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Museum of Comparative Zoology 












James Rowianp ANGELL, Pu.D., Litt.D., LL.D. 
His Exce,iteNcy THE GovERNOR oF CONNECTICUT, ex-officio. 
Rey. Witi1aAm Apams Brown, Pu.D., D.D. 
Howe ti Cueney, M.A. 
Vance CrisweELL McCormick, M.A. 
Frep Towstry Murpuy, M.D., M.A. 
SamvueEt Hersert Fisuer, LL.D. 

Ricuarp Swann Lutu, Pu.D., Sc.D. 

Epwarp Sauissury Dana, Pu.D., Curator of Mineralogy, Emeritus. 
Grorce Grant MacCorpy, Pu.D., Curator of Anthropology, Emeritus. 
Cuaries Scuucuert, LL.D., Sc.D., Curator of Invertebrate Paleon- 
tology, Emeritus. 

Sraniey CrirTENDEN Batt, Pu.D., Curator of Zoology. 

Cart Owen Dunsar, Pu.D., Curator of Invertebrate Paleontology. 

Wituiam Esenezer Forp, Pu.D., Curator of Mineralogy. 

Ricuarp Swann Lu tu, Pu.D., Sc.D., Honorary Curator of Vertebrate 

Corne.ius Berrien Oseoop, Pu.D., Curator of Anthropology. 

Ausert Exper Parr, M.A., Curator of the Bingham Oceanographic 
Collection, and Scientific Director of the Yale Oceanographic 

Epwarp Sapir, Pu.D., Sc.D., Honorary Curator of Anthropology. 

Matcoitm Ruruerrorp THorpr, Pu.D., Curator of Vertebrate Paleon- 


Grorce Grant MacCurpy, Pu.D., Research Associate in Prehistoric 
Archeology, Emeritus. 

Hetimvut pe Terra, Pu.D., Research Associate in Geology. 

Matcotm Ruruerrorp TuorpPr, Pu.D., Research Associate in Verte- 
brate Paleontology. 

Cuartes Epwin Weaver, Pu.D., Research Associate in Invertebrate 


James Brooxs Knieut, Pu.D., Research Assistant in Invertebrate 

Crara Mar LeVene, B.A. 

Nextpa Emetyn Wrieut, M.A. 

Cuester Ray Lonewe x, Pu.D. 

Mixprep Cynruia Bevurtan Porrer, M.A., in charge. 
Dorotuy Emma Arnoxp, B.A. 
GertrubvE Horcuxiss CiarK. 

i Vom 








MUS. COMP. iss. 



By Sranztey C. Baty 

ANY hybrid ducks have been recorded, but as pointed out 
by Bigelow (1907, p. 382), few specimens have been fully 
described. Suchetet in 1896 published a summary of all descrip- 

tions of hybrid birds then in print. 

Since Bigelow’s 1907 paper numerous additional instances have 
been recorded. Reviewing the literature, we find crosses between 
many species. A suggestive list of these follows, the nomen- 

clature being that of Peters’ Check-list (1931). 

aie py arainteyn (ees Cte) xX Anas rubripes (Black duck). . 

X Anas fulvigula fulvigula (Florida 
ugk). erahtaiseie aaa! eset oie « 
4 ‘ < Anas acuta ‘(Pintail)).. 0.6.25. 
X Mareca americana (Baldpate).. 
‘i Fi i x Spatula clypeata (Shoveller)... 
cf i i xX Netta rufina (Red-crested duck) 
X Anas superciliosa (Gray duck).. 
“t i Fa udnaserecca (Mealy « sods) othe ia « 
X Mareca penelope (Widgeon).... 
Md % * X Chaulelasmus streperus (Gadwall) 
X Catrina moschata (Muscovy) ... 
is i ‘i xX Somateria molissima borealis 
(Northern cider) 24552 
iM A ie X Nyroca ferina (Pochard)...... 
; x Mergus merganser (Goosander) 
Anas obscura (Dusky) X Anas undulata (of South Africa)...... 
anas acuity (Pintail) < Anas erecem:) (Meal) ints osyeca.} «chee, sis 
i ts - 3 Spatula, elypeata. (Shoveller).....:....:. 
X Anas querquedula (Garganey) .......... 
Branta leucopsis (Barnacle goose)  Anser fabalis (Bean goose) 

Cairina mpechate (Muscovy) X Tadorna tadorna (Shield-drake). . 
cs x Alopoctien aegyptiaca (Egyptian 
PROOSE A) ho uhs S Urge rapping oes 28)! 

ce ce ce 


Cairina ate (Muscovy) X Anser anser (Gray-lag)......... 
ms 5 X Spatula clypeata (Shoveller).... 

Aix sponsa (Wood duck) X 10 other species 

Dendronessa galericulata (Mandarin) X 2 other species 

Mareca penelope (Widgeon) X 6 other species (7 cases) 

Anas crecca (Teal) X 38 other species 

ay grace hee (Pochard) X Aix sponsa (Wood duck)........... 
if xX N. africana (White-eyed duck)...... 
x = a XN. fuligula) (Tufted duck)... epee 
ie fa 3 xX Anas rubripes (Black duck)........ 
* ry ss others 

Nyroca marila (Greater scaup)  N. africana (White-eyed duck) 
Nyroca fuligula (Tufted duck) X 3 other species 
Nyroca collaris (Ring-neck) X N. americana (Redhead)........ 
Melanitta fusca (Velvet scoter) X M. perspicillata (Surf scoter) 
Bucephala clangula clangula (Golden-eye) X Mergellus albellus 
(Siew ) 25% 0% yo eet ae Ws Sis ee eel ove as etel owl cee er 
1. Mergus anatarius Eimbeck, 6, 1825, “Oker River, near 
2. Clangula angustirostris Brehm, 2 , 1829, Germany. 
3. Clangula mergoides Kjarbéling, 6, immature. In col- 
lection purchased in Copenhaven, 1853. 
4. February 1865, near Pol. 
5. Nov. 20, 1881, at Kalmarsund. Skin at University of 
Upsala in 1896. 
B. clangula clangula 9 X.Mergus merganser $ .......2.-0em 
Seen mating at Negelin, Oldenbourg. The male was shot. 

