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Full text of "Lessons from insect life : with numerous illustrations"

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“ Things which are little upon the earth, ^ 
wise.” — Prov. xxx. 24. 



28 Cornhill, Boston. 

Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1863, by 
The American Tract Society, 

in the Clerk’s Office of the District Court of the District of Massa¬ 

riverside, Cambridge: 


“ The works of the .Lord are wonderful, sought 
out of all them that have pleasure therein.” The 
writer of this little volume believes that the study 
of Insect Life as here portrayed will lead the 
reader to admire that goodness of God which is 
manifest in all the works of creation, to recognize 
him in all things, to feel that he has made noth¬ 
ing in vain, and to realize more than ever before 
that blessings often exist in the seeming ills of 
life. The subjects are treated as fully as the 
space will allow; and it is hoped that on every 
page the reader will recognize the hand of Him 
who “ hath made every thing beautiful in his 
time.” De B. 

Chestnut Hill, Feb. 1863. 






The Ant a Pattern of Industry. — Different Species of 
Ants. — The Worker and its Labors. —Deserters. — 

The Queen and her Subjects. — Social Character of 
Ants. — Recognition among Ants. — Eggs and young 
Ants. — Nurse Ants. — Maternal Affection.— Eyes of 
Ants. — Sense of Smell. — Strength. — Ingenuity. — 
Idlers. — Perseverance. — Language . . .11 


Yellow Ants. — Their Nest3. — Their Ingenuity. — Herd- 
keepers.— Plant-Lice and Honey-Dew.— Care of Yel¬ 
low Ants for their Herds. — The JetKAnt. — Their 


Warrior Ants. — Slavery among Ants. — Slave-catching 
Expeditions.—Color of the Slaves. — Desperate Bat¬ 
tles among Ants. — Sin of Slavery . . . .42 


Termites, or White Ants. — The Female. — Destructive¬ 
ness. — Nests of the White Ants. — Their immense 



Size. — Lessons of Perseverance. — Conical N ests. — 
Their Structure. — Turret Nests. — Their Structure. 

— The Soldier Ant. — Spherical and oval Nests. — 
Difficulty of driving Ants from Houses. — Difficulty 
of overcoming Bad Habits.54 


Diligence of Ants. — Number of Ants.—Nothing made 
in vain. — Caution in forming Opinions. — Ants 
used for Food. — Enemies of Ants. — The Ground 
Hog. — The Great Ant-Eater. — The Little Ant- 
Eater. — God’s Love manifested in all His Works . 70 



Always something to be learned. — Different Species of 
Flies. — Diptera. — Transformations of the Fly. — 
Structure of the Fly. — How a Fly eats and drinks. 

— How a Fly walks. — Different Theories. — Our 
Ignorance of .familiar Things. —A Fly on the Wing. 

— Its rapid Flight.— How does a Fly buzz ?—Where 
do Flies go in the Winter?— Wordsworth’s Lines to 
a Fly. — Kindness to those in Trouble. — Usefulness 
of the Fly. — Blessings in seeming Ills . . .79 


The House-fly. — Its Origin. — Its Cleanliness. — A social 
Insect. — A Terror to Housekeepers. — Fly Poisons. 

— The Crane Fly. — Its singular Egg-placer. — The 
Nemestrina. — Its remarkable Beak. — The Blow 
Fly. — Its Usefulness. — The May Fly. — Its Trans- 


formations. — Rennie’s Observations. — Useful Les¬ 
sons, — The Spanish Fly. — Its Medicinal Qualities.— 
Species in this Country. — The Potato Fly. — The 
Fire-fly. — Its Beauty; the Poet Southey. — Fire¬ 
flies in the Tropics. — Early Superstitions. — The 
Saw-fly. — Its Saws.— How it lays its Eggs. — The 
Dragon Fly. — Its Beauty and Cruelty. — Its Trans¬ 
formations. — The Resurrection.96 


The Hessian Fly. — Origin of its Name. — Its Birth and 
Growth. — The Breeze-Flv. — Its Manner of laying 
its Eggs —Its Transformations.— The Gad Fly.— 

Its Beauty. — Its Effect upon Cattle.— The Zimb. 

— A Terror to Man and Beast. — The Foe of the 
Sheep. — Gnats and Musquitos. — Their Unpopu¬ 
larity. — Gnat Dancers. — Early Life of the Gnat. — 

Its Egg Boat. — Insects in cold Climates. — In the 
Crimea. — At the South. — Musquitos and their 
Eggs. — Biyant’s Lines to a Musquito. — Du Chail- 
lu. — The Ibolai. — The Iboco. — The Eloway. — 

The Tzetze. — The Insect Fly-Carrier. — Plague of 
Flies in Egypt, and Lessons to be derived from 
it. — God’s Care for his Children, and his Anger 
toward his Enemies. —Prayer and its Results . . 123 



Auger of the Gall Insect. — Depositing of an Egg. — 
The young Insect. — Galls. — Where found. — Their 
Nature. — Varieties of Form. — Oak-Galls. —Apples 
of Sodom. — Galls used for Ink. — Value of Ink. — 



Care over Mouth and Pen.— Use of the Pen for Good 
or Evil. — Religion a governing Principle in Life . 151 


Love of Colors. — Ornament. — Superstitious Practice. — 
Joseph’s Coat. — Purple. — The Kennes. — Gather¬ 
ing of Kennes. — The Cochineal. — Accidental Dis¬ 
covery of Scarlet, Gobelin Tapestries. — Lac. — 
Value of the Insect Tribes. -Gratitude to God . 170 


“ Go to the Ant, thou sluggard; consider her ways and be wise.” 


The Ant a pattern of industry. — Different species of Ants. 
— The worker and its labors. — Deserters. — The Queen 
and her subjects. —Social character of Ants.— Recogni¬ 
tion among Ants.— Eggs and young Ants. — Nurse 
Ants. — Maternal affection. — Eyes of Ants, — Sense of 
Smell. — Strength. — Ingenuity. — Idlers. — Persever¬ 
ance. — Language. 

Did you ever, after a gentle summer rain, 
notice the ant-hills which had sprung up, as if by 
magic, in the sandy road or along the foot-path ? 
And did you ever stop to think of the industry of 
the little insects which made them ? Sometimes, 
perhaps, your careless footstep has fallen upon 
them, and did you then observe how speedily the 
ants came forth to repair the mischief which had 
been done? 

This insect has been held up as a pattern of 



industry ever since King Solomon said, “ Go to 
the ant, thou sluggard ; consider her ways and be 
wise ; ” — and it will be pleasant as well as profit¬ 
able for us to study its habits. Perhaps you have 
been accustomed to look upon ants, annoying 
as they sometimes are, with aversion and disgust; 
but we shall find so much to admire in their life, 
that we shall soon learn to regard them with in¬ 
terest, nor shall we grudge them the little morsels 
they may appropriate from our overflowing stores. 

There are many species of ants, from the 
harmless ones common among us, to the poisonous 
black ants, and destructive termites, or white 
ants, of tropical climates. But the habits of 
the different species are so similar, that the same 
general description will apply to all. 

Every community of ants contains three dis- 

Male. Female Worker. 

tinct sexes : the males, which always have four 
wings; the females, much larger than the males, 



and having wings only in the pairing season ; 
and a third kind, variously called neuters, work¬ 
ers, or nurse-ants, which are destitute of wings, 
at all times. 

As their name indicates, the workers perform 
the labor of the community. They collect sup¬ 
plies of food, exploring for this purpose the ad¬ 
jacent fields, and seizing upon all animal sub¬ 
stances, living or dead, which they can move; 
they construct the dwelling with its curious 
rooms, galleries, arches, and pillars; they keep 
it in good repair, protect it from storms, and 
defend it from enemies; they attend upon the 
hatching of the eggs; they feed the young, and 
move them, as occasion may require, to different 
places; they fight all the battles of the com¬ 
munity, and provide in various ways for the 
comfort and safety of their weaker companions. 
Are they not properly named “ workers,” and 
are they not the most important members of the 
family ? 

So among men, the “ worker ” — with hand or 
brain — is always the most valuable person. 
Idlers are useless, and living upon the labors 



of others are simply burdens. Be a worker in 
the world and not a drone! 

The males and females are easily distinguished 
by their white glistening wings, and early in the 
pairing season they may be seen in great num¬ 
bers in and about the ant-hills, and mingling with 
the wingless workers. There seems to be a sin¬ 
gular disposition among the males and females 
to desert their home, while the workers seem 
equally desirous to prevent their escape, and 
never yield the contest unless greatly outnum¬ 
bered. The industrious, laborious ants watch 
these truants very closely, posting regular sen¬ 
tries, and never allowing them to pass beyond the 
limits of the colony without a guard. It is not 
unusual to see three or four sentries dragging 
back some deserter by the wings. Thus with 
all the daily house-work of the family, the out¬ 
door labor, — the building, protecting, fighting, 
and sentry duty, the little workers have cer¬ 
tainly cares enough. 

They are also very attentive to the queen or 
queens, for there are often several of these royal 
personages in one community. The monarch 



seems to have no authority; yet she is treated 
with the greatest respect and kindness. Where- 
ever a queen goes, the ants crowd around her, 
offer her food, carefully brush her dress, assist 
her over hard places, and through all narrow 

Did any of the young readers of this book ever 
make a little “saddle,” as children call it, by 
crossing hands with a playmate, and on the seat 
thus formed did they ever carry a third person 
with ease and safety? The ants do something 
very similar to this. They join their mandibles, 
or projecting jaws together, thus making a very 
comfortable seat, and carry the queen from place 
to place with great care and tenderness, and per¬ 
haps with pride. And perchance, too, the queen, 
as she securely rides in this ingenious carriage, 
thanks her attendants for their kindness. All 
deeds of affection, all evidences of good-will, 
should call forth gratitude, and we should never 
receive a favor without feeling grateful for it. 
Most of all, should our hearts rise in thankfulness 
to our Heavenly Father who is good to all, and 
whose tender mercies are over all his works. 



If the queen makes a journey through the 
apartments of the dwelling, the workers leave 
their occupation and manifest great joy at seeing 
her; they pat her upon the head and breast, and 
standing upon their hind legs, and laying hold 
upon each other’s shoulders with their fore feet, 
they form a circle around their monarch, and 
dance in high glee. What can be more amusing 
than the sight of ants joining hands and sporting 
around their queen! Surely the little insects 
must have some idea of pleasure. 

The peculiar office of the queen is to lay eggs. 
These are picked up by the workers as soon as 
they are deposited, and carried to a place of 
safety. The eggs of ants, unlike those of other 
insects, are not fastened to any one spot, but are 
scattered about in parcels of six or eight, loosely 
attached to each other. During the hatching sea¬ 
son, the great work of the female and nurse-ant is 
moving the eggs to places best suited for this pur¬ 
pose, the little insects seeming to know the precise 
amount of heat necessary for the accomplish¬ 
ment of the end in view. If the reader has 
ever watched an ant-hill in the summer time, 



he has seen the inmates hard at work in swarms, 
carrying to and fro numerous white masses, 
which seemed altogether too large for them to 
bear. These are the eggs, which the ants move 
with great care, exposing them during the day 
to the warmth of the sun, and taking them 
at night beyond the effects of cold and damp¬ 
ness. From this habit arose the mistaken idea 
that the ants were laying up stores of food for 
winter use. Ants are torpid during the cold 
weather, and consequently they then require 
no food of any kind. 

After the eggs are hatched, the young ants are 
tended with even greater care, as they are more 
susceptible to injury from heat than the eggs. 
While young, like all children, these grubs are 
hungry beings, and not only, eat food sufficient for 
their growth, but for the formation of the silken 
cocoon which they afterward spin. They are fed 
by the nurse-ant, or by the female, when she is 
destitute of servants, with a liquid food secreted 
in the stomach of the parent. 

If the mother is alone with her family, she is 
obliged to labor very hard to provide food for the 


twenty hungry mouths that are dependent upon 
her; but with genuine love for her children, she, 
like our own mothers, works early and late to 
supply the wants of the little ones, and thinks no 
sacrifice too great for their good. 

As soon as the grubs have attained their full 
growth, they spin cocoons of a brownish white 
color, which resemble grains of barley, and for 
centuries were mistaken for them ; as we have 
just seen the eggs were once thought to be the 
stores of winter food. These cocoons are treated 
in the same way as were the eggs, being carefully 
moved about from place to place that they may 
have the proper amount of heat. When the 
time arrives for the second birth of the insect, 
the nurse-ants open the cocoons and release the 
little prisoner, who comes forth, — male, female, 
or worker, as the case may be. What deter¬ 
mines the kind of ant is a mystery beyond our 
knowledge; — in this the ants are wiser than 

The nurse-ants evidently know that the perfect 
insect is ready to appear, but too weak to effect 
its escape alone. How they ascertain this, we 




can not tell. We only know that God provides 
for all his creatures, giving them wisdom for 
every circumstance of life, and he never neglects 
the work of his own hands. If he has endowed 
the ant, which is comparatively so insignificant an 
animal, with such wonderful instincts, what must 
be the value of the soul of man ! 

When the time approaches for the little brood 
to come forth, all is bustle and excitement in the 
nest. Three or four ants mount upon one cocoon, 
and begin to open it where the head of the infant 
lies, and apparently with great caution. The first 
effort is to thin that part by pulling off a few 
threads. Several small openings are then made, 
next they cut the threads one by one, very 
patiently, until, with the utmost gentleness, a 
hole is made through which the prisoner escapes. 
But the wings and limbs of the young ant are 
still bound by silken cords. The workers how¬ 
ever soon cut these, carefully releasing every 
member from its bondage, and giving to the in¬ 
sect full freedom of life. 

Now commence the labors of the nursery. 
For several days the workers follow and watch 



the young ants everywhere, showing them the 
paths and windings of the dwelling, and cherishing 
them with the greatest care. They also perform 
the difficult task of stretching the wings of the 
males and the females, which would otherwise 
remain folded up. They do this so carefully as 
not to injure in the least these frail and delicate 
organs. When the young ants take their first 
flight, the workers accompany them to the sum¬ 
mit of the highest herbs, still exhibiting the ten- 
derest solicitude. Sometimes they endeavor to 
retain them, feeding them for the last time and 
caressing them. At last the little insects rise 
into the air and disappear, and the workers lose 
for ever the sight of those over whom they have 
watched so tenderly. The males die very soon 
after reaching maturity. They are helpless, ten¬ 
der creatures, compared with the other members 
of the family, and the first rough wind or storm 
kills them. 

It may be asked what becomes of the mother 
of the young ants, and-why does the care of the 
infants devolve upon others rather than her ? 
To this it may be answered that like every thing 



else in God’s creation, the economy of the ant- 
community is perfect of its kind. God’s law is 
over all things, his unity of design is every-where 
manifest; but the diversity of details is marvell¬ 
ous. There are innumerable matters which are 
unintelligible to us, and the only answer we can 
ever obtain this side of heaven is, that God so 
made them. If the mother-ant seems to neglect 
her young, all we can say is that such is the 
economy of the ant-family. We see that if this 
is a neglect on the part of the parent, it is wisely 
ordered that the workers faithfully perform all 
that is necessary to supply the deficiency. But 
it is not reasonable to suppose that the mothers 
are wanting in affection. When a colony is 
founded, they have enough to do to supply it 
with eggs for future males, females, and workers. 
These she lays at three different seasons, — and 
here is her appropriate sphere. Her work is 
faithfully done. Unlike too many human beings, 
she betrays no trust: she performs promptly and 
well, and at the proper times, whatever is re¬ 
quired of her. When the nest was first formed 
she did all that such a mother could do; and it 



was only when the workers became sufficiently 
numerous to perform their proper tasks, and re¬ 
lieve her, that she left the young to their charge, 
and employed herself in increasing the colony. 
When a female first issues from the chrysalis, 
she is adorned with two pairs of wings, — one 
pair being larger than her body. But when 
ready to lay her eggs, she turns and twists her 
wings until they finally drop off, and then gives 
herself wholly to the work committed to her. 

The eyes of ants, like those of most other in¬ 
sects, when examined under a microscope, are 
seen to consist of a great number of hexagonal 
or six-sided facets. 

On the left, is seen an eye in its natural state, 
and on the right, the same sufficiently deprived 
of its exterior to show its internal structure. As 
the eyes of insects are not movable, these many 
facets, each acting as an eye, serve as thousands 
of little eyes, looking in all directions, each re¬ 
flecting distinctly the object before it. 

Ants have been discovered entirely destitute 
of eyes, or, at least, with no appearance of any. 
One species of this description is a dweller in 



the forests of Guiana, and is little known. 
Another is met with in France, which hides 

A compound eye greatly magnified. 

itself in dark places during the day, and comes 
forth only at night. 

The sense of smell in ants is very acute, 
guiding them to their food, and enabling them 
to follow in the path of their companions. If 
the end of one’s finger be passed across their 
line of march, so as to brush off the scent which 
the preceding ones have left, those that follow 
will stop at this place, and proceed irregularly 



until they have passed over it, when they soon 
“strike the trail” again, and proceed on their 
way as confidently as before. Sometimes, how¬ 
ever, they get confused. 

A gentleman observed an army of ants stretch¬ 
ing over the ground for several yards, crowded 
through its whole extent with foragers and scouts, 
and marching toward a well-peopled ant-city. He 
drew his walking-stick across their path several 
times, and all were instantly thrown into the 
greatest confusion, and wandered about as if 
blindfold. He remained some time watching 
their movements, but they did not succeed in 
forming again into regular line, although most 
of them reached their destination by a round¬ 
about course. 

The strength of these little creatures is surpris¬ 
ing. If the reader will watch any ant-hill, or the 
ground around it, he will be astonished to see the 
loads the ants will carry or drag, often exceeding 
in size many times their own bulk. A gentleman 
has in his cabinet an insect, to one of whose legs 
a small ant, scarcely a thirteenth of its size, is 
fixed by its jaws. The little ant had probably 



dared to attack this giant, and refusing to let go 
its hold, had starved to death. Two or three 
ants have been observed dragging along a young 
snake, not dead, which was of the size of a 

Their ingenuity and skill in moving large 
bodies is no less remarkable than their strength. 
They will di’ag off immense spiders with appar¬ 
ently the greatest ease. To do this they stretch 
out two of the spider’s legs, pulling upon them 
with all their might, then they seize another pair 
of legs on the other side and do the same, some¬ 
times turning what must be to them an unwieldy 
mass completely round. Oftentimes a single ant 
may be seen perched upon the back of the spider, 
acting as an engineer, and directing all the move¬ 
ments. The little insects appear to have learned 
the important lesson, never to be in each other’s 
way, nor do they seem to expend any needless 
exertion in their labors. 

