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Full text of "Botany for young people. How plants behave: how they move, climb, employ insects to work for them, &c"

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TO  WORK  FOR  THEM,  &c. 



Entered  according  to  Act  of  Congress,  in  the  vear  1872, 

in  the  Office  of  the  Librarian  of  Congress,  at  Washington. 

m.  2 


NOV  1 < 195  9 


HOW  PLANTS  GROW,  the  first  part  of  Botany  for  Young  People  and 
Common  Schools,  was  written  fourteen  years  ago,  in  the  endeavor  to  provide  a 
book  upon  Elementary  Botany,  adapted  to  the  instruction  of  young  people,  even 
of  children,  yet  truly  presenting,  albeit  in  a simple  way,  the  leading  facts,  methods, 
and  principles  of  the  science  as  understood  by  its  masters.  The  book  has  been 
successful.  It  will  probably  enable  a young  person,  under  the  guidance  of  a quali- 
fied teacher,  to  obtain  a larger,  truer,  and  worthier  knowledge  of  Botany  than 
many  grown  people  could  readily  find  the  way  to  acquire  a generation  ago. 

That  young  people,  that  all  students,  indeed,  should  be  taught  to  observe,  and 
should  study  Nature  at  sight,  is  a trite  remark  of  the  day.  But  it  is  only  when 
they  are  using  the  mind’s  eye  as  well,  and  raising  their  conceptions  to  the  rela- 
tions and  adaptations  of  things,  that  they  are  either  learning  science  or  receiv- 
ing the  full  educational  benefit  of  such  a study  as  Botany  or  any  other  depart- 
ment of  Natural  History. 

There  is  a study  of  plants  and  flowers  admirably  adapted,  while  exciting  a 
lively  curiosity,  to  stimulate  both  observation  and  thought,  to  which  I have 
long  wished  to  introduce  pupils  of  an  early  age,  The  time  has  now  arrived 
in  which  I may  make  the  attempt,  and  may  ask  young  people  to  consider  not 
only  ‘How  Plants  Grow,’  but  How  Plants  Act,  in  certain  important  respects, 
easy  to  be  observed,  — everywhere  open  to  observation,  but  (like  other  common 
things  and  common  doings)  very  seldom  seen  or  attended  to.  This  little  trea- 
tise, designed  to  open  the  way  for  the  young  student  into  this  new,  and,  I trust, 


attractive  field,  may  be  regarded  as  a supplement  to  the  now  well-known  book, 
the  title  of  which  is  cited  at  the  beginning  of  this  prefatory  note.  If  my  expec- 
tations are  fulfilled,  it  will  add  some  very  interesting  chapters  to  the  popular 
history  of  Plant-life. 

Although  written  with  a view  to  elementary  instruction,  and  therefore  with  all 
practicable  plainness,  the  subjects  here  presented  are  likely  to  be  as  novel,  and 
perhaps  as  interesting,  to  older  as  to  young  readers. 

To  those  who  may  wish  to  pursue  such  studies  further,  and  to  those  who  will 
notice  how  much  is  cut  short  or  omitted  (as,  for  instance,  all  reference  to  dis- 
coverers and  to  sources  of  information),  I may  state  that  I expect  to  treat  this 
subject  in  a different  way,  and  probably  with  somewhat  of  scientific  and  historical 
fulness,  in  a new  edition  of  a work  intended  for  advanced  students. 


Botanic  Garden,  Harvard  University, 
February  20,  1872. 

Vignette  Title-Page. — Left-hand  side,  an  Ivy  climbs  by  rootlets  and  a Passion-flower 
by  tendrils  ; right-hand,  a Nepenthes  by  pitcher-bearing  tendrils,  and  a Morning-Glory  by 
twining  stem  : bottom,  at  the  left  of  the  centre,  a Rhodochiton,  and  at  the  right  a Maurandia 
climb  by  their  leafstalks.  Bottom,  left-hand  side,  a Green  Orchis  (Habenaria  orbiculata)  sends 
up  from  between  a pair  of  large  round  leaves  a raceme  of  long-spurred  flowers.  Two  Orchid 
Air-plants  at  the  top,  viz.,  Stanhopea  tigrina  at  the  centre,  a Phalsenopsis  at  the  right-hand 
corner.  Two  leaves  of  Sarracenia  rubra,  an  American  Pitcher-plant,  rise  from  near  the  lower 
right-hand  corner  ; in  front  of  them  is  a Sundew,  Drosera  rotundifolia  ; at  the  centre  a Venus’s 
Fly-trap,  Dione&a  muscipula. 




1.  Two  plants  — one  of  them  common  in  cultivation,  and  the  other  rarer,  but 
almost  as  easy  to  raise  — are  looked  upon  as  vegetable  wonders,  namely,  the 
Sensitive  Plant  and  Desmodium  gyrans.  They  are  striking  examples  of 

2.  Plants  that  move  their  Leaves  freely  and  rapidly.  In  the  well-known  Sensitive 
Plant  ( Mimosa  pudica)  the  foliage  quickly  changes  its  position  when  touched, 
appearing  to  shrink  away  from  the  hand.  Fig.  1 represents 
a piece  of  stem  with  two  (compound)  leaves ; the  lower  one 
expanded,  as  it  is  in  sunshine  and  when  untouched  : the 
upper  leaf  shows  the  position  which  is  taken,  by  quick  move- 
ments,  when  roughly  brushed  by  the  hand.  It  makes  three 
movements.  First,  the  numerous  leaflets  close  in  pairs, 
bringing  their  upper  faces  together  and  also  inclining  for- 
wards; then  the  four  branches  of  the  leafstalk,  which  were 
outspread  like  the  rays  of  a fan,  approach  each  other;  at 
the  same  time  the  main  leafstalk 
turns  downward,  bending  at  its  joint 
with  the  stem.  So  the  leaf  (for  it  is 
all  one  compound  leaf)  closes  and 
seemingly  collapses  at  the  touch. 

In  a short  time,  if  left  to  itself, 
it  slowly  recovers  the  former  out- 
spreading position. 

3.  The  second  plant,  Desmodium  Fig-1.  Sensitive  Plant. 

gyrans  (we  have  no  common  name  for  it),  also  belongs  to  the  great  Pulse  Family, 
and  flourishes  in  warm  climates.  It  inhabits  the  warmer  parts  of  India,  but  is 



easy  to  cultivate  in  a hot-house,  or  even  in  an  open  garden  during  the  heat  of 
summer.  The  leaves  are  of  only  three  leaflets  (Fig.  2),  a large  one  at  the  end 
of  the  leafstalk,  accompanied  by  a pair  of  small  leaflets,  one  on  each  side.  The 

end  leaflet  usually  moves  too  slowly  to  be 
seen,  and  only  as  light  is  given  or  withdrawn ; 
we  have  seen  it  move  rather  briskly,  however, 
upon  one  occasion.  The  side  leaflets  are 
active  enough.  Under  the  temperature  of  a 
sultry  summer’s  day  they  may  be  seen  to  rise 
and  fall  by  a succession  of  jerking  move- 
ments, not  unlike  those  of  the  second-hand 
of  a clock,  but  without  much  regularity,  now 
stopping  for  some  time,  then  moving  briskly, 
always  resting  for  a while  in  some  part  of 
their  course,  commonly  at  the  highest  and 
lowest  points,  and  starting  again  without  ap- 
parent cause,  seemingly  of  their  own  will. 
The  movement  is  not  simply  up  and  down, 
but  the  end  of  the  moving  leaflet  sweeps 
more  or  less  of  a circuit.  It  is  not  set  in 
motion  by  a touch,  but  begins,  goes  on,  or 
stops  of  itself. 

4.  Whether  these  movements  are  of  any 
use  to  these  plants  is  more  than  we  can  tell ; 
nor  do  we  very  well  know  how  they  are  ef- 
fected. The  attempts  that  have  been  made  to  explain  how  the  motion  is  brought 
about  need  not  be  considered  here.  However  done,  it  is  clear  that  the  leaves 
move  by  their  own  act , — in  the  one  case  responding  to  a touch ; in  the  other 
independently,  or,  as  we  say,  spontaneously. 

5.  Now,  truly  wonderful  as  these  two  plants  are,  there  is  nothing  really  pecu- 
liar about  them.  By  which  is  meant,  not  merely  that  some  other  plants  are 
known  to  move  as  freely,  though  perhaps  less  rapidly,  but  that  many  ordinary 
plants  perform  similar  movements,  in  one  or  both  of  these  ways,  and  that  all 
plants  possess  similar  faculties.  The  hour-hand  of  the  clock  moves  as  really  as 
the  minute-hand  and  the  second-hand,  although  the  motion  of  the  latter  only  is 

Fig.  2.  Desmodium  gyrans. 



discerned  by  the  eye.  Lifeless  things  may  be  moved  or  acted  on ; living  beings 
move  and  act,  — plants  less  conspicuously,  but  no  less  really,  than  animals.  In 
sharing  the  mysterious  gift  of  life,  they  share  some  of  its  simpler  powers. 

6.  Tile  Sleep  of  Plants,  as  Linnaeus  fancifully  termed  it,  — that  is,  the  different 
position  which  leaves  and  leaflets  take  at  nightfall,  — is  a familiar  case  of  free 
movement,  only  the  motion  is  too  slow  to  be  seen  by  the  eye.  The  Sensitive 
Plant  is  a good  instance  of  this.  Its  leaves  slowly  assume  the  same  posture  at 
or  before  sunset  that  they  rapidly  do  when  disturbed  by  a touch  or  jar,  and  they 
remain  so  until  the  light  of  morning.  Most  other  plants  of  the  Pulse  Family 
(the  Locusts,  for  instance),  and  many  of  other  families,  take  a very  different  posi- 
tion by  night  from  that  of  day.  The  end-leaflet  of  Desmodium  gyrans  hangs 
down  as  soon  as  the  light  of  day  begins  to  wane,  but  rises  and  turns  its  upper 
face  to  the  sun  again  in  the  morning. 

7.  The  Turning  of  Green  Shoots  to  the  Light,  which  we  observe  when  house-plants 
are  kept  in  our  windows,  and  the  turning  of  the  upper  face  of  most  leaves 
towards  the  lighted  side,  are  similar  cases  of  slow  movement  or  bending.  Many 
people  suppose  that  the  green  shoot  grows  towards  the  light,  whereas  it  only  bends 
towards  it.  One  has  only  to  notice  the  behavior  of  the  slender  stemlet  of  a seed- 
ling Radish,  or  of  any  similar  plant,  when  set  in  a window,  and  see  it  bending 
towards  the  lighted  side  in  a few  minutes,  before  it  has  had  time  to  grow  percep- 
tibly, to  be  convinced  that  the  growth  and  the  bending  are  different  acts. 

8.  The  contrary  Directions  of  Stem  and  Root  when  springing  from  the  seed  are  of 
this  kind.  Read  the  brief  account  given  in  ‘ How  Plants  Grow,’  paragraphs  28 
and  29,  and  watch  the  operation  in  young  seedlings.  Note  how  one  end  of  the 
embryo  plantlet  rises  out  of  the  soil  and  into  the  light,  and,  if  need  be,  turns 
quite  round  to  do  so,  while  the  other  turns  from  the  light  and  strikes  deeper  into 
the  ground.  This  shows  that  it  is  the  plant  itself  which  acts  in  taking  these  direc- 
tions, and  that  these  positions  are  the  result  of  real  movements,  however  slow. 

9.  Climbing  Plants  afford  some  of  the  most  curious  and  most  varied  illustrations 
of  the  movements  which  plants  perform ; and  in  these  it  is  easy  to  see  what 
the  movements  are  for.  The  advantage  which  a plant  gains  by  climbing  is,  that 
it  may  thereby  rise  higher  and  get  a fuller  exposure  to  the  light  than  it  could 
with  the  same  amount  of  material  if  it  stood  independently.  Compare  the 
amount  of  wood  or  other  material  in  a tree  with  that  of  any  climber  which  has 
ascended  it  and  made  a support  of  its  topmost  branches.  Plants  climb  in 
several  ways.  Some  are 



10.  Root-Climbers.  These  cregp  up  the  face  of  rocks  or  walls,  or  the  trunks  of 
trees,  their  stems,  as  they  grow,  pressing  against  the  support  and  adhering  to  it  by 
means  of  numerous  rootlets  which  they  throw  out : the  end  of  these  rootlets  com- 
monly flattens  out  or  expands  into  a small  disk  or  holdfast  which  adheres  to  the 
wall  or  bark,  etc.  Ivy,  that  is,  true  or  “English”  Ivy,  is  a good  example  of  this. 
See  the  vignette  title-page,  left-hand  side.  Our  Poison  Ivy  and  the  Trumpet 
Creeper  climb  in  the  same  way.  There  is,  perhaps,  no  more  effectual  mode  of 
climbing  when  bare  walls  or  large  trunks  are  the  support.  In  other  cases 

11.  Twiners,  i.  e.  Twining  Plants,  have  an  obvious  advantage.  To  twine  spi- 
rally round  some  supporting  body  is  a common  mode  of  climbing.  This  is 

> m done  by  a 

Jr  movement 
of  the  stem 
itself,  not 
less  re- 
markable in  reality  than  that  of  the  leaflets  of  the  Desmo- 
dium  gyrans,  just  described,  and  indeed  of  similar  nature. 
The  Hop  and  some  Honeysuckles  twine  with  the  sun. 
Morning  Glory,  and  all  the  Bindweeds  of  the  Convolvulus 
Family,  Beans,  and  indeed  most  of  the  common  twiners, 
turn  against  the  sun,  that  is,  from  the  left  to  the  right 
hand  of  the  observer. 

