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Editorial  Board 

E.  G.  CONKLIN,  Princeton  University 
E.   N.  HARVEY,  Princeton  University 
SELIG  HECHT,  Columbia  University 
LEIGH  HOADLEY,  Harvard  University 
L.  IRVING,  Swarthmore  College 
M.  H.  JACOBS,  University  of  Pennsylvania 

FRANK  R.  LILLIE,  University  of  Chicago 
CARL  R.  MOORE,  University  of  Chicago 
GEORGE  T.  MOORE,  Missouri  Botanical  Garden 
T.  H.  MORGAN,  California  Institute  of  Technology 
G.  H.  PARKER,  Harvard  University 
A.  C.  REDFIELD,  Harvard  University 

H.  S.  JENNINGS,  Johns  Hopkins  University  F.  SCHRADER,  Columbia  University 

H.  B.  STEINBACH,  Washington  University 
Managing  Editor 



Printed  and  Issued  by 





THE  BIOLOGICAL  BULLETIN  is  issued  six  times  a  year  at  the 
Lancaster  Press,  Inc.,  Prince  and  Lemon  Streets,  Lancaster,  Penn- 

Subscriptions  and  similar  matter  should  be  addressed  to  The 
Biological  Bulletin,  Marine  Biological  Laboratory,  Woods  Hole, 
Massachusetts.  Agent  for  Great  Britain :  Wheldon  and  Wesley, 
Limited,  2,  3  and  4  Arthur  Street,  New  Oxford  Street,  London, 
W.  C.  2.  Single  numbers,  $1.75.  Subscription  per  volume  (three 
issues),  $4.50. 

Communications  relative  to  manuscripts  should  be  sent  to  the 
Managing  Editor,  Marine  Biological  Laboratory,  Woods  Hole, 
Massachusetts,  between  July  1  and  October  1,  and  to  the  Depart- 
ment of  Zoology,  Washington  University,  St.  Louis,  Missouri, 
during  the  remainder  of  the  year. 

Entered  as  second-class  matter  May  17,  1930,  at  the  post  office  at  Lancaster, 
Pa.,  under  the  Act  of  August  24,  1912. 



No.  1.     FEBRUARY,  1943 



Transplantation  and  Individuality  Differentials  in  Inbred  Strains  of  Rats       1 


Factors  Influencing  Growth  and  Metamorphosis  of  the  Salivary  Gland 

in  Drosophila 13 


Hormones  and  Tissue  Competence  in  the  Development  of  Drosophila .  .      34 


The  Life-History  of  Phyllodistomum  Solidum  Rankin,  1937,  with  Obser- 
vations on  the  Morphology,  Development,  and  Taxonomy  of  the 
Gorgoderinae  (Trematoda) 59 


The  Reproductive  Cycle  of  the  Viviparous  Teleost,  Neotoca  Bilineata, 

a  Member  of  the  Family  Goodeidae.     IV.  The  Germinal  Tissue 87 


The  Reaction  of  Certain  Crustacea  to  Direct  and  to  Diffuse  Light ....      98 


Studies  on  the  Life  History  of  the  Marine  Annelid  Nereis  Vexillosa. . . .    106 


The  Reproductive  Processes  of  the  Fish,  Oryzias  Latipes 115 

No.  2.     APRIL,  1943 

DAY,  M.  F. 

The  Function  of  the  Corpus  Allatum  in  Muscoid  Diptera 127 


Changes  in  Volume  and  Physical  Properties  of  Allantoic  and  Amniotic 
Fluids  under  Normal  and  Extreme  Temperatures 141 


Physiological  Observations  upon  a  Larval  Eustrongylides.  IV.  In- 
fluence of  Temperature,  pH  and  Inorganic  Ions  upon  the  Oxygen  Con- 
sumption    148 


Further  Experiments  on  Cellulose  Digestion  by  the  Protozoa  in  the 

Rumen  of  Cattle 157 


Methylene  Blue,  Potassium  Cyanide  and  Carbon  Monoxide  as  Indi- 
cators for  Studying  the  Oxidation-Reduction  Potentials  of  Developing 
Marine  Eggs 1 64 

m  56666 




Development  of  the  Primary  Gonads  and  Differentiation  of  Sexuality  in 
Teredo  Navalis  and  other  Pelecypod  Mollusks 178 


An  Improved  Method  of  Assaying  Melanin  in  Fishes 187 

SUMNER,  F.  B. 

A  Further  Report  upon  the  Effects  of  Visual  Environment  on  the 
Melanin  Content  of  Fishes 195 

No.  3.     JUNE,  1943 


The  Effect  of  Carbon  Dioxide  and  Lactic  Acid  on  the  Oxygen-Com- 
bining Power  of  Whole  and  Hemolyzed  Blood  of  the  Marine  Fish, 
Tautoga  Onitis  (Linn.) 207 

BROOKS,  S.  C. 

Intake  and  Loss  of  Ions  by  Living  Cells.  I.  Eggs  and  Larvae  of  Arbacia 
Punctulata  and  Asterias  Forbesi  Exposed  to  Phosphate  and  Sodium  Ions  213 

BROOKS,  S.  C. 

Intake  and  Loss  of  Ions  by  Living  Cells.  II.  Early  Changes  of  Phos- 
phate Content  of  Fundulus  Eggs 226 


Biliary  Amylase  in  the  Domestic  Fowl 240 


Acceleration  of  Cleavage  of  Arbacia  Eggs  by  Hypotonic  Sea  Water. . . .    244 


The  Independent  Differentiation  of  the  Sensory  Areas  of  the  Avian 
Inner  Ear 252 

The  Utilization  of  Glycogen  by  Flies  During  Flight  and  Some  Aspects  of 
the  Physiological  Ageing  of  Drosophila 263 

PARKER,  G.  H. 

Methods  of  Estimating  the  Effects  of  Melanophore  Changes  on  Animal 
Coloration.  273 




The  Library  of  The  Marine  Biological  Laboratory  is  represented  in  this  serial 
list,  not  only  as  four  floors  of  journals  and  books  reporting  most  of  the  scientific 
efforts  of  the  world,  but  as  a  pleasant  place  in  which  to  work,  with  unlimited  facili- 
ties at  one's  fingertips.  It  is  open  to  the  use  of  everyone  in  attendance  at  the  Lab- 
oratory and  a  limited  number  of  readers  may  be  accommodated  with  desk  space 
upon  approval  of  the  Director,  and  payment  of  a  fee. 

A  staff  of  librarians  is  in  attendance,  but  it  is  felt  that  maximum  value  is 
obtained  from  the  Library  by  free  access  to  the  stacks.  Numerous  tables  give  ample 
opportunity  for  work  in  close  proximity  to  the  collections.  A  large  reading  room 
with  extensive  racks  and  shelves  for  current  journals,  encyclopedias,  maps,  indexes 
and  new  books  is  provided  with  unlimited  reading  space. 

The  journals  are  arranged,  beginning  with  the  top  floor,  alphabetically  as  they 
appear  in  this  list.  Here  they  are  listed  under  every  possible  title,  and  cross- 
referenced,  and  it  is  hoped  that  this  revised  edition  of  the  library  holdings  will 
prove  invaluable  to  investigators. 

On  the  first  level  of  the  stacks  a  very  large  collection  of  separata,  reprints  and 
duplicate  volumes  is  maintained.  This  is  arranged  in  alphabetical  order  by  authors, 
and  these  reprints  may  be  charged  out  for  use  in  the  individual  laboratory  rooms 
on  the  cards  provided  at  the  main  desk. 

Reports  of  scientific  expeditions  published  independently,  and  volumes  of  non- 
serial  literature  are  shelved  on  the  second  stack  level  near  the  entrance  from  the 
reading  room.  These  may  be  charged  out  in  the  same  manner  as  reprints. 

The  Library  has  previously  co-operated  in  granting  Inter-library  loans,  but  it 
is  proposed  now  to  reduce  this  as  much  as  possible.  There  has  been  installed  a 
microfilm  apparatus  suitable  for  copying  from  volumes  of  the  usual  quarto  and 
octavo  sizes.  Copies  of  publications  will  be  made  upon  the  request  of  qualified 
individuals,  at  the  lowest  practicable  rates.  Information  may  be  secured  from  the 
Librarian,  and  orders  should  be  directed  to  her. 

CHARLES  PACKARD,  Director  of  the  Laboratory 

It  is  with  deep  regret  that  the  Biological  Bulletin 

records  the  death,  on  January  4,  1943,  of 

Dr.  Gary  Nathan  Calkins,  a  member  of 

the  Editorial  Board  since  1927. 


Vol.  84,  No.  1  NTA/  ^^^TFebruary,  1943 






(From  the  Laboratory  of  Research  Pathology,*  Oscar  Johnson  Institute,  Washington  University 
School  of  Medicine,  St.  Louis,  and  from  the  Wistar  Institute,  Philadelphia') 

In  two  previous  papers  (1927,  1931),  Loeb  and  King  have  reported  on  the 
individuality  differentials  of  rats  inbred  in  the  Wistar  Institute  for  a  considerable 
number  of  years  by  Dr.  Helen  Dean  King.  In  this  paper  we  shall  report  on  a 
third  series  of  experiments,  carried  out  during  the  last  two  or  three  years,  in 
which  rats  from  inbred  generations  102  to  106  were  used.  There  was  added, 
also,  a  small  series  of  experiments  with  rats  from  inbred  generations  91  and  92. 
However,  in  order  to  evaluate  the  changes  which  have  taken  place  in  the  course 
of  the  continued  inbreeding  it  will  be  necessary  to  give  also  the  main  data  obtained 
in  the  first  and  second  series  of  transplantations  made  with  the  earlier  inbred 
generations.  A  comparison  can  be  readily  made  if  instead  of  discussing  isolated 
data,  we  group  experiments  of  a  similar  kind  together  by  adopting  a  system  of 
grades  and  determining  the  average  grades  obtained  in  each  case.  We  have 
already  adopted,  in  previous  papers,  such  a  system  of  approximately  quantitative 
grading  of  the  findings,  and  we  have  discussed  these  grades  more  fully  on  former 
occasions.  Here,  the  principles  underlying  the  choice  of  these  grades  will  be 
only  briefly  explained.  To  simplify  this  task,  we  shall  consider  mainly  the 
results  obtained  in  transplantation  of  thyroid,  cartilage,  fat  tissue,  and  also  of 
the  other  organs  often  associated  with  these,  namely,  parathyroid,  bone,  bone 
marrow,  striated  muscle.  It  will  not  be  necessary  at  this  time  to  enter  into  a 
discussion  of  the  corresponding  reactions  shown  in  all  types  of  tissues  used  in 
our  grafting  experiments.  The  grades  used  range  between  1  and  3+  (3.25); 
3+  and  3  are  the  grades  characteristic  of  autogenous  transplantations.  In  this 
latter,  the  tissue — in  particular,  thyroid  gland— is  well  preserved,  and  while  at 
first  there  may  be  some  irregularities  in  the  structure  of  the  graft,  it  gradually 
assumes  the  structure  of  the  normal  organ.  Marked  lymphocytic  infiltration  is 
lacking,  but  at  early  periods  some  very  small  collections  of  lymphocytes  may  be 

*  The  work  from  the  Laboratory  of  Research  Pathology  of  Washington  University  School  of 
Medicine  was  carried  out  previous  to  June  1,  1941,  when  this  laboratory  was  discontinued.  The 
experiments  mentioned  in  this  paper  were  done  with  the  aid  of  a  grant  from  The  International 
Cancer  Research  Foundation. 


seen;  subsequently,  these  usually  disappear.  Likewise,  the  connective  tissue 
ingrowth  is  restricted  and  an  invasion  of  the  fat  tissue  by  small  vacuolated  cells 
and  by  fibrous  tissue  is  absent.  Grades  3-  (2.75)  and  2+  (2.25)  are  given  if 
the  tissues  are,  on  the  whole,  well  preserved  but  if  a  reaction  is  definitely  notice- 
able. Various  degrees  of  lymphocytic  infiltration  and  a  somewhat  increased 
activity  of  the  connective  tissue  may  appear  and  cause  a  limited  injury  to  the 
transplant.  Such  reactions  may  be  seen  when  donor  and  host  are  related.  If 
these  reactions  are  more  marked  and  lead  to  a  partial  destruction  of  the  transplant, 
the  grade  2  is  given;  this  indicates  a  somewhat  greater  strangeness  of  the  -indi 
viduality  differentials.  In  typical,  more  severe  homoio-reactions  the  grades 
range  between  2-  (1.75)  and  1.  Grade  2—  is  given  if  the  thyroid  gland  is 
severely  invaded  by  fibrous  tissue  and  a  considerable  part  of  the  acinar  tissue 
has  been  destroyed ;  but  at  least  one-half  of  the  organ  has  escaped  destruction  at 
the  time  of  examination,  which  in  most  cases  is  between  20  and  30  days  following 
transplantation.  There  is,  in  these  cases,  a  definite  lymphocytic  infiltration, 
provided  injury  to  the  tissue  has  not  led  to  a  marked  diminution  in  the  effective- 
ness of  the  individuality  differential  substances.  Grade  1+  (1.25)  signifies  the 
survival  of  only  a  small  part  of  the  thyroid  gland.  The  reaction  in  the  fat 
tissue  is  very  severe.  Grade  1  is  applied  to  results  in  experiments  in  rats  and 
guinea  pigs  in  which  the  thyroid  has  been  entirely  destroyed  and  the  fat  tissue 
is  largely  replaced  by  fibrous  tissue. 

The  changes  in  other  organs  or  tissues,  on  the  whole,  correspond  to  those 
taking  place  in  thyroid  and  fat  tissue  and  this  correspondence  makes  possible  the 
grading  of  the  results  obtained  in  all  tissues  from  the  same  donor  and  transplanted 
into  the  same  host.  For  instance,  if  ovaries  are  transplanted  together  with 
thyroid,  cartilage  and  fat  tissue,  we  find  corresponding  intensities  of  reaction 
and  injuries  of  the  various  constituent  structures  of  this  organ.  In  the  most 
favorable  cases,  large  follicles,  and  even  corpora  lutea,  are  found.  In  somewhat 
less  favorable  cases  only  medium-sized  or  small  follicles  develop;  a  still  more 
unfavorable  reaction  is  indicated  if  merely  primordial  follicles  survive,  without 
undergoing  further  growth  processes.  If  the  reaction  is  still  more  severe,  no 
follicles  are  seen,  but  merely  a  cyst  and  ducts  of  the  germinal  epithelium,  medul- 
lary ducts,  spindle-cell  connective  tissue,  and  interstitial  gland  tissue,  together 
with  necrotic  remnants  of  the  transplanted  ovary.  At  last,  only  some  interstitial 
gland  may  be  found,  or  even  this  tissue  may  be  lacking  and  necrotic  material 
with  fibrous  tissue  may  be  all  that  is  left.  However,  under  all  circumstances  it 
is  necessary  to  make  allowances  for  the  occurrence  of  accidental  injuries  to  the 
transplant.  This  can  be  recognized  in  many  instances,  but  even  if  it  should  be 
difficult,  errors  in  the  appraisal  of  the  reaction  can  be  avoided  by  making  a  series 
of  experiments  instead  of  a  single  one  and  then  relying  on  an  evaluation  of  the 
total  results.  While  this  method  of  grading  can  claim  only  approximate  exact- 
ness, still  it  is  very  helpful  in  comparing  the  results  in  the  interaction  of  different 
types  of  individuality  differentials  and  in  making  possible  a  concise  and  suffi- 
ciently accurate  expression  of  a  large  number  of  otherwise  separate  data. 

The  principal  results  obtained  in  the  first  series  of  experiments  (1927)  are 
as  follows: 


Inbred  Families  A  and  B 

In  subseries   1,  generations  37  and  38,  40  and  41,  in  subseries  2,  generations  46  and  47 
were  used. 

Subseries  1,  family  A  (different  litters):  grade  1.96  (20  rats) 
Subseries  2,  family  A  (  "     ):      "       1.12  (4  rats) 

Total  family  A  (  "     ):      "       1.82  (24  rats) 

Subseries  1,  family  B  (different  litters):  grade  2.1     (22  rats) 
Subseries  2,  family  B  (       "  "     ):      "       1.55  (5  rats) 

Total  family  B  (  "     ):      "       1.92  (27  rats) 

Families  A  and  B  combined:  grade  1.87  (51  rats) 

Subseries  1,  family  A  to  family  B:  grade  1.74  (11  rats) 
Subseries  2,  family  A  to  family  B:      "       1.57  (7  rats) 
Total  family  A  to  family  B:  "       1.67  (18  rats) 

Subseries  1,  family  B  to  family  A:  1.61  (16  rats) 

Subseries  2,  family  B  to  family  A:      "       1.33  (3  rats) 
Total  family  B  to  family  A:  "       1.57  (19  rats) 

Total  inter-family  A  and  B  transplantations:  Combined  grade  1.62  (37  rats) 

Exchange  of  tissues  between  members  of  the  same  litters  (brothers  and  sisters] 

in  families  A  and  B 

Subseries  1,  family  B:  grade  2.87  (17  rats)  (40th  and  41st  generations) 
Subseries  2,  family  A:  grade  2  (6  rats)  (42nd  generation) 
Total  families  A  and  B  (40-42  generations):  grade  2.5  (23  rats) 

Subseries  3,  family  A:  grade  1.37  (6  rats)  (46th  and  47th  generations) 

Subseries  4,  family  B:  grade  1.78  (7  rats) 

Total  families  A  and  B  (46-47  generations):  grade  1.59  (13  rats) 

Total  families  A  and  B  (members  of  same  litters):  grade  2.26  (36  rats) 
2  subseries  of  family  A:  grade  1.68  (12  rats) 
2  subseries  of  family  B:      "      2.55  (24  rats) 

These  data  are  summarized  in  Table  I. 

In  evaluating  these  grades,  we  must  attach  greater  importance  to  those 
experiments  in  which  the  figures  represent  the  averages  of  a  large  number  of 
rats  than  to  those  in  which  the  figures  are  based  on  a  relatively  small  number; 
in  the  latter,  variable  factors  of  an  accidental  nature  may  preponderate.  This 
is  a  point  to  be  considered  if  there  is  some  discrepancy  between  the  figures  in 
related  series  of  experiments.  However,  on  the  whole  the  figures  here  agree 
very  well  with  each  other. 

The  transfer  of  tissues  from  members  of  family  A  to  members  of  family  B, 
and  vice  versa,  should  correspond  about  to  ordinary  homoiogenous  transplanta- 
tions. The  average  grade  is,  here,  1.62,  which  is  perhaps  very  slightly  better 

TABLE  I  (Series  I) 

Donor  and  host  Grades  Combined  grades 

Family  A  to  family  A  1.82  (24  rats)] 

(different  litters) 

1.87  (51  rats) 
Family  B  to  family  B  1.92  (27  rats)  j 

(different  litters) 

Family  A  to  family  A  1.68  (12  rats)  ] 

(litter  mates) 

2.26  (36  rats) 
Family  B  to  family  B  2.55  (24  rats)  j 

(litter  mates) 

Family  A  to  family  B  1.67  (18  rats)] 

1.62  (37  rats) 
Family  B  to  family  A  1.57  (19  rats) 

than  might  be  expected.  This  grade  may  be  compared  with  that  of  transplanta- 
tions between  members  of  family  A:  1.82,  and  between  members  of  family  B: 
1.92,  or  an  average  grade  of  both  kinds  of  intra-family  transplantations:  1.87. 
There  is  a  slight  improvement,  a  slight  diminution  in  the  severity  of  the  reactions 
in  these  intra-family  transplantations  as  compared  with  the  inter-family  trans- 
plantations. Still  somewhat  higher  is  the  average  grade  of  transplantations 
between  litter  mates  (brothers  and  sisters)  in  family  A  as  well  as  in  family  B. 
Here  the  total  average  grade  is  2.26  (in  the  larger  series  of  experiments  in  family 
B  the  average  grade  is  2.55  and  in  the  smaller  series  in  family  A  it  is  1.68).  We 
may  then  conclude  that  as  a  result  of  close  inbreeding  for  37  to  47  generations 
in  families  A  and  B,  only  a  very  slight  progress  towards  a  homozygous  condition 
has  been  accomplished. 

Series  II.  In  this  series  of  transplantations,  rats  inbred  for  60  to  67  genera- 
tions were  used.  The  following  is  a  summary  of  the  principal  results  in  this 

If  we  compare  the  grades  in  the  first  and  second  series,  we  find  that  trans- 
plantations between  different  litters  in  family  A,  and  again  in  family  B,  show  no 
improvement  in  series  II  over  the  corresponding  grades  in  series  I;  on  the  con- 
trary, the  average  grades  in  series  II  happen  to  be  somewhat  lower.  This  may 
perhaps  have  been  due  to  a  smaller  number  of  brother-sister  matings  which 
different  litters  in  series  II  had  in  common.  On  the  other  hand,  in  the  latter 
series  the  grades  between  litter  mates  in  family  A,  as  well  as  in  family  B,  are 
not  only  better  than  the  grades  obtained  in  transplantations  between  different 
litters,  but  they  are  also  better  than  the  transplantations  between  litter  mates 
in  series  I.  If  the  results  of  transplantations  between  brothers  and  sisters  are 
compared  in  inbred  rats,  the  variable  factor  of  the  branching-off  of  certain  lines 
at  different  levels  of  brother-sister  matings  is  eliminated  and  the  improvement 
in  series  II  in  this  type  of  grafts  may  thus  indicate  a  certain  progress  towards  a 
homozygous  condition,  although  this  cannot  be  maintained  with  certainty. 
Exchange  of  tissues  between  families  A  and  B  (inter-family  transplantations) 

TABLE  II  (Series  II) 

Donor  and  host 


Combined  grades 

Family  A  to  family  A 
(different  litters) 

Family  B  to  family  B 
(different  litters) 

Family  A  to  family  A 
(litter  mates) 

Family  B  to  family  B 
(litter  mates) 

Family  A  to  family  B,  or 
family  B  to  family  A 

Homoiotransplantation  in 
non-inbred  families 

Hybrids  (AxB)F4  (or  F5) 

to  hybrids  (AxB)F4 

(different  litters) 

Hybrids  (AxB)F4  (or  F5) 
to  hybrids  (AxB)F4 
(litter  mates) 

Family  A  or  family  B  to 
hybrids  (AxB)F4 

Hybrids  (AxB)F4  to 
family  A  or  family  B 

1.16  (16  rats) 
1.65  (33  rats)J 
2.60  (17  rats) 
2.81  (19  rats)  : 
1.37  (32  rats) 

1.29  (12  rats) 

1.80  (26  rats) 
1.50  (13  rats) 
1.39  (13  rats) 

1.49  (49  rats) 

2.71  (36  rats) 

corresponds  to  a  severe  homoio-reaction,  as  might  be  expected.  Similar  are  the 
grades  of  transplantations  between  hybrids  (AxB)F4.  These  grades  are  im- 
proved to  a  certain  degree  if  hybrids  which  are  litter  mates  are  used.  But  in 
these  transplantations  the  results  are  not  so  good  as  in  brother-to-brother  trans- 
plantations in  family  A  or  in  family  B.  Such  a  difference  might  be  expected, 
because  in  hybrids  there  is  a  greater  chance  for  unlike  genes  to  accumulate  in 
brothers  when  both  A  and  B  may  contribute  to  the  genes  of  the  fertilized  germ 

Transplantations  from  parent  to  hybrid  give  somewhat  better  results  than 
the  reciprocal  transplantations,  but  both  elicit  severe  homoiogenous  reactions  as 
an  indication  that  a  homozygous  genetic  constitution  has  not  yet  been  reached 
in  either  family  A  or  family  B.  It  is  of  interest  to  note  that  in  both  series  I 
and  II  the  grades  in  family  B  are  higher  than  in  family  A.  On  the  whole,  then, 
while  it  is  possible  that  a  further  slight  progress  towards  a  homozygous  condition 
in  family  A  and  in  family  B  has  been  made  in  continued  propagation  by  brother- 
sister  matings  in  the  interval  between  the  37th  to  47th  generations  and  the  60th 
to  67th  generations,  this  progress,  if  present  at  all,  is  not  very  marked. 


Series  III.  This  is  the  series  of  experiments  which  has  been  carried  out 
during  the  last  few  years  and  it  will  be  discussed,  therefore,  in  somewhat  more 
detail.  A  small  number  of  experiments  were  made  with  rats  of  the  91st  and 
92nd  generations.  These  were  young  animals  and  at  the  end  of  the  experiments, 
weighed  between  125  and  140  grams.  Transplantations  into  three  litter  mates, 
serving  as  hosts,  gave  the  grade  2.95 ;  very  closely  approaching  the  results  obtained 
in  autogenous  transplantations.  In  seven  transplantations  from  family  B  to 
family  A  the  grade  was  1.48,  if  the  examination  took  place  after  20  days,  and 
it  was  1.84  in  7  rats  after  12  days.  The  grade  after  20  days  was  very  similar  to 
the  grades  obtained  in  the  corresponding  transplantations  in  series  I  and  II. 
No  essential  changes  have  taken  place  in  this  type  of  grafting  between  two 
different  families  in  the  course  of  long-continued  brother-sister  matings.  The 
grades  for  transplantations  between  litter  mates  are  somewhat  better  than  in  the 
corresponding  ones  in  series  II,  and  they  are  distinctly  better  than  in  series  I, 
indicating  further  progress  to  a  homozygous  condition  after  91  to  92  continuous 
brother-sister  matings.  However,  in  evaluating  the  grades  obtained  in  trans- 
plantations between  litter  mates,  the  small  number  of  experiments,  of  which 
this  figure  represents  the  average,  has  to  be  considered. 

In  generations  intermediate  between  the  92nd  and  104th  generations,  family 
B  died  out  and  from  then  on  only  family  A  and  hybrids  (AxB)F4  or  (BxA)F4 
were  available  for  experiments.  A  number  of  transplantations  were  carried  out 
with  generations  104  to  106  of  family  A  and  with  the  hybrids.  Younger  rats, 
one  month  and  one  or  two  weeks  of  age,  or  somewhat  older  ones,  four  and  a  half 
to  five  and  a  half  months  of  age  and  weighing  between  185  and  200  grams  at  the 
beginning  of  the  experiments  were  used  for  this  purpose.  Examination  as  a 
rule  took  place  after  20  days.  Usually  three  pieces,  namely,  thyroid,  cartilage 
with  fat  tissue,  and  striated  muscle  tissue  were  transplanted,  and  in  some  experi- 
ments the  transplants  from  one  kind  of  donor  were  transferred  to  the  right  side, 
and  those  from  another  kind  of  donor  were  transplanted  to  the  other  side  of  the 
same  host. 

Group  A .     Transplantations  of  organs  in  young  rats 

(a)  Transplantations  between  members  of  different  litters  in  family  A: 
average  grades,  2.81  and  2.83;  (6)  between  litter  mates:  average  grades,  3.15; 
3.15;  3.12  and  3.07;  (c)  from  hybrids  F4  between  families  A  and  B  to  family  A: 
average  grades,  3.12  and  3.10;  (d)  between  litter  mates  of  hybrids  (AxB)F4  or 
(BxA)F4:  average  grade,  3.12 — the  same  grade  was  found  between  hybrids 
which  belonged  to  different  litters.  There  is  no  difference,  or  only  a  very  slight 
one,  in  the  reactions  obtained  in  these  various  transplantations,  the  grades 
between  non-litter  mates  being  somewhat  lower  than  those  between  litter  mates; 
but  the  significance  of  this  difference  is  not  great,  because  only  four  transplanta- 
tions were  carried  out  between  members  of  different  litters.  On  the  other  hand, 
even  the  grades  for  transplantations  from  hybrids  F4  to  family  A,  which  might 
have  been  expected  to  lead  to  more  severe  reactions,  were  as  good  as  those 
between  litter  mates  of  strain  A.  We  must  therefore  assume  that  the  young 
age  of  these  rats  helped  to  diminish  the  severity  of  the  reactions,  which  was  also 
diminished  by  the  long-continued  inbreeding,  causing  an  approximately  autog- 
enous condition  of  the  individuality  differentials  in  family  A  and  in  those 


members  of  family  B  which  were  components  of  hybrids  (AxB)F4.  However, 
in  one  experiment  the  transplantations  from  hybrids  F4  to  family  A,  in  accordance 
with  expectations,  gave  a  somewhat  more  severe  reaction;  the  average  grade 
was  here  slightly  below  2.  In  this  case,  the  host  reacted  definitely  against  two 
transplants  which  contained  strange  B  genes;  the  threshold  which  determines 
an  antagonistic  reaction  had  evidently  been  passed. 

Group  B.     Transplantations  in  somewhat  older  rats 

These  rats  varied  in  age  between  four  and  a  half  and  seven  and  a  half  months 
and  belonged  to  the  102nd,  103rd,  or  104th  generation.  The  kind  of  transplanta- 
tions were  about  the  same  as  in  the  younger  animals.  Transplantations  were 
made  (a)  betwreen  litter  mates  of  family  A:  grade  3.04  in  rats  aged  4^  to  5| 
months,  and  grade  2.56  in  rats  aged  6^  to  1\  months;  (b)  between  different 
litters  of  family  A:  grade  2.93  (age  of  rats  4^  to  5|  months),  and  grade  2.4  (age 
6^  to  7  months).  The  grades  between  litter  mates  are  only  very  slightly  better 
than  those  between  members  of  different  litters  in  family  A.  These  grades  are 
not  as  good  as  those  in  the  younger  rats,  and  also  among  the  older  rats  the 
severity  of  the  reaction  increased  somewhat  with  increasing  age;  transplantations 
were  also  made  (c)  between  hybrids  (BxA)F4  and  hybrids  (A"xB)F4:  grade  2.18; 
(d)  from  family  A  to  hybrids  (AxB)F4:  grade  2.39;  (e)  from  hybrids  (AxB)F4 
or  (BxA)F4  to  family  A:  grade  2.23.  The  grades  in  transplantations  between 
hybrids  themselves  and  between  hybrids  and  members  of  family  A,  in  accordance 
with  expectations,  are  less  good  than  those  between  members  of  family  A.  These 
differences  come  out  in  the  older  rats,  while  they  are  not  present  in  the  corre- 
sponding transplantations  in  younger  rats.  However,  also  in  the  older  rats 
there  are  no  very  sharp  differences  between  these  various  groups. 

We  shall  now  give  brief  abstracts  of  our  microscopic  findings  in  some  of  these 
transplantations,  which  may  serve  as  examples.  (1)  Transplantations  in  young 
rats,  family  A,  inbred  for  104  or  105  generations.  These  rats  were  37  to  44  days 
old.  at  the  time  of  transplantation ;  examination  took  place  20  days  after  trans- 
plantation. Pieces  from  litter  mates  were  transplanted  to  the  right  side  and 
pieces  from  different  litters  to  the  left  side  of  the  host.  There  was  no  definite 
difference  between  pieces  from  the  two  sides.  The  transplant  of  striated  muscle 
tissue  was  well  preserved.  There  were  well-preserved,  thin  muscle  fibers,  either 
close  together  or  separated  by  some  hyaline  tissue.  Some  thick  fibers  were 
surrounded  by  hyaline  tissue  and  in  certain  instances  also  by  strands  of  fibro- 
blasts.  Necrotic  muscle  fibers  were,  in  places,  surrounded  by  foreign-body  giant 
cells.  There  were  well-developed  nuclear  chains,  but  there  was  less  tendency  to 
the  formation  of  nuclear  masses,  less  crowding,  and  better  cross-striation  of 
muscle  fibers  in  the  rat  than  in  the  mouse.  On  the  whole,  the  multiplication  of 
nuclei  in  fibers  was  moderate.  On  the  average,  the  least  proliferation  of  muscle 
nuclei  was  found  where  the  thickness  of  the  muscle  fibers  was  greatest  and  where 
the  cross-striation  was  best.  Where  the  muscle  fibers  were  very  thin  and  much 
drawn-out,  they  often  resembled  fibroblasts.  Some  muscle  fibers  might  be 
changed  into  a  light  material,  which  did  not  stain  with  eosin. 

The  thyroid  transplants  were  well  preserved.  There  was  a  ring  of  two  to 
three  layers  of  acini  of  medium  or  small  size.  The  acinar  epithelium  was  flat 
cuboidal,  or,  occasionally,  cuboidal  in  shape;  the  center  consisted  of  fibrillar- 


cellular  connective  tissue,  in  which  there  were  some  lymph  and  blood  vessels. 
There  were  also  some  ducts  lined  with  squamous  epithelium,  or  there  were  some 
epithelial  pearls  in  the  center  of  the  transplant,  and  here,  too,  fat  cells  were 
found,  indicating  a  favorable  result  of  the  transplantation. 

Cartilage  and  fat  tissue  were  well  preserved.  The  strands  of  fibrous  tissue 
observed  in  the  fat  tissue  presumably  were  caused  by  the  injury  sustained  during 
operation.  Otherwise  there  was  no  connective  tissue  ingrowth,  no  infiltration 
with  lymphocytes,  and  no  accumulation  of  small  vacuolated  cells  between  the 
fat  cells.  Necrosis  occurred  in  a  small  piece  of  cartilage — probably  as  the  result 
also  of  injury  at  the  time  of  transplantation — and  surrounding  the  latter  was  a 
plate  of  regenerated  perichondral  cartilage;  but  in  the  piece  from  the  left  side  of 
the  host,  some  necrotic  cartilage,  without  regenerated  cartilage  plate,  was  seen. 

As  to  the  behavior  of  the  lymphocytes  in  the  muscle  tissue  from  the  right  side 
(litter  mates),  there  were  merely  a  few  lymph  vessels  filled  with  lymphocytes. 
In  the  piece  from  the  left  side  (non-litter  mates)  there  were  some  similar  lymph 
vessels,  and,  in  addition,  some  diffuse  lymphocytic  infiltration.  In  the  thyroid 
transplant  from  the  right  side  the  lymphocytic  infiltration  was  very  moderate; 
there  were  a  few  lymph  vessels  filled  with  lymphocytes,  and  at  the  two  poles, 
small  collections  of  lymphocytes  were  seen.  In  the  thyroid  transplant  from  the 
left  side  a  dense  lymphocytic  infiltration  was  noted  in  the  center  of  the  gland 
around  squamous  cell  nests.  In  places,  lymphocytes  penetrated  between  acini 
and  separated  them.  Lymph  vessels  were  stuffed  with  lymphocytes.  Also,  the 
parathyroid  showed  lymphocytic  infiltration.  In  the  cartilage-fat  tissue  trans- 
plants of  the  right  side  (litter  mates)  there  were  no  lymphocytes.  On  the  left 
side  (non-litter  mates)  there  was  some  lymphocytic  infiltration  in  the  fat  tissue 
along  the  living  cartilage.  This  experiment  exemplifies  well  the  correspondence 
between  multiple  transplants  from  the  same  donor  into  the  same  host. 

(2)  Transplantation  in  young  rats  from  (BxA)F4  to  A  (right  side),  and  from 
(AxB)F4  to  A  (left  side).     In  the  muscle  transplants  on  the  right  and  left  sides 
there  was  some  lymphocytic  infiltration  in  various  places  between  groups  of 
muscle  fibers.     On  the  right  side  the  muscle  was  less  well  preserved,  more  necrosis 
and  more  lymphocytic  infiltration  had  taken  place,  and  many  nuclear  masses 
were  seen.     Around  some  cloudy  muscle  fibers,   foreign-body  giant  cells  had 
formed.     In  both  thyroid  transplants  there  was  intense  lymphocytic  infiltration; 
the  ring  of  acini  was  incomplete;  some  groups  of  acini  were  separated  by  lympho- 
cytic masses.     Lymphocytes  penetrated  also  into  the  colloid,  where  they  disinte- 
grated.    The  masses  of  lymphocytes  had  destroyed  a  number  of  acini.     In  the 
cartilage-fat  tissue,  cartilage  was  well  preserved.     On  the  left  side  there  was 
more  fat  tissue  replaced  by  fibrous  tissue  than  on  the  right  side.     In  both  trans- 
plants there  was  some  lymphocytic  infiltration  along  the  perichondrium  and,  in 
some  places,  also  between  the  fat  cells.     In  these  experiments  the  reaction  is 
more  severe  than  in  transplants  from  A  to  A. 

(3)  In  the  somewhat  older  rats,  the  grades  in  some  of  the  transplantations 
within  the  inbred  family  A  approached  those  of  autogenous  reactions.     There 
were  occasionally  slight  lymphocytic  infiltrations  in  the  thyroid,  in  which  there 
were  several  layers  of  acini,  but  there  were  no  lymphocytes  between  the  acini. 
The  muscle  transplant  was  well  preserved,  with  much  cross-striation  and  with 
nuclear  chains  and  masses.     The  fibers  with  medium  thickness  were  best  pre- 


served  as  a  rule.  Some  muscle  fibers  became  hyaline  and  the  preserved  fibers 
were  usually  embedded  in  hyaline  tissue.  There  were  occasionally  some  small 
collections  of  lymphocytes  in  the  transplant.  In  the  cartilage-fat-tissue  trans- 
plant some  thickened  septa  with  a  small  number  of  lymphocytes  were  observed. 

(4)  (BxA)F4  to  (AxB)F4  (older  rats — experiment  8).     The  muscle  transplant 
showed  very  intense  lymphocytic  infiltration   throughout,  and   this  destroyed 
the  fibers.     Certain  muscle  fibers  disintegrated,  others  became  hyaline.     There 
were  some  nuclear  chains.     The  thyroid  ring  was  incomplete.     Single  acini  might 
be  separated  by  connective  tissue  and  lymphocytes.     Much  lymphocytic  infiltra- 
tion had  taken  place  and  lymph  vessels  might  be  stuffed  with  lymphocytes. 
The  lymphocytes  penetrated  between  the  acinar  cells  into  the  colloid.     The 
greater  part  of   the   thyroid   had   been   destroyed.     In   the  cartilage-fat-tissue 
transplant  some  cartilage  had  become  necrotic  and  dense  fibrous  tissue  surrounded 
it.     Much  fat  tissue  was  destroyed,  but  there  were  still  some  groups  of  fat  cells. 
In  some  places  more  fat  tissue  was  preserved,  with  fibrous  strands  and  definite 
lymphocytic  infiltration  in  the  hyaline  connective  tissue.     Lymph  vessels  were 
stuffed  with  lymphocytes  in  the  connective  tissue  and  fat  tissue. 

(5)  Experiment  61b.     91st  and   92nd  generations,   family   B   to  family  A; 
(20  days).     In  the  thyroid  the  results  varied  between  those  in  which  no  thyroid 
was  left,  to  those  in  which  the  remnant  of  the  transplant  consisted  mainly  of 
compressed  acini,  with  much  lymphocytic  infiltration  and  some  connective  tissue 
ingrowth.     In  the  cartilage-fat-tissue  transplant,  much  fat  tissue,  and  in  some 
places  almost  all  of  it,  was  replaced  by  fibrous  tissue.     If  much  lymphocytic 
infiltration  occurred  in  the  thyroid,  usually  a  certain  amount  was  found  also  in 
the  fat  tissue.     Bone  marrow  was  not  preserved,  but  as  a  rule  some  transplanted 
muscle  fibers  were  preserved.     Some  lymphocytic  infiltration  had  taken  place 
in  this  transplant. 

The  principal  results  obtained  in  series  III  are  summarized  in  Table  III. 

Table  III  shows  that  the  grades  in  the  younger  group  of  rats  are  consistently 
higher  than  in  the  somewhat  older  rats;  this  consistency  in  the  difference  between 
the  grades  in  these  two  groups  makes  it  very  probable  that  this  difference  is 
significant,  even  in  cases  in  which  the  averages  are  based  on  a  small  number  of 
individuals.  The  differences  are,  however,  not  very  great  in  transplantations 
within  the  inbred  family  A;  they  are  greater  if  we  compare  the  transplantations 
between  hybrids  and  from  hybrids  to  parent-family  A  in  the  old  and  young  groups. 
The  grades  in  transplantations  from  family  B  to  family  A,  both  belonging  to 
the  91st  and  92nd  generations,  are  very  low;  as  was  to  be  expected,  they  corre- 
spond to  homoiogenous  reactions. 

If  we  compare  the  grades  obtained  in  series  III  with  those  of  series  II,  we 
notice  that  they  are  much  better  in  the  former.  In  transplantations  within 
family  A,  the  grades  have  advanced  from  1.16  in  series  II  to  about  2.75  in  series 
III.  Among  litter  mates  within  family  A  they  have  advanced  from  2.60  in 
series  II  to  about  2.90  in  series  III.  This  improvement  is  not  so  great  as  in  the 
transplantations  between  non-litter  mates,  which  is  due  to  the  fact  that  there 
was  already  a  considerable  improvement  among  the  grafts  between  litter  mates 
in  series  II,  as  compared  to  those  in  series  I  with  a  corresponding  grade  of  1.68. 
There  has  been  also  a  great  improvement  in  the  grade  of  transplantations  between 
hybrids  F4  (non-litter  mates).  The  corresponding  grades  are  1.29  in  the  II 


TABLE  III  (Series  III) 

Donor  and  host  Grades  Grades 

A  to  A  (different  litters)  2.82  (7  rats)  2.72  (10  rats) 

A  to  A  (litter  mates)  3.10  (22  rats,  including  2.77  (7  rats) 

3  from  the  91st  and 
92nd  generations) 

(AxB)F4and  (BxA)F4 
(different  litters  as  hosts 
and  donors  in  various 
combinations)  3.12  (6  rats)  2.18  (2  rats) 

(AxB)F4to  (AxB)F4) 

(litter  mates)  3.12  (6  rats) 

(BxA)F4to  (BxA)F4J 

Ato(AxB)F4  2.39  (4  rats) 

(AxB)F4  or  (B  XA)F4  to  A  2.87  (10  rats)  2.23  (4  rats) 

B  to  A  (91-92  generations)  1.48  (7  rats)  20  days 

1.84  (7  rats)  12  days 

series  and  about  2.50  in  series  III.  Transplantations  from  hybrids  to  family  A 
(or  B)  show  a  considerable  improvement  from  grade  1.39  in  series  II  to  about 
grade  2.50  in  series  III;  and  between  litter  mates  of  hybrids  there  is  a  change 
from  1.80  (series  II)  to  3.12  (young  rats)  in  series  III.  In  transplantations  from 
family  A  to  hybrids  the  advance  is  marked,  in  series  II  the  grade  being  1.50, 
in  series  III,  2.39  (older  rats).  Where  in  series  III  there  were  grades  available 
in  both  groups,  namely,  in  those  of  old  and  of  young  rats,  a  somewhat  arbitrary 
intermediate  grade  was  chosen,  but  one  nearer  to  the  grade  of  the  older  rats. 
In  contrast  to  the  change  which  has  taken  place  in  the  interaction  between  the 
individuality  differentials  of  the  members  of  inbred  strains,  in  the  course  of 
long-continued  brother-sister  matings,  no  essential  change  has  occurred  if  the 
individuality  differentials  interacted  between  members  of  family  A  and  of 
family  B.  In  this  case,  the  grade  (1.48)  obtained  in  series  III,  when  the  exami- 
nation took  place  after  20  days,  indicates  a  typical  homoiogenous  reaction.  As 
was  to  be  expected,  the  reaction  was  not  yet  fully  developed  in  its  full  strength 
and  the  grade  therefore  was  somewhat  higher  (1.84)  if  the  examination  took 
place  after  12  days. 


A  comparison  of  the  reactions  observed  in  these  three  series  of  transplantations 
shows  that  a  continuous  progress  to  a  homozygous  condition  has  been  made. 
In  the  first  series,  there  was  only  a  slight  indication  of  an  improvement  in  grades 
over  the  grades  in  ordinary  homoiogenous  and  syngenesious  transplantations. 
A  further  slight  progress  was  noted  in  the  II  series,  but  the  greatest  advance  was 
made  in  the  interval  between  the  II  and  III  series.  The  first  series  comprised 


the  37th  to  41st  generations;  the  second  series,  the  60th  to  67th  generations;  and 
the  III  series,  the  91st  and  92nd  generations  as  well  as  the  102nd  to  107th  genera- 
tions. After  about  forty  generations,  there  was  then  only  a  very  slight  progress 
towards  an  autogenous  character  of  the  individuality  differentials;  some  advance 
was  made  after  60  to  67  consecutive  brother-sister  transplantations,  and  still 
more  in  the  102nd  generation;  but  even  at  that  time,  no  completely  homozygous 
condition  had  been  attained.  This  finding  is  indicated  especially  by  the  trans- 
plantations into  which  the  hybrids  entered;  but  it  is  noticeable  also  in  the  trans- 
plantations within  the  inbred  family  A.  Of  interest  in  the  third  series  is  also 
the  difference  in  the  grades  in  the  group  of  the  young  and  the  somewhat  older 
rats,  which  agrees  with  the  general  observation  that  when  donors  and  hosts  are 
very  young,  the  reactions  are  milder  than  in  older  animals.  This  difference 
cannot  be  due  to  a  lack  of  individuality  differentials  in  the  former,  because  they 
are  present;  but  it  is  due,  rather,  to  a  lesser  sensitiveness  to  strange  individuality 
differentials  or  to  a  not  yet  fully  developed  mode  of  reaction  in  the  younger 
animals.  In  addition,  the  fact  must  be  taken  into  account  that  younger  tissues 
grow  more  vigorously  than  older  ones,  and  this  condition  is  associated  with  a 
greater  ability  to  overcome  the  effect  of  the  antagonistic  reactions  of  the  host; 
it  may  also  be  that  tissues  growing  more  rapidly  do  not  give  off  individuality 
differential  substances  in  as  large  amounts  as  the  more  differentiated  tissues, 
which  metabolize  in  carrying  on  their  function.  In  accordance  with  these 
considerations,  we  noticed  that  in  the  group  of  younger  rats  the  grades  are  higher 
even  in  transplantations  from  hybrids  to  an  inbred  parent  strain,  where  the 
derivatives  of  strange  genes  are  introduced  into  the  host.  Another  important 
conclusion  to  be  drawn  from  these  experiments  is  that  although  so  large  a  number 
of  consecutive  brother-sister  transplantations  were  carried  out,  a  completely 
homozygous  condition  has  not  yet  been  reached  in  these  families,  as  is  shown  by 
the  results  of  transplantations  within  the  inbred  family.  This  conclusion  agrees 
with  the  findings  obtained  also  in  transplantations  in  inbred  families  of  guinea 
pigs  and  mice.  In  none  of  these,  even  after  years  of  consecutive  brother-sister 
matings,  has  a  completely  autogenous  state  of  the  individuality  differentials 
been  attained.  This  effect,  which  is  contrary  to  expectation  if  merely  the 
distribution  of  chromosomes  during  fertilization  is  considered,  is  presumably 
due  to  the  occurrence  of  random  mutations  in  the  germ  cells,  which  prevent  a 
complete  homogeneity  between  the  various  individuals  of  an  inbred  strain. 
However,  these  mutations  are  able  merely  to  delay  but  not  entirely  to  prevent 
an  approach  to  a  completely  homozygous  condition,  although  this  desired 
endstage,  on  account  of  such  mutations,  may  never  be  fully  reached  by  close 
inbreeding.  There  was,  however,  a  difference  in  the  rapidity  with  which  progress 
in  the  direction  towards  this  endstage  was  accomplished;  it  was  more  rapid  in 
inbred  guinea  pigs  than  in  inbred  rats.  In  rats,  a  selection  was  made  of  the 
strongest  members  of  each  litter  for  the  purpose  of  propagation.  Such  a  selection 
was  not  made  in  the  case  of  the  guinea  pigs.  But,  it  is  not  probable  that  this 
factor  would  have  been  so  influential  as  to  cause  the  difference  between  the  results 
of  inbreeding  in  these  two  species.  Such  a  difference  may  possibly  be  due  to 
differences  in  the  rate  of  mutations  in  guinea  pig  and  rat.  There  is  no  indication 
that  the  sensitiveness  of  the  host  for  and  his  reactivity  against  homoiogenous 
individuality  differentials  is  greater  in  the  rat  than  in  the  guinea  pig. 



In  the  course  of  more  than  one  hundred  consecutive  brother-sister  matings 
in  family  A,  and  of  somewhat  less  than  one  hundred  brother-sister  matings  in 
family  B  of  King's  inbred  albino  rats,  a  gradual  increase  in  the  homozygous 
condition  of  the  inbred  families  has  taken  place,  as  indicated  by  the  lessened 
severity  of  the  reactions  of  the  hosts  against  the  individuality  differentials  of 
various  members  of  these  families.  However,  the  advance  was  slight  in  the 
course  of  the  first  67  generations  of  brother-sister  matings;  it  was  greater  between 
the  67th  and  the  102nd  generations;  but  even  at  the  latter  point  a  completely 
homozygous  condition  in  the  inbred  family  A  had  not  yet  been  attained.  These 
results  were  obtained  in  testing  the  interaction  of  the  individuality  differentials 
in  litter  mates,  in  members  of  different  litters,  as  well  as  in  hybrids  of  these 
inbred  strains. 


LOEB,  LEO,  AND  H.  D.  KING,  1927.     Transplantation -and  individuality  differentials  in  strains  of 

inbred  rats.     Amer.  Jour.  Path.,  3:  143. 
LOEB,  LEO,  AND  H.  D.  KING,  1931.     Individuality  differentials  in  strains  of  inbred  rats.     Arch. 

of  Path.,  12:  203. 



(Department  of  Zoology,  Columbia  University,  New  York  City) 


The  present  investigations  are  concerned  with  the  development  of  the  salivary- 
glands  in  Drosophila.  The  larval  salivary  glands  are  strictly  larval  organs  and 
grow  by  increase  in  cell  size.  They  are  completely  histolysed  during  the  early 
part  of  pupal  life.  The  salivary  glands  of  the  adult  fly,  on  the  other  hand,  are 
imaginal  organs  which  develop  from  imaginal  discs  situated  at  the  extreme 
proximal  end  of  the  larval  salivary  gland,  and  grow  by  cell  multiplication. 
Thus  both  larval  and  imaginal  salivary  glands  undergo  a  period  of  growth  during 
larval  life,  while  metamorphosis  leads  to  the  differentiation  of  the  imaginal  and 
the  destruction  of  the  larval  salivary  glands.  From  the  work  of  Hadorn  (1937) 
we  know  that  the  principle  causing  pupation  in  Drosophila  is  a  hormone  released 
by  the  ring  gland,  a  small  glandular  organ  situated  dorsally  between  the  two 
hemispheres  of  the  larval  brain.  The  role  of  the  ring  gland  in  the  further  differ- 
entiation of  the  various  organs  involved  in  the  process  of  metamorphosis  is, 
however,  still  obscure.  Furthermore,  virtually  nothing  is  known  about  the  causal 
factors  concerned  in  the  growth  of  organs  during  larval  life.  The  present  study- 
attempts  to  analyze  some  of  the  causes  which  underlie  the  visible  expression  of 
growth  and  differentiation  in  the  development  of  the  salivary  glands. 


Drosophila  virilis  was  used  for  this  investigation.  Experimental  animals 
were  kept  at  a  constant  temperature  of  25°  ±  0.5°  C.  Instead  of  the  usual 
method  of  transplanting  larval  tissues  into  larvae,  the  body  of  the  adult  fly  was 
used  as  a  carrier  of  the  larval  transplant.  The  larval  tissues  transplanted  into 
the  body  cavity  of  the  adult  fly  live  in  their  new  environment  for  a  long  time, 
perhaps  indefinitely.  They  do  not  lose  their  developmental  potencies;  they  grow 
and  differentiate  normally  when  provided  with  the  appropriate  stimulus.  The 
adult  hosts  withstand  the  operation,  which  is  simple  in  method,  very  well.  The 
mortality  rate  is  negligible  even  when  the  same  host  is  used  for  continued  trans- 
plantations. Indeed  this  new  method  approximates  tissue  culture  more  closely 
than  any  other  so  far  known  for  insects.  Its  great  advantage  lies  in  the  fact 
that  one  is  able  to  study  the  developmental  behavior  of  larval  tissues  outside 
their  own  larval  environment.  All  histological  observations  on  the  salivary 
gland  are  based  on  orcein-stained  material  which  was  examined  either  in  total 
mounts  or  in  smear  preparations.  For  certain  developmental  characteristics  the 
glands  were  also  examined  in  the  living  condition. 

*  Fellow  of  the  John  Simon  Guggenheim  Memorial  Foundation. 




It  gives  me  great  pleasure  to  extend  my  sincerest  thanks  to  Drs.  L.  C.  Dunn, 
Th.  Dobzhansky,  F.  Schrader  and  S.  Hughes-Schrader  for  many  stimulating 
discussions  concerning  this  work  and  for  their  continued  interest  in  the  progress 
of  these  investigations.  I  also  wish  to  express  my  appreciation  of  the  assistance 
given  by  my  wife. 


In  the  normal  development  of  the  salivary  gland  one  is  confronted  with  a 
sequence  of  developmental  steps,  each  of  which  is  characteristic  for  a  definite 
stage  of  development.  Since  the  normal  development  of  the  salivary  gland  is 
necessary  for  the  understanding  of  the  experimental  part  of  this  paper,  it  will  be 
discussed  briefly.  However,  only  such  features  of  development  will  be  set  forth 
as  are  of  importance  for  our  special  problem. 

The  salivary  glands  are  paired  organs.  They  develop  as  invaginations  on 
either  side  of  the  anterior  ectoderm.  As  development  proceeds  these  invagina- 
tions elongate,  grow  inward,  and  unite  medially  into  a  common  duct  leading  to 
the  pharyngeal  cavity.  (Sonnenblick,  1940.)  When  the  embryo  hatches,  the 
number  of  cells  in  each  gland  is,  according  to  Makino  (1938),  about  115  and  it 
does  not  change  during  larval  life.  The  growth  of  the  larval  gland  is,  as  already 
mentioned,  the  result  of  increase  in  cell  size  rather  than  cell  multiplication. 
The  development  of  the  salivary  gland  has  been  staged  from  the  time  the  larva 
leaves  the  egg  to  the  time  the  gland  is  histolysed.  Eleven  successive  stages  of 
development  are  shown  in  Plate  I,  which  represent  photomicrographs  of  salivary 
gland  total  mounts,  stained  with  orcein.  In  Plate  II  the  distal  portion  of  the 
same  glands  is  shown  at  a  higher  magnification.  Camera  lucida  drawings  at  a 
magnification  of  85  X  were  made  for  each  gland  of  this  normal  series,  as  well  as 
for  the  glands  used  in  the  experiments,  and  their  circumference  measured  with  a 
planimeter.  The  size  values  thus  obtained  together  with  special  histological 
landmarks  characteristic  for  the  different  developmental  stages,  assured  great 
accuracy  in  the  determination  of  the  various  stages.  In  the  following  the 
measurements  of  the  circumferences  are  given  for  the  normal  series  of  development. 

stage  of  development 















(X  85)  in  cms. 












meta  . 

The  histological  changes  that  occur  during  the  development  of  the  salivary 
gland  are  now  set  forth.  The  observations  are  based  on  orcein-stained  total 

Stage  1  (Plate  I,  Figure  1  and  Plate  II,  Figure  1'). 

The  cell  size  is  uniform  throughout  the  gland.  The  cells  are  very  small  and 
the  cell  borders  not  clear.  No  details  are  visible  in  the  nucleus. 







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Stage  2  (Plate  I,  Figure  2  and  Plate  II,  Figure  2'). 

The  cell  size  is  uniform  throughout  the  gland.  The  chromatin  forms  a  fine 
net-work  around  the  edge  of  a  clear  area  in  the  nucleus.  The  chromocenter  is 
visible  in  all  cells  and  stains  deeply. 

First  molt.     The  cells  are  larger  than  in  stage  2 ;  otherwise  there  is  no  change. 

Stage  3  (Plate  I,  Figure  3  and  Plate  II,  Figure  3'). 
The  cells  are  larger;  otherwise  unchanged. 

Stage  4  (Plate  I,  Figure  4  and  Plate  II,  Figure  4'). 

The  cells  are  larger;  they  are  still  uniform  in  size  throughout  the  gland. 
The  chromatin  forms  a  net-work  consisting  of  fine  strands  around  the  edge  of  a 
clear  area  in  the  nucleus.  The  chromocenter  is  visible  in  all  cells  and  stains 
deeply.  At  the  proximal  tip  of  the  gland,  where  it  borders  the  duct,  a  small 
number  of  tiny  cells  becomes  visible;  these  represent  the  imaginal  anlage  of  the 
adult  salivary  gland.  (See  Plate  I,  Figure  4,  arrow.) 

Second  molt.  The  cells  in  the  distal  portion  of  the  gland  have  become  larger 
in  size  than  those  of  the  proximal  portion.  The  chromosome  strands,  especially 
those  in  the  nuclei  of  the  distal  gland  portion,  have  become  wider;  alternating 
deeply  stained  areas  and  lightly  stained  areas  are  clearly  distinguishable  within 
the  individual  strands.  The  deeply  staining  chromocenter  is  still  visible  in  all 
cells.  The  imaginal  anlage  of  the  adult  gland  has  become  very  clear  and  its 
cells  form  a  ring-like  structure  around  the  salivary  duct. 

Stage  5  (Plate  I,  Figure  5  and  Plate  II,  Figure  5')- 

The  cells  in  the  proximal  gland  portion  are  much  smaller  than  in  the  distal; 
this  difference  is  very  pronounced.  The  chromosome  strands  have  become  wider 
and  the  chromatin  bands  more  distinct.  The  chromosome  strands  on  the 
periphery  of  the  nucleus  embrace  the  clear  area  in  the  center  of  the  nucleus  like 
octopus  arms.  The  chromocenter  is  still  visible  in  all  cells.  The  imaginal  ring 
cells  have  increased  in  number. 

Stage  6  (Plate  I,  Figure  6). 

The  cells  are  larger;  otherwise  unchanged. 

Stage  7  (Plate  I,  Figure  7  and  Plate  II,  Figure  7')- 

The  difference  in  cell  size  between  the  proximal  and  distal  gland  portions  is 
very  clear.  The  chromosome  strands  are  broad  and  the  chromatin  bands  very 
distinct.  The  chromocenter  has  become  invisible  in  the  cells  of  about  one-half 
of  the  distal  portion  of  the  gland.  To  avoid  misunderstanding  this  point  has 
to  be  made  clear.  The  staining  capacity  of  the  chromocenter  at  this  stage  has 
by  no  means  changed  considerably,  as  smear  preparations  show.  It  has  become 
invisible  in  total  mounts  because  the  chromosome  strands  in  the  distal  cells  have 
grown  so  much  in  width  as  to  eliminate  the  former  discrepancy  in  width  between 
chromocenter  and  strands.  Therefore  if  we  speak  in  the  following  of  the  disap- 
pearance of  the  chromosome  center,  we  mean  just  this  fact.  The  disappearance 



PLATE  II.     Figures  1'  to  9':  the  distal  portion  of  the  same  glands  as  shown  in  Plate  I,  Figure,  1 
at  a  higher  magnification.     (For  explanation  see  text.) 


of  the  chromocenter  is  hence  a  good  indication  of  the  nuclear  size.     The  imaginal 
ring  cells  have  increased  in  number. 

Stage  S  (Plate  I,  Figure  8). 

The  difference  between  the  cell  size  in  the  proximal  and  distal  part  of  the 
gland  is  very  pronounced.  The  proximal  cells  have  reached  a  size  which  corre- 
sponds approximately  to  the  cell  size  in  the  distal  part  of  the  preceding  stage. 
At  no  time,  however,  do  we  find  any  sharp  separation  into  a  proximal  and  distal 
portion  of  the  gland  as  far  as  cell  size  is  concerned.  On  the  contrary,  the  cells 
increase  gradually  in  size  in  a  proximal-distal  direction.  Because  of  this  differ- 
ential growth,  the  salivary  gland  acquires  its  characteristic  shape.  The  form 
and  size  of  the  salivary  gland  seem  thus  to  be  determined  by  two  different  growth 
rates  in  two  different  directions;  one  correlated  with  age  affects  the  gland  as  a 
whole,  and  the  other  constitutes  a  proximal-distal  gradient  which  determines 
the  size  of  the  cells  throughout  the  length  of  the  gland.  While  up  to  this  time 
cell  growth  took  place  by  an  increase  in  size  of  the  nucleus  and  cytoplasm  simul- 
taneously, at  this  stage  a  remarkable  change  occurs  in  the  cells  of  the  distal  half 
of  the  gland.  The  nuclei  in  these  large  distal  cells  cease  to  grow,  or  grow  only 
very  little  indeed,  yet  the  cytoplasm  increases  immensely.  A  comparison  of 
(Plate  II)  Figure  7'  with  9'  illustrates  this  point  quite  clearly.  The  chromocenter 
has  become  invisible  in  the  distal  two-thirds  of  the  gland  and  the  chromatin 
bands  in  the  chromosome  strands  especially  of  the  distal  cells  stain  very  distinctly. 
The  imaginal  ring  has  increased  in  size. 

Stage  9  (Plate  I,  Figure  9  and  Plate  II,  Figure  9'). 

The  larvae  are  full  grown,  they  have  left  the  food  and  are  ready  to  pupate. 
In  the  living  condition  the  cytoplasm  of  the  glands  has  become  slightly  opaque 
instead  of  being  transparent  as  in  previous  stages;  this  condition  is  the  first 
indication  of  metamorphosis.  The  opaqueness  is  usually  somewhat  more 
pronounced  distally.  The  proximal  cells  are  still  smaller  than  the  distal  ones. 
The  cells  in  the  distal  two-thirds  of  the  gland  are  extremely  large,  due  to  an 
increase  in  their  cytoplasm,  while  their  nuclei  are  of  about  the  same  size  as  in 
stage  8.  Although  the  nuclei  are  unaltered  in  size,  their  condition  has  changed. 
The  clear  area  in  the  center  of  the  nucleus  has  disappeared.  The  chromosome 
strands  have  become  more  compact,  winding  their  way  through  the  whole 
nucleus.  The  individual  strands  show  their  characteristic  banding  most  per- 
fectly. The  cytoplasm  stains  less  heavily  than  in  previous  stages,  while  the 
nuclei  take  the  stain  exceedingly  well.  One  of  the  characteristic  features  of  this 
stage  is  that  in  total  mounts  the  nuclei  stand  out  clearly  against  a  lightly  stained 
background  (Figures  9  and  9').  The  chromocenters  are  visible  only  in  the 
proximal  one-fifth  portion  of  the  gland.  The  imaginal  ring  has  become  larger; 
the  chromosome  strands  stretch  very  well  in  smear  preparations,  in  contrast  to 
earlier  or  later  stages.  This  stage  is  hence  best  suited  for  studies  on  the  arrange- 
ment of  bands  in  the  chromosome  strands. 

Stage  10  (Plate  I,  Figure  10). 

Histolysis  of  the  glands  begins  about  10  hours  after  puparium  formation. 
In  various  regions,  usually  first  in  the  distal  part  of  the  gland,  the  cells  begin  to 


vacuolate  and  the  cell  walls  rupture,  while  the  nuclei  are  still  intact.  The 
cytoplasm  in  these  regions  of  degeneration  stain  poorly.  The  chromosome  strands 
on  the  other  hand  stain  very  deeply.  They  are  clumped  in  the  center  of  the 
nucleus  and  are  surrounded  by  a  clear  spherical  area  (Figure  10).  In  living 
conditions  the  glands  appear  much  more  opaque,  while  milky-white  zones 
indicate  the  regions  of  advanced  histolysis.  The  chromocenter  is  by  now  visible 
only  in  a  few  cells  at  the  extreme  proximal  end  of  the  gland.  The  imaginal 
ring  has  increased  in  size. 

Stage  10-11  (Plate  I,  Figure  11). 

The  next  stages  of  histolysis  proceed  very  rapidly.  The  degenerating  regions 
within  the  gland  which  stain  poorly,  and  which  in  life  appear  milky,  extend  and 
become  more  frequent.  The  nuclei  become  picnotic.  The  basement  membrane 
which  surrounds  the  gland  breaks  down.  Finally,  about  25  hours  after  puparium 
formation,  with  the  probable  help  of  phagocytosis,  the  larval  gland  is  dissolved. 
The  proximal  part  is  the  last  to  disappear.  The  differentiation  of  the  imaginal 
ring  begins  and  is  completed  during  the  rest  of  the  pupal  period,  leading  to  the 
formation  of  the  adult  salivary  gland. 


The  induction  of  premature  metamorphosis. 

The  description  of  normal  development  has  revealed  that  the  metamorphosis 
of  the  salivary  gland  consists  of  the  histolysis  of  the  larval  and  the  differentiation 
of  the  imaginal  salivary  gland.  The  question  now  arises  whether  the  character- 
istic developmental  behavior  of  the  gland  during  metamorphosis  is  dependent  on 
or  independent  of  the  conditions  prevailing  in  the  animal  during  metamorphosis. 
This  can  be  tested  by  transplanting  young  salivary  glands  into  older  hosts,  thus 
exposing  the  gland  prematurely  to  the  metamorphosis  factors. 

Salivary  glands  of  stage  5  were  transplanted  into  the  abdomen  of  older 
larvae  shortly  before  pupation.  The  transplanted  glands  were  dissected  and 
their  condition  studied  after  they  had  remained  in  the  hosts  for  various  lengths 
of  time.  The  results  of  the  experiments  are  summarized  in  Table  I  A.  The 
first  animals  in  this  series  were  dissected  two  days  after  the  operation,  when  the 
hosts  were  about  one-day  old  pupae.  The  transplanted  glands  had  reached 
stage  10,  i.e.  they  showed  clear  signs  of  histolysis.  Their  state  of  development 
corresponded  closely  to  that  of  the  normal  host  gland.  Yet  if  the  transplanted 
glands  had  been  left  in  their  own  environment,  they  would  have  developed 
certainly  not  further  than  stage  8  by  this  time.  Thus,  under  the  influence  of 
the  metamorphosis  factors  of  the  host,  the  grafted  glands  have  metamorphosed 
prematurely.  The  transplanted  glands  reached  an  advanced  stage  of  histolysis 
when  they  were  left  three  days  in  the  host,  and  they  disappeared  completely 
when  left  in  the  host  for  six  days  or  longer. 

In  these  transplantations  the  anlage  of  the  imaginal  ring  was  included  in  the 
larval  graft.  Now  it  was  found  (Table  I  A),  that  the  imaginal  gland,  like  the 
larval  gland,  is  able  to  metamorphose  precociously  when  exposed  to  the  meta- 
morphosis factors  prematurely.  This  becomes  evident  from  the  observation 
that  the  transplanted  imaginal  anlage  in  the  newly  emerged  host,  i.e.  six  to  seven 



days  after  the  operation,  is  already  completely  differentiated  into  the  imaginal 
salivary  gland  (Plate  III,  Figure  4),  while  donor  controls  by  this  time  would 
have  been  two  days  old  pupae  with  quite  undifferentiated  imaginal  glands. 

In  summarizing  the  experiments  at  this  point,  we  find  that  the  metamorphosis 
of  purely  larval  structures,  as  well  as  imaginal  structures,  is  not  autonomous, 


Transplantation  of  young  salivary  glands  into  larvae  shortly  before  pupation. 
A.  Transplantations  of  larval  glands  of  stage  5. 

Circumference  of 

Days  transplant 
remains  in 


Stage  of 
larval  gland 

Stage  of 
adult  gland 




stage  10  + 





stage  10  — 





stage  10  + 





stage  10  — 





stage  10  — 





stage  11  — 





stage  11  — 





stage  11  + 





stage  1  1  — 





stage  11  — 





completely  histolysed 

adult  gland  formed 




completely  histolysed 

adult  gland  formed 




completely  histolysed 

adult  gland  formed 




completely  histolysed 

adult  gland  formed 




completely  histolysed 

adult  gland  formed 




completely  histolysed 

adult  gland  formed 


B.  Transplantations  of  larval  glands  of  stage  3. 




stage    6 





stage  10- 





stage  10  — 





stage  1 





stage  1    — 





stage  1    - 





stage  1 





stage  1    - 





stage  1 





stage  1 





stage  1 





stage  1 





stage  1 





stage  1  1 


but  is  caused  by  some  factors  in  the  organic  environment  of  the  host  during  the 
period  of  metamorphosis. 

The  next  question  to  be  answered  is  whether  salivary  glands  younger  than 
stage   5   are  competent   to   respond   to  the   metamorphosis   factors.     For  this, 


salivary  glands  of  stage  3  were  transplanted  into  older  larvae  shortly  before 
pupation.  The  region  of  the  imaginal  discs  was  again  included  in  the  graft,  but 
in  contrast  to  the  previous  series  of  experiments  the  imaginal  ring  as  such  was 
not  yet  morphologically  visible.  The  results  of  these  experiments  summarized 
in  Table  I  B  show  that  histolysis  of  the  young  transplanted  glands  begins  about 
two  days  after  the  operation,  but  is  never  completed,  although  the  glands  may 
remain  as  long  as  15  days  in  the  host.  Young  glands  which  have  remained  for 
three  days  in  the  host  only  begin  their  histolysis,  while  older  glands  are  at  this 
time  quite  extensively  histolysed  (Cff.  Table  I  A  with  I  B).  Thus  the  young 
glands  are  presumably  unable  to  respond  at  a  time  when  the  metamorphosis 
factors  are  most  effective.  \Ye  must  assume  that  the  metamorphosis  factors 
have  become  less  efficient  when  the  glands  have  finally  reached  their  responsive 
stage,  and  are  hence  unable  to  induce  complete  metamorphosis,  because  it  is 
difficult  to  understand  why  the  glands  should  not  be  histolysed  completely  if  the 
metamorphosis  factors  were  still  active  in  the  late  pupal  or  adult  stage. 

The  inability  of  the  young  organ  to  respond  to  the  metamorphosis  factor  is 
demonstrated  in  the  behavior  of  the  adult  gland  (Table  IB).  In  spite  of  the 
fact  that  the  young  imaginal  gland  discs  have  remained  in  some  cases  for  a 
considerable  length  of  time  in  the  host,  they  show  no  signs  of  metamorphosis 
(Plate  III,  Figure  3).  Although  the  anlagen  have  developed  well  beyond  their 
stage  of  transplantation  and  have  acquired  their  typical  ring-shaped  form,  they 
remain  larval  and  never  surpass  this  stage.  Their  state  of  development  corre- 
sponds to  stages  10  and  11  of  the  normal  developmental  series,  yet  this  stage, 
as  previous  experiments  have  shown,  by  far  exceeds  the  stage  at  which  the  adult 
gland  anlage  is  able  to  react.  These  observations  lead  necessarily  to  the  conclu- 
sion that  the  larval  development  of  the  disc  is  not  interrupted  in  its  new  environ- 
ment, but  that  by  the  time  the  disc  has  reached  its  reactive  stage  the  factors 
necessary  for  promoting  metamorphosis  are  absent  or  not  effective  enough. 
The  specific  results  of  this  experimental  series  may  then  be  briefly  summarized 
as  follows:  the  larval  glands,  as  well  as  the  analgen  of  the  adult  glands,  must 
reach  a  certain  developmental  stage  before  they  are  able  to  respond  to  the 
metamorphosis  factors.  If  they  reach  this  stage  after  the  active  period  of 
metamorphosis  they  are  unable  to  metamorphose  and  persist  as  larval  structures 
in  an  imaginal  environment  (Plate  III,  Figure  3). 

In  examining  prematurely-metamorphosed  young  salivary  glands,  one  has  the 
impression  that  the  nuclei  in  these  glands  are  histolysed  before  they  have  attained 
their  fully  normal  size.  The  same  observation  was  made  in  prematurely- 
metamorphosed  young  salivary  glands  which  were  grown  in  the  body  of  adult 
hosts.  It  is  difficult  to  decide  whether  this  impression  is  real,  since  the  reduction 
of  the  nuclear  size  is  only  slight  and  probably  within  the  limit  of  normal  variation. 
If  true,  however,  it  would  mean  that  premature  metamorphosis  causes  an  early 
cessation  of  nuclear  growth,  which  is  not  at  all -unlikely.  In  the  light  of  these 
considerations,  it  seemed  interesting  to  investigate  whether  older  glands  trans- 
planted into  younger  hosts  would  grow  larger  than  normally,  because  under  these 
experimental  conditions  they  would  be  exposed  to  the  metamorphosis  factor  later 
than  normally.  Salivary  glands  of  stage  7  were  therefore  transplanted  into 
younger  host  larvae,  the  salivary  glands  of  which  were  at  stage  4  at  the  time  of 
the  operation.  In  other  words,  salivary  glands  of  the  last  larval  instar  were 


transplanted  into  hosts  of  the  second  larval  instar.  This  experimental  series 
consisted  of  six  hosts  which  were  dissected  two  days  after  the  operation  when 
the  transplanted  and  host  salivary  glands  were  compared.  It  was  found  that 
the  host  salivary  glands  had  developed  to  stage  8  — .  They  were  still  transparent, 
and  showed  no  signs  of  metamorphosis.  The  transplanted  glands  on  the  other 
hand  were  found  to  be  at  stage  9+  and  had  begun  to  metamorphose,  as  indicated 
by  their  intensely  opaque  appearance.  Moreover,  the  chromosome  strands  of 
the  transplanted  gland  were  distinctly  wider  than  those  of  the  host  glands. 
Yet  the  strands  were  definitely  not  larger  than  normally,  i.e.  their  size  was 
characteristic  for  a  normal  salivary  gland  of  stage  9  -f-  •  Thus  the  original  question 
whether  it  is  possible  to  obtain  salivary  glands  larger  than  normal  has  been 
answered  by  this  experiment  in  a  negative  way.  Some  further  conclusions 
which  might  be  drawn  here  will  be  discussed  on  page  30  in  a  somewhat  different 

The  effect  of  the  ring  gland  on  the  development  of  the  salivary  gland. 

Until  now  we  have  dealt  almost  entirely  with  specific  reactions  of  the  salivary 
gland.  So  far  nothing  has  been  said  about  the  factors  which  govern  the  processes 
of  growth  of  the  gland  during  larval  life  and  those  of  metamorphosis  during 
pupation.  In  the  light  of  our  knowledge  of  hormone-controlled  insect  meta- 
morphosis, we  expect  these  factors  to  be  hormonal  in  nature.  The  search  for 
the  activating  principle  resolves  itself  into  the  problem  of  locating  an  organ  or 
organs  of  internal  secretion  and  demonstrating  their  action  on  the  developing 
organ  system.  There  are  obviously  two  alternatives  in  attacking  this  problem 
experimentally.  One  may  attempt  to  remove  systematically  various  organs  of 
supposedly  endocrine  nature  from  the  larvae  and  thus  hope  to  locate  the  re- 
sponsible organ  by  testing  the  developmental  behavior  of  the  operated  animal. 
The  difficulty  involved  in  a  study  of  this  kind  is  mainly  a  technical  one,  for  it  is 
very  difficult  indeed  and  at  the  present  time  seemingly  impossible  to  perform 
such  an  operation  in  the  larvae  of  Drosophila.  The  other  possible  approach 
open  to  the  investigator  is  to  dissect  various  organs  from  a  donor  larva  which 
can  be  sacrificed  and  transplant  them  to  a  second  larva  and  then  test  their  effect 
on  the  development  of  the  host.  Although  technically  quite  feasible,  this 
procedure  has  one  great  disadvantage.  The  effect  of  the  transplanted  gland  on 
the  host  may  be  counteracted  or  blurred  to  a  great  extent  by  the  hormone  supply 
of  the  host  itself,  and  thus  not  detectable.  The  introduced  hormone,  moreover, 
may  upset  the  host  system  to  such  an  extent  that  the  situation,  instead  of  being 
clarified,  is  rather  obscured.  Apart  from  these  difficulties  there  is  the  additional 
one  that  both  approaches  are  rather  indirect,  since  the  experiments  are  designed 

PLATE  III,  FIGURE  3.  Adult  salivary  gland,  developed  from  the  imaginal  salivary  gland 
anlage  which  was  transplanted  at  stage  6  into  a  host  larva  shortly  before  pupation.  Transplant 
dissected  from  the  emerged  host  six  days  after  the  operation. 

FIGURE  4.  Larval  salivary  gland  persisting  as  larval  structure  in  the  adult  host;  obtained 
by  transplanting  salivary  glands  at  stage  3  into  the  abdomen  of  host  larvae  shortly  before  pupation. 
Note:  undifferentiated  imaginal  ring  cells  (arrows). 

FIGURE  5.  Paired  salivary  gland  transplantation.  Glands  transplanted  at  stage  6  into 
adult  hosts  and  dissected  two  days  after  the  operation,  a.  Partner  transplanted  alone:  note 
bloated  appearance  of  gland  and  the  small  nuclear  size.  b.  Other  partner  transplanted  together 
with  two  ring  glands.  Note  the  large,  very  well  stained  nuclei  with  chromosome  strands. 







for  testing  the  hormone  action  on  the  whole  organism  rather  than  on  the  special 
organ.  We  have  hence  to  seek  a  method  by  which  the  hormone  action  may  be 
more  directly  studied. 

An  effort  in  this  direction  was  made  by  using  the  abdominal  cavity  of  the 
adult  male  fly  as  a  place  for  culturing  larval  tissue  in  vitro.  This  environment 
is  supposedly  neutral  as  far  as  the  progress  of  development  is  concerned,  for  the 
larval  salivary  glands  cease  to  grow  after  the  transplantation,  but  continue  to 
live  indefinitely.  The  transplanted  tissues  do  not  suffer  from  a  lack  of  nutrition 
nor  are  they  unable  to  utilize  the  nutritive  components  of  the  new  environment, 
as  is  shown  by  the  following  experiment.  \Yhen  young  Drosophila  larvae  are 
starved,  they  use  the  fat  stored  in  their  fat  bodies  and,  if  starvation  is  continued, 
they  exhaust  their  food  reserves  in  the  fat  bodies  completely.  Such  exhausted 
fat  bodies  are  strikingly  different  from  the  fat  bodies  of  feeding  larvae.  Now 
it  was  found  that  starved  exhausted  larval  fat  bodies  restore  their  food  reserves 
again  and  become  indistinguishable  from  fat  bodies  of  normally  fed  larvae  when 
transplanted  into  the  body  cavity  of  adult  flies.  For  these  experiments  a  small 
strip  of  fat  body  closely  attached  to  the  salivary  gland  was  transplanted  together 
with  the  gland.  The  gland,  important  in  this  instance  only  as  a  marker,  enables 
one  to  find  and  distinguish  the  transplanted  fat  body  from  the  fat  bodies  of  the 
host.  The  inability  of  the  larval  organs  to  develop  in  the  adult  fly  is  hence  not 
caused  by  a  lack  of  nutrition  but  obviously  by  the  lack  of  some  other  factor. 

Before  considering  the  nature  of  this  developmental  factor,  one  further  point 
has  to  be  cleared  up.  It  has  to  be  showrn  whether  the  inability  of  the  gland  to 
develop  is  typical  for  glands  of  all  ages  or  only  characteristic  for  glands  of  a 
particular  stage  of  development.  In  order  to  elucidate  this  point,  salivary 
glands  of  stages  2  to  6  were  transplanted  into  the  abdomen  of  adult  male  flies. 
The  grafted  organs  were  allowed  to  remain  for  various  lengths  of  time  in  the  host 
before  they  were  dissected  out  and  their  developmental  condition  examined. 
The  results  of  these  experiments  summarized  in  Table  II  show  clearly  the  inability 
of  the  gland  to  develop  in  the  body  of  the  adult  fly  regardless  of  their  age  at  the 
time  of  the  transplantation  and  of  the  length  of  time  they  remained  in  the  host. 
The  only  perceptible  way  in  which  the  transplanted  glands  seemed  to  be  changed 
while  in  the  adult  host  was  that  they  became  greatly  inflated,  this  being  caused 
by  the  accumulation  of  a  clear  watery  fluid  in  the  lumen  of  the  gland.  The 
longer  the  glands  remained  in  the  host,  the  more  fluid  accumulated  and  the  more 
bloated  the  glands  became.  The  accumulated  fluid  presumably  represents  saliva, 
which  is  secreted  by  the  gland  cells  into  the  lumen  of  the  gland  and  is  unable  to 
escape,  since  the  outlet  is  closed  off  in  dissecting  the  gland  from  the  donor  larvae. 
Incidentally,  should  this  fluid  really  prove  to  be  saliva,  we  have  here  a  method 
of  accumulating  it  in  order  to  study  its  chemical  properties. 

The  foregoing  experiments  have  shown  that  the  larval  salivary  glands  depend 
for  their  development  upon  some  factor  missing  in  the  body  cavity  of  the  adult  fly. 
This  factor  was  found  to  be  the  larval  ring  gland,  which  when  transplanted 
simultaneously  with  the  salivary  glands  into  the  abdominal  cavity  of  the  adult 
fly,  caused  the  latter  to  continue  their  development  leading  to  histolysis.  The 
progress  of  development  of  the  salivary  glands  was  indicated  by  changes  in  the 
nuclei,  cell  growth  and  certain  characteristic  staining  reactions.  All  the  typical 
developmental  stages  found  and  described  in  the  normal  developmental  series 


may  be  observed,  but  they  proceed  at  a  much  lower  rate.  The  salivary  glands 
are  also  able  to  metamorphose,  i.e.  they  become  gradually  histolysed  if  left 
long  enough  in  the  adult  host.  The  ring  glands  used  for  these  experiments 
came  from  donor  larvae  which  were  ready  to  pupate.  The  number  of  ring 
glands  implanted  into  one  host  varied  from  one  to  four.  Salivary  glands  of 
stage  2  to  stage  6  were  tested  for  their  reaction  to  the  ring  gland  factor.  The 
transplanted  salivary  glands  remained  in  the  host  for  various  lengths  of  time. 
These  experiments,  summarized  in  Table  II,  led  to  the  discovery  of  a  number  of 
essential  facts  concerning  the  development  of  the  salivary  glands.  Glands  of  all 
ages  tested  respond  to  the  ring  gland  factor.  The  older  the  gland  is  at  the  time 
of  transplantation,  the  earlier  metamorphosis  occurs.  This  implies  that  at  least 
younger  glands  do  not  metamorphose  right  away,  but  grow  to  a  certain  point 
before  metamorphosis  begins.  In  the  study  of  normal  development  we  have 
seen  that  the  first  signs  of  metamorphosis  are  noticeable  in  glands  of  stage  9, 
as  indicated  by  a  slight  but  distinct  opaqueness  of  the  gland  in  living  condition. 
At  this  time  the  chromocenter  has  become  invisible  in  the  distal  portion  of  the 
gland.  We  find  in  glands  which  develop  in  adult  hosts  some  variability  in  the 
relationship  between  the  onset  of  opaqueness,  i.e.  metamorphosis,  and  the 
disappearance  of  the  chromocenter.  The  degree  of  opaqueness  observed  in  the 
transplanted  glands  is  indicated  in  Table  II  by  the  Roman  numerals  I  to  III 
placed  next  to  the  number  which  designates  the  stage  of  development.  The 
number  I  represents  an  opaque  condition  of  stage  9  and  the  number  III  of  stage 
11—  in  normal  development.  When  no  Roman  numerals  are  given,  the  relation 
between  metamorphosis  and  developmental  stage  is  normal.  The  transplanted 
glands  become  opaque  at  an  earlier  developmental  stage.  This  is  especially  true 
in  the  transplantation  of  younger  glands.  For  instance,  glands  which  have 
developed  in  the  adult  host  to  stage  7--  show  an  opaque  condition  which  corre- 
sponds to  stage  9  or  10  in  normal  development.  Since  we  know  from  normal 
development  that  the  chromocenter  becomes  invisible  because  of  the  thickening 
of  the  chromatin  threads,  it  follows  that  the  glands  begin  their  metamorphosis 
before  the  strands  have  developed  to  their  normal  size.  It  was  also  noticed  in 
many  cases  that  the  nuclear  size  in  advanced  prematurely  metamorphosed  glands 
seemed  smaller  than  normal.  This  would  indicate  that  they  degenerated  before 
they  had  reached  their  full  size.  These  facts  are  in  agreement  with  the  experi- 
ments described  on  page  19  where  young  glands  in  old  larval  hosts  were  made 
to  metamorphose  precociously.  The  number  of  ring  glands  transplanted  seems 
to  be  of  no  great  importance  for  the  development  of  the  salivary  gland,  since 
one  or  three  ring  glands  produce  about  the  same  effect. 

In  all  these  experiments  where  adult  flies  were  used  as  hosts  the  imaginal 
salivary  anlage  usually  transplanted  together  with  the  larval  gland  remained 
larval.  Its  cell  number,  however,  increased  considerably  when  transplanted 
together  with  ring  glands.  The  amount  of  increase  depended  upon  the  time  the 
anlage  remained  in  the  host.  However,  no  sign  of  differentiation  could  be 
noticed,  in  spite  of  the  fact  that  in  some  cases  more  than  four  ring  glands  were 
present  and  the  disc  remained  for  a  considerable  length  of  time  in  the  host. 
In  the  effort  to  obtain  a  more  precise  comparison  between  the  developmental 
behavior  of  larval  salivary  glands  with  and  without  ring  glands,  the  two  glands 
of  one  donor  were  compared  with  each  other.  For  this  experiment  the  paired 



gland  of  a  single  donor  was  dissected,  the  two  glands  separated  and  one  partner 
transplanted  into  one  adult  host  without  ring  glands  and  the  other  partner 
transplanted  into  a  second  adult  host  together  with  two  to  four  ring  glands. 


Transplantation  of  salivary  glands  of  various  ages;  alone  and  together  -with  different  numbers  of  ring 

glands  into  the  abdomen  of  adult  male  flies.     Roman  numerals  indicate  state  of 

opaqueness  of  the  gland.     (For  explanation  see  text.} 

Number  of  ring  glands  transplanted 




















































I  9 










I  7- 






4  + 







I    7- 



O  ~~~ 


II     9  + 





I    7  + 






II    8 





III  10 





5  + 




3  + 


I  7 


I     8- 






I  7 








II    8  + 



4  + 





II    8 










II    9 





I    7 









II     9- 





10  + 

















9  + 








III     9  + 





10  + 






Number  of 








The  gland  in  the  first  host  thus  served  as  a  control  for  the  partner  gland  in  the 
second  host.  At  the  desired  time,  both  hosts  were  killed  simultaneously,  the 
two  glands  dissected  and  compared.  Twenty-three  such  pairs  are  available; 



they  are  recorded  in  Table  III.  As  in  the  previous  experiments  we  find  the 
salivary  glands  unable  to  develop  when  transplanted  alone,  while  the  partner 
glands  with  added  ring  gland  implants  continue  development.  Figure  5  of 
plate  III  illustrates  such  a  paired  transplantation.  This  pair  was  transplanted 
at  stage  6  and  left  for  two  days  in  the  adult  host.  The  partner  (a)  transplanted 
alone,  has  become  greatly  inflated,  yet  has  not  developed  beyond  the  stage  of 
transplantation.  The  other  partner  (6)  which  was  transplanted  together  with 


Paired  transplantation  of  salivary  glands  of  different  age  into  the  abdomen  of  adult  male  flies, 
one  host  carries  salivary  gland  alone,  while  second  host  carries  partner 
salivary  gland  and  ring  gland  grafts. 


Stage  of  transplanted 
salivary  gland 

Number  of  ring 
glands  transplanted 

Days  graft  remains 
in  host 

Condition  of  transplanted  salivary  gland 

Partner  without  ring 
gland  stage: 

Partner  with  ring 
gland  stage: 










I    74- 





II    8 





II     9 










5  + 





I    8- 




4  + 

II    8  + 





III    9  + 





II    9  + 









5  + 

10  + 










9  + 





9  + 




6  + 

9  + 





9  + 





9  + 





9  + 





9  + 










10  + 





10  + 

two  ring  glands  has  continued  its  development  and  has  reached  stage 
Plate  III,  Figure  5b  illustrates  clearly  the  characteristic  large  nuclei  at  this 
stage  which  stand  out  against  a  lightly  stained  background  (Cf.  Plate  III, 
Figure  5b  with  stage  9  of  the  normal  developmental  series).  The  chromocenter 
has  become  invisible  in  at  least  two-thirds  of  the  gland.  The  chromosome 
strands  are  broad  and  the  chromatin  bands  within  them  very  distinct.  The 
single  cells  are  extremely  large,  due  to  an  increase  in  the  volume  of  the  cytoplasm. 
In  the  living  condition  the  cytoplasm  is  opaque  in  contrast  to  the  transparent 


appearance  of  the  partner  gland.  Moreover,  the  salivary  gland  which  has 
undergone  development  is  not  swollen  as  is  the  case  with  the  partner  gland. 
This  fact  can  be  seen  in  all  salivary  glands  which  are  transplanted  together  with 
ring  glands.  The  ring  gland  must  hence  interfere  with  the  secretory  function  of 
the  salivary  gland.  On  turning  again  to  Table  III  we  find  that  the  first  response 
to  the  ring  gland  is  obviously  a  growth  response.  This  becomes  evident  if  one 
compares  glands  of  the  same  age  which  were  left  for  increasingly  longer  periods 
in  the  host.  (See  Tables  II  and  III.)  For  example,  glands  transplanted  at 
stage  4  grow  in  one  day  to  stage  5  +  ,  in  four  days  to  stage  8—  and  reach  stage 
9+  when  left  for  seven  days  in  the  host.  After  growth  has  continued  for  a 
certain  length  of  time,  the  physiological  condition  of  the  glands  must  have 
changed  in  some  way,  since  they  now  respond  with  metamorphosis  to  the  ring 
gland  factor.  The  younger  the  glands  are  at  the  time  of  transplantation,  the 
later  they  respond  with  metamorphosis,  for  glands  transplanted  at  stage  2 
develop  in  five  days  only  to  stage  4  +  ,  while  glands  transplanted  at  stage  4  show 
indications  of  metamorphosis  after  four  days.  Metamorphosis  is  far  advanced 
in  four  days  when  glands  of  stage  6  are  used  for  the  transplantation.  The 
transplanted  glands,  especially  the  younger  ones,  metamorphose  precociously, 
for  the  opaque  metamorphosis  condition  is  noticeable  in  transplanted  glands  as 
early  as  stage  7  +  ,  thus  at  a  considerable  earlier  stage  than  in  normal  development. 
(See  also  Table  II.)  This  abnormal  relationship  between  the  stage  of  develop- 
ment and  the  onset  of  metamorphosis  becomes  less  pronounced  as  increasingly 
older  glands  are  used. 

The  different  responsiveness  of  younger  and  older  salivary  glands  has  been 
demonstrated  very  clearly  in  a  further  experiment  especially  designed  for  testing 
this  point.  Two  salivary  glands,  one  of  stage  3  and  the  other  of  stage  5,  were 
transplanted  together  with  two  ring  glands  into  the  abdomen  of  a  single  adult 
host.  This  series  consisted  of  four  hosts,  each  of  which  contained  a  young  and 
an  old  salivary  gland,  as  well  as  two  ring  glands.  Six  days  after  the  operation, 
the  first  host  was  examined.  The  young  salivary  gland  had  developed  to  stage 
7  +  and  was  slightly  opaque  (I),  while  the  older  gland  was  at  stage  9+  and 
distinctly  more  opaque.  In  two  hosts  examined  nine  days  after  the  operation, 
the  younger  glands  \vere  found  to  be  at  stage  8  to  9  and  the  older  glands  at 
stage  10  +  .  While  the  younger  glands  appeared  intensely  opaque,  the  older 
glands  were  obviously  in  an  advanced  state  of  metamorphosis,  as  indicated  by 
large  milky  regions  of  degeneration.  The  last  host  examined  13  days  after"  the 
operation  revealed  the  young  gland  at  stage  10  and  the  older  one  at  stage  10+. 
Again  histolysis  had  progressed  further  in  the  older  gland. 

In  a  second  series  of  this  kind,  consisting  of  six  animals,  salivary  glands  of 
stages  2  and  3  were  transplanted  together  with  three  ring  glands  into  a  single  host. 
The  results  of  these  experiments  are  essentially  the  same  as  in  the  foregoing 
series;  they  show  again  that  older  glands  are  always  further  metamorphosed 
than  young  ones,  although,  as  pointed  out  before,  the  onset  of  metamorphosis  in 
the  young  glands  is  premature,  relative  to  their  state  of  development. 

It  has  been  seen  that  the  development  of  the  salivary  gland  in  the  adult 
host  with  the  support  of  the  ring  gland  is  considerably  slower  than  in  normal 
development.  However,  the  question  as  to  how  much  development  is  slowed 
down  has  not  as  yet  been  examined.  In  order  to  elucidate  this  point,  one  partner 


of  a  pair  of  glands  of  stage  5  was  transplanted  into  the  abdomen  of  an  adult 
host  together  with  3  ring  glands,  while  the  other  partner  was  transplanted  into 
the  abdomen  of  an  old  larva  shortly  before  pupation.  In  this  way  it  was  possible 
to  make  a  direct  comparison  of  the  same  gland  in  an  adult  and  larval  environment. 
From  six  such  experimental  pairs,  five  were  examined  two  days  after  the  operation. 
At  this  time  the  larval  hosts  pupated.  In  one  pair  the  gland  in  the  larval  host 
was  found  to  be  at  stage  10,  showing  clear  regions  of  degeneration,  while  the 
partner  gland  in  the  adult  host  had  only  developed  to  stage  9  and  appeared  but 
slightly  opaque.  In  two  other  pairs  only  the  proximal  part  of  the  gland  in  the 
pupated  larval  host  could  be  found,  since  the  distal  gland  region  was  completely 
histolysed.  The  partner  glands  in  the  adult  host  in  one  of  these  pairs  had 
developed  to  stage  9,  being  slightly  opaque,  while  the  gland  in  the  other  adult 
host  had  reached  only  stage  8  and  was  still  transparent.  The  glands  in  the 
pupated  larval  hosts  of  the  two  remaining  pairs  could  not  be  found,  presumably 
because  they  were  already  completely  histolysed.  The  partner  glands  in  the 
adult  hosts  were  found  to  be  transparent  and  had  reached  stage  8.  The  last 
pair  of  this  series  was  examined  seven  days  after  the  operation.  At  this  time  the 
larval  host  had  already  emerged.  Its  graft  could  not  be  found  and  was  appar- 
ently completely  histolysed.  The  partner  graft  in  the  adult  host  was  at  stage 
10  —  ,  showing  advanced  signs  of  histolysis. 

The  results  of  these  experiments  bring  into  focus  one  interesting  point. 
We  have  seen  from  the  previous  experiments  that  growth  and  metamorphosis  of 
the  salivary  gland  is  controlled  by  the  ring  gland.  The  salivary  glands  in  the 
larval  hosts  are  under  the  influence  of  only  one  ring  gland,  namely  that  of  the 
host,  while  in  the  adult  hosts  the  glands  are  exposed  to  the  effects  of  two  ring 
glands.  In  spite  of  this,  we  find  the  progress  of  development  of  the  salivary 
glands  much  more  rapid  in  the  larval  than  in  the  adult  host.  This  shows  that 
the  ring  gland  factor  is  more  effective  in  a  larval  than  in  an  adult  environment. 

Before  closing  the  experimental  part  of  this  paper  it  should  be  mentioned 
that  the  ring  gland  factor  is  not  species-specific,  since  ring  glands  of  melanogaster 
cause  the  development  of  virilis  salivary  glands  in  both  virilis  and  melanogaster 
hosts.  Conversely,  melanogaster  salivary  glands  develop  under  the  influence  of 
virilis  ring  glands  in  virilis  or  melanogaster  hosts. 


The  present  data  prove  without  doubt  the  necessity  of  the  ring  gland  for  the 
metamorphosis  of  the  salivary  gland.  The  responsible  ring  gland  factor  is 
presumably  hormonal  in  nature,  since  the  transplanted  ring  glands  have  no 
contact  with  the  test  organs  which  are  nevertheless  compelled  to  metamorphose. 
The  ring  gland  is  thus  the  source  of  the  metamorphosis  hormone  in  Drosophila 
and  is  not  responsible  only  for  puparium  formation  as  previously  assumed.  In 
fact,  puparium  formation  has  to  be  considered  as  the  first  step  in  metamorphosis. 
The  observations  of  Hadorn  and  Neel  (1938)  that  ring  glands  implanted  into 
young  larvae  bring  about  premature  puparium  formation  but  have  no  effect 
on  the  metamorphosis  of  the  larval  organs  can  be  explained  by  the  incompetence 
of  the  young  organs  to  respond  to  the  metamorphosis  hormones.  This  is  sup- 
ported by  the  observation  that  young  salivary  glands  react  more  slowly  to  the 
ring  gland  hormone  than  older  ones  and  that  the  salivary  glands  must  reach  a 


certain  developmental  stage  before  they  are  able  to  respond  to  the  metamorphosis 
hormone.  The  inability  of  organs  to  respond  with  metamorphosis  before  a 
certain  stage  of  development  is  reached  is  not  peculiar  to  salivary  glands  but 
has  been  observed  for  eye  discs  (Bodenstein,  1939a  and  b),  and  for  ovaries 
(Vogt,  1941).  Inasmuch  as  the  time  at  which  larval  glands  and  imaginal  gland 
anlagen  reach  their  state  of  responsiveness  is  concerned,  we  find  that  both 
structures  become  responsive  at  about  the  same  time.  This,  however,  is  true 
only  of  grafts  into  larval  hosts;  in  adult  hosts  we  find  the  larval  glands  able  to 
metamorphose,  but  not  the  imaginal  glands,  in  spite  of  the  presence  of  several 
ring  glands.  This  indicates  clearly  that  the  larval  glands  respond  much  more 
readily  than  the  imaginal  glands.  In  comparing  the  ring  gland  action  in  a 
larval  and  an  adult  environment,  we  find  the  hormone  more  active  in  the  former. 
Whether  one  ring  gland  in  the  larval  host  is  able  to  produce  more  hormone  and 
thus  assure  a  higher  hormone  concentration  than  four  ring  glands  in  an  adult 
host  is  questionable,  but  would  explain  easily  why  in  the  adult  host  the  imaginal 
anlage  is  unable  and  the  larval  gland  is  able  to  respond;  and  why  in  the  larval 
host  both  glands  are  able  to  metamorphose  synchronously.  On  such  an  hy- 
pothesis the  low  hormone  level  in  the  adult  host  is  able  to  induce  metamorphosis 
only  in  the. readily  responsive  larval  gland  but  not  in  the  imaginal  gland  anlage, 
which  needs  a  higher  hormone  concentration  for  the  same  task.  In  the  larval 
environment  on  the  other  hand,  where  the  hormone  concentration  is  presumable 
higher,  it  is  sufficient  to  induce  metamorphosis  in  the  imaginal  gland  also.  In 
the  light  of  these  considerations  it  becomes  evident  that  any  difference  in  the 
competence  of  the  reactive  tissue  might  be  detectable  only  when  low  hormone 
concentrations  are  used.  The  quantitative  action  of  the  metamorphosis  hormone 
has  also  been  demonstrated  by  Hadorn  and  Neel  (1938),  who  found  that  pupation 
in  Drosophila  occurs  sooner  when  three  instead  of  one  ring  gland  are  implanted 
into  the  larval  host.  The  question  of  hormone  concentrations  was  not  directly 
tested  in  our  experiments  because  there  seemed  to  be  no  difference  in  the  effect 
of  two  or  more  ring  glands.  There  is,  however,  some  indication  that  one  ring 
gland  is  not  as  effective  as  four;  this  can  be  seen  if  one  compares  (Table  II) 
salivary  glands  which  were  transplanted  at  stage  4  together  with  one  and  with 
four  ring  glands  and  which  were  then  left  for  six  days  in  the  adult  host.  The 
salivary  glands  (two  cases)  transplanted  together  with  one  ring  gland  have 
developed  to  stage  7  and  the  salivary  glands  transplanted  together  with  four 
ring  glands  to  stage  10  (three  cases).  Similar  experiments  on  other  organ  discs 
not  reported  here  gave  the  same  results.  Thus  it  seems  quite  certain  that  the 
hormone  concentration  is  a  decisive  factor  in  the  development  of  the  salivary 

One  of  the  most  important  facts  revealed  by  the  present  investigations  is 
that  the  first  salivary  gland  response  to  the  ring  gland  hormone  is  a  growth 
response.  It  is  only  after  the  salivary  glands  have  grown  to  a  certain  size  that 
the  hormone  elicits  the  metamorphosis  response  in  the  salivary  gland.  The 
younger  the  salivary  glands  are  at  the  time  of  transplantation  the  longer  the 
growth  period  persists.  In  other  words,  younger  glands  begin  their  metamor- 
phosis later  than  older  glands  when  under  the  influence  of  the  same  number  of 
ring  glands,  yet  the  onset  of  metamorphosis  of  young  glands  in  adult  hosts  under 
ring  gland  influence  is  definitely  premature  when  compared  with  normal  develop- 


ment.  However  young  the  salivary  glands  are  when  transplanted,  the  onset  of 
their  metamorphosis  is  never  earlier  than  stage  7  — ,  as  compared  with  stage  9  in 
normal  development.  This  shows  that  the  young  glands  are  able  to  respond  with 
growth  only  they  have  reached  stage  7  —  .  This  observation  leads  us  directly  to 
the  question  why  in  normal  development  the  onset  of  metamorphosis  takes  place 
at  stage  9  and  not  at  stage  7  — .  The  answer  to  this  may  be  found  in  the  following 
considerations.  The  experiments  have  shown  that  the  growth  of  the  salivary 
glands  depends  on  the  ring  gland  hormone.  This  must  obviously  also  be  the 
case  in  normal  development.  Now  in  normal  development  the  salivary  gland  is 
under  the  influence  of  the  ring  gland  during  the  entire  larval  period.  However, 
the  ring  gland  of  younger  larval  stages  is  much  smaller  than  the  ring  gland  of 
mature  larvae  and  thus  probably  produces  much  less  hormone.  The  hormone 
concentration  of  younger  larvae  is  consequently  expected  to  be  much  lower  than 
in  older  larvae.  The  hormone  level  in  younger  larvae,  we  might  argue,  is  thus 
not  high  enough  to  assure  metamorphosis,  but  is  sufficient  to  promote  growth. 
As  development  proceeds,  the  ring  gland  grows  and  thus  produces  more  hormone; 
at  the  same  time  however,  we  find  the  competence  of  the  salivary  gland  changing. 
At  a  given  time,  therefore,  when  hormone  level  and  responsiveness  of  glands  are 
in  a  definite  relationship  with  each  other,  metamorphosis  occurs.  In  normal 
development  this  time  is  reached  when  the  salivary  glands  have  developed  to 
stage  9.  We  may  now  ask  why,  under  experimental  condition,  we  are  able  to 
metamorphose  glands  which  have  reached  only  stage  7  —  .  The  answer  to  this 
lies  very  probably  in  the  fact  that  we  have  changed  the  hormone  concentration. 
In  the  adult  host  the  hormone  level  produced  by  several  ring  glands  is  presumably 
much  higher  than  in  younger  larvae  and  is  thus  able  to  induce  metamorphosis  in 
glands  as  young  as  stage  7  —  .  Since  metamorphosis  proceeds  at  a  very  slow 
rate,  we  must  conclude  that  the  experimentally  established  hormone  level  in 
adult  animals,  while  higher  than  in  younger  larvae,  is  not  as  high  as  in  full- 
grown  larvae,  where  young  glands  metamorphose  much  more  rapidly.  Whether 
the  ring  glands  produce  less  hormone  in  the  adult  fly,  or  whether  some  other 
factors  are  responsible  for  the  fact  that  we  are  unable  to  raise  the  adult  hormone 
level  to  the  equivalent  of  the  level  existing  in  the  old  larvae  is,  however,  still 

There  is  one  further  point  of  considerable  interest.  We  have  seen  on  page  22 
that  old  salivary  glands  transplanted  into  younger  larvae  metamorphose  before 
the  glands  of  the  host  larvae  show  any  signs  of  metamorphosis.  Since  the  cell 
size  of  the  grafted  glands  was  found  to  be  not  larger  than  normal,  there  seems 
to  be  a  limit  beyond  which  nuclear  growth  is  impossible.  The  question  now 
arises,  what  exactly  do  we  mean  by  this  limit?  Judging  from  the  results  cited 
earlier,  we  have  to  assume  that  the  salivary  glands  become  more  and  more 
responsive  to  metamorphosis  as  they  increase  in  age.  The  older  gland  in  the 
young  host  is  therefore  at  a  much  more  advanced  stage  of  responsiveness  than 
the  host  glands,  and  is  hence  able  to  react  with  metamorphosis  to  a  hormone 
level  much  lower  than  that  needed  for  the  same  reaction  by  the  younger  gland. 
In  assuming,  as  we  have,  that  the  hormone  level  increases  gradually  during  the 
larval  period,  the  growth  limit  is  nothing  more  than  the  expression  of  a  definite 
relationship  between  cell  competence  and  hormone  level.  In  the  light  of  this 
it  is  theoretically  possible  to  obtain  cells  larger  than  normal,  when  older  glands 


are  affected  by  a  hormone  level  too  low  for  metamorphosis  but  high  enough  for 
growth;  granted,  however,  that  a  hormone  level  low  enough  for  a  highly 
responsive  gland  could  be  found. 

Logically  this  conception  is  based  on  the  assumption  that  the  ring  gland 
produces  its  hormone  during  the  entire  larval  life.  Only  with  the  demonstration 
of  this  does  the  present  hypothesis  become  meaningful.  Actually  there  is  really 
good  evidence  available  which  shows  that  ring  glands  from  larvae  as  young  as 
the  first  instar  are  able  to  promote  growth  in  certain  organ  discs.  More  precise 
information  concerning  this  point  will  be  given  in  a  later  communication. 


1.  The  normal  development  of  the  salivary  gland  of  Drosophila  virilis  is 
described.     Eleven  successive  stages  of  development  have  been  distinguished. 

2.  Larval  salivary  glands  of  different  ages  were  transplanted  into  the  abdo- 
mens of  older  larvae  and  thus  exposed  prematurely  to  the  metamorphosis  factor. 
It  was  found  that  the  metamorphosis  of  the  transplanted  glands  is  not  autonomous 
but  depends  upon  some  factor  in  the  host. 

3.  Glands  as  young  as  stage  3  are  unable  to  react  to  the  metamorphosis  factor 
and  persist  as  larval  tissue  in  the  adult  fly.     However,  glands  transplanted  at 
stage  5  metamorphose  synchronously  with  the  host  and  hence  undergo  a  pre- 
mature   metamorphosis.     In    these    cases    the    transplanted    larval    glands    are 
completely   histolysed,    and    the    simultaneously    transplanted    anlagen    of    the 
imaginal  salivary  gland  differentiate  into  adult  salivary  glands. 

4.  Salivary  glands  of  older  larval  donors  transplanted  into  younger  hosts 
metamorphose  before  the  host  glands  show  any  signs  of  metamorphosis. 

5.  Larval  salivary  glands  of  various  ages  were  transplanted  into  the  body 
cavity  of  adult  male  flies.     The  thus  transplanted  glands  ceased  to  grow  and 
remained  unchanged  even  when  left  for  a  considerable  length  of  time  in  their 
adult  environment.     If,  however,  ring  glands  of  old  larvae  are  transplanted 
together  with  salivary  glands  into  the  adult  host,  the  growth  of  the  salivary 
glands  is  restored,  leading  finally  to  metamorphosis.     These  facts  have  been 
demonstrated  very  clearly  by  using  salivary  glands  of  a  single  donor  and  trans- 
planting one  partner  into  one  host  without  ring  glands  and  the  other  partner 
into  a  second  host  together  with  ring  glands. 

6.  The  number  of  ring  glands  implanted  is  of  no  great  importance  for  the 
development  of  the  salivary  glands,  since  two  ring  glands  have  about  the  same 
effect  as  four  ring  glands.     However,  one  ring  gland  is  presumably  somewhat 
less  effective  than  four  ring  glands. 

7.  The  rate  of  metamorphosis  of  the  salivary  gland  in  adult  hosts  is  decidedly 
slower  than  in  normal  development. 

8.  Younger  salivary  glands  metamorphose  later  than  older  salivary  glands 
under  the  influence  of  the  same  number  of  ring  glands. 

9.  Although  the  young  glands  metamorphose  later,  their  metamorphosis  is 
premature  as  far  as  their  state  of  development  is  concerned. 

10.  A  comparison  of  the  time  of  metamorphosis  of  salivary  glands  in  adult 
and  larval  hosts  shows  that  metamorphosis  proceeds  much  more  rapidly  in  larval 
hosts  in  spite  of  the  fact  that  in  the  adult  host  the  salivary  glands  may  be  under 
the  influence  of  as  many  as  four  ring  glands. 


11.  The  ring  gland   factor  is  presumably  hormonal   in   nature,   and   is  not 

12.  The  role  of  hormone  concentration  and  tissue  competence  in  the  determi- 
nation of  the  various  stages  of  growth  and  differentiation  in  the  development  of 
the  salivary  glands  is  discussed. 


BODENSTEIN,  D.,  1939a.     Investigations  on  the  problem  of  metamorphosis.     IV.   Developmental 

relations  of  interspecific  organ  transplants  in  Drosophila.     Jour.  Exp.  Zoo!.,  82:  1-30. 
BODENSTEIN,   D.,   1939b.     Investigations  on  the  problem  of  metamorphosis.     V.  Some  factors 

determining  the  facet  number  in  the  Drosophila  mutant  bar.     Genetics,  24:  494-508. 
BODENSTEIN,    D.,    1942.     Hormone  controlled   processes    in   insect   development.     Cold  Spring 

Harbor  Symp.  on  Quant.  Biol.,  10:  (in  press). 

Fujli,  S.,  1936.     Salivary  gland  chromosomes  of  Drosophila  virilis.     Cytologia,  7:  272-275. 
HADORN,  E.,  AND  NEEL,  J.,  1938.     Der  hormonelle  Einfluss  der  Ringdriise  (corpus  allatum)  auf 

die  Pupariumbildung  bei  Fliegen.     Roux  Arch.f.  Entw.  niech.,  138:  281-304. 
MAKING,  S.,   1938.     A  morphological  study  of  the  nuclei  in  various  kinds  of  somatic  cells  of 

Drosophila  virilis.     Cytologia,  9.  272-282. 
Ross,  F.  B.,  1939.     The  postembryonic  development  of  the  salivary  gland  of  Drosophila  melano- 

gaster.     Jour.  Morph.,  65:  471-495. 
SONNENBLICK,    B.,    1940.     The   salivary   glands    in    the   embryo   of    Drosophila    melanogaster. 

Genetics,  25:  137. 
VOGT,  M.,  1940.     Ztir  Ursache  der  unterschiedlichen  gonadotropen  Wirkung  der  Ringdriise  von 

Drosophila  funebris  und   Drosophila  melanogaster.     Roux  Arch.  f.  Entw.  mech.,   140: 





(Department  of  Zoology,  Columbia  University,  New  York) 

The  larvae  of  Drosophila  molt  twice,  and  change  with  the  third  molt  into  the 
pupal  stage,  during  which  the  larval  organism  is  gradually  made  over  into  the 
final  adult  insect.  It  was  found  (Bodenstein,  1936)  that  the  initiation  of  pupation 
depends  upon  some  factor  in  the  anterior  part  of  the  larva  which  becomes  active 
shortly  before  pupation  and  which  is  presumably  hormonal  in  nature.  Hadorn 
(1937)  has  located  and  analyzed  this  factor  more  precisely.  He  brought  forward 
conclusive  experimental  evidence  that  a  hormone  causing  pupation  in  Drosophila 
is  produced  by  the  ring  gland,  a  small  organ  of  internal  secretion  situated  dorsally 
between  the  two  brain  hemispheres  of  the  larvae.  Although  responsible  for 
pupation,  the  ring  gland  was  seemingly  unable  to  initiate  further  pupal  develop- 
ment, i.e.  the  differentiation  of  the  larval  organ  anlagen  to  imaginal  completion. 
For  larval  abdomens  which,  as  a  result  of  the  removal  of  the  anterior  part, 
remain  constantly  larval  could  be  caused  to  pupate  when  one  or  more  ring  glands 
were  transplanted  into  them  (Hadorn  and  Neel,  1938).  Yet  only  puparium 
formation  but  no  further  development  could  be  induced.  Likewise,  trans- 
plantation of  several  ring  glands  into  younger  larvae  brought  about  only  pre- 
cocious puparium  formation  but  again  no  subsequent  development  (Hadorn  and 
Neel,  1938).  In  the  light  of  these  facts  it  appeared  highly  probable  that  some 
other  hormone  than  that  for  puparium  formation  governed  imaginal  differentia- 
tion. The  following  observations  seem  to  verify  this  assumption.  The  imaginal 
differentiation  of  pupal  abdomens  proceeds  to  imaginal  completion  when  the 
anterior  pupal  part  is  cut  off  about  20  hours  after  pupation  but  the  abdomen 
remains  pupal  when  the  anterior  part  is  removed  earlier  (Bodenstein,  1938  and 
1939a).  The  imaginal  differentiation  of  organ  anlagen,  for  example,  eye  discs, 
also  depends  upon  this  factor  in  the  anterior  part.  On  the  basis  of  this  rather 
indirect  evidence  a  special  differentiation  hormone  was  postulated  (Bodenstein, 
1938).  However,  attempts  to  localize  this  factor  in  the  anterior  pupal  part 
failed  completely  (Bodenstein,  1939a  and  c).  Pupal  abdomens,  the  anterior 
part  of  which  was  cut  off  before  the  imaginary  hormone  was  released  and  which 
consequently  were  expected  to  remain  pupal,  continue  their  development  to 
imaginal  completion  when  placed  in  a  pure  oxygen  atmosphere  (Bodenstein, 
1939c).  This  observation  made  the  existence  of  a  special  hormone  for  differentia- 
tion very  doubtful.  Moreover  it  was  shown  (Bodenstein,  1939c),  that  the 
inability  of  the  pupal  abdomen  to  develop  could  be  correlated  with  disturbances 
in  the  development  of  the  tracheal  system.  These  experiments,  then,  indicated 
that  abnormalities  in  the  functional  development  of  the  tracheal  system  rather 
than  the  lack  of  a  special  hormone  was  the  cause  of  the  inability  of  the  abdomens 

*  Fellow  of  the  John  Simon  Guggenheim  Memorial  Foundation. 



to  develop.  While  these  considerations  do  not  disprove  the  existence  of  a 
differentiation  hormone  completely,  they  make  its  assumption  quite  unnecessary. 
The  main  object  of  this  paper  is  to  bring  forward  more  conclusive  evidence  that 
the  ring  gland  is  responsible  not  only  for  pupation  but  also  for  differentiation. 
Actually  we  have  to  consider  pupation  as  the  first  step  in  the  process  of  imaginal 


The  experiments  reported  here  were  performed  on  Drosophila  melanogaster 
(Ore.  R  +  )  and  Drosophila  virilis  (wild  stock).  Both  of  these  species  were  used 
as  donors  and  hosts.  Various  organ  discs  were  transplanted  into  the  body  cavity 
of  adult  flies  and  the  development  of  the  transplant  in  its  new  environment  was 
studied.  This  new  method  (see  Bodenstein,  1943b,  in  press)  of  using  the  body 
cavity  of  adult  flies  as  a  culture  medium  for  larval  tissues  proved  to  be  very 
successful  and  was  used  throughout  this  investigation.  The  mortality  rate  in 
these  experiments  was  negligible.  All  the  experimental  animals  were  kept  at  a 
constant  temperature  of  25°  ±  0.5°  C. 

I  am  greatly  indebted  to  Dr.  L.  C.  Dunn  and  Dr.  Th.  Dobzhansky  for  many 
stimulating  discussions  and  for  their  continued  interest  in  this  work.  I  also 
wish  to  thank  Mrs.  E.  Sansome  for  helpful  criticism  during  the  preparation  of 
this  paper. 


When  larval  eye  or  leg  discs  of  Drosophila  are  transplanted  into  the  body 
cavity  of  adult  flies,  the  grafted  organ  is  unable  to  develop.  Although  left  for 
many  days  in  the  adult  environment  the  graft  remains  unchanged  as  far  as  its 
morphological  appearance  is  concerned.  This  observation  is  in  agreement  with 
earlier  experiments  of  this  kind  (Bodenstein,  1938,  p.  497).  From  this  it  was 
assumed  that  the  adult  environment  is  a  medium  unsuitable  for  the  development 
of  larval  organs.  It  was  therefore  rather  unexpected  when  it  was  found  that 
larval  eye  discs  which  were  transplanted  simultaneously  with  two  ring  glands  of 
mature  larvae  into  adult  flies  had  grown  well  beyond  their  original  size.  This 
experiment  was  repeated  as  follows:  Eye  discs  of  melanogaster  donor  larvae  of 
equal  age  were  transplanted  either  alone  or  together  with  ring  glands  into  adult 
melanogaster  hosts.  Three  days  after  the  operation  the  grafted  eye  discs  were 
dissected  and  compared.  It  was  found  that  the  eyes  in  hosts  with  ring  glands 
were  larger  by  far  than  those  which  were  in  hosts  without  ring  glands.  A  great 
number  of  similar  experiments  was  then  performed,  consisting  of  243  cases  where 
organ  discs  were  transplanted  together  with  ring  glands  into  adult  hosts  and 
156  control  cases  where  the  organ  discs  were  transplanted  alone.  The  bulk  of 
this  material  comprises  many  different  series;  the  series  varied  as  to  the  time  the 
organs  were  allowed  to  remain  in  the  adult  host,  the  number  of  ring  glands 
transplanted  into  one  host,  the  kind  of  organ  disc  used  (eye  and  leg)  and  the 
kind  of  host  used  (melanogaster  and  virilis).  In  comparing  the  discs  in  hosts 
with  and  without  ring  glands  it  was  invariably  found  that  the  organ  discs  in  the 
hosts  with  ring  glands  had  become  much  larger  than  the  control  discs  in  the 
hosts  without  ring  glands.  Further  proof  for  the  initiation  of  growth  by  the  ring- 
gland  was  obtained  by  experiments  in  which  the  two  partners  of  a  single 



organ  pair  were  compared  one  with  the  other.  For  this  a  pair  of  eye  or  leg 
discs  was  dissected  from  a  single  donor  larva  and  one  partner  disc  transplanted 
into  one  host  together  with  two  to  four  ring  glands,  and  the  other  partner 
transplanted  alone  into  a  second  host.  The  results  of  these  experiments  con- 
sisting of  34  individual  pairs  are  summarized  in  Table  I,  where  it  can  be  seen 



Paired  transplantation  of  eye  and  leg  discs  into  two  adult  hosts.     One  host  receives  disc  alone,  -while 

other  receives  partner  disc  and  two  to  four  ring  glands. 


Number  of  pairs 

Days  pairs  remain 
in  hosts 

Number  of  pairs 
where  the  disc  is 
larger  in  hosts 
with  ring  glands 

mel.  eye 




mel.  eye 




mel.  leg 




mel.  eye 




viril.  leg 




mel.  leg 




viril.  leg 




mel.  eye 




mel.  eye 




mel.  leg 




viril.  leg 




viril.  leg 




viril.  leg 




viril.  leg 




that  in  each  pair  the  disc  which  was  transplanted  together  with  ring  glands  had 
become  larger  than  its  partner.  Figure  1  (a,  b)  illustrates  very  clearly  the 
enormous  size  difference  between  two  partner  discs  which  were  dissected  and 
photographed  five  days  after  the  operation.  This  particular  pair  is  a  melano- 
gaster  leg  pair.  One  partner  disc  (a)  was  transplanted  alone  and  the  other 


FIGURE  1.  Melanogaster  leg  disc  pair  five  days  after  the  operation.  One  partner  disc 
(a)  was  transplanted  into  an  adult  melanogaster  host;  the  other  partner  disc  (b)  into  an  adult 
melanogaster  host  together  with  four  ring  glands.  Note:  the  enormous  difference  in  size  between 
the  two  discs. 

FIGURE  2.  b:  virilis  leg  disc  four  days  after  the  operation,  showing  the  first  signs  of  meta- 
morphosis, i.e.  the  beginning  of  evagination.  The  disc  was  transplanted  together  with  four 
ring  glands  into  an  adult  virilis  male  host,  a:  Virilis  leg  disc  at  the  time  of  transplantation. 
c:  a  normal  pre-pupal  leg  disc  beginning  to  evaginate.  Note:  the  similarity  in  the  process  of 
evagination  between  the  transplanted  (b)  and  the  normal  (c)  leg. 

FIGURE  3.  A  virilis  leg  disc  transplanted  together  with  three  ring  glands  into  an  adult 
virilis  female  host,  13  days  after  the  operation.  The  leg  disc  is  completely  differentiated.  Note: 
the  well-formed  dark  brown  chitinous  tarsus  segments,  with  hairs  and  claws  well  developed. 

FIGURE  4.  Virilis  leg  disc  pair  transplanted  into  two  adult  virilis  male  hosts  six  days  after 
the  operation.  Note:  same  size  of  both  discs. 

FIGURE  5.  Virilis  leg  disc  pair  four  days  after  the  operation.  One  partner  disc  (a)  was 
transplanted  into  an  adult  virilis  male  host  and  the  other  partner  disc  (b)  into  an  adult  virilis 
female  host.  Note:  disc  in  female  host  (b)  has  become  much  larger  than  the  partner  disc  (a)  in 
the  male  host,  which  has  not  grown  at  all. 













partner  (b)  together  with  four  ring  glands  into  the  abdomen  of  adult  melanogaster 

In  normal  development  we  notice  that  a  short  time  after  puparium  formation 
many  organ  discs  undergo  a  characteristic  change  of  form;  they  evaginate  and 
obtain  thus  their  typical  pupal  shape.  This  evagination  process  is  one  of  the 
first  visible  signs  of  metamorphosis  of  the  organ  discs.  Now  we  find  that  the 
transplanted  leg  discs  in  the  body  cavity  of  adult  flies  also  evaginate  under  the  in- 
fluence of  the  ring  gland  after  they  have  grown  to  a  certain  size.  This  induced 
evagination  process  is  not  quite  complete,  presumably  because  of  mechanical 
difficulties,  but  is  nevertheless  very  clear.  This  is  illustrated  in  Figure  2  (a,  b), 
Figure  2a  shows  a  leg  disc  at  the  time  of  transplantation;  Figure  2b  a  leg  disc  of 
a  normal  young  pupa  which  has  started  to  evaginate,  and  Figure  2c  a  disc  which 
was  transplanted  into  an  adult  host  together  with  ring  glands  and  which  was 
dissected  four  days  after  the  operation.  In  comparing  Figure  2b  with  Figure  2c 
one  may  notice  the  similarity  between  normal  and  induced  evagination.  This 
observation  clearly  proves  that  the  ring  gland  is  able  to  induce  the  first  stages 
of  metamorphosis  in  the  transplanted  leg  anlage.  Moreover  the  ring  gland  is 
able  to  induce  complete  metamorphosis  in  the  leg,  if  the  leg  is  left  in  the  adult 
host  long  enough.  In  these  cases  we  find  a  completely  differentiated  imaginal 
leg  with  femur,  tibia  and  tarsus  segments  as  well  as  well-formed  and  dark  brown 
chitinized  hairs,  bristles  and  claws  in  the  abdominal  cavity  of  the  fly  (Figure  3). 
From  these  experiments  it  becomes  evident  that  the  ring  gland  is  not  only  re- 
sponsible for  an  early  initiation  of  growth,  but  also  for  the  imaginal  differ- 
entiation of  the  organ  discs. 

While  it  is  true  that  organ  discs  transplanted  together  with  ring  glands  were 
always  larger  than  the  control  discs  transplanted  without  ring  glands,  there  was 
nevertheless  a  certain  variability  in  the  growth  of  the  discs.  In  some  cases 
where  the  discs  v/ere  transplanted  alone  into  adult  hosts  it  was  found  that  they 
had  not  grown  at  all,  although  they  had  remained  for  ten  days  or  longer  in  these 
hosts.  In  other  cases  the  discs  had  grown  quite  wrell  and  even  showed  signs  of 
metamorphosis  although  no  ring  glands  were  present.  Similarly,  discs  of  equal 
age  gro\vn  for  the  same  length  of  time  in  the  presence  of  the  same  number  of 
ring  glands  could  vary  quite  extensively  in  size.  Now  it  has  to  be  realized  that 
in  experiments  of  the  kind  described  one  deals  with  three  different  developmental 
systems  which  together  determine  the  outcome  of  the  experiment.  These  systems 
are:  1.  The  adult  host  environment;  2.  The  activating  system,  i.e.  the  ring 
glands;  3.  The  reacting  system,  i.e.  the  test  organ  discs.  Thus  in  order  to 
clarify  the  observed  discrepancies  in  the  experiments,  a  more  thorough  investi- 
gation of  these  three  systems  was  undertaken.  For  this  purpose  experiments 
were  designed  in  such  a  way  that  two  of  the  systems  were  held  constant  and 
the  third  one  varied.  In  doing  this  for  each  system  in  turn  a  clear  understanding 
of  the  part  played  by  each  system  was  obtained. 

/.   The  adult  host  environment 

Under  this  general  heading  we  will  discuss  a  number  of  experiments  in  which 
the  adult  flies  used  as  hosts  were  varied.  As  an  indicator  for  possible  differences 
between  the  various  hosts  wre  used  only  the  early  growth  reaction  of  the  test 
organs.  This  method  is  very  sensitive,  for  even  small  differences  reflect  them- 


selves  very  clearly  in  the  growth  of  the  test  organ  discs,  especially  when  the  two 
partners  of  a  single  organ  pair  are  compared. 

a.  Growth  variability  test  in  male  hosts  without  ring  glands. 

This  series  was  designed  to  test  whether  there  is  any  difference  in  the  growth 
of  test  organs  in  different  host  individuals  of  the  same  sex.  For  this  purpose, 
pairs  of  leg  discs  were  dissected  from  virilis  larvae  and  one  partner  disc  trans- 
planted into  one  and  the  other  partner  disc  into  a  second  adult  virilis  male  host. 
The  two  hosts  were  then  reared  and  dissected  together.  From  eight  such  pairs 
two  pairs  were  dissected  two  days,  one  pair  three  days  and  five  pairs  five  days 
after  the  operation.  The  partner  discs  in  all  pairs  were  found  to  be  the  same 
size  (Figures  4a  and  4b).  This  proves  that  there  is  no  detectable  difference  in 
the  environment  of  the  different  individual  male  hosts  as  far  as  the  test  organs 
are  concerned.  Moreover,  the  leg  discs  remained  unchanged  in  size,  which 
indicates  that  no  growth  had  occurred  from  the  time  of  transplantation  until 
they  were  dissected  five  days  later.  In  order  to  obtain  more  information  on 
this  point,  four  of  these  disc  pairs  were  again  transplanted  into  adult  male  hosts. 
Seven  days  later  they  were  dissected  and  found  to  be  unchanged.  Thus  we 
must  conclude  that  the  virilis  organ  discs  are  unable  to  grow  in  an  adult  virilis 
male  environment. 

b.  Growth  tests  in  hosts  of  different  age. 

The  question  whether  there  is  any  difference  in  hosts  of  different  age  has  been 
tested  in  the  following  way.  The  two  partners  of  a  pair  of  virilis  leg  discs  were 
transplanted,  one  into  a  one-day  old  virilis  male  host  and  the  other  into  a  29-day 
old  virilis  male  host.  From  five  such  pairs  one  was  dissected  four  days,  and 
four  pairs  six  days  after  the  operation.  In  all  cases  it  was  found  that  the  partner 
discs  of  the  single  pairs  were  of  the  same  size.  There  was  also  no  growth  in 
either  partner  discs  during  the  time  they  remained  in  the  hosts. 

In  a  second  series  consisting  of  six  pairs,  the  discs  were  transplanted  into 
female  hosts  instead  of  into  male  hosts.  One  female  host  was  two  days  old  and 
the  other  30  days  old.  One  pair,  dissected  three  days  and  five  pairs  dissected 
five  days  after  the  operation  revealed  again  that  the  two  discs  of  one  pair  were 
of  equal  size.  Vet  in  contrast  to  the  previous  series  each  of  the  discs  had  grown 
during  the  time  it  remained  in  the  host. 

These  experiments  prove  that  there  is  no  difference  between  young  and  old 
hosts.  They  confirm  the  previous  observation  that  the  environment  of  each 
individual  male  host  is  the  same,  and  extend  the  information  in  showing  that 
this  is  also  true  for  the  environment  of  each  individual  female  host.  The  ob- 
servation that  no  growth  takes  place  in  discs  transplanted  into  male  hosts  is  also 
confirmed.  However,  when  one  compares  female  and  male  environment  one 
finds  the  discs  able  to  grow  in  the  former  but  not  in  the  latter  environment. 

c.  Growth  tests  in  male  and  female  hosts. 

It  is  evident  from  the  foregoing  experiments  that  male  and  female  environ- 
ments are  different  as  to  their  effect  on  the  growth  of  the  grafted  organ  discs. 
Decisive  evidence  for  this  is  provided  by  the  following  experiments.  The  two 


partners  of  the  virilis  leg  disc  pairs  were  transplanted,  one  into  a  male,  the  other 
into  a  female  virilis  host.  Five  such  pairs  were  dissected  three  days,  and  eight 
pairs  four  days  after  the  operation.  In  all  pairs  it  was  found  that  the  discs  in 
the  female  hosts  were  much  larger  than  their  partner  discs  in  the  male  hosts, 
which  had  not  grown  at  all.  Figure  5  (a,  b)  illustrates  this  effect  very  clearly. 

Similar  results  were  obtained  in  another  series  of  experiments  (five  pairs  dis- 
sected three  days  after  the  operation),  where  leg  discs  pairs  of  virilis  were  trans- 
planted into  female  and  male  melanogaster  hosts. 

In  transplanting  the  two  partners  of  virilis  eve  disc  pairs  into  virilis  male 
and  female  hosts  (three  pairs  dissected  three  days  after  the  operation),  we  again 
find  the  discs  in  the  female  hosts  larger  than  their  partners  in  the  male  hosts 
(Figures  6a  and  66).  The  eye  discs  in  the  male  hosts  had  ceased  to  grow,  being 
of  the  same  size  at  the  time  of  dissection  as  at  the  time  of  transplantation. 

Finally,  in  a  last  series  of  this  kind,  the  two  partners  of  a  pair  of  salivary 
glands  of  virilis  larvae  were  transplanted,  one  into  a  male  and  the  other  into  a 
female  virilis  host.  From  eight  such  pairs  three  were  dissected  in  four  days, 
two,  seven  days  and  three,  eight  days  after  the  operation.  Again,  as  in  the 
case  of  the  organ  discs,  it  was  found  that  the  glands  in  the  male  hosts  had  not 
developed  while  their  partners  in  the  female  hosts  were  all  in  an  advanced  stage 
of  development. 

d.  Growth  test  in  different  host  species. 

The  object  of  this  group  of  experiments  was  to  test  for  possible  species  differ- 
ences between  virilis  and  melanogaster  hosts.  To  this  end  the  two  partner 
discs  of  a  virilis  leg  pair  were  transplanted,  one  into  a  virilis  male  host  and  the 
other  into  a  melanogaster  male  host.  From  six  pairs  available,  two  were  dis- 
sected three  days,  two,  four  days  and  two,  six  days  after  the  operation.  The 
transplanted  discs  were  found  to  be  of  the  same  size  in  both  hosts  in  all  pairs. 
There  is  evidently  no  difference  between  the  melanogaster  and  virilis  environment, 
as  far  as  it  affects  the  graft. 

In  a  second  series  of  experiments,  comprised  of  seven  pairs,  which  were 
dissected  three  days  after  the  operation,  the  two  virilis  leg  pair  partners  were 
transplanted  into  a  melanogaster  and  a  virilis  female  host.  Being  in  a  female 
environment,  the  discs  in  both  hosts  had,  of  course,  grown;  in  one  pair  the  discs 
were  of  the  same  size,  in  three  pairs  the  discs  in  the  melanogaster  hosts  were 


FIGURE  6.  Virilis  eye  disc  pair  three  days  after  the  operation.  One  partner  disc  (a)  was 
transplanted  into  an  adult  virilis  male  host  and  the  other  partner  disc  (b)  into  an  adult  virilis 
female  host.  Note:  disc  in  female  host  has  become  much  larger  than  partner  disc  in  male  host, 
wjiich  has  remained  unchanged. 

FIGURE  7.  Virilis  leg  disc  pair  three  days  after  the  operation.  One  partner  disc  (a)  was 
transplanted  together  with  two  ring  glands  into  an  adult  virilis  male  host  and  the  other  partner 
disc  (b)  was  transplanted  together  with  two  ring  glands  into  an  adult  melanogaster  male  host. 
Note:  disc  (b)  in  the  melanogaster  host  has  become  much  larger  than  its  partner  (a)  in  the  virilis 

FIGURE  8.  Virilis  leg  disc  pair  four  days  after  the  operation.  One  partner  disc  (a)  was 
transplanted  into  an  adult  virilis  male  host  together  with  four  ring  glands  and  its  partner  (b)  into 
an  adult  virilis  male  host  together  with  eight  ring  glands.  Note:  both  discs  have  grown  the  same. 







slightly  larger  and  in  the  last  three  pairs  they  were  somewhat  larger  in  the  virilis 
hosts.  The  fact  that  the  discs  may  be  larger  in  melanogaster  female  as  well 
as  in  virilis  female  hosts  indicates  that  there  is  no  significant  difference  between 
the  environment  of  both  host  species. 

e.  Growth  test  in  male  and  female  hosts  in  the  presence  of  ring  glands. 

It  has  been  shown  before  that  organ  discs  grow  larger  in  female  hosts  than 
in  male  hosts.  The  question  now  arises,  how  the  growth  of  equal  discs  is  affected 
when  they  are  under  the  influence  of  the  same  number  of  ring  glands  in  both 
environments.  For  this,  two  partner  discs  of  a  virilis  leg  pair  were  transplanted, 
one  into  a  virilis  male  and  the  other  into  a  virilis  female  host,  while  at  the  same 
time  each  of  the  two  hosts  in  two  of  such  pairs  received  five  ring  glands,  and  in 
two  other  pairs  four  ring  glands  from  mature  larvae.  In  dissecting  the  two  pairs 
with  five  ring  glands  three  days,  and  the  two  pairs  with  four  ring  glands  four 
days  after  the  operation,  it  was  found  that  the  discs  in  the  female  hosts  of  all 
pairs  were  larger  than  their  partner  discs  in  the  male  hosts.  However,  in  contrast 
to  the  earlier  experiments,  where  the  discs  were  grafted  alone,  into  male  and 
female  hosts,  both  discs  in  this  experimental  combination  had  grown.  Moreover, 
the  discs  in  the  female  hosts  had  become  much  larger  in  the  presence  of  ring 
glands  than  discs  which  had  grown  in  female  hosts  without  ring  glands. 

/.  Growth  tests  in  different  host  species  in  the  presence  of  ring  glands. 

If  the  experiments  where  virilis  partner  leg  discs  are  transplanted  into  two 
hosts  of  different  species  (melanogaster  male  and  virilis  male)  are  repeated, 
but  each  host  receives  in  addition  two  ring  glands  from  mature  larvae,  then  the 
results  obtained  are  quite  different.  The  transplanted  organ  discs  are  much 
larger  in  the  melanogaster  hosts  (Figures  la  and  7b).  This  was  observed  in 
nine  out  of  12  pairs  four  of  which  were  dissected  three  days,  six  four  days  and 
two  six  days  after  the  operation.  Only  in  three  pairs  left  for  four  days  in  the 
host  were  the  discs  found  to  be  alike  in  both  hosts.  Moreover  in  another  pair, 
where  one  partner  disc  was  transplanted  into  a  virilis  male  host  together  with 
five  ring  glands,  and  the  other  partner  disc  into  a  melanogaster  male  host  together 
with  four  ring  glands,  it  was  found  again  that  the  disc  in  the  melanogaster  host 
was  much  larger.  Finally,  in  two  additional  pairs  in  which  one  partner  disc 
was  transplanted  together  with  four  ring  glands,  into  a  virilis  male  host,  and  the 
other  partner  into  a  melanogaster  male  host  together  with  only  two  ring  glands, 
it  was  again  observed  that,  three  days  after  the  operation,  the  discs  in  the  melano- 
gaster hosts  were  much  larger  than  their  partners  in  the  virilis  hosts.  Thus  two 
ring  glands  in  melanogaster  hosts  are  able  to  induce  more  growth  in  the  test 
organs  than  four  ring  glands  in  virilis  hosts.  Since  in  all  these  cases  virilis  ring 
glands  were  used  as  grafts  we  witness  the  peculiar  fact  that  virilis  ring  glands 
are  more  effective  in  a  foreign  than  in  their  own  species  environment. 

//.   The  activating  system 

Experiments  described  in  this  section  are  designed  to  further  the  understanding 
of  the  ring  gland  action. 



a.   The  effect  of  different  numbers  of  ring  glands  on  organ  growth. 

\Ye  have  seen  that  organ  discs  transplanted  into  adult  male  hosts  are  able  to 
grow  only  when  under  the  influence  of  simultaneously  transplanted  ring  glands. 
It  remained  to  be  shown,  however,  as  to  how  main'  ring  glands  are  actually 
needed  to  assure  maximum  growth  of  the  organ  disc.  For  this,  eye  discs  of 
virilis  larvae  of  equal  size  were  transplanted  from  virilis  male  hosts  while  in 
addition,  each  of  these  hosts  received  a  different  number  of  ring  glands  from 
mature  larvae.  The  results  of  the  experiments  are  summarized  in  Table  II, 


Effect  of  different  number  of  ring  glands  on  eye  growth. 

Transplant  remains  in  hosts  for 

Transplant  remains  in  hosts  for 


Number  of  ring 

three  days 

four  days 

Number  of  cases 

Size  of  eyes 

Number  of  cases 

Size  of  eyes 




no  growth 


no  growth 




larger  than  A 


larger  than  A 




larger  than  B 


larger  than  B 




larger  than  C 


larger  than  C 




larger  than  C 


larger  than  C 

where  it  can  be  seen  that  two  ring  glands  produce  a  greater  growth  effect  in  the 
test  organs  than  one  ring  gland,  but  that  the  effect  of  four  or  eight  ring  glands 
is  the  same  as  that  produced  by  only  two  ring  glands.  This  evidence  is  further 
supported  by  experiments  in  which  the  two  partners  of  single  virilis  leg  pairs 
subjected  to  the  influence  of  a  different  number  of  ring  glands  in  virilis  male 
hosts  are  compared.  Table  III  summarizes  the  results  obtained  from  six  such 


The  effect  of  different  numbers  of  ring  glands  on  leg  growth. 

Number  of 

ring  glands 

0  and  1 

2  and  4 

4  and  8 

2  and  8 

2  and  8 

2  and  8 

Days  leg  pairs 
remain  in 








Size  of 
leg  pairs 

larger  in 
ring  gland 

same  in 
both  hosts 

same  in 
both  hosts 

same  in 
both  hosts 

same  in 
both  hosts 

same  in 
both  hosts 

pairs,  showing  again  that  the  growth  of  the  test  organ  is  the  same  whether  two, 
four  or  eight  ring  glands  are  present  (Figures  8a  and  8fr).  In  summarizing  the 
results,  we  must  conclude  that  one  ring  gland  is  apparently  unable  to  raise  the 
hormone  concentration  in  the  adult  male  fly  to  a  level  high  enough  to  assure 
maximal  growth  in  the  test  organs.  Yet  the  hormone  concentration  produced 
by  two  ring  glands  must  have  reached  the  level  of  saturation  as  far  as  the  growth 


of  the  test  organ  is  concerned,  since  more  than  two  ring  glands  have  no  greater 
effect  than  only  two  ring  glands. 

Evidence  that  the  number  of  ring  glands  is  also  of  importance  for  the  time 
of  imaginal  differentiation  of  the  test  organ  is  provided  by  the  following  experi- 
ments. Melanogaster  eye  discs  of  equal  size  were  transplanted  into  adult 
melanogaster  female  hosts,  (a)  alone,  (6)  together  with  two  ring  glands,  (c) 
together  with  three  ring  glands,  (d)  together  with  four  ring  glands.  All  hosts 
were  dissected  eight  days  after  the  operation.  It  was  found  that  in  the  hosts 
without  ring  glands  the  eye  discs  had  grown,  but  were  still  white  and  showed  no 
sign  of  imaginal  differentiation  (seven  cases).  In  the  hosts  with  two  ring  glands, 
reddish  pigmented  regions  could  be  seen  in  the  transplanted  discs,  showing  that 
the  ring  gland  had  brought  about  pigment  differentiation  in  the  eye  disc  (six 
cases).  The  eyes  in  hosts  with  three  ring  glands  (four  cases)  and  in  hosts  with 
four  ring  glands  (four  cases),  had  developed  to  the  same  stage  of  pigmentation. 
In  a  further  set  of  experiments  melanogaster  eye  discs  were  transplanted  alone 
into  melanogaster  female  hosts  but  left  for  16  days  (two  cases),  17  days  (one  case), 
and  22  days  (one  case),  in  the  hosts  before  they  were  dissected.  By  this  time 
pigmentation  had  also  started  in  these  eyes  but  was  in  a  much  less  advanced 
stage  of  development.  This  is  indicated  by  the  slight  yellow  coloration,  as 
contrasted  with  the  reddish  color,  developed  in  eyes  grown  in  hosts  with  ring 
glands.  These  experiments  show  that  color  development  can  take  place  in  eye 
discs  transplanted  into  female  hosts  without  the  support  of  ring  glands,  but  that 
it  is  much  less  rapid  than  in  female  hosts  in  the  presence  of  ring  glands.  The 
onset  and  degree  of  eye  pigmentation  in  the  presence  of  two,  three  or  four  ring- 
glands  in  female  hosts  is  about  the  same.  Thus  as  in  the  experiments  where  the 
effect  of  different  numbers  of  ring  glands  on  the  early  growth  of  the  eye  discs 
was  tested  we  find  that  for  the  later  processes  of  differentiation  also  two  ring 
glands  produce  the  maximal  effect. 

b.   The  effect  of  ring  glands  of  different  age  on  organ  growth. 

Until  now  we  have  studied  only  the  effects  of  mature  ring  glands,  that  is, 
of  ring  glands  from  larvae  shortly  before  pupation.  It  remains  to  be  seen, 
however,  whether  there  is  any  difference  in  the  effects  produced  by  younger  or 
older  ring  glands.  Single  pairs  of  virilis  leg  discs  were  thus  transplanted,  one 
partner  alone  and  the  other  partner  together  with  ring  glands,  into  two  virilis 
male  hosts.  The  virilis  ring  glands  used  for  each  pair  were  of  different  age. 
In  this  way  progressively  younger  ring  glands  were  tested  as  to  their  effect  on 
the  growth  of  the  organ  discs.  In  two  series  of  this  kind,  each  host  received 
three  ring  glands,  in  a  third  series,  four  ring  glands.  All  pairs  in  the  three 
separate  series  were  dissected  five  days  after  the  operation  and  the  growth  of  the 
disc  in  each  pair  compared.  The  results  of  the  experiments  are  summarized 
in  Table  IV,  where  it  can  be  seen  that  ring  glands  of  all  ages,  even  when  coming 
from  larvae  as  young  as  five  and  a  half  clays  before  pupation,  i.e.  young  first 
instar  larvae,  are  able  to  promote  growth  in  the  transplanted  leg  test  disc.  This 
proves  that  the  ring  gland  can  produce  its  groxvth  hormone  during  the  entire 
larval  period  of  the  animal.  Whether  there  may  be  any  interruption  in  the 
hormone  production  of  the  ring  gland  during  this  period,  as  the  few  negative 
cases  might  indicate  (see  Table  IV),  is  not  known,  and  needs  further  investigation. 



c.  Differences  in  hormone  production  of  young  and  old  ring  glands. 

The  question  as  to  the  amount  of  hormone  produced  by  young  and  older 
ring  glands  was  tested  in  the  following  way:  melanogaster  leg  discs  of  an  average 
diameter  of  13  units  were  divided  into  three  lots.  One  set  of  legs  was  transplanted 


The  effect  of  ring  glands  of  various  age  on  organ  growth.     In  all  cases  the  test  organ  remained  for 

five  days  in  the  host.     Positive  indicates  that  the  leg  partner  in  the  host  with  ring  glands  is 

larger  than  its  partner  in  the  host  without  ring  glands;  while  negative 

indicates  that  both  leg  partners  in  the  two  hosts 

compared  are  of  the  same  size. 

Number  of  ring 
glands  transplanted 

Ring  gland  donor.     Age  in  days 
before  pupation 

Ring  gland  donor, 
larval  stage 



before  pupation 




before  pupation 








































before  pupation 




before  pupation 











































































into  melanogaster  females  alone,  the  legs  of  the  second  set  into  melanogaster 
females  each  together  with  one  melanogaster  ring  gland  from  an  old  larva  shortly 
before  pupation,  and  the  legs  of  the  third  set  into  melanogaster  females  each 
together  with  one  two-day  younger  melanogaster  ring  gland.  Three  days  after 
the  operation  the  hosts  of  these  three  groups  were  dissected  and  the  transplanted 


leg  discs  measured  and  compared.  The  legs  in  the  hosts  without  ring  glands 
(eight  cases)  had  grown  to  an  average  diameter  of  16  units.  The  legs  in  the 
second  group  with  one  young  ring  gland  (five  cases)  were  found  to  average  21 
units  in  diameter  and  in  the  last  group  with  one  old  ring  gland,  the  average 
diameter  of  the  legs  (four  cases)  was  24  units.  It  was  noticed,  moreover,  that 
the  legs  in  the  last  group  had  begun  to  evaginate,  which  was  not  the  case  in  the 
other  two  groups. 

Now  one  may  test,  although  in  a  somewhat  different  way,  the  amount  of 
hormone  produced.  If  it  is  true,  as  the  above  mentioned  experiments  indicate, 
that  one  young  ring  gland  produces  less  hormone  than  one  old  ring  gland,  one 
might  expect  equal  discs  transplanted  at  the  same  time,  and  left  long  enough  in 
the  adult  host,  to  be  advanced  further  in  their  metamorphosis  in  the  presence  of 
old  ring  glands  than  in  the  presence  of  the  same  number  of  younger  ring  glands. 
In  such  an  experiment  we  use  the  state  of  metamorphosis  rather  than  differences 
in  growth  as  an  indicator  for  the  hormone  concentration.  In  order  to  elucidate 
this  point,  melanogaster  eye  discs  of  equal  age  were  transplanted  into  adult 
hosts,  some  with  four  ring  glands  from  larvae  shortly  before  pupation  and  others 
with  four  one  day  younger  ring  glands.  Eight  days  after  the  operation  the  hosts 
were  dissected  and  the  discs  compared.  The  eyes  in  hosts  with  four  ring  glands 
had  developed  yellow-red  pigment  (four  cases)  while  the  eyes  in  hosts  with  four 
younger  ring  glands  were  much  less  advanced  in  their  differentiation.  Although 
they  had  grown  extensively  in  the  presence  of  the  younger  ring  glands,  they 
were  still  white,  showing  no  trace  of  pigmentation  (four  cases).  From  these 
two  groups  of  experiments  we  may  thus  conclude  with  reasonable  certainty  that 
young  ring  glands  produce  less  hormone  than  old  ring  glands. 

d.  Species  differences  in  ring  glands. 

Qualitatively  the  ring  glands  of  virilis  and  melanogaster  are  the  same.  This 
has  been  shown  many  times  in  experiments  where  the  action  of  virilis  or  melano- 
gaster ring  glands  has  been  tested  as  to  its  effect  on  the  growth  and  differentiation 
of  melanogaster  or  virilis  organ  discs.  The  question  whether  there  is  any  quanti- 
tative difference  in  the  amount  of  hormone  output  during  a  given  time  between 
the  ring  glands  of  these  two  species  is,  however,  not  so  clear.  Since  the  ring 
gland  of  virilis  is  larger  than  that  of  melanogaster  one  might  expect  it  to  produce 
more  hormone.  If  quantitative  differences  between  melanogaster  and  virilis 
ring  glands  are  present,  they  are  at  least  not  large,  as  the  following  experiment 
indicates.  Equal  melanogaster  eye -discs  were  transplanted  into  adult  melano- 
gaster female  hosts  together  with  two  ring  glands  from  a  melanogaster  larva 
shortly  before  pupation  (three  cases)  and  together  with  two  virilis  ring  glands 
from  larvae  shortly  before  pupation  (three  cases).  The  dissection  of  these  cases 
eight  days  after  the  operation  showed  that  in  the  hosts  with  melanogaster  ring 
glands,  one  eye  disc  had  developed  slight  yellow  pigment  and  two  eye  discs 
yellow-red  pigment.  In  the  hosts  with  two  virilis  ring  glands,  two  eye  discs 
had  become  slightly  yellow  and  one  eye  disc  yellow-red  pigmented.  We  thus 
observe  about  the  same  amount  of  development  under  the  influence  of  the  same 
number  of  melanogaster  or  virilis  ring  glands,  indicating  that  there  is  no  difference 
in  the  quantity  of  hormone  production  between  the  ring  glands  of  these  two 
species  tested. 



e.   The  time  of  action  of  ring  glands  in  adult  hosts. 

The  question  as  to  how  long  transplanted  ring  glands  in  adult  hosts  continue 
to  produce  hormone  was  tested  as  follows:  virilis  ring  glands  from  larvae  shortly 
before  pupation  were  transplanted  into  adult  virilis  males.  The  glands  were 
left  in  these  hosts  for  a  certain  length  of  time,  then  dissected  out  and  re-trans- 
planted into  a  second  adult  host  together  with  one  partner  disc  of  a  leg  pair. 
The  other  leg  partner  was  transplanted  alone  into  another  virilis  male  host. 
After  several  days  the  pair  of  hosts  was  dissected,  the  growth  of  the  leg  discs 
compared  and  the  ring  gland  grafts  recovered.  The  recovered  ring  glands  were 
now  grafted  for  the  third  time  into  a  virilis  male  host  together  with  new  test 
leg  discs,  the  partners  of  which  were  again  transplanted  as  the  growth  control 
into  virilis  male  hosts  alone.  Several  days  later  the  pairs  were  dissected,  the  leg 
discs  compared  and  the  retransplantation  procedure  of  the  recovered  ring  glands 
using  new  test  organs  and  new  hosts  repeated  once  or  twice  more.  Since  it  was 
not  easy  to  recover  such  a  small  organ  as  the  ring  gland  from  the  body  of  the 
adult  fly,  two  or  four  ring  glands  were  usually  transplanted  together  into  one 
host.  If  one  ring  gland  was  lost  in  the  dissection,  the  remaining  ring  glands 
could  be  used  to  continue  the  test.  Table  V  shows  the  results  of  these  experi- 


The  time  of  action  of  ring  glands  in  adult  hosts.     (For  explanation  see  text.)     Positive  indicates  that 
the  retransplanted  ring  gland  has  stimulated  the  growth  of  the  test  organ. 







Days  ring  gland  remains  in  first  host 






Days  ring  gland  retransplanted  together  with 
test  organ  remains  in  second  host. 
Condition  of  test  organ 






Days  ring  gland  retransplanted  together  with 
test  organ  remains  in  third  host. 
Condition  of  test  organ 




Days  ring  gland  retransplanted  together  with 
test  organ  remains  in  fourth  host. 
Condition  of  test  organ 



Days  ring  gland   retransplanted   remains   in 
fifth  host. 
Condition  of  test  organ 


ments.  Each  of  the  five  columns  (A  to  E)  represents  one  case  of  successive 
re-transplantation  of  the  same  original  glands.  Now,  as  it  can  be  clearly  seen 
from  Table  V,  it  was  found  that  ring  glands  after  being  in  adult  hosts  for  22 
days,  during  which  time  they  had  been  three  times  retransplanted  and  found 
to  be  active,  were  still  active  in  a  fourth  transplantation  (Table  V  B).  Simi- 
larly, ring  glands  which  were  left  for  22  days  in  one  host  before  they  were  tested 
in  a  second  host  for  their  activity  were  still  able  to  induce  growth  in  the  test 


organ  (Table  V  E).     From  these  experiments  we  must  conclude  that  ring  glands 
transplanted  into  adult  hosts  secrete  their  hormone  continuously  for  a  long  time. 

///.   The  reacting  system 

It  has  to  be  realized  that  the  various  kinds  of  organ  discs  may  differ  as  to 
their  responsiveness  towards  the  same  hormone  level.  We  may  also  expect 
differences  in  the  responsiveness  between  old  and  young  organ  discs.  Experi- 
ments which  investigate  these  possibilities  are  presented  in  the  following. 

a.   The  differentiation  capacity  of  different  discs  in  adult  hosts. 

In  comparing  the  first  growth  effect  of  such  organs  as  eye  and  leg  discs, 
one  finds  both  very  responsive  to  the  hormone  of  the  ring  gland.  Even  in 
female  hosts  without  ring  glands,  which  must  be  considered  the  least  favorable 
environment,  the  growth  effect  of  both  discs  is  considerable.  Thus  there  seems 
to  be  no  appreciable  difference  in  the  responsiveness  between  leg  and  eye  discs. 
Yet  when  one  compares  the  further  development  of  these  discs  in  the  adult 
environment  a  marked  difference  between  these  organs  becomes  evident.  One 
finds  the  leg  discs  able  to  differentiate  in  the  adult  host  to  imaginal  completion 
under  the  influence  of  ring  glands,  but  not  the  eye  discs,  which  never  continue 
their  differentiation  beyond  the  first  stages  of  pigmentation.  The  leg  discs  in 
their  final  state  of  differentiation  show  typical  imaginal  characteristics;  i.e.  dark 
brown  chitinized  leg  segments  covered  with  chitinized  hairs  and  bristles  and  with 
a  blackish  chitinized  end  claw  on  the  distal  tarsus  segment.  In  the  eye  discs  on 
the  other  hand,  we  find  that  the  pigment  is  the  only  component  which  differ- 
entiates to  an  appreciable  extent.  There  is  however  some  doubt  whether  even 
pigmentation  reaches  its  final  imaginal  stage.  The  development  of  hairs, 
bristles,  lenses,  or  the  darkening  of  the  chitinous  eye  parts  has  never  been  observed 
in  eye  grafts.  Although  a  more  detailed  histological  examination  of  these 
partially  developed  eyes  is  still  missing,  there  can  be  no  doubt  that  differentiation 
is  incomplete,  since  it  would  have  been  easy  to  detect  chitinous  structures  in 
total  mounts  if  they  were  present.  It  was  found,  moreover,  that  the  anlage  of 
the  genital  apparatus,  when  transplanted  into  adult  hosts,  is  unable  to  differentiate 
at  all,  even  in  melanogaster  female  hosts  in  the  presence  of  four  ring  glands, 
thus  in  an  environment  where  the  ring  glands  are  most  effective.  Independent 
of  the  time  these  genital  discs  remain  in  the  host,  they  never  develop  beyond  a 
stage  corresponding  to  the  stage  the  discs  would  have  reached  in  normal  develop- 
ment at  the  time  of  puparium  formation.  In  Table  VI  we  have  summarized  a 
number  of  experiments  in  which  different  organ  discs  were  transplanted  together 
with  ring  glands  into  different  adult  hosts.  Only  such  cases  are  recorded  where 
the  grafts  were  left  for  more  than  seven  days  in  the  host.  We  find,  for  example, 
that  a  melanogaster  leg  disc  in  a  melanogaster  female  host  in  the  presence  of 
only  one  ring  gland  has  already  differentiated  imaginal  characters  eight  days 
after  the  operation,  while  a  melanogaster  eye  disc  in  the  same  host  in  the  presence 
of  as  many  as  four  ring  glands  has  developed  only  to  the  stage  of  pigment  forma- 
tion 19  days  after  the  operation.  Since  about  the  same  amount  of  pigment  is 
present  in  melanogaster  eyes  which  were  left  for  eight  days  in  female  hosts 
together  with  two  ring  glands,  it  follows  that  the  differentiation  in  the  19-day 
old  eye  has  not  progressed  much  beyond  that  observed  in  the  eight-day  old  eye. 



Thus  in  a  melanogaster  female  host  environment  under  the  influence  of  two  or 
more  ring  glands,  the  eye  discs  reach  their  limit  of  differentiation  about  ten  days 
after  the  operation.  As  far  as  the  genital  discs  are  concerned,  we  find  them  to 
grow  somewhat  beyond  their  stage  of  transplantation.  Their  growth,  however, 


The  differentiation  capacity  of  different  discs  in  adult  hosts. 








of  trans- 








ring  glands 

in  host 


9  genital  disc 


viril.    9 



no  clear  change 


9  genital  disc 


mel.    9 



no  clear  change 


9  genital  disc 


viril.   9 





9  genital  disc 


mel.    9 







mel.    9 



light  yellow  spots;  no  hairs 




mel.    9 



light  yellow  spots;  no  hairs 




mel.    9 



light  yellow  spots;  no  hairs 




mel.    9 



red  yellow  spots;  no  hairs 




mel.     9 



reddish  spots;  no  hairs 




mel.    9 



brownish  hairs  and  chitin  diff. 


9  genital  disc 


mel.    9 



little  growth;  prepupal 


9  genital  disc 


viril.   9 



little  growth;  prepupal 


9  genital  disc 


.mel.    9 



little  growth;  prepupal 


9  genital  disc 


mel.    cf 



little  growth;  prepupal 


9  genital  disc 


mel.     9 



little  growth;  prepupal 


9  genital  disc 


viril.  cf 



little  growth;  prepupal 


9  genital  disc 


viril.  cf 



little  growth;  prepupal 


9  genital  disc 


viril.   9 



little  growth;  prepupal 


9  genital  disc 


viril.  cf 



little  growth;  prepupal 


9  genital  disc 


mel.    cf 



little  growth;  prepupal 


9  genital  disc 


mel.    9 



little  growth;  prepupal 


9  genital  disc 


viril.   9 



little  growth;  prepupal 




mel.    9 



yellow  red  spots;  no  hairs 




mel.    9 



yellow  red  spots;  no  hairs 




mel.    9 



yellow  red  spots;  no  hairs 




mel.    9 



large  reddish  spots;  no  hairs 




mel.    9 



large  reddish  spots;  no  hairs 




mel.    9 



large  reddish  spots;  no  hairs 




viril.  cf 



large;  no  hairs 




mel.    9 



brownish  hairs  and  chitin  diff. 




mel.    9 



brownish  hiiirs  and  chitin  dirt. 




viril.    9 



hairs  diff.;  still  white 




viril.    9 



brownish  hairs  and  chitin  diff. 




viril.  cf 



hairs  diff.;  still  white 




viril.    9 



brownish  hairs  and  chitin  diff. 




viril.  cf 



brownish  hairs  and  chitin  diff. 




viril.  cf 



brownish  hairs  and  chitin  diff. 

is  very  much  slower  than  that  of  leg  or  eye  grafts,  even  in  their  early  growth 
effect.  They  never  surpass,  as  said  before,  a  prepupal  stage,  although  they 
may  be  as  long  as  17  days  in  a  female  environment  under  the  influence  of  four 
ring  glands. 











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The  capacity  of  the  three  imaginal  discs  tested  to  differentiate  in  adult  hosts 
in  the  presence  of  ring  gland  thus  decreases  in  the  order  leg,  eye  and  genital  disc. 
This  can  be  demonstrated  conclusively  by  a  somewhat  different  experiment,  as 
follows:  a  leg,  eye  and  genital  disc  from  the  same  donor  larva  were  transplanted 
into  a  single  host,  together  with  ring  glands.  In  this  way  all  the  three  discs 
are  under  the  influence  of  the  same  number  of  ring  glands  in  the  same  host 
environment  and  can  thus  be  compared  more  directly  than  in  the  previous 
experiments.  Fifteen  such  cases  are  shown  in  Table  VII,  where  it  can  be  seen 
that  the  differentiation  capacity  of  eye,  leg  and  genital  discs  of  the  same  animal 
differs  markedly  under  the  same  hormonal  conditions. 

Before  closing  this  section,  one  further  point  of  importance  should  be  men- 
tioned. It  has  been  found  that  there  are  also  differences  in  the  differentiation 
capacity  in  the  various  regions  of  the  same  organ  disc.  The  clearest  example  of 
this  phenomenon  is  provided  in  the  differentiation  of  the  leg  disc.  While  it  is 
true  that  leg  discs  are  able  to  differentiate  to  imaginal  completion  in  adult  hosts, 
this  statement  must  be  modified  somewhat,  because  it  applies  only  to  the  distal 
leg  disc  portions.  It  is  known  that  the  larval  leg  disc  not  only  includes  the 
presumptive  tissue  of  the  actual  adult  leg,  but  also  some  material  which  gives 
rise  to  the  ventral  body  wall  in  the  nearest  neighbourhood  of  the  leg.  This 
proximal  portion  of  the  leg  disc  never  differentiates  completely,  while  the  distal 
leg  portions  consisting  of  femur,  tibia  and  tarsus  develop  to  imaginal  completion. 
The  differentiation  capacity  of  the  leg  parts  seems  to  increase  in  a  proximal 
distal  direction,  since  we  find  the  tarsus  segments  always  to  be  the  first  structures 
which  become  imaginal,  and  only  if  the  discs  are  left  longer  in  the  host  do  we 
find  tibia  and  femur  completely  differentiated.  However,  we  have  not  been  able 
to  compel  the  proximal  leg  disc  portions  to  become  completely  differentiated, 
although  the  discs  have  remained  for  a  considerably  longer  time  in  the  host 
than  that  needed  for  the  complete  differentiation  of  the  distal  leg  parts.  A  very 
similar  situation  prevails  in  the  eye  discs,  where  we  find  that  material  which 
gives  rise  to  pigment  cells  is  able  to  express  its  differentiation  tendencies,  resulting 
in  the  formation  of  well-differentiated  red  pigment,  while  the  material  destined 
to  form  hairs  or  lenses  is  unable  to  differentiate  to  any  great  extent.  Moreover, 
there  seem  to  be  regional  differences  in  the  eye  for  pigment  formation  also,  for 
we  observe  most  frequently  that  only  certain  eye  regions  are  pigmented  while 
others  are  still  white.  It  seems  possible  that  this  last  phenomenon  might  be 
correlated  with  the  position  of  the  graft  in  the  host  as  well  as  with  the  arrangement 
of  folding  of  the  developing  eye,  which  in  turn  may  affect  the  oxygen  supply  in 
the  different  eye  regions,  and  thus  promote  or  inhibit,  as  the  case  may  be,  the 
oxidation  of  pigment. 

b.  Differences  between  young  and  old  discs. 

Young  and  old  discs  in  the  same  hormonal  environment  differ  as  to  their 
time  of  differentiation.  This  has  been  shown  by  the  following  experiment. 
Young  and  old  leg  or  eye  discs  were  transplanted  simultaneously  into  single  adult 
hosts  together  with  one  or  more  ring  glands.  The  grafts  were  left  in  the  host  for 
not  less  than  nine  days;  they  were  then  dissected  and  compared.  In  all  cases  it 
was  found  that  the  older  graft  was  further  differentiated  than  the  younger  graft 
(see  Table  VIII). 



Differences  between  young  and  old  discs,  transplanted  together  into  one  host. 




Condition of  organ  at  dissection 
















Old  disc 

Young  disc 


young  and  old  eye 


mel.     9 



large  reddish  spots;  no  hairs 

large  white;  no  hairs 


young  and  old  eye 


mel.     9 



large  reddish  spots;  no  hairs 

large  white;  no  hairs 


young  and  old  leg 


mel.     9 



large,  with  white  hairs 

large;  no  hairs 


young  and  old  leg 


mel.     9 



large,  with  white  hairs 

large;  no  hairs 


young  and  old  leg 


viril.    9 



large,  with  white  hairs 

large;  no  hairs 


young  and  old  leg 


viril.    9 



large,  with  white  hairs 

large;  no  hairs 


young  and  old  leg 


viril.    9 



brownish  hairs  and  chitin 

large;  no  hairs 


young  and  old  leg 


viril.    9 



brownish  hairs  and  chitin 

large;  no  hairs 


young  and  old  leg 


viril.    9 



brownish  hairs  and  chitin 

yellowish  hairs  and  chitin 

c.   The  responsiveness  of  organs  of  different  species. 

If  one  compares  (Tables  VI  and  VII)  the  final  developmental  condition  of 
melanogaster  eyes  with  virilis  eyes  which  were  left  for  the  same  length  of  time 
in  an  approximately  equal  adult  environment,  one  observes  that  the  melanogaster 
eyes  have  developed  further  than  the  virilis  eye  discs.  This  indicates  a  difference 
in  the  competence  of  virilis  and  melanogaster  eyes  to  respond  to  the  same  hor- 
monal conditions.  The  same  indication  is  seen  in  another  set  of  experiments 
where  virilis  leg  discs  were  transplanted  into  virilis  female  hosts  together  with 
three  ring  glands  (five  cases)  and  melanogaster  leg  discs  (four  cases)  into  virilis 
females  together  with  three  ring  glands.  Eleven  days  after  the  operation  two 
melanogaster  legs  had  developed  hairs  which  were,  however,  still  white;  the  two 
other  melanogaster  legs  were  completely  differentiated,  showing  yellow-brown 
chitinous  structures  and  hairs.  Three  of  the  virilis  legs  were  without  any  hairs, 
one  had  hairs  but  was  white,  and -one  was  completely  differentiated.  Although 
these  observations  speak  for  the  assumption  that  virilis  organs  respond  with 
greater  difficulty  to  the  same  hormonal  environment,  there  is  one  further  point 
to  be  taken  into  consideration.  Virilis  and  melanogaster  differ  in  their  time  of 
development.  The  larval  as  well  as  the  pupal  period  of  virilis  is  much  longer 
than  that  of  melanogaster.  Therefore  it  is  possible  that  in  the  above-mentioned 
experiments,  leg  discs  of  unequal  age  were  compared,  especially  since  no  accurate 
record  was  made  of  the  exact  age  of  the  donor  discs.  The  observed  difference  in 
the  time  of  differentiation  between  virilis  and  melanogaster  organs  may  thus  not 
really  reflect  species  differences  but  rather  age  differences.  Even  if  we  assume 
that  the  organs  in  question  were  of  the  same  age,  this  would  mean  only  that  they 
were  alike  in  their  chronological  age  but  not  in  their  physiological  age.  In  the 
light  of  these  considerations  it  becomes  evident  that  it  is  rather  difficult  in 
experiments  of  this  kind  to  be  quite  sure  whether  any  discrepancies  in  the  time 
of  differentiation  between  discs  of  two  species  are  caused  by  species-specific 
responses  or  age  effects. 


The  present  investigations  have  brought  forward  a  number  of  pertinent  facts 
concerning  the  relationship  between  hormone  actions  and  tissue  competence  in 


the  development  of  Drosophila  organ  discs.  It  has  been  shown  that  the  organ 
discs  depend  for  their  growth  as  well  as  for  their  imaginal  differentiation  upon 
the  action  of  the  ring  gland  which  functions  as  a  gland  of  internal  secretion. 
As  judged  from  their  effect  on  test  organs,  young  ring  glands  produce  qualitatively 
the  same  hormone  as  ring  glands  of  a  mature  larva.  The  quantity  of  hormone 
produced  by  young  ring  glands  is  presumably  less  than  that  produced  by  old 
ring  glands.  Equal  ring  glands  differ  as  to  their  effect  in  hosts  of  different  species 
and  in  the  two  sexes  of  the  same  species.  The  amount  of  organ  growth  during  a 
given  time  and  the  speed  at  which  differentiation  proceeds  depends  upon  the 
number  of  ring  glands,  i.e.  on  the  amount  of  hormone  available  as  well  as  on  the 
competence  of  the  organs  to  respond.  Different  organ  discs  as  well  as  discs  of 
different  ages  and  different  regions  within  the  same  organ  disc  differ  as  to  their 
competence  to  respond.  These  facts  reflect  very  clearly  the  highly  relative 
nature  of  conditions  which  find  their  expression  in  the  processes  of  growth  and 
differentiation.  They  show  that  we  cannot  ascribe  absolute  values  to  either 
organ  competence  or  hormone  concentration  but  rather  that  we  have  to  measure 
one  in  terms  of  the  other. 

We  have  now  to  consider  in  more  detail  certain  aspects  of  the  problem  of 
hormone-controlled  growth  and  differentiation  which  have  arisen  in  the  course  of 
these  investigations.  For  this  it  seems  best  to  discuss  separately  the  principal 
points  in  question,  and  after  we  have  estimated  their  value  to  try  to  fit  them 
into  the  framework  of  the  general  concept. 

A.  Relationship  between  hormone  concentration  and  effective  level. 

Of  particular  interest  is  the  observation  that  organ  discs  transplanted  into 
adult  female  hosts  are  able  to  grow  even  in  the  absence  of  ring  glands.  Since 
we  know  that  the  growth  of  the  transplanted  organ  is  under  the  control  of  the 
ring  gland  hormone  we  might  assume  that  female  hosts,  in  contrast  to  male 
hosts,  either  produce  or  have  stored  some  hormone.  We  know  further  that  two 
ring  glands  have  the  same  effect  as  four  glands.  In  the  presence  of  two  or  four 
ring  glands,  therefore,  the  environment  of  either  female  or  male  hosts  must  be 
considered  saturated  with  hormone  as  far  as  the  growth  of  the  organ  is  concerned. 
We  should  thus  expect  the  hormonal  environment  of  female  and  male  hosts  to 
be  the  same,  i.e.  saturated  when  both  hosts  are  supplied  with  five  ring  glands 
each.  Consequently,  we  should  also  expect  the  growth  response  of  identical 
organs  grown  in  such  a  saturated  male  and  female  environment  to  be  the  same. 
This,  however,  is  not  the  case,  as  the  experiments  show  (see  p.  42).  The 
discs  in  the  female  environment  grow  much  better  than  their  partners  in  the 
male  environment,  although  both  were  in  a  hormone-saturated  environment. 
This  suggests  that  the  ring  gland  hormone  does  not  act  directly  but,  rather, 
indirectly  by  the  intervention  of  some  factors  in  the  host.  Limited  by  the  lack 
of  further  knowledge  on  this  point  we  might  assume  for  the  time  being  that  the 
ring  gland  hormone  establishes  what  might  be  called  an  "effective  level"  in  the 
host,  which  in  turn  is  responsible  for  the  various  reactions  of  the  test  organs. 
This  assumption  is  supported  by  the  fact  that  we  observe  similar  differences  in 
the  reaction  of  the  test  organs  under  the  influence  of  the  same  number  of  ring 
glands  in  different  species.  In  these  cases,  too,  a  different  growth  effect  is 
produced  when  the  hormone  concentration  has  saturated  'the  environment. 


For  example,  we  find  that  two  ring  glands  in  melanogaster  hosts  have  a  greater 
effect  on  the  growth  of  the  test  organ  than  four  ring  glands  have  in  virilis  hosts. 
However,  there  is  a  definite  relationship  between  the  hormone  concentration  and 
the  effectiveness  of  this  level.  We  find  that  a  low  hormone  concentration 
produced  by  one  ring  gland  is  unable  to  raise  the  host  level  to  its  most  effective 
state,  while  the  hormone  concentration  produced  by  two  ring  glands  already 
brings  the  level  to  its  highest  state  of  effectiveness.  Although  the  effective  level 
cannot  be  raised  above  a  certain  threshold  even  when  higher  hormone  concen- 
trations, i.e.  more  ring  glands,  are  used,  its  peak  effectiveness  is  nevertheless 
higher  in  females  than  in  males  and  in  melanogaster  than  in  virilis.  Yet  there 
is  no  apparent  difference  in  the  effective  level  of  the  females  in  these  two  species 
when  tested  without  ring  glands.  The  difference  between  the  species  becomes 
evident  only  when  their  levels  are  elevated  by  the  ring  gland  hormone.  Whether 
the  low  effective  level  of  female  hosts  is  caused  by  the  presence  of  a  small  amount 
of  hormone  is  as  yet  still  obscure,  but  of  course  possible.  In  any  event,  it  seems 
unlikely  that  some  hormone  is  stored,  since  in  this  case  we  would  expect  that  the 
stored  hormone  would  gradually  decrease  as  the  flies  become  older.  The  experi- 
ments show,  however,  that  young  and  old  flies  are  equally  affected.  Now,  when 
one  follows  the  thread  of  implications  connecting  these  various  points  it  becomes 
evident  that  one  may  obtain  different  effective  host  levels  either  by  varying  up 
to  a  certain  point  the  hormone  concentration,  or  by  varying  the  host  animals. 
For  example,  the  lowest  effective  level  prevails  in  female  hosts  without  ring 
glands.  The  effective  level  is  somewhat  higher  in  male  hosts  with  one  ring  gland. 
In  melanogaster  and  virilis  male  hosts  with  two  or  more  ring  glands,  the  effective 
level  is  lower  than  in  the  virilis  female  hosts  with  two  or  more  glands,  while  in  a 
melanogaster  female  with  two  or  more  ring  glands  the  effective  level  is  highest. 
If  in  the  following  we  speak  of  hormone  concentration,  it  should  be  understood 
that  we  always  refer  to  a  host  level  of  a  certain  effectiveness,  produced  by  a 
definite  concentration  of  ring  gland  hormone  in  a  definite  host. 

It  is  characteristic  that  organ  discs  are  unable  to  grow  in  adult  male  hosts 
without  the  support  of  ring  glands.  The  male  host  environment  was  thus 
considered  neutral.  Now  we  know  only  that  the  adult  male  environment  is 
neutral  as  far  as  the  larval  discs  are  concerned.  Whether  pupal  organs  which 
are  presumably  much  more  responsive  than  larval  organs  are  also  unable  to 
develop  in  male  hosts  is  not  known  so  far.  Actually  it  would  be  very  difficult 
to  prove  that  such  an  environment  is  neutral  in  an  absolute  sense,  i.e.  for  all 
larval  as  well  as  all  pupal  tissues.  If  we  should  find,  for  example,  that  pupal 
discs,  but  not  larval  discs,  would  develop  in  adult  male  hosts  and  from  this 
conclude  that  the  pupal  discs  have  attained  the  capacity  of  independent  develop- 
ment, this  conclusion  could  well  be  erroneous.  We  must  take  into  consideration 
that  the  effective  level  in  the  male  hosts,  although  too  low  for  the  growth  of  the 
larval  discs,  might  well  be  high  enough  to  assure  the  development  of  the  highly 
responsive  pupal  discs.  This  argumentation  brings  us  directly  to  one  further 
aspect  of  the  problem.  In  an  earlier  paper  (Bodenstein,  1939a)  it  was  shown 
that  eye  discs  of  young  pupae  continue  their  development  when  transplanted  into 
larvae  the  anterior  parts  of  which  were  cut  off  by  means  of  a  ligature.  From 
these  experiments  the  conclusion  was  drawn  that  pupal  eye  discs,  which  already 
had  been  stimulated  by  the  differentiation-promoting  hormone,  are  able  to 


develop  independently  in  an  environment  lacking  the  differentiation  stimulus. 
At  the  time  these  experiments  were  performed  we  did  not  know  that  the  ring- 
gland  is  the  source  of  the  hormone  which  promotes  differentiation,  nor  that  this 
hormone  is  produced  in  younger  larval  stages.  The  larval  host  therefore  was 
expected  to  contain  no  differentiation  hormone.  Although  the  source  of  the 
hormone  supply  in  these  earlier  experiments  was  cut  off  by  the  ligature,  and 
thus  no  hormone  coming  from  the  ring  gland  could  have  reached  the  transplant, 
it  is  highly  probable  that  enough  hormone  was  left  in  the  rear  part  to  account 
for  the  continued  development  of  the  transplanted  organ.  Since  we  must 
assume  that  even  a  very  low  hormone  concentration  is  sufficient  to  affect  the 
very  responsive  older  eye  discs,  this  experiment  does  not  prove  the  independent 
development  of  the  pupal  eye.  Ephrussi  (1943)  has  recently  performed  a  similar 
experiment.  He  transplanted  eye  discs  from  mature  larvae  into  the  abdomen 
of  young  larvae  and  observed  that  these  discs  developed  synchronously  with  the 
host  organs.  However,  in  another  series  of  experiments  where  he  transplanted 
eye  discs  of  one-day  old  pupae  into  young  larvae  he  found  the  transplanted  eyes 
to  develop  heterochronously.  In  these  cases  the  transplanted  pupal  eye  had 
already  formed  red  pigment  while  the  hosts  were  still  in  their  larval  stage. 
These  experiments  also  do  not  prove  the  independence  of  eye  development, 
for  the  hormone  concentration  in  the  young  larvae,  although  not  high  enough 
for  the  differentiation  of  the  larval  host  organs,  might  have  been  sufficient  for  the 
differentiation  of  the  pupal  eye.  In  the  light  of  these  considerations,  it  is  very 
difficult  indeed  to  be  sure  whether  one  is  dealing  with  dependent  or  independent 
development.  Again  we  are  confronted  with  the  fact  that  development  is  not 
the  reflection  of  absolute  conditions,  but  is  highly  relative  indeed;  it  is  the 
expression  of  a  very  delicate  balance  between  the  activating  and  reacting  systems 

B.   The  effective  level  and  tissue  competence. 

It  takes  about  eight  days  for  a  leg  disc  to  differentiate  to  imaginal  completion 
in  a  very  effective  female  environment  obtained  by  a  hormone  concentration 
produced  by  two  or  more  ring  glands,  while  in  normal  development  in  the  presence 
of  only  one  ring  gland  the  leg  disc  completes  its  differentiation  in  four  days. 
This  shows  that  the  effective  level  in  the  normal  pupal  environment  must  be 
much  higher  than  that  of  the  most  effective  adult  environment.  This  low  level 
in  the  adult  environment  is  very  fortunate  for  the  understanding  of  the  responsive 
capacity  of  the  test  organs,  since  it  has  brought  to  light  real  differences  in  the 
responsiveness  of  different  test  organs  and  of  different  regions  within  identical 
organs.  For  example,  if  we  compare  different  discs  as  to  their  capacity  to 
differentiate,  we  find  in  the  most  effective  adult  environment  only  the  distal 
parts  of  leg  discs  are  able  to  complete  their  imaginal  differentiation,  while  under 
the  same  conditions,  eye  discs  differentiate  only  partially  and  genital  discs  not 
at  all.  These  differences  in  the  responsive  capacity  of  the  different  discs  are  not 
detectable  if  we  grow  them  in  a  pupal  environment  under  the  influence  of  a  very 
effective  level.  For,  if  we  transplant  legs,  eyes  and  genital  discs  into  larvae 
shortly  before  pupation,  all  these  discs  become  mature  in  complete  synchrony 
with  the  host  organs  and  there  seems  to  be  no  difference  between  them  as  far  as 
their  responsiveness  is  concerned.  We  have  demonstrated  that  young  and  old 


discs  grown  in  a  highly  effective  adult  environment  differ  in  their  time  of  onset 
of  differentiation.  The  young  leg  discs  begin  and  complete  their  differentiation 
considerably  later  than  older  leg  discs.  When  finally  even  the  young  discs  have 
attained  imaginal  character  they  are  of  approximately  the  same  size  as  the  older 
discs.  In  other  words,  the  young  discs  grow  to  a  certain  size  before  their  differ- 
entiation leading  to  imaginal  completion  begins.  This  seems  in  disagreement 
with  the  results  of  earlier  experiments  (Bodenstein,  1939b)  where  it  was  found 
that  young  eye  discs  transplanted  into  older  larval  hosts  differentiated  pre- 
maturely, that  is,  before  they  had  reached  their  full  larval  size,  and  as  a  conse- 
quence were  finally  smaller  than  normal  eyes.  When  we  recall  that  the  effective 
pupal  level  is  much  higher  than  even  the  most  effective  level  in  an  adult  environ- 
ment, we  realize  how  we  can  explain  the  observed  discrepancies  between  the 
results  of  our  earlier  and  present  experiments.  Obviously,  the  pupal  level  is 
high  enough  to  induce  premature  differentiation  in  the  young  organ  while  the 
adult  level  is  able  only  to  promote  growth  in  the  young  organ.  Only  after  the 
young  disc  in  the  adult  environment  has  grown  to  a  certain  stage  and  has  thereby 
become  more  readily  responsive  is  the  low  effective  adult  level  able  to  induce 
differentiation  also  into  the  young  disc.  Experiments  in  which  the  responsiveness 
of  young  and  old  salivary  glands  was  tested  (Bodenstein,  1943a  in  press)  yield 
the  same  results.  These  experiments  show  that  differentiation  takes  place  only 
when  both  organ-responsiveness  and  effective  level  together  attain  a  sufficient 
value.  The  difference  between  the  responsive  capacity  of  young  and  old  organ 
discs  is  also  clearly  demonstrated  by  experiments  (Bodenstein,  1939a  and  b)  in 
which  very  young  eye  discs  were  transplanted  into  larvae  shortly  before  pupation. 
In  these  cases  the  very  young  eye  discs  wrere  only  partly  differentiated  at  the  time 
the  host  emerged,  although  they  had  been  under  the  influence  of  the  very  effective 
pupal  level.  This  shows  that  even  the  very  effective  pupal  environment  is 
unable  to  bring  about  complete  differentiation  in  test  organs  which  are  very 
young  and  hence  possess  a  very  low  responsive  value. 