B. BY clangula * Nyroca ferima (Pochard).....:...2. oem 
B. > XN. marila (Greater scaup) “.:.5 1 -eeee 
B. rr ‘a X Melanitia fusca (Velvet scoter)......... 

Bucephala clangula americana (American golden-eye) X Lopho- 
dytes cucullatus (Hooded meéerganser)) ©... 2 -).'. ss 51-1 tenes 
1. Clangula mergiformis Cabot, 6, Maine, 1854, 
2. New Haven, ¢, 1920. Described in this paper. 

At least 63 species (more than 94 instances) have mated with 
species not their own. Anas platyrhynchos leads (14 species and 
30 matings); others worthy of note are Nyroca ferina (8 and 

20); Aix sponsa (10 and 10) ; Catrina moschata (4 and 10). 

HYBRIDS OF THE GOLDEN-EYE (Bucephala clangula 
clangula) AND THE SMEW (Mergellus albellus) 

F special interest in connection with this paper are the 
O hybrids of the European golden-eye (B. clangula clangula) 
and the smew (Mergellus albellus) listed above, two of which may 
now be considered in some detail. 

Number 1. This hybrid is described by Eimbeck (in Suchetet) 
as like the male Bucephala c. clangula in size, and in form of body 
and tail; more like Mergellus in its long nape plumes, beak and 
pointed wings. 

From its extremity to the corner of the gape the beak is 46.5 
mm.; base higher than wide; distal part flat, wider than high. 
Seen from the side it resembles beak of merganser, but the serra- 
tions are less visible. The statement that the form is especially 
striking when seen from above may imply that the beak is narrow 
and parallel-sided as in the merganser. 

In color and pattern this bird stands intermediate between the 
two parent species. Foundation white; head and neck deep 
iridescent green; white spot between beak and eye; back brilliant 
black, with some scapulars white; breast feathers mostly bordered 
with black, having as marks traces of the two black collar-bands 
so conspicuous in Mergellus, large wing feathers pure white (from 
which statement we may infer that at least a part of the coverts 
are black); feet not quite so large as in Bucephala but of same 
form; deep rusty, web nearly black. Brilliant, well-colored 
plumage stamps this bird as a male in prime plumage. 

Number 3. Kjarboling (in Suchetet) first regarded this as a 
young ¢ M., albellus, but later saw its relationship to Bucephala. 
In general color he found it similar to Eimbeck’s male described 
above, but juvenile feathers were particularly evident on the head. 

The hybrid Anas platyrhynchos X Mergus merganser is inter- 
esting for comparison with those previously described. Accord- 
ing to Schliiter’s description (1891) it shows strongly the char- 
acters of a domestic mallard drake, thus implying that it is a 


male. In size, however, it approaches the larger Mergus mer- 
ganser, on which account Schliiter assumed this species rather 
than M. serrator to have been the mother. 

In form the beak resembles that of A. platyrhynchos, but is 
somewhat larger and wider. The nail, a somewhat interrupted 
zone on the upper surface, and the base as well, are horn-colored ; 
the rest yellowish brown. Head and adjacent neck feathers gray. 
A few cheek feathers end in a faint greenish gloss as in the 
domestic drake, while some neck feathers show a rusty red color 
on their edges, inherited from the red-headed merganser. ‘Throat 
yellowish-white although not so extensively as in the female 
Mergus. Lower neck shows wide band of white, broken on hind 
neck by dark gray feathers like those of head. The breast has, 
although weakly indicated, the brown feathers of the mallard, 
shot through with gray, and grades into color of belly whose 
feathers have grayish-white bases and borders, speckled as in 
A. platyrhynchos. Lower tail coverts similar, partly bordered 
distally with black. 

Back and upper tail coverts show mixture of spotted belly 
feathers from the A. platyrhynchos ¢, and blue-gray back 
feathers of M. merganser 2. Upper tail coverts also have black 
terminal borders. Middle tail coverts blue-gray; the outer ones 
shorter with white outer edges. Wholly wanting is the tendency 
of the central coverts to curl upward as in the male mallard. 

Primaries as well as under wing coverts are white; the specu- 
lum blue-gray. Blue-green upper wing coverts edged with reddish 

Feet stronger than mallard’s, but similar. 

HYBRIDS OF THE MERGANSER (Lophodytes cucullatus) 
AND THE GOLDEN-EYE (Bucephala clangula americana) 

(Pl. I, Fig. 2; Pl. III, Fig. 17) 

N December 20, 1920, while duck hunting near the break- 
water at the mouth of New Haven harbor, Mr. L. Genung 
shot a handsome hybrid duck which is now in the collections of 
the Peabody Museum of Natural History at Yale (Cat. No. 
4745). The shallowness of bill and number of tail feathers (18) 
at once suggest merganser affinities, while the width and lamella- 
tion of bill and color pattern point to one of the ducks as the 
other parent. 

On account of the small number of North American Merginae 
it is expedient to determine first to which of these this bird is 
related. The key to this part of the riddle is the two pairs of 
black bands which extend from the back half way down the sides 
of the breast. Only the hooded merganser (Lophodytes cucul- 
latus) has these. Further comparison brings out the following 
positive characters resembling this species: size small; sides of 
breast and flanks tinged with cinnamon; small amount of white 
on the scapulars; tertials black, four of them each with a narrow 
white central stripe; shape of crest; black of upper neck joined 
to that of the back by a broad dorsal stripe along the back of 
the neck. 