12.  When  a twining  stem  overtops  its  support,  the 
lengthening  shoot  is  seen  thrown  over  to  one  side,  and 
usually  outstretched,  as  in  Fig.  3.  One  might  suppose  it 
had  fallen  over  by  its  weight ; but  it  is  not  generally  so. 
If  turned  over,  say  to  the  north,  when  first  observed,  it  will 
probably  be  found  reclining  to  the  south  an  hour  or  so 
later,  and  an  hour  later  again  turned  northward.  That  is, 
the  end  of  the  stem  is  sweeping  round  in  a circle  continu- 
ally, like  the  hand  of  a clock.  It  keeps  on  growing  as  it 
rig.  3.  Morning  Glory,  twining,  revolves;  but  the  revolving  has  nothing  to  do  with  the 
growth,  and,  indeed,  is  often  so  rapid  that  several  complete  sweeps  may  be  made 
before  any  increase  in  length  could  be  observed.  The  time  of  revolving  varies  in 
different  species.  It  also  depends  upon  the  weather,  being  slow  or  imperceptible 



when  it  is  cool,  and  more  rapid  when  it  is  warmer.  Sometimes  it  stops  when 
everything  seems  favorable,  and  starts  again  after  a while.  The  Hop,  Bean,  and 
Morning  Glory  are  as  quick  as  any.  In  a sultry  day,  and  when  in  full  vigor,  they 
commonly  sweep  round  the  circle  in  less  than  two  hours.  They  move  by  night 
as  well  as  by  day.  When  the  free  summit  of  a twining  stem  is  outstretched  to 
two  feet  or  more  in  length,  so  as  to  magnify  the  motion,  this  is  sometimes  rapid 
enough  to  be  actually  seen  in  some  part  of  the  circuit. 

13.  Because  twining  stems  are  often  twisted  more  or  less,  some  have  supposed 
that  the  twisting  was  the  cause  of  the  revolving  sweep  of  the  free  end.  If  so,  the 
stem  below  would  in  a day  or  two  be  likely  to  twist  itself  off.  And  twiners  sel- 
dom twist  much  when  climbing  a smooth  and  even  support.  To  learn  how  the 
sweeps  are  made,  one  has  only  to  mark  a line  of  dots  along  the  upper  side  of  the 
outstretched  revolving  end  of  such  a stem  (say  that  of  the  Morning  Glory,  Fig.  3), 
and  to  note  that  when  it  has  moved  round  a quarter  of  a circle,  these  dots  will  be 
on  one  side ; when  half  round,  the  dots  occupy  the  lower  side ; and  when  the  revo- 
lution is  completed,  they  are  again  on  the  upper  side.  That  is,  the  stem  revolves 
by  bowing  itself  over  to  one  side,  *—  is  either  pulled  over  or  pushed  over,  or  both, 
by  some  internal  force,  which  acts  in  turn  all  round  the  stem  in  the  direction  in 
which  it  sweeps ; and  so  the  stem  makes  its  circuits  without  twisting. 

14.  So  the  sweeping  round  of  the  stem  is  a movement  like  that  wonderful  one 
of  the  leaflets  of  Desmodium  gyrans,  just  described,  only  slower.  And  here  we 
see  what  it  is  for.  The  sweeping  movement  of  the  stem  is  the  cause  of  the  twin- 
ing. The  stem  sweeps  round  that  it  may  reach  some  neighboring  support ; as  it 
grows  it  sweeps  a wider  and  wider  space,  that  is,  reaches  farther  and  farther  out. 
When  it  strikes  against  any  solid  body,  like  the  stalk  of  a neighboring  plant,  it  is 
stopped  : but  the  portion  beyond  the  contact  is  free  to  move  as  before ; and,  con- 
tinuing to  lengthen  and  to  move  on,  it  necessarily  winds  itself  round  the  support, 
that  is,  i twines.  This  is  the  explanation  of  twining  climbers. 

15.  Leaf-Climbers.  Some  plants  climb  by  their  leaves,  either  the  blade,  or  more 
commonly  the  petiole,  hooking  or  coiling  round  something  within  reach.  Clema- 
tis or  Virgin’ s-Bower  is  a familiar  instance.  In  all  the  common  species  of  Clema- 
tis the  leaves  are  compound,  and  the  divisions  of  the  petiole,  or  at  first  the  young 
leaflets  themselves,  bend  round  the  stalks  or  branches  of  neighboring  plants,  or 
any  supporting  object  not  too  large  to  be  grasped,  and  so  ascend.  Lophospermum 
and  Maurandia  (handsome  flowering  herbs  of  the  gardens),  and  one  or  two  other 



plants  of  the  same  family,  with  simple  leaves,  climb  freely  in  this  way,  neatly 
coiling  their  leafstalk  round  any  slender  support  within  reach.  The  vignette 
title-page  shows  two  illustrations  of  this,  in  the  lower  part. 

16.  A rather  common  cultivated  species  of 
Nightshade,  Solarium  jasminoides,  is  a good  ex- 
ample of  the  same  kind,  and  furnishes  the 
present  illustration,  in  Fig.  4.  It  is  interesting 
to  notice  how  the  leafstalks  of  this  plant  which 
have  clasped  a support  grow  much  stouter  and 
firmer  than  those  which  have  not,  becoming 
three  or  four  times  as  thick  as  before,  — as  if 
the  need  of  greater  strength  and  rigidity  some- 
how brought  it  about. 

17.  A leaf-climber  has  this  advantage  over  a 
twiner,  that  it  may  reach  a given  height  with 
less  amount  of  substance.  Its  stem  may  rise 
straight  up,  and  save  much  in  length  over  the 
twiner,  which  has  to  produce  twice  or  thrice  that 
length  of  stem  in  reaching  the  same  elevation,  on 
account  of  the  coils. 

Fig.  4.  Soianum  jasminoides,  climbing  by  18.  To  understand  how  leaves  or  leafstalks  lay 
its  leafstalks.  hold  of  a support,  we  must  refer  back  to  the  Sen- 

sitive Plant  (Paragraph  2) ; its  leaves  and  leafstalks,  we  know,  respond  to  the 
touch  of  a foreign  body  by  a movement.  So  do  those  of  leaf-climbers  : only  the 
movement  by  which  they  clasp  the  support  is  very  slow  and  incited  only  by  pro- 
longed contact.  If  one  of  these  leafstalks  be  rubbed  for  some  time  with  a piece 
of  wood,  it  will  generally  respond  to  the  irritation  by  curving ; but  it  wdll  be  two 
or  three  days  about  it ; and  in  two  or  three  days  more  it  may  straighten  itself, 
unless  the  stick  is  left  in  contact  with  the  leafstalk  : then  it  will  clasp  it  perma- 
nently, making  one  or  perhaps  two  turns  around  it,  and  in  time  it  may  thicken 
and  harden.  That  the  climbing  in  such  cases  is  the  result  of  a movement,  how- 
ever slow,  under  sensitiveness  to  touch,  is  further  shown  by  the  behavior  of 

19.  Between  leaf-climbing  and  tendril-climbing  there  is  every  gradation.  In 
Gloriosa,  a tropical  plant  of  the  Lily  Family,  the  tip  of  a simple  leaf  extends 



into  a slender  hook,  for  laying  hold  of  anything  within  reach.  In  Nepenthes  (a 
climbing  sort  of  Pitcher-plant,  shown  on  the  right-hand  side  of  the  vignette  title, 
and  one  leaf  in  Fig.  5,  on  a larger  scale),  the  tip  of  the 
blade  grows  out  into  a tendril  which  acts  just  as  does  the 
leafstalk  of  Fig.  4 and  of  the  other  leaf-climbers ; at  the 
end  of  this  a pitcher,  with  a lid  to  it,  is  generally  formed. 

Of  this  more  is  to  be  said  hereafter.  In  that  vigorous 
climber,  Cobeea,  the  branching  claws  and  grapples  which 
are  used  to  such  effect  are  merely  the  upper  portion  of 
a compound  leaf  changing  into  tendrils.  The  tendrils  of 
a Pea  are  similar,  but  simpler. 

20.  Tendril-Climbers  are  best  illustrated  by  such  plants 
as  Passion-flowers  (see  vignette  title,  on  the  left,  and  Fig. 

6) : here  the  tendril  is  a simple  thread-like  shoot,  for  the 
purpose  of  climbing  and  nothing  else.  This  is  the  most 
exquisite,  and  under  many  circumstances  the  most  advan- 
tageous, as  it  is  one  of  the  commonest  of  the  contrivances 
for  climbing.  The  tendril,  as  it  grows,  stretches  out 
horizontally,  as  if  in  search  of  a supporting  object.  More  slender  than  a stem 
or  any  other  sort  of  stalk,  it  can  thus  extend  farther  at  the  least  expense  of 

21.  In  the  most  perfect  tendrils,  and  notably  in  the  slender  Passion-flowers 
(such  as  the  annual  Passijlora  gracilis , and  the  Maple-leaved  species,  P.  acerifolia , 
Fig.  6),  opportunities  for  securing  a hold  are  much  increased  by  the  revolving  of 
the  tendril.  It  sweeps  circuits,  like  the  stem  of  a twiner,  although  with  less  reg- 
ularity, sometimes,  however,  with  greater  rapidity.  In  hot  wreather  these  tendrils 
often  move  through  the  complete  circle  in  an  hour  or  less,  or  even  so  fast  that 
the  motion  of  the  end  of  a long  tendril  may  sometimes  be  distinctly  seen  in  a 
part  of  its  course.  The  revolving  of  tendrils  is  more  fitful  than  that  of  twining 
stems : they  often  stop  for  a while,  or  move  very  slowly  or  irregularly.  Some 
tendrils,  as  we  shall  soon  see,  do  not  revolve  at  all. 

22.  If  a tendril  does  not  reach  anything,  after  attaining  its  full  growth  and 
remaining  for  some  time  outstretched,  it  then  either  coils  up  from  the  end  (as 
seen  in  the  middle  tendril  of  Fig.  6),  or  else  becomes  flabby,  hangs  down  in  an 
exhausted  state,  dies,  and  withers  away. 



23.  When,  however,  the  fresh  and  active 
tendril  comes  in  contact  with  a neighboring 
stalk,  or  any  similar  support,  it  hooks  or  coils 
its  end  round  it ; then,  having  secured  a hold, 
it  shortens  by  coiling  up  its  whole  length,  or  a 
good  part  of  it.  This  commonly  draws  up  the 
climbing  stem  nearer  to  its  support,  and  makes 
it  easier  for  the  younger  tendrils  above  to  gain 
their  hold.  A tendril  which  has  taken  hold 
and  coiled  up  usually  becomes  stouter,  rigid, 
and  much  stronger  than  it  was  before.  One 
which  would  break  with  an  ounce  weight  be- 
comes capable  of  supporting  two  or  three 

24.  There  is  a difference  to  be  noticed  be- 
tween the  coiling  of  a free  tendril  and  of  one 
which  has  taken  hold.  It  is  plainly  shown  in 
Fig.  6.  The  loose  tendril  coils  up,  if  at  all, 
from  the  end,  and  in  a simple  spiral  or  curl'. 
But  when  attached  to  a support,  both  ends  be- 
ing fixed,  it  cannot  coil  in  this  way.  It  has  to 
coil  in  the  middle  ; and  the  coiling  of  one  part, 
say  from  right  to  left,  requires  another  part  to 
twist  as  much  in  the  opposite  direction.  So 
the  coil  has  a break  in  the  middle,  half  twist- 
ing one  way  and  half  the  other  way,  as  is  shown  in  the  lower  tendril  of  the  figure. 
A longer  tendril  often  has  three  or  four,  or  even  five  or  six,  such  breaks,  the  por- 
tions coiled  successively  in  opposite  directions. 

25.  Pumpkin^  Squashes,  and  all  the  Gourd  Family  furnish  excellent  examples 
of  these  actions  of  tendrils.  Their  tendrils  are  like  those  of  Passion-flowers,  ex- 
cept that  they  are  mostly  branched  or  compound,  and,  like  the  claws  of  a bird, 
stretch  out  in  several  directions. 

Fig.  6.  Maple-leaved  Passion-flower,  with  ten- 
drils in  various  states. 



26.  There  is  great  variety  in  the  behavior  of  different  tendrils.  Those  of  the 
Grapevine  do  not  make  sweeps,  but  stretch  out  away  from  the  light,  or  in  the 
direction  from  which  least  light  comes, — an  instinct  which  is  apt  to  lead  them 
to  a support,  — and  the  two  forks  diverge,  as  if  feeling  for  something  to  lay  hold 
of.  When  they  reach  anything  that  can  be  surrounded,  one  fork  commonly  grasps 
from  one  side,  the  other  from  the  opposite  side,  somewhat  as  an  object  would  be 
grasped  by  a thumb  and  finger. 

27.  The  more  branching  tendrils  of  the  Virginia  Creeper  equally  turn  from  the 
light,  and  therefore  towards  the  wall  or  trunk,  which  this  climber  delights  to 
occupy  and  cover. 

When  their  tips 
reach  the  wall  they 
expand  into  a disk 
or  flat  plate,  which 
adheres  firmly  to 
the  surface.  This 
particularly  adapts 
the  Virginia  Creeper 
to  ascending  walls 
or  other  flat  sur- 
faces. Thedendrils 
which  do  not  attach 
themselves  remain 
slender,  and  in  a 

week  or  two  shrink  and  wither  away.  Those  that  do  usually  spread  their  branches 
widely  apart,  like  fingers  of  an  outstretched  hand,  form  their  disks  and  fix  them 
fast  to  the  wall ; then  they  contract  more  or  less  into  coils,  and  at  length  grow 
stronger  and  more  rigid ; so  that  they  last  for  years,  and  endure  a pretty  heavy 
strain  without  breaking  or  parting  from  the  wall.  It  is  most  interesting  to  see 
how  the  strain  is  divided  by  these  five  or  six  separate  attachments,  by  the  coiling 
of  each  branch  to  give  elasticity,  so  that  the  pull  shall  come  upon  all  at  once,  and 
to  note  the  strengthening  of  the  whole  by  the  formation  of  more  woody  fibre. 
The  strain  is  distributed  among  the  branches,  and  the  whole  combination  is  so 
strong  that  it  is  rarely  torn  away  by  wind  or  storm. 

