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Full text of "The biology, ecology and mariculture of Mithrax spinosissimus, utilizing cultured algal turfs"

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The  Biology,  Ecology  and 
Mariculture  of  Mithrax  spinosissimus 
Utilizing  Cultured  Algal  Turfs 

Walter  H.  Adey 
Marine  Systems  Laboratory 
Smithsonian  Institution 

Washington,  D.C. 

Dennis  F.  Farrier 
The  Mariculture  Institute 
Smithsonian  Institute 
Washington,  D.C. 

January  1989 


P.  O.  Box  84136 
Los  Angeles,  California  90073 
United  States 

Copyright  1988  The  Mariculture  Institute 
All  rights  reserved. 

No  part  of  this  book  may  be  reproduced  in  anyway  or  by  any  means 
without  permission  in  writing  from  The  Mariculture  Institute. 

Printed  in  the  United  States  of  America. 






Harvest  Production  of  Coral  Reef  Algal  Turfs.  W.H.  Adey 
and  J .  M .  Hackney  . .  . . . . . 


Morphology  and  Relative  Growth  of  Mithrax  spinosissimus . 

A. H.  Biddlecomb,  M.P.  Craig  and  J.M.  Iglehart  ............. 

Population  Density  and  Structure  of  M^.  spinosissimus  at  Six 
Caribbean  Sites  and  The  Florida  Keys.  J.M.  Iglehart,  R.V. 
Ruark  and  K.H.  Koltes  . . . . . 

Reproductive  Biology,  Fecundity  and  Embryonic  Development  of 

M.  spinosissimus .  M.P.  Craig,  K.L.  Porter  and 

R.V.  Ruark  . . . 

Post-Larval  Growth  of  Cultured  M^  spinosissimus .  K.L.  Porter 
J.M.  Iglehart,  R.V.  Ruark,  M.P.  Craig,  A. H .  Biddlecomb,  D.M. 
Baudler  and  W.H.  Adey  . . . . . 


Mariculture  Techniques  for  Mithrax  spinosissimus  including 
Broodstock,  Larval  and  Post-Larval  Rearing  and  Growout. 
K.L.  Porter,  J.M.  Iglehart,  M.P.  Craig  and  W.H.  Adey  .... 


This  publication  consists  primarily  of  an  integrated  set  of 
papers  treating  the  efforts  of  the  Marine  Systems  Laboratory  from 
1983-1986  to  develop  a  low  cost,  itinerant  fishermen  mariculture 
for  Mithrax  spinosissimus ,  the  West  Indian  Red  Spider  Crab  or 
Caribbean  King  Crab.  Efforts  to  develop  such  a  mariculture 
derive  directly  from  our  increasing  understanding  of  the 
potential  for  the  utilization  of  cultured  marine  algae  in  coastal 
Caribbean  waters.  A  discussion  of  the  biology  and  culture 
methods  developed  for  algal  turfs,  as  well  as  methods  for  feeding 
this  algal  production  to  Mithrax  spinosissimus  crabs,  is  also 
presented  along  with  the  biology,  ecology  and  mariculture  of  the 
crab  itself. 

For  many  decades,  it  has  been  accepted  that  primary 
production  on  shallow  water  tropical  coral  reefs  is  among  the 
highest  of  any  natural  community  on  earth.  Indeed,  at  a  level  of 

—  9  —  1 

5-25  g  dry  m  d  ,  it  generally  exceeds  that  of  the  best 
agriculture  (Lewis,  1977;  Adey  and  Steneck,  1985).  Since  most 
coral  reefs  occur  in  seas  with  extraordinarily  low  nutrient 
concentrations,  it  has  generally  been  assumed  that  rapid 
recycling  processes,  or  perhaps  local  input  of  nitrogen  and 
phosphorus  is  occurring  to  allow  such  high  levels  of  production 
(Adey,  1987) .  Unfortunately,  given  both  the  recycling 
requirement,  as  well  as  the  sensitivity  of  coral  reef  communities 
to  perturbations  of  any  nature,  including  fishing  and  elevated 


nutrients,  it  has  seemed  unlikely  to  most  reef  scientists  and 
mariculturists  that  high  reef  production  was  of  more  than 
academic  interest. 

During  the  past  decade,  a  series  of  laboratory  studies,  with 
coral  reef  microcosms,  and  field  studies,  using  a  variety  of 
techniques,  have  demonstrated  that  the  source  of  high  primary 
production  is  in  the  dense  algal  turf  mat  that  covers  a  major 
part  of  most  shallow  water  reef  substratum.  These  studies  have 
also  shown  that  elevated  production  levels  are  real  (i.e.,  not  an 
artifact  of  methodology) ,  can  be  harvested  and  under  the  high 
physical  energy  environmental  conditions  common  to  coral  reefs, 
are  indefinitely  sustainable  under  low  nutrient  conditions  (Adey, 
1982,  1983,  1987;  Adey  and  Steneck,  1985;  Adey  and  Goertemiller , 

1987).  Algal  turfs  are  highly  diverse  (20-30  species  on  a  single 
square  meter  screen),  and  a  typical,  cultured  community  includes 
taxa  of  most  major  algal  groups.  Polyculture  harvest  of  algal 
turfs  is  appealing  as  a  potential  mariculture  because  it  avoids 
the  built-in  disadvantages  (particularly  inherent  instability)  of 
monocultural  agriculture  (Doyle,  1985). 

The  possibility  of  a  mariculture  based  on  the  relatively 
simple  and  low  cost  artificial  substratum-grown  algal  turf 
technology  was  quite  interesting  in  terms  of  potential 
adaptability  to  local  populations  in  third  world,  tropical 
countries.  During  early  1983,  support  from  the  Bioenergy 


Council,  Earthwatch  and  the  United  States  Department  of  State  for 
the  potential  development  of  a  low  technology  mariculture  in 
Caribbean  waters  led  to  the  Agency  for  International 
Development's  (AID)  interest  in  developing  a  low  cost  algal  turf 
mariculture . 

Earlier  Marine  Systems  Laboratory  microcosm  and  field  work 
had  identified  several  turf  grazers  within  reef  environments 
which  could  have  mariculture  potential.  One  of  these,  Mithrax 
spinosissimus  (the  West  Indian  Red  Spider  Crab  or  Caribbean  King 
Crab),  a  large  and  tasty  animal,  is  a  gourmet  fishery  item  of  low 
volume  interest  in  several  Caribbean  and  South  American 
countries.  It  has  been  the  subject  of  some  previous  research 
(Munro,  1974;  Hazlett  and  Rittschoff  1975;  Bohnsack,  1976; 
Brownell  et  al. ,  1977;  and  Provenzano  and  Brownell,  1977).  While 

all  of  these  authors  had  investigated  Mithrax  spinosissimus  for 
potential  fishery  or  mariculture  utilization,  the  general 
conclusion  was  that  the  animal  was  not  abundant  enough  to  form  a 
fishery  and  grew  too  slowly  to  have  viable  mariculture  potential. 
Based  on  Marine  Systems  Laboratory  preliminary  research  in  both 
the  field  and  laboratory,  JL  spinosissimus  was  deemed  hardy,  both 
in  the  wild  and  in  microcosm  culture,  with  growth  rates  exceeding 
those  presented  in  the  literature  (Bohnsack,  1976) .  With  regard 
to  Bohnsack' s  studies,  and  MSL  follow  up  studies  partially 
described  herein,  there  was  and  still  remains  some  concern  that 
the  Florida  population  is  a  separate  species  or  sub-species. 


In  1983,  the  Marine  Systems  Laboratory  submitted  a  proposal 
to  AID  and  was  eventually  funded  by  that  agency,  specifically  to 
attempt  to  develop  a  low  cost,  itinerant  fishermen  mariculture  in 
several  Caribbean  countries. 

This  treatise  summarizes  the  information  available  to  date 
regarding  this  species  and  its  preferred  food,  algal  turfs.  It 
also  presents  the  results  of  a  three-year  effort  in  a  variety  of 
Caribbean  locations  and  environments  on  the  biology,  ecology  and 
mariculture  of  the  Caribbean  King  Crab.  The  approaches  presented 
here  are  not  the  only  possibilities  for  a  mariculture  of  this 
animal.  We  specifically  avoided  any  extensive  efforts  to  develop 
a  mariculture  that  appeared  to  have  limited  value  for  an 
itinerant  fishermen  mariculture  or  did  not  utilize  algal  turfs  as 
a  food  source.  Commercial  modifications  to  the  methods  described 
herein  would  appear  to  have  considerable  potential. 

Mithrax  spinosissimus  is  a  large  spider  crab  that  is 
primarily  a  herbivore.  In  the  wild,  it  feeds  mostly  on  algal 
turfs  and,  like  a  number  of  similarly  adapted  crabs,  has 
specially-developed  claws  for  handling  these  small  algae  (Coen, 
1987).  It  also  posesses  specialized  grinding  teeth  in  a 
"gizzard"  or  anterior  stomach.  In  addition,  larval  rearing  is 
brief  (40-72  hours  to  settling  at  megalops  and  70-90  hours  to 
first  crab)  and  relatively  simple  (planktonic  feeding  regimes  and 
required  conditions  for  such  feeding  appear  to  be  unnecessary) . 


As  adults  these  crabs  also  have  a  harem-type  social  structure  in 
which  excessive  aggressive  behavior  is  generally  avoided.  It  is 
relatively  docile  in  character.  Its  primary  defenses  lie  in 
nocturnal  behavior,  an  ability  to  cling  tightly  to  the  substratum 
and  its  large  adult  size.  The  latter  two  characteristics  provide 
strong  and  extensive  body  musculature  ( i . e . ,  considerable  body 
meat) .  When  crowded,  juvenile  Mithrax  crabs  sometimes  kill  many 
of  their  cohorts,  perhaps  in  response  to  a  common  tendency  for 
heavy  local  settlement  when  conditions  for  propagation  are  ideal. 
This  may  provide  an  area  of  concern  for  mariculture.  On  the 
other  hand,  fecundity  is  very  high,  each  female  brooding  about 
300,000  eggs  during  her  reproductive  life. 

In  culture,  growth  rates  for  It  spinosissimus  are  relatively 
high  (12-15  months  to  maturity).  Considering  the  highly  cryptic 
nature  of  immatures  of  the  species,  it  would  appear  that  rapid 
growth  is  to  a  large  extent  genetically  determined  and  achieves  a 
major  species  survival  element  in  the  large  size  of  the  adults. 

M.  spinosissimus  populations  vary  widely  from  locality  to 
locality,  suggesting  minimum  gene  transfer  and  a  relative 
plasticity  in  a  shallow  water  organism  with  a  very  short 
planktonic  phase.  Since  the  animal  breeds  easily  in  captivity, 
stock  improvement  with  breeding  seems  assured. 

All  of  these  characteristics  together  suggest  considerable 
mariculture  potential  without  the  great  difficulties  that 
accompany  culture  in  most  crabs  and  lobsters. 




The  basis  for  the  Mithrax  spinosissimus  (Caribbean  King 
Crab)  mariculture  described  in  this  set  of  papers  lies  in  the 
screen  culture  of  algal  turfs.  There  is  little  question  that  the 

production  of  a  highly  diverse  algal  turf,  at  a  level  of  8-18  g 

— —1  ,  .  . 
dry  m  d  ,  is  routinely  possible  at  a  wide  variety  of  Caribbean 

sites  at  which  Mithrax  crab  mariculture  can  be  practiced.  Algal 

production  is  affected  by  the  characteristics  of  the  screen 

material  and  by  the  way  in  which  it  is  oriented  in  the  water 

column.  It  is  affected  strongly  by  turbulence  (the  strength  of 

ambient  current  and  surge) ,  depth,  harvest  rate  and  continuity  as 

well  as  atmospheric  cloudiness.  These  factors  are  now  reasonably 

well  understood  in  field  practice  by  MSL.  The  role  of  carbonate 

sedimentation  in  limiting  algal  turf  production  is  now  better 

understood  and  managed  (in  terms  of  site  selection  and  harvest 

criticality)  on  more  of  a  qualitative  basis.  A  more  quantitative 

understanding  of  the  role  of  sedimentation  in  limiting  algal  turf 

culture  is  needed. 

Carbon  levels  appear  low  (15-20%)  in  algal  turfs  cultured  in 
open  Caribbean  waters  and  nitrogen  levels  (6-8%)  are  relatively 
high.  Low  carbon  content  is  also  a  characteristic  of  many  of  the 
individual  species  that  make  up  the  turf.  Blue-green  algae  have 
largely  proteinaceous  walls  and  diatoms  have  siliceous  frustules. 
Both  of  these  groups  are  major  turf  components.  On  the  other 


hand,  laboratory  cultured  turfs  with  few  diatoms  have  relatively 
high  levels  of  carbon  (28-30%) .  Carbonate  siltation  is  certainly 
a  factor  in  low  organic  carbon,  though,  it  does  not  explain  the 
low  carbon  levels  occurring  in  samples  of  individual  plant 
components.  Preparation  and  preservation  procedures  for  these 
"volatile"  plants  is  strongly  suspect  and  should  be  further 
examined . 

In  any  case,  algal  turfs  are  highly  productive,  rich  in 
protein  and  generally  lack  protective  "toxic"  compounds  and  the 
tough  walls  and  skeletons  that  characterize  many  macroalgae. 

They  also  appear  to  be  preferred  by  Mithrax  spinosissimus .  as 
well  as  a  wide  spectrum  of  vertebrate  and  invertebrate  grazers. 
The  high  growth  rates  consistently  found  in  culture  and  given 
below  for  juvenile  Mithrax  spinosissimus  are  based  primarily  on 
algal  turf  feeding.  Work  currently  underway  at  Grand  Turk  using 
pure  algal  turf  cultures  have  given  similar  high  growth  rates 
that  point  to  to  an  adult  crab  in  12-15  months. 

In  order  for  this  new  form  of  algal  production  to  be  used  as 
fodder,  an  efficient  transfer  method  from  algal  culture  to  grazer 
culture  is  essential,  regardless  of  the  absolute  level  of  plant 
production  available.  The  system  that  we  have  devised  and 
describe  in  detail  in  this  set  of  papers  averages  a  transfer  rate 
of  about  5-8  screens  (0.5  m2  each,  cultured  for  12  days)  every 
three  to  four  days  for  50  older  juvenile  crabs  (greater  than  30 
mm) .  This  process  is  labor  intensive;  however,  the  development 


of  a  "low  tech,"  low  capital  cost  mariculture  was  a  primary 
objective  of  this  project.  Considerable  improvements  can  be  made 
in  the  transfer  process.  For  example,  the  current  transfer 
methods  can  certainly  be  improved  greatly  through  the  mass 
movement  of  screens  using  specially-designed  small  outboard- 
powered  boats  (catamarans,  e.g.)  equiped  with  simple  power 
winches  such  as  those  that  are  used  widely  in  lobster  fisheries. 

Mithrax  spinas issimus  is  a  large,  tasty,  meat-rich  animal 
that  already  forms  the  basis  of  a  small  gourmet  fishery  in 
several  Caribbean  countries.  At  most  Caribbean  sites  for  which 
we  have  adequate  population  data,  average  adult  males  exceed  1.5 
kg  in  weight  and  average  adult  females  exceed  1  kg  in  weight. 
Antigua  crabs  are  a  little  smaller  and  Florida  crabs  are  much 
smaller.  Some  negative  comment  has  been  received  by  MSL  from 
North  American  crustacean  marketing  specialists  with  regard  to 
the  color,  thickness  and  encrusted  nature  of  the  carapace,  which 
they  feel  may  prevent  it  from  being  an  "ideal"  or  top  value 
restaurant  product.  However,  these  observations  refer  to  the 
Florida  collected  crabs  that  are  more  greenish  brown  in  color 
(and  are  a  much  smaller  animal) .  They  also  refer  to  an  adult 
animal  that  is  on  the  average  several  months  post-molt.  Cultured 
Caribbean  crabs  are  quite  red  in  color  and  have  rather  thin 
shells.  Since,  in  culture,  they  would  be  harvested  relatively 
soon  following  a  molt,  they  would  lack  encrustations. 


In  the  Caribbean/West  Indian  region,  wild  Mithrax 

spinosissimus  crab  populations,  rather  uniform  at  each  site  vary 
widely  from  island  to  island.  At  most  locales,  the  collection 
process  has  been  extensive  and  varied.  It  is  highly  unlikely 
that  the  population  characteristics  derive  from  sampling  bias. 
This  variation  most  likely  results  from  their  short  larval  time 
and  therefore  limited  gene  transfer  from  pool  to  pool.  Florida 
"Mithrax  spinosissimus . 11  somewhat  isolated  from  the  Caribbean 
populations  and  subject  to  very  different  yearly  weather  and  mean 
habitat  conditions,  is  much  smaller  than  its  Caribbean 
counterparts.  It  differs  more  subtly  in  a  wide  variety  of  ways 
and  may  be  a  different  species  or  subspecies.  In  any  case, 
because  breeding  is  so  easily  accomplished  with  Mithrax 
spinosissimus .  the  possibility  of  considerable  stock 
"improvement"  in  the  future  certainly  exists. 

Mithrax  spinosissimus  populations  tend  to  have  a  weak 
"harem"  type  of  social  structure,  with  scattered  or  even  sparsely 
distributed  "colonies"  of  a  few  to  many  females  accompanied  by 
several  males.  These  animals  are  nocturnal  and  tend  to  remain 
close  to  their  home  crevice  or  cave.  "Bachelor"  males  wander 
more  widely  and,  while  still  crevice  and  nocturnally  oriented, 
they  are  frequently  found  alone  on  open  pavement.  Our 
observations  on  hundreds  of  adults  from  several  sites  show  that 
this  species  as  adults  accomodates  well  to  cage  culture.  While 
some  "jostling"  for  space  and  male  competition  for  females 


occurs,  it  seems  clear  that  adult  intra-species  aggression  is  not 
an  important  mortality  consideration.  There  appears  to  be 
juvenile  mortality  during  molts  resulting  from  crowded  conditions 
in  cages  and  we  are  now  in  the  process  of  developing  shore  based 
experimental  systems  at  Grand  Turk,  so  as  to  allow  careful 
observation  of  growing  dense  juvenile  populations. 

Mithrax  spinosissimus  mate  in  the  hard  shell  state,  after 
the  molt  to  maturity.  It  seems  likely  that  multiple 
fertilizations,  as  well  as  routine  sperm  storage,  do  occur.  In 
captivity,  an  average  female  produces  four  to  five  broods  with  a 
mean  of  60,000  eggs  each.  The  female  is  ovigerous  for  about  30 
days,  producing  a  brood  about  every  two  months.  Experience  with 
hundreds  of  animals  from  several  sites  has  demonstrated  that  with 
20-25  adult  crabs,  roughly  70-80%  female,  a  hatch  per  week  can  be 
routinely  achieved  and  easily  managed  in  a  cage  culture  system. 
The  methods  for  accomplishing  this  process  are  described  in 
detail  in  the  text. 

Many  thousands  of  hatchlings  have  been  raised  in  cage 
culture  in  this  project  to  100-120  days  of  age  in  a  standard  two- 
step  process  that  is  described  in  detail.  Most  recently,  200-300 
animals  per  hatch  were  routinely  produced  at  120  days,  in  a 
procedure  that  at  Buen  Hombre ,  Dominican  Republic,  was  easily 
understood  and  managed  by  the  local  fishermen  working  with  the 
project.  Considering  the  ease  by  which  this  can  be  accomplished, 


this  is  certainly  sufficient  at  this  time  for  a  successful 
itinerant  fishermen  mariculture .  In  any  case,  steady  improvement 
in  the  survival  rate  has  been  attained  and  we  predict  that  500- 
600  animals  per  hatch  at  120  days  of  age  can  be  achieved  for  this 
crab,  with  present  methods.  In  the  text,  we  discuss  several 
problems  and  the  steps  by  which  this  improvement  can  be  achieved. 
For  a  commercial  mariculture  or  a  government  supported  fisherman 
mariculture,  a  hatchery  process  can  probably  be  developed  which 
would  improve  considerably  100-day  survivorship. 

In  the  last  six  months  of  the  project,  we  routinely  achieved 
growth  rates  of  about  0.21  mm/day  (carapace  length)  in  a  growout 
from  first  crab  through  seven  to  nine  instars  at  100  days.  From 
that  time  to  about  300  days,  mean  growth  rates  of  about  0.35  mm 
per  day  were  achieved  through  another  six  to  seven  instars. 

These  crabs  were  fed  primarily  algal  turfs  with  an  occasional 
supplement  of  a  variety  of  macroalgae.  Recent  work  at  Grand  Turk 
has  achieved  the  same  growth  rates  with  a  diet  of  pure  algal 
turf.  We  have  little  statistically  significant  data  from  that 
point  on,  but  these  rates  strongly  indicate  that  for  a  marketable 
adult  of  120  mm  carapace  length,  360-500  days  would  be  required. 
We  believe  that  growout  to  a  marketable  adult  can  be  routinely 
achieved  in  an  itinerant  fishermen  cage  culture  in  about  400 
days,  though  this  has  yet  to  be  demonstrated  in  large  numbers. 

Steady  mortalities  of  about  80%  per  100  days  have  reduced 
the  prepubertal  crabs  that  we  have  raised  in  cage  culture  to  a 


few  individuals  at  the  molt  to  adult.  There  are  no  indications 

of  serious  disease  or  nutrition  factors  involved  in  these 
mortalities.  Ryther,  et  al .  (1987)  found  disease  a  serious 

problem  in  culture.  However,  nitrate  levels  of  35  mg/1  (compared 

,  .  e  ... 

with  typically  1  to  7  X  10  mg/1  in  the  wild)  indicate  serious 

water  quality  problems.  At  two  sites,  Carriacou  and  Grand  Turk 
(in  the  1983-1987  period),  logistics,  finances  and  timing 
prevented  crab  growout  beyond  a  three  to  six  month  period. 

Nonsuch  Bay,  Antigua  was  our  only  environmentally  poor  site, 
where  we  were  restricted  in  the  later  stages  of  growout,  also  for 
reasons  not  related  to  crab  biology  or  mariculture  management. 

At  Buen  Hombre,  Dominican  Republic  sufficient  time  was  available 
to  gain  minimum  experience  in  the  300-500  day  range  and  some 
crabs  were  brought  to  reproductive  maturity  by  local  fishermen 
participating  in  the  project.  However,  even  here,  logistic  and 
political  problems  minimalized  that  experience. 

Our  successful  experience  and  continual  improvement  in 
reducing  mortalities  in  bringing  200  to  300  Mithrax  spinosissimus 
per  hatch  to  100  days  in  open  water  cage  culture  is  promising. 

We  are  continuing  to  work  on  providing  in  cage  molt  protection  in 
a  variety  of  forms  and  a  more  efficient  turf  transfer  process. 

It  seems  likely  that  a  survivorship  of  greater  than  50%  per  100 
days  can  be  achieved  from  100-400  days.  This  would  render  the 
process  successful,  at  least  on  a  minimal  basis.  With  more 


experience  in  managing  the  details  of  the  culture  process,  it  is 
likely  that  within  a  relatively  short  period  of  time,  30% 
survivorship  can  be  achieved  from  first  crab  to  100  days  (to 
produce  600  juveniles  per  hatch  for  adult  growout) ,  as  well  from 
that  time  to  market  size  (for  a  total  of  180  market  animals  per 
hatch) .  This  is  sufficient  to  provide  a  successful  and 
competitive  process  for  the  itinerant  fisherman  who  can  easily 
produce  a  hatch  several  times  per  month. 

We  feel  strongly  that  all  indicators  remain  positive  for  the 
completion  of  a  successful  itinerant  fishermen  mariculture  of 
Caribbean  King  Crab,  based  on  algal  turf  culture.  Success  is 
likely  to  lie  in  improving  the  details  of  cage  structure  and 
operation  (the  removal  of  waste  without  predator  introduction  and 
in  providing  molt  protection  for  individuals  against  their 
cohorts  and  rough  weather)  and  in  the  improved  management  of 
algal  screen  transfer.  Ultimately,  low-cost,  mass-produced 
plastic  cages  would  greatly  reduce  the  time  and  cost  to  the 
individual  fisherman. 

Note  that  in  this  volume  we  chose  to  measure  carapace  length 
(CL)  rather  than  carapace  width  (CW) ,  which  is  the  standard  for 
crab  biology.  This  was  done  to  provide  a  more  accurate 
measurement  for  this  species  when  hundreds  of  individuals,  some 
quite  small  need  to  be  sized.  A  relationship  for  CW  =  f  (CL)  is 
provided  in  figure  5  (Biddlecomb,  et  al . ,  this  volume) . 



Adey,  W.H.  1982.  U.S.  Pat.  Doc.  4,333,263. 

Adey,  W.H.  1983.  The  microcosm:  A  new  tool  for  coral  reef 
research.  Coral  Reefs,  1:  193-201. 

Adey,  W.H.  1987.  Food  production  in  low  nutrient  seas:  bringing 
tropical  ocean  deserts  to  life.  Bioscience  37(5):  340-348. 

Adey,  W.H.  and  Steneck.  1985.  Highly  productive  eastern 

Caribbean  reefs:  synergistic  effects  of  biological,  chemical 
and  geological  factors.  In:  M.L.  Reaka  (ed.).  The  ecology 
of  coral  reefs.  Symposia  Series  for  Undersea  Research, 
Volume  2.  National  Oceanic  and  Atmospheric  Administration, 
Rockville,  Maryland,  U.S. A. 

Adey,  W.  H.  and  T.R.  Goertemiller .  1987.  Coral  reef  algal  turfs 

master  producers  in  nutrient  poor  seas.  Phycologia  26(3): 


Bohnsack,  J.L.  1976.  The  spider  crab,  Mithrax  spinosissimus :  an 
investigation  including  commercial  aspects.  Florida 
scientist.,  39(4):  259-266. 

Brownell,  W.M.  and  A.J.  Provenzano,  Jr.  and  M.  Martinez.  1977. 
Culture  of  the  West  Indian  Spider  Crab  (Mithrax 
spinosissimus)  at  Los  Roques,  Venezuela.  J.  of  World  Mar. 
Soc . 

Coen,  L.D.  1987.  Plant-animal  interactions:  ecology  and 

comparative  functional  morphology  of  plant-grazing  decapod 
(Brachyaran)  crustaceans.  Ph.D.  dissertation,  University  of 
Maryland.  241  pp. 

Doyle,  J.  1985.  Altered  Harvest:  agriculture,  genetics  and  the 
fate  of  the  world's  food  supply.,  New  York.,  502  pp. 

Hazlett,  B.H.  and  D.  Rittschof.  1975.  Daily  movements  and  home 
range  Mithrax  spinosissimus  (Majidae,  Decapoda)  Mar.  Behav. 
physiol.,  3:  101-108. 

Lewis,  J.B.  1977.  Processes  of  organic  production  on  coral 
reefs.  Biol.  Rev.  Cambridge  Philos.  Soc.,  52:  305-347. 


Munro,  J.L.  1974.  The  biology,  ecology,  exploitation  and 

management  of  Caribbean  Reef  Fishes.  Part  V.  The  biology, 
ecology  and  bionomics  of  Caribbean  Reef  fishes:  Crustaceans 
(spiny  lobsters  and  crabs)  Res.  Rept.  Zool.  Dept.  Univ.  West 
Indies . ,  3 :  39-48 . 

Provenzano,  A. J. ,  Jr.  and  W.N.  Brownell.  1977.  Larval  and  early 
post-larval  stages  of  the  West  Indian  spider  crab,  Mithrax 
spinosissimus  (Lamarck)  (Decapoda :Maj idae) .  Proceed.  Biol. 
Soc.  of  Wash.,  90(3):  735-752. 

Ryther,  J.,  R.  Winfree,  J.  Holt,  R.  Creswell,  W.  Lellis,  J. 
Chaiton,  C.  Kovach  and  F.  Prahl .  1987.  Antigua  Crab 

Mariculture,  Annual  Progress  Report.  Harbor  Branch 
Oceanographic  Institution,  Fort  Pierce,,  Fla;  July  15,  1987. 

7  8  pp . 



This  volume  is  dedicated  to  the  memory  of  Louis  Petersen. 
Although  his  primary  role  with  the  laboratory  was  that  of  an 
aviator  and  mechanic,  two  roles  in  which  he  was  superb,  no  task 
at  the  Marine  Systems  Laboratory  was  beneath  him  or  too  much  for 
him.  It  would  have  pleased  Louis  greatly  to  finally  see  the 
"Caribbean  King  Crab"  in  production. 

So  many  people  have  participated  with  us  on  our  Mithrax 
project  that  it  would  be  impossible  to  mention  them  all.  Our 
field  fellows  included  Bill  and  Kathy  Bernard,  Kimberly  Peyton 
and  Kim  Moller ,  who  are  still  actively  involved  in  attempts  to 
commercialize  the  crab  farming  process.  In  addition,  Tim 
Goertemiller ,  Mitch  Yadven,  David  Robicheaux,  John  Nader,  John 
Tschirky  and  Dave  Warren  provided  technical  as  well  as  hands-on 
physical  support.  Many  Earthwatch  volunteers  helped  to  build  and 
maintain  the  turf  screens  and  crab  cages.  Special  thanks  to 
Richard  Lederer  for  his  contributions  and  friendship. 

Dennis  Farrier  worked  tirelessly  to  secure  commercialization 
of  the  crab,  while  Kate  Hartley  and  Janice  Byrum  were  our 
administrators  for  the  project.  Greta  Rosenzweig  acted  as 
production  coordinator/editor  of  the  volume  with  help  from 
Charlotte  Johnson.  In  addition,  Charlotte  was  the  artist 
responsible  for  all  of  the  figures  in  this  publication  excluding 
those  done  by  Gustavo  Hormiga  who  graciously  completed  the  ink 


drawings  of  the  eggs,  larvae  and  morphological  subjects. 

Earthwatch  and  the  Bioenergy  Council  funded  the  earliest 
project  stages.  Much  help  in  the  Dominican  Republic  was  provided 
by  the  Fundacion  Natura.  The  Agency  for  International 
Development,  with  Maria  Hatziolis  and  Jim  Hester  as  project 
managers,  provided  most  of  the  funding. 

We  thank  Anson  Heines,  Majorie  Reaka  and  James  McVey  for 
reviewing  this  manuscript.  Their  comments  were  provocative  and 
quite  helpful.  However,  we  take  full  responsibility  for  any 
remaining  problems  in  the  text. 





W.  H.  Adey  and  J.  M.  Hackney 


Laboratory  and  field  studies  in  the  Caribbean  region  with 
cultured  algal  turf  communities  have  demonstrated  consistent 
primary  production  levels  of  8  to  over  15  g  (dry) /sq.  m/day.  A 
wide  variety  of  environmental  factors  that  control  this 
production,  including  wave  action,  current,  harvest  rate  and 
substratum  type,  are  discussed  in  detail. 

Tropical  screen-cultured  algal  turfs  are  highly  diverse 
(typically  30-40  species) .  Algal  screens  are  dominated  by 
benthic  diatoms,  during  early  development.  At  maturity,  under  a 
7-20  day  harvest  regime,  blue-green  and  red  algae,  with  epiphytic 
diatoms,  come  to  dominate  the  community. 

Carbon  percentages,  as  measured  by  CHN  analyses,  are 
relatively  low  (14-30%)  in  algal  turfs,  in  large  part  due  to  the 
siliceous  cell  walls  of  diatoms  and  the  proteinaceous  cell  walls 
of  blue-green  algae.  Also,  in  the  field,  even  properly-managed 
algal  turf  screens  contain  some  carbonate  silt.  On  the  other 
hand,  protein  levels  are  high  (8-10%)  in  algal  turfs  and  the  high 
growth  and  reproduction  rates  of  crabs  fed  pure  algal  turf 
suggest  that  the  problems  that  terrestrial  grazers  face  in 
degrading  and  utilising  higher  plant  cellulose  are  greatly 
reduced  with  turf  grazers  in  the  marine  environment. 


Most  traditional  fisheries  and  maricultures  are  based  on 
phytoplankton  production.  Recent  world-scale  analyses  of  primary 
production  demonstrate  that  this  floating  and  mostly  pelagic 
community  has  low  efficiency,  well  below  most  land  communities, 
but  nevertheless  is  the  dominant  component  of  total  oceanic 
biological  energy  conversion  (Bunt,  1975;  Ryther,  1959,  1969  ; 

Adey,  1987a) .  On  the  other  hand,  coral  reefs  often  have  been 
regarded  as  the  most  productive  of  world  ecosystems  (Lewis,  1977; 


Sournia ,  1977;  Adey  and  Steneck,  1985),  and  the  source  of  that 

production  has  been  attributed  mostly  to  a  thin,  low  biomass, 
grass-like  layer  of  algae  on  the  reef  surface.  Unfortunately, 
little  serious  effort  has  been  made  to  understand  the  mechanisms 
of  this  particular  type  of  primary  production  and  how  it  might  be 
used.  It  is  now  strongly  suspected  that  these  diminutive  reef 
algae  can  consistently  achieve  high  levels  of  plant  production 
and  are  generally  not  limited  by  the  factors  that  typically 
restrict  phytoplankton  production  (Adey,  1987a) .  It  has  become 
common  practice  to  refer  to  this  assemblage  of  reef  algae  as 
"turfs" .  This  paper  examines  a  series  of  laboratory  and  field 
experiments  on  primary  production  by  a  coral  reef  algal  turf 
assemblage . 

The  term  "algal  turf"  has  been  employed  frequently  without 
reference  to  any  particular  morphological,  ecological,  or 
systematic  definition.  Most  authors  have  regarded  turf  as  a 
collection  of  short  filamentous  or  foliose  algae  that  grow  to 
form  a  thick,  dense  mat  (Dahl,  197  2  ;  see  also  review  by  Stewart, 
1982) ,  a  group  definition  that  remains  applicable  to  a  range  of 
plant  associations.  Neushul  and  Dahl  (1967)  utilized  the  term  to 
describe  subtidal  algae  that  varied  from  delicately  branched 
forms  such  as  Griff ithsia ,  Antithamnion »  and  Pterosiphonia ,  to 
considerably  larger  species  of  foliose  Halvmenia  and  the  more 
heavily  branched  Botrvocladia .  These  algae  grew  both  as 


epiphytes  of  kelps  and  as  cover  on  hard  or  soft  substrata  beneath 
a  macroalgal  canopy.  The  authors  reported  that  this  turf  form 
displayed  marked  seasonal  changes  in  distribution  and  composition 
in  temperate  Pacific  waters.  Algal  turf  also  has  been  identified 
as  a  major  component  of  the  intertidal.  Stephenson  and 
Stephenson  (1972)  noted  its  presence  throughout  most  of  the 
temperate  and  tropical  regions  of  their  survey.  These  turfs 
encompassed  blue-green  filaments,  crustose  forms,  articulated 
corallines,  and  a  diversity  of  fleshy  macroalgae  that  included 
Bostrvchia .  Codium,  Crvptonemia .  Dictvota ,  Gelidium.  Giaartina . 
Laurencia .  Plocamium .  Pterocladia .  Rhodvmenia .  and  Turbinaria . 
Turfs  from  the  low  intertidal  of  temperate  and  subtropical  waters 
were  described  by  Stewart  (1982)  as  composite  structures  of 
various  anchor  species  (e.g. ,  Corallina .  Lithothrix .  Hvpnea .  and 
Pterocladia) ,  as  well  as,  epiphytic  species  (e.g. ,  Ceramium, 
Laurencia .  Chondria,  Heterosiphonia) .  The  anchor  taxa  in  these 
turfs,  though  often  multi-generic  composites,  displayed  similar 
morphological  characteristics  and  persisted  throughout  the  year, 
while  the  epiphytic  species  tended  to  fluctuate  seasonally. 
Aggregate  assemblages  of  a  few  algal  species  have  been  labeled 
turfs  on  shallow  coral  reef  flats  and  slopes  (Hay,  1981,  referred 
to  Dictvota .  Halimeda ,  and  Laurencia) ,  and  on  temperate 
intertidal  rocky  shores  (Taylor  and  Hay,  1984,  referred  to 
Corallina .  Lithothrix .  Gelidum .  and  Rhodoqlossum, ) .  These  algae 
possess  both  prostate  and  upright  branches  that  form  a  tightly 


compacted  morphology  which  is  capable  of  resisting  both 
desiccation,  occuring  during  periodic  emersion  in  either 
environment,  and  intense  herb ivory  encountered  on  coral  reefs. 
These  factors  probably  also  prevent  epiphytism  by  more  productive 
species.  Lower  portions  of  the  coral  reef  turf  thalli  exhibit 
decreased  rates  of  apparent  photosynthesis  and  dark  respiration, 
which  enables  persistance  as  resting  stages  during  periods  of 
physical  stress  and  maintains  substratum  coverage  by  the 
individual  populations  (Hay,  1981) .  Species  forming  turfs  in  the 
temperate  environment  are  able  to  adjust  the  degree  of  thalli 
compaction  under  varied  levels  of  environmental  stress  (Taylor 
and  Hay ,  1984 ) . 

In  addition  to  the  wide  variety  of  turf  forms  of  the 
examples  cited  above,  investigators  have  begun  to  recognize  a 
turf  assemblage  on  coral  reefs  that  is  distinguished  less  by 
characteristic  morphologies  or  systematics  than  by  a  high 
efficiency  in  solar  energy  capture  and  growth.  Whole-system 
estimates  of  daily  coral  reef  gross  primary  productivity  have 

O  — ,  1 

ranged  from  3.4-20.0  (mean  =  10)  g  C  m  d  (see  reviews  by 
Lewis,  1977,  and  Sournia,  1977),  with  yearly  estimates  ranging 
from  1800-4200  g  C  m“2  yr-1.  Gordon  and  Kelly  (1962)  have 
reported  a  maximum  of  11,680  g  C  m-2  yr-1  gross  primary 
productivity  for  a  fringing  reef  in  Hawaii,  which  rivals  systems 
under  intense  agricultural  management.  Algal  assemblages  that 


have  been  described  as  turfs  have  been  identified  as  providing 
the  major  portion  of  the  carbon  fixation  occurring  on  coral  reefs 
(Odum  and  Odum,  1955;  Borowitzka  et  al_.  ,  1978;  Borowitzka,  1981). 
As  much  as  70-80%  of  the  total  productivity  of  reefs  (Brawley  and 
Adey,  1977;  Adey  and  Steneck,  1985)  have  been  attributed  to  algal 
turfs.  Though  the  importance  of  algal  turf  to  the  coral  reef 
ecosystem  and  the  great  magnitude  of  its  productivity  have  been 
acknowledged  in  the  last  decade,  the  literature  has  not 
recognized  yet  a  specific  description  of  the  community  most 
responsible  for  these  productivity  levels. 

For  the  past  several  years,  the  Marine  Systems  Laboratory 
has  studied  the  dominant  plant  assemblage  of  the  Caribbean  and 
western  tropical  Atlantic  coral  reefs  in  field,  microcosm,  and 
productivity  chamber  studies.  We  refer  to  this  assemblage  as  a 
coral  reef  algal  turf.  We  have  demonstrated  that  this  turf  is 
capable  of  high  rates  of  productivity  both  in  the  wild  and  in 
culture.  We  describe  here  the  various  characteristics  which  we 
feel  distinguish  it  from  assemblages  that  are  more  broadly 
defined  in  the  literature. 

The  Coral  Reef  Algal  Turf  Assemblage 

In  this  paper,  a  coral  reef  algal  turf  is  a  multi-specific 
association  of  benthic,  subtidal,  free-living  algae  subjected  to 
emersion  only  during  extremely  low  tides.  The  assemblage 
typically  persists  as  coverage  of  dead  coral  colonies,  loose 


rubble,  interstitial  surfaces,  and  other  areas  of  reefs  that  are 
subjected  to  high  levels  of  grazing.  Although  seasonal  shifts  in 
biomass  and  abundance  occurs  in  this  assemblage  (Adey  and 
Steneck,  1985) ,  the  lack  of  more  pronounced  seasonal  changes  on 
submerged  portions  of  tropical  coral  reefs  renders  inappropriate 
a  distinction  of  annual  vs.  perennial  forms.  These  turf  species 
are  predominately  unicells,  uniseriate  filaments,  simple 
branching  filaments  or  weakly  corticated  filaments  that  generally 
range  in  height  from  a  few  mm  to  a  maximum  of  several  cm.  The 
height  of  this  assemblage  at  any  point  in  space  and  time  depends 
largely  on  the  intensity  of  grazing  by  herbivores.  Smaller 
members  of  more  anatomically  complex  macroalgae  having  pseudo- 
parenchymatous  thalli  are  generally  less  important  but  persistent 
members  of  this  assemblage. 

In  a  similar  grouping  on  an  Australian  fringing  reef, 
Morrissey  (1980)  noted  an  imprecise  boundary  between  turf  species 
and  larger  macroalgae,  particularly  those  genera  with  early 
developmental  stages  of  short  stature.  An  additional 
distinguishing  characteristic  for  many  of  these  turf  species  is 
the  frequent  presence  of  an  extensive,  stoloniferous  basal  system 
that  supports  multiple,  upright  axes  (Brawley  and  Adey,  1977) . 

In  this  regard,  this  assemblage  closely  resembles  the 
herpophytes,  described  by  Setchell  (1924)  as  minute,  crawling 
algae  with  prostrate  axes  that  attach  to  the  substratum  by 
fascicles  or  rhizoids  and  bear  erect  or  ascending  lateral 


branchlets.  A  similar  classification,  the  Hemichamaephyceae ,  was 
made  by  Nasr  (1946)  for  perennial  tropical  algae  of  this  form 
that  possess  apical  growth  zones  (see  also  Feldman,  1966)  . 

The  thalli  arising  from  this  stolonif erous  basal  system 
conform  generally  to  the  Littler  and  Littler  (Littler  et  al . , 
1980;  Littler  et  al . .  1983)  and  the  Steneck  and  Watling  (1982) 
filamentous  functional-form  groups  as  commonly  uniseriate  or 
multiseriate ,  lightly  corticated  filaments.  However,  composition 
of  this  coral  reef  turf  assemblage  is  fairly  complex  and  includes 
many  species  which  do  not  fit  any  one  particular  functional-form 
or  anatomical  group  classification.  A  number  of  diatoms 
(centrate,  pennate,  unicellular,  and  filamentous) ,  coccoid  and 
filamentous  blue-green  algae,  and  benthic  dinof lagellates 
dominate  in  early  stages  of  turf  development  and  persist 
generally  through  later  stages,  adhering  to  a  thin  layer  of 
detrital  scum  which  persists  among  the  basal  holdfasts.  Such 
components  of  the  turf  probably  contribute  to  formation  of  the 
scum  by  mucilage  production.  A  variety  of  bacteria,  protozoans, 
and  occasional  metazoans  (e.g. ,  nematodes,  small  annelids, 
microcrustaceans)  are  also  associated  with  this  scum  layer. 
Tubular  or  sheet-like  species  of  Enteromoroha .  which  attach  to 
the  substratum  with  a  single  holdfast,  are  often  present,  though 
only  in  small  size.  With  the  reduced  stature  of  this  assemblage, 
epiphytes  are  limited  to  blue-green  algae,  diatoms,  or  minute 


branching  filaments  such  as  Asterocvtis  or  Erythrotrichia . 

Table  1  contrasts  the  diversity  of  species  that  are  found 
consistently  in  this  assemblage  with  those  genera  that  most 
frequently  composed  the  remainder  of  the  benthic  flora  in  surveys 
of  a  number  of  Caribbean/West  Indian  coral  reefs  (Adey  et  al. , 
1979;  Adey  and  Goertemiller ,  1987;  Adey  and  Steneck,  1985;  Connor 
and  Adey,  1977;  Peyton  et  al. ,  1987).  Each  genus  in  this  table 
is  categorized  as:  1)  including  species  that  are  common, 
persistent  components  of  the  coral  reef  turf  assemblage;  2) 
including  both  the  turf  species  listed  and  other  species  which  do 
not  persist  within  the  turf  assemblage;  or  3)  including  no 
persistant  turf  species  and  considered  as  either  an  encrusting 
coralline  or  a  macroalga  in  this  study.  The  genera  are  divided 
further  into  a  series  of  anatomical  groupings  ranging  from 
simple,  single-celled  forms  to  the  more  tightly  packed  cellular 
arrangement  of  parenchymatous  thalli.  A  category  of  pseudo- 
parenchymatous  construction  was  designated  in  this  summary  to 
account  for  those  algae  which  lack  extensive  three  dimensional 
cellular  division,  yet  achieve  some  mass  and  degree  of 
morphological  complexity  by  cortication  and  other  differentiation 
about  a  basically  filamentous  form. 

As  defined  by  the  organization  of  Table  1,  the  coral  reef 
algal  turf  assemblage  encompasses  genera  of  simpler  anatomical 
organization  in  each  of  the  phylogenetic  groups.  The  unicellular 
forms  representing  green,  brown  and  red  algae  are  limited  to 


spores  which  are  observed  often  to  adhere  to  the  mucilagenous 
scum  layer  at  the  base  of  the  assemblage.  Among  the  filamentous 
eucaryotic  components,  branched  forms  predominate  generally  and, 
as  defined  here,  include  the  common  Licmophora ,  a  diatom  cell 
complex  supported  on  repeatedly  branched  mucilaginous  stalks. 
Those  turf  genera  that  achieve  a  pseudo-parenchymatous  thallus 
construction  through  multiseriate,  polysiphonous ,  or  corticated 
growth  are  predominately  members  of  the  Rhodophyceae ,  a  class 
with  an  essentially  filamentous  organization.  These  more 
complexly  corticated  red  algal  species  are  often  in  genera  that 
contain  other  species  not  persistent  within  the  turf  assemblage. 
In  such  cases,  the  turf  elements  tend  to  be  more  minute  species 
of  the  genus  (e . g . ,  Gelidium  pusillum.  Laurencia  caraibica . 
Amphiroa  f raqill issima .  Jania  capillacea) .  Species  in  this 
assemblage  from  "turf/non-turf "  genera  are  organized  clearly  with 
greater  thallic  structural  support  than  simpler  filamentous  turf 
algae,  but  they  have  mature  thallus  diameters  that  are  limited  to 
under  300  uM.  This  is  less  than  the  diameter  achieved  by  certain 
uniseriate  turf  elements  such  as  Cladophora.  On  the  other  hand, 
larger  examples  of  simple  anatomies  (e.g. ,  Valonia, 

Dictvosphaeria .  certain  species  of  Chaetomorpha  and  Cladophora) 
are  rarely  encountered  among  the  turf  assemblage.  On  this  basis, 
we  have  concluded  that  it  is  a  small  adult  plant  stature,  rather 
than  a  strictly  anatomical  or  systematical  classification,  that 


is  the  primary  factor  determining  composition  of  the  coral  reef 
turf  assemblage.  The  ability  to  grow  rapidly,  to  enter 
reproductive  cycles  quickly  and  to  withstand  repeated  grazing 
through  basal  structures  or  rapid  spore  settlement  are  necessary 
for  successfully  exploiting  a  small  adult  stature  of  this  nature. 

Grazing  Pressures  and  Turf  Maintenance 

A  more  unified  definition  of  coral  reef  algal  turf 
composition  is  provided  by  examining  the  macroherbivore  grazing 
pressures  which  are  encountered  normally  in  reef  communities  and 
contribute  to  maintenance  of  this  assemblage.  (Macroherbivores 
are  defined  here  to  include  fish,  gastropods,  urchins,  and  larger 
crustaceans  such  as  crabs.)  In  brief,  the  turf  is  composed 
primarily  of  those  algae  which  successfully  withstand  the  high 
levels  of  grazing  by  rapid  growth,  rapid  reproduction  and  basal 
persistence  rather  than  by  protective  mechanisms  such  as  toxicity 
or  thallus  strength.  The  reduced  thallus  size  within  this 
assemblage  generally  has  allowed  minimal  differentiation  of 
photosynthetic  tissue  to  structural  material.  Since  allocation 
of  materials  to  structural  components  increases  with  the  increase 
of  structural  complexity  (Littler  and  Arnold,  1980) ,  high  grazing 
pressure  would  maintain  surviving  plants  in  a  generally  early 
stage  of  regrowth  and  increase  the  proportion  of 
photosynthetically  active  cells  in  the  corticated  or  partially 
calcified  turf  species  included  in  Table  1.  Such  high  ratios  of 


photosynthetic  tissue  to  structural  material  would  provide  for 
high  biomass-specific  rates  of  productivity  and  growth  (Littler 
and  Littler,  1980;  Littler  et  al. ,  1983).  The  extensive  basal 
holdfast  systems  of  algal  turfs  often  persist  after  upright  axes 
have  been  grazed,  since  macroherbivores,  even  parrot  fish,  face 
increased  energy  expenditures  after  removal  of  a  certain  quantity 
of  plant  material  and  substratum  (Brawley  and  Adey,  1981) .  Many 
of  the  algal  species  composing  this  turf  persist  by  vegetative 
reproduction  through  fragmentation  of  thalli,  while  others 
display  very  short  cycles  of  sexual  reproduction. 

Each  of  these  factors  would  assist  a  rapid  regeneration  of 
the  turf  following  grazing,  and  it  is  likely  that  the  generally 
resistant,  prostrate  growth  form  has  enabled  survival  of  the 
assemblage  under  intense  macroherbivore  grazing  (Dethier,  1981; 
Hixon  and  Brostoff ,  1981) .  Indeed,  it  is  now  understood  that 
macroherbivore  grazing  actually  benefits  the  coral  reef  algal 
turf  assemblage,  much  as  the  grazing  of  large  mammals  can 
maintain  grassland.  In  this  case,  it  enables  the  turf  to 
maintain  its  commonly  widespread  coverage  of  dead  portions  of 
coral  colonies,  loose  rubble  and  various  interstitial  areas. 

(Odum  and  Odum,  1955;  Dahl,  1972;  Wanders,  1976a;  Morrissey, 

1980)  . 

Among  the  turf  algae,  listed  in  Table  1,  are  a  number  of 
macroalgae  which,  once  established,  may  be  able  to  escape  grazing 
with  structural  or  chemical  defenses  (Ogden  et  al . ,  1973;  Ogden, 


1976;  Ogden  and  Lobel,  1978).  Certain  of  these  macroalgae,  which 
often  display  appparent  parenchymatous  thallus  construction, 
often  maintain  a  scattered,  non-persistant  distribution  amidst 
the  turf  assemblage.  However,  sporeling  or  germling  stages  of 
these  plants  are  often  consumed  indiscriminately  by  reef 
macroherbivores  that  graze  among  the  turf  assemblage.  Since 
these  immature  stages  lack  adaptations  for  rapid  recovery  from 
such  disturbance,  this  grazing  decreases  macroalgal  recruitment 
while  increasing  short-term  fitnesses  of  turf  species  (Sammarco, 
1982;  Carpenter,  1981,  1984).  Consequently,  such  grazing 
pressure  promotes  the  observed  persistence  of  this  turf 
assemblage  over  large  portions  of  substratum  and  maintains  the 
benthic  algal  component  of  coral  reefs  in  a  characteristic  high- 
turnover,  early  successional  stage  with  a  low  standing  crop  of 
small  stature  and  patchy  distribution  (Hatcher  and  Larkum,  1983; 
Ogden  and  Lobel,  1978;  Dahl,  1972;  Marsh,  1976). 

The  experimental  removal  of  macroherbivore  grazing  commonly 
results  in  temporary  increases  in  the  biomass  of  algal  turf 
(Randall,  1961;  Carpenter,  1981,  1984).  However,  the  simple, 
filamentous  growth  form  predominant  in  this  assemblage  lacks  the 
structural  support  necessary  for  the  development  of  large 
standing  stocks.  The  dense  packing  of  thalli  that  quickly 
develops  from  lack  of  grazing  eventually  decays  from  senescence, 
as  a  result  of  self-shading  and  reduced  circulation  of 


surrounding  seawater  (Stephenson  and  Searles,  1960;  Wanders, 

1977;  Carpenter,  1984).  Following  this  decomposition,  upright 
thalli  may  regenerate  from  persisting  holdfasts  to  maintain  the 
assemblage  in  an  unstable  stage  of  transition,  but  eventually  the 
turf  is  displaced  by  the  slower  growing,  more  heavily  corticated 
or  parenchymatous  macroalgae  listed  in  Table  1  (Sammarco,  1982; 
Sammarco  et  al.  ,  1974;  Ogden  and  Lobel,  1978;  Hatcher  and  Larkum, 
1983;  Carpenter,  1981,  1984).  Large  standing  crops  of  such 
macroalgae  (e.g.,  Gracilaria .  Halimeda .  Padina,  Sargassum. 
Turbinaria)  often  develop  naturally  on  coral  reef  algal  ridges 
and  wave-swept  flats  or  pavements,  where  wave  surge  prevents  easy 
access  by  macroherbivores  (Wanders,  1976b;  Adey,  1978;  Adey  et 
al . .  1977;  Connor  and  Adey,  1977). 

The  diversity  of  benthic  algal  species  on  Caribbean  coral 
reefs  has  been  shown  to  decrease  eventually  during  an  absence  of 
macroherbivore  grazing  (Sammarco,  1982,  1983;  Carpenter,  1981, 
1984).  Relatively  few  macroalgae  can  come  to  dominate  the 
community.  On  the  other  hand,  extremely  heavy  grazing  pressures 
can  also  decrease  diversity  by  allowing  the  replacement  of  both 
the  turf  assemblage  and  larger  macroalgae  with  encrusting 
coralline  genera  (see  Table  1  and  Brawley  and  Adey,  1977;  Hay, 
1981;  Sammarco,  1982;  Carpenter,  1984).  These  responses  by  the 
benthic  algal  component  suggest  that  macroalgae  are  prevented 
from  excluding  (through  eventual  overgrowth  and  shading)  the 
smaller,  more  prostrate  turf  species  by  intermediate  levels  of 


generalist  macroherbivore  grazing,  a  pattern  encountered 
frequently  in  the  marine  intertidal  (Lubchenco,  1980) . 

McNaughton  (1984)  reviews  such  changes  in  species  composition, 
diversity  and  growth  form  as  a  consequence  of  grazing  common  to 
both  marine  and  terrestrial  ecosystems.  The  coral  reef  algal 
turf  might  be  further  compared  to  terrestrial  grassland 
assemblages  which  require  either  regular  biological  or  physical 
disturbance  (most  frequently  grazing  and  fire,  respectively)  to 
prevent  eventual  exclusion  by  larger  shrubs  and  woody  plants  (see 
Pellew,  1983) . 

The  algal  turf  assemblage  is  subjected  also  to  grazing  by 
certain  microherbivores,  which  compound  the  effects  that  have 
been  discussed  thus  far.  Brawley  and  Adey  (1981)  have 
demonstrated  that  an  amphipod  crustacean  found  on  Caribbean  reefs 
is  capable,  when  undeterred  by  predation,  of  heavily  exploiting 
the  assemblage,  eventually  clearing  the  substratum  for  growth  by 
a  larger  macroalga  of  a  later  successional  stage.  The  macroalga 
in  these  experiments,  Hvonea  spinella .  was  protected  from 
microherbivore  grazing  by  its  large  size.  On  coral  reef 
substrata  inaccessible  to  fish,  due  to  experimental  caging  or 
wave  surge,  the  eventual  displacement  of  turf  species  by 
macroalgae  may  therefore  be  further  facilitated  by  the  grazing  of 
such  microherbivores  (see  also  Fenwick,  1976;  Lobel,  1980; 
Kennelly ,  1983 ) . 


Algal  Turf  in  Water  Quality  Control 

Coral  reef  algal  turfs  have  played  an  important  role  in 

maintaining  a  series  of  marine  and  estuarine  microcosms  and 

mesocosms  established  by  the  Marine  Systems  Laboratory  (Adey, 

1983;  Williams  and  Adey,  1983;  Tangley,  1985;  Adey,  1987b).  The 

development  of  these  functioning  closed  model  ecosystems  has 

required  the  balancing  of  diel  community  metabolic  processes. 

Many  shallow  water  communities  often  have  overall  P/R 

(photosynthesis/respiration)  ratios  of  1.0  or  less.  Even  when 

P/R  is  1.0  or  greater,  considerable  daily  deviation  from  this 

value  can  occur  with  non-conservative  metabolites.  For  example, 

in  a  study  of  community  metabolism  on  Robin  Reef,  St.  Croix,  Adey 

and  Steneck  (1985)  measured  a  respiration  rate  at  sunset  of 
.  _  1 

approximately  2g02mhata  depth  of  approximately  1  m. 

Even  when  waters  overlying  the  reef  are  supersaturated  with 
oxygen  during  the  day,  it  is  evident  that  with  this  magnitude  of 
community  respiration,  an  oxygen  debt  would  be  incurred  by  the 
reef  within  a  few  hours  of  darkness.  However,  with  the  cessation 
of  photosynthetic  activity  each  evening,  turbulent  mixing  of 
ocean  water  provided  by  trade  winds  and  water  currents 
replenishes  oxygen,  preventing  community  stress.  Simple 
diffusion  across  a  still  air-water  interface  could  not  supply  the 
demonstrated  oxygen  demand  by  itself  (Smith  and  Marsh,  1978) . 
Equally  important,  metabolic  products  such  as  C02  or  ammonia 


would  be  expected  to  accumulate  to  toxic  levels  without  the 
flushing  provided  by  exchange  with  the  open  ocean.  These 
considerations  likely  contribute  to  the  frequency  of  well- 
developed  shallow  water  coral  reefs  on  the  windward  side  of  their 
adjacent  landforms  (Adey  and  Burke,  1976) .  The  requirement  for 
support  of  a  benthic  ecosystem  by  ocean,  or  open  river  or  bay 
waters  is  even  more  pronounced  in  ecosystems  that  show  a 
consistent  P/R  less  than  1.0  due  to  the  import  of  organic 
materials  from  other  ecosystems  (or  mud  flat,  for  example) . 

Attempts  to  establish  aquaria  or  microcosms  of  ecological 
communities  in  enclosed  aquaria  have  for  the  most  part  simulated 
this  open  ocean  exchange  through  traditional  means  of  water 
quality  control,  i . e . ,  bacterial  or  mechanical  filtration  with 
subsidiary  water  sterilization.  However,  these  water  treatments 
are  inadequate  for  all  but  the  smallest  of  microcosm  systems  and 
essentially  extend  the  basic  degenerative  processes  of 
respiration  without  proper  restoration  of  the  oxygen 
concentrations  or  pH  values  or  nutrient  levels  required  to 
prevent  community  deterioration.  Unfortunately,  the  more 
obvious  strategy  of  an  open  aquarium  system  that  provides 
continual  circulation  of  fresh  seawater  is  hindered  often  by  poor 
water  quality  due  to  the  siting  of  the  laboratory  or  to  the 
changes  that  result  from  pumping,  transport,  or  storage  of  the 
water  supply. 

The  critical  problem  of  matching  high  quality  open  waters  in 


microcosm  and  mesocosm  maintenance  can  be  solved  by 
circulating  water  through  a  sub-unit  of  the  system  where 
photosynthetic  activity  is  promoted  during  hours  of  darkness  to 
counteract  the  high  rate  of  community  respiration  (Adey,  1983). 
This  supplemental  photosynthesis,  which  clears  respiratory 
products  from  the  water  column  while  restoring  pH  and  oxygen 
concentrations,  can  be  most  efficiently  supplied  by  cultures  of 
algal  turfs.  The  utilization  of  this  turf  form  provides  numerous 
advantages  over  alternative  plant  assemblages.  Phytoplankton 
cultures  are  difficult  to  maintain  in  adequate  densities  and 
would  require  continuous  filtration  from  the  seawater  being 
recycled  to  the  microcosm.  Cultures  of  larger  macroalgae  would 
display  generally  lower  rates  of  carbon  fixation  and  being 
"leaky"  would  likely  release  a  variety  of  dissolved  organic 
compounds  into  the  water  column  (Khailova  and  Burlakova,  1969; 
Sieburth  and  Jansen,  1969;  Spotte,  1979).  The  algal  turf 
assemblage,  on  the  other  hand,  being  opportunistic,  with  little 
stored  food,  is  not  characterized  by  "leakiness."  Also,  it  is 
established  in  culture  easily  on  an  inexpensive,  uniform 
substratum  of  plastic-coated  fiberglass  screening  which  provides 
porous  substratum  for  the  algal  bases.  When  grown  in  shallow 
"sea  tables"  and  provided  with  intense  metal  halide  irradiance,  a 
continuous  circulation  of  water,  and  protection  from  grazing,  the 
very  productive  turf  assemblage  provides  a  highly  efficient, 


controllable  and  easily  harvested  unit  of  biological  water 
quality  control.  We  refer  to  these  separate  water  quality 
control  units  as  "algal  turf  scrubbers"  (Adey ,  1987) .  The  growth 
of  the  algal  turf  assemblage  upon  a  section  of  scrubber  screen  is 
represented  in  Figure  1. 

In  addition  to  providing  homeostatic  control  of  the  physical 
and  chemical  parameters  of  microcosm  water,  when  utilized  for 
coral  reef  microcosm  management,  the  algal  turf  cultures  are 
employed  on  the  reef  itself  to  maintain  a  balance  in  the  trophic 
exchange  that  occurs  with  the  system.  Coral  reef  microcosms 
maintained  in  this  way  are  self-supporting  communities  in  which 
negative  diel  variation  is  controlled  by  metal-halide  irradiance 
and  algal  turfs.  The  primary  productivity  occurring  within  the 
reef  and  lagoon  tanks  of  this  system  is  consumed  by  grazers  on 
several  trophic  levels  and  is  distributed  amongt  more  than  300 
species  of  consumers  in  many  of  the  same  energy  exchange  patterns 
observed  on  natural  coral  reefs.  The  only  external  organic  input 
provided  is  a  daily  addition  of  a  very  small  quantity  of  brine 
shrimp  and  dried  krill,  to  simulate  an  open-ocean  input  to  the 
diet  of  the  fish  and  some  invertebrates.  The  periodic  (seven 
day)  harvest  of  the  coral  reef  algal  turf  culture  compensates  for 
the  addition  of  this  biomass  to  the  microcosm,  develops  a 
balanced  import/export  ratio,  and  maintains  the  scrubber  culture 
in  an  early,  more  highly  productive  stage  of  successional  growth. 


