t.  in  one  <  as      I   ob-erved   th-  eratioii  of  a  ^mall  luit 

di-iiiH  .  lionic  nia--  .ifter  the  apparently  complete 

of  ili.  ganglia.  h  seems  not  improbable  that  if  our  techni(|in- 
ueie  -iitth  ienilv  nermit  removal  of  the  ;.;.in;.;lia  \\ithoiit 

iujinv    io  the  iiei\i  •  |it  at   their  origin,  the  ri'-eiierat  ion 

even  oi  i;  them-el\  well  as  of  other  parts,  might 

In-  a  lino- 1   .  ,i   quit          •  <uii)ili  -te  a-  v,  hen  the  -.m^lia  remain. 

I,.  \  .  Morgan's  I  if  !'•-'  "I  ihe  regenerated  anterior  end  of  the 
nervous  system  alti-r  n  ni"\al  of  tl.  _  lia  -ho\\  -  mils  tilirillar 

>l  i  in  lure  and  -he  states  thai  miK  fibril  la-  are  pre-ent  in  I  he  mass. 
Hut  \\hen  \\e  lec.ill  the  l.ii  i-  as  to  the  h  i  -I  ol"^ii  a  I  -iriictnre  of 
the  iiei\e  ioot^  it  -eem-  extreiiieK  improbable  that  iMiiiJion 
i  i  II-  art  tot.ill\  ab-eiit  I'mm  -in  h  i  e-i  net  ai  ec  1  masses.  In  all 
•  -  of  the  kind,  \\hich  I  ha\e  ob-ei\ed.  -oine  (cll-  a>  \\ell  as 
t  he  1 1  bl  ilia-  h.t\  e  alu  a\  -  been  ple-eiit  ill  the  knot  of  ti--lle  formed 
b\  the  union  o|  tin-  nei  \  i 

The  de\elopment  ol  -pot-  iii  many  of  the  cases  \\iihoiit 

^.in-lia  de-i  ribi-d  b\  Nb'i-aii  i-  lindonbledK  due  to  re-eiiei  al  i\  'e 
pio,  iii  the  remainin.  .  lionic  ner\e  roots.  In  m\  o\\  n 

experimeiil^  I  ha\e  found  that  in  all  cases,  \\hate\er  the  method 
of  operation,  \\heie  the  ^an^lia  phi-  a  -ulln  ieiit  jiortion  ol  the 
nei\e  roots  are  ivmo\ed  the  re-ein-raiioii  i-  al\\a\-  -li^ht,  e\  e 
>|>oi-  do  not  de\elop  and  the  animal  ne\er  -ho\\  -  aii\  recovery 
from  il-  -hi^^i-h  nnn>poii-i\  e  eondiiion,  ;.  c.,  it  behaxe-  in  all 
respects  like  a  he. idle—  animal.  <>n  the  other  hand,  where  the 
roots  are  laixelx  intact .  i  e-eiierat  i<ui  i-  more  rapid  and  pio<  eeds 
lai  I  her,  eye  Spots  often  appear  and  the  re.  o\  erv  of  motor  acti\  ity 
and  a|)pan-nt  >poiilaneit\  1  rei  [iieiit  1\  OCCUrs  to  a  \'er\  marked 


'«  hild,   'Studi*  },eti   .  \'I  .    Fig    i;.  p.  526. 

336  C.    M.    CHILD. 

Since  my  later  experiments  confirm  in  all  respects  my  earlier 
work,  it  seems  unnecessary  to  describe  them  in  detail  and  to 
figure  all  the  various  methods  of  operation  and  the  results.  I 
can  only  conclude  that  the  apparent  absence  of  effect  of  gan- 
glionic  removal  upon  regeneration  in  certain  cases  is  due  to  one 
of  two  things,  viz.,  failure  to  remove  the  ganglia  completely,  or 
the  presence  of  the  intact  nerve  roots.  Morgan's  experiments 
do  not  in  any  way  prove  that  the  central  nervous  system  does 
not  exert  an  influence  upon  the  rapidity  and  amount,  and  so 
far  as  the  sense  organs  are  concerned,  upon  the  character  of 
regeneration  in  the  polyclads. 

