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Hon. Charles Stewart, Minister; Charles Camsell, Deputy Minister 


W. H. Collins, Acting Director 


Annual Report for 1928 



^ _ Page 

General Activities of the Museum: W. H. Collins 1 

The Ancient Education of a Carrier Indian: D. Jenness 22 

A Study of the Canadian Races of Rock Ptarmigan ( Lagopua ru-pastns): P. A. Taverner . . 28 







Hon. Charles Stewart, Minister; Charles Camsell. Deputy Minister 


W. H. Collins, Acting Director 


Annual Report for 1928 



General Activities of the Museum: W. H, Collins. 1 

The Ancient Education of a Carrier Indian: D. Jenness 22 

A Study of the Canadian Races of Rock Ptarmigan ( Lagopus rupestris): P. A, Taverner . . 28 





By W. H. Collins , Acting Director 

The National Museum of Canada is able to report satisfactory progress 
during the year 1928 in the collecting of material for scientific study and 
exhibition, in systematic scientific investigation, in the public display of 
anthropological, zoological, botanical, geological, and mineralogical speci- 
mens, and in educational activities. 

Collections were made of much material of merit from the aboriginal 
races of the country and efforts are being made to procure as much 
material as may now be available in a form unaffected, or as little affected 
as possible, by the culture of the Whites. Studies of Indian races were 
conducted at first hand by scientists who lived among them for a part of 
the year and made records of their lore, their customs, their religion, their 
music, their handicrafts, and their whole culture. Excavations were also 
made of ancient village sites to obtain greater knowledge of the distribution 
and the culture of the races of prehistoric times. 

Mammals and birds were collected at a number of points, particularly 
in southern British Columbia and on the north shore of the St. Lawrence, 
and observations were recorded regarding them in their local habitat. 
One member of the staff accompanied the expedition of the Northwest 
Territories and Yukon Branch of the Department of the Interior to the 
Canadian Arctic islands and made zoological observations and collections. 

Collections of plants were made at a number of points in Hudson bay, 
much additional information was gained regarding the distribution of 
plants, and the herbarium was enriched by many botanical specimens 
from localities heretofore unrepresented. 

Additions were made to the systematic mineralogical and geological 
collections, and good collections of vertebrate and invertebrate fossil 
material were made. These have been, or are being, made the subject of 
careful study and the results will be published. 

A supply of new exhibition cases has been procured and such progress 
will be made towards their utilization as careful selection, labelling, and 
proper display will permit. During the year 1929 there will be placed on 
exhibition, therefore, a lot of very choice material from the anthropological 

The National Museum of Canada is an outgrowth of the Geological 
Survey and in certain activities no sharp line of division is yet drawn 
between the two. The Museum is indebted to members of the staff of the 
Geological Survey for most enthusiastic co-operation in the exhibition of 
geological, palaeontological, and mineralogical material. Other govern- 
ment departments have shown a much appreciated interest of the exhibition 
work of the Museum and it is expected that the next annual report will 
record very tangible results of this interest. 

89917 — li 


The educational activities of a museum are extremely important. 
The results of the scientific investigations are issued in the form of bulletins. 
Efforts are also being made towards reaching the popular audience. The 
semi-scientific semi-popular lecture is one important medium and the 
lecture hall of the National Museum is the scene of great activity during 
the winter months. Further information regarding the lecture courses is 
given below. Lantern slides for illustrating lectures are loaned, and for 
these there is an increasing demand. The public has learned to look to 
the National Museum as a source of photographs of special subjects and 
there is a large demand for these for educational work and for book illustra- 
tions. The Museum is accumulating a library of moving picture films, 
and several were added during the year to illustrate the life and customs of 
the Indians. The two books, Birds of Eastern Canada and Birds of 
Western Canada, illustrate admirably the method of popular education 
by means of well illustrated and interesting publications. There has been a 
big demand for these books and they have been very influential in arousing 
and fostering an interest in the bird life of the country and its preservation. 

The Acting Director of the Museum here expresses his gratitude to 
the Geological Survey, the Entomological Branch of the Department of 
Agriculture, the Canadian National Parks, the Northwest Territories, and 
the Forestry Branches of the Department of the Interior, The Royal 
Canadian Mounted Police, and to other government departments for assist- 
ance and co-operation. He is not unmindful either of his debt of gratitude 
to many individuals and organizations, both Canadian and foreign, for 
exchanges and donations and for assistance on scientific investigations. 

Detailed reports by the various heads of divisions of the Museum 


A course of lectures in natural history and other scientific subjects is 
presented each winter in the lecture hall of the Museum. The lecture 
committee, consisting of H. I. Smith, M. E. Wilson, and C. L. Patch, on 
whom falls the responsibility of securing lecturers and organizing the 
course, reports a very successful year. The purpose of the lectures is to 
extend the educational influence of the Museum among children, to widen 
their knowledge, and arouse an interest in scientific subjects. They are 
delivered to the children Saturday mornings and the attendance is so 
large that the lectures have to be repeated, the first commencing at 10 
o’clock and the second at 11 o’clock. Adults have the privilege of hearing 
these lectures Wednesday evenings. Appropriate motion pictures are 
also shown. For the loan of films the Museum wishes to express its grati- 
tude to the Canadian Government Motion Picture Bureau; the Northwest 
Territories Branch, the Forestry Branch, and the Canadian National 
Parks Branch of the Department of the Interior; the Province of Ontario 
Pictures; the United States Bureau of Mines; the Canadian Forestry 
Association; and the Picture Service Corporation of New York. The small 
library of films of the Museum was also used. 