Wave  Surge  and  Cultured  Turf  Productivity 

As  benthic  plants  attached  to  either  natural  reef  substrata 
or  fiberglass  screening,  algal  turfs  would  be  expected  to 
demonstrate  productivity  which  responds  to  the  strength  and  form 
of  passing  currents  (Gerard  and  Mann,  1979;  Wheeler,  1980,  1982; 
Norton  et  al . . 1982  ;  Madsen  and  Sondergaard,  1983).  Such  currents 
replenish  nutrients  in  the  water  overlying  these  stationary 
plants  and  reduce  boundary  layers,  which  enhances  cellular 
exchange  and  promotes  efficient  plant  metabolism  (Wheeler,  1980, 
1982).  Preliminary  scrubbers  designed  to  provide  simple 
continuous  flow  demonstrated  relatively  low  harvest  production 
and  proved  ineffective  in  controlling  nutrient  levels  within  a 
reef  microcosm.  Later,  scrubbers  were  provided  with  wave  action. 
Examination  of  the  continously  recirculated  seawater  of  one 
scrubber  (Figure  2)  illustrates  the  relationship  between  oxygen 
production  and  wave  action.  As  shown,  the  blocking  of  the  wave 
bucket  to  provide  a  simple  continuous  flow  of  seawater  results  in 
a  decreased  rate  of  oxygen  production.  This  trend  is  reversed  as 
wave  action  is  restored  and  production  increases  until  the 
original  rate  is  attained.  This  oxygen  production  pattern,  with 
an  absence  of  an  overshoot,  suggests  that  wave  surge  is  not 
acting  simply  to  dislodge  gas  accumulating  around  algal 
filaments,  but  is  instead  promoting  photosynthesis  to  the  maximum 
rate  possible  given  the  physiological  constraints  imposed  by  the 
micro-environment  of  this  scrubber. 


Nutrients  and  Plant  Production  in  the  Ocean 

Adey  (1987a)  recently  reviewed  the  basis  of  our 
understanding  of  marine  primary  production  and  the  role  of 
nutrients,  waves ,  currents  and  light  in  determining  the  level  of 
that  production  by  algal  turfs.  In  this  section,  for  continuity, 
that  discussion  is  briefly  summerized. 

In  an  examination  of  the  "Potential  Productivity  of  the 
Sea",  Ryther  (1959)  concluded  that  a  net  "production  of  organic 

—  9—1 

matter  of  some  10-20  g  (dry)  m  d  may  be  expected"  m  the 
oceans.  He  suggested  that  a  maximum  of  about  25  g  (dry)  xn  d 
could  be  attained  under  ideal  conditions,  without  nutrient 
limitation  and  with  maximum  irradiance.  Later  work  by  Ryther  and 
others  (e.g.,  Goldman  et  al. .  1975)  established  that  actual 
productivity  approaching  50%  or  more  of  these  proposed  maximal 
rates  can  be  achieved  in  large-scale  culture  when  the  critical 
parameters,  especially  nutrient  availability  and  mixing,  are 

Traditionally,  it  has  been  accepted  that  net  phytoplankton 
production  in  the  sea  ranges  from  about  0. 3-2.0  g  (dry)  m  d 

(0.15-1.0  g  C  m~2  d-1),  with  the  lowest  values  applying  to 
tropical  open  seas.  More  recent  physical  and  chemical 
oceanographic  investigations  have  suggested  that  14C-based 
studies  of  ocean  primary  production  are  in  error  and 
underestimate  production  by  5-10  times.  Epply  (1982)  set  a 


maximal  level  for  net  plankton  production  in  tropical  and 
subtropical  oligotrophic  seas  at  about  1-2  g  (dry)  m-2  d-1  (0.5-1 
g  C  m“2  d"1) . 

Ryther  (1959),  accepting  severe  nutrient  limitation  of 
phytoplankton  production,  questioned  such  limitation  in  benthic 
communities:  "The  fact  that  they  (nutrients)  are  continually 
being  replenished  as  the  water  moves  over  the  plants  probably 
prevents  their  ever  being  limiting."  While  later  studies  have 
shown  a  large  production  potential  for  benthic  algae  (e.g. ,  La 
Pointe  and  Tenore,  1981) ,  unrestricted  nutrient  availability  has 
been  regarded  as  crucial. 

A  recent  review  of  coral  reef  primary  productivity  by  Lewis 
(1977)  revealed  a  wide  range  of  gross  primary  production  (GPP) 
rates,  covering  nearly  an  order  of  magnitude  (3.4-20.0  g 
C  m~2  d-^ )  .  Kinsey  (1979)  took  7  g  C  m-2  d-^  as  the  modal  rate 
of  organic  carbon  production  for  reef  systems  in  general.  Adey 
and  Steneck  (1985)  demonstrated  that  under  ideal  conditions 
(determined  by  the  state  of  geological  development,  wave  and 
current  action  and  intense  continuous  irradiance) ,  considerably 
higher  rates  of  GPP  (20-30  g  C  m“2  d-1)  are  routinely  possible. 
Data  that  corresponds  closely  to  published  values  has  been 
obtained  in  recent  studies  of  large  reef  communities  (Atkinson 
and  Grigg,  1984)  when  various  modeling  techniques  are  combined 
with  primary  productivity  rates  based  upon  standard  oxygen 
production  data  and  known  rates  of  predation. 


With  regard  to  potential  nutrient  limitations  on  primary- 
production  in  coral  reefs,  some  studies  have  shown  that  reefs 
actually  can  export  nitrogen  (Wiebe  et  al. ,  1975) .  Other 
researchers  have  been  able  to  demonstrate  that  certain  benthic 
communities  rich  in  heterocystic  blue-green  algae  are  able  to  fix 
nitrogen  (Wilkinson  and  Sammarco,  1983) .  While  older  studies 
suggested  a  "tight  recycling"  or  retention  of  phosphorus,  more 
recent  studies  carried  out  across  very  broad  reef  flats  have 
indicated  phosphorus  uptake  and  depletion  from  the  overflowing 
ocean  water  (Atkinson,  1981) . 

In  spite  of  these  well-known  facts,  it  often  has  been 
accepted  in  recent  years  that  reef  communities  are  strongly 
nutrient  limited,  which  has  lead  to  numerous  studies  for 
identifying  potential  sources  of  nutrient  input  (e.g.,  D'Elia  et 
ad.,  1981;  Andrews  and  Gentien,  1982;  Meyer  et  ad.,  1983;  Andrews 
and  Muller,  1983). 

Growth  of  Algal  Turfs  on  Artificial  Substrata  in  Tropical  Seas 

For  several  years,  the  Marine  Systems  Laboratory  has  grown 
algal  turfs  on  artificial  substrata  in  a  wide  variety  of  marine 
environments,  most  frequently  employing  plastic  screens  in  a 
range  of  sizes,  shapes,  colors,  pore  sizes  and  densities.  This 
work  has  been  concentrated  in  the  waters  of  the  Caribbean  and 
southwestern  tropical  Atlantic,  where  nutrient  concentrations  of 
nitrate/nitrite  rarely  exceed  0.5  ug-at/1  and  often  are  below  0.1 


ug-at/1 .  Algal  harvests  obtained  from  these  screens  generally 
indicate  the  extraordinary  levels  of  productivity  previously 
implied  by  whole-system  coral  reef  community  metabolism  studies. 
More  typically,  harvests  reach  roughly  50%  of  gross  primary 
production  by  the  reef.  When  in- situ  losses  due  to  community 
respiration,  thalli  fragmentation,  and  micro-grazing  are 
considered,  these  values  are  quite  reasonable  and  confirm 
previous  estimates  of  high  reef  production.  More  importantly,  in 
the  context  of  the  present  volume,  these  harvests  are  attained 
repeatedly  in  situations  where  significant  recycling  is  either 
impossible  or  highly  unlikely. 

Given  intense  solar  energy  input  to  an  environment  with 
considerable  wave-induced  turbulence,  it  seems  clear  that  high 
rates  of  metabolic  exchange  and  production  are  possible.  Since 
algal  turfs  have  the  ability  for  efficient  extraction  at  low 
concentrations  of  the  required  nutrients,  it  is  conceivable  that 
only  a  depletion  of  nutrients  from  the  overlying  water  column 
could  lead  to  limited  production.  With  generally  constant, 
strong  seawater  flow  in  trade  wind  seas  generated  by  both 
equatorial  currents  and  local  wave  action,  nutrient  depletion  is 
rarely  a  serious  factor  in  production  limitation. 

Algal  Turf  Research 

In  this  paper  several  years  of  research  both  in  the 
laboratory  and  the  field  are  summarized,  particularly  with  regard 


to  turf  community  structure,  succession  and  productivity  as 
controlled  by  a  wide  variety  of  environmental  factors  and  by  the 
characteristics  of  the  artificial  substrata  used. 



These  studies  were  conducted  on  a  side  loop  of  a  12  kl  coral 
reef  microcosm  (Adey,  1983;  1987a).  A  series  of  attached  sea- 
tables  were  constructed  of  polyester-coated  plywood  to  provide 
shallow  wave  surge  tanks  for  the  cultivation  of  the  experimental 
algal  turf  assemblage.  One  end  of  these  algal  turf  scrubbers 
supports  a  trough-like  wave  bucket  (approximately  three  liters 
volume)  designed  to  fill  with  a  continuous  inflow  of  water  pumped 
from  the  microcosm.  The  wave  buckets  tip  into  the  sea-tables  on 
off-centered  axes,  and  create  a  periodic  surge  of  seawater  which 
crosses  the  table  to  drains  that  direct  the  return  of  the  outflow 
back  to  the  microcosm.  These  drains  are  fitted  with  standpipes 
so  that  a  2  cm  column  of  seawater  is  maintained  in  the  bottom  of 

each  scrubber  during  periods  between  wave  generations.  Two 

.  .  .  .  ? 
squares  of  plastic-coated  fiberglass  window  screening  (0.5  m,  1 

mm  mesh)  are  mounted  in  plexiglass  frames  across  the  bottom  of 

each  scrubber,  which  divides  the  bottom  surface  area  into  an 

upstream  screen,  nearest  the  wave  bucket,  and  a  downstream  screen 

of  equal  area.  Each  screen  is  positioned  beneath  a  400  watt 


multivapor,  high  intensity  metal  halide  lamp  providing  ca.  1000 

.  ?  «... 
uEin/m  /sec  to  the  screen  surface.  With  the  intense  irradiance 

and  continuous  circulation  of  coral  reef  microcosm  water  through 

the  scrubbers,  algal  spores,  zygotes  and  vegetative  fragments 

settle  quickly  and  grow  on  the  screens.  The  passage  of  each 

generated  wave  oscillates  sharply  the  algal  filaments,  though 

wave  intensity  diminishes  markedly  towards  the  far  end  of  the 

scrubber,  providing  a  weaker  surge  for  the  turf  on  the  downstream 

screen.  The  design  of  the  scrubbers  was  described  in  general  by 

Adey  (1982) . 

Standard  Conditions  of  Turf  Growth ♦  During  the  period  of 
study,  the  salinity  of  the  microcosm  water  ranged  from  35.0-36.0 
parts  per  thousand,  temperature  from  25-28°C,  pH  from  8. 2-8. 3, 
and  dissolved  oxygen  from  5. 5-8. 3  mg/1.  The  concentrations  of 
nitrate/nitrite  averaged  1.0-1. 5  ug-at/1,  somewhat  higher  than 
the  0. 1-1.0  ug-at/1  common  to  many  Caribbean  reefs  (Adey  and 
Steneck,  1985;  Adey  and  Goertemiller ,  1987).  Typically,  nitrogen 

concentrations  increase  sharply  within  the  system  following  the 
introduction  of  blocks  of  reef  carbonate  containing  organisms  or 
fish  from  field  collections  and  lower  gradually  with  continued 
removal  of  biomass  from  the  scrubbers  (see  below) .  High  nutrient 
concentrations  for  experimental  work  were  induced  by  including  a 
number  of  large  Mithrax  spinosissimus  in  a  800  1  tank 
interconnected  with  the  reef  microcosm. 

The  primary  production  of  turf  algae  growing  on  upstream  and 


downstream  screens  was  monitored  over  a  period  of  several  months 
to  assess  the  influence  of  different  factors  in  the  scrubber 
environment.  During  this  period  of  study,  a  set  of  scrubber 
parameters  was  selected  as  standard  for  purposes  of  comparison 
and  included  a  12  day  harvest  period,  a  light  intensity  of  1000 
uEin/m  /sec,  a  2  cm  depth  of  water  overlying  the  screens,  a 
screen  pore  size  of  1  mm,  and  a  flow  of  13.5  1/min  to  the  wave 
buckets.  The  standard  photoperiod  provided  to  both  the  reef 
tanks  and  the  algal  scrubbers  was  14  h  light/10  h  dark.  The  light 
period  for  the  scrubbers  commenced  as  the  various  lamps  over  the 
reef  exhibit  began  to  switch  off,  providing  essentially  inverse 
photoperiods.  The  length  of  the  light  period  is  typical  of  a 
trade  wind/tropical  summer  day.  While  the  scrubber  light 
intensities  of  1000  uEin/m  /sec  were  somewhat  below  those 
encountered  typically  on  a  Caribbean  coral  reef  flat  at 
approximately  1  m  depth,  the  total  incoming  energy  on  a  daily 
basis  is  about  the  same. 

Measurement  of  Primary  Production .  Primary  production  of 
the  algal  turf  community  was  determined  during  this  study  as  the 
weight  of  biomass  harvested  every  12  days.  During  harvests  of 
the  turf  assemblage,  the  screens  were  placed  in  a  shallow 
plexiglass  collecting  tray  and  scraped  with  a  beveled  plexiglass 
blade.  Scraping  of  the  screens  in  this  manner  removed  the  major 
portion  of  the  upright  filaments  while  the  basal  holdfasts  or 


rhizoids  remained  attached  to  the  inner  surfaces  of  the  mesh 
pores  ( Brawley  and  Adey,  1981) .  In  addition  to  the  material 
collected  by  scraping  the  screens,  any  biomass  growing  on  the 
sides  and  bottom  surface  areas  of  each  scrubber  also  was  removed 
at  time  of  harvest  for  purposes  of  microcosm  management. 

However,  only  that  portion  removed  from  the  circular  area  of 
screen  directly  beneath  the  halide  lamp  reflectors  was  employed 
in  production  calculations.  After  harvest,  the  collected  biomass 
was  drained  briefly,  dried  to  constant  weight  (approximately  four 
days  at  35°C)  and  weighed  to  determine  production  as  g  dry 
wt  m“2  d-1. 

For  comparison,  the  biomass-specific  primary  productivity  of 
the  algal  turf  also  was  measured  as  the  rate  of  carbon  fixation 

in  a  series  of  short-term  incubations  (Hackney,  1984) .  Samples 

•  .  .  •  •  ? 
of  screening  with  attached  algal  turf  were  divided  into  4  cm 

squares  and  incubated  for  2  h  under  metal  halide  irradiance  (1000 

uEin/m4/sec)  m  filtered,  constantly  stirred  seawater  with  added 

14C-NaHCC>3  (5  x  10-3  uCi/ml)  .  Following  incubation,  the  turf 

squares  were  dried,  weighed  and  converted  to  g  dry  wt  biomass 

after  subtracting  the  standard  weight  of  a  square  of  cleaned 

screen.  Individual  turf  squares  were  oxidized  by  the  method  of 

Van  Slyck  et  al .  (1951)  to  14C02,  which  was  reduced  to  soluble 

ion  by  passage  through  a  1.0  N  solution  of  KOH.  Replicate 

aliquots  of  base  from  each  oxidation  were  counted  by  liquid 

scintillation,  with  average  counts  converted  to  rates  of  total 


carbon  fixed  during  incubation  (mg  C/h/g) . 

Turf  Composition .  Prior  to  each  of  the  screen  harvests  in 
this  study,  three  randomly  placed  samples  of  the  turf  assemblage 
were  removed  with  tweezers  and  preserved  in  5%  formalin.  Samples 
from  each  of  the  screens  were  combined  and  examined  periodically 
to  identify  the  various  species  of  algae  that  compose  the  turf 
assemblage . 

Long-term  Observations .  For  a  series  of  observations 
covering  a  period  of  eight  months,  parameters  were  established  in 
each  of  seven  separate  scrubbers  to  conform  to  the  above 
standards  with  the  exception  of  one  of  the  following 
substitutions  (i.e.,  the  test  conditions):  1)  a  variation  in  the 
depth  of  water  overlying  the  screens  ( 1  or  4  cm);  2)  a  shortened 
harvest  period  (7  or  10  days);  3)  an  increased  light  period  (16  h 
light:  8  h  dark);  4)  a  varied  screen  pore  size  (210,  710,  or  1400 
um)  and  5)  a  change  in  intensity  of  irradiance  (800  or  1200 
uEin/m2/sec) .  The  intensity  of  light  received  by  scrubber 
screens,  as  measured  by  an  integrating  photometer  (Li-Cor  Model 
LI-188B)  at  the  water  surface,  was  varied  by  raising  or  lowering 
the  position  of  the  metal  halide  lamps  above  the  scrubbers. 

Paired  Scrubber  Studies .  In  addition  to  the  long-term 
observations,  two  scrubbers  were  paired  for  a  series  of  tests 
lasting  5-11  weeks  to  compare  concurrent  12  day  harvests  under 
varying  flow  rates.  The  adjustment  of  flow  rates  to  the 


scrubbers  affected  directly  the  frequency  of  wave  generation, 
although  one  comparison  employed  a  shallower  wave  bucket 
(approximately  2  1  volume)  to  examine  the  impact  of  two  different 
frequencies  under  a  single  high  rate  of  flow. 

Blockage  of  Wave  Surge .  The  effect  of  totally  blocking  wave 
generation  was  tested  directly  in  one  scrubber  that  otherwise 
shared  the  standard  parameters  described  above.  For  a  period  of 
six  weeks,  seven  day  periods  of  harvest  were  monitored  with  a 
functional  wave  bucket  provided  for  one  week,  alternated  by  a 
week  during  which  the  bucket  was  blocked  from  rotation  to  create 
a  continuous  flow  of  water  that  spilled  across  its  leading  edge. 
This  design  tested  the  effect  of  providing  an  identical  flow  rate 
in  both  the  presence  and  absence  of  wave  generation  and 
controlled  for  any  unaccounted  environmental  parameters  that 
might  affect  biomass  production  within  these  scrubbers. 

Monitoring  of  Nutrient  Concentrations .  Effects  of  changing 
nitrate/nitrite  concentrations  on  production  were  observed  by 
monitoring  a  series  of  harvests  from  one  scrubber  after 
collections  of  invertebrates  were  introduced  to  the  reef 
microcosm.  As  part  of  this  examination,  the  productions  of  both 
scrubber  screens,  subjected  to  standard  parameters,  were  recorded 
over  a  26-week  period  as  N- (N02  +  N03 )  concentrations  fell  from 
nearly  20  uM  to  less  than  2  uM. 



Mayaquana .  The  studies  undertaken  at  Mayaguana  were 
published  by  Adey  and  Goertemiller  (1987) .  To  provide  continuity 
to  this  volume,  that  work  is  summarized  here. 

The  waters  off  Mayaguana  Island  (22°  20'  N;  773°  W) ,  in  the 
southeastern  Bahamas  (Figures  3,  4)  were  chosen  as  a  site  because 
they  provided  a  well-developed  coral  reef  that  faces  open,  deep 
and  incoming  North  Equatorial  Current  water.  In  addition,  this 
site  was  logistically  feasible,  with  minimum  expense  and  was  not 
subjected  to  winter  extratropical  swell.  During  most  of  the 
year,  Mayaguana  lies  within  the  outer  trade  wind  belt  (Adey 
1978) .  Abraham  Bay  reef  on  the  south  side  of  the  island  provides 
low  nutrient  concentration  lagoonal  waters  and  open  ocean  waters 
within  close  proximity. 

During  the  course  of  the  project,  no  significant  differences 
in  nutrient  concentration  between  lagoon  and  open  ocean  waters 
could  be  discerned.  The  maximum  concentration  of  nitrate/nitrite 
was  0.13  ug-at/1,  and  on  some  occasions  was  below  detection 
limits . 

.  9 

The  surfaces  supporting  algal  turf  growth  were  1  m  plastic 
screen  material  of  either  single  or  double  layers.  The  bottom  of 
the  double  screen  was  made  of  black  polypropylene  screen  (1.6  x 
4.8  mm  mesh),  while  the  upper  layer  was  polyester  (1  mm  mesh). 
Both  layers  of  the  double  screen  were  sewn  together  with  fine 
plastic  filament  to  increase  strength.  The  single  screens  were 


standard  polypropylene  (1.6  x  4.8  mm). 

The  turf  screens  were  attached  to  individual  rafts  made  of 
7.6  cm  diameter  PVC  plumbing  pipe  and  were  suspended  at  15,  30 
and  40  cm  depth.  The  pipes  at  the  top  of  the  frames  were  sealed 
shut  to  allow  flotation.  Water  entered  through  holes  drilled  in 
the  legs  and  bottom  sections  of  the  frame  to  serve  as  ballast  and 
prevent  capsizing  (Figure  5) .  A  set  of  three  double-screen 
rafts,  one  for  each  depth  (15,  30  and  45  cm),  was  placed  at  both 
the  lagoon  and  open  ocean  sites.  A  similar  arrangement  was 
developed  for  single  screen  rafts,  with  two  replicates  of  the 
single  screen  set  for  both  the  lagoon  and  the  open  ocean  sites. 

Another  two  sets  of  single  fiberglass  and  polypropylene 
screens  (0.5  m  x  0.5  m)  were  suspended  directly  on  anchored  line 
rather  than  on  rafts.  These  open  ocean  screens  were  suspended 
between  the  reef  and  the  oceanic  drop-off  in  a  water  depth  of 
about  17  m  (Figure  6) .  Placing  of  these  screens  allowed 
examination  of  variation  in  algal  turf  production  with  depth  in 
an  area  with  a  much  deeper  bottom. 

After  three  weeks  of  initial  algal  turf  growth,  all  screens 
were  scraped  and  harvested.  A  regular  scraping  interval  of  seven 
days  began  at  the  end  of  these  three  weeks.  All  scrapings  were 
done  as  described  above.  The  top  and  bottom  of  each  screen  was 
harvested  and  the  results  pooled.  The  algae  were  oven  dried 
until  weight  variation  over  a  12  h  period  was  less  than  0.5  g 


(total) .  A  variation  in  screen  design  was  provided  by  attaching 
the  screen  directly  to  a  polyester-resined  plywood  sheet.  It  was 
not  successful,  but  is  mentioned  here  and  briefly  discussed  below 
because  it  has  interesting  implications. 

Grand  Turk.  The  algal  turf  studies  undertaken  at  Grand  Turk 
have  been  separately  prepared  in  manuscript  form  and  are  now  in 
review  for  publication  (Peyton  et  al. ,  1987).  To  provide 
continuity  in  this  volume,  this  paper  also  is  summarized  briefly. 
At  Grand  Turk,  additional  testing  with  regard  to  the  effects  on 
algal  turf  production  of  a  variety  of  additional  factors  (e.g. , 
screen  type,  irradience  level  and  harvest  rate)  was  undertaken. 

From  January  to  September,  1984,  an  algal  turf  production 
study  was  conducted  from  the  R/V  Marsvs  Resolute  in  the  reef 
lagoons  adjacent  to  Grand  Turk  Island  (Figures  3,  7).  The 
island,  which  is  well  within  the  trade  wind  belt  (Adey  1978),  is 
3.2  km  wide  by  13  km  long  and  is  oriented  north  to  south.  The 
lagoon  used  for  these  studies  lies  on  the  eastern  or  windward 
side  of  the  island,  and  is  approximately  10  km  long  (north  to 
south)  by  2  km  wide.  The  east  lagoon  faces  directly  into  the 
North  Equatorial  Current  and  is  protected  partially  from  the 
trade  wind  sea  by  a  patch  or  boiler-type  complex  of  coral  reefs 
and  algal  ridges.  The  impinging  waters  can  be  characterized  as 
essentially  tropical  open  ocean.  Silver  Bank  and  Mouchoir  Bank 
lie  to  the  east,  which  is  south  of  the  general  equatorial  flow  to 


Grand  Turk.  The  lagoon  is  1-4  m  deep,  with  scattered  small  patch 
reefs,  while  the  remaining  bottom  is  covered  by  calcareous  sand 
(approximately  50%  of  total  area)  and  seagrass  (approximately 
45%,  primarily  Thalassia) .  The  floating  rafts  used  to  support 
the  algal  screens  were  essentially  the  same  as  those  described 
above.  The  controls  consisted  of  white  polyester  monofilament 
screens  (1000  um  pore  size)  hung  at  30  cm  depth. 

Three  study  sites  were  established  in  lagoonal  waters  off 
the  east  and  southeast  sides  of  the  island.  A  study  of  the 
effect  of  screen  types  was  conducted  at  site  1  (Figure  7)  in  4 . 0 
m  water  depth,  over  the  partially  sandy  bottom  of  a  patch  reef 
grazing  halo.  Four  of  the  seven  screen  types  tested  were  white 
polyester  monofilament  (500,  710  and  1000  um  (control)  pore 
size)  .  Other  substrata  tested  included  nylon  weave  (200  um  pore 
size) ,  blue  multiweave  (2mm  thick)  and  a  black  polypropylene 
molded  screen  ( 2  X  3  mm  pore  size). 

The  harvest  rate  study  and  turf  community  study  were 
conducted  at  site  2,  at  4  m  water  depth.  The  bottom  consisted  of 
sandy  sediment  sparsely  covered  with  siphonaceous  green  algae. 
Screens  were  harvested  at  4 ,  7,  12  and  20  day  intervals. 

The  development  of  the  turf  community  upon  two  screens  (1000 
um  pore  size)  was  studied  under  controlled  conditions.  One 
screen  was  harvested  every  12  days,  while  the  other  was  never 
harvested.  With  the  exception  of  black  polypropylene  screens  of 
2  X  3  mm  mesh,  all  screens  in  this  study  were  sampled  at  each 


harvest  for  the  first  97  days  to  observe  possible  variation  in 
community  development  among  screens. 

Site  3  was  located  between  an  algal  ridge  and  a  Thalassia 
bed  in  2.3  m  water  depth,  over  a  white  calcareous  sandy  bottom. 
The  effects  of  irradiance  (see  light  measurement)  on  biomass 
production  as  a  function  of  water  depth  was  investigated  at  this 
location.  Six  screens  of  blue  and  white  multiweave  (2  mm  thick) 
screens  were  hung  at  the  surface  (0-3  cm)  and  at  10,  20,  30,  40 
and  100  cm  water  depth,  and  harvested  every  seven  days.  In 
addition,  single,  double  and  triple-layered  black  polypropylene 
screens  ( 1  X  3  mm  mesh)  were  suspended  at  30  cm  water  depth  and 
harvested  every  seven  days.  Multilayered  screens  were  sewn 
together  with  monofilament  fishing  line. 

At  Grand  Turk  Island,  algal  turf  was  harvested  as  described 
above.  Due  to  differences  in  irradiance  received  by  the  top  and 
underside  of  the  screen,  the  turf  scrapings  were  processed 
separately.  Harvested  biomass  was  oven  dried  at  80°C  for  three 
days  and  transfered  to  a  100°  C  drying  oven  for  24  hours  or  until 
the  variance  in  weight  between  hourly  weighings  was  less  than 
0.1  g . 

Prior  to  harvesting,  four  1.0  cm  samples  were  collected 
randomly  from  the  screens.  Samples  were  collected  from  each  side 
of  the  screen  and  preserved  in  3%  buffered  formalin  to  determine 
the  turf  algal  species  composition  and  relative  abundances  of 


algal  genera  for  each  screen  substratum.  Both  the  direct  count 
method  and  point  counts  were  used  in  these  calculations. 

Photosynthetically  active  radiation  (PAR)  was  measured  on 
cloudless  days  using  a  LI-COR  Model  511  photometer  with  a  flat- 
topped  cosine  corrected  sensor  (Licor,  Inc.),  which  averaged  PAR 
over  a  10  sec  period.  Irradiance  values  of  incident  light  and  of 
light  reflected  from  the  bottom  were  recorded  every  10  cm  through 
the  water  column  at  each  study  site.  Incident  and  reflected  PAR 
at  30  cm  below  the  surface  were  noted  every  hour  from  sunrise  to 
sunset  on  four  occasions.  Incident  and  reflected  light  also  were 
measured  through  a  screen  supporting  seven  days  of  algal  turf 
growth  and  again  immediately  after  harvesting. 

Irradiance  was  measured  in  specific  wave  bands  at  site  3 
using  an  IL  1500  series  photometer  with  a  SEA015  detector 
(International  Light,  Inc.). 

Concentrations  of  nitrate/nitrite  and  orthophosphate  were 
determined  by  standard  methods  using  a  Beckman  DU-2 
spectrophotometer.  Salinity,  temperature,  and  pH  of  ambient 
water  were  recorded  also.  All  samples  were  collected  at  30  cm 
water  depth  at  each  study  site. 

Antigua .  From  February  to  July,  1985,  experimental  studies 
of  algal  turf  growth  were  conducted  in  the  easternmost  part  of 
Nonsuch  Bay,  Antigua  (17°  5 ' N ;  61°  4 1 ' W ;  Figures  8,  9).  The 
basic  methods  and  equipment  used  were  the  same  as  those  employed 


at  Grand  Turk. 

In  addition  to  seeking  corroboration  of  previous  results  at 
an  entirely  different,  high  island  site,  the  work  at  Antigua 
further  extended  the  study  of  the  effect  of  different  screen 
characteristics,  specifically  screen  color  (i.e.,  black  or 
white) ,  on  algal  turf  production.  Depth  and  protection  factors 
also  were  examined  further,  along  with  the  effect  of  screen 
orientation  (i.e.,  horizontal  vs.  vertical).  In  this  section, 
turfs  were  harvested  every  seven  days  to  maximize  the  number  of 
test  events. 

Nonsuch  Bay  is  a  relatively  narrow,  steep-sided,  east-west 
oriented  bay  cut  into  shelf  limestones  raised  during  the  late 
Tertiary  (Figure  9) .  It  is  protected  to  the  east  by  a  bank 
barrier  reef,  which  blocks  much  of  the  constant  easterly  trade 
wind  swell  at  this  latitude.  There  are  two  main  passes  into  the 
Bay  from  the  east,  one  running  diagonally  north/south  through  the 
reef  and  the  other  running  over  a  submerged  reef  south  of  Green 
Island  and  entering  west  of  Green  Island.  There  are  no 
significant  exits  to  the  south-west  or  north.  As  a  result  of 
this  configuration,  water  flow  forced  by  trade  winds  over  the 
reefs  into  Nonsuch  Bay  can  exit  only  back  into  the  general 
equatorial  current.  Antigua  is  a  moderately  elevated  island  and 
has  greater  rainfall  and  run-off  than  Mayaguana  and  Grand  Turk. 
Thus,  the  inner  end  of  Nonsuch  Bay  is  somewhat  stagnant  and 
highly  turbid  with  suspended  sediment.  The  outer  end  of  the  bay, 


where  the  experimental  work  was  conducted,  is  significantly 
clearer,  though  even  at  this  site  turbidity  is  greater  under 
certain  conditions  than  at  previous  algal  turf  research  sites. 

Screen  sets  were  placed  1)  at  Rat  Island;  2)  in  the  lee  of 
Bird  Island;  3)  at  Devils  Bridge  and  4)  to  the  north  of  Green 
Island.  One  set  of  single  thickness  black  polypropylene  screens 
(2X3  mm  mesh)  were  placed  at  each  of  the  sites  to  examine  the 
effects  of  location  ( i . e . ,  availability  of  protection,  amount  of 
suspended  sediment)  on  production.  A  double  set  of  screens  was 
placed  at  Devils  Bridge.  All  other  testing  was  carried  out  at 
the  Green  Island  site  in  3  m  of  water,  over  a  light  sand  bottom. 

The  Rat  Island  site  had  intermediate  protection,  providing 
relatively  turbid  water  and  turbulence  from  waves  generated 
within  the  bay  itself.  The  site  lay  at  6  m  watere  depth  over  a 
silty  sand  bottom.  The  Bird  Island  site,  at  3  m  water  depth,  was 
slightly  less  turbid  than  Rat  Island.  The  lee  side  of  Bird 
Island  had  a  small  patch  of  mangroves  that  indicated  considerable 
protection  from  intense  wave  action.  However,  this  site  was 
subject  to  moderate  currents  that  changed  with  tide  and  wind 
direction.  Screens  at  the  Devils  Bridge  site  were  placed  at  3  m 
water  depth  in  clear  water  overlying  patch  reefs  and  a  coral 
rubble  bottom.  Turbulence  at  this  site  generally  was  intense  due 
to  waves  coming  at  a  variety  of  angles  around  the  patches  and 
reflecting  off  limestone  cliffs  to  the  northwest. 


The  Green  Island  site  was  the  standard  work  area  for  the 

studies  in  Antigua.  This  site  received  moderate  wave-driven 
surge  and  flow  over  the  reef  at  most  times,  thus  sharing 
characteristics  with  the  Grand  Turk  and  Mayaguana  sites. 

However,  due  to  the  protection  provided  by  Green  Island,  the  site 
on  occasion  could  be  relatively  calm. 

Since  previous  tests  on  the  effects  of  screen  color  ( i . e . , 
potential  reflection  or  absorption  of  light  and/or  heat)  were 
inconclusive,  additional  testing  was  conducted  at  the  Green 
Island  site.  Sets  of  single  layer  black  polypropylene  (2  X  3  mm 
mesh)  and  white  polyester  monofilament  (2  mm  mesh)  were  paired 
and  placed  at  the  surface,  and  at  0.1,  0.2,  0.4,  1.0  and  2.0  m 
water  depth  and  monitored  for  a  period  of  14  weeks. 

At  the  Green  Island  site,  additional  testing  of  multilayered 
black  polypropylene  screens  (2  X  3  mm  mesh)  was  conducted  using 
double,  triple  and  quadrupal  layers  for  a  period  of  nine  weeks. 
Single  layers  of  these  same  screens  also  were  placed  horizontally 
at  30  cm  and  observed  for  nine  weeks.  These  were  placed  on 
standard  float  lines,  similar  to  those  used  for  feeding  crabs 
(see  below) . 

Carriacou ,  Grenada .  From  March  thru  June,  1986,  algal  turf 
production  studies  on  standard  plastic  screen  substrata  were 
carried  out  in  Grand  Bay,  Carriacou  (12  °,  28'  N;  61°,  26'  W; 
Figures  8,  10).  As  a  relatively  high  energy  study  site,  interest 


in  algal  turf  studies  here  was  directed  towards  comparing 
findings  with  data  from  Mayaguana,  Grand  Turk  and  Antigua. 

Carriacou  lies  on  the  large  and  moderately  deep  Grenadines 
Shelf.  It  is  subject  to  trade  winds  of  high  constancy  and 
relatively  high  velocity  (Adey,  1978) .  The  shelf  is 
characterized  also  by  strong  tidal  flows.  Grand  Bay  is  oriented 
north  to  south  and  the  east  and  south  sides  are  protected  by  a 
nearly  continuous  bank  barrier  reef,  the  crest  of  which  lies  near 
or  slightly  below  mean  low  water.  Continuous  waves  of 
approximately  0.2-0. 6  m  height  occur  on  the  reef  apron  that  lies 
adjacent  to  the  outer  lagoon.  The  primary  reef  lagoon  pass  is 
located  near  the  island  in  the  southwest  corner  of  Grand  Bay. 
Though  a  well-developed  lagoon,  the  reef  apron  site  at  Grand  Bay 
is  nevertheless  one  of  the  most  turbulent  lagoon  sites  in  the 
eastern  Caribbean. 

Work  at  Grand  Bay  was  carried  out  at  five  sites.  Two  of 
these  lay  in  the  more  turbulent  eastern  part  of  the  bay.  Site  1 
was  situated  on  the  reef  apron  itself,  while  site  2,  located 
immediately  off  the  apron,  was  adjacent  to  a  patch  reef.  Both 
sites  were  in  very  clear  water  over  coarse  sands,  with  a  water 
depth  of  about  5m. 

The  remaining  sites  lay  in  the  western  half  of  the  bay  on 
the  island  sediment  apron.  Site  3  lay  near  the  eastern  margin  of 
the  apron  in  fairly  clear  and  moderately  turbulent  water, 
overlying  fine  sand  at  a  water  depth  of  about  8m.  Sites  4  and  5 


lay  nearer  inshore  on  the  island  sediment  apron,  at  water  depths 
of  5  and  4  m,  respectively.  At  these  sites,  the  water  was  quite 
turbid.  While  waves  were  slightly  higher  on  average  at  the  inner 
sites,  total  water  flow  from  waves  and  tide-driven  currents  was 
less . 

Standard  harvest  procedures  were  employed  at  Carriacou,  as 
described  above.  All  screens  used  at  this  site  were  black 
polypropylene  (2  X  3  mm  mesh).  Standard  screens  (0.92  m2 )  were 
placed  horizontally  at  30  cm  water  depth  and  vertically,  with  the 
top  at  10  cm  below  the  surface.  In  addition,  smaller  screens 
(0.57  m  )  were  placed  horizontally  and  vertical  arrays  of  eight 
screens  were  fitted  in  a  cage  size  frame. 

Buen  Hombre ,  Dominican  Republic .  Extensive  algal  turf 
productivity  studies  were  not  carried  out  at  Buen  Hombre  (19  °, 
40*  N;  71°,  20*  W ;  Figure  11).  However,  since  extensive  crab 
mariculture  studies  were  carried  out  at  the  Buen  Hombre  site,  a 
limited  number  of  comparative  algal  turf  production  studies  were 
undertaken  there  from  May  thru  September,  1985.  These  studies 
were  conducted  using  the  standard  mariculture  float/feed  lines 
and  black  polypropylene  screens  (2  X  3  mm  mesh)  (see  below)  that 
were  placed  vertically.  The  harvest  and  drying  procedures  were 
standard.  All  screens  were  double-layered  and  0.56  m  (0.61  X 
0.92  m) .  Four  screens  were  anchored  by  a  single  attachment 
point,  four  were  anchored  by  two  attachment  points,  and  two 


screens  were  hung  one  over  the  other  (tandem) . 

Experimental  screens  grown  in  the  wild  at  one  locality  show 
wide  and  synchronous  variation  in  algal  turf  production  that  is  a 
function  primarily  of  wave  action,  current  and  available  light 
(cloudiness) .  Because  of  this  synchronous  variation, 
demonstrations  of  the  significance  of  other  variables  is  often 
difficult  to  demonstrate  with  available  statistical  techniques, 
even  when  a  plot  of  the  data  clearly  shows  a  visually  significant 
difference.  On  four  test  lines  of  10  screens  each  recently 
established  in  Grand  Turk  lagoon  (May-September ,  1987) ,  each  test 
line  was  successively  examined  for  the  sign  of  change  (+,-) 
relative  to  each  other  line  with  each  harvest.  The  results  were: 
34/11;  37/8;  35/10  and  37/8  (change  in  same  direction  as  line 
tested/ change  in  opposite  direction) .  This  procedure  clearly 
demonstrates  that  much  of  the  variation  against  which 
significance  is  tested  is  due  to  synchronous  and  not  random 
variations.  In  the  following  presentation  of  results  and 
discussion,  where  tests  of  significance  are  negative  but  close 
and  where  the  plotted  data  indicate  the  likelyhood  of  a 
difference,  the  results  are  simply  stated  along  with  the  nature 
of  the  test. 




Scrubber  Turf  Composition .  Thirty  (36)  species  of  algae 
were  identified  as  consistently  present  in  the  scrubber  turf 
(Table  2).  As  in  the  field  turf  assemblage,  the  scrubber  turf  is 
a  complex  of  species  from  each  of  the  major  benthic  algal  groups. 
At  any  one  time,  observations  indicated  that  30-50%  of  the 
biomass  of  this  turf  was  composed  of  blue-green  algae,  most 
frequently  species  of  Calothrix .  Qscillatoria .  and  Schizothrix . 
The  eukaryotic  genera  most  dominant  in  the  community  were 
Ceramium .  Cladophora ,  Ectocarpus ,  Enteromorpha .  and  Polysiphonia . 
Smithsoniella  earleae .  a  persistent,  occasionally  common 
component  of  the  scrubber  turf  assemblage,  is  encountered  rarely 
in  the  field.  Vegetative  fragments  of  non-turf,  macroalgal 
species  were  found  frequently  to  have  settled  within  the  scrubber 
assemblage.  Without  periodic  harvests,  these  fragments  are 
capable  of  maintaining  active  growth  on  the  scrubber  screens. 

Long-term  Observations .  The  harvests  in  the  long-term 
observations  provided  production  values  ranging  from  0.3-21.6  g 
m~2  (-j-2  (mean  =  7.2,  ±4.0  S.D.,  n=277  harvests  from  seven 
scrubbers) .  The  lowest  productions  were  measured  in  the  first 
harvests  of  the  study,  following  introduction  of  screens  to  the 
scrubbers,  and  typically  increased  over  a  two-three  week  period 
as  the  turf  assemblage  became  fully  established  upon  the  screens. 
The  C/H/N  ratios  for  samples  of  scrubber  algal  turf  were 


determined  by  using  a  Perkin-Elmer  Model  no.  240  elemental 
analyzer.  Mean  compositions  of  25.9%  carbon  (±3.0,  range  =  17.0- 
31.2,  n  =  61  replicates  from  27  turf  samples)  and  2.7%  nitrogen 
(±0.5,  range  =  1.4-3. 4,  n  -  61)  were  calculated.  When  combined 
with  harvest  data  from  this  study,  the  carbon  composition  value 

.  .  —9  —1 

would  indicate  that  0.8-5. 6  g  C  m  d  are  fixed  by  algae  m 
these  scrubbers.  In  comparison,  rates  of  carbon  fixation 
measured  during  14C  incubations  averaged  5.32  mg  C/h/g  dry  wt 
(±3.46,  range  =  1.35-23.45,  n  =  216  samples  from  12  incubations). 
When  these  data  are  calculated  alternately  in  units  of  areal 
production  by  employing  the  value  of  4  cur  for  each  sample  of 
turf-covered  screen,  a  range  of  0.15-0.64  g  dry  m  h  is 
obtained  (mean  =  0.28,  ±0.09). 

The  harvests  of  both  upstream  and  downstream  screens  from 
all  scrubbers  undergoing  long-term  observation  were  compared  to 
examine  the  impact  of  wave  surge  upon  turf  biomass  production. 
Mean  production  of  downstream  screens,  4.5  g  dry  m-2  d-1  (±1.88, 
n  =  98  harvests  from  5  scrubbers)  was  significantly  lower  (paired 
t-test,  P  <  0.01)  than  the  mean  upstream  screen  production,  8.5  g 
dry  m'2  d"1  (±3.8,  n=99) . 

Harvests  from  screens  of  varying  pore  size  demonstrated  that 
pore  size  may  be  decreased  (fiber  surface  area  may  be  increased) 
to  a  point  where  carbonate  accumulation  is  promoted,  which 
interferes  in  the  establishment  and  subsequent  growth  of  the  turf 


assemblage.  As  a  result,  screens  of  210  urn  pore  size  failed  to 
support  adequate  biomass  accumulation  and  were  subsequently 
discontinued.  While  it  has  been  observed  that  turf  growth  may 
decline  on  the  decreased  surface  area  provided  by  markedly  larger 
pore  sizes,  no  significant  differences  were  detected  between 
harvests  from  standard  screens  (1000  urn)  and  710  or  1400  urn 
screens . 

There  were  no  significant  differences  detected  between 
scrubber  treatments  when  water  depth,  harvest  schedule, 
photoperiod,  or  light  intensity  were  varied  within  the  scrubbers. 
However,  it  is  likely,  based  on  field  studies,  that  insufficient 
parameter  variation  was  applied. 

Paired  Scrubber  Studies .  The  summary  of  data  from  the 
series  of  concurrent  harvests  (Table  3)  shows  that  in  the  first 
test  the  two  scrubbers  provided  with  flow  rates  of  5.5  and  16.0 
1/min  produced  significantly  increased  biomass  on  both  upstream 
and  downstream  screens  under  the  higher  flow.  Furthermore,  under 
the  16.0  1/min  flow  rate,  average  productions  from  both  screens 
were  equal  statistically  (comparison  of  1  c  to  1  d,  paired  t- 
test,  p  <  0.05).  In  the  second  test,  average  upstream  harvests 
under  13.5  1/min  (2a)  were  equal  statistically  to  average 
harvests  from  both  screens  receiving  16.0  1/min  in  the  preceeding 
tests  ( lc  and  Id  each  compared  to  2a,  P  <  0.05).  However,  an 
increase  to  32.5  1/min  led  to  greater  harvests  on  downstream 
screens  only  (2d),  which  resulted  in  a  mean  production  value  that 


equaled  statistically  the  average  upstream  production  under 
either  flow  rate  (2d  compared  to  both  2a  and  2c,  P  <  0.05).  In 
the  third  test,  the  increase  from  13.5  to  32.5  1/min  resulted  in 
no  significant  increase  for  either  screen.  This  test  employed  a 
smaller  wave  bucket  at  the  higher  flow  rate,  creating  a  5  sec 
wave  period.  The  average  downstream  production  in  this  test, 
lower  than  observed  on  upstream  screens  at  both  flow  rates,  was 
lower  statistically  than  average  downstream  production  under  the 
same  flow  rate  in  the  preceeding  test  (comparison  of  3d  to  2d,  P 
<  0 . 05) . 

Blockage  of  Wave  Surge.  The  results  of  the  blocked  wave 
surge  tests  (Figure  12)  illustrate  that,  while  production  varied 
considerably  throughout  the  six  weeks  of  harvests,  the  blockage 
of  wave  surge  affected  significantly  lower  production  for  both 
the  upstream  and  downstream  screens  (paired  t-test,  P  <  0.01). 

The  production  of  downsteam  screens  was  consistently  lower  than 
that  of  upstream  screens  in  both  the  presence  and  absence  of  wave 
surge . 

Monitoring  of  Nutrient  Concentrations .  Nitrate/nitrite 
concentrations  measured  during  the  12  days  prior  to  each  harvest 
varied  by  over  an  order  of  magnitude,  from  0.8-20.2  ug-at/1 
(Figure  13).  Although  there  was  no  statistically  significant 
relationship  detected  between  the  nutrient  data  and  harvest, 
production  averaged  11.2  g  dry  m”2  d-1  (N  =  18)  at  N 


concentrations  <  2.0  ug-at/1,  7.2  g  dry  m~2  d_1  (N  =10)  at 
concentrations  of  2-7  ug-at/1,  and  5.0  g  dry  m“2  d”1  (N  =  2)  at 
concentrations  of  >  15  ug-at/1.  If  there  is  a  relationship,  it 
is  an  inverse  one. 


Mavaquana .  Plywood-based  screens  tended  to  accumulate  fine 
carbonate  sediment  and  produced  algal  turf  growth  very  slowly. 
These  screens  lacked  the  constant  animal  activity  of  a  hard  reef 
surface,  and  were  not  subjected  to  cycloidal  wave  currents. 
Consequently,  these  screens  resembled  broad  patches  of  protected 
reef  pavement  and  contained  more  turf-bound  sediment  than  the 
largely  sediment-f ree  open  carbonate  surfaces  that  characterize 
more  irregular  and/or  turbulent  reef  sites.  These  rafts  were 
eventually  discontinued  and  detailed  data  are  not  presented.  The 
experiments  are  mentioned  because  they  demonstrate  that  the 
nature  of  the  substratum  by  itself  may  limit  production 
significantly  even  when  potential  production  is  very  large. 
Subsequent  studies  have  shown  that  finer  screens  (less  than  0.5 
mm  mesh)  also  can  accumulate  significant  fine  carbonate  sediment 
in  some  lagoonal  sites,  particularly  on  upper  surfaces  (see 
below) ,  resulting  in  greatly  reduced  algal  production.  In  the 
Mayaguana  study,  microscope  observations  on  selected  sample 
scrapings  indicated  the  existence  of  only  a  very  small  proportion 
of  sediment. 


Data  from  the  remainder  of  the  screens  is  given  in  Table  4. 
The  screens  reached  maturity,  or  sub-climax  production,  after 
four  to  six  weeks  of  harvesting  (Figure  14) .  Both  the  single 
layered  black  polypropylene  (1.6  X  4.8  mm  mesh)  and  the  attached 
plastic-coated  fiberglass  window  screen  initially  appeared  to 
have  the  same  potential  for  supporting  algal  growth.  The  single 
screen,  however,  lacked  the  support  and  protection  of  double 
layers  and  tended  to  degenerate,  a  process  that  ultimately  lead 
to  the  tearing  and  loss  of  entire  pieces  of  screen  in  rough 

About  50%  of  the  turf  species  identified  on  the  reef  were 
also  found  on  mature  raft  screens  (Table  5) ,  although  a  long  term 
study  would  probably  lead  to  identification  of  further  species. 

A  number  of  diatom  species,  belonging  to  several  genera, 
constituted  the  first  algal  colonizers.  The  diatoms  appeared 
within  a  few  days  and  developed  to  form  a  heavy,  white-yellow 
fuzz  within  several  weeks.  After  five  to  seven  weeks,  and 
several  harvests,  a  mixture  of  blue-green  algae  and  diatoms 
dominated  the  screens.  After  seven  to  eight  weeks,  the  typical 
screen  turf  assemblage  consisted  of  roughly  equal  quantities  of 
blue-green  algae  and  red  algae,  with  only  epiphytic  diatoms  and 
very  few  filamentous  browns. 

It  is  obvious  that  screen  depth  is  critical  to  harvest 
production  (Figure  15) .  As  one  might  expect,  algal  turf 
production  generally  declines  with  depth.  However,  on  the  1  m 


screens,  production  also  clearly  declines  near  the  water  surface, 
displaying  a  consistent  production  peak  at  about  30  cm  water 
depth.  In  all  of  the  major  raft  localities  (both  lagoon  and 
ocean) ,  screens  were  placed  at  15,  30  and  45  cm.  At  all  non¬ 
lagoon  sites  for  which  harvests  at  all  three  depths  were 
conducted,  the  peak  of  mean  harvest  production  occurred  at  30  cm, 
with  marked  reductions  at  both  15  and  45  cm  (Figure  16) .  Also, 
out  of  34  harvests  conducted  at  all  three  depths,  19  showed  peak 
production  at  30  cm  while  15  showed  peak  production  at  45  cm.  In 
only  one  case  did  the  peak  occur  at  15  cm,  and  this  was  on  a 
single  screen  raft,  the  most  unstable  design  type.  A  two-way 
analysis  of  variance  on  a  randomized  block  design  revealed  a 
highly  significant  difference  between  production  at  15  and  30  cm 
(P  <  0.01).  The  difference  between  30  and  45  cm  is  significant 
at  a  probability  of  0.05.  However,  the  very  consistent  and 
smooth  drop  in  production  levels  on  screens  placed  in  deeper, 
open  ocean  water  indicates  a  pattern  of  production  that  peaks 
near  30  cm  and  declines  with  increased  depth.  Simple  comparisons 
of  standard  deviation  bars  tend  to  cover  up  the  wide  and  parallel 
production  variation  over  time. 

Even  though  there  were  significant  and  consistent 
differences  in  harvest  values  between  the  lagoon  and  open  ocean 
sites  for  all  shallow  depths  of  screen  placement,  the  patterns  of 
increase  or  decrease  over  time  are  quite  similar  in  both  areas. 


For  example,  in  27  out  of  33  instances,  harvests  of  the  deeper 
(45  cm)  and  shallower  (15  cm)  screens  followed  both  increases  and 
decreases  of  harvests  from  screens  placed  at  30  cm  water  depth. 

On  the  other  hand,  lagoon  and  open  ocean  harvests  seemed  to  be 
uncoupled.  After  the  screens  matured,  the  change  in  lagoon 
harvest  production  over  time  was  obvious  and  consistent  on  each 
raft.  Harvest  was  high  in  April,  low  in  May,  and  high  again  in 
June  (Figure  16) . 

Grand  Turk. 

Species  Composition .  Algal  taxa  from  the  Rhodophyta  (reds) , 
Cyanophyta  (blue-greens) ,  Chlorophyta  (greens) ,  and  Chrysophyta 
(golden  browns)  were  observed  in  the  screen  algal  turf 
assemblages  (Table  6) .  Spatial  distribution  and  attachment  of 
species  observed  in  the  intial  168  days  of  screen  turf 
development  can  be  divided  into  three  ecological  types:  1)  the 
mat  forming  species  which  occur  as  mucilagenous  colonies,  on 
stalks,  or  as  chains  or  filaments  of  cells  (primarily  Chrysophyta 
and  Cyanophyta);  2)  filamentous  plants  growing  through  the 
matted  layer  and  producing  a  canopy  of  erect  and  creeping  species 
with  holdfasts,  prostrate  branches,  and  rhizoidal  outgrowths 
entangled  around  the  screen  mesh  (almost  exclusively  Rhodophyta) 
and  3)  conspicuous  epiphytes,  growing  on  the  canopy  plants, 
primarily  Chrysophyta  and  a  few  Cyanophyta.  Two  distinctive 

communities  developed,  due  to  differences  in  incident  light 


between  the  top  and  underside  of  the  screen.  Although  each  side 
had  similar  species  composition,  percent  composition  of  those 
species  varied  (Figure  17,  18).  Benthic  diatoms  colonized  the 
screens  within  24  hours  after  they  were  placed  in  the  lagoon  and 
during  the  initial  two  months,  diatoms  continued  to  dominate  the 
pioneer  community.  After  one  week,  both  sides  had  developed  a 
layer  of  mucilage.  This  sticky  layer  consisted  primarily  of 
diatoms,  bacteria  and  their  secretions,  which  included  some 
detrital  matter.  Thus,  a  bio-adhesive  layer,  on  the  basal 
plastic  screen  substratum,  proceeded  spore  setttlement  of  most 
green,  brown  and  red  algae. 

All  major  diatom  species  were  present  after  10  days  on  the 
top  sides  of  the  screens.  Eighty  percent  of  the  turf  community 
was  the  genus  Syneda  sp.B.  Development  on  the  bottom  side  was 
slower  and  included  a  greater  number  of  diatom  species,  including 
those  of  Tabelaria  sp,  Licmophora  sp,  Svnedra  sp.A  and  a  single 
unidentified  species. 

A  notable  successional  pattern  occured  over  the  first  25 
days  on  the  top  side  of  the  harvested  screen  and  about  50  days  on 
the  bottom.  On  the  top,  the  growth  of  the  dominant  Svnedra  sp.B 
was  followed  by  that  of  Licmophora  and  finally  Tabellaria .  The 
same  pattern  occured  on  the  bottom,  except  that  during  the 
25-50  m  day  interval,  two  new  species  settled  and  successively 
developed  into  major  components.  Growth  of  Svnedra  sp.A  was 
followed  by  that  of  an  unidentified  diatom.  For  the  first  25 


days,  the  field  count  percentages  and  generic  composition  did  not 
significantly  differ  between  the  harvested  and  unharvested 
screens.  By  the  84th  day,  coccoid  and  filamentous  red  and  blue- 
green  algae  appeared  in  significant  numbers.  For  the  first  69 
days,  diatoms  dominated  the  top  side  of  the  screens,  representing 
55%  of  the  community  and  over  the  next  30  days  their  numbers 
decreased  to  40%  of  the  community.  Later  epiphytic  diatoms, 
representing  60%  of  the  community  and  largely  growing  on  the  red 
canopy,  dominated  the  remaining  78  days  of  the  study. 

On  the  underside  of  the  harvested  screens  the  diatom 
colonization  stage  ended  at  54  days,  representing  34%  of  the 
community.  At  this  point,  the  diatoms  were  succeeded  by  blue- 
greens,  primarily  Anacvstis .  For  the  next  50  days,  the  blue- 
greens  fully  dominated  the  underside.  Finally,  reds  with  a  thick 
cover  of  epiphytic  diatoms  became  primary  elements.  Mature 
screens  discussed  in  this  paper,  have  a  whitish/yellow  color  on 
the  upper  side  and  a  reddish  brown  color  on  the  bottom  side, 
which  indicate  the  relative  importance  of  the  diatoms  and  the 
red  algae. 

On  the  top  sides  of  the  unharvested  test  screen,  diatoms 
decreased  from  60%  at  49  days  to  41%  at  64  days.  Cyanophyta 
increased  in  point  count  percentages  from  7%  at  49  days  to  20%  at 
60  days.  There  was  no  significant  change  in  composition  of  red 
algae  between  49  days  (20%)  and  64  days  (19.6%).  Rhodophyta 


began  to  dominate  the  community,  increasing  from  23%  at  49  days, 
to  39%  at  59  days,  to  55%  five  days  later.  Macrophytes,  such  as 
Laurencia  sp.  and  Dasyopsis  antillarium,  dominated  the 
unharvested  community  for  the  remainder  of  the  study,  clearly 
demonstrating  that  the  relationships  between  harvested  and 
unharvested  screens  are  similar  to  those  of  wild  reefs. 

Unfortunately,  poor  substratum  material  (1000  urn,  single 
layered  screen)  was  chosen  to  model  potential  turf  community 
development.  Due  to  the  relative  thinness  (0.5  urn  thick)  of  the 
1000  um  screen,  algal  holdfasts  were  frequently  removed  on 
harvest,  which  resulted  in  a  poorly  developed  canopy  structure. 

In  the  screen  type  and  depth  array  studies,  the  multiweave  screen 
had  a  high  surface  area  to  screen  thickness  (2000  um)  ratio  which 
allowed  for  sufficient  unscraped  surface  area  for  holdfast 
development.  The  lOOOum  mesh  screens  maintained  high  diatom 
concentrations.  With  each  harvest  the  mat  layer  was  almost 
entirely  removed  from  the  substratum,  except  for  small  quantities 
which  were  forced  between  the  pores  of  the  mesh.  Thus,  the 
substratum  was  partly  re-exposed  and  diatom  colonization  began 
again . 

Substratum  Area  and  Type .  The  screen  mesh  size  studies 
conducted  at  site  1  indicated  a  relationship  between  substratum 
type,  algal  community,  and  biomass  production.  Of  the  seven 
single  layered  mesh  types  tested,  the  multiweave  screen  had  the 
highest  mean  production  rates  at  10.6  g  dry  m~2  d_1  (see  Table 


7) .  While  not  significantly  different  (using  ANOVA  at  5%  level) 
than  the  multiweave  screen,  screening  with  a  finer  mesh  (125, 

500,  710  um)  had  a  lower  mean  production  (7.8,  7.7,  7.8  g  dry  m“2 
d”l ,  respectively) .  The  course  black  screen  (2x3  mm)  produced  at 
levels  close  to  the  multiweave  screen  when  in  a  single  layer,  but 
produced  at  much  higher  levels  when  doubled  and  tripled. 

Site  1  at  Grand  Turk  was  protected  from  the  prevailing  trade 
winds.  However,  a  shift  in  wind  direction  to  the  southeast  would 
result  in  carbonate  silt  and  detrital  matter  settling  on  the  top 
sides  of  the  screens.  This  silt  coating  hindered  algal  turf 
development  and  growth,  especially  on  the  finer  mesh  screens,  and 
lowered  production  rates.  The  screens  with  greater  porosity,  had 
less  of  a  build-up  of  silt  and  so  algal  turf  production  was  much 
greater.  Although  mean  production  rates  in  the  finer  mesh  screen 
were  lower  during  the  initial  harvests,  ultimately  they  reached 

production  values  equal  to  that  of  coarser  screens  for  the  same 

,  —  1 

harvest  period  (200  um  mean  -  14.6  g  dry  m  d  ;  multiweave  mean 

-  14.5  g  dry  m-2  d-1) . 

Due  to  the  silt  problem  at  site  1,  site  3  was  chosen  for  a 
multilayered  (single,  double,  triple)  screen  study.  There  were 
significant  differences  in  biomass  production  between  the  single 
layered  screen  and  both  the  double  and  triple  layered  screens 
(Scheffe  Procedure  at  the  5%  level) .  Although  no  significant 
differences  were  recorded  between  the  double  and  triple  layered 


screens,  the  triple  layered  screen  yielded  a  higher  mean 
production  (17.8  g  dry  m“2  d”1)  than  the  double  layered  screen 
(14.7  g  m“2  d*"1)  . 

Small,  double  layered,  black  (2x3  mm)  screens  were 

introduced  at  site  3  to  examine  the  possibility  that  edge  to 

surface  area  ratios  affects  the  biomass  production,  possibly  due 

to  water  motion  around  the  edges  of  artificial  substrata 

(Borowitzla,  et  al. ,  1978).  A  0.25  m2  screen  averaged  5.1  g  dry 

—  ?  —  1  .  . 

md,  while  a  similar  screen  of  0.75  m  (introduced  and 
harvested  at  identical  intervals)  averaged  12.2  g  dry  m~2  d”1. 
Biomass  production  based  on  edge  to  surface  area  ratios  was  to  be 
the  inverse  of  what  was  expected. 

Harvest  Rate .  In  order  to  determine  harvest  rates  at  which 
algal  turf  production  could  be  optimized,  biomass  was  collected 
from  the  screens  at  varied  intervals.  The  mean  biomass  produced 
during  4,  7,  12  and  24  day  harvest  regimes  was  5.3,  7.4,  7.6,  9.4 
g  dry  m~2  d_1,  respectively. 

Depth  and  Light .  In  depth/production  studies,  mean  biomass 
yields  increased  with  an  increase  in  water  depth  from  the  surface 

—  O  _  1  .  ... 

(9.7  g  dry  m  d  )  up  to  30  cm  depth,  with  no  significant 
differences  between  30,  40  and  100  cm  depth  (maximum  16.0  g  dry 
m”2  d_1;  Table  9,  Figure  19).  The  highest  production  values  for 
a  given  harvest  occurred  at  30  cm  (29.5  g  dry  m~2  d”1)  and  40  cm 
(28.9  g  dry  m“2  d-1) .  Mean  biomass  production  on  the  top  side  of 
the  screen  at  30,  40  and  100  cm  water  depth  was  not  significantly 


different,  while  the  shallower  screens  placed  at  the  surface  and 
10  and  20  cm  below  the  water  surface  had  lower  biomass  values  on 
average.  Average  underside  production  showed  little  variation 
with  depth  (3.5-4. 6  g  dry  m-2  d”1) 

The  peak  irradiance  for  incident  and  refected  PAR,  measured 
over  13  h,  from  sunrise  to  sunset  (0630  -  1830  HRS),  occured 
between  1130  and  1330,  with  incident  light  averaging  1700 

,  9  ,  ,  9 

uEm/m^/sec.  Reflected  light  averaged  200  uEm/m^/sec  m  2.0  m 
water  depth,  overlying  a  sandy  bottom.  Average  incident  PAR  over 

•  9 

the  13  h  was  986  uEm/m  /sec  and  average  refected  PAR  was  100 

.  9  ... 

uEin/m  /sec.  The  spectral  quality  of  available  light  over  the 
top  one  meter  of  the  water  column  in  which  the  depth/production 
studies  were  carried  out  is  shown  in  Figure  19. 

At  30  cm  water  depth,  incident  PAR  measurements  were  reduced 

*  9 

to  655  uEm/m  /sec  when  made  through  a  1000  um  mesh  screen.  PAR 
was  reduced  further  by  40%,  when  made  through  a  similar  screen, 
with  seven  days  of  turf  growth.  Harvesting  the  screen  did  not 
significantly  change  the  incident  PAR  intensity  ( 400uEin/m2/sec) , 
which  passed  through  the  screen. 