If  we  list  the  different  organ  discs  as  to  their  capacity  to  differentiate  in  the 
most  effective  adult  environment,  we  find  them  arranged  in  the  following  order: 
legs,  larval  salivary  glands,  eyes,  adult  salivary  glands  and  genital  discs.  Under 
the  influence  of  the  same  effective  adult  level  we  thus  find  that  the  value  for  the 
differentiation  response  is  highest  in  the  leg  disc  and  lowest  in  the  genital  and 
adult  salivary  gland  discs,  while  the  values  for  the  other  discs  tested  fall  between 
these  extremes.  However  it  seems  that  the  larval  skin  is  more  readily  responsive 
than  all  the  organ  discs,  as  the  following  experiments  by  Hadorn  and  Neel  (1938) 
indicate.  The  authors  transplanted  ring  glands  into  young  larvae  of  the  early 
third  instar  and  found  that  under  the  influence  of  the  ring  gland  grafts  puparium 
formation  took  place  prematurely,  yet  these  prepupae  failed  to  develop  further. 
This  indicates  that  the  larval  skin  is  very  responsive  indeed,  since  it  responded 
to  the  increased  hormone  level  with  puparium  formation,  before  the  organ  discs 
\\rre  able  to  respond  and  hence  failed  in  their  differentiation. 

Viewing  the  specific  results  of  the  investigations  we  conceive  the  following 
general  picture  of  the  mode  of  action  of  the  ring  gland  in  the  development  of 
Drosophila.  The  larval  ring  gland  of  Drosophila  is  an  organ  of  internal  secretion 
which  produces  its  hormone  during  the  entire  larval  period.  This  hormone 
controls  the  growth  of  organ  discs  during  larval  life.  In  the  course  of  larval 


development  the  ring  gland  becomes  larger  and  produces  more  hormone,  while 
at  the  same  time  the  responsiveness  of  the  organ  discs  increases  as  they  grow 
older.  When  the  hormone  concentration  and  the  responsiveness  of  the  organ 
discs  have  reached  a  certain  value,  the  ring  gland  hormone  controls  imaginal 
differentiation  also.  The  evagination  of  the  organ  discs  is  the  first  indication 
that  they  have  reached  a  differentiation  phase.  In  normal  development  this 
stage  is  reached  at  the  time  of  pupation.  Pupation  is  thus  nothing  more  than 
the  first  step  in  the  process  of  differentiation.  The  kind  of  organ  response,  i.e. 
whether  the  organ  discs  respond  with  growth  or  differentiation  to  the  ring  gland 
hormone  depends  upon  a  definite  relationship  between  hormone  concentration 
and  organ  responsiveness.  It  is  very  probable  that  the  ring  gland  hormone  has 
no  direct  effect  on  the  reacting  organ  systems,  but  that  it  rather  acts  indirectly 
through  the  intervention  of  some  as  yet  unknown  mechanism.  If  these  conclu- 
sions deduced  from  experimental  results  are  correct,  it  should  follow  that  extirpa- 
tion of  the  ring  gland  in  the  larval  stage  should  prevent  the  growth  of  the  organ 
anlagen.  This  experiment,  technically  not  possible  in  Drosophila,  has  actually 
been  performed  by  Burtt  (1938)  on  Calliphora  larvae,  with  the  result  that  the 
growth  of  the  organ  disc  was  arrested  in  larvae  which  had  their  ring  glands 
removed.  These  experiments  then  provide  further  evidence  that  the  ring  gland 
hormone  controls  not  only  differentiation  but  also  the  processes  of  organ  growth 
during  the  larval  period.  The  general  interpretation  of  the  problem  under 
discussion  is  in  contrast  to  Hadorn's  view;  he  maintained  that  only  ring  glands 
from  mature  larvae  produce  hormone  and  that  this  hormone  controls  solely  the 
processes  of  puparium  formation,  but  has  no  effect  on  the  growth  or  differentiation 
of  the  organ  discs.  On  the  basis  of  our  experimental  evidence,  Hadorn's  con- 
ception seems  to  be  no  longer  tenable. 


A  variety  of  organ  discs  of  Drosophila  was  transplanted  together  with  or 
without  ring  glands  into  the  body  cavity  of  adult  flies  and  their  developmental 
behavior  in  their  new  surroundings  studied.  The  specific  results  of  these  investi- 
gations are  briefly  summarized  as  follows: 

1.  Organ  discs  transplanted  into  adult  male  hosts  cease  to  develop  but  remain 
alive  presumably  indefinitely.     The  transplanted  discs  do  not  lose  their  develop- 
mental potencies,  although  development  may  be  arrested  for  a  long  time. 

2.  Organ   discs   transplanted   into   adult   male   hosts  will   grow   and    finally 
differentiate  to  imaginal  completion  when  under  the  influence  of  simultaneously 
transplanted  ring  glands. 

3.  Organ  discs  transplanted  into  adult  female  hosts  continue  their  develop- 
ment at  a  very  slow  rate  even  in  the  absence  of  ring  glands. 

4.  There  is  no  difference  in  the  organic  environment  of  different  species  as 
far  as  the  development  of  test  organs  is  concerned.     If  however,  different  host 
species  are  provided  with  the  same  number  of  ring  glands  it  is  found  that  the 
ring  glands  have  a  greater  effect  on  the  development  of  the  test  organs  in  melano- 
gaster  than  in  virilis  hosts. 

5.  Ring  glands  of  all  larval  ages,  even  from  larvae  only  12  hours  old,  are  able 
to  induce  growth  in  the  transplanted  test  organ. 


6.  The  amount  of  hormone  produced  by  young  larval  ring  glands  is  less  than 
that  produced  during  the  same  time  interval  by  ring  glands  of  mature  larvae. 

7.  Different  organ  discs  differ  as  to  their  capacity  to  differentiate  in  adult 
hosts  under  the  influence  of  ring  glands. 

8.  Different  regions  within  the  same  organ  disc  also  differ  as  to  their  differ- 
entiation capacity. 

9.  Under  the  same  hormonal  environment  it  takes  the  young  organ  discs  a 
considerably  longer  time  to  complete  differentiation  than  it  takes  the  old  organ 

10.  The  ring  gland  hormone,  apparently,  does  not  affect  the  reacting  organ 
directly,  but  acts  rather  through  the  intervention  of  some  as  yet  unknown  factors 
in  the  host. 

11.  The  kind  of  organ  response,  that  is,  whether  the  organ  disc  responds  with 
growth  or  differentiation  to  the  ring  gland  hormone  depends  upon  the  relationship 
between  hormone  concentration  and  organ  responsiveness. 

12.  The  problem  of  growth  and  differentiation  in  the  development  of  Droso- 
phila  is  discussed.     It  is  pointed  out  that  development  is  not  the  reflection  of 
absolute  conditions  but  that  it  is  highly  relative  indeed;  it  is  the  expression  of  a 
very  delicate  balance  between  the  activating  and  reacting  systems  involved. 


BODENSTEIN,  DM   1936.     Das  Determinationsgeschehen  bei  Insekten   mit   Ausschluss  cler  friih- 

embryonalen  Determination.     Ergeb.  Biol.,  13:  174-234. 
BODENSTEIN,  D.,   1938.     Untersuchungen  zum  Metamorphoseproblem  I.     Roux  Arch.  f.  Entiv. 

mech.,  137:  474-505. 
BODENSTEIN,  D.,  1939a.     Investigations  on  the  problem  of  metamorphosis  IV.     Developmental 

relations  of  interspecific  organ  transplants  in  Drosophila.     Jour.  Exp.  Zool.,  82:  1-30. 
BODENSTEIN,   D.,    1939b.     Investigations  on  the  problem  of  metamorphosis  V.     Some  factors 

determining  the  facet  number  in  the  Drosophila  mutant  Bar.     Genetics,  24:  494-508. 
BODENSTEIN,  D.,  1939c.     Investigations  on  the  problem  of  metamorphosis  VI.     Further  studies 

on  the  pupal  differentiation  center.     Jour.  Exp.  Zool.,  82:  329-356. 
BODENSTEIN,  D.,   1943a.     Factors  controlling  growth  and  metamorphosis  of  the  salivary  gland 

in  Drosophila.     Jour.  Morph.  (in  press). 
BODENSTEIN,   D.,   1943b.     Hormone  controlled  processes   in  insect  development.      Cold  Spring 

Harbor  Symp.  on  Quant.  Biol.  10:  (in  press). 
BURTT,  E.  T.,  1938.     On  the  corpora  allata  of  dipterous  insects  II.     Proc.  Rov.  Soc.,  London, 

126:  210-223. 
EPHRUSSI,  B.,  1943.     Analysis  of  eye  color  differentiation  in  Drosophila.      Cold  Spring  Harbor 

Symp.  on  Quant.  Biol.,  10:  (in  press). 
HADORN,  E.,  1937.     An  accelerating  effect  of  normal  "ring  glands"  on  puparium  formation  in 

lethal  larvae  of  Drosophila  melanogaster.     Proc.  Nat.  Acad.  Sci.,  23:  478-84. 
HADORN,  E.  AND  J.  NEEL,  1938.     Der  hormonelle  Einfluss  der  Ringdruse  (corpus  allatum)  auf 

die  Pupariumbildung  bei  Fliegen.     Rmix  Arch.  f.  Entw.  mech.,  138:  281-304. 



(Department  of  Zoology,  New  York  University) 


Digenetic  trematodes  are  internal  flatworm  parasites  which  occur  in  all 
classes  of  vertebrates.  The  life-cycles  of  these  parasites  involve  two  or  more 
hosts  of  which  one,*  the  first  intermediate,  harbors  the  parasitic  asexual  stages 
and  eventually  liberates  a  transfer  stage  which  is  typically  a  free-swimming 
cercaria;  the  definitive  host  is  usually  a  vertebrate  which  harbors  the  parasitic 
sexual  stages  of  the  worm.  The  cyclic  transfer  from  one  host  to  another  has 
been  variously  modified  by  interpolations  of  additional  intermediate  hosts,  and 
by  complications  in  the  methods  of  infection  of  the  first  intermediate  hosts. 

Trematodes  belonging  to  the  family  Gorgoderidae  Looss,  1901  are  character- 
ized by  having  their  bodies  generally  divided  into  two  regions:  a  narrower, 
mobile  preacetabular  part  and  a  broader,  sluggish  postacetabular  region.  The 
cuticula  is  usually  smooth.  The  intestine  may  be  simple  to  ramified.  The 
genital  pore  is  median,  preacetabular  and  behind  the  bifurcation  of  the  gut  caeca. 
The  testes,  two  to  nine  in  number,  are  intercaecal  or  extracaecal,  usually  oblique, 
rarely  opposite.  The  ovary  is  usually  pretesticular.  The  vitellaria  are  paired 
and  postacetabular.  The  uterus  is  much  coiled  postacetabularly.  The  eggs  are 
relatively  small,  numerous,  without  filaments,  and  usually  fully  embryonated. 
Adults  are  found  in  the  excretory  ducts  and  urinary  bladders  of  fishes,  amphibians 
and  reptiles,  and  in  the  body  and  pericardial  cavities  of  marine  elasmobranchs. 

The  Gorgoderidae  consists  of  two  subfamilies  with  contrasting  characters  as 

Gorgoderinae  Looss,  1899  Anaporrhutinae  Looss,  1901 

1.  No  pharynx.  1.  Well-developed  muscular  pharynx. 

2.  Laurer's  canal  present.  2.  No  Laurer's  canal. 

3.  No  seminal  receptacle.  3.  Prominent  seminal  receptacle. 

4.  Parasites  in  urinary  bladders  and  ducts  of  4.  Parasites  in  pericardial  and  body  cavities  of 
fishes,  amphibians  and  reptiles.  marine  elasmobranchs  and  urinary  bladders 

of  marine  turtles. 

The  subfamily  Gorgoderinae,  at  present,  contains  the  following  genera: 
Gorgodera  Looss,  1899;  Gorgoderina  Looss,  1902;  Phyllodistomum  Braun,  1899; 
Xystretum  Linton,  1910;  Macia  Travassos,  1922.  The  genus  Phyllodistomum 

1  Submitted  in  partial  fulfillment  of  the  requirements  for  the  degree  of  Doctor  of  Philosophy 
at  New  York  University. 

2  Now  located  at  State  Teachers  College,  Springfield,  Missouri. 



has  synonymy  as  follows:  Spathidium  Looss,  1899;  Catoptroides  Odhner,  1902; 
Microlecithus  Ozaki,  1926;  Dendrorchis  Travassos,  1926. 

The  subfamily  Anaporrhutinae,  according  to  Nagaty  (1930),  contains  the 
following  genera:  Anaporrhutum  Ofenheim,  1900;  Probolitrema  Looss,  1901; 
Plesiochorus  Looss,  1901 ;  Petalodistomum  Johnston,  1912 ;  Staphylorchis  Travassos, 

Generic  diagnosis  of  Phyllodistomum  Braun :  Body  usually  spatulate.  Ventral 
sucker  usually  larger  than  oral  sucker.  Intestinal  crura  separate  posteriorly. 
Genital  atrium  usually  present.  Testes  two,  smooth  to  deeply  lobed,  usually 
oblique,  the  one  on  ovarian  side  being  more  posterior.  Anterior  testis  may  be 
cephalad  of  ovary.  Vas  deferens  long,  seminal  vesicle  conspicuous,  pars  prostatica 
and  ductus  ejaculatorius  generally  short  and  inconspicuous.  Ovary  entire  or 
lobed,  usually  posterior  or  lateral,  rarely  anterior  to  vitellaria.  Oviduct  relatively 
long,  arising  from  dorsum  of  ovary.  Fertilization  space  usually  evident.  Laurer's 
canal  usually  paralleling  vitelline  duct  on  side  opposite  to  ovary  and  opening  to 
exterior.  Mehlis'  gland  present  but  indistinct.  Metraterm  large  and  distinct. 
Vitellaria  compact  or  lobed;  common  vitelline  duct  very  short.  Eggs  in  metra- 
term  embryonated.  Excretory  vesicle  sac-like,  elongate,  its  pore  usually 

Gorgoderid  trematodes  are  usually  found  in  the  exretory  systems  of  their 
hosts;  however,  von  Olsson  (1876)  described  Distoma  conostomum  from  the 
esophagus  and  gills  of  Coregonus  maraena.  Nybelin  (1926)  stated  that  the  worms 
probably  had  emigrated  from  the  bladder  upon  the  death  of  the  host,  and  that 
he  always  found  this  species  of  trematode  in  the  urinary  bladder.  Van  Cleave 
and  Mueller  (1934)  have  likewise  reported  ectoptic  Phyllodistomum  superbum 
from  the  gut  of  Esox  lucius,  Percina  caprodes  zebra  and  Percopsis  omnisco-maycus 
from  North  America.  Both  Looss  (1899)  and  Odhner  (1902),  upon  the  basis  of 
morphological  similarity  with  other  known  phyllodistomes,  agreed  that  von 
Olsson 's  Distoma  conostomum  is  a  species  of  Phyllodistomum. 

There  have  been  more  than  40  seemingly  valid  species  described  in  this  genus. 

According  to  Nybelin  (1926)  the  first  report  of  an  adult  phyllodistome  is 
probably  that  of  Fabricus  (1780)  who  described  Fasciola  umblae  from  the  "kid- 
ney" of  Salmo  alpinus  (''in  sanguine  dorsali  salmoni  alpine").  Later  Fabricus 
(1794)  redescribed  and  figured  this  same  form.  Rudolphi  (1819)  renamed  it 
Distoma  seriate,  expressing  the  opinion  that  "sanguine  dorsali"  is  probably  to 
be  interpreted  as  the  kidney. 

In  the  year  1816  v.  Olfers  described  from  Esox  lucius  a  bladder  fluke  which 
he  called  Distomum  folium.  Many  of  the  distomes  found  by  subsequent  workers 
in  the  bladders  and  urinary  ducts  of  fishes  and  amphibians  have  been  referred 
to  this  species.  This  fact  has  created  the  extremely  difficult  taxonomic  problem 
of  attempting,  with  meager  data,  the  separation  and  identification  of  valid  species. 

Braun  (1899)  erected  the  genus  Phyllodistomum  with  Dist.  folium  Olfers, 
1816,  as  type,  and  included  in  the  genus:  Dist.  cygnoides  (Zed.)  Looss,  D.  cymbi- 
forme  Rudolphi  and  D.  patellare  Sturges.  Later  in  the  same  year  Looss  erected 
the  genus  Spathidium  with  D.  folium  Olfers  as  type.  By  the  laws  of  taxonomic 
priority,  Spathidium  has  been  suppressed  as  a  synonym  of  Phyllodistomum. 

Zschokke  (1884)  found  Distomum  folium  in  Coitus  gobio,  Thymallus  vulgaris, 
Trutta  variabilis  and  Salmo  umbla,  but  not  in  Esox  Indus.  Braun  (1892)  found 


Distomum  folium  in  Esox  lucius  at  Konigsberg.  His  account  indicates  that 
Zschokke  had  confused:  the  ovaries  (2)  with  the  vitellaria,  the  oviducts  with  the 
vitelline  ducts;  he  failed  to  see  the  ovary;  the  shell  gland  was  confused  with  the 
vitelline  reservoir  and  the  vitellaria  were  eggs  in  the  uterus.  Looss  (1894) 
reported  Distomum  folium  from  the  urinary  ducts  of  Acerina  cernua.  Sinitsin 
(1905)  studied  fishes  from  Warsaw  ponds  and  identified  Phyllodistomum  folium 
in  Carassius  vulgaris,  Barbus  vulgaris,  Gobio  fluviatilis ,  Leuciscus  rutilus,  Scardinius 
erythrophthalmus,  Squalius  cephalus,  Idus  melanotus,  Aspius  rapax,  Abramis 
brama  and  Blicca  bjorkna.  Finally,  Zandt  (1924)  found  Phyllodistomum  folium 
in  Leuciscus  leuciscus  and  Leuciscus  rutilus  from  Lake  Constance. 

Looss  (1901)  described  Phyllodistomum  acceptum  from  Crenilabrus  pavo  and 
C.  griseus.  Odhner  (1902)  described  Phyllodistomum  unicum  from  Serranus  sp., 
Phyllodistomum  linguale  from  Gymnarchus  niloticus,  P.  spatula  from  Bagrus 
docmac  and  B.  bayad,  and  P.  spatulaeforme  from  Malapterurus  electricus.  He 
hesitated  in  placing  the  last  two  phyllodistomes  in  the  genus  because  they  had 
symmetrically  placed  testes  and  sharply  separated  anterior  and  posterior  body 
regions.  It  was  due  to  this  hesitation  that  Odhner  in  Looss  (1902)  erected  the 
questionable  genus  Catoptroides  with  P.  spatula  Odhner  as  type. 

Osborn  (1903)  described  P.  americanum  from  North  American  Amblystoma 
tigrinum.  Since  that  time,  descriptions  of  phyllodistome  species  have  been 
generally  complete  enough  to  reduce  taxonomic  difficulties. 

Two  complete  and  several  incomplete  life-histories  have  been  reported  for 
members  of  this  subfamily.  Incomplete  cycles  were  determined  by  Sinitsin 
(1905)  for  three  species  of  Gorgodera  and  Gorgoderina  vitelliloba.  Krull  (1935) 
experimentally  proved  the  life-cycle  of  Gorgodera  amplicava.  Rankin  (1939) 
determined  the  life-history  of  Gorgoderina  attenuata,  the  first  for  any  North 
American  species  of  that  genus.  Except  for  abstracts  by  Crawford  (1939,  1940) 
on  the  life-history  of  Phyllodistomum  americanum,  and  Goodchild  (1940)  on  the 
life-history  of  P.  solidum  there  have  been  no  life-histories  reported  for  North 
American  phyllodistomes. 

Several  European  workers -have  postulated,  upon  morphological  similarity 
and  slight  experimental  evidence,  certain  relationships  between  cercariae  or 
metacercariae  and  sexually  mature  phyllodistomes.  Nybelin  (1926)  summarized 
and  amplified  these  speculations  concerning  European  phyllodistome  life- 
histories.  Looss  (1894),  Liihe  (1909)  and  Odhner  (1911)  proposed  that  Cercaria 
duplicata  v.  Baer  which  develops  in  Anodontites  cygnea,  Anodontites  anatina  and 
A.  cygnea  ventricosa  is  the  larva  of  Phyllodistomum  folium  (Olfers).  Nybelin 
(1926),  on  the  other  hand,  stated  his  belief  that  C.  duplicata,  as  at  present  defined, 
consists  of  three  separate  cercariae:  (1)  C.  duplicata  Wagener,  1851  (Nybelin 
stated  that  this  larva  must  be  removed  from  the  phyllodistome  cercariae  because 
it  possesses  a  pharynx  and  has  a  Y-shaped  excretory  bladder) ;  (2)  C.  duplicata 
Pagenstecher,  1857  (also  accredited  with  a  pharynx,  which  Nybelin  regards  as 
an  error  in  observation) — Nybelin  was  unable  to  link  this  cercaria  with  any 
known  adult  phyllodistome;  (3)  C.  duplicata  Reuss,  1903  (=  C.  duplicata  v.  Baer 
according  to  Nybelin).  In  extensive  feeding  experiments  of  metacercariae  from 
C.  duplicata,  using  16  different  species  of  fish,  several  of  which  are  natural  hosts 
for  Phyllodistomum  folium,  Reuss  was  unable  to  obtain  any  sexually  mature 
distomes.  He  found  metacercarial  excystment  only  in  two  species,  Cyprinus 


carpio  and  Tinea  vulgaris,  but  there  was  no  progressive  development;  thus  he 
was  unable  to  determine  the  species  of  the  adult  phyllodistome.  Nybelin 
postulated,  upon  the  basis  of  the  sucker  ratio,  the  position  of  the  genital  pri- 
mordium  and  the  position  of  the  genital  pore,  that  C.  duplicata  of  Reuss  is  the 
larva  of  Phyllodistomum  elongatum;  this  hypothesis  seems  untenable  because 
Reuss  was  unable  to  find  metacercarial  excystment  in  Abramis  brama  which 
Nybelin  listed  as  a  normal  host  for  the  sexually  mature  P.  elongatum. 

Nybelin  believed  that  the  short-tailed  cercaria  described  by  Sinitsin  (1901) 
as  the  larva  of  Phyllodistomum  folium  is  a  true  phyllodistome  cercaria,  but  is  not 
that  of  P.  folium  because  the  cercaria  had  an  acetabulum  smaller  than  the  oral 
sucker;  the  smallest  adult  P.  folium  which  Nybelin  observed  (0.45  mm.  long), 
had  an  acetabulum  larger  than  the  oral  sucker.  Nybelin  stated  that  this  short- 
tailed  cercaria  may  represent  the  larva  of  P.  elongatum,  the  other  known  bladder 
fluke  of  cyprinids.  This  assumption  is  inconsistent,  however,  because  in  the 
same  paper  he  had  already  proposed  the  C.  duplicata  of  Reuss  to  be  the  larva  of 
P.  elongatum,  "Die  einzige  Larvenform  fiir  welche  eine  Vermutung  der  Artzu- 
gehorigkeit  einigermassen  berechtigt  erscheint,  ist  die  von  Reuss  naher  behandelte, 
welche  durch  ihre  etwa  gleichgrossen  Saugnapfen,  durch  die  Anlage  des  vorderen 
Hodens  schrag  hinter  der  Anlage  des  Germariums  und  vor  alien  durch  die  dicht 
vor  dem  Bauchsaugnapf  gelegene  Anlage  des  Genitalporus  sehr  an  Ph.  elongatum 
erinnert."  This  seeming  contradiction  Nybelin  avoided  by  a  second  assumption 
as  to  the  fate  of  the  cercaria  described  by  Reuss,  "Es  ist  also  auch  in  diesem 
Falle  nicht  moglich,  etwas  bestimmtes  zu  sagen;  es  ware  sogar  denkbar,  dass 
sich  Reuss'  Cercarie  zu  Ph.  pseudofolium  entwickeln  konnte."  However,  the 
validity  of  this  species  has  been  questioned;  Lewis  (1935)  threw  P.  pseudofolium 
into  synonymy  with  P.  folium. 

Odhner  (1911)  stated  that  the  stumpy-tailed  cercaria  of  Sinitsin  (1901)  is 
the  larva  of  P.  macrocotyle.  However,  Nvbelin  (1926),  Zandt  (1924)  and  Lewis 
(1935)  agreed  that  P.  macrocotyle  is  synonymous  with  P.  folium.  Odhner  (1911) 
believed  that  the  marine  "  Rattenkonigcercaria  "  Cercaria  clausii  when  eaten  by 
the  fish  Chrysophrys  aurata  develops  into  Phyllodistomum  acceptum.  This  belief 
was  accepted  by  Steelman  (1938)  who  accordingly  suppressed  P.  acceptum  as  a 
synonym  of  Phyllodistomum  clausii?  Nybelin  summarized  these  life-history 
studies  and  speculations  in  his  statement,  "Es  ist  also  gegenwartig  fiir  keine 
Phyllodistomum-Art  moglich,  die  zugehorige  Cercarienform  sicher  anzugeben; 
die  postembryonale  Entwicklungsgeschichte  der  einzelnen  Arten  dieser  Gattung 
muss  vielmehr  ganz  von  neuem,  und  zwar  am  bestem  auf  experimentellem  Wege 
studiert  werden."  This  is  the  only  way  reliable  results  are  obtainable;  and 
furthermore,  life-history  studies  based  upon  controlled  experimentation  will  be 
invaluable  for  clarification  of  the  chaotic  taxonomic  status  of  the  sexually  mature 

The  first  phyllodistome  life-history  to  be  experimentally  completed  in  the 
laboratory  was  reported  by  Goodchild  (1940)  for  Phyllodistomum  solidum  Rankin, 
1937  which  consisted  of  the  following  stages:  sexually  mature  distomes  in  the 
urinary  bladder  of  Desmognathus  fuscus  fuscus,  sporocysts  and  young  cercariae 
in  Pisidium  abditum,  and  metacercariae  in  naiads  of  several  species  of  Odonata. 

3  Cable  [1942.     Jour.  Parasit.  28  (6  supp!.)]  proposes  that  Cercaria  clausii  is  the  larva  of  a 
fish  trematode  belonging  to  the  family  Lepocreadiidae  or  the  family  Gyliauchenidae. 


In  the  present  paper,  the  various  stages  of  the  parasite  are  described  and  experi- 
ments proving  the  life-cycle  are  cited. 

The  author  wishes  to  acknowledge  the  encouragement  and  helpful  criticism 
given  by  Professor  H.  W.  Stunkard  during  both  the  progress  of  the  experimental 
portions  of  the  study  and  the  preparation  of  the  manuscript. 


A.  Bivalves  and  asexual  stages. 

The  fresh-water  sphaeriid  hosts  of  gorgoderid  trematode  asexual  larval  stages 
are  grouped  into  the  three  genera:  Sphaerium,  Musculium  and  Pisidium.  Pisi- 
dium  abditum,  host  of  C.  Phyllodistomum  solidum,  were  collected  from  Barrett 
Pond  near  Cold  Spring  on  Hudson,  N.  Y.,  in  October  and  November  1937,  and 
during  the  summers  of  1938,  1939  and  1940.  The  clams  were  collected  by 
careful  examination  of  small  quantities  of  bottom  in  regions  where  they  were 
abundant.  In  this  way,  two  collectors  were  able  to  take  about  300  clams  in 
one  day.  In  the  laboratory  they  were  separated  into  lots  of  about  25  to  30  each 
and  placed  with  a  small  amount  of  pond  debris  into  finger-bowls.  They  were 
then  set  in  running  water  to  maintain  a  lower  temperature.  Every  morning 
each  container  was  examined  for  cercariae  with  the  aid  of  a  3X  lens;  this  method 
proved  adequate  for  locating  the  cercariae,  but  as  a  final  check,  each  bowl  was 
examined  under  a  17X  binocular  microscope. 

When  cercariae  were  found  in  any  dish,  the  clams  in  that  bowl  were  then 
isolated  to  obtain  the  infected  ones.  All  infected  bivalves  were  placed  in  indi- 
vidual containers;  this  separation  reduced  the  death  rate  because  infected  clams 
are  less  tolerant  of  conditions  of  crowding,  increased  temperature,  starvation 
and  fungal  infections  than  uninfected  molluscs. 

It  was  extremely  difficult  to  keep  the  clams  alive  in  the  laboratory.  The 
water  in  which  they  lived  was  changed  at  least  once  a  day.  Culture  water 
containing  various  species  of  green  algae  and  diatoms  was  introduced  in  small 
amounts  at  frequent  intervals.  Nevertheless,  the  mortality  during  the  period  of 
adjustment  to  laboratory  conditions  was  discouragingly  high.  When  kept  in 
running  city  water  the  results  were  more  encouraging.  Finally,  an  aquarium 
was  set  up  which  approximated  the  conditions  in  nature  as  much  as  possible. 
The  pond  debris  which  served  as  the  bottom  was  sloped  to  one  end  of  the  tank. 
The  depth  of  water  was  approximately  two  inches  in  the  deepest  part.  At  the 
other  end,  moss  was  introduced  and  a  fine  stream  of  water  was  allowed  to  trickle 
over  it.  It  was  possible  in  this  wray  to  have  laboratory-raised  specimens  for 
miracidial  infection  experiments. 

Infected  bivalves  were  teased  apart  to  obtain  mature  living  sporocysts  for 
study.  Mature  sporocysts  were  also  fixed  in  warm  (65°)  Bouin's  fixative  and 
stained  with  paracarmine  and  Delafield's  haematoxylin. 

B.  Odonatan  naiads  and  metacercariae. 

The  damsel-fly  naiads  which  were  used  as  the  second  intermediate  hosts  were 
both  grown  from  eggs  in  the  laboratory,  and  collected  from  a  small  pond  in 
Van  Cortlandt  Park,  New  York  City.  This  pond  was  free  of  Pisidium  sp.,  so 
the  naiads  were  the  equivalent  of  laboratory-raised  specimens.  As  a  control, 


25  per  cent  of  the  damsel-flies  were  dissected  under  the  binocular  microscope; 
they  were  all  free  of  any  helminth  metacercarial  infection.  In  addition,  the 
naiads  which  were  to  be  used  as  hosts  were  isolated  in  the  laboratory  for  two 
weeks,  after  which  time  they  were  starved  for  periods  of  from  three  to  seven  days. 
Starvation  made  them  so  transparent  that  examination  by  transmitted  or 
reflected  light  would  disclose  immediately  any  metacercariae.  This  period  of 
starvation  served  the  additional  function  of  causing  the  naiad  to  capture  and  to 
devour  eagerly  any  cercariae  offered. 

The  cercariae  were  removed  singly  by  micropipettes  and  introduced  into  a 
finger-bowl  with  a  starved  damsel-fly  naiad.  As  soon  as  the  nymph  had  seized 
a  cercaria  it  was  placed  under  the  microscope  and  the  penetration,  wandering 
and  encystment  of  the  cercaria  were  watched. 

Encysted  and  mechanically  excysted  metacercariae  were  studied  alive,  and 
also  after  fixation  in  Bouin's  fluid  and  staining  with  Delafield's  haematoxylin, 
Ehrlich's  haematoxylin  and  paracarmine.  Serial  sections  of  experimentally 
infected  odonatan  naiads  were  also  studied. 

C.  Desmognathus  fuscus  fuscus  and  adult  worms. 

The  salamanders  which  were  used  in  the  experiments  were  captured  as  young 
adults.  They  were  kept  in  the  laboratory  for  periods  of  from  12  to  17  months 
before  being  used.  During  this  time  they  were  isolated  at  monthly  intervals  for 
periods  of  from  three  to  seven  days  in  a  small  quantity  of  water  in  a  finger-bowl. 
The  water  in  which  they  were  living  was  examined  about  four  times  a  day  for 
free-swimming  miracidia.  Since,  in  agreement  with  Rankin  (1939),  it  was 
found  that  miracidia  will  live  under  these  conditions  for  as  long  as  24  hours, 
any  miracidia  shed  would  be  readily  found.  Salamanders  kept  under  identical 
conditions  as  controls,  when  dissected,  were  always  found  to  be  parasite  free. 

Adult  worms  were  studied  alive  and  after  fixation.  Bouin's  fluid  and  satu- 
rated mercuric  chloride  solution  with  about  5  per  cent  acetic  acid  added  were 
used  as  fixatives.  Whole  mounts  were  stained  with  paracarmine.  Serial 
sections  were  stained  with  Ehrlich's  haematoxylin  and  Mallory's  triple  connective- 
tissue  stain. 


1.  Experiments  with  first  intermediate  hosts: 

Infected  Desmognathus  fuscus  fuscus  were  isolated  in  finger-bowls  in  small 
quantities  of  water.  The  miracidia,  which  were  given  off  in  great  numbers, 
were  picked  up  in  a  dropper  and  introduced  into  a  finger-bowl  containing  actively 
crawling  laboratory-raised  bivalves  which  were  about  2  mm.  long  and  approxi- 
mately six  months  old.  The  miracidia  moved  about  in  more  or  less  direct 
courses.  They  were  not  attracted  to  the  bivalves;  they  would  swim  within  less 
than  0.1  mm.  of  the  clams  and  not  change  their  courses.  Miracidia  were  observed 
being  drawn  into  the  mantle  cavity  of  the  bivalve  by  way  of  the  incurrent  mantle 
cleft.  The  miracidium  of  Gorgoderina  attenuate,  according  to  Rankin  (1939), 
enters  its  bivalve  host  similarly. 

A  more  successful  method  of  infection  of  molluscs  was  to  introduce  an  infected 
Desmognathus  into  an  aquarium  with  clams  enclosed  in  small  wire  baskets. 
The  salamander  and  bivalves  were  then  allowed  to  remain  together  for  as  long 
as  one  week.  It  was  possible,  in  this  way,  to  obtain  50  to  70  per  cent  infections 
in  the  clams. 


2.   Experiments  with  second  intermediate  hosts: 

Damsel-fly  naiads  were  offered  cercariae  within  four  hours  of  emergence  of  the 
latter  from  bivalves.  The  violent  action  of  the  cercariae  attracted  the  attention 
of  the  insect  nymph.  The  labium  of  the  naiad  was  projected  out  to  grasp  the 
cercaria  which  was  then  pulled  within  reach  of  the  mandibles.  The  enlarged 
portion  of  the  tail,  because  of  its  turgid  spherical  cells,  prevented  damage  to  the 
distome  in  the  chewing  process.  However,  it  was  found  that  such  protection  is 
not  absolute,  because  about  15  per  cent  of  the  cercariae  eaten  failed  to  establish 
themselves  in  the  insect  host.  Some  of  the  failure  may  be  due  to  imperfect 
cercariae,  but  in  other  cases,  lacerated  and  partly  digested  cercariae  have  been 
found  in  sections  of  the  gut. 

The  insect  nymph  was  able  to  engulf  the  cercaria  completely  in  approximately 
ten  seconds.  The  tail  collapsed  and  was  digested,  while  the  young  distome 
penetrated  the  intestinal  wall.  Usually  only  one  minute  elapsed  from  the  time 
the  damsel-fly  naiad  took  the  cercaria  until  the  young  distome  had  penetrated 
the  crop  wall.  In  one  instance,  the  point  of  penetration  was  in  the  prothorax; 
the  worm  migrated  posteriad  to  the  anterior  edge  of  the  metathorax,  then  turned 
and  wandered  to  the  anterior  edge  of  the  mesothorax  where  encystment  finally 
took  place.  Usually  the  cercaria  encysted,  within  four  minutes  of  penetration, 
in  the  segment  in  which  it  pierced  the  crop. 

The  act  of  penetration  caused  apparent  discomfort  to  the  insect.  With  one 
cercaria  the  reactions  were  as  follows:  within  15  seconds  after  the  act  of  swallow- 
ing, the  naiad  rubbed  the  legs  together  and  also  rubbed  the  body  with  the  legs; 
then  it  started  nervous  wriggling  movements,  followed  by  short  random  dashes 
through  the  water.  If  several  cercariae  were  taken  within  ten  seconds  of  each 
other  multiple  penetrations  occurred.  The  initial  symptoms  of  the  insect  were 
then  intensified,  but  otherwise  similar  to  those  described  above.  However, 
after  about  one  minute  the  naiad  lost  its  equilibrium  and  went  into  tetanus.  A 
damsel-fly  thus  treated  would  not  take  additional  cercariae  for  at  least  30  minutes. 

Similar  behavior  of  odonatan  naiads  during  penetration  of  gorgoderid  cercariae 
has  been  reported  by  Sinitsin  (1905)  and  Krull  (1935). 

The  forming  metacercarial  cyst  wall  was  recognizable  as  a  delicate  flexible 
covering  within  15  minutes  after  cercarial  penetration.  The  anterior  end  of  the 
worm  could  easily  push  the  wall  out  of  shape.  After  cystogenous  material, 
which  was  emitted  through  the  excretory  pore,  had  been  deposited  in  one  region 
of  the  forming  cyst,  the  cercarial  body  was  then  thrown  into  a  figure-8  shape 
which  brought  the  oral  sucker  into  contact  with  the  extruded  cystogenous 
material.  The  oral  sucker  and  edge  of  the  mouth  opening  then  pushed  the 
material  into  a  smooth  layer  on  the  inside  of  the  growing  cyst  wall.  Meanwhile, 
the  posterior  end  of  the  worm  had  been  depositing  cystogenous  material  elsewhere. 
The  formation  of  the  complete  cyst  took  approximately  18  minutes;  the  activity 
then  gradually  diminished,  and  the  young  worm  was  practically  quiescent  one 
hour  after  penetration.  The  metacercaria  changed  position  in  the  cyst,  as 
indicated  by  drawings  made  over  a  period  of  several  days. 

Metacercariae  were  usually  located  in  the  thorax  of  the  naiads;  they  have 
been  found  as  far  posteriorly  as  the  second  abdominal  segment,  and  as  far  an- 
teriorly as  the  dorsum  of  the  head. 

Various  odonatan  species  have  been  tried  as  second  intermediate  hosts: 
Ischnura  verticalis,  and  Argia  sp.,  were  satisfactory;  Enallagma  sp.,  and  Libellula 


sp.,  were  less  satisfactory.  Ischnura  verticalis  was  easiest  to  obtain  in  numbers, 
and  since  it  was  the  most  transparent  of  the  odonatans  available,  it  was  used 
extensively  as  a  metacercarial  host. 

3.  Experiments  with  the  definitive  vertebrate  host: 

Metacercariae  which  had  been  watched  during  cyst  formation  were  dissected 
from  the  damsel-fly  naiads  and  fed  to  Desmognathus  fuscus  fuscus.  The  sala- 
manders became  infected  with  phyllodistome  bladder  flukes.  The  metacercariae 
excysted  in  the  small  intestine  of  the  urodele;  young  worms  were  recovered  from 
the  posterior  portion  of  the  large  intestine,  the  cloaca,  and  the  urinary  bladder 
within  24  hours  after  ingestion  of  the  metacercariae. 

In  one  experiment,  a  salamander  was  fed,  at  5  P.M.,  one  Ischnura  naiad 
containing  five  metacercariae;  at  10  P.M.,  the  same  urodele  was  fed  another 
damsel-fly  nymph  containing  two  metacercariae.  The  next  day,  at  4  P.M.,  the 
Desmognathus  was  sacrificed.  Three  small  excysted  phyllodistomes  were  re- 
covered from  it;  one  worm  was  found  in  the  posterior  portion  of  the  large  in- 
testine, one  in  the  cloaca,  and  one  in  the  "urethra"  migrating  into  the  urinary 
bladder.  All  these  young  worms  still  had  concretions  in  their  excretory  bladders. 
In  routine  examination  of  the  digestive  system  the  stomach  was  opened.  The 
damsel-fly  which  had  been  eaten  at  10  P.M.  was  still  being  digested;  one  meta- 
cercaria  still  encysted  in  it  was  found  and  studied.  The  stylet  was  attached 
externally  to  a  single-layered  hyaline  cyst  wall.  This  fact  seems  to  suggest  the 
presence  of  an  acid-pepsin  labile  outer  cystogenous  layer.  The  three  missing 
young  worms  were  not  found,  although  the  intestine,  the  Wolrfian  ducts,  the 
mesonephroi  and  the  coelom  were  examined  carefully. 

Worms,  of  increasing  size,  have  been  recovered  from  the  urinary  bladders  of 
the  salamanders  1,  2,  3,  4,  5,  15,  21,  30,  66  and  123  days  after  being  fed  meta- 
cercariae. See  Figures  9-14  inclusive. 

Various  vertebrates  have  been  used  in  experiments  with  these  metacercariae: 
Triturus  viridescens  viridescens,  Rana  pipiens,  R.  palustris,  R.  catesbeiana,  R. 
clamitans,  Micropterus  dolomieu,  Eupomotis  gibbosiis,  Carassius  auratus  and 
Cyprinus  sp.,  all  without  success. 


1.  Miracidium. 

The  ripe  eggs  in  the  metraterm  of  the  uterus  contain  fully  developed  motile 
miracidia.  As  many  as  300  free-swimming  miracidia  have  been  recovered  from 
undiluted  urine  squeezed  from  the  bladder  of  an  infected  salamander.  When 
the  sexually  mature  distome  is  placed  in  water,  eggs  are  passed  through  the 
genital  pore  and  hatch  in  10  to  30  seconds.  Ripe  eggs  of  members  of  this  sub- 
family usually  hatch  immediately  in  water,  although  Crawford  (1940),  for 
Phyllodistomum  sp.,  reported  a  two-day  interval  between  egg  deposition  and 


FIGURE   1.  Free-swimming  miracidium. 

FIGURE  2.  Miracidium. 

FIGURE  3.  Miracidial  epidermal  plates. 

FIGURE  4.  Mother  sporocyst  (48  hours  old). 

FIGURE  5.  Mother  sporocyst. 



FIG. 5 



hatching.  The  free-swimming  larva  (Figure  1),  45  to  55  \L  long  by  40  to  47  /z 
wide,  is  usually  mucronate-cuneate  in  shape,  but  may  change  to  pyriform  (Figure 
2),  often  with  the  narrower  end  anterior  (Figure  3).  These  latter  shapes  (Figures 
2  and  3)  are  usually  assumed  when  the  larva  is  fixed  or  imprisoned  under  a 
cover  glass. 

Externally  the  miracidium  is  covered  with  cilia  borne  on  16  epidermal  plates 
(Figure  3)  arranged  in  three  transverse  rows.  There  are  six  plates  in  the  first 
row,  six  in  the  second  row,  and  four  plates  in  the  last  row.  Sinitsin  (1905, 
pi.  Ill,  Figures  56  and  57)  likewise  indicated  three  transverse  rows  of  epidermal 
plates  in  the  miracidium  of  P.  folium.  Each  cilium  possesses  a  distinct  basal 

Internally  the  miracidium  is  provided  with  an  anterior  sac-like  "gut"  15  /z 
long  by  24  iz  wide,  with  a  small  apical  opening.  Situated  laterally  is  one  large 
gland,  34  zz  long  by  15  /z  wide,  which  opens  beside  the  "mouth."  This  gland  is 
filled  with  refractive  particles  which  stain  deep  maroon  with  neutral  red.  Rota- 
tion upon  the  long  axis  is  readily  observed  in  swimming  miracidia  because  the 
asymmetrical  gland  appears  as  a  rotating  large,  white  mass.  A  much  smaller 
gland,  which  may  represent  the  homologue  of  the  larger  gland,  is  located  on  the 
opposite  side  of  the  miracidium  and  is  often  connected  to  the  larger  gland-cell 
by  a  short  narrow  isthmus.  The  body  of  the  larva  is  filled  with  many  fat-like 
droplets  of  various  sizes.  Similar  droplets  appear  in  all  larval  stages  of  this 
bladder  fluke.  A  group  of  small  cells  with  large  nuclei,  which  may  represent  the 
germinal  elements,  is  found  in  the  posterior  end  of  the  miracidium.  Two  flame- 
cells  are  present  near  the  posterior  part  of  the  middle-third  of  the  body.  From 
these  flame-cells  excretory  ducts  lead  away;  the  ducts  follow  a  tortuous  course 
anteriorly  and  laterally  for  a  short  distance  and  then  they  turn  posteriad  and 
open  separately  by  small  lateral  pores  in  the  space  anterior  to  the  last  row  of 
epidermal  plates. 

2.  Mother  sporocysts. 

The  miracidia  after  being  drawn  into  the  mantle  cavity  penetrate  the  gills  of 
the  clam.  The  epidermal  plates  are  sloughed  off  in  one  piece  (Figure  4),  exposing 
the  subepidermal  layer  of  the  miracidium,  which  then  becomes  the  wall  of  the 
mother  sporocyst.  The  development  of  the  larvae  in  the  laboratory  was  slow. 
Four  weeks  after  miracidial  penetration  the  mother  sporocysts  (Figure  6)  are 
small,  240  p.  by  67  /z,  and  tubular,  but  well-organized  germ-balls  and  developing 
daughter  sporocysts  are  already  present.  From  six  to  ten  daughter  sporocysts 
are  produced  by  each  mother  sporocyst.  Flame-cells  in  the  young  mother 
sporocyst  are  located  in  the  peripheral  thickened  region  of  the  larva.  The 

PLATE    2 

FIGURE  6.  Young  daughter  sporocyst. 

FIGURE  7.  Mature  daughter  sporocyst. 

FIGURE  8.  Metacercaria,  encysted  (12  hours  old). 

FIGURE  9.  Young  adult  (one  day). 

FIGURE  10.  Young  adult  (five  days). 

FIGURE  11.  Young  adult  (21  days). 



FIG. 8 




sporocyst  wall  is  relatively  thick  (20  /*)  and  is  composed  of  clear  intercellular 
fat-like  droplets  and  cells  with  large  nuclei.  A  six-weeks  old  mother  sporocyst 
measured  490  p.  by  150  M-  It  had  eight  daughter  sporocysts  inside  which  ranged 
in  size  from  about  60  n  by  50  ju  for  the  smallest,  to  102  n  by  55  M  for  the  largest. 
These  young  daughter  sporocysts  already  had  a  wall  and  a  central  cavity  con- 
taining an  average  of  three  large  cell  groups  which  may  be  germinal  in  nature 
(Figure  5). 

3.  Daughter  sporocysts. 

The  tubular,  unbranched,  sluggish,  mature  daughter  sporocyst  (Figure  7) 
measures  about  0.67-1.25  X  0.32-0.40  mm.,  and  lies  between  the  outermost  gill 
plates  with  its  constricted,  evertible  anterior  end  embedded  in  the  gill  tissue, 
and  its  posterior  free  end  extending  into  the  interlamellar  gill  space.  The 
sporocyst  wall,  27  to  50  n  in  thickness,  has  a  thin  cuticula  beneath  which  are 
located  very  thin  circular  and  longitudinal  muscle  fibers.  The  most  conspicuous 
elements  of  the  wall  are  clear  vesicular  fat-droplets  ranging  from  5  to  17  n  in 
diameter.  Dobrovolny  (1939)  reported  similar  structures  in  Plagioporus  sinitsini 
sporocysts.  Definite  cells  of  two  main  types  also  occur  in  the  wall;  the  most 
numerous  are  about  10  n  in  diameter  with  nuclei  6  to  7  n  in  diameter;  from  two 
to  six  larger  cells,  15  to  20  n  in  diameter,  with  conspicuous  granular  cytoplasm 
are  also  present.  Many  opaque  granules,  about  one  n  in  diameter,  occur  in  the 
sporocyst  wall.  Flame-cells  are  similar  in  all  respects  to  those  described  by 
Thiry  (1859),  Looss  (1894),  Sinitsin  (1905),  Krull  (1935)  and  Vickers  (1940). 

The  interior  of  the  sporocyst  is  filled  with  developing  cercariae.  The  sporo- 
cyst usually  contains  a  number  of  germ-balls  and  a  maximum  of  seven  recognizable 
cercariae.  The  large  cercarial  tails  occupy  most  of  the  space  in  the  sporocyst. 
The  developmental  stages  of  the  cercariae  approximate  those  described  by 
Thiry  (1859)  for  Cercaria  macrocerca.  A  birth  pore  is  located  subterminally  on 
the  constricted  anterior  region.  Cercariae  can  be  forced  by  pressure  through 
this  pore;  usually,  however,  the  opening  is  indiscernible. 

Between  the  sporocysts  there  are  often  numerous,  opaque  "yeast-like"  cells 
of  unknown  origin  and  function,  which  aid  in  determination  of  infected  clams 
in  vivo  by  reflected  light  before  cercariae  are  shed.  The  sporocysts  are  usually 
grouped  in  the  posterior  to  postero-dorsal  gill  regions.  With  reflected  light 
they  appear  lighter  in  color;  with  refracted  light  they  appear  as  a  darker  mass. 
Unfortunately,  clams  which  are  carrying  young  in  the  marsupium  present  much 
the  same  appearance  with  both  types  of  illumination;  however,  the  developing 
young  clams  are  located  in  the  center  of  the  gill  region,  while  the  parasites  are 
located  more  posteriorly. 

4.  Cercaria. 

A  description  of  the  cercaria  of  Phyllodistomum  solidum  has  already  been 
published  by  Goodchild  (1939a).  In  this  same  paper  a  discussion  of  the  gorgo- 
derid  cercariae  was  given,  and  a  review  of  the  known  species  of  gorgoderid 
cercariae  with  their  differences  from  Cercaria  Phyllodistomum  solidum  ( =  Cercaria 
conica)  was  also  included. 



A.  Cercariae  without  stylets  (Parasites  of  Unionidae  and  Dreissenidae) 

B.  Tail  shorter  than  body  of  distome C.  Phyllodistomum  folium  Sinitsin,  1901 

BB.  Tail  longer  than  body  of  distome 

C.  Tail  with  an  anterior  enlargement  and  terminal  thread-like  portion 

C.  mitocerca  Miller,  1935 
CC.  Tail  lacks  anterior  enlargement  and  terminal  thread-like  portion 

D.   European  species C.  duplicata  v.  Baer,  1827 

DD.  American  species C.  duplicata  of  Leidy,  1858 

AA.  Cercariae  with  stylets  (Parasites  of  Sphaeriidae) 
B.  Tail  inactive  and  very  elongate 

C.  Suckers  of  distome  provided  with  sensory  bristles;  tail  4.4-7.5  mm.  long 

C.  Gorgodera  amplicava  Krull,  1935 
CC.  Suckers  of  distome  lack  sensory  bristles;  tail  8.8-9.6  mm.  long 

C.  Gorgoderina  attenuata  Rankin,  1939 
BB.  Tail  active  and  shorter 

C.  With  anterior  chamber  containing  the  young  distome 
D.  With  anterior  tail  enlargement 

E.  Terminal  filiform  portion  of  tail  shorter  than  anterior  swelling  plus  anterior  chamber 

C.  sphaerocerca  Miller,  1935 

EE.  Terminal  filiform  portion  of  tail  longer  than  anterior  swelling  plus  anterior  chamber 
F.  Cercarial  chamber  incorporated  into  anterior  tail  enlargement 
G.  Tail  enlargement  with  lateral  "wing-like"  distentions 

C.  raicauda  Steelman,  1939 
GG.  Tail  enlargement  without  lateral  "wing-like"  distentions 

C.  Gorgoderina  vitelliloba  Sinitsin,  1905 

FF.  Cercarial  chamber  in  front  of  and  distinct  from  the  tail  enlargement 
G.  Anterior  tail  enlargement  filled  with  spherical  cells 

H.  Chamber  containing  distome  ovoid;  anterior  swelling  1/10-1/13  of  total  tail 

length C.  macrocerca  Thiry,  1859 

HH.  Chamber  containing  distome  conical;  anterior  swelling  1/4-1/5  of  total  tail 

length C.  Phyllodistomum  solidum  Goodchild,  1939 

GG.  Anterior  tail  enlargement  filled  with  polygonal  cells 

H.  Filiform  portion  of  tail  with  four  equidistant  compact  longitudinal  muscle 

bands C.  coelocerca  Steelman,  1939 

HH.  Filiform  portion  of  tail  without  compact  longitudinal  muscle  bands 

I.  Distome  with  9  pairs  penetration  glands;  anlagen  of  testes  in  5  parts 

C.  Gorgodera  varsoviensis  Sinitsin,  1905 

II.  Distome  with  4  pairs  penetration  glands;  anlagen  of  testes  in  9  parts 

C.  macrocerca  Wagener,  1857 
according  to  Sinitsin  (1905) 
DD.  Without  anterior  tail  enlargement 

E C.  donecerca  Goodchild,  1939 

EE.  Undescribed C.  Phyllodistomum  sp.  Crawford,  1940 

CC.  Without  anterior  chamber C.  macrocerca  Wagener,  1857 

according  to  Wagener  (1857) 

The  presence  of  stylet-bearing  and  non-stylet-bearing  cercariae  in  the  same 
trematode  genus  is  unique.  In  the  Gorgoderidae,  moreover,  certain  morpho- 
logical and  physiological  relationships  always  accompany  the  stylet  condition: 
non-stylet  gorgoderid  cercariae  possess  precociously  differentiated  testes,  lack 
both  penetration  glands  and  definitely  organized  cystogenous  gland  cells  around 
the  excretory  bladder,  have  a  postacetabularly  flared  body,  and  parasitize 
members  of  the  family  Unionidae  and  Dreissenidae;  non-stylet  cercariae  lack 
intermediate  hosts  according  to  Sinitsin  (1901)  and  Reuss  (1903);  the  adults  of 
these  cercariae  are  parasites  of  fresh-water  fish.  Stylet  bearing  gorgoderid 


cercariae,  on  the  other  hand,  lack  precociously  developed  testes  [except  C. 
Gorgodera  cygnoides,  C.  Gorgodera  pagenstecheri,  C.  Gorgodera  varsoviensis  and 
C.  Gorgoderina  vitelliloba  described  by  Sinitsin  (1905)],  possess  penetration  and 
cystogenous  gland  cells,  usually  lack  a  postacetabularly  flared  body,  and  parasitize 
members  of  the  family  Sphaeriidae;  stylet  cercariae  are  eaten  by  second  inter- 
mediate vector  hosts  in  which  they  encyst  to  form  infective  metacercariae; 
adults  from  stylet  gorgoderid  cercariae  are  parasites  of  fishes  and  amphibians. 

All  sexually  mature  phyllodistomes  have  a  similar  morphological  pattern. 
Upon  the  basis  of  adult  structures,  it  is  impossible  to  determine  the  cercarial 
type  of  any  adult  whose  life-history  is  unknown.  If  subsequent  investigation 
proves  that  the  adults,  because  of  similar  habitats,  have  converged  to  a  common 
morphological  form  from  diverse  ancestry  (Text  Figure  1)  it  will  be  a  most 


(Catoptroldes)  Phyllodlstomum          Gorgoderlna  Gorgodera 

Cercariae  without  Cercariae  with  Cercariae  with 

stylets  stylets;  stylets; 

motile  non-motile 

Unlonld  and  Drelas-  Sphaerlld   parasites. 

enld  parasites. 

FIGURE   1.     Assuming  convergent  evolution  of  adults  from  diverse  cercarial  ancestry. 

striking  case  of  convergent  evolution ;  if  the  present  concept  of  close  adult  relation- 
ships holds,  however,  which  seems  most  likely,  it  must  be  assumed  then  that 
cercarial  structures  in  the  gorgoderids,  at  least,  are  only  caenogenetic  features 
which  have  been  modified  to  fit  the  exigencies  of  their  varied  life-histories  (Text 
Figure  2). 

5.  Metacercaria. 

One  hundred  and  forty-four  damsel-fly  naiads  were  each  experimentally 
infected  with  from  one  to  ten  metacercariae.  The  latter  are  easily  seen  in  vivo 
with  intense  reflected  light  because  the  opaque  concretions  in  the  excretory 
bladder  appear  pearly  white.  The  metacercarial  cysts  (Figure  8)  are  spherical 
to  ellipsoidal  in  shape,  with  the  relatively  inactive  distome  occupying  practically- 
all  the  internal  space.  The  very  delicate  hyaline  cyst  wall  (one  to  four  /j.  thick) 
of  cercarial  origin  is  evidently  later,  approximately  five  days,  augmented  inside 
by  a  second  cystogenous  deposit  of  optically  similar  material.  Vickers  (1940) 
found,  in  Cercaria  macrocerca,  a  group  of  about  one  dozen  large  cells  with  granular 
cytoplasm  located  antero-laterally  to  the  penetration  gland  cells.  He  stated, 
"they  may  well  be  the  true  cystogenous  cells."  These  cells  may  be  the  source 
of  the  secondary  cystogenous  material.  Whether  the  cercaria  of  Phyllodistomum 
solidum  possesses  such  cellular  elements  is  unknown,  however,  because  Vicker's 



staining  technique  was  not  used.  The  host  does  not  aid  in  the  formation  of  the 
cyst  wall,  but  host  cellular  elements  do  adhere  irregularly  to  the  outer  cyst 

The  cercarial  stylet  which  is  discarded  into  the  cavity  of  the  metacercarial 
cyst  during  the  first  24  hours,  is  at  first  free-floating  in  the  internal  liquid;  later 
it  attached  to  the  internal  surface  of  the  cyst  and  is  finally  embedded  between 
primary  and  secondary  cystogenous  deposits. 

The  growth  of  the  metacercaria  is  rapid:  cysts  after  24  hours  measured 
129  M  X  124  M,  after  15  days  162  M  X  155  M,  after  30  days  170/1  X  150  M,  after 
37  days  186  M  X  150  M  and  after  61  days  209  M  X  202  M- 

"active  stylet-bearing 
gorgoderld  cercarlae" 
(e.g.,  C.  macroeerca  Fll.) 

C.  Gorgoderlna 

C.  Gorgoderlna  attenuata 

C.  Gorgodera  ampllcava 

C.  mltoeerca 

C.  dupllcata 

C.  Phyllodlatomum  folium 
Slnltsln,  1901. 


With  stylets  Without  stylets 

FIGURE  2.     Assuming  divergent  evolution  of  cercariae  from  a  common  cercarial  ancestry. 

The  worms  can  be  excysted  mechanically  without  damage  to  the  young 
distome.  The  metacercaria  retains  the  cercarial  shape,  but  loses  the  oral  and 
acetabular  sensory  bristles.  Unlike  Gorgoderina  attenuata,  as  reported  by 
Rankin  (1939),  the  number  and  distribution  of  the  sensory  papillae  remain 
constant  from  cercaria  to  adult.  An  anterior  cavity  in  the  oral  sucker  indicates 
the  former  position  of  the  discarded  stylet.  The  penetration  glands  with  their 
ducts  disappear  and,  unlike  some  other  phyllodistomes  (e.g.,  P.  singular  e),  there 
are  none  visible  in  the  adult.  The  excretory  bladder  and  its  contents  are  the 
most  conspicuous  structures  of  the  aging  metacercaria.  Peculiar  "rosette- 
shaped"  refractive  granules  appear  in  the  cavity  of  the  bladder  during  the  first 
24  hours.  These  granules  and  the  diameter  of  the  bladder  both  slowly  increase 
in  size  with  age.  At  all  times,  however,  the  granules  are  clustered  in  what 
appears  to  be  a  cellular  membrane.  This  membrane  may  be  the  outer  wall  of 
a  "cell"  which  concentrates  the  metacercarial  metabolic  wastes  into  insoluble 


concretions.  The  excretory  granules  are  composed  of  an  insoluble  carbonate 
which  gives  a  pink  color  reaction  with  mercuric  chloride  solution,  and  which 
dissolves  with  the  evolution  of  a  gas  when  treated  with  an  acid. 

Little  actual  progressive  development  of  organ  systems  takes  place  during 
the  metacercarial  stage.  The  genital  complex,  the  digestive  system  and  the 
nervous  system  all  remain  at  the  cercarial  level  of  development. 

A  24  hour  metacercaria,  the  youngest  infective  larva,  was  0.25  mm.  long  by 
0.11  mm.  wide;  the  oral  sucker  was  62  n  in  diameter  and  the  acetabulum  64  /j. 
in  diameter;  the  club-shaped  excretory  bladder  was  82  n  long  by  34  ^t  at  the 
widest  part.  A  61  day  old  metacercaria  was  0.33  mm.  long  by  0.12  mm.  wide; 
the  oral  sucker  was  70  n  and  the  acetabulum  79  n  in  diameter;  the  excretory 
bladder  was  ovoid,  124  n  long  by  92  yu  wide. 

The  length  of  time  spent  by  trematode  larvae  in  second  intermediate  hosts, 
and  the  degree  of  differentiation  attained  in  them,  often  give  a  clue  to  the  funda- 
mental importance  of  the  host.  Certain  cercariae  (e.g.,  microphallids)  emerge 
from  the  molluscan  host  in  a  state  of  relative  immaturity  and  must  remain  long 
enough  in  the  succeeding  intermediate  host  to  complete  their  development. 
Other  cercariae  (e.g.,  strigeids)  may  be  apparently  completely  formed,  but  in  the 
intermediate  host  almost  complete  dedifferentiation  occurs,  followed  by  reorgan- 
ization into  new  and  different  larval  forms.  Still  other  cercariae  (e.g.,  am- 
phistomes  and  psilostomes)  normally  encyst  in  the  open,  or  within  or  outside 
the  host,  but  undergo  few,  if  any,  metacercarial  changes. 

In  the  gorgoderids  we  find  what  may  be  a  partial  recapitulation  of  such  an 
apparent  larval  phylogeny.  Cercaria  duplicata  of  Reuss,  immediately  upon 
leaving  its  host,  becomes  a  metacercaria  which  sinks  to  the  bottom  and  lies 
dormant  until  taken  in  by  the  next  host.  According  to  Sinitsin  (1901),  the 
cercariae  of  Phyllodistomum  folium  encyst  in  the  parent  sporocyst  which  then 
emerges  from  the  bivalve  and  is  eaten  by  the  next  host.  These  gorgoderids 
have  an  apparent  two-host  cycle. 

Typical  three-host  cycles  also  occur  in  this  group  of  bladder  worms.  The 
cercariae  of  Gorgodera  amplicava,  according  to  Krull  (1935),  and  the  cercariae  of 
Gorgoderina  attenuata,  according  to  Rankin  (1939),  are  both  passively  ingested 
with  food  by  snails  and  amphibian  larvae  in  which  they  encyst  as  metacercariae. 
The  cercariae  of  Phyllodistomum  solidum,  according  to  Goodchild  (1939a,  1940), 
and  the  cercariae  of  Phyllodistomum  sp.,  according  to  Crawford  (1939,  1940), 
attract  and  are  eaten  by  aquatic  insect  larvae  in  which  they  also  encyst  as 
metacercariae.  Sinitsin  (1905),  Lutz  (1926)  and  Krull  (1935)  have  also  reported 
finding  gorgoderid  metacercariae  in  aquatic  insect  larvae.  Progenetic  gorgoderid 
metacercariae  have  been  found  by  Wu  (1938)  in  fresh-water  shrimps.  The 
bladder  flukes  reported  by  Joyeux  and  Baer  (1934),  in  the  abdominal  hypaxial 
muscle  of  Rana  esculenta,  may  also  be  precocious  metacercariae.  The  inter- 
mediate hosts  in  these  three-host  cycles,  while  necessary,  are  hardly  more  than 
vectors  which,  by  serving  as  food  for  the  definitive  host,  enable  easier  completion 
of  the  cycle. 

6.  Adult. 

The  time  necessary  for  this  bladder  fluke  to  reach  sexual  maturity  in  the 
final  host  is  correlated  with  the  length  of  time  spent  in  the  second  intermediate 


host;  the  size  increase  of  a  61-day  old  metacercaria  is  comparable  to  a  15-day 
old  young  adult  worm  developed  from  a  four-day  old  metacercaria.  The  temper- 
ature at  which  the  urodele  is  kept  may  also  influence  the  rate  of  development  of 
the  worm,  but  as  yet,  no  controlled  experimental  work  has  been  done  on  this 
aspect.  These  lungless  plethodonids  require  a  cool  environment  for  satisfactory 
maintenance  in  the  laboratory  which  may  partially  explain  the  long  period 
required  for  sexual  maturity  of  the  worm  (95  to  130  days). 

Practically  all  development  of  the  fluke  takes  place  postacetabularly.  This 
region  increases  both  in  length  and  width  at  a  greater  relative  rate  than  the 
preacetabular  body  region. 

The  accompanying  table  of  measurements  (Table  1)  shows  clearly  the  increase 
in  size  of  the  body  organs  while  the  series  of  camera  lucida  drawings  (Figures  9 
to  14  inclusive)  shows  relative  sizes  and  growth  rates,  so  that  a  discussion  of 
progressive  development  is  unnecessary  here. 

The  sexually  mature  distome  (Figures  15,  16  and  17)  can  be  characterized  as 
follows:  Length  1.24  to  2.67  mm.,  width  0.76  to  1.27  mm.  The  body  in  fixed 
specimens  is  usually  not  sharply  divided  into  neck  and  discoidal  regions.  The 
oral  sucker  is  large,  0.26  to  0.47  mm.  long  by  0.27  to  0.48  mm.  wide,  terminal, 
and  cupshaped;  the  mouth  opening  is  subterminal.  There  is  no  pharynx. 
The  short  esophagus,  10  to  90  n  long  by  24  to  37  ^.  wide,  bifurcates  into  narrow 
crura  which  immediately  expand  into  the  large  digestive  caeca,  105  fj.  to  129  /j. 
wide,  the  anterior  lateral  edges  of  which  often  extend  forward  to  either  side  of 
the  oral  sucker.  Posteriorly  the  caeca  reach  approximately  two-thirds  of  the 
distance  from  the  posterior  testis  to  the  end  of  the  body.  The  acetabulum, 
390  to  580  /u  long  by  435  to  560  p.  wide,  is  located  between  the  anterior  and 
middle  body-thirds. 

The  ovary  is  large,  40  to  280  n  long  by  160  to  280  ^  wide,  ovoid,  usually 
dextral  rarely  sinistral,  located  about  midway  between  the  acetabulum  and  the 
posterior  testis,  and  overlapping  the  respective  gut  caecum.  The  vitellaria 
consist  of  a  pair  of  smooth  glands  lying  between  the  acetabulum  and  the  ovary; 
the  right  vitellarium  is  78  to  199  n  long  by  106  to  163  /j.  wide;  the  left  vitellarium 
is  65  to  177  //  long  by  110  to  140 /z  wide.  The  vitellaria  are  connected  by  a 
large  common  vitelline  duct,  the  whole  yolk-gland  complex  appearing  dumbbell- 
shaped.  A  Mehlis'  gland  lies  at  the  middle  of  the  common  vitelline  duct.  The 
oviduct  leaves  the  dorsal  side  of  the  ovary  and  runs  antero-mediad ;  just  before 
it  penetrates  the  shell-gland  (Figure  18)  it  enlarges  to  form  a  fertilization  space 
filled  with  sperm  cells;  at  this  same  point,  Laurer's  canal  is  given  off  dorsally; 
it  bends  anteriorly  and  opens  to  the  surface  dorsally  to  the  shell-gland.  The 
uterus  loops  over  the  vitelline  duct  and  bends  to  the  right,  at  the  lateral  edge  of 
the  acetabulum  it  turns  posteriad  and  runs  to  the  level  of  the  ovary  where  it 
turns  mediad  between  the  ovary  and  posterior  testis.  The  outlines  of  the  uterus 
are  indistinct  beyond  this  point,  and  the  rest  of  the  postacetabular  body  is 
filled  with  developing  miracidia.  The  uterus  is  visible  again,  running  dorsad 
and  anteriad  to  the  acetabulum,  where  it  expands  slightly  to  form  the  muscular 
metraterm  which  opens  into  the  genital  sinus.  The  ovoid  eggs  are  small,  30  to 
31  fj,  long  by  22  to  24  fj,  wide,  and  increase  in  size  with  the  development  of  the 
miracidia;  the  shells  are  thin  and  fragile. 

The  smoothly  contoured  testes  are  smaller  than  the  ovary.     The  anterior 



testis,  124  to  168  n  long  by  186  to  268  M  wide,  lies  usually  in  the  ovarian  field; 
often,  however,  its  anterior  edge  may  extend  to  or  beyond  a  level  with  the 
anterior  edge  of  the  vitellarium.  The  posterior  testis,  88  to  118  fj.  long  by  270 


Comparative  measurements  of  Phyllodistomiim  solidum  at  various  ages  and  from  different  sources 

All  measurements  in  microns 








no.  1 

no.  2 

P.  solidum 
ex  Rankin 

P.  solidum 
co-type  of 























Oral  sucker 














































Ratio    oral    to    acet. 

sucker  1  : 


































Gut  caeca 








































































































































Seminal  vesicle 

























to  325  IJL  wide,  located  on  the  ovarian  side,  is  more  attenuated  transversely  than 
the  anterior  testis.  The  vas  deferens  is  located  to  the  left  of  the  metraterm; 
it  expands  near  the  anterior  edge  of  the  acetabulum  into  the  conspicuous  seminal 


vesicle,  93  to  108  M  long  by  47  to  50  M  wide.     The  vesicle  also  leads  into  the 
genital  sinus  which  opens  to  the  outside  through  the  median  genital  pore. 


Gorgoderid  bladder  flukes  are  usually  found  in  the  urinary  bladders  of  their 
hosts.  In  Phyllodistomum  solidum,  the  young  worms  after  excystment,  emerge 
from  the  anal  opening  and  crawl  about  in  the  cloacal  cavity.  Eventually  they 
reach  the  urinary  bladder  where  they  reside  permanently.  The  method  of 
orientation  of  the  worm  to  the  proper  cloacal  opening  is  unknown ;  in  Desmognathus 
it  may  be  the  action  of  host  cloacal  cilia.  The  manner  of  infestation  of  fish 
bladders  by  gorgoderid  trematodes  is  still  experimentally  undetermined.  Sinitsin 
(1901),  in  feeding  experiments  with  metacercariae  of  his  P.  folium,  was  able  to 
recover  excysted  specimens  in  the  intestine  of  Carassius  vulgaris  and  Abramis 
brama  two  hours  after  feeding;  24  hours  after  feeding,  he  found  fewer  worms  in 
the  urinary  ducts.  He  suggested  that  young  worms  migrated  from  the  anal  to 
the  urogenital  opening;  this  assumption  remains  as  a  distinct  probability,  and 
the  hazards  of  an  external  migration  would  explain  the  decrease  in  numbers  of 
flukes  found  in  the  urinary  ducts. 

The  mesonephroi  and  mesonephric  ducts  of  larger  fishes  and  amphibians 
have  also  been  reported  as  additional  sites  for  bladder  flukes.  Sinitsin  (1901, 
1905),  Nybelin  (1926),  Lutz  (1926),  Odlaug  (1937)  and  Rankin  (1939)  have 
recovered  gorgoderid  trematodes  from  these  structures  in  fishes,  toads  and  frogs. 
This  fact  is  not  surprising  because  the  worms  probably  feed  on  the  urinary 
epithelium.  In  P.  solidum,  cells  of  an  epithelial  nature  have  been  seen  in  sections 
of  gut  caeca.  The  cercarial  lytic  penetration  glands  would  undoubtedly  aid  in 
loosening  the  epithelial  cells  which  may  explain  the  retention  of  these  glands  in 
some  gorgoderid  adults.  In  fish,  the  "urinary  bladder"  is  merely  the  dilation  or 
fusion  of  the  posterior  parts  of  the  Wolffian  ducts;  the  epithelium  is  continuous 
and  similar  in  both  ducts  and  dilations. 

Little  can  be  said  concerning  host-specificity  in  the  group.  Phyllodistomum 
folium  has  been  reported  from  Carassius  carassius,  Barbus  barbus,  Gobio  gobio. 
Scardinius  erythrophthalmus,  Leuciscus  rutilus,  L.  cephalus,  L.  idus,  Aspius  rapax, 
Abramis  brama  and  A.  bjorkna,  all  of  which  are  European  Cyprinidae.  P. 
megalorchis  has  been  found  in  Lota  lota,  Thymallus  thymallus  and  Salmo  trutta. 
P.  simile  has  been  taken  from  Coitus  gobio,  C.  poecilopus  and  Thymallus  thymallus. 
The  remaining  phyllodistomes  are  reported  from  only  one  or  two  host  species. 
P.  solidum,  as  previously  mentioned,  was  recovered  in  only  one  of  a  group  of  ten 
vertebrate  species  used  in  feeding  experiments.  Rankin  (1937)  reviewed  various 
expressions  concerning  host-specificity  among  helminths  and  stated  that  the 
North  Carolina  gorgoderids  have  an  amphibian  host-specificity. 

The  chaotic  taxonomic  status  of  the  sexually  mature  phyllodistomes  is  due  to 
synonymy  and  homonymy.  Mature  worms  have  few  distinctive  qualitative 
differences.  Morphological  structures  which  have  been  used  taxonomically  are: 
size  and  shape;  sucker  ratio;  position  of  ovary,  testes  and  vitellaria;  size  of  eggs 
and  contours  of  body  organs.  These  anatomical  features  do  not  all  remain 
constant  during  the  maturation  of  members  of  the  same  species.  P.  solidum, 
as  indicated  by  drawings  (Figures  9  to  15  inclusive),  passes  from  a  " gorgoderina " 
shape  to  a  phyllodistome  one;  the  oral-ventral  sucker  ratio  varies  greatly  in 


fixed  specimens  due  to  pressure  differences  during  fixation  (Table  I).  The  eggs 
likewise  vary  in  length,  from  24  to  31  fj,  and  in  width,  from  14  to  24  yu,  depending 
upon  their  age. 

The  synonymies  proposed  for  members  of  this  group  should  lead  one  to 
exercise  extreme  caution  in  future  gorgoderid  taxonomy.  Exact  taxonomic 
identification,  without  knowing  the  age  of  the  worm,  the  physical  conditions  of 
its  host,  and  the  normal  size  range  of  the  parasite,  is  extremely  difficult.  Speci- 
mens of  P.  solidum  from  New  York  State  are  usually  smaller  in  all  respects  than 
those  taken  by  Rankin  in  North  Carolina.  This  fact  is  explained  by  the  longer 
active  period  of  the  southern  host,  correlated  with  a  probable  one  year  cycle  of 
the  mature  worm.  From  observations  made  in  the  field,  it  appears  that  sala- 
manders are  infected  with  metacercariae  in  late  summer  and  autumn;  worms 
develop  to  maturity  during  the  remaining  portions  of  those  seasons,  and  during 
the  winter  and  early  spring.  Miracidia  are  shed  in  the  early  spring,  infecting 
clams  which  give  off  cercariae  not  before  the  first  of  July.  This  seasonal  cycle 
would  be  extended  in  the  milder  North  Carolina  weather,  allowing  time  for  the 
worms  to  grow  larger. 

The  caenogenetic  organs  of  the  cercariae  offer  more  promise  for  positive 
specific  identification.  Finally,  life-cycle  studies,  using  as  many  different  hosts 
as  possible,  may  settle  questionable  synonymy. 

Typical  life-cycles  were  formerly  believed  to  be  family  characteristics,  similar 
in  their  deep-seated  significance  to  the  structures  and  arrangements  of  adult 
organs.  In  the  Gorgoderinae,  the  life-histories  so  far  reported,  have  varied 
greatly  both  in  larval  structures  and  typical  sequences.  The  non-stylet,  stumpy- 
tailed  cercaria  described  by  Sinitsin  (1901),  encysts  in  the  sporocyst  which  then 
emerges  and  being  remarkably  buoyant  because  of  fat-filled  columnar  wall  cells, 
rises  with  sluggish  wriggling  movements  to  the  surface,  where  it  is  eaten  by  fish. 
Dobrovolny  (1939)  reported  the  same  type  of  life-cycle  for  Plagioporus  sinitsini, 
a  small  allocread  trematode  from  the  gall-bladders  of  fresh-water  fish.  He  also 
commented  on  the  loss  or  suppression  of  the  free-swimming  cercarial  stage  which 
has  been  observed  in  other  trematodes. 

The  non-stylet  rhopalocercous  gorgoderid  Cercaria  duplicate,  of  v.  Baer  (1827) 
and  Reuss  (1903)  emerges  from  its  bivalve  host  and  almost  immediately  the 
anterior  portion  of  the  large  cercarial  tail  distends  anteriorly  to  enclose  the 
distome  in  a  tail  chamber.  In  the  more  typical  gorgoderid  cercariae,  the  same 
enclosing  mechanism  is  effected  precociously  in  the  sporocyst.  The  stage 
represented  by  Reuss  in  Figure  4,  if  complete,  does  not  represent  an  encysted 
gorgoderid  metacercaria;  he  shows  the  distome  body  free  in  the  tail  chamber 
without  any  indication  of  a  true  enclosing  cyst  membrane.  This  fact  may 
explain  Reuss'  inability  to  get  further  development  of  the  worm  in  feeding 
experiments  with  any  of  16  different  species  of  fish. 

Nybelin  (1926)  reported  the  encysted  metacercariae  of  P.  megalorchis  from 
the  fish,  Phoxinus  sp.  Identification  of  the  trematode  was  circumstantially 
based  on  the  presence  of  only  this  one  known  species  of  sexually  mature  phyllo- 
distome  in  the  same  waters.  The  stylet  cercaria  was  not  found. 

Arthropods  have  also  been  reported  as  intermediate  hosts  of  gorgoderid 
trematodes  by  Sinitsin  (1905),  Liitz  (1926),  Krull  (1935),  Wti  (1938),  Crawford 
(1939,  1940)  and  Goodchild  (1939a,  1940). 



FIG. 13 

FIG.  15 


FIGURE  12.  Young  adult  (66  days). 

FIGURE  13.  Young  adult  (95  days). 

FIGURE  14.  Young  adult  (123  days). 

FIGURE  15.  Mature  Phyllodistormtm  solidiini. 



FIG.  17 

FIG. 16 


FIGURE   16.     Co-type,  P.  solidum  of  Rankin. 
FIGURE   17.     Shapes  of  living  P.  solidum. 
FIGURE  18.     Genital  complex  of  adult. 


Sinitsin  (1905)  described  inclusive  life-cycles  for  Gorgodera  pagenstecheri  and 
Gorgoderina  vitelliloba,  while  for  Gorgodera  cygnoides  and  Gorgodera  varsoviensis, 
he  conducted  incompletely  controlled  life-history  studies.  In  all  four  of  these 
species  odonatan  naiads  and  beetle  larvae  served  as  second  intermediate  hosts. 
Lutz  (1926)  reported  from  South  America  that  macrocercous  gorgoderid  cercariac 
when  eaten  by  odonatan  larvae  penetrated  the  esophagus  in  the  wall  of  which 
they  encysted.  Wu  (1938)  reported  the  progenetic  metacercariae  of  P.  lesteri 
from  Chinese  fresh-water  shrimps,  Palaemon  asperuhis  and  P.  nipponensis;  he 
was  unable  to  determine  the  host  of  the  adult  worm.  Crawford  (1939,  1940) 
found  that  odonatan  larvae,  caddice-fly  larvae  and  diving-beetle  larvae  served 
as  the  second  intermediate  hosts  of  P.  americanum.  Goodchild  (1939a,  1940, 
and  in  this  paper)  has  reported  odonatan  nymphs  as  intermediate  hosts  of 
P.  solidum.  Krull  (1933,  1935)  determined  that  the  cercariae  of  Gorgodera 
amplicava  was  ingested  by  the  snail,  Ilelisoma  antrosa  in  which  it  became  an 
infective  metacercariae.  Krull  (1935)  reported  that  "frog  bladder  fluke  cer- 
cariae" were  ingested  by  the  nymphs  of  damsel-flies,  Lestes  sp.,  and  formed 
metacercariae  in  the  body  cavity. 

Rankin  (1939)  determined  that  tadpoles  of  Rana  pipiens,  R.  clamitans  and 
the  snail,  Pseudosuccinea  columella  serve  as  the  intermediate  hosts  of  Gorgoderina 

Gorgoderids  with  two-host  cycles  and  those  with  three-host  cycles  would 
appear  to  be  distantly  related.  It  is  possible  to  assume,  however,  that  there  is 
present  in  this  group,  the  fortunate  retention  of  intermediate  forms  in  a  rather 
complete  evolutionary  series.  The  phylogenetic  modifications  and  specializations 
of  the  life-cycle  have  not  altered  the  fundamental  morphologies  of  the  adults  or 
the  preference  for  their  customary  parasitic  sites. 

1.  Gorgodera  and  Gorgoderina. 

These  genera  have  been  accepted  as  valid  since  Looss  (1902)  separated  them 
on  the  basis  of  the  number  of  testes,  of  which  the  former  had  nine,  the  latter  two. 
Rankin  (1939)  showed  that  metacercariae  of  Gorgoderina  attenuata  have  nine 
testes  (six  on  one  side,  three  on  the  other)  which  gradually  fuse  to  form  two  in 
the  maturing  adult.  In  the  same  paper,  he  concluded  that  although  these  two 
genera  of  worms  are  definitely  separable,  nevertheless,  "the  genera  Gorgodera 
and  Gorgoderina  are  apparently  very  closely  related,  not  only  morphologically, 
but  also  with  respect  to  their  life  cycles  and  modes  of  development."  Krull 
(1935)  reported  that  in  one  of  the  largest  metacercariae  of  Gorgodera  amplicava 
a  posteriorly  extended  string  of  cells  showed  enlargements  which  were  the 
primordia  of  testes.  However,  in  young  adults  the,  "dense  testicular  mass  shows 
little  evidence  of  being  subdivided  into  testes,  and  there  is  little  separation  into 
right  and  left  parts  until  maturity."  This  testicular  condition  again  reveals  the 
closeness  of  these  two  genera.  Odlaug  (1937),  reporting  on  young  kidney  stages 
of  Gorgodera  amplicava,  showed  early  separation  into  testicular  masses.  Although 
Odlaug's  interpretation  of  the  number  of  these  units  was  probably  erroneous, 
in  that  the  ovary  and  vitellaria  were  interpreted  as  testes,  nevertheless,  the  early 
testicular  segregation  that  he  found  is  significant. 


2.  Gorgoderina  and  Phyllodistomum. 

For  opinions  regarding  the  identity  of  these  two  genera  see:  Osborn  (1903), 
Sinitsin  (1905),  Cort  (1912),  Nybelin  (1926),  Ozaki  (1926),  Pande  (1937)  and 
Byrd,  Venard  and  Reiber  (1940).  Crawford  (1939,  1940)  described  a  bladder 
fluke  from  Bufo  boreas  boreas  and  Amblystoma  tigrinum  which  is  intermediate 
between  the  two  genera.  This  worm  has  a  phyllodistome-like  postacetabularly 
flared  body,  but  also  possesses  prominent  uterine  coils  between  the  vitelline 
complex  and  the  acetabulum  (P.  acceptum  and  P.  marinum  have  similar  morpho- 
logical traits),  a  condition  regularly  found  in  the  genus  Gorgoderina.  In  its 
early  adult  development  this  worm  also  passes  through  a  typical  Gorgoderina 

Gorgoderina  schistorchis  Steelman,  1938  and  Gorgoderina  tenua  Rankin,  1937 
possess  phyllodistome  morphology  and  they  should  be  included  in  the  genus 
Phyllodistomum . 

Because  of  limited  knowledge  of  life-histories  in  these  genera  it  is  unwise, 
at  present,  to  suppress  dogmatically  one  of  them  as  a  synonym  of  the  other. 

3.  Phyllodistomum  and  Catoptroides. 

For  a  discussion  of  the  history  of  these  two  genera  consult:  Lewis  (1935)  and 
Byrd,  Venard  and  Reiber  (1940). 

Nybelin  (1926),  Lewis  (1935),  Lynch  (1936),  Bhalerao  (1937),  Wu  (1938) 
and  Steelman  (1938)  have  advocated,  upon  morphological  bases,  the  suppression 
of  Catoptroides  as  a  synonym  of  Phyllodistomum.  On  the  other  hand,  Loewen 
(1929,  1935),  and  Arnold  (1934)  upheld  generic  separation  and  described  new 
species  in  the  genus  Catoptroides.  Recently,  Byrd,  Venard  and  Reiber  (1940), 
upon  the  basis  of  the  excretory  system,  have  re-established  the  frequently 
suppressed  Catoptroides.  The  reasons  for  this  action  were:  (1)  differences  in  the 
position  of  the  main  collecting  duct  bifurcation  (anterior  to  the  acetabulum  in 
the  Gorgodera-Catoptroides  group,  and  posterior  to  the  acetabulum  in  the  Phyllo- 
distomum-Gorgoderina  group),  (2)  the  manner  in  which  the  collecting  ducts 
unite  with  the  bladder,  and  (3)  the  way  in  which  the  accessory  tubules  arise 
from  the  main  collecting  tubules. 

Byrd  et  al  (1940)  found  for  Gorgodera  amplicava,  Catoptroides  lacustri  and 
Phyllodistomum,  lohrenzi,  and  Olsen  (1937)  found  for  Gorgoderina  tanneri  a 
constant  flame-cell  pattern  of  2  X  8  X  4  =  64  flame-cells.  In  their  papers  they 
did  not  discuss  the  data  which  has  been  presented  concerning  the  bifurcation  of 
the  main  collecting  ducts  in  other  species  of  Gorgoderinae. 

The  majority  of  gorgoderid  species  possess  main  collecting  ducts  which  run 
anterior  to  the  acetabulum  before  bifurcation.  Sinitsin  (1905)  reported  such  a 
condition  for  the  cercariae  of  Gorgodera  varsoviensis,  Gorgodera  cygnoides,  Gorgodera 
pagenstecheri  [Wesenberg-Lund  (1934)  figured  this  last  cercaria  and  showed 
bifurcation  of  the  main  collecting  ducts  at  the  level  of  the  anterior-third  of  the 
acetabulum],  and  Gorgoderina  vitelliloba  [Wesenberg-Lund  (1934)  figured  post- 
acetabular  bifurcation  in  this  species  of  cercaria,  but  wrote  (p.  96),  "two  excretory 
canals  issue  from  the  anterior  part;  near  the  middle  of  the  ventral  sucker  they 
seem  to  divide  into  an  anterior  and  posterior  branch."]  The  account  given  by 
Vickers  (1940)  concerning  the  cercaria  of  Gorgoderina  vitelliloba  supports  the 
observations  of  Sinitsin. 


The  following  authors  have  also  reported  an  anterior  bifurcation  of  the  main 
collecting  ducts:  Reuss  (1903)  in  Cercaria  duplicata;  Sturges  (1897)  in  Phyllo- 
distomum  patellare;  Krull  (1935)  in  Gorgodera  amplicava;  Miller  (1935)  in  Cercaria 
sphaerocerca;  Steen  (1938)  in  Phyllodistomum  brevicecum.  Wu  (1938)  stated  that 
in  Phyllodistomum  lesteri,  "the  two  tubules  pass  through  the  respective  vitellaria 
and  go  around  the  ventral  sucker."  Steelman  (1939)  remarked  for  Cercaria 
coelocerca,  "a  pair  of  much-convoluted  lateral  collecting  tubules  extends  anteriad 
from  front  end  of  bladder  to  near  level  of  brain  before  branching."  Goodchild 
(1939a,  1939b)  found  branching  of  the  main  collecting  ducts  anterior  to  the 
acetabulum  in  the  cercaria  of  Phyllodistomum  solidiim  and  Cercaria  donecerca. 
Vickers  (1940)  in  a  very  detailed  morphological  investigation  of  Cercaria  macro- 
cerca  Fil.  (•=  C.  Gorgoderina  vitelliloba)  described  lateral  excretory  ducts  which 
proceeded  anterior  to  the  acetabulum  before  dividing.  The  excretory  system  as 
described  by  Vickers  for  the  cercaria  is  not  complete,  but  the  reported  arrange- 
ment does  not  fit  any  gorgoderid  pattern  so  far  determined.  Fischthal  (1942) 
in  describing  Phyllodistomum  semotili,  P.  notropidus  and  P.  nocomis  stated  that 
the  right  and  left  primary  collecting  ducts  are  seen,  "extending  anteriorly  to 
intestinal  bifurcation,  then  looping  posteriorly  a  short  distance  each  receiving 
two  secondary  collecting  ducts." 

Postacetabular  bifurcation  of  main  collecting  ducts  has  also  been  reported  in 
a  few  gorgoderid  species.  Byrd  et  al  (1940)  have  found  this  type  in  Phyllodis- 
tomum lohrenzi.  Rankin  (1939)  reported  posterior  bifurcation  in  Gorgoderina 
attenuate;  and  Olsen  (1937)  found  it  in  Gorgoderina  tanneri.  Walker  (1937) 
found  in  Gorgoderina  vitelliloba  a  median  excretory  vesicle  extending  forward  to 
the  anterior  border  of  the  posterior  testis.  He  stated  further,  "here  it  bifurcates 
into  two  lateral  canals  which  diverge  from  one  another  and  extend  forwards 
externally  to  the  intestinal  caeca  until  opposite  the  anterior  testis,  where  each 
canal  divides  to  form  two  branches,  one  lying  dorsally  to  the  other.  The  ventral 
branch  extends  forwards  to  the  level  of  the  acetabulum,  while  the  dorsal  extends 
in  front  of  the  acetabulum." 

A  final  type  of  bifurcation  was  described  by  Miller  (1936)  in  Cercaria  mitocerca. 
Here,  the  main  collecting  ducts  divide  into  an  anterior  and  posterior  branch  at 
the  level  of  the  middle  of  the  acetabulum. 

Because  there  is  no  uniformity  in  the  literature  concerning  excretory  patterns 
of  the  same  species  (Gorgoderina  vitelliloba),  or  members  of  the  same  genus,  and 
because  definite  transition  forms  (Cercaria  mitocerca)  occur  between  these  two 
different  bifurcation  types,  it  is  evident  that  conclusions  drawn  now  from  such 
data  are  premature  and  questionable. 


1.  The  life-history  of  Phyllodistomum  solidiim  Rankin,    1937,   a  gorgoderid 
trematode  from  the  urinary  bladder  of  the  urodele,  Desmognathus  fuscus  fuscus 
(Raf.),  has  been  completed  experimentally  in  the  laboratory. 

2.  Cercaria   Phyllodistomum    solidum    (=  Cercaria   conica   Goodchild,    1939) 
from  Pisidium  abditum  Haldeman  by  vigorous  cercarial  activity  attracts  and  is 
eaten  by  odonatan  naiads  (Ischnura  verticalis,  Argia  sp.,  Enallagma  sp.,  Libellnhi 
sp.)  which  serve  as  metacercarial  hosts. 


3.  Metacercariae  encyst  in  the  thoracic  haemocoele  of  the  insect  within  four 
minutes  of  ingestion  and  are  infective  for  the  final  host  after  24  hours. 

4.  In  the  salamander,  the  metacercariae  excyst  in  the  small  intestine  and  are 
recoverable  in  the  intestine,  cloaca,  "urethra"  and  urinary  bladder  within  24 
hours  after  ingestion  of  the  infective  metacercariae. 

5.  In  the  laboratory  these  bladder  flukes  require  three  months  time  to  attain 
sexual  maturity.     The  mature  worms  produce  eggs  which  hatch  immediately 
liberating  free-swimming  miracidia. 

6.  The  miracidia  are  drawn  by  water  currents  into  the  gills  of  the  bivalve 
where  they  transform  into  mother  sporocysts.     Mother  sporocysts  each  produce 
a  single  generation  of  daughter  sporocysts  which,  in  turn,  give  rise  to  the  large- 
tailed  gorgoderid  cercariae. 

7.  From  miracidial  penetration  to  cercarial  production  requires  three  months 
time  in  the  laboratory. 

8.  A  key  to  the  gorgoderid  cercariae  is  included. 

9.  The  phylogeny  and  life-cycles  of  non-stylet  and  stylet  gorgoderid  cercariae 
are  discussed. 

10.  Gorgoderina  tenua  Rankin,   1937  and  Gorgoderina  schistorchis  Steelman, 
1938  have  been  placed  in  the  genus  Phyllodistomum. 

11.  Comparisons  between  the  genera:  Gorgodera  and  Gorgoderina,  Gorgoderina 
and  Phyllodistomum,  and  Phyllodistomum  and  Catoptroides  are  discussed. 

12.  Observations  on  the  gorgoderid  excretory  system  as  a  basis  for  taxonomy 
are  reviewed. 


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(From  the  Department  of  Zoology,   University  College,  Northwestern   University,  Chicago,  Illinois] 


The  present  article  is  the  fourth  of  a  series  written  by  the  author  on  the 
reproductive  cycle  of  the  viviparous  cyprinodont,  Neotoca  bilineata.  The  series 
has  been  an  attempt  to  present  a  more  complete  study  than  has  been  available 
heretofore  on  the  reproductive  cycle  of  a  viviparous  teleost.  Previous  studies  by 
other  investigators  have  been  confined  largely  either  to  the  breeding  cycle  or  to 
histological  descriptions  of  the  ovary,  stressing  particularly  the  adaptation  of  the 
ovary  to  the  retention  of  the  young  during  development.  Little  or  no  attention 
had  been  given  to  the  actual  changes  in  the  ovarian  soma  during  gestation  until 
the  papers  on  Jenynsia  (Fitzroyid)  lineata  (Hylton  Scott,  1928;  Siccardi,  1940), 
Xiphophorus  helleri  (Bailey,  1933),  Neotoca  (Skiffia)  bilineata  (Turner,  1933), 
and  Cymatogaster  aggregates  (Turner,  1938b).  Some  of  the  above  papers  were 
merely  introductory  descriptions;  others  were  more  complete.  Furthermore, 
with  the  exception  of  a  study  of  the  poeciliids  by  Turner  in  1937,  no  reference 
had  been  made  even  to  the  cyclic  variation  of  the  germ  cells  during  gestation. 
Consequently,  the  writer  undertook  this  investigation  with  the  purpose  of 
presenting  in  detail  an  analysis  of  the  reproductive  cycle  stressing  particularly 
some  of  the  phenomena  generally  omitted  by  previous  investigators.  Articles 
by  the  writer  on  the  reproductive  cycle  of  Neotoca  have  described  in  detail 
(1)  the  breeding  cycle  as  observed  in  the  laboratory  (1939),  (2)  the  marked 
cyclic  changes  in  the  ovarian  soma  during  gestation  (1940),  and  (3)  the  variations 
in  the  germ  cell  count  during  gestation  (1941).  The  present  article,  the  fourth 
of  the  series,  supplements  brief  preliminary  descriptions  (Turner,  1933;  Mendoza, 
1938)  by  considering  in  detail  (1)  the  general  description  and  growth  of  the 
germ  cells  and  their  follicles,  (2)  fertilization,  (3)  the  fate  of  the  evacuated  follicles, 
(4)  the  nature  and  fate  of  the  atretic  follicles,  and  (5)  the  origin  of  germ  cells 
in  the  adult  ovary. 


The  present  description  of  the  germinal  tissue  is  based  on  a  study  of  over 
30  ovaries  in  different  stages  of  gestation.  The  greater  part  of  the  material  was 
fixed  in  Bouin's  or  Zenker's  fluids  although  fixatives  such  as  Flemming's  fluid, 
osmic  acid,  and  corrosive  sublimate  were  used  for  special  techniques.  The 
principal  stains  used  were  iron  hematoxylin  and  Delafield's  hematoxylin  followed 
either  by  Eosin  Y  or  Orange  G.  In  addition,  the  following  special  stains  were 
used:  Mallory's  triple  connective  tissue  stain,  Van  Geisen's  stain,  and  Foot's 
modification  of  Bieslchowsky's  silver  impregnation  technique.  The  customary 
alcohol-xylol  dehydration  series  was  used. 




The  ovary  of  Neotoca  is  a  single,  spindle-shaped  organ  inserted  in  the  median 
sagittal  line;  it  is  attached  dorsally  to  the  pleuroperitoneal  membrane  and 
ventrally  to  the  mesogaster.  The  ovary  is  continuous  caudad  into  a  single 
short  gonoduct,  a  term  preferred  by  Turner  and  others  since,  evidently,  it  is  not 
homologous  to  the  true  vertebrate  oviduct.  Neotoca  is  similar  to  most  viviparous 
teleosts  since  almost  all  possess  the  single  median  gonad;  only  in  forms  such  as 
Sebastodes  rubrovinctus  (Eigenmann,  1892)  is  the  ovary  double,  and  only  in  few 
forms  such  as  Dermogenys  pusillus  (Peters,  1865),  Lucifuga  subterraneous  and 
Stygicola  dentata  (Lane,  1903),  is  the  ovary  partially  fused.  So  far  as  is  known 
to  the  writer,  all  viviparous  teleosts  have  the  single  gonoduct  even  in  forms  that 
have  the  double  or  partially  fused  gonads. 

Ovigerous  folds 

The  ovary  of  a  teleost  may  be  a  solid  or  hollow  organ.  In  the  former  case 
the  eggs  merely  rupture  the  wall  of  the  gonad,  fall  into  the  coelom  and  then 
escape  to  the  outside  through  abdominal  pores;  in  the  latter  type,  the  eggs  never 
reach  the  coelom  but  make  their  wray  out  directly  from  the  ovary  through  the 
gonoduct.  In  Neotoca  the  gonad  is  hollow  and  the  germinal  tissue  is  said  to 
occur  internally;  the  same  condition  occurs  in  all  other  viviparous  teleosts 
known  to  the  writer. 

The  oocytes  are  not  scattered  at  random  but  are  confined  to  "ovigerous"  or 
egg-bearing  folds  that  are  placed  on  either  side  of  a  median  sagittal  septum. 


FIGURE  1.  A  cross-section  of  a  typical  non-gravid  ovary  (19. 5  x).  Part  of  the  ovarian  wall 
at  the  lower  left-hand  corner  has  been  removed.  In  the  center  of  the  figure,  in  a  nearly  vertical 
position  is  the  median  septum  of  the  ovary.  On  either  side  of  the  septum  lie  the  two  ovigerous 
folds  attached  by  a  narrow,  constricted  stalk  to  the  ovarian  wall.  The  attachment  is  particularly 
clear  on  the  left  side.  The  arrow  points  to  the  lower  edge  of  the  ovigerous  fold  on  the  left  side. 
Prominent  in  the  photograph  are  several  developing  oocytes. 

FIGURE  2.  A  growing  oocyte.  The  photograph  shows  clearly  the  nucleolus,  the  vesicular 
nucleus,  and  the  early  follicle  composed  of  squamous  cells. 

FIGURE  3.  Two  good  examples  of  developing  oocytes  and  their  follicles.  The  medium  size 
oocyte  in  the  upper  portion  of  the  figure  shows  a  nucleus  that  has  lost  its  vesicular  character  and 
has  become  quite  granular.  The  thickened  follicle  is  the  result  of  rapid  mitoptic  activity  that  does 
not  cease  until  the  follicle  cells  become  so  abundant  they  form  a  compact  layer  of  columnar  cells 
as  in  the  egg  at  the  bottom  of  the  figure. 

FIGURE  4.  A  figure  that  has  a  two-fold  value.  First,  it  shows  an  oocyte  and  its  follicle  in  a 
stage  of  development  intermediate  between  that  of  the  two  eggs  in  the  preceding  figure.  The 
follicle  cells  now  are  cuboidal  to  low  columnar  and  soon  will  attain  the  full  columnar  shape  typical 
of  the  full  grown  follicle.  Secondly,  the  figure  shows  the  vacuolated  yolk-nucleus  (arrow)  in  a 
medium  size  oocyte.  Figures  2  to  4  are  intended  to  show  the  sequence  of  changes  in  the  oocytes 
and  their  follicles  during  growth. 

FIGURE  5.  A  typical  delle  showing  the  funnel-like  depression  of  the  ovigerous  fold  epithelium 
that  reaches  to  the  follicle  of  the  egg  at  the  lower  left.  The  intimate  contact  between  the  ovigerous 
fold  epithelium  and  the  follicle  cells  is  clearly  visible.  Within  the  delle  are  two  spermatozoa 
(arrows).  In  the  upper  left-hand  corner  is  a  typical  mitotic  figure  in  a  growing  follicle. 

FIGURE  6.  A  high-power  photograph  (283  x)  of  a  follicle  after  the  expulsion  of  the  egg. 
The  position  of  the  former  delle  is  visible  still  at  the  upper  left-hand  corner,  showing  the  place 
through  which  the  egg  escaped  from  the  follicle  and  the  ovigerous  fold.  The  follicle  cells  still 
retain  their  peripheral  position  although  degenerative  changes  already  have  started. 



1  All  figures  are  contact  prints  of  unretouched  photomicrographs.  Figure  1  was  taken  with 
a  Reflex-Korelle  camera;  all  others  were  taken  with  a  Voigtlander  cut-film  camera.  With  excep- 
tion of  Figures  1  and  6,  all  other  photographs  were  taken  with  a  fluorite,  oil-immersion  objective 
and  a  Hyperplane  ocular;  the  magnification  of  the  oil-immersion  photographs  is  approximately 
650  x. 


Each  fold  is  attached  by  a  narrcnv  strip  along  the  dorso-lateral  wall  of  the  gonad ; 
the  two  folds  virtually  fill  the  ovarian  lumen  (Figure  1).  Internal  ovigerous 
folds  by  no  means  are  characteristic  of  all  viviparous  teleosts  since  Xiphophorus 
helleri,  Anableps  anableps,  and  Zoarces  viviparus  are  devoid  of  special  folds;  the 
ova  merely  develop  in  the  walls  of  the  ovary.  On  the  other  hand,  forms  such  as 
Cymatogaster  aggregatus,  Dermogenys  pusillus,  Jenynsia  lineata,  Sebastes  marinus, 
etc.,  resemble  Neotoca  and  other  members  of  the  Goodeidae  by  the  presence  of 
one  type  or  another  of  ovigerous  folds  or  septa.  In  fact,  these  folds  are  so 
diagnostic  in  the  Goodeidae  that  Hubbs  and  Turner  (1939)  used  these  same  folds, 
in  part,  as  a  basis  for  their  recent  taxonomic  revision  of  the  family. 

Histologically,  the  folds  consist  of  a  loose,  collagenous  connective  tissue  that 
in  part  shows  a  marked  affinity  for  argyrophilic  stains.  A  vascular  network 
ramifies  throughout  the  folds  and  forms  a  very  rich  capillary  plexus  under  the 
epithelium  of  the  folds.  It  has  been  shown  (Mendoza,  1940)  that  during  gesta- 
tion, this  internal  epithelium  covering  the  folds  changes  from  a  flattened,  in- 
different condition  to  a  tall,  highly  secretory  epithelium.  Parallel  with  these 
changes,  the  folds  likewise  become  distended  with  fluid  and  are  invaded  by 
numerous  free  cellular  elements  that  contribute  to  the  general  tumescence  of 
the  ovary  during  gestation.  Within  the  ovigerous  folds  of  Neotoca,  the  germ 
cells  are  evenly  distributed  throughout  the  length  of  the  gonad  except  at  the 
extreme  anterior  and  posterior  ends.  The  growing  germ  cells  are  not  scattered 
at  random  but  are  normally  grouped  into  clusters  of  cells  that  range  from  minute 
oocytes  7  to  10  /x  in  diameter  to  fully  grown  eggs  approximately  200  n  in  diameter. 
In  addition,  these  clusters  of  cells  normally  occur  at  the  surface  of  the  folds, 
retaining  a  very  intimate  connection  with  the  epithelium  (Figures  2,  10,  12),  a 
relationship  that  was  stressed  also  for  Anableps  by  Turner  (1938a).  At  this 
point  of  contact  between  the  fully  grown  ovum  and  the  epithelium,  there  appears 
a  deep,  funnel-like  depression  of  the  ovigerous  fold  epithelium.  The  cells  at  the 
base  of  the  pocket  are  usually  flattened  strongly  against  the  follicular  cells 
surrounding  the  ovum  (Figures  5,  9).  Normally  this  depression  does  not  occur 
at  the  outer  surface  of  the  folds  but  at  the  base  of  one  of  the  many  fissures  that 
crease  the  surface  of  the  folds.  This  funnel-like  depression  has  been  described 
in  other  viviparous  teleosts  and  has  been  identified  as  a  "tubular  indentation," 
a  "follicular  pore,"  or  a  "clelle."  The  two-fold  function  of  this  structure  will 
be  discussed  elsewhere  in  this  paper. 

Germ  cells  and  follicles 

Germ  cells  are  recognizable  when  they  are  but  7  /u  in  diameter  and  are  under- 
going early  stages  of  maturation.  Such  early  cells  are  grouped  into  small  nests 
and  usually  are  attached  closely  to  the  ovigerous  fold  epithelium.  In  these 
early  cells  the  nucleus  is  vesicular  and  occupies  fully  two-thirds  or  more  of  the 
diameter  of  the  growing  oocyte.  The  cytoplasm  shows  an  affinity  for  acidophylic 
stains  and  is  heavily  but  evenly  granular  (Figure  2).  The  early  follicle  consists 
of  a  few  delicate,  squamous  cells  flattened  against  the  surface  of  the  oocyte 
(Figure  2) ;  because  of  the  manner  of  formation  of  the  germ  cell  nests  and  the 
structure  of  the  follicle  cells,  it  is  likely  that  the  latter  are  nothing  more  than 
modified  fibrocytes  of  the  subepithelial  connective  tissue. 


In  the  growing  oocyte,  furthermore,  many  changes  occur.  The  nucleus  is 
reduced  to  one-third  of  the  diameter  of  the  cell  and  the  vesicular  character  is  lost; 
it  becomes  granular  and  even  oxyphylic  in  nature  (Figures  2  to  4).  During 
growth,  the  chromatin  loses  all  affinity  for  stains  although  it  later  reappears 
in  the  form  of  lampbrush  chromosomes.  Whereas  in  the  early  cells  the  nucleoli 
may  be  numerous,  less  than  a  micron  in  diameter  and  strongly  basic  in  reaction, 
later  they  are  but  few  in  number,  large,  vacuolated,  and  even  oxyphylic  in  their 
reaction  to  stains.  In  general,  however,  their  number,  size,  and  appearance  are 
highly  variable  in  the  different  cells  and  at  different  stages  of  development. 
In  the  growing  cells  the  cytoplasm  also  undergoes  marked  changes.  The  most 
conspicuous  characteristic  of  the  oocytes  is  the  complete  absence  of  large  masses 
of  yolk  and  the  presence  of  numerous  small  droplets  of  oil  scattered  throughout 
the  granular  cytoplasm.  The  yolk,  such  as  it  is,  consists  largely  of  a  granular, 
rlocculent  mass  evenly  distributed  throughout  the  cytoplasm  and  very  difficult 
to  distinguish  except  with  the  use  of  differential  stains  and  particularly  in  stages 
immediately  following  fertilization.  There  is  not  the  least  similarity  to  forms 
such  as  Zoarces  in  which  the  yolk  appears  as  large  spheres,  nor  to  Jenynsia  and 
Xiphophorus  in  which  the  yolk  appears  as  a  large  solid  mass.  Furthermore, 
another  goodeid,  Lermichthys  multiradiatus ,  shows  a  heavy  yolk  mass  in  the 
developing  embryos,  a  mass  that,  though  small  in  size,  is  so  heavy  and  compact, 
it  cannot  in  any  way  be  compared  to  the  "yolk"  of  Neotoca.  It  is  regrettable 
that  lack  of  material  prevented  further  testing  or  differentiating  of  fatty  and 
proteinaceous  yolk  in  Neotoca  although  the  use  of  Flemming's  fixative  on  the  ova 
of  another  goodeid,  Girardinichthys  innominatus,  showed  beyond  doubt  that 
there  is  a  large  number  of  droplets  or  spheres  of  fatty  yolk  concentrated  around 
the  nucleus  of  the  ovum.  Another  conspicuous  feature  of  the  fully-developed 
ovum  is  a  large,  vacuolated  structure  that  is  very  similar  to  or  forms  a  yolk- 
nucleus  and  pallial  layer  complex  (Figure  4).  The  origin,  development,  and 
fate  of  this  yolk-nucleus  complex  is  so  interesting  in  these  viviparous  forms  that 
it  will  be  discussed  at  length  in  a  separate  paper.  It  is  interesting  that,  among 
viviparous  teleosts,  Cymatogaster  and  Jenynsia  have  yolk  nuclei  equally  as 
prominent  as  that  of  Neotoca.  The  egg  membranes  of  the  enlarged  oocytes 
are  not  numerous;  there  is  primarily  one  heavy  vitelline  membrane  densely 
perforated  in  part,  if  not  in  its  entirety,  by  minute  pores.  Thus  it  is  similar, 
though  not  identical,  to  the  thick,  perforated,  zona  radiata  described  for  Zoarces 
by  Stuhlmann  and  for  Cymatogaster  by  Hubbard  (1894).  Internal  to  this  heavy 
egg  membrane  is  a  more  delicate  plasma  membrane  discernible  only  after 
fertilization  when  the  heavy  outer  membrane  is  separated  somewhat  from  the  egg. 
During  growth  of  the  oocyte,  the  mitotic  activity  of  the  follicle  cells  not  only 
keeps  pace  with  but  actually  surpasses  the  growth  of  the  egg  since  the  follicle 
changes  from  a  delicate  layer  of  flattened  cells  to  a  single,. densely-packed  row  of 
columnar  cells  (Figures  2  to  5),  a  follicle  that  more  closely  resembles  that  of 
Xiphophorus  and  the  early  follicle  of  Anableps.  In  comparison,  follicles  of  a 
compound  nature  are  found  in  forms  such  as  Jenynsia,  Stygicola,  Lucifuga,  and 
Cymatogaster.  The  follicle  in  Neotoca  is  in  turn  invested  by  a  thin  layer  of 
condensed  connective  tissue  fibers  and  fibrocytes  comparable  to  the  "theca" 
described  by  Bailey  for  Xiphophorus.  The  connective  tissue  fibers  of  this 
"theca"  are  intimately  associated  with  those  of  the  subepithelial  network  of  the 


ovigerous  folds  and,  like  reticular  fibers,  similarly  show  a  marked  affinity  for 
argyrophylic  stains.  Interspersed  throughout  the  interstices  of  this  network 
there  occurs  a  vascular  network  more  or  less  prominent  in  the  different  follicles 
and  presumably  of  great  importance  in  the  physiological  activity  of  the  follicle 
of  the  developing  oocyte. 


After  the  ova  have  attained  full  growth  they  suffer  one  of  two  fates,  either 
they  are  fertilized  and  commence  development  or  they  undergo  atresia.  Both 
possibilities  are  considered. 


Among  viviparous  teleosts,  fertilization  may  occur  while  the  egg  still  is 
retained  within  the  follicle  or  after  its  extrusion  into  the  ovarian  lumen.  In 
forms  such  as  Anableps  and  Xiphophorus,  fertilization  occurs  within  the  follicle 
and  the  embryo  is  not  released  until  a  short  time  preceding  birth  whereas  in 
Jenynsia,  fertilization  is  similar  but  the  embryo  is  discharged  early  in  develop- 
ment. On  the  other  hand,  in  Cymatogaster,  Sebastes  marimis  (Williamson, 
1910),  and  Neotoca,  fertilization  and  the  expulsion  of  the  egg  must  occur  in 
such  rapid  succession  that  it  is  difficult  to  separate  the  two  phenomena.  Finally, 
in  Zoarces,  eggs  are  discharged  first  into  the  ovarian  lumen  and  fertilized  later. 
Accompanying  these  varying  conditions  of  fertilization,  structural  and  functional 
problems  are  presented  by  the  different  types,  problems  that  are  largely  beyond 
the  scope  of  this  paper. 

Preceding  fertilization  in  Neotoca,  the  different  stages  of  meiosis  can  be 
identified  readily.  Following  synizesis  which  appears  in  oocytes  7  to  10  /x  in 
diameter,  the  chromatin  temporarily  loses  all  affinity  for  stains  and  later  reappears 
in  the  form  of  lampbrush  chromosomes.  Immediately  preceding  actual  fertiliza- 
tion the  chromatin  condenses  markedly,  resembling  stages  of  diakinesis,  while 
the  entire  germinal  vesicle  migrates  simultaneously  toward  the  periphery  of  the 
egg.  This  migration  occurs  normally  in  the  direction  of  the  delle,  in  preparation 
for  the  ensuing  meiotic  divisions  and  fertilization.  Evidently,  the  meiotic 
divisions,  fertilization,  and  the  expulsion  of  the  egg  into  the  ovarian  cavity  must 
occur  simultaneously  or  in  very  rapid  succession,  for  none  of  the  three  phenomena 
actually  have  been  seen  although  all  stages  immediately  preceding  and  following 
their  occurrence  have  been  identified.  Unfertilized  eggs  always  have  been 
identified  within  the  follicles;  on  the  other  hand,  fertilized  eggs  normally  have 
not  been  seen  within  the  follicles  but  always  free  in  the  ovarian  lumen.  The 
criterion  used  to  distinguish  fertilized  eggs  has  been  the  very  radical  displacement 
of  cytoplasmic  components  within  the  egg  and  the  ensuing  segmentation.  In 
these  eggs,  the  cytoplasm  is  concentrated  as  a  thin  peripheral  layer,  presumably 
along  the  animal  pole;  small  oil  droplets  occur  evenly  distributed  throughout  its 
extent.  Underneath  the  thin  blastodisc,  the  central  portion  of  the  fertilized  egg 
is  filled  by  a  flocculent,  albumen-like  substance  which  apparently  replaces  the 
heavy  yolk  of  other  viviparous  eggs.  Occasional  spheres  of  actual  yolk  can  be 
found,  but  they  are  minute  and  extremely  scarce.  Although  the  meiotic  divisions 


have  not  been  seen,  the  polar  bodies  have  been  identified  on  the  edge  of  the 
heavy  vitelline  membrane.  A  unique  phenomenon  is  that  in  the  vicinity  of  the 
polar  bodies  the  vitelline  membrane  not  only  shows  a  strong  affinity  for  basic 
stains  but  also  thickens  conspicuously  at  time  of  fertilization  to  resemble  the 
typical  zona  radiata  of  teleost  eggs.  Since  this  thickening  of  the  membrane 
occurs  only  in  evacuated  eggs  and  only  near  the  polar  bodies,  it  is  assumed  that 
it  arises  in  response  to  the  inciting  action  of  the  spermatozoa.  Due  largely  to 
the  swelling  of  the  vitelline  membrane  of  these  eggs,  it  can  be  distinguished  from 
the  egg  with  ease. 

It  is  at  the  time  of  fertilization  that  the  delle  formed  by  the  ovigerous  fold 
epithelium  plays  an  important  role.  Through  the  delle,  the  spermatozoa  actually 
can  approach  the  egg  very  closely  (Figures  5,  9).  If  the  sperm  do,  in  fact,  enter 
the  egg  while  the  latter  still  is  within  the  follicle,  the  sperm  then  must  penetrate 
only  through  the  single  row  of  flattened  cells  at  the  base  of  the  delle  and  the  row 
of  columnar  follicle  cells.  However,  the  writer  never  has  identified  an  actual 
pore  within  the  follicular  epithelium  to  permit  the  entry  of  the  spermatozoa  as 
described  for  Xiphophorus  by  Bailey.  Evidence  is  available  from  other  vivip- 
arous teleosts  to  show  that  fertilization  within  a  follicle  can  and  does  occur. 
In  Xiphophorus,  Anableps,  Cymatogaster  and  Jenynsia,  eggs  are  fertilized  while 
still  enclosed  within  the  follicle  and  later  are  discharged  into  the  ovarian  lumen 
at  different  stages  of  development.  The  second  and  final  function  of  the  delle 
is  that  it  offers  an  attenuated  and  weakened  place  in  the  ovigerous  fold  epithelium 
through  which  the  egg  escapes  into  the  ovarian  cavity.  A  similar  role  for  the 
delle  has  been  reported  for  other  viviparous  teleosts  in  which  it  appears. 

Upon  evacuation  of  the  egg,  the  follicular  cells  cease  all  mitotic  activity  and 
suffer  one  of  two  or  three  fates.  Sometimes  the  force  of  the  expulsion  of  the 
egg  is  so  great  that  the  follicle  cells  may  be  everted  part  way  through  the  delle. 
Normally,  however,  the  follicle  cells  either  merely  collapse  to  form  a  cellular 
mass  of  smaller  diameter  or  the  follicle  cells  may  retain  their  peripheral  position 
around  the  reduced  space  previously  occupied  by  the  egg  (Figure  6).  Despite 
these  differences  in  evacuated  follicles,  the  cells  eventually  lose  their  regularity 
and  become  a  disorganized  mass  of  cells.  The  evacuated  follicle  does  not  assume 
the  "windswept  appearance"  of  the  Xiphophorus  follicle  (Bailey)  nor  does  it 
become  hypertrophied  as  in  Sebastes  marinus  and  Anableps  anableps.  It  is 
impossible  to  compare  the  spent  follicles  of  Neotoca  with  the  mammalian  corpora 
lutea  since  in  Neotoca  there  is  no  evidence  of  a  pronounced  physiological  activity; 
actually,  the  follicle  cells  are  small  and  shrunken.  Pycnotic  figures  of  degenera- 
tion make  their  appearance  soon  after  the  extrusion  of  the  egg;  vacuolization 
and  fatty  degeneration  have  been  found  among  these  follicles  (Figure  6).  By 
the  time  embryos  are  1.5  mm.  in  length  it  is  difficult  to  distinguish  between  spent 
follicles  and  ordinary  atretic  follicles.  It  is  to  be  expected,  perhaps,  that  in 
Neotoca  the  follicle  should  be  passive  and  soon  degenerate  for,  since  the  embryo 
develops  completely  within  the  ovarian  lumen,  the  follicle  is  relieved  of  all 
responsibility  of  serving  the  developing  embryo  in  a  nutritive  or  respiratory 
capacity.  Thus  the  Neotoca  follicle  is  not  taxed  with  a  physiological  burden 
similar  to  that  of  Anableps  nor  poeciliids  like  Xiphophorus  in  which  the  embryo 
develops  completely  within  the  follicular  sac. 


Atresia  of  the  eggs  and  follicles 

Egg  degeneration  is  found  in  all  ovaries.  It  is  evident  that  eggs  degenerate 
rapidly  if  not  fertilized  soon  after  they  have  attained  full  growth.  As  many  as 
25  eggs  in  various  stages  of  atresia  have  been  found  in  a  single  non-gravid  ovary. 
In  typical  cases  of  degeneration  which  occur  during  all  stages  of  gestation,  both 
the  follicle  and  the  egg  are  involved.  Normally,  the  egg  and  especially  the 
cytoplasm  is  the  first  to  disintegrate;  the  alveolar  structure  is  lost  and  frequently 
the  cytoplasmic  residue  coagulates  upon  fixation.  Coexistent  with  these  changes, 
the  follicle  cells  lose  their  regularity,  mitosis  ceases,  the  vitelline  membrane  is 
thrown  into  folds,  and  the  follicle  cells  are  displaced  toward  the  atretic  egg. 
Normally,  however,  the  follicle  cells  retain  their  peripheral  position  for  some  time 
while  the  cytoplasm  of  the  egg  breaks  up.  It  is  likely  that  the  debris  of  the  egg 
is  removed  in  part  by  absorption  and  in  part  by  actual  phagocytosis.  With 
the  removal  of  most  of  the  cytoplasmic  residue,  the  follicle  collapses  completely 
and  forms  a  nearly  solid  group  of  cells  surrounding  a  mass  of  debris  (Figures  7,  8). 
During  this  process,  slight  lymphocyte  infiltration  usually  occurs  and  may  be 
instrumental  in  aiding  the  process  of  disintegration.  In  the  follicle  cells,  the 
nuclei  are  the  first  to  undergo  pycnotic  degeneration;  the  breakdown  occurs 
gradually,  cell  by  cell.  The  degeneration  picture  most  definitely  is  not  one  of 
complete  breakdown  of  all  or  most  cells  at  once.  In  a  few  isolated  cases  an 
abnormally  heavy  lymphocyte  infiltration  may  occur  and  in  others  the  follicle 
may  precede  the  egg  in  degeneration.  These,  howrever,  are  infrequent  in  their 
occurrence.  Eventually,  regardless  of  the  method  of  atresia,  the  end  result  is 
the  removal  of  the  degenerating  mass  of  cells  from  the  stroma  of  the  ovary. 


Although  no  study  has  been  made  of  the  origin  of  germ  cells  in  the  embryonic 
gonad,  the  writer  feels  that  there  is  available  interesting  evidence  on  the  origin 
of  the  cells  in  the  adult  gonad.  The  observation  has  been  made  repeatedly  that 


FIGURE  7.  An  atretic  follicle  showing  the  disorganized  state  of  the  follicle  cells,  the  cellular 
debris,  some  fatty  degeneration,  and  several  large  vacuoles  that  have  appeared  between  the  cells. 

FIGURE  8.  A  degenerating  follicle  that  has  been  reduced  to  a  small  cellular  mass.  In  the 
center  there  occurs  some  cellular  debris  and  one  atretic  cell  (arrow). 

FIGURE  9.  This  and  the  remaining  figures  on  the  plate  have  the  single  purpose  of  showing 
the  frequent  occurrence  of  growing  oocytes  in  the  ovigerous  fold  epithelium  and  the  possible  origin 
of  some  germ  cell  nests  from  the  epithelium.  The  arrows  indicate  clearly  an  oocyte  in  the  epi- 
thelium that  lines  the  delle  and  three  spermatozoa  within  the  delle  proper.  This  and  Figure  5 
show  the  relation  of  the  ovigerous  fold  epithelium  of  the  delle  to  the  egg  and  its  follicle. 

FIGURE  10.  The  arrows  indicate  first,  a  developing  oocyte  in  the  ovigerous  fold  epithelium 
and  second,  a  new  germ  cell  nest  apparently  derived  from  the  epithelium. 

FIGURE  11.  A  single,  distinct  oocyte  in  the  epithelium  of  the  ovigerous  folds.  The  sub- 
epithelial  connective  tissue,  showing  black  in  the  photograph,  indicates  clearly  that  the  germ  cell 
is  in  the  epithelium  and  not  merely  lying  against  it. 

FIGURE  12.  The  opening  that  shows  in  the  center  of  the  photograph  is  a  cross-section  of  a 
delle.  The  arrows  indicate  two  oocytes  within  the  epithelium  of  the  delle  and  other  germ  cells 
that  apparently  have  broken  through  the  subepithelial  connective  tissue  fibers  to  form  a  small 
clump  or  nest  of  growing  oocytes.  The  photograph  shows  clearly  how  the  basement  membrane  has 
been  ruptured  completely  at  this  point,  indicating  a  complete  continuity  between  the  growing 
oocytes  and  the  ovigerous  fold  epithelium. 




2  See  footnote  1. 


cells  normally  occur  in  clusters  at  the  surface  of  the  ovigerous  folds  (Figures  2, 
10,  12).  This  is  true  particularly  at  the  interlobular  fissures  that  occur  in  the 
ovigerous  folds.  The  attachment  of  the  full  grown  oocytes  to  the  ovarian  delle 
has  been  described  in  another  part  of  this  paper.  Histologically,  it  is  evident 
that  the  subepithelial  connective  tissue  fibers  are  in  direct  continuity  with  those 
surrounding  the  large  individual  cells  and  clusters  of  small  cells  (Figure  10). 
Furthermore,  there  are  frequent  examples  of  prominent  invaginations  of  the 
ovigerous  fold  epithelium  to  form  small  nests  or  clusters  of  epithelial  cells. 
These  invaginated  nests  to  all  purposes  appear  like  clusters  of  typical  gonial 
cells  (Figures  10,  12).  In  addition,  typical  growing  oocytes  frequently  appear 
in  these  invaginated  cell  nests  (Figure  12).  The  striking  feature  of  many  of  the 
nests  is  that  the  cells  still  are  in  direct  continuity  with  the  epithelial  cells  on  the 
surface  of  the  ovigerous  fold;  in  other  words,  the  invaginated  cluster  of  cells  has 
not  been  pinched  off  as  yet  from  the  superficial  epithelium.  With  differential 
stains,  it  is  possible  to  determine  that  the  invagination  of  the  cells  does  not  always 
break  through  the  underlying,  subepithelial  connective  tissue  fibers  but  rather 
that  the  heavy  fibers  and  the  accompanying  fibrocytes  are  carried  along  with  the 
invagination  to  form  a  thin  connective  tissue  sheath  around  the  nest  of  cells. 
Thus,  in  these  cases,  not  only  the  cells  within  the  nests  but  also  the  connective 
tissue  fibers  around  the  nests  are  continuous  with  the  corresponding  elements 
at  the  surface  of  the  ovigerous  folds.  These  nests  then  are  pinched  off  from  the 
surface.  Lastly,  the  observation  has  been  made  frequently  that  oocytes  may 
occur  within  the  epithelium  proper  of  the  ovigerous  folds.  They  are  much 
larger  than  the  adjacent  epithelial  cells  and  have  the  customary  large  vesicular 
nucleus  (Figures  9  to  12).  A  secondary  migration  of  these  oocytes  into  the 
epithelium  appears  unlikely.  Rather,  it  appears  that  these  are  examples  of 
epithelial  cells  differentiating  in  situ  to  form  germ  cells.  In  these  cases,  differ- 
entiation occurs  without  the  usual  invagination.  Therefore,  in  view  of  (1)  the 
intimate  histological  connection  between  the  oocytes  and  the  ovigerous  fold 
epithelium,  (2)  the  actual  invagination  of  the  epithelial  cells,  and  (3)  the  occur- 
rence of  typical  oocytes  in  the  epithelium  proper,  the  writer  is  firmly  convinced 
that,  in  the  adult  gonad  at  least,  some  of  the  germ  cells  arise  from  the  ovarian 
epithelium  on  the  ovigerous  folds.  It  is  interesting  that  Turner  made  similar 
observations  in  the  ovary-  of  Anableps  anableps.  He  not  only  stressed  the 
subepithelial  position  of  the  germ  cell  nests  and  oocytes  but  also  noted  occasionally 
single  oocytes  in  the  epithelium  itself.  However,  he  arrived  at  no  conclusions 
regarding  the  origin  of  the  germ  cells. 


1.  Two  ovigerous  folds,  one  on  either  side  of  the  median  sagittal  septum  of 
the  ovary  are  described  as  bearing  the  germ  cells. 

.  Oocytes  normally  occur  in  clusters  at  the  surface  of  the  ovigerous  folds. 
3.  Follicular  pores  or  clelles  not  only  facilitate  access  of  the  spermatozoa  to 
the  ovum  but  also  provide  a  place  for  the  escape  of  the  fertilized  egg. 

The  growing  oocyte  is  characterized  largely  by  the  absence  of  large  masses 
of  yolk  and  the  presence  of  numerous  oil  droplets.  During  growth  the  nucleus 
changes  from  a  typical  germinal  vesicle  to  a  granular,  eosinophylic  body  in  which 
the  chromatin  exhibits  only  a  weak  affinity  for  stains. 


5.  The  follicle  of  Neotoca  changes  during  growth  from  a  tenuous  layer  of 
scattered  squamous  cells  to  a  thick,  simple  layer  of  columnar  cells. 

6.  Fertilization,  the  completion  of  the  meiotic  divisions,  and  the  escape  of  the 
egg  are  described  as  occurring  simultaneously  or  in  extremely  rapid  succession. 

7.  Normally   evacuated   follicles   cannot   be   compared   in   any   way   to   the 
mammalian  corpus  luteum. 

8.  In  the  atresia  of  the  follicles  the  following  phenomena  are  believed  to 
occur:  some  fatty  degeneration,  some  liquefaction  or  vacuolization  of  cells,  some 
lymphocyte  infiltration,  some  phagocytosis,  and  lastly,  some  absorption  by  the 
surrounding  cells. 

9.  Some,  if  not  most,  of  the  germ  cells  of  the  adult  gonad  of  the  female  are 
believed  to  arise  from  the  epithelium  of  the  ovigerous  folds. 


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LANE,  H.  H.,  1903.     The  ovarian  structures  of  the  viviparous  blind  fishes,  Lucifuga  and  Stygicola. 

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MENDOZA,   G.,   1940.     The  reproductive  cycle  of  the  viviparous  teleost,   Neotoca  bilineata,  a 

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gestation.     Biol.  Bull.,  78:  349-365. 
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TURNER,  C.  L.,  1937.     Reproductive  cycles  and  superfetation  in  poeciliid  fishes.     Biol.  Bull.,  72 

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(From  the  Woods  Hole  Oceanographic  Institution  1  and  the  Biological  Laboratories, 

Harvard  University,  Cambridge) 

Many  plankton  organisms  which  move  downward,  away  from  daylight  in 
the  sea,  move  toward  a  source  of  light  in  the  laboratory.  It  was  suggested  in  a 
previous  paper  (Schallek,  1942)  that  this  behavior  is  caused  by  the  animals' 
being  exposed  to  diffuse  light  in  nature,  but  to  direct  light  in  the  laboratory. 
It  was  reported  that  when  a  tall  glass  cylinder  containing  the  copepod  Acartia 
tonsa  was  illuminated  from  above,  the  animals  swam  up  toward  the  light.  This 
phototropic  reaction  seemed  to  depend  on  the  fact  that  the  light  was  shining 
directly  down  the  axis  of  the  cylinder.  But  when  the  lamp  was  moved  so  as  to 
illuminate  the  container  obliquely,  the  refraction  of  the  light  at  the  surface  of  the 
water  and  its  reflection  from  the  curved  inner  wall  of  the  cylinder  seemed  to 
form  a  diffuse  illumination.  Under  these  circumstances  the  animals  sank 
downward,  simulating  their  behavior  in  nature.  The  present  paper  provides  a 
further  development  of  this  hypothesis  based  on  measurement  of  the  light 
distribution  inside  the  cylinder. 


A  glass  cylinder  18  inches  high  and  six  inches  in  diameter  was  used  for  the 
experiments.  The  cylinder  was  kept  at  15°  C.  in  a  constant  temperature  bath 
15  inches  high  and  15  X  18  inches  in  area.  The  bath  had  black  walls  to  absorb 
reflected  light,  and  was  kept  in  a  photographic  darkroom.  Illumination  was 
from  a  75-watt  lamp  with  a  parabolic,  aluminum-coated  reflector.  The  lamp 
was  placed  in  five  different  positions,  each  12  inches  from  the  top  of  the  cylinder, 
but  separated  by  22.5°.  Position  1  was  on  a  level  with  the  top  of  the  cylinder, 
while  position  5  was  directly  overhead. 

Light  measurements  were  made  with  a  Westinghouse  "Photox"  cell  connected 
to  a  micro-ammeter,  and  calibrated  in  foot  candles  with  a  Macbeth  illuminometer. 
The  cell  was  placed  in  a  waterproof  case,  and  covered  with  a  cylindrical  hood, 
limiting  the  light  received  to  an  angular  opening  of  22.5°.  The  cell  was  held 
six  inches  below  the  surface  of  the  cylinder  by  clamps  and  rods  attached  to  a 
ringstand.  As  this  apparatus  would  not  fit  inside  the  six-inch  cylinder,  an 
11 -inch  cylinder  was  used  for  the  light  measurements.  This  change  is  not 
believed  to  be  a  significant  source  of  error. 

Twenty  Acartia  tonsa  were  placed  in  the  cylinder  at  a  time,  while  the  lamp 
was  shifted  from  position  1  (oblique)  to  position  5  (overhead).  Alternate  runs 
were  made  in  the  opposite  direction.  Two  hours'  exposure  to  each  position  was 
allowed  before  counting  to  permit  the  animals  to  reach  equilibrium.  Results 
are  presented  as  the  percentage  of  animals  in  the  top  third  of  the  cylinder. 

1  Contribution  No.  323. 





A.  tonsa  moves  down  when  the  illumination  is  oblique,  and  moves  up  when 
the  lamp  is  overhead  (Table  I).  Measurements  of  the  light  distribution  inside 
the  cylinder  are  given  in  Figure  1 . 


Distribution  of  animals  in  cylinder 
Average  of  three  runs  with  20  animals  each 

Light  position 

Elevation  above  horizontal 





90 c 

Acartia  tonsa 
Centropages  typicus 

Per  cent  animals  in  top  third  of  cylinder 

13  29  47  65  68 

69  70  72  72  79 


2  345 

FIGURE  1.  Light  distribution  inside  the  cylinder  for  each  position  of  lamp.  The  small  circle 
indicates  the  location  of  the  photometer,  six  inches  below  the  surface  of  the  water.  The  number 
of  each  lamp  position  is  given  below  the  circle.  The  length  of  each  line  represents  the  light 
intensity  recorded  when  the  photometer  was  pointed  in  that  direction.  Logarithmic  scale:  the 
first  crossbar  =  100  foot-candles,  the  second  =  1000  F.  C.  The  hood  limiting  the  incident  light 
to  22.5°  made  the  cell  insensitive  to  less  than  20  F.  C. 

These  measurements  reveal  several  factors  that  may  influence  the  behavior 
of  A .  tonsa: 

1.  There  is  a  50-fold  increase  in  the  intensity  of  the  maximum  beam  as  the 
lamp  is  raised  over  the  cylinder.     It  may  be  that  the  animals  swim  up  in  a 
bright  light  and  sink  down  in  a  dim  one.     To  test  this  factor,  a  slide-wire  re- 
sistance was  connected  in  series  with  the  lamp,  permitting  the  light  intensity 
to  be  varied  while  the  lamp  was  held  in  the  overhead   position.     A  120-fold 
increase  in  the  intensity  of  the  light  had  no  effect  on  the  distribution  of  A.  tonsa 
(Table  1 1  A). 

2.  The  direction  of  the  maximum  beam  is  vertical  in  position  5,  but  is  more 
horizontal  in  the  other  positions.     Perhaps  the  animals  swim  toward  a  vertical 
light  but  sink  downward  in  a  horizontal  one.     This  possibility  was  tested  by 




Effect  of  changing  light  intensity 

A.   Cylinder  vertical,  light  overhead. 

Average  of  three  runs  with  20  A.  tonsa  each 

Light  intensity 



Per  cent  animals  in  top  third  of  cylinder 
Light  intensity 

1200  F.  C. 

56  52  54 

B.   Horizontal  trough,  illuminated  from  end. 

10  20  200  1300  F.  C. 

Time  to  move  10  inches 






130  seconds 






placing  the  cylinder  on  its  side.  The  light  from  position  5  (shining  directly 
down  the  axis  of  the  cylinder)  formerly  was  vertical,  but  now  came  in  a  horizontal 
direction.  When  the  lamp  was  in  position  1  (oblique)  the  animals  sank  downward 
(Figure  2A) ;  when  it  was  moved  to  position  5  (now  horizontal)  the  animals 
swam  to  the  end  of  the  cylinder  nearest  the  light  (Figure  2B).  Hence  the  animals 
swim  toward  the  light  when  it  is  parallel  to  the  axis  of  the  cylinder,  and  sink 
downward  when  it  is  oblique,  regardless  of  whether  the  light  comes  from  a  hori- 
zontal or  a  vertical  direction. 

A  B 

FIGURE  2.  Arrangement  of  apparatus  to  test  effect  of  light  direction.  A,  lamp  in  position  1 ; 
B,  lamp  in  position  5.  Position  of  animals  shown  by  black  dots.  The  cylinder  is  on  its  side  in  a 
glass  tank  painted  black  (double  line)  on  all  sides  except  one  through  which  the  light  enters. 
A  piece  of  tarpaper  covers  the  top. 

A  further  test  was  made  with  a  horizontal  tropism  trough,  which  could  be 
illuminated  at  either  end  by  a  beam  of  light  shining  directly  down  the  trough. 
A.  tonsa  always  moved  toward  the  light  under  these  conditions;  by  turning  on 
first  the  light  at  one  end  and  then  that  at  the  other,  it  was  possible  to  keep  an 
individual  moving  back  and  forth  from  end  to  end  indefinitely.  Here  again  the 
reaction  is  independent  of  light  intensity  (Table  IIB). 

3.  The  distribution  of  the  light  changes  as  the  lamp  is  moved.  In  position  5 
the  illumination  is  highly  directional,  with  all  the  light  coming  from  a  single 
direction.  In  position  1  the  illumination  is  more  diffuse,  the  light  coming  almost 
equally  from  three  directions.  This  angular  distribution  can  be  conveniently 
measured  by  the  ratio  (sum  of  intensities  in  other  directions)  :  (highest  intensity). 



The  22.5°  hood  permitted  16  readings  to  be  taken  by  rotating  the  photometer 
through  360°.  For  perfectly  direct  illumination,  with  all  the  light  coming  from 
one  direction,  this  diffusion  ratio  will  be  0  :  1,  or  0.  For  perfectly  diffuse  illumi- 
nation, with  the  light  coming  equally  from  each  of  the  16  directions  in  which 
measurements  were  made,  it  will  be  15  :  1,  or  15.  The  diffusion  ratio  for  each 
position  of  the  lamp  is  given  in  Table  III.  The  curve  formed  by  plotting  these 
values  against  the  percentage  of  animals  in  the  top  third  of  the  cylinder  is  shown 
in  Figure  3. 


o  0.4 









20  40  60 



FIGURE  3.  Influence  of  distribution  of  light  on  behavior  of  A.  tonsa.  Ordinate,  diffusion 
ratio  of  light.  Abscissa,  per  cent  of  animals  in  top  third  of  cylinder. 

The  possibility  remains  that  this  relation  is  an  artifact  caused  by  the  particular 
apparatus  or  procedure  used.  This  is  not  so,  since  another  copepod,  Centropages 
typicus,  is  only  slightly  affected  by  the  shift  in  lighting  (Table  I).  It  must 
therefore  be  concluded  that  the  behavior  of  A.  tonsa  depends  upon  the  angular 
distribution  of  the  light: 

1.  A.  tonsa  moves  toward  a  source  of  highly  directional  light,  regardless  of 
the  intensity  of  the  light  or  the  direction  from  which  it  comes.     This  is  a  typical 
positive  phototropism. 

2.  A.   tonsa  sinks  downward   in   less  directional    (diffuse)   light.     This  is  a 
positive  geotropism  and  not  a  negative  phototropism,  since  the  animal  does  not 
move  along  the  beam  of  maximum  light,  but  sinks  passively  downward. 



Which  of  these  types  of  illumination  will  animals  encounter  in  nature? 
Measurements  were  made  of  light  distribution  in  air,  while  the  distribution  of 
light  in  the  sea  was  calculated  from  the  data  of  Whitney  (1941)  (Figure  4, 
Table  III). 

FIGURE  4.  Light  distribution  three  feet  above  roof  of  Marine  Biological  Laboratory. 
August  2,  1942,  10  A.M.  Arrangement  as  in  Figure  1. 

A.  Clear  sky,  plane  of  sun. 

B.  Clear  sky,  plane  perpendicular  to  sun. 

It  is  evident  that  light  in  the  sea  becomes  even  more  diffuse  than  any  condi- 
tions reached  in  the  cylinder.  A.  tonsa  sinks  downward  in  diffuse  light  in  the 
laboratory,  and  this  reaction  apparently  accounts  for  the  fact  that  it  leaves  the 
surface  of  the  sea  in  the  daytime  (Esterly,  1928).  Centropages  typicus,  which 
moved  down  only  slightly  in  the  diffuse  light  in  the  cylinder,  shows  only  a  slight 
downward  movement  in  the  sea  (Clarke,  1934). 


There  are  several  reports  in  the  literature  of  animals  which  react  photo- 
tropically  in  a  horizontal  tube  illuminated  from  the  end,  but  which  sink  downward 
in  a  vertical  tube  illuminated  obliquely  (Table  IV).  Like  A.  tonsa,  these  animals 
apparently  have  different  responses  to  direct  and  to  diffuse  light.  Most  of  them 
show  an  upward  movement  in  the  dark. 

The  diversity  of  these  animals,  ranging  from  protozoans  to  arthropods  and 
echinoderms,  suggests  that  a  principle  of  general  importance  is  involved.  A 




Summary  of  light  measurements 

Diffusion  ratio  = 

sum  of  other  intensities 

highest  intensity 
Complete  concentration  =  0;  complete  diffusion  =  15 

Measurements  in  cylinder  * 
six  inches  below  surface 

Light  position  1 


Measurements  in  sea  (Whitney,  1941) 
5  met.  below  surface 

Clear  sky,  plane  of  sun 

perpendicular  to  sun 
Diffuse  sky,  any  plane 
Measurements  in  air 

3  feet  above  ground 

Clear  sky,  plane  of  sun 

perpendicular  to  sun 

Diffuse  sky,  plane  of  sun 

perpendicular  to  sun 

Diffusion  ratio 












*  As  the  hood  limiting  incident  light  to  22.5°  made  the  photocell  insensitive  to  less  than 
20  F.  C.,  these  values  are  probably  somewhat  lower  than  the  true  ones. 


Summary  of  geotropism  experiments 


tropism  in 

Geotropism  in 

vertical  tube 



In  light 

In  dark 

Corethra  plumicornis  larva  



Harper,  1907 

Cyclops  albidus  



Esterly,  1907 

Branchipiis  serratus  




McGinnis,  1911 

Daphnia  pulex  




Dice,  1914 

Sagitta  bipunctata        




Esterly,  1919 

Diadema  setosum  larva'  Paramecium  




Fox,  1925 

Holopedium  gibbenim      




Kikuchi,  1938 

Hemimysis  lamornae                            

+  or  - 


Foxon,  1940 

Acartia  tonsa  



Schallek,  1942 

The  nauplii  of  Balanus  perforatus  sink  to  the  bottom  of  the  aquarium  when  taken  from  the 
dark  into  horizontal  light,  but  swim  up  when  the  lamp  is  moved  overhead  (Ewald,  1912).  Indif. 
means  indifferent. 

possible  explanation  of  this  effect  is  provided  by  Clark  (1933).  The  beetle 
Dineutes  moves  toward  the  lamp  if  placed  in  a  direct  beam  of  light.  If  a  piece 
of  white  cardboard  is  held  perpendicular  to  the  beam  300  cm.  behind  the  animal, 
occasional  circus  movements  appear.  These  become  more  frequent  as  the  card- 
board is  brought  closer  to  the  animal,  until  at  10  cm.  they  become  continuous. 


This  effect  is  attributed  to  the  stimulation  of  additional  ommatidia  by  the  light 
reflected  from  the  cardboard.  In  concentrated  light,  the  photoreceptor  will  be 
stimulated  from  the  front  only,  and  the  animal  will  then  react  in  a  typically 
phototropic  fashion.  In  diffuse  light,  however,  the  photoreceptor  will  be  stimu- 
lated from  both  front  and  side,  and  a  different  behavior  appears.  In  the  case  of 
A.  tonsa  this  results  in  cessation  of  activity,  since  the  animal  may  be  observed  to 
sink  passively  in  diffuse  light. 

Laboratory  studies  of  the  light  reactions  of  animals  have  largely  been  con- 
cerned with  phototropic  behavior  in  a  direct  beam  of  light.  Measurement  of  the 
light  distribution  in  the  sea  shows  that  it  is  much  more  diffuse  than  in  such 
experimental  conditions.  The  reaction  of  A .  tonsa  to  diffuse  light  in  the  labora- 
tory accords  with  its  downward  movement  in  the  ocean  during  the  day.  Its 
reaction  in  the  direct  light  in  which  experiments  on  phototropism  are  usually 
conducted  has  no  bearing  on  its  behavior  in  nature. 

Such  relations  may  not  be  confined  to  this  particular  copepod.  Several 
reports  have  been  quoted  suggesting  similar  behavior  in  other  aquatic  forms. 
The  measurements  of  light  distribution  in  air  show  that  it  is  generally  diffuse. 
Perhaps  this  will  solve  the  riddle  of  why  positively  phototropic  insects  do  not 
fly  up  to  the  sun :  they  may  move  toward  a  direct  light  but  behave  differently  in 
diffuse  light.  Phototropism  experiments  in  a  direct  beam  of  light  need  not 
necessarily  apply  to  the  behavior  of  organisms  in  nature. 


When  the  copepod  Acartia  tonsa  is  placed  in  a  tall  glass  cylinder  illuminated 
from  above,  the  animal  swims  upward.  When  the  cylinder  is  illuminated 
obliquely,  the  animal  sinks  downward. 

Measurement  of  the  light  distribution  inside  the  cylinder  shows  that  the 
behavior  of  A.  tonsa  depends  upon  the  angular  distribution  of  the  light.  In 
highly  directional  illumination,  the  animal  reacts  phototropically,  and  swims 
toward  the  light.  In  less  directional  (diffuse)  illumination,  the  animal  stops 
swimming  and  sinks  passively  downward. 

Measurement  of  the  light  distribution  in  the  air  and  in  the  sea  shows  that 
it  is  generally  more  diffuse  than  the  conditions  in  the  cylinder.  The  reaction  of 
A.  tonsa  to  diffuse  light  in  the  laboratory  accords  with  its  downward  movement 
in  the  ocean  during  the  day.  Its  reaction  in  the  direct  light  in  which  photo- 
tropism experiments  are  usually  performed  has  no  bearing  on  its  behavior  in 


This  work  was  made  possible  by  a  fellowship  from  the  Woods  Hole  Oceano- 
graphic  Institution  and  aid  from  the  Department  of  Biology  of  Harvard  Uni- 
versity. It  was  done  under  the  general  supervision  of  Dr.  George  L.  Clarke. 
I  wish  to  thank  him  most  sincerely  for  many  helpful  suggestions  in  the  experi- 
mental work  and  in  the  preparation  of  this  report. 


CLARK,   L.   B.,   1933.     Modification  of  circus  movements  in  insects.     Jour.  Exper.  ZooL,  66: 


CLARKE,  G.  L.,  1934.     Further  observations  on  the  diurnal  migration  of  copepods  in  the  Gulf  of 

Maine.     Biol.  Bull.,  67:  432-455. 
DICE,  L.  R.,  1914.     The  factors  determining  the  vertical  movements  of  Daphnia.     Jour.  Anim. 

Behav.,  4:  229-265. 
ESTERLY,  C.  O.,  1907.     The  reactions  of  Cyclops  to  light  and  gravity.     Amer.  Jour.  Physiol.,  18: 

ESTERLY,  C.  O.,  1919.     Reactions  of  various  plankton  animals  with  reference  to  their  diurnal 

migrations.      Univ.  Calif.  Publ.  Zool.,  19:  1-83. 
ESTERLY,  C.  O.,  1928.     Periodic  occurrence  of  Copepoda  at  La  Jolla.     Butt.  Scripps  InsL  Oceanog., 

1:  247-345. 
EWALD,  W.  F.,  1912.     On  artificial  modification  of  light  reactions  and  the  influence  of  electrolytes 

on  phototaxis.     Jour.  Exper.  Zool.,  13:  591-612. 
Fox,  H.  M.,  1925.     The  effect  of  light  on  the  vertical  movement  of  aquatic  organisms.     Biol. 

Rev.,  1:  219-224. 
FOXON,  G.  H.,  1940.     The  reactions  of  certain  mysids  to  stimulation  by  light  and  gravity.     Jour. 

Mar.  Biol.  Ass'n,  24:  89-97. 
HARPER,  E.  H.,  1907.     Behavior  of  the  phantom  larvae  of  Corethra  plumicornis  fabricus.     Jour. 

Comp.  Neural.,  17:  435-456. 
KIKUCHI,  K.,   1938.     Studies  on  the  vertical  distribution  of  the  plankton  Crustacea.     II.  The 

reversal  of  phototropic  and  geotropic  signs  with  reference  to  vertical  movement.     Records 

Oceanog.  Works  Japan,  10:  17-42. 
McGiNNis,  M.  O.,  1911.     Reactions  of  Branchipus  serratus  to  light,  heat  and  gravity.     Jour. 

Exper.  Zool.,  10:  227-240. 
SCHALLEK,  W.,   1942.     The  vertical  migration  of  the  copepod  Acartia  tonsa  under  controlled 

illumination.     Biol.  Bull.,  82:  112-126. 
WHITNEY,  L.  V.,  1941.     The  angular  distribution  of  characteristic  diffuse  light  in  natural  waters. 

Sears  Found.  Jour.  Mar.  Res.,  4:  122-131. 




(Scripps  Institution  of  Oceanography,  University  of  California,  La  Jolla,  and  the 
University  of  Washington  Oceanographic  Laboratories,  Seattle) 

Contributions  from  the  Scripps  Institution  of  Oceanography,  New  Series,  No.  191 


Nereis  vexillosa  Grube  is  the  most  abundant  member  of  the  larger  annelids  of 
the  Pacific  northwest  fauna.  In  Puget  Sound  it  attains  a  size  of  about  30  cm. 
but,  as  will  be  explained  later,  some  heteronereid  individuals  may  be  only  about 
6  cm.  long. 

It  is  characteristically  a  cold  water  form  occurring  intertidally  and  in  shallow 
water  from  eastern  Siberia,  Alaska  and  southward  along  the  northwest  American 
coast  to  Santa  Barbara,  California.  Some  reports  extend  its  range  as  far  south 
as  San  Diego.  In  the  southern  range,  however,  it  may  have  been  confused  with 
Nereis  mediator  Chamberlain  (Chamberlain,  1919)  or  with  Neanthes  succinea  (Frey 
and  Leuckart)  according  to  Hartman  (personal  communication).  The  apparent 
absence  of  the  specific  egg  masses,  described  below,  from  the  southern  range  lends 
support  to  the  belief  that  TV.  vexillosa  may  not  occur  in  these  waters. 

The  tiny  eggs  produced  by  this  animal  are  about  0.2  mm.  in  diameter;  they 
are  spawned  in  firm,  irregular  gelatinoid  masses,  somewhat  translucent,  and  of 
blue-green,  greenish  or  brownish  tints  (Figure  1).  These  colors  are  most  notice- 
able in  the  freshly  laid  eggs  owing  to  their  greater  compactness  prior  to  absorption 
of  water  by  the  capsular  material.  The  firmness  of  the  masses  enables  them  to 
withstand  a  good  deal  of  handling  or  washing  about  on  the  beach  by  waves 
without  disintegrating.  Hence  they  are  often  found  in  good  condition  on  tidal 
flats  where  bits  of  seaweed  or  other  debris  collects  at  the  waters  edge.  They 
appear  never  to  be  found  in  more  than  moderate  quantities  despite  the  abundance 
of  the  species  producing  them. 

In  so  far  as  known,  there  is  no  other  nereid  worm  that  deposits  its  eggs  in 
this  manner.  Commonly  the  eggs  of  other  species  of  the  genus,  or  of  closely 
related  genera  are  deposited  separately  in  the  water  or  are  only  lightly  aggluti- 
nated. The  size  of  masses  varies  considerably  being  about  one  to  three  inches 
in  diameter,  apparently  depending  upon  the  size  of  the  female  depositing  them. 

The  identity  of  the  egg  masses  has  long  been  a  puzzle  to  biologists  and  others 
alike,  and,  indeed,  the  present  study  was  initiated  in  1927  at  Friday  Harbor, 
Washington,  primarily  for  the  purpose  of  identification.  In  the  course  of  the 
investigation,  however,  important  aspects  pertaining  to  the  life  history  of  the 
species  have  come  to  light. 

It  is  a  pleasure  to  acknowledge  the  generous  support  given  this  investigation 
by  Director  T.  G.  Thompson,  Professor  T.  Kincaid,  and  other  members  of  the 
staff  of  the  University  of  Washington  Oceanographic  Laboratories  where  facilities 




were  provided  for  much  of  the  work.  My  thanks  are  also  due  to  Dr.  Olga 
Hartman  of  the  Allen  Hancock  Foundation  for  identification  of  the  heteronereis 
worm  and  for  helpful  suggestions. 

FIGURE  1.     Nereis  vexillosa.     A  small  egg  mass,  about  natural  size. 


The  larvae  resulting  from  culture  of  eggs  collected  in  1927  failed  to  survive 
long  beyond  hatching  and  therefore  served  to  establish  only  that  they  were 
annelids  of  the  nereid  type.  The  failure  of  these  to  survive  may  be  due  in  part 
to  inadequate  food  since  they  were  fed  only  diatoms  and  algae.  This  diet  brought 
good  results  with  Platynereis  agasszi  which  was  being  reared  at  the  same  time 
(see  Guberlet,  1933),  but  subsequent  experiments  have  indicated  that  Nereis 
vexillosa  thrives  best  in  later  life  when  animal  food  is  provided. 

In  the  summer  of  1941  an  opportunity  was  again  presented  to  set  up  cultures 
at  Friday  Harbor.  Two  egg  masses  were  found  in  False  Bay  and  rearing  of  the 
larvae  began  on  June  28.  Some  of  the  larvae  were  already  hatching  in  the  three 
to  five  segmented  stage  (Figure  2).  The  larvae  and  young  worms  grew  slowly 
and  were  able  to  survive  for  about  a  week  after  hatching  on  the  yolk  content 
which  became  concentrated  in  the  digestive  tract.  Later  they  were  fed  sessile 
diatoms  (Navicula  sp.  and  Biddulphia  laevis)  and  powdered  dry  scallop  muscle. 

The  rate  of  growth  varied  so  greatly  that  on  August  23  the  most  advanced 
worms,  now  about  57  days  old,  had  acquired  35  segments  and  were  about  9  mm. 
long,  whereas  the  least  advanced  had  but  15  segments  and  were  about  5  mm.  long. 




FIGURES  2-7.     Xereis  vcxilhsa. 

FIGURE  2.     Five- segmented  larva. 

FIGURE  3.     Head  &f  eight-segmented  larva  to  show  development  of  peristomial  tentacles. 
FIGURE  4.     H-vi  <yi  fifteen-segmented  larva  to  show  further  progress  of  head  development. 
FIGURES  5  and  6.     Homogomph    nototeta    and    heterogomph    neuroseta   from    parapodium 
shown  in  Figure  '/. 

FIGURE  7.     Parapodium  from  posterior  portion  of  body  of  eleven  month  old  worm. 
(Camera  lucida  drawings,  Figures  2,  3,  4  same  scale;  Figures  5,  6,  7  enlarged  scale.) 

It  was  however,  still  not  possible  to  establish  identity  of  the  worms  from  the 
most  advanced  specimens,  therefore,  at  the  end  of  the  summer  session  the  animals 
were  m©yed  alive  to  the  Scripps  Institution  of  Oceanography  at  La  Jolla,  Cali- 
fornia. •  This  was  accomplished  by  placing  ten  specimens  of  various  sizes  in 
each  q)f  four  vials  with  sea  water  and  containing  a  wad  of  cotton  among  the 
strands  of  which  the  young  worms  found  protection  against  violent  battering  in 
the  vials  while  in  transit.  The  vials  were  kept  cool  by  being  wrapped  in  wet, 
frequently-changed  paper  towels. 

Upon  arrival  at  La  Jolla  the  specimens  were  changed  gradually  to  local  sea 
water  (salinity  about  3%<i  above  that  at  Friday  Harbor)  in  small  culture  dishes 
and  it  was  found  that  25  had  survived  the  journey.  Following  some  additional 
mortality  in  the  first  month,  16  of  various  sizes  lived  for  several  months. 

After  setting  up  the  cultures  at  La  Jolla,  about  three-fourths  of  the  water  was 
changed  in  each  dish  every  two  or  three  days  and  the  animals  were  fed  dried 


powdered  pecten  and  sea  mussel  for  a  few  weeks,  but  growth  was  so  slow  that 
it  was  decided  to  try  feeding  finely  chopped  pieces  of  freshly  killed  Thoracophelia 
mucronata,  a  polychaete  worm  found  abundantly  at  La  Jolla.  This  fresh  food 
was  given  in  small  quantities  every  second  or  third  day.  With  it  there  was  a 
prompt  response  by  more  rapid  growth.  Later  bits  of  fresh  mussel  were  also 
fed  but  the  minced  worms  seemed  to  be  preferred.  Not  only  the  killed  and 
minced  worms  were  eaten  but  living  specimens  half  the  size  of  the  young  Nereis 
were  eaten.  This  rapacious  habit  was  evident  even  in  worms  only  6  or  8  mm. 
long  that  were  seen  to  grasp  and  completely  swallow  in  a  few  seconds  others  of 
their  kind  that  were  fully  half  their  own  size.  Diatoms  were  also  added  to  the 
dishes  and  these  were  readily  eaten.  The  animals  rejected  partially  decomposed 
food  and  since  the  object  of  the  experiment  was  to  keep  them  growing  as  long  as 
possible  no  further  experimenting  with  food  was  deemed  advisable.  Results 
indicate  that  N.  vexillosa  is  more  or  less  omnivorous,  utilizing  mostly  animal  food 
but  that  it  is  not  a  scavenger  by  preference.  According  to  Copeland  and  Wieman 
(1924)  Nereis  virens  is  also  omnivorous  though  Gross  (1921)  found  only  evidence 
of  plant  feeding. 

No  membranous  tubes  were  constructed  as  in  Platynereis  agasszi,  only  flimsy 
tubes  of  sand  and  debris  were  formed  with  the  aid  of  secreted  mucus,  and  after 
the  animals  had  reached  a  length  of  about  15  mm.  they  rarely  left  their  tubes 
completely  to  gather  food.  To  facilitate  study,  pieces  of  glass  tubing  were 
provided  and  these  were  readily  accepted  in  most  cases.  Some  animals  refused 
to  accept  new  glass  tubes  that  were  provided  to  replace  those  outgrown  and 
deserted.  In  these  instances  the  lack  of  security  resulted  in  restlessness  and 
failure  to  feed  normally. 

The  older  specimens  were  kept  in  running  (uncooled)  sea  water  pumped  in 
from  the  sea.  At  the  middle  of  July  this  water  had  reached  a  temperature  of 
20°  C.,  which  is  about  6  to  8  degrees  higher  than  might  be  expected  in  the  natural 
habits  of  N.  vexillosa  near  Friday  Harbor  during  the  summer.  This  may  well 
have  been  a  contributing  factor  in  the  failure  of  the  worms  to  survive  with  the 
advance  of  summer  at  La  Jolla. 

In  Table  I  is  given  a  summary  of  the  condition  of  the  worms  that  survived 
ten  or  more  months.  Two  of  these  were  found  dead  (May  18  and  May  29). 
The  others  were  killed  and  preserved  only  after  they  had  deserted  their  tubes 
and  it  seemed  obvious  that  they  would  not  survive  much  longer. 

At  the  age  of  four  and  one-half  months,  when  about  60  segments  had  been 
formed,  the  worms  reared  from  the  1941  egg  masses  had  developed  specific 
characteristics  of  N.  vexillosa.  Especially  characteristic  are  the  elongate  strap- 
like  dorsal  ligules  (Figure  7)  of  the  parapodia  of  the  posterior  region  of  the  body, 
but  the  head  structures  and  the  setae  of  the  posterior  region  are  also  distinctive 
(Figures  5  and  6)  in  older  specimens. 

The  process  of  cephalization  is  shown  in  Figures  2,  3,  and  4.  In  this  develop- 
ment, the  first  setigerous  segment  of  the  early  larva  becomes  modified  to  form 
the  peristomium.  The  anterior  dorsal  pair  of  peristomial  tentacles  appear  first, 
followed  by  the  posterior  dorsal  pair  which  develop  from  the  first  larval  para- 
podium.  A  ventral  pair  of  anterior  peristomial  tentacles  then  appear  and  finally 
the  posterior  ventral  pair  of  tentacles  are  in  evidence  when  the  worm  has  acquired 
about  18  to  20  segments. 




Nereis  vexillosa.     The  seven  oldest  specimens  from  cultures  set  up  at  Friday  Harbor,  June  28,  1941 

Date  killed  or  found  dead 

Number  of 

Approximate  length  when 
moderately  relaxed 

April  25 


8      cm. 

May  18 


5     cm. 

May  26 


6.7  cm. 

May  26 


4.5  cm. 

May  29 


8.5  cm. 

June  10 


7      cm. 

July  28 


10     cm. 

None  of  the  specimens  showed  any  indication  of  entering  the  heteronereis 
phase.  In  this  respect  they  differ  from  Platynereis  agasszi,  several  of  which 
were  found  to  enter  this  phase  near  the  end  of  the  first  year. 


While  culturing  the  larvae  at  Friday  Harbor  in  1941  a  watch  was  kept  for 
spawning  adults  in  the  bay.  Finally  from  isolated  small,  spawning  heterjpereids 
there  was  obtained  several  masses  of  eggs.  These  spawners  proved  to  be  Nereis 


FIGURES  8-10.     Nereis  vexillosa. 

FIGURE  8.     Heteronereized  female  parapodium,  middle  portion  of  posterior  body. 
FIGURK  9.     Heteronereized  female  parapodium,  fourth  from  last  segment. 
FIGURE  10.     Dorsal  cirrus,  heteronereized  male  parapodium. 

(Figures  8,  9,  10  camera  lucida  drawings  to  same  scale.) 


vexillosa  Grube  thus  confirming  the  identification  of  the  worms  reared  experi- 
mentally from  egg  masses  collected  in  the  field.  Heteronereized  parapodia  are 
shown  in  Figures  8  and  9.  Heteronereis  males  have  25  parapodial  segments  in 
the  anterior  portion  of  the  body  while  the  females  have  27  such  segments  (count 
of  12  males  and  four  females).  In  the  males  the  dorsal  cirrus  of  the  heteronereized 
segments  bears  a  series  of  wart-like  protuberances  on  the  ventral  surface  (Figure 
10)  while  in  the  females  examined  these  cirri  were  smooth. 

The  spawning  worms  were  obtained  only  at  night  while  collecting  with  a 
light  at  the  end  of  the  pier  in  front  of  the  laboratories.  They  appeared  only  in 
small  numbers  usually  an  hour  or  two  before  midnight  and  were  mingled  with 
spawning  swarms  of  the  smaller  species  Platynereis  (formerly  Nereis}  agasszi 
which  on  all  occasions  was  the  first  of  the  two  to  appear  swimming  at  the  surface. 
It  was  not  possible  with  these  few  observations  to  establish  any  correlation  of 
spawning  with  phases  of  the  tide  or  moon  as  has  been  done  with  other  marine 
worms  (cf.  Woodworth,  1907;  Lillie  and  Just,  1913;  Guberlet,  1933). 

Only  small  individuals  of  N.  vexillosa  were  seen  spawning  and  from  what  has 
subsequently  been  learned  through  the  above  rearing  experiments,  it  seems 
certain  that  these  were  all  spawning  for  the  first  time  at  the  age  of  one  year. 
Not  only  were  some  of  the  experimentally  reared  worms  as  large  at  the  age  of 
10  to  11  months  as  some  of  the  spawning  worms  but  there  was  also  indication  of 
approach  to  sexual  maturity.  One  of  the  worms  reared  at  La  Jolla  was  killed 
April  25,  1942  after  having  deserted  its  tube.  Upon  examination  it  was  found 
to  contain  many  eggs  which  were  very  small  and  not  yet  ripe,  but  their  large 
numbers  might  be  interpreted  to  indicate  that  spawning  would  normally  have 
occurred  in  the  coming  summer.  A  second  worm  that  died  May  29  also  showed 
many  eggs.  However,  it  seems  certain  that  in  nature  some  heteronereis  indi- 
viduals must  be  older  than  one  year  at  spawning  since  egg  masses  of  much  greater 
size  than  those  known  to  have  been  spawned  by  the  smaller  specimens  have 
been  found.  This  is  more  fully  discussed  later. 

In  nature  more  males  than  females  were  observed  swimming  at  the  surface. 
They  are  the  first  to  come  to  the  nuptial  party  where,  as  scattered  individuals, 
they  suddenly  appear  from  below  and  rise  to  the  immediate  surface,  swimming 
a  few  moments  there  in  spirals  and  loops  and  then  disappearing  into  the  deeper 
water  or  the  darkness  beyond  the  range  of  the  collector's  light.  They  continue 
unabated  in  numbers  and  vigor  as  the  females  a  little  later  appear  to  join  the 
dance,  a  dance  which  seemingly  is  a  climax  that  marks  the  ends  of  their  lives, 
for  none  of  the  exhausted  individuals  kept  in  captivity  was  observed  to  live 
more  than  a  few  days  following  the  act  of  spawning. 

Isolated  small  heteronereis  females  ripe  with  eggs  were  induced  to  spawn 
almost  instantly  when  a  few  drops  of  sperm  laden  water  were  added  to  the 
water  in  which  they  were  isolated.  This  is  similar  to  the  findings  of  Lillie  and 
Just  (1913)  for  Nereis  limbata  and  of  Just  (1929)  for  Platynereis  dumerilii.  In 
large  battery  jars  the  act  of  spawning  by  the  female  Nereis  vexillosa  consists  of 
coming  to  or  near  the  surface  and  suddenly  exuding  a  mass  of  eggs  which  instantly 
agglutinates  (Figure  11).  She  then  passively  sinks  to  the  bottom  together  with 
the  mass.  A  few  moments  later  she  frees  herself  from  the  mass  which  remains 
demersal  and  which  in  a  fewr  hours  swells  to  about  three  or  four  times  its  original 
size  through  the  absorption  of  water.  The  spawning  of  these  demersal  masses 



in  water  just  beyond  the  low  tide  limit  may  account  for  the  finding  of  fewer  egg 
masses  than  are  commensurate  with  the  number  of  worms. 

FIGURE  11.  Nereis  vexillosa.  Method  of  egg  deposition  by  small  heteronereis.  (Free  hand 


An  answer  has  been  found  as  to  the  identity  of  the  egg  masses,  and  certain 
features  of  the  life  history  of  the  species  have  been  discerned.  In  the  process  of 
interpreting  the  observations,  however,  another  biologically  important  question 
arises,  namely,  does  Nereis  vexillosa  possess  a  diversified  life  history  in  which 
there  may  be  recognized  several  types  of  reproductive  individuals,  as  indicated 
for  Platynereis  dumerilii  by  Hempelmann?  In  the  latter  species  at  Naples, 
Hempelmann  (1911)  distinguished  (1)  small  sexually  mature  nereis  (i.e.,  atokus) 
individuals  that  gave  rise  to  heavily  yolked  eggs  producing  characteristic  larvae 
which  he  called  "  nereidogene " ;  (2)  small  heteronereis  forms  producing  less 


heavily  yolkcd  eggs  developing  into  pelagic  larvae  called  " planktogene " ;  (3)  large 
heteronereis  forms  with  eggs  as  in  the  small  form  but  whose  larvae  have  not 
been  investigated.  He  found  that  after  spawning,  the  small  nereis  form  may  in 
experimental  cultures  be  transformed  into  a  small  heteronereis  form  and  produce 
young  for  the  second  time  and  is  therefore  dissogenous.  The  nereis  form  may 
also  grow  to  a  relatively  large  size  and  then  transform  to  the  large  heteronereis 
but  the  steps  involved  in  arrival  at  the  large  form  in  this  phase  are  uncertain. 
It  is  believed  that  entrance  into  the  heteronereis  form  and  its  spawning  marks 
the  end  of  life  for  the  individual. 

More  recently  Just  (1929)  also  worked  on  the  Naples  species  and  in  so  far 
as  his  investigation  was  carried,  the  findings  of  Hempelmann  were  verified. 

It  has  been  noted  by  H.  P.  Johnson  (1901)  that  the  heteronereis  form  of 
Nereis  vexillosa  occurs  in  individuals  of  56  mm.  and  upward  in  length  but  the 
maximum  length  is  not  given.  The  same  author  reports  that  sexual  maturity  is 
frequently  arrived  at  by  the  species  without  it  becoming  heteronereized.  Ricketts 
and  Calvin  (1939)  report  finding  many  large  heteronereis  of  N.  vexillosa  but  the 
authors  never  found  these  to  be  free-swimming.  The  supposition  is,  however, 
that  they  do  spawn,  and  indeed  the  finding  of  egg  masses  in  Puget  Sound  that 
are  much  larger  than  those  known  to  have  been  spawned  by  small  heteronereis 
forms  of  the  species  substantiates  this. 

What  the  destiny  of  the  worms  reared  from  the  Friday  Harbor  material  would 
have  been  normally  can  be  only  a.  matter  of  conjecture.  In  this  connection  it 
may  be  significant  to  note  that  the  number  of  segments  in  several  large  (14  to 
21  cm.  long)  N.  vexillosa  collected  in  the  field  at  Friday  Harbor  was  142  to  152 
in  the  nereis  phase,  whereas  the  spawning  heteronereids  taken  in  the  same  region 
had  only  63  to  96  segments.  The  latter  figure  is  less  than  the  number  occurring 
in  the  seven  most  advanced  specimens  reared  in  cultures  (Table  I).  These 
specimens  had  107  to  128  segments  and  the  length  of  some  was  greater  than  the 
spawning  worms.  This  may  mean  that  the  reared  worms  were  destined  to  reach 
sexual  maturity  only  in  a  more  advanced  nereis  phase  or  in  a  large  heteronereis 
phase.  Much  additional  study  is  needed  to  answer  this  question.  The  great 
range  in  size  that  is  possible  in  the  heteronereis  of  N.  vexillosa  should  make  it 
an  ideal  species  for  such  a  study  if  culture  problems  can  be  overcome. 


Nereis  vexillosa  deposits  its  eggs  in  firm  irregular  gelatinoid  masses  which 
vary  in  size  from  about  one  to  three  inches  in  diameter. 

Spawning  of  small  (6  to  8  cm.  long)  heteronereids  of  this  species  was  observed 
to  take  place  an  hour  or  two  before  midnight.  The  eggs  which  are  demersal  are 
apparently  spawned  in  water  at  or  just  beyond  the  extreme  low  tide  level  and 
this  habit  may  account  for  the  finding  of  fewer  egg  masses  than  seems  commensu- 
rate with  the  number  of  the  species  producing  them.  Isolated  heteronereis 
females  were  induced  to  discharge  their  eggs  by  the  introduction  of  spermatozoa 
into  the  water. 

Worms  cultured  in  the  laboratory  from  egg  masses  collected  on  the  beach 
throve  best  on  fresh  animal  food.  A  number  of  young  worms  transported  from 
Friday  Harbor  to  La  Jolla  attained  a  maximum  length  of  10  cm.  at  the  age  of 
13  months  after  hatching.  All  had  acquired  specific  characteristics  but  none 


became  heteronereized.     The  transformations  taking  place  during  cephalization 
are  similar  to  that  occurring  in  other  nereid  worms. 

Since  the  above  maximum  size  of  the  reared  worms  is  comparable  to  that  of 
the  small  spawning  heteronereis  forms,  it  appears  that  the  latter  were  spawning 
at  the  age  of  about  one  year.  Much  larger  nereis  and  also  heteronereis  individuals 
are  known  to  occur  in  this  species  but  the  time  and  steps  involved  in  their  de- 
velopment are  unknown. 


CHAMBERLAIN,  R.  V.,   1919.     New  polychaetous  annelids  from  Laguna  Beach.     Pomona  Jour. 

Entom.  and  Zool.,  11:  1-23. 
COPELAND,  M.  AND  H.  L.  WiEMAN,  1924.     The  chemical  sense  and  feeding  behavior  of  Nereis 

virens  Sars.     Biol.  Bull.,  47:  231-238. 
GROSS,  A.  O.,  1921.     The  feeding  habits  and  chemical  sense  of  Nereis  virens  Sars.     Jour.  Exp. 

Zool.,  32:427-442. 
GUBERLET,  J.  E.,  1933.     Observations  on  the  spawning  and  development  of  some  Pacific  annelids. 

Proc.  Fifth  Pac.  Sci.  Congr.,  5:  4213-4220. 
HEMPELMANN,  P.  F.,  1911.     Zur  Naturgeschichte  von  Nereis  dumerilii  Aud.  et  Edw.     Zoologica, 

H.  62,  1-135. 
JOHNSON,  H.  P.,  1901.     The  Polychaeta  of  the  Puget  Sound  region.     Proc.  Boston  Soc.  Nat.  Hist., 

29:  381-437. 

JUST,  E.  E.,  1929.     Breeding  habits  of  Nereis  dumerilii  at  Naples.     Biol.  Bull,  57:  307-310. 
LILLIE,  F.  R.  AND  E.  E.  JUST,  1913.     Breeding  habits  of  the  heteronereis  form  of  Nereis  limbata 

at  Woods  Hole,  Mass.     Biol.  Bull.,  24:  147-160. 
RICKETTS,  E.  F.  AND  J.  CALVIN,  1939.     Between  Pacific  Tides.     320  pp.,  Stanford  Univ.  Press, 

WOODWORTH,  W.  McM.,  1907.     The  Palolo  worm,  Eunice  viridis  (Gray).     Bull.  Harvard  Mus. 

Comp.  Zool.,  51:  3-21. 





(Washington  Square  College  of  Arts  and  Science,  New  York  University) 


The  study  of  experimental  vertebrate  embryology  has  been  limited  to  the 
breeding  seasons  of  the  lower  forms  with  the  exception  of  the  amphibia  (Rugh, 
1941)  where  ovulation  can  be  induced  at  almost  any  time  of  the  year.  A  study 
of  the  reproductive  processes  of  the  fish  Oryzias  latipes,  the  Japanese  medaka, 
was  planned  in  the  hope  that  its  eggs  might  also  be  made  available  for  more 
investigations  in  the  experimental  field. 


The  fish  in  a  sexually  mature  condition  were  obtained  from  a  West  Coast 
importer.  They  were  kept  in  ten-gallon  aquaria  in  a  south  window,  at  room 
temperature  and  in  spring  water  which  was  oxygenated  by  Nitella.  The  food 
consisted  of  freshly  collected  Tubifex  which  were  cleaned  in  running  water, 
Daphnia,  and  some  dried  fish  food.  Artifical  lighting  was  supplied  only  under 
experimental  conditions.  This  consisted  of  a  75-watt  bulb  held  above  each 
tank,  the  light  being  increased  with  a  metal  reflector.  When  light  was  to  be 
eliminated  this  was  accomplished  by  covering  the  entire  tank  with  a  light-tight 
cardboard  box  which  allowed  sufficient  circulation  of  room  air  and  maintenance 
at  room  temperature. 

The  female  urino-genital  system  was  studied  from  cleared  whole  mounts 
and  serial  sections,  as  well  as  in  the  living  condition.  For  a  study  of  the  ovulation 
process  females  were  anesthetized  at  the  appropriate  time  in  MS  222,  one  part 
to  3000  of  spring  water,  pinned  in  a  permoplast  dish  and  dissected. 


The  female  reproductive  system. 

The  structure  of  the  reproductive  tract  of  the  female  Oryzias  latipes  (Figures 
1-8)  was  studied  as  preliminary  to  observations  and  experiments  on  the  sexual 
cycle.  The  ovary  and  the  oviduct  are  essentially  like  those  previously  described 
for  other  poeciliids.  The  ovary  is  a  median,  unpaired  sac-like  organ  (Figures  7 
and  8)  filling  most  of  the  body  cavity  behind  the  posterior  edges  of  the  liver. 
It  is  composed  of  a  large  number  of  follicles  in  different  stages  of  development, 
all  facing  a  central  lumen  which  is  somewhat  occluded  by  the  projecting  ripe 
follicles.  These  follicles  are  attached  to  the  thin,  muscular  ovarian  wall  on  all 

1  Submitted  in  partial  fulfillment  of  the  requirements  for  the  degree  of  Master  of  Science  at 
New  York  University. 



sides  except  the  dorsal.  Through  this  dorsal  wall  the  lumen  and  the  follicles 
are  visible  even  in  the  intact  ovary. 

The  developing  oocytes  are  practically  identical  with  those  of  Fundulus 
heteroclitus  (Marza,  Marza,  and  Guthrie,  1937 ;  Solberg,  1938),  except  with  respect 
to  size.  A  small  oocyte  with  a  large  germinal  vesicle  becomes  transformed  into 
a  large  egg  containing  a  mass  of  yolk  and  oil  drops  surrounded  by  a  thin  layer  of 
cytoplasm.  During  this  growth  phase  of  maturation  a  thick  chorion  with  long 
fibers  attached  to  its  external  surface  is  laid  down  around  the  ovum  by  the 
follicle  cells.  This  is  a  protective  outer,  non-living  membrane  comparable  to  the 
jelly  capsules  of  the  amphibia. 

The  oviduct  is  a  single  thick-walled  straight  and  non-glandular  tube  about 
one  millimeter  in  length  (Figures  3-8),  unpaired  as  in  Xiphophorus  helleri  (Essen- 
berg,  1923;  Bailey,  1933;  Regnier,  1938)  in  which  species  it  is  not  the  homologue 
of  the  Mullerian  duct  (Essenberg,  1933).  The  walls  consist  largely  of  circular 
muscle  fibers  (Figure  5).  The  lumen  of  the  oviduct  is  lined  with  epithelium 
which  is  columnar  near  the  ovary  and  becomes  squamous  toward  the  external 
opening.  Numerous  folds  in  the  epithelium  of  the  contracted  oviduct  allow 
considerable  expansion  as  the  eggs  pass  rapidly  through.  There  are  no  glands 
present,  as  there  are  in  the  amphibian  oviduct.  The  thick  muscular  walls  of  the 
ovary  and  of  the  oviduct  are  histologically  continuous,  and  show  no  appreciable 
difference  except  in  regard  to  total  thickness.  The  duct  extends  from  the  pos- 
terior end  of  the  ovary  to  open  behind  the  urino-genital  papilla,  between  the 
anus  and  the  mesonephric  duct  (Figure  8).  The  mesonephric  duct  descends  in 
the  muscle  of  the  body  wall  posterior  to  the  body  cavity  to  run  parallel  to  the 
oviduct.  Before  it  does  this  it  bends  anteriorly  almost  to  the  body  cavity  and 
then  sharply  posteriorly  (Figure  8).  In  the  region  near  the  external  opening 
there  is  no  muscular  wall,  but  one  is  soon  organized  from  the  surrounding  tissue. 
In  the  region  of  the  two  loops  the  lumen  is  large,  the  muscular  wall  is  relatively 
thin,  and  there  are  many  villi  in  the  mucosa. 

The  urino-genital  papillae  are  a  pair  of  protuberances  from  the  ventral  surface 
of  the  female  between  the  anus  and  oviduct  opening  (Figure  8).  They  extend 
posteriorly  and  ventrally  from  their  attachment  to  the  body  wall,  covering  the 
opening  of  the  oviduct,  and  are  grown  together  in  the  mid-line  for  most  of  their 
length.  The  papillae  have  a  thick  cortex  of  stratified  epithelium  and  a  highly 
vascularized  medulla. 


FIGURE  1.  Stained  section  through  external  opening  of  mesonephric  duct. 

FIGURE  2.  Stained  section  anterior  to  Figure  1,  through  mesonephric  duct. 

FIGURE  3.  Stained  section  anterior  to  Figure  2,  level  of  mesonephric  duct  loop. 

FIGURE  4.  Stained  section  anterior  to  Figure  3. 

FIGURE  5.  Stained  section  anterior  to  Figure  4. 

FIGURE  6.  Stained  section  through  posterior  end  of  body  cavity. 

FIGURE  7.  Stained  section  through  posterior  part  of  ovary. 

FIGURE  8.  Drawn  from  a  cleared  whole  mount. 

B — body  wall;  C — connective  tissue;  D— mesonephric  duct;  E — edge  of  rupture;  F — fat; 
I — intestine;  L — loop  of  mesonephric  duct;  M — muscle;  N — capillaries  on  follicle;  O — oviduct; 
P — body  cavity;  R — fin  ray;  S — scale;  T — threads  on  egg;  U — urino-genital  papilla;  Y — ovary; 
X — overgrowth  of  body  wall  epithelium;  Y — follicle  wall;  Z — constriction. 