It is gratifying to report that other departments have manifested a 
willingness to co-operate with the Museum in providing lecturers. More 
than half of the lecturers of the season were drawn from the Department of 
National Defence and from different branches of the Departments of 


Agriculture and of the Interior, and their services were contributed volun- 
tarily, This rendered it possible to present a series of lectures on a great 
variety of subjects such as anthropology, zoology, ornithology, entomology, 
forestry, agriculture, transportation, geography, geology, and history. 

During the series for 1928-29 the total attendance of children at the 
Saturday morning lectures was 7,950 with an average of 530, and the total 
attendance of adults at the Wednesday evening lectures was 1,978 with an 
average of 133. Following is a list of the lectures delivered: 

The wonders of the microscopic world, or the accident of size, by Miss C. W. Fritz, 
J. J. DeGryce, and M. E. Wilson. 

Experiences with Ottawa birds, by R. E. DeLury and C. L. Patch. 

Petroleum in North America, by G. S. Hume. 

Glimpses of native life in far off New Guinea, by D. Jenness. 

A visit to the west coast of Canada, by Miss M. B. Williams and H. I. Smith. 

Airplanes and how they fly, by A. Ferrier. 

How trees grow, by R. D. Craig. 

Canada’s Arctic regions, by R. M. Anderson, 

The importance of the tobacco industry to Canada, by R. J. Haslan. 

Mosquitoes and houseflies, enemies of mankind, by C. R. Twinn. 

The story of iron, by T. L. Tanton. 

Some landmarks in Canadian history, by A. A. Pinard. 

How the Department of Mines serves the public, by L. L. Bolton. 

From cactus land to ice fields in British Columbia, by H. C. Gunning. 

A trip to Australia, by J. M. Swaine and D. Jenness. 

D. Jenness, Chief of the Division, reports: 

The Division of Anthropology maintained the same organization and 
personnel as in the two previous years. The lack of a second ethnologist, 
and of a physical anthropologist, made it necessary to employ two outside 
field workers during the year, Mr. C. B. Osgood, of the University of 
Chicago, and Dr. J. C. Boileau Grant, Professor of Anatomy in the Univer- 
sity of Manitoba. Professor Grant will probably be available again in 
future years, but it is very difficult to find a competent ethnologist who will 
undertake field work in the remoter parts of Canada, such as northern 
Ontario, northern Manitoba, and the basin of Mackenzie river. To carry 
out any effective ethnological work in these regions it will be necessary to 
fill the vacancy on the staff by the appointment of an assistant ethnologist, 
preferably a young man who will devote most of his life to field work in 
these areas. 

Field Work 

Five parties were engaged in field work during the summer of 1928. 
H. I. Smith made systematic collections of archaeological and ethnological 
specimens in the southern part of British Columbia, and took motion pic- 
tures of the Kootenay, Salish, and Blackfoot tribes; C. M. Barbeau con- 
tinued his studies of French-Canadian arts and handicrafts in Quebec; 
W. J. Wintemberg, after examining some prehistoric Indian camping sites 
on Richelieu river, reconnoitred the north shore of the gulf of St. Lawrence 
from the strait of Belle Isle to Tadoussac; Dr. J. C. Boileau Grant, Pro- 
fessor of Anatomy at the University of Manitoba, made an anthropo- 
metric investigation of the Crce and Chipewyan Indians on lake Athabaska, 



and C. B. Osgood, of the University of Chicago, travelled down Mackenzie 
river to Norman where he has undertaken to make a complete ethnological 
study of the Hare Indians during the winter of 1928-29. 

The field work of H. I. Smith added 323 ethnological and 53 archaeo- 
logical specimens to the Museum’s collections, together with more than 
4,500 feet of motion picture film. The Indian tribes are now so civilized 
that it is very difficult to obtain specimens of their earlier tools, weapons, 
and household furniture, no examples of which will be available a few 
years hence. The division is, therefore, making a special effort to enlarge 
its collections while this is still possible, and attempting at the same time to 
secure photographic records of the fast vanishing native life. It now has 
material for motion picture films of six different tribes, five in British 
Columbia and one on the plains. 

C. M. Barbeau spent the field season in Quebec city and its vicinity 
studying, photographing, and copying historical records concerning the 
carvings, paintings, and handicrafts of French Canada. In September he 
attended, with D. Jenness, the meetings of the International Congress of 
Americanists in New York, where he read a paper on “The Origin of Flora 
and Other Designs Among the North American Indians” that outlined 
some of the results obtained from his researches. 

W. J. Wintemberg made two notable discoveries during the summer. 
On the north shore of the strait of Belle Isle he found a camping site of the 
extinct Beothuk Indians of Newfoundland, thus proving that they occupied 
at one time the southeast corner of Labrador peninsula. He discovered 
also a camping site of the Iroquois Indians near Kegashka, which is several 
hundred miles east of the known range of Iroquois forays. 