Sometimes a lazy ant will attempt to evade its 
share of labor and manifest symptoms of indo¬ 
lence or rebellion. Such an one is quickly de¬ 
tected and watched by the rest, and if it runs 



off is pursued, caught, and brought back to its 
work. After thus capturing one of these idlers 
two or three times, the ants, as if enraged at its 
laziness, and determined that each one shall bear 
an equal share of the hardships of the commu¬ 
nity, have been known to kill the idler by cutting 
off its head.—If all human idlers were treated in 
this way, what destruction of life there w'ould 

The perseverance of ants is most remarkable. 
They seem determined to complete whatever they 
begin, and if their work is destroyed, they quickly 
begin again, and never appear to be discouraged 
by any accidents or obstacles. 

The swampy portions of Paraguay are inhabit¬ 
ed by a little black ant, whose nests resemble 
conical hillocks of earth placed very near each 
other, and about three feet high. When a flood 
takes place, these insects are said to gather them¬ 
selves into a circular heap about a foot in diam¬ 
eter, and ten or twelve inches in depth, and, thus 
massed together, they continue to float so long as 
the flood lasts. One side of the heap is fastened 
to some sprig of grass or piece of wood, and the 



ants return to their dwelling when the waters 
have subsided. When the ) 7 wish to pass from 
one place to another, they may often be seen 
formed into a bridge of six or eight inches in 
length and an inch in width, and which has no 
other support than that of its two ends. 

The distinguished naturalist Huber tells us 
that ants communicate with each other like bees, 
with their antennae, or feelers, and that by the 
language thus spoken, or the ideas thus conveyed, 
they assist each other in their wants, labors, dan¬ 
gers, and pleasures. Many facts are recorded 
which plainly show this to be true. Some ants 
discovered in a gentleman’s house a closet where 
preserves were kept, and they constantly visited 
it until the supply was exhausted. One of the 
insects, in its rambles, must have first found out 
this sweet treasure, and then told its companions. 
They always went to the closet by the same track, 
although they were obliged to pass through two 
rooms, nor did the sweeping and cleaning of the 
apartments arrest them, or cause them to take a 
different road. 

Smith, in his “ New Voyages to Guinea,” says 



that ants “ certainly have some method or other, 
whereby they easily make themselves to be un¬ 
derstood, as I have often experienced in the 
following manner: When I have seen two or 
three straggling ants upon the hunt, I have killed 
a cockroach and thrown it down before them. 
As soon as they have found out what it was, they 
have sent one away for help, while the others 
have stayed and watched the dead body, until he 
returned at the head of a large posse; and if 
they have not then been able to remove the cock- 
roach, another ant has been sent away who has 
soon returned with a fresh supply sufficient to 
carry off the prey.” 

In the “Transactions of the French Academy,” 
an account is given of a solitary ant that was 
taken from its nest and thrown upon a heap of 
corn. It seemed attentively to survey this treas¬ 
ure, and then hastened back to its former abode, 
where it doubtless told the good news of the dis¬ 
covered food, for an immense host of ants quickly 
made its appearance, and commenced carrying 
away the corn. 

Many instances similar to these might be given, 



but we only designed to present sufficient evi¬ 
dence to show that ants have some method by 
which they interchange ideas. With a little play 
of the imagination we can think of these insects, 
consulting together upon their household mat¬ 
ters upon plans for the future, and all the sub¬ 
jects that would naturally arise in their little 
family. But can we think of the ants and of 
their language without supposing the insects to 
have ideas and thoughts, and do we not thus 
unconsciously raise them into the scale of intel¬ 
ligent beings F They have, like us, a world of 
their own, beautiful, convenient, and well adapted 
to all their wants, and they are endowed with 
social capacities, enabling them to live in well- 
ordered and happy communities. How easy it is 
to give importance and dignity to the least of 
God’s creatures! 

It may truly be said that the ants of one com¬ 
munity live very happily together. They evi¬ 
dently possess a high degree of family affection, 
and if any of the number have been absent for 
some time, they are welcomed upon their return 
with every indication of joy. 



Huber gives a pleasing illustration of this. 
He took some ants wild from the woods and 
placed them in a glass hive; but finding them too 
numei’ous he allowed some • to escape. These 
soon built a nest in the garden. Carrying the 
hive into his study, he watched the habits of its 
inmates for four months, after which he placed it 
in the garden within fifteen paces of the others. 
The garden ants immediately recognized their 
former associates, caressed them with their an¬ 
tennae, or feelers, and taking them in their jaws 
led them to their own abode! 

Like all animals, ants sympathize with each 
other in suffering. An eminent naturalist once 
cut off the antennae of an ant. He afterwards 
observed another ant approach, caress it with 
seeming tenderness, and pour a drop of liquid 
from its mouth into the wounds. Does not this 
resemble human sympathy? 

It is equally obvious that they love to promote 
each other’s pleasure and comfort. Huber, on 
one occasion, increased the heat in a part of a 
nest by means of a torch. The ants that hap¬ 
pened to be near, after enjoying the warmth for a 



time, hastened with the news to their companions. 
So desirous were they that .others should partake 
of the pleasure, that hundreds were seen conduct¬ 
ing their friends thither. 

«We see, then,” he adds, “ that insects which 
live in society are in possession of a language; 
and, in consequence of enjoying a language in 
common with us, although of an inferior degree, 
have they not greater importance in our eyes, 
and do they not embellish the very spectacle of 
the universe?” 


Yellow Ants. — Their Nests. — Their Ingenuity. — Herd- 
keepers. — Plant-lice and Honey-dew. — Care of Yellow 
Ants for their Herds. —The Jet Ant. — Their Nests. 

Haying described the ant in its general char¬ 
acteristics, we will now notice some of the differ¬ 
ent species, and the habits peculiar to each. 


This species usually selects some little hole or 
depression in the earth, and over it builds its well- 
contrived house. The roof is dome-shaped, but 
not solid. Within this roof and in the earth be¬ 
low it are many rooms and passage-ways, skill¬ 
fully excavated in the solid ground. To support 
these apartments, sustain the ceiling, and make 
the desired separation of rooms, the little builders 
leave portions of the earth standing, which serve 
as posts, beams, and rafters. Arched door-ways 
are also cut, and small side-rooms made, and in 
fact all the convenient arrangements of a well- 



contrived house are to be found in these insect 
structures. Halls or corridors lead to the open 
air, and are carefully closed at night for the 
greater security of the household. The cham¬ 
bers are usually low, yet sufficiently large for all 
the necessities of the occupants. In their con¬ 
struction the insect is guided by an unerring 
instinct, and makes no mistakes in providing for 
all the wants of its domestic life. The different 
rooms are connected by little galleries, which are 
always built with the strictest regard to conven¬ 
ience and use. 

If the houses were constructed of the little pel¬ 
lets of sand in their dry state, they would soon be 
seriously damaged, if not wholly destroyed. But 
to provide against such calamities, the ants, as 
they build, moisten the earth .with rain-water. 
The heat of the sun hardens the masonry, and 
thus the house is so completely bound together, 
so firmly joined in all its parts, that portions may 
be taken away without injury to the rest. 

This process also secures a safe defense against 
the weather. “ I never found,” says Huber, 
“ even after long and violent rains, the interior of 



the nest wet to more than a quarter of an inch 
from the surface, provided it had not been pre¬ 
viously out of repair, or deserted by its inhabi¬ 

There is one large chamber, or hall, situated 
nearly in the center of the building, much loftier 
than the rest, and crossed only by the beams that 
support the ceiling. This seems to be the grand 
room of the family. All the galleries terminate 
here, and it is the gathering place and usual resi¬ 
dence of the ants. When we recollect their re¬ 
markably social nature, as described in the pre¬ 
ceding chapter, it is easy and pleasant to imagine 
how they enjoy themselves when assembled in 
this large room; and how when their plans are 
made, and their little discussions ended, they sep¬ 
arate, and run off through the many avenues that 
lead from it to the other parts of the house. 

These ants are very ingenious in adapting 
themselves to the circumstances in which they 
may be placed, and seem at no loss for expedients 
to surmount obstacles. A naturalist recently ob¬ 
served a nest of one species of green ants built 
between the stems of way-side plants, and par- 



tially suspended by them over a stream of run¬ 
ning water. This singular nest is represented in 
the engraving, and is a striking instance of the 
ingenuity of the little insects. 

Singular Nest of a Yellow Ant. 


Perhaps the reader smiles as he sees this 
heading ; but we have a marvelous fact to de- 


scribe under it, and one in which the student 
will not fail to be interested. 

Various kinds of ants keep and feed certain 
insects as we keep cows, for the sake of obtaining 
from them a sweet and nourishing liquid, which 
may be called milk ; and we find the yellow ant 
to be the most extensive cow-keeper of all. This 
is a singular statement, but naturalists have 
shown it to be true in all respects. 

However indifferent you may be to the minu¬ 
tiae of Nature, have you not often, when about to 
pick a rose-bud, or a geranium leaf, or a sprig of 
honeysuckle, almost shuddered to find upon it 
either a green mass of moving life, or leaves 
turned black to the eye, or clammy to the touch ? 
Or perhaps you have turned up a fresh-looking 
leaf, and seen upon the under side numerous 
green insects. These are called Aphides, or 
Plant-lice. Every one who is familiar with 
flowers knows too well this destructive creature. 
But to destroy is not its only office : the insect is 
a producer of food. 

Most of the readers have heard of honey-dew, 
and know that it is a sweet, clammy substance 



found on the leaves of various trees and plants. 
Opinions have differed as to the real nature of 
this poison to the plant, but it is now ascertained 
that like the honey of bees, it is extracted with 
the sap, secreted and then thrown out by the 
aphides in a state of the greatest purity. Be¬ 
sides this profusion of sweets which they scatter 
around them, they always keep a good supply in 
their bodies, which resemble little green jars. 

These aphides, or plant-lice, are the “ cows,” 
and the honey-dew safely preserved in the green 
bottles, is the “ milk ” referred to. 

We have ah'eady seen that the ant lays by no 
food for winter’s use, as the insect requires none 
during the long, cold months. But they have a 
provident instinct for the future, which leads 
them to keeping and tending their herds of 
aphides. They collect the eggs of the plant- 
lice, and deposit them in the warmest parts of 
their nests, and guard them with the greatest 
care, that they may hatch early, and so the sup¬ 
ply of milk be abundant in the spring. There 
are a few ants, however, that seem to be ignorant 
of the process of hatching the eggs, but the econ- 



omy of the nest prevents any lack of food. Some 
of the ants find the “ cows ” in their hiding-places, 
milk them, and returning home, distribute the 
sweet nourishment among their companions. 

The herds of the yellow ant are large and well 
kept. They are pastured on the branches .and 
leaves of neighboring shrubs and plants, and are 
carefully guarded from intrusion. Sometimes a 
wall of clay is built around the stem of the plant 
for their protection. It is a singular fact, and 
may almost be said to approach human wisdom, 
that these ants often keep a few aphides close at 
home, or even under their own roof, as if for con¬ 
venience, feeding them from the provisions of the 
house, or allowing them to graze upon the herb¬ 
age near by. 

The process of “ milking ” is rather peculiar : 
The ant touches the “ cow ” gently with its feel¬ 
ers, first upon one side, and then upon the other, 
and the well-fed insect immediately gives out two 
drops of the clear, sweet fluid already described 
as honey-dew, and which is sufficient for the 
wants of the ant. No farmer can be more care¬ 
ful of his flocks, and more attentive to their 



necessities and comforts, than the ants of these 
little cows, and their whole treatment is a perfect 
picture of similar scenes in country life. 


This ant is of a fine, shining black color, and 
its colonies settle in the trunks of decaying oaks 
or willows. They always work in the interior of 
trees, or of their roots, and seem very desirous to 
be screened from observation. Their only tools 
are their jaws, and with these they chisel out hori¬ 
zontal galleries, following the circular direction 
of the layers of wood. These galleries are sepa¬ 
rated by extremely thin partitions, and connected 
by a few oval doors. Separate chambers open 
from the passage-ways. Nicely cut pillars, at 
first arched at both ends, and then chiseled into 
regular forms, support the ceilings, and often 
stand in long rows, making a beautiful colonnade. 

This intricate net-work of little rooms and gal¬ 
leries is extended to several stories. The floors 
are very uneven, owing, perhaps, to the varying 
texture of the wood. The grooves, or depressions 
in the floors, however, are turned by the ants to 



great advantage, as they retain the larvse in 

Galleries of the Jet Ants. 

The houses .which these ants build in the roots 
of trees are much more irregular than those 
cut out of the trunk. But if not constructed so 
systematically, they are much more delicate. 
Fragments of houses made in the roots of trees, 
or in that part of the trunk of the tree nearest the 
roots, have been seen eight or ten inches in 
length, and of equal hight, containing a number 
of apartments, with partitions as thin as paper. 
Near the entrance of these, wrought out with 
great care, are openings of considerable size. 
But in the place of chambers and extensive gal¬ 
leries, the layers of the wood are hewn in rows of 
little arches, allowing to the ants free passage in 



every direction. These may be regarded as the 
gates, or entrances to the various dwellings. 

It is a singular circumstance in the abodes of 
these ants, that all the wood which they carve is 
tinged of a black color, as if it had been smoked. 
T hi s certainly does not add to the beauty of their 
streets, which look as dark and solemn as the old 
and narrow lanes of a city. The cause of this 
smoky tint has not been ascertained, although 
naturalists have tried to investigate it. It is 
peculiar to the excavations of the Jet Ant. 


Warrior Ants. — Slavery among Ants.— Slave-catching Ex¬ 
peditions. — Color of the Slaves. — Desperate Battles 
among Ants. — Sin of Slavery. 


There are several kinds of warlike ants, espe¬ 
cially the wood ant, the Amazon, or warrior ant, 
and the sanguinary ant. All these sally out on 
hostile excursions for the purpose of capturing 
and bringing home to their own colonies the eggs 
and cocoons of other tribes, generally of the dark- 
colored or dusky ant. 

It must strike the reader as very singular that 
these ants are genuine slave-owners, and have a 
system of slavery similar to that practised among 
human beings. But the little slave-holders are 
not so cruel as human masters. No sound of the 
whip is ever heard in their country; no punish¬ 
ments are inflicted; the slaves live as well as 
their masters, and sometimes seem to take the 
whole authority into their own hands. 



The little slaves are exceedingly industrious. 
No maids-of-all-work, — for the slaves are all 
females, — can excel them in universal useful¬ 
ness. The owners are principally females, also, 
and, without exception,' are soldiers, — Amazons. 
And as these lady-warriors do nothing, the slaves 
must, of course, do everything. They are the 
builders, the porters, the scavengers, and the 
nurses. They are even the feeders of the grown¬ 
up community, which consists of the lady-soldiers, 
a few idle gentlemen, and two or three princesses. 

The slave population being thus necessary for 
the comfort and even existence of the community, 
it is most important to keep their number full. 
Thus we find a complete system of slave-traffic, 
or slave-capture, for the ants do not purchase, but 
steal their slaves. The soldiers make excursions 
to some neighboring ant-city, attack and conquer 
the inhabitants, and return, each bringing an 
infant captive. 

Upon its arrival at the city, the young slave is 
given in charge to a nurse, herself a slave, and 
who, although ignorant that the little stranger is 
united to her by the ties of country, and perhaps 



of family, fondles it, and feeds it, and trains it for 
its future duties. 

Naturalists describe the slave-catching expedi¬ 
tions of ants with great minuteness. Huber, after 
speaking of the spirited combats between different 
species, describes the war-parties sent out to steal 
the infants from the settlements of the formica 
fusca , or dusky ant, and says, — “ Many curious 
circumstances mark these expeditions. There is 
reason to believe that these ants first send out 
spies, who describe the route to be taken. They 
push each other with the head or jaws, or play 
with the antennas or feelers, perhaps to arouse to 
effort, or tell what is soon to be done. 

“They start about five o’clock in a warm sum¬ 
mer afternoon, eight or ten ants being usually in 
the advance; but no sooner do they pass beyond 
the nest, than they move back, wheel round in a 
semicircle, and mix with the main body, while 
others succeed to their station. All in their turn 
pursue the same course; and after passing through 
the grass for about thirty feet, they disperse, and 
like dogs on the scent, explore the ground with 
their antennae. 



« Soon they discover the colony of which they 
are in search. Its sentinels dart upon them with 
the utmost fury; crowds rush forth from their 
various avenues; but the besiegers compel them to 
retreat, and by breaching the walls, or entering the 
gates, advance into the city. In a few minutes 
they appear again, each one carrying in its mouth 
a caterpillar, or a chrysalis, and return home the 
way they came.” 

Facts like these present so many points of 
resemblance to similar scenes enacted by human 
beings, that we will describe a slave-catching ex¬ 
pedition, speaking of the ants as if they were real 
warriors and genuine slave-catchers. Although, 
in order to give animation to the description, im¬ 
agination will supply many of the details, still 
care will be taken that nothing is exaggerated or 
misstated; and the reader will find that in the 
narrative, many of the habits of the ant are care¬ 
fully noticed, and will need no repetition else¬ 
where. We have borrowed, to some extent, the 
language of another writer, in this description. 




It was toward the close of a fine summer day, 
that the army of the Rufians (formica rufa), 
consisting of a large body of infantry, was seen 
issuing from the gates of their capital. Their 
march soon brought them to a dry, sandy plain, 
strewn with rocky fragments, through which they 
pursued their way in winding but unbroken files, 
their polished brown corselets glistening like 
sparks of fire in the glow of the declining sun. 
Marching with great rapidity, they soon crossed 
this desert-like tract without loss or accident, — a 
cause for great rejoicing, considering the many 
dangers to which their exposed route had sub¬ 
jected them. For what appeared to them merely 
a rock-strewn plain, was in fact a public road, 
used by gigantic creatures who considered them¬ 
selves the lords of the land, and had one of these 
passed this way during the march of the Rufians, 
he would have crushed from existence whole divis¬ 
ions of their army by a single footfall. But they 
escaped these and other perils, and at last arrived 
at what we should call a hedge, or thicket, but 



which, to them, was a mighty forest. It required 
no little skill to cross this barrier, and re-form 
their army upon the other side; but it was done 
in the most creditable manner, which is the more 
surprising, as they seemed to be destitute of any 
leaders or officers. 

Leaving the dense forests in their rear, they 
pressed forward into a country which presented 
obstacles even greater than those already over¬ 
come. Imagine a body of infantry compelled to 
force its way through a thick growth of wood, 
composed of trees so large that the smallest of 
them was more than three times the size of any 
of their bodies; so high that they could scarcely 
see the tops, and all these thickly set with gigan¬ 
tic leaf-blades waving and clashing above their 
heads, or lying across the path in great confu¬ 
sion, obliging the soldiers to climb over, or creep 
under them. Imagine the difficulties of such a 
march to a single individual, and then think of 
the hundred-fold trouble and danger to an army 
compelled to keep together and proceed in a 
definite course. 

But the army marched bravely on through the 



unmown field, for what seemed trees to them was 
only tall grass, and when night came on, they lay 
down and rested for the morning’s labor. 

