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VOL. I. 

Bees and Bee-keeping. 


Plate : /. 

Digestive System of Bee (Magnified Ten times). 

A, Horizontal Section of Body— Ip, Labial Palpus ; mx, Maxilla; e. Eye; dv, dv, 
Dorsal Vessel; v. Ventricles of the same; No. 1, No. 2, No. 3, Salivary Gland 
Systems, 1, 2, 3 ; oe, (Esophagus; pro.t, Prothorax ; mesa.t, Mesathorax ; meta.t, 
Metathorax; g , g, Ganglia of Chief Nerve Chain; n, Nerves; hs. Honey 
Sac; p, Petaloid Stopper of Honey Sac or Stomach-Mouth; c.s, Chyle 
Stomach; bt, Biliary or Malpighian Vessels; si, Small Intestine; l, Lamellae 
or Gland Plates of Colon ; li, Large Intestine. B, Cellular Layer of Stomach— 
gc, Gastric Cells, magnified 200 times. C, Biliary Tube—be, Bile Cells;;, 
Trachea. D, Inner Layer, carrying gt, Gastric Teeth. 


Scientific anb practical. 

A Complete Treatise on the Anatomy, Physiology, 
Floral Relations, and Profitable Management 
of the Hive Bee. 



Lecturer on Apiculture at South Kensington, 

Author op “Diagrams on the Anatomy of the Honey Bee;” “Practical 
Bee-Keeping;” “Abdominal Distention in Bees during Winter;” 
“Honey as Food;” “The Apparatus for Differentiating the 
Sexes in Bees and Wasps;” “The Relations of Insects to 
Flowering Plants;” “Foul Brood not Micrococcus 
but Bacillus—The Means of its Propagation, 
and the Method of its Cure;” etc., etc. 

With Numerous Illustrations of the Internal and External Structure 
of the Bee, and its Application to Plant Fertilisation ; 

Bee Appliances , and Methods of Operation, Diseases, &c., 
expressly drawn for this work by the Author. 




All Bights Reserved. 


I N deference to repeated requests, made by many 
unknown correspondents, as well as by those who 
have listened to his Courses of Lectures, the Author 
has prepared the following pages for publication ; and, 
in presenting them to the attention of the Scientific 
and Bee-keeping public generally, he also fulfils a 
promise, given ten years since, in his “ Practical 

Bee-keeping,” for the very flattering reception of 
which he now tenders thanks to his numerous 

The unique character of the present work will 
explain and excuse the delay in its appearance; 
for the Author has never scrupled to devote time 
without stint to the solution of any difficulty, 
and has preferred, in every possible case, to put 

generally received statements to the test of careful 
experiment before adopting them as his own. 
This has led to numerous discoveries, which alto¬ 
gether change the aspect of some parts of the 

subject; while many old landmarks have had to 

submit to modifications in their positions, or absolute 
displacement. The Author acknowledges that he 
possesses rather the spirit of the progressionist and 
investigator than that of the antiquarian, and, should 
he in any case be suspected of having been led 


into a too hasty substitution of a new theory for 
an old, he begs no other indulgence, than that his 
conclusions should be tested with care at least 
equal to that by which he has endeavoured to 
support them. He thus trusts that, truth prevailing, 
the little corner of the vast field of human inquiry 
in which he has had the honour to labour may be 
enriched by facts which may give a new departure, 
and make Apiculture both more delightful and more 
profitable, because more intelligent. 

It has been thought wise to treat, as far as 
possible, the Scientific and Practical aspects of the 
question, notwithstanding the close dependence of the 
latter upon the former, in two separate volumes, 
which should be, together, a complete guide in all 
matters, both touching the Natural History and Man- 
agement of the Hive Bee. Of these volumes, the 
first is mainly devoted to the consideration of the 
anatomy and physiology of the bee itself, the 
peculiarities of the sexes, and the principles of 
comb structure, while the fascinating botanical ques¬ 
tion of the relation of bees to flowering plants has 
been rather fully treated. The Illustrations here are, 
in some points, like those in the Author’s large 
Diagrams, published by the British Beekeepers’ Asso¬ 
ciation, and which, unfortunately, have been copied 
by one or two writers with a faithfulness which is 
flattering, although, with a reticence far more common 
than commendable, they have abstained from men¬ 
tioning the source whence their material has been 



derived. The second volume deals directly and 
very fully with Practical and Commercial matters, 
but always in the scientific spirit, for this separation 
has been carried so far only as the convenience of 
the reader seemed to demand— e.g., chemical and 
chemico-physiological matters touching the nature 
of honey—its value as a human food; its adultera¬ 
tion, and tests for the same ; artificial foods for bees, 
and their essentials ; the characteristics of pure bees’ 
wax, and many other such, beside the highly im¬ 
portant, and now extensive, question of Bee Diseases, 
and their Treatment, the latter being necessarily 
discussed in the light of the microscopical dis¬ 
coveries, upon which all knowledge of the subject 
really rests. 

Investigators, discoverers, and inventors have been 
duly credited, and all sources of information stated; 
the works also, within the knowledge of the Author, 
which might be useful to the reader desiring to 
prosecute any special point, have had their titles 
given in full in footnotes. 

While coveting for this effort the encouragement 
which former ones have received, the Author desires 
to acknowledge the assistance given by his Pub¬ 
lisher, who has aided him in every endeavour to 
make “ Bee-keeping, Scientific and Practical,” worthy 
of support; and to a loving Daughter, who has 
read his proofs, it is a deep pleasure to express his 

Avenue House, Acton, W., 

January, 1886 . 



Introduction .i 

I. —Wild and Hive Bees.7 

II. —Economy of Hive Bee.15 

III. —General Structure.29 

IV. —Nerve System.45 

V.—Digestive System.57 

VI.—Salivary (?) Glands of Bees.72 

VII.—Tongue and Mouth Parts.87 

VIII.—Organs of Special Sense : Antennae and Eyes - 102 

IX. —Thorax and Legs. 120 

X. —Wings and Flight : Buzzing and Humming - - 134 

XI. —Secretion of Wax, and Bee Architecture - - 151 

XII.—Sting Structure.183 

XIII. —Organs of the Drone. 198 

XIV. —Queen Organs and Development - - - - 212 

XV. —Bees and Flowers Mutually Complementary - 247 

XVI. —Bees as Fertilisers, Florists, and Fruit-producers 279 



The Hive Bee, from the wonders of its social 

economy calling into play instincts as remarkable 

as they are inexplicable, has for many ages com¬ 
manded the interest and the admiration of men; 
and since it is at least the storer of saccharine sub¬ 
stances in a most convenient and delicious form, 
which, before the general introduction of the sugar¬ 
cane, supplied in a unique manner a human want, it 
has been, during many centuries, associated with 
mankind by a bond of necessity second only, 

perhaps, to that which linked our forefathers to the 
cow, the sheep, and the horse. Although we are 

less dependent upon its untiring industry, its sweet 
product and tuneful hum are as grateful as ever; 
while scientific investigation has shown to us that 
the little labourer is a prodigy of wonders, of which 
those of a hundred years since had not a suspicion ; 
and, as revelation after revelation opens up before 


us, our interest intensifies and our minds delight 
themselves, as they ever must when properly 
engaged in studying the works of creation. Very 
much, however, that has passed current as accurate 
and established, has not borne the test of recent 
scrutiny ; and it will be in part the object of the 
following pages to expose mistake, and supply its 
place, where practicable, by truth. The departure of 
fable will, however, never leave a void, since human 
imaginings are always unequal to Nature's resources ; 
so that here, as everywhere, “ fact is stranger than 
fiction.” In treating far more completely than has 
previously been attempted the anatomy and physio¬ 
logy of the insect which has made for itself by far 
the largest place in literature—the sluggard-rebuking 
ant not even excepted—the writer will be found 
frequently to differ from the conclusions of others; 
but never has he ventured so to do without the 
most careful and scrupulous investigation, aided by 
the most refined microscopical appliances. Again 
and again he will, in obedience to truth, be forced 
to show that many time-honoured statements have 
originated, not in painstaking study, but in crude 
and daring guessing, or in a carelessness of obser¬ 
vation almost equally blameworthy. On the other 
hand, however, the pleasure will often fall to him of 
pointing to the discoveries of such men as Siebold, 
Leydig, and Schiemenz, amongst naturalists, as well as 
to the achievements of the older apicultural worthies, 
and the beneficial results of the energy and per¬ 
severance of many still amongst us, whose names 
are familiar as household words. 



A very large part of our matter will be in all 
respects absolutely new, being the issue of researches, 
dissections, and experiments, which have, in connection 
with the practical work of the apiary, occupied 
delightfully no inconsiderable fraction of many years 
of a busy life. The anatomical, physiological, and 
botanical illustrations, which, to a work like the 
present, are as important as the text, have been in 
every case, save one or two, drawn by the writer on 
the wood, direct from his microscopical preparations, 
or the objects in situ , as the case may be; and it is 
hoped that they may form in themselves a contri¬ 
bution to the general knowledge of the subject, 
which may advance apiculture a stage in the 
direction of a true science. The accuracy of the 
drawing may, it is believed, be relied upon; but, 
notwithstanding earnest effort on the part of 
draughtsman and engraver, producing results which 
it is felt will not suffer by comparison, it must still be 
confessed that the subtleties of Nature are in advance 
of the refinements of Art, and that it has not been 
possible in every case to secure full details. The 
drawings are all to scale, which has usually been 
given with the description. This fact will make the 
illustrations of appliances peculiarly serviceable, since 
all measurements can be readily ascertained, even 
where they have not been stated. 

Our title is a compound one, and our treatment 
shall be complex. Practical bee-keeping is the out¬ 
come, and not the parent, of a scientific knowledge 
of bees and their relations to the world about them. 
Practical men have not made scientific apiculture; 



but scientific men have given to practical ones not 
only true methods, but reasons for their truth, and 
so we logically place our scientific matter first, and 
then look at our systems of operation in the light 
thus gained. “ Practice makes perfect,” is but a 
half truth. Practice, without intelligent insight, only 
stereotypes; but practice, hand-in-hand with accurate 
knowledge and observation, works out perfection. It 
is our hope, then, not only to delight the student of 
Nature by introducing to him beauties of structure, 
wonders of adaptation, and minute refinements, to 
which our conception is almost unequal, but to aid 
to the full the bee-keeper, who can be charmed 
through the pocket as well as the imagination. 
Apiculture may be, and often is, profitable, ah, 
very profitable, in the hands of those who would 
not claim any scientific acquaintance with it; but 
such from the teachings of others always adopt 
scientific methods. While the course of events is 
not unusual, deputed knowledge may be enough; but 
management of the highest type — i.e., the most 
remunerative kind, can only be arrived at by some¬ 
thing better than rule of thumb. In critical matters, 
the best informed are the most trustworthy guides, 
and knowledge, which appears to have little to do 
with the practical side of the question, not infre¬ 
quently turns out to be the solver of an otherwise 
unsolvable mystery, and the source of the best, 
because truly scientific, method of procedure. 

The ever-increasing zest attaching to apiculture, 
the multiplication of bee-keepers, the competition of 
dealers, and the ingenuity of inventors, has augmented 



appliances in a surprising and somewhat bewildering 
fashion. The endeavour to increase profits, and 
make a market for honey, by saving the labour of 
the bees and their owners, and by tempting the 
purchasers of the results of the efforts of both, has 
put before us a miscellany of articles, which our 
ancestors would have regarded as fearfully and 
wonderfully made, but which they never could have 
supposed to have any relation to bee-keeping. It 
will be our desire to do full justice to these, both by 
explanation and illustration; but, at the same time, 
by carefully elucidating principles, to so guide the 
bee-keeper, that he may be well able to so select 
both hives and appliances, that all his requirements 
will be met by the smallest possible collection of 
bee paraphernalia. 

The increased attention which apiculture has 
received during recent years, not only in our own 
country, but on the Continents of Europe and America, 
is due to a variety of causes. With us, some of these 
are personal; and first in the roll of honour amongst 
those who have with philanthropic ends attracted 
attention to apiculture, must stand the name of the 
Rev. Herbert R. Peel, whose very recent death all 
must deplore, especially such as knew him so 
intimately as the author. But the causes mainly are 
of a more permanent kind than can be those that are 
associated with the proverbial uncertainty of human 
life; e.g., honey is a wholesome delicacy, which sugar 
has supplanted, but not replaced ; so that this product 
of the apiary is winning for itself anew a position 
in our diet tables, and we are also beginning to re- 



discover virtues in honey which had been well- 
nigh forgotten. Old systems were clumsy and 
uncertain, and yielded, at the best, but poor results. 
Our modern plans give us complete mastery of our 
bees, and enable us to obtain from five to ten times 
the weight of honey from a single stock that the old 
hands ever secured. Their honey in the comb was 
generally stained, always irregular, and never to be 
touched without leaving a sticky trail; ours, if we 
know the art, is faultless in colour, flat as marble slabs, 
and would not sully the daintiest glove. Theirs, when 
“ drained,” or “ squeezed,” was often dirty and con¬ 
taminated by brood juices; ours, thrown out by the 
extractor, is bright and clear, and of perfect purity. 
It is no wonder, then, that purchasers increase and 
apiculture is stimulated. There is a charm, too, in 
modern bee-keeping, which never existed when the 
hive was a sealed book and the bee supposed to 
possess two points of interest only, and those at its 
extremities —• its tongue and its sting — which had 
nothing particular between them—to use the words 
of a humorous writer—save “ skin and squash.” 

The amateur, the naturalist, and the trader, alike 
find more to delight and attract than was formerly 
possible, while the general public are beginning to be 
more alive to the advantages which honey possesses 
as a food. Apiculture, then, has a raison d’etre 
which assures its permanence, a pleasing thought to 
those who know how much bees have to do with 
securing for us a fruit crop, and fertilising many of 
the plants cultivated by the farmer. 



The Position of the Hive Bee in the Animal World — 
System of Classification—Family Apidse—Megachile 
centuncularis—Humble Bees. 

Nature, with a prodigality which bespeaks infinite 
resources, has spread before the bewildered naturalist 
between a quarter and half a million species of creatures 
inhabiting land and sea. To marshal into system this 
vast host, certain marked characteristics have at first 
been laid hold of, so that all might be collected into 
a few divisions. The classification of Huxley, which 
I shall adopt, thus brings the whole animal world 
under seven heads, denominated sub-kingdoms, because 
life, in the widest sense, has been arranged under 
kingdoms — the animal and vegetable. The second 
sub-kingdom, Annulosa, embraces all those whose 
bodies are definitely arranged in rings, including such 
unlike creatures as house flies and leeches, so that 
this sub-kingdom is naturally split into two parts— 
Arthropoda and Anarthropodaf meaning those that 

* apOpov, a joint, and Trou?, 

foot, with the Greek privative av. 


have and those that have not jointed feet. The fly and 
leech thus part company, while, of course, our bee 
takes its place in the first division ; but even here we 
have wide diversities between creatures that cannot 
claim kinship, such as butterflies, spiders, and lobsters, 
the whole of which conform to the distinctions up to this. 
point established. The A rthropoda are, therefore, sepa¬ 
rated into four classes, the first of which is Insecta — 
insects having all certain well-marked peculiarities that 
will appear in the sequel; but it is sufficiently exact 
for our present purpose to now briefly state that the 
Hive Bee is an insect because its frame is divided 
by deep constrictions into three parts. First, the 
head; second, the thorax or chest, to which are arti¬ 
culated or jointed the legs and wings; and third, the 

Much as we have now narrowed our limits, this 
definition still embraces a vast multitude of creatures 
—comprehending moths, beetles, and flies—which 
would appear to have little affinity with bees, and 
so, for purposes of classification, other distinctions 
are introduced, insects being separated into thirteen 
orders, of which the Hymenoptera , or those carrying 
four gauzy wings, includes not only bees, but also 
wasps, ants, and some others. The Hymenoptera 
being again parcelled out into families, distinct places 
are found for the latter insects, while our favourites 
appear amongst the Apidae, or long-tongued bees, 
which, in company with the Andrenidae, or short-tongued 
bees, comprise about 2000 distinct species, of which 
212 are acknowledged natives of Britain, and these, 
although differing greatly amongst themselves in size, 



colouring, and habits, possess strong resemblances 
in structure, suiting them all for honey and pollen 

These pre-eminently useful little labourers forming 
the families of the Apidse and A ndrenidse, as we 
have already said, and of the merits of whose work 
we cannot speak until we come to discuss their 
relations to flowering plants, are far too much 
strangers to bee-keepers. The big Humble is every¬ 
where recognised, and frequently its nest is not 
unknown ; but the smaller solitary bees are not 
certainly acquaintances of the ordinary bee-keeper, 
notwithstanding his deep interest in their near 
relative. It will be well here, therefore, to introduce 
one or two for future identification, and these will 
also serve for the purposes of illustration and com¬ 

Standing by a rose bush, we note the descent of 
an insect, somewhat less than a honey bee, black- 
backed, with reddish hairs on the thorax, and light 
down upon its head and three first abdominal 
segments. It poises itself a moment above a selected 
leaf, and, settling, immediately commences cutting 
with its mandibles, which act like a pair of scissors. 
Quickly, a most regularly formed piece is detached, 
which does not fall, heavy though it appears in 
comparison with the size of the insect, for legs and 
jaws continue to hold it, and away she flies towards 
her nest. 

I examined one of the latter recently, which had 
been dug in the side of a quiet lane. The Megachile 
centuncularis , for such is the name of this little 



bee, had excavated a hole, at first perpendicularly, 
and then horizontally, about 5m. in length. The 
work of lining the tube with leaf had commenced 
by cutting from some rose bush a circular piece, 
curling this, and carrying it to the bottom of the 
tube, and spreading it, without a wrinkle, into a saucer 
form, to cover the end. Now the jaw scissors had 
been set to snip out from the leaf-side spindle- 
shaped pieces, which, brought one by one to the nest, 
are applied to the wall at the bottom, and made 
to overlap so cleverly that the earth is entirely 
covered, while the serrations of one piece, worked 
alternately in front of and behind the cut edge of 
the next, hold all in exact position without any 
cementing. We have now the representative of one 
cell of ordinary honeycomb, and the analogy con¬ 
tinues in that the Megachile proceeds to her feeding- 
ground amongst the thistles, from which she collects 
pollen by hair brushes on her hind legs, whence 
it is conveyed for temporary storing to feather-like 
appendages on the under side of the abdomen; 
honey is gathered by her tongue ; and thus fur¬ 
nished, she proceeds homewards to practise the art 
of pudding making, for the two materials are kneaded 
together, and increased in volume by repeated visits 
to the thistles, until a stock of food, in all respects 
resembling that used in the bee-hive, and sufficient 
for one of her progeny, fills her leaf-lining nearly 
to the top. Her first egg is now deposited, from 
which, in due course, will issue the humble grub, 
which, through Nature’s far-sightedness, with all its 
humility, is still born to a competency. The cell 



needs closing, while its cover is made to form the 
floor of the next. Once more, then, the rose bush 
must contribute perfect circles, for the cutting of 
which no compasses are required. To the number 
of four or five these are laid, one upon the other, 
and pressed smoothly into position; the wall-lining 
is added, a second pudding and egg provided, and 
the processes repeated until five or six chambers 
are complete, and the work of the little labourer 
brought to a close. And now, strangely, the last 
deposited egg is the first in the order of time to 
hatch. The grub emerging does as a grub so 
placed must: it consumes its pudding, and begins 
to occupy the space its food previously filled. The 
mother had accurately judged, if she could judge 
at all, the needs of her son, for this grub is a 
male. The pudding is gone, and he is satisfied, and 
now begins to spin a cocoon, and then passes into 
the chrysalis condition, and presently we have the 
perfect male Megachile biting and pushing up the 
leafy cover, and escaping into the sunlight of a new 
life. By his emergence, he has opened up the way 
for his brother, and he in turn will remove all im¬ 
pediment to the escape of the sisters below. Thus 
the community of young Megachile is provided. The 
old ones are gone, but the race lives. Their marriage 
bells are rung while the autumn sun is shining; the 
males die, the females seek screening from the chilly 
blasts which must blow before their work of nest 
building can commence, and so the circle is com¬ 

How unlike, and yet how very like, all this to the 



Hive Bee. As we become acquainted with the latter, 
we shall see that the mother Megachile is queen 
and worker combined ; the male, the short-lived 
drone. The cell, its sealing, the food, the egg, the 
tongue, the hair brushes, the abdomen of the two 
insects, counterparts of one another in each case. All 
Nature is one, and the student of the Hive Bee is 
unwise, and self-deprived of the knowledge of much 
that is marvellous and delightful, if he altogether 
neglect all members of the family Apidse save its head 
and most perfect representative. 

Fig. 1.—The Humble Bee (Bombus). 

The Humble Bees, or Bombi (Fig. i), come nearest 
to our Hive Bees in that they are semi-social, living 
in companies during the summer, the queen pass¬ 
ing the winter in solitude. The big downy and noisy 
insect that visits our gardens in the spring is a 
mother Bombus , that spent her honeymoon the pre¬ 
vious autumn, in like fashion with the Megachile , 
and subsequently sought out for herself some narrow 
retreat in which to hybernate; but, so soon as the 
sallows yield their pollen, she is abroad and preparing 
for the progeny by which she is presently to be sur¬ 
rounded. Different species have different habits, but 


in every case the hybernated mother commences a 
nest alone ; e.g. y the Bombus muscorum, known by 
its light and dark brown hairs, establishes itself not 
infrequently in the middle of fields, taking care that 
the spot selected is in the neighbourhood of abund¬ 
ance of flowering plants. A vaulted roof is formed 
of cleverly entangled pieces of moss, plastered beneath 
by a layer of greyish wax, and so rains, which would 
pass the moss, are effectually kept out. Pollen and 
honey are collected in pellets, eggs laid, and so, in 
due course, workers produced; for, as her children 
gather about her, the mother leaves to them the 
duties of nest extension, cell construction, and food 
collection, and, confining herself to ovipositing, becomes 
a stay-at-home, and a very close representative of 
the so-called queen of the bee-hive. 

Later in the season, instead of workers, which are 
much smaller than the queen, a Bombus, a size between 
the two, begins to make its appearance in the nest; 
this is the male, and now, soon, creatures as large as 
the original mother are added to the colony. These, 
the true females, mate as we have hinted, and alone 
survive the rigour of winter to be the instruments for 
continuing the race. To those conversant with Hive 
Bees, the closeness of the analogies between the two 
insects last mentioned, will suggest themselves; but 
they will become evident to all as we study the next 
chapter. Amidst the analogies, however, there are 
differences, and so the family of British Apidse are 
marked off into nineteen genera, the typical genus 
being Apis, in which the Hive Bee finds its place. 
In this genus, there is but one British species, mellifica, 

i 4 


although some others are cultivated as imported bees, 
and notably Apis ligustica, or the Ligurian bee; so 
that the whole classification of the subject of our 
study would take the form now given : 

Kingdom . 
Class. . . 

Species . 











Gathering Bees — Comb—Pollen and Honey — Eggs , 
Larvae , and Pupae — Foragers and Nurses — 

Skin and Bowel Moulting and Cocoon Spinning 
— Drones and Queens — Swarming and Comb 

In order that we may possess an intelligent under¬ 
standing of the need and suitability of the various 
complex parts and organs proper to Hive Bees, and 
which we are about to consider in detail, it will be 
necessary for us to pass in review a general outline 
of the economy of the hive, noting at present only 
the salient points. We will imagine that our study 
is undertaken on a fine summer day, and that the 
hive we have at command is in a normal, healthy, 
and prosperous condition, and such an one also as to 
afford us every facility for examination. As we stand 
before its entrance, bees in quick succession make 
their appearance at the hive door, and in such 
haste as seems to indicate that they are impressed 
with the importance of their mission, for they are no 
sooner well visible than they are away in some 
definite direction; but others are returning, and these, 



settling, in a great number of instances, show us 
that they are carrying on their hind legs relatively 
large masses of coloured material, which is most 
generally some shade of yellow or orange, although 
crimson, green, and even black, may be seen. This 
material, considered by the ancients to be wax, 
and called by Reaumur himself la cire brute 
(crude wax), we shall, in due course, learn to be 
pollen, which has been gathered from the anthers, or 
male organs of blooms, by a most beautiful set of 
apparatus, to be hereafter examined. Opening our hive 

by the removal of the top cover, so as to expose our 
stock (as we commonly denominate a colony of bees 
in an established condition), and in order that we may 
learn the behaviour of those that are returning from 
their aerial voyages, we find it filled with combs, 
each one of which is a tolerably flat slab, about iin. 
in thickness, fixed in, and mainly hanging from, the 
upper side or top bar of such a frame as is shown at 
Fig. 2. These frames are so placed and arranged 
that each may be easily lifted out with its attached 
comb, which has, in turn, its face £in. distant from 



its fellow on either side. These interspaces are well 
filled by bees, but very few of which disturb them¬ 
selves on our account; nor need we be disturbed 
on theirs if, with precaution, we lift out one of these 
filled frames for inspection, the bees retaining their 

Fig. 3.—Honeycomb (Natural Size). 

Queen Cell, from which Queen has hatched, showing Lid; B, Queen Cell 
torn open ; C, Queen Cell cut down ; D, Drone Grub ; E, Drone Cell, 
partly sealed ; F, Drone Cells, sealed ; G, Worker Cells, sealed ; H, 
Old Queen Cell; I, Sealed Honey; K, Fresh Pollen Masses ; L, Cells 
nearly filled by Pollen ; M, Aborted Queen Cell on Face of Comb ; N 
Bee biting its way out of Cell; O, Eggs and Larva* in various conditions. 

sition, and in large part continuing their work 
though nothing particular had happened. 

A.s we now cast our eyes over the comb, delicately 
d perfectly modelled in wax, we discover that 



it is made up of a number of chambers (technically 
cells), nearly all of which are exactly hexagonal 

in cross section, and most of which are precisely 
one-fifth of an inch between the parallel sides. 
Some of these (L, Fig. 3) are nearly filled by an 
opaque, dough-like looking body, which we recog¬ 

nise at once, both by colour and consistency, as 
being that very pollen, packed away, which we saw 
being carried into the hive on the hind legs of 

the returning bees. One of the latter, still loaded, 

marches before us, occasionally sharply agitating her 
body (for these untiring workers are ladies) ; and, 
as we look, she curls herself over a cell, and, by 
a process singularly beautiful, which we are not 
yet in a position to understand, she thrusts off one 
of these lumps into it, and then, by a second twist, 
the other, either immediately leaving them, as at K, 
Fig. 3, or else butting them down with her head into 
a pancake for future use. But her cargo is as yet 
only half discharged; and now, seeking another cell, 
either empty or containing some honey, she inserts her 
tongue, and returns from an interior cavity of her body, 
called the honey sac (h s, Plate I.), the sweet fluid she 
has collected from the nectaries of flowers. As duty 
and pleasure are synonyms with a bee, she at once hies 
away, in order that, ere long, she may yet again add 
to the riches of the community for which she lives to 
labour. And, we ask, why this anxiety to carry 
home both pollen and honey ?—some of the latter 
standing before us in considerable quantity, beautifully 
covered by air-tight, either white or yellowish, caps 
of wax, seen in Fig. 3, at I. A reply is soon 


furnished, as we notice, at the bottoms of numbers 
of the cells, whitish tiny legless grubs (O, Fig. 3), 
evidently incapable of seeking their own food in any 
way. This is brought to them by the younger bees 
of the stock, which do not normally fly abroad, but 
which make the helpless larvae (grubs) the especial 
objects of their care, elaborating for them the two 
kinds of “ pap,” which form their sole nourishment, 
by a process respecting which great errors have 
been propagated. We shall have much to say 
about it presently. The materials required for the 
somewhat circuitous elaboration of the given food are 
honey, pollen, and water, which last, if need be, is 
brought home in quantity, the former two being 
placed in the store cells, as we now understand, 
by the foragers, the name commonly given to the 
flying bees, while the feeding bees are very ap¬ 
propriately called nurses, although there is no actual 
distinction between them, as some former writers 
thought. Growing older, the nurses turn to foraging, 
but they do this in consequence of a glandular 
change coming on with age, which makes nurse 
work unsuitable; but more of this hereafter. This 
pap may be seen, in appearance like arrowroot made 
with water, surrounding the bodies of the grubs (see 
FL, Fig. 4). They partially float in it, and, besides 
absorbing it by the mouth, are commonly supposed to 
take it in by that part of the skin which is submerged ; 
but it is not correct, as stated by Cook, for reasons 
presently given, to say that the food is “ all capable 
of nourishment, and thus all assimilated.” 

These model nurses are ever perambulating the 



combs, and, in the darkness of the hive, so examine 
the contents of every cell, by exploring it with 
their thread-like antennae—which are most sensitive 
organs, placed between the eyes, and well seen in 
many subsequent illustrations, especially Plate II.—that 
no grub escapes due attention, and food follows 
close upon appetite, although, in a strong colony, often 
as many as 12,000 larvae will need pretty frequent 
visitation. The larva, or grub, grows apace, but not 
without experiencing a difficulty to which the 
human family is, in some sort, subject in the period 
of youth. Its coat is inelastic, and does not grow 
with the wearer, so that it soon, fitting badly, has to 
be thrown off ; but, happily, in the case of the larva, 
a new and larger one has already been formed be¬ 
neath it, and the discarded garment, more delicate 
than gossamer, is pushed to the bottom of the cell. 
It would be singular, were it not for the abounding 
errors of bee literature, that Reaumur and Huber 
have asserted (followed by many others with a uni¬ 
formity which is not the outcome of investigation) 
that the bee larva does not change its skin, but only 
grows larger. A little patient looking would have 
found the old and ruptured pellicles, and so pretty 
conclusively have settled the question. In like 
manner to the first, moult succeeds moult, to the 
probable number of six, when, after about four days’ 
feeding, the well-nourished creature, loaded with 
fat, lies at the lower part of the cell curled up, 
as one is seen to do near H, Fig. 3. At this 
time, its weight is scarcely less than double that of 
the "bee into which its natural transformations will 


by-and-by convert it. No more food is supplied, 
and the period for cocoon spinning approaches. The 
silken threads forming this {co, Fig. 4) are produced 
by a fluid yielded by a gland (Fig. 15), which 
re-appears in the adult bee. This fluid escapes by 
an aperture in the lip, and very quickly hardens 
into what may be described as bee silk. Before the 
cocoon can be built, a cover, technically called 
sealing, is put over the larva by its nurses, that 
now bid it farewell. These covers are seen in num¬ 
bers at G, Fig. 3 ; they are pervious to the air, are 
made of pollen and wax, and are more convex and 
regular in form than those sealing in the honey 
(I, Fig. 3) ; and, behind them, a series of most 
wonderful and bewildering changes occur; but, ere 
they can commence, a preliminary step is necessary, 
which seems to have altogether escaped the attention 
of both scientific and practical writers. The food 
given to the larva, especially during the latter part 
of the growing period, contains much pollen, the cases 
of the grains of which consist of a substance called 
cellulose, which is perfectly incapable of digestion. 
These cases, with other refuse matters, collect in 
quantity within the bowel, which becomes distended, 
since it has no opening {mb, Fig. .13). The im¬ 
prisoned larva, having little more than enough room for 
turning, must be freed of these objectionable residua; 
but Nature is equal to the difficulty, accomplishing 
all in a manner commanding our admiration—and here 
we can but outline, reserving a fuller explanation till 
we consider the structure of comb. In a word, the 
larva turns its head upon its stomach, and pushes 



the former towards the base of the cell until its 
position is reversed, the tail being outwards, and, 
thus placed, it laps up all residue of food, especially 
from its old clothes previously referred to, until they 
are dried, and practically occupy no space. It now 
throws up its stomach and bowel, with all their con¬ 
tents, and without detaching them from its outer 
skin, which is moulted as before, but, in this instance, 
to be pressed against the cell, so as to form for it 
an interior lining. The dejectamenta of the bowel in 

Fig. 4.—Larva and Chrysalis (Magnified Four Times). 

SL, Spinning Larva ; N, Nymph or Chrysalis ; FL, Feeding Larva; co, Cocoon; 
sp, Spiracles ; t, Tongue; m, Mandible ; an, Antenna; to, Wing; ce, Compound 
Eye ; e, Excrement; ex, Exuvium. 

this way lie between the cast skin and cell wall (as 
seen at e, Fig. 4), and so the larva remains abso¬ 
lutely unsoiled. It now turns its head and resumes 
its old position, joining its cocoon to the edges of its 
last cast skin, so that its habitation is relined, it is 
cleansed, and air can still pass to it through the 
imperceptible openings left by the bees in the seal¬ 
ing. This point is of radical importance, since 
breathing is carried on pretty rapidly during the 



latter part of its subsequent transformations, the 
absorbed oxygen permitting then of a production of 
heat, and causing also considerable diminution in 
weight. Having thus put in order the cell con¬ 
taining it, the larva remains for some little time in a 
condition of quiescence, and now, under the new 
name of chrysalis, pupa, or nymph (N, Fig. 4), enters 
upon the sequence of transformations, all slowly and 
quietly effected, which end in converting it into a 
new creature. Constrictions occur, and rings or 
segments vanish, until the body becomes head, thorax, 
and abdomen. As it lies upon its back, prominences 
begin to show themselves, which become more and 
more pronounced, until, at last, they sufficiently assume 
the form of legs to be recognised; these are six in 
number and are much more than organs of loco¬ 
motion, as they bear, curiously disposed upon their 
many joints, a whole set of tools singularly varied in 
modelling and application ; a tongue, too ( t , Fig. 4), 
replete with wonders, and lying stretched along above 
the body, begins to be seen ; and then, drawn round 
from the back of the thorax, like a girl's cloak which 
she has allowed to slip from her shoulders, are gauzy 
but many-folded extensions, which hereafter become the 
beautiful instruments of flight {w, Fig. 4). But these 
external changes, marked though they be, are trans¬ 
cended by the wonder of the progressing interior modi¬ 
fications and developments. The nerve system is recast 
and enlarged, the digestive apparatus changed, an 
entirely new set of muscles and tendons brought into 
existence; glandular structures make their appearance, 
breathing tubes or trachea in untold number come into 



being, and, in short, an organisation is built up which 
has baffled, and is still in great part baffling, our 
highest powers of research. That which was the 
blind grub, living in darkness, is soon to be the 
active bee, rejoicing in the sunbeam, attracted both 
by the perfume and the colour of flowers, and so 
organs of sense are being prepared for it, the struc¬ 
ture of which we cannot yet stay to consider; 
the antennae are developing, and, at the sides 
of the head, dark brown spots are indicating the 
position of the future compound eyes. In some¬ 
thing more than twelve days from the time of 
sealing, the transformations are complete, and a 
pellicle, delicate as cobweb, is rolled from every part 
of the frame, and pushed downwards to the base of 
the cell {ex, Fig. 4), where we soon may be at 
liberty to find it, for now a creature, lacking in 
nothing that its subsequent duties will require, bites 
at the door of its prison-house, into which it soon 
carves a long, curved slit, as seen in three or four 
cases (Fig. 3) ; and then, by a push, it makes way 
for its emergence, the head is advanced as at N, and 
a pale but perfect bee walks into view. Its down, 
like that of the recently-hatched chick, adheres, but 
soon it will dry and preen itself, and in twenty-four 
hours we shall have our nurse already entering upon her 
duties to spend and be spent, in order that she render 
to others those very attentions she has herself received. 

But we ask, Whence the grubs whose history we 
have so far examined ? and now, in searching, we 
discover, on one of the combs, an insect—commonly 
but very erroneously called the queen (Fig. 5, b ), for 



she in no sense governs—longer in body than the 
worker (Fig. 5, a), and really differently formed in 
every part, and possessing most active and curious 
egg organs, called ovaries, which are capable of 
yielding a prodigious quantity of eggs. As we watch 
this queen slowly progressing, with a number of 
workers about her, touching her continually with 
their antennae, and backing out of the way so as not 
to impede her movements, she dips her head very 
deeply into a cell, and, having satisfied herself that 
it is empty, she advances a step, holds on to the 
edges of the comb, principally by her second and 

third pairs of legs, and, curling her abdomen, inserts 
it into the examined cell, until it is almost entirely 
hidden. A moment of apparent stillness; she recom¬ 
mences her walk, her abdomen straightens as it rises 
from its hiding place, and we immediately see that 
she has left behind a tiny long and narrow pearly- 
white egg, fixed by one end to the cell bottom. The 
queen quickly repeats the operation, the neigh¬ 
bouring nurses being always ready to offer food. 
Their attentions are, as we can easily see, needful, 
but many writers have given the echo to a medieval 
fancy by stating that she is ever surrounded by a 




circle of dutiful subjects, reverently watching her 
movements, and liable to instant banishment upon 
any neglect of duty; these it was once the fashion 
to compare to the twelve Apostles, and, to make 
the ridiculous suggestion complete, their number 
was said to be invariably twelve. If all this were 
true, beginners in bee-keeping would not find the 
difficulty in discovering a queen which they some¬ 
times experience. But to resume. The egg contains a 
germ, which, kept warm by the native heat of the 
colony, and fed by abundance of yolk, will develop 
into a grub, which, in some instances, frees itself from 
the egg case by struggling into the first quantities of 
food put into its cell by the nurse bees, the very 
condition in which we just now made its acquaint¬ 

We have already learnt that the worker bees are 
female, but they are sexually aborted, and normally in¬ 
capable of laying eggs. The queen, or mother, on the 
contrary, is fully developed, and her capacity for egg- 
production is immense, a good queen being able to 
furnish to the cells an average of two eggs per minute 
for weeks in succession. A new question now arises, 
Whence the queen ? and we are brought face to face 
with a difficulty which even yet we may not have fully 
surmounted, although, in a later chapter, I hope to 
give a relatively more satisfactory answer than has 
yet been attempted. The queen, in short, is pro¬ 
duced from an egg in all respects identical with the 
eggs which furnish the workers. The difference is 
brought about by a change of treatment to the grub 
on the part of the nurses. When a queen is to be 


2 7 

produced, a cell of large size and extraordinary form 
is constructed (A and B, Fig. 3), and, by special 
feeding of its occupant, instead of a worker, a queen 
is evolved. She, being a female, needs a mate, and 
such is found in the drone (c, Fig. 5), or male, which 
has a very complicated structure, that must be duly 
considered under its proper head. The drones are pro¬ 
duced in larger cells than the workers, so that their 
more rotund forms may be accommodated. Their cells 
are a quarter of an inch in diameter, and are seen 
over D, E, F, Fig. 3, and may always be recognised 
when they contain sealed brood (the name for inclosed 
larvae) by the very convex forms of their cappings. The 
eggs to provide these males are also laid by the queen, 
and are, whilst in her ovaries, absolutely like those 
that furnish both queens and workers. When, however, 
the latter are to be evolved, by a somewhat compli¬ 
cated act occurring in the body of the queen just 
before the egg is deposited, fertilisation takes place 
by the addition of material originally received from 
the drone. When drones are to be produced, this 
addition is withheld and the eggs are laid unim¬ 
pregnated— i.e., drones have a mother, but no father, 
a question, the examination of which, with the 
anatomy of the parts involved, will be fully explained 
and illustrated as we proceed with our task.. 

The tremendous fecundity of the queen, in favour¬ 
able conditions, so multiplies the number of bees, that 
a division of the community becomes necessary, 
beside which, these wondrous little animals have an 
essential and deeply-rooted colonising instinct, upon 
obedience to which they often insist with singular 



pertinacity. Since a queen is essential to the ex¬ 
istence of a stock, as she alone can produce eggs, 
a new queen, under these circumstances, must be 
produced, and so bees form queen cells, and previously 
bring forward drones. The old mother departs with 
the superabundance of the population. A queen, 
matured soon after her migration, occupies her place 
after having consorted with a drone, so as to secure 
the honours of maternity. 

Such, in few words, is swarming. The swarm 
needs powers we have not yet considered. Its new 
house requires furnishing, and, to compass this, first 
wax is secreted from the bodies of the workers, and 
then, by an architecture which is rarely, if at all, 
exceeded in beauty and adaptation even in the 
insect world, combs are built of dainty purity and 
almost mathematical exactitude (“almost” is here 
said advisedly), and so a place is given, as the 
cells multiply, for the eggs of the accompanying 
mother and for the incoming riches brought home 
by the never weary foragers ; and if weather be favour¬ 
able, or, what is even better at this particular point, 
the bee-keeper intelligent and attentive, our swarm 
quickly passes into a stock, and will yield us all the 
interesting points which have as yet occupied our 
attention. It is now clear that the mysteries of the 
economy of the hive, the varied instincts brought 
into exercise, and the wondrously complicated and 
delicately beautiful organisations of the little labourers 
making their purposeful lives a possibility, will give 
much occupation during succeeding chapters. 



External Skeleton — Chitine—Hairs and their Uses — 
Breathing Apparatus : Spiracles and Tracheae ; 
Air Sacs—Circulating System—Dorsal Vessel — 
Pericardial Cavity—Blood of Bee — Peritracheal 
Circulation — Muscular Fibres , and Methods of 
Movement—Muscles of the Java—The Minute in 

OUR bee is now before us, for we have witnessed 
the laying of the egg, the growth of the larva, the 
development of the chrysalis, and the initial life of 
the imago, and, as we pursue our study of the 
intricacies now awaiting us, we shall find it more 
convenient to treat under separate heads the nerve 
system, the digestive apparatus and glandular systems, 
the external organs of sense and locomotion, with 
those special parts that distinguish queens, workers, 
and drones ; but, at the same time, it will do us good 
service first so to examine the general structure that 
we shall have a grasp, as a whole, of the wondrous 
mechanism we desire to understand. Let us begin 
with the external framework, premising that bees, 
in common with all insects, have formed on every 



part of their bodies, by a layer of secreting cells, 
called the hypodermis, an external skeleton, com¬ 
posed of a remarkable substance, to which the name 
Chitine has been given. Chitine is capable of 
being moulded into almost every conceivable shape 
and appearance. It forms the hard back of the 
repulsive cockroach, the beautiful scale-like feathers 
of the gaudy butterfly, the delicate membrane which 
supports the lace-wing in mid air, the transparent 
cornea covering the eyes of all insects, the almost 
impalpable films cast by the moulting larvae, and the 
black and yellow rings of our native and imported 
bees, besides internal braces, tendons, membranes, and 
ducts innumerable. The external skeleton, hard for the 
most part, and varied in thickness in beautiful adap¬ 
tation to the strain to which it may be exposed, gives 
persistency of form to the little wearer; but it needs, 
wherever movement is necessary, to have delicate 
extensions joining the edges of its unyielding plates. 
This we may understand by examining the legs of 
a lobster or crab, furnished, like those of the bee, 
with a shelly case, but so large that no magnifying- 
glass is required. Here we see that the thick coat 
is reduced to a thin and easily creased membrane, 
where, by flexion, one part is made to pass over the 
other. Likewise, in the antennae of the bee [a, Plate II.), 
the insertion into the head, by a sort of ball and 
socket joint, covered by chitine so thin and transparent 
that nerves may be seen through it, admits of the 
varied movements proper to this instrument of inter¬ 
communication ; for it is hardly too much to say that, by 
means of the antennae, the intelligent little creatures talk. 



Again, almost every part of the body is covered 
by hairs, the form, structure, direction, and position 
of which, to the very smallest, have a meaning. These 
are also formed of chitine, and framed for varied 
uses. The external skeleton, mainly protective in 
character, is not sensitive, and so a large propor¬ 
tion of these appendages are curiously formed (as at 
C, D, E, and H, Fig. 24), with a bulb at the base, 
to accommodate a nerve end, by the presence of 
which they become, in each individual instance, truly 
organs of touch. Beside this, they act as clothing, 
the thoracic and abdominal pubescence, or fluff, aiding 
in retaining heat, and give protection as the stiff, 
straight hairs of the eyes (Plate II.), whilst some act 
as brushes for cleaning ( eb , C, Plate V.) ; others are 
thin and webbed, for holding pollen grains (as I, 
Fig. 24) ; whilst, by varied modifications, others again 
act as graspers, sieves, piercers, or mechanical stops 
to limit excessive movement. Possibly, the hairs are 
not exclusively utilitarian, since those on the dorsal 
part of the abdominal rings would appear to be 
intended mainly as a decoration. 

Whilst carefully scrutinising a worker and a drone 
by fhe aid of a hand magnifier, or watchmaker’s eye¬ 
glass—and every intelligent bee-keeper should at least 
possess some such apparatus — we note that the 
abdomen of the worker, like that of the queen, is 
surrounded by six belts of chitine, each being made 
of two plates—one, larger, on the back (the dorsal 
plate), overlapping the second, smaller, or ventral 
plate, which is applied to the lower side of the body. 
This arrangement is well shown in the chrysalis 



(N, Fig. 4), or in the cross section of imago (Fig. 8). 
The drone is similarly formed, but has seven belts 
or rings. These, in both cases, if the specimens are 
living, are continually slipping in and out upon 
each other like the joints of a telescope, their attach¬ 

es Air Sac, showing Plaiting; b, Spiral Threads of Trachea ; c, Interior, showing 
threads; d. Single Thread from Small Trachea; e, Fine Tracheae. 

ments being made by delicate membranes, which 
admit of free movement (abdomen, Plate I.). As 
these slide backwards and forwards, we catch sight 
of depressions that are hidden from view when the 
abdomen is fully drawn in, one occurring near each 



end ,of each dorsal plate save the first. Microscopic 
examination reveals that we have here openings, 
denominated spiracles ( sp , Fig. 8), with strange com¬ 
plications, leading into internal tubes, called tracheae 
(Fig. 6), forming the breathing apparatus, and which 
divide and sub-divide, after the manner of a fibrous 
root in the soil, until they are found in countless 
number in every part. 

All animals require oxygen. In those above the 
Annulosa (page 7), the blood is carried either into 
lungs or gills by means of vessels, when it appropri¬ 
ates oxygen, which, by the circulation, it distributes. 
In insects, with a local exception noticed later in 
the chapter, there is no system of blood vessels, so 
oxygen, as a part of the air, is taken direct from 
the before-mentioned spiracles, through the tracheae, 
into all muscles, glands, and organs of the body, 
not even excepting the wings. As the abdomen 
is extended and contracted, as is constantly done by 
the bee, air is drawn into, and then expelled from, 
these apertures in the sides, precisely as in our own 
breathing from the mouth. Should an unlucky fly, 
through not sufficiently controlling his passions and 
appetites, tumble into the milk, and be saved from a 
tragical fate by being lifted on to the table-cover, he 
immediately commences energetically grooming his 
body with his legs, not because he is especially anxious 
about his personal appearance, but because here the 
milk is closing his spiracles, and actually choking him. 

The tracheae consist of an external and internal 
membrane, between which run spiral threads, highly 
elastic in character, that prevent the closing of the 




tube by any bending of the body of the insect, just 
as the spiral wire within indiarubber gas-piping secures 
a constant flow of gas, in spite of any twisting of 
the pipe itself. The embryology of insects has shown 
that the tracheae are developed by invagination (a turn¬ 
ing inwards) of the outside skin (precisely as the 
bowel is formed in the larva, see Fig. 13), and that, at 
the time of moulting, the tubes in the neighbourhood of 
the spiracles are cast off. That this is true in the bee 
is easily proved by those having a microscope of even 

moderate capability. Lifting from a cell a half-grown 
larva, a little transparent mass will be observed upon 
the centre of the cell base, which mass to some extent 
filled the cavity formed beneath the body as the grub 
lay head and tail together. This is found to contain 
one or more cast skins, which carry with them the 
covers of the spiracles. The investing membrane 
(Fig. 7) of the contiguous tubes is withdrawn, while 
the tiny hairs and scales of the body also lose a layer 
as we see by the illustration. It is difficult to under¬ 
stand how the extremely thin lining of the tracheae is 



removed, but the fact is evident. From the invagina¬ 
tion aforesaid, it follows that the layer which is 
outside in the skeleton is the inner, or lining one, in 
the tracheae, while the hypodermis, which originates 
the chitinous coat (as has already been stated), and 
lies, of course, beneath it, has its representative out¬ 
side the breathing tubes. The spiral thread is pro¬ 
duced by the lining membrane, or internal cuticle, 
forming a chitinous thickening, in a spiral line, which 
is never continuous for more than four or five turns. 
Just before one thread terminates a new one starts, 
to be in like manner followed by another. The tubes 
are only capable of slight extension, and, when 
unduly stretched, the membrane ruptures, and the 
spiral is drawn out singly (as at d, Fig. 6), or a 
band of four or five threads will separate for a few 
turns (as at b ). The slenderness of the smallest of 
these tubes, which have neither interior cuticle nor 
spiral thread, is as remarkable as their number, and 
the microscope, even at its best, is barely able to 
trace out their terminations. Of such, a bundle 
containing a quarter of a million, would scarcely 
exceed in bulk an ordinary human hair. 

In bees, as in all actively flying insects, the 
tracheae are accompanied by large air sacs (a, 
Fig. 6), which are developed in the same manner as 
the tubes themselves, but carrying scattered venations 
instead of spiral thickenings of the membrane. In 
the larval state of comparative inactivity no aerial 
sacs exist, but they are brought into being during 
the chrysalis changes. These air sacs have much to 
do with flight, in a way to be explained when we treat 



of the wings, while their forms ate such, that no draw¬ 
ing professing to embrace them all could do more 
than give an inadequate idea. The main ones, in 
the worker and drone, lie in the anterior part of 
the abdomen, on each side, communicating with the 
spiracles ; but in the queen they are greatly reduced, 
to give room for the ovaries. 

The spiracles are simple in the larva (. sp , Fig. 4), 
and twenty-two in number (on each side ten well- 
developed and one rudimentary, the latter vanishing 
altogether before the last moult. The oft-repeated 
statement that they are eighteen in all is an error). 
In the adult, they are more complex, capable of 
voluntary closing, and so arranged that foreign 
bodies cannot accidentally - enter, while their number 
is only fourteen—five on each side of the abdomen, 
and one behind the insertion of each wing. 
During the period of pupa-hood some of the rings 
possessed by the larva disappear, while the spiracles 
they carried vanish. Hence, the adult bee has 
fewer than the grub,, whence it came. In the 
drone, the spiracles are much stronger and larger, 
and so more easily studied than in the worker.. They 
are furnished with an apparatus to add to the noise 
of the insect’s flight, which will be more fully noticed 
by-and-by, are surrounded by delicate protecting 
hairs, to save them from dust, and number sixteen, 
in consequence of the drone having an additional 
abdominal segment. The normal respirations of the 
bee, when at rest, varying from twenty to fifty per 
minute, are much influenced by external temperature, 
by the activity of the stock, and by the amount of 



heat it may be necessary to maintain so as to best 
suit the condition of the . brood chamber. 

Although insects, and bees in the number, have no 
general system of blood vessels, as I just now said, 
they still have a beautiful apparatus by which their 
fluids are continiially carried round and made in 
purity to visit for nourishment and renewal every 
part of the body. Their heart, or blood pump, is 
called, on account of its position, the dorsal vessel, 
for it runs as a complex tube {dv, Plate L, and Fig. 
8) along the back, almost immediately beneath the 
external skeleton. This heart may be seen in action 
in almost every caterpillar, where the opening and 
closing of the ventricles, as they are called (z>, Plate I.), 
can be watched through the semi-transparent skin. 
If we are fortunate enough to possess a microscope, 
we may very easily see the pulsations far more 
beautifully in the tiniest of the larvae. Remove 
from its cell with a blunt needle the smallest to 
be found, place it on a glass slip, add a drop of 
water, and, with gentleness, a thin cover glass, 
when the transparent larva will show', with an inch 
objective, many wonders beside its spiracles and 
tracheae, digestive tube, and nerve system, with the 
dorsal vessel continuing for some time to gently 
pulsate. Without a microscope, a little manual 
dexterity will make the movements of the heart 
visible in the adult bee. If one accidentally injured 
is not at hand, a victim to science must be decapi¬ 
tated, and then opened on the under side of the 
abdomen, so as to remove the stoipach and expose 
the mere back shell seen from within, as Fig. 8 will 



make clear, when sharp eyes, or weak ones with a 
lens, will detect rhythmic throbbings, continuing long, 
and moving from behind forwards, driving the blood 
towards the head, much as water rises through the 
throat of a drinking horse. The walls of this heart 
consist of three layers—an internal cuticle, a central 
layer of muscular fibres, zoo^in. in diameter, and an 
outer coat of connective tissue. In the worker and 
queen, the dorsal vessel has five ventricles, or con¬ 
tractile chambers, corresponding to the five spiracles 
on each side. As it nears the thorax, the muscular 
and internal layer now formed into a conducting 
tube, bends upon itself three or four times from side 
to side (Plate I.), by which I imagine the rhythmic 
beats are converted into a steady and equal dis¬ 
charge of blood in the head beyond, where the tube 
opens near to the brain. The vitalising fluid returns 
by soakage through the body to the posterior part, 
where it re-enters the dorsal vessel. The ventricles 
are in valvular communication, while each one has 
on its sides two openings ( dv , Fig. 8), so contrived 
that, as the muscular coat is causing a ventricle to 
dilate, blood enters by them, the valve in front at 
this time closing, as Plate I. will explain. When 
contraction begins, an internal fold of the wall of 
the ventricle closes the side apertures, and drives 
the ' blood through the communication into the 
ventricle in front, and in this manner the forward 
stream is maintained. The dorsal vessel is braced to 
the dermal skeleton by surrounding muscles, while 
beneath runs an extension of muscular plates 
(d, Fig. 8) of most involved character, forming a 



horizontal diaphragm or division wall separating the 
abdomen into two very unequal parts, the larger of 
which is below. 

This diaphragm* in contracting increases the upper 
cavity and diminishes the lower, and so pressing to¬ 
gether the viscera, drives from them blood, which 
now enters the heart chamber or pericardial cavity 
( pc , Fig. 8), by apertures in the diaphragm itself. 

Fig. 8.—Cross Section of Abdomen of Worker Bee (Magnified Bight times). 

dv, Dorsal Vessel; d, Diaphragm; pc, Pericardial Cavity; sp. Spiracle; tr, 
Tracheae ; ts, Tracheal Sac ; at, Stomach ; n, Nerve ; ga , Ganglion. 

The dorsal vessel presents many microscopical 
curiosities ; it rests upon a cushion of pericardial 
cells, with singular nuclei, and which sometimes 
send extensions either into the outer layer of the 
heart or the diaphragm. We also find here lobes 
of fatty bodies (corps graisseux ), containing here and 
there the cellules enclavees , or separate cells of 
Graber, of yellow colour, with a single nucleus, and 
which resists the action of acids and alkalies, and, 
beside, multitudes of nerve filaments, and some exceed¬ 
ingly fine ramifications of the tracheal system. 

* This diaphragm has been investigated by Graber (see “ Archiv fur 
Anat. microscop de Schnltze,” vol. ix., p. 129). 



The blood of the bee is colourless, and contains 
but few corpuscles, which are always white, and 
carry a nucleus surrounded by granular matter, and 
have the wonderful though not unusual quality of 
constantly changing their outline, whence they are 
called amoeboid. At one moment they will be round, 
but slowly they become ellipsoid, and then, perhaps, 
an irregular boat shape, or even star-formed.. 

Our subject is so vast that space can hardly be 
spared for the discussion of exploded theories; but 
some mention must be made of the so-called “peri¬ 
tracheal circulation,” a pet notion with M. Emile 
Blanchard. It was supposed that the blood was 
carried along the tracheae, between their two walls. 
The idea was based upon a misunderstood experi¬ 
ment, and the microscope gave no countenance to 
it; it may now be regarded as beyond resuscitation. 
The coup de grace was administered in Graber’s 
explanation of the functions of the diaphragm, which 
has removed a great difficulty, as it is now seen that 
the blood in the pericardial cavity is enriched with 
oxygen, by the numerous fine tracheae there placed, 
and sent in best condition into the dorsal vessel to 
supply first the brain, and then, in turn, every part. 

The muscular system, by which all movements are 
brought about, depends for its action upon nerve, 
which induces a contraction, bringing nearer together 
the parts attached to the extremities of the fibres 
building up the muscle. The individual fibres, parts 
of two of which are represented in Fig. 9, are very 
varied in size in bees. The largest with which I am 
acquainted are those forming the powerful muscles 



enabling the drone to contract the abdomen so as 
to produce the expulsive act. One of these fibres, 
where shortened and thickened (as at a, Fig. 9), 
may measure ^th of an inch in diameter, while 
the relaxed portion of the fibre is about rj^th. If 
this muscle be skilfully and quickly removed, and 
placed either in the fluids of the animal or in a 
little weak salt and water, upon the microscope 

Fig. 9.— Muscular Fibres op Drone (Magnified 300 Times). 
a, Part of Fibre, contracted ; b, Part relaxed ; tr, Trachea; n, Nerve. 

stage, the wave of contraction may be seen play¬ 
ing along the fibre, almost as one observes it 
in a garden worm, as it draws up the hinder part 
of the body whilst moving onwards. The part 
(as at b) quickly, by bringing together its plates, 
assumes the appearance of «, while a extends itself, 
plate by plate, until it is fully relaxed. The contrac¬ 
tion soon ceases, but I have watched it in operation 
for at least two minutes. Nerves ( n , Fig. 9) 



occasion this exceedingly beautiful rhythmic move¬ 
ment. Those desiring to study it, had better first 
try the common gentle, its muscles not coming to 
absolute rest till nearly half an hour after removal 
from the body. Muscular fibres under a low power 
of the microscope are easily recognised, on account of 
their considerable size and striated (cross lined) ap¬ 
pearance. They are each covered by a remarkably 
attenuated membrane, called sarcolemma, in which, 
generally, a delicate tracheal tube takes its course. 
Indeed, in the muscles of the wings every fibre has 
its own particular tracheole (small trachea). The 
muscular fibres, in this case, lie side by side, and are 
arranged in bundles (fasciculi); across these pass air 
tubes, parallelly arranged, which give off from their 
sides these tracheoles at singularly regular intervals, 
the latter being equal to the diameter of the fibres. 
Each tracheole then follows the path of the fibre oppo¬ 
site to it with the uniformity of the rungs of a ladder. 
This wonderful structure, like every other, could not 
be properly examined without making us feel that 
beauty in Nature is something more than skin deep. 
Most muscles in the bee are attached direct to some 
portion of the external skeleton, and, where distant 
parts are thus to be connected by small muscles, 
tendons are added, as we see in Fig. io, which re¬ 
presents the apparatus for opening and shutting the 
jaw; here all the muscles have tendons, two of 
which are exceedingly long. The striated fibres are 
attached to the flattened terminal portion of the 
latter, and are arranged in a plumose form, as seen 
in the illustration. 