As  regards  one  point,  however,  Morgan's  results  as  stated  in 
her  paper  disagree  so  completely  with  my  own  that  some  further 
consideration  is  necessary.  In  the  concluding  paragraph  of  her 
paper  the  statement  appears  that  "regeneration  of  the  anterior 
tip  of  the  worm,  that  is  when  the  worm  has  been  cut  off  anterior 
to  the  ganglia,  occurs  in  the  absence  of  the  ganglia  as  well  as 
when  they  are  present."  Individuals  with  the  ganglia  removed 
and  the  end  cut  off  anterior  to  the  ganglionic  region  regenerated 
as  rapidly  and  completely  as  controls  with  uninjured  ganglia 
and  the  anterior  end  cut  oft"  at  the  same  level.  In  these  experi- 
ments the  ganglia  were  removed  by  using  the  cut  end  of  a  straw 
as  a  punch  and  after  the  wound  thus  made  had  healed  the  anterior 
region  of  the  head  was  cut  off. 

I  have  performed  this  experiment  a  large  number  of  times  and 
on  various  species  of  Leptoplanidae  and  with  essentially  uniform 
results,  viz.,  that  in  all  cases  where  the  ganglia  were  actually 
completely  removed,  regeneration  \\.is  less  rapid  and  less  complete 
than  in  control  experiments  with  uninjured  ganglia.  Moreover 
the  larger  the  portion  of  the  nerve  roots  removed  in  addition  to 
the  ganglia  themselves,  the  less  rapid  and  less  complete  the  re- 
generation. The  operation  is  by  no  means  easy  to  perform  suc- 
cessfully and  in  many  cases  larger  or  smaller  portions  of  the 
ganglia  remain:  such  cases  show  all  gradations  from  complete 
regeneration  to  a  condition  essentially  like  the  pieces  from  which 
the  ganglia  are  totally  absent,  but  they  must  of  course  be  regarded 
as  unsuccessful  experiments  for  our  present  purpose. 

In  my  experiments  the  ganglia  \\ere  removed  with  a  straw  in 



the  manner  de-eribed  above:  two  week-  later,  after  the  wound 

had  completely  healed  and  the  ganglionie  region  was  tilled  in  with 

new  ti--ue.  the  aiitt-ri«>r  end  «»f  the  liead  region  A\a-  removed  by 

Li  .1-  indii  ated  in  Fig.  I.      At  the  same  time  the  anterior  ends 

6  removed  .it  the  -aim-  level  from  am  it  her  <  >t~  indi\  idual- 

with  uniniiin  .  lia. 





The  condition  df  the  .mimal-  \\ithou;  lia  .1  \\ «  «  k  after  the 

•  ud  operation  i-  indieated  in   I  •  ami  ,>,  \\hile  I  ig.  .}  -hi'U-> 

the  i.-iidition  .  ,f  the«'U.  Tin-  dilli-reiiee  i-  marke«l  and 
reqniit-  iin  (''inmetit.  After  two  \M •«  k-  n  .-ration  i^ 

alim»t  or  quite  coini  >lcit-  in  the  eontroU.  \\hile  tlie  animal-  \\ith- 
OUt  i;.iiiv:lia  remain  e--eiiti.ill\  a  .  eiieration  ne\  er 

jjrocee.U  further  in  them. 

In  the-e  e\peiiment-  ^ivat  care  was  u-ed  to  lie  certain  that  the 
uan^lia  were  entirely  relinked.  In  \ariou-  -|it.-cie~,  tin-  ^an-lia 
Can  be  seen  quite  dearlj  from  the  \  ciitral  -in  face  and  examination 
in. m  thi-  -id.  alter  the  ojieration  \\ill  u-u.ill\  -how  e\eii  rather 
Miiall  p  of  the  uan-lia  if  the\  n-inain.  M-ir^an  doe-  not 

^tate  ho\\  the  total  al>-cnce  o|  the  ^aii^lia  was  determined  in 
her  experiment-  and  it  -eem-  probable  that  in  i  ises  u  here  tin- 
anterior  end  of  the  head  regenerated  a-  rapidl>  and  a-  completeK" 
in  animal-  -uppo-edl\  \\ithoiit  i;an;;lia  a-  in  'Im-e  \\ith  uninjured 