They had not gone far the next day, before 
they saw the dome of the city of Fusca (formiva 
fusca, or the brown ant) which they were to 
attack. All was now animation throughout the 
ranks. Their march was hastened in order to 
surprise the city, if possible, while some of the 
bravest and most ardent rushed forward to secure 
the enemy’s sentinels, who were stationed at each 
of the avenues leading to the city. 

These guards, who immediately gave notice of 
the approaching army, were, like their assail¬ 
ants, soldiers, only of a much more peaceable dis¬ 
position,— never fighting except in self-defence. 
Among the Fuscans, slavery does not exist; and 
their working females, who constitute the greater 
proportion of the population, are not only the sole 
defenders of the community, but also perform all 
those duties which the Rufians require of their 

When the Fuscans heard fi’om their sentinels 
that an enemy was near at hand, they were busy 



about their usual duties. Some had just com¬ 
menced their day’s work at building, some were 
cleaning the streets, some were feeding the cattle 
and milking, some waiting on the nobles of the 
city, some giving breakfast to the children in the 
nurseries, and thus in one way and another, the 
whole city was intent upon its regular work. 

Although thus taken by surprise, the Fuscans, 
if not fore-warned, were fore-armed. Like the 
ten knights spoken of by the poet, who 

— u quitted not their harness bright, 

Neither by day, nor yet by night,” 

they ate, drank, worked, and nursed their young, 
in full armor. They never lay aside their arms, 
and always carry their ammunition with them. 
Having, therefore, no belts to buckle, no guns to 
load, no horses to saddle, their troops soon col¬ 
lected and issued forth in various divisions from 
the city gates. Few remained behind, except the 
cowardly and the helpless. There were the idle 
men of the city, who always hung about the court, 
and never did any work for the common good, — 
the numerous infant families which claimed tlie 



queens for mothers, and the queens themselves 
with several princesses. Beside these there were 
a few who were compelled to stay in the nurser¬ 
ies, and the royal body-guard, — a little Amazon¬ 
ian band as brave and faithful as the old Swiss 
Guard of the unhappy King of France. 

A fierce battle rages. The Fuscans are drawn 
up in front of their city, fighting for their queens, 
their lives, and the liberty of the infant popula¬ 
tion. Their assailants are fighting for glory, and 
for plunder, especially to seize the infant Fuscans 
and carry them into slavery. The Fuscans excel 
in numbers, but are inferior to their enemies, in 
size, discipline, and strength. The battle-field, an 
area of about four feet square, is covered with 
the dead and dying. Single-handed fights by 
thousands are going on, and the duelists, wholly 
unmindful of all else, and having exhausted their 
ammunition, grapple in close contest, and hold fast 
in savage grip until a third party comes and turns 
the balance. In another part of the field, may 
be seen, perhaps, a dozen combatants of either 
party, all firmly linked in a living chain, and 
fighting until death ends the scene. 



A Fuscan has been known to leap upon a 
Rufian, and take such firm hold with her jaws 
that although the Rufian tore his antagonist 
asunder, the head and upper portion of the body 
still clung to him, and he must wear this hideous 
ornament until death. So terrible is the hold 
these Fuscans take upon their enemies. 

But how goes the day ? How turns the tide 
of battle ? Shall the infant Fuscan females grow 
up to be maids of all work at home, or slaves of 
all work in a foreign land? At last the Fuscans 
run ! They can not sustain themselves against 
the superior skill and strength of their assailants, 
and having fought nobly, and until they see that 
the Rufians are making preparations to attack the 
city itself, they retreat to the dome-covered cita¬ 
del, there to make a last stand. Reaching the 
roof, the shattered remnant of the army rapidly 
defile downward through the descending streets. 
But the enemy follow close ; and hardly have the 
worn-out Fuscans gained the inside of the citadel 
before the Rufians take possession of the prin¬ 
cipal entrances, and sappers and nfners open 
breaches in the masonry of its dome, and soon 



the whole invading force rushes into the devoted 

The queens, shut up within their palaces, are 
defended by their faithful body-guard, and al¬ 
though the mothers of the infant brood, they 
make no effort for their safety. But the loving 
foster-mothers, at once the tender nurses and the 
brave defenders, still fight for the little ones. 
Their deeds of heroism would honor human be¬ 
ings. Wholly forgetful of self, they think only 
of protecting the Fuscan babes. A Rufian en¬ 
ters a room where ten of the little ones are com¬ 
mitted to the care of one nurse. Upon her the 
enemy rushes, bears her to the ground, and cut¬ 
ting off her lower limbs, snatches up two of the 
infants and retreats. But life and affection are 
still strong within the dismembered body of the 
nurse. Unmindful of her own agony, she slowly 
hides the little ones still left, and when the last 
one is safely concealed, as she thinks, she falls 
and dies. 

Triumphant is the homeward march of the 
Rufians, each soldier leading a captive. Regu¬ 
lar order is neglected, and they reach their city 



by different routes and in straggling parties. 
TVhen they approach their homes, the slave sen¬ 
tinels give joyful notice of their return, and the 
slave nurses receive the little captives into their 

Thus ends the slave-catching expedition of the 

The reader will not fail to have noticed the re¬ 
markable coincidences between the habits of the 
ants in respect to slavery, and of men ; a coin¬ 
cidence extending even to the color of the un¬ 
happy victims, — for it is only a dark or near¬ 
ly black insect that is thus reduced to bondage. 
But this practice is much more becoming this 
irrational insect than he whom God has made in 
his own image. Let no one forget that he 
“ hath made of one blood all nations of men ; ” 
that he has given to all immortal souls, and that 
Christ came into the world to save sinners of 
whatever color. Thousands of pious hearts have 
throbbed beneath a dark skin, and many a Chris¬ 
tian slave will sit down at the right hand of God 
while the white master will receive the punish¬ 
ment due to him who has wickedly abused a 


Termites, or White Ants. — The Female. — Destructiveness. 
— Nests of the White Ants. — Their immense size.— 
Lessons of perseverance. — Conical nests. — Their struc¬ 
ture. — Turret nests. — Their structure. — The Soldier 
Ant. — Spherical and oval nests. — Difficulty of driving 
Ants from houses. — Difficulty of overcoming bad habits. 


Travelers in tropical climates describe many 
species of ants, some of which are so terrible to 
man, and even to the beasts of the forests, from 
their venomous bites, fierce temper, and voracity, 
that their path is freely abandoned to them, and 
they are avoided in every possible way. Du 
Chaillu, in his explorations in equatorial Africa, 
met with ten different species of this description. 

Of these the termites, or white ants, present the 
most interesting characteristics. Strictly speak¬ 
ing, termites are not ants, but as they are popu¬ 
larly so called, and in their habits so closely re¬ 
semble the little insect we have been considering, 



we shall, in common with most writers, speak of 
them as such. 

As we have noticed in other species, the fe¬ 
male is the most important member of the 
family. No sooner is a colony established, than 
she supplies it with a large population. Her size 
increases until she becomes many hundred, or 
even thousands of times, larger than her subjects, 
and she often lays eggs at the rate of sixty in a 

The Female of the White Ant. 

minute, or more than eighty thousand in twenty- 
four hours. 

While the female is thus busily engaged, her 
chamber is a scene of great activity. Crowds 
of attendants or servants are passing to and fro, 
taking the eggs and carefully transporting them 
to their proper places in the nurseries. Food is 
furnished to the young brood until they can pro¬ 
cure it themselves, and the nursing and training 



id conducted in much the same manner as has 
been described in previous chapters. 

Few, if any, insects are so destructive as the 
termites. When they once gain possession of 
buildings, nothing but glass or metal can escape 
their ravages. They devour every thing that 
comes in their way, — but wood is their favorite 
• food. Sometimes they will enter a house in so 
great numbers that every article in a spacious 
apartment will be destroyed in a single night. 
They leave the exterior unmolested, but within 
it is so thoroughly sapped and mined that it is 
nothing but a shell, ready at a touch to crumble 
into dust. The termites love darkness, and pre¬ 
fer to work screened from observation ; hence, 
they seldom attack the outside of solid substances 
until they have first concealed it and all their 
operations with a coating of clay. 

A single instance will serve to illustrate the 
destructive nature of these insects. A surveyor, 
having returned from a journey, left his trunk 
on a table in his room. The next morning, not 
only did he find all his clothes devoured, but 
his papers also were destroyed, not a piece half 



an inch square being left. A piece of silver 
coin that was in the trunk had a number of 
black spots upon it, caused by something so cor¬ 
rosive that they could not be removed even by 
sand. The black lead of his pencils was also 

The termites are not more than a quarter of 
an inch in hight, but they erect houses of such 
magnitude, and so perfectly adapted to all their 
wants, that we are filled with wonder.* The 
structures of wasps and bees, and more especially 
of the wood-ants already described, when placed 
in comparison with the size of the builders, equal 
in magnitude our largest cities compared with the 
stature of man. But when we look at the build¬ 
ings erected by the termites, the homes of other 
insects sink into insignificance. 

Kirby says, ‘‘ They far exceed the most boasted 
works and structures of man. For did these 
creatures equal him in size, retaining their usual 
instincts and sagacity, their buildings would soar 
to the astonishing hight of more than half a mile, 
and their tunnels would expand to a magnificent 
* See Frontispiece. 



cylinder of more than three hundred feet in di¬ 
ameter. Before these the pyramids of Egypt 
and the aqueducts of Rome would lose all their 
celebrity and dwindle into nothingness.” 

Dr. Livingston, the celebrated traveler in Af¬ 
rica, in speaking of a particular section of that 
country, says, — “It abounds in ant-hills. In the 
open parts they are studded over the surface 
exactly as hay-cocks are in harvest. In the 
woods they are as large as round hay-stacks, 
forty or fifty feet in diameter at the base, and at 
least twenty feet high. They are more fertile 
than the rest of the land, and here they are the 
chief garden ground for maize, pumpkins, and 
tobacco.” In another place he speaks of seeing 
the hills of the white ants thirty feet high, “and 
of a base so broad that trees grow on them.” 
Barth, another traveler in Africa, mentions ant¬ 
hills two hundred feet in circumference at the 
base. Indeed so immense are the structures of 
these ants that early writers supposed they must 
be the work of large animals; and so they tell us 
of monstrous ants in India as large as foxes! 

A collection of these ant-hills bears no faint 



resemblance, as the reader can readily imagine, 
to an Indian or African village, and they are in 
fact often mistaken in the distance for the huts of 
the natives. Their construction is curious, and 
shows the wonderful skill of the architects. 

Two or three towers or posts of clay, about a 
foot in hight and shaped like a sugar-loaf are 
first raised. These rapidly increase in number 
and hight. They are broad at the base, at the 
top joined together with a dome-shaped roof, and 
surrounded with a thick outer wall of clay. The 
fertility of the earth, as Dr. Livingston remarks, 
seems to be greatly increased by being worked 
over by the ants in the process of building, and 
the mound is soon covered with a fine growth of 
grass, and then has a strong resemblance to the 
heaps of hay in a mowing field. The inner 
towers, with the exception of the tops, which pro¬ 
ject from different parts of it, like pinnacles, are 
then removed, and the clay worked over again 
in various ways. 

The ants occupy only the lower parts of the 
building. The dome-shaped roof, which is very 
strong and solid, serves as a defense from the 



weather and the attacks of enemies, and also to 
secure the warmth and moisture necessary for 
hatching the eggs and nourishing the young. 

So strong are these roofs that wild animals 
mount them and stand as sentinels on guard while 
the herd is feeding below. Travelers too, on the 
sea-coast, often use them as “ look-outs ” in watch¬ 
ing for vessels. 

In the center of the building is the royal cham¬ 
ber. This is an arched vault, at first not more 
than an inch long, but is enlarged in size as the 
queen grows to the length of eight inches or 
more. Within this room the queen always dwells, 
as the entrance is too small to allow her to leave. 
Adjoining this chamber, and entirely surrounding 
it, are what are called the royal apartments. 
These are arched rooms of different shapes and 
sizes, opening into each other, or connected by 
passage-ways, and are usually occupied by many 
thousand soldiers and attendants in waiting upon 
the queen. Opening from these apartments are 
the nurseries, filled with eggs, and the young. 
At first these are placed close by the royal cham¬ 
ber, but when the queen requires a larger room, 



and more attendants, they are taken to pieces and 
rebuilt at a greater distance, and increased in 
number and size. Their construction is peculiar ; 
they are built of particles of wood apparently 
joined together by gum, or some sticky matter. 
A group of these chambers, each not more than 
half an inch wide, is enclosed by an apartment of 
clay into which they open. Other rooms, or mag¬ 
azines, always well stored with provisions, are 
intermixed with the nurseries. These are some¬ 
times separated by empty chambers and galleries, 
and often communicate with each other either 
directly or by little passages, and they extend on 
all sides to the outer wall of the building, and 
almost to the top of it. They are, however, con¬ 
fined to the sides of the lower part of the nest, 
leaving an open area under the dome. A flattish 
roof covers the top, and the area, which is a little 
above the royal chamber, has another, also water¬ 
proof, and so made as to let any rain that may 
chance to get in run off into the passages under¬ 
ground. Some of these are more than a foot in 
diameter, perfectly cylindrical, and lined with the 
same kind of clay of which the hive is composed. 



They slope to the depth of three or four feet, and 
then, branching out on all sides, are carried un¬ 
derground, near the surface, to a great distance. 
These are the great thoroughfares for the ants, 
through which they carry their clay, wood, water, 
or provisions. They have a spiral and gradual 
ascent, because it would be difficult for these 
creatures to ascend a perpendicular. In some 
parts a flat pathway, half an inch wide, is often 
made to wind gradually, like a road cut out of 
the side of a mountain, by which they can easily 
travel, when otherwise it would be impossible. 

There is another display of ingenuity to 
shorten labor. A kind of bridge, of one large 
arch, springs from the floor to the upper apart¬ 
ments, answering the purpose of a flight of stairs. 
Thus the journey required for carrying the eggs 
from the royal chamber to the upper nurseries 
is very much shortened. In some cases this 
would be four or five feet in a straight line, and 
much more if carried along the winding passage¬ 
ways which lead to the different chambers. 

An examination of an ant-hill disclosed one of 
these bridges, half an inch in width, a quarter 



of an inch thick, and three inches in length. 
With the skill of true architects this bridge was 
strengthened by a well-built arch. There was 
also a hollow or groove the whole length of the 
upper surface, which was made for the greater 
safety of the little passengers, or had been worn 
by constant travel. 

There is another species of white ant which 

Turret-nests of White Ants. 

erects a very curious dwelling. It is similar in 
shape to a mushroom, being a round turret or 



tower of clay about three feet high, and sur¬ 
mounted by a conical roof which projects a few 
inches over the sides of the upright part like 
the eaves of house. 

The ants never enlarge or alter one of these 
turrets after it is completed. If too small for 
the family, they build another a few inches dis¬ 
tant. Sometimes five or six of these dwellings 
may be seen in a group. They are so strongly 
and compactly made that they will sooner tear 
up the earth upon which they are built than 
break in the middle. But if, by any accident, 
one should become broken, the ants do not aban¬ 
don it, but use the overturned tower as the base 
for a new structure. 

The interior of these singular houses is divided 
into a great number of irregularly shaped cells, 
to each of which there are at least two en¬ 
trances, but we find none of the intricate gal¬ 
leries, arches, and passage-ways, that are so 
remarkable in other species. 

While describing the white ants, we must not 
forget the “ soldiers.” Is it not singular that 
ants should keep a standing army similar to the 



armies maintained for the support of human 
governments? These soldier-ants compose such 
a force, and their duties are such as are required 
of men in military service. They keep guard 
over the royal cell, and over those laborers who 
are too busily engaged to attend to their per¬ 
sonal safety. They also defend the city, and 
are always on the alert for the approach of ene¬ 

The Soldier-Ant 

If the citadel is threatened with an attack 
from some hostile tribe, the alarm is quickly 
spread, and the whole community is soon en¬ 
gaged in self-defense. If the assailants make a 
breach in the outer walls, the laborers are ex¬ 
posed to full view and to imminent danger; but 



as they can not fight, they at once retire within 
the inner walls, and give the alarm to their com¬ 
panions. A few soldiers carefully reconnoiter 
the field, evidently attempting to ascertain the 
numbers and position of the attacking party. 
Having determined upon the force necessary to 
resist the assault, or to repair damages already 
done, they return to the inner part of the citadel 
for a moment, and quickly appear with their 
comrades. The alarm soon becomes general; 
the little soldiers appear greatly enraged, and 
take vengeance upon every unfortunate enemy 
that comes within their reach. It is supposed 
by some writers that they are blind, and many 
of their actions indicate that such is the fact. 
They move their heads about very rapidly as if 
anxious to seize some enemy, and stretch out 
their long, pointed jaws to the utmost, ready to 
fasten upon the first unfortunate foe that comes 
near. So fiercely do they seize upon their an¬ 
tagonists that they often part with their life 
before relinquishing their hold. Sometimes a 
stick has been held out to one of these spirited 
soldiers, and he has fastened upon it so firmly 



that the jaws could not be disengaged without 
killing the insect. 

As soon as peace and quiet are restored, the 
soldiers retire. Their place is then filled by 
laborers who crowd the breach, each carrying 
in her mouth a load of mortar half as large as 
her body. This is properly placed, and the little 
worker hastens back for more. An observer 
says, — 

“Not the tenth part of an inch is left with¬ 
out laborers working upon it at the same mo¬ 
ment ; crowds are hurrying to and fro; yet, 
amid all this activity, we observed the greatest 
order. No one impeded another, but each 
seemed to thread the mazes of the multitude 
without trouble or inconvenience.” 

Meanwhile, the soldiers act as sentinels, walk¬ 
ing in and out of the opening, with closed jaws 
and determined manner. At short intervals of 
a minute or two, a soldier makes a peculiar 
noise by lifting up his head and striking his 
jaws against the wall of the dwelling, and im¬ 
mediately all the laborers, appearing to regard 
it as a signal for greater diligence or dispatch, 



answer by a loud hiss and by prompt obedi¬ 

There is another species of white ant which 
builds a spherical or oval nest on the exterior 
of trees, sometimes at a hight of seventy cr 
eighty feet from the ground, and varying from 
the size of a hat to that of a barrel. Theee 
nests are built of small bits or gnawings of wood 
kneaded into a paste with a glue, probably se¬ 
creted by the ants in a manner similar to that 
in which bees secrete their wax. The ants at¬ 
tach these nests very firmly to the trees, aad 
the wildest tornadoes fail to shake them oft'. 
Sometimes this species, instead of selecting the 
bough of a tree, build their nests in the roof or 
walls of a house, and unless discovered in season 
cause great trouble. It is much easier to pre¬ 
vent their entrance than to expel them after 
they have once gained a foothold. 

Let us not pass over this fact without finding 
a useful lesson. It is much easier to abstain 
from bad habits than to get rid of them when 
once formed. Solomon understood this principle 
when he said, “ leave off contention before it be 



meddled with.” Applying this rule of action to 
every-day life, we should shun all that is evil, 
and take care that sin finds no lodging-place in 
our hearts. But as sin is always present with 
us, our constant prayer should be, “ Create in 
me a clean heart, 0 God, and renew a right 
spirit within me.” 