Dr. Grant was very successful in securing measurements and observa- 
tions of a large number of Indians at lake Athabaska which provided him, 
among other results, with valuable conclusions concerning the physiological 
effects of Indian and white admixture. Some blood tests that he obtained 
from the same Indians confirmed the theory that the pure blood natives 
do not possess either of the agglutinogens that are generally present in 
European and Asiatic peoples, a difference that may prove to have an 
important bearing on the problem of the origin of our native races in 

A letter from C. B. Osgood, written just before Christmas and received 
two months later, stated that he was wintering with a small band of Hare 
Indians at the outlet of Great Bear lake. Influenza had been rife among 
the natives and the fishing was poor, so that they were suffering consider- 
able hardship. His work, nevertheless, was proceeding favourably. 

Office Work 

The division published two scientific reports during the past year: 
“A Comparative Vocabulary of the Western Eskimo Dialects,” by D. 
Jenness; and “The Uren Prehistoric Village Site, Oxford County, Ontario” 
by W. J. Wintemberg. Two other reports have been submitted for publi- 
cation: “Totem-Poles of the Gitksan,” by C. M. Barbeau; and “Anthro- 
pometry of the Cree and Ojibway Indians in Northeastern Manitoba,” by 
Professor J. C. Boileau Grant. A preliminary report on the Anthro- 
pometry and Blood Groupings of the Cree and Chipewyan Indians of Lake 


Athabaska, covering Professor Grant’s field work during the summer, has 
come to hand. W. J. Wintemberg is completing a report on the Roebuck 
Village Site in Southeastern Ontario; D. Jenness is preparing a textbook 
on the Aborigines of Canada, and C. M. Barbeau a monograph on the 
Songs of the Tsimshian. 

C. M. Barbeau published jointly with Dr. Ernest MacMillan a volume 
of French-Canadian folk-songs entitled “Twenty-one Folk-songs of 
French Canada,” and D. Jenness had an article on the “Physiography and 
Archaeology of Little Diomede Island, Bering Strait,” in the Geographical 
Review for January, 1928. 

The division supplied material for five outside exhibits during the 
past year, each of which entailed considerable office work. It lent a series 
of French-Canadian specimens for the Canadian Folk-Lore Festival held 
at Quebec in May; in August it contributed a large number of specimens 
from various parts of Canada for an exhibition in connexion with the 
centenary celebration at Pembroke, Ontario; in the autumn it furnished 
the Canadian National Railways with Pacific Coast Indian specimens for 
two exhibits, one in Chicago and one in Toronto; and in November it lent a 
series of old Iroquois specimens to the Buffalo Academy of Science to fill 
out a special exhibit that was being arranged by that institution. 

Dr. A. Hrdlicka, Curator of Physical Anthropology in the Smithsonian 
Institution, Washington, and Mr. Walter B. Cline, of Harvard University, 
spent several days at the Museum in the course of the summer studying its 
Eskimo and Salish crania. Professor R. R. Gates, of King’s College, 
London, also visited the Museum to obtain information concerning the 
Indian tribes of Mackenzie River basin. 

Mr. Jenness superintended the passage through the press of his 
“Comparative Vocabulary of the Western Eskimo Dialects,” and critically 
edited the two manuscripts listed above that have been submitted for 
publication. He supplied extensive notes on the various Indian tribes of 
Canada to the Bureau of American Ethnology, Washington, which is pre- 
paring a hand book on the aboriginal tribes of North America, revised at 
the request of the same institution a lengthy article on the Eskimo that 
has been prepared by a member of its staff, and indexed for the Editorial 
Division eight anthropological reports published by the Museum in former 
years. His own textbook, on the Aborigines of Canada, is now well 
advanced. Much of his time, as usual, was occupied with official corres- 
pondence and with the routine duties of his office, which includes the 
general supervision of the exhibition and storage of specimens. He attended, 
with Mr. Barbeau, the meetings of the International Congress of American- 
ists in New York in September, and participated in the discussions and 
conferences which took place during its session. 

Mr. Harlan I. Smith, during the winter months, arranged for titling 
motion picture films of the Kootenay, Coast Salish, and Tsimshian Indians, 
and put in rough continuity the film of the Shuswap and Okanagan Indians. 
Besides attending to the general archaeological routine, he continued to 
secure and incorporate in the files a large body of information concerning 
archaeological sites in various parts of Canada. A portion of his time was 
also taken up by the superintendence of the Museum Lecture course and 
in the reading of proofs for publication. 

89917 — 2J 


C. M. Barbeau’s time at the Museum was mostly devoted to the 
completion of his “Totem-Poles of the Gitksan,” which was submitted for 
publication early in the winter, and to the transcription of Tsimshian 
songs from phonograph records. A set of over a hundred of these songs 
with melodies, texts, translations, and explanations, is being prepared as 
a Museum monograph to be completed early in the winter of 1930. The 
preparation and supervision of the Folk-Song and Handicraft Festival at 
Quebec required considerable time in the spring of 1929. Over a hundred 
French-Canadian folk-songs, from the Museum collection, have been sent 
to several musicians for harmonization and are being published in Canada, 
England, and the United States. 