338  C.    M.    CHILD. 

ganglia  some  portions  of  the  ganglia  remained.  It  is  possible 
that  in  some  cases  where  the  nerve  roots  were  largely  intact 
regeneration  might  be  almost  as  rapid  and  complete  as  when  the 
ganglia  are  present,  but  it  is  certainly  impossible  to  make  an  ex- 
tensive series  of  operations  which  are  uniform  in  this  respect. 
Morgan's  experiments  of  this  kind  included  however,  only 
"several"  worms. 

The  only  conclusion  possible  seems  to  be  then  that  the  central 
nervous  system,  i.  e.,  the  nerve  roots  near  their  origin  from  the 
ganglia,  as  well  as  the  ganglia  themselves,  do  affect  in  marked 
degree  the  rapidity  and  amount  of  regeneration  of  the  anterior 
regions  and,  at  least  as  regards  the  sense  organs,  its  character  as 
well.  More-over,  where  the  ganglia,  or  the  ganglia  together  with 
the  nerve  roots,  are  removed  the  method  of  operation  makes  no 
essential  difference  in  the  result.  As  most  experiments,  not  only 
on  the  turbellaria  but  on  other  forms,  indicate,  it  is  probable 
that  the  early  stages  of  the  formation  of  new  tissue  are  largely 
or  wholly  independent  of  the  nervous  system,  but  it  is  difficult 
to  understand  how  the  nervous  system  of  an  adult  animal  could 
fail  to  affect  the  amount  and  rapidity  of  growth  in  a  regenerating 
part  composed  largely  of  muscles  and  sense  organs.  Absence 
of  such  an  affect  would  be  in  direct  opposition  to  the  well  estab- 
lished fact  of  the  functional  influence  of  the  nervous  s\>iem  on 
various  parts  of  the  organism.  The  rate  of  metabolism  and 
consequently  the  rate  of  growth — i.  e.,  provided  nutritive  material 
is  present — in  such  parts  must  be  in  greater  or  less  degree  de- 
pendent upon  nerve  stimuli.  Such  an  influence  of  the  nervous 
-\-tem  upon  growth  must,  however,  be-  sharply  distinguished 
from  ilie  determination  of  differentiation  of  parts:  the  effect  of 
the  functional  stimulus  in  the  stricter  sense  is  primarily  quauliia- 
tive  rather  than  qualitative,  so  far  as  structure  i-  concerned. 
The-e  point-,  \\ere  emplia-i/ed  in  my  earlier  paper-. 

/<  .c.|   I  M.|!     \\       |.  \110K  \  [(  .KY, 
l'M\  KKXI  IV     oh      (     UK     \(.O, 
Octnlicl,     KJIO. 

.VI  IMA    BERMI   DENSIS    \  l.RR. 

I.HWIS    R.    CARV. 

While  .it    the   Bermuda   BioloJ,  .il  st.uion  <luriii^  ilu-  -ninmer 

<if  i  ',0.  i  I  attempted  to  secure  ma  it  -rial  for  a  -tndy  of  the  de\  elop- 

menl    1.  1'  Aitinin   bermuc  \'.-rrill.  a   \i\iparoii-  artinian   that 

i-  almmlant  1  ii  tide  mark-  in  the  -haded  lime-tone  caverns 

aloni;    tin-    shon         •!"    the    -mailer    inland-.      Sim  e    tin-    material 

.<•(!    in   l.c   lacking   in  tin-  t-arlic-  in  tin-  «K-\  (•!•  ipim-nt  , 

•hat    tin-   i  iiiii]ili-ii-   finlir\«ili  >^\    i"iil«l    nut    In-   \\nrki-il   <>ut.    I 

lia\c    tlimi^ht    it    ail\i-aM<-    tu    puMi>h    tin-    fi  >\\<  >\\  ii.  .  ant    as 

it  covers  one  of  1    •  !.-il  p.  iim-  in  tin-  cU-\r|(.|nnrnt  1.1' 

anl  Im/naii-. 