28.  In  revolving  tendrils  the  most  wonderful  thing  to  remark  is  the  way  in 


Fig.  7.  Virginia  Creeper : tendril  beginning  to  form  its  disks  or  holdfasts.  8.  Older 
branches  with  full-formed  disks. 



which  they  avoid  winding  themselves  around  the  stem  they  belong  to.  The  ac- 
tive tendrils  are  of  course  near  the  top  of  the  stem  or  branch.  The  growing 
summit  beyond  the  tendril  now  seeking  a support  is  often  turned  over  to  one  side, 
so  that  the  tendril,  revolving  almost  horizontally,  has  a clear  sweep  above  it.  But 
as  the  growing  stem  lengthens  and  rises,  the  tendril  might  strike  against  it  and  be 
wound  up  around  it.  It  never  does.  If  we  watch  these  slender  Passion-flowers, 
which  show  the  revolving  so  well  in  a sultry  day,  we  may  see,  with  wonder,  that 
when  a tendril,  sweeping  horizontally,  comes  round  so  that  its  base  nears  the 
parent  stem  rising  above  it,  it  stops  short,  rises  stiffly  upright,  moves  on  in  this 
position  until  it  passes  by  the  stem,  then  rapidly  comes  down  again  to  the  horizon- 
tal position,  and  moves  on  so  until  it  again  approaches  and  again  avoids  the 
impending  obstacle  ! 

29.  Other  equally  curious  illustrations  might  be  given ; but  these  may  serve 
the  purpose  of  opening  the  eyes  to  what  is  going  on  around  us,  awaken  an  intel- 
ligent interest,  and  excite  to  further  observation.  They  are  enough  to  make  it 
clear  that  the  two  vegetable  prodigies  described  at  the  beginning  of  this  chapter, 
surprising  as  they  are,  have  no  peculiar  endowments.  Climbing  plants  generally, 
and  tendril-climbers  especially,  exhibit  both  the  free  movements  of  the  one,  and 
the  movement  in  response  to  external  irritation  of  the  other.  The  sweeping  round 
of  tendrils  is  like  the  movement  of  the  leaflets  of  Desmodium  gyrans  : their  coil- 
ing upon  contact,  and  the  similar  coiling  of  some  leafstalks,  are  to  be  compared 
with  the  movement  of  the  leaflets  and  leafstalks  of  the  Sensitive  Plant. 

30.  This  becomes  evident  when  the  motion  is  quick  enough  to  be  seen  by  the 
eye.  It  has  already  been  stated  that  a very  long  tendril  of  one  of  the  slender 
Passion-flowers  has  often  been  seen  to  move.  Still  oftener  may  it  be  seen  to  coil 
up  at  the  tip  when  gently  rubbed.  This  is  also  to  be  seen  in  the  Bur-Cucumber 
(Sicyos),  a common  weed  of  the  Gourd  Family.  When,  in  a sultry  summer  day, 
we  gently  rub,  with  a stick  or  with  the  finger,  the  upper  end  of  a vigorous  tendril, 
it  will  respond  within  half  a minute  by  coiling  up  so  rapidly  that  the  motion  may 
be  distinctly  seen.  It  will  soon  straighten,  but  will  coil  again  if  the  rubbing  is 
repeated.  If  a stick  be  left  in  contact  the  coiling  will  be  permanent ; and  a 
downward  propagation  of  the  same  action  is  what  throws  the  whole  tendril  into 
spiral  coils. 





31.  Plants  supply  animals  with  food.  That,  we  may  say,  is  what  they  were 
made  for.  In  some  cases  the  whole  herbage,  in  others  the  fruit,  seeds,  bulbs, 
tubers,  or  roots,  are  fed  upon.  But  vast  numbers  of  insects,  and  some  birds 
(such  as  humming-birds),  draw  nourishment  from  plants,  mainly  from  their  flow- 
ers, without  destroying  or  harming  them.  By  their  colors,  odors,  and  nectar, 
blossoms  attract  insects  in  great  numbers  and  variety. 

32.  Nectar,  the  sweet  liquid  which  most  flowers  produce,  is  the  real  attraction  : 
bright  colors  and  fragrance  are  merely  advertisements.  This  sweet  liquid  is  often 
called  honey ; but  nectar  is  the  proper  name  for  it,  as  it  is  not  really  honey  until 
it  is  made  so  by  the  bee.  Some  insects  also  take  pollen  (the  powdery  matter  pro- 
duced in  the  anthers  : see  How  Plants  Grow,  paragraph  17),  either  for  their  own 
consumption  or  that  of  their  progeny.  That  may  possibly  do  the  plant  some 
harm.  But  the  nectar  they  consume  is  of  no  use  to  flowers  that  we  know  of, 
except  it  be  to  entice  insects. 

33.  So  flowers  are  evidently  useful  to  insects,  and  most  flowers  are  feeding- 
places  for  them.  Where  free  lunches  are  provided  some  advantage  is  generally 
expected  from  the  treat : and  we  are  naturally  led  to  inquire, 

34.  Why  should  Flowers  entice  Insects  to  visit  them?  What  advantage  are  they 
likely  to  derive  in  return  for  the  food  they  offer  ? In  certain  cases  the  use  of  in- 
sects to  flowers  is  evident  enough.  When,  in  early  spring,  we  see  Willow-catkins 
thronged  with  honey-bees,  and  notice  that  their  blossoms  are  of  the  separated 
sort  (How  Plants  Grow,  205), — those  of  one  tree  consisting  of  stamens  only,  of 
another  tree,  of  pistils  only,  — and  that  the  bees  flying  from  tree  to  tree  have  their 
bodies  well  dusted  with  pollen,  we  may  conclude  that  the  bees  are  doing  useful 
work  in  carrying  pollen  from  the  stamen-bearing  flowers  that  produce  it  to  the 
pistil-bearing  flowers  that  require  it  in  order  to  set  seed  (see  How  Plants  Grow, 
16,  196).  While  feeding  from  the  stamen-bearing  catkins,  their  heads  and  bodies, 
rubbing  against  the  anthers,  get  dusted  with  the  pollen.  When  they  fly  to  a 



tree  with  pistil-bearing  catkins,  some  of  this  pollen  is  rubbed  upon  the  stigmas, 
and  in  consequence  its  fruit  may  set  and  the  seeds  be  perfected.  The  stamens  and 
pistils  of  Willows  being  on  different  trees,  and  the  two  sorts  of  trees  very  likely 
at  a wide  distance  apart,  it  is  necessary  that  the  pollen  should  be  carried  by  insects 
or  some  other  conveyance,  if  the  Willow  is  to  be  propagated  by  seed. 

35.  It  might  have  been  left  to  the  winds  to  waft  the  pollen.  It  is  so  in  Pine- 
trees,  Spruces,  and  the  like.  But  considering  what  enormous  superabundance  of 
pollen  these  trees  produce  (even  when  the  two  sorts  of  flowers  are  on  the  same 
tree)  in  order  to  make  sure  of  the  result,  one  cannot  doubt  that  there  is  great  * 
economy  in  the  arrangement  by  which  the  busy  bees  are  called  upon  to  do  the  carry- 
ing. In  such  instances  the  insects  are  probably  as  useful  to  the  flowers  as  the 
flowers  are  to  the  insects. 

36.  Why  should  perfect  Flowers  need  to  attract  Insects?  Far  the  larger  number  of 
flowers  are  perfect,  that  is,  are  furnished  with  both  stamens  and  pistils  : the  sta- 
mens are  almost  always  more  numerous  than  the  pistils,  and  encompass  them  ; 
and  each  anther  contains  a thousand  or  many  thousand  times  more  grains  of  pol- 
len than  there  are  of  seeds  to  be  fertilized,  and  all  so  near  or  in  such  position 
that  it  appears  as  if  the  pollen,  or  a sufficient  quantity  of  it  for  the  purpose, 
must  needs  be  shed  upon  the  stigmas,  either  with  or  without  the  aid  of  the  wind. 
Yet  here  insects,  in  searching  the  blossoms  for  food,  might  be  helpful  even  if  not 

37.  There  are  plenty  of  flowers,  however,  to  which  insects  could  seemingly  be 
of  no  use.  They  have  stamens  and  pistils  not  only  close  together,  but  even  in 
contact,  — shut  up  together  in  some  cases,  so  that  some  of  the  pollen  cannot  fail 
to  be  shed  upon  the  stigma.  Pea-blossoms,  and  those  of  most  of  the  Pulse  Fam- 
ily are  examples  of  this,  having  ten  anthers  closely  surrounding  one  stigma,  and 
enclosed  by  a pair  of  the  petals.  And  in  the  Showy  Dicentra  (or  Bleeding-heart, 
as  it  is  popularly  called,  from  the  shape  and  color  of  the  corolla),  as  in  all  the 
rest  of  the  Fumitory  Family,  six  anthers  are  completely  enclosed  with  one  stigma, 
three  on  one  side  and  three  on  the  other,  in  a cavity  just  large  enough  to  hold 
them.  This  cavity  is  formed  by  the  spoon-shaped  summits  of  the  two  inner  petals, 
which  never  separate,  being  united  only  at  their  tips : those  of  the  twyo  outer 
and  larger  petals  open  and  turn  back.  (See  Figs.  9,  10.)  One  would  say  that 
such  blossoms  are  purposely  and  effectually  arranged  to  be  fertilized  without  any 
assistance,  and  to  exclude  all  interference  by  insects.  Yet  they  produce  nectar 



and  are  visited  by  bees.  Is  their  nectar  provided  only  for  the  good  of  the  beel 
We  might  suppose  so,  until  we  come  to  know  the  remarkable  fact  that,  unless 
visited  by  insects,  they  seldom  ripen  a pod  or  set  a seed.  The  Showy  Dicentra, 
which  comes  from  Japan  or  Northern  China,  rarely  sets  fruit  in  our  gardens  in 
any  case.  But  the  wild  species  of  Corydalis  and  Fumitory,  which  have  their 
flowers  on  the  same  plan,  seed  freely  enough.  Yet  when  the  blossoms  are  kept 
covered  with  fine  gauze,  so  as  to  exclude  insects,  little  or  no  seed  is  produced. 
Evidently  then,  for  some  reason  or  other,  insects  sucking  their  honey  are  not  only 
* useful,  but  needful  even  to  such  blossoms.  Why  they  should  be  needful  remains 
to  be  seen. 

Fig.  9.  Flower  of  Bleeding-heart,  Dicentra  spectabilis  Fig.  10  Same,  with  the  tips  of  the  united  inner  petals  pushed 
to  one  side.  Fig.  11.  Tips  of  the  six  stamens  and  pistil,  which  are  exposed  in  Fig.  10,  here  separated  and  dis- 
played, magnified. 

38.  If  it  be  wonderful  that  such  flowers  as  the  last  do  not  well  fertilize  without 
help,  although  constructed,  as  we  should  say,  expressly  to  do  it,  equally  wonderful 
is  it  to  find  blossoms  with  anthers  and  stigma  placed  close  together,  but  with  some 
obstacle  interposed,  as  shown  on  near  examination;  which  looks  as  if  the  object 
were  how  not  to  do  it. 

39.  Iris-flowers  are  of  this  sort.  There  is  a stamen  to  each  of  the  three  stig- 
mas, and  close  beside  it.  Behind  each  stamen  and  partly  overhanging  it  is  a 
petal-like  body,  peculiar  to  Iris  or  Flower-de-Luce  : these  three  bodies,  appearing 
like  supernumerary  petals,  are  divisions  of  the  style,  in  a peculiar  form,  notched 
at  the  end;  under  the  notch  is  the  stigma,  in  the  form  of  a thin  plate.  We 
notice  that  the  stigma  is  higher  than  the  anther ; but  that  is  only  a part  of  the 



difficulty.  The  anther  and  the  stigma  face  away  from  each  other.  The  anther 
faces  outwards  and  discharges  its  pollen  through  two  long  slits  on  the  outer  side 
y only.  The  thin  plate  or  shelf  is  stigma  only  on  its  upper  or  inner  face,  which  is 
i roughened  and  moistened  in  the  usual  way  for  receiving  the  pollen  : the  face 

turned  towards  the  anther  cannot  receive  the 
pollen  at  all. 

40.  A less  common  flower,  the  beautiful 
Arethusa , of  our  northern  bogs  (Figs.  13, 
14),  is  quite  as  curiously  arranged  so  as  just  * 
not  to  do  of  itself  what  is  obviously  intended 
to  be  done.  The  stamen  and  the  style  are 
united  into  a long  and  wing-margined  col- 
umn ; the  stigma  is  a shelf ; and  the  anther, 
which  is  shaped  like  a helmet,  and  is  fixed  to 
the  top  of  the  column  by  a hinge  at  the  back, 
rests  upon  this  shelf,  its  front  edge  at  bottom 
projecting  slightly  over  its  edge,  — just  as 
the  lid  of  a chest  projects  a little  over  the 
front  side,  for  more  convenient  lifting.  The 
anther  holds  four  soft  and  loose  pellets  of 
pollen,  which  are  ready  to  fall  out  when  the 
anther  is  uplifted.  But  here  again,  only  the  under  side  of  the  shelf  is  actually 
stigma  ‘ the  pollen  lies  imprisoned  on  the  upper  surface,  and  can  never  of  itself 
reach  the  lower  surface,  where  alone  it  can  act. 

41.  There  are  hundreds  of  such  cases,  differing  more  or  less  in  the  arrange- 
ment, but  agreeing  in  this,  that  the  pollen  is  placed  tantalizingly  near  the  stigma, 
yet  where  it  can  never  reach  it  of  itself,  or  can  seldom  and  only  accidentally  do 
so.  Surely,  if  we  had  the  making  of  these  blossoms,  we  should  have  turned  the 
shelf  under  the  anther  of  Arethusa  the  other  side  up,  and  have  restored  the  har- 
mony of  that  averted  couple  in  Iris  by  turning  the  two  face  to  face  in  place  of 
back  to  back. 