W. J. Wintemberg completed his memoir on the Roebuck Village Site 
and also prepared a paper on Representations of the Thunderbird in 
Indian Art. 

Museum Work 

In the west anthropological hall the entire series of exhibits devoted 
to the Nootka Indians of Vancouver island has been completely rearranged. 
Many of the specimens shown in these exhibition cases are old and of 
considerable value; in their present arrangement they should prove both 
attractive and instructive to the visiting public. The east anthropological 
hall is now equipped with fourteen large exhibition cases that only require 
diaphragms to make them available for immediate use. One case has al- 
ready been supplied with a temporary diaphragm in order to display the 
fine collection of Stoney Indian specimens generously presented by Martin 
Nordegg; and a second case contains an experimental exhibit of basketry 
arranged on glass shelves. Much -work was done by Douglas Leechman 
in cleaning and repairing specimens in storage, many of which are a heritage 
from earlier years when the Museum did not possess a staff with knowledge 
of and experience in their care and treatment. 

Accessions to Museum 

The anthropological collections of the Museum were augmented 
during the year as follows: 

Ethnological 406 specimens 

Archaeological 380 “ 

Osteological 12 “ 

Total 798 “ 

The majority of these specimens -were collected by H. I. Smith and 
W. J. Wintemberg in the course of field work, but the list includes a valu- 
able collection of old Stoney Indian specimens. 

The storage of specimens still presents great difficulties, in spite of 
the fact that a new room, No. 16, has been provided in the basement. 
The Frank Street building in which the Division of Anthropology occupies 
the upper storey, is altogether unsuitable for storage purposes because the 
warmth and the daylight to which the specimens are exposed are causing 
their slow disintegration, so that many will be totally destroyed within 
the next 25 or 50 years if they are allowed to remain in their present location. 


Up-to-date museums construct special moth-proof and gas-proof storage 
rooms which are maintained at an even, somewhat low, temperature 
and illuminated only by artificial light. 


The following articles were published by the staff of the division dur- 
ing the past fiscal year: 

Language, Mythology, and Songs of Bwaidoga. By D. Jenness. Memoirs of the Poly- 
nesian Society, vol. 8. 

Comparative Vocabulary of Western Eskimo Dialects. By D. Jenness. Reports of 
Canadian Arctic Expedition, vol. 15, part A. 

Little Diomede Island, Bering Strait. By D. Jenness. Geographical Review, vol. 19, 
No. 1 (January, 1929). 

The Land of the Midnight Sun. By D. Jenness. The Country Gentleman, December, 

The Downfall of Temlaham. By C. M. Barbeau. The MacMillan Company of Canada, 
Toronto, July, 1928. 

Folk-songs of French Canada. By. C. M. Barbeau. The Toronto Conservatory of Music 
Quarterly, summer, 1928 — “Quebec,” London, England, October, 1928. 

The ( hurch of Saint-Pierre. Island of Orleans, Quebec. By Ramsay Traquair and Marius 
Barbeau. The Journal, Royal Architectural Institute of Canada, February, 1929. 

Folk-songs of French Canada. By C. M. Barbeau. La Patrie, St .-Jean -Baptiste number, 
June, 1928. 

Annotated program, Canadian Folk Song and Handicrafts Festival. By C. M. Barbeau. 

Twenty-one Folk-songs of French Canada. By C. M, Barbeau. Harris and Company, 
Oakville, Ontario. 

The Technique of Certain Aboriginal Cords. By W. J. Wintemberg. Thirty-fifth Annual 
Archieo logical Report, 1924-25, being part of Appendix to the Report of the Minister 
of Education, Ontario, Toronto, 1928. 

Artifacts from Ancient Graves and Mounds in Ontario. By W. J. Wintemberg. Trans. 
Roy. Soc., Canada, 3rd ser., vol. 22, sec. 2 (1928). 

Early French-Canadian Pottery. By Douglas Leechman. Canadian Homes and Gardens, 
September, 1928. 

Collecting Harness Brasses. By Douglas Leechman. House and Garden, September, 1928. 

West Coast Art. By Douglas Leechman. The Arts, New York, October, 1928. 

Native Canadian Art of the West Coast. By Douglas Leechman. Studio, London, 
November, 1928. 

Lanterns and Candles of Old Quebec. By Douglas Leechman. Canadian Homes and 
Gardens, December, 1928. 


Lectures were delivered by the staff during the fiscal year as follows: 

By D. Jenness : 

Glimpses of Native Life in Far Off New Guinea. Victoria Memorial Museum, 
December 1 and 5, 1928. 

The Indians of Canada. Kiwanis Boys’ Club, Ottawa. February 7, 1929. 

The Romance of Archseology in America. Logan Club, Ottawa, February 27, 1929. 

By C. M. Barbeau: 

Southward Migrations of the Northwest Coast Tribes; The Modern Growth of the 
Totem Pole on the Northwest Coast; The Origin of Floral Designs Among the 
Canadian and Neighbouring Indians. The International Congress of American- 
ists, New York city, September, 1928. 