How full of wonder and beauty is all this. A bee 
runs into the hive, but it can only do so because 
nerves stimulate, and a large number of muscles, each 
containing many fibres, respond in accurate order, for 
no joint of a single limb but moves as it ought in 
obedience to the directing nerve-centres within the 

Fig. 10.—Jaw of Queen, with Muscles (Magnified). 

Ifm, Lesser Flexor Muscle; gfrn, Greater Flexor Muscle; lem. Lesser Extensor 
Muscle; em, Extensor Muscle; m, Mandible; n. Notch; og, Gland 
System (the Olfactory Gland of Wolff). 

insect. How quickly movement follows upon move¬ 
ment, every step involving a complete circle of 
changes. How tiny the muscles, how impalpable the 
nerves, and yet large are they in comparison with 
some others to be found in the same family of 

44 - 


insects. The Anaphis, by example, possesses, like the 
bee, its six legs, with nine joints each, its four wings, 
and twelve jointed antennae, each supplied with its 
proper muscles and nerves, and almost throughout 
its structure part for part with its larger relative, and 
yet its entire weight is less than xooooth of a grain. 
What of its egg, carrying within its shell all the 
directive essentials for evolving these pigmy marvels ? 
The grandeur of the minute will as successfully hush 
to silence the thoughtful man as the grandeur of 
the vast. 



Ganglionic Chain — Supra-cesophageal Ganglion—Rejlex 
Action—Commissural Fibres—System of Larva and 
Imago—Coalescence and Atrophy of Ganglia — 
Cephalic Ganglia — Convolutions — Pedunculated 
Bodies of Dujardin—Relation of Size of Brain 
to Intelligence—Inferiority of Queens — Stomato- 
Gastric and Sympathetic Systems — Variety of 
Nerve Work. 

The nerve system in insects (A, B, Fig. n), 
whether in the larval or adult stage, consists mainly 
of a series of rounded masses of brain-like substance, 
arranged in the median line of the body, near to the 
lower, or ventral side. These masses, called ganglia* 
are united by two threads, seen in the figure, and 
each of which is shown by the microscope to con¬ 
sist of a sheath, having. within it an immense number 
of nerve fibres, serving to bring the separate ganglia 
into union, by carrying impressions received by one 
to all the rest. The front mass of all is not on the 

Greek, yarfyKiov, a knot, or excrescence. 

4 6 


ventral side of the body, since the ganglion below 
it (Fig. 12) sends off two short and curved straps 
(really nerve bundles), called the oesophageal collar, 
which embraces the oesophagus, or food passage, above 
which the front mass, or brain, lies, denominated, in 

Fig. 11.—A, Nerve System of Bee Larva ; B, Nerve System of Adult or 
Imago (Magnified Five times); C, Ganglion (Magnified Sixty times). 
a. Antenna ; mx, Maxilla; to, Mandible ; w, Wing ; 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, Ganglia; n, Nerves; 
en. Nerves escaped from Sheath ; nl, Neurilemma ; gc, Ganglion Cell; cf, Com¬ 
missural Fibres ; rf, Reflex Fibres. 

consequence of its position, the supra-oesophageal 
ganglion. From reasons presently to engage our 
attention, it is clear that this ganglion is the seat of 
intelligence, and that impulses from it dominate the 
rest, but that the latter are also capable, undirected, 
of initiating properly concerted movements. A study 



of this ganglionic chain gives us the key to many 
facts, which must puzzle the apiarian who has not 
become so overpowered by mystery that he has 
ceased to inquire into the cause of anything. 

Unfortunately, even in our humane system of bee¬ 
keeping, the tiny throng handled by such a Brobding- 
nagian race as we relatively are, must now and again 
meet with serious accidents, and we may have to 
watch, with mingled astonishment and regret, the 
rapid march of a headless victim, or the threatening 
twisting of a detached abdomen, as its sting turns to 
our finger, striving to execute the lex talionis. By look¬ 
ing to our illustration, we see that the decapitated one 
is still possessed of much brain substance, distributed 
through the body, and that the isolated abdomen 
carries with it not less than five ganglia, brain portions, 
so to speak, which initiate movements simulating 
design, as we have seen. The loss of the head, 
although it absolutely puts an end to whatever 
amount of consciousness the insect possessed when 
uninjured, reducing it thereby to the condition of a 
machine, is not fatal, in a restricted sense, as we 
have already hinted; and, curiously enough, drones in 
confinement will sometimes live very much longer 
without their heads than with them. After decapita¬ 
tion, when the irritation set up by the cut has sub¬ 
sided, they will remain perfectly quiet, but imme¬ 
diately they are disturbed they begin to move, 
running about, and possibly attempting to fly. If 
the body is turned over, a struggle is made to 
adjust it, and a hair-pin, dipped in phenol or ammonia, 
or any substance emitting an irritating vapour, 

4 « 


brought near to one side of the body, will imme¬ 
diately cause the residue of the insect to retreat in 
the opposite direction. If the hair-pin be actually 
put into contact with the body, the legs will at once 
be set to work to rub from the part the cause of 
annoyance. Facts like these are well known to 
physiologists, and those who desire to extend their 
acquaintance with them are referred to such works 
as Dr. Carpenter’s Manual, or Huxley's Text-book. 

At Fig. ii (C), we have an enlargement of one of these 
ganglia, which shows it to be really double, one-half 
belonging to the right, and the other the left, side of 
the body. Let us suppose the lateral threads (n) (which 
are turned upwards, for the sake of convenience, in 
the illustration) to be provided to the right front leg. 
If this member be pinched, touched, or influenced in 
any way, an impression travels along the nerve until 
the ganglion is reached, when the fibres take four 
independent courses, all indicated in the figure— 
some run forwards towards the head, others back¬ 
wards towards the relatively posterior nerve masses, 
still others to the opposite half of the ganglion, thus 
uniting in the impression the right and left sides 
—such are called commissural fibres (cf Fig* i i) ; 
and others, again (rf), after entering the mass of 
the ganglion, and coming into contact with its 
cells, return by the same side. The impression pro¬ 
duced immediately results in a movement, reflected 
from the ganglion, without any intervention of the 
action of the brain, and so such movements are called 
reflex. The commissural fibres would originate action 
on the opposite side of the body, while the fibres 



running forward and backward would bring neigh¬ 
bouring ganglia, and possibly the brain also, into play. 
Singular as this may appear to be, it is exceedingly 
like that which is constantly occurring within our¬ 
selves. If, by example, an unfortunate soldier has a 
shot wound dividing his spine, near to the middle of 
its length, the whole of the lower part of his body 
will be absolutely paralysed; he will be deprived of 
both sensation and voluntary movements in his legs. 
But if, now, his feet be tickled by a feather, although 
he will feel nothing and know nothing of what is 
occurring, unless informed by the eye, his legs will 
plunge violently, and strive to remove the feet from 
the source of titillation, because the irritation will be 
carried by his leg nerves to those nerve cells of the 
spine which are below the injury, and which exceed¬ 
ingly resemble the ganglia of the insect; and from 
these impulses are reflected, resulting in energetic 
action, with which his brain has, of course, nothing 
to do, precisely as in the case of the decapitated 
drone, which will by its legs forcibly push from it a 
cause of annoyance, if such a word may be employed 
in relation to that which has no consciousness. With¬ 
out going to so dread an example as a wounded 
soldier, we may constantly trace in ourselves, or our 
friends, movements which are purely reflex, resulting 
neither from a sensation nor a mental impression, but 
made, possibly, in the absence of both. 

Nothing can be more striking than the difference 
between the arrangement of the ganglia of the bee 
larva and that of the same insect in the perfect 
condition, unless we take into account the exceed- 



ingly diverse circumstances of the life of the two, 
the helpless dependence and quietude of the former 
standing in marked contrast to the self-sacrificing 
devotion and restless energy of that of the latter. 
The changes, which fit the same nerve system for 
such opposite conditions of being, are effected by 
slowly-made modifications, commencing with the 
creature's independent existence, but which are more 
active and radical during the chrysalis, or pupal stage. 

The business of the larva is to eat. It is produced 
from an egg, which must be tiny, because the mother 
laying it furnishes others in such prodigious number. 
The minute body it possesses, when its first pap is 
given to it, must increase in weight, as I have found 
by careful experiment, about 1400 times during the 
four days it feeds; and so its nerve system is now 
principally distributed to its digestive apparatus and 
to its spiracles. It claims, as yet, neither legs, wings, 
nor eyes; nevertheless, during the period that the 
one want of its lower existence is being met, 
preparation is also being made for the higher endow¬ 
ments, new responsibilities, and enlarged enjoyments 
of the future, for its nerve masses are already 
coalescing, in order to become more perfect in their 
functions ; they are concentrating their influence and 
making the insect less vegetative. The larva has 
seventeen embryonic ganglia (as seen in Fig. 13), 
one supra-cesophageal, three sub-cesophageal—that is, 
under the oesophagus, and also under the first-men¬ 
tioned ganglion, or brain—three thoracic, and ten 
abdominal ; but, as it grows, and in an early stage, 
the three sub-oesophageal and three last abdominal 



in each case fuse into one, reducing the ganglia to 
thirteen, as we have them in A, Fig. n, where, of 
course, the two first ganglia, lying over one another 
nearly, appear in actual contact. But when the old 
digestive tube lining and contents have been cast 
away (see page 22), and the chrysalis stage is reached, 
metamorphoses proceed more rapidly. The two latter 
thoracic and two first abdominal ganglia then unite, 
forming a large and powerful nerve mass (as seen 
at B, Fig. 11), still giving indications of its com¬ 
pound origin, and ‘ initiating the main external 
activities of the insect by throwing out, from its 
anterior parts, nerves to the second pair of legs 
and the anterior wings, while its posterior half gives, 
similarly, energy to the third pair of legs and the 
posterior wings, the front legs receiving twigs from 
the first thoracic ganglion. The original eight 
abdominal ganglia, but now reduced to six (see 
supra), suffer a further diminution in number by 
the fourth and fifth melting together; and so we 
find, in the worker, five abdominal ganglia, while, for 
reasons given when treating of the queen and drone, 
they have four each only. But let us not imagine 
that coalescence and development are all that occur. 
The larva had needs which it does not carry with 
it when it leaves the cell, and so some structures 
are atrophied, with the nerves supplied to them, 
while their material, by absorption, is diverted to 
other uses. These changes require much patient 
investigation in order fully to trace them, but they 
may in large part be easily seen by proceeding with 
eggs and larvae of various ages, as stated on page 37. 



We now pass to consider more in detail the 
structure of the head, or cephalic ganglia, which 
should show us the evident relation subsisting be¬ 
tween the wants of the animal and those curious 
endowments which come to it, we know whence, 
though we know not how, in the quietude and dark¬ 
ness of the little waxen cell. 

Looking to Fig. n, B, we find in the head the 
upper view of the supra-cesophageal, with the collar 
uniting it to the sub-oesophageal ganglion, while, in 
Fig. 12, we have a front and enlarged view of the 
same. The former ganglion, or brain, is so soft and 
transparent, that it is hardly possible to trace its form 
without the use of some hardening agent, such as 
alcohol, or chromic acid; but for a microscopic exami¬ 
nation of the character of its substance we must 
operate upon a bee in a perfectly fresh state. The 
upper part of the cranium being removed, we come 
first upon salivary glands, numerous tracheae, and 
tracheal sacs, covering up the brain, which is itself 
inclosed in a double membrane, like the pia and dura 
mater of higher animals; these stripped off, we reach 
the pulpy material of the cerebral mass, consisting, for 
the most part, of transparent globules, from -g-^Vg-th t° 
5 p 0 0 th of an inch in diameter. If now we pour over 
this some solidifying material—and, for popular work, 
turpentine will answer well—we find it does not become 
uniformly white and opaque, but convolutions, such as 
seen at p, Fig. 12, begin to make their appearance 
near to the ocelli, or simple eyes (0). By degrees, 
removing the pulpy mass which covers over these 
convolutions, we find the latter to be an interior sub- 



stance, whiter and more solid, possibly corresponding 
to the so-called white matter of the brains of verte¬ 
brate animals. The general form taken is seen from 
B, which covers over, but still so as to allow to 
appear, the so-called pedunculated bodies of Dujardin, 
and is copied from an actual brain, compared with 
the drawing given by that physiologist, in his admir¬ 
able Memoir* When these bodies are freed from 
their surroundings, they are seen to bear a very 

A B 

Fig. 12.— The Brain, or Supra-cesophageal Ganglion. 

A, Head, showing Brain, Ac., magnified ten times— o, o, o, Ocelli; a, a. An term*, 
with Nerves ; p, p, Brain covering Pedunculated Bodies ; og, og, Optic Ganglion ; 
s, Sub-cesophageal Ganglion. B, Supra-oesophageal Ganglion, or Brain, 
deprived of External Membranes, magnified thirty times. 

short peduncle, or stalk, pointing towards, and nearly 
reaching, the median line; so that, although they do 
not actually touch, they possibly bring the two 
lateral halves of the brain into relation. These 
stalks bear above them the convoluted lobes. A 
granulous tubercle, placed in front of each of these 
singular forms, and prominent in the ant as well as 
the bee, is supposed by Dujardin to be especially 

“Annales des Sciences Naturelles,” 3i»e S3rie, vol. xiv. 



provided to receive the communications made by 
these wonderful little creatures, by tappings on the 
front of the head with the antennae. 

Our figure shows that the brain sends three short 
stalks to the ocelli (o), the centre one receiving its 
nerves from the right and left side, while the brain 
laterally passes into the two masses provided to the 
large compound eyes ; on each side also, a well- 
developed lobe, beneath, gives origin to a nerve 
supplying the antenna, for Dujardin seems to have 
been in error in supposing that these arose from 
the pedunculated bodies. 

Such, then, is the brain of the bee, declaring that 
its owner is endowed, at least, with glimmerings of 
intelligence. For, in those insects whose whole 
course may be supposed to be simply instinctive, 
the pedunculated body is not found ; in such, the 
entire brain, and every ganglion, consists alone of 
pulpy matter. Where the pedunculated bodies exist, 
their bulk, as well as that of the antennae lobes, 
seems to bear a direct proportion to the diversity of 
action of which the creature possessing them is 
capable. We have a progression in the size of these 
appendages as well as in instinctive development in 
passing— e.g., from the cockchafer {Melalontha vul¬ 
garis) to the cricket, on to the ichneumon, then to 
the carpenter bee, and, finally, to the social hive 
bee, where the pedunculated bodies form the -g-th 
part of the volume of the cerebral mass, and the 
-jj-foth of the volume of the entire creature, while, in 
the cockchafer, they are less than the -^ t^ th part. 
The size of the brain is also a gauge of intelligence. 



In the worker bee, the brain is xr^th of the body ; in 
the red ant, -g-g-g-th; the Melalontha, F5 - 0 - 0 th; the 
Dytiscus beetle, 4 - 4 ^ Q th. And here a very curious 
point arises. As we proceed, I shall have more 
than once to point out a misconception, which would 
appear to be all but universal amongst bee-keepers, 
and to show that the queen is not superior to, but 
greatly the inferior of, the worker; and the brain 
bears evidence to this position, as that of the queen 
is relatively small, as is also that of the drone. 
The amazons, who support the political fabric of the 
bee-hive, supply its food, bring up its young, furnish 
its architecture, defend its property, administer 
justice, and determine the how, when, and where of 
new colonies, require greater endowments than the 
males, and true female, who is largely aborted, so 
as to be almost exclusively limited to the faculty of 

Besides the principal nerve system of which we 
have spoken—that of animal life—the bee, in common 
with some other insects, is possessed of two other 
systems, of less proportions, and more visible in the 
larva than the adult, which give energy to the func¬ 
tions of organic or vegetative life. One is denomi¬ 
nated the stomato-gastric, and is provided with 
numerous minute ganglia, which send nerve-fibres 
into the organs of digestion, circulation, and respira¬ 
tion ; the other, corresponding probably to the sympa¬ 
thetic of higher animals, has, in each segment of the 
body, a very small triangular ganglion, sending out 
threads, which ultimately anastomose with those of 
the previously considered abdominal chain. 



It is exceedingly difficult, nay, rather, impossible, 
although we are but thinking of the little bee, to 
realise the wonderful complexity and capability of 
this brain and ganglionic system, with its countless 
nerve fibres and numerous nerve cells ever transact¬ 
ing the mystic and involved telegraphy of life, 
receiving messages and transmitting replies with a 
quickness as little to be conceived as that of the 
electric current itself, besides stimulating and co¬ 
ordinating a great diversity of parts, and bringing all 
into a conscious unit, and so endowing that unit, that 
it is but part of a greater whole, which, in turn, 
puts itself into true, determinate, and useful relation 
to the world which forms its environment; but we 
shall hereafter remember, that no muscle can move, 
no heart throb, no organ of sense receive an im¬ 
pression, no gland secrete, and no digestion be per¬ 
formed, without the operation of some part of these 
strange transparent threads, with their accompanying 



Need of a Digestive System — Food Solution — 
Similarity of the Digestive Process in all Animals 
— (Esophagus—Honey Sac — Stomach-Mouth—Chyle 
Stomach—Gastric Teeth—Small and Large Intes¬ 
tines — Anal Glands — Embryogeny of Digestive 
Tube — Structure and Use of Stomach-Mouth and 
Chyle Stomach — Dufour’s Theory. 

The primary object of a digestive system is to 
supply the vitalising and formative material called 
blood, which sustains in activity and builds up out of 
its substance every tissue of the bodies of animals. 
A little attention given to the process of blood 
making in our own case, will well prepare the way 
for a better realisation of the uses of the structures 
we find in bees. Our food, whatever may be its 
character, needs at first to be wholly or in part 
brought into the condition of solution in water, and 
only such part as is actually dissolved can be in 
any way utilised ; eg., in ordinary bread, our typical 
food, we have principally two substances, starch and 
gluten, both of which may be soaked for any 



period without dissolving, if decomposition be pre¬ 
vented ; but during the process of chewing or 
mastication, glands, of which we, like our bees, 
have three pairs, pour into the mouth, saliva, whose 
principal office is to chemically change some parts 
of our food, and notably starch, which, under its 
action, begins to be formed into sugar, one of the 
most soluble bodies furnished by the plant world. 
After swallowing, the process of transformation goes 
on, until at length all starch has disappeared, and 
the sugar produced from it has, by absorption, got 
into the blood current. This sugar, although derived 
from starch, is still the representative of the honey 
of the bee, while the gluten, the residue of our 
bread, is the counterpart of her pollen—so similar 
are our sources of sustenance. But gluten requires 
a treatment distinct from that which the starch 
received, for the former is not materially affected in 
the mouth, but, passing into the stomach, the gastric 
secretion acts upon it and so transforms it that a 
new and soluble material, sometimes called albu- 
minose, is produced, which can be, on account of its 
liquid condition, transmitted to the blood, and that 
mainly by the action of a multitude of minute 
thread-like bodies, which cover the inner side of part 
of the alimentary tube, and, so to speak, drink up 
the dissolved, or, in other words, digested, nourish¬ 
ment. This glairy material, thin and transparent, is, 
after absorption, carried up a narrow channel running 
in front of the backbone, and poured at length into 
a vein under the middle of the clavicle (collar-bone) 
on the left side. Thus mixed with the blood, it is 



quickly made into part of that fluid actually, and 
now, with the rest, visits every muscle and organ 
by the circulation, in order that it may nourish 
and sustain. Far removed as we are from bees, 
there still exists between us and them a most 
helpful similarity of physical structure, and presently 
we shall find that the salivary and gastric secre¬ 
tions perform precisely the same functions in both. 

If the abdomen be pulled from the thorax of a 
recently dead bee, until the integument, which is 
really a part of the external chitinous envelope, 
ruptures at the narrow junction of the two, called 
the petiole or stalk, we shall almost uniformly drag 
away with the abdomen a long thread-like form, 
which is really the tubular oesophagus or gullet 
( ce , Plate I.), running away from the tongue through 
the head, neck, thorax, and petiole, about -g-in., until 
it begins to enlarge within the abdomen. 

It often happens that the rough surgical operation 
just described will pull the digestive tube from the 
abdomen, as well as expose the oesophagus ; but, if 
not, but little skill is required in so opening the body 
that the whole may be removed without much injury 
to it. 

Certain glandular products are added to the food 
in the mouth, of which more hereafter; but the 
oesophagus is only conductive in character, and is 
narrow within the thorax, being -g^in. i n diameter. 
The thorax, indeed, as the centre of locomotion, is 
loaded with the strong muscles the legs, and espe¬ 
cially the wings, require, and so here no space can be 
spared for the function of digestion. The enlarge- 



ment just referred to {hs, Plate I.) is known as the 
honey sac, and corresponds to the crop of most 
insects. It is about -i-in. in depth and ^-in. in dia¬ 
meter when full of honey, of which it will hold a full 
third of an ordinary drop. When nectar is gathered 
by the foraging bees, it is simply held in store in this 
cavity, the processes of digestion in no true sense begin¬ 
ning until the next chamber ( c.s )—the chyle stomach 
—is reached. The bee having returned to the hive, 
the cross muscles indicated in hs, Plate I., and LM, 
TM, Fig. 14, by contraction, press upon the con¬ 
tained nectar and drive it back through the oeso¬ 
phagus into the cell of the comb, in the manner 
described at page 18. But, if the mouth of the ox 
that treads out the corn should not be muzzled, it is 
clear that the little labourer should have an oppor¬ 
tunity of taking, of that it has gathered, for its 
own support. To permit of this and much more, a 
rounded body {p, Plate I.), of singular and beautiful 
structure, about g^th of an inch in diameter, is placed 
at the bottom of the honey sac. It can be easily 
seen by the unaided eye, and is of pearly, yet 
brownish, colour. This apparatus (which may be 
more easily investigated in the Queen Bombi than the 
hive bees, on account of its greater size in the former) 
we shall carefully examine presently, at the moment 
calling it the “ stomach-mouth,” a very appropriate 
name, which Burmeister has given, and which suffi¬ 
ciently explains its use, for the bees’ food can be 
taken through it at will, and as required* into the 
chyle stomach. The latter bends much upon itself 
in the worker, has a diameter of yL-in. and a length 


6 : 

of fin., but is straighter and smaller in the queen, 
and its sides are, in all cases, banded with constric¬ 
tions that occur at regular intervals. The gastric 
glands are placed in its walls, while the pollen grains 
commonly found within it in abundance give to it a 
yellow, or yellowish-brown, appearance. At its further 
extremity it narrows considerably, and forms a pylorus 
in passing into the small intestine (si, Plate I.), which 
is here met by a considerable number of long and 
narrow tubes (bt, Plate I.), lying in tangled spirals, but 
which, nevertheless, enter the walls of the digestive 
system with great regularity, their openings being 
closely set, side by side, in a single encircling line. 
They are, probably, excretory in function, removing, 
like the liver in ourselves, impurities from the blood, 
which are modified so as to be of service in the 
work of digestion. Their structure is shown at 
C, which gives a small portion of one of them, 
magnified 450 times. These tubes are known as 
Malpighian vessels, from the great anatomist, Mal¬ 
pighi, who discovered them; or are called biliary 
or urinary tubes, according to the view which may 
be taken of their office. The intestinal lining mem¬ 
brane here undergoes an interesting modification; it 
is arranged in a number of longitudinal ridges, and 
is set with small, though hard, chitinous teeth (D, 
gt, Plate I.), frequently double-pointed, each about 
~ 2 '60 o in - * n length. They are most easily seen in a 
newly-hatched bee, before any food has been taken 
to interfere with the view. The object of these, 
in my opinion, is to abrade the growing points of 
any pollen grains which have not sufficiently yielded 



to the action of the chyle stomach, so that their 
nutritious contents may be duly appropriated. To 
enable them to accomplish this, a strong coat of 
ring muscles is provided, thus equipping the bee 
with a rudimentary gizzard, beyond which the small 
intestine lies, somewhat twisted, and not quite 
uniformly placed in different bees; its diameter, 
which varies little throughout its length, is about 
s^in. It is shown in cross section in D, Fig. 14. 
The muscles supplying it are remarkable, and may 
be conveniently studied under the microscope after 
staining with eosin, or even ordinary red ink. The 
colour of its contents is perceptibly darker than 
that of the chyle stomach, while the pollen 
grains, which in the former are but little altered, 
are here generally damaged in the cellulose cover 
(see page 10), and are frequently broken up com¬ 
pletely, as they have had to pass the mill of the 
gastric teeth. The small bowel suddenly, and 
afterwards more gradually, expands into the colon, 
or large intestine {li, Plate I.), which is often 
swollen and dark in appearance, because its trans¬ 
parent and colourless sides show clearly its contents, 
which have here that disagreeable odour too well 
known to bee keepers who have given liberty to 
bees that have endured the confinement and worry of 
a long journey. At the commencement of the colon 
are placed six longitudinal, brownish, fleshy plates 
(/, Plate I.), which appear to be both valvular and 
glandular in action ; they are protuberant on the 
inner side, and are formed by an invagination of the 
intestinal walls, the whole of the layers of which 



take part in their structure. Tracheae densely 
ramify in these tubercles, and a large nerve is 
supplied to them. M. Leydig compares these fleshy 
plates to the tracheal lamellae forming the rectal 
branchiae, or gills, of the aquatic larvae of the 
libellulidae, or May flies. 

Embryogeny (the science of the development of 
embryos) shows that, whilst the bodies of insects 
are being fashioned within the egg, the digestive 
tube is formed in three parts, as follow: The 
mouth and anal extremities by invaginations (see 
page 34) of the external skin, the central portion 
from a modification of the yolk sac, which is met 
at its ends by the continued deepening of the 
posterior and anterior invagination. The parts have 
now no communication, their ends being blind, 
but are placed like two half sausage skins, with 
a whole skin in the centre. The separating walls 
at length undergo absorption, and the tube be¬ 
comes single and united, passing through the body 
from end to end ; the annexed organs are then 
marvellously added to this simple tube, which forms 
gradually, at definite spots upon its wall, prolonga¬ 
tions, at first like the fingers of a glove, but by 
degrees assuming the involved structure they possess 
in the adult insect. In this manner within the 
bee egg the spinning glands (Fig. 15), which 
subsequently become System 3 of the salivary 
glands (Fig. 16), are formed at the anterior part, 
and at the posterior, similarly, the Malpighian, or 
urinary tubes. An arrested development, however, 
in bees, hornets, and wasps, causes the middle 

6 4 


bowel to remain blind at the posterior extremity, 
which may be well seen at Fig. 13, representing the 
developing larva within the egg membrane; here the 
anterior invagination (fb) has already made junction 
with the middle bowel {mb), but the after bowel {ab) 
remains separate, and Will continue to do so until 
the commencement of the chrysalis condition, so that 
the larva, usually so prolific of dejections, in the case 
of the above-mentioned insects passes nothing. If 
it were otherwise ordered with bees, by example, the 
embarrassment would be great where the larva lies 

Fig. 13.— Bee Larva before Hatching (Magnified Forty times). 

eh, Chorion, or Egg Skin ; ga, Ganglia;, Supra-oesophageal Ganglion; jm, Jaw 
Muscles forming; c, Nerve Collar; fb. Fore Bowel; mb, Middle Bowel; 
ab, After Bowel. 

in a cell surrounded on all sides by liquid food ; 
besides which, the honey we now so much value 
would be made unacceptable, through possible con¬ 
tamination from an uncleanly nursery. I have already 
explained my discoveries respecting the way in 
which the accumulated residua are at length got 
rid of so as to leave the larva unsullied (page 
22). These surprising changes, humbling us by 
showing us how little we know, and how much there 
is to learn, may, without difficulty, be witnessed by 
those possessing a stock of bees to furnish eggs, and 



a microscope to examine them. Let us now investi¬ 

gate in detail the stomach-mouth and chyle stomach. 

Fig. 14.—Honey Sac Stopper, or Stomach-Mouth, &c. (Magnified Fifty times). 

A, Front View of One of the Four Leaflets of Stopper, or Stomach-Mouth— 
l, Lip-like Point, covered by Down-turned Bristles (b ); sra, Side Membrane. 
B, Longitudinal Section of Stomach-Mouth, with Continuations into Entrance 
of Chyle Stomach— l, l, Lip-like Ends of Leaflets; *, Setae; Im, Longitudinal 
Muscles; tm, Transverse Muscles, in Cross Section; cl, Cell Layer of Honey 
Sac; LM and TM, Longitudinal and Transverse Muscles of same; nc. 
Nucleated Cells of Tubular Extension of Stomach-Mouth into Chyle 
Stomach; lm' and tm', Longitudinal and Transverse Muscles of Chyle 
Stomach ; c, c, Cells covered within by an Intima. C, Cross Section of 
Stomach-Mouth— m, Cross Section of Muscles seen at lm, in B; tm, Trans¬ 
verse Muscles surrounding Stomach-Mouth. D, Cross Section through Small 
Intestine —a and m. Longitudinal and Surrounding Muscles. 

We have already learnt that the first of these 
enables the bee to store honey, which, although 




carried within her body, does not enter her digestive 
system, and that by the means of it food can be 
taken into the chyle stomach as required, p, Plate 
I., shows us the stomach-mouth, as seen through 
the transparent walls of the honey sac, its form being 
not unlike an unopened flower-bud with four sepals. 
If it be carefully removed from a recently-killed bee, 
and examined by a simple lens, its lips or leaflets 
may frequently be observed opening and shutting 
with a rapid snapping movement. A more remarkable 
object than this under a low power of the microscope 
can scarcely be imagined. The oesophagus, honey- 
sac, and chyle stomach, should be removed together, 
and placed on a glass slip, the microscope stage being 
made horizontal. No cover glass should be used, but 
sufficient very weak salt and water added. The whole 
object will exhibit, for at least fifteen minutes, muscu¬ 
lar contractions of a most instructive kind, while the 
gaping and snapping of the stomach-mouth, and the 
passing onwards of food, is often noticed. If the bee 
operated upon has just previously been fed with 
honey stained with some aniline dye, the effect is 
enhanced. By closing the oesophagus I have fre¬ 
quently succeeded in getting, not only food, but even 
bubbles of air, gulped down into the chyle stomach, 
and, by carefully pressing upon the stomach- 
mouth with the side of a needle, the lips may be 
forced open, and food passed on into the stomach 
beyond. One leaflet being separated from the rest, 
we find it strongly chitinous within, and fringed along 
its margin (A, Fig. 14) by downward-pointing, 
fine, but strong bristles. At B we have the longi- 



tudinal section of the whole apparatus, with its 

entrance into the chyle stomach, somewhat as figured 
by Schiemenz.* It is provided with two sets of 
strong muscles, one ( Im ) running perpendicularly 
along the backs of the leaflets, and, by their con¬ 
traction, pulling asunder the lips, and permitting a 
passage of food from the honey sac to the chyle 
stomach; another {tin), in cross section in the 
figure, running round the whole, and perfectly 

closing it at the will of the bee. The figure in 

like manner shows the two muscular layers (LM, 
TM) of the honey sac, by the united contraction 
of which the gathered nectar is driven out into 

the cells of the comb for general consumption. 
C, as- it gives the form in horizontal section, with 
the opening and closing muscles, makes somewhat 
clearer the beautiful mechanism of the stomach- 
mouth, the utility of which is so conspicuous : for the 
bee can eat whenever and wherever she likes : when 
she departs from the old home, with all its stores pro¬ 
vided against a “ rainy day,” and commits herself, with 
her companions, to the vicissitudes which the swarm 
must encounter, she can minimise her risks by carry¬ 
ing, in the honey sac, sufficient food for a week's 
necessities, either using it rapidly in the production 
of wax, or eking it out, should the elements prove 
unfavourable for the gathering of new supplies ; and 
in winter, when departure from the cluster is im¬ 
possible, she can, at infrequent intervals, as oppor¬ 
tunity arises, so charge herself from the honey cells 

* See “ Uber das Herkommen des Futtersaftes und die Speicheldriisen 
der Biene .”—“ Zeitschrift fur Wissenschaftliche Zoologie,” Bund 38. 



that her wants will always be supplied, and her ability 
to produce heat be uninterrupted. 

But, besides these beautiful adaptations, another use 
has been suggested. Leon Dufour taught that the 
larvae of bees are nourished by an ejection into their 
cells of semi-digested food from the chyle stomach of 
the nurses, and this idea, unsupported as it is by 
evidence, has gained all but universal acceptance. 
Schonfeld* explained the stomach-mouth in con¬ 
formity with this opinion, but recent investigations 
have more than ever convinced me of the erroneous 
nature of Dufour’s theory. Schonfeld at first alto¬ 
gether failed to observe that the stomach-mouth is 
prolonged into the chyle stomach by a tube contain¬ 
ing a layer of nucleated cells ( nc , B, Fig. 14), 
beyond which extends an extremely delicate mem¬ 
brane (intima), which Schiemenz is confident can 
have no other object than to prevent the return of 
digesting matters into the honey sac, his opinion 
being that, except when food is passing through it, 
this tube must collapse completely, being pressed on 
one side, and flattened. But microscopic examination 
and experiment have shown me that, although the 
tube of intima interferes with regurgitation, as Schon¬ 
feld is forced to admit, still it may float in the 
stomach, and preserve its cylindrical form notwith¬ 
standing pressure, so that its presence rather makes 
regurgitation improbable than impossible. Schonfeld 
has also left unnoticed the down-pointing bristles 
(/, A and B, Fig. 14), which would, by straining, 

* See translation in British Bee 'journal, 1st Tulv, Kth SeDt. 
15th Oct., and 1st Dec., 1883. 0 v ' 



effectually prevent the passing upwards of any solid 
particles, such as pollen grains, whole or broken, 
even could the difficulties previously mentioned be 

But it will be seen that these explanations are 
partly negative, giving us no reason for the presence 
of either tube extension or down-pointing bristles, since 
a mere sphincter (or ring of closing muscles) would, 
by contraction and relaxation, have either totally pre¬ 
vented regurgitation, or permitted it, if necessary, and 
also have enabled the bee to take such food from 
the honey sac as it might at the time being contain. 
It is clear, then, that either parts have been added 
which are not requisite, or that some function exists 
which has hitherto escaped observation. Surely it is 
the latter. Dissecting bees from the hive, young and 
old, ordinary nurses and queen grub feeders, starved 
and fully fed, gave me no help in this matter, beyond 
showing the extraordinary complexity and variety of 
movement of which the stomach-mouth is capable; 
but those that were engaged in gathering yielded the 

On the Compositse, as well as many other orders, 
bees suck up nectar, in conjunction with much 
pollen, and, examining the honey sac of one work¬ 
ing upon a single dahlia, e.g., the outside wrinkled 
membrane (sm, A, Fig. 14) is seen to continually run 
up in folds, and gather itself over the top of the 
stomach-mouth, bringing with it, by the aid of its 
setae, the large pollen grains the nectar contains. 
The lips (/, /, B, Fig. 14), now opening, take in this 
pollen, which is driven forwards, into the cavity made 

7 o 


between the separating lips, by an inflow of the fluid 
surrounding the granules. The lips in turn close, but 
the down-pointing bristles are thrown outwards from 
the face of the leaflet, in this way revealing their 
special function, as the pollen is prevented from re¬ 
ceding while the nectar passes back into the honey 
sac, strained through between the bristles aforesaid, 
the last parts escaping by the loop-like openings 
seen in the corners of C. Fig. 14. The Whole pro¬ 
cess is immediately and very rapidly repeated, so 
that the pollen collects, and the honey is cleared. 
Three purposes, in addition to those previously enu¬ 
merated, are thus subserved by this wondrous me¬ 
chanism. First, the bee can either eat or drink from 
the mixed diet she carries, gulping down the pollen 
in pellets, or swallowing the nectar, as her necessities 
demand. Second, when the collected pollen is driven 
forwards into the chyle stomach, the tube extension, 
whose necessity now becomes apparent, prevents the 
pellets forming into plug-like masses just below p, 
Plate I., for, by the action of the tube, these pellets are 
delivered into the midst of the fluids of the stomach, 
to be at once broken up and subjected to the 
digestive process. And third, while the little gatherer 
is flying from flower to flower, her stomach-mouth is 
busy in separating pollen from nectar, so that the 
latter may be less liable to fermentation, and better 
suited to winter consumption. She, in fact, carrier 
with her, and at once puts into operation, the most 
ancient and yet the most perfect and beautiful of all 
“honey strainers.” 

The chyle stomach is lined by an intima, or inner 


7 1 

membrane, carrying a cell-layer ( c ), the cells com¬ 
posing which appear to be of two kinds, having 
distinct functions, one secreting a digestive fluid 
(gastric juice) from the surrounding blood into the 
stomach, so that the contents of the pollen grains 
may be made fit for assimilation, by a transformation 
not unlike that liquefying gluten in our own case ; 
the other absorbing the nutrition as prepared, and 
giving it up into the blood—these cells representing 
the absorbent vessels of ourselves and the higher 
animals generally. Outside this cell-layer comes a 
propria, or outer membrane, and, beyond this, two 
muscular coats, one {tin') of ring muscles, the other 
(Im ) of longitudinal muscles, which, by their appro 
priate contractions, originated by the stomato-gastric 
nerve system, churn the contained food, and move it 
onwards past the, several constrictions previously men¬ 
tioned, and which are commonly twenty-three in 
number, until the pyloric extremity is reached. The 
process of absorption continues in the intestines till 
only waste products and indigestible matters remain, 
and these are ejected by a muscular action, which 
can only be effectively employed, in the case of the 
worker and drone, when the insect is on the wing. 
The queen presents an exception to this rule, which 
will, hereafter, require an explanation. 

The view here suggested, that the brood is not 
nourished by regurgitated material, l£ads at once to 
the question, How, then, is it fed ? No satisfactory 
answer can be given until we study the gland struc¬ 



Discovery of Glands—Plans for Dissection—Position 
and Connection of Systems No. /, No. 2, No. 3 — 
Details of the Systems—Intracellular and Inter¬ 
cellular Glands—System No. 4 of Schiemenz — 
Uses of the Glands — Variations in Queens—Brood 
Food — Brood Weaning — Royal Jelly — Queen 
Ra ising — Fertile Wo rkers — Egg Production — A 
New Theory Respecting Queen Food — Queen 
Dejections — How Queens are Stimulated into 
Laying by the Nurses—System No. 1 a Chyle 
Gland -— Retarded Laying Explained — Feeding- 

In 1811, Ramdohr announced the discovery of a pair 
of salivary glands in the thorax of bees, whilst two 
other pairs were found by H. Meckel, in 1846; and 
yet dense ignorance respecting them is common to 
the present day, even such an accomplished German 
apiculturist as Berlepsch failing to mention them, 
while Cook only in his last edition (1884) calls 
attention to the existence of two pairs, which he 
tells us were “first discovered by Mr. Justin Spald¬ 
ing/’ It is not a wonder that the rank and file of 



bee-keepers are as much in the dark as those to 
whom they look for leading. Leydig* and Sieboldf 
did much to elucidate the structure of these glands, 
but their methods of dissection were not sufficiently 
refined to enable them to properly locate them in 
the body of the bee; Siebold, in particular, falling 
into serious mistakes on more points than one, 
followed by Girard, who does not appear to have 
himself made any dissections. 

It has already been stated that the larva secretes 
its cocoon from a gland, which reappears, in a 

A, Gland— p, Propria; cl, Cell Layer; i, Intima; r, Reservoir; sc, Secreting 
Cells. B, Transverse Section of Reservoir. C, Transverse Section of Secreting 
Layer, with Interior Lumen, or Cavity. 

modified form, in the adult. This gland is seen 
at Fig. 15. Its product, as is usual with insects, 
remains perfectly liquid so long as it is stored in the 
reservoir (r), but quickly hardens after it is drawn 
out into threads, although not so rapidly but that the 
several filaments where they cross each other partly 
fuse together, and so much strengthen the gossamer 
blind which the larva elaborates (see Fig. 4). The 
secretion itself is derived from the blood by the 
action of the cells (sc), seen in the cross section C, 

* “ Archiv fur Anatomie Physiologie,” &c., Leipzig, 1859. 
t “ Mittheilungen iiber die Speichelorgane der Biene,” 1872. 



and surrounding a small tube, or lumen. These cells 
have, of course, an absorbing surface on the outside, 
while their proximate faces secrete a liquid silk, 
which, as formed, is passed into the reservoir, of 
which B is a cross section, where it collects in con¬ 
siderable quantity before the time of spinning. 

By inserting a needle into the mouth of a worker 
bee, and passing it upwards, behind the front wall 
of the head, the latter may be so opened that its 
salivary (?) glands, in a partly broken condition, may 
be obtained for examination ; but if the attachments 
and entire forms are to be investigated, we must 
proceed as follows: Partly fill some shallow recep¬ 
tacle, such as a pomatum-pot, or large pill-box, with 
melted bees’, or paraffin, wax. When cold, with a 
hot wire melt a little bath in the centre of the 
waxen surface, and then insert the bee we wish to 
dissect, so placing in this case that one side of the 
head is submerged. By a second application of the 
wire, re-melt the wax in the, neighbourhood of the 
head, using no more heat than is necessary to secure 
thorough adhesion, and now cover with water or 
glycerine. A powerful light and a good watch¬ 
maker’s eye-glass (secured round the operator’s head 
with a tape, when it can be pushed up on to the 
forehead if not required) will permit of reason¬ 
ably good dissection, although, of course, better 
results can be reached by using a Stephenson’s 
erecting-binocular-microscope — the instrument with 
which all the dissections for this work have been 
made. The bee thus securely held by the wax, both 
hands are free to manipulate. Now, with a needle- 



knife (made by heating a large needle, beating it 

Fig. 16.—Salivary (?) Glands of the Bee. 

A, Salivary (?) Glands, Systems No. 1, No. 2, and No. 3, magnified fifteen times— sv. 
Salivary Valve (of Systems No. 2 and No. 3) at Root of Tongue; Ip, labial 
Palpus ; mx, Maxilla ; so, Salivary Opening of System No. 1 in Hypo-pharyngeal 
Plate; no, Openings in Plate for Termination of Taste Nerves; ce, (Esophagus ; 
sd, Salivary Duct; b, Junction of Ducts of System No. 2 ; c, Junction of Ducts 
of System No. 3; sc, sc, Salivary Sacs; fl, Front Lobe; bl, Back Lobe ; a, Chitinous 
Duct, with Spiral Thread. B, Single Acinus of System No. 1, magnified seventy 
times— n, Cell Nucleus; st, Salivary Track ; d. Large Duct. C, Single Pouch, or 
Acinus, from System No. 2— a, Propria, or Outer Membrane ; sc, Secreting 
Cells. D, Termination of System No. 3—1 2, 3 4, lines marking Termination of 
Section ; d. Duct, in section ; sc, Secreting Cell, in section ; n, Nucleus. 

flat, and afterwards sharpening upon a hone, and 

7 6 


inserting into a wooden handle), cut carefully round 
the compound eye, and lift it off. Curiously folded, 
and passing round the optic ganglion, we have a 
long whitish body, which a facetious friend com¬ 
pared to ropes of onions. It is one side of the 
System No. i of Siebold (Fig. 16). Behind this, 
and extending from the top of the head downwards, 
we find packed inimitably a second gland system 
(No. 2), consisting of many pouches, joined by canals 
to a common duct, which may be followed until it is 
discovered to enter another duct (6, Fig. 16) running 
backwards and forwards in the body. Tracing this 
channel towards the thorax, we see it enter the neck, 
and immediately after bifurcate or fork (c, Fig. 16). 
Following the line of one of the two ducts, we come 
upon a reservoir (sc), leading backwards to another 
gland system (No. 3), of singular structure, with 
two lobes, lying in the front of the thorax on each 
side of the body. The position of all these systems 
is well seen in Plate I. The operation here described 
is not likely to be accomplished with one bee, and I 
spent many days, and spoilt many specimens, before 
getting the glands in their entirety, with their con¬ 
nections ; but I have good reason for supposing that 
these successful dissections are. unique. Leaving out 
of view for the present a fourth gland, attached to 
the jaw (Fig. 10), and which Siebold failed to note, 
let us proceed to examine in detail the systems to 
which he gave name. 

Taking pains to secure an entire right or left gland 
of System No. 1, we find it to consist of an inelastic, 
transparent, central tube or duct, without branches, 



and of the uniform diameter of from -g-^in. to ^^ in., 
surrounded through its length, which is fully once 
and a half that of the entire body of the bee, by 
between 1000 and 1200 berry-shaped bodies, called 
acini, of which one is much enlarged, B, Fig. 16. 
In these acini the secretion is produced by cells, which 
develop, perform their function, and pass away, to 
be succeeded by others. The cells forming each acinus 
are surrounded by a bag-like membrane, or propria, 
through which the blood passes continually, to supply 
the material out of which the secretion is elaborated. 

System No. 1 is intracellular in type— i.e., every 
part of the surface of each cell is absorbent, so that 
the secretion it furnishes has to be removed from its 
interior by a duct, which enters its wall, becomes sur¬ 
prisingly delicate, and takes within a lengthened, 
sinuous course, bringing itself in contact with the 
cell plasma. These chitinous tubes, each about 
Tgwo'n. in diameter, after leaving the cells, pass 
parallelly through an enveloping tube ( st , B), towards 
d, where, by independent perforations, they enter 
the main duct, which at this point raises itself into a 
sort of papilla, having a sieve-like end. In the red 
ant, a similar gland (K, Plate VII.) has its cells free, 
the propria being wanting. Its form as given should 
be studied. Tracing this duct onwards towards the 
mouth, we find it enter a pouch, or ampulla, lying 
at the side of, and beneath, a plate which forms 
what may be termed the mouth-floor (Fig. 17). 
The part {pi) of this plate drops as a flap towards, 
and joins, the upper extension of the tongue, so 
that food passing over the latter can be uninter- 

7 8 


ruptedly carried back, over the hypo - pharyngeal 
plate, to the oesophagus, or swallow beyond. Ex¬ 
tremely strong and dark-coloured horn-like forms 
run backwards, and converge on each side, while 
near their ends are seen prominences which give 
attachment to the protractor pharyngis muscle (pp), 
which, by shortening, throws forward the whole ar¬ 
rangement, bringing the front of the plate close tip 

Fig. 17.—Hypo-pharyngeal Plate (Magnified Twenty-five times). 

A, Plate in Worker— pi, Plate Leaflet; No. 1, Main Duct of System No. 1, with 
Acini removed; ptn, Papillse of Taste Nerve ; oa, Opening of Ampulla for 
Escape of Secretion; pp, Protractor Pharyngis Muscle; p, Pollen Grains in 
Commencement of (Esophagus. B and C, Halves of Pharyngeal Plate from 
Queen and Drone (lettering as before.) 

behind the epipharynx ( g, Plate II.). We find what 
at first might be taken for apertures at tn, but a 
careful examination shows these to be delicate papillae 
of the taste nerve, which runs beneath the pharynx, 
and passes its terminating fibrils into them. But 
our main point now is the discharge opening ( oa ) 
of System No. I, a portion of whose duct, with its 
continuation through the plate, is represented, though 



deprived of its acini, which are broken away by the 
least violence. 

Systems No. 2 and No. 3 are intercellular, like the 
spinning gland, whence they are derived— i.e., the cells 
are arranged around, a cavity, towards which they pre¬ 
sent their secreting surfaces, while they absorb material 
from the blood by that portion lying next the propria 
[a, C, Fig. 16). The secretion passes forwards in a 
manner made obvious by the illustration. When the 
several ducts begin to unite, they develop an interior 
spiral thread like to that of the tracheae, both in 
purpose (page 34) and appearance. Their presence 
led Fischer to suppose these glands to be lungs. In 
System No. 3 these threads are especially strong, as 
indicated at a A, d D. They pour their contents into 
a sac (sc, A), curiously covered hy star-shaped plates. 
The ducts of both systems uniting, as previously 
described, form a single channel, passing onwards 
through the mentum (mt, Fig. 18), or chin, into the 
tongue, where it terminates in a salivary valve (sv, A, 
Fig. 18), from which the saliva is pumped out during 
the action of sucking, an operation which may be 
artificially performed after the death of the bee. 

System No. 4 of Schiemenz, or the olfactory gland 
(Riechschleimdriise) of Wolff * (og, Fig. 10), closely 
resembles No. 1 in its minute structure, being intra¬ 
cellular, and, in consequence, very active. It has its 
aperture immediately within the mandible, is singu¬ 
larly large in the queen, smaller in the worker, and 
still less in the drone. 

* “Nova Acta Acedemia Naturae Curiosorum,” vol. xxxviii., “Das 
Riechorgan der Biene,” Dr. O. J. B. Wolff. 



A question of surpassing interest, but immense 
difficulty, now presents itself, viz., What is the purpose 
served by each of these glands? Admitting, for argu¬ 
ment’s sake, that the view taken in the last chapter, 
of the office of the stomach-mouth, is correct, we have 
three or four distinct functions to be performed by 
such structures as we are now considering. First, a 
secretion to assist digestion; second, to change the 
cane sugar of the nectar of flowers into the grape 
sugar of honey, and possibly also convert starch into 
sugar (both of these functions are performed by one 
salivary secretion in our own case) ; third, to soften 
and make plastic the wax plates formed on the under 
side of the abdomen, so that they may be elaborated 
into comb, and also possibly serve as a vehicle in the 
moulding of propolis, or the application of it as a 
varnish ; and, fourth, the production of a brood food. 

Without dogmatising, my investigations into this 
question lead me somewhat confidently to point to 
System No. i as actually having the latter office. 
For it is first worthy of remark, that this gland 
—the largest and most active—is only found in the 
worker bees. By referring to Fig. 17, we note that 
B, the hypo-pharyngeal plate of the hive queen, has 
scarcely any perforation, and that the merest trace 
of duct is attached to it, having clearly no secreting 
power. It is peculiarly important, as well as 
interesting, to observe here, in a parenthesis, that, 
the higher the quality of the queen, the further will 
she be removed from the worker in this matter, 
poor queens, hurriedly raised, really possessing this 
gland in an extremely rudimentary form, while those 


with the largest ovaries have even the plate im¬ 
perforate, while no trace of duct is discoverable, just 
as in the case of the drone plate (C). But taking 
a queen Bombus (page 13), engaged in establishing 
a nest, when she does feed her own brood, we find 
this particular gland strongly developed; whilst in 
other bees, such as the mother Megachile centun- 
cularis (page 9), which secretes no wax, but raises 
her own young, we still see it, though of smaller 
form. We thus get some evidence that rendering 
wax plastic is not the duty of this gland, but that 
the feeding of brood is. Again, examining a young 
worker employed in nursing, we find this gland 
turgid, and in the highest state of activity; while in 
the old bees of a broodless stock it is much 
shrunken, at the same time that glands No. 2 and 
No. 4 retain their normal size. Coupling this fact 
with the larger dimensions of No. 2* and No. 4 in 
the queen, and remembering her need of assimilation 
in order that her eggs may be produced, we shall not 
be far wrong in ascribing to No. 2 and No. 4 a diges¬ 
tive function. In other words, they are truly salivary 
in character, which position is further supported by the 
existence of these glands in less development in the 
drone. But to return ; microscopical examination of 
the food given to very young larvae reveals no trace of 
a pollen grain, and shows that it resembles in nothing 
any part of the contents of the chyle stonlach of the 
nurses. It is, on the contrary, just such a fluid as a 

* Siebold, followed by Girard, says that No. 2 is small in the queen; 
but this is clearly an error. In many scores of queens dissected, I have 
uniformly found it larger than in the worker, and often containing sacules. 




secretion might be. As, however, the larva gains size 
and power, the process of weaning commences, and 
its food undergoes a change, having now undoubted 
pollen, honey, and water added to it—the glandular 
secretion being, of course, gradually withdrawn. The 
pollen grains, moreover, are living, and are generally 
found in a growing condition, proving that they have 
never entered the stomach of the nurse, and, certainly, 
that they are not semi-digested, and so utterly con¬ 
tradicting the Dufour theory. In the case of the queen 
larva, I discover that weaning is not adopted, but that 
secretion, commonly, though, . as I hold, erroneously, 
called royal jelly, is added unstintingly to the end; so 
that, at the close of the feeding period, an abundance 
of highly nutritious food, which I apprehend does not 
intrinsically differ from that at first given to the 
worker larva, remains, and to which the chrysalis for 
some time adheres, possibly continuing to draw from 
it, by osmose (fluid diffusion), material which aids 
its development. The queen larva does get a very 
small addition of pollen, the residue of which collects 
in the middle bowel; but this seems to be rather 
accidental than otherwise. 

The first brood food, or pap (page 19)—I am almost 
tempted to say bee milk—is, then, a highly nitrogenous 
tissue-former, derived from pollen by digestion, and has, 
apparently, a singular power in developing the genera¬ 
tive faculty; for I find drone larvae receive much more 
of it than those of workers, to whom any accidental 
excess possibly gives the power of ovipositing, as we 
find it in the abnormal fertile worker. From these 
considerations, I have been led towards a theory, the 



evidence in favour of which has accumulated until I 
cannot but regard it as established. It is, that the 
queen, if not always, at least during the time of egg- 
laying, is fed by the workers from the secretion of 
gland No. 1, with possible additions from some of 
the others. 

It has been already stated (page 26), that the 
queen, at certain periods, has the power of producing 
between 2,000 and 3,000 eggs daily. Each one of 
these is -^in. long, -^j-in. in diameter ; and a careful 
calculation shows that 90,000 would occupy a cubic 
inch, and weigh 270 grains. So that a good queen, 
for days, or even weeks, in succession, would deposit, 
every twenty-four hours, between six and nine grains 
of highly developed and extremely rich tissue-forming 
matter. Taking the lowest estimate, she then yields 
the incredible quantity of twice* her own weight 
daily, or, more accurately, four times, since at this 
period more than half her weight consists of eggs. Is 
not the reader ready to exclaim, What enormous 
powers of digestion she must possess, and, since pollen 
is the only tissue-forming food of bees, what pellets 
of this she must constantly keep swallowing, and 
how large must be the amount of her dejections! 
But what are the facts ? Dissection reveals that 
her chyle stomach is smaller than that of the 
worker, and that, at the time of her highest efforts, 
often scarcely a pollen grain is discoverable within it, 
its contents consisting of a transparent mass, micro- 

* Queens vary considerably in weight, small ones, in the winter, not 
exceeding 1$ grains, while a few, in the middle of the spring-laying, will 
turn the scale at 3 grains—feeding adding fully half a grain more. 

H 2 



scopically indistinguishable from the so-called royal 
jelly; while the most practised bee-men say they never 
saw the queen pass any dejections at all. These con¬ 
tradictions are utterly inexplicable, except upon the 
theory I propound and advocate. She does pass de¬ 
jections, for I have witnessed the fact; but these are 
extremely watery, and are voided with great energy, 
while she rests, back downwards, on the bottom of the 
comb. At least,.this has been her position when I have 
noted the occurrence. Moreover, although her stomach 
is small, her urinary tubes are exceedingly active and 
large, adding further confirmation to my position, as 
these enable her to rid herself of the great excess of 
water a secretion diet would supply. We thus see 
that her digestive function is performed by proxy, the 
residuary matter of the pollen required to produce 
her eggs being, under this exceedingly beautiful ar¬ 
rangement, carried from the hive in the bodies of 
the feeding bees, to be expelled in mid-air—so 
wondrous are the devices by which the require¬ 
ments of these creatures are met. 

When first hatched, the queen is not noticed—she 
is but one of the multitude, requiring nothing special, 
and has, of course, no feeding attendants, but takes 
her nourishment from the cells, like the rest, and 
empties her bowels when on the wing, like a worker. 
Her weight does not at this time increase, or she would 
become incapable of all the soaring of the marital 
trip. Now her stomach always contains pollen ; but, 
from the hour of her impregnation, she is the subject 
of watchful attention, the younger bees gathering 
about her, not to form her body-guard, as writers 



have generally fancied, but to minister to her 
necessities ; and her weight from this time rises very 
rapidly, her ovaries developing under the influence 
of what I shall call chyle* food, which, two or three 
days after impregnation, her stomach contains in 
quantity, while all trace of pollen has disappeared; 
but if I be not correct, this is the period above all 
others when large quantities of pollen should be 
undergoing digestion. I have sacrificed many queens 
just when at their very highest value, for the purpose 
of settling, as far as may be, this important inquiry, 
with results most uniform and confirmatory. Here, 
too, I imagine we get the key to the retarded 
laying, always noticed when a queen fails in im¬ 
pregnation ; i t is because the bees t hemselves fail 
in administering that kind of nourishment which 
stimulates the ovaries. And, in addition, we learn 
how it is that the colony have under control the 
laying powers of their queen, stimulating her or not, 
as circumstances warrant. 

It is necessary now to observe that honey, like 
sugar, is what the physiologist denominates a “ force- 
former," and, as such, is needed by the q'nfeen 
to supply her activities, and so queens may be seen 
to dip their heads into honey cells and there drink ; 
while a queen not laying may be supported for some 
time upon sugar syrup alone. 

The ducts of Systems No. 2 and No. 3 are so placed 

* System No. 1 Siebold has unfortunately called “salivary,” in 
ignorance of the facts to which I now call attention. Since this term 
is very misleading, I shall refer to this gland hereafter as the chyle 



that their secretions are given up only as the tongue 
is protracted or extended as for sucking (see Figs. 
18 and 19), while the peculiarity of the position of 
the discharge opening of the chyle gland (No. 1) is 
just such as my theory requires. There exists upon 
the worker's tongue, and upon the worker’s only 
(Plate II., and gr B, Plate III.), a feeding-groove, or 
narrow trough, on to which honey is brought by the 
compression of the honey-sac when one bee feeds 
another. Just at the back of this feeding-groove, when 
the tongue is retracted (see A, Fig. 19), lies the plate 
into which the chyle gland (No. 1) opens; and, by 
a combination of most extraordinarily complicated 
muscles, between thirty and forty in number, the chyle 
can then be taken from this feeding-gland, and placed 
upon the groove at once, for the benefit of the queen; 
or it can also, when the tongue is doubled back in 
repose, be brought into the right position for feeding 
the larvae from the mouth, as the latter lie at the 
bottom of the cells. There are yet other considera¬ 
tions pointing in the same direction, which must 
not be anticipated until we come to practical matters. 

Since I am not conscious of a single fact which 
appears in any way to-throw doubt upon what I have 
advanced, while every point examined has brought 
to it additional corroboration, I leave the argu¬ 
ment to speak for itself, lest this chapter become 
unduly lengthened. Every advanced bee-keeper will 
see its practical importance, and that it dispels the 
shades of many mysteries; while the naturalist will, 
in delight, realize that his bee is more a wonder of 
wonders than he has before imagined. 