Nutrients .  Nutrient  analyses  were  done  in  July  and  August 
at  Grand  Turk.  At  site  1,  mean  nitrite/nitrate  was  0.06  ug-at/1, 
site  2  the  mean  averaged  0.25  ug-at/1  and  at  site  3  the  mean  was 
0.12  ug-at/1.  These  results  are  consistent  with  the  flow  pattern 
of  equatorial  currents  over  the  reef  and  through  the  lagoon, 


which  gradually  pick  up  nitrogen  released  from  the  lagoon 
sediments.  At  all  raft  locations,  orthophosphate  concentrations 
were  less  than  0.03  ug-at/1  below  the  detectable  limits  of  the 
method  used. 

Antigua .  Algal  community  structure  was  not  formally  tallied 
at  Antigua.  It  was  apparent,  however,  that  the  typical  pattern 
of  successive  diatom,  blue-green,  red  algal  dominance  was 
followed  as  a  succession  with  time.  However,  it  is  the  opinion 
of  all  observers  at  Antigua  that  algal  diversity  on  the  screens 
was  markedly  lower  than  at  other  sites. 

Mean  algal  turf  production  with  time  is  shown  in  figure  20 
for  both  black  polypropylene  ( 2  X  3  mm  mesh  size)  and  white 
polyester  monofiliment  (2mm  mesh  size)  screens.  The  same  data 
are  plotted  with  depth  in  figure  21.  It  is  apparent  that  the 
white  screens  show  a  significant  increase  in  production 
(approximately  15%  increase).  This  difference  appears 
consistently  when  considering  time,  as  well  as  depth.  With 
depth,  there  is  a  clear  production  peak  levels  at  30-40  cm,  with 
a  sharp  rise  from  surface  values  of  about  75%  of  the  peak  and 
then  with  a  slow  drop  off  in  algal  growth  with  greater  depth. 

Table  10  shows  the  results  of  the  location,  multilayer  and 
horizontal/vertical  tests  at  Antigua.  At  dry  weight  production 
means  of  7.3  g  m~2  d-1  and  4.2  g  m-2  d-1,  the  protected  sites  of 
Rat  Island  and  Bird  Island,  respectively,  are  significantly  below 


.  .  —  o  —  1 

the  dry  weight  production  mean  of  18.2  g  m  d  found  m  the 
more  open  and  turbulent  Green  Island  and  Devils  Bridge  sites. 

The  more  protected  sites  were  also  characterized  by  gradual 
sediment  deposition  and  a  general  degeneration  of  production  with 
time  to  virtually  zero  values  at  100  days. 

The  use  of  double-layered  screens  over  single  screens 
significantly  increases  algal  production,  as  has  been 
demonstrated  at  a  number  of  sites.  At  Antigua,  the  increase  in 
production  from  single  screens  to  double  layered  screens  was  over 
50%.  On  the  other  hand,  triple  and  quadruple  layers  of  screening 
reduced  production.  Algal  growth  was  significantly  lower  when 
the  quadruple  layered  screens  were  employed. 

The  vertical  single  screens  tended  to  produce  at  mean  levels 
of  about  12%  below  that  of  the  horizontal  screens,  which  is 
consistent  with  earlier  studies.  However,  the  variation  with 
time  was  typically  large  and,  as  a  result,  the  difference  is  not 
statistically  significant.  The  screens  that  were  placed 
vertically  developed  an  intermediate  community  between  the 
typical  diatom  dominated  top  and  red/blue-green  dominated  bottom 
communities . 

As  discussed  below,  apparent  production  levels  were  larger 
at  the  Antigua  Green  Island  site  than  at  any  other  location. 

This  resulted  in  large  measure  from  a  high  volume  of  included 
sediment . 


Carriacou .  Thirty-five  algal  species  were  tallied  on  the 
turf  test  screens  at  Carriacou  (Table  11) .  While  this  is  more  or 
less  typical  of  sites  previously  tallied,  it  is  probably  low 
because  of  the  relatively  short  time  that  work  was  carried  out  at 
this  site. 

The  productivity  data  collected  at  Carriacou  are  shown  in 
Table  12  and  plotted  with  time  in  Figure  22.  The  pooled  means 
taken  at  each  site  included  the  small  and  vertical  screens,  since 
they  did  not  provide  harvests  that  were  significantly  different 
from  the  standard  screens.  The  results  from  the  tandem 
arrangement  are  omitted  from  the  means  at  sites  1  and  2,  since 
they  provided  mature  harvests  well  below  the  stand  alone  screens. 

The  mean  mature  screen  harvests  for  outer  lagoon  sites 
(sites  1  and  3)  with  maximum  flow  and  turbulence,  are  16.3  and 

—  9  —  1  .  ... 

14.7  g  m  .  d  respectively.  These  values  are  significantly 
higher  than  other  sites,  except  for  Antigua  with  its  heavy 
sediment  load,  and  reflect  the  greater  turbulence  levels  in  Grand 
Bay.  Wind  levels  (taken  three  times/day  on  the  ship's 
anemoneter)  at  Carriacou  generally  averaged  above  15  knots. 
However,  during  the  40-53  day  interval,  wind  speeds  averaged 
below  10  knots.  This  is  reflected  in  the  general  production  dips 
for  sites  1  and  3  at  45  and  55  days.  It  is  also  probably 
responsible  for  the  apparent  peaks  in  production  on  the  island 
apron  sites  due  to  settled  sediment  during  the  calm  period. 

The  Island  apron  sites,  with  less  turblence  in  general 


a  _  O  „  1 

showed  production  levels  of  12.9,  8.6  and  9.7  g  m  d  ,  which 
are  significantly  below  those  in  the  outer  lagoon  and  reef  apron. 

Buen  Hombre ,  Dominican  Republic.  The  harvest  production 
levels  achieved  at  Buen  Hombre  are  shown  in  Table  13.  The  mean 

—  9—1 

value  for  all  screens  was  9.1  g  m  d  ,  which  is  to  be  expected 
from  this  moderately  quiet  site.  Additional  factors  in  the 
moderate  production  level  are  a  relatively  short  harvest  interval 
and  vertically  oriented  screens.  No  significant  difference 
between  the  separate  tests  could  be  discerned.  The  prime 
interest  in  the  data  is  that  it  extends  through  the  summer 
period,  a  time  when  continuous  data  from  other  sites  is  not 
available . 



The  results  of  the  laboratory  experiments  suggest,  that 
given  adequate  light  levels,  of  all  the  variables  tested, 
turbulence  is  the  primary  factor  controlling  biomass  production 
within  the  algal  turf  scrubbers.  When  provided  with  standard 
flow  (13.5  1/min . ) ,  scrubber  biomass  production  rates  ranged 
above  20  g  dry  m-2  d”1,  indicating  carbon  fixation  rates  of 
over  6  g  C  m-2  d-1 .  Assuming  a  14  h  light  period  and  a  set 
proportion  of  carbon  lost  to  dark  respiration  each  day,  the  range 
of  these  harvest  data  coincides  well  with  14C-based  specific 



productivity  rate  estimates  of  0.15-0.64  g  C  m-2  h-1 
biomass  productivity  rates  were  not  significantly  affected  by  the 
tested  ranges  of  variation  for  most  of  the  factors  in  this  study. 
Water  depth  appears  irrelevant  to  scrubber  production  so  long  as 
screens  are  continually  submerged,  though  increases  past  a 
certain  depth  might  interfere  with  turbulent  mixing.  There  is 
also  some  indication  that  water  depth  may  control  the  impact  of 
UV  toxicity  in  the  field  (see  below) .  Although  self-shading 
undoubtedly  decreases  rates  of  weight-specific  productivity, 
results  here  suggest  that  for  a  period  of  between  one  and  two 
weeks  the  exact  harvest  schedule  is  not  critical  to  biomass 
production.  While  longer  scrubber  light  periods  conceivably 
could  encroach  upon  the  light  cycle  of  the  reef  tanks,  resulting 
in  increased  competition  for  carbon  dioxide  and  other  nutrients 
between  scrubber  and  reef  algae,,  no  such  hinderance  to  production 
was  evident  with  the  2  h  increase  tested  here.  Scrubber  light 
levels  tested  here  are  approximately  60%  of  the  values  recorded 
at  levels  of  maxium  turf  production  in  the  western  tropical 
Atlantic  and  are  probably  well  below  saturation  levels 
(Carpenter,  1985) .  It  would  be  be  expected,  therefore,  that 
increased  irradiance  would  promote  turf  production  in  the 
scrubbers.  The  lack  of  a  discernable  response  in  this  study 
probably  reflects  the  narrow  range  of  intensities  tested,  a 
limitation  of  the  light  source  employed. 

In  contrast,  adjustment  to  flow  rate  appears  to  directly 


affect  biomass  production  within  the  scrubber  environment  by 
controlling  the  frequency  of  wave  generation.  This  conclusion  is 
based  upon  the  disparate  production  values  separating  upstream 
and  downstream  screens,  the  harvests  contrasting  production  under 
presence  and  absence  of  wave  action,  and  the  responses  of 
production  to  increased  flow  rate. 

Within  the  confines  of  the  scrubbers,  the  cyclical  dumping 
of  the  trough-like  wave  buckets  is  viewed  most  accurately  as 
generating  three  liter  displacements  of  water  which  cross  the 
turf  assemblage  in  the  form  of  pulses,  or  waves.  As  this 
displaced  water  travels  across  the  scrubber,  it  encounters 
friction  in  contacting  algal  filaments  and  quiescent  water  and 
converts  in  part  to  an  oscillating  flow  that  travels  across  the 
surface  of  the  turf  increasing  disturbance  of  the  boundary  layer 
(Nowell  and  Jumars,  1984). 

Diffusion  gradients  form  continually  within  the  boundary 
layers  surrounding  the  thalii  of  metabolically  active  alga  as  a 
result  of  the  low  coefficients  of  molecular  diffusion  in  water 
(Leyton,  1975;  Norton  et  al. ,  1982).  Thus,  any  disturbance  to 

these  boundary  layers,  particularly  an  oscillating  disturbance, 
will  increase  molecular  exchanges  between  the  plant  cells  and  the 
surrounding  water,  ultimately  influencing  metabolic  rates.  By 
increasing  the  rates  of  simple,  unidirectional  currents  in 
laboratory  cultures  of  various  aquatic  plants,  investigators  have 


succeeded  in  reducing  the  thickness  of  boundary  layers  and 
raising  rates  of  respiration,  photosynthesis,  nutrient  uptake, 
and  growth  (e . g . ,  Dromgoole,  1978a,  b ;  Madsen  and  Sondergaard, 
1983).  However,  turbulent  flow,  more  typical  of  that  encountered 
in  the  field,  is  particularly  effective  for  disruption  of 
boundary  layers  (Anderson  and  Charters,  1982).  It  is  now 
recognized  that  certain  marine  algae  may  even  have  adaptive 
morphologies  that  serve  to  generate  disruptive  eddies  as  water 
flows  across  their  thalli  (Anderson  and  Charters,  1982;  Norton  et 
al . ,  1982)  . 

Since  the  waves  provide  a  turbulent  flow  that  lessens  in 
intensity  with  passage,  the  metabolic  efficiency  of  a  turf  alga 
could  be  expected  to  vary  with  location  in  the  scrubber.  In 
addition,  because  diffusion  gradients  undoubtedly  are  re¬ 
established  between  wave  passages,  production  would  be  influenced 
further  by  wave  frequency,  which  results  directly  from  flow  rate. 
The  importance  of  magnitude  and  frequency  of  wave  surge  most 
likely  explains  the  significantly  higher  rates  of  production 
observed  generally  on  upstream  screens,  specifically  when  wave 
action  was  restored. 

In  a  preliminary  examination  of  potential  nutrient 
limitation  within  a  scrubber  receiving  the  standard  flow  rate 
(13.5  1/min) ,  the  nitrate/nitrite  concentrations  measured  in 
upstream  water  filling  the  wave  bucket  and  downstream  water 
entering  the  drain  pipe  demonstrated  a  constant  drop  from  about 


1.0  to  0.75  ug-at/1 .  Similar  measures  of  orthophospate  failed  to 
detect  significant  differences.  While  such  data  indicate  an 
ability  for  rapid  clearance  of  nitrogen,  it  appears  doubtful  that 
the  availability  of  these  particular  nitrogen  forms  is  a  major 
controlling  factor  in  turf  biomass  production.  Based  upon  a  2.7% 
nitrogen  composition,  the  mean  value  for  upstream  production  of 
8.53  g  dry  m  d  represents  a  requirement  of  about  16.3  mmole 
N/m  /day .  In  comparison,  under  the  standard  flow  rate  and 
photoperiod  (14  h  illumination/day ) ,  the  nitrate/nitrite 
clearance  in  the  monitored  scrubber  indicates  an  uptake  of  only 
about  4.7  mmole  N/m  /day.  The  plot  of  production  values  against 
nitrate/nitrite  concentrations  also  suggests  that  these  species 
may  not  represent  the  major  source  of  nitrogen  and  may  have 
negligible  control  of  biomass  production  within  these  scrubbers. 
With  the  exception  of  the  one  point  that  represents  the  lowest 
production  and  the  highest  nitrate/nitrite  concentration,  a 
possible  outlier  value,  these  data  form  a  nearly  vertical  plot, 
indicating  no  relation  between  production  and  nitrogen 
concentrations  over  the  ranges  of  concentration  studied.  Should 
the  outlier  be  included  within  the  analysis,  an  inverse  relation 
is  suggested.  A  relationship  which  these  data  clearly  do  not 
represent  is  the  conventional  interpretation  of  limitations  to 
marine  productivity,  i . e . ,  a  decreased  production  under  lower 
nutrient  levels. 


The  scrubber  turf  algae  may  rely  predominately  upon  an 
alternate  source  of  nitrogen,  ammonium,  which  has  been  measured 
at  levels  of  around  0.3  ug-at/1  within  the  microcosm.  This 
concentration,  appreciably  higher  than  those  which  typify  shallow 
Caribbean  reefs  (Meyer  et  al. ,  1983;  Williams,  1984),  undoubtedly 
reflects  accumulation  due  to  the  closed  system  circulation  and 
probably  serves  as  a  major  nutrient  source  that  is  present  at 
consistently  high  levels.  However,  an  analysis  of  the  specific 
ammonium  clearance  within  an  individual  scrubber  has  yet  to  be 
performed.  Fixation  of  atmospheric  nitrogen  by  blue-green  algae, 
an  important  turf  component,  might  provide  another  source  that  is 
distributed  through  micrograzer  activity  or  pathways.  Should 
such  fixation  occur,  it  probably  could  provide  large  amounts  of 
nitrogen  to  the  assemblage,  given  the  mixing  enabled  by  shallow 
depths  and  wave  surge  within  the  scrubbers. 

The  results  of  the  paired  harvests  under  varied  flow  rates 
(Table  3)  reguire  some  analysis  to  determine  whether  the  wave 
freguency  or  the  nutrient  supply  limits  production.  Increased 
harvests  for  both  screens  and  egual  productions  between  screens 
were  observed  under  the  higher  flow  rate  of  the  first  test. 

Under  even  more  greatly  increased  flow  in  the  second  test, 
harvests  increased  on  downstream  screens  to  equal  the  upstream 
harvests  under  either  flow  rate.  When  considered  together,  these 
results  suggest  that  any  limit  to  production  by  flow  rate  past 
the  upstream  screens  would  be  alleviated  with  a  flow  of  around 


13-16  1/min.  The  increase  in  downstream  productions  with  32.5 
1/min  regime  to  equal  those  upstream  screens  which  remained 
unchanged,  indicate  that  nutrients  were  not  a  limiting  factor  for 
production  on  the  upstream  screens  at  either  flow  rate  in  the 
second  test.  Similarly,  the  lower  downstream  production  under 
the  13.5  1/min  flow  likely  resulted  from  wave  frequency  that  was 
too  low  to  maintain  as  effective  a  disruption  of  diffusion 
gradients  downstream,  given  the  lowered  turbulence  reaching  this 
portion  of  the  scrubber. 

The  third  test  of  13.5  and  33.5  1/min,  with  a  smaller  wave 
bucket  at  the  higher  flow  rate,  resulted  in  no  significant 
increases  for  either  screen.  Again,  production  on  upstream 
screens  may  have  neared  the  maximum  for  this  scrubber  environment 
under  a  flow  rate  of  13.5  1/min.  A  wave  bucket  with  1/2  the 
normal  volume  decreased  the  amount  of  disruption  provided  even 
further,  by  each  wave  that  reached  the  downstream  turf.  Such 
decreased  disruptive  wave  surge  might  have  prevented  a  higher 
production  on  downstream  screens,  even  with  the  greatly  increased 
flow  and  resulted  in  the  significantly  lower  value  when  compared 
to  the  mean  obtained  under  the  same  flow  rate  in  the  second  test. 
Thus,  both  volume  and  frequency  appear  to  affect  the  disruptive 
capacities  of  wave  surge.  As  particularly  suggested  by  the  wave 
generation  test,  where  lack  of  surge  flow  nearly  equalizes  the 
differences  between  upstream  and  downstream  screens,  the  nutrient 


supply  aspect  of  flow  rate  does  not  appear  as  a  significant 
factor  limiting  production  in  the  scrubbers. 

While  the  results  of  the  six  week  study  that  examined  the 
effect  of  intermittently  blocked  wave  generation  clearly  support 
the  contention  that  wave  surge  is  the  primary  controlling  factor 
in  turf  production,  a  decreased  production  nevertheless  persisted 
on  the  downstream  screen  despite  the  maintenance  of  constant  flow 
(13.5  1/min) .  A  close  examination  of  flow  patterns  arising  from 
blocked  wave  buckets  shows  that  they  fail  to  provide  a  continuous 
advance  of  seawater  across  the  width  of  the  scrubber,  allowing 
patches  of  reduced  flow  to  develop  over  portions  of  the 
downstream  screen.  These  relatively  stagnant  areas  develop  as 
the  flow  follows  paths  of  least  resistance  towards  the  sides  (or 
unharvested  portions)  of  the  scrubbers  and  probably  explains  the 
decreased  production  on  downstream  screens. 


The  mature  algal  turf  community  that  develops  on  cultured, 
harvested  screens  in  turbulent  Caribbean  waters  is  quite  diverse, 
with  over  30  species  typically  present.  Except  in  the  case  of  a 
few  widespread  and  common  species  such  as  Centroceras  clavulatum . 
Sohacelaria  tribuloides .  Polvsiphonia  sphaerocarpa  and  Wranqelia 
argus .  the  turfs  do  not  generally  have  common  species  from  site 
to  site.  That  this  is  a  real  difference,  in  that  species  have 


been  selected  from  stable  but  different  population  pools  at  each 
site,  seems  unlikely.  It  seems  more  likely  that  the  pattern  is  a 
result  of  either  widespread  geographic  and  time  variability  in 
turf  species  throughout  the  region,  morphological  variation  that 
makes  accurate  identification  difficult,  or  real  problems  in 
taxonomy  at  the  species  level.  In  any  case,  at  the  generic 
level,  there  is  considerable  uniformity  from  site  to  site. 

Genera  that  tend  to  be  common  on  the  screens  at  most  sites  are: 
the  diatoms,  Licmophora  and  Navicula;  the  blue-greens,  Anacvstis . 
Oscillatoria  and  Schizothrix :  the  greens,  Brvopsis .  Cladophora . 
Derbesia  and  Enteromorpha ;  the  browns,  Gif fordia  and  Sphacelaria 
and  the  reds,  Callithamnium.  Gentroceras .  Ceramium,  Polvsiphonia , 
Herposiphonia .  Lophosiphonia .  Wranaelia .  Griff ithsia .  and 
Laurencia . 

Diatoms  are  the  primary  early  colonizers  of  algal  turf 
screens  at  all  sites.  In  most  cases,  they  are  largely  replaced 
by  blue-greens  and  early  members  of  the  canopy-forming  reds  and 
greens  by  30  days.  After  that  time,  the  diatoms  that  remain  are 
primarily  epiphytic.  At  Grand  Turk,  diatoms  persisted  as  a  major 
biomass  element  for  longer  than  other  sites  but  this  may  relate 
to  the  type  of  screen  used  for  those  particular  tests  and 
overharvesting.  The  percentage  diatom  composition  varied  for 
screen  types  tested,  with  benthic  diatoms  responsible  for  30  to 
50%  of  the  biomass  yielded.  This  suggests  that  diatoms  can  be  as 
productive  in  the  tropics  as  they  are  considered  to  be  in  the 


temperate  zones.  In  a  recent  mangrove  system  study,  Littler,  et 
al .  (1985)  reported  that  a  gelatinous  species  of  naviculoid 

diatom  was  a  major  primary  producer  in  the  total  community 
productiviy.  Further,  certain  diatom  species  have  demonstrated  a 
resistance  to  ultraviolet  light  which  could  make  them 
particularly  suited  for  growth  on  screens  suspended  near  the 
surface . 

Perhaps  the  greater  abundance  of  diatoms  on  the  harvested 
screens  as  compared  to  the  unharvested  test  screens  and  the  wild 
reef  was  partially  due  to  a  shorter  (4-12  days)  harvest  schedule 
on  the  screens.  Harvesting  would  expose  new  substratum 
continuously,  hinder  red  algal  development,  and  allow  benthic 
diatoms  to  proliferate.  Benthic  diatoms  which  initially 
colonized  the  screening  also  rapidly  respond  to  harvesting 
(grazing  pressure) .  Diatom  dominance,  although  not 
quantitatively  sampled,  was  noted  to  be  particularly  obvious  at 
the  four  day  harvest  interval.  Also,  community  structure  tests 
were  performed  on  single  layered  screens  which  resulted  in 
overharvesting  or,  in  ecological  terms,  high  disturbance  levels. 

It  would  be  difficult  to  quantify  the  biomass  attributed  to 
the  major  algal  groups  as  the  screens  develop  without  major  time 
expenditure.  However,  experience  at  all  sites,  with  screen 
appearance  and  in  tallies  on  microscope  slides,  indicates  that 
there  is  an  intermediate  time  from  about  20-40  days  in  which 


blue-green  algae  dominate  in  biomass.  After  that  time,  it  is 
typically  the  species  of  red  algae  that  dominate  in  biomass  as 
well  as  diversity  (Figure  23).  It  is  almost  invariably  the  case 
that  on  the  undersides  of  the  horizontal  screens  the  turf  takes 
on  a  dark  red  brown  color.  On  the  topside  of  the  screen,  diatoms 
and  blue-greens  remain  importent ,  resulting  in  a  more  light  brown 
color.  The  green  and  brown  algae,  although  almost  invariably 
present  on  mature  screens,  are  rarely  important  in  terms  of 
biomass . 

Production  of  algal  turfs  on  screens,  as  a  function  of 
depth,  was  examimed  at  Mayaguana,  Grand  Turk  and  Antigua.  In  all 
cases,  production  levels  at  or  near  the  water  surface  were  lower 
than  at  a  depth  of  several  tens  of  centimeters.  At  Mayaguana, 
the  peak  production  level  was  at  20-30  cm  and  at  Antigua,  it  was 
30-40  cm  with  lower  production  in  deeper  water.  At  Grand  Turk, 
however,  no  decline  in  production  could  be  discerned  up  to  a 
depth  of  1  m. 

Reduced  algal  turf  production  at  the  shallowest  depths,  with 
peak  production  occurring  somewhat  deeper,  is  to  be  expected 
because  of  ultraviolet  toxicity,  as  described  in  phytoplankton 
studies.  However,  the  tropical  ocean/plankton  production  peak 
typically  occurs  at  10-30  meters  (Steemann-Nielsen,  1955) .  For 
example,  in  Oscillatoria  thiebautii  (a  blue-green  phytoplankton 
in  the  Caribbean  Sea) ,  peak  production  occurs  between  300  and  600 
uEin/m2/sec  (Li  et  al . ,  1980) ,  whereas  in  the  algal  turfs 


.  .  .  .  o 

investigated  here,  it  occurred  over  1600  uEin/i  /sec.  Carpenter 
(1985)  found  similar  results  in  chamber  studies  of  coral  reef 
algal  turfs. 

It  is  apparent  from  observations  of  algal  turfs  in  a  wave 
surge  environment  that  the  position  of  any  given  cell  relative  to 
incoming  light  is  constantly  changing,  and  that  in  most  cases, 
individual  cells  are  receiving  widely  varying  light  levels.  The 
apparent  increased  resistance  to  ultraviolet  radiation,  with  a 
concomitant  ability  to  utilize  most  of  the  available  visible 
radiation,  may  derive  in  part  from  the  shading/light-flashing 
effects  on  individual  algal  cells  in  a  regime  of  alternating  wave 
surge  ( Falkowski ,  1984).  As  we  discussed  above,  with  regard  to 

the  laboratory  studies  and  with  further  consideration  below, 
there  is  little  question  of  the  close  association  between  high 
algal  turf  production  and  turbulence,  including  both  current  and 
wave  surge . 

Successive  harvest  production  rates  on  the  topsides  of  the 
screens  were  least  variable  at  100  cm  depth.  However,  production 
in  intense  irradiance  regimes  ranging  from  the  surface  to  40  cm, 
revealed  a  high  variability  in  biomass  production  from  harvest  to 
harvest.  The  turf  community  at  less  than  40  cm,  while  adapted  to 
intense  PAR  and  relatively  high  UVB  was  perhaps  less 
photo synthetically  efficient,  and  therefore,  relatively  more 
sensitive  to  weather  related  fluctuation  in  irradiance  values. 


The  two  ends  of  the  spectrum,  red/infrared  and  ultraviolet  A 
+  B,  show  significant  reductions  in  intensity  in  the  upper  30-40 
cm  (Figure  19B)  and  this  corresponds  with  lower  topside  biomass 
production  levels  at  the  same  depths.  Recent  work  by  Jokiel  and 
York  (1984)  suggests  that  ultraviolet  light  should  be  considered 
as  a  photoinhibitor  of  primary  productivity.  However,  Carpenter 
(1985)  reported  minimal  UV  effects  on  coral  reef  algal  turf 
respiration  rates.  The  algal  community  on  screens  may  well  have 
developed  a  chromatic  adaptation  to  ultraviolet  light.  Certain 
species  of  diatoms  (mostly  from  tropical  waters)  have  been  shown 
to  have  a  resistance  to  ultraviolet  radiation  (Jokiel  and  York 
Jr.,  1984),  and  several  species  of  Rhodophyta  (Tsujino  and  Saito, 
1961;  Yoshida  and  Sivalingam,  1970)  and  Cyanophyta  (Shibata, 

1969)  contain  ultraviolet  absorbing  substances. 

.  .  —  9 

At  Mayaguana,  a  maximum  algal  production  of  19.6  g  dry  m 

—1  .  .  „9  —1 

d  was  achieved  with  a  mean  of  12.6  g  dry  m  d  for  30  cm 
depth,  double  layered  screens.  Applying  the  same  approach  to 
Grand  Turk,  with  similarly  low  nutrient  concentrations,  a  maximum 

.  « 9  —  1 

yield  of  30.8  g  dry  m  d  was  produced  with  mean  biomass  of 
18.0  g  dry  m  d  .  The  increase  in  production  at  Grand  Turk  as 
compared  to  Mayaguana,  in  large  part  derives  from  an  increased 
screen  thickness  and  spatial  heterogeneity,  thereby  preventing 

overharvest . 

Algal  turf  production,  on  individual  screens,  varied 
significantly  over  time,  apparently  with  no  distinctive  pattern, 


and  often  exhibiting  dramatic  fluctuations  in  production  from  one 
harvest  to  the  next.  However,  production  rates  of  the  depth 
array  screens,  at  both  Mayaguana,  and  Grand  Turk,  introduced  at 
the  same  site  and  harvested  on  the  same  days,  had  consecutive 
peaks  and  troughs  of  production  for  individual  screens.  This 
continuity  of  biomass  production  among  screens,  from  one  harvest 
to  the  next,  is  quite  similiar  to  that  shown  by  simultaneously 
harvested  screens  at  all  sites,  and  suggests  a  real  and 
consistent  photosynthetic  sensitivity  to  short  term  changes  in 
physical  parameters  such  as  irradiance  and  water  motion. 

When  the  biomass  production  rates  of  the  topside  and  the 
underside  of  the  screens  were  considered  separately,  it  is 
evident  that  the  topside  produced  a  higher  proportion  of  the 
biomass  values.  For  all  screens  tested  at  Grand  Turk,  the 
underside  was  consistent,  as  it  yielded  a  mean  of  5  g  dry  m  d 
1 ,  with  only  a  small  deviation  from  the  mean.  Although  the 
species  composition  of  the  underside  screen  community  was  more 
diverse,  many  of  the  same  species  were  identified  on  both  sides. 
The  species  composition  of  turf  algae  cultivated  on  screening  did 
not  seem  to  have  a  significant  effect  on  the  variations  in  turf 
biomass  production. 

Visually,  the  topside  of  most  horizontal  screens  can  be 
distinguished  from  the  characteristically  darker  underside,  which 
receives  less  PAR  (as  refected  and  transmitted  light)  than  the 


topside.  At  30  cm,  with  1700=1800  uEin  2  sec  being  received 

.  .  .  —  9  —  1 

on  the  top  side  of  the  screens,  approximately  400  uEm  sec 

would  be  transmitted  through  a  standard  black  screen  to  the 
.  .  8  —1 

bottom  side.  With  200  uEin  sec  being  reflected  back  from  the 
bottom  at  4m  (over  a  sand  bottom)  the  bottoms  of  the  screens  are 
receiving  nearly  50%  of  that  received  on  the  topside.  In  the 
Grand  Turk  experiments,  where  top  and  bottom  production  was 
separated,  the  bottoms  developed  50%  of  surface  production  at  20 
cm  depth  and  30%  at  30-40  cm  depth.  Algae  can  vary 
photosynthetic  pigment  ratios  or  the  total  amount  of  pigments  as 
chromatic  adaptation  for  various  irradiance  intensities.  Under 
reduced  irradiance,  the  plants  are  more  photosynthetically 
efficient  and  yeild  lower  but  more  consistant  production  values , 
regardless  of  long  term  irradiance  fluctuation. 

At  Nonsuch  Bay,  Antigua,  a  100  day  study  provided  a 
consistent  and  significantly  higher  level  of  production  on  white 
translucent  screens,  as  compared  to  the  standard  black  screens. 
Based  on  the  above  discussion,  this  is  clearly  the  result  of 
increased  transmission  of  PAR  through  the  substratum  screen. 

In  the  screen  type  study  at  Grand  Turk,  both  single-layered 
screens  and  finer  mesh  screens  produced  significantly  less  than 
multilayered  and  complex  mesh  screens.  As  discussed  above, 
overharvesting  as  a  result  of  insufficient  substratum  surface  on 
single-layer  screens  and  therefore  protection  for  algal  rhizoids 
and  attachments  seems  to  be  clearly  responsible.  On  the  other 


hand,  the  finer  mesh  screens  tend  to  accumulate  fine  carbonate 
sediment,  which  may  initially  result  in  relatively  large  apparent 
harvests.  Eventually  however,  depending  upon  the  availability  of 
wave  energy  to  remove  the  superficial  sediment  settling  on  the 
screens,  sedimentation  reduces  turf  production  to  low  levels  and 
in  some  cases  to  virtually  no  algal  production  at  all. 

The  most  significant  and  obvious  difference  in  algal  harvest 
at  Mayaguana  was  that  observed  between  ocean  and  lagoon  rafts. 
Average  production  of  the  mature  double  lagoon  screens  at  30  cm 
depth  was  13.8  g  dry  m“2  d-1,  over  2  1/2  times  the  ocean  double 

.  <— O  -1 

screen  production  of  5.0  g  dry  m  d  for  the  same  depth.  The 
"ocean  array"  system  likewise  achieved  lower  production  levels. 

As  mentioned  above,  nitrogen  concentrations  tested  both  in 
our  laboratory  and  in  an  independent  laboratory  were  in  the  range 
of  0.100-0.130  ug-at/1  over  a  period  of  several  weeks  in 
April/May.  No  significant  difference  between  ocean  and  lagoon 
could  be  found.  While  it  is  possible  that  another  source  of 
nitrogen  is  available  in  the  lagoon  (e.g. ,  NH4+) ,  it  is  unlikely 
to  be  a  limited  factor  independent  of  phosphorus,  particularly 
considering  that  abundant  nitrogen  fixation  on  these  screens  is 
quite  likely.  It  is  also  unlikely  that  another  source  of 
moderate  to  elevated  nitrogen  would  be  available  in  the  absence 
of  higher  concentrations  of  nitrate. 

At  Mayaguana,  "ocean"/shelf  sea  conditions  are  only  moderate 

for  trade  wind  seas  because  of  the  partial  protection  offered  by 
the  East/West  trending  island.  It  is  unfortunate  that  no  open 
ocean  or  open  shelf  production  data  are  available  at  other  sites 
to  assess  offshore  trade  wind  sea  production  levels.  However, 
what  is  most  important  in  this  context  is  that  at  Mayaguana,  the 
trade  wind  sea,  when  driven  over  the  reef  by  wave  action,  greatly 
increases  in  turbulence  and  in  flow  rate,  due  to  depth 

In  the  course  of  the  three  year  investigation,  some  current 
meter  readings  were  taken  with  a  Marsh  McBirny ,  electromagnetic 
meter  that  measures  both  current  and  surge.  However,  without 
continuous  readings  over  many  months,  energy  guantif ication  is  of 
little  value.  On  the  other  hand,  the  very  process  of  working 
algal  screen  lines  on  a  daily  basis  provides  a  qualitative 
measure  of  energy  levels  available  at  each  site.  Thus,  the 
direct  relationship  between  production  and  wave  and  current 
energy,  as  shown  in  figure  24,  can  be  regarded  as  a  reasonable 
semi-quantitative  measure.  The  single  anomalously  high  value  for 
Green  island,  Antigua  deserves  further  comment. 

The  harvest  biomass  of  maximum  production  screens  (lagoon 
doubles),  at  Mayaguana,  had  a  mean  of  15.5%  carbon  (C)  (S.D  = 
±1.97;  N  =  22),  based  on  C/H/N  analysis.  This  compares  to  a 
figure  of  19.8%  (S.D.  =  +3.62;  N  =  14)  for  all  turf  algae 
(including  blue-greens,  greens  and  browns,  but  not  diatoms) 
provided  by  Atkinson  and  Smith  (1983).  The  somewhat  lower  carbon 


value  for  Mayaguana  could  be  related  to  sediment  inclusion, 
though  little  could  be  seen  on  microscopic  examination  of  turf 
samples.  On  the  other  hand,  the  Mayaguana  "ocean"  equivalent 
screens  had  a  mean  carbon  level  of  14.7%  (S.D.  =  +0.71;  N  =  8) , 
not  significantly  below  the  lagoon  value.  If  sediment  were  a 
contributing  factor  to  apparent  production  in  this  case,  and  it 
might  be  argued  that  this  is  the  reason  for  the  lower  "ocean" 
production,  "ocean"  carbon  values  would  be  significantly  higher. 
Blue-green  algae,  with  their  largely  proteinaceous  cell  walls, 
are  a  major  component  of  algal  turfs;  this  is  undoubtedly 
partially  responsible  for  the  relatively  high  protein  content  (8- 
10%)  of  algal  turfs.  Likewise,  diatoms  with  siliceous  walls  are 
major  elements  of  the  turfs.  With  these  factors  in  mind,  the 
relatively  low  carbon  percentages  do  not  appear  unreasonable.  It 
is  likely  that  insufficient  drying  and/or  dry  storage  aboard  ship 
for  several  months  in  the  tropical  climate  provided  for  some 
fungal  and  bacterial  respiration  losses  in  the  samples.  The 
upstream,  mature  laboratory  algal  turfs  subjected  to  C/H/N 
analysis  provided  much  higher  carbon  percentages  (C  =  27.9%;  S.D. 
=  +1.29;  N  =  16),  even  at  relatively  low  ambient  nitrogen  levels 
(near  1  uM) .  Diatoms  are  a  much  smaller  part  of  the  laboratory 
turf  flora,  and  this  is  likely  partially  responsible  for  the 
higher  carbon  percentages;  laboratory  levels  are  also  well  above 
the  values  obtained  by  Atkinson  and  Smith  (1983)  for  field  turf 


species.  However,  a  general  preparation  problem  of  algal  turfs 
with  regard  to  low  carbon  percentage  cannot  be  ruled  out.  It  is 
to  be  further  noted  that  the  data  of  Atkinson  and  Smith  show  no 
significant  difference  for  carbon  percentage  in  algal  turf  and 
small  algae  for  low  nutrient  and  high  nutrient  waters. 

The  carbon  percentage  values  provided  by  Atkinson  and  Smith 
(1983)  show  means  of  19.8%  for  algal  turfs,  30.3%  for  small  macro 
algae  (e.g.,  Ulva .  Dictvota .  and  Hypnea)  and  33-35%  for  large 
algae  (e.g. ,  S areas sum )  and  marine  flowering  plants.  The 
relatively  low  carbon  values  probably  result  in  part  from  less 
structural  carbon  in  walls  (cellulose  and  its  algal  relatives) . 
They  may  also  result  in  part  from  greater  difficulty  in 
perserving  organics  intact  (considering  the  larger  surface  areas) 
until  analysis  is  performed.  Laboratory  turf  samples  with  a 
quite  similar  algal  community,  though  perhaps  significantly 
lacking  in  diatoms,  showed  carbon  percentages  close  to  that  for 
macroalgae.  The  subject  needs  further  investigation. 

Unfortunately  C/H/N  analyses  were  not  performed  on  the 
Antigua  harvests.  It  is  clear  from  visual  and  microscopic 
observations  that  levels  of  carbonate  sediment  in  the  Green 
Island  samples  were  high,  and  this  could  account  for  the 
anomalously  high  weights.  On  the  other  hand,  it  has  been  our 
experience  from  other  sites  (Grand  Turk,  Carriacou)  that  where 
low  energy  and  a  corresponding  increased  sediment  deposition  is 
involved,  that  algal  production  is  very  low.  Also,  it  was  found 


that  screens  placed  vertically  as  compared  to  screens  placed 
horizontally  (which  should  greatly  reduce  sediment  settlement)  at 
the  same  site  at  Antigua,  provided  harvests  only  about  12%  lower. 

Nonsuch  Bay,  Antigua,  unlike  all  other  sites,  has  no  ready 
lagoon  outflow  down  wind.  Waters  that  are  driven  over  the  reef 
with  their  accumulated  carbonate  sediment  as  well  as  water  and 
sediment  derived  from  land  run-off,  must  largely  depart  from  the 
Bay  through  two  channels,  both  trending  eastward  into  the 
tradewind  sea.  As  a  result,  the  waters  of  Nonsuch  Bay  are 
generally  more  turbid  than  other  sites  that  were  utilized  in  this 
investigation.  Even  though  wave  energies  and  current  flow  are 
moderate  at  the  Green  Island  reef  site,  suspended  fine  sediment 
is  typically  high.  Thus,  it  is  tentatively  concluded  that 
increasing  sediment  loads  generally  reduce  algal  turf  production 
(real  and  apparent)  in  cultured  screen  situations.  Where  both 
moderate  wave  and  current  energy  are  available  and  high  loads  of 
fine  sediment  also  are  present,  sediment  is  driven  into  and 
imbedded  in  the  basal,  blue-green  and  diatom,  mucilagenous  layers 
that  comprise  the  algal  turf  community.  As  long  as  the  sediment 
is  fine-grained  and  moderate  in  abundance,  turf  production  is  not 
significantly  decreased,  but  simple  dry  weight  algal  production 
is  increased.  Judging  by  the  considerable  difficulties  in 
sustaining  the  growth  of  grazing  crabs  and  in  reducing  crab 
mortality  at  this  site,  as  compared  to  other  sites,  the  sediment 


load  in  the  screens  under  these  special  circumstances  appeared  to 
provide  a  significant  problem  for  these  animals.  This  matter  is 
discussed  in  greater  detail  under  Mariculture  (this  volume) . 

General  Discussion 

Unfortunately,  quantitive  algal  turf  production  work  was 
undertaken  only  during  the  Winter,  Spring  and  Summer  periods, 
between  the  months  of  February  to  August.  Based  on  the  coral 
reef  production  work  of  Adey  and  Steneck  (1985)  at  St.  Croix, 
reductions  in  algal  turf  production  are  to  be  expected  during  the 
relatively  cloudy  calm  and  radiation  minimum  autumn  period. 
Qualitatively,  this  early  "winter"  reduction  was  experienced  at 
several  sites,  in  terms  of  the  utilization  of  turf  production  to 
feed  grazing  crabs.  However,  a  more  interesting  characteristic 
of  the  long  term  production  of  algal  turfs  on  plastic  screens, 
which  cannot  be  substantiated  by  quantitative  studies  at  this 
time,  is  the  apparent  tendency  for  continuously  used  screens  at 
some  sites  to  accumulate  coralline  algal  crusts  and  sometimes 
bryozoans,  anemones  and  ascidians.  Unfortunately,  this  results 
in  a  lowered  algal  production.  This  problem  appeared  to  be  more 
characteristic  of  the  lower  energy,  more  turbid  sites  (Antigua, 
Buen  Hombre)  than  the  clearer  more  turbulent  areas.  Brief  drying 
and  re-stringing  of  the  turf  screen  lines  quickly  solves  the 
problem.  In  addition,  at  all  sites,  continuous  harvest,  in  the 
10-20  day  range,  is  essential  to  keep  the  screens  highly 


productive  with  algal  turfs.  Screens,  un-harvested  for  several 
months  tend  to  develop  a  patchy  macroalgal  growth,  often 
including  species  characterized  by  toxic  compounds  (e.g., 
Laurencia .  Acanthophora)  and  by  significantly  increased  attached 
epifauna.  These  screens  have  greatly  lowered  production  rates 
(presumably  equivalent  to  that  of  a  mature  forest  community)  and 
greatly  reduced  value  for  feeding  grazers  (much  as  results  when  a 
forest  replaces  grazing  farm  land) .  Unfortunately,  it  is  very 
difficult  to  return  such  screens  to  mature  algal  turf  production 
levels.  Thorough  drying  and  scraping  is  the  only  method  that  we 
recognize  at  this  time. 

In  cases  where  relatively  low  algal  production  was 
experienced,  variability  with  time  was  also  considerably  less. 
Also,  production  rates  often  continued  to  slowly  rise  throughout 
these  studies.  This  phenomenon  occurred  at  the  deep  ocean  sites 
at  Mayaguana,  the  protected  sites  at  Carriacou  and  the  moderate 
energy  situations  at  Buen  Hombre.  The  reasons  for  these 
relationships  and  the  level  of  the  eventual  peak  values  that 
could  be  obtained  under  these  conditions  are  not  known  and  should 
be  further  investigated. 


There  is  little  question  that  given  adequate  wave  and 
current  motion  and  intense  solar  irradiance,  reef  algal  turf 
communities  on  artificial  screen-type  substrata,  in  nutrient  poor 


seas,  can  consistently  produce  at  harvest  rates  of  8  to  over  15  g 

_  O  _  1  ,  ... 

dry  m  d  .  A  number  of  physical  and  biotic  variables  are 
involved  in  determining  the  level  of  this  production.  These 
include:  1)  overharvest  potential  as  related  to  substratum  type 
and  harvest  frequency;  2)  underharvest  potential  as  related  to 
colonization  by  macroalgae  and  animals;  3)  water  depth,  screen 
type  and  screen  orientation  as  related  to  ultraviolet  and/or 
perhaps  infrared  radiation  and  to  the  transmittance  and 
reflectance  of  light  and  4)  sedimentation  level  and  quality  as 
related  to  wave  action. 

While  mat-forming  benthic  diatoms  are  the  primary  colonizers 
of  these  substrata  and  remain  important  elements  in  all  cases, 
mat-forming  blue-green  algae  and  finally  "canopy"-forming  red 
algae  become  critical  biomass-producing  elements  as  the  screens 
mature.  Red  algae  become  the  dominant  producers  in  the  presence 
of  some  shading  and  where  short  term  harvesting  is  not  carried 

Wild,  screen-cultured  algal  turfs  are  highly  diverse  with 
approximately  30-40  species  of  algae  typically  being  significant 
elements  of  the  community  as  it  develops  and  matures.  This 
diversity  could  very  well  be  of  critical  importance  to  the 
stability  of  biomass  production  for  mariculture,  as  it  is 
unlikely  to  be  disturbed  significantly  by  disease  or  micro 
predation.  The  tendancy  for  human  agriculture  to  heavily  pursue 


monocultures  and  to  use  a  battery  of  modern  tools  to  reduce 
genetic  diversity  has  considerable  implications  with  regard  to  a 
general  sensitivity  to  large  scale  crop  failure. 

Carbon  percentages  based  on  C/H/N  analyses  are  relatively 
low  in  field  algal  turfs  as  compared  to  laboratory  algal  turfs, 
macro  algae  and  flowering  marine  plants.  This  relates  only 
partially  to  included  carbonate  silt  levels.  Algal  turfs  are 
rich  in  blue-green  algae  with  proteinaceous  walls  and  are 
therefore  relatively  rich  in  protein  as  compared  to  cellulose. 
Dried  algal  turfs  arre  also  rich  in  silica  as  a  result  of  high 
diatom  abundances.  Sample  preparation  and  preservation  may  also 
be  a  critical  factor.  The  very  nature  of  the  algal  turf,  in 
which  species  compete  by  rapid  growth  and  reproduction  with 
little  investment  in  structure  or  defense  through  armor  or  toxic 
compounds,  suggests  a  composition  subject  to  rapid  breakdown  by 
fungi  and  bacteria  and  alternatively  easily  available  for 
utilization  as  a  food  source.  Also,  many  grazing  animals, 
including  the  Mithrax  crab,  discussed  in  the  depth  in  this 
volume,  appear  to  prefer  algal  turfs  and  are  adapted  to  their 
harvest,  even  when  in  the  wild  this  results  in  a  digestive  system 
that  is  rich  in  sediment  and  detritus. 

Most  important,  numerous  and  repeated  successful  broodings 
of  Mithrax  females  utilizing  algal  turfs  have  occured  in  this 
study  (see  Reproduction,  this  volume).  In  addition,  and  probably 
more  critical,  Mithax  soinsosissimus  fed  pure  algal  turfs  or 


algal  turfs  supplmented  with  small  quantities  of  wild  macro  algae 
in  culture  have  provided  considerably  higher  growth  rates  (see 
Morphology,  this  volume)  than  crabs  fed  on  diets  of  macro  algae, 
meat  and  commercial  feeds  (Ryther,  et  al. ,  1987)  This  indicates 
that  algal  turf  is  a  rich  food  source  for  this  predominantly 
herbivorous  animal  and  is  likely  a  similarly  rich  food  source  for 
other  reef  grazers. 



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Typical  laboratory/mesocosm  algal  turf  growing  on  a 
one  mm2  mesh  screen.  The  plastic  strands  of  the 
screen  are  330  um  in  diameter.  Present  on  this 
screen,  as  drawn  are:  the  diatoms,  Licmophora  sp. 
and  Navicula  sp. ;  the  blue  greens,  Anacystis 
dimidiata .  Calothrix  Crustacea  and  Qscillatoria 
submembraanacea ;  the  greens,  Cladophora 
fascicularis .  Smithsoniella  earleae  and  Derbesia 
vaucheriaeformis ;  the  browns,  Ectocarpus 
rhodochortonoides  and  Sphacelaria  tribuloides ;  and 
the  reds,  Asterocvtis  ramosa .  Ceramium  corniculatum , 
Polvsiphonia  havanensis  and  Herposiphonia  secunda . 

2.  Oxygen  concentration  of  seawater  undergoing  direct, 
continuous  recirculation  through  an  algal  turf 
scrubber  versus  elapsed  time  of  incubation.  Note 
change  in  rate  of  oxygen  production  as  wave  action 
blocked  and  restored. 

3.  Location  of  Mayaguana  Island,  Bahamas. 

4.  Abraham  Bay,  Mayaguana  research  site.  Depths  in 
fathoms  show  sharp  drop  off  near  rafts.  Local  trade 
winds  and  currents  constantly  bring  ocean  water  to 
the  experimental  site. 

5.  Standard  pvc  pipe  raft  used  to  hold  screens  for  algal 
culture.  The  screen  dimensions  are  1  m2  and  the  PVC 
pipe  is  7.6  cm  dia. 

6.  "Ocean  Array"  of  1/4  m  screens  established  to 
determine  rates  of  algal  production  with  depth. 

7.  Grand  Turk  shelf,  reef  and  research  sites.  See 
figure  3  for  the  location  of  Grand  Turk. 

8.  Eastern  Caribbean  sea,  showing  islands  with  field 
research  sites. 

9.  Detail  of  Nonsuch  Bay,  Antigua  study  sites  1-4. 

10.  Detail  of  Grand  Bay,  Carriacou  and  field  study  sites 

11.  North  Coast  of  Monte  Christi  Province,  Dominican 
Republic,  showing  the  location  of  the  Barrier  Reef, 
Buen  Hombre  and  the  algal  research  site. 

R.  6 












12 .  Scrubber  biomass  production  rates  for  one  week 
harvest  periods  under  the  presence  or  absence  of 
disruptive  wave  surge.  Production  rates  indicated 
for  upstream  (triangles)  and  downstream  (circles) 
screens  within  one  scrubber  that  had  wave  action 
blocked  during  alternate  weeks. 

13.  Scrubber  biomass  production  rates  for  12  day  harvest 
periods  vs.  N-(N02  +  N03)  concentrations  in 
circulating  microcosm  water.  Values  plotted  for 
upstream  screens  (triangles)  and  downstream  screens 
(circles)  for  one  scrubber.  Values  correspond  to 
average  of  nitrogen  concentrations  measured  during 
harvest  period.  Range  in  measured  concentrations 
indicated,  when  possible,  by  bars. 

14.  Mean  harvest  production  rates  of  screens  at 
Mayaguana  with  time  (harvest  every  seven  days) . 

15.  Harvest  production  rates  of  screens  with  depth 
(harvest  every  seven  days;  means  beginning  with 
forth  week  for  one  meter  screens;  means  beginning 
with  fifth  week  for  ocean  array) . 

16.  Relative  abundance  of  diatoms  on  test  screens  at 
Grand  Turk  for  the  first  41  days  of  algal  turf 
development . 

17.  Relative  abundance  of  major  algal  groups  on  test 
screens  at  Grand  Turk  for  48-168  days. 

18.  Biomass  production  of  algal  turf  as  a  function  of 
water  depth  and  screen  size  at  Grand  Turk.  Also, 
included  is  a  typical,  mid  day  solar  energy  spectrum 
as  a  function  of  depth. 

19.  Algal  turf  production  with  time  on  white 
(translucent)  screens  and  black  screens  at  the  same 
site  on  Antigua. 

20.  Algal  turf  production  on  white  (translucent)  and 
black  screens  as  related  to  depth  at  Antigua. 

21.  Algal  turf  production  with  time  and  site  on 
standard  screens  at  Carriacou.  Dashed  lines 
indicate  period  of  heavy  sedimentation  on  island 
apron  screens. 

22.  Number  of  species  of  major  algal  groups  on  algal 
turfs  as  a  function  of  time  at  Grand  Turk. 

FIGURE  23. 

Qualitative  relationship  between  turbulence  (wave 
and  current  energy)  and  mean  harvest  production  at 
research  sites.  This  is  the  result  of  an 
independent  survey  taken  of  scientists  who  spent  a 
considerable  amount  of  time  working  with  algal 
screens  at  at  least  several  of  the  sites  in 
question . 

TABLE  1. 

Algal  genera  consistently  present  in  various  surveys 
of  Caribbean  and  western  tropical  Atlantic  coral 
reefs.  Species  listed  within  genera  are  common, 
persistent  components  of  the  coral  reef  algal  turf 
assemblage.  Genera  designated  by  parentheses 
contain  no  persistent  turf  components  and  are 
classified  as  encrusting  coralline  or  macroalgae  in 
this  study.  Asterisks  designate  genera  that  contain 
both  the  listed  turf  component  species  and  other 
species  which  do  not  persist  within  the  assemblage. 

Plus  signs  designate  calcareous  genera. 

TABLE  2. 

Common,  persistent  components  of  the  coral  reef 

algal  turf  assemblage  in  microcosm  scrubbers.  Species  were 

identified  using  Taylor  (1960),  Humm  and  Wicks 

(1980)  and  Sears  and  Brawley  (1982). 

TABLE  3. 

Biomass  production  rates  calculated  from  12  day, 
concurrent  harvests  of  paired  scrubbers.  Mean 
production  rates,  +S . D . ,  range  and  harvest  numbers 
listed  for  both  upstream  and  downstream  screens  in 
each  of  three  flow  rate  comparisons. 

TABLE  4. 

Algal  turf  harvest  with  time,  depth  and  screen  type 
at  Abraham  Bay,  Mayaguana,  Bahamas  Islands. 

TABLE  5. 

Turf  Algae  of  Mayaguana 

TABLE  6. 

Algal  species  identified  on  turf  culture  screens  at 

Grand  Turk,  Turks  and  Caicos  Islands. 

TABLE  7. 

Screen  type  study  at  site  1  and  site  2,  Grand  Turk. 

TABLE  8. 

Results  of  harvest  rate  study  at  site  2,  Grand  Turk. 

TABLE  9. 

Results  of  depth  array  study  at  site  3,  Grand  Turk. 



TABLE  10. 

TABLE  11. 

TABLE  12. 

TABLE  13 . 

.  y  —  i 

Algal  production  (g  m  d  )  in  location  and  screen 
type  tests  in  Nonsuch  Bay,  Antigua. 

Algal  species  tabulated  on  turf  growth  rafts  at 
Grand  Bay,  Carriacou,  Grenada. 

Algal  turf  production  (g  m”2  d  as  a  function  of 

location,  screen  type  and  time  at  Grand  Bay, 
Carriacou . 

Algal  Harvest  Data  from  Buen  Hombre,  Dominican 
Republic . 


Figure  1 



(I/Bui)  NOIlVaiNBONOO  zO 

Figure  2 








Figure  3 

Figure  4 


Figure  5 


Figure  6 




Figure  7 



Figure  8 


Figure  9 

Figure  10 

Figure  11 










1  - 

0  1 


1  — i - ~r 

2  3  4 



Figure  12 












A  A 


■  .  I  i  y  "  y—  »  '  |  ™T— T8  T  1  |  l  1  '  I  l  |  i 

5  10  15  20 


Figure  13 

20  - 

Figure  14 


^Aep^.ui  (Ajp)6  1S3AUVH 

Figure  15 


70  -I 








i  i  i  i  i - r - — i - n— - 1 - r - 1 — 

48  60  72  84  96  108  120  132  144  156  168 



Figure  16 


100  -i 

Figure  17 














Ultraviolet  B  308  5  nm 
Ultraviolet  A  355  nm 

~ T~ 











90  100 


18  B 

White  Screen 

Figure  19 


Aep/,IU/1M  Ajp  6  Noiionaoad 

Figure  20 

DEPTH  IN  cm 

CARRIACOU  calm  weather 

L  O 








(Aep/2ui/6]  NOIlOnaOdd 

Figure  21 



saioads  jo  aaawriN 

Figure  22 



















Low  High 


Figure  23 


U  G 
CD  0) 
Cl  U 

tn  eg 

•H  £i 

u  a 

<u  <y 

<D  ‘X3 
<D  CD 
u  u 


•  £1 

*H  03 
•u  U 
G  CD 
03  G 

•H  03  U  O 

Cfl  H  (U 

C  OJ 

<D  14-1 
^  0) 
X>  0) 
•H  5-4 

O  U  C/3  *H 
03  O 
WO)  <D 

^  j=  "a  a 
o  d  hi  u 
>  in 

3-4  4_|  U-4  AJ 

3  o  -H  c 

C/3  C/3  QJ 

C/3  C/3  G 
C  A->  03  O 
•H  G  rH  a 
•u  C  O 

C  O  CD  U 

ai  a  u 

C/3  E  CQ  U— 4 

(DO  G 

u  ti  u  u  ffl 
C  C/3  c  c/3  ^ 

O  CD 
a  a>  to 
6  -e 

O  4-1  AJ  <D 
£5-4  0  5-4 

E  3  JO  03 
O  AJ  U 

C  (D 
O  a-» 
O  03 

.  fcC 


W  -H 
4-J  -n 
<  *H 

H  5 

C  CD  C 
*H  C  W) 
03  (D  *H 
4J  Of  W 

Table  1 

I  1  ^qdoi< 



Licmophora  sp. 

Navicula  sp. 

Nitzschia  sp.  / 

Thalassiothrix  sp. 


Anacvstis  dimidiata  (Kutzing)  Drouet  and  Daily 
Calothrix  Crustacea  Schousboe  and  Thuret 
Entophvsalis  sp. 

Microcoleus  Ivngbvaceus  (Kutzing)  Crouan 

Oscillatoria  submenbranacea  Ardissone  andd  Straf forella 

Schizothrix  sp. 


Brvopsis  hvpnoides  Laxnouroux 
Cladophora  crvstallina  (Roth)  Kutzing 
Cladophora  delicatula  Montagne 
Derbesia  vaucheriaef ormisa  (Harvey)  J.  Agardh 
Derbesia  sp. 

Enteromorpha  linqulata  J.  Agardh 
Enteromorpha  prolif era  (Muller)  J.  Agardh 
Smithsoniella  earleae  Sears  and  Brawley 


Ectocarpus  rhodocortonoides  Borgesen 
Gif f ordia  rallsiae  (Vickers)  Taylor 
Pvlaiella  antillarum  (Grunow)  De  Toni 
Spacelaria  tribuloides  Meneghini 


Acrochaetium  sp. 

Asterocvtis  ramosa  (Thwaites)  Gobi 
Banqia  fuscopurpurea  (Dillwyn)  Lyngbye 
Callithamnion  sp. 

Centroceras  clavulatum  (C.  Agardh)  Montagne 
Ceramium  corniculatum  Montagne 
Ceramium  f laccidum  (Kutzing)  Ardissone 
Ervthrocladia  sudinteqra  Rosenvinge 

Ervthrotrichia  carnea  (Dillwyn)  J.  Agardh 
Gymnothamn imn  eleqans  (Schousboe)  J.  Agardh 
Herposiphonia  secunda  (C.  Agardh)  Ambronn 
Polvsiphonia  havanensis  Montagne 
Spvridia  sp. 




(g  m~^  d-1) 







b . 

5 . 5  1/min 

X— 6 . 7  (±1.4  S.D.) 

X=2 . 9  (±1.3) 

(1  wave/70  sec) 

Range-5 .3-8.5 

1.4-4 . 3 

N— 4  harvests  (12  days 


growth  per  harvest 


c . 

d . 

166.0  1/min 

X=ll . 4  (±3.4)  * 

X=12 . 6  (±2.2) 


(1  wave/ 2 3  sec) 


9.7-14 . 7 

N— 4 



a . 

b . 

13.5  1/min 

X=ll . 9  (±3.4) 

X=5 . 5  (±1.3) 

1  wave/27  sec 


3 . 6-6.8 




c . 


32.5  1/min 

X— 13 . 7  (±3.3) 

X=12 . 4  (±3.9) 


1  wave/10  sec 






a . 

b . 

13.5  1/min 

X=8 . 9  (+2.1) 

X=5 . 5  (±2.0) 

1  wave/27  sec 


2 . 9-8 . 3 




c . 


32.5  1/min 

X=10 . 6  (±2.4) 

X=5 . 6  (±1.0) 

1  wave/5  sec, 

7 . 3-14 . 1 

3 . 9-6 . 6 

wave  bucket  1/2 
normal  volume 



*  =  statistical  significance  between  harvests  on  the  same  screen 
within  the  comparison,  P  <  0.05 


Chlorophyta  (Green  Algae) 



*Enteromorpha  chaetomorphoides  Borgesen 



*Cladophora  laetenvirens 



Cladophoropsis  macromeres  Taylor 
Cladophoropsis  membranacea  (C.  Agardh)  Borgesen 



Derbesia  marina  (Lyngbye)  Kjellman 


Brvopsis  sp. 

* Bryopsis  pennata  Lamouroux 
*Pseudobrvopsis  sp. 

Phaeophyta  (Brown  Algae) 



*Gif f ordia  sp. 



*Sphacelaria  sp . 

*Sphacelaria  tribuloides  Meneghini 

Rhodophyta  (Red  Algae) 



*Gelidium  sp. 

*Gelidium  pusillum  (Stackhouse)  Le  Jolis 



*Amphiraa  sp. 

*Amphirea  f ragilissima  (Linnaeus)  Lamouroux 
*Jania  sp. 

Jania  adherens  Lamouroux 
Jania  capillacea  Harvey 
Jania  pumila  Lamouroux 
Jania  rubens  (Linnaeaus)  Lamouroux 


Coelothrix  irregularis  (Harvey)  Borgesen 



Crouania  attenuata  (Bonnemaison)  J.  Agardh 
*Grallatoria  reptans  Howe 
*Antithamnion  sp. 

Dohrniella  antillarum  (Taylor)  Feldman-Mazoyer 
Wrangelia  argus  Montagne 
*Wrangelia  pencillata  C.  Argardh 
*Callithamnion  sp. 

Callithamnion  haliiae  Collins 
*Mesothamnion  caribaeum  Borgesen 
*Grif f ithsia  globulifera  Harvey 
Spermothamnion  investens  (Crouan)  Vickers 
*Ceramium  sp. 

*Ceramium  f laccidum  (Kutzing)  Acdissm 
Ceramium  nitens  (C.  Agardh)  J.  Agardh 
Ceramium  breizonatum  H.E.  Petersen  V.  Caraibica 
*Centroceras  clavulatum  (C.  Agardh)  Montagne 


Taenioma  macrourum  Thuret 


*Dasva  sp. 

Dasva  rigidula  (Kutzing)  Ardissone 

Heterosiphonia  wurdemanni  (Bauley  ex  Harvey)  Falkenberg 
Halodictvon  mirabile  Zanardini 


Falkenbergia  hillebrandii  (Bornet)  Falkenberg 

(This  is  the  tetrasphorophyte  stage  of  Asparagopsis 
arroata ) 

Polvsiphonia  sp. 

Polvsiphonia  atlantica  Kapraun  and  Norris 
Polysiphonia  binnevi  Harvey 

Polvsiphonia  denudatum  (Dillwyn)  Kutzing 
Polvsiphonia  exilis  Harvey 
Polvsiphonia  ferulaceae  Shur 
Polvsiphonia  f laccidisma  Hollenberg 
Polvsiphonia  sphacerocarpa  Borgesen 
Polvsiphonia  simplex  (Wulfen)  C.  Agardh 

Herposiphonia  sp. 