Folk-songs of French Canada. Women’s Canadian Club of St. Catharines, Ontario, 
and Alma College, St. Thomas, Ontario, December, 1928. 

The Folk-songs of French Canada As a Basis for Musical Art in Canada. Empire 
Club, Toronto, March, 1929. 


By Harlan L Smith: 

Museum Work in Canada. Art, Historical, and Scientific Association, Hotel Georgia, 
Vancouver, B.C. 

A Visit to the West Coast of Canada. Victoria Memorial Museum, December 8 and 
December 12, 1928. 

Making Motion Picture Records of the Indians of Canada. Gastronomic Club, 
Ottawa, January 30, 1929. Home and School Club, Percy Street school, Ottawa. 
Home and School Club, Elgin Street school, Ottawa. 

By W. J. Wintemberg : 

Archaeological Work on the Labrador Coast. Rotary Club, Fredericton, September 
11, 1928. 

Accessions to Museum 

(a) VFnoM Staff: 

From Harlan I. Smith: 

111 Blackfoot specimens from Gleichen, Alberta 
258 West Coast specimens from British Columbia 

From W. J. Wintemberg: 

3 boxes of archaeological specimens from Canadian Labrador 
1 box of archaeological specimens from New Brunswick 

From R. M, Anderson: 

1 specime a from Dundas Harbour 

From L. J. Weeks: 

1 wood drill chuck from Nettilling fiord 

From J. B. Mawdsley: 

1 pair of sealskin boots from Baffin island 

From J. D. Soper: 

1 kayak model from Baffin island 

(b) Donations: 

From National Museum of Denmark: 

71 specimens from Central Eskimo 

From Mr. Martin Nordegg: 

25 Stoney specimens 

From late J. A. Tait: 

3 Thompson River specimens 

From S. J. Wilson: 

1 iron arrowhead from Devon island 

From F. H. Lambart: 

1 pair “lapp boots” from Alaska 

From A. E. Robb: 

1 ethnological specimen 
3 archaeological specimens 

From TV. C. Pound: 

1 specimen from south coast of British Columbia 

From R. James: 

14 specimens from British Columbia 

From H. B. Rowe: 

5 archaeological specimens from British Columbia 

From W. J. Bates: 

1 tubular pottery pipe from Bracken 


From C. Lusk: 

1 grooved stone maul from Woolsey, Sask. 

From Herman Leisk: 

4 skulls and human bones from British Columbia 

From A. S. Vaughan: 

2 skulls near Quesnel, B.C. 

From S . Boys: 

1 skull from Wenatchee 

From Mr. Osborn : 

1 skull and humerus 

From Prof . E. E. Prince: 

Portion of crania of Seminole Indians 

From Frits Johansen: 

11 archaeological specimens from Ungava 

From Inspector A. H. Joy: 

9 specimens from Craig Harbour 

From C. M. Garber: 

8 specimens from Alaska 

From R. J. Tait: 

1 stone club 
1 carved stone mortar 

From G. D. Sprot: 

3 photographs 

From Mrs. J. H. St. -Clair: 

1 blow gun and equipment from the Jibaro Indians of Ecuador 

From Mrs. J. A. Wilson: 

3 photographs 1 pipe 1 

1 bracelet [ from South Africa 
1 bead bag J 

From W. S. Lecky: 

7 fragments of pottery from Belmont 

From W. J. Coleman: 

1 steel spear point from Chalk River, Ont. 

From J. Russell: 

5 archaeological specimens, lake Athabaska 

From Major D. H. Nelles: 

15 archaeological specimens from Grimsby 

From “ Chief George 

1 stone anchor 

From W. Bell Dawson: 

8 specimens from West Coast 

(c) Purchases: 

From Mrs. D. B. Dowling: 

7 Indian specimens 

From Canadian Handicrafts Guild , Montreal: 

1 Iroquois cradle-board 

From G. D. T. Pickering: 

5 specimens from T6te de Boule Indians 



Mr. Barbeau reports that the folk-lore data collected for the Museum 
during the past year stand as follows. The voluminous data collected during 
the summer investigations in Quebec, on the early French colonial handi- 
crafts and school of architecture and sculpture, are mentioned elsewhere 
in the annual report. 


The Barbeau (Marius ) Collection: 

Voluminous notes from early records on sculpture, architecture, handicrafts, etc. 

375 folk-song texts 
53 folk-tales and anecdotes 
230 photographs 

6 specimens donated to the Museum 

The Lambert ( Adelard ) Collection: 

56 song-texts with phonograph records 
3 folk-tales 

The Leechman (Douglas) Collection: 

20 violin dance tunes of Quebec, recorded on the phonograph at the Museum 

Other Collections: 

Abb6 Georges C6t6, 39 photographs 

Mile. M. L. Laurin, 8 photographs, also MS. notes on potters and the ancient 
church of Lorette 
Judge Pouliot, 3 photographs 
Linsey Crossley, 4 photographs 
R6gis Roy, 1 folk-tale 
L.-P. Geoffrior, 1 song text 
W. J. Wintemberg, 1 song-text 
Mrs. J. Mount-Ducket t, 1 song-text 
A. Y. Jackson, 1 homespun specimen 