Endo-Skeleton of Thorax and Head — Meso-cephalic 
Pillars—Mouth of Bees — Mandibulee, Labrurn , and 
Labium — Mentum not Tubular — Labial Palpi 
and Maxillx—How Large Quantities of Honey 
are Taken—One Use of the Epipharynx—The True 
Sucking Tube of Bees—Sucking Small Quantities 
of Nectar — Sheath — Rod—Centre and Side Ducts 
of Tongue — Bouton — Pouch—Solidity of Tongue: 
How Simply Determined — Necessity of Pseudo- 
Tubular Form—How to Distend Pouch Artificially — 
Queen and Drone Tongue—How Tongue is Folded 
out of View—Folding by the A ndrenidae—Nectar 
Converted into Honey — Why Bees Take Thick 
Syrup Slowly—Feeding Brood in Cells—Reasons 
for Wedge Shape of Head. 

As we now commence another section of our anato¬ 
mical studies, leaving the internal organs for those 
that, in large part, appear at the surface, some intro¬ 
ductory remarks are necessary. 

The skeleton of insects, although external, is not 
exclusively so— e.g., in the thorax of bees, subject as 


it is to the strain of the leg and wing movements, 
corrugations and plaitings, supplemented by internal 
webs [see Plate I.), are provided, to give the needed 
rigidity, just as the engineer secures the same by 
corrugating his sheet iron, and adding webs to his 
girders. Beside these, between the meso and meta¬ 
thorax, lies a stiff extension—really a plate bone— 
called the meso-phragma, to give solid attachment to 
part of the muscles of the organs of flight. 

Fig. 18.—Longitudinal Section Through Head, just Outside Right 
Antenna (Magnified Fourteen times). 

a, Antenna, with Three Muscles attached to mcp, Meso-cephalic Pillar; cl, 
Clypeus ; Ibr, Labrum, or Upper Lip; No. 1, Chyle Gland (System No. 1 of 
Siebold); this Gland really runs in front of the Meso-cephalic Pillars, but here 
the latter are kept in view ; o, Opening of same; oc, Ocellus, or Simple Eye; 
eg, Cephalic Ganglion ; n, Neck; th, Thorax; ce, (Esophagus ; sd 2, 3, Common 
Salivary Ducts of Systems No. 2 and No. 3; sd 2, and sd 3, Salivary Ducts of 
Systems No. 2 and No. 3 respectively; sv. Salivary Valve ; c, Cardo; ph, Pharynx ; 
lb, Labium, or Lower Lip, with its Parts Separated for Display ; mt, Mentum, 
or Chin; mx, Maxilla ; Ip, Ip, Labial Palpi; l, ligula; b, Bouton. 

In the head, which has to sustain the heavy pull of 
the jaw and tongue muscles, besides defending the 
brain and delicate glands, corrugation is prevented 
by the presence of the very large compound eyes, 
with their essential regularity of outline, an element 
of weakness, unless some device were introduced to 


prevent it; and so an endo-skeleton, or inner frame¬ 
work, is added, its most important part being a 
pair of strong rods—the meso-cephalic pillars (mcp, 
Fig. 18)—running from front to back, and attached by 
their extremities, just outside and below the antennae, 
and at the rear of the head, beneath and on each 
side of the occipital opening, the orifice through 
which junction is made with the thorax. In a lower 
position are placed a second pair of internal girder¬ 
like forms, supplying attachment to the cardos ( c, 
Fig. 18), which, in turn, act as levers to the lower lip, 
of which we shall speak presently. 

Let us, whilst carefully consulting our illustrations, 
direct our attention to the well-worn but ever fresh, the 
charming but still difficult, problem of the mouth parts 
of the bee, about which, perhaps, more has been written, 
and more error propagated, than any other organism 
of equal size in this wondrous creation. This verit¬ 
able crux of anatomists, with its delicate complexity, 
was far beyond the powers of the older instruments 
of research, and so we regretfully leave the achieve¬ 
ments of bygone worthies, with all their testimony to 
patience and to conscientious adherence to truth, 
notwithstanding many contradictions, since we now 
cover all their ground, and far more. Recently, the 
brilliant monograph of Dr. O. J. B. Wolff* has added 
much to our knowledge, while investigations by Mr. 
Chambers and Mr. J. D. Hyattt have given new 
light on the other side of the Atlantic. From the 
two latter, Professor Cook, in his “ Manual of the 

* See Footnote, page 79. 

f American Quarterly Microscopical Journal, vol. i., page 287. 



Apiary/’ derives his chief facts; but, unfortunately, 
he has added to these several statements which are 
astoundingly inaccurate, and from which our minds 
must be freed at once, if we are to have any intelli¬ 
gent idea at all of the tongue of the bee. Since his 
book has been largely read in this country, and its 
teaching generally accepted as the result of those 
microscopic examinations of which it continually 
speaks, I must refer to these and other errors, in the 
interest of naturalists and bee-keepers, as we pro¬ 
gress ; and, happily, they are not those which, on 
account of their difficulty, leave room for diversity 
of opinion, but such as can easily be made clear, 
even, in some cases, without a microscope. 

The mouths of all insects have the jaws moving 
sideways. The caterpillar, which carves our cabbage- 
leaves with an industry which cannot secure our ap¬ 
proval, places itself at the edge of the leaf, driving one 
jaw through the upper, the other through the lower sur¬ 
face thereof. In like manner, our bee has its mandi- 
bulae, or outer jaws ( m , Plate II.) at the right and left 
of the upper lip, or labrum, which depends between, 
and is provided with a row of delicate feeling hairs. 
These jaws are notched, in the queen and drone 
(Plate IV.), as we find them in wild bees, but are 
entire (i.e., not notched) in the worker (Plate II.), 
are very powerful, and serve, amidst many purposes, 
to be noticed in due course, for biting, as well as 
thinning out wax shreds in comb building. Beneath 
the upper lip appears (at g) the front of the epi- 
pharynx, covered by a delicate white membrane, and 
containing an abundance of nerves, endowing it with 


some special sense, which Wolff concludes to be 
smell—an opinion in which I cannot agree, for 
reasons given hereafter. The under side of the 
mouth-opening (mo, Fig. 18) is formed by the labium, 
or under lip (lb), which is seen to embrace a number 
of parts, carried by its basal portion, or mentum (ml. 
Fig. 18, or B, Plate III.). The mentum lies beneath the 
head, and somewhat behind it, and can, within con¬ 
siderable limits, be moved backwards and forwards. 
It is strongly chitinous below, is articulated to the 
head by means of the sub-mentum, or lora (lo, Fig. 18, 
or /, B, Plate III.), and contains the muscles (a, a, rb, 
B, Plate III.), which can draw the tongue, or ligula, 
partly back into it, and also conveys the salivary duct 
(sd, Fig. 18), which opens by a valve (sw) at the base 
of the ligula. Otherwise the mentum has no opening, 
is filled with blood, has nothing to do with the 
oesophagus, or swallow, and is, of course, not tubular, 
as Cook states. The ligula is not a continuation of 
the mentum in front, but has its roots within the 
latter, from, which it is withdrawn by the action of 
a muscle (the protractor linguae), when the tongue 
is outstretched for sucking. Attached to the mentum 
at its front margin, and possessing at this point a 

hinge joint, we have on each side of the ligula a 

labial palpus (Ip, Fig. 18 and Plate II.). It consists 

of four joints, the two upper being large, the two 
lower very small, and provided with elaborately 

contrived feeling hairs. Outside these we find the 
maxillae (mx, Fig. 18, and Plates II. and III.), attached 
to the sub-mentum (the right maxilla has been 
removed in Fig. 18), and having a chitinous portion 



hollowed out, and fitting against the side of the 
mentum, which it partially embraces with very stiff 
hairs, so that they hold it in position. The maxillae 
have feelers or palpi ( mxp , Plate II.), which appear 
in the hive bee to be aborted and functionless, 
although in the Andrenidae they are usually well- 
developed. Not far below the feeler, the maxilla, 
like the labial palpus, has a hinge, separating the 
higher, tougher part (the stipe) from the lower, 
more delicate, and transparent portion forming the 
lacinia, or blade. The sections C, D, E (Plate III.) 
show that the maxillae and labial palpi normally em¬ 
brace the tongue before and behind respectively, so 
that together they may form a tube, within which 
the tongue is placed. If we now remember that the 
tongue can be drawn back in part into the mentum, 
while the embracing parts cannot, we see at once 
that the tongue has the ability to move up and down 
within the formed tube; and again, that as the maxillae 
are attached to the lora, the maxillae may move back¬ 
wards and forwards upon the labial palpi. 

With the outline before us of the main parts of 
this complex structure, let us endeavour to under¬ 
stand the methods of its action, and the purposes 
to which it has been adapted. First, How are large 
quantities of honey taken ? The ligula, when ex¬ 
amined by a low power, is found to be covered by 
a sheath [sh, B and G, Plate HI.), densely clothed 
with hairs, regularly arranged, in the worker, in from 
90 to 100 transverse rows, of which the queen and 
drone only possess from sixty to sixty-five. These 
hairs, most symmetrically placed, and passing through 



a beautiful gradation of form, from row to row, are 
short and triangular in shape near the base of the 
organ, long and spiny about the middle, smaller 
and more flexible near the apex, while amongst them 
are found hairs with a bulbous structure, provided with 
a nerve which constitutes them touch organs, or true 
tactile hairs (th, I, Plate III.). The high elasticity 
of the ligula, depending upon the structure of a rod 
running through its centre, allows it to be used as a 
lapping tongue when any considerable quantities of 
syrupy food are at command. As it then sweeps 
backwards and forwards, the front side turned down, 
the gathering hairs (gh, Plate III.) get loaded, while 
the labial palpi and maxillae are so placed round it 
as to form a perfectly airtight tube. C, D, E, 
Plate III., show the palpi with the hairs crossed 
behind, while the hyaline plates ( hp , C) of the two 

maxillae lie over one another. Each maxilla is 

beautifully furnished with a line of hairs ( h ) in front 
of it, and a groove at its back ; both of these act as 
mechanical stops, and accurately adjust the position 
of the two maxillae, preventing them, as they are 

drawn together by their proper muscles, from ap¬ 
proaching too nearly whichever plate may happen to 
take the front position. But although the tube so 
made up is airtight, it cannot act as a suction pipe, 
because it is open above, as may be seen by 

reference to Plate II. But now the front extension 
of the epipharynx (g) closes down to the maxillae, 
fitting exactly into the space they leave uncovered, 
and thus the tube is completed from their termination 
to the oesophagus. 



An important question now arises : How is this act 
of sucking performed? Some have supposed that the 
suction originated in the mouth ; while Cook calls 
the honey-sac the “sucking stomach,” using an old, 
but extremely misleading, title, for this wrinkled 
membrane could no more exert suction than could a 
balloon extract gas from the main. Comparing D 
with E, Plate III., which are cross sections at the 
same point, we see that the space (through which 
the nectar must travel) surrounding the ligula, and 
between the palpi and maxillae, is three times as 
great in the former as the latter. This greater space 
is obtained by arching the maxillae above the ligula, 
and so causing the former to retreat from the palpi. 
Here, then, is the origin of the sucking. The tube 
is made to expand rhythmically above, the nectar 
follows up into the space thus provided, and then, as 
this contracts again, travels on into the pharynx, as 
B, Fig. 19, will make clear. 

Second, How is nectar taken when smaller quantities 
only are obtainable ? A more minute investigation of 
the ligula is now essential. 

The so-called sheath of the tongue is highly chiti- 
nised, stout, and very elastic, while the hairs which 
clothe it are broad at their bases (gh, I, Plate III.), 
and pre-eminently suited to gather up syrupy fluids 
by capillarity, but utterly unfit for collecting minute 
quantities of nectar, only reachable, perhaps, by the 
extremity of the tongue, as would be the case in 
most flowers, especially those with a tubular corolla. 
Here, then, another and surprisingly beautiful con¬ 
trivance meets us. Taking a cross section through 



the middle of tongue (G, Plate III.), we note, first, 
that the strong sheath, sh (from which the gathering 
hairs have been removed, for the sake of clearness), 
passes round the tongue to the back, where its edges 
do not meet, but are continuous with a very thin 
plaited membrane (pm), covered with minute hairs. 
This membrane, after passing towards the sides of 
the tongue, returns to the angle of the nucleus, or 
rod, over the under surface of which it is probably 
continued. The rod passes through the tongue from 
end to end, gradually tapering towards its extremity, 
and is best studied in the queen, where I trace many 
nerve threads and cells. It is undoubtedly endued 
with voluntary movement, and must be partly mus¬ 
cular, although I have failed completely in getting 
any evidence of striation. The rod on the under 
side has a gutter, or trough-like hollow (cd, the 
central duct), which is formed into a pseudo-tube 
(false tube) by intercrossing of back hairs. It will 
also be seen that, by the posterior meeting of the 
sheath, the space between the folded membrane (sd) 
becomes two pseudo-tubes of larger size, which I 
shall call the side ducts. 

These central and side ducts run down to that 
part of the tongue where the spoon, or bouton ( 6 , 
Plate II. ; K, Plate III.), is placed. This is provided 
with very delicate split hairs (E, Fig. 24), capable of 
brushing up the most minute quantity of nectar, 
which, by capillarity, is at once transferred by the 
gathering hairs (which are here numerous, long, and 
thin) to two side groove-like forms at the back of 
the bouton, and which are really the opened out 



extremity of the centre and side ducts, assuming, 
immediately above the bouton, the form seen in F, 
Plate III. The central duct, which is only from 
■g^p-in. to To V o 'i n - diameter, because of its smaller 
size, and so greater capillary attraction, receives the 
nectar, if insufficient in quantity to fill the side ducts. 
But good honey-yielding plants would bring both 
centre and side ducts into requisition. The nectar is 
sucked up until it reaches the paraglossae ( pa , B, 
Plate III.), which are plate-like in front, but mem¬ 
branous extensions, like small aprons, behind ; and 
by these the nectar reaches the front of the tongue, 
to be swallowed as before described. Thus, then, 
the bee is equipped to take advantage of all sources 
of supply. She can gulp down big draughts, or sip 
a stream of nectar so fine that 600 miles of it will, 
when evaporated, store but a ilb. section box. 

We are now, then, in a position to settle the ques¬ 
tion that has disturbed the minds of entomological 
and apicultural writers for the two centuries and 
more elapsing since the time of Swammerdam—Is 
the bee’s tongue solid, or is it tubular? The problem 
has been one of the highest difficulty to the micro¬ 
scope, depending upon the determination of the 
nature of the back of the central duct, and authori¬ 
ties have been pretty equally balanced respecting it. 
I agreed entirely with Wolff, that the duct was a 
trough, and not a tube; but this left the question 
one of authority or observation, and so still open to 
debate. But, luckily, a form of experiment occurred 
to me which settles the dispute most conclusively, 
and in such a way that a 10s. microscope will answer 



as well as a better one. Bees have the power, by 
driving blood into the tongue, of forcing the rod out 
from the sheath, and distending the wrinkled mem¬ 
brane, so that in section it appears as at H, Plate III., 
the membrane assuming the form of a pouch, given in 
full-length at A. It will be seen at once that this 
disposition of parts abolishes the side ducts, but 
brings the central duct to the external surface. The 
object of this curious capability on the part of the bee 
is, in my opinion, to permit of cleaning away any 
pollen grains, or other impediment that may collect in 
the side ducts. The membrane is greasy in nature, 
and substances or fluids can be removed from it as 
easily as water from polished metal. If, now, the side 
of a needle, previously dipped into clove oil in which 
rosanilin (magenta) has been dissolved, so as to stain 
it strongly red, be touched on the centre of the rod, 
the oil immediately enters, and passes rapidly upwards 
and downwards, filling the trough. I could not resist 
laughing, while my pulse certainly went faster, as I 
realised the absurdly simple means which put that 
matter within the grasp of the tyro, with his simple 
lens, which had kept many learned doctors wrangling, 
notwithstanding all their appliances. It is a pseudo¬ 
tube, then, and nothing more. Hairs cover it, and 
these permit of its being entered by the side. 

The impossibility of cleaning, and so the tre¬ 
mendous risk, or, rather, the certainty, of clogging, 
which a closed tube would involve, does not appear 
to have disquieted those who have been wrongfully 
describing the bee’s tongue as tubular; but there is 
yet another consideration, which should show us the 

9 8 


surpassingly beautiful suitability of the form now ex¬ 
plained, for, although a tube would be fatal, a tubular 
form is essential, as we shall presently see. Large 
quantities of nectar may safely enough be gathered 
outside the ligula in contact with the air, but small 
quantities so collected would, in warm and dry 
weather, inevitably thicken into a glue, which would 
at once fix the poor little tongue, and for the time, 
if not altogether, stop its labours. Sparing supplies 
are, therefore, made to pass through the centre and 
side ducts. The former is doubly protected from 
evaporation, and by its channel the tiniest stream 
would be as limpid at the mouth as when it left the 
bouton ; while the side ducts, although more exposed, 
only permit of such inconsiderable evaporation that 
no risk whatever exists, while the pollen grains that 
may perchance enter can be cleaned from it in the 
manner we have already seen. 

Cook says the sac to which we just now directed 
our attention “ may be distended with nectar, as it 
has connection with the tube of the mentum ”— 

statements utterly at variance with the anatomy of 

the parts, and capable of complete refutation by a 
very elementary experiment. If hatching brood be 
removed from the hive to a position too dry or too 
cool, some of the bees will only succeed in freeing 
their hea.ds from the cells, and will, in this position, 

die. Of course, they have not fed, and yet in the 

majority of cases the tongue pouch will be fully dis¬ 
tended, because the enforced stillness of the body, 
and activity of the head, has determined an excess of 
blood into the latter. Many will like to repeat my 



experiment upon the central duct, for which stained 
glycerine or honey may be used instead of oil, 
although the latter is to be preferred. Let me ex¬ 
plain, then, how distended pouches may be obtained 
without sacrificing any brood. I reflected that blood 
might artificially be driven into the pouch ; and, taking 
a recently dead worker, pinched the thorax between 
thumb and finger from behind forwards; instantly 
the pouch filled out, returning into position as the 
pressure was relaxed. In nine cases out of ten, this 
experiment with workers succeeds; with queens it is 
difficult, on account of the extreme hardness of the 
thoracic plates. 

The queen's tongue is not only short, but the cen¬ 
tral and side ducts are not drawn out to the delicate 
terminations we find in the worker, exactly as we 
should have expected, since she has not to lap 
minute quantities of nectar from the bottoms of blos¬ 
som cups, but simply to take food from cells, or, 
more commonly, from the tongues of her attendants. 
As is also clearly, necessary, the feeling hairs in 
her case are far more developed than in that of 
the worker, enabling her to determine in the dark¬ 
ness of the hive the exact point of the feeding bee's 
body that she is approaching. The drone's tongue, 
in like manner, is short, but is not highly sensitive. 

All observant bee-keepers must have noticed that 
the long and lithe tongue of their little assistants 
disappears in a most astonishing fashion when no 
longer required. Fig. ig will make clear the method 
of its folding. At B we see it extended. It is 
retracted by partly withdrawing it into the mentum, 



as before stated, and carrying the mentum itself 
backwards, by which movement the delicate skin 
lying between the two secretory openings bends upon 
itself, and the tongue, embraced by the maxillae, 
doubles back behind the head, as at A. So that, in- 

Fig. 19.—Ideal Sections Through Tongue (Magnified Twelve times). 

A, Tongue Fully Retracted. B, Tongue Outstretched for Sucking; lettering as 
Fig. 18. C, Ideal Line of Pharynx and Tongue in Activity. D, Method 
amongst the Apidce, or Long-Tongued Bees, of Folding Tongue in Repose—a, 
Articulation at Base; b, Bouton, or Point. E, Method amongst the Andre- 
nidce, or Short-Tongued Bees, of Folding Tongue in Repose; lettering as D. 

stead of presenting one sweep line (C), it is divided 
into three between a and b (D). The whole family 
of the Apidae thus turn the point of the tongue 
backwards, while the Andrenidae (see page 8) turn it 
forwards by a single doubling. 

A most beautiful adaptation here becomes evident. 
Nectar gathered from blossoms needs conversion into 
honey. Its cane sugar* must be changed into grape 
sugar, and this is accomplished by the admixture of 

See “The Chemistry of the Hive,” Otto Hehner, F.C.S., British Bee 
yournal, 15th Nov., 1883. 



the salivary secretions of Systems No. 2 and No. 3, 
either one or both. The tongue is drawn into the 
mentum by the shortening of the retractor linguae 
muscle, which, as it contracts, diminishes the space 
above the salivary valve, and so pumps out the 
saliva, which mixes with the nectar as it rises, by 
methods we now understand. 

Bees, it has often been observed, feed on thick 
syrup slowly; the reason is simple. The thick syrup 
will not pass readily through minute passages with¬ 
out thinning by a fluid. This fluid is saliva, which 
is demanded in larger quantities than the poor bees 
can supply. They are able, however, to yield it in 
surprising volume, which also explains how it is that 
these little marvels can so well clean themselves from 
the sticky body honey. The saliva is to them both 
soap and water, and the tongue and surrounding 
parts, after any amount of daubing, will soon shine 
with the lustre of a mirror. 

The tongue is kept fully drawn back during the 
feeding of brood, and the salivary valve is now not 
only closed, but shut completely out of action by the 
folded skin (A, Fig. 19) ; while the chyle gland 
(No. 1) is brought up close to the tongue root, and 
into the precise position for feeding from between the 
mandibles. The wedged shape the tongue and head 
take together is highly suggestive when the form of 
the cell at the bottom of which the larva lies is 
remembered. This wondrous tongue has no speech, 
but yet who so dull that cannot hear its thrilling 
little voice, speaking as unmistakably as the stars 
discourse the language of the immensities? 



Difficulty of Subject — Touch, Taste, and Sight — 
Antennae—Movements of Scape and Flagellum — 
Feeling Hairs—Smell Hollows—Special Formation 
in Queen—Conoid Hairs—Six Distinct Structures 
—Hearing Organs—Sir J. Lubbock’s Experiments 
—Proofs of Bees Hearing—Smelling — Experi¬ 
ments with Male Moths—Comparison of the Sexes 
—Number of Smell Organs—The Equipment of 
the Drone—Compound Eye — Pigment—Hexagonal 
Facets — Methods of Examination — Crystalline 
Cone—Nerve Elements of Eye—Mosaic Vision — 
Microscopic Experiment — Stemmata—Colour Sense 
—Albino and Eyeless Drones—Eyes of the Sexes 
Compared — Conclusion. 

The study of the special senses of creatures so far 
removed from ourselves as bees cannot but present 
great difficulties, quite apart from the minuteness of 
the structures involved; for it is by no means impos¬ 
sible—nay, it is, rather, highly probable—they possess 
modifications of sensibility which we can no more 
truly realise than can the blind imagine the difference 
between red and green. 



We have already seen that bees are not wanting 
in the sense of touch, although it does not reside in 
the exo-skeleton, but in multitudes of tactile hairs, 
distributed as required. The sense of taste, too, is 
possessed by the mouth and tongue, the hypo-pharyngeal 
plate in the first being pierced for nervous exten¬ 
sions (page 78), while the second has, on each side, at 
its root, thirty-two papillae, which are entered by 
nerve end cells, just at the spot in which the nectar 
meets the salivary secretion. In addition, analogy 
seems to point to the nerve endings of the epipharynx 
as also being taste organs. As the use of the eye 
is obvious enough—upon the supposition that bees 
may enjoy the senses common to animals higher in 
the scale of creation—we have yet to look for organs 
of hearing and smelling, and it will be well for us 
to bear this in mind as we investigate the antennae, 
commencing with those of the worker. 

These cylindrical organs ( a, Plate II.) are inserted 
near to each other, just above the margin of the 
clypeus, and consist of two main portions—a single long 
joint, denominated the scape, and eleven succeeding 
short joints, called the flagellum. By a hemispherical 
cup, the scape is articulated to the cranium, the latter 
being moulded into a concavity (shown by shading in 
the Plate), to permit of the widest range of motion on 
the part of the former. The movements of the scape 
are controlled by three muscles, seen lying behind the 
antenna root (Fig. 18). One throws it outwards, the 
second raises and draws inwards, the third depresses. 
Two muscles in the scape itself ( Im, dm, Fig. 20) 
move the flagellum. The second, third, and fourth 



joints are well clothed with hairs, but otherwise are 
dissimilar to one another, and to the remaining eight, 
these last having a common structure of a highly 
complicated character. The joints are not telescopic, 
but are articulated (as at B, Fig. 20), with a central 
opening between each, whose width is rather less 
than half of their total diameter. They have only 

very slight relative movement, and this is brought 
about by contractile connections (a, B). If the eight 
joints referred to be examined by the microscope, it 
will be seen at once that the front and back faces are 
totally unlike. The back is sparsely covered by 
regularly placed hairs, somewhat curved, and pointing 
downwards, whilst here and there hairs larger and 
quite straight are seen (c 1 , B, Fig. 22). The front 
is similarly furnished, but the spaces between the 
hairs are here filled with oval discs, depressed in the 



centre, and having two or three faintly visible con¬ 
centric rings. These structures, although the first to 
strike the eye, are the most difficult to understand, 
and so had better be considered last. 

Schiemenz* has examined the antenna by sections, 
and since my own work shows me the accuracy, beauty 
and success of his, I adopt his drawing (Fig. 21), with 
only one or two modifications. The smaller hairs 
iff) are loosely set into the chitine framework of the 
antenna by a delicate ring, into which rises a nerve 
end cell with a distinct nucleus. These hairs, standing 
above the general surface, constitute the antennae 
marvellous touch organs ; and, as they are distributed 
all round each joint, the worker bee in a blossom cup, 
or with its head thrust into a cell in the darkness of 
the hive, is, by their means, as able accurately to 
determine as though she saw; while the queen, 
whose antenna is made after the same model, can 
perfectly distinguish the condition of every part of 
the cell into which her head may be thrust. The 
last joint, which is flattened on one side, near the 
end, is more thickly studded, and here the hairs are 
uniformly bent towards the axis of the whole organ. 
No one could have watched bees without discover¬ 
ing that, by the antennae, intercommunication is ac¬ 
complished ; but for this purpose front and side 
hairs alone are required; and the drone, unlike the 
queen and worker, very suggestively, has no others, 
since the condition of the cells is no part of his 
care, if only the larder be well furnished. The 

* See Footnote, page 67. 



conoid hairs ( c Fig. 21) are probably only highly 
specialised feeling bristles, and are found in greatest 
number at the extremity of the antennae. Each 
antenna carries no less than six distinct structures, 
viz., two forms of hairs not sensory on the scape and 
upper joints, the ordinary sensory hair, the conoid 
bristle, the elliptic discs, and, lastly, another structure 
about to be described, and which is extremely likely 

/, Feeling Hair ; s. Smelling Organ ; ho, Hollow ; c, Conoid Hair ; hi, Hypodermal 
Layer ; n, n, Nerves, in Bundles; ar, Articulation ; c', Conoid Hair (Magnified 
800 times). 

to escape attention. Its external appearance is given 
{ho, B, Fig. 22), and consists, superficially, of 
minute holes, from -g-j^-g-in. to i^oo 0 ^ n - across, each 
surrounded by a bright reddish ring. The micro- 
scopist had better choose the antenna of a young 
drone, and use a -|in. or - 1 -in. objective, with a Lieber- 
kiihn, and then—unless as patient as microscopists 
proverbially are—he will be as likely to lose his temper 
as find the object. It is situated at the lower part 
and outer side of the last six or seven joints of the 
flagellum, but is found in greater abundance as we 
get towards the end, the terminal joint carrying a 



patch of perhaps twenty, which creep round towards 
the front. We have two of these in section {ho, Fig. 
21), where we see the hole leads into a large cavity, 
beyond which extends a widening cone. I am not 
convinced that this cone is filled, as Schiemenz 
supposes, for I regard it as an organ of hearing, its 
larger size in the drone, with his possible need of 
distinguishing the sound of the queen’s wings, and 
its position on the outer sides and ends of the 
antennae, seeming to me to favour this opinion. It 
also appears to answer to parts considered to be 
auditory organs in other insects.* 

Sir J. Lubbock has commonly been regarded as 
asserting the total deafness of bees; but, in a corre¬ 
spondence of some years since, the distinguished 
investigator assured me his position was negative, as 
he merely failed to get evidence of bees hearing. Sir J. 
Lubbock’s experiments I cannot but regard as most 
inconclusive, since tuning-forks, whistles, and violins, 
emit no sounds to which any instinct of these crea¬ 
tures could respond. Should some alien being watch 
humanity during a thunderstorm, he might quite simi¬ 
larly decide that thunder was to us inaudible. Clap 
might follow clap without securing any external sign 
of recognition ; yet let a little child with tiny voice 
but shriek for help, and all would at once be awakened 
to activity. So with the bee : sounds appealing to its 
instincts meet with immediate response, while others 
evoke no wasted emotion. In practical matters, the 
hearing of bees is not only often obvious, but must 

* “ Ants, Wasps, and Bees,” page 227, Sir J. Lubbock (Inter¬ 
national Science Series). 


be taken into account— e.g., when a swarm is about to 
be transferred to its permanent abode from its tem¬ 
porary one, many will stick to the sides of the latter, 
after the bulk have been thrown out, and these, by their 
buzz, will distract those that are running in at the new 
hive door. The removal of the stragglers to a distance 
will end the disturbance, which will be renewed if 
they be returned to their former position. Some 
years since I was present in a tent where an expert 
had driven (see “Driving") five or six stocks, and 
nearly a pint of lost bees had collected for mutual 
comfort on a piece of damp canvas, at the bottom of 
the tent pole, against which the last skep was made 
to lean, as it was stood, quite late in the evening, on 
a table for operation. No sooner did the bees in this 
skep set up the well-known roar, than those on the 
canvas, so still hitherto, faced upwards, unhesitatingly 
ascending the pole, and settling on the outside of the 
roof of the receiving skep. This circumstance I 
remember as affording, to all who witnessed it, con¬ 
clusive evidence of hearing. 

In the progress of the present we moderns have, 
perhaps, too confidently condemned all the past. 
The conflict of the key and warming-pan of old 
swarming days has called forth some good-humoured, 
but possibly not always philosophical, banter, for I 
confess I think, that in its day, it had its value. 
Piping of queens, whatever be its cause, seems to 
point to a sense of hearing, for it appears to be a 
sound made for an object, and not the result of some 
necessary movement. Whether the organs we have just 
considered be those of hearing or not, the possession 



of this sense by bees, of which much evidence will 
subsequently come before us, cannot be doubted. 

We have now to consider the “smell hollows” (in 
cross section, s, Fig. 21), covered by a thin layer lying 
over a goblet-formed cavity beneath,, into which passes 
a nerve end cell, clearly unlike that provided to the 
feeling hair (f). These oval forms are distinctly not 
tactile, on account of their depressed position, but, for 
reasons now following, almost certainly olfactory. 
That the sense of smell is possessed by the antennse 
simple observations would appear to favour. If bees 
have food presented to them, the ends of the antennae 
are, in alternation, brought close to it before the tongue 
is advanced. If it contains even a small quantity of 
an objectionable body which evaporates, the bee imme¬ 
diately retreats; but if the added substance be non- 
vaporisable, such as corrosive sublimate, the antennae, 
although used, do not detect its presence. The tongue, 
however, immediately suffers, of which evidence is 
given by the hurried departure, and the earnest efforts 
made to clean away the cause of offence. 

About three years since, near Bagshot, I carried 
across a heathy plain, skirted on each side by firs, a 
fresh female Emperor moth, lying at the bottom of a 
muslin bag. After travelling about a mile, I retraced 
my steps; and although, during several days’ hunting 
for wild bees in the same locality, I had not seen an 
" Emperor,” the males now met me, constantly flying 
fearlessly up to the muslin bag—my companion, a 
collector, having a very busy time. Similar facts every 
naturalist could relate. The antenna; of male moths 
are exceedingly large and extended in surface, and 



the evidence that these are marvellously sensitive 
to some emanation from the female is universally 
accepted. But what of our bees ? Let us compare the 
antennae of the sexes. The flagellum, which is the 
sensory part of the antenna, I find, by careful measure¬ 
ment of many individuals, to be, on an average, in the 
queen, y^-g-in. in diameter, yj-in. long; worker, yyyin. 
diameter, -|-in. long; drone, -gyin. diameter, -±-in. long. 
So that the sensory surfaces in the three cases are very 
nearly in the ratio—queen i, worker 2, drone 3. Yet 
the male, as his habits would lead us to suppose, has 
only about 2000 feeling hairs, being the one-sixth or 
one-eighth of the number of those possessed by the 
worker. But what of the smell hollows? In the case 
of the worker, the eight active joints have an average 
of fifteen rows of twenty smell hollows each, or 2400 
on each antenna. The queen has a less number, 
giving about 1600 on each antenna. If these organs 
are olfactory, we see the reason. The worker’s neces¬ 
sity to smell nectar explains all. We, perhaps, exclaim 
—Can it be that these little threads we call antennae 
can thus carry thousands of organs, each requiring its 
own nerve end ? But greater surprises await us, and 
I must admit that these examinations astonished me 
greatly. In the drone antenna (Fig. 20) we have 
thirteen joints in all, of which nine are barrel-shaped 
and special, and these are covered completely by 
smell hollows, before and behind, as at C, Fig. 22; 
each hollow, beside, is somewhat less than those of 
both queen and worker, being about yoVo m• in length, 
an d y- Q - q 0 in. in diameter. An average of thirty rows 
of these, seventy in a row, on the nine joints of the 


two antennae, give the astounding number of 37,800 
distinct organs. When I couple this development 
with the greater size of the eye of the drone, and 
ask what is his function, why needs he such a 
magnificent equipment? and remember that he has 
not to scent the nectar from afar, nor spy out the 
coy blossoms as they peep between the leaves, I 
feel forced to the conclusion that the pursuit of the 

Fig. 22.—Parts of Surface of Antenna (Magnified 360 times). 

A, Portion of Front Surface of One of the Lower Members of the Flagellum (Worker 
or Queen)—s', Smelling Organ ; Feeling Hair. B, Portion of Side and Back 
Surface of One of the Lower Members of the Flagellum (Worker)—A, Ordinary 
Hair; c'. Conoid Hair; A o (Auditory?) Hollows. C, Portion of One of the 
Lower Members of Flagellum (Drone), Back or Front; lettering as before. 
D, Portion of Lower Member of the Flagellum (Back, Worker or Queen). 

queen renders them necessary, and that sight and 
scent are the faculties by which this is accomplished. 

The same wondrous little head that carries the 
antennae, with their bewildering multiplicity of parts, 
bears on its sides the extremely large compound, 
or faceted eyes (Plate II., or A, B, Plate IV.). The 
hand magnifier is sufficient to show something of 
their structure, revealing that the beautiful satin-like 
appearance they possess is due to their glistening 
surface being divided into hexagonal convexities (H), 
disposed precisely like the cells of honeycomb. 
Each convexity, or facet, is little more than -j-g^in. 
in diameter, and is, really, the outside of an indepen¬ 
dent instrument of vision. Between most of these 



facets we find long, and generally perfectly straight, 
hairs, which indicate, by their basal formation, that 
they are sensory, as well as protective, in function. 
The dark tone of the eye is due to the presence of 
quantities of colouring matter (technically pigment) 
within, and as this begins to form during the chrysa¬ 
lis condition, the growing eye then passes through all 
shades between white and an intense purplish-brown, 
approaching black. The external lenses, which are, 
of course, devoid of colour, and very transparent, 
are chitinous, being developed much as the external 
skeleton, from an underlying layer, the latter disap¬ 
pearing when they are fully formed. Mutual pres¬ 
sure converts outlines which would, in its absence, 
have been, in every case, circular, into a series of 
hexagons—in proof of which, the lenses on the margin 
of the eye (G) are bounded by a curve wherever 
they are free; while those of the chrysalis are 
circular, until they grow sufficiently large to bring 
pressure upon each other. 

If a specimen be properly prepared by hardening, 
and then cut in cross section, the contiguous sets of 
parts (ommatidia) are found almost in the form of a 
fan (C). The superficial lenses, making up together the 
cornea, are now seen to be bi-convex, while, beneath 
each, is placed a second lens (the crystalline cone, 
cc, C and D). (For the examination of the cornea and 
crystalline cones, the directions at page 76 are suffi¬ 
cient ; but, for the finer parts, teasing with needles, 
after soaking the optic tract for twenty-four hours 
in a 5 per cent, solution of chloral hydrate, is neces¬ 
sary, unless staining and section-cutting, after har- 


1 T 3 

dening, be adopted.) Beneath the crystalline cones 
we have the great rods (rhabdia), consisting of several 
straight chitinous threads, partly fused together 
(gr, D), which pass inwards towards, and actually 
perforate, the basilar membrane, which is represented 
by a line running across the lower part of the fan¬ 
like form, in the section C. These rods are surrounded, 
throughout their length, by eight retinulae, about 
which are placed pigment cells, preventing the wan¬ 
dering of light from one optic element to another. 
This will be best understood by the cross section 
of the rods (F). The crystalline cones, for a similar 
purpose, are protected by pigment cells, which have 
also greater density at the upper, lower, and middle 
portions of the rhabdia (marked ppp, C). Between 
these microscopic telescopes, pointing in every direc¬ 
tion, run long and perfectly straight tracheal tubes, 
which find their entrance by passing through per¬ 
forations in the basilar membrane. Immediately 
behind the basilar membrane lies a complex nerve 
structure, which Dr. Sydney J. Hickson,* in his 
admirable paper, denominates the periopticon; 
thence, running backwards, a bundle of optic nerve 
fibrils (on, C), decussate (or cross), and then enter 
a ganglionic swelling—the epiopticon, if we follow 
the nomenclature of Dr. Hickson. Yet another 
bundle of decussating fibrils brings us to the opticon 
(g in our figure), beyond which lies the cerebrum, 
described and illustrated at page 53. The structures 
united by the decussating fibrils are complex, and 

♦ “The Eye and Optic Tract of Insects.” The Quarterly Journal of 
Microscopical Science, April, 1885. 




difficult of examination. The periopticon is made up 
of a number of cylindrical elements, seen just beneath 
the basilar membrane (C), and consisting mainly of 
divisions and sub-divisions of the decussating fibrils, 
traversing a granular matrix, and for which structure 
Dr. Hickson proposes the name of neurospongium. 

All physiological students know perfectly that, in 
our own eye, by example, vision, depends upon the 
presence of nerve end cells, which lie behind the 
expansion of the fibres of the optic nerve. The 
retinulae, previously mentioned, have been very care¬ 
fully investigated by Grenadier,* and many other 
naturalists, who have, with great unanimity, regarded 
these structures as the nerve end cells of insects ; but 
Mr. B. T. Lowne has recently published a treatise,t in 
which he endeavours to show that the true nerve 
end cells are situated behind the basilar membrane, 
in the periopticon of Hickson. The controversy is 
beyond our limits, and those desiring to follow it may 
consult the works mentioned in the footnotes. 

It is clear at once that the multitude of simple 
eyes (directed to almost all points of the horizon), 
which, by partial fusion, constitute the compound eye 
of insects, permits a far wider range of vision than 
would have been possible with a simple fixed eye; 
but difficulties have been felt in explaining how these 
parts produced a single true impression of surround¬ 
ing objects. Muller suggested that each ocellus saw 
only the point just before it, and so a picture was 

* “ Untersuchungen fiber das Sehorgan der Arthropoden.” 

t “ Compound Vision, and the Morphology of the Eyes of Insects.” 
Linnaean Society’s 7'ransactions, Second Series, vol. ii., Part n. 


; 5 

made up in mosaic; but the remembrance of an obser¬ 
vation of Leuwenhoek showed the idea to be unten¬ 
able. The old Dutchman noticed that each corneule 
(hexagonal lens of one ocellus) of a fly produced a 
complete image of the flame of a candle, and not a 
part of it. This introduces one of the most remark¬ 
able objects that the microscope can exhibit, and which 
is quickly made from the eye of a bee (although 
that of a beetle is better). Cut out the cornea, 
wash it. clean inside with a camel-hair brush, place 
it in water, under a cover glass, and use the flat side 
of the mirror and a Jin. or Jin. objective. Focus 
until all the hexagonal facets are visible. Now gently 
draw back the objective, when, by daylight, a picture 
of the window, with its bars, will be seen as formed 
by each lens in the cornea. If the fingers be put into 
the right position, their movements can be traced. I 
have seen thus, simultaneously, in so many facets of 
the bee’s eye, many hundreds of pictures of two 
houses and surrounding trees, which stood 140yds. 
from the microscope. At night, if a sheet of tissue, 
with a watch face roughly drawn on it, be placed in 
front of the microscope lamp, the time can be seen 
through each corneule. The picture is alike in each ; 
but then, it must not be forgotten that the cornea is 
flattened by the cover, so that all the lenses are 
made to look in one direction. The solution of the 
question of multiple vision appears to lie in the fact 
that each ocellus presents a slightly different picture 
from its neighbour, since its axis is directed to a 
different point, but that parts apparently overlapping 
are identical, and so are interpreted into a picture by 

L 2 


the action of the ganglionic structures through which 
the impressions pass. Those who have best studied 
the most perfect eyes, know how true it is, that the 
eye only looks, while that which lies behind it sees. 

Besides the faceted eyes, bees carry three simple 
eyes, called ocelli, or stemmata (I, Plate IV.), on the 
upper part of the head, although they are not placed 
quite similarly in the two sexes (see A and B). These 
.eyes are very convex, and are adapted to short- 
distance vision. Behind the simple lens (/, I), lie 
structures much like those found in the compound 
eyes. Indeed, these eyes, are posteriorly compound, 
although anteriorly simple. It will be interesting to 
note, by Fig. 12, page 53, and A, Plate IV., that the 
cranium is so formed that the lateral ocelli should 
have a range of vision sideways, while the middle 
ocellus sees forwards, the hairs being so placed that 
a clear outlook is preserved. 

The possession of the colour sense by bees has 
been well ascertained, and Sir John Lubbock’s* ex¬ 
periments have most satisfactorily shown, not only 
a power to distinguish between, but a preference 
for, particular tones. They have no doubt been, in 
consequence of this faculty, active agents in develop¬ 
ing colour in blossoms, as we shall have occasion to 
discuss in a future chapter ; while blossoms them¬ 
selves, by reaction, have played an important part 
in augmenting their powers of discrimination. 

The large space occupied in the head by the eye 
structures has been strikingly shown by an interesting 
case, recently brought to my notice, through th e 
*“ Ants, Wasps, and Bees” (International Science Series). 



kindness of Mr. V. Novitzki, who sent me a number 
of drones, the heads of two of which are accurately 
drawn in Fig. 23. A is a true albino, the eyes, com¬ 
pound and simple, being alike absolutely devoid of 
pigment. These drones evidently saw nothing clearly, 
although they could distinguish light; for, if placed 
in a box with a small opening, they found the latter 
at once, and crawled out, but remained captives if 

Fig. 23.—Heads of Abnormal Drones (Magnified Eight times). 

A, Head of Albino— ce, White Compound Eye 
Hairs; a, a, Antennse; m, Mandibula; mx, 
Drone— h, Hairs; ]o, Outline, showing Size 
a, a, Antennas ; m, Mandibula; mx, Maxillae. 

0, White Ocelli ; th, Tactile 
Maxillae. B, Head of Eyeless 
ox Head of Normal Drone 

the box was kept in the dark. In the same hive 
with these drones appeared others with a still n30.ce 
extraordinary defect—no eyes at all existing. The 
owner represented to Mr. Novitzki that they were 
headless, and such they might easily have been 
supposed by a superficial observer. Smooth and 
hard surfaces, bearing limp, irregular hairs, covered 
the sides of the head, which did not rise high enough 


to include the spot the stemmata would normally 
have taken. In other respects, the head was perfect; 
the antennae, jaws, upper lip, and tongue being well 
developed. The dotted white line (B) shows the 
space the eyes should have filled. Since albinism 
is very uncommon in insects, I have sent specimens 
of these bees to the Natural History Museum, South 
Kensington, where they may at any time be seen. 

It remains for us to compare the eyes of worker, 
queen, and drone. Possibly, considerable variation exists; 
so, for the purpose of comparison, I operated upon 
bees from the same stock in each case. The worker 
spends much of her time in the open air. Accurate 
and powerful vision are essentials to the proper pro¬ 
secution of her labours, and here I found the com¬ 
pound eye possessing about 6300 facets. In the mother 
of this worker I expected to find a less number, for 
queens know little of daylight. After wedding, they 
are out of doors but once, or at most twice, in a 
year. This example verified my forecast, by showing 
4920 facets on each side of the head. A son of this 
mother, much a stay-at-home also, was next taken. 
His facets were irregular in size, those at the lower 
part of the eye being much less than those near the 
top; but they reached the immense number of 13,090 
on each side of the head. Why should the visual ap¬ 
paratus of the drone be so extraordinarily developed 
beyond that of the worker, whose need of the eye 
seems at first to be so much more pressing than his? 
I have previously suggested the reason in considering 
the antenna, but facts yet to come before us would 
render further consideration of the argument premature. 



Some writers have described the eye of the 

bee in a manner which seems to make all easy. 
Their lenses appear to have been made in a lathe, 
and run together by pigment which has been poured 
in between them ; but this simplicity has the primal 
defect of being inaccurate. The eye is gradually 
evolved from elements incomparably more simple 
than itself, and which existed in the blind larva. The 
deep mystery of cell life has caused all to grow 

into the form the mature eye possesses, but the 
manner of its building is still dimly traceable—cells 
still compose it, and the pigment is yet but a part 
of the contents of some of these. Four cells, coming 
together by the action of that life which is an ever¬ 
present miracle, by mutual action framed themselves 
into the crystalline cone ; but the cone still shows 
its origin, and is not like the homogeneous lens of 

the optician; and so with every other part, for the 

eye was and is vital. Every element made out only 
leads back to some new and more recondite problem 
yet to be faced. Can we, then, leave these sense 
organs without being moved by their wonder ? Our 
conception is unequal to the task they give us, 
although our knowledge of them is, at the best, 
only superficial. I feel unable to close this chapter 
as I would. Swammerdam shall do it for me, for 
he says : “ I cannot refrain from confessing, to the 

glory of the immense, incomprehensible Architect, that 
I have but imperfectly described and represented this 
small organ ; for to represent it to the life in its 
full perfection far exceeds the utmost efforts of 
human knowledge.” 



Centre of Movement—Simple Embedding—Freeing 
the Thorax of Hairs — Legs: Insertion of — Joints: 
Modifications of—Tarsal Hooks: their Uses — Pul- 
villus: Uses of; How Cleaned; Automatic Action 
of; How Folded — Front Legs: Brushes of — 
Antenna Cleaner: Universally Possessed by Bees 
—Second Leg Spine : its Use—Third Leg — Wax- 
plate Pincer—Pollen Brush—Pollen Basket: Its 
Structure; How Filled — Legs of Queens and 
Drones—Droll Error—Comparison of Legs. 

THE thorax, as the centre of locomotion, giving 
attachment and movement to both legs and wings, is 
necessarily nearly filled by large muscles; and these 
are usually of a pink colour, as may be seen by 
cutting a recently dead worker, or, better, a drone, 
down the centre with a keen razor. For elementary 
study, simple embedding, managed as follows, will be 
very serviceable : Heat, only sufficiently to melt it, 
some paraffin or bees’ wax, and place in this a few 
bees. If the temperature be not too high, the longer 
the “subjects” for dissection are kept soaking the 


better. Roll up some wet writing-paper into the 
shape of a tube, about ^in. in diameter, lift out the 
bees with forceps, and drop them, one by one, into 
it, so that they are arranged end to end. Fill up 
the tube with the wax, and allow it to cool. The 
paper being removed, the bees may be cut, in any 
direction, into very thin slices, for examination. 

The thoracic plates have their remarkable external 
modelling completely concealed by the down which 
thickly covers them above, and the long, webbed hairs 
clothing them below. A small patch of these is seen 
at I, Fig. 24, holding sundry pollen grains between 
their meshes, the latter accomplishing their purpose, by 
inevitably entrapping the granules furnished by the 
anthers when visits are paid to blossoms. The 
queen, as this would lead us to suppose, is relatively 
bare beneath, but the drone is enveloped in a strong, 
almost spiny, pubescence, giving him great clinging 
power, of which the utility is apparent. A little 
device will make the bees our assistants in studying 
their thoracic and leg structure. Take a thin string, 
about a foot long, and at each end fix a dead bee, 
by tying round the neck. Drop the suspended 
“ culprits ” between the frames of a stock, so that 
the middle of the string rests like a saddle on the 
top bar. In a couple of days, every hair will be 
cleaned from the “ gibbets,” and their bodies polished 
like those of beetles, so that the attachment of the 
wings, the spiracles, the lines dividing pro-, meso-, and 
meta-thorax, the actual form of the leg joints, and 
the character of their articulations, with many other 
interesting points, will be clearly visible. All adult 



insects have three pairs of legs, which are inserted 
into the three before-given divisions of the thorax. 
Those of the bee, with their wondrous quickness 

Fig. 24.—Drone and Queen Leg (Magnified Ten times), and Hairs Various. 
A, Third Right Leg (Drone)— ti, Tibia; p, Planta, or Metatarsus; t. Tarsi. 
B, Third Right Leg (Queen); lettering as before. C, Sensory Hairs from 
Labial Palpus. D, Ditto from Maxilla. E, Split Hairs from End of Bouton. 
F, Broken Compound Hair growing anew. G, Webbed Hair for Holding 
Pollen Grains. H, Long Sensory Hair. I, Small Piece of Under Side of 
Thorax, carrying Gathering Hairs and Pollen Granules. 

and accuracy of movement, may be regarded from 
two perfectly distinct points of view. First, as instru- 



ments of locomotion, from which aspect the several 
pairs, whether those of queen, worker, or drone, have 
a common structure, and may be collectively, studied; 
second, as supplying points, of attachment and move¬ 
ment to curious appliances, severally distinct in 
character and purpose, and which, of course, require 
individual treatment. Let us first examine them in 
their locomotive capacity. The muscles moving them, 
and which are energized as explained at page 51, 
are partly within the thorax and partly within the 
upper joints; while the lower ones carry only tendons, 
moved as may be well understood by reference to 
Fig. 10. Of course, in addition, the legs are provided 
abundantly with both tracheae and blood. Each leg 
consists of nine joints. Articulated into the thorax 
we find the coxa, or hip (c, B, Plate V.), nearly 
conical, and webbed beneath, and bearing the tro¬ 
chanter ( tr ), triangular, hairy, and firmly articulated 
to the femur, or thigh (_/), which is the first elon¬ 
gated joint, and, like the previous ones, very densely 
clothed by long webbed hairs. It is followed by the 
tibia, or shank (ti), curiously modified in the different 
pairs and sexes. A foot, or tarsus, of five joints, of 
which the upper one (the metatarsus, p , Plate V. 
or Fig. 24) is always much larger than the rest, 
completes the limb. 

The surprising power that bees possess, of suspend¬ 
ing themselves from the bodies of their companions, 
and of sustaining a pull, without detachment, of many 
dozens of times their own weight, which is rendered 
apparent by the cluster formed in swarming, or in 
the chains of workers festooning themselves from 



the hive roof to its door, at the commencement of 
comb building, is due to the strong claws, or anguiculi 
(an, Fig. 25), which are found at the termination of 
the tarsus. These claws, of great strength, bear a 
secondary talon on the side, and carry long feeling 
hairs ( fh ). They are capable of two movements. 
They can be turned upwards, as at B, or point down¬ 
wards, as at A, Plate V. ; and, besides, they can be 

Fig. 25.—Foot of Bee, with the Pulvillus in Use (Magnified Fifty times). 
A, Under View of Foot— t, t, Tarsal Joints ; an, Anguiculi ; fh, Feeling Hairs ; pv, 
Pulvillus; cr, Curved Rod. B, Side View of Foot; lettering as before. C, 
Central Part of Sole— pd, Pad; cr, Curved Rod; fh, Feeling Hairs; pv, 
Pulvillus Unopened. 

made to approach each other, although not sufficiently 
to meet. When turned upwards, the perfect support 
they give to sisters desirous of forming another link 
in the living chain is evident. By means of these 
claws, bees walk on the edges of their comb cells, fix 
themselves on the alighting-board, as they fan in the 



summer sun, and cling on to the straw roof of their 
skep, or the splintery roughness of their wooden hive. 

But the tiny foot has yet another power ; for bees 
can, like flies (although not with equal facility), 
sustain themselves on the polished surfaces of leaves 
and petals, and upon glass if needs be, although here 
they get no fixing for their anguiculi. Placing a bee 
in a bottle, and watching it through a hand magnifier 
as it ascends the sides, we see between the claws a 
whitish body (pv, A, Fig. 25), which seems to expand, 
like the camel's foot, as the step is taken. I am not 
aware that any observer has previously given the 
pulvillus of the bee attention, yet it is so singular 
and beautiful that to understand it is to be delighted. 
All sorts of guesses (for guessing is so easy) have 
been advanced to explain the fly's walk on the ceiling. 
Some taught that its foot acted like a boy's sucker, 
and that the fly was sustained by the pressure of the 
air; but experiment quickly disposed of the error. 
The fly can walk inverted on glass in a vacuum, but, 
if it be moistened, the insect cannot walk on it at 
all. So with bees : breathe on your glass super, or 
manage so badly that it becomes moist inside, and 
its surface altogether fails in affording foothold, for 
the pulvilli give out a clammy secretion, which is 
left in minute quantity behind, and I have found 
high powers of the microscope to reveal its trace. 
The moisture, of course, prevents this secretion from 
taking effect. Dusting with flour, or very slightly 
greasing, just as completely, makes perpendicular 
smooth surfaces impossible of ascent. This will 
explain why bees so object to plunging into pea 



flour, when it is offered to them as artificial pollen 
(see Artificial Pollen), and why, also, they so earnestly 
clean their legs from all dust. The pulvilli are 
cleared by rubbing the tarsi together, when the 

pulvillus is drawn over their abundant hairs, which 
are, in part, brushes provided for this very purpose. 
Dredging flour over a bee will start at once this 

movement, tiny pellets being dropped during the 
operation, while the tongue is now and again out¬ 
stretched to supply saliva. Thus, the bee is able, 

not only to clean itself, but to pack such a dry, 

Fig. 26.—Bee’s Foot in Climbing, Showing Automatic Action op 
Pulvillus (Magnified Thirty times). 

A, Position of Foot in Climbing Slippery Surface, or Glass—pc, Pulvillus; fh, 
Feeling Hairs; an, Anguiculus, or Claw; t, Tai-sal Joint. B, Position of 
Foot in Climbing Rough Surface ; lettering as before. C, Section of Pulvillus 
Just Touching Flat Surface— cr, Curved Rod. D, Same Applied to the Surface. 

unadhesive substance as pea flour, in beautiful pellets, 
on its hind legs. 

We have seen that the pulvillus cannot be used 
without loss of material. It is, besides, exceedingly 
delicate, and easily injured by any roughness, so that 
it is doubly desirable not to bring it into play where 
the claws would take effect. I find all this is secured 
by a most striking automatic arrangement. B, Fig. 26, 
represents the pulvillus in its rest position, pointing 
backwards, as it stands between the claws. If the 
bee is ascending a rough surface, the points.of the 



claws catch (as at C), and the pulvillus is altogether 
saved from any contact; but if the surface be smooth, 
so that the claws get no grip, they slide back, and 
are drawn beneath the foot (as at A), which change 
of position applies the pulvillus, so that it imme¬ 
diately clings. It is the character of the surface, 
then, and not the will of the bee, that determines 
whether claw or pulvillus shall be used in sustaining 
it. But another contrivance, equally beautiful, remains 
to be noticed. The pulvillus is carried folded in the 
middle (as at C, Fig. 25), but opens out when applied 
to a surface, for it has at its upper part an elastic 
and curved, rod (cr, Figs. 25 and 26), which straightens 
as the pulvillus is pressed down ; C and D, Fig. 26, 
making this clear. The flattened-out pulvillus thus 
holds strongly while pulled, by the weight of the bee, 
along the surface, to which it adheres, but comes up 
at once if lifted and rolled off from its opposite sides, 
just as we should peel a wet postage stamp from an 
envelope. The bee, then, is held securely till it 
attempts to lift the leg, when it is freed at once; 
and, by this exquisite yet simple plan, it can fix and 
release each foot at least twenty times per second. 