Diligence of Ants. — Number of Ants_Nothing made in 

rain. — Caution in forming opinions. — Ants used for 
Food.—Enemies of Ants—The Ground Hog.— The 
Great Ant-Eater. — The Little Ant-Eater. — God’s love 
manifested in all his works. 

Allusion has been made to the diligence of 
ants, and the rapidity with which they perform 
their work. These traits are exhibited in a 
striking manner in the quickness with which 
they repair damages made in their dwellings. 
A gallery, or passage-way, three or four yards 
in length, has been restored in a single night. 
If indeed a nest should be divided in halves, 
only leaving the royal chamber unharmed,— 
thus laying open thousands of apartments, — all 
would be closed up with walls of clay by the 
next morning. Even if the whole nest should 
be demolished, provided the royal family was 
left undisturbed, every opening between the 
ruins, at which cold or wet could possibly enter, 



would be covered, and in an incredibly short 
time, considering the size of the little workers, 
the building would be raised to nearly its original 
dimensions and grandeur. 

We often hear and read of inconceivable mul¬ 
titudes of ants, and perhaps have complained 
of them as a useless nuisance. But God makes 
nothing in vain, and we may rest satisfied that 
he has not created one ant too many. All our 
investigations into his works show us his good¬ 
ness, and reveal new sources of wonder and 
gratitude. How often do we see a kind Provi¬ 
dence, and a father’s hand, in some event which 
at first seemed dark and mysterious. Expe¬ 
rience thus warns us not to distrust God or com¬ 
plain of Him. A little reflection upon the vast 
number of ants, especially in tropical climates, 
will convince us that they must be of great use 
in consuming matter which otherwise would pro¬ 
duce disease and death. They thus become pro¬ 
moters of health, and a blessing, instead of a 
nuisance, as they are too apt to be considered. 

White ants are often used for food. In some 
parts of the East Indies the natives work them 


up with flour, and make a variety of pastry 
which they sell at a low price to the poor. The 
Africans, too, parch them over the fire, and con¬ 
sider them delicious food. A traveler, to whom 
the world is indebted for much of its knowledge 
of the white ants, says he has eaten them pre¬ 
pared in this way, and thinks them delicate, 
wholesome, and nourishing. 



different countries which are the deadly enemies 
of ants, but they are all known under the general 
name of ant-eaters. Their most remarkable char¬ 
acteristic is a long and flexible tongue which 
serves as a hand for carrying food to the mouth. 
When protruded to its fullest extent, it has some 
resemblance to a large red earth-worm, and coils 
and twists about as if it possessed a separate life 
of its own. 

Among the ant-eaters especially worthy of no¬ 
tice, is the Ground Hog, a native of Southern 
Africa. This animal is about five feet in length, 
has a long, pointed nose, and stiff, erect ears. Its 
body is well proportioned, of a reddish-brown 
color, and armed with bristles. Its greatest 
strength is in its fore-legs, the feet of which are 
furnished with sharp claws with which it opens 
the dwellings of the ants, and also digs burrows for 
its own habitation. It is seldom seen in the day¬ 
time, but at night leaves its home, and makes its 
way to an ant-hill. Laying hold of the earthen 
walls, it speedily tears them down, and as the 
terrified inmates rush out in swarms, sweeps 
them into its mouth by hundreds. 



There is another animal, called by way of dis¬ 
tinction, the Great Ant-Eater, or Tamanoir. This 
is a native of South America. Its body is from 
four to five feet in length, having a tail covered 
with long, bristly hair, which the Indians use for 
various kinds of ingenious wicker-work. The 
fore-feet are armed with claws, which serve the 
double purpose of scratching up the ant-hills, and 
of taking strong hold of any object. While sleep¬ 
ing, it is said to closely resemble a rough bundle 
of hay thrown loosely upon the ground, for the 
hair is so long and coarse as scarcely to be rec¬ 
ognized as the coat of an animal. Although a 
slow and unwieldy animal, nature has not left him 
defenceless. If an enemy approaches too closely, 
he grasps the intruder within his claws, and, like 
the bear, squeezes him to death. 

A still more curious animal is the Little Ant- 
Eater, which generally lives in the trees, clinging 
to the limbs, and swinging from them by its tail, 
which is sufficiently strong to support the whole 
weight of the body. It is a bold creature, attack¬ 
ing, not only the nests of ants, but also those of 
wasps, putting its paw into the combs, and drag- 



ging the grubs from their cells. Like its larger 
relatives, it is active only at night. During the 
day it sleeps with its tail safely twisted around 
the branch on which it sits. 

These animals prevent too great an increase 
of the ants, while at the same time they are not 
so numerous as to exterminate the race, or to 
interfere with the useful labor which the Creator 
has evidently committed to the little insects to 

Thus have we traced the life of the ant. We 
can say with the poet: — 

* Thou little insect, infinitely small, 

What curious texture marks thy tiny frame! 

How seeming large thy foresight, and withal, 

Thy laboring talents not unworthy fame, 

To raise such monstrous hills along the plain, 

Larger than mountains when compared with thee; 

To drag the crumbs dropp’d by the village swain, 

Huge size to thine, is strange indeed to me! 

But that great instinct which foretells the cold, 

And bids to guard ’gainst winter’s wasteful power; 
Endues this mite with cheerfulness to hold 
Its toiling labors through the sultry hour; 

So that same soothing Power, in misery, 

Cheers the poor pilgrim to eternity.” 



We have seen how God cares for the little 
insect in all its wants, and have found additional 
evidence that nothing is too small to escape the 
notice of the Creator; that his tender mercies 
are over all his works. The Psalmist says: — 
“ Whoso is wise, and will observe these things, 
even they shall understand the loving-kindness 
of God.” If God is careful of the least of his 
creatures, shall we not believe that “ his merci¬ 
ful kindness is great toward us?” Especially 
let it be remembered, that “he gave his only 
begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him 
should not perish, but have -everlasting life; ” 
and let our study of Nature and its wonders lead 
us to give our hearts to him who is not only the 
God of Nature but the God of Grace I 


“Divers sorts of Flies.” 



Always something to be learned. — Different species of 
plies. _ Diptera. — Transformations of the Fly.— Struc¬ 
ture of the Fly. — How a Fly eats and drinks. — How 
a Fly walks. — Different theories. — Our ignorance of 
familiar things. — A Fly on the wing. — Its rapid flight. 
— How does a Fly buzz. — Where do Flies go in the 
winter. — Wordsworth’s lines to a Fly. — Kindness to 
those in Trouble. — Usefulness of the Fly. — Blessings 
in seeming ills. 

However familiar a subject may be to us, 
we can always, by careful study, learn some¬ 
thing new concerning it. It is one evidence of 
the infinite power of the Creator that we can 
never exhaust his works, and thus we have the 
highest incentive to take the position of learners. 
Flies are common objects, which the reader may 
think very uninteresting. But God has made 


every thing for some good purpose; He has 
created nothing that is not well worthy of our 
study. The Bible and the book of Nature, so 
far as we can read them, teach us these truths. 
The little fly which buzzes upon the window- 
pane, or sits upon the edge of the sugar-bowl 
and unwittingly steals the sweet food, may, it 
we think aright, become a teacher, and we shall 
learn that from the seeming ills of life we can 
derive much that is pleasant and often useful. 

Sir William Davenant, in remarking upon the 
works of God, says,— 

“To study God, God’s student, man, was made; 

To read him as in Nature’s book conveyed, 

Not as in Heaven. 

Each little flower, 

And lesser fly, shows his familiar power.” 

Another poet, in speaking of the wisdom and 
skill of the Creator, as manifest in what we 
inaptly call the lower orders of creation, says, — 

“’Tis sweet to muse upon the skill displayed; — 
Infinite skill in all that He hath made; 

And trace in Nature’s most minute design 
The signature and stamp of power divine; 



Contrivance infinite expressed with ease, 

Where unassisted sight no beauty sees ; 

The shapely limb, the lubricated joint, 

Within the small dimensions of a point. 

Muscle and nerve miraculously spun, 

His mighty work who speaks,—and it is done.” 

There are a great many species of flies, 
but they are nearly all classed under the gen¬ 
eral name diptera, meaning two winged , and 
possess the same general characteristics: two 
pairs of wings, two balancers, or poisers, just 
behind the wings, and a horny or fleshy pro¬ 
boscis formed for sucking or lapping food. The 
many transformations through which flies pass 
in their short lives attracted the attention of the 
earliest naturalists, and present the most curious 
circumstances in their history. There are four 
distinct stages of their existence: that of the 
egg; the larva, or caterpillar; the pupa, or 
chrysalis ; and the perfect fly. 

The larvae, commonly called maggots, have 
no feet. The pupae are either incased in the 
dried skins of the larvae, or are partially exposed, 
with their wings and legs free and unconfined. 




The head is large and globular, joined to the 
body by a very slender neck, and is capable of 
rapid and varied motion. The greater portion 
of it, especially in the males, is occupied by the 
brilliant compound eyes. In some instances we 
find single ocelli, or little eyes, which are al¬ 
ways situated on the top of the head. The 
proboscis is placed under the head, and by 
some varieties of flies is often drawn up and 
concealed in the mouth. This organ so indis¬ 
pensable to the existence of the fly, consists of 
a long channel ending in two fleshy lips, enclos¬ 
ing on its upper side several fine bristles as 
sharp as needles. The wounds or bites which 
the fly inflicts are made by these sharp-pointed 
instruments, and the saliva that flows into them 
causes that painful swelling and itching which is 
so common that it need not be described! The 
wings are filmy or gauze-like, and are abun¬ 
dantly supplied with veins. If the reader has a 
microscope or magnifying glass he can examine 
a wing at leisure, and see and admire its beauti¬ 
ful structure. The delicate threads, invisible to 
the naked eye, compose a net-work of marvelous 



beauty, and the mind is filled with astonishment 
that such creative skill should be displayed upon 
so small an object, where the natural eye of man 
never would have detected it. Just behind the 
joints of the wings are two little convex scales, 
which open and shut with every movement of 
the wings. These are sometimes called winglets. 
Immediately behind these are the balancers, or 
poisers, already alluded to, which resemble short 
threads knotted at the ends. 

The fly’s sole instrument for eating and drink¬ 
ing is his proboscis. It is evident that this 
must be a convenient article when inserted into 
any liquid, or applied to the broken surface of 
over-ripe fruit; but we often see flies busy upon 
lumps of hard white sugar, which are evidently 
as grateful to them as to ourselves. How, with¬ 
out teeth, does the insect demolish this crystal 
mass ? A magnifying glass reveals the mystery. 
The fly dissolves the sugar by a salivary fluid 
which passes down through the same pipe which 
shortly after returns the sugar melted into sirup. 

The diptera have six legs, and each foot has 
two claws and two or three little cushions or 



pads set with numerous hairs, spreading out so 
as to constitute little cups. 

It is well known that flies and many other in¬ 
sects possess the power of creeping up smooth 
perpendicular surfaces, and of walking upon the 
ceiling with the back downward. When you 
see a fly thus walking, the inquiry immediately 
arises in the mind, How is it done ? This ques¬ 
tion has not yet been fully settled. Many writers 
have attempted to explain the wonderful fact, 
and many diverse opinions have been advanced. 
Some say that the secret is in what, when boys, 
we called “ suckers,” on the bottoms of the feet. 
In other words, it is said that a vacuum is pro¬ 
duced by certain organs attached to the ends of the 
feet, which thus adhere to any object by the out¬ 
side pressure of the atmosphere, or are left free to 
rise as these “ suckers,” are alternately expanded 
or contracted. This has been, and perhaps now 
is, the commonly received opinion, and it may be 
the correct one, although modern science has 
advanced a different theory. A believer in the 
method already stated explains his ideas in the 
following manner. He says, “ The feet are pro- 



vided with suckers, very beautifully and won- 
drously contrived, which may be seen by looking 
through a microscope at a fly walking along the 
opposite side of any clear glass. 

Foot of the Blue-bottle Fly magnified. 

The engraving shows (a) the under side of the last joint of the 
toe, with the suckers expanded, as when the insect is walking on a 
pane of glass. There is also a side view of the same part (6). The 
view shows the foot magnified six thousand four hundred times. 

Two of these suckers are united to the last 
joint of the toe, immediately under the root of 
the claw. They spread out from a single root, 
which is able to move in every direction. When 
these suckers are applied to any substance, they 
are separated from each other, the surface of 
each being widely expanded, but when disen¬ 
gaged they become nearly closed, and are brought 


together so as to be confined within the space 
between the two claws. The outer edge of 
each sucker is beautifully toothed like a saw, 
and the surface, which is concave, is rough, with 
little points. 

It is not certain, however, that this theory of 
inverted locomotion is the true one. It is said 
by others, that the little pedestrian can traverse 
the sides and stick fast to the dome, of an ex¬ 
hausted receiver. Here, certainly, is no atmos¬ 
pheric pressure. The gentleman who tried this 
experiment, found that a fly, benumbed with cold, 
or enfeebled from some other cause, met with dif¬ 
ficulty in climbing a glass ascended before with 
perfect ease. He also observed that flies unable 
to stand, back downward, on highly polished 
bodies, were able to do so on those slightly soiled. 
From these facts he concluded that the apparatus 
by which they secure their position, is purely me¬ 
chanical, and corresponds to the fine hair-brushes 
which other insects use as holders or supporters. 

Several students of insect life have maintained 
that the adhesion of flies to smooth surfaces, and 
their ability to walk in any and every conceivable 



position of the body, are due to glutinous liquid se¬ 
creted in the bottoms of the feet. Nearly two hun¬ 
dred years ago, an old writer remarked, “ The fly 
is provided with six legs and walks on four. The 
two foremost she uses as hands wherewith to 
wipe her mouth and nose, and take up what she 
eats; her other feet are cloven, and armed with 
little claws, by which she fastens on the rough 
and sharp places of all bodies like a catamount. 
She is also furnished with a kind of fuzzy sub¬ 
stance, like little sponges, (the same that we have 
called “ suckers,”) with which nature hath lined 
the soles of her feet, which substance is also 
filled with a white, sticky liquid, squeezed out at 
pleasure to glue herself to the surface.” 

Mr. White, in his “ Natural History of Sel- 
borne,” observes that toward the close of the 
year, when flies crowd the windows in a sluggish 
and torpid condition, they are hardly able to lift 
their legs, and that many are actually glued to 
the glass, and there die from inability to overcome 
the pressure of the atmosphere. 

The faculty of walking upon smooth surfaces, 
and in any position of the body, is not limited to 



insects. Some species of lizards possess a sim¬ 
ilar faculty, and a similar apparatus to account 
for it. There is one reflection which naturally 
suggests itself at this point, — how easy it is for 
us to show our ignorance upon subjects which 
seem so very familiar! The fly is the common 
summer companion of man. We are compelled 
to give it shelter and food, and we can not drive 
it from our homes; we think we are acquainted 
with its every motion; learned men have studied 
its characteristics and habits with great care, and 
still we can not tell how a fly walks! Is not man’s 
wisdom folly with God, and if we thus stumble 
and fail before one of the least of God’s works, 
shall we expect to understand all the mysteries 
of his kingdom? There is a limit to man’s 
knowledge ; there is something always beyond 
and above his reach ; the finite loses itself in the 
infinite. Here is one grand proof of a Supreme 
Being,—that we discover a controlling mind great¬ 
er than man’s, manifestations of power beyond his 
comprehension. Let us be thankful for this,— 
thankful that we can not understand all things; 
for as an acute thinker remarks, “ a God under- 



stood is no God at all; ” — thankful, too, that we 
can know and comprehend all that is necessary 
for our present and eternal happiness. Here 
there is no doubt. Christ is the way, the truth, 
and the life, and if any man believe on him, he 
shall not perish, but shall have everlasting life. 

A fly on the wing is no less interesting than 
when on foot, and yet how seldom do we trouble 
ourselves to think about it, except as an insect 
that annoys us. The flight of the insect tribes is 
wonderfully rapid, and is also remarkable for its 
variety of direction. The fly proceeds, generally, 
in a direct line, with its back upward, like a bird, 
but oftentimes in a contrary direction with its 
back downward, as when starting from a ceiling 
and alighting on the wall of a room. It has been 
calculated that the common house-fly makes with 
its wings not far from six hundred strokes every 
second, by which it is carried five feet. It is also 
stated, that if alarmed, its speed can be increased 
six or seven fold. A fly is so small an animal 
that we do not realize the swiftness with which it 
moves from place to place. Kirby remarks that 
if the insect equaled the race-horse in size, and 



retained its present powers in the ratio of its 
magnitude, it would traverse the globe with the 
rapidity of lightning. A principal agent in its 
flight is the air, which passes from the breathing 
organs of the body into the nerves and muscles 
of the wings. In consequence of this arrange¬ 
ment, the velocity of the swift-winged traveler 
depends not alone upon muscular power, but also 
upon the condition of the atmosphere. 

We found it difficult to answer the question, — 
How does a fly walk ? There is another equally 
hard of solution, — How does a fly buzz ? Does 
one reader quickly respond, “ With its wings ? ” 
or another with a laudable attempt at a philo¬ 
sophical answer, reply, “ With its wings as they 
vibrate upon the air ? ” Of these readers who 
have solved the problem so readily, we will ask 
other questions. If these answers are correct, 
how is it that the great Dragon-fly, and other 
similar broad-winged, rapid flying insects, move 
through the air with silent swiftness ? And why 
do other species keep up their buzzing when not 
upon the wing ? What response can be made to 
these inquiries ? The buzzing of a fly is a more 



perplexing problem than the walking. Rennie, 
one of the most thorough students of insect life, 
attributes the sound partly to air, but to air as 
it plays “ upon the edges of the wings at their 
origin, as with an JEolian harp-string, or to the 
friction of some internal organ on the roots of the 
wings, nervures, or ribs.” 

There is yet another question concerning flies 
difficult to answer, — Whither do they go on the 
approach of winter ? Naturalists have thus far 
failed to solve this mystery satisfactorily. Doubt¬ 
less a great proportion perish from cold, and the 
many accidents to which their weakness and grow¬ 
ing torpor render them more and more exposed as 
the year declines. Yet, in comparison with the 
countless swarms that beset us in the warm sum¬ 
mer months, and blacken the ceiling with backs 
downward, how few do we ever perceive stiff and 
dead on the floor. We all know that some flies 
do survive the cold months, for on a mild winter 
day we often see them emerging from unknown 
places, and sometimes solitary, large, fat flies, 
will crawl out upon the window-seat or mantel, 
tempted by the warmth of the fire from their 


hiding-places. Under such forlorn circumstances 
a fly becomes to us an object of interest. Our 
dislike of the buzzing, tickling, troublesome in¬ 
sect of the summer, is changed to sympathy for 
the forlorn, shivering, mateless creature, tempted 
by deceptive warmth to quit his winter asylum. 
We do not deny the insect the bits of food he 
picks up, and we would even save him from 
drowning in an ocean of milk, or from beinw 
swallowed up in a swamp of honey. 