*Herposiphonia  pectin-veneris  (Harvey)  Falkenberg 
*Herposiphonia  secunda  (C.  Agardh)  Ambronn 
Herposiphonia  tenella  (C.  Agardh)  Ambronn 
*Lophosiphonia  cristata  Falkenberg 
*Laurencia  sp. 

Laurencia  microcladia  ( Kurtz ing) 

Cyanophyta  (Blue-Green  Algae) 



Oscillator iaceae 




Bacillariophyceae  (diatoms) 

(several  genera  and  species  occuring  particularly  on  young 
screens  -  not  tabulated) 

*  Occurs  on  algal  turf  rafts 


Navicula  sp. 

Nitzschia  sp. 

Svnedra  sp.  A 
Svnedra  sp.  B 
Tabellaria  sp. 

Diatom  M  (unidentified) 

mat  forming  &  epiphytic 
mat  forming  &  epiphytic 
mat  forming  &  epiphytic 
mat  forming  &  epiphytic 
mat  forming  &  epiphytic 
mat  forming  &  epiphytic 
mat  forming  &  epiphytic 


Anacvstis  sp . 

Schizothrix  calcicola 
(C.  Agardh)  Gomont 
Schizothrix  mexicana  Gomont 

mat  forming 




Cladophora  sp .  canopy 

coccoid  green  mat 


Asterocvtis  ramosa  (Thawaites)  Gobi 
Centroceras  clavulatum  (C.  Agardh) 

Ceramium  sp . 

Ceramium  bvssoideum  Harvey 
Ceramium  comptum  Borgesen 
Ceramium  cruciatum  Collins  &  Harvey 
Ceramium  f astoiatum  (Roth)  Harvey 
Champia  sp . 

Dasvopsis  antillarum  Howe 
Chondria  collinsiana  Howe 
Dohrniella  antillarum  (Taylor) 

Griff ithsia  Schousboei  Mantage 
Herposiphonia  sp. 

Laurencia  sp . 

Laurencia  obtusa  (Hudson)  Lamouroux 
Laurencia  Poitei  (Lamouroux)  Howe 
Polvsiphonia  sp .  A  (unidentified) 
Polysiphonia  sphaerocarpa  Borgesen 
Wrangelia  sp . 

Wranqelia  araus  Montagne 
Wrangelia  penicillata  C.  Agardh 

mat  forming 













mat  forming 









&  epiphytic 



PORE  SIZE  (urn) 

MEAN  la  m—  d— X 























single  layer 
double  layer 
triple  layer 

14 . 8a 




a,b  values  with  same  subscript  are  not  significant  at  5%  level 
using  Scheffe  procedure 

1  coarser  screen  (monofilament  wider  diameter) 



4  daya  5 . 3 

7  daya'b  7.4 

12  day  la'b  7.8 

12  day  2a'b  7.2 

12  day  3a'b  7.9 

20  dayb  9.4 

(q  m—  d— X  STD.  ERROR 







a , b  means  with  same  superscript  are  not  significantly  different 
at  5%  level  using  Scheffe  procedure 



DATA  IN  g  m  2  d  1 












4. 1-9.1 


2.9-4. 6 









3. 0-5. 8 

12 . 1 

8 . 2-21. 





3 . 0-15.9 

4 . 1 

3 . 2-4 . 9 

12 . 0 






5.6-22 . 0 


3. 2-7. 5 









2. 7-5. 5 


8 . 8-28 . 






4 . 6 

3.4-6. 1 


14 . 2-24 

.  0 







ro  o 

M  O 

m  ro 

m  ro 







ro  n 

cn  ro 

cn  > 

cn  m 







M  < 

ro  w 

ro  h3 

ro  ro 







O  M 

>  w 


>  o 







o  ro 

z  z 






























to  I—1 










t— *  i— • 


i— * 






vo  un 





*  « 












H- • 

t  to 


H— 4 



































►— 4 











t— 1 * 

O  ' 

-o  un 

















to  U> 





















un  as 









f— 4 





to  un 

















H=»  K-* 














ov  -o 

















to  VO 










to  to 

f— 4 










to  ov 
















u>  as 








t  t— 




























t— • 







5— 1 



l— '  ' 










U»  U) 









@  * 









-O  vO 









1  to 
































i  to 
































!  to 




















1ABLE  10,  Algal  production  in  location  and  screen  type  tests  in  Nonsuch  Bay. 



Cladophora  sp . 

Cladophora  fascicularis 
Cladophoropsis  sp. 

Halicvstus  osterhoutii 
Brvopsis  plumosa 


Dictvota  dentata 

Dictvota  ciliolata  v.  bermudensis 
Dictvota  dichotoma 
Gif fordia  mitchellae 
Padina  vickersiae 


Ceramium  byssoideum 
Ceramium  subtile 
Callithamnion  sp . 

Griff ithsia  alobulifera 
Laurencia  sp . 

Acanthophora  spicifera 
Polvsiphonia  subtilissima 
Polvsiphonia  denudata 
Lophosiphonia  sp , 

Wranalia  penicillata 

Chrysophyta  (bacillariophyceae) 
Asterionella  sp . 

Cosinodiscus  sp. 

Isthemia  sp . 

Nitzschia  sp .  A 
Nitzschia  sp .  B 
Licmophora  sp . 

Striatella  sp . 

Thalassionema  sp . 

Grammatophora  sp . 


Anabeana  sp . 

Anacvstis  sp . 

LYUSfeYa  sp^. 

Nostoc  sp . 

Oscillatoria  sp . 

Schizothrix  mexicana 

TABLE  12.  Algal  turf  production  as  a  function  of  location, 
screen  type  and  time  at  Grand  Bay,  Carriacou,  Grenada. 

DAYS  (g  m“2  d”1) 


























13 .31 






















5  m 










12 . 0 



13 . 3 











8 . 17 



8  m 




















2 . 11 

















5  m 













3 .30 




14 . 38 


14 . 52 
























13 . 02 









13 .20 



5  m 





13 . 1 















4  m 







7 .38 













2 . 5 




14 . 3 

14 . 5 

18 . 0 

1  AND  3 

TABLE  13,  Buen  Hombre,  Dominican  Republic  Algal  Harvest  Data. 
Each  value  represents  two  pooled  screens  of  area  0.56  m2  each. 
Growth  time  equals  seven  days. 



(all  2 



„  _-2 
g  m 


1  SV 



























6 . 6 
















































































73 . 6 

Mean  harvest 



for  7 


days ;  X  = 

9.1  8.6 

‘  9.1  g  m  2  d 

8.9  9.4 


1,  S.D.  =  ±2.0, 

Mean  daily 

N  =  68 






A.H.  Biddlecomb,  M.P.  Craig  and  J.M.  Iglehart 


In  this  study  of  MX.  spinosissimus  collected  on  the  reefs  of 
Antigua,  twelve  instars  from  first  crab  stage  (1.5  mm  CL) 

to  instar  15  (83,0  mm  CL)  are  identified  from  culture.  All  15 
stages  were  obtained  by  rearing  eggs  taken  from  berried  females 
caught  from  the  reef  environment.  Measurements  of  ventral 
propodus  length,  carapace  length  and  carapace  width  were  used  to 
define  the  growth  phases  of  Mj,  spinosissimus .  The  average  growth 
per  molt  for  crabs  less  than  80  mm  CL  is  35.7%,  and  23.7%  for 
those  greater  than  80  mm  CL. 

In  this  work,  the  point  at  which  the  molt  of  puberty  occurs 
(+105  mm  CL)  is  decidedly  different  from  the  results  of  a  study 
in  the  Florida  Keys  (±80  mm  CL)  (Bohnsack,  1976) .  It  is 
suggested  that  there  are  several  morphologically  distinct  post- 
pubertal  male  instars  and  the  molt  of  puberty  is  not  the  terminal 


Mithrax  (Mithrax)  spinosissimus  (Lamarck,  1818)  is  placed  in 
the  Family  Majidae  (infraorder  Brachyura) ,  commonly  known  as  the 
spider  crabs.  Milne-Edwards  (1832)  amended  the  taxonomic 
classification  to  the  present  genus  and  specices,  from  the 
previously  classified  Mala  spinosissima  (Lamarck,  1818) .  The 
genus  Mithrax  designates  crabs  as  being  characterized  by  long 
slender  walking  legs,  a  nearly  oval  shaped  carapace  with  the 
front  formed  of  two  small  often  pointed  rostral  horns.  The 
orbital  margins  are  generally  more  or  less  spinous  or 
tuberculate,  and  the  merus  of  the  external  maxillipeds  are  broad. 


The  abdomen  of  the  male  is  formed  of  seven  free  segments.  M. 
spinosissimus  is  sometimes  referred  to  as  the  West  Indian  Red 
Spider  Crab  or,  because  of  its  large  size,  the  Caribbean  King 
Crab.  In  this  investigation,  we  have  succeeded  in  obtaining  a 
number  of  successive  developmental  stages  of  this  species.  These 
collected  specimens  have  served  as  the  basis  for  describing  the 
life  history  and  growth  phases  of  M^_  spinas issimus . 

Morphology  of  Adults 

Mithrax  spinosissimus  is  distinct  from  other  tropical  Majids 
because  of  its  large  size.  It  is  the  largest  species  in  the 
genus;  the  largest  adult  previously  reported  had  a  carapace 
length  (CL)  of  167  mm  (Rathbun,  1925)  and  larger  animals  are 
reported  in  this  study.  Considerable  size  variation  does, 
however,  occur  throughout  the  geographic  range  (see  Iglehart,  et 
al . ,  this  volume) .  M^_  spinosissimus  is  distinguished  from  other 

Caribbean/tropical  Atlantic  species  by  the  presence  of  eight  to 
nine  spines  on  the  dorsal  edge  of  the  manus,  the  presence  of  two 
spines  on  the  basal  part  of  the  antennae  and  its  nearly  naked 
carapace.  The  hepatic  and  cardiac  regions  of  the  carapace  are 
distinctly  delimited. 

The  carapace  of  an  adult  Mithrax  spinosissimus  is  large, 
naked  and  approximately  equal  in  width  and  length.  The  entire 
carapace  is  rough  with  short  spines.  In  the  center,  the  spines 


are  blunt ,  while  elsewhere  they  are  sharp.  With  a  deep  cervical 
suture ,  the  rostral  horns  are  narrow,  truncate  at  the  tips  and 
are  separated  by  a  U-shaped  sinus  of  equal  length  and  breadth. 
Mithrax  epinosiss irons  is  strongly  sexually  dimorphic.  The 
chelipeds  of  mature  males  are  larger  and  longer  than  their 
walking  legs.  A  large  tooth-like  structure  emanates  from  the 
male  dactyl  (Figure  1) .  Spines  on  the  chelae  of  old  males  tend 
to  be  blunt  and  tuberculiform,  while  those  on  the  merus  tend  to 
retain  their  spiny  character.  Chelipeds  of  both  sexes  are  armed 
with  numerous  stout  spines.  Chelipeds  of  the  mature  female  are 
no  longer  and  not  much  stouter  than  their  first  walking  legs. 

The  manus  tapers  distally  and  the  fingers  are  narrowly  gaped  with 
numerous  denticles  on  the  inner  edges.  The  tips  of  the  chelae 
are  hollowed  and  spoonlike  with  serrated  edges  in  both  sexes, 
thus  allowing  the  animals  to  feed  on  the  abundant  algal  turfs  and 
small  macroalgae  present  in  reef  environments. 

The  male  abdomen  is  triangular  through  abdominal  segments  1, 
2  and  3 ,  and  nearly  rectangular  through  segments  4 ,  5 ,  6  and  7 
and  hangs  loosely  in  mature  males.  The  abdomen  of  the  male 
covers  only  a  small  portion  of  the  width  of  the  sternum,  while 
the  abdomen  of  the  mature,  female  is  broad  and  nearly  covers  the 
entire  sternum. 


Morphology  of  Juveniles 

Rathbun  (1925)  described  medium  sized  juveniles  as  having  a 
carapace  much  longer  than  wide  and  covered  with  setae.  At  this 
age,  the  spines  are  sharper  than  the  spines  of  adult  crabs, 
including  the  tips  of  the  rostral  horns  which  also  curve  slightly 
inward.  Both  sexes,  as  juveniles,  have  small  chelipeds  with  a 
gape  extending  one-half  the  length  of  the  fingers. 

In  younger  individuals,  spines  appear  sharper  than  those  of 
older  juveniles  and  longer  in  relation  to  carapace  size.  The 
rostral  horns  are  also  longer,  one-fifth  as  long  as  the  carapace. 
There  are  two  spines  on  the  suborbital  margin  outside  the 
antennal  segment.  The  chelipeds  of  the  young  are  no  longer  or 
stouter  than  the  first  pair  of  legs. 

Morphology  of  Larvae 

Provenzano  and  Brownell  (1977)  described  the  larval  and 
first  crab  stages.  Wilson,  et  al .  (1979)  discussed  morphological 

differences  and  similarities  in  larvae  of  M.  forceps,  M. 
spinosissimus  and  M.  pleuracanthus  (Yang,  1967) .  The  latter 
species  was  fully  described  by  Goy,  et  al. ,  (1981),  in  which  the 

authors  proposed  a  reassessment  of  the  genus  because  of 
similarities  between  M.  forceps  and  M.  pleuracanthus  (of  separate 
subgenera) ,  both  of  which  differ  from  M^  spinosissimus .  Goy,  et 
al.  (1981)  states  that  larval  M.  spinosissimus  are  "clearly  less 
related"  to  other  Mithracinae.  Other  developmental  descriptions 


of  larval  stages  for  species  in  the  genus  are  for  M.  corvphe 
(Scotto  and  Gore,  1981) ,  M.  hispidus  (Fransozo  and  Hebling,  1982) 
and  M.  verrucosus  (Bolanos  and  Scelzo,  1981) . 

Relative  Growth  of  the  Chelae 

The  process  of  reaching  maturity,  the  size  at  maturity  and 
the  presence  or  absence  of  a  terminal  molt  are  significant 
elements  in  considering  the  mariculture  potential  of  M. 
spinosissimus .  Physical  and  sexual  maturation  bring  about 
changes  in  the  relative  growth  between  various  body  parts.  An 
aspect  of  the  relative  growth  of  M.  spinosissimus  with  biological 
and  economic  significance  is  the  large  size  of  the  chelipeds  of 
mature  male  instars.  Useable  meat  to  total  weight  ratios  are 
considerably  higher  for  mature  males  with  the  largest  chelae.  At 
the  molt  of  puberty,  chelae  of  the  male  M.  spinosissimus  become 
substantially  larger,  while  in  the  females  the  abdomen  increases 
in  width  so  as  to  cover  the  sternum,  thereby  making  a  protected 
brooding  space.  In  addition,  gonads  in  both  sexes  begin  to 
mature.  The  female  pleopods,  gonopores  and  abdominal  locking 
mechanism  also  noticably  change  at  the  molt  of  puberty  (see 
Craig,  et  al. ,  this  volume) .  By  relating  the  "claw  length"  (VPL) 
to  the  carapace  width  of  the  crabs  collected  in  Florida,  Bohnsack 
(1976)  suggested  that  male  M.  spinosissimus  molted  to  maturity  at 
approximately  80  mm  CW,  because  at  this  point  the  chelae  length 
increases  at  a  proportionately  higher  rate  than  carapace  length. 


Tessier  (1935),  Vernet-Cornubert  (1958)  and  Hartnoll  (1963, 
1965)  compared  ventral  propodus  length  (VPL)  and  carapace  length 
(CL)  or  width  (CW)  on  a  log-log  plot  to  determine  specific 
changes  in  allometry,  especially  at  maturation.  These  three 
authors  all  concluded  that  in  the  Majidae,  ecdysis  and  therefore 
growth  during  molt  ceases  after  the  molt  to  puberty. 

Hartnoll  (1965)  investigated  the  life  history  of  five 
tropical  spider  crab  species.  He  concluded  that  the  molt  to 
maturity  was  the  terminal  molt  based  on:  1)  evidence  of  pre¬ 
pubertal  instars  molting  in  captivity,  i.e.,  observations  of 
several  dissected  pre-pubertal  instars  preparing  to  molt  and  the 
lack  of  molting  or  indications  of  molting  among  the  post-pubertal 
instars;  2)  pre-pubertal  instars  developed  limb  buds  upon  losing 
an  appendage,  while  post-pubertal  instars  with  autotomized 
appendages  formed  calcified  stumps  and  were  not  observed  to  form 
limb  buds;  and  3)  the  "epifauna  of  the  integument,"  which  attach 
as  larvae  (i.e.,  barnacles  and  serpulid  worms),  was  observed  to 
be  more  abundant  and  older  on  post-pubertal  instars,  indicating 
at  least,  a  much  longer  intermolt  period. 

Tessier  (1935)  described  a  critical  molt  in  male  instars  of 
the  species  Maia  scruinado  prior  to  the  molt  of  puberty.  The 
molt,  called  the  molt  of  pre-puberty,  marked  the  first 
differentiation  of  relative  growth  rates  between  sexes.  In  Pisa 
tetraodon .  Vernet-Cornubert  (1958)  was  able  to  show  that  the  pre- 


pubertal  instar  has  a  great  range  of  carapace  lengths,  and  the 
molt  of  puberty  may  be  from  one  to  three  instars  after  the  first 
pre-pubertal  instar.  Tessier  (1935)  showed  the  molt  of  pre¬ 
puberty  to  occur  at  approximately  70  mm  CL  in  Maia  squinado  and 
the  molt  of  puberty  to  occur  three  instars  later.  The  first 
slight  proportional  increase  in  growth  of  the  chelae  over  the 
carapace  was  considered  by  Tessier  (1935) ,  Vernet-Cornubert 
(1958)  and  Hartnoll  (1963)  to  be  the  beginning  of  the  range  of 
carapace  lengths  where  the  molt  of  pre-puberty  occurs  in  the 
species  they  studied.  Hartnoll  (1963)  gives  extensive 
consideration  and  discussion  to  a  pre-pubertal  molt  in  the  "Manx" 
spider  crabs,  but  the  Majids  he  studied  in  Jamaica  are  not 
mentionned  (Hartnoll,  1965) . 

Hartnoll  (1965)  found  a  wide  size  range  of  post-pubertal 
Majids  in  both  sexes.  From  samples  of  Mithrax  sculptus . 
differences  in  post-pubertal  CL  were  calculated  showing  that  the 
largest  mature  female  was  162%  larger  than  the  smallest  mature 
female,  and  the  largest  mature  male  was  314%  larger  than  the 
smallest  mature  male  (Hartnoll,  1965). 

In  most  Majids  there  is  only  a  single  type  of  post-pubertal 
male  instar.  However,  Hartnoll  (1963)  and  Vernet-Cornubert 
(1958) ,  found  that  among  Pisa  tetraodon .  Pisa  gibbsi  and  Inachus 
leptochirus .  there  are  two  morphologically  distinct  types  of 
post-pubertal  males  which  vary  in  chela  length  (the  latter  two) 
and  in  chelae  breadth  (all  three) ,  so  that  the  two  distinct  types 


in  each  species  have  different  levels  of  allometry,  i . e. , 
separate  phases  of  maturity. 

Hartnoll  (1974,  1978)  described  the  growth  of  organs 
functioning  as  primary  or  secondary  sexual  characteristics 
relative  to  carapace  growth  by  the  allometric  growth  equation, 
y=Bxa  where  y  =  variable  dimension  (organ  size) ;  x  =  reference 
dimension  (carapace  length  or  width) ;  a  =  the  regression 
coefficient  (or  rate  of  growth) ;  and  B  =  y  intercept  (or 
proportional  difference  between  organ  and  body) .  The  allometric 
growth  equation  expressed  logarithmically  is:  log  y  =  log  B  +  a 
log  x.  The  relative  growth  of  Brachyuran  chela,  abdomen  and 
first  pleopods  may  then  be  compared  by  using  the  regression 
coefficient,  "a",  or  the  level  of  allometry  (Hartnoll,  1974). 
These  changes  in  levels  of  allometry  at  specific  instars  indicate 
important  changes  in  the  function  of  particular  body  parts 
relative  to  sexual  maturation. 

In  a  comparison  of  the  positive  allometry  levels  of  the 
adult  male  chela  and  the  female  abdomen,  Hartnoll  (1974)  also 
found  a  positive  allometry  in  the  pre-pubertal  male  phase  and 
considerable  size  increases  at  the  pubertal  molt.  At  the  molt  of 
puberty,  the  relative  growth  of  the  male  chela  increases  to  a 
higher  level  of  positive  allometry  as  does  the  relative  growth  of 
the  abdomen  of  the  female  whose  terminal  molt  coincides  with  the 
molt  of  maturity.  In  those  females  that  continue  to  molt  after 


the  molt  of  puberty ,  the  abdomen  width  to  the  carapace  length 
decreases  isometrically . 


From  1985-1986 ,  157  M*,  spinosissimus  were  collected  with 
standard  West  Indian  lobster  traps  off  the  eastern  coast  of 
Antigua  in  the  Caribbean/tropical  Atlantic  (Lat.  17°  10'  N ,  Long. 
61°  43'  W) .  In  addition,  107  measured  crabs  were  reared  from 
larvae  at  Nonsuch  Bay  in  eastern  Antigua  (see  Porter,  et  al . . 
this  volume) .  The  cultured  crabs  were  reared  from  broods 
generated  by  captured  animals  from  wild  populations.  Nearly  all 
crabs  less  than  80  mm  were  cultured.  Photographs  of  post-larval 
instars  1-15  are  presented  from  culture. 

Ventral  propodus  length  (VPL)  was  measured  from  the  most 
distant  tip  of  the  fixed  finger  to  the  end  adjacent  to  and 
projecting  slightly  below  the  carpal  hinge  (A/B  Figure  1) .  All 
measurements  were  made  to  the  nearest  0.1  mm  using  precision  dial 
calipers.  Plots  of  the  measurements  of  CL  vs  VPL  were  used  to 
identify  size  at  maturity.  Measurements  were  taken  from  the 
right  cheliped  unless  it  was  missing,  in  which  case,  the  left  was 
used.  Carapace  length  (CL)  was  measured,  exclusive  of  rostral 
horns,  from  the  middle  of  the  rostral  sinus  to  the  most  posterior 
edge  of  the  carapace.  Carapace  length  is  a  more  precise 


measurement  than  the  width  due  to  its  ease  of  measurement  and 
standardization  of  measurement  procedure  in  terms  of  replication. 
Carapace  width  (CW) ,  measured  from  just  in  front  of  the  fourth 
branchial  spines,  was  also  taken  to  compare  CW  to  CL  and  provide 
a  reference  to  previous  work.  A  least  squares  regression  was 
used  to  determine  the  relationship  between  CW  and  CL. 


Of  264  crabs  measured  in  Antigua,  107  were  cultured  and  157 
were  captured  locally.  The  crabs  ranged  in  size  from  19.8  to 
146.5  mm  CL.  The  VPL  and  CL  data  for  individual  crabs  given  in 
figure  2  shows  that  males  and  females  are  dimensionally 
indistinguishable  up  to  approximately  55  mm  CL.  Up  to  that 
size,  both  sexes  are  showing  a  slight  positive  allometry  or 
proportional  increase  of  the  propodus  relative  to  the  carapace. 

At  that  point,  however,  sexual  dimorphism  begins  to  be  evident 
with  the  males  showing  proportionally  even  longer  chelae.  At  75 
to  80  mm  CL  there  is  a  distinct  inflection  in  the  relationship 
between  ventral  propodus  length  and  carapace  length  for  pre¬ 
pubertal  males  with  even  greater  chela  elongation.  Beginning  at 
about  100  mm  CL,  the  VPL  of  mature  males  increases  markedly 
relative  to  carapace  size.  This  point  marks  the  instar  size  at 
which  the  cheliped  becomes  longer  than  the  carapace  in 
approximately  85%  of  the  post-larval  instars  in  the  100-120  mm  CL 
range.  Finally,  at  about  130  mm  CL,  the  allometry  of  the  VPL 


decreases  slightly  for  mature  males.  These  allometric 
relationships  are  rigidly  adhered  to  in  the  crab  population  we 
studied.  A  single  male,  114.8  mm  CL,  76.4  mm  VPL,  had  both 
chelae  equivalent  in  length  to  females  of  the  same  carapace  size. 

The  relationship  between  ventral  propodus  length  and 
carapace  length  of  females  is  also  positively  allometric  (+1.17), 
except  for  a  number  of  the  largest  adults,  which  tend  to  show 
relatively  "shortened"  chelae,  or  a  slightly  negative  allometry, 
like  the  oldest  males.  A  study  of  the  allometric  relationships 
of  the  abdomen  width  would  probably  show  roughly  inverse 
male/female  relationships. 

Examination  of  the  percent  incease  in  carapace  length 
increment  at  each  molt  shows  a  total  mean  increase  of  30.4%  (S.D. 
+9.4%,*  N-44)  (Figure  3).  The  data  were  separated  at  8  0  mm  CL 
because  of  the  definite  differentiation  of  males  from  females  at 
this  point  as  determined  from  figure  2.  The  mean  CL  increment  of 
instars  less  than  80  mm  CL  is  35.7%  (S.D.  ±6.8  %,  N=26) ,  and 
above  80  mm  CL,  23.7%  (S.D.  +5.8%,  N~18) . 

Eleven,  wild,  immature  crabs  molted  in  captivity  in  Antigua. 
Four  of  the  seven  males  and  each  of  the  four  females  molted  to 
maturity.  The  females  averaged  a  24.6%  increase  in  CL  and  an 
average  of  31.1%  increase  in  VPL.  Of  the  four  females  that 
molted  to  maturity,  the  largest  pre-pubertal  instar  was  86.2  mm 
CL,  53.3  mm  VPL  and  the  smallest  post-pubertal  instar  was  94.4  mm 


CL,  64.3  mm  VPL.  The  males  that  molted  to  maturity  were  among 
the  largest  of  the  immature  crabs  captured  but  they  molted  only 
to  the  lower  end  of  the  range  of  mature  males,  from  means  of 
101.4  mm  CL,  76.6  mm  VPL  to  119.3  mm  CL,  114.6  mm  VPL, 

(averages).  The  males  averaged  a  17.7%  increase  in  CL  and  a 
49.9%  increase  in  VPL.  The  other  three  males  molted  to  a  size 
somewhat  larger  than  the  pre-pubertal  size  of  those  that  became 
mature.  They  experienced  an  average  increase  of  26.1%  in  CL  and 
39.7%  in  VPL.  These  relationships  are  plotted  as  means  on  figure 

Of  the  264  JL  spinosissimus  examined,  the  relative  growth  of 
the  chela  of  pre-pubertal  males  exhibit  a  positive  allometry  that 
is  higher  than  that  of  the  pre-pubertal  females,  especially 
between  80  and  105  mm  CL  (Figure  4)  (Table  1) .  The  male  VPL 
significantly  increases  at  the  molt  to  maturity  as  represented  by 
the  break  in  the  distributions,  with  a  subsequently  higher  level 
of  positive  allometry.  The  female  VPL,  however,  appears  to  have 
nearly  isometric  chelar  growth  in  relation  to  the  CL  for 
specimens  greater  than  105  mm  CL.  Photographs  of  the  maturation 
of  male  and  female  chalae  are  shown  in  figure  6. 

The  relationship  between  CL  and  CW  (Figure  5)  (CW  ~  -4.84  + 
1.06  CL;  P  <0.005)  depends  on  the  stage  of  development.  At  the 
early  post-larval  instars,  CL  is  greater  than  CW,  whereas  in 
adult  M^_  spinosissimus .  CW  exceeds  CL.  The  transition  from  the 
elongated  body  shape  (CL  >  CW)  of  the  juvenile  poost-larval 


instars  to  the  anteriorly-posteriorly  flattened  body  shape  (CW  > 
CL)  of  the  adults  occurs  at  approximately  80.7  mm  CL.  At 
approximately  80.7  mm,  CW  is  equal  to  CL.  Simply  stated,  the 
juvenile  carapace  is  longer  than  wide.  At  80.7  mm  CL  as  the 
crabs  enter  full  puberty,  it  is  virtually  round.  Finally,  as  a 
sexually  mature  adult,  the  carapace  becomes  wider  than  long. 

Developmental  Morphology 

All  the  developmental  stages  observed  were  obtained  by 
rearing  larvae  from  eggs  obtained  from  gravid  females  caught  in 
the  reef  environment.  Fifteen  successive  instars,  from  first 
instar  to  the  last  pre-pubertal  instar  are  depicted  in  figures  7- 
25.  The  terminal  part  of  the  first  post-larval  instar  is  similar 
to  the  megalops  stage  as  the  telson  is  loosely  tucked  to  the 
abdomen.  From  the  second  post-larval  instar  to  the  eighth  post- 
larval  instar  (Figures  8  to  13) ,  additional  spines  become 
apparent  and  existing  spines  increase  in  length.  Also,  the 
orbital  region  initially  increases  in  size  in  relation  to  the 
body,  and  then  proportionally  decreases  in  size  through  those 
instars  as  the  portion  of  the  carapace  shielding  the  eyes 
diminishes  in  size.  At  instar  4,  the  second  rostral  horns 
develop.  The  carapace  becomes  more  oval  shaped  and  wider 
posteriorly  through  instars  5-7.  In  addition,  the  carapace  shows 
increased  spine  development,  with  the  third  branchial  spine 


bifurcating.  The  orbital  region  shortens  and  the  rostral  horns 
turn  in  slightly  at  the  tips  through  instar  8.  From  instar  9 
(Figure  14) ,  which  generally  occurs  from  14  to  24  mm  CL,  the 
basic  form  and  shape  of  the  adult  carapace  has  been  assumed,  and 
the  species  is  easily  distinguished.  Prior  to  instar  9  or  10.  M. 
spinosissimus  is  similar  in  appearance  to  the  adult  Mithrax 
acuticornis  and  juveniles  of  other  Mithrax  species  such  as 
Mithrax  verrucosus .  Sex  is  readily  determined  at  instar  10, 
although  the  abdomen  does  not  achieve  its  mature  shape  until  the 
pubertal  molt.  The  third  branchial  spine  is  longer  while  the 
rostral  horns  are  noticeably  thicker  and  shorter  in  proportion  to 
the  carapace  length.  At  instar  11,  there  is  a  shortening  of  the 
orbital  region  and  the  L/W  ratio  approximates  1.08  which  remains 
constant  or  decreases  slightlty  through  the  rest  of  the  instars. 
Instar  13  (Figure  20)  lacks  hooked  setae  on  the  carapace.  On  the 
dorsal  region  of  the  carapace,  these  setae  are  absent  but  are 
present  along  the  carapace  edges.  The  propodus  and  dactyl 
segments  of  the  walking  legs  have  abundant  setation  even  on 
mature  crabs.  The  chelipeds  and  abdominal  regions  exhibit  marked 
allometric  growth  from  the  fourteenth  instar.  At  instars  14-16 
the  spines  on  the  carapace  become  shorter  and  more  rounded. 

There  are  fewer  setae  on  the  carapace. 



Accompanying  growth  in  Mithrax  spinosissimus  are  changes  in 
carapace  and  limb  proportions.  When  very  young,  the  juveniles 
are  slightly  elongated  and  quite  spiny.  Prior  to  about  instar  7 
they  are  decorators  and  very  difficult  to  see  in  an  algal 
environment.  As  they  approach  pre-puberty,  they  become  slightly 
wider  than  long  and  the  sharp  setae  gradually  become  blunter. 

The  mean  increment  of  molt  size  increase  of  approximately  30.4% 
for  carapace  length  is  of  little  value  in  the  morphometics  of 
growth.  This  increment  although  highly  variable  is  clearly 
larger  (approximately  35%)  in  young  juveniles  and  decreases  and 
narrows  in  range  in  older  juveniles.  In  pre-pubertal  crabs,  the 
molt  interval  drops  to  about  25%  and  finally,  as  the  terminal 
molt  approaches,  extends  below  20%.  The  development  of  the 
chelae  in  the  males  is  slightly  allometric  as  young  juveniles 
becomes  strongly  allometric  and  proportionally  larger  at  the 
molts  of  pre-puberty.  Hartnoll  (1965)  determined  that  the  sharp 
alteration  in  relative  size  of  the  chelae  in  male  spider  crabs  is 
the  primary  and  most  reliable  index  of  the  the  molt  of  puberty. 
Thus,  in  It  spinosissimus  the  relationship  between  ventral 
propodus  length  and  carapace  length  indicated  by  the  sharp 
inflection  and  break  in  the  line  at  approximately  105  mm  CL 
indicates  the  point  at  which  the  male  molt  of  puberty  occurs. 
Figure  6  shows  the  chelae  of  a  male  and  female  through  a  series 


of  molts.  Though  the  relationship  between  ventral  propodus 
length  and  carapace  length  becomes  sharply  allometric  in  males  at 
about  100  mm  CL,  and  becomes  isometric  in  females  at  about  80-90 
mm  CL,  as  both  apparently  molt  to  even  larger  sizes,  growth 
becomes  negatively  allometric  and  cheliped  size  shortens  relative 
to  the  body  length.  Although  the  primary  growth  and 
morphological  relationships  seem  quite  clear  through  the  young 
adults  in  the  Antiguan  population,  the  post-puberty  patterns  and 
the  relationship  of  the  Antiguan  crabs  to  those  elsewhere  in  the 
Caribbean  leave  some  questions. 

The  relationship  between  VPL  and  CL  from  M_;_  spinosissimus 
collected  in  Antigua  indicates  that  the  morphological 
relationships  shown  in  figure  4  are  significantly  different  from 
those  previously  sampled  in  Florida  (Bohnsack,  1976) .  There 
appears  to  be  some  Caribbean-wide  regional  variation  in 
morphological  characteristics  as  mature  crabs  caught  at  other 
sites  were  larger  than  those  in  Antigua,  which  in  turn  were 
considerably  larger  than  the  Florida  population  (see  Bohnsack, 
1976) . 

Very  large  pre-pubertal  and  post-pubertal  male  instars  were 
collected  in  the  Dominican  Republic,  measuring  131.0  and  180.0  mm 
CL  respectively.  The  largest  pre-pubertal  and  post-pubertal 
female  instars  were  collected  in  Grand  Turk,  measuring  105.6  and 
158.2  mm  CL  respectively.  This  coincidental  trend  suggests  that 
the  large  pre-pubertal  crabs  molt  to  the  largest  adults.  The 


large  immature  male  (131.0  mm  CL)  had  morphologically  immature 
chelae,  and  after  molting,  it  measured  153.3  mm  CL  (no  VPL  was 
recorded  for  this  crab) . 

The  molt  increment  data  in  figure  4  indicates  a  sharply 
decreasing  trend  in  molt  increments  for  crabs  molting  at  a  CL 
longer  than  80  mm.  A  general  decrease  in  increment  might  be 
attributed  to  conditions  of  culture  since  much  of  this  data  is 
derived  from  crabs  cultured  from  eggs.  However,  the  low  molt 
increments  are  consistent  with  that  found  from  wild  crabs  only 
observed  in  culture  for  short  periods.  Also,  this  relationship, 
as  expressed  by  the  "Hiatt  Growth  Diagram,"  is  well  known  for 
other  crabs  (Mauchline,  1976) . 

The  observed  molt  increments  suggest  that  it  is  improbable 
for  an  Antiguan  crab  to  molt  from  the  largest  CL  in  the  size 
range  of  pre-pubertal  crabs  to  the  largest  in  the  size  range  of 
post-pubertal  crabs.  This  would  be  a  carapace  length  increase  of 
about  34%  for  males,  whereas  we  predict  an  increase  in  CL 
increment  at  each  molt  of  only  about  15-20%  based  on  figure  3  and 
the  molts  achieved  after  capture.  Comparable  figures  are 
available  for  Hvas  coarctatus  (brachyura)  with  an  average 
increase  in  CL  among  laboratory  specimens  (n=8)  of  21.5  (Hartnoll 
1963a) .  With  regard  to  carapace/propodus  relationships,  female 
maturation  is  not  so  clear.  Based  on  those  animals  that  did  molt 
to  maturity  in  captivity,  a  25%  increment  is  found,  and  this 


essentially  agrees  with  figure  3.  On  the  other  hand,  the 
required  female  CL  molt  increment  would  have  to  be  37.4%  between 
the  largest  pre-pubertal  instar  (92.4  mm  CL,  59.0  mm  VPL)  and  the 
largest  post-pubertal  instar  (127.0  mm  CL,  81.1  mm  VPL). 

It  is  suggested  that  the  terminal  molt  may  not  occur  at  the 
molt  to  maturity  in  female  Mithrax  spinosissimus  as  evidenced  by 
the  wide  variation  in  range  of  carapace  length  for  mature  females 
and  the  consistent  variation  in  molt  increments  for  crabs  of  the 
same  carapace  length.  On  the  other  hand,  the  wide  variation  in 
carapace  length  observed  in  cultured  crabs  at  the  same  instar  and 
the  inability  to  be  certain  whether  some  females  have  indeed 
achieved  the  full  reproductive  state  make  it  very  difficult  to 
establish  the  state  of  some  crabs.  Also,  great  differences  in 
size  increase  between  crabs  that  molted  to  maturity  and  the 
increments  predicted  based  on  the  distribution,  may  occur  due  to 
environmental  variables,  such  as  temperature,  light,  amount  and 
type  of  food  available,  and  competition  for  food  and  space.  The 
difference  may  also  be  due  to  genetic  variation,  in  which  case 
the  cited  crabs  that  molted  to  maturity  in  captivity  are  an 
insufficient  sample. 

Until  recently  the  ma j id  crab  Chinoecetes  opilio  (the  snow 
crab)  was  thought  not  to  have  a  terminal  molt  at  the  molt  to 
maturity  (Davidson,  et  al . ,  1985) .  While  it  has  now  been 
demonstrated  otherwise,  it  is  to  be  noted  that  in  that  species 
there  is  considerable  overlap  in  male  carapace  size  between  the 


pre-pubertal  animals  and  the  adults  (Watson,  1980) .  This  differs 
significantly  from  the  data  found  for  It  spinosissimus  in  this 
study  (Figure  2).  In  addition,  from  Figure  2,  there  is  an 
apparent  reduction  in  positive  allometry  for  those  males  over  130 
mm  VPL.  Males  with  a  VPL  greater  than  130  mm  are  offset  from  and 
slope  slightly  less  than  the  smaller  mature  males.  Thus,  in 
this  species  there  remains  considerable  doubt  that  the  terminal 
molt  always  occurs  at  the  molt  to  maturity,  at  least  as  that 
maturity  is  evidenced  by  the  size  of  the  propodus. 

Juvenile  instars  of  80  mm  CL  exhibit  positive  chelar 
allometry.  Allometry  levels  calculated  from  logarithmically 
transformed  values  for  ventral  propodus  length  and  carapace 
length  of  instars  show  the  relative  growth  of  Mithrax 
spinosissimus  to  be  similar  to  other  Brachyurans  (Hartnoll, 

1974)  .  The  allometry  level  of  VPL  for  the  pre-pubertal  male  of 
this  species  and  for  pre-pubertal  male  Brachyurans  in  general  is 
respectively,  1.27  and  1.26.  Post-pubertal  Mithrax  spinosissimus 
males  have  a  higher  level  of  allometry  than  post-pubertal 
Brachyurans  (1.73  to  1.53,  respectively).  The  VPL  allometry 
level  for  pre-pubertal  females  is  also  higher  than  that  for  their 
Brachyuran  counterparts,  1.17  and  1.11,  respectively.  However, 
the  VPL  allometry  level  for  post-pubertal  females  decreases 
considerably  from  that  calculated  for  other  mature  Brachyuran 
females,  0.97  compared  to  1.10. 


Hartnoll  (1965)  states  that  mature  ma j ids  do  not  molt  based 

on  evidence  of  epizoeal  growth.  However,  the  post-pubertal  M. 
spinosissimus  were  relatively  clean  of  epizoal  growth.  Because 
of  this,  observations  of  the  growth  of  epizoal  organisms  to  gauge 
relative  age  of  the  exoskeleton  may  not  be  easily  applicable  for 
these  crabs.  When  collected,  the  mature  Antiguan  crabs  had  very 
little  epizoeal  growth  on  the  carapace.  During  captivity, 
however,  all  crabs  developed  epizoal  organisms  and  some 
eventually  attained  very  well  developed  red  crustose  algae  on  the 
carapace.  In  addition,  gooseneck  barnacles  developed  around  the 
base  of  the  chelipeds. 


The  morphometric  characteristics  of  mithrax  spinosissimus 
change  considerably  from  first  crab,  through  juvenile  and  pre¬ 
pubertal  instars  to  adult.  The  shape  and  growth,  relative  to  the 
carapace,  of  the  chelipeds  provides  a  standard  morphological 
reference  point  for  Mithrax  spinosissimus .  Maturity  is  reached 
in  16  or  17  molts.  The  size  range  of  carapace  length  among 
individual  populations  from  different  geographic  locations 
throughout  the  Caribbean/West  Indian  region  varies  widely, 
although  it  is  rather  narrow  within  populations.  Different  mean 
carapace  sizes  at  each  study  site  may  be  the  result  of  specific 
ecological  effects  perhaps  including  available  burrow  size, 
available  food,  predation  pressure  and  temperature  in  the  case  of 


Florida.  However,  considering  the  extremely  short  swimming 
period  of  the  larval  stages  and  the  great  depths  of  water  present 
between  many  Caribbean  Islands,  genetic  differences  between 
isolated  populations  must  be  suspected. 

From  our  observations,  we  cannot  establish  with  certainty 
that  the  molt  of  puberty  is  the  terminal  molt.  It  appears  that 
the  expected  molt  increment  of  20-25%  is  too  small  to  allow  for 
all  pre-pubertal  instars  to  molt  to  the  largest  post-pubertal 
instars.  In  addition,  at  Antigua  the  lack  of  attached  epifaunal 
growth  on  the  carapace  of  all  post-pubertal  instars  coupled  with 
the  observation  of  male  crabs  with  slightly  enlarged  chelipeds 
molting  lead  us  to  suggest  that  another  instar  can  occur  after 
the  pubertal  molt,  that  being  the  terminal  molt. 

Except  for  the  Florida  populations,  which  in  mariculture 
might  molt  to  non-commercial  sizes,  Mithrax  spinosissimus  appears 
to  offer  maximum  potential  for  marketing  in  that  a  choice  could 
be  made  between  relatively  small,  low  meat  to  weight  ratio 
females,  the  large,  high  meat  to  weight  ratio  males  and  an  even 
larger  size  male  post-larval  instar.  Unfortunately,  we  have  no 
information  at  this  time  on  the  time  interval  to  a  second  adult 
molt.  It  may  or  may  not  be  consistent  with  the  later  molts  of 
pre-puberty  and  the  molt  to  adult. 



Bohnsack,  J.L.  1976.  The  spider  crab,  Mithrax  spinosissimus :  an 
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Bolanos,  J.  and  M. A.  Scelzo.  1981.  Larval  development  of  the  spider 
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Brownell,  W.N.,  A.J.  Provenzano,  Jr.  and  M.  Martinez  1977.  Culture 
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Davidson,  K. ,  J.  Roff  and  R.  Elmer.  1985.  Morphological, 

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Fransozo,  A.  and  N.J.  Hebling.  1982.  Larval  development  of 
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Goy,  J.W. ,  C.G.  Bookhout  and  J.D.  Costlow,  Jr.  1981.  Larval 
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Hartnoll,  H.G.  1963.  The  biology  of  the  Manx  spider  crabs. 

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Hartnoll,  H.G.  1965.  The  biology  of  spider  crabs:  A  comparison 
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Hartnoll,  H.G.  1974.  Variation  in  growth  pattern  between  some 
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Hartnoll,  H.G.  1978.  The  determination  of  relative  growth  in 
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ecology  and  bionics  of  Caribbean  Reef  fishes:  Crustaceans 
(lobster  and  crabs)  Res.  Rept.  Zool.  Dept.  Univ.  West 
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Provenzano,  A.J.,  Jr.  and  W.N.  Brownell.  1977.  Larval  and  early 
post-larval  stages  of  the  West  Indian  spider  crab,  Mithrax 
spinosissimus  (Lamarck)  (Decapoda:  Majidae).  Proceedings  of 
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Rathbun,  M.J.  1925.  The  spider  crabs  of  America.  Bulletin  of  the 
United  States  National  Museum  129:  1-613. 

Scotto,  L.E.  and  R.H.  Gore.  1980.  Larval  development  under 

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Watson,  J.  1970.  Maturity,  mating,  and  egg  laying  in  the  spider 
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Wilson,  K.A. ,  L.E.  Scotto  and  R.H.  Gore.  1979.  Studies  on  Decapod 
Crustacea  from  the  Indian  River  region  of  Florida  XIII. 

Larval  development  under  laboratory  conditions  of  the 
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Yang,  W.T.  1967.  A  study  of  zoeal,  megalopal  and  early  crab 
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Ph.D.  dissertation.  University  of  Miami.  Coral  Gables,  FLA. 
1-459  pp. 



Figure  X . 
Figure  2 . 

Figure  3 . 

Figure  4. 

Figure  5. 
Figure  6. 
Figure  7 . 

Figure  8. 

Figure  9 . 

Figure  10. 

Figure  11. 

Figure  12 . 
Figure  13 . 

Position  of  male  chelar  VPL  measurement  (A  to  B.) 

VPL  vs  CL  in  mm  for  wild  and  cultured  Mithrax 
spinosissimus  from  Antigua.  Solid  lines  represent 
average  increment  increase  of  A)  four  males  that 
molted  to  maturity ,  B)  three  males  that  molted  to 
pre-pubertal  instar  and  C)  four  females  that  molted 
to  maturity. 

Relationship  of  increase  in  size  of  Mithrax 
spinosissimus  carapace  length  (CL)  as  a  function  of 
pre-molt  carapace  length. 

Growth  phases  for  juvenile  and  adult  Mithrax 
spinosissimus .  CL^carapace  length;  CW=carapace 
width;  VPL™ventral  propodus  length.  Log/ log  plot. 

Relationship  of  Mithrax  spinosissimus  carapace  width 
to  length  (mm) . 

Chelae  of  immature  and  mature  male  and  female  Mithrax 
spinosissimus . 

Zooea,  megalops  and  first  crab  (instar  I)  of  mithrax 
spinosissimus  hatched  in  culture.  1)  Pre-zooea,  2) 
Zooea  lf  3)  Zooea  2,  4)  Megalopa,  5)  first  crab 
(Instar  I ,  CL  =  1.5  mm) . 

Instar  2,  2,5  mm  CL.  The  extended  carapace  eye 
shields  are  gone  and  a  spine  on  the  eyestalk  is  more 

Instar  4 ,  5.0  mm  CL.  The  second  rostral  horns  and 
carapace  spines  are  more  developed. 

Instar  5 ,  5.1  mm  CL.  The  carapace  is  noticeably 

Instar  6,  7,9  mm  CL.  The  posterior  width  of  the 
carapace  is  more  pronounced. 

Instar  7,  10.3  mm  CL.  Greater  spine  development. 

Instar  8,  13.8  mm  CL.  The  orbital  region  is 
shortened  and  the  rostral  horns  are  turned  in 
slightly  at  the  tips. 

Pronounced  lengthening  of  the 








third  branchial 

spine . 










.  the 









more  truncate  and 









18  . 



dorsal  ' 

view , 


















,  shorter  in 








of  the 










Figure  23. 
Figure  24. 

proportion  to  the  CL  and  the  spines  on  top  of  the 
carapace  are  low  and  rounded. 

Instar  16,  101.2  mm  CL. 

Detail  of  immature  Mi thrax  spinosissimus  showing  limb 
buds  that  form  upon  loss  of  an  appendage. 

Figure  1 












N  -  264 















o  O 






20  40  60  80  100 

CL  Imm) 



Figure  2 


50  H 



•  • 

3SV3U0NI  10  [%)  J.N30d3d 






Figure  3 


[uiui]  ndA 

CL  [mm] 

Figure  4 











N  =  150 


20  40 

60  80  100  120  140  160 

CL  (mm) 


Figure  5 

Figure  6 

scale  bars;  1mm 

Figure  7 

Figure  8  &  9 

Figure  10  &  11 

Figure  12  &  13 

1  5 

Figure  14  & 

Figure  16  &  17 

Figure  18  &  19 

Figure  20  & 


Figure  22  & 








J.M.  Iglehart,  R.V.  Ruark  and  K.H.  Koltes 


The  population  density  and  structure  of  the  Caribbean  King 
Crab,  Mithrax  spinosissimus ,  was  examined  for  mariculture 
purposes  at  seven  sites  from  the  Florida  Keys  to  the  eastern 
coast  of  Antigua.  A  significant  size  difference  was  found  in  the 
carapace  length  when  comparing  Florida  crabs  to  the  Caribbean 
populations.  Individuals  from  the  Florida  Keys  were  smaller, 
with  a  greener  coloration  and  a  relatively  thinner  carapace. 
Temperature  differences,  fishing  pressure  and  the  species  short 
planktonic  stage  may  contribute  to  the  variation  in  crab  density, 
size  and  sex  ratios  found  between  sites  and  seasons.  The 
differences  observed  between  sites,  particularly  Florida  versus 
all  other  sites,  suggests  that  present-day  populations  have  been 
isolated  for  a  long  period  of  time,  and  represent  separate  stocks 
of  the  same  species. 


In  response  to  the  declining  Alaskan  King  Crab  fishery, 
based  primarily  on  Paralithodes  camtschatica .  investigations  of 
crab  species  suitable  to  support  mariculture  projects  and 
fisheries  have  increased  (Idyll,  1971).  Preliminary  studies  have 
included  investigations  of  the  West  Indian  giant  spider  crab,  or 
Caribbean  King  crab,  Mithrax  spinosissimus  (Munro,  1974;  Hazlett 
and  Rittschof,  1975;  Bohnsack,  1976,  Provenzano  and  Brownell, 
1977;  Porter,  et  aj^. ,  in  review).  The  crab  is  found  throughout 
the  tropical  Western  Atlantic  from  the  Florida  Keys  and  Bahamas 
to  the  West  Indies,  Venezuela  and  Nicaragua  (Williams,  1984)  at 


depths  of  2-200  meters  (Colin,  1978).  A  reported  range  of 
Mithrax  spinosissimus  extending  as  far  north  as  the  Carolinas 
(Rathbun,  1925)  seems  unlikely. 

Two  populations  have  been  described  previously.  Munro 
(1974)  conducted  a  survey  of  212  Mithrax  spinosissimus  caught  in 
traps  off  the  Jamaican  coast.  In  that  study,  males  outnumbered 
females  almost  2 : 1  and  had  a  mean  carapace  width  (CW)  of  133.4 
mm.  Females  had  a  mean  CW  of  122.8  mm. 

The  Florida  population  was  sampled  by  Hazlett  and  Rittschof 
(1975)  and  by  Bohnsack  (1976).  Bohnsack  (1976)  reported  carapace 
widths  of  96  mm  (male)  and  86  mm  (female)  for  crabs  in  the  South 
Florida  Keys,  with  females  outnumbering  males  2:1.  Hazlett  and 
Rittschof  (1975),  sampled  115  crabs  from  a  canal  at  Little  Torch 
Key,  Florida  and  found  none  to  exceed  110  mm  CW. 

Little  information  exists  concerning  seasonal  trends  in  the 
relative  abundance  of  Mithrax  spinosissimus .  However,  crabs  have 
been  collected  every  month  of  the  year.  Munro  (1976)  found  a 
seasonal  variation  in  crab  abundance  based  on  a  two-year  survey 
of  trapping  rates  in  Jamaica.  Catches  were  zero  or  negligible  in 
January  and  February,  1970,  1971  and  1972.  Catch  rates  reached  a 
maximum  in  March  or  April,  June  or  July  and  November  or  December, 
1970  and  1971.  Catch  rates  were  generally  greatest  in  areas  of 
intensive  fishing  pressure. 

Several  factors  appear  to  affect  the  local  abundance  of 


crabs.  Hazlett  and  Rittschof  (1975)  and  Bohnsack  (1976)  found 
that  crab  density  was  directly  proportional  to  crevice  density  in 
their  studies  of  the  Florida  population.  Patterns  of  activity 
and  size  of  home  range  were  found  to  differ  between  males  and 
females  in  these  studies  (Hazlett  and  Rittschof,  1975)  and  may 
influence  both  sex  ratios  and  overall  abundance. 

This  paper  reports  results  of  field  studies  conducted  in  the 
Florida  Keys,  the  southeastern  Bahamian  archipelago  and  in 
several  Antillean  sites  from  the  Dominican  Republic  to  Antigua. 
The  purpose  of  these  investigations  was  to  identify  and  define 
parameters  of  Mithrax  spinosissimus  populations  throughout  the 
region.  Conclusions  about  population  characteristics  are  drawn 
from  both  these  data  and  from  previous  studies. 


Seven  sites  in  the  Caribbean  were  investigated  (Figure  1) . 
Site  1,  in  the  Florida  Keys  ( 24°80 ' N ;  81°05 ' W) ,  was  surveyed  in 
January,  1984,  July,  1986  and  July,  1987.  The  census  was 
conducted  along  manmade  canal  walls  and  old  quarries  particularly 
at  Grassy  Key.  One  canal  at  Big  Pine  Key  and  three  canals  at 
Little  Torch  Key  also  were  surveyed  in  July,  1987.  These  data 
were  combined  with  those  from  Grassy  Key.  Site  2  was  located  at 
the  main  reef  off  Abraham  Bay  along  the  south  coast  of  Mayaguana, 
Bahamas  (22°  0*  N ;  73°  O'  W)  and  was  surveyed  between  February 
1983  and  May,  1983.  Site  3,  located  at  the  east  end  of  the 


Caicos  Bank,  just  west  of  Long  Cay,  South  Caicos,  Turks  and 
Caicos  Islands,  British  West  Indies  (22°05'N;  71°30 1 W) ,  was 
repeatedly  surveyed  from  December,  1984  to  May,  1986.  Site  4  was 
situated  at  the  reef  drop  off,  on  the  western  side  of  Grand  Turk, 
Turks  and  Caicos  (21°90'N;  68o80'W).  Crab  population  surveys 
there  were  conducted  between  January  1984  and  March  1985.  An 
active  crab  research  program  continues  at  Grand  Turk  and  data 
from  this  site  include  information  collected  through  the  summer 

of  1987.  Site  5  crabs  were  collected  from  the  inner  and  outer 

reefs,  off  the  north  coast  of  the  Dominican  Republic,  at  Buen 
Hombre  (19°10'N,  71°20'W)  from  March  1985  to  September,  1986. 

The  crabs  from  Site  6,  located  on  the  south  coast  of  the 

Dominican  Republic,  at  Azua  ( 18°20 ' N ;  70°50 ' W) ,  were  collected 

over  the  same  time  period.  Site  7  crabs  were  collected  from  reef 
areas  along  northeast  Antiqua,  WI  (61°43'W;  17°10'N),  between 
May,  1985  and  July,  1986.  With  the  exception  of  sites  1  and  5, 
crabs  were  surveyed  by  sampling  all  individuals  in  a  3.05  m 
diameter  circle  (area  =  7.3  m2 )  established  at  random  during 
diving  operations. 

Crabs  were  collected  by  three  methods.  Those  at  site  1  were 
collected  at  night  from  the  shore  using  a  pole  net  or  by  free 
diving.  At  sites  2,  3,  4,  5  and  7,  SCUBA  was  used  to  conduct 
surveys  of  crab  populations  and  to  collect  individuals.  Isolated 
coral  heads,  rubble  and  shoal  areas  and  drop  offs  were  examined 


from  depths  of  3-35  meters.  Most  dives  were  conducted  at  dusk  or 
in  the  early  morning  hours.  Lights  were  used  to  illuminate 
crevices  and  caves.  Wire  mesh  traps  also  were  used  to  catch 
crabs  at  sites  5,  6  and  7.  At  sites  2,  4,  5  and  7,  extensive, 
less  formal  searches  were  carried  out  by  snorkel. 

Approximately  600  crabs  were  sampled  in  this  investigation. 
Carapace  length  (CL)  (distance  from  the  rostral  sinus  to  the  most 
posterior  point  of  the  carapace)  and  weight  were  measured.  In 
addition,  crabs  were  sexed  and  state  of  maturity  determined. 

Males  were  considered  adult  if  the  ventral  propodus  length  (VPL) 
was  equal  to  or  greater  than  the  CL,  based  on  VPPL  =  f (CL)  (see 
Biddlecomb,  et  al. ,  this  volume) .  VPL  is  the  ventral  distance  of 
the  propodus  from  the  tip  of  the  chela  to  the  posterior  end  of 
the  socket  containing  the  carpal  hinge  (see  Figures  1  and  2; 
Biddlecomb  et  a 1 . ,  this  volume) .  Females  whose  abdomen  covered 
the  entire  sternum  were  considered  adult.  Lost  appendages  and 
other  physical  characteristics  also  were  recorded.  Captured 
crabs  were  used  to  determine  population  parameters  for  each  site 
and  to  establish  the  percentage  of  individuals  with  a  number  of 
missing  appendages.  Data  on  trapped  crabs  from  Sites  5  and  7 
were  used  to  determine  seasonal  fluctuations,  sex  distribution 
and  reproductive  status. 

CL  measurements  on  male  and  female  crabs  from  six  of  the 
seven  sites  (Site  6  was  omitted)  were  used  in  an  analysis  of 
variances  to  test  for  differences  between  sexes.  Data  from  crabs 


trapped  at  Sites  5  and  7  were  used  to  determine  sex  ratios  (t- 
tests)  and  seasonal  patterns  in  crab  abundance.  Data  from  both 
trapped  and  hand  caught  crabs  at  Sites  5  and  7  were  also  used  for 
histogram  plots  of  the  CL  (mm)  for  adult  males  and  females. 

Pooled  data  (all  sites)  were  used  to  compare  the  percentage  loss 
of  appendages  for  adult  crabs.  Chelae  loss  was  considered 
separately  from  loss  of  walking  legs  because  of  their  importance 
in  overall  body  weight  and  their  presumed  role  in  aggression 
and/or  courtship  (particuarly  in  males) . 


General  Population  Characteristics 

Significant  variation  in  the  size  of  male  and  female  Mithrax 
spinosissimus  was  observed  both  within  and  between  populations  at 
the  seven  sites  (Table  1) .  Overall  mean  CL  for  adult  males  (N  - 
166)  was  136.5  mm  (S . D.  =  17.5)  with  a  range  of  79.6  mm  CL  (Site 

1)  to  190.5  mm  CL  (Site  2).  Adult  females  (N  =  281)  averaged 

120.4  mm  CL  (S.D.  =  16.4)  with  a  range  of  65.7  mm  CL  (Site  1)  to 

165.0  mm  CL  (Site  2).  More  than  50%  of  the  wild  caught  females 

were  gravid  at  the  time  of  capture. 

Results  from  an  analysis  of  variance  (Table  2)  showed  a 
significant  difference  (F  TEST;  P  <0.05)  between  sites.  The 
greatest  difference  was  observed  between  the  Florida  (Site  1)  and 
Caribbean  populations  (Sites  2-7) .  Florida  crabs  were 


significantly  smaller  (X  =  98.8  mm  CL  for  males;  X  -  83.5  mm  CL 
for  females)  than  those  at  all  other  sites  (Duncan's  Multiple 
Range ;  P  <0.05). 

Antiguan  (Site  7)  crabs  (both  male  and  female)  were  the 
smallest  of  the  Caribbean  population  (Sites  2-7)  with  males 
averaging  131.4  mm  CL  and  females  108.2  mm  CL,  while  crabs  from 
Mayaguana  (Site  2)  were  the  largest  (X  -  166.9  mm  CL  for  males; 

X  =  140.6  mm  CL  for  females).  Males  from  the  Turks  and  Caicos 
Islands  (Sites  3  and  4)  and  from  Buen  H ombre  (Site  5)  were 
similar  in  size  (with  Grand  Turk  males  averaging  slightly  larger) 
and  intermediate  among  the  populations.  Females  from  Grand  Turk 
were  slightly  smaller  in  size  than  Mayaguana  (site  2)  females, 
the  largest  females  among  the  sites.  South  Caicos  (site  3)  and 
Buen  Hombre  (site  5)  females  were  intermediate  in  size. 

The  distribution  of  CL  (Figure  2,  3)  for  adult  males  and 
females  from  Sites  5  and  7  showed  some  overlap  in  size  between 
the  sexes,  but  males  were  consistently  larger  than  females  at  all 
sites  (Table  2),  (t-test;  P<0 . 001) .  An  interesting  observation 
in  the  population  from  Site  5  is  that  an  abrupt  attenuation  in  CL 
distribution  for  females  occurs  at  the  135  mm  CL  size  class 
(Figure  2) .  The  reason  for  this  is  not  known,  but  it  suggests 
either  differential  mortality  or  catch  rates  (primarily  trapping) 
at  the  higher  size  classes.  It  could  also  represent  a  bimodal 
curve  with  two  overlapping  adult  instars. 


The  range  of  CL  of  immature  crabs  overlapped  the  range  of 
adult  CL  for  both  males  and  females  for  all  sites  except  Site  4 
(females;  N  =  2)  and  Site  6  (females;  N  =  3) ,  probably  due  to  the 
small  number  of  individuals  collected.  At  Site  7  (N  —  42)  there 
was  a  bimodal  distribution  of  CL  for  juvenile  males  (Figure  4) 
indicating  two  instars  in  the  juvenile  size  range.  These  sizes 
correspond  with  those  found  for  instars  14  and  15  (Biddlecomb  et 
al . ,  this  volume) . 

Individual  Sites 

Site  1 ;  Florida .  Grassy  Key 

A  total  of  87  crabs  were  collected  at  Site  1  using  a  pole 
net  or  by  free  diving.  Ten  adult  males  and  18  adult  females  had 
a  mean  CL  of  98.8  and  83.5  mm  respectively.  The  remaining  59 
crabs  were  immature. 

The  average  size  of  adults  was  smaller  than  those  determined 
for  all  other  sites.  Except  for  the  large  mean  carapace  length 
among  Mayaguana  crabs  (unfortunately  with  a  low  N;  N=ll) ,  the 
size  range  between  all  non-Florida  sites  was  only  about  one-half 
of  that  between  the  Florida  sites  and  the  next  nearest  non- 
Florida  site  (in  size).  The  Florida  crabs  also  displayed  other 
characteristics  which  differed  from  the  Caribbean/West  Indian 
populations.  They  had  a  dull  dark  green  color  and  in  some  adult 
males,  the  chela  had  a  bluish  hue.  Offspring  of  these  crabs  in 
culture  displayed  a  coloration  similar  to  that  of  the  adults  as 


well.  The  females  were  much  hardier  than  the  males  when 
maintained  in  cages.  Other  differences  included  a  relatively 
thinner  carapace  and  the  absence  of  male  chela  puncture  scars  on 
the  female  crabs. 