- ••'•  •• 







FIGURE  9.     Fixed  ovary  with  the  dorsal  wall  removed  showing  rupture  and  emergence  of  egg. 
FIGURE  10.     Profile  view  of  living  egg  one-third  emerged  from  follicle. 
FIGURE  11.     The  same  egg  half  emerged,  transmitted  light. 
FIGURE  12.     The  same,  reflected  light. 


Ovulation  and  egg  transport. 

The  ovulation  process  was  observed  in  more  than  twenty  ripe  ovaries,  either 
removed  from  the  fish  at  the  appropriate  time  or  observed  in  partially  dissected 
fish  under  anesthesia  (Figures  9-12).  Some  of  the  observations  were  made 
directly  through  the  dorsal  wall  of  the  intact  ovaries,  others  were  made  after 
removal  of  this  dorsal  ovarian  wall. 

The  rupture  of  the  ripe  follicle  appears  in  the  center  of  a  vascular  plexus  on 
the  side  toward  the  lumen  (Figure  9).  The  hole  is  generally  oval  in  shape  at  the 
beginning  of  the  process,  and  as  it  increases  in  size  the  blood  vessels  around  it  are 
stretched  but  do  not  rupture.  As  the  egg  protrudes  (Figure  10).  the  packed 
threads  attached  to  the  chorion  become  unwound,  and  the  edges  of  the  hole 
constrict  the  egg  appreciably  (Figures  11-12).  There  is  no  noticeable  increase 
in  the  rate  of  emergence  after  the  egg  is  half  extruded,  probably  because  intra- 
ovarian  pressure  from  the  muscular  walls  prevents  any  sudden  eruption.  The 
process  of  rupture  and  emergence  of  the  egg  from  its  follicle  is  very  similar  to 
that  described  for  the  frog  (Rugh,  1935)  except  that  in  the  frog  the  egg  is  released 
into  the  body  cavity.  At  the  end  of  the  process,  from  20  to  30  distorted  eggs 
fill  the  lumen  of  the  ovary,  t 

The  exact  duration  of  the  normal  process  of  ovulation  cannot  be  stated  since 
the  anesthetized  and  partially  dissected  fish  are  probably  not  physiologically 
normal.  However,  it  is  possible  to  estimate  approximate  times.  During  these 
observations  most  of  the  eggs  in  intact  ovaries  took  from  15  to  45  minutes  to  be 
extruded.  The  longer  intervals  were  probably  due  to  the  ovary  becoming  mori- 
bund. If  intraovarian  pressure  is  removed  by  tearing  the  dorsal  wall  of  the 
ovary,  as  was  done  frequently  to  obtain  a  better  view  of  individual  eggs,  an  egg 
may  emerge  in  ten  minutes  from  the  time  of  the  first  visible  rupture.  Examining 
fish  taken  from  an  aquarium  at  intervals  during  the  period  of  ovulation,  it  was 
found  that  under  normal  conditions  all  the  fish  ovulate  completely  during  a 
period  of  about  an  hour  and  a  half,  thus  setting  that  interval  as  an  absolute 
maximum.  Since  all  fish  do  not  begin  to  ovulate  simultaneously,  this  estimate 
is  too  high  for  any  single  specimen  and  it  is  presumed  that  an  individual  egg 
normally  takes  about  ten  to  20  minutes  to  emerge  from  the  follicle,  and  that  a 
single  fish  ovulates  all  of  its  eggs  in  less  than  one  hour. 

The  forces  causing  the  initial  rupture  of  the  follicle  and  the  extrusion  of  the 
egg  are  unknown.  At  no  time  were  movements  of  the  ovarian  wall  or  of  individual 
follicles  noticeable,  although  the  presence  of  smooth  muscle  fibers  in  both  implies 
the  possibility  of  such  movements  during  ovulation.  Furthermore,  the  whole 
ovary  often  undulates  remarkably  when  a  fish  is  first  dissected,  the  contortions 
resembling  euglenoid  movement.  It  is  interesting  that  these  movements  did 
not  cause  rupture  of  the  follicles.  Until  the  forces  causing  ovulation  are  known 
they  may  be  presumed  to  be  similar  to  those  which  act  in  other  poikilothermous 
forms  (Rugh,  1935). 

The  eggs  are  probably  forced  into  the  oviduct  by  muscular  movement  of  the 
ovary  similar  to  those  observed  under  the  stimulation  of  dissection.  The 
muscular  oviduct  and  the  muscles  of  the  adjacent  body  wall  may  also  aid  in 
moving  the  eggs  quickly  through  the  short  oviduct. 



The  mature  eggs  are  not  stored  in  the  ovary  for  more  than  a  few  hours,  for 
it  was  found  that  normally  they  are  laid  almost  immediately  after  ovulation, 
provided  a  sufficient  number  of  males  is  present  to  supply  the  incentive.  The 
eggs  are  laid  all  at  once  by  the  female  and  are  fertilized  immediately,  while  they 
remain  attached  to  the  female  by  chorionic  threads.  Egg-laying  was  not  ob- 
served, it  being  a  very  rapid  process,  but  most  of  the  courtship  and  fertilization 
process  was  observed  a  number  of  times.  Each  time  it  lasted  less  than  60 
seconds.  Kami  to  (1928)  stated  that  the  entire  process  takes  about  35  seconds, 
and  the  present  observations  tend  to  confirm  that  statement.  After  fertilization 
the  eggs  are  accidentally  brushed  off  on  plants,  during  the  day.  They  remain 
attached  to  vegetation  during  early  development. 

The  maturation  cycle. 

The  maturation  cycle  of  the  meclaka  is  24  hours  long  and  is  Very  regular 
since  the  eggs  are  almost  invariably  laid  in  the  early  morning,  although  Kamito 
(1928)  reported  they  may  also  be  laid  in  the  evening.  Observation  of  more  than 
150  females  over  a  period  of  three  months  showed  only  one  possible  exception 
to  the  rule  that  the  eggs  are  laid  in  the  early  morning.  About  75  per  cent  of 
all  of  the  adult  female  fish  in  the  aquarium  produce  eggs  daily.  The  eggs  are 
laid  almost  immediately  after  ovulation.  Dissection  of  numbers  of  stock  fish 
taken  at  random  at  different  times  of  the  day  never  showed  ovulated  eggs  in  the 
ovary  before  about  1  A.M.  or  after  about  9  A.M.  On  two  occasions  six  and  eight 
fish  were  dissected  about  an  hour  and  a  half  before  the  usual  time  of  egg  laying 
and  were  found  to  be  ovulating  or  about  to  ovulate.  Thus  the  time  at  which 
the  eggs  are  laid  indicates  the  approximate  time  of  day  they  were  ovulated. 

One  other  important  fact  was  discovered  by  daily  observation  of  medakas  in 
stock  aquaria,  although  not  under  experimental  conditions.  These  fish  were  in 
aquaria  artificially  instead  of  naturally  aerated,  but  otherwise  under  the  same 
conditions  as  the  other  stock  and  experimental  fish.  There  was  no  photo- 
periodicity  in  these  aquaria  since  lights  were  above  them  constantly.  These 
fish  did  not  show  the  regularity  of  ovulation  that  characterizes  the  species. 
Newly-laid  eggs  could  be  found  during  any  period  of  the  day,  and  the  fish  in  an 
aquarium  did  not  lay  eggs  at  approximately  the  same  time,  even  though  the 
conditions  for  all  were  identical. 


The  knowledge  that  the  eggs  are  normally  ovulated  and  laid  near  dawn,  and 
that  unusual  lighting  conditions  upset  the  regular  cycle,  suggested  that  diurnal 
light  changes  might  be  important  in  controlling  the  normal  cycle.  To  test  this 
hypothesis  experiments  were  performed  as  follows: 

In  the  first,  eight  male  and  six  female  specimens  of  Oryzias  latipes  were  put 
in  each  of  two  five-gallon  aquaria  with  food,  water,  and  flora  from  stock  aquaria. 
One  aquarium  was  covered  with  a  light-tight  box  from  8:30  P.M.  until  8:30  A.M. 
(Tank  I)  and  the  other  was  covered  from  8:30  A.M.  until  8:30  P.M.  (Tank  II). 



For  the  remaining  12  hours  each  tank  was  lighted  by  a  75-watt  bulb  held  directly 
above  in  a  metal  reflector.  After  one  week  the  lighting  schedule  for  each  tank 
was  reversed.  The  temperature  varied  with  that  of  the  room.  The  time  the 
eggs  were  laid  was  determined  either  by  frequent  observation  or  by  noting  the 
stage  of  cleavage  when  the  eggs  were  first  seen  and  removed  from  the  female. 
The  developmental  rate  of  the  Oryzias  egg  has  been  worked  out  for  laboratory 
temperatures  (Rugh,  1941).  The  first  division  occurs  over  an  hour  after  fertiliza- 
tion, and  the  next  two  divisions  at  45  minute  intervals.  Results  are  summarized 
below  (Table  I). 


Date  Tank  I  (covered  all  night)' 

Feb.     2         No  eggs  all  day. 

3  No  eggs  all  day. 

4  One  laid   eggs   between   8:30   and   9:30 

A.M.     No  others  laid  eggs. 

5  One  laid   eggs   between   8:30   and   9:30 

A.M.     No  others  laid  eggs. 

6  One  laid  eggs  between  5  and  8:30  A.M. 

One  laid  between  8:30  and  8:40  A.M. 
No  more  laid  eggs. 

7  Two  laid  eggs  between  6  and 

One  laid  between  8:30  and 
No  more. 

8  Two  laid  eggs  between  8  and 

One  laid  between  8:30  and 
No  more  laid. 

9  Schedule  reversed.     Both  tanks 

Tank  II  (covered  all  day) 

No  eggs  all  day. 
No  eggs  all  day. 
One  laid  eggs  between  8:30  and  9:30 

P.M.     No  others  laid  eggs. 
One  laid   eggs   between   8:30   and   9:30 

P.M.     Others  did  not  lay. 
Two  laid  eggs  between  5  and  8:30  P.M. 

One  laid  eggs  between  8:30  and  9  P.M. 

8:30  A.M.         One  laid  eggs  at  9  P.M.     One  laid  eggs 
8:40  A.M.  between  7  and  8:30  P.M.     No  more 


8:30  A.M.         Tank  uncovered  at  7:10  P.M.     No  eggs 
9:30  A.M.  up  to  7:40  P.M. 

uncovered  until  2:30  P.M.,  then  tank  II  was  covered. 

Tank  I 

10         One  with  eggs  at  2:45  P.M.     No  other 
eggs  at  8:30  P.M.  or  at  10  P.M. 

1 1  No  eggs  at  8:30  A.M.,  or  at  8:30  P.M. 

12  One  laid   eggs   between    7:30  and   8:20 

P.M.     Two    laid    between    8:20    and 
10  P.M.     No  others  laid  eggs. 

13  No  eggs  at  8:30  P.M.     Three  laid  be- 

tween  8:30  and   9    P.M.     No   others 

Tank  II 

No  eggs  at  8:30  A.M.  One  laid  between 
8:30  and  10:30  A.M.,  another  between 
10:30  and  11  A.M.,  another  between  11 
A.M.  and  1  P.M. 

No  eggs  up  to  9  P.M. 

No  eggs  at  8:30  A.M.  One  laid  eggs  be- 
tween 8:30  and  9:50  A.M.  No  other 
eggs  all  day. 

No  eggs  at  8:30  A.M.  One  laid  between 
8:30  A.M.  and  1  P.M.  No  other  eggs 
all  day. 

The  same  type  of  experiment  was  started  with  a  new  set  of  fish  on  March  23 
(Table  II).  Twenty  females  which  had  been  laying  eggs  between  midnight  and 
8  A.M.  without  exception  for  several  weeks  were  put  in  a  ten-gallon  aquarium 
with  22  males,  under  conditions  already  described.  The  aquarium  was  covered 
from  8  A.M.  until  8  P.M.  and  lighted  with  a  75-watt  bulb  from  8  P.M.  until 
8  A.M.  As  controls,  six  females  from  the  same  lot  were  kept  in  a  community 
tank  and  these  fish  continued  to  lay  eggs  nearly  every  morning.  The  results 
appear  in  the  following  table: 



Date  Observations  at  8  P.M. 

March  23  No  eggs;  none  laid  all  day. 

24  No  eggs;  none  laid  all  day. 

25  Xo  eggs;  none  laid  all  day. 

26  Fifteen  with  eggs,  mostly  in  the  two-cell  stage,  some  up  to  eight  cells — i.e.,  one  to 

three  hours  old.     None  laid  the  rest  of  the  day. 

27  Ten  with  eggs,  mostly  in  the  two-cell  stage,  some  up  to  eight.     None  laid  the  rest 

of  the  day. 

Eleven  with  eggs,  mostly  in  the  two-cell  stage,  some  up  to  eight.      None  laid  the 
rest  of  the  day. 

29  Thirteen  with  eggs,  mostly  in  the  two-cell  stage,  some  up  to  eight.     None  laid  the 

rest  of  the  day. 

30  Tank  covered  at   10:30  A.M.  and  kept  covered  until  8  P.M.  March  31st.     Not 

examined  for  eggs  at  8  P.M. 

31  One  with  newly-laid  eggs  at  8:30  A.M.     Three  with  eggs  in  late  stages  of  cleavage 

at  8  P.M.,  laid  since  8:30  A.M. 

April        1          No  eggs  at  8:40  A.M.,  nor  at  8:40  P.M.     Eleven  with  eggs  at  9  P.M.     None  laid 

At  the  end  of  the  experiment  the  fish  were  returned  to  a  normal  daylight  schedule 
and  within  two  days  as  many  as  75  per  cent  of  the  females  were  laying  eggs 
before  8  A.M.  each  day. 


These  experiments  indicate  that  the  ovulatory  cycle  of  Oryzias  latipes  is  in 
some  way  correlated  with  diurnal  photoperiodicity.  With  but  four  isolated 
exceptions  among  the  32  experimental  females,  reversal  of  the  photoperiodicity 
changed  the  time  of  ovulation,  as  indicated  by  egg-laying,  by  approximately 
12  hours.  In  the  first  experiment  there  was  an  appreciable  change  in  addition 
to  the  reversal  during  the  experiment,  as  the  fish  had  been  laying  eggs  near  the 
middle  of  the  day.  In  the  second  experiment  two  reversals  occurred,  including 
the  return  to  normal  conditions.  The  two  or  three  day  lag  between  reversal  of 
the  photoperiodicity  and  appearance  of  the  first  eggs  is  assumed  to  be  caused 
by  an  adjustment  of  the  fish  to  the  new  lighting  conditions. 

The  exceptional  results  are  easily  explained.  The  two  fish  in  tank  II  on 
February  10  undoubtedly  were  not  yet  adjusted  to  the  sudden  change  in  photo- 
periodicity;  the  one  in  tank  II  on  February  13  was  in  poor  condition,  having 
been  taken  from  slightly  foul  water.  The  exceptional  fish  on  March  31  was 
the  result  of  the  upset  of  photoperiodicity  on  the  previous  day. 

These  facts  suggest  the  manner  in  which  photoperiodicity  may  regulate  the 
ovulatory  cycle  in  Oryzias  latipes.  The  species  is  physiologically  and  genetically 
adjusted  to  a  daily  cycle.  This  means  that  20  to  30  relatively  large  eggs  must 
be  matured,  ovulated,  and  laid  in  the  space  of  24  hours,  the  bulk  of  this  time 
being  utilized  in  the  maturation  process.  Ovulation  (i.e.,  rupture  and  emergence 
of  the  egg  from  the  ovary)  must  normally  occur  approximately  at  dawn  because 
these  studies  show  that  oviposition  follows  shortly  thereafter  and  Oryzias  latipes 
has  long  been  known  to  produce  its  eggs  early  in  the  morning.  It  is  inconceivable 
that  the  temperature  of  a  15-gallon  tank  of  water  would  change  as  abruptly  as 
does  the  light  factor  early  in  the  morning.  Of  the  two  variables,  it  seems  most 


likely  that  since  the  temperature  is  relatively  constant  and  the  light  factor  is 
extremely  variable,  that  this  latter  factor  is  the  trigger  which  sets  off  the  ovulation 
and  oviposition  reactions.  Light  in  itself  may  not  be  necessary  in  the  sense  that 
it  acts  through  the  sense  organs  to  bring  about  breeding  reactions  for  these  fish 
may  ovulate  on  occasion  and  deposit  their  eggs  even  in  total  darkness,  although 
such  reactions  are  not  predictable.  It  is  the  thesis  of  this  paper  that  the  stimulus 
of  light  brings  about  an  increase  in  the  metabolic  activity  of  the  fish  and  that 
this  activity  in  turn  sets  off  the  breeding  reactions  which  have  otherwise  been 
rather  quiescent.  By  direct  observation  it  can  be  shown  that  the  periods  of 
light  and  dark  do  regulate  the  physical  activity  of  the  fish  and  those  which  have 
been  in  darkness  for  a  considerable  period  fail  to  respond  normally  to  tactile 
stimuli  and  generally  swim  very  sluggishly.  This  has  been  previously  reported 
by  Spencer  (1929)  who  found  the  sunfish  to  be  quiescent  at  night,  and  Shaw, 
Escobar,  and  Baldwin  (1938)  who  found  the  locomotor  activity  of  goldfish  to  be 
much  reduced  in  reduced  sunlight.  The  medaka  is  a  very  active  fish  during  the 
day  so  there  may  be  a  considerable  difference  in  the  amount  of  energy  available 
for  the  maturation  process  between  periods  of  rest  (in  darkness)  and  of  activity 
(in  light).  There  is  no  suggestion  that  radiant  energy  is  thereby  transformed 
into  metabolic  energy  but  rather  that  light  which  penetrates  the  water  stimulates 
the  fish  to  activity  which  activity  in  turn  utilizes  stored  metabolic  energy. 
This  energy  might  otherwise  be  utilized  in  the  maturation  process. 

Such  a  thesis  does  not  preclude  the  possibility  of  maturation  (and  ovulation) 
in  fish  which  are  continuously  active  but  that  the  reproductive  cycle  of  such  fish 
should  be  longer  and  more  irregular.  These  observations  confirm  such  a  proposi- 
tion. But  under  the  normal  ration  of  light  and  darkness  the  fish  will  ovulate 
near  the  end  of  the  period  of  darkness  no  matter  what  time  of  day  this  happens 
to  be.  Further  confirmation  of  this  thesis  might  be  obtained  by  enucleation  of 
the  females  prior  to  a  series  of  observations,  but  we  would  have  to  go  further 
and  attempt  to  control  the  chromatophores  as  well.  This  would  be  extremely 

Other  species  studied  have  longer  cycles,  so  no  direct  comparison  is  possible. 
It  is  not  impossible  that  light  may  also  affect  these  longer  cycles,  particularly 
if  it  can  be  proven  that  certain  parts  of  the  spectrum  are  more  beneficial  than 
others,  such  as  ultra-violet  or  the  other  extreme,  infra-red.  But  this  suggested 
relationship  is  not  offered  as  the  explanation  of  the  phenomena  in  Oryzias  since 
it  produces  eggs  at  almost  all  seasons.  Barney  and  Anson  (1921)  and  Turner 
(1936,  1937,  1938)  noted  a  direct  relation  between  seasons  and  the  reproductive 
cycles  in  several  poeciliids.  But  these  authors  associated  the  breeding  reactions 
more  with  seasonal  temperature  than  light  changes.  Dildine  (1936)  did  not 
agree  with  Turner's  (1937)  conclusions  after  studying  Lebistes  reticulatus.  Craig- 
Bennett  (1930)  found  no  effect  of  variation  of  light  on  the  cycle  of  Gasterosteus 

Matthews  (1939)  and  Burger  (1939b),  both  using  the  male  Fundulus,  state 
that  light  is  not  essential  and  that  it  has  no  effect  on  the  spermatogenetic  cycle 
but  that  temperature  is  the  all-important  environmental  variable.  Matthews 
showed  that  low  temperatures  retarded  spermatogenesis  and  Burger  stated  that 
a  low  light  ration  of  one  and  a  half  hours  per  day  kept  the  fish  sexually  inactive 
at  6-10°  C.,  but  that  many  spermatazoa  were  developed  with  the  same  light 


ration  at  14-20°  C.  It  is  logical  to  assume  that  the  low  temperature  would 
retard  any  biological  process  and  Burger  admits  that  a  basic  light  ration  of  one 
and  a  half  hours  per  day  is  needed  to  keep  the  fish  sexually  active. 

Although  other  environmental  factors  may  be  involved,  under  normal 
circumstances  the  time  of  ovulation  (hence  also  the  prior  period  of  maturation) 
in  Oryzias  latipes  is  related  to  the  diurnal  periodicity,  probably  through  the 
regulation  of  the  states  of  activity  during  the  daily  cycle  rather  than  through 
any  intrinsic  value  in  light  (energy)  itself. 


1.  The  female  urino-genital  tract  of  Oryzias  latipes  is,  in  general,  similar  to 
that  of  other  poeciliid  fish.     The  ovary  is  an  unpaired,  hollow  organ  consisting 
of  a  thin  but  strong  wall,  lined  with  developing  follicles  on  all  sides  except  the 
dorsal.     The  development  of  the  oocytes  is  similar  to  that  in  Fundulus  hetero- 
clitus.    The  oviduct  is  a  short,  muscular  tube  with  no  known  function  except 
that  of  egg  transport. 

2.  The  ovulation  process  is  not  cataclysmic,  but  takes  an  average  of  about 
30  minutes  under  the  conditions  stated.     Contraction  of  the  ovary  as  a  whole 
is  not  necessary,  although  this  does  not  preclude  the  possibility  of  action  of 
smooth  muscle  in  the  walls  of  the  follicles  themselves.     The  force  causing  the 
initial  rupture  of  the  follicle  is  unknown. 

3.  The  eggs  are  laid  almost  immediately  after  ovulation,  either  just  before 
or  during  copulation.     Copulation  consists  of  a  definite  series  of  actions  by  both 
fishes,  and  the  sperm  and  eggs  are  shed  simultaneously. 

4.  The  fishes  normally  ovulate  just  before  dawn,  and  inverting  the  periods  of 
light  and  darkness  as  compared  to  natural  conditions  causes  ovulation  to  be 
shifted  from  the  time  of  the  natural  dawn  to  the  time  of  the  artificial  dawn. 
It  was  suggested   that  light  governs  the  time  of  ovulation   by  regulating  the 
general  metabolic  activity  of  the  female.     The  eggs  are  matured  during  a  period 
of  quiescence  and  are  released  at  the  beginning  of  the  period  of  activity,  stimulated 
by  light.     In  the  normal  daily  cycle  light  is  probably  the  most  important  environ- 
mental factor,  acting  as  a  stimulant  to  general  activity  and  hence  to  ovulation 
and  oviposition  in  Oryzias  latipes. 


BAILEY,  RALPH  J.,  1933.     The  ovarian  cycle  in  the  viviparous  teleost  Xiphophorus  helleri.     Biol. 

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BARNEY,  R.  L.,  AND  B.  J.  ANSON,  1921.     Seasonal  abundance  of  the  mosquito-destroying  top- 
minnow,  Gambusia  affinis,  especially  in  relation  to  male  frequency.     Ecology,  2:  53-69. 
BURGER,  J.  \V.,   1939a.     Some  preliminary  experiments  on  the  relation  of  the  sexual  cycle  of 

Fundulus  heteroclitus  to  periods  of  increased  and  decreased  daily  illumination.     Bull,  of 

the  Mount  Desert  Island  Biol.  Lab.,  39-40. 
BURGER,  J.  W.,  1939b.     Some  experiments  on  the  relation  of  the  external  environment  to  the 

spermatogenetic  cycle  of  Fundulus  heteroclitus.     Biol.  Bull.,  77:  96 . 

CRAIG-BENNETT,  A.,    1930.     V.  The  reproductive  cycle  of  the  three-spined  stickleback,   Gas- 

terosteus  aculeatus,  Linn.     Phil.  Trans,  of  the  Roy.  Soc.  of  London,  B,  219:  197-280. 
DILDINE,  GLENN  C.,  1936.     The  effect  of  light  and  temperature  on  the  gonads  of  Lebistes.     Anal. 

Rec.,  67:  supp.,  61. 
ESSENBERG,  J.  M.,  1923.     Sex-differentiation  in  the  viviparous  teleost  Xiphophorus  helleri  Heckel. 

Biol.  Bull..  45:  46-77. 


HOOVER,  EARL  E.,  AND  HARRY  E.  HUBBARD,  1937.     Modification  of  the  sexual  cycle  in  trout  by 

control  of  light.     Copeia,  4:  206-210. 
KAMITO,  AKIRA,  1928.     Early  development  of  the  Japanese  killifish  (Oryzias  latipes),  with  notes 

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73:  67-92. 
MATTHEWS,  S.  A.,   1939.     The  effects  of  light  and  temperature  on  the  male  sexual  cycle  in 

Fundulus.     Biol.  Bull.,  77:  92-95. 
REGNIER,   MARIE-THERESE,    1938.     Contribution  a  1'etude  de  la  sexualite  des  Cyprinodontes 

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Vol.  84,  No.  1,  Supplement 

February,  1943 










Titles  recorded  alphabetically  with  initial  dates. 

*      ceased  publication. 
[   ]     incomplete. 

+      receive  currently. 

Abhandlungen  aus  der  Abteilung  fiir  Phyto- 
morphogenese  des  Timiriaseff-Instituts  fiir 
Biologic  am  Zentralen  Exekutivkomitee  der 
U.  d.  S.  S.  R.  1933:  Moscow.  1 

Abhandlungen  der  Bayerischen  Akademie  der 
Wissenschaften ;  Mathematisch-Naturwis- 
senschaftliche  Abteilung  (1871-1924  as 
Mathematisch-Physikalische  Abteilung) 
1829:  Munich.  25,  nos.  6-10;  26,  nos.  1-10; 
28,  no.  3;  30-32;  N.F.  1-45;  supplements  1-4; 

Abhandlungen  der  Heidelberger  Akademie 
der  Wissenschaften  (Mathematisch-Natur- 
wissenschaftliche  Klasse)  1910:  1-23 

Abhandlungen  der  Leopoldinisch-Carolini- 
schen  Deutschen  Akademie  der  Natur- 
forscher  see  Nova  Acta  Leopold  ina 

Abhandlungen  der  Naturforschenden  Gesell- 
schaft  zu  Gorlitz  1827:  18;  20-26 

Abhandlungen  der  Naturhistorischen  Gesell- 
schaft  zu  Niirnberg  1852:  5-7;  10;  12-16; 
18,  no.  2;  20;  21,  no.  4 

Abhandlungen  der  Preussischen  Akademie 
der  Wissenschaften;  Mathematisch-Natur- 
wissenschaftliche  Klasse  1936:  15  + 
*Abhandlungen  der  Preussischen  Akademie 
der  Wissenschaften;  Physikalisch-Mathe- 
matische  Klasse  (1882-1900  as  Abhand- 
lungen der  Koniglichen  Akademie  der  Wis- 

senschaften zu  Berlin;  1901-07  as  Abhand- 
lungen der  Koniglichen  Preussischen  Aka- 
demie der  Wissenschaften)  1804: 1882-1938; 
also  Verzeichnis  der  Abhandlungen  der  K. 
Preussischen  Akademie  der  Wissenschaften 
von  1710-1870  in  Alphabetischer  Folge  der 

Abhandlungen  (herausgegeben  von)  der 
Senckenbergischen  Naturforschenden  Ge- 
sellschaft  1854:  Frankfurt  a.  M.  22;  33-35; 
nos.  430-435;  440-442 

Abhandlungen    der    Zoologisch-Botanischen 

Gesellschaft  in  Wien  1901:  1  + 
*Abhandlungen  des  Deutschen  Seefischerei- 
Vereins  1897:  Berlin.  1;  4-5;  7;  8A;  9-13 

Abhandlungen  des  Naturwissenschaftlichen 
Vereins  fiir  Schwaben  1936:  Augsburg.  1 

Abhandlungen  des  Wissenschaftlichen  Insti- 
tutes fiir  Fischereiwirtschaft  see  Trudy 
Nauchnogo  Instituta  Rybnogo  Khoziaistva 

Abhandlungen  des  Wissenschaftlichen  Zen- 
tralinstitutes  fur  Fischereiwirtschaft  see 
Trudy  Tsentral'nogo  Nauchnogo  Instituta 
Rybnogo  Khoziaistva 

Abhandlungen  herausgegeben  vom  Natur- 
Wissenschaftlichen  Verein  zu  Bremen  (26+ 
subtitle  Reihe  B  der  Schriften  der  Bremer 
Wissenschaftlichen  Gesellschaft)  1868:  1-4; 
6  + 


Abhandlungen  zur  Didaktik  und  Philosophie 
der  Naturwissenschaft;  Sonderheft  der 
Zeitschrift  fur  den  Physikalischen  und 
Chemischen  Unterricht  1904:  vols.  1-2;  no. 

*Abhandlungen  zur  Physiologie  der  Sinne  aus 
dem  Physiologischen  Institut  zu  Freiburg 
i.  B.  (Heft  1-4  as  Abhandlungen  zur  Physio- 
logie der  Gesichtsempfindungen)  1897:  1-5 

Abhandlungen  zur  Theoretischen  Biologic 
herausgegeben  von  Prof.  Dr.  Julius  Schaxel ; 
Vorstand  der  Anstalt  fur  Experimentelle 
Biologic  der  Universitat  Jena  1919:  1-30 

Abhandlungen  zur  Theorie  der  Organischen 
Entwicklung;  Roux'  Vortrage  und  Aufsatze 
iiber  Entwicklungsmechanik  der  Organis- 
men,  Neue  Folge  1926:  1-6 

Abridged  Scientific  Publications  from  the 
Kodak  Research  Laboratories  1913:  East- 
man Kodak  Company.  2  + 

Abstract  Bulletin  of  Lamp  Development  Lab- 
oratory (1,  no.  1  as  Abstract-Bulletin  of  the 
Physical  Laboratory  of  the  National  Elec- 
tric Lamp  Association;  1,  nos.  2-4  as 
Abstract-Bulletin  of  Nela  Research  Labora- 
tory) 1913:  General  Electric  Company.  1  + 

Abstracts    from    Rikwagaku-Kenkyu-jo    Ib.6 
see  with  Scientific  Papers  of  the  Institute  of 
Physical  and  Chemical  Research 
*  Abstracts  of  Bacteriology  1917:  1-9 

Abstracts  of  Chemical  Papers  issued  by  the 
Bureau  of  Chemical  Abstracts  see  Journal 
of  the  Chemical  Society;  Journal  of  the 
Society  of  Chemical  Industry;  British  Chem- 
ical and  Physiological  Abstracts,  A  and  B 
*Abstracts  of  Physical  Papers  from  Foreign 
Sources;  Physical  Society  of  London  1895: 

Abstracts  of  the  Works  of  the  Zoological 
Institute  of  the  Moscow  State  University 
see  Sbornik  Nauchno-Issledovatel'skogo  In- 
stituta  Zoologii 

Academy  of  Natural  Sciences  of  Philadelphia; 

Review  1932:  1932-35 

*Academy  of  Natural  Sciences  of  Philadelphia; 
Yearbook  (to  1920  in  Proceedings;  1920-22 
as  Annual  Reports)  1920:  1920-31 

Acta  Academiae  Aboensis;  Mathematica  et 
Physica  1922:  Abo.  11  + 

Acta  Adriatica;  Instituti  (Biologico-)  Oceano- 
graphici  Split;  Jugoslavia  1932:  1  + 

Acta  Biologiae  Experimentalis;  Litterae  So- 
cietatis  Physiologorum  Polonorum  1928: 
Institut  Nencki,  Warsaw.  1-12 

Acta  Biologica  Latvica;  Latvijas  Biologijas 
Biedribas  Raksti  (1-7  as  Latvijas  Biologijas 
Biedribas  Raksti;  Acta  Societatis  Biologiae 
Latviae,  Bulletin  de  la  Socie"te  de  Biologic 
de  Lettonie)  1929:  1  + 

Acta  Biotheoretica;  Geschriften  van  de  Prof. 
Dr.  Jan  van  der  Hoeven  Stichting  voor 
Theoretische  Biologic  van  Dier  en  Mensch, 
verbonden  aan  de  Universiteit  te  Leiden; 
Series  A,  1935:  1+  Series  D.  Bibliotheca 
Biotheoretica  1941:  1  + 

Acta    Botanica    Fennica    1925:    Societas    pro 
Fauna  et  Flora  Fennica.  1  + 

Acta  Brevia  Neerlandica  de  Physiologia,  Phar- 
macologia,  Microbiologia  e.  a.  1931:  Neder- 
landsche  Vereeniging  voor  Physiologie  en 
Pharmacologie,  Amsterdam.  1  + 

Acta  Horti  Bergiani  1890:  Bergielund  Botani- 
ska  Tradgard,  Stockholm.  1  + 

Acta  Horti  Botanici  Universitatis  Latviensis 
1926;  Riga.  1  + 

Acta  Instituti  Botanici  Academiae  Sciencia- 
rum,  URSS  see  Trudy  Botanicheskogo  Insti- 
tuta  Akademii  Nauk  SSSR 

Acta  Instituti  et  Musei  Zoologici  Universitatis 
Atheniensis  (title  given  in  Hebrew  also) 
1935:  Zoological  Institute  and  Museum, 
University  of  Athens.  1,  nos.  1-5 

Acta  Medica  Scandinavica  (1-51,  1869-1919 
as  Nordiskt  Medicinskt  Arkiv)  52,  1919: 
Stockholm.  77,  no.  4;  103  + ;  Supplementum 
1921:  17;  42;  56;  68;  71;  107  + 

Acta  Ornithologica ;  Musei  Zoologici  Polonici 
1933:  Warsaw.  1-3,  no.  3 

Acta  Pathologica  et  Microbiologica  Scandina- 
vica 1924:  Copenhagen.  10,  nos.  1-2;  16+ 

Acta  Physicochimica  U.  R.  S.  S.  1934:  1  + 

Acta  Phytochimica  1922:  Iwata  Institute  of 
Plant  Biochemistry,  Tokyo.  1  + 

Acta  Radiologica  1921:  Societies  for  Medical 
Radiology  in  Denmark,  Finland,  Holland, 
Norway,  Sweden,  Switzerland.  3,  no.  6;  13  + 

Acta  Societatis  Biologiae  Latviae  see  Acta  Bio- 
logica Latvica 

Acta  Societatis  Botanicorum  Poloniae;  Organ 
Polskiego  Towarzystwa  Botanicznego  (Pub- 
lication de  la  Societe  Botanique  de  Pologne) 
1923:  Warsaw.  1-15,  no.  3;  supplements  to 
9  and  11 

Acta  Societatis  pro  Fauna  et  Flora  Fennica 
1875:  Helsingfors.  1  + 

Acta  Societatis  Scientiarum  Fennicae  (after 
50  as  Nova  Series  A.  Opera  Physicomathe- 
matica  and  B.  Opera  Biologica)  1842: 
Helsingfors.  1  + 

Acta  Societatis  Scientiarum  Naturalium  Mo- 
ra vicae  see  Prace  Moravske  Prirodovedecke 

Acta  Universitatis  Asiae  Mediae  see  Trudy 
Sredne-Aziatskogo  Gosudarstvennogo  Uni- 

Acta  Universitatis  Lundensis  see  Lunds  Uni- 
versitets  Arsskrift 


Acta  Universitatis  Voronegiensis  see  Trudy 
Voronezhskogo  Gosudarstvennogo  Univer- 

Acta  Zoologica;  Internationell  Tidskrift  for 
Zoologi  1920:  Stockholm.  1  + 

Acta  Zoologica  Fennica  1926:  Societas  pro 
Fauna  et  Flora  Fennica;  Helsingfors.  1  + 

Actes  de  la  Societe  Helvetique  des  Sciences 
Naturelles  see  Verhandlungen  der  Schwei- 
zerischen  Naturforschenden  Gesellschaft 

Actes  de  la  Societe  Scientifique  du  Chili  (fon- 
dee  par  un  groupe  de  Francais)  1891:  San- 
tiago. 1;  2,  nos.  1,  4;  3-4 

Actualites  Scientifiques  et  Industrielles  1929: 
Paris.  11;  32;  36;  38;  47-48;  64-66;  78;  96; 
100;  102;  106;  108;  112-13;  119-20;  128; 
133;  135-37;  170-71;  176;  178-180;  183; 
187;  189;  207-09;  228;  238;  240;  242-44; 
246;  254-55;  258-61;  264;  266-68;  272-73; 
284;  300;  338;  350;  373;  401-03;  405;  408; 
410;  413;  416;  466;  498;  583;  594-97 

Administration  Reports  of  the  Government 
Marine  Biologist:  Ceylon.  1910-1920; 
1922  + 

Advances  in  Colloid  Science  1942:  New 
York.  1 

Advances  in  Enzymology  and  Related  Sub- 
jects 1941:  New  York.  1  + 

Advances  in  Modern  Biology,  Moscow  see 
Uspekhi  Sovremennoi  Biologii 

Aeronautical  Engineering  Review  1942:  Insti- 
tute of  the  Aeronautical  Sciences,  Inc.  1  + 

Aeronautical  Review  Section  see  Journal  of  the 

Aeronautical  Sciences 

*Agricultural  Journal  of  the  Union  of  South 
Africa  1911:  Department  of  Agriculture. 
1-8,  no.  2 

Algal  Research  Institute,  Archangel  see  Trudy 
Arkhangel'skogo  Vodoroslevogo  Nauchno- 
Issledovatel'skogo  Instituta  Avnii 

Allahabad  University  Studies  1925:  1  + 
*Allgemeine  Botanische  Zeitschrift  fur  Syste- 
matik,  Floristik,  Pflanzengeographie  1895: 
Karlsruhe.  1-33 

Allgemeine  Zellforschung  und  Mikroskopische 
Anatomie  see  Zeitschrift  fur  Zellforschung 
und  Mikroskopische  Anatomie,  Abt.  A 

American  Agriculturist  for  Farm,  Garden, 
Household  1843:  New  York.  1-2;  [20-52] 

American  Anatomical  Memoirs  (Memoirs  of 
the  Wistar  Institute  of  Anatomy  and  Biol- 
ogy) 1911:  Philadelphia.  1  + 

American  Association  for  the  Advancement  of 
Science  and  Associated  Societies;  General 
Program  1849:  22-23;  25;  36;  38;  40;  43-47; 
51;  57;  60-63;  65-66;  68-69;  73;  76;  78-79; 
83;  85  + 

American  Association  for  the  Advancement  of 
Science  Bulletin  1942:  1  + 

American  Botanist;  a  quarterly  journal  of 
economic  and  ecological  botany  1901 :  1  + 

American  Breeders'  Magazine  see  Journal  of 


*  American  Chemical  Journal  1879:  1-50 
*American  Entomologist;  an  illustrated  maga- 
zine of  popular  and   practical  entomology 
1868:  1-3 

American  Forests  (8-14,  no.  8  as  Forestry  and 
Irrigation;  14,  no.  9 — vol.  15  as  Conserva- 
tion; 16-29  as  American  Forestry)  1895: 
American  Forestry  Association,  Washing- 
ton. [12-43] 

American  Heart  Journal;  a  journal  for  the 
study  of  the  circulation  1925:  American 
Heart  Association.  1  + 

American  Journal  of  Anatomy  (preceded  by 
and  including  Proceedings  of  the  Association 
of  American  Anatomists  1888:  1-20)  1901: 

1  + 

American  Journal  of  Botany;  official  publica- 
tion of  the  Botanical  Society  of  America 
1914:  1  + 

American  Journal  of  Cancer  (1-14  as  Journal 
of  Cancer  Research)  1916:  American  Asso- 
ciation for  Cancer  Research.  1-40 
*American  Journal  of  Conchology  1865:  Acad- 
emy of  Natural  Sciences.  2-7 

American  Journal  of  Hygiene  1921:  School  of 
Hygiene  and  Public  Health  of  Johns  Hop- 
kins University.  1  +  and  Monographic 
Series  1  + 

*American  Journal  of  Microscopy;  a  monthly 
record  of  microscopical  science  1871:  Chi- 
cago. 1,  no.  1 

*American  Journal  of  Microscopy  and  Popular 
Science  1875:  New  York  City.  1-6 

American  Journal  of  Pathology  1925:  Ameri- 
can Association  of  Pathologists  and  Bac- 
teriologists. 1  + 

American  Journal  of  Physical  Anthropology; 
organ  of  the  Association  of  Physical  Anthro- 
pologists 1918:  1  + 

*American  Journal  of  Physiological  Optics 
1920:  American  Optical  Company.  1-7 

American  Journal  of  Physiology  1898:  1  + 

American  Journal  of  Public  Health  and  the 
Nation's  Health  (1-17  as  American  Journal 
of  Public  Health)  1911:  American  Public 
Health  Association!  2  + 

American  Journal  of  Roentgenology  and  Ra- 
dium Therapy;  official  organ  of  the  Ameri- 
can Roentgen  Ray  Society  and  the  Ameri- 
can Radium  Society  (1-9  as  American 
Journal  of  Roentgenology)  1906:  n.s.  2  + 

American  Journal  of  Science  (1820-79  as 
American  Journal  of  Science  and  Arts. 
Known  also  as  Silliman's  Journal  of  Science) 
1818:  1  + 


American  Journal  of  Surgery  (1-17  as  Ameri- 
can Journal  of  Surgery  and  Gynecology) 
1890:  [17-37];  n.s.  [4-10];  19  + 

American  Journal  of  the  Medical  Sciences 
1827:  n.s.  99-106;  [107-112];  113;  115;  117; 
119;  [123-127];  148;  [149];  150-51;  [152]; 
153  + 

American  Journal  of  Tropical  Medicine  1921: 

I  + 

*American  Meteorological  Journal;  a  monthly 
review  of  meteorology  and  allied  branches 
of  study  1884:  1-9,  no.  1;  10,  nos.  5-6 

American  Midland  Naturalist  1909:  Univer- 
sity of  Notre  Dame.  1  + 

*American  Monthly  Microscopical  Journal 
1880:  1-20;  21,  no.  10 

American  Museum  Journal  see  Natural  His- 

American  Museum  Novitates  1921:  American 
Museum  of  Natural  History.  1  + 

American  Naturalist;  a  bi-monthly  journal 
devoted  to  the  advancement  of  the  biologi- 
cal sciences,  with  special  reference  to  the 
factors  of  evolution  1867:  1  + 

American  Nautical  Almanac:  United  States 
Naval  Observatory.  1934  + 

American  Philosophical  Society;  Yearbook 
1937:  1937  + 

American  Public  Health  Association  Yearbook 
see  in  American  Journal  of  Public  Health 
and  the  Nation's  Health 
*American    Quarterly    Microscopical    Journal 
1878:  New  York  Microscopical  Society.  1 

American  Scientist;  the  Sigma  Xi  Quarterly 
(1-29  as  Sigma  XI  Quarterly)  1913:  [1-10]; 

II  + 

Anales  de  la  Escuela  Nacional  de  Ciencias 
Biologicas  1938:  Mexico.  1  + 

Anales  de  la  Sociedad  Cientifica  Argentina 
1876:  [2-98];  99  + 

Anales  de  la  Sociedad  Espanola  de  Fisica  y 
Quimica  (10+  in  two  parts:  Notas  y  Memo- 
rias;  and  Actas,  Revistas  e  Indices)  1903: 
1  + 

*Anales  de  la  Sociedad  Espanola  de  Historia 
Natural  1872:  Madrid.  1-30 

Anales  del  Instituto  de  Biologia  de  la  Universi- 
dad  Nacional  de  Mexico  1930:  1  + 

Anales  del  Instituto  Geologico  de  Mexico 
1917:  1-9 

Anales  del  Museo  Argentino  de  Ciencias 
Naturales  "Bernardino  Rivadavia"  (3-20  as 
Anales  del  Museo  Nacional;  21-36  as  Anales 
del  Museo  Nacional  de  Historia  Natural; 
32+  with  addition  of  "Bernardino  Rivada- 
via") 1864:  4  + 

Anales  del  Museo  de  Historia  Natural  de 
Montevideo  (ser.  1,  vols.  1-7  and  ser.  2,  vol. 
1  as  Anales  del  Museo  Nacional  de  Monte- 

video of  which  vols.   1-4  form  Flora  Uru- 
guaya)  1894:*  ser.  1,  1-7;  ser.  2  (1904).  1  + 

Anales  del  Museo  de  la  Plata  1891:  seccion 
botanica,  1;  seccion  paleontologica,  5;  ser. 
2  (1907),  1-4,  pt.  1 

Anales  Hidrograficos ;  Ministerio  de  Marina, 
Argentina  1918:  5-10 

Analyst;  the  journal  of  the  Society  of  Public 
Analysts  and  other  analytical  chemists  1877: 
Cambridge,  England.  1  + 

Anatomical  Record  1906:  1  + 

Anatomische  Hefte,  Abt.  1 ;  Arbeiten  aus 
Anatomischen  Instituten  see  Zeitschrift  fur 
Anatomie  und  Entwicklungsgeschichte 

Anatomische  Hefte,  Abt.  2;  Ergebnisse  der 
Anatomie  und  Entwicklungsgeschichte  see 
Ergebnisse  der  Anatomie  und  Entwick- 

*Anatomische  und  Entwicklungsgeschichtliche 
Monographien  herausgegeben  von  Prof. 
Wilhelm  Roux  1909:  1-3 

Anatomischer  Anzeiger;  Centralblatt  fur  die 
Gesamte  Wissenschaftliche  Anatomie;  Amt- 
liches  Organ  der  Anatomischen  Gesell- 
schaft  1886:  1  + 

Anatomischer  Anzeiger;  Erganzungsheft  see 
Verhandlungen  der  Anatomischen  Gesell- 

Anatomischer  Bericht;  Referierendes  Organ 
fur  das  Gesamtgebiet  der  Anatomie;  im 
Auftrage  der  Anatomischen  Gesellschaft 
1922:  1  + 

*Anexos  das  Memorias  do  Instituto  de  Butan- 
tan;  Seccao  de  Ofiologia  1921:  1,  fasc.  1 

Angewandte  Botanik;  Zeitschrift  der  Vereini- 
gung  fur  Angewandte  Botanik  (1-8  with  sub- 
title Zeitschrift  fur  Erforschung  der  Nutz- 
pflanzen)  1919:  1  + 

Angewandte  Chemie;  Zeitschrift  und  Eigen- 
tum  des  Vereins  Deutscher  Chemiker  (2-44 
as  Zeitschrift  fur  Angewandte  Chemie)  1887: 
2  + 

Animal  Kingdom  (nos.  1-5  as  News  Bulletin) 
(vol.  1,  no.  6— vol.  44  as  Bulletin)  1897: 
New  York  Zoological  Society.  1  + 

Anleitungen  der  Deutschen  Gesellschaft  fur 
Ziichtungskunde  1920:  16  + 

Annale  van  die  Transvaal  Museum  see  Annals 
of  the  Transvaal  Museum 

Annalen  der  Chemie  und  Pharmazie  see  Justus 
Liebigs  Annalen  der  Chemie 

Annalen  der  Hydrographie  und  Maritimen 
Meteorologie ;  Zeitschrift  fur  Seefahrt-  und 
Meereskunde  (1-2  as  Hydrographische 
Mittheilungen)  (includes  Jahresbericht  iiber 
die  Tatigkeit  der  Deutschen  Seewarte) 
1873:  1  + 

Annalen  der  Pharmazie  see  Justus  Liebigs 
Annalen  der  Chemie 


Annalen  der  Physik  (1819-1824  as  Anna'.en  der 
Physik  und  der  Physikalischen  Chemie; 
1824-1899  05  Annalen  der  Physik  und 
Chemie)  1799:  1  + 

Annalen  der  Physik;  Beiblatter  see  Beiblatter 

zu  den  Annalen  der  Physik 
*  Annalen  der  Physik;  Erganzungsbande  1842: 

Annalen  des  Naturhistorischen  Museums  in 
Wien  (1-32  as  Annalen  des  K.  K.  Natur- 
historischen Hof  museums)  1886:  1  + 

Annales;  Station  Oceanographique  de  Sal- 
ammbo  1925:  Tunis.  1-8 

Annales  Botanici  Societatis  Zoologicae-Botani- 
cae  Fennicae  Vanamo  see  Suomalaisen 
Elain-ja  Kasvitieteellisen  Seuran  Vanamon; 
Kasvitieteellisia  Julkaisuja 
*Annales  de  Biologic  Lacustre  1906:  Brussels. 

Annales  de  Chimie  Analytique  et  de  Chimie 
Appliquee  et  Revue  de  Chimie  Analytique 
Reunies  1896:  ser.  2,  1  + 

Annales  de  Chimie  et  de  Physique  (after  ser. 
8,  divided  into  Annales  de  Chimie,  and  An- 
nales de  Physique)  1789:  1  + 
*Annales  de  Cryptogamie  Exotique  1928:  Mu- 
seum National  d'Histoire  Naturelle.  1-8 
*Annales  de  1'Association  des  Naturalistes  de 
Levallois-Perret  1895:  9-10;  12-19 

Annales  de  1'Institut  Henri  Poincare;  Recueil 
de  Conferences  et  Memoires  de  Calcul  des 
Probabilites  et  Physique  Theorique  1930: 
4,  no.  3 

Annales  de  1'Institut  National  Zootechnique 
de  Roumanie  1932:  Bucarest.  1-3 

Annales  de  1'Institut  Oceanographique;  Mo- 
naco 1909:  1  + 

Annales  de  1'Institut  Pasteur  1887:  1  + 

Annales  de  1'Universite  de  Minsk  see  Trudy 

Belorusskogo  Gosudarstven.  Universiteta 
*Annales  de  la  Societe  Beige  de  Microscopic 
(Memoires)  1875:  1-28 

Annales  de  la  Societe  Entomologique  de 
Belgique  see  Bulletin  et  Annales  de  la 
Societe  Entomologique  de  Belgique 

Annales  de  la  Societe  Linneenne  de  Lyon 

1826:  n.s.  76-80 

*Annales  de  la  Societe  Royale  des  Sciences 
Medicales  et  Naturelles  de  Bruxelles  1892: 
10,  no.  1;  15,  no.  3;  19,  no.  1 

Annales  de  la  Societe  Royale  Zoologique  (et 
Malacologique)  de  Belgique  1863:  1  + 

Annales  de  la  Societe  Scientifique  de  Bruxelles 
1875:  1-46;  ser.  B.  Sciences  Physiques  et 
Naturelles.  47+  *ser.  C.  Sciences  Medicales. 

*Annales  de  Micrographie ;  specialment  consa- 
crees  a  la  bacteriologie  aux  protophytes  et 
aux  protozoaires  1888:  1-10 

Annales  de  Parasitologie  humaine  et  comparee 

1923:  1  + 
Annales  de  Physiologic  et  de  Physicochimie 

Biologique  1925:  1  + 
Annales  de  Physique  see  Annales  de  Chimie 

et  de  Physique 
Annales  de  Protistologie ;  recueil  de  travaux 

originaux  concernant  la  biologic  et  la  sys- 

tematique  des  protistes  1928:  1  + 
Annales  des  Sciences  Naturelles  (after  30  in 

two  sections;  Botanique;  Zoologie)  1824:  1  + 
Annales  du  Jardin  Botanique  de  Buitenzorg 

1876:41  + 
Annales  du  Musee  d'Histoire  Naturelles  de 

Marseille  1883:  1  + 
*Annales  du  Musee  Royal  d'Histoire  Naturelle 

de  Belgique  1877:  1-14 
*Annales  du  Museum  d'Histoire  Naturelle  par 

les  Professeurs  de  cet  Etablissement  1802: 

Annales   Entomologici    Fennici   see   Suomen 

Hyonteistieteellinen  Aikakauskirja 
Annales  et  Bulletin  de  la  Societe  Royale  des 

Sciences     Medicales     et     Naturelles     de 

Bruxelles   (1-69  as  Bulletin  de  la  Seance 

de  .  .  .)  1840:  [57-77];  78  + 
Annales   Musei   Zoologici   Polonici    (1-6   as 

Prace  Zoologiczne  Polskiego  Panstwowego 

Muzeum    Przyrodniczego;    7-8    as    Prace 

Panstwowego  Muzeum  Zoologicznego)  192 1 : 

1-12,  no.  24 
Annales  Mycologici;  Editi  in  Notitiam  Scien- 

tiae  Mycologicae  Universalis  1903:  Berlin. 

1  + 
Annales  Scientifiques  de  1'Universite  de  Jassy 

1902:  1-22;  (partie  2)  Sciences  Naturelles. 

23  + 
Annales  Societatis  Chimicae  Polonorum  see 

Roczniki  Chemii 
Annales  Societatis  Rebus   Naturae  Investi- 

gandis  in  Universitate  Tartuensi  Constitu- 

tae  see  Tartu  Ulikooli  juures  oleva  Loodu- 

suurijate  seltsi  Aruanded 
Annales  Societatis  Zoolog.-Botanicae  Fenni- 
cae Vanamo  see  Suomalaisen  elain-ja  Kas- 
vitieteellisen Seuran  Vanamon 
Annales  Zoologici  Societatis  Zoologicae-Bo- 

tanicae  Fennicae  Vanamo  see  Suomalaisen 

elain-ja  Kasvitieteellisen  Seuran  Vanamon; 

Elaintieteellisia  Julkaisuja 
Annaii  d'Igiene  (includes  supplement,  1930-34 

with  no  title,   1935  entitled  "Igea,"   1936+ 

entitled  1'Attualita  Meclica,  vol.  1+)   1889: 


Annaii  di  Botanica  1904:  1  + 
Annaii  di  Chimica  Applicata   1914:  Associa- 

zione  Italianadi  Chimica.  19,  nos.  9,  12;  21  + 
Annaii  Idrografici;  Raccolta  di  Document!  e 

Notizie  circa  1'Idrografia  e  la  Navigazione 


1900:     Istituto     Idrografico     della     Regia 
Marina.  1  + 

Annals  and  Magazine  of  Natural  History  (ser. 
1,  vols.  1-5  as  Annals  of  Natural  History) 
1838:  London.  1  + 

Annals  of  Applied  Biology  1914:  Cambridge, 
England.  1  + 

Annals  of  Botany  1887:  Oxford.  1  + 

Annals  of  Eugenics;  a  journal  for  the  scientific 
study  of  racial  problems  (subtitle  6+  jour- 
nal devoted  to  the  genetic  study  of  human 
populations)  1925:  London.  1  + 

Annals  of  Internal  Medicine  1927:  American 
College  of  Physicians.  1  + 

Annals  of  Natural  History  see  Annals  and 
Magazine  of  Natural  History 

Annals  of  Science;  a  quarterly  review  of  the 
history   of   science   since   the    Renaissance 
1936:  London.  1  + 
*  Annals  of  Scottish  Natural  History  1892:  1-20 

Annals  of  the  Association  of  American  Geog- 
raphers 1911:  1  + 

Annals  of  the  Astrophysical  Observatory  of 

the  Smithsonian  Institution  1900:  1  + 
*Annals  of  the  Bolus  Herbarium   1914:  Uni- 
versity of  Cape  Town.  1-4 

Annals  of  the  Carnegie  Museum  1901:  Pitts- 
burgh. 1  + 

Annals  of  the  Durban  Museum  1914:  Natal. 

1  + 
Annals    of    the    Entomological    Society    of 

America  1908:  1  + 
*Annals  of  the  Institute  of  Jamaica  1897:  1, 

no.  1 
Annals  of  the  Lyceum  of  Natural  History  of 

New  York  see  Annals  of  the  New  York 

Academy  of  Sciences 
Annals   of   the    Missouri   Botanical    Garden 

1914:  1  + 
Annals  of  the  Natal  (Government)  Museum 

1906:  Pietermaritzburg.  1  + 
Annals  of  the  New  York  Academy  of  Sciences 

(ser.  1  as  Annals  of  the  Lyceum  of  Natural 

History  of  New  York)  1823:  1  + 
*Annals  of  the  Royal  Botanic  Gardens,  Pera- 

deniya;  Ceylon  Journal  of  Science,  Section 

A.  Botany  1901:  [1-11] 
Annals  of  the  South  African  Museum  1898: 

1  + 
Annals  of  the  Transvaal  Museum  (Annale  van 

die    Transvaal    Museum)    (Mededelingen 

van  het  Transvaal  Museum)   1908:   [1-2]; 

3-9;  [10];  11  + 
Annals  of  Tropical  Medicine  and  Parasitol- 

ogy;    issued    by   the    Liverpool    School   of 

Tropical  Medicine  1907:  1  + 
1'Annee  Biologique;  comptes  rendus  des  tra- 

vaux  de  biologic  generale    (27-43  in  two 

parts:  1.  Physiologic  generale;  2.  Morpholo- 
gic et  Biologic  generales)  1895:  1  + 

Annotation  of  the  Oceanographical  Research 
1926:  Imperial  Fisheries  Institute;  Tokyo. 
1-3,  no.  2 

Annotationes  Zoologicae  Japonenses  1897: 
Zoological  Society  of  Japan.  1  + 

Annuaire  de  1'Academie  Royale  de  Belgique 
(Jaarboek  van  de  Koninklijke  Belgische 
Academie)  (95-98  as  Annuaire  de  1'Acade- 
mie  Royale  des  Sciences  des  Lettres  et  des 
Beaux-Arts  de  Belgique)  1835:  95  + 

Annuaire  de  1'Institut  Oceanographique  du 
Royaume  de  Yougoslavie  see  Godisnjak 
Oceanografskog  Instituta  Kraljevine  Jugo- 

Annuaire  de  la  Societe  des  Sciences  et  des 
Lettres  de  Varsovie  see  Rocznik  Towar- 
zystwa  Naukowego  Warszawskiego 

Annuaire  de  la  Societe   Meteorologique   de 

France  see  Meteorologie 

*Annuaire  du  Musee  Zoologique;  Academie 
des  Sciences  de  1'URSS  (Ezhegodnik 
Zoologicheskogo  Muzefa;  Akademiya  Nauk 
SSSR)  (1-18  as  Ezhegodnik  Zoologiches- 
kago  Muzeia;  Imperatorskoi  Akademii 
Nauk)  (Annuaire  du  Musee  Zoologique  de 
1'Academie  Imperiale  des  Sciences  de  St.- 
Petersbourg)  (19-20  as  Ezhegodnik  Zoologi- 
cheskago  Muzeia;  Imperatorskoi  Akademii 
Nauk)  (Annuaire  du  Musee  Zoologique  de 
1'Academie  ImpeYiale  des  Sciences  de 
Petrograd)  (21-24  as  Ezhegodnik  Zoolo- 
gicheskogo Muzeia;  Rossiiskoi  Akademii 
Nauk)  (Annuaire  du  Musee  Zoologique  de 
1'Academie  des  Sciences  de  Russie)  1896: 
1-32  (1932) 

Annual  Announcement;  Marine  Biological 
Laboratory  of  Woods  Hole,  Massachusetts 
1888:  1  + 

Annual  Announcement;  Woods  Hole  Oceano- 
graphic  Institution  1931:  1  + 

Annual  Conference  of  the  Universities  of 
Great  Britain  and  Ireland;  Report  of  Pro- 
ceedings: 1925;  1928-29 
*Annual  of  Scientific  Discovery;  or  Year-book 
of  Facts  in  Science  and  Art  1850:  Boston. 

*  Annual  of  the  Universal  Medical  Sciences;  a 

yearly  report  of  the  progress  of  the  general 

sanitary    sciences    throughout    the    world 

(Sajous)  1888:  5  (1891) 

*Annual  Record  of  Science  and  Industry  1871 : 

New  York.  1873 

*Annual  Report;  American  Breeders'  Associa- 
tion (1-2  as  American  Breeders'  Association 
Proceedings;  3-6  as  American  Breeders' 
Association  Report)  1903:  Washington.  1-8 



Annual  Report;  Carnegie  Foundation  for  the 
Advancement  of  Teaching  1906:  1  + 

Annual  Report;  Fouad  I  University;  Faculty 
of  Science  1926:  Cairo.  1934  + 

Annual  Report;  General  Education  Board 
(1914-17  as  Report  of  the  Secretary)  1914: 
1914  + 

Annual  Report;  Geological  and  Natural  His- 
tory Survey  of  Minnesota  1872:  1 ;  7;  12-13; 
15-16;  18 

Annual  Report;  Indian  Association  for  the 
Cultivation  of  Science  (1925,  1929-34  see 
in  Indian  Journal  of  Physics):  1935  + 

Annual  Report;  International  Hydrographic 
Bureau  1921:  Monaco.  1  + 

Annual  Report;  John  Innes  Horticultural  In- 
stitution 1909:  28  + 

Annual  Report;  Liverpool  Observatory  and 
Tidal  Institute  1920:  University  of  Liver- 
pool. 1921  + 

*  Annual  Report;  Missouri  Botanical  Garden 
1889:  1-23 

Annual  Report;  Nantucket  Maria  Mitchell 
Association  1902:  1;  4-5;  10;  12-14;  17-18; 
20  + 

Annual  Report;  National  Foundation  for  In- 
fantile Paralysis,  Inc.  1939:  1939  + 

Annual  Report;  New  York  Academy  of  Medi- 
cine see  Bulletin  of  the  New  York  Academy 
of  Medicine 

Annual  Report;  New  York  Zoological  Society 
(1-28  as  Annual  Report  of  the  New  York 
Zoological  Society)  1896:  1  + 

Annual  Report;  Oceanographical  Investigation 
(through  no.  43  as  Quarterly  Report)  1913: 
Imperial  Fisheries  Experimental  Station, 
Tokyo.  21-31;  33-44;  51  + 
*Annual  Report;  Peabody  Academy  of  Sciences 
(1-6  as  Annual  Report  of  the  Trustees  of 
the  Peabody  Academy  of  Science)  1867: 
1-6;  17-18 

Annual  Report;  Rockefeller  Foundation  1913: 
1  + 

Annual  Report;  Rockefeller  Foundation;  In- 
ternational Health  Division  (through  1933 
see  in  Annual  Report;  Rockefeller  Founda- 
tion) 1913:  1934  + 

Annual  Report;  Scottish  Marine  Biological 
Association  (1894-1901  as  Millport  Marine 
Biological  Station;  1901-13  as  Marine  Bio- 
logical Association  of  the  West  of  Scotland) 
1897:  1898-99;  1902-05;  1913-18;  1924  + 

Annual  Report;  Scripps  Institution  of  Ocean- 
ography: La  Jolla.  1938  + 

Annual  Report;  Texas  Agricultural  Experi- 
ment Station  1887:  32  + 

Annual  Report;  United  Fruit  Company;  Medi- 
cal Department  1912:  1;  3;  5-20 

Annual  Report  about  the  activity  of  the  Breed- 

ing and  Biological  Section  of  the  Zootechni- 
cal  Research  Institute  hi  Brno  see  Zprava 
o  Cinnosti  sekce  pro  plemenarskou  Biologii 
Moravskeho  Zemskeho  Vyzkumneho  Us- 
tavu  Zootechnickeho  v  Brne 
*Annual  Report  and  Proceedings  of  the  Botani- 
cal Society;  Edinburgh  1836:  1-10 

Annual  Report  and  Transactions;  Manchester 
Microscopical  Society  1880:  1886;  1888; 
1890-96;  1900;  1907-13;  1916;  1919 

Annual  Report  of  Fishery  Research  Labora- 
tory (Institute);  Department  of  Natural 
Resources;  Division  of  Fishery  Research: 
St.  Johns,  Newfoundland.  1931  + 

Annual  Report  of  Hydrographical  Observa- 
tions 1926:  Fishery  Experiment  Station; 
Fusan.  1  + 

Annual  Report  of  the  Adelaide  Philosophical 
Society  see  Transactions  of  the  Royal  So- 
ciety of  South  Australia 

Annual  Report  of  the  Agricultural  Experiment 
Station;  University  of  Puerto  Rico  (formerly 
Insular  Experiment  Station  of  the  Depart- 
ment of  Agriculture  and  Labor)  (title 
varies):  1922  + 

Annual  Report  of  the  American  Museum  of 
Natural  History  1869:  1  + 

Annual  Report  of  the  Auckland  Institute  and 
Museum:  New  Zealand.  1940  + 

Annual  Report  of  the  Biological  Board  of 
Canada  see  Annual  Report  of  the  Fisheries 
Research  Board  of  Canada 

Annual  Report  of  the  Biological  Laboratory; 
Long  Island  Biological  Association  1889: 
35  + 

Annual  Report  of  the  Biological  Station  to  the 
Governor  of  North  Dakota  1909:  1909-12; 

Annual  Report  of  the  Board  of  Directors  of 
the  Zoological  Society  of  Philadelphia  1873: 
13-16;  18;  20-23;  25-28;  30-33;  35-38;  40 

Annual  Report  of  the  Board  of  Regents  of  the 
Smithsonian  Institution  1846:  1847;  1849  + 

Annual  Report  of  the  Brooklyn  Botanic  Gar- 
den see  in  Brooklyn  Botanic  Garden  Record 

Annual  Report  of  the  Bureau  of  American 
Ethnology;  Smithsonian  Institution  1879: 
1885-89; 1892-96; 1899-1905 

Annual  Report  of  the  Bureau  of  Science ;  Phil- 
ippine Islands  (no.  2  as  Report  of  the  Super- 
intendent of  Government  Laboratories;  no. 
3  as  Annual  Report  of  the  Superintendent  of 
the  Bureau  of  Government  Laboratories; 
5-18  as  Annual  Report  of  the  Director  of  the 
Bureau  of  Science)  1901:  Manila.  2-3;  5-7; 
18;  26-31;  33 

Annual  Report  of  the  Carnegie  Museum ;  Car- 
negie Institute  1896:  Pittsburgh.  7-27;  30  + 

Annual  Report  of  the  Chairman ;  National  Re- 



search  Council;  Division  of  Biology  and 
Agriculture  see  National  Research  Council; 
Annual  Report  of  the  Chairman  of  the  Divi- 
sion of  Biology  and  Agriculture 

Annual  Report  of  the  Chief  Signal  Officer  of 
the  Army  to  the  Secretary  of  War:  1889 

Annual  Report  of  the  Colorado  Agricultural 
Experiment  Station  1886:  Fort  Collins.  37; 
39  + 

*Annual  Report  of  the  Commissioners  of  Inland 
Fisheries ;  State  of  Rhode  Island  and  Provi- 
dence Plantations  (no.  1  forms  report  of  the 
joint  special  committee  of  the  general  as- 
sembly of  Rhode  Island  appointed  to  exam- 
ine into  the  fisheries  of  Narragansett  Bay, 
1870)  1870:  1-5;  7-8;  10-13;  18-65 
*Annual  Report  of  the  Commissioners  of  Shell 
Fisheries,  made  to  the  General  Assembly; 
State  of  Rhode  Island  and  Providence  Plan- 
tations 1890:  1890-91;  1893-94;  1905-07; 
1911-12;  1914-15; 1917;  1919-25; 1928-30 

Annual  Report  of  the  Commissioners  on  Fish- 
eries and  Game ;  Massachusetts  (28-29  and 
33  as  Report  of  the  Commissioners  on  In- 
land Fisheries  and  Game;  40-49  as  Report 
of  the  Commissioners  on  Fisheries  and 
Game)  1865:  28-29;  33;  40-49;  51 

Annual  Report  of  the  Conservation  Depart- 
ment of  the  State  of  Maryland  1923:  1-3; 

Annual  Report  of  the  Council  for  Scientific  and 
Industrial  Research  1926:  Melbourne.  1  + 

Annual  Report  of  the  Department  of  Agricul- 
ture and  Conservation  of  the  State  of  Rhode 
Island  and  Providence  Plantations  1935:  1 

Annual  Report  of  the  Department  of  Fisheries; 
Dominion  of  Canada  (1868-83  issued  as 
Supplements  to  the  Annual  Report  of  the 
Department  of  Marine  and  Fisheries;  1875- 
83  as  Report  of  the  Commissioner  of  Fish- 
eries and  variations  of  this  title;  34-47, 
1901-14  as  Annual  Report  of  the  Depart- 
ment of  Marine  and  Fisheries;  48-53,  1914- 
19  as  Annual  Report  of  the  Fisheries  Branch ; 
Department  of  the  Naval  Service;  56-63, 
1922-30  as  Annual  Report  of  the  Fisheries 
Branch;  Department  of  Marine  and  Fish- 
eries) 1868:  [4-53];  56+  Supplements:  to 
vols.  [23-51] 

Annual  Report  of  the  Department  of  Fisheries, 
Bengal,  Bihar,  and  Orissa  1913:  1916-19; 

Annual  Report  of  the  Department  of  Public 
Health;  Massachusetts  1913:  15  + 

Annual  Report  of  the  Department  of  Water 
Supplies  and  Sewage  Disposal ;  New  Jersey 
Agricultural  Experiment  Station  (1923-26  as 
Report  of  the  Sewage  Sub-station)  1921: 
1922-26;  1929+ 

Annual  Report  of  the  Director;  United  States 
Coast  and  Geodetic  Survey  (1834-50  as  Re- 
port (Letter)  from  the  Secretary  of  the 
Treasury;  1851-191 1  as  Report  of  the  Super- 
intendent; 1911-19  as  Annual  Report  of  the 
Superintendent;  1935+  see  in  Annual  Re- 
port of  the  Secretary  of  Commerce)  1832: 
1834;  1836-41;  1843  + 

Annual  Report  of  the  Director  of  the  Museum 
of  Comparative  Zoology  at  Harvard  College 
1861:  1861  + 

Annual  Report  of  the  Entomological  Society  of 
Ontario  1870:  [3-66] 

Annual  Report  of  the  Essex  Institute  1898: 
Salem.  1903-06; 1912-13; 1917-18 

Annual  Report  of  the  Fan  Memorial  Institute 
of  Biology  1928:  Peiping.  1  + 

Annual  Report  of  the  Fisheries  Research 
Board  of  Canada  (1930-33  as  Annual  Report 
on  the  work  of  the  Biological  Board  of 
Canada;  1934-37  as  Annual  Report  of  the 
Biological  Board  of  Canada):  1930  + 

Annual  Report  of  the  Fishery  Board  for  Scot- 
land 1881:  40;  47-49;  51-52 

Annual  Report  of  the  Imperial  Cancer  Research 

Fund  1902:  London.  1  + 

*Annual  Report  of  the  Indian  Museum,  Zoolog- 
ical and  Anthropological:  1909-16 

Annual  Report  of  the  Laguna  Marine  Labora- 
tory 1912:  Laguna  Beach,  Orange  County, 
California.  1 

Annual  Report  of  the  Librarian  of  Congress 
(1910-37  as  Report)  1800:  1902;  1906  + 

Annual  Report  of  the  Liverpool  Marine  Bio- 
logical Station  on  Puffin  Island  see  Report 
of  the  Marine  Biological  Station  at  Port 
Erin,  Isle  of  Man 

Annual  Report  of  the  Maine  Agricultural  Ex- 
periment Station  (includes  Bulletins  and  Of- 
ficial Inspections)  1884:  1889-91;  1893-94; 
1898  + 

Annual  Report  of  the  Marine  Biological  Sta- 
tion at  Port  Erin  see  Report  of  the  Marine 
Biological  Station  at  Port  Erin,  Isle  of  Man 

*Annual  Report  of  the  Michigan  Academy  of 
Science  1894:  1894-1920 

Annual  Report  of  the  (Metropolitan)  National 
Library  of  Peiping  1926:  1927-33;  1935-38 

Annual  Report  of  the  National  Research  Coun- 
cil; Dominion  of  Canada  1916:  17-20;  22 

*  Annual  Report  of  the  New  Jersey  State  Mu- 

seum 1905:  1905-11 

*  Annual  Report  of  the  Newfoundland  Fisheries 

Commission  1889:  1889-93 
*Annual  Report  of  the  Ohio  (State)  Academy 
of  Science  (12-47  see  in  Proceedings  of  the 
Ohio  Academy  of  Sciences  and  in  Ohio  Jour- 
nal of  Science)  1892:  1-11 


Annual  Report  of  the  Secretary  of  Commerce 
1912:23  + 

Annual  Report  of  the  Secretary  of  the  Interior; 
Philippine  Islands  1901:  1901-02;  1910-13 

Annual  Report  of  the  Smithsonian  Institution 
see  Annual  Report  of  the  Board  of  Regents 
of  the  Smithsonian  Institution 

Annual  Report  of  the  Tortugas  Laboratory; 
Carnegie  Institution  of  Washington  see  Car- 
negie Institution  of  Washington  Yearbook 

Annual  Report  on  the  Geology  of  the  State  of 
Maine  1837:  1-3 

Annual  Report  on  the  Geology  of  the  State  of 
New  Hampshire  1841:  1 

Annual  Report  on  the  Marine  Biological  Sta- 
tion at  Ghardaqa,  Red  Sea:  Fouad  I  Uni- 
versity; Cairo.  1932-38 

Annual  Report  on  the  Progress  of  Chemistry 
1904:  Chemical  Society,  London.  1  + 

Annual  Report  on  the  Work  of  the  Biological 
Board  of  Canada  see  Annual  Report  of  the 
Fisheries  Research  Board  of  Canada 

Annual  Review  of  Biochemistry  1932:  1  + 

Annual  Review  of  Physiology  1939:  American 

Physiological  Society.  1  + 
*Annual  Survey  of  American  Chemistry  1925: 
National  Research  Council.  1-10 

Annuario  del  Museo  Zoologico  della  R.  Uni- 
versita  di  Napoli  1861:  n.s.  1  + 

Annuario  della  Reale  Accademia  d'ltalia  1929: 

Annuario    della   Pontificia    Accademia    delle 

Scienze  1936:  1 

*Anuari;  Junta  de  Ciencies  Naturals  de  Bar- 
celona 1916:  1-3 

Anuario  da  Escola  Medico-Cinirgica  de  Nova 
Goa  1915:  2-4;  6 

Anzeiger  der  K.  Akademie  der  Wissenschaf- 
ten,  Wien;  Mathematisch-Naturwissen- 
schaftliche  Klasse  1864:  4;  [5-6];  8-9;  12  + 

*Applied  Photography  1931:  Eastman  Kodak 
Company.  1-14 

*Apteryx;  a  New  England  quarterly  of  natural 
history  1905:  Providence,  R.  I.  1,  nos.  1-2 

Aquarium  1932:  Philadelphia.  [1-4] 

*Aquarium;  a  quarterly  magazine  for  students 
and  lovers  of  nature,  education,  and  recrea- 
tion 1892:  [3-4] 

*  Aquarium;  Aquarium  Societies  of  New  York, 
Brooklyn,  Chicago,  Philadelphia,  etc.  1912: 

Aquarium  Digest:  Toledo  Aquarium  Society. 
4  + 

Aquatic  Life  1915:  Philadelphia.  [1-2] 

Aquila;  journal  of  ornithology  1894:  Budapest. 

Arbeiten  aus  Anatomischen  Instituten  see  Zeit- 
schrift  fiir  Anatomie  und  Entwicklungsge- 

*Arbeiten  aus  dem  Gebiet  der  Experimentellen 
Biologie  1921:  1-3 

Arbeiten  aus  dem  Staatlichen  Institut  fur  Ex- 
perimentelle  Therapie  und  dem  Forschungs- 
institut  fiir  Chemotherapie  zu  Frankfurt 
a.  M.  (17-35  as  Arbeiten  aus  dem  Staats- 
institut  fiir  Experimentelle  Therapie  und 
dem  Georg  Speyer-Hause  zu  Frankfurt 
a.  M.)  1905:  17;  19-20;  22  + 
*Arbeiten  aus  dem  Zoologischen  Institut  zu 

Graz  1886:  1-9 

*Arbeiten  aus  den  Zoologischen  Instituten  der 
Universitat  Wien  und  der  Zoologischen  Sta- 
tion in  Triest  1878:  1-20 

Arbeiten  aus  der  Biologischen  Meeresstation 
am  Schwarzen  Meer  in  Varna,  Bulgarien 
see  Trudove  na  Chernomorskata  Biologichna 
Stantsiia  v  Varna 

Arbeiten  aus  der  Dritten  Abteilung  des  Anato- 
mischen Institutes  der  Kaiserlichen  Uni- 
versitat Kyoto;  Ausserseriale  Monographic 
1932:  1 

Arbeiten  aus  der  Dritten  Abteilung  des  Anato- 
mischen Institutes  der  Kaiserlichen  Uni- 
versitat Kyoto;  Serie  A.  Untersuchungen 
iiber  das  Periphere  Nervensystem  1930: 
1  + ;  Supplementheft  1 

Arbeiten  aus  der  Dritten  Abteilung  des  Anato- 
mischen Institutes  der  Kaiserlichen  Uni- 
versitat Kyoto;  Serie  C.  Experimentelle 
Tuberkuloseforschung  1930:  1  +  ;  Supple- 
mentheft 2 

Arbeiten  aus  der  Dritten  Abteilung  des  Anato- 
mischen Institutes  der  Kaiserlichen  Uni- 
versitat Kyoto ;  Serie  D.  Lymphopathologie 
(1930-35  as  Untersuchungen  iiber  die 
Physiologic  der  Lymphbewegung)  1930:  1  + 
*Arbeiten  aus  der  Physiologischen  Anstalt  zu 
Leipzig  1866:  1-11 

Arbeiten  der  Biologischen  Noworossijsk- 
Station  see  Raboty  Novorossiiskoi  Biologi- 
cheskoi  Stantsii 

Arbeiten  der  Biologischen  Station  zu  Kossino 
(bei  Moskau)  see  Trudy  Limnologicheskoi 
Stantsii  v  Kosine 

Arbeiten  der  Biologischen  Sungari-Station  see 
Trudy  Sungariiskoi  Rechnoi  Biologicheskoi 

Arbeiten  der  Biologischen  Wolga-Station 
(Raboty  Volzhskoi  Biologicheskoi  Stantsii) 
1900:  Russia.  1-10 

Arbeiten  der  Hydrophysiologischen  Station 
des  Instituts  fiir  Experimentelle  Biologie  see 
Trudy  Zvenigorodskoi  Gidrofiziologicheskoi 
Stantsii  Instituta  Eksperimental'noi  Biologii 
ginz'a  Moskva 

Arbeiten  der  Limnologischen  Station  zu  Kos- 
sino der  Hydrometeorologischen  Adminis- 
tration der  USSR  see  Trudy  Limnologiches- 
koi Stantsii  v  Kosine 



Arbeiten  des  Ichthyologischen  Laboratoriums 
der  Kaspi-Wolgaschen  Fischerei-Verwal- 
tung  in  Astrachan  see  Report  (s)  of  the 
(Astrakhan)  Scientific  Station  of  Fisheries 
of  Volga  and  Caspian  Sea 

Arbeiten  des  Instituts  fur  Experimentelle 
Morphogenese,  Moskau  see  Trudy  Nauchno- 
Issledovatel'skogo  Instituta  Eksperimen- 
tal'nogo  Morfogeneza:  Moskovskogo  Go- 
sudarstvennogo  Universiteta 
*Arbeiten  des  Naturforscher-Vereins  zu  Riga 
1847:  n.f.  2-22 

Arbeiten  des  Ungarischen  Biologischen  For- 
schungsinstitutes  see  Magyar  Biologiai 
Kutatointezet  Munkai 

Arbeiten  des  Zoologischen  Forschungsinsti- 
tutes  see  Trudy  Nauchno-Issledovatel'skogo 
Instituta  Zoologii 

Arbeitsphysiologie ;  Zeitschrif t  fur  die  Physio- 
logic des  Menschen  bei  Arbeit  und  Sport 
1928:  1  + 

Arbok;  Norske  Videnskaps-Akademi  i  Oslo 
1925:  1925  + 

(Aus  dem)  Archiv  der  Deutschen  Seewarte 
und  des  Marineobservatorium  (1-57,  no.  3 
as  Aus  dem  Archiv  der  Deutschen  Seewarte) 
1878:  1  + 

Archiv  der  Julius  Klaus-Stiftung  fur  Verer- 
bungsforschung,  Sozialanthropologie  und 
Rassenhygiene  1925:  Zurich.  1+  Ergan- 
zungsband  7 

Archiv  fur  Pharmazie  und  Berichte  der  Deut- 
schen Pharmazeutischen  Gesellschaft  1822: 
Archiv  271+  Berichte  43  + 

Archiv  des  Vereins  der  Freunde  der  Naturge- 
schichte  in  Mecklenburg  (78+  also  as  n.s. 
1+)  1847:  75;  N.F.  1-13 

Archiv  for   Mathematik   og   Naturvidenskab 

1876:  Christiania.  4-8,  no.  2;  11,  nos.  1-2 
*Archiv  fur  Anatomie,  Physiologic  und  Wissen- 

schaftliche  Medicin  1834:  43,  Heft  1-2 
*Archiv  fur  Anatomie  und  Physiologic ;  Anato- 
mische  Abt. ;  Archiv  fiir  Anatomie  (1877- 
1913  as  Archiv  fiir  Anatomie  und  Entwick- 
lungsgeschichte)  1877:  1-43 
*Archiv  fiir  Anatomie  und  Physiologic;  Ana- 
tomische  Abt.;  Supplement  1877:  1889-90; 
1895;  1897;  1902;  1905-07;  1909;  1912-13; 

*Archiv  fiir  Anatomie  und  Physiologic ;  Physio- 
logische  Abt.;  Archiv  fiir  Physiologic  (con- 
tains Verhandlungen  der  Physiologischen 
Gesellschaft  zu  Berlin  1-31)  1877:  1-43 

*Archiv  fiir  Anatomie  und  Physiologic ;  Physio- 
logische  Abt.;  Supplement  1877:  1879-80; 
1882-87;  1889-90;  1892-93;  1899-1908; 
1910;  1912 

Archiv  fur  Biontologie;  Gesellschaft  Natur- 

forschender  Freunde  zu  Berlin  (suspended 
1909-12,  1921)  1906:  1-4 

Archiv  fiir  die  Gesamte  Physiologie  see:  Pflii- 
gers  Archiv  fiir  die  Gesamte  Physiologie  der 
Menschen  und  der  Tiere 

Archiv  fiir  die  Naturkunde  Estlands  (Eesti 
Loodusteaduse  Arhiiv)  (1854-1905  as  Archiv 
fiir  die  Naturkunde  Liv-  Ehst-  und  Kur- 
lands;  1920-23  as  Archiv  fiir  die  Naturkunde 
des  Ostbaltikums)  (suspended  1906-19) 
1854:  Naturforscher-Gesellschaft,  Universi- 
tat  Tartu  (Dorpat).  Erste  Serie.  Geologica, 
Chemica  et  Physica  (1-9  pt.  5  as  Minera- 
logische  Wissenschaften,  nebst  Chemie, 
Physik,  etc.)  1  + ;  Zweite  Serie.  Biologische 
Naturkunde  1  + 

*Archiv  fiir  die  Physiologie  1795:  Halle.  1-12 

Archiv  fiir  Entwicklungsmechanik  der  Or- 
ganismus  see  Wilhelm  Roux'  Archiv  fiir 
Entwicklungsmechanik  der  Organismen 

Archiv  fiir  Experimentelle  Pathologic  und 
Pharmakologie  see  Naunyn-Schmiedebergs 
Archiv  fiir  Experimentelle  Pathologie  und 

Archiv  fiir  Experimentelle  Zellforschung,  be- 
sonders  Gewebeziichtung  (Explantation) 
1925:  1  + 

Archiv  fiir  Hydrobiologie ;  Organ  der  Inter- 
nationalen  Vereinigung  fiir  Theoretische 
und  Angewandte  Limnologie  (1-11  as 
Archiv  fur  Hydrobiologie  und  Plankton- 
kunde)  1906:  1  +  ;  Supplement  1  +  ;  Literary 
Supplement  1-3 

Archiv  fiir  Hygiene  1883:  97-100 

Archiv  fiir  Mikrobiologie ;  Zeitschrift  fiir  die 
Erforschung  der  Pflanzlichen  Mikroorganis- 
men  1930:  1  + 

*Archiv  fiir  Mikroskopische  Anatomie  (98-104 
as  Archiv  fiir  Mikroskopische  Anatomie  und 
Entwicklungsmechanik)  1865:  1-104;  Sup- 
plement to  vol.  5 

*Archiv  fiir  Naturgeschichte  1835:  1-77 
*Archivfiir  Naturgeschichte  Abt.  A.  1912:  78-92 

Archiv  fiir  Naturgeschichte;  Zeitschrift  fiir 
Wissenschaftliche  Zoologie  Abt.  B,  Zeit- 
schrift fiir  Systematische  Zoologie  (78,  1912 
to,  not  including,  n.f.  1,  1932  as  Archiv  fiir 
Naturgeschichte  Abt.  B)  1912:  78  + 

Archiv  fiir  Pathologische  Anatomie  und 
Physiologie  see  Virchow's  Archiv  fiir  Patho- 
logische Anatomie  und  Physiologie  und  fiir 
Klinische  Medizin 

Archiv  fiir  Physiologie  see  Archiv  fiir  Anatomie 

und  Physiologie;  Physiologische  Abtheilung 

*Archiv  fiir  Physiologische  und  Pathologische 

Chemie  und  Mikroskopie  in  ihrer  Anwen- 

dung  auf  die  Praktische  Medizin  1844:  1-4 

Archiv  fiir  Protistenkunde  1902:  1  + 

Archiv  fiir  Rassen-  und  Gesellschaftsbiologie ; 



Einschliesslich  Rassen-  und  Gesellschafts- 
hygiene  1904:  1  + 

Archiv  fur  Schiffs-  und  Tropenhygiene ;  Patho- 
logie  und  Therapie  Exotischer  Krankheiten 
see  Deutsche  Tropenmedizinische  Zeitschrift 

*Archiv    fur    Vergleichende    Ophthalmologie 

1910:  1-4,  Heft  3 

Archiv  fiir  Wissenschaftliche  Botanik  see 
Planta;  Archiv  fiir  Wissenschaftliche  Bo- 

*Archiv  fiir  Zellforschung  1908:  1-17 

*  Archiv  Mecklenburgischer  Naturforscher  1923 : 

Verein  der  Freunde  der  Naturgeschichte  in 

Mecklenburg  1923:  1,  Heft  2 
Archives  d'Anatomie,  d'Histologie  et  d'Em- 

bryologie  1922:  1  + 

Archives  d'Anatomie  Microscopique  1897:  1  + 
Archives  d'Hydrobiologie  et  d'Ichthyologie  see 

Archiwum  Hydrobiologji  i  Rybactwa 
Archives  de  Biologie  1880:  Paris  and  Liege. 

1  + 
Archives  de  Biologie  de  la  Societe  des  Sciences 

et  des  Lettres  de  Varsovie  see  Archiwum 

Nauk  Biologicznych 
*Archives  de  1'Electricite,  supplement  a  la  Bib- 

liotheque  Universelle  de  Geneve  1841:  1-5 
Archives  de  1'Institut  de  Botanique  de  1'Uni- 

versite  de  Liege  1897:  1  + 
Archives  de  1'Institut  Pasteur  d'Algerie  1923: 

1  + 
Archives  de  1'Institut  Pasteur  de  Tunis  1906: 

15,  no.  3;  22,  nos.  3-4 
Archives  de  la  Societe  des  Sciences  Medicales 

et  Biologiques  de  Montpellier  et  du  Langue- 

doc  Mediterranean  (1-8  as  Bulletin)  1919: 

*Archives  de  Morphologie  Generale  et  Experi- 

mentale  1921:  1-29 

*  Archives  de  Parasitologie  1898:  1-16 
Archives  de  Pharmacodynamie  see  Archives 

Internationales  de  Pharmacodynamie  et  de 

*Archives  de  Physiologic  Normale  et  Patho- 
logique  1868:  1— ser.  5,  vol.  10 

Archives  de  Physique  Biologique  et  de  Chimie- 
Physique  des  Corps  Organises  (1-7  as 
Archives  de  Physique  Biologique)  1921:  1  + 

Archives  de  Zoologie  Experimentale  et  Gene- 
rale;  histoire  naturelle,  morphologic,  histo- 
logie,  evolution  des  animaux  (1907+  in- 
cludes Biospeologica)  1872:  1  + 

Archives  des  Sciences  Biologiques  see  Arkhiv 
Biologicheskikh  Nauk 

Archives  des  Sciences  Physiques  et  Naturelles 
(Bibliotheque  Universelle,  1848-1918)  1846: 

Archives  du  Musee  Zoologique  de  1'Universite 
de  Moscou  see  Sbornik  Trudov  Gosudarst- 
vennogo  Zoologicheskogo  Muzeya 

Archives  du  Museum  d'Histoire  Naturelle  de 
Lyon  1872:  1-13 

Archives  Internationales  de  Medecine  Experi- 
mentale 1924:  1  + 

Archives  Internationales  de  Pharmacodyna- 
mie et  de  Therapie  (1-3  as  Archives  de 
Pharmacodynamie)  1894:  1  + 

Archives  Internationales  de  Physiologic  1904: 


*Archives  Italiennes  de  Biologie;  Revues,  Re- 
sumes, Reproductions  des  Travaux  Scien- 
tifiques  Italiens  1882:  1-6;  10-11;  13-94 

Archives  Neerlandaises  de  Phonetique  Ex- 
perimentale 1926:  Societe  Hollandaise  des 
Sciences  a  Harlem.  1  + 

Archives  Neerlandaises  de  Physiologie  de 
1'Homme  et  des  Animaux  (forms  series  3C  of 
Archives  Neerlandaises  des  Sciences  Exactes 
et  Naturelles)  1916:  Societe  Hollandaise  des 
Sciences  a  Harlem.  1  + 

Archives    Neerlandaises   de    Zoologie    1934: 

Societe  Neerlandaise  de  Zoologie.  1  + 
*Archives  Neerlandaises  des  Sciences  Exactes 
et  Naturelles  1866:  Societe  Hollandaise  des 
Sciences  a  Harlem.  1— ser.  2,  15 
*Archives  Neerlandaises  des  Sciences  Exactes 
et  Naturelles  1911:  ser.  3A,  1-14;  ser.  3B, 
1-5;  ser.  3C,  see  Archives  Neerlandaises  de 
Physiologie  de  l'Homme  et  des  Animaux 

Archives  Neerlandaises  des  Sciences  Exactes 
et  Naturelles,  4A,  see  Physica 

Archives  of  Biochemistry  1942:  1  + 

Archives  of  Internal  Medicine  1908:  American 
Medical  Association.  1  + 

Archives  of  Neurology  and  Psychiatry  1919: 
ibid.  1  + 

Archives  of  Pathology  (1-5,  no.  2  as  Archives 
of  Pathology  and  Laboratory  Medicine) 
1926:  ibid.  1  + 

Archives  Portugaises  des  Sciences  Biologiques 
1921:  Sociedade  Portuguesa  de  Sciencias 
Naturais.  1-2 

Archives  Roumaines  de  Pathologic  Experi- 
mentale et  de  Microbiologie  1928:  Paris.  1  + 

Archives  Russes  d'Anatomie,  d'Histologie  et 
d'Embryologie  see  Arkhiv  Anatomii,  Gisto- 
logii  i  Embriologii 

Archives  Russes  de  Protistologie ;  publiees 
sous  la  direction  de  G.  Epstein  et  L. 
Kourssanow  see  Russkii  Arkhiv  Protistologii 

Archivio  di  Farmacologia  Sperimentale  e 
Scienze  Affini  1902:  1  + 

Archivio  di  Fisiologia  1904:  1  + 

Archivio  di  Scienze  Biologiche;  Fisiologia, 
Farmacologia,  Patologia  Sperimentale  1919: 
Societa  Italiana  di  Biologia  Sperimentale. 
1  + 

Archivio  Italiano  di  Anatomia  e  di  Embriologia 
1902:  1-9;  [10-12];  13;  [14];  15  + 



Archivio  Italiano  di  Medicina   Sperimentale 

see  Medicina  Sperimentale  Archivio  Italiano 
Archivio  Triennale  del  Laboratorio  di  Botanica 

Crittogamica  see  Atti  dell'Istituto  Botanico 

"Giovanni  Briosi" 
Archivio  Zoologico  Italiano  (1-4  as  Archivio 

Zoologico)  1902:  1  +  ;  Supplemento;  Attua- 

lita  Zoologiche  1933:  1  + 
Archives  da  Escola  Superior  de  Agricultura  e 

Medicina  Veterinaria  1917:  Rio  de  Janeiro. 

1-4,  no.  1 ;  6-8 
Archives  de  Neurobiologia  (1-8  as  Archives  de 

Neurobiologia,   Psicologia,   Fisiologia,   His- 

tologia,    Neurologia    y    Psiquiatria)    1920: 

Madrid.  1-8;  [9-15] 

*Archivos  do  Institute  Vital  Brazil  1923:  1-4 
Archives   do   Museo    Nacional    (do   Rio   de 

Janeiro)  (9  as  Revista)  1876:  1  + 
Archivum  Balatonicum  see  Magyar  Biologiai 

Kutatointezet  Munkai 
Archiwum  Hydrobiologji  i  Rybactwa  (Archives 

d'Hydrobiologie    et    d'Ichthyologie)    1926: . 

Stacja  Hydrobiologiczna  na  Wigrach   Su- 

walki.  1-11,  no.  2 
Archiwum  Nauk  Biologicznych  Towarzystwa 

Naukowego  Warszawskiego   (Archives  de 

Biologic  de  la  Societe  des  Sciences  et  des 

Lettres  de  Varsovie)  1921:  1-8,  no.  2 
Arkhiv    Anatomii,    Gistologii    i    Embriologii 

(Archives  Russes  d'Anatomie,  d'Histologie 

et  d'Embryologie)  1916:  1  + 
Arkhiv  Biologicheskikh  Nauk;  Institutom  Eks- 

perimental'noi  Meditsin'  i   (Archives   des 

Sciences  Biologiques)  1892:  1  + 
Arkiv  for  Botanik  1903:  K.  Svenska  Vetens- 

kapsakademie.  1  + 
Arkiv  for  Matematik,  Astronomi  och  Fysik 

1903:  ibid.  1  + 

Arkiv  for  Zoologi  1903:  ibid.  1  + 
Arquivo   de  Anatomia   e   Antropologia    1912: 

Lisbon.  1  + 
Arquivos  da  Escola  Medico-Cirurgica  de  Nova 

Goa  1927:  ser.  A,  1-12;  ser.  B,  1-7 
Arquivos  de  Zoologia  do  Estado  de  Sao  Paulo 

1940:  1  + 

Arquivos  do  Institute  Biologico  (1-4  as  Archi- 
ves do  Institute  Biologico  de  Defesa  Agri- 
cola  e  Animal;  5-8  as  Archives  do  Institute 

Biologico)  1928:  Brazil.  1  + 
Arquivos   do   Institute   de   Biologia   Vegetal 

1934:  Ministerio  da  Agricultura,  Brazil.  1, 

nos.  1-2 
*Arquivos   Indo-Portugueses   de   Medicina   e 

Historia  Natural;  Orgao  do  Institute  Bac- 

teriologico  de  Nova  Goa  1921:  1-4 
Arsbok  Vuosikirja  1922:  Societas  Scientiarum 

Fennica.  1  + 
Asher-Spiro;  Ergebnisse  der  Physiologic  see 

Ergebnisse    der    Physiologie,    Biologischen 
Chemie  und  Experimentellen  Pharmakologie 

Astrophysical  Journal;  an  international  review 
of  spectroscopy  and  astronomical  physics 
1895:  1  + 

Atti  del  Congresso  Nazionale  di  Botanica 
Crittogamica  in  Parma  1887:  Societa  Critto- 
gamalogica  Italiana  Varese.  1-2 

Atti  del  Congresso  Nazionale  di  Microbiologia 
1930:  Societa  Internazionale  di  Microbio- 
logia, Sezione  Italiana.  3-4 

Atti  dell'Istituto  Botanico  "Giovanni  Briosi"  e 
Laboratorio  Crittogamico  Italiano  della  R. 
Universita  di  Pavia  (1-5  as  Archivio  Trien- 
nale del  Laboratorio  di  Botanica  Crittoga- 
mica; ser.  2-3  as  Atti  dell'Istituto  Botanico 
dell' Universita  di  Pavia)  1874:  1  + 

Atti  della  Accademia  Gioenia  di  Scienze  Natu- 
rali  in  Catania  1825:  1  + 

Atti  della  Reale  Accademia  d'ltalia;  Rendi- 
conti  della  Classe  di  Scienze  Fisiche,  Mate- 
matiche  e  Naturali  (ser.  1 — ser.  2,  vol.  3, 
pt.  1  as  Atti  della  Reale  Accademia  dei 
Lincei;  ser.  2,  vol.  3,  pt.  2,  1876 — ser.  6, 
1939  as  Atti  della  Reale  Accademia  Nazio- 
nale di  Lincei;  Memorie  della  Classe  di 
Scienze  Fisiche,  Matematiche  e  Naturali;  to 
1920  as  Atti  della  Reale  Accademia  dei 
Lincei)  1847:  24-26;  ser.  2-f 

Atti  della  Reale  Accademia  delle  Scienze  di 
Torino;  Classe  di  Scienze  Fisiche,  Mate- 
matiche e  Naturali  1865:  [27-51] 

Atti  della  Reale  Accademia  Nazionale  dei 
Lincei;  Memorie;  Classe  di  Scienze  Fisiche, 
Matematiche  e  Naturali  (to  1920  as  Atti 
della  Reale  Accademia  dei  Lincei)  see  Atti 
della  Reale  Accademia  d'ltalia;  Rendiconti 
della  Classe  di  Scienze  Fisiche,  Matematiche 
e  Naturali 

*Atti   della   Reale   Accademia    Nazionale    dei 
Lincei;  Rendiconti  1884:  ser.  4,  1-7 

Atti  della  Reale  Accademia  Nazionale  dei 
Lincei  (to  1920  as  Atti  della  Reale  Acca- 
demia dei  Lincei);  Rendiconti;  Classe  di 
Scienze  Fisiche,  Matematiche  e  Naturali 
1895:  ser.  5  + 

Atti  della  Reale  Accademia  Nazionale  dei 
Lincei;  Rendiconto  dell'adunanze  solenne 
(1  as  Rendiconti  delle  sedute  solenni)  1892: 

1  + 
*Atti   della   Reale   Accademia    Nazionale   dei 

Lincei;  Transunti  1876:  1-8 
Atti   della   Societa  Italiana   di   Genetica   ed 

Eugenica  1920:  1 
Atti  della  Societa  Italiana  di  Scienze  Naturali 

e  del  Museo  Civico  di  Storia  Naturale  in 

Milano  1855:  [18];  [41-42];  63  + 
Atti  della  Societa  Toscana  di  Scienze  Naturali 



residente  in  Pisa;  Process!  Verbali  1878: 
[14];  15-26;  [27-29];  Memorie  1875:  15  + 

Atti  e  Memorie  dell'Accademia  d'Agricoltura 
Scienze  Lettere  Arti  e  Commercio  di  Verona 
(1-75  as  Memorie  della  Accademia  di  Ve- 
rona; Agricoltura,  Scienze,  Lettere,  Arti  e 
Commercio)  1807:  1;  17;  ser.  3.  [64-75];  ser. 
4.  [1-6];  10-11 

Attualita.  Medica  see  Annali  d'Igiene 

Attualita  Zoologiche  see  Archivio  Zoologico 
Italiano  Supplement 

Auk;  a  quarterly  journal  of  ornithology  1876: 
ser.  2  (1884),  1  + 

Australian  Journal  of  Experimental  Biology 
and  Medical  Science  1924:  14- 

Australian  Journal  of  Science  (includes  Aus- 
tralian Science  Abstracts  174")  1938:  Aus- 
tralian National  Research  Council.  14- 

Australian  Science  Abstracts  1922:  1-16 

Australian  Zoologist  1914:  Royal  Zoological 
Society  of  New  South  Wales.  1 4- 

Avhandlinger  utgitt  av  det  Norske  Videnskaps- 
Akademi  i  Oslo.  I.  Matematisknaturvi- 
denskapelig  Klasse  1925:  19254- 

Avicultural  Magazine;  journal  of  the  Avicul- 
tural  Society  1894:  n.s.  [4-7] 

Bacteriological  Reviews  1937:  1  + 

(Der)  Balneologe;  Zeitschrift  fur  die  Gesamte 
Physikalische  und  Diatetische  Therapie; 
Organ  der  Deutschen  Gesellschaft  fur 
Bader-  und  Klimaheilkunde  1934:  1-6 

"Baumgarten's  Jahresbericht"  see  Jahresbe- 
richt  iiber  die  Fortschritte  in  der  Lehre  von 
den     Pathogenen     Mikroorganismen,     um- 
fassend  Bacterien,  Pilze  und  Protozoen 
*Behavior  Monographs  1911:  1-4,  no.  5 
*Beiblatter  zu  den  Annalen  der  Physik  (1-23  as 
Beiblatter  zu  den  Annalen  der  Physik  und 
Chemie)  1877:  1-43 

Beihefte  zum  Archiv  fiir  Schiffs-  und  Tropen- 
hygiene;  Pathologic  und  Therapie  Exoti- 
scher  Krankheiten  see  Deutsche  Tropen- 
medizinische  Zeitschrift 

Beihefte  zum  Botanischen  Centralblatt  (18, 
19054-  as  Abt.  A  or  1  and  B  or  2)  1891: 
Abt.  A,  1  +  ;  Abt.  B,  274- 

Beitrage  zur  Anatomic  Funktioneller  Systeme 
1930:  1,  no.  1 

Beitrage  zur  Angewandten  Geophysik  (1-3, 
no.  3  as  Gerlands  Beitrage  zur  Geophysik; 
Erganzungshefte  fiir  Angewandte  Geo- 
physik) 1931:  1  + 

Beitrage  zur  Biologic  der  Pflanzen  1875:  14- 
*Beitrage    zur    Chemischen    Physiologic    und 
Pathologic;  Zeitschrift  fiir  die  Gesamte  Bio- 
chemie  (Franz  Hofmeister)  1901:  1-11 

Beitrage  zur  Geophysik  see  Gerlands  Beitrage 
zur  Geophysik 

*Beitrage  zur  Lehre  von  den  Geschlechts- 
Unterschieden,  von  Dr.  P.  J.  Mb'bius  in 
Leipzig  1903:  1-8 

*Beitrage  zur  Morphologic  und  Morphogenie; 
Untersuchungen    aus    dem    Anatomischen 
Institut  zu  Erlangen  1883:  1 
*Beitrage  zur  Morphologic  und  Physiologic  der 
Pflanzenzelle  1890:  Tubingen.  2,  heft  1 

Beitrage  zur  Pathologischen  Anatomic  und  zur 
Allgemeinen  Pathologic  (Ziegler's)  (1-2  as 
Beitrage  zur  Pathologischen  Anatomie  und 
Physiologie)  1886:  1 + 

Beitrage  zur  Physik  der  Freien  Atmosphare; 
Zeitschrift  fiir  die  Erforschung  der  Hoheren 
Luftschichten  und  der  Stromungserschei- 
nungen  in  der  Atmosphare  (1-12  subtitle  as 
Zeitschrift  fiir  die  Erforschung  der  Hoheren 
Luftschichten)  1904:  1 + 
*Beitrage  zur  Physiologie;  herausgegeben  von 
Max  Cremer  1920:  1-4 

Bell  System  Technical  Journal;  a  journal  de- 
voted to  the  scientific  and  engineering  as- 
pects of  electrical  communication  1922: 
American  Telephone  and  Telegraph  Com- 
pany. 1 4- 

Beretninger  fra  Chr.  Michelsens  Institutt  for 
Videnskap  og  Andsfrihet  1931:  Bergen.  1  + 

Bergens  Museum,  Arsberetning  1885:  18854- 
*Bergens  Museum,  Meeresfauna  von  Bergen 
1901: 1-3 

Bergens  Museums  Arbok  (1885-91  as  Arsbe- 
retning) 1883:  18854- 

Bergens  Museums  Skrifter  1878:  14- 

Bericht;  Zoologisches  Staatsinstitut  und  Zoolo- 
gisches  Museum  in  Hamburg  (1913-15  see  in 
Mitteilungen  aus  dem  Hamburgischen 
Zoologischen  Museum  und  Institut)  1882: 

*Bericht(e)  aus  der  Kgl.  Bayerischen  Biologi- 
schen  Versuchsstation  in  Miinchen ;  heraus- 
gegeben von  Prof.  Dr.  Bruno  Hofer  1908: 

Bericht(e)  der  Akademischen  Biologischen 
Siisswasser-Station  Borodin  see  Trudy  Bo- 
rodinskoi  Biologicheskoi  Stantsii  v  Karelii 

Bericht(e)  der  Biologischen  Borodin  Station 
see  ibid 

Bericht(e)  der  Biologischen  Siisswassersta- 
tion  der  Kaiserlichen  Naturforscher-Gesell- 
schaft  zu  St.  Petersburg  see  ibid 

Bericht(e)  der  Deutschen  Botanischen  Gesell- 
schaft 1883:  1  + 

Bericht(e)  der  Deutschen  Chemischen  Gesell- 
schaft 1868:  14- 

Bericht(e)  der  Deutschen  Pharmazeutischen 
Gesellschaft  see  Archiv  der  Pharmazie  und 
Berichte  der  Deutschen  Pharmazeutischen 

Bericht(e)  der  Deutschen  Wissenschaftlichen 



Kommission  fur  Meeresforschung  N.F. 
(1925)  (1-5  as  Beteiligung  Deutschlands  an 
der  Internationalen  Meeresforschung)  1902: 
N.F.  1  + 

Bericht(e)  der  Gesellschaft  Russischer  Physio- 
logen  (Trudy  O-va  Rossiiskikh  Fiziologov) 
1928:  1-3 

*Bericht  der  Kommission  zur  Wissenschaft- 
lichen  Untersuchung  der  Deutschen  Meere 
in  Kiel  (1-3  as  Jahresbericht  der  Kommis- 
sion zur  Wissenschaftlichen  Untersuchung 
der  Deutschen  Meere  in  Kiel)  1871:  1-6 
(Jahrgang  1-21,  1871-91;  Neue  Folge  see 
Wissenschaftliche  Meeresuntersuchungen 
*Bericht  der  Meteorologischen  Commission  des 
Naturforschenden  Vereines  in  Briinn;  Er- 
gebnisse  der  Meteorologischen  Beobach- 
tungen  1882:  17-27 

Bericht  der  Naturforschenden  Gesellschaft  in 
Bamberg  1852:  6-7;  9-14;  21 

Bericht (e)  der  Naturforschenden  Gesellschaft 
zu  Freiburg  i.  Br.  1886:  1  + 

Bericht  der  Notgemeinschaft  der  Deutschen 

Wissenschaft  1921:  Berlin.  1-9 
*Bericht  der  Oberhessischen  Gesellschaft  fur 
Natur-  und  Heilkunde;  Giessen  1847:  7;  9; 

Bericht  der  Oberhessischen  Gesellschaft  fur 
Natur-  und  Heilkunde  zu  Giessen;  N.F. 
Medizinische  Abt.  1906:  1-14;  N.F.  Natur- 
wissenschaftliche  Abt.  1904:  1  + 

Bericht(e)  der  Physikalisch-Medizinischen 
Gesellschaft  zu  Wiirzburg  (1868-1935  as 
Verhandlungen  der  Physikalisch-Medizini- 
schen Gesellschaft  zu  Wiirzburg)  (after  1923 
includes  Sitzungsberichte)  1850:  n.s.  16;  21- 
22;  29  + 

Bericht  der  Senckenbergischen  Naturfor- 
schenden Gesellschaft  in  Frankfurt  am  Main 
see  Natur  und  Yolk 

Bericht  (e)  der  Tomsker  Staats-Universitat  see 
Transactions  of  Tomsk  State  University 

Bericht(e)  des  Naturwissenschaftlich-Medi- 
zinischen  Vereines  in  Innsbruck  1870:  1-10; 

*Bericht  des  Naturwissenschaftlichen  Vereins 
fur  Schwaben  und  Neuburg  (E.  V.)  (friiher 
Naturhistorischen  Vereins  in  Augsburg) 
1848:  30-32;  34-39;  41;  43-50 

Bericht  (e)  des  Naturwissenschaftlichen  (frii- 
her Zoologisch-Mineralogischen)  Vereines 
zu  Regensburg  1886:  7-9 

Bericht  (e)  des  Ohara  Instituts  fur  Landwirt- 
schaftliche  Forschungen  in  Kurashiki  Pro- 
vinz  Okayama,  Japan  1916:  3  + 

Bericht  des  Westpreussischen  Botanisch- 
Zoologischen  Vereins  (1-25  as  Bericht  iiber 
die  Versammlungen)  1878:  1-2;  4-6;  8-10; 
15-16;  19;  22;  29  + 

*Bericht(e)  des  Wissenschaftlichen  Meeresin- 
stituts  (Trudy,  Plovuchego,  Morskogo 
Nauchnogo  Instituta)  (1,  lief.  2-5  as  Rus- 
sische  Hydrobiologische  Zeitschrift,  by  A. 
L.  Behning)  1923:  1-4 

Bericht  iiber  das  Zoologische  Museum  (der 
Universitat)  in  Berlin  1896:  1897-1909; 

*Bericht  iiber  die  Fortschritte  der  Anatomic 
und  Physiologic;  als  Besondere  Abtheilung 
der  Zeitschrift  fur  Rationelle  Medicin  1856: 

Bericht  (e)  iiber  die  Gesamte  Biologic,  Ab- 
teilung  A  see  Berichte  iiber  die  Wissen- 
schaftliche Biologie 

Bericht(e)  iiber  die  Gesamte  Biologie,  Ab- 
teilung  B  see  Berichte  iiber  die  Gesamte 
Physiologic  und  Experimentelle  Pharmako- 

Bericht  (e)  iiber  die  Gesamte  Physiologic  und 
Experimentelle  Pharmakologie ;  (since  vol. 
35,  1926)  Berichte  iiber  die  Gesamte  Biologie 
Abt.  B  (1-2  as  Berichte  iiber  die  Gesamte 
Physiologic,  Neue  Folge  des  Zentralblattes 
fur  Biochemie  und  Biophysik;  until  vol.  35, 
1926)  1920:  Deutsche  Physiologische  Gesell- 
schaft und  Deutsche  Pharmakologische 
Gesellschaft.  1  + 

Bericht  iiber  die  Tagung  der  Deutschen  Ver- 
einigung  fur  Mikrobiologie  1906+  see  in 
Zentralblatt  fiir  Bakteriologie,  Parasiten- 
kunde  und  Infektionskrankheiten 
*Bericht(e)  iiber  die  Verhandlungen  der  Natur- 
forschenden Gesellschaft  zu  Freiburg  i.  B. 
1858:  4-5 

Bericht  u'ber  die  Versammlung  des  West- 
preussischen Botanisch-Zoologischen  Ver- 
eins zu  Danzig  see  Bericht  des  Westpreus- 
sichen  Botanisch-Zoologischen  Vereins 

Bericht(e)  iiber  die  Wissenschaftliche  Biologie 
(Berichte  iiber  die  Gesamte  Biologie,  Abt. 
A)  1926:  1  + 

*Berliner  Entomologische  Zeitschrift  (19-24  as 
Deutsche  Entomologische  Zeitschrift)  1857: 
Entomologischen  Vereine  in  Berlin.  11-24; 
26-27,  Heft  1;  28;  29,  Heft  1;  30-33;  35-40; 
46,  Heft  2;  49-58 

Bermuda  Biological  Station  for  Research ;  Re- 
ports of  Officers  1926:  1  + 

Bermuda  Meteorological  Office;  Summary  of 

Observations:  1936 

*Beteiligung  Deutschlands  an  der  Interna- 
tionalen Meeresforschung;  (Jahres)Bericht 
1902:  1-5 

*Bibliographia  Chimica;  International  Litera- 
tur-Anzeiger  fiir  Chemie,  Chemische  Tech- 
nologie  und  alle  Grenzgebiete  1922:  1-5 

Bibliographia  Eugenica  see  Eugenical  News; 



Bibliographia  Genetica  1925:  1  + 

Bibliographia  Oceanographica  (also  for  the  year 
1928,  Essai  d'une  Bibliographic  Generate 
des  Sciences  de  la  Mer)  1929:  1  + 
*Bibliographia  Physiologica,  adhuc  diario  "Zen- 
tralblatt  fiir  Physiologie"  adnexa,  edidit 
Concilium  Bibliographicum  (ser.  3)  Turici 
constitutum  ab  H.  H.  Field  (ser.  1  as  Bi- 
bliographia Physiologica;  ser.  2  as  Biblio- 
graphia Universalis  quae  auspiciis  Instituti 
Bibliographici  Internationalis  Bruxellensis) 
1897:  ser.  1-4 

*Bibliographia  Zoologica,  antea  diario  "Zoolo- 
gischer  Anzeiger"  adnexa,  condita  ab  J. 
Victor  Carus;  edidit  Concilium  Bibliogra- 
phicum Turici  constitutum  ab  H.  H.  Field 
1896:  1-43 

Bibliographic    Service    see    Wistar    Institute 

Bibliographic  Service 

*Bibliographical  Contributions  from  the  Lloyd 
Library  (nos.  1-13  also  as  vol.  1;  14-25  as 
vol.  2;  26-32  as  vol.  3)  1911:  1-32 
*Bibliographie  Anatomique;  Revue  des  Tra- 
vaux  en  Langue  Francaise;  Anatomic,  His- 
tologie,  Embryologie,  Anthropologie  1893: 

Bibliography  and  Index  of  Geology  Exclusive 
of  North  America;  Geological  Society  of 
America  1933:  1  + 

Bibliography    of    Agriculture;    Section    D. 
Plant  Science  1942:  U.  S.  Department  of 
Agriculture  Library.  1  + 

Bibliography  of  Helminthology  see  Helmin- 
thological  Abstracts 

Bibliography  of  Meteorological  Literature  see 
Quarterly  Journal  of  the  Royal  Meteoro- 
logical Society;  Supplement 

Biblioteka  Centralnog  Higijenskog  Zavoda: 
Belgrade.  2  + 

Bibliotheca  Biotheoretica;  Series  D  see  Acta 
Biotheoretica  which  forms  A  of  this  Series 

Bibliotheca  Genetica  herausgegeben  von  Pro- 
fessor Dr.  E.  Baur  1917:  Leipzig.  1  + 

Bibliotheca  Universitatis  Liberae  Poloniae 
1922:  A,  1-23;  B,  4 

Bibliotheca  Zoologica  see  Zoologica;  Originate 
Abhandlungen  aus  dem  Gesamtgebiete  der 

Bibliotheque  Universelle  de  Geneve;  Supple- 
ments see  Archives  de  1'Electricite;  and 
Archives  des  Sciences  Physiques  et  Natu- 

Bidrag  till  Kannedom  af  Finlands  Natur  och 
Folk  1858:  Finska  Vetenskaps-Societetet. 

*Bihang  till  Kongl.  Svenska  Vetenskapsakade- 
miens  Handlingar  1872:  [6];  [8];  [10];  Afd. 
1.  Mathematik,  Astronomi,  Mekanik,  Fysik, 
Meteorologi  och  Beslagtade  Amnen  1886: 

[12-14];  Afd.  2.  Kemi,  Mineralogi,  Geog- 
nosi,  Fysisk  geografi  och  Beslagtade  Amnen 
1886:  14;  Afd.  3.  Botanik  1886:  14;  19-28; 
Afd.  4.  Zoologi  1886:  [13-14];  21-28 

Bijdragen  tot  de  Dierkunde  (K.  Zoologische 
Genootschap  "Natura  artis  magistra") 
1848:  Amsterdam.  1  + 

*Biochemical    Bulletin    1911:    Columbia    Uni- 
versity Biochemical  Association.  1-5,  no.  21 

Biochemical  Journal  1906:  Biochemical  So- 
ciety, England.  1  + 

Biochemische  Zeitschrift;  unter  Mitwirkung 
Zahlreicher  Fachgenossen  (12-134  subtitle 
as  Beitrage  zur  Chemischen  Physiologie  und 
Pathologie)  1906:  1  + 

Biochemisches  Centralblatt  see  Zentralblatt 
fiir  Biochemie  und  Biophysik 

Biodynamica;  a  (scientific)  journal  for  the 
(elaboration  and  the  experimental)  study  of 
(working  hypotheses  on)  the  nature  of  life; 
structure  and  dynamics  of  living  matter 
1934:  Normandy,  Mo.  1  + 

Biographical  Memoirs;  National  Academy  of 
Sciences  1877:  1  + 

Biokhimiia  (Biochimia)  1936:  Izdatel'stvo 
Akademii  Nauk  SSSR.  1;  2,  nos.  2-6;  3  + 

(Der)  Biologe;  Monatsschrift  des  Reichs- 
bundes  fiir  Biologie  und  der  Unterabteilung 
Lebens-  und  Rassenkunde  des  N.S.L.B. 
1931:  [1-2];  3-7;  8,  nos.  1-11;  9 

Biologia  Generalis ;  Archiv  fiir  die  allgemeinen 
Fragen  der  Lebensforschung;  begriindet 
von  L.  Lohner,  R.  Pearl,  V.  Riizicka  (1-13, 
1937  has  subtitle  "Internationales  Archiv") 
1925:  1  + 

Biological  Abstracts  1926:  a  comprehensive 
abstracting  and  indexing  journal  of  the 
world's  literature  in  theoretical  and  applied 
biology,  exclusive  of  clinical  medicine.  1  + 

Biological   Bulletin    1899:    Marine   Biological 

Laboratory.  1-f- 

*Biological  Laboratory  1929:  Long  Island  Bio- 
logical Association.  1-5,  no.  1 
*Biological  Lectures  delivered  at  the  Marine 
Biological  Laboratory,  Woods  Hole,  Mass. 
1890: 1-7 

Biological  Reviews  of  the  Cambridge  Philo- 
sophical Society  (1  as  Proceedings  of  the 
Cambridge  Philosophical  Society,  Biologi- 
cal Sciences;  2-10  as  Biological  Reviews  and 
Biological  Proceedings  of  the  Cambridge 
Philosophical  Society)  1923:  1  + 

Biological  Symposia;  a  series  of  volumes  de- 
voted to  current  symposia  in  the  field  of 
biology;  edited  by  Jaques  Cattell  1940:  1  + 

Biologicheskii  Zhurnal ;  Otvetstvennyi  Redak- 
tor,  N.  K.  Kol'tsov  (1-4  also  as  Journal  de 
Biologie,  or  Zeitschrift  fiir  Biologie)  1932: 
Moscow.  1  + 



Biologicke  Spisy  Vysoke  Skoly  Zverolekarske ; 
Brno,  Ceskoslovenska  Republika  (Publica- 
tions Biologiques  de  1'Ecole  des  Hautes 
Etudes  Vete"rinaires)  1922:  1-15 

Biologisches  Zentralblatt  1881:  1  + 

Biologiske  Meddelelser;  Det  Kgl.  Danske 
Videnskabernes  Selskab  1917:  1  + 

Biologiske  Skrifter;  Det  Kgl.  Danske  Viden- 
skabernes Selskab  1939:  1  + 

Biologist;  official  publication  of  the  Phi  Sigma 
Society  1916:  1-20,  no.  1 

Biometrika;  a  journal  for  the  statistical  study 
of  biological  problems  1901:  Cambridge, 
England.  1  + 

*Biophysikalisches  Centralblatt ;  Centralblatt 
fur  die  Gesamte  Biologic,  Abt.  2;  Vollstan- 
diges  Sammelorgan  fiir  Biologic,  Physio- 
logic und  Pathologic  mit  Ausschluss  der 
Biochemie  1905:  1-4  (1910) 

Bios  1930:  Beta  Beta  Beta  Biological  Frater- 
nity at  Mount  Vernon,  Iowa.  1  + 
*"Bios";  Rivista  di  Biologia  Sperimentale  e 
Gen°rale;  Direttore,  Paola  Enriques,  Isti- 
tuto  Zoologico  (Bologna)  1913:  1-2 

Biospeologica  see  Archives  de  Zoologie  ExpeYi- 
mentale  et  Ge'ne'rale 

Bird-Banding;  a  journal  of  ornithological  in- 
vestigation 1930:  8+ 

Bird  Lore;  an  illustrated  bi-monthly  magazine 
devoted  to  the  study  and  protection  of  birds 
1899:  1-14;  [15];  16;  [17];  18-20,  no.  1 

Biuletyn  Stacji  Morskiej  w  Helu  (Bulletin  de 
la  Station  Maritime  de  Hel):  Warsaw.  2, 
no.  3  (1938) 

Biuletyn  Towarzystwa  Geofizykow  w  Warsza- 
wie  (Bulletin  de  la  Societe  Geophysique  de 
Varsovie)  1931:  1  + 

Boilleten  Arkticheskogo  Instituta  (Bulletin  of 
the  Arctic  Institute  of  the  USSR)  1931 :  Chief 
Administration  of  Northern  Sea  Route, 
Leningrad.  1931-36,  no.  7 

B/Clleten  Gosudarstvennogo  Okeanografiches- 
kogo  Instituta  (Bulletin  of  the  State  Oceano- 
graphical  Institute)  1931:  Gidrometeoro- 
logicheskii  Komitet  SSSR.  1-18 

Bailleten  Moskovskogo  Obshchestva  Ispyta- 
telei  Prirody  see  Bulletin  de  la  Societ£  des 
Naturalistes  de  Moscou 

Bmlleten  Nauchno-Issledovatel'skogo  Insti- 
tuta Zoologii  see  Sbornik  Nauchno-Issledo- 
vatel'skogo Instituta  Zoologii 

Bfulleten  Obshchestva  Estestvoispytatelei  pri 
Voronezhskom  Gosudarstvennom  Universi- 
tete  see  Bulletin  de  la  Socie'te'  des  Naturalis- 
tes de  Voroneje 

Biulleten  Sredne-Aziatskogo  Gosudarstven- 
nogo Universiteta  (Bulletin  de  1'Universite 
de  1'Asie  Centrale;  Tachkent)  1923:  11-13; 

B'ack  Rock  Forest  Bulletin  1930:  Cornwall- 
on-the-Hudson.  1-6 

Black  Rock  Forest  Papers  1935:  Cornwall- 
on-the-Hudson.  1,  nos.  1-11 

Blue  Hill  Meteorological  Observatory  of  Har- 
vard University  see  Harvard  Meteorological 

Blumea;  Gijdschrift  voor  de  Systematiek  en 
de  Geografie  der  Planten  (a  journal  of  plant 
taxonomy  and  plant  geography)  1934: 
Rijksherbarium.  1  + 

Boletim;  Institute  de  Higiene  de  Sao  Paulo 
1919:  1-2;  4-6;  15;  23-27;  29-45;  47;  53 

Boletim;  Secretaria  da  Agricultura,  Commer- 
cio  e  Obras  Publicas  do  Estado  de  Sao 
Paulo;  Servicio  Meteorologico  (1-21  as 
Boletim  da  Commissao  Geographica  e  Geo- 
logica  do  Estado  de  S.  Paulo)  1889:  4-21; 
ser.  2,  6;  8-11;  25-28  (1916) 

Boletim  Biologico;  Orgao  do  Clube  Zoologico 
do  Brasil  1926:  1-21;  n.s.  1-3,  no.  5 

Boletim  da  Commissao  Geographica  e  Geolo- 
gica  do  Estado  de  S.  Paulo  see  Boletim; 
Secretaria  da  Agricultura,  Commercio  e 
Obras  Publicas  do  Estado  de  Sao  Paulo; 
Servicio  Meteorologico 

Boletim  da  Inspetoria  Federal  de  Obras  Con- 
tra as  Secas  1934:  Brazil.  [1-9];  10+ 

Boletim  do  Institute  Brasileiro  de  Sciencias 
1925:  1,  no.  1;  2,  no.  8 

Boletim  do  Institute  Vital  Brazil  1927:  1-17; 


*Boletim  do  Museu  Goeldi  (Museu  Paraense) 
de  Historia  Natural  e  Ethnographia  1894: 
Brazil.  [1-2];  3-7 

Boletim  do  Museu  Nacional ;  Universidade  do 
Brasil  1923:  1  + 

Boletm;  Departamento  de  Agricultura  y  Tra- 
bajo  see  Bulletin;  Agricultural  Experiment 
Station;  Puerto  Rico 

Boletin(s)  da  Faculdade  de  Filosofia,  Ciencias 
e  Letras;  Universidade  de  Sao  Paulo;  Bio- 
logia Geral  1937:  1  +  ;  Botanica  1937:  1  +  ; 
Fisica  1938:  1  +  ;  Zoologia  1937:  1  + 

Boletin  de  la  Compania  Administradora  del 

Guano:  Lima.  16,  nos.  8-11;  17,  nos.  9-12 
*Boletin  de  la  Direction  de  Estudios  Biologicos 
1915:  Mexico.  1-3 

Boletm  de  la  Sociedad  de  Biologia  de  Concep- 
tion (Chile)  1927:  Universidad  de  Concep- 
tion. 1  + 

Boletin  de  la  Sociedad  Espanola  de  Biologia 
1911:  1-7;  [10-13] 

Boletm  de  la  (Real)  Sociedad  Espanola  de 
Historia  Natural  1901:  1-37,  no.  6 

*Boletin  de  la  Sociedad  Geologica  Mexicana 
1904:  5-7 

Boletin  del  Hospital  Sanatorio   "El  Feral"; 



Enfermedades  Broncopulmonares  y  Tuber- 
culosis 1941:  Santiago,  Chile.  1,  no.  1 

Boletin  del  Institute  Geologicos  de  Mexico 
1895:  17-32;  34;  [35];  36 

Boletin  del  Ministerio  de  Agricultura  de  la 
Nacion  (32-35  as  Boletin  Mensual  del 
Ministerio  de  Agricultura  de  la  Nacion) 
1904:  Argentina.  28-37,  no.  4 

Boletin  del  Museo  Nacional  de  Chile  1908: 
[1-2];  3 

Boletin  del  Servicio  Oceanografico  y  de  Pesca; 
Ministerio  de  Defensa  Nacional  inspeccion 
general  de  marina  1938:  Montevideo.  1, 
no.  1 

Boletin  Estadistica  Agropecuaria  (1-37  as 
Boletin  Mensual  de  Estadistica  Agropecua- 
ria) 1900:  Direccion  de  Economia  Rural  y 
Estadistica,  Argentina.  35  + 
*Boletin  oficial  de  la  Secretaria  de  Agricultura 
y  Fomento  (1-2  as  Boletin  oficial  de  la 
Secretaria  de  Fomento,  Colonizacion  e  In- 
dustria)  1916:  [1-7] 

*Bollettino  Bimestrale;  R.  Comitato  Talasso- 
grafico  Italiano  (nos.  1-86  also  as  vols.  1-13) 
1909:  1-23;  25-86 

Bollettino  dei  Musei  di  Zoologia  e  di  Anatomia 
Comparata  della  R.  Universita  di  Torino 
1886:  1;  [2];  3-12;  [13];  14-15;  [16];  17  + 

Bollettino  dei  Musei  e  Laboratorii  di  Zoologia 
e  Anatomia  Comparata  della  R.  Universita 
di  Geneva  (2-13  as  Bollettino  dei  Musei  di 
Zoologia,  etc.)  1892:  2  + 

Bollettino  del  Laboratorio  di  Zoologia  Agraria 
e  Bachicoltura  del  R.  Istituto  Superiore 
Agrario  di  Milano  see  Bollettino  di  Zoologia 
e  Bachicoltura 

Bollettino  del  Laboratorio  di  Zoologia  Gene- 
rale  e  Agraria  del  R.  Istituto  Superiore 
Agrario  in  Portici  1907:  1  + 

Bollettino  del  R.  Laboratorio  di  Entomologia 
Agraria  di  Portici  1937:  1  + 

Bollettino  del  R.  Osservatorio  Fitopatolo^ico 
di  Milano  Sezione  Entomologica  see  Bollet- 
tino di  Zoologia  Agraria  e  Bachicoltura 

Bollettino  dell'Istituto  di  Entomologia  della  R. 
Universita  degli  Studi  di  Bologna  (1-7  as 
Bollettino  del  Laboratorio  di  Entomologia 
del  R.  Istituto  Superiore  Agrario  di  Bo- 
logna) 1928:  1  + 

Bollettino  dell'Istituto  Sieroterapico  Milanese 
(pubblicazione  Italiana  di  Batteriologia  ed 
Immunologia)  1917:  8+ 

*Bollettino  dell'Istituto  Zoologico  della  R.  Uni- 
versita di  Roma  1923:  1-8 

Bollettino  della  Sezione  Italiana;  Societa  In- 
ternazionale  di  Microbiologia  1929:  1-7 

Bollettino  della  Societa  Adriatica  di  Scienze 
Naturali  in  Trieste  1874:  1-5,  no.  1;  8,  no. 
1;  9-15;  17-18;  20+ 

Bollettino  della  Societa  dei  Naturalisti  in 
Napoli  (21+  also  numbered  ser.  2,  vol.  1+) 
1887:  1-7;  8,  no.  1;  10-12;  14;  16+ 

Bollettino  della  Societa  Italiana  di  Biologia 
Sperimentale  1926:  1  + 

Bollettino  delle  Sedute  della  Accademia 
Gioenia  di  Scienze  Naturali  in  Catania  (1-31 
as  Bullettino  Mensile)  1888:  26-28;  36^45; 
47^9;  51-56;  59-71;  73-82;  84-87;  ser.  2, 
36;  53;  57-69;  ser.  3,  1  + 

Bollettino  di  Pesca,  di  Piscicoltura  et  di  Idro- 
biologia  1925:  Ministero  dell'Agricoltura  e 
delle  Foreste;  R.  Laboratorio  Centrale  di 
Idrobiologia  applicata  alia  Pesca  (1-5, 
Ministero  dell'Economia  Nazionale;  Dire- 
zione  generale  dell'Industria  e  delle  Miniere) 

1  + 

Bollettino  di  Pesca,  di  Piscicoltura  et  di  Idro- 
biologia, Supplemento  see  Memorie  Scien- 
tifiche;  Memorie  Storico-Giuridiche 

Bollettino  di  Zoologia;  pubblicato  dall'Unione 
Zoologica  Italiana  1930:  1  + 

Bollettino  di  Zoologia  Agraria  e  Bachicoltura 
della  R.  Universita  di  Milano  (1-4,  6  as 
Bollettino  del  Laboratorio  di  Zoologia  Agra- 
ria e  Bachicoltura  del  R.  Istituto  Superiore 
Agrario  di  Milano;  5  as  Bollettino  del  R. 
Osservatorio  Fitopatologico  di  Milano  Se- 
zione Entomologica)  1928:  1  + 
Bollettino  Scientifico  della  Facolta  di  Chimica 
Industriale.  Bologna  (1-4  as  Giornale  di 
Biologia  Applicata  alia  Industria  Chimica, 
5-7,  Industriale,  Agraria  ed  Alimentare,  or- 
gano  ufficiale  della  Societa  di  Radiobiologia- 
Centro  di  Bologna;  15-16,  no.  5  merged  with 
Zymologica  e  Chimica  dei  Colloidi,  using 
volume  numbering  of  Zymologica)  1931:  1  + 

*Boston  Journal  of  Natural  History;  contain- 
ing papers  and  communications  read  to  the 
Boston  Society  of  Natural  History  1834:  1-7 

*Botanical  Abstracts;  a  monthly  serial  furnish- 
ing abstracts  and  citations  of  publications 
in  the  international  field  of  botany  in  its 
broadest  sense  1918:  1-15 
Botanical  Gazette  (1  as  Botanical  Bulletin) 
1875:  1  + 

*Botanical  Gazette;  a  journal  of  the  progress  of 
British  botany  and  the  contemporary  litera- 
ture of  the  science  1849:  1-3 
Botanical  Magazine  1887:  Botanical  Society  of 

Japan.  [16-36];  37  + 

Botanical  Review;  Interpreting  Botanical 
Progress  1935:  New  York  Botanical  Garden. 
1  + 

*Botanicheskie  Materialy  Instituta  Sporovykh 
Rastenii  Glavnogo  Botanicheskogo  Sada 
(Notulae  Systematicae  ex  Institute  Crypto- 
gamico  Horti  Botanici  Petropolitani)  1922: 
Leningrad.  1-4,  no.  7 



Botanische  Jahrbiicher  fur  Systematik,  Pflan- 
zengeschichte  und  Pflanzengeographie  be- 
griindet  von  A.  Engler  1881:  1  + 
*Botanische  Zeitung  1843:  1-68 

Botanisches  Archiv;  Zeitschrift  fur  die  ge- 
samte  Botanik,  begriindet  ^von'Carl  Mez 
1922:  1  + 

Botanisches  Zentralblatt ;  Referierendes  Or- 
gan fiir  das  Gesamtgebiet  der  Botanik  im 
Auftrage  der  Deutschen  Botanischen  Ge- 
sellschaft  (in  two  parts,  Referate  and  Lite- 
ratur)  1880:  1  + 

Botanisk  Tidsskrift  udgivet  afjDansk  Botanisk 
Forening  1866:  1+  «  41  •+  *  '•-*  ^  •***•! 

Botaniska  Notiser  utgivna  av  Lunds  Botaniska 
Forening  1839:  1922+  **•«>!<< 

(Le)  Botaniste  1889:  1  + 

*Botany;  current  literature;  additions  to  the 
botanical  catalogue  of  the  Bureau  of  Plant 
Industry,  U.  S.  Department  of  Agriculture: 
[10];  11;  [12];  13-16 

Botany  and  Zoology,  Theoretical  and  Applied 

(text  in  Japanese):  3  + 

*Bowdoin  Scientific  Review;  a  fortnightly  jour- 
nal 1870:  1-2 

Brain;  a  journal  of  neurology  1878:  1  + 

British  Chemical  and  Physiological  Abstracts. 
A  (1924-25  as  Abstracts  of  Chemical  Papers, 
A;  1926-37  as  British  Chemical  Abstracts, 
A;  in  1938  absorbed  Physiological  Abstracts) 
(in  three  sections:  I.  General,  Physical  and 
Inorganic  Chemistry;  II.  Organic  Chemis- 
try; III.  Physiology  and  Biochemistry)  1924: 

British  Chemical  and  Physiological  Abstracts. 
B  (1924-25  as  Abstracts  issued  by  Bureau 
of  Chemical  Abstracts;  1926-37  as  British 
Chemical  Abstracts.  B)  (in  three  sections:  I. 
General  and  Inorganic  Industrial  Chemis- 
try; II.  Industrial  Organic  Chemistry;  III. 
Agriculture,  Foods,  Sanitation,  etc.)  1924: 

British  Journal  of  Experimental  Biology  see 
Journal  of  Experimental  Biology 

British  Journal  of  Experimental  Pathology 
1920:  1  + 

British  Journal  of  Radiology  1896:  n.s.  1  + 

British  Medical  Journal;  the  journal  of  the 
British  Medical  Association  1857:  1923  + 

British  Medical  Research  Council  Special  Re- 
port see  Special  Report  Series;  Privy  Coun- 
cil; Medical  Research  Council 

British  Meteorological  and  Magnetic  Year 
Book  see  Reseau  Mondial;  monthly  and  an- 
nual summaries  of  pressure,  temperature, 
and  precipitation 

Brooklyn  Botanic  Garden  Memoirs  1918:  1  + 

Brooklyn  Botanic  Garden  Record  1912:  1  + 

Broteria ;  Revista  Luso  Brazileira  (8-9  Revista 

de  Sciencias  Naturaes)  serie  Botanica  1907: 
8-21,  no.  1 

Bryologist;  journal  of  the  Sullivant  Moss  So- 
ciety 1898:  1  + 

Buletinul  Societatei  de  Medici  si  Naturalisti 

'  »  i 

din  lasi  see  Revue  Medico-Chirurgicale  di 

Bulletin;  Agricultural  Experiment  Station; 
Puerto  Rico  (32-39  as  Boletin;  Departa- 
mento  de  Agricultura  y  Trabajo):  15;  32  + 

Bulletin ;  Association  Francaise  pour  1'Avance- 
ment  des  Sciences  (through  63  as  Bulletin 
Mensuel)  1896:  63,  no.  119+ 

Bulletin;  Bernice  P.  Bishop  Museum  of  Poly- 
nesian Ethnology  and  Natural  History  1922: 

1  + 

Bulletin;  Bureau  of  Meteorology  1908:  Minis- 
ter of  the  Interior,  Australia.  1-12;  14  + 

Bulletin;  Carnegie  Foundation  for  the  Ad- 
vancement of  Teaching  1907:  1  + 

^Bulletin;  Coastguards  and  Fisheries  Service; 
Fisheries  Research  Section  1930:  Ministry 
of  Finance,  Egypt.  1 

Bulletin;  Department  of  Agriculture;  Union 
of  South  Africa  1911:  [1916-30] 

Bulletin;  Department  of  Fisheries,  Bengal 
(Bihar  and  Orissa)  1913:8;  11;  14-17;  19-20 

Bulletin ;  Fisheries  Research  Board  of  Canada 
(1-55  as  Bulletin;  Biological  Board  of 
Canada)  1918:  1  + 

*Bulletin ;  Gulf  Biologic  Station  1902:  Cameron, 
Louisiana.  2;  4-11;  13-15 

Bulletin;  New  Jersey  Agricultural  Experiment 
Station:  [103-669] 

Bulletin;  Societe  Neuchateloise  des  Sciences 
Naturelles  (1-25  as  Bulletin  de  la  Societe 
des  Sciences  Naturelles  cle  Neuchatel;  26  as 
Bulletin  de  la  Societe  Neuchateloise  des 
Sciences  Naturelles)  (52+  also  numbered  as 
n.s.  1  +  )  1843:  1  + 

Bulletin;  Station  Oceanographique  de  Sa- 
lammbo  1924:  Tunis.  1-37 

Bulletin;  Storrs  Agricultural  Experiment  Sta- 
tion; Connecticut  Agricultural  College: 

Bulletin;  Texas  Agricultural  Experiment  Sta- 
tion: 18;  65;  69;  119;  180;  241-267;  269-317; 
319-445;  447-448;  450  + 

Bulletin;  University  of  Wyoming  Agricultural 
Experiment  Station :  [49-138] 

Bulletin;  Wisconsin  Geological  and  Natural 
History  Survey  1898:  [1-70] 

Bulletin  Biologique  de  la  France  et  de  la  Bel- 
gique  (19-50  as  Bulletin  Scientifique  de  la 
France  et  de  la  Belgique;  1-18  under  various 
titles  beginning  Bulletin  Scientifique.  .  .  .) 
1869:  1+  Supplements  1919:  1  + 

Bulletin  d'Histoire  Naturelle  de  la  Societe 
Linneenne  de  Bordeaux  1826:  2-3 



Bulletin  d'Histologie  appliquee  a  la  Physio- 
logic et  a  la  Pathologic  et  de  Technique 
Microscopique  1924:  1  + 

Bulletin  de  Biologic  et  de  Medecine  Experi- 
mental de  1'URSS  1936:  1  + 

Bulletin  de  1'Academie  des  Sciences  de  1'Union 
des  Republiques  Sovietiques  Socialistes  (Iz- 
vestiia Akademii  Nauk  Soyousa  Sovetskic 
Socialisticheskic  Respublik)  (formerly  Bul- 
letin de  1' Academic  Imperiale  des  Sciences 
de  St.  Petersbourg)  1836:  ser.  3,  1-32;  ser. 
4,  1,  no.  1;  4,  nos.  1-2;  ser.  5,  1-25;  ser.  6.. 
1-21;  Classe  des  Sciences  Physico-mathe- 
matiques,  ser.  7,  1928,  1-8  (1935) 

Bulletin  de  1'Academie  des  Sciences  de  1'Union 
des  Republiques  Sovietiques  Socialistes; 
Classe  des  Sciences  Mathematiques  et  Na- 
turelles  1936:  Serie  Biologique:  1936+ ; 
Classe  des  Sciences  Chimiques  (1936-38  as 
Serie  Chimique;  1939  as  Journal  de  Chimie 
Generate,  vol.  9)  1936:  1936+ 

Bulletin  de  1'Academie  des  Sciences  Mathe- 
matiques et  Naturelles;  B.  Sciences  Natu- 
relles  1933:  Academic  Royale  Serbe,  Bel- 
grade. 1  + 

Bulletin  de  1'Academie  Royale  des  Sciences, 
des  Lettres  et  des  Beaux-Arts  de  Belgique 
see  Bulletin (s)  de  la  Classe  des  Sciences; 
Academie  Royale  de  Belgique 

Bulletin  de  1'Academie  Royale  des  Sciences  et 
des  Lettres  de  Danemark,  Copenhague 
(Oversigt  over  det  Kongelige  Danske 
Videnskabernes  Selskabs  Forhandlinger) 
1814:  [1874-1908];  1915-31 

Bulletin  de  1'Association  des  Anatomistes;  Re- 
union de  1'Association  1926:  [1-21];  25  + 

Bulletin  de  1'Association  des  Psychiatres  Rou- 
mains  see  Bulletin  de  la  Societe  Roumaine 
de  Neurologie,  Psychiatrie,  Psychologic  et 

Bulletin  de  1'Association  Francaise  pour 
1'Avancement  des  Sciences  see  Comptes 
Rendus;  Association  Francaise  pour  1'Avan- 
cement  des  Sciences 

Bulletin  de  1'Association  Russe  pour  les  Re- 
cherches  Scientifiques  a  Prague  (Rozpravy 
Vedecke  Spolecnosti  Badatelske  Pfi  Ruske 
Svobodne  Universite  v  Praze) ;  Section  des 
Sciences  Naturelles  et  Mathematiques:  19; 
27;  34;  37 

Bulletin  de  1'Institut  des  Recherches  Biologi- 
ques  de  Perm  see  Izvestiia  Permskogo  Biolo- 
gicheskogo  Nauchno-Issledovatel'skogo  Ins- 

Bulletin  de  1'Institut  et  du  Jardin  Botaniques 
de  1'Universite  de  Beograde  (Glasnik  Bo- 
tanichkog  Zavoda  i  Bashte  Univerziteta 
u  Beogradu)  1928:  1  + 

Bulletin  de  1'Institut  Hydrologique ;  Comite 
Hydrometeorologique  d'U.R.S.S.;  Institut 
Hydrologique  see  Izvestiia  Gosudarstven- 
nogo  Gidrologicheskogo  Instituta 

Bulletin  de  1'Institut  Metchnikoff  1936:  Kra- 
kov.  1 

Bulletin  de  1'Institut  National  (1'Ecole  Supe- 
rieure)  Agronomique,  Brno,  R  C  S  see  Sbor- 
nik  Vysoke  Skoly  Zemedelske  v  Brne  C  S  R 

Bulletin  de  1'Institut  Oceanographique;  Fon- 
dation  Albert  I;  Prince  de  Monaco  (1-278 
as  Bulletin  du  Musee  Oceanographique  de 
Monaco)  1904:  1  + 

Bulletin  de  1'Institut  Pasteur;  revues  et  analy- 
ses des  travaux  de  bacteriologie,  et  de  mede- 
cine,  biologie  generate,  physiologic,  chemie 
biologique,  dans  leur  rapports  avec  la  micro- 
biologie  1903:  1  + 

Bulletin  de  1'Universite  de  1'Asie  Centrale  see 
Biulleten  Sredne-Aziatskogo  Gosudarstven- 
nogo  Universiteta 

Bulletin  (s)  de  la  Classe  des  Sciences;  Acade- 
mie Royale  de  Belgique  (Mededeelingen 
van  de  Afdeeling  Wetenschappen;  Kon- 
inklijke  Belgische  Academie)  (series  1-3  as 
Bulletin  de  1'Academie  Royale  des  Sciences, 
des  Lettres  et  des  Beaux-Arts  de  Belgique) 
1832:  ser.  3,  32;  33;  35;  ser.  4,  1  + 

Bulletin  de  la  Commission  Internationale  pour 
1'Exploration  Scientifique  de  la  Mer  Medi- 
terranee  1920:  Monaco.  1-10 
*Bulletin  de  la  Federation  des  Industries  Chi- 
miques de  Belgiques  1921:  1-8 

Bulletin  de  la  Seance  de  la  Societe  Royale  des 
Sciences  Medicales  et  Naturelles  de  Bru- 
xelles  see  Annales  et  Bulletin  de  la  Societe 
Royale  des  Sciences  Medicales  et  Naturelles 

Bulletin  de  la  Section  Scientifique;  Academie 
Roumaine  1912:  Bucharest.  [1-22] 

Bulletin  de  la  Societe  Botanique  de  France 
1854:  ser.  2,  5-7;  ser.  3,  1-3;  ser.  4,  75  + 

Bulletin  de  la  Societe  Chimique  de  Belgique 
1887:  [22-30];  31-33;  [34];  35;  [36];  38  + 

Bulletin  de  la  Societe  Chimique  de  France 
(1 — ser.  3,  36  as  Bulletin  de  la  Societe 
Chimique  de  Paris)  (1934+  in  two  parts, 
Memoires  and  Documentation)  1858:  1  + 

Bulletin  de  la  Societe  d'Etude  des  Sciences 
Naturelles  et  du  Musee  d'Histoire  Natu- 
relle  d'Elbeuf  1881:  23-40 

Bulletin  de  la  Societe  d'Histoire  Naturelle  de 
Colmar  see  Mitteilungen  der  Naturhisto- 
rischen  Gesellschaft  in  Colmar 

Bulletin  de  la  Societe  d'Oceanographie  de 
France  1921:  1  + 

Bulletin  de  la  Societe  de  Biologie  de  Lettonie 
see  Acta  Biologica  Latvica 

Bulletin  de  la  Societe  de  Chimie  Biologique 
1914:  1  + 



Bulletin(s)  de  la  Societe  de  Pathologic  Exo- 
tique  et  de  ses  Filiales  (de  1'Ouest  Africain 
et  de  Madagascar)  1908:  29  + 

Bulletin  de  la  Societe  de  Psychiatric  de  Buca- 
rest  1936:  1  + 

Bulletin  de  la  Societe  des  Amis  de  1'Institut 
Oceanographique  du  Havre:  14,  no.  42  + 

Bulletin  de  la  Societe  des  Etudes  Oceaniennes 
1917:  Tahiti.  1  + 

Bulletin  de  la  Societe  des  Medecins  et  des 
Naturalistes  see  Revue  Medico-Chirurgicale 
de  Jassy 

Bulletin  de  la  Societe  des  Naturalistes  de 
Moscou  (Biulleten  Moskovskogo  Obsh- 
chestva  Ispytatelei  Prirody)  (1-62  and  n.s. 
1-30  as  Bulletin  de  la  Societe  Imperiale  des 
Naturalistes  de  Moscou)  (includes  Meteoro- 
logische  Beobachtungen  1882-94)  (n.s.  31  + 
in  sections)  1829:  1;  2,  no.  2;  3-5;  9,  pp. 
1-115;  10-15;  16,  nos.  2-4;  17-23;  24,  no. 3; 
25,  nos.  1,  3-4;  26-62;  n.s.  1-30;  Section 
Biologique:  31  +  ;  Section  de  la  Biologic  Ex- 
perimentale:  32,  no.  3  + 

*Bulletin  de  la  Societe  des  Naturalistes  de 
Voroneje  (Biulleten  Obshchestva  Estest- 
voispytatelei  pri  Voronezhskom  Gosudarst- 
vennom  Universitete)  1925:  1-2,  no.  4 

Bulletin  de  la  Societe  des  Sciences  Medicales 
et  Biologiques  de  Montpellier  et  du  Langue- 
doc  Mediterranean  see  Archives  de  la  So- 
ciete des  Sciences  Medicales  et  Biologiques 
de  Montpellier  et  du  Languedoc  Mediter- 

Bulletin  de  la  Societe  des  Sciences  Naturelles 
de  1'Ouest  de  la  France  1891:  Secretariat 
au  Museum  d'Histoire  Naturelles  de  Nantes. 
ser.  2,  2,  nos.  3-4;  3,  nos.  1-2;  4-5;  8,  nos. 
1-2;  ser.  3  + 

Bulletin  de  la  Societe  des  Sciences  Naturelles 
de  Neuchatel  see  Bulletin;  Societe  Neucha- 
teloise  des  Sciences  Naturelles 

Bulletin  de  la  Societe  des  Sciences  Naturelles 
du  Maroc;  Empire  Cherifien;  archives  sci- 
entifiques  du  protectorat  frangais  1921:  1  + 

Bulletin  de  la  Societe  Fouad  I  d'Entomologie 
(1-6  as  Bulletin  de  la  Societe  Entomologique 
d'Egypte;  7-21  as  Bulletin  de  la  Societe 
Royale  Entomologique  d'Egypte)  1908:  1  + 

Bulletin  de  la  Societe  Francaise  de  Micro- 
scopic 1932:  1  + 

Bulletin  de  la  Societe  Geophysique  de  Varso- 
vie  see  Biuletyn  Towarzystwa  Geofizykow  w 

Bulletin  de  la  Societe  Linneenne  de  Norman- 
die  1855:  Caen.  1  + 

Bulletin  de  la  Societe  Polonaise  d' Anatomic  et 
de  Zoologie  see  Folia  Morphologica 

Bulletin  de  la  Societe  Portugaise  des  Sciences 
Naturelles  1907:  [1-7];  8-11,  no.  7 

Bulletin  de  la  Societe  Roumaine  de  Neurol- 
ogic, Psychiatric,  Psychologic  et  Endocrin- 
ologie;  (1-3  as  Bulletins  et  Memoires  de  la 
Societe"  de  Neurologie,  Psychiatrie  et  Psy- 
chologie  de  Jassy;  4-5  as  Bulletin  de 
1'Association  des  Psychiatres  Roumains) 
1919:  1  + 

Bulletin  de  la  Societe  Royale  de  Botanique  de 
Belgique  (18-42  in  two  parts;  Memoires  and 
Comptes-Rendus;  51+  also  as  ser.  2,  1+) 
1862:  1  + 

Bulletin  de  la  Societe  Royale  des  Sciences  de 
Liege  1832:  1  + 

Bulletin  de  la  Societe  Royale  Entomologique 
d'Egypte  see  Bulletin  de  la  Societe  Fouad  I 

Bulletin  de  la  Societe  Scientifique  de  Bretagne; 
Sciences  mathematiques,  physiques  et  na- 
turelles  1924:  Rennes.  1  + 

Bulletin  de  la  Societe  Vaudoise  des  Sciences 
Naturelles  1842:  Lausanne,  ser.  5,  42  + 

Bulletin  de  la  Societe  Zoologique  de  France 
1876:  1  + 

Bulletin  de  la  Station  Biologique  d'Arcachon; 
Travaux  des  Laboratoires ;  Universite  de 
Bordeaux  et  Societe  Scientifique  d'Arca- 
chon; Station  Biologique  1895:  1  + 

Bull  etui  de  la  Station  Maritime  de  Hel  see 
Biuletyn  Stacji  Morskiej  w  Helu 

Bulletin  de  Pharmacie  et  des  Sciences  Ac- 
cessoires  see  Journal  de  Pharmacie  et  de 

Bulletin  decadaire  (mensuell)  Meteorologique 
et  Glacial  du  Service  des  Previsions  du 
Temps  de  1'Administration  Centrale  des 
Voies  Maritimes  du  Nord  see  Dekadnyi  i 
Ezhemesiachnyi  Biulleten  Sluzhby  Pogody 
i  Ledovoi  Informatsii 

Bulletin  des  Institutions  Royales  d'Histoire 
Naturelle  a  Sophia  see  Izvestiia.  na  Tsarskitye 
Prirodonauchni  Instituti  v  Sofiia 
*Bulletin  des  Seances  de  la  Societe  Beige  de 
Microscopic  (Proces-Verbaux)  1875:  1-25 
(bound  in  with  Annales  de  la  Societe) 

Bulletin  des  Travaux  publics  par  la  Station 
d'Aquiculture  et  de  Peche  de  Castiglione 
1926:  [1928-33] 

Bulletin  du  Jardin  Botanique  de  Buitenzorg 
see  Bulletin  of  the  Botanic  Gardens;  Buiten- 

Bulletin  du  Jardin  Botanique  de  Kyiv  see  Vis- 
nik  Kiivs'kogo  Botanichnogo  Sadu 

Bulletin  du  Jardin  Botanique  de  1'Academie 
des  Sciences  de  1'URSS  (Principal  de 
1'URSS)  see  Izvestiia  Botanicheskogo^Sada 

Bulletin  du  Jardin  Botanique  de  1'Etat  a 
Bruxelles;  Ministere  de  1' Agriculture  1902: 
1,  fasc.  4+ 

Bulletin  du  Laboratoire  et  de  la  Societe  Inter- 



nationals  de  Plasmogenie  (1-88  as  Bulle- 
tin du  Laboratoire  de  Plasmogenie)  1932: 
Mexico.  1  + 

Bulletin  du  Laboratoire  Maritime  de  Dinard 
(1-3  as  Laboratoire  Maritime  du  Museum 
National  d'Histoire  Naturelles  a  1'Arsenal 
de  Saint-Servan ;  4-10  as  Bulletin  du  Labo- 
ratoire Maritime  du  Museum  (National) 
d'Histoire  Naturelles  a  Saint-Servan;  11-14 
as  Bulletin  du  Laboratoire  Maritime  de 
Saint-Servan)  1928:  1  + 

Bulletin  du  Musee  Oceanographique  de  Mo- 
naco see  Bulletin  de  1'Institut  Oceanogra- 

Bulletin  du  Musee  Royal  d'Histoire  Naturelle 
de  Belgique  1882:  1  + 

Bulletin  du  Museum  National  d'Histoire 
Naturelle;  Paris  1895:  1  + 

Bulletin  du  Service  Hydrographique  see  Wia- 
domos'ci  Sluzby  Hydrograficznej 

Bulletin  et  Annales  de  la  Societe  Entomolo- 
gique  de  Belgique  (1-64  as  Annales  de  la  So- 
ciete Entomologique  de  Belgique)  1857:  53- 
54;  56  + 

Bulletin(s)  et  Memoires  de  la  Societe  de 
Neurologic,  Psychiatric  et  Psychologic  de 
Jassy  see  Bulletin  de  la  Societe  Roumaine 
de  Neurologic,  Psychiatric,  Psychologic  et 

*Bulletin  for  Scientific  Relations ;  International 
Institute  of  Intellectual  Co-operation ;  League 
of  Nations  1926:  Paris.  1-3 

Bulletin  from  the  Laboratories  of  Natural  His- 
tory of  the  State  University  of  Iowa  see 
University  of  Iowa  Studies  in  Natural 

Bulletin  Hydrographique  1908:  Conseil  Per- 
manent International  pour  1'Exploration  de 
la  Mer.  1908  + 

Bulletin  International;  Resumes  des  Travaux 
Presentes;  Classe  des  Sciences  Mathe- 
matiques,  Naturelles  et  de  la  Medecine'. 
Academic  Tcheque  des  Sciences  (Academic 
des  Sciences  de  1'Empereur  Francois 
Joseph  1895-1916)  1895:  [6-9];  10-13; 
15-17;  19+ 

*Bulletin  International  de  I'Academie  Polonaise 
des  Sciences  et  des  Lettres  (1890-1919  as 
Bulletin  International  de  I1  Academic  des 
Sciences  de  Cracovie)  1890:  1890-1909; 
Classe  des  Sciences  Mathematiques  et  Na- 
turelles ser.  A  and  B.  1910:  1910-38 

Bulletin  Mensuel;  Association  Francaise  pour 
1'Avancement  des  Sciences  see  Bulletin;  As- 
sociation Francaise  pour  1'Avancement  des 

Bulletin  Mensuel  de  la  Societe  Linneenne  de 
Lyon  1932:  [1-10] 

Bulletin  Meteorologique  et  Hydrographique, 
Warsaw  see  Wiadomos'ci  Meteorologiczne  i 

Bulletin  of  Applied  Botany,  Genetics  and 
Plant-Breeding  see  Trudy  po  Prikladnoi 
Botanike,  Genetike  i  Selektsii 
*Bulletin  of  Basic  Science  Research  1926:  Basic 
Science  Research  Laboratory,  University  of 
Cincinnati.  1-5 

Bulletin  of  the  Chekiang  Provincial  Fisheries 
Experiment  Station  1935:  China.  [1-3] 

Bulletin  of  Entomological  Research  1910:  Im- 
perial Bureau  of  Entomology,  London.  1  + 

Bulletin  (s)  of  Ichthyological  Laboratory  of 
Baku  see  Izvestifa  Bakinskoi  Ikhtiologiches- 
koi  Laboratorii 

Bulletin  of  Mathematical  Biophysics  (1  pub- 
lished as  supplement  to  Psychometrika) 
1939:  1  + 

Bulletin  of  Plant  Protection  (Trudy  po  Zash- 
chite  Rastenii) ;  Lenin  Academy  of  Agricul- 
tural Sciences  in  U.S.S.R. ;  Institute  for 
Plant  Protection  1930:  series  1.  Entomol- 
ogy: vol.  1,  nos.  1-2  (1930-31);  vol.  3,  no.  1 
(1931);  vol.  4,  no.  1  (1931),  nos.  3  (1932),  4 
(1932),  6  (1932);  series  2.  Phytopathology: 
no.  3  (1933) 

Bulletin  of  War  Medicine;  Medical  Research 
Council  1940:  edited  by  the  staff  of  the 
Bureau  of  Hygiene  and  Tropical  Diseases. 
2,  no.  3  + 

Bulletin  of  the  Academy  of  Sciences  of  the 
United  Provinces  of  Agra  and  Oudh  Allaha- 
bad see  Proceedings  of  the  National  Acad- 
emy of  Sciences;  India 

Bulletin  of  the  American  Association  of  Uni- 
versity Professors  1915:  1  + 

Bulletin  of  the  American  Meteorological  So- 
ciety 1920:  1  + 

Bulletin  of  the  American  Museum  of  Natural 

History  1881:  1-19;  23  + 

*Bulletin  of  the  Antivenin  Institute  of  America 
1927:  1-5,  no.  3 

Bulletin  of  the  Arctic  Institute  of  the  USSR 
see  Biulleten  Arkticheskogo  Instituta 

Bulletin  of  the  Association  of  American 
Medical  Colleges  see  Journal  of  the  Asso- 
ciation of  American  Medical  Colleges 

Bulletin  of  the  Auckland  Institute  and  Mu- 
seum 1941:  New  Zealand.  1  + 

Bulletin  of  the  Bingham  Oceanographic  Col- 
lection 1927:  Peabody  Museum  of  Natural 
History,  Yale  University.  1  + 

Bulletin  of  the  Biological  Department;  Science 
College;  Sun  Yat-Sen  University  1929:  1, 
no.  1 

Bulletin  of  the  Boston  Society  of  Natural 
History  see  New  England  Naturalist 

Bulletin  of  the  Botanic  Gardens;  's  Lands 



Plantentuin;  Botanic  Gardens,  Buitenzorg 
1911:  ser.  3,  1+  Suppl.  1-3,  no.  2 
Bulletin  of  the  Bowdoin  Scientific  Station  (in- 
cludes Annual  Report)  1935:  Kent's  Island, 
New  Brunswick.  3-4;  6 

*Bulletin  of  the  Brookville  Society  of  Natural 
History;  contributions  to  the  natural  history 
of  Franklin  County,  Indiana  1885:  1-2 
*Bulletin  of  the  Buffalo  Naturalists'  Field  Club 

1883:  1 
Bulletin  of  the  Buffalo   Society  of   Natural 

Sciences  1873:  1  + 

Bulletin  of  the  Bureau  of  Agricultural  Micro- 
biology, Leningrad  see  Trudy  Vsesoiuznogo 
Instituta  sel'skokhozfaistvennoi   Mikrobio- 
Bulletin  of  the  Bureau  of  Eugenics  see  Trudy 

Instituta  Genetiki 

Bulletin  of  the  Bureau  of  Standards  see  Scien- 
tific Papers  of  the  Bureau  of  Standards 
Bulletin  of  the  Bussey  Institution;  Harvard 

University  1874:  1-3,  pt.  4 
*Bulletin  of  the  California  Academy  of  Sciences 

1884:  1-2 
Bulletin (s)  of  the  Ceylon  Fisheries  see  Ceylon 

Journal  of  Science;  Section  C.  Fisheries 
Bulletin  of  the   Chemical   Society  of  Japan 

1926:  1  + 
Bulletin  of  the  Chicago  Academy  of  Science 

1883:  1;  [2];  3;  [4-5] 
*Bulletin  of  the  College  of  Agriculture,  Tokyo 

Imperial  University  1887:  5-6 
*Bulletin   of   the    Department   of   Biology   of 

Yenching  University  1930:  Peiping.  1 
Bulletin  of  the  Faculty  of  Science ;  The  Egyp- 
tian University  1934:  1-3;  6+ 
Bulletin   of  the   Fan   Memorial   Institute   of 
Biology  (5+  in  two  sections;  Botany  and 
Zoology)  1929:  1  + 

Bulletin  of  the  Fishery  Experiment  Station, 
Canton,  China  1929:  1929-30  (text  in 

Bulletin  of  the  Fishery  Experiment  Station  of 
the  Government-General  of  Chosen  1925: 
Fusan.  1  + 

Bulletin  of  the  Geographical  Society  of  Phila- 
delphia 1893:  3,  no.  4  (1902) 
Bulletin  of  the  Geological  Institution  of  the 
University  of  Upsala  1892:  1-5;  8;  10-11; 
[13];  14-16;  18 
Bulletin  of  the  Geological  Society  of  America 

1888:  52  + 

Bulletin  of  the  Harpswell  Laboratory  see  Bul- 
letin of  the  Mount  Desert  Island  Biological 

Bulletin  of  the  History  of  Medicine;  organ  of 
the  American  Association  of  the  History  of 
Medicine  and  the  Johns  Hopkins  Institute 
of  the  History  of  Medicine  (1-6  as  Bulletin 

of  the  Institute  of  the  History  of  Medicine; 
1-2  a  supplement  to  Bulletin  of  the  Johns 
Hopkins  Hospital)  1933:  1  + 

Bulletin  of  the  Hydrographic  Department,  Im- 
perial Japanese  Navy  1917:  1  + 

Bulletin  of  the  Hygienic  Laboratory  see  Na- 
tional Institute  of  Health  Bulletin 
*Bulletin    of   the    Illinois    State    Museum    of 
Natural  History  1876:  1;  3-10 

Bulletin  of  the  Illinois  State  Natural  History 
Survey  see  Illinois  Natural  History  Survey 

Bulletin  of  the  Independent  Biological  Labora- 
tories 1932:  Tel-Aviv,  Palestine.  [1-2]  + 

Bulletin  of  the  Institute  of  Fresh-water  (Ich- 
thyology) Fisheries  (formerly  Bulletin  of  the 
Bureau  of  Applied  Ichthyology)  (Izvestiia 
Vsesoiuznogo  Nauchno-Issledovatel'skogo 
Instituta  Ozernogo  i  Rechnogo  Rybnogo 
Khoziaistva)  1918:  Leningrad.  [11];  12  + 

Bulletin(s)  of  the  Institute  of  Genetics  see 
Trudy  Instituta  Genetiki 

Bulletin  of  the  Institute  of  Jamaica;  Science 
Series  1940:  1  + 

Bulletin  of  the  Institute  of  Physical  and  Chem- 
ical Research  (Rikwagaku-Kenkyujo  Iho) 
see  with  Scientific  Papers  of  the  Institute  of 
Physical  and  Chemical  Research,  Tokyo 

Bulletin  of  the  Japanese  Society  of  Scientific 
Fisheries  1932:  1  + 

Bulletin  of  the  Johns  Hopkins  Hospital  1889: 
[1-3];  4+ 

Bulletin  (s)  of  the  Laboratory  of  Genetics 
(Trudy  Laboratorii  Genetiki)  see  Trudy 
Instituta  Genetiki 

Bulletin  of  the  Lloyd  Library  of  Botany, 
Pharmacy  and  Materia  Medica  1900:  1  + 

Bulletin  of  the  Madras  Government  Museum 

1894:  n.s.  Natural  History  Section  1927:  1  + 

*Bulletin  of  the   Michigan  Fish  Commission 

1890:  1-8 

*Bulletin  of  the  Minnesota  Academy  of  Natural 
Sciences  1873:  [2-4] 

Bulletin  of  the  Mount  Desert  Island  Biological 
Laboratory  (1898-1923  as  Bulletin  of  the 
Harpswell  Laboratory) :  9 ;  24;  26-27;  29-32; 

Bulletin  of  the  Museum  of  Comparative  Zool- 
ogy at  Harvard  College  in  Cambridge  1863: 
1-2;  [3];  4-33;  35  + 

Bulletin   of   the    National   Research   Council 

(nos.  1-57  also  as  vols.  1-11)  1919:  1  + 
*Bulletin  of  the   Natural  History  Society  of 
British  Columbia  1893:  1 

Bulletin  of  the  Natural  History  Society  of  New 
Brunswick  1882:  1-2;  4-9;  11-18;  20-21 

Bulletin  of  the  Natural  History  Survey;  Chi- 
cago Academy  of  Sciences  1896:  3;  5-6;  7, 
no.  2;  8 



*Bulletin  of  the  Neurological  Institute  of  New 
York  1931:  1-7 

Bulletin  of  the  New  England  Museum  of 
Natural  History  see  New  England  Naturalist 

Bulletin  of  the  New  York  Academy  of  Medi- 
cine (includes  Annual  Report  1924  +  )  1871: 
sen  2,  1  + 

^Bulletin  of  the  New  York  Botanical  Garden 
1896:  1-14 

Bulletin  of  the  New  York  State  Museum  see 
New  York  State  Museum  Bulletin 

Bulletin  (s)  of  the  Pacific  Scientific  Institute  of 
Fisheries  and  Oceanography  (Izvestiia 
Tikhookeanskogo  Nauchnogo  Instituta  Rib- 
nogo  Khozaistya  i  Okeanografii)  (1-4,  no.  1 
as  Bulletins  of  the  Pacific  Scientific  Fishery 
Research  Station)  (Izvestiia  Tikhookeanskoi 
Nauchno-Promyslovoi  Stantsii)  1928:  1-6; 
8-10;  12  + 

*Bulletin  of  the  Philosophical  Society  of  Wash- 
ington 1871:  1-15 

Bulletin  of  the  Scientific  Laboratories  of 
Denison  University  1885:  1-12;  [13];  14-17 

Bulletin  of  the  Scripps  Institution  of  Ocean- 
ography (1-11  as  Bulletin  of  the  Scripps 
Institution  for  Biological  Research);  Non- 
technical series  1916:  1  +  ;  technical  series 
1927:  1  + 

Bulletin  of  the   Shanghai   Science   Institute 

1929:  1  + 

*Bulletin  of  the  South  African  Biological  So- 
ciety 1918:  Pretoria,  ser.  1,  no.  2 

Bulletin  of  the  State  Oceanographical  Institute 
see  Biulleten  Gosudarstvennogo  Okeano- 
graficheskogo  Instituta 

Bulletin  of  the  Torrey  Botanical  Club  1870: 

1  + 

Bulletin  of  the  USSR  Institute  of  Agricultural 
Microbiology  see  Trudy  Vsesoiuznogo  Insti- 
tuta sel'skokhoziaistvennoi  Mikrobiologii 

Bulletin  of  the  United  States  Bureau  of 
Fisheries  (1-23  as  Bulletin  of  the  United 
States  Fish  Commission)  1881:  1  + 

Bulletin  of  the  United  States  Coast  Guard: 

2  (1913)— 3;  5  + 

Bulletin  of  the  United  States  National  Mu- 
seum 1875:  1  + 

Bulletin  of  the  University  of  Kansas  see  Kansas 
University  Science  Bulletin 

Bulletin  of  the  University  of  Texas  see  Uni- 
versity of  Texas  Bulletin 
*Bulletin    of    the    University    of    Wisconsin; 
Science  series  1894:  1— i 

Bulletin  of  the  Vanderbilt  Marine  Museum  (1, 

art.  1  as  Bulletin  of  the  Vanderbilt  Oceano- 

graphic  Museum)  1928:  Huntington,  Long 

Island.  1  + 

*Bulletin    of    the    Washburn    Laboratory    of 

Natural  History   1884:  Washburn  College. 
1,  nos.  1,  2,  4 

*Bulletin  of  the  Wisconsin  Natural  History 
Society  1900:  n.s.  1-10 

Bulletin  of  the  Wistar  Institute  of  Anatomy 
and  Biology  1905:  1-8 

Bulletin  (s)  of  the  Zoological  Society  of  San 

Diego  1924:  1-2;  4-6;  9;  11  + 
*Bulletin  Planktonique  1908:  Conseil  Perma- 
nent International  pour  1'Exploration  de  la 
Mer.  1908-12 

Bulletin  Scientifique;  Recueil  Biologique, 
Chimique,  Phys.-Mathematique  see  Nau- 
kovi  Zapiski;  Kiivs'kii  Derzhavnii  Uni- 

Bulletin  Scientifique  de  la  France  et  de  la 
Belgique  see  Bulletin  Biologique  de  la 
France  et  de  la  Belgique 

Bulletin  Statistique  des  Peches  Maritimes  des 
Pays  du  Nord  de  1'Ouest  de  1'Europe  1903: 
Conseil  Permanent  International  pour  1'Ex- 
ploration  de  la  Mer.  2  + 

*Bulletin  Trimestriel  des  Resultats  acquis  pen- 
dant les  Croisieres  periodiques  et  dans  les 
periodes  intermediaires  (1902-05  as  Bulle- 
tin des  Resultats  acquis  pendant  les  Courses 
periodiques)  1902:  Conseil  Permanent  Inter- 
national pour  1'Exploration  de  la  Mer. 

*Bulletin  van  het  Koloniaal  Museum  te  Haar- 
lem 1892:  4-23;  25;  30;  33-34;  39-41;  45-50 

Bullettino  dell'Instituto  Zoologico  della  R. 
Universita  di  Palermo  1918:  1-2,  no.  11 

Bullettino  della  Societa  Botanica  Italiana  1892: 
Florence.  [1910];  [1919];  1923 

Bullettino  Mensile  della  Accademia  Gioenia  di 
Scienze  Naturali  in  Catania  see  Bollettino 
delle  Sedute  della  Accademia  Gioenia  di 
Scienze  Naturali  in  Catania 

Bulteno  Scienca  de  la  Fakultato  Terkultura; 
Kyusyu  (Kjusu)  Imperia  Universitato ;  Hu- 
kuoka  (Fukuoka),  Japanujo  1924:  1  + 

Bureau  of  Standards  Journal  of  Research  see 
Journal  of  Research  of  the  National  Bureau 
of  Standards 

*Calcutta  Journal  of  Natural  History;  con- 
ducted by  John  M'Clelland,  Bengal  Medi- 
cal Service  1840:  1,  no.  1 

California  Fish  and  Game  1914:  State  of  Cali- 
fornia; Division  of  Fish  and  Game.  [1];  [8]; 
9-10;  [11-12];  13  + 

Canadian  Entomologist  1 868 :  1  + 

Canadian  Field- Naturalist  (subtitle  1-33  as 
Transactions  of  the  Ottawa  Field-Natu- 
ralists' Club  3-35)  (1-32  as  Ottawa  Natu- 
ralist) (2-7  contains  Flora  Ottawaensis) 
1887:  1  + 

Canadian  Journal  of  Research  (13+  in  sec- 



tions:   A.   Physical   Sciences;   B.   Chemical 
Sciences;  C.  Botanical  Sciences;  D.  Zoologi- 
cal Sciences)  1929:  National  Research  Coun- 
cil of  Canada,  Ottawa.  1  + 
Canadian  Medical  Association  Journal  1911: 

1  + 

Canadian  Meteorological  Memoirs  1935:  Di- 
vision of  Meteorological  Services,  Canada. 