42.  The  flower  of  Aristolochia  Sipho,  or  Pipe-vine  of  the  Southern  States  (a 
large-leaved  woody  twiner  which  is  cultivated  for  arbors),  shows  the  same  extra- 
ordinary aversion  in  a different  way.  From  its  shape  the  blossom  is  called  Dutch- 
man’s-pipe  : it  is  a tube  curved  round  on  itself,  largest  at  the  base,  contracted  at 

Fig.  12.  Iris-flower  cut  lengthwise,  showing 
one  stamen  and  stigma. 



the  orifice,  and  then  expanded  into  a flat  border.  At  the  very  bottom  of  it  is  a 
short  and  thick  mass,  consisting  of  a broad  stigma,  to  the  outside  of  which  three 
sets  of  anthers  grow  fast : these  face  away  from  the  stigma,  so  that  none  of  the 
pollen  can  fall  on  it ; and  the  crooked  tube  of  the  flower,  with  a narrow  opening, 
must  effectually  prevent  the  wind  from  giving  any  aid.  What  can  this  mean  1 

43.  To  explain  the  puzzle  which  such  flowers  present,  we  have  to  consider  that, 
by  their  bright  colors,  or  odors,  or  the  nectar  they  offer,  — sometimes  by  all  three 
allurements  combined,  always  by  the  latter,  — they  attract  insects;  by  whose 
usually  rough  or  bristly  heads,  or  legs,  or  bodies,  pollen  may  be  brushed  out  of 
the  anthers,  or  caught  as  it  falls,  and  some  of  it  carried  to  or  dropped  upon  the 
stigma.  And  we  must  infer  that  these  blossoms  are  so  constructed  and  arranged 
on  purpose  that  insects  may  visit  and  fertilize  them;  and  that  many  species  are 
absolutely  dependent  upon  such  assistance  : for,  as  they  would  not  set  seed,  they 
could  not  permanently  exist,  except  for  the  insects  which  they  nourish  in  return 
for  such  service.  So  we  conclude  that  honey  is  the  wages  paid  to  insects  in 
return  for  the  work  they  do ; and  that  the  fragrance  of  flowers  and  their  beautiful 
colors,  as  well  as  their  honeyed  sweets,  are  not  merely  for  our  delight,  and  for  the 
use  of  the  insects  they  feed,  but  are  of  primary  use  to  the  plant  itself. 

44.  In  confirmation  of  this  view,  it  is  found  that  flowers  which  are  fertilized  by 
the  wind,  of  which  there  are  numerous  sorts,  produce  neither  bright-colored 
corollas,  nor  fragrance,  nor  honey. 

45.  Now  that  we  know  the  way  of  it,  nothing  is  more  interesting  than  to 
notice  how  particular  flowers,  each  in  its  own  way,  are  arranged  so  as  to  be  helped 
by  the  insects  that  visit  them.  Iris-flowers  (Fig.  12),  for  instance,  are  visited  by 
bees.  These  alight  upon  the  outer  and  recurving,  usually  crested  or  bearded  di- 
visions of  the  flower,  down  the  base  of  which  is  the  only  access  to  the  nectar  below. 
When  sucking  out  the  nectar  with  its  proboscis,  the  bee’s  head  is  brought  down 
beneath  the  anther ; when  raised,  it  will  rub  against  it  and  brush  out  some  of  the 
pollen  : this,  loosely  adhering  to  its  hairy  surface,  is  ready  to  be  deposited  upon 
the  shelf  of  stigma  above,  not  when  the  bee  leaves  the  flower,  but  when  it  repeats 
the  action.  When  Arethusa  (Figs.  13-15)  is  visited,  the  head  of  the  bee  enters 
the  mouth  of  the  flower : in  raising  it  to  leave  the  flower  after  extracting  the  nec- 
tar, „the  head  hits  the  front  edge  of  the  helmet-shaped  anther,  raises  it  like  a lid, 
and  receives  one  or  more  of  the  soft  pellets  of  pollen  that  fall  upon  it : on  again 
entering  the  flower  and  again  rising  to  depart,  the  pollen-loaded  head  is  first 



brought  against  the  sticky  stigma,  which  occupies  all  the  lower  face  of  the  shelf, 
and  at  the  next  instant  raises  the  lid  to  receive  another  charge  of  pollen. 

46.  Before  proceeding  further  to  consider  how  particular  flowers  are  arranged 
to  be  helped  by  some  particular  sort  or  class  of  insects,  and  each  in  some  pecu- 
liar way,  we  should  contemplate  the  remarkable  conclusion  to  which  we  are 
brought.  It  seems  to  be  this  : — these  flowers  are  so  constructed  that  the  pol- 
len, however  near  the  stigma,  is  somehow  prevented  from  reaching  it  of  itself,  and 
then  honey  and  other  allurements  are  provided  to  tempt  insects  to  come  and  convey 
the  pollen  to  the  stigma.  And  the  various  contrivances  for  hindering  the  pollen 
from  reaching  the  stigma  directly  are  excelled  only  by  those  for  having  it  done  in 
a roundabout  way.  So  Nature  appears  to  place  obstacles  in  the  way,  and  then  to 
overcome  the  difficulty  of  her  own  making  by  calling  in  the  aid  of  insects  ! This 
is  blocking  the  wheels  with  one  hand  and  lifting  the  vehicle  over  the  obstruction 
with  the  other.  Or  it  is  as  if  the  wagoner  of  the  fable,  wrho  prays  Hercules  to 
help  him  out  of  the  mire,  had  bogged  his  team  merely  for  the  sake  of  calling  upon 
Hercules.  This  is  simply  incredible.  The  explanation  of  one  puzzle  has  brought 
in  its  train  a greater  puzzle  still. 

47.  The  solution  of  this  puzzle  is  simple  enough  when  once  hit  upon,  although 
it  has  taken  a long  time  to  find  it  out.  It  not  only  makes  everything  plain  as 
respects  all  these  flowers,  but  also,  as  a true  discovery  should,  clears  up  and 
explains  a great  many  things  besides.  The  explanation  is,  that 

48.  Cross-Fertilization  is  aimed  at.  The  pollen  was  not  intended  to  fertilize  that 
same  flower,  but  to  be  conveyed  to  some  other  flower  of  the  same  species.  So  in- 
sects, which  had  seemed  to  be  needful  only  when  the  stamens  and  pistils  are  in 
separate  flowers,  or  on  separate  plants,  are  quite  as  needful,  — indeed,  are  more 
needful  — where  these  organs  stand  side  by  side  in  the  same  blossom.  The  rea- 
son why  crossing  is  advantageous,  and  in  the  long  run  necessary,  is  that 

49.  Breeding-ili-and-in  is  injurious.  Close-fertilization,  that  is,  the  fertilization  of 
the  seeds  by  pollen  from  the  same  flower,  is  very  close  breeding  indeed.  It  is 
the  next  thing  to  no  fertilization  at  all  in  plants,  that  is,  to  propagation  by  buds, 
— which  may  go  on,  as  we  know,  for  a long  time  : but  it  is  not  probable  that  any 
species  could  always  continue  in  that  way.  Cultivators  and  stock-breeders  are 
obliged  to  close-breed  to  keep  a particular  race  of  few  individuals  true  and  to 
heighten  its  desirable  qualities.  But  sooner  or  later  (in  animals  soon),  more  or 
less  wide  breeding  is  necessary  to  keep  up  vigor  and  fertility.  Wide-breeding  is 



naturally  secured  by  the  structure  itself  in  plants  with  separated  flowers,  — most 
completely  in  those  which,  like  Willows,  bear  stamens  and  pistils  upon  different 
trees.  And  in  the  majority  of  plants  which  have  perfect  flowers  it  is  commonly 
no  less  secured  by  arrangements  of  various  kinds  for  excluding  the  pollen  from  its 
own  stigmas,  and  having  it  conveyed  to  those  of  some  other  flower  of  the  same 

50.  Comprehending  now  the  full  meaning  of  these  curious  arrangements,  we 
may  turn  back  to  some  of  the  flowers  already  noticed,  to  observe  how  exqui- 
sitely they  are  adapted  to  the  purpose  in  view,  and  then  advance  to  new  and  more 
varied  illustrations. 

51.  Cross-Fertilization  ill  Iris  (Fig.  12).  A little  nectar  is  produced  in  the  bot- 
tom of  the  tube  or  narrow  cup  of  the  blossom.  The  only  access  to  it  is  a narrow 
channel  leading  down  the  united  bases  of  the  six  divisions  or  leaves  of  the  flower. 
Now  the  three  inner  of  these  are  upright,  with  their  tips  curved  inwards,  shutting 
off  all  access  in  that  quarter.  But  the  three  outer  and  larger  divisions  recurve 
and  afford  a convenient  landing-place  directly  before  the  stamen  and  the  over- 
arching stigma.  Here  the  bee  alights.  To  reach  and  suck  out  the  nectar  with 
his  proboscis  will  bring  the  head  at  least  as  low  as  the  base  of  the  anther.  On 
raising  his  head  to  depart  he  sweeps  with  it  the  whole  length  of  the  anther  and 
dusts  it  with  the  pollen  now  shedding.  A little  higher  the  shelf  of  stigma  is  hit, 
but  only  the  outer  face  of  it,  which  is  smooth  and  does  not  take  the  pollen  at  all. 
Flying  to  the  next  blossom,  the  first  thing  which  the  pollen-powdered  head  of  the 
bee  strikes  is  the  stigma,  but  this  time  on  the  upper  face  of  the  shelf  or  real  sur- 
face of  stigma,  which  takes  some  of  the  pollen  brought  into  contact  with  it,  and 
so  is  fertilized.  Sinking  lower,  the  head  next  brushes  the  anther  downwards  in 
entering  for  the  nectar,  then  upwards  in  departing,  and  receives  a fresh  charge  of 
pollen  to  be  deposited  upon  the  shelf  of  stigma  of  the  next  blossom  visited,  and 
so  on. 

52.  In  Arethusa  (40,  45,  Figs.  13—15),  We  have  never  seen  bees  or  other  in- 
sects about  this  flower ; but  it  is  plain  from  its  structure  that  it  cannot  set  seed 
without  their  help.  As  already  described,  the  bee,  or  other  insect  of  considerable 
size,  can  enter  the  blossom  only  in  front ; and  the  large  and  crested  recurving 
petal  offers  a convenient  landing-place.  At  the  bottom  of  the  narrowed  cup  of 
the  flower  a little  nectar  is  produced,  down  to  which  the  insect  must  reach  its 
proboscis.  In  rising  to  escape,  its  head  must  strike  the  lower  face  of  the  over- 



Fig.  13.  Flower  of  Arethusa,  entire. 


Fig.  14.  A section 

hanging  shelf,  which  is  stigma,  and  so  sticky  that  any  pollen  it  may  chance  to 
have  brought  would  be  left  adhering  there.  As  the  head  slips  by,  it  must  next 

hit  the  front  edge  or  visor  of  the  hel- 
met-shaped anther,  raise  it  on  its  hinge, 
and  so  allow  one  or  more  of  the  four 
loose  pellets  of  pollen  to  drop  out,  or 
be  brushed  out  by  the  insect’s  head,  to 
which  some  of  the  pollen  would  stick. 
When  the  next  flower  is  entered  noth- 
ing is  accomplished ; but  on  dejiarting, 
as  before,  any  pollen  on  its  head  would 
be  applied  to  the  sticky  shelf  of  stigma 
overhead,  the  lid  then  uplifted,  and  a 
fresh  charge  of  pollen  taken  from  this 
flower  to  be  given  to  the  next,  and 
so  on  in  succession. 

53.  It  is  not  unlikely 
that  the  pellets  of  pol- 
len, as  they  fall  out  of  the  uplifted  anther  of  Arethusa,  may  some- 
times miss  the  insect’s  head,  or  fail  to  adhere  to  it,  and  so  be  lost. 

But  this  plan,  or  something  like  it,  serves  the  purpose  in  the  por- 
tion of  the  Orchis  Family  of  which  Arethusa  is  the  representative. 

In  others  of  that  family  the  result  is  made  surer  by  considerably 
different,  more  economical,  and  wonderfully  curious  arrangements, 

— such  especially  as  those 

54.  In  Orchises  and  other  plants  of  that  particular  tribe  of  the 
Orchis  Family.  There  is  only  one  true  Orchis  in  this  country,  and 
that  not  common,  except  northward.  And  its  arrangement  for  fer- 
tilization is  not  quite  so  readily  understood  as  in  those  Orchises  which  are  named 
by  botanists  Habenaria , of  which  we  have  many  species.  Some  of  these  are  plen- 
tiful, such  as  the  Fringe  Orchises,  either  the  purple,  white,  or  yellow  species. 
The  Greater  Green  Orchis  is  not  so  common,  but  is  taken  for  the  present  illustra- 
tion on  account  of  the  size  of  its  blossoms.  A reduced  figure  of  it,  with  its  two 
large  round  leaves  spreading  on  the  ground,  and  its  spike  of  flowers  rising  be- 
tween them  on  a naked  stalk,  is  m the  foreground  of  the  vignette  title,  and  a 
single  blossom,  of  only  twice  the  size  of  life,  is  represented  in  Fig.  16. 

Fig.  15.  Diagram 
of  the  anther  and 
stigma  of  Arethu- 
sa, put  in  upright 



55.  The  peculiarities  are  mainly  these : 
First,  the  better  to  attract  certain  insects 
and  repay  them  for  their  service,  a sepa- 
rate organ  for  the  nectar — -in  this  in- 
stance a long  pouch  or  honey-tube  — is 
attached  to  the  flower.  Then,  to  econo- 
mize the  pollen,  the  whole  of  it  in  each 
cell  of  the  anther  is  done  up  in  little 
packets  or  coarser  grains,  which  are  tied, 
as  it  were,  to  each  other  by  delicate 
elastic  threads,  and  all  made  fast  by 
similar  threads  to  the  upper  end  of  a 
central  stalk.  Finally,  to  make  sure  of 
its  being  taken  by  the  insect  and  not 
dropped  or  lost  in  the  carrying,,  the 
other  end  of  this  stalk  bears  a flat  disk, 
commonly  button-shaped,  the  exposed 
face  of  which  is  very  sticky ; and  this  is 
placed  just  where  it  will  be  pretty  sure 
to  be  attached  to  the  head  or  proboscis 
of  an  insect  that  comes  to  drain  the 
honey-tube.  So  that  the  insect,  on  ris- 
ing from  his  meal,  will  probably  carry  off 
bodily  the  whole  pollen  of  that  flower 
(or  of  one  of  its  anther-cells),  and  be- 
stow it,  or  some  of  it,  upon  the  next 
flower  or  flowers  visited. 