Five  juveniles  at  Site  1  were  found  feeding  in  the  shallows 
with  adult  females  in  January,  1984.  Their  feeding  movements  and 
algal  species  preference  were  identical  to  the  adult  females. 
However,  when  pursued,  they  moved  more  rapidly  and  with  more 
direction  than  the  adults. 

Site  2 :  Bahamas .  Mavaquana 

At  Site  2,  a  total  of  30  crabs  were  captured  using  SCUBA  of 
which  12  were  measured.  CL  averaged  166.9  mm  (N  =  6)  for  adult 
males,  and  140.6  mm  (N  =  5)  for  adult  females.  The  largest  male 
measured  190.5  mm  CL,  while  the  largest  female  measured  165.0  mm 
CL.  Only  one  juvenile  was  captured,  a  female  measuring  54.0  mm 
CL.  An  extensive  search  for  juveniles  or  small  adults  was 
carried  out  throughout  the  lagoon  and  reef  areas  by  snorkel  and 
diving.  Approximately  100  man-days  of  effort  was  devoted  to  this 
search,  and  a  number  of  coral  heads  of  various  spatial 
arrangements  were  totally  dissected. 

Thirty  hours  of  post-sunset/night  SCUBA  surveys  were 
conducted  on  the  Abraham  Bay  reef  ,  along  the  forereef  spur  and 
groove  region,  at  depths  of  20-32  m.  The  grooves  or  sand 
channels  13 -18m  wide,  extended  between  the  spurs  to  a  wide  sand 


plain  (30  m)  at  the  top  of  the  dropoff.  The  high,  porous  and 
sometimes  cavernous  spurs  ran  perpendicular  to  the  reef crest. 

The  overlying  substratum  was  covered  by  live  corals  (Mpntastrea 
sp . )  and  gorgonians.  Macroalgae  dominated  areas  of  eroded 
limestone.  Macroalgal  species  included  Halimeda  sp. .  Lobophora 
sp. ,  Microdictvon  sp . ,  Piety osphaeria  cavernosa .  Valonia  sp . , 
Padina  sp.  with  occasional  Saraassum  sp .  The  currents  were 
predominantly  longshore.  Water  temperatures  ranged  from  25.2  - 
29.8°  C  during  the  period  of  study. 

Twenty-two  of  the  30  crabs  caught  during  the  study  period 
were  taken  from  a  single  cave  at  the  seaward  end  of  a  spur  (25  m 
water  depth) .  The  cave  was  large  and  cavernous,  approximately 
2  o  5  x  10  m  with  small  (0.8m  x  1.2m)  interconnecting  crevices 
hollowed  out  of  the  coral  rock.  These,  and  other  smaller 
crevices  led  further  in  to  and  out  of  the  spur.  Light  levels  in 
the  cave  were  low.  Many  of  the  crabs  clung  to  the  cave  ceiling, 
but  when  approached  by  divers,  retreated  into  crevices. 
Approximately  30-35  large  crabs  were  observed  in  this  cave  and 
adjoining  crevices.  Four  others  were  captured  from  the  dropoff 
wall  while  grazing  on  algae,  and  one  adult  male  was  found  in  the 
shallow  forereef  (1  m  water  depth) . 

Site  3 :  Turks  and  Caicos ,  Caicos  Bank ,  Long  Cav 

Forty  crabs  were  captured  at  Site  3  by  free  diving  and 
SCUBA.  Nine  adult  males  (X  =  138.3  mm  CL)  and  26  adult  females 


(X  =  114.2  mm  CL)  were  taken.  Five  juveniles  were  also  captured. 

Site  3  adults  were  characterized  by  a  heavy  growth  of 
encrusting  algae  on  the  carapace.  Carapace  color  was  a  light 
venous  red,  with  blue  in  the  chela  of  the  older  adult  males. 
Carapace  thickness  was  relatively  moderate.  The  crabs  were  very 
docile,  and  easily  handled. 

During  12  hours  of  underwater  survey,  approximately  25  coral 
heads  were  examined.  Two  coral  heads  were  found  with  large 
populations  of  crabs.  One  small  head  (approximately  35  m2) 
contained  well  over  50  crabs,  mostly  females  and  juveniles.  On 
surrounding  heads,  single  males  were  common  but  females  were 
rarely  encountered.  The  second  head,  not  quite  as  densely 
populated,  was  located  some  300  m  away.  Again,  crabs  were  sparse 
on  the  surrounding  heads.  Most  of  the  surrounding  heads  were 
similar  in  size  and  coral  composition.  Local  fishermen  do  not 
normally  harvest  crabs.  This  site  was  visited  on  numerous 
occasions  over  a  two-year  period  and  the  pattern  of  crab 
distribution  remained  static. 

Site  4 :  Turks  and  Caicos ,  Grand  Turk 

A  total  of  74  crabs  were  captured  at  Site  4  using  SCUBA  and 
free  diving.  The  25  adult  males  had  a  mean  CL  of  146.8  mm 
(largest  =  180.0  mm),  and  the  59  adult  females  a  mean  CL  of  136.5 
mm  (largest  =  158.2  mm). 

The  carapace  and  appendages  were  a  deep  venous  red  and  had 


little  or  no  calcareous  encrustation.  The  adult  males  had 
comparatively  large  chela  and  although  intimidating  in 
appearance,  they  were  very  docile.  Generally  scarless,  the 
chitin  was  relatively  thicker  than  all  but  the  Site  5  population. 
Most  were  caught  in  >20  m  water  depth. 

SCUBA  Survey,  site  4 

A  SCUBA  survey  was  conducted  along  the  west  coast  of  Grand 
Turk  (Figure  5) .  A  deep  vertical  coral  covered  "wall"  parallels 
the  coast.  Starting  with  the  spur  and  groove  region  at  a  depth 
of  10-20  m  at  the  wall  crest,  it  drops  to  a  small  shelf  at 
approximately  100  m  before  dropping  down  to  a  depth  of  more  than 
1  km.  The  current  flow  is  primarily  offshore. 

The  wall  was  surveyed  in  two  sectors,  one  north  and  one 
south  of  the  island's  main  shipping  point  (South  Dock).  The 
northern  sector  (Figure  5;  a)  was  4  km  in  length.  Approximately 
50  hours  of  survey  were  conducted  using  SCUBA.  This  section  of 
the  wall  included  areas  of  rubble,  Montastrea  so. .  dense  soft 
corals  (gorgonia  forests) ,  open  areas  with  small  caves  and  mixed 
coral  populations.  All  crabs  were  located  between  depths  of  17- 
35  m  and  16  of  the  24  caught  were  found  in  a  fairly  open  area 
(al) ,  with  many  small,  interconnected  caves.  This  area, 
approximately  50  m  in  length,  was  the  only  one  of  its  kind  along 
both  the  north  and  south  sectors.  Crabs  were  found  either  at  the 
entrances  to  crevices,  or  just  inside  them.  No  two  crabs  were 


found  in  the  same  crevice. 

The  southern  sector  (Figure  5;  b)  ran  3  km  south  from  South 
Dock.  Forty  seven  hours  of  SCUBA  were  used  to  survey  this 
section.  Shoreward  of  the  wall,  the  reef  community  was  dominated 
by  Montastrea  sp. .  This  gave  way  to  a  diversified  coral  reef 
community  along  the  edge  of  the  wall.  The  wall  itself  drops 
vertically  and  is  characterized  by  a  mixed  community  of  sponges 
and  gorgonians. 

All  15  crabs  were  found  between  depths  of  15-28  m,  along  a 
300  m  section  (bl)  of  a  diverse  coral  community  dominated  by 
Montastrea  sp .  Crabs  were  located  in  small  crevices  in  the  wall, 
between  plates  of  the  deeper  Montastrea  sp .  and  in  small  heads  at 
the  edge  of  the  drop-off.  In  two  instances,  female  pairs  were 
found  together  in  a  small  head.  No  other  crabs  were  found 
together  and  no  other  crabs  were  found  outside  the  300  m  section. 

Juveniles  were  seen  on  numerous  dives.  Compared  to  adults, 
they  were  extremely  quick  and  agile.  All  were  observed  on  or  in 
coral  and  numerous  molt  shells  (<40  mm  CL)  were  found  at  the  base 
of  small  coral  heads.  Extensive  search  patterns  by  snorkel  and 
diving  were  also  carried  out  through  the  east  lagoon  area  for 
juveniles  and  adults. 

Site  5 :  Dominican  Republic ,  Buen  Hombre 

A  total  of  201  crabs  were  collected  at  Site  5  by  SCUBA  and 
trapping  over  an  18-month  period.  The  57  adult  males  had  a  mean 


CL  of  140.2  mm  and  mean  CL  for  the  125  adult  females  was  122.9 
mm.  Fourteen  juvenile  males  and  five  juvenile  females  were 
captured.  The  largest  male  and  female  measured  168.4  mm  CL  and 
141.7  mm  CL,  respectively. 

Male  chela  were  not  proportionately  as  large  as  those  at 
other  sites;  however,  the  chitin  was  extremely  thick.  It  was 
common  for  males  to  have  one  or  more  puncture  wounds  on  both  the 
chela  and  legs.  These  males  were  more  aggressive  than  those 
found  at  any  of  the  other  sites.  About  20%  of  the  females  had 
puncture  scars.  They  too,  were  more  aggressive  than  females 
found  at  other  sites.  There  appears  to  be  a  large  crab  predator 
population  at  Site  5,  which  includes  hogfish,  groupers,  and 
humans.  Newly  molted  adults  at  Site  5  have  a  carapace  which  is 
dark,  dull  red  in  color.  The  new  spines  are  light  colored  with 
white  tips.  In  both  sexes,  the  carapace  is  soon  encrusted  with 
crustose  or  coralline  algae,  serpulid  worms,  and  soft  algae.  All 
crabs  captured  at  the  site,  except  two  newly  molted  individuals, 
had  small  barnacles  encrusting  the  carapace  at  the  gill  outlet. 

Trapping,  Site  5 

Among  the  total  number  of  crabs  trapped,  adult  females 
outnumbered  adult  males  3.5  ;  1,  and  81.7%  were  gravid  at 
capture.  The  percentage  of  gravid  females  varied  from  a  low  of 
55.6%  in  July  to  a  high  of  100%  in  April.  Juvenile  males  made  up 
3.8%  and  juvenile  females  1.3%  of  the  total.  Catches  varied  from 


a  low  of  six  crabs  in  November  to  a  high  of  34  in  March,  No  crabs 
were  caught  during  the  months  of  December  and  January  because  of 
unfavorable  weather  conditions  or  technical  difficulties. 

SCUBA  survey,  Site  5 

In  Buen  Hombre ,  105  hours  of  SCUBA  were  spent  examining  130 
coral  heads  over  an  area  divided  into  nine  sectors  (Fig.  6) .  The 
heads  in  sectors  A,  B,  C  and  D  rose  from  an  average  depth  of  18  m 
to  an  average  depth  of  approximately  12  m  below  the  surface. 

These  heads  were  approximately  50-60  m  ,  and  covered  with 
macroalgae  and  a  few  soft  corals  present.  Sectors  E  and  F 
contained  numerous  heads  with  an  area  of  approximately  7  0-8  0  m2 . 
These  heads  rose  from  a  sandy  bottom  at  11-14  m  and  were  covered 
with  heavy  coral  growth,  reaching  up  to  an  average  depth  of  3  m 
below  the  surface.  Sectors  G  and  H  contained  heads  similar  in 
size  and  growth  to  sectors  A,  B,  C  and  D,  but  rose  from  a  grassy 
bottom  at  11-14  m.  Area  I  contained  a  large  diversity  of  heads 
and  shoal  areas  in  depths  ranging  from  3-10  m.  Of  the  130  coral 
heads  examined,  19  were  found  to  be  occupied  by  M^.  spinosissimus 
crabs.  A  total  of  65  crabs  were  found  over  the  entire  area  of 
sectors  A  -  I . 

In  the  13  coral  heads  found  to  contain  adult  males,  there 
were  only  two  instances  in  which  more  than  one  male  was  present 
(Table  3) .  In  the  11  heads  with  a  predominantly  female 
population,  seven  contained  more  than  one  male.  Of  the  six 


juveniles  located,  four  were  found  on  heads  with  other  juvenile 
crabs,  but  only  one  was  found  on  a  head  with  adult  males.  Three 
heads  (two  in  sector  B;  one  in  sector  I)  had  large  crab 
populations,  but  with  the  exception  of  sector  I,  could  not  be 
relocated.  A  head  in  sector  I  was  revisited  on  numerous 
occasions  and  several  adult  crabs  were  removed  for  study. 

Three  crabs  were  found  dead  and  a  fourth  dying.  All  four 
were  adult,  one  was  male,  and  all  were  found  at  different 
locations  and  times.  All  had  apparently  died  where  they  were 
found.  One  female  was  on  a  ledge  outside  a  crevice,  the  other 
three  crabs  were  out  in  the  open,  more  than  a  meter  from  cover. 
The  chelae  on  all  four  were  extremely  worn.  The  chela  (one  chela 
was  missing)  on  the  moribund  crab  was  worn  to  points.  Upon 
dissection  and  examination  of  the  dying  individual,  complete 
atrophication  of  the  musculature  had  occurred. 

In  one  dive  outside  of  the  nine  sectors,  five  large  males 

(140+)  were  found  wandering  in  a  sandy  plain  (>1  ha.)  littered 
•  •  ? 

with  dispersed  small  (10  m  )  heads.  No  females  were  observed. 

As  at  Site  4,  juveniles  were  located  on  numerous  dives.  They 
too,  were  observed  to  be  extremely  quick  and  agile.  All  were 
found  on  and  in  coral  with  the  exception  of  one,  which  was  ('35 
mm  CL)  found  on  a  gorgonian  at  night.  Numerous  molt  shells  (<40 
mm  CL)  were  found  at  the  base  of  small  coral  outcrops.  Molt 
shells  were  also  located  along  the  forereef  area  at  this  site, 


but  in  no  particular  pattern.  Numerous  small  crabs  (15-30  mm  CL) 
were  found  in  grouper  stomachs. 

In  addition  to  the  above  formal  search  processes  and  trap 
catches,  numerous  snorkel  searches  were  undertaken  throughout  the 
extensive  lagoon/mangrove  complex.  These  were  undertaken 
primarily  in  a  search  for  appropriate  macroalgal  feed,  but  any  M. 
spinosissimus  crabs  sighted  were  taken. 

Site  6 :  Dominican  Republic .  off  Azua 

At  Site  6,  47  adult  females,  three  juvenile  females,  and  12 
juvenile  males  captured  in  traps  were  brought  to  the  laboratory. 
The  adult  females  had  a  mean  CL  of  122.0  mm,  and  the  largest  was 
141.1  mm  CL.  Data  for  trapped  adult  males  was  unobtainable 
because  they  were  marketed  by  the  fishermen. 

Crabs  at  this  site  resembled  Site  5  crabs  in  color,  but 
generally  lacked  scars.  The  crabs  surveyed  had  an  encrusting 
growth  of  barnacles  on  the  carapace. 

Site  7 :  Antigua ,  northeast  reefs 

A  total  of  168  crabs  were  collected  at  Site  7  by  SCUBA  and 
trapping  over  a  15  month  period.  Of  105  males,  45  were 
juveniles.  The  60  adults  had  a  mean  CL  of  131.4  mm.  Forty-four 
adult  females  averaged  108.2  mm  CL.  There  were  16  juvenile 
females  caught.  The  largest  male  and  female  measured  157.4  mm  CL 
and  127.0  mm  CL  respectively. 

The  mean  of  Site  7  crabs  were  slightly  smaller  in  size 


compared  to  the  Site  3  crabs.  The  VPL  for  adults  having 
undergone  normal  molting  was  significantly  longer  than  CL. 
Coloration  was  deep,  venous  red.  Carapaces  were  usually  free  of 
significant  encrustation  by  coralline  algae.  Epifaunal  species 
consisted  of  bryozoans,  small  serpulid  worms,  an  occasional 
sponge,  and  a  few  goose  barnacles  along  the  gill  areas.  Chela 
wear  was  negligible,  and  carapace  spines  were  sharp.  Males  were 
generally  slow,  quite  docile,  and  easily  handled.  Females  often 
exhibited  strong  defensive  behaviors,  using  legs  and  body 
movements  to  aid  chelae  effectiveness. 

Trapping,  Site  7 

Of  the  total  168  crabs  collected,  148  were  caught  in  traps. 
Trapped  adult  males  outnumbered  adult  females  by  1.07:1.  A  large 
segment  of  the  total  were  juveniles:  29.7%  male  and  10.1%  female. 
A  high  percentage  (62.8%)  of  the  adult  females  were  gravid  and 
ranged  from  zero  (N=3 )  caught  in  May  to  a  high  of  84.6%  of  those 
caught  in  November.  No  crabs  were  caught  during  the  months  of 
August  and  September  for  logistic  reasons.  The  greatest  number 
were  caught  in  November  (N=19) ,  with  females  outnumbering  males 
about  2:1. 

SCUBA  Survey,  Site  7 

Over  120  hours  of  SCUBA  and  skin  diving  surveys  were 
conducted  at  several  locations  around  Site  7.  Crabs  or  crab 


remains  were  sighted  at  all  locations  except  in  algal  ridges  due 
east.  Three  small  "pockets"  of  crabs  were  found  northeast,  north 
and  west  of  the  island.  At  the  northeast  area  inside  the  mouth 
of  Parham  Sound  (15-25  m  depth),  five  males  and  one  female  (all 
adult)  were  captured  on  a  15-25  m  length  of  an  old  algal  ridge 
(dead  coral)  with  2-3  m  (diameter)  boulders.  The  water  was 
turbid.  At  nearby  spur  and  groove  formations,  no  crabs  were 
found.  In  a  trapping  area  leeward  of  the  well-developed  algal 
ridge,  two  crabs  were  found  dead  in  traps,  but  none  were  seen  on 
the  ridge,  or  in  the  mounds  of  dead  Acropora  sp  and 
Montastrea  sp . 

At  the  northern  end  of  the  island,  shallow  (1-3  m  depth) 
patch  reefs  were  examined.  Six  males  were  located  among  the 
patches  of  Acropora  sp .  and  Millepora  sp . 

On  the  west  coast  of  Antigua,  shallow  boulders  have  fallen 
from  a  cliff  face  fronting  the  sea  at  Dickerson  Bay,  providing  a 
refuge  for  spinosisimus .  In  the  1-2.5  m  crevices  in  these 
boulders,  five  males  and  one  female  were  captured.  The  area 
experiences  strong  wave  action  along  with  wakes  from  boating 
activity  associated  with  nearby  resorts. 

These  three  small  "pockets"  of  crabs  produced  a  total  of  16 
males  and  two  females.  Crabs  were  not  captured  by  SCUBA  at  any 
other  locations,  although  four  were  sighted,  two  in  a  single 
coral  head. 


Seasonal  Variation 

Trapping  results  by  month  at  Sites  5  and  7  (N  >  140)  showed 
variation  in  catch  rates  by  month,  sex  and  site  (Fig.  7) .  At 
Site  5,  peak  catches  of  females  occurred  in  March,  May  and 
November.  Male  catch  rates  were  lower  overall  and  varied  less 
than  those  for  females  with  modest  peaks  in  March  and  August. 

A  somewhat  different  pattern  occurred  at  Site  7.  Overall, 
male  catches  exceeded  female  catches,  with  peaks  in  April,  June 
and  December.  Female  catches  peaked  in  November. 

Sex  Ratios 

Data  on  trapped  crabs  from  Sites  5  and  7  showed  a  high 
degree  of  variation  in  the  sex  ratio  between  populations  (see 
Figure  7) .  Females  were  significantly  more  abundant  than  males 
( t-test ;  P<0„01)  at  Site  5  by  a  factor  of  3.5:1  (115  females: 33 
males).  No  significant  difference  (t-test;  P>0.10)  was  found  in 
the  ratio  of  females  to  males  (46  females: 46  males)  at  Site  7. 

Appendage  Loss 

Three  hundred  twenty  five  of  the  crabs  sampled  were 
recorded  as  to  the  total  number  of  appendages  present.  Appendage 
loss  in  populations  from  all  sites  ranged  from  zero  (complete)  to 
six  (Table  4).  Of  the  197  females  recorded,  67  (34%)  had  all 
appendages  present  and  of  the  128  males  recorded,  38  (29.7%)  had 
all  appendages  present.  Female  crabs  missing  one  appendage 


(N=68 )  were  3%  lighter  than  the  complete  female  crabs.  Those 
missing  two  appendages  were  7.5%  lighter.  Chelae  loss  was 
considered  separately  from  loss  of  walking  legs  in  males.  Males 
with  all  appendages  present  (N-38)  had  a  mean  CL  of  137.4  mm 
(weight  =  1607  g) .  They  were  2.2%  heavier  than  males  with  one 
missing  leg  (N=25)  and  14.8%  heavier  than  males  missing  both  a 
walking  leg  and  a  chelae  (N=7) .  We  found  that  26.6%  of  all  males 
recorded  were  missing  at  least  one  cheliped  (N=34) . 


Archaeological  studies  indicate  a  long-term  presence  of 
Mithrax  spinosissimus  in  the  Caribbean  region.  Collins  and 
Morris  (1976)  found  evidence  of  Mithrax  spinosissimus  in  Pliocene 
and  Pleistocene  formations  in  Barbados  while  Rathbun  (1923)  found 
shell  fragments  of  M._  spinosissimus  in  Pleistocene  formations  in 
Haiti.  The  present-day  distribution  of  It  spinosissimus  is 
somewhat  in  question,  particularly  in  regard  to  the  northern 
limit  of  its  range.  Rathbun' s  (1925)  description  of  two 
chelipeds  found  at  an  undetermined  locality  in  North  or  South 
Carolina  do  not  agree  with  the  known  ranges  from  these  and 
previous  studies.  The  possibility  that  these  chelipeds  were 
transported  from  a  more  southerly  site  should  be  considered. 

Results  from  this  study  showed  a  high  degree  of  variability 


in  the  populations  of  Mithrax  spinosissimus  throughout  its  range, 
and  yet  a  rather  narrow  range  of  characteristics  within  a 
population.  This  suggests  that  fishing  pressure,  geographic 
isolation,  genetic  drift  and  adaptation  to  local  conditions  have 
played  an  important  role  in  shaping  the  characteristics  of  the 
individual  populations.  Differences  were  particularly  evident 
between  the  Florida  and  Caribbean  populations  where  the  Gulf 
Stream  may  act  as  a  barrier  to  dispersal  of  crabs  from  the 
southern  populations,  particularly  given  the  brief  planktonic 
stage.  While  samples  taken  in  Florida  and  South  Caicos  might 
have  been  biased  by  limited  collection  time,  searches  at  the 
other  sites  were  extensive,  and  it  is  highly  unlikely  that  major 
segments  of  the  M_i_  spinosissimus  populations  could  have  been 
totally  overlooked. 

Despite  the  small  sample  size  for  some  sites,  results  showed 
that  the  Florida  population  was  unique  in  several  aspects  from 
all  other  populations  investigated.  Crabs  from  South  Florida 
taken  in  this  study  were  similar  in  size  to  those  of  previous 
studies  (Hazlett  and  Rittschof,  1975;  Bohnsack,  1976)  and  were 
significantly  smaller  than  those  at  all  other  sites. 

Additionally,  Florida  crabs  were  different  in  coloration  and 
carapace  thickness.  These  physical  characteristics  may  be 
attributed  to  lower  water  temperatures  and/or  different  habitats, 
particularly  adaptation  to  living  in  crevices  in  turbid  waters. 

Crabs  also  appear  to  exhibit  different  behavior  in  the 


Florida  vs.  Caribbean  populations.  Hazlett  and  Rittschof  (1975) 
reported  that  in  cases  of  multiple  occupation  by  crabs  of  a 
crevice  in  South  Florida,  pairs  most  often  consisted  of  a  male 
and  a  female  and  least  frequently  of  a  female  and  female. 

Bohnsack  (1976)  recalculated  these  data,  correcting  for  small 
sample  size,  and  concluded  that  female  pairs  were  not  rare,  but 
male-female  pairs  were  still  more  common.  Bohnsack' s  (1976)  own 
data  agree  with  those  of  Hazlett  and  Rittschof  (1975)  in 
determining  male-female  pairs  to  be  the  most  common,  but  he  found 
significantly  more  multiple  occupations  of  crevices  by  females. 
Pairs  of  males  were  rare.  This  finding  differs  from  our 
observations  in  the  Caribbean  populations  (Sites  2-7)  in  which 
the  most  common  pair  or  group  consisted  of  multiple  females  with 
none  or  a  few  males.  These  large  phenotypic  and  behavorial 
differences  between  the  Florida  and  Caribbean  populations  suggest 
the  Florida  crabs  may  be  a  subspecies. 

The  sizes  of  Caribbean  crabs  (Sites  2-7)  found  in  this  study 
were  consistent  with  Monroe's  (1974)  data  from  Jamaica  where  the 
mean  size  of  males  was  133.4  mm  CW  (-130.4  mm  CL)  and  122.8  mm  CW 
(=120.4  mm  CL)  for  females.  Jamaican  crabs  were  intermediate  in 
size  among  those  investigated  in  this  study  and  were  not 
significantly  different  from  the  populations  at  Antigua  (males) 
or  Buen  Hombre  (females).  Size  does  not  seem  to  be  directly 
related  to  temperature  since  the  largest  (Site  2)  and  the 


smallest  (Site  7)  crabs  found  in  the  Caribbean  region  were  at  the 
northern  (cooler)  and  eastern  (warmer)  extremes  respectively. 
However,  between  Mayaguana  and  Antigua,  mean  minimum  temperatures 
are  not  likely  to  be  more  than  a  degree  or  two  centigrade. 

Florida  crabs  were  consistently  smaller  than  any  of  the  Caribbean 
crabs.  They  would  also  be  subjected  to  winnter  temperatures  on 
the  order  of  5°C  lower  than  the  Caribbean  sites. 

Density  of  crabs  varied  by  site,  season  and  sex.  Crab 
densities  appear  to  be  correlated  with  both  habitat  (resource 
availability)  and  social  factors.  In  the  Florida  population, 
where  crabs  occupy  canal  wall  crevices,  crevice  density  appears 
to  be  the  limiting  factor  in  crab  abundance  (Hazlett  and 
Rittschof,  1976;  Bohnsack,  1977).  Our  studies  suggest  that 
"crevice"  availability  may  be  important  in  at  least  some  areas 
where  competition  for  space  exists. 

Fishing  pressure  may  account  for  some  of  the  observed 
variation  in  population  density.  In  areas  experiencing  heavy 
fin-fishing  pressure,  crab  abundance  was  found  to  be  greater. 
Intensive  fishing  pressure  occurs  in  the  Dominican  Republic  (Site 
5) ,  Antigua  (Site  7)  and  along  the  Caicos  Banks  (Site  3)  where  a 
commercially  important  fishery  for  spiny  lobster  exists.  Fishing 
pressure  may  reduce  crab  predator  abundance  as  suggested  by  Munro 
(1974)  for  Jamaica,  or  reduce  competition  for  other  resources 
such  as  crevice  availability  or  food  resources.  By  contrast, 
crab  densities  were  low  in  areas  experiencing  little  fishing 


pressure  such  as  that  found  along  the  west  coast  of  Grand  Turk 
(Site  4) ,  an  area  protected  from  fishing.  While  large  adult 
crabs,  as  nocturnal  grazers,  are  probably  relatively  free  from 
heavy  fish  predation,  few  juveniles  are  likely  to  recruit  to 
adults  when  fish  predation  is  heavy. 

Seasonal  variation  in  trapped  crab  abundance  has  been 
observed  by  Munro  (1974)  for  Jamaican  crabs  and  at  Sites  5  and  7 
in  this  study.  Munro  (1974)  found  higher  catches  for  crabs  in 
March/April,  June/ July  and  November/ December  over  a  two  year 
trapping  period.  Catches  at  Sites  5  and  7  showed  seasonal 
fluctuations,  particularly  at  Buen  Hombre  (Site  5) .  Part  of  the 
fluctuation  at  site  5  is  due  to  the  shift  by  fishermen  in  Buen 
Hombre  to  agricultural  and  other  landbased  occupations  in  the 
fall  and  winter  (Stoffle,  1986) .  The  decline  in  catch  rates, 
particularly  for  females,  probably  reflects  this  declining  effort 
by  the  fishermen  versus  an  actual  seasonal  variation  in  the 
population  density. 

Results  from  trapping  studies  at  Site  5,  in  which  females 
were  caught  at  a  rate  of  3.5:1,  indicate  a  bias  towards  females 
in  this  population.  Assuming  a  1:1  sex  ratio  at  recruitment, 
this  suggests  that  there  is  a  differential  mortality  rate  for  the 
sexes  at  this  site  or  that  "excess"  males  move  away  from  the 
area.  Hazlett  and  Rittschof  (1975)  found  in  the  Florida 
population  that  males  moved  more  frequently,  had  a  larger  home 


range  and  a  greater  activity  radius  than  females.  In  our 
studies,  "bachelor"  males  were  more  often  found  far  from  their 
crevices,  generally  alone.  Trap  effect  may  also  account  for  some 
of  the  variability  if  inter-male  aggression  influences  the 
probability  of  more  than  one  male  entering  the  trap.  Only  one 
recorded  instance  of  two  males  in  a  trap  occurred  at  Site  5, 
although  Munro  (1974)  reports  several  males  captured  at  a  time  in 
his  Jamaican  trap  study. 

Not  all  sites  showed  the  same  sex  ratios.  There  was  no 
difference  found  in  the  sex  ratio  at  Antigua  (Site  7)  and  males 
outnumbered  females  almost  2:1  in  trap  catches  in  Jamaica  (Munro, 
1974) .  Variation  in  the  sex  ratio  between  sites  suggests  other 
factors  such  as  fishing  pressure  or  intraspecific  competition 
contribute  to  a  population's  sex  ratio.  Fishing  pressure  may  be 
of  particular  importance  in  the  Dominican  Republic  and  South 
Caicos  where  large  male  It  spinosissimus  are  locally  marketed. 

M.  spinosissimus  is  generally  gregarious,  usually  with  pairs 
or  several  individuals  occupying  a  cave  or  crevice.  Bohnsack 
(1976)  found  that  about  55%  of  the  occupied  holes  in  his  study 
contained  crabs  in  clusters  of  2-11  individuals.  On  the  basis 
of  his  results,  he  suggested  that  agression  occurs  between  males 
since  only  one  of  42  clusters  examined  had  more  than  one  male. 
Hazlett  and  Rittschof  (1975)  found  a  negative  relationship 
between  average  day-to-day  movement  for  males  and  male  density,  a 
relationship  not  observed  for  females.  Our  studies  also  support 


the  concept  of  a  gregarious  social  structure  with  males 
apparently  holding  a  "harem"  of  one  to  several  females.  Multiple 
occupation  of  crevices  by  females  was  commonly  observed  at  Sites 
2,  3,  4  and  5.  At  Site  5,  female-female  pairs  were  encountered 
most  often,  with  as  many  as  five  females  found  in  a  crevice. 

Males  were  found  more  than  one  to  a  crevice  in  only  two 
instances:  the  cave  at  Site  2,  and  a  large  hole  (1  m  x  2  m)  on 
head  II,  Site  5.  Divers  examining  "harem"  heads  after  trapping 
commonly  found  continued  high  female  populations,  with  three  or 
four  females  sharing  a  small  coral  outcrop.  At  one  of  these 
heads,  a  single  unbaited  trap  was  placed  at  the  edge  of  the 
grazing  ring,  resulting  in  seven  females  (six  gravid)  caught 
after  a  two-day  set.  Females  were  seldom  caught  individually, 
but  as  previously  noted,  two  males  in  a  trap  were  rare. 

Mariculture  experiments  at  Sites  4,  5  and  7  showed  little 
aggression  in  the  captive  populations.  Crabs  were  reared  from 
egg  and  stocked  in  large  growout  cages  (1.3  m  x  1.3  m  x  2.6  m) 
with  as  many  as  25-35  crabs  per  cage.  Brood  stocks  of  wild  crabs 
were  maintained  in  holding  cages  (1.3  m  x  1.3  m  x  0.75  m)  and 
were  stocked  with  10-12  crabs,  usually  consisting  of  one  male  and 
several  females.  One  instance  of  mortality  assumed  to  have 
resulted  from  aggression  was  noted  at  Grand  Turk,  when  a  recently 
introduced  male  was  found  dead  in  a  holding  cage  containing  one 
male  and  several  females.  Otherwise,  aggression  was  not  observed 


in  the  captive  adult  populations. 

A  considerable  percentage  (66%  females;  69.1%  males)  of  the 
adult  population  is  found  without  walking  legs  and/or  chelipeds , 
suggesting  some  non-mortal  predation  and  the  ability  to  continue 
with  less  mobility  and  feeding  potential.  The  frequency  of 
highly  worn  claws  and  encrusted  shells  and  algae  suggests  a 
relatively  long  life  span  once  an  animal  has  reached  adulthood. 

A  relatively  large  number  of  old,  apparently  moribund  crabs  also 
suggests  moderate  predation  of  adults.  The  population  data 
occasionally  suggest  a  second  molt  in  males. 

The  differences  observed  among  the  populations  in  this  study 
suggest  that  present-day  populations  have  been  isolated  for  a 
long  period  of  time  and  represent  separate  stocks  of  this 
species.  The  large  differences  between  the  Florida  (Site  1)  and 
Caribbean  (Sites  2-7)  populations  may  be  the  result  of 
environmental,  geographic  and  hydrologic  factors  coupled  with  the 
species  short  planktonic  stage.  The  Caribbean  region  is 
characterized  in  general,  by  volcanic  islands  (Antillean),  or 
groups  of  islands  on  broad,  shallow  banks  (Bahamian)  separated  by 
deep  channels  such  as  that  between  South  Caicos  (Site  3)  and 
Grand  Turk  (Site  4)  and  between  these  sites  and  the  Domincan 
Republic  (Site  5) .  These  natural  barriers  presumably  restrict 
interchange  between  the  populations. 

The  possibility  of  larval  exchange  between  the  populations 
is  limited  by  the  short  duration  (<  125  hr)  of  the  free-swimming 


planktonic  stage  (Provenzano  and  Brownell,  1977;  Porter  et  al . , 
1987)  which  permits  little  opportunity  for  dispersal  of  the 
larvae  over  long  distances.  Sastry  (1983)  states  that  restocking 
of  benthic  crustacean  populations  generally  occurs  from  the 
larvae  retained  within  the  geographic  range  of  the  species. 

Given  the  extremely  brief  planktonic  stage  of  this  species  and 
limited  movement  of  the  benthic  population,  it  seems  likely  that 
restocking  of  spinosissimus  populations  generally  occurs  from 
larvae  retained  within  the  restricted  range  of  each  individual 

Recruitment,  then,  must  come  from  the  offspring  of  the  local 
adult  population.  At  all  sites,  juveniles  were  found  to  inhabit 
the  same  areas  as  adults.  They  were  abundant  at  Sites  5,  6  and 
7,  where  trapping  of  crabs  was  successful.  Scarcity  of  juveniles 
reported  in  previous  studies  such  as  those  of  Munro  (1974)  may  be 
due  to  the  cryptic  nature  of  the  juveniles.  Juvenile  M. 
spinosissimus  smaller  than  20  mm  CL  generally  decorate  their 
carapaces  with  algae  and  inhabit  small  crevices,  making  them 
difficult  to  detect.  Munro  (1976)  failed  to  locate  juveniles  by 
diving  or  capture  in  traps  but  reported  the  occurrence  of  several 
juveniles  in  the  stomachs  of  the  red  hind  Epinephelus  quttatus . 
Juveniles  were  located  in  the  stomachs  of  groupers  (Site  5)  in 
this  study.  Traps  were  generally  successful  for  capturing  larger 
(>  60  mm  CL)  juveniles,  but  were  used  only  at  three  sites. 


Our  studies  show  that  variation  in  size,  sex,  social 

structure,  abundance  and  presumably  recruitment  of  M. 
spinosissimus  must  be  considered  for  individual  populations  in 
any  fishery  model  of  this  crab  in  the  Caribbean.  The  variation 
observed  throughout  the  region  suggests  little  exchange  between 
the  populations.  If  each  population  is  a  separate  stock,  the 
potential  exists  for  rapid  decline  in  local  populations 
experiencing  heavy  exploitation.  On  the  other  hand,  the  crabs 
are  easily  bred,  and  considerable  opportunities  exist  for  stock 
" improvement . " 


Information  on  the  size,  sex  ratio,  abundance  and  ecology  of 
M.  spinosissimus  has  been  reported.  A  high  degree  of  variation, 
particularly  between  the  Florida  (Site  1)  and  Caribbean  (Sites  2- 
7)  populations,  was  observed.  This  suggests  populations  have 
been  isolated  for  a  long  period  of  time  and  little  genetic 
exchange  occurs  between  the  separate  stocks.  The  Florida 
population  is  significantly  smaller  than  any  other  population 
sampled  and  differs  from  Caribbean/West  Indian  ft  spinosissimus 
in  a  number  of  morphological  and  behaviorial  features. 

In  the  Caribbean/West  Indian  region,  adult  Mithrax 
spinosissimus  populations  are  bimodally  distributed  with  males 
approximately  15-25%  larger  (CL)  than  females.  These  nocturnal 
crabs  inhabit  caves  or  crevices  in  coral  reef  habitats  and 


usually  consist  of  a  single  male  with  a  "harem"  of  several 
females.  In  spite  of  this  social  structure,  serious  adult  inter¬ 
male  aggression  seems  rare,  even  when  confined  to  cages. 

Crab  abundance  varies  by  site,  sex  and  season.  Factors 
affecting  abundance  appear  to  be  crevice  availability  (directly 
proportional)  and  fishing  pressure  (inversely  proportional) .  A 
large  number  of  females  are  found  gravid  year-round.  Juveniles 
are  rarely  seen  in  the  wild,  probably  due  to  their  cryptic  habits 
and  in  the  earliest  instars  algal  decoration. 


Biddlecomb,  A. B.  Morphology  and  relative  growth  of  M. 
spinas issimus .  This  Treatise. 

Bohnsack,  J.L.,  1976.  The  spider  crab,  Mithrax  spinosissimus 
an  investigation  including  commercial  aspects.  Florida 
Scientist.  39(4):  259-266. 

Colin,  P.  1978.  Caribbean  reef  Invertebrates  and  Plants.  T.F.H. 
Publications  Inc.  Neptune  City,  N.J. 

Collins,  J.S.H.  and  S.F.  Morris,  1976.  Tertiary  and  Pleistocene 
crabs  from  Barbados  and  Trinidad.  Palaeontology,  19(1): 

Hartnell,  R.G. ,  1982.  Growth,  The  Biology  of  Crustacea,  p.  111- 
256.  Academic  Press,  Inc. 

Hazlett,  B. A.  and  D.  Rittschof,  1975.  Daily  movements  and  home 
range  in  Mithrax  spinosissimus  (Majidae,  Decapodae)  Mar. 
Behav.  Physiol.  3:  101-118. 

Idyll,  C.P.,  1971.  The  crab  that  shakes  hands.  Nat.  Geogr. 

Mag.  139:  254-271. 


Munro ,  J.L.  1974.  The  biology,  ecology,  exploitation  and 
management  of  Caribbean  Reef  Fishes.  Part  V.  The 
biology,  ecology,  and  bionomics  of  Caribbean  Reef  Fishes : 
Crustaceans  (spring  lobster  and  crabs)  Res.  Rept.  Zool. 

Dept.  Univ.  West  Indies  3  VI  pp  39-48. 

Porter,  K.P.  ,  J.M.  Iglehart,  W.H.  Adey  and  M.W.  Yadven.  Cage 
culture  of  the  Caribbean  King  crab  (M^_  spinosissimus . 

Lamarck)  in  conjunction  with  algal  turfs.  In  review.  Proc. 
of  Caribbean  Aquaculture  Symp. 

Provenzano,  A.J.  and  W.N.  Brownell,  1977.  Larval  and  early 
post-larval  stages  of  the  West  Indian  spider  crab, 

Mithrax  spinosissimus  (Lamarck)  (Decapoda:  Majidae) 

Proc.  Biol.  Soc.  Wash.  90(3):  735-752. 

Rathbun,  M.J.,  1923.  Fossil  crabs  from  the  Republic  of  Haiti. 

Proc  U.S.  Natn.  Mus.  63,  6pp.,  plsl, 2 . 

Rathbun,  M.J.,  1925.  The  spider  crabs  of  America.  United  States 
National  Museum  Bulletin  129,  613  pp. 

Stoffle,  R.W. ,  1986.  Caribbean  fisherman  farmers,  a  social 
assesment  of  Smithsonian  king  crab  mariculture.  Inst. 

Soc.  Res.,  U.  of  Mich.  Ann  Arbor,  Michigan. 

Sastry,  A.N.,  1983.  Pelagic  larval  ecology  and  development. 

The  Biology  of  Crustacea,  Vol.7,  p.  213-282.  Acadamic  Press, 
N.Y.,  N.Y. 

Williams,  A.B.,  1984.  Shrimps,  lobsters  and  crabs  of  the 
Atlantic  Coast  of  the  eastern  United  States,  Maine  to 
Florida.  Smithsonian  Institution  Press,  Washington,  D.C., 
550  p. 




Map  of  Caribbean,  showing  seven  study  sites.  1  = 

Grassy  Key,  Florida;  2  =  Mayaguana,  Bahamas;  3  =  South 
Caicos,  Turks  and  Caicos,  B.W.I.;  4  =  Grand  Turk, 

Turks  and  Caicos  Islands,  B.W.I.;  5  =  Buen  Hombre, 

Dominican  Republic;  6  =  Azua,  Dominican  Republic;  7  = 
Antigua,  W.l. 


Histogram  plot  of  CL  (mm)  for  adult  male  and  female 
crabs  from  Buen  Hombre,  Dominican  Republic  (site  5) . 


Histogram  plot  of  CL  (mm)  for  trapped  adult  male  and  female 
crabs  from  Antigua,  W.l.  (site  7). 


Histogram  plot  of  CL  (mm)  for  immature  trapped  crabs 
from  Antigua,  W.l.  (site  7). 


Map  of  Grand  Turk,  showing  survey  areas  along  western 
wall;  a  =  "north  sector";  b  -  "south  sector."  a  =  11 
females,  10  males  captured;  a2  =  3  females  captured; 

—  6  females,  9  males  captured. 


Map  of  coral  reef  (forereef,  reef  crest  and  back 
reef)  area  around  Buen  Hombre,  Domincan  Republic 
showing  nine  sectors  surveyed  by  SCUBA  (site  5) . 

(Sectors  A-D:  18  meters  depth;  E-H:  12  meters  depth; 

I;  10  meters)  See  text  for  description  of  sectors. 


Number  of  trapped  male  and  female  crabs  by  month  at 
sites  5  and  7. 

TABLE  1. 

Number,  S.D.,  and  range  of  CL  for  each  site. 

TABLE  2. 

Results  of  ANOVA. 

TABLE  3. 

Results  of  SCUBA  survey. 

TABLE  4. 

Percent  appendage  loss. 

Figure  1 

35  - 





















































































Figure  2 



savao  do  aaawnw 

Figure  3 















6Z-9 Z 


"1 — r 





savuo  3iviAi  jo  aaaiAinN 

Figure  4 



Figure  5 

Figure  6 


Figure  7 



Mean,  S.D.  and  range  of  CL  (mm)  for  adult  male  and 
female  Mithrax  spines issimus  for  each  site.  See  text 
for  description  of  sites. 










mean  (mm) 













83 . 5 




94 . 9 





















148 . 0 











22 . 0 

104 . 1 







114 . 6 









168 . 4 










122 . 0 









112 . 1 


157 . 4 







127 . 0 


TABLE  2.  Results  of  analysis  of  variance  used  to  test  for 

differences  in  CL  (mm)  for  adult  males  and  females 
between  sites  (excluding  site  6) .  Subsets  (S)  with 
different  letters  are  significantly  different  (Duncan's 
multiple  range;  P<  0.05);  DF=5 .  An  asterisk  (*) 
indicates  that  males  and  females  within  a  site  are 
significantly  different  in  size  (t-test;  P<  0.05). 















83 . 5 























Q  W  Pm  U  ffi  H 






Total : 

Results  of  105  hours  of  SCUBA  survey  in  Buen  Hombre, 
Dominican  Republic  (site  5) . 
























2- 13 


3- 28 




4- 10 

























































Percent  appendage  loss  for  adult  male  and  female  crabs 
from  all  sites.  Chelae  and  walking  legs  are  treated 
separately  for  males  only. 



1  2 

128  20.3  6.3 


0  12  3  4 

29.7  23.4  16.4  2.3  1.6 

34.0  35.0  16.8  9.1  4.6 

5  6 

—  0.5 






M.P.  Craig,  K.L.  Porter,  R.V.  Ruark  and  J.M.  Iglehart 


The  reproductive  morphology,  size  of  female  and  clutch  at 
maturity,  fecundity,  seasonality  of  reproductive  effort, 
embryogenesis  and  duration  of  egg  incubation  were  investigated 
for  the  tropical  Majid  crab,  Mithrax  soinosissimus .  Crabs  were 
collected  from  the  Dominican  Republic,  Antigua,  the  Turks  and 
Caicos  Islands,  and  the  Florida  Keys. 

Mithrax  soinosissimus  is  sexually  dimorphic.  The  male 
prepubertal  instar  ranges  in  carapace  length  (CL)  from  80.0-115.0 
mm.  The  mean  CL  of  ovigerous  crabs  ranges  from  83.5-137.5  mm 
depending  on  the  study  site.  The  mean  CL  of  mature  males  ranged 
from  93.9-146.7  mm.  Reproductive  capability  was  determined  to  be 
year  round.  Captive  crabs  were  observed  to  mate  during  the 
intermolt  period  while  positioned  ventrally  to  each  other. 

Female  It  soinosissimus  have  the  capability  to  store  spermatazoa 
for  long  periods  of  time.  Mean  clutch  size  is  6.0639  X  104  eggs 
(S.E.-3025;  N— 20) . 

Embryogenesis  is  divided  into  five  distinctly  observed 
stages  which  develop  over  a  mean  time  period  of  29.5  days 
(S . D=0 . 5 ;  N—4 ) .  All  larvae  were  hatched  within  12-16  hours.  The 
mean  interval  of  time  between  hatching  of  eggs  and  the  spawning 
of  a  new  batch  was  61.9  days  (S . D.=19 . 6 ;  N=247) .  Each  female  had 
an  average  3.75  hatches  over  a  10  month  period  in  captivity.  It 
is  concluded  that  the  reproductive  capacity  of  Mithrax 
soinosissimus  appears  relatively  unaffected  by  conditions  of 
captivity.  All  reproductive  characteristics  of  If  soinosissimus 
are  suitable  for  mariculture. 


The  molt  of  puberty  or  maturation  molt  denotes  reproductive 
capability  in  Ma j idae  (Hartnoll,  1963;  Ingle,  1983)  and  may  be 
attained  after  16-20  postlarval  molts  in  Brachyura  (e.g., 

Callinectes  saoidus  or  blue  crabs:  Van  Engel,  1958) .  Hartnoll 


(1965)  found  female  members  of  the  Majidae  from  tropical  waters 
(including  Mithrax  sculptus)  only  able  to  physically  mate  and 
reproduce  after  the  maturation  molt.  Terminal  anecdysis  or  the 
cessation  of  molting  is  said  to  coincide  with  the  maturation  molt 
in  Majidae  (Hartnoll ,  1963,  1965,  1974).  In  Mithrax  sculptus . 
the  maturation  molt  (Hartnoll,  1965a)  is  accompanied  by  distinct 
external  morphological  changes  in  the  chelae  of  males  and  by  a 
variety  of  changes  in  the  shape  and  function  of  the  abdomen, 
pleopoda,  sternum  and  gonopores  of  females.  An  internal  change 
occurs  in  the  males'  sperm  ducts,  the  posterior  part  of  the 
genital  tract.  They  characteristically  appear  pale  and 
translucent  when  immature,  whereas  in  mature  males,  the  sperm 
ducts  become  swollen  and  assume  an  opaque  white  appearance 
indicating  the  presence  of  mature  sperm.  In  females,  the 
maturation  of  the  ovaries  is  evident  by  marked  changes  in  the 
developing  ova.  The  diameter  of  the  ova  increases  as  much  as 
eight  times  before  spawning  and  the  color  changes  as  the  yolk  is 
deposited  (Hartnoll,  1965a) . 

Usually,  maturation  of  the  gonads  is  considered  to  coincide 
with  the  development  of  certain  anatomical  characteristics. 
However,  Hartnoll  (1965b)  mentions  that  some  of  the  larger 
prepubertal  Mithrax  sculptus  and  Microphrvs  bicornutus .  both 
Majids,  had  partly  swollen  sperm  ducts  which  contained  ripe 
sperm.  In  males  of  the  Majid  crabs  Inachus  and  Macropodia  and  in 
females  of  Pisa  tetraodan,  the  gonads  of  some  prepubertal  crabs 


were  maturing  before  the  maturation  molt  and  in  Hvas  coarctatus 
the  females'  gonads  always  began  to  mature  prior  to  the 
maturation  molt  (Hartnoll,  1963,  1965b).  Little  information  has 
been  published  concerning  maturation  of  M_j_  soinosissimus .  but  it 
has  been  assumed  to  be  characteristic  of  the  order  and  family. 

Teissier  (1935)  describes  a  critical  molt  preceeding  the 
maturation  molt  in  Maia  scruinado  and  considered  this  "molt  of 
pre-puberty"  or  the  pre-pubertal  instar,  to  mark  the  first 
differentiation  of  relative  growth  rates  between  the  sexes.  The 
final  molt,  the  maturation  molt  occurs  three  molts  later.  In 
Pisa  tetraodan ,  Vernet-Cornubert  (1958)  was  able  to  show  that  the 
maturation  molt  occurs  over  a  range  of  carapace  lengths  (CL)  and 
may  be  from  the  first  to  third  molt  after  the  pre-pubertal 
instar.  In  a  boreal  crab  Hvas  coarctatus  the  maturation  molt 
occurs  during  particular  seasons  of  the  year.  Where  mating 
occurs  only  during  a  particular  season,  Hartnoll  (1963)  found  the 
time  of  year  and  the  size  of  the  individual  at  the  instance  of 
molting  contributing  factors  in  determining  whether  a  crab  will 
make  a  further  normal  molt  after  pre-pubertal  instar  or  will 
undergo  the  maturation  molt  directly.  Crabs  of  similar  size  were 
found  to  undergo  a  normal  molt  or  reach  the  pre-pubertal  instar 
at  the  same  time,  indicating  that  other  factors  may  contribute  to 
the  timing  of  the  maturation  molt.  In  four  Majid  species  Hvas 
coarctatus .  Inachus  dorsettensis .  Macronodia  rostrata  and 


Microphrvs  bicornutus .  it  was  found  that  at  the  same  time  and 
within  the  same  population  of  each  species,  specimens  of  very 
different  size  were  undergoing  the  maturation  molt  (Hartnoll , 
1963) . 

Hartnoll  (1965a)  observed  throughout  the  Majidae  studied 
that  the  maturation  molt  occurred  over  a  large  range  of  carapace 
lengths.  Among  a  group  of  Mithrax  sculotus .  differences  in  mm  CL 
between  the  largest  and  the  smallest  postpubertal  crab, 
represented  as  the  largest  being  a  percentage  of  the  smallest, 
was  162%  for  females  and  314%  for  males  (min  8  mm,  max  13  mm?  min 
7  mm,  max  22  mm) .  The  length  of  post-pubertal  specimens  has  been 
shown  to  vary  between  separate  populations  of  a  species  within 
the  same  region  (e.g.,  Hvas  coarctatus  Leach  around  the  Isle  of 
Man)  but  even  when  a  single  population  was  studied  from  a  very 
limited  area  (e.g.,  Microphrvs  bicornutus  in  Kingston  Harbor, 
Jamaica) ,  these  same  large  variations  were  still  apparent 
(Hartnoll,  1965b).  Munro  (1974)  found  ovigerous  Mithrax 
spinosissimus  females  from  Jamaica  to  average  125.3  mm  carapace 
width  (CW)  and  he  believed  this  to  be  the  mean  size  after  the 
maturation  molt. 

A  considerable  increase  in  chelae  size  relative  to  carapace 
length  occurs  during  the  maturation  of  IL  spinosissimus  males, 
but  is  not  noted  in  the  females.  Bohnsack  (1976)  decided  that 
Mithrax  spinosissmus  males  from  a  Florida  canal  population  may  be 
mature  based  on  increased  cheliped  size,  once  carapace  width  (CW) 


is  near  80.0  mm,  though  he  did  not  examine  sperm  ducts  for  mature 
sperm.  Brownell,  et  al.  (1977)  reported  a  94  mm  CL  male  specimen 
from  Venezuela  with  small  chelae  to  be  sexually  active  before  it 
molted  to  a  115  mm  CL  having  proportionally  larger  chelae. 

Courtship  in  the  Brachyura  may  involve  a  series  of  visual, 
tactile,  auditory  and/or  chemical  signals.  The  male 
distinguishes  a  female  from  a  potential  aggressor  male  crab  by 
the  female  cheliped  size  and  more  than  likely,  also  by  olfactory 
signals  or  pheromones  which  are  released  by  the  sexually 
receptive  female  (Warner,  1977) . 

Copulation  in  Brachyuran  crabs  occur  during  different  phases 
of  the  molting  cycle,  the  phases  being  species  specific.  Females 
of  Carcinus  maenas  and  Cancer  paqurus ,  Cancrid  crabs,  copulate 
soon  after  molting  while  their  integument  is  soft.  Females  of 
Hvas  coarctatus  and  Maia  squinado ,  both  Majids,  mate  in  either 
the  soft  or  hard  shelled  state  (Hartnoll,  1965b).  Other  Majid 
crab  species,  i.e.,  Pisa  tetraodon  and  corvstes .  mate  when 
hard  shelled  (Hartnoll,  1963,  1969;  Ingle  1983). 

In  matings  where  both  male  and  female  have  hard 
exoskeletons,  duration  of  copulation  is  measured  in  minutes 
rather  than  in  days,  a  characteristic  of  those  species  copulating 
only  when  the  female  has  just  molted  (Hartnoll,  1969) .  Corystes 
cassivelaunus .  a  Corystid  crab,  can  only  mate  for  a  12-20  day 
period  during  the  intermolt  when  the  opercula  of  the  gonopores 


become  decalcified  (Hartnoll ,  1968b) .  No  data  is  available  in 
the  literature  with  regard  to  the  conditions  required  for  Mithrax 
spinosissmus  mating. 

During  copulation,  many  crabs  face  each  other  ventrally , 
generally  with  the  male  clasping  the  female.  The  male  is 
positioned  so  that  the  posterior  of  his  body  is  between  the 
females  abdomen  and  sternum.  His  abdomen  is  unfolded  and  his 
first  pleopods  are  inserted  into  the  genital  openings  of  the 
female  (Warner,  1977) .  In  Brachyurans,  the  female  may  receive 
spermatozoa  as  packets  or  spermatophores  for  storage  in 
spermathecae .  Consecutive  egg  broods  can  be  fertilized  using  the 
stored  sperm.  For  example,  one  female  Mithrax  hispidus  was 
observed  to  have  laid  three  batches  of  eggs  in  the  absence  of  a 
male  of  that  same  species  (pers.  obs.).  Van  Engel  (1958)  found 
sperm  to  survive  for  at  least  one  year  in  the  seminal  receptacles 
of  several  crab  species.  Moreover,  females  of  Corvstes 
cassivelaunus  can  store  sperm  for  a  year  and  then  mate  again 
(Hartnoll,  1968b) .  Munro  (1974)  suggested,  due  to  the  capability 
of  Mithrax  spinosissimus  to  store  spermatozoa  in  spermathecae  for 
multiple  fertilizations  of  egg  broods,  it  may  only  be  necessary 
for  mating  to  occur  only  once  in  its  lifetime.  Hartnoll  (1965b) , 
suggested  for  the  Majids  he  studied,  one  copulation  can  fertilize 
a  succession  of  spawnings  and  is  probably  sufficient  for  all  the 
eggs  a  female  will  produce  during  her  lifetime. 

The  potential  number  of  batches  of  eggs  carried  during  a  year 


is  related  to  the  incubation  time  and  the  time  interval  between 

spawnings.  The  interval  between  mating  and  spawning  may  range 
from  days  f Corvstes  cassivelaunas)  to  months  ( Cancer  paemrus) 
(Ingle,  1983).  huaehus  and  Macropodia .  Majid  crabs,  incubate 
eggs  for  approximately  three  months  and  breed  continuously, 
producing  at  least  three  sets  of  eggs  per  year  (Hartnoll,  1963). 

There  was  no  indication  of  seasonal  breeding  activity  in  the 
five  Jamaican  Majids  studied  by  Hartnoll  (1965a) .  In  nearly 
every  sample  collected  from  December  to  July,  all  of  the  post- 
pubertal  females  were  ©vigerous.  He  also  suggests  there  is 
continuous  breeding  in  these  tropical  Majids,  with  a  succession 
of  incubations  extending  from  the  maturation  molt  to  the  death  of 
the  crab.  In  four  of  the  five  species  where  successive  sets  of 
eggs  were  recorded  (during  an  undescribed  part  of  an  eight  month 
experiment) ,  he  found  Macrocoeloma  t rispinosum  to  have  three  sets 
with  an  incubation  time  of  13  to  14  days  each?  Microphrvs 
bicornutus .  four  sets  with  10  to  13  days  incubation?  Mithrax 
sculptus ,  two  sets  with  11  to  13  days  incubation?  and 
Stenorhvnchus  seticornis .  three  sets  with  12  days  incubation. 
There  was  little  delay  between  hatching  and  spawning. 

Mala  scminado .  a  boreal  crab  of  similar  carapace  length  to 
Mithrax  spinosissimus »  carries  only  one  batch  of  eggs  per  year 
(Hartnoll,  1963) .  However,  Mediterranean  populations  of  Pisa 
tetraodon  have  been  observed  to  carry  six  to  eight  batches  of 


eggs  per  year  ( Vernet-Cornubert ,  1958;  Ingle,  1983).  Brownell, 
et  al.  ,  (1977)  observed  an  individual  M_j_  spinosissimus  female  to 

produce  three  consecutive  broods  of  eggs  at  one  month  intervals 
while  in  captivity. 

Several  authors  report  observing  ovigerous  ft  spinosissimus 
during  particular  months  of  the  year.  Ovigerous  crabs  were 
observed  in  January  (Brownell  and  Provenzano,  1977)  ;  February  to 
August  (Brownell,  et  al . ,  1977);  May  and  June  (Rathbun,  1925); 
August  through  November  (Bohnsack,  1976) ;  and  year-round  (Munro, 
1974)  . 

For  some  tropical  crabs,  usually  land  crabs,  reproduction 
follows  the  lunar  cycle  (29.5  days  between  full  moons  or  14.8 
days  between  spring  tides)  with  larval  hatching  timed  to  coincide 
with  spring  tides  (Warner,  1967;  Gifford,  1962). 

Majid  crabs  generally  produce  large  numbers  of  eggs.  A  130 
mm  CL  specimen  of  Maia  souinado  produced  approximately  156,000 
eggs  at  its  annual  spawning  (Hartnoll,  1963),  while  a  127  mm  CW 
specimen  of  Cancer  paaurus .  a  Cancrid  crab,  produced  1,000,000 
eggs  (Edwards,  1978) .  Munro  estimated  It  spinosissimus  brood 
size  at  50,000  eggs  for  females  of  122.8  mm  CW  caught  in  waters 
off  Jamaica  (Munro,  1974) . 

The  proteinaceous  yolk  and  lipid  vesicles  containing 
carotenoid  pigments  give  crab  eggs  their  characteristic 
coloration  throughout  incubation  (Anderson,  1982) .  The  eyes  and 
pigment  spots  appear  first,  followed  by  the  outlines  of  the 


abdomen  and  cephalothorax  (Warner ,  1967) . 

Little  published  data  has  been  available  concerning  Mithrax 
spinosissimus  size  at  maturity ,  reproductive  morphology, 
fecundity ,  seasonality  of  reproductive  effort,  embryogenesis  and 
duration  of  egg  incubation.  This  study  was  carried  out,  in  part, 
to  provide  answers  to  these  critical  questions. 


The  Mithrax  spinosissimus  specimens  examined  in  this  study 
were  collected  in  traps  and  by  SCUBA  divers  from  five  study  sites 
with  depths  ranging  from  6-10  meters  on  the  north  coast  of  the 
Dominican  Republic  (19°  80'  N?  71°  20*  W)  (Site  1),  1-180  m  in 
Antigua  (17°  10 »  N;  61°  43'  W)  (Site  2),  10-25  m  in  Grand  Turk 
(21°  90*  N;  71°  10*  W)  (Site  3),  2-5  meters  in  South  Caicos  (21° 
80*  N ;  71°  30*  W)  (Site  4)  and  1-3  meters  at  Grassy  Key,  Florida 
(24°  80'  N?  81°  05'  W)  (Site  5).  Each  crab  was  weighed,  measured 
and  tagged.  For  identification,  colored  plastic  cable  or  Hzip 
ties11  were  fastened  around  the  merus  of  one  or  two  walking  legs. 
Lost  appendages  and  other  distinctive  physical  characteristics 
were  recorded,  as  well.  Specimens  were  sexed  and  the  state  of 
maturity  was  determined  for  each  crab.  For  purposes  of  table 
and  graph  construction,  male  maturity  was  determined  to  be  the 
point  when  ventral  propodus  length  (VPL)  becomes  approximately 
equal  to  or  greater  than  the  carapace  length  (CL)  after  molting 


(Iglehart,  et  al.  ,  this  volume).  Females  were  considered  mature 
if  their  abdomen  completely  covered  their  sternum.  It  was  also 
determined  whether  or  not  the  mature  females  were  gravid;  for 
gravid  crabs  the  egg  mass  characteristics  were  recorded. 

After  initial  data  collection,  crabs  were  introduced  into 
4.0*  X  4.0'  X  8.0'  wooden  cages  covered  with  1/4-1"  mesh  black 
plastic  screen.  The  cages  floated  with  their  tops  at  the 
surface,  and  were  anchored  in  protected  lagoonal  or  back  reef 
environments.  Crabs  were  fed  diets  of  screen-grown  turf  algae 
(Adey  and  Hackney,  this  volume) . 

Non-gravid  females  were  kept  with  mature  males  until  the 
females  were  observed  to  have  eggs.  None  of  the  mature  females 
were  isolated  to  determine  the  number  of  broods  from  one 
copulation.  Ovigerous  females  were  transferred  to  cages  without 
males  and  egg  development  was  observed  to  determine  the  time  to 
hatching.  When  close  to  hatching  (one  to  three  days) ,  as 
determined  by  the  egg  color,  the  gravid  female  was  put  into  a 
"hatch  cage"  separate  from  other  females.  After  hatching,  the 
female  was  then  returned  to  a  cage  containing  males  and  other 
females.  Several  ovigerous  crabs  were  dissected  to  examine 
reproductive  structure  and  to  gather  data  on  brood 
characteristics  and  egg  development. 