Space compels us to dismiss this part of an inviting 
theme for the consideration of the legs as tool-bearers, 
beginning with the front pair of those of the worker 
(C, Plate V.). The pollen-gathering hairs, and the 
soft skin, to admit of flexion between femur and 
tibia, at once strike us ; while, upon the front of the 
latter joint, we note a mass of close-set, soft hairs 
(b), acting as a brush for sweeping the surfaces 
which the coarser hairs have combed or scraped, and 



for cleaning the semicircle of teeth presently to be 
noticed. At the front of the metatarsus stands a set 
of long, erect spines, which are always possessed by 
those bees that have hairs between the facets of the 
compound eyes. The spines ( eb ) are, really, eye- 
brushes, or, perhaps, I should have called them 
combs, since their office is to clear out from the 
eye hairs all pollen grains or foreign bodies, which 
would, of course, impede vision. But a most sur¬ 
passingly beautiful device of the first leg remains 
to be noticed. It consists of two parts—a deep, 
curved recess in the back of the metatarsus , and a 
spine and sail, or velum ( v, C, Plate V.), attached 
at the termination of the tibia. Professor Cook’s 
reference to this marvellous mechanism is so inaccu¬ 
rate in every particular that he is best refuted by 
quotation. He says: “On the anterior legs of the 
workers, between the femur and tibia, is a curious 
notch, covered by a spur. For several years, this has 
caused speculation among my students, and has 
attracted the attention of observing apiarists. Some 
have supposed that it aided bees in reaching deeper 
down into tubular flowers ; others, that it was used 
in scraping off pollen; and still others, that it 
enabled bees to hold on when clustering. The first 
two suggestions may be correct, though other honey 
and pollen-gathering bees do not possess it.” (The 
italics are mine.) I must remark here, first, that 
this appliance is not more possessed by workers 
than by queens and drones; second, it is not between 
femur and tibia, but where I place it; and, third, 
it is possessed by every bee in this wide creation, 



and also, in a modified form, by wasps and ants. 
That the use of this appliance has been missed is 
not astonishing, for the cause of failure is but too 
evident. If bees be watched (and weary ones on a 
window-bar are best for the purpose), the first leg 
will now and again be raised in front of the head, 
and then drawn outwards. The leg, by this move¬ 
ment, is put over the antenna, which slides up 
past an especially-contrived slip-way, consisting of 
the short, stiff hairs, near p in Plate V., until the 
projection of the velum is reached, when the thread¬ 
like organ of hearing and feeling drops naturally into 
the semicircular cavity. At once the tibia bends on 
the metatarsus, and brings all into the position seen 
at E; but the antenna is now compassed behind 
and before, and the teeth of the semicircular comb 
(standing up towards us in the Plate), as the leg 
passes outwards, scrape off every particle of dust, 
rendering all fit again for the delicate duties of 
smelling and feeling. But the velum, too, aids in the 
process. Its cross section ( v , H) shows a back pro¬ 
jection, which keeps the scraping edge in position 
for its work, like the carpenter’s plane-body holding 
the iron. The combs, made up of about eighty teeth, 
of the form shown at F, are, of course, right- and 
left-handed; the ends of their teeth, while engaged 
in scraping, as at c, H, always going first. How 
remarkable the device, and how exact the fitting of 
parts! I have before stated that the queen’s antenna 
is Y^-j-in. in diameter, and such is the measure of 
the comb on her first leg; the drone’s, ^in., his 
comb the same ; and so on among both hive and 


i 3 o 


wild bees wherever I have had the opportunity of 
taking measurements. These antenna-cleaners are, 
in all the genera and species, most charming objects 
for low powers; and Mr. Enock has mounted many 
at my suggestion, so as to display perfectly their 
peculiar form. But we must pass on. The second 
leg has no velum, but a conspicuous spur (.y) at the 
termination of the tibia. This spur is the crowbar 
by which the little forager levers out the pollen mass 
(see page 18), which she carries home, stored in her 
basket, seen opposite ti, at A. The second leg is 
brought over the third, the spine enters at the top 
end of the basket, and passes down behind the mass, 
driving it forwards. This spine likewise aids in clean¬ 
ing the wings, and so is carried by both queen and 
drone. The third leg is remarkably specialised, 
and needs careful examination. The pollen-gathering 
capacity of the hairs of the upper joints at B is 
evident. The articulation between the triangular tibia 
(ti) and oblong metatarsus (p) is quite at one angle 
of the two joints, so that, as they move upon each 
other, the parts opposite wp open and shut like a 
pair of jaws, of which the upper is provided with 
spiny teeth, shutting down over a flattened plate in 
the lower. This nipper is exactly fitted to its 
purpose, and is used for removing wax plates (soon 
to engage our attention) from the abdomen of the 
worker. Since neither queen nor drone produce wax, 
the nipper is in their case absent (A and B, Fig. 24). 

But the chief interest centres on the two joints last 
mentioned, as a device for carrying pollen home to 
the hive. The metatarsus is enlarged into a sub-quad- 



rangular form, constituting a flattish plate, slightly 
convex on both surfaces. The outer face (/, A, Plate 
V.) is not remarkable, but the one next the body ( p , 
B) is furnished with stiff combs, the teeth of which 
are horny, straight spines, set closely, and arranged 
in transverse rows across the joint, a little project¬ 
ing above its plane, and the tips of one comb slightly 
overlapping the basis of the next. Their colour is 
reddish-brown ; and, entangled in the combs, we 
almost invariably discover pollen granules, which have 
been at first picked up by the thoracic hairs, but 
combed out by the constant play of the legs over the 
breast—in which work the second pair, bearing a 
strong resemblance to the third, performs an im¬ 
portant part. 

So soon as bees have loaded these combs, they do 
not return to the hive, but transfer the pollen to the 
hollow side of the tibia, seen at ti, A. This con¬ 
cavity, corbicula, or pollen-basket, is smooth and hair¬ 
less, except at the edges, whence spring long, slender, 
curved spines, two sets following the line of the 
bottom and sides of the basket, while a third bends 
over its front. The concavity fits it to contain pollen, 
while the marginal hairs greatly increase its possible 
load, like the sloping stakes which the farmer places 
round the sides of his waggon when he desires to 
carry loose hay, the set bent over accomplishing 
the purpose of the cords by which he saves his 
property from being lost on the road. But a diffi¬ 
culty arises : How can the pollen be transferred from 
the metatarsal comb to the basket above ? Easily ; 
for it is the left metatarsus that charges the right 

M 2 



basket, and vice versa. The legs are crossed, and 
the metatarsus naturally scrapes its comb face on 
the upper edge of the opposite tibia, in the direc¬ 
tion from the base of the combs towards their tips. 
These upper hairs standing over wp, B; or close to 
ti, A (which are opposite sides of the same joint), 
are nearly straight, and pass between the comb teeth. 
The pollen, as removed, is caught by the bent-over 
hairs, and secured. Each scrape adds to the mass, 
until the face of the joint is more than covered, and 
the hairs just embrace the pellet, as we see it in 
cross section at G. The worker now hies homewards, 
and the spine, as a crowbar, does its work. 

Neither queens nor drones gather, and so their legs 
are quite differently formed. The queen leg (B, 
Fig. 24) shows, by its outline, that the worker is 
a female; while the drone leg (A), rounded and 
smaller, and not carrying even the rudiments of the 
specialized hairs of the worker, is unlike either. An 
explanation here becomes necessary, for it may be 
remarked, that my drone and queen leg, according to 
some authors, have changed places. It is so, but 
for the following reason : An old French entomologist 
published some capital drawings of bees' legs, but 
his numbering read backwards, since the revers¬ 
ing action of the printing press had been forgotten. 
He was copied by Blanchard, who, failing to note 
his authority's mistake, called the drone leg the queen 
leg, while the latter went to the credit of the drone. 
Dr. Duncan translated Blanchard* and, quite inno¬ 
cently, and very pardonably, repeated Blanchard’s 

* “The Transformations of Insects.” Cassell, Petter, and Galpin. 


; 33 

blunder; while Cook, who has taken many of the illus¬ 
trations in Part I. of his Manual from Duncan, con¬ 
tinues to ' the present hour to publish the error. 
Surely, after eleven editions, the time has come for 
breaking the spell, and giving the queen her own 
legs back again. But, seriously, it is a pity when 
authors become so fashionable as to slavishly follow 
the antique. Doubtless, they are saved much time 
and trouble; but their readers are wronged if they 
are made to devote their time to obsolete fiction, 
and unchecked mistakes, when they are led to 
believe they are studying modern research. 

I shall not again refer to Professor Cook’s book, 
nor should I have done so at all, had not the 
interest of scientific apiculture demanded it. 

In comparing the legs of queens, workers, and 
drones, it is worthy of remark that the queen has by 
far the largest set, as she is a great walker, constantly 
perambulating the combs. The drone depends little 
upon his legs, and so he, notwithstanding his greater 
weight, carries smaller ones even than those of the 
worker. They are also but little specialised, their 
principal peculiarity lying in the hairs of the smaller 
tarsal joints (/, A, Fig. 24), which, in his case, are 
heavy, and, instead of being simple, are strongly 
webbed, so as to assist him, as indicated at page 
121. The curious adaptations already observed, where 
none were formerly suspected, makes it certain that 
future investigations must greatly increase our ad¬ 
miration of such an inconsiderable matter as the leg 
of a bee. 



Development of Wings: Nervures, Cells, and Hairs 

— Wings in Diptera : Reasons for Four Wings in 
Bees and other Hymenoptera — Hooklets—Posterior 
Wing not Flat — Comparison of the Wings of 
the Sexes—Drone can Fly Backwards—Bee Line — 
Flapping Movement Converted into Flight: Its 
Velocity — Experiment■—Forward Flight—Backward 
Flight: its Necessity ; how Performed—Ascending 
and Descending Flight — Steering—Wing Rate, 
Graphic and Musical Determination of—Buzzing 
and Humming — Obturator Apparatus — Tracheal 
Distension—Specific Gravity—Sonorous Membrane 

— Voice. 

The four membranous wings of hymenopterous insects, 
articulated in pairs into the meso- and meta-thorax, 
are formed in the chrysalis from vesicles, or 
flattened -pouches, extravasated or pushed out from 
the epidermal layer (see Fig. 4), and which are 
brought into form by a series of interior tubes of 
chitine, called, in the mature organs, nervures, and 
seen, in Fig. 27, to divide both anterior and pos- 



terior wings into cells. The entomological names of 
those of the anterior wing are given with the illus¬ 
tration, as they are frequently used as a basis of 

When, by re-absorption of the contained nutrient 
fluid, the two facing membranes of each flat pouch 
are intimately joined, they become the transparent 
extension of the wing, stretched upon the nervures, 
which form its stiffening framework. The hollow 
nervures are never wholly deprived of blood, while 
through them run large tracheae, which, at the exit of 
the bee from the cell, aid it in giving that full expansion 
to its new organs which their office demands. As the 
eye has left upon it the marks of its method of develop¬ 
ment, so the wing gives traces of its origin. The 
microscope shows that it is dotted over on both sides 
by small, stiff hairs with an expanded base, while very 
careful examination reveals that the whole surface is 
divided, by faint, angular lines, into small areas, which 
indicate the boundaries of the primary cells, upon the 
middle of each of which stands a single hair. 

Every wing—be it of bat, bird, or insect—that is 
capable of acting effectively as an instrument of flight, 
must, in area, bear some definite proportion to the 
weight of its possessor. The common bluebottle, a 
dipterous insect, somewhat less than the honey bee, 
has its single pair of wings of such a width and so 
placed that their points are -|in. apart when at rest. 
Had the bee been similarly formed, its wings would 
have barred its entry to its own cell, which is only -jfin. 
in diameter ; so that cleaning, filling, and emptying of 
comb, feeding of brood, and many other essentials, 



would have been impracticable. This difficulty, how¬ 
ever, is exquisitely met by the necessary wing-surface 
being made up by two pairs, an anterior and a posterior, 
which lie one over the other in repose, so that they 
occupy but little space, their two points in position 

A and B, Anterior and Posterior Right Wings of Worker (under side), Magnified 
Eight times—1, Costal Cell; 2, Externo-median Cell; 3, Interno-median Cell; 
4, Anal Cell; 5, Marginal Cell; 6, 7, 8 and 9, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd and 4th Sub¬ 
marginal Cells ; 10, 11, and 12, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Discoidal Cells ; 13 and 14, 
1st and 2nd Apical Cells ; c, d, Plait; e, /, Hooklets. C, Plait and Hooklets, 
Magnified Twenty-five times— c', d', Plait; e 1 , Hooklets. D, Cross Section 
through line a, b, of p. Plait, and A, Hooklet, locked together. 

only covering a width of fully ^-in. Other hymeno- 
pterous insects have, in this respect, a like structure, 
and for identical reasons : the ant travelling through 
narrow galleries, the wild bee in its burrow, and the 
wasp in its cell, being able to so place their wings 



that they offer no impediment to their home move¬ 
ments, while the neatness of their packing is in itself 
a security against damage. The queen of the bee¬ 
hive, indeed, proverbially carries her wings very 
closely set over the back (see Fig. 5), for the 
greater length of her life demands the greater care ; 
and so the gauzy membranes, in her case, are capable 
of sustaining the wear of three or four years, yet re¬ 
maining good enough for duty. 

Presently we shall discover that the rate of vibration 
given to the wings during flight is prodigious, and then 
the division, so valuable during repose, becomes an 
impediment, for the air cannot be so efficiently beaten 
by two narrow wings as by one of their united width. 
And here, again, a device, charming in its mechanical 
simplicity and perfection, presents itself. The inner 
margin ( c , d , A, Fig. 27) of the anterior wing is folded 
under, in a plait, while a series of minute blunt hooks 
( e , f, B) are turned up upon the outer margin of the 
under, or posterior one. As the anterior (upper) 
wing moves outwards into position for flight, its 
down-turned plait passes over the upper surface of 
the lower wing, and is caught by the upturned 
hooks, as C and D will make clear; and now the 
two wings, wedded into one, strike the air: but, at 
the moment the flying insect settles, these, by falling 
back into position, become immediately free, since the 
plait simply slips from the hooks, and the wings take 
up their superposed position. 

The hooklets decrease in size in beautiful grada¬ 
tion towards the wing point—the largest are about 
-jig-in., the smallest, in length—but they are not 



always the same in number on the two sides of the body. 
The posterior wing is, most suggestively, not absolutely 
flat, but convex above, in the direction of its length, 
so that its hooklets are held up towards the plait 
on the anterior wings, the hairs just behind which 
turn in a direction different from the rest, so that 
the movements of the hooklets shall meet with no 
impediment. How well Nature rewards looking into 
even the smallest matters! 

A comparison of the sexes is again instructive. 
The queen is commonly said to have smaller wings 
than the worker. Yet this is only true relatively, 
and clearly for the reason that she has much less 
frequent use for these parts than her ever busy 
children ; but the drone, lighter than the queen, is 
endued with that soaring power and rapidity which 
his function renders necessary, he possessing organs 
of flight far larger than hers, and which extend 
beyond the extremity of the abdomen (see Fig. 5). 
The measurements are given in one-hundredths of 
an inch. 

Length of Length of Ratios of 

Anterior Wing. Posterior Wing. United Area. 

Worker.38 .... 28.5 

Queen.41 .... 29.6 

Drone.49 .... 35.9 

The remarkable strength and width of the inferior 
wing of the drone gives an intimation, which 
observers should keep in sight; for we shall see 
presently that this enables him to fly backwards with 
great energy, should such a necessity arise. The 
relative perfection of the organs is well indicated 
by the hooklets; and here, again, we find the drone 



in the van, and the queen in the rear. The queen’s 
hooklets vary considerably in number, ranging from 
thirteen to twenty-one; the worker’s, nineteen to 
twenty-three; the drone’s, twenty-one to twenty-six. 

Bees are accomplished fliers, but they never traverse 
the air with the same directness as many birds, so 
that the expression "bee line,” used by bee-hunters, 
needs to be accepted in a modified sense. It is their 
habit to skim along, in extended sweeps, alternately 
curving to right and left. The rapidity of their aerial 
voyages is difficult to calculate. Stories have been 
detailed of their darting in and out of the windows 
of a train, in rapid movement, but these furnish no 
evidence of their velocity when unaided, since the 
train carries the air lying in its neighbourhood along 
with it, as leaves and paper scraps frequently make 
clear. My own observations lead me to suppose 
that the pace ranges between two and sixteen or 
eighteen miles per hour, depending upon the load 
and the nature of the errand—a bee, bearing the 
body of a deceased sister from the hive, taking 
the funereal pace, while those issuing forth on 
business bent go express. 

We must now turn our attention to the means 
by which the mere flapping movement of the wings 
is made to translate the creature through the air, 
forwards or backwards, at any velocity less than its 
maximum, and in any direction it may desire. 

Fig. 27 shows a strong chitinous rod, called the 
costal nervure, running along the anterior margin of A; 
and it is this nervure, carried up and down by the 
reciprocal contractions of the depressor and levator 



alarum muscles, which moves the membranous exten¬ 
sion lying behind it constituting the wing. 

A simple experiment, which I would recommend 
all my readers to try, and which I have often used 
as an illustration, will make clear at once how this 
arrangement wafts the insect forwards ; but we 
must be careful to remember, in interpreting it, that 
the wings in flying are not . carried over the back, 
but are brought round, with their length approxi¬ 
mately at right angles to that of the body, so 
that the costal nervure goes first, and is followed 
by the membrane. Gum or glue the edge of a 

pw, Paper Wing ; s, Stick; DS, Down Stroke ; US, Up Stroke ; c, e, e, Air Currents. 

piece of writing-paper, 3m. or 4m. wide, along 
the stick of a penholder, or some such form, so 
that the paper represents the wing-membrane, and 
the stick the costal nervure. Now place two 
lighted candles as in Fig. 28, and wave the paper 
up and down between them, so holding the stick 
that while it is at rest the paper is horizontal. 
Both flames will immediately indicate a current from 



the stick towards the paper slip. When the down- 
stroke (DS) is made, the resistance of the air throws 
the paper relatively up, and the air is reflected 

from its surface, as indicated by the arrows. Simi¬ 
larly, when the upstroke (US) follows, the paper is, 
by resistance, thrown into such a position that the 
air is reflected in the same direction as before, so 
that both ascending and descending strokes give 
an identical current. Simple mechanics shows that 
the current from right to left in the Figure, by re¬ 
action, tends to move the paper and stick from left 
to right. Applying this now to the bee, whose 

pliant wing-membrane yields to pressure like the 
paper, we learn that both up and down strokes pro¬ 
duce a current towards the costal nervure, and from 
the posterior edge; or, in other words, that the bee’s 
wing itself is moved in space, the costal nervure 

going first— i.e., the bee flies forward. It is un¬ 

doubtedly interesting to thus note how both up and 
down movements aid in progression in one line. Yet 
this fact but opens up another inquiry, for, if the 
bee were only able to fly forwards, her plight in its 
measure would resemble that of a steamship which 
could not reverse her engines ; they might be stopped, 
but she would remain under weigh, to possibly com¬ 
pass her own destruction ere her initial velocity had 
become expended. But a little attention in an apiary 
will make evident that bees are competent to wing 
their course backwards. As young ones come out 
for their first airing in the warm mid-day sunshine of 
spring, they fly constantly looking to the hive door, 
advancing and receding in curves, so that the head 


frequently follows the body. If a bee be watched, 
too, honey-gathering— eg ., on an apple-tree—she flies 
rapidly from flower to flower ; but, at the exact 
moment, her hasty advance is suddenly and mysteri¬ 
ously checked, so that she plies her quest by a touch 
of such measured delicacy, that no filament, however 
tender, is broken, and no petal unduly pressed. But 
by what means is this sudden stopping, or this back¬ 
ing, secured? And here we get a deeper insight into 
the meaning of the small wings than that previously 
gained ; for, although it is clear that they consider¬ 
ably aid in sustaining the bee, from the fact that 
she can fly down, but not up, after their removal, 

Fig. 29.— Section op Wings (Magnified Twelve times), to Explain how Flight is 

aw, Anterior Wing; pw, Posterior Wing; en, Costal Nervure; p, Plait; h, 
Hooklets; c, Air Currents; H, Position of Head; A, Position of Abdomen ; 
DSF, Down Stroke, Flying Forward; DSB, Down Stroke, Flying Backwards. 

yet they subserve other purposes, by adaptations which 
cannot fail to strike us as unspeakably beautiful. 

In Fig. 2 8 we observe that the up and down move¬ 
ments of the stick are wider in range than that of 
the paper, and that its motion decreases as we pass 
from right to left; similarly, in Fig. 29, where the 
cross section of the two locked wings is given, at 
DSF (representing the position at the down stroke 
when flying forwards) we must note that the large 
wing has a more extended beat than the smaller, since 
the latter is the equivalent of that part of the paper 


[ 43 

lying between a and b, Fig. 28. But should the 
bee desire to reverse her movement, decreasing the 
energy of the larger wing, and increasing that of 
the smaller, instantly accomplishes her purpose, with¬ 
out any stoppage of flapping, because the then 
stronger beat of the small wing, and the restricted 
beat of the larger, immediately reverses the set of 
their united plane. By examining DSB, Fig. 29, 
we shall see the truth of this. Here the wider move¬ 
ment of put) (the posterior wing) makes it the leader, 
producing the alteration that would have arisen from 
transferring the stick to the opposite edge of the 
paper (Fig. 28), and the air is, in consequence, 
beaten in the opposite direction ( c '), so that the 
bee is carried backwards, abdomen first. The up 
stroke, as before, producing the same current as 
the down, another Figure is not needed to repre¬ 
sent it. The case is that of a screw steamer 
which, without stopping her engines, reverses her 
course by changing the direction of the pitch of the 
arms of her propeller. This, however, is my theory, 
as distinct from that of Gelieu, which is immensely 
more complex, and would require a nervous control, 
which seems to me utterly incredible. 

The question of ascending or descending now 
suggests itself. This has been fully investigated by 
Marey,* by means of adjustable models, of which 
our space will not permit a description. Observations 
on bees themselves have led me to the following 
conclusions : The wings, during flight, are the points of 

* “ A Treatise on Terrestrial and Aerial Locomotion ” (International 
Science Series). 



support beneath which the centre of gravity, if free 
to move, always arranges itself. If a ball be held up 
by a string, the centre of gravity (identical with the 
centre of the ball, if the latter be of uniform density) 
comes to rest under the point of support, towards 
which position it immediately falls after every dis¬ 
turbance. If, in flight, a bee desires to rise, she 
straightens out her abdomen, thus carrying her 
centre of gravity (or weight) backwards, and, as a 
consequence, the abdomen, with regard to the rest, 
sinks, and the head points upwards, the body 
revolving around the wings, so that the before-men¬ 
tioned centre of gravity occupies a position beneath 
them. This alteration in the direction of the body 
makes the flight one of ascent. But, on the con¬ 
trary, curling the abdomen beneath, by the action 
of muscles lying in the thorax under the meso- 
phragma, brings the centre of gravity forwards, and 
allows the head to relatively sink, and a descent 
in flight is the result. It is possible that the ab¬ 
domen, acting after the manner of a rudder, also 
occasions, similarly, all lateral changes of direction. 
It certainly partially effects these movements, but 
whether assisted by inequality in energy of the right 
and left wings, steering as the sculler does, is not 
yet determined. 

The marvellous velocity with which the wings of 
most insects vibrate has excited considerable atten¬ 
tion, and has been tested by most ingenious experi¬ 

Let us first refer to what is known as the “ Graphic 
method.’' A metal drum, revolved by clockwork, is 


: 45 

surrounded by smooth paper, which has been coated, 
by exposure to a smoky flame, with a thin and easily- 
removed sooty deposit. If a living insect be so held 
that the wing in vibrating just touches the paper 
while the drum is rotating, a series of scratch-like 
marks, equi-distantly placed ( c , d, Fig. 30), will 
indicate, by the spaces between them, the amount of 
movement made by the drum during the time occu¬ 
pied by each vibration of the wing. This time is 
accurately determined as follows: A tuning fork, 
whose note (and, consequently, exact number of vibra¬ 
tions per second) is known, has one of its prongs 

Fig. 30.— Graphic Representation op Rate of Vibration op Bee’s Wing. 
a, b. Line Made by Tuning Fork; c, d, Marks Made by Vibrating Wing. 

provided with a small pointed style. The latter, at the 
moment the insect is being operated upon, is brought 
into contact with the revolving drum (the fork, of 
course, sounding), and is so held that the style moves 
up and down upon the sooty paper. A waved line 
(like a, b, Fig. 30) is produced, the length of each 
wave marking the space traversed by the drum while 
the fork makes one vibration. Should the fork give 
256 vibrations in a second (sounding the middle C), 
256 waves will occupy the space moved through by the 
drum in the same time. If opposite to these should 
stand 190 dots made by the bee’s wing (c, d, Fig. 30), 
we get 190 vibrations per second as its rate—the 




result at which Marey arrived. Tremendous as this 
speed appears, involving a sequence of muscular 
contractions of almost inconceivable rapidity, it is 
probable that it is considerably below the truth, both 
because of the weakening effect of the experiment 
and the friction of the paper; Marey finding that, 
as he lessened the contact of the wing on the drum, 
the velocity very considerably increased. 

These objections do not attach to determinations 
based upon the note the flapping wings produce. 
From what has been said of the tuning fork, it will 
be remembered that pitch depends upon the number 
of vibrations in a given time, and as the note 
formed by the wing of the bee in vigorous flight, 
according to Landois,* ranges between the A and 
C of the first and second ledger of the treble clef, 
its velocity, if this musical determination be accu¬ 
rate, can be no less than about 440 vibrations per 
second, instead of 190, as reached by the Graphic 
method ; but Landois himself observes that fatigue 
has a marked effect, quickly bringing the rapidity 
down to three-fourths of its normal amount. 

In this connection it is worthy of remark, that 
bees in the full vigour of youth and health are not 
always in a condition in which flight is possible. 
They may, now and again, be noticed to content 
themselves with running , although frightened, even 
touches with the finger at first inducing no more 
than flying jumps of 3m. or 4m. Their temporary 
inability is due to the small amount of air the 

* “Die Ton-und Stummaparate der Insecten. Zeitschrift fur Wissen- 
schaftliche Zoologie, 1867,” page 105. 



tracheae contain at the time. They are at rest, the 
blood is moving slowly, the body is specifically heavy, 
and the muscles are not braced up ; ^mt after the 
wings have been lifted, and a few energetic move¬ 
ments of the abdomen made, the vesicles and tracheae, 
which just before were flat as ribbons, get filled, 
and the bee sails away. In many practical opera¬ 
tions, bees may be shaken down from their combs in 

Fig. 31.— Longitudinal Section through Thorax of Drone 
(Magnified Seven times). 

LA, Levator Alse (Wing-raising) Muscle, showing Fasciculi, or Fibre Bundles; 
DA, Depressor Abe (Wing-lowering) Muscle ; A, Antagonist of Depressor ■ 
pwm. Posterior Wing Muscles ; mp, Mesophragma ; as, Air Sacs ; No. 3, Gland 
No. 3; c, Cervical or Neck ; A,.Part of Head. 

a mass, scooped up in spoons or shovels, and weighed 
and measured in open vessels, pretty much like seeds ; 
the facts just recounted going far to explain the reason. 
The utility, beyond the purposes of flight, of filling up 
with air, and the method of its accomplishment, are 
both interesting and curious. Fig. 31 gives a section 
through the thorax of the drone, showing the muscles 
of flight, surrounded on all sides by air sacs (as), from 
which pass very numerous tracheae (page 42), supply¬ 
ing the abundant oxygen these most active muscles re- 


quire. As DA (the wing-depressors) contract, they pull 
the mesophragma ( mp , and page 88) forwards and up¬ 
wards, and away from the metathorax. The separation 
of the two walls of the air sac lying behind the 
mesophragma draws in a supply of air, which, at the 
relaxation of the depressors, is distributed to the 
tracheae, as the antagonist muscles (A) replace the 
mesophragma, and rapidly drive all the air from the 
air sacs. Other movements aid in the work, so that 
the initial efforts of flying, as a natural result, distend 
the body, and bring about all the conditions the absence 
of which we just now noticed as making soaring im¬ 
possible. We shall presently see that the bee has 
perfect control over the spiracles, closing them at 
pleasure. When on the wing, then, with the air sacs 
fully filled, if the spiracles be shut, the power is 
gained for discharging the contents of the bowels by 
simple pressure, the latter being applied by con¬ 
traction of those muscles which govern the abdominal 
rings. That bees labour without weariness in banish¬ 
ing every vestige of impurity from their hives, which, 
under natural and healthy conditions, they never soil, 
has frequently been remarked. But these most cleanly 
creatures are, in this latter respect, structurally com¬ 
pelled so to be, from the above-given curious arrange¬ 
ment. The queen is an exception, so far as her 
capability of removing the intestinal residua is con¬ 
cerned, as her ovaries occupy the space taken by a 
pair of large air sacs in the worker and drone; so 
that she on foot, and for an obvious reason, possesses 
the power (pages 71 and 84) the others only acquire 
when , on the wing. 



Every practised apiculturist knows that both workers 
and drones emit a tone during flight, which is subject 
to considerable variations, and that these often furnish 
some indication of the particular “ frame of mind ” 
of the insect at the moment. The reasons for some 
of these differences have already been hinted, but it 
would be extremely erroneous to conclude that the 
wings alone, or even mainly, give out a note, in proof 
of which an easy experiment may be cited. If one 
of the larger Humbles— e. g., Bombus terrestris or 
hortorum —be shut in a box, after removal of the 
wings, or after they have been so gummed as to be 
incapable of movement, a humming note will still be 
produced, which, under the excitement of fear or anger, 
may be even violent; anatomy showing that this sound, 
which accompanies the true tone of flight, results from 
a membranous vibration in the spiracles, the latter 
being, amongst honey bees, especially developed in the 
drone, whose sonorous qualities were referred to by 
Shakespeare. Landois, to whom reference has pre¬ 
viously been made, recognised three tones in the flight 
sound : the first, produced by the wing beats; the 
second, sharper in character, by the vibrations of the 
abdominal rings ; the third, the most acute and intense, 
from the action of the true vocal apparatus, placed in 
the stigmatic orifices. He found that stopping these 
orifices with wax brought the humming to an end at 
once. The wings undoubtedly do the buzzing, but the 
humming is as clearly the outcome of an apparatus 
formed as follows : The spiracles (page 33) have each 
lying behind them, in a vestibule (or sounding-box) 
made by an enlargement of the commencement of 


* 5 ° 

the tracheal tube, a chitinous ‘‘stirrup,” or crescent¬ 
shaped piece, the object of which is to give the 
insect the opportunity of voluntarily closing the air 
openings, and this for a before-mentioned reason. A 
double lever, formed of two irregular and unequal 
cones, and actuated by an obturator, or closing muscle, 
and tendon, is so contrived that the contraction of 
the muscle causes the plugging of the trachea open¬ 
ing out of the back of the vestibule. The sound is 
actually emitted by curtains, somewhat plaited and 
fringed, formed from folds of the membrane lying 
behind the edges of the spiracle, and in front of the 
stirrup and lever. Muscular contractions within the 
thorax, occasioning the wing vibrations, rapidly puff air 
in and out, and so start the curtains in producing 
that hum, which varies according to their tension, 
and which may not inaptly be called the bee’s voice, 
since it results from the movements of an apparatus 
not unlike that of voice in ourselves and the higher 

How many wonders are involved, then, in simple 
flight ! The floating of the little insect, as it plays in 
the sunbeam, or the rapid transport of it at plenty’s 
distant call, enabling it to round a thousand corners, 
and drop with the greatest accuracy into the mouths 
of countless flowers, with the wafting of it back 
again to its desired haven, singing, as it goes, from 
many mouths, is not accomplished without the framing 
of a mechanism which is all worthy of our admira¬ 
tion, and which has actually excited the envy, whilst 
it has mocked, and is mocking, the inventiveness 
and resources, of mankind. 



Reaumur’s Hypothesis—The Discovery — Dr. J. Hunter 
—Frangois Huber and Burnens — Wax Pockets— 
Wax-yielding Membrane — Queen and Drone — 
Microscopic Examination — The True Gland : Its 
Structure—Wax at First a Fluid—Wax Scales — 
Wax of Comb — Wax Produced from Saccharine 
Substances, not Pollen — Huber’s Experiments — 
Comb Building Exhausting—The Behaviour of a 
Swarm—Conditions Favourable to Producing Fat 
and Wax—Structure of Comb — Model Making — 
Cramer’s Demonstration —Angles — Economy in 
Space—Equality of Solid Angles — Maraldi’s Calcu¬ 
lation—Strange Myth—Bees Capable of Modifying 
Comb—Suitability of Hexagons — Soap-bubble Ex¬ 
periment—Costliness of Wax—Queen Cell—Covers 
of Honey not Air-tight; Why Irregular—Sizes 
of Cells—Drone Cell Peculiarities—Breeding Cells 
always Approaching the Ideal Form. 

The opinion formed by Swammerdam and Maraldi, 
and accepted by Reaumur, that pollen, which he called 
crude wax (page 16), was submitted to a peculiar 
elaboration in the stomach of the bee, whence it was 



returned to the mouth as true (“ veritable”) wax, was 
completely overthrown by a French peasant,* whose 
name, unfortunately, has not survived, he discovering, 
in August, 1768, that the substance used in the con¬ 
struction of comb emanated, from between the rings 
of the abdomen. This humble inquirer, a member of 
a society of bee-keepers founded in Lusace even at 
this early date, appears, after having pulled some bees 
from comb they were then building, to have removed 
their wax scales by the aid of a needle ; but his 
pregnant observation slumbered for twenty-four years, 
when Dr. John Huntert partially investigated the 
subject, and drew attention to the existence of wax 
glands. In the following summer, the blind Francois 
Huber, justly admired for his researches, and deserving 
the honour of all good men for his noble acknowledg¬ 
ment of the immense help he received from his ser¬ 
vant Burnens, repeated the discovery of the peasant, 
and entered upon a series of experiments and observa¬ 
tions which will keep his name green so long as 
apiculture is practised. 

We already know that the abdomen of the worker 
is arranged in six dorsal and six ventral inelastic 
plates, which may move upon each other, because 
they are united by delicate membranes, giving to 
the whole the arrangement of the tucks of a child’s 
frock. The exposed part of each ventral plate is 
tough, and covered by webbed hairs ( wh , Fig. 32), 
which much decrease in size towards the anal ex- 

*Langstroth makes a prior claim for Hornbostel, in 1745, but he 
gives no details of what was seen. 

f “ Philosophical Transactions,” 1792. 


tremity ; but if the abdomen be elongated by gentle 
traction, we begin immediately to catch sight of ex¬ 
tremely smooth and delicate expansions (W, W), upon 
which, very generally, in the warm season, wax plates 
of greater or less size and thickness may be dis¬ 
covered. These pale yellow tender discs, which have 
sometimes been called, quite incorrectly, the wax 
glands, are eight in number, being found on the 

Fig. 32.— Abdominal Plate (Worker), Under Side, Third Segment 
(Magnified Twenty times). 

W, Wax-yielding Surface, covering True Gland ; s, Septem, or Carina; wh, Webbed 

four ventral plates intervening between the first and 
last. They are surrounded and held in position by 
a frame-like thickening of the plate itself (Fig. 32), 
while between them runs a septem, or carina (3-). 
The contour of the membranes determines the form 
of the wax scales, which are moulded upon their 
surfaces as the secretion passes, by osmose from the 
true glands beneath. The hinder part of each 

r 54 


ventral plate covers the membrane of the ring next 
it, forming with it a little pouch (wax pocket), open¬ 
ing backwards, from which the wax scales often 
protrude a, considerable distance. The queen and 
drone, on the under side of the abdomen, are in 
this respect quite differently formed from the worker, 
wax glands being entirely absent in their case, since 
they take no part in comb building. The plates of 
the queen (B, Fig. 33) are wide, to give her greater 

Fig. 33. -Abdominal Plates, Under Side, Third Segment (Magnified 
Twenty times). 

A, Plate from Drone—a, strap ; 6, Webbed Hairs ; sh, Short Hairs. B, Plate from 
Queen ; o', Strap ; c, Down ; sh, Short Hairs. 

length of body, while the webbed hairs are wanting, 
since these would interfere with ovipositing, and no 
carina exists. The corresponding plate (A) in the 
drone, though strongly framed, is narrow, because his 
abdomen carries seven rings instead of six. Loose but 
stout webbed hairs are provided, for reasons previously 
noticed, and the process (a) giving attachment to 
muscles aiding in abdominal contraction is much 
stronger than that (a') possessed by the queen. 



Examining, by a medium power of the microscope, 
the wax-yielding surfaces, as removed from a bee’s 
body, an appearance is presented not unlike that of 
B (Plate I.) ; but this is due to an underlying single 
layer of cells, which, by mutual pressure, are driven 
into irregular hexagons. After carefully removing the 
cells just mentioned, I find no evidence of structure 
in the discs, although, by their character of fracture, 
they are shown to be double, or to consist of dense 
faces, with softer material between. The cells, of which 
there are about 140,000 in the eight glands, when in 
situ are very closely applied to the external discs 

Fig. 34.—Portion of Wax Gland, seen from the Side Bathed bt Blood 
(Magnified 800 times). 

tr, main trachea ; n, nucleus ; o, o, o, oil-like globules. 

(W, Fig. 32), at whose edges they most abruptly ter¬ 
minate. They collectively form the true glands, are 
each about —g-t^in. in diameter, and contain a large 
nucleus and many small granules, the latter occasionally 
in movement; besides these, some of the cells seem 
almost filled up with oily-looking globules [0,0,0, Fig. 34); 
and it is also remarkable, that the part of the surface 
of each cell which lies next the membrane is raised 
into numerous minute prominences, needing for their 
detection careful illumination and the highest order 

i 5 6 


of objective. The greatest peculiarity of this cell- 
layer consists in the arrangement and abundance 
of its small tracheae (Fig. 34), which do not pass 
over the upper or lower surfaces of the cells, but 
travel between their contiguous walls, in such vast 
numbers, and with such repeated loopings, that con¬ 
stantly as many as five or six interpose in a space 
which cannot be greater than the aoV oth of an 
inch. The larger tracheae (tr), supplied from the ab¬ 
dominal air sacs, divide into finer ones, which imme¬ 
diately plunge between the cells, and there take a 
course which, in the aggregate, amounts to about 60ft. 
in length. This great need of oxygen for wax secretion 
is highly suggestive, and will make clear a difficult point 
when treating hereafter of the chemistry of the hive. 

Wax, like every secretion, vegetable or animal, is 
at first liquid. It is derived from the blood by cell 
action, and then, transuding the structureless membrane, 
assumes the solid form of the scale, which, if lifted 
when the gland is active, will always show that it is 
fluid beneath. While examining this question, I was 
struck by finding that the webbed hairs ( wh , Fig. 32) 
had their webbings in part or wholly covered by a 
perfectly fitting casing of pure wax, which could only 
have arisen by a transference of the secretion, while 
still fluid, to their surfaces. 

Turning our attention now to the wax scales, we find 
them to differ from the wax of comb. They are much 
more brittle and transparent, being not unlike flakes 
of talc. Turpentine dissolves them immediately with¬ 
out residue, whilst fragments of comb disappear but 
slowly in the same medium, which they make cloudy. 



Ether melts wax with difficulty, the scales for a long 
period remaining in it intact ; whilst comb-wax 
breaks up into minute fragments. When the bee 
is engaged in building comb, the wax scales standing 
out beneath the pockets, as we see them in Fig. 35, 
are removed, as required, by the pincer of the third 
leg (page 130), which is applied immediately against 
the body, with the planta (/>, B, Plate V.) turned 
from the tibia, so as to widely separate the jaws 
of the pincers, whose bristle teeth are now passed 

Fig. 35. —Under Side or Worker, carrying Wax Scales 
(Magnified Three times). 

adroitly beneath the wax scale. The two joints 
being brought into line, the teeth pierce the scale, 
which the leg in turn draws from the secreting 
membrane, to be transferred to the front legs, and 
thence to the mouth, where it is held perpendicu¬ 
larly, and laboriously masticated with salivary secre¬ 
tion, imparting to it the new and necessary quality 
of ductility, and bringing about the other changes 
already noticed. 


Huber and Hunter both remarked that the common 
idea, that wax had its origin in pollen, did not ap¬ 
pear to agree with observed facts— e.g., swarms 
placed in empty hives carry little or no pollen, but 
nevertheless build combs rapidly ; whilst the bees 
of old hives, which construct no new cells, indus¬ 
triously carry home the many-coloured pellets. 

Huber’s experiments,* intended to settle the question 
of the origin of wax, are too important to be passed 
over. He placed a swarm in a straw skep, and sup¬ 
plied it with honey and water, whilst so shutting in 
the bees as to permit of full ventilation. The agita¬ 
tion of the captives passed away when their hive was 
placed in a cool, dark spot. At the expiration of 
five days, five white and very fragile combs had been 
constructed. These were removed, and the experi¬ 
ment continued, as it might have been argued that 
the pollen the bees contained at the beginning of 
the trial had sufficed to yield the wax. After a 
further imprisonment of three days, and feeding as 
before, five other combs were formed. This proce¬ 
dure was repeated to the fifth time with similar results. 
The experiment was now reversed, a swarm being 
supplied with pollen, but not honey, and during 
eight days of captivity neither wax scales nor cells 
of comb were produced. 

Huber had not failed to note that honey con¬ 
tained both minute quantities of pollen and, acci¬ 
dentally, scraps of wax, so his earlier experiment 
was re-tried upon three swarms. The first received 

“ Nouvelles Observations sur les Abeilles,” 1814. 



clarified sugar syrup, the second dark brown moist 
sugar syrup, and the third honey. The results, as 
narrated, were remarkable, and I hope hereafter to 
test them, for Huber states that, uniformly, during 
seven consecutive deprivations of comb, the wax 
secreted by those fed upon honey was far less than 
that yielded by those receiving sugar, of which the 
dark brown gave invariably the highest quantities of 
wax; but these were subsequently equalled by maple 
sugar. It was thus established, that saccharine matter 
from the nectaries of flowers, a:s honey, or in any 
other form, was capable of .furnishing all the material 
needed for the production of wax. But let us not 
forget that comb building, even apart from the 
salivary secretion needed to make the wax plastic 
demands muscular and nervous wear, both occasioning 
a loss of nitrogenous matter and salts—especially 
phosphates—and these cannot be made up by sugar; 
which, as a heat and force-former, contains, like wax, 
only hydrogen, oxygen, and carbon. Physiology an d 
prolonged experience alike, then, show that the effort 
of_comb building is terrifically exhausting to the bee, 
unless pollen or a substitute is at command, in 
addition to sugar syrup, or even honey. 

It is unusual,~aS—prffviously observed, to find bees 
in the summer season without traces of wax in the 
abdominal pockets, but these are frequently so thin 
and impalpable that microscopic dissections alone will 
reveal them. I received by post, on October 22, 1885, 
a single bee, with a request that I would determine 
its sex, as it was supposed to be a queen ! I found 
it in all respects a genuine worker; it revived by 



warmth, and during five days was regularly fed 
on thinned honey.. Its liberal diet, aided by the cosy 
solitude I gave it, enabled it to secrete wax, of 
which I found, at . the “ post-mortem/' eight beauti¬ 
fully transparent scales. This little incident brings 
before us the external conditions which aid wax 

When a swarm is placed in an empty hive, the 
bees climb the sides, and gradually, and in close 
order, advance along the roof, carefully securing 
themselves by the hooks (anguiculi, page 124) of 
the front legs, in order to sustain the weight of 
lengthened chains of their comrades, formed by bee 
after bee hooking her fore feet into the hind feet 
of the one above. In this manner, the whole swarm 
will in an hour or so suspend itself in festoons, which 
are usually in part attached beneath to the neigh¬ 
bourhood of the hive door, in order that an efficient 
guard may be kept up, and to give ready ladder-way 
should any arrive with supplies. This arrangement 
complete, all is hushed in perfect stillness, no bee 
of the living chains moves, whilst a high temperature 
is sustained ; and now the abundant food with which 
each emigrant charged herself before she left the old 
home comes under the process of conversion, and 
the wax distils copiously on to the surface of the 
thin membrane in the pockets. Wax is noT -ch&mi- 
cally a fat or glyc eride, and those who have called 
ilT^the fat "of bees' ” have grossly erred ; yet it is 
nearly allied to the fats in atomic constitution, and 
the physiological conditions favouring the formation 
of one are curiously similar to those aiding in the 



production of the other. We put our poultry up to 
fat in confinement, with partial light, to secure bodily 
inactivity, we keep warm and feed highly. Our bees, 
under Nature’s teaching, put themselves up to yield 
wax under conditions so parallel that the suitability 
of the fatting-coop is vindicated. 

The wax having been secreted, a single bee starts 
the first comb, by attaching to the roof little masses 
of the plastic material, into which her scales are con¬ 
verted, by prolonged chewing with secretion ; others 
follow her example, and the processes of scooping 
and thinning (presently to receive detailed attention) 
commence, the parts removed being always added 
to the edge of the work, so that, in the'darkness, and 
between the bees, grows downwards that wonderful 
combination of lightness and strength, grace and 
utility, which has so long provoked the wonder and 
awakened the speculation of the philosopher, the 
naturalist, and the mathematician. 

The comb (Figs. 3 and 4) is constructed on a middle 
wall, or midrib (seen in the section at ab , A, Fig- 
36), which forms the bases or ends of the layer of 
cells (c, d) covering it on each side, and which are 
hexagonal prisms, in length somewhat less than ^in. 
The midrib B consists entirely of lozenges, or rhombs 
(/.(?., figures with four equal sides and two acute 
and two obtuse angles), of which each cell covers 
three, constituting its base, as may be seen by the 
double line representing the cross section of the cell 
sides. The rhombs so meet, with an obtuse angle of 
each in the middle of the cell bottom, that their edges 
cannot be joined whilst they lie flat, as their enlarged 




outline (r, r, r, C) in horizontal position shows. At B, 
each three is thrown into a concave form. From this 
it is evident that, if the cells on the two sides of the 

Fig. 36.—Comb Structure. 

A, Section of Comb (Natural Size)— ab, Midrib; c, d, Cells. B, Midrib, consisting 
of Three Rhombs for each Cell (Natural Size). C, Rhombs and Cell Sides 
Magnified Three times— r, Rhombs of Cell Base ; s, Sides; o, Obtuse Angles 
of 109°; a, Acute Angles of 71°. D, Cardboard Pattern, which Folds into Two 
Cells ; Lettering as Before. E, Rhomb Giving Ratios of Diagonals, ef and gh. 
F, Cross Section of Comb, showing that the Inclination of the Rhomb does not 
affect Storage Space. G, Section of honey- comb, Showing Curvature of Cells. 

comb stood immediately opposite, the concave bases 
of the one side would present the extreme incon- 



venience of convex bases on the other, like, indeed, 
the bottoms of those bottles which are made to look 
large and hold little—the very opposite of a principal 
requisite in comb structure; but equal concavities 
are given on both faces, by the cell walls of one 
surface coinciding with the adjacent edges of the 
rhombs, which diverge from the centres of the cells 
on the other (see A)—an arrangement easily under¬ 
stood by noting that the single lines dividing the 
rhombs in B indicate the lines of the cell walls on 
the remote side of the comb, while the double lines 
indicate the cell walls on the near side. The same 
fact may also be made apparent by piercing three 
pinholes through the several rhombs of the base of 
any cell, when these holes will be found to belong 
to three different, though adjacent, cells of the 
opposite face. Anyone really desirous of thoroughly 
understanding this, and the other points yet to en¬ 
gage us, will do well to make, in cardboard, the form 
given at D, where all the obtuse angles (marked 0 or 
o'), and the acute (marked a), are equal to one another 
respectively; the sides (s), if extended as far as the 
edge of the letterpress, giving the correct proportions. 
The dotted lines being half cut through, the form will 
fold into two cells thrice natural size, and in correct 
relative position on opposite sides of the comb, when 
the edge x will fall on i', and the other numbered 
edges meet as indicated. Designing a more com¬ 
plicated form, including two cells on each side, and 
cut out in one piece, is an interesting, and not 
excessively difficult, puzzle. Strips of gummed tissue 
paper will hold the cells in form, which, when mdde 

P 2 



sufficiently large, I have found extremely useful for 
lecturing purposes. 

Supposing that comb equals its ideal or theoretical 
form, Cramer’s* very elegant geometrical demonstra¬ 
tion shows that the angles of the rhomb must be 
such that their two diagonals ( ef, gh, E, Fig. 36) 
are to each other in the ratio of the side and diagonal 
of a square; or, to use Cramer’s less popular, though 
equivalent, form, the obtuse angle of the rhomb must 
be such that its half has for its tangent 2. This 
is only true of the angle 54 0 44' 8". The two angles 
of the rhomb are, therefore, double the foregoing, 
viz., 109° 28' 16", and its supplement, 70° 31' 44". 
Thence, as geometric sequences, the angles at which 
the sides of the prism (s, D) are cut at the base, in 
order to fit on to the rhombs, is precisely equal to 
those of the rhombs themselves ; and, further, the solid 
angle formed at the apex of the pyramid, by the 
meeting of the three obtuse angles ( 0, 0, 0, C) of 
the rhombs will be equal to the solid angles formed 
by the meeting of one obtuse angle (0) of the 
rhomb, and the two similar obtuse angles (o', o', C) 
of the sides. It is also true, that no other angles 
give these equalities, which every geometrician will 
recognise as affording the nearest approach to the 
form of the larva possible to the number of plane 
surfaces composing the cell. 

It has sometimes been thought that these angles 
gave greater space than any other; but this is an 
error, as F will show ; for here the actual inclination 

* Hutton’s “Mathematical Recreations,” or Huber’s “Nouvelles 
Observations,” vol. ii., page 475. 


gives no more room (if the material of the plate 
be disregarded) than the dotted line ( hikl ), since just 
so much as is taken out of the comb on the one 
side is added to it on the other. The real economy 
is in wax, for, had the midrib been flat, one-fiftieth 
more of the precious secretion would have been 

required; the midrib truly taking less, but the sides 

much more, as the part now cut off from each of 
them by the inclination of the rhomb must have 

been added. The strength, also, would have been 
diminished, while the shape would have been less 
suitable for the accommodation of a round-ended 
chrysalis. Maraldi, seeing the advantage of an 

equality of the solid angles, such as previously 
pointed out, calculated them upon the hypothesis that 
they really were equal, making them iog° 28', and 
70° 32', which is nearly accurate. To the same 
author w r e are indebted for a comparison of the 
results of theory with fact, by the admeasurement of 
the actual angles of honeycomb. These he states to 
be no° and 70°—as near an agreement as 
could be expected. Out of the details now given, 
by successive but individually small increments of 
exaggeration, a most extraordinary myth has been 
constructed, which, at last, asserts that Maraldi 
submitted the problem of comb shape to Koenig, 
and that his solution differed from Maraldi’s actual 
measurements , made from comb , by only 2min. of a 
degree (whereas Maraldi’s results were the outcome 
of a geometrical hypothesis). The story continues, 
that Koenig, being told of this discrepancy, and 
examining his work for a third time, found an 



error in the logarithmic table he was using. Cor¬ 
recting his table, his results came into exact agree¬ 
ment with Maraldi’s measurements. Some, like 
Lord Henry Brougham,* who shows much more of the 
advocate than the philosopher, have, in consequence, 
in a triumphant tone, asserted that bees have so 
absolutely solved a most recondite mathematical 
problem, that their work has actually corrected a 
mathematician's press error. A story such as this, 
once started, is certain of repetition, since, however 
absurd, it has some sort of superficial prettiness, but, 
like untruths generally, it degrades what it professes 
to exalt; so let us examine its claim on our belief. 
The difference of 2min. of a degree means a divergence 
so small, that two lines forming this angle would 
travel 144ft. before separating iin. from each other. 
The length of the side of the rhomb being barely 
-g-in., a divergence of 2min. on the whole length would 
be about tt soq^ 11 -, an amount so small that a -yin. 
objective would be required to give it visibility; but 
the field of such an objective is about -^-in. dia- 
meter, and in it not more than the tenth of each side 
of the rhomb could be seen at once, upon which 2min. 
would give only a distance which the mag¬ 

nificent quarters now produced, even under the most 
favourable conditions, would be hopelessly unable to 
resolve. The conditions, however, are most adverse, 
while the comb, as a manufactured article, is ex¬ 
tremely rough, and, under a quarter, as irregular in 
surface as the mud wall of barbarism. That Maraldi, 
with the poor appliances of his day, did measure 
* “Tracts, Mathematical and Scientific.” Griffin, Glasgow, 1866. 



the angles of comb to minutes of a degree, needs 
no contradiction. 

The story is not distortion ; it is simple fable—a 
fitting companion to “ Jack and the Bean Stalk,” 
et hoc genus omne. But the whole thing is made 
the more preposterous by the inexactitude of comb 
itself. Careful measurements of the finest pieces 
I have discovered, built with every advantage for 
securing regularity, have shown that every cell is 
far from geometrically accurate. It is difficult to find 
a hexagon presenting errors of less than 3deg. or 
4deg. in its angles, or, on an average, a distortion 
more than a hundredfold as great as the 2min. in 

But because comb presents irregularities, must we 
think less of it, or the little creature that moulds it, 
or of the frame of nature of which the latter forms a 
part ? Assuredly not; for if comb, to be perfect, 
needed that kind of perfection which defective 
reasoning, and an imperfect acquaintance with facts, 
would have us to believe it to possess, then the incli¬ 
nation of the brood cells (Fig. 4), and curvature of 
the honey cells (G, Fig. 36), suiting them so much 
better to their purpose, would have been impossible; 
and equally so, amidst many others, the fluctuations 
in form to suit the character of the bee domicile, or 
irregular transition cells to mingle drone comb with 
worker. The instinct of the bee transcends the 
mathematical solution that has been demanded in 
achieving its true aim, which is economic. All 
Nature, apart from the mystery of life, solves every¬ 
thing mathematically. The cricket ball flying from 


the bat of the tyro, the spray from the maiden’s mop, 
the tiny soap-bubbles of the laundress’s lather, as 
much conform to perfect mathematical solution as 
the path of a comet or the form of a star. One 
November morning, about twenty years since, in my 
early bee-keeping days, I found a skep turned over 
on the ground, whither it had been knocked by the 
scamper of a would-be burglar, who had to make his 
escape before a vigilant representative of the law. 
The bees, half benumbed, were crawling over their 
combs, which showed but too plainly that they were 
broken from their attachments. The difficulty was 
beyond my powers. Now I should run a skewer 
through the skep, and thread the combs upon it with¬ 
out removing them, but then I judged it best to lift 
the combs as nearly as possible to the perpendicular, 
put little wooden props between, place the floor¬ 
board over all, and turn to the erect position, 
hoping for the best; but, alas ! the latter operation 
was followed by a sound which filled me with dismay 
—the combs had fallen ! I studiously fed, the bees 
lived on, and, in the end, did well. But, by early 
spring, their combs were a study. One was flat on 
the bottom board, and was channelled beneath, 

until it gave passage way in every direction. The 
others, half down, were propped, and gnawed, and 

repaired in such a way that their utility was not 

much lessened; while, from the roof, new combs 
were made to descend and join in sweeps into 

their obliquity. I repeat, the mythic measurements 
of Maraldi would degrade bee architecture. The very 
atoms with which life deals yield mathematical results 



always, but life so mingles and co-ordinates these 
that the mathematics is masked, while her purposes 
are secured. 

Notwithstanding the absence of mathematical uni¬ 
formity in comb, it is manifestly a disposition of 
parts of all others best calculated to afford a 
maximum of strength with a minimum of labour, and 
the greatest space for each cell, the quantity of 
material being considered. On a plane surface, 
where a number of small and similar spaces are 
to be divided off by partitions, the hexagonal form 
is the one which comprehends the largest area com¬ 
patible with the extent of the lines which inclose 

Fig. 37.—Worker’s Jaw (Magnified Twenty-four times). 
gf-rn, Great Flexor Muscle; a, Cutting Edge; sc, Wax Scales. 

it; for the equilateral triangle, the square, and the 
hexagon, are the only regular figures which admit of 
being joined without interstices, and the proportion 
of the area to the periphery of every regular polygon 
increases as the figure consists of a greater number 
of sides, and is, therefore, greater in the hexagon 
than in either of the other two; besides, either a 
triangular or square cell would form a most unsuit¬ 
able nest for a chrysalis with a round body. 

But it is time that we endeavoured to understand 
the manner in which the little artificer proceeds with 
the wax which we have already seen attached to the 

7 o 


hive roof. She has jaws with a smooth edge ( a , 
Fig. 37), for scooping and moulding, and the closed 
maxillae, with their polished surface, for a trowel. 

As the burrowing wild bee chips out a hole circular 
in cross section, to admit her body, so the wax-worker 
carves into her wax, placing the material removed 
upon the edge of the little pitting that increases 
before her : but two points are accomplished of 
which no good explanation can be given; first, that 
the workers so place themselves that the concavity 
made by one interferes with that made by her next 
neighbour; and, second, that, when carving from both 
sides, the scraping and thinning stops before an actual 
hole is driven through. This mutual interference 
forms into hexagons, cells that are always circular in 
outline at the beginning. Let us try an experiment, 
the apparatus for which is found in every home. A 
floating soap-bubble is perfectly globular, because the 
tension of the soap film covers the contained air by a 
pellicle of the smallest possible area; but if we trans¬ 
fer the bubble to the surface of a saucer, its own 
gravity flattens one side. Giving it now a companion, 
the two will convert their films, where united, into a 
perfectly flat wall, because the equal tension on its 
two sides will throw the opposing curves into a path 
between them. So two bees scooping in contiguous 
cells, or one bee scooping alternately in two cells, 
will, as the resultant of two opposite curves, produce 
a straight side. Let us add to our two soap bubbles 
five others, so that one occupies the centre, while six 
surround it. Now, in cross section the central bubble 
is perfectly hexagonal, while all contiguous walls are 


flat, and those that are free curved, just as we dis¬ 
cover them to be in honeycomb, where every free 
wall at the edge of the comb runs in a sweep, al¬ 
though partisans, like Lord Brougham, by example, 
state the contrary. It has been advanced, in opposi¬ 
tion to this view of interference, that the outside cells 
of the paper-nests of some wasps are angular; but, 
as Darwin* hints, this is capable of explanation, and 
I submit that it is clearly due to the necessary work¬ 
ing on both sides in alternation of three radiating 
walls, and really lends confirmation to the position I 
am arguing. To return to our bubbles. If a second 
layer be placed over the first, not only will they be 
hexagonal in cross section, but the superposed parts 
of the two layers will frame themselves into rhombs 
disposed in all respects like those of ideal comb. The 
geometrical relations which embellish the wax tracery 
of the bee are the necessary result of her mode of 
proceeding. And mathematics is no more her endow¬ 
ment than it is that of the soap and water we have 
been considering. These wonders come because the 
whole creation is founded and sustained by the great 
Geometer, whose laws of weight and measure neither 
falter nor vary, so that, for the advantage of man, 
the experience and observation of the past make him 
the prophet of the future. 

The costliness of wax to the bee, since it can only 
be produced at the expense of many times its own 
weight of honey or sugar, has led to great economy, 
xlb. of it being moulded into 35,000 worker cells 
in a case I carefully examined ; but an American 
* “ Origin of Species,” chapter vii., “ Cell-making Instinct.” 



writer states that he has noted 50,000 cells framed 
from the same weight. The scraping is continued 
until the walls are surprisingly thin ; those surround¬ 
ing the cells I never found thicker than -g-g^-in., while 
some are only x^-in. The rhombs vary greatly, and 
are stouter, reaching xg^-in. in some cases. Bees 
will, under certain conditions, employ in comb build¬ 
ing shreds of wax which they have not secreted ; 
and it is their habit to use up all nibblings and 
scraps from neighbouring combs, so that a new 
structure built between two old ones, containing 
hatching brood, will be brown from the first, instead 
of daintily white, the microscope showing it to 
be not only full of the old cappings once lying over 
the chrysalids, but to contain their cocoons, crossing 
and recrossing in countless silken threads, while 
pollen grains abound, a contamination from which 
not even the cleanest super-comb is absolutely free. 