Did you ever set such a fly, damp and drip¬ 
ping, on the heated mantle-piece, and watch his 
gradual restoration to life ? If not, then try it 
when the next opportunity presents itself. See 
how at first languidly, and then more briskly he 
uses his handy paws, stroking and wiping his 
head and face, and large moveless eyes, and then 
notice him with his hinder limbs performing the 
same operations on his wings and body. Sym¬ 
pathy will be aroused for the weak insect, and 
you will learn the pleasant lesson that the suffer¬ 
ings of the meanest creature, when in adversity, 
strike a tender chord in our hearts. 

A forlorn fly was tempted on a very cold day 



to the warm stove of Wordsworth, who tells the 
incident in a poem. After contrasting his own 
warm comforts and loving companionship, with 
the shivering and solitary condition of the fly, he 
says, — 

« y e t God is my witness,— thou small helpless thing, 

Thy life I would gladly sustain, 

Till Summer comes back from the South, and with 

Of thy brethren, a march thou should’st sound through 
the clouds, 

And back to the forests again.” 

But while thankful that our hearts so often 
respond in sympathy, for the adversities and 
afflictions of others, we should not forget that 
the Lord careth for us in our troubles, and if he 
chastises us, it is only that he may afterward bless 
us the more. And we should remember that al¬ 
though “no chastening for the present seemeth 
to be joyous, but grievous; nevertheless, after¬ 
ward it yieldeth the peaceable fruit of righteous¬ 
ness unto them which are exercised thereby.” 

It has been already remarked that God created 
every thing for some wise purpose. The reader 



will remember that in the history of the ant we 
learned our great indebtedness to that insect for 
removing impurities from the earth. We owe 
a similar if not a greater debt of gratitude to 
the fly. Its labors in this respect are much 
more important than we are accustomed to think. 
The wheels of the intricate machinery of nature, 
which otherwise would be continually clogged 
and impeded by impurities of every description, 
are kept comparatively clean and in good order, 
by the labors of insects, which, like the exer¬ 
tions of other agents performed for their own 
little ends, are made by the Ruler of all things 
conducive to a grand result. The fly is, in 
fact, a scavenger of no small ability, and while 
it is the source of great annoyance, it may be 
questioned whether its good services do not more 
than balance its evil deeds. 

A modern author says, “ The fly’s purpose in 
Nature is to consume various substances which 
are given out by the human body, by articles 
of food, and almost every animal and vegetable 
production when in a state of change, and given 
out in such small quantities that they are not 



perceptible to common observers, neither remov¬ 
able by the ordinary means of cleanliness, even 
in the best kept apartment.” If this be so, 
shall we not submit to its annoying habits with 
more patience? 

How often does it occur that things which at 
first seem useless and even hurtful, afterward 
prove themselves to be of great value to us, and 
minister to our comfort and happiness in a thou¬ 
sand different ways. So often is this the case, 
that we should learn to be very cautious in 
forming our judgments, not only concerning 
things of the natural world, but respecting our 
fellow-beings in their different relations. It is 
much better to come slowly to a just conclu¬ 
sion, than to form rash opinions which must 
afterward be changed, and perhaps not until 
great injustice has been done. 


The House-fly. — Its origin.— Its cleanliness.— A social 

insect. — A terror to housekeepers. — Fly poisons_ 

The Crane Fly. — Its singular egg-placer.—The Nem- 
estrina.— Its remarkable beak. — The Blow Fly. —Its 

usefulness. — The May Fly. — Its transformations_ 

Rennie’s observations.— Useful lessons. — The Spanish 
Fly— Its medicinal qualities.— Species in this country.— 
The Potato Fly. — The Fire-fly.—Its beauty; the Poet 
Southey. — Fire-flies in the tropics. — Early supersti¬ 
tions. — The Saw-fly.— Its saws — How it lays its eggs. 
— The Dragon Fly. — Its beauty and cruelty. — Its 
transformations. — The resurrection. 

Having thus described the general charac¬ 
teristics of the fly, let us now turn our atten¬ 
tion to the peculiarities of some of the different 


The common house-fly will naturally claim 
our first attention. We all know how much at 
home the domestic flies make themselves in our 



houses, upon our persons, upon our food, and in 
every warm and sunny spot that they can find, 
and how they buzz about as if always contented 
and happy. The hovel and the palace, tin cups 
and silver plate, decaying meat and dainty pre¬ 
serves, the side-board and the cheek of a child,— 
all seem equally attractive to these insects, and 
they swarm about us neither restrained by fear, 
nor discouraged by opposition. But whence did 
they come? Let not the reader be surprised 
to learn that their parents made themselves as 
much at home, and were as happy in the stable 
near by, as the children who from the stable 
have found their way to the house. There, 
among the horses and cattle, the greater pro¬ 
portion of the insect-mothers found a hot-bed 
for their eggs, and ample provision for the in- 

Kggs of the Domestic Fly. 

fant race. There the flies were born, and in 
this humble birth-place, and when in their first 



and wingless state of maggots or larvae they 
commence their important mission of helping to 
rid the earth of all things that offend. Thus 
we see that even in their infancy, the flies 
which we so much despise begin their life of 

But the stable is not the only birth-place of 
house-flies,— the roads and the meadows furnish 
great numbers of these familiar creatures. But 
although bred in filth, and living often in un¬ 
clean places, the fly takes apparent delight in 
brushing off all dust and dirt by rubbing its 
feet together, and it carefully cleans its head, 
face, eyes, wings, and body with- its fore and 
hind legs. This process very much resembles 
that used by cats for the same purpose, and 
the reader has doubtless often noticed flies thus 

Flies begin to appear in houses in July, and 
sometimes even earlier than this, and by August, 
are very abundant. They do not disappear until 
cold weather. The swarms of summer are 
doubtless the progeny of a few individuals who 
have survived the winter months in some pro- 



tected nook, and it is possible, too, that many 
are born from eggs laid the preceding season. 
The house-fly is such a constant companion of 
man, that its presence, even on some desolate 
island, is sufficient proof that human beings are 
not, or have not been, far distant. Like the 
bee, it is a social insect, and compels us to an 
intimate acquaintance, whether we are willing 
or not. 

It can not be denied that the house-fly is a 
troublesome insect, and a terror to tidy house¬ 
keepers. Some foreign writers have charged us 
as a nation with carelessness in regard to flies, 
and perhaps with some reason. We are well 
aware that they seem to swarm in some houses, 
covering every article of food by day, and 
blackening the walls by night (for flies are quiet 
in the dark) ; while other houses are compara¬ 
tively free from them. If food of any kind is 
left standing uncovered, it will quickly attract 
them, and the good news rapidly spreads through¬ 
out the whole fly community. Thorough neat¬ 
ness is the best preventive against these unwel¬ 
come swarms, but it is not a certain one, and it 



is well to make a business of driving the in¬ 
truders from the house once a day. Various 
methods have been tried to exclude flies from 
houses, or to kill them after they have secured 
an entrance, and taken possession. We can im¬ 
agine how the little unsuspecting insect would 
shudder if it but knew the many ways the in¬ 
genuity of man has planned for its destruction. 
One of the simplest, and at the same time, most 
effectual methods of destroying flies is to place 
a dish of strong green tea, well sweetened, in 
an outer apartment accessible to them. They 
will taste of it, and the effect will be as fatal as 
that of any approved poison. 


This species is common in meadows. It is 
especially remarkable for its singular organ for 
laying its eggs. This egg-placer is beautifully 
constructed, serving first to bore the earth, and 
then, as it is tubular, to allow the eggs to pass 
to the spot where the caterpillars, when hatched, 
will find the food they need. A gentleman ob¬ 
served one of these flies make a hole in the 



ground for its eggs. She had chosen a bank 
sloping toward the south, and bare of grass. 
She stood, with her legs stretched out on each 
side, and kept turning herself half round, back¬ 
ward and forward alternately. By this motion 
the egg-placer of the fly made its way into the 
hard soil, and through the singularly contrived 
tube she deposited her eggs in a secure situa¬ 
tion. The eggs, however, were not all placed in 
the same hole. Every few moments the fly 
changed her place, but never more than an inch 
from where she bored last. While thus engaged, 
her male companion was seen suspended by one 
of his legs on a twig not far from her, appar¬ 
ently either watching her movements, or on the 
look-out for intruders or enemies. 


A long-beaked fly, next attracts our notice 
•from that feature which gives it its name. 

The Creator always adapts his creatures to 
the conditions in which he places them. The 
peculiar wants of different animals have their 
peculiar means of gratification, and every ani- 



mal is perfect of its kind and fitted in all re¬ 
spects for its own existence. In the whole 

animate creation no superfluous organs are found 



and no necessary ones wanting. The long- 
beaked fly has an extraordinary trunk, with 
which it collects the pieces that constitute its 
food. The reader will note the length of the 
beak as compared with that of the body of the 
insect. If we can not fully understand its uses, 
we can appreciate its strange appearance, and 
wonder at the infinite variety in the works of 


This species, in common with a few others, 
instead of laying its eggs like the majority 
of insects, hatches them in its own body, and 

^ Magnified Blow Flies ; one newly hatched. 

deposits little footless, but living, caterpillars upon 
decaying animal matter, and these infant flies 



commence their eating as soon as they touch the 
substance upon which they have been dropped. 

It has been supposed that this peculiarity j a 
in consequence of their being appointed to assist 
in cleansing the surface of the earth from dead 
and putrefying animal matter. For this purpose 
it is necessary that no time be lost in quickly 
developing the laborers to an active existence 
that they may undertake their task. It seems 
also needful that their number shall be in pro¬ 
portion to the amount of work to be done. 
These ends are, therefore, secured by extraor¬ 
dinary means. 

It has been ascertained that one of these flies 
will produce twenty thousand young, and that 
these attain their full growth in a fortnight, and 
then produce others. 


This insect is classed under the general name 
of ephemera , a Greek word, meaning “ for a 
day.” The propriety of this name arises from 
the fact that it lives but a single day in its 
perfect state. 



The Ephemerae pass through several transfor¬ 
mations. In their early stages, they either live 
in holes in the banks of rivers, or of brooks, 
which are so situated that the water enters 
them. They seldom leave these nests, but when 
they do, they swim about, walk on the bed of 
the stream, or conceal themselves under stones 
or pieces of wood. It is said that some ephem- 

Th<? May Fly. 

erae live one, others two, and some even three 
years in this manner ; but at last having burst 



tbeir pupa skins, they leave the water, and are 
perfect flies for a day. 

Although the various species attain their per¬ 
fection at different times of the year, the same 
species appear regularly at about the same 
period. During a few days at this season, they 
fill the air in the neighborhood of rivers. One 
species, remarkable for the whiteness of its 
wings, sometimes rises and falls in such num¬ 
bers on the banks as to thicken the air and 
whiten the surface of the ground, reminding us 
amid the verdant and leafy summer, of 

“ The flaky weight of Nature’s purest snows.” 

The celebrated naturalist Reaumur, having been 
informed by a fisherman that the may-flies had 
appeared, got into his boat about three hours before 
sunset, and detached from the banks of the river 
several masses of earth chrysalides, which he put 
in a large tub filled with water. He remained 
in the boat until nearly eight o’clock, and seeing 
nothing remarkable in the number of the flies, 
and being threatened with a storm, he gave or¬ 
ders for the tub to be landed, and placed in his 



garden, at the foot of which ran the river Marne. 
But before his directions could be obeyed, an 
astonishing number of ephemerae came forth. 
Every piece of earth that was above the sur¬ 
face of the water was covered by them, some 
beginning to quit the chrysalis, others prepared 
to fly, and others already on the wing. Under 
the water, too, they were every-where to be seen, 
in a more or less advanced state. 

The storm coming on he was obliged to retire ; 
but when the rain ceased to fall he returned. 
The tub had been covered with a cloth, and as 
soon as it was removed, the number of flies ap¬ 
peared to be much greater, and kept continually 
increasing. Many flew away, but many more 
were drowned. Those already changed, or chang¬ 
ing, would, of themselves, have been enough to 
make the tub seem full; but others, attracted by 
the light very much enlarged the number. To pre¬ 
vent their being drowned, Reaumur caused the 
tub again to be covered with the cloth, and over 
it he held the light, which was soon concealed 
by a layer of these flies which might have been 
taken by hundreds from the candlestick. 



It may seem strange that a being perfect and 
beautiful in all its parts should be created for so 
brief an existence, and we may say, what is the 
use, or of what worth is so short a life ? But 
we must not question the wisdom of an infinite 
God with whom a day is as a thousand years, 
and a thousand years as one day. We should 
also remember that while the infancy, middle 
age. and old age of a perfect May Fly, are all 
comprehended in less than the compass of a day, 
yet in its different stages of existence, it has lived 
for two or three years. 

In the life of the May Fly there are lessons for 
us written in characters divine. How much pre¬ 
cious time made up of stray minutes and half- 
hours we daily throw away because we think it 
is not worth while to use them ! How many 
important efforts do we shrink from making be¬ 
cause life may be too short for their completion! 
How much time we throw away because we can 
not expect to reap the fruit of our labors, forget¬ 
ting that we are sowing not for time but for 
eternity. In all these things, an ephemeral fly 
may teach us wisdom. Although a few summer 



hours constitute all its existence, not a moment 
is wasted. It lives a life of ceaseless activity 
and enjoyment, and although it dies so soon, it 
has well performed the purpose of its creation. 


It will be difficult to find any pleasing associa¬ 
tions connected with this insect. The very name 
is suggestive of the sick-room, physicians, and 
painful blisters. But while in this respect the 
fly has doubtless been of great use, it is gratify¬ 
ing to know that we depend much less upon it 
than formerly. What insect has caused so much 
pain in the world, and that too w-hen dead ? Yet 
it may be said that, in compensation for all this 
suffering, it has relieved pain and saved life. 

Cantharides, or Spanish flies, are found in the 
south of Europe, and especially in Spain and 
Italy, where they are collected in great quanti¬ 
ties for exportation. They often appear in im¬ 
mense swarms upon the trees in May and June, 
so that the limbs actually bend beneath their 
weight, and are stripped of all their foliage. 
They are very timid, and when alarmed, they 



draw up their legs and feign death. They pos¬ 
sess the power of raising blisters when applied 
to the skin, and retain it when dead and dry. 
It is this property that renders them so valuable 
as medicinal agents. 

They are collected in the early morning, when 
they are in a torpid state, and will easily let go 
their hold. The gatherers, protected by masks 
and gloves, beat the trees, and the flies fall upon 
a cloth spread to receive them. They are then 
deprived of life by being exposed to the steam 
of hot vinegar. 

Some species of Cantharides are found in this 
country, and are very destructive to foliage. Of 
these the “ potato-fly ” is very common in New 
England; — another species seems especially fond 
of the clematis, and still another of the leaves of 
the bean. These native insects are sometimes 
collected for medicinal purposes, but the Spanish 
fly is the species most generally known to the 
profession, and most active in its desired work. 


Did you ever notice, in passing through a 



swamp or lowland on a summer evening, the 
flashing, brilliant fire-flies, making the landscape 
seem as if illumined by a thousand swinging 
miniature lamps ? It is one of the most beauti¬ 
ful sights upon which the eye can rest. Al¬ 
though these luminous insects abound both in 
Europe and America, they are found in great¬ 
est perfection in the tropical climates. It is in 
tbe home of the humming-bird, — that winged gem 
whose luster seems borrowed from a tropical sun, 

_that we are to seek for the insect lamps of night 

in their greatest perfection. 

Many a traveler in the forests and mountains 
of the West Indies has been shown on his way 
by these flies, on nights when the light was in¬ 
sufficient to disclose the dangers. The poet 
Southey says,— 

“ Innumerous tribes 

From the wood-cover swarmed, and darkness made 
Their beauties visible; awhile they streamed 
A bright blue radiance upon flowers that closed 
Their gorgeous colors from the eye of day; 

Then, motionless and dark, eluded search, 
Self-shrouded; and anon, starring the sky, 

Roll like a shower of fire.” 



The fire-fly of St. Domingo and the West India 
Islands is about an inch in length, and one third 
of an inch in breadth. It gives out its principal 
light from two transparent eye-like tubercles, 
placed upon the chest. There are also two lu¬ 
minous patches concealed under the horny wintr- 
cases, which are not visible except when the in¬ 
sect is flying, when it appears adorned with four 
brilliant gems of the most beautiful golden blue 
luster. In fact, the whole body is full of light 

The Fire-Fly. 

which shines out between the abdominal seg¬ 
ments, when separated. 



We are told that the natives were formerly ac¬ 
customed to employ these living lamps which they 
called cucujos, instead of candles, in their evening 
household occupations. In traveling at night, 
they were accustomed to tie one to each great 
toe, and in fishing and hunting required no other 
light. Besides this, they were sought for, and 
encouraged in houses, and especially sleeping- 
rooms, as extirpators of gnats, which constitute 
a great part of their food. 

The fire-fly is common in the inter-tropical 
regions of the American continent, as well as 
the West Indies. Several allied species are also 
luminous. But of all, the lantern-fly of South 
America is said to be preeminently brilliant. 

The light of these tropical flies is often so in¬ 
tense as to cast the shadow of any object on the 
opposite wall in a dark room. The under-side 
of the throat seems, as it were, red-hot. When 
left to itself, the insect becomes quiet, and the 
light fades to a mere speck. 

Formerly, these flies were regarded with su¬ 
perstition, their light being supposed to be that 
of malignant spirits. But we now look upon the 



brilliant flashes as the beautiful radiation of an in¬ 
sect sporting among its inoffensive companions. 


A most singular egg-placer in the body of a 
little four-winged creature, has obtained for it 
the name of the “ saw-fly.” The female is pro¬ 
vided with saws which are lodged in a deep 
chink under the hinder part of the body, like 
the blade of a knife in its handle, and are cov¬ 
ered by two scabbard-like pieces. The saws 
are two in number, placed side by side, with 
their ends directed backward, and are so hinged 
to the under side of the body that they can be 
withdrawn from the chink and moved up and 
down when in use. They vary in form and in 
the shape of the teeth in different species of 
saw-flies; but they generally curve upward, 
and taper toward the end, and are toothed along 
the lower or convex edge. Each saw has a back 
to steady it, like a carpentex-’s fine saw, but the 
blade is not fastened to it, but slides backward 
and forward upon it. It is also covered on one 
side with cross rows of very fine teeth, which 



give it the power of a rasp as well as that of 
a saw. 

Saw of the Saw-Fly. 

The female saw-flies use these ingeniously- 
contrived tools to cut little slits in the stems and 
leaves of plants in which they afterward drop 
their eggs. The grubs, which often strip rose, 
gooseberry, raspberry, and red-currant trees of 
their leaves, and invade the birch, alder, and 
willow, may be known by having from sixteen 
to twenty-eight feet, by which they usually hang 
to the leaf they feed on, while the hinder part 
of the body is coiled up like a watch-spring. 
Some of the most common of the perfect flies 
have a flat body of a green or orange color, 
with black head and shoulders. 