Brood  size  was  determined  by  two  methods;  1)  individually 
counting  all  of  the  eggs  in  a  brood  from  four  individual  crabs 
and  2)  by  replicate  calculations  of  dry  and  wet  weight 


determinations  of  individual  eggs  and  the  entire  egg  mass.  Dry 
weights  (24  hours  at  80°C)  of  an  entire  brood  and  of  five  samples 
of  20  eggs  were  determined  from  the  egg  masses  of  six  more  female 
broods.  Wet  weight  was  determined  after  blotting  eggs  for  10 
seconds.  A  Mettler  electrobalance  (model  PC  8000)  was  used  for 
weight  determinations.  Results  were  presented  as  individual  egg 
weights  (dry)  and  total  brood  egg  number,  calculated  from  the 
total  brood  dry  weight  to  individual  egg  weight  proportion.  A 
wet  weight  to  dry  weight  ratio  was  also  determined  from  mean 
individual  egg  wet  and  dry  weights.  The  egg  mass  and  total 
number  of  eggs  for  20  females  was  determined  by  weighing  the 
females  both  pre  and  post  hatch.  The  difference  was  considered 
the  brood  wet  weight.  The  brood  size  was  determined  using  the 
calculated  wet  weight  to  dry  weight  ratios  and  the  mean  (dry) 
individual  egg  weight. 

Approximate  intervals  for  marked  changes  in  gross  egg 
characteristics  were  determined  from  observations  of  live  and 
preserved  fertilized  eggs  selected  from  broods  throughout  their 
incubation.  Eggs  were  removed  every  two  days,  until  the  day  of 
hatch,  from  the  broods  of  several  ovigerous  females  from  just 
after  extrusion  onto  the  pleopodal  endopodites.  These  were  fixed 
in  5%  buffered  formalin  and  then  transferred  to  70%  isopropyl 
alcohol.  External  changes  in  the  eggs  were  studied  using  a 
dissecting  microscope. 


Duration  of  egg  incubation  was  determined  as  the  length  of 
time  between  the  exact  date  of  extrusion  of  the  eggs  onto  the 
pleopods  and  the  hatch  date.  Data  for  time  intervals  between  any 
successive  viable  hatches  from  individual  tagged  females  was  used 
to  determine  mean  interval  of  time  between  hatching  and  spawning 
of  a  new  batch. 


Size  at  Maturity 

Mithrax  spinosissimus  crabs  are  sexually  dimorphic.  The  sex 
of  juveniles  cannot  be  determined  visually  until  the  crabs  grow 
to  a  carapace  length  (CL)  of  approximately  25  mm.  At  this  size, 
the  females'  abdomen  begins  to  be  noticeably  wider  than  the 
males'  through  the  fourth,  fifth  and  sixth  abdomenal  segments. 

At  first,  immature  females  are  characterized  by  an  oblong 
triangular  abdomen  that  covers  a  similar  proportion  of  the 
sternum  through  each  molt.  Finally,  the  female  undergoes  a  molt 
resulting  in  the  maximum  increase  in  width  of  the  abdomen  and  at 
this  point,  for  our  purposes,  was  considered  sexually  mature, 
though  ovaries  of  immature  and  newly  molted  mature  crabs  were  not 
examined.  Females  in  captivity  reaching  this  stage  of 
development  were  never  observed  to  molt  again. 

Assuming  that  female  M*.  spinosissimus  is  characterized  by  a 
terminal  molt  of  puberty  (see  discussion  Biddlecomb,  et  al . ,  this 


volume) ,  it  can  be  concluded  that  an  ovigerous  crab  is  mature  and 
will  not  molt  again.  In  terms  of  the  allometric  growth  equation 
(y  =  Bxa) ,  as  more  typically  applied  to  various  dimensions  of  the 
male  chelae  (Hartnoll,  1974),  the  female  abdomen  compared  to 
carapace  length  is  positively  allometric  (a  >  1.0)  throughout  its 
juvenile  development  (beginning  at  25  mm  CL)  and  becomes  strongly 
positive  at  the  maturation  molt  (Figure  1) . 

Males  maintain  a  uniform  abdomen  shape  throughout  their  molt 
history.  The  allometry  of  the  abdomen  in  relation  to  the 
carapace  length  is  nearly  isometric  (Figure  2) .  However,  in 
contrast  to  females,  maturing  male  crabs  are  characterized  by  a 
significant  increase  in  size  and  shape  of  the  chelipeds.  When 
comparing  log  carapace  length  (CL)  to  log  ventral  propodus  length 
( VPL)  of  Antiguan  crabs,  the  males'  VPL,  as  well  as  the  cheliped 
in  general,  gradually  begins  to  become  proportionately  larger 
than  the  females'  at  approximately  80  mm  CL.  The  VPL  then 
becomes  markedly  larger  at  a  subsequently  increased  rate  at 
approximately  105  mm  CL  (see  Biddlecomb,  et  al . ,  this  volume) . 
This  first  gradual  inflection  is  likely  the  beginning  of  the  size 
range  for  the  pre-pubertal  instar  of  this  species.  The  pre¬ 
pubertal  instar  appears  to  range  in  CL  between  80  mm  CL  and  115 
mm  CL.  The  second  inflection,  assumed  to  represent  male  crabs 
having  undergone  the  maturation  molt,  begins  as  low  as  102  mm  CL 
and  ends  for  the  Antiguan  population  at  147  mm  CL  (Refer  to 
Figure  2,  Biddlecomb,  et  al. ,  this  volume).  These  appendages 


were  observed  to  aid  in  agonistic  displays  and  may  also  aid  in 
courtship  communication  and  defense.  Biddlecomb,  et  a .1 .  (this 
volume)  discuss  the  possibilty  of  a  single  post  pubertal  molt  in 
M.  spinosissimus . 

Natural  population  characteristics  categorized  by  sex,  size 
class,  egg  bearing  state  and  state  of  maturity  for  each  of  the 
sites  are  presented  in  Table  1.  The  mean  size  (CL)  of  male  and 
female  crabs,  designated  mature,  are  different  at  all  sites  (see 
Iglehart,  et  al . ,  this  volume) .  Mature  male  and  female  crabs 
were  largest  from  site  3  (Grand  Turk,  BWI)  while  those  from  site 
5  (Florida)  were  smallest.  The  largest  population  samples  were 
from  the  Dominican  Republic  and  Antigua,  with  56  and  57  males  and 
126  and  44  females,  respectively.  Table  2  and  Figure  3  show  the 
size  frequency  distributions  of  female  crabs  caught  from  the  five 
study  sites. 

Gravid  crabs  were  caught  every  month  of  the  year  both  in 
traps  and  by  SCUBA  divers,  indicating  reproductive  capability 
throughout  the  year.  The  mean  percentage  of  mature  ovigerous 
females  caught  in  traps  at  the  Dominican  Republic  was  81.3% 

(S.D.=  12.4%)  for  February  through  November  (no  traps  were  set  in 
December  and  January),  with  a  mean  of  11.5%  (S . D. -  5.8%)  mature 
females  caught  each  month.  At  the  Antigua  site  65.7%  (S.D.= 
17.4%)  of  crbas  trapped  were  ovigerous  with  an  average  of  4.8% 
(S.D.=  3.4%)  ovigerous  females  per  month.  No  crabs  were 


collected  during  the  months  of  January,  May  and  November  (Figure 
4)  . 


Mating  of  captive  Mithrax  spinosissimus  while  in  aquaria  was 
observed  on  four  separate  occasions.  In  each  instance,  both 
female  and  male  were  hard  shelled  and  the  females  were  barren. 

The  crabs  faced  each  other  ventrally,  the  male  dorsal  side  down 
and  underneath  the  female.  The  female's  abdomen  was  opened  and 
outside  the  carapace  of  the  male,  whereas  the  male's  abdomen  was 
only  slightly  parted  from  his  sternum  and  the  first  pleopods  were 
inserted  into  the  gonopores  of  the  female.  The  female  used  her 
legs  for  support,  while  the  male  held  the  female  by  interlocking 
legs  and/or  by  clasping  her  appendages  with  his  chelae.  Crabs 
were  observed  to  remain  in  this  mating  position  for  less  than  one 
hour.  The  observed  matings  occurred  in  January  and  February. 

Reproductive  Morphology 

The  configuration  of  the  ovaries  in  female  Mithrax 
spinosissimus  differs  from  that  of  the  Brachyuran  crabs  as 
described  in  Warner  (1977) .  Ovaries  are  paired  and  anastomose 
directly  posterior  to  the  cardiac  stomach.  They  have  lobes 
leading  both  anteriorly  on  each  side  of  the  stomach  to  the 
frontal  margin  under  the  eyes  and  posteriorly  underneath  the 
pyloric  stomach,  as  in  other  crabs  (Figure  5) . 


Each  of  two  gonopores  located  on  the  sternites  of  the  sixth 
thoracic  segment  and  covered  with  pliable  chitinous  flaps,  opens 
to  an  approximately  one  cm  thin  chitinous  tube,  which  ends  at  the 
junction  of  each  ovary  and  each  of  the  paired  spermathecae.  This 
configuration,  like  that  in  other  Majids,  is  "concave"  as 
described  by  Hartnoll  (1968) ,  with  the  spermathecae  projecting 
above  the  ovary-gonopore  tube  junction,  rather  than  being  between 
the  ovary  and  gonopore  tube  (Figure  5) .  From  this  junction,  a 
section  of  each  ovary  runs  dorsally  to  each  of  the  main  paired 
bilobal  sections.  The  spermathecae  are  barrel  shaped  with 
dimensions  of  approximately  15  X  10  mm  in  a  crab  of  106  mm  CL. 

The  spermathecae  consists  of  two  parts.  The  dorsal  half  is 
composed  of  two  white  waxy  bodies  pressed  together,  possibly 
sperm  plugs  (Hartnoll,  1969),  while  the  ventral  half,  at  the 
ovary-gonopore  tube  junction,  consists  of  a  more  viscous 
brown/white  liquid. 

Of  the  28  mature  female  crabs  dissected,  all  had  pale  orange 
unfertilized  eggs  throughout  the  lobes  of  the  ovaries  and  all  had 
spermathecae  with  the  anatomy  described  above,  regardless  of 
whether  fertile  eggs  were  being  actively  brooded  at  the  time.  In 
one  dissected  female  (79.4  mm  CL)  judged  to  be  one  or  two  molts 
from  maturity,  the  gonopores  were  barely  discernible  (pinholes) . 
Chitinous  tubes  leading  to  the  ovaries  from  the  gonopores  did  not 
exist  and  ovaries  and  spermathecae  were  not  obvious,  as  they  are 
in  mature  females.  Protrusions  on  the  fifth  thoracic  sternite 


fit  into  sockets  in  the  sixth  abdominal  segment  in  this  immature 
crab.  Pleopodal  setae  were  only  slightly  developed  and  sparse  as 
compared  to  those  on  mature  females. 

The  eight  pleopods  of  mature  females  have  very  setose 
exopods  that  cover  the  area  between  the  abdomen  and  sternum  when 
the  abdomen  expands  as  the  brood  develops.  The  setae  on  the 
endopodite  of  each  pleopod  are  stouter,  spirally  organized  and 
more  sparse  than  those  on  the  exopods.  There  are  approximately 
100  sets  of  three  to  six  setae  on  each  of  eight  endopodites. 

Each  encased  fertile  egg  has  an  individual  strand  that  runs  along 
a  portion  of  each  clumped  set  of  setae  and  then  twists  around  the 
set  at  the  junction  of  the  strand  and  egg.  The  strands  of  a 
clump  of  eggs  may  also  twist  around  each  other  before  separating 
and  running  along  the  set  of  setae  (Figure  6) . 

Male  reproductive  structure  was  examined  in  less  detail.  In 
the  largest  mature  males,  spermataphores  which  appear  as  white 
waxy  bodies  (closely  resembling  those  found  in  the  spermathecae 
of  the  female)  were  observed  in  each  of  the  paired  sperm  ducts, 
probably  indicating  the  presence  of  mature  sperm.  The  sperm 
ducts  of  smaller  "mature"  males  and  those  of  immature  males  were 
not  found. 

Clutch  Size 

Clutch  size  in  ft  spinosissimus  was  determined  using  dry  and 
wet  weights  and  weights  of  samples  of  individual  eggs  from  those 


masses.  The  mean  dry  weight  of  five  replicate  samples  of  20  eggs 
from  each  of  six  females  was  4.7  X  10~3  gms  (S.E.=  0.07  X  10“3 
gms;  range  =  4.3  -  5.1  X  10“3  gms;  n=30) ,  which  yields  a  mean  dry 
weight  of  0.23  X  1 0 “ 3  gm/egg.  The  mean  wet  weight  of  these 
samples  was  19.7  X  10”3  gms  (S.E.  =  0.09  X  10”3  gms?  n~  30). 

Based  on  this  estimate,  each  dry-weight  gram  of  Mithrax 
spinosissimus  egg  mass  contains  about  4348  eggs,  assuming  that 
the  egg  clutch  is  filled  with  eggs  of  uniform  size  and  weight. 
However,  the  egg  mass  ordinarily  contains  some  interfollicular 
connective  tissue,  as  well  as  a  very  small  portion  of  eggs  at 
various  stages  of  embryogenesis .  The  wet  weight  of  the  above 
samples  is  4.2  times  the  dry  weight. 

Twenty  ovigerous  crabs  were  weighed  pre  and  post  hatch.  The 
difference  in  weight  was  taken  to  be  the  total  egg  mass  wet 
weight.  Using  the  calculated  wet  weight  to  dry  weight  ratio  and 
the  egg  number  per  dry  weight  gram,  the  total  egg  number  per  wet 
brood  was  estimated.  Mean  clutch  size  was  6.0639  X  104  eggs  for 
crabs  with  a  mean  CL  of  125.5  mm  (SE  =  3025;  range  —  55,249  - 
66,026?  N=20) .  The  linear  regression  of  the  crab  carapace  length 
to  derived  clutch  size  was  determined  (r  =  0.65?  p<  .05?  N=20) 
and  plotted  (Figure  7) . 

Counting  the  eggs  in  four  broods,  using  the  two  methods 
described,  from  four  females  of  differing  carapace  lengths 
revealed  a  mean  total  of  7.1446  X  104  eggs  per  brood.  From  the 


wet  weights  of  these  four  broods  and  the  wet  weight  to  dry  weight 
ratio,  the  dry  weight  of  each  brood  was  estimated  and  the  number 
of  eggs  expected  from  the  dry  weights  calculated  using  4348  eggs/ 
g  (dry  wt.)*  the  predicted  and  actual  brood  number  varied  less 
than  1000  eggs  in  each  of  the  four  cases. 


Unfertilized  eggs  in  the  ovaries  are  usually  pale  orange. 
After  spawning  the  fertilized  eggs  (about  one  mm  in  diameter)  are 
attached  to  the  pleopods  and  are  orange  in  the  early  stages  of 
development.  Subsequently,  they  change  to  orange-red,  red, 
amber-red  and  at  the  day  of  hatching,  they  change  from  clear- 
amber  to  a  translucent  opaque  white  color.  From  a  sample  of  four 
female  crabs,  where  the  exact  dates  of  spawning  and  subsequent 
larval  release  are  known,  incubation  time  was  29.5  days  (S.D.= 

Minor  differences  in  egg  color  were  observed  depending  on  the 
collection  site  of  crabs.  The  "red"  eggs  from  Antiguan  crabs  are 
actually  dark  red  or  raspberry  color,  while  the  "red"  in  eggs 
from  Dominican  Republic  and  South  Caicos  crabs  are  light  red  or 
strawberry  color. 

The  development  of  the  eggs  up  to  hatching  has  been  divided 
into  the  five  most  distinctly  observed  stages  from  visual  and 
microscopic  examination  of  the  eggs  of  seven  female  crabs 
(Figures  8,  9). 


Stage  I 

At  the  time  of  spawning,  the  yolk  is  pale  to  bright  orange. 
Over  the  next  six  to  nine  days,  the  yolk  divides  into  oblong 
cells  and  the  color  gradually  changes  to  cil>  IT*  d  C*  lor  (Figure  8a) . 

Stage  II 

After  10-12  days,  the  yolk,  95%  of  the  egg,  is  prominent  and 
composed  of  large  oblong  red  cells  with  small  rounder  red  cells 
closest  to  the  developing  larva.  The  larva  appears  as  a  small 
amber-clear  segmented  line.  As  the  egg  develops  up  to  hatching, 
the  yolk  cells  become  smaller  but  they  do  not  completely 
disappear.  The  eye  spots  are  not  yet  visible.  The  heartbeat  is 
not  present  at  the  beginning  of  this  stage  (Figure  8b) . 

Stage  III 

By  the  15-18th  day,  the  eyes  (not  yet  full  ovals  as  in  later 
stages) ,  thorax,  abdomen,  telson,  appendage  buds  and  beating 
heart  are  obvious.  The  yolk,  now  comprising  50%  of  the  egg, 
appears  microscopically  as  four  contiguous  lobes  around  the 
cardiac  region  and,  in  reference  to  the  larval  portion,  appears 
visually  as  a  dorsolaterally  positioned  solid  crescent  shape.  A 
few  black,  orange  or  yellow  chromatophores  around  the  cardiac 
region  and  along  the  abdomen  are  also  visible  (Figures  8c-8g) . 

Stage  IV 

From  19-27  days,  the  yolk  still  appears  dorsolateral ly,  as  a 
solid  crescent  and  coloration  continues  to  disappear  gradually  as 
the  larva  develops  up  to  and  through  this  stage,  so  that  the 
colored  yolk  encompasses  only  25-30%  of  the  egg.  Yolk  cells 
without  color  are  noticeably  smaller  than  those  with  color.  The 
now  fully  oval  eyespots  are  pink-red  and  the  thoracic  appendages 
become  more  developed,  though  still  not  extended  (as  in  the 
hatched  zoea) .  To  the  unaided  eye,  the  larval  portion  is  clear- 
amber  with  both  a  few  very  small  chromatophores  and  the  eyespots 
visible  (Figure  9a-9c) . 

Stage  V 

At  26  -27  days,  three  to  four  days  prior  to  hatching,  the 
yolk  color  separates  at  the  dorsal  midline  into  distinct  spheres 
on  each  side  of  the  cardiac  region.  At  the  beginning  of  this 
stage  the  yolk  occupies  10-15%  of  the  egg.  The  thoracic 
appendages  are  clearly  visible  and  periodically  beat  rapidly. 
Haemolymph  can  be  seen  rushing  with  each  heartbeat  around  the 
inside  of  the  larva.  The  cardiac  region  has  been  seen  in  healthy 
eggs  to  beat  as  fast  as  250  beats/minute.  The  larva  portion  is 
still  amber-clear  to  the  unaided  eye.  Visually,  the  eyespots  are 
pink  and  can  be  confused  with  the  colored  portion  of  the 
remaining  yolk  until  the  day  of  hatching,  when  little  or  no  yolk 
color  is  visible  in  the  morning  and  no  yolk  color  is  visible  by 


dusk.  Occasionally,  healthy  larvae  strongly  flex  their  abdomens 
during  the  few  days  prior  to  hatching.  At  the  day  of  hatching, 
the  egg  cases  change  subtly  from  clear-amber  to  translucent 
opaque  white  (Figure  9d-9k) . 


Nocturnal  hatching  was  the  norm,  usually  beginning  at  dusk  or 
early  evening.  Several  hatches  occurred  in  the  afternoon  but 
rarely  as  early  as  1400  hours.  Eggs  removed  and  put  into  a 
beaker  of  seawater  during  the  day  prior  to  the  night  of  hatching 
would  hatch  only  after  dusk.  The  occurrence  of  hatching  in 
relation  to  its  proximity  to  the  new  or  full  moon  was  examined 
with  no  apparent  pattern  observed.  For  all  sites  combined, 
hatches  occurred  on  any  given  day  of  the  year  regardless  of  the 
time  of  the  month. 

Throughout  incubation,  females  were  occasionally  observed  to 
lower  their  abdomen  and  pleopods  as  one  unit  and  then 
successively  raise  each  layer  of  pleopods  (four  layers).  They 
would  start  with  the  innermost  layer,  followed  by  the  next  layer, 
until  the  abdominal  flap  itself  returned  to  its  original  closed 
position,  at  which  point  they  would  then  repeat  the  pumping 
action.  At  hatching,  the  abdomen  and  pleopods  are  pumped 
continuously  in  the  same  manner  to  expel  the  prezoea.  In 
addition,  those  larvae  that  are  able  to  do  so,  swim  out  of  the 
brood  space.  Occasionally,  one  or  both  of  the  chelae  were 


observed  to  be  briefly  placed  into  the  brood  space.  Complete 
hatching  time  varies  from  two  hours  to  as  long  as  36  hours,  but 
usually  was  complete  for  viable  hatches  between  12-16  hours. 

Results  of  the  occurrence  of  captive  crab  hatches  are 
summarized  in  Table  3.  Thirty-eight  crabs  held  in  captivity  for 
two  months  averaged  1.03  hatches  each  and  four  crabs  held  in 
captivity  10  months  averaged  3.75  hatches  each. 

Of  a  sample  of  26  females  collected  in  Antigua,  70%  were 
gravid  when  caught.  Of  the  30%  not  gravid  when  caught,  87% 
became  gravid  within  30  days.  Forty-seven  percent  of  crabs 
caught  gravid  or  becoming  gravid  within  30  days  (12  crabs)  had 
three  or  more  hatches  while  in  captivity.  Of  those  47%,  70%  died 
before  having  a  fourth  hatch.  One  female  produced  seven 
successful  hatches  over  the  course  of  a  year  in  captivity. 

The  mean  interhatch  interval  for  37  individual  females 
studied  was  61.9  days  (S.D.  ™  19.6,  n  =  247).  Samples  not 
included  were  those  where  hatches  failed  due  to  the  brooding 
females  death  prior  to  hatching  or  that  were  aborted.  The 
shortest  interval  was  33  days,  only  three  days  from  the  hatch  to 
the  extrusion  of  her  subsequent  brood.  Another  female  had  a  new 
brood  the  day  after  hatching  but  the  new  eggs  were  not  attached 
and  washed  out  easily  when  the  crab  was  handled.  The  longest 
interval  of  time  between  release  of  an  egg  brood  and  the  spawning 
of  a  new  batch  of  eggs  was  127  days.  Sixty  percent  of  the 
intervals  ranged  between  50-70  days. 



A  noticeable  change  occurs  in  the  relationship  between  male 
ventral  propodus  length  (VPL)  and  carapace  length  (CL)  at  the 
pre-pubertal  instar.  Most  importantly,  chelae  begin  to  enlarge 
prior  to  the  pre-pubertal  instar  and  continue  to  enlarge 
significantly  at  an  increased  rate  up  to  the  maturation  molt. 

This  indicates  a  single  maturation  molt  to  adult  morphology 
occurs  in  male  Mithrax  spinosissimus .  although  the  increase  in 
cheliped  size  during  the  pre-pubertal  instar  suggests  sexual 
activity  prior  to  the  maturation  molt.  Brownell,  et  ad.,  (1977), 
mentions  an  immature  crab  being  sexually  active  prior  to  molting 
to  maturity  and  Hartnoll  (1963)  presents  evidence  from  his 
observations  that  males  of  different  Majid  species,  including 
Mithrax  sculptus .  have  developed  some  mature  sperm  prior  to  the 
maturation  molt.  Since  there  was  no  data  collected  on  the 
internal  morphology  of  pre-pubertal  instars  and  mature  male  crabs, 
we  have  no  evidence  other  than  external  characteristics  to 
suggest  there  may  also  be  sperm  maturation  prior  to  the 
maturation  molt.  Future  reproductive  studies  should  focus  on  the 
necessity  for  collecting  information  on  male  internal  anatomy  at 
a  variety  of  morphological  stages. 

We  have  little  evidence  to  indicate  that  females  mature 
during  the  pre-pubertal  range,  since  external  changes  are  not 
evident  and  specific  examination  of  eggs  from  immature  females 


was  not  conducted.  An  examination  of  an  immature  female  of  79.4 
mm  CL  showed  no  obvious  internal  reproductive  structures.  It  is 
possible,  however,  that  the  duct  between  the  gonopore  and 
spermathecae-ovary  junction  was  soft  and  so  separated  from  the 
carapace  upon  examination.  This  duct  may  become  chitinous  only 
at  the  maturation  molt.  This  limited  evidence  suggests  females 
do  not  sexually  mature  internally  and  do  not  obviously  mature 
externally  until  the  maturation  molt. 

We  have  never  observed  a  female  to  molt  once  the  abdomen 
reached  maximum  width  or  if  she  was  ever  gravid.  When  dissected, 
mature  females  always  had  eggs  at  some  stage  of  development  in 
their  ovaries  and  may  direct  their  energy  into  egg  production 
rather  than  to  prepare  for  further  ecdysis  and  subsequent  growth. 
This  suggests  females  have  a  terminal  molt  to  maturity.  With 
males,  however,  the  evidence  is  not  as  clear.  We  have  observed 
only  one  apparently  mature  male  crab  greater  than  120  mm  CL  to 
molt  (131.0  mm  CL  to  153.3  mm  CL);  the  individual  was  collected 
in  the  Dominican  Republic  where  unusually  large  immature  male,  as 
well  as  female  crabs,  were  recorded.  Though  the  percent  change 
of  molt  increments  generally  decreases  after  80  mm  CL  (see 
Biddlecomb  et  ad. ,  this  volume) ,  there  is  one  example  of  a  male 
crab  molting  from  89.0  mm  CL  to  125.0  mm  CL,  which  is  an  increase 
of  43%.  Hartnoll  (1963)  also  presents  evidence  that  the  Majids 
which  generally  have  a  terminal  molt,  often  have  a  wide  range 
between  the  smallest  and  the  largest  mature  crabs. 


On  the  other  hand,  as  discussed  in  detail  in  Biddlecomb,  et 
al.  (this  volume) ,  the  percentage  size  increase  in  CL  of  recorded 
moltings  constantly  drops  from  a  mean  of  over  35%  to  a  mean  of 
23%  or  less  at  the  maturation  molt.  Considering  the 
discontinuity  in  data  at  the  maturation  molt  and  the  slight 
decrease  in  VPL  allometry  of  the  largest  adult  males,  a  second 
molt  after  the  maturation  molt  may  be  indicated.  This  may  not 
occur  for  a  year  or  more  and  may  not  occur  in  all  surviving 
males.  Further  investigation  is  necessary  to  support  this 

Ninety-five  percent  of  mature  females  collected  in  Antigua 
produced  eggs  while  in  captivity.  Forty-seven  percent  of  a 
sample  of  26  crabs  collected  from  Antigua  had  three  or  more 
hatches.  All  dissected  females  brooding  fertilized  eggs  were 
also  developing  another  batch  of  eggs  in  their  ovaries,  thus  if 
caught  gravid,  we  could  expect  at  least  two  hatches.  Moreover, 
the  occurrence  of  three  or  more  hatches  while  captive  suggests 
that  adequate  nutritional  material  was  being  made  available  using 
the  standard  algal  turf  feeding  process,  supplemented 
occasionally  with  various  macroalgae.  The  occurrence  of  one  crab 
having  seven  broods  in  captivity  appears  rather  exceptional.  The 
relationship  between  the  frequency  and  the  number  of  hatches  per 
crab  is  shown  in  Figure  7.  Four  to  five  hatches  are  the  normal 
maximum  to  be  expected  from  a  mature  female  Mithrax 


spinosissimus . 

The  broods  of  crabs  gravid  or  becoming  gravid  soon  after 
collection  were  large  and  healthy.  In  some  cases,  the  ensuing 
broods  were  smaller  while  in  others,  a  greater  number  of 
undeveloped  eggs  were  noticed.  Whether  this  suggests  decreasing 
or  deteriorating  internal  sperm  stores  or  deteriorating  culture 
conditions  is  not  known.  Though  we  did  not  record  pre-and  post¬ 
hatching  weights  consistently  for  females,  general  observations 
of  relative  brood  size  for  captive  crabs  appeared  to  be 
consistent  for  successive  broods,  except  for  the  last  brood 
before  the  death  of  the  crab  where  the  last  brood  tended  to  be 
unusually  small.  Since  a  reduction  in  fecundity  with  time  is 
not  apparent  in  captivity,  it  would  appear  that  the  conditions  of 
cage  life,  including  feeding  quantity  and  quality  are  adequate 
for  a  mature  crab  producing  approximately  5-10%  of  her  body 
weight  in  eggs. 

The  broods  of  several  females  kept  in  closed  aquaria  for  two 
to  four  weeks  became  infested  with  filamentous  epiphytes, 
microscopic  isopod-like  animals  running  around  the  egg  surface, 
as  well  as  various  Ciliophorans .  If  infested  early  during 
incubation,  most  or  all  eggs  in  a  brood  would  die  and  appear 
opaque-brown.  One  brood  infested  approximately  nine  days  prior 
to  the  expected  time  of  larval  hatching  appeared  quite  viable  but 
died  by  the  expected  hatch  date.  However,  one  brood  with 
infestation  obvious  at  only  four  to  six  days  prior  to  hatching, 


survived  well.  Broods  of  females  kept  in  open  water  cages  never 
became  infested.  The  few  broods  (3)  that  died  while  in  open 
cages  occurred  in  ovigerous  females  collected  by  fishermen  and 
had  been  inappropriately  transported,  i.e.,  out  of  water  or  lying 
in  bilge  water.  These  broods  appeared  opaque  grey-white,  and 
subsequently  decayed  in  the  abdomen  space,  turning  pleopods 
black.  Subsequent  broods  from  these  females  were  not  affected. 

In  the  Dominican  Republic,  a  mean  of  81.3%  of  mature  females 
caught  in  traps  over  a  10  month  period  were  ovigerous.  If  this 
percentage  is  representative  of  the  wild  population,  it  suggests 
that  mature  females  are  consistently  reproducing  throughout  the 
year,  i.e.,  seasonality  does  not  affect  reproduction  and  females 
constantly  reproduce  throughout  their  adult  life.  If  the  percent 
becoming  gravid  within  30  days,  as  determined  from  a  sample  of 
Antiguan  crabs,  is  applied  to  the  Dominican  Republic  population, 
then  we  might  expect  an  additional  16%  of  the  total  collected 
females  to  become  gravid  within  30  days.  This  large  number  of 
wild  gravid  crabs  or  crabs  becoming  gravid  shortly  after 
collection  (97%)  strongly  suggests  that  the  consistent  egg 
production  rates  observed  in  captivity  could  represent  a  natural 
characteristic  of  the  species. 

The  mean  interval  between  brood  release  and  spawning  of  the 
next  brood  was  61.9  days  with  a  standard  deviation  of  19.6  days. 
The  large  variation  in  this  interval  is  due  to  a  number  of 


factors.  Of  14  female  crabs  tranported  to  Carriacou  in  aquaria 
with  constant  sea  water  exchange,  seven  had  intervals  greater 
than  80  days  between  the  initial  hatch  and  their  next  hatch.  The 
mean  intervals  for  these  is  105.0  days  (S.D.  =  20.4).  Of  the 
remaining  seven,  five  had  a  mean  interval  of  61.4  days  (S.D.  = 
7.4)  for  that  particular  interval.  The  last  two  females  died 
before  their  next  hatch  after  transport.  These  rare  and 
unusually  long  intervals,  and  the  death  of  two  of  the  transported 
females  before  successfully  hatching,  suggests  stress  due  to  the 
process  of  transportation.  The  hatches  of  those  crabs  surviving 
the  pre-  and  post-  transportation  interval  were  successful.  The 
mean  for  all  intervals  recalculated  without  those  seven 
individuals  is  58.4  days  (S.D.  =  14.2). 

Of  the  37  females  examined  to  determine  intervals,  a 
specific  group  of  11  females,  having  more  than  two  hatches 
consistently  produced  hatches  whose  individual  intervals  varied 
within  by  a  range  of  10  days.  For  example,  one  female's 
intervals  were  53,  62  and  59  days.  This  consistency  suggests 
that  a  fertile  female,  healthy  and  well  fed,  will  produce  eggs  at 
a  specific  biologically  determined  interval.  The  variance  in 
intervals  among  11  females  examined  was  much  greater  than  the 
variance  within  each  female  (mean  =  51.5  days;  S . D . =  5.1,  n  = 

22).  That  is,  while  one  female's  intervals  may  vary  consistently 
with  a  mean  of  50  days,  another  female's  may  vary  at  60  or  40 
days . 


No  relationship  between  lunar  cycle  and  hatch  times  was 
noted,  though  the  mean  incubation  time  is  29.5  days  and  the  mean 
between  brood  interval  is  61.9  days,  suggesting  that  hatching 
could  potentially  correlate  with  the  lunar  cycle.  On  the  other 
hand,  the  large  variation  in  time  interval,  if  representative  of 
the  species  in  the  wild,  suggests  no  correlation  to  any  definite 
cycle.  Since  the  ovaries  of  both  brooding  and  non-brooding 
females  were  always  full  of  eggs,  presumably  developing,  the  time 
intervals  may  solely  be  due  to  the  genetically  determined 
unspawned  egg  maturation  time,  specific  to  each  female.  However, 
some  variation  in  the  maturation  time  is  probably  due  to 
energetic  and/or  nutritional  constraints.  If  food  supply  is 
limited,  it  may  affect  yolk  deposition  into  the  unspawned  eggs. 

The  few  times  mating  was  observed,  both  male  and  female 
Mithrax  spinosissimus  were  in  the  hard  shell  state  with  the 
female  dorsal  to  the  male.  In  adult  Mithrax  spinosissimus  the 
gonopores  are  covered  by  a  moveable  flap  and  it  is  likely  that 
copulation  can  occur  at  any  time  after  maturation.  The  similar 
shape  and  texture  of  the  white,  waxy  bodies  found  in  the 
spermathecae  of  the  female  (two  in  each)  and  in  the  male 
reproductive  tract  (one  in  each)  suggest  that  spermatophores  are 
generally  present  in  the  spermathecae  of  mature  females. 

It  appears  that  egg  bearing  capacity  increases  with  crab 
size  as  measured  by  carapace  length.  However,  the  variance  in 


the  measured  crabs  was  quite  high  and  is  attributed  to  the 
difference  in  egg  mass  weight  due  to  the  state  of  embryonic 
development,  the  number  of  spawnings  since  mating  and  the 
condition  of  the  female. 

The  pre-hatch  larvae  or  embryo  changes  drastically  during 
the  second  week  of  development  from  what  appears  to  be  a  mass  of 
yolk  to  a  distinct  larva.  The  percentage  of  yolk  color  present 
is  a  characteristic  that  can  be  used  to  determine  the  approximate 
time  to  hatching,  but  only  during  the  last  week  can  the  hatch 
date  be  predicted  within  a  day.  When  the  yolk  appears  to  split 
into  two  colored  spheres,  it  is  usually  three  days  before 
hatching.  Crabs  from  Antigua  had  darker  red  eggs,  suggesting 
phenotypic  variation  between  populations.  Darker  eggs  make 
determination  of  the  hatch  date  considerably  easier. 

Eggs  observed  in  a  beaker  during  the  day  prior  to  a  night  of 
hatching,  hatched  at  dusk.  This  suggests  that  hatching  is 
controlled  at  least  partially  by  the  larvae.  Also,  the  subtle 
change  in  egg  case  color  on  that  same  day  could  indicate  internal 
chemical  changes  initiated  by  the  larvae.  The  strong  flexing  of 
larvae  prior  to  hatch  suggests  they  help  to  liberate  themselves 
from  their  cases.  However,  synchronization  of  the  liberation  of 
entire  broods  within  two  to  twelve  hours  may  indicate  at  least 
some  internal  biological  control  or  biological  rhythm  by  the 
female  as  to  the  hatch  date  and  duration. 



Aspects  of  the  reproductive  biology  of  Mithrax  spinosissimus 
have  been  examined  and  the  results  reported.  As  with  some  other 
Majids,  this  species  appears  to  have  a  prepubertal  instar  just 
prior  to  the  maturation  molt  at  least  in  males.  Females  appear 
to  cease  molting  after  the  maturation  molt.  Our  evidence  is  not 
conclusive  for  males?  some  indications  for  a  second  molt  exist 
and  are  discussed  in  Biddlecomb  et  al .  (this  volume) .  Limited 
evidence  suggests  the  male  may  begin  to  mature  prior  to  the 
maturation  molt.  At  the  maturation  molt  the  male’s  chelae 
significantly  increase  in  size  and  the  female's  abdomen  increases 
in  width  to  cover  the  sternum. 

The  reproductive  morphology  and  mating  behavior  is  similar 
to  other  described  Majidae.  A  female  can  store  sperm  in 
spermathecae  and  potentially  fertilize  many  and  perhaps  all 
spawnings  during  its  reproductive  life  from  one  mating.  As  well, 
it  appears  capable  of  multiple  matings  once  mature. 

Like  other  tropical  Majids,  this  species  was  found  to  be 
ovigerous  throughout  the  year  with  no  obvious  seasonality  and  can 
reproduce  continuously,  approximately  every  62  days,  throughout 
its  mature  life.  The  maximum  potential  reproductive  life  of  the 
female  appears  to  be  one  to  one  and  a  half  years  after  the 
maturation  molt.  Incubation  of  eggs  attached  to  the  pleopods 


requires  approximately  30  days  to  mature  and  hatch. 

From  the  pattern  of  embryogenesis ,  exact  hatch  dates  can  not 
be  determined  until  the  last  week  of  incubation.  Based  on 
morphological  evidence  presented  in  this  paper,  an  estimate  can 
be  made  at  that  time  to  within  a  day.  Hatching  in  the  sea,  in 
cages,  can  be  very  reliable  with  no  indication  of  disease 
problems . 

More  comprehensive  data  are  needed,  such  as,  1)  examination 
of  the  internal  male  reproductive  anatomy  at  a  variety  of 
morphological  stages;  2)  positive  determination  of  a  second  molt 
after  the  maturation  molt  in  male  Mithrax  spinosissimus ;  3)  the 
weights  of  successive  hatches  from  newly  mature  to  death  to 
indicate  reproductive  potential  and  effects  of  captivity;  4)  the 
weights  of  females  themselves  through  time  in  captivity;  5)  an 
accurate  determination  of  numbers  of  hatches  from  a  fertilized 
but  isolated  female;  6)  a  determination  of  the  age  of  mature 
crabs  at  the  time  of  collection  to  indicate  reproductive  life 
span;  and  7)  determinations  of  any  variations  in  fecundity  with 
changes  in  environmental  and  geographical  parameters. 

From  the  present  study,  we  can  conclude  that  Mithrax 
spinosissimus  appears  relatively  unaffected  by  conditions  of 
captivity,  with  a  large  percentage  of  mature  females  consistently 
producing  viable  broods.  The  fecundity  of  this  species  may 
actually  be  enhanced  in  an  open  water  mariculture  facility  by 
stable  feeding  conditions,  protection  of  larvae  from  predators. 


and  a  thorough  understanding  of  the  reproductive  biology  and 
embryonic  development. 


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Brachyura) .  Crustaceana  27:  131-136. 

Ingle,  R.W. ,  1983.  Shallow  Water  Crabs  -  Synopses  of  the 
British  Fauna  (new  series).  Kermack,  D.M.  and  R.S.K. 

Barnes  (eds . ) .  Cambridge  University  Press.  Cambridge. 

206  pp. 

Munro,  J.L.,  1974.  The  biology,  ecology,  exploitation  and 

management  of  Caribbean  Reef  Fishes.  Part  V.  The 
biology,  ecology,  and  bionomics  of  Caribbean  Reef 
fishes:  Crustaceans  (spiny  lobsters  and  crabs)  Res 
Rept.  Zool.  Dept.  Univ.  West  Indies  3:  39  -48. 

Rathbun,  M.  J. ,  1925.  The  spider  crabs  of  America.  United 
States  National  Museum  Bulletin  129,  613  pp. 

Teissier,  G. ,  1935.  Croissance  des  variants  sexuelles  chez 
Mai a  scminado.  Trav.  Sta.  biol.  Roscoff,  13:  99-130. 

Van  Engel,  W.A. ,  1958.  The  blue  crab  and  its  fishery  in  the 
Chesapeake  Bay.  Part  I  -  reproduction,  early 
development,  growth  and  migration.  U.S.  Fish.  Wildlife 
Serv.  Vol.  20,  17  pp. 

Vernet-  Cornubert,  G.  1958.  Biologie  general  de  Pisa 

tetraodon  (Pennant).  Bull.  Inst,  oceanogr.  Monaco  1113, 
1-  52. 

Warner,  G.F.,  1967.  The  life  history  of  the  mangrove  tree 
crab  Aratus  pisoni .  J.  Zool.  Lond.  153:  321-335. 

Warner,  G.F.,  1977.  The  biology  of  crabs.  Van  Nostrand 
Reinhold  Co.  London. 




Adult  female  ventral  and  posterior  view 
indicating  abdomen  size  difference  and  appearance 
of  the  inside  of  the  abdomen  with  eggs  on  the  pleopods 


Adult  male  ventral  and  posterior  view. 


Histogram  plot  of  number  of  ovigerous  females 
captured  pooled  from  all  sites. 


Percent  of  total  females  trapped  from  the  North 
coast  of  the  Dominican  Republic  (site  5)  and  the 
Northeast  coast  of  Antigua  (site  7)  for  the  year 
beginning  October  1985. 


Illustration  of  the  paired  ovaries,  and  the  gonopore 
tube-spermathecae-ovary  complex.  The  outlines  of 
the  carapace  and  sternum  are  of  the  dorsal  view. 


Examples  of  incubating  eggs  attached  to  the 
clumped  setae  of  the  endopodites  of  the  pleopods. 


Relationship  between  the  carapace  length  of  It 
spinosissimus  and  potential  clutch  size  in 
thousands  of  eggs.  Based  on  size  specific  dry 
weight  of  total  egg  mass  and  mean  dry  weight  of 
individual  eggs  (0.0047  gm/20eggs  :  S.E.  = 

0 . 0007  gm;  n  =  20) . 


Stages  I  -  III  of  incubating  eggs. 


Stages  IV  and  V  of  incubating  eggs. 

TABLE  1. 

The  mean  carapace  length  of  mature  males  and 
females  by  sites  and  source  of  collection. 

Carapace  width  (CW)  is  approximately  1.05  carapace 
length  (CL)  in  adult  Caribbean  populations. 

TABLE  2. 

The  frequencies  of  ovigerous  females  captured  by 
study  site  and  10  mm  carapace  length 
increments . 

TABLE  3. 

The  average  number  of  hatches  per  crab  for 
specific  time  intervals  of  captivity.  Data  for  (N) 
crabs  is  from  49  total  females  observed. 




Figure  2 


Figure  3 

ino  Sdvai  on 






ino  sdvai  on 

<  00 
~3  ~ 

ino  Sdvai  on 

ino  sdvai  on 











r  r — n — — r"  i  i  i  — i  i  r 




aiAvao  onv  aaddva±  ® 

S31VW33  HV101  30  1%)  ±N30U3d  f 




Figure  4 



Gonopore  Tube 



Figure  5 

Figure  6 



Figure  7 

Figure  8 


Figure  9 

TABLE  1:  The  mean  carapace  length  of  mature  males  and  females  by 
sites  and  source  of  collection.  CW  =  1.05  CL  for  all 
adults  except  from  Florida. 















+/-  0.8 

N— 12  6 

+/-  0.9 

N— 97 








+/“  1.3 

+/“  1.6 

N— 27 

+/-  1.2 







+/“  2.5 

N™  19 

+/-  3.7 

+/-  6.1 






+/-  1.9 


+/“  3.2 

N— 12 


+/“  3.7 






+/“  3.6 

N~3  3 

83 . 5 

N— 18 

+/“  4.6 





125.3 (CW) 
N=7 1 

122.8 (CW) 
N=3  5 

133 .4 (CW) 
N=14 1 





86.0 (CW) 

96.0 (CW) 
N— 28 


TABLE  2 :  The  frequencies  of  females  captured  ovigerous  by  study 
site  and  10  mm.  carapace  length  increments. 




CL  (MM) 

























































TABLE  3:  The  average  number  of  hatches  per  crab  for  specific  time 
intervals  of  captivity.  Data  for  (N)  crabs  is  from  49 
total  females  observed. 



AVG  #  OF 


%  OF 


















77.  5 






























K.L.  Porter,  J.M.  Iglehart ,  R.V.  Ruark,  M.  Craig,  A.  Biddlecomb, 

and  W.H.  Adey 


Mithrax  spinosissimus  rearing  studies  were  conducted  to 
develop  simple  and  inexpensive  hatching  and  growout  techniques. 
Crabs  were  hatched  in  0.25  cubic  meter  cages  enclosed  by  0.5  mm 
plastic  mesh.  Post  larval  crabs  were  transferred  to  larger  cages 
upon  reaching  carapace  lengths  of  10  mm  and  again  at  20-25  mm. 
Initial  post-larval  first  crab  (Instar  I)  densities  are  estimated 
at  2000/0.25  cubic  meter  cage. 

Fed  on  an  experimental  diet  of  primarily  cultured  algal 
turfs,  a  total  of  56  hatched  egg  broods  were  reared  through  100 
days  post  hatch  or  longer.  Crab  growth  ranged  from  0.11-0.19 
mm/ day  at  60  days  post-hatch  to  0.10-0.21  mm/day  at  100  days 
post-hatch  and  to  over  0.5  mm/day  at  280  days  post-hatch.  Crab 
survivorship  averaged  22%  to  60  days,  23.6%  from  60-120  days  and 
18.5  %  from  120  to  300  days. 

Growth  rate  and  feeding  data  strongly  indicate  that  under 
optimum  environmental  conditions  in  cages,  growth  rates  are  high 
and  molt  stages  largely  pre-determined.  The  relatively  high 
mortalities  in  this  study  may  result  in  part  from  under-feeding, 
but  more  likely  result  from  a  complexity  of  factors  including 
predation  by  intruders  in  the  cage  environment,  wave  damage 
during  molting  and  aggressive  behavior  by  some  individuals. 

Proper  cage  construction  and  management  can  likely  greatly  reduce 
juvenile  mortality. 


The  tropical  western  Atlantic  crab  Mithrax  spinosissimus  is 
not  extensively  exploited  by  commercial  fishermen,  due  in  large 
part  to  its  scattered  distribution  and  relatively  low  population 
levels  (Munro,  1974),  though  it  forms  an  important  gourmet 
restaurarnt  food  in  some  Caribbean  countries.  On  the  other  hand, 


its  brief  larval  life  (90-140  hours  to  first  crab,  (Provenzano 
and  Brownell,  1977;  Porter,  et  al. ,  in  review),  herbivorous 
lifestyle  (Coen,  1987;  Colin,  1978),  high  fecundity,  and 
potential  economic  value  make  it  an  ideal  choice  for  mariculture 
(Brownell  et  al. ,  1977) . 

Little  has  been  known  of  the  growth  rate  of  spinosissimus 
either  in  the  wild  or  in  captivity .  Laboratory  rearing  studies 
have  been  limited  to  describing  the  morphology  of  the  larval 
stages  (Provenzano  and  Brownell,  1977).  Brownell,  et  al . ,  (1977) 

conducted  a  single  experiment  of  IL  spinosissimus  juvenile  crab 
culture  in  a  fine  meshed  (0.363  mm)  open  water  cage  which 
resulted  in  rates  of  growth  of  0.06  mm/day  CL.  The  authors 
suggested  conditions  in  the  cage  adversely  affected  the  juvenile 
crabs  and  depressed  their  rate  of  growth.  The  attached  algal 
microflora  on  the  screen  mesh  surface  served  as  the  sole  food 
supply.  A  single  crab  was  grown  at  a  rate  of  0.11  mm/day  CL  for 
over  175  days  in  the  laboratory  (Brownell,  et  al. ,  1977). 

In  a  field  study  of  crabs  grown  in  unattended  screened  cages 
for  60  days  (similar  to  the  methods  of  Brownell,  et  al. ,  1977) 
Porter,  et  al.  (in  review)  found  crab  growth  (at  a  mean  of  0.11 
mm/day  CL)  to  be  much  greater  than  in  the  earlier  work  by 
Brownell.  Iglehart,  et  al.  (1987)  found  that  crab  growth  under 
conditions  of  supplemental  feeding  of  cultivated  algal  turfs  in 
cages  increased  crab  growth  rates  to  0.17  -  0.20  mm/day  CL  for 
100  day  cultures. 


The  objective  of  our  work  was  to  develop  baseline  growth 
information  that  would  allow  the  development  of  simple  and 
inexpensive  rearing  techniques  for  post-larval  crabs.  It  was 
hoped  that  such  techniques  could  be  used  by  itinerant  fishermen 
in  under-developed  Caribbean  nations.  The  effects  of  crab 
density,  diet  and  rearing  systems  on  the  growth  and  survival  of 
juveniles  of  the  Caribbean  King  Crab,  It  spinas issimus  in  open 
water  cage  culture  are  described. 



In  this  investigation,  crab  culture  was  carried  out,  "in 
situ",  in  cages  in  tropical  Caribbean  coastal  lagoons  at  ambient 
water  conditions.  The  field  study  sites,  occupied  at  various 
times  from  1984-1986,  were  1)  Buen  Hombre,  northwestern  Dominican 
Republic  (19°  80'  N,  71°  20*  W) ;  2)  Nonsuch  Bay,  eastern  Antigua 
(17°  10'  N,  61°  43'  W) ;  and  3)  Carriacou,  Grenada  (12°  60'N,  61° 

4 0 ' W  )  (Figure  1).  In  this  investigation,  154  ovigerous  M. 
spinosissimus  were  collected  from  the  coastal  waters  of  the  study 
sites.  Gravid  crabs  nearing  hatch  release  were  placed  in 
separate  cages.  The  procedures  for  managing  breed  stock  and  egg 
development  in  the  ovigerous  female  are  discussed  in  detail  by 
Craig,  et  al .  (this  volume) .  The  ovigerous  female  crab  was 
removed  from  the  cage  upon  completion  of  the  hatching  process  and 


the  larvae  were  left  undisturbed  until  they  settled  out  as  post 
larval  instar  I  or  first  crabs.  Survival  of  larvae  from  egg  to 
the  first  post-larval  crab  stage  has  averaged  3.0%  in  earlier 
studies  (Iglehart,  et  al.  ,  in  manuscript).  The  rate  of  survival 
is  based  on  the  mean  brood  size  of  female  crabs  (6.0639  x  104 
eggs;  S.E.  +  3025:  Craig,  et  al. ,  this  volume)  and  the  resulting 
survival  rate  as  found  in  hatch  cages  similar  to  those  used  in 
this  study.  Therefore,  initial  post-larval  crab  densities  in  the 
hatch  cages  in  this  study  are  assumed  to  be  approximately  2000 
crabs/cage  (Porter  et  al. ,  in  review) .  Crabs  were  reared  in 
cages  throughout  the  experiment.  All  survivorships  are 
calculated  from  first  crab  or  from  the  stated  interval. 
Experimental  food 

Algal  turfs  cultured  upon  rigid,  black  plastic  screens  (0.61 
x  0.92  m;  2  x  3  mm  mesh)  (Figure  2)  were  introduced  as  feed  to 
the  post-larval  crabs.  Algal  screens  were  exchanged  every  two  to 
six  days  to  ensure  an  adeguate  supply  for  crab  consumption. 
Baseline  data  for  algal  turf  community  structure,  methodology  and 
productivity  are  discussed  in  Adey  and  Hackney  (this  volume) . 

Rearing  systems 

The  rearing  system  cages  were  constructed  of  wood  frames 
enclosed  by  plastic  screening  of  various  mesh  sizes.  Polyester 
fiberglass  resin  was  used  to  coat  the  wood  frames  before 
assembly.  The  hatch  cage  (1.0  m  Lx  .35mWx  .70  m  H)  (Figure 


3)  was  covered  by  white,  0.5  mm  polyester  monofilament  screen. 
Cage  dimensions  varied  among  the  field  sites  from  0.3  m3-0 . 4  m3 
(Tables  1,  3) .  The  cages  were  anchored  and  suspended  in 
protected  lagoonal  waters  at  2.5-4  m  depths  so  as  to  reduce  or 
eliminate  any  surface  wave  action  from  affecting  the  cage.  The 
intermediate  cage  (1.0  m  L  x  1.0  m  W  x  1.3  m  H)  was  identical  in 
construction  to  the  hatch  cage  but  covered  with  1-1.5  mm  mesh 
white  polyester  monofilament  screen  and  anchored  near  the  hatch 
cages  in  reef  lagoons  at  depths  of  1-2  meters  from  the  bottom. 

The  growout  cage  (2.6  m  L  x  1.0  m  W  x  1.0  m  H)  (Figure  4)  was  3.5 
m  covered  with  1/4"  black  polypropylene  plastic  mesh  and 
anchored  so  as  to  float  at  the  lagoon  surface.  A  more  complete 
discussion  of  cage  design,  construction,  placement  and  mooring  is 
given  in  Porter  et  al.  (this  volume) . 

The  cage  system  used  for  each  crab  hatch  included  a  hatch 
cage  and  a  growout  cage.  Crabs  were  hatched  and  reared  during 
early  larval  stages  in  unattended  cages  suspended  in  the  water  at 
field  sites  1-3  (Tables  1-3) .  From  approximately  15-25  days 
post-hatch,  cultivated  algal  turf  screens  were  introduced  into 
the  juvenile  crab  cages  on  a  regular  schedule.  Juvenile  crabs 
were  transferred  to  a  larger  cage  (Tables  1-3)  when  the  average 
carapace  length  of  the  group  was  10  mm  or  greater.  At  site  1  an 
additional  intermediate  cage  was  used  as  crabs  were  transferred 
again  at  100-125  days  (Table  1) .  At  all  sites  juvenile  crabs 
were  transferred  to  the  growout  cage  when  the  crabs  had  attained 


sizes  of  approximately  20-25  mm  CL. 

The  crab  cages  were  regularly  sampled  to  determine  carapace 
length,  survival  rates  and  to  assess  general  culture  conditions. 
Sixty  hatches  were  examined,  56  carried  through  100  days  post¬ 
hatch,  and  22  broods  through  as  many  as  280  days  of  growth  in  the 
growout  cage.  Measurements  of  23,000  post-larval  crabs  over  a 
total  span  of  472  days  were  obtained  to  derive  the  data  discussed 
herein . 



In  this  investigation,  the  mean  carapace  length  (CL)  as 
measured  at  20  day  intervals  up  to  280  days  post-hatch  is  plotted 
for  each  study  site  to  compare  overall  growth  rate  data 
regardless  of  location  variance.  Crab  growth  rates  during  the 
first  60  days  (three  sampling  intervals)  ranged  from  0.11-0.19 
mm/day  for  all  sites,  with  crabs  cultured  at  site  3  having  the 
highest  rate.  Carapace  length  (CL)  vs.  time  up  to  280  days  post¬ 
hatch  is  shown  in  figure  5. 

Crabs  60  days  post-hatch  had  a  mean  carapace  length  in  mm  of: 
site  1)  7.76;+  0.49;  n=14382 ;  site  2)  6.42;  +  0.25;  n=384 1  and 

site  3)  11.6  mm;  +  0.80;  n=3000.  At  100  days  post-hatch  the 

mean  CL  from  site  3  was  greatest.  The  maximum  period  of  culture 
was  472  days  (site  1)  where  specimens  averaged  79.88  mm  CL  (SE  + 
2.43;  n  =5),  with  a  maximum  of  91.0  mm  CL.  Because  the  project 


at  Buen  Hombre  was  closing  down  for  the  last  100  days,  these 
crabs  were  poorly  fed  and  growth  rates  were  low.  Some  cultured 
crab  populations  averaged  similar  or  larger  sizes  (66-84  mm  CL) 
at  much  earlier  periods  post-hatch  (e.g.,  230-318  days  post¬ 
hatch).  At  site  2  a  mean  CL  of  76.88  mm  CL+  ( n--5)  was  measured 
after  a  318  day  period  of  culture.  The  deviation  of  crab 
carapace  length  from  the  mean  among  a  population  increased  with 
age.  For  those  cultured  crab  populations  with  large  numbers  of 
measured  individuals,  from  0-100  days  post-hatch  the  mean  growth 
rate  increases  from  0.09  mm/day  to  0.15  mm/day  or  greater. 

Beyond  100  days  post-hatch,  the  mean  growth  rate  began  to  climb 
at  two  of  the  sites  for  the  remainder  of  the  study  period;  of 
0.31  mm/day  (site  1);  0.38  mm/day  (site  2);  0.13  mm/day  (site 
3).  Beyond  180  days  at  sites  1  and  2  (combined)  growth  rates 
exceeded  0.50  mm/day. 

Experimental  Diet 

Cultured  algal  turfs  were  provided  to  each  cage  every  two  to 
six  days,  depending  on  the  algal  production  rates  of  each  site 
(see  Adey,  et  al . ,  this  volume) .  Algal  turf  screens  were 
exchanged  more  frequently  at  site  2  (necessitating  a  larger 
number  of  screens  per  cage)  to  offset  the  lower  algal  turf 
production  levels.  Table  1  presents  the  amount  of  algae  turf 
fodder  provided  to  crab  culture  cages  per  day  at  each  site. 

Algal  turf  growth  was  greatest  at  site  3,  as  was  the  rate  of 


crab  growth.  The  algal  turf  growth  at  sites  1  and  2  was 
moderate,  necessitating  an  increase  in  the  number  of  screens  per 
cage  and  an  increase  in  the  number  of  times  that  the  screens  are 
changed.  However,  we  were  unable  to  construct  a  sufficient 
number  of  plastic  screens  during  the  study  period  to  offset  the 
lower  algal  turf  production  levels.  This  is  especially  evident 
in  the  first  120  days  of  post-hatch  growth  as  the  lower  levels  of 
algal  turf  production  at  sites  1  and  2  depressed  early  crab 
growth  rates.  On  the  other  hand,  after  120  days  at  site  3,  the 
project  was  closing  down,  less  time  was  available  for  feeding 
and  growth  rates  fell  off. 

The  feeding  rate  in  the  growout  cages  and  the  intermediate 
cages  was  much  greater  than  in  the  hatch  cages  and  the  crab 
density  per  cage  was  greatly  reduced,  thus  increasing  the  level 
o-f  survival.  These  factors  promoted  rapid  growth  and  a  lower 
relative  mortality  rates  for  all  crabs  in  culture  from  100  days 
to  300  days  post-hatch.  For  those  reasons,  the  Carriacou  growth 
rates  are  used  in  a  composite  curve  (Figure  6)  to  100  days  and 
then  the  Buen  Hombre  and  Antigua  rates  are  used.  The  molt 
intervals  are  calculated  from  Biddlecomb,  et  al .  (this  volume) , 
figure  3. 


The  average  gravid  female  crab  carries  60,000  eggs  (Craig,  et 
al. ,  this  volume)  thus  the  density  of  zoea  in  the  hatch  cages 


exceeded  45  crab  larvae/cm  of  cage  screen  surface  area,  in  the 
best  of  circumstances.  Approximately  2000  crabs  survive  the 
larval  period  to  five  days  post-hatch  using  the  hatch  cage 
techniques  employed  in  this  study  (Xglefaart,  et  al.,  in 
manuscript) .  Though  the  larval  density  greatly  affected  larval 
survival  to  the  first  post-larval  stage,  instar  I  stage  (3.3% 
survival),  the  non-technical ,  low  cost  "in  situ"  lagoon  cage 
hatchery  methods,  provided  an  adequate  number  of  stage  I 
postlarval  crabs  (n=2000)  for  continued  growout.  Mean  survival 
to  100  days  in  hatches  conducted  during  the  beginning  of  the 
research  study  was  4.93%  and  in  the  later  studies  increased  to 
10.9%  (n=Xl  hatches  at  site  1). 

Upon  transferring  crabs  from  the  hatch  cages  to  the  larger 
mesh  cages,  survival  rates  increased  to  64%  from  100-150  days 
post-hatch  (site  1);  63%  from  100-160  days  post-hatch  (site  2); 
and  39%  from  80-120  days  post  hatch  (site  3).  The  mortality  rate 
beyond  150  days  post-hatch  at  all  sites  is  considerably  less  than 
in  the  first  150  days  post-hatch.  By  the  300th  day  of  post 
larval  culture,  the  number  surviving  was  16-28%  of  the  total 
number  of  crabs  initially  placed  in  the  growout  cage.  Of  the 
hatches  initiated  earlier  in  the  study  at  site  1,  while  we  were 
still  developing  procedural  methods  for  larval  rearing,  the  total 
number  of  crabs  from  each  hatch  surviving  beyond  300  days  was  not 
sufficient  to  analyze  statistically. 



Crabs  cultured  at  site  3  exhibited  the  greatest  rate  of 
early  growth,  attaining  a  mean  size  of  11.6  mm  CL  at  60  days.  In 
general,  when  the  crabs  attained  sizes  of  10  mm  CL  or  at  80-100 
days  post-hatch,  they  were  transferred  from  the  hatch  cages  to 
larger  mesh  cages.  The  larger  screen  mesh  effectively  decreased 
detrital  buildup  in  the  cage.  At  site  3  (compared  with  sites  1 
and  2)  crabs  were  larger  throughout  the  entire  culture  period  of 
180  days.  Up  to  120  days,  growth  showed  a  log  rate  of  increase 
(Figure  7) .  However,  mean  growth  rates  started  to  fall  off  after 
100  days  (less  labor  was  available  for  feeding).  In  several 
cases  (4  hatches)  at  site  3  the  cultured  crab  population  achieved 
growth  rates  up  to  0.40  mm/day  CL  based  solely  on  algal  turf 
feeding.  This  can  be  partly  attributed  to  the  greater  quality 
and  quantity  of  algal  turf  biomass  cultivated  per  screen  per  unit 
time  and  the  ensuing  benefits  derived  from  higher  feeding  rates. 
This  suggests  that  growth  in  crabs  cultured  at  sites  1  and  2  was 
retarded  through  at  least  100  days  post-hatch.  Crab  growth  rates 
increased  at  sites  1  and  2  to  a  comparable  level  attained  at  site 
3  after  150-180  days  culture,  most  likely  due  to  lower  crab 
density  per  cage  (31  crabs/  m  )  and  greater  feeding  rates. 

Managing  young  larvae  is  not  particularly  time  consuming,  so 
that  at  sites  with  lower  algal  turf  productivity  we  suggest  that 
the  easiest  method  to  increase  crab  growth  rates  may  be  by 
splitting  hatches  into  several  cages  (thereby  decreasing  crab 


density/cage) ,  increasing  algal  turf  screen  rate  of  exchange  into 
and  out  of  the  cages,  and  increasing  the  hatch  cage  size. 