The colour of a queen cell (A, B, Fig. 3) always 
resembles that of the comb on which it is built, or by 
which it is surrounded, because it is mainly made of 
scraps, and for it little or no new wax is secreted. 
Almost any material seems to be pressed into the 
service, so that its great mass be made up, careful 
searching generally being rewarded by finding, between 
its layers, some of the cast skins of the contained 
larva, which, though small, seem too useful to be 
wasted. Brougham, having dissolved a queen cell in 
“ terebinthine ” (turpentine), was sorely puzzled by 
(“ Les Pellicules ”) the cast skins (see page 34), which 
he did not understand, and for which he could not 
account; but we must not dismiss the queen cell 


without noticing its salient peculiarities. It is circular— 
the typical form—in cross section, because it is built 
alone, and is made to grow with the growth of the 
grub it contains; and even if it have a companion 
(for reasons given under Queen Raising), such cannot 
be started so near that interference is possible ; and 
as it is deprived of surrounding support, and exposed 
to unusual strain—havitig to bear a cluster of bees 
crowding round to give “ royal jelly,” and maintain 
temperature—great strength is a necessity, and so 
the economic labourers, that pare down worker cells 
to the utmost limit, heap on material till it attains 
forty or fifty times the thickness they ordinarily 
allow. Yet their scooping instinct does not desert 
them, as they pit the queen cell over every part of 
its surface—an operation which saves material without 
decreasing rigidity. But what is it that so perfectly 
counterfeits mechanical wisdom, and prevents them 
continuing this pitting to the limit reached in building 
worker cells, which would inevitably wreck the nursing 
cradle of their future queen, and so, perhaps, abso¬ 
lutely deprive them of all hope of a successor to a 
lost mother ? 

Liquid dyes kept within worker or drone cells for 
weeks, have not, in any case, stained water lying in 
the surrounding ones, which I have never found 
other than perfect, notwithstanding the extreme thin¬ 
ness of the walls. The bees labour at both sides of the 
latter, not only scraping the shreds, but rubbing them 
into complete union with their maxillae, and this will 
account for their freedom from faults; but observation 
has led me to form a different opinion of the sealing 

i 7 4 


of honey-cells, which in former years I described as 
air-tight. Most bee-keepers have noted that snow- 
white sealed honey, if kept in a damp place, changes 
colour, the sealing appearing to grow transparent, 
and the honey itself not infrequently weeping. By 
experiments and a microscopic examination, I have 
made evident that former ideas were inaccurate, and 
that not more than io per cent, at most of the sealing 
of honey is absolutely impervious to air. To extract 

a c B 

Fig. 38.—Cappings op Cells, Various. 

A Sealing of Brood Cell (Magnified Thirty-five times)— c, Cocoon ; w, Wall of Cell. 
B Sealing of Honey Cell (Magnified Thirty-five times)—a, Sealing outside; 
h,' Honey; w, Wall of Cell, Intervening Air left Black. C, Sealing of Brood 
Deprived of Wax Shreds to show Cocoon, Debris, and Pollen Grains (Spot lens, 
Magnified 200 times). 

honey {see Extraction), it is necessary to shave off 
the sealing; and if this be done skilfully, the wax 
is removed so free from honey as to show at once 
that the covers have never been in contact with the 
cell contents. By consulting B (Fig. 38), we shall 
see the reason of this. The horizontal position of 
the cells prevents their being perfectly filled first 
and covered afterwards ; but the bees, when the cell 



is approaching fulness, cap its lower part, then add 
honey, and increase the cover, placing shred upon 
shred, after the manner a turf wall is built, until 
the process is complete; no smoothing by the bur¬ 
nishing action of the maxillae on the inner side is 
possible, and so the air (left black in the figure) inter¬ 
vening between the irregular tape-like shreds cannot 
escape, and at the close forms a layer between the 
honey and its cell-lid, giving increased whiteness 
to the cover, and preventing also immediate leak, even 
should a fault remain. The air being cut through 
in uncapping, the caps are removed dry. Steeping 
in water for three days a well-finished super contain¬ 
ing about 780 cells, all but forty-nine revealed that 
they were defective, by losing their opaque whiteness; 
for the honey had absorbed water, and was now in 
contact with the inner wall. The practical import 
of this observation will hereafter come before us; 
but I must, at the moment, remark that the demand 
for very thin capping, which one or two English 
"judges” have made, is not wise, while the reason 
they have given for preferring it is an error as to 

Although the bee aims at compact coverings for her 
honey, the sealing of her brood is made porous for 
an object (as stated at pages 21 and 22), and, when 
magnified in cross section (A, Fig. 38), shows the 
looseness of its texture and the varied character of 
its material, which is never white, and not even prin¬ 
cipally wax, only so much of the latter being used 
as will bind the scraps and debris into oneness. On 
the back, the cocoon threads ( c ) are seen catching 

: 7 6 


on to the prominences of the wax shreds or pollen 
grain. One of these covers (from a drone cell by 
preference), if washed in benzole, so as to dissolve 
out the wax, and then mounted in the usual way 
on a slip, forms a very interesting microscopic 
object, especially for the spot lens, since this shows 
the cocoon as bright golden threads on a black 
ground (C). 

The most puzzling of all variations remains to be 
noticed, for no observer has discovered even the key 
to the gauging of the dimensions of the cell by the 
wax worker. It cannot be put in evidence that the 
size of her body or head, or reach of her jaws, 
determines it, for, under certain conditions which are 
perfectly uniform, she discards the -g-in. diameter, and 
starts constructing cells ^ of an inch between the 
parallel sides, and these are used for the storing of 
honey or the raising of drones, and so are commonly 
called drone cells. The statement, many times made, 
that twenty-five and sixteen of these respectively cover 
a square inch is erroneous, as the outline is not 
square, the correct numbers being as below: 




No. on Sq. 

Side of 

No. on Sq. 
Ft. on One 
Side of 

No. on Sq. 
Ft. on Both 
Sides of 

Worker cell .. 

Drone cell .. .. 








The change 

of size, 

so mysterious 

in its 


cannot be made without disturbing the interfitting of 
the hexagons, the difficulty being met by the con- 



struction of so-called “ transition ” cells. The name is 
misleading, and based on a misconception, for bees 
pass at once from worker to drone, or vice versd, 
and then build accommodation cells as necessity 
determines, until the regularity of the new pattern 
is established. It is singular that the form given to 
these irregular cells, in all the books I have yet 
seen, is such as no bee ever did or could con¬ 
struct, as it contains an acute angle bounded by 
straight lines to the angular point. This matter is 
not unimportant, for, if the books be believed in, 

A, Impossible Cell—/, Angular Point 61° ; h. Head of Bee (Natural Size). B, 
Comb, with Accommodation Cells—a, Normal Worker Cell; b , Pseudo-Cell; 
c. Oval Cell; d, Normal Drone Cell; e. Truncated Angle, giving Room for 
Bee’s Head. 

the manner of cell elaboration cannot be understood. 
Even Langstroth, to whom the debt of apiculture is 
very great, has an illustration of the intermediate 
cell with a prolonged internal angle of 62°, which a 
number of English writers have improved (?) to 51 0 , 
whereas about ioo° is the limit the bee can reach. By 
giving a copy (A, Fig. 39) of the cell (Fig. 48) of 
Langstroth, into which I insert a bee’s head ( h), of 
the natural size, the mistake becomes evident; for 
how could this bee bring her jaws and maxillae into 




the corner (f) 7 as, for reasons previously given, she 
must, and that, too, from the very position in which 
we have placed her, if the straight boundary lines 
are to be modelled. The orthodox accommodation 
cell, which , is really partially double, is seen 
(Fig. 3) above two unsealed drone larvas, and 
in it the septem is not continued to the top. A 
few somewhat irregular forms, in addition to such 
a one, will enable the bees to pass completely 
from one size to the other. But even where the 
greatest difficulties are presented, no angles of less 
than ioo° are found— e.g., in B, Fig. 39, made from 
a tracing of actual comb, constructed from pieces of 
drone and worker, placed near to each other, for the 
industrious little insects to repair and join ; a few 
irregular cells are made to complete the accommoda¬ 
tion, the impossible angular point, of course, not trans¬ 
piring. The nearest approach to an angle lies at e, 
where the width of the bee's head determines the 
obtuseness, while at b the cell is only a depression, 
not extending to the midrib, because its small size 
prevents the entrance of the worker’s body. Such a 
cell fills a gap, but is in no other way utilised. 

It will be at once remarked, that the normal cells 
in B stand between hexagons and circles. This is 
true, more or less, of all comb, which, if cut through 
in the middle of its cell partitions, shows these to be 
very nearly straight up to the angles of the hexagons, 
although some thickening is observable at the line of 
junction ; but the end of the walls, at the face of the 
cell, is always loaded by a rim of wax, which converts 
the mouth into an approximate circle. This thicken- 



ing of the rim exists in cells at all stages of their 
progress, since the scraped-off wax is continually 
added to the edge of the work. As this is reduced, 
by being drawn out for lengthening the cell wall, it 
is augmented by new supplies from the wax pockets 
of the workers. The constancy of these thickenings 
is essential to impart strength, permitting the clamber¬ 
ing throng to support themselves without fear of 
breaking their own structure, which has its tenacity, 
when completed, increased by being varnished with a 
resinous body, called propolis, but whose qualities do 
not yet come before us. 

Fig. 40.—Details of Drone Cell (Magnified Twice). 

A, Capping of Drone Cell, seen by Transmitted Light. B, Capping of Drone 
Cell, seen by Reflected Light. C, Side View of Drone-Cell Capping (Section)— 
a, Sealing Pervious to Air ; 6, Wax Struts. 

The strain which the fragile-looking cells will bear 
is extremely remarkable. One pound of wax, built into 
35,000 cells, as before stated, will store 22lb. weight of 
honey; from which it follows, that the wax of a cell at 
the top of a comb, fully filled, and ift. deep, supports 
22 x 60 = 1320 times its own weight. The special 
manner in which the top cells are strengthened will be 
most usefully considered under the head “ Foundation,” 
in our Practical Section. But drone cells are less rigid 

Q 2 



than worker, in the ratio of 25 to 16; so that, in their 
case, a system of girdering is adopted, which greatly 
interested me when I discovered its existence a few 
years since. If a sealed drone grub be dropped back¬ 
ward out of its cell, by cutting away the base of the 
latter, the capping and its surroundings, as seen by 
transmitted light, give the appearance of A, Fig. 40. 
The porous and weak, but semi-opaque, sealing 
occupies the centre, while the angles are made rigid 
by filling up with transparent wax, which is done 
with such regularity that an exceedingly pretty star- 
like form results ; but the little engineers seem not 
content with this provision, so they throw webs across 
from the convexity of one cell to the convexity of the 
next, each web radiating in six arms, as seen at B. 
The utility of the arrangement as against downward 
strain is evident, as the strap ( b , C) clearly prevents 
any sinking. The illustration shows the almost 
hemispherical form of the c'ap, which, we must 
remember, is made by the bee outside the cell, so 
that the convex side is towards her. How this form 
is accomplished I know not, and my difficulty is but 
increased by learning that the contained grub gives 
no help by its presence within. While studying the 
drone, I cut, as I imagined, about a hundred of their 
sealed larvae from a hive, for dissection purposes. The 
cappings were fully as prominent as usual, but, to my 
astonishment, I found worker larvae within, and these 
only; and searching further revealed the curious fact, 
that the queen seemed incapable of laying a drone 
egg, of which more hereafter. The evidence of 
interference, giving form to worker cells is so con- 



elusive to the unbiassed mind, that I cannot help 
supposing that it possibly applies in this matter. If 
I ventured on a theory, it would take this form. The 
throwing up of the cell walls from the three contiguous 
obtuse angles of three adjoining cells produces the 
triangular piece (transparent in A), with a depression 
in its centre, and which an examination of every 
drone comb (store or brood) will reveal. The worker 
pitting these concavities forms the wax pieces which 
strengthen the angles, as previously mentioned, 
while their edges, naturally becoming prominent, 
furnish the six straps, by simple junction, when, 
between the latter, a comparatively flat sealing is 
thrown across. 

Pure wax is perfectly white; the propolis added 
as a varnish is the usual, though by no means invari¬ 
able, source of its yellow colour, which may depend 
upon some peculiarity in the nectar the bee is gather¬ 
ing at the time of building; but combs in which breed¬ 
ing has taken place are always more or less brown. 
This has been explained by stating that the cast 
skin of the grub causes the discoloration. The cast 
skin, however, is a delicate and transparent pellicle, 
and gives no colour to the comb. We have already 
learned that the toning is due to the residua of the 
bowels, plastered outside the exuvium, within the cell 
wall. This material at first fills the corners, as may 
be seen by examining cells in which one hatch only 
has occurred, when the angles will be dark, while 
the sides will be only very slightly stained. In this 
connection, Fig. 4 may be examined with advantage. 
After a few hatches, all angularity at the cell base 


will have vanished, and the cross section will be 
nearly circular—the typical form, again, to which the 
cells in this way are always approximating. 

The details that have passed before us, and of which 
hereafter we shall see the practical import, are 
many and various. Are any disappointed that, during 
their discussion we have deprived our bee of the 
mathematical laurels some would force upon her little 
brow? It cannot be; for surely we have not dis¬ 
graced her. Rather have we given her new honours, by 
disclosing adaptations and variations truly astonishing; 
while all that we have said has not removed her from 
the front rank of dumb artificers : for even man, with all 
his art, has not been able to give to wax equal beauty 
to that it yields at once to the simple tools of its 
own producer. Yet that which is brick, mortar, and 
wood, to the bee, must mainly strike us in its 
utilitarian aspect; for her combs are rows of rooms 
unsurpassably suitable for feeding and nurturing the 
larvae, for giving safety and seclusion during the 
mystic sleep of pupahood, for ensconcing the weary 
worker seeking rest, and for safely warehousing the 
provisions ever needed by the numerous family, and 
by all during winter’s siege. Corridors run between, 
giving sufficient space for the more extensive quarters 
of the prospective mother, and affording every facility 
to the busy throng walking on the ladders the edges 
of their apartments supply ; while the planning of 
the whole is such that the exactions of modern 
hygiene are fully met by air, in its native purity, 
sweeping past the doorway of every inhabitant of the 
insect city. 



Stings and Ovipositors—The Piercing Apparatus — 
Sheath, Darts, and Barbs—Groove and Slide Rod — 
Muscular System—Method of Making the Wound 
—Nerve Structure—Poison Gland—Formic Acid — 
Experiment — Poison Bag — Pump-like A ction — 
Removal of Sting—Sting Palpi—Lubricating 
Gland : Its Secretion ; Microscopic Examination — 
How Friction is Reduced—Queen Sting: Its Size 
and Modifications; How Planned for Removal; 
Why Curved; Often Atrophied; Development; 
Necessity for. 

But few of those interested in these pages have 
not, in times gone by, tasted of the potency of 
the instrument now to occupy us, and the remem¬ 
brance of its stimulating efficacy, apparently so out 
of proportion to its size, may quicken our interest 
as we investigate its structure, which we shall find 
as complex and remarkable, and equally as suited to 
its purpose, as those that have already come before us. 

Amongst bees, as well as the other aculeate 
Hymenoptera, the sting is exclusively the endowment 
of the females, and while its primary use is to 



arm its possessor, it is also probably helpful in the 
deposition of eggs. Anatomically, it is analogous to 
the boring ovipositor of the saw, gall, and ichneumon 
flies, insects belonging to the same order as the 
bee. Whilst the ichneumon deposits her eggs in the 
soft bodies of other insects (which must, of course, 
first be pierced by her sharp ovipositor), the saw 
and gall flies have really to cut, by means of rasping 
teeth, an aperture into leaves, buds, or even timber, 
so that the eggs may be inserted, together with a 
droplet of fluid which has a peculiarly irritating 
effect upon the vegetable tissues, occasioning the pro¬ 
duction of the galls, which are new growths, that 
serve not only to protect the larvae the eggs furnish, 
but also to afford them nutriment. When we call to 
mind the strange piercing power of the sting, and its 
venomous effect, we shall have no difficulty in accept¬ 
ing the statement that the difference between the sting 
and the ovipositor is rather that of function than struc¬ 
ture ; they are both situated at the posterior region of 
the abdominal cavity, the latter being usually carried 
in a prominent position, whilst the former is always 
hidden when in repose. Let us now consider the 
mechanism by which the worker bee forms the wound 
when she strikes. 

The piercing apparatus consists of three main 
portions—a so-called sheath and two darts. The 
former ( sh, A, Plate VI., and side view, E, Plate VII.) 
is a dark brown and strong chitinous piece, large and 
pouch-like at the upper, but narrowed and flattened 
considerably at the lower part, where it terminates 
in an extremely thin cutting edge, which is the 



first to enter when the sting is used. The puncture 
having been made, the sheath is held in the wound 
by two* rows, each containing three, or unusually 
six, microscopic teeth (E, Plate VII.), pointing back¬ 
wards, and acting like the barbs of an arrow or 
harpoon. The sheath has three functions: first, to 
open the wound as we have seen; secondly, to act 
as an intermediate conduit for the venom ; and, 
thirdly, to hold in accurate position the long darts ter¬ 
minated by barbs ( b, A, Plate VI., and E, Plate VII.). 
The sheath, so-called, does not inclose the darts 
as a scabbard, but is cleft down the side presented 
to us in Plate VI., which is below when the sting 
points backwards. This cleft at the upper part 
of the sheath, where the latter is oval in cross 
section, is just wide enough to permit the two darts 
to close it by standing side by side between its 
edges. But as the darts move up and down at their 
pain-inflicting work, they would immediately slip 
from their position, unless prevented by a mechanical 
device, exhibited by B and C, Plate VI., giving 
in cross section sheath and darts near the termina¬ 
tion, and at the middle of the former. The darts 
{d) are each grooved through their entire length, 
while upon the sheath (sh) are fixed two guide rails, 
each like a prolonged dovetail, which, fitted into the 
groove, permits of no other movement than that 
directly up and down, to which we have previously 
referred. At E, Plate VII., the dart has been 

* Mr. Hyatt, who has carefully examined the sting [American- 
Quarterly Microscopical Journal, vol. i.), has found only one row, but 
two always exist, although they are difficult to bring into view. 



forcibly dragged from its position up to S. The 
darts are terminated by ten barbs, of ugly form (D, 
Plate VI.), and much larger than those of the sheath, 
and, so soon as the latter has established a hold, first 
one dart, and then the other are driven forward by 
successive blows. These, in turn, are followed by 
the sheath, when the darts again more deeply 
plunge, until the murderous little tool is buried to 
the hilt. But these movements are the result of a 
muscular apparatus yet to be examined, and which 
has been dissected away to bring the rigid pieces 
into view. The dovetail guides of the sheath are 
continued far above its bulbous portion, as we see by 
E, Plate VII. ; and, along with these, the darts are 
also prolonged upwards, still held to the guides by 
the grooved arrangement before explained ; but both 
guides and darts, in the upper part of their length, 
curve from each other, somewhat like the arms 
of a Y, to the points c, c (A, Plate VI.), where the 
darts make attachment to two levers ( i, i'). The 
levers ( k , /, and k ', l') are provided with broad 
muscles, which terminate by attachment to the lower 
segments of the abdomen. These, by contraction, 
revolve the levers aforesaid round the points f, f, so 
that, without relative movement of rod and groove, 
the points c, c approach each other. The arms of 
the Y straighten and shorten, so that the sheath and 
darts are driven from their hiding place together, 
and the thrust is made by which the sheath produces 
its incision and fixture. The sides being symmetrical, 
we may, for simplicity sake, concentrate our attention 
on one, say the left in the Figure. A muscular con- 



traction of a broad strap joining k and d (the dart 
protractor) now revolves k on /, so that a is raised, 
by which clearly c is made to approach d — i.e., the 
dart is sent forward, so that the barbs extend beyond 
the sheath and deepen the puncture. The other dart, 
and then the sheath, follow, in a sequence already 
explained, and which G, Plate VII., is intended to 
make intelligible, a representing the entrance of the 
sheath, b the advance of the barbs, and c the sheath 
in its second position. The barb retractor muscle 
is attached to the outer side of t, and by it a is 
depressed, and the barbs lifted. These movements, 
following one another with remarkable rapidity, are 
entirely reflex, and may be continued long after the 
sting has been torn, as is usual, from the insect. 
By taking a piece of wash-leather, placing it over 
the end of the finger, and applying to it a bee held 
by the wings, we may get the fullest opportunity 
of observing the sting movements, which the micro¬ 
scope will show to be kept up by continued impulses 
from the fifth abdominal ganglion, and its multitu¬ 
dinous nerves ( n , A, Plate VI.), which penetrate 
every part of the sting mechanism, and may be 
even traced into the darts. These facts, together with 
the explanation at page 49, will show why an ab¬ 
domen separated many hours may be able to sting 
severely, as I have more than once experienced. 

But it is not the laceration from the sheath, nor 
the punctured wound of the dart, that makes the 
insect robber of honey so cautious, nor man so 
solicitous to conciliate the gracious favour of Miss 
Apis; for, when the worst has been done, we have 


a wound whose maximum depth is xg-in., and whose 
diameter is -g-^in., or less than of the area of 
that inflicted by a common pin. The sting derives its 
value, as an instrument of attack and defence, from 
the poison with which it is associated, and which is 
derived from a gland ( pg , A, Plate VI.) having often the 
astonishing length of i-^in. in the worker and ijtin. 
in the queen. In the former, dissection reveals it tra¬ 
velling, like two attenuated, nearly transparent threads, 
over the outside of the chyle stomach, while its ends 
are swollen into forms resembling the plumber’s iron. 
These are full of curious dotted cells, containing 
granular matter, and are abundantly supplied with 
tracheae. The bifid gland unites at some distance 
from the poison sac ( ps ). Its structure (H, Plate VII.) 
is in the divided portion intracellular, and the duct- 
lets of the cells (I) may be brought into view by treat¬ 
ment with liquor potassa. 

The poison it secretes is formed from the blood by 
cell-elaboration and transformation, and its active 
principle seems to be formic acid, probably associated 
with some other toxic agent. If a bee be made to 
sting a piece of paper stained with litmus, which 
is a common test for acids, the dye is immediately 
reddened. On this account, ammonia is often recom¬ 
mended to allay the irritation a sting causes, as it 
is argued that the alkali must act as a neutraliser. 
Formic acid is poison to the blood of the bee, which 
dies by a sting from its relative, although it is not in¬ 
jurious if taken, in reasonable doses, into the creature’s 
stomach, as food mixed with it is accepted readily, while 
no untoward consequences are observed (see Diseases). 


The poison bag, of considerable size, is lined with 
epithelium, but is not muscular, as stated by 
Mr. Hyatt, its venom being driven from it by the 
play of the muscles giving activity to the' apparatus, 
and by a singular pump-like arrangement, presently 
to be noticed. Indeed, a comparison of the highly 
muscular poison sac of the wasp, which has no 
valvular appendages, with that of the bee, is highly 
instructive. The poison sac contracts into a strong 
neck ( pb , E, Plate VII.), which enters the upper 
bulbous part of the sheath, in which play the valves 
( va ). The walls of the sheath are double, with blood 
between, while it is into the cavity within the in¬ 
terior lining that the poison enters, and so bathes 
the back part of the surface of the darts, which 
stand in the cleft in the front of the sheath, as 
before stated. Since the darts present concave sur¬ 
faces to each other, they inclose a tube-like space 
(p, B, Plate VI.) between them, through which the 
poison passes downwards, towards the base of the 
wound, being driven forwards by the piston-like 
action of the valves (va, E, Plate VII.), which 
descend with the stroke of the darts to which they 
are fixed, and sweep the poison before them, ram¬ 
ming it onwards, when the end of the stroke is 
reached, by the valve meeting the lower end of the 
pouch. These valves are remarkable structures, and, 
with regard to them, I venture to differ absolutely from 
Mr. Hyatt. It will be remembered that the bulbous 
part of the sheath is oval in cross section. The 
greater diameter of the oval runs from front to back, 
and this space the two valves divide between them, 



one taking the right, the other the left, half. 
As they pass up and down in company with the 
darts, they never become absolutely clear of each 
other. Although one be at the top, and the other 
at the bottom of the stroke, they still, in part, are 
side by side, so that clashing or interference is im¬ 
possible. Each is formed from the dart, by the 
throwing back of two strong, parallel, chitinous, rod¬ 
like pieces, supported by a truss {tr, L, Plate VII.) 
above them. As the whole valve is necessarily 
narrow, the space between these rods is small. 
Above the truss we find a feathery expansion, in 
the form of a hood, which really holds in position a 
most delicate membrane — not represented in the 
Figure—really a bag, mouth downwards, the edges of 
its mouth being attached to the parallel rods, so 
that, when the down stroke is made, the poison, with 
which the pouch is always full, passes into, and 
expands, the bag, as a butterfly net is opened out 
when it sweeps through the air. Below each rod 
depends another membrane, semicircular in outline, 
and stiffened by numerous chitinous, branched thicken¬ 
ings, seen above va. These flaps, at the down 
stroke, separate from each other, and the better 
drive the venom before the advancing valve. At the 
end of the stroke, the fully-extended membranous 
bag, by its elasticity, continues to drive on the 
poison until its companion takes its place. At the 
upward stroke, the bag collapses, and settles on to 
its feathery support, which holds it in position for re¬ 
filling, while the depending flaps fall together. The 
accurate fit of the darts prevents the escape between 



them of the poison, which is constantly being 
pumped forwards, as we have seen ; but exit is pro¬ 
vided by minute channels ( 0 , 0, o , 0 , D), passing 
from the poison cavity to the base of each of the 
five lower barbs ; the poison is thus sunk to the 
lowest point in the wound, where it collects, so 
long as the sting remains, until the poison sac is 
itself empty. From all that has been said, it is 
apparent that the more quickly the attached sting 
can be removed, the better. A prompt brushing 
of the finger over it, or rubbing of the hand, if 
wounded, rapidly over some part of the clothing 
before more than a superficial puncture has been 
made, will usually dislodge the entering sheath ; but 
even if the sheath and darts have descended their full 
length into the skin, every additional thrust, although 
adding nothing to the depth of the wound, still 
pumps into it additional virus. 

The bee, quick as thought in the execution of her 
attack, nevertheless does not inflict a wound until she 
has examined the nature of the surface to be punc¬ 
tured, using a pair of very beautiful organs {p, p , A, 
Plate VI.), called palpi, elaborately provided with 
feeling hairs and thin nerve ends. She is never so mad 
with anger but that she has method in her madness, 
preferring animal to vegetable substances for attack. 
It is extremely difficult to get her to sting writing 
paper, and some substances (to be mentioned under 
Practical Management), applied to the skin, will almost, 
if not absolutely, save it from attack. 

The strictly mechanical build of the sheath and 
darts—reminding one almost of the guide rods of a 


steam engine—introduces a question which greatly 
puzzled me before I found its solution. If some of 
the virus, exhibited as a tiny drop at the point of 
the extended sting of an angry worker, be removed 
by a glass slip, and allowed to dry for three or four 
minutes, it will become hard, leaving a little promi¬ 
nence, as though it had been gum water ; and if it 
be placed under the microscope as it sets, it will be 
seen to split, by contraction, into lines, which rapidly 
travel across the field of view. Dr. Bevan* says : 
“ If the poison be looked at by a microscope, pointed 
crystals will become visible. These may be seen at 
first floating in the venom, and gradually shooting into 
crystals as the fluid part evaporates.” Careful experi¬ 
ment proves that Dr. Bevan was probably deceived by 
a defective microscope. He mistook, no doubt, the 
fissures for crystals. The object is a, curious one, and 
the experiment so easy that it should be tried. But 
to our point* How is it that this gummy body, insinu¬ 
ating itself between the grooves and tenons, does not 
quickly fix them together, and render the sting utterly 
inoperative ? Another gland, not seen in the Figure, 
prevents what some might consider “ a consumma¬ 
tion devoutly to be wished.” Its place is behind 
the ganglion ; it is much smaller than the poison 
gland, being about ^-in. long and y^-in. in dia¬ 
meter, and, like its companion, it enters a sac, 
which is the reservoir of its secretion, and which 
would be situated behind the vulva ( v ) in the Figure. 
The fluid it produces is a lubricating oily body, which, 
entering between the working parts, secures their 

* Bevan “ On the Honey Bee,’’ 1838. 



free play upon each other, while the sting itself 
has as little contact with the venom as a duck’s 
back with water. The extrusion of the sting brings 
forward this secretion, which emits the peculiar odour 
sometimes to be recognised if a number of bees are 
roused to anger. When the poison is examined 
through a good objective, the tiny oil globules which 
have been provided by the lubricating gland are found 
in thousands. Not only is the clogging of the moving 
parts prevented by this beautiful system of lubrica¬ 
tion, but that friction is greatly reduced which 
tells so terribly against long rods moving in grooves, 
especially such as these* only g - 0 * 00 in. in diameter, 
and fully 600 times as long as broad. And here I find 
the very highest degree of mechanical perfection 
is reached, by not permitting the rod to move in 
absolute contact with its groove throughout its whole 
length; for if the rods, at their upper parts (near 
c, c', A, Plate VI.), be torn from their places, they 
will be found to carry studs, or cogs, at regular 
intervals, which themselves only come against the 
back and sides of the grooves, so that they not only 
diminish the contact surfaces, but act as distributors 
of the lubricant—an antitype of the plan often 
followed in machinery required to act with great 
smoothness and precision. It must, however, here 
be noted, that good high power objectives are re¬ 

The sting of the queen differs from the worker’s 
in many particulars, although the plan of the struc¬ 
ture of both is identical. The worker uses her 
weapon at great risk to herself, for frequently, and, 


i 94 


indeed, generally, she loses, not only the sting and the 
venom gland and sac, but also the lower portion of 
the bowel, so that her death follows in an hour or 
two. The queen, whose individual life is bound up 
with the very existence of the colony, carries a sting 
which her instinct forbids her to use, except possibly 
in the sole case of contest with another queen. She 
may, by violent usage, be induced to protrude the 
weapon of offence, but never does she in human 
hands inflict a puncture. The instrument she carries 
is also especially planned to prevent the catastrophe 
which so frequently follows its use in the case of 
the worker, while she receives from it superior protec¬ 
tive power because of its larger calibre and greater 
length, the sheath being able to penetrate xg-in., and 
the darts ^gin. more, making together yyin., while 
the darts are -j^-in. in diameter. The sheath is more 
heavily barbed than the worker’s, carrying two rows of 
retrorse teeth, five or six in a row ; but the darts are 
occasionally plain, though more often provided with 
three minute teeth, which scarcely rise above the 
general surface. It will be remembered, that the 
venom escaped from the worker’s sting by tiny holes 
beneath the lower barbs of the darts. Since the 
queen’s sting is here practically barbless, exit for the 
poison is given by hollowing out the inner faces of 
the extremity of each dart into the form of a gouge. 
When a worker stings, and becomes—as a friend 
observed—quite unpleasantly attached to us, it will, 
if allowed time, generally carry its sting away by 
travelling round upon the wound, giving the instru¬ 
ment a screw movement, until it is free. The queen 


l 95 

has been known, when stinging a rival, to so free 
herself; and the form of the sheath presents every 
opportunity, in her case, of securing this desirable 
object. Its flatness and extreme hardness—for it 
turns the edge of the finest razor—causes it to act 
as a drill, so that, after a few turns, a large hole 
is made, and it is clear, for, when the sheath is 
freed, the darts offer no impediment. 

It has been remarked, that the decided curvature 
of the queen’s sting (q, F, Plate VII.), in contrast 
to the straightness of that of the worker ( w ), is in¬ 
tended to give her such an advantage in combat, that, 
while her sting is applied, her antagonist should be 
powerless to reach her, so that a queen duel may 
not be fatal to both ; but the curvature appears to me 
rather to refer to mating and ovipositing, as the ex¬ 
tremity of the sheath can be turned far more com¬ 
pletely out of the way through its deviation from the 
straight line, and the more so because the terminal 
ventral plate ( r ') is much truncated, so as to afford 
a recess into which it can be dropped. It cannot 
be doubted, that the possession of the sting by 
the mother-bee of the hive, at the same time that 
it is generally denied to all but aborted females 
(neuters), indicates that it has only a relation to 
some special phase of bee-life, which observation 
proves to generally transpire before impregnation ; 
and it is curious that, in the great number of queens 
I have dissected, a marked majority have had the 
poison gland atrophied, while the poison sac, although 
distended, has contained only a yellowish substance 
almost, if not quite, as solid as new putty, and which, 



of course, could not have supplied anything to a 
wound the sting might have produced. Coupling 
this with the absence of a special ganglion, such as 
we find in the worker—for the last ganglion is mainly 
required for the reproductive organs—the very secon¬ 
dary importance of the sting to the queen can hardly 
be questioned. 

The development of the sting during the larval 
and chrysalis conditions is extremely interesting. Its 
first indication consists in line prominences, or warts, 
found in pittings on the ventral side of the penulti¬ 
mate and anti-penultimate segments of the maturing 
larva [b, c, A, Fig. 47) ; but these are quite invisible 
until, by hardening with alcohol, they make their 
appearance beneath the external skin. These in¬ 
crease, and gradually assume the mature form during 
the chrysalis condition, at the same time that the 
segments bearing them diminish, especially on the 
ventral side ( b , c, B) ; ’ so that, although appearing at 
first on two distinct segments, the parts get fused 
together, and the last segment but three (d, A) of 
the larva becomes the last of all in the bee (d, C), 
the intervening ones being introverted. The residue 
of the disappearing segments is, at the same time, 
modelled into the various parts that are accessory 
to the complex organ, which, from the very manner 
of its formation, lies within the body, like a sock 
which has the foot turned inside the leg. 

However much we may regard the possession of a 
sting by a domesticated creature as undesirable, there 
is no room to doubt its necessity to the bee in a 
state of nature, where, in its hollow tree, or recess 


x 97 

in a rock, the avenues are wide which would give 
entrance to the robber. Even with the narrow door¬ 
way of a hive, bees are sometimes sorely worried in 
the fall by the persistent attacks of hungry wasps, 
that would overmaster any number of brave defenders, 
were the latter deprived of their poisoned darts. 
Man, by observation, and a knowledge of the habits 
of the insect, can nearly always successfully prevent 
or evade her attack; for it is too much to expect her 
to concede that the master robs by right divine, or to 
understand that he but levies a righteous tax upon the 
prosperity he brings by the refinements of civilization 
and the wisdom of his government—a failure in which 
she has been followed by some higher in the scale 
of creation than herself. There is, besides, a charm 
in overcoming difficulties. Man was born to conquer; 
he was placed in the world to “subdue it’’; and so 
the zest of successfully marshalling, at our will, a 
throng that could, if they knew their power, drive 
us writhing from their neighbourhood, is far greater 
(even though the profit might be less) than could 
come, in the absence of the sting, from the man¬ 
agement of— 

“ A golden hive, on a golden bank, 

Where golden bees, by alchemical prank, 

Gather gold instead of honey.” 

Man and bees alike live in a world where good and 
evil grow together, where the thrift of the industrious 
excites the cupidity of the idle, where meurn and 
tuurn are regarded sometimes as convertible. Let us, 
then, accepting the sting without regret, strive to learn 
the way in which, for us, it shall cease to be an evil. 



Function of the Drone — Description of Organs — 
Production of Spermatozoa—Development of Drone 
after Imago Condition is Assumed — Microscopic 
Mounting and Staining — Spermatophore — A rmor 
Copulatrix—Eversion by Finger Pressure—Glove 
Experiment — Extrusion of Spermatophore: how 
Accomplished—Fertilisation in Confinement a 
Failure — In-breeding Prevented — Survival of 
the Fittest — Death of the Drone — The Queen 
becomes Double Sexed — Parthenogenesis — Herm¬ 
aphrodite Bees : Reason why so many are pro¬ 
duced—Natural Selection—Drone Slaughter. 
BEFORE entering upon a detailed examination of the 
drone (Fig. 5), we should know something of the posi¬ 
tion he has to occupy. The queen—whose egg-laying 
powers have already come before us—on the wing, and 
when a few days old, mates, but never again, however 
much her life may be protracted. The drone at this 
time gives a sufficient amount of fertilising material 
to secure the individual impregnation of the multi¬ 
tude of eggs afterwards to be laid. To enable him 
to accomplish this, his organs are, in some respects, 



unique, and of most disproportionate size, greatly ex¬ 
ceeding those of even the largest Bombus , for the 

Fig. 41.— Organs of Drone (Magnified Twelve times). 

A, Organs Removed from Body, but in True Relative Position—t, Testes ; vd, Vas 
Deferens; vs, Vesicula Seminalis; mg, Mucous Glands; de. Ductus Bjacula- 
torius; 0, Termination of Organ; s, Sickle-shaped Scale, beneath which 
Spermatophore is formed ; ts, Triangular Scale ; b. Bean; /, Fan-shaped 
Appendage ; r, Ridges (Five-banded Piece of Swammerdam); h, Horns; m. 
Masque of Reaumur, or Hairy Membrane. B, Spermatozoa Developing within 
Spermatic Tube of Testes (Magnified 500 times)— sv, Spermatic Vesicle; n. 
Nerve Cells. C, Spermatozoa as they arrange themselves after Removal from 
the Body—a, Coiled Form ; h, Head ; th. Thread. D, Face View of Appendage 
/ in A—/", Fan-like Fringe. E, Organs Extruded ; lettering as A. F, Front 
View of Portion of Bean— s", Sickle-shaped Scale; ,sp, Spermatophore; ts", 
Triangular Scale. 



e gg-p r °ducing capabilities in this genus are relatively 
restricted. Since he has but one function, he is 
needed only during the months when swarming may 
be possible, so that, normally, in the winter he is non¬ 

The distinctive sexual organs consist of a pair of 
testes ( t , A, Fig. 41), communicating, by narrow tubes 
(the vasa deferentia, vd), with the vesiculse seminales 
(vs), which discharge, by their small extremities, into 
the large mucous glands (mg), at whose junction 
originates the ductus ejaculatorius (de), terminating 
at 0 —the beginning of the true organ of generation, 
which, in the condition of repose, lies outside in, and 
so within the cavity of the body ; while, in activity, it 
assumes the form given at E. 

The testes are tender, white bodies, slightly flattened, 
and much smaller in the adult drone than the ovaries 
of the queen, to which they are homologous— i.e., 
they are to the drone what the ovaries are to the 
queen. They lie within the abdomen, at its upper 
part, and on each side of the digestive organs. Sper¬ 
matic tubes, or canals, to the number of about 300, 
which open upon the vas deferens, make up nearly 
the whole of their substance. 

In the male chrysalis the testes are already not 
only existent, but of enormous size, equalling at this 
time, perhaps, the ovaries of the queen. They lie over 
the then blind intestine, toward the dorsal surface. 
Their canals are, at this time, filled with spermatic 
vesicles (sv, B, Fig. 41), and with filamentous sper¬ 
matozoa, many of which are endowed with a lively 
movement. (We must somewhat anticipate, by saying 



that these active threads are, really, the instruments 
of impregnation, and have to be transferred to the 
female.) As they lie, by tens of thousands, in parallel 
lines, undulating rhythmically through their whole 
length, they have, under the microscope, a most extra¬ 
ordinary appearance, which has been likened to a field 
of barley oscillating under a gentle breeze. When the 
drone quits the cell, the testes are still very large, 
and extremely active, and but few spermatozoa h a^e 
been transferred to that part of the body from which 
they can be discharged, so that th e drone is not 
at this time, nor is he for several subsequent days, 
fully fit to accomplish the purpose of his existence. 
But the virile threads, maturing rapidly, keep passing 
from the testes to the vesiculae seminales, which 
become now completely charged with them. It is 
by opening the vesiculae at this stage that spermatozoa 
are obtained in the best condition for the microscope. 
They are such wondrous objects that I will explain 
a method I have pursued most successfully in mount¬ 
ing them. Secure a drone (not newly-hatched), as he 
is perambulating the combs, open the body, remove 
the vesicula, break one end, and, with the forceps, 
apply, for a moment, the ruptured part to the sur¬ 
face of some glass covers upon which a small 
quantity of water has been placed (one vesicula will 
give a supply for a dozen slides) ; leave to dry, 
keeping from dust; warm in the flame of a spirit 
lamp to set the albumen, pour on each three or 
four drops of watery solution of Spider’s purple, and, 
after five minutes, wash, dry, and mount in Canada 
balsam. For critical examination with high powers, 



spermatozoa should be mounted in glycerin. If stain¬ 
ing be desired, a minute quantity of the purple 
added to the glycerin will accomplish it, as, in a 
few weeks, the spermatozoa will have absorbed every 
trace of the dye. 

To return. The testes, although retaining partial 
activity, shrink and flatten as the drone reaches virile 
maturity. The mucous glands, secreting a slimy 
liquid, give to the separate spermatozoa some cohesive 
power, presently utilised. The spermatozoa, mingled 
with mucus, pass continually onwards, through the 
ductus ejaculatorius (de), into the bean, where a 
mysterious arrangement of the myriad threads occurs. 
They fill up the bean (b), and their mass is now 
denominated the spermatophore (seen lying under ts 
in the Figure). The ductus ejaculatorius has walls 
of great muscularity, and, in the act of mating, it is 
one of the main forces for putting the organ right 
side out, so that it becomes external to the body. 
The rounded little white, and somewhat fleshy, part, 
the bean ( b ), is united to two brown, crescent-shaped 
scales (j), and two triagular ones (is), which are rudi¬ 
ments of the usual armor copulatrix of the Hymeno- 
ptera. The bean, and the remaining parts, from o 
to m, are surrounded by a membranous sheath, which 
remains intact after the expulsion mentioned above. 
The curious, bright brown ridges (r, A, and r', E) hinder 
the withdrawing of the organ during coition, and aid in 
tearing it, according to rule, from the body of the male. 
Below the ridges are found two membranous sacs 
(, h ), which are always more or less filled with air, and 
have been called pneumophyses from this fact. In 



repose these parts are bent and flattened, but when 
swollen they become hard and resistent, and take 
the form of divergent horns, which, as they expand 
in undergoing eversion, pass into and fill the bursa 
copulatrix of the queen—a recess on both sides of 
the vagina. If a drone (by preference, one caught 
as he settles on the alighting-board, from his quest 
on a fine summer day) be pressed between the 
fingers, from the thorax towards the end of the 
abdomen, his organs will be expelled, because the 
- air sacs are full, and the whole animal in an excited 
condition. They will then, wholly or in part, assume 
the form shown at E, and may be dried, attached to the 
body, and kept for subsequent study. This experi¬ 
ment will enable us to understand the manner and 
order of the extraordinary changes that occur during 
coition. Under excitement, indeed, the extrusion fre¬ 
quently happens to the drone without any mechanical 
squeezing, a sudden decapitation not unusually occa¬ 
sioning it; and dead drones, with the organs ex¬ 
ternal, may constantly be found about the apiary in 
the summer. 

The spermatophore, ovoid in form, gives, by in¬ 
terior pressure, a bulbous shape to the upper part of 
the organ, which lies loosely within its sheath in the 
cavity of the abdomen, and adherent to the body at 
the edges of the sexual orifice only. If a glove 
have one of its fingers turned outside in, the latter 
being then filled with some semi-fluid matter, such 
as paste, it may illustrate the action at the time of 
the accouplement. The junction of the finger with 
the hand of the glove will represent m, A (Fig. 41), 



the top of the finger the termination of the organ, 
o, while the hand will be equivalent to the abdomen. 
If we blow violently into the glove, the finger will 
be extruded. But, to complete the illustration, the 
top of the finger should have an aperture similar to 
that at o, by which the spermatozoa composing the 
spermatophore enter the bean. Repeating our experi¬ 
ment, the glove finger is not only extruded, but, as 
the extrusion is completed, the paste will be forcibly 
driven from its end. 

The drone is very blunt at the termination of the 
abdomen, which turns somewhat under, so that the 
orifice is inferior. By well-regulated finger pressure 
upon the internal organs, commencing from the 
thorax, as previously mentioned, the orifice becomes 
more external, and, rolling out its internal wall, we 
first bring into view a greyish-brown, rounded part, 
the thickly-set, short spines, with curved points, 
covering it, clearly indicating its purpose. This is the 
“ masque” of Reaumur ( m ', E), which is simply the 
side view of which m, A, is the front. The pneumo- 
physes ( h') now present themselves, unroll, fill out with 
air, in bubbles, as represented, and take up a position 
(h') in advance of the “ masque The process con¬ 
tinues as the pressure is increased, the fan-shaped 
appendage {/') now, like the last, turning absolutely, 
so that that which was the inside becomes the outside; 
and here, in nineteen cases out of twenty, the extra¬ 
vasation ceases. But in coition it is continued until 
the bean has become external to the drone, so that 
the spermatophore is lodged in the common oviduct 
(co.d, Fig. 42) of the queen. Let us now endeavour 



to understand why finger pressure is usually unsuc¬ 
cessful in completing the remarkable process. The 
theory I suggest appears to me almost conclusive. 
The force which determines the change now under 
consideration is derived from the pressure the drone 
brings to bear upon the sexual apparatus, by a 
violent contraction of the abdominal muscles. Sup¬ 
pose this equal to xlb. on the square inch, the con¬ 
tents of the ductus ejaculatorius, with every internal 
part, will be subjected to the same; but the muscles 
of the duct itself also contract with great energy and 
power, and, if equal in force to those of the abdomen, 
add another lib. pressure to the mixed mucus and 
spermatozoa within. The first mechanical force tends 
to drive the organ to the outside of the abdomen; 
but the second drives the spermatophore backwards, 
so that it is blown out like the pellet from a popgun, 
and then the aperture (0) allows to pass some of the 
fluid from the ductus ejaculatorius, just as air escapes 
from the glove finger after the removal of the sup¬ 
posed mass of paste. Finger pressure fails because, 
although it can fully substitute the muscular energy 
of the abdomen, it cannot give any equivalent for 
the driving energy of the ductus ejaculatorius; but a 
little practice will overcome the difficulty, carefully 
continuing to drive the body contents forward being 
all that is necessary. When the last step is reached, 
a sudden explosive effect is produced, which will soil 
the clothing with flying droplets, unless care be taken. 

The queen has no pressure within her abdomen, 
because she has now no gravid ovaries, and her air 
sacs are small, so that no opposition is offered to 



the large mass of material to be transferred. What 
has been said upon Flight will more fully explain 
the case of the drone. The more distended the 
stomach (and the male always leaves the hive, on 
a love tour, loaded with honey) the more easily is 
the extrusion accomplished; but it would be utterly 
impossible unless the air sacs were stretched to their 
utmost capacity; so that coition is impracticable on 
foot. This explains why Huber never saw the accouple- 
ment between drones and a virgin queen shut to¬ 
gether in a box, and why fertilisation in confinement 
—the dream of enthusiastic apiarists—has, to this 
hour, presented difficulties which would appear to be 
practically unconquerable. The natural laws against 
interbreeding shows this fact to be beautiful in its 
fitness. The queen is not importuned in the hive, 
and, when she flies abroad, the fleetest drone is more 
likely to succeed in his addresses than another, and 
thus he impresses upon posterity some part of his 
own superior activity and energy. The slow and 
weak in the race die without heirs, so that the sur¬ 
vival of the fittest is not an accident, but a predeter¬ 
mination. In previous chapters we have considered 
his highly developed eyes, meeting at the vertex of 
his head; his multitudinous smell hollows, and his 
strong and large wings, the advantage of which now 
appears in a clearer light; his quickness in discover¬ 
ing a mate, whose neighbourhood is to him filled with 
irresistible odours, and his ability in keeping her in 
view during pursuit, are no less helpful to his purpose 
than fleetness on the wing ; but the success of his 
suit brings the close of his career, for, quickly after 



the deliverance of the spermatophore, leaving his 
abdomen surprisingly flattened and reduced, the organ 
is torn from his body, in a manner respecting which 
we have nothing better than hypothesis (or reputed 
observation, which can hardly be regarded as either 
conclusive or satisfactory). His death follows, but 
certainly not so instantaneously as some have asserted, 
and the queen returns to the hive, bearing at the 
extremity of her abdomen the marks of her impreg¬ 
nation, as protruding shreds of torn membrane, to be 
dragged away, dried and shrivelled, during the next 
twenty-four hours. She is now more than a female; 
she has within herself the potency of the two sexes, 
and, during the term of her whole natural existence, 
she will be able to determine and accomplish, in 
time and number, within her own body, the mystical 
union of male and female elements which constitutes 
the act of fertilisation. 

The powers of the drone just described are, almost 
with certainty, not alone true for those brought up 
in the normal cells of their sex, the issue of a fertilised 
mother, but for all indifferently. Hereafter we shall 
more fully explain that the egg yielding the drone is 
unfertilised, so that those born of mothers that have 
never mated (drone breeders) are as perfectly de¬ 
veloped and as fully virile as the others. Dwarf 
drones also, raised accidentally in worker cells, or 
those from the eggs of so-called fertile workers, or 
workers which, although incapable of impregnation, 
have yet commenced ovipositing, seem not one whit 
behind the rest. Leuckart has claimed to have well 
established this fact for some drones produced by an 



Italian fertile worker, and which gave, with a black 
queen, some workers of the mixed race. In such 
cases as these, where so much is beyond the reach of 
actual observation, it is best to cautiously abstain 
from dogmatising, but the spermatozoa which these 
drones contain I have found perfectly indistinguish¬ 
able, microscopically, from those in the normally pro¬ 
duced insect. 

The statement that fertilisation differentiates the 
sex in bees—a matter into which we shall enter fully 
hereafter—introduces some of those curious freaks in 
which the parts common to the two sexes are dis¬ 
tributed, in ludicrous confusion, to one individual, to 
which the name hermaphrodite is alone applicable. 
A few strange cases have occurred in my own apiary ; 
but the most remarkable were sent me through the 
kindness of Mr. Thompson, of Blantyre, his know¬ 
ledge of the typical forms enabling him to detect the 
abnormal ones, which, no doubt, exist more commonly 
than some suppose, but pass unnoticed. An account, 
in few words, of three of these will suffice. No. i : 
Head—worker; perfect worker eyes, antennae, and 
tongue; Thorax—worker, except targum (back plate), 
which is that of drone; legs all worker but one— 
the right of the third pair ; Abdomen—completely 
drone in outline ; seven segments, sexual organ male, 
but actually accompanied by a rudimentary sting and 
small poison bag; sting partly developed on one side, 
and aborted on the other. Had died with the sexual 
organs protruded. No. 2 : Head—partly worker; drone 
tongue; one compound eye large, and rising nearly to 
vertex, other that of worker, ocelli set far back; 


Thorax—worker, but too wide to be normal; small and 
imperfect wings; very narrow plantae on hind legs, 
otherwise like those of worker; Abdomen—flat and 
wide, carrying imperfect drone organs. No. 3 : Head 
—drone, short tongue, and eyes meeting at vertex ; 
Thorax—wide, but of worker above; first pair of legs 
those of drone, the rest worker; Abdomen—like that of 
drone, but with only six rings. Some such bees as 
these alive is a desideratum, as their internal structure 
would aid in the solution of some questions of 
homology and development. 

Since the queen mates but once, it follows that 
only an inconsiderable fraction of the drones raised 
really complete the intended cycle of their being. 
Colonies of bees, left entirely to their own devices, 
will often produce in the spring from six to eight 
thousand of these males, which consume much and 
yield nothing, when perhaps but one, or at most two, 
queens raised in that colony will need fertilising. 
These facts, incorrectly interpreted, in the absence 
of a knowledge of the beautiful laws by which these 
matters are regulated, have led to the supposition 
that some other office was fulfilled by the drone, he, 
it has been said, being especially intended to maintain 
the temperature of the stock after the swarm has 
departed. It is quite fatal to this baseless theory, 
that drones principally congregate on the honey, and 
not on the brood cells, and that they often, in great 
part, leave with the swarm. But, above all that, when 
the queen has been fertilised, they are frequently 
killed as useless incumbrances, no longer to be 
tolerated, and the cooler the weather, as it slackens 




the honey yield, the more certain is their de¬ 
struction. Mr. Haviland* has, in a very thoughtful 
and well-argued paper, treated this matter. He 
points out that, “If hive bees were in the habit of 
producing, as most solitary bees do, males not greatly 
exceeding in number the females, then the queen of 
that colony which produced most drones and fewest 
swarms would leave most descendants, for a queen may 
leave descendants by her sons, or by any daughter who 
is provided with a swarm of workers ; and it must cost 
the colony far less to rear a drone than a queen, and 
all the thousands of workers who must accompany 
her if she is to have a chance of leaving descendants. 
Hence, indeed, until the chance that a drone would 
have of leaving descendants is far less than that a 
queen would have, the excessive drone-producing 
colonies would naturally be selected, and the selection 
of variations favourable to the colony might conquer 
those favourable to the species.” Paraphrasing, in 
part, Mr. Haviland’s words, it is clear that the mating 
queens of an apiary are more likely to meet drones 
from those colonies raising them in vast numbers 
than from those furnishing few. The instinct, then, 
of heavy drone-production is carried into the greater 
number of new colonies, an effect to be intensified 
at each swarming epoch, so that there is a perpetual 
tendency to increase the evil. It must, however, also 
be argued, that a large production of drones is, in 
one respect, favourable to the species, in that it 
minimises the risk of the young queen in seeking 
fertilisation ; for, the greater the certainty and prompti- 
* “ The Social Instincts of Bees, their Origin and Natural Selection,” 1882. 



tude of a rencontre , the fewer excursions with the 
object of mating will be necessary. The natural 
check is the loss which the horde of consumers entails, 
causing the colonies in which the instinct is most 
highly developed to die out in times of scarcity, or 
during the winter. 

It is interesting to note, that the very causes which 
have led to a development of drones disadvantageous 
to the species, has also produced an instinct for their 
destruction so soon as any chance of further normal 
need of fertilisation has ceased for the season. These 
pleasure-loving and lazy creatures thus come under 
a general proscription when honey, or, rather, food, 
is no longer yielded abundantly, for their evil day 
may be put off indefinitely, by giving their stock a 
constant supply ; and even sometimes when the 
edict has gone forth for their destruction, a favour¬ 
able turn in the weather, increasing the honey yield, 
will lead to their re-admission. But no sooner does 
income fall below expenditure, than their nursing 
sisters turn their executioners, usually by dragging 
them from the hive, biting at the insertion of the 
wing. The drones, strong for their especial work, 
are, after all, as tender as they are defenceless, and 
but little exposure and abstinence is required to 
terminate their being. So thorough is the war of 
extermination, that no age is spared; even drone 
eggs are devoured, the larvae have their juices sucked, 
and their "remains” carried out: a fate in which the 
chrysalids are made to take part, the maxim for the 
moment being, “ He that will not work, neither shall 
he eat.” 

T 2 



Parallelisms between Queen and Drone—Both Domes¬ 
tically Helpless—Ovaries and Oviducts—Homologies 
—Spermatheca : Microscopic Examination of — 
Leidy’s and Leuckart’s Observations—Movements of 
Spermatozoa—Parthenogenesis : Curious Examples 
of—When the Queen Mates—Exceptional Cases — 
Drone-breeding Queens—Drones have no Fathers — 
Dzierzoris Experience—Fertile Workers—Inevitable 
Conclusion—Appendicular Gland: Its Homologue — 
Spermathecal Valve: Its Muscular System — Name¬ 
less Gland—Number of Spermatozoa—Old Queens 
Breed Drones only — Number of Fertilisations 
required — Wasps—Fertilising Pouch—Egg Struc¬ 
ture—Micropyle : Uses of; and Origin—Ovaries 
of Workers : Barren and Fertile — Siebold’s Ex¬ 
aminations — Oviduct: Structure of—Prolonged 
Vitality of Spermatozoa—Results of Freezing 
Queens — Paralysis producing Drone-breeders — 
False Theories—Worker Egg a Misnomer — Develop¬ 
ment of Larva—Queen Cocoon and Exuvium. 

The surprising sexual development of the drone, 
and his extreme domestic helplessness, are paralleled 



by the queen (Fig. 5), which, apart from her faculty 
of reproduction, is almost in every point the inferior 
of the worker (see page 55). We have learnt that both 
she and her partner have relatively small brain de- 

Fig. 42— Ovaries of Queen, &c. 

, Abdomen of Queen, Under Side (Magnified Eight times)—P, Petiole; O, O 
Ovaries ; hs, Position Filled by Honey Sac; ds, Position through ’ which 
Digestive System Passes ; o d, Oviduct; co.d, Common Oviduct; E, Egg-passing 
Oviduct; s, Spermatheea ; i, Intestine ; pb, Poison Bag ; p.q, Poison Gland • 
st, Sting; p, Palpi. B, Rudimentary Ovaries of Ordinary Worker— sp, Rudi¬ 
mentary Spermatheea. C, Partially Developed Ovaries of Fertile Worker— 
sp, Rudimentary Spermatheea. 

velopment, and that the tongue of each is so short 
as to be unfit to gather honey ; that their jaws are 
not suited to comb-building, and that neither has 



wax glands; that the eyes of the queen are smaller 
and less prominent than the worker’s, and her an¬ 
tennae inferior, both in size and organisation. Her 
legs, though stronger, are less perfect, having neither 
pollen baskets nor pollen brushes; while the webbed 
hairs of the worker’s thorax—effective instruments 
in food collection—she does not possess; her wings 
are less developed, and her sting likely to be ren¬ 
dered useless by atrophy and inspissation of venom ; 
her digestive system is less complete, and her gland 
structures relatively defective, or wanting. Under 
the social instinct, she, like the drone, has been 
developed in one direction only; but here her facul¬ 
ties are more extraordinary than any to be found 
outside the order Hymenoptera. 

If her abdomen be cut open down the sides by fine 
scissors, and the first three ventral plates and the 
chyle stomach removed, we discover two very large 
organs (O, O, Fig. 42), filling nearly the whole of the 
inclosed space, which corresponds exactly to that 
occupied by the testes in the drone. These are the 
ovaries, and consist each of from 100 to 150 blind 
tubes, lying side by side, and gathered into two con¬ 
sistent, conoid bundles, by countless small tracheae, 
w T hich act as connective tissue. The ovarian tubes 
are, at the upper end, very small, and here each egg 
is represented by an initial cell (the germ cell), which 
passes on during its development, receiving first its 
vitellus, or yolk, and finally being .coated by the 
chorion, or outer skin (B and C, Fig. 46). It then con¬ 
tinues moving downwards, as room is made for it by 
the escape of the mature eggs at the lower, wider end. 


Egg germs are far later in making their appearance 
in the queen than are the spermatozoa in the drone, 
the former being invisible up to the time of the 
hatching of the queen nymph, whose ovarian tubes 
then are filled with pellucid globules, resembling those 
that precede the appearance of the seminal filaments 
in the drone testis. The eggs are of a pearly-white 
colour, and, during the time that queens are actively 
ovipositing, more than a dozen, in various stages of 
maturity, may be found in a single ovarian tube, or 
follicle, standing end to end, like the beads of a 
necklace. Of these, at times of activity, many will 
be ready for deposition ; but, in winter, the number 
in progress will be reduced to one-half, or less, while 
scarcely any in a perfected condition exist. Each 
tube emerges into the oviduct ( od ), the commence¬ 
ment of which is formed by the opened-out walls of 
those on the outside of the ovary. The inner tubes 
unite together at their lower edges, and so complete 
the cover of the oviduct above, forming beneath them 
a funnel-shaped cavity (the ventricle of the oviduct), 
into which each egg first enters in its passage from 
the tube in which it had been matured. The delivery 
pipes of these funnel-shaped hollows (the oviducts), 
uniting to form the common oviduct ( co.d ), are really 
very highly organised channels, possessed of curious 
powers of the greatest moment. 