Vccordii  McMurrich     1891  ,  the  onl)  \\cll  aiitlu-nn<  att-d 

1  <  nirrata   in    uhidi    tin-  «-m|mlrnn   aii-c^  h\- 

li«ni  are  lii  ami   /'                  \»>\\i  Sr\  ph<  >nic- 

liuinlaii  '111111   ill"  the   I'lirmatiiin  »\    the  nnlo- 

in    .  '.  lii-   -.11    tin-    lia-i-   i  •!"    hi-   i.u  n 

observations  "ii    .\'  .     l\"\\alr\- 

>ki-'  J  (187                            •!    the  ;  \\  hirli 

in    tin-   "li-inal    \\.i-    i;                :Mc   alike           I'  MiMnrrich 

and   m\-ell".  lie  ili-ini—  e-  in   ihe  -aim-  in.  inner  -a\in^  that    il    \\a- 
pn  'I'.iliK    an  ei  n  .r  in  inter|irelal  i-  .n. 

Appellot        I                                                         iidoderill  |c  ifllial  i<  Ml     ill     \\\i> 

Species   "t    ai-tinian-:    /  and   .\<tini<i 
(K/Huni.     His  observations  on  the  latter  species  confirm  the  »  pin- 

it  ni  <>l    Mi  M  nrrirh,  iianieK  ,  that   there  \\a^  im  true  invagination. 

In    tin  MII    the    other    hand,    he   de-erilie-    ami 

li^nre-  a   true  imagination,  \\hich   from   hi-  figure-  nuild   \\<>\    In- 
con-ideied    a>   an    error   of   interpretation,    -inn     he   \\orked    \\ith 

-erial  sections. 

Kanroi  [907  ha-  de-rrilied  a  tnu-  although  rather  imu-iial 
t\[>e  of  imagination  in  the  drvelopmrnt  of  .^(i^irlia  parasitica 
and  Ailtinisia  jxilliatd. 



LEWIS    R.    GARY. 

In  Metridium,  according  to  McMurrich,  the  result  of  segmenta- 
tion is  the  formation  of  a  hollow  blastula  with  a  considerable 
cavity.  Later  the  inner  ends  of  the  cells  are  constricted  off- 
by  the  appearance  of  vacuoles  in  the  line  where  the  separation 
is  to  occur — to  form  the  endoderm.  At  the  time  when  this  proc- 
ess is  finished  there  appears  at  one  pole  of  the  blastula  a  slight  de- 

FIG.  i.     Pseudogastrulation  in  Metri-     FIG.  2.      Later  stage  in  the  pseudogastrula- 
diiim.     After  McMurrich.  tion  of  Metridium.  After  McMurrich. 

pression  which  gives  the  embryo,  when  it  is  seen  in  optical  section, 
an  appearance  similar  to  the  early  stages  of  a  true  invagination 
(Fig.  i). 

When  the  mouth  has  broken  through,  the  resemblance  to  an 
invaginate  gastrula  is  even  more  complete,  so  that  until  such 
embryos  had  been  seen  in  sections  it  would  be  almost  certain  to 
mislead  any  observer.  In  reality,  however,  the  two  layered 
condition  had  been  readied  before  the-  mouth  was  formed.  This 
so  called  "Pseudo-gastrula"  McMurrich  held  to  be  the  true  con- 
dition in  those  forms  in  which  invagination  had  been  reported 
to  occur. 

All  the  material  of  A.  bermudensis  was  obtained  by  slitting 
the  adult  individuals  longitudinally,  and  then  \\.i--l ling  the  em- 
bryos into  a  dish  of  sea  water  with  the  stream  from  a  pipette. 
All  stages  including  the  young  in  which  the  second  series  of 
tentacles  was  complete,  and  which  wen-  ready  to  be  liberated 
from  the  body  of  the  parent  were  capable  of  swimming  about 
actively  by  means  of  their  cilia. 