56.  In  this  particular  species,  the  front 
petal  is,  as  usual,  the  insect’s  landing- 
place.  The  other  petals  are  more  arch- 
ing than  the  front  view  of  the  flower  in 
Fig.  16  represents,  and  obstruct  access 
on  all  other  sides.  The  long  and  narrow 
front  petal  turns  downwards  and  allows 
convenient  approach.  Underneath  hangs 

Fig.  16.  Flower  of  Greater  Green  Orchis  (Habenaria 
orbiculata).  17.  Its  stamen  and  stigma  more  enlarged. 
18.  One  of  the  pollen-masses  with  its  stalk  and  disk, 
equally  enlarged.  19.  Its  disk  and  a part  of  the  stalk 
more  magnified. 



the  honey-tube,  its  mouth  opening  just  behind  the  base  of  this  petal.  Only  the 
lower  half  of  the  tube,  more  enlarged  and  capacious,  gets  filled  with  nectar.  To 

drain  a cup  which  is  about  an  inch  and  a half 
deep  requires  a long  proboscis,  much  longer 
than  any  bee  or  wTasp  possesses.  Butterflies 
and  moths  are  our  only  insects  capable  of  do- 
ing it ; and  one  could  predict  from  a view  of 
the  flower  that  the  work  is  done  by  them.  In 
fact  we  have  hardly  a butterfly  with  proboscis 
long  enough  to  reach  the  bottom  of  the  cup  : 
so.  we  conclude  that  one  of  the  Sphynxes  or 
Night-moths,  such  as  flock  around  the  blos- 
soms of  the  largest  Evening-Primroses  at  dusk, 
is  the  proper  helpmate  of  the  Greater  Green 
Orchis.  The  Smaller  Green  Orchis  is  much 
like  the  Larger,  but  with  honey-tube  hardly  an 
inch  long.  This  may  be  drained  by  many  of 
our  butterflies.  Some  of  these  have  been 
caught  wflth  a remarkable  body  attached  to 
their  great  eyes,  one  on  each  eye ; on  exam- 
ination this  body  proved  to  be  quite  like  that 
represented  in  Fig.  18,  only  smaller.  This 
body,  as  we  have  seen,  is  the  pollen  of  one 
of  the  cells  of  an  Orchis  anther,  with  its 
stalk  and  sticky  disk,  the  latter  adhering  to 
the  insect’s  eye.  How  did  it  get  there  1 
57.  The  centre  of  the  flower  (as  in  Fig. 
16)  is  occupied  by  the  one  large  anther,  and 
by  the  concave  stigma.  The  anther  is  of 
two  cells,  which  taper  towards  the  front  of 
the  flower  and  diverge,  in  this  species  widely,  and  the  whole  space  between  the 
two  diverging  horns  on  the  sides  and  the  orifice  of  the  honey-tube  below  is  stigma, 
a broad  patch  of  glutinous  surface.  At  the  tip  of  each  horn  of  the  anther,  facing 
forwards  and  partly  inwards  is  the  button-shaped,  sticky  disk.  Bring  the  point 
of  a blunt  pencil,  or  the  tip  of  the  little  finger,  or  anything  of  the  proper  size, 

Fig.  20.  Side  view  of  head  of  a moth  (Sphynx 
drupiferarum),  which  has  just  extracted  a 
pair  of  Orchis  pollen-masses. 

Fig.  31.  Front  view  of  the  same,  with  the  pollen- 
masses  in  the  position  they  soon  take.  Both 
figures  magnified  to  the  same  degree  as  is  the 
Orchis  flower  in  Fig.  16. 



down  into  the  flower  so  as  to  press  gently  upon  these  disks  for  a moment ; then 
withdraw  it : the  disks  will  stick  fast,  and  the  stalks  with  the  pollen-mass  be 
drawn  out  of  the  anther.  Now  the  tip  of  the  Anger  or  the  pencil  is  just  in 
the  position  which  the  head  of  the  large  butterfly  or  moth  would  occupy  when 
its  proboscis  is  thrust  deep  into  the  honey-tube.  In  draining  the  nectar  from 
the  tube  the  insect’s  head  is  brought  down  close  to  its  orifice,  its  large  projecting 
eye  on  one  side  or  the  other,  or  on  both  at  once,  is  pressed  against  the  sticky  but- 
ton ; and  when  the  moth  raises  its  head  and  departs,  it  carries  away  bodily  one 
or  both  of  the  pollen-masses.  With  these  the  next  flowers  visited  may  be  ferti- 

58.  Except  by  the  insect’s  aid  as  a carrier,  secured  by  this  most  elaborate  and 
wonderful  contrivance,  these  Orchis  flowers  could  never  be  fertilized.  Close  as 
the  pollen  is  to  the  stigma,  it  evidently  cannot  reach  it  by  any  ordinary  chance. 
And  it  would  appear  as  if  the  obstacles  were  not  effectually  overcome  even  when 
a moth  or  butterfly  is  so  ingeniously  employed  to  convey  the  pollen  from  one  blos- 
som to  another,  which  is  plainly  what  is  intended.  For  the  position  of  parts  is 
such  that  wThen  the  pollen-masses  are  extracted  by  the  moth’s  head,  they  will 
stand  pointing  upwards  and  forwards,  as  shown  in  Fig.  20.  The  stalk  is  too  stiff 
to  allow  them  to  subside  by  their  own  weight.  So  when  the  moth  alights  upon 
the  next  flower  and  thrusts  its  proboscis  down  its  honey-tube,  the  pollen-masses  it 
has  brought  would  hit  the  anther,  quite  above  the  stigma,  and  effect  nothing. 
But  all  this  is  accurately  provided  for.  As  may  be  seen  by  watching  the  pollen- 
masses  when  taken  upon  the  point  of  a pencil,  within  from  ten  to  thirty  seconds 
their  stalk  turns  downward,  as  if  upon  a joint  between  it  and  the  adhering  disk, 
bringing  them  into  a position  like  that  represented  by  a front  view  in  Fig.  21. 
Now  the  pollen-masses  will  accurately  strike  the  stigma ! 

59.  In  some  Orchises,  and  where  this  adjustment  is  needful,  the  pollen-masses 
on  the  insect’s  head  not  only  turn  downwards  but  converge  inwards,  always  in  the 
way  and  to  the  degree  necessary  for  their  striking  the  stigma.  In  the  larger 
Green  Orchises,  from  which  the  illustrations  are  drawn,  the  sticky  disk  is  almost 
parallel  with  the  stalk  of  the  pollen-mass  at  its  lower  end,  and  attached  to  it  by  a 
short  intermediate  joint,  as  shown  in  Fig.  18,  and  more  magnified  in  Fig.  19.  It 
is  nearly  the  same  in  the  Yellow  and  the  White  Fringed  Orchises,  which  flower 
later  in  the  season.  In  all  these  the  disks  face  partly  inwards,  at  considerable 
distance  apart,  and  are  stuck  to  the  eye  of  the  butterfly  that  visits  them.  In 



others  the  disks  are  borne  directly  upon  the  end  of  the  stalk,  are  generally  closer 
together,  and  get  applied  to  the  front  of  the  head,  or  sometimes  to  the  proboscis 
of  the  insect. 

60.  When  a pollen-mass,  thus  carried  on  the  head  of  an  insect,  is  brought  into 
contact  with  the  stigma,  some  of  the  pollen  will  cleave  to  its  glutinous  surface 
and  be  left  there,  the  little  threads  that  bind  it  to  the  stalk  giving  way ; another 
portion  will  be  left  upon  the  stigma  of  the  next  flower  visited,  perhaps  on  the  next 
also,  and  so  nearly  all  the  pollen  be  turned  to  good  account.  Sometimes  the  ad- 
hesion of  the  disk  to  the  insect’s  eye  is  less  strong  than  the  threads  that  bind  the 
grains  to  the  stalk  on  the  one  hand,  and  than  the  adhesion  to  the  stigma  on  the 
other.  Then  the  whole  pollen-mass  is  left  upon  the  stigma  of  that  flower,  and  its 
pollen  taken  in  turn,  to  be  exchanged  for  that  of  the  next  flower ; and  so  on.  In 
any  case  each  blossom  will  be  fertilized  by  the  pollen  of  some  other  blossom, 
which  is  the  end  in  view ; and  a more  ingenious  contrivance  for  the  purpose  can- 
not be  imagined. 

61.  The  student  should  see  all  these  curious  things  with  his  or  her  own  eyes,  in 
order  fully  to  comprehend  and  enjoy  them.  Once  understood  in  our  common  wild 
Orchises,  it  will  be  equally  interesting  to  find  out  how  it  is  done,  in  more  or  less 
different  and  varied  ways 

62.  In  other  Orchids,  — whether  wild  ones,  such  as  Ladies’  Tresses,  Calopogon, 
etc.,  or  in  those  various  and  more  gorgeous  ones,  mostly  air-plants  of  tropical  re- 
gions, which  adorn  rich  conservatories.  Some  of  these  curiously  resemble  butter- 
flies themselves,  — either  a swarm  of  them,  as  some  of  the  smaller  ones  in  a clus- 
ter on  a long  light  stalk,  fluttering  with  every  breath  of  air ; some  are  like  a large, 
single,  gorgeous,  orange  and  spotted  butterfly  : Oncidium  Papilio , for  example 
(Fig.  22),  which  takes  its  name  from  the  singular  likeness,  Papilio  being  Latin  for 
butterfly ; and  Phalcenopsis , a plant  of  which,  greatly  reduced  in  size,  is  represented 
on  the  vignette  title-page  (upper  right-hand  corner),  with  large  white  flowers, 
takes  its  name  from  its  resemblance  to  a moth.  Can  the  likeness  be  a sort  of 
decoy  to  allure  the  very  kinds  of  insect  that  are  wanted  for  fertilizing  these  same 
flowers'?  Sometimes  the  strange  shapes  are  not  like  insects;  the  flowers  of 
Stanhopea  tigrina , for  example  (figured  at  the  top  of  the  vignette  title-page), 
resembling  in  color  and  form  rather  the  head  of  a cuttle-fish  than  any  known 

63.  In  Lady’s-Slipper,  or  Cypripedium,  the  plan  for  securing  fertilization  is  so  dif- 



ferent  from  that  of  any  other  of  the  Orchis  Family  as  to  need  a separate  descrip- 
tion, but  a very  brief  one  must  serve,  as  we  have  no  figure  ready.  We  refer  to  our 
wild  species ; and  first  to  the 
yellow  ones  and  to  the  large 
white  and  pink  one,  Cypri - 
pedium  spectabile,  the  Showy 
Lady’s-Slipper.  Unlike  other 
Orchids,  there  are  two  sta- 
mens : the  pollen  is  powdery,  or 
between  powdery  and  pulpy, 
and  not  very  different  from 
that  of  ordinary  flowers.  As 
it  lies  on  the  open  anther  in  a 
broad  patch,  it  somehow  gets 
a film  like  a thin  coat  of  sticky 
varnish.  The  stigma  is  large, 
flat,  and  somewhat  trowel- 
shaped, the  face  turned  for- 
wards and  downwards  : it  is 
supported  on  a stout  style,  to 
which  the  anthers  have  grown 
fast,  one  on  each  side.  This 
apparatus  is  placed  j ust  within 
the  upper  part  of  the  sac  or 
slipper  (rather  like  a moccason  or  buskin  than  a slipper),  which  gives  name  to  the 
flower.  There  are  three  openings  into  the  slipper ; a large  round  one  in  front, 
and  the  edges  of  this  are  turned  in,  after  the  fashion  of  one  sort  of  mouse-trap ; 
two  small  ones  far  back,  one  on  either  side,  directly  under  each  anther.  Flies  and 
the  like  enter  by  the  large  front  opening,  and  find  a little  nectar  apparently  be- 
dewing the  long  hairs  that  grow  from  the  bottom  of  the  slipper,  especially  well 
back  under  the  overhanging  stigma.  The  mouse-trap  arrangement  renders  it  dif- 
ficult for  the  fly  to  get  out  by  the  way  it  came  in.  As  it  pushes  on  under  the 
stigma  it  sees  light  on  either  side  beyond,  and  in  escaping  by  one  or  the  other  of 
these  small  openings  it  cannot  fail  to  get  a dab  of  pollen  upon  its  head,  as  it 
brushes  against  the  film  with  which  the  surface  is  varnished.  Flying  to  the  next 

Fig.  22.  Oncidium  Papilio.  Fig.  23.  Comparettia  rosea, 
are  Epiphytes,  or  Air-plants,  and  reduced  in  size. 




blossom  and  entering  as  before,  as  the  insect  makes  its  way  onward,  it  can  hardly 
fail  to  rub  the  pollen-covered  top  of  its  head  against  the  large  stigma  which  forms 
the  roof  of  the  passage.  The  stigma  of  every  other  Orchid  is  smooth  and  glu- 
tinous. This  is  merely  moist  and  finely  roughened  : the  roughness  comes  from 
very  minute  projections,  all  pointing  forwards,  so  that  the  surface  may  be  likened 
to  that  of  a wool-card  or  of  a rasp  on  a very  fine  scale.  So,  as  the  insect  passes 
under,  the  film  of  pollen  is  carded  or  rasped  olf  its  head  by  the  stigma  and  left 
upon  it ; and  when  the  fly  passes  out  it  takes  a fresh  load  of  pollen  on  its  head 
'with  which  to  fertilize  the  next  flower.  This  mode  of  action  we  first  predicted 
from  an  inspection  of  the  flower  and  a simple  experiment.  It  has  since  been  con- 
firmed by  repeated  observations.  The  early-flowering  and  purple  Stemless  Lady’s- 
Slipper  differs  from  the  others  in  having  its  larger  slipper  or  sac  pendent,  and 
with  a long  slit  in  front,  instead  of  a round  open  orifice ; the  two  lips  of  the  slit 
are  mostly  in  contact,  but  the  fly  may  readily  push  its  way  in ; the  way  of  exit 
is  more  open  than  in  the  other  species. 