The similarity between the drone and queen must 
here be remarked, the testes and vasa deferentia 
(Fig. 41) bearing, both in structure and position, a 
great resemblance to the ovaries and oviducts of the 
queen, these parts being, really, respectively the 

2 l6 


homologues of one another, as are also the germ 
cell (initial egg) of the ovary, and the sperm cell 
(spermatozoon) formed in the testis. The egg, as 
laid, contains not only the germ cell, and possibly 
the sperm cell—the male and female elements for 
the production of a new individual — but also a 
store of food (food-yolk), making up its mass, and 
supplying material for the development of the embryo, 
until it is capable of absorbing nutrition by the 
processes of ordinary digestion. We noticed, in the 
last chapter, that the spermatozoa of the drone, as 
developed, passed on to a store-chamber (the vesi- 
cula seminalis), where these sperm cells awaited 
utilisation. The homologue of the vesicula is clearly 
a globular pouch in the queen (the spermatheca, 
s, Fig. 42, and Fig. 43), which receives and becomes 
the depository of the millions of spermatozoa ejacu¬ 
lated during the marital flight. Again, at the time 
of mating, the spermatozoa require a medium in 
Avhich they may be floated into their proper desti¬ 
nation, and, to supply this, the mucous gland ( mg , 
Fig. 41) is provided ; it is into this that the vesi¬ 
cula seminalis opens, and, during ejaculation (see 
page 205), the mucous secretion and the spermatozoa 
are sent forward together. The mucous gland has 
also its representative, or homologue, in the queen, 
in the appendicular gland (Fig. 44) of the sperma¬ 

To return to the queen. Near the commencement 
of the common oviduct ( co.d , Fig. 41), which is fastened, 
by complicated attachments, to the fifth abdominal 
ring, we find the before-mentioned globular body (j), 



rather more than ^g-in. in diameter, glistening like 
burnished silver, because coated with the closest 
and most densely felted plexus of tracheae with which 
1 am acquainted. This spermatheca is in structural 
communication with the common oviduct, but the 
smallest roughness will break it from its attach¬ 
ment, and will frustrate any endeavour to discover 
how it is filled up and used. Should it, by accident, 
become detached, however, we may still study the 
exceedingly curious and complicated valvular appa- 

Fig. 43.—Spermatheca (Magnified Forty times). 
a, Space filled by Clear Fluid; !>, Mass of Spermatozoa; c, Spermathecal Duct; 
d, d, Spermatozoa in Activity. 

ratus with which it is furnished. Removing it to the 
stage of the dissecting microscope (see page 74), and 
surrounding it with dilute glycerin, we get glimpses 
of a contained membrane between the meshes of the 
investing tracheae. So far as I know, those who have 
studied this matter have failed to discover that these 
tracheae merely closely embrace the actual sperma¬ 
theca, and that they in no instance enter its walls; 
but such is the fact, and, by very careful teasing and 
cutting with needle-knives, we may so separate the 



multitudinous air tubes that they may be pulled off, 
as a rind from an orange. The sac itself (Fig. 43) is 
now seen to have beautifully transparent sides, giving 
faint indications of originating in coalescing cells, but 
having no discernible structure, except near its outlet, 
where it has an epithelial lining. Through its sides, 
if the queen is unimpregnated, we discern only a per¬ 
fectly clear fluid.* But should the queen have recently 
mated, the whole interior is densely clouded and semi¬ 
opaque, since it is perfectly filled with spermatozoa, 
which are recognised at once as identical with those 
previously found in the drone, and from whom they 
have been received and packed by a process we 
can only understand hereafter; but, as older and 
yet older queens are operated upon, the sperma¬ 
tozoa decrease in number, but, instead of being 
generally diffused, are gathered into a tolerably com¬ 
pact mass, which lies in contact with the aperture 
(c, Fig. 43), the remainder of the sac being occupied 
with a transparent liquid, as in virgin queens. The 
countless multitude of spermatozoa is arranged in a 
definite manner, resembling a collection of long tresses 
(< 5 ) combed out after recent plaiting, and as indicated in 
the Figure. The extremities of the motile threads point 
towards the aperture, while, from their upper surface, 
spermatozoa are observed to rise in different spots 
(d, d ), like microscopic eels, long and thin, curling and 
twisting with much grace, as they hold on by their 

* Langstroth, in notes at pages 126 and 213 of his book, tells us Leidy 
found a granular fluid, and Leuckart one that was clear. Leidy is 
certainly in error; while neither of these observers made, in any true 
sense, a dissection of the parts, since they merely crushed the sperma- 
theca flat, and examined the escaping matter. 


tails. After a few seconds, they lapse into quietude, 
to be, in turn, succeeded by others ; and, in a warm 
room, this curious set of movements will be long con¬ 
tinued, even though several hours have been occupied 
in dissecting the abdomen whence the spermatheca 
have been taken. 

Gently squeezing the spermatheca shows, since no 
spermatozoa escape by the duct, that it is closed by 
a valve, whose structure we must, by-and-by, study. 
The pressure increased, the delicate bag at length 
bursts, and a true microscopical marvel awaits us. 
The spermatozoa escape in tufts, consisting of hundreds 
of thousands, each of which is wriggling to be free; 
and quickly they are widely spread, curling and un¬ 
curling with a peculiar snapping movement, and with 
an energy that baffles description. Their powers in a 
few minutes begin to wane ; then, one after the other, 
they take a form closely resembling two 8's, one over 
the other, surrounded by a rather larger O ( a , C, Fig. 
41). When all have sunk to rest, this singular pattern, 
repeated with strange regularity, covers the field, 
though sometimes the threads take a wider outline, 
as the illustration makes clear. It remains to be seen 
by what means these spermatozoa are packed in the 
spermatheca after being received from the drone, and 
how they are transferred to the egg as required, and 
whether they are so transferred in all cases. But 
before considering the structures involved, it is well 
that we should direct our attention to the theory of 
parthenogenesis, or production by a virgin, which facts, 
observed half a century since, satisfactorily showed to 
exist both in wasps and bees; but the argument 



remained entirely constructive in character, until I was 
fortunate enough to establish for it an anatomical 
basis,* which not only explains the facts, but the 
structures which make them possible. 

Parthenogenesis, or reproduction wuthout fecunda¬ 
tion, by virgin and perfect females provided with 
ovaries and spermatheca, is no new fact in entomology. 
It received recognition at first in the earlier half of 
the eighteenth century, in the case of some virgin 
female silk moths, and afterwards in others of the 
Bombycidaa , all of which produced eggs hatching out 
both sexes. Later, an incomplete parthenogenesis was 
observed in the Psychidae and some nearer relatives 
of the bee (the gall flies), the virgin females laying 
eggs yielding exclusively females (the less perfect 
form in these genera) ; the process being repeated, 
during twenty generations, without a single male in¬ 
dividual presenting itself, or one case of impregna¬ 
tion having occurred. Indeed, amongst some moths, 
the male is at present altogether unknown. Nor have 
we at all exhausted our knowledge of these surprising 
variations from a rule formerly thought to permit of 
no exception; for, amongst other similar cases, in a 
species of Cecidomyia , a small insect, living, in the 
larval state, beneath the bark of trees, the larva is 
itself fertile, producing creatures in its own likeness, 
which at maturity tear open the side of the parent 
and escape, themselves to similarly give rise to another 

* “ The Apparatus for Differentiating the Sexes in Bees and Wasps. 
An Anatomical Investigation into the Structure of the Receptaculum 
Seminis and Adjacent Parts.” F. R. Cheshire. Journal Royal Micro¬ 
scopical Society, February, 1885. 



brood, until the close of the season, when true meta¬ 
morphosis occurs, and the adult form of the insect 
makes its appearance. 

And who, too, is unacquainted with the far too 
common, sexless, budding Aphis , passing through 
several generations, until perfect, sexual, wingless 
Aphides are brought into existence, upon which seems 
to be laid the task of continuing the race to the 
succeeding year. And, leaving the domain of insects, 
we meet with no less curious instances. Amongst 
the lowly Rotifers, by example, females are generated 
by virgins, and males by mated individuals. Nor is 
parthenogenesis unknown to the world of plants. Dr. 
Asa Gray gives, as an example, Caelebogyne, respect¬ 
ing which he says: “ Parthenogenesis is thus con¬ 
firmed, and is known to occur in most polyembryony.”* 

But it may be argued, that the queen bee is only 
capable of filling her office as a mated insect, and 
that, consequently, these illustrations do not apply. 
In the majority of cases, this is so. Ordinarily, for 
the first six days following her escape from the 
queen cell, she manifests no disposition to make an 
excursion abroad, although numerous drones may 
be without, floating in the bright sunshine; and 
even after this period, when the elements are un¬ 
favourable, through chilly winds or falling rain, or 
in the morning or evening, when drones are at 
home, she quietly stays within ; but, at the age 
named above, during the three hours or so which 
follow midday, when the weather does not forbid, 
and when the drones are executing their sonorous 
* Structural Botany,” page 285. Macmillan and Co., 1880. 



evolutions, the young queen, if prevented from 
leaving, becomes greatly agitated, seeking an exit at 
every point, until the drones are once more at home. 
If at liberty, she flies daily with increased anxiety, 
until the object explained in the last chapter has 
been realised, when, about forty-eight hours after, she 
deposits her first eggs, which invariably produce 

But exceptional cases often arise, and it is in har¬ 
mony with facts such as those before given, and 
which have long been known, that a queen, or 
mother-bee, is not doomed to total sterility if raised 
at a part of the year when drones do not exist, but 
that she, although later than at the normal period, 
begins to deposit eggs, which, however, are in no 
instance converted into workers, but invariably pro¬ 
duce drones, which must, of course, in her case at 
least, be generated parthenogenetically. Queens 
having defective wings, and so incapable of mating, 
are also invariably drone-breeders. Similarly, if a 
queen of the Italian race {Apis Ligustica ), which has 
consorted with an Italian drone, be placed in a hive 
containing English bees (Apis Mellifica) only, and 
which is itself located in a neighbourhood where 
Italians are unknown, all her progeny, both workers 
and drones, will, to the end of her life, continue 
pure, carrying their characteristic yellow abdominal 
bands, and a thousand other minor distinctive pecu¬ 
liarities; but should she leave with a swarm, or 
die, the workers will raise a successor from one 
of her eggs. The new queen of unmixed blood 
must of necessity mate with an English drone 



(allowing, for the sake of the argument, that 
her mother has produced none), and, as a con¬ 
sequence, the workers, her progeny, will partake of 
the qualities of the two races, exhibiting among 
themselves those variations for which hybrids are 
remarkable. But her drones, on the contrary, will still 
be absolutely Italian, again showing that, although 
their mother was impregnated, hep impregnation had 
in no way influenced their generation, or that they, 
as before, had a mother but no father; so that the 
eggs whence they came had in some way escaped 
fertilisation. Almost all apiculturists have had abun¬ 
dant evidence of a kindred kind; but it was the 
introduction of Apis Ligustica into Silesia, in 1853, 
which gave Dzierzon the first incontestable proof of 
the parthenogenetic production of the drone. Yet 
further evidence is given by the occasional appear¬ 
ance of fertile workers, whose existence has . been 
previously referred to, which, from their anatomical 
structure, are incapable of coition. These, never¬ 
theless, deposit eggs which, for reasons now evident, 
produce drones only. The conclusion cannot be 
evaded, that, in the genus Apis, where the least- 
developed form would appear to be the drone, the 
egg is already sufficiently vitalised for giving him 
birth when it has reached maturity in the ovary, 
but it requires the concurrence of the male sperma¬ 
tozoa to produce the female, the most highly endowed 
and organised of the sexes amongst the Hymenoptera . 
Our normally mated queen, then, according to season 
and the necessity of the colony, deposits eggs, either 
in the smaller cells, yielding workers, or in the 



larger, furnishing drones, because she possesses the 
extraordinary faculty of giving at will, or withholding, 
spermatozoa from the egg about to be deposited. 
Let us return to the study of her anatomy, for the 
purpose of unravelling the mystery of the mechanism 
by which this is accomplished. 

sp, Spermatheca deprived of Tracheal Coat; c, duct; a, a, a, b, b, b, Bight and 
Left Branches of Appendicular Gland; t, t, Duct of Same ; d, d, d. Nerve 
Connections; e and /, Sphincter Muscles; q, Muscle to Extend Valvular 
Opening; h, Muscle for Closing Valvular Opening; i, Ganglion Lying Under 
Muscle; 7c, 7c, Duct for Spermatozoa; l, l, Glandular Structure surrounding 

Taking a complete spermatheca, we turn it until 
it presents an outline not unlike the back of a 
man’s head, carrying a pair of large and prominent 
ears. The latter are the upper ends of the right 
and left branches of a gland ( a , a , a , b, b, b, Fig. 44, 
and ag , Fig. 45), which are of considerable length, 
and about y^-in- in diameter, and which are held in 



position by receiving very numerous twigs from 
the tracheal net (sp } Fig. 45) inclosing the sperma- 
theca. These branches pass down the opposite sides 
of the sac, and unite near to its aperture ( c , Fig. 
44). The whole gland consists of nucleated cells, 
surrounding a common duct (/, /), which runs from 
end to end, and enlarges somewhat during its course. 
Its type is very distinctly intracellular (page 77), 
and the different ductlets, many thousands in number, 
leading from the very numerous independent cells, are 
indicated in the Figure. Its activity and importance 
are further sh,own by the multitudinous nerve twigs 
and cells ( d , d , d), giving it general energy, and 
bringing its various parts into relation. The name 
“appendicular” appears to me ill-chosen, since there is 
every reason to regard this gland as the homologue 
of the mucous gland of the drone; “ mucous gland 
of the female ” would have been, therefore, more ex¬ 
pressive. New names are often confusing, so the old 
one will be retained during the description. The 
spermathecal duct ( c ), which is short, stiff, and 
slightly ribbed, points towards, but does not im¬ 
mediately enter, the duct of the appendicular gland. 
I find the disposition of the whole to be that of a 
valve, to which, and to these ducts, are attached five 
main muscles, two being sphincters (indicated at e and 
f). The latter extend upwards farther than repre¬ 
sented, their continuation being omitted lest they should 
obscure the structure of the valve before and behind 
which they actually pass. These sphincters are the 
instruments for respectively and independently closing 
the appendicular-gland and spermathecal ducts. They 



are separated by an intervening wedge-shaped disc, 
so that they lie towards each other, at an angle 
of from 30° to 6o°, and may be beautifully shown 
by polarised light. An indurated integument, pro¬ 
bably a chitinous plate («), is pushed towards the 
spermathecal duct, by the contraction of its proper 
sphincter ( e ), and in this work it is aided by the 
muscle h, which is one of two, whose tendinous 
extension is about 10 1 00 in. in diameter, or -^th the 
thickness of a human hair. These muscles would, no 
doubt, all remain tense while the insect was in a con¬ 
dition of repose ; but should she be engaged in 
ovipositing, and spermatozoa be required for fertilisa¬ 
tion, the muscle g, by contraction, would lift the plate 
lying above and between 0 and k , to which, by a 
complex tendon, it is attached. Into the cavity (1?) 
thus opened, spermatozoa would pass; the two 
sphincters at the same moment relaxing, an outflow 
of glandular secretion, as indicated by the arrow, 
would be ready to sweep' the spermatozoa towards 
their destination in the common oviduct, and all 
would be driven on by the appendicular sphincter 
e first contracting, followed in order by the second 
sphincter (f), and muscle marked h, when both 
ducts would be closed, and the repose condition 

A most remarkable adaptation here arises. The 
spermatozoa yielded by the drone are, probably, not 
usually more than 4,000,000 in number. It is, of 
course, extremely difficult to make a calculation ; 
the very highest estimate I have ever reached is 
12,000,000 ; Leuckart states that the spermatheca may 



contain 25,000,000 of spermatozoa. While not denying 
possibility to his estimate, I certainly think it far 
too high. Whichever sum be accepted as the true 
one, it is demonstrable, that economy in the distri¬ 
bution of these fertilising threads is of the highest 
possible moment, for, should they be shot forth hap¬ 
hazard, they would be exhausted long before the 
queen’s death, when she would be, of course, reduced 
to the condition of a queen that had never mated, 
and so become, like such, a drone-breeder: a circum¬ 
stance by no means uncommon—presenting itself, 
indeed, quite frequently where, under careless manage¬ 
ment, queens are allowed to fade out instead of being 
displaced. They may then, in the absence of accident, 
attain the ripe old age of four, or even five, years. 
Many of these ancient dames — discarded because 
they no longer yielded workers, or only a few, amidst 
many drones, and these produced in worker cells— 
have been sent to me for dissection, and I have inva¬ 
riably found the spermatheca quite denuded of its 
spermatozoa, or only containing such a miserable 
residue as to clearly show that the eggs could, at 
the best, be but occasionally fertilised. The economy 
we see to be so essential is secured as follows: The 
duct ( k, k) through which the spermatozoa pass, as 
extruded in detachments from the spermatheca, I find 
to be the centre of another gland (/, /), which seems 
to have escaped the attention of previous observers. 
This gland we may fairly infer to be excited to 
secretion by the presence of the spermatozoa, just as 
food excites our salivary glands to the secretion of 
saliva, and the stomach to the secretion of gastric 

u 2 



juice. Spermatozoa, thickly present, will cause the 
addition of large quantities of fluid, more widely 
separating them. Their absence (for this gland is 
most richly provided with nerve twigs, which send 
numerous loops to the muscles previously described, 
and to the ganglion, •/, lying under the muscle, g, 
and placed just over k in the Figure) will yield the 
action which will send a new contingent forward as 
I have described, and so they come to be paid out 
with some regularity. The necessity for this regu¬ 
larity will be better appreciated if we remember that 
a prolific queen will lay, during her life, 1,500,000* 
eggs (see page 83)—a number so vast that the eggs, 
lying in contact, end to end, would stretch about 
one and three-quarter miles. Deducting a few thou¬ 
sand for drones (for the production of which sper¬ 
matozoa are not needed), the remainder would each 
require an independent fertilisation, and, for this work, 
possibly, 4,000,000 spermatozoa, or even less, may be 
at command. In this connection, it is most interest¬ 
ing to note that the spermatozoa, in the different 
genera and species, stand in beautiful relation to the 
number of eggs deposited by the fertile female. In 
the queen wasp, by example, the fecundity is much 
less, happily, than in the honey bee, and so the sper- 
matheca is considerably smaller, the capacity of that 
of the former insect being only about one-fortieth of 
that of the latter, the spermatozoa being nearly of 
the same size. The organs of the male wasp are 
correspondingly reduced. 

# This number is much beyond an average; but it certainly has been 
reached, if not exceeded. 



I have found the channel k, k, to contain a mem¬ 
brane of extreme tenuity, only made visible with 
difficulty, and this is remarkably convoluted, after the 
manner of the epididymis of higher animals. Tracing 
the channel onwards till it perforates the side of the 
common oviduct turned from us in Fig. 42, or towards 
us in Fig. 45, a bifurcation is detected, with one 
channel, apparently wide and indefinite, which is 

Fjg. 45.— Passage Connecting Oviducts with the Exterior of the Body 
(Magnified Ten times). 

sp, Spermatheca ; ag, Appendicular Gland; a, Upper, and d, Lower Path for Eggs ; 
be, Bursa Copulatrix ; p, Fertilising Pouch; m, m', Muscles for Contracting 
Side Path. 

quickly lost by its becoming confluent with the lower 
part of the oviduct, whilst the other enters a 
central and curiously-folded apparatus ( p, Fig. 45), 
which, for a reason to be presently given, I shall 
denominate the “ fertilising pouch.” I have strong 
reasons for supposing that the path from the bursa 
copulatrix (be )—into which the male organs are 
locked by the horned pneumophyses (see page 203)—• 



and from the parts of the oviduct above it, through 
the deeply-folded pouch (/) to the spermatheca, is so 
involved, that it would not be possible for the sper¬ 
matozoa, by following it, to enter the latter when 
given up by the drone; but that, in the early life 
of the queen, the second wider and straighter 
channel to which I have referred, is fully open, 
and by it the spermatozoa, with their inscrutable 
power of self-direction, pass upwards, avoiding the 
mazes of the fertilising pouch, and packing them¬ 
selves for future use pretty much as they were 
arranged in the spermatophore in the drone’s body. 
The queen, if still unmated at four or five weeks old, 
becomes incapable of copulation, or, at least, she 
evinces no desire for it, which fact possibly marks the 
time when this lower passage closes, such closure, in 
a mated queen, forcing the spermatozoa, in descend¬ 
ing , to take their way by the fertilising pouch. 

If a central comb be lifted from a hive during 
the summer months, eggs in number will be dis¬ 
covered. If one of these be removed from either a 
worker or a drone cell, by means of the wetted point 
of a camel-hair pencil (for they are deposited with a 
secretion covering them, which causes them to adhere 
by the end, as at A, Fig. 46), its surface will be 
found, if examined microscopically, to be covered by 
a beautifully reticulated membrane (the chorion, B and 
C), almost as though a tiny pearl had been covered 
with what the ladies call blonde, many hundreds of 
the meshes of which are required to coat it completely. 
Arranging the egg so that we get a view of the larger 
end (D)—for which nothing excels a -|-in. objective 



and Lieberkiihn—we find the netting disposed in a 
radiating pattern, reminding one of the cordage over 
a balloon, which leads up to the strong ring at top. 
In the centre lies a single aperture (the micropyle) 
marking the point for the insertion of the funiculus, 
by which the egg was attached during its growth, 
and from which it separated itself when sufficiently 
matured. The minuteness of the opening does not 
prevent its being continued through the underlying 

Fig. 46.—Bee-Egg and Details. 

A, Position of Eggs at Base of Cells (Natural Size). B, Egg (Magnified Twenty-five 
times), showing Reticulated Chorion—c, Base attached to Cell Bottom; 
ma, Micropylar Aperture. C, Chorion (Magnified 200 times). D, Micropylar 
Aperture (Magnified 100 times). 

egg membranes, and giving an opportunity of entrance 
to the spermatozoon, whose rhythmic movements, as 
though guided by intelligence, conduct it to the 
micropyle when the egg passes within the fertilising 
pouch, on its road towards being laid in a worker 
cell. The wondrous thread enters, coalesces with 
the germ, brings about fertilisation, and effects the 
resulting sex, as previously recited facts force us 
to believe. The egg so impregnated yields a female, 


which will possess qualities both of father and 
mother; so that the tiny spermatozoon not only 
differentiates the entire creature, but communicates, 
unerringly, differences of species, or even mere 
variety. The spermatozoa from Cyprian, Carniolian, 
Italian, and English bees are to the most refined 
microscopical examination identical, and yet they 
contain differences which determine almost countless 
variations in form, colour, size, instinct, capability, 
and temper. In 1884 I made the extremely in¬ 
teresting discovery, that spermatozoa, when within the 
spermatheca, are subject to disease (see Diseases), 
and, in one instance, in which hermaphrodite (page 
208) bees occurred, this disease obtained in the 
queen. Examples being so sparse, and the difficulties 
of examination so great, it is not likely that this 
fact will lead up to any generalisation ; but it is 
most tempting to a spirit of speculation. If a sper¬ 
matozoon converts that which would, in its absence, 
have been a male, into a female, may not a defective 
spermatozoon only in part produce the change, so 
that a mixed gender results ? So far as we know, 
it is certainly in agreement with the evidence to 
admit the possibility. 

That the spermatozoon enters the egg is certain, 
for it may be found, if the latter be carefully ex¬ 
amined immediately after deposition. Siebold,* by 
crushing eggs which had immediately before been 
deposited in worker cells, was the first to discover 

* Siebold “On True Parthenogenesis,” p. 85 et seq., and “ Parth4no- 
genese chez les Insectes” (Annales des Sciences Naturelles, 4 me S6rie, 



the spermatozoa within. In some instances, he 
thought he saw as many as three that had passed 
the micropyle; but I cannot forbear expressing 
the opinion that possibly, or, rather, probably, 
Siebold has been in error here, since there is 
good reason for imagining that one completes the 
process of fertilisation. Positiveness would be much 
out of place; the whole investigation is so extremely 
exacting, and needs, for its successful prosecution, the 
concurrence of so many favourable conditions, that 
errors can hardly be avoided; the remarkable length 
of the body of the spermatozoon—about y^-th of 
an inch, which is more than 300 times its greatest 
width—necessitates many convolutions, and would 
make misconception easy. Whether we have seen 
only one or more, may, for the moment, rest; but 
the interesting point lies in this, that the most 
careful examinations made by Siebold, and which I 
have confirmed by prolonged observations, show that 
no trace of a spermatozoon is found either within or 
upon the eggs laid by a fertile mother in drone cells. 

Dr. Donhoff claims a curious corroboration by 
artificially impregnating, in 1855, an egg laid in a 
drone cell, by placing upon it a little diluted fluid 
from a drone testis, and transferring it to a worker 
cell. Others have failed in this experiment, but the 
argument for the parthenogenetic production of 
drones can well afford to do without the evidence 
it would supply, even if repeated by many observers. 

The head ( h , C, Fig. 41) of the fertilising filament 
is very narrow, that the micropylar aperture may 
be passed, but, to effect this, time must be occupied ; 



and how is this given ? My previous explanations 
have made evident that the spermatozoa glide, not 
into a plain tubular cavity to meet the descending 
egg, but into a pouch contrived of curiously formed 
folds of the lining membrane of the common 
oviduct, and which, if stained with picro-carmine, 
takes up picric acid and becomes yellower than the 
oviduct proper, whilst its surface is dotted over with 
linear patches of setae (or bristles), from two to six 
in a patch, and from - 10 ^ 00 in. to g^ in. in length. 
Its structure is particularly difficult to examine, but 
it has three main cross duplicatures (p, Fig. 45) of 
an extremely attenuated membrane, which give to 
it somewhat the form of three joints of a lobster’s 
tail, while it is only slightly wider than the diameter 
of the egg; and I have little doubt that here the 
latter is delayed when a female is to be produced, 
and brought into contact with spermatozoa delivered 
into the right position by the channel k , k (Fig. 
44), whilst the eggs from which drones are evolved 
are carried down the path ( d , Fig. 45) by the side 
of the pouch to the termination of the duct, and so 
escape all contact with the fertilising threads. 

The oviducts are highly organised, containing a 
most beautiful system of longitudinal and transverse 
muscular fibres, repletely provided with nerve 
twigs, evidently giving to the oviducts the most com¬ 
plete control of the eggs which are to pass through 
them, while they are not without strong indications 
of two specialised paths (b and c ), one towards the 
fertilising pouch and the other to its side. Near the 
junction of the oviducts, also, there are two thin 



muscles ( m, m !, Fig. 45), for which I can conceive of 
no purpose, unless it be to so reduce, by their con¬ 
traction, the opening lying by the side of the fer¬ 
tilising pouch ( p ) that an egg could not, except they 
are relaxed, pass in this direction, and so escape 
fertilisation. That these parts have great regulating 
capability, and are not mere tubular conduits, is 
proved as much by their nerves as by their muscles. 
The last abdominal ganglion lies immediately be¬ 
neath, and in contact with, the oviducts and sperma- 
theca, and, from it, branches of nerves run in 
abundance into the oviducts, the spermathecal valve 
muscles, the sting, and their palpi; while small 
ganglia are distributed in profusion, a considerable 
one lying over the valve, and sending branches for¬ 
ward into the fertilising pouch. The manner in which 
the spermatozoon itself finds its way is utterly in¬ 
scrutable. The fact of its continued vitality with no 
distinguishable change, either in size and form, or 
motile activity, during the whole of the queen’s life, 
save from five to ten days, between which ages she 
usually mates, is most surprising. Constant nutrition 
and oxidation can alone be capable of sustaining it 
to the last in the freshness it had when first intro¬ 
duced to the spermatheca. Cold, however, kills it. 
Here Dzierzon’s experiments have the deepest in¬ 
terest. He found that a queen which had been 
refrigerated for some time, although capable of re¬ 
vivification by warmth, never afterwards laid other 
than drone eggs, whilst before she had been a good 
producer of workers. Berlepsch placed three queens 
for thirty-six hours in an ice-house; two died, but 



the third recovered, and laid abundantly, but drones 
only resulted. Similar experiments are also related 
by Langstroth, who adds that a short exposure to the 
intense cold of a mixture of ice and salt will answer 
every purpose. But, while the spermatozoa retain 
their energies—unless means be taken to destroy 
them—the queen, even when young, may become 
incapable of distributing them ; and I have had, under 
the dissecting-knife, not less than four examples, 
that had been sent me as drone-breeders, but which 
I found to contain an abundant virile supply. 

This condition may arise from the spermatozoa 
choking the duct, or from failure of the last ganglion, 
and Dr. Donhoff relates that he has produced it 
by simply gently pinching the terminal abdominal 
segment with a pair of forceps, after which the 
queen exhibited difficulty in laying, in consequence 
of the nerve injury. 

The fecundation of the mother-bee was the sub¬ 
ject of many false hypotheses before the facts were 
discovered. Swammerdam, observing a strong odour 
from the drone, supposed that this, permeating the 
body of the female, fertilised the eggs. The number 
of drones seemed to be explained by this aura 
seminalis theory, since a crowd would be required to 
produce the supposed emanation in intensity. Huber 
completely overturned this fancy, by placing the 
drones in a box pierced with holes, the vapours 
from which left the queen a drone-breeder. De 
Braw, observing little white masses at the bottom 
of the cells (really the last cast skin'of the matured 
chrysalis), announced that drones fecundated the eggs 



after they were laid, after the fashion of fishes. 
Huber, assured of the falsity of the idea, shut up 
all the drones of a hive, letting the mother fly, and 
found that she became fertile. We may smile at 
these ancient blunders, but really mistakes as grave 
and less excusable now obtain. It is even yet 
asserted by some, as the echo of a bold guess made 
long ago, by an American apiarist of just repute, 
though but little acquainted with scientific matters, 
that the narrower cells in which worker bees are 
raised, by pressing upon the abdomen of the queen, 
were the effective agents for forcing out the sper¬ 
matozoa, and so causing the eggs to be fertilised. 
This notion, so repellent from its bald crudity, is 
shown to be utterly without foundation. Not only 
do queens lay worker eggs in cells whose sides 
are only commenced, so that pressure cannot be 
exerted, but experiment proves that the sex is 
determined according to the needs of the colony. 
Although the queen, if left in undisturbed possession 
of the combs the workers have built, will select the 
cells, and lay eggs appropriate to their sizes, she 
will, if provided with one kind only, deposit in part 
eggs of a sex opposite to that for which the cells 
are suitable; for, if a hive be filled with drone comb, 
workers will be raised in it. Fertilisation, now that 
we have so far conquered its modus operandi , is 
seen to be absolutely under control, and the out¬ 
come of a beautiful and marvellous mechanism. 

But the egg, having been fertilised, may, accord¬ 
ing to subsequent treatment, yield either worker or 
queen. To be the latter is rarely its destiny, and so 

2 3 8 


it is commonly called a,, “ worker egg,” which is 
clearly inaccurate, and comes, like other mistakes of 
this kind, from terms being introduced and made 
current before the objects named are scientifically 
understood. The two essential forms of egg are the 
impregnated and unimpregnated, yielding the neces¬ 
sary concomitants of reproduction, the female and 
the male, the queen and the drone; and from the 
former, as the social instinct has been developed, the 

Fig. 47.—Larva and Chrysalis of Hive Bee (Magnified Four times). 

A, Larva (full grown)— os, b, c, d, Terminal Segments ; 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, Segments below 
Head; l, Budding Legs; w, Ditto Wings. B, Condition of Change inter¬ 
mediate between Larva and Chrysalis; Lettering as before. C, Chrysalis ; 
Lettering as before. 

worker has been produced. Labour has been divided. 
The queen has lost her domestic arts, which the 
worker possesses in a perfection never attained by 
the ancestral types ; while the worker has lost her 
maternal functions, although she still possesses the 
needed organs in a rudimentary state. Ovaries she 
has, but so tiny as only to be found by elaborate 
dissection. They escaped altogether the vigilance 
and skill of both Swammerdam and Reaumur, and 


are little better than an attenuated string of tubes, 
ten or twelve in number, and destitute of eggs or 
germs (B, Fig. 42), where, even yet, an indication 
of spermatheca ( sp ) remains. Although the cavity of 
the latter is almost entirely obliterated, the vestiges of 
the appendicular gland pass into its base after the 
manner of arrangement in the fertile mother. The 
vagina lies at the side of the intestinal opening, and 
is frequently imperforate, while the bursa copulatrix 
(be, Fig. 45) does not exist, so that the reception of 
the male organ is impossible. Workers, like queens, 
pass through a very considerable range of variation, 
and an instance of worker copulation, which has 
been scientifically verified, is on record. Under ex¬ 
citement, and in the absence of a queen, the ovarian 
tubes will, in rare instances, extend, and eggs be 
laid, producing, as we now know, drones, the 
ovaries, when dissected out, presenting then the 
appearance of C, Fig. 42. 

In previous chapters, we have traced the develop¬ 
ment of the larva within the egg, and have studied 
the remarkable transformations in the arrangement of 
the internal parts that occur during the chrysalis stage ; 
and it seems fitting that we should now direct our 
attention to those previously omitted transformations 
which gradually change the egg, whose qualities we 
have just investigated, into the outline of queen, 
worker, or drone. The oviducts are provided with 
secretion cells, which coat the egg with an agglutina¬ 
tive body, so that, as it leaves the queen, it adheres 
by its smaller end, as before pointed out. It sustains 
its outstanding position for the first day, but then 



gradually sinks. The chorion of the egg (C, Fig. 46) 
breaks, usually after three days (the time varies 
according to temperature), and a footless larva, with 
thirteen segments, exclusive of the head, alternately 
straightens and bends its body to free itself of the 
envelope. It is extremely curious that, before hatch¬ 
ing, the larva presents rudimentary legs, which dis¬ 
appear—a fact which some have supposed to indicate 
(atavism) a reference to an ancestral type in which 
the larva bore feet; but this does not seem to be 
valid, for reasons which would encroach too much on 
our space Towards the end of the larval period, the 
three segments following the head (1, 2, 3, A and 
B, Fig. 47) have little scales (/) beneath the skin 
on the ventral side, which are the beginnings of 
the legs, and which cannot be seen until the creature 
has been immersed in alcohol; the budding wings 
{w) outside these, on segments 2 and 3, are, by the 
same treatment, brought under view, as are also the 
rudiments of the sting in queen or worker larvae 
(Chapter XII.), the male organs appearing in that of 
the drone. After sealing, the fourth segment begins 
to contract, and the fifth becomes partly atrophied, 
so that, soon, the former constitutes only a partial 
cover for the base of the developing thorax, and the 
petiole between it and the abdomen, while the 
latter becomes the narrow, first abdominal segment. 
At page 196, it has been explained that the last 
three segments disappear in forming the sting; and 
now we find the fourth forming the petiole, leaving 
nine of the thirteen original segments, of which three 
go to the thorax, and six to the abdomen. 


A point in relation to the behaviour of queen 
grubs, as differing from that of others, chiefly referring 
to the facility with which the cell containing the 
queen nymph can be torn open, here requires careful 
attention, because it is so generally mis-stated. After 
the spinning of the cocoon, which in no case extends 
far down the sides of the cell, the worker or drone 
larva, as before mentioned, turns and throws up the 
bowel lining and contents, and casts its skin, which, 
by the creature’s movements within the cell, becomes 
plastered to the walls, and joins the cocoon near 
the mouth end. The legs, wings, and advancing 
male organ or sting—depending on the gender of the 
grub, and which before could not be seen without 
treatment—are now fully visible, the name chrysalis, 
or nymph, being properly applied; the modelling 
continues, dimplings are seen, rounded forms become 
angular, the external skeleton gathers in density and 
colour, bristles appear; every organ is advancing, 
and, ere long, the imprisonment and the darkness 
are left for the heavenward flight of a new life, 
which gave to the ancients the name and the type 
of a resurrection. Huber,* especially with regard to 
the structure of the cocoon, fell into errors, from 
which he drew false deductions that are being still 
repeated. I give a free translation, in order to 
condense his meaning, which runs thus: “The worker 
and drone grubs form complete cocoons— i.e., the latter 
are closed at both ends, enveloping all the body. The 
royal grubs, on the contrary, make cocoons which 
are imperfect, being open at the posterior part, 

“Nouvelles Observations sur les Abeilles,” page 218, vol. i. 



enveloping only the head, the thorax, and the first 
ring of the abdomen. Th’s discovery has given 
me/' continues Huber, “ extreme pleasure, because it 
evidently shows the admirable way in which Nature 
has brought into agreement the different actions of 
bees. Queens have a great mutual aversion, blood¬ 
thirstily seeking one another’s destruction. When 
there are several royal nymphs in a hive, the first 
one to hatch throws herself upon the others, and 
pierces them with thrusts from her sting. But she 
could not succeed if the nymphs were inclosed in 
a complete cocoon, because the silk is strong, and 
the cocoon of a close texture, which the sting would 
not penetrate; or, if it penetrated, could not be 
retracted, so that the queen would die the victim of 
her own fury. In order that a queen may succeed 
in killing her rivals in their cells, it is needful that 
their hinder part be uncovered, for it is only here 
that the dart will penetrate them, the head and the 
thorax being clothed with strong, scaly plates. The 
royal grubs should, therefore, furnish incomplete 

Is it true, then, Mons. Huber, that an unpoetical 
little grub emulates Cassius, when, in a supreme 
moment, he exclaims: “ There is my dagger, and 
here my naked breast”? Iteration and reiteration, 
by author after author, since your admirable investi¬ 
gations notwithstanding, it is utterly incorrect. We 
should have had fewer writers, or more investigators 
for the microscope, since the introduction of the 
achromatic objective, between fifty and sixty years 
ago, has been fully equal to showing that no cocoon, 



as already said, extends much beyond the cell mouth, 
the remainder of the covering of drone and worker 
being the cast skin; but, in the case of the queen 
grub, whose cocoon is really more extensive, and 
decidedly tougher, than that of the other inhabitants 
of the hive, the royal jelly, occupying the upper part 
of the cell {a, Fig. 48) clearly prevents the usual method 
of proceeding. The skin and bowel are, indeed, cast 
as by the worker, but they are not spread out on the 

Fig. 48.— Comb and Queen Cells (Magnified Twice). 
a, Queen Cell, Cut to Expose Royal Jelly and Grub at Upper End; b, Thickness 
of Cell; c, Dimpling Outside Cell; d, Spot where Bowel Contents and 
Exuvium are Placed 

cell wall. The bowel, relatively small, and containing 
little waste product, is thrown against the side of the 
cell at d, Fig. 48, just below the mass of royal jelly ; 
and here the skin of the body is placed also, where 
both can always be found, by opening a queen cell 
on the third day after sealing. During the earlier 
part of the changes, the developing insect adheres, 
by the dorsum, to the wet royal jelly, and probably 



continues to take nourishment through a part of the 
skin. We thus see that, when the murderess arrives, 
nothing but the thick cell side, of impure wax, inter¬ 
venes between her and her victim; the cast skin, 
which is extremely delicate, is absent as a lining, it 
is true, but the cocoon is placed as in all other cells. 

Huber investigated the periods of evolution for the 
sexes—matters, the details of which must be treated in 
our Practical Section ; but his results, which are con¬ 
stantly given in bee books, are only approximations, 
for, directly we attempt to systematically follow up the 
inquiry, we find that considerable variations present 
themselves : in one hive the worker bees gnawing 
out, on an average, on the twentieth day after the 
egg is laid, and in another not until the twenty-first; 
eggs in the same hive, and of the same hatch, 
especially those of drones, taking unequal times for 
evolution : while the seasons of the year also make 
a difference. Huber found that queens required six¬ 
teen days to mature, workers twenty-one, and drones 
twenty-four. But even within the hive, I find the 
queens can, by management, be delayed so as to 
require nearly eighteen days, the workers twenty- 
five, and the drones twenty-eight; while, by re¬ 
moval from the hive, a more considerable retardation 
may be occasioned. The more rapid normal de¬ 
velopment of the queen is highly interesting, and 
its reason is evident. As queens fight, the first 
hatched has the best chance of being the survivor, 
so that there is a constant selection in favour of 
those rapidly maturing. There is, in a modified 
degree, a similar selection of workers, for any in- 



crease in the time occupied before they leave the 
cell would heavily handicap the stock, and so 
decrease its chance of sending off a swarm, thus pre¬ 
venting the mother from leaving descendants by her 
daughters; and, since bees do not generally produce 
drones until swarming has for themselves reached 
probability, she would also have less chance of leav¬ 
ing descendants by her sons. 

In closing this chapter, which also terminates one 
section of our studies, we must be impressed with 
the mysterious division of labour between queen 
and worker, the latter fitted to honey and pollen¬ 
gathering, wax-secreting, comb-building, nursing, 
and cleaning, with every tool she can need; the 
former, for the duties of maternity, and for these 
alone, with generative organs fully equipped for the 
enormous work demanded of them, but that at the 
expense of all those parts which minister nothing 
to her proper functions ; all originating, too, in 
the coalescing germ and sperm cells, endued, so 
far as the eye of the body or of the mind can 
carry us, with powers to build up, differentiate, and 
arrange a mechanism which, though tiny, can make 
us all exclaim, “ We are but of yesterday, and know 
nothing!” And let us not here fall into a mistake 
far too common. No natural object receives attention 
that does not grow in wonderfulness under the opera¬ 
tion, and so each one is prone to think that his par¬ 
ticular subject of investigation has more in it than 
any other. We naturalists and bee-keepers, as we 
watch and study the little insect that has given so 
much delight, are in no little danger of coming to 



believe that we are contemplating the very master¬ 
piece of creation, and that we have before us a con¬ 
centration of wisdom and of wonder for which we 
should look elsewhere in vain. It has, by example, 
almost become a fashion to tell us, as a modern 
manual does, in reference to the production of queens, 
that “ we have here a fact which has no parallel 
in natural history.” A broader view will show, as 
we have just seen, that not only is this untrue, but 
that quite as surprising and unlookcd for methods 
of sexual differentiation not infrequently occur. Our 
very mistakes may help us upward ; for should not 
the fact that the things which at first we think little 
we afterwards discover to be great, and that the 
more we study, the more we find there is to learn, 
rather prove to us the unwisdom of supposing we 
have already unfolded the greatest of all wonders, 
teaching us that, as yet, we only discern few marvels 
where there are many, and that, did we know Nature 
as she is, we should see neither less nor greater, but 
fulness of beauty everywhere, the exponent of a wisdom 
past finding out? The oppressive infinitudes of as¬ 
tronomy, and the equally inconceivable minuteness 
revealed by the microscope, are but two phases of 
the frame of the universe, which has touched infinity 
at every point. Already, indeed, we get glimmer¬ 
ings that the recognition of this fact will be a goal 
of science, which is now opening up to us, that not 
only animals and plants have their wonders, but that 
the very atoms are miracles of form and force, bound 
together by relationships which are endless. 



Outline of Subject—Old Errors and Modern Dis¬ 
coveries—Cleistogamous Flowers—The Part played 
by Bees and Insects — The Banquet offered by the 
Flower—The Parts of the Blossom—The Ovule and 
Ovary—Embryo Sac — Formation of Embryonal 
Vesicle — Pollen: its Structure — Pollen Tubes —• 
Impregnation—Anatropous Ovule—Union of Nuclei 
—Formation of Embryo and Seed—Monoecious and 
Dioecious Plants—Aucuba japonica—Hazel Nut —■ 
Nectaries — Extra Floral Nectaries — Differences 
between Nectar and Honey—Position of Nectary — 
Nectar Cells: Microscopic Examination of; In 
Pelargonium and Hyacinth—Aphide Honey. 

The fact that bees gather both pollen and nectar 
from blossoms has already been considered; but we 
have yet to learn, why the wants of bees, in all their 
genera and species, are supplied by the floral world. 
The answer to this inquiry brings before us a new 
meaning to the existence of all these insects, as 
a part of that frame of nature in which nothing 
is really isolated, although the bonds of mutual de¬ 
pendence may not always be apparent. Let us, first, 



look at the matter in outline, filling in, hereafter, 
such details as may seem necessary. Plants blossom 
in order that seed may be produced and perfected, 
and the race continued. But before seed, in the 
true sense, can be produced at all, pollen, which is 
borne by the anthers, and which we have all noticed, 
as the abundant orange-coloured dust of the lily, 
e.g., must be placed upon a certain special part of 
the flower, called the stigma, a fact discovered by Sir 
T. Millington two centuries ago. Should the pollen be 
of a suitable kind, and the stigma in a receptive 
condition, a delicate thread, called a pollen tube, 
is thrown out, by the pollen granule, into the seed 
vessel, by which the seed becomes fertilised, and, 
when mature, capable of germination. The great 
majority of flowers possess both anthers and stigmas. 
They carry the two sexes within themselves ; and we 
might suppose that, this being so, the form of the 
flower would secure the transmission of its pollen 
to its stigma, in order that the end of its being 
might certainly be accomplished. 

So thought the older botanists, and werejffn con¬ 
sequence, puzzled in explaining the reasons! for the 
forms of the blossoms they examined. It wasMpointed 
out, however, as long since as the close of the last 
century, by a keen observer of Nature-—Sprengel—that 
the structure of a large number of blossoms was such 
as seemed designedly to render this simple arrange¬ 
ment impossible. His observations for many years 
bore no fruit, and appeared to be overlooked; but, 
during the last two decades, systematically-conducted 
experiments and extended observations by many 



naturalists, especially Hildebrand, Hermann Muller,* 
Delpino, and, above all, Charles Darwin,f have put 
the whole question in a new light, and reduced 
isolated facts to a law, which extends beyond the range 
of botany. It is now shown that conspicuous flowers, 
generally speaking, are especially modelled to prevent , 
or at least impede, fertilisation, by the pollen they 
themselves produce ; while marvellous contrivances are 
exhibited to secure pollen from some other plant or 
flower of the same species ; for, amongst those that 
have been studied in reference to this matter, there 
exists but a very inconsiderable number of real or 
apparent exceptions; whilst the latter, under renewed 
examination, are not infrequently affording delight, as 
they are found to possess some unsuspected adapta¬ 
tion to crew-fertilisation, which, in occasional instances, 
especially amongst the orchids, | is so droll as to sound 
rather like the outcome of a rampant fancy than a 
narration of sober fact. I am not unmindful of the 
existence of blossoms, denominated cleistogamous , pro¬ 
duced, under certain conditions, by some plants, and 
which must, by their structure, be self-fertilised; these 
we shall find, when they presently come before us, are 
produced rather as supplementary or alternative than 
exclusive organs of reproduction. The protest made 
by Nature, for some profound, perhaps inscrutable 
reason, against continuous in-breeding, applies, then, no 
less to plants than to animals, to flowers than to bees. 

* “ Die Befruchtung der Blumen durch Insecten,” 1873. 

+ “The Effects of Cross and Self-Fertilisation,” and “The Different 
Forms of Flowers on Plants of the Same Species,” 1877. 

J “The Various Contrivances by which Orchids are Fertilised by 
Insects.” C. Darwin. 1877. 



But blossoms are fixed, if not even isolated. How 
is the all-needful, fertilising dust to be carried from 
one to the other ? For some, the work is done by 
the wind, as when the blossoming corn is made to 
gently rustle, or the lightly-suspended catkin of 
the willow is vibrated in the upper boughs. Pollen, 
in all such cases, having been formed, in countless mil¬ 
lions of granules, is, at its proper season, wafted by 
every breath of air to the stigmas, made branched and 
hairy to increase the chance of grasping it as it travels 
past. But by far the greater number of flowering 
plants confide to insects the duty of bringing about 
those unions which, without them, would never be 
effected. And, amongst insects, the whole family of 
the Apidae are of the highest utility, followed by 
butterflies and moths, while flies, and even humble 
thrips, play their part; but it is the hive bee 
especially that has been made the complement of 
the blossom, the love messenger of the little beauties 
of our woods and fields, supplying the eyes and 
wings which have been denied to the flower itself. 
As, then, the visits of insects are essential to the 
existence of most plants, the flower secures these 
by spreading a banquet, which it decorates with 
its own beauty, and perfumes with its own sweet 
breath. Pollen, it is true, is necessary for blossoms 
themselves, but the amount produced is, without excep¬ 
tion, enormously greater than that required for mere 
fertilisation; and the excess is the flesh-forming 
food of the pollen-gatherer; while nectar—the basis 
of honey, the heat and force-former, as grateful 
to the insect palate as our own—is yielded, in the 



great majority of instances, solely for her benefit. 
Thus, then, insects perpetuate flowering plants, and 
flowers continue the existence of insects, both being 
but mutually sustaining parts of one great whole. 

Let us now endeavour to follow the details by 
which the general principles that have been sketched 
are applied. If we take an ordinary flower—and, for 
our present purpose, no better example can well be 
suggested than the universal favourite, the common 
geranium (pelargonium) of our gardens (Plate VIII.)— 
and look at it from the outside, the first part brought 
under our notice is a kind of cup—the calyx (c, A 
and C)—here green, although in many flowers—the 
fuchsia and larkspur, e.g .—it is coloured. Before the 
blossom opens, when it is in the bud condition, this 
cup incloses the internal parts, which are then in 
the process of development, and protects them, in 
their soft and tender condition, from external injury. 
The calyx bursting as its contents develop, the 

most conspicuous part of the flower, the corolla, 
made up, in the pelargonium, of five, generally scarlet, 
petals, begins to expand. The main function of the 
corolla, in the greater number of blossoms, is to 

attract insects, both by means of colour and scent. 
Within the corolla we find the anthers (a), seven 

in number, and differing altogether in shape and 
appearance, both from the sepals—five of which 

make up the calyx—and from the petals forming the 
corolla. The calyx and corolla are of subordinate 
importance, and may be regarded as protective and 
decorative in character; but the anthers, which, to¬ 
gether with the stalks (the filaments) carrying them, 



are called stamens, are absolutely necessary to secure 
the reproduction of the plant. The anther is a double 
bag, or, as in this instance, a pair of such, containing 
a quantity of tiny granules (pollen), which, in reality, 
are individually highly organised parts, capable, as 
already hinted, of bringing about the wondrous pro¬ 
cess of fertilisation. Lastly, within the space lying 
between the encircling stamens, and occupying always 
the centre of the flower, lie the female reproductive 
organs (s, C), collectively denominated the pistil. 
This assumes very diverse characters in different 
blossoms; but here, as in all the more perfect forms, 
it consists of three parts, the bottom one being a 
pouched cavity ( o , B), or hollow receptacle, called 
the ovary, because it contains one or many minute 
egg-like bodies (the ovules), each inclosing a germ 
cell awaiting impregnation. Rising from the apex 
of the ovary is a stalk-like part (the style), seen 
beneath s, C, and surmounted at its summit by a body 
of peculiar structure, called the stigma, which, at a 
certain point in its development, becomes capable 
of receiving the pollen granules—really the homo- 
logues of the sperm 'cells of the drone (page 
216). The flower, as such, in all cases is a means, 
not an end, and, as the latter is accomplished, it 
disappears. The corolla, having caught the insect’s 
eye, dries; the stamens, having yielded their sperm, 
wither. The stigma and the style, having performed 
their office, dry and shrivel, and nothing is left 
except the ovary, which is, in some cases, surrounded 
by a persistent calyx. The ovary now grows and 
develops into what is called the seed vessel, but 



botanically, the fruit ; here, at length, we have the 
seeds, which are the ripened ovules, while the seed 
vessel is the ripened ovary. But the change from 
ovule into seed is not merely one of growth; it 
depends upon the formation within the ovule of the 

Fig. 49.—Ovaries, Ovules, Pollen Grains, and Tubes. 

,, Section through Ovary of Buckwheat (Polygonum fagopyrum)—s, Stigmatic 
Surface; pa. Pollen Grains; st, Style; pt, Pollen Tube; ov, Ovule ; s, Secun- 
dine; p, Primine; n, Nucellus; es, Embryo Sac ; emv, Embryonal Vesicle. 

B, Section of Pistil of Pansy (Viola tricolor)—s, Stigma; l. Lip; pt, Pollen 
Tube; ov. Ovules. C, Pollen Grains Various, Emitting Tubes— s, Portion of 
Papillose Stigma. D, Ovule at a very Early Stage— n, Nucellus; es. Embryo 
Sac fonr 5 "" • *» Jm *- n 'PrlminA • s liittn Rficnnduift. TS. Tiftvelfined 1 ■ 

Ovule oi 

embryo, which is itself the outcome of the definite 
process of fertilisation, now to be examined in detail. 
Taking a blossom of buckwheat, well-known as an 



abundant honey-plant, removing the corolla, and making 
a section through one of the ovaries, we find, within a 
cavity, the ovule ( ov , A, Fig. 49), which, on account 
of its being straight instead of curved, and solitary 
instead of one of a number, is an excellent subject 
for study, and, for the present, may serve as a 
type of those formed by flowering plants in general. 
When examined minutely, it is observed to consist 
almost entirely of cellular tissue— i.e., of a number 
of minute sacs, similar to those at G (Plate VIII.), 
placed side by side, in close juxtaposition, forming 
( n , A, Fig. 49) the nucellus of the ovule, which 
is enveloped in two coatings of firmer texture, called 
primine ( p) and secundine (j), which grow up over 
its surface in its early days, as shown at D. These 
surrounding layers, however, are. never continuous 
over the apex of the ovule, where they leave an 
open channel, called the micropyle, quite similar in 
function to the micropyle of the egg (page 231), 
and here permitting communication with the nucellus, 
and a large cavity within it, called the embryo sac 
(es). In the vast majority of plants, the two sides 
of the ovule are unequally developed, so that, during 
its growth, it is made to turn partly or completely 
over, as in the anatropous ovule (E), where the 
arrow indicates the micropylar aperture, or in the 
ovules of Viola tricolor ( ov , B), one of which is 
shown more enlarged at F. 

The extremely interesting and instructive history 
of the formation and development of the embryo 
sac, with the mystic and involved movements which 
prepare for and accompany fertilisation, can only 



here be touched upon. A cell near the apex of 
the nucellus undergoes division, which is repeated 
until a line of cells, with thick Avails, has been 
formed. The lowest cell of the number now 
enlarges greatly, at the expense of the others, 
which are absorbed, and an enormous cell (the em¬ 
bryo sac, es, A and F) results. During the growth of 
the latter, its nucleus divides, and the two new 
nuclei travel to its opposite ends, a large central 

Fig. 50.—Embryo Sac, before Fertilisation, in Three Stages op 

A, B, and C— h, Helper Cells; a, Antipodal Cells, derived from Division of 
Original Cell Nucleus ; pn, Polar Nuclei ; dn, Definitive Nucleus ; em.v, 
Embryonal Vesicle. 

sap cavity, called a vacuole,* being formed. These 
nuclei, now stationed at the upper and lower ex¬ 
tremities of the embryo sac, twice divide into two, 

* The life of the cell inheres in its protoplasm. When this separates 
and gives place to cell sap, the spot occupied by the cell sap is 
called a vacuole. 



four nuclei resulting in each case. Mysteriously, one 
nucleus starts from each end (/>«, pn, A, Fig. 50), 
approaches ( pn , B), and at last meets, its companion 
in the centre, and coalesces with it to form the 
definitive nucleus ( dn , C). These two nuclei are 
called the polar nuclei. Round the two sets of 
the three remaining nuclei a process of free cell 
formation begins, resulting in three cells at each 
end of the sac instead of three nuclei. Those at the 
lower end (a, B and C) soon become surrounded 
with cell walls, while those at the micropylar (upper) 
extremity remain naked, and constitute the egg 
apparatus. Two of these lie above the third, the 
latter constituting the oosphere, or embryonal vesicle 
( em.v), which has its nucleus lying at its lower 
end. Generally, all three cells of the egg appa¬ 
ratus position themselves in contact with the wall 
of the embryo sac, which is, at this time, awaiting 
fertilisation from the pollen previously placed on the 
stigma, it may be by wind action, by the gardener, 
or by the little professional pollen-carrier, the nature of 
whose burden we must now endeavour to understand. 

Pollen granules vary greatly in form, colour, and 
size. They are frequently approximately spherical, 
sometimes oval, triangular in the fuchsia or evening 
primrose, hexagonal in the chicory, covered with 
minute spines in the hollyhock and aster, curiously 
banded in the Passion flower, spirally grooved in 
the musk ; while they are, in these and other similar 
plants, delicately coated with an oily body, giving them 
adhesiveness, and aiding the bee in packing them upon 
the legs. When cut into sections, they reveal a complex 

A, Pelargonium Blossom— s, Stigma ; c, Calyx ; n, Nectary. B, Calyx, with Ovary in 
Cross Section— n. Nectary ; o, Ovary. C, Blossom, side view (Corolla removed)— 
•s, Stigma; a, Anther; c. Calyx. D and E, Cross Sections of Ovary through 
lines a and b of A. F, Stamen—a, Anther. G, part of E (Magnified 180 
times)— cm, Cuticle; gh, Glandular Hair; h, Hair; nc, Nectar Cells. H, 
Longitudinal Section through Upper Part of Nectaiy— gh, Glandular Hairs. 
I, Longitudinal Section through Lower Part of Nectary—nc, Nectar Cells. If 
and L, Sections of Nectar Cells (Magnified 500 times)— n, Nectariferous Nucleus. 



structure: hollow within, they are filled with a very 
granulous protoplasm, with many oil globules ; their 
solid coat is formed in two layers, an inner and an 
outer, called intine and extine. The pollen grains 
are developed within the anther, by constant seg¬ 
mentation of the contents of the latter. It appears 
that, when the grains become isolated from each 
other, the nucleus of each one divides into two un¬ 
equal parts, the smaller of which attaches itself to the 
wall of the granule. When the pollen grain is placed 
upon the moist stigma, so that nourishment is given 
to it, the interior parts grow, and burst the exterior 
enveloping coat (the extine), at points where it is 
curiously thinned down, while the intine is corre¬ 
spondingly thickened—the blunt angles of the pollen 
of epilobium, e.g. (D, Fig. 57), have a delicate pellicle 
of extine only, but here the intine ( ti) is extremely 
strong and dense ; the latter, therefore, remains un¬ 
ruptured, and holds the protruding interior, elastically 
extending with it (E), so that, under favourable con¬ 
ditions, a tube of extraordinary length is developed, 
through which the larger nucleus at last passes. 
Pollen grains, placed in soda-water sweetened with 
a little sugar or honey, will, if kept in a genial 
temperature, grow under the microscope, giving some 
such forms as shown at C, Fig. 49. They may often 
be found in the stomach of the bee with a tube 
partly developed, while in the later food of the 
larvae this phenomenon is quite common. 