The American merganser (Mergus americanus) could have 
contributed neither the breast bands nor the vermiculations on 
the sides and flanks. Furthermore, it has a complete ring of 
white about the lower neck (true also of Bucephala), a light gray 
rump and tail, and a longer bill whose sides are orange-red. 
This merganser lacks a crest and is relatively a larger bird 
(635-685 mm.). 

That the red-breasted merganser (M. serrator) is not con- 
cerned in this hybrid is concluded from the following considera- 
tions. The hybrid lacks the black-flecked reddish breast, and 
the row of peculiar black-bordered white feathers on the side of 


the upper breast in front of the wing; its posterior scapulars 
have much less white, and the bill lacks the orange, and the back 
and tail the gray color which characterize M. serrator; no evi- 
dence of the elongated two-pointed crest exists; the black on the 
neck all round extends farther posteriorly on the hybrid, and the 
black band along the back of neck is broader. Again, the red- 
breasted merganser is a larger bird (508-635 mm.). 

Both positive and negative evidence, then, point to Lophodytes 
cucullatus as one of the parents. As to the other parent, there 
can be no doubt that it was either the American golden-eye 
(Bucephala clangula americana) or Barrow’s golden-eye (B. 
islandica); all other ducks are excluded by their size or color 
pattern, or both. 

Two characters of the hybrid favor B. clangula americana. 
First, the iridescence of the head and neck is distinctly green 
rather than purple and violet. Secondly, the single black wing 
bar across the bases of the greater coverts is so narrow as to 
suggest that, with L. cucullatus having two distinct bars across 
the white wing patch, the other parent must have had less of a 
bar than does B. islandica; B. c. americana has none. The dif- 
ferences between the bills of the two species of Bucephala are not 
sufficiently great to be helpful in determining which had crossed 
with such a long, shallow-billed bird as a merganser. 

Having settled upon Lophodytes cucullatus and Bucephala 
clangula americana as the parents of this hybrid, one sees that it 
stands as an extraordinary intermediate between the two species. 




Lophodytes cucullatus 

Length, 439-502 mm. 

(folded), 191-201 
Tail, length, 80-105 

“number of 
feathers, 18 
Culmen, loral 
line to tip, 

Height from 
frontal angle to 
lower edge of 

40-42 mm. 

upper mandible, 9.5 
Least height (10 

mm.fromtip), 4.5 
Width at base, 12.5 
Width (10 mm. 

from tip), Uy 

Width of scale, 6.1 

From each edge of up- 
per mandible project a- 
bout 24 lamellae or ser- 
rations, of which the most 
posterior point somewhat 
backward, their outer 
faces slanting obliquely 
inward and forward. On 
the more anterior teeth 
successively, these outer 
faces slant inward less 
and less until in the ter- 
minal teeth they parallel 
edge of mandible. (Figs. 
7, 10.) 

Form or MAte 

Hybrid No. 4745 

445 mm. (as mounted ) 



43 mm. 

Height 10 mm. from 
tip, 6 



About 32 small serra- 
tions along each edge of 
upper mandible are al- 
most concealed from lat- 
eral view. As in LD. cucul- 
latus, the more posterior 
teeth extend obliquely in- 
ward and forward, while 
the anterior lie nearly 
parallel with the edge. 
These teeth are the ends 
of lamellae which curve 
obliquely upward and for- 
ward on inner surface of 
bill. (Figs. 8, 11.) 

Bucephala clangula 

535-586 mm. 



41-45 mm. 

Least height (10 mm. from 
tip), 7.5-9.5 



About 33 lamellae ex- 
tend from each edge of 
upper mandible directly 
upward on inner surface 
of bill. Tips of a few 
posterior lamellae are 
barely visible below edge 
of mandible in the dried 
skin. (Figs. 9, 12.) 

*It may be noted from the measurements above that the beak of Lophodytes 
tapers considerably in width, while that of Bucephala has nearly parallel sides. 
The New Haven hybrid favors the merganser in this character, while the Boston 
Society bird approaches the golden-eye. 


Lophodytes cucullatus 

Lower mandible has 
along its upper edges 
corresponding serrations 
which slant inward and 
backward. ‘The anterior- 
most of these unite to 
form a continuous knife- 
like edge. (Fig. 7.) No 
series of ridges extend- 
ing on outer aspect of 
lower mandible. 

Both upper and lower 
teeth remain visible when 
dried bill is closed. 

Tarsus, 29-31 mm. 
Middle toe and 
nail, 52 

Number of scales 
on top of outer 
toe, 44-46 

Scales in the row along 
front of tarsus (overly- 
ing 3rd metatarsal) all 
similar; central ones not 
distinctly wider than 
those below. (Fig. 13.) 

Has distinct crest, lat- 
erally compressed; long- 
est nape feathers, 48 mm. 

Head, entire neck, 
black. Broad white patch 
extends from back of eye 

Hybrid No. 4745 

Lower mandible has on 
each upper edge 40 small 
serrations, or lamellae, of 
which the anterior extend 
backward and inward, and 
the posterior directly in- 
ward. Anterior teeth not 
united as in L. cucullatus. 

A series of 46 short ex- 
ternal lamellae along the 
superior-lateral face of 
the lower mandible, each 
tooth extending obliquely 
downward and backward, 
as in Bucephala. (Figs. 
He GIB) 

Closure of bill hides all 
these teeth and lamellae. 