1  + 

Cancer  Research;  a  monthly  journal  of  arti- 
cles and  abstracts  reporting  cancer  research 
1941:  American  Association  for  Cancer  Re- 
search, Inc.  1  + 

*Cancer  Review;  a  journal  of  abstracts;  British 
Empire  Cancer  Campaign  1926:  1-7 

Carnegie  Corporation  of  New  York;  Report  of 

the  President  and  of  the  Treasurer:  1934  + 
*Carnegie   Institution   of  Washington;    News 
Service  Bulletin,  School  Edition  1926:  1-4 

Carnegie  Institution  of  Washington;  Publica- 
tion 1902:  [4-535]+;  Classified  List  1919  + 

Carnegie    Institution    of    Washington;    Year 

Book  1902:  1  + 

*Catalogue  of  Scientific  Papers;  compiled  by 
the  Royal  Society  of  London  1800-1900: 
series  1-4 

Catalogue  of  United  States  Public  Documents 
see  Monthly  Catalogue;  United  States  Gov- 
ernment Publications 

*Causeries  Scientifiques  de  la  Societe  Zoologi- 
que  de  France  1900:  1-10  (1906) 

(La)  Cellule ;  Recueil  de  Cytologie  et  d'Histo- 
logie  generate;  fonde  par  J.  B.  Carnoy  1884: 
Belgium.  1  + 

Centralblatt  see  Zentralblatt 

Ceylon  Journal  of  Science;  Section  A,  see  An- 
nals of  the  Royal  Botanic  Gardens,  Pera- 
deniya;  Section  B,  see  Spolia  Zeylanica 

Ceylon  Journal  of  Science;  Section  C.  Fish- 
eries (1-4  as  Bulletins  of  the  Ceylon  Fish- 
eries) 1922:  1  + 

*Ceylon  Marine  Biological  Reports  1904:  vol.  1, 
pt.  6,  nos.  20-22  (1912) 

Chemical  Abstracts;  American  Chemical  So- 
ciety 1907:  1  + 

Chemical  and  Engineering  News  (1-17  as  In- 
dustrial and  Engineering  Chemistry;  News 
Edition)  (18-19  as  News  Edition;  American 
Chemical  Society)  1923:  1  + 

Chemical  Reviews  1924:  American  Chemical 

Society.  1  + 

*Chemie  der  Zelle  und  Gewebe;  Zeitschrift  fur 
die  Probleme  der  Garung,  Atmung  und  Vi- 
taminforschung  (1-6  as  Zeitschrift  fur  Ga- 
rungsphysiologie;  7-11  as  Zeitschrift  fur 
Technische  Biologic)  1912:  1-13,  no.  2 

Chemisches  Zentralblatt  (1-20  as  Pharmaceu- 
tisches  Central-Blatt;  21-26  as  Chemisch- 
Pharmaceutisches  Central-Blatt;  27-40  also 

as  n.f.  1-14;  41-59  as  ser.  3,  1-19;  60-67  as 
ser.  4,  1-8;  68-89  as  ser.  5,  1-22;  90-95  as 
ser.  6,  1-6;  96  as  ser.  7,  7)  1830:  Deutsche 
Chemische  Gesellschaft.  1-104  (1933) 

Chemistry  and  Industry  see  Journal  of  the  So- 
ciety of  Chemical  Industry 

China  Journal  (1-5  as  China  Journal  of  Science 
and  Arts)  1923:  1-12 

Chinese  Journal  of  Physics  1933:  4,  no.  1 

Chinese  Journal  of  Physiology  1927:  Chinese 

Physiological  Society.  1  + 
*Chinese  Journal  of  Physiology;  Report  Series; 
Metabolism    1928:    Chinese    Physiological 
Society.  1 

Chinese  Journal  of  Zoology  1935:  Zoological 
Society  of  China.  1 

Chinese  Medical  Journal  (21-45  as  China 
Medical  Journal  which,  with  46,  amalga- 
mated with  National  Medical  Journal  of 
China  to  be  published  as  Chinese  Medical 
Journal)  1887:  Chinese  Medical  Associa- 
tion. 30-34;  [35];  36+ 

Chromosoma;  Zeitschrift  fiir  Zellkern-  und 
Chromosomenforschung;  Abt.  B  der  Zeit- 
schrift fiir  Zellforschung  und  Mikroskopische 
Anatomic  1939:  1  + 

Chronica  Botanica  1935:  Chronica  Botanica 
Co.  1  + 

Chronik  der  Ukrainischen  Sevcenko-Gesell- 
schaft  der  Wissenschaften  in  Lemberg  1900: 
1-2;  6-12;  15-16;  19;  27-30;  35-37;  41-50 

Ciencia;  revista  hispano-americana  de  ciencias 
puras  y  aplicadas  1940:  Mexico.  1  + 

Circular;  Texas  Agricultural  Experiment  Sta- 
tion: 4;  19-20;  22-34;  37-50;  52  + 

Circular  of  the  National  Bureau  of  Standards 
1901:  United  States  Department  of  Com- 
merce. [1-425] 
*Cleveland  Clinic  Bulletin  1931:  1,  no.  1 

Cleveland  Clinic  Quarterly  1932:  1  + 

Clinical   Science,   incorporating   Heart    1933: 

London.  1  + 

*Cold  Spring  Harbor  Monographs  1903:  Brook- 
lyn Institute  of  Arts  and  Sciences.  1-10 

Cold  Spring  Harbor  Symposia  on  Quantitative 

Biology  1933:  1  + 
*Colecgao  "Natura";  Sociedade  Portuguesa  de 

Sciencias  Naturals.  5-10 

*Collectanea  dos  Trabalhos  do  Institute  de 
Butantan  (1901-17  as  Collectanea  de  Tra- 
balhos) 1901:  Sao  Paulo.  1-2 

Collecting  Net  1926:  Woods  Hole.  1  + 

Collection  of  Czech  Chemical  Communications 
(Tschechischer  Chemischer  Forschungsar- 
beiten)  1929:  Societas  Scientiarum  Bohe- 
mica,  Prague.  1-11 

*Colloid  Symposium  Monographs  (9+  pub- 
lished in  part  in  the  Journal  of  Physical 
Chemistry)  1923:  1-8 



"Colorado  College  Publication  (1-10  as  Colo- 
rado College  Studies)  1890:  10;  Science 
series  1904:  [11-13] 

Colorado  Scientific  Society  Proceedings  (1-10 
as  Proceedings  of  the  Colorado  Scientific 
Society)  1883:  1  + 

(R.)  Comitato  Talassografico  Italiano;  Mono- 
grafia:  2,  parts  1-3  (1928) 

Commentationes  Biologicae;  Societas  Scien- 
tiarum  Fennica  1922:  1  + 

Commentationes  Physico-mathematicae ;  So- 
cietas Scientiarum  Fennica  1922:  1  + 

Comparative  Psychology   Monographs    1922: 

1  + 

Compte-Rendu  Annuel  de  la  Societe  Royale 
des  Lettres  et  des  Sciences  de  Boheme  see 
Vyrocni  Zprava  Kralovske  Ceske  Spolec- 
nosti  Nauk 

Comptes  Rendus;  Association  Franc,  aise  pour 
1'Avancement  des  Sciences  (1887,  fusion- 
nee  avec  1' Association  Scientifique  de  France) 
1872:  1  +  ;  Bulletin:  nos.  119-136  (1934-36) 
*Comptes  Rendus  de  1'Academie  des  Sciences 
de  1'URSS;  Series  A  (Doklady  Akademii 
Nauk)  1922:  1922-33 

Comptes  Rendus  (Doklady)  de  1'Academie  des 
Sciences  de  1'URSS  n.s.  1933:  1  + 

Comptes  Rendus  de  1'Association  des  Anato- 
mistes  1899:  1  + 

Comptes  Rendus  de  (1'Association  Libre)  la 
Societe  des  Physiologistes  Suisses  see  Ver- 
handlungen  des  Vereins  der  Schweizer 

Comptes  Rendus  de  la  Station  Hydrobiologi- 
que  du  Lac  de  Wigry  see  Sprawozdania 
Stacji  Hydrobiologicznej  na  Wigrach 

Compte  Rendu  des  Seances  de  la  Societe  de 
Physique  et  d'Histoire  Naturelle  de  Geneve 
(issued  first  in  Archives  des  Sciences  Phy- 
siques et  Naturelles,  then  independently  as  a 
Supplement)  1883:  1  + 

Comptes  Rendus  des  Seances  de  la  Societe 
des  Sciences  et  des  Lettres  de  Varsovie  see 
Sprawozdania  z  Posiedzen  Towarzystwa 
Naukowego  Warszawskiego 

Comptes  Rendus  des  Seances  de  la  Societe 
Meteorologique  de  France  see  in  Meteoro- 
logie;  Revue  de  Meteorologique  et  de  Phy- 
sique du  Globe 

Comptes  Rendus  des  Travaux  du  Laboratoire 
Carlsberg  (also  have  1-4  as  Meddelelser  fra 
Carlsberg  Laboratoriet)  1878:  1-20;  seYie 
physiologique  21  +  ;  serie  chimique  21  + 
*Compte  Rendu  du  Congres  des  Botanistes 
Slaves  a  Varsovie  (Sprawozdanie  z  zjazdu- 
botanikow  Slowianskich  w  Warszawie): 
Polskie  Towarzystwo  Botaniczne,  Warsaw. 
3rd  (1931) 

Comptes  Rendus  hebdomadaires  des  Seances 
de  1'Academie  des  Sciences  1935:  Paris.  1  + 

Comptes  Rendus  hebdomadaires  des  Seances 
(et  Memoires)  de  la  Societe  de  Biologie  et 
de  ses  filiales  1849:  (includes  Societe  de 
Biologie  d'Alger,  Bordeaux,  Lille,  Lyon, 
Marseille,  Nancy,  Strasbourg,  Athenes,  Bar- 
celone,  Belgrade,  Montevideo,  Montreal, 
'Argentine,  Beige,  Bresilienne,  Chilienne, 
Danoise,  Mexicane,  Polonaise,  Portugaise, 
Roumaine,  Tchecoslovaque,  Suede,  Letto- 
nie,  Franco-Japonaise)  Paris.  1  + 

Comptes  Rendus  Mensuels  des  Seances  de  la 
Classe  de  Medecine;  Academic  Polonaise 
des  Sciences  et  des  Lettres  1930:  [1930-31] 

Comptes  Rendus  Mensuels  des  Seances  de  la 
Classe  des  Sciences  Mathematiques  et  Na- 
turelles; Academic  Polonaise  des  Sciences 
et  des  Lettres  1929:  1929-39,  no.  3 

Compte  Rendu  Sommaire  des  Seances;  So- 
ciete de  Biogeographie  1924:  Paris.  1-10; 

Condor;  a  magazine  of  western  ornithology 
(1  as  Bulletin  of  the  Cooper  Ornithological 
Club)  1899:  [1-3];  6-11;  [12-13];  14-18; 
[19-20];  21-23;  [24];  25-26;  [29];  30;  [31]; 
32-37,  no.  5 

Conference  Internationale  pour  1'Exploration 
de  la  Mer:  Stockholm,  1899 

Congreso  Internacional  de  Oceanografia,  Hi- 
drografia  Marina  e  Hidrologia  continental 
see  International  Congress  of  Oceanography, 
Marine  Hydrography  and  Continenta  Hy- 

Connecticut  State  Geological  and  Natural  His- 
tory Survey  Bulletin  1903:  1  + 

Conseil  International  des  Unions  Scientifiques 
(formerly  Conseil  International  de  Recher- 
ches)  see  Union  Geodesique  et  Geophysique 

Conseil  Permanent  International  pour  1'Ex- 
ploration  de  la  Mer;  Index  to  Publications. 
Copenhagen.  1899  + 

Conseil  Permanent  International  pour  1'Explo- 
ration  de  la  Mer  (Copenhagen)  see  also 
Bulletin  Hydrographique;  Bulletin  Plank- 
tonique;  Bulletin  Statistique  des  Peches 
Maritimes  des  Pays  du  Nord  et  de  1'Europe; 
Bulletin  Trimestriel  des  Resultats  acquis 
pendant  les  Croisieres  Periodiques  etc.; 
Journal  du  Conseil;  Publications  de  Cir- 

Contributiones  pro  Fauna  et  Flora  URPSS  see 
Materialy  k  Poznaniiu  Fauny  i  Flory  SSSR 

Contributions ;  Chesapeake  Biological  Labora- 
tory: Solomons  Island,  Maryland.  12;  15- 
20;  23-24;  26-29;  31  + 

Contributions;  Ohio  State  University;  The 
Franz  Theodore  Stone  Laboratory  1928:  1  + 



Contributions  a  la  Connaissance  de  la  Faune 
et  la  Flore  de  1'URSS  see  Materialy  k  Poz- 
nanim  Fauny  i  Flory  SSSR 

Contributions  a  la  Flore  de  la  Pologne  et  des 
Pays  limitrophes  see  Planta  Polonica;  Ma- 
terijaly  do  Flory  Polski  i  Krajow  Sasiednich 

Contributions  de  1'Institut  Botanique  de  1'Uni- 
versite  de  Montreal  (1-30  as  Contributions 
du  Laboratoire  de  Botanique  de  1'Univer- 
site  de  Montreal)  1922:  1  + 

Contributions  de  1'Institut  de  Biologie  (Zoolo- 
gie)  de  1'Universite  de  Montreal  1937:  1-9 

Contributions  de  la  Station  Biologique  du  St- 
Laurent  P.  Q.,  Canada  1932:  Universitd  La- 
val, Quebec.  1  + 

Contributions  from  Boyce  Thompson  Institute 
(for  Plant  Research)  1925:  Yonkers,  New 
York.  1  + 

Contributions  from  the  Biological  Laboratory 
of  the  Science  Society  of  China;  supported 
by  the  China  Foundation  for  the  Promotion 
of  Education  and  Culture  and  affiliated  with 
the  Fan  Memorial  Institute  of  Biology  (64- 
issued  in  two  sections:  Botany  and  Zoology) 
1925:  1  + 

Contributions  from  the  Botanical  Laboratory 
of  the  University  of  Pennsylvania  (2,  no.  2 
as  Transactions  and  Proceedings  of  the  Bo- 
tanical Society  of  Pennsylvania)  1892:  [1-5] 

Contributions  from  the  Cushman  Laboratory 
for  Foraminiferal  Research  1925:  Sharon, 
Mass.  1  + 

Contributions  from  the  Department  of  Geology 
of  Stanford  University  1930:  1  + 

Contributions  from  the  Department  of  Tropi- 
cal Medicine  and  the  Institute  for  Tropical 
Biology  and  Medicine  (1-4  as  Contributions 
from  the  Harvard  Institute  for  Tropical  Bi- 
ology and  Medicine)  1925:  1-6 

Contributions  from  the  Dudley  Herbarium  of 
Stanford  University  1927:  14- 

Contributions  from  the  Institute  of  Physiol- 
ogy; National  Academy  of  Peiping  1934: 
1-4,  no.  4 

Contributions  from  the  Institute  of  Zoology; 
National  Academy  of  Peiping  1932:  1-3, 
no.  4 

*Contributions  from  the  Laboratory  of  the  Ma- 
rine Biological  Association,  San  Diego  1904: 
1—33  (included  in  the  University  of  Cali- 
fornia Publications  in  Zoology) 

Contributions  from  the  Laboratory  of  Verte- 
brate Genetics ;  University  of  Michigan  1936 : 
1  + 

Contributions  from  the  United  States  National 
Herbarium  (1-8  as  United  States  Depart- 
ment of  Agriculture;  Division  of  Botany) 
1890:  1  + 

Contributions  from  the  Zoological  Laboratory; 

University  of  Pennsylvania  1893:  1+  (filed 
with  reprints) 

Contributions  to  Canadian  Biology  and  Fish- 
eries; being  Studies  from  the  Biological  Sta- 
tion of  Canada  1901:  1901-21;  n.s.  1-8 
*Contributions  to  Canadian  Paleontology;  Geo- 
logical and  Natural  History  Survey  of  Can- 
ada 1885:  1,  pts.  2-3  (1891) 

Contributions  to  Embryology  see  Carnegie  In- 
stitution of  Washington  Publication 
*Contributions  to  the  Micro-Palaeontology  of 
the  Cambro-Silurian  Rocks  of  Canada  1883: 
Geological  and  Natural  History  Survey  of 
Canada.  1-4  (1892) 

Copeia;  a  journal  of  cold  blooded  vertebrates 
1913:  American  Society  of  Ichthyologists 
and  Herpetologists.  14- 

Crop  Protection  Digest  Bulletin  Series  1921: 
Crop  Protection  Institute,  Washington, 
D.  C.  1-2;  4 

Cumulative  Book  Index  1898:  H.  W.  Wilson 
Co.  244- 

Current  List  of  Medical  Literature  1941: 
Friends  of  the  Army  Medical  Library, 
Washington,  D.  C.  and  Medical  Library 
Association  Inc.  1  4- 

Current  Science;  Science  in  the  Making  1932: 
Indian  Institute  of  Science.  1  + 

Current  Tables;  Atlantic  Coast;  North  Amer- 
ica; United  States  Coast  and  Geodetic  Sur- 
vey: 1926;  1930+ 

Current  Titles  from  Biological  Journals;  a 
monthly  register  of  selected  tables  of  con- 
tents 1937:  L.  R.  Kuhn,  University  of  Chi- 
cago. 1,  nos.  1-3 

Cytologia;  International  Journal  of  Cytology 
1929:  Tokyo.  1  + 

Dados  Climatologicos ;  Servico  Meteorologico 
1887:  1894;  1898;  1902  (1889  see  Boletim; 
Secretaria  da  Agricultura,  Commercio  e 
Obras  Publicas  do  Estado  de  S.  Paulo ;  Ser- 
vico Meteorologico  no.  6,  1890;  1890  ibid 
no.  8,  1891;  1903  ibid  no.  17,  1906;  1904 
ibid  ser.  2,  no.  6,  1909;  1906  ibid  nos.  18-21, 
1906;  1908  ibid  nos.  8-11,  1910;  1912  ibid 
nos.  25-28,  1916) 

Dansk  Botanisk  Arkiv  udgivet  af  Dansk  Bo- 

tanisk  Forening  1913:  1  + 
*Danske  Videnskabernes  Selskabs  Skrifter; 
Naturvidenskabelig  og  Mathematisk  Afde- 
ling  (Memoires  de  1'Academie  Royale  des 
Sciences  et  des  Lettres  de  Danemark,  sec- 
tion des  sciences)  (ser.  4  as  Danske  Vi- 
denskabernes Selskabs  Naturvidenskabelige 
og  Mathematiske  Afhandlinger)  1824:  ser. 

Dekadnyi  i  Ezhemesiachnyi  Bmlleten ;  Sluzhby 
Pogody  i  Ledovoi  Informatsii  (Bulletin  de- 



cadaire  meteorologique  et  glacial  du  service 
des  previsions  du  temps  de  1'Administration 
Centrale  des  Voies  Maritimes  du  Nord) : 

De  Lamar  Lectures;  Johns  Hopkins  Univer- 
sity School  of  Hygiene  and  Public  Health 
1925:  1925-27 

Denkschriften  der  K.  Akademie  der  Wis- 
senschaften ;  Mathematisch-Naturwissen- 
schaftliche  Classe  1850:  Wien.  1-19;  36- 
38;  41;  52;  59  + 

Denkschriften  der  Kgl.  Botanischen  Gesell- 
schaft  in  Regensburg  1815:  7-9 

Denkschriften  der  Schweizerischen  Natur- 
forschenden  Gesellschaft  (Memoires  de  la 
Societe  Helvetique  des  Sciences  Naturelles) 
1837:  56+ 

Denkschriften  des  Naturhistorischen  Mu- 
seums in  Wien;  Geologisch-Palaeontolo- 
gische  Reihe  (1  as  Denkschriften  des  K.  K. 
Naturhistorischen  Hofmuseums)  1917:  1  + 
*Deutsche  Entomologische  National-Biblio- 
thek;  Deutsches  Entomologisches  Na- 
tional-Museum zu  Berlin  1910:  1-2 

Deutsche  Entomologische  Zeitschrift  (1875- 
80  as  vols.  19—24  of  Berliner  Entomologische 
Zeitschrift)  1881:  1882;  [1883];  1884-86; 
[1887];  1888-94;  [1906];  1907-14;  [1915- 
16];  1929-38 

Deutsche  Entomologische  Zeitschrift  "Iris" 
(2-14  as  Deutsche  Entomologische  Zeit- 
schrift, Lepidopterologische  Hefte)  1884: 
Entomologischer  Verein,  Iris,  zu  Dresden. 
2-16;  [17-20] 

Deutsche  Fischwirtschaft;  Zeitschrift  des 
Reichsnahrstandes  fiir  die  Deutsche  Fisch- 
wirtschaft 1934:  1-5,  no.  5 

Deutsche  Forschung;  aus  der  Arbeit  der  Not- 
gemeinschaft  der  Deutschen  Wissenschaft 
1928:  Berlin.  1-27 

Deutsche  Mechaniker-Zeitung  see  Zeitschrift 
fiir  Instrumentenkunde;  Beiblatt ;  Zeitschrift 
der  Deutschen  Gesellschaft  fiir  Mechanik 
und  Optik 

Deutsche  Medizinische  Wochenschrif t ;  Organ 
der  Berliner  Medizinischen  Gesellschaft 
und  Anderer  Vereinigungen  1875:  56  + 

Deutsche  Tropenmedizinische  Zeitschrift  (1- 
44,  1940  as  Archiv  fiir  Schiffs-  und  Tropen- 
hygiene ;  Pathologie  und  Therapie  Exotischer 
Krankheiten)  1897:  1  + ;  Beihefte  1907:  1  + 

Deutsches  Archiv  fiir  Klinische  Medizin  1865: 
175  + 

Deutsches  Reich ;  Reichsamt  fiir  Wetterdienst ; 
Wissenschaftliche  Abhandlungen  1935:  1  + 

Deutsches  Tuberkulose-Blatt;  Sonderbeilage 
zur  Deutschen  Medizinischen  Wochen- 
schrift  (1-7  as  Praktische  Tuberkulose- 
Blatter)  1929:  8  + 

Dobutugaku  Zassi  (43-47  as  Dobutsugaku 
Zasshi;  48-50  as  Zoological  Magazine)  1888: 
Zoological  Society  of  Japan.  43  + 

Doklady  Akademii  Nauk  SSSR  see  Comptes 
Rendus  de  1'Academie  des  Sciences  de 

Doklady  Gosudarstevnnogo  Okeanografiches- 
kogo  Instituta  see  Reports  of  the  State 
Oceanographical  Institute 

Dopovidi  Akademii  Nauk  URSR  (Reports  of 
the  Academy  of  Sciences  of  the  Ukrainian 
SSR):  Kief.  [1939-40] 

*D6rfleria;  Internationale  Zeitschrift  fiir  For- 
derung  Praktischer  Interessen  der  Botani- 
ker  und  der  Botanik  1909:  Vienna.  1,  no.  1 
*Drapers'  Company  Research  Memoirs;  Bio- 
metric  series,  Department  of  Applied  Statis- 
tics, University  College,  University  of  Lon- 
don 1904: 1-12 

Ecological  Monographs;  Ecological  Society  of 
America  1931:  1  + 

Ecology;  all  forms  of  life  in  relation  to  environ- 
ment; Ecological  Society  of  America  1920: 
1  + 

Economic  Proceedings  of  the  Royal  Dublin 

Society  1899:  1  + 

*Ectoparasites  edited  by  K.  Jordan  and  the 
Hon.  N.  Charles  Rothchild  1915:  1,  nos.  1-6 

Edinburgh  Medical  Journal  1855:  n.s.  40+ 

Eesti  Loodusleaduse  Arhiiv  see  Archiv  fiir  die 
Naturkunde  Estlands 

Electric  Journal  (1-2,  no.  5  as  Electric  Club 
Journal)  1904:  Westinghouse  Club.  [1-26]; 
27-34,  no.  8 

Electronics  1930:  New  York.  9,  no.  11  + 

Emu;  official  organ  of  the  Australasian  Orni- 
thologists' Union  1901:  1-9;  10,  pt.  2 

Endocrinology ;  published  monthly  for  the  As- 
sociation for  the  Study  of  Internal  Secre- 
tions 1917:  1  + 

Endokrinologie ;  Zentralblatt  fiir  das  Gebiet 
der  Inneren  Sekretion  und  Konstitutions- 
forschung  1928:  1  + 

Entomologica  Americana;  a  journal  of  ento- 
mology published  by  the  Brooklyn  Entomo- 
logical Society  1885:  1-6;  n.s.  14,  no.  3 

Entomological  News  (1-36  as  Entomological 
News  and  Proceedings  of  the  Entomological 
Section  of  the  Academy  of  Natural  Sciences 
of  Philadelphia)  1890:"l  + 

Entomologische  Mitteilungen ;  Deutsches  En- 
tomologisches Museum  1912:  1-5 

Entomologische  Rundschau  mit  Societas  En- 
tomologica 1884:  [45-54] 

Entomologische  Zeitschrift;  Vereinigt  mit 
Internationale  Entomologische  Zeitschrift 



1887:  Internationaler  Entomologischer  Ver- 
ein,  E.  V.  42-44;  [45];  46-50;  [51-53] 

Entomologische  Zeitung;  herausgegeben  von 
dem  Entomologischen  Vereine  zu  Stettin 
(Stettiner  Entomologische  Zeitung)  1840: 
1-21;  23-44;  56;  61-74,  heft  1 

Entomologisk  Tidskrif  t ;  utgiven  av  Entomolo- 
giska  Foreningen  i  Stockholm  (Journal  En- 
tomologique ;  publie  par  la  Societe  Entomo- 
logique  a  Stockholm)  1880:  [2];  [16];  [18]; 
20-21;  [23];  24-36 

Entomologist;  an  illustrated  journal  of  general 
entomology  1840:  London.  6-18 

Entomologist's  Monthly  Magazine  1864:  En- 
tomological Society  of  London.  8-22 

Entomologist's  Record  and  Journal  of  Varia- 
tion; edited  by  J.  W.  Tutt,  1890:  London. 
17  (1905) 

Enzymologia ;  Acta  Biocatalytica  1936:  The 
Hague.  1  + 

Eos;  Revista  Espanola  de  Entomologia;  Junta 
Para  Ampliation  de  Estudios  1925:  Museo 
Nacional  de  Ciencias  Naturales,  Madrid. 

Ergebnisse  der  Anatomic  und  Entwicklungs- 
geschichte  (1-22  also  as  Anatomische  Hefte, 
Abt.  2;  23-31  also  as  Zeitschrift  fur  die 
Gesamte  Anatomie  Abt.  3)  1891 :  1-32 

Ergebnisse  der  Angewandten  Physikalischen 

Chemie  1931:  1  + 

*Ergebnisse  der  Beobachtungsstationen  an  den 
Deutschen  Ku'sten  u'ber  die  Physikalischen 
Eigenschaften  der  Ostsee  und  Nordsee  und 
die  Fischerei  1873:  Kommission  zur  Wissen- 
schaftlichen  Untersuchung  der  Deutschen 
Meere,  in  Kiel.  1873-93 

Ergebnisse  der  Biologic  1926:  1  + 
*Ergebnisse  der  Enzymforschung  1932:  1-8 

Ergebnisse  der  Exakten  Naturwissenschaften 
1922:  1  + 

Ergebnisse  der  Hygiene,  Bakteriologie,  Im- 
munitatsforschung  und  Experimentellen 
Therapie;  Fortsetzung  des  Jahresberichts 
iiber  die  Ergebnisse  der  Immunitatsfor- 
schung  1914:  12  + 

Ergebnisse  der  Kosmischen  Physik  see  Ger- 
lands  Beitrage  zur  Geophysik;  Supplement- 

Ergebnisse  der  Kreislaufforschung;  Mono- 
graphien  aus  dem  Gebiete  Beschreibender, 
Experimenteller  und  Klinischer  Kreislauf- 
forschurig  1931:  1-5 

Ergebnisse  der  Physiologic,  Biologischen 
Chemie  und  Experimentellen  Pharmakolo- 
gie;  Begriindet  von  L.  Asher  und  K.  Spiro 
(1-34  as  Ergebnisse  der  Physiologic;  35-36 
as  Ergebnisse  der  Physiologie  und  Experi- 
mentellen Pharmakologie)  1902:  1  + 

Ergebnisse    der   Vitamin-    und    Hormonfor- 

schung;  herausgegeben  von  L.  Ruzicka  und 
W.  Stepp  1938:  1  + 
*Ergebnisse  und  Fortschritte  der  Zoologie;  Be- 

__  griindet  von  J.  W.  Spengel  1909:  1-8,  no.  3 

Etudes  de  la  Neva  et  de  son  Bassin  (Issledo- 
vaniia  Reki  Nevy  i  ee  Basseina)  1922: 
1'Institut  Hydrologique  de  Russia.  1-6 

Etudes  Geophysiques  see  Prace  Geofizyczne 

Eugenical  News;  current  record  of  human 
genetics  and  race  hygiene;  organ  of  the 
Galton  Society,  of  the  International  Feder- 
ation of  Eugenic  Organizations,  and  of  the 
Pan  American  Office  of  Eugenics  and  Homi- 
culture  1916:  Eugenics  Research  Associa- 
tion, Cold  Spring  Harbor.  1-23 
*Eugenical  News;  Supplement;  Bibliographica 

Eugenica  1927:  1-2  (1934) 
*Eugenics;  a  journal  of  race  betterment  1928: 
American  Eugenics  Society,  Inc.  1-4,  no.  2 

Eugenics  Laboratory  Memoirs  1907:  Univer- 
sity of  London;  Francis  Galton  Laboratory 
for  National  Eugenics.  1-7;  9-28  (1933) 

Eugenics   Lecture    Series    (1-9   as    Eugenics 
Laboratory  Lecture  Series)    1911:   Univer- 
sity of  London;  Galton  Laboratory  for  Na- 
tional Eugenics.  1-14  (1927) 
*Eugenics  Record  Office  Bulletin   1911:  Car- 
negie Institution  of  Washington,  Cold  Spring 
Harbor.  1-27 
*Eugenics  Record  Office  Memoirs  1912:  Cold 

Spring  Harbor.  1-2  (1912) 
*Eugenics  Record   Office  Report   1913:   Cold 
Spring  Harbor.  1 

Eugenics  Review  1909:  Eugenics  Society,  Lon- 
don. 1  + 

Evolution;  a  journal  of  nature  1927:  New  York 
City.  1-4,  no.  2  (1938) 

Experiment  Station  Record  1889:  United 
States  Department  of  Agriculture;  Office 
of  Experiment  Stations.  1  + 
*Experimentelle  Beitrage  zur  Morphologic; 
herausg.  von  Hermann  Braus  (Heidelberg) 
1906:  1-2,  no.  1 

Explorations  des  Lacs  de  1'U.R.S.S. ;  Institut 
Hydrologique,  Service  Hydro-Meteorolo- 
gique  (Issledovaniia  Ozer  S.S.S.R.;  Ediniia 
Gidro-Meteorologicheskaia  Sluzhba,  Gosu- 
darstvennyi  Gidrologicheskii  Institut)  1932: 

Explorations  des  Mers  de  1'U.R.S.S.;  Institut 
Hydrologique,  Service  Hydro-Meteorolo- 
gique  (Issledovanifa  Morei  S.S.S.R.;  Edinaia 
Gidro-Meteorologicheskaia  Sluzhba,  Gosu- 
darstvennyi  Gidrologicheskii  Institut)  1925: 
1-6;  11;  15-20 

Ezhegodnik  Zoologicheskogo  Muzefa;  Aka- 
demiia  Nauk  SSSR  see  Annuaire  du  Muse"e 
Zoologique ;  Academic  des  Sciences  de  1'URSS 



Farmers'  Bulletin  1889:  United  States  Depart- 
ment of  Agriculture.  [2-1910]  + 

Fauna  Brasiliense ;  Museo  Nacional  do  Rio  de 
Janeiro  1924:  n.s.  1-2 

Fauna  e  Flora  del  Golfo  di  Napoli;  Pubblicata 
dalla  Stazione  Zoologica  di  Napoli  (1-34  as 
Fauna  und  Flora  des  Golfes  von  Neapel  und 
der  Angrenzenden  Meeresabschnitte  heraus- 
gegeben  von  der  Zoologischen  Station  zu 
Neapel)  1880:  1  + 

Fauna  et  Flora  Laurentianae  1936:  Station 
Biologique  du  Saint-Laurent;  Trois-Pistoles. 
1  + 

*Fauna  Hawaiiensis;  Bernice  P.  Bishop  Mu- 
seum of  Polynesian  Ethnology  and  Natural 
History  (also  vol.  6,  as  Special  Publication; 
Bernice  P.  Bishop  Museum)  1899:  1-3 

Fermentforschung  1916:  1  + 

Feuille  des  Jeunes  Naturalistes;  Revue  men- 
suelle  d'Histoire  Naturelle  1870:  Paris,  ser. 
4,  35-44 

*Field  and  Forest;  a  monthly  journal  devoted 
to  the  natural  sciences  1875:  1-3 

Field  and  Laboratory;  Contributions  from  the 
Science  Departments  of  Southern  Methodist 
University  1932:  1  + 

Field  Engineers  Bulletin:  United  States  Coast 
and  Geodetic  Survey.  5  + 

Field  Museum  of  Natural  History  (Field  Co- 
lumbian Museum,  1894-1905)  Publications; 
Botanical  Series  1895:  1  + 

Field  Museum  of  Natural  History  Publica- 
tions; Geological  Series  1895:  1-5;  [6-7]; 

*Field  Museum  of  Natural  History  Publica- 
tions; Ornithological  Series  1896:  1 

Field  Museum  of  Natural  History  Publica- 
tions; Report  Series  1894:  1  + 

Field  Museum  of  Natural  History  Publica- 
tions; Zoological  Series  1895:  1-12;  [13]; 

*Finlandische  Hydrographisch-Biologische  Un- 
tersuchungen  1907:  Societas  Scientiarum 
Fennica.  1-10;  12-14 

Fish  Bulletin;  State  of  California  Department 
of  Natural  Resources;  Division  of  Fish  and 
Game;  Bureau  of  Marine  Fisheries  1917:  2-4; 
8  + 

Fisheries  Bulletin;  New  Zealand,  Marine  De- 
partment 1927:  1  + 

Fisheries  News  Bulletin  1929:  Department  of 
Fisheries,  Ottawa.  1-2;  6+ 

*Fisheries  Service  Bulletin;  United  States  De- 
partment of  the  Interior;  Fish  and  Wildlife 
Service  (2-289  as  Fisheries  Service  Bulletin; 
Department  of  Commerce;  Bureau  of  Fish- 
eries) 1915:  2-6;  8-14; 16-307 

Fishery  Board  for  Scotland;  Salmon  Fisheries 
1910:  1920+ 

Fishery  Board  for  Scotland ;  Scientific  Investi- 
gations 1909:  1910+ 

Fishery  Bulletin;  Fisheries  and  Marine  Bio- 
logical Survey  Division;  Department  of 
Commerce  and  Industries  1935:  Union  of 
South  Africa.  1  + 

*Fishery  Circular;  United  States  Bureau  of 
Fisheries  1931:  United  States  Department 
of  Commerce.  1-28 

Fishery  Investigation  (Supplementary  Report) 
1934:  Imperial  Fisheries  Experimental  Sta- 
tion, Tokyo.  1  + 

Fishery  Investigations;  Ministry  of  Agricul- 
ture and  Fisheries,  London;  series  1,  Fresh- 
water Fisheries  and  Miscellaneous  1913: 
1  +  ;  series  2,  Sea  Fisheries  1914:  1  +  ; 
*series  3,  Hydrography  1919:  1-4 

Fiskeridirektoratets  Skrifter;  serie  Havun- 
ders0kelser  see  Report  on  Norwegian  Fish- 
ery and  Marine  Investigations 

Fiziologicheskii  Zhurnal  SSSR  (Journal  of 
Physiology  of  the  USSR)  (1-11  as  Russkii 
Fiziologicheskii  Zhurnal,  Journal  Russe  de 
Physiologie;  12-14,  Russian  Journal  of 
Physiology)  1917:  1-15;  [16-17];  18-22; 
[23];  25  + 

Flora  oder  Allgemeine  Botanische  Zeitung 
1818:  [86];  [117];  118+ 

Flora  Ottawaensis  see  Canadian  Field-Natu- 

Flora  Polska;  Rosliny  Naczyniowe  Polski  i 
Ziem  Osciennych:  Polskiej  Akademji  Umie- 
jetnosci.  3—5 

Flora  y  Fauna  Peruanas  1940:  Ministerio  de 
Fomento,  Direccion  de  Agricultura,  Gana- 
deria  y  Colonization,  Peru.  1  + 

Folia  Anatomica  Japonica  see  Okajimas  Folia 
Anatomica  Japonica 

Folia  Anatomica  Universitatis  Conimbrigensis 
1926:  Portugal.  1  + 

Folia  Biologica;  publication  del  personal  tec- 
nico  del  Institute  Bacteriologico  del  De- 
partamento  Nacional  de  Higiene  1931: 
Buenos  Aires.  1  + 

Folia  Endocrinologica  Japonica  1925:  2  + 

Folia  Haematologica ;  Internationales  Maga- 
zin  fur  Klinische  und  Morphologische  Blut- 
forschung  (1-8  as  Internationales  Zentral- 
organs  fur  Blut-  und  Serumforschung)  (9-24 
in  2  series:  Teil  1,  Archiv;  Teil  2,  Zentral- 
Organ)  1904:  1  + 

*Folia  Microbiologica;  Nederlandsch  Tijd- 
schrift  voor  Mikrobiologie  1912:  1-5 

Folia  Morphologica ;  Organ  Polskiego  Towar- 
zystwa  Anatomiczno-Zoologicznego  (War- 
szawa)  (Bulletin  de  la  Societe  Polonaise 
d'Anatomie  et  de  Zoologie)  1929:  1  + 

*Folia    Neuro-Biologica;   Internationaal    Cen- 



traalorgaan  voor  de  Biologic  van  het  Ze- 
nuwstelsel  1907:  Leipzig  and  Haarlem.  2-12 

Folia  Zoologica  et  Hydrobiologica ;  Latvijas 
Universitates  Sistematiskas  Zoologijas  In- 
stituta  un  Hidrobiologiskas  Stacijas  Raksti 
(Organ  des  Systematisch-Zoologischen  In- 
stituts  und  der  Hydrobiologischen  Station 
der  Universitat  Lettlands,  Riga)  1929:  1  + 

Fb'rhandlingar  i  Videnskapsselskapet  i  Kris- 
tiania  1858:  1858-1924 

Forschungen  zur  Geschichte  der  Optik  see 
Zeitschrift  fur  Instrumentenkunde;  Beilage- 

*Forschungsberichte  aus  der  Biologischen  Sta- 
tion zuPlon  1893:  1-12 

Fortschritte  der  Botanik ;  Unter  Zusammenar- 
beit  mit  Mehreren  Fachgenossen  1931:  1  + 
*Fortschritte  der  Chemie,  Physik  und  Physika- 
lischen  Chemie  1909:  1  + 

Fortschritte  der  Medizin;  Die  Zeitschrift  fiir 
den  Praktischen  Arzt  1883:  51  + 

Fortschritte  der  Zoologie  1935:  1  + 

Fragmenta  Faunistica  Musei  Zoologici  Polo- 
nici  1930:  Panstwowego  Muzeum  Zoolo- 
gicznego.  1—4,  no.  13 

Franklin  Journal  and  American  Mechanics' 
Magazine  see  Journal  of  the  Franklin  Insti- 

Fukuoka  Ikwadaigaku-Zasshi  (Fukuoka  Acta 
Medica):  Kyushu  Imperial  University.  25, 
no.  3 — vol.  31 

Fundamenta  Radiologica;  International  Jour- 
nal of  Biophysics,  Photochemistry,  Photo- 
biology  and  Medical  Radiology  (1-3  as  Ra- 
diologica) 1937:  Berlin.  1  + 

Fysiografiska  Sallskapets  Handlingar  see 
Lunds  Universitets  Arsskrift 

Fysiografiska  Sallskapets  i  Lund;  Forhandlin- 
gar (Proceedings  of  the  Royal  Physiographic 
Society  at  Lund)  1931:  1  + 

"Gann";  the  Japanese  Journal  of  Cancer  Re- 
search 1907:  Japanese  Cancer  Association 
and  Japanese  Foundation  for  Cancer  Re- 
search. 17-21;  24+ 

Gazzetta  Chimica  Italiana;  Pubblicazione 
mensile  a  cura  dell'Associazione  Italiana  di 
Chimica  1871:  [51-58];  62  + 

Gegenbaurs  Morphologisches  Jahrbuch;  eine 
Zeitschrift  fiir  Anatomie  und  Entwicklungs- 
geschichte  (1-29  as  Morphologisches  Jahr- 
luich)  (53,  no.  3+  as  Jahrbuch  fiir  Morpho- 
logic und  Mikroskopische  Anatomie,  Abt.  1) 
1875:  1  + 

General  Electric  Review  (1-8,  no.  5  as  Gen- 
eral Electric  Company  Review)  1903:  1  + 

Genetic  Psychology  Monographs  1926:  [1-19] 

Genetica;  Nederlandsch  Tijdschrift  voor  Er- 
felijkheids-  en  Afstammingsleer  1919:  1  + 

Genetics;  a  periodical  record  of  investigations 
bearing  on  heredity  and  variation  1916: 
Brooklyn  Botanic  Garden.  1  + 

Geofysiske  Publikasjoner ;  utgitt  av  det  Norske 
Videnskaps-Akademie  i  Oslo  1920:  1  + 

Geografiska  Annaler;  utgivna  av  Svenska 
Sallskapet  for  Antropologi  och  Geografi 
1919:  Stockholm.  1  + 

Geographical  Journal  1893:  Royal  Geographi- 
cal Society,  London.  1  + 
*Geographical  Magazine  1874:  London.  1-5 

Geographical  Review;  American  Geographical 
Society  of  New  York  1916:  1  + 

Geological  Survey  Bull  etui  1883:  United  States 
Department  of  the  Interior.  [1-814] 

Geological  Survey  Water-Supply  Paper: 
United  States  Department  of  the  Interior: 
[72,  1902,  -772,  1936] 

Geologie  der  Meere  und  Binnengewasser; 
Zeitschrift  fiir  Marine  und  Limnische  Hy- 
drogeologie  und  ihre  Praktische  Anwendung 
1937:  1  + 

Geophysical  Magazine  1926:  Central  Meteoro- 
logical Observatory,  Tokyo.  1  + 

Geophysical  Memoirs;  Meteorological  Office 
1912:  London.  [1-3];  4;  [5];  6+ 

Geophysical  Supplements  to  the  Monthly  No- 
tices of  the  Royal  Astronomical  Society 
1922:  1  + 

Gerlands  Beitrage  zur  Geophysik  (1-10  as 
Beitrage  zur  Geophysik;  subtitles  added  as 
follows:  for  vol.  1,  only,  Abhandlungen  aus 
dem  Geographischen  Seminar  der  Universi- 
tat Strassburg;  2,  Zeitschrift  fiir  Physika- 
lische  Erdkunde;  7,  Zugleich  Organ  der  Kai- 
serlichen  Hauptstation  fiir  Erdbebenfor- 
schung  zu  Strassburg  i.  E;  13,  1914  -14, 
1918,  Beilage:  Mitteilungen  des  Zentral- 
bureaus  der  Internationalen  Seismologischen 
Assoziation)  1887:  1+  Erganzungsband 
1902-04:  3;  Supplement  Band;  Ergebnisse 
der  Kosmischen  Physik  1931:  1  + 

Gerlands  Beitrage  zur  Geophysik;  Ergan- 
zungshefte  fiir  Angewandte  Geophysik  see 
Beitrage  zur  Angewandten  Geophysik 
*Gidrobiologicheskii  Zhurnal  SSSR  (Hydro- 
biologische  Zeitschrift  d.UdSSR;  heraus- 
gegeben  an  der  Biologischen  Wolga-Station 
unter  Redaktion  von  A.  L.  Behning)  (1-8  as 
Russkii  Gidrobiologicheskii  Zhurnal)  (Rus- 
sische  Hydrobiologische  Zeitschrift)  1921: 
1-9,  no.  6 

Giornale  di  Biologia  applicata  alia  Industria 
chimica  see  Bollettino  Scientifico  della  Ea- 
colta  di  Chimica  Industriale.  Bologna 
*Giornale  di  Biologia  e  Medicina  Sperimentale 
1923:  1-2 

Giornale  di  Biologia  Industriale,  Agraria  ed 



Alimentare  see  Bollettino  Scientifico  della 
Facolta  di  Chimica  Industriale.  Bologna 
*Glasgow  Naturalist  1909:  journal  of  the  Natu- 
ral History  Society  of  Glasgow.  1-8,  no.  5 

Glasnik  Botanichkog  Zavoda  i  Bashte  Uni- 
verziteta  u  Beogradu  see  Bulletin  de  1'Ins- 
titut  et  du  Jardin  Botaniques  de  1'Univer- 
site  de  Beograd 

Glasnik  Centralnog  Higijenskog  Zavoda  (Zeit- 
schrift  fur  Experimentelle  und  Angewandte 
Medizin,  hgg.  v.  Zentralhygienischen  Insti- 
tut;  Revue  de  la  Medicine  Experimentelle 
et  Pratique,  edit,  par  1'Institut  Central 
d'Hygiene)  1926:  Belgrade.  1  + 

Glasnik  Hrvatskoga  Prirodoslovnoga  Drustva 
(1-19  as  Glasnik  Hrvatskoga  Naravoslov- 
noga  Drustva)  1886:  Societas  (Historico- 
naturalis)  Scientiarum  Naturalium  Croa- 
tica,  Zagreb.  2-10;  [12-13];  20-21;  [27] 

Godisnjak  Oceanografskog  Instituta  Kralje- 
vine  Jugoslav! je  (Annuaire  de  1'Institut 
Oceanographique  du  Royaume  de  Yougo- 
slavie)  1938:  Split.  1  + 

Goteborgs  Kungl.  Vetenskaps-  och  Vitterhets- 
samhalles;  Handlingar;  Serien  B.  Matema- 
tiske  och  Naturvetenskapliga  Skrifter  1778: 
ser.  5  (1928),  1  + 

Growth;  a  journal  for  studies  of  development 
and  increase  1937:  1  + 

Guide  Leaflet  Series;  American  Museum  of 
Natural  History  (1-15  as  Supplement  to 
American  Museum  Journal;  16+  as  reprint 
from  Natural  History)  1901:  1-5;  8-10;  12- 
14;  [16-65];  68  + 

Guide  to  Nature  1908:  Agassiz  Association, 
Sound  Beach,  Connecticut.  1-10;  [11-22] 

Halbjahrsverzeichnis  der  Neuerscheinungen 

des  Deutschen  Buchhandels:  1921  + 
*Half- Yearly  Journal  of  the  Mysore  University 

1927:  1-8 

Harvard  Forest  Bulletin  1921:  1-3;  5  + 
Harvard  Meteorological  Studies   1934:  Blue 

Hill  Meteorological  Observatory.  1  + 
*Harvard    University    Tercentenary    Gazette 

1936:  1-8 
Harvey  Lectures  1905:  Harvey  Society  of  New 

York.  1  + 
Havsforskningsinstitutets    Skrift;    Merentut- 

kimuslaitoksen  Julkaisu  1920:  Helsingfors. 

1-114;  118  + 
*Heart ;  a  journal  for  the  study  of  the  circulation 

1909:  London.  1-16 
Hedwigia;  Organ  fur  Kryptogamenkunde  und 

Phytopathologie  nebst  Repertorium  fur  Li- 

teratur  1852:  1  + 
Helgolander  Wissenschaftliche  Meeresunter- 

suchungen ;  im  Au'trage  des  Reichsministe- 

riums   fur   Wissenschaft,    Erziehung   und 

Volksbildung  1937:  herausgegeben  von  der 
Biologischen  Anstalt  auf  Helgoland.  1  + 
*Helios;  Abhandlungen  und  Mitteilungen  aus 
dem  Gesamtgebiete  der  Naturwissenschaf- 
ten;  Organ  des  Naturwissenschaftlichen 
Vereins  des  Regierungsbezirks;  Frankfurt 
(Oder)  1883:  21-22; 24-26 

Helminthological  Abstracts  (incorporating  Bib- 
liography of  Helminthology  for  the  year 
1934+)  1932:  1  + 

Helvetica  Biologica  Acta  see  Verhandlungen 
des  Vereins  der  Schweizer  Physiologen 

Helvetica  Chimica  Acta;  Edita  a  Societate 
Chimica  Helvetica  1918:  1  + 

Helvetica  Physica  Acta;  Societatis  Physicae 
Helvetica  Commentaria  Publica  1928:  1  +  ; 
Supplementum  2,  1929;  7,  1934 

Hereditas;  Genetiskt  Arkiv;  Uttgivet  av  Men- 
delska  Sallskapet  i  Lund  1920:  1  + 

Herpetologica;  a  journal  devoted  to  the  study 
of  reptiles  and  amphibians  1936:  Chicago 
Academy  of  Sciences.  1  + 

Highlands  Museum  and  Biological  Laboratory 
Publication  1930:  North  Carolina.  1-3 

Hilgardia;  a  journal  of  agricultural  science 
1925:  California  Agricultural  Experiment 
Station.  1  + 

Hofmeister's  Beitrage  see  Beitrage  zur  Chemi- 
schen  Physiologie  und  Pathologie 

Hong  Kong  Naturalist;  a  quarterly  illustrated 
journal  principally  for  Hong  Kong  and 
South  China  1930:  3,  no.  2;  supplement 
no.  4 

Hoppe-Seyler's  Zeitschrift  fiir  Physiologische 
Chemie  (1-20  as  Zeitschrift  fiir  Physiolo- 
gische Chemie)  1877:  1+  see  also  Medici- 
nisch-Chemische  Untersuchungen ;  Aus  dem 
Laboratorium  fiir  Angewandte  Chemie  zu 
Tubingen  herausgegeben  von  Dr.  Felix 

*Horticulturist,  a  journal  of  rural  life,  literature, 
art  and  rural  taste  1846:  New  York.  [2-26] 

Hull  Bulletins  of  Marine  Ecology  1939:  Uni- 
versity College.  1  + 

Human  Biology;  a  record  of  research  1929:  1  + 
*Humboldt  Library  of  Science  1879:  New  York. 

Huxley  Memorial  Lectures  1925:  Imperial  Col- 
lege of  Science  and  Technology.  1925  + 

Hvalradets  Skrifter;  Scientific  results  of  ma- 
rine biological  research  1931:  Norske  Vi- 
denskaps-Akademi  i  Oslo.  1  + 

Hydrobiologische  Zeitschrift  d.UdSSR  see  Gi- 
drobiologicheskii  Zhurnal  SSSR 

Hydrographic  Review;  International  Hy- 
drographic  Bureau  (La  Revue  Hydro- 
graphique;  Bureau  Hydrographique  In- 
ternational) 1923:  Monaco.  1  + 

Hydrographische  Mittheilungen  see  Annalen 



der  Hydrographie  und  Maritimen  Meteoro 

Hydrological  Conference  of  the  Baltic  States : 
5,  Finland,  1936;  6,  Berlin,  1938 

Hygienic  Laboratory  Bulletin  see  National  In- 
stitute of  Health  Bulletin 

Ibis;  a  quarterly  journal  of  ornithology  1859: 
London,  ser.  5,  1,  no.  3;  ser.  8,  1-6;  ser.  9, 

Idojaras:  Magyar  Meteorologiai  Tarsasag 
Folyoirata,  Budapest.  29,  1925  + 

Illinois  Biological  Monographs  1914:  Uni- 
versity of  Illinois.  1  + 

Illinois  Natural  History  Survey  Bulletin  (no. 
1  as  Bulletin  of  the  Illinois  Museum  of 
Natural  History;  1,  no.  2 — vol.  12  as  Bulle- 
tin of  the  Illinois  State  Laboratory  of  Na- 
tural History;  13-19  as  Bulletin  of  the  Illi- 
nois State  Natural  History  Survey)  1876: 
1-10;  [11];  12  + 

Imperial  Bureau  of  Animal  Genetics;  Animal 
Breeding  Abstracts  1933:  Edinburgh.  1,  no.  3 

Imperial  Bureau  of  Plant  Genetics  (for  crops 
other  than  herbage);  Plant  Breeding  Ab- 
stracts 1933:  Cambridge,  England.  Supple- 
ment 1 

Index-catalogue  of  the  Library  of  the  Surgeon 
General's  Office  1880:  United  States  Army 
Medical  Library.  1  + 

*Index  Medicus;  a  monthly  classified  record  of 
the  current  medical  literature  of  the  world 
1879:  Carnegie  Institution  of  Washington, 
ser.  1-3  (June,  1927) 

Index  of  Publications  of  the  Bureau  of  Chem- 
istry and  (the  Bureau  of)  Soils  1939:  United 
States  Department  of  Agriculture.  1  (List 
of  titles  and  authors)  1862-1937 

Index  Universalis ;  Dissertationum  originalium 
artis  medicinae;  E  Libellis  Periodicis  Ex- 
tractus;  Editus  a  Collegii  Medicinae  Man- 
jurici  Curatorio  de  Compilando  Indice: 
Manchuria  Medical  College.  2,  1925  + 

Indian  Journal  of  Agricultural  Science  1931: 
Imperial  Council  of  Agricultural  Research, 
Delhi.  1-9;  [10];  11  + 

Indian  Journal  of  Medical  Research  1913:  In- 
dian Research  Fund  Association,  Calcutta. 
1  + 

Indian  Journal  of  Physics  1926:  1-2,  no.  2; 
4+ ;  and  Proceedings  of  the  Indian  Associa- 
tion for  the  Cultivation  of  Science  1915: 
10-11,  no.  2;  13  + 

Indian  Journal  of  Veterinary  Science  and  Ani- 
mal Husbandry  1931:  Imperial  Council  of 
Agricultural  Research,  Delhi.  1  + 

Indian  Medical  Research  Memoirs  1924:  In- 
dian Research  Fund  Association,  Calcutta. 
1  + 

Indian  Meteorological  Memoirs  see  Memoirs 
of  the  India  Meteorological  Department 

Indian  Zoological  Memoirs;  on  Indian  animal 
types  1926:  Lucknow.  1-8 

Indiana  University  Publications;  Science  Se- 
ries 1935:  2  + 

Indiana  University  Studies  1910:  1-23,  no.  113 

Industrial  and  Engineering  Chemistry;  Indus- 
trial Edition  (1-14  as  Journal  of  Industrial 
and  Engineering  Chemistry)  1909:  1  +  ; 
Analytical  Edition  1929:  1  + 

Industrial  and  Engineering  Chemistry;  News 
Edition  see  Chemical  and  Engineering  News 
*Insect  Life;  United  States  Department  of  Ag- 
riculture, Division  of  Entomology;  periodi- 
cal bulletin  1888:  1-7 

Insektenborse ;  Entomologische  Zeitschrift 
(Anzeigenblatt)  1884:  des  Internationalen 
Entomologischen  Yereins.  45—53 

1'Institut  Oceanographique  de  Monaco;  Rap- 
port pour  1'Annee:  1937  + 
*Instituto  de  Pesca;  section  Laboratorio;  Re- 
publica  Oriental  del  Uruguay;  Montevideo 
1923:  1923-25 

Instrument  World  1928:  London.  1-5,  no.  49 

Instruments;  the  magazine  of  measurement 
and  control  (1-4  as  Instruments;  Industrial- 
Scientific;  devoted  to  measurement  and  con- 
trol problems)  Instruments  Publishing  Co. 
1  + 

International  Anatomical  Congress  1905:  1-4 
see  in  Verhandlungen  der  Anatomischen  Ge- 
sellschaft  19,  24,  39,  44 

International  Botanical  Congress;  Proceedings 
(4  as  Proceedings  of  the  International  Con- 
gress of  Plant  Sciences)  1900:  3—6 

International  Cancer  Research  Foundation; 
Report  of  Activities  1933:  Philadelphia. 
1933  + 

International  Catalogue  of  Scientific  Litera- 
ture 1901:  International  Council  of  the 
Royal  Society  of  London.  L.  General  Biol- 
ogy, 6-14;  M.  Botany,  14;  N.  Zoology,  1 

International  Congress  for  Applied  Mechanics 
see  Proceedings  of  the  International  Con- 
gress for  Applied  Mechanics 

International  Congress  for  Experimental  Cy- 
tologists  see  in  Archiv  fur  Experimented 
Zellforschung  6+ 

International  Congress  for  Light  Study;  Pro- 
ceedings: Wiesbaden,  1936  see  in  Strahlen- 
therapie  61 

International  Congress  for  Theoretical  and  Ap- 
plied Limnology  see  Verhandlungen  der  In- 
ternationalen Vereinigung  fur  Theoretische 
und  Angewandte  Limnologie 

International  Congress  of  Entomology;  Pro- 
ceedings 1910:  1-5;  7 

International  Congress  of  Fisheries ;  Proceed- 



ings.  4th  (1908)  see  in  Bulletin  of  the  United 
States  Bureau  of  Fisheries  28,  pts.  1-2 

International  Congress  of  Genetics  (1,  1899, 
as  Hybrid  Conference  Report,  Journal  of 
the  Royal  Horticultural  Society,  vol.  24, 
April,  1900;  2,  1902,  as  Int.  Conference  on 
Plant  Breeding  and  Hybridization,  Mem- 
oirs, Horticultural  Soc.  of  New  York,  vol. 
1,  1902;  3,  1906,  as  Report  on  the  Third  Int. 
Conf.  on  Genetics,  Royal  Horticultural  So- 
ciety, London;  4,  1911,  as  Comptes  Rendus 
et  Rapports,  Conference  int.  de  Genetique, 
Paris,  1913;  6,  1932,  Ithaca;  Brooklyn  Bo- 
tanic Garden)  1899:  1+  (5,  Berlin,  1927 
see  in  Zeitschrift  fur  Induktive  Abstam- 
mungs  und  Vererbungslehre,  Supplement- 
band  1-2,  1928;  7,  Edinburgh,  1939  see  in 
Journal  of  Genetics,  Supplementary  Volume 
•  1941) 

International  Congress  of  Medical  Sciences 
(10,  Berlin,  1890 as  Verhandlungendes  Inter- 
nationalen  Medicinischen  Congresses  vols. 
1-5;  13,  vol.  1,  Paris,  1900  as  Congres  In- 
ternational de  Medicine,  Comptes  Rendus, 
Section  d'Anatomie  descriptive  et  comparee, 
Sec.  d'Histologie  et  d'Embryologie,  Sec.  de 
Physiologic,  Physique  et  Chimie  Biologique) 
1867:  10;  11;  13,  vol.  1  (11,  Rome,  1894 
see  in  Archives  Italiennes  de  Biologie,  vol. 
22,  1895) 

International  Congress  of  Microbiology  1930: 

International  Congress  of  Oceanography,  Ma- 
rine Hydrography  and  Continental  Hydrol- 
ogy (1  as  Congreso  Internacional  de  Oceano- 
grafia  Hidrografia  Marina  e  Hidrologia 
Continental  Seville)  1929:  1  (2  vols.  1930- 

International  Congress  of  Phonetic  Sciences; 
Proceedings  1932:  1  see  in  Archives  Neer- 
landaises  de  Phonetique  Experimentale  7, 

International  Congress  of  Photography  see 
Proceedings  of  the  International  Congress 
of  Photography 

International  Congress  of  Radiology;  Synop- 
sized  Abstracts  from  the  Congress:  4,  1934 
see  in  Acta  Radiologica  15,  1934 

International  Congress  of  Soil  Science  1927: 
1  (Washington);  3,  vol.  1  (London,  1935) 

International  Federation  for  Documentation; 
Transactions:  14  (London)  1938 

International  Geodetic  and  Geophysical  Union 
see  Union  Geodesiqtie  et  Geophysique  Inter- 

International  Hydrographic  Conference  see 
Report  of  the  Proceedings  of  the  Interna- 
tional Hydrographic  Conference 

International  Medical  Congress  see  Yerhand- 
lungen  des  International  Medicinischen 

International  Neurological  Congress;  Pro- 
ceedings 1931:  1  (Berne);  2  (London) 
(1935)  see  in  British  Medical  Journal,  1935, 
vol.  2,  pp.  223-25;  269-72 

International  Physiological  Congress;  Pro- 
ceedings 1899:  1+  (1,  Basel,  Verhand- 
lungen,  Kurzer  Abrisse,  see  in  Zentralblatt 
fur  Physiologic,  vol.  3,  pp.  305-24;  2,  Liege, 
1892,  ibid.  vol.  6,  pp.  395-409  and  Revue 
generale  des  Sciences  pures  et  appliquees, 
1892,  pp.  734-62;  3,  Berne,  1895,  Zentr.  f. 
Physiol.  vol.  9,  pp.  465-80;  4,  Cambridge, 
England,  1898,  Journal  of  Physiology  vol. 
23,  Supplement  and  Zentr.  f.  Physiol.  vol. 
12,  pp.  483-504;  5,  Turin,  1901,  Archives 
Italiennes  de  Biologie,  vol.  36  and  Zentr. 
f.  Physiol.  vol.  15,  pp.  479-500;  6,  Brussels, 
1904,  Arch.  Int.  de  Physiol.  vol.  2,  1904-05; 
7,  Heidelberg,  1907,  ibid.  vol.  5,  1907;  8, 
Vienna,  1910,  ibid.  vol.  10,  1910;  9,  Gro- 
ningen,  1913,  Arch.  Int.  de  Physiol.  vol.  14, 
1913,  Archivio  di  Fisiologia,  vol.  12,  1914, 
and  Zentr.  f.  Physiol.  vol.  27,  Erganzungs- 
heft,  1914;  10,  Paris,  1920,  Arch.  Int.  de 
Physiol.  vol.  15,  1914-20;  11,  Edinburgh, 
1923,  Quart.  Jour.  Exp.  Physiol.  supple- 
mentary volume;  12,  Stockholm,  1926, 
Skand.  Arch.  f.  Physiol.  vol.  49,  1926;  13, 
Boston,  1929,  American  Jour.  Physiol.  vol. 
90,  1929;  14,  Rome,  1932,  Archivio  di  Scienze 
Biologiche,  vol.  18,  1933;  15,  Moscow- 
Leningrad,  1935,  Fiziologicheskii  Zhurnal 
SSSR  vol.  21,  1936;  16,  Zurich,  1938,  Kon- 
gressbericht  I-III 

International  Zoological  Congress;  Proceed- 
ings 1889:  1  + 

Internationale  Gesellschaft  fur  Biologische 
Rhythmusforschung  (Verhandlungen  der 
Zweiten  Konferenz  der  Internationalen 
Gesellschaft  fur  Biologische  Rhythmus- 
forschung): 2  (1939,  Utrecht)  see  in  Acta 
Medica  Scandinavica;  Supplementum,  no. 
108,  1940 

Internationale    Monatsschrift   fur    Anatomie 
und  Physiologic  1884:  1-32 

Internationale  Revue  der  Gesamten  Hydro- 
biologie  und  Hydrographie ;  herausgegeben 
von  R.  Woltereck.  1+  *Biologisches  Sup- 
plement 1-7;  Hydrographisches  Supplement 
1-5;  *Literarisches  Supplement  1-2 

Internationale  Seismologische  Konferenz; 
Verhandlungen  1901:  1-2  (Strassburg)  see 
in  Gerlands  Beitrage  zur  Geophysik;  Er- 
gangsbande  1-2,  1902-04 



Internationale  Vereinigung  fur  Theoretische 
und  Angewandte  Limnologie  see  Verhand- 
lungen  der  Internationalen  Vereinigung  fiir 
Theoretische  und  Angewandte  Limnologie 
*Internationale  Zeitschrift  fur  Physikalisch- 
chemische  Biologie  1914:  1-3,  heft  2 

Internationaler  Zellforscherkongress  see  Ver- 
handlungen  des  Internationalen  Zellforscher- 

Investigaciones  de  la  Estacion  Limnologica  de 
Patzcuaro  1941:  Mexico.  1  + 

Investigational  Report;  Fisheries  and  Marine 
Biological  Survey  Division;  Department  of 
Commerce  and  Industries:  Union  of  South 
Africa.  5  + 

*Investigational  Report;  United  States  Depart- 
ment of  Commerce;  Bureau  of  Fisheries 
1931:  1-2 

Investigations  of  Indiana  Lakes  and  Streams 
1928:  Indiana  Dept.  of  Conservation,  Div. 
of  Fish  and  Game;  Dept.  of  Zool.,  Ind. 
Univ.  1  + 

"Iris",  Dresden  see  Deutsche  Entomologische 

Zeitschrift  "Iris" 

*Irish  Naturalist;  a  monthly  journal  of  general 
Irish  natural  history  1892:  14-15;  [16];  17- 
24;  [25];  26-28;  [29-30];  31-33 

Isforholdene  i  de  Arktiske  Have  samt  Havets 
Overfladetemperatur  i  det  Nordlige  Atlan- 
terhav  og  Davis-Straede  see  Nautisk-Me- 
teorologisk  Aarbog 

Isis;  international  review  devoted  to  the  his- 
tory of  science  and  civilization;  quarterly 
organ  of  the  History  of  Science  Society  and 
of  the  International  Academy  of  the  History 
of  Science  1913:  1  + 

Issledovanifa  Morei  S.S.S.R.  see  Explorations 
des  Mers  de  1'U.R.S.S. 

Issledovanifa  Ozer  S.S.S.R.  see  Explorations 
des  Lacs  de  1'U.R.S.S. 

Issledovanifa  Reki  Nevy  i  ee  Basseina  see 
Etudes  de  la  Neva  et  de  son  Bassin 

Iwata  Institute  of  Plant  Biochemistry  Publica- 
tions 1924:  Tokyo.  1  + 

Izvestifa  Akademii  Nauk  Soyousa  Sovetskic 
Socialisticheskic  Respublik  see  Bulletin  de 
1' Academic  des  Sciences  de  1' Union  des  Re- 
publiques  Sovietiques  Socialistes 

Izvestifa  Bakinskoi  Ikhtiologicheskoi  Labora- 
torii  (Bulletins  of  Ichthyological  Laboratory 
of  Baku)  1922:  1-2,  no.  2 

Izvestifa  Biologicheskogo  Nauchno-Issledova- 
tel'skogo  Instituta  pri  Permskom  Gosu- 
darstvennom  Universitete  see  Izvestifa 
Permskogo  Biologicheskogo  Nauchno-Issle- 
dovatel'skogo  Instituta 

*Izvestifa  Botanicheskogo  Sada;  Akademii 
Nauk  SSSR  (Bulletin  du  Jardin  Botanique 
de  1'Academie  des  Sciences  de  1'URSS) 

(1-29  as  Izvestiia.  Glavnogo  Botanicheskogo 
Sada  SSSR)  (Bulletin  du  Jardin  Botanique 
Principal  de  1'URSS)  1901:  26-30 

Izvestiia  Gosudarstvennogo  Gidrologicheskogo 
Instituta;  Edinaya  Gidro-Meteorologiche- 
skaya  Sluzhba  Soyuza  SSR,  Gosudarstven- 
nyi  Gidrologicheskii  Institut  (Bulletin  de 
1'Institut  Hydrologique)  1921:  1-55;  60-61; 

Izvestiia  Leningradskogo  Nauchno-Issledova- 
tel'skogo  Ikhtiologicheskogo  Instituta  see 
Bulletin  of  the  Institute  of  Fresh-water 

Izvestifa  na  Tsarskitye  Prirodonauchni  Insti- 
tuti  v  Sofifa  (Bulletin  des  Institutions  Roya- 
les  d'Histoire  Naturelle  a  Sophia)  (Mit- 
teilungen  aus  den  K.  Naturwissenschaft- 
lichen  Instituten  in  Sofia)  1928:  3 

Izvestiia  Permskogo  Biologicheskogo  Nauch- 
no-Issledovatel'skogo  Instituta  (Bulletin  de 
1'Institut  des  Recherches  Biologiques  de 
Perm)  (1-6  as  Izvestiia  Biologicheskogo 
Nauchno-Issledovatel'skogo  Instituta  pri 
Permskom  Gosudarstvennom  Universitete) 
1922:  14- 

Izvestifa  po  Prikladnoi  Entomologii  see  Reports 
on  Applied  Entomology 

Izvestiia  Tikhookeanskogo  Nauchnogo  Insti- 
tuta Rybnogo  Khozaistva  i  Okeanografii 
(Vladivostok)  see  Bulletin  (s)  of  the  Pacific 
Scientific  Institute  of  Fisheries  and  Ocean- 

Izvestiia  Tomskogo  Gosudarstvennogo  Uni- 
versiteta  see  Transactions  of  Tomsk  State 

Izvestiia  Vsesoiuznogo  Nauchno-Issledova- 
tel'skogo Instituta  Ozernogo  i  Rechnogo 
Rybnogo  Khoziaistva  see  Bulletin  of  the 
Institute  of  Fresh-water  Fisheries 

Jaarboek  van  de  Koninklijke  Belgische  Aca- 
demic see  Annuaire  de  1'Academie  Royale  de 

Jahrbuch  der  Hamburgischen  Wissenschaft- 
lichen  Anstalten,  Beiheft  2  see  Mitteilungen 
aus  dem  Hamburgischen  Museum  und  Insti- 
tut; Beihefte  3  see  Mitteilungen  aus  den 
Botanischen  Staatsinstitut  in  Hamburg 

Jahrbuch  der  St.  Gallischen  Naturwissen- 
schaftlichen  Gesellschaft  1858:  1904-05; 
1907;  1910-18 

Jahrbuch  fiir  Morphologic  und  Mikrosko- 
pische  Anatomic  Abt.  1  see  Gegenbaurs 
Morphologisches  Jahrbuch 

Jahrbuch  fiir  Morphologic  und  Mikrosko- 
pische  Anatomic  Abt.  2  see  Zeitschrift  fiir 
Mikroskopisch-Anatomische  Forschung 

Jahrbucher  der  Zentralanstalt  fiir  Meteoro- 
logie  und  Geodynamik  1848:  N.F.  67 



Jahrbiicher  des  Nassauischen  Vereins  fur 
Naturkunde  (1-18  as  Jahrbiicher  des  Ver- 
eins fur  Naturkunde  im  Herzogthum  Nas- 
sau) 1844:  Weisbaden.  1-85 

Jahrbiicher  fur  Wissenschaftliche  Botanik; 
Begriindet  von  Prof.  Dr.  N.  Pringsheim 
1858:  1  + 

Jahresbericht;  Physiologie  und  Experimen- 
telle  Pharmakologie  (1-7  as  Jahresbericht 
iiber  die  Gesamte  Physiologie  und  Experi- 
mentelle  Pharmakologie)  1920:  1  + 

*  Jahresbericht;    Wissenschaftliche    Biologie; 

Bibliographisches  Jahresregister  der  Be- 
richte  iiber  die  Wissenschaftliche  Biologie 
1926:  1-6 

Jahresbericht  der  Gesellschaft  von  Freunden 
der  Naturwissenschaften  in  Gera  (Reuss) 
1858:  39-42;  49-52 

Jahresbericht  der  K.  Bohmischen  Gesellschaft 
der  Wissenschaften  see  Vyrocni  Zprava 
Kralovske  Ceske  Spolecnosti  Nauk 

Jahresbericht  der  Kommission  zur  Wissen- 
schaftlichen  Untersuchungen  der  Deutschen 
Meere  in  Kiel  see  Bericht  der  Kommission 
zur  Wissenschaftlichen  Untersuchung  der 
Deutschen  Meere  in  Kiel 

Jahresbericht  der  Naturforschenden  Gesell- 
schaft in  Emden  (1842-52  as  Jahresbericht 
iiber  die  Verrichtungen)  1815:  1842-43; 
1847-48; 1850-52;  [1868-1913] 

Jahresbericht  der  Naturhistorischen  Gesell- 
schaft zu  Hannover  1850:  44-59 

*  Jahresbericht  der  Naturhistorischen  Gesell- 

schaft zu  Niirnberg  1882:   1887;  1892-93; 

1896;  1898-99;  1901-05 
Jahresbericht  der  Schlesischen  Gesellschaft 

fur  Vaterlandische   Cultur    1824:    Breslau. 

43-44;  79;  84;  87;  89;  90 
Jahresbericht    des    Frankfurter   Vereins   fur 

Geographic  und  Statistik  1836:  Frankfurt 

a.M.  48-49 
Jahresbericht  des  Naturhistorischen  Vereins 

von  Wisconsin  1858:  1880-81 
Jahresbericht (e)  des  Naturwissenschaftlichen 

Vereins  in  Elberfeld  1847:  6;  9-12 
Jahresbericht    des    Naturwissenschaftlichen 

Vereins  zu  Bremen  see  in  Abhandlungen 

herausgegeben  vom  Naturwissenschaftlichen 

Verein  zu  Bremen 
Jahresbericht    des    Rheinischen    Fischerei- 

Vereins:  Bonn.  1904-09 
Jahresbericht  des  Vereins  fur  Naturwissen- 

schaft  zu  Braunschweig  1879:  3;  6-19 
*Jahresbericht  des  Vereins  von  Freunden  der 

Erdkunde  zu  Leipzig  1861:  1-8;  10-11 
Jahresbericht  iiber  das  K.  K.  Staatsgymna- 

sium  in  Eger  (Bb'hmen):  1910-11 
Jahresbericht  iiber  die  Deutsche  Fischerei; 

herausgegeben  von  Reichsministerium  fiir 

Ernahrung  und  Landwirtschaft  1924:  1925- 

*Jahresbericht(e)  iiber  die  Fortschritte  der 
Anatomic  und  Entwicklungsgeschichte  1 892 : 

*Jahresbeiicht  iiber  die  Fortschritte  der  Anato- 
mic und  Physiologie  1872:  1-20 

*  Jahresbericht  iiber  die  Fortschritte  der  Ani- 

malischen  Physiologie  (1-20  as  Jahresbe- 
richt iiber  die  Fortschritte  der  Physiologie) 
1892:  1-22 

*Jahresbericht  iiber  die  Fortschritte  der  Tier- 
Chemie  oder  der  Physiologischen,  Patho- 
logischen  und  Immuno-Chemie  und  der 
Pharmakologie  1871:  1-49 

*  Jahresbericht  iiber   die   Fortschritte   in   der 

Lehre  von  den  Garungs-Organismen  und 
Enzymen  1890:  1-22 

*  Jahresbericht   iiber   die   Fortschritte   in   der 

Lehre  von  den  Pathogenen  Mikroorganis- 
men,  umfassend  Bacterien,  Pilze  und  Pro- 
tozoen  1885:  1-27 

Jahresbericht  iiber  die  Gesamte  Physiologie 
und  Experimentelle  Pharmakologie  see 
Jahresbericht;  Physiologie  und  Experi- 
mentelle Pharmakologie 

*  Jahresbericht  iiber  die  Leistungen  und  Fort- 

schritte in  der  Anatomic  und  Physiologie 
(1866-1907  as  Jahresbericht  iiber  die  Leis- 
tungen und  Fortschritte  in  der  Gesamten 
Medicin  Abt.  1 ;  1908-16  as  Fortsetzung  von 
Virchow's  Jahresbericht)  1866:  1866-1916 

Jahresbericht  iiber  die  Tatigkeit  der  Deut- 
schen Seewarte  see  in  Annalen  der  Hydro- 
graphic  und  Maritimen  Meteorologie 

Jahresbericht  iiber  die  Verrichtungen  (Wirk- 
samkeit)  und  den  Zustand  der  Naturfor- 
schenden Gesellschaft  in  Emden  see  Jahres- 
bericht der  Naturforschenden  Gesellschaft 
in  Emden 

Jahresheft(e)  des  Naturwissenschaftlichen 
Vereins  fiir  das  Fiirstentum  Liineburg  1865: 

Jahresheft  des  Vereins  fiir  Mathematik  und 
Naturwissenschaften  in  Ulm  a.  D.  see  Mit- 
teilungen  des  Vereins  fiir  Naturwissenschaft 
und  Mathematik  in  Ulm  a.  D. 

*  Japan  Medical  World;  a  monthly  journal  of 

medicine,  surgery  and  collateral  sciences 
1921:  [1-2];  3-10,  no.  5 

Japanese  Journal  of  Astronomy  and  Geo- 
physics; Transactions  and  Abstracts  1922: 
National  Research  Council  of  Japan.  1  + 

Japanese  Journal  of  Botany;  Transactions  and 
Abstracts  1922:  National  Research  Council 
of  Japan.  1;  [2];  3  + 

Japanese  Journal  of  Experimental  Medicine 
(1-6  as  Scientific  Reports  from  the  Govern- 



ment  Institute  for  Infectious  Diseases  of  the 

Tokyo  Imperial  University)  1922:  1  + 
Japanese   Journal   of    Medical    Sciences;   I. 

Anatomy  1927:  National  Research  Council 

of  Japan.  3,  no.  3  + 
Japanese   Journal  of  Medical   Sciences;  II. 

Biochemistry  1925:  ibid.  1  + 
Japanese  Journal  of  Medical  Sciences;  III. 

Biophysics  1927:  ibid.  1  + 
Japanese  Journal  of  Medical  Sciences;  IV. 

Pharmacology  1926:  ibid.  [4-5];  7  + 
Japanese   Journal   of  Medical   Sciences;  V. 

Pathology  1926:  ibid.  2  + 
Japanese  Journal  of  Medical  Sciences;  VI. 

Bacteriology  and  Parasitology   1929:  ibid. 

1  + 
Japanese    Journal  of  Physics;   Transactions 

and  Abstracts  1922:  ibid.  1  + 
Japanese   Journal   of  Zoology;  Transactions 

and  Abstracts  1922:  ibid.  1-7;  [8];  9  + 
Japanische     Literatur    zur    Tuberkulosefor- 

schung  1930:  Anatomisches  Institut  der  K. 

Universitat,  Kyoto.  1-5 
Jenaische  Zeitschrift  fiir  Naturwissenschaf t ; 

herausgegeben  von  der  Medizinisch-Natur- 

wissenschaftlichen    Gesellschaft    zu    Jena 

(1-7  as  Jenaische  Zeitschrift   fiir   Medicin 

und   Naturwissenschaft)    1864:    [1];   2;    [3]; 

Johns  Hopkins  Hospital  Reports  1896:  1-22, 

no.  1 

Johns  Hopkins  University  Circular  1879:  1  + 
Johnsonia  1941:  published  by  the  Department 

of     Mollusks;     Museum     of     Comparative 

Zoology,   Harvard   University,   Cambridge, 

Mass.  1  + 
"Jornal    de    Sciencias    Naturais;     Sociedade 

Portuguesa  de  Sciencias  Naturais,  Lisbon 

1921:  1-3,  no.  3 
Journal  and  Proceedings  of  the  Royal  Asiatic 

Society  of  Bengal  (ser.  1  and  2  as  Journal 

and   Proceedings  of  the  Asiatic  Society  of 

Bengal)    (series    3    in    3    sections,    Letters, 

Science,  and  Yearbook)  1832:  n.s.  1  + 
Journal  and  Proceedings  of  the  Royal  Society 

of  New  South  Wales  (1-8  as  Transactions) 

1867:  1-3;  6-7;  94- 
Journal  and  Proceedings  of  the  Royal  Society 

of  Western   Australia  see  Journal   of   the 

Royal  Society  of  Western  Australia 
Journal  de  Biologie  (Moscow)  see  Biologiches- 

kii  Zhurnal 
Journal  de  Biologie  et  de  Medecine  Experi- 

mentales    see    Zhurnal    Eksperimental'noi 

Biologii  i  Meditsiny 
Journal  de  Biologie  Experimentale  serie  A  see 

Zhurnal  Eksperimental'noi  Biologii 
Journal  de  Biologie  Experimentale  serie  B  see 

Uspekhi  Eksperimental'noi  Biologii 

*  Journal  de  Botanique  1887:  1-22 

Journal  de  Chimie  Generale  see  Bulletin  de 
1'Academie  des  Sciences  de  1'Union  des  Re- 
publiques  Sovietiques  Socialistes;  Classe  des 
Sciences  Chimiques 

Journal  de  Chimie  Physique  et  de  Physico- 
Chimie  Biologique  (et  Revue  Generale  des 
Colloiides)  (second  title  added  with  vol.  28, 
when  the  two  merged,  dropped  with  34) 
1903:  1  + 

*Journal  de  1'Anatomie  et  de  la  Physiologie 
Normales  et  Pathologiques  de  1'Homme  et 
des  Animaux  1864:  1-50 

Journal  de  1'Institut  Botanique  (de  la  Section) 
de  1'Academie  des  Sciences  d'Ukraine  see 
Zhurnal  Institutu  Botaniki  Uan 
*Journal  de  la  Physiologie  de  1'Homme  et  des 
Animaux  (Brown-Sequard)  1858:  1-6 

Journal  de  la  Societe  Botanique  de  Russie  see 
Zhurnal  Russkogo  Botanicheskogo  Obsh- 

Journal  de  Pharmacie  et  de  Chimie  (1-5  as 
Bulletin  de  Pharmacie;  6  as  Bulletin  de 
Pharmacie  et  des  Sciences  Accessoires;  ser. 
2,  1-27  as  Journal  de  Pharmacie  et  des 
Sciences  Accessoires)  1809:  1  + 

Journal  de  Physiologie  et  de  Pathologie  Gene- 
rale  1899:  1  + 

Journal  de  Physique  et  le  Radium  (ser.  1-5  as 
Journal  de  Physique  Theorique  et  Appli- 
quee;  which  with  series  6  united  with  Le 
Radium)  1872:  1  + 

Journal  de  Psychologic  Normale  et  Patho- 
logique  1904:  23  + 

Journal  de  Radiologie  et  d'Electrologie ;  Revue 
Medicale  Mensuelle  1914:  1  + 

Journal  du  Conseil  1926:  Conseil  Permanent 
International  pour  1'Exploration  de  la  Mer. 
1  + 

Journal  du  Cycle  Bio-Zoologique  see  Zhurnal 
Bio-Zoologichnogo  Tsiklu 

Journal  du  Cycle  Botanique  de  1'Academie  des 
Sciences  d'Ukraine  see  Zhurnal  Institutu 
Botaniki  Uan 

Journal  Entomologique ;  publie  par  la  Societe 
Entomologique  a  Stockholm  see  Entomolo- 
gisk  Tidskrift:  utgiven  av  Entmologiska 
Foreningen  i  Stockholm 

Journal  fiir  Ornithologie  1853:  1-22;  24;  26- 
86;  Extraheft  1;  Sonderheft  1906;  1917-18; 
1920;  1924;  1926;  1928;  1930;  1932;  1934; 
Jahresbericht  1-4;  Erganzungsband  2 

Journal  fiir  Psychologic  und  Neurologic  1902: 
Leipzig.  49  + 

Journal  of  Agricultural  Research  1913:  United 
States  Department  of  Agriculture  with  the 
cooperation  of  the  Association  of  Land- 
grant  Colleges  and  Universities.  1  + 

Journal  of  Agricultural  Science ;  edited  for  the 



Plant  Breeding  and  Animal  Nutrition  Re- 
search Institutes  at  Cambridge  and  the 
Rothamsted  Research  Institutes  1905:  14- 

Journal  of  Agriculture  of  the  University  of 
Puerto  Rico  (1-17  as  Journal  of  the  Depart- 
ment of  Agriculture  of  Porto  Rico):  Agri- 
cultural Experiment  Station,  Rio  Piedras. 
[6-8];  9+ 

Journal  of  Anatomy  (1-52  as  Journal  of  Anat- 
omy and  Physiology)  1867:  London.  14- 
*Journal  of  Animal  Behavior  1911:  1-7 

Journal  of  Animal  Ecology  1932:  British  Eco- 
logical Society.  1  + 

*  Journal  of  Applied  Microscopy  and  Laboratory 

Methods  1898:  Bausch  and  Lomb  Optical 

Co.  1-6 
Journal  of  Applied  Physics  (1-7  as  Physics) 

1931:  American  Institute  of  Physics.  1  + 
Journal  of  Bacteriology  1916:  1  + 
Journal  of  Biochemistry  1922:  Tokyo.  14- 
Journal  of  Biological  Chemistry  1905:  1  + 

*  Journal  of  Biophysics  1923:  Physiological  In- 

stitute of  the  Tokyo  Imperial  University. 

Journal  of  Botany;  British  and  Foreign  1863: 
1  + 

Journal  of  Cancer  Research  see  American 
Journal  of  Cancer 

Journal  of  Cellular  and  Comparative  Physi- 
ology 1932:  14- 

Journal  of  Chemical  Education  1924:  14- 

Journal  of  Chemical  Physics  1933:  American 
Institute  of  Physics.  14- 

Journal  of  Clinical  Endocrinology  1941:  1  + 

Journal  of  Clinical  Investigation  1924:  1  + 

Journal  of  Comparative  Neurology  (14-20  as 
Journal  of  Comparative  Neurology  and  Psy- 
chology) 1891:  1  + 

Journal  of  Comparative  Psychology  1921:  1  + 

Journal  of  Dental  Research  1919:  Interna- 
tional Association  for  Dental  Research.  1  + 

Journal  of  Ecology  1913:  British  Ecological 
Society.  1  + 

Journal  of  Economic  Entomology;  official  or- 
gan of  the  Association  of  Economic  En- 
tomologists 1908:  1,  no.  3;  29,  no.  4 

Journal  of  Endocrinology  1939:  Oxford.  1  + 

Journal  of  Entomology  and  Zoology  (1  as 
Pomona  Journal  of  Entomology;  2-4  as 
Pomona  College  Journal  of  Entomology) 
1909:  Pomona  College  Department  of  Zool- 
ogy. 14- 

Journal  of  Experimental  Biology  (1-6  as  The 
British  Journal  of  Experimental  Biology; 
edited  by  J.  Gray  (1-2  by  F.  A.  E.  Crew) 
1923:  1  + 

Journal  of  Experimental  Medicine  1896: 
Rockefeller  Institute  of  Medical  Research. 
1  + 

Journal  of  Experimental  Zoology  1904:  \Yistar 
Institute  of  Anatomy  and  Biology.  14- 

Journal  of  General  Physiology  1918:  Rocke- 
feller Institute  of  Medical  Research.  1  + 

Journal  of  General  Psychology  1928:  14- 

Journal  of  Genetics;  edited  by  R.  C.  Punnett 
(formerly  by  W.  Bateson  and  Punnett) 
1910:  Cambridge,  England.  1  + 

Journal  of  Geophysics  and  Meteorology  see 
Zhurnal  Geofiziki  i  Meteorologii 

Journal  of  Helminthology  1923:  London.  1  +  ; 
*Supplement;  Protozoology  1925:  1-4 

Journal  of  Heredity  (1-4  as  American  Breeders' 
Magazine)  1910:  American  Genetic  Associa- 
tion. 1  + 

Journal  of  Hygiene  1901:  Cambridge,  England. 
1  + 

Journal  of  Immunology  1916:  14- 

Journal  of  Industrial  and  Engineering  Chem- 
istry see  Industrial  and  Engineering  Chem- 

Journal  of  Infectious  Diseases;  founded  by  the 
John  Rockefeller  McCormick  Memorial  In- 
stitute for  Infectious  Diseases  1904:  14-; 
*Supplements  2-4 

Journal  of  Laboratory  and  Clinical  Medicine 
1915:  1  + 

Journal  of  Mammalogy;  published  quarterly 
by  the  American  Society  of  Mammalogists 
1919:  1  + 

Journal  of  Marine  Research;  Sears  Founda- 
tion for  Marine  Research;  Bingham  Ocea- 
nographic  Laboratory,  Yale  University 
1937:  14- 

*  Journal  of  Medical  Research;  official  publica- 

tions of  the  American  Association  of  Pathol- 
ogists  and  Bacteriologists  (1-5  as  Journal  of 
the  Boston  Society  of  Medical  Science)  (6  + 
also  numbered  as  n.s.  1  +  )  1896:  1-44 

*  Journal  of  Metabolic  Research  1922:  Physi- 

atric  Institute,  Morristown,  N.  J.  1-8 
*Journal  of  Microscopy  and  Natural  Science 
(7-9  also  as  n.s.  1-3;  10-16  also  as  ser.  3, 
1-7)    (1-2   as  The  Journal   of   the   Postal 
Microscopical  Society)  1882:  London.  1-16 
Journal  of  Morphology  (40-51  as  Journal  of 
Morphology  and  Physiology)  1887:  1 + 

*  Journal  of  Mycology   1885:    [1-3];    [5];   6-8; 

[9-13];  14 

Journal  of  Neurophysiology  1938:  14- 

Journal  of  Nutrition  1928:  1  + 

Journal  of  Oceanography  1929:  Imperial  Ma- 
rine Observatory,  Kobe.  1  + 

Journal  of  Organic  Chemistry  1936:  1  + 

Journal  of  Parasitology;  the  official  organ  of 
the  American  Society  of  Parasitologists 
1914:  14- 

Journal  of  Pathology  and  Bacteriology;  the 



official  journal  of  the  Pathological  Society 
of  Great  Britain  and  Ireland  1893:  1  + 

Journal  of  Pharmacology  and  Experimental 
Therapeutics;  official  publication  of  the 
American  Society,  in  association  with  the 
British  Pharmacological  Society  1909:  1  + 

Journal  of  Philosophical  Studies  see  Philosophy 

Journal  of  Philosophy;  founded  by  Frederick 
J.  E.  Woodbridge  1904:  New  York  City. 
7;  9-14;  16-18;  20  + 

Journal  of  Physical  Chemistry  1896:  1-9;  10, 
nos.  1-3;  11,  nos.  2-4;  12;  13,  nos.  1-3;  14  + 

Journal  of  Physiology;  edited  for  the  Physio- 
logical Society  1878:  London.  1  + 

Journal  of  Physiology  of  the  USSR  see  Fizio- 
logicheskii  Zhurnal  SSSR 

Journal  of  Research  of  the  National  Bureau  of 
Standards  (1-12  as  Bureau  of  Standards 
Journal  of  Research)  1928:  1  + 

Journal  of  Science  and  Technology,  Cawn- 
pore,  India;  a  bi-annual  journal  published 
under  the  management  of  the  Scientific  So- 
ciety, Harcourt  Butler  Technological  Insti- 
tute 1935:  1,  no.  1;  2,  nos.  1-2 

*  Journal  of  Science  and  the  Arts  (American  re- 

print of  Quarterly  Journal  of  Science)  1817: 
New  York.  1-5 

Journal  of  Science  of  the  Hiros(h)ima  Univer- 
sity ;  series  A,  Mathematics,  Physics,  Chem- 
istry 1930:  1  + 

Journal  of  Science  of  the  Hiros(h)ima  Univer- 
sity; series  B,  Division  1,  Zoology;  Division 
2,  Botany  1930:  1  + 

Journal  of  Scientific  Instruments  1923:  Insti- 
tute of  Physics,  England.  1  + 

Journal  of  Sedimentary  Petrology  1931:  So- 
ciety of  Economic  Paleontologists  and  Min- 
eralogists, a  Division  of  the  American  Asso- 
ciation of  Petroleum  Geologists.  1  + 

*  Journal  of  the  Academy  of  Natural  Sciences  of 

Philadelphia  1817:   1-8;  series  2,   1847:   1; 

Journal  of  the  Acoustical  Society  of  America 

1929:  American  Institute  of  Physics.  1  + 
Journal  of  the  Aeronautical  Sciences  (8-9,  no. 

5    include    Aeronautical    Review    Section) 

1934:  Institute  of  the  Aeronautical  Sciences, 

Inc.  1  + 
Journal  of  the   American   Chemical   Society 

1879:  1  + 
Journal  of  the  American  Dental  Association 

1914:  23  + 
Journal  of  the  American  Medical  Association 

1883:  1-8;  [9];  [13-16];  17;  [18];  19-21;  [23]; 

24;  [25];  [27-28];  29;  [34];  35;  [36];  37-38; 

[40];  41  + 
Journal  of  the  American  Museum  of  Natural 

History  see  Natural  History;  magazine  of 

the  American  Museum  of  Natural  History 

Journal  of  the  American  Pharmaceutical  Asso- 
ciation (1940+  issued  in  two  parts;  Scien- 
tific edition,  29+  and  Practical  Pharmacy 
edition,  1  +  )  1912:  [3];  [12-14];  15  +  ;  Scien- 
tific edition,  29+;  Practical  Pharmacy  edi- 
tion, 1  + 

Journal  of  the  Arnold  Arboretum,  Harvard 
University  1919:  [1];  2-3;  [4];  6  + 

Journal  of  the  Association  of  American  Medi- 
cal Colleges  (1-3  as  Bulletin  of  the  Associa- 
tion of  American  Medical  Colleges)  1926: 
1  + 

Journal  of  the  Biological  Board  of  Canada  see 
Journal  of  the  Fisheries  Research  Board  of 

Journal  of  the  Biological  Photographic  Asso- 
ciation 1932:  1  + 

Journal  of  the  Bombay  Natural  History  So- 
ciety 1886:  1  + 

Journal   of  the   Boston   Society  of   Medical 

Science  see  Journal  of  Medical  Research 
*Journal  of  the  Cancer  Research  Committee  of 
the  University  of  Sydney  1929:  1-8 

Journal  of  the  Chemical  Society  (1878-1923 
in  two  parts:  Transactions  and  Abstracts) 
(for  continuation  of  Abstracts  1924+  see 
British  Chemical  and  Physiological  Ab- 
stracts A;  1924-25  as  Abstracts  of  Chemical 
Papers  A;  1926-37  as  British  Chemical 
Abstracts  A)  1847:  London.  29+  ;  Proceed- 
ings (1-5  as  Abstracts  of  the  Proceedings) 
1885:  1885  + 

Journal  of  the  Chemical  Society  of  Japan 
(Nippon  Kwagaku  Kwaishi)  (formerly  the 
Journal  of  the  .Tokyo  Chemical  Society) 
1880:  47  + 

*Journal  of  the  Cincinnati  Society  of  Natural 
History  1878:  1-20;  [21];  22 

Journal  of  the  College  of  Agriculture;  Hok- 
kaido Imperial  University  see  Journal  of  the 
Faculty  of  Agriculture;  Hokkaido  Imperial 

Journal  of  the  College  of  Agriculture ;  Imperial 
University  of  Tokyo  1909:  1  + 

Journal  of  the  College  of  Agriculture ;  Tohoku 
Imperial  University  see  Journal  of  the  Fac- 
ulty of  Agriculture;  Hokkaido  Imperial 

*  Journal  of  the  College  of  Science;  Imperial 

University  of  Tokyo  1887:  1-45 

Journal  of  the  Council  for  Scientific  and  In- 
dustrial Research  1927:  Melbourne,  Aus- 
tralia. 1  + 

Journal  of  the  Department  of  Agriculture; 
Kyusyu  Imperial  University;  Hukuoka 
(Fukuoka),  Japan  1923:  1  + 

*  Journal  of  the   Department  of  Agriculture; 

Union  of  South  Africa  1920:  1-12,  no.  5 
Journal  of  the  Department  of  Agriculture  of 



Porto  Rico  see  Journal  of  Agriculture  of  the 
University  of  Puerto  Rico 

Journal  of  the  East  Africa  and  Uganda  Natural 
History  Society  1910:  Coryndon  Memorial 
Museum,  Nairobi.  1,  no.  2-5,  no.  11,  13-20; 
6+;  Special  Supplement  4-5 

Journal  of  the  Elisha  Mitchell  Scientific  So- 
ciety 1883:  Chapel  Hill,  N.  C.  1  + 

Journal  of  the  Faculty  of  Agriculture;  Hok- 
kaido Imperial  University  (1-2  as  Journal  of 
the  Sapporo  Agricultural  College;  3-7  as 
Journal  of  the  College  of  Agriculture,  To- 
hoku  Imperial  University;  8-19  as  Journal 
of  the  College  of  Agriculture;  Hokkaido 
Imperial  University)  1902:  2  + 

Journal  of  the  Faculty  of  Science;  Hokkaido 
Imperial  University  1930:  ser.  4.  Geology 
and  Mineralogy,  1;  ser.  5.  Botany,  1  +  ;  ser. 
6.  Zoology,  1  + 

Journal  of  the  Faculty  of  Science;  Imperial 
University  of  Tokyo  1925:  section  1.  Mathe- 
matics, Astronomy,  Physics,  Chemistry, 
1-3,  no.  6;  4,  no.  2;  section  3.  Botany,  1-5; 
section  4.  Zoology,  1-4,  no.  3;  section  5. 
Anthropology,  1,  no.  1 

Journal  of  the  Fisheries  Research  Board  of 
Canada  (1-3  as  Journal  of  the  Biological 
Board  of  Canada)  1934:  1  + 

Journal  of  the  Franklin  Institute  devoted  to 
science  and  the  mechanical  arts  (1-6  as 
Franklin  Journal  and  American  Mechanics' 
Magazine)  1826:  1  + 

Journal  of  the  Hong  Kong  Fisheries  Research 
Station  1940:  1,  nos.  1-2 

Journal  of  the  Imperial  Fisheries  Experi- 
mental Station  1930:  Tokyo.  1  + 

Journal  of  the  Imperial  Fisheries  Institute 
1893:  Tokyo.  20+ 

Journal  of  the  Indian  Chemical  Society  (1-4 

as  Quarterly  Journal)  1924:  1  + 
*Journal  of  the  Indian  Institute  of  Science, 
Bangalore  1914:  1-7;  A,  8-21;  B,  8-17 

Journal  of  the  Linnean  Society  (Botany  and 
Zoology)  1856:  1  + 

Journal  of  the  Marine  Biological  Association 
of  the  United  Kingdom  1887:  Plymouth, 
England.  1  + 

*  Journal  of  the  Maryland  Academy  of  Sciences 
1930:  1-3 

Journal  of  the  National  Cancer  Institute  1940: 
Public  Health  Service,  Federal  Security 
Agency.  1  + 

Journal  of  the  New  York  Botanical  Garden 
1900:  1  + 

Journal  of  the  New  York  Entomological  So- 
ciety 1893:  [4];  [10];  [29];  34  + 

Journal  of  the  New  York  Microscopical  So- 
ciety 1885:  1-7;  8,  nos.  1-3;  9-14,  no.  1 

Journal  of  the  Optical  Society  of  America  (6-19 

as  Journal  of  the  Optical  Society  of  America 
and  Review  of  Scientific  Instruments)  1917: 
1  + 

*Journal  of  the  Portland  Society  of  Natural 
History  1864:  Maine.  1,  no.  1 

Journal  of  the  Postal  Microscopical  Society 
see  Journal  of  Microscopy  and  Natural 

Journal  of  the  Royal  Agricultural  Society  of 

England  1839:  1-17 
*Journal  of  the  Royal  Geographical  Society  of 

Londoi  1830:  1-50 
*  Journal  (s)  of  the  Royal  Institution  of  Great 

Britain  1802:  1 

*Journal  of  the  Royal  Institution  of  Great 
Britain  1830:  1-2 

Journal  of  the  Royal  Microscopical  Society 
1878:  1  + 

Journal  of  the  Royal  Society  of  Western  Aus- 
tralia (1-10  as  Journal  and  Proceedings  of 
the  Royal  Society  of  Western  Australia) 
1914:  Perth.  1-2;  5-9;  11  + 

Journal  of  the  Sapporo  Agricultural  College 
see  Journal  of  the  Faculty  of  Agriculture, 
Hokkaido  Imperial  University 

Journal  of  the  Shanghai  Science  Institute 
1933:  1  + 

Journal  of  the  Society  for  the  Preservation  of 
the  Fauna  of  the  Empire  1904:  Hertford, 
England,  n.s.  39 

Journal  of  the  Society  of  Chemical  Industry 
(37+  in  three  sections:  Review,  Transac- 
tions and  Abstracts)  (for  continuation  of 
Abstracts  1924+  see  British  Chemical  and 
Physiological  Abstracts  B;  43,  1924-25  as 
Abstracts  issued  by  Bureau  of  Chemical 
Abstracts;  1926-37  as  British  Chemical  Ab- 
stracts B)  1882:  London.  1  + 

Journal  of  the  Tennessee  Academy  of  Science 
1926:  Nashville.  7  + 

Journal  of  the  Tokyo  Chemical  Society  see 

Journal  of  the  Chemical  Society  of  Japan 
*Journal  of  the  Trenton  Natural  History  So- 
ciety 1886:  1-2,  no.  1 

Journal  of  the  Washington  Academy  of 
Sciences  1911:  1  + 

Journal  of  Tropical  Medicine  and  Hygiene 
(with  which  is  incorporated  "Climate") 
1898:  London.  30+ 

Journal  of  Urusvati  Himalayan  Research  In- 
stitute 1931:  Roerich  Museum,  India.  3 

Journal  Russe  de  Physiologic  see  Fiziologi- 

cheskii  Zhurnal  SSSR 

*Journal  Russe  de  Zoologie  (Zoologicheskii 
Vestnik)  (Russian  Journal  of  Zoology)  1916: 
1-2,  liv.  2;  3,  liv.  1-2 

Just's  Botanischer  Jahresbericht  1873:  1  + 

Justus  Liebigs  Annalen  der  Chemie  (1-32  as 
Annalen  der  Pharmacie;  33-168  as  Annalen 



der  Chemie  und  Pharmacie;  169-172  as 
Justus  Liebigs  Annalen  der  Chemie  und 
Pharmacie)  1832:  1  + 

*Kansas  University  Quarterly  1892:  1-10 
Kansas  University  Science  Bulletin  1902:  1  + 
Kieler  Meeresforschungen  1936:  Institut  fiir 

Meereskunde  der  Universitat  Kiel.  1  + 
Kitasato  Archives  of  Experimental  Medicine 

1917:  Kitasato  Institute  for  Infectious  Dis- 
eases. 1-7,  no.  1 
Klinische  Wochenschrif t ;  Organ  der  Gesell- 

schaft  Deutscher  Naturforscher  und  Arzte 

1922:  1  + 
Koch's  Jahresbericht  see  Jahresbericht  iiber 

die  Fortschritte  in  der  Lehre  von  den  Ga- 

rungs-Organismen  und  Enzymen 
Kolloid-Beihefte ;  Erganzungshefte  zur  Kol- 

loid-Zeitschrift   (1-32  as   Kolloidchemische 

Beihefte)  1909:  1  + 
Kolloid-Zeitschrift;    Zeitschrift    fiir   Wissen- 

schaftliche  und  Technische  Kolloidchemie 

1906:  1  + 
*K6nyvkiad6-vallalat    1873:    K.    Magyar  Ter- 

meszettudomanyi  Tarsulat,  Budapest.  27-28 
*Korrespondenzblatt    des    Naturforscher-Ver- 

eins  zu  Riga  1845:  5;  26-38;  42-45; 47-63 
*Krankheitsforschung;  Zwanglose  Studien  zur 

Pathogenese  1925:  Leipzig.  1-9 
Kratkii    Obzor    Gidrologicheskikh   Ekspedit- 

sionno-Issledovatel'skikh  i  Polevykh  Rabot : 

Gosudarstvennyi  Gidrologicheskii   Institut, 

Leningrad.  6,  1925;  9-10,  1928-29 

Lancashire  Sea-Fisheries  Memoir  1899:  1-2 

Lancet;  a  journal  of  British  and  foreign  medi- 
cine, surgery,  etc.  1823:  1  + 

Latvijas  Biologijas  Biedribas  Raksti  see  Acta 
Biologica  Latvica 

Latvijas  Universitates  Botaniska  Darza  Bardi 

1926:  Riga.  1 

*Lavori  fatti  nell'Istituto  di  Anatomia  compara 
della  R.  Universita  di  Napoli  1885:  1-2;  n.s. 

*Leopoldina;  Amtliches  Organ  der  K.  Leopol- 
dinisch-Carolinischen  Deutschen  Akademie 
der  Naturforscher  1859:  2-58 
*Leopoldina;  Berichte  der  K.  Deutschen  Aka- 
demie der  Naturforscher  zu  Halle  1926:  1-6 

Liebigs  Annalen  der  Chemie  see  Justus  Liebigs 

Annalen  der  Chemie 

*Lilly  Scientific  Bulletin  1912:  Indianapolis. 
1-10;  ser.  2,  1 

Lingnan  Science  Journal  (1-4  as  Lingnaam 
Agricultural  Review)  1922:  Lingnan  Uni- 
versity, Canton.  1-20 

*Linnaea  Entomologica;  Zeitschrift  herausge- 
geben  von  dem  Entomologischen  Vereine 
in  Stettin  1846:  1-3 

Liverpool  Marine  Biology  Committee  Memoirs 
on  Typical  British  Marine  Plants  and  Ani- 
mals (1-30,  1899-1931  as  Memoirs  on  Typi- 
cal Marine  Plants  and  Animals,  Department 
of  Oceanography,  University  of  Liverpool, 
issued  in  the  Proceedings  and  Transactions 
of  the  Liverpool  Biological  Society  14-45) 
1899:  1  + 

*Liverpool  School  of  Tropical  Medicine;  Mem- 
oirs 1901:  n.s.  1-3 

Lloydia;  a  quarterly  journal  of  biological  sci- 
ence 1938:  Cincinnati.  1  + 

Lotos;  Naturwissenschaftliche  Zeitschrift, 
herausgegeben  vom  Deutschen  Naturwis- 
senschaftlich-Medizinischen  Verein  fiir 
Bohmen,  "Lotos"  in  Prag  1850:  57-58;  59, 
no.  1 ;  61 

*Lunds  Universitets  Arsskrift  (Acta  Universi- 
tatis  Lundensis)  (26-40  also  as  Fysiogra- 
fiska  Sallskapets  Handlingar,  n.f.  1-15) 
(continued  in  two  series)  1864:  1-40 

Lunds  Universitets  Arsskrift  n.f.  Afd.  2.  Medi- 
cin  samt  Matematiska  och  Naturvetenska- 
pliga  Amnen  1905:  (1-30  also  as  Acta  Uni- 
versitatis  Lundensis)  (1+  also  as  n.f.  16+ 
of  K.  Fysiografiska  Sallskapets  Handlingar) 
1  + 

Luonnon  Ystava;  Elain-ja  Kasvitieteellinen 
Aikakausiehti  (1900-18  as  Luonnon  Ystava; 
Yleistajuinen  Luonnontieteellinen  Aikakaus- 
iehti) 1897:  Helsingfors.  4-28;  30+ 

Madras  Fisheries  Bulletin  1899:  1;  4  + 
*Magazine  of   Natural  History   (1 — n.s.    1   as 
Magazine  of  Natural  History,  and  Journal 
of  Zoology,   Botany,  Mineralogy,  Geology, 
and  Meteorology)  1828:  1-9;  n.s.  1-4 

Magyar  Biologiai  Kutatointezet  Munkai  (Ar- 
beiten  des  Ungarischen  Biologischen  For- 
schungs-Institutes)  (1  as  Archivum  Balato- 
nicum)  1926:  Hungary.  1  + 

Malayan  Nature  Journal;  the  journal  of  the 
Malayan  Nature  Society  1940:  1,  nos.  1-2 

Malpighia;  Rassegna  Mensile  di  Botanica 
1887:  1-28;  30  + 

"Maly's  Jahresbericht"  see  Jahresbericht  iiber 
die  Fortschritte  der  Tier-Chemie  oder  der 
Physiologischen,  Pathologischen  und  Im- 
muno-Chemie  und  der  Pharmakologie 

Marine  Biological  Report;  Union  of  South 
Africa;  Province  of  the  Cape  of  Good  Hope 
1912:  1-2 

*Marine  Investigations  in  South  Africa  (6+ 
included  in  the  Annals  of  the  South  African 
Museum)  1902:  1-4 

Marine  Observer  1924:  Air  Ministry;  Mete- 
orological Committee,  London.  1-16,  no.  135 

Mariner's  Mirror;  quarterly  journal  of  the  So- 
ciety for  Nautical  Research  1911:  20,  no.  2 



Markische  Tierwelt;  Zeitschrift  fur  die  Fau- 
nistische  Erforschung  der  Mark  Branden- 
burg (1-3  subtitle  as  Zeitschrift  fur  die 
Faunistische  Erforschung  der  Kurmarlc) 
1934:  1  + 

*Maryland  Fisheries;  published  by  Conserva- 
tion Department  of  Maryland  1929:  1-11; 

Massachusetts  Institute  of  Technology;  Me- 
teorological Course;  Professional  Notes 
1929:  1;  3;  5  + 

Massachusetts  Institute  of  Technology  Mete- 
orological Papers  see  Papers  in  Physical 
Oceanography  and  Meteorology 

Matematikai  es  Termeszettudomanyi  Ertesito 
(Mathematischer  und  Naturwissenschaft- 
licher  Anzeiger  der  Ungarischen  Akademie 
der  Wissenschaften)  1882:  Budapest.  49  + 

Materialy  k  Poznaniiu  Fauny  i  Flory  SSSR 
(Contributiones  pro  Fauna  et  Flora  URPSS) 
(Contributions  a  la  Connaissance  de  la 
Faune  et  la  Flore  de  1'URSS)  Otdel  Botani- 
cheskii  1890:  n.s.  1  (9) ;  Otdel  Zoologicheskii 
1892:  n.s.  1-4  (16-19) 

Materialy  po  Izucheniiu  Arktiki;  Vsesomznyi 
Arkticheskii  Institut  (Materials  for  the 
study  of  the  Arctic)  1931:  Leningrad.  1-5 

Mathematical  Reviews  1940:  1  + 
*Mathematische  und  Naturwissenschaftliche 
Berichte  aus  Ungarn  aus  den  Revenuen  der 
Graf  Alexander  Vigyazo  Stiftung  Unter- 
stiitzt  durch  die  Ungarische  Akademie  der 
Wissenschaften  (Magyar  Tudomanyos  Aka- 
demia)  1882:  Budapest.  1-38 

Mathematisk-fysiske  Meddelelser;  Det  K. 
Danske  Videnskabernes  Selskab  1917:  Co- 
penhagen. 8,  nos.  4-11;  9  + 
*Meddelanden  af  Societas  pro  Fauna  et  Flora 
Fennica  1876:  Helsingfors.  1-20;  22-23;  25; 
27;  30-50 

Meddelanden  fran  K.  Lantbruksstyrelsen; 
Undersokningar  Rb'rande  Sveriges  Fiskerie ; 
Fiskar  och  Fiskevatten,  utgivna  av  K.  Lant- 
bruksstyrelsens  Fiskeribyra:  Stockholm. 

*Meddelanden  fran  K.  Vetenskapsakademiens 
Nobelinstitut  1905:  Stockholm.  1-6 

Meddelanden  fran  Statens  Meteorologisk- 
Hydrografiska  Anstalt  1920:  Stockholm.  1; 
[2];  3+ 

Meddelelser  fra  Carlsberg  Laboratoriet  see 
Comptes  Rendus  des  Travaux  du  Labora- 
toire  Carlsberg 

Meddelelser  fra  den  Biologiske  Station  ved 
Dr0bak  1897:  Christiania,  Norway.  1-14 

Meddelelser  fra  det  Zoologiske  Museum, 
Oslo  1922:  1  + 

Meddelelser  fra  Kommissionen  for  Danmarks 
Fiskeriog  Havunders0gelser,  K0benhavn ; 

Serie  Fiskerei  1904:  1  +  ;  *Serie  Fiskerista- 
tistik  1909:  1-2;  Serie  Hydrografi  1904:  1  +  ; 
Serie  Plankton  1904:  1  + 

Meddelelser  fra  Skalling-Laboratoriet  1935: 
Copenhagen.  1 

Meddelelser  om  Gr0nland;  Kommissionen  for 
Videnskabelige  Unders0gelser  i  Gr0nland 
1879:  1-121 

Mededeelingen  en  Verhandelingen ;  K.  Neder- 
landsch  Meteorologisch  Instituut  1905:  1  + 

Mededeelingen  van  de  Afdeeling  Weten- 
schappen;  Koninklijke  Belgische  Academie 
see  Bulletin (s)  de  la  Classe  des  Sciences; 
Academie  Royale  de  Belgique 

Mededeelingen  van  de  Landbouwhoogeschool 
te  Wageningen  (Nederland)  (12-13  as  Me- 
dedeelingen van  de  Rijks  Hoogere  Land-, 
Tuin-  en  Boschbouwschool)  1908:  12  + 

Mededeelingen  van  den  Dienst  der  Volksge- 
zondheid  in  Nederlandsch-Indie  (1912-25 
pt.  1  as  Burgerlijke  Geneeskundige  Dienst) 
1912:  Batavia.  1922  + 

*MededeeIingen  van's  Rijks  Herbarium  1910: 
Leiden.  1-70 

Mededelingen  van  het  Transvaal  Museum  see 

Annals  of  the  Transvaal  Museum 
*Medical  Bulletin;  a  monthly  journal  of  medi- 
cine and  surgery  1879:  Philadelphia.  [18-23] 

Medical  Parasitology  and  Parasitic  Diseases 
(Moscow)  see  Meditsinskaia  Parazitologiiia 
Parazitarnye  Bolezni 

*Medical  Science;  abstracts  and  reviews  1919: 
Medical  Research  Council,  London.  1-12 

Medicina  ;RevistaMexicana  1920: 12;  [13-14]; 
15-19;  [20];  21  + 

Medicina  Sperimentale  Archivio  Italiano  (1-5 
as  Archivio  Italiano  di  Medicina  Sperimen- 
tale) 1937:  Torino.  1  + 

Medicine;  analytical  reviews  of  general  medi- 
cine, neurology  and  pediatrics  1922:  1  + 
*Medicinisch-Chemische  Untersuchungen ;  aus 
dem  Laboratorium  fur  Angewandte  Chemie 
zu  Tubingen  herausgegeben  von  Dr.  Felix 
Hoppe-Seyler  1866:  1-4 

Meditsinskaia  Parazitologifa  i  Parazitarnye 
Bolezni  (Medical  Parasitology  and  Parasitic 
Diseases)  1932:  Moscow.  4  + 
*Medizinisch-Naturwissenschaftliches  Archiv ; 
Zeitschrift  fiir  die  Gemeinsamen  For- 
schungsergebnisse  der  Klinischen  Medizin 
und  ihrer  Gesamten  Nachbargebiete  1908: 

Meereskunde ;  Sammlung  Volkstumlicher  Vor- 
trage  1907:  Institut  fur  Meereskunde.  [1-18] 

Meereskundliche  Beobachtungen  auf  Deut- 
schen  Feuerschiffen  der  Nord-  und  Ostsee; 
Deutsche  Seewarte:  1924-38 

Memoires;  Institut  Royal  Meteorologique  de 
Belgique  (1  as  Verhandelingen)  1925:  1  + 



Memoires  de  1'Academie  des  Sciences  de 
1'Institut  de  France  (1-14  as  Memoires  de  la 
Classe  des  Sciences  Mathematiques  et  Phy- 
siques de  1'Institut  de  France)  (1-16  (n.s.), 
1816-38  as  Memoires  de  1'Academie  Royale 
des  Sciences  de  1'Institut  de  France)  1796: 
1-n.s.  16;  ser.  2,  59,  no.  5 
*Memoires  de  1'Academie  des  Sciences  de 
1'URSS  (Zapiski  Akademii  Nauk  SSSR) 
(formerly  Memoires  de  1'Academie  Impe- 
riale  des  Sciences  de  Saint-Petersbourg) 
1726:  ser.  7-8 

Memoires  de  1'Academie  Polonaise  des 
Sciences  et  des  Lettres;  Classe  des  Sciences 
Mathematiques  et  Naturelles  (Cracovie); 
Series  A,  Sciences  Mathematiques  1929: 
1-4;  Series  B,  Sciences  Naturelles  1928: 

Memoires  de  1'Academie  Royale  des  Sciences 
et  des  Lettres  de  Danemark;  Section  des 
Sciences  see  Danske  Videnskabernes  Sel- 
skabs  Skrifter;  Naturvidenskabelig  og  Ma- 
thematisk  Afdeling 

Memoires  dje  1'Institut  Agronomique  et  Fo- 
restier  d'Etat  de  la  Belarussie  see  Zapiski 
Belorusskogo  Gosudarstvennogo  Instituta 
Sel'skogo  i  Lesnogo  Khozfaistva  (Minsk) 

Memoires  de  1'Institut  Hydrologique  de 
1'URSS  (Zapiski  Gosudarstvennogo  Gidro- 
logicheskogo  Instituta)  1926:  Leningrad. 
1-2;  5-13 

Memoires  de  1'Office  des  Peches  Maritimes; 
Serie  Speciale  (1-8  as  Memoires;  Office 
Scientifique  et  Technique  des  Peches  Mari- 
times) 1920:  1  + 

Memoires  de  la  Societe  de  Biogeographie 
1926:  2 

Memoires  de  la  Societe  de  Physique  et  d'His- 
toire  Naturelle  de  Geneve  1821:  31,  no.  2; 

Memoires  de  la  Societe  des  Naturalistes  de 
Kiew  see  Zapiski  Kievskago  Obshchestva 

Memoires  de  la  Societe  des  Naturalistes  de 
Moscou  see  Nouveaux  Memoires  de  la  So- 
ciete des  Naturalistes  de  Moscou 
*Memoires  de  la  Societe  des  Sciences  Natu- 
relles de  Neuchatel  1835:  1;  3 

Memoires  de  la  Societe  des  Sciences  Natu- 
relles du  Maroc;  Empire  Cherifien;  Archives 
Scientifiques  des  Protectorat  Francois  1921 : 
2  + 

Memoires  de  la  Societe  Entomologique  de 
Belgique  1892:  23  + 

Memoires  de  la  Societe  Helvetique  des  Scien- 
ces Naturelles  see  Denkschriften  der  Schwei- 
zerischen  Naturforschenden  Gesellschaft 

Memoires  de  la  Societe  Royale  des  Lettres  et 
des  Sciences  de  Boheme;  Classe  des  Scien- 

ces see  Vestnik  Kralovske  Ceske  Spolecnosti 

Memoires  de  la  Societe  Royale  des  Sciences 
de  Liege  1843:  8  + 

Memoires  de  la  Societe  Royale  Entomologique 
d'Egypte  (1-2,  fasc.  1  as  Memoires  de  la 
Societe  Entomologique  d'Egypte)  1908:  1  + 

Memoires  de  la  Societe  Vaudoise  des  Sciences 

Naturelles  1922:  Lausanne.  1  + 
*Memoires  de  la  Societe  Zoologique  de  France 
1888:  1-29 

Memoires  de  la  Societe  Zoologique  Tcheco- 
slovaque  de  Prague  see  Vestnik  Ceskoslo- 
venske  Zoologicke  Spolecnosti  v  Praze 

Memoires  du  Musee  Royal  d'Histoire  Na- 
turelle de  Belgique  (Verhandelingen  van 
het  K.  Natuurhistorisch  Museum  van  Bel- 
gie)  1900:  1-8;  32-90;  93  +  ;  Hors  serie 
1933:  1  + 

Memoires  et  Publications  de  la  Societe  des 
Sciences,  des  Arts  et  des  Lettres  du  Hainaut 
1839:  [ser.  3,  6— ser.  6,  7] 
*Memoires  publics  par  la  Societe  Portugaise 
des  Sciences  Naturelles  1913:  2-4;  serie 
Anthropologique  et  Archeologique  2;  serie 
Biologique  2-4;  serie  Geologique  2-3;  serie 
Zoologique  2-4 

Memoirs;  Australian  Museum  1851:  2;  4 
(Scientific  Results  of  the  Trawling  Expedi- 
tion of  H.  M.  C.  S.  "Thetis"  off  the  Coast  of 
New  South  Wales,  Feb.  and  Mar.,  1898, 
parts  15-18);  5  + 

Memoirs;  Cornell  University  Agricultural  Ex- 
perimental Station  1913:  1-135;  153;  157- 
59;  176;  180;  203;  207;  209 

Memoirs;  Geological  Society  of  America  1934: 

1  + 
*Memoirs;   New  York  Academy  of  Sciences 

1895:  1-2 

Memoirs  and  Proceedings  of  the  Manchester 
Literary  and  Philosophical  Society  (ser.  1-3 
as  Memoirs  of  the  Literary  and  Philosophi- 
cal Society  of  Manchester)  1785:  1  + 
*Memoirs  from  the  Biological  Laboratory  of  the 

Johns  Hopkins  University  1887:  1-5 
*Memoirs  of  Natural  Sciences;  Museum  of  the 
Brooklyn   Institute   of  Arts   and   Sciences 
1904:  1,  no.  1 
Memoirs  of  the  American  Academy  of  Arts 

and  Sciences  1780:  1  + 
*Memoirs  of  the  American  Association  for  the 

Advancement  of  Science  1875:  1 
Memoirs  of  the  American  Entomological  So- 
ciety 1916:  1  + 
Memoirs  of  the  American  Museum  of  Natural 

History  1893:  1;  9;  n.s.  1-3 
Memoirs  of  the  American  Philosophical  So- 
ciety 1935:  1  + 



Memoirs  of  the  Asiatic  Society  of  Bengal  1905: 
1-9,  no.  8 

Memoirs  of  the  Bemice  P.  Bishop  Museum  of 
Polynesian  Ethnology  and  Natural  History 
1899:  1  + 

Memoirs  of  the  Boston  Society  of  Natural 

History  1866:  1  + 

*Memoirs  of  the  California  Academy  of  Sci- 
ences 1868:  1-5,  no.  1 

Memoirs  of  the  Carnegie  Museum  1901:  1  + 

'Memoirs   of   the    Challenger   Society    1909: 
London.  1 

Memoirs  of  the  College  of  Agriculture;  Kyoto 
Imperial  University  1926:  1  + 

Memoirs  of  the  College  of  Science;  Kyoto  Im- 
perial University;  Series  A  1914:  9,  no.  6; 
18,  no.  5  +  ;  Series  B  1924:  1-10;  [11];  12  + 

Memoirs  of  the  Connecticut  Academy  of  Arts 
and  Sciences  1810:  1-8,  no.  2;  [9-10] 

Memoirs  of  the  Faculty  of  Science  and  Agri- 
culture; Taihoku  Imperial  University  1930: 
Formosa.  1  + 

Memoirs  of  the  Imperial  Marine  Observa- 
tory, Kobe,  Japan  1922:  1  + 

Memoirs  of  the  Indian  Meteorological  De- 
partment (2-17  as  Indian  Meteorological 
Memoirs)  1876:  16+ 

Memoirs  of  the  Indian  Museum  1907:  Cal- 
cutta. 1  + 

Memoirs  of  the  Institute  of  Chemistry  see 
Zapiski  Institutu  Khemii 

Memoirs  of  the  Literary  and  Philosophical  So- 
ciety of  Manchester  see  Memoirs  and  Pro- 
ceedings of  the  Manchester  Literary  and 
Philosophical  Society 

*Memoirs    of   the    Museum   of    Comparative 
Zoology  at  Harvard  College  1864:  1-55 

Memoirs  of  the  National  Academy  of  Sciences 
1866:  1  + 

Memoirs  of  the  National  Institute  of  Zoology 
and  Botany;  Academia  Sinica;  Zoological 
Series  1937:  Nanking.  1  + 

Memoirs  of  the  National  Research  Institute  of 
Meteorology  (1-10  as  numbers;  11+  as 
volumes)  1931:  Academia  Sinica,  Nanking. 
1  + 

Memoirs  of  the  New  York  Botanical  Garden 
1900:  1-7 

Memoirs  of  the  New  York  State  Museum  see 
New  York  State  Museum  Memoirs 

Memoirs  of  the  Nuttall  Ornithological  Club 

1886:  1-4 
*Memoirs  of  the  Peabody  Academy  of  Science 

1869:  Salem,  Mass.  1,  nos.  1-6 
*Memoirs  of  the  Peabody  Museum  of  Yale 

University  1880:  1-2,  pt.  1 
*Memoirs  of  the  Royal  Meteorological  Society 
1926:  1-4 

*Memoirs  of  the  Royal  Society  of  South  Aus- 
tralia 1899:  Adelaide.  1-2 

Memoirs  of  the  San  Diego  Society  of  Natural 

History  1931:  1  + 

*Memoirs  of  the  Tokio  Daigaku  (1,  pt.  1  as 
Memoirs  of  the  Science  Department;  Uni- 
versity of  Tokio,  Japan)  (5,  7  as  Memoirs  of 
the  Science  Department;  Tokio  Daigaku) 
1879:  1,  pt.  1;  5;  7;  11 

Memoirs  of  the  Torrey  Botanical  Club  1889: 
1  + 

Memoirs  of  the  University  of  California  1908: 
1-2;  5  + 

Memoirs  of  the  Wistar  Institute  of  Anatomy 
and  Biology  see  American  Anatomical 

Memoirs  on  Genetics  see  Zbirnik  Prats  z 

Memoirs  on  Typical  Marine  Plants  and  Ani- 
mals; Department  of  Oceanography,  Uni- 
versity of  Liverpool  see  Liverpool  Marine 
Biological  Committee  Memoirs  on  Typical 
British  Marine  Plants  and  Animals 
*Memoirs  read  before  the  Anthropological  So- 
ciety of  London  1863:  1-3 

Memoranda  Societatis  pro  Fauna  et  Flora 
Fennica  1924:  1  + 

Memoria;  Junta  Para  Ampliacion  de  Estudios 
e  Investigaciones  Cientfficas  1916:  Madrid. 
1916-17; 1926-30 

Memoria;  R.  Comitato  Talassografico  Italiano 
1910:  1-22;  24  + 

Memoria  Anual;  Museo  Nacional  de  Historia 
Natural  "Bernardino  Rivadavia,"  Buenos 
Aires  1924:  1924 

Memorial  de  1'Institut  National  Meteorolo- 
gique  de  Pologne  see  Prace  Paristwowego 
Instytutu  Meteorologicznego 

Memorias  (y  Re  vista)  de  la  Academia  Na- 
cional de  Ciencias  Antonio  Alzate  (1-52  as 
Memorias  (y  Revista)  de  la  Sociedad  Cienti- 
fica  "Antonio  Alzate")  1887:  Mexico.  [1-4]; 
5-8;  [9];  10-18;  [19];  20  + 

Memorias  de  la  Real  Academia  de  Ciencias 
Exactas  Fisicas  Naturales  de  Madrid  1861: 
6;  [13-14];  15;  [18];  19-20 

Memorias  de  la  Real  Sociedad  Espanola  de 
Historia  Natural  1903:  Madrid.  1  + 

Memorias  de  la  Sociedad  Cubana  de  Historia 
Natural  "Felipe  Poey"  1915:  1  + 

Memorias  del  Consejo  Oceanografico  Ibero- 
Americano  1930:  Madrid.  1-16 

Memorias  del  Institute  Espanol  de  Oceano- 
grafia  1916:  Madrid.  2-3;  7-15 

Memorias  del  Jardin  Zoologico:  La  Plata.  7; 
9,  nos.  1-2 

Memorias  do  Institute  Biologico  Ezequiel  Dias 
1937:  Brazil.  1  + 



Memorias  do  Institute  Butantan  1918:  Sao 
Paulo.  1  + 

Memorias  do  Institute  Oswaldo  Cruz  1909: 
Rio  de  Janeiro.  1-7;  [8];  9+;  *Supplements 

Memorie  del  Reale  Istituto  Lombardo  di 
Scienze  e  Lettere,  Classe  des  Scienze  Mate- 
matiche  e  Natural!  1843:  Milan.  10-13;  [14]; 
15-17;  [18];  19-20;  [21] 

Memorie  del  Reale  Ufficio  Centrale  di  Met- 
eorologia  e  Geofisica:  Ministero  dell'Agri- 
coltura  e  Foreste,  Rome.  ser.  3,  2  + 

Memorie  della  Accademia  di  Verona  see  Atti 
e  Memorie  dell'Accademia  d'Agricoltura 
Scienze,  etc. 

Memorie  della  Classe  di  Scienze  Fisiche, 
Matematiche  e  Naturali;  Reale  Accademia 
d'ltalia  (1-3  as  Memorie  della  Reale  Acca- 
demia d'ltalia;  Classe  di  Scienze  Fisiche, 
Matematiche  e  Naturali)  1930:  1  + 

Memorie  della  Reale  Accademia  delle  Scienze 
di  Torino  1759:  ser.  2,  42-56;  [57];  64 

Memorie  della  Reale  Accademia  Nazionale 
dei  Lincei;  Classe  di  Scienze  Fisiche,  Mate- 
matiche e  Naturali  see  Atti  della  R.  Accade- 
mia d'ltalia 

Memorie  della  Societa  Italiana  di  Scienze  Na- 
turali e  del  Museo  Civico  di  Storia  Naturale 
diMilano  1865:  1  + 

Memorie  della  Societa  Toscana  di  Scienze 
Naturali  Residente  in  Pisa  see  Atti  della 
Societa  Toscana  di  Scienze  Naturali  Resi- 
dente in  Pisa;  Memorie 

*Memorie  Scientifiche  (Supplemento  al  Bollet- 
tino  di  Pesca,  di  Piscicoltura  e  di  Idrobio- 
logia) ;  Ministero  dell'Agricoltura  e  delle 
Foreste;  R.  Laboratorio  Centrali  di  Idro- 
biologia  Applicata  alia  Pesca  (1-3,  Direzione 
Generate  dell'Industria  e  delle  Miniere) 
Serie  B.  1927:  Rome.  1-10 

*Memorie  Storico-Giuridiche  (Supplemento  al 
Bollettino  di  Pesca,  di  Piscicoltura  e  di 
Idrobiologia) ;  Ministero  dell'Economia  Na- 
zionale ;  Direzione  Generale  dell'Industria  e 
delle  Miniere.  Serie  C.  1927:  Rome.  1 

*Mendel  Journal  1909:  1-3 

*Mera  Publications;  scientific  and  economic  as- 
pects of  the  Cornish  Pilchard  Fishery  1913: 
St.  Albans.  1-2 

Merentutkimuslaitoksen  Julkaisu  see  Havs- 
forskningsinstitutets  Skrift 

Meteorologia  i  Hydrologia  see  Meteorologifa  i 

Meteorological  Magazine  (1-35  as  Symons's 
Monthly  Meteorological  Magazine;  36-54 
as  Symons's  Meteorological  Magazine) 
1866:  Air  Ministry,  Meteorological  Office, 
London.  1-75,  no.  893 

Meteorological  Magazine;  Meteorological  So- 
ciety of  China  1926:  11-13;  [14]  + 

Meteorological  Office;  Professional  Notes 
1918:  London.  1  + 

Meteorological  Office  Note;  New  Zealand 
1930:  1  + 

Meteorologie;  Revue  (Mensuelle)  de  Meteo- 
rologie  et  de  Physique  du  Globe  (1-67  as 
Annuaire  de  la  Societe  Meteorologique  de 
France)  1853:  n.s.  1  + 

Meteorologiia  i  Gidrologiia;  Glavnoe  Upravle- 
nie  Gidrometeorologicheskoi  Sluzhby  SSSR 
pri  SNK  SSSR  (Meteorologia  i  Hydrologia) : 
Moscow.  [1938-40]  + 

Meteorologische  Beobachtungen ;  Bulletin  de 
la  Societe  des  Naturalistes  de  Moscou  see 
Bulletin  de  la  Societe  des  Naturalistes  de 

Meteorologische  Zeitschrift:  der  Osterreich- 
ischen  Gesellschaft  fur  Meteorologie  und 
der  Deutschen  Meteorologischen  Gesell- 
schaft 1884:  1  + 

*Methods  and  Problems  of  Medical  Education 
1924:  Rockefeller  Foundation.  1-21 

Michigan  Geological  and  Biological  Survey 
Publication;  Biological  Series  1910:  1-2; 

Microentomology ;  Contributions  to  Entomol- 
ogy from  the  Natural  History  Museum  of 
Stanford  University  1936:  1  + 
*Microscope;  an  illustrated  monthly  designed 
to    popularize    the    subject    of    microscopy 
1881:  [1];  2-9;  [12];  n.s.  [1];  2-3;  [4-5] 
*Microscopic  Journal,  and  Structural  Record 
1841:  London. 1-2 

Mikrochemie  Vereinigt  mit  Acta  Mikrochimica 
(1-22  as  Mikrochemie)  1923:  1  + 

Mikrokosmos;  Zeitschrift  fur  Angewandte  Mi- 
kroskopie,  Mikrobiologie,  Mikrochemie  und 
Mikroskopische  Technik  1907:  20,  no.  1; 
24  + 

Milbank  Memorial  Fund  Quarterly  1923:  17, 
no.  3;  18,  no.  4+ 

Millport  Marine  Biological  Station;  Annual 
Report  see  Annual  Report;  Scottish  Marine 
Biological  Association 

Minnesota  Geological  and  Natural  History 
Survey  Bulletin  (no.  9  as  vol.  2  of  the  Min- 
nesota Geological  and  Natural  History  Sur- 
vey Report;  Botanical  series):  1;  4;  9 

'"Minnesota  Geological  and  Natural  History 
Survey  Report;  Botanical  series  (2,  4,  6  also 
as  Minnesota  Botanical  Studies  1-3)  1892: 
1-6;  8-9 

*Minnesota  Geological  and  Natural  History 
Survey  Report;  Zoological  series  1892:  1-5 

*Miscellaneous  Publication;  Australian  Mu- 
seum 1890:  10 

Miscellaneous  Publication;  Bernice  P.  Bishop 



Museum  see  Special  Publications;  Bernice 
P.  Bishop  Museum 

Miscellaneous  Publication  of  the  Bureau  of 

Entomology  of  Chekiang  Province  1930:  1-7 

*Mitt(h)eilungen    aus    dem    Embryologischen 

Institut  der  K.  K.  Universitat  in  Wien  1877:4 

Mitteilungen  aus  dem  Hamburgischen  Zoolo- 
gischen  Museum  und  Institut  (1-32  as  Mit- 
teilungen aus  dem  Naturhistorischen,  Zoolo- 
gischen,  Museum  in  Hamburg;  33-37  as 
Mitteilungen  aus  dem  Zoologischen  Museum 
in  Hamburg;  38-46  as  Mitteilungen  aus  dem 
Zoologischen  Staatsinstitut  und  Zoologi- 
schen Museum  in  Hamburg)  (1-10  reprinted 
from  Jahrbuch  der  Hamburgischen  Wissen- 
schaftlichen  Anstalten;  1 1-38  published  as  2. 
Beihefte  zum  Jahrbuch  der  Hamburgischen 
Wissenschaftlichen  Anstalten)  1883:  1-47 

Mitt(h)eilungen  aus  dem  Naturwissenschaft- 
lichen  Verein  fiir  Neuvorpommern  und 
Riigen  in  Greifswald:  33-40;  46-47 

Mitteilungen  aus  dem  Zoologischen  Museum 
in  Berlin  (1  as  Mitteilungen  aus  der  Zoolo- 
gischen Sammlung  des  Museums  fiir  Natur- 
kunde  in  Berlin)  1898:  1-10;  [12];  13-23; 
Sender  heft  14;  22 

"Mitteilungen  aus  den  Botanischen  Staatsinsti- 
tuten  in  Hamburg;  Beiheft  zum  Jahrbuch 
der  Hamburgischen  Wissenschaftlichen 
Anstalten  1896:  23-29 

Mitteilungen  aus  den  K.  Naturwissenschaft- 
lichen  Instituten  in  Sofia  see  Izvestiia  na 
Tsarskitye  Prirodonauchni  Instituti  v  Sofiia 
*Mitt(h)eilungen  aus  den  Verhandlungen  der 
Gesellschaft  Naturforschender  Freunde  zu 
Berlin  1836:  1-3 

*Mitt(h)eilungen  aus  der  Zoologischen  Station 
zu  Neapel  1879:  1-22 

Mitteilungen  der  Aargauischen  Naturfor- 
schenden  Gesellschaft  1863:  Switzerland. 
7-14;  19 

Mitteilungen  der  Deutschen  Entomologischen 
Gesellschaft,  E.  V.  1930:  1-9,  no.  1 

Mitt(h)eilungen  der  Deutschen  Gesellschaft 
fiir  Natur-  und  Volkerkunde  Ostasiens 
1873:  Yokohama.  6;  26 

Mitteilungen  der  Gesellschaft  Deutscher  Na- 
turforscher  und  Aerzte  1924:  1+  see  in 
Naturwissenschaften  vol.  12,  1924  + 

Mitteilungen  der  Gesellschaft  fiir  Erdkunde 
zu  Leipzig  (1872-1910  as  Mittheilungen  des 
Vereins  fiir  Erdkunde  zu  Leipzig)  1872:  1  + 

Mitteilungen  der  Gesellschaft  fiir  Vorrats- 
schutzE.  V.  1925:  Berlin.  [2];  [4];  9-15,  no.  1 

Mitteilungen  der  Kaiser  Wilhelm-Gesellschaft 
zu  Forderung  der  Wissenschaften  1932:  14- 
see  in  Naturwissenschaften  20,  1932  + 

Mitteilungen  der  Kommission  zur  Naturwis- 
senschaftlichen  Durchforschung  Mahrens 

see  Zpravy  Komise  na  Prirodovedecky  Vyz- 
kum  Moravy  a  Slezska 

Mitt(h)eilungen  der  Naturforschenden  Gesell- 
schaft Bern  1843:  1843  + 

Mitteilungen  der  Naturhistorischen  Gesell- 
schaft in  Colmar  (Bulletin  de  la  Societe 
d'Histoire  Naturelle  de  Colmar)  1860:  N.F. 
5;  8-10;  12 

"Mitteilungen  des  Deutschen  Seefischerei- Ve- 
reins (1-10  as  Mittheilungen  der  Section  fiir 
Kiisten-  und  Hochsee-Fischerei)  1885:  1-22; 
[23];  24-28;  [29];  30-42;  [43];  44;  [45];  46-49 

Mitteilungen  des  Meteorologischen  Instituts 

der  Universitat  Helsingfors  1926:  1  + 
*  Mitteilungen     des     Naturwissenschaftlichen 
Vereines  an  der  Universitat  Wien:  1893-94; 
n.s.  1-12,  no.  8 

Mitteilungen  des  Naturwissenschaftlichen 
Vereines  fiir  Steiermark  1863:  1-59 

Mitteilungen  des  Vereins  fiir  Erdkunde  zu 
Leipzig  see  Mitteilungen  der  Gesellschaft  fiir 
Erdkunde  zu  Leipzig 

Mitteilungen  des  Vereins  fiir   Naturwissen- 

schaft  und  Mathematik  in  Ulm,  a.  D.  (1888- 

1908asjahresheft)  1888:  1 ;  4-5;  8-16;  19-21 

*Monatsbericht  der  K.  Preussischen  Akademie 

der  Wissenschaften  zu  Berlin  1856:  1856-81 

Monatsheft  fiir  Chemie  und  Verwandte  Teile 
Anderer  Wissenschaften ;  K.  Akademie  der 
Wissenschaften  in  Wien  1880:  1+  see  in 
Sitzungsberichte  der  Akademie  der  Wissen- 
schaften in  Wien;  Mathematisch-Naturwis- 
senschaftliche  Klasse 

Monatsschrift  fiir  Krebsbekampfung  see  Miin- 

chener  Medizinische  Wochenschrift 
*Monist;  devoted  to  the  philosophy  of  science 
1890:  1-31;  40-46 

Monitore  Zoologico  Italiano  (Pubblicazione 
Italiane  di  Zoologia,  Anatomia,  Embriologia) 
1890:  Societa  Italiana  di  Anatomia.  1  + 

Monografii  Volzhskoi  Biologicheskoi  Stantsii 
see  Monographien  der  Biologischen  Wolga- 
Station  (der  Naturforscher-Gesellschaft  zu 

Monograph  Series;  American  Museum  of 
Natural  History  1913:  1-2 

Monographias  do  Institute  Oswaldo  Cruz 
1937:  Rio  de  Janeiro.  1 

Monographien  der  Biologischen  Wolga-Sta- 
tion  (der  Naturforscher-Gesellschaft  zu 
Saratow)  (Monografii  Volzhskoi  Biologi- 
cheskoi Stantsii)  1924:  1;  3 

*Monographien  und  Abhandlungen  zur  Inter- 
nationalen  Revue  der  Gesamten  Hydrobio- 
logie  und  Hydrographie  1910:  1-5 

Monographs  of  the  National  Research  Insti- 
tute of  Psychology;  Academia  Sinica  1932: 
Nanking.  8-9 



Monographs  of  the  Rockefeller  Institute  for 
Medical  Research  1910:  2-4;  7;  10-11;  13  + 
Monographs  of  the  United  States  Geological 
Survey:    Department    of    the    Interior.    5 
(1883);  8-10  (1884-85);  30  (1898) 
*Monographs  on  the  Theory  of  Photography 
from    the    Kodak    Research    Laboratories 
1921:  1-6 
*Montana  Agricultural  College  Science  Studies ; 

Botany  1904:  1,  nos.  1-3 
Monthly  Abstract  Bulletin  1915:  Kodak  Re- 
search Laboratories.  [2-6];  7  + 
Monthly  Catalogue;  United  States  Govern- 
ment Publications  (73-100  as  Catalogue  of 
United  States  Public  Documents):  73-125; 
241-42;  249-300;  302-08;  310-18;  324;  328; 
331;  333  + 

*Monthly  Meteorological  Charts  of  the  North 
Atlantic  Ocean:  Meteorological  Office,  Lon- 
don. 1923 

"Monthly  Microscopical  Journal;  Transactions 
of  the  Royal  Microscopical  Society  and 
Record  of  Histological  Research  at  Home 
and  Abroad  1869:  London.  1-18 
Monthly  Notices  of  Papers  and  Proceedings 
of  the  Royal  Society  of  Tasmania  see  Papers 
and  Proceedings  of  the  Royal  Society  of 

Monthly  Weather  Review  1873:  Department 
of  Agriculture,   Weather   Bureau.    [15-16]; 
[19];  25+;  Supplement  1  + 
*Morphologische  Arbeiten  1891:  1-8 
Morphologisches    Jahrbuch    see    Gegenbaurs 

Morphologisches  Jahrbuch 
Morris  Arboretum  Bulletin  1935:  University 

of  Pennsylvania.  1  + 

Miinchener  Medizinische  Wochenschrif  1 1 854 : 
72  + ;  Supplement ;  Monatsschrift  fur  Krebs- 
bekampfung  1933:  9  + 

Mycologia;  official  organ  of  the  Mycological 
Society  of  America  1909:  New  York  Botani- 
cal Garden.  1  + 

*Mycological  Bulletin  (1  as  Ohio  Mycological 
Bulletin;  1-56  as  Ohio  University  Bulletins; 
1-12  also  as  13-24  of  University  Bulletin; 
Botanical  Series)  1903:  1-12;  14;  30;  61-62; 

*Mycological  Notes;  by  C.  C.  Lloyd  1898:  1-7, 
no.  10 

Nachrichten  von  der  Gesellschaft  der  Wissen- 
schaften  zu  Gottingen;  Mathematisch- 
Physikalische  Klasse ;  Fachgruppe  VI.  Bio- 
logie  (1932-33  included  all  Fachgruppen) 
1894:  1932-33;  N.F.  1-2 

National  Geographic  Magazine  1889:  National 
Geographic  Society.  [7-22];  23-66;  [67-73] 

National  Institute  of  Health  Bulletin  (1-7  as 
Bulletin  of  the  Hygienic  Laboratory;  8-154 

as  Hygienic  Laboratory  Bulletin)  1900: 
Public  Health  Service,  Federal  Security 
Agency.  1  + 

*National  Medical  Journal  of  China  1915: 
Shanghai.  12-17 

National  Research  Council;  Annual  Report  of 
the  Chairman  of  the  Division  of  Biology  and 
Agriculture:  1937-38 

National  Research  Council;  Division  of  Biol- 
ogy and  Agriculture;  Cumulative  Report  of 
the  Committee  on  Effects  of  Radiation  upon 
Living  Organisms:  1928-34 

National  Research  Council;  Division  of  Chem- 
istry and  Chemical  Technology;  Report  of 
the  Committee  on  Contact  Catalysis  (1-9 
see  in  Reprint  and  Circular  Series  of  the 
National  Research  Council)  1922:  1  + 

National  Research  Council ;  Division  of  Chem- 
istry and  Chemical  Technology;  Report  of 
the  Committee  on  Photochemistry  (1-3  see 
in  Reprint  and  Circular  Series  of  the  Na- 
tional Research  Council,  nos.  81,  96,  108) 
1928:  1  + 

National  Research  Council ;  Division  of  Geol- 
ogy and  Geography;  Report  of  the  Com- 
mittee on  Sedimentation  (1927-34  see  in 
Reprint  and  Circular  Series  of  the  National 
Research  Council)  1927:  1  + 
*National  Research  Council;  Division  of  Geol- 
ogy and  Geography;  Report  of  the  Com- 
mittee on  Submarine  Configuration  and 
Oceanic  Circulation  (1923-25  as  Report  of 
Committee  on  Sound  Sounding  and  Ocea- 
nographic  Thermographs)  1923:  1923-32 

National  Research  Council ;  Division  of  Geol- 
ogy and  Geography;  Report  of  the  Commit- 
tee on  the  Measurement  of  Geologic  Time 
1937: 1937-40 

National  Research  Council;  Organization  and 
Members  1919:  1919+ 

Natur  und  Volk  (1-51  as  Bericht  der  Sencken- 
bergischen  Naturforschenden  Gesellschaft 
Frankfurt  am  Main;  52-56  as  Aus  Natur 
und  Museum;  57-63  as  Natur  und  Museum) 
1869:  1878-79;  1880-90;  1892-95;  1896- 
1900;  1903-09;  1910-39 

Naturae  Novitates;  Bibliographic  Neuer  Er- 
scheinungen  aller  Lander  auf  dem  Gebiete 
der  Naturgeschichte  und  der  Exacten  Wis- 
senschaften  1879:  Berlin.  [1-25];  26+ 

Natural  History  (1-18  as  Journal  of  the  Ameri- 
can Museum);  magazine  of  the  American 
Museum  of  Natural  History.  1  +  ;  see  also 
Guide  Leaflet  Series 

Natural  History  Magazine  (British  Museum) 

1927:  1  + 

*  Natural  History  Review;  a  quarterly  journal 
of  biological  science  1853:  London.  1-7; 
n.s.  1-5 



*Natural  Science;  a  monthly  review  of  scientific 

progress  1892:  New  York.  1-15 
*Naturaleza;  periodico  cientifico  del  Museo  N. 
de  Historia  Natural  y  de  la  Sociedad  Mexi- 
cana  de  Historia  Natural  1869:  ser.  1,  1-2; 
ser.  2,  1;  [3];  ser.  3,  1,  no.  2 
'Naturalist  1830:  Boston.  [1-2] 

Naturaliste  Canadien;  bulletin  de  recherches, 
observations  et  decouvertes  se  rapportant  a 
1'histoire  naturelle  et  aux  sciences  en  gene- 
ral 1868:  Quebec.  32-36;  [37];  38-48,  no.  1; 
66,  no.  10  + 

Nature;  a  weekly  journal  of  science  1869: 
London.  1  + 

Nature ;  Revue  des  sciences  et  de  leurs  appli- 
cations a  1'art  et  a  1'industrie  1873:  Paris. 
1927  + 

*Nature  Study  Review  1905:  American  Nature 
Study  Society,  New  York.  1-6;  [7];  8-16; 
[17];  18;  [19] 

Naturwissenschaften ;  Wochenschrift  fur  die 
Fortschritte  der  Reinen  und  der  Angewand- 
ten  Naturwissenschaften  1913:  1  + 
*Naturwissenschaftliche  Rundschau;  Wochent- 
liche  Berichte  iiber  die  Fortschritte  auf  dem 
Gesamtgebiete  der  Naturwissenschaften 
1886:  1-27 

*Naturwissenschaftliche  Wochenschrift  1887: 

Natuurkundige  Verhandelingen  van  de  Hol- 
landsche  Maatschappij  der  Wetenschappen 
1799:  ser.  3,  [1-6];  7-9 

Nauka  Polska  jej  Potrzeby,  Organizacja  i 
Rozwoj  (Science  and  Letters  in  Poland,  their 
needs,  organization  and  progress)  1918:  In- 
stitute for  the  Promotion  of  Science  and 
Letters  in  Poland,  Warsaw.  14 

Naukovi  Zapiski;  Kiivs'kii  Derzhavnii  Uni- 
versitet  (Bulletin  Scientifique;  Universite 
d'Etat  de  Kiev)  1935:  Biologichnii  Zbirnik 
1-2  (n.s.  1,  no.  3;  2,  no.  2);  Khemichnii 
Zbirnik  3-4  (n.s.  3,  no.  3;  4,  no.  2);  Fizichno- 
Matematichnii  Zbirnik  4  (n.s.  4,  no.  5) 

Naunyn-Schmiedebergs  Archiv  fur  Experi- 
mentelle  Pathologie  und  Pharmakologie 
(1-109  as  Archiv  fur  Experimented  Patho- 
logie und  Pharmakologie)  (includes  Ver- 
handlungen  der  Deutschen  Pharmakologi- 
schen  Gesellschaft:  no.  1,  1921,  Tagung  2  + 
in  vol.  92,  1922  +  )  1873:  1  + 

Nautilus;  a  quarterly  journal  devoted  to  the 
interests  of  conchologists  1886:  [3-8];  9  + 

Nautisk-Meteorologisk  Aarbog  (Nautical- 
Meteorological  Annual)  (1913-23  as  Isfor- 
holdene  i  de  Arktiske  Have  samt  Havets 
Overfladetemperatur  i  det  Nordlige  Atlan- 
terhav  og  Davis-Straede,  saertryk  af  Nau- 
tisk-Meteorologisk Aarbog;  the  State  of  the 
Ice  in  the  Arctic  Seas  and  the  Surface  Tem- 

perature of  the  Sea  in  the  Northern  Atlantic- 
Ocean  and  in  Davis-Strait,  special  print  of 
the  Nautical-Meteorological  Annual)  1897: 
Danske  Meteorologiske  Institut,  Copen- 
hagen. 1913-23;  1934  + 

Naval  Medical  Bulletin  see  United  States 
Naval  Medical  Bulletin  for  the  Information 
of  the  Medical  Department  of  the  Navy 

Nederlandsch  Kruidkundig  Archief;  Versla- 
gen  en  Mededeelingen  der  Nederlandsche 
Botanische  Vereeniging  1846:  ser.  1,  [4-5]; 
ser.  2,  1-6;  ser.  3,  1-2;  years  1904  + 
*Nederlandsch  Tijdschrift  voor  de  Dierkunde; 
uitgegeven  door  het  Koninklijk  Zoologisch 
Genootschap  Natura  Artis  Magistra  te  Ams- 
terdam 1863:  1-5,  an.  1 

Nekotorye  Voprosy  Sravnitel'noi  Fiziologii; 
Sbornik  Rabot  Laboratorii  Sravnitel'noi 
Fiziologii  Zhivotnykh  Biologicheskogo  Insti- 
tuta  imeni  K.  A.  Timiriazeva  (Problems  of 
Comparative  Physiology;  Collected  Papers 
of  the  Laboratory  of  Comparative  Physiol- 
ogy of  the  Timiriasev  Biological  Institute) 
1934:  Moscow.  1 

Neue  Schriftenreihe ;  Aus  Deutschen  Zuchten 
1936:  Deutsche  Gesellschaft  fur  Ziichtungs- 
kunde,  e.  B.  Berlin.  1  + 

*Neurologisches  Zentralblatt ;  Uebersicht  der 
Leistungen  auf  dem  Gebiete  der  Anatomic, 
Physiologic,  Pathologie  und  Therapie  des 
Nervensystems  Einschliesslich  der  Geistes- 
krankheiten  1882:  1-40 

*New  England  Farmer;  a  monthly  journal  de- 
voted to  agriculture,  horticulture,  and  their 
kindred  arts  and  sciences  1849:  1-2;  9-11 

New  England  Naturalist  (1-79  as  Bulletin  of 
the  Boston  Society  of  Natural  History; 
80-88  as  Bulletin  of  the  New  England  Mu- 
seum of  Natural  History)  (89+  forms  new 
series  with  the  new  title)  1915:  1  + 
*New  Hampshire  Fish  and  Game  Department; 
Survey  Report  1936:  1-4 

New  Phytologist;  a  British  botanical  journal 
1902:  1  + 

New  York  State  Museum  Bulletin  1892: 
[1-290];  292  + 

New  York  State  Museum  Handbook  1927:  1  + 

New  York  State  Museum  Memoirs  (1-4  as 
Memoirs  of  the  New  York  State  Museum) 
1889:  1-16 

New  York  Zoological  Society  Bulletin  see  Ani- 
mal Kingdom 

New  Zealand  Geological  Survey;  Paleonto- 
logical  Bulletin  1913:  1  + 

New  Zealand  Journal  of  Science  and  Tech- 
nology (20+  in  two  sections:  A.  Agriculture, 
and  B.  General)  1918:  1  + 

'News  Bulletin  of  the  Chicago  Academy  of 
Sciences  1928:  2,  nos.  1,  3-4 



News  Bulletin  of  the  Zoological  Society  see 
Animal  Kingdom 

News  Edition;  American  Chemical  Society  see 

Chemical  and  Engineering  News 
*Niederlandisches  Archiv  fur  Zoologie   1871: 
1-5;  supplement  1 

Norske  Videnskabers  Selskab  Museet  Arsbe- 
retning  1874:  Trondhjem.  1920+ 

Norske  Videnskabers  Selskab  Museet  Old- 
saksamlingens  Tilvekst  1927:  Trondhjem. 
1927  + 

Norske  Videnskabers  Selskabs  Forhandlinger 
1926:  Trondhjem.  1  + 

Norske  Videnskabers  Selskabs  Skrifter  1817: 
Trondhjem.  1920+ 

North  American  Fauna  1889:  Fish  and  Wild- 
life Service,  U.  S.  Department  of  the  Interior 
(formerly  the  Bureau  of  Biological  Survey, 
U.  S.  Department  of  Agriculture).  1  + 

North  American  Flora  1905:  New  York  Bo- 
tanical Garden.  1  + 

Notarisia ;  Commentarium  Phycologicum  1886: 

1-5,  no.  17 

*Notas  Preliminares ;  editadas  pela  redaccao 
da  Revista  do  Museo  Paulista  1914:  Sao 
Paulo.  1 ,  no.  3 

Notas  Preliminares  del  Museo  de  La  Plata; 
Universidad  Nacional  de  La  Plata  1931:  1-3 

Notas  y  Resumenes,  Institute  Espanol  de 
Oceanografia:  Madrid,  ser.  2,  1-93;  96-106 

Note;  Institut  Oceanographique  de  1'Indo- 
chine;  Station  Maritime  de  Cauda  1926: 
Gouvernement  General  de  1'Indochine.  1  + 

Note  dell'Istituto  Italo-Germanico  di  Biologia 
Marina  di  Rovigno  d'Istria  (Notizen  des 
Deutsch-Italienischen  Institutes  fur  Meer- 
esbiologie  in  Rovigno  d'Istria)  1932:  1  + 

Notes;  Station  Oceanographique  de  Sa- 
lammbo;  Regence  de  Tunis  1925:  1  + 

Notes  and  Memoirs;  Hydrobiology  and  Fish- 
eries; Fouad  I  Institute;  Ministry  of  Com- 
merce and  Industry  (formerly  Coastguards 
and  Fisheries  Service,  Ministry  of  Finance) 
1933:  Egypt.  1  + 

Notes  et  Rapports;  Office  Scientifique  et  Tech- 
nique des  Peches  Maritimes  (1-47  as  Notes 
et  Memoires)  1920:  1;  3-4;  7;  10-13;  16  + 
*Notice    to    Mariners;    United    States    Coast 
Guard:  1925-42,  no.  22 

Notice  to  Mariners;  United  States  Hydro- 
graphic  Office:  United  States  Navy  Depart- 
ment. 1931  + 

Notizblatt  des  Konigl.  Botanischen  Gartens 
und  Museums  zu  Berlin-Dahlem  (Post 
Steglitz)  sowie  der  Botanischen  Zentral- 
stelle  fur  die  Deutschen  Kolonieen  1895: 

Notizen  des  Deutsch-Italienischen  Institutes 
fur  Meeresbiologie  in  Rovigno  d'Istria  see 

Note  dell'Istituto  Italo-Germanico  di  Bio- 
logia Marina  di  Rovigno  d'Istria 

Notulae  Naturae  of  the  Academy  of  Natural 
Sciences  of  Philadelphia  1939:  1  + 

Notulae  Systematicae  ex  Institute  Cryptoga- 
mico  Horti  Botanici  Petropolitani  see  Bo- 
tanicheskie  Materialy  Instituta  Sporovykh 
Rastenii  Glavnogo  Botanicheskogo  Sada 

Nouveaux  Memoires  de  la  Societe  des  Natu- 
ralistes  de  Moscou  (Novye  Memuary  Mo- 
skovskogo  Obshchestva  Ispytatelei  Prirody) 
(1-6  as  Memoires  de  la  Societe  des  Natu- 
ralistes  de  Moscou)  1806:  19-20 

Nouvelles  Archives  du  Museum  d'Histoire 
Naturelle  de  Paris  1865:  ser.  1-5 

Nouvelles  Archives  Italiennes  de  Biologic  see 
Revue  des  Archives  Italiennes  de  Biologic 

Nova  Acta  Leopoldina;  Abhandlungen  der 
K.  Leopoldinisch-Carolinischen  Deutschen 
Akademie  der  Naturforscher  1757:  20-110; 
n.s.  1-6 

Nova    Acta    Regiae    Societatis    Scientiarum 
Upsaliensis  1773:  K.  Vetenskaps-Societeten. 
ser.  3:  [1-2];  4;  [6-17];  18;  ser.  4:  1  + 
*Nuova   Notarisia;   rassegna   consacrata   allo 
studio  delle  algae  1890:  De  Toni.  1-36 

Nytt  Magazin  for  Naturvidenskapene  (29-74 
as  Nyt  Magazin  for  Naturvidenskaberne) 
1836:  Oslo.  29-30;  31  + 

Oberlin  College  Laboratory  Bulletin  1893:  2; 
5;  9;  13-14;  16-17;  20-31;  33-38;  40;  42-43; 

*Occasional  Memoirs  of  the  Chicago  Entomo- 
logical Society  1900:  1,  no.  1 

Occasional  Papers;  Bernice  Pauahi  Bishop 
Museum  of  Polynesian  Ethnology  and  Nat- 
ural History  (1-8  as  Occasional  Papers  of 
the)  1898:  1  + 

Occasional  Papers;  San  Diego  Society  of  Nat- 
ural History  1936:  1  + 

*Occasional  Papers  of  the  Bingham  Oceanog- 
raphic  Collection  1927:  Peabody  Museum  of 
Natural  History,  Yale  University.  1-3 

Occasional  Papers  of  the  Boston  Society  of 
Natural  History  1869:  1  + 

Occasional  Papers  of  the  California  Academy 
of  Sciences  1890:  1  + 

Occasional  Papers  of  the  Museum  of  Zoology; 

University  of  Michigan  1913:  1  + 
*Occasional  Papers  of  the  Natural  History  So- 
ciety of  Wisconsin  1889:  1-3 
*Occasional  Papers  of  the  New  York  Academy 
of  Sciences  1913:  1-2 

Occasional  Publications  of  the  American  As- 
sociation for  the  Advancement  of  Science 
see  Science;  Supplement 

*Ofversigt  af  Finska  Vetenskaps-Societetens 
Forhandlingar  (51  +  in  3  series)  1838:  1-50; 



series  A.  Matematik  och  Naturvetenskaper 

Ofversigt  af  K.  Vetenskapsakademiens  For- 
handlingar  1844:  Stockholm.  [27-29];  30; 
38;  40-57;  [58];  59 

Ohio  Biological  Survey  Bulletin  1913:  Ohio 
State  University.  1  + 

Ohio  Journal  of  Science  (1-15  as  Ohio  Nat- 
uralist) 1900:  official  organ  of  the  Ohio  State 
University  and  the  Ohio  Academy  of  Sci- 
ences. 1-37 

Ohio  Mycological  Bulletin  see  Mycological 

Okajimas  Folia  Anatomica  Japonica  (1-14, 
heft  2  as  Folia  Anatomica  Japonica)  1922: 

*Onderzoekingen,  gedaan  in  het  Physiologisch 
Laboratorium  der  Universiteit  te  Leiden 
(ser.  1,  1—3  as  Onderzoekingen  gedaan  in 
het  Physiologisch  Laboratorium  der  Leid- 
sche  Hoogeschool)  1869:  1-6;  ser.  2,  1-10 

Onderzoekingen  verricht  in  het  Zoologisch 
Laboratorium  der  Rijksuniversiteit  Gronin- 
gen  1909:  1;  4 

Opredeliteli  po  Faune  SSSR  see  Tableaux 
Analytiques  de  la  Faune  de  1'URSS 

Organic  Syntheses;  an  annual  publication  of 
satisfactory  methods  for  the  preparations  of 
organic  chemicals  1921:  New  York.  1  + 

Osiris  1935:  Belgium.  2 

Osterreichische  Botanische  Zeitschrift  (1-7  as 
Osterreichisches  Botanisches  Wochenblatt) 
1851:  1-3;  6;  8  + 

*Ottawa  Field- Naturalists'  Club;  Transactions 
1879:  1-2 

Ottawa  Naturalist  see  Canadian  Field-Nat- 

Oversigt  over  det  K.  Danske  Videnskabernes 
Selskabs  Forhandlinger  see  Bulletin  de 
1'Academie  Royale  des  Sciences  et  des  Let- 
tres  de  Danemark 

Palao  Tropical  Biological  Station  Studies  1937: 
Japan  Society  for  the  Promotion  of  Scien- 
tific Research,  Tokyo.  1  + 

Papeis  Avulsos  do  Departamento  de  Zoologia 
1941:  Sao  Paulo.  1  + 

Papers  and  Proceedings  of  the  Royal  Society 
of  Tasmania  (1-3,  pt.  1  as  Papers  and  Pro- 
ceedings of  the  Royal  Society  of  Van  Die- 
men's  Land;  3,  pt.  2  as  Papers  and  Proceed- 
ings of  the  Royal  Society  of  Tasmania; 
1863-74  as  Monthly  Notices  of  Papers  and 
Proceedings  of  the  Royal  Society  of  Tas- 
mania; 1875-81  as  Papers  and  Proceedings 
and  Report  of  the  Royal  Society  of  Tas- 
mania) 1849:  1-3,  pt.  2;  1864;  1866-78; 

Papers  from  the  Department  of  Marine  Biol- 

ogy of  the  Carnegie  Institution  of  Washing- 
ton see  Carnegie  Institution  of  Washington 
Publications,  Classified  List 

Papers  from  the  Station  for  Experimental  Evo- 
lution, Carnegie  Institution  see  Carnegie  In- 
stitution of  Washington  Publications,  Classi- 
fied List 

Papers  from  the  Tortugas  Laboratory,  De- 
partment of  Marine  Biology  of  the  Carnegie 
Institution  of  Washington  see  Carnegie  In- 
stitution of  Washington  Publications,  Classi- 
fied List 

Papers  in  Physical  Oceanography  and  Mete- 
orology (1  as  Massachusetts  Institute  of 
Technology  Meteorological  Papers)  1930: 
Massachusetts  Institute  of  Technology  and 
Woods  Hole  Oceanographic  Institution.  1  + 

Papers  of  the  Michigan  Academy  of  Science, 
Arts  and  Letters  1921:  1  + 

Papers  on  Animal  Morphology  see  Zbirnik 
Prats  z  Morfologii  Tvarin 

Parasitology  1908:  Cambridge,  England.  1  + 
*Parergones  del  Institute  Geologico  de  Mexico 
1903:  Secretaria  de  Fomento,  Colonizacion 
e  Industria.  3-5 

Park  Museum  Bulletin  1909:  Providence,  R.  I. 

Park  Museum  Memoirs  1921:  Providence, 
R.  I.  1 

Pathologica;  Rivista  M  ensile  1908:  1  + 

Peking  Natural  History  Bulletin  (1-4  as  Pek- 
ing Society  of  Natural  History  Bulletin) 
1926:  1  + 

Pennsylvania  State  College  Studies  1936:  1  + 
*People;  a  magazine  for  all  the  people  1931: 
American  Eugenics  Society.  1,  no.  1 

Petermanns  Geographische  Mitteilungen  (also 
known  as  Petermanns  Mitteilungen)  1855: 
1-59;  83  + 

Pfliigers  Archiv  fur  die  Gesamte  Physiologic 
des  Menschen  und  der  Tiere  (1-131  as 
Archiv  fur  die  Gesamte  Physiologic,  des 
Menschen  und  der  Tiere)  1868:  1  + 

Pharmaceutical  Journal  1841:  Pharmaceutical 

Society  of  Great  Britain.  146+ 
"Pharmaceutical  Record  1881:  8-11 

Pharmaceutisches  Central-Blatt  see  Chemi- 
sches  Zentralblatt 

Philippine  Journal  of  Science  1906:  1;  [2-3]; 
4-5;  [6-7];  8;  [9];  10-11;  [12-13];  14  + 

Philosophical  Magazine  and  Journal  of  Science 
(London,  Edinburgh  and  Dublin  Philosophi- 
cal Magazine  and  Journal  of  Science)  1798: 
1  + 

Philosophical  Review  1892:  New  York.  42  + 

Philosophical  Transactions  of  the  Royal  So- 
ciety of  London  1665:  1-177;  Series  A. 
Mathematical  and  Physical  Sciences  178+; 
Series  B.  Biological  Sciences  178  + 



Philosophy  (the  Journal  of  the  British  Insti- 
tute of  Philosophy)  (1-6,  no.  21  as  Journal 
of  Philosophical  Studies)  1926:  1  + 

Philosophy  of  Science  1934:  Baltimore.  1  + 

Photographic  Journal;  including  Transactions 
of  the  Royal  Photographic  Society  of  Great 
Britain  1853:  66-70 

Physica  (series  4A  of  the  Archives  Neerlan- 
daises  des  Sciences  Exactes  et  Naturelles) 
1933:  1,  no.  1;  2,  no.  1 

Physical  Review  1893:  American  Physical  So- 
ciety. 1  + 

Physical  Review  Supplement  see  Review  (s) 
of  Modern  Physics 

Physics  see  Journal  of  Applied  Physics 

Physics  Abstracts  being  Science  Abstracts 
Section  A  (1-43  as  Science  Abstracts)  1898: 
London.  1  + 

Physics  of  the  Earth ;  a  series  of  related  mono- 
graphs prepared  under  the  direction  of  vari- 
ous committees  of  the  National  Research 
Council  (1-6  see  in  Bulletin  of  the  National 
Research  Council)  1931:  1  + 
*Physikalisch-Chemisches  Zentralblatt  1904: 

Physikalische  Zeitschrift;  Vereinigt  mit  dem 
Jahrbuch  der  Radioaktivitat  und  Elektronik 
1899:  1  + 

*Physiological    Abstracts    1916:    Physiological 
Society  of  Great  Britain  and  Ireland,  with 
cooperation  of  American  Physiological  So- 
ciety. 1-22 
*Physiological  Researches  1913:  1-2 

Physiological  Reviews  1921 :  American  Physio- 
logical Society.  1-f- 

Physiological  Zoology;  a  quarterly  journal  of 
zoological  research  1928:  1  + 

*Phytologist;  a  botanical  journal  (o.s.  1-5  with 
subtitle;  a  popular  botanical  miscellany) 
1841:  London.  1-5;  n.s.  1-6 

Phytopathology;  official  organ  of  the  American 
Phytopathological  Society  1911:  1  + 

Plant  Physiology  1926:  American  Society  of 
Plant  Physiology.  1  + 

*Plant  Science  Literature;  selected  references 
1934:  compiled  by  the  library  staff  of  the 
Bureau  of  Plant  Industry  from  publications 
received  in  the  U.  S.  Department  of  Agri- 
culture. 1-15 

*Plant  World;  a  journal  of  general  botany  1897: 
1-21; [22] 

Planta;  Archiv  fiir  Wissenschaftliche  Botanik 
(1-20  also  as  Zeitschrift  fiir  Wissenschaft- 
liche Biologie  Abt.  E)  1925:  1  + 

Planta  Polonica;  Materijaly  do  Flory  Polski  i 
Krajow  Sasiednich;  wydawane  przez  Towar- 
zystwo  Naukowe  Warszawskie  (Contribu- 
tions a  la  Flore  de  la  Pologne  et  des  Pays 
Limitrophes;  edition  de  la  Societe  des 

Sciences  et  des  Lettres  de  Varsovie)  1930: 
1-7,  no.  2 

Poggendorff ' s  Annalen  der  Physik  see  Annalen 
der  Physik 

Pokusna  Stanica  za  Ribnjacarstvo  Crna 
Mlaka;  Zavod  za  Primijenjenu  Zoologiju, 
Zagreb:  1928-30 

Pomona  College  Journal  of  Entomology  see 
Journal  of  Entomology  and  Zoology 

Pontificia  Academia  Scientiarum ;  Acta  1937: 
1 ;  4,  nos.  1-5 

Pontificia  Academia  Scientiarum ;  Commenta- 
tiones  1937:  1;  3,  no.  13;  4,  nos.  1-2 

Popular  Science  Monthly  1872:  1-87;  Supple- 
ment 1-18;  n.s.  1 

Porto  Rico  Review  of  Public  Health  and  Tropi- 
cal Medicine  see  Puerto  Rico  Journal  of 
Public  Health  and  Tropical  Medicine 
*Prace  Geofizyczne  (Etudes  Geophysiques) 
(1-6  as  Prace  Meteorologiczne  i  Hydro- 
graficzne)  1924:  Towarzystwo  Geofizykow 
w  Warszawie  (Societe  Geophysique  de  Var- 
sovie). 2-4;  6-10 

Prace  Instytutu  im.  Nenckiego  (Travaux  de 
1'Institut  Nencki)  1921:  Towarzystwo  Nau- 
kowe Warszawskie  (Societe  des  Sciences 
et  des  Lettres  a  Varsovie).  1;  [2];  3-14 

Prace  Moravske  Prirodovedecke  Spolecnosti 
(Acta  Societatis  Scientiarum  Naturalium 
Moravicae)  1924:  Brno,  Ceskoslovensko. 

Prace  Naukowe  Uniwersitetu  Paristwowego 
na  Bialorusi  see  Trudy  Belorusskogo  Gosu- 
darstven.  Universiteta 

Prace  Paristwowego  Instytutu  Meteorologicz- 
nego  (Memorial  de  1'Institut  National  Me- 
teorologique  de  Pologne)  1930:  Warsaw.  1  4- 

Prace  z  Pracowni  Neurobiologicznej  1916: 
Towarzystwa  Naukowego  Warszawskiego, 
III.  Wydziat  nauk  Matematycznych  i  Przy- 
rodniczych.  1 

Prace  Zoologiczne  Polskiego  Paristwowego 
Muzeum  Pryzrodniczego  see  Annales  Musei 
Zoologici  Polonici 

*Practical  Entomologist  1865:  The  Entomologi- 
cal Society  of  Philadelphia.  1-2 

Pratsi  Naukovo-Doslidnogo  Institutu  Biologii 
(Travaux  de  1'Institut  de  Recherches  Scien- 
tifiques  de  Biologie):  Universite  d'Etat  de 
Kiev.  2  (1939)4-^ 

Preslia;  Vestnik  Ceskoslovenske  Botanicke 
Spolecnosti  (Bulletin  de  la  Societe  Botanique 
Tchecoslovaque  a  Prague)  (Reports  of  the 
Czechoslovak  Botanical  Society  of  Prague) 
1921:  10-12 

Presse  Medicale;  Journal  Bi-Hebdomadaire 
1893:  34-36 

*Preussisches  Meteorologisches  Institut  Ab- 
handlungen  1888:  [4-5];  8-10,  no.  6 



Pringsheims  Jahrbiicher  fur  Wissenschaft- 
liche  Botanik  see  Jahrbiicher  fiir  Wissen- 
schaftliche  Botanik 

Problemes  Biologiques;  collection  de  mono- 
graphies  publiee  sous  le  patronage  du  Co- 
mite  Technique  des  Sciences  Naturelles 
des  Presses  Universitaires  de  France  1925: 
1-19;  21 

Problems  of  Comparative  Physiology;  col- 
lected papers  of  the  Laboratory  of  Com- 
parative Physiology  of  the  Timiriasev  Bio- 
logical Institute  see  Nekotorye  Yoprosy 
Sravnitel'noi  Fiziologii 

Proceedings;  Hawaiian  Academy  of  Science 
see  Special  Publications;  Bernice  P.  Bishop 

Proceedings;  Industrial  Statistics  Conference 
1938:  1st  (Cambridge,  Mass.) 

Proceedings;  North  American  Council  on 
Fishery  Investigations  1921:  Ottawa.  1-2 

Federation  Proceedings;  published  quarterly 
by  the  Federation  of  American  Societies  for 
Experimental  Biology  1942:  1  + 

Proceedings  and  Transactions  of  the  Liver- 
pool Biological  Society  (7+  includes  Report 
on  the  Lancashire  Sea  Fisheries  Labora- 
tory) 1886:  2  + 

*Proceedings  and  Transactions  of  the  Natural 
History  Society  of  Glasgow  1851 :  ser.  2,  1-5 ; 
ser.  3,  1-8 

Proceedings  and  Transactions  of  the  Nova 
Scotian  Institute  of  Science  1863:  [2];  [4-7]; 
8  + 

Proceedings  and  Transactions  of  the  Royal 
Society  of  Canada  see  Transactions  of  the 
Royal  Society  of  Canada 

Proceedings  (of)  International  Congresses  see 
International  .  .  . 

Proceedings  of  Scientific  Societies  1876-97 
(abstracts  of)  see  in  American  Naturalist 
10-31,  1876-97 

Proceedings  of  the  Academy  of  Natural 
Sciences  of  Philadelphia  1841:  1  + 

Proceedings  of  the  American  Academy  of  Arts 
and  Sciences  1846:  1  + 

Proceedings  of  the  American  Association  for 
the  Advancement  of  Science  (beginning  with 
the  50th  meeting,  August  1901,  addresses 
and  summaries  of  papers  are  given  in  Science 
n.s.  14,  1901+)  1848:  1  + 

*Proceedings  of  the  American  Chemical  So- 
ciety 1876:  1-2  (1879-1937)  see  in  Journal 
of  the  American  Chemical  Society;  1938  + 
see  in  Chemical  and  Engineering  News 

Proceedings  of  the  American  Institute  of  Nu- 
trition 1934:  1-8,  1934-41  see  in  Journal  of 
Nutrition  7-21,  1934-41;  9,  1942  +  see  in 
Federation  Proceedings  1,  1942  + 

Proceedings  of  the  American  Microscopical 

Society  see  Transactions  of  the  American 
Microscopical  Society 

Proceedings  of  the  American  Philosophical 
Association  6,  1932+  see  in  Philosophical 
Review  42,  1933  + 

Proceedings  of  the  American  Philosophical 
Society  (early  Proceedings  1744-1837  con- 
tained in  22,  1885)  1838:^1-7];  8+ 

Proceedings  of  the  American  Physiological 
Society:  10-53,  1897-1941  see  in  American 
Journal  of  Physiology  1-133,  1898-1941; 
54,  1942+  see  in  Federation  Proceedings  1, 
1942  + 

Proceedings  of  the  American  Scientific  Con- 
gress (5th  as  Proceedings  of  the  Pan  Ameri- 
can Scientific  Congress)  1898:  5;  8 

Proceedings  of  the  American  Society  for  Clini- 
cal Investigation:  17,  1925+  see  in  Journal 
of  Clinical  Investigation  1,  1924-25  + 

Proceedings  of  the  American  Society  for  Ex- 
perimental Pathology:  14-27,  1927-40  see  in 
Archives  of  Pathology  4-29,  1927-40;  30, 
1942+  see  in  Federation  Proceedings  1, 
1942  + 

Proceedings  of  the  American  Society  for 
Pharmacology  and  Experimental  Therapeu- 
tics 1909:  1-32,  1909-41  see  in  Journal  of 
Pharmacology  and  Experimental  Therapeu- 
tics 1-72,  1909-41;  33,  1942+  see  in  Federa- 
tion Proceedings  1,  1942  + 

Proceedings  of  the  American  Society  of  Bio- 
logical Chemists  1907:  1-35,  1907-41  see  in 
Journal  of  Biological  Chemistry  3-140, 
1907-41;  36,  1942+  see  in  Federation  Pro- 
ceedings 1,  1942  + 

Proceedings  of  the  American  Society  of  Zoolo- 
gists (formerly  American  Morphological  So- 
ciety) 1904:  1-13,  1 904-1 6  see  in  Science  19- 
43,  1904-16;  14,  1916+  see  in  Anatomical 
Record  11,  1916  + 

Proceedings  of  the  Anatomical  Society  of 
Great  Britain  and  Ireland  1888:  1+  see  in 
Journal  of  Anatomy  22,  1888  + 

Proceedings  of  the  Annual  Congress  on  Med- 
ical Education,  Medical  Licensure  and  Hos- 
pitals 1905:  American  Medical  Association. 
1906-07;  1910;  1913-15;  1917;  1919-25; 
1927;  1929-31 

*Proceedings  of  the  Annual  Meeting  of  the  As- 
sociation of  American  Medical  Colleges 
1891:  32-34 

Proceedings  of  the  Association  of  American 
Anatomists  1888:  1-14,  1888-1900;  15-20, 
1901-05  see  with  American  Journal  of  Anat- 
omy 1-5,  1901-06;  21,  1906+  see  in  Ana- 
tomical Record  1,  1906+ 

Proceedings  of  the  Association  of  Economic 
Biologists:  1919+  see  in  Annals  of  Applied 
Biology  6,  1919  + 



Proceedings  of  the  Association  of  Physicians 
of  Great  Britain  and  Ireland  1907:  1  +  see  in 
Quarterly  Journal  of  Medicine  1,  1907  + 

Proceedings  of  the  Biological  Society  of  Wash- 
ington 1880:  1  + 

Proceedings  of  the  Boston  Society  of  Natural 
History  1844:  1  + 

Proceedings  of  the  Bristol  Naturalists'  So- 
ciety 1863:  ser.  3,  [5-9] 

Proceedings  of  the  California  Academy  of 
Sciences  (with  this  Academy  News  Letter, 
1940:  7  +  )  1854:  1  + 

Proceedings  of  the  Cambridge  Philosophical 
Society  1843:  3  + 

Proceedings  of  the  Cambridge  Philosophical 
Society;  Biological  Sciences  see  Biological 
Reviews  of  the  Cambridge  Philosophical 

Proceedings  of  the  Ceylon  Natural  History 
Society  1912:  1+  see  in  Spolia  Zeylanica  8, 
1913  + 

Proceedings  of  the  Chemical  Society:  no.  16, 
1885+  see  with  Journal  of  the  Chemical 

*Proceedings   of   the    Cleveland   Academy   of 
Natural  Sciences  1845:  1845-59 

Proceedings  of  the  Colorado  Scientific  So- 
ciety see  Colorado  Scientific  Society  Pro- 

Proceedings  of  the  Congress  of  the  Zoologists, 
Anatomists  and  Histologists,  of  the  Union 
of  SSR  see  Trudy  Vsesoiuznogo  S'ezda  Zoo- 
logov,  Anatomov  i  Gistologov 

Proceedings  of  the   Davenport  Academy  of 

Sciences  1867:  1-7;  10;  [12] 
*Proceedings  of  the  Elliott  Society  of  Natural 
History  of  Charleston,  South  Carolina  1 853 : 1 
*Proceedings  of  the  Entomological  Society  of 

Philadelphia  1861:  1-6 

*Proceedings  of  the  Essex  Institute  1848:  Sa- 
lem, Massachusetts.  4-6 

Proceedings  of  the  Genetics  Society  of  Amer- 
ica 1932:  1+  see  in  Records  of  the  Genetics 
Society  of  America  2,  1933  + 

Proceedings  of  the  Geological  Society  of 
America  1888:  54  + 

Proceedings  of  the  Helminthological  Society 
of  Washington  (1911-13  see  in  Science  33- 
37;  1914-33  see  in  Journal  of  Parasitology 
1-20)  1934:  1  + 

Proceedings  of  the  Hydrological  Congress  of 
U.S.S.R.  see  Trudy  YsesoiTiznogo  Gidrologi- 
cheskogo  S'ezda 

Proceedings  of  the  Imperial  Academy;  Japan 
1912:  2  + 

Proceedings  of  the  Indian  Academy  of  Sci- 
ences; Sections  A  and  B  1934:  1  + 

Proceedings  of  the  Indian  Association  for  the 
Cultivation  of  Science  see  Indian  Journal 

of  Physics  and   Proceedings  o'f  the  Indian 
Association  for  the  Cultivation  of  Science 

Proceedings  of  the  Indiana  Academy  of  Sci- 
ences 1891:  1-44 

Proceedings  of  the  International  Congress  for 
Applied  Mechanics:  1  (1924);  2  (1926);  3 

Proceedings  of  the  International  Congress  of 
Photography  1889:  7  (1928)  (London) 

Proceedings  of  the  Iowa  Academy  of  Sciences 
1887:  1-37 

Proceedings  of  the  Japanese  Pharmacological 
Society:  3,  1929+  see  in  Japanese  Journal  of 
Medical  Sciences;  IV.  Pharmacology  4, 

Proceedings  of  the  Japanese  Physiological  So- 
ciety: 1927+  see  in  Japanese  Journal  of 
Medical  Sciences;  III.  Biophysics  1,  1927  + 

Proceedings  of  the  Kossino  Limnological  Sta- 
tion of  the  Hydrometeorological  Service  of 
USSR  see  Trudy  Limnologicheskoi  Stantsii 
v  Kosine 

Proceedings  of  the  Linnean  Society,  London 
1838:  1  + 

Proceedings  of  the  Linnean  Society  of  New 
South  Wales  (11-20  also  numbered  ser.  2, 
1-10)  1876:  1  + 

*Proceedings  of  the  Los  Angeles  Zoological  So- 
ciety 1912:  1,  no.  1 

Proceedings  of  the  National  Academy  of  Sci- 
ences (abstracts  of  the  papers  presented  at 
the  annual  meetings  are  published  in  Sci- 
ence) *1,  pt.  1-3,  1863-94;  1915:  1  + 

Proceedings  of  the  National  Academy  of  Sci- 
ences; India  (1-3  as  Bulletin  of  the  Acad- 
emy of  Sciences  of  the  United  Provinces  of 
Agra  and  Oudh  Allahabad;  4-5  as  Proceed- 
ings of  the  Academy  etc.)  1931:  Allahabad. 
1  + 

Proceedings  of  the  National  Institute  of  Sci- 
ences of  India  1935:  1  + 

*Proceedings  of  the  Natural  History  Society  of 
Wisconsin  (1889+  see  in  Bulletin  of  the 
Wisconsin  Natural  History  Society)  1884: 

Proceedings  of  the  New  England  Zoological 

Club  1899:  Cambridge,  Mass.  [1-15] 
*Proceedings  of  the  Newport  Natural  History 
Society  1883:  4-6;  8-9 

Proceedings  of  the  Northern  Association  for 
Medical  Radiology:  1932+  see  in  Acta  Ra- 
diologica  13,  1932  + 

*Proceedings  of  the  Ohio  Academy  of  Science 
1892:  4-8  (includes  12th-40th  meetings) 
(41st,  1931+  see  in  Ohio  Journal  of  Science 
32,  1932  +  ) 

Proceedings  of  the  Oklahoma  Academy  of 
Science  1910:  1-12;  15;  17  + 



"Proceedings  of  the  Optical  Convention  1005: 

London.  1—3 

Proceedings  of  the  Pacific  Science  Congress 
of  the  Pacific  Science  Association  (3rd  as 
Proceedings  of  the  Pan  Pacific  Science  Con- 
gress) 1920:  3-6 

Proceedings  of  the  Pan  American  Scientific 
Congress  see  Proceedings  of  the  American 
Scientific  Congress 

Proceedings  of  the  Pathological  Society  of 
Great  Britain  and  Ireland:  1906+  see  in 
Journal  of  Pathology  and  Bacteriology  12, 
1907  + 

Proceedings  of  the  Perthshire  Society  of  Nat- 
ural Science  see  Transactions  and  Proceed- 
ings of  the  Perthshire  Society  of  Natural 

Proceedings  of  the  Physical  Society  of  Lon- 
don (45+  contains  Transactions  of  the 
Optical  Society  1933  +  )  1874:  1  + 

Proceedings  of  the  Physico-Chemical  Sym- 
posium on  Photochemical  Reactions  1 1 , 
1935  see  in  Acta  Physicochimica  U.R.S.S. 
3,  1935 

Proceedings  of  the  Physiological  Society: 
1883+  see  in  Journal  of  Physiology  4, 
1883  + 

Proceedings  of  the  Portland  Society  of  Nat- 
ural History  1862:  Maine.  1;  [2] 

Proceedings  of  the  Rochester  Academy  of 
Sciences  1889:  1  + 

Proceedings  of  the  Royal  Canadian  Institute 
1879:  1  + 

Proceedings  of  the  Royal  Entomological  So- 
ciety of  London  (1871-85  see  in  Entomolo- 
gist's Monthly  Magazine  8-22)  series  A. 
General  Entomology  1926:  16+  series  B. 
Taxonomy  1926:  10  + 

*Proceedings  of  the  Royal  Geographical  So- 
ciety of  London  1855:  [1];  2-n.s.  14 

Proceedings  of  the  Royal  Institution  of  Great 
Britain  1851:  1  + 

Proceedings  of  the  Royal  Irish  Academy  1836: 
1  + 

Proceedings  of  the  Royal  Philosophical  So- 
ciety of  Glasgow  1841:  30-34;  37-43;  45 

Proceedings  of  the  Royal  Physiographic  So- 
ciety at  Lund  see  (Kungl.)  Fysiografiska 
Sallskapets  i  Lund;  Forhandlingar 

Proceedings  of  the  Royal  Society  of  Edin- 
burgh 1832:  8  + 

Proceedings  of  the  Royal  Society  of  London 
1800:  1-75;  series  A.  Mathematical  and 
Physical  Sciences  1905:  76+  ;  series  B.  Bio- 
logical Sciences  1905:  76+ 

Proceedings  of  the  Royal  Society  of  Medicine 
1907:  1  + 

Proceedings  of  the  Royal  Society  of  Victoria 
1854:  n.s.  1  + 

Proceedings  of  the  Royal  Zoological  Society  of 
New  South  Wales  (191 4-32  see  in  Australian 
Zoologist  1-7)  1933:  1933  + 

Proceedings  of  the  Section  of  Sciences  (a 
translation  of  the  "Verslagen");  K.  Neder- 
landsch  Akademie  van  Wetenschappen  for- 
merly K.  Akademie  van  Wetenschappen  te 
Amsterdam)  1898:  1  + 

Proceedings  of  the  Society  for  Experimental 
Biology  and  Medicine  1903:  1  + 

Proceedings  of  the  Society  of  American  Bac- 
teriologists: 18-26,  1916-24  see  in  Abstracts 
of  Bacteriology  1-9,  1917-25;  27,  1925  + 
see  in  Journal  of  Bacteriology  11,  1926  + 

Proceedings  of  the  Sungaree  River  Biological 
Station  see  Trudy  Sungariiskoi  Rechnoi  Bio- 
logicheskoi  Stantsii 

Proceedings  of  the  United  States  National 
Museum  1878:  Smithsonian  Institution.  1  + 

Proceedings  of  the  U.S.S.R.  Congress  of 
Genetics,  Plant-  and  Animal-Breeding  see 
Trudy  Vsesofuznogo  S'ezda  po  Genetike, 
Selektsii,  Semenovodstvu  i  Plemennomu 

"Proceedings  of  the  Washington  Academy  of 
Sciences  1899:  1-13 

Proceedings  of  the  Zoological  Society  of  Lon- 
don (107-108,  1937-38  in  three  series:  ser. 
A.  General  and  Experimental;  ser.  B.  Sys- 
tematic and  Morphological;  ser.  *C.  Ab- 
stracts) 1830:  1  + 

Proceedings  of  the  Zoological  Society  of  Lon- 
don; Agenda  and  Abstracts  of  the  Scientific 
Meetings  1939:*  1-10 

Proces  Verbaux  des  Sciences;  Congres  de 
Chimie  Biologique  (1-3  as  Journees  de 
Chimie  Biologique)  1927:  1+  see  in  Bulletin 
de  la  Societe  de  Chimie  Biologique  9  + 

Program  of  Activities  of  the  Chicago  Academy 

of  Sciences  1930:  2-6,  no.  4;  7,  nos.  2-4 
Progress  Reports  of  Atlantic  Biological  Sta- 
tion, St.  Andrews,  N.  B.  and  Fisheries  Ex- 
perimental Station  (Atlantic)  Halifax,  N.  S. 
1931:  Biological  Board  of  Canada.  1  + 
Progress  Reports  of  the  Pacific  Coast  Stations ; 
Pacific  Biological  Station,  Nanaimo,  B.  C. 
and  Pacific  Fisheries  Experimental  Station, 
Prince  Rupert,  B.   C.    1929:   Fisheries   Re- 
search Board  of  Canada,  Nanaimo.  1  + 

*Progressus  Rei  Botanicae;  Association  Inter- 
nationale des  Botanistes  1907:  1-5 
Protokoly  Obshchestva  Estestvoispytatelei  pri 
Imperatorskom  lur'evskom  Universitete  see 
Tartu  Ulikooli  juures  oleva  Loodusuurijate 
Seltsi  Aruanded 

Protoplasma;    Internationale    Zeitschrift    fiir 
Physikalische    Chemie    des    Protoplasten 
1926:  1  + 
Protoplasma-Monographien  1928:  1  + 



Protozoology  see  Journal  of  Helminthology; 

Psyche;  a.  journal  of  entomology  1874:  1-10; 

12;  14+ 

*Psychobiology ;  edited  by  Knight  Dunlap 
1917:  1-2 

Psychological  Bulletin;  Literary  Section  of  the 
Psychological  Review  1904:  1-3;  [4];  5-10; 
[13];  [15];  [19] 

Psychological  Monographs  (1-8  as  Mono- 
graph Supplements)  1895:  8;  15-18;  29;  33- 
34;  66;  69 

Psychological  Review  1894:  [1-4];  5-14;  [15]; 
16-28;  [29];  30-31;  [32]  + 

Psychometrika ;   Supplement  see   Bulletin   of 

Mathematical  Biophysics 

*Pubblicazioni  del  R.  Institute  di  Studi  Super- 
ior! Practici  e  di  Perfezionamento  in  Fir- 
enze;  Sezione  di  Scienze  Fisiche  e  Naturali 
1877:  1-4;  6-7;  11-16;  Sezione  di  Medicine 
e  Chirurgia  1876:  21-22 

Pubblicazioni  della  Stazione  Zoologica  di  Na- 

poli  1916:  1  + 

*Pubblicazioni  della  Stazione  Zoologica  di  Na- 
poli;  Ricerche  di  Fisiologia  e  di  Chimica 
Biologica  1919:  1 

Public  Health  Bulletin  1881:  U.  S.  Public 
Health  Service.  [19-267] 

Public  Health  Reports  issued  weekly  by  the 
United  States  Public  Health  Service  1886: 
15;  16,  pt.  1;  18;  20-25;  [26];  27-33;  [34]; 
35+;  Supplements  29;  52;  54-55;  61;  66; 
69;  71;  74;  78;  82;  86;  89;  92-95;  138 

Publicaciones  de  la  Junta  de  Ciencies  Natu- 
rals de  Barcelona,  Musei  Barcinonensis 
Scientiarum  Naturalium  Opera  1917:  series 
Biologico-Oceanografia  1 ;  series  Botanica 
1-2;  series  Zoologica  1-7;  11 

*Publications ;  Faculty  of  Medicine;  Egyptian 
University  1931:  12  (1937) 

Publications;  Faculty  of  Science;  Fouad  I 
University  (formerly  Egyptian  University) 
1932:  1;  3  + 

'"Publications;  Puget  Sound  Biological  Station; 
University  of  Washington  (1  as  Puget  Sound 
Marine  Station  Publications)  1915:  1-7 

Publications;  Rockefeller  Foundation;  Inter- 
national Health  Board  (2  International 
Health  Commission)  1914:  2;  7-11 

*Publications ;  Rockefeller  Sanitary  Commis- 
sion for  the  Eradication  of  Hookworm  Dis- 
ease 1910:  1-3;  5-9 

Publications  Biologiques  de  1'Ecole  des  Hautes 
Etudes  Veterinaires ;  Brno  see  Biologicke 
Spisy  Vysoke"  Skoly  Zverole"karske 

''Publications  de  Circonstance ;  Conseil  Perma- 
nent International  pour  1'Exploration  de  la 
Mer  1903:  1-42;  46-91 

Publications  de  la  Faculte  de  Medecine  de 

1'Universite  Masaryk  see  Spisy  Lekarske 
Fakulty,  Masarykovy  University 

Publications  de  la  Faculte  des  Sciences  de 
1'Universite  Charles  see  Spisy  Yydavane 
Prirodovedeckou  Fakultou  Karlovy  Uni- 

Publications  de  la  Faculte  des  Sciences  de 
1'Universite  Masaryk  see  Spisy  Vydavane 
Prirodovedeckou  Fakultou  Masarykovy 

Publications  of  the  American  Association  for 

the  Advancement  of  Science:  7-8;  10;  12-14 

"Publications  of  the  Bureau  of  Government 

Laboratories;  Philippine  Islands   1902:   5; 

7-8; 13-36 

Publications  of  the  Hartley  Botanical  Labora- 
tories; University  of  Liverpool  1924:  5;  13 

Publications  of  the  Marine  Biological  Station, 
Ghardaqa,  Red  Sea  1939:  Fouad  I  Univer- 
sity; Faculty  of  Science,  Cairo.  1 

Publications  of  the  Nantucket  Maria  Mitchell 
Association  1906:  1  + 

Publications  of  the  Scientific  Institute  of  Fish- 
ery and  Oceanography  see  Trudy  Azovsko- 
Chernomorskogo  Nauchno-Issledovatel'sko- 
go  Instituta  Rybnogo  Khoziaistva  i  Okeano- 

Publications  of  the  University  of  Oklahoma 
Biological  Survey  1928:  1-5,  no.  4 

Publications  of  the  University  of  Sydney;  De- 
partment of  Zoology;  Monographs  1940:  1  + 

Publications  of  the  Wagner  Free  Institute  of 
Science  1929:  1-2 

Puerto  Rico  Journal  of  Public  Health  and 
Tropical  Medicine  (1-4  as  Porto  Rico  Re- 
view of  Public  Health  and  Tropical  Medi- 
cine; 5-7  as  Porto  Rico  Journal  of  Public 
Health  and  Tropical  Medicine)  1925:  School 
of  Tropical  Medicine,  University  of  Puerto 
Rico,  Department  of  Health.  1  + 

Puget  Sound  Marine  Station  Publications  see 
Publications;  Puget  Sound  Biological  Sta- 
tion; University  of  Washington 

Quarterly  Bulletin  of  Chinese  Bibliography 
(English  Edition):  National  Library  of 
Peiping.  n.s.  1,  nos.  1,  3-4  (1940) 

Quarterly  Cumulative  Index  Medicus  1927: 

American  Medical  Association.  1  + 
*  Quarterly  Cumulative  Index  to  Current  Medi- 
cal Literature  1916:  American  Medical  As- 
sociation. 1-12  (1926) 

Quarterly  Journal  of  Experimental  Physiology 
and  Cognate  Medical  Sciences  1908:  Lon- 
don. 1-7;  9;  11  + 

Quarterly  Journal  of  Medicine  1907:  Oxford. 