In the fine summer mornings, the females of 
the rose saw-fly may be seen eagerly travers¬ 
ing the branches of a shrub one after another. 
Usually resting on the twig nearest to the end 



of the principal stem, the insect makes an open¬ 
ing with her saw, and when the hole is of a 
proper size, deposits an egg in the cavity. 

She then remains quiet for a few moments, 
draws away the greater part of her egg-placer, 
and at the same time emits a frothy fluid. This 
rises as high as the outer edges of the opening, 
and often higher. She now proceeds to make 
another hole, and then another, sometimes pro¬ 
ducing only four in a line, but generally twenty. 
The part of the branch so notched in many 
places shows nothing remarkable on the first 
day, but on the second it begins to assume a 
brown color. At last, all the wounds become 
raised and round in form. This growth is owing 
to the increased size of each egg, which daily 
becomes larger, and forces the skin of the branch 
upward. The little caterpillar, on coming out 
of the egg, feeds upon the leaves of the shrub 
on which it has its infant home. There are a 
great many species of the saw-fly, and over 
sixty have been catalogued as natives #f this 




This insect is distinguished for its brilliant 
and beautiful colors, and the ease and grace 
with which it flies through the air. It has four 
laro'e, shining, delicate wings of nearly equal 
size, and a mouth very well adapted for crush¬ 
ing its food. On account of the lightness and 
beauty of these flies, the French call them 
demoiselles. Kirby speaks of their dress as 
«silky, brilliant, and variegated, and trimmed 
with the finest lace; ” and another naturalist 
says, “ they set forth Nature’s elegancy beyond 
the expression of art.” 

The Dragon Fly 

But kind and generous qualities, and a good 
heart, are not always found beneath a beautiful 



exterior. We can not judge correctly from exter¬ 
nal appearances, for it is often true, that “ things 
are not what they seem.” The character of the 
dragon fly is in strong contrast to its gay and 
elegant attire. It is one of the most cruel and 
voracious of insects, darting with the swiftness 
and fierceness of a hawk upon gnats, musquitos, 
butterflies, and almost any soft-bodied winged 
creature, and oftentimes devours even those of 
its own species. But it never injures man, at¬ 
tacking neither his person, cattle, or crops; on 
the contrary, it may be justly considered of 
great use in destroying noxious insects. 

Thus shall we ever find in our intercourse 
with our fellow-men, that no one is so utterly 
degraded, or wicked, but that there is some good 
trait to be found, covered though it may be with 

Dragon flies pass their earlier states beneath 
the wmter. The caterpillars and chrysalides are, 
in form, somewhat like the perfect insect, and 
breathe by particular organs placed along the 
sides, or at the end, of the body. The larvae 
are without wings, and they possess a very com- 



plicated arrangement of the parts forming the 
under lip which covers the face like a mask, 
concealing the mouth, and serving by the un¬ 
folding of its plates for seizing and conveying 
food. They crawl stealthily along on the bed 
of the stream like a cat, and when within reach 
of their victim, spring their mask like a trap 
upon it with great precision. 

These insects remain many months in the 
water, and change their skins several times. 
Before undergoing their final transformation, 
they leave the water by creeping up the stalks 
of plants, or upon stones or earth. When ready 
to assume their last and most elegant form, the 
brilliant eyes of the future fly may be seen 
through the transparent covering that wraps the 
insect within its now despised folds. Crawling 
out upon the bank, or upon some aquatic plant, 
the pupa skin becomes dry and crisp, and bursts 
open along the back. The head and eyes of the 
insect are slowly thrust and drawn out, the 
wings gradually expand themselves and become 
smooth, and the fly at last appears in all its 
beauty, — a gay and splendid creature. 



The reader can not fail to notice with aston¬ 
ishment such remarkable changes in insect life. 
But in this last transformation of the dragon fly, 
when it bursts forth with a new life and a beau¬ 
tiful body, are we not reminded of the changes 
that await our own bodies, even of that time 
when “ this corruptible shall put on incorruption, 
and this mortal put on immortality ” ? 

“ And shalt thou, numbered with the dead, 

No other state of being know ? 

And shall no future morrow shed 
On thee a beam of brighter glow ? 

“ Is this the bound of power Divine, 

To animate an insect frame? 

Or shall not He who molded thine, 

Wake at His will the vital flame ? 

'* Go, mortal, in thy reptile state, 

Enough to know to thee is given; 

Go, and the joyful truth relate, 

Frail child of earth! high heir of Heaven! ” 

“ Marvel not at this,” says the Saviour, “ for 
the hour is coming in the which all that are 
in the graves shall hear his voice, and shall come 
forth: they that have done good, unto the resur- 



rection of life, and they that have done evil, 
unto the resurrection of damnation.” 

“ No doctrine,” say.3 an eminent divine, of the 
resurrection, “ is so sublime, so delightful, or so 
fitted to furnish consolation and hope to beings 
whose life in this world is a moment, and whose 
end is the grave. To this dark and desolate 
habitation, man, by the twilight of Nature, looks 
forward in despair as his final home. All who 
have gone before him have pointed their feet to 
its silent chambers; and not one of them returned 
to announce that an opening has been discovered 
from their dreary residence to some other, more 
lightsome, and more desirable region. His own 
feet daily tread the same melancholy path. As 
he draws nigh, he surveys its prison walls, and 
sees them unassailable by force, and insurmount¬ 
able by skill. No lamp illumines the midnight 
within. No crevice opens to the eye a glimpse 
of the regions which lie beyond. In absolute 
despair he calls upon Philosophy to cheer his 
drooping mind, but he calls in vain. She has no 
consolations for herself, and can therefore admin¬ 
ister none to him. ‘ Here,’ she coldly and sul- 



lenly cries, ‘is the end of man. From nothing 
he sprang; — to nothing he returns. All that 
remains of him is the dust, which here mingles 
with his native earth.’ 

“ At this sullen moment of despair Revelation 
approaches, and with a command at once awful 
and delightful, exclaims ‘Lazarus, come forth!’ 
In a moment the earth heaves, the tomb dis¬ 
closes, and a form, bright as the sun and arrayed 
in immortality, rises from the earth, and stretching 
its wings towards heaven loses itself from the 
astonished sight 1 ” — Dwight. 


The Hessian Flv.— Origin of its Name. — Its Birth and 
Growth. — The Breeze-Flv. — Its Manner of laying its 
Eggs. —Its Transformations.— The Gad Fly. — Its Beau¬ 
ty. — Its Effect upon Cattle. — The Zimb. — A Terror to 
Man and Beast. — The Foe of the Sheep. — Gnats and 
Musquitos. — Their Unpopularity. — Gnat Dancers. — 
Early Life of the Gnat. — Its Egg Boat. — Insects in cold 
Climates. — In the Crimea. — At the South. — Musquitos 
and their Eggs. — Bryant’s Lines to a Musquito. — Du 
Chaillu. — The Ibolai. — The Iboco. — The Eloway. — 
The Tzetze. — The Insect Fly-Carrier. — Plague of Flies 
in Egypt, and Lessons to be derived from it. — God’s 
Care for his Children, and his Anger toward his Ene¬ 
mies. — Prayer and its Results. 

In this chapter we will notice some of the 
flies which in various ways are injurious to naan. 
Many insects, as is well known, invade our fields. 
Wheat, and other kinds of grain, are exposed to 
their ravages, from the time when the green blade 
shoots forth from the earth, until, having been cut 
down by the sickle of the reaper, it is carefully 
stored away in the barn. The farmer often suf- 



fers greatly from these troublesome visitors, who 
are as remarkable for their numbers as for their 


Perhaps no insect in this country is more noted 
for its depredations than the Hessian fly. Its 
name originated in a supposition that it was fir3t 
brought here in some straw by the Hessian troops 
under the command of Sir William Howe, in the 
war of the Revolution. This idea is thought by 
many to be erroneous, but thus far no trace of its 
existence in this country has been discovered 
prior to 1776, when it was found on Staten Isl¬ 
and, in the immediate vicinity of Howe’s debarka¬ 
tion. Other historical items seem to add plau¬ 
sibility to this supposition. Whatever may be its 
origin, however, this destructive insect has spread 
from Staten Island throughout the country. Noth¬ 
ing intercepts it in its course, not even lofty moun¬ 
tains and broad rivers. “ Onward, straight on¬ 
ward,” seems to be its motto. At one time in 
wheat-harvest, these flies were seen to cross the 
Delaware River like a cloud, and so great was the 



number, that the houses swarmed with them, to 
the great annoyance of the inhabitants. They 
filled every plate and vessel that was in use, and 
five hundred were counted in a single glass tum¬ 
bler, that was exposed to them for a few minutes. 

Two broods, or generations, are brought to matu¬ 
rity in the course of a year, and the flies appear in 
the spring and autumn. The transformations of 
some in each brood appear to be retarded beyond 
the usual time, as is often the case with other 
insects; so that the lives of these individuals, 
from the eggs to the winged state, extend to a 
year or more in length, and thus the continuation 
of the species in after-years is made more certain. 
It is said by some writers that they lay their eggs 
on the grain in the ear, and it is also well known 
that they deposit eggs on the young plants long 
before the grain is ripe. The maggots hatched 
from these eggs pass down the stems of the grain 
nearly to the roots, there become stationary, and 
in June and July take the shape of a flax-seed. 
They are found in this state at harvest-time, and 
when the grain is gathered they remain with the 
stubble in the field. Some, however, do not pass 



so far down as to be below the stroke of. the 
sickle, and consequently are gathered and carried 
away with the straw. 


This insect selects the horse for its victim, and 
small as it is, is often supposed to cause the death 
of the noble animal. Contrary to the common 
opinion, however, some writers insist that it in¬ 
flicts no pain and does no injury; but it seems 
scarcely reasonable that the parasite can thus live 
upon the stomach of the horse without causing 
disease and suffering, if not even death. 

In approaching the animal for the purpose of 
depositing her eggs, the bot carries her body 
nearly upright in the air. Suspending herself for 
a few seconds before the part of the horse she in¬ 
tends to attack, she suddenly darts upon it, and 
leaves the egg adhering to the hair by means of 
a glutinous liquid with which it is covered. Re¬ 
tiring then a short distance, she prepares a second 
egg, which she soon deposits in a similar manner. 
These movements are repeated until sometimes 
four or five hundred eggs are placed on one ani¬ 



In this process, the fly selects the parts most 
likely to be licked by the tongue. After four or 
five days, the eggs remaining on the hair become 
mature, and the slightest warmth or moisture is 
then sufficient to call forth the caterpillar. If, 
therefore, the egg is touched by the lips or tongue 
of the horse, the caterpillar is freed, and readily 
adhering to the surface of the tongue, is conveyed 
with the food into the stomach. It is probable 
that the greater proportion of these eggs are 
taken up in this way, the irritation produced by 
them causing the horse to make continual efforts 
to relieve the pain by licking the spots with his 

The caterpillars usually hang in thick clusters 
from the lining membrane of the stomach. They 
retain their hold by means of two dark-brown 
hooks, between which is the mouth of the insect. 
When they reach maturity, the caterpillars quit 
the stomach, and are carried off with the food. 
They then seek shelter in the ground, and burying 
themselves there become chrysalides. After re¬ 
maining in this state for a few weeks, they burst 
from their confinement and delight themselves in 



the air, and in their turn seek the horse for their 


This insect is the terror of cattle. A poet in 
describing the herdsman, aptly says, — 

“ Light fly his slumbers,— if perchance a flight 
Of angry gad-flies fasten on his herd, 

That startling, scatter from the shallow brook, 

In search of lavish stream. Tossing the foam, 

They scorn the keeper’s voice, and scour the plain, 
Through all the bright serenity of noon.” 

This fly is a beautiful insect, but it inflicts 
great pain upon cattle in depositing its eggs. 
Whenever an animal is attacked, the assault is 
easily known by the extreme terror and agitation 
of the whole herd. The unfortunate creature 
runs bellowing from among them, while, from the 
severity of the pain, the tail is held with a tremu¬ 
lous motion straight from the body in the direc¬ 
tion of the spine, and the head and neck are also 
stretched out to the utmost. The rest of the cat¬ 
tle, impelled by fear, generally rush to the near¬ 
est water, or become scattered about the field. 



A single fly has been seen to meet a herd 
when almost driven home, and turn them back, 

Male and Female Gad-Fly, Caterpillar, and Chrysalis. 

the stones, sticks, or shouts of the drivers being 
of no avail, nor could they be stopped until they 
had reached their usual retreat in the water. 
When oxen are yoked to the plow, such attacks 
from the gad-fly are dangerous, as the animals 
are beyond all control, and will run in any direc¬ 
tion in which their frenzy drives them. 


A more terrible insect, still, is the zimb, a 
native of Abyssinia. Small as it is, the lion and 
the tiger, and even the largest living creatures, 
tremble before it. 




As soon as the buzzing of these insects is 
heard, the cattle forsake their food, and run 

wildly about the plain till they die, worn out with 
hunger, fatigue, and fright. The camel, the ele¬ 
phant, and the rhinoceros — although the last 
two coat themselves with mud — are attacked by 
the zimb, and afflicted with many tumors. The 
inhabitants of the sea-coast are obliged, in the 
beginning of the rainy season, to remove to the 
nearest sand, to prevent their stock of cattle from 
being destroyed. According to Bruce, the inhab¬ 
itants of all the countries from the mountains of 
Abyssinia northward, to the confluence of the 
Nile and Astaboras, are, once a year, obliged to 
change their abode, and seek protection in the 
sands of Beja. Nor are there any means of 



avoiding this, though there were in the way a 
hostile band, capable of spoiling them of half their 

While speaking of these tormentors of animals, 
we will allude to the foe of the sheep. This fly 
is thought to deposit its eggs on the inner margin 
of the nostril. The moment this part of the ani¬ 
mal is touched the effect is apparent. The sheep 
shakes its head, and strikes the ground violently 
with its fore feet; at the same time holding its 
nose close to the earth, it runs away, looking 
about on every side to see if the fly continues its 
pursuit. It also smells the grass as it runs, ap¬ 
parently to ascertain whether one is lying in wait. 
If a fly is thus discovered, the sheep gallops back, 
or takes some other direction. As it cannot take 
refuge, like the horse, or like cattle, in water, it 
repairs to some dry, dusty place, or to some 
gravel pit. In such localities, sheep may often 
be seen crowded together during the heat of the 
day, with their noses held close to the ground. 
This position renders it difficult for the fly to 
enter the nostrils, and is the chief protection of 
the sheep. 




Of all the insect tormentors, none are so loudly 
and universally complained of as the gnat tribe, 
to which many parts of the world are greatly ex¬ 

The Gnat, Caterpillar, and Chrysalis. 

Gnats are lively insects, and have often been 
held up as examples of cheerfulness and buoy¬ 
ancy of disposition. They are famous for dan¬ 
cing, and that with mathematical exactness; for 



no three of them can so place themselves that 
lines joining their points of position shall form 
either more or less than two right angles. 

The Gnat commences his life on the water. It 
has been said that man 

“Learned of the little nautilus to sail, 

Spread the thin oar, and catch the rising gale; ” 

but lie might also have taken a first lesson in 
boat-building from an object common in almost 
any pond, — nothing less than a boat of eggs, not 
a boat loaded with eggs. In fact, the gnat con¬ 
structs a buoyant life-boat of her own eggs, 
sometimes using two or three hundred at a time. 
This singular craft floats safely through all the 
agitations of the water. In a few’ days, each of 
the numerous lives within having assumed the 
shape of a grub, issues from the lower end of its 
own flask-shaped egg. The empty shells remain 
attached together until the winds and waves make 
a wreck of the tiny vessel. The insect then 
passes through different transformations, — each 
as remarkable as its infancy, — until it flies away, 
a lively, dancing gnat. It is well to observe that 



the gnat-biters are females, and their presence is 
generally told by an unmistakable hum. 

Let us travel northward. One would naturally 
suppose that the cold climate of Lapland would 
destroy insect life; but not so. There we find a 
fly the terror of the reindeer, which obliges the 
herdsman to take long and toilsome migrations 
with his cattle from the interior to the coast, and 
from the coast to the interior, at stated periods. 
To remain in the woods during the summer 
months would subject the Laplander to the total 
loss of his deer, — his wealth and dependence. 
The wild herds migrate instinctively. 

But this fly is not the only pest of that climate. 
We find there countless myriads of musquitos, 
whose numbers are so prodigious as to be often 
compared to a squall of snow' when the flakes fall 
fastest. A writer says: “ The natives can not 
take a mouthful of food, or lie down to sleep in 
their cabins, unless they be fumigated almost to 
suffocation. In the air you can not draw your 
breath w'ithout having your mouth and your nos¬ 
trils filled with them; and unguents of tar, or 
nets steeped in fetid birch oil, are scarcely suffi- 



cient to protect the case-hardened cuticle of the 
Laplander fi-om their bite.” 

In the Crimea, Dr. Clarke states that the sol¬ 
diers were often obliged to sleep in sacks, as a 
defense against gnats; and that in spite of every 
precaution, many died in consequence of mortifi¬ 
cation produced by their bites. His own hands, 
and those of his companions, — notwithstanding 
the protection of gloves, — were one entire 
wound, causing great swelling and fever. He 
says that the noise made by these insects in fly¬ 
ing can not be conceived of by those who have 
heard gnats only in England. 

If we pass to the southward we find gnats 
in abundance. All through the tropical climates 
the inhabitants suffer greatly from these winged 
tormentors. Humboldt says, — “Between the 
little harbor of Hignevote and the mouth of 
the Rio Unaxe the wretched inhabitants are 
accustomed to stretch themselves on the ground, 
and pass the night buried in the sand three or 
four inches deep, leaving out the head, which 
they cover with a handkerchief.” 

In the Southern States musquitos are found 


in great numbers and of large size, and nets 
or “bars,” are indispensable for comfort. At 
the North, in damp localities especially, as on 
the shores of ponds and sluggish streams, they are 
numerous during the warm months, and quite 
troublesome, but not to any serious extent. 

Like other conquerors, musquitos have given 
their name to territories; as for example Mus- 
quito Creek, in Georgia; Musquitos, a town 
in Cuba; and Musquito Territory, in Central 

It is supposed that the eggs of the musquito, 
like those of other gnats, are deposited on the 
surface of the water, and by means of its mois¬ 
ture, and the warmth of the sun, are matured. 
The food of the caterpillar is unknown. When 
it has reached its full growth, it spins a little 
silken sheath which is attached to the plant 
which the insect frequents. In this sheath the 
caterpillar becomes a chrysalis in an upright 
position, the case being always open at the top. 
At length the little creature bursts its covering, 
and the perfect insect emerges through the open¬ 
ing, surrounded by a bubble of air. Slowly it 



begins to unfold its wings under the water, 
and when its skin is cast, and its maturity is 
reached, it escapes from its former dwelling and 
mounts to the top of the water. Here the 
bubble bursts, and the insect appears with new 
powers and in a new element. 