During the curious sequences represented by 
A, B, C, Fig. 50, the stigmas, usually covered by 
little papillose bodies, coat their surfaces by secretion 




of a sugary, glutinous fluid, which causes the pollen 
grains to adhere ; the pollen tubes, which seem to re¬ 
ceive nutrition as they push forward, now penetrate, 
with astonishing rapidity, and to surprising distances,* 
either passing through the channel of the style (pt, B, 
Fig- 49 )> or its loose conducting tissue (st, A), into 
the cavity of the ovary, where, in the darkness, they 
travel on, as though endued with intelligence, un¬ 
erringly finding the apertures in the primine and 
secundine (the micropyle), by which one enters and 
applies its now swelling end to the extremity of the 
embryo sac. The two upper cells of the egg appa¬ 
ratus ( h, C, Fig. 50) in some cases absorb the end 
of the wall of the embryo sac ; but always—bv 
methods, subject to variations in different orders—the 
pollen tube transfers its protoplasm and nucleus, 
by the agency of these helper cells, to the embryonal 
vesicle. Since every ovule needs a pollen tube to 
fertilise it, the number of tubes requisite will depend 
upon the number of ovules, but usually many more 
are produced than can be utilised. In the buckwheat, 
e -S- ( A , Fig- 49 ), we find but one ovule in each 
ovary, while in many plants, especially orchids, they 
are multitudinous. At B (the ovary of the pansy), six 
are represented, but many more actually exist; and 
here we notice how beautifully suited to the exi¬ 
gencies of fertilisation is the turning of the ovule 
by unequal lateral development. Had these six 
ovules stood straightly up, like that of the buck¬ 
wheat, their micropylar apertures would have been 
placed in an exceedingly unfavourable position for 

* In the common crocus, the style is frequently several inches in length. 



meeting the entering tubes; but the tiny cavity is 
turned round from the centre, to face the wall of 
the ovary (F), which is slightly hairy within. 
Clinging to this hairy surface, the tubes feel their 
way along, to find, and at once enter, the point they 
seek. The helper cells z, Fig. 50) now disappear, 
while the embryonal vesicle becomes granular, and 
two nuclei can be detected in it. One of these is 
the nucleus of the oosphere, or embryonal vesicle; 
the substance of the other has, doubtless (according 
to Sachs), been derived, through the helper cells, 
from the pollen tube. These two nuclei, male and 
female in their origin, meet and coalesce, constituting 
the nucleus of the fertilised embryo, or new indi¬ 
vidual, which now surrounds itself with a cellulose wall, 
and so starts an existence, which yet depends upon 
nurture derived from the female parts of the parent 
flower. When it has acquired some development, 
and a supply of food sufficient to enable it to initiate 
a separate existence, it will be cast off as a 
mature seed. 

We have, up to this point, spoken of flowers as 
though they invariably carried both stamen and pistil, 
and usually this is the case; but exceptions are not 
infrequent. Every one knows that, in the melon, 
vegetable marrow, cucumber, and other plants belong¬ 
ing to the order Cucurbitaceae, some of the flowers 
are male, while others are female, the latter bearing 
the fruits. In these cases, it is obvious that the pollen 
necessary for the fertilisation of the ovule must be 
carried, by some means, from one form of flower to 
the other; and when, by the method of culture, insects 

v 2 

26 o 


are excluded, the operation denominated “fertilising,” 
or “ setting,” is undertaken by the gardener. The two 
genders of unisexual flowers, sometimes placed, as in 
the vegetable marrow, on different parts of the same 
plant, hence called monoecious , are frequently produced 
on distinct plants—then called dioecious , meaning two 
houses which are, necessarily, the complements to 
one another. This fact was known to Herodotus, in 
the fifth century before Christianity, who describes 
the process of “ caprification ”—the transference of 
pollen from the male blossoms of one tree to the 
female blossoms of another—by -which a crop of dates 
was insured on the Egyptian palms. 

In our own day, a curious instance has occurred, 
in the case of the Aucuba japonica (the common 
blotched laurel), a single plant of which was long 
since introduced into this country by the Dutch. 
This solitary specimen, from which, up to a few 
years since, all the countless plants decorating our 
gardens and shrubberies had been derived, by cuttings, 
happened to be a female. The myriads of ovules 
formed in all the inconspicuous, chocolate-coloured 
flowers of the descendants of this parent, of course 
invariably withered for want of fertilisation; but, 
a few years since, the male Aucuba reached us, 
and beautiful scarlet berries began to be formed, 
and our ancient friend made additionally attractive 
as a decorative plant. These berries gave us new 
individuals, exhibiting variations from the parents, 
and yielding some male, some female, flowers, so 
that the berrying of the laurel is already general. 

The common hazel bears unisexual flowers, which are 



utterly dissimilar ; the males [a, Fig. 51) are grouped in 
drooping lines, called catkins, each containing some¬ 
thing more than a hundred flowers, which come out 
soon after Christmas, remain on the tree for a few 
weeks, and then drop. But they have accomplished 
their work, for the ten or twelve anthers each blossom 
carries furnish abundant pollen, which, shaken by every 
breeze, and being non-adhesive, gently falls through 
the spreading branches below, where we may find 

Fig. 51.—Inflorescence of Nut. 

a, Staminate (Male) Catkin of Nut; b, Pistillate (Female) Blossom of ditto 
c, Pistillate Blossom, Unopened. 

small, hardly observable female flowers (d), consisting 
of hairy, branched stigmas, crimson in colour, and 
rising from amidst a few small scales, which con¬ 
ceal the ovary. The stigmas catch the dropping 
granules, the pollen tube is thrown out, and fertili¬ 
sation follows, preceding, in order of time, the 
expanding of the leaves, which would, if opened, 
seriously impede the operation. The necessary 
abundance of pollen, since so much is inevitably 



wasted, gives an excess, of which the bees take 
advantage ; and often, in the early spring, the stocks 
are greatly helped by the catkins, not only of the 
hazel and other nuts, but also of the beech, the 
poplar, and the willow (of which the two catkins 
are represented in Fig. 52). It is curious that, in 
the case of the weeping willow, notwithstanding its 
wide distribution, only pistillate (female) trees are in 

Fig. 52.—Catkins of White Willow (Salix alba). 

A, Staminate (Male) Catkin; B, Pistillate (Female) Catkin. 

cultivation, which must have all originated from a 
single parent. The blossoms just mentioned are wind- 
fertilised (except the willow, whose position is inter¬ 
mediate), and form a few examples of those called 
anemophilous ; while those depending on insects are 
denominated entomophilous. 

Before proceeding to examine the various remark¬ 
able modifications made in flowers, in order that the 
pollen produced by their anthers, in the closest proxi- 



mity to the stigma, should yet not fertilise the latter, 
we must discuss the manner in which the nectar is 
produced, and placed so as not only to attract the 
insect, but also force it, while taking its repast, to 
deposit pollen, brought upon its body, on to the 

It is more convenient than accurate to speak of 
“honey-yielding plants,” and of bees gathering honey; 
for the fluid secreted by the flower is unlike honey 
in more particulars than one, and is denominated 
nectar, while the part by which it is yielded is called 
a nectary. Although it is certain that the character 
of the secretion varies considerably in different plants, 
analysis has shown that, in a large proportion of 
instances, the sugar it contains is identical with that 
derived from the cane or beet-root, while the sugar 
of honey is similar to that of the grape. From what 
has already been said of the glandular and tongue 
structures of bees (pages 81 and 101), it is clear 
that a salivary secretion is added to the gathered 
nectar, and that this, like the saliva in our own case, 
converts the cane into grape sugar; and probably 
also, as with ourselves, this is an initial step in 
assimilation, since cane sugar is actually poisonous 
to the blood, while grape sugar acts within it as a 
normal producer of heat and force. Many flowers 
are especially contrived for fertilisation by moths 
and butterflies, and there is strong reason for sup¬ 
posing that these latter insects produce exactly the 
same alteration—technically, “ inversion ” of the sugar 
of nectar—as our bees. 

From what we know of the chemical changes occur- 



ring during the germination of seeds, and in leaves 
when stimulated by light, we should expect sugar to 
be present in considerable quantities in flowers, where 
growth is so rapid, and cell energy so apparent. 
Many careful observations, made of late years, by 
botanists, in various countries, have shown, amongst 
other interesting facts connected with the existence 
of nectar in plants, that flowers contain it in quantity, 
in their tissues, even when no nectary is present to 
secrete it; and also that, in vegetative organs, quite 
apart from the inflorescence, nectaries are occasionally 
present— eg., in the bracken fern (Pteris aquilina ), 
nectar flows from small, pale swellings at the bases 
of the secondary petioles; and the stipules (or leaflets 
on the leaf-stalk) of beans are nectariferous, as are 
also small glandular prominences on the leaf-stalk of 
a species of Prunus , and little, brownish pittings in 
the leaf-blade of some laurels. From the latter I have 
sometimes seen hive bees gathering industriously, 
while their visits to bean stipules are quite en regie. 
It is here very interesting, while practically important, 
to note, that experiment has shown that emission of 
water vapour into the atmosphere, and emission of 
nectar on the surface of the nectary, are so related, that 
what favours the one retards the other, the damaging 
effect of a prevailing east wind being thus perfectly 
explained. In the flowers, nectar is usually furnished 
most abundantly in the early morning, diminished 
till afternoon, and again increased towards evening. 
Although high temperature favours secretion, flowers 
of the same kind yield larger amounts in colder than 
in warmer climates. 



To trace out the probable development of the 
nectary is beyond our limits; but, in a word, if it 
be granted—and experiment is conclusive on the 
point—that intercrossing does lead to greater vigour 
in the resulting seed, then any variation making 
intercrossing more certain will lead to a selection 
favourable to the individual presenting that variation ; 
so that transudation of sugary matters forming a 
rudimentary nectary, and so attracting insects, will 
tend to establish and extend the variation, by which 
the flowers will become permanently nectariferous. 

The position of the nectaries in flowers, and the 
organs of which they are modifications, differ with 
the kinds of insects for which they are suited; some 
lie almost on the surface of the flower— e.g ., in the 
carrot, elder, ivy, &c.—but most are situated in its 
deeper recesses, not only because this position draws 
the visiting insect well into contact with the male 
and female parts, but also because exposure to water, 
in the form of rain or dew, injures the nectar, and 
decreases its attractiveness. This fact is the counter¬ 
part of the enormous length of proboscis possessed 
by moths, butterflies, and bees. In many flowers, 
strange devices save the sugary fluid, even in the 
most persistent downpour— e.g., in the upstanding 
white dead nettle, the upper lip is formed into an 
umbrella (see Fig. 66) ; in the Tropaeolum majus 
(garden nasturtium), upright water-resisting hairs (see 
Fig. 55) prevent rain travelling towards the spur ; and 
in the useful Borago officinalis (borage), the drooping 
habit of the flower, and the tube-like cavity formed 
between the stamens, give perfect protection. 



The fact that sugar is present in flowers because 
of their rapid development, would lead us to expect 
it in greatest excess where the energy of life is 
most intense—and this is in the ovary ; and, sugges¬ 
tively, it is in this neighbourhood that the nectary is 
far most commonly found, numerous instances presently 
coming before us. Curious variations, however, occur. 
Poplars, which are anemophilous and dioecious, yield 
so much sugary secretion on the stigma, whose office 
it is to glue down the pollen granules floating by, 
that the stigma really becomes a nectary; and these 
trees, although altogether independent of insect action, 

Fig. 53.—A, Appendage of Anther, forming Nectary of Viola tricolor 
(Pansy), Order Violacece (Magnified Twenty-four times)—me, Nectar Cells, 
exaggerated. B, Anther as Removed from Flower— a, Anther Cell; 
nc, Nectar Cells. 

yet yield a restricted quantity of honey : in some, the 
base of the style, in others, aborted stamens, become 
nectar-yielding ; the transuding syrupy surfaces often 
appear on the petals, as in some species of butter¬ 
cups, where they are covered with a small, flat scale, 
behind which the nectar is formed; or on the sepals, 
as in the lime, so well loved by bees; in many, 
the petals are rolled into a tube, as in the colum¬ 
bine, hellebore, aconite, &c., and the inner end of 
the organ is the nectary; but in some— e.g., the 
violet—the spur merely serves to receive the nectar. 
In Viola tricolor (the pansy), the larger and lower 



petal is thus extended backwards, and curious ap¬ 
pendages ( nc, B, Fig. 53) on two anthers pass into 
the cavity provided, and there secrete a sweetish fluid. 
Perhaps no flower presents equal advantages with 
this to the microscopic tyro who would study the 
structure of the nectary, and the cells (nectar cells) 
which yield the secretion ; for not only are these large 
( nc , A), characteristically sugar-loaf-shaped, and promi¬ 
nent, but they lie on the outside of the process (their 
protection being derived from the covering afforded 
by the spur-like petal previously mentioned), and, 
consequently, the difficulties of section cutting are, 
in this case, altogether avoided. The nectar-producing 
tissue is usually made up of small, thin-walled cells, 
containing abundant protoplasm, a nucleus, and cell 
sap, rich in sugar. Often the nectary shows a number 
of pores, or stomata, on the surface-layer of the cells 
which line it, and through these the nectar is poured 
on to the face of the organ, whence it may be 
sucked up by the visitors to the flowers. Where 
pores are absent, the covering membrane is extremely 
delicate, permitting either free transudation, or yield¬ 
ing at once, as in some orchids, to the abrading 
action of the insect tongue. 

Returning to our pelargonium (Plate VIII.), selected 
because it is at command in most places, and at 
every season of the year, we find, running down the 
flower stalk, and immediately under the uppermost 
and broadest sepal, an enlargement of the stalk itself, 
marked off by inconspicuous grooves, and terminating 
in a small bulbous expansion a little below the line 
b (A), and which is often purplish in colour. This is 



the nectary, and is really formed by carrying the 
upper part of the calyx down the stalk. If we com¬ 
pare its position and relations to the rest of the 
flower with those of the Tropaeolum majus (Fig. 66), 
which is of the same order ( Geraniaceae ), we shall 
find that the difference lies in the latter nectary being 
free, while the former is attached (adnate) to the 
pedicel, or stalk, of the flower. If we now remove 
the petals, and look at the calyx from the front, we 
see into its opening [n, B). Making cross sections 
through the lines a and b, we find the nectary wider 
above, as at D, and narrow below, as at E. A keen 
razor, dipped into methylated spirit, will take off slices 
sufficiently thin for microscopic examination, under 
a cover glass, in water. Cutting D longitudinally, 
so that the nectary is divided, and then removing a 
thin slice from that which forms the upper part of 
the Figure, and magnifying about 200 diameters, we 
find the outside to consist of cuticular cells, carrying 
glandular hairs (gh, H), which secrete a resinous 
body, of strong odour. The cells on the opposite 
side of the section are not unlike those of the ex¬ 
ternal cuticle, because they have here no secretory 
function, although they constitute the lining of the 
upper part of the nectary. Taking a section (G) 
from the face of E, which lies in the line b (A), 
we discover the hairs and cuticle to be of precisely 
the same character as those previously noticed; but 
the lining cells ( nc ) of this part of the nectary are 
totally different, extending inwards by almost pointed 
prominences. Now cutting E longitudinally, and 
taking from it a thin section, we find the lining cells 



all pointed, as at I, where they face those which lie 
near the mouth of the nectary, as a part of H. The 
structure of the pointed cells is quite special, their 
contents, as seen under high magnifying powers, 
being distinctly granular, peculiarly so near the cell- 
wall, which, at the prominence, is excessively thin, 
and has, lying immediately within it, a globular mass 
of highly refractive protoplasm (n, K and L), con¬ 
taining a distinct nucleus. This is the active agent 
in accomplishing the secretive act, and the surface of 
the cells here, in healthy plants, and in proper con¬ 
ditions of the atmosphere, will always be found to 
be coated with a layer of nectar. 

We may study, similarly, the three nectaries of the 
common hyacinth If the corolla be removed, we 
find the flask-shaped ovary giving indications of being 
formed by the fusion of three parts. The furrows 
running between these carry, near their upper ends, 
tiny beads of nectar, secreted from a tube-like cavity, 
running down between the cells of the ovary; and, by 
making cross sections, we get an opportunity of 
examining the nectar cells. But, in some cases, we 
find no superficial layer possessing the secretory 
function, but an alteration in the underlying cellular 
tissue, which carries its nectar onwards to a pore 
passing through the ordinary epidermal cells. This 
structure obtains in the raspberry (Fig. 70), where a 
continuous line of pores (no), commonly covered by 
beadlets of nectar, easily seen by a lens, surrounds the 
drupels; the nectar being, of course, secreted by 
nectar cells ( nc ), which are not superficial, but form a 
part of the receptacle of the blossom. 



It would be well for apiculture if plants yielded to 
bees no other nectar than that flowing from their 
blossoms ; but, unhappily, a sort of second-hand honey, 
primarily derived from plant juices, and of very 
objectionable quality, is frequently gathered from 
the insect pest, the Aphis, or plant louse, in such 
quantity as to utterly ruin the legitimate harvest. 
The whole question of this pseudo-honey has very 
great interest, and demands the careful attention both 
of the gardener and bee-keeper. 

None can have failed to have noticed the shining 
and gummed appearance frequently presented by the 
leaves of the lime, the sycamore, the oak, the maple, 
and the elder, particularly in hot weather; while the 
plum, the apple, rose, and currant—amongst many 
other plants and trees — are often brought into an 
almost disgusting condition from the glutinous liquid 
which covers them, and which, because anciently sup¬ 
posed to be a deposition from the atmosphere, re¬ 
ceived and retains the name of “ honey dew.” Kirby 
and Spence, in their “ Introduction to Entomology,” 
say: “You have, doubtless, observed what is called 
the honey dew, upon the maple and other trees, con¬ 
cerning which the learned Roman naturalist, Pliny, 
gravely hesitates whether he shall call it, the sweat 
of the heavens, the saliva of the stars, or a liquid pro¬ 
duced by the purgation of the air. Perhaps you may 
be aware that it is a secretion of Aphides, whose 
excrement has the privilege of emulating sugar and 
honey in sweetness and purity.” De gustibus dis- 
putandum est, and certainly here but few would en¬ 
dorse the closing words of these authors. Plants 


2 7 I 

rarely, and probably only in diseased conditions, se¬ 
crete excessive quantities of sweet liquid, which, oozing 
from various parts of their surfaces, gives the eager 
gatherer material that is above suspicion; but ordi¬ 
nary honey dew is now universally conceded to be 

Fig. 54.—Aphides as Nectar-producers. 

A, Rose Aphis ( Siphonophora Rosce), Winged Viviparous Female (Magnified Ten 
times)— an, Antenna; ; n, Nectaries ; r, Rostrum, or Proboscis. B, Wingless 
Oviparous Female of same— an, Antennae; n, Nectaries ; ng, Nectar Globule; 
e, Egg just laid. C, Aphis Scabiosce (Aphis of Scabiosa arvemis). Wingless 
Viviparous Female (Magnified Sixteen times) — an, Antennae; n, Nectaries; 
dy, Developing Young ; y, Young Aphis, just born. D, Aphis Sambuci (Aphis 
of Elder Tree), Wingless Viviparous Female, with Ant Feeding on (gig) 
Nectar Globule— an. Antenna; ; n, Nectaries; an', Antennae of Ant. 

the product of the Aphis. When the gummed leaves 
are lifted, they will be found to be infested beneath 
by colonies of these creatures, some winged and some 
wingless; and a careful examination will generally 



show that they are provided with two short tubes, 
called the nectaries ( n , A, Fig. 54), by which they 
are enabled to eject a sweet fluid. 

Leaves are constantly forming starch, which is at 
once converted into the soluble form, sugar; so that 
the Aphis is, perhaps, provided with saccharine sub¬ 
stances in such quantity that the excess must be 
drained off. Standing, two or three years since, in the 
shadow of a lime tree, I saw falling, in the sunlight, 
a thick, constant shower of minute drops, which were 
being expelled from the anal apertures and nectaries 
of the Aphides infesting the leaves. The necessity 
for this vigorous ejection is apparent; without it, the 
closely-packed colonies would soon be hopelessly 
fixed to the leaf, and to one another. The grass be¬ 
neath the tree was thickly gummed, while the upper 
surface of every leaf was closely covered, and not 
a few bore incipient drops at their points. Other 
instances quite as remarkable have attracted my 
attention ; in one case, that of a sycamore, overhanging 
some paving-stones, the latter were rendered actually 
dangerous to the pedestrian ; and one of my apple 
trees (“Sturmer Pippin”), this summer, became, in very 
few days, so covered, that every leaf carried hundreds 
of the Aphis Mali , and every fruit was running with 
what might have passed as a compound of treacle and 
soot. Few botanical families appear to be altogether 
proof against the attack of these pests, which are all 
but universally distributed, and of which Beckton,* in 
his magnificent work, describes about 300 distinct 
species, the oak suffering from about six, the birch, 
* “ Monograph of the British Aphides,” Ray Society, 1883. 



willow, and fir, from eight each, the elm from four, 
and the currant bush from three. 

Their rapid multiplication and very injurious effect 
cease to be a wonder when we learn something of 
their habits and capabilities. The male only appears 
amongst them at intervals, which may be distant, and 
he has only been well made out by dissection in 
about twelve species. An impregnated egg having 
been deposited, very many generations of individuals, 
formed by a process of interior budding, and born 
alive, will succeed one another, before the cycle is 
completed, and the fully-sexed female and male give 
again origin to the impregnated egg. Usually, some 
days after the appearance of the male, the oviparous 
female (B, Fig. 54) begins to deposit her eggs, 
which, in most species, are relatively enormous, each 
one ( e ) equalling in length half the body of the 
mother. When deposited, they are coated over with 
a glairy fluid, attaching them to twigs or stipules ; 
they are then pale, but soon become brown or black, 
and are capable of bearing the most intense cold of 
winter. Nor are the Aphides themselves much less 
hardy. Beckton states that he witnessed the hatching 
of a young Aphis from the eggs of Siphonophora Rosse 
(the Rose Aphis), on March 12, 1873, when the ther¬ 
mometer stood at 25 0 , and most species can endure 
lower temperatures without visible injury. The insect, 
after leaving the egg, very rapidly grows, and quickly 
attains its full size, exhibiting in its pseudovaries (false 
ovaries) developing larvae, which soon begin to make 
their escape at the rate of many daily. Indeed, the 
body cavity of the viviparous Aphis, during the summer 




time, is almost exclusively occupied by the embryos 
(dy, C, Fig. 54) and the digestive apparatus. If an 
adult female be removed from the under side of the 
leaf of a rose bush, and the abdomen snipped, as many 
as thirty immature Aphides may often be seen to escape, 
by applying a little pressure, under the microscope. 
The embryos are in all stages of development, those 
lying nearest the body aperture being the largest, and 
showing the eyes, antennae, and limbs fully formed. 
The description previously given of the ovaries of the 
queen bee (page 213) will aid in understanding the 
ovarian chamber in this smaller insect. They are 
gathered into tubes, which are, again, formed into two 
bundles, disposed laterally, each communicating with 
its own oviduct. The upper extremities of the ovarian 
tubes are very attenuated, and lead into a chamber 
where the germinal matter is elaborated. Here 
nucleated cells are visible, which, according to Brandt,* 
have an amoeboid, movable nucleus, and correspond 
to the ordinary germinal vesicles, with their usual spot ; 
the ovum becomes the larva, which is extruded fully 
formed, as we have already seen. The progeny, even 
at the time they quit the parent, show the traces of 
another generation within themselves ; thus, a single 
insect, hatched from one of the shining black ova, 
may, during her lifetime, be the mother of many 
billions of young. Reaumur calculated that one 
Aphis may give origin to the enormous number of 
5,904,900,000 individuals during the month or six 
weeks of her existence. Happily, Aphides have many 
insect enemies, which, as our friends and helpers, must 

* “ Ueber das Ei und seine Bildungsstatte,’’ 1878. 



receive attention before we close, while rough weather 
plays havoc with them, rainstorms sweeping them 
away by myriads ; but, upon the supposition that no 
casualties occur, Reaumur’s figures are far too low, 
and Tougard and Morren show that a quintillion are 
within the efforts of a single mother ; and Professor 
Huxley* gives the amusing calculation that, assuming 
an Aphis to weigh jo^-g-gr., and a man 2851b.— i.e., 
2,000,000 grains—then, the tenth brood of one parent, 
without adding the products of all the generations 
which precede the tenth, would contain more ponder¬ 
able substance than 500,000,000 of such men— i.e ., 
more than the whole population of China. 

Entomologists formerly thought that the production 
of the male which consorted with the female was 
brought about in anticipation of the close of the 
season, so that the wintering egg might be produced ; 
but this does not appear to be accurate, and recent 
observations show that viviparous reproduction may be 
continued during several seasons, but that, at length, 
recourse to a new infusion of vitality by ordinary 
sexual means becomes necessary. A scarcity of food 
tends to the formation of winged females (A), capable 
of repairing to new pastures. These are invariably 
viviparous, while the wingless females may be either 
oviparous (B) or viviparous (C), from which it is 
noticeable that the larva is expelled tail foremost. 

Ants are particularly fond of the sweetish exudation 
of the nectary, and they frequent the haunts of the 
Aphis, beating on the sides of the insects with their 
antennae, when the liquid is at once driven out, as 
* Huxley “ On Organic Reproduction of Aphis.” 

Z 2 



seen at ng, B and D, the ant in the latter figure greedily 
swallowing what the Aphis offers. Linnaeus, in con¬ 
sequence, called the latter insect the cow of the ant 
(“ Aphis formicarum vacca ”), and Darwin and Sir John 
Lubbock, amongst others, have shown that the ants 
almost literally milk the Aphides, which seem to 
attempt to retain the secretion until the ants are 
ready to receive it, of which they give indication as 
just now noted. The demand, unfortunately, is in no 
way equal to the supply, and so this aphide honey is 
thrown out, to fall on to the upper surface of the leaves, 
where it is gathered by bees, especially after rain, which 
renders it sufficiently liquid to permit of its ready 
removal; but its taste is mawkish, its odour not pleasant, 
and its colour often as dark as treacle, and of a dirty 
hue. That gathered from the sycamore and oak is ex¬ 
tremely black, and ought not, in my opinion, to be 
regarded as fit for human consumption. 

All are interested in reducing the numbers of this 
obnoxious insect, whose fecundity is so prodigious ; 
but, after all the schemes that have been propounded 
for its destruction, it seems evident that we must look 
to Nature’s own checks, aided by any encouragement 
or protection that we may be able to give to Aphis- 
devouring creatures. Foremost amongst these come 
the numerous species of Coccinella (Ladybird), the 
food of which consists almost exclusively of Aphides. 
Their marvellous voracity is shown equally in their 
larval and winged condition. In the former stage, 
the colour is slaty grey or brown, while the body is 
covered with tufted tubercles, and provided with 
mandibles, efficient both for holding and sucking out 


the juices of the prey, which is seized by the back, 
and the liquid contents quietly sucked out, the whole 
process requiring about a minute. Ladybirds, if dis¬ 
covered clustered in crannies, in winter—and they 
sometimes collect many thousands together—should on 
no account be destroyed. 

Some of the most familiar and the most beautifully 
coloured flies of our summer belong to the family 
Syrphidas , which, from the peculiar character of their 
hovering, darting flight, have been popularly called 
“ Hoverers,” and the larvae of several species of these 
devour Aphides in immense numbers. These creatures 
are legless, blind, and leech-like in form, and move 
slowly, by means of hooklets, with which the posterior 
rings of their bodies are furnished. The maggot, 
after each advance, makes a lashing motion with its 
head, in search of food, and, when an Aphis is struck, 
it is taken off its legs, and hoisted into the air, where 
its juices are extracted, and the skin rejected. The 
eggs of these flies may often be found deposited in 
the midst of Aphides, multiplying to provide food for 
the larva at the time of its hatching. 

The beautiful Lacewing flies, whose green bodies, 
delicate wings, and golden or red-tinsel eyes, are so 
universally admired, are, in the larval state, great 
enemies to Aphides. When fully fed, the larvae attach 
themselves to leaves or stems, and change into short, 
oval pupae, hanging head dowmwards. Amongst the 
smaller Hymenoptera are found very many most use¬ 
ful destroyers of Aphides— e.g., the Cynipidx, although 
usually regarded as injurious to many plants, as 
gall makers are, in some of their species, serviceable, 



depositing eggs in the Aphis of the rose, the parsnip, 
the willow, the plum, the peach, and many others. 
We may also reckon as allies many tiny Ichneumon 
flies, which persistently attack Aphides not much 
smaller than themselves. The female deposits from 
one to five eggs within the body of the Aphis. The 
resulting grubs live on the food assimilated by the 
host, whose vital organs, with much consideration, 
they do not invade until the last moment. His ex¬ 
ternal skin they leave, as this forms a case, within 
which they pass through their pupal change. Aphi- 
dius Rosas, Beckton tells us, he watched “ for some 
time, as two individuals seated themselves upon the 
backs of Aphides, seeming to enjoy the contortions 
made to throw them off. After about five minutes, 
the ovipositor was inserted by a sort of thrust, when 
the flies made away in pursuit of other game.” As 
the grub within develops, the Aphis visibly undergoes 
an abnormal modification, the skin at last hardening 
into a globular, horny box, within which the perfect 
parasitic Ichneumon is formed, and at last escapes 
by carving a circular hole. These cases, pierced and 
empty, may constantly be seen under rose leaves. 
Curiously enough, the above-mentioned changes are 
often interrupted by a second parasitic attack, another 
egg or e SS s being deposited within the first parasitic 
larva, so that it, in turn, succumbs, and another form 
of life presents itself. How endless the interchanges 
of life and death ; respecting which the philosopher is 
not much in advance of the humorist, who says— 

“ Larger fleas have lesser fleas upon their backs to bite ’em, 

And these, again, have smaller fleas, and so ad infinitum 



Method of Study — Tropaeolum majus — Anthers: 
Movements of — Colour Streaks on Petals : their 
Uses — Delphinium — Scrophularia nodosa — Water 
Ejected by Bees—Epilobium angustifolium—Kalmia 
latifolia -—Poisonous Honey—The Retreat of the 
Ten Thousand — Heather—Erica tetralix—Calluna 
—Erica Unedo — Berberis — Dimorphism — Primula 
veris—Linum grandiflorum — Trimorphism—Lythrum 
sal ica ria—Order Com Do sitae — Cine ra ria—Flo we rs 

Sleeping — Papilionaceous Blossoms — Clovers — 
Effects of Netting—Lamium album—Salvia offici¬ 
nalis—Fertilisation of Orchis mascula — Bees as 
Florists — Conjugation the Door of Progress — 
Bees as Fruit-producers — Apples, Raspberries, 
Blackberries, Strawberries -— Hints on Culture — 

We are now in a position to examine the modifications 
in form and arrangement of the several parts of flowers, 
in order to grasp their meaning in relation to fertilisa¬ 
tion by insect agency. Since some of the most 
beautiful aspects of this highly poetical page of the 

28 o 


book of Nature depend upon proportion and interfitting 
by mutual accommodation, we should be making the 
greatest mistake if we confined our attention solely 
to the insect which has been the central object of 
our investigation ; as well might we endeavour to realise 
the beauties of melody by the perpetual sounding of the 
key note, or to get harmony and contrast in colour by 
banishing all but one. Our bee, nevertheless, will 
claim as its right the principal part of our attention, 
and it will be its work, rather than the botanical 
position of the flower visited, that will determine our 
arrangement. Many of the orders, standing widely 
separate in systems of classification, have points in 
common in relation to their insect fertilisers, and 
such may, in consequence, stand side by side. 

Very many flowers, in which both anther and pistil 
are found, prevent self-fertilisation by maturing one 
before the other; and, in the greater number of cases, 
the anthers ripen first, such blossoms being called 
proterandrous. Since we have already examined the 
pelargonium, which is itself proterandrous, let us turn 
our attention to the Tropseolum majus (A and B, 
Fig. 55), the common garden nasturtium, closely 
resembling the pelargonium, and a member of the 
same order. Here, as before, the nectar is contained 
in a long spur (the nectary, n , A), so long as to 
make the flower more useful to humble than to 
hive bees. When the flower first opens, the style 
is short, and the stigma immature and unreceptive ; 
the anthers, also ( a , a, A), are quite unripe, but soon 
one or two, as seen in the Figure, begin to rise from 
their first position beneath the flower, by an alteration 



in the filament, until they stand just over the stigma, 
so that a bee, entering, could not fail to get dusted 
on the breast with pollen (now beginning to be shed), 
as the tongue is stretched out, and the head pushed 
forward to reach the sweet secretion in the spur. 
The anthers, continuing to reach maturity, follow their 
leaders, one by one, and, during the time that their 
pollen is being liberated by dehiscence (gaping of 
the pollen pouches), they stand in front of, or close 

A, Young Flower (part removed)—a, a. Anthers; s, Stigma; h, Hairs to save 
Nectar from Rain ; n, Nectary, or Spur. B, Older Flower—a', Withered 
Anthers; s', Receptive Stigma; h’, Hairs; n', Nectary. 

to, the stigma. This process occupies from three to 
seven days, during which time the flower is, in func¬ 
tion, male only, although, as carrying both anther and 
pistil, it would be classed as hermaphrodite, or of 
double gender. The anthers now begin to drop off, 
the first to mature being, of course, the first to fade, 
and the filaments which bore them, and carried them 
into position, now shrivel somewhat, and droop, occupy¬ 
ing the position shown at a', B. But the style, mean- 



while, has grown longer, and the pistil, now adhesive 
and receptive, assumes the position, in relation to the 
rest of the blossom, which the anthers have successively 
occupied. A bee flitting from flower to flower, loading 
her legs with pollen, and her honey sac with nectar, 
passes, with a well-powdered breast, from the younger 
condition (A) to the older (B), and of necessity presses 
the pollen grains she carries on to the upstanding 
stigma, and cross-fertilisation is accomplished — the 
only possible fertilisation, since the two genders do 
not co-exist, the blossoms, during their latter period, 
being exclusively female. 

It is well deserving of notice, that the three lower 
petals (one of which has been removed in the Figure) 
have their edges cut into a number of narrow strips 
0h ), which are turned so as to stand nearly upright. 
These refuse contact with water, and perfectly protect 
the nectar from dilution by rain, as may be easily 
seen by sprinkling water heavily upon one of the 
blossoms; but they also appear to serve another 
purpose, in compelling the visiting insect to keep its 
thorax sufficiently up to bring its hairs on to the 
stigma. Looking at the blossom now in the front, 
we observe that the lines on the several petals, ac¬ 
cording to a beautiful and general law in the floral 
world, point to the cavity in which the nectar lies, 
so that these decorations, enhancing the flower so 
much in the estimation of the florist, are, really, so 
to speak, guide-posts to the insect visitor. 

The sequential movements of the anthers of the 
tropseolum are common to many blossoms, and the 
explanation now given will make the delphinium 


(larkspur) intelligible, although this belongs to a dis¬ 
tinct order—the Ranunculaceae. Here, as in the tropae- 
olum, the five sepals forming the calyx are brightly 
coloured, while the upper one is produced into a long 
spur; but, in this case, the two upper petals are con¬ 
tinued backwards into the spur, and secrete nectar. 

The narrow mouth of the flower is surrounded on 
all sides by the petals, but these are so shaped, that 
the tube they form has an opening beneath, just 
behind the entrance. The tongue of the bee, in 
stretching towards the nectary, passes, with the head 
or thorax, over this opening, into which the anthers, 
as they commence to shed pollen, rise, two or three 
together, from their position beneath, and so effectu¬ 
ally powder the insect on the under side. The anthers 
drop again when their fertilising dust is exhausted, to 
be replaced by others until the last, when the 
pistil becomes receptive, and occupies the spot from 
which the male organs have retired, thus securing, 
as before, cross-fertilisation by pollen from a younger 
blossom. To return to our pelargonium (Plate VIII.). 
We find this also proterandrous. The anthers ( a , F) 
split, and shed their pollen, while the style as yet 
presents no stigmatic faces, for the former is now like 
a simple rod ; but, when the pollen has wholly or 
partly disappeared, the upper end of the style divides 
by longitudinal cleavages, and rolls back into view 
the five stigmatic, papillose surfaces which had pre¬ 
viously been mutually protected from possible contact 
with pollen. An inspection of a few pelargoniums 
in a greenhouse will make these several conditions 
absolutely clear. 



The order of development noticed in the blossoms 
just passed in review is sometimes, though far less 
commonly, reversed, as in the Scrophularia nodosa, 
or knotted figwort, which, though a most uninviting 
plant to the florist, has the charm of solid worth to 
the bee-keeper, for, as nectar-producers, its blossoms, 
in spite of their ugliness, are hardly to be excelled. 
The plant is a strong grower, and loves moist situa¬ 
tions, where it often attains 6ft. in height, and from 
June to October bears, on its square stalks, repeatedly- 

A, Young Blossom— s, Stigma. B, Section of Blossom— ca, Calyx; c, Corolla ; 
aa, Aborted Anther ; *, Stigma; l. Lip; a, Anthers; n, Nectar; bl, Back Lip. 
C, Older Blossom— s, Drooping Stigma; a, Anthers. 

forked panicles of flowers. These are somewhat 
globular, and very small, not generally exceeding the 
size of a pea. Their colour is a dull purplish brown 
on the upper petal, passing into a russet green 

The flower is hermaphrodite, but, as before, the 
two genders are . never, actively co-existent. In 
this case the stigma is first mature, so that the 
name proterogynous (meaning first female) is 


given. When the corolla opens, the stigma ( s, A, 
Fig. 56), already adhesive and receptive, presents 
itself immediately over the front lip, and bees— 
having been dusted by pollen in their visits to older 
flowers, and in a manner we shall presently see—as 
they reach in after the abundant nectar ( n , B), 
transfer this pollen from their hairy breasts to the 
sticky stigmatic face. Cross-fertilisation having been 
secured, the stigma shrinks and dries, and the style 
droops (s, C), while the anthers (a, B), which previously 
had been hiding, in a manner which almost looks 
like humour, in the pouch-like form given to the front 
of the corolla cup for their accommodation in their 
moments of bashfulness, now rise into view, take the 
place whence the stigma has retired, and begin to 
shed their pollen. How singular that the anthers 
(a, C) should completely occupy the space over the 
lip, arranging themselves in two pairs, so that, in 
getting the nectar, the bees must reach across, them, if 
the flower is approached in front; while the height of 
the back lip ($/, B) is such, that it is impracticable for' 
them to steal the honey from behind; and, again, that 
the fifth anther {act) is aborted, yielding no pollen, 
because it normally stands at the back of the flower, 
from which spot the pollen evidently could not be 
utilised. As the fertilising dust is carried off for the 
benefit of the younger sister blossoms, the yield of 
nectar slackens, and the corolla cup at last drops; but 
it does not do so until the flower has gratefully given 
for others the equivalent of that which it had itself 
received. The amount of nectar («) produced is 
immense, literally filling the lower part of the corolla, 



and often standing much higher than in the illustration. 
Some years since, this plant was called in America 
Simpson's Honey Plant, and, in a paper extolling its 
virtues, a bee was drolly represented as flying aloft, 
singing, “ Oh, for a thousand tongues!” Mr. A. 
Root says that, watching bees at work upon it, he 
saw the nectar actually distilling into a blossom 
which, just before, a bee had sucked dry, and that, 
in less than a minute, a little bead had been formed. 
He states that, as the bees worked, taking up this 
thin secretion, they, even whilst humming from flower 
to flower, discharged watery fluid ; his opinion being, 
that by this process “ they make clear, crystal honey 
from the sweetened water, as it were,” that is exuding 
so constantly from the nectaries of these little flowers. 
This observation of Mr. Root is quite according to 
the experience of myself and others. The Malpighian 
tubes (page 61), acting as kidneys, excrete rapidly 
any excess of water, but the manner in which the 
latter passes from the honey sac is not yet clearly 

The honey from scrophularia is only of medium 
quality, and it may be urged against the plant that its 
appearance is not decorative, and the exposed position 
of the nectar, which permits short-tongued insects to 
reach it, gives too much encouragement to wasps 
and their allies; but all bee-keepers, notwithstanding, 
would do well to sprinkle its seeds in waste places. 

Nature's fertility of resources is boundless, and the 
plan of making hermaphrodite flowers practically 
unisexual, by bringing the male and female organs 
to maturity at different periods, is often compounded 



with other devices, of which we have an example 
in the excellent honey-plant, Epilobium angustifolium 
(C, Fig. 57), or rosebay willow herb, belonging to the 
order Onagraceas. It is by no means so generally seen 
in England as in Scotland, although it abounds in 
many parts of Somersetshire. It is common throughout 
the cooler parts of the Northern hemisphere, and is 
used in Kamtschatka as forming part of a fermented 
drink. It grows to the height of 5ft. or 6ft., and 
is loaded with racemes, carrying great numbers of 
blossoms, which mature in succession during several 
weeks. In soils which agree with it, this plant is 
even more easily established than removed, as it 
creeps along rapidly by lateral shoots. The wild 
plants have lilac or pink blossoms, with a lavender- 
coloured corolla, and bluish pollen ; but there are three 
or four varieties better suited to garden cultivation, of 
which, album , roseum and rosmarinifolium are to be 
preferred. The last is really a beautiful plant, and 
would grace any shrubbery. Some roots were sent me, 
through the kindness of Mr. Ingram, well-known for the 
interest he takes in bee botany ; they flourished, and, 
during fair weather, the flowers were always crowded 
with bees. In the Botanical Gardens, Kew, this plant 
is grown in the herbaceous grounds, with a multitude 
of others, and hive bees are generally found about it 
in numbers. It receives its name from the flowers 
being placed upon, or at the end of, the pod, which 
might almost be taken for the stalk; but its interest 
now centres upon its method of fertilisation. When 
the flowers open, the style curves backward, carrying 
the stigma (j) to the position shown at A, Fig. 57. 



The eight anthers now begin to shed pollen, which 
bees industriously gather. In two or three days 
when the anthers have exhausted themselves, the 

Fig. 57.— Epilobium angustifolium (Rosebay Willow Herb), Order 

A, Young Flower— s, Stigma turned back; a, Anthers; l, lobe, or Pod. 
B, Older Flower— s, Stigma, turned forward; a. Anthers; l, lobe. C, Spike 
of Flowers. D, Section of Pollen Grain—e, Extine; i, Intine; ti, Thick 
Intine ; /, Fovilla. E, Growing Point of Pollen Grain— e, e, Extine ; i, i, Intine ; 
/, Fovilla; pt, Pollen Tube. 

style straightens, lengthens to its full dimensions, 
and spreads its four stigmas (which previously had 



been shut up together), in the very position to be 
pollinated by a bee coming from a younger flower. 
The pollen grains (D) demand some little attention. 
These are filled with granular particles—the fovilla of 
the older botanists—and at the angles the intine is 
much thickened, which, as before explained, forms 
the covering membrane for the pollen tube (pt, E). 

We now turn our attention to a plant yielding a 
nectar which has qualities poisonous to human beings, 
although it does not seem to be injurious to the bees 
themselves. It is a relative of the rhododendrons 
and azaleas—of bad repute also, so far as honey is con¬ 
cerned, although in the same natural order (Ericaceae) 
we find our invaluable heathers, whose luscious product 
is so highly esteemed. I refer to the beautiful Kalmia 
Latifolia (A, Fig. 58), selected both on account of its 
peculiar adaptations to insect visits, and because all 
apiculturists should know it as a plant to be avoided. 
It is a native of North America, growing in damp 
places, over very large areas, and is here well known 
as a shrubbery plant of great attractiveness, bearing 
pink flowers, with the structure of which every lover 
of Nature should make himself acquainted. .If a flower- 
bud be cut across, the ten anthers will be found to 
have their ends tucked into small cavities, or pockets 
(ap, D), which appear as bosses on the outside of the 
bud, while the filament lies almost in contact with 
the corolla; but, as the latter expands (B), the filaments 
are bent outwards and backwards, and so brought into 
a condition of strain. Now, any sudden jar or rough 
handling liberates the anther, when the elasticity of its 
filament suddenly throws it up (as at a, C) towards the 

2 A 



style, and the pollen ( pg ) will escape by two pores 
(po, E), and so- possibly produce self-fertilisation. 
But should a bee circle on the wing over the flower, 
the legs or under side of the abdomen would first 
touch the stigma, and, did the visitor carry pollen, 
crossing would be the result. The tongue, now feeling 

Fig. 58.- Kalmia latifoua, Order Ericaceae. 

A, Flowering Branch. B, Expanded Flower—op, Anther Pocket. C, Section of 
Expanded Flower— ap, ap, Anther Pockets; s, Stigma; a, Anther (free); pa. 
Pollen Grains m Shower; ca, Calyx. D, Section of Flower Bud—ap, Anther 
f Ml t Stamen More Enlar g' ed — 1 a. Anther ; po, Pores ; pg , Pollen Grains ; 

its way into the base of the flower, to secure nectar, 
would certainly liberate one or more of the anthers, 
which, projecting their pollen towards the insect, 
would furnish it with material for fertilising some 
other blossom. Thus, then, it is that the pollen of 
one is carried to the stigma of another. Those un- 



• acquainted with the kalmia would be greatly interested 
in liberating the anthers by means of a bristle. 

During the celebrated retreat of the Ten Thousand, 
as recorded by Xenophon in his “Anabasis,” the 
soldiers regaled themselves upon some honey which 
they found near Trebizonde, where were many bee¬ 
hives. Intoxication, with vomiting, was the result. 
Some were so overcome, he states, as to be incapable 
of standing. Not a soldier died, but very many were 
greatly weakened for several days. Tournefort en¬ 
deavoured to discover whether this account was 
corroborated by anything ascertainable in the locality, 
and had good reason to be satisfied respecting it. 
He concluded that the honey had been gathered from 
a shrub growing in the neighbourhood of Trebizonde, 
which is there well known as producing the before- 
mentioned effects. It is now agreed, that the plants 
were species of rhododendrons and azaleas. Lam- 
berti confirms Xenophon’s account, by stating that 
similar effects are produced by the. honey of Colchis, 
where the same shrubs are common. In 1790, even, 
fatal cases occurred in America, in consequence of 
eating wild honey, which was traced to the Kalmia 
latifolia by an inquiry instituted under the direction 
of the American Government. Happily, our American 
cousins are now never likely to thus suffer, thanks 
to drainage, the plough, and the bee-farm. 

The beautiful purple heathers of our moorland and 
semi-mountain scenery have often given inspiration 
to the poet, and lovely indeed are the glowing tints 
the countless bells impart to the landscape, as they 
reflect the light of the setting sun; but while they 

2 A 2 



thus in mass charm the artist, one can stir emotion 
in the breast of the true naturalist. Let us examine 
the Erica Tetralix (the cross-leaved heath), which, 
though less helpful to the bee than the common ling 
{Erica vulgaris , or Calluna ), is very similar to it in 
structure. This species, during July and August, in 
the southern parts of England, produces abundance 
of drooping, wax-like flowers, nearly white at the 

Order Ericaceae. 

A, Section of Blossom (Magnified Five times)—a, a, Anthers ; ap, ap, Appendages of 
Anthers ; /, /, Filaments ; o, Ovary ; s, Stigma ; h, Sticky Hairs. 13, Anther— 
f't Filament; ap', Part of Appendage of Anther; p, Pore of Anther, with 
Pollen Grains Escaping. C, Blossom (Natural Size). X), Fragment of the 
Calyx (Magnified Twenty-five times)— b, b, Simple Hairs ; gh, Glandular Hairs ; 
g, g, Glands surrounded by Secretion. 

base, and delicately shaded with a rich pink. It is 
certainly the most beautiful of our common indi¬ 
genous heaths, and grows freely on moist, mossy 
ground and bogland throughout the kingdom. Open¬ 
ing the bell, which sways in the wind mouth down¬ 
wards, we find a straight, pinkish style, terminated 
by the stigma (j, A, Fig. 59), hanging in the centre 



like a clapper, the stigmatic face in large part closing 
the narrow opening. The filaments (/, f), eight in 
number (all but two are removed in the Figure, to 
avoid confusion), start from the base of the ovary ( 0 ), 
where the nectar is secreted. These filaments, like 
those of kalmia, act as springs, but, in this case, 
their function is to hold the anther close against 
the rod-like style. The anthers, also, are provided 
with oval openings, or pores ( p , B), which are placed 
at their lower ends; but since they are held side by 
side, in a circle around the style, the pore of one is 
opposite to the pore of the next, so that the escape 
of pollen is prevented. Each anther consists of two 
cells, and each of these is furnished with a horn-like 
process ( ap, A), expressly intended to be in the way 
of the tongue of the nectar-gatherer. She arrives, 
but the opening is too small to admit her head, and 
the distance from the mouth of the bell to the sweets 
sought is as far as she can reach, so her head is 
brought up into contact with the viscid stigma. 
Here she leaves her load of pollen (for she wears 
hair powder, as we shall see, while she is at work 
on heather), and so accomplishes her work as fertiliser. 
The tongue, as it runs up, must strike one or more 
of the sixteen anther appendages, which act like 
levers, and so disarrange some of the anthers them¬ 
selves, and separate their pores, when down rains 
the fertilising dust upon the bee’s little brow (where it 
remains, as it is beyond the reach of her leg-brushes, 
so that she gathers no pollen from heather). She 
sucks her nectar, and passes to the next blossom ; the 
elastic filaments restoring the anthers to order, and 



awaiting another visit; and the bee. applies, almost 
as quickly, the pollen she carries, to the receptive 
stigma of the next bell. How clear it is, that some 
correlation in size between bee and flower is needed ! 
Tiny insects might creep into the bell, and, passing 
up its sides, secure its nectar, without touching the 
anther appendages; but if they did, they would not 
be dusted, the pollen would be but wasted, and, worse, 
the nectar would be gone, and the bee would not be 
encouraged. A singular device prevents this : the 
plant, especially about the flower stalks, bracts, and 
calyx, is covered by glandular hairs, or trichomes ( h , 
A, and gh, D), which constantly yield a viscid body, 
that would stick fast the little thieves if they ventured 
to attempt to make themselves guests without an in¬ 
vitation. These clammy hairs, however, trouble not 
the bee : she grasps the glossy bell with her legs, 
and does not touch the calyx. Her weight but 
makes the position of the flower the better for the 
proper placing of the pollen. In the calluna (the 
ling), the flowers are more horizontal, and the style 
curves upwards, so that the bee’s tongue is inserted 
beneath it; but the whole plan of action is similar 
to that occurring in Erica Tetralix or E. cmerea. The 
sticky hairs, however, are not present, while both the 
latter species possess them—and why? The mouth of 
the blossom is so small that it is its own protection. 
The window need not be shut if its opening is 
covered by narrow bars, and Nature does not waste 
force in defending that which needs no defender. 

I was greatly pleased, some time since, in studying 
the blossom of the Arbutus Unedo (strawberry tree), 



and, although the flower is not especially interesting 
to bee-keepers, I venture to give ray results, as illus¬ 
trating and explaining much that has already been 
said. This tree-like shrub belongs to the same order 
as the foregoing, and is characterised by bearing a 
berry containing many seeds ; and its resemblance to 
the well-known fruit gives the popular name. It is 
a native of Southern Europe, but with us it is a hardy 

Fig. 60.—Flower and Details of Arbutus TJnedo (Strawberry Tree), 
Order Ericaceae. 

A, Section through Blossom (Magnified Five times)—/, /, Filaments of Anthers ; 
a. Anther driven from Style; a', Anther in Natural Position; ap, Appendage 
of Anther; s, Stigma; 0, Ovary. B, Blossoms (Natural Size), s', The Five 
Stigmatic Faces communicating with the Five-celled Ovary, more Magnified. 

evergreen, reaching 16ft. high, or even more. Its 
blossoms are greenish-yellow, and are formed in 
October and November, and, with the same general 
plan of structure as those just noticed, it has some most 
singular differences and modifications. We find here 
ten anthers^ placed around a straight style, by spring¬ 
like filaments ; but the former are disposed in two rows 
of five each. The inner has its pores placed on the 



end, instead of the side, of the cell, so that the style 
itself stops the orifices ; upon the backs of the inner 
anthers the outer row is pressed, and thus a ring of 
twenty appendages ( ap , A, Fig. 60) is set round the 
centre of the flower. The stigma is receptive before the 
anthers are ripe. Unless insects quickly visit the 
blossom, the outer anthers drop back, as at a, A; but 
all the pollen does not at once run out, for the anther 
is lobed within, and is delicately poised at the back, 
by a very slender termination to the filament. The 
pollen which falls is here held by the inner hairs of the 
corolla (shown in the Figure), and may be swept up by 
bees' tongues. The second set of anthers (a'), at a 
iater period, fall back, and sprinkle their pollen as 
the others. The suggestion seems to be, that, if 
bees do. not come, then smaller insects, walking up 
the corolla inside, may get coated, and so fertilise 
other blossoms (for we must remember that these 
flowers are proterandrous) by walking down their 
styles. For it is singular that, notwithstanding the 
large mouths of the corolla, no sticky hairs occur; 
but their office is, in this case, performed by the 
filaments (/), which are enormously thickened, and 
covered with thin, cottony hairs, so that the ten so 
fill the upper part of the bell, that very small insects 
could not force their way through them to get the 

It is in this useful order that we find also the 
cranberry, bilberry, and whortleberry, all the blos¬ 
soms of which could be well made out by applying 
the above explanations as an examination might 



The consideration of the movements of the fila¬ 
ments of Kalmia and Arbutus Unedo naturally intro 
duces a common British plant, whose filaments are 
remarkably irritable, and hence often secure cross¬ 
ing. In the common barberry, which, in June, 
bears drooping racemes of yellow flowers, the six 
filaments spread directly outwards, standing just over 
the six petals, which bear twelve conspicuous honey 
glands that are very alluring to bees. Should one 
of the latter, in seeking sweets, touch a filament, 
it immediately springs upwards, striking the insect, so 
as not only to dust its body, but to so startle it that 
it retires to another flower, when the pollen carried 
off is immediately transferred to the receptive edge 
of the upstanding stigma. So persistent is this curious 
property, that the filament will contract upon being 
touched after its removal from the flower. 

We have previously noticed several cases in which 
the genders appear on different ( dioecious ) plants, 
the flowers being unisexual, and, in consequence, 
incapable of self-fertilisation; and we have now to 
consider a most interesting set of variations, in which 
the flow'ers become practically dioecious, although 
they remain hermaphrodite, securing cross-fertilisa¬ 
tion by differentiating into two, or even three, dis¬ 
tinct forms, which are complementary to one another. 
If, by example, a handful of primroses be gathered 
promiscuously from several plants, they will be found, 
upon examination, to present very apparent dissimi¬ 
larities amongst themselves, some having a pale green, 
almost globular form (s, A, Fig. 61), the stigma, at 
the top of the corolla tube, others, at the same spot, 


showing five anthers (a', B), nearly closing the mouth. 
Upon splitting these two forms, the first will present 
an enlargement in the centre of the corolla tube, 
and here the anthers (a, A) take their position. The 
second has an enlargement at the top, where the 
anthers ( a ', B) are placed, while the centre of the 
tube is destitute of any widening, but contains the 
greenish stigma (s'). It is clear that, if a bee, 
probably a Humble, visits the first blossom (A), the 

A, Long-styled Flower— s, Stigma ; st, Style; a, Anther; o, Ovary; pg, Pollen 
Grains, more Magnified. B, Short-styled Form— a', Anther; s’, Stigma ; 
sf, Style; o', Ovary ; pg', Pollen Grains, more Magnified. 

long tongue, fully outstretched to get at the nectar, 
will be coated with pollen upon the centre of its 
length ; and should the bee now pass to the second 
form, the carried pollen will be in the correct posi¬ 
tion for fertilising the flower, while the tongue will 
get coated at the root, for subsequently pollinating 
the first form. Darwin, in a series of admirable ex¬ 
periments, proved that, although seed might be pro¬ 
duced artificially in the plant under consideration, by 



putting pollen from form A upon the same or another 
flower of form A, that the best seed, and the largest 
number per capsule, could only be obtained by cross¬ 
ing, not only two flowers, but also the two forms, 
which are naturally bound together by mutual depend¬ 
ence. This leads to the inquiry, Does any ascer¬ 
tainable difference exist between these pollens ? Micro¬ 
scopic measurements show that the pollen grains of 
form A (pg) only contain about one-third the material 
of those of B, seeming to indicate, although Darwin 
hazards no opinion here, that the larger grain is best 
suited to forming the longer pollen tube required in 
the long-styled form. By further experiment, the 
existence of that which is commonly called prepotency 
was proved— i.e., pollen placed on the stigma of the 
flower form whence it had been derived, would be 
rendered powerless by subsequently adding pollen from 
the complementary blossom. 

Dimorphism (or double form) is more common than 
even botanists, not long since, suspected, and amongst 
dimorphic plants we find those of the highest utility to 
the bee, because to many such the bee, or some other 
insect, is a sine qua non. In the Linacese , or flax 
family, e.g., certain species are only capable of pro¬ 
ducing seed at all when intercrossed. In Linum grandi- 
florum (A, Fig. 62), the stigmas (s, s ) and anthers (a, a ) 
are so placed, that intercrossing must be generally 
brought about by bees reaching after the nectar 
secreted, at five points, at the outside of the anther 
bases; and experiment has fully shown, that if the pollen 
of B be placed on its stigmas, or those of any other 
similarly formed flower, not only is fertilisation not 

3 °° 


effected, but the pollen utterly fails in even forming 
a pollen tube. The pretty Pulmonaria officinalis , or 
lungwort, presents another example of the same 
singular fact, which obtains, in a less degree, with many 
other plants ; Darwin, in one list, enumerating thirty- 
four. Polygonum fagopyrum (buckwheat), previously 
figured, is strongly dimorphic, having short styles and 
long filaments, or the converse. 