1  + 

Quarterly  Journal  of  Microscopical  Science 
1852:  1  + 



Quarterly  Journal  of  Pharmacy  and  Pharma- 
cology; incorporating  the  Yearbook  of 
Pharmacy  1928:  London.  1  + 
*  Quarterly  Journal  of  Science,  Literature,  and 
Art  (1-5  as  Journal  of  Science  and  the  Arts; 
6-7,  Quarterly  Journal  of  Literature,  Sci- 
ence, and  the  Arts;  8-20,  22,  Quarterly 
Journal  of  Science,  Literature,  and  the  Arts; 
21,  Quarterly  Journal  of  Science  and  the 
Arts)  1816:  London.  1-22;  n.s.  1-6;  7,  pt.  2 

Quarterly  Journal  of  the  Indian  Chemical  So- 
ciety see  Journal  of  the  Indian  Chemical 

Quarterly  Journal  of  the  Indian  Institute  of 
Science  1938:  1  + 

Quarterly  Journal  of  the  Royal  Meteorological 
Society  1871:  1  +  ;  Phenological  Report 
1876:  1  +  ;  Supplement;  Bibliography  of 
Meteorological  Literature;  prepared  by  the 
Royal  Meteorological  Society  with  the  col- 
laboration of  the  Meteorological  Office  1920: 
1  + 

Quarterly  Review  of  Biology  1926:  1  + 

Raboty  Azovsko-Chernomorskoi  Nauchnoi 
Rybokhoziaistvennoi  Stantsii  see  Report  (s) 
of  the  Scientific  Station  of  Fisheries  of  Asov 
and  Black  Seas 

Raboty  Dono-Kubanskoi  Nauchnoi  Rybokho- 
ziaistvennoi Stantsii  see  Report  (s)  of  the 
Don-Kuban  Station 

*Raboty  Murmanskoi  Biologicheskoi  Stantsii; 
Leningradskogo  Obshchestva  Estestvoispy- 
tatelei  (Trauvaux  de  la  Station  Biologique 
de  Murman  de  la  Societe  des  Naturalistes 
de  Leningrad)  1925:  1-3 

Raboty  Novorossiiskoi  Biologicheskoi  Stantsii 
(Arbeiten  der  Biologischen  Noworossijsk- 
Station)  1923:  1-3 

Raboty  Volzhskoi  Biologicheskoi  Stantsii  see 
Arbeiten  der  Biologischen  Wolga-Station 

Radiography  1935:  Society  of  Radiographers. 
1  + 

Radiologica  see  Fundamenta  Radiologica 

Radiology;  a  monthly  journal  devoted  to  clini- 
cal radiology  and  allied  sciences  1923:  Ra- 
diological Society  of  North  America.  17  + 
*Radium  1904:  Paris.  1-11 

Rapport;  Station  Biologique  du  St.-Laurent  a 
Trois-Pistoles  1931:  Universite  Laval,  Que- 
bec. 1-3 

Rapport(s)  et  Proces-Verbaux  des  Reunions; 
Commission  Internationale  pour  1'Explora- 
tion  Scientifique  de  la  Mer  Mediterranee 
1926:  1  + 

Rapport(s)  et  Proces-Verbaux  des  Reunions; 
Conseil  Permanent  International  pour  1'Ex- 
ploration  de  la  Mer  1902:  1-6;  [7];  8-10; 
[11];  12-16;  [17];  18  + 

Rapport  sur  le  Fonctionnement  Technique  de 
1'Institut  Pasteur  de  Brazzaville:  Generate 
Afrique  Equatoriale  Francaise.  1930-32; 
1935  + 

Rapport  sur  les  Pecheries  d'Egypte  (Report  of 
the  Fisheries  of  P3gypt);  Institut  Fouad  I 
d'Hydrobiologie  et  de  Peche  1923:  Minis- 
tere  du  Commerce  et  de  I'lnclustrie.  1923- 
27;  1931  + 

Rassegna  delle  Scienze  Biologiche  1919: 
Florence.  [1-2] 

Reading  Public  Museum  and  Art  Gallery; 
Scientific  Publications  1941:  Reading,  Pa. 
1  + 

Records  of  Oceanographic  Works  in  Japan; 
compiled  by  the  Committee  on  Pacific  Ocea- 
nography of  the  National  Research  Council 
of  Japan  1928:  1  + 

Records  of  the  American  Society  of  Natural- 
ists (1884-85  as  Records  of  the  Society  of 
Naturalists  of  the  eastern  United  States) 
1884:  1  + 

Records  of  the  Auckland  Institute  and  Mu- 
seum 1930:  1  + 

Records  of  the  Australian  Museum  1890:  1  + 

Records  of  the  Genetics  Society  of  America  (1 
as  Genetics  Society  of  America,  Program) 
1932:  1  + 

Records  of  the  Indian  Museum;  a  journal  of 
Indian  zoology  (includes  Report  of  the  Zoo- 
logical Survey  of  India)  1907:  1  + 

Records  of  the  South  Australian  Museum 
1918:  Public  Library,  Museum,  and  Art 
Gallery,  Adelaide.  1  + 

Recueil  de  1'Institut  Zoologique  Torley-Rous- 
seau;  Universite  de  Bruxelles  1927:  1  + 

Recueil  des  Travaux  Botaniques  Neerlandais 
1904:  Societe  Botanique  Neerlandaise.  1  + 

Recueil   des  Travaux  Chimiques  des  Pays- 
Bas;  Societe  Chimique  Neerlandaise  1882: 
1  + 
*Recueil  Zoologique  Suisse  1883:  1-5 

Refrigerating  Engineering;  Economic  Applica- 
tions of  Refrigeration  and  Air  Conditioning 
1914:  American  Society  of  Refrigerating 
Engineers,  New  York. '[29];  [36] f  37-42, 
no.  5 

Rendiconti;  Real  Istituto  Lombardo  di  Scienze 
e  Lettere  1864:  ser.  2,  [1-2];  62 

Rendiconti  delle  sedute  solenni  della  R.  Ac- 
cademia  Nazionale  dei  Lincei  see  Atti  della 
Reale  Accademia  Nazionale  dei  Lincei;  Ren- 
diconto  dell'adunanze  solenne 

Rendiconto  dell'Accademia  delle  Scienze  Fi- 
siche  e  Matematiche;  Classe  della  Societa 
Reale  di  Napoli  1862:  ser.  3,  9-26 

Report;  Council  for  Scientific  and  Industrial 
Research;  Division  of  Fisheries;  Common- 
wealth of  Australia  1938:  3-6 



Report;  Division  of  Fisheries;  Union  of  South 
Africa  (1-14  as  Report;  Fisheries  and  Ma- 
rine Biological  Survey;  Union  of  South 
Africa)  1920:  1  +  ;  Inland  Waters  Fisheries 
Survey  (Dept.  of  Mines  and  Industry)  Re- 
ports 1-2 

Report;  Dove  Marine  Laboratory  (preceded 
by  Report  on  the  Scientific  Investigations 
of  the  Northumberland  Sea  Fisheries  Com- 
mittee) 1896:  Cullercoats,  Northumberland. 
1909-1  l;ser.  2,  1-12;  14  + 

Report;  John  Crerar  Library  1895:  1-2;  4;  6-38 

Report(s) ;  Marine  Biological  Laboratory  1888: 
Woods  Hole.  1  + 

Report;  National  Research  Council  of  Japan 
1922:  1  + 

Report;  Rothamsted  Experimental  Station; 
Harpenden;  Lawes  Agricultural  Trust  1843: 
1908  + 

*Report(s)  and  Notes  of  the  Public  Health 
Laboratories;  Cairo  1914:  Ministry  of  the 
Interior,  Egypt.  3-6,  1920-24 

Report  and  Proceedings  of  the  Belfast  Natural 
History  and  Philosophical  Society  1871: 

Report  of  the  Imperial  Bureau  of  Fisheries; 
Scientific  Investigations  1912:  Tokyo.  1-2 

Report (s)  of  the  Academy  of  Sciences  of  the 
Ukrainian  SSR  see  Dopovidi  Akademii  Nauk 

Report  of  the  Australian  and  New  Zealand 
Association  for  the  Advancement  of  Science 
(1-19  as  Australasian  Association)  1888: 
1-5;  7-9;  11  + 

Report  of  the  British  Association  for  the  Ad- 
vancement of  Science  1831:  1  + 

*Report  of  the  Brush  Hill  Bird  Club  1914:  Mil- 
ton, Massachusetts.  1 

Report  (s)  of  the  Bureau  of  Applied  Entomol- 
ogy; State  Institute  of  Experimental  Agron- 
omy, Leningrad  see  Report  (s)  on  Applied 

Report  (s)  of  the  Central  Scientific  Institute  of 
Fisheries  see  Trudy  Tsentral'nogo  Nauch- 
nogo  Instituta  Rybnogo  Khoziaistva 

Report  of  the  Chief  Inspector  of  Fisheries; 
Western  Australia:  1938  + 

Report  of  the  Chief  of  the  Bureau  of  Biological 
Survey  see  United  States  Department  of  the 
Interior;  Bureau  of  Biological  Survey;  Re- 
port of  the  Chief 

Report  of  the  Chief  of  the  Bureau  of  Plant  In- 
dustry see  United  States  Department  cf 
Agriculture;  Bureau  of  Plant  Industry;  Re- 
port of  the  Chief 

Report  of  the  Chief  of  the  Weather  Bureau  see 
United  States  Meteorological  Yearbook 

Report  of  the  Commissioner  of  Agriculture  see 

United  States  Department  of  Agriculture; 
Report  of  the  Secretary 

Report  of  the  Commissioner  of  Fisheries; 
Province  of  British  Columbia:  1913 

Report  of  the  Commissioner  of  Fisheries; 
United  States  Commission  of  Fish  see  Re- 
port of  the  United  States  Commissioner  of 

Report  of  the  Commissioner  of  Health  of  Porto 
Rico  to  the  Governor  of  Porto  Rico:  1926-31 

Report  of  the  Commissioners  on  Fisheries  and 
Game,  Massachusetts  see  Annual  Report  of 
the  Commissioners  on  Fisheries  and  Game; 

Report  of  the  Connecticut  Agricultural  Experi- 
ment Station  1877:  [1903-26];  51  + 

Report(s)  of  the  Council  and  Auditors  of  the 
Zoological  Society  of  London  1829:  1935; 
1937-38;  1940  + 

Report  of  the  Danish  Biological  Station  to  the 
Ministry  of  Agriculture  and  Fisheries  1890: 
3;  5  + 

Report  of  the  Delegates  of  the  United  States 
of  America  to  the  Pan  American  Scientific 
Congress  1908:  1;  3 

Report  (s)  of  the  Don-Kuban  Station;  Scien- 
tific Institute  of  the  Fisheries  and  the  Ocea- 
nography of  Asov  and  Black  Seas  (Raboty 
Dono-Kubanskoi  Nauchnoi  Rybokhozfaist- 
vennoi  Stantsii ;  Azovsko-Chernomorskii 
Nauchno-Issledovatel'skii  Institut  Morskogo 
Rybnogo  Khoziaistva  i  Okeanografii)  1934: 

Report  (s)  of  the  East-Siberian  Scientific  Sta- 
tion of  Fisheries  see  Trudy  Vostochno- 
Sibirskoi  Nauchnoi  Rybokhoziaistvennoi 

Report  of  the  Henry  Phipps  Institute  1903: 
Philadelphia.  1-7;  9-10;  12-14;  18  + 

Report  (s)  of  the  Ichthyological  Laboratory  see 
Report  (s)  of  the  (Astrakhan)  Scientific  Sta- 
tion of  Fisheries  of  Volga  and  Caspian  Sea 

Report  (s)  of  the  Ichthyological  Laboratory  in 
Kertch  see  Report(s)  of  the  Scientific  Station 
of  Fisheries  of  Asov  and  Black  Seas 

Report  of  the  Ichthyological  Laboratory  in 
Siberia  see  Trudy  Vostochno-Sibirskoi 
Nauchnoi  Rybokhoziaistvennoi  Stantsii 

Report  of  the  Imperial  Fisheries  Institute; 
Scientific  Investigations:  Tokyo.  4;  7,  no.  4 

Report  of  the  Institute  of  Scientific  Research ; 
Manchoukuo  1937:  [1];  2-3;  [4]  + 

Report  of  the  International  Fisheries  Commi- 
sion;  appointed  under  the  treaty  between 
the  United  States  and  Great  Britain  for  the 
preservation  of  the  Northern  Pacific  Halibut 
Fishery  1931:  1-12 

Report  (s)  of  the  Johns  Hopkins  Hospital  see 
Johns  Hopkins  Hospital  Reports 



Report  of  the  Librarian  of  Congress  see  Annual 
Report  of  the  Librarian  of  Congress 

Report  of  the  Marine  Biological  Station  of 
Port  Erin,  Isle  of  Man  (1-5  as  Annual  Re- 
port of  the  Liverpool  Marine  Biological  Sta- 
tion on  Puffin  Island;  6-46  as  Annual 
Report  of  the  Marine  Biological  Station  at 
Port  Erin  under  Liverpool  Marine  Biology 
Committee)  (1-46  see  in  Proceedings  and 
Transactions  of  the  Liverpool  Biological 
Society)  1887:  1  + 

Report  of  the  Medical  Research  Council  1919: 
London.  1933  + 

Report  of  the  National  Academy  of  Sciences 
(includes  Report  of  the  National  Research 
Council,  1916+)  1863:  1863-67;  1878+ ; 
Report  by  the  President  on  the  Surveys  of 
the  Territories  1878 

Report  of  the  National  Research  Council  see 
Report  of  the  National  Academy  of  Sciences 
*Report  of  the  Oceanographical  Investigation 
1926:  Government  Fishery  Experiment  Sta- 
tion, Chosen,  Japan.  1-2 

Report  of  the  Proceedings  of  the  International 
Hydrographic  Conference  (1,  1919,  London; 
also  1,  1929  as  "First  Supplementary", 
Monaco)  1919:  International  Hydrographic 
Bureau,  Monaco.  1  + 

Report  of  the  Reelfoot  Lake  Biological  Station 
1937:  Tennessee  Academy  of  Sciences.  5 

Report  of  the  Royal  Society  of  South  Australia 
see  Transactions  of  the  Royal  Society  of 
South  Australia 

*Report  of  the  Royal  Society  of  Tasmania 
(through  1855  as  Report  of  the  Royal  So- 
ciety of  Van  Diemen's  Land)  1844:  1  +  ; 
1867-1932  see  in  Papers  and  Proceedings  of 
the  Royal  Society  of  Tasmania  for  1867- 

*Report  of  the  Science  Advisory  Board;  Na- 
tional Research  Council  1933:  1-2 

Report  (s)  of  the  Scientific  Institute  of  Fish- 
eries; Moscow  see  Trudy  Nauchnogo  Insti- 
tuta  Rybnogo  Khozfaistva 
*Report(s)  of  the  Scientific  Station  of  Fisheries 
of  Asov  and  Black  Seas  (Raboty,  Trudy, 
Azovsko-Chernomorskoi  Nauchnoi  Rybok- 
hoziaistvennoi  Stantsii)  (1-3  as  Reports  of 
the  Scientific  Station  of  Fisheries,  Ichthyo- 
logical  Laboratory,  in  Kertch;  Trudy  Ker- 
chenskoi  Nauchnoi  Rybokhozfaistvennoi 
Stantsii,  IkhtiologicheskoiLaboratorii)  1926: 

Report  (s)  of  the  (Astrakhan)  Scientific  Station 
of  Fisheries  of  Volga  and  Caspian  Sea  (Trudy 
Volgo-Kaspiiskoi  Nauchnoi  Rybokhoziaist- 
vennoi  Stantsii)  (1-6,  no.  1  as  Reports  of  the 
Ichthyological  Laboratory)  (Trudy  Ikhtio- 
logicheskoi  Laboratorii)  (Arbeiten  des  Ich- 

thyologischen  Laboratoriums  der  Kaspi- 
Wolgaschen  Fischerei-Verwaltung  in  Astra- 
chan)  (Travaux  du  Laboratoire  Ichtyologi- 
que  d'Astrakhan  aupres  de  1'Administration 
des  Pecheries  du  Volga  et  de  la  Mer  Cas- 
pienne)  (with  various  wording  of  titles  and 
no  English  translation  for  1-4)  1909:  1  + 

Report  (s)  of  the  Secretary  and  of  the  Treas- 
urer; John  Simon  Guggenheim  Memorial 
Foundation  1925:  1928  + 

Report  of  the  Secretary  of  Agriculture  see 
United  States  Department  of  Agriculture; 
Report  of  the  Secretary 

Report  of  the  Secretary  of  the  State  Board  of 
Agriculture  of  the  State  of  Michigan  (1862- 
79  as  Annual  Report;  1880+  as  Biennial 
Report)  1862:  1870;  1873-74; 1879; 1880-82 

Report  (s)  of  the  Siberian  Scientific  Station  of 
Fisheries  see  Trudy  Vostochno-Sibirskoi 
Nauchnoi  Rybokhoziaistvennoi  Stantsii 

Report  of  the  South  African  Association  for  the 
Advancement  of  Science  see  South  African 
Journal  of  Science 

(Biennial)  Report  of  the  State  Board  of  Fish- 
eries and  Game;  State  of  Connecticut: 
1922  + 

Report  of  the  State  Entomologist  of  Minne- 
sota to  the  Governor  (1-3  as  Annual  Report 
of  the  Entomologist  of  the  State  Experiment 
Station  of  the  University  of  Minnesota  to 
the  Governor)  1893:  1-3;  11-12 

Report  (s)  of  the  State  Oceanographical  Insti- 
tute (Doklady  Gosudarstvennogo  Okeano- 
graficheskogo  Instituta)  1931:  Moscow.  1-6 

Report  of  the  Superintendent,  United  States 
Coast  and  Geodetic  Survey  see  Annual  Re- 
port of  the  Director;  United  States  Coast 
and  Geodetic  Survey 

*Report  of  the  United  States  Commissioner  of 
Fisheries  (since  1913  under  United  States 
Department  of  Commerce;  Bureau  of  Fish- 
eries) 1871:  1871-1938 

Report  of  the  United  States  National  Museum 
(before  1885  included  in  the  Annual  Report 
of  the  Board  of  Regents  of  the  Smithsonian 
Institution):  1885  + 

Report  of  the  Virginia  Fisheries  Laboratory  of 
the  College  of  William  and  Mary  and  the 
Commission  of  Fisheries  of  Virginia  1940: 

Report  of  the  Waite  Agricultural  Research  In- 
stitute, South  Australia  1925:  1939  + 
*Report  of  the  (Tropical)  Wellcome  Research 
Laboratories  at  the  Gordon  Memorial  Col- 
lege, Khartoum  (4  in  two  sections;  A.  Medi- 
cal; B.  General  Sciences)  1904:  1-4 
*Report(s)  on  Applied  Entomology  (Izvestiia  po 
Prikladnoi  Entomologii)  (1-3  as  Reports  of 
the  Bureau  of  Applied  Entomology;  State 



Institute  of  Experimental  Agronomy)  1921: 
1-4,  no.  2 

*Report  on  Colloid  Chemistry  and  its  general 
and  industrial  applications ;  British  Associa- 
tion for  the  Advancement  of  Science;  De- 
partment of  Scientific  and  Industrial  Re- 
search 1917:  1-2;  4-5 

Report  on  Fisheries;  Marine  Department; 
New  Zealand  1928:  1  + 

Report  on  Marine  and  Fresh  Water  Investiga- 
tions; Department  of  Zoology;  University 
College  of  Wales;  Aberystwyth  1913:  n.s. 
(1923)  1  + 

Report  on  Norwegian  Fishery  and  Marine  In- 
vestigations (Fiskeridirektoratets  Skrifter; 
serie  Havunder0kelser)  1900:  1  + 

Report  (s)  on  Progress  in  Physics  1934:  Physi- 
cal Society,  London.  1  + 

Report  on  the  Fisheries  of  Egypt  see  Rapport 
sur  les  Pecheries  d'Egypte 

Report  on  the  Injurious  and  Other  Insects  of 
the  State  of  New  York  1881:  New  York 
State  Entomologist.  1-12;  13+  see  in  New 
York  State  Museum  Bulletin 

Report  on  the  Lancashire  Sea  Fisheries  Lab- 
oratory see  Proceedings  and  Transactions  of 
the  Liverpool  Biological  Society 

Report  on  the  Scientific  Investigations  of  the 
Northumberland  Sea  Fisheries  Committee 
see  Report;  Dove  Marine  Laboratory 

Report  to  the  Government  of  Ceylon  on  the 
Pearl  Oyster  Fisheries  of  the  Gulf  of 
Manaar;  with  supplementary  reports  upon 
the  Marine  Biology  of  Ceylon  1903:  1-5 

Report  upon  the  Fauna  of  Liverpool  Bay  and 
the  Neighboring  Seas;  written  by  the  mem- 
bers of  the  Liverpool  Marine  Biology  Com- 
mittee and  other  Naturalists  (articles  in  nos. 
2-5  appear  also  in  the  Proceedings  and 
Transactions  of  the  Liverpool  Biological 
Society)  1886:  1-5 

Reprint  and  Circular  Series  of  the  National 
Research  Council  1919:  1-11;  13  + 

Republica  Argentina;  Ministerio  de  Marina; 
Servicio  Hidrografico;  Almanaque  Nautico: 
1940-42;  Catalogo  de  Cartas  y  Libros  Para 
Navegacion:  1941;  Tablas  de  Marea:  1940- 
42;  Avisos  a  los  Navigantes:  16-17  (1942) 

Research  Bulletin;  Agricultural  Experiment 
Station  of  the  Iowa  State  College  of  Agri- 
culture and  Mechanic  Arts  1911:  1-85;  87- 
151;  153;  164-65;  202;  224;  254;  259 

Research  Bulletin;  Agricultural  Experiment 
Station  of  the  University  of  Wisconsin  1909: 
1  + 

Research  Bulletin;  College  of  Agriculture; 
University  of  Nebraska;  Agricultural  Ex- 
periment Station  1913:  [1-93]  + 

Research  Bulletin;  Fishery  Research  Insti- 

tute;  Department  of    National  Resources 
1932:  St.  Johns,  Newfoundland.  1  + 

Research  Bulletin;  Saito  Ho-on  Kai  Museum 

1934:  Sendai,  Japan.  1  + 

*Research  Bulletin;  State  University  of  Okla- 
homa 1909:  1-4 

Research  Bulletin;  University  of  Missouri 
College  of  Agriculture;  Agricultural  Experi- 
ment Station:  [89-335] 

Research  Bulletin ;  University  of  Puerto  Rico ; 
Agricultural  Experiment  Station,  Rio  Pie- 
dras  1941:  1  + 

Research  Series;  American  Geographical  So- 
ciety 1921:  6;  16 

Research   Studies   of   the   State   College   of 

Washington  1929:  1  + 

*Researches  of  the  Loomis  Laboratory  of  the 
Medical  Department  of  the  University  of 
the  City  of  New  York  1890:  1-2 

Researches  on  the  Ontogeny  of  Animals  see 
Zbirnik  Doslidiv  nad  Individual'nim  Roz- 
vitkom  Tvarin 

*Reseau  Mondial;  monthly  and  annual  sum- 
maries of  pressure,  temperature,  and  pre- 
cipitation based  on  a  world-wide  network  of 
observing  stations  (1910-21  as  British  Mete- 
orological and  Magnetic  Year  Book,  part  V) 
1910:  Meteorological  Office.  1910-32 

Resume  du  Compte-Rendu  Annuel  de  la  So- 
ciete  Royale  des  Lettres  et  des  Sciences  de 
Boheme  see  Vyrocni  Zprava  Kralovske 
Ceske  Spolecnosti  Nauk 

Resumptio  Genetica  1924:  The  Hague.  1  + 
*Review  of  American  Chemical  Research;  A.  A. 
Noyes  1895:  1-12 

Review  of  Applied  Entomology  1913:  Imperial 
Bureau  of  Entomology,  London,  series  A. 
Agricultural  1  +  ;  series  B.  Medical  and 
Veterinary  1  + 

Review  (s)  of  Modern  Physics  (vol.  1  as  Physi- 
cal Review  Supplement)  1929:  American 
Physical  Society.  1  + 

Review  of  Scientific  Instruments;  new  series 
(old  series  incorporated  in  Journal  of  the 
Optical  Society  of  America  and  Review  of 
Scientific  Instruments)  1930:  American  In- 
stitute of  Physics.  1  + 

Review  of  the  Society  of  Chemical  Industry  see 
Journal  of  the  Society  of  Chemical  Industry 

Revista  Chilena  de  Historia  Natural  Pura  y 
Aplicada;  Dedicada  al  fomento  y  cultivo  de 
las  Ciencias  Naturales  en  Chile  1897:  [6]; 
[8];  29;  31-32;  35 

*Revista  de  Bacteriologia  e  Higiene  1912:  Ins- 
titute Nacional  de  Bacteriologia,  La  Paz, 
Bolivia.  3-5 

Revista  de  Biologia  e  Hygiene  1928:  Sociedade 
de  Biologia  de  Sao  Paulo.  [1-5] 

Revista  de  Ciencias ;  Organo  de  la  Facultad  de 



Ciencias  de  la  Universidad  Nacional  Mayor 

de  San  Marcos  1897:  Lima.  42,  no.  431  + 
Revista  de  la  R.  Academia  de  Ciencias  Exac- 

tes,  Fisicas  y  Naturales  de  Madrid  1904: 

Revista  de  la  Asociacion  Medica  Argentina 

1892:  37;  49,  no.  356  + 
Revista  de  la  Sociedad  Argentina  de  Biologia 

y  su  Filiale  la  Sociedad  de  Rosario  (1,  no. 

2-8,   no.   1   as  Revista  .  .  .  y  su   Filial  la 

Sociedad  de  Biologia  del  Literal)  1925:  1-4; 

6  + 
Revista  de  la  Sociedad  Mexicana  de  Historia 

Natural  1939:  1  + 
Revista  de  Sciencias  Naturaes  see  Broteria; 

Revista  Luso  Brazileira 
Revista    del    Consejo    Oceanografico    Ibero- 

Americana  1930:  Madrid.  1-6,  no.  1 
Revista  del  Institute  Bacteriologico  del  De- 

partamento    Nacional    de    Higiene    1917: 

Buenos  Aires.  [1-2];  4  + 
Revista  del  Institute  de  Salubridad  y  Enfer- 

medades  Tropicales  1939:  Mexico.  1  + 
Revista  del  Museo  de  La  Plata;  Universidad 

Nacional  de  La  Plata  1890:  1-5;  [7];  11-23; 

[24];  26;  28;  30  + 
Revista  di  Scienza  see  Scientia 
*Revista  do  Museu  Paulista  1895:  Universidade 

de  Sao  Paulo.  1-23 
Revista  Espanola  de  Biologia  1932:  Sociedad 

Espanola  de  Historia  Natural.  1-5,  no.  3 
Revista  Farmaceutica;  Organo  Oficial  de  la 

Asociacion  Farmaceutica  y  Bioquimica  Ar- 
gentina 1862:  74+ 

Revista  Medico-Chirurgicala  din  lasi  see  Re- 
vue Medico-Chirurgicale  de  Jassy 
Revista  Mexicana  de  Biologia;  organo  de  la 

Sociedad  Mexicana  de  Biologia  1920:  [1-17] 
Revue  Algologique  1924:  Laboratoire  de  Cryp- 

togamie   du    Museum   National   d'Histoire 

Naturelle,  Paris.  1  + 
Revue  Beige  des  Sciences  Medicales  1929: 

1  + 
*Revue  Biologique  du  Nord  de  la  France  1888: 

Lille.  1-7 

Revue  Bryologique  1874:  [7-9] 
Revue  Canadienne  de  Biologic;  Universite  de 

Montreal  1942:  1  + 
Revue  d'lmmunologie  1935:  1  + 
Revue  d'Optique  Theorique  et  Instrumental ; 

Institut  d'Optique  Theorique  et  Appliquee 

1922:  1-2,  no.  9 
Revue  de  Cytologie  et  de  Cytophysiologie  Ve- 

getales;  publiee  par  A.  Guilliermond  1935: 

1,  no.  2 
Revue    de    la    Medecine    Experimentelle    et 

Pratique  see  Glasnik  Centralnog  Higijenskog 

Revue  de  Mycologie;  annales  de  cryptogamie 

exotique,  nouvelle  serie  1936:  Laboratoire 
de  Cryptogamie  du  Museum  National  d'His- 
toire Naturelle.  1  + 

Revue  des  Archives  Italiennes  de  Biologic  (1, 
no.  1  as  Nouvelles  Archives  Italiennes  de 
Biologie)  1938:  Pisa.  1  + 

Revue  des  Travaux  de  1'Office  des  Peches 
Maritimes;  Office  Scientifique  et  Technique 
des  Peches  Maritimes  1928:  1  + 
*Revue  et  Magazin  de  Zoologie,  pure  et  appli- 
quee  (ser.  1  as  Revue  Zoologique  par  la 
Societe  Cuvienne)  1838:  ser.  1,  8-9;  ser.  2, 

Revue  Francaise  d'Endocrinologie  1923:  4  + 
*Revue  Generale  d'Histologie  1904:  1-4 

Revue   Generale   de   Botanique;  fondee   par 
Gaston Bonnier  1889:  [l];5-7;  [12-14];  39  + 
*Revue  Generale  des  Colloi'des;  et  de  leurs  ap- 
plications industrielles  1923:  1-8 

Revue  Generale  des  Sciences  Pures  et  Appli- 
quees  1890:  1-31;  33-39,  no.  9 

(La)  Revue  Hydrographique  see  Hydrographic 


*Revue  Internationale  de  1'Electricite  et  de  ses 
applications  1885:  3;  5-37;  97-113;  115-120 

Revue  Medico-Chirurgicale  de  Jassy  (Bulletin 
de  la  Societe  des  Medecins  et  des  Natu- 
ralistes)  (1-34  as  Bulletin  de  la  Societe  des 
Medecins  et  des  Naturalistes  de  Jassy) 
(Buletinul  Societatei  de  Medeci  si  Natu- 
ralisti  din  lasi)  (35-42  as  Revista  Medico- 
Chirurgicala  din  lasi;  Buletin  al  Societatei 
de  Medeci  si  Naturalist!)  1887:  Roumania. 
1  + 
*Revue  Mycologique  1878:  Toulouse.  1-28 

Revue  Scientifique  1863:  ser.  5,  [1-9] 

Revue  Suisse  de  Zoologie;  Annales  de  la  So- 
ciete Zoologique  Suisse  et  du  Museum 
d'Histoire  Naturelle  de  Geneve ;  fondee  par 
Maurice  Bedot  1893:  1  + 

Revue  Zoologique  Russe  see  Zoologicheskii 

Rheological  Memoirs;  Eugene  C.  Bingham, 
Editor  1940:  1,  no.  1 

Rhodora;  journal  of  the  New  England  Botani- 
cal Club  1899:  1  + 

*Ricerche  (fatte  nel  Laboratorio)  di  Anatomia 
normale  della  R.  Universita  di  Roma  ed  in 
Altri  Laboratori  Biologici;  pubblicate  dal 
Professore  Francesco  Todaro  1872:  1-19 

Ricerche  di  Morfologia;  pubblicate  dal  Prof. 
Riccardo  Versari  1920:  1-12 

Rivista  di  Biologia;  redatta  da  Osvaldo  Poli- 
manti  (Perugia)  1919:  1  + 

Rivista  di  Biologia  Coloniale  1938:  Rome.  1  + 
*Rivista  di  Biologia  Generale  (1-2  as  Rivista  di 
Scienze  Biologiche)  1899:  Turin.  1;  [2] 

Rivista  di  Parassitologia ;  fondata  da  A.  Missi- 
roli  1937:  1  + 



Rivista  di  Patologia  Nervosa  e  Mentale;  di- 
retta  da  E.  Tanzi  1896:  [1];  2-3 

Rivista  di  Patologia  Sperimentale ;  f ondata  da 
Vittorio  Scaffidi  (12+  also  as  n.s.  1  +  )  1926: 
1  + 

Rockefeller  Foundation  Review  1917:  1917- 
28;  1936+ 

Rocznik  Towarzystwa  Naukowego  Warszaw- 
skiego  (Annuaire  de  la  Societe  des  Sciences 
et  des  Lettres  de  Varsovie)  1908:  26-30 

Roczniki  Chemii;  Miesiecznik  organ  Polskiego 
Towarzystwa  Chemicznego;  Jana  Zawidz- 
kiego  (Annales  Societatis  Chimicae  Polono- 
rum)  1921:  1-19,  no.  7 

Roosevelt  Wild  Life  Annals ;  of  the  Roosevelt 
Wild  Life  Forest  Experiment  Station  1926: 
New  York  State  College  of  Forestry.  1  + 

Roosevelt  Wild  Life  Bulletin;  New  York  State 
College  of  Forestry  1921:  1  + 

Roux's  Archiv  fur  Entwicklungsmechanik  der 
Organismus  see  Wilhelm  Roux's  Archiv  fiir 
Entwicklungsmechanik  der  Organismen 

Roux'  Vortrage  und  Aufsatze  tiber  Entwick- 
lungsmechanik der  Organismen,  old  series, 
see  Vortrage  und  Aufsatze  iiber  Entwick- 
lungsmechanik der  Organismen;  new  series, 
see  Abhandlungen  zur  Theorie  der  Organi- 
schen  Entwicklung 

Rozpravy  Kralovske  Ceske  Spolecnosti  Nauk ; 
Trida  Matematicko-Prirodovedecka  (Tra- 
vaux  de  la  Societe  Royale  des  Sciences  de 
Boheme;  Classe  des  Sciences)  (ser.  1-7  as 
Abhandlungen)  1775:  ser.  8,  1-3 

Rozpravy  Vedecke  Spolecnosti  Badatelske  pfi 
Ruske  Svobodne  Universite  v  Praze  see 
Bulletin  de  1' Association  Russe  pour  les 
Recherches  Scientifiques  a  Prague 
*Russian  Journal  of  Eugenics  (Russkii  Evgeni- 
cheskii  Zhurnal)  1922:  1-7 

Russian  Journal  of  Physiology  see  Fiziologi- 
cheskii  Zhurnal  SSSR 

Russian  Journal  of  Zoology  see  Journal  Russe 
de  Zoologie 

Russische  Hydrobiologische  Zeitschrift  see 
Berichte  des  Wissenschaftlichen  Meeresins- 

Russische  Hydrobiologische  Zeitschrift  see 
Gidrobiologicheskii  Zhurnal  SSSR 

Russkii  Arkhiv  Anatomii,  Gistologii  i  Embrio- 
logii  see  Arkhiv  Anatomii,  Gistologii  i  Em- 

Russkii  Arkhiv  Protistologii  (Archives  Russes 
de  Protistologie)  1922:  1-7 

Russkii  Evgenicheskii  Zhurnal  see  Russian 
Journal  of  Eugenics 

Russkii  Fiziologicheskii  Zhurnal  SSSR  see 
Fiziologicheskii  Zhurnal  SSSR 

Russkii  Gidrobiologicheskii  Zhurnal  see  Gidro- 
biologicheskii Zhurnal  SSSR 

Russkii  Zoologicheskii  Zhurnal  see  Zoologi- 
cheskii  Zhurnal 

*Sbornik  Nauchno-Issledovatel'skogo  Instituta 

Zoologii    (Abstracts   of   the  Works   of   the 

Zoological   Institute  of  the   Moscow  State 

University)   (1-2  as  Bmlleten)   1933:  Mos- 

kovskogo   Gosudarstvennogo   Universiteta. 

Sbornik  Prirodovedecky ;  Vydava  Druha  Trida 

Ceske  Akademie  ved  a  Umfeni  1928:  5 
Sbornik  Trudov  Gosudarstvennogo  Zoologi- 

cheskogo  Muzeya  (Archives  du  Musee  Zoo- 

logique  de  1'Universite  de  Moscou)  1934:  1  + 
Sbornik  Vysoke  Skoljr  Zemedelske  v  Brne, 

CSR  (Bulletin  de,  1'Ecole  Superieure,  1'Ins- 

titut    National   Agronomique,   Brno,   RCS) 

1924:  C1-C35;  D1-D27 
*Sbornik    Zoologicky;    Vydavatel,    Prof.    Dr. 

Alois  Mrazek  v  Praze  1917:  Prague.  1,  no.  1 
Schmiedebergs    Archiv    fiir    Experimentelle 

Pathologic  und  Pharmakologie  see  Naunyn- 

Schmiedebergs   Archiv   fiir   Experimentelle 

Pathologic  und  Pharmakologie 
School  Science  and  Mathematics;  a  journal 

for   all   science  and   mathematics   teachers 

1901:  [1];  [3-6];  [23-27] 
Schriften  der  Gesellschaft  zur  Beforderung 

der     Gesamten     Naturwissenschaften     zu 

Marburg  1823:  12-18 
Schriften  der  Naturforschenden  Gesellschaft, 

Danzig    1820:    n.f.    [1-8];    9-14;    [15-16]; 

17-20,  no.  3  (1938) 
Schriften  des   Naturwissenschaftlichen  Ver- 

eins  fiir  Schleswig-Holstein  1873:  1  + 
Schriften    herausgegeben    von    der    Natur- 

forscher-Gesellschaft   bei   der   Universitat 

Tartu   (through  23,   1916  as  Schriften  .  .  . 

Jurjeff,  Dorpat)  1884:  2  + 
Science    1883:    1  +  ;   Supplement;   Occasional 

Publications  of  the  American  Association  for 

the  Advancement  of  Science,  no.  2,  1934;  4, 

*Science;  a  weekly  record  of  scientific  progress 

1880:  New  York.  1,  nos.  1,  20 
Science   Abstracts;    Section   A;    Physics    see 

Physics  Abstracts 
Science  and  Letters  in  Poland,  their  needs, 

organization  and  progress  see  Nauka  Polska 

jej  Potrzeby,  Organizacja  i  Rozwoj 
Science  Bulletin;  Department  of  Agriculture 

and  Forestry;  Union  of  South  Africa  1911: 

[3-232]  + 

Science  Bulletin;  The  Museum  of  the  Brook- 
lyn Institute  of  Arts  and  Sciences  1901 :  1-3, 

no.  5;  4,  no.  1 
*Science   Gossip;  Hardwick's    1865:  London. 




Science  News  Letter;  the  weekly  summary  of 
current  science  1921:  19  + 

*Science  Progress;  a  quarterly  review  of  cur- 
rent scientific  investigation  1894:  1—7 

Science  Progress;  a  quarterly  review  of  scien- 
tific thought,  work  and  affairs  1906:  1-34, 
no.  134,  1939 

'"Science  Quarterly  of  the  National  University 
of  Peking  1929:  College  of  Science.  1-5 

*Science  Record;  a  monthly  magazine  illus- 
trated; edited  by  J.  S.  Kingsley  1882:  2 

Science  Reports  of  National  Tsing  Hua  Uni- 
versity 1931:  Peiping.  Series  A.  Mathemati- 
cal and  Physical  Sciences  1  +  ;  Series  B.  Bio- 
logical amd  Psychological  Sciences  1  + 

Science  Reports  of  the  National  University  of 
Peking  1936:  College  of  Science.  1-2,  no.  1 

Science  Reports  of  the  Tohoku  Imperial  Uni- 
versity; Series  1.  Mathematics,  Physics, 
Chemistry  1911:  1;  10+;  Series  2.  Geology 
1912:  1  +  ;  Series  4.  Biology  1924:  1  + 

Science  Reports  of  the  Tokyo  Bunrika  Dai- 
gaku;  Sections  B  and  C  1932:  Tokyo  Uni- 
versity of  Literature  and  Science.  1  + 

Sciences;  Revue  de  1'Association  Francaise 
pour  1'Avancement  des  Sciences:  64,  1936  + 

Scientia;  Rivista  (internazionale)  di  Sintesi 
Scientifica  (1-6  as  Revista  di  Scienza)  1907: 
1  + 

Scientia  Genetica;  Periodico  di  Genetica  per 

I  Paesi  Latini  1939:  Torino.  1  + 
*Scientific  American  Monthly  1920:  1-4 

Scientific  Investigations;  Department  of  Agri- 
culture and  Technical  Instruction  for  Ire- 
land; Fisheries  Branch:  1901-26,  no.  1 

Scientific   Journal   of   the   Royal   College   of 

Science  1931:  London.  1  + 
*Scientific  Man;  a  weekly  illustrated  journal  of 
science   (Oct.   26-Nov.   23,    1878,   as  Man; 
Scientific  Supplement)  1878:  New  York.  1 

Scientific  Memoirs  of  the  University  of  Perm 
see  Uchenye  Zapiski;  Permskii  Gosudarst- 
vennyi  Universitet  im.  M.  Gor'kogo 

Scientific  Monthly  1915:  1  + 

Scientific  Notes;  India  Meteorological  De- 
partment 1927:  1-11;  13  + 
"Scientific  Papers  of  the  Bureau  of  Standards 
(1-14  as  Bulletin  of  the  Bureau  of  Standards) 
1904:  U.  S.  Department  of  Commerce  (1-8, 
1912)  and  Labor.  1;  3-22 

Scientific  Papers  of  the  Institute  of  Algological 
Research;  Faculty  of  Science;  Hokkaido 
Imperial  University  1935:  Sapporo.  1  + 

Scientific  Papers  of  the  Institute  of  Physical 
and  Chemical  Research  (also  contains  Ab- 
stracts from  Rikwagaku-Kenkyii-jo  Iho;  the 
Bulletin  of  the  Institute  of  Physical  and 

Chemical  Research)  1922:  Tokyo.  1-7;  [8-9]; 
[11];  [14-15];  16+ 

Scientific  Proceedings  of  the  Royal  Dublin 
Society  1877:  ser.  2,  1  + 

Scientific  Records  of  the  Gorky  State  Univer- 
sity see  Uchenye  Zapiski;  Gor'kovskogo 
Gosudarstvennogo  Universiteta 

Scientific  Report (s)  from  the  Government 
Institute  for  Infectious  Diseases  of  the 
Tokyo  Imperial  University  see  Japanese 
Journal  of  Experimental  Medicine 

Scientific  Report  on  the  Investigations  of  the 
Imperial  Cancer  Research  Fund  1904:  Lon- 
don. 1-11  (1934) 

Scientific  Transactions  of  the  Royal  Dublin 
Society  1877:  ser.  2,  4,  pt.  2;  5,  pt.  4,  12; 
7,  pt.  6,  7,  13 

Scientific  Worker  1919:  Association  of  Scien- 
tific Workers,  London.  9+ 

Scottish  Naturalist;  a  magazine  devoted   to 

zoology  1912:  1912-39 

*Scottish  Naturalist  (Perth);  a  quarterly  mag- 
azine of  natural  science  1871:  1—10 

Scritti  Biologici;   raccolti   da  Luigi   Castaldi 

1926:  Siena.  1  + 

*Selected  Papers  from  the  Journal  of  the  Insti- 
tute of  Electrical  Engineers  of  Japan  1924: 

Senckenbergiana;  Senckenbergische  Natur- 
forschende  Gesellschaft  1919:  Frankfurt 
a.M.  1-21,  no.  2 

Sigma  Xi  Quarterly  see  American  Scientist 

Silicate  P's  and  Q's  1921 :  Philadelphia  Quartz 
Co.  [4-9];  10-11;  [12];  13  + 

Silliman's  Journal  see  American  Journal  of 

Sinensia;  contributions  from  the  National 
(Research)  Institute  of  Zoology  and  Biol- 
ogy; Academia  Sinica  1929:  Nanking.  1-6; 
[7];  8+ 

Sitzungsberichte  der  Akademie  der  Wissen- 
schaften  in  Wien;  Mathematisch-Naturwis- 
senschaftliche  Klasse  (43  continued  in  Abts. 
I,  II,  III)  1848:  1;  4-38  (1859);  Abt.  I. 
Mineralogie,  Biologic,  Erdkunde  1863:  51 
(1865)  +  ;  *Abt  II.  Mathematik,  Physik, 
Chemie,  Mechanik,  Meteorologie  und  As- 
tronomie  1860:  48  (1863)-96(1887);  Abt. 
IIA.  Mathematik,  Astronomie,  Physik,  Me- 
teorologie und  Technik  1888:  97+;  Abt. 
IIB.  Chemie  1888:  97  +  ;  *Abt.  3.  Anatomie 
und  Physiologic  des  Menschen  und  der 
Thiere  1872:  65-131 

Sitzungsberichte  der  Gesellschaft  fiir  Mor- 
phologic und  Physiologic  in  Miinchen  1885: 

Sitzungsberichte  der  Gesellschaft  Naturfor- 
schender  Freunde  zu  Berlin  1839:  1839-62; 
1866-69;  1874-1938 



Sitzungsberichte  der  Gesellschaft  zur  Be- 
fb'rderung  der  Gesamten  Naturwissen- 
schaften  zu  Marburg  1866:  1897,  no.  2; 
1898,  no.  6;  1899,  no.  1;  1907-37;  1939 

Sitzungsberichte  der  Heidelberger  Akademie 
der  Wissenschaften ;  Mathematisch-Natur- 
wissenschaftliche  Klasse  (after  1919  issued 
in  two  series  A  and  B)  1909:  1909-39,  no.  3 

Sitzungsberichte  der  Kgl.  Bohmischen  Ge- 
sellschaft der  Wissenschaften;  Mathe- 
matisch-Naturwissenschaftliche  Klasse  see 
Vestnik  Kralovske  Ceske  Spolecnosti  Nauk 

Sitzungsberichte  der  Mathematisch-Natur- 
wissenschaftliche  Abteilung  derBayerischen 
Akademie  der  Wissenschaften  zu  Miinchen 
(1871-1924  as  Sitzungsberichte  der  Mathe- 
matisch-Physikalischen  Classe)  1871:  1885, 
Heft  4;  1925-38 

*Sitzungsberichte  der  Naturforschenden  Ge- 
sellschaft zu  Leipzig  1874:  2;  28-34;  37; 

Sitzungsberichte  der  Naturforscher-Gesell- 
schaft  bei  der  Universitat  Tartu  see  Tartu 
Ulikooli  juures  oleva  Loodusuurijate  Seltsi 

*Sitzungsberichte  der  Niederrheinischen  Ge- 
sellschaft fur  Natur-  und  Heilkunde  zu 
Bonn  1854:  [1899-1900];  [1902] 
*Sitzungs-Berichte  der  Physikalisch-Medizini- 
schen  Gesellschaft  zu  Wiirzburg;  Ofnzielle 
Sitzungsprotokolle  der  Physikalisch-Medi- 
zinischen  Gesellschaft  zu  Wiirzburg  (after 
1923  see  Berichte  der  Physikalisch-Medi- 
zinischen  Gesellschaft  zu  Wiirzburg)  1881: 

Sitzungsbericht  der  Physikalisch-Medizini- 
schen  Sozietat  in  Erlangen  1865:  32;  34^3 
*Sitzungsberichte  der  Preussischen  Akademie 
der  Wissenschaften;  Physikalisch-Mathe- 
matische  Klasse  (1882-1921  as  Sitzungs- 
berichte der  Preussischen  Akademie  der 
Wissenschaften)  1882:  1883-1938 

Sitzungsberichte  und  Abhandlungen  der  Na- 
turforschenden Gesellschaft  zu  Rostock 
1909:  n.s.  1-7,  no.  1 ;  3  Folge  1-6  (1936) 
*Skandinavisches  Archiv  fur  Physiologic ;  Acta 
Societatis  Physiologicae  Scandinavicae ;  Ge- 
griindet  von  Frithiof  Holmgren  1889:  1-83 

Skrifter  udgivet  af  Universitetets  Zoologiske 
Museum;  K0benhavn  (Spolia  Zoologica 
Musei  Hauniensis  I.)  1941:  1 
*Skrifter  udgivne  af  Kommissionen  for  Dan- 
marks  Fiskeri  og  Havunders0gelser  1904: 
Copenhagen.  3-10  (1927) 

Skrifter  utgitt  (udgivne)  av  det  Norske  Viden- 
skaps-Akademiei  Oslo.  I.  Matematisk- 
Naturvidenskapelig  Klasse  1894:  1894  + 

*Smithsonian     Contributions    to     Knowledge 
1848:  1;   [2];  3;   [5];  6;   [7-9];  10;  [11];  12; 

[13];    14-18;   20-21;    [22-23];   24;    [25-26]; 
[29];  30-33;  [34];  35 

Smithsonian  Institution;  Bureau  of  American 
Ethnology  Bulletin  1887:  1-24;  33;  82-83 

Smithsonian  Miscellaneous  Collections  1862: 
1  + 

Societas  Entomologica  1886:  Internationale 
Entomologische  Fachzeitschrift.  43-45 

Socijalno-Medicinski  Pregled;  Izvestaji  i 
saopstenja  o  radu  sanitetskih  ustanova 
Kraljevine  Jugoslavije  (CentralniHigijenski 
Zavod  u  Beogradu)  1930:  1  + 

Soil  Science;  founded  1916  by  Jacob  G.  Lip- 
man  1916:  1  + 

South  African  Biological  Society  Pamphlet 
1931:  Pretoria.  1  + 

South  African  Journal  of  Natural  History; 
South  African  Biological  Society  1918:  1-6 

South  African  Journal  of  Science;  being  the 
report  of  the  South  African  Association  for 
the  Advancement  of  Science  (1903-18  as 
Report)  1903:  Johannesburg.  1-4;  7;  [8-9]; 
10-12;  14  + 

Sovetskaia  Botanika  1933:  Botanicheskogo 
Institut;  Akademiia  Nauk  U.R.S.S.:  1933  + 

Special  Papers ;  Geological  Society  of  America 

1934:  1  + 

*Special  Papers;  Ohio  State  Academy  of  Sci- 
ences 1899:  1-7 

Special  Publication;  American  Geographical 
Society  1915: 4; 7-9; 11 ; 13; 16; 18-19; 21-22 

Special  Publication;  Bernice  P.  Bishop  Mu- 
seum (1-6  as  Miscellaneous  Publication)  (6 
as  Fauna  Hawaiiensis)  (11,  1926+  includes 
Proceedings;  Hawaiian  Academy  of  Science) 
1892:  Honolulu,  Hawaii.  2;  4-6;  9-21;  26 

Special  Publication ;  Chekiang  Provincial  Fish- 
eries Experiment  Station  1936:  China.  1-2 

Special  Publication;  Coast  and  Geodetic  Sur- 
vey: U.  S.  Department  of  Commerce.  [3- 
196];  198  + 

Special  Publication;  International  Hydro- 
graphic  Bureau  1923:  Monaco.  1  + 

Special  Publication  of  the  American  Commit- 
tee on  International  Wild  Life  Protection 
1931:  1  + 

Special  Report  Series;  Privy  Council;  Medical 
Research  Council  (1-50  as  Medical  Re- 
search Committee,  National  Health  Insur- 
ance) 1915:  London.  3;  5-10;  12-72;  74  + 

Spisy  Lekarske  Fakulty,  Masarykovy  Univer- 
sity (Publications  de  la  Faculte  de  Medecine 
de  1'Universite  Masaryk)  1922:  Brno.  1-17 

Spisy  Vydavane  Pfirodovedeckou  Fakultou 
Karlovy  University  (Publications  de  la  Fa- 
culte des  Sciences  de  1'Universite  Charles) 
1923:  Prague.  17;  57;  79;  95;  105;  108;  133; 
143_44;  147-48;  150;  152-54;  157;  160-66 

Spisy   Vydavane    Pfirodovedeckou   Fakultou 



Masarykovy  University  (Publications  de  la 
Faculte  des  Sciences  de  1'Universite 
Masaryk)  1921:  Brno.  1-271 

Spolia  Zeylanica;  Ceylon  Journal  of  Science, 
section  B.  Geology,  Zoology,  Anthropology 
1903:  Colombo  Museum.  1  + 

Spolia  Zoologica  Musei  Hauniensis  I  see 
Skrifter  udgivet  af  Universitetets  Zoologiske 
Museum;  K0benhavn 

*Sprawozdania  Stacji  Hydrobiologiznej  na 
Wigrach  (Comptes  Rendus  de  la  Station 
Hydrobiologique  du  Lac  de  Wigry)  1922: 
Instytut  im  M.  Xenckiego;  Warsaw.  1-4 

Sprawozdania  z  posiedzeri  Towarzystwa  Nau- 
kowego  Warszawskiego  (Comptes  Rendus 
des  Seances  de  la  Societe  des  Sciences  et 
des  Lettres  de  Varsovie)  1908:  1-5;  11-18; 
ser.  3.  Matematyczno-fizycznych.  6-10; 
19-30,  no.  6;  ser.  4.  Biologicznych.  22-31, 
no.  6 

Sprawozdanie  Paristwowego  Muzeum  Zoolo- 
gicznego  za  Rok  1929:  Warsaw.  1929 

Sprawozdanie  z  Dzialalnosci  w  Roku  Akade- 
mickim;  Wolna  Wszechnica  Polska:  War- 
saw. 21  (1926-27) 

Stain  Technology;  a  journal  for  microtechnic; 
official  organ  of  the  Commission  on  Stand- 
ardization of  Biological  Stains  1926:  1  + 

Standards  Yearbook;  National  Bureau  of 
Standards:  U.  S.  Department  of  Commerce. 
2-4  (1928-30) 

Stanford  Ichthyological  Bulletin  1938:  Natu- 
ral History  Museum  of  Stanford  University. 
1  + 

*Stanford  University  Publications;  University 
Series  1908:  1-43 

Stanford  University  Publications;  University 
series;  Biological  Sciences  1920:  1  + 

Stanford  University  Publications;  University 
series;  Geological  Sciences  1924:  1  + 

Stanford  University  Publications;  University 
series;  Medical  Sciences  1921:  1;  nos.  1-2; 
4,  no.  1 

Starunia  1934;  Polska  Akademja  Umiejet- 
nosci:  Krakow.  1-16 

State  of  New  York;  Conservations  Depart- 
ment; Supplemental  to  Annual  Report: 

State  of  the  Ice  in  the  Arctic  Seas  and  the 
Surface  Temperature  of  the  Sea  in  the 
Northern  Atlantic-Ocean  and  in  Davis- 
Strait  see  Nautisk-Meteorologisk  Aarbog 

State  University  of  Montana  Studies  1926:  1 

Statens    Meteorologisk-Hydrografiska    Ans- 
talt;  Meddelanden;  Serien  Uppsatser  ( Com- 
munications, series  of  papers)   1935:  Stock- 
holm. 1-32;  34  + 
*Statistical  Research  Memoirs;  University  Col- 

lege, University  of  London;  Department  of 
Statistics  1936:  1-2 

Stettiner  Entomologische  Zeitung  see  Entomo- 
logische  Zeitung 

Strahlentherapie ;  Mitteilungen  aus  dem  Ge- 
biete  der  Behandlung  mit  Rontgenstrahlen, 
Licht  und  Radioaktiven  Substanzen;  Zeit- 
schrift  der  Deutschen  Rbntgengesellschaft 
und  der  Gesellschaft  fur  Lichtforschung 
1912:  1  +  ;  Sonderband  1912:  1  + 

*Studies  from  the  Biological  Laboratory;  Johns 
Hopkins  University  (session  1878  as  Scien- 
tific Results;  Chesapeake  Zoological  Labora- 
tory) 1877:  1-5 

'Studies  from  the  Museum  of  Zoology  in  Uni- 
versity College,  Dundee  1888:  1-12 

Studies  from  the  Plant  Physiological  Labora- 
tory of  Charles  University;  Prague  1923: 
1-6,  no.  3,  (1937) 

Studies  of  the  Institutum  Divi  Thomae  1937: 
Cincinnati.  1  + 

Suomalaisen  elain-ja  Kasvitieteellisen  Seuran 
Vanamon;  Elaintieteellisia  Julkaisuja  (An- 
nales  Zoologici  Societatis  Zoologicae-Bota- 
nicae  Fennicae  Vanamo)  1932:  Helsingfors. 
1-6  (1939) 

*Suomalaisen  elain-ja  Kasvitieteelisen  Seuran 
Vanamon;  Julkaisuja  (Annales  Societatis 
Zoolog.-Botanicae  Fennicae  Vanamo)  (con- 
tinued in  two  series)  1923:  Helsingfors.  1-15 

Suomalaisen  elain-ja  Kasvitieteellisen  Seuran 
Vanamon;  Kasvitieteellisia  Julkaisuja  (An- 
nales Botanici  Societatis  Zoologicae-Botani- 
cae  Fennicae  Vanamo)  1931:  Helsingfors. 
1-14  (1940) 

Suomalaisen  elain-ja  Kasvitieteellisen  Seu- 
ran Vanamon  see  also  Luonnon  Ystava 

Suomen  Hyonteistieteellinen  Aikakauskirja 
(Annales  Entomologici  Fennici)  1935:  1-5 

Svensk  Botanisk  Tidskrift;  utgiven  av  Svenska 
Botaniska  Foreningen  1907:  1-33  (1939) 

Svenska  Hydrografisk-Biologiska  Kommis- 
sionens  Skrifter  1903:  Goteborg.  1  + 

(Kungl.)  Svenska  Vetenskapsakademiens  Ars- 
bok  1903:  1903-36;  1938  + 

(Kungl.)  Svenska  Vetenskapsakademiens 
Handlingar  1739:  1  + 

Symbolae  Botanicae  Upsalienses;  Arbeten 
fran  Botaniska  Institutionerna  i  Uppsala 
1932:  1  + 

Symons's  Meteorological  Magazine  see  Mete- 
orological Magazine 

Synthetic  Organic  Chemicals  1927:  Eastman 
Kodak  Company.  1  + 

Tableaux  Analytiques  de  la  Faune  de  1'URSS 
(Opredeliteli  po  Faune  SSSR)  1927:  Aka- 



demiia  Nauk,  Zoologicheskii  Institut.  1-2; 
11-14;  17-19;  21  + 

Tabulae  Biologicae  (7-12  also  as  1-6  of  Ta- 
bulae Biologicae  Periodicae)  1925:  Berlin. 
1  + 

*(Die)  Tagliche  Praxis;  Monatsberichte  iiber 
die  Gesamte  Therapie  und  alle  Klinischen 
Facher;  Supplement  to  Wiener  Medizinische 
Wochenschrift  1929:  3-6  (1934) 

Tartu  Ulikooli  juures  oleva  Loodsuurijate 
Seltsi  Aruanded  (Annales  Societatis  Rebus 
Naturae  Investigandis  in  Universitate  Tar- 
tuensi  Constitutae)  (1-11  as  Sitzungsbe- 
richte  der  Naturforscher-Gesellschaft  bei 
der  Universitat  Dorpat;  12-23  as  Sitzungs- 
berichte  or  Protokoly  Obshchestva  Estest- 
voispytatelei  pri  Imperatorskom  lur'evskom 
Universitete)  1853:  Naturalists'  Society  of 
Tartu  University.  1-2;  5-8;  12  + 

Technical  Bulletin;  University  of  Minnesota; 
Agricultural  Experiment  Station:  21 ;  33;  38; 
40-75;  88-89;  95;  101;  111;  113-14;  133; 
137  (1939) 

Technical  Publication;  New  York  State  Col- 
lege of  Forestry  at  Syracuse  University 
1914:  1;  3-4;  9-10;  19;  21;  26;  29-32;  34-37; 
42^14  (1933) 

Technologic  Papers  of  the  Bureau  of  Stand- 
ards 1911:  U.  S.  Department  of  Commerce. 

*Technology  Quarterly  and  Proceedings  of  the 
Society  of  Arts  1887:  Massachusetts  Insti- 
tute of  Technology.  8-9  see  Review  of 
American  Chemical  Research  1-2  (1895-96) 
*Termeszetrajzi  Fiizetek;  A  Magyar  Tudo- 
manyos  Akademia  Segelyevel  Kiadja  a 
Magyar  Nemzeti  Muzeum  1877:  Budapest. 
22-25  (1902) 

Terrestrial  Magnetism  and  Atmospheric  Elec- 
tricity; an  international  quarterly  journal 
1896:  1  + 

Thalassia  1932:  Istituto  Italo-Germanico  di 
Biologia  Marina  di  Rovigno  d'Istria,  Venice 
and  Jena.  1  + 

Tide  Tables;  Atlantic  Coast:  U.  S.  Coast  and 
Geodetic  Survey.  1867;  -1870;  1872-81; 
1883-95;  1901-03;  1906;  1912  + 

Tierziichtung  und  Ziichtungsbiologie  ein- 
schliesslich  Tierernahrung;  Zeitschrift  fiir 
Zuchtung,  Reihe  B  (1-16  as  Zeitschrift  fur 
Tierziichtung  und  Ziichtungsbiologie  ein- 
schliesslich  Tierernahrung)  1924:  1-34 

*Tijdschrift  der  Nederlandische  Dierkundige 
Vereeniging  1874:  1-6;  ser.  2,  1-20;  ser.  3, 

Tijdschrift  van  het  K.  Nederlandsch  Aardrijk- 
skundig  Genootschap;  Amsterdam  1876: 
ser.  2,  31  + 

Tohoku  Journal  of  Experimental  Medicine 
1920:  Tohoku  Imperial  University.  1  + 

Torreia;  Museo  Poey;  Universidad  de  la  Ha- 
bana,  Cuba;  publication  ocasional  dedicada 
al  progreso  de  las  ciencias  naturales  1939: 
1  + 

Torreya;  a  bi-monthly  journal  of  botanical 
notes  and  news  1901:  Torrey  Botanical 
Club.  1  + 

Trabajos ;  Estacion  Limnologica  de  Patzcuaro ; 
Depto.  de  Pesca  e  Indust.  Maritimas  1940: 
Mexico.  1  + 

Trabajos  del  Institute  Espanol  de  Oceano- 
grafia  1929:  1-14  (1935) 

Trabajos  del  Laboratorio  de  Investigaciones 
Biologicas  de  la  Universidad  de  Madrid  see 
Travaux  du  Laboratoire  de  Recherches  Bio- 
logiques  de  1'Universite  de  Madrid 

Trabajos  del  Museo  Nacional  de  Ciencias 
Naturales;  Serie  Zoologica  1912:  Junta  para 
Ampliacion  de  Estudios  e  Investigaciones 
Cientificas.  1-57  (1932) 

Trabajos  del  Museo  Nacional  de  Ciencias 
Naturales  y  Jardin  Botanico;  Serie  Botanica 
1912:  Junta  para  Ampliacion  de  Estudios  e 
Investigaciones  Cientificas.  1—31  (1935) 

Transactiones  Societatis  Pathologicae  Japoni- 
cae  1911:  23  + 

Transactions  and  Proceedings  and  Report  of 
the  Philosophical  Society  of  Adelaide  see 
Transactions  of  the  Royal  Society  of  South 

Transactions  and  Proceedings  of  the  Botanical 
Society  of  Edinburgh  (1-11,  16-18  as  Trans- 
actions of  the  Botanical  Society)  1841:  1-3; 
4,  pt.  2;  5  + 

Transactions  and  Proceedings  of  the  Perth- 
shire Society  of  Natural  Science  (1880-86 
as  Proceedings;  1871-80  see  in  Scottish 
Naturalist  (Perth)  1880:  [4-5] 

Transactions  and  Proceedings  of  the  Royal 
Society  of  New  Zealand  (1-63  as  Transac- 
tions and  Proceedings  of  the  New  Zealand 
Institute)  1868:  1  +  ' 

Transactions  and  Proceedings  of  the  Royal 
Society  of  South  Australia  see  Transactions 
of  the  Royal  Society  of  South  Australia 

Transactions  of  the  Academy  of  Science  of  St. 
Louis  1856:  1-16;  [17];  18-19;  [20];  21-22; 
[23];  24  + 

Transactions  of  the  American  Entomological 
Society  1867:  1  + 

Transactions  of  the  American  Fisheries  So- 
ciety (1-13  as  American  Fish-Cultural  Asso- 
ciation) 1870:  13;  15-16;  24+ 

Transactions  of  the  American  Geophysical 
Union  1922:  1+  (2,  4,  6-11  see  in  Bulletin 
of  the  National  Research  Council)  (1,  3,  5 
never  published) 



Transactions  of  the  American  Microscopical 
Society  (2-13  as  Proceedings  of  the  Ameri- 
can Society  of  Microscopists;  1892-94  as 
Proceedings  of  the  American  Microscopical 
Society)  1878:  1  + 

Transactions  of  the  American  Philosophical 
Society  1769:  1-3;  6;  n.s.  1-10;  12  + 

Transactions  of  the  American  Society  of  Tropi- 
cal Medicine:  16,  1920+  see  in  American 
Journal  of  Tropical  Medicine  1,  1921  + 

Transactions  of  the  Arctic  Institute  of  the 
Chief  Administration  of  the  Northern  Sea 
Route  see  Trudy  Arkticheskogo  Nauchno- 
Issledovatel'skogo  Instituta  Glavnogo  Up- 
ravleniia  Severnogo  Morskogo  puti  pri  snk 

Transactions  of  the  Botanical  Society;  Edin- 
burgh see  Transactions  and  Proceedings  of 
the  Botanical  Society  of  Edinburgh 
*Transactions  of  the  Cambridge  Philosophical 
Society  1820:  England.  1-23 

Transactions  of  the  Central  Geophysical  Ob- 
servatory see  Trudy  Glavnoi  Geonzicheskoi 

Transactions  of  the  Congress  of  American 
Physicians  and  Surgeons  1888:  2-3;  5;  7; 
12;  14  (1928) 

Transactions  of  the  Connecticut  Academy  of 
Arts  and  Sciences  1866:  1  + 

transactions  of  the  Entomological  Society  of 
New  South  Wales  1863:  1-2  (1873) 

Transactions  of  the  Faraday  Society  1905: 
London.  1-11;  16+ 

Transactions  of  the  Hertfordshire  Natural 
History  Society  and  Field  Club  1879:  1,  pt. 
2;  2,  pt.  2,  5 

Transactions  of  the  Institute  for  Scientific  Ex- 
ploration of  the  North  see  Trudy  Instituta 
po  Izucheniiu  Severa 

Transactions  of  the  Institute  of  Marine  Fish- 
eries and  Oceanography  of  the  USSR  see 
Trudy  Vsesoiuznogo  Nauchno-Issledova- 
tel'skogo  Instituta  Morskogo  Rybnogo 
Khoziaistva  i  Okeanografii 

Transactions  of  the  Kansas  Academy  of  Sci- 
ences 1868:  1-18;  20,  pt.  2;  23-26  (1913) 

Transactions  of  the  Knipovich  Polar  Scientific 

.  Institute  of  Sea-Fisheries  and  Oceanog- 
raphy see  Trudy  Podiarnyi  Nauchno-Issle- 
dovatel'skii  Institut  Morskogo  Rybnogo 
Khoziaistva  i  Okeanografii  im.  Pochetnogo 
Chlena  Akademii  Nauk  SSSR  Prof.  N.  M. 

Transactions  of  the  Laboratory  of  Experi- 
mental Biology  of  the  Zoopark  of  Moscow 
see  Trudy  po  Dinamike  Razvitiia 

Transactions  of  the  Linnean  Society  of  London 
1791:  1-30;  (series  2)  Botany  (1875)  1  +  ; 
Zoology  (1875)  1+  (series  3)  The  Percy  Sla- 

den  Trust  Expedition  to  Lake  Titicaca  in 
1937;  under  the  leadership  of  Mr.  H.  Gary 
Gilson  (1939)  1  + 

*Transactions  of  the  Microscopical  Society  of 
London  1844:  1-3 

Transactions  of  the  National  Institute  of  Sci- 
ences of  India  1935:  1  + 

*Transactions  of  the  New  York  Academy  of 
Medicine  1847:  1896-1901 

Transactions  of  the  New  York  Academy  of 

Sciences  1881:  [2-16];  n.s.  1  + 
Transactions  of  the  New  York  Microscopical 
Society  1878:  [1]  see  in  American  Quarterly 
Microscopical  Journal  vol.  1 

Transactions  of  the  Northern  Scientific  and 
Economic  Expedition  see  Trudy  Instituta  po 
Izucheniiu  Severa 

Transactions  of  the  Oceanographical  Institute 
Moscow  see  Trudy  Gosudarstvennogo  Okea- 
nograficheskogo  Instituta 
Transactions  of  the  Optical  Society  (1933  + 
continued  in  Proceedings  of  the  Physical 
Society  45,  1933+)  1899:  London.  1-33 

Transactions  of  the  Ottawa  Field-Naturalists' 
Club  see  Canadian  Field-Naturalist 

Transactions  of  the  Pavlov  Physiological  Lab- 
oratories see  Trudy  Fiziologicheskikh  Labo- 

Transactions  of  the  Philosophical  Society  of 
New  South  Wales  1862:  1862-65 

Transactions  of  the  Physiological  Institute 
at  the  Leningrad  State  University  see 
Trudy  Fiziologicheskogo  Nauchno-Issledo- 
vatel'skogo  Instituta 

Transactions  of  the  Research  Institute  of  Ex- 
perimental Morphogenesis;  State  Univer- 
sity of  Moscow  see  Trudy  Nauchno-Issledo- 
vatel'skogo  Instituta  Eksperimental'nogo 
Morfogeneza;  Moskovskogo  Gosudarstven- 
nogo Universiteta 

Transactions  of  the  Royal  Canadian  Institute 
1889:  1  + 

Transactions  of  the  Royal  Entomological  So- 
ciety of  London  1833:  91  + 

Transactions  of  the  Royal  Irish  Academy  1 787 ; 
24,  pt.  27-28;  29,  pt.  16;  30,  pt.  3;  31,  pt.  1: 
32,  sec.  A,  pt.  4 

Transactions  of  the  Royal  Microscopical  So- 
ciety 1844:  1853-68  see  in  Quarterly  Journal 
of  Microscopical  Science  1-n.s.  8;  1869-77 
see  in  Monthly  Microscopical  Journal  1-18; 
1878+  see  in  Journal  of  the  Royal  Micro- 
scopical Society  1  + 

Transactions  of  the  Royal  Photographic  So- 
ciety of  Great  Britain  1926-30  see  in  Photo- 
graphic Journal  66-70 

Transactions  of  the  Royal  Society  of  Canada 
(1-24  as  Proceedings  and  Transactions  of 



the  Royal  Society  of  Canada;  13-24  also 
numbered  ser,  2,  1-12)  1882:  series  1-2,  1— 
24;  series  3,  1-12;  13+  as  Section  3.  Math- 
ematical, Physical  and  Chemical  Sciences: 
13  +  ;  Section  4.  Geological  Sciences:  18-19; 
Section  5.  Biological  Sciences:  18  + 

Transactions  of  the  Royal  Society  of  Edin- 
burgh (1-4  in  3  sections:  History,  appearing 
in  1-5;  includes  Proceedings  1783-1803; 
Papers  of  the  Physical  Class;  Papers  of  the 
Literary  Class)  1783:  1-8;  10-15;  20-27; 
29-30;  32  + 

Transactions  of  the  Royal  Society  of  New 
South  Wales  see  Journal  and  Proceedings  of 
the  Royal  Society  of  New  South  Wales 

Transactions  of  the  Royal  Society  of  South 
Africa  1908:  1  + 

Transactions  of  the  Royal  Society  of  South 
Australia  (2  as  Transactions  and  Proceed- 
ings and  Report  of  the  Philosophical  Society 
of  Adelaide;  3-36  as  Transactions  and  Pro- 
ceedings and  Report  of  the  Royal  Society 
of  South  Australia;  37-61  as  Transactions 
and  Proceedings  of  the  Royal  Society  of 
South  Australia)  1877:  2-3;  7  + 

Transactions  of  the  San  Diego  Society  of 
Natural  History  1905:  [1-3];  5  + 

Transactions  of  the  Scientific  Chemical- 
Pharmaceutical  Institute  see  Trudy  Nauch- 
nogo  Khimiko-Farmatsevticheskogo  Ins- 

Transactions  (and  Communications)  of  the 
Society  of  Chemical  Industry  see  Journal  of 
the  Society  of  Chemical  Industry 

Transactions  of  the  South  African  Philosophi- 
cal Society  1877:  Cape  Town.  [2-18] 

Transactions  of  the  State  Agricultural  Society 
with  Reports  of  County  Agricultural  Socie- 
ties; Michigan  1849:  1-2;  4;  7 
'Transactions  of  the  Texas  Academy  of  Science 

1896:  [1-10] 
Transactions  of  the  Wagner  Free  Institute  of 

Science  of  Philadelphia  1887:  1-11 
Transactions  of  the  Watford  Natural  History 
Society  and  Hertfordshire  Field  Club  1875: 
London.  [2] 

Transactions  of  the  Western  Surgical  Associa- 
tion 1896:  43  + 

Transactions  of  the  Wisconsin  Academy  of 
Sciences,  Arts  and  Letters  1870:  1  + 

Transactions  of  the  Yorkshire  Naturalists' 
Union  1877:  Leeds.  23-25;  28-29 

Transactions  of  the  Zoological  Society  of  Lon- 
don 1835:  1  + 

Transactions  of  Tomsk  State  University  (Iz- 
vestiia  Tomskogo  Gosudarstvennogo  Uni- 
versiteta)  (Berichte  der  Tomsker  Staats- 
Universitat)  1889:  82;  84 

Transactions  on  the  Dynamics  of  Develop- 

ment,   Moscow    see    Trudy    po    Dinamike 

Transunti  della  R.  Accademia  Nazionale  dei 
Lincei  see  Atti  della  Reale  Accademia  Na- 
zionale dei  Lincei 

Travaux  Chimiques  parus  au  Bulletin  Inter- 
national de  1'Academie  Polonaise  des  Sci- 
ences et  des  Lettres;  Classe  des  Sciences 
Mathematiques  et  Naturelles;  Serie  A. 
Sciences  Mathematiques  1931:  1-4 

Travaux  de  1'Institut  Biologique  de  Peterhof 
see  Trudy  Petergofskogo  Biologicheskogo 

Travaux  de  1'Institut  de  Physiologic  see  Trudy 
Instituta  Fiziologii 

Travaux  de  1'Institut  de  Recherches  Scien- 
tifiques  de  Biologic  see  Pratsi  Naukovo- 
Doslidnogo  Institutu  Biologii 

Travaux  de  1'Institut  de  Zoologie  de  1'Uni- 
versite de  Montpellier  et  de  la  Station 
Zoologique  de  Cette  see  Travaux  de  la  Sta- 
tion Biologique  de  Sete 

Travaux  de  1'Institut  des  Recherches  Biolog- 
iques  de  Molotiv  see  Trudy  Biologicheskogo 
Nauchno-Issledovatel'skogo  Instituta  pri 
Molotovskom  Gosudarstvennom  Universi- 
tete  im.  M.  Gor'kogo 

Travaux  de  1'Institut  des  Recherches  Scien- 
tifiques  a  1'Universite  d'Etat,  Voroneje, 
URSS  see  Trudy  Nauchno-Issledovatel'skogo 
Instituta  pri  Voronezhskom  Gosudarstven- 
nom Universitete 

Travaux  de  1'Institut  des  Sciences  Naturelles 
de  Peterhoff  see  Trudy  Petergofskogo  Bio- 
logicheskogo Instituta 

Travaux  de  1'Institut  Hydrologique  d'Etat  see 
Trudy  Gosudarstvennogo  Gidrologicheskogo 

Travaux  de  1'Institut  Nencki  see  Prace  Insty- 
tutu  im.  Nenckiego 

Travaux  de  1'Institut  Oceanographique  de  1'In- 
dochine;  Memoire  (1-3  as  Travaux  du 
Service  Oceanographique  des  Peches  de  1'In- 
dochine;  Memoire)  1927:  Gouvernement 
General  de  1'Indochine.  2  + 

Travaux  de  1'Institut  Zoologique  de  1'Academie 
des  Sciences  de  1'URSS  see  Trudy  Zoolo- 
gicheskogo  Instituta 

Travaux  de  1'Institut  Zoologique  de  Lille  et 
de  la  Station  Maritime  de  Wimereux  see 
Travaux  de  la  Station  Zoologique  de 

Travaux  de  la  Commission  pour  1'Etude  du 
Lac  Bajkal  see  Trudy  Baikal'skoi  Limno- 
logicheskoi  Stantsii 

Travaux  de  la  Societe  des  Naturalistes  a 
1'Universite  Imperiale  de  Kharkow  see 
Trudy  Obshchestva  Ispytatelei  Prirody  pri 
Imperatorskom  Khar'kovskom  Universitete 



Travaux  de  la  Societe  des  Naturalistes  de 
Leningrad  see  Trudy  Leningradskogo  Obsh- 
chestva  Estestvoispytatelei 

Travaux  de  la  Societe  Royale  des  Sciences  de 
Boheme,  Classe  des  Sciences  see  Rozpravy 
Kralovske  Ceske  Spolecnosti  Nauk;  Trida 

Travaux  de  la  Station  Biologique  "Borodin- 
skaja"  attachee  a  la  Societe  des  Naturalis- 
tes de  Petrograd  see  Trudy  Borodinskoi 
Biologicheskoi  Stantsii  v  Karelii 

Travaux  de  la  Station  Biologique  de  Kara- 
dagh  see  Trudy  Karadags'koi  Biologichnoi 

Travaux  de  la  Station  Biologique  de  Murman 
de  la  Societe  des  Naturalistes  de  Leningrad 
see  Raboty  Murmanskoi  Biologicheskoi 
Stantsii;  Leningradskogo  Obshchestva  Es- 

Travaux  de  la  Station  Biologique  de  Roscoff; 
publics  par  Charles  Perez  1923:  1  + 

Travaux  de  la  Station  Biologique  de  Sebasto- 
pol  see  Trudy  Sevastopol'skoi  Biologicheskoi 

Travaux  de  la  Station  Biologique  de  Sete  (1- 
ser.  2,  no.  61  as  Travaux  de  1'Institut  de 
Zoologie  de  1'Universite  de  Montpellier  et 
de  la  Station  Zoologique  de  Cette  and  varia- 
tions of  that  title}  1873:  ser.  1.  1-2;  5;  series 
2.  Memoire  1-2;  5-6;  8-16;  18;  22-24;  27- 
28;  30  + 

Travaux  de  la  Station  Hydrobiologique  (Zbir- 
nik  Prats ;  Dniprians'koi  Biologichnoi  Stant- 
sii) see  Trudy  Gidrobiologichnoi  Stantsii 

Travaux  de  la  Station  Ichtyologique,  Sozopol, 
Bulgarie  see  Trudove  na  Opitnata  Ikhtio- 
logichna  Stantsiia  V  Gr.  Sozopol 

Travaux  de  la  Station  Limnologique  du  Lac 
Bajkal  see  Trudy  Baikal'skoi  Limnologi- 
cheskoi  Stantsii 

Travaux  de  la  Station  Zoologique  de  Ville- 
franch-s-Mer  (1925-30  as  Travaux  de  la 
Station  Zoologique  Russe  de  Villefranch-s- 
Mer)  1925:  1925  + 

Travaux  de  la  Station  Zoologique  de  Wime- 
reux  (1  has  no  series  title)  (2-4  as  Travaux 
de  1'Institut  Zoologique  de  Lille  et  de  la 
Station  Maritime  de  Wimereux)  (5  as 
Travaux  de  ITnstitut  Zoologique  de  Lille 
et  du  Laboratoire  de  Zoologie  Maritime  de 
Wimereux)  (6  as  Travaux  du  Laboratoire  de 
Zoologie  Maritime  de  Wimereux-Amble- 
teuse)  1877:  1  + 

Travaux  de  Laboratoire;  Institut  Solvay 
(Physiologic) ;  Universite  Libre  de  Bruxelles 
1897:  fasc.  3;  vol.  2-12,  fasc.  1;  14,  fasc.  2; 
15,  fasc.  1-2;  16,  fasc.  1-2;  17,  fasc.  1;  18  + 

Travaux  des  Laboratoires ;  Societe  Scientif- 

ique    d'Arcachon;    Station    Biologique    see 
Bulletin  de  la  Station  Biologique  d'Arcachon 

Travaux  du  Laboratoire  Biogeochimique  de 
1'Academie  des  Sciences  de  1'URSS  see 
Trudy  Biogeokhimicheskoi  Laboratorii 
*Travaux  du  Laboratoire  de  Leon  Fredericq; 
Universite  de  Liege,  Institut  de  Physiologic 
1885:  1-7 

Travaux  du  Laboratoire  de  Morphologic  Evo- 
lutive see  Trudy  Laboratorii  Evoliutsionnoi 

Travaux  du  Laboratoire  de  Recherches  Bio- 
logiques  de  1'Universite  de  Madrid;  fonde 
par  S.  Ramon  y  Cajal  (1-20  as  Trabajos  del 
Laboratorio  de  Investigaciones  Biologicas 
de  la  Universidad  de  Madrid)  1901:  1  + 

Travaux  du  Laboratoire  de  Zoologie  Experi- 
mentale  et  de  Morphologic  des  Animaux  see 
Trudy  Laboratorii  Eksperimental'noi  Zoolo- 
gii  i  Morfologii  Zhivotnykh 

Travaux  du  Laboratoire  Ichtyologique  d'As- 
trakhan  aupres  de  1'Administration  des 
Pecheries  du  Volga  et  de  la  Mer  Caspienne 
see  Report  (s)  of  the  (Astrakhan)  Scientific 
Station  of  Fisheries  of  Volga  and  Caspian 

Travaux  du  Laboratoire  Zoologique  et  de  la 
Station  Biologique  de  Sebastopol  pres  de 
1'Academie  Imperiale  des  Sciences  see  Trudy 
Sevastopol'skoi  Biologicheskoi  Stantsii 

Travaux  du  Musee  Botanique;  Academic  des 
Sciences  USSR  see  Trudy  Botanicheskogo 
Muzefa;  Akademiia  Nauk  SSSR 

Travaux  du  Service  Oceanographique  des 
Peches  de  1'Indochine;  Memoire  see  Tra- 
vaux de  1' Institut  Ocdanographique  de  1'In- 
dochine;  Memoire 

*Travaux  Scientifiques  du  Laboratoire  de  Zoo- 
logie et  de  Physiologic  Maritimes  de  Con- 
carneau  1909:  1-5,  fasc.  1 

Travaux  sur  la  Morphologic  des  Animaux  see 
Zbirnik  Prats  z  Morfologii  Tvarin 

Treubia;  a  journal  of  zoology,  hydrobiology 
and  oceanography  of  the  East  Indian  Archi- 
pelago; 's  Lands  Plantentuim  (Botanic  Gar- 
dens, Buitenzorg,  Java)  1919:  1  + 
Troms0  Museums  Aarsberetning  1873:  1893; 
1898-1908;  1910+ 

Troms0  Museums  Aarshefter  1878:  1;  3;  6; 
10-12;  20  + 

Troms0  Museums  Skrifter  1925:  1  + 

Tropical  Diseases  Bulletin  1912:  Bureau  of 
Hygiene  and  Tropical  Diseases;  London. 
37  + 

Tropical  Plant  Research  Foundation  Bulletin 
1925:  Washington,  D.  C.  1  + 

Trudove  na  Chernomorskata  Biologichna 
Stantsiia  Varna  (Arbeiten  aus  der  Biologi- 



schen  Meeresstation  am  Schwarzen  Meer 
in  Varna,  Bulgarian)  1933:  1  + 

Trudove  na  Opitnata  Ikhtiologichna  Stantsiia 
V  Gr.  Sozopol  (Travaux  de  la  Station  Ichtyo- 
logique,  Sozopol,  Bulgaria):  5  + 

Trudy  Arkhangel'skogo  Vodoroslevogo  Nauch- 
no-Issledovatel'skogo  Instituta  Avnii  (Algal 
Research  Institute,  Archangel)  1938:  1 

Trudy  Arkticheskogo  Nauchno-Issledova- 
tel'skogo  Instituta  Glavnogo  Upravlenifa 
Severnogo  Morskogo  puti  pri  snk  SSSR 
(Transactions  of  the  Arctic  Institute  of  the 
Chief  Administration  of  the  Northern  Sea 
Route)  1933:  [1-145] 

Trudy  Azovsko-Chernomorskogo  Nauchno- 
Issledovatel'skogo  Instituta  Rybnogo  Khoz- 
faistva  i  Okeanografii  (Publications  of  the 
Scientific  Institute  of  Fishery  and  Ocean- 
ography) :  1 1 

Trudy  Azovsko-Chernomorskoi,  Kerchenskoi, 
Nauchnoi  Rybokhozfaistvennoi  Stantsii, 
Ikhtiologicheskoi  Laboratorii  see  Report  (s) 
of  the  Scientific  Station  of  Fisheries  of  Asov 
and  Black  Seas 

Trudy  Baikal'skoi  Limnologicheskoi  Stantsii 
(Travaux  de  la  Station  Limnologique  du  Lac 
Bajkal)  (1-3  as  Trudy  Komissii  po  Izu- 
cheniiu  Ozera  Baikala)  (Travaux  de  la  Com- 
mission pour  1'Etude  du  Lac  Bajkal)  1918: 
Akademiia  Nauk.  1  + 

Trudy  Belorusskogo  Gosudarstven.  Universi- 
teta  (Annales  de  1'Universite  de  Minsk) 
(Prace  Naukowe  Uniwersitetu  Paristwo- 
wego  na  Biatorusi)  1922:  6-10 

Trudy  Biogeokhimicheskoi  Laboratorii  (Tra- 
vaux du  Laboratoire  Biogeochimique  de 
1'Academie  des  Sciences  de  1'URSS)  1930: 

1  + 

Trudy  Biologicheskogo  Fakul'teta  Tomskogo 
Gosudarstvennogo  Universiteta  (Wissen- 
schaftliche  Berichte  der  Biologischen  Fakul- 
tat  der  Tomsker  Staats-Universitat)  1931:  1 

Trudy  Biologicheskogo  Nauchno-Issledova- 
tel'skogo  Instituta  pri  Molotovskom  Gosu- 
darstvennom  Universitete  im.  M.  Gor'kogo 
(1-3,  no.  2;  6-8  as  Trudy  Biologicheskogo 
Nauchno-Issledovatel'skogo  Instituta  pri 
Permskom  Gosudarstvennom  Universitete; 
3,  no.  3-vol.  5  as  Trudy  Permskogo  Bio- 
logicheskogo Nauchno-Issledovatel'skogo 
Instituta)  (Travaux  de  1'Institut  des  Re- 
cherches  Biologiques  de  Molotov;  formerly 
Perm)  1927:  1  + 

Trudy  Borodinskoi  Biologicheskoi  Stantsii  v 
Karelii;  Leningradskoe  Obshchestvo  Est- 
estvoispytatelei  (Berichte  der  Biologischen 
Borodin  Station)  (1-3,  1901-12  as  Trudy 
Pryesnovodnoi  Biologicheskoi  Stantsii  Im- 

peratorskago  S.-Peterburgskago  Obshchestva 
Estestvoispytatelei;  Berichte  der  Biologi- 
schen Siisswasserstation  der  Kaiserlichen 
Naturforscher-Gesellschaft  zu  St.  Peters- 
burg) (4,  1917  as  Trudy  Borodinskoi  Bio- 
logicheskoi Stantsii  Petrogradskago  Obsh- 
chestva Estestvoispytatelei;  Travaux  de  la 
Station  Biologique  "Borodinskaja"  attachee 
a  la  Societe  des  Naturalistes  de  Petrograd) 
(5,  1927  as  Trudy  Borodinskoi  Presnovodnoi 
Biologicheskoi  Stantsii  v  Karelii;  Berichte 
der  Akademiker  Borodin  Biologischen  Siiss- 
wasser  Station)  1901:  1-8,  no.  2;  9,  no.  1 

Trudy  Botanicheskogo  Instituta  Akademii 
Nauk  SSSR  (Acta  Instituti  Botanici  Aca- 
demiae  Scientiarum  URSS);  Serif*  1.  Flora 
i  Sistematika  Vysschikh  Rastenii  1933:  1  + ; 
Seriia  2.  Sporovye  Rasteniia  1933:  1  +  ; 
Serifa  3.  Geobotanika  1934:  1  +  ;  Serifa  4. 
Eksperimental'naia  Botanika  1934:  1-3; 
5  +  ;  Seriia  5.  Rastitel'noe  Syr'e  1938:  1  + 

Trudy  Botanicheskogo  Muzeia;  Akademiia 
Nauk  SSSR  (Travaux  du  Musee  Botanique; 
Academic  des  Sciences  USSR)  1902:  12-18; 

Trudy  Fiziologicheskikh  Laboratorii;  Akade- 
mika  I.  P.  Pavlova  (Transactions  of  the 
Pavlov  Physiological  Laboratories) :  Aka- 
demiia Nauk.  [2-4];  6  + 

Trudy  Fiziologicheskogo  Nauchno-Issledova- 
tel'skogo Instituta;  Leningradskii  Gosu- 
darstvennyi  Universitet  (Transactions  of  the 
Physiological  Institute  at  the  Leningrad 
State  University):  16-19;  22  + 

Trudy  Gidrobiologichnoi  Stantsii  (Travaux  de 
la  Station  Hydrobiologique)  (1-6  as  Zbirnik 
Prats;  Dniprians'koi  Biologichnoi  Stantsii; 
also  numbered  separately  as  Academic  des 
Sciences  d'Ukraine;  Memoires  de  la  Classe 
des  Sciences)  1926:  Academie  des  Sciences 
d'Ukraine;  Kief.  1  + 

Trudy  Glavnoi  Geofizicheskoi  Observatorii 
(Transactions  of  the  Central  Geophysical 
Observatory)  1934:  Glavnoe  Upravlenie 
Gidrometeorologicheskoi  Sluzhby  SSR;  Le- 
ningrad; Moscow.  1-15;  17-26;  28  + 

Trudy  Gosudarstvennogo  Gidrologicheskogo 
Instituta  (Travaux  de  I'lnst'.tut  Hydrolo- 
gique  Etat)  1936:  Glavnoe  Upravlenie  Gid- 
rometeoroiogicheskoi  Sluzhby  SSR;  Lenin- 
grad; Moscow.  1;  3;  5 

Trudy  Gosudarstvennogo  Nauchno-Issledova- 
tel'skogo Instituta  Eksperimental'nogo  Mor- 
fogeneza  see  Trudy  Nauchno-Issledova- 
tel'skogo Instituta  Eksperimental'nogo  Mor- 
fogeneza;  Moskovskogo  Gosudarstvennogo 

Trudy    Gosudarstvennogo    Okeanografiches- 



kogo  Instituta  (Transactions  of  the  Ocean- 
ographical  Institute)  1931:  Moscow.  1-f 

Trudy  Ikhtiologicheskoi  Laboratorii  see  Re- 
port (s)  of  the  (Astrakhan)  Scientific  Station 
of  Fisheries  of  Volga  and  Caspian  Sea 

Trudy  Instituta  Fiziologii;  Nauchno-Issledo- 
vatel'skii  Institut  Fiziologii  nkp  (Travaux  de 
1'Institut  de  Physiologic;  Institut  de  Re- 
cherches  Physiologiques  de  Moscou)  1934:  3 

Trudy  Instituta  Genetiki  (Bulletins  of  the 
Institute  of  Genetics)  (1-9  under  various 
titles)  1922:  Akademiia  Nauk.  1  + 
*Trudy  Instituta  po  Izuchenim  Severa  (Trans- 
actions of  the  Institute  for  Scientific  Ex- 
ploration of  the  North)  (3-24  as  Trudy  Se- 
vernoi  Nauchno-Promyslovoi  Ekspeditsii) 
(Transactions  of  the  Northern  Scientific  and 
Economic  Expedition)  (25-30  as  Trudy 
Nauchno-Issledovatel'skogo  Instituta  po 
Izuchenifu  Severa):  3-49 

Trudy  Karadags'koi  Biologichnoi  Stantsii; 
Akademiia  Nauk  URSR  (Travaux  de  la 
Station  Biologique  de  Karadagh;  Academic 
des  Sciences  de  la  RSS  d'Ukraine)  Kief.  3-6 

Trudy  Komissii  po  Izucheni/u  Ozera  Baikala 
see  Trudy  Baikal'skoi  Limnologicheskoi 

Trudy  Kosinskoi  Biologicheskoi  Stantsii  see 
Trudy  Limnologicheskoi  Stantsii  v  Kosine 

Trudy  Laboratorii  Eksperimental'noi  Biologii 
Moskovskogo  Zooparka  see  Trudy  po  Dina- 
mike  Razvitiia 

*Trudy  Laboratorii  Eksperimental'noi  Zoologii 
i  Morfologii  Zhivotnykh;  Akademifi  Nauk 
SSSR  (Travaux  du  Laboratoire  de  Zoologie 
Experimentale  et  de  Morphologic  des  Ani- 
maux;  Academic  des  Sciences  de  1'URSS) 
1930:  1-4 

Trudy  Laboratorii  Evolmtsionnoi  Morfologii; 
Akademild.  Nauk  SSSR  (Travaux  du  Labo- 
ratoire de  Morphologic  Evolutive ;  Academic 
des  Sciences  de  1'URSS)  1933:  [1-2] 

Trudy  Laboratorii  Genetiki  (Bulletins  of  the 
Laboratory  of  Genetics)  no.  9,  1932  see 
Trudy  Instituta  Genetiki 

Trudy  Leningradskogo  (Petrogradskogo) 
Obshchestva  Estestvoispytatelei  (Travaux 
de  la  Societe  des  Naturalistes  de  Lenin- 
grad) (Liv.  1.  Comptes  Rendus  des  Seances; 
Liv.  2.  Section  de  Zoologie  et  Physiologic; 
Liv.  3.  Section  de  Botanique)  (after  60, 
1930,  volume  for  each  Livraison  discontinued) 
1870:  Liv.  1.  51-60;  Liv.  2.  44-60;  Liv.  3. 
47-60;  61-63;  [64-67] 

Trudy  Limnologicheskoi  Stantsii  v  Kosine 
(Proceedings  of  the  Kossino  Limnological 
Station  of  the  Hydrometeorological  Service 
of  USSR)  (Arbeiten  der  Limnologischen 
Station  zu  Kossino  der  Hydrometeorolo- 

gischen  Administration  der  USSR)  (1-11  as 
Trudy  Kosinskoi  Biologicheskoi  Stantsii) 
(Arbeiten  der  Biologischen  Station  zu  Kos- 
sino, bei  Moskau)  1924:  Gidrometeorologi- 
cheskii  Institut.  1  + 

Trudy  Morskogo  Nauchnogo  Instituta  see  Be- 
richt(e)  des  Wissenschaftlichen  Meeresins- 

Trudy  Moskovskogo  Tekhnicheskogo  Insti- 
tuta Rybnogo  Khoziaistva  i  Promyshlen- 
nosti  im  A.  I.  Mikoiana:  Moscow.  1938-39 

Trudy  Nauchno-Issledovatel'skogo  Instituta 
Eksperimental'nogo  Morfogeneza;  Mos- 
kovskogo Gosudarstvennogo  Universiteta 
(Transactions  of  the  Research  Institute  of 
Experimental  Morphogenesis;  State  Uni- 
versity of  Moscow)  (1-5  as  Trudy  Gosu- 
darstvennogo Nauchno-Issledovatel'skogo 
Instituta  Eksperimental'nogo  Morfogeneza; 
Arbeiten  des  Instituts  fur  Experimental e 
Morphogenese)  1934:  1  + 

Trudy  Nauchno-Issledovatel'skogo  Instituta 
po  Izuchenim  Severa  see  Trudy  Instituta  po 
Izuchenifu  Severa 

*Trudy  Nauchno-Issledovatel'skogo  Instituta 
pri  Voronezhskom  Gosudarstvennom  Uni- 
versitete  (Travaux  de  1'Institut  des  ^Re- 
cherches  Scientifiques  a  1'Universite  d'Etat) 
1927:  Voroneje.  1-4 

*Trudy  Nauchno-Issledovatel'skogo  Instituta 
Zoologii;  AssotsiatsiQ  Nauchno-Issledova- 
tel'skikh  Institutov  pri  Fiziko-Matemati- 
cheskom  Fakul'tete  i  Moskovskogo,  Gosu- 
darstvennogo Universiteta  (Arbeiten  des 
Zoologischen  Forschungsinstituts ;  Assozia- 
tion  der  Forschungsinstitute  d.  Physico- 
Mathematischen  Fakultat  der  Moskauer 
Universitat)  1925:  1-4,  no.  3 

Trudy  Nauchnogo  Instituta  Rybnogo  Kho- 
zfaistva  (Reports  of  the  Scientific  Institute 
of  Fisheries)  (Abhandlungen  des  Wissen- 
schaftlichen Institutes  fiir  Fischereiwirt- 
schaft)  1924:  Moscow.  1-5 

Trudy  Nauchnogo  Khimiko-Farmatsevtiche- 
skogo  Instituta;  Nauchno-Tekhnicheskoe 
Upravlenie  V.  S.  N.  Kh.  (Transactions  of 
the  Scientific  Chemical-Pharmaceutical  In- 
stitute; Scientific-Technical  Department  of 
the  Supreme  Council  of  National  Economy) 
1921:  Moscow.  9-12;  14-20 

Trudy  Obshchestva  Ispytatelei  Prirody  pri 
Imperatorskom  Khar'kovskom  Universitete 
(Travaux  de  la  Societe  des  Naturalistes  a 
1'Universite  Imperial  e  de  Kharkow)  1869: 
37;  40,  pt.  1-2;  41;  46 

Trudy  Osoboi  Zoologicheskoi  Laboratorii  i 
Sevastopol'skoi  Biologicheskoi  Stantsii  see 
Trudy  Sevastopol'skoi  Biologicheskoi  Stant- 



Trudy  otdela  sel'skokhoziaistvennoi  mikro- 
biologii  see  Trudy  Vsesofuznogo  Instituta 
sel'skokhoziaistvennoi  mikrobiologii 

Trudy  O-va  Rossiiskikh  Fiziologov  see  Be- 
richt(e)  der  Gesellschaft  Russischer  Physio- 

Trudy  Permskogo  Biologicheskogo  Nauchno- 
Issledovatel'skogo  Instituta  see  Trudy  Biolo- 
gicheskogo Nauchno-Issledovatel'skogo  Ins- 
tituta pri  Molotovskom  Gosudarstvennom 
Universitete  im.  M.  Gor'kogo 

Trudy  Petergofskogo  Biologicheskogo  Insti- 
tuta (Travaux  de  1'Institut  Biologique  de 
Peterhof)  (1-8  as  Trudy  Petergofskogo 
Estestvenno-Nauchnogo  Instituta)  (Tra- 
vaux de  1'Institut  des  Sciences  Naturelles 
de  Peter hoff)  1925:  1  + 

Trudy  Petrogradskogo  Obshchestva  Estest- 
voispytatelei  see  Trudy  Leningradskogo 
Obshchestva  Estestvoispytatelei 

Trudy  Plovuchego  Morskogo  Nauchnogo  Ins- 
tituta see  Bericht(e)  des  Wissenschaftlichen 

Trudy  po  Dinamike  Razvitifa  (Transactions  on 
the  Dynamics  of  Development)  (1-5  as 
Trudy  Laboratorii  Eksperimental'noi  Bio- 
logii  Moskovskogo  Zooparka;  Transactions 
of  the  Laboratory  of  Experimental  Biology 
of  the  Zoopark  of  Moscow)  1926:  1-10 

Trudy  po  Prikladnoi  Botanike,  Genetike  i 
Selektsii  (Bulletin  of  Applied  Botany,  Gene- 
tics and  Plant-Breeding)  (14-17,  no.  2  as 
Trudy  po  Prikladnoi  Botanike  i  Selektsii) 
(after  27,  1931,  divided  into  series)  1908: 
*14-27,  no.  5;  Ser.  A.  Plant  Industry  in 
USSR  1932:  1-21;  Ser.  1.  Taxonomy,  Geog- 
raphy and  Ecology  of  Plants  1933:  1  + ;  Ser. 
2.  Genetics,  Plant  Breeding  and  Cytology 
1932:  2+ ;  Ser.  3.  Physiology,  Biochemistry 
and  Anatomy  of  Plants  1932:  1  +  ;  Ser.  10. 
Dendrology  and  Ornamental  Horticulture 
1933:  1-2;  Ser.  11.  New  Cultures  and  Ques- 
tions of  Introduction  1935:  1-2;  Ser.  13. 
Abstracts  and  Bibliography  1933:  1-9;  Sup- 
plements [28-84] 

Trudy  po  Prikladnoi  Entomologii  see  Works  of 
Applied  Entomology 

Trudy  po  Zashchite  Rastenii  see  Bulletin  of 
Plant  Protection 

Trudy  Podfarnyi  Nauchno-Issledovatel'skii 
Institut  Morskogo  Rybnogo  Khozfaistva  i 
Okeanografii  im.  Pochetnogo  Chlena  Aka- 
demii  Nauk  SSSR  Pro!.  N.  M.  Knipovicha 
(Transactions  of  the  Knipovich  Polar  Scien- 
tific Institute  of  Sea-Fisheries  and  Ocea- 
nography) 1938:  Murmansk.  1  + 

Trudy  Pryesnovodnoi  Biologicheskoi  Stantsii 
Imperatorskago  S.-Peterburgskago  Obsh- 

chestva Estestvoispytatelei  see  Trudy  Boro- 
dinskoi  Biologicheskoi  Stantsii  v  Karelii 

Trudy  Sevastopol'skoi  Biologicheskoi  Stantsii; 
Akademiia  Nauk  SSSR  (Travaux  de  la  Sta- 
tion Biologique  de  Sebastopol;  Academie 
des  Sciences  USSR)  (ser.  1  as  Travaux  du 
Laboratoire  Zoologique  et  de  la  Station  Bio- 
logique de  Sebastopol  pres  de  1'Academie 
Imperiale  des  Sciences  de  St.-Petersbourg; 
ser.  2,  1915,  Petrograd;  ser.  2,  no.  4,  Russie; 
ser.  3,  Academie  des  Sciences,  U.S.S.R.) 
(ser.  2  as  Trudy  Osoboi  Zoologicheskoi 
Laboratorii  i  Sevastopol'skoi  Biologicheskoi 
Stantsii)  1903:  ser.  1.  1-10;  ser.  2.  1-13; 
ser.  3.  1  + 

Trudy  Severnoi  Nauchno-Promyslovoi  Ekspe- 
ditsii  see  Trudy  Instituta  po  Izucheniiu 

Trudy  Sibirskoi  Ikhtiologicheskoi  Laboratorii 
see  Trudy  Vostochno-Sibirskoi  Nauchnoi 
Rybokhoziaistvennoi  Stantsii 

Trudy  Sibirskoi  Nauchnoi  Rybokhozfaistven- 
noi  Stantsii  see  Trudy  Vostochno-Sibirskoi 
Nauchnoi  Rybokhoziaistvennoi  Stantsii 

Trudy  Sredne-Aziatskogo  Gosudarstvennogo 
Universiteta  (Acta  Universitatis  Asiae  Me- 
diae); ser.  8-a.  Zoologiia  1927:  Taschkent. 

Trudy  Sungariiskoi  Rechnoi  Biologicheskoi 
Stantsii;  Obshchestvo  Izuchenifa  Man'ch- 
zhurskogo  Kraia  (Proceedings  of  the  Sun- 
garee  River  Biological  Station;  Manchuria 
Research  Society)  (Arbeiten  der  Biologi- 
schen  Sungari-Station)  1925:  Harbin.  1, 
nos.  1-6 

*Trudy  Tsentral'nogo  Nauchnogo  Instituta 
Rybnogo  Khozfaistva  (Reports  of  the  Cen- 
tral Scientific  Institute  of  Fisheries)  (Ab- 
handlungen  des  Wissenschaftlichen  Zen- 
tralinstitutes  fur  Fischereiwirtschaft)  1931: 

Trudy  Volgo-Kaspiiskoi  Nauchnoi  Rybo- 
khoziaistvennoi Stantsii  see  Report  (s)  of  the 
(Astrakhan)  Scientific  Station  of  Fisheries 
of  Volga  and  Caspian  Sea 

Trudy  Voronezhskogo  Gosudarstvennogo  Uni- 
versiteta (Acta  Universitatis  Voronegiensis) 
1925:  1  + 

Trudy  Vostochno-Sibirskoi  Nauchnoi  Rybo- 
khoziaistvennoi Stantsii  (Reports  of  the 
East-Siberian  Scientific  Station  of  Fisheries) 
(2,  nos.  1-5  as  Trudy  Sibirskoi  Ikhtiolo- 
gicheskoi Laboratorii;  Report  of  the  Ich- 
thyological  Laboratory  in  Siberia)  (4-5  as 
Trudy  Sibirskoi  Nauchnoi  Rybokhoziaist- 
vennoi Stantsii;  Reports  of  the  Siberian 
Scientific  Station  of  Fisheries)  Narodnyi  Ko- 
missariat  Snabzheniia;  Krasnofarsk.  [2-6] 



Trudy  Vsesomznogo  Gidrologicheskogo  S'ezda 
(Proceedings  of  the  Hydrological  Congress 
of  U.S.S.R.)  1924:  1-2,  pt.  2 

Trudy  Vsesomznogo  Instituta  Eksperimen- 
tal'noi  Meditsiny  1933:  1,  nos.  1-3 

Trudy  Vsesofuznogo  Instituta  sel'skokho- 
ziaistvennoi  mikrobiologii  (Bulletin  of  the 
USSR  Institute  of  Agricultural  Microbiol- 
ogy) (1-3  as  Trudy  otdela  Sel'skokhozfaist- 
vennoi  Mikrobiologii)  (Bulletin  of  the 
Bureau  of  Agricultural  Microbiology)  1926: 
1-5;  [6-8] 

Trudy  Vsesomznogo  Nauchno-Issledova- 
tel'skogo  Instituta  Morskogo  Rybnogo 
Khoziaistva  i  Okeanografii  (Transactions 
of  the  Institute  of  Marine  Fisheries  and 
Oceanography  of  the  USSR)  1935:  1-2;  4; 

*Trudy  Vsesomznogo  S'ezda  po  Genetike,  Se- 
lektsii,  Semenovodstvu  i  Plemennomu  Zhi- 
votnovodstvu  (Proceedings  of  the  U.S.S.R. 
Congress  of  Genetics,  Plant-  and  Animal- 
Breeding)  1929:  1-6 

Trudy  Vsesomznogo  S'ezda  Zoologov,  Anato- 
mov  i  Gistologov  (1-3  as  Trudy  Vserossii- 
skogo  S'ezda  Zoologov,  Anatomov  i  Gistolo- 
gov) (Proceedings  of  the  Congress  of  the 
Zoologists,  Anatomists  and  Histologists,  of 
the  Union  of  SSR)  1922:  1-4 

Trudy  Zoologicheskogo  Instituta;  Akademiia 
Nauk  SSSR  (Travaux  de  1'Institut  Zoologi- 
que  de  1'Academie  des  Sciences  de  1'URSS) 
1932:  1  + 

*Trudy  Zvenigorodskoi  Gidrofiziologicheskoi 
Stantsii  Instituta  Eksperimental'noi  Biologii 
ginz'a  Moskva  (Arbeiten  der  Hydrophysio- 
logischen  Station  des  Instituts  fur  Experi- 
mentelle  Biologic,  Moskau):  1928 

Tschechische  Chemische  Forschungsarbeiten 
see  Collection  of  Czech  Chemical  Communi- 

Tufts  College  Studies;  Scientific  Series  1894: 
1  + 

Turtox  News  1923:  General  Biological  Supply 
House,  Chicago.  [1-2];  3-4;  [5];  6  + 

Uchenye  Zapiski;  Gor'kovskogo  Gosudarst- 
vennogo  Universiteta  (Scientific  Records  of 
the  Gorky  State  University)  1936:  1-9 

Uchenye  Zapiski;  Moskovskii  Gosudarstven- 
nogo  Universiteta  (Wissenschaftliche  Be- 
richte  der  Moskauer  Staats-Universitat) 
1933:  1-4;  8-9;  11;  13  + 

Uchenye  Zapiski;  Permskii  Gosudarstvennyi 
Universitet  im.  M.  Gor'kogo  (Scientific 
Memoirs  of  the  M.  Gorky  State  University 
of  Perm)  1935:  1  + 

*Uchenyia  Zapiski  Imperatorskago  Moskov- 
skago  Universiteta;  Otde'l  Estestvenno- 

Istoricheskii  1880:  5-6;  10-11;  16;  22;  25, 
nos.  1-3;  38 

Union  Geodesique  et  Geophysique  Interna- 
tionale;   Conseil    International    de    Re- 
cherches      (Conseil     International     des 
Unions  Scientifiques) ; 
Assemblee  Generale  1922:  1-6; 
Association  d'Oceanographie  Physique ;  Pro- 
ces-Verbaux  1933:  1-3 ;  Publication  Scien- 
tifique  1931:  1  +  ; 

Association  de  Seismologie ;  Comptes  Ren- 
dus  1922:  5-6;  Serie  A.  Travaux  Scien- 
tifiques: 2-5;  8-15,  pt.  2;  Serie  B.  Mono- 
graphies:  4-7; 

Commission  pour  1'Etude  des  Relations  en- 
tre  les  Phenomenes  Solaires  et  Terres- 
tres;  Rapport  1926:  1-4; 
Section  d'Hydrologie  Scientifique  (1-11  as 
Section  Internationale  d'Hydrologie  Scien- 
tifique); Bulletin  1924:  1-4;  9-18; 
"Section     d'Oceanographie     (1-3     as     Sec- 
tion d'Oceanographie  Physique);  Bulletin 
1921:  1-17; 

Section  de  Geodesie;  Travaux:  7-8,  1930; 
Section  de  Meteorologie;  Assemblee  Gene- 
rale;  Proces-Verbaux :  3  (1937);  4-5; 
Section  of  Terrestrial  Magnetism  and  Elec- 
tricity; Bulletin  1919:  Washington,  D.  C. 
1-2;  4;  6  (1926); 

Section  of  Terrestrial  Magnetism  and  Elec- 
tricity; Section  of  Oceanography;  Stock- 
holm Assembly ;  Reports  and  Communica- 
tions: Department  of  Terrestrial  Magnet- 
ism, Carnegie  Institution  of  Washington. 

United  States  Bureau  of  Navigation;  Navy 
Department  see  American  Nautical  Al- 

United  States  Department  of  Agriculture;  Cir- 
lar  1927:  [1-617]  +  ;  *Department  Bulletin 
1913:  [3-1500,  1913-37];  *Department  Cir- 
cular 1919:  [35-425,  1919-27] 
United    States    Department    of    Agriculture; 

Leaflet  1927:  [1-209]  + 

United  States  Department  of  Agriculture; 
Miscellaneous  Publications  1927:  [233-450] 
United  States  Department  of  Agriculture; 
Numerical  List  of  Current  Publications  see 
United  States  Department  of  Agriculture: 
Miscellaneous  Publications  450,  1941 
United  States  Department  of  Agriculture;  Re- 
port of  the  Secretary  (1847-61  published  as 
a  part  of  the  Report  of  the  Commissioner  of 
Patents;  1862-88  as  Report  of  the  Commis- 
sioner of  Agriculture;  1925+  contained  in 
full  in  Yearbook  of  Agriculture):  1847-94; 

United  States  Department  of  Agriculture; 
Technical  Bulletin  1927:  [1-791]  + 



United  States  Department  of  Agriculture  see 
also  Farmers'  Bulletin;  Journal  of  Agricul- 
tural Research ;  and  Yearbook  of  Agriculture 

United  States  Department  of  Agriculture; 
Bureau  of  Animal  Industry;  Annual  Report 
1885:  3-4;  8-21;  27;  Bulletin  1893:  [1-163]; 
Circular  1897:  [3-214] 

*United  States  Department  of  Agriculture; 
Bureau  of  Biological  Survey;  Bulletin  1889: 
9-24;  26-27;  29-35;  37-45;  Circular  1886: 
28-29;  31;  55-58;  63-64;  67;  69-70;  72-73; 
76-83;  85-90;  92-94 

United  States  Department  of  Agriculture; 
Bureau  of  Biological  Survey  see  also  North 
American  Fauna;  United  States  Depart- 
ment of  the  Interior,  Bureau  of  Biological 
Survey,  and  Fish  and  Wildlife  Service 

United  States  Department  of  Agriculture; 
Bureau  of  Chemistry  and  Soils  see  Index  of 
Publications  of  the  Bureau  of  Chemistry 
and  (Bureau  of)  Soils 

*United  States  Department  of  Agriculture; 
Bureau  of  Entomology  (followed  by  Bureau 
of  Entomology  and  Plant  Quarantine)  Bul- 
letin: 3-5;  7;  9;  11-32;  n.s.  1-62;  [63-64]; 
65-79;  [80];  81;  [83];  84-91;  93-105;  107; 
109;  111;  113-15;  [116];  117-27;  Circular: 
3-14;  16-29;  31-39;  41-43;  45-53;  55-63; 
66-88;  90-91;  93-117;  119-24;  127-45; 
147-50;  152-59;  161-73;  Report  of  the  En- 
tomologist: 1878-79;  1907-08;  1909-12; 
1913-15;  1916-22;  1923-26;  Technical  Se- 
ries 1895:  1-3;  5-17;  19-27 

United  States  Department  of  Agriculture; 
Bureau  of  Plant  Industry;  *Bulletin  1901: 
[1-285];  ^Circular:  [3-132];  Report  of  the 
Chief:  1912-13;  1915-18;  1919-23;  1924-27 

United  States  Department  of  Agriculture; 
Bureau  of  Plant  Industry  see  also  Botany; 
Current  Literature;  and  Plant  Science 

*United  States  Department  of  Agriculture; 
Division  of  Ornithology  and  Mammalogy; 
Bulletin  (1-2  as  Division  of  Economic 
Ornithology)  1888:  1-8  (1896) 

United  States  Department  of  Agriculture; 
Forest  Service;  Bulletin  (formerly  Bureau  of 
Forestry;  Bulletin):  58;  61;  72;  Circular: 
80-81;  105;  114;  118-21;  127-28;  152;  164; 

United  States  Department  of  Agriculture; 
Library;  Bibliographic  Contributions:  2 
(1922)-6;  8-15;  20 

United  States  Department  of  Agriculture; 
Library  see  also  Botany;  Current  Litera- 
ture; and  Plant  Science  Literature;  Bureau 
of  Plant  Industry 

United  States  Department  of  Agriculture; 
Office  of  Experiment  Stations;  Annual  Re- 

port: 1903-06;  Report  of  the  Director:  1897- 
1904;  Bulletin:  [24-223] 

United    States    Department    of    Agriculture; 
Office  of  Experiment  Stations  see  also  Ex- 
periment Station  Record 
*  United    States    Department   of   Agriculture; 
Weather  Bureau;  Bulletin  1892:  1-14 

United  States  Department  of  Agriculture; 
Weather  Bureau  see  also  Monthly  Weather 
Review;  and  United  States  Meteorological 
Yearbook  (through  June,  1935  as  Report 
of  the  Chief  of  the  Weather  Bureau) 

United  States  Department  of  Commerce  see 
Annual  Report  of  the  Secretary  of  Com- 

United  States  Department  of  Commerce; 
Bureau  of  Fisheries  see  Bulletin  of  the 
United  States  Bureau  of  Fisheries;  Fisheries 
Service  Bulletin;  Fishery  Circular;  Investi- 
gational  Report;  and  Report  of  the  United 
States  Commissioner  of  Fisheries 

United  States  Department  of  Commerce; 
Bureau  of  Standards  see  Circular  of  the 
National  Bureau  of  Standards;  Journal  of 
Research  of  the  National  Bureau  of  Stand- 
ards; Scientific  Papers  of  the  Bureau  of 
Standards;  Standards  Yearbook;  and  Tech- 
nologic Papers 

United  States  Department  of  Commerce; 
Coast  and  Geodetic  Survey  see  Annual  Re- 
port of  the  Secretary;  Current  Tables;  Field 
Engineers  Bulletin;  Special  Publications; 
and  Tide  Tables 

United  States  Department  of  the  Interior; 
Bureau  of  Biological  Survey  (formerly  U.  S. 
Department  of  Agriculture);  Report  of  the 
Chief  1906:  1907-14;  1916-17;  1919-20; 

United  States  Department  of  the  Interior; 
Bureau  of  Biological  Survey  see  also  United 
States  Department  of  Agriculture;  Bureau 
of  Biological  Survey 

United  States  Department  of  the  Interior; 
Fish  and  Wildlife  Service;  Annual  Report 
of  the  Director  1940:  1940+ ;  Circular  1941 : 
1-2;  4+;  Conservation  Bulletin  (formerly 
Bureau  of  Biological  Survey)  1940:  1  +  ; 
Regulatory  Announcement  1941:  1  +  ;  Re- 
search Report  1941:  1  +  ;  Statistical  Digest 
1942:  1  +  ;  *Wildlife  Circular  (1-3  as  Bureau 
of  Biological  Survey)  1939:  1-13;  Wildlife 
Leaflet  (154-65  as  Bureau  of  Biological 
Survey):  154;  164-92;  194-99;  201;  *Wild- 
life  Research  Bulletin  (1-2  as  Bureau  of 
Biological  Survey)  1940:  1-4;  Wildlife  Re- 
view 1935:  1  +  ;  see  also  Fisheries  Service 
Bulletin;  and  North  American  Fauna 

United  States  Department  of  the  Interior; 
Geological  Survey;  Annual  Report:  2-4;  7; 



9;  13;  [18];  [20];  21;  29;  35;  40;  42-43;  Pro- 
fessional Papers:  [14-186] 

United  States  Department  of  the  Interior; 
Geological  Survey  see  also  Geological  Sur- 
vey Bulletin;  Geological  Survey  Water- 
Supply  Papers;  and  Monographs  of  the 
United  States  Geological  Survey 

United  States  Department  of  the  Interior; 
Geological  (and  Geographical)  Survey  of 
the  Territories;  Annual  Report  (title  varies 
with  the  name  of  the  Territory;  3-5  as  Pre- 
liminary, Field,  Report)  1867:  1-12;  Bulle- 
tin 1874:  1-6;  Miscellaneous  Publications: 
3-5;  8;  11-12;  Report  1873:  1-3;  5-13 

United  States  Meteorological  Yearbook 
(through  June,  1935  as  Report  of  the  Chief 
of  the  Weather  Bureau):  1896-97;  1897-98; 
1928-29;  1929-30;  1931-32;  1933  + 

United  States  National  Museum  (Smithsonian 
Institution)  see  Bulletin  of  the  United  States 
National  Museum;  Contributions  from  the 
United  States  National  Herbarium;  Pro- 
ceedings of  the  United  States  National  Mu- 
seum; and  Report  of  the  United  States 
National  Museum 

United  States  Naval  Medical  Bulletin  for  the 
Information  of  the  Medical  Department  of 
the  Navy  1907:  Bureau  of  Medicine  and 
Surgery.  40+ 

United  States  Navy  Department;  Bureau  of 
Navigation  see  z\merican  Nautical  Almanac 

United  States  Navy  Department;  Hydro- 
graphic  Office ;  General  Catalog  of  Mari  iers' 
and  Aviators' Charts  and  Books :  1931;  1935; 
1939;  1941+  see  also  Notice  to  Mariners 

United  States  Superintendent  of  Documents 
see  Monthly  Catalogue;  United  States  Pub- 
lic Documents 

United  States  Treasury  Department;  Coast 
Guard  see  Bulletin  of  the  United  States 
Coast  Guard;  and  Notice  to  Mariners 

United  States  Treasury  Department;  Public 
Health  and  Marine  Hospital  Service;  Yel- 
low Fever  Institute;  Bulletin:  14  (1904) 

United  States  Treasury  Department;  Public 
Health  Service  see  National  Institute  of 
Health  Bulletin;  Public  Health  Bulletin; 
and  Public  Health  Reports 

United  States  War  Department;  Office  of 
Engineers;  Annual  Report  of  the  Chief, 
Appendix  Z;  Annual  Report  of  the  Survey 
of  the  Northern  and  Northwestern  Lakes  by 
C.  B.  Comstock  1871-76 

United  States  War  Department;  Office  of  the 
Surgeon  General;  Bulletin  1913:  1-8;  10-11 

United  States  War  Department;  Professional 
Papers  of  the  Signal  Service  1881:  1-16;  23 

University  of  California;  College  of  Agricul- 
ture ;  Agricultural  Experiment  Station ;  Bul- 

letin:  [131-616];   technical  Papers  1923: 

University  of  California  Publications ;  Bulletin 
of  the  Department  of  Geological  Sciences 
1893:  [7];  [10];  25+;  Anatomy  1921:  1  +  ; 
Biological  Sciences  1933:  1  +  ;  Botany  1902: 
1  +  ;  Entomology  1906:  1  +  ;  Geography 
1913:  [1-2];  3-4;  [5-6];  7+;  *Pathology 
1903:  1-2;  Pharmacology  1938:  1  +  ;  Phil- 
osophy 1904:  17;  Physiology  1902:  1  +  ; 
Public  Health  1928:  1  +  ;  Zoology  1902:  1  + 

University  of  Colorado  Studies  (26,  1938+  as 
General  Series  A)  1902:  1  +  ;  Series  D. 
Physical  and  Biological  Sciences  1940:  1  + 

University  of  Florida  Publications;  Biological 
Science  Series  1930:  1  +  ;  Education  Series 
1932:  [1-2];  Geography  Series  1930:  1  +  ; 
Sociology  Series  1932:  1  + ;  Economic  Series 
1930:  1  +  ;  Inter- American  Institute  Series 
1930:  1  +  ;  Business  Administration  Series 
1931:  1,  no.  1;  Engineers  Experiment  Sta- 
tion Series  1933:  1  + 

University  of  Iowa  Studies  in  Natural  History 
(1—7  as  Bulletin  from  the  Laboratories  of 
Natural  History  of  the  State  University  of 
Iowa)  1888:  1  + 

University  of  Michigan;  School  of  Forestry 
and  Conservation;  Bulletin  1932:  1  +  ;  Cir- 
cular 1937:  1  + 

University  of  Michigan  Museum  of  Zoology; 
Miscellaneous  Publications  1916:  1  + 

University  of  Michigan  Studies;  Memoirs  of 
the  University  of  Michigan  Museums  1928: 
1  +  ;  Scientific  Series  1914:  1-6;  9  + 

University  of  Minnesota  Agricultural  Experi- 
ment Station  Bulletin:  [9-325] 

University  of  Minnesota  Studies  in  the  Bio- 
logical Sciences  1913:  1-6;  Studies  in  the 
Physical  Sciences  1912:  1-2 

University  of  Missouri  Bulletin;  Education 
Series  1911:  22-23;  Extension  Series  1913: 
38-39;  44;  56;  Engineering  Experiment  Sta- 
tion Series  1910:  22;  25-26;  *Science  Series 
1905:  [1-2];  *Medical  Series  1913:  10 
*University  of  Missouri  Studies  190 1 : 2,  nos.  4-5 

University  of  Missouri  Studies;  a  quarterly  of 

research  1926:  [8-9] 
*University  of  Missouri  Studies;  Science  Series 

1905:  [1-3] 
*University  of  Montana;  Bulletin;  Biological 

Series  1901:  1-12;  14-15 

*University  of  Montana  Studies  in  Psychology 
1908:  1 

University  of  Queensland;  Papers;  Depart- 
ment of  Biology  1939:  [1]+;  Department  of 
Geology  1939:  [1-2]  + 

University  of  Texas  Bulletin  (formerly  the 
Bulletin  of  the  University  of  Texas):  [59- 



University  of  Toronto  Studies;  Anatomical 
Series  1900:  1-5;  7+;  Biological  Series 
1898:  1  +  ;  Physiological  Series  1900:  1  + 

University  of  Washington  Publications  in 
Biology  1932:  1  +  ;  *Fisheries  1925:  1-2; 
Oceanography  1932:  1  + 

University  of  Wisconsin  Studies  in  Science 
1920:  1+  see  also  Bulletin  of  the  University 
of  Wisconsin ;  Science  Series 

University  Studies  published  by  the  University 
of  Cincinnati  (series  1  as  Bulletin)  1905: 
series  2,  5,  no.  3 

*Uspekhi  Eksperimental'noi  Biologii  (Zhurnal 
Eksperimental'noi  Biologii,  seriia  B)  (Jour- 
nal de  Biologic  Experimental,  serie  B) 
1922:  1;  [2];  3-6;  [7-8] 

Uspekhi  Sovremennoi  Biologii  (Advances  in 
Modern  Biology)  1932:  Moscow.  1-2;  3, 
nos.  1-2;  4-6 

Vereinsblatt  der  Deutschen  Gesellschaft  fur 
Mechanik  und  Optik  see  Zeitschrift  fur 
Instrumentenkunde;  Beiblatt;  Zeitschrift 
der  Deutschen  Gesellschaft  fur  Mechanik 
und  Optik 

Verhandelingen ;  Koninklijk  Magnetisch  en 
Meteorologisch  Observatorium  te  Batavia 
1911:  1-2;  5-6;  8;  10-13;  15-17;  19  + 

Verhandelingen  der  Koninklijke  Nederland- 
sche  Akademie  van  Wetenschappen ;  Af- 
deeling  Natuurkunde;  Tweede  Sectie  (1-36 
as  Verhandelingen  der  K.  Akademie  van 
Wetenschappen;  Afdeeling  Natuurkunde; 
Tweede  Sectie)  1892:  Amsterdam.  1  + 

Verhandlungen  der  Anatomischen  Gesell- 
schaft; Anatomischer  Anzeiger;  Ergan- 
zungsheft  1887:  1  + 

Verhandlungen  der  Deutschen  Pathologischen 
Gesellschaft  1898:  1+  see  in  Zentralblatt 
fiir  Allgemeine  Pathologic  und  Pathologische 
Anatomic  9,  1898  + 

Verhandlungen  der  Deutschen  Pharmakolo- 
gischen  Gesellschaft  see  in  Naunyn- 
Schmiedebergs  Archiv  fiir  Experimentelle 
Pathologic  und  Pharmakologie  92,  1922  + 

Verhandlungen  der  Deutschen  Tropenmedi- 
zinischen  Gesellschaft  1908:  1+  see  in 
Deutsche  Tropenmedizinische  Zeitschrift 
12,  1908  + 

Verhandlungen  der  Deutschen  Zoologischen 
Gesellschaft  E.  V.  (30+  a<>  Zoologischer 
Anzeiger;  Supplementband)  1891:  1  + 

Verhandlungen  der  Freien  Vereinigung 
Schweizerischer  Physiologen  see  Verhand- 
lungen des  Vereins  der  Schweizer  Physio- 

*Verhandlungen  der  Gesellschaft  fiir  Erdkunde 
zu  Berlin  (1902+  see  Zeitschrift  der  Gesell- 
schaft fur  Erdkunde  zu  Berlin)  1873:  1-28 

Verhandlungen  der  Internationalen  Verei- 
nigung fur  Theoretische  und  Angewandte 
Limnologie  1922:  1  + 

Verhandlungen  der  Naturforschenden  Gesell- 
schaft in  Basel  1852:  1  + 

Verhandlungen  der  Physikalisch-Medizini- 
schen  Gesellschaft  zu  Wiirzburg  see  Be- 
richte  der  Physikalisch-Medizinischen  Ge- 
sellschaft zu  Wiirzburg 

*Verhandlungen  der  Physiologischen  Gesell- 
schaft zu  Berlin  1875:  1877-1907  see  in 
Archiv  fiir  Anatomic  und  Physiologic; 
Physiologische  Abteilung 

Verhandlungen  der  Schweizerischen  Natur- 
forschenden Gesellschaft  (Actes  de  la  So- 
ciete  Helvetique  des  Sciences  Naturelles) 
1817:85-86;  88;  92-93;  100+ 

Verhandlungen  der  Zoologisch-Botanischen 
Gesellschaft  hi  Wien  1851:  1  + 

Verhandlungen  des  Botanischen  Vereins  der 
Provinz  Brandenburg  1859:  38-44 

Verhandlungen  des  Internationalen  Kanin- 
chenziichter-Kongresses  1930:  1  (Leipzig) 

Verhandlungen  des  Internationalen  Zellfor- 
scherkongresses  (1  as  Verhandlungen  der 
Abteilung  fiir  Experimentelle  Zellforschung 
des  10.  Internationalen  Zoologenkongresses) 
1927:  1+  see  in  Archiv  fiir  Experimentelle 
Zellforschung  6  + 

Verhandlungen  des  Naturforschenden  Ver- 
eines  in  Briinn  1862:  42;  45-51 

Verhandlungen  des  Naturhistorisch-Medizini- 
schen  Vereins;  Heidelberg  1857:  n.s.  1  + 

Verhandlungen  des  Vereins  der  Schweizer 
Physiologen  (Comptes  Rendus  de  la  Societe 
des  Physiologistes  Suisses)  (1932-35,  no.  1 
as  Helvetica  Biologica  Acta;  1935,  no.  2 — 
1938  as  Verhandlungen  der  Freien  Verei- 
nigung Schweizerischer  Physiologen  (Comp- 
tes Rendus  de  1'Association  Libre  des 
Physiologistes  Suisses)  1932:  1  + 

Verhandlungen  und  Mitteilungen  des  Sieben- 
biirgischen  Vereins  fiir  Naturwissenschaften 
zu  Hermannstadt  1849:  49-55;  57-60;  79-80 

Veroffentlichungen  des  Geophysikalischen 
Instituts  der  Universitat  Leipzig;  Zweite 
Serie;  Spezialarbeiten  1913:  2,  nos.  1-2, 
5—6;  3,  nos.  3—6;  4,  nos.  1—5;  5,  nos.  1—4;  6+ 

Veroffentlichungen  des  Instituts  fiir  Meeres- 
kunde  an  der  Universitat  Berlin;  *1902: 
1-15;  n.s.;  A.  Geographisch-Naturwissen- 
schaftliche  Reihe  1912:  1  + 

Veroffentlichungen  des  Meteorologischen  Ins- 
tituts der  Universitat  Berlin  1936:  1  + 

Versammlung    der    Gesellschaft    Deutscher 

Naturforscher  und  Arzte:  88,  1924+  see  in 

Naturwissenschaften  12,  1924  + 

*Verslag  van  de  Gewone  Vergaderingen  der 

Afdeeling  Natuurkunde;  K.  Akademie  van 



Wetenschappen    te    Amsterdam    1892:    5; 
[35];  36-42  (1933) 

Vestnik  Ceskoslovenske  Zoologicke  Spolec- 
nosti  v   Praze    (Memoires   de   la   Societe 
Zoologique  Tchecoslovaque  de  Prage)  1934: 
vl  + 

Vestnik  Kralovske  Ceske  Spolecnosti  Nauk; 
Trida  Matematicko-Prirodovedecka  (Me- 
moires de  la  Societe  Royale  des  Lettres  et 
des  Sciences  de  Boheme;  Classe  des 
Sciences)  (1884-85  as  Zpravy  o  Zasedani 
Kralovske  Ceske  Spolecnosti  Nauk  v  Praze) 
(1884-1917  as  Sitzungsberichte  der  Kgl. 
Bohemischen  Gesellschaft  der  Wissenschaf- 
ten ;  Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche 
Klasse)  1884:  1884  + 

Viaggi  di  Studio  ed  Esplorazioni  1933:  Reale 
Accademia  d'ltalia  1933:  1 

Victory  (1-2,  no.  49  as  Defense)  1.940:  2,  no. 
44  + 

Videnskabelige  Meddelelser  fra  Dansk  Na- 
turhistorisk  Forening  i  Kobenhavn  (Kj0ben- 
havn)  (1-60  also  as  ser.  1-6)  1849:  1  + 

Vierteljahrsschrift  der  Naturforschenden  Ge- 
sellschaft in  Zurich  1856:  37,  no.  2;  38,  no.  2; 
41;  42,  nos.  2-4;  47-48;  49,  nos.  3-4;  50+ 

Villanova  College;  The  Mendel  Bulletin: 

Virchow's  Archiv  fiir  Pathologische  Anatomie 
und  Physiologic  und  fiir  Klinische  Medizin 
1847:  1  + 

Virchow's  Jahresberichte  see  Jahresbericht 
iiber  die  Leistungen  und  Fortschritte  in  der 
Anatomie  und  Physiologie 

Visnik  Kiivs'kogo  Botanichnogo  Sadu  (Bulle- 
tin du  Jardin  Botanique  de  Kyiv)  1924: 
Academic  des  Sciences  de  1'Ukraine;  Institut 
de  Botanique,  Kief.  15-17 

Voprosy  Fiziologii  i  Ekologii  Malfariinogo  Ko- 

mara  1940:  Tsentral'nyi  Institut,  Moscow.  1 

*Vortrage  und  Aufsatze  u'ber  Entwicklungs- 

mechanik  der  Organismen  herausgegeben 

von  Wilhelm  Roux  1905:  1-22;  24-34 

Vyrocni  Zprava;  Moravske  Prirodovedecke 
Spolecnosti  1925:  Brno.  8-13 

Vyrocni  Zprava  Kralovske  Ceske  Spolecnosti 
Nauk  (Compte-Rendu  Annuel  de  la  Societe 
Royale  des  Lettres  et  des  Sciences  de 
Boheme)  (1899-1917  as  Jahresbericht  der 
K.  Bohmischen  Gesellschaft  der  Wissen- 
schaften)  (1918-32,  Resume  du  Compte- 
Rendu)  1876:  1899+ 

War  Medicine;  a  periodical  containing  orig- 
inal contributions,  news  and  abstracts  of 
articles  of  military,  naval  and  similar  in- 
terest related  to  preparedness  and  war 
service  1941:  [2]  + 
*Washington  University  Studies;  Scientific 

Series  1913:  1-2;  3,  no.  2;  4,  no.  1;6;7,  no.  2; 
10,  no.  2;  11;  12,  no.  1;  13;  Humanistic 
Series  1913:  1,  no.  1;  5,  no.  1;  7,  no.  1;  11, 
no.  2;  12 

Watson's  Microscope  Record  1924:  W.  Wat- 
son and  Sons,  Ltd.,  London.  3-4;  6;  8;  10-44 

"West-American  Scientist;  San  Diego  Society 
of  Natural  History  1884:  [1-15] 

West  Virginia  University  Bulletin  (includes 
the  Proceedings  and  the  Bulletin  of  the 
West  Virginia  University  Scientific  Associa- 
tion; and  the  Proceedings  of  the  West  Vir- 
ginia Academy  of  Science  1-5;  10)  1922: 

(Das)  Wetter;  Monatsschrift  fiir  Witterungs- 
kunde  see  Zeitschrift  fiir  Angewandte  Me- 
teorologie;  Das  Wetter 

Wiadomosci  Meteorologiczne  i  Hydrogra- 
ficzne;  Paristwowyo  Instytut  Meteorolo- 
giczny;  wydawane  przez  (Bulletin  Meterolo- 
gique  et  Hydrographique ;  1'Institut  Na- 
tional Meteorologique  de  Pologne):  War- 
saw. 1933  + 

Wiadomosci  Sluzby  Hydrograficznej  (Bulletin 
du  Service  Hydrographique)  1935:  Wy- 
dawnictwo  Instytutu  Hydrograficznego 
Ministerstwa  Komunikacji,  Warszawa.  1-3 

Wiedemann's  Annalen  see  Annalen  der  Physik 

Wiener  Entomologische  Zeitung  1882:  [14]; 
24-29;  30,  nos.  2-end;  31-33;  Beihefte  32 

Wiener  Klinische  Wochenschrift  1888:  [38- 
40];  41  +  ;  Supplement:  38-40 

Wiener  Medizinische  Wochenschrift  1851: 
81-89;  90,  nos.  20-22  (1940) 

Wilhelm  Roux'  Archiv  fiir  Entwicklungsme- 
chanik  der  Organismen;  Organ  fiir  die 
Gesamte  Kausale  Morphologic  (1-97  as 
Archiv  fiir  Entwicklungsmechanik  der  Or- 
ganismen; Wilhelm  Roux;  98-104  as  Archiv 
fiir  Mikroskopische  Anatomie  und  Ent- 
wicklungsmechanik) (105-30  also  as  Zeit- 
schrift fiir  Wissenschaftliche  Biologie,  Abt. 
D)  1894:  1  + 

Wilson  Bulletin  (old  series  6+  also  numbered 

as  new  series  1  +  )  1889:  6-27  (1915) 
*Wisconsin  Naturalist;  published  by  Charles 
F.  Carr,  Madison  1890:  1,  no.  5 

Wissenschaftliche  Berichte  der  Biologischen 
Fakultat  der  Tomsker  Staats-Universitat 
see  Trudy  Biologicheskogo  Fakul'teta  Tom- 
skogo  Gosudarstvennogo  Universiteta 

Wissenschaftliche  Berichte  der  Moskauer 
Staats-Universitat  see  Uchenye  Zapiski; 
Moskovskii  Gosudarstvennogo  Universiteta 
*Wissenschaftliche  Meeresuntersuchungen 
herausgegeben  von  der  Kommission  zur 
Wissenschaf  tlichen  Untersuchung  der  Deut- 
schen  Meere  in  Kiel  und  von  der  Biologi- 



schen  Anstalt  auf  Helgoland;  Neue  Folge 
(series  1,  1871-91  see  Berichte  der  Kommis- 
sion  zur  Wissenschaftlichen  Untersuchung 
der  Deutschen  Meere  in  Kiel)  (N.F.  3+  in 
two  sections:  Helgoland  and  Kiel)  1894:  1-2; 
Helgoland  N.F.  3-19;  Kiel  N.F.  3-22 
Wissenschaftliche  Veroffentlichungen  der  Ge- 
sellschaft  fur  Erdkunde  zu  Leipzig  (1  en- 
titled Wissenschaftliche  Yeroffentlichungen 
des  Vereins  fur  Erdkunde  zu  Leipzig)  1891: 
1;  6;  8  + 

*Wistar  Institute  Bibliographic  Service  (1-2  as 
Bibliographic  Service)  1917:  The  Wistar 
Institute  of  Anatomy  and  Biology.  1-8; 
Index  of  the  Wistar  Institute  Advance 
Abstract  Card  Service  1938:  1  + 

*Woods  Hole  Index  1926:  1-2 

*Works  of  Applied  Entomology  (Trudy  po  Prik- 

ladnoi  Entomologii)  1894:  13-15,  no.  1 
Wydawnictwa  Muzeum  Slaskiego  W  Kato- 
wicach:  Katowice,  Poland  (Silesia).  3,  nos. 
1-6,  8  (1930-35) 

*Yale  Scientific  Monthly  1894:  [5-9];  10-11 
Yearbook  of  Agriculture;  United  States  De- 
partment of  Agriculture  (1894-1919  as  Year- 
book of  the  United  States  Department  of 
Agriculture;  1920-22  as  United  States  De- 
partment of  Agriculture,  Yearbook;  1923-25 
as  United  States  Department  of  Agriculture; 
Agriculture  Yearbook)  1894:  1  + 
Yearbook  of  the  International  Hydrographic 
Bureau  (Annuaire  du  Bureau  Hydrographi- 
que  International)  1928:  Monaco.  1938 
Yearbook  of  the  Public  Museum  of  the  City 

of  Milwaukee  1921:  1927-30 
Year-book  of  the   Royal  Asiatic   Society  of 
Bengal  see  Journal  and  Proceedings  of  the 
Royal  Asiatic  Society  of  Bengal 
Year  Book  of  the  Royal  Society  of  Edinburgh 
(formerly  published  in  Proceedings  of  the 
Royal  Society  of  Edinburgh)  1940:  19404- 
Year  Book  of  the  Royal  Society  of  London 
1896:  44  (1940) 

Zapiski  Akademii  Nauk  SSSR  see  Memoires 
de  1' Academic  des  Sciences  de  1'URSS 

Zapiski  Belorusskogo  Gosudarstvennogo  Ins- 
tituta  Sel'skogo  i  Lesnogo  Khozfeistva  (Me- 
moires de  1'Institut  Agronomique  et  Fores- 
tier  d'Etat  de  la  Belarussie)  1923:  Minsk. 
3-5;  7 

Zapiski  Gosudarstvennogo  Gidrologicheskogo 
Instituta  see  Memoires  de  ITnstitut  Hydro- 
logique  de  1'URSS 

Zapiski  Institutu  Khemii;  Institut  Khemii, 
Akademifa  Nauk  URSR  (Memoirs  of  the 
Institute  of  Chemistry)  1934:  Kief.  3,  nos. 

Zapiski  Kievskago  Obshchestva  Estestvoispy- 
tatelei  (Memoires  de  la  Societe  des  Natura- 
listes  de  Kiew)  1870:  8-23 

Zbirnik  Doslidiv  nad  Individual'nim  Rozvit- 
kom  Tvarin;  Trudy  Institutu  Zoologii  (i 
Biologii),  Akademiia  Nauk  URSR  (Re- 
searches on  the  Ontogeny  of  Animals)  Kief. 
6-9;  11-13 

Zbirnik  Prats;  Dniprians'koi  Biologichnoi 
Stantsii  (Travaux  de  la  Station  Biologique 
du  Dniepre)  see  Trudy  Gidrobiologichnoi 

Zbirnik  Prats  z  Genetiki;  Trudy  Institutu 
Zoologii  (i  Biologii),  Akademiia  Nauk  URSR 
(Memoirs  on  Genetics)  1936:  Kief.  2-3 

Zbirnik  Prats  z  Morfologii  Tvarin;  Trudy  Ins- 
titutu Zoologii  (i  Biologii),  Akademiu  Nauk 
URSR  (Travaux  sur  la  Morphologic  des 
Animaux)  (Papers  on  Animal  Morphology) 
1935:  Kief.  1-5 

Zeitschrift  der  Deutschen  Gesellschaft  fur 
Mechanik  und  Optik  see  Zeitschrfit  fur 
Instrumentenkunde;  Beiblatt 

Zeitschrift  der  Gesellschaft  fiir  Erdkunde  zu 
Berlin  (1-36  as  ser.  3)  (Verhandlungen 
combined -with Zeitschrift  1902)  1853: 1866+  ; 
Erganzungsheft  1924:  1  + 
*Zeitschrif  t  fiir  Allgemeine  Physiologic ;  heraus- 
gegeben  von  Max  Verworn  1902:  1-20 

Zeitschrift  fiir  Analytische  Chemie ;  begriindet 

von  Remigius  Fresenius  1 862 :  1  + 
*Zeitschrift  fiir  Anatomic  und  Entwicklungs- 
geschichte;  herausgegeben  von  Dr.  Wilh. 
His  und  Dr.  Wilh.  Braune  1875:  1-2 

Zeitschrift  fiir  Anatomic  und  Entwicklungs- 
geschichte;  herausgegeben  von  Curt  Elze 
(1-59  as  Anatomische  Hefte;  Beitrage  und 
Referate  zur  Anatomic  und  Entwicklungsge- 
schichte  Abt.  1 ;  Arbeiten  aus  Anatomischen 
Instituten)  (63-103  also  as  Abt.  1  of  Zeit- 
schrift fiir  die  Gesamte  Anatomic)  1891 :  1  + 

Zeitschrift  fiir  Angewandte  Anatomic  und 
Konstitutionslehre  see  Zeitschrift  fiir 
Menschliche  Vererbungs-  und  Konstitu- 

Zeitschrift  fiir  Angewandte  Chemie  see  Ange- 
wandte Chemie 

Zeitschrift  fiir  Angewandte  Meteorologie ; 
Das  Wetter  (1-44  as  Das  Wetter;  Monats- 
schrift  fur  \Vitterungskunde)  1884:  1  + 

*Zeitschrift  fiir  Angewandte  Mikroskopie; 
herausgegeben  von  G.  Markmann  1895:  1, 
Heft  1 ;  5,  Heft  1 

Zeitschrift  fiir  Anorganische  und  Allgemeine 
Chemie;  begriindet  von  Gerhard  Kriiss 
(1-91  as  Zeitschrift  fiir  Anorganische 
Chemie)  1892:  1  + 

Zeitschrift   fiir   Biologic;    begriindet   von   L. 



Buhl,  M.  Pettenkofer,  L.  Radlkofer  und  C. 
Voit  1865:  1  + 

Zeitschrift  fur  Biologic,   Moscow  see  Biolo- 

gicheskii  Zhurnal 

*Zeitschrift  fur  Biologische  Technik  und 
Methodik  1908:  1-3 

Zeitschrift  fur  Botanik  1909:  1  + 
*Zeitschrift  fur  den  Ausbau  der  Entwicklungs- 
lehre;  herausgegeben  von  R.  H.  France; 
Miinchen  1907:  1-3 

Zeitschrift  fur  den  Physikalischen  und 
Chemischen  Unterricht;  begriindet  von 
Friedrich  Poske  1887:  [4];  5-9;  11;  13-19; 
[20-21];  22;  46+ 

Zeitschrift  fur  den  Physikalischen  und 
Chemischen  Unterricht;  Sonderheft  see 
Abhandlungen  zur  Didaktik  und  Philoso- 
phic der  Naturwissenschaft 

Zeitschrift  fur  Diatetische  und  Physikalische 
Therapie  see  Zeitschrift  fiir  die  Gesamte 
Physikalische  Therapie 

Zeitschrift  fiir  die  Gesamte  Anatomic;  Abt.  1 
see  Zeitschrift  fiir  Anatomie  und  Entwick- 
lungsgeschichte;  Abt.  3  see  Ergebnisse  der 
Anatomie  und  Entwicklungsgeschichte 

Zeitschrift  fiir  die  Gesamte  Experimentelle 
Medizin;  Zugleich  Fortsetzung  der  Zeit- 
schrift fiir  Experimentelle  Pathologic  und 
Therapie  (23  contains  index  for  1-22  of 
Zeitschrift  fiir  Experimentelle  Pathologie 
und  Therapie)  1913:  1  + 

*Zeitschrift  fiir  die  Gesamte  Physikalische 
Therapie  (1-8  as  Zeitschrift  fur  Diatetische 
und  Physikalische  Therapie;  9-26  as  Zeit- 
schrift fiir  Physikalische  und  Diatetische 
Therapie)  1898:  1-45 

Zeitschrift  fiir  die  Gesamte  Physikalische  und 
Diatetische  Therapie  see  Balneologe 

Zeitschrift  fiir  die  Gesamten  Naturwissen- 
schaften  see  Zeitschrift  fiir  Naturwissen- 

Zeitschrift  fiir  Elektrochemie  und  Angewandte 
Physikalische  Chemie;  Deutsche  Bunsen- 
Gesellschaft  (1  as  Zeitschrift  fiir  Elektro- 
technik  und  Elektrochemie;  2-9  as  Zeit- 
schrift fur  Elektrochemie)  1894:  1  + 
*Zeitschrift  fiir  Experimentelle  Pathologie  und 
Therapie  (combined  with  Zeitschrift  fiir  die 
Gesamte  Experimentelle  Medizin;  23  of 
which  contains  index  for  1-22)  1904:  1-22 

Zeitschrift  fiir  Experimentelle  und  Angewandte 
Medizin  see  Glasnik  Centralnog  Higijenskog 

Zeitschrift  fiir  Garungsphysiologie  see  Chemie 
der  Zelle  und  Gewebe 

Zeitschrift  fiir  Geophysik  1924:  Deutsche  Geo- 
physikalische  Gesellschaft.  1  + 

Zeitschrift  fiir  Hydrologie  (Hydrographie, 
Hydrobiologie,  Fischereiwissenschaft) ;  her- 

ausgegeben von  der  Hydrobiologischen 
Kommission  der  Schweizerischen  Natur- 
forschenden  Gesellschaft  1920:  1  + 

Zeitschrift  fiir  Hygiene  und  Infektionskrank- 
heiten  (1-10  as  Zeitschrift  fiir  Hygiene, 
herausgegeben  von  Dr.  R.  Koch  und  Dr.  C. 
Fliigge)  1886:  1  + 

Zeitschrift  fiir  Immunitatsforschung  und  Ex- 
perimentelle Therapie  (1-38  has  1.  Teil; 
Originale)  1908:  1  + 

*Zeitschrift  fiir  Immunitatsforschung  und  Ex- 
perimentelle Therapie;  2.  Teil;  Referate 
1909:  1-10,  no.  3 

Zeitschrift  fiir  Induktive  Abstammungs-  und 
Vererbungslehre  1908:  1-2;  3,  nos.  1,  2, 
4-5;  4,  nos.  1-2;  5  + 

Zeitschrift  fiir  Instrumentenkunde;  Or?an  fiir 
Mitteilungen  aus  dem  Gesamten  Gebiete 
der  Wissenschaftlichen  Technik  1881:  1  + 
*Zeitschrift  fiir  Instrumentenkunde;  Beiblatt; 
Zeitschrift  der  Deutschen  Gesellschaft  fiir 
Mechanik  und  Optik  (1891-97  as  Vereins- 
blatt  der  Deutschen  Gesellschaft  fiir  Me- 
chanik und  Optik;  1898-1916  as  Deutsche 
Mechaniker-Zeitung)  1891:  1891-1920 

Zeitschrift  fiir  Instrumentenkunde;  Beilage- 
hefte;  Forschungen  zur  Geschichte  der 
Optik  1928:  1  + 

Zeitschrift  fiir  Krebsforschung;  unter  Mit- 
wirkung  des  Reichsausschusses  fiir  Krebs- 
bekampfung  1903:  33  + 

Zeitschrift  fiir  Menschliche  Vererbungs-  und 
Konstitutionslehre  (1-7  as  Zeitschrift  fiir 
Angewandte  Anatomie  und  Konstitutions- 
lehre; 8-18  as  Zeitschrift  fiir  Konstitutions- 
lehre) 1913:  1,  no.  1;  20 

Zeitschrift  fiir  Mikroskopisch-Anatomische 
Forschung;  Abt.  2.  Jahrbuch  fiir  Morpho- 
logic und  Mikroskopische  Anatomie  1924: 

1  + 

Zeitschrift  fiir  Morphologie  und  Anthropologie, 
Erb-  und  Rassenbiologie ;  herausgegeben 
von  Dr.  h.  c.  Eugen  Fischer  (1-37,  1939  as 
Zeitschrift  fiir  Anatomie  und  Anthropologie) 
1899:  1  + 

Zeitschrift  fiir  Morphologic  und  Okologie  der 
Tiere  (1-28  also  as  Abt.  A  of  Zeitschrift  fur 
Wissenschaftliche  Biologic)  1924:  1  + 

Zeitschrift  fiir  Naturwissenschaften ;  Organ 
des  Naturwissenschaftlichen  Vereins  fiir 
Sachsen  und  Thiiringen  (1853-79  as  Zeit- 
schrift fiir  die  Gesamten  Naturwissen- 
schaften; herausgegeben  von  dem  Naturw. 
Vereine  fiir  Sachsen  u.  Thiiringen  in  Halle) 
1853:  [1854];  52  (1879);  70-72;  [73];  75 

Zeitschrift  fiir  Parasitenkunde  (1-6  also  as 
Zeitschrift  fiir  Wissenschaftliche  Biologie, 
Abt.  F)  1928:  1  + 



Zeitschrift  fur  Physik ;  Deutsche  Physikalische 
Gesellschaft  1920:  1  + 

Zeitschrift  fur  Physikalische  Chemie;  be- 
griindet  von  Wilh.  Ostwald  und  J.  H.  van'  T 
Hoff  (137+  as  Abt.  A.  Chemische  Thermo- 
dynamik;  Kinetik;  Elektrochemie;  Eigen- 
schaftslehre)  1887:  1  + 

Zeitschrift  fiir  Physikalische  Chemie;  Abt.  B. 
Chemie  der  Elementarprozesse.  Aufbau  der 
Materie  1928:  1  + 

Zeitschrift  fiir  Physikalische  und  Diatetische 
Therapie  see  Zeitschrift  fiir  die  Gesamte 
Physikalische  Therapie 

Zeitschrift  fiir  Physiologische  Chemie  see 
Hoppe-Seyler's  Zeitschrift  fiir  Physiolo- 
gische Chemie 

Zeitschrift  fiir  Psychologie  und  Physiologic 
der  Sinnesorgane  (beginning  with  41,  1906, 
journal  in  two  sections;  Abt.  1.  Zeitschrift 
fiir  Psychologie;  Abt.  2.  Zeitschrift  fiir 
Sinnesphysiologie)  1890:  1-40,  1906;  Er- 
ganzungsband  2  (1902)  only 

Zeitschrift  fur  Rassen-Physiologie ;  Mitteilun- 
gen  der  Deutschen  Gesellschaft  fiir  Blut- 
gruppenforschung  1928:  1  + 

Zeitschrift  fiir  Sinnesphysiologie  (continuation 
of  Zeitschrift  fur  Psychologie  und  Physio- 
logie  der  Sinnesorgane  Abt.  2)  1907:  41  + 

Zeitschrift  fiir  Technische  Biologic  see  Chemie 
der  Zelle  und  Gewebe 

Zeitschrift  fiir  Tierziichtung  und  Ziichtungs- 
biologie  einschliesslich  Tierernahrung  see 
Tierziichtung  und  Ziichtungsbiologie  ein- 
schliesslich Tierernahrung 

Zeitschrift  fiir  Vergleichende  Physiologic 
(1-20  a/so  as  Zeitschrift  fiir  Wissenschaft- 
liche  Biologie,  Abt.  C)  1924:  1  + 

Zeitschrift  fiir  Vitaminforschung  zugleich 
Zentralblatt  fiir  Vitaminologie  und  Ver- 
wandte  Ernahrungsprobleme  1932:  1,  nos. 
1,  3-4;  2  + 

*Zeitschrift  fiir  Wissenschaftliche  Biologie 
1924-34;  Abt.  A  see  Zeitschrift  fiir  Mor- 
phologic und  Okologie  der  Tiere;  Abt.  B 
see  Zeitschrift  fiir  Zellforschung  und  Mikro- 
skopische  Anatomic;  Abt.  C  see  Zeitschrift 
fur  Vergleichende  Physiologic;  Abt.  D  see 
Wilhelm  Roux'  Archiv  fiir  Entwicklungs- 
mechanik  der  Organismen;  Abt.  E  see 
Planta;  Archiv  fiir  Wissenschaftliche  Bo- 
tanik;  Abt.  F  see  Zeitschrift  fur  Parasiten- 

*Zeitschrift   fiir   Wissenschaftliche    Insekten- 

biologie  1905:  1-27 

Zeitschrift  fiir  Wissenschaftliche  Mikroskopie 
und  fiir  Mikroskopische  Technik  1884:  1  + 
Zeitschrift  fur  Wissenschaftliche   Photogra- 
phic, Photophysik  und  Photochemie  1903: 
1  + 

Zeitschrift  fiir  Wissenschaftliche  Zoologie; 
begriindet  von  Carl  Theodor  v.  Siebold  und 
Albert  v.  Kolliker;  Abt.  A  (Abt.  A  only  with 
141,  1932+)  1848:  1  + 

Zeitschrift  fiir  Wissenschaftliche  Zoologie; 
Abt.  B  see  Archiv  fiir  Naturgeschichte 

Zeitschrift  fiir  Zellforschung  und  Mikrosko- 
pische Anatomic;  Abt.  A.  Allgemeine  Zell- 
forschung und  Mikroskopische  Anatomic 
( 1  as  Zeitschrift  fiir  Zellen-  und  Gewebelehre ; 
2-28,  1938  as  Zeitschrift  fiir  Zellforschung 
und  Mikroskopische  Anatomic;  1-20  also  as 
Abt.  B  of  Zeitschrift  fiir  Wissenschaftliche 
Biologie)  1924:  1  + 

Zeitschrift  fiir  Zellforschung  und  Mikrosko- 
pische Anatomic;  Abt.  B.  Chromosoma  see 

Zeitschrift  fiir  Ziichtung,  Reihe  B  see  Tierziich- 
tung und  Ziichtungsbiologie  einschliesslich 

Zellen-  und  Befruchtungslehre  in  Einzel- 
darstellungen ;  herausgegeben  von  P.  Buch- 
ner  1928:  1 

*Zellstimulations-Forschungen ;  herausgegeben 
von  Prof.  Dr.  M.  Popoff  und  Prof.  Dr.  W. 
Gleisberg  1924:  1-3 

Zentralblatt  fiir  Allgemeine  Pathologic  und 
Pathologische  Anatomic;  begriindet  von  E. 
Ziegler  1890:  1  + 

*Zentralblatt  fiir  Allgemeine  und  Experimen- 
telle  Biologie;  herausgegeben  von  Prof. 
Dr.  Heinrich  Poll  1910:  1-2 

*Zentralblatt  fiir  Bakteriologie,  Parasitenkunde 
und  Infektionskrankheiten  1887:  1-16 

Zentralblatt  fiir  Bakteriologie,  Parasitenkunde 
und  Infektionskrankheiten;  Abt.  1.  Medi- 
zinisch-Hygienische  Bakteriologie  und  Tie- 
rische  Parasitenkunde  (31+  in  two  sections; 
Originale;  Referata)  1895:  17  + 

Zentralblatt  fiir  Bakteriologie,  Parasitenkunde 
und  Infektionskrankheiten;  Abt.  2.  Allge- 
meine, Landwirtschaftliche,  Technische, 
Nahrungsmittel-Bakteriologie  und  Myko- 
logie,  etc.  1895:  1  + 

*Zentralblatt  f iir  Biochemie  und  Biophysik ;  mit 
Einschluss  der  Theoretischen  Immunitats- 
forschung  (1-3  as  Biochemisches  Central- 
blatt;  Yollstandiges  Sammelorgan  fiir  die 
Grenzgebiete  der  Medizin  und  Chemie; 
4-9,  1905-10  as  Biochem.  Centralb.  etc., 
Centralblatt  fiir  die  Gesamte  Biologie  Abt. 
1;  10-15  as  Zentralblatt  fiir  Biochemie  und 
Biophysik;  mit  Einschluss  der  Theoretischen 
Immunitatsforschung,  Zentralblatt  fiir  die 
Gesamte  Biologie;  Neue  Folge)  1902:  1-23 

Zentralblatt  fiir  die  Gesamte  Biologie  Abt.  1 
see  above;  Abt.  2  see  Biophysikalisches  Cen- 



Zentralblatt  fiir  die  Gesamte  Neurologic  und 

Psychiatric  1910:  39,  nos.  9-10  (1925) 
Zentralblatt  fiir  die  Gesamte  Radiologie  (Ront- 
gen,  Radium,  Licht) ;  Ref eratenorgan  der 
Deutschen  Rontgen-Gesellschaft  1926: 12  + 
Zentralblatt  fur  Geophysik,  Meteorologie  und 
Geodosie  1937:  1  + 

*Zentralblatt  fiir  Physiologic;  unter  Mit- 
wirkung  der  Physiologischen  Gesellschaft 
zu  Berlin  (7-13,  1893-99,  und  des  Physiolo- 
gischen Clubs  in  Wien)  und  der  Morpho- 
logisch-Physiologischen  Gesellschaft  zu  Wien 
1887:  1-34;  Supplement  see  Bibliographia 
Physiologica,  series  3-4 

*Zentralblatt  fiir  Zoologie,  Allgemeine  und  Ex- 
perimentelle  Biologic  (continuation  of  Zoolo- 
gisches  Zentralblatt  and  as  Zentralblatt  fiir 
Allgemeine  und  Experimented  Biologic  ser. 
2)  1912:  1-6 

Zhurnal  Biobotanichnogo  Tsiklu  Yuan  see 
Zhurnal  Institutu  Botaniki  Uan 

Zhurnal  Bio-Zoologichnogo  Tsiklu;  Vseu- 
krains'ka  Akademiia  Nauk,  Prirodnicho- 
Tekhnichnii  Viddil  (Journal  du  Cycle  Bio- 
Zoologique;  Academic  des  Sciences  d'U- 
kraine, Classe  des  Sciences  Naturelles  et 
Techniques) :  Kief.  3-4 

*Zhurnal  Eksperimental'noi  Biologii  Seriia  A 
(Journal  de  Biologic  Experimentale.  serie 
A)  1925:  Moscow.  1-7;  Seriia  B  see  Uspekhi 
Eksperimental'noi  Biologii 

Zhurnal  Eksperimental'noi  Biologii  i  Medit- 
siny;  Gosudarstvennyi  Institut  Narodnogo 
Zdravookhraneniia  (Journal  de  Biologic  et 
de  Medecine  Experimentales;  Institut 
Scientifique  de  la  Sante  Publique,  Moscow) 
1925:  [1-131 

*Zhurnal  Geofiziki  i  Meteorologii  (Journal  of 
Geophysics  and  Meteorology)  1924:  Mos- 
cow. 1-6 

Zhurnal  Institutu  Botaniki  Uan  (Journal  de 
1'Institut  Botanique  de  1'Academie  des 
Sciences  d'Ukraine)  (1-8  as  Zhurnal  Bio- 
botanichnogo Tsiklu  Yuan;  Journal  du 
Cycle,  de  la  Section,  Botanique  de  1'Aca- 
demie  des  Sciences  d'Ukraine)  1931:  Kief 

Zhurnal    Russkogo     Botanicheskogo     Obsh- 
chestva  (Journal  de  la  Societe  Botanique 
de  Russie)  1916:  14,  no.  4 
*Zoe;  a  biological  journal  1890:  Zoe  Publishing 
Co.,  San  Francisco.  1-4;  5,  nos.  1-4;  6-11 

Zoogeographica;  Internationales  Archiv  fiir 
Vergleichende  und  Kausale  Tiergeographie 
1932:  1  + 

Zoologica;  Original-Abhandlungen  aus  dem 
Gesamtgebiete  der  Zoologie;  herausgege- 
ben  von  R.  Hesse  (1-8  von  Rud.  Leuckart 

und  Carl  Chun;  9-20,  1897-1908,  Chun;  21. 
1908-21,  Willy  Kukenthal;  22-23,  1910, 
Chun;  24,  1911-24,  Kukenthal;  25-26, 
1911-13,  Chun;  27,  1913—22,  Kukenthal) 
(1-8  as  Bibliotheca  Zoologica)  1888:  1  + 
Zoologica;  scientific  contribution  of  the  New 

York  Zoological  Society  1907:  1  + 
Zoologica  Poloniae;  Archivum  Societatis  Zoo- 
logorum  Poloniae  1935:  Lwow,  Poland.  1-4, 
no.  1 
*Zoological  Bulletin;  edited  by  C.  O.  Whitman 

and  W.  M.  Wheeler  1897:  1-2 
*Zoological  Journal  1824:  London.  1-5 
Zoological   Magazine;   Zoological   Society   of 

Japan  see  Dobutugaku  Zassi 
Zoological  Record  1864:  London.  1  + 
Zoologicheskii  Vestnik  see  Journal  Russe  de 


Zoologicheskii  Zhurnal  (1-10  as  Revue  Zoolo- 
gique  Russe)  (Russkii  Zoologicheskii  Zhur- 
nal) 1916:  Akademiia  Nauk  SSSR.  1-2;  [3]; 
4-5;  [6];  7  + 

*Zoologische  Annalen;  Zeitschrift  fiir  Ge- 
schichte  der  Zoologie;  herausgegeben  von 
Dr.'Max  Braun  1904:  1-7,  no.  3 
*Zoologische  Bausteine;  Ausschnitte  aus  dem 
Gesamtgebiet  der  Zoologie;  herausgegeben 
von  Prof.  Dr.  Paul  Schulze,  Rostock  1925: 
1-2,  no.  1 

*Zoologische  Beitrage ;  herausgegeben  von  Dr. 
Anton  Schneider,  Breslau  1884:  1,  nos.  2-3; 
2,  nos.  2-3;  3 

Zoologische  Jahrbiicher;  Abteilung  fiir  Allge- 
meine Zoologie  und  Physiologic  der  Thiere 
1910:  30+;  Abteilung  fiir  Anatomic  und 
Ontogenie  der  Thiere  1888:  3+;  Abteilung 
fiir  Systematik,  Okologie  und  Geographic 
der  Thiere  (1-2  as  Zoologische  Jahrbiicher; 
Zeitschrift  fiir  Systematik,  Geographie  und 
Biologic  der  Thiere)  (3-51  as  Zoologische 
Jahrbiicher;  Abteilung  fiir  Systematik, 
Geographie  und  Biologie  der  Thiere)  1886: 
1  +  ;  *Supplement  1886:  1-16,  Heft  2 
Zoologischer  Anzeiger;  Organ  der  Deutschen 
Zoologischen  Gesellschaft;  begriindet  von 
Victor  Cams;  fortgefiihrt  von  Eugen  Kor- 
schelt  (vols.  26-93,  1903-31);  herausge- 
geben von  Berthold  Klatt  (94,  1931+)  1878: 
1  +  ;  Supplementband  see  Verhandlungen 
der  Deutschen  Zoologischen  Gesellschaft; 
see  also  Bibliographia  Zoologica 
Zoologischer  Bericht;  Deutsche  Zoologische 

Gesellschaft  1922:  1  + 

*Zoologischer  Jahresbericht;  herausgegeben 
von  der  Zoologischen  Station  zu  Neapel 
1879:  1-35  (1913) 

"Zoologisches  Zentralblatt;  unter  mitwirkung 
von  Prof.  Dr.  O.  Biitschli  und  Prof.  Dr.  B. 



Hatschek  (ser.  2  continued  as  Zentralblatt 
fur  Zoologie,  Allgemeine  und  Experimen- 
telle  Biologic)  1894:  1-18  (1911) 

Zoologiska  Bidrag  fran  Uppsala  1912:   1-18; 

Suppl.  Bd.  1  (1920) 

*Zoologist;  a  monthly  journal  of  natural  his- 
tory (ser.  1-2,  a  popular  miscellany  of 
natural  history)  1843:  London,  series  1-4 
*Zoopathologica;  scientific  contributions  of  the 
New  York  Zoological  Society  on  the  dis- 
eases of  Animals  1916:  1-2 

Zprava  o  Cinnosti  sekce  pro  plemenarskou 
Biologii  Moravskeho  Zemskeho  Vyzkum- 
neho  Ustavu  Zootechnickeho  v  Brne  (An- 
nual Report  about  the  activity  of  the  Breed- 
ing and  Biological  Section  of  the  Zootech- 
nical  Research  Institute  in  Brno):  1923-25 

Zpravy  Komise  na  Prirodovedecky  Vyzkum 
Moravy  a  Slezska  (Mitteilungen  der  Kom- 
mission  zur  Naturwissenschaftlichen  Durch- 

forschung  Mahrens)  1905:  Briinn.  Oddeleni 
Archaeologicko-Praehistoricke,  1-2;  Bo- 
tanicke,  1-10;  Geologicke,  1-12;  Minera- 
logicke,  1-6;  Zoologicke,  2-1 6j  18-21 

Zpravy  o  Zasedani  Kralovske  Ceske  Spolec- 
nosti  Nauk;  Trida  Matematicko-Pfirodo- 
vedecka  see  Vestnik  Kralovske  Ceske  Spo- 
lecnosti  Nauk 

(Der)  Ziichter;  Zeitschrift  fiir  Theoretische 
und  Angewandte  Genetik  1929:  Kaiser 
Wilhelm-Institut  fiir  Ziichtungsforschung, 
Erwin  Baur-Institut,  Miincheberg  i.  M.  1  + 

Ziichtungskunde  1926:  Deutsche  Gesellschaft 
fiir  Ziichtungskunde;  unter  Mitwirkung  der 
Tierzuchtinstitute  an  Deutschen  Hoch- 
schulen.  7  +  ;  see  also  Neue  Schriftenreihe; 
aus  Deutschen  Zuchten 

Zymologica  e  Chimica  dei  Collodi  see  Bollettino 
Scientifico  della  Facolta  di  Chimica  In- 
dustriale,  Bologna 

Vol.  84,  No.  2  April,  1943 






M.  F.  DAY 

(Department  of  Zoology,  Washington  University,  St.  Louis) 


Since  the  original  work  of  Wigglesworth  (1926)  it  has  become  increasingly 
obvious  that  the  corpora  allata  may  exert  an  influence  on  the  reproductive 
processes  of  insects  (see  Scharrer,  1941,  for  review).  Although  Thomsen  (1940) 
concludes  that  in  the  adult  muscid  flics  the  single  median  corpus  allatum  controls 
the  ripening  of  the  ovaries,  it  is  not  yet  established  whether  this  action  is  a  direct 
one,  and  whether  there  is  a  true  sex  hormone  produced  by  the  corpus  allatum. 
The  fact  that  Thomsen  (I.e.)  was  able  to  induce  hypertrophy  of  the  corpus 
allatum  by  ovariectomy  suggests  a  direct  hormonal  action,  but  cannot  be  taken 
as  proof.  In  an  attempt  to  throw  further  light  on  this  problem  the  experiments 
to  be  described  were  performed.  They  are  concerned  with  the  role  of  the  ring 
gland  in  the  adult  fly,  and  while  the  problem  is  as  yet  unsettled,  considerable 
information  has  been  gained  and  a  tentative  conclusion  may  be  reached.  The 
significance  of  the  work  lies  in  the  fact  that  it  bears  finally  on  a  major  biological 
problem — the  mode  of  action  of  hormones  on  cells  and  tissues. 


Two  species  of  Muscidae  have  been  employed.  A  pure  strain  of  Lucilia 
sericata  Meig.  maintained  by  mass  inbreeding  for  over  230  generations  was  used 
in  all  earlier  work.  Search  for  a  more  robust  fly  resulted  in  the  use  of  a  stock  of 
Sarcophaga  securifera  Villeneuve  obtained  from  eggs  deposited  on  meat,  in  the 
fall  of  1941  in  St.  Louis,  Missouri.  Since  that  time  the  stock  has  been  maintained 
by  mass  inbreeding  in  the  laboratory. 

The  experiments  have  consisted  mainly  of  extirpations  and  implantations  of 
adult  organs.  Operations  were  performed  under  a  magnification  of  30  diameters 
and  the  essential  instruments  were  No.  12  hard  steel  needles,  appropriately 
sharpened  on  a  hard  Arkansas  oilstone,  and  fine  iridectomy  forceps.  Flies  were 
etherized  and  held  in  "Permoplast"  with  cross  pins.  The  corpus  allatum  may 
be  removed  through  the  neck  region  if  the  head  of  the  fly  is  bent  forward;  gonads 
are  removed  by  making  a  long  transverse  incision  in  the  intersegmental  membrane 


128  M.  F.  DAY 

between  the  4th  and  5th  abdominal  segments.  With  practice  the  mortality  can 
be  reduced  to  very  low  figures  for  both  operations,  but  I  have  never  succeeded  in 
performing  both  extirpations  on  a  single  fly,  even  wrhen  a  day  elapsed  between 
the  experiments. 

In  the  experiments  involving  the  transplantation  of  the  ring  gland,  portions 
of  the  oesophagus  invariably  had  to  be  included  with  the  transplant,  for  the  ring 
gland  alone  was  too  small  to  be  moved  without  injury.  The  site  of  implantation 
was  under  the  dorsal  abdominal  wall  between  the  2nd  and  3rd  scuta.  In  later 
experiments,  in  an  effort  to  induce  innervation  of  the  transplant,  attempts  were 
made  to  place  the  ring  gland  near  the  brain,  which  was  slightly  injured  in  order  to 
stimulate  the  growth  of  nerves  to  the  implant.  These  attempts  were  unsuccessful. 

A  total  of  73  successful  operations  were  performed  on  Lucilia  and  102  on 

At  the  conclusion  of  all  experiments  the  flies  were  fixed  by  injection  with 
alcoholic  Bouin's,  and  10  micron  paraffin  sections  were  stained  either  in  Mallory's 
triple  stain  or  by  Bodian's  protargol  technique.  Results  with  both  species  of 
flies  were  similar,  unless  the  contrary  is  stated. 


The  histological  effects  of  extirpation  of  the  ring  gland  have  not  previously- 
been  described.  In  order  that  they  may  be  more  easily  followed,  a  brief  descrip- 
tion of  the  normal  histology  is  necessary. 

A.  The  Ring  Gland.  The  ring  gland  of  Lucilia  has  been  shown  (Day,  1942) 
to  be  composed  of  a  single  median  corpus  allatum  fused  with  the  corpora  cardiaca 
and  the  hypocerebral  ganglion.  The  situation  is  similar  in  Calliphora  (Thomsen, 
1941)  and  in  Sarcophaga  (Figures  3,  4,  and  5).  Thomsen  (1941)  refers  briefly 
to  the  larger  size  of  the  corpus  allatum  in  mature  flies  compared  with  newly 
emerged  flies  (compare  her  Figures  3  and  4).  The  changes  occurring  during  the 
first  seven  days  after  emergence  of  adult  Lucilia  sericata  and  from  emergence  to 
20  days  of  age  of  Sarcophaga,  have  been  carefully  followed.  The  most  striking 
changes  occur  in  the  first  five  days  and  thereafter  there  is  not  much  alteration 


Corpora  allata  and  fat  body  of  Lucilia  sericata  and  Sarcophaga  securifera  fixed  in  alcoholic 
Bouin,  Bodian  protargol  method.     Photomicrographs,  magnification  400  diameters. 

1.  Corpus  allatum  of  normal  female  L.  sericata,  transverse  section.     Note  larger  nuclei  on 
periphery  of  the  gland,  and  below  a  little  striated  muscle  from  the  dorsal  vessel.     Cell  walls  are 
not  easily  seen  but  are  present. 

2.  The  same  of  a  female  castrated  seven  days.     Note  the  hypertrophy  of  the  cells  and  nuclei. 
The  gland  approximately  50  per  cent  greater  in  diameter  than  the  control  even  though  there  are 
fewer  cells  in  the  section.     The  hypertrophy  of  the  nuclei  is  particularly  striking  and  is  shown 
by  the  larger  peripheral  ones  as  well  as  the  central  ones.     Cell  walls  are  clearly  seen. 