Sealation of left leg 
as in L. cucullatus; of 
right leg as in Buceph- 
ala, (Figs. 14, 15.) 

Crest fairly developed; 
longest nape _ feathers, 
33 mm. 

Cotor oF Mate 

Entire head (including 
crest) and neck black, 
not extending so far pos- 

Bucephala clangula 

On each upper edge of 
lower mandible is a series 
of 51 serrations or lamel- 
lae, of which the poste- 
rior extend directly in- 
ward and the anterior 
obliquely backward and 

A series of 46 well 
developed lamellae along 
each side of bill as in 
most ducks; each ridge 
extends obliquely down- 
ward and_ backward. 
(Figs. 9, 12.) 

Closure of bill hides all 
these ridges. 




Middle scales in the 
row on front of tarsus 
distinctly wider than the 
ones below, thus reduc- 
ing abruptly the width of 
the outer row of scales 
(overlying 3rd metatar- 
sal). (Fig. 16.) 

No distinct crest; long- 
est nape feathers, 23 mm. 

Head and upper neck 
black, with strong green 
iridescence; large round- 

Lophodytes cucullatus 

upward and_ backward 
covering most of the 
crest; edge of latter 
black. Sides of head and 
neck with faint greenish 

Back seal brown. 

The black of neck joins 
brown of back broadly. 

Breast and belly white. 

Two black crescentic 
bars extend from upper 
back before wing down 
sides of white breast. 

Fore wing, i.e., middle 
and lesser coverts, gray. 

In folded wing, white 
patch on outer edges of 
secondaries and greater 
wing coverts is crossed 
by a distinct bar of black 
5 mm. wide (the black 
bases of secondaries not 
being covered by greater 

A second black bar 
(exposed bases of greater 
coverts) divides the white 
wing patch from gray of 
fore wing (middle and 
lesser coverts). 


Hybrid No. 4745 

teriorly on ventral sur- 
face as in L. cucullatus. 
Sides of head and neck 
with moderate greenish 

Back dark seal brown, 
washed with black. 

The black of neck joins 
black of back broadly. 

Breast and belly white. 

Two black bars extend 
from upper back down 
sides of breast; bars nar- 
rower and shorter than 
in L. cucullatus. 

Fore wing dark mouse- 
gray, some feathers on 
left wing fading to white 
at tips. 

White wing patch more 
extensive than in ZL. cu- 
cullatus, covering the 
outer secondaries, greater 
and middle coverts and 
much of the lesser cov- 
erts (to within 22 mm. 
of front edge of wing). 

Black on bases of sec- 
ondaries so much covered 
by white ends of greater 
coverts, that no distinct 
bar in this position is 

Anterior black wing 
bar present as in JL. 


Bucephala clangula 

ed white spot between 
gape of bill and eye. 

Back black. 

Lower neck white all 
around, continuous with 
white of underparts. 

Breast, belly, crissum 
and under tail coverts 

No black bars on sides 
of breast. 

Front edge and bend 
of wings black (30 mm. 

In folded wing the 
white patch is very large 
and lacks the black cross 
bar because bases of 
greater secondaries are 
less extensively black 
and hence covered by 
white ends of greater 

No black bar on great- 
er coverts; their black 
bases are covered by 
white middle coverts. 


Lophodytes cucullatus 

Inner vanes of secon- 
daries and all of tertials 
black, the outer 5 tertials 
with a narrow median 
stripe of white (about 
3 mm. wide). 

Scapulars black. 

Primaries seal brown. 

Tail seal brown. 

Sides and flanks red- 
dish brown, cross-waved 
and barred with black, 
finely in front, coarsely 

Sides of belly drab- 
brown slightly barred 
with whitish. Belly pos- 
teriorly with brownish 

Under tail coverts drab- 

brown, speckled and 
barred with white. 

Bill black. 

Iris yellow. 

Legs and feet light 

yellowish brown. 

Hybrid No. 4745 

Six outer secondaries 
white over entire outer 
vane; in some the inner 
vanes are partly white. 
Inner secondaries and all 
the tertials black; 4 out- 
er tertials each with nar- 
row white median stripe 
as in L. cucullatus. 

Scapulars black, the 
outer ones with broad 
white central stripe as 
in B. clangula americana, 

Primaries seal brown 
to black. 

Tail seal brown washed 
with ash. 

Sides and flanks pale 
cinereous vermiculated 
with black, finely in front, 
coarsely behind. Some 
flank feathers washed 
with cinnamon. 

Sides of belly dark 
brown, the ends of some 
feathers edged with whit- 
ish. A dusky bar sepa- 
rates white of belly from 
white crissum. 

Under tail  coverts 
whitish, distally washed 
and barred with drab- 

Bill black. 
Iris golden yellow 
(glass eye). 

Legs and toes appar- 
ently yellow; webs dark 

Bucephala clangula 

Eight outer secondaries 
entirely white. 

Inner secondaries en- 
tirely black.  Tertials 
dark brown. 

Outer scapulars white 
with black edges. 
Inner scapulars black. 

Primaries seal brown. 

Tail seal brown with 
much ash. 

Sides of breast and 
flanks white, the upper 
flank feathers sharply 
edged with black. 

Sides of belly drab- 
brown; tips washed with 

white. Crissum white. 
Under tail  coverts 
Bill black. 

Iris golden yellow. 

Legs and feet orange 
or yellowish with dusky 


Reference to the tabular descriptions and to the illustrations 
shows that the hybrid strikes nearly an average (blending) 
between the parents in the following nine characters: 

Length of wing 

Length of tail 

Size and shape of bill 

Serrations or lamellae of bill 

Length of crest feathers 

Size of feet 

Extent of white on outer secondaries 

Degree of green iridescence on head and neck 
Color of fore-wing. 