With the music of the musquito, and with 
its bite, we are sufficiently familiar, and need 
not speak of them particularly. Bryant, in a 
lively poem, describes the manner in which this 
insect is regarded. He says,— 

“ Fair insect, that with thread-like legs spread out, 

And blood-extracting bill and filmy wing 
Dost murmur, as thou slowly sail’st about, 

In pitiless ears full many a plaintive thing, 

And tell how little our large veins should bleed 
Would we but yield them to thy bitter need; 

“ Unwillingly, I own, and what is worse, 

Full angrily men hearken to thy plaint; 

Thou gettest many a brush and many a curse 
For saying thou art gaunt and starved and faint. 
E’en the old beggar, while he asks for food, 

Would kill thee, helpless stranger, if he could.” 

Du Chaillu, the celebrated traveler in equa¬ 
torial Africa, speaks of several species of trouble- 



some flies. One is a small almost imperceptible 
gnat, which appears in great numbers in the 
morning until ten o’clock, from which time it is 
not seen until four o’clock in the afternoon, when 
its operations recommence and continue until 
sunset. These little flies are most determined 
blood-suckers, and very sly in all their movements. 

Another species is called the ibolai, — an insect 
twice as large as our common house-fly. It ap¬ 
proaches with a sharp whistle, and its sting is long 
and strong enough to pierce the thickest clothes 
one can wear in the heat of an African summer. 

The iboco, another fly, is of the size of a hornet, 
and very quiet in its motions. Its bite is more 
severe than that of other African flies, and 
clothing is no protection against it. Du Chaillu 
says, “ Often the blood has run down my face 
or arm from one of their savage attacks, and 
even the well-tanned skin of the negroes is 
punctured till it bleeds, so that one would think 
a leech had been at his work on them.” 

But this traveler speaks most particularly of 
the eloway , a nest-building fly which frequents 
the water-side, where its hives are hung to the 



pendent branches of the trees. It is a monster 
of ferocity, and the natives run from it as from 
no other insect of the woods. It is a little 
fly shaped very much like a bee, but somewhat 
smaller. The hives or nests are made of clay, 
and evidently have separate apartments, as the 
whole pendent bottle-shaped mass is filled with 
holes, each of which has a little roof over it. 
When disturbed these flies are very savage, and 
their bite is exceedingly painful. 


Dr. Livingston, Burton, and other African 
travelers, speak of the tsetse as a very trouble¬ 
some fly, which by some of the natives is 
called “ the little sword,” and by others “ the 
elephant fly,” from the fact that it is so 
often found in company with that animal. It 
is not much larger than the common house-fly, 
and in color resembles the honey bee. It is 
remarkably quick in ks motions, and most dex¬ 
terously avoids all efforts to capture it with the 
hand at common temperatures; in the cool of 
the mornings and evenings it is less active. It 



has a very peculiar buzz, which, if once heard, 
can never be forgotten. 

The Tsetse Fly magnified. 

A remarkable characteristic of the bite of the 
tsetse is its perfect harmlessness to man and 
wild animals, and its certain death to domestic 
animals, — as the ox, horse, or dog. Some por¬ 
tions of South Africa are so infested by this 
insect, that the inhabitants are unable to rear 
cattle, the bite of a single fly being sometimes 
sufficient to cause the death of the victim. Dr. 
Livingston says, that neither he nor any of his 
traveling companions suffered the slightest in 
jury from its bite, although they passed months 



in the regions where it most abounds. Some 
localities formerly swarming with the tsetse are 
now entirely free from the terrible scourge, — 
probably from the fact that it has been starved 
out of the country by the absence of its favorite 
animal food. This fly has boundary lines 
beyond which it does not pass. One traveler 
mentions, among other instances, that the south 
bank of the river Chole was infested with the 
tsetse, while the opposite bank, not fifty yards 
distant, and where, too, the cattle were kept, was 
perfectly free. In other places it has been 
found on both sides of a stream. 

But God’s law of compensation is everywhere 
manifest. Were the tsetse left free to increase 
without restraint, the land would in many parts 
be uninhabitable; so the fly has its destroying 
enemy. There is a long-legged, gaunt-looking 
insect about an inch in length, which has all the 
ferocity of a tiger, and springs upon the tsetse 
and other flies, sucks out their blood, and throw¬ 
ing their bodies aside, seeks fresh victims. 

We can not close this subject properly without 
speaking of 




Its history is very remarkable. The process it 
undergoes was described several years ago by a 
naturalist, as the result of his own observations 
in the island of Saint Domingo. 

According to this authority, this insect, like the 
silk-worm, is produced from eggs deposited by a 
butterfly of a whitish, or light-pearl color. It is 
hatched toward the latter end of July; and so 
rapid is its growth, that in September the cater¬ 
pillar is changed into a butterfly. When it first 
comes forth, it is arrayed in the most brilliant and 
variegated colors. It feeds on the leaves of the 
indigo and cassada plants, and as it continues its 
ravages day and night, the planters consider it a 
great evil. 

In the month of August the caterpillar under¬ 
goes one of its changes. Putting off the beauti¬ 
ful hues in which it first appeared, it reflects all 
the shades of one color, — a sea-green, according to 
the lights in which it is beheld. It is now at¬ 
tacked by a very small fly, and in such swarms, 
that it is said there is not a spot on its back or 



sides that is not covered by them. These insects 
immediately deposit their eggs on the body of the 
caterpillar, which appears for a short time after¬ 
ward in a state of lethargy, and then awakes to 
feed with renewed activity. 

In about fourteen days, during which time the 
caterpillar increases in size ; it is completely 
covered with a garment of living creatures of 
a deep brown color, only the top of the head 
however, being visible. Upon more minute ex¬ 
amination, it is found that each one of these little 
creatures, raising itself on its hinder-part, swings 
its body to and fro in every direction, and forms 
for itself an extremely small egg-shaped cocoon, 
remaining, like the silk-worm, within the ball. 

The millions upon millions of cocoons thus 
singularly produced, and that in about the space 
of two hours, are placed so closely together, that 
they form a white robe, in which the creature 
appears elegantly clothed. 

While this decoration proceeds, the caterpillar 
appears in a torpid state; but no sooner is the 
robe completed, than the wearer seeks to free 
itself, and succeeds in the effort. Its appetite is 


now gone. It speedily passes into the state of a 
chrysalis, then becomes a butterfly, and after pro¬ 
ducing many hundred eggs, dies. When about 
eight days have elapsed from the first formation 
of the small cocoons already described, flies issue 
from them, leaving the fibrous substance pure, 
beautifully fine, and of a dazzling whiteness. It 
is said that this may be carded and spun without 
any preparation. 

The reader will remember it was by a plague 
of flies that Jehovah laid waste the land of Egypt, 
and humbled Pharaoh’s haughty spirit. David 
refers to this in one of his psalms: “ He sent 

divers sorts of flies among them which devoured 
them.” Turn to the eighth chapter of Exodus, 
and read the account so vividly given. The Lord 
spoke to the monarch of Egypt, saying, “ Thus 
saith the Lord, let my people go, that they may 
serve me. Else, if thou wilt not let my people 
go, behold, I will send swarms of flies upon thee, 
and upon thy servants, and upon thy people, and 
into thy houses ; and the houses of the Egyptians 
shall be full of swarms of flies, and also the 
ground whereon they are.” 



In connection with this threat, is this remark¬ 
able declaration : “ And I will sever in that day 
the land of Goshen, in which my people dwell , 
that no swarms of flies shall be there ; to the end 
thou mayest know that I am the Lord in the 
midst of the earth. And I will put a division 
between my people and thy people: to-morrow 
shall this sign be. And the Lord did so.” 

The land of Goshen, where the Israelites dwelt, 
was pasturage ground, and was not cultivated, be¬ 
cause it was not overflowed by the Nile. But the 
land regularly inundated by this remarkable river 
was the rich black earth of the valley of Egypt, 
and it was to this that God limited the flies. 

Thus it appears that Jehovah, the God of the 
whole earth, graciously and miraculously protect¬ 
ed the region inhabited by his own chosen people, 
while he executed judgment on his enemies who 
dwelt at their side, and that, too, by means of flies 
which pass so easily from place to place: “ There 
came a grievous swarm of flies into the house of 
Pharaoh and into his servants’ houses, and into 
all the land of Egypt; the land was corrupted by 
reason of the swarm of flies.” 




God will always protect his children, and al¬ 
though “ slow unto anger,” will as surely punish 
his enemies. The Psalmist had reason to say, 
“ Truly, God is good to Israel; ” and we can say, 
as we look upon the plague of flies, “ Behold, 
therefore, the goodness and severity of God; on 
them which fell, severity ; but toward thee, good¬ 
ness, if thou continue in his goodness.” 

Bemember, too, how Moses entreated the Lord 
that the flies might depart: “ And the Lord did 
according to the word of Moses ; and he removed 
the swarms of flies from Pharaoh, from his ser¬ 
vants, and from his people; there remained not 
one.” How true it is that “ the effectual, fer¬ 
vent prayer of the righteous man availeth much.” 
Prayer is our strength and our safety in every 
circumstance of life. Our security from evil is 
well expressed in the words of the Christian 
poet, Montgomery: — 

“ Call Jehovah thy salvation, 

Rest beneath the Almighty’s shade; 

In his secret habitation 
Dwell, nor ever be dismayed: 

There no tumult can alarm thee; 

Thou shalt dread no hidden snare; 



Guile nor violence can harm thee, 

In eternal safeguard there. 

“ Only with thine eye, the anguish 
Of the wicked thou shalt see, 

When by slow disease they languish, 

When they perish suddenly 
Thee, though winds and waves be swelling, 
God, thine hope, shall bear through all; 
Plague shall not come nigh thy dwelling, 
Thee no evil shall befall. 

“ He shall charge his angel legions 
Watch and ward o’er thee to keep, 
Though thou walk through hostile regions, 
Though in desert wilds thou sleep: 

On the lion, vainly roaring, 

On his young, thy foot shall tread; 

And the dragon’s den exploring, 

Thou sbalt bruise the serpent’s head. 

“ Since with pure and firm affection 
Thou on God hast set thy love, 

With the wings of his protection 
He will shield thee from above: 

Thou shalt call on him in trouble, 

He will hearken, he will save; 

Here for grief reward thee double, 

Crown with life beyond the grave.” 


u Neither is there any creature that is not manifest in His sight. 



Auger of the Gall Insect. — Depositing of an Egg. — The 
young Insect — Galls. — Where found. — Their Nature. 
— Varieties of Form.— Oak-Galls. —Apples of Sodom.— 
Galls used for Ink. — Value of Ink. — Care over Mouth 
and Pen.— Use of the Pen for Good or Evil. — Religion 
a governing Principle in Life. 

When looking, for the first time, upon any 
production of human art, there is no security 
against disappointment; for man, at best, is but a 
finite creature, and imperfection must, of neces¬ 
sity, accompany all his works. But it is not so in 
the kingdoms of Creation and Providence. Here 
everything bears the impress of a divine original, 
and each object, the more it is studied, the more 
clearly displays the wisdom and skill of its 



The gall insects illustrate this general fact. 
Although little known, yet when they receive due 
'attention, they bring before us a most singular 
provision for inferior creatures, the peculiar and 
admirable means by which it is secured, and its 
subserviency in various ways to the good of man¬ 

The first question that naturally arises is,— 
What are galls ? 

Certain insects, called gall insects, deposit eggs 
beneath the outer covering of plants, sometimes 
on the roots, sometimes on the branches, or upon 
the leaves and buds. The juices of the vegeta¬ 
ble expand, and form excrescences around the 
eggs, varying greatly in size, shape, and charac¬ 
ter. These are galls. 

Having given this general answer, let us ex¬ 
amine more particularly into the origin and struc¬ 
ture of these curious substances. 

Each gall insect is provided with an auger, 
nicely adapted in form to the body, and to the 
work to be performed. It is hollow, and the end 
is set with small teeth, like the iron point of an 
arrow. With this curious instrument the insect 



makes openings in chosen parts of a tree or plant, 
and in these deposits its eggs. Around these 
eggs substances are formed, in which the young 
insects live and find their means of support. 
Upon emerging from the egg, the little caterpil¬ 
lar sucks and gnaws the interior of the gall, 
which becomes hard, and increases in size in 
proportion as the creature eats. 

It is well to observe here that there are false 
galls, which are equally common with those just 
described. These are found on a great variety 
of plants, and often are very remarkable both for 
size and abundance. They are seen, however, 
on fewer parts of the plant or tree than the true 
galls, being almost wholly confined to the leaves 
and the flowers, or the neighboring and delicate 
parts. Hollow reddish protuberances may be 
observed growing in abundance on the branches 
of the elm, and sometimes entirely covering them. 
These are the production of a different class of 
insects, and, when young, are inhabited only by a 
single female. In the middle of the summer, 
however, hundreds of insects here find their home. 
Sometimes the galls are entirely closed, and at 



other times there is a communication with the ex¬ 

There is great diversity among the gall in¬ 
sects, properly so called ; but in one respect there 
is an unvarying likeness. All of them lay eggs 
under the outer covering of plants, and within the 
substances formed over their eggs the insect 
dwells, and from it derives its support. 

Galls may be found on every part of a plant, 
sometimes not larger than the head of a pin, and 
often of considerable size. Some are juicy, and 
others extremely hard. This difference in char- 

Galls on a leaf. 

acter seems to be dependent upon the pleasure 
of the insect. On a single leaf the same insect 



will produce one gall of the former, and another 
of the latter kind. 

Many galls have one cavity shutting up a num¬ 
ber of caterpillars living in society. Others have 
several small cells opening into each other. In 
some cases, more than a hundred have been 
observed, each containing a single caterpillar. 
Other species of galls have but a single cavity, 
and that is inhabited by a lonely insect. 

The majority of galls increase in size very 
rapidly. Those of the largest species attain their 
full growth in a few days, and even, as it often 
appears, before the caterpillar issues from the 
egg; so that when it does come forth, it finds 
its lodging already prepared. These little crea¬ 
tures grow very rapidly, but they remain in the 
gall five or six months. Some pass into the 
chrysalis state in the gall, from which they escape 
in the perfect form after making a small hole in 
it. Others quit the gall to enter the earth until 
they have reached the perfect state. 

A very simple and common form of these nests 
for the young insects may be observed on the 
leaves of various trees during the summer 



months. A berry-like substance, of a green 
color, tinged with red, may be seen on the 
willow, the poplar, and the rose-bush. Let one 
of these be cut open, and it will be found the 
dwelling of an egg or a caterpillar. 

Nor is winter without a similar provision for 
inferior creatures. There is, for example, an in¬ 
sect which feeds on the sweet violet, and is de¬ 
fended in a remarkable manner by a gall from 
cold, and all external enemies and injuries. 

Sometimes in the summer or autumn, the par- 



ent insect lays its eggs on or in the growing 
shoot of the violet. When these are hatched, 
the caterpillars cut their way into the soft parts 
of the plant, which, thus having its juices inter¬ 
rupted, bulges out around the little creatures, 
which thus find an abode. Here they live dur¬ 
ing the coldest of weather, and with an abundance 

Currant Galls. 

of food, and when the summer comes they issue 
forth as perfect insects. There are, also, winter 



retreats for caterpillars in many other plants, ar¬ 
ranged in various ways. 

Galls present great varieties of form. The 
most common ones are rounded. Many have 
received from their color the names of certain 
fruit which they resemble. Thus, some speci¬ 
mens found on the oak, are called apple, goose¬ 
berry, or pippin galls. Many galls also resemble 
fruit in their spongy or porous nature. Among 
those of a round form, some are fixed directly 
upon the plant, while others are attached by a 
short stem. The currant galls are represented 
in the preceding engraving. 

Many galls appear to be a portion of the plant, 
swollen and thickened; such are those seen on 
the willow and osier. Various vegetables, and 
their different parts, exhibit these curious sub¬ 
stances differently figured upon the surface. 

There is a species of fibrous gall which is very 
remarkable. It is as large as an apple, and is 
covered with long reddish threads. It appeal's 
on the eglantine, or wild rose, which sometimes 
bears three or four of them. 

This engraving represents the exterior of the 



Gall of the Wild Kose 

gall of the wild rose; while the following one 
shows the interior, with the caterpillars and the 
perfect insect. 

Interior of the Gail on the Eglantine; three representations of the 
caterpillar, and the perfect insect with its auger. 

The same shrub presents a still rarer species 
which grows at the ends of the branches, where 


it forms a mass composed of a dozen little galls 
of various forms. 

We will not sfop to describe the gall of the 
ground-ivy, the sage gall, or that of the birch, 
but will pass on to the gall of the field-cirsium. 
This is merely an enlargement of the stem of 
that plant, and was formerly in high repute, be¬ 
cause when carried in the pocket it was con¬ 
sidered a sovereign remedy against bleeding. 



fast disappearing before the light of religion and 

The oak has the greatest number of galls. 
Some have the form of little apples, detached 
or united; others are prickly; some are branched, 
and others resemble little artichokes or mush¬ 
rooms. Many times some of the leaves are laden 
with small rough galls which appear like buds, 
while other leaves of the same tree have galls 
which are similar in form to an open goblet. 
These are flattened even, or crisp, and the sub¬ 
stance is woody or spongy, according to the lo¬ 
cality in which the egg was deposited. 


Perhaps the reader has met with some account 
of the far-famed apples, growing 

“ Near that bituminous lake where Sodom stood.” 

Tacitus and Josephus mention these “apples of 
Sodom,” and describe them as beautiful to the eye, 
but crumbling, when touched, to dust and bitter 
ashes. Many later writers consider their state¬ 
ment unfounded, while others, admitting the fact, 




have endeavored to account for it in various ways. 
One author supposes the apple referred to, to be 
the pomegranate. This has a hard tough rind, 
and when left upon the tree two or three years, 
the inside becomes dried to dust, while the outside 
remains fair. Another writer thinks these apples 
to be the fruit of a species of cotton-tree; while a 
third tells us that the shrub which bears it grows 
two or three leagues from the mouth of the Jor¬ 
dan. He says it is thorny, with small tapering 
leaves, and that its fruit is similar to the little 
Egyptian lemon, both in size and color. Before 
it is ripe, it is filled with a corrosive and saline 
juice. When dried, it yields a blackish seed 
which may be compared to ashes, and which in 
taste resembles pepper. 

Still another traveler found in a thicket, about 
half a mile from the plain of Jericho, a shrub five 
or six feet high, on which grew clusters of fruit 
about the size of a small apricot, of a bright yel¬ 
low color, which contrasting with the delicate verd¬ 
ure of the foliage, seemed, to use his own words, 
“ like the union of gold with emeralds.” 