The  earliest  segmentation  stages  were  never  found  among  the 

FORMATION    OF    liERM     LAVEKS    IN    ACTINIA     IIKRMUI  >KN-1S.     54! 

material  obtained  by  washing  out  the  adults,  nor  did  -Actions  of 

th.-  mr-ri  the  adult  show  any  segmenting  eggs,  so  the 

[>r<>  M-adin.y  up  to  the  formation  of  the  Ma-tula  cannot  be 

:.     In  the  -eetioii  represented  in   1  u.  .>.  the  Ma-tula 

•  •  1). 

.nipleteK  formed.      l'<  cells  are  very  numerous  and  of  pi 

tie.ilK  tin-  -ame  height  over  the  mi  in-  circumference  <>t  the 
lila-tula.  llir  inti  tin-  Ma-tllla  i-  tO  a  great  extent  tilled 

with  a  i  ..mparati\.  ly  thin.  li^litK  -tainiiiv;.  i>la-ma-like  matnial, 
in  uhich  tlnir  are  man\  yolk  y;ranulr-. 

Tin-  maniirr  in  \\liiih  tl.'  -ati-'ii  "I   tin-  \olk  -|)h«-n--  to.ik 

pi. i.  r    iltninv;    tl,'  :cntatioii    i.m    In-   o  m  jiTtmv.l    onl>  .    l-ut, 

from    tin-  appi-.uaiit  ••  of'  the  u-l   ilr-eril  >«-d   it    would   -n-in  that,  ju-t  as  in   Urticino,  tln-n-  i-  ix-vtT  an  extensive 

Ma-tula  IM\  it  \  .  I  n-trad  t  In-  >  • -Ik  matt-rial  i-  pn.liaM\  separated 
li»m  tin-  e\  to|>la-mic  portion  nf  the  ft-11-  in  an  carl\  -ta^e  of 


In  a  lain  s  |  •'  Ma-tula  ha-  ln-i-ume  moi,  i-l..n- 

i;ati-d.  I'lu-  i-t-11-  ha\t-  become  relati\-ely  thinner,  and  higher, 
\\hile  at  one  pole  tlu-n-  i-  the  tir-t  in<lii\iti<  m  of  the  depression 
that  mark.-  the  lie-inning;  of  the  infolding  of  one  portion  ..f  the 
Ma-tula  \\all  to  form  the  endoderm. 

\\ithin  the  interior  uf  the  Ma-tula,  there  has  been  a  marked 
increase  in  the  relative  amount  of  space  unoccupied  by  nutritixe 


LEWIS    R.    GARY. 

materials.  The  plasma-like  substance  has  disappeared  for  a  con- 
siderable proportion  and  the  yolk  spheres  have  undergone  an 
apparent  disintegration.  Their  outlines  are  no  longer  distinct, 
as  in  the  earlier  stages,  and  in  many  instances,  they  can  be  ob- 

FIG.  4.     Blastula  of  A.  bermudensis  just  at  the  beginning  of  the  invagination. 

served  breaking  up  into  rather  coarse  granules  which  are  being 
spread  out  through  the  surrounding  plasma-like  material. 

In  the  stage  shown  in  Fig.  5  the  process  of  invagination  has 
gone  on  until  the  section  shows  a  w'ell-markecl  early  gastrula, 
and  puts  beyond  any  question  the  type  of  endoderm  formation 
in  this  species.  The  character  of  the  cells  in  the  invaginating 

^^'        V-;-"  '         Ipp^ 

I'  ii..  5.      Invagination  of  A.  bermudensis. 

area  has  not  as  yet  undergone  any  change  to  distinguish  them 
structurally  from  those  making  up  the  ectoderm. 

The   nutritive   material    within    tlu-  original   blastoccel   shows 
practically  the  same  conditions  as  nok-d  for  the  stage  last  de- 

IN    OF    GERM     LAYERS    IN    ACTINIA     lU-lKMl'IiFN-l -.     343 

<•<  rilied.     \\iihin  the  ga>trula  cavity  there  have  appeared  some 
lev,   masses  that  an-  apparently  composed  of  the  rather  o>ar-e 

granule'-   thai    come   tin-  lux-akin-   up  of  the   yolk  -phere-. 