K. M. Anderson, Chief of the Division, reports: 

Field Work 

R. M. Anderson in April, 1928, visited the Royal Ontario Museum of 
Zoology, Toronto; the United States National Museum, Washington; 
and the American Museum of Natural History, New York, and made 
extended notes on specimens of Canadian mammals as well as of methods 
of arranging and exhibiting zoological and botanical specimens. While in 
Washington, he attended the Tenth Annual Meeting of the American 
Society of Mammalogists, April 10 to 14, and presented an illustrated 
paper on “The Bowhead Whale in the Western Arctic.” He left Ottawa 
again July 14 to join the Canadian Arctic Expedition of 1928 as naturalist. 
The expedition, under direction of Mr. George P. Mackenzie, Northwest 
Territories and Yukon Branch, Department of the Interior, sailed from 
North Sydney, N.S., July 19, on S.S. Beothic, passing through the strait 
of Belle Isle, and proceeding directly to Godhavn, Disko island, Greenland, 
arriving July 26. After a short visit, the Beothic crossed Baffin bay to 


Bylot island and Ponds inlet, arriving July 30, moving north to Dundas 
harbour, Devon island, July 31. After some delays on account of ice in 
Smith sound, the vessel reached Buchanan bay, but was stopped a short 
distance from Bache Peninsula port, and was ultimately compelled to 
unload the supplies at the sub-station at Fram Havn. Moving southward 
the ship crossed to Greenland again, landing some Eskimos at Nerq settle- 
ment south of Etah on August 7, and also touched at Hakluyt island in 
Smith sound the same day. August 8 to 11 were spent in taking aboard 
supplies from Craig harbour, south side of Ellesmere island, to be dis- 
tributed to other ports. The Beothic then crossed Jones sound to Sparbo, 
Devon island, where a small herd of musk-oxen was located and motion 
pictures taken. A second stop was made at Dundas harbour on August 
13, and continuing up Lancaster sound to Beechey island, a cache was estab- 
lished for the winter patrol of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. Ponds 
inlet was again visited August 15 by going through Navy Board inlet. A 
short stop was made at Clyde river, northeastern Baffin island, and a 
longer stop at Pangnirtung, Cumberland sound. The next port was Lake 
Harbour, on southern coast of Baffin island, which was reached on August 
25. Crossing Hudson strait, the Beothic stopped at Port Burwell August 
27-28, and running down the Labrador coast without incident of note, 
arrived at North Sydney on September 2, after an absence of forty-five 
days, and logging about 6,500 miles. Of the 255 hours available at fourteen 
ports some were lost on account of bad weather and darkness during the 
latter part of the trip, but fair collections were made, including 108 birds, 
19 mammals, a small number of fishes and other forms of life, as well as 
many photographs. The past year or two have been notable for a shortage 
of all the smaller mammals in the eastern Arctic, particularly hares and 
lemmings, and the white and blue foxes, which constitute almost the 
whole fur trade of this region, have also been very scarce. The birds of 
prey were also reported to be very scarce, and the observers on the Beothic 
did not see a single snowy owl, gyrfalcon, or large hawk during the trip. 
A female narwhal was killed in Buchanan bay and the complete skeleton 
preserved for the Museum. 

The expedition had the rare opportunity of seeing from the ship’s 
deck a small herd of musk-oxen on the north coast of Devon island, and 
still and motion pictures were taken by members of the landing party 
after two bulls had been brought to bay by an Eskimo with one dog, illus- 
trating the ease with which this now rare animal is hunted. A very import- 
ant part of the work consisted in getting data concerning the range of the 
different species of mammals, and much first-hand information was obtained 
from traders at the different posts, many of whom had been stationed at 
other remote posts not visited on this trip. The various members of the 
Royal Canadian Mounted Police detachments, visited at seven different 
posts, gave much information on the occurrence of big game, sea mammals, 
and bird life in their districts, supplementing this with data on the life of 
the intervening country which is covered by their lengthy patrols, and 
several members of the force have made valuable collections for the National 
Museum. The present range and relative abundance of the barren ground 
caribou, Peary caribou, musk-ox, Atlantic walrus, narwhal, white whale, 
ringed seal, harbour seal, harp seal, bearded seal, hooded seal, and other 
species were checked and revised. 



Mr. C. G. Harrold was employed as assistant zoologist for the season 
of 1928. He began work April 24 at Davidson, Saskatchewan, returning 
to Winnipeg May 9. During this time he concentrated on making a greatly 
needed collection of cranes for the National Museum of Canada. In this, 
thanks to the able assistance and hearty co-operation of Mr. Reuben 
Lloyd of Davidson, he was eminently successful and obtained a good 
series of these shy and wary birds, with full measurements, weights, sterna, 
and other details. He succeeded in establishing that the enormous flocks 
of these birds still to be seen in spring in this province, are largely if not 
entirely little brown cranes, Grus canadensis , lingering on their way to their 
breeding grounds of the far north, and are not the slightly larger resident 
sandhill cranes, Grus mexicana, of the cultivated sections. In fact none 
of the latter was secured and their future as continuing features of prairie 
life is still a matter of grave doubt. Another fact of interest brought out 
by the collection of these birds is that the red coloration of adults of either 
of these species is adventitious, caused by a deposit of iron stain, and is 
not a specific character. 