In eleven other characters the hybrid presents a mosaic, resem- 
bling L. cucullatus in: 

Total length 

Number of tail feathers 

Length of tarsus 

Number of scales on top of outer toe 

Shape of crest 

Extent of black on neck 

Black stripe on back of neck 

Presence of black breast bars 

Black wing bar on bases of greater coverts 

Narrow white stripes on inner secondaries and tertials 

Sides and flanks vermiculated with black and washed with 

Characters of the hybrid which approximate those in B. 
clangula americana are: 
Solid black color of head and neck 
Extent of white on wing coverts and outer secondaries 
Broad white stripes on outer scapulars 
Wash of ash on tail. 

Perhaps as remarkable as any character in its distribution is 
the scalation of the legs. On the left tarsus the shape and 
arrangement of scales in the anterior rows closely follows that 
of the merganser, while the right reproduces that of the golden- 
eye (Figs. 13-16). 


In these tabulations of the characters of the hybrid drawn from 
its mismated parents it is to be noted that no cephalic white spots 
enter. Both the loral patch of Bucephala and the white crest 
area of Lophodytes have been suppressed. This fact might be 
used as an argument in favor of assuming as the merganser par- 
ent Mergus americanus, which lacks white on the head and has a 
higher degree of greenish iridescence than does Lophodytes. But 
these considerations are outweighed by others already emphasized. 

Many interspecific and intergeneric crosses are known among 
ducks, but this specimen seems to be the second recorded hybrid 
between members of the North American subfamilies of the 
Anatidae. Certainly the mergansers and golden-eyes are more 
unlike physically than are the mallard (Anas platyrhynchos) 
and the baldpate (Mareca americana) of which a hybrid is 
described by Elliot (1892, p. 165). 

Propinquity during the breeding season would be more proba- 
ble in the western parts of the continent, although not impossible 
in the east. Bent (1923, p. 13) gives the breeding range of 
Bucephala clangula americana as follows: 

Mainly north of the United States, entirely across the continent. 
South to Newfoundland (Humber and Sandy Rivers), northern New 
Brunswick (Northumberland County), central Maine (Washington to 
Oxford Counties), New Hampshire (Umbagog Lake and Jefferson 
region), northern Vermont (St. Johnsbury), northern New York 
(Adirondacks), northern Michigan (Neebish Island, Sault Ste. Marie), 
northern Minnesota (Lake County), northern North Dakota (Devils 
Lake), northwestern Montana (Flathead Lake and Glacier National 
Park), and the interior of British Columbia. 

North to the limits of heavy timber in central Alaska, southern 
Mackenzie, the southwest coast of Hudson Bay, and the northeast 
coast of Labrador. Replaced in northern Europe and Asia by a 
closely allied race. 

The breeding range of Lophodytes cucullatus, according to 
Forbush (1925, p. 188), is: 

Locally in wooded regions from southeastern Alaska, central Brit- 
ish Columbia, Great Slave Lake, northern Manitoba, Ontario and New 

Fig. 1. Hooded merganser (Lophodytes cucullatus). 

Fig. 2. Hybrid (L. cucullatus x Bucephala clangula americana), Cat. No. 
4745, Peabody Museum. 

Fig. 3. American golden-eye (Bucephala clangula americana). 
Figs. 4, 5 and 6 are dorsal views of the beaks of these respective birds. 

Figs. 1-3, « 1%. Figs. 4-6, x 1. 


Figs. 7, 8 and 9, beaks of L. cucullatus, the hybrid, and B. c. americana. 


Fig. 10. Enlargement of the part of beak between lines x—y in Fig. 7. 
a, lamellae on left-hand edge of upper mandible; d, inner surfaces of lamellae 
on right-hand edge; b, lamellae of lower mandible. 

Fig. 11. Similar enlargement of part of Fig. 8. Note c, the short lateral 

Fig. 12. Same for Fig. 9. Note the great lateral lamellae, c. 

Figs. 13 and 14. External views of left tarsi of L. cucullatus and hybrid, 
showing similar arrangement of scales in the two large anterior rows. 

Fig. 15. External view of right leg of hybrid, showing second row of scales 
interrupted by wide central scale, a, of first row. 

Fig. 16. Normal scalation of B. c. americana, left leg, with the same 
arrangement as in Fig. 15. 

Figs. 7-9, & 114. Figs. 12-16, « 1. 


Fig. 17. Hybrid (L. cucullatus x Bucephala clangula americana). In 
Beston Society of Natural History; Cat. No. 17972. x 14. 
Fig. 18. Beak of same, enlarged to show the serrations and lamellae. 
Fig. 19. Hybrid (Anas platyrhynchos x Anas rubripes). In Peabody 
Museum, Yale University; Cat. No. 11035. x Y. 
a. Right side, showing white wing bars. 
b. Left side, showing general pattern. 






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Brunswick (probably in central Ungava (northern Quebec), southern 
Labrador and Newfoundland) south to Oregon, northwestern Nevada, 
northern New Mexico, southern Louisiana, southern Tennessee, Ala- 
bama and central Florida. 

The overlapping winter ranges of the two species concerned 
would have permitted the mating of this hybrid’s parents before 
their northward migration, for Bent (1925, p. 13) sets the winter 
range of the golden-eye thus: 

Cold coasts and large lakes south of frozen areas. On the Atlantic 
coast commonly from Maine to South Carolina; more rarely north to 
the Gulf of St. Lawrence and Newfoundland and south to northern 
Florida. Rarely to the Gulf coasts of Mississippi, Louisiana, and 
Texas. On the Pacific coast from the Commander and Aleutian 
Islands to southern California and casually to central western Mexico 
(Mazatlan). On the Great Lakes (Michigan, Erie, and Ontario). 
Irregularly north in the interior to southern British Columbia, north- 
western Montana, and the valleys of the Missouri and Mississippi 
Rivers, as far as Nebraska and Iowa; and south to Colorado and 
Arkansas and occasionally to Arizona and Texas. 