64.  In  Asclepias  or  Milkweed.  Now  and  then  the  rough  legs  of  butterflies  and 
bees  are  found  to  be  encumbered  with  bodies  sticking  to  them  which  resemble  the 
pollen-masses  of  Orchids ; but  there  is  always  a pair  of  them,  of  waxy 

A appearance,  hanging  by  a curved  stalk  from  a dark-colored  disk,  if  it 
may  be  so  called,  which  is  not  button-shaped.  These  are  the  pollen- 
masses  of  Milkweed,  carried  off  by  insects  alighting  on  the  flower  to 
suck  the  nectar  from  five  little  cups,  and,  sticking  fast  to  their  legs  or 
feet,  are  so  carried  from  flower  to  flower.  Fig.  24  shows  a pair  of 
Flpoiien-masses  them-  Milkweeds  are  like  Orchids  in  this  respect  only.  Their  flow- 
of Milkweed.  ers  are  very  different  and  peculiar,  not  readily  to  be  explained  ex- 
cept with  the  plant  itself  in  hand;  but  insects  are  equally  necessary  to  fertilize 

65.  How  ordinary  blossoms  are  cross-fertilized  by  insects  passing  continually 
from  flower  to  flower  will  be  obvious  enough  after  these  explanations.  But  ob- 
serving eyes  will  detect  many  curious  arrangements  in  the  commonest  plants,  now 
that  the  way  is  pointed  out.  A few  may  be  described. 

66.  In  Barberry-blossoms  there  is  a remarkable  peculiarity.  We  have  learned,  in 
the  first  chapter,  that  certain  plants  are  endowed  with  the  power  of  moving  some 
part  freely  in  order  that  they  may  climb.  Barberry-blossoms  have  a movement 
upon  irritation,  which  has  long  been  familiar  as  a mere  curiosity,  but  which  we 



now  begin  to  understand  the  meaning  of.  It  is  turned  to  account  in  fertiliza- 
tion. The  six  stamens  surround  a pistil,  but  diverge  away  from  it,  as  if  to  be 
sheltered,  one  under  each  of  the  concave  or  arching  petals.  There 
they  remain  unless  touched,  as  with  a pin  or  any  other  body,  at  the 
base  of  the  filament  on  the  inside ; then  the  stamen  starts  forward 
suddenly,  as  with  a jerk,  into  an  erect  position.  Not  far  enough  for- 
ward, however,  for  the  anthers  to  hit  the  stigma ; indeed,  the  filament 
is  not  quite  long  enough  for  that.  Now  the  anther  opens  in  an  un- 
usual way,  namely,  by  trap-doors,  one  on  each  side  (as  shown  in  Fig. 

25),  letting  the  pollen  drop  out.  Barberry- blossoms  are  visited  by  Fis- 25-  stamen 
honey-bees  and  by  smaller  flying  insects ; in  the  common  Barberry  the  anther  open- 
flowers  are  hanging.  A touch  by  the  proboscis  of  a bee  hovering  un-  ^rgby  trap' 
derneath  causes  the  stamens  in  turn  to  spring  forward  suddenly,  and  to 
shower  the  insect  plentifully  with  their  pollen.  Some  of  this  may  be  applied  im- 
mediately to  the  button-shaped  stigma  of  that  very  flower;  but  some  would 
surely  be  carried  to  the  stigma  of  the  next  flowers  visited,  and  so  on.  In  species 
with  upright  flowers,  the  pollen  will  dust  the  proboscis  and  head  of  the  bee,  or 
of  smaller  insect  crawling  to  the  bottom  for  the  nectar  there ; and  in  entering  a 
subsequent  blossom  it  must  needs  brush  this  pollen  against  its  stigma. 

67.  In  Kalmia  ( American  Laurel , and  equally  in  the  smaller  species,  namely, 
Sheep  Laurel  or  Lambkill,  and  in  the  earlier-flowering  Glaucous  Laurel  of  the 
bogs),  a mechanical  instead  of  a vital  movement  is  turned  to  similar  account. 
The  singular  structure  of  the  blossom  has  long  been  known ; the  operation  of  it 
is  only  now  understood. 

68.  This  is  the  plan  of  it.  Ten  stamens  with  slender  filaments  surround  a 
still  longer  style  : the  tip  of  the  style  is  the  stigma,  which  the  pollen  is  somehow 
to  reach.  But  the  anthers  in  the  flower-bud  lie  in  as  many  pouches  in  the  sides 
of  the  corolla  (Fig.  26).  When  the  corolla  opens  and  takes  its  saucer-shaped 
form,  the  anthers  remain  lodged  in  the  pouches,  so  the  filaments  are  bowed  back 
and  become  so  many  springs  (Figs.  27,  28).  If  untouched  the  springs  generally 
remain  set  until  the  corolla  begins  to  fade  : by  that  time  the  filaments  lose  their 
elasticity  and  become  flabby  also.  If  we  jostle  them,  however,  by  a somewhat 
rude  touch  when  the  flower  is  in  fresh  condition,  so  as  to  liberate  the  anther,  the 
filaments  straighten  elastically  and  suddenly,  and  generally  curve  over  in 
the  opposite  direction.  As  they  fly  back  they  discharge  a quantity  of  pollen. 



Take  notice  that  these  anthers  do  not  open  by  trap-doors,  like  those  of  Barberry, 
nor  by  long  slits  as  in  most  flowers.  As  in  most  of  the  Heath  Family  (to  which 
Kalmia  belongs),  they  consist  of  a pair  of  sacs,  side  by  side,  wdiich  open  by  a 
round  hole  at  the  top  (see  Fig.  29).  So,  when  the  bowed  filament  is  set  free  and 
flies  forward,  the  grains  of  pollen  in  the  anther  are  projected,  like  shot  from  a 
child’s  pea-shooter.  A bit  of  whalebone,  to  the  end  of  which  two  pieces  of  quill 
filled  with  small  shot  are  made  fast,  is  not  a bad  representation  of  one  of  these 
stamens.  This  really  must  be  a contrivance  for  discharging  pollen  at  some  object. 
If  the  stigma  around  wThich  the  stamens  are  marshalled  be  that  object,  the  target 
is  a small  one,  yet  some  one  or  more  of  the  ten  shots  might  hit  the  mark.  But 
the  discharges  can  hardly  ever  take  place  at  all  without  the  aid  of  an  insect. 
Bees  are  the  insects  thus  far  observed  to  frequent  these  flowers ; and  it  is  inter- 
esting to  watch  the  operations  of  a bumble-bee  upon  them.  The  bee,  remaining 
on  the  wing,  circles  for  a moment  over  each  flower,  thrusting  his  proboscis  all 
round  the  ovary  at  the  bottom ; in  doing  this  it  jostles  and  lets  off  the  springs, 
and  receives  upon  the  under  side  of  its  body  and  its  legs  successive  charges  of 
pollen.  Flying  to  another  blossom,  it  brings  its  pollen-dusted  body  against  the 
stigma,  and,  commonly  revolving  on  it  as  if  on  a pivot  while  it  sucks  the  nectar 
in  the  bottom  of  the  flower-cup,  liberates  the  ten  bowed  stamens,  and  receives 
fresh  charges  of  pollen  from  that  flower  while  fertilizing  it  with  the  pollen  of  the 
preceding  one.  This  account  is  founded  on  the  observations  of  Professor  Beal,  of 
Michigan,  who  also  states  that  when  a cluster  of  blossoms  is  covered  with  fine 
gauze,  no  stamen  gets  liberated  of  itself  while  fit  for  action,  and  no  seed  sets. 

Figs.  26  - 29.  Flower  of  American  Laurel , Kalmia  latifolia.  26.  Flower-bud  divided  lengthwise.  27. 
Open  flower.  28.  Section  of  same,  lengthwise.  29.  A stamen  enlarged,  discharging  pollen  from 
the  two  holes  at  the  top. 



69.  One  might  doubt  whether  such  movements  as  those  of  the  stamens  of  Bar- 
berry and  of  Kalmia  were  really  intended  for  the  use  here  assigned  to  them. 
But  they  serve  this  purpose,  unquestionably,  and  we  can  think  of  no  other.  Now 
there  is  a flower  of  a tropical  Orchid,  cultivated  in  some  conservatories  (named  t 
Catasetum),  in  which  a movement  under  irritation  (analogous  to  that  of  the  Bar- 
berry-stamen) and  one  of  elasticity  (like  that  of  Kalmia)  are  combined  in  one 
apparatus,  — one  so  elaborate  and  special  that  nobody  can  doubt  that  it  is  a con- 
trivance for  this  particular  purpose.  It  cannot  well  be  described  here  without 
numerous  figures  and  much  detail.  But  the  amount  of  it  is,  that  a sensitiveness 
of  two  slender  and  partly  crossed  arms,  which  the  moth  or  other  large  insect  must 
hit  in  reaching  the  flower-cup,  liberates  a pollen-mass  which  is  set  as  a spring,  and 
lets  it  fly  like  a catapidt ; it  hits  the  head  of  the  insect  at  some  distance,  disk-end 
foremost,  and  sticks  fast  to  it,  in  proper  position  to  be  applied  to  the  stigma  of  the 
next  proper  flower  visited. 

70.  Returning  to  flowers  of  ordinary  structure,  and  of  familiar  kinds,  two  par- 
ticular arrangements  for  insuring  cross-fertilization  in  perfect  flowers  must  be 
briefly  noticed.  The  commonest  is  that  of 

71.  Dichogamous  Flowers.  Dichogamy  is  the  name  given  to  the  case  in  which 
the  stamens  and  the  stigmas  of  the  same  blossom  come  to  perfection  at  different 
periods.  That  is,  the  anthers  mature  and  discharge  their  pollen  in  some  plants 
before  the  stigma  is  ready  to  receive  it,  in  others  only  after  the  stigma  has  with- 
ered. Either  way,  the  pollen  that  fertilizes  and  the  stigma  that  is  fertilized  can 
never  belong  to  the  same  blossom. 

72.  In  the  Common  Plantain  of  our  dooryards  and  waysides,  Plantago  major , and 
in  the  English  Plantain,  or  Ripple  Grass  ( P . lanceolata)  of  the  fields,  this  is  famil- 
iarly illustrated.  The  style  projects  from  the  apex  of  the  closed  bud,  ready  to 
receive  pollen  from  other  flowers  a day  or  two  before  its  stamens  are  hung  out 
upon  their  slender  filaments,  to  furnish  pollen  for  other  flowers,  — not  for  their 
own,  the  stigma  of  which  is  by  that  time  dried  up.  Plantain-flowers,  however, 
produce  no  nectar,  and  are  neither  fragrant  nor  brightly  colored ; so  they  are  not 
visited  by  insects,  but  are  left  to  the  chance  of  the  conveyance  of  the  pollen  by 
the  wind.  It  is  the  same  with  many  Grasses  and  Grains,  only  in  reverse  order. 
Their  anthers  hang  out  on  their  slender  filaments  one  morning,  and  the  feathery 
stigmas  of  that  blossom  not  until  the  next  morning ; and  the  wind  is  the  pollen- 




73.  In  Figwort  or  Scrophularia,  and  in  many  other  flowers  of  which  this  may 
serve  as  an  example,  the  work  is  done  with  much  saving  of  pollen  by  calling  in 

the  aid  of  insects.  Fig.  30 
is  an  enlarged  representa- 
tion of  one  of  the  flowers, 
as  it  appears  throughout 
the  day  of  opening.  The 
style  projects  from  the 
gorge  of  the  corolla,  pre- 
senting the  stigma  just 
over  the  front  edge.  The 
stamens  are  out  of  sight 
F ..  „ _ ...  . A . „ . . . „ and  reach,  and  not  yet 

' Fig.  30.  Flower  of  Scrophularia  nodosa,  the  first  day.  31.  Inside  new  of  > J 

it,  the  front  half  cut  away.  32.  Flower  as  it  appears  on  the  second  day.  ready  : they  lie  recurved 

below,  as  shown  in  Fig. 

31.  A day  or  two  later  the  flower  appears  as  in  Fig.  32  : the  style  is  flabby  or 
withering,  and  the  stigma  uried  up;  the  stamens  have  straightened  their  fila- 
ments, and  have  brought  up  the  four  now  opened  anthers  above  the  front  edge  of 
the  corolla,  where  the  stigma  was  the  day  before.  The  bottom  of  the  corolla- 
cup  contains  some  nectar.  Honey-bees  are  attracted  by  it.  When  they  visit  a 
flower  in  the  state  of  Fig.  32,  alighting  as  they  do  on  the  front  lip,  they  get  the 
chest  and  legs  well  dusted  with  pollen,  none  of  which  has  acted  upon  its  own 
stigma ; for  that  was  dry  and  effete  before  these  anthers  opened.  When  the  bee 
passes  to  a freshly  expanded  flower,  such  as  Fig.  30,  the  parts  covered  with  pol- 
len are  sure  to  be  brought  against  the  fresh  and  active  stigma,  which  cannot  have 
possibly  been  touched  by  any  pollen  of  that  flower,  its  anthers  being  still  imma- 
ture and  hidden  below. 