P. A. Taverner, accompanied by Mr. Harrold, who had come to Ottawa 
towards the end of May, carried on ornithological investigations at Mata- 
mek, some 8 miles east of the mouth of Moisie river, on the north shore of 
the gulf of St. Lawrence. Here they were the guests of Mr. Copley Amory 
for the best part of the summer, to whom is due many thanks for courtesies 
and assistance in the work. Most of the time was spent in studying land 
birds which have been rather neglected on this coast in the past. July 13 
to 27 was spent at Havre St. Pierre (Eskimo point) with a side trip to Gull 
bay near East cape, Anticosti island. July 27 to August 7 were spent at 
Natashkwan and July 8 to 18 at Matamek. 

The results of the season’s work were quite satisfactory, 326 birds 
and 61 mammals. A good collection of land birds was made considerably 
east of any locality on this coast so represented in our collections before, and 
a number of species were traced well beyond their previously known dis- 
tribution. The report of common cormorants breeding on the northeast 
coast of Anticosti was verified and more nests located there than were 
thought to exist in America today. Though this once common species is 
enormously reduced in number from what it was originally, its situation 
is not quite so precarious as feared. An enormous rookery of kittiwake 
gulls was located at Gull bay and the presence of a small rookery of gannets 
there verified. There are now four known breeding places for this species 
in America — Bonaventure island, Gaspe; Bird rock, Magdalen islands; 
cape St. Mary, Newfoundland; and Gull bay, Anticosti. A number of 
very interesting plumage observations were made on the water birds and 
considerable additions to our knowledge of their life histories were made. 
Some of these are the basis of a number of short papers that will shortly 
appear in the ornithological journals. Mr. Taverner also attended the 
forty-sixth annual meeting of the American Ornithologists Union at 
Charleston, S.C., November 19-22, 1928. 

H. M. Laing, of Comox, B.C., was again engaged as assistant zoologist, 
in continuation of the mammal work begun by him and C. H. Young along 
the southern boundary of British Columbia in 1927. He collected from 
May 11 to June 8 at Sterling creek (elevation 1,700 feet) on east slope of 


Cascade mountains near Hedley, B,C. He moved next to Keremeos, 
working on Ashnola creek (elevation 1,500 feet) from June 12 to June 30; 
on Paul Terebasket creek (elevation 1,350 feet) from July 3 to July 10; 
and Fairview-Keremeos summit (elevation 3,800 feet) from July 12 to 
July 29. Camp was made on Testalinda creek, Okanagan river, below 
Oliver, on Oliver Irrigation Project, and collections made in the dry belt 
from August 1 to August 13. Work was carried on at 3,900 feet elevation, 
Osoyoos-Bridesville summit from August 15 to August 31. The next 
collecting ground was at Westbridge in Kettle River valley (elevation 
2,075 feet) from September 14 to September 19, and back to Osoyoos lake 
(elevation 913 feet) from September 19 to September 29. Camp was 
moved up to Juniper mountain, south fork of Ashnola creek (elevation 
4,500 feet) from October 2 to October 11, and investigations made on the 
Similkameen mountain sheep. Mr. Laing’s results for the season were 
very satisfactory, and he collected 481 mammals and 56 birds, as well as 
accessories for several habitat groups of birds and small mammals. 

C. H. Young was unable to continue the British Columbia work this year 
on account of poor health, and spent some time in England on sick leave. 

Joseph Rochon, osteological preparator, left Ottawa on July 16 and 
proceeded to Lacoste, Labelle county, Quebec. He collected in vicinity of 
Black lake until July 18, bringing back 110 mammals. During the rest of the 
year his time was mostly spent on cleaning and mounting skulls and skeletons. 

C. L. Patch, D. Blakely, and C. E. Johnson did some field work in 
Ottawa district, principally collecting local material to fill out the collec- 
tions and obtaining accessories for habitat group work. 

M. O. Malte, chief botanist, made a journey to Labrador, Hudson 
strait, and Hudson bay on board the Hudson's Bay Company S.S. (t Nas- 
copie Sailing from Montreal, Quebec, the boat touched Cartwright, 
Labrador, and then proceeded to Port Burwell and Wakeham bay, on the 
south shore of Hudson strait. From the latter point the boat sailed to Lake 
Harbour, Baffin island, and thence to cape Dorset. After touching Wolsten- 
holme, on the extreme northeast corner of Hudson bay, the course was set 
for Chesterfield inlet, on the northwest coast of the bay. From Chester- 
field inlet the boat proceeded to Southampton, Southampton island, and 
thence to Port Harrison and Smith island, on the east coast of Hudson 
bay. After other stops at Wolstenholme, Lake Harbour, and Port Burwell, 
the boat arrived at St. Johns, Newfoundland, September 10. 

Sufficiently long stops, ranging from one to five days, were made at all 
ports of call, thus allowing a liberal time for making botanical collections 
in the immediate vicinity. Some 6,000 herbarium specimens of flowering 
plants and ferns were secured. Much appreciated help in securing this 
comparatively large number of specimens was given by Rev. H. A. Turner, 
who most ably assisted in collecting at all points touched. 