Zoea  had  metamorphosed  to  the  first  post-larval  stage  crabs 
by  144  hours  post-hatch  at  all  study  sites.  For  the  first  20 
days  post-hatch  the  fine  meshed  screen  initially  allowed  adequate 
exchange  of  seawater  through  the  cage.  Eventually  however,  the 
fine  meshed  screen  became  clogged  with  microfloral  algal  growth 
as  well  as  detrital  material.  This  apparently  decreased  the 
water  quality  and  exchange  of  clean  water  into  the  cage.  As  the 
crab  biomass  increased  with  time,  mortality  exponentially 
increased  (Figure  8) .  In  addition,  if  the  algal  turf  screens 
that  were  placed  into  a  cage  were  not  fully  grazed,  the  ungrazed 
algae  then  would  die  and  slough  off  the  plastic  screen  to  collect 
at  the  cage  bottom.  This  buildup  of  detrital  matter  (e.g.,  algal 
matter  plus  crab  feces  and  crab  molt  shells)  is  thought  to  have 
substantially  contributed  to  the  fouling  of  the  cages  and 
increased  crab  mortality  rates  in  the  cages.  A  cage  design 
allowing  the  removal  of  detritus,  without  damaging  crabs,  would 
greatly  improve  survivorship. 

Crabs  remained  in  the  hatch  cages  for  as  long  as  120  days  in 
some  cases.  The  resident  crab  population  in  each  cage  decreased 
with  time.  The  first  60  days  of  cage  culture  resulted  in 
approximately  13-26%  survival  at  all  sites.  By  the  70th  day 
post-hatch,  if  the  crabs  were  left  in  the  hatch  cage,  crab 


mortality  greatly  increased.  This  necessitated  the  development 
of  procedures  to  transfer  crabs  from  the  hatch  cage  to  the  larger 
mesh  cages  at  the  80-100  day  mark  or  at  approximately  10  mm  CL. 
The  coarser  screen  mesh  greatly  enhanced  the  exchange  of  seawater 
through  the  cage  and  removal  of  detrital  material  from  the  cage. 
Crab  survival  to  100  days  post-hatch  was  5.29%  (site  1);  2.92% 
(site  2);  and  6.7%  (site  3). 

At  site  3  survival  decreased  by  X/3rd  from  60  days  (survival 
=  23%)  to  80  days  (survival  -  14%)  post-hatch.  It  is  believed 
that  the  greater  cultured  algal  biomass  per  screen  at  site  3 
contributed  to  a  greater  detrital  buildup  in  the  cage.  The 
greater  quantities  of  algal  turf  per  crab  increased  crab  survival 
rates,  crab  growth  rates,  and  thus  greater  amounts  of  metabolic 
byproducts  (feces,  molt  shells).  The  total  detrital  buildup  in 
the  cage  appeared  to  reach  a  saturation  point  at  approximately  60 
days  post-hatch,  when  a  mass  mortality  of  crabs  occurred.  Upon 
opening  several  cages  (site  3)  at  60  days  post-hatch,  l/4th  to 
l/3rd  of  the  total  crab  population  was  found  to  be  dead,  and 
lying  on  the  bottom  of  the  cages.  This  reinforces  the  concept 
that  the  waste  products,  due  to  increased  biomass  level  (as 
compared  to  crab  survival  and  size  at  sites  1  and  2)  at  60  days 
post-hatch  substantially  increased  the  fouling  levels  of  detrital 
material  entrapped  by  the  fine  meshed  screen.  As  mentioned 
above,  a  new  cage  designed  to  reduce  detrital  material  might  be 
critical  to  increasing  survivability.  Overall  however,  the 


greater  number  of  crabs  surviving  the  first  120  days  of  culture 
at  site  3  is  attributed  to  the  increased  feeding  rate  and  earlier 
transfer  of  crabs  to  a  larger  mesh  cage  as  compared  to  sites  1 
and  2.  Crab  survival  from  120  days  post-hatch  to  the  end  of  the 
culture  period  remained  at  a  high  level  at  all  sites.  Site  2  had 
the  poorest  level  of  survival  (12%)  from  120  days  to  300  days, 
while  the  numbers  surviving  at  sites  1  and  3  changed  very  little 
from  120-300  days  post-hatch.  At  the  end  of  the  culture  period 
the  survival  rates  were  18%  (300  days)  and  28%  (175  days)  at 
sites  1  and  3  respectively. 

In  the  investigation  period  reported  here,  growth  time  was 
not  long  enough  to  bring  any  crabs  to  market  size,  though  the 
largest  sizes  attained  (91.0  mm  CL)  (site  2)  were  only  one  to  two 
molts  away.  During  later  unmonitored  studies  at  site  1,  several 
crabs  were  brought  to.  adult  size. 

Evaluation  of  Rearing  Systems 

The  dimensions  and  therefore  surface  area  of  the  hatch  cages 
was  found  to  have  the  greatest  influence  in  terms  of  success  for 
these  mariculture  techniques.  The  initial  larval  and  first  post- 
larval  stage  crab  densities  in  the  hatch  cages  were  much  too  high 
for  the  cage  sizes  used  in  this  study.  Several  alternatives 
exist  to  ensure  adequate  feeding  rates  and  space  requirements. 

By  enlarging  the  cage,  the  screen  surface  area  may  be  increased. 
Hatch  success  therefore  depends  upon  using  a  larger  hatch  cage 


and/or  transferring  five  day  post-hatch  crabs  from  the  hatch  cage 
to  several  cages  of  similar  design.  This  should  increase  the 
feeding  rate  as  well  as  decrease  the  crab  density  and  lessen  the 
detrital  buildup  as  the  crab  biomass  is  greatly  reduced.  All  of 
these  factors  increase  crab  survival  and  growth  rates,  allowing 
the  crabs  to  be  transferred  to  a  larger  meshed  cage  at  an  earlier 
age . 

Following  100  days  post-hatch,  the  culture  of  crabs  in  open 
water  cages  approached  levels  of  growth  and  survival  necessary 
for  mariculture  operations.  We  suggest  that  the  redesigning  of 
the  hatch  cage  to  allow  the  removal  of  detrital  matter  etc. , 
combined  with  proper,  consistent  algal  turf  feeding  rates  will 
significantly  improve  crab  survival,  as  well  as  allow  crab  growth 
rates  to  attain  mean  values  of  0.30  mm/ day  CL  through  400  days 
post-hatch  as  achieved  in  several  individual  brood  rearings. 

Local  fishermen  were  hired  to  work  on  the  project  at  Site  1. 
Their  initial  level  of  marine  husbandry  skills  was  very  low,  but 
as  the  artisinal  fishermen  worked  on  the  project,  the  level  of 
skill  and  knowledge  greatly  increased.  This  is  directly  evident 
in  Figure  9,  where  the  relationship  of  the  survival  of  crabs  at 
100  days  post-hatch  relates  to  the  advancement  of  time  of  the 
study  period.  By  day  500  of  the  study  period,  survival  rates  had 
increased  by  a  factor  of  10.  Using  the  growth  rates  of  figure  5 
and  the  length  to  weight  ratios  developed  by  Porter  et  al .  (this 


volume) ,  after  100  days  cultured  crabs  double  in  weight  every  25 
days . 

Although  adult  crabs  in  cages  show  little  aggression  towards 
each  other,  and  very  few  incidents  of  dismemberment  have  been 
encountered,  some  of  the  relatively  few  juveniles  kept  in  aquaria 
for  observation  have  attacked  and  dismembered  their  cohorts. 
Rarely  has  such  an  attacked  crab  been  eaten.  The  extent  of  this 
problem  is  not  known  and  as  a  standard  practice  we  have  included 
pvc  pipe  habitats  in  cages  to  provide  protection  during  molting. 

It  seems  clear  that  if  environmental  quality  is  high,  M. 
spinosissimus  maintain  relatively  high,  probably  genetically 
fixed  growth  rates.  Sometimes  in  this  study  the  algal  feed 
supplied  was  insufficient  and  this  may  have  resulted  in 
relatively  low  survivabilities.  However,  the  often  very  high 
growth  rates  suggest  another  mechanism.  In  spite  of  the  comments 
of  Ryther  et  a 1 .  (1987) ,  disease  does  not  seem  to  be  a  factor  in 

our  work.  The  level  of  nitrate  at  35  mg/1  in  the  Ryther  study  is 
extremely  high  as  compared  to  the  wild  environment  (approximately 
10,000  times  higher)  and  suggests  poor  environmental  conditions 
in  that  investigation.  Even  though  adult  crabs  show  little 
aggression  in  captivity,  there  is  some  evidence  for  mortal 
aggression  in  juveniles  (see  also  Ryther  et  al. ,  1987).  While  we 
have  typically  provided  molt  habitats  in  many  of  our  cages,  these 
may  well  be  inadequate.  We  are  now  trying  a  wide  variety  of 
habitat  types. 



Using  the  algal  turf  feeding  methods  and  crab  culture 
techniques  described  In  this  volume  for  spinosissimus ,  mean 

growth  rates  of  approximately  0.27  mm/ day  CL  from  hatch  to  at 
least  280  days  were  achieved  during  the  last  six  months  of  the 
study .  Although  from  180  to  280  days,  growth  rates  exceeded  0.45 
mm/day ,  beyond  280  days,  data  is  minimal  and  only  suggests  a 
possible  decrease  in  growth  rates.  Nevertheless,  it  should  be 
possible  to  grow  cultured  crabs  to  maturity  in  less  than  400 
days . 

Crab  survivorship  averaged  22%  to  60  days,  23.6%  from  60  to 
120  days  and  18.5%  from  120  to  300  days.  Methods  of  improving 
survivorship  are  discussed.  In  particular,  increasing  the 
cultured  algal  turf  quantities  available  to  each  juvenile  crab, 
providing  a  means  of  periodically  and  safely  removing  detritus 
from  the  juvenile  cages  and  providing  a  variety  of  molt  habitats 
in  the  adult  cages  should  increase  survivorship  significantly. 


Brownell,  W.M. ,  A.  J.  Provenzano,  Jr.  and  M.  Martinez.  1977. 

Culture  of  the  West  Indian  Spider  Crab  Mithrax  spinosissimus 
at  Los  Roques,  Venezuela.  J.  of  World  Mariculture  Soc. 

Coen,  L.D.  1987.  Dissertation:  Plant  animal  interactions: 
Ecology  and  comparative  functional  morphology  of  plant 
grazing  decapod  (Brachyuran)  crustaceans.  241  pp. 

Colin,  P.I.  1978.  Caribbean  reef  invertebrates  and  plants. 

T.F.H.  Publications  Inc.  Neptune  City,  N. J. 


Iglehart,  J.M. ,  K.L.  Porter  and  W.  H.  Adey.  In  manuscript . 

Caribbean  King  Crab  (Mithrax  spinosissimus ,  Lamarck)  Cage 
Culture  for  the  Artisanal  Dominican  Fishfarmer. 

Munro ,  J.L.  1974.  The  Biology,  ecology,  exploitation  and 

management  of  Caribbean  Reef  Fishes.  Part  V.  The  biology, 
ecology  and  bionics  of  Caribbean  reef  fishes:  Crustaceans 
(lobster  and  crabs)  Res.  Rept.  Zool.  Dept.  Univ.  West  Indies 
3  (6):  39  -48. 

Porter,  K.L.,  J.M.  Iglehart,  W.H.  Adey,  and  M.W.  Yadven.  In 

Review.  Cage  Culture  of  the  Caribbean  King  Crab  (Mithrax 
spinosissimus .  Lamarck)  Using  Algal  Turfs  for  Feed. 

Provenzano,  A.J.,  Jr.  and  W.N.  Brownell,  1977.  Larval  and  early 
post-larval  stages  of  the  West  Indian  spider  crab,  Mithrax 
spinosissimus (Lamarck)  (Decapoda:  Majidae).  Proceedings  of 
the  Biological  Society  of  Washington  90(3):  735-752 . 



Figure  1 

Figure  2 

Figure  3 

Figure  4 
Figure  5 

Figure  6 

Figure  7 

Figure  8 

Figure  9 

Map  of  Caribbean  showing  coastal  research  field  sites. 
Buen  Hombre,  Dominican  Republic  (site  1) ;  Nonsuch  Bay 
Antigua  (site  2) ;  and  Grand  Bay,  Carriacou,  Grenada 
(site  3) . 

Plastic  screens  (0.61  x  0.92  m,  2 . 0  x  3 . 0  mm  mesh)  for 
algal  turf  cultivation.  Screens  suspended  vertically 
in  the  water  column  from  the  float  line. 

Hatch  cage/ intermediate  cage.  Hatch  cage  dimensions 
vary  from  1.0  Lx  .35  W  x  .70  H,  to  1.0  Lx  .60  W  x 
.70  H  with  0.5  mm  mesh.  Intermediate  cage (1/4" 
mesh)  identical  in  design  to  hatch  cage  but  with 
dimensions  as  follows  1.0  L  x  1.0  W  x  1.3  H. 

Growout  cage.  Dimensions  are  2.6  Lx  1.0  Wx  1.0  H 
and  hold  23  screens.  Mesh  size  is  1/4"  -  1/2". 

Relationship  of  carapace  length  to  age  showing  growth 
of  algal  turf  fed  It  soinosissimus  at  sites  1-3. 

Points  represent  mean  CL  of  n=5745  (site  1) ;  n=2086 
(site  2) ;  n=479  (site  3) . 

Projected  growth  rate  curve  based  on  rates  routinely 
achieved  during  the  last  six  months  of  the  project. 
Molt  numbers  and  sizes  based  on  figures  2  and  3 
(Biddlecomb,  et  al . ,  this  volume)  and  figure  7  (this 
section) . 

Linear  relationship  of  carapace  lengths  of  crabs  (site 
3)  at  successive  intervals  of  time  (Carapace  lengths 
transformed  to  logs)  (r  =  0.96);  y  =  1.249  +  0.016  x; 
n-479 ) . 

Relationship  between  age  and  survival  of  post-larval 
crabs.  All  post-larval  crabs  transferred  to  larger 
mesh  cage  at  100  days  (site  1) ,  100  days  (site  2) 
and  80  days  (site  3).  Site  1  crabs  transferred 
again  at  125  days.  (Dashed  lines  represent  transfer 
of  crabs  to  new  cages) . 

Relationship  showing  increase  in  success  of  culture 
technique  refinement  of  post-larval  culture  of  100  day 
old  crabs.  #  of  hatches  =  25;  y  =  108.7;  SE  +  22.54 

Table  1. 

Table  2 . 

Table  3 . 

Amount  of  algal  turf  fodder  provided  to  crab  culture 
cages  and  crab  dimensions.  Site  1. 

Amount  of  algal  turf  fodder  provided  to  crab  culture 
cages  and  crab  dimensions.  Site  2. 

Amount  of  algal  turf  fodder  provided  to  crab  culture 
cages  and  crab  dimensions.  Site  3. 


Figure  1 

Figure  2 



Figure  3 


Figure  4 

2.6  m 
















20  60  100  140  180  220  260  300 


Figure  5 

Carriacou  Antigua  and  Buen  Hombre 

lulu  Nl  H10N31  BOVdVdVO 

Figure  6 

100  200  300  400  500 



Figure  7 

Buen  Hombre 
Site  1 

IVAIAdflS  {%)  lN30d3d 

Figure  8 


Figure  9 


SITE  1 



Hatch  cage 

Intermediate  cage 


Dimensions  1 


. 0  x  .35  x  .70 

1.0  x  1.0  x  1.3 

1.2  x  1.2  x  2 

Cage  surface 


2.6  sq.  m 

7.2  sq.  m 

13  sq.  m 

Cage  volume 

0.3  cu .  m 

0.5  cu.  m 

3.6  cu.  m 

Screen  feeding 

rate  2 

screens/  5  days 

6  screens/5  days 

4  screens/5 

Total  Algal  98 

Initial  Algal 
Feed  Rate 

.3  gm (dry) /5  days 

655  gm (dry) /6  days 

364  gm (dry ) / 

crab/day  0. 

Algal  Turfs 
per  crab  per 

05  gm/crab/5  days 

6.36  gm/crab/5  days 

5.6  gm/crab/ 
5  days 

day  0 . 

Initial  Density 

01  gm/crab/day 

1.27  gm/crab/day 

1.1  gm/crab/ 

of  cage  surface 

769/sq.  m 

14.3/sq.  m 

5/sq.  m 


SITE  2 



Hatch  cage 

Growout  cage 



1.0  x  .35  x  .70 

2.6  x  1.0  x  1.0 

Cage  surface 

2.6  sq.  m 

12.4  sq.  m 

Cage  volume 

0.3  cu.  m 

1.8  cu .  m 

Screen  feeding 

2  screens/  3  days* 

6  screens/4  days* 

Total  Algal 

117.9  gm (dry) /3  days 

874  gm(dry)/4  days 

Initial  Algal 
Feed  Rate 

0.06  gm/crab/3  days 

15.3  gm/crab/4  days 

Algal  Turfs 
per  crab  per 

0.02  gm/crab/day 

3.8  gm/crab/day 

Initial  Density 


of  cage  surface 

769/sq.  m  4.6/sq.  m 

--  Site  2  algal  turf  production  was  heavily  biased  by  entrapped 
sediment,  therefore  the  true  algal  turf  production  may  be 
considerably  less.  See  Adey  and  Hackney  in  this  Volume. 


SITE  3 



Hatch  cage 

Growout  cage 



1.0  x  .60  x  .70 

2.6  x  1.0  x  1.0 

Cage  surface 

3.4  sq.  m 

12.4  sq.  m 

Cage  volume 

0.4  cu.  m 

1.8  cu.  m 

Screen  feeding 

3  screens/  6  days 

9  screens/5  days 

Total  Algal 


305  gm (dry) /6  days 

1368  gm(dry)/5  days 

Initial  Algal 
Feed  Rate 

0.15  gm/crab/6  days 

5.0  gm/crab/5  days 

Algal  Turfs 
per  crab  per 

0.03  gm/crab/day 

1.0  gm/crab/day 

Initial  Density 


of  cage  surface 

581.4/sq.  m  22 . 3/sq.  m 





K.L.  Porter,  J.M.  Iglehart,  M.  Craig  and  W.H.  Adey 


Innovations  developed  over  the  past  50  years  in  the  fishing 
industry  have  produced  a  world  fish  catch  totaling  approximately 
70  million  metric  tons  annually  (Pillay,  1985;  74.8,  Simon  and 
Kahn,  1984;  74.0,  Brown,  1985).  The  use  of  electronic  equipment 
and  modern  fishing  vessels  caused  a  six  percent  increase  per  year 
in  the  total  catch  in  the  1950's  and  1960's.  In  the  last  decade, 
however,  the  total  worldwide  fish  catch  has  increased  less  than 
one  percent  per  year,  accompanied  by  serious  reductions  of  fish 
stocks  in  some  important  fisheries.  This  worldwide  depletion  of 
the  fishing  stocks  has  resulted  in  a  more  concerted  effort  to 
develop  aquaculture  and  mariculture.  Annual  worldwide  output  of 
aquaculture  products  now  exceeds  10.5  million  metric  tons 
(Pillay,  1985) . 

In  the  late  1970 ' s  and  early  1980 's,  Smithsonian  scientists 
of  the  Marine  Systems  Laboratory  (MSL) ,  while  conducting 
microcosm  research,  developed  a  technique  for  culturing  algal 
turfs  on  artificial  substrata  to  manage  the  water  quality  in 
closed  systems  (Tangley,  1985;  Adey,  1983;  Adey,  1987).  This 
technique  reproduces,  in  manageable  form,  the  high  algal  turf 


production  levels  that  characterize  these  benthic  algae 
communities  in  the  wild.  In  these  "scrubber"  systems,  laboratory 
production  levels  of  five  to  over  15  g  dry  m-2  d”1  are  common. 
Algal  turf  production  levels  of  8-18  g  dry  m“2  d-1  are  attained 
when  similarly  designed  "algal  scrubbers"  (in  this  case, 
suspended  plastic  screens)  are  anchored  in  turbulent  tropical 
Caribbean  waters  (Adey  and  Goertemiller ,  1987;  Figure  1). 

The  highly  diverse  and  productive  algal  turfs  are  consumed 
by  a  wide  variety  of  animal  grazers  in  the  wild.  However,  a 
direct  use  of  algal  turfs  for  humans  has  yet  to  be  developed. 

Many  modern  maricultures  and  aquacultures  are  capital  intensive, 
require  considerable  technological  expertise  and  utilize 
expensive  industrial  food  preparations.  It  was  hoped  that  a 
system  could  be  developed  that  would  allow  local  fishermen  in 
underdeveloped  countries  the  means  to  tap  this  rich  and  readily 
available  food  source. 

Mithrax  spinosissimus  (Figure  2),  a  large  tropical  spider 
crab,  which  consumes  smaller  benthic  algae  and  algal  turfs 
naturally,  was  chosen  as  a  potential  candidate  for  this  new 
approach  to  mariculture.  A  full  life  cycle  mariculture  for  this 
Caribbean  King  Crab  has  been  developed  for  utilization  in 
developing  countries  with  low  technological  capabilities.  While 
brooding,  hatching  and  juvenile  growout  have  been  quite 
successful  for  a  "low  tech"  mariculture  based  on  early  pilot 
studies,  late  juvenile  mortalities  have  been  higher  than 


predicted.  Efforts  directed  at  improving  late  juvenile  growout 
techniques  are  continuing.  No  published  efforts  have  been 
undertaken  previously  to  develop  an  operational  mariculture  for 
Mithrax  spinosissimus .  although  several  preliminary  biological 
studies  have  been  carried  out.  These  previous  studies  are 
discussed  in  detail  in  the  earlier  sections  of  this  volume. 

For  the  past  three  years,  the  development  of  Mithrax 
spinosissimus  mariculture  by  MSL  has  been  funded  by  the  United 
States  Agency  for  International  Development.  As  part  of  this 
project,  Mithrax  spinosissimus  cage  culture  has  been  conducted  in 
a  number  of  Caribbean/West  Indian  islands,  including  the  Turks 
and  Caicos  Islands,  the  Dominican  Republic,  Antigua  and  in 
Carriacou,  Grenada  (Figure  3) . 

Mariculture  production  techniques  for  Mithrax  spinosissimus . 
as  developed  by  MSL,  have  been  separated  into  care  of  brooding 
females,  hatching,  juvenile,  older  juveniles  and  immature  adult 
phases.  Gravid  females,  obtained  from  the  wild  and  brooded  in 
captivity,  have  provided  a  regular  and  reliable  supply  of  newly 
hatched  juvenile  crabs.  A  gravid  female,  which  produces  an 
average  of  60,000  eggs  every  two  months  (Craig,  et  al. ,  this 
volume) ,  is  placed  in  a  sea-cage  prior  to  hatching.  Such  "hatch 
cages"  (90  X  40  X  110  cm)  are  made  of  a  wood  frame,  coated  with 
polyester  resin  and  covered  by  a  fine  (0.5  mm)  plastic  mesh 
screen.  Newly  hatched  crabs  (approximately  2000  first  post 


larval  instar  crabs  at  five  days  post-hatch)  are  left  in  the 
"hatch"  cage  until  60  days  post-hatch.  At  that  time,  they  are 
transferred  to  an  identically  designed  cage,  which  is  covered 
with  a  coarser  mesh  screen  for  the  next  40-60  days.  These 
methods  have  produced  100-400  juveniles  from  each  hatch  surviving 
to  100-120  days  old.  Crab  growth  rates  and  survival  following 
hatch  depend  in  large  part  upon  the  amount  of  algal  food  made 
available  and  the  density  of  juvenile  crabs  in  relationship  to 
algal  turf  screen  area.  Care  in  construction  of  cages  and  in 
management  of  stocking  and  feeding  is  also  required  to  avoid  the 
introduction  of  predators  or  algal  turf  competitors,  which  are 
primarily  small  invertebrates. 

Growout  to  harvest  of  Mithrax  sninosissimus  is  carried  out 
in  similar  wood  frame/plastic  cages  (2.2  X  1.0  X  1.0  m)  enclosed 
with  plastic  mesh  ( 1/4-1/2 " ) .  When  the  crabs  are  100-120  days 
old,  they  are  transferred  to  these  juvenile/adult  growout  cages 
which  are  designed  to  hold  30-50  harvestable  crabs.  To  date,  our 
work  indicates  that  a  crab  requires  12-15  months  of  growth  to 
reach  a  harvest  size  of  0.8-1. 3  kgs,  though  it  is  quite  likely 
that  further  refinement  can  both  shorten  the  time  and  increase 
the  size  of  the  harvested  animals.  Crab  survival  rates  in  these 
growout  cages  need  to  be  about  50%,  yielding  50  harvestable  crabs 
per  cage  to  be  successful.  Chronic  mortality  has  led  to  a 
survival  rate  of  15-25%  per  100  days.  Small  predators  in  the 
cages,  excessive  wave  action  during  molting  and  aggressive 


interactions  of  the  crabs  appear  to  be  responsible.  This  last 
phase  to  improve  survivorship  requires  additional  research 
effort.  It  is  thought  that  the  problems  can  be  solved  by  cage 
design  and  efforts  are  underway  at  Grand  Turk  to  achieve  this. 

In  the  MSL  mariculture  technique,  turf  algae  is  the  primary 
food  source  for  cultured  Mithrax  spinosissimus  crabs.  Though 
labor  intensive,  it  is  replenishable  and  easily  grown  as  well  as 
highly  productive  and  highly  nutritious.  Laboratory  analysis 
shows  the  algal  turfs  to  contain  8-10  grams  of  protein  per  100 
grams  (dry)  of  algae. 

During  the  latter  part  of  the  early  juvenile  stage  and 
during  the  entire  growout  stage,  algal  covered  plastic  mesh 
screens  are  fitted  into  the  cages.  As  the  crabs  consume  the 
algae,  the  screens  are  replaced  every  three  to  four  days.  The 
algae  is  cultivated  on  screens  suspended  from  lines  that  are 
floated  in  turbulent  waters.  Wave  action,  current  and  sunlight 
in  a  low  nutrient  water  environment  provides  optimal  conditions 
conducive  to  algal  turf  growth  on  these  plastic  screens.  Before 
being  placed  in  a  crab  cage  the  plastic  screens  must  have 
sufficient  algal  growth,  which  takes  20-40  days  to  initiate. 
However,  repeated  feedings  typically  require  7-14  days  for 
sufficient  algal  re-growth.  Algal  growth  rates  are  variable 
during  the  year  due  to  changes  in  weather  and  other  environmental 
factors.  Sunny,  windy  weather,  typical  of  the  "trade"  wind 


islands,  produces  maximum  algal  growth.  Environments 
consistently  rich  in  suspended  carbonate  sediment  need  to  be 
avoided  as  continual  sediment  accumulation  on  the  screens  must  be 
removed  or  algal  production  will  suffer. 

The  changing  of  screens  and  the  tending  of  the  juvenile  crab 
and  growout  cages  is  labor  intensive.  A  one  man  operation 
utilizes  24  growout  cages  with  accompanying  juvenile  and 
intermediate  cages  and  about  800  screens.  The  operation  requires 
six  to  eight  man  hours  per  day.  However,  as  in  most  fisheries 
and  in  agriculture,  it  is  desirable  to  carry  out  a  larger 
operation  using  teams. 

In  several  Caribbean  countries,  including  the  Dominican 
Republic  and  Belize,  the  wild  harvest  of  Mithrax  spinosissimus  in 
traps  forms  a  small  but  important  fishery.  This  animal  is 
generally  regarded  as  a  delicacy  and  is  served  in  seafood 
restaurants.  Although  older  crabs  often  have  a  tough  shell, 
cultured  animals,  especially  those  newly  molted  to  maturity,  have 
a  thin  shell.  The  Caribbean  King  Crab  has  a  sweet,  textured 
meat,  concentrated  in  the  outer  body,  legs  and  in  the  large 
chelae  of  the  males.  At  18-35%  of  total  body  weight,  harvestable 
meat  is  considerable. 



This  study  treats  the  species  of  crab  commonly  known  as  both 
the  "West  Indian  Giant  Red  Spider  Crab"  and  the  "Caribbean  King 
Crab."  In  Spanish  speaking  Caribbean  countries,  it  is  generally 
referred  to  as  "Centolla. "  The  species'  name  is  Mithrax 
spinosissimus  and  it  is  one  of  the  evolutionarily  more  advanced 
members  of  the  Mithrax  family  (Goy  et  al . ,  1981) .  The  biological 
and  ecological  aspects  of  this  species  pertaining  to  mariculture 
are  briefly  reviewed. 

Caribbean  King  Crabs  are  generally  found  throughout  the 
tropical  Western  Atlantic,  from  southern  Florida  and  the  Yucatan 
through  the  West  Indies,  to  eastern  Venezuela  at  depths  of  2-200 
meters.  Individuals  may  be  encountered  at  night  as  they  feed  on 
reef  or  pavement  surfaces,  during  the  day  they  tend  to  be 
confined  to  caves  and  crevices  at  depths  of  2-30  meters  often  in 
small  "communities"  or  harems.  In  these  daytime  hideaways,  there 
are  usually  several  females  in  close  proximity  to  one  another, 
often  with  one  or  two  males.  On  the  other  hand,  additional 
"bachelor"  males  tend  to  be  isolated  and  distantly  dispersed. 

The  abundance  of  Mithrax  spinosissimus  in  the  Caribbean/West 
Indian  area  varies  greatly  from  island  to  island  and  from  site  to 
site.  Although  a  quantitative  survey  of  the  entire  Caribbean  has 
not  been  done,  it  appears  that  crab  distribution  and  abundance 
are  a  function  of  the  availablity  of  appropriately-shaped  caverns 
or  crevices  and  probably  the  proximity  of  good  algal  feeding 


grounds.  (See  notes  from  population  surveys  in  Jamaica:  Munro, 
1976;  Florida:  Bohnsack,  1976;  Hazlett ,  1975;  Dominican  Republic, 
Antigua,  Turks  and  Caicos  and  Mayaguana :  Iglehart ,  et  ad.,  this 
volume;  and  Belize:  Koltes,  personal  communication.)  It  is 
likely  that  the  abundance  of  fish,  crab  and  octopus  predators  are 
also  crucial  in  determining  Mithrax  distribution  and  abundance. 

With  knowledge  of  the  local  reef  terrain,  Mithrax 
spinosissimus  is  most  easily  obtained  by  SCUBA  from  dusk  into  the 
evening.  Crabs  may  also  be  caught  in  traps.  Wild  Mithrax 
spinosissimus  population  sizes  vary  from  reef  to  reef  (Iglehart, 
et  al . ,  this  volume) .  While  the  very  real  likelihood  of  stock 
improvement  through  breeding  exists,  the  initial  breed  stock  is 
quite  important.  In  this  context,  crabs  from  the  Florida  region 
are  by  far  the  smallest  and  therefore  least  desirable  (Iglehart, 
et  al . ,  this  volume) . 

The  extensive  observation  of  both  wild  and  captured  crabs 
during  the  process  of  feeding,  the  growth  and  development  of  the 
crabs  in  culture  on  a  diet  of  algal  turfs  and  the  examination  of 
crab  stomachs  and  the  structure  of  both  the  chela  and  gastric 
mill  all  support  the  conclusion  that  fL  spinosissimus  is  a 
facultative  herbivore  on  smaller  algae.  In  the  course  of 
grazing,  organic  detritus,  sediment,  coral  bryozoans,  and  other 
small  organisms  (eg. ,  amphipods)  are  almost  invariably  ingested. 
While  Mj_  spinosissimus  is  not  particularly  discriminating  in  its 


choice  of  algae,  some  macroalgae  are  strictly  avoided.  When  a 
wide  variety  of  algal  turf,  along  with  some  macroalgae  are 
presented  on  cultured  screens,  the  turfs  are  almost  invariably 
eaten  before  the  macroalgae.  Mithrax  spinosissimus  will  eat  meat 
(conch,  urchin,  e.g.)  when  provided.  However,  it  has  not  been 
demonstrated  that  meat  is  necessary  in  any  way  for  growth  or 
reproduction.  The  highest  known  growth  rates  and  maximum  egg 
production  have  been  achieved  on  a  pure  algal  turf  diet. 

The  large  claws  or  chelipeds  terminate  in  long  narrow  fingers 
with  crenulated  spoon  shaped  tips.  These  aid  in  the  digging  and 
sifting  of  the  substratum  for  algal  material  and  also  provide 
strong  sharp  tools  for  the  cutting,  tearing  and  pulling  of  algal 
holdfasts  and  stalks.  The  paired  appendages  associated  with  the 
endostome  "teeth"  hold  and  tear  food  and  assist  in  respiration 
(For  more  information  on  feeding  mechanics,  see  Coen,  1987) 

The  gastric  mill,  located  inside  the  mouth  between  two 
stomachs,  is  well-developed  for  algal  turf  feeding.  The 
urocardiac  ossicle  has  a  single  large  "grinding"  tooth  and  two 
smaller,  more  pointed  ones.  The  opposing  zygocardiac  ossicles 
are  ridges  and  most  likely  perform  crushing  and  chewing  motions. 

A  small  row  of  soft  spines  are  located  opposite  the  urocardiac 
ossicle  side  of  each  zygocardiac  ossicle.  These  are  not 
connected  directly  to  either  ossicle  and  most  likely  are  utilized 
to  transfer  food  in  and  out  of  the  gastric  mill. 

Research  to  date  has  not  focused  on  providing  phytoplankton 


to  the  larval  stages.  While  good  planktonic  feed  might  improve 
their  survivorship  at  30-50  hours  post-hatch,  survival  of  2000 
post-larval  crabs  from  a  single  brood  is  normal  without  special 
plankton  feeding.  After  settling,  they  shift  over  to  micro- 
benthic  algae  in  algal  turfs  (particularly  diatoms) ,  through  the 
megalopae  and  early  crab  stages.  From  1-10  mm  CL,  the  young 
crabs  feed  upon  diatoms,  blue-green  algae,  organic  detritus  and 
smaller  turf  algae.  As  they  grow  to  carapace  lengths  of  10-25  mm 
CL,  the  larger  algal  turfs  form  the  majority  of  the  diet.  For 
crabs  above  25  mm  to  80  mm  CL,  the  natural  diet  is  primarily 
composed  of  larger  algal  turfs  with  some  included  macroalgae. 

The  final  period  of  growth  is  characterized  by  a  diet  including  a 
wide  variety  of  benthic  algae,  excluding  many  of  the  algal 
species  that  are  mildly  toxic,  or  protected  by  carbonaceous  or 
similarly  tough  cortex.  Note  that  similar  crabs  in  Florida  and 
apparently  some  other  areas  in  the  northern  and  western 
Caribbean,  especially  in  those  growing  in  mangrove  communities, 
are  much  smaller  (Iglehart,  et  al. ,  this  volume).  They  may  be  a 
separate  species  or  subspecies. 

In  natural  waters,  Caribbean  King  Crabs  attain  carapace 
lengths  of  120-180  mm,  weighing  0.8-3  kgs.  Under  culture 
conditions,  crab  growth  rates  are  a  function  of  density  and  algal 
turf  feeding  rates,  as  well  as  the  food  conversion  rates  of  the 
crabs.  The  daily  linear  growth  rates  of  ft  spinosissimus ,  under 


conditions  of  constant  algal  turf  and  macroalgal  feeding,  have 
been  found  to  be  initially  0.10-0.20  mm  CL/day  ranging  up  to  over 
0.50  mm/day  at  200  days,  thus  attaining  a  mature  weight  of  0.8- 
1.8  kgs  and  100-150  mm  CL  at  12-15  months  growout  (Figure  4). 

Wild  crabs  are  known  to  achieve  a  weight  exceeding  2  kgs, 
probably  at  an  18th  molt.  It  is  not  known  whether  this  can  be 
achieved  in  culture. 

M.  spinosissimus  undergo  a  molt  of  puberty  which  is  generally 
the  final  molt,  wherein  both  males  and  females  take  on  their 
final  adult  secondary  sexual  characteristics.  There  is  some 
question  as  to  whether  or  not  they  undergo  a  second  molt.  This 
could  be  important  to  the  mariculture  of  very  large  animals 
(Biddlecomb,  et  al . ,  this  volume) .  Copulation  has  been  observed 
among  hardshell  crabs  that  have  passed  through  the  molt  of 

On  average,  every  60  days,  females  produce  a  batch  of  eggs. 
Subsequent  egg  clutches  are  fertilized  by  sperm  which  are  stored 
in  spermathecae .  The  sperm  remains  viable  in  the  spermathecae 
for  an  extended  period  of  time,  though  secondary  mating  may 
occur.  Mating  and  fertilization  occurs  easily  in  captivity  in 
both  aquaria  and  cages. 

Crabs  may  be  ovigerous  at  any  time  of  the  year.  Egg 
development  requires  approximately  30  days,  at  which  time  40,000- 
70,000  eggs  are  released  (Table  1).  In  the  early  stages  of 
development,  the  fertilized  eggs  (about  1  mm  in  diameter)  are 


attached  to  the  female  pleopods  and  are  orange  in  color.  As 
embryogenisis  proceeds,  they  change  to  an  orange-brown,  red  and 
finally  amber-red  color .  Towards  the  end  of  the  egg  development 
cycle,  the  eggs  are  actively  brooded  by  the  female  and  the 
frequency  of  cleaning  and  aeration  of  the  brood  is  increased. 
Normally,  it  is  possible  to  determine  time  of  release,  within  a 
day  or  two  (Craig,  et  al . ,  this  volume) ,  by  sampling  and 
observing  the  eggs  closely.  The  eggs  almost  always  are  released 
at  night.  The  entire  process  of  maintaining  a  breeding 
population  and  bringing  the  eggs  to  a  successful  hatch  in  a  cage 
situation  in  the  water  is  relatively  simple  and  has  been 
accomplished  approximately  150  times  using  the  methods  outlined 

Newly  hatched  rt  spinosissimus  larvae  normally  develop 
through:  1)  a  non-swimming  prezoeal  stage;  2)  swimming  first 

(two  hours  post  hatch)  and  second  zoeal  (36-48  hours  post  hatch) 
stages;  3)  a  non-swimming,  benthic  megalops  (40-72  hours  post- 
hatch) ;  and  then  4)  first  crab  (70-90  hours  post-hatch)  (Figure 
5)  . 

Crab  growth  is  dependent  upon  temperature,  molt  frequency, 
food  quantity  and  quality  and  the  stage  in  development.  Molting 
is  the  primary  method  of  growth.  Increments  of  molt  show  an 
average  of  30-40%  increase  of  carapace  length  per  molt  in  the 
early  juveniles  decreasing  to  10-25%  for  the  pre-adult  and  adult 


molts.  After  the  early  juvenile  stages,  considerable  overlap  in 
carapace  sizes  between  instar  classes  occurs. 

Growth  is  rapid  in  juvenile  crabs.  Second  instar  to  eighth 
instar  molt  frequencies  decrease  from  about  4-6  day  intervals 
( ie . ,  between  first  and  second  instar)  to  18-20  days  by  the  60th 
day  post-hatch.  Juvenile  crabs  are  spiny,  rather  elongate  and 
often  heavily  decorated  with  algal  turfs.  Not  until  the  eighth 
crab  instar  does  the  overall  appearance  resemble  that  of  the 
immature  adult  form  (Biddlecomb  et  al . ,  this  volume) . 

Not  including  "Florida  crabs,"  puberty  is  estimated  to  be 
attained  at  the  16- 17th  post-larval  molt  or  under  optimum  growing 
conditions,  approximately  8-12  months  post  hatch.  Growth  of 
younger  juvenile  males  and  females  is  only  slightly,  i . e. ,  all 
the  parts  increase  in  size  at  roughly  the  same  rate.  However,  as 
they  approach  and  then  become  sexually  mature,  the  growth  of  the 
males  is  allometric  (with  regard  to  their  large  chelae)  and  the 
females'  growth  is  allometric  with  regard  to  their  abdomen  width. 
The  range  of  sizes  (CL)  at  which  sexual  maturity  is  attained 
varies  considerably.  Excluding  "Florida  crabs"  and  similar  small 
populations,  the  mean  size  of  sexually  mature  females  from  many 
sites  is  124.5  mm  CL,  0.9  kgs;  and  for  males  144.8  mm  CL,  1.5 
kgs . 




Two  basic  factors  are  crucial  in  site  selection  for  Mithrax 
spinosissimus  mariculture  as  described  in  this  paper:  1)  a 
shallow,  turbulent  (wave  and  current)  and  moderately  sediment- 
free  locality  for  growing  algal  turfs;  this  should  be  in 
reasonable  proximity  to  2 )  a  moderately  quiet  lagoon,  with  some 
current.  We  have  found  that  sites  where  a  coral  reef  breaks  the 
surface  at  low  tide  are  ideal  as  they  provide  sufficient 
protection  of  a  lagoon  area  in  which  both  algal  turfs  and  crab 
cages  can  be  kept  and  easily  worked  from  small  boats. 

Ideally,  such  a  site  should  have  a  broad  back  reef  flat  or 
sandy  reef  apron  of  two  to  four  meters  depth  with  constant  wave 
surge  and  wave  driven  currents  for  algal  growth.  It  is  then 
desirable  to  locate  crab  cages  in  somewhat  calmer  shallow 
lagoonal  water  of  two  to  six  meters  depth,  not  too  far  from  the 
algal  screens.  Moderate  currents  are  desirable.  A  sandy  bottom 
substratum  allows  maximum  reflective  light  for  algal  turf  growth. 
However,  water  of  relatively  high  clarity  is  desired.  Excessive 
suspended  sediment  entrains  within  the  algal  turfs  and  eventually 
reduces  algal  growth.  If  this  occurs  only  occasionally,  under 
storm  conditions,  it  can  be  managed  by  lightly  brushing  the 
screens.  If  it  occurs  frequently,  algal  production  is 
considerably  reduced.  Water  temperature  should  average  23-30°C 
year  round  with  a  salinity  of  33-38  ppt.  In  addition,  the  more 


remote  a  site  from  boat  traffic  the  better,  as  the  extensive 
algal  turf  screen  and  crab  cage  system  requires  a  large  area. 

Numerous  sites  that  fulfill  these  general  requirements  exist 
throughout  the  Caribbean  and  West  Indies.  Of  the  five  sites  we 
have  worked  at  extensively,  four  were  quite  good  (Mayaguana, 

Grand  Turk,  Buen  Hombre  and  Carriacou) .  Nonsuch  Bay,  Antigua  was 
generally  too  turbid. 

Requirements  for  algal  turf  growth 

Mature  algal  turf  screen  cultivation  results  in  biomass 
productivity  rates  of  8-18  g  dry  m“2  d-1  over  7-14  days  growth. 

An  appropriate  algal  turf  community  develops  four  to  eight  weeks 
after  emplacement  of  the  screen  on  the  water.  It  is  desirable  to 
scrape  the  screens  with  a  hand  held  piece  of  plastic  once  or 
twice  during  this  period.  After  the  start-up  or  colonization 
period,  periodic  harvesting  of  the  algae  every  7-14  days  mimics 
grazing  and  results  in  high,  continuous  biomass  production.  The 
harvesting  (or  grazing  in  natural,  benthic  algal  turf 
communities)  prevents  overgrowth  and  competition  for  available 
space,  light  and  nutrients.  Generally,  the  turf  screens  must  be 
harvested  on  a  regular  basis  or  undesirable  algae  and  animals 
colonize  the  screen.  If  screens  have  been  allowed  to  overgrow 
with  undesirable  organisms,  it  may  be  necessary  to  remove,  dry 
and  clean  them  before  the  full  efficiency  of  algal  turf  growth 
can  be  achieved  again.  If  algal  turf  screens  are  not  to  be 


regularly  used  for  feeding  animals,  it  is  necessary  to  regularly 
scrape  them  to  keep  production  level  high. 

Algal  turfs  are  dense  mats  of  small,  anatomically  simple 
algae  (usually  less  than  several  centimeters  in  height)  belonging 
to  all  major  groups  of  benthic  marine  algae.  The  algal  species, 
which  compose  the  complex  turf  associations,  tend  to  be 
anatomically  simple  as  compared  to  the  more  morphologically 
differentiated  macroalgal  types,  although  a  few  complex  miniature 
macroalgae  are  important  turf  elements  as  well.  With  almost  all 
cells  of  the  algal  thallus  participating  in  metabolite  exchange 
and  active  photosynthesis,  the  energy  efficiency  of  algal  turfs 
is  higher  than  in  other  more  complex  plants.  Since  these  algae 
rely  on  rapid  growth  and  reproduction  to  survive,  they  are  not 
characterized  by  protective  skeletons  or  toxic  defense  chemicals. 

a)  Light 

Algal  turfs  in  a  area  of  strong  current  and  wave  induced 
oscillatory  flow  are  able  to  maximize  production  in  high  light 
intensities.  However,  in  these  brillantly-lit  situations, 
ultraviolet  light  levels  are  also  high,  and  U.V.  usually  has  a 
detrimental  affect  on  organisms,  including  algae.  Considerable 
testing  (Adey  and  Hackney,  this  volume)  has  demonstrated  that 
algal  turf  production  levels  at  the  surface  in  tropical  seas  are 
well  below  those  at  20-100  cm.  Also,  since  a  screen  has  two 
sides  (equivalent  to  the  extensive  surface  area  of  a  reef)  and 


production  on  the  underside  of  horizontal  screens  is  somewhat 
reduced,  the  transmission  of  light  through  the  screen  and 
reflection  off  shallow  sandy  bottoms  is  also  critical  to 
maximizing  production.  It  has  been  shown  that  white,  translucent 
screens  are  more  productive  than  black  screens.  In  practice, 
since  horizontally  suspended  screens  must  be  hung  from  four 
points  (thus  doubling  the  time  required  to  remove  and  re-string  a 
screen  from  a  line) ,  the  screens  are  hung  vertically.  Other 
factors  being  equal,  algal  turf  production  on  vertical  screens  is 
slightly  less  than  the  production  from  horizontally  suspended 
screens.  However,  the  time  factor  involved  in  the  management  of 
the  horizontally  suspended  screens  more  than  outweighs  the 
decrease  in  algal  production. 

b)  Water  Motion 

Trade  winds  and  their  seas  drive  ocean  water  over  reefs  and 
across  the  back  reef  flats  to  the  lagoon.  In  addition,  the 
shallowing  water  in  these  localities  compresses  the  flow  of  the 
equatorial  current,  raising  flow  rates  from  that  source.  Waves 
approaching  15-50  cm  in  height  on  the  backreef  or  lagoon  side, 
with  currents  of  5-35  cm/sec,  are  ideal  for  growing  algal  turfs 
on  screens.  Yet  these  conditions  are  not  generally  so  rough  that 
the  maintainence  of  those  screens  without  serious  losses  due  to 
overly  rough  sea  conditions  is  a  serious  problem. 


Screens  must  be  held  rigid  to  some  extent  in  order  to  force 
contact  with  the  turbulent  water  and  to  maximize  algal  turf 
growth.  Thus,  the  screens  are  hung  vertically  and  perpendicular 
to  the  general  movement  of  the  waves  and  currents.  A  moderately 
sized  weight,  such  as  a  piece  of  1/4"  reinforcing  rod,  or  sand 
fill  in  the  p.v.c.  pipe  frame,  on  the  lower  side  of  each  screen 
frame  assists  in  providing  "rigidity"  against  the  flow  and  surge. 
As  the  algal  turf  develops,  the  screens  become  more  buoyant  and 
gradually  lift  to  about  an  angle  of  45°.  Thus,  once  familiar 
with  the  strength  of  the  current  at  a  site,  a  glance  at  the  angle 
of  the  screen  line  is  usually  enough  to  assess  the  maturity  of 
the  algal  growth. 

c)  Sediment 

Algal  turfs  do  not  require  the  presence  of  fine  carbonate 
sediment  to  provide  maximum  production  rates,  and  in  laboratory 

.  .  .  .  9 

culture,  with  wave  surge  and  lighting  (exceeding  1000  u/m  /  sec) , 
production  rates  of  5-18  g  dry  m  d  have  been  achieved  without 
significant  carbonate  inclusion.  In  reef  environments  with  low 
sediment  loads,  production  rates  near  to  or  slightly  higher  than 
those  in  the  laboratory  are  achieved.  At  higher  concentrations 
of  suspended  sediment,  apparent  algal  production  rates  (as 
measured  by  dry  weight)  initially  appear  higher  (to  over  30  g  dry 
m-2/d-1)  (Peyton  et  al . ,  in  review) ,  but  after  several  weeks  to 
months  production  tends  to  drop  radically  to  levels  of  3-8  g  dry 


—  p  _  1  , 

m  d  .  At  very  high  sediment  loads,  real  algal  production  can 
be  virtually  nil. 

Site  Requirements  for  Crab  Growth 

As  mentioned  above,  the  mariculture  of  Mithrax  spinas issimus 
can  be  treated  in  four  distinct  phases:  1)  breed  stock;  2)  larval 
development;  3)  juvenile  development  and  4)  adult  growout.  To 
some  extent,  different  conditions  are  required  for  each  of  these 
phases.  In  all  cases,  cages  should  be  located  in  areas  of 
moderate  current  flow  (0.5-5  cm/sec)  and  minimum  sedimentation. 

a)  Hatchlings 

Newly  hatched  crabs  are  particularly  sensitive  to  strong 
wave  action.  We  have  found  that  the  damaging  effects  of  waves  or 
chop  can  be  avoided  by  sinking  the  hatching  cages  to  several 
meters  depth.  Unfortunately,  this  renders  the  exchange  of  algal 
turf  screens  difficult,  and  is  to  be  avoided  if  possible. 

b)  Juveniles  and  Adults 

As  far  as  we  are  aware,  the  older  crab  instars  (over  20  mm 
CL)  are  not  particularly  sensitive  to  light  wave  action  and  any 
increased  water  movement  is  usually  desireable.  Larger  waves 
(approximately  greater  than  30  cm)  at  molt  may  cause  some 
mortalities.  For  growout,  practical  limit  to  roughness  at  sites 
is  determined  by  the  ease  of  working  algal  screens  and  the  crabs 
themselves  from  a  small  boat. 


Description  of  Crab  Mariculture  Research  Sites 

In  the  last  several  years,  crab  mariculture  research  has 
been  conducted  at  a  variety  of  sites  in  the  north  central  and 
eastern  Caribbean.  In  the  algal  chapter  of  this  volume,  detailed 
maps  of  each  of  these  sites  are  presented,  so  they  will  not  be 
repeated  here.  However,  it  would  be  helpful  in  terms  of 
analyzing  potential  crab  mariculture  sites  if  we  briefly 
described  the  advantages  and  disadvantages  of  each  site  for 
Mithrax  spinosissimus  mariculture.  The  following  is  a  list  of 
the  sites  in  approximate  order  of  site  quality  from  best  to 
worst : 

1)  Grand  Turk,  east  lagoon.  The  water  quality  at  this  site 
is  excellent,  as  it  is  derived  directly  from  the  North  Equatorial 
current.  The  reef  and  algal  ridge  to  the  east  is  rather  patchy, 
but  continuous  enough  to  force  current  compression  from  breaking 
waves  and  to  block  the  larger  seas.  Tidal  currents  also  provide 
a  component  of  north/south  water  movement,  and  the  entire  east 
side  of  the  lagoon  is  sufficiently  free  from  suspended  sediment 
to  provide  for  maximum  algal  growth.  The  western  portions  of 
this  very  large  lagoon  have  too  much  sediment  for  good  algal 
growth,  especially  within  a  few  hundred  meters  of  the  island 
itself.  Southwest  or  northwest  winds,  although  quite  infrequent, 
can  cause  sediment  entrainment  in  turf  screens  on  the  east  side 
of  the  lagoon.  The  lagoon  waters  can  be  rough  at  times,  and 


considerable  practical  working  experience  is  required  to  learn 
how  to  keep  lines  from  becoming  seriously  frayed  or  entangled 
with  the  combination  of  moderate  seas  and  rotating  tidal 
currents.  Crab  cages  for  both  juveniles  and  adults  can  be 
effectively  managed  anywhere  in  this  lagoon.  In  the  winter,  the 
lagoon  seas  can  sometimes  be  too  rough  for  hatchling  cages  and 
cause  mortality  in  juvenile  crabs.  However,  the  protection 
provided  in  the  lee  of  the  eastern  cays  provides  excellent 
hatchling  andn  winter  growout  localities. 

2)  Grand  Bay,  Carriacou.  This  was  the  most  turbulent  of  all 
our  work  sites.  The  constant  flow  and  wave  chop  across  the  reef 
crest  provided  excellent  algal  growth.  Sea  conditions,  however, 
were  too  rough  for  hatchling  cages  and  thus  these  were  anchored 
in  the  middle  of  the  lagoon  at  a  depth  of  three  meters  from  the 
surface.  .  This  caused  an  increase  in  labor  intensity  of  the  hatch 
phase,  but  was  quite  successful.  In  addition,  it  was  frequently 
difficult  to  work  the  larger  crab  cages  because  of  the  strength 
of  the  sea  and  current,  although  the  sea  itself  did  not  appear  to 
affect  the  juvenile  or  adult  crabs.  We  feel  that  a  specialized 
boat,  perhaps  a  small  catamaran,  could  overcome  the  sea 
conditions.  We  understand  that  a  continuing  crab  mariculture  in 
the  somewhat  more  protected  bay  just  to  the  North  (Watering  Bay) 
has  retained  most  of  the  algal  growth  and  yet  achieved  an  easier 
work  situation. 


3)  Buen  Hombre ,  North  Coast,  Dominican  Republic.  This  very 
large  lagoon  is  one  that  could  support  many  crab  mariculture 
operations.  It  is  oriented  East/West  and  as  a  result,  it  tends 
to  be  rather  quiet.  The  sea  conditions  are  conducive  to  raising 
crabs.  Winter  northers,  however,  provide  rough  conditions  on 
occasion,  and  on  many  summer  afternoons  the  trade  wind  combines 
with  onshore  winds  to  provide  quite  rough  seas  in  the  lagoon. 
However,  an  adjustment  in  the  work  day  ( i . e . ,  early  morning)  will 
offset  these  conditions.  Probably,  the  most  difficult  practical 
situation  is  that  in  which  the  working  conditions  are  generally 
so  good  that  it  is  easy  to  be  careless  and  lose  cages  and  screens 
on  the  occasionally  very  rough  days.  While  this  site  is 
certainly  a  good  site,  in  the  quiet  lagoon  waters'  suspended 
sediment  reduces  algal  growth  to  moderate  levels.  The  western 
portion  of  this  35  mile  long  reef  lagoon  might  very  well  be 
closer  to  an  ideal  site. 

4)  Nonsuch  Bay,  Antigua.  This  bay  is  "closed"  against  the 
island  itself.  The  outflow  channels  are  northeast  and  southeast 
and  they  flow  back  into  the  trade  wind  seas,  thus  restricting  the 
outflow  of  water  from  the  bay.  The  sediment  load  is  therefore 
quite  high.  Although  this  site  was  relatively  quiet  and  easy  to 
work  in  and  there  were  no  direct  energy  related  problems 
associated  with  hatchling  juvenile  or  adult  cages,  the  algal 
production  was  not  good.  Furthermore,  although  initial  apparent 
algal  weights  were  high,  due  to  included  sediment,  the  screens 


did  not  remain  even  moderately  productive  for  long  periods  of 
time.  Encrusting  animals  and  undesirable  algae  provided  frequent 
problems.  Nonsuch  Bay  was  an  undesirable  site.  However,  the 
numerous  other  bays  on  the  northeast  side  of  Antigua  would 
probably  provide  many  suitable  sites. 



Caribbean  King  Crab  culture,  as  developed  in  this  project, 
requires  the  practice  of  some  critical  elements  of  animal 
husbandry,  as  well  as  the  cultivation  of  algal  turf  fodder.  We 
have  attempted  to  develop  the  operation  of  a  low  technology 
mariculture  system  based  on  units.  The  size  of  the  operation 
determines  the  number  of  units  required.  The  operation,  which 
will  be  briefly  described,  is  based  on  a  single  person  unit  of 
labor.  As  in  most  husbandry,  continuous  attention  to  the 
operation  is  required  and  in  general  two  individuals  (or  two 
units)  would  be  the  normal  minimum  level  of  production. 

A  unit  operation  consists  of  three  phases,  including  six 
hatchery  cages,  six  intermediate  cages  and  24  growout  cages.  This 
process  allows  for  20-30%  downtime  for  each  cage  for  potential 
repairs.  Six  hatchery  cages  provide  space  for  stocking  a  crab 
brood  every  32  days.  At  five  days  post-hatch,  the  crab  density 
is  thinned  by  transferring  half  of  the  post-larval  crabs  to  a 


second  hatch  cage.  At  60-80  days  post-hatch,  juvenile  crabs  are 
transferred  to  the  intermediate  cage.  The  amount  of  crabs 
produced  in  the  intermediate  cages  will  sufficiently  stock  two 
growout  cages  with  100  crabs  (20  mm  CL,  at  100-120  days  age)  each 
month.  To  achieve  a  harvest  of  100  crabs  per  month  in  a  unit 
operation,  it  is  necessary  to  achieve  a  survivorship  to  adult  of 
50%  during  adult  growout.  To  achieve  one  hatch  each  month,  a 
brood  stock  of  about  nine  females  and  three  males  are  required. 

Cages  stocked  with  crabs  are  constructed  to  accept  plastic 
screens  of  uniform  size.  Algal  laden  screens  are  exchanged  with 
those  in  the  cage  after  the  crabs  have  fully  grazed  the  algae 
from  them.  These  fully  grazed  screens  are  then  removed  from  the 
cage,  scraped  to  remove  undesirable  algae  and  then  rehung  on  the 
float  lines  at  the  algal  turf  growing  site.  Approximately  10-12 
days  later,  newly  developed  turf  growth  reaches  a  level  at  which 
the  screens  may  be  exchanged  back  to  a  cage.  Each  crab  cage  has 
three  to  five  sets  of  plastic  screens  that  are  rotated.  One  set 
of  screens  is  in  the  cage  and  the  other  sets  are  in  various 
stages  of  growth.  Therefore,  with  a  regular  schedule  of  screen 
changes,  the  crabs  in  the  cage  are  assured  of  a  continual  supply 
of  algae.  The  culture  of  algae  is  as  important  as  that  of  the 
crabs.  To  be  certain  of  sufficient  feeding  it  is  desirable  that 
some  algae  remain  in  each  screen  when  it  is  removed.  If  the 
crabs  are  "overgrazing"  relative  to  the  fed  algal  turf  then 
either  a  larger  number  of  screens,  a  shorter  time  in  the  cage  or 


a  longer  growing  period  is  necessary.  In  general,  it  is 
necessary  to  manage  the  algal  turf  carefully  for  optimum 
results.  A  rigid  schedule  for  screen  rotation  rather  than  random 
selection  or  visual  choice  will  usually  provide  maximum 
production  in  the  long  run. 

Breeding  Stock 

Female  crabs  can  be  collected  using  SCUBA  or  fish  traps. 
Coral  reef  spur  and  groove,  large  coral  heads  or  patch  reefs 
where  water  depths  are  20-100*  are  likely  areas.  Controlling 
reproduction  is  not  necessary,  as  spinosissimus  spawn 
throughout  the  year.  Females  bear  eggs  roughly  every  two  months 
and  are  egg-bearing  for  about  30  days.  A  typical  female  bears 
four  to  five  sets  of  eggs  during  her  lifetime,  although  several 
more  are  possible.  We  have  found  the  average  breed  stock  female 
to  bear  2-3  sets  of  eggs  while  in  captivity.  Colored  plastic 
tags  facilitate  the  establishment  of  an  individual  code  for  each 
crab.  Tags  can  be  attached  to  the  legs. 

To  sustain  the  requirements  of  a  small  operation  with  24 
large  growout  cages  and  a  hatch  each  month,  approximately  nine 
mature  female  crabs  are  needed.  These  female  crabs  should  be 
maintained  in  several  large  cages  rather  than  a  single  one 
because  sufficient  feeding  to  all  members  of  the  brood  stock  can 
be  more  easily  monitored,  making  weather  and  loss  of  a  single 
cage  less  crucial.  Females  crabs  should  be  checked/ inspected  on 


a  regular  basis,  at  least  every  five  days. 

Breed  stock  cages  are  the  standard  adult  growout  cages.  A 
smaller  cage  with  dimensions  of  90  X  78  X  35  cm  (Figure  6)  can  be 
used  for  a  "female  in  waiting."  This  smaller  cage  is  useful  as 
it  provides  for  easier  observation  of  ovigerous  crabs.  It  is 
constructed  of  a  2"  X  2"  wood  frame  covered  with  2  mm  screen  and 
fiberglass  resined  for  strength  on  the  wooden  framing.  Eyebolts 
from  both  ends  allow  several  cages  to  be  strung  together  from  one 
anchor.  The  tops  should  be  hinged  in  the  center  with  a  simple 
latch  mechanism  installed.  A  crab  operation  that  requires  one 
egg  hatch  per  month  should  have  several  broodstock  cages 
containing  two  to  six  crabs  each. 

Special  dietary  care  of  Broodstock 

Special  care  is  required  for  successful  broodstock 
production.  The  female  crabs  should  be  fed  ample  quantities  of 
fully  mature  cultured  algal  turfs,  as  well  as  periodic 
supplements  of  smaller  macroalgae  that  are  collected  from  reefs, 
pavements  or  rock  ridges.  An  algal  monoculture  diet  for  the  crab 
(i.e.,  a  single  species  of  algae  grown  in  culture),  while 
possible,  is  extremely  risky  in  terms  of  potential  disease  or 
predation  and  also  is  likely  to  preclude  the  full  reproductive 
capacity  of  the  species.  Algal  turfs,  by  the  nature  of  their 
community  composition  (i.e.,  algal  species  from  nearly  every 
major  algal  group,  forming  a  community  of  30-60  algal  species) 


combine  to  form  a  highly  nutritious  and  complete  feed. 

Breed  stock  care 

Maintained  in  these  cages  with  ample  fresh  food  supplies,  an 
average  female  crab  will  produce  two  to  three  consecutive  broods 
in  a  200-300  day  period.  Forty-seven  percent  of  a  captive  crab 
population  (n  =  26)  produced  three  or  more  broods  while  in 
captivity  (Craig  et  al . .  this  volume).  Each  brood  reguires  three 
to  five  weeks  to  undergo  embryonic  development.  Approximately 
60,000  eggs  are  released  by  a  female  (this  varies  with  both  the 
female  body  size  and  age) .  Approximately  70  gms  (wet  weight)  of 
algae  per  crab  per  day  should  be  delivered  to  each  cage.  Old  or 
uneaten  algae  should  be  discarded  at  the  time  that  the  new  algae 
are  put  in.  Thus,  with  nine  female  crabs,  each  producing  two  to 
three  broods  over  a  year,  one  can  be  assured  a  hatch  every  month. 