74.  In  some  other  Flowers  the  pollen  is  conveyed  from  an  earlier  to  the  stigma 
of  a later  blossom,  the  anthers  maturing  and  shedding  their  pollen  before  the 
stigma  is  ready  to  receive  any.  A beautiful  case  of  the  sort,  in  which  a move- 
ment comes  conspicuously  into  play,  may  be  seen  in  Clerodendron  Thompsonian,  a 
climbing  shrub  from  tropical  Africa  which  blooms  in  our  conservatories.  Four 
stamens  with  very  long  filaments  and  an  equally  long  and  slender  style  are  rolled 
up  together  in  the  corolla-bud.  When  this  expands,  the  stamens  straighten  out 
nearly  in  the  line  of  the  tube  of  the  corolla,  and  their  anthers  open  : the  style 



has  bent  so  far  forwards  as  to  point  downwards,  and  the  stigma  is  not  yet  ready  for 
pollen,  its  two  branches  being  united.  So  a butterfly,  in  the  act  of  drawing  nectar 
from  this  flower,  will  get  the  under  side  of  its  body  dusted  with  pollen,  but  will 
not  come  near  the  reflexed  and  still  immature  style.  But  in  a flower  a day  older, 
the  stamens  are  found  to  be  coiled  up  (the  opposite  way  from  what  they  were  in 
the  bud)  and  turned  down  out  of  the  way,  bringing  the  anthers  nearly  where  the 
stigma  was  the  day  before  ; wThile  the  style  has  come  up  to  where  the  stamens 
were  the  day  before,  and  its  stigma  with  branches  outspread  is  now  ready  for 
pollen,  — is  just  in  position  and  condition  for  being  dusted  with  the  pollen  which 
the  butterfly  has  received  from  the  anthers  of  an  earlier  blossom. 

75.  Campanulas  and  Sabbatias  also  mature  their  anthers  and  shed  their  pollen 
long  before  the  stigmas  open  so  as  to  receive  any ; they,  too,  are  fertilized  by  in- 
sects carrying  pollen  from  an  earlier  to  a later  flower.  To  understand  how  it  is 
done  in  each  particular  case  the  flowers  themselves  should  be  studied  in  the  field 
and  garden. 

76.  Dimorphous  Flowers,  that  is,  flowers  of  two  kinds  as  to  length  or  position  of 
stamens  and  pistil,  but  both  sorts  perfect,  remain  to  be  considered.  In  these  the 
difference  is  only  in  the  stamens  and  pistil,  usually  merely  in  their  relative  length, 
and  very  likely  to  be  noticed  only  by  the  attentive  observer.  A good  case  of  this 
may  readily  be  seen 

77.  In  Houstonia.  The  com- 
monest species,  the  little  blue- 
eyed Houstonia  ccerulea , looks 
up  to  us  from  every  low  mead- 
ow in  spring  as  soon  as  the  turf 
gets  dry  enough  to  set  foot 
upon.  In  different  patches  of 
it,  some  flowers  will  show  the 
tips  of  the  four  stamens  slight- 
ly projecting  ; as  many  others 
will  show  the  two  stigmas 
only.  The  two  kinds  are  al- 
ways in  different  patches ; all 
that  come  from  the  same  seed 
being  alike.  The  sort  that  shows  the  tips  of  the  anthers  (as  in  Fig.  33,  and  with 



corolla  divided  and  spread  open  in  Fig.  34)  has  a short  style,  which  brings  the 
two  stigmas  up  to  near  the  middle  of  the  tube  of  the  corolla.  The  sort  that 
shows  the  stigmas  projecting  (as  in  Figs.  35  and  36)  has  the  siyle  long  enough  to 
bring  them  up  just  to  the  place  which  the  anthers  occupy  in  the  other  flower; 
but  its  anthers  are  placed  as  low  down  in  the  tube  as  the  stigmas  are  in  the  first 
flower.  The  little  Partridge  Berry  of  the  woods  has  its  flowers  of  two  sorts,  on 
the  same  plan  : and  among  garden  flowers  it  may  be  seen  in  Primroses.  But  it 
is  to  be  noted  that  this  plan  occurs  only  in  flowers  that  are  frequented  by  insects. 

78.  In  the  Houstonia , small  insects,  feeding  by  a proboscis,  passing  from  flower 
to  flower,  take  from  the  high-stamened  one  (Figs.  33,  34)  some  pollen  upon  the 
face,  as  it  is  brought  down  close  to  the  orifice  of  the  corolla  when  the  proboscis 
is  thrust  to  the  bottom  for  the  nectar  there.  When  the  insect  passes  to  another 
flower  of  the  same  sort,  it  merely  gets  its  face  smeared  with  a little  more  pollen. 
But  when  it  visits  a long-styled  flower  (such  as  Figs.  35,  36)  and  brings  its  head 
down  to  the  orifice,  it  will  apply  some  of  this  pollen  to  the  stigmas,  which  are 
exactly  in  the  position  to  receive  it.  So  the  high  anthers  are  to  fertilize  the  high 
stigmas.  How  about  the  low  stamens  and  lowT  stigmas,  when  the  insect  flies  from 
a flower  of  the  second  sort  to  one  of  the  first,  as  it  is  quite  as  likely  to  do? 
Why,  the  insect’s  proboscis,  as  it  explores  that  flower,  gets  dusted  with  the  pollen 
of  the  low  anthers,  and  this  pollen  is  neatly  carried  and  applied  to  the  similarly 
placed  stigma  of  the  other  kind  of  flower.  So  much  for  dimorphous  flowers. 
There  are  even 

79.  TrimorphoilS  Flowers,  that  is,  perfect  flowers  of  three  sorts  arranged  to  co- 
operate in  this  way.  One  case  at  least  was  discovered  by  the  most  sagacious 
investigator  of  this  whole  class  of  subjects  (Mr.  Darwin),  in  a kind  of  Loosestrife 
( Lythrum  Salicaria ),  and  there  is  something  nearly  like  it  in  another  bog  plant  of 
the  Loosestrife  Family,  Nescea  verticillata.  There  are  three  lengths  of  style  and 
three  lengths  of  stamens,  two  of  the  latter  in  each  sort  of  flower,  the  stamens 
being  in  two  sets.  Bees  suck  the  flowers  of  this  Loosestrife.  In  doing  so,  the 
longest  stamens  rub  their  pollen  against  the  lower  and  hinder  part  of  the  body 
and  the  hind  legs ; the  middle-length  stamens,  between  the  front  pair  of  legs ; 
the  shortest  stamens,  against  the  proboscis  and  chin.  When  they  fly  to  other 
flowers,  the  very  parts  that  are  dusted  with  long-stamen  pollen  rub  against  the 
stigma  of  the  long  style ; those  dusted  with  that  of  middle-length  stamens, 
against  the  stigma  of  middle-length  style  ; those  with  that  of  short  stamens,  against 



the  stigma  of  the  shortest  style,  — each  to  each.  Not  only  is  the  pollen,  through 
such  wonderful  arrangements,  so  distributed  as  to  secure  cross-fertilization,  but 
the  end  is  further  secured  by  a 

80.  Preference  of  Stigma  for  Pollen  of  other  Flowers  than  its  own.  In  dimorphous 
and  trimorphous  flowers,  such  as  have  just  been  described,  it  has  been  ascertained 
that  if  pollen  is  placed  upon  the  stigma  of  the  same  blossom,  or  even  on  that  of 
another  blossom  of  the  same  sort,  it  takes  little  or  no  effect.  There  are  cases 
where  the  stigma  gets  naturally  covered  with  its  own-flower  pollen  without  set- 
ting seed,  but  when  touched  with  the  pollen  of  another  flower  it  seeds  perfectly. 
This  explains,  at  length,  the  remarkable  thing  (described  in  paragraph  37)  that 
the  blossoms  of  Peas,  Beans,  and  of  Dicentra  or  Bleeding-heart  and  the  like, 
generally  set  little  or  no  seed  when  insects  are  excluded,  although  the  parts  are 
so  disposed  that  the  stigma  must  be  dusted  by  the  pollen  of  the  stamens  enclosed 
with  it.  Why  even  such  flowers  need  the  aid  of  insects  is  now  clear.  This  pref- 
erence of  pollen  for  other  than  its  own  blossom,  however,  is  strictly 

81.  Within  the  limits  Of  the  Species.  The  pollen  which  is  conveyed  to  the  stigma 
of  a different  species  is  inactive  and  without  result,  in  all  but  species  that  are 
pretty  nearly  related,  and  in  many  of  these.  Apple-blossom  pollen,  for  instance, 
does  not  fertilize  pear-blossoms,  and  vice  versa.  Cross-breeding  among  flowers 
of  the  same  species  is  the  rule,  — among  different  species  the  exception.  It  may 
be  done,  however,  to  a certain  extent,  but  always  with  more  difficulty  ; it  rarely 
occurs  in  nature  left  to  itself.  Crossing  of  species  produces  Hybrids  : by  recourse 
to  it  gardeners  and  florists  greatly  diversify  certain  flowers  and  fruits  ; for  the  new 
sorts  produced  inherit  from  both  parents  : the  cultivator  aims  at  originating  and 
preserving  those  that  combine  the  most  desirable  qualities  of  both  parents. 

82.  Advantage  Of  Perfect  Flowers.  The  greater  number  of  species,  and  far  the 
greater  number  of  those  that  are  visited  by  insects,  are  perfect,  that  is,  with  sta- 
mens and  pistil  in  the  same  blossom.  Yet  separated  flowers  would  seem  best  for 
the  end  in  view,  cross-fertilization  in  them  taking  place  of  necessity.  But,  with 
insects  to  assist,  it  is  better,  that  is,  more  economical,  to  have  perfect  flowers ; 
for,  while  the  crossing  is  equally  secured,  both  flowers  produce  seed.  “ The  econ- 
omy of  Nature  ” of  which  we  read  is  something  more  than  a figure  of  speech. 

83.  The  reciprocity  of  flower  and  flower,  and  of  insects  and  flowers,  is  some- 
thing admirable.  Insects  pay  liberal  wages  for  the  food  which  flowers  provide  for 
them.  The  familiar  rhymes  of  Dr.  Watts  directed  the  attention  of  young  people 



to  the  bee  visiting  the  flower  as  a model  of  industry.  With  a slight  change  of  a 
couplet,  adapting  it  to  our  present  knowledge  and  to  the  lesson  of  mutual  help- 
fulness, we  may  read  : — 

How  doth  the  little  busy  bee 
Improve  each  shining  hour, 

While  gathering  honey  day  by  day, 

To  fertilize  each  flower. 

84.  Such  are  the  principal  modes,  thus  far  known  (and  when  these  are  under- 
stood watchful  eyes  may  discover  other  equally  curious  cases),  in  which  flowers 
are  prevented  from  breeding  in  and  in,  either  wholly  or  to  such  extent  as 
to  keep  up  the  vigor  of  the  species.  Such  are  some  of  the  ways  in  which 
flowers  are  adapted  to  insects,  and  no  doubt  insects  to  flowers,  for  this  end. 
Plants,  destitute  of  the  locomotion  and  volition  which  animals,  at  least  the  higher 
animals,  enjoy,  have  the  lack  made  up  to  them  in  these  subtle  and  very  various 
contrivances,  by  which  the  volition  and  locomotion  of  insects  are  made  to  serve 
them,  even  to  secure  their  very  existence.  For,  to  say  that  these  plants  could 
continue  to  flourish  without  such  aid  is  tantamount  to  saying,  that  these  multi- 
farious, elaborate,  and  exquisite  arrangements  are  superfluous,  — which  is  past  all 

85.  It  is  equally  past  belief  that  they  are  undesigned  or  accidental.  No  one 
has  been  able  to  describe  them  except  in  language  which  assumes  that  they  are 
contrivances , adaptations  for  particular  purposes , and  the  like  ; and  where  many  of 
them  are  best  described  they  are  said  to  “ transcend  in  an  incomparable  degree  the 
contrivances  and  adaptations  which  the  most  fertile  imagination  of  the  most  imag- 
inative man  could  suggest,  with  unlimited  time  at  his  disposal.”  Now,  no  matter 
whether  or  not  the  flowers  themselves  with  all  these  structures  have  been 
perfected  step  by  step,  through  no  matter  how  long  a series  of  natural  stages, 
— if  these  structures  and  their  operations,  which  so  strike  the  mind  of  the  philos- 
opher no  less  than  of  the  common  observer  that  he  cannot  avoid  calling  them 
contrivances,  do  not  argue  intention,  what  stronger  evidence  of  intention  in  Na- 
ture can  there  anywhere  possibly  be  1 If  they  do,  such  evidences  are  countless, 
and  almost  every  blossom  brings  distinct  testimony  to  the  existence  and  provi- 
dence of  a Designer  and  Ordainer,  without  whom,  we  may  well  believe,  not  merely 
a sparrow,  not  even  a grain  of  pollen,  may  fall. 





86.  This  is  not  a common  habit  of  plants.  Insects  are  fed  and  allowed  to  depart 
unharmed.  When  captures  are  made  they  must  sometimes  be  purely  accidental 
and  meaningless ; as  in  those  species  of  Silene  called  Catch-fly,  because  small  flies 
and  other  weak  insects,  sticking  fast  to  a clammy  exudation  of  the  calyxes  in 
some  species,  of  a part  of  the  stem  in  others,  are  unable  to  extricate  themselves 
and  so  perish.  But  in  certain  cases  insects  are  caught  in  ways  so  remarkable  that 
we  cannot  avoid  regarding  them  as  contrivances,  as  genuine  flytraps. 

87.  Flower-Flytraps  are  certainly  to  be  found  in  some  plants  of  the  Orchis 
Family.  One  instance  is  that  of  Cypripedium  or  Lady’s-Slipper,  which,  being  a 
contrivance  for  cross-fertilization,  is  described  in  the  foregoing  chapter  (paragraph 
62).  Here  the  insect  is  entrapped  for  the  purpose  of  securing  its  services; 
and  the  detention  is  only  temporary.  If  jt  did  not 
escape  from  one  flower  to  enter  into  another,  the 
whole  purpose  of  the  contrivance  would  be  defeated. 