3.  Corpus  allatum  of  5.  securifera  in  which  recurrent  nerve  was  cut  seven  days  earlier.     Note 
nerve  fibers  ramifying  between  cells.     In  comparison  with  Figures  4  and  5  note  the  hypertrophy 
of  cells  and  nuclei. 

4.  Corpus  allatum  of  male  castrate  S.  securifera. 

5.  Corpus  allatum  of  female  castrate  S.  securifera.     Note  that  there  is  no  hypertrophy  in 
either  this  gland  or  that  in  Figure  4  comparable  with  that  found  in  Lucilia. 

6.  Fat  body  of  female  Sarcophaga  securifera  showing  darkly  stained  oenocytes.     Tissues  are 
essentially  normal.     Compare  with  Figure  7. 




130  M.  F.  DAY 

in  the  cytology  of  the  gland.  Differences  between  the  sexes  are  insignificant. 
In  Sarcophaga  all  the  fuchsinophilic  droplets  in  the  corpus  cardiacum  cells  have 
disappeared  at  the  time  of  emergence,  but  persist  for  about  three  days  in  Lucilia 
(Day,  1942).  In  Lucilia  larger  nuclei  seem  to  occur  on  the  periphery  of  the 
gland,  but  this  is  not  so  marked  in  Sarcophaga.  In  both  there  is  a  thin  sheath, 
which  has  small  flattened  nuclei,  surrounding  the  gland.  The  innervation  of  the 
gland  is  well  shown  in  Bodian  preparations  and,  as  in  other  insects,  is  very  profuse 
(see  especially  Figures  3  and  4).  Nerves  from  the  hypocerebral  ganglion  run 
dorsally  in  the  lateral  walls  of  the  aorta  and  ramify  between  almost  every  cell  of 
the  corpus  allatum.  It  is  almost  certain  that  fine  nerves  penetrate  cells  and  end 
near  the  nucleus  in  small  terminal  swellings.  Cell  membranes  are  not  clearly 
seen  in  the  illustrations,  but  the  gland  is  not  syncytial.  It  is  well  tracheated,  but 
no  specializations  for  transferring  secretory  products  to  the  aorta  are  found. 

B.  The  Fat  Body.  As  will  be  shown  later  the  fat  body  undergoes  striking 
changes  after  allatectomy.  Its  normal  histology  is  therefore  discussed  here  and 
considerable  attention  has  been  paid  to  this  tissue  in  all  experimental  animals. 
Teunissen  (1937)  and  Perez  (1918)  have  described  the  changes  in  the  fat  body 
of  flies  during  the  pupal  period,  but  no  adequate  description  is  to  be  found  of 
subsequent  changes.  Evans  (1935)  has  described  the  fat  body  of  adult  Lucilia 
and  Roubaud  (1932)  has  described  chemical  changes  in  that  of  Cidex  pipiens. 
In  Sarcophaga  I  have  found  that  larval  fat  body  cells  persist  in  normal  flies  for 
three  days  after  emergence  (Figure  7).  Their  fuchsinophilic  contents  gradually 
diminish  until  the  cytoplasm  becomes  clear  and  reduced,  though  the  large  nucleus 
still  makes  it  easy  to  distinguish  the  cells.  The  adult  fat  body  cells  are  at  first 
small  but  during  the  first  three  days  of  adult  life  they  gradually  increase  in  size. 
It  should  be  noted  that  fat  body  cells  differ  in  various  parts  of  the  body.  This 
discussion  is  limited  to  the  fat  body  of  the  lateral  body  wall  in  the  segments  con- 
taining the  gonads.  No  substantial  difference  was  observed  between  the  sexes. 

Young  cells  show  most  frequently  four  nuclei,  but  may  possess  more.  A  count 
of  the  number  of  nuclei  in  fat  body  cells  of  Sarcophaga  gave  the  following  results: 
Two  nuclei  wrere  found  in  15  per  cent  of  the  cells,  four  in  50  per  cent,  six  in  5 
per  cent  and  eight  in  30  per  cent.  The  counts  were  made  from  acetic  orcein 
spreads  from  which  counts  may  be  made  easily  and  accurately,  while  this  is  not 
possible  from  sections.  No  significant  change  was  found  between  young  and 
old  flies,  nor  is  there  a  difference  between  the  sexes.  There  is,  however,  a  marked 
difference  depending  on  where  the  fat  body  is  located.  Cells  near  the  heart  are 
smaller  and  have  fewer  nuclei  than  those  located  on  the  lateral  body  wall.  When 
the  fat  body  is  abundant  the  cells  composing  it  are  closely  appressed  and  their 
exact  connections  are  impossible  to  determine.  In  living  spread  preparations, 
especially  of  older  flies  in  which  the  fat  body  is  less  abundant,  it  is  found  that  the 
fat  body  cells  are  arranged  in  cords  which  branch  and  in  which  the  oenocytes  lie 
in  between  almost  every  two  cells.  In  young  cells  the  nuclei  are  spherical  and 
possess  a  single,  usually  slightly  eccentric  nucleolus.  The  cytoplasm  is  aggregated 
around  the  periphery  of  the  cell.  Within  24  hours  after  emergence  the  cells  have 
increased  considerably  in  size,  the  nuclei  have  become  more  nearly  centrally 
located  and  the  nuclear  membrane  has  become  slightly  irregular  in  outline  and 
their  nucleoli  have  enlarged  considerably.  The  cytoplasm  is  uniform,  but  is 
lightly  aggregated  around  the  nuclei.  If  the  flies  continue  on  a  carbohydrate 


diet  no  further  change  occurs.  A  protein  meal,  however,  changes  the  appearance 
of  the  cytoplasm  considerably.  It  becomes  more  abundant  and  thick  strands 
run  from  the  cell  wall  to  the  nuclei.  The  nuclei  frequently  regain  their  spherical 

In  Lucilia,  the  changes  undergone  by  the  fat  body  are  essentially  similar  to 
those  just  described  (see  Evans,  1935). 

C.  The  Oenocytes.     Intimately  associated  with  the  fat  body  are  the  oenocytes. 
Snodgrass  (1935,  p.  411)  made  the  undocumented  statement  that  "oenocytes  are 
not  known  to  occur  in  adult  Diptera."     However,  oenocytes  in  adult  Diptera 
have  been  described  by  Perez  (1910)  in  Calliphora  and  by  Evans  (1935)  in  Lucilia. 

In  the  newly-emerged  Lucilia  they  are  not  striking,  but  with  the  increase  in 
size  of  the  fat  body  cells  the  oenocytes  become  more  conspicuous.  They  are 
characterized  by  uniform,  basophilic  cytoplasm.  Many  of  the  cells,  which  are 
uniformly  scattered  among  the  abdominal  fat  body  cells,  are  uninucleate,  but 
about  50  per  cent  are  binucleate.  More  rarely  three  or  four  nuclei  are  found. 
Nuclear  size  in  Lucilia  oenocytes  with  a  single  nucleus  averages  about  six  microns, 
but  is  less  when  there  are  more  nuclei  per  cell.  It  was  early  noticed  that  there 
was  a  marked  and  constant  difference  between  the  oenocytes  of  the  two  sexes 
of  Lucilia.  While  those  of  the  male  were  large  and  well  filled  with  cytoplasm  so 
that  the  cell  boundaries  were  convex,  those  of  the  females  were  less  conspicuous 
and  had  concave  cell  boundaries.  This  difference  could  be  clearly  seen  in  the 
living  fat  body  if  the  fly  was  injected  with  a  solution  of  methylene  blue  which 
stains  oenocytes  specifically.  When  a  similar  condition  was  found  in  such  widely 
separated  flies  as  Alelophagus  ovinus  L.  and  Culex  pipiens  L.,  it  was  thought  that 
the  situation  might  be  general  in  the  Diptera.  It  was  so  striking  that  it  seemed 
surprising  that  no  record  of  this  could  be  found  in  the  literature.  It  was  therefore 
unexpected  to  find  that  Sarcophaga  securifera  did  not  conform  in  this  respect,  the 
oenocytes  being  if  anything  more  conspicuous  in  the  female  than  in  the  male, 
although  there  was  little  difference  between  the  sexes.  The  explanation  for  this 
is  quite  unknown  but  is  obviously  significant  in  the  explanation  of  the  sexual 
differences,  which  must  lie  eventually  in  a  knowledge  of  the  function  of  the 
oenocytes.  Without  diverging  unnecessarily  it  seems  that  the  majority  of 
evidence  points  to  their  functioning  as  organs  of  intermediary  metabolism  (see 
Wigglesworth,  1939,  p.  244).  The  validity  of  the  interpretation  of  the  following 
results  rests  in  part  on  the  very  plausible  assumption  that  this  is  at  least  one  of 
their  functions. 

In  normal  flies  the  oenocytes  are  very  constant,  and  no  cytological  evidence 
of  secretory  changes  can  be  seen  in  the  adult,  though  there  are  some  indications 
that  they  show  an  inverse  size  relationship  with  the  cells  of  the  fat  body,  and  vary 
slightly  with  the  nutritional  state  of  the  insect.  As  will  be  shown  below,  they 
undergo  marked  changes  upon  extirpation  of  the  ring  gland. 

D.  The  Ovaries.     For  purposes  of  subsequent  descriptions  it  is  necessary  to 
review  briefly  the  growth  of  the  eggs  in  the  ovary  of  Lucilia.     The  relation 
between  nutrition  and  egg  production  of  muscids  has  been  discussed  by  Glaser 
(1923)  and  Mackerras  (1933),  and  the  development  of  the  ovaries  of  Anopheles 
by  Nicholson    (1921).     Nicholson  divided  the  growth  of  the  oocyte  into  two 
stages.     The  first  of  these  represents  the  growth  up  to  a  resting  stage  in  which 
the  oocytes  remain  until  the  insect  has  taken  a  protein  meal  (see  Trager,  1941, 

132  M.  F.  DAY 

p.  23).  Histologically  such  oocytes  are  easily  distinguished,  for  no  yolk  has  yet 
been  laid  down  in  them.  In  Sarcophaga  the  follicle  attains  a  maximum  diameter 
of  about  160  microns.  Immediately  after  feeding  on  meat,  yolk  is  deposited  and 
the  oocyte  increases  in  size  to  about  three  times  the  size  reached  in  stage  I.  The 
nurse  cells  undergo  little  change.  Once  yolk  deposition  has  begun  the  follicles 
increase  rapidly  in  size.  The  follicular  cells  increase  in  number  but  decrease  in 
size.  They  change  from  cuboidal  towards  squamous  cells.  Later  the  chorion 
is  laid  down. 


As  mentioned  above,  extirpation  of  the  ring  gland  of  adult  flies  can  be  per- 
formed with  comparative  ease.  It  is,  however,  not  possible  to  determine  without 
histological  examination  whether  both  corpora  allata  and  cardiaca  are  removed. 
Thomsen  records  that  cardiacectomy  was  avoided  in  her  operations.  Most 
frequently  in  this  work  the  corpora  cardiaca  were  removed  with  the  corpus 
allatum.  After  allatectomy  alone,  however,  the  effects  were  indistinguishable 
from  complete  extirpation  of  the  ring  gland.  About  80  per  cent  of  the  flies 
operated  upon  in  this  way  live  apparently  normally  and  show  no  external  signs 
of  their  operation.  Mortality  is  about  10  per  cent  and  the  remaining  10  per  cent 
show  the  water  balance  upset  described  below. 

Among  the  80  per  cent  of  operated  flies  that  survived,  normal  mating  reac- 
tions have  been  noted.  The  majority  of  flies  (37  Lucilia,  nine  Sarcophaga)  have 
been  operated  upon  when  24  hours  old,  and  subsequently  fed  sugar  and  water, 
and  fixed  after  seven  days.  Thirteen  cases  in  Lucilia  were  allowed  to  live  to  21 
days  after  the  operation  and  three  cases  in  the  Sarcophaga  series  were  fed  meat 
for  four  days.  However,  eggs  were  never  developed,  though  in  one  case  a  little 
yolk  was  found  in  an  oocyte  slightly  enlarged  beyond  stage  I. 

In  spite  of  their  normal  behavior,  operated  flies  present  an  unmistakable 
histological  picture  differing  from  the  controls  in  regard  to  the  fat  body,  ovary, 


Fat  body  of  Lucilia  sericata  and  Sarcophaga  securifera.  Fixed  with  alcoholic  Boiiin's. 
Photomicrographs,  magnification  400  diameters,  except  Figure  7  which  is  XI 70. 

7.  Fat  body  of  normal  male  5.  securifera  three  days  of  age.     Note  the  larval  fatbody  cell 
whose  fuchsinophil  droplets  have  almost  disappeared.     Compare  the  oenocytes  with  those  ot  the 
female  (Figure  6).     Note  that  the  magnification  is  only  170  diameters. 

8.  Fat  bod)-  of  female  L.  sericata  in  which  recurrent  nerve  had  been  cut  seven  days.     The  re- 
duced and  pycnotic  oenocytes,  pycnotic  small  dark  nuclei  of  the  fat  body  are  characteristic  of  flies 
after  extirpation  of  the  ring  gland. 

9.  Fat  body  of  male  5.  securifera  allatectomized  seven  days.     Note  same  effects  as  seen  in 
Figure  8.     The  separation  of  the  cytoplasm  from  the  cell  wall  is  characteristic. 

10.  Fat  body  of  female  5.  securifera  allatectomized  for  seven  days  when  female  was  six  days 
old.     Note  less  marked  effect  than  in  Figure  9,  though  the  effects  of  the  operation  can  be  seen  in 
comparison  with  Figure  12. 

11.  Fat  body  of  female  5.  securifera  seven  days  after  the  extirpation  of  the  ring  gland  with 
ring  gland  from  female  castrated  seven  days  implanted  for  46  hours.     In  comparison  with  Figure  9 
the  cytoplasm  and  nuclei  are  seen  to  have  undergone  conspicuous  changes.     Oenocytes,  however, 
are  unaffected. 

12.  As  Figure  11,  except  that  the  transplanted  ring  gland  was  from  a  normal  seven-day  old 
female.     Note  that  the  fat  body  is  almost  normal,  but  the  oenocytes  still  show  the  effects  of 




a  -  - 


134  M.  F.  DAY 

and  oenocytes.  No  effects  could  be  seen  on  testes,  on  the  nervous  tissue,  including 
the  neurosecretory  cells  of  the  brain  (Day,  1940),  alimentary  canal,  Malpighian 
tubules,  or  on  the  accessory  glands  of  the  reproductive  system  of  either  the  male 
or  the  female. 

A.  The  effects  on  the  fat  body  become  visible  within  three  days  after  the 
operation,  but  little  change  occurs  from  then  up  to  21  days.     If  the  operation  is 
performed  on  a  fly  within  two  days  after  emergence,  the  cells  of  the  larval  fat 
body  never  completely  disappear,  as  they  do  in  the  normal  fly.     Even  after  the 
acidophilic  cytoplasmic  inclusions  (see  Figure  7)  have  disappeared,  the  larval 
cells  can  easily  be  recognized  by  the  large  size  of  the  nuclei.     Thus  one  of  the 
effects  of  extirpation  of  the  ring  gland  is  to  inhibit  the  normal  maturation  of 
certain  tissues.     The  extent  of  the  change  in  the  adult  fat  body  may  be  seen  by 
comparing  Figures  7  and  9.     Many  of  the  nuclei  of  the  fat  body  cells  in  the 
operated  flies  become  pycnotic,  have  crenulated  borders,  and  are  greatly  decreased 
in  size.     A  still  more  striking  change  occurs  in  the  cytoplasm  which  appears  much 
more  sparse  than  in  the  controls.     No  specific  stains  have  been  used  to  attempt 
to  learn  exactly  what  components  have  disappeared  from  the  cytoplasm  but  the 
general  appearance  is  that  of  a  cell  whose  reserves  have  been  in  large  part  utilized. 
It  would  be  desirable  to  determine  in  what  way  these  changes  correlate  with 
alterations  in  physiological  function.     The  results  suggest  a  comparison  with  the 
findings  of  Pfeiffer  (1941)  on  Melanoplus  that  allatectomy  results  in  a  greatly 
increased  fat  content.     While  it  will  be  seen  from  Figures  7  and  9  that  there  is 
an  increase  in  fat  body  cell  size  following  extirpation  of  the  ring  gland,  an  increase 
in  fat  does  not  appear  to  occur  in  female  Lucilia  or  Sarcophaga  after  this  operation 
although  the  vacuoles  observed  in  the  fat  body  cells  may  be  left  by  dissolved  fat. 

If  the  operation  is  performed  on  a  fly  six  days  of  age,  the  fat  body  does  not 
regress,  but  the  effect  is  still  seen  upon  the  oenocytes  (compare  Figure  10). 

B.  Even  more  striking  changes  occur  in  the  oenocytes  following  extirpation 
of  the  ring  gland.     Such  changes  have  not  been  previously  reported  for  any 
insect.     The  effects  are  not  quite  comparable  in  Lucilia  and  in  Sarcophaga.     In 
males  of  the  former  species  the  large  oenocytes  of  the  male  are  most  markedly 
affected,  being  much  reduced  in  size.     Their  nuclei  become  pycnotic  and  their 
cytoplasm   changes   from   an    homogeneous   basophilic   to   a   strong   acidophilic 
reaction.     Comparable  but  less  marked  changes  occur  in  the  female  Lucilia.     In 
Sarcophaga  the  cytoplasm  does  not  become  so  markedly  reduced,  but  the  cell 
boundaries  of  the  oenocytes  almost  invariably  become  indistinct  (Figure  9).     As 
in  Lucilia  the  nuclei  show  varying  degrees  of  pycnosis  and  in  both  sexes  the  cells 
are  greatly  reduced  in  size.     Feeding  protein  in  addition  to  carbohydrate  has 
little  effect  on  these  oenocytes. 

C.  Extirpation  of  the  ring  gland  produces  an  effect  upon  the  ovaries.     If  the 
operation  is  performed  on  young  females  fed  only  sugar,  development  beyond 
Stage   1   is  never  found.     The  histology  of  the  eggs  usually  remains  normal. 
However,  in  one  case  in  which  a  female  Sarcophaga  was  allatectomized  when  two 
days   old,   considerable   regression   of   the   ovaries   was   found.     Practically   no 
oocytes  were  present  and  the  ovaries  consisted  of  a  mass  of  knotted  tracheae  and 
a  few  small  connective  tissue  and  muscle  cells. 

If  the  operation  is  performed  on  a  female  in  which  the  ovaries  are  well 
developed,  degeneration  of  certain  oocytes  occurs.  Wigglesworth  (1936)  reported 
a  similar  situation  in  Rhodnius.  The  eggs  on  the  periphery  are  affected  first  and 


the  changes  are  exactly  comparable  to  those  seen  in  old  females  inhibited  from 
ovipositing.  Apparently  extirpation  of  the  ring  gland  hastens  this  process  and 
causes  its  occurrence  in  a  greater  number  of  oocytes  than  normal.  The  first 
indication  of  such  degenerative  changes  is  seen  in  an  increase  in  size  of  the  fol- 
licular  cells.  These  large  cells  then  begin  to  phagocytize  the  acidophilic  yolk 
granules,  and  persist  for  a  while  with  darkly  staining  masses  in  their  cytoplasm. 
Eventually  they  digest  this  material  and  the  yolk  decreases  in  quantity  until  in 
the  last  stages  that  have  been  observed,  the  oocyte  contains  practically  no  yolk. 

Previous  authors  have  described  changes  in  the  secretions  of  the  oviduct  as 
a  result  of  allatectomy.  These  were  not  observed  in  Lucilia  or  Sarcophaga. 
Similar  changes  in  the  fat  body  and  oenocytes  occur  in  males  as  \vell  as  females, 
but  the  testes  and  accessory  glands  are  unaffected. 

D.  As  mentioned  above,  the  effects  of  removing  the  corpus  allatum  just 
described  are  sometimes  modified.  In  about  10  per  cent  of  the  operations  the 
flies  exhibit  a  marked  distension  of  the  abdomen,  sometimes  within  five  hours, 
but  more  usually  about  12  hours  after  the  operation.  Complete  serial  sections 
of  these  cases  shows  no  difference  in  the  operation  between  these  and  the  80  per 
cent  of  flies  which  do  not  show  these  unusual  effects.  The  Malpighian  tubules 
are  always  considerably  swollen  and  there  appears  to  be  an  upset  in  the  water 
regulating  mechanism.  This  effect  is  found  only  in  those  flies  which  imbibe  water 
and  it  is  suggested  that  the  operation  may  have  stimulated  some  center,  with 
the  result  that  the  flies  imbibe  more  than  they  normally  do. 


The  question  arises  of  whether  the  normal  functioning  of  the  ring  gland  is 
dependent  upon  its  innervation.  As  shown  by  Day  (1942)  in  Lucilia  the  recurrent 
nerve  which  supplies  the  ring  gland  is  composed  of  fibers  of  three  separate  nerves. 
This  compound  nerve  can  easily  be  severed  in  the  cervical  region.  This  operation 
results  in  higher  mortality  than  after  extirpation  of  the  ring  gland.  In  one  experi- 
ment, for  example,  40  flies  of  both  sexes  of  Sarcophaga  were  operated  upon  in 
this  way,  and  of  these  only  16  survived  for  a  period  of  one  week.  The  effects  of 
the  operation  are  precisely  similar  to  those  following  extirpation  of  the  ring  gland. 
The  fat  body  cells  enlarge,  their  nuclei  become  small  and  pycnotic,  the  oenocytes 
decrease  in  size  and  their  cytoplasm  becomes  acidophilic,  and  the  ovaries  do  not 
develop  beyond  Stage  1.  The  effect  in  Lucilia  is  shown  in  Figure  8  and  that  in 
Sarcophaga  in  Figure  10. 

The  histology  of  the  corpus  allatum  after  the  severing  of  its  nerve  connections 
shows  changes  from  the  normal  (Figure  3).  The  nerve  endings  are  still  conspicu- 
ous and  little  can  be  seen  in  the  cytoplasm  to  suggest  increased  or  decreased 
hormone  output.  However,  striking  changes  occur  in  the  cell  size  and  in  the 
nuclear  size  (Figure  3).  Nuclear  size  is  more  easily  measured  than  cell  size. 
The  nuclei  of  the  operated  flies  measure  from  12  to  14  microns  in  diameter,  an 
increase  of  about  70  per  cent  over  the  diameter  of  the  nuclei  of  the  controls.  The 
nucleolus  also  increases  in  size. 


Since  it  appeared  from  the  extirpation  experiments  that  corpora  allata  were 
concerned  in  maturation  of  the  ovaries  and  directly  or  indirectly  in  the  changes 

136  M.  F.  DAY 

undergone  by  the  fat  body,  the  ring  glands  of  ten-day  females  were  transplanted 
into  the  abdomens  of  three-clay  females.  Striking  changes  were  induced  in  the 
hosts,  probably  attributable  to  the  transplanted  glands.  The  adult  fat  body  of 
the  host  was  markedly  depleted,  but  the  larval  fat  body  cells  still  present  showed 
a  most  unusual  appearance  as  though  their  reserves  were  being  mobilized  more 
suddenly  than  is  normal.  This  effect  was  found  in  individuals  fixed  48  hours 
after  the  implantation.  In  flies  fixed  one  week  after  the  operation  no  larval, 
and  extremely  little  adult  fat  body  tissue  could  be  found  in  sections.  These 
experiments  confirm  the  suggestion  that  the  corpus  allatum  is  concerned  in  the 
maturation  of  certain  tissues. 

A  more  significantly  experiment  seemed  to  be  the  implantation  of  ring  glands 
into  flies  from  which  the  ring  gland  had  been  extirpated  for  one  week.  It  is 
hardly  to  be  expected  that  the  effects  of  extirpation  of  the  ring  gland  could  be 
reversed  to  the  normal  condition,  for  it  has  been  shown  that  the  normal  activity 
of  the  corpus  allatum  is  exhibited  only  when  the  gland  is  normally  innervated. 
Two  cases  were  fixed  46  hours  after  implanting  the  new  gland.  One  showed  an 
abundance  of  fat  body,  apparently  intermediate  between  that  of  the  fly  from 
which  the  ring  gland  had  been  extirpated,  and  a  normal  of  this  age,  and  reduced 
oenocytes,  with  strongly  basophilic  cytoplasm  rather  than  acidophilic  as  in  flies 
after  extirpation  of  the  ring  gland.  The  other  showed  a  fat  body  and  oenocytes 
which  were  essentially  normal  (Figure  12). 

In  a  later  section  it  will  be  shown  that  castration  causes  cytological  changes 
in  the  corpus  allatum  of  Lucilia,  though  not  of  Sarcophaga.  However,  the  fol- 
lowing experiment  suggests  that  the  corpora  allata  of  castrate  female  Sarcophaga 
are  physiologically  altered.  Ring  glands  of  flies  castrated  seven  days  previously 
were  transplanted  as  in  the  experiments  just  reported.  Two  cases  were  fixed 
46  hours  after  implanting  and  two  after  seven  days.  Significant  differences  could 
be  observed  between  these  and  the  former  series,  but  there  are  still  definite  effects 
of  the  implanted  glands  (Figure  11).  These  effects  are  sufficiently  striking  to 
confirm  the  suggestion  that  the  ring  gland  from  the  castrated  female  had  very 
different  effects  on  the  host  from  that  from  a  normal  female.  It  was  noticed  that 
the  corpora  allata  of  these  transplanted  glands,  when  studied  in  serial  sections 
at  autopsy,  showed  a  slight  indication  of  hypertrophy  in  a  manner  similar  to 
that  discussed  above  in  denervated  corpora  allata  /;/  situ.  Detailed  analysis 
must  await  further  experiments,  but  the  generalization  is  warranted  that  castra- 
tion causes  physiological  changes  in  the  corpus  allatum  of  Sarcophaga. 


A.  The  experiments  of  Thomsen  (1940)  in  which  she  extirpated  ovaries  were 
performed  primarily  on  Calliphora.  The  operation  resulted  in  hypertrophy  of 
the  corpora  allata.  Full  confirmation  has  been  obtained  in  my  experiments  with 
female  Lucilia  sericata,  in  which  corpora  allata  showed  considerable  hypertrophy. 
The  increase  in  size  of  the  cells  is  illustrated  in  Figure  2  when  compared  with 
Figure  1.  It  will  be  noted  that  the  increase  is  solely  in  cell  size  and  there  is  no 
increase  in  cell  number.  The  cytoplasm  exhibits  no  more  signs  of  activity  than 
in  the  unoperated  animals.  Thomsen  could  offer  no  suggestion  of  the  means  by 
which  the  hypertrophy  was  brought  about.  A  comparison  with  cases  of  hyper- 


trophy  of  these  glands,  for  example  in  Ephestia  moths  (Schrader,  1938)  or  termite 
royalties  (Pflugfelder,  1938),  does  not  assist,  and  it  seems  likely  that  a  different 
mechanism  is  involved  in  each  of  these  examples.  There  is  a  change  in  nuclear 
size  comparable  to  that  found  in  Sarcophaga,  which  results  from  severing  the 
recurrent  nerve. 

B.  Thomsen   did   not   report   experiments  with    male   flics.     These   can    be 
castrated  even  more  easily  than  can  females,  for  the  testes  are  not  so  completely 
tracheated  as  the  ovaries.     However,  no  hypertrophy  of  the  cells  of  the  corpora 
allata,  or  any  other  change  could  be  observed  in  male  Lucilia  either  in  behavior 
or  in  histology.     Most  cases  were  fixed  seven  days  after  the  operation,  but  in  a 
few  cases  even  after  14  days  no  change  could  be  observed. 

C.  Similar  experiments  were  performed  on  Sarcophaga.     Early  observations 
indicated    no    hypertrophy    of    corpora    allata.     More    extensive    and    detailed 
operations  on  both  sexes  were  performed  and  the  results  carefully  checked  in 
histological  preparations  to  determine  whether  castration  was  complete.     No 
hypertrophy  of  the  corpora  allata  comparable  to  that  in  female  Lucilia  was 
found  in  either  sex  of  Sarcophaga  (Figures  4  and  5). 

D.  It  was  thought  that  the  accessory  glands  might  have  an  effect.     In  male 
Sarcophaga  the  accessory  glands  alone  and  the  accessory  glands  together  with 
the  testes  were  successfully  removed.     No  change  in  corpora  allata  cells  was 
found  in  ten  operations. 

In  an  activity  apparently  so  fundamental  in  the  physiology  of  the  insect  it  is 
surprising  that  two  genera  as  closely  related  as  Lucilia  and  Sarcophaga  should 
give  such  divergent  results.  Further  discussion  of  their  differences  will  be  found 
on  p.  139. 

Castration  of  female  Sarcophaga  has  no  visible  effects  on  the  female  accessory 
glands,  or  indeed  on  the  majority  of  tissues.  About  50  per  cent  of  nuclei  of  fat 
body  cells  do,  however,  show  varying  degrees  of  pycnosis.  The  cytoplasm 
appears  normal  and  the  oenocytes  are  fully  rounded  and  typical  for  this  fly 
(Figure  6).  No  histological  evidence  was  found  in  Sarcophaga  to  compare  with 
the  decrease  in  fat  reported  for  castrated  Melanoplus  by  Pfeifter  (1941). 


In  Sarcophaga  an  attempt  was  made  to  gain  some  indication  of  the  effects  on 
the  ovaries  by  completely  removing  them  from  their  attachments,  and  replacing 
them  in  the  haemocoele.  The  flies  were  fixed  after  a  period  of  one  week  and 
studied  histologically.  The  ovaries  had  regained  new  tracheal  connections,  and 
appeared  normal  in  every  respect,  with  stage  I  oocytes,  as  would  be  expected  in 
flies  fed  only  sugar.  Fat  body  and  oenocytes  were  normal  and  no  effect  of  the 
operation  was  observed  on  the  corpora  allata. 


We  may  assume  for  purposes  of  comparison  with  other  insects  that  the  effects 
of  extirpation  of  the  ring  gland  can  be  compared  with  allatectomy  and  cardi- 
acectomy.  The  only  report  of  cardiacectomy  is  to  be  found  in  a  note  by  Pfeiffer 
(1939,  p.  452-453)  stating  that  "delay  in  molting  has  been  consistently  obtained 
by  removing  the  corpora  cardiaca"  of  Melanoplus.  Allatectomy  has  been  per- 

138  M.  F.  DAY 

formed  by  Wigglesworth  (1936)  on  Rhodnius  where  it  was  shown  to  result  in 
loss  of  the  ability  to  produce  mature  eggs.  Degeneration  occurred  not  only  in 
the  oocytes  but  also  in  the  follicular  epithelium.  Weed  (1936)  confirmed  these 
results  with  Melanoplus.  However,  in  Dixippus  (Pflugfelder,  1937)  allatectomy 
does  not  result  in  the  loss  of  the  ability  to  produce  mature  eggs  though  the  fact 
that  the  corpora  allata  have  some  effect  on  the  ovaries  is  shown  by  subsequent 
work  (Pflugfelder,  1940).  Subsequently  Pflugfelder  has  reported  a  variety  of 
effects  from  the  removal  of  the  corpora  allata  of  Dixippus:  the  pericardial  glands 
and  ventral  glands  undergo  considerable  hypertrophy,  and  there  are  effects  on 
the  regeneration  of  lost  limbs  (1938b).  These  results  lead  to  the  conclusion  that 
the  corpora  allata  exert  some  influence  on  metabolism,  but  as  Scharrer  (1941) 
says  "the  question  is  how  far  this  concept  may  explain  all  the  special  effects 
attributable  to  the  glands." 

From  the  present  experiments  there  is  evidence  that  the  ring  gland  produces 
more  than  a  single  substance.  As  has  been  pointed  out  they  indicate  strongly 
that  one  of  the  primary  effects  of  the  ring  gland  is  on  the  regulation  of  normal 
maturation.  This  is  also  true  in  the  larva,  as  shown  by  the  experiments  of  Burtt 
(1938)  on  Calliphora  and  of  Hadorn  and  Neel  (1938)  on  Igl  Drosophila  larva. 
Histological  examination  of  "permanent  larvae"  of  Lucilia  sericata  inhibited  from 
pupating  by  removal  of  the  ring  gland  shows  a  fat  body  which  is  unlike  anything 
seen  in  normal  larvae.  The  cells  contain  a  large  number  of  small  acidophilic 
droplets,  and  a  few  larger  droplets  which  stain  with  aniline  blue.  However,  there 
is  no  regression  or  deterioration  of  the  fat  body  cells  as  found  in  the  adult  fly,  and 
a  somewhat  comparable  picture  is  seen  in  a  prepupa  kept  for  one  month  in  dry- 
sand  (see  Mellanby,  1938).  In  such  fat  body  cells  many  of  the  acidophilic  drop- 
lets are  considerably  larger,  are  less  regular  in  size,  and  are  aggregated  around 
the  nucleus. 

It  is  not  known  whether  the  hormone  which  permits  normal  pupation  and 
whose  removal  results  in  fat  body  cells  of  this  type  is  the  same  as  that  which  plays 
a  role  in  the  removal  of  larval  fat  body  in  the  adult  fly.  It  seems  unlikely  that 
this  is  the  case.  And  there  is  sufficient  change  in  the  ring  gland  that  it  is  not 
necessary  to  assume  that  a  single  hormone  is  involved.  A  few  experiments  have 
been  performed  of  transplanting  glands  from  larvae  to  adults.  Though  they 
yielded  no  significant  information,  the  conclusion  that  the  ring  gland  produces  a 
substance  concerned  with  normal  maturation  seems  incontravertible. 

It  has  been  shown  that  the  effects  produced  by  implanting  a  ring  gland  into 
a  fly  from  which  the  ring  gland  had  been  extirpated  are  qualitatively  different 
from  those  which  result  from  severing  the  innervation  of  a  gland  in  situ.  It  is 
possible  that  the  effects  may  be  produced  by  different  concentrations  of  a  single 
secretion  but  it  appears  likely  that  the  substance  causing  the  breakdown  of  larval 
tissues  is  not  the  same  as  that  which  affects  the  growth  of  the  ovaries,  the  cyto- 
plasm of  the  fat  body,  and  the  structure  of  the  oenocytes  (see  also  Vogt,  1940). 
As  has  been  suggested  by  Pflugfelder  the  corpus  allatum  seems  to  have  some 
influence  on  the  metabolism  of  the  insect.  The  obvious  effects  of  the  corpora 
allata  of  various  insects  on  the  ovaries  have  led  to  the  suggestion  that  they  may 
produce  a  hormone  acting  directly  on  the  sex  organs,  at  least  in  the  female.  The 


outstanding  result  of  the  experiments  reported  in  this  paper  is  that  many  tissues 
are  affected  by  the  corpus  allatum.  There  is  thus  no  reason  to  suppose  that  a 
sex  hormone  is  produced  by  the  corpus  allatum.  In  fact,  it  seems  more  plausible 
to  assume  that  the  primary  effect  is  on  some  general  metabolic  function.  It  is 
well  known  that  many  flies  are  unable  to  mature  their  eggs  without  a  protein 
meal,  while  mature  sperm  are  formed  irrespective  of  the  meal  obtained  by  the 
male.  Spermatogenesis  is  in  no  way  affected  by  extirpation  of  the  ring  gland, 
while  eggs,  if  formed,  begin  to  undergo  regression  if  the  ring  gland  is  removed 
even  though  protein  be  fed  to  the  flies. 

The  results  of  castration  are  difficult  to  interpret.  In  female  Lucilia,  the  only 
cells  markedly  affected  are  those  of  the  corpora  allata.  In  male  Lucilia  and  in 
both  sexes  of  Sarcophaga,  castration  has  little  effect  either  on  the  behaviour  of 
the  flies  or  on  the  cytological  appearance  of  their  tissues  (see  Figure  6).  In  the 
female  Lucilia  the  corpus  allatum  hypertrophies  after  castration,  and  in  this  fly 
the  oenocytes  of  the  female  are  much  smaller  than  those  of  the  male.  In  Sar- 
cophaga, castration  does  not  result  in  any  cytologically  visible  change  in  the 
corpus  allatum  of  either  sex,  and  in  this  fly  the  oenocytes  of  the  female  are  almost 
indistinguishable  from  those  of  the  male.  This  suggested  that  changes  in  the 
oenocytes  might  be  induced  by  castration  of  female  Lucilia  and  of  male  Sar- 
cophaga, but  none  were  found.  However,  this  finding  does  not  invalidate  the 
general  conclusion  that  the  effect  of  the  ring  gland  is  probably  primarily  on  some 
general  metabolic  process,  perhaps  acting  through  the  oenocytes  rather  than 
directly  on  the  ovary. 


1.  Evidence  from  extirpation  and  transplantation  experiments  suggests  that 
the  ring  gland  of  Lucilia  sericata  and  Sarcophaga  securifera  produces  a  hormone 
concerned  with  normal  development.     Its  action  can  be  seen  in  the  larva  where 
it  results  in  puparium  formation,  and  in  the  adult  fly  first  in  the  changes  which 
occur  during  the  breakdown  of  the  larval  fat  body  cells  and  subsequently  in  the 
changes  undergone  by  the  adult  fat  body  cells,  the  oenocytes,  and  the  development 
of  the  ovaries. 

2.  These  last  two  activities  may  be  under  the  influence  of  a  hormone  (prob- 
ably different  from  that  influencing  development),  whose  action  seems  to  be  on 
the  general  metabolic  activity  of  the  fly.     The  oenocytes  undergo  marked  changes 
after  extirpation  of  the  ring  gland.     If  these  are  concerned  with  some  general 
metabolic  function,  as  seems  likely,  the  action  may  be  primarily  on  them  and  the 
effects  on  fat  body  cells  may  be  altered  by  implanting  a  ring  gland  into  the 
abdomen  of  a  fly,  after  extirpation  of  the  ring  gland,  but  this  has  no  visible  effect 
on  oenocytes  or  on  ovarian  development. 

3.  Castration  of  adult  female  Lucilia  sericata  results  in  hypertrophy  of  the 
cells  of  the  corpus  allatum.     No  effect  is  produced  in  the  male  Lucilia  sericata 
or  in  either  sex  in  Sarcophaga  securifera. 

4.  Destruction  of  the  innervation  of  the  ring  gland  of  Sarcophaga  securifera 
results  in  slight  hypertrophy  of  the  corpus  allatum  cells,  and  of  their  nuclei.     The 
physiological  significance  of  this  hypertrophy  is  not  yet  known. 

140  M.  F.  DAY 


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(Cornell  University  Agricultural  Experiment  Station,  Ithaca,  New  York) 

Avian  embryonic  membranes  develop  as  special  temporary  organs.  They 
begin  to  appear  early,  developing  quite  separately  from  those  of  the  embryo,  and 
cease  to  function  at  hatching.  Their  presence  is  indispensable  because  they 
provide  both  for  the  protection  of  the  embryo  and  for  its  independent  existence. 
They  participate  in  nearly  all  metabolic  activities  of  the  embryo,  such  as  nutri- 
tion, respiration  and  excretion. 

In  spite  of  the  biological  importance  of  these  membranes,  little  is  known  about 
their  development.  A  study  of  the  changes  in  volume  and  physical  properties  of 
the  allantoic  and  amniotic  fluids  under  both  normal  and  extreme  temperatures 
would  be  of  especial  value  in  a  better  understanding  of  the  physiology  of  develop- 
ment of  the  avian  embryo.  Therefore,  with  these  ideas  in  mind  the  present  work 
was  undertaken. 


About  650  fertile  eggs  of  White  Leghorn  hens  (Callus  domesticus),  200  of 
Ringnecked  pheasants  (Phasianus  torquatus),  150  of  Bobwhite  quail  (Colinus 
virginianus) ,  200  of  White  Holland  turkeys  (Meleagris  gallopavo)  and  200  of 
Pekin  ducks  (Anas  domesticus)  were  used.  The  eggs  were  incubated  in  the 
laboratory  incubators  previously  described  (Romanoff,  1932).  Normal  conditions 
for  development  were  a  temperature  of  37.5°  C.,  relative  humidity  of  about  60 
per  cent,  and  an  air  movement  of  about  ten  feet  per  second,  only  with  some  minor 
modifications  according  to  the  specific  requirements  of  each  species.  There  was 
a  sufficient  supply  of  fresh  air  and  an  adequate  removal  of  carbon  dioxide.  All 
of  the  eggs  were  turned  at  regular  intervals  three  times  a  day. 

For  a  more  detailed  study  of  the  effect  of  temperature  on  the  development  of 
embryonic  membranes — allantois  and  amnion — chicken  eggs  were  selected. 
Eggs  of  other  species  were  not  used  because  of  their  scarcity. 

The  experimental  temperatures  for  incubation  of  the  chicken  eggs  were  34.5°, 
36.0°,  38.5°,  and  39.5°  C.  All  of  the  other  environmental  factors  were  similar 
to  those  under  normal  conditions. 

The  volumes  of  allantoic  and  amniotic  fluids  were  measured  with  the  aid  of  a 
special  aspirator.  After  removing  the  shell  and  shell  membranes  at  the  blunt 
end  of  the  egg,  the  allantoic  membrane  is  pierced  by  the  large  hypodermic  needle 
on  the  aspirator.  The  allantoic  fluid  is  withdrawn  into  the  small  measuring 
cylinder  by  pressing  the  suction  bulb  until  the  total  volume  of  liquid  is  obtained. 
The  amniotic  fluid  is  withdrawn  in  a  similar  manner,  except  that  the  older 
embryos  may  be  placed  in  a  clean  Petri  dish  to  facilitate  removal  of  the  liquid. 




After  the  amniotic  membrane  is  pierced,  any  escaping  liquid  can  be  collected 
directly  from  the  dish.  On  the  whole,  this  method  permits  quick  and  accurate 
measurements  of  the  fluids  and  their  ready  use  for  further  immediate  studies. 

The  specific  gravity  of  the  fluids  was  determined  by  weighing  them  in  small 
standardized  pycnometers  of  approximately  0.5  cc.  capacity.  These  pycnometers 
were  made  in  14  mm.  lengths  from  glass  tubing  with  a  3  mm.  bore.  In  a  test 
determination  by  this  method  the  average  deviation  of  density  was  about  0.00024. 

The  hydrogen-ion  concentration  (pH)  of  the  fluids  was  measured  electro- 
metrically,  using  a  hydrogen  electrode  of  special  design  for  small  quantities  of 
material  of  about  1.0  cc. 


Volume  of  fluids  under  normal  conditions 

The  actual  volume  of  allantoic  and  amniotic  fluids  in  the  eggs  of  the  various 
species  showed  enormous  variation  (Figures  1  and  2),  since  the  weight  of  the 
eggs  used  varied  from  about  9  grams  for  quail  to  about  85  grams  for  turkey. 








FIG.  I. 







FIG.  3. 








FIG.  5. 











FIG.  4 

4    - 

2   - 

50          70         90 

pgH  FIG.  6. 







50          70         90 

INCUBATION     PERIOD     CIN  °/°  ) 

FIGURES  1  TO  6.  Changes  in  volume,  specific  gravity  and  hydrogen-ion  concentration  (pH) 
of  allantoic  and  amniotic  fluids  of  avian  eggs  incubated  under  normal  conditions.  (Abscissae 
represent  the  per  cent  of  time  for  the  full  embryonic  developmental  period  —  chicken  20  days, 
pheasant  and  quail  23  days,  turkey  and  duck  27  days,  and  goose  30  days.) 


However,  when  the  amounts  are  considered  in  relation  to  the  size  of  the  egg,  it 
is  found  that  the  allantoic  fluid  at  the  peak  of  accumulation  is  approximately  9 
to  10  per  cent  of  the  original  egg  weight,  while  the  amount  of  amniotic  fluid  at 
its  peak  is  about  8  to  9  per  cent. 

The  peak  for  the  allantoic  fluid  is  reached  shortly  after  the  middle  of  the 
incubation  period,  and  corresponds  in  general  with  the  observations  of  Kamei 
(1927),  and  Ogorodniy  and  Penionschkevitsch  (1939)  on  chicken  eggs.  The 
volume  of  fluid  shows  a  fairly  regular  rise,  and,  after  reaching  the  peak,  it  falls 
with  nearly  the  same  rate. 

The  duration  of  the  period  in  which  there  is  a  high  percentage  of  fluid  in  the 
egg  is  apparently  longer  with  the  amniotic  than  with  the  allantoic  fluid.  The 
peak  of  volume  of  amniotic  fluid  occurs  somewhat  later  during  incubation,  and 
there  is  a  slight  depression  in  the  curve  occurring  at  approximately  the  time  of 
highest  allantoic  accumulation.  This  depression  was  found  to  be  greatly  exag- 
gerated with  chicken  eggs  under  natural  incubation  (Ogorodniy  and  Penion- 
schkevitsch, 1939). 

Specific  gravity  of  fluids  under  normal  conditions 

The  specific  gravity  of  allantoic  fluid  rises  throughout  the  period  of  incubation, 
increasing  most  rapidly  during  the  early  and  late  stages  of  development  (Figure  3). 
On  the  other  hand  the  specific  gravity  of  amniotic  fluid  (Figure  4)  reaches  a  peak 
at  about  two-thirds  of  the  incubation  period  and  rises  most  sharply  during  the 
time  in  which  the  allantoic  fluid  shows  the  least  change.  The  data  agree  with  a 
few  observations  of  Kamei  (1927),  and  Ogorodniy  and  Penionschkevitsch  (1939) 
for  chicken  eggs. 

Hydrogen-ion  concentration  of  fluids  under  normal  conditions 

With  both  allantoic  and  amniotic  fluids  of  chicken  eggs,  as  well  as  of  turkey, 
duck  and  goose  (Anser  domesticus}  eggs  (Shklyer,  1937),  there  was  found  to  be  a 
definite  trend  in  hydrogen-ion  concentration  (pH)  during  the  period  of  incubation 
(Figures  5  and  6).  In  the  allantoic  fluid  it  decreased  at  a  moderate  rate  from 
high  alkalinity  at  about  the  mid-period  to  medium  acidity  at  the  time  of  hatching. 
On  the  other  hand,  it  showed  a  more  direct  relationship  with  the  amniotic  fluid 
and  with  the  stages  of  incubation.  In  general,  it  dropped  steadily  from  medium 
alkalinity  to  slight  acidity.  The  hydrogen-ion  concentration  of  the  amniotic 
fluid  decreased  at  a  slower  rate  than  that  of  the  allantoic  fluid  and  thus  was 
limited  to  a  narrower  range. 

In  some  data  presented  by  Aggazzotti  (1913),  Gueylard  and  Portier  (1925) 
the  hydrogen-ion  concentration  for  allantoic  fluid  seemed  to  follow  a  curve  convex 
to  the  abscissa  but  always  near  neutrality. 

Volume  of  fluids  under  extreme  temperatures 

The  accumulation  of  allantoic  fluid  of  chicken  eggs  was  noticeably  influenced 
by  abnormal  temperatures  (Figure  7).  The  greatest  volume  of  7.3  cc.  occurred 
under  normal  temperature,  while  the  next  highest  level  of  6.7  cc.  occurred  under 
slightly  abnormal  temperatures  of  38.5°  and  36°  C.  With  increasingly  abnormal 
conditions  at  39.5°  and  34.5°  C.  the  volume  level  was  reduced  to  approximately 



4.5  cc.     Earlier  work  (Romanoff,  Smith  and  Sullivan,  1938)  showed  a  still  lower 
level  of  the  fluid,  less  than  2  cc.  at  40.5°  C. 

Concomitantly  there  occurred  a  shifting  of  peaks  of  accumulation,  the  peak 
occurring  early  under  high  temperature  and  late  under  low  temperature.  This 
coincides  with  the  growth  response  of  the  embryo  to  abnormal  temperatures 
(Romanoff,  Smith  and  Sullivan,  1938). 







FIG.  7. 


1.0 1 


FIG.  9. 



FIG.  II. 







10  15  2O 

FIG.  10. 


4     - 

2    - 

•  34.5 

10  15  20 

FIG.  12. 








FIGURES  7  TO  12.  Influence  of  incubating  temperature  on  the  volume  (Figures  7  and  8), 
specific  gravity  (Figures  9  and  10)  and  hydrogen-ion  concentration  (pH)  (Figures  11  and  12) 
of  allantoic  and  amniotic  fluids  of  chicken  eggs. 

Normally  there  were  observed  two  successive  almost  equal  peaks  of  accu- 
mulation of  amniotic  fluid  (Figure  8).  The  time  of  occurrence  of  the  first  peak 
was  noticeably  affected  by  the  temperature;  it  occurred  early  under  high  tem- 
perature and  late  under  low  temperature.  This  also  seems  to  follow  the  general 
growth  response  of  the  embryo  to  various  temperatures. 

The  depression  occurring  between  the  peaks  of  volume  is  wider  at  high  and 
narrower  at  low  temperature  since  the  second  peak  occurs  at  approximately 
normal  time.  This  second  point  of  maximum  volume  is  extremely  exaggerated 
under  both  high  temperatures  38.5°  and  39.5°  C.,  and  follows  a  much  greater 
depression  than  occurs  under  lower  temperatures.  Similar  changes  in  volume  of 
amniotic  fluid  were  observed  by  Ogorodniy  and  Penionschkevitsch  (1939)  at 
incubating  temperatures  of  about  39°  C. 


Specific  gravity  of  fluids  under  extreme  temperatures 

The  physicochemical  properties  of  the  fluids  of  chicken  eggs  were  also  definitely 
altered.  There  was  a  marked  tendency  for  the  specific  gravity  of  the  allantoic 
fluid  to  increase  at  a  faster  rate  with  higher  temperature  (Figure  9).  Further- 
more, this  increase  occurred  earlier  during  incubation  with  higher  temperatures, 
although  all  values  increased,  in  general,  with  the  corresponding  morphological 
age  of  the  embryo. 

The  amniotic  fluid  at  the  beginning  showed  a  slightly  lower  specific  gravity 
than  the  allantoic  fluid  under  similar  conditions  (Figure  10).  Then  at  the  mid- 
period  of  the  development  with  high  temperature  it  rose  very  rapidly  and 
remained  at  a  somewhat  higher  level  than  under  normal  conditions.  With  low 
temperature  the  rise  in  specific  gravity  was  delayed  and  on  a  whole  insignificant. 
This  gave  great  differences  in  value  under  the  extreme  temperatures. 

Hydrogen-ion  concentration  of  fluids  under  extreme  temperatures 

The  allantoic  fluid  showed  a  delayed  initial  decrease  in  hydrogen-ion  concen- 
tration with  a  decrease  in  temperature  (Figure  11),  but  the  rate  of  decrease  in 
values  under  all  conditions  was  at  approximately  the  same  rate. 

The  change  in  hydrogen-ion  concentration  of  the  amniotic  fluid  (Figure  12) 
was  almost  lineal  with  development,  the  values  decreasing  more  rapidly  at  low 
and  more  gradually  at  high  temperatures. 


The  changes  in  volume  and  composition  of  both  allantoic  and  amniotic  fluids 
are  closely  associated  with  the  water  metabolism  of  the  avian  egg.  From  the 
fact  that  there  is  a  plentiful  supply  of  water  in  the  egg,  Gray  (1926)  suggested 
that  this  makes  it  possible  for  the  eggs  of  land  vertebrates  to  develop  without 
an  external  water  supply  such  as  that  provided  for  their  fish-like  ancestors.  The 
formation  of  an  amnion  and  an  allantois  in  an  avian  egg  is  therefore  possible, 
with  the  aid  of  osmotic  and  other  physicochemical  activities  within  the  egg,  in 
spite  of  a  continuous  loss  of  water  by  evaporation.  According  to  Needham 
(1931),  the  osmotic  pressure  of  the  embryonic  body,  for  example,  rises  steadily 
as  development  goes  on,  that  of  the  amniotic  liquid  stands  more  or  less  stationary, 
and  that  of  the  allantoic  liquid  greatly  declines.  This  in  turn  may  have  an 
intimate  relationship  to  the  specific  gravity  of  allantoic  and  amniotic  fluids. 

The  increase  in  volume  of  allantoic  fluid  is  required  to  assist  in  the  excretion 
of  uric  acid  (Fiske  and  Boyden,  1926;  Romanoff,  Smith  and  Sullivan,  1938). 
The  reabsorption  of  water  from  the  allantois  must  begin  very  soon  after  the 
mid-period  of  development,  because  its  uric  acid  content  is  increasing,  while  its 
volume  is  remaining  steady  or  diminishing  (Romanoff,  Smith  and  Sullivan,  1938). 
The  uric  acid  maximum  follows  ammonia  and  urea  maxima  during  ontogenesis 
(Needham,  1926).  In  fact,  the  change  in  hydrogen-ion  concentration  of  the 
allantoic  fluid  during  the  last  half  of  incubation  from  an  alkaline  to  an  acid  state 
has  been  explained  in  the  relationship  of  urea  and  ammonia  to  uric  acid  (Aggaz- 
zotti,  1913).  It  has  been  shown  (Fiske  and  Boyden,  1926)  that  the  allantois  is 
functional  in  the  excretion  of  nitrogeneous  waste  products  as  early  as  2.5  days. 


The  excessive  secretion  of  allantoic  fluid  then  apparently  coincides  with  the 
maximum  for  uric  acid  in  order  to  assist  in  the  excretion  of  the  nitrogenous  waste. 

On  the  other  hand,  the  amniotic  fluid  reaches  what  is  practically  its  maximum 
by  the  mid-period  of  incubation.  It  was  found  by  Ogorodniy  and  Penion- 
schkevitsch  (1939)  that  penetration  of  large  amounts  of  albumen  into  the  am- 
niotic cavity  is  responsible  for  this  increase  in  volume,  and  also  for  the  increase 
in  its  protein  content.  These  lead  to  a  greatly  heightened  viscosity  of  amniotic 
fluid.  Close  to  the  end  of  the  developmental  period,  however,  the  embryo 
swallows  up  a  large  quantity  of  amniotic  fluid  and  its  volume  rapidly  decreases. 

The  marked  reduction  in  volume  of  allantoic  fluid  at  both  high  and  low  tem- 
peratures would  indicate  the  underdevelopment  of  the  allantois.  This  presum- 
ably is  associated  with  the  developmental  restrictions  in  extra  embryonic  circu- 
lation. The  observations  of  Tazelaar  (1928)  and  Romanoff  (unpublished)  show 
that  during  the  first  week  of  incubation  there  is  a  noticeable  maldevelopment  of 
the  area  vasculosa.  Also  the  presence  of  greater  amounts  of  uric  acid  during 
later  stages  (Romanoff,  Smith  and  Sullivan,  1938)  gives  further  indications  that 
the  metabolic  equilibrium  of  the  embryo  is  upset  by  adverse  thermal  conditions. 

The  changes  in  physical  properties  of  both  fluids,  as  was  anticipated,  were 
largely  in  line  with  the  accelerated  or  retarded  development  both  of  the  embryo 
and  of  its  membranes  as  induced  by  high  or  low  temperatures. 


Under  normal  conditions  of  incubation  the  relative  volume  and  physical 
properties  of  allantoic  and  amniotic  fluids  are  nearly  identical  in  chicken,  pheasant, 
quail,  turkey,  duck  and  goose  eggs. 

Under  high  and  low  temperature  the  fluids  are  altered  in  respect  to  both 
volume  and  physical  properties.  In  general,  the  course  of  changes  follows  the 
morphological  age  of  the  embryo.  The  volume  of  allantoic  fluid  was  suppressed, 
while  that  of  amniotic  fluid  was  excessively  enlarged  during  the  later  part  of 
incubation  under  high  temperature.  The  time  of  increase  in  density  was  shifted 
in  both  fluids  along  with  the  developmental  stage  of  the  embryo;  there  was  also  a 
noticeable  reduction  in  the  density  of  the  amniotic  fluid  at  low  temperature. 
The  drop  in  hydrogen-ion  concentration  of  allantoic  fluid  was  nearly  identical, 
except  for  the  time  factor,-  while  the  values  for  amniotic  fluid  decreased  more 
rapidly  at  low  and  more  gradually  at  high  temperatures. 


AGGAZZOTTI,  A.,  1913.     Influenza  dell'aria  rarefatta  sull'ontogenese.     Nota  II.     La  reazione  dei 

liquid!  dell'ovo  durante  lo  svillupo.     Arch.  Entw.-mech.  Org.,  37:  1-28. 
FISKE,  C.  H.,  AND  E.  A.   BOYDEN,   1926.     Nitrogen  metabolism  in  the  chick  embryo.     Jour. 

Biol.  Chem.,  70:  535-556. 
GRAY,  J.,  1926.     The  role  of  water  in  the  evolution  of  the  terrestrial  vertebrates.     Brit.  Jour. 

Exp.  Biol.,  6:  26-31. 
GUEYLARD,  F.,  AND  P.  PORTIER,   1925.     Reaction  ionique  des  differents  constituants  de  1'oeuf 

de  la  Poule.     Ses  modifications  an  cours  de  1  incubation.     Compt.  Rend.  Acad.  Sci., 

180:  1962-1963. 
KAMEI,  T.,   1927.     Untersuchungen  iiber  die  physikalischen  Eigenschaften  und  die  chemische 

Zusammensetzung  der  Amnios-  und  Allantoisfliissigkeit  des  Huhnerembryos.     Zeitschr. 

f.  physiol.  Chan.,  171:  101-113. 


NEEDHAM,  J.,  1926.  The  energy  sources  in  ontogenesis:  II.  The  uric  acid  content  and  the 
general  protein  metabolism  of  the  developing  avian  egg.  Brit.  Jour.  Exp.  Biol.,  4: 

NEEDHAM,  J.,  1931.     Chemical  embryology.     Cambridge  Univ.  Press. 

OGORODNIY,  Y.  M.,  AND  E.  E.  PENIONSCHKEVITSCH,  1939.  Role  of  protein  and  water  metabolism 
in  the  pathogeny  of  embryonic  stickiness  in  chicks.  Materials  on  the  study  of  pathology 
of  embryonic  development  of  birds,  2:  5-27  (in  Russian). 

ROMANOFF,  A.  L.,  1932.  Multiple  laboratory  incubator  for  the  biological  study  of  chick  embryo. 
Science,  75:  246-248. 

ROMANOFF,  A.  L.     Unpublished. 

ROMANOFF,  A.  L.,  L.  L.  SMITH,  AND  R.  A.  SULLIVAN,  1938.  Biochemistry  and  biophysics  of  the 
developing  hen's  egg.  III.  Influence  of  temperature.  Cornell  Univ.  Agr.  Exp.  Sta., 
Memoir  216:  1-42. 

SHKLYER,  N.  M.,  1937.  A  study  of  physicochemical  changes  in  the  egg  during  embryonic  devel- 
opment of  birds.  I.  Changes  in  the  concentration  of  H-ions  in  relation  to  embryonic 
development  in  the  eggs  of  domestic  fowl  (hen,  turkey,  duck,  goose).  Ukrainian  Bio- 
chem.  Jour.,  2:  379-406. 

TAZELAAR,  M.  A.,  1928.  The  effect  of  a  temperature  gradient  on  the  early  development  of  the 
chick.  Quart.  Jour.  Micr.  Sci.,  72  (1928-29):  419-446. 





(Department  of  Biology,  The  Catholic  University  of  America,  Washington,  D.  C.) 

Experiments  described  in  two  previous  papers  of  this  series  (von  Brand,  1938, 
1942)  showed  conclusively  that  a  larval  Eustrongylides,  occurring  encysted  in 
Fundulus,  leads  a  predominantly  oxidative  life  while  in  the  fish.  The  evidence 
was  derived  on  the  one  hand  from  experiments  comparing  the  glycogen  con- 
sumption of  aerobically  and  anaerobically  kept  Eustrongylides  larvae  with  that 
of  animals  living  under  natural  conditions  either  purely  oxidatively  (earthworm, 
etc.)  or  primarily  anoxidatively  (Ascaris).  The  second  approach  consisted  in 
comparing  the  gaseous  exchange  of  freshly  isolated  worms,  with  that  of  larvae 
previously  exposed  to  a  period  of  anaerobiosis.  The  fact  that  this  larval 
nematode  has  an  oxidative  metabolism  is  of  considerable  interest,  since  with  the 
exception  of  Trichinella  larvae  (Stannard,  McCoy  and  Latchford,  1938),  most 
parasitic  worms  that  have  so  far  been  studied  possess  a  predominantly  fermen- 
tative type  of  metabolism.  It  seemed  of  interest  therefore  to  investigate  the 
influence  of  various  factors  upon  the  oxygen  consumption  of  this  worm. 


As  in  previous  experiments  only  medium-sized  to  large  worms  were  used, 
and,  depending  upon  the  size,  from  four  to  five  of  these  larvae  constituted  an 
experimental  lot.  The  oxygen  consumption  was  again  determined  by  the 
Warburg  method.  The  details  of  the  experimental  procedure  have  been  de- 
scribed adequately  in  the  second  paper  of  this  series  (von  Brand,  1942).  It 
should  be  added  that  the  vessels  were  shaken  100  times  per  minute  with  an 
amplitude  of  3  cm.  Control  experiments  showed  that  this  rate  was  sufficient  to 
establish  a  satisfactory  equilibrium  between  air  and  water.  The  temperature 
and  the  saline  solutions  used  varied  in  the  different  series,  the  details  will  be  given 
at  the  appropriate  places  in  the  following  sections. 


One  factor  that  under  natural  conditions  will  be  of  the  greatest  importance 
in  determining  the  metabolic  level  of  Eustrongylides  is  the  temperature.  The 
worms  in  the  intermediate  host  are,  during  the  varying  seasons  of  the  year, 
exposed  to  temperatures  ranging  from  near  the  freezing  point  to  about  25°  C. 
Cowles  (1930)  found  during  his  survey  of  Chesapeake  Bay  in  his  area  U  near 
Baltimore,  surface  temperatures  ranging  from  0.3°  C.  to  24.8°  C.  and  bottom 

1  The  author  is  indebted  to  the  Elizabeth  Thompson  Science  Fund  for  a  grant  towards  the 
purchase  of  the  respiration  apparatus  used  in  this  investigation. 




temperatures  varying  between  0.9°  C.  and  24.4°  C.  Once  the  parasites  enter 
the  definitive  host,  probably  a  heron,  they  are  exposed  to  the  higher,  but  constant 
temperatures  characteristic  of  birds.  An  investigation  of  the  temperature 
influence  upon  the  oxygen  consumption  seemed  therefore  desirable  and  the  more 
so,  as  aquatic  animals — parasites  must  be  compared  with  them  rather  than  with 
terrestrial  forms — encountering  such  a  wide  range  of  temperature  fluctuations 
in  their  normal  surroundings  are  relatively  rare.  Furthermore  with  the  exception 
of  a  few  experiments  of  McCoy  (1930)  on  infective  larvae  of  Ancylostomum 
caninum  no  work  on  the  temperature  relationships  of  the  respiration  of  helminths 
seems  to  have  been  performed. 

The  results  of  the  temperature  experiments  are  summarized  in  Table  I.  For 
each  experiment  freshly  isolated  worms  were  used.  This,  of  course,  introduces 
the  biological  variation  between  various  lots  as  a  source  of  error.  It  seems, 


Oxygen  consumption  of  a  larval  Eustrongylides  at  different  temperatures 



cmm.  Oz  consumed/gm./half  hour 

Mean  value  of 
all  readings 

Mean  value  after  exclusion 
of  first  reading 



4.5  ±    0.4 

3.5  ±    0.3 



9.1  ±    0.6 

7.3  ±    0.6 



17.0  ±    1.7 

15.  7  ±    1.4 



35     ±    4.1 

32     ±    4.6 



54     ±    5.7 

53     ±    5.7 



64     ±  10 

62     ±  10 



76     ±    4 

75     ±    4 



95     ±    8 

90     ±    7 



113     ±    5 

107     ±    4 



131     ±  13 

117     ±16 

however,  preferable  to  use  this  method  rather  than  to  employ  the  same  worms 
for  determinations  at  several  or  all  temperatures.  This  would  have  required 
long  periods  outside  the  host,  during  which  time  the  metabolism  sinks  somewhat, 
even  under  the  most  favorable  conditions.  It  is  believed  that  the  number  of 
experiments  is  sufficient  to  eliminate  gross  errors  due  to  biological  variation. 
Most  experiments  were  conducted  for  four  hours  with  readings  at  half  hour 
intervals.  Below  17°  C.,  the  readings  were  taken  only  hourly,  and  at  5°  in  two 
to  two  and  one-half  hour  intervals.  In  these  cases  the  experimental  periods  ex- 
tended up  to  eight  hours.  All  temperatures  with  the  exception  of  that  of  48°  C. 
were  well  tolerated  by  the  nematodes.  At  48°,  however,  the  O2  consumption  was 
high  only  for  two  hours.  It  then  sank  rapidly,  indicating  an  injury  to  the  worms. 
They  in  fact  became  more  or  less  rigid  and  did  not  recover.  At  45°  C.,  on  the 
other  hand,  the  worms  survived  well;  after  the  experiments  they  were  kept  for 
several  days  at  room  temperature  and  showed  normal  motility  during  this  time. 
At  all  temperatures  the  first  reading  was  somewhat  higher  than  were  the 
subsequent  ones.  This  is  due,  as  discussed  previously  (v.  Brand,  1942),  to  the 
repayment  of  a  small  oxygen  debt  contracted  in  the  cysts.  The  following  dis- 



cussion  is  based  on  the  mean  values  obtained  after  excluding  the  first  reading, 
but  the  conclusions  reached  would  not  be  changed  materially  if  the  first  values 
were  included. 

An  analysis  of  the  values  obtained  shows  that  the  increase  in  C>2  consumption 
with  rising  temperatures  does  not  follow  Krogh's  (1914)  normal  curve.  Two 
curves  were  necessary  to  express  the  temperature  relationships  adequately.  The 
Qio  of  the  temperature  interval  5  to  27°  C.  is  3.55,  whereas  in  the  range  of  27  to 
48°  C.  a  Qio  of  1.48  is  found  (Figure  1).  Similarly  two  bisecting  lines  resulted  if 
the  values  were  calculated  according  to  Arrhenius'  formula  (Figure  2).  It  is  of 









0          10         20        30        40         50 

FIGURE  1.     The  Qio  of  the  oxygen  consumption  of  a  larval  Eustrongylides. 

32        33         34         35         36 


The  oxygen  consumption  of  a  larval  Eustrongylides  expressed  according  to 
Arrhenius'  formula. 

interest  to  note  that  27°  C.  is  one  of  the  critical  temperatures  where  according 
to  Crozier  (1926)  a  break  in  the  curves  is  frequently  found.  The  n  values  too 
are  well  within  the  range  of  those  frequently  found  in  biological  processes 
(Crozier,  1926a).  These  findings  might  be  interpreted  with  Crozier  (1925)  on 
the  assumption  that  two  master  reactions  are  involved.  One  might  even  be 
tempted  to  correlate  them  with  the  life  history  of  the  worm  :  One  of  the  master 
reactions  would  conceivably  control  the  metabolism  of  the  larva  in  the  fish  —  the 
turning  point  of  the  curves  is  near  the  highest  temperature  to  which  Fundulus 



is  exposed  in  this  region,  the  other  would  be  characteristic  for  the  processes 
proceeding  once  the  definitive  host  is  reached.  I  am,  however,  at  the  present 
time  not  prepared  to  draw  such  a  sweeping  conclusion:  it  should  be  remembered 
that  several  investigators  (Belehradek,  1935;  Ponder  and  Yeager,  1930)  have 
raised  serious  objections  against  Crozier's  interpretations  of  the  significance  of 
bisecting  lines  resulting  from  the  application  of  Arrhenius'  formula.  Belehradek 
(1935)  has  proposed  a  formula  that  frequently  allows  the  temperature  relation- 
ships to  be  expressed  by  a  straight  line,  where  other  formulae  require  two.  The 
Eustrongylides  values  are  presented,  according  to  Belehradek's  formula,  in 
Figure  3.  They  show  a  fairly  good  fit  to  a  straight  line.  It  should  be  remem- 

1.0         LI 


FIGURE  3.     The  oxygen  consumption  of  a  larval  Eustrongylides  expressed  according  to 

Belehradek's  formula. 

bered,  however,  that  the  constant  a  is  purely  arbitrary,  and  has  to  be  chosen 
differently  from  case  to  case.  If  it  is  changed  even  a  few  degrees  the  single  line 
relationship  does  not  hold  in  the  present  case.  It  seems  to  the  writer  that 
further  progress  in  the  question  of  temperature  relationship  might  be  expected 
from  a  simultaneous  investigation  of  various  metabolic  processes  at  different 


Another  factor  that  may  vary  considerably  in  the  natural  environments  of 
Eustrongylides  is  the  hydrogen  ion  concentration.  Although  no  actual  data  are 
available  it  can  perhaps  be  expected  that  the  cyst  fluid  formed  by  the  fish  may, 
like  many  other  secretions  of  the  body,  have  a  pH  fluctuating  around  the  neutral 
point.  But  as  soon  as  the  worm  is  freed  from  the  cyst  in  the  body  of  the  definitive 
host  the  situation  becomes  different.  It  is  reported  to  live  in  the  glands  of  the 
fore  stomach  of  aquatic  birds  or  in  the  fat  around  the  gizzard,  but  it  has  also  been 
recovered  from  the  intestines  and  omentum  (Jaegerskioeld,  1909;  Cram,  1934). 
Hunter  (1937)  found  immature  adults  threaded  in  and  out  the  stomach  wall  of 
the  black  crowned  night  heron  and  the  little  green  heron.  Before  establishing 


itself  in  its  final  position  the  worm  will  be  exposed  to  the  digestive  juices.  No 
data  on  the  pH  of  these  heron  species  were  found  in  the  literature,  but  Mennega 
(1938)  investigated  the  pH  of  the  stomach  content  and  stomach  wall  of  a 
European  species  of  heron.  She  found  after  24  hours  starvation,  pH  values  of 
2.40  and  3.10  respectively  for  the  fore  stomach,  while  the  pH  of  the  contents 
varied  from  3.56  to  6.10  and  those  of  the  wall  from  4.14  to  5.75  after  food  had 
been  taken  in  45  minutes  to  3|  hours  prior  to  the  determinations.  Cases  in  which 
the  respiratory  rate  varies  in  solutions  of  different  pH  are  known  from  organisms 
belonging  to  various  phyla.  In  the  holothurian  Thyone,  for  example,  Hiestand 
(1940)  found  a  steady  increase  in  respiration  in  the  pH  range  5.4  to  8.8,  whereas 
Hiestand  and  Hale  (1938)  found  an  increased  O2  consumption  in  fresh  water 
molluscs  when  the  pH  was  lowered.  Maier  and  Coggeshall  (1941)  found  that 
the  rate  of  Oo  consumption  of  a  malaria  parasite  (Plasmodium  Knowlesi)  remained 
constant  between  pH  7.0  and  8.0,  but  declined  rapidly  between  pH  8.0  and  9.0. 
Cook  and  Sharman  (1930)  found  a  marked  influence  of  the  pH  on  the  CO2  output 
of  Moniezia,  but  their  results  need  confirmation  since  the  experimental  periods 
used  exceeded  by  far  the  length  of  time  in  which  these  worms  remain  normal  in 
inorganic  solutions  according  to  the  experience  of  other  investigators. 

The  parasitic  nematodes  seem  never  to  have  been  used  for  a  study  of  this 
type.  Since  the  pH  seems  to  be  at  least  in  some  cases  a  limiting  factor  in  the 
distribution  of  these  parasites  in  the  host  (Davey,  1938),  a  study  of  the  influence 
of  pH  on  the  Oo  consumption  was  undertaken.  In  order  to  get  and  maintain  the 
intended  hydrogen  ion  concentrations,  Sorensen's  phosphate  (1/15  molar)  and 
citrate  buffers  (1/10  molar)  were  used.  The  necessary  amounts  of  NaCl  were 
added  to  make  the  solutions  isotonic  to  a  one  per  cent  NaCl  solution.  Three 
to  five  worms  were  isolated  from  the  fish  and  kept  for  24  hours  at  37°  in  about 
30  cc.  of  the  solution  in  order  to  adapt  them  as  far  as  possible  to  these  media. 
After  24  hours  the  O2  consumption  was  determined  over  a  period  of  four  hours. 
For  each  experiment  a  new  batch  of  two  to  five  worms  was  used,  the  temperature 
was  37°  C.  A  total  of  74  experiments  was  performed,  covering  the  pH  range  of 
1 . 13  to  10.60.  The  worms  withstood  the  total  period  of  28  hours  in  these  solutions 
without  harm,  their  viability  was  controlled  by  transferring  them  after  the  deter- 
minations to  one  per  cent  saline  for  two  days  during  which  time  they  invariably 
showed  normal  motility.  The  extreme  acidities  and  the  alkalinity  of  pH  10.6 
could,  however,  not  be  tolerated  for  a  much  longer  period.  Separate  experiments 
showed  that  the  worms  cannot  be  kept  longer  than  about  two  to  three  days  in 
these  solutions  at  37°  C.  without  permanent  injuries,  whereas  they  lived  con- 
siderably longer  in  the  other  solutions. 

The  results  are  given  in  Figure  4.  It  is  apparent  that  between  pH  3.4  and 
8.3  the  O2  consumption  remains  on  an  average  quite  constant,  the  average  rate 
being  76  cmm./gm./|  hr.  The  only  exception  occurred  at  pH  4.5,  where  a 
somewhat  higher  O2  consumption  was  found  in  a  phosphate  buffer  solution.  This 
solution  contained  only  KH2PO4  +  NaCl.  It  seems  possible  that  the  increased 
rate  may  be  only  an  expression  of  the  biological  variability,  but  it  is  equally 
possible  that  it  is  due  to  a  stimulating  effect  of  the  K  ion,  which  is  pronounced 
in  pure  solution  as  will  be  shown  in  a  following  paragraph.  In  the  acid  range  a 
distinctly  increased  rate  of  O2  consumption  was  found  at  pH  1.13  and  1.80.  This, 
probably,  as  an  observation  of  the  worms  shows,  is  due  to  an  increased  muscular 



activity.  This  may  be  of  biological  significance.  The  worms  have  to  bury 
themselves  into  the  mucosa  of  the  fore  stomach  and  are  then  probably  exposed 
to  a  very  low  pH.  This  may  then  be  the  stimulus  necessary  for  the  initiation 
of  the  boring  movements. 

An  increased  O2  consumption  was  also  observed  in  the  extreme  alkaline  range. 
This  is  probably  without  biological  significance,  since  it  seems  unlikely  that  the 







I          2 

IO          II 

FIGURE  4.     Oxygen  consumption  of  a  larval  Eustrongylides  in  salines  of  various  pH.     Dots — 
single  determinations,  crosses — mean  values.     P — Phosphate  buffer,  C — Citrate  buffer. 

nematodes  will  in  their  natural  environments  be  exposed  to  similar  conditions. 
It  may  be  assumed  that  this  is  an  expression  of  increased  activity  due  to 
unfavorable  surroundings. 


Experiments  discussed  in  a  previous  paper  (von  Brand,  1942)  showed  that 
the  molecular  concentration  of  the  medium  could  be  changed  in  rather  wide 
limits  without  interfering  with  the  oxygen  uptake  of  the  parasite  under  con- 
sideration, or  without  changing  its  life  in  vitro  to  a  marked  extent  (von  Brand 
and  Simpson,  1942).  These  findings  were  believed  to  be  of  biological  importance, 
since  the  complicated  life  cycle  of  this  worm,  although  incompletely  known, 
includes  actually  a  variety  of  natural  "media."  The  eggs  are  probably  passed 
out  from  the  host  into  water,  possibly  both  fresh  and  brackish  water,  judging 
from  the  regions  from  which  the  parasites  have  been  reported.  It  seems  likely 
that  two  intermediate  hosts  are  involved;  the  first  is  not  yet  known  definitely, 
but  is  probably  a  crustacean.  As  second  intermediate  host  a  variety  of  different 
fish  may  serve,  and,  as  already  mentioned,  aquatic  birds  are  the  definitive  hosts. 
Besides  differences  in  concentration,  differences  in  chemical  composition,  both  in 
regard  to  organic  and  inorganic  constituents  also  may  be  expected  in  these  various 
habitats.  Since  inorganic  ions  frequently  have  a  marked  influence  upon 
respiration  (some  of  the  pertinent  facts  are  reviewed  in  Heilbrunn,  1937,  and 
Canzanelli,  Rogers  and  Rapport,  1942),  the  respiration  of  Eustrongylides  was 
studied  in  solutions  of  various  ions. 

Solutions  isotonic  to  a  1.0  per  cent  NaCl  solution  were  used  throughout  this 
work.  The  following  cations  were  used  in  the  form  of  their  chlorides:  Na,  Mg, 
Ca,  NH.4,  K,  and  the  following  anions  in  the  form  of  their  sodium  salts:  Cl,  SO4, 
NO2,  NO3  and  PO4.  The  pH  of  all  solutions  was  in  the  range  not  affecting  the 
oxygen  uptake,  in  the  case  of  the  PCX  ion  this  was  achieved  by  using  a  mixture 



of  equal  parts  of  NaaHPCX  and  Nal-hPO-j.  All  experiments  were  conducted  at 
37°  C.  and  for  each  solution  eight  different  lots  of  worms  were  used.  Deter- 
minations of  the  oxygen  consumption  were  performed  immediately  after  the 
freshly  isolated  worms  had  been  washed  thoroughly  with  the  respective  solutions, 

<—  NACL 








50  - 

























FIGURE  5.  Oxygen  consumption  of  a  larval  Eustrongylides  in  isotonic  solutions  of  various 
anions.  The  upper  part  of  the  figure  shows  the  average  O^  consumption  on  specified  days,  the 
lower  part  the  average  O-j  consumption  over  the  entire  period  of  observation. 











I  10  0  - 







FIGURE  6.  Oxygen  consumption  of  a  larval  Eustrongylides  in  isotonic  solutions  of  various 
cations.  The  upper  part  of  the  figure  shows  the  average  Oz  consumption  on  specified  days,  the 
lower  part  the  average  Oa  consumption  over  the  entire  period  of  observation. 


after  24  hours  and  48  hours.  The  parasites  were  kept  in  30  cc.  of  the  various 
solutions  at  37°  C.  between  the  determinations.  It  was,  however,  impossible  to 
secure  the  48  hours  value  in  the  case  of  KC1  or  the  24  and  48  hours  values  in  the 
case  of  NaNO2,  since  the  worms  did  not  survive  long  enough.  All  the  other 
solutions  were  tolerated  remarkably  well.  It  does  not  seem  very  likely  that  the 
well  known  relative  impermeability  of  the  nematode  cuticle  is  the  responsible 
factor  since  the  total  average  survival  was  longest  in  NaCl  and  definitely  shorter 
in  all  other  solutions.  An  exception  is  perhaps  MgCl2.  The  worms  kept  in  this 
solution  for  days  showed  no  sign  of  anesthesia  which  both  in  vertebrates  and 
many  invertebrates  is  one  of  the  best  known  effects  of  the  Mg  ion.  It  should  be 
remembered  that  the  Mg  ion  is  known  to  decrease  permeability.  It  seems  sug- 
gestive that  the  average  oxygen  consumption  in  the  MgCl2  solution  was  only  very 
slightly  higher  than  that  found  in  a  pure  NaCl  solution,  the  difference  may  well 
be  within  the  limits  of  experimental  error.  The  results  of  these  experiments  are 
summarized  in  Figure  5  and  Figure  6.  The  stimulating  effect  on  oxygen  consump- 
tion is  represented  by  the  following  two  series: 

Cations:  Na  =  or  slightly  <  Mg  <  Ca  =  NH4  <  K. 
Anions:    Cl  =  or  slightly  <  SO4  <  NO2  =  NO3  <  PO4. 

The  increase  in  oxygen  consumption  was  especially  pronounced  in  the  KC1 
solution,  the  rate  being  about  twice  that  found  in  an  isotonic  NaCl  solution. 
This  stimulating  effect  of  the  K  ion  is  in  line  with  experiments  reported  by  other 
investigators  on  a  variety  of  objects  (literature  in  Heilbrunn,  1937). 


1.  The  temperature  range  tolerated  by  a  larval  Eustrongylides  is  great.     The 
worms  were  not  harmed  by  temperatures  between  5°  C.  and  45°  C.,  but  48°  C. 
proved  to  be  injurious. 

2.  The  oxygen   consumption   was  studied   in   this   temperature   range.     Its 
increase  with  rising  temperature  could  be  expressed  by  two  lines  only,  if  the  Qio 
was  calculated  or  if  Arrhenius'  formula  was  used.     A  fairly  good  fit  to  a  single 
line  resulted  however  if  Belehradek's  formula  was  applied. 

3.  The  oxygen  consumption  remained  practically  unchanged  in  the  pH  range 
3.4  to  8.3,  but  it  was  increased  in  the  pH  ranges  1.1  to  2  and  9  to  10.7.     It  is 
possible  that  the  increase  in  the  extreme  acid  range  is  of  biological  significance, 
while  that  in  the  extreme  alkaline  range  is  probably  only  a  reaction  to  unfavorable 
environmental  conditions. 

4.  The  oxygen  consumption  was  studied  in  a  series  of  isotonic  solutions  of 
various  inorganic  substances.     Of  all  the  solutions  tested,  only  NaNO2  and  to  a 
lesser  degree  KC1  were  definitely  toxic.     The  oxygen  consumption  was  stimulated 
by  various  ions  according  to  the  following  series: 

Cations:  Na  =  or  slightly  <  Mg  <  Ca  =  NH4  <  K. 
Anions:    Cl  =  or  slightly  <  SO4  <  NO2  =  NO3  <  PO4. 


BELEHRADEK,  J.,  1935.     Temperature  and  living  matter.     Protoplasma  monographien  8.     Berlin. 
VON  BRAND,  T.,  1938.     Physiological  observations  upon  a  larval  Eustrongylides  (Nematoda). 
Jour.  Paras.,  24:  445-451. 


VON  BRAND,  T.,  1942.  II.   The  aerobic  respiration.     Biol.  Bull.,  82:  1-13. 

VON  BRAND,  T.,  AND  W.  F.  SIMPSON,  1942.  III.  Culture  attempts  in  vitro  under 

sterile  conditions.     Proc.  Soc.  Exp.  Biol.  and  Med.,  49:  245-248. 
CANZANELLI,  A.,  G.  ROGERS,  AND  D.  RAPPORT,  1942.     Effects  of  inorganic  ions  on  the  respiration 

of  brain  cortex.     Amer.  Jour.  Physiol.,  135:  309-315. 
COOK,  S.  F.,  AND  F.  E.  SHARMAN,  1930.     The  effects  of  acids  and  bases  on  the  respiration  of 

tapeworms.     Physiol.  Zool.,  3:  145-163. 
COWLES,  R.  P.,  1930.     A  biological  study  of  the  offshore  waters  of  Chesapeake  Bay.     Bull.  U.  S. 

Bureau  of  Fisheries,  46:  277-381. 
CRAM,  E.  B.,  1934.     Eustrongylides  ignotus  from  the  black-crowned  night  heron.     Jour.  Parasit., 

20:  71. 
CROZIER,  W.  J.,  1925.     On  biological  oxidations  as  function  of  temperature.     Jour.  Gen.  Physiol., 

7:  189-216. 
CROZIER,  W.  J.,  1926.     Note  on  the  distribution  of  critical  temperatures  for  biological  processes. 

Jour.  Gen.  Physiol.,  9:  525-529. 
CROZIER,  W.  J.,  1926a.     The  distribution  of  temperature  characteristics  for  biological  processes; 

critical  increments  for  heart  rates.     Jour.  Gen.  Physiol.,  9:  531-546. 
DAVEY,  D.  G.,  1938.     Studies  on  the  physiology  of  the  nematodes  of  the  alimentary  canal  of 

sheep.     Parasit.,  30:  278-295. 

HEILBRUNN,  L.  V.,  1937.     An  outline  of  general  physiology.     Philadelphia. 
HIESTAND,  W.  A.,  1940.     Oxygen  consumption  of  Thyone  briareus  (Holothuriodea)  as  a  function 

of  oxygen  tension  and  hydrogen-ion  concentration  of  the  surrounding  medium.     Trans. 

Wisconsin  Acad.  Sci.,  32:  167-175. 
HIESTAND,  W.  A.,  AND  D.  M.  HALE,  1938.     Respiration  studies  with  fresh  water  molluscs.     II. 

Oxygen  consumption  in  relation  to  hydrogen-ion  concentration.     Proc.  Indiana  Acad. 

Sci.,  47:  293-298. 
HUNTER,  G.  W.,  Ill,  1937.     Parasitism  of  fishes  in  the  lower  Hudson  area.     Suppl.  26th  Ann. 

Rep.  N.  Y.  St.  Conser.  Dept.  No.  XI,  Biol.  Survey  Lower  Hudson  Waters,  1930:  264-273. 
JAEGERSKIOELD,  L.  A.,   1909.     Zur  Kenntnis  der  Nematoden  Gattungen  Eustrongylides  und 

Hystrichis.     Nova  Acta  Regiae  Soc.  Sci.  Upsaliensis,  ser.  IV,  Vol.  2,  No.  3. 
KROGH,  A.,   1914.     The  quantitative  relations  between  temperature  and  standard  metabolism 

in  animals.     Internal.  Zschr.  Phys.  Chem.  Biol.,  1:  491-508. 
MAIER,  J.,  AND  L.  T.  COGGESHALL,   1941.     Respiration  of  Malaria  Plasmodia.     Jour.  Infect. 

Dis.,  69:  87-96. 
McCoY,  O.  R.,  1930.     The  influence  of  temperature,  hydrogen  ion  concentration  and  oxygen 

tension  on  the  development  of  the  eggs  and  larvae  of  the  dog  hook  worm,  Ancylostoma 

caninum.     Amer.  Jour.  Hyg.,  11:  413-448. 
MENNEGA,  A.  M.  W.,   1938.     Waterstofionenconcentratie  en  vertering  in  de  maag  van  eenige 

vertebraten.     Dissertation  Utrecht. 
PONDER,  E.,  AND  J.  F.  YEAGER,  1930.     The  effect  of  temperature  on  certain  simple  haemolytic 

systems.     Jour.  Exp.  Biol.,  7:  390-403. 
STANNARD,  J.  N.,  O.  R.  McCoY,  AND  W.  B.  LATCHFORD,  1938.     Studies  on  the  metabolism  of 

Trichinella  spiralis  Larvae.     Amer.  Jour.  Hyg.,  27:  666-682. 



(University  of  Texas,  Austin) 

Studies  on  Diplodinium  (Eudiplodinium)  neglectum  Dogiel  have  shown  that 
this  rumen  protozoan  may  be  grown  continuously  in  vitro  and  that  it  possesses 
the  capacity  to  digest  cellulose  (Hungate,  1942).  Since  the  various  species  of 
rumen  protozoa  may  differ  in  their  ability  to  digest  cellulose  it  has  seemed  desir- 
able to  extend  the  investigation  to  additional  forms  before  drawing  any  general 
conclusions  on  the  role  played  by  the  protozoa  in  the  nutrition  of  their  host. 

By  employing  modifications  of  the  culture  technique  used  with  D.  neglectum 
it  has  been  possible  to  grow  D.  (Eudiplodinium)  maggii,  D.  (Poly plastron}  multi- 
vesciculatum,  D.  (Anoplodinium)  denticulatum,  and  Entodinium  caudatum.  These 
forms  have  been  identified  with  the  aid  of  Dogiel's  monograph  (1927).  They 
correspond  fairly  closely  to  his  descriptions,  with  one  exception  which  is  noted 


Cultures  of  D.  maggii  were  obtained  by  inoculating  fresh  rumen  contents  into 
40  milliliters  of  a  balanced  salt  solution  (Hungate,  1942)  containing  30  milligrams 
of  dried  ground  grass  (Lolium  italicum}.  The  cultures  were  incubated  at  39°  C. 
under  anaerobic  conditions.  D.  maggii,  D.  neglectum,  and  a  few  Entodinium 
survived  and  grew  in  this  medium. 

One-half  of  each  culture  was  transferred  every  48  hours  in  order  to  prevent 
accumulation  of  staling  products.  To  the  transferred  portion  were  added  20 
milliliters  of  fresh  salt  solution  and  15  milligrams  of  grass.  A  small  sample  (0.1 
to  0.5  milliliter)  was  regularly  removed  and  examined  microscopically  as  a  means 
of  following  growth  of  the  protozoa  and  the  suitability  of  the  culture  methods 
employed.  The  48-hour  interval  between  transfers  was  soon  found  to  be  too 
long.  The  protozoa  appeared  sluggish  just  before  transfer  and  occasionally  dead 
ones  were  seen.  This  was  prevented  by  decreasing  the  time  between  transfers 
to  24  hours. 

Clone  cultures  were  obtained  by  isolating  single  individuals  in  5  milliliters 
of  salt  solution  plus  grass.  Special  anaerobic  vessels  permitting  frequent  obser- 
vations through  a  binocular  dissecting  microscope  were  used.  In  six  clones  the 
protozoa  were  counted  three  days  after  isolation  and  counts  of  5,  4,  9,  8,  10, 
and  8,  respectively,  were  obtained.  The  grass  particles  tended  to  hide  some 
individuals  and  so  the  count  was  probably  slightly  less  than  the  number  actually 
present.  The  number  seen  is  about  that  to  be  expected  if  the  division  rate  is 
of  the  order  of  magnitude  of  once  per  day.  This  rate  is  also  suggested  by  the 
fact  that  the  concentration  of  individuals  in  the  cultures  remained  approximately 




constant  even  though  in  transferring  they  were  diluted  daily  with  an  equal 
volume  of  fresh  medium. 

D.  maggii  has  been  carried  in  the  laboratory  as  a  mixed  protozoan  culture  for 
two  months  and  as  a  clone  culture  for  three  more  months.  The  concentration 
of  individuals  at  the  time  of  transfer  has  fluctuated  between  10  and  100  per  mil- 
liliter  during  most  of  the  culture  period.  After  the  clone  culture  had  been 
carried  for  three  months  the  number  of  individuals  decreased  to  only  one  or  two 
per  milliliter  and  the  culture  was  discontinued. 

During  the  period  when  the  concentration  of  protozoa  was  fairly  high  the 
clone  was  used  for  experiments  on  cellulose  digestion  by  extracts  prepared  from 
the  protozoa.  The  number  of  flask  cultures  was  increased  to  32.  Sixteen  of 
these  supplied  protozoa  for  cellulase  tests  whereas  the  others  were  transferred. 

The  flasks  supplying  protozoa  for  the  extracts  received  at  the  last  transfer 
a  small  amount  of  a  suspension  of  finely  divided  cellulose  in  addition  to  the 
grass.  The  gas  produced  by  fermentation  of  the  cellulose  carried  both  cellulose 
and  grass  to  the  top  of  the  liquid  medium.  The  protozoa  collected  on  the 
bottom  and  could  be  pipetted  off  without  disturbing  the  surface  cap.  They  were 
strained  through  bolting  silk,  washed,  and  allowed  to  settle  in  a  large  volume  of 
the  balanced  salt  solution.  By  these  manipulations  the  protozoa  were  separated 
from  most  of  the  grass  particles.  They  were  either  used  immediately  for  enzyme 
extracts  or  if  it  was  desired  to  subject  them  first  to  a  period  of  starvation  (see 
below)  they  were  transferred  to  50  milliliters  of  fresh  inorganic  solution  in  another 
flask  and  left  for  a  time  without  food. 


Results  of  cellulase  experiments  with  D.  maggii 







of  debris 

of  debris 


4  hours 

+  +  +* 



4  hours 

+  +  + 





12  hours 

+  + 


!  +'s  indicate  the  approximate  magnitude  of  the  reduction;  ±  represents  only  a  trace  of 
reducing  material;  —  shows  that  no  reducing  material  was  formed. 

Extracts  from  the  protozoa  were  tested  for  their  cellulolytic  activity  at  a  pH 
of  5.8.  Reduction  of  Benedict's  solution  served  to  measure  the  sugar  formed. 
In  the  first  experiment  there  was  almost  as  much  reducing  material  formed  in  a 
sample  of  the  extract  alone  as  in  the  extract  plus  cellulose.  In  subsequent  experi- 
ments the  protozoa  were  starved  for  a  short  time  before  extraction.  With  this 
precaution  it  was  possible  to  decrease  the  amount  of  reduction  due  to  the  extract 

The  results  of  several  experiments  are  shown  in  Table  I.  The  number  of 
plus  signs  indicates  the  magnitude  of  the  reduction  observed. 

These  experiments  provide  positive  evidence  of  a  cellulase  in  D.  maggii. 
Since  extracts  of  the  debris  in  the  culture  (partially  decomposed  grass  and  eel- 



lulose  containing  numerous  bacteria)  show  no  cellulolytic  action  it  must  be  con- 
cluded that  the  demonstrated  cellulase  is  elaborated  within  the  bodies  of  the 
protozoa.  It  cannot  be  ascribed  to  the  cellulose-decomposing  bacteria  which 
are  present  in  the  culture. 

The  ease  with  which  reserve  carbohydrates  can  be  demonstrated  micro- 
scopically in  Diplodinium  (Schulze,  1924;  Trier,  1926)  suggested  another  approach 
to  the  problem  of  cellulose  digestion.  A  batch  of  D.  maggii  was  washed  and 
then  starved.  After  seven  hours  of  starvation  and  again  after  11  hours  a  small 
sample  was  removed  and  stained  with  iodine.  A  photomicrograph  of  the  stained 
7-hour  sample  is  shown  in  Figure  la  and  of  the  11-hour  sample  in  Figure  Ib. 
The  paraglycogen  appears  black  in  the  figures. 

FIGURE  1.  (a)  D.  maggii,  starved  seven  hours  and  then  stained  with  iodine;  (b)  starved 
11  hours;  (c)  starved  13  hours;  (d)  starved  11  hours,  then  fed  cellulose  and  photographed  after 
two  more  hours. 

It  is  evident  from  the  figure  that  most  of  the  food  reserves  are  depleted  after 
11  hours,  suggesting  rather  high  metabolic  requirements.  The  protozoa  are  not 
entirely  uniform  in  this  respect,  however.  Some  still  contain  reserve  food,  due 
either  to  greater  initial  stores  or  to  feeding  on  the  few  grass  particles  not  removed 
by  washing.  Others  appear  entirely  devoid  of  paraglycogen  though  still  living. 
Some  succumbed  during  the  starvation  period,  as  found  by  microscopic  examina- 
tion of  an  unstained  sample. 

At  the  same  time  that  the  sample  pictured  in  Figure  Ib  was  obtained  two  others 
were  also  removed.  One  was  placed  in  a  small  tube  of  inorganic  solution  and 

160  R.  E.  HUNGATE 

the  other  was  similarly  treated  except  that  a  small  amount  of  a  fine  cellulose 
suspension  was  added.  The  cellulose  was  almost  instantly  ingested  by  most 
of  the  living  protozoa.  After  two  hours  of  incubation  at  39°  C.  the  protozoa  were 
removed  from  each  of  the  tubes,  stained  with  iodine,  and  photographed.  The 
results  are  shown  in  Figure  Ic  for  the  protozoa  receiving  no  cellulose  and  in  Id 
for  those  with  cellulose.  The  ingested  cellulose  itself  gives  a  dark  appearance 
to  the  central  portions  of  the  fed  animals  and  this  should  not  be  confused  with 
the  paraglycogen  which  was  deposited.  The  paraglycogen  is  present  in  the  tips 
of  the  cells  (indicated  by  arrows  in  Figure  Id)  whereas  the  cellulose  is  in  the  large 
central  digestive  sack.  The  individuals  which  show  no  cellulose  or  paraglycogen 
are  those  which  had  succumbed  to  starvation.  In  the  sample  without  cellulose 
(Figure  Ic)  most  of  the  cells  are  devoid  of  paraglycogen,  in  marked  contrast  to 
the  fed. 

This  experiment  shows  the  rapidity  with  which  cellulose  is  digested  and 
assimilated  by  D.  maggii.  Bacteria  could  hardly  exert  any  significant  digestive 
action  on  the  cellulose  during  the  short  time  (two  hours)  between  its  addition  and 
the  appearance  of  reserves  in  the  protozoa,  particularly  when  the  thorough 
washing  of  the  protozoa  is  recalled.  Thus,  these  observations  fully  support  the 
conclusion  that  D.  maggii  forms  a  cellulase. 


This  interesting  species  shows  numerous  contractile  vacuoles  instead  of  the 
usual  two.  It  also  has  two  narrow  skeletal  plates  on  the  right  side  and  sug- 
gestions of  skeletal  structures  on  the  left.  The  specimens  cultured  resembled 
those  described  by  Dogiel  (1927)  with  the  exception  that  the  skeletal  plates  on 
the  left  side  were  not  as  definite  as  in  his  description.  They  seemed  to  be 
influenced  by  the  state  of  nutrition  of  the  protozoa  and  were  less  apparent  in 
poorly  fed  individuals. 

D.  multivesciculatum  was  found  in  cultures  containing  grass  and  cellulose  and 
also  in  those  containing  grass  and  starch.  Later  it  was  discovered  that  best 
growth  occurred  with  grass,  cellulose,  and  ground  wheat.  This  medium  was 
used  to  grow  the  protozoa  during  most  of  the  period  (100  days)  in  which  the 
laboratory  culture  was  maintained. 

Growth  of  D.  multivesciculatum  was  slower  than  that  of  maggii  or  neglectum 
and  the  concentration  of  the  protozoa  could  be  maintained  only  when  2-day  trans- 
fers were  made.  This  indicates  a  division  rate  of  once  in  48  hours.  The  concen- 
tration was  around  100  individuals  per  milliliter  under  the  most  favorable 

D.  multivesciculatum  seemed  to  be  more  sensitive  to  environmental  changes 
than  were  any  of  the  other  protozoa  studied.  Individuals  of  most  species  showed 
normal  activity  for  some  time  after  being  removed  from  the  culture  and  placed 
in  a  depression  slide  for  microscopic  examination.  In  the  case  of  multivesciculatum 
only  rarely  was  a  motile  individual  observed  even  when  examined  immediately 
after  removal  from  the  culture. 

Several  attempts  to  obtain  clone  cultures  were  unsuccessful,  presumably  due 
to  sensitivity  to  handling.  However,  multivesciculatum  seemed  to  be  fairly 
resistant  to  high  acidity  and  cultures  containing  it  as  only  the  large  protozoan 


could  be  obtained  from  old  flasks.     Entodinium  caudatum  was  the  only  other 
species  of  protozoa  present. 

In  order  to  test  for  cellulase  the  protozoa  were  raised  in  large  numbers  and 
freed  of  Entodinium  and  debris  by  straining  through  suitable  meshes  of  bolting 
silk  and  by  further  washing.  Extracts  were  prepared  and  gave  positive  tests  for 
cellulase.  In  the  cultures  containing  grass,  cellulose,  and  wheat  it  was  the 
cellulose  that  made  up  most  of  the  material  in  the  digestive  sack. 


Protozoa  of  this  species  appeared  in  cultures  containing  cellulose  and  grass. 
Growth  occurred  also  when  ground  wheat  was  added  to  this  medium.  Main- 
tenance of  numbers  during  daily  transfers  indicated  that  the  division  rate  was 
at  least  once  every  24  hours.  The  concentration  of  individuals  varied  between 
100  and  300  per  milliliter. 

A  clone  culture  was  obtained  starting  with  an  individual  showing  the  six 
caudal  spines  characteristic  of  the  species.  After  several  weeks  the  descendants 
of  this  individual  were  of  many  morphological  types.  Individuals  with  no  spines, 
with  two  poorly  developed  ones,  and  with  several  rudimentary  spines  were  seen. 
No  individuals  with  the  six  typical  spines  were  found  in  the  culture  at  this  time. 
These  observations  fully  substantiate  Poljansky  and  Strelkow's  report  (1934)  on 
variation  in  this  form.  After  two  months  the  clone  died  in  spite  of  efforts  to 
maintain  suitable  conditions. 

Because  of  the  small  size  no  attempt  was  made  to  grow  D.  denticulatum  in 
sufficient  numbers  to  test  extracts  for  cellulase.  However,  it  is  probable  that  it 
resembles  D.  maggii,  multivesciculatum,  and  neglectum  in  being  able  to  utilize 
this  material.  Cellulose  is  required  in  the  culture  medium  and  large  quantities 
of  it  are  ingested. 


Protozoa  belonging  to  this  genus  were  observed  in  most  of  the  cultures  inocu- 
lated with  rumen  contents  and  transferred  at  daily  intervals.  Only  a  small 
number  were  in  the  cultures  containing  grass  or  grass  plus  cellulose  and  they 
seemed  to  ingest  very  little  of  these  substrates.  When  soluble  starch  was  added 
they  became  more  numerous  and  with  ground  wheat  the  concentration  increased 
to  2000  to  5000  per  milliliter.  The  starch  and  wheat  were  ingested  to  some 
extent  but  ingestion  of  large  particles  was  not  nearly  as  striking  as  in  Diplodinium. 
In  some  cases  food  vacuoles  filled  with  bacteria  were  seen. 

Individuals  resembling  E.  simplex,  E.  longispinum,  and  E.  caudatum  were 
observed  in  the  cultures.  An  individual  classified  as  E.  simplex  was  inoculated 
singly  into  a  small  amount  of  medium  and  a  clone  was  obtained  from  it.  After 
two  weeks  the  members  of  the  clone  were  examined  microscopically  and  individuals 
similar  to  simplex,  longispinum,  and  caudatum  were  observed.  This  is  again  in 
entire  agreement  with  the  observations  of  Poljansky  and  Strelkow  on  this  form 
and  indicates  that  simplex  and  longispinum  are  synonymous  with  caudatum. 

In  contrast  to  Diplodinium,  grass  and  cellulose  could  be  omitted  from  the 
culture  medium  for  E.  caudatum  when  wheat  was  used  as  food.  Omission  of  the 
cellulose  did  not  affect  the  concentration  of  the  protozoa,  but  omission  of  the 
grass  resulted  in  some  decrease  in  numbers. 

162  R.  E.  HUNGATE 

The  apparent  inability  of  E.  caudatum  to  use  cellulose  in  the  cultures  sug- 
gested that  cellulase  was  lacking.  This  was  found  to  be  the  case  when  extracts 
were  tested.  No  cellulase  could  be  demonstrated  even  though  the  extracts  were 
more  concentrated  than  those  giving  positive  tests  in  the  case  of  Diplodinium. 


The  species  of  rumen  protozoa  reared  thus  far  in  the  laboratory  constitute 
only  a  small  fraction  of  those  inhabiting  the  rumen.  However,  the  demonstration 
that  Diplodinium  species  digest  cellulose  and  that  Entodinium  caudatum  does  not, 
makes  it  possible  to  draw  some  fairly  satisfactory  conclusions  regarding  most  of 
the  other  rumen  protozoa. 

Species  of  Diplodinium  resemble  each  other  in  their  habit  of  ingesting  large 
quantities  of  cellulosic  plant  materials.  Out  of  four  species  of  Diplodinium 
studied,  a  cellulase  has  been  found  in  three  and  all  evidence  points  to  its  presence 
in  the  fourth.  The  habit  of  ingesting  large  quantities  of  cellulosic  materials  thus 
seems  to  be  accompanied  by  an  ability  to  digest  cellulose.  Entodinium  caudatum 
ingests  very  little  cellulose  and  forms  no  cellulolytic  enzyme.  This  correlation 
between  the  presence  of  cellulase  and  ingestion  of  cellulose  probably  holds  also 
for  the  other  rumen  protozoa.  Species  ingesting  large  quantities  of  large  plant 
particles  digest  cellulose  whereas  others  do  not.  Their  capacity  in  this  respect 
can  be  ascertained  by  a  direct  microscopic  examination  of  fresh  rumen  contents. 

Among  the  rumen  protozoa  which  have  been  examined  during  the  present 
investigation  only  species  of  Diplodinium  have  been  observed  to  ingest  large 
quantities  of  plant  materials.  The  other  protozoa  studied  have  included  species 
of  Entodinium,  Isotricha,  Dasytricha,  and  Biitschlia  and  in  none  of  them  have 
plant  parts  been  observed  to  be  ingested  in  an  amount  comparable  to  that  in 
Diplodinium.  It  is  unlikely  that  any  of  them  digest  cellulose. 

The  question  of  the  utility  of  the  rumen  protoa  to  their  host  has  hinged  largely 
on  whether  they  digest  cellulose  (Becker,  Schulz  and  Emmerson,  1929).  The 
ruminant  itself  produces  no  cellulase  and  its  utilization  of  cellulose  is  thus  de- 
pendent upon  the  microorganisms  in  the  rumen.  Those  which  digest  cellulose 
aid  the  ruminant  and  may  be  classified  as  symbionts,  whereas  others  are  either 
slightly  harmful  or  at  best  merely  commensals.  On  this  basis  the  various  species 
of  Diplodinium  may  be  regarded  as  symbionts  but  Entodinium,  Isotricha, 
Dasytricha,  and  Btitschlia  are  not. 


Diplodinium  maggii,  D.  multivesciculatum,  D.  denticulatum,  and  Entodinium 
caudatum  can  be  grown  in  flask  cultures  using  as  substrates  grass,  cellulose,  and 
ground  wheat,  either  singly  or  in  combination,  depending  on  the  species  being 

Clone  cultures  of  D.  denticulatum  and  E.  caudatum  show  wide  variations  in 
the  morphology  of  individuals  in  the  clone. 

A  rapid  synthesis  of  food  reserves  from  cellulose  has  been  demonstrated  in 
D.  maggii. 

The  results  of  cultural  studies  and  of  experiments  on  cellulose  digestion  by 
extracts  of  the  protozoa  show  that  the  three  species  of  Diplodinium  digest  eel- 


lulose  but  E.  caudatum  does  not.  Microscopic  observations  indicate  that  all 
species  of  Diplodinium  digest  cellulose,  whereas  Entodinium,  Isotricha,  Dasy- 
tricha,  and  Biitschlia  do  not.  Thus,  Diplodinium  is  the  only  protozoan  which 
may  be  considered  a  symbiont. 


BECKER,  E.  R.,  J.  A.  SCHULZ,  AND  M.  A.  EMMERSON,  1929.  Experiments  on  the  physiological 
relationships  between  the  stomach  infusoria  of  ruminants  and  their  hosts,  with  a  bib- 
liography. Iowa  State  Coll.  Jour,  of  Sci.,  4:  215-241. 

DOGIEL,  V.  A.,  1927.     Monographic  der  Familie  Ophryoscolecidae.     Arch.  Protistenk.,  59:  1-288. 

HUNGATE,  R.  E.,  1942.  The  culture  of  Eudiplodinium  neglectum  with  experiments  on  the  diges- 
tion of  cellulose.  Biol.  Bull.,  83:  303-319. 

POLJANSKY,  G.,  AND  A.  SxRELKOW,  1934.  Beobactungen  u'ber  die  Variabilitat  einiger  Ophryo- 
scolecidae (Infusoria  Entidoniniomorpha)  in  Klonen.  Zool.  Anzeiger,  107:  215-220. 

SCHULZE,  P.,  1924.  Der  Nachweis  und  die  Verbreitung  des  Chitins  mit  einem  Anhang  iiber  das 
komplizierte  Verdauungssystem  der  Ophryoscoleciden.  Zeitschr.  f.  Morph.  u.  Okol.,  2: 

TRIER,  H.  J.,  1926.  Der  Kohlehydratstoffwechsel  der  Panseninfusorien  und  die  Bedeutung  der 
griinen  Pflanzenteile  fur  diese  Organismen.  Zeitschr.  f.  vergl.  Physiol.,  4:  305-330. 



(The  Marine  Biological  Laboratory,  Woods  Hole,  and  the  University  of  California,  Berkeley) 

The  effects  of  inhibitors  and  accelerators  of  oxidations  in  marine  eggs  have 
been  studied  first  by  Warburg  (1910)  using  sea  urchin  eggs.  Riinnstrom  (1930) 
made  a  detailed  study  of  the  effects  of  carbon  monoxide,  potassium  cyanide,  and 
methylene  blue.  Later  on  this  was  studied  by  Clowes  and  Krahl  (1940).  They 
used  two  stages  of  sea  urchin  eggs,  unfertilized  and  fertilized.  The  present  experi- 
ments1 extend  this  work  to  further  stages  of  Arbacia  punctulata  and  Asterias 
forbesii,  and  measure  the  effects  of  the  mentioned  reagents  on  their  oxygen  con- 
sumption and  development. 


Materials.  Eight  of  these  stages  of  Arbacia  punctulata  (Lam.)  or  Asterias 
forbesii  (Desor.)  were  used:  unfertilized  and  fertilized  eggs,  early  cleavages, 
morula,  blastula,  early  gastrula,  late  gastrula,  and  pluteus.  The  inhibitors  of 
respiration  were  CO,  99.5  per  cent  pure,2  and  KCN,  5  X  10~4  M;  and  the  accel- 
erator, methylene  blue,  .002  percent.  These  concentrations  were  higher  than 
those  used  by  Riinnstrom  and  therefore  caused  more  pronounced  effects. 

Procedure.  The  experiments  were  done  at  Woods  Hole,  Massachusetts,  from 
June  to  August,  1941.  The  oxygen  consumption  of  a  stated  volume  of  eggs  or 
larvae  was  measured  in  cubic  millimeters  per  hour,  according  to  the  Barcroft- 
Warburg  method,  in  a  standard  set.  The  technique  used  was  that  described  by 
Dixon  (1934).  The  vessels  were  standard  conical  type  with  wells  inside  to  hold 
the  KOH  (.2  co.  of  20  per  cent  KOH)  for  absorption  of  CO2  and  a  side-arm  or 

1  In  a  preliminary  report  (Brooks,  1941)  lower  concentrations  of  KCN  and  methylene  blue 
were  used,  viz.,  2.5  X  10~4  M  and  1.2  X  10~4  per  cent.     These  concentrations  were  nearer  the 
optimum  value  for  antagonism  experiments. 

2  Carbon  monoxide  was  generated  in  the  usual  way  by  the  reaction  between  formic  acid  and 
boiling  concentrated  H2SO4.     This  generator  had  been  previously  operated  for  several  hours,  and 
the  gas  was  led  directly  by  way  of  a  condenser  through  soda  lime  to  the  Warburg  respiration 
chamber.     It  was  vented  through  the  three-way  cock  at  the  top  of  the  manometer,  the  Brody 
solution  in  the  manometer  forced  up  to  the  cock  and  then  allowed  to  settle  back  to  the  mark  (20). 
The  direction  of  the  flow  was  reversed  several  times,  and  the  Brody  solution  allowed  to  fall  to 
the  zero  mark  again  under  flowing  CO  after  being  forced  up  to  the  cock.     The  gas  consumption 
in  the  CO  experiments,  occurring  principally  in  the  first  hour,  suggests  that  air  was  trapped  in 
dead  spaces  or  that  oxygen  diffused  into  the  system  through  the  rubber  connections  as  the  CO 
was  being  led  into  the  manometer.     The  amount  of  gas  consumption  in  subsequent  experiments 
indicates  that  not  more  than  0.5  per  cent  Qz  was  present  in  the  vessels.     An  analysis  of  the  method 
was  made  by  Dr.  W.  B.  Amberson  by  means  of  the  Haldane  method.     This  showed  that  there 
was  0.5  per  cent  O2  present  in  the  sample  tested. 



onset  which  contained  the  KCN  or  methylene  blue  solution,  or  sea  water  to  be 
added  at  the  expiration  of  the  control  readings.  The  eggs  were  collected  by  the 
methods  recommended  by  E.  B.  Harvey  and  centrifuged  at  about  3000X  gravity 
for  one  minute  to  give  a  concentrated  suspension  of  loosely-packed  eggs.  They 
were  not  tightly  packed,  to  avoid  injury.  Subsequent  fertilization  tests  showed 
that  95  to  100  per  cent  fertilization  membranes  and  normal  cleavage  were  ob- 
tained. Four  cc.  of  this  suspension  so  obtained  was  diluted  with  sea  water  to  a 
total  volume  of  30  cc.  From  this  suspension  2  cc.  was  placed  in  each  of  the  12 
Warburg  vessels,  two  vessels  being  reserved  for  controls,  lacking  eggs.  These 
twelve  vessels  were  used  for  the  measurement  of  oxygen  consumption  of  develop- 
ing eggs,  including  the  vessels  being  used  for  normal  control  of  eggs  in  sea  water. 
The  following  conditions  were  established  in  one  or  another  of  the  experiments: 

1.  Control  eggs  in  sea  water,  as  above,  always  used. 

2.  Eggs  in  sea  water  to  which  methylene  blue,  (.002  per  cent)  was  added.3 

3.  Eggs  in  sea  water  in  an  atmosphere  of  CO  (99.5  per  cent). 

4.  Eggs  in  sea  water  to  which  KCN  (5  X  10~4  M)  was  added. 

5.  Eggs  in  sea  water  with  atmosphere  of  CO  or  in  sea  water  plus  KCN  to 
which  methylene  blue  (.002  per  cent)  was  added. 

To  produce  these  conditions  two  procedures  were  involved:  a)  For  KCN  and 
methylene  blue  .5  cc.  of  a  solution  was  placed  in  the  side-arm  of  the  vessel  in 
such  a  concentration  as  to  give  the  desired  concentration  when  mixed  with  the 
eggs.  This  admixture  was  added  without  opening  the  vessels  following  a  period 
of  one  hour  in  which  the  oxygen  consumption  had  been  measured,  b]  Warburg 
vessels  in  which  CO  was  used  were  filled  with  CO  at  atmospheric  pressure  by 
prolonged  passage  of  freshly  generated  CO.  Comparisons  were  instituted 
between  the  oxygen  consumption  formed  in  these  with  and  without  subsequent 
addition  of  methylene  blue,  and  between  these,  CO-filled  vessels  and  simultane- 
ously air-filled  vessels.  The  two  vessels  lacking  eggs  contained: 

6.  Vessels  without  eggs,  but  containing  sea  water. 

7.  Barometric  control. 

No  attempt  was  made  to  measure  the  number  of  eggs  used,  as  these  experi- 
ments were  not  designed  for  absolute  measurements  of  single  eggs,  but  of  the 
relative  changes  in  the  rates  of  approximately  equal  numbers  of  eggs  as  affected  by 
the  listed  reagents. 

To  make  the  procedure  more  comprehensible  the  details  of  a  typical  experi- 
ment are  here  given.  There  were  14  manometers  in  all,  run  simultaneously. 
Each  set  as  listed  in  Tables  I  and  II  consisted  of  four  different  combinations  in 
triplicate,  plus  the  two  controls  listed  above  (No.  6  and  No.  7).  For  example, 
there  were  three  vessels  in  which  eggs  and  sea  water  alone  were  used  (controls) ; 
three  vessels  in  which  eggs  in  sea  water  with  an  atmosphere  of  CO  were  used; 
three  vessels  in  which  eggs  in  sea  water  to  which  methylene  blue  was  added  later; 
and  three  vessels  in  which  eggs  in  sea  water  with  an  atmosphere  of  CO  were  used 

3  Fresh  chemicals  for  each  experiment  were  used.  To  dissolve  methylene  blue  in  sea  water, 
it  was  rubbed  up  in  a  few  drops  of  distilled  water  and  smoothed  to  a  paste  before  adding  the  sea 
water.  The  desired  concentration  was  then  made  from  this  concentrated  solution  by  adding 
sea  water.  In  this  way  the  error  caused  by  adding  a  few  drops  of  distilled  water  became  negligible. 




Effect  of  methylene  blue,  CO  and  KCN  in  various  combinations  upon  the  oxygen  consump- 
tion of  different  stages  of  development  of  A sterias  forbesii  and  Arbacia  punctulata.  In  each  set 
there  are  four  combinations  in  triplicate  (in  addition  to  the  two  controls).  Columns  3  to  9 
represent  the  average  cmm.  O2  consumed  per  hour  in  each  set.  Probable  error  is  less  than  5  per 
cent  of  the  mean.  Concentration  of  KCN  is  5  X  10~4  M;  methylene  blue,  .002  per  cent;  CO, 
99.5  per  cent,  temperature  20°;  pH,  8.05;  shaking  by  50-60  excursions  per  minute  of  6  cm.  ampli- 
tude; volume  of  eggs  presumably  between  0.10  and  0.15  cc.  in  2  cc.  total  per  vessel. 

In  air 

In  CO 

In  air 

In  CO 






Number  of 

Number  of 





+  KCN 










cubic  mm.  of  Qi 
per  hour 

cubic  mm.  of  Oi 
per  hour 

cubic  mm.  of  Ch  per  hour 











>ure  eggs,  ; 

1  sterias 






—  - 





lized  eggs, 

A  sterias 
















•  — 




'zed  eggs,  / 

!  sterias 










Unfertilized  eggs, 

A  rbacia 







—  - 




cleavages,  . 

4  rbacia 




















irula,  Arb( 












istnla,  Arb 






—  • 












•  — 



gastrula,  ; 

i  rbacia 



















Late  { 

lastrula,  A 












deus,  Arbc 























The  relative  effects  of  various  reagents  on  eggs  and  larvae  of  Arbacia  punctulata  and  Asterias 
forbesii  recalculated  from  Table  I.  Columns  A  to  E  represent  ratios  X100  of  rates  of  O2  con- 
sumption in  the  different  experiments.  Column  A:  the  rate  in  the  presence  of  methylene  blue 
as  compared  with  its  absence;  Column  B:  methylene  blue  and  CO  as  compared  with  CO  alone; 
Column  C:  KCN  as  compared  with  the  control;  Column  D:  KCN  and  methylene  blue  as  com- 
pared with  KCN;  Column  E:  CO  as  compared  with  the  control.  Roman  numerals  refer  to 
experiments  in  Table  I,  representing  different  stages  of  development  from  immature  eggs  to 
pluteus.  Concentration  of  KCN,  5  X  10~4  M;  methylene  blue,  .002  per  cent;  CO,  99.5  per  cent. 

















Number  of 

Per  cent 

Per  cent 

Per  cent 

Per  cent 

Per  cent 



Immature  e± 

<gs,  Asterias 





Unfertilized  < 

',ggs,  Asterias 




Fertilised  eg 

gs,  Asterias 



V.  ' 


Unfertilised  < 

',ggs,  Arbacia 

—  • 





Early  cleava 

ges,  Arbacia 

















Early  gastri 

da,  Arbacia 





Late  gastru 

la,  Arbacia 






A  rbacia 



168  M.  M.  BROOKS 

to  which  methylene  blue  was  added  later.  This,  plus  the  two  controls  listed 
above,  makes  14  vessels.  In  this  way  all  the  combinations  necessary  for  one 
experiment  were  done  in  triplicate  with  samples  from  the  same  suspension,  at 
the  same  time,  with  the  same  temperature  and  at  the  same  rate  of  shaking.  The 
composition  of  the  sets  varied  with  the  reagents  used,  but  there  was  always  a 
control  for  eggs  or  larvae  in  sea  water,  for  sea  water  without  eggs  and  for  barometric 
pressure.  In  fact  the  experiments  were  doubly  controlled:  1)  Readings  were 
taken  for  one  hour  before  the  reagents  were  added  from  the  onsets,  so  that  the 
contents  of  each  separate  manometer  and  vessel  were  read  with  and  without  the 
addition  of  the  experimental  solution.  2)  In  addition  to  this,  manometers  and 
vessels  were  set  up  containing  eggs  and  sea  water  only,  and  onsets  containing 
sea  water  only  which  was  added  at  the  same  time  the  experimental  solutions 
were  added. 

The  temperature  was  kept  at  20.0  ±  .1°  for  all  experiments. 

In  a  few  of  the  cyanide  experiments,  the  Krebs  method  was  used  to  equalize 
the  HCN  pressure  for  the  concentration  of  KCN  used.  No  difference  could  be 
found  between  the  results  obtained  with  or  without  this  modification. 

The  rate  of  shaking  of  the  manometers  was  about  50  to  60  round  trips  per 
minute  at  an  amplitude  of  6  cm.  This  was  found  not  to  cause  any  injury  to  the 
eggs  as  shown  by  subsequent  tests  on  eggs  fertilized  after  shaking.  These 
produced  between  95  and  100  per  cent  development,  which  was  the  same  as  the 
per  cent  development  in  the  unshaken  eggs.  This  rate  of  shaking  also  allowed 
constant  oxygen  consumption  for  four  hours  or  more.  The  experiments  in  most 
cases  were  run  not  more  than  three  hours.  In  all  the  experiments,  the  rate  of 
shaking  was  sufficient  to  keep  the  eggs  evenly  distributed  throughout  the  solu- 
tion, but  not  enough  to  injure  them  as  shown  by  tests  of  fertilizability. 

In  measuring  oxygen  consumption  in  air,  the  rate  during  the  first  hour  was 
taken  as  the  basis.  At  this  point  the  contents  of  the  onsets  were  added  and  the 
measurements  continued  for  one  to  two  hours  more  or  even  longer.  Readings 
were  taken  every  10  minutes  and  the  change  in  the  slope  of  the  curves  so  obtained 
showed  whether  or  not  an  effect  was  produced.  The  number  of  cmm.  of  O? 
consumed  during  intervals  of  ten  minutes  was  calculated  according  to  Warburg's 
equation  (1924).  Columns  3  to  9  of  each  table  give  the  average  number  of  cmm. 
of  oxygen  per  hour  for  each  set  of  experiments. 

The  measurement  of  gas  consumption,  or  removal  when  CO  was  involved, 
involves  other  bases  which  are  referred  to  below. 

The  probable  error  of  the  mean  was  less  than  5  per  cent  of  the  mean  in  each  case. 

Effects  on  the  rate  of  oxygen  consumption 

The  striking  differences  between  the  oxygen  consumption  by  unfertilized  eggs 
and  by  fertilized  eggs  is  well  known  (Warburg,  1910).  The  differences  in  rate 
in  the  various  stages  used  in  the  writer's  experiments  are  also  significant.  These 
will  be  discussed  under  the  separate  headings  below  (Tables  I  and  II). 

Table  I  gives  the  figures  for  the  number  of  cubic  millimeters  of  C>2  consumed 
by  the  eggs.  The  figures  are  the  averages  of  several  similar  experiments,  their 
numbers  being  given  in  column  2.  Since  each  set  was  done  in  triplicate  these 


figures  are  to  be  multiplied  by  three  to  indicate  the  number  of  separate  experi- 
ments done. 

Table  II  is  a  summary  and  compilation  of  the  effects  of  the  various  reagents. 
For  example,  under  "A,"  methylene  blue  raises  the  rate  of  O2  consumption  of 
unfertilized  Asterias  eggs  to  200  per  cent  of  the  control.  Column  "C"  shows 
that  KCN  depresses  the  rate  of  O2  consumption  of  early  gastrulas  to  3  per  cent 
of  that  of  the  control.  Column  "D"  shows  that  KCN  and  methylene  blue 
acting  together  allow  a  rate  of  O2  consumption  in  early  cleavages  in  Arbacia 
which  is  133  per  cent  of  that  found  when  KCN  is  used  alone.  The  Roman 
numerals  refer  to  experiments  in  Table  I,  and  represent  different  stages  of 

Effects  of  methylene  blue.  This  dye  accelerates  oxygen  consumption.  Unfer- 
tilized Asterias  eggs  showed  the  greatest  acceleration,  the  rate  of  O2  consumption 
reaching  200  per  cent  of  the  controls,  while  unfertilized  Arbacia  eggs  reached  185 
per  cent  of  the  rate  of  the  controls.  After  fertilization,  the  rate  of  O2  consump- 
tion, with  methylene  blue  dropped  to  138  per  cent  of  that  of  the  controls  in 
Asterias,  and  116  per  cent  of  that  of  the  controls  in  Arbacia.  During  the  morula 
and  blastula  stages  in  Arbacia  the  rate  of  O2  consumption  with  methylene  blue 
became  122  per  cent  of  that  of  the  controls.  There  was  no  effect  in  the  early 
and  late  gastrula  stages  but  methylene  blue  increases  to  138  per  cent  in  the 
pluteus  stage. 

Effects  of  potassium  cyanide.  Three  concentrations  of  KCN  were  tried:  (1), 
5  X  10~4  (the  concentration  represented  in  the  tables),  (2),  IX  10~3,  and 
(3),  1  X  10~5.  In  the  first  two  concentrations,  the  rate  of  O2  consumption  in 
unfertilized  eggs  was  slightly  decreased  (See  table  for  (1))  but  the  third  concen- 
tration produced  either  no  change  or  an  increase.  Only  (1)  was  used  here  in 
detail.  After  fertilization,  KCN  (5  X  10~4  M)  produces  a  considerable  decrease 
in  the  rate  of  O2  consumption  in  all  the  forms,  but  this  decrease  is  most  pro- 
nounced in  the  gastrula  stage  where  it  falls  to  3  per  cent  of  the  controls.  In  the 
early  cleavage  states  the  rate  of  O2  consumption  with  KCN  is  16  per  cent,  in  the 
blastula,  14  per  cent,  and  in  the  pluteus,  16  per  cent  of  the  controls.  In  immature 
Asterias  eggs,  the  rate  of  O2  consumption  was  decreased  by  KCN  to  50  per  cent 
of  that  of  the  controls. 

Effects  of  carbon  monoxide.  Where  a  low  concentration  of  oxygen  is  used 
together  with  approximately  one  atmosphere  of  CO,  a  normal  rate  of  respiration 
might  be  due  to  an  adequate  supply  of  oxygen.  Amberson  (1928)  found  that 
the  critical  oxygen  tension  for  marine  eggs  is  from  5  to  3.5  per  cent.  Below  this 
the  eggs  rapidly  cease  respiring.  Riinstrom's  experiments  (1930)  were  done 
above  this  range  of  O2  tension,  so  that  in  this  case  it  may  well  be  that  there  was 
enough  oxygen  present  to  supply  the  eggs.  In  the  writer's  experiments,  CO, 
99.5  per  cent  pure2  was  used;  here  simultaneous  runs  were  done  with  air  and  CO- 
filled  Warburg  vessels.  The  former  was  taken  as  the  control.  Carbon  monoxide 
depressed  the  respiration  to  such  an  extent  that  after  a  few  hours  respiration 
ceased  entirely.  The  effects,  even  so,  showed  that  respiration  did  not  stop 
instantly.  The  gastrula  stage  seemed  to  be  the  most  sensitive,  shown  by  ces- 
sation of  gas  consumption  before  the  other  stages.  The  least  effect  was  in  the 
unfertilized  eggs.  For  example  in  column  E,  Table  II,  No.  XII,  the  rate  with 

170  M.  M.  BROOKS 

CO  falls  to  4  per  cent  of  that  of  the  controls;  where  as  in  unfertilized  Arbacia, 
it  is  75  per  cent.     In  other  stages  the  rates  are  higher  than  in  the  early  gastrula. 

It  is  felt  that  this  small  absorption  of  gas  may  represent  oxygen  consumption 
supported  by  the  traces  of  oxygen  present  in  the  CO  atmosphere.  The  experi- 
ments by  Loeb  (1895)  on  the  effects  of  hydrogen  and  nitrogen  atmospheres  on 
echinoderm  eggs  and  larvae  give  the  same  picture  as  these  experiments  with  CO. 
It  is  suggested  that  the  effects  of  CO  may  result  from  the  exclusion  of  oxygen, 
thereby  eliminating  the  oxidized  forms  of  the  enzymes. 

Antagonism  between  methylene  blue  and  inhibitors.  When  methylene  blue  was 
added  to  eggs  or  larvae  in  an  atmosphere  of  CO,  there  was  an  increase  in  the  rate 
of  O2  consumption.  However,  in  the  concentration  used  here,  (0.002  per  cent) 
the  maximum  antagonistic  action  was  not  obtained.  The  antagonism  between 
methylene  blue  and  carbon  monoxide  in  optimum  concentrations  has  been 
discussed  elsewhere  (Brooks,  1935,  1941). 

Additive  effect  of  cyanide  and  carbon  monoxide. — When  cyanide  and  CO  were 
used  together,  the  rate  of  uptake  of  gas  was  even  less  than  when  either  was  used 
alone.  Only  immature  and  unfertilized  Asterias  eggs  were  used  here  (see  Table 
I,  Column  9). 


Effects  on  Development  and  Survival 

After  the  measurements  had  been  made  on  oxygen  consumption,  the  eggs  or 
embryos  were  taken  out  of  the  manometer  vessels  and  samples  of  them  returned 
to  sea  water.  To  do  this,  the  eggs  in  the  vessels  were  lightly  swirled  to  give  an 
even  suspension,  after  which  .1  cc.  of  egg  suspension  was  withdrawn  and  dis- 
charged into  200  cc.  of  fresh  sea  water  in  15  cm.  finger  bowls.  Development 
occurred  at  the  temperature  of  the  running  sea  water  in  the  laboratory,  16  to  22° 
C.  depending  upon  the  month.  About  one  cmm.  of  dry  sperm  was  suspended 
in  200  cc.  of  sea  water,  well  mixed,  and  one  drop  of  this  suspension  added  to 
each  finger  bowl.  After  the  eggs  had  settled,  the  sea  water  was  renewed  to  get 
rid  of  the  sperm.  The  development  of  about  100  eggs  per  sample  was  followed. 

Effects  of  methylene  blue.  Methylene  blue,  0.002  per  cent  in  sea  water,  had 
acted  upon  the  eggs  for  a  time  between  two  and  three  hours.  Fertilization  of 
unfertilized  eggs  gave  success  equal  to  or  better  than  that  found  in  untreated 
eggs  (controls).  During  the  main  spawning  season  this  was  between  80  and  100 
per  cent  formation  of  fertilization  membranes,  but  at  the  beginning  of  the  season, 
this  was  much  lower  (from  10  to  50  per  cent):  the  controls  gave  as  low  as  or 
lower  percentages  of  success  than  the  methylene  blue-treated  eggs. 

Development  was  accelerated  by  methylene  blue;  when  the  earlier  stages 
were  concerned,  it  was  noted  that  many  blastulae  were  produced  among  the 
treated  individuals  in  the  time  in  which  only  a  few  were  found  in  the  controls. 

The  plutei  produced  from  eggs  or  from  the  earlier  developmental  stages  were 
measured  and  the  largest  ten  to  15  in  each  sample  measured.  It  was  found  that 
the  average  of  the  total  lengths  of  the  controls  was  280  M  as  compared  with  420  n 
in  the  methylene  blue-treated  samples.  Embryos  experimented  upon  in  the 
gastrula  stage  gave  plutei  without  arms  (controls),  in  the  time  in  which  the 
methylene  blue-treated  ones  developed  large  arms.  The  pluteus  stage  was  still 
active  at  the  end  of  nine  days  while  the  controls  survived  only  four  days.  It 


may  be  noted  that  in  toxic  concentrations,  methylene  blue  accelerates  the 
cytolysis  of  unfertilized  eggs  and  to  a  less  extent  that  of  fertilized  eggs. 

Effects  of  carbon  monoxide,  with  and  without  methylene  blue.  In  these  experi- 
ments eggs  or  embryos  were  exposed  to  CO  (99.5  per  cent  pure)  alone,  or  together 
with  0.002  per  cent  methylene  blue,  for  a  period  of  time  between  two  and  three 
hours.  Experimental  and  control  lots  were  then  returned  to  sea  water  as 
described  above.  In  contrast  with  cyanide  which  allowed  substantial  recovery, 
CO  alone  stopped  movement  of  the  embryos  irreversibly,  and  induced  subsequent 
cytolysis.  Unfertilized  eggs  treated  with  CO  alone  lost  the  capacity  to  divide 
when  they  were  subsequently  fertilized.  The  addition  of  methylene  blue  acting 
simultaneously  with  CO,  restored  the  capacity  for  subsequent  fertilization. 
Fertilized  eggs  treated  with  CO  alone  lost  the  power  to  cleave  in  the  recovery 
period  and  were  cytolyzed.  Addition  of  methylene  blue  was  ineffective.  Carbon 
monoxide  alone  permanently  stopped  the  motion  of  gastrulae  and  plutei,  and  led 
to  cytolysis  within  24  hours.  Addition  of  methylene  blue  failed  to  restore  motility , 
but  it  did  prevent  cytolysis  during  at  least  the  48  hours  of  observation. 

Effects  on  staining  and  reduction  of  methylene  blue.  Living  eggs  in  methylene 
blue  alone  showed  stained  granules  in  the  cytoplasm  but  the  nucleus  and  the 
cytoplasmic  matrix  were  not  visibly  stained.  The  only. exception  to  this  was 
in  the  case  of  cyanide  and  methylene  blue  experiments  where  the  nucleus  was 
stained  in  addition  to  the  granules.  Since  these  were  still  swimming,  they  could 
not  be  considered  to  be  dead. 

When  methylene  blue  was  used  in  conjunction  with  carbon  monoxide,  the  dye 
was  presumably  reduced  since  no  color  remained  in  either  the  cells  or  in  the  sur- 
rounding solution  while  the  manometer  vessels  were  closed.  Methylene  blue  is 
not  reduced  in  an  atmosphere  of  carbon  monoxide  or  in  the  absence  of  oxygen, 
in  the  absence  of  living  cells.  Living  cells  must  therefore  furnish  the  hydrogen 
for  the  reduction  of  the  dye. 


In  the  past  it  has  been  customary  to  account  for  the  fact  that  cyanide  fails 
to  block  oxygen  consumption  of  many  types  of  cells  beyond  a  minimum  by 
inferring  that  there  exists  a  "cyanide-resistant"  respiration,  in  addition  to  the 
"cyanide-sensitive"  respiration.  Many  cases  of  "cyanide-resistant"  animals  or 
plants  have  been  reported.  For  example,  Lund  (1918)  found  that  cyanide  does 
not  affect  the  respiration  of  Paramoecium;  Shoup  and  Boykin  (1931),  confirmed 
this  in  detail;  Pett  (1936),  showed  that  a  certain  yeast  is  not  affected  by  cyanide. 
Dixon  and  Elliott  (1929),  found  that  only  a  portion  of  the  respiration  of  at  least 
one  strain  of  yeast  is  affected  by  cyanide.  When  cyanide  does  have  an  in- 
hibitory effect  as  shown  for  rat  liver  by  Dixon  and  Elliott  (1929),  this  could  be 
completely  reversed  by  quickly  rinsing  the  tissue  with  buffer  solution,  even  when 
the  concentration  of  cyanide  was  M/30.  A  resume  of  some  cyanide-resistant 
tissues  is  given  by  Dixon  and  Elliott.  In  some  cases,  activation  is  produced  by 
cyanide.  This  has  been  shown  by  Reynolds  (1924)  in  the  case  of  Fusarium;  by 
Hanes  and  Barker  (1931)  for  potato  tubers;  by  Tomkins  (1932)  for  moulds;  by 
Watanabe  (1932)  for  certain  algae;  and  by  Kisch  (1933)  in  the  case  of  certain 
mammalian  tissues.  An  interesting  point  is  that  the  formation  of  flavin  in  yeast 
is  activated  by  cyanide  as  shown  by  Pett  (1936). 

172  M.  M.  BROOKS 

The  extent  of  this  cyanide  respiration  suggested  to  some  an  explanation  on  the 
basis  of  a  reversible  combination  between  CN~  and  one  enzyme  according  to 
Warburg's  postulation,  a  reaction  whose  extent  can  be  predicted  with  the  use 
of  a  reaction  constant.  Ross  (1938)  has  offered  such  a  calculation  on  Nitella 
oxygen  consumption.  Fisher  and  Ohnell  (1940)  have  developed  this  idea  in 
greater  detail. 

However,  since  cyanide  gives  different  effects  not  only  in  a  wide  variety  of 
tissues  but  also  in  the  different  stages  of  the  developing  echinoderm  eggs  and 
embryos,  it  is  felt  that  these  results  can  be  explained  on  a  basis  quite  independent 
from  the  postulation  of  several  different  enzyme  systems,  each  with  its  com- 
bination constant. 

The  interpretation  offered  by  the  writer  is  based  upon  the  relation  between 
the  rate  of  oxygen  consumption  and  the  redox  potential  surrounding  the  living 
cells  (Heymans  and  Heymans,  1922;  Genevois,  1928;  Barron,  1930).  In  develop- 
ing this  theory,  the  terminology  of  Clark  (1927)  is  used.  According  to  this,  the 
redox  potentials  (Eh  values  at  pH  7.0)  for  observed  aerobic  cells  were  found  to 
be  not  far  from  0.0  volts  (Needham  and  Needham,  1925;  Brooks,  1926).  The 
workers  mentioned  above  found  that  as  the  redox  potential  becomes  more 
positive,  within  certain,  limits  of  Eh  and  pH,  the  oxygen  consumption  increases. 

When  methylene  blue  acts  on  living  tissues  whose  Eh  is  less  than  that  of  the 
methylene  blue,  the  poising  influence  of  methylene  blue  tends  to  raise  the  Eh 
toward  that  of  methylene  blue.  The  couple,  methylene  blue:  leuco  methylene 
blue,  has  an  Eo  of  around  0.0  volts  at  pH  7.0.  The  oxidized  form,  methylene 
blue,  has  been  added  in  these  experiments,  and  should  poise  the  solution  and  eggs 
toward  positive  levels.  It  is  logical  to  conclude  that  a  rise  in  redox  potential 
induced  by  this  dye  is  due  to  this  poising  effect  of  the  dye.  At  a  constant  con- 
centration of  the  dye,  this  rise  in  Eh  would  increase  with  increasing  disparity 
between  the  Eh  level  of  the  dye  and  that  of  the  living  cell. 

Conversely,  if  there  is  no  effect  of  methylene  blue,  when  added  to  suspensions 
of  living  cells,  one  may  well  conclude  that  the  Eh  of  the  cells  is  at  the  same  level 
as  that  of  the  dye  solution  itself.  Therefore,  we  may  essay  an  explanation  on 
the  basis  that  the  Eh  levels  of  living  cells  are  shown  by  the  magnitude  of  the 
effect  of  methylene  blue  on  their  oxygen  consumption. 

The  following  deductions  are  accordingly  made  on  this  basis.  Unfertilized 
Asterias  and  Arbacia  eggs  have  a  lower  redox  potential  than  fertilized  ones, 
since  methylene  blue  produces  a  pronounced  increase  in  the  rate  of  O2  consump- 
tion. The  redox  potential  of  the  larvae  in  the  early  stages  after  fertilization  is 
below  optimum  but  rises  in  the  gastrula  stage  to  optimum.  Here,  there  is  no 
effect  of  methylene  blue  in  these  experiments.  In  the  pluteus  stage,  there  is 
again  a  decrease  in  the  redox  potential.  It  should  be  remembered  that  there 
must  be  an  optimum  Eh,  above  or  below  which  a  decrease  in  O2  consumption 
occurs.  A  small  change  in  Eh  around  the  optimum  must  have  practically  no 
effect,  while  an  equal  change  at  more  or  less  positive  potentials  would  produce 
increasingly  marked  effects  in  oxygen  consumption. 

The  lowered  redox  potential  4  of  KCN,  produced  by  its  poising  action  in 

4  The  work  of  Pett  (1936)  who  found  that  cyanide  increases  the  flavin  content  of  yeast  can 
be  interpreted  from  the  point  of  view  of  redox  potentials;  namely  that  the  cyanide  produced  a 
more  negative  potential  which  was  more  favorable  to  the  production  of  flavin. 


connection  with  an  unknown  oxidant  (Barnard,  1933),  rather  than  the  reactions 
of  a  stable  chemical  combination  of  CN~  and  the  iron  of  the  heme  radical  of  the 
respiratory  enzyme,  can  be  used  as  a  basis  in  interpreting  the  reduction  of 
oxygen  consumption  caused  by  cyanide  solutions.  When  there  is  no  effect  of 
KCN  on  the  rate  of  oxygen  consumption,  it  appears  that  the  redox  potential  is 
already  negative  and  is  not  lowered  further  by  the  addition  of  the  reagent. 
Here  the  normal  redox  potential  within  the  cells  appears  to  be  essentially  the 
same  as  that  which  would  be  produced  by  KCN  in  the  concentration  used. 
This  seems  to  be  the  case  in  unfertilized  eggs.  This  conclusion  agrees  with  the 
results  with  methylene  blue,  which  show  a  large  increase  in  the  rate,  indicating 
that  methylene  blue  raises  the  potential  to  a  considerable  extent. 

It  is  also  interesting  that  in  the  gastrula  stage  KCN  reduces  the  rate  of  oxygen 
consumption  to  its  lowest  level,  whereas  methylene  blue  causes  no  change  in  the 
rate.  It  seems  as  though  this  stage  has  the  highest  redox  potential  of  all  those 
investigated.  These  experiments  with  KCN  and  methylene  blue  therefore 
appear  significant  in  that  KCN  produces  a  lower  potential,  and  the  dye"  a  higher 
one.  This  explanation  has  been  offered  previously  by  the  writer  (Brooks,  1935, 
1941)  to  explain  the  action  of  methylene  blue  when  cyanide  is  added  to  cells. 
It  is  merely  a  balancing  between  the  two  reagents  to  keep  the  redox  potentials 
normal.  Since  different  cells  have  different  redox  potentials,  it  will  be  necessary 
to  use  appropriate  concentrations  of  KCN  and  methylene  blue  as  determined  by 

Here  it  is  further  suggested  that  these  two  reagents  can  be  used  as  indicators 
of  the  redox  potential  of  a  cell.  Since  the  cell's  redox  potential  becomes  more 
negative  with  increasing  concentrations  of  KCN  (within  limits),  one  can  ascertain 
the  original  redox  potential  by  noting  the  effect  of  KCN  on  the  rate  of  oxygen 
consumption.  Conversely,  methylene  blue  can  be  used  to  change  the  EH  in  the 
opposite  direction. 

In  these  experiments  no  attempt  was  made  to  obtain  the  maximum  antago- 
nistic effects  of  methylene  blue  with  KCN  and  CO.  This  has  been  done  in  other 
papers  (Riinnstrom,  1930;  Brooks,  1935).  This  paper  shows  merely  the  effects 
of  adding  the  reagents  in  the  concentration  used  in  this  paper.  There  is  an 
antagonistic  effect  in  each  case,  but  optimum  rate  (Qo2)  has  not  been  sought. 

In  the  system  of  oxidative  and  reductive  enzymes  in  the  egg  and  embryo 
of  Arbacia  and  Asterias,  the  concept  of  the  optimum  must  be  applied.  However 
it  is  necessary  to  assume  that  all  of  these  enzymes  must  be  in  equally  favorable 
states.  For  a  given  enzyme  the  highest  rate  of  reaction,  here  thought  of  in  terms 
of  optimum  oxygen  consumption,  occurs  at  the  Eh  where  the  reduced  and 
oxidized  states  of  this  enzyne  are  equal  in  (active)  concentration.  One  of  the 
enzymes  of  such  a  system  may  be  nearly  oxidized  and  another  at  the  same  Eh 
may  be  nearly  reduced.  But  at  some  optimum  Eh,  the  best  integration  of  their 
action  must  occur.  This  optimum  is  more  nearly  attained  in  fertilized  eggs  of 
these  forms  rather  than  in  unfertilized  eggs.  It  does  not  seem  reasonable  to 
assume  that  there  are  little  or  no  respiratory  enzyme  systems  in  unfertilized  eggs 
because  they  have  a  low  rate  of  oxygen  consumption.  On  the  contrary,  since 
methylene  blue  produces  such  a  profound  increase  in  the  oxygen  consumption, 
it  would  appear  that  this  reagent  poises  the  potential  at  an  optimum  where  the 
activities  of  oxidants  and  reductants  of  the  respiratory  enzyme  systems  more 

174  M.  M.  BROOKS 

nearly  approximate  each  other.  It  would  further  appear  that  the  process  of 
fertilization  in  these  eggs  raises  the  redox  potential  to  a  more  positive  level  which 
is  closer  to  the  optimum.  Unless  the  unfertilized  egg  does  not  contain  any 
respiratory  enzyme  (cytochrome  oxidase),  then  any  concentration  of  KCN  should 
produce  a  decrease  in  the  rate,  if  it  is  true  that  CN~  combines  with  the  cytochrome 
oxidase  as  is  postulated  by  Warburg  (I.e.)  and  repeated  by  many  others  for 
example,  Barren  (1937),  Krahl,  Keltch,  Neubeck  and  Clowes  (1941),  Henderson 
(1938),  Wendel  (1933,  1934).  It  seems  preferable  to  think  of  these  living  cells 
of  this  nature  as  containing  such  an  enzyme  system,  and  the  hypothesis  of  com- 
bination seems  to  be  unessential. 

The  present  experiments  may  be  further  tested  in  the  light  of  additional 
evidence  against  the  assumption  that  the  effect  of  KCN  on  living  cells  is  due  to 
a  combination  of  CN~  with  the  Fe  of  the  heme  of  the  cytochrome  oxidase 
(respiratory  enzyme),  thereby  inactivating  it.  This  enzyme  has  not  been  isolated 
and  there  are  no  direct  experiments  to  prove  its  existence.  The  evidence  is 
derived  from  measurements  of  oxygen  consumption.  Those  who  favor  the 
hypothesis  that  CN~  unites  with  the  heme  of  the  cytochrome  oxidase,  base  their 
experimental  evidence  on  chemically  isolated  compounds  such  as  the  hemo- 
xhromogens  and  combinations  of  CN~  with  these  at  high  pH  values,  i.e.,  9.0  to 
13.  (Hogness,  Zscheile,  Sidwell  and  Barron  (1937),  Barren  (1937),  Clark 
(1939),  Clark,  Taylor,  Davies,  and  Vestling  (1940).  It  appears  quite  evident, 
however,  that  such  results  at  these  unphysiological  pH  values  can  not  be  used  to 
explain  the  conditions  found  in  living  cells.  Theorell  (1940)  using  cytochrome  c 
(an  oxidation  link  in  most  cells,  which  is  also  a  heme  compound  and  has  been 
isolated),  showed  that  CN~  forms  combinations  with  this  compound  only  in 
acid  or  alkaline  solutions  but  not  at  pH  values  around  7.0  such  as  occur  in  living 
cells.  This  can  be  considered  as  further  evidence  against  the  hypothesis  that 
CN~  combines  with  a  heme  such  as  the  cytochrome  oxidase  which  is  supposed  to 
exist  in  living  cells. 

A  further  observation  made  here  can  be  understood  on  the  basis  of  this 
concept:  fertilized  eggs  to  not  cleave  in  CN~-containing  media,  but  do  form 
multiple  asters  without  cell  division.  This  suggests  that  division  requires  a 
higher  redox  potential,  whereas  aster  formation  goes  on  at  lower  redox  potentials. 

The  effect  of  CO  on  the  oxygen  consumption  of  eggs  and  embryos  of  Asterias 
and  Arbacia  points  to  an  interpretation  which  also  obviates  the  assumption  of 
combination  of  CO  with  an  enzyme.  Mere  absence  of  oxygen  suffices  to  explain 
these  observed  results.  The  fact  that  Theorell  (1940)  found  that  cytochrome  c 
does  not  combine  with  CO  at  physiological  pH  ranges  supports  this. 

It  is  of  interest  to  recall  in  this  connection  the  case  of  animals  having  hemo- 
globin. It  is  generally  conceded  that  the  principal  effect  of  CO  in  stopping 
respiration  is  due  to  its  affinity  for  hemoglobin,  forming  carbohemoglobin  which 
is  a  stable  compound.  In  proportion  to  this  conversion  the  blood  fails  to  carry 
oxygen  to  the  tissues  (Henderson,  1938).  The  effect  of  CO  upon  the  oxidative 
enzyme  is  therefore  secondary  through  the  inactivation  of  the  hemoglobin.  If 
there  is  no  hemoglobin  present  as  in  the  case  of  marine  eggs,  one  is  led  to  conclude 
that  in  this  case  also  the  effect  is  due  to  lack  of  oxygen  rather  than  to  a  specific 
effect  such  as  combination  of  CO  with  the  cytochrome  oxydase.  At  the  present 
writing  it  is  not  known  whether  there  exists  in  Arbacia  eggs  a  substance  similar 


in  action  to  the  hemoglobin  of  mammals  to  combine  with  CO.  The  probability 
is,  however,  that  the  principal  effect  of  CO  on  these  cells  is  due  to  its  replacement 
of  oxygen. 


The  experiments  here  described  appear  to  find  their  simplest  explanation  on 
the  basis  of  the  relation  between  the  redox  potentials  and  the  rate  of  oxygen 
consumption  of  the  cells.  Development  of  the  larvae  falls  into  this  picture. 
The  effects  of  carbon  monoxide  seem  to  result  only  from  the  practical  exclusion 
of  oxygen.  The  converse  action  of  cyanide  and  methylene  blue  supports  this 
concept:  cyanide  stops  oxygen  use  most  effectively  when  acting  on  the  stage  of 
eggs  or  larvae  least  accelerated  by  methylene  blue  (the  gastrula)  and  least 
effectively  when  acting  on  the  stage  (unfertilized  eggs)  most  strongly  accelerated 
by  methylene  blue.  This  relation  is  borne  out  in  detail  in  all  stages;  and  is  sup- 
ported by  minor  observation. 

Changes  in  redox  potentials  within  the  eggs  are  considered  to  be  established 
by  the  presence  of  reduced  and  oxidized  metabolites,  and  reduced  and  oxidized 
links  in  the  enzyme  chain  of  oxidation.  All  of  these  redox  participants  must  be 
affected  by  the  introduction  of  redox  agents  like  methylene  blue  and  cyanide 
which  act  through  their  poising  action.  Their  effects  must  lead  toward  or  away 
from  an  optimum  EK  in  which  the  oxidizing  enzyme  chain  acts  most  rapidly. 

The  interrelationship  between  the  oxidation  chain  and  the  prevalent  Eh  values 
is  a  master  key  in  understanding  the  changes  in  rate  of  oxygen  consumption 
during  development  of  echinoderm  eggs,  normally  and  under  the  influence  of 
reagents.  This  concept  is  of  general  applicability. 


The  oxygen  consumption  of  eggs  and  larvae  of  Asterias  forbesii  and  Arbacia 
punctulata  was  measured  by  the  Warburg-Barcroft  technique,  in  sea  water,  in 
sea  water  solutions  of  KCN  (5  X  10~4  M)  and  methylene  blue  (0.002  per  cent) 
and  with  atmospheres  of  carbon  monoxide  (99.5  per  cent  pure).  Eight  stages 
were  studied:  unfertilized  and  fertilized  eggs,  first  cleavages,  morula,  blastula, 
early  and  late  gastrula,  and  pluteus.  Subsequent  development  after  a  period  of 
two  to  three  hours  exposure  to  these  reagents  was  followed  in  sea  water. 

Methylene  blue  increased  oxygen  consumption  most  when  acting  on  unfer- 
tilized eggs,  did  not  increase  it  for  gastrula,  and  increased  it  slightly  in  the  other 
stages.  When  transferred  to  sea  water,  the  effects  of  methylene  blue  persisted 
in  increasing  the  rate  of  development  of  larvae,  prolonged  their  life  and  produced 
larger  plutei. 

Cyanide  decreased  oxygen  consumption  most  strongly  when  acting  on 
gastrulae,  less  so  for  other  stages,  and  had  little  or  no  effect  on  unfertilized  eggs. 

These  two  agents  have  a  converse  action.  This  was  shown  by  the  antagonism 
between  these  two,  as  shown  in  this  paper  by  the  promotion  of  motility  in  cyanide 
paralyzed  forms. 

Carbon  monoxide  prevented  gas  consumption,  subsequent  fertilization  and 
produced  cytolysis.  Methylene  blue  promoted  the  subsequent  fertilization  of 
CO-treated  eggs. 

176  M.  M.  BROOKS 

These  results  are  most  simply  accounted  for  on  the  assumption  that  the  redox 
potential  changes  to  a  more  positive  level  during  progress  from  the  egg  to  the 
gastrula  stage  and  thereafter  drops  slightly.  Methylene  blue  raises  and  cyanide 
depresses  the  positive  redox  potential.  Carbon  monoxide,  as  used  in  these 
experiments,  indirectly  depresses  the  redox  potential  by  preventing  the  oxidized 
forms  of  the  enzymes  to  exist.  These  effects  take  place  in  an  oxidative  enzyme 
chain  whose  members  undergo  reduction  or  oxidation.  The  whole  system  suffers 
changes  under  the  named  reagents,  leading  towards  or  away  from  the  optimum 
EH  levels  and  maximum  oxygen  consumption. 

Acknowledgment  is  made  for  the  assistance  granted  by  the  Ella  Sachs  Plotz 
Fund  and  the  Board  of  Research  of  the  University  of  California.  The  technical 
assistance  was  done  by  Miss  Patricia  Perkins  and  Mr.  R.  R.  Ronkin.  My 
thanks  are  herwith  expressed  to  Dr.  W.  B.  Amberson  for  his  kindness  in  making 
the  Haldane  analysis  for  oxygen. 


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(Osborn  Zoological  Laboratory,  Yale  University,  and  Scripps  Institution  of  Oceanography, 

University  of  California,  La  Jolla  x) 

In  connection  with  studies  on  the  sexual  differentiation  and  changes  of  sex 
in  several  genera  of  bivalve  mollusks  the  writer  has  observed  certain  morpho- 
logical characteristics  of  the  gonads  which  seem  not  to  have  been  reported 
previously.  These  concern  particularly  the  types  of  cells  which  compose  the 
gonads  in  the  early  stages  of  development  and  the  provisions  for  the  nourishment 
of  the  forming  gametes.  They  pertain  also  to  the  earliest  sexual  differentiation 
of  the  primary  gonia  and  their  transformation  into  the  functional  gametes  of  the 
primary  sexual  phase.  Some  confusion  exists  in  the  literature  because  of  failure 
to  interpret  correctly  the  significance  of  the  two  types  of  sexual  cells  which  in 
young  individuals  of  Teredo  navalis  and  other  ambisexual  mollusks  characterize 
this  initial  phase  of  functional  sexuality. 


In  all  the  pelecypods  examined  the  gonads  originate  from  a  group  of  cells 
situated  in  the  posterior  portion  of  the  body,  near  the  visceral  ganglion  and  on 
the  ventral  side  of  the  pericardium.  As  these  primordial  germ  cells  multiply 
they  become  more  or  less  completely  separated  into  two  groups,  situated  sym- 
metrically on  the  two  sides  of  the  body.  By  the  continued  multiplication  of  their 
constituent  cells  each  group  grows  anteriorly  in  the  surrounding  mesenchyme 
or  vesicular  connective  tissue  to  form  the  branching  system  of  tubular  follicles 
which  characterizes  the  gonads  of  the  pelecypods  (Figure  1). 

Two  rather  distinct  types  of  gonads  are  found  in  these  mollusks,  each  type 
being  characteristic  of  certain  genera.  In  Teredo,  Bankia,  Mya,  Petricola, 
Barnea  and  some  other  members  of  the  order  Teleodesmacea  the  cells  of  the 
gonad  soon  become  differentiated  into  large,  vacuolated  follicle  cells  and  primary 
gonia.  The  follicle  cells  function  as  accessory  nutritive  cells.  They  occupy  most 
of  the  space  within  the  tubular  follicle,  the  primary  gonia  being  scattered  along 
the  periphery  or  near  the  central  axis  (Figures  1  to  4).  In  Ostrea,  Pecten, 
Mytilus,  Yolsella  and  some  other  Prionodesmacea,  on  the  contrary,  the  gonad  is 
composed  almost  entirely  of  gonia,  with  only  minute  follicle  cells  (Figures  5,6). 
In  these  forms  the  gametogenic  cells  obtain  their  nourishment  directly  from  the 
surrounding  vesicular  connective  tissue.  An  intermediate  condition  is  found  in 
Anomia  and  some  other  genera  in  which  the  gonadal  follicles  are  associated  with 

1  Contribution  from  Scripps  Institution  of  Oceanography,  New  Series  No.  193. 




vesicular  nutritive  cells,  often  arranged  in  follicles  (Figure  7),  or  they  may  be 
composed  of  follicles  with  relatively  few  accessory  nutritive  cells. 

The  genital  ducts  of  the  adult  open  into  the  mantle  cavity  near  the  site  of  the 
original  gonadal  primordium  or,  in  some  species,  into  the  kidneys  and  thence  to 
the  mantle  cavity.  When  the  individual  has  become  sexuallv  mature  the  branch- 

FIGURE  1.  Portion  of  section  through  posterior  region  of  body  of  young  Mya  arenaria, 
showing  early  stage  in  development  of  the  tubular,  branching  gonads  (g)  composed  of  large, 
vacuolated  follicle  cells  with  primary  gonia  (pg)  scattered  along  the  periphery;  bl,  vesicular  con- 
nective tissue;  cvn,  cerebro-visceral  nerve  cords;  go,  genital  openings;  k,  kidney;  /,  intestine; 
me,  epibranchial  chamber;  pc,  pericardial  cavity.  (Modified  from  Coe  and  Turner,  1938.) 

ing  gonadal  follicles  may  extend  throughout  the  mesosoma  and,  in  the  mussels 
and  a  few  other  pelecypods,  even  into  the  mantle  beneath  one  or  both  valves  of 
the  shell. 


In  Teredo  navalis,  which  normally  experiences  alternating  male  and  female 
phases  of  functional  sexuality,  the  gonadal  primordia  consist  of  groups  of  cells, 
all  of  which  are  identical  in  appearance.  But  as  soon  as  the  primordia  begin  to 
branch  out  to  form  the  tubular  follicles,  as  described  in  a  preceding  paragraph, 
two  distinct  types  of  cells  become  distinguishable.  At  the  end  of  each  growing 



follicle  there  is  a  cap  of  undifferentiated  nuclei  in  a  continuous  mass  of  cytoplasm 
(Figures  2,  4).  As  growth  proceeds  some  of  these  nuclei  become  ecnlosed  in  large, 
vacuolated  cells  which  function  thereafter  as  accessory  nutritive  cells.  A  smaller 
number  retain  a  larger  portion  of  the  terminal  cytoplasm  and  become  the  primary 
gonia.  As  the  follicle  increases  in  length  these  primary  gonia  are  left  behind  on 
the  periphery  of  the  follicle  cells  which  otherwise  fill  the  entire  follicle  (Figures 
2,  A,  4).  The  primary  gonia  multiply  slowly  as  the  follicles  increase  in  length. 

FIGURE  2.  Development  of  primary  gonad  in  Teredo  navalis.  A,  sexually  undifferentiated 
branching  follicle,  composed  of  large,  vacuolated  follicle  cells  (fc)  with  primary  gonia  (pg)  scat- 
tered on  the  periphery;  n,  terminal  cap  of  undifferentiated  proliferating  nuclei;  vet,  vesicular 
connective  tissue.  B,  later  stage  with  differentiated  ovocytes  (oc)  and  spermatogenic  cells  (sp) 
derived  from  the  primary  gonia;  fc,  remaining  follicle  cells  with  disintegrating  nuclei  and  products 
of  abnormal  spermatogenic  cells.  C,  follicle  of  primary  male  phase,  with  spermatogenic  cells 
(sp)  and  spermatozoa  filling  the  lumen  and  large  ovocytes  (oc)  on  the  periphery. 

No  sexual  differentiation  can  usually  be  detected  in  the  primary  gonia  until 
the  young  teredo  has  attained  a  length  of  about  10  mm.  In  the  warm  season 
of  the  year,  when  the  water  is  above  18  degrees  C.,  this  length  may  be  reached 
within  three  to  four  weeks  after  entering  the  wood.  Dwarfed  individuals  become 
sexually  differentiated  at  a  smaller  size  but  at  approximately  the  same  age. 

The  spermatogonia  are  recognized  as  soon  as  the  primary  gonia  begin  pro- 
liferation into  groups  of  nuclei  within  a  cytoplasmic  syncytium.  These  soon 
form  primary  spermatocytes  with  characteristic  phases  of  synapsis  (Figure  2,  B). 


Approximately  half  the  total  number  of  primary  gonia  become  activated  in  this 
manner.  An  equal  number  differentiate  into  ovogonia  and  their  resulting 

Each  of  the  rapidly  growing  ovocytes  remains  attached  to  the  wall  of  the 
follicle  until  fully  mature.  The  spermatogenic  cells,  on  the  contrary,  multiply 
rapidly  and  soon  fill  the  axis  of  the  follicle  (Figure  2,  B).  The  follicle  cells  have 
meanwhile  begun  to  undergo  cytolysis  and  disintegration.  Their  nuclei  first 
become  pycnotic  and  are  later  cytolyzed.  The  collapse  of  the  follicle  cells  forms 
a  central  lumen  in  the  follicle  and  in  this  cavity  spermatogenesis  is  completed 
(Figure  2,  C). 

With  the  continued  growth  of  the  ovocytes  and  a  vast  increase  in  the  number 
of  spermatogenic  cells  the  follicles  become  greatly  distended  and  the  former  lumen 
packed  with  spermatozoa  (Figure  2,  C).  This  is  a  typical  hermaphroditic  gonad 
but  since  the  spermatozoa  will  usually  become  ripe  and  will  be  discharged  before 
the  ova  are  fully  mature  the  individual  is  properly  recognized  as  being  in  the 
primary,  or  protandric,  or  ambisexual  male  phase. 

•  If  all  individuals  experienced  the  same  aspects  of  sexual  differentiation  there 
could  be  no  difference  of  opinion  as  to  their  status,  but  an  examination  of  the 
gonads  of  more  than  3000  individuals  shows  wide  variations  in  the  proportion  of 
spermatogenic  and  ovogenic  cells  present.  This  is  true  not  only  for  different  in- 
dividuals but  for  different  follicles  of  the  same  individual  (Coe,  1933,  1934a). 
Photographs  of  some  of  these  variations  are  shown  by  Coe  (1933). 

At  one  extreme  are  the  so-called  true  males,  in  which  the  ovogonia,  if  present, 
fail  to  produce  ovocytes.  At  the  other  extreme  there  are  proterogynic  individuals 
which  form  ovocytes  exclusively  in  their  first  functional  sexual  phase,  the  usual 
primary  male  phase  being  aborted  or  inhibited  (Coe,  1935).  In  exceptional 
individuals  both  spermatogonia  and  ovogonia  are  activated  simultaneously, 
producing  functional  hermaphrodites.  Some  of  these  are  capable  of  self- 
fertilization  (Coe,  1941). 

Both  the  true  males  and  the  proterogynic  individuals  must  be  considered  as 
exceptions  to  the  great  majority  of  the  population  in  which  each  individual 
normally  functions  first  as  male  and  later  as  female.  The  female  phase  will  be 
followed  by  a  second  series  of  male  and  female  phases  if  the  life  of  the  individual 
be  sufficiently  prolonged.  This  alternation  or  rhythm  of  sexual  phases  may  be 
considered  as  characteristic  of  the  species,  although  the  mortality  is  usually  very 
high  before  even  two  of  the  phases  have  been  completed  (Coe,  1934a). 

Furthermore  some  of  the  typically  protandric  individuals  approach  more  or 
less  closely  the  true  males  in  having  relatively  few  ovocytes  in  the  gonads.  They 
retain  the  male  phase  longer  than  others  which  bear  a  closer  resemblance  to  the 
proterogynic  individuals  in  the  appearance  of  the  primary  gonads  (Coe,  1934a, 

Because  of  this  variability  in  the  expression  of  ambisexuality,  as  well  as  associ- 
ated differences  in  the  time  necessary  to  complete  any  one  of  the  sexual  phases, 
the  proportion  of  individuals  in  each  phase  found  in  any  sample  of  the  population 
would  seem  to  have  less  significance  than  has  sometimes  been  assumed  (Grave 
and  Smith,  1936;  Coe,  1936).  It  is  obvious  that  if  in  such  a  sample  twice  as 
many  individuals  are  found  in  one  sexual  phase  as  in  another  it  may  be  merely 
indicative  that  the  one  phase  lasts  twice  as  long  as  the  other.  It  might  also 



indicate  that  some  individuals  are  older  than  others,  since  the  sexual  phases 
appear  in  sequence  during  the  life  of  the  individual,  with  the  exceptions  already 

During  the  summer  months  there  will  ordinarily  be  fully  three  to  five  times 
as  many  individuals  in  the  primary  male  phase  as  in  the  female  phase  at  the  first 
spawning  period.  This  may  occur  as  early  as  six  weeks  after  metamorphosis. 
Three  or  four  weeks  later,  after  the  change  of  sexual  phase,  the  same  individuals 
may  be  expected  to  show  an  approximation  to  a  reversed  proportion  of  male  and 


FIGURE  3.  Portions  of  primary  gonads  of  Petricola  pholadiformis.  A,  sexually  undifferen- 
tiated  stage;  follicle  composed  mainly  of  vacuolated,  nutritive  follicle  cells  (Jc)  with  primary 
gonia  (pg)  along  the  central  axis  or  lumen  (lu).  B,  later  stage  in  young  male;  most  of  the  follicle 
cells  have  been  cytolyzed  to  supply  nourishment  for  the  proliferating  spermatogenic  cells  (sp). 

FIGURE  4.  Development  of  primary  gonad  in  Mya  arenaria;  central  follicle  with  terminal 
cap  of  undifferentiated  nuclei  (n),  from  which  both  follicle  cells  (fc)  and  primary  gonia  (pg) 
originate;  lower  portion  of  follicle  shows  later  stage  in  which  the  follicle  cells  are  being  replaced 
by  spermatogenic  cells  (sp),  with  spermatozoa  adjacent  to  the  lumen  (In).  Note  blood  vessels 
(bl)  and  small  amount  of  connective  tissue  between  follicles. 

female  phases.  There  will  be  many  deviations,  however,  since,  as  already  men- 
tioned, the  primary  sexual  phase  will  be  more  prolonged  in  some  individuals  than 
in  others  and  some  will  change  quickly  to  the  third  (ordinarily  male)  phase.  In 
the  meantime  younger  members  of  the  population  will  be  functioning  in  the 
primary  male  phase. 

The  proportion  of  individuals  in  which  the  first  sexual  phase  is  female  is 
thought  by  Grave  (1942)  to  be  larger  than  formerly  reported  (Coe,  1936)  but  the 
data  presented  do  not  seem  to  justify  such  a  conclusion. 



The  following  scheme,  modified  from  Coe  (1935),  indicates  such  variations  in 
the  sequence  of  sexual  phases  as  are  inferred  from  a  study  of  more  than  3000 
individuals  at  various  ages.  It  is  impossible  to  follow  these  phases  in  any  single 
individual  because  the  teredo  dies  soon  after  it  is  removed  from  the  wood  for 
examination.  The  presence  of  larvae  in  the  gill  chambers,  however,  is  sufficient 
proof  that  the  preceding  sexual  phase  of  the  gonad  was  female. 

A    ^ 

FIGURE  5.  Ostrea  lurida.  A,  portion  of  primary  gonad  showing  typical  ambisexual  male- 
phase  condition,  with  peripheral  layer  of  ovocytes  (oc)  and  developing  sperm  balls  (sp)  in  the 
lumen;  gd,  ciliated  genital  duct.  B,  terminal  portions  of  two  follicles  of  secondary  gonad  in  early 
female  phase  surrounded  by  much  vesicular  connective  tissue  (vet). 

FIGURE  6.  Ostrea  virginica.  A,  portion  of  primary  gonad  in  ambisexual  condition.  B, 
terminal  portion  of  follicle  surrounded  by  much  vesicular  connective  tissue  in  early  male  phase 
of  adult;  letters  as  in  Figure  5. 

1.  True  male  phase  (exceptional)   .   .   .  Second  male  phase  .   .   . 

2.  Ambisexual  male  phase  .   .   .  First  female  phase  .  .   .  Second  male  phase 
.   .   .  Second  female  phase  (if  life  be  sufficiently  prolonged). 

3.  Functional    hermaphroditic    phase     (exceptional)   .   .   .   Male    or    female 
phase  .   .   . 

4.  Female   phase    (exceptional)   .   .   .  First    male   phase  .   .   .  Second   female 
phase  .   .   . 

5.  Female  phase  (exceptional)   .   .   .  Second  female  phase  (?)... 

Many  other  pelecypods  resemble  the  teredos  in  having  the  primary  gonads 
composed  largely  of  nutritive  follicle  cells.  In  some  of  these,  of  which  Petricola 
pholadiformis  may  be  taken  as  an  example,  the  primary  gonia  are  scattered  along 
the  central  axis  of  the  follicle  (Figure  3).  In  others,  as  Mya  arenaria  (Coe  and 
Turner,  1938),  they  are  distributed  along  the  periphery  (Figure  4).  In  both 
cases  the  follicle  cells  are  cytolyzed  during  gametogenesis.  With  the  exception 



of  an  occasional  hermaphrodite,  all  individuals  of  both  species  are  strictly  uni- 
sexual and  the  two  sexes  are  approximately  equal  in  number. 

A  different  type  of  gonad  is  found  in  both  the  larviparous  and  oviparous 
oysters  (Ostrea),  in  scallops  (Pecten),  mussels  (Mytilus,  Volsella),  and  numerous 
other  bivalves.  In  these  the  gonads  are  composed  almost  entirely  of  gametogenic 
cells  which  receive  their  nourishment  directly  from  the  sourrounding  vesicular 
connective  tissue.  The  follicle  cells  are  few  and  small  (Figures  5,  6).  As  the 
gonadal  follicles  increase  in  size  the  surrounding  nutritive  connective  tissue  is 

The  larviparous  oysters,  of  which  Ostrea  lurida  may  serve  as  an  example, 
exhibit  changes  in  sexuality  during  life,  the  sequence  of  sexual  phases  being  similar 

FIGURE  7.  Anomia  simplex.  A,  portion  of  primary  gonad  surrounded  by  nutritive  tissues 
(nf).  B,  follicles  of  mature  ovary  in  which  the  nutritive  tissues ' (nf)  have  been  almost  assimi- 
lated; bv,  blood  vessels;  m,  mantle;  gd,  genital  duct. 

to  those  mentioned  for  Teredo  navalis  (Coe,  1934).  In  the  oviparous  oysters,  as 
0.  mrginica,  there  is  likewise  a  strong  tendency  toward  protandry,  since  about 
70  per  cent  of  the  young  individuals  first  function  as  males  (Coe,  1938).  The 
primary  gonad  usually  contains  antecedent  cells  of  both  sexual  types  (Figure  6,  A). 
Functional  hermaphroditism  occurs  occasionally  and  a  few  individuals  change 
from  the  male  to  the  female  phase  during  their  first  spawning  season.  Thereafter 
the  individual  functions  in  one  sexual  phase  or  the  other  during  all  of  each  spawn- 
ing season,  but  not  infrequently  the  sexual  phase  changes  between  two  spawning 
seasons  (Burkenroad,  1937;  Galtsoff,  1938;  Coe,  1938;  Loosanoff,  1942).  In 


Venus  the  sexes  are  separate,  following  a  juvenile,  usually  protandric,  sexual 
phase  (Loosanoff,  1937). 

Gonads  in  some  respects  intermediate  between  the  other  two  are  found  in 
Anomia  and  in  some  other  genera.  Here  the  gonadal  follicles,  which  are  com- 
posed almost  entirely  of  gametogenic  cells,  are  surrounded  by  nutritive  tissues 
of  similar  configuration  (Figure  7).  As  in  the  other  types  of  gonads  the  nutritive 
tissues  are  utilized  during  the  course  of  gametogenesis  (Figure  7,  B). 


Two  more  or  less  distinct  types  of  primary  gonads  are  found  in  bivalve 
mollusks.  The  simplest  type  occurs  in  several  families  of  the  order  Prionodes- 
macea,  where  the  profusely  branching  follicles  on  each  side  of  the  body  are 
composed  mainly  of  gametogenic  cells  and  each  follicle  is  nourished  by  the  sur- 
rounding mesenchyme  or  vesicular  connective  tissue. 

In  the  second  type,  found  mainly  in  the  order  Teleodesmacea,  the  branching 
follicles  of  the  primary  gonads  are  composed  principally  of  large,  vacuolated 
follicle  cells  of  a  nutritive  nature,  the  primary  gonia  being  scattered  along  the 
central  axis  or  on  the  periphery.  These  nutritive  cells  are  cytolyzed  during 

In  some  bivalves  intermediate  conditions  are  found,  with  associated  gameto- 
genetic  follicles  and  nutritive  tissues. 

In  the  ambisexual  or  hermaphroditic  species,  as  Teredo  navalis,  the  primary 
gonia  are  early  differentiated  into  the  two  sexual  types.  Of  these  the  spermato- 
gonia  usually,  but  not  invariably,  proliferate  and  complete  gametogenesis  in 
advance  of  the  ovogonia,  giving  each  follicle  the  appearance  of  a  spermary  with 
a  layer  of  ovocytes  on  the  periphery.  As  a  general  rule  the  ovocytes  do  not 
become  fully  mature  until  after  the  discharge  of  the  spermatozoa.  There  are 
many  variations  in  the  relative  proportion  and  time  of  spawning  of  the  two  types 
of  gametes,  however,  and  in  exceptional  cases  the  gonad  is  almost  exclusively  of 
the  male  or  of  the  female  type.  Most  individuals  function  first  in  the  male 
phase,  then  change  to  the  female  phase,  while  some  individuals  experience  in  ad- 
dition a  second  sequence  of  male  and  female  phases.  Less  frequently  a  primary 
female  phase  precedes  the  first  male  phase.  Individual  differences  in  the  com- 
binations of  the  modifying  hereditary  sex  factors  are  presumably  responsible  for 
most  of  these  variations. 

Each  species  studied,  except  those  that  are  strictly  unisexual,  shows  some 
variations  in  the  sequence  of  male  and  female  or  functionally  hermaphroditic 


BURKENROAD,  M.  D.,  1937.  The  sex-ratio  in  alternational  hermaphrodites,  with  especial  refer- 
ence to  the  determination  of  sexual  phase  in  oviparous  oysters.  Jour.  Marine  Research, 
1:  75-84. 

COE,  W.  R.,  1933.     Sexual  phases  in  Teredo.     Biol.  Bull.,  65:  283-303. 

COE,  W.  R.,  1934.     Alternation  of  sexuality  in  oysters.     Am.  Nat.,  68:  236-252. 

COE,  W.  R.,  1934a.     Sexual  phases  in  the  pelecypod  mollusk  Teredo.     Science,  80:  192-193. 

COE,  W.  R.,  1935.  Sequence  of  sexual  phases  in  Teredo,  Ostrea  and  Crepidula.  Anal.  Rec., 
Suppl.,  64:  81. 

COE,  W.  R.,  1936.     Sequence  of  functional  sexual  phases  in  Teredo.     Biol.  Bull.,  71:  122-132. 

186  WESLEY  R.  COE 

COE,  W.  R.,   1938.     Primary  sexual  phases  in  the  oviparous  oyster  (Ostrea  virginica).     Biol. 

Bull.,  74:  64-75. 

COE,  W.  R.,  1941.     Sexual  phases  in  wood-boring  mollusks.     Biol.  Bull.,  81:  168-176. 
COE,  W.  R.,  AND  HARRY  J.  TURNER,  JR.,  1938.     Development  of  the  gonads  and  gametes  in  the 

soft-shell  clam  (Mya  arenaria).     Jour.  Morph.,  62:  91-111. 
GALTSOFF,   PAUL  S.,    1938.     Sex  change  and   physiological   intersexuality   in   Ostrea  virginica. 

(Abstr.)     Anal.  Rec.,  Suppl.,  72:  42. 
GRAVE,  BENJAMIN  H.,   1942.     The  sexual  cycle  of  the  shipworm,  Teredo  navalis.     Biol.  Bull., 

GRAVE,  BENJAMIN  H.,  AND  JAY  SMITH,  1936.     Sex  inversion  in  Teredo  navalis  and  its  relation  to 

sex  ratios.     Biol.  Bull.,  70:  332-343. 
LOOSANOFF,  VICTOR  L.,  1937.     Development  of  the  primary  gonad  and  sexual  phases  in  Venus 

mercenaria  Linnaeus.     Biol.  Bull.,  72:  389-405. 
LOOSANOFF,  VICTOR  L.,  1942.     Seasonal  gonadal  changes  in  the  adult  oysters,  Ostrea  virginica, 

of  Long  Island  Sound.     Biol.  Bull.,  82:  195-206. 



(Scripps  Institution  of  Oceanography  of  the  University  of  California,  La  Jolla) 

Some  five  years  ago,  the  authors  described  a  method  of  evaluating  the  melanin 
content  of  fishes  (Gillichthys)  kept  under  various  experimental  conditions,  along 
with  some  preliminary  results  obtained  by  the  use  of  this  method  (Sumner  and 
Doudoroff,  1937).  In  the  following  year  we  published  a  brief  account  of  similar 
experiments,  conducted  upon  another  teleost,  Gambusia  affinis  (Sumner  and 
Doudoroff,  1938).  In  these  last  it  was  found  advisable  to  revise  our  earlier 
procedure  in  important  ways. 

Despite  certain  obvious  shortcomings  in  the  technique  employed  in  those 
earlier  studies,  interesting  quantitative  relations  were  shown  to  obtain  between 
the  melanin  extracted  from  our  fishes  and  the  optic  stimuli  to  which  they  had 
been  subjected.  Whatever  the  precise  nature  of  these  relations,  there  could  be 
no  reasonable  doubt  that  fishes  (of  at  least  two  species)  which  had  lived  for  some 
weeks  upon  black  or  dark  gray  backgrounds  had  a  much  higher  melanin  content 
than  fishes  kept  upon  various  paler  backgrounds.  This  was  in  full  agreement 
with  experiments  involving  the  counting  of  melanophores,  through  which  it  had 
been  shown  that  both  the  number  of  these  cells  per  unit  area  of  skin  and  the 
amount  of  melanin  per  cell  may  be  greatly  influenced  by  the  background.2  Much 
remained  to  be  learned,  of  course,  regarding  the  details  of  these  relations. 

In  quantitative  studies  of  melanin,  gravimetric  determinations  seem  to  be 
ruled  out  by  the  impossibility  of  isolating  this  substance  without  sacrificing  a 
large  proportion  of  it  during  the  process  of  isolation.  Various  methods  of  obtain- 
ing pure  melanin  have  been  developed  by  chemists  whose  object  has  been  to 
purify  it  for  chemical  analysis,  rather  than  to  measure  accurately  the  amount 
present  in  a  given  sample  of  tissue  (e.g.,  Gortner,  1910,  1911;  Salkowski,  1920; 
Heinlein,  1924). 

Colorimetric  methods  were  consequently  resorted  to  early  in  our  endeavors 
to  assay  melanin.  We  know  of  only  two  previous  workers  (Kudo,  1922;  Vilter, 
1931)  who  had  attempted  the  measurement  of  changes  of  melanin  resulting  from 
experimental  optical  conditions,  at  least  in  fishes  and  amphibia.  Recently,  how- 
ever, Dawes  (1941)  has  published  the  results  of  some  interesting  experiments 
upon  Rana  temporaria.5  His  findings,  so  far  as  the  effects  of  black  and  white 
backgrounds  are  concerned,  fully  confirm  our  own.  Considering  the  facts  just 
stated,  however,  it  is  obvious  that  Dawes  is  over-enthusiastic  in  his  claim  that 
his  work  "affords  conclusive  evidence  for  the  first  time  that  prolonged  exposure 
of  one  of  the  lower  vertebrates  to  ...  black  background  results  in  a  marked 
increase  in  the  melanin  content  of  the  skin." 

1  Contributions  from  the  Scripps  Institution  of  Oceanography,  New  Series,  No.  194. 

2  The  work  of  ourselves  and  others  in  this  field  has  been  summarized  by  Sumner  (1940b). 

3  Dawes's  technique  involved  peptic  digestion  of  the  frogs'  skins. 



The  employment  of  colorimetric  methods  in  "melaninometry"  is  rendered 
possible  by  the  solubility  of  this  substance  in  dilute  alkali.4  Admittedly  these 
methods  involve  some  rather  serious  difficulties.  Some  of  the  primary  require- 
ments in  the  preparation  of  such  a  melanin  solution  are:  (1)  to  retain  without 
loss  and  unaltered  the  melanin  contained  in  each  sample  of  material;  (2)  to 
eliminate  all  cloudiness  and  obtain  a  perfectly  clear  solution;  (3)  to  eliminate  any 
colored  materials  other  than  melanin;  (4)  to  avoid  the  production  of  pseudo- 
melanins  ("melanoidins")  which  sometimes  result  from  the  action  of  strong  acids 
upon  proteins. 