The marvelous fruit, which has led to so much 



discussion, appears at last, however, to be the 
work of one of the gall insects. Some specimens 
have lately been brought home by a traveler iu 
the Holy Land. The tree which pi*oduces these 
galls grows in abundance on the mountains in the 
neighborhood of the Dead Sea, and is about the 
size of our common apple-trees. The fruit is of 
a rich purple color, and varnished with a soft sub¬ 
stance of the consistency of honey, and it shine9 
with a brilliant luster in the sun, and has a very 
delicious and inviting appearance. 

Apple of Sodom. 

The accompanying engraving represents one 
of these apples. 

This traveler tasted the fruit, and found it in 


reality “as bitter as gall.” It is pear-shaped, 
with a circle of small sharp-pointed protuberances 
on its upper part. In each gall there is an open¬ 
ing through which the insect escapes from a small 
round hole in the center, where it has lodged. 

Many galls are merely objects of curiosity. 
But there is one of great value, well known in 

commerce, and which abounds in Asia Minor, 
Syria, and Persia. It has no smell, but a bit- 



ter and astringent taste, and is much used in the 
manufacture of ink. It is nearly round, and va¬ 
ries from the size of a pea to that of a hazel-nut. 
When good, it is of a black or deep olive color. 

Galls of this species are heavy, and break with 
a flinty fracture. They are known in commerce 
as white, blue, and green galls. The white are 
those which have not been gathered until the in¬ 
sect has made its escape. They are lighter than 
the others, and do not command so high a price; 
The blue and green galls are gathered while 
the insect is still shut up within its little home. 
These are much heavier than the white, and are 
said to yield about one third more useful coloring 

How many of the readers of this book have 
ever thought of their great indebtedness to these 
galls ? Every child knows the use of ink, but 
how many know that we are dependent, in a 
great measure, upon insects for this indispen¬ 
sable fluid? How have the little creatures en¬ 
abled us to converse with our absent friends, how¬ 
ever distant they may be from us ! How they 
have contributed to our wisdom, our happiness, 



our temporal and even eternal welfare, by speak¬ 
ing to us from the printed page! The human 
voice can be heard but a short distance, but the 
pen sends forth “ winged words ” to the ends of 
the earth. It has been justly said that “ the pen 
is mightier than the sword; ” and especially is 
this true at the present day, when the world is 
governed more by great principles than by physi¬ 
cal force. How important it is, then, that our 
pens should convey nothing that can scatter the 
seeds of vice or immorality, but that everything 
emanating from us, whether it be in the spoken 
word, or the written page, should be sanctified to 
the service and glory of God! Paul says, “ Let 
no corrupt communication proceed out of your 
mouth, but that which is good to the use of edify¬ 
ing, that it may minister grace unto the hearers.” 
If we apply this same precept to the work of our 
pens, we may prove a blessing to the world, 
and God will be honored and glorified in our 

Several years ago, a poet g«tve to the world 
some pleasing thoughts concerning ink. He had 
been solicited to write an essay for a lady’s port- 



folio. After describing the first page of his paper 
“ as white and smooth, and empty as air,” he says, 
“ I turned to the inkstand, and looked into it, like 
JEsop’s thirsty crow into the pitcher with a drop 
of water at the bottom, which the sagacious bird 
raised to the brim by dropping pebble after peb¬ 
ble into it. But my difficulty was not to bring 
the ink out of the stand, but the meaning out of 
the ink. Ah! quoth I, gently shaking it, here 
lies the quintessence of all science, all art, all in¬ 
vention, all expression. This drop of ink could 
speak all languages, display all knowledge, detect 
all sophistry. There is not a thought which the 
heart of man can conceive, or a word which the 
lips can utter, but it is here, absolutely in my 
hand, before my eyes; yet I am so blind, or so 
stupid, that I can discern nothing but a decoction 
of nut-galls and copperas. Oh that I had a chem¬ 
ical test, whereby I might analyze this little 
fluid, and learn, not what it is made of, but what 
might be made of it! 

“I am too dull, at present, to fish up a single 
idea from the bottom. Yet if ten thousand people 
were to sit down to the experiment, each one 



would produce something different from every 
other; and were they all to record their thoughts 
in this ink, with this pen, on this paper, their 
themes, their thoughts, their diction, would appear 
as diverse as their faces, their voices, and their 

The pen may be used for good or evil. Cow- 
per says,— 

“The sacred implement I now employ, 

Might prove a mischief, or, at best, a toy; 

A trifle, if it were but to amuse; 

But, if to wrong the judgment and abuse, 

Worse than a poniard in the basest hand, 

It stabs at once the morals of the land.” 

How great is the responsibility of those who 
furnish reading matter for the young! And how 
delightful is the task of implanting in the minds 
of thousands of readers, germs of thought and 
action, which in after-years shall bring forth glo¬ 
rious fruit 1 

To communicate valuable knowledge, especially 
that which is calculated to lead the heart, under 
a sense of sin, to the only Saviour, is indeed to 
use the pen aright. For such a service great 



genius is not required ; — persons of humble pow¬ 
ers may in this way be useful. 

An old writer has said, — “ The letter from a 
Christian friend which has nothing about Christ 
in it, is not worth the postage, although it stated 
that he who received it was entitled to a valuable 

Let it be the concern of every reader, first to 
obtain, in the exercise of faith, a personal interest 
in that Saviour, who died the just for the unjust, 
and then, by all the means that can be employed, 
using, of course, judgment and discretion, urge 
others to seek and find him. A sentence, a few 
words, even a single word, often has been ren¬ 
dered effectual, by the Holy Spirit, to a sinner’s 

u A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in 
pictures of silver.” 


Love of Colors. — Ornament. — Superstitious Practice. — 
Joseph’s Coat. — Purple. — The Kermes. — Gathering of 
Kermes.— The Cochineal. — Accidental Discovery of 
Scarlet, Gobelin Tapestries. — Lac.— Value of the Insect 
Tribes. — Gratitude to God. 

From the earliest times, mankind has shown a 
great love for colors, and in his dress has imitated 
the brilliant hues displayed by nature in the plum¬ 
age of birds, in flowers, crystals, and shells, and 
in the tints of the morning and evening sky. 
The love of ornament is common to all. So 
strong is this feeling, that savage people, when 
without clothes, have been accustomed, as is well 
known, to paint their bodies in a variety of colors. 

It has sometimes been said that the “ coat of 
many colors ” made by Jacob for his son Joseph, 
proves that dyeing was known at that early pe¬ 
riod. This is by no means the case. It is proba¬ 
ble that this tunic, made for the patriarch’s much¬ 
loved child, was formed of differently colored 



pieces joined together to produce an agreeable 
effect. In India, it is still a custom to present a 
favorite or beautiful child with a “ coat of many 
colors,” the various portions of which are often 
very tastefully sewed together. This custom has 
a superstitious origin ; for the people believe that, 
if a child is clothed with a many-colored coat, 
he will be injured by neither tongues nor evil 

Although it is not certain that Joseph’s coat 
was dyed, it must be admitted that, as most of the 
materials suitable to be manufactured into cloths 
are dull and somber in their colors, any hint 
would naturally be seized with eagerness to obvi¬ 
ate the unpleasant monotony. The effects pro¬ 
duced by the juices of plants and fruits, and also 
by rain upon certain kinds of earth and minerals, 
might furnish suggestions that would be turned 
to account. 

It is doubtless true that in all countries there 
are substances of various kinds capable of pro¬ 
ducing great diversity in the appearance of cloths. 
Still there must have been, in the early ages, 
great difficulty in ascertaining how they were to 



be used. Many experiments must have been 
made, and many disappointments experienced, 
before any success could be obtained. 

Frequent reference is made in the sacred and 
uninspired writings to the color of purple. The 
preference given to it as a royal color may be 
accounted for, in part, by its richness, and also by 
its great value in ancient times. It is associated 
with the monarehs of by-gone days, and with the 
services offered by the heathen to their idols. In 
the book of Exodus, too, it is frequently men¬ 
tioned in connection with the dress of the high- 
priest, and the decorations of the tabernacle. 

It is important to observe, however, that the 
word purple, in ancient writings, does not denote 
one particular color, or shade of color. Pliny 
mentions the difference apparent in some of the 
purples. One was faint, approaching to our scar¬ 
let, and considered of inferior value; another was 
a deeper red; and a third was still deeper and 

It is stated that when the beautiful purple of 
Tyre was first discovered, it was appropriated by 
the sovereign to whom it was presented as a royal 



distinction. This seems to have been of the deep¬ 
est tinge, referred to by Pliny. The Tyrian pur¬ 
ple was not, in fact, one particular color, but a 
class of animal dyes, as distinguished from those 
which were vegetable, and varying from the 
faintest to the intensest hue. 

No doubt exists as to the means by which these 
colors were obtained. In addition to the dye pro¬ 
duced by a mollusk, called the murex, a crimson 
or scarlet color was in ancient times produced by 
an insect called kermes by the Arabs, kokkos by 
the Greeks, and thola by the Phoenicians. It is 
now known as the coccus ilicis. From the name 
first mentioned, are derived our words carmine 
and crimson. The curtains of the Jewish Taber¬ 
nacle are supposed to have been dyed by means 
of kermes. The brilliant reds of the Flemish 
tapestries were obtained in the same way. Dur¬ 
ing the Middle Ages, the name vermiculatum was 
applied to the insect producing this color, and 
thence we derive our word vermilion. 



The female of the kermes attains the size and 
form of a pea. Its color is a violet-black, and its 
body is covered with a whitish powder. This 
species is common over the south of Europe, on 
the evergreen oak, and seems to be widely distrib¬ 
uted over many of the south-eastern countries of 
the ancient world. It abounds in Spain, where 
it attaches itself chiefly to the twigs and leaves 
of a small spiny-leaved species of the same tree. 

The precise time of the laying of the eggs is 
not generally known, as the female usually 
covers them with her body. Some species, how¬ 
ever, cover but a portion. The eggs of the latter 



are deposited in a mass of silk or cotton threads, 
whitish in color, and often mistaken for the eggs 
of spiders. These threads, covering the nest of 
eggs, are worked into a rounded shape on the 
upper side. When lightly touched, the mass at¬ 
taches itself to the fingers, and a great number of 
threads are removed. The coloring matter is not 
spun, but escapes from under the shell. 

Pigeons are said to be very fond of the kermes, 
and during the harvest-time it is necessary to watch 
them carefully. The peasants of certain districts 
in France, and those of some other countries, 
collect every year precious crops of kermes. 
These are more or less abundant according to the 
mildness or severity of the winter. Should the 
season pass away without fogs or frosts, the har¬ 
vest is good. The oldest trees, and those that 
appear the least vigorous and are the least culti¬ 
vated, are most heavily laden with kermes. The 
soil also contributes to their bulk and the bright¬ 
ness of their color. The insects which come from 
shrubs near the sea are larger and of a more brill¬ 
iant color than those which are found upon trees 
more remote. 


The harvest of kermes is gathered by women. 
They remove the insects from the shrubs with 
their nails, and one woman can gather two pounds 
in a day. Oftentimes there are two harvests in 
a year. In the second, the insects are attached to 
the leaves, but the crop is neither so large nor so 
valuable as the first. 

When gathered, the kermes are wet with vin¬ 
egar, in order to remove easily the pulp or red 
powder they contain. They are then washed in 
wine, and, after being dried in the sun, are pol¬ 
ished by rubbing them in a sack, after which they 
are packed away, mixed with a quantity of their 
own powder. The price of the kermes depends 
upon the quantity of powder which they yield. 
The best powder is that which comes out of the 
hole which is on the side where the kermes is 
fixed to the tree. Before the discovery of cochi¬ 
neal, the kermes was the insect universally used 
for dyeing the most brilliant red then known. 
But it has now been supplanted in a great degree 
in Europe, although in India and Persia it is still 




The cochineal insect is a different species from 
the kermes. While the latter is called the coccus 
ilicis , being found on the oak-tree, the former is 
called the coccus cacti , the cactus-plant being its 
chosen home. 

The history of the cochineal insect was for a 
long time very obscure, and the species employed 
in commerce was even at one time considered as 
a kind of grain. 

It was only toward the close of the seventeenth 
century that the insect origin was discovered. 
These valuable creatures are natives of Mexico, 
where they were cultivated long before the Euro¬ 
pean conquest of that country. There are sev¬ 
eral varieties, named from the provinces where 
they are raised. Of these, the one called Mas- 
tique, or Mesteque, is considered the best. This 
insect is reared on a shrub called the nopal by 
the Indians, but known to us as the cactus. The 
nopal is a plant consisting of little stems, and, 
when in a flourishing state, its buds are furnished 
with multitudes of little prickles. It expands 

The Nopal, on which cochineal insects are feeding. The male, on the 
left, and the female, oil the right, are magnified. 

The cochineal insect is so valuable, and minis¬ 
ters so much to the gratification of the eye, that 
the reader will expect a fuller description than 
the simple facts just stated. 

The females have a small, short, and almost 
conical beak, placed between the first and second 



pair of feet, which contains a sucker, composed 
of three pieces, and which is inclosed in a four- 
jointed sheath. Through this tube they draw 
forth the juices of the leaves and tender stems. 
They also fasten themselves, from time to time, 
to some part of the plant, in order to change their 
skin; and, after arriving at a certain size, they 
become attached to some chosen spot, where they 
form a little nest, protected by a tapestry of cot¬ 

When the insect has attained what is called its 
perfect state, it is filled with a multitude of very 
small eggs. 

The egg-laying is a curious process. They 
do not appear externally, but are made to pass 
beneath the body, and between it and the cot¬ 
ton tapestry. As, however, the insect becomes 
empty, the lower surface of the body approaches 
the upper, and leaves beneath the body a kind of 
arch to receive the eggs. The female never 
moves from her place, but, having laid her eggs, 
she dies, and her body, shriveling up and harden¬ 
ing, becomes a covering for the young when they 
are hatched. As soon as this takes place, the 


little insects work their way from the dead body 
of their parent. 

The young of both sexes, on first leaving the 
egg, are rather active, and run about among the 
leaves and branches of the cacti. So small, how¬ 
ever, are they at that time that they can not be 
seen without a microscope. They are flat, ovular, 
and without wings, and have short and indistinct 
antennae, or feelers. 

The caterpillars of the males are much fewer 
than those of the other sex, although by no 
means rare. As they have no sucker like the 
females, their mode of support is not clearly 
known; but they increase in size, and, after a 
time, their skin hardens, and serves as a cocoon. 
From this they pass into the chrysalis state. 

The natives of the districts where these insects 
are reared, cultivate plantations of the cactus. 
This plant grows freely from cuttings, which are 
fit to receive the insects in eighteen months. A 
few females are placed in a small nest, formed of 
tufts of a thread-like substance gathered generally 
from a species of palm. This is done about the 
middle of October, at which time fine weather 



usually succeeds the rains. Nests of this kind 
are attached to the spines of the plant, on the 
side facing the rising sun. The eggs are soon 
laid and hatched. As each female produces up¬ 
ward of a thousand young, a large colony is soon 
obtained. It is said that six generations are 
produced in a year. A small number of cochi¬ 
neals is sufficient for each plant, which, as it in¬ 
creases its leaves, is sure to be covered with the 
insects. When the cactus is well saturated, they 
are scraped off with great care; but only the 
female is used in dyeing, as its color is much 
more beautiful than that of the male. 

The insects are first collected about the mid¬ 
dle of December, and are removed from the tree 
by a knife with a blunted edge. As soon as this 
is done, the nests are taken away, and the dead 
females picked off. These are lighter and of 
less value than those which are removed alive, 
the former losing more than the latter by drying. 
Each kind may, however, be kept for any length 
of time without further loss. Those taken off 
alive are killed by dipping the basket containing 
them into boiling water, or by placing them in a 



hot oven, or on plates of hot iron. The first 
method secures the best color. 

The cochineal arrives in the United States 
and Europe in the form of a small grain, having 
a convex and a concave side, and possessing some 
traces of the segments of the body of an insect. 

The tincture of cochineal alone yields a purple 
color, not very agreeable, but which may be made 
a most beautiful scarlet by a solution of tin in 
aqua regia. This was discovered by a singular 
accident. A person having placed in his win¬ 
dow an extract of cochineal, made with boiling 
water for the purpose of filling a thermometer, 
some aqua regia dropped from a vial broken by 
accident, which stood above it, and changed the 
purple dye into an elegant dark red. Subse¬ 
quent experiments showed that the tin deposited 
in the aqua regia caused the change. An in¬ 
genious dyer at Leyden brought the discovery 
to perfection. The secret afterwards became 
known, and a large dye-house was erected by 
the celebrated Giles Gobelin, at Paris, and hence 
the origin of the famous Gobelin tapestry. 
About the year 1643, a Fleming, named Kep- 



ler, established the first dye-house for scarlet in 
England at the village of Bow, from which fact, 
scarlet was for some time in that country called 

Another remarkable product of insects of the 
same species is lac. It is collected from various 
trees in India, where it so abounds, that it could 
be readily supplied to ten times the amount now 
used. It is manufactured into beads, rings, and 
other similar ornaments. Added to lamp- or 
ivory-black, after being dissolved in water con¬ 
taining a little borax, it makes an ink, which, 
when dry, is not easily acted upon by dampness 
or by water. In its native state, adhering to 
the twigs, it is called stick-lac. When separated, 
pounded, and freed from the greater part of the 
coloring matter, it is called seed-lac. When 
melted, and made into cakes, lump-lac; and 
when stained, and made into transparent plates, 
shell-lac. It was for a time chiefly employed in 
varnishes, japanned ware, and sealing-wax, but 
recently it is very extensively used for dyeing 

In closing this description of an insect so 



little known and yet so well entitled to our at¬ 
tention, we are reminded of an obligation to God 
for the many ways in which he ministers to our 
pleasures and our necessities. This insect, ap¬ 
parently so insignificant and unworthy of notice, 
has contributed more to the arts and sciences 
than any other. It decorates our clothing and 
tapestry with pleasing colors; it gives perma¬ 
nent utterance to the emotions of the heart and 
the workings of the mind. We have thus an¬ 
other illustration of the truth that God has made 
every thing for some good purpose, and that 
each creature has its own place to fill in the 
great plan of creation. We are taught our mu¬ 
tual dependence ; that blessings come to us from 
a thousand unsuspected sources, that unity of 
design characterizes all created things, and that 
the chief end of our existence is to glorify God 
as He is manifest in the kingdoms both of na¬ 
ture and of grace. How humble we should be 
in the presence of our Maker, when even an 
insect is necessary for our happiness. 

“Pride, the never-failing vice of fools,” 
should have no place in the heart of man. All 



things teach us humility, by which, with the 
fear of the Lord, are riches, honor, and life. 

“ The bird that soars on highest wing, 

Builds on the ground her lowly nest; 

And she that doth most sweetly sing, 

Sings in the shade when all things rest. 

The saint that wears heaven’s brightest crown, 

In deepest adoration bends; 

The weight of glory bows him down, 

Then most, when most his soul ascends; 

Nearest the Throne itself must be 
The footstool of humility.” 



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