But plants occasionally, as previously hinted, present 
three forms in the same species. No example is more 
surprising than that of purple loosestrife (.Lythrum 
Salicaria ), which, withal, is a good honey-producer, 
secreting nectar all round the base of the ovaries, and, 
in consequence, visited with great frequency by hive 
bees. It is also amongst the most handsome of our 


3 0: 

native perennials, with its long, tapering spikes of crim¬ 
son and purple, borne on steins 3ft. or 4ft. high, and 
decorating gaily the banks of the stream, where it holds 
its own amongst the sedges, rushes, and sallows. 
Although a water lover, it may be naturalised in the 
garden ; and I know of no plant likely to afford so 
much pleasure to the scientific bee-keeper. It has, 
in all its forms, twelve anthers, arranged in two rows 
of six, and a centrally placed pistil. But the lengths 
of the style and filaments in no two forms agree; when 
the style is short, the stamens are medium and long; 
when the style is medium, the stamens are short and 
long; and when the style is long, the stamens are short 
and medium. The long pistil is fertilised by the long 
stamens of the other two forms, the medium by the 
medium, and the short by the short; for, as bees pass 
from plant to plant (each plant bearing only one form 
of flower), the pollen finds its proper resting-place by 
the position given to it by the anther whence it 
came, for the long, medium, and short stamens touch 
the bee on different parts of the body, which are 
subsequently applied to the long, medium, and short- 
styled stigma respectively. The wonders of this 
interfitting are too many for description. Even the 
pollens are truly diverse, and of three kinds, while 
the filaments are distinct, the long being deeply red, 
the medium and short white. The anther cells of the 
long filaments are nearly black, and the pollen grains 
a brilliant emerald green, while the pollen of the short 
and medium anthers is yellow. The green pollen 
grain is large, the yellow pollen of the medium anther 
smaller, and that of the short anther less again, seem- 



ing to indicate, as before, that the pollen grain has 
its size accommodated to the length of tube it has 
to produce. The bee-keeper possessing these plants 
will never lack a source of amusement and in¬ 
struction both for himself and his friends. 

The order Compositae , which embraces no less 
than about 10,000 species, of which 113 are British, 
includes very many plants that are of the highest 
utility to the bee-farmer. The name of the order 
implies that the flower-head ( capitulum ) really carries 
many blossoms, which, on account of the closeness of 
their packing, would popularly be regarded as one. 

Fig. 63.— Section of Flower-head (Capitulum) of Common Cineraria, Order 
Compositce (Magnified Four times). 

A, Ray-floret; B, Receptacle, with Involucre—1,1', 2, 2', &c., Florets Entire and 
in Section, in similar Conditions of Development. 

Let us first examine a capitulum—and, for our pur¬ 
pose, a sunflower, a field daisy, a thistle, or a 
golden rod, with its rich nectar, would have answered 
perfectly; but I choose a cineraria from the green¬ 
house, for the same reason that I previously selected 
the pelargonium. Looking at the flower-head, we 
see a ring of petals surrounding a convex centre, 



which careful inspection will show to be formed by 
the upper ends of a number of tubular flowers. 
Making a cross section, we find the central flowers, 
or florets, less developed than those at the side ; 
so that, by passing from the centre to the cir¬ 
cumference, we trace the steps of progress through 
which each floret must pass. In No. 1, Fig. 63, the 
extension of the corolla tube at its lower end, to ac¬ 
commodate the ovary, is seen, while above, the corolla 
is just opening. About a day later this floret will 
have assumed the form of No. 2, where the anthers 
have grown up partly into view. In this order the 
anthers and their filaments surround the style, the 
anthers uniting at their edges, so as to form a tubular 
sheath, into which the pollen is shed. The style fills 
the tubular sheath in its lower part, like the rod of a 
popgun, and, as it grows, drives the pollen before it, 
until at last the anther tube gives way, and the 
pollen is pushed out as we see it at Nos. 4, 4', Figs. 
63 and 64, when insects, searching for sweets, and 
collecting or eating the pollen, will get dusted 
beneath. The style still grows on, and now appears 
(5) having its end covered with filamentous hairs, 
which have acted the part of a chimney sweeper's 
machine in driving the pollen before it. A day or 
two later, when its fertilising dust has all gone, the 
style splits, and curves back (6), so as to expose 
the now receptive stigmatic faces; and thus, as in so 
many similar cases, crossing is. secured. Coming 
now to the outside floret, carrying one of the rays 
which make the external ring of the flower-head, we 
find a distinct alteration. Here the style carries no 



brushes, for this floret is purely female, having i 
anthers. No pollen requires sweeping out, and, thei 
fore, brushes, which could effect no purpose, a 
not formed ; and again, had this floret produced polle 
it could not have been utilised, at least on the san 
flower-head, since all the florets are proterandroi 
the younger in this matter serving the elder, and 
absolving the eldest of all from the need of polle 

OF fart of One of the COMPOSITE (Cineraria), Magnified Ten times; 
Lettering as Fig. 63. 

production. Although the plan throughout the order 
is so similar that the comprehension of one example 
gives the key to every other, yet there are variations 
of detail which must be remembered. Thus, in some 
composite flower-heads every floret bears a ray, as in 
the dandelion; or all may be tubular and perfect, as 
in the spear thistle; or the outermost florets neuter, 
as in the corn bluebottle; or female, as in the case just 
examined; or monoecious, those of the disk beinp- male. 



and the rays female, as in the marigold; or even 
dioecious, one plant bearing male heads, and another 
female, as in the cudweed ( Gnaphalium dioicum ). 

But all are wonderful; the commonest of composites, 
the field daisy, peeping out amidst the grass though 
it forms but little dots in the pattern of Nature’s soft 
carpet, is still a world of wonders in every one of the 
hundred tiny tubes that make up its little face, with 
its frill of white and pink. It carries within itself 
the counterpart of all hitherto explained, with marvel 
upon marvel beside, to reward him who seeks; for 
Nature is never truly wooed that she does not lift 
her veil and smile. The daisy, too, is a sleeper; 
when the sun goes down, she closes her ray-florets, 
to open them again when day returns; and hence 
her name —“ day’s eye.” So with other flowers— 
the dandelion, the hawkweed, the sandwort, the pim¬ 
pernel, all of which choose special hours to sleep 
and wake, adding a day nap when clouds hide 
the sun. Some blossoms are like Convolvulus sepium 
(the great bindweed), which closes at night, unless 
the moon is shining, and the stillness is broken by 
the low murmur of the moth’s wing, when it remains 
open. If to this we add, that wind-fertilised blossoms 
do not sleep, and that those depending on moths are 
especially fragrant during the most active hours of 
these nocturnal insects, is not the conclusion almost 
irresistible, that these peculiarities have relation to the 
modes of fertilisation of each ? 

No order contains a larger proportion of plants of 
utility to bees than the Leguminosse, every British 
representative of which has an irregular flower, of 

2 B 



papilionaceous (butterfly) form (A, Fig. 65). It is 
probable, that all flowers having an irregular corolla 
are adapted to fertilisation by insects, and that the 
latter are prevented, by the irregularity, from reaching 
the nectary, except from that position which makes 
their visits effective in securing a cross. In the 
papilionaceous tribe, it frequently happens, that the 
nectar-gatherer, in alighting, causes certain mechanical 
changes by its weight, by means of which pollen is 
transferred to its body for distribution to neighbouring 
blossoms. In this order we find lucerne, sainfoin, 
melilot, clover, vetches, and many others ; but the 
Pisum sativum, (the kitchen pea), an importation from 
Southern Europe, is an excellent typical flower, although, 
singularly, in our own country, failing its native insect 
attendants, it has acquired the power of self-fertilisa¬ 
tion.* The corolla has five petals—a large upper one 
( v ), the vexillum, or standard; two that are lateral, 
the alae ( al ), or wings ; and two, more or less united 
at their lower margins, forming the keel, or carina, 
which, within its boat-shaped cavity incloses the 
stamens and pistil. The anthers are ten in number; the 
filaments of nine of them (a', C) are confluent, form¬ 
ing a covering for the ovary beneath and at the sides, 
but slit above, where the tenth anther (a), with its 
isolated filament, is placed. This slitting gives the bee’s 
tongue access to the nectar at n, B and C. The style is 
somewhat hairy, while the anthers open early, and dis¬ 
charge their pollen, which mainly lodges upon the 
style. If the blossom of a pea, or vetch, be taken 

* Rev. G. Henslow on “ Self-fertilisation of Plants ” (Transactions of 
Linnean Society, 2nd Series, vol. i., page 361). 



to pieces, it will be seen that the keel petals have 
each a protuberance, which fits into a corresponding 
hollow on the inner sides of the alae, so that the 
latter cannot be depressed without carrying the keel 
with them. This is really what happens when the 
bee settles. The style, forming part of the rigidly 
set pistil, relatively rises between the keel petals, 
and touches the bee on the thorax, as at B, leaving 

Fig. 65.—Papilionaceous Blossoms, and their Method of Fertilisation. 
A, Expanded Pea Blossom, Order Leguminosas—v , Vexillum ; al, Alae with Carina 
between. B. Partial Section of Flower of Vetch being Fertilised by Cyprian 
Bee (Magnified Twice), Right Ala removed below line a, 6—1/, Vexillum; 
n', Nectar Gland ; al' Ala ; c, Carina containing the Pistil, the Stigma of which 
is striking the Bee’s Breast. C, Section of Pistil, showing Ovules (Peas) in 
Ovary— n, Nectary; a, a', Anthers ; s, Stigma. 

some pollen, which may be placed on the stigma of 
the next flower. All this can be easily seen, by hold¬ 
ing the blossom steadily, and pushing down the alae 
with the fingers. At the departure of the insect, the 
style again retires, to repeat the process if necessary. 
The stigma first touches the bee’s body, so that crossing 
is brought about; and then, as the tongue is employed 
in sweeping up the nectar, a new supply of pollen 
is given ; so that, in visiting a succession of blossoms, 
the pollen of one is transferred to the stigma of the 
next. The description now given applies to Lathyrus 

2 B 2 



and vetches, but in the scarlet runner a singular and 
interesting modification must be noticed. The keel 
is prolonged into a narrow snout, which is literally 
coiled like a snail’s shell, and through which the style, 
similarly twisted, is prolonged. When a bee visits, 
the stigma first makes its appearance, and then the 
pollen-coated style, acting in the manner previously 
noticed. The French bean has a structure identical 
with that of the scarlet runner, and both yield honey; 
yet the latter is sterile without insect action, while 
the former, where no insect can fertilise it, may be 
forced, yielding seed in full abundance by self¬ 
impregnation. In the melilots and trifoliums, and 
Onobrychis (sainfoin), we have the plants which most 
gladden the bee-keeper’s heart. Their honey is of 
rare quality, and its amount is astonishing. Their 
fertilisation is accomplished as before, with slight 
differences, since the style is not brush-like, but the 
anthers themselves pass out of the keel to give up 
their pollen. Darwin points out the utility of bees 
to these plants. The flowers of Trifolium incarnatum 
(crimson trefoil), which were visited by bees, pro¬ 
duced between five and six times as many seeds as 
those that were protected (covered with a net). Of 
Trifolium pratense (common purple clover), ioo 
flower-heads on plants protected did not produce a 
single seed, whilst ioo heads, on plants growing out¬ 
side, which were visited by bees, yielded 2,720 seeds. 
In Trifolium repens (white Dutch clover), the crossed 
and self-fertilised plants yielded seeds in the ratio of 
ten to one ; and, in another experiment, twenty heads, 
unprotected, yielded 2,290 seeds, while twenty pro- 



tected heads had “only a single aborted seed.” The 
Trifolium repens , taking first rank as a fodder plant, as 
well as a honey-producer, delights in chalky ground, and 
often the powdering of lime on the soil will cause a 
crop of it to appear where previously it had not 
been cultivated, or known to exist. 

The sweet-scented Labiatae are not unworthy com¬ 
panions of the Leguminosae , for not a single plant 

d d' 

A, Side View of Flower—c, Calyx; l, Labium, or Lip ; s, Stigma ; b, Narrow Mouth 
to Corolla Tube ; d, Upper Lip arranged as a Hood. B, Front View of Part of 
Blossom— d'. Upper Lip ; a. Anthers arranged in Line; s', Stigma. C, Side 
View of Stigmatic Faces (s") carrying Pollen Grains. D, Enlarged View of 
Anther dehiscing— pg, Pollen Grains; h, Hairs holding Pollen Grains. 

of the order possesses poisonous properties, whilst 
amongst them we find lavender, thyme, rosemary, 
the mints in their varieties, marjoram, sages, sweet 
basil, savory, balm, germander, horehound, &c., most 
of which give special aromas to honeys gathered 
where they abound. Lamium album (the white 
dead nettle), to be found in every hedgerow in the 
South of England, will make evident the general 



characters of the order; but the size of the blossom 
fits it for fertilisation by Humble bees. The extra 
size, however, will aid us if we pull a flower to pieces. 
The nectar is found in the lower portion of the tube, 
around the ovary, where it can easily be seen by 
removing the calyx ( c , A, Fig. 66), and slitting the 
corolla. This is protected from rain by the umbrella 
form of the upper lip, which acts more perfectly be¬ 
cause it is surrounded by hairs. The tube-like portion 
of the corolla throws out a broad lip (/), which serves 
as an alighting-place. The flower, in its earlier stage, 
has the four anthers (for one is aborted, as in scrophu- 
laria, and for the same reason—see page 285) arranged 
in line just under the hood, or umbrella (a, B), so that, 
as the bee stretches in after the honey, the central 
parts of the head and thorax get coated with pollen. 
We notice another curious adaptation : the anthers are 
very hairy (D), while they look towards one another, 
so that, as the fertilising granules leave the anther 
cells, they are held by the hairs right in the median 
line. The pollen is now carried away by the bee, 
to be transferred, in turn, to a more advanced flower, 
where the stigma (s", C) is both receptive and pro¬ 
minent. Within the corolla, towards the base, we 
find a ring of hairs pointing upwards, which effectually 
prevent small insects, whose backs could not be applied 
to the anthers, from creeping down the tube, and so 
stealing the nectar. 

In several other species of Labiates we have still 
more singular modifications, cross-fertilisation being 
secured, as in many previous cases, by the stamens 
coming to maturity, and shrivelling before the 


stigma is receptive; and, in addition, mechanical 
means are used for placing the pollen on that part 
of the fertilising insect which alone can be effective. 
If we take a recently-opened flower of the Salvia 
officinalis (common sage), A, Fig. 67, and make a sec¬ 
tion, we shall find the stamens are of a most modi¬ 
fied character ; the filament (f C) is extremely short, 
and very stiffly set upon a curiously modelled part 
of the corolla, apparently specially designed to give 
rigidity (s, E). The anther cells, instead of standing 
at the end of the filament, are widely separated, by a 
long white rod (c, C), the connective, which is itself 
hinged to the top of the filament, while the lower 
anther cell is aborted, producing no pollen. The 
nectar is secreted, as in the lamium, at the end of 
the corolla tube. When the blossom is entire, the 
two aborted anther cells meet together, and bar the 
entrance to the flower, at the lower part. A bee, 
attempting to enter, drives her head against the 
aborted cells, which immediately yield, and run back 
into the flower, turning the connectives on each side 
on their hinges {hi, D), at the end of the filaments, by 
which the anther cells ( a , C), carrying pollen, are patted 
down on to the bee's back ( a , D); and here a dense 
patch of coloured dust is left. The nectar having been 
absorbed, the bee departs, and, as its head is withdrawn, 
the connectives revolve into their old position, and the 
anthers await another arrival, until all the pollen has 
gone. While the anthers wither, the style {si> C and D), 
short in the young stage of the flower, grows rapidly, 
and presently occupies the position seen at B. Our 
gatherer arrives, decorated on the back, and, pushing 



into the corolla mouth, gives up the burden, of 
which it is unconscious, on to the stigmatic face, 
now waiting to receive it. If a pencil be passed 
into the mouth of a flower of Salvia patens or 
S. fulgens —both of which, on account of their great 
length of corolla, are desirable for illustration—the 

Fig. 67.—Blossom of Salvia officinalis, Order Labiates (Natural Size). 

A, Young Flower, showing aborted Anther Cell. B, Older Flower, showing Stigma. 

C, Section of Young Flower—a, Anther Cell; ac, Aborted Cell; c, Connective ; 
/, Filament; hi, Hinge of Filament; co, Corolla ; ca, Calyx ; st, Style ; s, Stiff 
Attachment of Filament l, Labium ; A, Interior Hairs ; nr/, Nectar Gland. 

D, Section of Young Flower, with Bee entering; Lettering as before. E, Section 
of Base of Flower flattened out, Lower Part shown—st, Style ; s and /, Stiff 
Attachment of Filament of Pollen-bearing Anther ; aa, Aborted Anther; 
A, Interior Hairs ; ca, Calyx ; ng, Nectar Gland. 

descent of the anther, attached to a connective, 
perhaps an inch in length, and looking like a mimic 
chopper, the blow of which decorates the pencil, 
cannot fail to cause astonishment. Indeed, I can 
hardly imagine any sight more curious than that pre- 



sented, any summer afternoon, in the Herbaceous 
Garden at Kew, where hundreds of various Labiates, 
growing side by side, attract crowds of bees, of 
different genera and varied sizes, which, entering 
the curious flowers these plants bear so profusely, 
bring the hiding anthers into view, literally getting 
patted on the back for their pains. It is only, 
however, insects of the correct bulk that can effect 
the work; they must be large enough to meet the 
anther, and reach up to the stigma; and so, to prevent 
smaller ones from stealing that abundant nectar in¬ 
tended for their superiors, in size at least, the lobster- 
pot arrangement, previously noted, is supplied, and 
seen at h, C and E, up to which the nectar frequently 
extends. But this is not the only manner in which 
thieves are kept at bay ; in a salvia common on the 
Continent (Salvia glutinosa ), there are no internal 
hairs, but the flower-spikes, bracts, and the entire out¬ 
side of the blossom, are covered by secreting trichomes, 
which are exceedingly sticky, frequently holding as 
prisoners crowds of small insects, that vainly paw 
the air, pleading for release. The inside of the 
flower, including the lip upon which the bees settle, 
is not adhesive, so that the favoured insect is not 
incommoded. The plan brings to mind the Erica 
Tetralix (page 294). 

In the order Cruciferae we have many useful 
honey plants, embracing the wallflower, stock, cress, 
rocket, cabbage, turnip, and mustard ; the wild form 
of the latter (charlock, or cadlock), as a widespread 
weed, yielding, in some districts, the staple of the 
bee-keeper’s harvest. The most usual form of adap- 

3 I 4 


tation in this order, which is very varied, is one of 
great interest, and must be ascertained by an in¬ 
spection of the flowers. The anthers in the young 
blossoms face the style, but before they ripen they 
turn their backs, and shed the pollen, which is thus 
in the least likely position to find its way to the 
stigma of the flower yielding it, but in the most 
favourable place for adhering to insect visitors acting 
as cross-fertilisers. The retrorse anther, as it is 
called, is frequent in its occurrence in other orders. 

Our space has permitted us to deal with types only, 
and these would be extremely incomplete without 
some notice of orchids, which have always been 
objects of wonder, but have never attracted more 
attention than in recent years, as their investigation 
has revealed devices which appear to the last degree 
romantic. The one example chosen for illustration 
is a British species, Orchis Morio , which, as I have 
several times witnessed, is habitually visited by the 
hive bee, and so here is of deeper interest than the 
more extraordinary exotics, many of which are large 
nectar-producers, while all species of the sixteen 
British genera are of only moderate value in this 
respect. The flowers in this order are exceedingly 
unlike those we have previously studied, so that 
some little attention must first be given to general 
structure. In Fig. 68, A, we find, as in all common 
orchids, but one developed anther (a), which has no 
distinct filament, for this is confluent with the pistils, 
forming together the column—the part of the flower 
immediately in front of the bee’s head. The anther, 
which we have seen in other cases to carry the 


vivifying element (the pollen), in the form of granules, 
collected in two cells, has here a peculiar structure : 
its cells are two, but they are so widely separated 
(a', a', C) as almost to appear like two separate anthers ; 
while the pollen they contain coheres in masses 
(pollinia, po , D), held together by internal elastic 

Fig. 68.—Orchid (Order Orchidacece) Blossoms and Details. 

A, Flower of Orchis Morio, Sepals, two Petals, and side of Spur removed, with Apis 
Mellifica (op), Hive Bee, sucking Nectar— a, Anther; po, Pollinium or Pollen 
Mass ; r, Rostellum ; si, Stigma (side view); l, Labellum ; os, Ovary ; n, Nectary ; 
hr. Bract. B, Bee fertilising Orchis Morio—a. Anther with Pollinium removed ; 
po, Pollinium, attached to Bee’s Head and applied to Stigma ; other Letterings 
as before. C, Front View of Orchis Morio, Magnified Three times. Sepals and two 
Petals removed— Ir, Lip of Rostellum ; f, f, Fissures in Front of Anther Cells 
(a', a '); other Letterings as before. D, Pollen Masses, &c.—po, Pollinia ; c, Cau- 
dicle ; vd, Viscid Disc ; vg, Viscid Globe ; Ir, Lip of (r) Rostellum. E, Head of 
Bee, carrying (po ) Pollinium— an, Antenna;. F, Position of—po, Pollinia (thirty 
seconds later), partially depressed. G, Head of Bee—an, Antenna" ; po, Pollinia 
(sixty seconds later) fully depressed. H, Pollen Granules (much magnified), 
held in packets by thin elastic threads. I, Head of Bee, carrying (po) Pollinia 
of one of the Vandeoe — an, Antennae. 



threads, which also tie each mass, at the end of a very 
curious, stalk-like appendage (the caudicle, c), which 
is again attached to a viscid piece of membrane (the 
viscid disc, vd), having below it the viscid globe 
{vg). The method of distributing the pollen will come 
before us presently. The stigmatic faces are, theo¬ 
retically, three, but only two are fertilised by pollen, 
with the formation of pollen tubes, entering the ovary 
in the usual manner; their sticky faces are seen, side 
view, at si, A; in the front view, si, C. The third 
stigma is modified into what is called the rostellum 
( r , A), which contains the viscid matter of the discs 
and globes just mentioned, playing a most whimsical 
function, in order to secure crossing. The outer 
portions of the flower consist, as in most orders, 
of calyx and corolla, here divided into three sepals 
and three petals respectively. All of the former, 
and two of the latter, have been removed, to permit 
of an uninterrupted view of the organs of reproduc¬ 
tion. The third petal, properly the upper one, but 
made the lower by a semi-twist of the ovary (ov, A), 
is larger than the others, and offers a landing-place 
to insects, as we see by the position the bee has 
taken. It is called the lower lip, or labellum (/), and 
is carried backwards in the form of a spur, where it 
assumes the functions of a nectary * (n), and so 
attracts visitors. The anther cells are longitudinally 
open in front, the fissures (/, /, C) of the covering 
occurring before the flower opens, so that the pollinia 
may be taken out from their pouches, in which they 
lie, but to which they are not attached. The 
membrane, forming the whole external surface of the 



rostellum, is at first continuous, but, as soon as the 
flower opens, the slightest touch causes it to rupture 
transversely, in a sinuous line ( Ir , C and D) in front 
of the anther cells. Let us now suppose that a bee 
(ap, A) alights on the labellum, and advances the 
head, in order that the tongue may reach the nectary 
(#), where the sweet liquid must be secured by an 
abrasion of the delicate lining membrane. The 
rostellum, irritated by the touch of the insect, im¬ 
mediately ruptures its covering skin (if this were 
entire at the previous moment), and the pushing 
forward of the head depresses its lip ( lr , D), so 
that the viscid discs (vd), formerly a part of the 
covering membrane of the rostellum, and the viscid 
globes ( vg ), are exposed, the latter infallibly coming 
into contact with some part of the bee’s head. So 
viscid are these globes that they firmly stick to what¬ 
ever they touch; moreover, they have the property 
of setting hard in a few seconds. During the time 
occupied in sucking the nectar, they, in consequence, 
become firmly attached to the head of the bee, the 
connected pollen masses still lying in the anther 
pouches, whence, as we know, they can be readily 
withdrawn ; this is accomplished as our bee retires 
carrying a decoration in the form of two upstanding 
yellowish-gredn horns ( po , D and E, the pollinia of 
the orchid). Darwin pointed out that all this may be 
exactly imitated by a well-pointed pencil, or a stiff 
bristle; and none would regret the little trouble in¬ 
volved in growing a few common hardy orchids, in 
order to have the pleasure of showing the experiment 
to friends. But how are these pollinia to be made 

3 i8 


effective ? How is their material transferred to the 
surfaces of the stigmas; for will not the next flower 
visited have these masses thrust forward towards 
its own anther pouches ? Such would be the case 
with the visits immediately succeeding the first. 
Watching our pencil point, or the head of the bee, the 
pollinia, at first erect on their caudicles {po, E), and 
firmly secured by the drying of the viscid globes, begin 
to incline forwards, and continue to move, always in 
one direction (towards the pencil point), until they have 
swept through an arc of about 90°, finally standing 
as at po , G; the movement occupying about thirty 
seconds on an average. Re-inserting our pencil, 
or our bee making another visit, will now secure 
fertilisation, because the pollinia immediately strike 
the stigmatic faces {st, C), as we see actually 
being done at po, B. How perfect the adaptation ! 
But where lies the secret of the movement executed? 
The little viscid disc {yd, D) is endued with a power of 
unequal contraction, and produces the required change 
in position, the time occupied by it permitting the bee 
to get from one plant to another, so that the best form 
of crossing is secured. And yet another adaptation 
demands attention. The pollinium is very coherent; 
but the elastic threads holding it together in packets 
(H) break with the energy, the insect can exert, so 
that some pollen is left, and yet a mass carried away, 
which may be effectively used upon flower after flower, 
until at last the ragged caudicle alone remains. 

Some time since, when I had announced the discovery 
of some diseases previously not known amongst bees, 
a bee was sent to me, whose portrait is given at I, 


and I was asked to name the disease which had caused 
an abnormal outgrowth upon its head. It had visited, 
there can be little doubt, an orchid-house, and had 
carried away a decoration from one of the Vandeae. 

The description given above applies to Orchis 
mascula, fusca, maculata, and latifolia, as well as 
Aceras anthropophora (the man orchis), in all of which 
the pollinia undergo the same curious movements of 
depression which are necessary to enable them to 
strike the stigmatic surfaces. The behaviour of these 
British specimens is quite commonplace, however, in 
comparison with that of some exotic orchids explained 
by the genius of Darwin. A few words in reference 
to one will suffice. In Catasetum, the genders are 
divided, and the male blossom is provided with a 
strange pair of long additions, called by Darwin “ the 
antennse.” In some species both are equally active, 
but in others the right one seems functionless, while 
the left is intensely irritable, and, should an insect 
touch it, a vibration is transmitted to a certain mem¬ 
brane, which is instantly ruptured, and so sets free 
the pollen mass, which is shot forth from the extremity 
of a liberated spring, viscid end first, to attach itself 
to the back of the insect. The startled bee flies, 
possibly, to the female flower, and here accomplishes 
a cross ; this act being favoured by the curious habit 
of the Apidae of visiting one kind of flower only, 
during any single excursion—a habit for which no 
sufficient explanation can be given, although it will 
receive further notice hereafter. Sir John Lubbock says: 
“On one occasion, Darwin touched a male catasetum 
in my presence, when the pollinium was thrown nearly 



3ft., and stuck on the pane of a window.” I have 
seen this droll performance at Kew, and although 3ft. 
exceeded the distance, the force of the ejection was 
most remarkable. Are those who assert that Nature 
knows no humour altogether justified ? 

The examples so far cited and explained will 
serve as a guide to those who desire to unravel the 
secrets of the loves of the flowers. The bee we 
have seen to play the part of fertiliser, so that upon 
her action has depended the production of seed in 
those plants which have lost the power of self-ferti¬ 
lisation ; but this is only one aspect of her work, for 
she, the unconscious instrument, in a Hand unseen, 
has been made to suffuse the landscape with colour, 
and strew the path of man with the beauties of the 
floral world. The homely garb of self-fertilised and 
anemophilous flowers, such as those of the chick- 
weed, the nettle, and the dock, indicates what all 
would have been without insect action. In many 
genera, the species present the greatest diversity with 
regard to the size and beauty of their blossoms— e.g., 
Epilobium angustifolium has handsome and con¬ 
spicuous flowers, disposed in dense racemes, and 
which, being proterandrous, are absolutely dependent. 
In Epilobium parviflorum , or palustre, the flowers are 
small and solitary, while they are capable of setting 
seed by themselves, for their anthers and stigmas are 
mature contemporaneously. So with the geranium 
family, the different species indicating by the sizes of 
their flowers how far they need insect help : the large 
Geranium pratense, impotent without insects; the 
small pusillum, generally self-fertilised. The reason 



is apparent: all variations which render the blossoms 
more attractive, either by scent, colour, size of 
corolla, or quantity of nectar, make the insect visit 
more sure, and therefore the production of seed more 
likely. Thus, the conspicuous blossoms secure de¬ 
scendants which inherit the special variations of their 
parents, and so, generation after generation, we have 
selection in favour of conspicuous flowers, where 
insects are at work. Their appreciation of colour, 
because it has brought the blossom possessing it more 
immediately into their view, and more surely under 
their attention, has enabled them, through the ages, 
to be preparing the specimens upon which man now 
operates; he taking up the work where they have 
left it, selecting, inoculating, and hybridising, according 
to his own rules of taste, and developing a beauty which 
insects alone could never have evolved. His are the 
finishing touches, his the apparent effects ; yet no less 
is it true, that the results of his floriculture would 
never have been attainable without insect helpers. 
It is equally certain, that the beautiful perfume, and 
the nectar also, are, in their present development, 
the outcome of repeated insect selection ; and here, it 
seems to me, we get an inkling of a deep mystery : 
Why is life, in all its forms so dependent upon the 
fusion of two individual elements ? Is it not, that 
thus the doorway of progress has been opened ? If 
each alone had reproduced, itself all-in-all, advance 
would have been impossible ; the insect and human 
florists and pomologists, like the improvers of animal 
races, would have had no platform for their opera¬ 
tion, and, not only the forms of life, but life itself, 

2 C 



would have been stereotyped unalterably, ever me¬ 
chanically giving repetition to identical phenomena. 

A new consideration now awaits us : Bees are not 
only florists—they are fruit-producers; our orchard 
and fruit crops, and leguminous seeds, constituting 
together no inconsiderable fraction of human food, 
are very largely dependent upon insect agency, 
and the fee paid for professional attendance on the 
part of the little inoculator is nectar. Let us take, as 
an example, the apple, a fruit which, from a utilitarian 

A, Blossom (Natural Size)— s, Stigmas; a, Anthers; p. Petal; ca. Calyx; 
s', Sepal; d, Dissepiment. B, Section through partly developed Fruit— 
f, f, Fertilised Carpels ; u, Unfertilised ditto. 

point of view, has, in this country, no equal. Its 
pretty blossom carries five stigmas, three of which 
remain in the section A, Fig. 69; to each stigma 
belongs a dissepiment, or division, of the compounded 
ovary constituting the core of the fruit. The stigma 
comes to maturity before the anthers, as in Scrophu- 
lana nodosa. Bees seeking nectar get dusted com¬ 
pletely, and then transfer the granules to the stigmas 
of neighbouring blossoms, while they are constantly 
at work in packing the excess into their corbiculse. 


3 2 3 

And here let us remark in a parenthesis that the 
multitude of pollen granules furnished by entomo- 
philous plants, although usually less than in the case 
of the anemophilous, is, nevertheless, enormous; the 
single paeony, e.g., yielding about three and a half 
millions per flower, while the number of granules 
actually utilised is measured by the number of the. 
ovules. In the curious cleistogamous flowers produced 
occasionally or regularly by not a few plants, and which 
do not open at all, or only in part—as the scentless 
and small autumnal blossoms of the violet—there is 
no repast for the insect, of nectar there is none, 
and not a granule of pollen to spare ; for the anthers 
and stigma, especially the former, are extremely small. 
Yet self-fertilisation is completed, and seeds are 
abundantly furnished, for all causes of waste are 
avoided. But to return. 

The apple, as its blossom indicates, is, strictly, a 
fusion of five fruits into one—hence called pseudo- 
syncarpous—and demands, for its production in per¬ 
fection, no less than five independent fertilisations. 
If none are effected, the calyx, which really forms 
the flesh of the fruit, instead of swelling, dries, and 
soon drops. An apple often develops, however, though 
imperfectly, if four only of the stigmas have been 
pollen dusted, but it rarely hangs long enough to 
ripen, the first severe storm sending it to the pigs 
as a windfall. I had 200 apples, that had dropped 
during a gale, gathered promiscuously for a lecture 
illustration, and the cause of falling, in every case but 
eight, was traceable to imperfect fertilisation. These 
fruits may be generally known by a deformity ; one part 

2 C 2 



has failed to grow, because there has been no diver¬ 
sion of nutrition towards it. Cutting it across with 
a knife, we find its hollow cheek lies opposite 
the unfertilised dissepiment ( u , B), containing only 
shrivelled pips. Pears are less impatient of imper¬ 
fect insect action than apples, though the structure 
of the flower is the same. Amongst small fruits, 
gooseberries are proterandrous, and absolutely de¬ 
pendent on insects. The failure of this crop is not 
so uniformly the result, as some suppose, of frost 

Fig. 70.— Raspberry (Rubus idaeus, Order Rosacece ) being Fertilised, and 
Section op same. 

A, Flower (Magnified Twice)— p, p, Petals; a, a, Anthers; s, Stigma; no, 
Nectary Openings ; nc, Nectar Cells ; D, Drupels. B, Section through Core, 
or Torus (C) and Drupels (V)—ud, Unfertilised Drupel; ws, Withered Stigma ; 
wa, Withered Anther. 

(this browning the exposed fruits) ; cold weather at 
the critical time, keeping bees within,. often being 
the chief cause, and showing itself in the dropping 
of the open flowers from the protected branches. It 
is here significant, that currants, which ripen their 
pistils and anthers simultaneously, are said to be less 
tender than gooseberries. 



The raspberry gives the bee good return for its 
work by yielding honey of excellent quality, and the 
whole arrangement of its inflorescence points to an 
effort to secure crossing. The petals ( p , p , A, Fig. 70) 
are small, and widely placed, while within them are 
disposed about ninety anthers ( a , a), on longer and 
shorter filaments, which are set back, away from the 
stigmas (j), one of which is carried by each of the 
sixty or seventy drupels (D) making up the raspberry. 
Examining a flower with a hand magnifier, we find 
a circle of glistening dots (no) upon the receptacle, 
and between the anthers and drupels. These dots 
consist of nectar, furnished by secreting cells ( nc) 
beneath. The bee alights upon the only solid resting- 
place, the drupels, and applies her tongue rapidly to 
dot after dot, revolving her body during the operation, 
by which she gets dusted, on one side and beneath, 
with pollen. Passing to the next blossom, she repeats 
the operation, commonly with a difference which is 
of primal importance : she revolves in the opposite 
direction, by which she brings into play new muscles, 
and rests those of the side which have just been exer¬ 
cised. The result is evident: the pollen acquired 
on the previous visit is applied to the numerous stig- 
matic faces waiting to receive it, which, as we have 
so often seen, again secure crossing. Each seed thus 
fertilised is soon surrounded by the luscious envelope 
which protects the seed from injury, and makes the 
manufacture of raspberry jam a possibility. These 
rounded, red masses are never formed unless fertilisa¬ 
tion has taken place, neither ripening nor growth 
being possible in its absence. When the season 


is closing, the raspberry frequently fails in developing 
some, or many, of its drupels; they remain green 
and shrunken, for hive bees are loth to venture abroad, 
and wild ones are dying off, or seeking, in the case 
of the females, winter quarters. Some complain that 
bees eat fruit, a charge which need not be rebutted ; 
but it is for the bee-keeper to proclaim that, while 
they gather nectar for themselves, and also for the 
benefit of their master, they confer a greater boon 
on the fruit-grower, for they really give him his crop 
in return. The flowers of the blackberry (Rubus fruti- 
cosus ) are similar in structure, and the explanation 
given fully applies to them. 

If we look at a strawberry, which is of a similar 
type to the foregoing, we find a vast number of 
(popularly) seeds (really achenia') studding its sur¬ 
face. Every one of these possessed a style and 
stigma, as at s, s, A, Fig. 71, and has had pollen 
conveyed to it by the action of insects, bees mainly. 
When the bee settles, she, in her circular walk, rubs 
from her body on to the stigmas, pollen brought 
from another flower, as in the raspberry, for the 
stigmas are receptive before the anthers have begun 
to dehisce. The fertilisation, as before, determines 
nutrition to the part, and the flower-stalk, which 
forms the strawberry, becomes a luscious parenchyma. 
But if any stigmas remain unpollinated, no develop¬ 
ment occurs at that spot, and here the strawberry 
continues (as at u, B) hard, shrunken, and green, even 
when the fertilised portion is fully ripe. We must 
all again and again have seen illustrations of this, 
from which we learn, that every strawberry requires 



from 100 to 200, or even 300, distinct fertilisations 
for its perfect production. 

It would be unwise to omit a practical matter in 
this connection. There is a tendency to a separation 
of the sexes in the cultivated strawberry, which, 
Darwin observes, “ is far more strongly marked in 
the United States than in Europe; ” and growers 
would do well to note, that plants bearing unusually 
large blossoms are frequently tending to become male, 
and produce few fruits; while those of the same 

Fig. 71.— Strawberry (Fragaria vesca, Order Rosacece), Partly and 
Fully Grown. 

A, Strawberry, Earlier Stage—a, Anther ; s, s, Stigmas ; p, Petal. B, Section of 
Mature Strawberry—a', Withered Anther : f, Fertilised Achenium (popularly 
Seed); u, Unfertilised ditto; s', Withered Stigma. 

variety, and under the same treatment, that produce 
small blossoms, are tending to become female, and are 
abundant bearers, while they yield few runners. 
Without care in selecting, the numerous runners of 
the former would ultimately supplant the female 
forms, and so ruin the stock for economic purposes. 
Lecturing, some while since, to several of the largest 
growers of strawberries in the kingdom, I found all 
quite unaware of this fact—at least, on its scientific 



side—although in my own small beds the differences 
had been sufficiently conspicuous. 

We have yet to apply the numerous facts and 
natural laws we have considered to Practical Apiculture, 
which has utilities beyond those generally supposed; 
and we can now see the wisdom of Girard’s remark, 
that “ all money thrown out of the window, in en¬ 
couraging apiculture, will come in again by the door, 
with heavy interest.” My sketch, which does not 
cover the ground, but yet, I hope, dots it with illus¬ 
trations that may illumine the rest, must be regarded 
as completed. And it leaves us here. The bee, with 
all its wonderfulness, is only one wheel within many : she 
takes to truly give, for seeds, flowers, and fruits, follow 
in her train. Her honey is but a fraction of the 
results of her labours. Man has had tiny helpers that 
he knew not of. While he, for seasons, has selected 
and hybridised, they, for ages, have, with their 
little powers, toiled along, perpetuating every move¬ 
ment of the world of flowers towards the beautiful. 
Flowers, yours is equal wonder and equal praise; 
for dimly through you both I see that the praise is 
not yours at all, saying with Tennyson : 

“Flower in the crannied wall, 

I pluck you out of the crannies;— 

Hold you here, root and all, in my hand, 

Little flqwer;—but if I could understand 
What you are, root and all, and all in all, 

I should know what God and man is.” 



Abdomen, rings of, 31 
Abdominal plates, 153 
Abnormal bees, 208 
Accouplement in confinement im¬ 
possible, 206 
Air sacs, 35 

sacs filled by flight, 148 
Albino drones, 117 
Anaphis, 44 
Andrenidae, 8 

tongue of, 100 
Angles of comb, 164 
Anguiculi, 124 
Antennae, 20, 30, 103 
cleaner, 129 
of catasetum, 319 
Anthers, 252 

appendages of, 293 
hiding, 285 

movements of, 281, 283, 296 
on elastic filaments, 290 
retrorse, 314 

Ants fond of aphide honey, 276 
Aphide honey, 270 
Aphides, 271 

dissection of, 274 

eggs of, 273 

endure cold, 273 

formed by interior budding, 


how to reduce, in number, 276 
number of progeny of, 274 
number of species of, 272 
ovaries of, 274 

Aphidius rosae, 278 
Apidae, 8 

Appendicular gland, 224 
gland intracellular, 225 
Apple blossom, its structure, 322 
needs five fertilisations, 323 
Appliances too numerous, 5 
Arbutus Unedo, 295 
Armor copulatrix, 202 
Artificial pollen, 126 
Ascending and descending flight, 

Aucuba japonica, 260 
Aura seminalis, 236 
Automatic movements of pulvillus, 


Backward flight, 141 
Barberry, 297 
Barbs of sting, 186 
Bee, antennae of, 20, 30, 103 
Bees as fertilisers, 277 
as florists, 320 
as fruit-producers, 322 
blood of, 81 
brain of, 52, 55 
carry pollen of one kind, 319 
chrysalis of, 23, 238 
claws of, 124 
colour sense of, 116, 321 
decorated by orchids, 317 
digestive system of, 57 
gather aphide honey after rain, 



Bees, genera of, 13 
glands of, 76 
grubs of, 19, 23, 238 
hearing of, 107 
hermaphrodite, 208 
how to free, from hairs, 121 
humble, 12 

not always able to fly, 146 
not exceptionally framed, 246 
number of species of, 8 
nurses, peculiarities of, 19, 81 
ocelli of, 116 
rose cutters, 9 
silk of, 21, 73, 175, 241 
thorax of, 120, 238 
unloading nectar, 18, 67 
unloading pollen, 18, 130 
voice of, 149 

void faeces on the wing, j 48 
wallring on glass, 125 
Blackberry, 326 
Bombi, 12 

Bombus muscorum, 13 
Bouton, or spoon of tongue, 95 
Bowel blind in larva, 64 
casting, 21, 241, 243 
how developed in larva, 63 
Brain, dissection of, 52 

of insects compared, 54 
size of, 55 

Breathing apparatus, 33, 149 
Broken combs, treatment of, 168 
Brood, food of, 81 
weaning of, 82 
Buckwheat, 254, 300 
Bursa copulatrix, 229 
Buzzing, 149 


Calyx, 251 

Cane sugar converted into grape 
sugar, 100 

Cappings do not touch honey, 174 
imperfect, 175 
of drone cells, 180 
Catasetum, 319 
Cell, exuvium left in, 24 

making, how started, i6r 
of queen, 27, 172, 243 
of queen contains cast skins, 

Cells impervious to dyes, 173 
normally circular, 170 
number of, to lib. wax, 171 
of comb unequal, 167 
of wasps, 171 
rhombic bases of, 161 
sizes of, 176 

Central and side ducts of ligula, 95 
duct of ligula, size of, 96 
Cephalic ganglia, 52 
Chitine, 30 
Chorion of egg, 230 
Chrysalis condition, 23, 238 
development of, 240 
Chyle stomach, 60, 71 
Circulation in bee, 37 
Classification of Animal World, 7 
Claws of bees, 124 
Cleistogamous flowers, 249, 323 
Clover, Dutch, does not seed under 
a net, 308 

Coccinella enemy of aphis, 276 
Cocoon, 2r, 73, 175, 241 
Colon, 62 

Colour sense in bees, 116, 321 
Comb, angles of, 164, 167 

broken, treatment of, 168 
building, how commenced, 161 
coloured by breeding, 181 
economises space, 169 
Combs illustrated, 17 

meet hygienic requirements, 

model of, to build, 163 
not mathematically correct, 166 
partly constructed of old 
material, 172 
strength of, 179 
structure of, 28, 163 
Commissural nerve fibres, 48 
Composite, 302 
Compound eyes, 111 
Conoid hairs of antennae, 106 
Corbicula, 131 
Corolla, 251 
Coxa, or hip, 123 
Crucifer®, 313 
Cucurbitaceae, 259 
Cynipidae (some) enemies of aphis, 




Daisy, 305 
Dandelion, 305 
Darts of sting, 185 
Delphinium, 282 

Development of drone organs, 200 
of larva, 19, 239 
of sting, 196 
of wings, 134 

Diaphragm of abdomen, 39 
Digestion similar in all cases, 58 
Digestive system, 57 
Dimorphic flowers, 297 
Dioecious plants, 260 
Discovery of the source of wax, 152 
Dissection, methods of, 74 
of eye, 112 
Dorsal vessel, 37 
Drone, antenna of, 109 
bee, 27 

cells, girdering of, 180 
cells, sealing of, 176 
decapitated, living, 49 
egg, 238 

flight, why sonorous, 149 
organs of, 198 

organs of, how to evert, 204 
organs of, immense, 199 
sealing, theory regarding, 181 
spermatic vesicles of, 200 
without wax glands, 154 
Drones, abnormal, 207 
albino, 117 

destroyed in autumn, 211 
eyeless, 117 
have no father, 223 
not used as heat-producers, 209 
why fleet, 206 
why many produced, 210 
Ductus ejaculatorius, 202 
Dufour theory, 68 


Egg apparatus in plants, 256 

artificial impregnation of, 233 
chorion of, 230 
laying, 25, 237 
micropyle of, 231 
spermatozoa within, 233 
Eggs in ovarian tubes, 215 

Eggs, number of, laid by each queen, 
26, 228 

total weight from, of one 

dissection, 120 
Embryo sac, 254 
Endo-skeleton, 88 
Epilobium angustifolium, 287 
Epipharynx, 90 
Ericaceae, 289 
Erica Tetralix, 292 
Evolution of sexes, periods of, 244 
Experiment illustrating flight, 140 
of Huber on origin of wax, 158 
on cell formation, 170 
Extra-floral nectaries, 264 
Extravasation of wings in chrysalis, 

Exuvium left in cell, 24, 243 
Eye cleaning brush, 128 
compound, 111 
method of examining, 112 
retains traces of its cell origin, 

Eyeless drone, 117 

of the sexes numbered and 
compared, 118 
simple, 116 



ling for 

Faeces, why voided on the wing, 

Feeding brood in cells, 101 
groove, 86 
Feelers of sting, 191 
Feeling hairs, 31, 109 
Fertile worker food, 82 
workers, 223 

Fertilisation impossible in confine¬ 
ment, 206 
of flowers, 255 

Swammerdam’s theory regard¬ 
ing, 236 

Fertilising pouch, 229, 234 
Festoons of wax workers, 160 
Flapping moves the bee onward, 

Flight, ascending and descending, 


experiment upon, 140 



Flight of drone, why sonorous, 149 
rate of, 138 

Flowers preventing self-fertilisa¬ 
tion, 248 
sleeping, 305 

why they supply insects, 247 
Flying backwards, 138, 141 
Food of larva, 19, 81 
Foot, how detached, 127 
pulvillus of, 125 
Foraging bees, 19 
Form of queen cell, 17, 173 
French bean, 308 


Ganglia, chain of, 45 
number of, 50 

supplying legs and wings, 51 
Gastric glands, 61 
teeth, 61 

Genders, mixed, 208 
Gland, appendicular, of queen, 216 
gastric, 61 

innominate, of spermathecal 
duct, 227 
intercellular, 79 
intracellular, 77 
lubricating, of sting, 192 
mucous, of drone, 200 
of colon, 62 

olfactory, of Wolff, 43, 79 
poison, of sting, 188 
wax, 155 

Glands, Nos. 1,2,3 and 4> uses of, 80 
Nos. 2 and 4 digestive, 81 
Nos. 2 and 3, position of ducts 
of, 86, 88 
Golden rod, 303 
Gooseberries, 324 

Graphic method of obtaining wing 
rate, 145 

Grubs, 19, 23, 238 


Hairs encased in wax, 156 
uses of, 31, no 

Haviland, Mr., on drone produc¬ 
tion, 210 

Hazel nut, inflorescence of, 261 
Head, why wedge shaped, 10 r 

Hearing of bees proved by observa¬ 
tion, 108 
organs, 107 
Heart ot bee, 37 
Heather, 292 
Hermaphrodite bees, 208 
flowers, 281 

Hexagonal facets of compound eye 
caused by interference, 112 
form of cells caused by inter¬ 
ference, 170 

Hickson, Dr., on eyes of insects, 

Hive bee, economy of, 15 
Homologies between drone and 
queen, 200 

Honey and nectar, difference be¬ 
tween, 100, 263 
bee unloading, 18, 67, 230 
cappings imperfect, 174 
dew, 270 
poisonous, 289 
sac, 18, 60 

Hooklets of wing, 137 
Huber, Francois, on wax, 152 

error of, with regard to queen 
cocoon, 241 

experiment by, on source of 
wax, 158 

Humble bees, nest of, 12 
Humming, 149 
Hunter, Dr., on wax, 152 
Huxley on multiplication of aphis, 

Hyacinth, nectaries of, 269 
Hypodermis, 30 
Hypo-pharyngeal plate, 77 

Imago, 24, 29 
In-breeding prevented, 206 
Inferiority of queen to worker, 55, 


Insects and plants mutually de¬ 
pendent, 251 

Intelligence measured by brain, 55 
Interference makes cells hexagonal, 

Intestines, large and small, 62 
Invagination explained, 34, 63 
Italian bee, 222 




Jelly, royal, 82, 243 


Kalmia latifolia, 289 
Knotted figwort, 284 


Labial palpi, 91 
Labiatae, 309 
Labium, 91 
Labrum, 90 

Ladybird enemy of aphis, 276 
Lamellae of colon, 62 
Lamium album. 309 
Larva, bowel of, how developed, 63 
casts bowel, 21, 241, 243 
development, 19, 239 
food of, 81 
in egg, 64 
moulting, 20, 243 
sealing of, 21, 180 
weight of, 20, 50 
Legs, antenna cleaner of, 129 
as tool bearers, 127 
eyebrush of, 128 
muscles of, 123 
of queen and drone, 132 
pollen basket of, 131 
use of spur of, 130 
velum of, 128 
Leguminosae, 305 

Leuwenhoek’s experiment on sight 
in insects, 115 

Ligula, artificial distension of, 99 
central and side ducts of, 95 
rod of, 97 

rod of, thrown out by blood, 98 
structure of, 92 
Linum grandiflorum, 299 
Lubricating gland of sting, 192 
Lythrum salicaria, 300 


Malpighian vessels, 61 
Mandibles, 90, 169 
Maraldi’s reputed measurement 
mythic, 165 

Marey on wing movements, 146 
Mastication of wax scales, 157 

Maxillae, 91, 94 
Maxillaiy palpi, 92 
Megachile centuncularis, 9 
Membrane of ligula, 95 
Mentum, 91 

Meso-cephalic pillars, 89 
Mesophragma, 88 
Metatarsus of third leg, 131 
Micropylar aperture of seed, 258 
Micropyle of egg, 231 
Microscope, dissecting, 74 
Microscopic dissection of brain, 52 
images produced by cornea of 
bee. 115 

Midrib of comb, 161 
Monoecious plants, 260 
Mosaic vision, 115 
Moulting, 20 

Mounting spermatozoa for micro¬ 
scope, 201 
Muscles of legs, 123 
of outer jaw, 43 
of stomach-mouth, 67 
protractor linguae, 9 
Muscular contraction, 41 
structure of sting, 187 
system, 40 


Nature, unity of, 12 
Nectar, conditions favourable to its 
secretion, 264 

converted into honey, 100, 263 
protected by hairs, 282, 294, 313 
unloading of, 18, 67 
Nectaries of aphis, 271 

of flowers, 264, 268, 325 
position of, 265 
Nerve of taste, 78 
system, 45 

system of larva and imago dif¬ 
ferent, 50 

Nervures of wings, 135 
Notch on front leg, 129 
Nurse bees, 19 

bees have gland No. 1 large, 81 
Nymph, or chrysalis, 23, 240 


Obturator muscle of spiracle, 150 
Ocelli of bee, 116 



(Esophagus, 59 
Olfactory gland of Wolff, 79 
Ommatidia, 112 
Orchis Mono, 314 
Ovaries of queen, 214 
Ovary of plant, 252 
Oviducts of queen, 215 
structure of, 234 

Ovule and seed not identical, 253 

Pace of bees, 138 
Pap for grubs, 19, 81 
Paraglossae, 96 
Parthenogenesis, 220 
Pedunculated bodies of Dujardin, 54 
Pelargonium examined, 251 
nectary of, 267 
Pericardial cells, 39 
Periods of evolution, 244 
Peritracheal circulation, 40 
Pincers of third leg, 130 
Pistil, 252 
Pisum sativum, 306 
Pneumophyses, 202 
Poison bag, 189 
channels, 191 
dries like gum, 192 
sac and gland of old queens 
useless, 195 
Pollen, 16, 252 
basket, 131 
brushes, 131 

carried of one kind only, 319 
grains, contents of, 257 
grains, form of, 256 
held by hairs of thorax, 120 
tube, 248, 257 
unloading, 18, 130 
varies in dimorphic and tri- 
morphic plants, 299, 301 
Pollinia of orchid, 316 
Polygonum fagopyrum, 300 
Primine and secundine, 254 
Primula vulgaris, 298 
Proterandrous blossoms, 280 
Proterogynous flowers, 284 
Protractor linguae muscle, 91 
Pulvillus, automatic movement of, 

of foot, 125 

Pumping action of sting, 189 
Purple loosestrife, 300 
Pylorus, 61 


Queen, antenna of, 105 
attendants, 26, 85 
bee, 25, 212 
bee, egg laying, 25, 234 
bee not a ruler, 24 
casts bowel against side of cell, 
2 43 

cell, 27, 243 

cell constructed of old material, 

cells, why thick, 173 

cocoon of, 241 

dejections of, 84 

drone breeder, 227 

egg production immense, 26 

fecundity of, 83 

food, of, 83 

has no wax glands, 154 
inferior to worker, 55, 213 
marital flight of, 222 
mating age, 221 
organs of, 212 
ovaries of, 214 
spermatheca of, 216 
sting of, 188 
tongue of, 99 
urinary tubes large, 84 
weight of, 83 
weight of eggs of, 83 
Queens drone breeders, 222 

drone breeders through paraly¬ 
sis, 236 

have not gland No. i, 80 
if frozen become drone breeders, 

rapidly developed, 244 
sting of, 194 
variations in, 80 
vary, 239 


Raspberry, 324 

Rate of wing vibration, 144 

Reflex action, 48 

Rod of ligula, 97 

Rosebay willow herb, 287 



Rose cutting bee, 9 
Royal jelly, 82 


Saccharine matter the source of 
wax, 159 
Sainfoin, 308 

Saliva pumped out by bee in suck- 

Salivary glands, discovery of, 72 
glands, uses of, 80 
valve, 79, 91, 101 
Salvia glutinosa, 313 
officinalis, 311 
patens and fulgens, 312 
Scarlet runner, 308 
Schiemenz on stomach-mouth, 68 
Scrophularia nodosa, 284 
Sealing over brood pervious to air, 

22> 175 

Self-fertilised flowers small, 320 
Shower of aphide nectar, 272 
Side ducts extravasated, reason for, 

Simpson’s honey plant, 286 
Sir J. Lubbock on bees not hear¬ 
ing, 107 

Sizes of antenna of the sexes, 110 
of cells, 176 
Skeleton, external, 30 
Skin casting, 20 
Sleeping flowers, 305 
Smell, experiments upon, r09 

hollows of antenna, 106,109, ill 
Soap-bubble experiment, 170 
Spermatheca, 216 

of unmated queen, 218 
valve of, 219 
Spermathecal duct, 225 
sphincter, 225 
Spermatophore, 203 
Spermatozoa, 200 
diseased, 232 
killed by cold, 235 
movements of, 219 
number of, 226 
within egg, 233 
Spinning gland, 73 
Spiracles, 33, 149 

can be closed voluntarily, 148 
number of, 36 

Spur on second leg, use of, 130 
Stemmata, or simple eyes, 116 
Sticky hairs of Erica Tetralix, 

hairs of Salvia glutinosa, 313 
Stigma, 252 

of pelargonium, 283 
Sting, antidote for, 188 
darts of, 185 

development of, 196, 240 

how it pierces, 186 

levers of, 186 

lubricating gland of, 192 

mechanical perfection of, 193 

muscular structure of, 187 

necessity for, 196 

of queen, 193 

palpi, 191 

poison of, 188 

pump of, 189 

reflex action of, 187 

sheath of, 184 

structure, 183 

valves of, 189 

when used, tom from worker, 

Stomach-mouth, 60, 65 
movements of, 66 
structure of, 67 
true use of, 69 

Stomato-gastric nerve system, 55 
Strawberry, 326 

culture : a caution, 326 
needs hundreds of fertilisations, 

tends to be dioecious, 327 
tree, 295 

Strength of comb, 179 
Sub-oesophageal ganglion, 45 
Sucking large quantities of nectar, 
„ 94 

Sugar does not fully replace honey, 

Swarm, behaviour of, 160 

cluster, how held together, 123 
Swarming, 28 
Sympathetic system, 55 
Syrphidae and aphis, 277 
Syrup, thick, slowly taken, 101 
System No. 1, No. 2, and No. 3, 
gland, illustrated, 75 



Tactile hairs, 93, no 
Taste, sense of, 103 
Tendons, 42 

Theory of backward flight, 143 
Thistle, 303, 304 
Thorax of bees, 120 

development of, 240 
Tongue, how folded out of view, 99 
of Andrenidse, how folded, 100 
structure of, settled by experi¬ 
ment, 97 

Trachea;, minuteness of, 35 
moulted, 34 
of wax glands, 156 
spiral thread of, 33 
Transition cells, 177 
Trifoliums, 308 
Trimorphic flowers, 300 
Tropaeolum majus, 268, 280 


Vasa deferentia, 200 
Vegetable marrow, 259 
Velum of front leg, 128 
Vesicula seminalis, 261 
Vestibule of trachea, 150 
Vetch, 308 

Viola tricolor, nectar cells of, 266 
Voice of bees, 149 


Wasps encouraged by figwort, 286 

Wax at first liquid, 156 
costly to bee, 171 
glands, 155 
not a ^460 

not ct&fived from pollen, 158 
of stares and of comb unlike, 

, 156 • 

plate pincers, 130 
pockets, 154 
scales, 152 

scales, mastication of, 157 
secreted by a solitary bee, 160 
secreting cells, 155 
secretion exhausting, 159 
secretion, favourable condi¬ 
tions for, 160 
white, 181 

Wild bees, nest of, 10 
Wind a plant fertiliser, 250 
Windfall apples, 323 
Wing cells, 135 

vibration, rate of, 144 
Wings, development of, 134 
hooklets of, 137 
of drone, worker, and queen, 
compared, 138 
why in two pairs, 136 
Worker egg a misnomer, 238 
ovaries of, 238 
superior to queen, 213 
Workers, fertile, 223 


Xenophon and wild honey, 291 

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