This region is overlapped by the winter range of Lophodytes, 
given by Forbush (1925, p. 188) as: 

Southern British Columbia, Utah, Colorado, Nebraska, Illinois, 
Indiana, Pennsylvania and Massachusetts south to Lower California, 
southern Mexico, the Gulf states and Cuba; uncommon to rare in 

northeastern part of range. Recorded from St. Michael, Alaska, also 
Ireland, Wales and Bermuda. 

Since the hooded merganser is seldom seen on salt water, the 
liaison, if it were contracted south of the breeding grounds, 
probably took place on some of our inland streams or ponds. 

As to nesting habits, it is interesting to note that both 
Lophodytes and Bucephala are tree dwellers. Therefore the site 
selected by his mate was doubtless approved by the male, whether 
he were merganser or golden-eye. 

While it would be idle to speculate concerning the sex of the 
two species involved, since this male hybrid could as well have 
inherited his characters from either male or female parent of 


either species, one may be allowed to imagine that the male parent 
was Bucephala, for it is well known that the male golden-eye, 
even among amorous ducks, is an especially ardent wooer 
(Brewster, 1911). One may also infer that this hybrid inherited 
from its golden-eye parent at least a tolerance of salt water. 

A search of the literature has revealed but one other recorded 
hybrid between Lophodytes and Bucephala. This interesting 
example was presented to the Boston Society of Natural History 
in May, 1854, by H. D. Morse, having been taken May 2 at 
Scarborough, Maine, by Caleb Loring, Jr. Dr. Samuel Cabot 
exhibited this bird (Cat. No. 17972) at the following June meet- 
ing of the Society. His description, published in the Proceedings 
of 1854-56, includes notes on both external and internal anatomy. 

Cabot’s specimen is a male, apparently two years old, coming 
into adult nuptial plumage. 

A description of the successive Lophodytes plumages may be 
found in A. C. Bent’s “Life Histories of North American Wild 
Fowl” (1923, pp. 26, 27): 

The downy young is thickly and warmly clothed with soft down in 
deep, rich shades of “bister” or “sepia” above, including the upper 
half of the head, the hind neck, and the flanks; the sides of the head, 
neck, and cheeks, up to the eyes, are “buff pink” or “‘light vinaceous 
cinnamon,” the chin, throat, and under parts are pure white; and 
there is an obscure dusky band across the chest and an indistinct 
white spot on each side of the scapular region and rump. 

In the first plumage the sexes are alike and much resemble the adult 
female, but they are browner on the back and have undeveloped crests. 
Young males wear this immature plumage all through the first year, 
with only a slight change toward maturity during the first spring and 
the following summer. The summer molt leaves them still in imma- 
ture plumage and with but little change in the new wings, which still 
lack the pearl-gray lesser coverts and in which the greater coverts 
are only slightly white-tipped. In November and December of this, 
their second winter, they begin to assume a plumage resembling that 
of the adult; the molt begins with the appearance of black feathers 
and white feathers in the head, spreading downward to the breast, 
flanks, and scapulars, until by March or April a nearly adult plumage 


is assumed. In this plumage the colors are all duller than in old 
males; the crown, back, and rump are browner; the gray lesser wing- 
coverts are acquired, but the wings are otherwise immature. A partial 
eclipse plumage is assumed during the next summer, when the bird 
is two years old and late in the fall, November or December, the fully 
adult plumage is acquired. Young females can be distinguished from 
adults during the first year by their undeveloped crests and their 
duller and browner coloring everywhere; they become indistinguish- 
able from the adults during the second winter. 

Adult males have a semi-eclipse plumage in summer, in which the 
head and neck become largely mottled with brownish and the breast 
and flanks lose their brilliant colors and resemble those of the female. 
The double molt is probably not complete, though the whole plumage 
is changed at least once. The full plumage is assumed early in the 
fall, much earlier than in young birds, and is usually complete in 

We may now return to Cabot’s hybrid. Taken in the second 
spring, the feathers of its neck, head, and well-developed crest 
are still largely in the immature brown stage, although many 
black feathers have already appeared. These are especially 
conspicuous on the neck, which is dark gray to the base as in 
Lophodytes. Other immature characters are the sprinkling of 
black tips on the white feathers of the basal ventral surface of 
the neck and anterior breast, and the ashy edges of the dorsal 
body feathers, intensified by wear. 

This hybrid lacks the white stripes on inner secondaries and 
tertials which are peculiar to the adult male Lophodytes, and 
also lacks the white outer margins of the scapulars present in 
Bucephala. Perhaps in time they would have developed. The 
same possibility exists with regard to the very rudimentary black 
bands extending ventrally in front of the wing on the sides of the 
breast, the white wing patch, the tertial and scapular stripes. 
Doubtless maturity would have sharpened the contrast between 
dark neck and white breast feathers. As in the adult male 
hooded merganser, but less intensively and over a smaller area, 
the sides of the breast and flanks are washed with cinnamon and 
vermiculated with black. 


The outer secondary alone is bordered with white, but this is 
sufficiently prominent to form as in Lophodytes the posterior 
white bar, separated by the black basal bar across this secondary 
from the anterior white wing bar across the ends of the greater 
coverts. The middle and lesser coverts are white, irregularly 
mottled and washed with gray. 