In  the  older  v;a-trula.  almo-i  all  of  the  nutritive  material 

lit-  within  tl.  rocoel,  only  a  comparatively  few 

ol    tin-   in  .ranule-,    re-ultiiu    from    tlu-  di-inu-^ration  of 

the  >olk  ^p!  '•niainiiii;  in  the  original  1. la-tula  ca\it\  . 






Apprllo!        1  itioll    of    the 

Illltlime  inal«  lial  dmi:  nation  I  |,    ralsGB 

the  iiiii--iion  .  hether  the  yolk  i  in  the  ^a-in* 

alter    the   in\  !>.ii    i-   e..nij  ill  i  hat    54  •  n    in 

the    Ma-t'M  oil-  0    h"\\     the    1  rail-fer 

<  on  Id  take  pi.:'  .          Of  1  — il'ililie-  in  the  \\a\    of  3  Uall-fer 

nieiilioii-:    In-l    that    the   yolk  ini^ht    I  .e  al.-orlied   by 

the  fell-  < -I    the  ill\  axilla  !  i  i:  ^    !a\  •  '.    all<l   then    i  tO  Colled 

iii  the  .  .il    and  second  1)  that  the  yolk  elements  pass    "-i»-h 

dian^eii    odd  -n    the    celU   of    the    in- 

inatini:  la\er.  •  hi-  interpretation,  his  material 

Mlpport-    the    la-t    mentioned    \ie\\    as    many   of   the   t  ells   appear 
shrunken   in  diameter  \\hile  \"lk  -pheie-  ma\-  he  >i-en   lu-t\\ 
MU  h   cell-  -eparatiii'c   their  lateral   \\all-  one  Innn  another.      He 
mention-   be-ide-   that    the   \\all-  at    the  inner  ends  of  the  cell- 
are  I'ften   very   indi-tinct   durini;   the  time-  when   this  proces-  i- 


LEWIS    R.    GARY. 

going  on,  although  over  the  remainder  of  the  gastrula  wall  there 
is  no  appreciable  change  in  the  characteristics  of  the  cells. 

Appellof  makes  no  direct  mention,  although  his  Fig.  13,  PI.  2, 
shows,  that  while  the  transfer  of  the  nutritive  material  is  taking 
place  the  yolk  spheres  are  breaking  up  rapidly,  so  that  to  infer 
that  the  spheres  pass  through  the  invagination  layer  in  their 
original  condition  is  unnecessary.  In  the  older  gastrulse  of  A. 
bermudensis  a  complete  yolk  sphere  was  scarcely  ever  found  in 
the  gastrocoel.  While  many  of  the  masses  of  nutritive  material 
still  retained  their  identity  and  practically  their  original  volume 
it  could  be  observed  in  every  instance,  that  the  sharp  outline 
was  no  longer  apparent,  and  usually  the  granules  were  separated 
from  one  another.  It  is  also  noticeable  in  the  section  shown  in 
Fig.  6,  that  nearly  all  of  the  yolk  material  present  in  the  blastoccel 
is  massed  about  the  invaginating  cell  layer  and  that  the  inner 
ends  of  these  cells  are  much  less  sharply  defined  than  they  were 
in  the  younger  stages,  Fig.  5,  or  than  they  are  more  laterally  in 
the  invaginating  area.  The  central  part  of  the  invaginating  area 
is  more  densely  filled  with  granules  than  are  those  parts  farther 
to  the  sides.  The  granules  in  this  denser  area  are  also  markedly 
larger  than  the  granules  in  the  cytoplasm  of  the  more  laterally 
placed  cells. 

It  seems,  then,  beyond  question  that  in  A.  bermudensis,  just 
as  in  Urticina  crassicornis,  there  is  an  actual  passing  of  the  yolk 
material,  in  a  practically  unaltered  state,  through  the  layer  of 
invaginating  cells  to  the  forming  gastroccel.  As  the  cells  of  the 
invaginating  layer  approach  those  of  the  outer  gastrula  wall  all 
of  the  yolk  passes  through  so  that  the  two  layers  come  into  con- 
tact and  the  supporting  layer  is  secreted  between  them. 