The  procedure  outlined  below  is  the  outcome  of  experimentation  by  the 
authors,  which  was  commenced  in  1935.  While  it  is  empirical  in  many  details, 
we  believe  that  the  various  steps  are  theoretically  justifiable.  Many  of  these 
steps  are  based  upon  the  methods  of  previous  workers,  but  the  combination  is  ours. 

Comparison  with  our  earlier  report  (1937)  shows  that  somewhat  extensive 
changes  have  been  made  in  this  procedure.  Since  little  melanin  is  contained  in 
the  more  massive  tissues  of  the  body  (muscles  and  viscera),  the  presence  of  which 
increases  the  difficulty  of  preparing  clear  solutions,  it  was  decided  to  exclude 
these  tissues;  hence  paragraphs  4,  5,  and  6  of  our  revised  procedure  (cf.  Sumner 
and  Fox,  1935). 5  Again,  peptic  digestion,  followed  by  centrifuging,  was  replaced 
in  our  revised  technique  by  boiling  in  6  per  cent  HC1,  followed  by  dialyzing 
(paragraphs  22  to  25). 

Our  most  recent  procedure  follows: 

(1)  The  fishes  (unfed  for  at  least  two  days)  were  killed  in  chloroform  vapor; 
(2)  dried  on  paper  towels;  (3)  each  individual  measured,  and  each  lot  (those 
combined  to  form  a  single  sample)  weighed;  (4)  dipped  into  boiling  distilled 
water  f  minute,  then  cooled  in  cold  water;  (5)  the  skin  was  removed  from  the 
entire  body  and  head  and  placed  (along  with  fins)  in  distilled  water;  (6)  water 
warmed  to  60°  C.  and  beakers  placed  in  oven  at  that  temperature  for  one  hour 
(to  remove  gelatin);  (7)  95  per  cent  alcohol  substituted  for  water,  changed  once, 
material  bottled  and  kept  in  the  dark,  sometimes  as  long  as  five  or  six  weeks; 
(8)  alcohol  poured  off  and  material  subjected  to  Soxhlet  fat-extration  (in  150  cc. 
thimbles)  for  three  hours,  using  250  cc.  of  alcohol-ether  mixture  (2:1);  (9)  ma- 
terial left  in  thimbles  and  dried  in  oven  at  60°  for  several  hours;  (10)  decalcified 
in  one  per  cent  HC1  for  one  hour  at  60°  (5  cc.  per  gm.  of  original  weight  of  fish, 
not  of  skin) ;  (11)  acid  filtered  off  through  no.  2  sintered-glass  filter,  residue  washed 
with  500  cc.  distilled  water;  (12)  residue  from  filter  hydrolyzed  by  boiling  one 
hour  in  0.2  per  cent  NaOH  (5  cc.  per  gm.  of  original  weight  of  fish)  in  three-liter 
flask,  under  reflux  condenser;  (13)  resulting  mixture  filtered  through  no.  2  glass 
filter,  to  remove  undissolved  impurities;  (14)  filtrate,  when  of  sufficient  volume, 
divided  into  two  parts  ("a"  and  "b")  to  be  run  separately  as  checks;  (15)  HC1 
added,  drop  by  drop,  to  each  lot,  until  neutral  point  is  just  past  and  a  precipitate 
forms  which  includes  the  melanin  (important  that  approximately  the  same  pH 

4  Strictly  speaking,  these  are  not  molecular  solutions,  but  very  fine  colloidal  suspensions. 
They  may  be  very  clear,  however,  and  there  is  little  or  no  Tyndall-effect  unless  the  suspensions 
are  highly  concentrated. 

6  As  we  were  primarily  interested  in  changes  in  the  external  pigmentation  (that  of  the  skin), 
we  had  no  object  in  retaining  the  considerable  amount  of  melanin  contained  in  the  peritoneum 
or  in  the  eyes. 


is  reached  for  all  samples);  (16)  material  (liquid  and  precipitate)  transferred  to 
centrifuge  tubes  (approximately  100  cc.  capacity),  centrifuged  15  minutes  at 
approximately  1760  r.p.m.,  liquid6  poured  off  (precipitate  adheres  closely  to 
bottom  of  tube) ;  if  all  material  from  one  sample  is  not,  at  first,  contained  in  a 
single  tube,  it  is  combined  into  one  tube  and  re-centrifuged;  (17)  95  per  cent 
alcohol  carefully  poured  onto  precipitate  in  tubes  (4  cc.  per  gm.  of  original  weight 
of  fish),  left  at  least  \  hour;  (18)  this  alcohol  removed  by  suction  (using  a  glass 
tube,  finely  drawn  out),  and  replaced  by  same  amount  of  absolute  alcohol,  left 
at  least  one  hour;  (19)  alcohol  again  removed  and  ether  (the  same  quantity)  sub- 
stituted, precipitate  thoroughly  stirred,  left  at  least  one  hour;  (20)  materials 
centrifuged  \  hour,  and  ether  removed  by  suction;  (21)  dried  in  oven  at  60°; 
(22)  dissolved  (while  still  in  centrifuge  tubes)  in  0.2  per  cent  NaOH  (1  cc.  per 
gram  of  original  weight  of  fish);  (23)  equal  volume  of  12  per  cent  HC1  added, 
making  a  concentration  of  (nearly)  6  per  cent  acid;  (24)  transferred  to  flasks 
and  boiled  one  hour  under  reflux  condensers;  (25)  liquid,  with  precipitate,  trans- 
ferred to  celloidin  ("Parloidin")  dialyzers,  suspended  in  one-liter  beakers  of  dis- 
tilled water.  Left  at  least  three  hours,  during  which  water  is  changed  five  times; 

(26)  material  poured  (and  rinsed)  from  each  dialyzer  into  graduated  cylinder, 
enough  5  per  cent  NaOH  added  to  make  a  0.2  per  cent  solution,  when  liquid  has 
been  brought  to  final  required  volume  (3  cc.  per  gm.  of  original  weight  of  fish) ; 

(27)  solutions  returned  to  flasks  and  boiled  for  one  hour  under  condensers  (if 
necessary  the  condensers  are  left  off  for  a  time  and  liquid  evaporated  sufficiently 
to  bring  the  volume  down  to  somewhat  less  than  the  required  final  volume,  to 
allow  for  rinsing) ;   (28)   solutions  returned   to  graduates  and  enough  distilled 
water  added  to  bring  them  as  nearly  as  possible  to  required  volume  (3  cc.  per 
gram  of  fish);  (29)  passed  through  no.  2  sintered-glass  filters,  previously  dried 
in  oven  (no  material  loss  of  melanin  by  adsorption  is  found  to  take  place  in  a 
filter  of  this  grade  of  porosity). 

The  melanin  "solutions"  are  now  satisfactorily  clear  and  ready  for  direct 
colorimetric  reading  by  transmitted  light.  This  is  obviously  more  satisfactory 
than  our  earlier,  more  involved  procedure  (1937). 

The  colorimeter  employed  in  these  studies  (the  Ives  Tint-Photometer)  has 
been  employed  by  the  senior  author  and  collaborators  for  a  number  of  years  in 
several  lines  of  investigation.  Since  it  has  already  been  described  rather  fully 
(Sumner  and  Fox,  1933,  and  earlier),  no  detailed  account  is  called  for.  One  beam 
of  light,  reflected  from  a  block  of  white  magnesium  carbonate,  is  passed  through 
an  absorption-cell  containing  the  solution  under  examination,  another  beam 
through  a  neighboring  cell  containing  distilled  water.  An  adjustable  diaphragm 
controls  the  amount  of  light  emerging  from  the  latter  cell  so  that  the  intensity  of  the 
beams  emerging  from  the  two  cells  can  be  brought  to  equality.  Before  reaching 
the  eyes  of  the  observer  however,  both  beams  are  passed  through  one  of  a  series 
of  color  filters.  Using  each  of  these  filters  in  turn,  the  two  halves  of  the  field 
are  balanced  and  the  readings  recorded.  For  the  present  studies,  three  filters 

6  This  liquid  is  ordinarily  clear  and  of  a  pale  straw-color,  quite  different  from  that  of  a  diluted 
melanin  solution.  Solutions  from  "black"  fishes  (i.e.,  ones  from  black  background)  were  found, 
however,  to  be  about  80  per  cent  more  deeply  tinted  than  ones  from  "white"  fishes  when  several 
pairs  of  samples  were  compared.  At  most,  the  coloration  is  feeble. 



have  been  employed:  red,  green,  and  blue.7  It  is  evident  that  in  the  use  of  this 
instrument  high  readings  represent  low  melanin  values  and  vice-versa.  The 
highest  (100  per  cent)  readings  are  obtained  from  pure  water. 

These  successive  readings  constitute  the  primary  data  upon  which  our  assays 
of  melanin  are  based.  Each  observer  repeats  his  readings  several  times.  When 
two  observers  work  in  collaboration,  their  readings  are  averaged.8 

For  the  interpretation  of  these  figures  for  color-values  obtained  with  the 
tint-photometer  it  is  necessary  to  prepare  a  set  of  curves  based  upon  melanin 
solutions  of  known  concentration.  Through  the  kindness  of  the  late  Professor  R. 








9  0 

FIGURE  1.  Tint-photometer  readings  of  melanin  solutions  of  various  concentrations.  The 
highest  concentration  ("100%")  was  prepared  by  boiling  dried  melanin  for  three  hours  in  0.2 
per  cent  NaOH  solution  in  the  proportion  of  0.667  gms.  to  100  cc.  This  was  variously  diluted 
with  NaOH  solution.  Abscissas  =  tint-photometer  readings;  ordinates  =  dilutions  (expressed 
as  percentages  of  "100%"  solution). 

A.  Gortner,  of  the  University  of  Minnesota,  we  obtained  a  sufficient  quantity 
of  purified  melanin,  prepared  by  him  from  the  skin  and  other  tissues  of  the  "silky" 
fowl.  Curves  based  upon  tint-photometer  readings  of  a  series  of  dilutions  of  a 
solution  (.0667  gm.  per  100  cc.  0.2  per  cent  NaOH)  are  shown  in  Figure  1.  These 
are  the  curves  which  have  been  employed  by  the  senior  author  in  deriving  the 
values  reported  for  Girella  and  Fundulus  in  this  issue  (pp.  195-205).  The 

7  Specifications  for  these  filters,  taken  by  means  of  the  Bausch  &  Lomb  Visual  Spectropho- 
tometer  are  as  follows: 




Maximum  transmission  (70%  ±)  .........................    760-650 

Lower  limit  (1%  transmission)  ...........................  602 

Maximum  (18%  ±)  ....................................    530-520 

Upper  limit  (1%)  .......................................  610 

Lower  limit  (1%)  .............................  475 

Points  of  half  transmission  ...............................    500,  565 

Maximum  (31%  ±)  ....................................    460-450 

Upper  limit  (1%)  ..............................  515 

(The  blue  has  been  referred  to  as  "blue-violet"  in  our  earlier  publications.) 
8  There  was,  not  unexpectedly,  a  personal  equation  in  these  readings.     In  the  case  of  the 
last  ten  samples  studied  by  us,  melanin  values  based  upon  the  readings  of  the  senior  author  were 
1.7  per  cent  higher  than  those  obtained  by  the  junior  author.     The  mean  differences,  regardless 
of  sign,  averaged  2.0  per  cent. 


melanin  values  therein  presented  are  expressed  in  milligrams  per  gram  of  the 
original  weight  of  the  fish. 

Allowance  must  be  made  for  the  probability  that  melanins  derived  from  dif- 
ferent organisms  are  not  all  chemically  identical.  Hence,  these  figures  for  fish 
melanin,  based  upon  comparisons  with  the  melanin  of  a  bird,  may  be  no  more 
than  rough  approximations.  In  our  present  studies,  however,  we  are  chiefly 
concerned  with  relative  rather  than  absolute  values,  our  main  object  being  the 
discovery  of  relations  among  our  various  experimental  groups. 

We  feel  justified  in  basing  our  melanin  titer  upon  the  weight  of  the  fishes, 
rather  than  upon  the  surface  area  of  the  skins,  for  the  reason  that  the  skin  of  an 
animal  has  a  third  dimension,  thickness,  which  probably  varies  roughly  in  pro- 
portion to  its  other  dimensions.  (It  is  obvious  that  the  wet  weight  of  the 
scraped-off  skins  would  be  of  no  significance  for  this  purpose.)  It  is  of  interest, 
however,  that  when  the  melanin  content,  per  square  of  body  length,  is  computed 
(in  the  absence  of  any  actual  measurements  of  surface  areas),  the  essential  rela- 
tions among  the  various  experimental  lots  remain  unchanged. 

Previous  writers  have  called  attention  to  the  production  of  dark  "melanoid" 
substances  through  the  action  of  strong  acids  upon  proteins.  These  would 
obviously  interfere  with  colorimetric  measurements  of  melanin.  That  boiling 
with  6  per  cent  HC1  can  have  had  no  such  effect  upon  our  material  seems  to  be 
proved  by  a  special  test  which  was  made  for  this  purpose.  Twelve  goldfishes, 
very  nearly  devoid  of  melanin  in  their  skins,  were  subjected  to  our  standard 
procedure  in  three  lots  of  four  fishes  each.  These  agreed  in  yielding  solutions 
hardly  tinted  enough  to  permit  of  readings  with  the  tint-photometer.  The 
slight  coloration  was  about  2  per  cent  of  that  of  the  "100  per  cent"  standard 
melanin  solution  (Figure  1).  Moreover,  in  six  cases,  one  to  two  additional  hours 
of  boiling  in  HC1  (step  24,  p.  189)  resulted  in  a  slight  mean  loss,  rather  than 
increase  in  the  melanin  titer,  though  this  difference  was  of  doubtful  significance. 

The  same  cannot  be  said,  however,  of  extending  the  time  of  boiling  in  sodium 
hydroxide.  Six  samples  which  were  boiled  for  three  hours  gave  melanin  values 
averaging  7.4  per  cent  lower  than  portions  of  the  same  solutions  which  were  boiled 
the  usual  one  hour. 

Furthermore,  as  we  have  reported  earlier  (Sumner  and  Doudoroff,  1938) 
alkaline  solutions  of  melanin  invariably  deteriorate  (become  paler)  at  ordinary 
room  temperatures,  even  when  kept  in  the  dark.  Thus  a  set  of  three  samples 
from  black-adapted  fishes  underwent  a  mean  apparent  loss  in  melanin  content  of 
9  per  cent  in  24  hours,  18.6  per  cent  in  five  days,  and  24.3  per  cent  in  12  days. 
These  figures  are  based  upon  the  means  for  the  three  color  filters.  Actually, 
there  were  wide  differences  between  the  figures  for  loss,  when  based  upon  readings 
with  the  different  filters.  Thus,  at  the  end  of  12  days,  the  figures  seem  to  show 
a  decrease  of  33  per  cent,  if  readings  with  the  red  filter  alone  are  considered;  only 
16  per  cent  if  the  blue  ones  alone  are  considered.  This  obviously  implies  a  change 
in  the  color  as  well  as  in  the  density  of  our  solutions. 

Readings  taken  of  our  "standard"  melanin  solutions  at  the  end  of  12  days 
presented  much  the  same  picture.  In  the  "70  per  cent"  solution9  (corresponding 
approximately  to  that  derived  from  black-adapted  Girella)  the  seeming  loss  in 

9  Meaning  70  per  cent  of  the  concentration  of  the  strongest  solution  (taken  as  100  per  cent) 
upon  which  Figure  1  is  based. 



melanin  concentration,  when  based  upon  the  mean  of  readings  with  the  three 
filters,  was  20.5,  a  figure  not  far  from  that  shown  by  the  solutions  of  fish  melanin. 
Here,  too,  the  separate  figures,  based  upon  the  three  filters,  ranged  from  27  per 
cent  (red)  to  15.7  per  cent  (blue). 

Some  further  optical  properties  of  a  melanin  solution,  both  when  freshly 
prepared  and  after  standing  in  the  dark  for  12  days,  are  portrayed  in  Figure  2. 
This  is  based  upon  readings  with  a  Bausch  and  Lomb  Visual  Spectrophotometer 
of  a  solution  having  the  same  concentration  as  the  "100  per  cent"  solution  of 

46    47    48    49    50    51     52    53     54    55    56    57    58    59     60    61 

63    64   65    66    67    68    69    70    71    72    73    74 

FIGURE  2.  Curves  of  transmission  of  various  wave-lengths  by  "100%"  solution  of  purified 
melanin  (see  legend  for  Figure  1).  Lower  curve  =  freshly  prepared  solution.  Upper  curve  = 
same  solution  after  12  days.  Abscissas  =  wave-lengths  at  lO-m/z  intervals;  ordinates  =  percent- 
ages of  transmission  in  comparison  with  distilled  water. 

Figure  1.  The  "curve"  of  transmission,  at  least  for  the  freshly  prepared  solution, 
turns  out  to  be  a  nearly  straight  line,  with  a  practically  uniform  gradient  from 
blue  through  red. 

When  a  fresh  "70  per  cent"  solution  is  compared  with  a  12-day-old  solution 
of  the  same  original  strength,  we  find  an  increase  of  22  per  cent  in  the  reading 
with  the  red  filter,  an  increase  of  41  per  cent  in  the  reading  with  the  blue.  This 
might  be  construed  as  an  increase  in  transmission  toward  the  blue  end  of  the 
spectrum.  It  must  be  remembered,  however,  that  with  increasing  dilution,  the 
transmission  of  the  various  wave-lengths  through  a  colored  solution  tends  to 
equalize,  and  that  the  least  transmitted  wave-lengths  (in  this  case  blue)  will 
increase  much  more  rapidly  than  the  more  transmitted  ones  (in  this  case  red). 
In  passing  from  a  "70  per  cent"  to  a  "51  per  cent"  melanin  solution,  for  example, 
we  find  an  increase  of  22  per  cent  in  the  "red"  reading,  and  an  increase  of  89  per 
cent  in  the  "blue"  reading.  Thus  the  much  smaller  increase  in  the  transmission 
of  blue  rays  through  the  12-day-old  sample,  in  comparison  with  the  diluted  fresh 
sample,  denotes  a  shift  toward  the  red  on  the  part  of  the  former.  The  figures 
upon  which  Figure  2  is  based  likewise  reveal  a  greater  relative  transmission  of  the 
red  rays  than  would  result  from  simple  dilution. 

This  lability  of  melanin  solutions  makes  it  necessary  to  employ  boiling  periods 
of  uniform  length  in  preparing  them,  and  to  make  the  photometric  readings  as 
soon  as  possible  after  the  solutions  are  prepared — three  or  four  hours  at  most. 
The  unavoidable  losses  are  thus  kept  constant,  and  the  figures  for  the  various 
lots  may  be  regarded  as  strictly  comparable. 

A  chief  reason  for  our  dissatisfaction  with  our  earlier  procedures  (1937,  1938) 
was  the  frequent  appearance  of  considerable  differences  in  the  yield  of  samples 
from  which  identical  results  had  been  expected.  So  far  as  such  unexpected  dif- 
ferences related  to  different  lots  of  fishes  having  the  same  experimental  history, 


there  was,  however,  no  real  ground  for  concern.  Later  studies  of  melanophore 
density  (Sumner,  1940,  a  and  b}  have  emphasized  the  enormous  variability  in  this 
respect  within  each  of  the  experimental  lots.  There  was  considerable  overlapping, 
for  example,  between  the  frequency  distributions  of  melanophore  numbers  in  even 
the  "black"  and  "white"  series  of  Lebistes. 

Of  more  serious  import  are  differences  in  results  obtained  from  portions  of 
the  same  sample  of  material  which,  after  division,  have  been  subjected  to  identical 
treatment.  Such  discrepancies,  which  were  earlier  encountered  to  a  discouraging 
degree,  have  been  largely,  though  not  wholly,  eliminated  in  our  later  studies. 
Comparisons  of  figures  for  "a"  and  "b"  portions  of  the  same  sample  (step  14, 
above)  give  us  something  of  an  index  of  the  degree  of  constancy  of  our  results. 
In  34  cases  in  a  recent  study,  in  which  readings  from  two  such  portions  were 
obtained,  the  mean  difference  between  these  portions  was  3.2  per  cent.  This 
figure,  it  is  true,  indicates  only  a  moderate  degree  of  precision,  but  it  is  small 
compared  with  most  of  the  experimentally  produced  differences  upon  which  our 
conclusions  are  based.  In  28  of  these  34  cases,  the  differences  between  our  "a" 
and  "b"  sub-samples  were  under  5  per  cent.  In  the  remaining  six,  they  were  5 
per  cent  or  more,  the  largest  figure  being  12.3  per  cent.  No  explanation  can  be 
given  for  these  exceptional  cases.  Fortunately,  they  seem  to  become  less  frequent 
with  increasing  experience. 

The  results  of  a  rather  extensive  application  of  the  technique  here  described 
are  presented  in  another  paper  in  this  issue. 

We  make  grateful  acknowledgment  of  the  kindness  of  the  late  Professor  R. 
A.  Gortner  of  the  University  of  Minnesota  in  supplying  us  with  samples  of  purified 
melanin,  and  for  valuable  information;  to  our  colleague,  Dr.  D.  L.  Fox  for  the 
use  of  the  spectrophotometer  under  his  charge  as  well  as  for  advice  on  various 
matters,  and  to  Mr.  Sheldon  Crane  for  assistance  in  the  photometric  work. 


A  method  is  described  of  preparing  a  solution  (transparent  colloidal  suspen- 
sion) of  the  melanin  of  fishes,  and  of  assying  this  colorimetrically.  The  method 
includes  hydrolysis  of  the  tissues  in  a  boiling  alkaline  solution,  precipitation,  cen- 
trifuging,  further  hydrolysis  in  acid  and  removal  of  acid  and  digestion  products 
by  dialysis;  finally  dissolving  the  melanin  in  dilute  NaOH.  Readings  of  the 
various  samples  were  made  with  a  tint-photometer,  but  a  spectrophotometer 
could  have  been  employed,  perhaps,  to  advantage. 

For  the  interpretation  of  these  readings,  curves  were  drawn,  based  upon 
solutions  of  purified  melanin  of  known  concentration. 

The  transmission  "curve"  of  the  various  wave-lengths  through  such  a  melanin 
solution  was  likewise  obtained  by  the  use  of  a  spectrophotometer.  This  proved 
to  be  a  nearly  straight  line  from  a  low  point  in  the  blue  to  a  high  point  in  the  red. 

With  lapse  of  time,  alkaline  "solutions"  of  melanin  rather  rapidly  deteriorate, 
even  in  the  dark,  becoming  increasingly  transparent  to  all  wave-lengths,  but  pro- 
portionately more  to  the  red  than  would  result  from  mere  dilution. 


DAWES,  B.,  1941.     The  melanin  content  of  the  skin  of  Rana  temporaria   [etc.].     Jour.  Exper. 
Biol.,  18:  26-49. 


GORTNER,  R.  A.,  1910.     Studies  of  melanin.     Jour.  Biol.  Chem.,  8:  341-363. 

GORTNER,  R.  A.,  1911.     On  melanin.     Biochem.  Bull.,  1:  207-215. 

HEINLEIN,  H.,  1924.     Zur  Kenntnis  melanotischer  Pigmente.     Biochem.  Zeitschr.,  154:  24-34. 

KUDO,  T.,  1922.  Veranderung  der  Melaninmenge  beim  Farbwechsel  der  Fische  [etc.].  Arch. 
f.  Entwick.  d.  Org.,  50:  309-325. 

SALKOWSKI,  E.,  1920.  Ueber  die  Darstellung  und  einige  Eigenschaften  des  pathologischen  Mela- 
nins.  Virchow's  Arch.,  227:  121-137. 

SUMNER,  F.  B.,  1940a.  Further  experiments  on  the  relations  between  optic  stimuli  and  the 
increase  or  decrease  of  pigment  in  fishes.  Jour.  Exper.  Zool.,  83:  327-343. 

SUMNER,  F.  B.,  1940b.  Quantitative  changes  in  pigmentation,  resulting  from  visual  stimuli  in 
fishes  and  amphibia.  Biol.  Rev.,  15:  351-375. 

SUMNER,  F.  B.,  AND  P.  DOUDOROFF,  1937.  Some  quantitative  relations  between  visual  stimuli 
and  the  production  or  destruction  of  melanin  in  fishes.  Proc.  Nat.  Acad.  Sci.,  23: 

SUMNER,  F.  B.,  AND  P.  DOUDOROFF,  1938.  Some  effects  of  light  intensity  and  shade  of  back- 
ground upon  the  melanin  content  of  Gambusia.  Proc.  Nat.  Acad.  Sci.,  24:  459-463. 

SUMNER,  F.  B.,  AND  D.  L.  Fox,  1933.  A  study  of  variations  in  the  amount  of  yellow  pigment 
(xanthophyll)  in  certain  fishes  [etc.].  Jour.  Exper.  Zool.,  66:  263-301. 

SUMNER,  F.  B.,  AND  D.  L.  Fox,  1935.  Studies  of  carotenoid  pigments  in  fishes.  II.  Investiga- 
tions of  the  effects  of  colored  backgrounds  [etc.].  Jour.  Exper.  Zool.,  71:  101-123. 

VILTER,  V.,  1931.  Modifications  du  systeme  melanique  chez  les  axolotls  [etc.].  C.  r.  Soc.  de 
biol,  108:  774-777. 


(Scripps  Institution  of  Oceanography  of  the  University  of  California,  La  Jolla) 


That  a  sufficiently  long  sojourn  upon  a  black  or  white  background  may  result 
in  a  marked  increase  or  decrease  in  the  pigmentation  of  fishes  and  amphibia  has 
been  shown  by  several  investigators  (Cf.  recent  review  by  the  present  author, 
19406).  Sumner  and  Wells  (1933)  found  pronounced  changes  of  this  sort  in 
Lebistes  reticulatus,  in  which  not  only  the  number  of  melanophores  per  unit  area 
of  skin  was  found  to  be  markedly  affected,  but  also  the  amount  of  melanin  per 
cell.  These  changes  were  portrayed  unmistakably  in  our  published  photographs, 
but  no  attempt  was  made  at  that  time  to  measure  their  extent. 

For  two  other  fishes,  Gillichthys  mirabilis  and  Gambusia  affinis,  Sumner  and 
Doudoroff  (1937,  1938)  made  quantitative  determinations  of  the  amount  of 
melanin  present  in  animals  of  different  experimental  history.  These  deter- 
minations were  beset  with  considerable  obstacles  \vhich  seriously  affected  their 
precision.  Certain  conclusions  were,  however,  established  with  reasonable 
certainty  in  both  of  these  series  of  experiments.  (1)  Fishes  of  "black"  history 
yielded  considerably  more  melanin  than  fishes  of  "white"  history,  while  those 
from  intermediate  backgrounds  (grays)  were  intermediate  in  this  respect. 
(2)  Within  broad  limits,  the  intensity  of  the  incident  light  was  a  minor  factor  in 
the  production  of  such  differences. 

A  more  definite  quantitative  relation  was  indicated  as  possible  between  the 
albedo2  of  the  background  and  the  amount  of  melanin  produced  (or  retained). 
In  Figure  3  (Sumner  and  Doudoroff,  1937)  and  Figure  1  (Sumner  and  Doudoroff, 
1938),  it  is  evident  that  the  relation  between  these  two  variables  is  not  a  linear 
one.  If  the  figures  for  albedo  stated  on  page  213  (1937)  be  converted  into  per- 
centages of  "white"  (the  latter  being  regarded  as  100)  and  if  0.74  be  taken  as  the 
value  for  "black,"  the  Gillichthys  values  of  Table  I,  "A"  (means),  form  a  nearly 
perfect  logarithmic  series.3  This  relation  does  not  hold  at  all  well  for  the  "B" 
fishes,  however,  though  the  arrangement  here  is  likewise  of  the  "hollow  curve" 

The  relations  shown  by  the  "A"  set  of  these  fishes  suggested  as  possible  the 
rule  that  the  amount  of  pigment  produced  (or  retained)  varied  inversely  as  the 

1  Contributions  from  the  Scripps  Institution  of  Oceanography,  New  Series,  No.  195. 

2  By  albedo  is  meant  the  specific  reflectivity  of  a  given  surface,  i.e.,  the  proportion  of  incident 
light  which  that  surface  reflects. 

3  This  mode  of  treating  the  data  is  not  in  the  least  arbitrary.     Our  original  attempt  to  state 
the  albedo  of  our  "white"  in  absolute  terms  was  not  successful  and  has  been  abandoned.     But 
the  figures  for  "albedo,"  referred  to  "white"  as  a  standard,  are  fairly  exact.     The  figure  of  0.74 
for  "black"  is  taken  from  Sumner  (1940a).     While  only  approximate,  it  is  certainly  a  fairer  figure 
than  0. 


196  F.  B.  SUMMER 

logarithm  of  the  albedo  of  the  background.  The  analogy  between  such  a  formu- 
lation and  the  so-called  "Weber-Fechner  Law"  in  human  sense-physiology  was 
at  once  recognized. 

Because  of  the  difficulties  encountered  in  our  earlier  attempts  to  assay  melanin, 
the  present  author  next  resorted  to  counting  melanophores  in  definite  areas  of  the 
skin  of  Lebistes  reticulatus  (Sumner,  1939,  1940a).  Accurate  counting  was 
rendered  possible  by  causing  the  pigment-masses  of  the  melanophores  ("melano- 
somes")  to  concentrate  through  the  action  of  adrenalin. 

In  these  experiments,  the  previously  observed  gradient  in  the  effects  of  the 
various  backgrounds,  from  black  to  white,  was  clearly  manifest.  And  again,  the 
logarithmic  relation  between  stimulus  and  pigmentation  was  plainly  indicated, 
though  the  values  for  the  "black"  fishes  were  somewhat  too  low  (1940a,  Figures 
3  and  4).  Once  more,  any  differences  due  to  the  intensity  of  general  illumination, 
if  significant  at  all,  were  slight  in  comparison  with  those  resulting  from  the  shade 
of  the  background. 

While  there  could  be  no  doubt  that  the  melanin  content  of  black-adapted 
fishes  was  greater  than  that  of  white-adapted  ones,  it  was  plain  that  more  exact, 
quantitative  expressions  for  these  differences  in  melanin  content  were  desirable. 

Further  endeavors  to  perfect  a  method  of  assaying  melanin  were  resumed  by 
Sumner  and  Doudoroff,  who  have  discussed  the  outcome  of  their  completed  task 
in  this  issue  of  the  Biological  Bulletin  (pp.  187-194).  The  present  paper  reports 
the  results  of  two  series  of  experiments  in  which  this  method  has  been  applied 
successively  to  two  species  of  fish,  Fundulus  parvipinnis  and  Girella  nigricans. 
Since,  of  these  two,  the  results  from  the  latter  species  were  of  far  greater  sig- 
nificance, they  wrill  receive  the  principal  attention. 

I  must  here  acknowledge  the  valuable  assistance  of  Dr.  Peter  Doudoroff  and 
Mr.  Carl  I.  Johnson  in  the  preparation  of  some  of  the  equipment  here  employed, 
and  of  Mr.  Urless  Lanham  and  Mrs.  J.  F.  Wohnus  in  connection  with  the  care 
of  the  fishes  and  some  of  the  subsequent  laboratory  procedure.  Acknowledg- 
ment is  also  due  Messrs.  P.  S.  Barnhart  and  C.  W.  Palmer  for  obtaining  the 
supply  of  fishes. 


In  the  case  of  Girella,  eight  to  ten  of  the  fishes,  averaging  (two  months  later) 
about  60  mm.  in  length,  were  placed  in  each  of  the  24  experimental  bowls. 
Running  sea-water  was  supplied  to  these.  The  fishes  were  fed  three  times  a 
week,  chiefly  with  beach-worms  (Thoracophelia)  and  canned  shrimps.  Debris 
(feces  and  food  remains)  was  removed  from  the  bottoms  of  the  bowls  by  siphon- 
ing, nearly  every  day,  and  the  bowls  were  scoured  once  a  week  to  remove  bacterial 
and  algal  growths. 

The  bowls  were  kept  in  six  cabinets,  painted  white  within  and  lighted  by 
electric  lamps  overhead.  Four  bowls  of  the  same  albedo  were  kept  in  each -of 
five  cabinets,  lighted  by  a  100-watt  lamp.  A  second  set  of  four  black  bowls  was 
kept  in  the  sixth  cabinet,  lighted  by  a  10-watt  lamp.  The  cabinets  were  all  kept 
lighted  night  and  day. 

In  the  case  of  Fundulus,  only  five  cabinets  were  employed,  all  with  100-watt 
lights,  and  the  extra  set  of  black  bowls  was  omitted. 

The  intensity  of  illumination  in  the  more  strongly  lighted  cabinets,  as  deter- 



mined  with'  a  Weston  Photronic  Cell  placed  at  the  customary  water-level  in  the 
bowls,  the  latter  being  covered  by  a  ^-inch  screen,  was  about  33  foot-candles. 
In  the  less  brightly  lighted  cabinet,  it  was  about  2  foot-candles. 

The  bowls  were  of  clear,  uncolored  glass,  with  nearly  straight  sides,  24  cm. 
in  diameter  and  15  to  17  cm.  deep.  As  has  been  our  practice,  these  bowls  were 
painted  on  the  outside  with  several  coats  of  auto  enamel.  Black  and  white 
enamel  were  used,  singly  and  in  mixtures  which  provided  the  three  shades  of  gray. 
In  order  to  eliminate  bright  gleams,  from  surface  reflection,  the  bowls  were  given 
a  frosted  surface  by  sand-blasting  on  the  inside.  This  surface  becomes  trans- 
parent when  covered  with  water. 

Albedos  were  determined  by  a  method  described  more  fully  earlier  (Sumner, 
1940a).  Light  reflected  from  the  bottoms  was  measured  by  the  use  of  a  photronic 
cell  and  galvanometer.  The  readings  thus  obtained  did  not  reveal  the  absolute 
albedos  of  the  surfaces  in  question  (i.e.,  ratios  of  reflected  to  incident  light),  since 
it  was  impracticable  with  available  equipment  to  measure  the  incident  light 
reaching  the  bottom  of  a  bowl  nearly  filled  with  water.  This  was  not  necessary, 
however,  because  the  important  thing  to  know  in  these  experiments  was  the 
relative  reflectivity  of  these  various  surfaces,  as  compared  with  one  another. 
As  already  stated,  these  figures  were  reduced  for  present  purposes  to  a  common 
standard,  the  reflectivity  of  the  white  bowls  being  taken  as  100. 

Since,  as  already  indicated,  the  bottoms  of  the  bowls  were  unavoidably 
befouled  part  of  the  time,  another  set  of  albedo  readings  was  taken  with  the 
bowls  in  this  state.  For  this  purpose,  an  attempt  was  made  to  reproduce  their 
average  condition  preceding  the — usually  daily — siphoning  off  of  the  debris. 

Albedos  of  the  various  backgrounds,  relative  to  white  as  a  standard 

Without  debris 

With  debris 


White    .  . 




Pale  gray  




Medium  gray  




Dark  gray  








The  result  was  necessarily  only  a  rough  approximation.  Table  I  gives  the  figures 
for  each  type  of  bowl,  with  and  without  the  debris.  The  figures  in  the  third 
column,  which  represent  an  average  of  the  clean  and  the  dirty  conditions  of  the 
bowls,  are  the  ones  here  employed  in  considering  the  relations  between  albedo 
and  pigmentation.4 

The  present  table  gives  the  albedos  of  the  bowls  used  for  Girella.  The  set 
used  for  Fundulus  received  the  same  shades  of  paint  (many  of  the  bowls  were 
identical),  with  the  exception  of  the  "dark  gray"  bowls,  which  were  uninten- 
tionally made  considerably  paler,  having  an  albedo  of  11.79,  instead  of  6.90. 

4  In  Table  I  of  Sumner,  1940a,  the  figures  in  the  column  headed  "With  Debris"  are  the  ones 
employed  in  the  text  discussions  of  that  paper,  but  those  figures  are  based  upon  a  less  extreme 
condition  of  fouling  than  that  dealt  with  in  the  present  paper. 



In  the^Girella  experiments,  about  half  of  the  fishes  were  removed  for  the 
melanin  assay  two  months  (59  to  61  days)  after  the  commencement  of  the  experi- 
ment, the  remainder  being  removed  two  months  later  (a  total  of  122  to  123  days). 
Four  samples  were  taken  from  each  type  of  background  on  each  of  these  occasions. 
Each  sample  consisted  of  from  three  to  five  fishes.  Two  series  of  Fundulus  were 
likewise  assayed,  after  periods  of  24  to  26  days  and  57  to  59  days,  respectively. 
Here  the  four  samples  from  each  background  consisted  of  five  to  seven  fishes. 

The  treatment  to  which  this  material  was  subjected  has  been  described  by 
Sumner  and  Doudoroff  in  the  present  number  of  the  Biological  Bulletin  (pp. 


For  Girella,  notes  were  made  on  the  appearance  of  the  living  fishes  near  the 
close  of  each  period  of  the  experiment. 

(1)  Differences  of  shade,  resulting  from  the  influence  of  the  backgrounds, 
were  very  marked.     Most  of  the  fishes  in  the  black  bowls  were  so  black  as  to  be 
nearly  invisible  against  these  backgrounds.     Those  in  the  white  bowls  were  very 
pale,  appearing  almost  white  (for  a  few  seconds  only)  when  transferred  to  a  black 
bowl.     Fishes  in  the  intermediate  bowls  were  correspondingly  graded. 

(2)  Except  in  the  black  bowls,  and  to  a  less  degree  in  the  dark  gray  ones, 
however,  the  adaptation  was  far  from  complete,  even  after  four  months.     The 


Melanin  content  (mg.lgm.)  of  Girella  killed  after  two  months 

Black  (10W) 

Black  (100W) 

Dark  gray 

Medium  gray 

Pale  gray 
















Girella  killed  after  jour  months 

Black  (10W) 

Black  (100W) 

Dark  gray 

Medium  gray 

Pale  gray 
































white-adapted  fishes,  while  very  pale,  appeared  far  from  white,  on  their  own 
backgrounds,  and  could  not  even  be  regarded  as  well  concealed.  The  fishes  on 
pale  and  medium  gray  were  also  considerably  darker  than  their  respective  back- 


(3)  Great  individual  differences  of  shade  were  sometimes  manifested  among 
fishes  in  the  same  bowl,  particularly  in  the  medium  and  dark  gray  bowls.     Among 
the  latter  it  was  noted  that  the  two  extremes  could  even  be  characterized  as 
"pale"  and  "very  dark,"  relative  to  their  background.     Whether  or  not  such 
visible  differences  resulted  from  actual  differences  in  the  amount  of  melanin  was 
not  determined.     Apparently,  they  were  more  or  less  permanent  for  the  indi- 
viduals concerned. 

(4)  The  greater  part  of  the  induced  differences  of  shade,  even  after  four 
months,  was  of  the  transitory  ("physiological")  type.     Strikingly  rapid  changes 
were  still  visible,  following  the  transfer  of  a  fish  from  one  background  to  another. 
Again,  the  effect  of  the  chloroform  vapor  with  which  the  fishes  were  killed  was 
to  level  down  these  differences,  the  pale  fishes  becoming  much  darker  and  vice- 
versa.     While  no  figures  are  available  for  the  color  differences  of  the  living  fishes, 
it  is  certain  that  the  difference  between  those  of  "black"  and  "white"  history 
was  many  times  the  maximum  difference  (2^  :  1)  shown  by  the  melanin  extracted 
from  these  same  lots. 

Figures  for  the  melanin  content  of  the  skins  of  the  various  lots  of  Girella  are 
shown  in  Tables  II  and  III,5  and  some  of  the  relations  among  these  values  are 
depicted  graphically  in  Figures  1  and  2.  Each  of  the  values  comprised  in  the 
tables  is  derived  from  one  of  the  "samples"  of  three  to  five  fishes  referred  to  above, 
and  in  most  cases  it  represents  the  mean  of  two  sub-samples,  into  which  the 
dissolved  material  was  early  divided.  The  figures  in  each  column  are  arranged 
in  order  of  magnitude,  without  reference  to  the  chronological  order  of  the  analyses. 

The  range  of  magnitude  displayed  in  each  of  the  columns  of  these  tables  is 
plainly  considerable.  This  despite  the  fact  that  each  of  these  figures  represents 
the  mean  condition  of  several  individuals.  Considering  the  very  great  individual 
variability  of  some  fishes  in  respect  to  pigmentation,  however,  these  differences 
among  the  melanin  values  for  small  samples  are  not  surprising  (Sumner  and 
Doudoroff,  this  issue,  p.  192). 

It  seems  probable  that  the  figure  in  brackets  in  Table  II  (0.91)  is  due  to  some 
accident  or  error  of  procedure,  though  no  such  error  was  perceived  at  the  time. 
This  low  value  is  not  approached  by  any  other  of  the  16  figures  comprised  in  the 
four  columns  for  "black"  fishes  in  the  two  tables.  It  will  also  be  noted  that  the 
mean  for  the  column  containing  it  (black,  100W.),  when  the  aberrant  figure  is 
omitted,  agrees  rather  closely  with  the  other  three  means  for  "black."  If  this 
(possibly  correct)  figure  is  included,  the  mean  for  its  column  is  1.34. 

The  two  vacant  spaces  in  Table  II  result  from  the  accidental  loss  of  the  cor- 
responding samples  of  material. 

Aside  from  one  feature,  the  curves  (Figure  1)  show  much  the  same  form  as 
those  presented  in  previous  papers  (Sumner  and  Doudoroff,  1937,  1938;  Sumner, 
1940,  a  and  6).  From  black  to  pale  gray,  the  arrangement  of  the  values  ap- 
proaches very  closely  a  logarithmic  one,  at  least  for  the  4-month  series  (Figure  2). 

In  one  respect,  however,  the  curves  based  upon  these  experiments  differ 
markedly  from  any  of  those  shown  in  our  earlier  papers.  In  the  present  case, 
there  is  an  actual  rise  from  pale  gray  to  white,  the  reality  of  this  relation  being 

6  These  melanin  values  were  obtained  by  reference  to  curves  based  upon  "standard"  solu- 
tions of  melanin  derived  from  silky  fowls  (see  preceding  paper,  p.  190).  It  can  hardly  be  assumed 
that  they  represent  with  any  exactness  the  absolute  quantities  of  melanin  in  our  fishes. 



emphasized  by  the  fact  that  it  is  shown  in  both  the  2-month  and  the  4-month 
Here  we  have  an  abrupt  departure  from  the  logarithmic  relation.     The 


possible  significance  of  this  will  be  discussed  later. 

1.30  — 
1.20  — 
I. IG- 
.90  — 




FIGURE  1.  Melanin  content  (milligrams  per  gram  of  original  weight  of  the  fishes)  of  Girella, 
after  sojourn  on  various  backgrounds;  broken  line  after  two  months,  continuous  line  after  four 
months.  Abscissas  =  albedos;  ordinates  =  melanin. 


II  I 

100       50 
W  P.S. 



FIGURE  2.     Melanin  content  of  the  4-month  series  plotted  against  the  logarithms  of  the  albedos 

of  the  backgrounds. 

Comparison  of  the  2-month  and  the  4-month  series  brings  out  certain  points 
of  interest.  In  respect  to  the  values  for  black  and  dark  gray,  the  two  series  differ 
but  slightly  from  one  another.  Beyond  the  latter  point,  however,  the  two  curves 
diverge  steadily,  that  for  the  4-month  fishes  falling  well  below  that  for  the  2-month 
ones.  This  is  not  surprising  when  we  consider  that  freshly  caught  fishes,  when 
subjected  to  these  artificial  conditions,  commonly  lose  pigment  freely  upon  the 


paler  backgrounds,  but  undergo  little  increase  upon  the  darker  ones.6  This  loss, 
as  might  have  been  expected,  has  progressed  considerably  further  in  four  months 
than  in  two.  It  is  not  impossible,  indeed,  that  longer  subjection  to  the  experi- 
mental conditions  would  have  resulted  in  depressing  the  value  for  "white"  below 
that  for  "pale  gray." 

To  consider  these  differences  quantitatively,  we  find  that  after  two  months 
the  melanin  yield  of  the  "black"  fishes  was  about  If  times  that  of  the  "white" 
ones,  and  more  than  twice  as  great  as  that  of  the  "pale  gray"  ones.  For  the 
4-month  series,  the  figures  are  2  +  and  2|,  respectively.  As  already  stated,  these 
differences  are  slight  in  comparison  with  the  very  great  differences  in  the  ap- 
pearance of  the  living  fishes. 

Fundulus,  as  already  stated,  yielded  far  less  instructive  results  than  Girella. 
Earlier  experiments  had  shown  that  visible  responses  to  backgrounds  were  much 
less  pronounced  in  the  former  than  in  the  latter.  Indeed,  the  living  "black" 
fishes  were  far  from  black  and  did  not  seem  to  darken  further  after  the  first  few 

Mean  melanin  values  (mg./gm.)  for  the  2-month  period  are  as  follows: 

Black 0.37 

Dark  gray 0.40 

Medium  gray 0.36 

Pale  gray 0.34 

White .  0.26 

These  figures  are  based  upon  four  samples  (five  to  seven  fishes  each)  in 
the  case  of  the  three  grays,  only  three  samples  in  the  case  of  white  and  black. 
The  significance  of  any  of  these  differences  may  well  be  doubted,  with  the  ex- 
ception of  that  between  "white"  and  the  other  four  members  of  the  series.  In 
general,  the  variability  among  the  figures  for  each  background  is  high. 

Comparing  the  figures  for  Fundulus  with  those  for  Girella,  it  is  plain  that 
the  former,  in  all  cases,  is  a  much  less  highly  pigmented  fish  than  the  latter. 
The  ratio,  indeed,  is  nearly  1  :  4.  Again,  the  influence  of  the  background  is 
much  less  pronounced  in  Fundulus  than  in  Girella.  In  the  former  it  has  been 
seen  that  there  is  little  or  no  difference  in  melanin  content  between  the  fishes 
kept  on  black  and  those  kept  on  the  various  shades  of  gray,  while  the  "white" 
fishes  seem  to  have  lost  only  30  per  cent  of  their  melanin. 


Despite  the  marked  differences  shown  by  the  different  fishes  in  our  present 
and  similar  previous  experiments,  certain  common  features  are  obvious  in  their 
reactions  to  the  background.  In  every  case,  among  these  various  fishes  (Gil- 
lichthys,  Gambusia,  Lebistes,  Girella,  Fundulus)  quantitative  changes  have  been 
brought  about  in  the  amount  of  melanin  contained  in  the  skin.  In  all  of  these, 
except  Fundulus,  the  greatest  melanin  content  was  shown  by  the  black-adapted 
fishes,  and  in  all  except  Girella  the  lowest  melanin  content  was  shown  by  the 
white-adapted  fishes.  For  the  most  part,  too,  the  intermediate  values  for  this 

6  However,  fishes  which  have  become  depigmented  as  a  result  of  subjection  to  pale  back- 
grounds will  regain  this  pigment  when  transferred  to  black  (Sumner  and  Wells,  1933). 

202  F.  B.  SUMMER 

pigment  were  graded  in  the  order  of  decreasing  albedo  of  the  background.  Ex- 
ceptions to  this  were  the  position  of  "white"  in  the  "B"  series  (but  not  the  "A") 
in  Gillichthys,  the  transposed  relation  between  "dark  gray"  and  "medium  gray" 
in  Gambusia,  the  position  of  "white"  in  Girella  and  the  position  of  "black"  in 
Fundulus.  It  should  be  added,  however,  that  in  no  case  did  one  of  these  values 
deviate  more  than  one  place  from  its  expected  position  in  the  series. 

In  none  of  these  fishes  were  the  melanin  values,  when  plotted  against  albedo, 
arranged  in  linear  fashion.  In  every  case  except  Fundulus,  they  were  so  arranged 
as  to  form  a  "hollow"  curve.  (Since  Fundulus  displayed  such  limited  pigmental 
reactions,  it  may  be  omitted  from  further  discussion  of  this  subject.) 

In  our  most  extensive  experiments — those  upon  Gillichthys,  Lebistes  and 
Girella — the  whole  or  greater  part  of  this  curve  was  of  the  logarithmic  type.  In 
series  "A"  of  the  Gillichthys  experiments  this  arrangement  was  nearly  perfect. 
In  the  Lebistes  experiments  it  held  fairly  well  except  for  "black,"  the  value  for 
which  was  somewhat  too  low.  In  the  Girella  experiments — the  most  extensive 
of  all — it  held  very  closely  except  for  "white,"  the  value  for  which  was  too  high, 
so  much  so  as  to  throw  it  out  of  proper  alignment  in  the  series  (Figures  1  and  2). 

We  have  more  than  once  pointed  out  the  possible  analogy  between  the  rela- 
tions shown  in  these  pigmental  responses  of  fishes  to  albedo  and  the  phenomena 
of  human  sense  physiology  which  have  been  generalized  as  the  "Weber-Fechner 
Law."  Throughout  a  considerable  range  of  stimuli,  it  has  been  found  that 
equal  increments  of  sensation  (just  perceptible  differences)  result  from  propor- 
tional rather  than  equal  increments  of  the  stimulus.  In  Fechner's  well-known 
formulation,  Sensation  =  C  log  Stimulus. 

It  is  commonly  recognized  that  this  is  a  generalization  of  limited  application, 
and  that  at  best  it  holds  for  a  limited  range  of  stimuli.  Particularly  is  it  known 
that  the  relation  in  question  breaks  down  at  low  intensities  of  the  stimulus,  and 
sometimes  also  at  high  intensities  (Woodworth,  1938,  pp.  430  et  seq.).  Whether 
or  not  the  low  melanin  value  for  "black"  in  the  Lebistes  experiments  and  the 
high  value  for  "white"  (i.e.,  lessened  depigmentation)  in  the  Girella  experiments 
could  be  regarded  as  examples  of  the  "breakdown"  of  any  such  general  rule  at 
low  and  high  intensities  of  stimulation  is,  of  course,  quite  questionable.  For 
the  present,  we  can  say  only  that  the  analogy  between  these  phenomena  of  pig- 
mentary response  and  the  phenomena  comprised  under  the  "Weber-Fechner 
Law,"  however  suggestive  this  may  be,  is  perhaps  an  entirely  superficial  one. 

That  the  intensity  of  incident  light,  within  wide  limits,  is  much  less  effective 
than  albedo  in  causing  differences  in  pigmentation,  has  already  been  insisted  upon. 
It  is  possible,  however,  that  different  species  differ  from  one  another  in  the  degree 
to  which  light  intensity  is  effective  in  this  matter.  In  the  Gillichthys  experiments, 
it  was  found  that  7  per  cent  more  pigment  was  formed  in  the  cabinet  which  was 
lighted  by  two  200-watt  lamps  than  in  the  cabinet  which  was  lighted  by  two  10-watt 
lamps.  In  the  Lebistes  experiments,  likewise,  a  small  but  inconstant  difference 
was  shown,  fishes  from  the  more  highly  lighted  cabinet  (64(±)  foot-candles) 
averaging  slightly  higher  in  melanin  content  than  those  from  the  less  highly 
lighted  one  (0.24  f.c.).  On  the  other  hand,  the  rather  unsatisfactory  experiments 
with  Gambusia  and  the  recent  far  more  thorough  experiments  with  Girella  furnish 
no  evidence  that  in  these  fishes  the  wide  differences  of  illumination  resulted  in  any 


pigmental  differences.7  In  the  former  the  illuminations  ranged,  approximately, 
from  90  to  0.25  foot-candles;  in  the  latter  they  were  33  and  2  f.c.  respectively. 
It  cannot  be  stated  positively,  however,  that  all  these  differences  in  results  are 
due  to  differences  of  species.  Several  other  factors  (time  and  temperature,  as 
well  as  light)  varied  from  one  experiment  to  another. 

In  respect  to  the  amount  of  pigmental  change  brought  about  by  these  differ- 
ences of  albedo,  we  find  once  more  that  the  various  species  employed  differed 
rather  widely  from  one  another.  Here  again,  we  must  bear  in  mind  the  reserva- 
tion expressed  in  the  preceding  paragraph,  although  specific  differences  have 
certainly  played  an  important  role. 

In  counts  of  the  melanophores  in  Lebistes  (Sumner,  1940a),  the  mean  number 
of  melanophores  in  a  definite  area  of  skin  was  1\  times  as  great  in  the  black- 
adapted  fishes  as  in  the  white-adapted  ones.  In  some  lots  of  the  same  species 
reared  by  Sumner  and  Wells  (1933),  however,  the  differences,  while  not  deter- 
mined quantitatively,  appear  from  photographs  to  have  been  far  greater  than 
this.  In  the  present  Girella  series,  we  may  repeat,  the  differences  in  melanin 
content  were  2  and  1\  :  1.  In  the  Gillichthys  experiments  of  Sumner  and 
Doudoroff  (1937),  on  the  other  hand,  the  melanin  content  of  the  "black"  fishes, 
after  87  days,  exceeded  that  of  the  "white"  ones  by  only  about  30  per  cent. 
Finally,  in  the  recent  Fundulus  experiments,  there  were  no  certain  differences 
among  any  of  the  first  four  albedos  (black  to  pale  gray),  while  the  average  of 
these  exceeded  the  "white"  value  by  about  42  per  cent  (of  the  latter).8 

Before  concluding,  we  may  dispose  of  one  possible  serious  criticism  of  our 
experimental  procedure.  It  is  needless  to  say  that,  when  a  number  of  fishes  are 
kept  together  in  bowls  of  the  size  here  used,  a  not  inconsiderable  part  of  the  visual 
field  of  every  fish  is  occupied  by  its  neighbors.  It  may  be  asked,  accordingly, 
whether  this  circumstance  may  not  be  sufficient  to  invalidate  any  conclusions 
based  upon  the  albedos  of  the  bowls  themselves. 

Against  any  such  possible  objection  there  are  rather  strong  arguments.  It 
was  long  ago  shown  for  flatfishes  by  the  present  writer  (Sumner,  1911)  that  the 
chromatic  changes  of  fishes  are  far  more  influenced  by  stimuli  received  from  the 
bottom  of  a  container  than  from  its  lateral  surfaces.  That  this  type  of  response 
is  not  restricted  to  bottom-dwelling  fishes  was  amply  shown  by  N.  A.  Wells  and 
myself  for  Fundulus  parvipinnis  in  1930.  In  these  experiments  (results  unpub- 
lished), two  sets  (four  each)  of  5  X  7-inch  battery-jars  were  painted,  one  with 
the  bottoms  black  and  the  walls  white,  the  other  in  the  reverse  condition.  Fishes 
(four  in  each  jar)  were  kept  for  22  days  under  these  conditions,  and  were  com- 
pared several  times  during  this  period  in  all-white  jars,  the  two  contrasted  lots 
being  poured  into  the  latter  simultaneously.  With  probably  not  a  single  ex- 
ception, all  of  the  fishes  from  the  white-bottomed  jars  were  paler  than  any  of 

7  That  is,  if  the  bracketed  figure  in  Table  II  is  left  out  of  consideration.     If  included,  it  would 
change  the  mean  figure  in  the  "wrong"  direction,  i.e.,  give  a  lower  value  for  the  more  highly  lighted 

8  Dawes  (1941)  reports  a  difference  of  60  per  cent  in  skin  melanin  between  black-adapted 
and  white-adapted  frogs,  after  about  five  weeks.     He  believes  that  a  greater  change  from  their 
original  condition  occurred  in  his  black-adapted  than  in  his  white-adapted  specimens,  since  the 
former  depart  more  from  "the  mean  animal  which  was  not  kept  on  any  particular  background"  ( !). 
Dawes's  claim  for  complete  priority  in  the  demonstration  of  such  changes  can  hardly  be  taken 
seriously  in  view  of  the  facts  reported  in  the  preceding  pages. 

204  F.  B.  SUMNER 

those  from  the  black-bottomed  ones.  This  despite  the  fact  that  the  area  of  the 
walls  of  the  jars,  below  the  water  line,  exceeded  that  of  the  bottoms  in  a  ratio 
of  more  than  3:1. 

In  our  various  experiments  with  painted  aquaria,  one  fish's  neighbors  com- 
monly formed  part  of  its  lateral  field  of  vision;  much  less  commonly  did  they 
obscure  its  view  of  the  bottom  or  any  considerable  part  of  this.  Moreover,  as 
adaptation  to  the  background  proceeded,  the  biological  portion  of  this  background 
came  to  contrast  less  and  less  with  the  remainder. 


The  results  are  presented  of  recent  experiments  upon  Girella  nigricans  and 
Fundulus  parvipinnis,  together  with  a  comparative  discussion  of  previous  similar 
experiments  by  the  author  and  collaborators. 

In  this  latest  series,  Girella  was  exposed  for  two  and  for  four  months  to  back- 
grounds of  five  albedos  (black,  three  grays  and  white),  lighted  by  100-watt 
electric  lamps;  while  another  set  was  exposed  to  black  backgrounds  only,  lighted 
by  a  10-watt  lamp.  In  the  Fundulus  series,  only  the  brighter  lights  were 

The  effects  of  this  treatment  upon  melanin  production  (or  loss)  were  much 
more  pronounced  in  Girella  than  in  Fundulus.  In  Girella,  the  amount  of  melanin 
in  the  skin,  after  four  months,  was  1\  times  as  great  in  fishes  from  the  black  con- 
tainers as  in  those  from  the  pale  gray  containers.  This  difference  in  melanin 
content  was  trivial,  however,  in  comparison  with  the  difference  in  appearance  of 
the  living  fishes.  The  latter  was  due,  for  the  most  part,  to  the  transitory  dis- 
position of  the  pigment  within  the  chromatophores. 

The  minimum  melanin  content  in  Girella  was  not  obtained  from  the  occupants 
of  the  white  containers,  but  from  those  of  the  pale  gray  containers.  The  four 
values  from  "black"  to  "pale  gray"  formed,  however,  a  descending  series  having 
a  distinctly  logarithmic  arrangement. 

In  Fundulus  no  such  arrangement  was  found,  there  being  only  one  significant 
difference,  that  between  fishes  of  "white"  history  and  all  of  the  others.  The 
mean  value  of  the  latter  is  less  than  \\  times  that  of  the  former. 

The  data  from  this  and  similar  previous  experiments  show  that  in  four  of  the 
five  species  studied,  the  melanin  values,  when  plotted  against  albedo,  form 
"hollow"  curves,  and  that  this  arrangement,  in  some  of  the  cases,  is  definitely 
logarithmic.  The  possible  analogy  between  this  tendency  and  the  "Weber- 
Fechner  Law"  is  discussed. 

Fishes  kept  in  black  and  dark  gray  bowls  showed  little  change  after  two  months. 
Those  from  the  other  bowls,  most  of  all  from  the  white,  showed  considerable 
further  decreases  between  the  2-month  and  the  4-month  periods.  It  is  probable 
that  the  differences  between  the  dark-adapted  and  pale-adapted  fishes  resulted 
less  from  increase  of  pigment  in  the  former  than  from  decrease  in  the  latter. 

No  probable  difference  existed  between  black-adapted  fishes  kept  under 
100-watt  lights  and  the  same  when  kept  under  10-watt  lights,  the  lighting  here 
being  in  a  ratio  of  about  16  :  1. 

Reasons  are  given  for  believing  that  the  chromatic  response  of  a  fish  to  its 
background  is  not  much  interfered  with  by  the  presence  of  other  fishes  in  the  same 



DAWES,  B.,  1941.     The  melanin  content  of  the  skin  of  Rana  temporaria   [etc.].     Jour.  Exper. 

Biol.,  18:  26-49. 
SUMNER,  F.  B.,  1939.     Quantitative  effects  of  visual  stimuli  upon  pigmentation.     Amer.  Nat., 

73:  219-234. 
SUMNER,   F.   B.,   1940a.     Further  experiments  on  the  relations  between  optic  stimuli  and  the 

increase  or  decrease  of  pigment  in  fishes.     Jour.  Exper.  Zool.,  83:  327-343. 
SUMNER,  F.  B.,  1940b.     Quantitative  changes  in  pigmentation,  resulting  from  visual  stimuli  in 

fishes  and  amphibia.     Biol.  Rev.,  15:  351-375. 
SUMNER  AND  DOUDOROFF,   1937.     Some  quantitative  relations  between  visual  stimuli  and  the 

production  or  destruction  of  melanin  in  fishes.     Proc.  Nat.  Acad.  Sci.,  23:  211-219. 
SUMNER  AND  DOUDOROFF,  1938.     Some  effects  of  light  intensity  and  shade  of  background  upon 

the  melanin  content  of  Gambusia.     Proc.  Nat.  Acad.  Sci.,  24:  459-463. 
SUMNER  AND  WELLS,  1933.     The  effects  of  optic  stimuli  upon  the  formation  and  destruction  of 

melanin  pigment  in  fishes.     Jour.  Exp.  Zool.,  64:  377-403. 
WOODWORTH,  R.  S.,  1938.     Experimental  Psychology.     Henry  Holt,  New  York,  889  pp. 

Vol.  84,  No.  3  June,  1943 








(The  Department  of  Biology,  College  of  the  City  of  New  York; 
The  Edward  Martin  Biological  Laboratory,  Swarthmore  College; 

The  Marine  Biological  Laboratory,  Woods  Hole) 

Hemoglobin  combines  with  oxygen  less  readily  in  the  presence  of  carbon 
dioxide.  This  influence  of  carbon  dioxide  on  mammalian  hemoglobin  is  frequently 
called  the  Bohr  effect  after  its  first  observer  (Bohr,  Hasselbalch  and  Krogh, 
1904).  In  the  blood  of  some  fish  the  effect  of  carbon  dioxide  upon  hemoglobin  is 
more  pronounced  than  in  mammals  (Krogh  and  Leitch,  1919),  and  it  is  particu- 
larly conspicuous  in  the  blood  of  several  marine  fishes  (Root,  1931),  in  which  a 
change  in  carbon  dioxide  tension  of  only  a  few  millimeters  greatly  reduces  the 
affinity  of  the  hemoglobin  for  oxygen.  Because  the  consequences  have  an  im- 
portant significance  for  respiratory  transport,  Green  and  Root  (1933)  made  a 
theoretical  study  of  the  carbon  dioxide  effect  in  fish  blood.  They  concluded  that 
the  effect  of  carbon  dioxide  could  be  described  in  terms  of  the  acidification  which 
is  produced  if  it  were  assumed  that  acidity  suppressed  the  acid  dissociation  of  the 
fish  hemoglobin  and  only  the  ionized  hemoglobin  combined  with  oxygen.  Ac- 
cording to  this  view,  the  effect  of  carbon  dioxide  could  be  reproduced  by  any 
other  acid. 

Several  subsequent  observations  add  new  information  pertinent  to  the  carbon 
dioxide  effect.  The  blood  of  a  number  of  fresh  water  and  marine  fish,  but  not 
equally  of  all,  is  sensitive  to  the  effect  of  carbon  dioxide  upon  oxygen  combination 
(Willmer,  1934;  Black,  1940;  Root,  Irving  and  Black,  1939;  Benditt,  Morrison 
and  Irving,  1941).  Hemolysis  of  the  blood  of  several  fish  was  found  to  render 
their  hemoglobin  quite  insensitive  to  carbon  dioxide  (Black  and  Irving,  1938),  so 
that  it  appeared  that  the  condition  of  the  hemoglobin  in  the  erythrocyte  was 
essential  for  the  special  sensitivity  of  fish  hemoglobin.  Elimination  of  the  carbon 
dioxide  effect  by  hemolysis  is  not  always  complete,  however,  for  Benditt,  Morrison 
and  Irving  (1941)  found  that  after  hemolysis  of  the  blood  of  Atlantic  salmon  the 
carbon  dioxide  effect  was  reduced,  but  still  evident.  The  oxygen-combining 
power  of  the  hemoglobin  of  hemolyzed  blood  of  some  marine  fishes  is  not  strikingly 



affected  by  acidification  with  phosphate  buffers  (Hall  and  McCutcheon,  1938). 
Other  influences  than  acidity,  such  as  the  formation  of  carbamino  compounds 
(Roughton,  1935)  and  the  influence  of  certain  ions  beside  those  of  hydrogen 
(Barron,  Munch  and  Sidwell,  1937;  Sidwell,  Munch,  Barron  and  Hogness,  1938) 
on  mammalian  hemoglobin  can  strongly  affect  oxygen  combination. 

These  recent  studies  have  emphasized  the  influence  of  factors  other  than 
hydrogen  ion  concentration  upon  the  combination  of  oxygen  with  hemoglobin. 
It  seemed  desirable,  therefore,  to  examine  further  the  part  of  hydrogen  ion  con- 
centration in  the  effect  of  carbon  dioxide  upon  fish  blood.  The  studies  have  been 
carried  out  on  the  blood  of  the  marine  fish  Tautoga  onitis  (Linn.).  Earlier  studies 
had  shown  that  the  whole  blood  of  this  fish  was  much  affected  by  carbon  dioxide, 
but  that  there  was  little  effect  of  carbon  dioxide  up  to  75  mm.  Hg  pressure  when 
the  blood  had  been  hemolyzed  (Root,  Irving  and  Black,  1939).  We  have  sub- 
jected the  hemolyzed  blood  of  the  tautog  to  pressures  of  carbon  dioxide  up  to  500 
millimeters  and  determined  its  ability  to  combine  with  oxygen.  These  effects  are 
compared  with  those  obtained  when  lactic  acid  is  substituted  for  carbon  dioxide, 
in  both  whole  and  hemolyzed  blood,  in  order  to  determine  how  the  effect  of  carbon 
dioxide  on  the  hemoglobin  is  related  to  acidity.  The  results  show  that  hemolyzed 
blood,  although  little  affected  by  low  tensions  of  carbon  dioxide,  reacts  in  a  man- 
ner similar  to  whole  blood  when  the  carbon  dioxide  pressure  is  raised  sufficiently. 
Furthermore,  similar  effects  can  also  be  produced  with  lactic  acid. 


The  methods  used  in  obtaining  blood,  equilibrating  it,  and  analyzing  the  gas 
phases  were  the  same  as  those  described  in  a  previous  paper  (Root  and  Irving, 
1940).  Hemolysis  was  secured  by  the  addition  of  a  few  drops  of  highly  con- 
centrated saponin  solution.  When  lactic  acid  was  used,  a  measured  quantity  of 
blood  was  placed  in  a  tonometer  and  rapidly  whirled  as  the  acid  was  added 
drop  by  drop.  Correction  was  made  for  dilution  of  the  blood  when  determining 
the  oxygen  content  of  the  samples. 

As  a  criterion  of  the  ability  of  any  sample  of  blood  to  combine  with  oxygen, 
the  blood  was  equilibrated  with  155  millimeters  oxygen  (approximately  air 
tension)  at  15°  Centigrade,  and  the  percentage  HbO2  determined.  The  value 
obtained  by  such  a  procedure  will  be  used  to  indicate  the  "oxygen-combining 
power"  of  the  blood  sample. 

The  pH  of  the  blood  samples  equilibrated  with  carbon  dioxide  was  determined 
either  by  use  of  the  Henderson-Hasselbalch  equation,  assuming  a  pK  value  of  6.27 
at  15°  Centigrade,  or  by  measurement  with  the  glass  electrode.  The  pH  of  the 
lactic  acid-treated  blood  was  in  all  cases  necessarily  measured  with  the  glass 
electrode.  A  remark  is  necessary  concerning  the  validity  of  the  calculated  pH 
values.  We  have  plotted  the  logarithms  of  the  carbon  dioxide  tensions  against 
both  the  calculated  and  the  measured  pH  values  for  a  number  of  the  carbon 
dioxide-treated  blood  samples.  In  either  case,  a  straight  line  relationship  ob- 
tained for  almost  the  entire  range  of  pH  values.  Although  the  curves  for  the 
calculated  and  the  measured  pH  values  were  not  identically  placed,  the  calculated 
values  being  usually  0.1-0.2  pH  unit  higher  than  those  measured,  they  paralleled 
each  other  nicely,  indicating  that  disparity  between  the  two  could  be  removed 
by  the  use  of  a  slightly  different  constant  in  the  calculations. 



The  stability  of  the  more  acid  blood  samples  was  checked  by  redetermining 
their  oxygen  capacity  following  treatment  with  carbon  dioxide  or  lactic  acid. 
For  lactic  acid  samples,  it  was  necessary  to  neutralize  the  acid  by  an  equivalent 
amount  of  NaHCO3.  Our  experience  has  shown  that  some  methemoglobin  was 
likely  to  be  formed  in  blood  more  acid  than  approximately  pH  6.5,  and  that  it 
was  necessary  to  make  allowance  for  this  in  calculating  the  percentage  HbOo 
present  in  these  samples.  Methemoglobin  formation  proved  to  be  more  trouble- 
some with  hemolvzed  blood  than  with  the  whole  blood. 


It  can  be  seen  from  Figure  1  that  whole  blood  begins  to  lose  oxygen-combining 
power  rapidly  as  the  pH  falls  below  7.7  (carbon  dioxide  tension  about  2  mm.  Hg). 



I  1  1              1 
400         200                100          50 





150               100 

50                                            10                  4                    2 

Prn     WHOLE     BLOOO 
i                     i                     i                     i                     1         1  

1.0.            62               64                8.6 

6.8             7.0              7  2             7.4             7.6              7,8 



FIGURE  1.  The  relation  between  oxygen-combining  power  of  hemoglobin  at  155  mm.  O2- 
pressure  and  pH  in  whole  and  hemolyzed  blood  of  the  tautog  at  15°  Centigrade.  The  pH  was 
modified  by  the  addition  of  carbon  dioxide,  the  approximate  tensions  being  indicated  in  the  graph, 
and  was  calculated  by  means  of  the  Henderson-Hasselbalch  equation. 

Hemolyzed  blood,  on  the  contrary,  shows  little  loss  in  oxygen-combining  power 
until  the  pH  goes  below  6.5  (carbon  dioxide  tension  approximately  100  mm.  Hg). 
This  is  in  agreement  with  Hall  and  McCutcheon's  (1938)  observation  that 


O     60 







FIGURE  2.  The  relation  between  the  oxygen-combining  power  of  hemoglobin  at  155  mm.  O:- 
pressure  and  pH  in  whole  and  hemolyzed  blood  of  the  tautog  at  15°  Centigrade.  The  pH  was 
modified  by  carbon  dioxide  and  was  measured  by  means  of  the  glass  electrode. 

hemolyzed  tautog  blood  in  phosphate  buffers  showed  little  loss  in  oxygen-affinity 
through  a  pH  range  of  6.8-7.4.     Below  pH  6.5  it  begins  to  lose  oxygen-combining 



power  rather  rapidly.  By  the  time  50  per  cent  of  the  oxygen-combining  power 
has  been  lost  the  pH  of  whole  blood  is  about  7.1,  whereas  the  pH  of  hemolyzed 
blood  is  as  low  as  6.  The  curves  remain  similar  in  shape,  and  the  similarity  sug- 
gests correspondence  in  the  behavior  of  the  hemoglobin  inside  and  outside  of  the 

The  data  of  Figure  2,  obtained  by  measurement  of  pH  with  the  glass  electrode, 
agree  with  the  results  shown  in  Figure  1.  These  curves  cannot  be  exactly  super- 
imposed on  the  corresponding  curves  of  Figure  1,  since,  as  pointed  out  previously, 
the  measured  and  calculated  pH  values  disagreed  by  a  constant. 

The  data  of  Figure  3  show  nearly  the  same  effect  on  hemoglobin  when  the  pH 
is  modified  bv  lactic  acid  instead  of  carbon  dioxide.  This  holds  for  both  whole 

FIGURE  3.  Comparison  of  the  relationship  between  oxygen-combining  power  of  hemoglobin 
at  155  mm.  Ch-pressure  and  pH  in  whole  and  hemolyzed  blood  of  the  tautog  at  15°  Centigrade 
when  the  pH  (measured)  is  modified  either  by  carbon  dioxide  or  by  lactic  acid. 

and  hemolyzed  blood.  There  is  no  great  difference  in  the  effect  of  the  acidity 
produced  by  the  two  acids  on  the  oxygen-combining  power  of  hemoglobin  in 
whole  blood.  Hemolyzed  blood  is  also  affected  according  to  pH,  although  at  a 
lower  pH  than  in  whole  blood. 


The  difference  in  the  tension  at  which  carbon  dioxide  begins  seriously  to  affect 
the  oxygen-combining  power  of  hemolyzed  tautog  blood,  as  compared  with  the 
whole  blood,  led  to  the  earlier  conclusion  (Root,  Irving  and  Black,  1939)  that 
hemolysis  renders  this  blood  insensitive  to  carbon  dioxide.  At  that  time,  hemo- 
lyzed blood  was  treated  with  less  than  100  millimeters  carbon  dioxide  (maximum 
about  75  millimeters),  and,  as  the  present  work  indicates,  there  is  no  considerable 
loss  in  oxygen-combining  power  under  these  conditions.  It  can  still  be  stated 
that  hemolyzed  blood  is  insensitive  to  moderately  low  carbon  dioxide  tensions; 
but  with  tensions  greater  than  100  mm.  Hg  hemolyzed  blood  shows  the  same 
general  phenomenon  as  is  exhibited  by  whole  blood  at  a  much  lower  partial 
pressure  of  carbon  dioxide,  namely,  a  rapid  falling  off  in  oxygen-combining  power. 
This  finding  indicates  that  hemolysis  does  not  so  modify  the  properties  of  hemo- 
globin that  it  is  incapable  of  responding  to  acidity.  It  suggests  that,  in  whole 
blood,  the  pH  of  the  cells  may  be  considerably  less  than  that  measured  in  the 
plasma.  If  that  view  is  correct,  when  hemoglobin  is  released  into  the  plasma,  the 


carbon  dioxide  tension  causing  a  given  loss  in  oxygen-combining  power  will  exceed 
the  tension  required  for  an  equivalent  loss  from  whole  blood. 

To  examine  this  view,  it  may  be  assumed  that  the  introduction  of  carbon 
dioxide  varies  only  pH,  and  that  the  difference  in  the  response  of  whole  and 
hemolvzed  blood  is  only  a  matter  of  difference  between  plasma  and  red  cell  pH. 
The  pH  which  produces  50  per  cent  loss  of  oxygen-combining  power  in  hemolvzed 
blood  would  be  that  prevailing  in  the  red  cell  when  the  whole  blood  also  suffers 
50  per  cent  loss.  Figure  1  shows  that  for  hemolvzed  blood  the  pH  for  50  per  cent 
loss  is  approximately  6.  For  a  corresponding  loss  in  oxygen-combining  power, 
the  whole  blood  has  a  pH  slightly  above  7,  and  the  pH  of  the  red  cell  should  be  6 
when  the  pH  of  whole  blood  or  plasma  is  7.  We  have  calculated  the  pH  of  the 
red  cell  from  data  on  its  carbon  dioxide  content  given  by  Root  and  Irving  (1940). 
The  calculation  was  based  upon  determinations  made  at  a  carbon  dioxide  pressure 
sufficient  to  cause  a  50  per  cent  loss  in  oxygen-combining  power  of  whole  blood. 
The  calculated  pH  in  the  cell  was  6.9,  or  0.9  higher  than  in  hemolyzed  blood  with 
the  same  oxygen-combining  power.1 

The  results  obtained  with  lactic  acid,  since  they  parallel  those  obtained  with 
carbon  dioxide,  make  it  appear  that  the  response  of  whole  blood  to  carbon  dioxide 
is  essentially  an  acid  response.  The  results  give  no  indication  that  the  anions  of 
lactate  and  bicarbonate  differ  in  their  effect  on  the  hemoglobin  of  fish  blood. 

One  of  the  most  urgent  requirements  yet  remaining  to  further  knowledge  on 
the  effect  of  carbon  dioxide  on  fish  blood  is  the  determination  of  the  pH  inside  the 
red  cell  for  any  given  carbon  dioxide  pressure  and  pH  of  the  plasma.  The  fact 
that  hemolysis  causes  considerable  drop  in  the  carbon  dioxide-combining  power 
of  the  blood  indicated  that  the  cell  was  more  acid  than  the  plasma  (Root  and 
Irving,  1940),  but  calculations  have  failed  to  reveal  that  it  is  more  acid  than 
0.1-0.2  of  a  pH  unit. 

We  are  indebted  to  the  following  individuals  for  assistance  during  this  in- 
vestigation: Dr.  S.  W.  Grinnell,  for  measurements  of  pH  with  the  glass  electrode; 
Virginia  Safford  Black  and  Henry  Brown,  for  technical  aid  in  the  routine  analyses 
of  the  blood.  We  also  wish  to  thank  Dr.  P.  S.  Galtsoff,  Director,  and  Mr.  Robert 
Goffin,  Superintendent,  of  the  U.  S.  Bureau  of  Fisheries  at  Woods  Hole,  for  their 
generous  co-operation  in  the  matter  of  laboratory  space  and  facilities. 


A  study  has  been  made  of  the  effect  of  carbon  dioxide  and  lactic  acid  on  the 
oxygen-combining  power  of  whole  and  hemolyzed  tautog  blood.  The  data  pre- 
sented show  the  change  in  oxygen-combining  power  of  the  blood  as  a  function  of 
pH,  when  the  pH  is  modified  either  by  the  addition  of  carbon  dioxide,  or  lactic 
acid.  Both  whole  and  hemolyzed  blood  lose  much  of  their  ability  to  combine 
with  oxygen  as  the  pH  is  lowered.  The  effect  of  carbon  dioxide  and  lactic  acid  is 

1  Prof.  A.  C.  Redfield,  who  kindly  read  the  manuscript  of  this  paper,  has  suggested  that  there 
may  be  a  change  in  the  acid  dissociation  of  the  hemoglobin  upon  hemolysis.  This  could  account 
for  the  marked  difference  in  the  behavior  of  the  whole  and  hemolyzed  blood  toward  acidity,  without 
the  necessity  of  assuming  a  large  difference  in  pH  between  the  plasma  and  the  red  cell.  At  the 
same  time  it  would  be  quite  in  line  with  the  theory  advanced  by  Green  and  Root  (1933)  to  account 
for  the  marked  effect  of  CO2  on  the  oxygen-combining  power  of  the  whole  blood.  We  are  grateful 
for  this  suggestion. 


quite  similar.  The  similarity  between  the  effects  of  carbon  dioxide  and  lactic  acid 
suggests  that  carbon  dioxide  and  anions  lactate  and  bicarbonate  have  no  special 
effect  beyond  the  result  of  acidity. 

The  contrast  in  oxygen  affinity  of  whole  and  hemolyzed  blood  is  shown  by  the 
fact  that  hemolyzed  blood  must  be  made  one  pH  unit  lower  than  the  calculated 
pH  of  the  cells  to  produce  the  same  reduction  of  oxygen  affinity. 


BARRON,  E.  S.  G.,  R.  MUNCH  AND  A.  E.  SIDWELL,  1937.     The  influence  of  electrolytes  on  the 

oxygen  dissociation  of  hemoglobin.     Science,  86:  39-40. 

BENDITT,  EARL,  PETER  MORRISON  AND  LAURENCE  IRVING,  1941.     The  blood  of  the  Atlantic  sal- 
mon during  migration.     Biol.  Bull.,  80:  429-440. 
BLACK,  EDGAR  C.,  1940.     The  transport  of  oxygen  by  the  blood  of  freshwater  fish.     Biol.  Bull., 

79:  215-229. 
BLACK,  E.  C.,  AND  LAURENCE  IRVING,  1938.     The  effect  of  hemolysis  upon  the  affinity  of  fish 

blood  for  oxygen.     Jour.  Cell,  and  Comp.  Physiol.,  12:  255-262. 
BOHR,  CHR.,  K.  HASSELBALCH,  AND  A.  KROGH,   1904.     Ueber  einen  in  biologischer  Beziehung 

wichtigen  Einfluss,  den  die  Kohlensaurespannung  des  Blutes  auf  dessen  Sauerstoffbindung 

iibt.     Skand.  Arch.  Physiol.,  16:  402-412. 
GREEN,  A.  A.,  AND  R.  W.  ROOT,  1933.     The  equilibrium  between  hemoglobin  and  oxygen  in  the 

blood  of  certain  fishes.     Biol.  Bull.,  64:  383-404. 
HALL,  F.  G.,  AND  F.  H.  McCuTCHEON,  1938.     The  affinity  of  hemoglobin  for  oxygen  in  marine 

fishes.     Jour.  Cell,  and  Comp.  Physiol.,  11:  205-212. 
KROGH,  A.,  AND  I.  LEITCH,  1919.     The  respiratory  function  of  the  blood  in  fishes.     Jour.  Physiol., 

52:  288-300. 
ROOT,  R.  W.,   1931.     The  respiratory  function  of  the  blood  of  marine  fishes.     Biol.  Bull.,  61: 

ROOT,  R.  W.,  AND  LAURENCE  IRVING,  1940.     The  influence  of  oxygenation  upon  the  transport  of 

CO2  by  the  blood  of  the  marine  fish  Tautoga  onitis.     Jour.  Cell,  and  Comp.  Physiol.,  16: 


ROOT,  R.  W.,  LAURENCE  IRVING  AND  E.  C.  BLACK,  1939.     The  effect  of  hemolysis  upon  the  com- 
bination of  oxygen  with  the  blood  of  some  marine  fishes.     Jour.  Cell,  and  Comp.  Physiol., 

13:  303-313. 
ROUGHTON,  F.  J.  W.,  1935.     Recent  work  on  carbon  dioxide  transport  by  the  blood.     Physiol. 

Rev.,  15:  241-296. 
SIDWELL,  A.  E.,  JR.,  R.  H.,  MUNCH,  E.  S.  G.  BARRON  AND  T.  R.  HOGNESS,  1938.     The  salt  effect 

on  the  hemoglobin-oxygen  equilibrium.     Jour.  Chen;.,  123:  335-350. 
WILLMER,  E.  N.,   1934.     Some  observations  on  the  respiration  of  certain  tropical  fresh-water 

fishes.     Jour.  Exp.  Biol.,  11:  283-306. 





(From  the  Marine  Biological  Laboratory,  Woods  Hole,  and  the  University  of  California,  Berkeley) 

In  the  summers  of  1940  and  1941  the  writer  attempted  to  apply  the  tracer 
technique  to  measure  the  permeability  of  marine  eggs  and  larvae  to  inorganic  ions. 
The  7-emission  of  most  suitable  ions  prevented  transmission  of  these  ions  through 
the  mails  or  by  express,  and  in  consequence  it  was  decided  to  try  the  phosphate  ion. 
Activated  phosphorus,  i5P32,  emits  /3-particles,  but  no  detectible  7-rays;  the  /3-par- 
ticles  are  effectively  screened  by  ordinary  packing. 

The  use  of  the  phosphate  ion  involves  on  the  other  hand  its  low  solubility  in 
sea  water.  The  ion  used  was  predominantly  HPO4=,  since  the  sodium  phosphate 
solution  prepared  to  a  pH  of  7.35  was  brought  to  a  pH  of  about  8.0  on  solution  in 
sea  water.  The  solubility  of  CaHPO4,  the  first  salt  to  appear  on  adding  Na2HPO4 
to  sea  water,  is  about  0.2  gm.  L"1,  equivalent  to  1.41  mM.  No  figures  have  been 
found  relating  to  the  effects  of  the  other  ions  on  the  solubility  of  CaHPO,j.  The 
imposed  limits  of  solubility  of  phosphates  made  it  necessary  to  use  concentrations 
materially  less  than  1.4  mM.  Here  we  have  used  0.195  to  0.81  mM.  When  eggs 
are  immersed  in  such  dilute  solutions  it  appears  that  such  protoplasmic  constitu- 
ents as  the  proteins  would  usually  be  capable  of  combining  with  ions  greatly  in 
excess  of  the  amount  of  the  phosphate  ion  likely  to  be  found  in  the  eggs.  This 
will  be  referred  to  in  the  discussion. 


Living  materials.  Eggs  of  Arbacia  punctulata  (Lam.)  were  obtained  by  re- 
moval of  ripe  ovaries  to  fresh  sea  water.  The  shed  eggs  were  passed  through 
gauze,  and  concentrated  by  gentle  centrifugation ;  (2400  X  gravity  for  15  seconds). 
These  eggs  had  a  mean  diameter  of  72  n,  and  were  surrounded  by  a  tenuous  jelly 
12  to  20  /z  thick.  This  was  almost  completely  removed  by  the  process  of  con- 
centrating eggs. 

When  eggs  were  to  be  fertilized  or  larvae  reared  dry  sperm  was  collected,  sus- 
pended in  sea  water  approximately  0.5  per  cent.  About  0.2  ml  of  this  suspension 
was  added  to  100  ml  of  sea  water  containing  1  ml  of  eggs.  Fertilization  tests  were 
run  in  all  experiments,  and  usually  a  success  of  98  per  cent  or  more  was  obtained. 
No  experiments  yielding  less  than  94  per  cent  success  are  considered  here.  Forma- 
tion of  the  fertilization  membrane  was  counted  as  a  success.  The  eggs  of  Asterias 
forbesi  (Desor.)  were  obtained  in  much  the  same  way  as  those  of  Arbacia.  But 

1  This  work  has  been  supported  by  grants  from  the  Research  Committee  of  the  University  of 
California  and  greatly  helped  by  facilities  provided  by'the  Marine  Biological  Laboratory  of 
Woods  Hole.  Both  of  these  are  gratefully  acknowledged.  In  this  work  the  writer  was  assisted 
by  Dr.  L.  J.  Mullins,  Mr.  A.  H.  Whiteley,  and  Mr.  Aser  Rothstein. 


214  S.  C.  BROOKS 

these  eggs  are  obtained  in  an  unripe  state,  in  which  their  diameter  is  about  130  n\ 
on  standing  in  sea  water  the  eggs  ripen,  and  shrink  to  about  120  /u-  The  present 
experiments  were  done  with  a  mixture  of  ripe  and  unripe  eggs.  The  eggs  are 
enveloped  in  a  jelly  whose  thickness  is  about  12  ^.  This  jelly  is  practically  all 
removed  from  the  eggs  during  their  collection  and  concentration.  In  all  other 
ways  these  experiments  are  like  those  with  Arbacia  eggs. 

Reagents.  Woods  Hole  sea  water  and  water  distilled  at  the  Marine  Biological 
Laboratory  were  used.  Sodium  phosphate  was  obtained  through  the  kindness  of 
the  Radiation  Laboratory  of  the  University  of  California,  and  was  thus  provided 
as  a  solution  either  0.210  or  0.105  M  and  adjusted  to  the  pH  of  human  blood 
plasma,  viz.,  7.35.  Neutron  bombardment  of  i5P31  transformed  about  one  ten 
millionth  of  the  atoms  to  i5P32.  The  phosphorus  thus  activated  was  oxidized  to 
phosphoric  acid  and  partially  neutralized  with  NaOH.  The  phosphate  solutions 
received  at  Woods  Hole  had  originally  activities  of  130-470  mC  L"1.  This 
isotope  emits  /3-particles  of  a  maximum  energy  of  1.72  M.E.V.  The  activity  was 
measured  against  the  7-emission  of  radium  in  equilibrium  with  its  products. 
The  activity  at  the  time  of  each  experiment  was  calculated  using  a  decay  con- 
stant of  0.0479  per  day;  the  half  life  of  i5P32  is  14.2  days.  Phosphorus  containing 
i5P32  will  be  designated  as  P*.  A  sample  of  radioactive  NaCl  was  generously 
furnished  by  Prof.  K.  T.  Bainbridge  of  the  Department  of  Physics,  Harvard 
University,  and  was  used  in  two  experiments.  The  characteristics  of  this  isotope 
(nNa24)  have  been  described  previously  (Brooks,  1939). 

Solutions.  Eggs  or  larvae  were  immersed  in  solutions  of  this  phosphate  in 
sea  water.  Concentrations  used  lay  between  0.195  and  0.81  mM,  the  concen- 
trations being  dictated  by  the  radioactivity  of  the  dilution.  They  are  well  below 
the  solubility  of  CaHPO4  which  is  0.2  gm.  L"1  or  1.4  mM  L"1.  No  precipitate 
was  observed  in  the  experimental  solutions,  at  least  during  the  duration  of  the 
experiments.  Similarly  no  significant  decrease  in  activity  of  these  solutions  was 
noted  in  the  same  times,  the  decay  being  negligible.  The  activities  of  these  solu- 
tions at  the  beginnings  of  the  experiments  lay  between  0.29  and  0.045  mC  L"1. 
These  values  lie  well  below  the  levels  indicated  for  toxicity  of  Na*  by  Mullins 
(1939).  This  ion  had  been  calibrated  by  comparison  of  the  7-radiations  of  this 
and  radium  in  equilibrium  with  its  products,  and  since  its  /3-activity  is  about  20 
times  its  y-activity  we  may  say  that  the  toxic  limit  for  Na*  is  of  the  order  of  20 
mC  L-1.  The  maximum  energies  for  Na*  (1.40  M.E.V.)  and  P*  (1.72  M.E.V.) 
are  comparable.  It  is  safe  to  assume  that  so  far  as  we  know  the  radiation  of  P 
in  our  solutions  was  not  a  factor,  unless  the  present  experiments  should  furnish 
valid  evidence  of  such  an  effect. 

Procedure.  Three  methods  of  exposing  the  material  to  the  phosphate-sea 
water  solutions  were  used:  a)  "common  dish  method."  All  the  eggs  or  larvae 
were  put  into  a  600  ml  beaker  in  roughly  100  ml  of  solution,  kept  suspended  by 
occasional  swirling,  and  samples  of  5  ml  each  were  withdrawn  at  intervals.  In  all 
except  the  last  (Exp.  13)  these  samples  were  centrifuged  20  seconds  in  Hopkins 
tubes,  the  solutions  replaced  by  isotonic  erythritol,  centrifuged  30  seconds  and 
the  erythritol  decanted.  From  the  sediment  0.02  ml  was  transferred  to  a  de- 
pression slide  for  measurement.  The  finding  that  much  of  the  phosphate  was 
removed  in  the  erythritol  solution  led  to  a  method  used  for  one  experiment  (Exp. 
13),  in  which  the  eggs  were  centrifuged  once  as  above;  centrifuged  again  and  the 



last  of  the  supernatant  fluid  above  the  eggs  removed,  and  the  eggs  themselves 
removed  until  0.02  ml  was  left.  These  eggs  were  cytolyzed  in  distilled  water 
and  transferred  to  a  depression  slide,  b)  "Continuous  method."  Not  satisfied 
with  the  above  procedure,  we  attempted  a  procedure  in  which  equal  portions 
of  an  egg  or  larvae  suspension  were  put  into  coarse  Buchner  funnels  (Pyrex  3G3) 
and  the  phosphate-sea  water  was  slowly  passed  through  this  material,  removed 
quickly  by  suction  and  followed  by  isotonic  sucrose  sucked  through  in  a  few 
seconds.  The  whole  sample  in  situ  was  compared  with  a  filter  alone  treated 
identically.  This  was  not  quite  satisfying  and  a  new  procedure  was  devised,  c) 
"Separate  dish  method."  Identical  samples  (5  ml)  of  a  suspension  of  eggs  were 
mixed  in  a  Syracuse  watch  glass  with  5  ml  of  a  phosphate-sea  water  solution,  thus 
avoiding  the  disturbances  set  up  in  the  common  dish  method.  The  separate 
samples  were  collected  at  intervals,  and  to  do  this  they  were  centrifuged  and 
cleared  of  excess  solution  and  otherwise  treated  as  in  Exp.  13  cited  above. 

In  all  cases  the  first  decantate  was  saved,  samples  of  0.02  ml  of  this  taken,  and 
pH  observed  in  the  remainder,  and  attention  was  paid  to  a  cloudiness  which  in 
the  earlier  experiments  appeared  to  consist  of  fragmented  eggs  and  possibly  some 
egg  jelly.  No  significance  was  found  for  the  appearance  or  non-appearance  of  this 
cloudiness,  nor  of  the  pH  which  varied  from  7.6  to  8.0.  The -activities  of  samples 
of  0.02  ml  each  were  measured. 

The  sediments  which  in  the  first  and  third  methods  consisted  of  0.03  ml  and 
0.07  to  0.10  ml,  respectively,  were  collected  with  uniform  centrifugation  and 
found  to  contain  65  per  cent  eggs  and  the  remainder  of  a  fluid  identical  with  the 
decantate.  The  activity  of  this  fluid  must  be  deducted  from  the  observed  ac- 
tivity, leaving  an  activity  due  to  phosphate  in  the  eggs  or  larvae  themselves.  The 
volumes  of  eggs  in  the  samples  were  obtained  by  adjustment,  or  only  noted  and 
appropriate  corrections  were  made  in  the  calculations. 

Measurements.  Measurements  of  the  phosphate  content  were  made  by  a 
Geiger-Miiller  counter  with  a  scale  of  eight.  A  definite  number  of  impacts, 
usually  200,  was  counted,  and  the  elapsed  time  noted.  Comparison  between  the 
samples  of  eggs,  supernatant,  and  the  original  phosphate-sea  water  solution, 
whose  concentration  was  known,  made  it  possible  to  translate  the  values  from 
activities  to  concentrations.  Otherwise  this  procedure  is  identical  with  that 
previously  described  (Brooks,  1939). 

Errors  in  measurement.  Variations  in  background  radiation  or  in  variations 
within  the  counter  operate  to  change  the  reading.  An  idea  of  the  possible  magni- 
tude of  the  error  due  to  these  factors  can  be  got  from  seven  counts  of  a  single 
sample  of  phosphate-sea  water  over  a  period  of  one  hour.  The  range  of  variation 
was  10.9  per  cent  of  the  mean.  In  one  experiment  a  series  of  eight  readings  on 
separate  samples  of  different  fluids  were  repeated  four  hours  later.  The  devia- 
tions here  from  the  mean  of  each  pair  were  between  0.5  and  5.5  per  cent,  or  0.0004 
and  0.0085  mM.  This  confirms  the  above. 

In  addition  to  the  counter  error  discussed  above,  there  is  an  error  in  the  taking 
of  small  samples.  The  collection  of  the  0.02  ml  samples,  used  for  solutions,  was 
done  in  a  hemocytometer  pipette.  Operating  on  seven  samples  of  a  single  solution 
of  phosphate-sea  water  an  error  of  19  per  cent  was  found. 

The  egg  samples  were  adjusted  to  graduations  in  Hopkins  tubes,  whose  bottom 
cylindrical  portion  was  graduated  to  0.01  ml,  an  error  not  less  than  the  first  cited, 



but  probably  of  the  same  order  of  magnitude.  It  is  felt  that  observed  readings 
may  well  vary  up  to  20  per  cent,  and  even  that  single  readings,  not  supported  by 
the  adjoining  samples  in  the  succession  of  samples,  should  be  not  seriously  re- 
garded. The  levels  indicated  by  a  series  of  successive  samples  has  significance. 


Eggs  and  young  larvae.  Figure  1  shows  the  total  concentration  of  phosphate  in 
successive  samples  of  a  lot  of  Arbacia  eggs  inseminated  25  minutes  before  the 
start  of  exposure  to  the  phosphate.  This  experiment  was  done  by  the  common- 
dish  method.  The  early  low  values  seem  to  show  that  no  phosphate  has  been 
taken  in  until  the  time  of  the  first  cleavage,  which  at  the  temperature  of  20.2°  C. 
took  place  at  about  50  minutes  on  the  figure.  The  fact  that  much  of  the  phos- 
phate had  been  washed  out  into  the  erythritol  solution  used  in  washing  more  or 








o  / 


O            o    ° 


0           0 

°o         IN' 

/      0° 





0               4( 

D                  6 

0                8 

3               100 

FIGURE  1.  Concentrations  of  radioactive  phosphate  in  samples  of  Arbacia  eggs  (ordinates) 
during  the  first  100  minutes  of  immersion  in  sea  water  plus '0.81  mM  phosphate  (abscissas).  The 
eggs  were  freshly  inseminated  at  the  beginning  and  showed  cleavage  at  about  50  minutes.  The 
sloping  line  is  the  basis  for  the  calculation  of  the  intake  constant,  K.  Common-dish  method; 
washed  with  an  isotonic  erythritol  solution.  Temperature  20.2°  C. 

less  invalidates  this  conclusion.  Cleavage  can  be  thought  of  as  causing  an  in- 
crease in  permeability  to  the  ion,  or  may  be  thought  of  only  as  interference  with 
the  washing  out  of  the  ion.  In  the  first  case  we  may  calculate  the  intake  after 
cleavage  to  be  0.71  X  10~10  moles  cm~2  hr^1.  All  values  of  the  intake  constant  K 
are  assembled  in  Table  I.  It  was  noted  that  there  was  no  injurious  effect  exerted 
by  the  phosphate  insofar  as  is  shown  by  the  comparative  development  of  treated 
and  untreated  control  eggs. 

Figure  2  represents  a  similar  experiment  except  that  no  washing  was  done, 
and  that  the  eggs  were  inseminated  only  one  hour  before  the  end  of  the  experi- 
ment. At  the  temperature  of  19.1°  the  first  cleavage  should  not  have  occurred 
during  the  experiment.  No  observation  was  made  on  this  point.  At  the  time 
of  insemination,  after  one  hour  exposure  to  0.81  mM  phosphate,  tests  showed 
94  per  cent  success.  No  great  change  in  the  general  slope  of  the  curve  has  been 
noted  at  the  time  of  fertilization  or  elsewhere.  Calculated  as  above  we  find  the 
permeability  of  the  egg  prior  to  cleavage  to  have  various  possible  values,  depend- 



ing  on  the  degree  of  confidence  in  individual  points,  or  the  stage  of  the  eggs. 
Various  possibilities  are  shown  in  Figure  2  as  K\,  K2,  etc.,  the  intake  constants. 
The  value  of  Ki  (calculated  as  above)  is  70  X  10~10  moles  cm~~  hr~l,  a  value  much 
greater  than  that  found  in  the  previous  figure  and  experiment.  K2  is  about  the 
same.  Both  intake  rates  must  be  attributed  to  the  early  intake  as  distinguished 
from  late  intake.  There  is  usually  an  early  maximum,  sometimes  two,  sepa- 
rated by  a  phase  of  loss  of  this  ion,  from  a  late  ion  intake  always  slower  than  the 
first.  A  similar  phenomenon  has  been  noted  for  Nitella  and  the  alkali  metal 
cations  (Brooks,  1939),  and  Spirogyra,  Urechis  eggs,  and  amebas  (Brooks,  1940). 













FIGURE  2.  Concentrations  of  radioactive  phosphate  in  samples  of  unfertilized  Arbacia  eggs 
(ordinates)  during  the  first  two  hours  of  immersion  in  sea  water  plus  0.81  mM  phosphate  (abscissas). 
Four  possible  bases  for  intake  constants  are  given.  Common-dish  method;  no  washing.  Tem- 
perature 19.1°. 

Apparently  the  washing  with  erythritol  obscures  the  normal  ion  intake,  and  conse- 
quently the  intake  constant  taken  from  Figure  1  is  fallacious.  The  true  late 
intake  constants  for  this  experiment  must  be  about  K3  =  3.3  X  10~n  and  K4 
=  1.8  X  10~10  for  unfertilized  and  fertilized  eggs. 

Experiments  done  by  other  methods  show  the  course  of  intake  much  better. 
Thus  the  results  of  the  two  experiments  done  by  the  separate-dish  method  are 
shown  in  Figure  3.  Both  experiments  show  the  existence  of  an  early  maximum, 
a  loss  phase  and  a  late  maximum.  Experiment  SI  gives  KI  =  100  X  10~10  and 
K2  =  10  X  10-10  moles  cm-2  hr^1,  while  Experiment  S2  gives  Kr  =  33  X  lO"10 
and  K22  =  14.0.  The  caption  of  Figure  3  explains  the  sub-  and  superscripts. 
It  is  apparent  that  these  constants  are  not  far  from  those  found  from  Figure  2,  in 
which  an  experiment  was  done  with  a  different  method  (the  common-dish  method) 
but  not  utilizing  erythritol  solution  washing.  Washing  disturbs  the  ion  intake. 



The  slightly  greater  K  values  in  Figure  3  may  be  connected  with  the  lower  con- 
centration and  radioactivity  of  the  immersion  fluid.      (See  Table  I.) 





*2  X 





FIGURE  3.  Concentrations  of  radioactive  phosphate  in  samples  of  unfertilized  Arbacia  eggs 
(ordinates)  during  the  first  90  or  125  minutes  immersion  in  sea  water  plus  0.262  mM  phosphate 
(abscissas)  in  two  experiments.  Tangents  at  four  points  indicated  give  the  bases  for  the  cor- 
responding intake  constants,  namely,  the  early  and  late  (subscripts  1  and  2)  for  Experiment  SI 
(superscript  1),  and  similarly  for  Exp.  S2.  Separate-dish  method;  no  washing.  Temperature  22°. 






FIGURE  4.  Concentrations  of  radioactive  phosphate  in  samples  of  developing  Arbacia  larvae 
(ordinates)  during  the  first  48  hours  immersion  in  sea  water  plus  0.70  mM  phosphate  (abscissas). 
The  stages  attained  are  noted  in  this  figure.  A  tangent  at  the  indicated  point  gives  the  basis  for 
the  intake  constant,  K.  Common-dish  method;  washed  with  an  isotonic  erythritol  solution. 
Temperature  20°. 

Egg  to  early  pluteus.  One  experiment  extended  over  a  long  period,  24  hours,  in 
which  the  fertilized  eggs  reached  the  early  pluteus  stage.  The  eggs  were  in- 



seminated  at  the  beginning  of  the  experiment,  and  the  larvae  survived  in  the 
solution  more  than  24  hours,  but  were  dead  within  48  hours.  The  stages  attained 
are  noted  in  the  figure  (Figure  4).  This  experiment  was  done  by  the  common- 
dish  method  with  washing,  and  apparently  the  early  intake  is  obscured.  But  the 
late  intake  appears  and  can  be  measured. 

The  phosphate  content  of  these  larvae  enormously  exceeded  that  in  the  sur- 
rounding fluid.     Soon  after  cleavage  had  started  the  intake  accelerated,  and 


Intake  and  permeability  constants  of  Arbacia  and  Asterias  eggs  and  larvae  for  the  HPO4=  ion.     The 
subscripts  of  K  refer  to  the  order  in  which  these  values  occur  during  exposure.     The  superscripts 

refer  to  experiment  number 











Figure  number 
+  constant 


tion  of  ex- 

activity  of 
tal fluid 







Arbacia   1  2 

(1)   K, 






Arbacia   13 

(2)  KO 












Arbacia  SI 

(3)  K,M 









Arbacia  S2 





Arbacia   1  1 

(4)   K! 






Arbacia  C2 

(5)  K22 






Arbacia  Cl 

(5)  K2i 






Arbacia  C5 

(5)  K,« 






Asterias     3 

(6)  K23 

unfert.  eggs 





Asterias     2 

(6)   K,* 

unfert.  eggs 





phosphate  apparently  passed  into  the  larvae  at  a  uniform  rate  up  until  the  forma- 
tion of  plutei.  In  the  next  12  hours  the  larvae  died  in  this  experiment.  The  ac- 
celerated intake  may  be  referred  to  the  increase  in  surface  area  of  the  protoplasm 
of  the  larva,  and  modified  by  the  deep  position  of  certain  masses  of  cells.  Differ- 
ent tissues  of  a  larva  may  have  different  permeabilities. 

The  intake  constant  can  be  stated  for  comparative  purposes,  by  using  the 
approximate  surface  area  of  the  egg,  and  calculation  gives  us  a  value  of  10.8 
X  10~10  moles  cm~2  hr-1.  This  is  not  greatly  unlike  the  values  obtained  in  the 
previously  cited  experiments.  As  a  matter  of  fact,  the  superficial  area  of  develop- 
ing larva  up  to  the  beginning  of  the  pluteus  stage  should  not  exceed  2  or  3  times 



as  great  as  that  of  the  egg.  If  we  modify  the  figure  given  above  by  using  the 
factor  of  3,  we  obtain  a  K  about  3.7  X  ICT10  moles  cm~2  hr"1,  a  figure  which 
comports  well  with  K3  of  Figure  2,  which  was  3.3  X  10~10. 

But  the  experiments  by  the  continuous  method  give  higher  permeabilities: 
Figure  5  shows  the  intake  of  phosphate  on  a  reduced  scale  of  the  ordinates.  All 
three  of  the  valid  experiments  show  the  initial  peak  and  loss  spoken  of  above 
(p.  217),  but  the  slope  of  initial  rise  does  not  show  intake  constants  higher  than 
the  later  values  given  here.  The  experiment  with  fertilized  eggs  in  the  2-cell 
stage  gives  a  very  high  permeability  taken  from  the  rising  phases  of  the  curves: 
assuming  that  two  blastomeres  have  2  X  the  surface  of  the  egg  we  deduce  intake 
constant  K!2  =  83  X  1Q-10. 








(2  CELLED) 







FIGURE  5.  Concentrations  of  radioactive  phosphate  in  samples  of  fertilized  eggs,  (1),  gas- 
trulae  (2)  and  plutei  (3)  of  Arbacia  (ordinates)  during  the  first  35  or  60  minutes  of  immersion  in 
sea  water  plus  0.195  (1  and  2)  or  0.350  (3)  mM  phosphate.  Continuous  method;  washed  with  an 
isotonic  sucrose  solution.  Temperatures  about  22°. 

Gastrulae  and  plutei.  The  curve  for  gastrulae  (Figure  5),  taken  about  the 
middle  of  this  phase,  gives  an  intake  of  about  15  X  10~10  using  a  factor  of  3  for 
the  probable  superficial  area  of  the  gastrulae.  This  experiment  is  not  very 
satisfactory.  The  plutei,  allowing  them  a  superficial  area  of  4X  that  of  the  egg, 
gives  an  intake  of  13.3  X  lO"10  given  by  the  slope  of  the  curve  at  K25  (Table  I). 

Comparative  permeability  to  the  sodium  cation  and  the  phosphate  anion.  Two 
experiments  were  done  to  compare  the  permeability  to  sodium  and  phosphate  ions. 



Both  were  done  before  the  realization  that  erythritol  solution  washing  was  remov- 
ing the  ions  to  a  great  extent.  The  closest  approximation  made  on  the  basis  of 
the  rate  of  intake  of  these  ions  in  the  first  2  or  4  minutes,  corresponding  to  the 
first  peak,  has  been  made  on  Experiment  5,  not  here  otherwise  shown.  The  rates 
of  intake  were  sodium:  24.5  X  10~8;  phosphate:  0.29  X  10~8  moles  cm~2  hr"1. 
Compensating  for  the  different  concentrations  used  we  obtain  permeability  con- 
stants for  sodium:  9.8  X  1Q-6;  phosphate:  0.51  X  1Q-6  moles  cm~2  hr"1"  (GM 
L"1)"1-  It  appears  possible  that  the  sodium  cation  penetrates  about  17  times  as 
easily  as  the  phosphate  dianion. 

Too  many  considerations  enter  into  this  picture  to  allow  drawing  conclusive 
values.  For  example,  the  mobility  of  phosphate  calculated  from  conductivity, 
diffusion,  etc.  is  between  those  of  K+  and  Na+,  e.g.  the  equivalent  conductivity  of 
3/2  HPO4=  is  57  while  K+  and  Na+  show  65.0  and  43.4.  This  would  be  expected 
from  the  dimensions  (Figure  6)  of  hydrated  K+  (1H2),  Na+  (7  H2O)  and  HPO4= 


FIGURE  6.  The  van  der  Waals  volumes  of  sodium  (Na+),  potassium  (K+),  and  phosphate 
(HPO4=)  ions,  drawn  to  scale,  with  the  mean  number  of  water  molecules  attached  to  them  in 
moderately  concentrated  aqueous  solution.  An  ion  approaching  a  plasma  membrane  would  carry 
this  hydration.  Removal  of  this  water  (which  may  be  necessary  for  passage)  requires  expenditure 
of  work. 

(unhydrated) ;  whereas  the  deduction  from  Figure  5  would  require  hydration  of 
HPO4=  presumably  about  3  H2O  to  account  for  the  lower  penetrability  of  this  ion. 
This  envisages  a  plasma  membrane  structure  which  will  act  as  an  ultrafilter  whose 
available  (existent  or  potential)  free  spaces  are  about  7-9  A  in  diameter.  This 
corresponds  generally  with  the  results  with  chiefly  water  soluble  substances,  but 
different  cells  or  tissues  seem  to  vary  considerably  in  permeability  with  pore  size 
and  the  importance  of  the  ultra-filter  action  of  their  plasma  membranes.  Possi- 
bly in  passing  through  the  plasma  membrane  the  unhydrated  ion  is  slowed  by  its 
divalent  character,  leaving  only  the  univalent  H2PO4~,  present  in  a  relatively 
small  proportion,  to  pass  through  the  plasma  membrane.  Obviously  much  work 
is  still  needed  here. 


The  intake  of  phosphate  by  the  eggs  of  Asterias  forbesi  in  two  experiments  is 
shown  in  Figure  7.  In  this  figure  as  in  Figures  1  to  4  a  deduction  was  made  during 



calculation  to  account  for  intercellular  phosphate  in  the  samples.     Since  these 
tares  differ  in  the  two  experiments  they  are  shown  separately  in  Figure  7. 

The  intake  curves  in  both  experiments,  like  those  shown  in  Figures  2,  3,  and  5, 
show  an  initial  peak  ion  content,  followed  by  a  loss.  After  this  the  eggs  absorb 
phosphate  at  a  steady,  but  relatively  slow  rate.  Two  intake  constants  have  been 






Exp  3 
EXP.  2 

FIGURE  7.  Contents  of  radioactive  phosphate  in  samples  of  unfertilized  eggs  of  Asterias 
(ordinates)  during  5  (Exp.  2)  or  18  (Exp.  3)  hours  of  immersion  in  sea  water  plus  0.175  mM 
phosphate  (abscissas).  Tangents  at  points  shown  by  Ki2  and  K23  give  the  bases  for  intake  con- 
stants for  early  intake  in  Experiment  2  and  late  intake  in  Experiment  3.  Common-dish  method; 
washed  with  an  isotonic  erythritol  solution.  Temperatures  about  15°. 

calculated  to  represent  the  typical  condition;  they  have  been  calculated  from  the 
slopes  shown  by  K23  =  0.26  X  1Q-10,  and  Kr  =  400  X  10"10  moles  cm"2  hr"1. 
KI  is  the  initial,  K2  the  later  permeability,  and  the  superscripts  2  and  3  refer  to 
the  two  experiments.  The  remaining  intake  rates  are  not  clearly  indicated  but 
inspection  shows  that  they  will  have  about  the  same  magnitudes,  respectively. 


Injury.  In  all  the  experiments  dealing  with  unfertilized  eggs,  tests  were  made 
of  the  fertility  of  these  eggs.  In  all  cases  a  success  of  94  per  cent  or  better  in  all 
stages  of  Arbacia;  imperfect  ripening  of  Asterias  eggs  led  to  lower  degrees  of  suc- 
cess, but  in  no  case  was  there  any  evidence  of  lowering  by  phosphate  of  the  fer- 
tility. About  50  per  cent  of  the  Asterias  eggs  formed  fertilization  membranes 
after  insemination. 

Effect  of  the  method  used.  Among  other'  factors,  some  of  which  will  be  men- 
tioned below,  it  appears  that  washing  with  erythritol  as  done  in  the  common-dish 
method,  was  largely  responsible  for  the  apparent  low  permeability  of  the  cleaving 
eggs  of  Figure  1.  We  forbear  from  comparing  this  with  the  remaining  experiments 
cited  here. 

Effect  of  ^-radiation.  The  assemblage  of  constants  in  Table  I,  columns  6  and 
7,  suggests  the  possibility  that  these  eggs  are  so  sensitive  to  /3-radiation  that  the 
solutions  with  the  higher  activities  yield  the  lowest  permeabilities.  Column  7 
gives  the  permeability  constants  assuming  that  the  only  driving  force  is  the  con- 


centration  gradient  across  the  plasma  membrane.  They  are  presumably  more 
representative  of  the  properties  of  the  plasma  membrane  than  are  the  intake  con- 
stants (column  6). 

Effect  of  phosphate  concentration.  Columns  4  and  7  of  Table  I  illustrate  the 
role  of  the  concentration.  Comparison  of  K3  or  K2  of  Figure  2  whose  concentra- 
tion is  0.81  mM  L"1  with  K22  of  Figure  5  whose  concentration  is  0.195  might  be 
thought  to  indicate  an  effect  of  phosphate  concentration  on  permeability.  The 
continuous  method  deals  with  masses  lying  in  streaming  solutions,  and  the  dif- 
ference in  permeability  may  be  due  only  to  diffusion  factors.  But  here  we  are 
dealing  with  quite  different  methods,  and  are  unsure  of  the  cause  for  the  difference. 
A  similar  effect  is  shown,  however,  between  K2  or  K3  of  Figure  2  and  K3  or  K4  of 
Figure  3.  But  here  again  we  find  ourselves  with  rather  different  methods. 

The  results  are  so  unclear  that  we  may  only  suspect  such  a  relation.  Repeti- 
tion of  this  work  on  an  extensive  scale  ought  to  establish  or  negate  the  reality  of 
this  effect. 

Permeability  in  different  stages.  Some  of  the  evidence  which  can  be  found  in 
Table  I  favors  the  idea  that  the  gastrulae  and  plutei  are  less  permeable  than 
blastulae  and  less  developed  stages  including  the  unfertilized  egg  (Figure  5). 
Blastulae  appear  to  have  about  the  same  permeability  as  uncleaved  eggs  (Figures 
2  and  4).  These  conclusions  are  far  from  being  final. 

Initial  peak  and  losses.  In  Figures  5  and  6  and  suggested  in  Figure  2  there 
appear  an  initial  rapid  uptake  of  phosphate,  followed  within  a  few  minutes  by  a 
loss  of  this  ion.  This  loss  may  proceed  to  levels  suggesting  nearly  complete  re- 
moval of  this  ion.  This  is  so  like  the  curve  shown  in  previous  publications  for 
Nitella  (Brooks,  1939,  1940)  and  Spirogyra  and  Urechis  eggs  and  ameba  (Brooks, 
1940)  to  Na+,  K+,  and  Rb+  as  to  lead  us  to  accept  this  as  a  reality.  In  these 
publications  I  have  suggested  that  the  initial  rise  is  due  to  an  inorganic  ion 
exchange  (Steward's  "induced  absorption");  no  explanation  has  been  offered  for 
the  loss  of  such  an  ion. 

The  rate  of  such  an  inorganic  ion  exchange  will  be  affected  by  (a)  penetrability 
of  the  radioactive  ion,  and  its  activity  gradient  across  the  plasma  membrane; 

(b)  similar  properties  of  all  available  free  intracellular  ions  available  for  exchange; 

(c)  similar  properties  of  competing  ions  and  (d)  the  properties,  number,  and  dis- 
tribution of  ion  binding  groups.     If  we  could  ascertain  all  of  these  it  should  be 
possible  to  account  for  the  different  rates  of  entrance  of  ions.     In  the  case  of  the 
phosphate,  both  H2P*O4~  and  HP*O4=  being  present,  the  presence  of  competing 
ions  and  the  possibility  of  prompt  combination  of  phosphate  in  metabolism  make 
this  problem  still  insoluble. 

An  explanation  of  the  loss  of  ions  during  the  so-called  "loss  phases"  will  be 
offered  in  a  following  paper. 

Later  absorption  of  phosphate.  A  frequently  raised  question  is:  how  much  of 
this  ion  can  be  combined  with  the  surface  of  the  egg?  Toward  answering  this 
question,  it  is  possible  to  calculate  the  number  of  moles  of  HPO4=  combined  with 
the  proteins  and  fats  of  the  plasma  membranes.  Let  us  allow  that  one  Svedberg 
unit  of  a  protein,  whose  diameter  is  30  A,  can  combine  with  30  equivalents  of  an 
anion.  A  value  of  10  to  15  equivalents  would  probably  be  more  applicable  at  the 
pH  of  the  protoplasm  or  of  sea  water,  and  for  all  anions  with  all  of  which  the 
phosphate  must  compete.  The  plasma  membrane,  according  to  Parpart  and 



Dziemian  (1940),  should  also  contain  lipids  to  about  %  the  weight  of  proteins, 
while  Schmitt  and  Palmer  (1940)  show  that  the  plasma  membrane  contains 
enough  protein  to  form  a  layer  60  A  thick.  These  data  were  found  for  the  ery- 
throcyte.  These  figures  are  rough  approximations,  and  the  actual  amounts  in 
Arbacia  eggs  may  differ  somewhat.  We  use  the  surface  1.63  X  10~4  cm2,  and 
volume,  1.174  X  10~6  cm3,  as  calculated  from  the  observed  diameters  of  these 
eggs.  The  plasma  membrane  is  assumed  to  be  200  A  thick.  We  neglect  the 
combining  power  of  the  lipids,  which  is  about  %  that  of  proteins,  so  as  to  offset 
the  large  allowance  made  above  for  the  anion  combining  power  of  proteins.  A 
liter  of  eggs  could  combine  in  their  plasma  membranes  with  about  0. 1  mM  of  HPO4=. 
Table  II  shows  how  much  phosphate  got  into  the  eggs.  Only  6  out  of  9  of 
these  values  exceed  the  calculated  amounts  (0.1  mM  L"1)  which  could  be  con- 


The  highest  recorded  contents  of  HPO4=  in  eggs  of  Arbacia  and  Asterias  during  immersion  in 
solutions  of  radioactive  sodium  phosphate  in  sea  water  (pH  7.8-8.0) 



Time  for 




content  of 









Arbacia  punctulata 






Arbacia  punctulata 






Arbacia  punctulata 






Arbacia  punctulata 






Arbacia  punctulata 






Arbacia  punctulata 






Arbacia  punctulata 






Asterias  forbesi 






Asterias  forbesi 






ceived  of  as  combined  with  the  plasma  membrane.  Nevertheless  it  seems  im- 
probable that  this  phosphate  is  strictly  confined  to  the  plasma  membrane.  So 
many  considerations  enter  into  the  picture,  all  greatly  reducing  the  theoretical 
figure,  that  it  seems  to  be  more  reasonable  to  think  of  the  phosphate  as  combining 
less  with  the  plasma  membrane  but  passing  through  into  the  cortex  or  interior 
cytoplasm.  The  whole  egg  has  an  ample  calculated  combining  power  to  take 
care  of  much  more  phosphate  than  has  entered  in  any  of  these  experiments. 

It  is  interesting  that  the  experiments  which  show  the  highest  phosphate  tend 
to  show  most  clearly  the  separation  between  the  initial  peak  in  phosphate  content 
followed  by  loss  of  this  ion.  It  is  as  though  the  ion  had  passed  into  the  egg,  and 
was  released  by  a  change  within  the  egg. 

But  it  seems  probable  that  the  phosphate  is  combined  by  metabolic  processes, 
notably  the  formation  of  substances  like  hexose  phosphates,  base  phosphates,  the 
formation  of  phospholipins,  and  the  formation  of  skeletal  elements.  This  process 
reduces  the  free  phosphate  content  of  the  egg,  and  hence  favors  entrance  of  the  ion. 

It  will  be  noticed  that  in  six  of  the  experiments  of  Table  II  the  content  of 
phosphate  notably  exceeds  that  in  the  bathing  solution.  This  condition  can  be 
attained  by  the  operation  of  metabolic  processes,  as  mentioned  above,  or  by  an 


organic-inorganic  ion  exchange,  as  postulated  in  other  cases  (Brooks,  1939,  1940). 
We  feel  that  all  three  aspects  of  accumulation  are  probably  operative,  i.e.  inor- 
ganic- and  organic-inorganic  ion  exchange,  and  combination  of  the  entering  and 
reacting  ion. 


(1)  Eggs  and  larvae  of  Arbacia  punctidata  and  A sterias  forbesi  were  immersed 
in   sea  water  containing  low  concentrations  of  radioactive  sodium   phosphate 
(0.175-0.81  mM)  and  the  phosphate  content  in  subsequently  collected  samples 
after  intervals  up  to  48  hours  was  determined  by  measuring  the  /3-radiation  from 
the  samples. 

It  was  found  that: 

a)  Phosphate  was  taken  in  often  in  at  least  two  distinct  periods,  the  first 
within  the  first  half  hour,  followed  by  a  loss  of  the  ion,  and  secondly  in  the  later 

b)  The  permeabilities  during  early  absorption  are  generally  greater  than  those 
during  late  absorption. 

c)  If  it  be  assumed  that  the  only  driving  force  is  the  concentration  gradient 
across  the  plasma  membrane  (a  very  imperfect  assumption),  the  early  permeabili- 
ties vary  from  5,3  to  96  X  10~6  moles  cm~2  hr"1  (GM  L^1)"1  for  Arbacia  and 
2280  X  10~6  for  Asterias.     The  late  permeabilities  of  both  range  from  2.2  to 
426  X  10-6. 

d)  The  maximum  concentrations  found  in  eggs  or  larvae  of  both  vary  from 
0.050  to  8.3  mM  for  Arbacia,  and  0.35  to  0.48  mM  for  Asterias. 

(2)  Inverse  correlations  are  intimated  between  external  concentration  or  radio- 
activity and  permeability.     The  effects  of  radiation  are  discussed. 

(3)  The  part  played  by  the  stage  of  the  egg  or  larva,  the  effect  of  the  methods 
used,  the  dimensions  of  ions,  and  theories  of  absorption  are  discussed. 


BROOKS,  S.  C.,  1939.  Ion  exchanges  in  accumulation  and  loss  of  certain  ions  by  the  living  proto- 
plasm of  Nitella.  Jour.  Cell.  Comp.  Physiol.,  14:  383-401. 

BROOKS,  S.  C.,  1940.  The  intake  of  radioactive  isotopes  by  living  cells.  Cold  Spring  Harbor 
Sympos.  Quant.  Biol.,  8:  171-177. 

MULLINS,  L.  J.,  1939.  The  effect  of  radiation  from  radioactive  indicators  on  the  penetration  of 
ions  into  Nitella.  Jour.  Cell.  Comp.  Physiol.,  14:  403-405. 

PARPART,  A.  K.,  AND  A.  J.  DZIEMIAN,  1940.  The  chemical  composition  of  the  red  cell  membrane. 
Cold  Spring  Harbor  Sympos.  Quant.  Biol.,  8:  17-22. 

SCHMITT,  F.  O.,  AND  K.  J.  PALMER,  1940.  X-ray  diffraction  studies  of  lipide  and  lipide-protein 
systems.  Cold  Spring  Harbor  Sympos.  Quant.  Biol.,  8:  94-99. 



(From  the  Marine  Biological  Laboratory,  Woods  Hole,  and  Department  of  Zoology, 

University  of  California,  Berkeley) 

Immersion  of  eggs  of  Fundulus  spp.  and  other  marine  eggs  in  sea  water  con- 
taining a  radioactive  ion  such  as  the  phosphate  or  alkali  metal  ions  reveals  rapid 
intake,  followed  after  a  few  minutes  by  outward  migration  of  the  marked  ion  and 
subsequent  increases  and  decreases  in  content  of  this  ion.  In  the  summers  of 
1940  and  1941,  during  the  course  of  work  on  the  intake  of  the  radioactive  phos- 
phate ion,2  the  experimental  procedure  was  varied  to  obviate  as  far  as  possible 
the  effects  of  handling,  and  special  tests  were  made  to  evaluate  sources  of  error. 
This  paper  concerns  primarily  the  eggs  of  Fundulus  heteroclitus  (L.) ;  experiments 
were  also  done  on  eggs  of  F.  majalis  (Walbaum).  An  earlier  paper  treats  of 
similar  investigations  on  the  eggs  of  Arbacia  and  Asterias  (Brooks,  1943). 


Eggs  were  obtained  by  stripping  the  fish.  The  ripe  eggs  of  F.  heteroclitus 
consist  of  a  membranous  coat,  the  chorion,  whose  mean  outside  diameter  was  1.80 
mm. ;  outside  it  is  a  layer  of  fibers  which  serve  to  moor  the  eggs  to  each  other  and 
other  objects;  the  thickness  of  this  membrane  was  of  the  order  of  0.05  mm.  In- 
side this  lies  the  perivitelline  fluid  and  the  egg  itself,  whose  mean  diameter  was 
1.69  mm.;  the  egg  nearly  fills  the  chorion.  Unless  specially  mentioned,  these 
experiments  deal  only  with  unfertilized  eggs. 

Some  of  the  unfertilized  eggs  were  obtained  in  the  unripe  condition,  and 
ripened  gradually  in  sea  water.  The  unripe  eggs  contain  closely  packed  spheres 
of  a  material  of  refractive  index  higher  than  the  rest  of  the  egg.  On  ripening  this 
material  disappears  either  by  changes  in  refractive  index  or  by  solution  from  the 
surfaces  of  these  spheres  or  in  both  ways.  Unripe  eggs  placed  in  distilled  water 
become  white  and  opaque  in  5  to  10  seconds,  while  ripe  eggs  remain  clear.  This 
may  be  due  to  changes  in  permeability  of  the  chorion  to  ions,  which  rapidly  leave 
the  unripe  eggs,  allowing  precipitation  of  globulins  or  similar  material  inside  the 
eggs,  as  suggested  by  Gray  for  trout  eggs  (Gray,  1932).  Only  in  the  last  few  of 
our  experiments  were  the  unripe  eggs  eliminated.  However,  there  is  no  good 
evidence  that  the  results  were  perceptibly  affected  by  the  presence  of  unripe  eggs. 

The  eggs  of  F.  majalis  were  slightly  larger  than  those  of  F.  heteroclitus,  but 

1  This  work  has  been  supported  by  grants  from  the  Research  Committee  of  the  University  of 
California  and  greatly  helped  by  facilities  provided  by  the  Marine  Biological  Laboratory  of  Woods 
Hole.  Both  of  these  are  gratefully  acknowledged.  In  this  work  the  writer  was  assisted  by  Dr. 
L.  J.  Mullins  and  Mr.  Aser  Rothstein. 

-  In  this  paper  the  term  "phosphate  ion"  denotes  both  HoPO-T  and  HPO4=,  both  of  which 
were  present  at  the  pH  values  used. 



apparently  otherwise  did  not  differ.  Experiments  done  with  F.  majalis  are  not 
different  from  those  of  F.  heteroditus.  Only  the  latter  are  cited  in  this  paper. 

The  freshly  obtained  eggs  were  at  first  used  within  about  15  minutes,  but  a  few 
of  the  later  experiments  were  started  one  to  1^2  hours  later  to  allow  for  ripening 
and  the  elimination  of  unripe  eggs.  Their  viability  was  established  by  fertiliza- 
tion and  subsequent  observation.  It  is  felt  that  lots  of  eggs  giving  80  per  cent 
or  more  of  development  are  satisfactory  in  this  work.  All  experiments  cited  gave 
at  least  this  degree  of  fertility. 

Reagents.  Woods  Hole  sea  water  and  water  distilled  at  the  Marine  Biological 
Station  were  used.  A  sodium  phosphate  solution,  0.105  M  and  isotonic  with 
human  blood,  was  generously  furnished  by  the  Radiation  Laboratory  of  the 
University  of  California.  To  make  this,  phosphorus  element  had  been  bombarded 
with  neutrons,  oxidized  to  phosphoric  acid  and  partially  neutralized  with  NaOH 
to  a  pH  of  7.35.  This  isotope  is  described  in  the  previous  paper  (Brooks,  1943). 

Solutions.  Eggs  were  immersed  in  solutions  of  sodium  phosphate  (containing 
both  H2P*O4~  and  HP*O4=)  in  sea  water.  The  concentrations  used  were  made 
up  to  give  approximately  the  same  radioactivities.  This  was  dictated  by  the 
sensitivity  of  the  measuring  device  and  the  amount  of  egg  material  practicable  for 
a  single  test.  The  limits  of  concentrations  were  0.143  and  0.42  mM.  These  are 
well  below  the  saturation  concentration  of  this  salt  in  sea  water.  The  activities 
used  varied  between  0.17  and  0.26  mC  L"1.  The  radioactive  phosphate  was 
measured  against  the  y  radiation  of  radium  in  equilibrium  with  its  products. 

Experimental  procedures.  Three  general  plans  were  used:  a)  The  "common- 
dish"  method  in  which  about  50  to  100  eggs  were  drained  and  covered  with  40 
to  100  ml.  of  phosphate  sea  water.  For  each  sample  three  eggs  were  withdrawn, 
washed  in  distilled  water,  blotted  with  filter  paper  and  set  aside  to  dry  on  depres- 
sion slides.  Such  samples  were  collected  at  different  intervals  from  one  or  2 
minutes  up  to  60  minutes  and  in  some  cases  up  to  24  hours,  b)  Hoping  to  ob- 
viate the  mechanical  disturbance  involved  in  removing,  often  after  tearing  loose 
the  eggs  removed  for  successive  samples,  each  sample  was  put  into  Syracuse  watch 
glasses.  This  is  called  here  the  "separate  dish  method."  Three  eggs  were  put 
into  each  dish  in  5  ml.  of  sea  water;  to  start  the  experimental  exposure  5  ml.  of 
sea  water  containing  radioactive  phosphate  ions  were  added .  Each  of  two  workers 
handled  one  "series"  of  samples,  and  collected  them  according  to  an  accurately 
timed  schedule.  The  three  eggs  were  transferred  by  a  medicine  dropper  with 
minimum  fluid  into  100  ml.  of  distilled  water  which  was  then  swirled.  Then  the 
eggs  were  removed  to  depression  slides,  and  the  excess  fluid  was  removed  by  a 
capillary  pipette.  This  whole  process  took  12  to  18  seconds.  Two  "series"  of 
samples  were  thus  obtained.  This  method  yielded  the  most  satisfying  results. 
However,  it  was  suspected  that  it  still  involved  enough  mechanical  disturbance  to 
create  changes  in  permeability,  and  a  method  (c)  was  devised  in  which  lots  of 
three  eggs  each  were  placed  in  short  capillaries  placed  in  siphon  tubes.  This  will 
be  referred  to  as  the  "continuous  method,"  but  will  not  be  described  in  detail 
because  with  this  no  significant  changes  in  the  results  were  detected. 

Determinations  of  the  phosphate  content  were  made  by  a  Geiger-M tiller 
counter  with  a  scale  of  eight,  as  described  in  the  previous  paper  (Brooks,  1943). 



Errors  in  counts  have  been  shown  to  be  usually  within  limits  of  ±20  per  cent 
(Brooks,  1943).  Differences  in  size  of  the  eggs  were  found  to  lie  within  14  per  cent 
of  the  mean  size.  About  50  eggs  were  measured.  Since  three  eggs  were  used 
for  each  sample,  the  error  should  not  exceed  about  5  per  cent,  but  errors  up  to 
14  per  cent  are  possible.  The  combined  error  might  reach  25  to  30  per  cent. 

Errors  due  to  the  effects  of  pH  changes:  It  has  been  found  in  experiments  on 
Funclulus  embryos  3  that  increases  in  pH  to  levels  exceeding  that  of  normal  sea 
water  may  greatly  affect  the  phosphate  intake  by  the  embryos.  These  changes 
in  pH  were  produced  by  the  addition  of  reagents  not  used  in  the  experiments 
under  discussion  here.  But  it  was  found  that  the  sodium  phosphate,  which 
as  furnished  has  a  pH  of  about  7.4,  acidifies  the  solution  to  about  7.75,  and  by  the 
action  of  decreased  pH  might  directly  or  indirectly  affect  the  result.  In  the  case 
of  enhanced  pH,  the  results  may  be  due  to  the  precipitation  of  calcium  or  mag- 
nesium phosphates,  which  in  turn  produced  solutions  unbalanced  toward  univalent 
cations  and  hence  toward  the  observed  increased  permeation  of  ions.  This  may 
also  be  due  to  disturbance  in  equilibria  in  solution,  or  to  diminished  H-ion.  When 
the  pH  is  diminished  we  may  suspect  that  permeation  is  decreased  somewhat 
below  normal.  We  have  no  evidence  that  changes  in  pH  during  the  progress  of 
an  experiment  are  responsible  for  significant  changes  in  permeability,  at  least  in 
Fundulus  eggs.  Such  changes  in  pH  seem  to  have  been  very  small,  of  the  order 
of  0.1  pH  units,  and  within  the  error  of  determination  as  done. 


Experiments  on  eggs.  Figure  1  shows  the  progressive  changes  in  one  experi- 
ment in  the  phosphate  content  of  whole  eggs,  calculated  as  though  uniform 
through  the  whole  egg.  Two  curves  are  shown  each  corresponding  to  one  of  two 
lots  of  eggs,  and  handled  by  one  of  two  operators  using  the  separate  dish  method. 
All  lots  were  taken  from  a  single  pooled  batch  of  eggs.  The  phosphate  content 
of  these  samples  rises  during  15  minutes  to  a  crest  at  about  0.20  mM  L-1,  then  drops 
to  lower  levels  around  0.05  to  0.12  mM  L"1  after  20  to  26  minutes,  and  thereafter 
tends  to  rise  to  higher  levels.  The  curves  connecting  samples  of  single  series  rise 
generally  but  also  show  swings  up  and  down,  and  the  two  series  seem  to  reach 
these  later  crests  and  dips  at  different  times. 

Mean  values  calculated  for  these  duplicate  samples  still  show  the  first  peak, 
the  first  dip,  and  to  a  lesser  extent  the  subsequent  increase  in  phosphate  content, 
but  it  seems  as  though  the  individual  history  of  a  single  sample  is  obscured  by 
combining  them  to  obtain  the  means.  Until  it  is  possible  to  measure  the  radio- 
active isotope  concentration  repeatedly  in  individual  living  eggs,  not  affected  by 
mechanical  handling  nor  desiccated  (as  is  necessary  to  allow  the  full  radiation  to 
reach  the  counter  cell),  will  it  be  possible  to  follow  the  uptake  and  loss  of  an  ion 
by  an  individual  egg.  This  method  has  been  found  possible  in  the  case  of  Nitella 
(Brooks,  1939)  but  not  so  far  for  the  larger  fish  eggs. 

Figure  2  shows  the  results  of  two  quite  independent  experiments,  each  with 
two  series  as  before.  They  also  were  done  by  the  separate  dish  method.  They 

3  These  experiments  related  to  the  effects  of  inhibitors  of  oxygen  consumption,  and  have  not 
been  published  so  far. 



show  the  same  phenomena  as  Figure  1 :  an  initial  peak  followed  by  a  dip  in  phos- 
phate concentration,  followed  irregularly  by  higher  concentrations.  The  two 
series  of  each  experiment  tend  to  follow  each  other  at  first,  and  then  to  diverge. 





FIGURE  1.  Phosphate  concentrations  in  duplicate  samples  of  unfertilized  Fundulus  eggs 
(ordinates)  during  the  first  60  minutes  of  immersion  in  sea  water  plus  0.42  mM  phosphate 
(abscissas).  Tangents  to  the  curves  were  drawn  at  the  points  indicated,  and  formed  the  bases  for 
Ki  and  Ko.  Separate  dish  method.  Temperature  17.2°. 

Even  the  time  of  the  first  peak  may  vary  somewhat  as  to  the  time  of  its  appear- 
ance, viz.,  in  one  of  these  experiments,  at  7  to  10  minutes,  and  in  the  other  at 
15  minutes. 



Figure  3  shows  an  experiment  done  by  the  common  dish  method.     Here  two 
peaks  occur  at  2  and  at  15  minutes,  respectively.     The  swings  are  wider  than  in 



3O  4O  5O  6O 


FIGURE  2.  .Phosphate  concentrations  in  duplicate  samples  of  each  of  two  experiments  on 
unfertilized  Fundulus  eggs  (ordinates)  during  the  first  60  minutes  of  immersion  in  sea  water  plus 
0.42  mM  phosphate  (abscissas).  The  slopes  of  the  curves  at  the  indicated  points  are  the  bases 
for  Ki  and  K2.  Separate  dish  method.  Temperature  17.3°. 










FIGURE  3.  Phosphate  concentrations  in  samples  of  unfertilized  Fundulus  eggs  (ordinates) 
during  the  first  60  minutes  of  immersion  in  sea  water  plus  0.262  mM  phosphate  (abscissas). 
Three  slopes  indicated  in  this  figure  form  the  bases  of  Ki  and  K2  and  K3.  Common  dish  method. 
Temperature  18.5°. 

the  previously  cited  experiments,  and  the  peak  phosphate  concentration  exceeds 
that  of  phosphate  in  the  immersion  fluid.     The  phosphate  concentration  in  the 


immersion  fluid  was  lower  in  this  experiment,  0.262  vs.  0.42  mM  for  the  already 
cited  experiments.  The  observed  results  in  this  experiment  may  be  due  to  this 
lower  concentration. 

Three  experiments  were  done  with  the  continuous  flow  method.  The  first 
such  experiment  showed  a  lower  phosphate  content  but  essentially  the  same  as 
the  previously  cited  ones  (maximum  0.153  mM  L"1) ;  the  second  shows  a  little  less 
intake  (maximum  0.094  mM  L"1);  and  the  last  gave  a  maximum  phosphate  con- 
tent of  0.140  mM  L"1.  The  period  for  recovery  from  mechanical  disturbance 
(allowed  the  eggs  in  position  in  flowing  sea  water  before  applying  phosphate  sea 
water)  was  not  important:  the  first  twTo  continuous  experiments  allowed  about 
one  half-hour;  the  last  allowed  over  3  hours.  The  first  differs  from  the  last  two, 
so  that  there  is  no  correlation  between  these  differences  and  the  length  of  the 
recovery  period.  No  cause  for  this  rather  low  ion  intake  is  apparent.  It  may 
depend  upon  "physiological"  conditions  associated  with  the  lateness  in  spawning 
period,  or  possibly  like  those  occurring  in  the  advanced  embryos. 

Experiments  on  8  to  10-day  embryos.  These  experiments  were  done  exactly 
like  those  with  unfertilized  eggs  using  the  separate  dish  method.  The  immersion 
fluid  had  a  concentration  of  0.40  mM,  and  activities  of  0.215  and  0.195  mC  L~'. 
The  rinsed  and  dried  eggs  gave  low  intakes:  the  first  had  a  phosphate  content  of 
0.03  mM  L"1  after  4  minutes  of  immersion  and  rising  gradually  to  0.06  mM  L"1 
after  one  hour  (the  end  of  the  experiment) ;  the  second  gave  0.035  and  0.06  mM  L^1 
after  4  and  15  minutes  but  gradually  lost  phosphate  thereafter  reaching  0.04  mM  L"1 
after  one  hour.  Both  experiments  were  done  in  duplicate.  The  two  samples  at  a 
given  time  gave  agreement  within  20  per  cent  (=  ±10%)  in  all  but  5  of  the  total 
20  readings  of  the  two  experiments.  The  observed  changes  were  greatly  in  excess 
of  the  differences  usually  found  for  a  single  point. 

The  intake  of  phosphate  in  these  two  experiments  failed  to  show  any  marked 
separation  between  early  and  later  periods  separated  by  loss  of  phosphate. 
The  maximum  contents  are  like  those  of  the  experiments  by  the  continuous 
method  cited  above. 


In  all  of  the  figures  it  can  be  seen  that  in  the  later  stages  the  phosphate  content 
is  or  sometimes  decreases  to  less  than  the  amount  needed  to  fill  the  space  outside 
the  egg  itself  at  a  concentration  equal  to  that  of  the  immersion  fluid.  Similar 
phosphate  contents  at  the  beginning  of  the  experiments  can  be  thought  of  as 
being  due  to  incomplete  diffusion  of  phosphate  into  this  space,  but  the  later  oc- 
currences seem  to  need  special  explanation. 

The  most  obvious  explanation  is  that  marked  differences  in  permeability  of 
the  chorion  itself  might  lead  to  exclusion  of  phosphate  in  some  cases,  and  not  in 
other  cases.  But  the  work  of  Sumwalt  (1929,  1933)  on  the  potential  differences 
across  this  chorion  shows  that  potential  differences  are  set  up  across  this  mem- 
brane when  the  egg  is  placed  in  salt  solutions.  This  potential  difference  is  not 
affected  by  the  change  from  a  chloride  to  a  sulfate,  but  is  halved  by  the  change 
from  K  to  Ca;  equimolecular  solutions  of  halides  and  sulfates  give  the  same  po- 
tential difference,  but  alkali  and  alkaline  earth  chlorides  yield  potential  differ- 
ences varying  with  the  physico-chemically  determined  mobilities  of  the  cation, 
and  dilution  of  the  bathing  solution  increases  the  observed  plus  potential.  This 

232  S.  C.  BROOKS 

has  been  interpreted  as  due  to  selective  permeability  to  cations,  the  chorion  being 
impermeable  to  anions. 

It  may  be  suggested  that  anions  are  fixed  by  chemosorption  within  the 
chorion,  and  relatively  few  are  allowed  to  pass  through.  The  chorion  with  a 
volume  of  about  0.50  mm3,  conceived  as  consisting  of  about  10  per  cent  protein 
of  whose  amino  acids  10  per  cent  combine  with  anions,  could  account  for  about 
2  X  10~7  equivalents  of  phosphate.  Now,  for  example,  the  experiment  given  in 
Figure  1  shows  that  one  egg  contains  newly  acquired  phosphate  in  15  minutes  to 
the  extent  of  about  10~10  moles,  or  twice  as  many  equivalents  if  we  calculate  on 
the  phosphate  diion.  Figure  3  shows  a  larger  content,  but  still  less  than  2  X  10~7. 
This  means  that  all  of  the  phosphate  found  in  the  egg  can  easily  be  kept  within 
the  chorion  itself  by  chemosorption  or  combination.  This  comports  well  with 
the  (Sumwalt's)  concept  of  the  chorion  being  anion  impermeable.  If  the  protein 
of  the  chorion  can  combine  to  the  estimated  extent  with  anions  the  whole  absorp- 
tion can  be  thought  of  as  combination  of  phosphate  with  the  chorion.  The  losses 
following  the  initial  and  later  peaks  in  this  case  might  be  due  to  changes  in  the 
combining  power  of  the  chorion,  a  point  which  will  be  reserved  for  later  discussion. 

It  has  been  suggested  that  the  radioactivity  of  the  isotope  may  be  responsible 
for  this  phenomenon.  The  /3-activity  of  the  external  phosphate  solution,  deter- 
mined by  comparison  with  the  /3-activity  of  uranium  X,  was  between  0.18  (exp. 
14)  and  6.29  mC  L~l  (exp.  1).  Muir  (1942)  has  found  that  radioactive  phosphate 
increases  the  viscosity  of  Spirogyra  protoplasm  (defining  viscosity  as  resistance  of 
chromatophores  against  centrifugal  displacement),  and  alters  the  phosphate  con- 
tent when  the  activity  of  the  immersion  fluid  was  4.0-17.0  mC  L~',  but  has  no 
apparent  effect  when  its  activity  was  2.0  mC  L~l.  This  activity  was  calibrated 
with  the  same  uranium  X  standard  of  about  0.25  IJLC,  which  was  used  in  my  work. 
Since  this  exceeds  materially  the  activity  of  the  most  active  solutions  used  in  the 
present  experiments,  it  seems  that  injury,  due  to  /3-radiation,  of  Fundulus  eggs 
at  this  strength  must  be  considered  to  be  improbable  until  more  definite  experi- 
mental proof  is  available  for  the  Fundulus  egg. 

This  question  may  also  be  investigated  from  the  basis  given  for  the  toxicity 
of  radioactive  sodium  for  Nitella  (Brooks,  1939).  Here  the  sodium  ion,  of  ac- 
tivity equal  to  or  less  than  1  mC  L-1,  7-ray  measured,  is  non-toxic.  Since  the 
ratio  of  /3-  to  7-radiation  of  sodium  is  of  the  order  of  20  we  may  calculate  that  the 
/3-radiation  of  sodium  of  20  mC  L"1  is  harmless.  This  is  only  a  first  approximation, 
questions  of  absorption,  energy  of  the  /3-rays  and  so  on  complicate  the  picture. 
The  maximum  energies  of  the  /3-radiations  of  P32  and  Na24  are  substantially  alike, 
1.72  and  1.40  MEV.,  so  that  no  great  difference  is  to  be  expected  on  this  count. 
From  this  point  of  view  also,  no  toxic  effect  of  /3-radiation  in  the  present  experi- 
ments it  to  be  expected. 


Procedure.  About  100  eggs,  obtained  in  the  usual  way,  were  placed  in  a  solu- 
tion of  phosphate,  0.32  mM  L"1  in  sea  water,  and  lots  of  10  eggs  each  were  taken 
out  at  intervals  up  to  40  or  60  minutes.  They  were  washed  in  200  ml.  of  dis- 
tilled water  for  5  to  10  seconds,  transferred  to  depression  slides,  and  freed  from 
distilled  water.  Then  0.5  ml  of  sea  water  was  added,  and  after  three  minutes  the 
eggs  were  removed  to  another  depression  slide  and  freed  of  sea  water  as  perfectly 



as  possible  with  a  capillary  pipette,  this  fluid  returned  to  the  first  slide.  It  was 
found  that  some  of  the  phosphate  came  out  into  the  washing  sea  water.  Washing 
preliminary  to  this  at  this  stage  was  avoided,  so  that  the  sum  of  the  readings  for 
eggs  and  sea  water  would  represent  the  total  content  of  the  eggs  when  they  were 
put  into  the  sea  water. 

Readings  were  made  on  the  lots  of  10  eggs  and  on  the  corresponding  sea  water, 
0.5  ml.  A  sample  of  0.02  ml  of  the  original  phosphate-sea  water  had  an  activity 
of  0.24  mC  L-1. 

Results.  Figures  4  and  5  represent  the  results  of  the  two  experiments  done. 
In  each  there  are  plotted  the  initial  phosphate  concentration,  just  before  im- 















\        \ 

\  ^ 

s  i 

\\     / 

\\*  / 








./        \ 


{         Y' 

IO  2O  3O  4O  50 


FIGURE  4.  Rates  of  exosmosis  from  unfertilized  Fundulus  eggs  during  immersion  for  3 
minutes  in  sea  water  when  these  eggs  contained  phosphate  in  concentrations  obtained  as  the  sum 
of  eggs  plus  sea  water,  (•)  the  K  values  calculated  from  measurements  on  eggs  (o)  or  on  the  sea 
water  (X)  (ordinates)  after  various  times  up  to  40  minutes  of  immersion  in  sea  water  plus  0.32  mM 
phosphate  (abscissas),  together  with  values  of  K  X  mean  egg  phosphate  concentration  (4-)  all 
plotted  as  ordinates. 

mersion  in  the  0.5  ml  of  sea  water  (•) ;  a  diffusion  constant,  K,  per  minute,  assum- 
ing exponential  exosmosis  (o  and  X);  and  the  product  of  the  two  (  +  ).  The 
constant  was  calculated  in  two  ways:  from  the  decrease  of  phosphate  in  the  eggs, 
and  the  increase  of  phosphate  in  the  sea  water.  These  agree  within  the  errors  of 

We  note  that  the  diffusion  constant  is  low  when  the  phosphate  concentration 
initially  in  the  eggs  is  high,  and  vice  versa.  Comparing  the  two  experiments  it  is 
apparent  that  the  K  values  differ  greatly  and  inversely  to  the  concentrations  of 
phosphate  in  the  eggs.  Actual  figures  for  means  of  all  readings  were  K:  0.64  and 
0.21;  concentrations:  0.09  and  0.26  mM;  ratios  3.0  and  1/2.9.  The  products  of 
concentrations  by  the  constants  do  not  give  uniform  figures,  but  these  are  more 
so  than  either  constants  or  concentrations  in  virtue  of  their  inverse  relation. 
Their  mean  values  for  all  determinations  were  0.037  and  0.027,  with  a  ratio  of 
1.37  in  contrast  to  ratios  of  about  3  for  concentrations  and  constants. 



Discussion.  These  results  may  be  interpreted  as  showing  a)  a  high  phosphate 
within  a  cell  lowers  the  permeability  of  the  cell,  or  b)  exosmosis  of  phosphate  is 
dominated  principally  by  a  constant  rate  of  passage  of  this  ion  independent  of 
the  concentration  gradient  across  the  surface  of  the  egg.  This  latter  might  mean 
that  exosmosis  depends  on  a  metabolic  process,  or  on  saturation  utilization  of 
relatively  few  available  attachment  points  within  the  chorion.  The  latter  hypo- 
thesis is  consonant  with  the  conclusion  that  phosphate  penetrates  into  and  is  held 
in  the  chorion  only  (p.  231). 

The  process  of  exosmosis  can  also  be  thought  of  as  an  ionic  exchange,  a  concept 
closely  related  to  the  latter  of  these  suggestions.  For  this  the  presence  of  counter 










10  2O  3O  5O  6O 


FIGURE  5.  Rates  of  exosmosis  from  unfertilized  Fundulus  eggs  during  immersion  for  3  minutes 
in  sea  water  when  these  eggs  contained  phosphate  in  concentrations  obtained  as  the  sum  of  eggs 
plus  sea  water,  (•)  the  K  values  calculated  from  measurements  on  eggs  (o)  or  on  the  sea  water 
(X)  (ordinates)  after  various  times  up  to  60  minutes  of  immersion  in  sea  water  plus  0.32  mM 
phosphate  (abscissas),  together  with  values  of  K  X  mean  egg  phosphate  concentration  (+)  all 
plotted  as  ordinates. 

ions  to  replace  phosphate,  i.e.  CT~  and  SO4=,  both  within  the  chorion  or  the  plasma 
membrane,  and  in  the  washing  solution,  here  sea  water,  would  be  necessary. 
Data  are  lacking  for  definitive  discussion ;  suggestions  can  be  gotten  from  the 
work  of  Jenny  (1936),  Jenny  and  Overstreet  (1939),  Graf  (1937),  Hendricks 
(1941),  and  others. 

Among  such  suggestions  we  may  mention  the  possibility  that  replacement  of 
univalent  chloride  ion  by  the  phosphate  diion  may  lead  to  dehydration  of  either 
the  chorion  or  the  plasma  membrane,  by  simultaneous  attraction  of  two  groups 
or  molecules  (lipins  or  proteins  possibly)  by  the  divalent  ion.  Schmitt  and 
Palmer  (1940)  cite  the  effect  of  Ca++  in  contrast  with  K+  in  dehydrating  cephalin 
suspensions.  An  effect  of  this  type  would  seem  to  reduce  the  permeability  of  the 
plasma  membrane.  The  surface  layer  or  plasma  membrane  is  here  thought  of  as 
made  up  of  hydrated  proteins,  lipins,  etc.  The  chorion  may  resemble  this  ade- 



quately  for  this  argument.     This  argues  in  favor  of  the  first  of  the  interpretations 
here  given  just  above. 


In  this  discussion  it  must  be  kept  in  mind  that  the  phosphate  may  not  pene- 
trate through  the  chorion  of  the  Fundulus  egg  during  the  first  minutes  or  hours. 
Longer  immersion  surely  allows  this  ion  to  reach  the  embryo,  as  had  been  shown 
by  photographic  tests.  These  demonstrate  the  presence  of  the  radioactive  phos- 
phate in  the  skeleton  of  the  Fundulus  embryo.4  We  are  not  in  a  position  to  deny 
that  the  same  ion  passes  through  the  chorion  even  during  the  first  few  minutes  of 
immersion.  For  this  reason  we  shall  speak  of  the  permeability  of  the  egg,  without 
attempting  to  trace  the  immediate  destination  of  the  phosphate  ion. 

Like  the  echinoderm  egg  (Brooks,  1940,  1943)  and  other  materials  (Brooks, 
1940)  which  absorb  cations,  the  Fundulus  egg  absorbs  radioactive  phosphate  ions 
in  two  or  more  distinct  periods.  The  intake  and  permeability  constants  are  given 
in  Table  I,  calculated  from  the  slopes  shown  in  Figures  1  to  3  at  the  indicated 


The  intake  and  permeability  constants  for  phosphate  into  unfertilized  eggs  of  Fundulus  heteroclitus, 
together  with  the  maximum  concentration,  assumed  uniform,  within  the  eggs 





activity of 
tal fluid 








































0.080  • 

























positions.  The  volume  and  surface  of  the  ripe  egg  itself  is  used.  Only  minor 
changes  in  these  constants  would  result  from  the  use  of  those  of  unripe  eggs  or 
those  of  the  chorion. 

Table  I  shows  that  the  rate  of  intake  of  phosphate  was  of  the  order  of  1-7 
X  10~5,  a  figure  which  can  be  compared  with  the  values  for  Arbacia  eggs  of  2-100 
X  10~10  moles  cm~2  hr"1;  and  the  permeability  constants  for  Fundulus  eggs  were 
0.03-1.69  X  10-2  compared  with  2.2-42.6  X  1Q-6  moles  cm-2  hr"1  (GM  L-1)'1. 
Asterias  eggs  show  a  permeability  (Brooks,  1943)  as  high  as  0.228  X  10~2.  The 
permeability  constants  here,  as  previously,  are  arbitrarily  based  on  the  assumption 
that  the  only  driving  force  is  the  concentration  gradient  into  the  egg.  It  should 
be  noted  that  dimensions  of  this  constant  reduce  to  cm  hr"1,  which  differs  from 
those  of  the  diffusion  constants  only  by  cm  (the  diffusion  constants  are  expressible 

4  Personal  communication  from  Dr.  L.  J.  Mullins. 

236  S.  C.  BROOKS 

as  cm2  hr^1.  It  has  been  noted  (Brooks,  1943)  that  if  the  thickness  of  the  plasma 
membrane  is  known  the  permeability  constant  can  be  multiplied  by  this  thickness, 
becoming  expressible  as  cm2  hr"1.  Here  however  it  is  doubtful  that  a  plasma 
membrane  is  the  structure  involved. 

The  maximum  concentrations  found  in  the  Fundulus  eggs  vary  from  about 
1/5  to  about  6  times  that  of  the  immersion  fluid  (Table  I).  In  the  case  of  the 
echinoderms  (Brooks,  1943)  we  find  maxima  varying  from  about  1/26  to  22  times 
that  of  the  immersion  fluid.  In  other  words,  the  product  of  these  extremes  is 
about  one  in  each  case,  that  is,  they  vary  about  unity.  The  nature  of  the  causes 
for  such  variations  is  still  in  doubt. 

The  fact  that  the  permeabilities  for  Fundulus  eggs  are  so  much  greater  than 
those  for  Arbacia  and  Asterias  eggs  suggests  strongly  that  quite  different  mem- 
branes are  responsible  for  these  magnitudes.  It  seems  probable  that  the  values  for 
Fundulus  eggs  are  dominated  by  the  chorion,  while  those  for  the  echinoderm  eggs 
are  properties  of  their  plasma  membrane,  or  possibly  of  the  surface  layer  or  the 
whole  cortex  of  the  egg  (Chambers,  1938).  Just  has  emphasized  the  importance 
of  the  egg  cortex  (Just,  1939)  but  it  is  by  no  means  certain  that  the  egg's  per- 
meability is  a  property  of  the  whole  egg  cortex. 

The  fact  that  the  chorion  of  a  Fundulus  egg  has  so  ample  a  possible  capacity  to 
combine,  or  fix  by  chemosorption  of  anions  that  all  the  content  could  easily  be 
bound,  makes  it  seem  possible  that  relatively  little  phosphate  passes  through  this 
membrane  during  the  first  few  hours  of  experimentation.  If  this  conclusion  is 
applicable  to  such  univalent  anions  as  chloride,  this  confirms  the  conclusion  of 
Sumwalt  (1929,  1933). 

The  experiments  then  suggest  strongly  that  they  deal  primarily  with  the 
capacity  of  the  chorion  to  absorb  and  lose  the  phosphate  ion  and  to  delay  its 
penetration  into  the  egg  by  virtue  of  its  capacity  to  bind  this  ion. 

The  occurrence  of  an  early  peak  in  ion  intake,  closely  followed  by  a  loss,  is 
more  or  less  general,  and,  although  it  has  not  been  found  by  many  workers,  still 
it  seems  to  seek  a  rational  explanation.  Pantanelli  (1918)  has  noted  such  pheno- 
mena when  Valonia  utriculosa,  Saccharomyces  sp.,  or  Vicia  Faba  and  other  vascular 
plants  (whole  plants  with  their  roots  in  the  bathing  solution)  are  allowed  to  take 
up  ions  from  the  bathing  solutions.  Analysis  of  these  fluids  showed  early  intake 
within  an  hour  or  less,  followed  by  loss  and  later  by  further  intake  of  ions.  Na+ 
K+,  Mg++,  Ca++,  Ba++,  Zn++,  NO3-,  SO4=,  and  HPO4=  show  this  in  one  or  more 
cases.  No  radioactive  ions  were  used,  so  that  radioactivity  cannot  be  blamed 
for  this  type  of  intake  which  has  been  widely  observed.  Recently  Leibowitz 
and  Kupermintz  (1942)  noted  that  Escherichia  coli  in  a  buffered  glucose  solution 
containing  KC1  would  absorb  K+  strongly  within  the  first  5  minutes,  and  then 
release  it  within  an  hour.  The  authors  felt  that  this  behavior  was  associated  with 
the  formation  of  a  polysaccharide,  but  the  brief  communication  did  not  allow 
convincing  proof  of  this  point. 

In  this  connection  it  is  of  interest  to  note  that  amides  and  urea  decrease  the 
viscosity  of  the  ectoplasm  (cortex)  of  Spirogyra  sp.  followed  by  return  to  about 
the  initial  value.  This  was  followed  by  repeated  wide  variations  in  viscosity 
(Northen,  1940).  Failure  to  maintain  the  normal  position  of  the  chloroplasts 
during  centrifugation  was  considered  to  be  evidence  of  decreased  viscosity.  This 
whole  picture  resembles  that  of  the  ion  content  of  living  cells  during  ion  absorption. 


This  parallelism  suggests  that  the  ion  content  is  intimately  connected  with  the 
state  of  the  proteins.  Northen  (1940)  speaks  of  "protein  dissociation."  It  may 
be  that  the  release  of  fatty  materials  from  the  Arbacia  egg  by  the  action  of  NH3 
(Heilbrunn,  1937),  the  bringing  out  of  the  double  diffraction  by  lipins  in  the 
Golgi  apparatus  of  snail  spermatocytes  by  the  use  of  chrysoidin,  an  amino  con- 
taining dye  (Monne,  1939),  the  similarity  of  the  action  of  the  K  and  NH4  ions 
and  acetyl  choline  in  breaking  down  the  cell  membranes  at  nerve  synapses  (see  in 
this  connection  Mann,  Tennenbaum,  and  Quastel,  1939)  and  the  general  toxicity 
of  NH4  salts  all  reflect  physico-chemical  changes  in  proteins,  presumably  globulins 
or  possibly  nucleoproteins.  Such  a  change  of  state  by  a  protein  is  shown  when 
the  rodlets  of  tobacco  mosaic  virus,  revealed  by  the  electron  microscope  technique, 
lose  their  ordered  configuration  when  they  are  suspended  in  NaOH  or  NH4OH 
containing  solutions  (Stanley,  1935;  Stanley  and  Anderson,  1941).  The  behavior 
of  this  nucleoprotein  is  due  to  the  presence  of  NH4+  or  NH3,  and  Na+  or  possibly 
the  OH~  ion.  Inactivation,  which  is  related  to  this  type  of  conversion  of  tobacco 
mosaic  virus,  occurs  also  in  urea  solutions  (Stanley  and  Lauffer,  1939),  and  in 
alkaline  suspensions  produced  by  addition  of  NaOH  (Stanley,  1935). 

At  least  one  of  the  alkali  metal  ions  appears  to  be  effective,  and  if  all  such  ions 
have  similar  properties  in  this  case,  as  experiment  shows  in  similar  cases,  then  the 
exposure  of  living  cells  to  unbalanced  solutions  rich  in  such  cations  as  Na+,  K+, 
Rb+,  Cs+,  NH4+,  and  probably  the  organic  cations  such  as  choline,  guanidine, 
amines,  urea,  the  basic  amino  acids,  etc..  would  entrain  a  change  in  the  protein 
molecules  ("conversion  ").  This,  by  analogy  with  the  observed  effects  on  viruses, 
would  probably  decrease  the  capacity  of  these  proteins  to  participate  in  the 
molecular  structure  of  the  plasma  membranes.  The  loss  of  elongated  molecules 
should  deprive  the  plasma  of  essential,  mechanically  necessary  components. 
This  effect  might  be  produced  directly,  or  by  releasing  NH3  or  NH4+  which  are 
continuously  present  in  any  synthesizing  cell,  and  allowing  them  to  affect  the 
plasma  membrane  secondarily.  Organic  cations  might  well  be  an  equally  im- 
portant factor  (Hendricks,  1941).  The  mutual  replacement  of  ions  has  been 
studied  carefully  by  soil  students.  Gieseking  and  Jenny  (1936)  found  that  the 
NH4+  ion  is  very  easily  replaced  by  such  ions  as  Na+  and  K+.  The  alkaline  earth 
ions  are  more  resistant  to  replacement,  and  their  function  can  well  be  pictured 
on  this  basis.  For  example,  the  presence  of  enhanced  proportions  of  these  ions 
should  stabilize  the  plasma  membrane,  and  delay  or  prevent  the  conversion  of 
proteins  such  as  we  picture. 

This  breakdown  in  the  plasma  membrane  is  envisioned  as  marking  a  change 
from  a  membrane  permeable  to  ions  by  ionic  exchange,  that  is,  a  membrane  having 
pores  of  about  7-9  A  diameter  (Brooks,  1943),  presumably  left  between  protein 
molecules  and  preponderantly  plus  or  minus  charged,  to  a  membrane  which 
allows  ion  pairs  to  diffuse  through  it,  i.e.  with  larger  and  little  charged  pores 
("mass  movement"  of  Fenn,  1940).  When  a  cell  is  placed  in  a  solution  contain- 
ing suitable  cations  or  anions  we  find  that  the  ions  of  this  solution  are  soon  seen 
in  the  protoplasm  itself  (e.g.  Brooks,  1940),  and  tend  to  accumulate  in  excess  of 
the  concentrations  in  the  bathing  solution.  Soon,  however,  another  process 
supervenes  and  results  in  the  movement  of  same  ions  (and  perhaps  others)  out  of 
the  protoplasm  into  the  bathing  solution.  The  first  can  be  accounted  for  by  ionic 
exchange  (by  segregated  cation  exchange  and  anion  exchange)  utilizing  as  counter 

238  S.  C.  BROOKS 

ions  such  things  as  NH4+  or  organic  cations,  and  any  of  the  organic  anions  or  Cl 
and  phosphates,  all  of  which  are  known  to  occur  or  are  produced  within  living 
cells  generally.  The  second  process  is  the  loss  of  these  accumulated  ions  by 
allowing  the  free  diffusion  of  salts  to  occur,  involving  the  simultaneous  movement 
of  the  oppositely  charged  ions.  The  observed  repetition  of  these  gain  and  loss 
phases  strongly  suggests  that  the  fundamental  changes  in  the  proteins  of  the 
protoplasma  membrane  and  of  the  cortex  can  be  reversible,  or  that  converted 
proteins  are  replaced  by  similar  unconverted  proteins  from  the  deeper  lying  regions 
in  the  cell.  Newly  made  proteins  may  also  serve  in  this  replacement.  This 
hypothesis  accounts  qualitatively  for  the  observed  course  of  ion  absorption  where 
accumulation  and  loss  of  ions  occur.  The  loss  phases  might  well  be  absent  in 
the  cases  where  they  were  not  observed  either  because  of  the  absence  of  active 
intracellular  cations,  or  because  of  a  more  stabile  plasma  membrane. 

This  idea  is  also  of  importance  in  a  case  like  the  Fundulus  egg.  We  have 
noted  that  unripe  eggs  have  a  chorion  which  may  be  easily  permeable  to  ions. 
But  on  ripening  the  chorion  should  attain  sufficient  closeness  of  their  fabric  to 
allow  some  degree  of  ion  accumulation.  Like  the  plasma  membrane  it  may  during 
an  experiment  suffer  a  change  in  its  proteins  and  allow  loss  of  salts  by  mass  move- 
ment. Such  a  similarity  between  the  chorion  and  its  parent  substances  is  ade- 
quate to  account  for  the  similarity  of  the  gain  and  losses  of  ions  when  Fundulus 
eggs  are  placed  in  suitable  salt  solutions. 



Unfertilized  eggs  of  Fundulus  heteroclitus  were  immersed  in  sea  water  con- 
taining low  concentrations  (0.193  to  0.25  mM)  of  radioactive  sodium  phosphate 
and  the  phosphate  content  in  subsequently  collected  samples  after  the  intervals 
from  one-half  minute  to  one  hour  was  determined  by  measuring  the  0-radiation 
from  the  samples. 

It  was  found  that: 

(a)  The  phosphate  ion  was  taken  in  during  two  or  more  periods,  separated 
by  periods  during  which  the  ion  was  lost. 

(b)  During  the  first  rise  the  permeability  was  high  (6.2-71.8  X  10~2  moles  cm~: 
hr"1  (Gm  L"1)"1)  while  the  later  rises  have  lower  permeabilities  (2.0-4.4  X  10~2). 

(c)  The  maximum  concentrations  found  in  these  eggs  varied  from  0.080  to 
1.69  mM  or  about  1/5  to  about  6  times  that  of  the  immersion  fluid  for  the  re- 
spective experiments. 

The  great  rates  of  penetration  (permeabilities)  found,  considered  with  the 
relatively  high  combining  power  of  the  chorion  has  led  to  the  tentative  conclusion 
that  during  the  first  hour  or  so  of  such  experiments  very  little  phosphate  pene- 
trates through  the  chorion  to  the  egg  cell  itself. 

A  tentative  theory  as  to  the  nature  of  the  processes  leading  to  intake  and  often 
accumulation  of  an  ion,  its  subsequent  loss,  and  repetition  of  this  cycle  is  proposed. 
It  depends  on  the  assumption  that  proteins  suffer  reversibly  or  irreversibly  a 
"conversion"  during  ion  intake,  and  that  this  is  due  to  the  action  of  the  ions 


BROOKS,  S.  C.,  1939.     Ion  exchanges  in  accumulation  and  loss  of  certain  ions  by  the  living  proto- 
plasm of  Nitella.     Jour.  Cell.  Comp.  Physiol,  14:  303-401. 


BROOKS,  S.  C.,  1940.     The  intake  of  radioactive  isotopes  by  living  cells.     Cold  Spring  Harbor 

Sympos.  Quant.  Biol.,  8:  171-177. 
BROOKS,  S.  C.,  1943.     Intake  and  loss  of  ions  by  living  cells.     I.  Eggs  and  larvae  of  Arbacia 

punctulata  and  Asterias  forbesi  exposed  to  phosphate  and  sodium  ions.     Biol.  Bull    84- 

CHAMBERS,  R.,   1938.     The  physical  state  of  protoplasm  with  special  reference  to  its  surface. 

Amer.  Naturalist,  72:  141-159. 
FENN,  W.  O.,  1940.     The  distribution  of  radioactive  potassium,  sodium  and  chlorine  in  rats  and 

rabbits.     Bull.  Conference  Appl.  Nuclear.  Phys.,  p.  30. 
GIESEKING,  J.  E.,  AND  H.  JENNY,  1936.     Behavior  of  multivalent  cations  in  base  exchange.     Soil 

Science,  42:  273-280. 

GRAF,  E.,  1937.     Uber  den  Basenumtausch  an  Kasein.     Kolloid  Beih.,  46:  229-310. 
GRAY,  J.,  1932.     The  osmotic  properties  of  the  egg  of  the  trout  (Salmo  fario).     Jour.  Exp.  Biol  , 

9:  277-299. 

HEILBRUNN,  L.  V.,  1937.     Protein  lipid  binding  in  protoplasm.     Biol.  Bull.,  71:  299-305, 
HENDRICKS,  S.  B.,  1941.     Base  exchange  of  the  clay  mineral  montmorillonite  for  organic  cations 

and  its  dependence  upon  adsorption  due  to  van  der  Waals  forces.     Jour.  Phys.  Chem., 

45:  65-81. 
JENNY,  H.,   1936.     Simple  kinetic  theory  of  ionic  exchange.     I.   Ions  of  equal  valence.     Jour. 

Phys.  Chem.,  40:  501-517. 
JENNY,  H.,  AND  R.  OVERSTREET,  1939.     Surface  migration  of  ions  and  contact  exchange.     Jour. 

Phys.  Chem.,  43:  1185-1196. 

JUST,  E.  E.,  1939.     The  biology  of  the  cell  surface.     Philadelphia.     Blakiston's. 
LEIBOWITZ,  J.,  AND  N.  KUPERMINTZ,  1942.     Potassium  in  bacterial  fermentation.     Nature,  150: 

MANN,  P.  J.  G.,  M.  TENNENBAUM  AND  J.  H.  QUASTEL,  1939.     Acetylcholine  metabolism  in  the 

central  nervous  system.     The  effects  of  potassium  and  other  cations  on  acetylcholine 

liberation.     Biochem.  Jour.,  33:  822-835. 
MONNE,  L.,  1939.     Polarisationsoptische  Untersuchungen  iiber  die  Golgiapparat  und  die   Mito- 

chondrien   mannlicher   Geschlechtszellen   einiger   Pulmonatenarten.     Protoplasma,   32: 

MUIR,  R.  M.,  1942.     Effect  of  radiation  from  radioactive  isotopes  in  the  protoplasm  of  Spirogyra. 

Jour.  Cell.  Comp.  Physiol.,  19:  244-247. 
MULLINS,  L.  J.,  1939.     The  effect  of  radiation  from  radioactive  indicators  on  the  penetration  of 

ions  into  Nitella.     Jour.  Cell.  Comp.  Physiol.,  14:  403-405. 

NORTHEN,  H.  T.,  1940.     Effects  of  protein-dissociating  agents  on  the  structural  viscosity  of  proto- 
plasm.    Biodynamica,  3:  10-27. 
PANTANELLI,  E.,  1918.     Decorso  dell'assorbimento  di  ioni  nelle  piante.     Bull.  Orto.  Bot.,  R.  Univ. 

Napoli,  6:  1-37. 
SCHMITT,  F.  O.,  AND  K.  J.  PALMER,  1940.     X-ray  diffraction  studies  of  lipide  and  lipide-protein 

systems.     Cold  Spring  Harbor  Sympos.  Quant.  Biol.,  8:  94-99. 
STANLEY,  W.  M.,  1935.     Chemical  studies  on  the  virus  of  tobacco  mosaic.     III.   Rates  of  inacti- 

vation  at  different  hydrogen-ion  concentrations.     Phytopathol.,  25:  475-492. 
STANLEY,  W.  M.,  AND  T.  F.  ANDERSON,  1941.     A  study  of  purified  viruses  with  the  electron  micro- 
scope.    Jour.  Biol.  Chem.,  139:  325-338. 
STANLEY,  W.  M.,  AND  M.  A.  LAUFFER,  1939.     Disintegration  of  tobacco  mosaic  virus  in  urea 

solutions.     Science,  89:  345-347. 
SUMWALT,  M.,  1929.     Potential  differences  across  the  chorion  of  the  Fundulus  egg.     Biol.  Bull., 

56:  193-213. 
SUMWALT,  M.,  1933.     Ion  effects  upon  ion  permeability  of  the  Fundulus  chorion.     Biol.  Bull.,  64: 




(Department  of  Zoology,  University  of  Wisconsin,  Madison) 

Although  the  question  of  the  secretion  of  a  biliary  amylase  by  higher  verte- 
brate animals  is  discussed  extensively  in  earlier  physiological  literature  it  has 
attracted  little  attention  in  recent  years.  The  general  assumption  among  physi- 
ologists is  that  bile  has  no  enzymatic  function  in  the  processes  of  digestion. 
Loehner  (1929)  presented  a  critical  discussion  of  the  earlier  literature  and  recorded 
the  results  of  his  own  investigations  in  which  he  was  able  to  prove  the  presence  of 
an  amylase  in  the  bile  of  cattle  and  sheep.  Fossel  (1931)  demonstrated  that  this 
amylase  was  hepatic  in  origin  and  not  due  to  contamination  with  amylase  from 
the  intestine.  There  is  little  information  on  biliary  amylase  in  birds.  Jacobson 
(1856)  reported  its  presence  in  the  domestic  fowl,  domestic  duck,  and  domestic 
goose.  Because  of  the  methods  used  by  him  the  probability  of  bacterial  action 
as  the  cause  of  amylolysis  is  not  precluded.  Stresemann  (1934)  stated  that  amy- 
lase is  found  in  the  bile  of  the  domestic  goose.  When  preliminary  investigations 
by  the  author  gave  positive  results  he  decided  to  conduct  further  experiments 
which  would  give  information  concerning  the  relative  amylolytic  activity  of  the 
bile  and  the  general  occurrence  of  biliary  amylase  in  the  domestic  fowl. 


White  Leghorns,  Rhode  Island  Reds,  and  Barred  Plymouth  Rocks  from  the 
stocks  of  the  Department  of  Poultry  Husbandry  were  used  as  experimental 

Bile  from  the  gall  bladder  was  obtained  by  removal  of  the  intact  organ.  The 
bile  was  then  drained  directly  into  sterile  vials  (toluol  added)  by  means  of  a  small 
incision  in  the  wall  of  the  bladder. 

Bile  was  also  obtained  from  the  hepatic  duct  which  leads  directly  from  the 
liver  to  the  intestine.  To  secure  this  the  bird  was  anesthetized  with  nembutal  or 
ether  and  placed  on  its  left  side.  An  incision  was  made  on  the  right  side  posterior 
to  the  last  rib  and  parallel  to  the  sternum  at  such  a  level  that  the  duodenal  loop 
could  be  reached.  This  loop  was  then  drawn  to  the  opening  made  by  the  incision, 
thus  exposing  the  cystic,  hepatic,  and  pancreatic  ducts.  A  glass  cannula  with  an  in- 
side diameter  of  about  0.7  mm.  and  a  slight  enlargement  about  5  mm.  from  the  end 
was  inserted  through  a  small  incision  in  the  duct  and  tied  in  place.  The  purpose  of 
the  slight  enlargement  near  the  end  of  the  cannula  was  to  prevent  its  slipping  out 
of  the  duct  after  it  had  been  tied  in  place.  A  gum  rubber  collecting  chamber,  15 
cm.  long  and  1.5  cm.  in  diameter,  containing  a  few  drops  of  toluol  was  then  at- 
tached to  the  free  end  of  the  cannula.  Usually  the  collecting  chamber  was 
attached  to  the  cannula  before  it  was  inserted  into  the  duct.  The  chamber  was 
carefully  placed  among  the  loops  of  the  intestine  and  the  incision  sutured.  After 
24  hours  the  bird  was  killed  and  the  chamber  removed.  Seven  successful  opera- 




tions  yielded  4  to  10  ml.  of  bile  each.  The  principal  difficulty  encountered  and 
the  reason  for  most  of  the  failures  was  the  clogging  of  the  cannulae  due  to  their 
necessarily  small  diameters. 

Pancreatic  juice  was  obtained  from  the  largest  pancreatic  duct  by  means  of  a 
similar  operation.  The  recovery  of  the  birds  was  surprising.  In  more  than  30 
operations  there  were  only  three  deaths,  two  during  anesthesia  and  one  from 

Bile  and  pancreatic  juice  were  used  immediately  for  tests  or  were  stored  at 
1°  C.  with  toluol  until  used.  No  differences  could  be  detected  between  the  fresh 
and  stored  samples. 

Amylolytic  activity  was  estimated  quantitatively  from  the  reducing  sugar 
produced  by  the  action  of  the  bile  on  one  per  cent  boiled  starch  substrate  (toluol 
added)  with  0.01  M  phosphate  buffer  and  0.02  M  NaCl  at  40°  C.  Quantitative 
estimations  of  reducing  sugar  were  made  according  to  the  method  of  Shaffer  and 
Somogyi  (1933).  The  only  modification  of  this  method  necessary  was  the  ex- 
tension of  the  heating  time  of  the  digest  sample  with  the  copper  reagent.  An 
arbitrary  "amylase  unit"  was  established  for  convenience  in  expression  of  results. 
This  unit  is  defined  as  that  amount  of  amylolytic  activity  which  will  in  one  hour 
produce  25  per  cent  of  the  maximum  amount  of  reducing  sugar  from  one  ml.  of  one 
per  cent  boiled  starch  at  pH  7.10  (0.01  M  phosphate  buffer)  with  0.02  M  NaCl 
at  40°  C.  Trial  digests  were  made  to  establish  the  concentration  of  bile  which 
would  give  a  linear  relation  with  time  for  a  period  of  about  one  hour  after  the 
addition  of  the  bile  to  the  substrate. 

Similar  digests  were  made  for  qualitative  tests.  Reducing  sugar  was  detected 
by  Benedict's  qualitative  test.  All  tests  whether  quantitative  or  qualitative 
were  made  within  one  hour  after  the  addition  of  bile  to  the  substrate. 

Experiment  1 

In  order  to  ascertain  whether  or  not  the  biliary  amylase  was  hepatic  in  origin, 
bile  was  collected  from  the  hepatic  duct  by  means  of  a  cannula  thus  excluding  the 


Relative  amylolytic  activity  of  bile  and  pancreatic  juice 

Activity  in  amylase  units* 



of  birds 


/ml.  juice 

/mg.  dr.  weight 


Gall  bladder  bile 




7.1  -7.2 


Hepatic  duct  bile 



200  700 

7.1  -7.2 


Pancreatic  juice 





*  Arbitrary  unit  for  comparative  purposes.     See  text. 

t  With  0.01  M  phosphate  buffer  and  0.02  M  NaCl. 

|  Groups  A  and  B  have  4  birds  in  common. 

§  Samples  from  10  of  these  pooled  and  treated  as  a  single  sample. 

possibility  of  contamination  by  amylase  from  the  intestine.  Samples  of  hepatic 
duct  bile  from  six  birds  were  compared  quantitatively  with  the  gall  bladder  bile 
from  four  of  these  birds  as  well  as  with  gall  bladder  bile  from  11  others.  The 



samples  from  ten  of  the  latter  were  pooled  and  treated  as  a  single  sample.  The 
data  recorded  in  Table  I  show  that  the  hepatic  duct  bile  contained  amylase  in 
amounts  comparable  to  that  in  the  gall  bladder  bile  thus  proving  its  origin  in  the 
liver.  Comparisons  were  made  on  a  volumetric  as  well  as  dry  weight  basis.  For 
the  purposes  of  studying  relative  activity,  samples  of  pancreatic  juice  from  three 
different  birds  were  analyzed  quantitatively.  The  relative  amylolytic  activities 
of  bile  and  pancreatic  juice  as  recorded  in  Table  I  reveal  that  the  action  of  bile  on 
starch  is  small  when  compared  with  that  of  pancreatic  juice. 

The  optimum  hydrogen  ion  concentrations  for  the  amylolytic  actions  of  gall 
bladder  bile,  hepatic  duct  bile,  and  pancreatic  bile  were  determined  by  buffering 
the  substrate  to  various  hydrogen  ion  concentrations  with  0.01  M  phosphate 
buffer  in  the  presence  of  0.02  M  NaCl.  The  optimum  hydrogen  ion  concentration 
as  recorded  in  Table  I  agrees  well  with  the  accepted  value  for  pancreatic  amylase 
(pH  7.1)  in  the  presence  of  the  same  concentration  of  NaCl  (Tauber,  1937). 

Experiment  2 

The  general  occurrence  of  amylase  in  the  bile  of  the  domestic  fowl  was  studied 
with  qualitative  tests  on  50  birds  in  three  age  groups  as  shown  in  Table  II. 


General  occurrence  of  biliary  amylase  in  the  domestic  fowl 

Source  of  bile 

Age  of  birds 

of  birds 

Occurrence  of  amylase  in  bile* 


not  present 

Hepatic  duct 
Gall  bladder 





Gall  bladder 
Gall  bladder 

8  weeks 
4  weeks 





*  Digest  with  0.1-0.3  ml.  bile  and  1.2  ml.  starch  substrate  with  conditions  as  described  in  text. 
t  Both  contained  traces  of  amylase. 