The beak resembles that of the merganser more closely than 
that of the golden-eye, thereby approaching the New Haven 
hybrid in character, but unlike the latter, its beak, instead of 
tapering, is parallel-sided as in clangula (Fig. 6). The serra- 
tions and lateral lamellae, especially on the lower mandible, are 
less well developed than in the New Haven bird, although closely 
similar in form and arrangement. Both hybrids follow Lopho- 
dytes in the shape and position of the nostrils. 

Whereas the New Haven specimen in scalation of its tarsi 
follows Lophodytes on one leg, and Bucephala on the other, the 
Maine hybrid resembles the latter on both tarsi. 

Compare with Table I, the following: 



A. Exrernat Anatomy (Fics. 17, 18) 

Weert, ie ais sore sts’ jo, Sais Mapa teual topes ane aoa eee 450 mm. 
WY Brn * ie a sisi atusr ase taerniat at veus alleve: ot Ghavane a atte emonen 222 
Tail, Ten geby sis 3s hides isis icys 6 ee as Bake iawn are ee 110 
Number ‘of rectrices: .).).\0t ois <i «oie io ooh a 18 
Culmen, loral line to tip...... ty anes te emit 41.5 
Height, from lower edge of upper mandible to 
frontal angle) j.(3:.3:35 avs. Pie; a ee 17 
Least height’ (10 mm, from: tip)isa5.¢. sheer 6 
Width. of base, is 3.5 belies eek Seon d oars 16 
“1. Oka) froma Epis is daiehiiinateye einen ates 13 


of ‘seale fee ee eee 8 


About 26 serrations along each edge of upper mandible are almost 
concealed from lateral view. They agree with those in the New 
Haven hybrid in form and direction. 

On each upper edge of the lower mandible are 45 serrations similar 
in form and arrangement to those in the New Haven hybrid, but the 
six anteriormost hardly rise above the surface. 

A series of 39 short external lamellae occurs along the superior- 
lateral face of lower mandible as in the New Haven hybrid. Closure 
of bill hides all teeth and lamellae. 

The upper mandible is almost parallel-sided, thus resembling 
Bucephala more closely than does the New Haven hybrid. 

OH RUG ects ea ketene) satay ais Wael s/feve\fe ep ev acetate” © a) eaiaes 34 mm. 
Middle: toe; and) mails yo. 20.03) 6 ahs, s)sioaviess ere!ci says 62 
Number of scales on top of outer toe......... 44 

Scalation of both legs as in Bucephala (Fig. 16). 
Crest well developed; longest feathers 38 mm. 

B. Cotror 

Second spring plumage, still immature; considerably worn. 

Head and neck chestnut brown, with many newly formed black 
feathers. Dark color does not descend downward so far on fore-neck 
as in Lophodytes; meets white of breast in zone of immature spotted 

Back dark seal brown; feathers edged with grayish. 

Dark color of neck and back broadly joined together. 

Breast and belly white; two black bars on sides of breast slightly 

Middle and lesser wing coverts white mottled with gray. 

White wing-patch broken by two broad black bars across bases of 
secondaries and greater coverts. Outermost secondary alone has white 
band on outer vane. 

Scapulars black; primaries seal brown; tail seal brown; sides and 
flanks pale cinereous vermiculated with black as in the New Haven 
hybrid; sides of belly and crissum dark drab brown; bill black; glass 
eye golden yellow; legs and toes apparently yellow; webs darker. 

Apparently the genes which are responsible for many visible 
characters of L. cucullatus and B. clangula americana segregated 


in true Mendelian fashion in the maturation of the gametes which 
united to produce the New Haven hybrid. Many of these genes 
were able to exert almost their full influence, resulting in a bird 
which presents a remarkable mosaic of the two sets of parental 
characters; for example, number of tail feathers, tarsal scala- 
tion, marking of tertials and scapulars. On the other hand, 
certain attributes appear as blends between homologous parental 
structures, e.g., size of bird, color of head, form of bill. Other 
features which are present in one parent and absent in the other, 
such as the two black breast bars, crest, lateral lamellae on beak, 
and vermiculations on flanks and sides, exist in the hybrid, but 
have been modified somewhat in size, in form, or in both. 

While the same remarks apply to the hybrid from Maine, the 
characters are less well-defined owing to its immaturity. 

A comparative analysis of the two hybrids is given in 
Table III: 

Some characters which at first glance suggest that blending 
has occurred, upon analysis reveal the probability that they are 
in reality to be regarded as mosaics. For example, the head is 
entirely black in the New Haven hybrid, but incorporates the 
black cheeks of Lophodytes and the black nape of Bucephala. 
From another point of view, neither the white cheek patches of 
the one nor the white crest patch of the other parent species were 
able to develop. This may have been on account of a conflict 
of genes. 

When considering these matters, one should bear in mind the 
evident immaturity of the Maine hybrid, and the remote possi- 
bility that even the New Haven bird might in a following season 
have developed more fully the pattern elements of one or both 
parent species. 

Table III may be summarized as follows: 

No. of characters No. of blended No. of characters 

favoring characters favoring 
Lophodytes Bucephala 
New Haven Hybrid... 614 3 71, 

Mame Poy brid: 4). > 61% 3 5 



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This summary reveals the consistency of inheritance in the 
two birds. Maturity might have brought out in the Maine 
hybrid one more character from Lophodytes (white tertial 
stripes), and two more characters of Bucephala (white scapular 
marks, green iridescence on head). 

Of the 18 characters observed, 13 were similarly inherited by 
both hybrids (1, 2, 5, 4, 5, 6; ‘7, 9, 12, 18, 15, 16, 18)charare 
uncertain because of immaturity of the Maine bird (8, 10, 11); 
one (17) follows Bucephala in the Maine hybrid, while in the 
New Haven bird the character appears complete as in Lophodytes 
on one leg, and as in Bucephala on the other leg; finally, a single 
character (14), with due allowance for immaturity, is reversed 
in the two hybrids. 