In  an  older  embryo,  Fig.  7,  in  which  the  formation  of  the 
stomodeum  has  begun,  the  gastroccel — gastro-vascular  cavity- 
still  contains  a  considerable  amount  of  the  yolk  material  which 
now  appears  as  distinct  granules.  In  nearly  all  instances,  how- 
ever, the  granules  are  arranged  in  groups  which  show  clearly  their 
origin  from  an  originally  more  circumscribed  mass. 

In  this  last-mentioned  stage  the  cells  making  up  the  endoderm 
have  undergone  a  considerable  change  so  that  tlu-ir  histological 
characteristics  are  very  different  from  those  of  the  ectoderm  cells 

I"KM.\TION    OF    GERM     LAYKRS    IN    ACTINIA     r.EK.ML'HENSIS.     345 

ha  .ined  very  nearly  the  appearance  of  the  original 

lila-tul.i  <  clU.  The  endoderm  cells  have  in»\v  become  much 
bro.ider  in  proportion  to  their  height,  tlu-ir  cytoplasm  is  much 
[ess  d.-n-e  than  formerly,  and  take-  the  -tain-  [ess  readily,  \vhile 
the  IHH  l<-i  have  bi-come  markedly  le--  con-picuous.  In  -ome 
ons,  uherc  the  body  of  the  embr\o  i-  mo-t  contracted,  espe- 
cially about  thi  n  of  the  forming  -tomodeiim.  the  oiitline- 

o!   the  i-ndoderm  cell-  are  \«-r\    iudi-tinct  ,  and  indeed  iinpo--ihle 
lo  m.iki-  al   the  proximal  end-  of  the  cell-. 

I  eitl    7   .in.l   ;. 

Iii  d  tO  the  int.  :i.-n  ,,t    the  optic. d  na  -ho\\  n 

in    McMuiiiih'-    I  ig.    [Q,    I'l.    XIII..   it    i-  int.-ir-t  ii: . 
m\     I  ig.    o.    \\ith    the    '  of    tin-   mil':  '        •:/«/ 

v;i\«-n  bj     \ppellof.      In  the  la-t  iiu-nt  i<  nied  form,  \\heiv  th<-  eixlo- 
<lenn    arises    \>\    di-lamination.    thei  LfS    .it    the    time   of    the 

I'leaUiiu    through    o|    the    m«iUth    o;  ideil    thinniiu 

I'nih  i;ei-m  la\er-  at  the  point  \\here  the  mouth  « >\  pciiiii'<  \\ill 
appear.  When  the  mouth  ha-  l»eeii  formed  tlu-  ti--ue-  are  \er\- 
thin  all  around  it,  and  in  a  longitudinal  -ectioii  there  ap|iear- 
, iln .lit  the  mouth  thi-  thin  area  in-tea<l  of  the  more  thickened 
ana  \\hich  is  found  about  the  ^a-tro]iore  <>i  an  iiua^in.: 
trula.  So  that  in  some  in-tance-  at  least,  McMurrii  h'-  critici-m 
of  the  interpretation  of  -ecti»n-.  of  \\hole  mount-  \\ould 
not  appl\  . 

346  LEWIS    R.    GARY. 

Appellbf,  A. 

'oo     Studien  uber  Actinien-EnUvicklung.     Bergens  Museum  Aarbog  for  1900. 

Faurot,  L. 

'07     Nouvelles  Recherches  sur  le  Developpement  du  Pharynx  et  des  Cloissons 
chez  les  Hexactinies.     Arch.  d.  Zool.  Exper.  et  Gen.,  Ser.  4,  T.  6,   1907. 

Jourdan,  E. 

'78     Recherches  Zool.  et  Histolog.  sur  les  Zoanthiares  du  Golfe  de  Marseille. 
Ann.  Sci.  Nat.,  Ser.  6,  T.  10,  1878. 

McMurrich,  J.  P. 

'91     Contributions  to  the  Morphology  of  the  Actinozoa,  II.     On  the  Develop- 
ment of  the  Hexactinse.     Jour,  of  Alorphology,  Vol.  4,  1891. 

MHI.   WHOI    I 

UH    17JQ    G