Samples  which  showed  only  traces  of  amylolytic  activity  were  regarded  as  nega- 
tive. Indications  from  these  tests  are  that  its  occurrence  is  irregular  among 
younger  birds. 


Since  bile  obtained  by  the  cannulation  of  the  hepatic  duct  contained  amylase 
the  possibility  of  its  presence  being  due  to  contamination  by  amylase  from  the 
intestine  is  eliminated.  This  is  in  agreement  with  the  results  obtained  by  Fossel 
(1931)  in  cattle  and  sheep.  His  observation  that  due  to  reabsorption  of  water 
the  concentration  of  amylase  in  gall  bladder  bile  is  higher  than  that  of  hepatic 
duct  bile  appears  to  be  supported  by  the  results  of  these  experiments.  Loehner's 
observation  that  the  amylolytic  activity  of  the  bile  is  not  great  when  compared 
to  that  of  the  pancreatic  juice  is  certainly  supported  by  the  data  obtained  in  this 
investigation.  However,  the  function  of  biliary  amylase  in  the  processes  of 
starch  digestion  should  not  necessarily  be  designated  as  unimportant  until  the 



relative  rates  of  secretion  of  bile  and  pancreatic  juice  are  known.     No  information 
concerning  this  is  available  for  the  domestic  fowl  at  the  present  time. 

Since  the  liver  is  generally  supposed  to  contain  a  starch-splitting  enzyme, 
"glycogenase,"  the  question  arises  as  to  the  possibility  that  biliary  amylase  and 
"glycogenase"  are  identical.  The  author  has  no  evidence  concerning  this.  Any 
consideration  of  this  possible  identity  must  take  into  account  the  conclusion  of 
Cori  and  Cori  (1938)  that  glycolysis  in  the  liver  is  due  to  the  action  of  an  enzyme 
system  rather  than  to  the  action  of  a  single  enzyme,  "glycogenase,"  as  formerly 


The  bile  of  the  domestic  fowl  contains  an  amylase  which  is  secreted  by  the 
liver.  Its  optimum  hydrogen  ion  concentration  is  similar  to  that  of  pancreatic 
amylase.  The  amylolytic  activity  of  pancreatic  juice  was  found  to  be  10-800 
times  that  of  bile. 

A  cknowledgments 

The  author  wishes  to  thank  the  Department  of  Poultry  Husbandry  for  the 
experimental  birds,  and  Professor  C.  A.  Herrick,  Departments  of  Zoology  and 
Veterinary  Science,  for  laboratory  facilities  and  for  advice  and  assistance  in 
performing  operations. 


CORI,  G.  T.,  AND  C.  F.  CORI,  1938.     Enzymatic  breakdown  of  glycogen  in  liver  extracts.     Proc. 

Soc.  Exp.  Biol.  Med.,  39:  337-338. 
FOSSEL,  M.,  1931.     Gallen-  und  Gallenwegstudien.     V.  Ueber  die  Herkunst  der  Gallenamylasen. 

Pflueg.  Arch.  ges.  Physiol,  228:  764-771. 
JACOBSON,  J.,  1865.     De  sacchari  formatione  fermentoque  in  jecore  et  de  fermento  in  bile.     Inaug. 

Dissert.  Koenigsberg,  1865. 
LOEHNER,  L.,  1929.     Gallen-  und  Gallenwegstudien.     IV.  Zur  Entscheidung  der  Gallenamylasen- 

frage.     Pflueg.  Arch.  ges.  Physiol.,  223:  436-449. 
SHAFFER,  P.  A.,  AND  M.  SOMOGYI,  1933.     Copper-iodometric  reagents  for  sugar  determination. 

Jour.  Biol.  Chem.,  100:  695-713. 
STRESEMANN,  E.,  1934.     In  Kuekenthal  und  Krumbach,  Handbuch  der  Zoologie,  7,  II,  Aves, 

p.  487. 
TAUBER,  H.,  1937.     Enzyme  Chemistry.     John  Wiley  and  Sons,  New  York,  139-141. 





(Marine  Biological  Laboratory,  Woods  Hole,  and  Department  of  Zoology, 
University  of  Michigan,  Ann  Arbor) 

During  the  summer  of  1938,  a  series  of  experiments  was  undertaken  at  Dr. 
Robert  Chambers'  suggestion,  with  a  view  to  determining  something  of  the 
mechanism  by  which  decreased  tonicity  slows  mitosis.  In  the  dosage-rate  curves 
there  was  noted  an  aberration  which  seemed  to  indicate  an  acceleration  of  cleav- 
age in  slightly  diluted  sea  water.  Detailed  investigation  showed  the  acceleration 
to  be  real,1  and  the  results  are  presented  here. 

I  am  indebted  to  Dr.  Robert  Chambers  for  continued  helpful  advice,  and  to 
Dr.  Alvalyn  Woodward  for  sharing  laboratory  space  supplied  by  the  Faculty  Re- 
search Fund  of  the  University  of  Michigan  during  the  summer  of  1941. 


The  eggs  of  Arbacia  punctulata  were  used  throughout.  For  each  experiment, 
the  washed,  concentrated  eggs  were  measured  into  control  and  hypotonic  solutions 
in  quick  succession.  All  eggs  were  examined  after  24  to  48  hours  for  normal 
development.  Hypotonicity  is  represented  in  percentage  of  normal  sea  water: 
96  per  cent  being  4  parts  of  distilled  water  in  96  of  sea  water.  Both  concentration 
and  time  of  exposure  were  varied  experimentally.  . 

The  solutions  and  eggs  were  brought  to  a  uniform  temperature  before  mixing, 
and  the  temperature  maintained  with  a  water  bath.  There  was  no  difference 
among  the  solutions  measurable  within  a  tenth  of  a  degree  Centigrade,  and  the 
positions  of  the  flasks  were  rotated  to  prevent  favoring  of  any  one  by  an  imper- 
ceptible temperature  difference.  In  some  of  the  earliest  experiments,  in  which 
a  small  water  bath  was  used,  the  temperature  rose  as  much  as  3°  C.  during  the 
course  of  the  experiment,  but  frequent  measurements  of  the  solutions  were  made 
to  insure  an  identical  temperature  in  the  different  solutions.  The  temperatures 
employed  ranged  from  18.5°  to  23°  C.,  being  kept  close  to  that  of  the  running 
water  in  the  tanks  to  avoid  temperature  shock  in  transferring  the  eggs  from  the 
sea  urchins  to  the  solutions. 

It  should  be  emphasized  that  alteration  in  rate  of  cleavage  always  refers  to  a 
comparison  of  experimental  and  control  lots  of  eggs  from  a  single  female,  run  at 
the  same  time  and  subject  to  the  same  variations  in  temperature  or  other  environ- 
mental factors.  To  check  on  variability  in  the  method,  experiments  were  run 

1  A  search  of  the  literature  revealed  that  this  accelerating  effect  of  hypotonicity  had  received 
considerable  attention,  but  no  experiments  upon  the  cleavage  rate  of  marine  eggs  had  been  re- 
ported. Not  until  the  work  upon  Arbacia  eggs  had  already  been  reported  (Cornman,  1940)  and 
the  full  account  was  ready  for  press  was  it  discovered  that  the  acceleration  of  cleavage  in  Arbacia 
eggs  had  been  extensively  studied  ten  years  earlier  in  the  physiology  class  at  Woods  Hole  under 
Dr.  M.  H.  Jacobs'  direction.  The  effect  had  been  noted  before  that  by  Dr.  Walter  E.  Carrey. 



with  sea  water  in  all  flasks.  The  curves  thus  obtained  from  these  six  identical 
controls  were  exactly  superimposable,  and  treated  statistically  showed  no  signifi- 
cant differences.  Besides  sea  water  controls,  isotonic  controls  were  also  used  in 
some  experiments  to  check  against  the  effect  of  electrolyte  concentration.  Iso- 
tonic sodium  chloride  was  used  as  a  control  for  total  electrolyte  content.  These 
solutions  were  introduced  in  the  same  quantities  as  distilled  water  in  the  experi- 
ments with  tonicities  of  96  per  cent  and  95  per  cent. 

In  the  crucial  experiments  the  pH  of  the  media  was  checked  with  a  glass  elec- 
trode at  the  beginning  and  at  the  end  of  the  experiments.  Between  the  concen- 
trations 100  per  cent  and  88  per  cent  sea  water,  the  range  in  which  acceleration  of 
cleavage  occurs,  there  was  found  to  be  a  drift  of  only  0.1  pH  unit  toward  alkalinity 
upon  dilution,  and  no  further  change  during  the  course  of  the  experiment.  The 
natural  buffers  of  sea  water  were  adequate  to  prevent  any  greater  change  in  pH. 

Comparison  of  the  rates  of  cleavage  was  made  by  statistical  analysis  of  sam- 
ples fixed  at  successive  intervals  of  two,  three,  or  five  minutes.  This  was  done  by 
pipetting  samples  from  each  of  the  control  and  experimental  solutions,  into  one 
per  cent  formaldehyde,  all  within  10  to  15  seconds  of  each  other.  In  each  of 
these  samples,  200  eggs  were  counted.  In  order  to  obtain  samples  that  were  as 
representative  as  possible,  the  experimental  solutions  were  stirred  after  each 
sampling,  and  the  killed  eggs  were  thoroughly  mixed  before  they  were  transferred 
to  the  counting  slide.  In  counting  the  eggs,  a  regular  pattern  was  followed  which 
covered  the  entire  slide.  From  these  samples,  the  percentage  of  eggs  cleaved 
within  each  period  was  determined.  Arranged  in  a  frequency  table,  these  per- 
centages supplied  the  distribution,  mean,  and  median  of  the  time  between  fer- 
tilization and  cleavage.  In  these  statistical  calculations,  the  percentage  of  eggs 
cleaved  during  the  period  between  the  moments  of  sampling  constituted  the  fre- 
quencies of  the  classes,  and  the  times  at  which  the  samples  were  taken  constituted 
the  class  limits.  Thus,  the  data  could  be  handled  by  conventional  statistical 
methods.  Although  not  entirely  satisfactory,  it  gives  a  preliminary  estimate  of 
the  validity  of  results.  Complete  analysis  involves  special  statistical  problems 
which  cannot  be  dealt  with  here.  In  all,  over  500,000  eggs  were  counted. 


The  results  of  typical  experiments  are  represented  graphically  in  Figure  1. 
Connecting  the  cleavage  percentages  are  steep  ogives,  tapering  somewhat  more 
near  the  100  per  cent  cleavage  mark  than  near  zero.  Experiment  1-12 
(Figure  1)  show  a  series  of  curves  revealing  a  clear-cut  acceleration  in  96  per  cent 
and  92  per  cent  sea  water,  no  acceleration  in  88  per  cent,  and  retardation  in  84 
per  cent. 

In  general,  acceleration  of  the  first  cleavage  was  found  to  occur  in  concentra- 
tions between  100  per  cent  and  88  per  cent  sea  water.  Acceleration  was  obtained 
with  treatments  beginning  anywhere  from  four  minutes  after  insemination,  up  to 
the  diaster  of  the  first  cleavage.  There  was  no  sharply  defined  peak  of  accelera- 
tion at  any  one  tonicity,  but  acceleration  in  96  per  cent  was  most  frequently  the 
highest.  Moreover,  the  maximum  acceleration  for  any  single  experiment  oc- 
curred at  96  per  cent:  a  statistically  calculated  acceleration  of  3.36  minutes,  which, 
referred  to  the  control  mean  cleavage  time  of  65.36  minutes,  represents  a  shorten- 
ing of  the  cleavage  time  by  5.1  per  cent.  Accelerations  obtained  varied  from  this 



5.1  per  cent  to  zero.  Particularly  during  the  summer  of  1941  the  eggs  showed 
little  response  to  hypotonicity,  although  the  experimental  procedure  was  the  same 
as  previously  used.  It  should  be  emphasized  that  the  variation  was  between  zero 
and  statistically  significant  accelerations.  In  the  several  hundred  experiments 
there  were  few  decelerations  obtained  in  98  per  cent  to  94  per  cent  sea  water,  and 
none  of  these  was  significant  insofar  as  the  statistical  methods  employed  could 



FIGURE  1.  Typical  curves  for  first  cleavage,  showing  a  moderate  hypotonicity  effect,  the 
amount  of  scattering  about  the  ogive,  and  the  slight  variations  in  slope.  The  curves  are  smoothed 
by  eye  in  accordance  with  the  general  trend  of  a  large  number  of  curves. 

1-12:  Cleavage  curves  for  84  per  cent  to  100  per  cent  sea  water.  They  show  acceleration  in  96 
per  cent  and  92  per  cent,  no  effect  in  88  per  cent,  and  retardation  in  84  per  cent.  The  acceleration 
in  96  per  cent,  determined  statistically,  was  2.85  ±  0.43  minutes.  Treatment  begun  14  minutes 
after  insemination.  Temperature  19°  C. 

V-4:  Cleavage  curves  for  96  per  cent  and  100  per  cent  sea  water,  and  for  the  isotonic  sodium  chloride 
control  for  96  per  cent.  There  is  a  decided  acceleration  in  the  hypotonic  sea  water,  but  none  in 
the  isotonic  control.  The  statistically  determined  acceleration  in  96  per  cent  was  2.31  ±  0.36 
minutes;  in  the  isotonic  control,  —0.04  ±  0.41  minutes.  Treatment  begun  13  minutes  after 
insemination;  temperature  18.5°  C. 

show.  In  the  range  92  per  cent  to  88  per  cent,  on  the  contrary,  some  experimental 
sets  were  retarded,  while  others  were  accelerated.  This  possibly  represents  a  dif- 
ferent threshold  of  response  among  the  different  sets.  Dilutions  to  84  per  cent 
and  more  always  gave  decelerated  cleavage,  as  did  all  hypertonic  solutions. 

At  19°  to  20°  C.,  cleavage  between  5  per  cent  and  95  per  cent  is  completed  in 
from  four  to  20  minutes  in  normally  developing  eggs.  (The  spread  for  the  steep 
section  of  the  ogive  in  experiment  1-12  is  about  8.5  minutes.)  There  are  much 


smaller  differences  of  spread  within  a  single  experiment  (Figure  1).  These  dif- 
ferences in  slope  have  not  been  analyzed  for  significance. 

Changes  in  electrolyte  content  and  electrolyte  balance  caused  no  acceleration. 
Cleavage  curves  for  96  per  cent  sea  water,  and  sea  water  diluted  to  96  per  cent 
by  isotonic  NaCl,  are  compared  with  cleavage  in  100  per  cent  sea  water  in  Figure 
1,  experiment  V-4.  Both  maltose  and  sucrose  isotonic  controls  retarded  cleavage 
slightly,  but  probably  not  significantly.  Lillie  and  Cattell  (1929)  found  no  con- 
siderable alteration  of  cleavage  rate,  even  with  electrolytes  reduced  to  60  per  cent 
with  isotonic  sucrose. 

When  eggs  remain  in  the  hypotonic  solutions,  the  acceleration  is  not  duplicated 
in  the  second  and  third  cleavages.  Fewer  figures  are  available  for  these  cleav- 
ages, but  they  indicate  definitely  that  after  acceleration  of  the  first  cleavage,  sub- 
sequent cleavages  are  not  accelerated  to  the  same  extent.  Also,  if  the  first  cleav- 
age does  not  respond  to  hypotonicity,  the  second  cleavage  does  not.  However, 
the  second  cleavage  will  sometimes  respond  to  hypotonicity  if  the  eggs  are  im- 
mersed after  completion  of  the  first  cleavage.  The  acceleration  is  not  as  marked 
as  that  obtained  in  the  first  cleavage,  reflecting,  perhaps,  the  changed  condition 
of  the  egg,  and  the  shorter  time  available  for  the  hypotonicity  to  act. 


The  amount  and  consistency  of  acceleration  obtained  show  clearly  that  cleav- 
age of  Arbacia  eggs  proceeds  faster  in  hypotonic  sea  water  than  in  normal  sea 
water.  However,  dilution  of  sea  water  has  effects  other  than  reduction  of  the 
tonicity,  so  it  remains  to  be  shown  that  tonicity,  and  not  some  other  dilution 
effect  is  responsible  for  the  acceleration.  Electrolyte  concentration  is  one  of 
these  factors  which  must  be  distinguished  from  simple  osmotic  activity,  since  the 
electrolytes  in  sea  water  affect  cells  in  many  ways  other  than  by  their  osmotic 
pressure.  To  test  this  possibility,  it  is  a  simple  matter  to  reduce  the  electrolyte 
content  without  reducing  the  tonicity,  by  introducing  isotonic  nonelectrolytes 
into  control  solutions.  Maltose  and  sucrose  were  used  in  these  controls.  The 
results  with  both  were  the  same:  a  slight  retardation  of  doubtful  statistical 
significance.  Electrolyte  balance  may  also  be  involved  to  a  slight  degree,  since 
some  salts  occur  in  sea  water  in  much  lower  concentrations  than  do  others.  So- 
dium chloride  is  the  most  plentiful,  and  so  diluting  sea  water  might  have  the  effect 
of  changing  the  salt  balance  in  favor  of  NaCl,  particularly  if  one  of  the  less  abun- 
dant salts  were  brought  near  a  physiological  threshold  of  the  Arbacia  egg.  If 
this  is  the  case,  then  diluting  sea  water  with  isotonic  NaCl  should  effect  an  even 
greater  NaCl  preponderance  without  any  tonicity  change.  In  controls  diluted, 
no  significant  difference  from  the  sea  water  control  was  in  evidence.  Unless  we 
assume  that  sugars  or  sodium  chloride  in  some  way  counteract  a  stimulation 
caused  by  changes  in  electrolyte  content  or  salt  balance,  we  must  conclude  thaJ 
electrolyte  alterations  play  no  part  in  the  acceleration  of  cleavage  by  dilution. 

There  remains  the  question  of  pH  effect,  since  a  very  slight  trend  toward 
alkalinity  occurred  in  the  range  of  dilutions  which  produced  acceleration.  This 
shift  amounted  to  0.1  pH  unit  upon  dilution  to  90  per  cent,  from  which  interpola- 
tion gives  a  0.05  unit  shift  for  the  96  per  cent  and  95  per  cent  dilutions.  While  it 
is  extremely  small,  this  pH  shift  must  be  taken  into  consideration,  because  a 


number  of  investigators  have  found  an  acceleration  of  cleavage  in  sea  water  made 
more  alkaline.  There  is  by  no  means  unanimous  agreement  upon  this  accelera- 
tion by  alkalinity.  Jacques  Loeb  (1913)  concluded  that  the  natural  hydroxyl  ion 
concentration  is  optimum  for  the  development  of  sea  urchin  eggs,  although  he  had 
earlier  reported  (1898)  that  addition  of  sodium  hydroxide  accelerated  develop- 
ment. Of  the  several  papers  reporting  acceleration  of  cleavage  with  increase  in 
pH,  the  work  of  Smith  and  Clowes  (1924)  with  Arbacia  eggs  is  the  most  applicable, 
since  they  determined  the  precise  pH  values  involved.  In  their  Figure  I,  a  pH 
increase  of  0.05  corresponds  to  an  acceleration  of  less  than  one  per  cent.  Even 
part  of  this  small  increase  must  be  a  hypotonicity  effect  because  0.02  N  NaOH  was 
used  to  increase  the  pH,  whereas  an  isotonic  concentration  would  be  around  0.5  N. 
So  while  tonicity  cannot  account  for  the  marked  acceleration  obtained  in  basified 
sea  water,  nor  pH  for  the  acceleration  obtained  with  slight  dilutions,  there  remains 
the  possibility  that  the  results  of  Smith  and  Clowes,  and  those  presented  here, 
represent  to  a  slight  degree  combined  effects  of  pH  and  tonicity,  in  vastly  different 

Since  the  accelerations  in  the  various  hypotonicities  do  not  form  a  smoothly 
graded  series  when  different  experiments  are  compared,  it  should  be  emphasized 
that  these  results  were  obtained  under  a  variety  of  experimental  conditions. 
Temperatures,  chosen  to  conform  with  that  of  the  incoming  sea  water  to  avoid 
temperature  shock,  ranged  from  18.5°  to  23°  C.  Eggs  from  different  sea  urchins 
vary  in  response,  and  there  possibly  is  a  seasonal  difference.  There  is  even  a 
yearly  difference;  eggs  in  the  summer  of  1941  showed  much  less  response  than  in 
1940  and  1939.  Particularly  important  is  the  natural  variation  in  sea  water  con- 
centration along  the  coast  (Garrey,  1915).  These  variables  do  not  affect  the 
validity  of  the  results,  since  results  are  stated  in  terms  of  controls  run  at  the 
same  time  with  eggs  from  the  same  material. 

From  the  work  of  other  authors  we  can  conclude  that  hypotonic  stimulation  of 
cell  division  is  not  an  isolated  phenomenon.  It  speeds  up  regenerative  as  well  as 
embryonic  processes.  Jaques  Loeb,  in  1892,  reported  accelerated  growth  and 
regeneration  of  Tubularia  hydranths  kept  in  hypotonic  sea  water  (one-third  dis- 
tilled water),  and  suggested  that  growth  in  general  decreases  with  decrease  in 
water  content  and  increases  with  limited  increase  in  water  content.  Morgulis 
(1911)  demonstrated  that  there  is  actually  a  high  water  content  in  the  regenerat- 
ing tails  of  the  polychaete,  Podarke,  and  the  salamander,  Triturus.  Goldfarb 
(1907)  obtained  maximum  regeneration  with  Eudendrium  and  Pennaria  hydranths 
in  sea  water  diluted  to  95  per  cent  to  80  per  cent.  Sayles  (1928)  found  that  new 
tissue  formation  during  regeneration  in  Lumbriculus  increased  as  the  medium  was 
diluted  below  the  tonicity  of  the  body  fluid.  Injecting  distilled  water  into  the 
body  cavity  (Sayles,  1931)  produced  the  same  cellular  picture  that  was  found  in 
regenerating  worms.  Increase  in  mitoses  in  the  digestive  tract  was  one  of  the 
responses  to  hypotonicity.  Aisenberg  (1935)  obtained  increase  in  mitoses  in  frog 
epithelium  after  immersion  in  distilled  water,  or  injection  of  distilled  water. 

Following  the  work  of  Carrel  and  Burrows  (1911),  a  number  of  workers  verified 
these  authors'  finding  of  an  increase  in  growth  of  tissue  cultured  in  diluted  media. 
In  most  cases,  however,  growth  was  measured  by  the  area  of  the  outgrowth,  and 
the  role  of  mitosis  in  this  increase  was  not  studied.  Lambert  found  no  increase 
in  cell  division  and  attributed  the  increase  in  area  of  the  cultures  entirely  to  migra- 


tion  of  the  cells.  The  experiments  of  von  Mollendorff  with  fibrocytes  of  adult 
rabbits  also  revealed  no  acceleration  in  hypotonic  culture  media.  On  the  con- 


trary,  Zivago,  Morosov,  and  Ivanickaja  (1934)  found  that  cells  of  human  em- 
bryonic heart  do  proliferate  more  rapidly  in  diluted  culture  medium.  Olivio  and 
Gomerato  (1932)  also  found  an  increase  in  mitoses  in  hypotonic  tissue  culture 
media.  In  the  first  transplant  into  plasma  diluted  to  half,  they  found  the  mitotic 
index  of  chick  heart  was  nearly  twice  that  of  similar  tissue  grown  in  undiluted 
plasma.  In  subsequent  transplants,  the  hypotonic  cultures  from  seven-day 
hearts  maintained  a  higher  mitotic  index  throughout  the  11  days  of  culture  (four 
transplants).  However,  the  mitotic  index  of  the  three-day  heart  dropped  below 
that  of  the  control  after  the  first  transplant.  Knake  (1933)  found  a  selective 
effect  of  hypotonicity  upon  cultures  of  chick  pancreas,  resulting  in  increased 
growth  of  epithelium  and  decreased  growth  of  fibroblasts. 

The  effects  of  hypotonicity  upon  echinoderm  development  have  been  reported 
only  for  stages  later  than  the  initial  cleavages.  Vernon  (1895),  working  with 
Strongylocentrotus,  and  Medes  (1917),  with  Arbacia,  obtained  larger  larvae  in 
slightly  diluted  sea  water.  Bialaszewicz  (1921),  however,  reports  only  retarda- 
tion of  Strongylocentrotus  and  Echinus  between  the  4  to  12  blastomere  stage 
and  the  blastula,  in  all  dilutions. 

There  are  some  clues  as  to  the  mode  of  action  of  the  hypotonicity.  One  point 
at  which  it  takes  effect  is  within  the  mitotic'  cycle,  inasmuch  as  cleavage  can  be 
accelerated  by  treatment  begun  as  late  as  the  diaster  stage.  The  greater  accelera- 
tion obtained  when  treatment  is  begun  earlier  may  merely  reflect  the  longer  time 
of  action,  or  may  result  from  a  second  point  of  action  during  the  fertilization 
process.  Churney's  studies  (1940)  suggest  that  the  elongation  of  the  egg  prepara- 
tory to  cleavage  may  be  the  process  sensitive  to  hypotonic  acceleration.  He 
found  that  elongation  of  the  eggs  is  proportional  to  the  dilution.  If  hypotonicity 
acts  at  this  point,  it  must  do  so  by  allowing  the  elongation  to  occur  sooner,  since 
merely  speeding  the  elongation  once  it  has  begun  could  not  produce  accelerations 
as  large  as  those  obtained. 

The  type  of  action  by  which  hypotonicity  takes  effect  would  seem  to  be  an 
improvement  of  the  intracellular  conditions,  bringing  them  nearer  optimum  for 
cleavage,  at  least.  If  such  is  the  case,  one  would  expect  that  each  successive 
division  would  be  equally  accelerated.  Some  of  the  results  reviewed  above, 
particularly  those  of  Olivio  and  Gomerato,  must  represent  such  a  sustained  effect. 
Possibly  in  Arbacia  the  available  energy  is  quickly  exhausted,  so  that  only  one 
cleavage  can  be  hastened.  Varying  supplies  of  energy  could  also  explain  the 
large  variations  between  different  sets  of  eggs.  However,  these  experiments  are 
not  designed  to  eliminate  the  possibility  that  the  acceleration  results  from  a  single 
stimulus  rather  than  a  sustained  optimum.  It  is  hoped  that  interrupted  dosage, 
after  which  the  eggs  are  returned  to  normal  sea  water,  will  reveal  whether  stimulus 
or  optimum  is  the  accelerating  mechanism. 


1.  In  sea  water  diluted  to  a  concentration  98  per  cent  to  94  per  cent  that  of 
normal  sea  water,  the  eggs  that  responded  showed  acceleration  of  the  first  cleavage 


as  high  as  5.1  per  cent  of  the  normal  time  between  insemination  and  cleavage. 
Eggs  from  some  sea  urchins  did  not  respond,  but  none  showed  deceleration  in 
this  range  of  concentrations. 

2.  In  concentrations  92  per  cent  to  88  per  cent,  some  sets  of  eggs  were  accel- 
erated, while  others  were  retarded.     This  reveals  a  threshold  of  antagonism  be- 
tween accelerating  and  decelerating  effects. 

3.  Concentrations  84  per  cent  and  less  always  retarded,  as  did  concentrations 
hypertonic  to  sea  water. 

4.  Sea  water  diluted  with  isotonic  electrolyte  or  nonelectrolyte  did  not  produce 
an  acceleration. 

5.  The  response  could  be  obtained  with  treatment  begun  shortly  after  entrance 
of  the  sperm,  or  as  late  as  the  diaster  of  the  first  cleavage.     The  latter  indicates 
that  the  acceleration  results  in  part,  at  least,  from  action  upon  some  phase  of 

6.  The  second  cleavage  could  be  accelerated  separately,  but  eggs  left  in  hypo- 
tonic  sea  water  did  not  show  cumulative  accelerations  for  each  cleavage.     This 
shows  that  limited  energy  is  available,  or  the  effect  is  of  the  nature  of  a  stimulus. 


AISENBERG,  E.  J.,  1935.     De  1'effet  de  1'hypo  et  de  1'hypertonie  sur  les  mitoses.     Bull.  Histol. 

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CHURNEY,  L.,  1940.     Mitotic  elongation.     II.  Osmotic  and  salt  effects.     Physiol.  ZooL,  13:  95- 

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KNAKE,  E.,  1933.     Uber  die  Wirkung  einer  Veranderung  des  osmotischen  Druckes,  untersucht  an 

Gewebekulturen.     Archiv  f.  exper.  ZeUforsch.,  14:  611-615. 

LAMBERT,  R.  A.,  1914.     The  effect  of  dilution  of  plasma  medium  on  the  growth  and  fat  accumula- 
tion of  cells  in  tissue  cultures.     Jour.  Exper.  Med.,  19:  398-405. 
LILLIE,  R.  S.,  AND  W.  CATTELL,  1929.     The  relation  between  the  electrical  conductivity  of  the 

external  medium  and  the  rate  of  cell  division  in  sea  urchin  eggs.     Jour.  Gen.  Physiol.,  5: 

LOEB,  J.,   1892.     Untersuchungen  zur  physiologischen  Morphologic  II,  Chapter  VIII.     Hertz, 

LOEB,  J.,  1898.     Uber  den  Einfluss  von  Alkalien  und  Sauren  auf  die  embryonale  Entwickelung  und 

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LOEB,  J.,  1913.     Artificial  parthenogenesis  and  fertilization,  p.  35.     LTniv.  Chicago  Press. 
MEDES,  G.,  1917.     A  study  of  the  causes  and  the  extent  of  variations  in  the  larvae  of  Arbacia 

punctulata.     Jour.  Morph.,  30:  317-432. 
VON  MOLLENDORFF,  W.,  1938.     Zur  Kenntnis  der  Mitose.     Der  Einfluss  von  hypo-  und  hypertonie 

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MORGULIS,  S.,  1911.     Contributions  to  the  physiology  of  regeneration.     IV.   Regulation  of  the 

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MORSE,  H.  N.,  1914.     The  osmotic  pressure  of  aqueous  solutions.     Carnegie  Inst.  Wash.  Publ.  198. 


OLIVIO,  O.  M.,  AND  G.  GOMERATO,  1932.     Coefficients  mitotico  dell'accrescimento  delle  colture 

in  vitro  in  plasma  ipotonico.     Boll.  Soc.  Ital.  Biol.  Sperim.,  7:  482-484. 
SAYLES,  L.  P.,   1928.     Regeneration  of  Lumbriculus  in  various  Ringer  fluids.     Biol.  Bull.,  55: 

SAYLES,  L.  P.,  1931.      Double  nucleoli  and  mitoses  in  cells  of  the  alimentary  tract  of  Lumbriculus 

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SMITH,  H.  W.,  AND  G.  H.  A.  CLOWES,  1924.     The  influence  of  hydrogen  ion  concentration  on  the 

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VERNON,  H.  M.,   1895.     The  effect  of  environment  on  the  development  of  echinoderm  larvae. 

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(Biological  Laboratories,  Harvard  University,  Cambridge) 


The  differentiation  of  the  otocyst  of  the  chick  embryo  when  isolated  and  trans- 
planted to  the  chorioallantoic  membrane  has  been  studied  by  Hoadley  (1924). 
Grafts  of  primordia  taken  from  48-hour  embryos  showed  membranous  labyrinths 
which,  while  they  were  irregular  in  shape,  displayed  considerable  histogenetic 
differentiation.  This  was  particularly  true  of  the  sensory  areas,  which  presented 
an  histological  picture  directly  comparable  to  that  of  the  control.  As  neither 
nerves  nor  ganglion  cells  were  found  in  the  grafts  Hoadley  concluded  that  in  that 
respect  the  sensory  areas  were  independent  differentiations  of  the  otic  epithelium. 
Fell  (1928)  studied  the  development  of  the  72-hour  chick  otocyst  in  tissue  culture 
and  obtained  labyrinths  which  showed  good  histological  differentiation  but  only 
slight  advance  in  morphogenesis.  She  reported  that  the  sensory  areas  of  the 
explanted  inner  ears  were  nearly  comparable  to  the  sensory  areas  of  the  control. 
No  observations  on  isolated  labyrinths  which  were  explanted  and  treated  with  a 
specific  nerve  stain  are  recorded  by  either  of  these  investigators. 

The  results  obtained  by  Hoadley  and  by  Fell  indicate  that  differentiation  of 
the  sensory  areas  of  the  chick  labyrinth  may  take  place  independent  of  innerva- 
tion.  This  cannot  be  proved,  however,  until  it  is  demonstrated  beyond  doubt 
that  there  are  no  nerve  fibers  present  in  the  immediate  vicinity  of  or  associated 
with  well  differentiated  sensory  areas  of  explanted  labyrinths.  It  is  difficult 
to  demonstrate  this  without  resorting  to  techniques  which  selectively  stain  the 
nerves,  many  of  which  are  not  satisfactory  for  embryonic  preparations.  The 
method  of  Bodian  (1937),  however,  has  yielded  excellent  results.  The  following 
experiments  were  made  in  an  effort  to  test  the  validity  of  the  conclusions  of 
Hoadley  and  of  Fell.  The  results  of  the  experiments  confirm  those  conclusions. 


In  the  following  experiments  grafts  to  the  chorioallantoic  membrane  were 
made  essentially  as  described  by  Hoadley.  Chick  embryds  of  ages  ranging  from 
12-somites  to  43-somites  were  placed  in  warm  mammalian  Ringer's  solution  on  a 
warm  stage  on  the  stage  of  a  binocular  dissecting  microscope.  Fine  knives  made 
from  dissecting  needles  were  used  in  the  operations  which  were  performed  by  aid 
of  a  low  magnification  of  the  microscope.  The  otic  region  was  removed  and 
treated  in  either  of  two  fashions.  Some  of  the  transplants  were  composed  of  the 
otocyst  together  with  the  surrounding  mesenchyme  and  a  portion  of  the  adjacent 
myelencephalon ;  in  other  cases  the  otocyst  was  freed  and  then  cleaned  of  as  much 
of  the  adhering  mesenchyme  tissue  as  was  possible  in  view  of  the  haste  required 
in  the  operation  and  the  desire  to  avoid  mechanical  injury  to  the  primordium.  In 



most  of  the  later  transplantations,  the  otocyst  alone  was  wrapped  in  a  mantle  of 
somatopleure  taken  from  the  lateral  plate  region  of  the  area  pellucida.  Such 
treatment  materially  increased  the  percentage  of  successful  grafts,  apparently  by 
protecting  the  donor  tissues  in  the  interval  before  complete  incorporation  by  the 
host  membrane.  An  envelope  of  splanchnopleure  was  also  tested  in  the  trans- 
plants but  the  somatopleure  proved  to  be  superior  for  the  purpose.  Control 
transplants  of  both  somatopleure  and  splanchnopleure  alone  as  well  as  of  mes- 
enchyme  from  the  otic  region  were  made  and  examined. 

The  grafts  were  fixed  in  Allen's  P.F.A.3  fixative,  sectioned  at  10  n  and  stained 
with  activated  protargol  according  to  the  method  of  Bodian  (1937). 


Transplants  of  inner  ear  rudiments  isolated  from  embryos  of  several  different 
ages  have  been  made  and  numerous  grafts  have  been  recovered.  Identification 
of  parts  of  these  graft  ears  has  been  made  largely  on  the  basis  of  histological  dif- 
ferentiation, but  in  some  instances,  the  morphology  of  the  labyrinth  has  been  used 
to  supplement  the  histological  picture. 

Since  many  of  the  younger  otocysts  were  wrapped  in  either  somatopleure  or 
splanchnopleure  from  the  lateral  plate  region  before  transplantation  and  all  ex- 
plants  had  some  mesenchyme  cells  clinging  to  them,  it  was  thought  well  to  deter- 
mine what  embryonic  structures  might  arise  from  these  tissues  when  transplanted 
to  a  foreign  environment.  To  do  this,  some  transplants  were  made  of  somato- 
pleure alone,  some  of  splanchnopleure,  and  some  of  the  mesenchyme  adjacent  to 
the  otocyst.  Graft  A 184-41  is  of  somatopleure  taken  from  the  lateral  plate 
region  of  a  31 -somite  donor  and  has  a  control  age  of  9^  days.  There  is  no  dif- 
ferentiation of  embryonic  structures  in  the  graft.  The  same  result  was  obtained 
when  splanchnopleure  of  the  lateral  plate  region  of  a  30-somite  (ca.)  donor  was 
grown  for  7  days. 

Considerable  differentiation  is  found  in  some  grafts  of  mesenchyme  taken  from 
the  region  of  the  otocyst.  Two  cases  are  worthy  of  mention,  because  ganglion 
cells  and  cartilage  are  present  in  both.  Unfortunately,  the  exact  region  from 
which  the  mesenchyme  was  taken  is  not  recorded  in  the  protocols.  Case  A192-41 
is  of  mesenchyme  taken  from  a  31-somite  donor  and  has  a  control  age  of  9|  days. 
It  contains  an  elongated  nodule  of  well -differentiated  cartilage  and  beyond  one  end 
of  this  cartilage  is  a  ganglion.  Case  A182-41  is  of  mesenchyme  from  a  28-somite 
donor.  It  has  a  control  age  of  9  days.  A  cartilage  nodule  is  present  with 
ganglion  cells  localized  at  one  side  of  it.  There  are  several  epithelial  pearls  in 
this  graft. 

The  presence  of  cartilage  in  the  grafts  of  mesenchyme  indicates  that  by  28 
somites  the  mesenchyme  in  the  region  of  the  otocyst  possesses  the  capacity  to  form 
cartilage  even  though  it  is  isolated  from  the  influence  of  the  membranous  laby- 
rinth. The  ganglion  cells  which  are  present  in  both  of  these  grafts  probably  mean 
that  some  cranial  neural  crest  material  or  some  cells  from  the  field  of  the  acoustico-. 
facialis  ganglion  were  transplanted  with  the  mesenchyme. 

Since  the  grafts  recovered  are  too  numerous  for  complete  description,  they 
have  been  divided  into  convenient  groups  based  on  the  stage  implanted  and  typical 



examples  from  each  group  will  be  fully  described.     Information  secured  from 
some  of  the  other  grafts  which  will  not  be  described  is  presented  in  Table  I. 

It  is  extremely  difficult  to  determine  the  specific  identity  of  a  sensory  area  in 
a  graft.  Because  of  this,  thickenings  of  the  otic  epithelium  which  tend  to  re- 
semble cristae  are  referred  to  as  cristae  and  the  macula-like  sensory  areas  are 
designated  as  maculae.  It  should  be  borne  in  mind  that  these  terms  are  used  in  a 
descriptive  sense  and  do  not  always  imply  a  positive  identification  of  a  specific 
sensory  area. 


Data  on  some  cf  the  grafts  of  the  otic  region  which  are  not  described  in  the  text 

Case  number 

Donor  age 

age  in 





Several  sensory  thickenings  and  most  of  them  are  innervated. 




Two  otic  pits  and  brain  implanted.     Both  inner  ears  have  dif- 

ferentiated sensory  areas.     Some  of  these  are  innervated. 




Good  morphological  differentiation.     No  ganglion  cells  in  graft 

and  no  differentiation  of  sensory  areas. 

A  140-41 



Two  sensory  areas  with  no  nerves  to  their  epithelia. 




Nerves  and  ganglion  cells  present  but  no  differentiation  of  sen- 

sory areas. 

A  169-41 



Shows  utriculus,  sacculus,  canal  rudiment  and  endolymphatic 

evagination.     Half-moon  of  cartilage  around  labyrinth.     No 

nerves  in   graft.     Contains  a  well  differentiated  crista  and  a 


12-20  Somites.  Case  A299-41  is  a  7-day  graft  of  an  otic  placode  isolated  from 
a  12-somite  donor.  Before  transplantation  the  placode  was  wrapped  in  somato- 
pleure.  The  membranous  labyrinth  consists  of  two  vesicular  structures  of  un- 
equal size  connected  by  a  small  lumen  and  has  an  endolymphatic  duct  and  sac. 
There  is  no  development  of  sensory  areas  in  the  epithelium  of  the  smaller  vesicle, 
but  the  larger  vesicle  has  several  sensory  areas.  The  high  columnar  epithelium 
of  the  endolymphatic  sac  is  more  convoluted  than  in  the  control.  No  canal 
rudiments  are  present.  A  rod-shaped  cartilage  mass  is  found  along  one  side  of 
the  ear.  There  are  a  few  ganglion  cells  and  short  nerve  processes  between  lobular 
outpocketings  of  the  endolymphatic  sac  but  these  neurones  are  localized  and  no 
nerves  approach  the  sensory  epithelium.  Three  cristae  which  appear  to  be  dif- 
ferentiations of  a  large  patch  of  thickened  epithelium  are  present  in  the  larger 
vesicle.  There  is  no  definite  development  of  hair  and  supporting  cells,  but  some 
short  dark-staining  cells  which  reach  the  surface  of  the  epithelium  suggest  the 
initial  differentiation  of  hair  cells.  No  nerves  enter  the  sensory  areas.  These 
sensory  areas  do  not  project  as  far  into  the  lumen  as  the  cristae  of  the  control. 

Near  one  end  of  the  larger  vesicle  there  are  two  small,  flattened  epithelial 
thickenings  with  neither  otolithic  membranes  nor  differentiated  hair  cells.  Their 
form  is  similar  to  that  of  a  macula  but  the  small  size  and  lack  of  differentiation 
make  their  identity  somewhat  problematical. 

Another  graft  (A302-41)  in  this  group  is  of  an  otic  pit  isolated  from  an  18- 
somite  embryo.  This  was  not  wrapped  in  either  somatopleure  or  splanchnopleure 


before  implantation.  The  control  age  is  8|  days.  This  inner  ear  is  vesicular  and 
has  an  endolymphatic  duct  and  sac.  Well  differentiated  cartilage  forms  a  half- 
moon  around  the  side  of  the  labyrinth  which  is  away  from  the  endolymphatic  duct 
(Figure  1).  Ganglion  cells  and  nerves  are  present  in  the  graft  but  they  are  not 
found  in  the  immediate  vicinity  of  the  sensory  epithelium.  A  crista  (Figures  1 
and  2)  has  a  slight  indication  of  a  covering  membrane  but  hair  and  supporting 
cells  are  not  clearly  differentiated.  No  nerve  elements  can  be  distinguished  among 
the  connective  tissue  cells  which  underlie  the  sensory  epithelium. 

The  nerve  fibers  in  this  graft  originate  from  ganglion  cells  located  in  the 
mesenchyme  to  one  side  of  the  otic  epithelium.  From  these  cell  bodies  the  fibers 
pass  through  a  break  in  the  cartilage  to  a  ganglion  located  beside  the  endolym- 
phatic sac.  Some  nerves  from  this  latter  ganglion  pass  close  to  the  epithelium 
of  the  endolymphatic  sac  and  are  lost  in  the  surrounding  connective  tissue.  An- 
other branch  continues  through  the  break  in  the  cartilage  and  passes  in  the  oppo- 
site direction  along  the  outer  edge  of  the  cartilage  to  a  brain-like  mass  of  nervous 
tissue.  The  presence  of  nerve  elements  indicates  an  incomplete  isolation  of  the 
otic  pit.  At  this  stage  it  is  difficult  to  clean  the  ear  rudiment  before  transplanta- 
tion. A  significant  feature  of  both  these  labyrinths  is  the  complete  separation 
of  definite  sensory  areas  from  nerve  fibers  and  ganglion  cells. 

21-25  Somites.  The  grafts  in  this  age  group  show  more  complete  morpho- 
logical differentiation  than  do  those  described  in  the  preceding  section  (cf.  Water- 
man and  Evans,  1940).  Correlated  with  this  is  an  increase  in  the  completeness  of 

The  most  extensively  developed  graft,  A397-41,  is  of  an  otic  pit  isolated  from 
a  21-somite  donor.  Its  control  age  is  8f  days.  A  utriculus,  a  sacculus  and  two 
canal  rudiments  are  present.  A  portion  of  the  saccular  region  has  been  inter- 
preted as  a  lagena,  because  of  the  similarity  of  its  sensory  epithelium  to  a  papilla 
basilaris.  There  is  no  indication  of  development  of  the  recessus  labyrinthi. 
This  is  unusual,  for  this  part  is  one  which  persists  in  practically  all  grafts  of  the 
inner  ear.  The  otic  capsule  is  represented  by  three  nodules  of  cartilage. 

There  are  four  foci  of  thickened  epithelium  which  represent  the  sensory  areas 
but  none  of  these  sensory  areas  is  innervated.  A  crista  is  found  near  the  utricular 
end  of  a  canal  rudiment  and  the  other  canal  rudiment  has  a  macula  near  its  base. 
This  latter  sensory  area  is  in  a  small  pocket  between  the  utricular  ends  of  the  two 
canal  rudiments.  The  sensory  area  of  the  lagena  has  some  clear  cells  to  one  side 
which  are  similar  to  those  of  a  papilla  basilaris.  There  is  differentiation  of  hair 
and  supporting  cells,  but  the  membrane  which  covers  this  sensory  area  resembles 
an  otolithic  rather  than  a  typical  tectorial  membrane.  The  rest  of  the  thickened 
epithelium  of  this  lagenar  sensory  area  resembles  a  macula  but  has  no  differentia- 
tion of  hair  or  supporting  cells. 

Beyond  and  to  one  side  of  the  blind  ends  of  the  canal  rudiments  are  three 
groups  of  nerve  cell  bodies.  There  are  2-4  cells  per  group  and  capsule  cells  are 
evident  at  the  periphery  of  these  cell  bodies.  A  few  nerve  fibers  run  toward  these 
groups  of  cells  from  the  region  of  the  otic  epithelium  but  the  fibers  are  not  stained 
heavily  enough  in  the  vicinity  of  the  cell  body  to  trace  them  into  the  cell  itself. 
In  the  other  direction,  these  fibers  disappear  in  the  mesenchyme.  A  second 
region  of  ganglion  cells  lies  between  the  epithelium  of  the  lagena  and  the  edge  of 
the  graft.  The  most  prominent  of  these  cells  is  a  bipolar  neurone  lying  close  to  the 



•  $& 





1.  Section  through  graft  A302-41.     The  endolymphatic  sac  is  represented  by  convoluted 
epithelium  near  the  top  of  the  photograph.     Two  oval  areas  in  the  cartilage  at  the  right  mark  the 
nerves  which  pass  through  the  cartilaginous  capsule.     A  well  formed  crista  is  seen  on  the  lower 
side  of  the  lumen.      X  45. 

2.  Higher  power  view  of  the  crista  of  Figure  1.      X  195. 

3.  Section  through  graft  A120-41.     The  macula  is  at  the  extreme  left  of  the  photograph. 
A  crista  is  present  slightly  to  the  right  and  below  the  macula.      X  60. 

4.  Higher  power  view  of  the  macula  and  crista  seen  in  figure  3.      X  112. 

5.  Section  through  the  innervated  sensory  area  of  graft  A163-41.     Nuclei  of  hair  cells  may 
be  seen  near  the  surface  of  the  macula  which  is  on  the  left  of  the  lumen.     Nerve  fibers  in  the 
area  underlying  the  macula  appear  as  faint  lines  in  the  figure.      X  178. 

6.  Section  through  graft  A163-41  at  another  level.     A  crista  is  present  at  the  lower  margin 
of  the  lumen.     The  mass  of  cells  at  the  left  which  projects  into  the  lumen  represents  the  termina- 
tion of  the  innervated  sensory  area  seen  in  Figure  5.      X  110. 


lagenar  epithelium.  One  process  of  this  neurone  bends  back  on  itself  and  joins 
other  nerve  fibers  which  run  through  the  thickened  sensory  epithelium  of  the 
sacculus  just  inside  and  parallel  to  the  basement  membrane.  They  soon  leave 
the  sensory  epithelium  and  pass  along  the  closed  end  of  the  lagena  into  the 

Case  A151-41  is  of  an  inner  ear  rudiment  which  was  isolated  from  a  24-somite 
donor  and  wrapped  in  somatopleure  before  transplantation.  Its  control  age  is 
9  days.  The  labyrinth  is  somewhat  vesicular  but  histologically  a  utriculus,  sac- 
culus and  an  endolymphatic  duct  and  sac  are  distinguishable.  There  are  no 
canal  rudiments.  The  cartilage  capsule  is  confined  to  the  utricular  end  of  the 
ear.  It  surrounds  the  utriculus  at  its  distal  end  but  forms  only  a  nodule  at  one 
side  of  the  proximal  region.  Poor  development  of  the  cartilage  capsule  is  taken 
as  evidence  that  little  adjacent  mesenchyme  was  transplanted  with  the  otic 

A  crista  is  found  in  the  utriculus  and  a  macula  is  present  in  the  sacculus.  The 
crista  shows  no  evidence  of  subordinate  differentiation  or  of  innervation.  There 
are  some  ganglion  cells  outside  of  the  cartilage  capsule.  From  these  cells,  nerves 
pass  through  a  break  in  the  capsule,  run  beneath  the  macula  and  end  in  the  adja- 
cent mesenchyme.  Just  beneath  the  free  surface  of  this  macula  and  parallel  to 
it  are  some  fibers  which  stain  black  with  Bodian's  technique.  Although  their 
cell  bodies  are  not  evident,  these  are  interpreted  as  nerves  and  the  sensory  area  is 
probably  innervated  by  these  fibers.  The  innervation  is  not  typical.  There  is 
some  suggestion  of  hair  and  supporting  cells  in  this  macular  area  and  the  epithe- 
lium is  thrown  into  shallow  humps  at  two  places.  A  poorly  developed  otolithic 
membrane  is  present. 

27-30  Somites.  Operations  performed  on  embryos  of  these  ages  are  easily 
accomplished  by  shelling  out  the  otocyst,  but  it  is  difficult  to  free  the  inner  ear 
rudiment  from  all  of  the  ganglion  cells.  The  exact  relation  of  otocyst  and  gang- 
lion cells  is  indefinite  in  control  embryos  and  the  number  of  grafts  in  this  group 
which  showed  nerve  cell  bodies  and  nerves  connecting  with  the  otic  epithelium 
make  it  reasonably  certain  that  the  nervous  elements  were  not  successfully  ex- 
cluded in  the  majority  of  cases. 

Case  A336-41  is  a  6^  day  graft  of  an  otocyst  isolated  from  a  27-somite  embryo. 
Utriculus,  sacculus,  endolymphatic  sac  and  duct,  lagena  and  three  canal  rudiments 
can  be  distinguished.  The  cartilage  capsule  is  almost  complete,  especially 
around  the  lagena  and  sacculus.  The  endolymphatic  sac  and  duct  are  inside  the 
cartilage  capsule  next  to  the  otic  epithelium  instead  of  being  external  to  the  cap- 
sule as  in  the  control.  In  all,  five  sensory  areas  are  represented. 

Two  cristae  and  one  macula  are  found  in  the  utriculus.  The  cristae  are  on 
opposite  sides  of  the  utriculus  with  the  macula  beside  one  of  the  cristae.  Both 
of  the  cristae  are  innervated  and  show  slight  differentiation  of  hair  and  supporting 
cells.  The  presence  of  cupular  material  is  questionable.  The  macula  is  poorly 
differentiated  with  no  clearly  defined  hair  or  supporting  cells  and  no  innervation. 

The  sacculus  is  a  bilobed  sac-like  structure  which  joins  the  utriculus  opposite 
the  point  of  entry  of  the  endolymphatic  duct.  It  has  a  macula  which  is  in- 
nervated and  shows  the  initial  differentiation  of  both  hair  and  supporting  cells. 
The  lagena  appears  as  a  direct  continuation  of  the  utriculus  and  contains  a  fairly 
well  differentiated  sensory  area  which  is  similar  to  a  papilla  basilaris.  Beside 


the  lagena  there  is  a  large  ganglion  from  which  nerve  fibers  run  to  the  cristae  and 
to  the  sensory  areas  in  the  sacculus  and  in  the  lagena.  A  few  nerve  cell  bodies 
are  found  beside  the  sacculus  and  some  more  are  adjacent  to  the  lagena. 

A  second  graft  of  an  otocyst  from  a  27-somite  donor  (Al 20-41)  has  only  one 
of  its  three  sensory  areas  innervated.  This  otocyst  was  wrapped  in  splanchno- 
pleure  before  implantation  and  has  a  control  age  of  8J  days.  That  this  was  a 
more  successful  isolation  than  case  A336-41  is  suggested  by  the  fact  that  the 
cartilage  capsule  is  less  complete  than  in  the  previous  case.  The  cartilage  forms 
a  half-moon  around  the  labyrinth  except  at  one  extremity  where  it  assumes  an 
elongate  rod-shaped  form  (Figure  3).  A  utriculus,  sacculus,  endolymphatic  ap- 
pendage and  two  canal  rudiments  may  be  distinguished. 

Two  cristae  and  a  macula  are  found  in  the  utriculus.  The  cristae  are  on  op- 
posite sides  of  the  utriculus  and  are  not  innervated.  They  show  no  differentiation 
of  hair  and  supporting  cells.  The  macula  is  located  near  one  of  the  cristae  and 
has  both  hair  and  supporting  cells  (Figures  3  and  4).  On  opposite  sides  of  the 
macula  are  two  sets  of  nerve  cell  bodies  which  are  connected  by  nerves.  These 
nerves  pass  through  the  sensory  epithelium  and  it  is  probable  that  they  give  off 
some  branches  which  innervate  this  sensory  area  although  the  innervation  is  not 

The  third  graft  to  be  described  (A238-41)  is  of  an  otocyst  isolated  from  a  30- 
somite  donor.  Its  control  age  is  9|  days.  Utriculus,  sacculus,  lagena,  endo- 
lymphatic duct  and  sac  and  one  canal  rudiment  are  represented.  The  cartilage 
capsule  forms  a  half-moon  around  the  labyrinth.  A  non-innervated  crista  is 
present  in  the  utriculus  and  the  sacculus  contains  extensive  sensory  epithelium 
of  the  macular  type.  Adjacent  to  the  sacculus  is  a  ganglion  containing  the  cell 
bodies  of  several  nerves  which  run  beside  the  macula  but  enter  its  epithelium  at 
only  a  few  points.  The  macula  is  covered  by  an  otolithic  membrane.  The 
lagena  is  identified  by  some  clear  columnar  cells  which  are  typical  of  the  papilla 
basilaris  but  this  papilla  basilaris  is  poorly  differentiated  and  is  not  innervated. 

31-43  Somites.  In  transplants  of  older  otocysts,  there  tend  to  be  more  well- 
differentiated  sensory  areas  than  were  present  in  grafts  of  younger  stages.  A 
striking  thing  about  this  present  group  is  the  relatively  few  sensory  areas  which 
show  signs  of  innervation.  In  general,  morphogenesis  has  proceeded  further  in 
these  transplants  than  in  transplants  of  younger  otocysts,  although  vesicular 
inner  ears  are  found  in  the  grafts. 

Case  A163-41  is  an  otocyst  isolated  from  a  32-somite  donor  and  wrapped  in 
somatopleure  before  implantation.  Its  control  age  is  8^  days.  This  inner  ear  is 
an  ovoid  vesicle  with  an  endolymphatic  duct  and  sac  entering  from  one  side. 
There  are  no  canal  rudiments  nor  is  there  any  epithelial  differentiation  of  the  pars 
inferior  labyrinthi.  At  one  end  of  the  labyrinth  the  cartilage  capsule  completely 
surrounds  the  otic  epithelium  but  the  rest  of  the  labyrinth  has  only  a  half-moon 
shaped  capsule  around  the  side  opposite  to  the  endolymphatic  duct  and  sac. 

There  are  three  general  regions  of  thickened  epithelium  which  represent  four 
sensory  areas.  Two  of  them  are  well  defined,  but  the  third  is  spreading  and  is 
composed  of  a  crista  and  a  macula.  At  least  a  part  of  all  of  these  sensory  areas  is 
apparent  in  the  portion  of  the  otic  epithelium  which  is  surrounded  by  cartilage, 
and  two  of  them  extend  into  the  region  of  the  labyrinth  which  has  only  a  half- 


moon  of  cartilage  around  it.  The  macular  portion  of  the  large  spreading  area  of 
sensory  epithelium  begins  in  the  portion  of  the  labyrinth  where  the  capsule  is 
complete.  Here  the  sensory  epithelium  is  stratified  and  has  a  suggestion  of  a 
covering  membrane.  The  sensory  area  has  a  flattened  macula-like  appearance 
with  both  hair  and  supporting  cells  present.  The  macula  (Figure  5)  is  innervated 
by  nerve  fibers  which  pass  through  a  break  in  the  cartilage  capsule;  the  cell  bodies 
of  these  nerves  were  not  identified.  The  sensory  epithelium  soon  increases  in 
area  and  changes  from  a  flattened  to  a  hillock-like  form  which  is  interpreted  as  a 
crista.  It  has  both  hair  and  supporting  cells  as  well  as  a  cupular  remnant.  This 
sensory  epithelium  terminates  just  before  the  endolymphatic  duct  enters  the 
vesicular  portion  of  the  labyrinth.  In  the  region  where  the  complete  cartilage 
capsule  becomes  half-moon  shaped,  there  is  a  thickening  of  the  otic  epithelium 
into  a  crista-like  sensory  area  (Figure  6).  There  is  evidence  of  both  hair  and 
supporting  cells,  although  the  presence  of  sensory  hairs  is  questionable.  The 
smallest  sensory  area  is  a  thickening  of  the  epithelium  in  which  stratified  cells 
form  a  small  crista.  This  is  not  well  differentiated,  for  neither  hair  nor  supporting 
cells  can  be  distinguished  and  cupular  material  is  lacking.  This  labyrinth  is 
noteworthy  because  of  the  large  areas  of  well  differentiated  sensory  epithelium 
which  are  not  innervated. 

A  graft  of  an  otocyst  from  a  43-somite  donor  (A382-41)  shows  more  mor- 
phological differentiation  than  does  the  preceding  case.  This  otocyst  had  the 
endolymphatic  rudiment  cut  off  prior  to  implantation.  The  control  age  is  12 
days.  A  utriculus,  sacculus,  lagena,  two  canal  rudiments  and  a  complete  canal 
are  present.  The  sensory  areas  are  well  differentiated.  The  cartilage  capsule 
surrounds  the  portion  of  the  utriculus  which  communicates  with  the  complete 
semicircular  canal  but  in  other  places  it  is  made  up  of  several  cartilage  nodules 
which  differ  in  size. 

Seven  thickenings  of  the  epithelium  probably  represent  sensory  areas.  Four 
of  them  are  widely  separated  from  each  other,  but  the  other  three  are  on  the  same 
side  of  the  labyrinth  and  are  so  close  together  that  they  may  well  have  arisen  by 
a  splitting  of  a  single  area  of  sensory  epithelium.  In  the  pars  inferior  portion 
of  the  inner  ear  are  found  a  macula  as  well  as  some  neuroepithelium  which  re- 
sembles a  papilla  basilaris.  The  macula  has  stratified  epithelium,  is  flattened 
and  probably  represents  the  macula  sacculi.  Supporting  cells  and  hair  cells  with 
sensory  hairs  which  project  above  the  surface  of  the  macula  are  evident.  The 
macula  is  covered  by  an  otolithic  membrane.  The  sensory  area  of  the  lagena  is 
identified  by  its  flattened  shape  and  stratified  epithelium  surmounted  by  a  tec- 
torial  membrane.  This  membrane  has  been  separated  from  its  attachment  point 
but  its  position  is  similar  to  the  tectorial  membrane  of  the  control.  Well  defined 
hair  and  supporting  cells  are  present.  The  hair  cells  are  close  to  the  surface  as  in 
the  papilla  basilaris  of  the  control  and  sensory  hairs  project  above  the  epithelium. 

The  utriculus  contains  five  sensory  areas.  The  one  which  is  close  to  the  sac- 
cular  region  is  flattened  and  shows  both  hair  and  supporting  cells.  Sensory  hairs 
and  an  otolithic  membrane  are  present.  This  sensory  area  is  interpreted  as  a 
macula  utriculi.  Almost  in  continuity  with  this  sensory  area  is  another  flattened 
region  of  well  differentiated  neuroepithelium  which  resembles  the  macula  de- 
scribed above.  The  macula  is  continuous  with  a  well  differentiated  crista  which 

260  HIRAM  J.  EVANS 

occurs  at  the  entrance  of  the  complete  canal.  The  histological  picture  suggests 
an  ampulla  with  its  crista.  Above  the  crista  is  a  covering  which  may  represent 
cupular  material  but  it  does  not  resemble  a  typical  cupula.  A  sixth  area  of 
neuroepithelium  is  found  at  the  base  of  a  canal  rudiment.  It  has  a  typical  crista 
shape  and  is  well  differentiated.  There  are  both  hair  and  supporting  cells  as  well 
as  sensory  hairs.  As  in  the  case  of  the  other  crista  in  this  graft,  there  is  some 
dark-staining  material  above  the  epithelium  which  is  interpreted  as  a  cupular 
remnant.  The  seventh  sensory  area  is  a  crista  at  the  opposite  side  of  the  utriculus 
from  the  two  well  differentiated  cristae  which  are  described  above.  Hair  and 
supporting  cells  are  not  well  differentiated  and  the  presence  of  sensory  hairs  is 
questionable.  There  are  no  nerves  in  this  graft. 

An  interesting  feature  of  this  group  of  transplants  is  the  absence  of  nerves  in  a 
large  proportion  of  the  grafts.  In  two  cases  (A377-41,  A163-41)  there  is  only  one 
innervated  sensory  area  in  each  labyrinth  and  case  A187-41  has  three  innervated 
sensory  areas  which  are  near  each  other.  Three  other  grafts  examined  in  this 
group  had  no  nerve  elements  present. 

The  differentiation  of  the  components  of  the  ear  was  also  tested  by  transplant- 
ing portions  of  the  otocyst  from  donors  of  this  age  group.  Two  grafts  (A375-41, 
A380-41)  of  the  endolymphatic  rudiments  of  otocysts  from  43-somite  donors  show 
that  this  portion  may  survive  and  grow  in  a  graft.  The  epithelium  is  convoluted 
and  the  columnar  cells  are  much  taller  than  in  the  endolymphatic  sac  of  the  12-day 
control.  Case  A382-41,  previously  described  in  this  group,  had  the  endolym- 
phatic rudiment  removed  before  implantation.  This  labyrinth  showed  no  evi- 
dence of  an  endolymphatic  duct  or  sac.  Apparently,  the  inner  ear  cannot  re- 
generate this  portion  of  itself  in  a  graft  when  the  endolymphatic  rudiment  is 
removed  at  the  43-somite  stage. 

Two  grafts  of  the  isolated  pars  inferior  were  recovered.  Case  A369-41  is  a 
graft  of  the  pars  inferior  of  an  otocyst  from  a  41-somite  donor.  Its  control  age  is 
12  days.  This  labyrinth  consists  of  two  vesicular  structures.  A  part  of  one  of 
the  vesicles  has  differentiated  as  a  lagena  and  shows  a  well  developed  papilla 
basilaris.  No  other  special  epithelial  differentiations  were  observed.  The  other 
graft  (A347-41)  is  not  as  completely  differentiated  as  this  one.  It  is  of  a  pars 
inferior  from  a  38-somite  donor  and  has  a  control  age  of  10|  days.  A  lagena  and 
sacculus  are  present  but  the  only  suggestion  of  a  sensory  area  is  some  stratified 
epithelium  which  shows  no  specific  differentiation  of  hair  and  supporting  cells. 
These  cases  indicate  that  under  the  conditions  of  the  experiment  the  pars  inferior 
is  incapable  of  regenerating  a  pars  superior  and  recessus  labyrinthi  by  the  stage 
at  which  these  transplants  were  made. 


The  transplanted  labyrinths  which  have  been  studied  show  that  cristae, 
maculae  and  a  papilla  basilaris  will  differentiate  in  grafts  of  the  inner  ear  rudiment, 
although  these  sensory  areas  may  not  be  innervated.  An  isolated  labyrinth  may 
have  more  than  one  of  these  types  of  sensory  areas,  but  it  has  been  found  that 
generally  a  papilla  basilaris  does  not  occur  in  a  graft  when  no  other  type  of  sen- 
sory area  is  present.  For  the  most  part,  these  sensory  areas  are  well  developed 
and,  while  not  always  comparable  to  the  control  in  all  respects,  their  differentia- 


tion  indicates  that  histogenesis  has  been  only  slightly  retarded.  The  complete- 
ness of  differentiation  of  individual  sensory  areas  is  not  affected  by  the  age  of  the 
donor,  although  the  otocysts  which  are  older  at  the  time  of  transplantation  con- 
tain more  numerous  sensory  areas  than  do  otocysts  from  younger  donors.  The 
sensory  areas  may  or  may  not  be  innervated. 

The  results  reported  here  are  in  accord  with  those  of  Hoadley  (1924)  and  of 
Fell  (1928).  Their  studies  and  the  present  results  indicate  that  the  sensory  areas 
of  the  inner  ear  of  the  chick  possess  a  considerable  capacity  for  independent  dif- 
ferentiation. When  the  nerves  are  prevented  from  reaching  the  otic  epithelium, 
the  histological  differentiation  of  the  sensory  areas  is  retarded  only  slightly  if  at 
all.  In  connection  with  this  study,  some  transplants  were  made  which  included 
the  myelencephalon  and  the  otocyst  in  their  usual  relations.  These  labyrinths 
do  not  show  innervation  of  all  of  the  sensory  areas.  At  least  one  sensory  area  in 
each  labyrinth  has  no  nerve  fibers  running  into  it.  The  cases  where  nerves  pene- 
trate the  epithelium  do  not  yield  any  more  highly  differentiated  sensory  areas 
than  do  those  grafts  of  isolated  otocysts  in  which  there  are  no  nerves  in  the  vicinity 
of  the  sensory  epithelium.  Other  sense  organs  beside  the  sensory  areas  of  the 
inner  ear  are  capable  of  differentiating  when  isolated  from  the  influence  of  the 
nervous  system.  The  studies  of  Harrison  (1904)  on  the  lateral  line  organs  of 
anurans  show  that  these  organs  can  develop  and  differentiate  in  the  absence  of 
nerve  fibers.  Several  more  recent  investigators  have  examined  the  capacity  for 
independent  differentiation  possessed  by  taste  buds  in  a  number  of  forms. 

The  results  reported  here  present  strong  evidence  that  the  sensory  areas  of 
the  avian  inner  ear  are  capable  of  independent  differentiation  from  the  otic  epi- 
thelium after  the  12-somite  stage,  at  least  in  so  far  as  the  nervous  system  is  con- 
cerned. Since  in  otocysts  isolated  from  nerve  elements,  sensory  areas  appear 
which  are  histologically  comparable  to  those  of  the  control,  the  nerves  themselves 
appear  to  play  no  part  in  the  development  of  the  sensory  areas  and  may  be  only 
passive  elements  which  are  attached  to  the  sensory  epithelium  and  follow  its 
divisions  during  the  development  of  the  sensory  areas.  If  the  nervous  system 
exerts  any  "initiating"  influence  upon  the  otic  epithelium  which  results  in  the 
formation  of  sensory  areas,  this  effect  probably  occurs  prior  to  the  stages  studied 
here.  That  would  place  the  time  of  action  previous  to  the  appearance  of  the  first 
demonstrable  nerve  fibers  in  either  the  central  or  the  peripheral  nervous  system. 


The  capacity  for  differentiation  of  the  sensory  areas  of  the  avian  inner  ear 
independent  of  innervation,  has  been  studied  by  transplanting  isolated  primordia 
of  the  inner  ear  to  the  chorioallantoic  membrane.  Maculae,  cristae  and  a  papilla 
basilaris  differentiated  in  the  transplants.  All  three  types  of  sensory  areas  are 
seldom  found  in  any  one  graft.  The  sensory  areas  of  the  transplanted  labyrinths 
are  comparable  to  those  of  the  control.  The  morphogenesis  of  the  membranous 
labyrinth  was  greatly  suppressed  in  the  grafts  but  the  histogenesis  of  the  sensory 
components  showed  but  little  retardation. 

Since  the  sensory  areas  of  the  inner  ear  undergo  typical  development  when 
isolated  from  their  nerve  supply,  it  is  concluded  that  they  are  capable  of  inde- 
pendent differentiation  in  so  far  as  the  nervous  system  is  concerned. 

262  HIRAM  J.  EVANS 


BODIAX,  DAVID,  1937.     The  staining  of  paraffin  sections  of  nervous  tissue  with  activated  protargol. 

Anal.  Rec.,  69:  153-162. 
FELL,  H.  B.,  1928.     Development  in  vitro  of  the  isolated  otocyst  of  the  embryonic  fowl.     Arch. 

f.  exp.  Zellforsch.,  7:  69-81. 
HARRISON,  R.  G.,  1904.     Experimentelle  L'ntersuchungen  iiber  die  Entwicklung  der  Sinnes-organe 

der  Seiten-linie  bei  den  Amphibien.     Arch.f.  mikros.  Anat.,  63:  35-149. 
HOADLEY,  L.,  1924.     The  independent  differentiation  of  isolated  chick  primordia  in  chorio-allan- 

toic  grafts.     I.  The  eye,   nasal  region,  otic  region,   and   mesencephalon.     Biol.  Bull., 

46:  281-315. 
WATERMAN,  A.  J.,  AND  H.  J.  EVANS,  1940.     Morphogenesis  of  the  avian  ear  rudiment  in  chorio- 

allantoic  grafts.     Jour.  Exp.  Zool.,  84:  53-71. 





(The  Biological  Laboratories,  Harvard  University,  Cambridge) 

The  frequencies  with  which  many  insects  move  their  wings  during  flight  are 
unparalleled  in  the  appendicular  movements  of  any  other  animals.  The  extent 
to  which  this  is  true  may  be  judged  from  Table  I  where  the  maximum  frequencies 


Wing-beat  frequency  of  Drosophila  and  the  maximum  frequencies  yet  recorded  for  the 

muscular  movements  of  other  animals. 



Frequency  (cycles/sec.) 







Wing-beat  during 

Movement  of  rattle 

Wing-beat  during 

Scratching  reflex  of 

hind  leg 
Voluntary  vibration 

of  the  opponens 

pollicis  muscle  of 

the  hand 



Chadwick  &  Williams 

(unpublished  data) 
Chadwick  &  Rahn 

(unpublished  data) 
Edgerton  &  Killian 

Chadwick  &  Pearson 

(unpublished  data) 
Schafer,  Canney  & 

Tunstall  (1886); 

see  also  Fenn  (1932) 

of  muscular  movements  yet  recorded  for  reptiles,  birds,  and  mammals  are  com- 
pared with  the  frequency  of  wing-beat  of  Drosophila.  The  intense  level  of  activ- 
ity characteristic  of  flight  is  also  revealed  by  the  high  rates  of  oxygen  consumption 
characteristic  of  flying  insects  (Chadwick  and  Gilmour,  1940;  Davis  and  Fraenkel, 
1940;  Krogh,  1941).  For  these  reasons  the  metabolic  processes  responsible  for 
flight  are  of  unique  physiological  interest. 

It  is  known  from  the  studies  of  Beutler  (1936a  and  b;  1937)  that  the  high  con- 
centration of  sugar  in  the  blood  is  utilized  by  the  honey-bee  during  flight.  Gly- 
cogen  in  this  animal  apparently  plays  only  a  minor  role  in  metabolism.  However, 
the  dependency  of  the  honey-bee  on  the  food  reserves  of  the  hive  renders  it 
atypical.  This  fact  along  with  the  high  concentration  of  glycogen  characteristic 
of  many  other  insects  (Babers,  1941)  suggests  that  glycogen  may  be  of  more 
general  importance  in  the  physiology  of  flight. 

We  have  sought  in  the  present  investigation  to  test  this  possibility  by  studying 
the  flight  metabolism  of  flies.  By  combining  microchemical  analyses  for  glycogen 

1  Member  of  the  Society  of  Fellows,  Harvard  University. 



with  stroboscopic  determinations  of  the  frequency  of  wing  movement,  it  has  been 
possible  to  ascertain  the  changes  in  the  concentration  of  glycogen  which  accom- 
pany measured  amounts  of  flight  activity. 


The  study  was  performed,  for  the  most  part,  on  a  strain  of  Drosophilafunebris 
(Fabr.)  that  had  been  previously  inbred  brother  by  sister  for  ten  generations. 
Female  individuals  were  used  exclusively.  Age  was  controlled  within  ±2  hours 
during  the  first  two  days  of  adult  life  and  within  ±12  hours  in  older  individuals. 
The  flies  were  raised  and  isolated  in  bottles  containing  a  standard  agar-molasses- 
yeast  culture  medium  in  a  room  having  a  constant  temperature  of  20.0  ±  0.5°  C. 
Female  individuals  of  an  inbred  strain  of  the  blow-fly,  Lucilia  sericata  (Meig.), 
were  used  in  one  series  of  experiments. 

Measurements  of  the  frequency  of  wing-beat  were  carried  out  by  means  of  an 
Edgerton  stroboscope.  This  instrument  consists  of  a  neon-filled  tube  whose  flash- 
frequency  can  be  varied  by  means  of  a  potentiometer.  When  the  flash-frequency 
is  tuned  to  equal  the  frequency  of  wing  movement,  a  standing-image  of  the  wings 
is  obtained  and  the  calibrated  scale  of  the  stroboscope  then  indicates  the  frequency 
of  the  W7ing-beat. 

The  measurements  were  performed  on  animals  during  "fixed"  flight.  This 
was  accomplished  by  attaching  the  posterior,  dorsal  tip  of  the  abdomen  by  means 
of  paraffin  to  a  wire  which  served  as  a  support.  Drosophila,  after  the  initiation 
of  flight,  generally  flew  until  exhausted,  whereas  it  was  necessary  to  stimulate 
Lucilia  continuously  by  means  of  a  slight  movement  of  air  produced  by  an  electric 
fan.  Lucilia  was  flown  at  room  temperature  and  Drosophila  at  20.0  ±  0.5°  C.; 
stroboscopic  measurements  of  wing-beat  frequency  were  made  on  each  individual 
every  3  minutes  or  more  often. 

Glycogen  was  determined  by  the  Pfliiger 'method  with  modifications  by  Good 
et  al  (1933)  and  Blatherwick  et  al  (1935).  After  acid  hydrolysis  of  the  glycogen, 
the  concentration  of  the  resulting  glucose  was  measured  by  the  copper-iodometric 
method  of  Shaffer  and  Somogyi  (1933)  using  Reagent  50.  The  analytical  process 
was  calibrated  by  means  of  C.P.  glycogen  and  glucose. 


A  group  of  4-  to  5-day  old  Drosophila,  which  had  been  isolated  in  a  single  bottle 
of  food,  were  mounted  and  stimulated  to  fly.  Each  half  hour  a  number  of  animals 
were  stopped  and  immediately  analyzed  in  toto  for  glycogen.  The  results  are 
recorded  in  Table  II  and  Figure  1.  The  glycogen  was  found  progressively  to 


The  utilization  of  glycogen  during  the  continuous  flight  of  Drosophila  funebris. 

Duration  of  flight  Number  of  Mean  concentration  of  glycogen 

(minutes)  animals  (in  per  cent  of  live  weight) 

0  12  4.88 

30  10  3.93 

60  9  2.73 

90  7  1.30 




diminish  during  flight.  At  the  end  of  90  minutes  the  concentration  had  decreased 
from  an  initial  value  of  4.88  to  1.30  per  cent  of  the  live  weight.  An  extrapolation 
of  the  curve  in  Figure  1  indicates  that  the  concentration  of  glycogen  would  reach 


40  60 


FIGURE  1.  Changes  in  the  glycogen  concentration  of  flies  during  continuous  flight.  The 
upper  curve  was  obtained  from  analyses  of  entire  Drosophila,  the  lower  curve  from  analyses  of 
the  thoraces  of  Lucilia. 

zero  by  about  the  110th  minute  of  flight.  This  is  in  good  agreement  with  the 
average  length  of  time  4.5-day  old  Drosophila  can  fly,  which,  as  can  be  seen  from 
Figure  4,  amounts  to  106  minutes. 

In  order  to  ascertain  whether  the  concentration  of  glycogen  decreases  in  the 
thorax  during  continuous  flight,  the  experiment  was  performed  using  Lucilia. 


The  decrease  in  thoracic  glycogen  during  the  continuous  flight  of  Lucilia  sericata. 


Duration  of  flight 




Number  of 



Mean  concentration  of  glycogen 
(in  per  cent  of  wet  weight  of  thorax) 




As  shown  in  Table  III  and  Figure  1,  the  results  obtained  from  the  analyses  of 
individual  thoraces  were  essentially  identical  with  those  obtained  from  entire 


The  changes  which  occur  in  the  frequency  of  wing-beat  during  continuous 
flights  to  exhaustion  reflect  the  response  of  the  neuromuscular  system,  in  terms 
of  the  frequency  of  its  activity,  to  the  progressive  decrease  in  glycogen  con- 

170  r- 



CO  150 










O  "20 







O O 











FIGURE  2.  The  wing-beat  frequency  of  Drosophila  during  a  continuous  flight  to  exhaustion. 
The  frequencies  of  wing  movement  were  measured  at  10-second  intervals  and  averaged  over 
10-minute  intervals.  Animal  five  days  old. 

The  exact  shape  of  the  fatigue  curve  obtained  when  wing-beat  frequency  is 
thus  considered  as  a  function  of  time  differs  in  detail  among  the  various  species  of 
Drosophila  and  among  individuals  of  a  single  species.  For  Drosophila  funebris  it 
was  nevertheless  clear  that,  except  in  very  young  or  very  old  individuals,  the 
frequency  of  wing-beat  did  not  ordinarily  undergo  any  large  change,  at  20°  C., 
during  a  considerable  period  after  the  initiation  of  flight.  This  is  apparent  in  the 


typical  flight  shown  in  Figure  2.  Thus  the  response  may  generally  be  divided 
into  two  stages:  (1)  an  initial  period  during  which  wing-beat  frequency  undergoes 
only  slight  variations;  and  (2)  a  final  period  of  fatigue,  manifested  by  a  rapid 
decrease  in  wing-beat  frequency  until  the  termination  of  flight. 

If  an  animal  that  has  been  flown  to  exhaustion  is  again  stimulated  to  fly,  wing- 
beat  frequency  rises  momentarily,  but  then  decreases  rapidly  to  the  low  frequen- 
cies characteristic  of  the  final  minutes  of  the  preceding  flight.  Such  repeated 
flights  after  exhaustion  are  always  of  short  duration  even  if  the  animal  is  permitted 
to  rest  for  several  hours. 

It  is  noteworthy  that  the  frequency  of  wing-beat  during  the  final  period  of 
fatigue  never  decreases  gradually  to  zero:  wing  movement  ceases  before  the  fre- 
quency becomes  as  low  as  100  double-beats  per  second.  Under  no  combination 
of  environmental  conditions  yet  tested  has  any  species  of  Drosophila  been  induced 
to  fly  during  "fixed"  flight  at  frequencies  lower  than  about  70  double-beats  per 
second.  This  fact  may  eventually  be  of  considerable  interest  in  interpreting  the 
physiology  of  the  neuromuscular  system  responsible  for  flight,  since  it  indicates 
that  the  flight  mechanism  not  only  operates  at  unparalleled  frequencies,  but,  in 
the  case  of  flies,  is  incapable  of  slowing  down  to  the  range  of  frequencies  charac- 
teristic of  the  neuromuscular  systems  of  animals  other  than  insects  (see  Table  I). 


Since  systematic  changes  in  glycogen  content  have  been  reported  as  functions 
of  age  in  both  insects  (Babers,  1941)  and  mammals  (Heymann  and  Modic,  1939), 
such  variations  if  found  for  Drosophila  would  offer  an  opportunity  of  testing  for 
simultaneous  changes  in  flight  ability.  For  this  reason  the  glycogen  concentration 
and  the  flight  ability  of  Drosophila  were  studied  over  the  first  month  of  adult  life. 

Considerable  variation  was  found  for  these  factors  among  animals  of  similar 
age  which  had  been  isolated  in  different  bottles  of  food;  in  contrast,  individuals 
isolated  in  a  single  bottle  showed  a  much  higher  degree  of  uniformity.  This 
variability  found  among  animals  of  similar  age  may,  in  part,  be  attributed  to  the 
lack  of  environmental  uniformity  within  different  bottles.  For  instance,  even 
though  the  animals  were  transferred  to  fresh  food  every  few  days,  it  was  impossible 
to  control  the  yeast  growth  and  the  ventilation  and,  hence,  the  tensions  of  carbon 
dioxide  and  alcohol  vapor.  For  these  reasons  it  was  necessary  to  use  a  large  num- 


Changes  in  the  glycogen  concentration  in  Drosophila  funebris  as  a  function  of  adult  age. 

Average  age  Number  of  Average  concentration  of  glycogen 

(days)  animals  (in  per  cent  of  live  weight) 

0.5  91  2.4 

3  72  5.1 

5  114  6.0 

7  65  6.2 

10  77  6.2 

14  85  6.5 

17  75  5.6 

19  31  5.3 

21  21  4.3 

33  23  3.5 



her  of  determinations  of  glycogen  and  of  flight  ability  in  order  to  establish  the 
approximate  values  for  the  age  relationships. 

Fifty-one  analyses  were  performed  on  a  total  of  654  animals  of  known  ages. 
The  results  are  recorded  in  Table  IV  and  Figure  3.  The  concentration  of  gly- 
cogen, in  terms  of  its  percentage  of  the  live  weight,  was  found  to  increase  during 
the  first  two  weeks  until  about  6.5  per  cent  of  the  animal  consists  of  this  substance. 
Thereupon,  the  concentration  decreases  rapidly  and  then  more  slowly  during  the 




li  -» 





O  2 



O   i 










Changes  in  the  glycogen  concentration  of  Drosophila  as  a 
function  of  the  animals'  adult  age. 

remainder  of  the  month.  The  relationship  is  not  significantly  altered  if  the  glyco- 
gen concentration  is  computed  in  terms  of  dry  weight.  Since  water  makes  up  60 
to  72  per  cent  of  the  live  weight  of  the  animal,  the  concentration  of  glycogen  thus 
increases  during  the  first  two  weeks  until  it  accounts  for  nearly  one-fifth  of  the 
insect's  dry  weight. 

The  degree  to  which  flight  ability  also  varies  with  age  was  studied  on  a  total 
of  117  individuals,  only  small  samples  being  used  from  each  food  bottle.  Since 
the  wing-beat  frequency  of  each  animal  was  measured  at  frequent  intervals  during 
its  continuous  flight  to  exhaustion,  the  flight  ability  can  be  interpreted  in  terms 



of  the  total  number  of  wing-beats  as  well  as  in  terms  of  the  duration  of  flight 
(Table  V  and  Figure  4). 


The  relation  between  adult  age  and  the  flight  ability  of  Drosophila  funebris  in  terms  of  the  average 
duration  of  flight  and  the  average  total  number  of  wing-beats  in  flights  to  exhaustion  at  20.0  ±  0.5°  C. 

Average  age 

Number  of 

Average  duration  of  flight 

Average  total  number  of 





























CO  800 




<  400 






40  O 











AGE    (DAYS) 

FIGURE  4.  The  relation  between  the  flight  ability  and  the  age  of  Drosophila.  Upper  curve, 
average  duration  of  flight  as  a  function  of  age.  Lower  curve,  average  total  number  of  wing-beats 
as  a  function  of  age. 

It  is  clear  that  the  flight  ability  varies  markedly  with  age.  Animals  one  to 
two  weeks  old  can  fly  for  an  average  period  exceeding  100  minutes  during  which 
time  the  number  of  consecutive  wing-beats  is  about  a  million.  In  contrast,  one- 
day-old  animals,  or  individuals  older  than  25  days,  can  fly  less  than  26  minutes 
(226,000  double  wing-beats). 



In  view  of  the  utilization  of  glycogen  demonstrated  in  Figure  1,  there  can  be 
little  doubt  that  this  substance  is  of  primary  importance  in  the  flight  of  flies.  The 
existence  of  a  carbohydrate  metabolism  during  flight  has  been  previously  indi- 
cated in  investigations  where  the  respiratory  quotient  of  flying  insects  has  been 
measured  (Jongbloed  and  Wiersma,  1935;  Chad  wick  and  Gilmour,  1940).  Al- 
though these  studies  demonstrated  an  R.Q.  of  unity,  this  value  can  also  charac- 
terize protein  metabolism,  providing  ammonia,  carbon  dioxide,  and  water  are 

It  is  a  remarkable  fact  that  the  glycogen  concentration  that  we  found  charac- 
teristic of  entire  Drosophila  at  the  optimal  age  approximates  the  concentration 
reported  for  the  liver  of  mammals  at  the  optimal  age;  i.e.,  about  6  per  cent  of  the 
wet  weight  (Heymann  and  Modic,  1939).  Such  high  concentrations  of  glycogen 
were  noted  by  Claude  Bernard  (1879),  who  stated  in  his  description  of  the  larva 
of  the  housefly  (p.  114):  "on  pent  dire,  sans  exageration,  que  ces  larves  sont  de 
veritables  sacs  a  glycogene." 

Information  concerning  the  role  of  glycogen  in  flight  may  be  obtained  by 
comparing  the  simultaneous  changes  in  the  glycogen  concentration  and  in  the 
frequency  of  wing-beat  during  continuous  flights  (Figures  1  and  2).  Whereas  the 
concentration  of  glycogen  decreases  regularly  from  the  outset  of  flight  to  final 
exhaustion,  the  wing-beat  frequency  is  essentially  unaffected  by  this  loss  for  a 
period  after  the  initiation  of  flight.  It  thus  appears  that  the  neuromuscular 
system,  in  terms  of  the  frequency  of  its  activity,  is  in  an  approximately  "steady 
state"  during  this  period.  The  duration  of  this  condition  is  apparently  deter- 
mined by  the  concentration  of  glycogen  at  the  beginning  of  flight,  for  it  is  brief  in 
animals  that  are  either  very  young  or  very  old  and  prolonged  in  animals  at  the 
optimal  age  of  from  one  to  two  weeks.  Hence,  from  this  point  of  view,  glycogen 
may  be  considered  a  reservoir  of  carbohydrate  which  is  drawn  upon  during  flight. 

The  experiments  of  Beutler  (1936  a  and  b;  1937)  on  honey-bees  are  of  interest 
in  this  connection.  The  length  of  flight  was  found  to  be  determined  by  the  con- 
centration of  sugar  in  the  blood,  and,  furthermore,  the  concentration  necessary  for 
flight  could  be  maintained  for  a  prolonged  period  when  the  animal's  "honey- 
bladder"  was  full.  Since  the  amount  of  glycogen  in  the  honey-bee  is  very  low, 
amounting  to  only  0.3  to  1.0  per  cent  of  the  live  weight,  it  is  probable  that  in  this 
animal  the  contents  of  the  honey-bladder  play  a  role  similar  to  that  of  glycogen  in 

There  is  evidence  to  discount  the  possibility  that  the  stage  of  fatigue  near  the 
end  of  continuous  flights  in  air  results  from  the  accumulation  of  lactic  acid.  As 
noted  above,  flight  ability  is  not  regained  to  any  large  degree  after  a  rest  of  several 
hours  following  exhaustion.  Furthermore,  Chadwick  and  Gilmour  (1940)  have 
demonstrated  that  the  oxygen  debt  of  Drosophila  repleta,  following  flight,  is  not 
more  than  0.18  cu.  mm.  of  oxygen,  an  amount  which  would  be  utilized  in  less 
than  6  seconds  of  flight.  The  magnitude  of  the  oxygen  debt  likewise  appeared  to 
be  independent  of  the  length  of  flight.  Hence  the  occurrence  of  fatigue  is  more 
adequately  explained  in  terms  of  carbohydrate  limitation  than  in  terms  of  lactic 
acid  accumulation. 

The  data  presented  in  regard  to  the  physiological  ageing  of  Drosophila  demon- 
strate that  an  optimum  age  exists  for  flight  which,  in  general,  coincides  with  the 


period  of  maximal  glycogen  content  (Figures  3  and  4).  The  correlation  between 
these  factors  is  satisfactory,  except  that  after  reaching  a  maximum  the  flight 
ability  decreases  more  rapidly  with  age  than  does  the  glycogen  concentration. 
A  possible  explanation  of  this  lack  of  complete  agreement  is  the  fact  that  entire 
animals  were  used  in  the  analyses  and,  therefore,  the  percentage  of  glycogen  that 
is  unavailable  for  use  during  flight,  due  to  its  incorporation  in  the  eggs  and  other 
tissues,  could  not  be  taken  into  account.  The  efficiency  of  glycogen  utilization 
may  also  vary  to  some  extent  with  age  and  thus  affect  the  flight  ability. 

Nevertheless,  the  general  agreement  between  the  simultaneous  changes  in  the 
glycogen  content  and  in  the  flight  ability  strongly  suggests  that  the  former  is 
causally  related  to  the  latter.  If  the  maturation  and  senescence  of  the  flight 
ability  is  thus  explained,  then  the  larger  question  arises  concerning  the  identity  of 
the  factors  responsible  for  the  changes  in  glycogen  content  which  occur  as  the 
animals  grow  old  in  the  presence  of  an  optimum  environment. 


The  role  of  glycogen  in  the  flight  physiology  was  studied  for  two  species  of 
flies,  Drosophila  funebris  and  Lucilia  sericata.  Glycogen  was  determined  by 
microchemical  methods.  The  flight  ability  was  measured  stroboscopically  in 
terms  of  the  total  number  of  wing-beats,  under  standardized  conditions,  in  co'n- 
tinuous  flights  to  exhaustion. 

Glycogen  was  found  to  be  of  primary  importance  in  the  physiology  of  flight. 
During  continuous  flight  the  concentration  of  this  substance  gradually  decreases 
in  both  the  entire  animal  and  the  thorax. 

The  decrease  in  glycogen  during  the  first  stages  of  such  flights  has  no  marked 
effects  on  the  intensity  of  flight,  in  terms  of  the  frequency  of  wing-beat. 

Near  the  end  of  continuous  flight  the  concentration  of  glycogen  becomes 
limiting  and  wing-beat  frequency  rapidly  decreases  until  flight  ceases  before  the 
frequency  becomes  as  low  as  100  double-beats  per  second. 

Both  the  flight  ability  of  Drosophila  and  the  concentration  of  glycogen  vary 
as  functions  of  age.  During  the  first  week  of  adult  life  the  average  length  of  flight 
increases  from  26  minutes  on  the  first  day  to  110  on  the  seventh  and  the  total 
number  of  wing-beats  from  225,000  to  more  than  a  million.  Simultaneously  the 
glycogen  concentration  rises  from  about  2.5  to  6  per  cent  of  the  live  weight.  In 
animals  older  than  two  weeks  the  flight  ability  and  glycogen  concentration  de- 
crease rapidly  and  then  more  slowly  until,  by  the  thirty-third  day,  the  average 
length  of  flight  is  reduced  to  19  minutes  (170,000  double  wing-beats)  and  the 
glycogen  concentration  to  about  3.5  per  cent  of  the  live  weight.  This  correlation, 
although  not  exact,  suggests  that  the  physiological  ageing  of  the  flight  ability 
results  to  a  large  degree  from  the  simultaneous  changes  in  the  concentration  of 

We  wish  to  thank  Dr.  L.  E.  Chadwick,  Mr.  O.  P.  Pearson,  and  Dr.  H.  Rahn 
for  permission  to  include  their  unpublished  data  in  Table  I. 


BABERS,  F.  H.,  1941.     Glycogen  in  Prodenia  eridania  with  special  reference  to  the  ingestion  of 
glucose.     Jour.  Agric.  Res.,  62  (9):  509-530. 


BERNARD,  CLAUDE,  1879.     Legons  sur  les  phenomenes  de  la  vie  communs  aux  animaux  et  aux 

vegetaux.  2,  J.  B.  Bailliere  et  Fils,  Paris. 
BEUTLER,  R.,  1936a.     Uber  den  Blutzucker  der  Bienen.      Verh.  Dtsch.  Zool.  Ges.,  Leipzig,  38: 

BEUTLER,   R.,   1936b.     Uber  den  Blutzucker  der  Biene   (Apis  mellifica).     Die  Naturwiss.,  31: 


BEUTLER,  R.,  1937.     Uber  den  Blutzucker  der  Bienen.     Ztschr.f.  Vergleich.  Physiol.,  24:  71-115. 
BLATHERWICK,  N.  R.,  P.  J.  BRADSHAW,  M.  E.  EWING,  H.  W.  LARSON,  AND  S.  D.  SAWYER,  1935. 

The  determination  of  tissue  carbohydrates.     Jour.  Biol.  Chem.,  Ill:  537-547. 
CHADWICK,  L.  E.,  AND  D.  GILMOUR,  1940.     Respiration  during  flight  in  Drosophila  repleta  Wollas- 

ton;  the  oxygen  consumption  considered  in  relation  to  wing-rate.     Physiol.  Zool.,  13: 

DAVIS,  R.  A.,  AND  G.  FRAENKEL,  1940.     The  oxygen  consumption  of  flies  during  flight.     Jour. 

Exp.  Biol.,  17:  402-407. 
EDGERTON,  H.  E.,  AND  J.  R.  KILLIAN,  JR.,  1939.     Flash!     Seeing  the  unseen  by  ultra  high-speed 

photograph}'.     Hale,  Cushman,  &  Flint,  Boston. 
FENN,  W.  O.,  1932.     Zur  Mechanik  des  Radfahrens  im  Vergleich  zu  der  des  Laufens.     Pfliigers 

Arch.f.  die  Gesam.  Physiol.,  229:  354-366. 
GOOD,  C.  A.,  H.  KRAMER,  AND  M.  SOMOGYI,  1933.     The  determination  of  glycogen.     Jour.  Biol. 

Chem.,  100:  485-491. 
HEYMANN,  W.,  AND  J.  L.  MODIC,  1939.     Effect  of  age  and  fasting  on  glycogen  content  of  liver  and 

muscles  of  rats  and  puppies.     Jour.  Biol.  Chem.,  131:  297-308. 
JONGBLOED,  J.,  AND  C.  A.  G.  WIERSMA,  1935.     Der  Stoffwechsel  der  Honigbiene  wahrend  des 

Fliegens.     Ztschr.f.  Vergleich.  Physiol.,  21:  519-533. 
KSoGH,  A.,  1941.     The  comparative  physiology  of  respiratory  mechanisms.     Univ.  of  Pa.  Press, 


SCHAFER,  E.  A.,  H.  E.  L.  CANNEY,  AND  J.  O.  TUNSTALL,  1886.     On  the  rhythm  of  muscular  re- 
sponse to  volitional  impulses  in  man.     Jour.  Physiol.,  7:  111-117. 
SHAFFER,  P.  A.,  AND  M.  SOMOGYI,  1933.     Copper-iodometric  reagents  for  sugar  determination. 

Jour.  Biol.  Chem.,  100:  695-713. 



G.  H.   PARKER 

(Biological  Laboratories,  Harvard  University,  Cambridge) 

In  animal  chromatics  melanophores  have  received  more  attention  than  any 
other  form  of  chromatophore.  This  has  been  due  mainly  to  the  conspicuousness 
and  relative  permanence  of  their  pigment  and  to  the  consequent  ease  with  which 
the  changes  in  the  disposition  of  this  pigment  can  be  followed.  The  technique  of 
recording  such  changes  varies  more  or  less  with  the  investigator  and  may  well  be 
a  subject  for  critical  consideration.  Such  a  consideration  is  the  aim  of  this  paper. 
The  questions  herein  discussed  are  well  illustrated  by  the  color  changes  in  the 
catfish,  Ameiurus  nebulosus,  and  this  fish  will  be  used  as  an  example  in  much  of 
the  present  discussion. 

The  older  investigators  in  describing  the  various  color  conditions  in  animals 
were  content  to  present  them  in  terms  of  full  paleness  or  full  darkness  as  judged 
by  the  observer's  eye.  It  soon  became  evident,  however,  that  such  gross  dis- 
tinctions were  insufficient,  and  attempts  were  made  to  divide  the  color  range  of 
any  given  animal  by  points  that  would  break  it  up  into  reasonable  units.  Many 
authors  came  to  employ  five  such  points  which  separated  the  whole  range  into 
quarters.  The  points  thus  used  were,  in  addition  to  the  extremes  pale  and  dark, 
a  middle  point  termed  intermediate  and  two  secondary  points  pale-intermediate 
and  dark-intermediate  in  positions  appropriate  for  these  designations. 

In  judging  by  this  method  of  the  color  condition  of  a  particular  fish  at  any 
moment  it  was  found  desirable  to  have  fixed  standard  color  samples  for  compari- 
son. For  such  a  fish  as  Fundulus  these  samples  were  easily  made  and  preserved 
in  formol-alcohol.  Fixed  samples  of  this  kind  are  reasonably  permanent  and 
may  be  used  with  success  in  determining  by  ocular  comparison  the  tints  of  living 
fishes  in  process  of  change.  In  Ameiurus  a  set  of  these  samples  has  already  been 
photographed  and  published  (Figure  1).  Ameiurus,  however,  offers  by  contrast 
an  advantage  over  Fundulus  in  that  four  of  its  five  stages  in  color  change  can  be 
kept  on  hand  conveniently  and  continuously  as  living  laboratory  material.  The 
extreme  pale  state  can  be  permanently  maintained  in  fishes  kept  in  white-walled 
vessels  brightly  illuminated  from  above  (maximum  effect  of  adrenergic  fibers,  very 
probably  adrenaline;  Parker,  1941).  The  extreme  dark  state,  commonly  called 
coal-black,  is  seen  in  blinded  fishes  also  brightly  illuminated  (combined  effect  of 
intermedine  and  acetylcholine).  Such  fishes  will  remain  completely  dark  even 
if  kept  with  fully  pale  ones  in  white-walled,  brightly  lighted  vessels.  The  only 
adverse  effect  in  such  a  combination  is  to  be  seen  in  the  pale  fishes  which  will 
darken  slightly  in  consequence  of  the  presence  of  their  coal-black  neighbors  as 
part  of  their  environment.  By  a  fortunate  circumstance  the  intermediate  state 
in  Ameiurus  is  maintained  by  a  hypophysectomized  catfish  with  normal  vision 
and  in  a  black-walled  lighted  container  (effect  of  cholinergic  fibers — acetylcholine 
—alone).  The  dark-intermediate  state  is  also  a  matter  of  coincidence  in  that  it  is 




seen  in  catfishes  with  normal  vision  and  in  a  black-walled,  well  lighted  vessel. 
Such  fishes,  contrary  to  what  might  be  expected,  do  not  become  coal-black  (Parker, 
1941),  but  remain  permanently  in  the  dark-intermediate  phase.  The  limitation 
of  this  response  is  not  well  understood.  It  may  be  determined  by  some  peculiarity 
of  the  melanophores  themselves  or  possibly  by  the  absence  of  an  additional  dis- 
persing neurohumor,  for  coal-black,  which  might  be  liberated  on  the  loss  of  the 


FIGURE  1.  Range  of  tints  from  extreme  pale  to  extreme  dark  (A)  in  the  catfish  Ameiurus 
and  the  conditions  of  its  color-cells  (B  to  G)  at  three  stages.  Macromelanophores  (B)  from  derma 
and  micromelanophores  (C)  from  epidermis  of  fishes  of  palest  tint  showing  maximum  concentration 
of  pigment.  Large  (F)  and  small  (G)  melanophores  from  coal-black  fishes  showing  maximum 
dispersion  of  pigment.  Conditions  of  the  two  kinds  of  melanophores  (D  and  E)  from  fishes  of 
intermediate  tint. 


eye.  The  last  of  these  steps,  the  pale-intermediate,  cannot  be  maintained  easily 
in  the  living  condition,  but  is  best  represented  by  a  killed  and  preserved  specimen. 
This  phase  doubtless  could  be  established  and  kept  in  an  illuminated  vessel  with 
walls  of  an  appropriate  gray,  but  this  refinement  has  not  been  attempted.  Thus 
four  of  the  five  critical  steps  in  the  color  range  of  the  catfish  can  be  easily  and 
permanently  kept  as  shown  in  living  laboratory  examples  for  comparison  with 
experimental  fishes.  Catfishes,  the  color  states  of  which  are  to  be  determined, 
can  be  marked  by  the  appropriate  clipping  of  one  of  their  fins  and  may  then  be 
liberated  in  a  vessel  with  one  or  more  standard  fishes  of  given  color  for  close  com- 
parison. Such  comparisons  yield  surprisingly  clear  and  definite  results.  Since 
the  colors  of  catfishes  are  not  immediately  altered  by  handling  and  since  the 
completion  of  their  normal  color  responses  to  differences  in  the  environment  re- 
quire hours  or  even  days,  comparisons  such  as  those  described,  which  take  only 
a  fraction  of  a  minute  to  make,  may  be  carried  out  with  security.  Tests  of  this 
kind  are  avowedly  crude,  but  the  terms  in  which  they  are  described  are  not  inexact 
as  stated  by  Waring  (1942).  It  would  be  impossible  for  any  one  working  in 
animal  chromatics  to  proceed  far  without  the  use  of  precisely  such  methods  of 
ocular  comparison  as  those  described,  methods  which  have  served  as  the  basis  of 
much  recent  work  on  animal  chromatics. 

It  was  a  natural  step  as  the  subject  of  animal  color  changes  developed  for 
workers  to  seek  the  relations  between  the  color  states  of  a  given  animal  and  the 
conditions  of  its  chromatophores,  particularly  of  its  melanophores.  The  extreme 
conditions  of  the  melanophores  in  the  fully  pale  and  fully  dark  Fundulus  were 
photographed  as  early  as  1913  by  Spaeth.  In  consequence  of  the  form  assumed 
by  the  melanophore  pigment  in  the  two  extremes  and  the  intermediate  tint  of 
animals,  it  became  usual  to  designate  these  pigment  shapes  as  punctate,  stellate, 
and  reticulate.  The  states  of  the  melanophores  at  the  quarter  points  in  the 
animal's  coloration  were  called  by  some  workers  puncto-stellate  and  reticulo- 
stellate.  Thus  this  method  though  accurate  in  its  way  grew  to  be  cumbersome  in 
its  nomenclature  (Waring,  1942)  and  it  is  not  surprising  that  it  failed  to  gain  great 

A  closely  related  treatment  of  the  total  melanophore  range  was  put  forward 
in  1928  by  Slome  and  Hogben.  It  has  since  been  several  times  redescribed  and 
somewhat  elaborated  (Slome  and  Hogben,  1929;  Hogben  and  Gordon,  1930; 
Hogben  and  Slome,  1931 ;  Waring,  1942),  and  is  now  much  in  use.  It  consists  in 
an  arbitrary  division  of  the  whole  melanophore  range  into  four  stretches  by  five 
division  points  which  correspond  very  closely  to  the  five  points  designated  in  the 
older  nomenclature  as  punctate,  stellate,  reticulate,  etc.,  and  in  giving  to  each  of 
these  five  points  a  numerical  designation  from  1  for  punctate  to  5  for  reticulate. 
The  states  of  concentration  or  of  dispersion  of  the  melanophore  pigment  for  the 
five  points  have  been  illustrated  by  sketches  (Hogben  and  Gordon,  1930;  Hogben 
and  Slome,  1931)  and  these  sketches  have  served  as  definitions  for  the  points. 
This  method  at  once  did  away  with  the  cumbersomeness  of  the  older  terminology 
and  gave  to  the  work  in  this  field  not  only  greater  convenience  but  a  certain 
quantitative  aspect.  By  means  of  this  system  melanophore  indices  could  be 
established  for  the  several  states  of  the  color-cells  which  could  then  be  plotted 
against  time  so  as  to  allow  a  graphic  representation  of  the  changing  melanophores. 
Such  plottings  have  been  very  freely  employed  by  recent  students  of  color  changes 



(Hogben  and  Landgrebe,  1940;  Waring,  1940;  Neill,  1940)  and  have  yielded  in- 
teresting and  important  results.  Several  modifications  of  this  system  have  been 
offered.  Following  the  procedure  introduced  by  Hewer  (1926)  Matsushita  (1938) 
distinguished  in  the  melanophore  pigment  changes  from  full  concentration  to  full 
dispersion  of  the  Japanese  catfish  Parasilurus  six  instead  of  five  steps.  These 
steps  were  defined  by  means  of  accurately  drawn  illustrations  (Figure  2).  By  the 

FIGURE  2.  Six  phases  in  the  changes  of  a  melanophore  from  its  punctate  condition  (2), 
through  its  stellate  stage  (4)  to  its  reticulate  state  (6,  7).  The  corresponding  color  conditions  in 
the  fish  are  pale  (2),  intermediate  (4),  dark  (6),  and  coal-black  (7).  From  the  Japanese  catfish 
Parasilurus  asotus  (L.).  Matsushita  (1938). 

use  of  a  simple  formula  Matsushita  obtained  indices  of  the  average  conditions  of 
the  melanophores  in  a  given  fish  at  different  color  phases  and  plotted  these  on  a 
scale  of  one-hundred  against  time.  Thus  this  worker  arrived  at  an  exposition  of 
his  results  much  like  that  employed  by  Hogben  and  others,  but  on  the  basis  of 
finer  gradations.  A  move  in  the  opposite  direction  was  taken  by  Sawaya  (1939) 
followed  by  Mendes  (1942)  both  of  whom,  like  Hogben  and  his  co-workers,  dis- 
tinguished five  dividing  points  in  the  melanophore  scale,  but  numbered  them  in 
reverse  order,  I  for  maximum  dispersion  and  V  for  maximum  concentration.  In 
the  plottings  made  by  Sawaya  no  averages  were  employed  nor  were  curves  drawn 
as  was  done  by  Hogben  and  his  associates.  In  consequence  Sawaya's  tables 
show  the  coarseness  of  his  original  observations  and  lack  much  of  the  detail  shown 
in  the  plottings  by  Hogben  and  his  school.  If  in  refinement  Matsushita  has 
somewhat  overdone  Hogben's  method,  Sawaya  has  on  the  whole  underdone  it. 

The  replacement  of  descriptive  terms  for  the  states  of  melanophores  from 
punctate  to  reticulate  by  numbers  has  not  only  added  great  flexibility  to  the 
treatment  of  color  changes,  but,  as  already  stated,  has  given  the  subject  a  quanti- 
tative aspect.  This,  however,  may  be  its  gravest  defect,  for  it  has  tempted  some 
of  the  less  critical  workers  in  this  field  into  too  great  a  reliance  on  what  may  be 
done  with  the  quantitative  statements  that  it  has  been  brought  to  yield.  The 


originators  of  this  method  repeatedly  called  the  attention  of  those  who  might  use 
it  to  the  fact  that  the  subdivisions  whereby  the  steps  in  the  melanophore  changes 
are  indicated  are  made  on  an  arbitrary  basis  which  means  that  4  in  the  scale  series 
is  not  necessarily  twice  2,  nor  5  five  times  1.  Under  these  circumstances  it  is 
very  questionable  how  legitimate  are  the  averages  and  other  mathematical  results 
that  have  been  indulged  in  and  the  reliability  of  the  curves  based  upon  these 
results.  It  seems  possible  that  to  a  certain  extent  the  method  has  run  away  with 
its  proponents.  Undoubtedly  it  can  be  made  to  lead  to  conclusions  of  much 
value,  but  it  must  be  used  with  restraint,  probably  with  much  more  restraint 
than  has  been  exercised  by  some  of  its  very  recent  advocates.  No  better  caution 
as  to  its  use  can  be  given  than  that  contained  in  the  following  passage  from  the 
paper  in  which  the  method  was  described  by  Slome  and  Hogben  (1929).  The 
authors  of  this  paper  remark  concerning  plottings,  etc.,  based  upon  the  use  of 
this  method  that  "in  interpreting  these  results,  which  are  presented  in  graphic 
form,  it  must  be  borne  in  mind  that  the  numerical  symbols  applied  to  different 
configurations  of  the  dermal  melanophores  are  quite  arbitrary,  and  therefore, 
though  some  insight  may  be  obtained  from  a  consideration  of  the  intervals  which 
elapse  between  equilibrium  conditions  and  the  intercalation  of  subnormal  or 
supranormal  phases,  no  significance  can  legitimately  be  attached  to  the  gradients 
of  the  curves."  So  clear  and  understanding  a  caution  as  this  calls  for  more  con- 
servative estimates  of  results  than  those  that  have  been  proposed  by  some  of  the 
more  recent  workers.  The  temptation  seems  to  have  been  to  use  such  quantita- 
tive results  as  though  they  were  founded  on  solid  measurements  instead  of  on 
arbitrary  assignments.  Because  of  the  tempting  ease  with  which  reasonable 
boundaries  in  this  kind  of  work  can  be  overstepped,  one  is  led  to  see  greater  real 
security  in  Sawaya's  coarser  system  or  even  in  the  earlier  one  of  cumbersome  ad- 
jectives for  melanophore  gradations  which  are  only  in  a  remote  way  suggestively 
quantitative.  Possibly  such  a  descriptive  system  may  be  as  a  matter  of  fact  more 
truthful  in  portraying  what  is  really  observed  about  color-cells  than  one  based  on 
arbitrary  numerical  units  not  soundly  quantitative. 

From  time  to  time  systems  for  the  recording  of  chromatophores  much  more 
firmly  grounded  than  that  introduced  by  Slome  and  Hogben  (1928)  have  been 
suggested.  One  of  these  advanced  by  Spaeth  (1913b,  1916)  much  antedates  that 
by  Slome  and  Hogben.  Spaeth  discovered  by  following  a  line  of  work  initiated 
by  Ballowitz  (1913)  that  the  living  melanophores  in  the  freshly  removed  scale  of 
Fundulus  could  be  made  by  an  appropriate  treatment  with  barium  chloride  and 
sodium  chloride  alternately  to  disperse  and  to  concentrate  their  pigment.  This 
type  of  response  which  was  rhythmic  in  character  was  at  a  rate  essentially  the 
same  as  that  of  the  normal  color  change.  Such  rhythmic  pulsations  of  the  color- 
cells  reach  from  complete  concentration  to  complete  dispersion  and  thus  reproduce 
normal  melanophore  activity.  By  means  of  an  ocular  micrometer  the  changing 
diameter  of  the  pigment  mass  in  a  single  color-cell  can  be  measured  step  by  step, 
and  the  records  thus  obtained  can  be  plotted  against  time  as  a  graphic  description 
of  the  activity  of  the  melanophore.  Thus  some  thirty  pulses  of  a  single  color-cell 
were  plotted  by  Spaeth  over  a  period  of  about  an  hour.  Spaeth  (1916)  subse- 
quently changed  his  method  and  rendered  it  somewhat  more  mechanical  by 
adding  to  his  microscope  a  recording  device  by  which  the  tip  of  the  column  of 
pigment  could  be  followed  as  it  advanced  into  the  process  of  the  color-cell  or 

278  G.  H.  PARKER 

retreated  from  it.  This  gave  almost  perfect  time  records  of  the  activity  of  the 
melanophore  on  the  basis  of  absolute  measurements.  The  method  seems  to  have 
attracted  no  attention  for  it  appears  not  to  have  been  used  nor  criticized. 

A  second  largely  objective  technique  for  measuring  melanophore  activity  was 
devised  by  Hill,  Parkinson,  and  Solandt  (1935).  These  workers  threw  a  constant 
beam  of  light  on  the  back  of  a  restrained  Fundulus  the  surroundings  of  which 
could  be  altered  from  black  to  white  or  the  reverse  thus  to  induce  the  fish  to  change 
color.  The  light  reflected  from  the  illuminated  spot  on  the  back  of  the  changing 
fish  was  focussed  on  a  photoelectric  cell  and  the  steps  of  change  read  off  in  a 
galvanometer.  Thus  measurements  were  obtained  that  could  be  plotted  against 
time,  and  in  this  way  curves  for  the  dispersion  and  the  concentration  of  melano- 
phore pigment  could  be  obtained.  This  method  agrees  with  Spaeth's  in  that  it 
is  based  upon  absolute  units.  It  has  been  criticized  by  Wykes  (1937)  and  by 
Neill  (1940)  who  object  to  it  on  the  ground  that  it  gives  the  "sum  effect  of  color 
response  only  and  ...  no  information  as  to  the  activity  of  different  pigmentary 
effectors."  From  the  standpoint  of  its  general  applicability  this  is  a  serious 
defect.  It  must  be  borne  in  mind,  however,  that  the  fish  used  by  Hill  and  his 
associated,  Fundulus  heteroclitus,  has  on  its  back  whence  the  reflected  light  was 
taken  very  few  chromatophores  except  melanophores.  The  scattered  xantho- 
phores  in  this  part  of  its  body  are  insignificant  in  comparison  with  the  dark  color- 
cells.  Consequently  the  measurements  recorded  by  Hill  and  his  co-workers  from 
this  part  of  the  body  of  Fundulus  are  almost  entirely  dependent  upon  melano- 
phores. Of  course  in  a  fish  such  as  Ameiurus  where  only  melanophores  are  present 
Wykes'  criticism  does  not  apply. 

A  third  distinctly  objective  method  for  the  study  of  melanophore  changes  is 
that  devised  by  Smith  (1936).  This  method  like  that  of  Spaeth  depends  upon  the 
use  of  pulsating  dark  color-cells  in  freshly  removed  scales,  in  this  instance  from 
the  fish  Tautoga.  A  beam  of  light  is  thrown  through  such  a  scale  under  the 
microscope  and  the  change  of  intensity  in  this  light  as  determined  by  concentra- 
tion or  dispersion  of  the  melanophore  pigment  is  read  off  by  a  combination  of  a 
photoelectric  cell  in  the  microscope  and  an  outside  galvanometer.  By  this  means 
readings  can  be  taken  at  10-second  intervals  or  from  ten  to  15  readings  for  a  single 
chromatic  pulse.  These  readings  can  be  plotted  against  time  and  thus  made  the 
basis  of  a  curve  for  chromatophore  activity  in  the  same  way  as  in  Hill's  method. 
The  chief  difference  between  Smith's  method  and  that  of  Hill  is  that  whereas  in 
Smith's  technique  transmitted  light  is  measured  in  Hill's  it  is  reflected  light. 
Smith's  method  like  Hill's  is  based  on  absolute  measurements.  It  is  also  open  to 
the  same  criticism  as  that  urged  by  Wykes  against  Hill's  procedure.  But  this  has 
as  little  force  in  the  case  of  Smith's  records  as  it  had  in  those  of  Hill,  for  in  Tautoga, 
the  fish  used  by  Smith,  the  coloration  of  the  scales  is  due  predominantly  to  melano- 
phores. At  the  outset  of  any  tests  the  melanophores  in  Tautoga  commonly  beat 
in  phase,  which  as  Smith  pointed  out,  is  essential  to  good  readings.  In  course  of 
time,  however,  many  of  them  drop  out  of  step  with  the  result  that  the  records,  for 
instance,  of  the  second  quarter  of  an  hour  are  less  regular  than  those  of  the  first 
quarter  (compare  Figure  1,  Smith,  1936).  Notwithstanding  this  defect  Smith's 
method  has  yielded  the  clearest  and  most  convincing  plottings  of  melanophore 
activity  thus  far  published. 

The  last  three  methods  here  discussed,  those  of  Spaeth,  of  Hill,  and  of  Smith, 


are  all  based  on  sound  physical  measurements  either  of  length  or  of  light  intensity. 
In  this  respect  they  are  much  superior  to  that  of  Slome  and  Hogben  whose  pro- 
posed units  are  arbitrary  and  lack  real  substantiality.  As  Slome  and  Hogben 
themselves  remark,  "no  significance  can  legitimately  be  attached  to  the  gradients 
of  the  curves"  obtained  by  their  technique.  Such  is  not  true  of  the  records  of  the 
last  three  methods  here  described.  These,  but  particularly  the  methods  of  Hill 
and  his  associates  and  of  Smith,  show  curves  that  are  consistently  uniform  and 
characteristic.  These  curves  are  S-shaped,  sigmoid  in  form.  This  form  of  curve 
was  noted  by  Parker  (1935)  in  a  discussion  of  the  color  changes  in  Fundulus. 
The  color  changes  in  this  fish  are  almost  entirely  under  nerve  control.  Blanching 
begins  slowly  due  to  the  gradual  accumulation  of  a  concentrating  neurohumor, 
probably  adrenaline  from  adrenergic  fibers,  in  the  fluids  around  the  mclanophores. 
The  later  rapid  increase  of  blanching  indicates  a  high  concentration  of  this  paling 
neurohumor,  and  the  following  decline  in  the  rate  of  color  change  till  it  reaches 
full  cessation  marks  without  doubt  the  limit  of  responsiveness  of  the  melanophores 
to  the  activating  agent.  Darkening  in  this  fish  follows  a  similar  course  but  in 
reverse  direction  and  is  probably  due  to  the  nervous  neurohumor  acetylcholine, 
for  intermedine  appears  to  play  little  or  no  part  in  this  phase  of  Fundulus.  The 
sigmoid  form  of  the  curves  for  melanophore  activity  is  especially  well  shown  in 
Smith's  plottings,  but  it  is  to  be  inferred  clearly  and  easily  from  those  by  Hill  and 
his  associates.  It  can  be  discerned  even  in  the  graphs  made  by  Slome  and  Hog- 
ben's  method  though  the  fact  that  the  plottings  based  upon  this  technique  usually 
begin  at  what  is  the  middle  of  such  a  curve  disguises  the  whole  reaction  measur- 
ably. Nevertheless  the  elements  of  such  a  curve  are  there  discernible.  Thus 
the  normal  change  in  the  dispersion  and  the  concentration  of  melanophore  pig- 
ment in  a  number  of  fishes  appears  to  conform,  when  plotted,  to  a  type  of  curve, 
the  sigmoid  curve,  which  is  characteristic  of  the  course  of  many  living  processes. 

In  such  a  fish  as  Fundulus  where  the  predominant  chromatophores  are  melano- 
phores or  in  Ameiurus  where  the  color-cells  are  exclusively  of  the  dark  type  the 
color  changes  conform  very  exactly  to  the  states  of  the  color-cells.  In  dark  fishes 
the  melanophore  pigment  is  greatly  dispersed,  in  pale  ones  greatly  concentrated. 
This  position  has  been  opposed  by  Neill  (1940)  who  has  contended  that  the  color 
of  a  given  fish  is  not  closely  related  to  its  dark  cells  and  he  has  tabulated  conditions 
in  the  eel  to  substantiate  his  contention.  As  the  foregoing  discussion  showys,  a 
determination  of  this  kind  depends  upon  the  chromatophoric  constitution  of  the 
given  fish.  In  the  catfish  with  only  melanophores  the  agreement  is  as  near  exact 
as  can  be  measured,  but  in  the  eel  with  a  sexually  variable  skin-background  and 
several  classes  of  diverse  chromatophores  it  is  not  to  be  expected  that  there  would 
be  full  agreement  between  the  general  tint  of  the  fish  and  one  set  of  color-cells, 
the  melanophores.  It  is  surprising  indeed  that,  as  the  table  published  by  Neill 
shows,  the  agreement  in  the  eel  is  so  close.  That  general  color  and  states  of 
melanophores  are  as  intimately  related  as  they  are  in  many  fishes  indicates  that 
of  the  various  types  of  color-cells  the  dark  ones  commonly  predominate  and  conse- 
quently the  color  changes  follow  in  the  main  this  type  of  chromatophore.  In 
work  of  this  kind  anyone  who  wished  to  investigate  the  activity  of  xanthophores 
would  not  choose  a  fish  whose  color-cells  were  predominantly  melanophores. 

Another  question  in  dealing  with  melanophores  has  to  do  with  the  means  by 
which  the  momentary  state  of  a  changing  dark  color-cell  is  to  be  recorded.  For 

280  G.  H.  PARKER 

this  purpose  photography  has  been  of  service.  By  means  of  succession  photo- 
graphs of  the  same  living  melanophores  at  different  stages  the  changes  in  these 
color-cells  have  been  followed  in  small  groups  (Spaeth,  1913a)  in  a  single  cell 
(Perkins,  1928),  or  in  a  larger  group  (Parker,  1935).  This  procedure  calls  for  the 
repeated  identification  in  a  living  animal  after  considerable  intervals  of  time  of 
a  particular  color-cell  or  group  of  such  cells  and  their  rephotographing,  an  exacting 
exercise  at  the  least.  Moreover  the  handling  of  some  live  fishes  induces  under 
certain  circumstances  changes  in  the  states  of  their  color-cells  that  are  disturbing 
in  such  an  operation.  Thus  Fundulus  darkens  noticeably  when  taken  from  the 
water  and  handled.  It  is  therefore  not  surprising  that  this  method  is  not  in 
common  practice,  yet  it  has  yielded  significant  results  in  the  study  of  the  diffusion 
of  neurohumors  (Parker,  1935). 

The  great  difficulty  in  determining  the  exact  condition  of  melanophores  in 
living  fishes,  as  might  be  inferred  from  what  has  been  stated,  is  the  ease  with 
which  many  creatures  respond  by  melanophore  changes  to  handling  and  the  like. 
This  capacity  is  very  different  in  different  species.  Thus  in  the  catfish  scarcely 
any  change  in  color  at  all  is  to  be  seen  on  reasonably  mild  manipulation.  Flatfishes 
on  the  other  hand  are  very  responsive  to  the  slightest  environmental  disturbance 
such  as  a  tap  on  their  container  or  even  the  passage  of  the  hand  over  the  aquarium 
in  which  they  are  kept.  Sticklebacks,  according  to  Hogben  and  Landgrebe 
(1940),  are  moderately  susceptible  to  such  shocks  and  may  thus  be  brought  to 
shift  their  tints  toward  an  intermediate  phase  if  in  the  beginning  they  are  at 
either  extreme  of  color.  To  avoid  these  disturbing  drifts  Hogben  and  Landgrebe 
put  single  sticklebacks  each  in  a  small  glass  vessel  supplied  with  a  suitable  current 
of  water  and  with  apertures  by  which  the  fish  could  be  introduced  and  through 
which  its  tail  could  project.  In  taking  readings  such  a  glass  with  its  contained 
fish  was  removed  from  the  general  aquarium,  and  with  the  fish's  tail  projecting 
quickly  but  under  the  microscope  with  the  tail  in  the  field.  Records  were  then 
made  of  the  states  of  the  melanophores  and  the  fish  discarded,  for  experience 
showed  that  it  was  not  favorable  material  for  further  work.  Much  the  same 
technique  was  followed  by  Neill  (1940)  in  his  study  of  the  color  changes  of  the 
eel  and  other  fishes.  It  has  long  been  the  practice  in  the  Harvard  Laboratories 
to  treat  Fundulus  in  this  way,  but  the  color  responses  of  this  fish  on  handling 
take  place  so  quickly  that  only  approximate  records  can  thus  be  obtained  and 
these  can  be  used  only  as  rough  indications  of  what  is  happening. 

To  permit  of  deliberate  inspection  and  measurement  of  melanophores  under 
the  microscope  permanent  preparations  of  the  tails  and  fins  of  fishes  have  been 
made.  Such  preparations  were  prepared  and  photographed  as  early  as  1934  by 
Parker.  The  method  has  also  been  employed  by  others  especially  by  Wykes 
(1937).  Much  of  its  success  depends  upon  the  way  in  which  the  fins  have  been 
prepared,  and  as  this  technique  is  nowhere  adequately  described,  the  following 
brief  account  of  it  is  given. 

Permanent  preparations  of  the  fins  of  catfishes  can  be  easily  and  quickly  made 
by  the  following  steps.  With  a  strong  pair  of  shears  the  fish  is  decapitated  and 
its  caudal  fin  severed  from  its  body.  This  fin  is  then  at  once  pinned  out  under 
water  on  a  broad  wooden  spatula.  To  make  a  smooth  preparation  the  fin  must 
be  fully  stretched  on  the  flat  surface  of  the  wood  and  held  there  firmly  by  the 
pins.  The  position  of  the  two  pins  used  for  this  purpose  are  shown  in  Figure  3 



by  the  two  holes,  one  each  in  the  upper  and  lower  margins  of  the  tail  near  its  root. 
As  soon  as  the  fin  is  stretched  on  the  spatula  the  fin  and  spatula  together  are  dipped 
momentarily  in  water  at  60°  C.  This  kills  the  tissues  of  the  fin  at  once  and  thus 
stops  any  possible  change  in  its  melanophores.  Such  a  method,  which  is  the  one 
used  by  Wykes  (1937)  and  by  me,  is  much  quicker  and  therefore  much  more 
reliable  than  that  employed  by  Waring,  namely,  fixation  in  Bouin  fluid  which, 
though  a  rapid  killing  agent,  is  by  no  means  so  rapid  as  heat.  From  the  hot 
water  the  spatula  and  its  attached  fin  are  then  transferred  to  a  preservative  such 
as  formaldehyde-alcohol  where  they  should  remain  about  half  a  day.  The  pre- 
servative regularly  used  in  this  work  was  a  mixture  of  equal  parts  of  95  per  cent 

FIGURE  3.  Preparation  of  the  tail-fin  of  the  catfish  Ameiurus  with  two  caudal  bands.  The 
upper  band  is  partly  blanched  but  not  as  much  so  as  the  rest  of  the  tail.  The  lower  band  was  cut 
at  the  same  time  as  the  upper  one  and  blanched  at  the  same  rate  as  that  one  did.  Before  the 
preparation  was  made  the  lower  band  was  recut  whereupon  it  darkened  as  compared  with  the 
upper  band.  Parker  (1943). 

alcohol  and  10  per  cent  aqueous  formaldehyde.  The  success  of  the  operation  thus 
far  depends  upon  rapidity.  The  period  from  the  moment  the  fish  is  decapitated 
till  its  fin  is  histologically  fixed  by  hot  water  must  be  as  short  as  possible.  With 
practice  this  interval  can  be  reduced  to  some  25  seconds.  So  short  a  time  is  of  no 
significance  for  the  pigment  movements  in  many  fishes  where,  as  in  the  catfish, 
the  pigment  change  is  a  matter  of  hours  or  even  days.  The  technique  here  de- 
scribed would  of  course  be  useless  for  a  species  such  as  the  squirrel-fish  whose 
change  of  pigment  may  be  completed  in  as  short  a  time  as  five  seconds.  In  fishes 
the  rate  of  whose  color  change  is  moderately  slow,  however,  the  method  has 
proved  to  be  fully  satisfactory. 

From  the  formaldehyde-alcohol  mixture  the  spatula  with  its  attached  fin  is 


next  transferred  to  70  per  cent  and  then  to  95  per  cent  alcohol.  After  hardening 
in  this  stronger  alcohol  for  half  a  day  the  fin  may  be  unpinned  from  the  spatula, 
freed  of  its  superfluous  muscle,  etc.,  and  put  into  absolute  alcohol.  When  de- 
hydration is  complete  it  can  be  cleared  in  xylol,  and  mounted  in  xylol-balsam  on  a 
large  slide  under  a  cover-glass.  Preparations  of  this  kind  may  be  conveniently 
used  for  study  under  the  microscope  and  for  photographic  purposes  (Figure  3). 
In  such  a  preparation  caudal  bands  of  different  states  may  be  studied  and  com- 
pared. Even  to  the  unassisted  eye  such  bands  may  be  characteristically  different. 
Thus  in  the  prepared  tail  shown  in  Figure  3  the  uppermost  band,  induced  by 
cutting  the  ray  opposite  the  uppermost  dot,  was  made  several  days  before  the 
fin  was  prepared.  This  band  being  on  a  pale  fish  gradually  blanched,  but  not  as 
much  as  the  normal  rays  did  as  can  be  seen  by  comparing  the  ray  opposite  the 
middle  dot  with  the  one  in  question.  The  lower  band  opposite  the  lowest  dot  was 
made  at  the  same  time  as  the  upper  one,  but  after  it  had  blanched  to  the  same 
degree  as  the  upper  band  it  was  recut  with  the  result  that  its  dark  tint  was  revived. 
The  revival  of  such  bands  by  recutting  is  a  matter  of  first  importance  in  questions 
of  color  change  and  such  a  preparation  as  that  shown  in  Figure  3  demonstrates 
how  certain  in  their  results  materials  of  this  kind  are  even  to  the  unaided  eye. 
Under  the  microscope  melanophores  in  such  preparations  can  be  measured  with 
a  deliberate  accuracy  that  no  other  method  permits. 

This  method  has  been  criticized  by  Neill  (1940)  on  the  ground  that  the  prepa- 
ration of  the  fin  alters  the  form  of  the  pigment  mass  so  as  to  distort  the  record. 
According  to  Neill  a  melanophore  index  may  change  as  much  as  a  fourth  of  the 
whole  scale  due  to  the  process  of  preparation.  Such  changes  may  possibly  take 
place.  If  they  do,  they  depend  upon  the  rate  at  which  the  preparation  is  made  as 
compared  with  the  rate  of  color  change  in  the  given  fish.  Not  the  least  indication 
of  such  a  disturbing  change  is  to  be  seen  in  the  preparation  of  catfish  fins.  These 
fins  can  be  prepared  in  less  than  half  a  minute  whereas  the  color  changes  in  this 
fish  require  hours  or  even  days.  Even  in  Fundulus  where  the  color  change  is 
accomplished  in  a  few  minutes  serviceable  preparations  can  be  made  by  this 
technique  though  this  is  perhaps  the  most  rapid  fish  that  can  be  used  in  this  way. 
For  fishes  with  a  slower  rate  of  change,  and  there  are  many  such,  the  method  is  an 
admirable  one.  To  such  fishes  the  criticism  advanced  by  Neill  does  not  apply. 
In  general  I  agree  with  Wykes  (1938)  when  she  declares  that  "microscopic  exam- 
ination of  the  state  of  the  melanophores  before  and  after  fixation  showed  that 
the  fixative  had  no  detectable  effect  on  the  condition  of  these  cells."  Neill's 
criticism  of  this  technique  is  certainly  of  most  limited  application.  A  real  ob- 
jection to  this  technique,  however,  is  that  it  necessitates  the  death  of  the  fish  and 
hence  prevents  a  continuous  series  of  observations  over  the  whole  range  of  a 
color  change.  But  this  is  no  worse  than  what  is  necessitated  by  Hogben  and 
Landgrebe's  method  where  after  one  record  the  fish  for  the  sake  of  security  in 
later  records  is  discarded. 

Wykes'  method  of  dealing  with  the  melanophores  in  fixed  preparations  was  to 
measure  as  did  Spaeth  (1913b),  the  diameter  of  the  area  covered  by  each  of  a 
large  number  of  color-cells,  average  these  measurements,  and  accept  the  average 
thus  obtained  as  a  rating  for  the  melanophores  of  the  given  preparation.  Such 
ratings  could  then  be  tabulated  or,  better,  plotted  against  time  and  thus  a  graphic 
picture  of  the  particular  melanophore  change  could  be  obtained  (Wykes,  1937). 


Such  technique  has  been  applied  with  success  to  the  catfish.  In  this  animal 
as  is  well  known  there  are  two  sets  of  melanophores,  micromelanophores  in  the 
epidermis  and  macromelanophores  in  the  derma  (Figure  1).  In  the  concentrated 
state  the  micromelanophore  pigment  mass  (Figure  1,  C)  has  a  diameter  of  about 
12  microns,  the  macromelanophore  mass  (Figure  1,  B)  of  about  45  microns. 
Reverting  momentarily  to  the  descriptive  nomenclature  for  chromatophore  states 
the  punctate  condition  of  the  macromelanophore  has  then  a  diameter  of  about 
45  microns.  The  diameter  of  its  stellate  condition  is  approximately  100  microns 
(Figure  1,  D)  and  of  its  reticulate  state  145  microns  (Figure  1,  F).  Thus  the  dif- 
ference between  the  extremes  in  the  diameter  of  the  pigment  spread  in  the  macro- 
melanophores of  catfishes  is  roughly  100  microns  and  the  average  diameter  at 
their  maximum  is  some  three  times  what  it  is  at  their  minimum. 

These  quantitative  statements  give  much  that  is  illuminating  in  the  study  of 
catfish  melanophores,  but  in  this  particular  animal  they  have  a  marked  insuffi- 
ciency. For  instance,  they  omit  a  very  important  and  significant  feature  in  the 
dark  phase  of  catfish  economy.  To  the  human  eye  the  dark  phase  of  this  fish 
so-called,  that  seen  in  a  normal  catfish  in  an  illuminated  black- walled  vessel,  and 
the  coal-black  phase  shown  by  it  in  the  eyeless  condition  are  easily  distinguishable 
(Figure  1,  A,  extreme  right-hand  fish  and  its  immediate  neighbor;  compare  in 
particular  the  tints  of  the  fins).  Yet  the  melanophores  of  these  two  phases  cover 
similar  areas.  They  would  both  fall  under  the  same  index,  number  5,  of  Hogben 
and  Slome;  their  diameters  would  be  the  same  as  measured  by  the  method  of 
Wykes.  The  fishes  differ  clearly  to  the  unaided  eye  yet  their  melanophores  would 
not  differ  by  the  methods  of  Hogben  and  Slome,  and  of  Wykes.  Where  they  are 
unlike  is  in  the  spread  of  their  processes  particularly  in  the  regions  of  the  roots  of 
these  processes  (Compare  Figure  2;  6  and  7).  It  is  these  heavier  roots  rather 
than  a  difference  in  total  area  covered  by  the  melanophore  that  gives  the  coal- 
blackness  to  the  blinded  fish  as  contrasted  with  the  mere  darkness  of  the  seeing 
one.  Thus  coal-blackness  is  a  feature  more  easily  recognized  by  the  unaided  eye 
than  it  is  by  other  methods,  a  circumstance  which  points  to  the  importance  of 
the  total  inspection  of  color  tints. 

Herewith  is  concluded  this  survey  of  the  more  important  lines  of  technique 
whereby  connections  are  sought  between  the  color  changes  in  animals  and  their 
chromatophores  especially  their  melanophores.  The  conclusion  to  be  drawn  from 
this  survey  is  that  animal  color  changes  and  their  color-cells  are  so  diversely  and 
intricately  related  that  no  single  method  is  adequate  as  a  means  of  complete 
elucidation.  For  one  species  a  particular  technique  is  more  favorable  than  for 
another.  Even  the  older  methods  of  color  comparison  by  the  unaided  eye  when 
properly  carried  out  yield  results  that  are  surprisingly  worth  while.  Thus  far 
adequate  quantitative  results  have  scarcely  been  attained,  for  much  of  the  work 
done  on  the  basis  of  arbitrary  units  will  require  revision  and  such  quantitative 
technique  as  is  really  soundly  reliable  has  not  yet  been  put  into  conveniently 
workable  form.  A  thoroughly  serviceable  quantitative  technique  for  the  study 
of  color  changes  and  their  underlying  mechanism  is  still  to  be  devised.  Meanwhile 
none  of  the  several  methods  adopted  by  different  workers  can  well  be  ignored,  for 
notwithstanding  the  broad  condemnation  issued  by  such  workers  as  Neill  (1940) 
and  Waring  (1942)  for  all  methods  except  their  own,  no  single  method  has  such 
superiority  over  others  that  it  can  enjoy  exclusive  possession  of  the  field. 

284  G.  H.  PARKER 


BALLOWITZ,  E.,  1913.     ("her  die  Erythrophoren  in  der  Haut  der  Seebarbe,  Mullus  L.,  und  iiber 

das  Phanomen  der  momentanen  Ballung  und  Ausbreitung  ihres  Pigmentes.     Arch.  mikr. 

Anat.,  83:  290-304. 
HEWER,  H.   R.,   1926.     Studies  in  colour  changes  of  fish.     I.  The  action  of  certain  endocrine 

secretions  in  the  minnow.     Brit.  Jour.  Exp.  Biol.,  3:  123-140. 
HILL,  A.  V.,  J.  L.  PARKINSON,  AND  D.  Y.  SOLANDT,  1935.     Photo-electric  records  of  the  colour 

change  in  Fundulus  heteroclitus.     Jour.  Exp.  Biol.,  12:  397-399. 
HOGBEN,  L.  AND  C.  GORDON,  1930.     Studies  on  the  pituitary.     VII.  The  separate  identity  of 

the  pressor  and  melanophore  principles.     Jour.  Exp.  Biol.,  7:  286-292. 
HOGBEN,  L.  AND  F.  LANDGREBE,   1940.     The  pigmentary  effector  systems.     IX.  The  receptor 

fields  in  the  teleostean  visual  response.     Proc.  Roy.  Soc.  London,  B,  128:  317-342. 
HOGBEN,  L.  AND  D.  SLOME,  1931.     The  pigmentary  effector  system.     VI.  The  dual  character  of 

endocrine  co-ordination  in  amphibian  colour  change.     Proc.  Roy.  Soc.  London,  B,  108: 

MATSUSHITA,   K.,   1938.     Studies  on  the  color  changes  of  the  catfish,   Parasilurus  asotus   (L). 

Sci.  Rep.  Imp.  Univ.  Sendai,  4:  Biol.  13,  171-200. 
MENDES,  E.  G.,  1942.     Respostas  dos  melanoforos  de  traira  (Hoplias  malabaricus)  a  varies  ex- 

citantes.     Bol.  Fac.  Filos.  Cien.  Letr.  Univ.  Sao  Paulo,  15:  Zool.  6,  285-299. 
NEILL,  R.  M.,  1940.     On  the  existance  of  two  types  of  chromatic  behaviour  in  teleostean  fishes. 

Jour.  Exp.  Bio.l,  17:  74-94. 
PARKER,  G.  H.,  1934.     Neurohumors  as  activating  agents  for  fish  melanophores.     Proc.  Amer. 

Philos.  Soc.,  74:  177-184. 
PARKER,  G.  H.,  1935.     The  disappearance  of  primary  caudal  bands  in  the  tail  of  Fundulus  and 

its  relation  to  the  neurohumoral  hypothesis.     Proc.  Amer.  Philos.  Soc.,  75:  1-10. 
PARKER,  G.  H.,  1941.     The  method  of  activation  of  melanophores  and  the  limitations  of  melano- 
phore responses  in  the  catfish  Ameiurus.     Proc.  Amer.  Philos.  Soc.,  85:  18-24. 
PARKER,  G.  H.,  1943.     Coloration  of  animals  and  their  ability  to  change  their  tints.     Sci.  Monthly, 

1943,  197-210. 
PERKINS,  E.  B.,  1928.     Color  changes  in  crustaceans,  especially  in  Palaemonetes.     Jour.  Exp. 

Zoo!.,  50:  71-105. 
SAWAYA,  P.,  1939.     Sobra  a  mudanga  da  cor  nos  crustacees.     Bol.  Fac.  Filos.  Cien.  Letr.  Univ. 

Sao  Paulo,  13:  1-109. 
SLOME,  D.,  AND  L.  HOGBEN,  1928.     The  chromatic  function  in  Xenopus  laevis.     So.  Afr.  Jour. 

Sci.,  25:  329-335. 
SLOME,  D.  AND  L.  HOGBEN,  1929.     The  time  factor  in  the  chromatic  responses  of  Xenopus  laevis. 

Trans.  Roy.  Soc.  So.  Africa,  17:  141-150. 
SMITH,  D.  C.,  1936.     A  method  for  recording  chromatophore  pulsations  in  isolated  fish  scales  by 

means  of  a  photoelectric  cell.     Jour.  Cell.  Comp.  Physiol.,  8:  83-87. 
SPAETH,  R.  A.,  1913a.     The  mechanism  of  the  contraction  in  melanophores  of  fishes.     Anat.  Anz., 

44:  520-524. 
SPAETH,  R.  A.,  1913b.     The  physiology  of  the  chromatophores  of  fishes.     Jour.  Exp.  Zool.,  15: 

SPAETH,  R.  A.,  1916.     A  device  for  recording  the  physiological  responses  of  single  melanophores. 

Amer.  Jour.  Physiol.,  41:  597-602. 
WARING,  H.,  1940.     The  chromatic  behaviour  of  the  eel  (Anguilla  vulgaris  L.)     Proc.  Roy.  Soc. 

London,  B,  128:  343-353. 
WARING,   H.,   1942.     The  co-ordination  of  vertebrate  melanophore  responses.     Biol.  Rev.,   17: 

\VYKES,  U.,  1937.     The  photic  control  of  pigmentary  responses  in  teleost  fishes.     Jour.  Exp.  Biol., 

14:  79-86. 
WYKES,  U.,   1938.     The  control  of  photo-pigmentary  responses  in  eyeless  catfish.     Jour.  Exp. 

Biol.,  15:  363-370. 


A  GEING,  physiological,  in  Drosophila,  263. 

Allantois,  fluids  of,  and  amnion;  changes  in 
volume  and  physical  properties  of,  under 
normal  and  extreme  temperatures,  141. 

Amnion,  fluids  of,  and  allantois;  changes  in 
volume  and  physical  properties  of,  under 
normal  and  extreme  temperatures,  141. 

Amylase,  biliary,  in  the  domestic  fowl,  240. 

Annelid,  marine  (Nereis  vexillosa),  studies  on 
the  life  history  of,  106. 

Arbacia,  acceleration  of  cleavage  in  eggs  of, 
by  hypotonic  sea  water,  244. 

Arbacia  punctulata,  eggs  and  larvae  of,  exposed 
to  phosphate  and  sodium  ions,  213. 

Asterias  forbesi,  eggs  and  larvae  of,  exposed  to 
phosphate  and  sodium  ions,  213. 

gARNESS,  LEWIS  A.  See  Williams,  Barness 
and  Sawyer,  263. 

BODENSTEIN,  DIETRICH.  Hormones  and  tissue 
competence  in  the  development  of  Droso- 
phila, 34. 

BODENSTEIN,  DIETRICH.  Factors  influencing 
growth  and  metamorphosis  of  the  salivary 
gland  in  Drosophila,  13. 

Blood,  effect  of  carbon  dioxide  and  lactic  acid 
on  the  oxygen-combining  power  of  whole 
and  hemolyzed,  of  the  marine  fish,  Tautoga 
onitis  (Linn.),  207. 

BLUMENTHAL,  H.  T.  See  Loeb,  King  and 
Blumenthal,  1. 

ene  blue,  potassium  cyanide  and  carbon 
monoxide  as  indicators  for  studying  the 
oxidation-reduction  potentials  of  develop- 
ing marine  eggs,  164. 

BROOKS,  S.  C.  Intake  and  loss  of  ions  by- 
living  cells.  I.  Eggs  and  larvae  of  Arbacia 
punctulata  and  Asterias  forbesi  exposed  to 
phosphate  and  sodium  ions,  213. 

BROOKS,  S.  C.  Intake  and  loss  of  ions  by 
living  cells.  II.  Early  changes  of  phos- 
phate content  of  Fundulus  eggs,  226. 

/CARBON  dioxide,  effect  of,  on  oxygen-com- 
bining power  of  whole  and  hemolyzed 
blood  of  Tautoga  onitis  (Linn.),  207. 

Carbon  monoxide,  methylene  blue  and  potas- 
sium cyanide,  as  indicators  for  studying 

oxidation-reduction  potentials  of  develop- 
ing marine  eggs,  164. 

Cattle,  digestion  of  cellulose  by  protozoa  in 
rumen  of,  157. 

Cellulase,  in  rumen  protozoa,  157. 

Cleavage,  acceleration  of,  in  Arbacia  eggs,  by 
hypotonic  sea  water,  244. 

COE,  WESLEY  R.  Development  of  the  primary 
gonads  and  differentiation  of  sexuality  in 
Teredo  navalis  and  other  pelecypod  mol- 
luscs, 178. 

Coloration,  animal,  methods  of  estimating  the 
effects  of  melanophore  changes  on,  273. 

CORNMAN,  IVOR.  Acceleration  of  cleavage  of 
Arbacia  eggs  by  hypotonic  sea  water,  244. 

Corpus  allatum,  function  of,  in  muscoid  Dip- 
tera,  127. 

Crustacea,  reaction  of,  to  direct  and  diffuse 
light,  98. 

"QAY,  M.  F.  The  function  of  the  corpus 
allatum  in  muscoid  Diptera,  127. 

Differentiation,  independent,  of  sensory  areas 
of  the  avian  inner  ear,  252. 

Digestion,  of  cellulose,  by  protozoa  in  cattle 
rumen,  157. 

Diptera,  muscoid,  function  of  the  corpus  al- 
latum in,  127. 

DOUDOROFF,  PETER.  See  Sumner  and  Doudo- 
roff,  187. 

Drosophila,  factors  influencing  growth  and 
metamorphosis  of  the  salivary  gland  in,  13. 

Drosophila,  hormones  and  tissue  competence  in 
the  development  of,  34. 

Drosophila,  physiological  ageing  in,  and  utiliza- 
tion of  glycogen  during  flight,  263. 

ENVIRONMENT,  visual,  effects  of,  on  the 
melanin  content  of  fishes,  195. 

Eustrongylides,  influence  of  temperature,  pH 
and  inorganic  ions  upon  the  oxygen  con- 
sumption of,  148. 

EVANS,  HIRAM  J.  The  independent  differentia- 
tion of  the  sensory  areas  of  the  avian  inner 
ear,  252. 

UARNER,    DONALD  S.     Biliary  amylase   in 

the  domestic  fowl,  240. 
Fish,   melanin  content   in,   affected   by  visual 

environment,  195. 




Fish   (Oryzias  latipes),  reproductive  processes 

of  the,  115. 
Fishes,  an  improved  method  of  assaying  melanin 

in,  187. 
Fundulus,  early  changes  of  phosphate  content 

of  eggs  of,  226. 

/^ERMINAL  tissue,  in  Neotoca  bilineata,  87. 

Gonads,  development  of  primary,  in  Teredo 
navalis  and  other  pelecypod  molluscs,  178. 

GOODCHILD,  CHAUNCEY  G.  The  life-history  of 
Phyllodistomum  solidum  Rankin,  1937, 
with  observations  on  the  morphology,  de- 
velopment, and  taxonomy  of  the  Gor- 
goderinae  (Trematoda),  59. 

Gorgoderinae  (Trematoda),  observations  on 
the  morphology,  development,  and  tax- 
onomy of,  59. 

Growth,  of  salivary  gland;  factors  influencing, 
in  Drosophila,  13. 

Glycogen,  utilization  of,  by  flies  during  flight, 

IJAYWARD,  FREDERICK  W.  See  Romanoff 
and  Hay  ward,  141. 

Hormones,  and  tissue  competence  in  the  de- 
velopment of  Drosophila,  34. 

HUNGATE,  R.  E.  Further  observations  on 
cellulose  digestion  by  the  protozoa  in  the 
rumen  of  cattle,  157. 

Hypotonic  sea  water,  acceleration  of  cleavage 
of  Arbacia  eggs  by,  244. 

INORGANIC  ions,  influence  of,  upon  the  oxy- 
gen consumption  of  a  larval  Eustrongylides, 

Ions,  inorganic,  influence  of,  upon  the  oxygen 
consumption  of  a  larval  Eustrongylides, 

Ions,  intake  and  loss  of  by  living  cells.  See 
Brooks,  213,  226. 

Ions,  phosphate,  eggs  and  larvae  of  Arbacia 
punctulata  and  Asterias  forbesi  exposed  to, 

Ions,  sodium,  eggs  and  larvae  of  Arbacia 
punctulata  and  Asterias  forbesi  exposed 
to,  213. 

IRVING,  LAURENCE.     See  Root  and  Irving,  207. 

JOHNSON,  MARTIN  W.  Studies  on  the  life 
history  of  the  marine  annelid,  Nereis  vexil- 
losa,  106. 

ING,  H.  D.     See  Loeb,  King  and  Blumen- 
thai,  1. 

T  ACTIC  acid,  effect  of,  on  oxygen-combining 
power  of  whole  and  hemolyzed  blood  of 
Tautoga  onitis  (Linn.),  207. 

Light,  direct  and  diffuse,  reaction  of  certain 
Crustacea  to,  98. 

LOEB,  LEO,  H.  D.  KING,  AND  H.  T.  BLUMEN- 
THAL.  Transplantation  and  individuality 
differentials  in  inbred  strains  of  rats,  1. 

jyjELANIN,  assay  of,  in  fishes,  187. 

Melanin,  effects  of  visual  environment  upon  the 
content  of,  in  fishes,  195. 

Melanophore,  changes,  methods  of  estimating 
the  effects  of,  on  animal  coloration,  273. 

MENDOZA,  GUILLERMO.  The  reproductive  cy- 
cle of  the  viviparous  teleost,  Neotoca  bi- 
lineata, a  member  of  the  family  Goodeidae. 
IV.  The  germinal  tissue,  87. 

Metamorphosis,  of  salivary  gland;  factors  in- 
fluencing, in  Drosophila,  13. 

Methylene  blue,  potassium  cyanide  and  carbon 
monoxide,  as  indicators  for  studying  oxida- 
tion-reduction potentials  of  developing 
marine  eggs,  164. 

XTEOTOCA  bilineata,  germinal  tissue  in  the 

reproductive  cycle  of,  87. 
Nereis  vexillosa,  studies  on  the  life  history  of, 


/^RYZIAS  latipes,  the  reproductive  processes 
of,  115. 

Oxidation-reduction,  potentials  of,  in  develop- 
ing marine  eggs,  164. 

Oxygen  consumption,  influence  of  temperature, 
pH  and  inorganic  ions  upon,  in  larval 
Eustrongylides,  148. 

DARKER,  G.  H.  Methods  of  estimating  the 
effects  of  melanophore  changes  on  animal 
coloration,  273. 

Pelecypods,  development  of  primary  gonads  and 
differentiation  of  sexuality  in,  especially 
Teredo  navalis,  178. 

pH,  influence  of,  upon  the  oxygen  consumption 
of  a  larval  Eustrongylides,  148. 

Phosphate  content,  early  changes  of,  in  Fun- 
dulus eggs,  226. 

Phosphate  ions,  eggs  and  larvae  of  Arbacia 
punctulata  and  Asterias  forbesi  exposed  to, 

Phyllodistomum  solidum  Rankin,  1937,  life- 
history  of,  59. 

Potassium  cyanide,  methylene  blue  and  carbon 
monoxide,  as  indicators  for  studying  oxida- 
tion-reduction potentials  of  developing 
marine  eggs,  164. 



O  ATS,  transplantation  and  individuality  dif- 
ferentials in  inbred  strains  of,  1. 

The  reproductive  processes  of  the  fish, 
Oryzias  latipes,  115. 

WARD.  Changes  in  volume  and  physical 
properties  of  allantoic  and  amniotic  fluids 
under  normal  and  extreme  temperatures, 

effect  of  carbon  dioxide  and  lactic  acid  on 
the  oxygen-combining  power  of  whole  and 
hemolyzed  blood  of  the  marine  fish,  Tau- 
toga  onitis  (Linn.),  207. 

RUGH,  ROBERTS.  See  Robinson  and  Rugh, 

C  ALIVARY  gland,  factors  influencing  growth 
and  metamorphosis  of,  in  Drosophila,  13. 

SAWYER,  WILBUR  H.  See  Williams,  Barness 
and  Sawyer,  263. 

SCHALLEK,  WILLIAM.  The  reaction  of  certain 
Crustacea  to  direct  and  to  diffuse  light,  98. 

Sensory  areas,  independent  differentiation  of, 
in  the  avian  inner  ear,  252. 

Sodium  ions,  eggs  and  larvae  of  Arbacia  punctu- 
lata  and  Asterias  forbesi  exposed  to,  213. 

SUMNER,  F.  B.  A  further  report  upon  the 
effects  of  visual  environment  on  the  mela- 
nin content  of  fishes,  195. 

improved  method  of  assaying  melanin  in 
fishes,  187. 

HTAUTOGA  onitis  (Linn.),  effect  of  carbon 
dioxide  and  lactic  acid  on  whole  and 
hemolyzed  blood  of,  207. 

Temperature,  influence  of,  upon  the  oxygen 
consumption  of  a  larval  Eustrongylides, 

Temperature,  normal  and  extreme,  effect  of, 
on  volume  and  physical  properties  of 
allantoic  and  amniotic  fluids,  141. 

Teredo  navalis,  development  of  primary  gonads 
and  differentiation  of  sexuality  in,  178. 

Tissue  competence,  and  hormones,  in  the  de- 
velopment of  Drosophila,  34. 

Transplantation,  and  individuality  differentials 
in  inbred  strains  of  rats,  1. 

WON  BRAND,  THEODOR.  Physiological  obser- 
vations upon  a  larval  Eustrongylides.  IV. 
Influence  of  temperature,  pH  and  inorganic 
ions  upon  the  oxygen  consumption,  148. 

NESS  AND  WILBUR  H.  SAWYER.  The  util- 
ization of  glycogen  by  flies  during  flight, 
and  some  aspects  of  the  physiological  age- 
ing of  Drosophila,  263. 

Volume  84  Number  1 





Editorial  Board 

GARY  N.  CALKINS,  Columbia  University  H.  S.  JENNINGS,  Johns  Hopkins  University 

E.  G.  CONKLIN,  Princeton  University  FRANK  R.  LlLLIE,  University  of  Chicago 

E.  N.  HARVEY,  Princeton  University  CARL  R-  MOORE,  University  of  Chicago 

CT^TT^   TT™T™    r.  i      v    TT  •         •*  GEORGE  T.  MOORE,  Missouri  Botanical  Garden 

SELIG  HECHT,  Columbia  University  T>  TT  iwvvn^, »    •  /^  ••«  t  T     u     i 

T.  H.  MORGAN,  California  Institute  of  Technology 

LEIGH  HOADLEY,  Harvard  University  G    H    PARKERj  Harvard  University 

L.  IRVING,  Swarthmore  College  A.  C.  REDFIELD,  Harvard  University 

M.  H.  JACOBS,  University  of  Pennsylvania  F.  SCHRADER,  Columbia  University 

H.  B.  STEINBACH,  Washington  University 
Managing  Editor 

FEBRUARY,    1943 

Printed  and  Issued  by 





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lined  co-ordinate  paper;  those  to  be  reproduced  as  halftones  should  be  mounted 
on  Bristol  board  and  any  designating  letters  or  numbers"  should  be  made  di- 
rectly on  the  figures.  The  author's  name  should  appear  on  the  reverse  side  of 
all  figures. 

Literature  cited.  The  list  of  literature  cited  should  conform  to  the  style  set 
in  this  issue  of  The  Biological  Bulletin.  Papers  referred  to  in  the  manuscript 
should  be  listed  on  separate  pages  headed  "Literature  Cited."  Where  there  are 
several  papers  cited,  by  the  same  author,  the  author's  name  should  be  repeated 
in  each  case. 

Mailing.  Manuscripts  should  be  packed  flat,  not  folded  or  rolled.  Large 
charts  and  graphs  may  be  rolled  in  a  mailing  tube. 

Reprints.  Authors  will  be  furnished,  free  of  charge,  one  hundred  reprints 
without  covers.  Additional  copies  may  be  obtained  at  cost;  approximate 
figures  will  be  furnished  upon  request. 


THE  BIOLOGICAL  BULLETIN  is  issued  six  times  a  year  at  the  Lancaster 
Press,  Inc.,  Prince  and  Lemon  Streets,  Lancaster,  Pennsylvania. 

Subscriptions  and  similar  matter  should  be  addressed  to  The  Biologi- 
cal Bulletin,  Marine  Biological  Laboratory,  Woods  Hole,  Massachusetts. 
Agent  for  Great  Britain:  Wheldon  and  Wesley,  Limited,  2,  3  and  4 
Arthur  Street,  New  Oxford  Street,  London,  W.  C.  2.  Single  numbers, 
$1.75.  Subscription  per  volume  (three  issues),  $4.50. 

Communications  relative  to  manuscripts  should  be  sent  to  the  Manag- 
ing Editor,  Marine  Biological  Laboratory,  Woods  Hole,  Massachusetts, 
between  July  1  and  October  1,  and  to  the  Department  of  Zoology,  Wash- 
ington University,  St.  Louis,  Missouri,  during  the  remainder  of  the  year. 

Entered  as  second-class  matter  May  17,  1930,  at  the  post  office  at  Lancaster,  Pa., 

under  the  Act  of  August  24,  1912. 


The  Supply  Department  of  the  Marine  Biological  Labora- 
tory has  a  complete  stock  of  excellent  plain  preserved  and 
injected  materials,  and  would  be  pleased  to  quote  prices  on 
school  needs. 



Zoology,  Botany,  Embryology, 
and  Comparative  Anatomy 


Zoology  and  Botany 

including  Protozoan  and 
Drosophila  Cultures,  and 
Animals  for  Experimental  and 
Laboratory  Use. 



Zoology,  Botany,  Embryology, 
Histology,  Bacteriology,  and 


A  new  issue  of  our  catalogue  has  been  printed,  and  we 
shall  be  glad  to  send  a  copy  free  of  charge  on  request. 

Supply   Department 


Woods  Hole,  Massachusetts 



Transplantation  and  Individuality  Differentials  in  Inbred 
Strains  of  Rats 1 


Factors  Influencing  Growth  and  Metamorphosis  of  the 
Salivary  Gland  in  Drosophila 13 


Hormones  and  Tissue  Competence  in  the  Development  of 
Drosophila 34 


The  Life-History  of  Phyllodistomum  Solidum  Rankin,  1937, 
with  Observations  on  the  Morphology,  Development,  and 
Taxonomy  of  the  Gorgoderinae  (Trematoda) 59 


The  Reproductive  Cycle  of  the  Viviparous  Teleost,  Neotoca 
Bilineata,  a  Member  of  the  Family  Goodeidae.  IV.  The 
Germinal  Tissue 87 


The  Reaction  of  Certain  Crustacea  to  Direct  and  to  Diffuse 
Light 98 


Studies  on  the  Life  History  of  the  Marine  Annelid  Nereis 
Vexillosa 106 


The  Reproductive  Processes  of  the  Fish,  Oryzias  Latipes ....    115 

Volume  84  Number  1 





Editorial  Board 

GARY  N.  CALKINS,  Columbia  University  H.  S.  JENNINGS,  Johns  Hopkins  University 

E.  G.  CONKLIN,  Princeton  University  FRANK  R.  LlLLIE,  University  of  Chicago 

E.   N.  HARVEY,  Princeton  University  CARL  R.  MOORE,  University  of  Chicago 

e-^Ti^   TJ-T^TT™    <~i  i       i- •    TT  •         -i  GEORGE  T.  MOORE,  Missouri  Botanical  Garden 

SELIG  HECHT,  Columbia  University 

T.  H.  MORGAN,  California  Institute  of  Technology 
LEIGH  HOADLEY,  Harvard  University  Q    H    PARKER)  Harvard  University 

L.  IRVING,  Swarthmore  College  A.  C.  REDFffiLD,  Harvard  University 

M.  H.  JACOBS,  University  of  Pennsylvania  F.  SCHRADER,  Columbia  University 

H.  B.   STEINBACH,  Washington  University 
Managing  Editor 

S*t,.  >i 


FEBRUARY,    1943 

Printed  and  Issued  by 




This  list  of  the  journals  now  in  the  Library  of  The 
Marine  Biological  Laboratory  has  been  prepared  for  the 
use  of  investigators  in  biology  and  allied  sciences.  There 
are  2258  titles  with  holdings  in  the  list,  and  621  cross  ref- 
erences. Those  investigators  who  carry  on  research  at 
the  Laboratory  during  the  summer,  or  who  come  to  Woods 
Hole  for  the  sole  purpose  of  consulting  the  journals  are  al- 
ready acquainted  with  the  riches  of  the  collection,  but  un- 
doubtedly they  will  be  surprised  at  the  number  of  titles. 
In  the  winter  months  the  Library  is  also  open,  but  obvi- 
ously cannot  be  used  as  extensively  as  in  the  summer.  In 
order  to  make  available  its  journals  and  reprints  at  all 
times,  the  Library  now  maintains  a  microfilm  service  by 
means  of  which  copies  of  any  book  or  part  of  a  book,  or 
a  reprint,  within  copyright  limitation  can  be  supplied 
promptly  at  small  expense. 

This  method  has  a  decided  advantage  over  the  former 
practice  of  loaning  the  volumes  or  reprints.  The  films  can 
be  referred  to  at  any  time  since  they  remain  in  the  posses- 
sion of  the  investigator.  Then  also,  the  original  from 
which  the  film  is  made  stays  in  the  Library  where  it  can  be 
consulted  by  others.  Finally,  there  is  no  danger  of  dam- 
age or  loss,  an  important  consideration  in  these  days  when 
replacements  are  difficult,  if  not  impossible. 

Editorial  Board  of  the  Biological  Bulletin 

Volume  84 

Number  2 





Editorial  Board 

E.  G.  CONKLIN,  Princeton  University 

E.  N.  HARVEY,  Princeton  University 

SELIG  HECHT,  Columbia  University 

LEIGH  HOADLEY,  Harvard  University 

L.  IRVING,  Swarthmore  College 

M.  H.  JACOBS,  University  of  Pennsylvania 

H.  S.  JENNINGS,  Johns  Hopkins  University 

FRANK  R.  LILLIE,  University  of  Chicago 
CARL  R.  MOORE,  University  of  Chicago 
GEORGE  T.  MOORE,  Missouri  Botanical  Garden 
T.  H.  MORGAN,  California  Institute  of  Technology 
G.  H.  PARKER,  Harvard  University 
A.  C.  REDFIELD,  Harvard  University 
F.  SCHRADER,  Columbia  University 

H.  B.  STEINBACH,  Washington  University 
Managing  Editor 

APRIL,    1943 

Printed  and  Issued  by 





A.  SERIAL  list  of  the  holdings  of  The  Marine  Biological  Labora- 
tory was  published  as  a  separately  bound  supplement  to  the  Feb- 
ruary issue  of  The  Biological  Bulletin.  This  supplement,  cov- 
ering approximately  80  pages,  lists  with  cross  references  the  2258 
titles  of  journals  in  the  Library.  Titles  are  listed  alphabetically  to 
conform  to  the  arrangement  of  the  stacks  in  the  Library,  and  hence 
should  serve  as  a  guide  book  to  the  Library  itself,  as  well  as  an  aid 
in  securing  microfilm  copies  of  articles.  A  few  extra  copies  are 
still  available.  Orders  may  be  directed  to  The  Marine  Biological 


1  HE  Library  of  The  Marine  Biological  Laboratory  is  now  pre- 
pared to  supply  microfilms  of  material  from  periodicals  included  in 
its  extensive  list.  Through  the  generosity  of  Dr.  Athertone  Seidell, 
the  essential  equipment  has  been  set  up  and  put  into  operation. 
The  Staff  of  The  Marine  Biological  Laboratory  Library  is  anxious  to 
extend  the  Microfilm  Service,  particularly  at  this  time  when  dis- 
tance makes  the  Library  somewhat  inaccessible  to  many  who  nor- 
mally use  it.  Investigators  who  wish  films  should  send  to  the  Li- 
brarian the  name  of  the  author  of  the  paper,  its  title,  and  the  name 
of  the  periodical  in  which  it  is  printed,  together  with  the  volume 
and  year  of  publication.  The  rates  are  as  follows:  $.30  for  papers 
up  to  25  pages,  and  $.10  for  each  additional  10  pages  or  fraction 
thereof.  It  is  hoped  that  many  investigators  will  avail  themselves 
of  this  service. 

Your  Biological  News 

You  would  not  go  to  the  library  to  read  the  daily  newspaper — probably 
you  have  it  delivered  at  your  home  to  be  read  at  your  leisure.  Why,  then, 
depend  upon  your  library  for  your  biological  news  ? 

Biological  Abstracts  is  news  nowadays.  Abridgments  of  all  the  im- 
portant biological  literature  are  published  promptly — in  many  cases  before 
the  original  articles  are  available  in  this  country.  Only  by  having  your 
own  copy  of  Biological  Abstracts  to  read  regularly  can  you  be  sure  that 
you  are  missing  none  of  the  literature  of  particular  interest  to  you.  An 
abstract  of  one  article  alone,  which  otherwise  you  would  not  have  seen, 
might  far  more  than  compensate  you  for  the  subscription  price. 

Biological  Abstracts  is  now  published  in  six  low  priced  sections,  as 
well  as  the  complete  edition,  so  that  the  biological  literature  may  be  avail- 
able to  all  individual  biologists.  Write  for  full  information  and  ask  for  a 
copy  of  the  section  covering  your  field. 


University  of  Pennsylvania 

Philadelphia,  Pa. 



THE  EXPERIENCE  we  have 
gained  from  printing  some 
sixty  educational  publica- 
tions has  fitted  us  to  meet 
the  standards  of  customers 
who  demand  the  best. 

We  shall  be  happy  to  have  workers  at 


write  for  estimates  on  journals  or 
monographs.  Our  prices  are  moderate. 


The  Biological  Bulletin  accepts  papers  on  a  variety  of  subjects  of  biologi- 
cal interest.  In  general,  a  paper  will  appear  within  three  months  of  the  date  of 
its  acceptance.  The  Editorial  Board  requests  that  manuscripts  conform  to  the 
requirements  set  below. 

Manuscripts.  Manuscripts  should  be  typed  in  double  or  triple  spacing  on 
one  side  of  paper,  S1/^  by  11  inches. 

Tables  should  be  typewritten  on  separate  sheets  and  placed  in  correct 
sequence  in  the  text.  Explanations  of  figures  should  be  typed  on  a  separate 
sheet  and  placed  at  the  end  of  the  text.  Footnotes,  numbered  consecutively, 
may  be  placed  on  a  separate  sheet  at  the  end  of  the  paper. 

A  condensed  title  or  running  page  head  of  not  more  than  thirty-five  letters 
should  be  included. 

Manuscripts  must  be  returned  to  the  Editor  with  the  galley  proof.  Page 
proofs  will  be  sent  only  on  request. 

Figures.  The  dimensions  of  the  printed  page,  5  by  7%  inches,  should  be 
kept  in  mind  in  preparing  figures  for  publication.  Illustrations  should  be  large 
enough  so  that  all  details  will  be  clear  after  appropriate  reduction.  Explana- 
tory matter  should  be  included  in  legends  as  far  as  possible,  not  lettered  on  the 
illustrations.  Figures  should  be  prepared  for  reproduction  as  line  cuts  or  half- 
tones; other  methods  will  be  used  only  at  the  author's  expense.  Figures  to  be 
reproduced  as  line  cuts  should  be  drawn  in  black  ink  on  white  paper  or  blue- 
lined  co-ordinate  paper;  those  to  be  reproduced  as  halftones  should  be  mounted 
on  Bristol  board  and  any  designating  letters  or  numbers  should  be  made  di- 
rectly on  the  figures.  The  author's  name  should  appear  on  the  reverse  side  of 
all  figures. 

Literature  cited.  The  list  of  literature  cited  should  conform  to  the  style  set 
in  this  issue  of  The  Biological  Bulletin.  Papers  referred  to  in  the  manuscript 
should  be  listed  on  separate  pages  headed  "Literature  Cited."  Where  there  are 
several  papers  cited,  by  the  same  author,  the  author's  name  should  be  repeated 
in  each  case. 

Mailing.  Manuscripts  should  be  packed  flat,  not  folded  or  rolled.  Large 
charts  and  graphs  may  be  rolled  in  a  mailing  tube. 

Reprints.  Authors  will  be  furnished,  free  of  charge,  one  hundred  reprints 
without  covers.  Additional  copies  may  be  obtained  at  cost;  approximate 
figures  will  be  furnished  upon  request. 


THE  BIOLOGICAL  BULLETIN  is  issued  six  times  a  year  at  the  Lancaster 
Press,  Inc.,  Prince  and  Lemon  Streets,  Lancaster,  Pennsylvania. 

Subscriptions  and  similar  matter  should  be  addressed  to  The  Biologi- 
cal Bulletin,  Marine  Biological  Laboratory,  Woods  Hole,  Massachusetts. 
Agent  for  Great  Britain :  Wheldon  and  Wesley,  Limited,  2,  3  and  4 
Arthur  Street,  New  Oxford  Street,  London,  W.  C.  2.  Single  numbers, 
$1.75.  Subscription  per  volume  (three  issues),  $4.50. 

Communications  relative  to  manuscripts  should  be  sent  to  the  Manag- 
ing Editor,  Marine  Biological  Laboratory,  Woods  Hole,  Massachusetts, 
between  July  1  and  October  1,  and  to  the  Department  of  Zoology,  Wash- 
ington University,  St.  Louis,  Missouri,  during  the  remainder  of  the  year. 

Entered  as  second-class  matter  May  17,  1930,  at  the  post  office  at  Lancaster,  Pa., 

under  the  Act  of  August  24,  1912. 


The  Supply  Department  of  the  Marine  Biological  Labora- 
tory has  a  complete  stock  of  excellent  plain  preserved  and 
injected  materials,  and  would  be  pleased  to  quote  prices  on 
school  needs. 



Zoology,  Botany,  Embryology, 
and  Comparative  Anatomy 


Zoology  and  Botany 

including  Protozoan  and 
Drosophila  Cultures,  and 
Animals  for  Experimental  and 
Laboratory  Use. 



Zoology,  Botany,  Embryology, 
Histology,  Bacteriology,  and 


A  new  issue  of  our  catalogue  has  been  printed,  and  we 
shall  be  glad  to  send  a  copy  free  of  charge  on  request. 

Supply   Department 



Woods  Hole,  Massachusetts 


DAY,  M.  F. 

The  Function  of  the  Corpus  Allatum  in  Muscoid  Diptera ....    127 


Changes  in  Volume  and  Physical  Properties  of  Allantoic  and 
Amniotic  Fluids  under  Normal  and  Extreme  Temperatures .  .  141 


Physiological  Observations  upon  a  Larval  Eustrongylides. 
IV.  Influence  of  Temperature,  pH  and  Inorganic  Ions  upon 
the  Oxygen  Consumption 148 

HUNGATE,  R.   E. 

Further  Experiments  on  Cellulose  Digestion  by  the  Protozoa 

in  the  Rumen  of  Cattle 157 


Methylene  Blue,  Potassium  Cyanide  and  Carbon  Monoxide 
as  Indicators  for  Studying  the  Oxidation-Reduction  Potentials 
of  Developing  Marine  Eggs 164 


Development  of  the  Primary  Gonads  and  Differentiation  of 
Sexuality  in  Teredo  Navalis  and  other  Pelecypod  Mollusks.  178 


An  Improved  Method  of  Assaying  Melanin  in  Fishes 187 

SUMNER,  F.  B. 

A  Further  Report  upon  the  Effects  of  Visual  Environment  on 
the  Melanin  Content  of  Fishes .  195 

Volume  84 

Number  3 





Editorial  Board 

E.  G.  CONKLIN,  Princeton  University 

E.  N.  HARVEY,  Princeton  University 

SELIG  HECHT,  Columbia  University 

LEIGH  HOADLEY,  Harvard  University 

L.  IRVING,  Swarthmore  College 

M.  H.  JACOBS,  University  of  Pennsylvania 

H.  S.  JENNINGS,  Johns  Hopkins  University 

FRANK  R.  LILLIE,  University  of  Chicago 
CARL  R.  MOORE,  University  of  Chicago 
GEORGE  T.  MOORE,  Missouri  Botanical  Garden 
T.  H.  MORGAN,  California  Institute  of  Technology 
G.  H.  PARKER,  Harvard  University 
A.  C.  REDFIELD,  Harvard  University 
F.  SCHRADER,  Columbia  University 

H.  B.  STEINBACH,  Washington  University 
Managing  Editor 

JUNE,    1943 

Printed  and  Issued  by 





A  SERIAL  list  of  the  holdings  of  The  Marine  Biological  Labora- 
tory was  published  as  a  separately  bound  supplement  to  the  Feb- 
ruary issue  of  The  Biological  Bulletin.  This  supplement,  cov- 
ering approximately  80  pages,  lists  with  cross  references  the  2258 
titles  of  journals  in  the  Library.  Titles  are  listed  alphabetically  to 
conform  to  the  arrangement  of  the  stacks  in  the  Library,  and  hence 
should  serve  as  a  guide  book  to  the  Library  itself,  as  well  as  an  aid 
in  securing  microfilm  copies  of  articles.  A  few  extra  copies  are 
still  available.  Orders  may  be  directed  to  The  Marine  Biological 


1  HE  Library  of  The  Marine  Biological  Laboratory  is  now  pre- 
pared to  supply  microfilms  of  material  from  periodicals  included  in 
its  extensive  list.  Through  the  generosity  of  Dr.  Athertone  Seidell, 
the  essential  equipment  has  been  set  up  and  put  into  operation. 
The  Staff  of  The  Marine  Biological  Laboratory  Library  is  anxious  to 
extend  the  Microfilm  Service,  particularly  at  this  time  when  dis- 
tance makes  the  Library  somewhat  inaccessible  to  many  who  nor- 
mally use  it.  Investigators  who  wish  films  should  send  to  the  Li- 
brarian the  name  of  the  author  of  the  paper,  its  title,  and  the  name 
of  the  periodical  in  which  it  is  printed,  together  with  the  volume 
and  year  of  publication.  The  rates  are  as  follows:  $.30  for  papers 
up  to  25  pages,  and  $.10  for  each  additional  10  pages  or  fraction 
thereof.  It  is  hoped  that  many  investigators  will  avail  themselves 
of  this  service. 

Your  Biological  News 

You  would  not  go  to  the  library  to  read  the  daily  newspaper — probably 
you  have  it  delivered  at  your  home  to  be  read  at  your  leisure.  Why,  then, 
depend  upon  your  library  for  your  biological  news? 

Biological  Abstracts  is  news  nowadays.  Abridgments  of  all  the  im- 
portant biological  literature  are  published  promptly — in  many  cases  before 
the  original  articles  are  available  in  this  country.  Only  by  having  your 
own  copy  of  Biological  Abstracts  to  read  regularly  can  you  be  sure  that 
you  are  missing  none  of  the  literature  of  particular  interest  to  you.  An 
abstract  of  one  article  alone,  which  otherwise  you  would  not  have  seen, 
might  far  more  than  compensate  you  for  the  subscription  price. 

Biological  Abstracts  is  now  published  in  six  low  priced  sections,  as 
well  as  the  complete  edition,  so  that  the  biological  literature  may  be  avail- 
able to  all  individual  biologists.  Write  for  full  information  and  ask  for  a 
copy  of  the  section  covering  your  field. 


University  of  Pennsylvania 

Philadelphia,  Pa. 



THE  EXPERIENCE  we  have 
gained  from  printing  some 
sixty  educational  publica- 
tions has  fitted  us  to  meet 
the  standards  of  customers 
who  demand  the  best. 

We  shall  be  happy  to  have  workers  at 


write  for  estimates  on  journals  or 
monographs.  Our  prices  are  moderate. 


The  Biological  Bulletin  accepts  papers  on  a  variety  of  subjects  of  biologi- 
cal interest.  In  general,  a  paper  will  appear  within  three  months  of  the  date  of 
its  acceptance.  The  Editorial  Board  requests  that  manuscripts  conform  to  the 
requirements  set  below. 

Manuscripts.  Manuscripts  should  be  typed  in  double  or  triple  spacing  on 
one  side  of  paper,  8%  by  11  inches. 

Tables  should  be  typewritten  on  separate  sheets  and  placed  in  correct 
sequence  in  the  text.  Explanations  of  figures  should  be  typed  on  a  separate 
sheet  and  placed  at  the  end  of  the  text.  Footnotes,  numbered  consecutively, 
may  be  placed  on  a  separate  sheet  at  the  end  of  the  paper. 

A  condensed  title  or  running  page  head  of  not  more  than  thirty-five  letters 
should  be  included. 

Manuscripts  must  be  returned  to  the  Editor  with  the  galley  proof.  Page 
proofs  will  be  sent  only  on  request. 

Figures.  The  dimensions  of  the  printed  page,  5  by  7%  inches,  should  be 
kept  in  mind  in  preparing  figures  for  publication.  Illustrations  should  be  large 
enough  so  that  all  details  will  be  clear  after  appropriate  reduction.  Explana- 
tory matter  should  be  included  in  legends  as  far  as  possible,  not  lettered  on  the 
illustrations.  Figures  should  be  prepared  for  reproduction  as  line  cuts  or  half- 
tones; other  methods  will  be  used  only  at  the  author's  expense.  Figures  to  be 
reproduced  as  line  cuts  should  be  drawn  in  black  ink  on  white  paper  or  blue- 
lined  co-ordinate  paper;  those  to  be  reproduced  as  halftones  should  be  mounted 
on  Bristol  board  and  any  designating  letters  or  numbers  should  be  made  di- 
rectly on  the  figures.  The  author's  name  should  appear  on  the  reverse  side  of 
all  figures. 

Literature  cited.  The  list  of  literature  cited  should  conform  to  the  style  set 
in  this  issue  of  The  Biological  Bulletin.  Papers  referred  to  in  the  manuscript 
should  be  listed  on  separate  pages  headed  "Literature  Cited."  Where  there  are 
several  papers  cited,  by  the  same  author,  the  author's  name  should  be  repeated 
in  each  case. 

Mailing.  Manuscripts  should  be  packed  flat,  not  folded  or  rolled.  Large 
charts  and  graphs  may  be  rolled  in  a  mailing  tube. 

Reprints.  Authors  will  be  furnished,  free  of  charge,  one  hundred  reprints 
without  covers.  Additional  copies  may  be  obtained  at  cost;  approximate 
figures  will  be  furnished  upon  request. 


THE  BIOLOGICAL  BULLETIN  is  issued  six  times  a  year  at  the  Lancaster 
Press,  Inc.,  Prince  and  Lemon  Streets,  Lancaster,  Pennsylvania. 

Subscriptions  and  similar  matter  should  be  addressed  to  The  Biologi- 
cal Bulletin,  Marine  Biological  Laboratory,  Woods  Hole,  Massachusetts. 
Agent  for  Great  Britain:  Wheldon  and  Wesley,  Limited,  2,  3  and  4 
Arthur  Street,  New  Oxford  Street,  London,  W.  C.  2.  Single  numbers, 
$1.75.  Subscription  per  volume  (three  issues),  $4.50. 

Communications  relative  to  manuscripts  should  be  sent  to  the  Manag- 
ing Editor,  Marine  Biological  Laboratory,  Woods  Hole,  Massachusetts, 
between  July  1  and  October  1 ,  and  to  the  Department  of  Zoology,  Wash- 
ington University,  St.  Louis,  Missouri,  during  the  remainder  of  the  year. 

Entered  as  second-class  matter  May  17,  1930,  at  the  post  office  at  Lancaster,  Pa., 

under  the  Act  of  August  24,  1912. 


The  Supply  Department  of  the  Marine  Biological  Labora- 
tory has  a  complete  stock  of  excellent  plain  preserved  and 
injected  materials,  and  would  be  pleased  to  quote  prices  on 
school  needs. 



Zoology,  Botany,  Embryology, 
and  Comparative  Anatomy 


Zoology  and  Botany 

including  Protozoan  and 
Drosophila  Cultures,  and 
Animals  for  Experimental  and 
Laboratory  Use. 



Zoology,  Botany,  Embryology, 
Histology,  Bacteriology,  and 


Supply   Department 


Woods  Hole,  Massachusetts 



The  Effect  of  Carbon  Dioxide  and  Lactic  Acid  on  the  Oxygen- 
Combining  Power  of  Whole  and  Hemolyzed  Blood  of  the 
Marine  Fish,  Tautoga  Onitis  (Linn.) 207 

BROOKS,  S.  C. 

Intake  and  Loss  of  Ions  by  Living  Cells.  I.  Eggs  and  Larvae 
of  Arbacia  Punctulata  and  Asterias  Forbesi  Exposed  to  Phos- 
phate and  Sodium  Ions 213 

BROOKS,  S.  C. 

Intake  and  Loss  of  Ions  by  Living  Cells.     II.  Early  Changes 

of  Phosphate  Content  of  Fundulus  Eggs 226 


Biliary  Amylase  in  the  Domestic  Fowl 240 


Acceleration  of  Cleavage  of  Arbacia  Eggs  by  Hypotonic  Sea 
Water 244 


The  Independent  Differentiation  of  the  Sensory  Areas  of  the 
Avian  Inner  Ear 252 


The  Utilization  of  Glycogen  by  Flies  During  Flight  and  Some 
Aspects  of  the  Physiological  Ageing  of  Drosophila 263 

PARKER,  G.  H. 

Methods  of  Estimating  the  Effects  of  Melanophore  Changes 

on  Animal  Coloration .  273 