Not  so,  however,  in 

88.  Leaf-Flytraps.  These  all  take  the  insect’s  life, 

— whether  with  intent  or  not  it  may  be  difficult 
to  make  out.  The  commonest  and  the  most  ambig- 
uous leaf-flytraps  are 

89.  Such  as  Pitchers,  of  which  those  of  our  Sarra- 
cenia  or  Sidesaddle-flower  are  most  familiar.  Fig.  37 
represents  one  leaf,  and  a section  of  another,  of  the 
species  most  common  in  our  bogs,  especially  at  the 
North ; and  the  vignette  title-page,  at  bottom  on 
the  right  hand,  shows  the  longer  and  more  tubular 
pitchers  of  another  species  of  the  Southern  States. 

S.  flava,  a common  yellow-flowered  species  from 
Virginia  southward,  has  them  so  very  long  and  ^'fnfa7 pu1^, 



narrow,  that  they  are  popularly  named  Trumpets,  In  these  pitchers  or  tubes 
water  is  generally  found,  sometimes  caught  from  rain,  but  in  other  cases  evi- 
dently furnished  by  the  plant,  the  pitcher  being  so  constructed  that  water  can- 
not rain  in  : this  water  abounds  with  drowned  insects,  commonly  in  all  stages  of 
decay.  One  would  suppose  that  insects  which  have  crawled  into  the  pitcher 
might  as  readily  crawl  out ; but  they  do  not,  and  closer  examination  shows  that 
escaping  is  not  as  easy  as  entering.  In  most  pitchers  of  this  sort  there  are  sharp 
and  stiff  hairs  within,  all  pointing  downward,  which  offer  considerable  obstruction 
to  returning,  but  none  to  entering. 

90.  Why  plants  which  are  rooted  in  wet  bogs  or  in  moist  ground  need  to  catch 
water  in  pitchers,  or  to  secrete  it  there,  is  a mystery,  unless  it  is  wanted  to  drown 
flies  in.  And  what  they  gain  from  a solution  of  dead  flies  is  equally  hard  to 
guess,  unless  this  acts  as  a liquid  manure. 

91.  Into  such  pitchers  as  the  common  one  represented  in  Fig.  37  rain  may 
fall ; but  not  readily  into  such  as  those  of  the  vignette  title  already  referred  to,  — 

not  at  all  into  those  of  the  Parrot-headed  species,  S.  psit- 
tacina  of  the  Southern  States,  for  the  inflated  lid  or  cover 
arches  over  the  mouth  of  the  pitcher  completely.  This 
is  even  more  strikingly  so  in  Darlingtonia , the  curious 
Californian  Pitcher-plant  lately  made  known  and  culti- 
vated : in  this  the  contracted  entrance  to  the  pitcher  is 
concealed  under  the  hood  and  looks  downward  instead  of 
upward ; and  even  the  small  chance  of  any  rain  entering 
by  aid  of  the  wind  is,  as  it  were,  guarded  against  by  a 
curious  appendage,  resembling  the  forked  tail  of  some 
fish,  which  hangs  over  the  front.  Any  water  found  in 
this  pitcher  must  come  from  the  plant  itself.  So  it  also 
must  in  the  combined 

92.  Pitcher  and  Tendril  of  Nepenthes.  These  Pitcher- 
plants  are  woody  climbers,  natives  of  the  Indian  Archi- 
pelago, and  not  rarely  cultivated  in  hot-houses,  as  a curi- 
osity. One  is  shown  on  the  vignette  title,  right-hand 
side,  and  their  way  of  climbing  is  mentioned  in  the  foregoing  chapter  (19).  Some 
leaves  lengthen  the  tip  into  the  tendril  only ; some  of  the  lower  bear  a pitcher 
only ; but  the  best  developed  leaves  have  both,  — the  tendril  for  climbing,  the 



pitcher  one  can  hardly  say  for  what  purpose.  The  pitcher  is  tightly  closed  by  a 
neatly  fitting  lid  when  young  ; and  in  strong  and  healthy  plants  there  is  com- 
monly a little  water  in  it,  which  could  not  possibly  have  been  introduced  from 
without.  After  they  are  fully  grown  the  lid  opens  by  a hinge  ; then  a little  water 
might  be  supposed  to  rain  in.  In  the  humid  sultry  climates  they  inhabit  it  prob- 
ably does  so  freely,  and  the  leaves  are  found  partly  filled  with  dead  flies,  as  in 
our  wild  Pitcher-plants. 

93.  The  drowning  of  insects  in  plant-pitchers  is  of  course  an  accidental  occur- 
rence, and  any  supposed  advantage  of  this  to  the  plant  may  be  altogether  fanci- 
ful. But  we  cannot  deny  that  the  supply  of  liquid  manure  may  be  useful.  Be- 
fore concluding  that  they  are  of  no  account,  it  may  be  well  to  contemplate  other 
sorts  of  leaf-flytraps. 

94.  Sundew  as  a Fly-catcher.  All  species  of  Sundew  ( Drosera ) have  their  leaves, 
and  some  their  stalks  also,  beset  with  bristles  tipped  with  a gland  from  which 
oozes  a drop  of  clear  but  very  glutinous  liquid,  making  the  plant  appear  as  if 
studded  with  dew-drops.  These  remain,  glistening  in  the  sun,  long  after  dew- 
drops  would  have  been  dissipated.  Small  flies,  gnats,  and  such-like  insects,  seem- 
ingly enticed  by  the  glittering  drops,  stick  fast  upon  them  and  perish  by  starva- 
tion, one  would  suppose  without  any  benefit  whatever  to  the  plant.  But  in  the 
broad-leaved  wild  species  of  our  bogs,  such  as  the  common  Round-leaved  Sundew 
(figured,  much  reduced  in  size,  at  the  foot  of  the  vignette  title,  toward  the  right), 
the  upper  face  and  edges  of  the  blade  of  the  leaf  bear  stronger  bristles,  tipped 
with  a larger  glutinous  drop,  and  the  whole  forms  what  we  must  allow  to  be  a 
veritable  fly-trap. 

95.  For,  when  a small  fly  alights  on  the  upper  face,  and  is  held  by  some  of 
the  glutinous  drops  long  enough  for  the  leaf  to  act,  the  surrounding  bristles 
slowly  bend  inwards  so  as  to  bring  their  glutinous  tips  also  against  the  body  of 
the  insect,  adding,  one  by  one,  to  the  bonds,  and  rendering  captivity  and  death  cer- 
tain. This  movement  of  the  bristles  must  be  of  the  same  nature  as  that  by 
which  tendrils  and  some  leafstalks  bend  or  coil.  It  is  much  too  slow  to  be  visible 
except  in  the  result,  which  takes  a day  or  two  to  be  completed.  Here,  then,  is  a 
contrivance  for  catching  flies,  a most  elaborate  one,  in  action  slow  but  sure.  And 
the  different  species  of  Sundew  offer  all  gradations  between  those  with  merely  scat- 
tered and  motionless  dewy-tipped  bristles,  to  which  flies  may  chance  to  stick,  and 
this  more  complex  arrangement,  which  we  cannot  avoid  regarding  as  intended  for 



fly-catching.  Moreover,  in  one  of  our  species  with  longer  leaves  (. D . longifolia) 
the  blade  of  the  leaf  itself  incurves  (as  an  intelligent  lady  has  observed),  so  as  to 
fold  round  its  victim  ! ' 

96.  Another  and  a most  practised  observer,  whose  observations  are  not  yet  pub- 
lished, declares  that  the  leaves  of  the  common  Round-leaved  Sundew  act  differ- 
ently when  different  objects  are  placed  upon  them.  For  instance,  if  a particle  of. 
raw  meat  be  substituted  for  the  living  fly,  the  bristles  will  close  upon  it  in  the 
same  manner ; but  to  a particle  of  chalk  or  wood  they  remain  nearly  indifferent. 
If  any  doubt  should  still  remain  whether  the  fly-catching  in  Sundews  is  acciden- 
tal or  intentional,  — in  other  words,  whether  the  leaf  is  so  constructed  and  ar- 
ranged in  order  that  it  may  capture  flies,  — the  doubt  may  perhaps  disappear 
upon  the  contemplation  of  another  and  even  more  extraordinary  plant  of  the 
same  family  with  the  Sundew,  namely, 

97.  Venus’s  Flytrap,  or  Dion^a  muscipula.  This  plant  abounds  in  the  low  savan- 
nas around  Wilmington,  North  Carolina,  and  is  native  nowhere  else.  It  is  not 
very  difficult  to  cultivate,  at  least  for  a time,  and  it  is  kept  in  many  choice  con- 
servatories as  a vegetable  wonder. 

98.  The  trap  is  the  end  of  the  leaf  (see  Figs.  39, 
40).  It  is  somewhat  like  the  leaf  of  Sundew,  only 
larger,  about  an  inch  in  diameter,  with  bristles  still 
stouter,  but  only  round  the  margin,  like  a fringe,  and 
no  clammy  liquid  or  gland  at  their  tips.  The  leaf 
folds  on  itself  as  if  hinged  at  the  midrib.  Three 
more  delicate  bristles  are  seen  on  the  face  upon  close 
inspection.  When  these  are  touched  by  the  finger  or 
the  point  of  a pencil,  the  open  trap  shuts  with  a 
quick  motion,  and  after  a considerable  interval  it 
reopens.  When  a fly  or  other  insect  alights  on  the 
surface  and  brushes  against  these  sensitive  bristles, 
the  trap  closes  promptly,  generally  imprisoning  the 
intruder.  It  closes  at  first  with  the  sides  convex  and 
the  bristles  crossing  each  other  like  the  fingers  of  in- 
terlocked hands  or  the  teeth  of  a steel-trap,  as  in  the 
side  figures  of  Fig.  39.  But  soon  the  sides  of  the 
trap  flatten  down  and  press  firmly  upon  the  victim ; and  it  now  requires  a very 

nus’s  Flytrap,  the  trap  of  the 
larger  one  wide  open. 



considerable  force  to  open  the  trap.  If  nothing  is  caught  the  trap  presently 
reopens  of  itself  and  is  ready  for  another  attempt.  When  a fly  .or  any  similar 
insect  is  captured  it  is  retained  until  it  perishes,  — is  killed,  indeed,  and  con- 
sumed ; after  which  it  opens  for  another  capture.  But  after  the  first  or  second  it 
acts  sluggishly  and  feebly,  it  ages  and  hardens,  at  length  loses  its  sensibility,  and 
slowly  decays. 

99.  It  cannot  be  supposed  that  plants,  like  boys,  catch  flies  for  pastime  or  in 
objectless  wmitonness.  Living  beings  though  they  are,  yet  they  are  not  of  a suf- 
ficiently high  order  for  that.  It  is  equally  incredible  that  such  an  exquisite 
apparatus  as  this  should  be  purposeless.  And  in  the  present  case  the  evidence  of 
the  purpose  and  of  the  meaning  of  the  strange  action  is  wellnigh  complete. 
The  face  of  this  living  trap  is  thickly  sprinkled  with  glands  immersed  in  its  tex- 
ture, of  elaborate  structure  under  the  microscope,  but  large  enough  to  be  clearly 
discerned  with  a hand  lens ; these  glands,  soon  after  an  insect  is  closed  upon,  give 
out  a saliva-like  liquid,  which  moistens  the  insect,  and  in  a short  time  (within  a 
week  or  two)  dissolves  all  its  soft  parts,  — digests  them,  we  must  believe ; and  the 
liquid,  with  the  animal  matter  it  has  dissolved,  is  re-absorbed  into  the  leaf!  We 
are  forced  to  conclude  that,  in  addition  to  the  ordinary  faculties  and  function  of 
a vegetable,  this  plant  is  really  carnivorous.* 

100.  That,  while  all  plants  are  food  for  animals,  some  few  should,  in  turn  and 
to  some  extent,  feed  upon  them,  will  appear  more  credible  when  it  is  considered 
that  whole  tribes  of  plants  of  the  lowest  grade  (Mould-Fungi  and  the  like)  habit- 
ually feed  upon  living  plants  and  living  animals,  or  upon  their  juices  when  dead. 
An  account  of  them  would  make  a volume  of  itself,  and  an  interesting  one.  But 
all  goes  to  show  that  the  instances  of  extraordinary  behavior  which  have  been 

* Ellis,  who  first  described  the  Dioncea  in  full,  and  gave  it  this  name  noticed  the  liquid  secretion  and 
the  glands  that  produce  it,  hut  thought  that  it  was  given  out  while  the  trap  was  open  and  as  a lure  to 
insects : he  expi’essed  his  belief  that  the  leaves  caught  insects  for  the  purpose  of  nutrition.  Linnaeus 
appears  to  have  doubted  this ; he  omitted  all  account  of  the  fluid,  and  gave  a more  humane,  but  incor- 
rect, version  of  the  plant’s  behavior,  stating  that  the  trap  holds  the  insect  only  while  it  struggles,  but 
releases  it  on  becoming  quiet:  and  this  statement  has  been  commonly  adopted.  Elliott  merely  copied 
the  description  by  Linnaeus.  The  Rev.  Dr.  M.  A.  Curtis  of  North  Carolina  (just  deceased)  gave  a 
more  correct  account  about  thirty  years  ago.  Recently  Mr.  William  M.  Canby  of  Delaware  has  pub- 
lished some  very  interesting  observations  and  experiments;  which  show  that  the  liquid  is  a sort  of  gas- 
tric juice,  exuded  after  the  capture.  He  also  fed  the  leaves  with  morsels  of  raw  beef,  and  found  that 
these  in  most  instances  were  mainly  dissolved  in  the  juice,  which  then  disappeared,  evidently  by  ab- 
sorption. Similar  observations  and  experiments  made  by  Mr.  Darwin  are  still  unpublished. 



recounted  m these  chapters  are  not  mere  prodigies,  wholly  out  of  the  general 
order  of  Nature,  but  belong  to  the  order  of  Nature,  and  indeed  are  hardly  dif- 
ferent in  kind  from,  or  really  more  wonderful  than,  the  doings  of  many  of  the 
commonest  plants,  which,  until  our  special  attention  is  called  to  them,  ordinarily 
pass  unregarded. 

Fig.  40.  Tenus’s  Flytrap : Dionasa.