One may now profitably compare with the Maine and New 
Haven hybrids a few characters of Eimbeck’s European hybrid 
Bucephala clangula clangula < Mergellus albellus described on 
an earlier page. This bird was a fine male in full plumage. 
One parent (Bucephala) was almost identical for all three birds. 
The other parent (Lophodytes) was identical for both American 
hybrids, but for the European was another species of black and 
white merganser, the smew. This species (Mergellus albellus) 
differs considerably from Lophodytes, especially in lack of crest, 
but resembles it in possessing two black crescentic bands on each 
side of the white breast, and two white wing bars. 

Eimbeck’s hybrid inherited traces of the black breast bars of 
Mergellus, the black head and green iridescence of Bucephala 
(wing bars not mentioned). Absence of crest is consistent with 
its absence in both parents. 

The striking feature, as contrasted with the two American 
specimens, is the presence of a “white spot between the beak and 
eye.” In this respect the Bucephala pattern dominated. 

Both Guyer (1909) and Phillips (1914) remark on the pre- 
ponderance of males among hybrid ducks, especially in cases 
where the parents are distantly related. It is interesting to note 
that all hybrids discussed in this paper are males. 

HYBRID MALLARD (Anas platyrhynchos) X BLACK 
DUCK (Anas rubripes) 

(Pl. III, Fig. 19) 

HIS bird (Peabody Museum, Yale University, Cat. No. 
A ious was taken with two wild red-legged black ducks at 
Milford, Connecticut, November 11, 1932. It resembles A. 
rubripes rubripes closely on head and neck. The upper and 
under parts of the body are somewhat lighter and warmer in 
color. Feathers of the breast and under tail coverts especially 
are widely margined with vinaceous-cinnamon (IV/15). Many of 
them have one or more additional interrupted bars of the same 
color. This reddish tendency is doubtless inherited from the 

Even more mallard-like are the wings. Although in hue the 
speculum is greenish-blue, as in the black duck, it is bordered by 
the two white bars of the mallard, one crossing the greater 
coverts below their black tips and the other whitening the ends of 
the secondaries. The white under wing coverts show their 
rubripes inheritance in the broken row of dark spots near the 
edge of the wing. Like both mallard and black duck, this hybrid 
has white axillars, but is exceptional in bearing one right axillar 
with three broad, but incomplete bars and a terminal spot of gray. 

When first seen the tarsi were lighter colored than in the black 
duck, and less orange than in the mallard; according to Ridg- 
way’s nomenclature (1896) the hue was two-thirds salmon (Plate 
VII, No. 17) and one-third saturn red (VII, 16); feet some- 
what more dilute. Tarsi of a black duck taken at the same time 
were two-thirds salmon and one-third orange vermilion (VII, 12). 

In form the only notable hybrid character is in the bill. This 
is intermediate between the higher, wider, parallel-sided beak of 
A. rubripes and that of A. platyrhynchos which is narrower at 
the base and somewhat flatter anteriorly. When fresh the color 
was chromium green (X, 12) warmed with olive-yellow (VI, 16) 


toward the base, and fading through sage green (X, 15) to pea 
green (X, 9) at the tip; darker along antero-lateral edge; nail 
nearly black; upper surface of culmen dusky. The bill of 
A. rubripes taken at the same time was nearly ochre yellow 
(V, 9), with nail and margin darker; much darker on inside of 
upper mandible and on teeth of lower mandible. 

There can be no possibility that this bird is an immature male 
mallard, for the head and neck are typically ashy as in the black 
duck, not buffy. The tail feathers lack the white margins of the 
mallard and are in prime condition instead of being ragged and 
worn as is usually true of the immature mallard in November. 
The breast is very much darker than that of a young mallard. 

Bent, A. C. 

Life histories of North American wild fowl. 
U. S. Nat. Mus. Bull. 126, 1923; Bull. 130, 1925. 

Bicetow, H. B. 
On hybrids between the mallard (Anas boschas) and certain other 

Auk, vol. 24, pp. 382-388, 1907. 

Brewster, WILLIAM 

Courtship of the American golden-eye or whistler. 
The Condor, vol. 18, pp. 22-30, 1911. 


Wild hybrid duck, Clangula americana and Mergus cucullatus. 
Abstract, Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 5, pp. 118-120, 

Exuior, D. G. 
Hybridism, and a description of a hybrid between Anas boschas 
and A. americana. 
Auk, vol. 9, pp. 160-166, 1892. 

Forsusn, E. H. 
Birds of Massachusetts and other New England States, vol. 1, p. 
188, 1925. 
Guyer, M. F. 
On the sex of hybrid birds. 
Biol. Bull., vol. 16, pp. 193-198, 1909. 
Prerers, J. L. 

Check-list of the birds of the world. 
Vol. 1, Harvard Univ. Press, 1981. 


Size inheritance in ducks. 
J. Exp. Zool., vol. 16, pp. 131-148, 1914. 


Ripaway, Rosert 
Nomenclature of colors for naturalists. 
Boston, 1896. 
ScHLuUrer, W. von 
Hybrid Anas boscas X Mergus merganser. 
Ornitholog. Jahrbuch. Bd. 1, Heft 1, pp. 109-110, 1891. 
Des hybrides 4 l’état sauvage. Classe des oiseaux. 

Régne animal, vol. I, pp. 1002, Paris, 1897. 

ZootoaicaL Recorp, 1900-1931. 


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Additional Copies 
of this Bulletin may be procured from 
Peabody Museum of Natural History, Yale University, 
New Haven, Conn., 
25 cents per copy. 

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