It  is  critical  in  this  mariculture  process  to  accurately 
time  an  impending  hatch.  Egg  brood  coloration  is  the  simplest 
indicator  of  time  to  hatch  (Table  2) .  Microscopic  examination  of 
individual  eggs  is  a  more  accurate  indicator.  An  egg  brood 
nearing  release  (one  to  three  days  pre-hatch)  will  appear  clear- 
amber  in  color.  The  individual  prezoea  will  appear  active  inside 
the  egg  and  the  regular  pulsing  of  the  animal  circulatory  system 
will  be  readily  apparent.  The  eyespots  will  appear  predominant 
while  the  presence  of  the  brightly-colored  yolk  will  be  barely 
discernible  (Craig  et  al. ,  this  volume). 



Ovigerous  female  crabs  are  placed  in  the  fine  meshed  hatch 
cages  (Figure  7) ,  preferably  within  24  hours  before  hatch.  This 
hatch  box,  with  several  bare  screens,  is  placed  in  the  water 
several  days  before  the  female  is  introduced  to  allow  a  fine 
algal  (diatom)  growth  to  begin  development.  Following  hatch,  the 
female  crab  is  removed  from  the  cage.  The  larvae  are  then  left 
undisturbed  for  a  period  of  5-20  days  post-hatch.  It  is  then 
generally  desirable  to  transfer  a  portion  of  the  crabs  from  the 
hatch  cage  to  another  to  reduce  density.  This  can  be  done 
without  handling  the  very  small  crabs  by  simply  transferring  the 
bare  screens  previously  placed  in  the  cage.  After  another  5-20 
days,  plastic  screens  containing  algal  turfs  are  periodically 
exchanged  to  replenish  the  supply  of  algae  to  the  young  crabs. 

It  is  crucial  when  the  Mithrax  crabs  are  very  small  to  avoid 
bringing  in  potential  predators,  especially  small  carnivorous 
crabs,  on  the  algal  feed  screens. 

Rearing  to  60  days  and  10,  mm  CL  (Figure  7 .  0 . 5  mm  screen) 

The  rearing  cages  for  crabs  to  60  days  post-hatch  are  small, 
easily  handled  and  labor  intensive.  The  following  operational 
procedures  should  be  observed  for  managing  the  rearing  system 
from  several  days  post  hatch  to  60  days. 


1)  The  post  larval  crabs  should  be  thinned  to  separate  cages 
to  a  density  of  no  more  than  500  crabs/m2  of  surface 
area  at  10-20  days  post-hatch. 

2)  Algal  screens  should  be  exchanged  every  four  to  six  days . 
The  grazed  screens  should  be  returned  to  the  algal  screen 
float  line  for  a  re-growth  period  of  12-15  days.  These 
screens  should  be  single-layered  young  screens,  rich  in 
diatom  growth,  that  have  been  in  the  water  no  longer  than 
two  months . 

3)  Crabs  reaching  10  mm  CL  should  be  transferred  to  the 
intermediate  cage. 

Rearing  60-120  days  ( to  approximately  25  mm  CL)  (Figure  7 ,  1 . 5-2 
mm  screen) 

1)  Algal  feeding  rate  remains  the  same. 

2)  Crab  density  should  be  on  the  order  of  50-100/m2. 

3)  Upon  reaching  a  size  of  20  mm  CL  crabs  are  transferred  to 
the  adult  growout  cages.  This  can  be  done  by  gently 
"flicking"  the  crabs  off  the  algal  feeding  screens,  where 
they  tend  to  congregate,  or  by  individually  picking  them 
out  of  the  intermediate  box  where  necessary. 

Rearing  of  Juvenile  Crabs  to  Harvest  Figure  8 ,  1/4-1/2"  mesh 

1)  The  growout  cages  are  considerably  longer  (1.0  X  1.0  X 
2.6  m)  than  the  hatch  and  intermediate  cages.  Crab 
density  therefore  is  much  less  (100  when  young  and  40-50 


when  grown  out) . 

2)  Algal  feeding  rate  is  greatly  increased,  with  rates  of 
five  to  eight  double-layered  algal  screens,  every  3-4 
days  for  30-40  crabs  -  rate  of  feeding  adjusted  by  noting 
remaining  algae  on  screens  returning  to  the  line. 

Some  turf  should  remain  to  avoid  overgrazing. 

3)  Growout  period  for  250-400  days,  at  which  point 
harvestable  crabs  should  attain  a  size  of  over  120  mm  CL. 

The  effects  of  the  marine  environment  on  cage,  screen  line 
and  anchor  systems,  designs  and  materials  has  been  examined  at 
six  coastal  field  sites  across  the  northern  and  eastern 
Caribbean.  Due  to  the  variability  of  marine  conditions  at  each 
field  site,  a  unique  set  of  designs  and  material  specifications 
for  mariculture  equipment  suited  to  each  site  has  evolved. 
However,  there  are  many  characteristics  that  are  common  to  all 
sites  and  considerable  effort  has  been  made  to  standardize 
equipment  and  techniques. 

Three  types  of  primary  crab  cages  are  used:  hatch, 
intermediate  and  growout.  Small  "female  in  waiting"  cages  can 
facilitate  the  hatching  process.  The  hatch  and  intermediate 
cages,  with  the  exception  of  mesh  size,  are  identical.  They  are 
constructed  to  accept  the  smaller  screens,  and  their  smaller 


dimensions  allow  for  rapid  inspection,  removal  of  material  from 
the  cage  and  ease  of  handling.  The  growout  cages  are  larger, 
more  crudely  constructed  and  used  to  grow  crabs  from  20-25  mm  CL 
to  market  size.  The  three  cages  are  designed  to  be  easily 
constructed  and  provide  a  manageable  means  of  feeding  algal  turfs 
to  crabs. 

The  most  important  factor  in  the  survival  of  very  young 
Mithrax  spinas issimus  in  an  "in  situ"  mariculture  (to  100  days) 
is  the  avoidance  of  predators.  This  is  especially  critical  in 
the  early  stages  of  growth,  when  the  crabs  are  essentially 
defenseless.  The  presence  of  competing  invertebrate  herbivores 
is  also  undesireable .  Careful  cage  assembly  techniques  play  the 
greatest  role  in  prevention  of  the  entrance  of  other  organisms 
into  the  cages. 

The  cages  are  relatively  simple  in  design.  They  consist  of 
a  frame  constructed  with  wooden  2  x  4 "s  and  2  x  2 "s  nailed 
together  with  4"  galvanized  nails  and  covered  with  plastic  mesh 
screen.  The  lids  are  removable  or  hinged  and  the  entire  cage  is 
anchored.  Slots  inside  the  cage  hold  the  algal  turf  screens  in 
place.  Spaces  between  the  slots  allow  for  movement  of  crabs 
between  the  screens. 

Tools  necessary  to  build  the  cages  are  common  carpenters 
tools  including  hammers,  saws,  pliers,  screwdrivers  and  nails. 

The  cage  should  be  assembled  so  that  all  joints  are  smooth  and 
without  gaps.  Once  assembled,  all  finished  edges  of  the  cage 


should  be  sanded  smooth  to  insure  a  tight  fit  between  the  lid  and 
the  attached  screen.  The  wood  frame  should  be  carefully  painted 
with  fiberglass  resin  to  avoid  numerous  sharp  points  of  hard 
resin.  Any  gaps  in  the  wood  joints  will  provide  hiding  spots  for 
unwanted  organisms  and  so  these  gaps  should  be  filled. 

It  is  particularly  important  that  the  cage  lids  are  well 
fitted  to  prevent  the  entry  of  unwanted  animals  into  the  cage,  or 
the  cultured  crabs  out  of  the  cage.  Gaskets  must  also  be  fitted 
on  the  removable  lids  of  the  hatch  and  intermediate  cages.  To 
rigidly  hold  the  lids  to  the  frame  on  the  hatch  and  intermediate 
cages,  bolts  and  nuts  are  necessary.  On  the  larger  growout 
cages,  latches  should  be  used. 

Hatch  cage 

The  hatch  cage  is  relatively  small  to  allow  for  easy 
handling,  particularly  with  regard  to  the  ability  to  haul  it  into 
a  small  boat.  However,  it  should  be  as  large  as  possible  for 
maximum  crab  and  screen  space.  We  have  generally  used  cages  of 
90  X  40  X  110  cm  (Figure  7) .  It  is  assembled  from  wood  2  x  2"s 
nailed  together.  Assembly  of  this  case  requires  special  care  to 
insure  that  all  joints  are  exact  and  tightly  fitted  so  that  there 
are  no  open  spaces  between  them.  Slots  or  grooves  are  cut  into 
the  inside  of  the  cage  frame  members  to  hold  four  to  eight,  algal 
turf  screens.  The  wooden  framework  is  then  coated  with 
fiberglass  resin  before  the  cage  is  enclosed. 


The  water-tight  frame  is  covered  with  a  fine  plastic  screen 
of  0.5  mm  mesh.  This  prevents  newly  hatched  zoea  from  escaping 
and  other  organisms  from  entering.  If  the  pore  size  is  any 
smaller ,  the  flow  is  restricted  unnecessarily.  During  cage 
assembly,  the  enclosing  screen  mesh  should  be  stretched  tight 
onto  the  wooden  frame  work,  stapled  and  then  resined  directly  to 
the  wood  surface  to  form  a  complete  seal  of  the  screen  to  the 
cage.  After  the  screen  has  been  resined  to  the  frame,  all  the 
gaps  between  the  frame  and  the  screen  inside  the  cage  should  be 
filled.  When  completed  there  should  be  no  cavities  in  which 
predator  or  competing  organisms  can  hide. 

The  lid  is  a  separate  piece  that  is  fitted  and  attached  to 
the  cage  frame  by  long  threaded  bolts  and  nuts.  A  gasket  of 
silicone  plastic  sealant  is  formed  by  compressing  the  uncured 
silicone  with  the  lid  to  form  a  complete  seal  of  the  cage  when 
the  nuts  are  tightened  on  the  lid.  Silicone  is  used  because  it 
retains  its  shape,  does  not  shrink  from  the  pressure  of  the 
bolted  lid  and  lasts  for  a  long  time  under  marine  conditions. 

To  form  the  gasket,  the  cage  lid  is  prevented  from  sticking  to  the 
silicone  by  stretching  SaranR  wrap  or  similiar  plastic  over  it 
on  the  first  clamping. 

If  meticulous  care  is  taken  and  the  cage  is  well 
constructed,  the  screens  will  fit  tightly  and  easily.  There  will 
be  no  places  for  intruders  to  enter  or  hide  and  it  will  provide 


years  of  service.  Maximizing  the  number  of  slots  per  cage  is  • 
important  so  that  more  screens  can  be  added  before  handling  the 
screens  or  crabs  that  are  already  in  the  cage.  We  have  used  24“ 

X  36"  screens  for  this  cage  and  typically  have  allowed  two  to 
four  slots.  After  the  basic  cage  is  finished,  four  eyebolts  are 
put  in  the  bottom  and  ropes  with  clips  are  tied  to  make  two 
attachment  lines.  This  design  tends  to  reduce  pitch  and  roll 
when  waves  or  currents  affect  the  cages.  This  technique  also 
makes  the  cage  pivot  at  the  point  of  attachment  to  the  anchoring 
system  in  a  seaway,  rather  than  at  the  attachment  on  the  cage. 
Wooden  blocks  nailed  to  the  cage  ends  serve  as  handles. 

Hatch  Procedures 

The  ovigerous  female  should  be  placed  in  the  hatch  cage  one 
to  two  days  before  release.  She  should  be  adequately  fed  up  to 
the  time  of  her  removal  from  the  breed  stock  cage.  Once  in  the 
hatch  cage,  no  algal  turf  food  for  the  female  crab  should  be 
introduced,  since  it  may  also  introduce  predators.  In  any  case, 
the  female  does  not  eat  on  the  night  of  the  egg  release. 

Almost  always,  at  dusk  or  into  the  evening,  the  brooding 
female  will  actively  release  the  eggs  by  flexing  her 
abdomen/pleopods .  The  entire  procedure  takes  about  three  to  four 
hours.  The  spent  female  crab  should  be  removed  from  the  hatch 
cage  as  soon  as  possible  after  hatching.  The  quality  of  the  egg 
release  can  be  determined  by  taking  a  one  liter  water  sample  and 


determining  the  percentage  of  viable  zoea  under  the  microscope. 
The  larval  swimming  stages  last  two  to  four  days. 

Viable  larval  crab  densities  in  these  hatch  cages  should  be 
on  the  order  of  2000  crabs  per  cage  to  start.  In  the  instance  of 
a  typical  size  hatch,  2000  1st  crabs,  of  about  1.5  mm  carapace 
length,  will  remain  in  the  hatch  cage  at  five  days  post-hatch. 
From  that  point  until  60  days  post-hatch,  mortality  using  these 
methods  will  reduce  the  crab  population  to  400-600  crabs.  Since 
a  nine  crab  breed  stock  will  provide  a  hatch  a  month,  this  is  far 
more  crabs  than  one  fisherman  could  handle,  if  they  were  all  to 
be  raised  to  adults. 

At  the  time  that  the  berried  female  crab  (prior  to  hatching) 
is  placed  in  the  cage,  it  is  important  that  the  heavy  growth  of 
algae  or  sediment  and  detritus  on  and  in  the  hatch  cage  screen 
surface  be  removed.  The  larval  stages  need  a  high  exchange  rate 
of  sea  water  through  the  cage  for  both  adequate  supplies  of 
phytoplankton  and  to  carry  nitrogenous  wastes  out  of  the  cage. 

It  has  been  found  that  the  best  way  to  do  this  is  to  remove  the 
hatch  cage  from  the  water  before  the  gravid  female  is  placed  in 
it.  The  hatch  cage  should  be  brushed,  rinsed  and  dried  to  remove 
all  fouling  algae  from  the  screen  surface  both  inside  and  out. 

The  cage  should  be  placed  back  in  the  water  about  five  days  prior 
to  the  gravid  female's  placement  in  it.  This  will  allow  a  light 
growth  of  diatom  rich  turf  to  develop,  providing  food  for  the 
megalops  and  early  crabs  without  blocking  water  flow. 


Upon  reaching  the  first  crab  stage,  Mithrax  spinosissimus 
become  entirely  benthic  and  settle  out  on  the  screen  surface. 

They  will  consume  the  diatom  turf  which  has  colonized  the  cage 
screen  surface  during  the  8-10  days  before  they  reach  that  state. 
By  about  the  10th  to  20th  day,  new  cultivated  algal  turf  screens 
should  be  emplaced  in  the  cage,  as  the  original  growth  on  the 
cage  itself  will  be  exhausted. 

The  cage,  constructed  with  four  to  eight  slots  should 
receive  two  single-layered  screens  at  first,  two  more,  four  days 
later  and  then  two  additional  screens  on  the  next  changing  day 
(remove  the  first  two  grazed  screens  at  this  time) .  From  that 
point  on,  from  two  to  four  screens  should  be  placed  in  the  cage 
at  each  screen  changing  date.  These  should  all  be  singled- 
layered  screens.  The  grazed  screens  should  be  returned  to  an 
algal  screen  line  for  new  growth.  Depending  upon  hatch  density 
and  the  rate  of  algal  turf  growth  in  a  particular  locality,  hatch 
cage  screens  should  be  changed  every  four  to  five  days.  Hatch 
cage  screens  should  be  young  screens,  rich  in  diatom  growth  that 
have  had  no  more  than  eight  to  ten  weeks  in  the  water.  After 
that  amount  of  time,  they  should  be  dried  and  brushed  clean. 

When  algal  turf  screens  are  exchanged,  the  screens  that  have 
been  in  the  cage  may  have  many  small  crabs  still  attached  to  the 
screen,  particularly  at  the  earliest  changes.  Unfortunately, 
hand  removal  or  brushing  increases  mortality  and  is  time 


comsmning .  Therefore,  the  screens  should  be  left  in  the  cage  and 
new  screens  put  in  the  unused  screen  slots.  If  a  dense  hatch  has 
been  achieved,  some  of  these  screens  and  their  crabs  can  be 
safely  and  quickly  transferred  to  a  second  cage,  that  has  been 
tied  up  alongside  the  boat.  This  procedure  will  also  thin  the 
density  of  crabs.  Each  cage  should  then  be  provided  with  a  new 
set  of  algal  laden  screens.  If  a  hatch  has  not  been  dense  enough 
to  justify  a  split,  the  older  screens  can  be  left  in  until  the 
next  change,  at  which  time  most  of  the  young  crabs  will  have 
moved  to  the  new  screens. 

The  algal  turf  screens  are  rich  in  a  resident  invertebrate 
microfauna  which  can  amount  to  5-10%  of  the  total  screen  biomass. 
Most  of  these  are  very  small  and  may  well  provide  some  food  to 
the  crabs  along  with  the  algal  turf.  However,  the  larger  of 
these  animals  must  be  removed  from  the  screen  before  it  is  placed 
in  a  cage.  It  is  imperative  that  exposure  of  the  young  M. 
spinosissimus  crabs  to  other  invertebrate  species  be  minimized. 
These  unwanted  invertebrates  may  prey  on  or  compete  for  food  with 
the  young  Mithrax  spinosissimus  crabs.  Eliminating  other  larger 
invertebrates  can  be  accomplished  by  careful  inspection,  shaking 
of  the  screens  and  if  necessary  by  crushing  the  animals  by 
rolling  a  "rolling  pin"  across  the  screen  surface  several  times. 

After  a  hatch  cage  is  used  and  the  animals  transferred  to 
the  intermediate  cage,  it  must  be  cleaned  and  reconditioned  for 
use.  It  should  be  brushed  with  a  coarse  brush  inside  and  outside 


at  the  same  time,  either  when  quite  wet  or  when  completely  dry. 
The  cage  should  then  be  allowed  to  dry  at  least  four  days, 
turning  it  over  to  be  sure  of  thorough  drying.  If  water  has 
seeped  underneath  the  coating  of  resin  or  has  saturated  the 
corners,  the  resin  should  be  peeled  off,  the  wood  allowed  to  dry 
and  the  resin  replaced.  The  lid  seal  should  also  be  checked  and 
redone,  especially  if  drying  has  warped  the  top. 

Intermediate  cage 

The  intermediate  cage  design  for  the  second  phase  is 
identical  for  that  of  the  first.  Only  the  cage  screen  mesh  size 
is  different.  The  mesh  size  is  ideally  1. 5-2.0  mm.  This 
promotes  a  rapid  exchange  of  "green"  water  through  the  cage  to 
clean  the  growing  detritus  load,  while  retaining  crabs  in  the 
cage.  The  screen  must  be  attached  in  the  same  fashion,  that  is, 
resined  to  the  framework.  Although  perhaps  not  quite  so 
critical,  the  same  care  must  also  be  given  to  the  predator 
control  methods.  The  same  gasket  type  and  lid  securement  is 
recommended . 

Growout  cage 

Growout  cages  need  to  be  considerably  larger  than  the  hatch 
or  intermediate  cages;  generally,  we  have  constructed  our  units 
with  dimensions  of  2.4  X  1.0  X  1.0  m.  These  are  also  constructed 
of  2"  X  4 " s  ,  using  the  same  polyester  resin  coating.  While  some 


care  should  be  taken  in  cage  construction,  so  that  it  is  able  to 
withstand  a  sea  conditions  for  several  years,  joint  and  screen 
tightness  is  not  so  crucial  (Figure  8) .  These  cages  hold  20 
screens  which  are  oriented  vertically  and  are  "guided"  by  slots 
cut  into  the  cage  structure.  Approximately  5"  of  space  between 
each  screen  allows  the  growing  juvenile  crabs  ample  feeding 
space.  There  is  a  space  (minimum  of  six  inches)  under  the 
screens  to  allow  the  crabs  an  area  to  move  from  screen  to  screen. 
No  space  is  allowed  on  top  of  the  screens,  since  the  lid  is 
designed  to  hold  the  screens  tight  and  to  keep  them  from  moving. 
In  the  bottom  of  the  cage,  "molt"  compartments  of  1/4"  plastic 
mesh,  of  35-90  mm  size,  are  constructed  for  the  crabs. 

In  the  growout  cage  a  double  plywood  top  is  used.  This 
provides  some  darkness  and  protection  from  wave  chop.  It  is 
hinged  at  the  center  and  opens  to  one  side  at  a  time  for  screen 
exchange.  There  is  also  a  small  door  cut  in  one  side  of  the  top 
for  easy  placement  of  macro  algae  supplemental  feed.  Heavy  rope 
( >3/8 "polypropylene)  is  used  for  this  and  rubber  strips  from  used 
tires  serve  as  hinges. 

Because  the  cages  remain  in  the  water  for  long  periods,  they 
are  given  three  coats  of  fiberglass  resin.  The  cage  corners 
should  be  reinforced  with  fiberglass  cloth  as  well.  To  be  able 
to  stock  a  20-25  mm  CL  crab,  a  mesh  size  of  1/4-1/2"  or  less  is 
required.  One-quarter  inch  mesh  is  ideal.  The  plastic  screening 
should  be  attached  to  the  cage  with  fence  nails,  then  resined  and 


covered  with  wood  or  plastic  strips  for  added  protection. 

Cage  Placement 

Water  flow  and  quality  is  the  most  important  condition  to 
consider.  Sediments  falling  from  screens,  as  well  as  feces,  dead 
crabs,  and  detritus  from  inefficient  feeding  of  Mithrax  crabs, 
and  other  inhabitants,  potentially  contribute  to  poor  water 
quality.  On  the  other  hand,  particularly  for  hatching  crabs,  too 
much  flow  presses  zoea  to  the  screen  inside  the  cage  and 
increases  cage  maintenance  requirements  due  to  racking  of  the 
cage  structure  and  chafing  of  the  lines. 

In  most  localities  with  good  flow  and  wave  chop  for  adult 
cages  and  algal  screens,  nearby  areas  in  the  lee  of  a  reef 
structure  or  cay  can  be  found  to  provide  the  slight  additional 
protection  needed  for  hatch  cages.  Where  this  has  not  been 
possible,  such  as  at  the  Carriacou  research  site,  we  have 
achieved  the  needed  hatch  cage  conditions  by  submerging  them. 
However,  this  requires  either  a  diver  to  enter  the  water  and 
release  them  from  their  anchorage  or  a  system  to  lower  and  raise 
the  box. 

Anchoring  systems 

The  smaller  cages  may  be  anchored  either  to  a  chain 
suspended  between  two  anchors,  or  anchored  individually.  The 
growout  cages  should  be  anchored  individually,  and  situated  so 


that  the  current  runs  parallel  to  the  screens  in  the  cage.  The 
four  lines  attached  to  the  cage  bolts  should  tie  off  to  a  single 
heavy  line  3/8"  or  greater,  which  in  turn  ties  off  to  a  chain 
from  the  anchor.  The  chain  is  shackled  to  the  anchor.  All  rope 
connections  are  made  with  hose  to  reduce  line  chafe.  The  line 
and  chain  length  to  depth  ratio  should  be  seven  to  one,  or  more 
under  particularly  turbulent  situations. 

The  water  depth  in  which  the  cage  is  placed  is  critical.  A 
depth  that  is  too  shallow  increases  the  effect  of  waves  and 
swell,  which  causes  the  cage  to  hit  bottom,  thus  exposing  the 
crabs  to  excessive  sand  and  debris.  If  current  and  wave  motion 
are  particularly  strong,  cages  should  be  attached  with  shackles 
or  3/8"  rope  using  heavy  rubber  tubing  to  prevent  chafing  from 
the  metal  eyebolts  on  the  cage.  Alternately,  chain  can  be  used 
throughout,  although  this  greatly  increases  cost.  At  the 
Carriacou  research  site,  where  the  current  was  very  strong,  1/4" 
chain  was  used  with  six  inch  longline  clips  and  1/4"  shackles  and 
a  chain  stretched  between  two  30  lb.  Danforth  anchors  served  as 
the  bottom  attachment.  Weights  were  necessary  along  the  chain 
between  cages  since  the  buoyancy  of  the  cages  and  the  strength  of 
the  current  pulled  excessively  on  the  bottom  chain.  In 
situations  of  strong  daily  reversing  tide  currents,  it  is 
necessary  to  run  the  line  on  the  bottom  parallel  to  the  current 
so  that  opposite  anchors  will  hold  alternately  as  the  tide 
switches . 



Algal  Turf  Cultivation 

Algal  turf  growth  on  plastic  screens  develops  in  three 
distinct  phases.  The  artifical  substratum  on  which  the  algae 
grows  should  be  scraped  10  days  after  being  put  in  the  water,  and 
every  10-12  days  thereafter.  It  takes  about  four  to  eight  weeks 
for  a  screen  to  develop  a  mature  algal  turf  community.  Diatoms 
and  their  mucilage  sheaths  appear  in  the  first  week.  Shortly 
before  the  second  scraping  (at  about  20  days) ,  blue-green  algae 
dominates  and  appears  as  soft,  sometimes  mucilagenous  brownish 
tufted  filaments  up  to  two  centimeters  long.  After  about  three 
weeks  of  cultivation,  the  other  algal  types,  primarily  red  algae, 
begin  to  colonize  the  screen.  If  the  plastic  screen  surface  is 
not  scraped  during  this  initial  period  of  turf  cultivation,  the 
turf  will  not  develop  as  rapidly  or  fully.  Also,  the  community 
may  have  a  disproportionate  macroalgal  component  and  gradually 
develop  sponge  and  calcareous  animals  that  are  not  palatable  to 
the  crabs.  Only  through  a  continual  scraping/grazing  schedule 
will  a  high  diversity  of  rapidly  growing  turf  algal  growth  be 
established  and  maintained. 

Screen  designs  and  screen  fabrication  may  be  tailored  to  a 
particular  site  or  to  accomodate  available  materials.  Whichever 
type  and  size  is  chosen,  it  is  important  that  all  the  screens, 


for  the  intermediate  and  adult  cages,  are  exactly  the  same 
dimensions.  The  algal  turf  screen  mesh  size  should  be  no  larger 
than  three  millimeters  and  no  smaller  than  one  millimeter.  We 
have  found  a  2  X  3  mm  black  polypropylene  plastic  screening 
material  to  be  adequate.  This  screen  is  able  to  withstand 
continued  scraping  from  both  the  initial  algal  turf  cultivation 
techniques  and  the  crabs.  It  has  been  demonstrated  that  a 
transparent  or  translucent  screen  material  significantly 
increases  production.  However,  a  testing  program  to  identify  a 
transparent  screen  that  also  has  the  right  mesh  and  toughness  has 
not  been  carried  out. 

For  hatch  cages,  single-layered  screens  should  be  used  to 
reduce  hiding  spaces  for  predators.  For  intermediate  and  adult 
cages,  algal  growth  is  considerably  increased  by  constructing  the 
algal  turf  screen  of  two  layers  of  screen  material  which  provides 
a  greater  surface  area  for  the  algal  holdfasts.  In  addition, 
optimum  algal  production  is  achieved  when  the  plastic  screen  is 
rigidly  suspended  in  the  water  column.  A  vertical,  two  point 
mounting  system  (Figure  10)  optimizes  algal  production  and  is 
easy  to  handle.  The  screen  frame,  constructed  of  3/4"  PVC  pipe 
is  non-corrosive,  as  well  as  non-toxic.  Filling  the  lower  PVC 
pipe  with  sand  provides  greater  rigidity  against  wave  surge  and 
currents.  When  determining  a  size  for  the  screen  frame,  the  wet 
weight  of  the  algae  growing  on  the  screen  should  be  considered. 

A  screen  measuring  two  feet  by  three  feet  can  weigh  up  to  25 


pounds  with  substantial  algal  growth;  therefore  the  total  surface 
area  of  the  plastic  screen  should  be  kept  below  one  meter.  We 
have  used  "schedule  40"  3/4"  PVC  with  standard  sleeve-type 
elbows,  carefully  glued  with  PVC  cement.  The  plastic  screen  is 
wrapped  around  the  ends  of  the  PVC  screen  frame  and  tied  to  it 
with  60  lb  test  monofilament  fishing  line  or  attached  by  plastic 
cable  ties.  The  other  two  edges  of  the  screen  which  lay  inside 
the  pipe  framework  are  stitched  together  to  prevent  tearing. 

This  simply  constructed  screen  and  frame  is  then  fitted  with  1/4" 
polypropolene  line  which  extends  12"  from  each  corner  of  one  end 
of  the  PVC  screen  frame.  A  piece  of  rubber  hose  is  fitted  on  the 
rope  so  as  to  prevent  the  chafing  of  the  rope  on  the  PVC  pipe 
edge.  A  simple,  strong  knot  such  as  the  "fishermen's"  knot 
should  be  used,  so  that  the  rope  loop  tightens  around  the  pipe. 
Due  to  their  air/water  tight  construction,  weight  and  buoyancy, 
the  screens  hang  vertically  from  the  water  surface  with  the  sand 
filled  pipe  weighing  the  screen  down  at  one  end. 

Twenty  to  thirty  algal  screens  typically  have  been  placed  on 
double  anchored  lines  perpendicular  to  current  and  wave  surge. 
This  "screen"  line  has  regularly  spaced  tied  loops  (Figure  11) . 
The  length  of  the  screen  determines  the  distance  between  loops. 
The  distance  between  screens  is  approximately  one  foot.  The 
screens  are  then  simply  tied  to  the  "screen  lines"  with  their  tie 
lines.  They  should  be  tied  as  close  as  possible  to  the  loops  to 


keep  them  from  bouncing  into  each  other.  A  float  at  either  end 
of  the  line  marks  and  supports  the  ends  of  the  screen  line. 

Anchor  lines  extend  from  the  floats  (Figure  11) .  The  major 
benefit  of  this  system  is  its  mobility.  If  the  area  chosen  does 
not  produce  expected  amounts  of  algae,  or  in  the  advent  of  a 
major  storm,  the  line  can  easily  be  moved  to  a  better  location. 

Larval  and  Post-Larval  Rearing  and  Growout 

The  0-60  day  or  hatching  phase  is  the  most  critical  in  the 
crab's  life.  The  crabs  go  through  metamorphosis  from  a 
planktonic  zoea  to  a  benthic  crab  stage  and  then  through  several 
molts.  Growth  and  survival  rates  are  related  to  initial  hatch 
quality,  predation,  water  quality  and  flow,  food  type  and 
availability  and  handling. 

The  viability  of  an  egg  brood  may  be  discerned  by 
examination  of  a  few  eggs  prior  to  hatching.  Viable  eggs  show 
active  larvae  with  "heart  beats"  up  to  250  bpm  and  occasional 
flexing  of  the  abdomen.  If  the  eggs  appear  cloudy  or  grey  they 
are  usually  dead  or  are  of  a  poor  quality  and  survivability  will 
be  reduced. 

As  the  eggs  develop,  they  change  colors.  As  discussed 
above,  examining  the  eggs  as  they  are  brooded  can  determine  just 
how  close  they  are  to  hatching  and  when  to  put  the  female  into 
the  hatch  cage.  It  is  important  to  minimize  the  length  of  time 
the  female  is  left  in  the  hatch  cage,  because  she  is  not  fed  at 


this  time.  Eggs  may  be  removed  from  the  brooding  crab  using 
forceps  and  placed  in  a  vial  with  seawater  for  later  examination. 

A  female  approaching  a  hatch  should  be  well  fed  prior  to 
putting  her  into  the  hatch  cage  so  that  food  does  not  need  to  be 
added  during  her  stay  there.  It  is  also  important  that  the  female 
be  examined  for  attached  predators  that  could  hide  in  the 
crevices  in  her  skeleton  or  among  the  pleopods  or  eggs.  When 
transporting  the  female  from  the  box  where  she  lived  to  the  hatch 
cage,  styrofoam  coolers  of  fresh  seawater  are  ideal. 

If  the  female  crab  must  stay  in  the  hatch  cage  for  more  than 
three  days,  feedings  of  macroalgae  should  be  made.  However,  any 
such  feedings  (usually  a  pressed  handful)  must  be  thoroughly 
checked  for  invertebrates.  Females  previously  well  fed  have 
lasted  at  least  10  days  and  have  produced  successful  hatches. 
Females  that  have  released  only  part  of  their  hatch  can  be  kept 
for  a  second  day  in  the  hatch  cage,  but  usually  those  remaining 
are  not  very  viable. 

After  the  female  has  been  put  in  the  hatching  box  with  the 
top  sealed  and  the  cage  attached,  she  will  eventually  position 
herself  in  a  way  that  enables  her  to  pump  her  abdomen  which  will 
aerate  and  eventually  liberate  the  hatched  zoea  over  a  two  to 
twelve  hour  period.  On  the  day  after  the  female  was  expected  to 
release  the  eggs  the  cage  should  be  checked  in  the  late  morning 
or  early  afternoon.  Zoea  can  be  seen  through  the  screen  that  has 


begun  to  accumulate  diatoms  and  sediment.  Occasionally,  if  the 
female  is  checked  early  enough,  empty  egg  cases  are  left  on  the 
pleopods  and  can  be  mistaken  for  unhatched  larvae.  With  a  good 
hatch,  many  zoea  can  be  easily  observed  to  be  swimming  about  the 
cage.  If  a  cage  is  raised  and  brought  to  a  boat  for  examination, 
care  should  be  taken  to  move  it  slowly  so  as  to  not  drive  the 
zoea  against  the  cage  screen.  It  should  not  be  fully  lifted  from 
the  water,  or  if  absolutely  necessary,  lifted  very  slowly  for  the 
same  reason. 

Mithrax  spinosissimus  starts  as  a  prezoea  and  goes  through 
two  zoeal  stages  and  a  megalops  stage  before  metamorphosing  into 
a  crab.  These  stages  to  first  crab  last  about  five  days.  When 
examining  the  contents  of  the  hatching  boxes  during  the 
planktonic  stages  one  should  see  larval  crabs  swimming  as  well  as 
a  mixture  of  live  and  dead  zoea  and  empty  molts  on  the  cage 
floor.  Often,  when  removing  the  female  from  the  cage  after 
hatching,  thousands  of  zoea  can  be  seen  on  the  cage  bottom,  but 
this  phenomenon  doesn't  necessarily  indicate  poor  survival. 

Living  zoea  may  be  distinguished  by  their  red  eyes,  while  dead 
ones  and  molts  have  white  ones. 

The  first  crab  stage  is  entirely  benthic  and  negatively 
phototropic.  When  settled  the  first  crabs  space  themselves 
evenly  on  all  of  the  inner  surfaces  of  the  cage,  including  the 
top,  for  the  first  thirty  days.  Generally  the  mortality  to  the 
first  crab  stage  from  an  average  brood  of  60,000  is  95-97%;  the 


range  is  dependent  on  brood  fertility,  viability  and  water 
characteristics.  From  first  crab  to  60  days  post-hatch,  normal 
mortality  will  reduce  the  crab  population  to  400-600  crabs.  The 
diatoms  and  other  algal  spores  settling  on  the  cage  screen 
surface  provides  initial  food  to  the  post-larval  crabs.  But  this 
same  settling  algae  also  reduces  water  flow. 

After  settling,  the  crabs  will  molt  at  about  four,  eight  and 
twelve  days  post-hatch,  at  which  time  they  have  begun  to  deplete 
the  algae  on  the  inside  of  the  cage.  The  average  growth  rates 
through  this  60  day  period  vary  from  site  to  site  and  seasonally 
from  0.11  to  0.30  mm  CL/day  so  that  the  average  CL  varies  from  6 
to  12  mm  at  60  days.  It  is  not  uncommon  to  see  dead  crabs  at 
various  stages,  and  it  is  very  common  to  see  molt  shells 
cluttering  the  bottom  of  the  cage  as  well  as  feces  and  algal 
debris.  Later  cage  designs  have  included  a  valved  shute  and  well 
at  the  bottom  of  the  cage  to  drain  off  debris  with  minimum  crab 
loss . 

When  the  algal  layer  growing  on  the  outside  of  the  cage 
begins  to  slough  off  and  it  is  obvious  from  looking  on  the  inside 
of  the  cage  that  the  algae  there  has  been  eaten,  then  screen 
feeding  should  begin.  Screen  feeding  should  be  initiated  at  10- 
20  days  post-hatch.  Food  preferences  appear  to  be  benthic 
diatoms  after  settling  at  megalops,  with  an  increasing  emphasis 
on  blue-green  algae  and  by  60  days  the  red,  brown  and  green  algae 


that  dominate  a  mature  algal  turf  community.  Different 
strategies  of  feeding  have  been  employed  in  the  first  45  days 
post-hatch.  Ideally,  minimum  disturbance  and  handling  affords 
maximum  survival,  but  on  the  other  hand  the  crabs  must  be  fed. 
Strategies  have  ranged  from  putting  one  single  layer  screen  into 
the  cage  on  the  day  the  female  was  removed  after  hatching  to 
waiting  for  80  days  before  the  first  screens  were  added.  Single 
layer  screens  added  the  first  day  also  supply  more  settling  space 
for  first  crabs.  Generally,  screens  were  first  added  at  14-30 
days.  Cages  with  many  screen  slots  are  most  desirable  since 
screens  can  be  added  for  sometime  before  any  are  removed,  or  at 
least  allowed  to  remain  in  the  cage  until  most  of  the  small  crabs 
had  migrated  to  newer  more  algae-laden  screens.  When  screens  are 
added  prior  to  30  days,  they  should  be  assembled  with  a  single 
layer  of  screen.  This  reduces  the  chance  of  adding  small 
predators  in  the  folds  of  the  screen. 

In  the  standard  hatch  cage,  after  the  initial  screen  or  two, 
screens  should  be  added  every  four  to  seven  days  up  to  30  days. 
These  should  be  primarily  colonized  by  a  diatom  growth  that  takes 
5-10  days  to  become  established  on  a  new  screen.  After  30  days 
and  up  to  60  days  post-hatch,  two  or  more  screens  should  be  added 
on  a  regular  basis  of  three  to  five  days. 

As  new  screens  are  added,  the  older  ones  are  examined  for 
algal  growth  and  the  presence  of  Mithrax  crabs.  If  they  have 
neither,  they  are  removed.  Eventually,  it  will  be  necessary  to 


remove  crabs  from  the  screens  being  removed.  If  the  screens  are 
single  layered,  a  gentle  shake  or  tapping  will  remove  them 
easily,  especially  if  no  algae  is  remaining  on  the  screen.  If 
the  screens  are  double  layered,  holding  the  screen  out  of  the 
water  for  a  few  seconds  then  tapping  the  screen  will  usually 
cause  the  crabs  to  run  towards  the  bottom  of  the  screen  where 
they  will  jump  off  or  can  be  easily  removed  by  hand; 
alternatively,  the  screen  can  be  gently  agitated  in  and  out  of 
the  water  to  remove  them.  A  cleaner  screen  affords  easy  removal 
by  tapping,  but  a  screen  with  algae  still  growing  on  it  affords 
easier  removal  by  hand,  since  the  crabs  are  not  firmly  attached. 

Another  strategy  for  minimum  handling,  especially  if  a  hatch 
is  particularly  large,  is  to  transfer  crab-laden  screens  from  the 
original  hatch  cage  to  an  unused  cage  so  that  more  algae-laden 
screens  can  be  added  to  both  cages.  This  technique  is  also 
useful  if  the  first  cage  becomes  clogged  or  too  detrital  laden. 

Intermediate  phase 

At  60  days  post-hatch,  the  crabs  in  the  hatch  cage  are 
transferred  to  the  intermediate  cage.  This  cage  (25.5"  X  27.5"  X 
40.5")  is  identical  in  design  and  size  to  the  hatch  cage. 

However,  it  is  covered  with  a  wider  screen  mesh  size  of  1.5-2  mm. 
This  greater  mesh  size  allows  detritus  to  fall  out  of  the  cage 
and  maintains  a  high  water  quality  state  in  the  cage.  The 
intermediate  cage  should  be  anchored  and,  if  waves  and  currents 


are  strong,  submerged  in  a  manner  similar  to  that  of  the  hatch 
cages.  Algal  screens  are  exchanged  into  and  out  of  these  cages 
every  3-4  days. 

These  intermediate  cages  are  stocked  with  no  more  than  600 
sixty  day  post-hatch  crabs.  If  the  number  of  crabs  surviving 
from  a  hatch  at  60  days  post-hatch  is  greater  than  600,  the 
excess  above  600  should  be  placed  in  a  separate  cage.  At  about 
120  days,  the  crabs  should  be  transferred  to  the  growout  cages. 

A  typical  mature  intermediate  cage  will  yield  100-300  crabs  at 
this  point  in  time,  each  approximately  25  mm  CL.  Management  of 
the  feeding  requires  changing  algal  screens  on  a  routine  basis. 
The  intermediate  cage  screens  require  a  12-15  day  recovery  period 
for  optimum  algal  growth.  There  should  be  equal  numbers  of 
intermediate  and  hatch  cages. 

We  have  found  that  survival  rates  are  less  and  growth  rates 
are  slower  for  crabs  left  in  the  original  cage  for  more  than  60 
days.  Crabs  greater  than  8  mm  are  large  enough  to  withstand  the 
stress  of  transfer  handling,  with  only  about  a  5%  population 
loss.  The  greatest  numbers  we  have  experienced  at  60  days  is  600 
crabs  of  10-12  mm.  When  these  crabs  molt  again,  the 
proportionately  large  increase  in  body  mass  seems  to  increase  the 
demand  for  food  to  a  point  that  exceeds  the  capacity  of  the  0.3 
cubic  meter  cage  and  of  the  feeding  regime  (up  to  8  screens  per 
week) .  The  subsequent  large  increase  in  fecal  material,  dead 


crabs,  molt  and  algal  debris  and  the  established  populations  of 
other  organisms,  including  predators  and  competitors  seems  to 
contribute  as  well  to  unfavorable  conditions  and  increased 
mortality . 

Thus,  it  is  necessary  to  decide  to  either  split  the  hatch 
using  unused  cages  similar  to  the  hatch  cages  or  transfer  all  the 
crabs  to  clean  intermediate  cages  with  larger  mesh  size.  Either 
method  will  work,  but  a  larger  mesh  size  increases  water  and 
waste  exchange  potentially  improving  growth  rate  and  survival. 

If  the  cages  are  examined  carefully  at  each  feeding,  predators 
are  not  a  problem  in  the  intermediate  cages  of  slightly  larger 
mesh  sizes.  No  more  than  400  crabs  should  be  placed  in  each  cage 
of  the  second  phase.  Three  hundred  seems  to  be  ideal.  During 
the  next  60  days,  after  a  split  hatch,  losses  of  crabs 
transferred  would  approach  25-35%  so  that  by  100-120  days  post¬ 
hatch,  250-300  (20-25  mm)  crabs  would  be  left.  Another  viable 
strategy,  if  growth  rates  are  exceptionally  high,  involves  moving 
only  the  largest  crabs  (25  mm  CL  or  more)  from  the  hatch  cage 
directly  to  the  growout  cage.  Smaller  remaining  crabs  tend  to 
show  increased  growth  rates  as  competition  for  food  and  space  is 
decreased . 

In  this  second  phase,  algae  screens  should  be  changed  twice 
weekly  regardless  of  their  condition.  These  crabs  become  very 
selective  and  sometimes  a  screen  with  the  appearance  of  good 
growth  will  not  be  touched  or  will  have  been  picked  over. 


Screens  on  which  with  bluegreen  algae  are  dominant  satisfy  most 
of  the  intermediate  cage  crabs  for  approximately  the  first  three 
weeks;  after  that,  fully  developed  algal-turf  screens  are 

Initially,  the  screens  are  placed  in  the  cage  four  at  a  time 
in  an  six-eight  slot  cage,  so  that  each  set  remains  for  a  one 
week  period.  If  at  each  change,  all  the  screens  are  cleaned  of 
growth,  then  as  many  screens  as  possible  are  changed.  By  the 
time  the  crabs  reach  25  mm  CL  in  size,  they  are  able  to  defend 
themselves  against  most  small  predators  that  might  inadvertantly 
enter  the  cage  and  are  able  to  withstand  handling. 

Crabs  of  20-25  mm  or  greater,  should  be  transferred  into  a 
growout  cage.  One  to  two  hundred  crabs  may  be  transferred  to 
each  growout  cage.  We  have  found  that  as  the  20  mm  CL  crabs  are 
removed  from  the  hatch  cage  and  intermediate  cages,  the  remaining 
crabs  are  under  less  competition  and  reach  25  mm  CL  in  10-30 
days.  The  intermediate  and  hatch  cages  should  be  removed  from 
the  water,  cleaned  and  dried  if  they  have  been  in  the  water  for 
more  than  80  days. 

Growout  Phase 

The  third  and  final  phase  involves  only  variations  of 
previously  discussed  techniques.  The  emphasis  is  on  strategies 
of  maximum  feeding  with  attention  to  increasing  varieties  of 
algae  fed.  Less  attention  needs  to  be  paid  to  marine  life  that 


may  enter  the  cage.  However,  on  occasion,  we  have  discovered  an 
octopus  in  our  cages.  These  predators  raise  havoc  with  the  young 
crabs . 

Screens  added  to  the  growout  cage  are  exchanged  every  rwo  to 
three  days.  Screens  must  be  scraped  after  each  feeding  and 
returned  to  the  screen  line.  At  times  the  screens  will  need  to 
be  cleaned,  dried  and  restarted.  It  seems  clear  that  a  source  of 
older  juvenile  mortality  is  insufficient  feeding.  This  is  best 
judged  by  the  amount  of  algae  remaining  on  the  screens  at  the 
time  of  removal.  If  the  screens  are  nearly  bare,  algal  feeding 
is  probably  insufficient. 

Crabs  in  the  adult  growout  cages  molt  another  7-8  times 
until  they  reach  sexual  maturity  in  about  a  year.  The  actual 
time  to  maturity  can  be  determined  by  the  growth  rate.  As  the 
crabs  grow  they  become  very  easy  to  handle  with  little  or  no  risk 
of  damage.  Heavy  wave  action  can  apparently  damage  molting 
crabs,  and  we  are  now  experimenting  with  screen  annd  pipe 
habitats  to  provide  molting  crabs  protection  against  aggressive 
cage  mates. 

Wild  crabs  should  not  be  placed  with  cultured  crabs,  since 
wild  ones  are  often  aggressive  and  may  cause  mortalities.  Mixing 
sizes  even  in  cultured  crabs  also  may  be  risky.  Because 
predators  do  establish  themselves  and  the  polyester  resin  does 
not  keep  out  all  the  shipworms,  the  cages  themselves  need  to  be 


rotated.  A  cage  frame  that  is  pulled  out  of  the  water  every  12 
months,  re-resined  and  repaired  should  last  for  at  least  three 
years.  The  effects  of  hurricanes  may  be  severe  if  adequate  steps 
are  not  taken  prior  to  a  storm.  Important  considerations  are 
anchoring  methods  as  well  as  location  and  maintenance  of  gear. 
During  periods  of  stormy  weather,  cages  may  be  anchored  so  as  to 
be  submerged  beneath  the  sea  surface. 

Three  of  our  field  sites  have  been  in  the  direct  paths  of 
hurricanes  with  wind  speeds  up  to  70  knots.  The  first  experience 
met  with  cage  and  crab  losses  of  nearly  30-40%.  Subsequent 
experiences  have  resulted  in  minimal  losses.  These  losses  have 
primarily  been  amongst  individual  crabs  themselves.  The  design 
of  the  cages  prohibited  the  crabs  from  getting  a  strong  foothold 
in  the  cage  resulting  in  many  crabs  being  throwwn  about  the  cages 
by  the  motion  of  the  water.  Recent  cage  modifications  are 
expected  to  prevent  these  types  of  losses  in  the  future. 


The  mariculture  described  in  this  volume  was  specifically 
developed  in  an  attempt  to  utilize  a  newly  found  base  resource 
(cultured  algal  turf)  for  a  local  fishermen  mariculture.  The 
possiblility  of  growing  Mithrax  spinosissimus  economically  in  a 
sophisticated  hatchery  and  factory  growout  situation  may  very 
well  exist.  However,  we  have  specifically  avoided  approaches 


that  seemed  unlikely  to  be  adaptable  to  the  itinerant  fisherman. 

We  have  repeatedly  demonstrated  in  the  Caribbean  lagoon 
environment  of  the  West  Indian  fisherman  that  Mithrax 
spinosissimus  can  be  hatched  in  inexpensive  cages  "in  situ." 

After  working  with  the  itinerant  fishermen  of  Buen  Hombre  on  the 
northwest  coast  of  the  Dominican  Republic  for  nearly  a  year  with 
this  mariculture ,  we  feel  confident  that  these  totally  uneducated 
and  isolated  fishermen  are  quite  capable  of  carrying  out  the 
hatching  process  as  well  as  the  remainder  of  the  mariculture. 
Indeed  after  the  project  was  officially  closed  at  this  site,  the 
fishermen  continued  to  work  with  our  remaining  stock  and  brought 
a  number  of  animals  to  maturity. 

Regardless  of  the  likely  economics  of  a  Mithrax  commercial 
market,  a  harvest  of  1000  adult  crabs  per  year  would  provide  a 
significant  economic  boost,  or  even  a  total  livelyhood  for  many 
Caribbean  fishermen.  Furthermore,  this  is  an  environmentally 
non-destructive  process,  and  with  reasonable  controls  on  the 
adult  populations,  it  is  unlikely  to  be  self-destructive.  By 
keeping  a  breed  stock  of  no  more  than  20-30  adult  crabs  in 
several  cages,  a  hatch  rate  of  from  one  per  week  to  one  per  month 
can  be  easily  achieved.  We  have  accomplished  this  at  all  project 
sites.  The  keeping  of  this  minimum  breed  stock  is  no  more  than 
5%  of  the  total  work  effort. 

Once  the  vagaries  of  dealing  with  wave  destruction  of  the 
cages  and  predator  control  were  managed,  our  results  have 


repeatedly  shown  that  200-300  crabs  per  hatch  can  be  raised  to 
120  days  or  about  25  mm  CL  in  size.  Thus,  we  have  securely 
demonstrated  that  in  the  itinerant  fisherman  environment,  it  is 
reasonably  possible  to  bring  roughly  2000-8000  crabs  per  year, 
depending  upon  the  number  desired,  to  120  days  of  age.  Our 
success  at  120  days  has  continued  to  improve  with  time,  and  it 
would  appear  that  with  the  same  basic  methods,  500-600  crabs  per 
hatch  can  be  routinely  achieved  at  120  days  post-hatch. 

If  adult  growout  from  120  days  to  12-15  months 
(approximately  9-12  months  in  an  adult  growout  cage)  can  achieve 
a  30-50%  survivorship,  the  entire  algal  turf/crab  culture  method 
described  in  this  paper  would  be  technially  feasible. 

To  date,  we  have  not  achieved  this  kind  of  survivorship. 
Unfortunately,  it  is  very  difficult  to  separate  the  biology  and 
technology  of  the  process  from  the  very  significant  logistical 
and  political  problems  that  have  beset  the  project.  At  our 
longest  running  research  site,  Buen  Hombre,  research  funding  has 
been  repeatedly  cut  off  for  periods  of  up  to  two  months,  making 
significant  progress  extremely  difficult.  Each  site  experienced 
similar  or  even  more  difficult  problems  not  related  to  the  basic 
biological  problem  of  reducing  late  growout  mortality. 

At  this  point,  late  growout  survivorship,  despite  obvious 
nonbiological  problems,  has  averaged  18%  per  100  days.  During 
the  late  stages  of  cage  growout,  increased  mortalities  apparently 


occur  at  periods  of  molting.  Male/female  losses  are  more  or  les 
equal.  Intercrab  competition  may  be  important  during  post  molt 
periods,  though  no  extensive  evidence  of  such  has  been 
consistently  observed.  Ryther  et  al . .  (1987)  observed 

significant  dismemberment  and  death  of  some  animals  by  "dominant" 
crabs.  However,  rarely  does  cannabalism  appear  to  be  a  factor. 
Rough  water  at  molt  obviously  causes  mortalities  and  modified 
cage  design  may  greatly  increase  survivorship.  We  have  developed 
a  new  flow-thru  sea  water  system  for  observing  crabs  in  cage 
environment  and  have  begun  a  redesign  process  for  cage 
microhabitats.  Disease  may  be  a  possibility  for  juvenile 
mortality,  though  dead  animals  have  been  dissected  and  obvious 
symptoms  or  disease  sites  have  not  been  located.  Most  important, 
survivorship  has  tended  to  improve  throughout  the  project, 
suggesting  that  the  answer  to  a  successful  itinerant  fishermen 
mariculture  utilizing  algal  turfs  lies  in  continuous  improvement 
of  techniques  and  apparatus. 

During  the  last  six  months  of  the  project,  overall  growth 
rates  of  about  0.20  mm/day  have  routinely  been  achieved  to  about 
100  days,  and  a  mean  rate  exceeding  0.41  mm/day  for  potentially  a 
400  day  total  growout  was  achieved  at  both  Buen  Hombre  and 
Antigua.  Thus,  Mithrax  spinosissimus  mariculture  is  not  likely 
to  be  limited  by  crab  growth  rates,  but  rather  by  survivorship 
and  economics. 

We  have  currently  begun  an  effort  at  Grand  Turk  in  the  Turks 


and  Caicos  Islands  to  concentrate  on  the  problems  of  late  growout 
mortality.  This  is  certainly  one  of  the  best  growout  sites,  so 
that  with  a  more  secure  logistic/political  situation,  the 
techniques  to  bring  this  mariculture  to  a  fully  successful 
conclusion  biologically  can  be  developed. 

Economically,  several  hurdles  will  have  to  be  overcome. 

While  crab  sales  to  local  hotels  and  restaurants  would 
undoubtedly  provide  some  minimum  income  to  the 

fisherman/entrepreneur,  a  high  volume  mariculture  would  need  to 
develop  an  export  market  to  North  American  and  perhaps  European 
cities.  However,  as  long  as  a  sufficient  source  were  available, 
namely  enough  fishermen  working  and  coordinated  in  a  well-defined 
market  structure,  such  a  market  can  probably  developed  fairly 
easily.  Finally,  it  is  necessary  for  the  cost  of  cage  and  screen 
construction  to  be  reduced.  This  is  not  an  unreasonable  goal, 
and  given  adequate  volume,  molded  or  stamped  plastic  cages  and 
screens  could  likely  be  made  cheaply  in  large  numbers.  Thus, 
following  biological  success,  it  would  be  necessary  to  coordinate 
development  of  the  supply  and  marketing  process. 


Adey,  W.H.  1983.  The  microcosm:  A  new  tool  for  reef  research. 
Coral  Reefs,  1:  193-201. 

Adey,  W.H.  1987.  Food  productionn  in  low-nutrient  seas. 
Bioscience.  37(5):  340-348. 


Adey,  W.H.  and  T.  Goertemiller .  1987.  Coral  reef  algal  turfs; 

master  producers  ini  nutrient  poor  seas.  Phycologia  (1987) 
26(3) :  374-386. 

Bohnsack,  J.L.  1976.  The  spider  crab,  Mithrax  spinosissimus : 
an  investigation  including  commercial  aspects.  Florida 
Scientist.  39(4):  259-266. 

Brown,  L.  1985.  State  of  the  World.  Maintaining  world 
Fisheries.  Norton.  301  pp. 

Coen,  L.  D.  1987.  PhD.  Dissertation:  Plant-animal  interactions: 
ecology  and  comparative  functional  morphology  of  plant  - 
grazing  decapod  (Brachyura)  crustaceans. 

Hazlett,  B . A .  and  D.  Rittschof.  1975.  Daily  movements  and  home 
range  in  Mithrax  spinosissimus  (Majidae,  Decapodae)  Mar. 
Behav.  Physiol.  3:  101-118. 

Munro,  J.L.  1974.  The  bilogy,  ecology,  exploitation  and 

management  of  Caribbean  Reef  Fishes.  Part  V.  The  biology, 
ecology  and  bionomics  of  Caribbean  Reef  Fishes:  Crustaceans 
(spring  lobster  and  crabs) .  Res.  Rept.  Zool.  Dept.  Univ. 
West  Indies  3(6):  39-48. 

Peyton,  K. ,  K.  Moller,  and  W.H.  Adey.  (In  review)  Community 
structure,  development  and  biomass  production  of  algal 
turfs  grown  on  artificial  substrates  in  an  oligotrophic  sea. 
Botanica  Marina. 

Pillay,  T.V.R.  1985.  Some  recent  trends  in  aquaculture 

development.  In:  Status  and  Prospects  on  Aquaculture 
Worldwide  (Proc.  from  Aquanor  85,  Trondheim,  Norway. 

Ryther,  J . ,  R.  Winfree,  J.  Holt,  r.  Creswell,  W.  Lellis,  J. 
Chaiton,  C.  Kovach  and  F.  Prahl .  1987.  Antigua  Crab 

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Simon,  J  and  H.  Kahn. (Eds.).  The  resourceful  Earth.  Blackwell. 
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Tangley,  L.  1985.  And  live  from  the  East  Coast  -  a  miniature 
Maine  ecosystem.  Bioscience  35:  618-619. 




Screen  line  commonly  used  for  growing  algal  turfs  in 
reef/lagoon  environments  in  trade  wind  seas. 


Male  Mithrax  spinosissimus .  10-20  days  after  final 
molt  and  at  1-2.5  kgs,  an  ideal  siize  for  harvest. 


Map  of  eastern  Caribbean  showing  mariculture  work 
sites  for  caae  culture  of  Mithrax  spinosissimus . 


Relationship  between  size  (CL)  and  live  weight  of 
Mithrax  spiinosissimus . 


Larval  stages  showing  prezoea,  first  zoea ,  second 
zoea  and  megalops.  (Photos  to  be  added  later) . 


Cage  for  observing  females  approaching  release. 


Hatch  cage  (0.5  mm  screen)  and  intermediate  cage 
(1.5-2  mm  screen). 


Growout  cage  ( 1/4-1/2"  mesh). 


Detail  of  algal  screen  assembly. 

FIGURE  10. 

Screen  line. 

FIGURE  11. 

"Mushroom"  type  anchor  design,  fabrication  and  set 
up . 

TABLE  1. 

Size  and  fucunditv  of  Mithrax  spinosissimus 

TABLE  2. 

Assumptions  to  derive  cage  number  and  algal  turf 
screens  for  production  level  of  x  crabs/15  months. 

TABLE  3. 

Essential  requirement  of  hatch  cage  rearing. 


Figure  1 




Figure  2 


Figure  3 














o  MALE 

•  FEMALE  2  , 

o  °o 









1000  1500  2000 



1 - 1  T  I 


Figure  4 


Figure  6 



I - .35  m 


Figure  7 


Figure  8 

2.6  m 

Figure  9  &  10 

Figure  11 



Total  Weight  Weight  Weight  of  Crab:  Total  Number 

CL  of  of  Weight  of  Egg  of 

Length  Crabs  Egg  Mass  mass  Eggs 

(mm)  (gins)  (gins) 




13  : 1 

















*Xnterpolated  from  Data  in  Craig,  et  al . ,  this  volume. 


TABLE  2. 




1.  It  is  a  dual  system  of  crab  culture  and  algal  turf  culture 

2.  Average  female  crab  produces  60 , 000  eggs  per  hatch. 

3.  Average  time  between  hatches  for  any  one  female  crab  is  60 
days . 

4.  Average  female  will  produce  3-4  broods  while  in  captivity. 

5.  The  initial  density  of  larval  crabs  is  60 , 000/sq.  m  of  cage 
screen  surface  which  is  equivalent  to  0.2  zoea/cc  of  cage 

6.  The  rate  of  survival  of  larvae  is  3.3%  (to  5  days  post¬ 

7.  The  rate  of  stocking  of  post-larvae  (5-20  days  post-hatch)  is 
500  -  800  crabs/sq.  m  of  cage  volume. 

8.  The  rate  of  survival  to  6-10  mm  (CL)  is  30% (approximately  60 
days  post-hatch) . 

9.  Algal  turf  screen  sets  per  hatch  cage,,  number  4  sets  of  4 
single-layer  screens  each.  Algal  feeding  rate  should  be 
greater  than  0.15  gm (dry) /crab/4  day  (assuming  each  screen  set 
is  exchanged  into  the  cage  for  grazing  for  4  days  and  thus  is 
in  the  lagoon  proper  undergoing  algal  regrowth  for  12  days) . 

An  area  of  rough ,  flowing  water  for  growing  ample  quantities 
of  cultured  algal  turfs. 

10.  Young  crabs  of  10  ran  CL  or  larger  are  transferred  to  an 
intermediate  cage  of  1-2  mm  size  mesh, 

11.  The  feeding  rate  for  post-larval  crabs  of  10  mm  CL  to  25  mm 
CL  cultured  in  the  intermediate  cage  is  increased  to  5-10 
gins  (dry)  /crab/day 

12.  The  rate  of  survival  of  rearing  young  crabs  from  10  mm  to  25 
mm  CL  is  20-40% 

13.  Upon  attaining  25  mm  CL ,  the  crabs  are  transferred  to  the 
growout  cages  at  a  stocking  density  of  8-15  crabs/sq.  m.  of 
cage  surface  area. 

14.  The  number  of  algal  screens  required  is  60-80,  which  then 
comprise  a  total  of  3-4  sets  that  are  periodically  exchanged 
into  the  cage  every  4-6  days. 

15.  A  crab  is  considered  marketable  after  attaining  a  size  of 
120  -  140  mm  CL  and  a  weight  of  0.8-1. 5  kg. 

16.  The  yield  of  marketable  crabs  per  cage  is  50+  at  a  period  of 
15  months  post-hatch. 



1)  Breedstock  crabs  in  adult  cages,  fed  meticuously . 

2)  A  reasonably  calm,  well  flushed  lagoonal  area. 

3)  Hatch  cages  covered  with  plastic  screening  of  0.5  mm  mesh 
openings  and  meticuously  constructed  so  as  to  keep 
unwanted  marine  life  from  entering.  Calm  water  or  sunken 

4)  Cultured  algal  turfs  in  ample  quantities  to  feed  the  post- 
larval  crabs  up  to  60-80  days  post-hatch 

5)  The  hatch  cage  screen  mesh  should  be  scrubbed,  flushed  and 
rinsed  of  all  algal/detrital  material  that  clogs  the  screen 
mesh  from  previous  usage 

6)  The  hatch  cage  seal  should  be  reinspected  to  insure  its 

7)  The  cage  anchoring  location  should  be  shallow  (10-15*)  calm 
or  protected,  and  situated  so  as  to  receive  clear,  highly 
oxygenated  water  of  25  *  C,  34-38  ppt  salinity.  The  shallow 
pavement  area  of  a  backreef  is  ideal 

8)  The  hatch  cage  should  be  anchored  4-5  days  prior  to 

the  expected  hatch  to  provide  the  right  diatom-rich  screen 
and  reduce  the  potential  for  presence  of  predators 



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