The scientific results of the journey were very gratifying. They 
include the discovery of new species and varieties, the securing of ample 
material indispensable for the interpretation of difficult and hitherto poorly 
understood genera, such as willows and others, and the securing of a very 
large number of new plant-geographical records, e.g., not less than fifty 
from Southampton island alone. 

89917 — 3 $ 


H. M. Raup, assisted by Mrs. Raup, made a botanical survey of the 
southeastern section of Wood Buffalo park, Alberta, and in connexion 
therewith, investigated the habits and range conditions of the buffalo 
that inhabit the region. They left Fort Smith, N.W.T., June 14 and spent 
one month in Pine Lake region, after which the party moved to Peace 
point, on Peace river, where one week was spent. Two weeks were spent 
at Hay camp on Slave river, and in the middle of August an investigation 
was made of the region bounded on the east by the Slave River flats be- 
tween Fitzgerald and LaButte, and on the west by the Salt Mountain 
escarpment. The party returned to Edmonton September 1. About 
6,600 herbarium specimens were collected during the season. 


R. M. Anderson continued work as general editor of scientific reports 
of Canadian Arctic Expedition, 1913-18. The only part issued during the 
year was vol. XV, part A: Comparative Vocabulary of the Western Eskimo 
Dialects, by D. Jenness. Some progress was made in preparing indexes 
for some of the completed volumes of the series. R. M. Anderson's paper 
on “The Work of Bernhard Ilantzsch in Arctic Ornithology,” principally 
in Baffin island and northeastern Labrador, was published in The Auk, 
vol. XLV, No. 4, October, 1928, pages 450-466. A translation of Hant- 
zsch's “Contribution to the Knowledge of the Avifauna of Northeastern 
Labrador” (“Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Vogel welt des nordostlichsten 
Labradors,” Journal fur Ornithologie, vol. 56, pages 177-202 and 307-392) 
by R. M. Anderson and Mrs. Anderson was published serially in The 
Canadian Field Naturalist, Ottawa, beginning with vol. 42, No. 1, January, 
1928, and finishing with vol. 43, No. 3, March, 1929. The paper by Mr. 
Anderson on “The Fluctuations in the Population of Wild Mammals and 
the Relationship of this Fluctuation to Conservation,” read at Provincial- 
Dominion Game Conference, Ottawa, January 26, 1928, was published in 
The Canadian Field Naturalist, vol. 43, No. 8, November, 1928, pages 189- 
191. Several notes and book reviews were contributed to the same publi- 
cation. Mr. Anderson lectured on “Canada's Arctic Regions,” illustrated 
by motion pictures taken on 1928 Arctic Expedition, in Museum Lecture 
Series, January 12 and January 16, also to Young Men's meeting at 
Y.M.C.A., January 30. 

Other short notes have been published by members of the staff in 
periodicals, but no formal articles have been listed. 

M. O. Malte has continued intensive work on Arctic flora and other work 
in the herbarium, much of it being of an important revisionary character. 
During the year the plant collections were distributed as follows: 

Division of Botany, Central Experimental Farm, Ottawa 10 

Dr. F. S. Blake, Department of Agriculture, Washington, D.C. . 9 

Dr. M. Porsild, Godhavn, Greenland 233 

Gray Herbarium, Cambridge, Mass 86 

An important paper on “Commercial Bent Grasses of the Genus 
Arctogrostis,” by M. O. Malte was published in the Annual Report of the 
National Museum of Canada, and a separate reprint of 500 copies of the 
same paper was issued by the Department of Agriculture, Ottawa. The 


same museum report contained an annotated article on “Birds of the 
Belvedere Region, Northern Alberta,” by P. A. Taverner. J. D. Soper’s 
report, “A Faunal Investigation of Southern Baffin Island,” Bulletin 
No. 53, Biological Series No. 15, was published. 

Museum Work 

Some progress has been made in installing biological exhibits in the 
Museum halls. A few habital groups of birds and small mammals have 
been prepared, and some old single specimens remounted. Little new work 
has been done in the exhibition of large specimens on account of lack of 
space. Arrangements have been made with the Forestry Branch, Depart- 
ment of the Interior, to make a beginning of exhibition of certain forest 
trees of Canada, as well as some of the important forestry products. 

The Curator of Insects, Mr. Arthur Gibson, Dominion Entomologist, 
is also taking preliminary steps to install some new entomological exhibits. 

As a result of field work, by members of the staff, considerable addi- 
tions have been made to the study collections, and much material obtained 
suitable for subsequent mounting. 

The Canadian National Parks Branch, through the Commissioner of 
Parks, Mr. J. B. Harkin, has kindly continued to send in many specimens 
of large game predatory and fur-bearing mammals from the various 
national parks, and the members of various detachments of the Royal 
Canadian Mounted Police, through the Commissioner, Colonel Cortlandt 
Starnes, have continued to send in valuable material from the Far North. 

An important part of the work of the Museum, which is being carried 
on almost continuously, is identifying and systematically arranging the 
collections in botany and zoology which are coming in and making the data 
obtained from field work and collections available for reference, and in the 
preparation of reports on the fauna and flora of the country. The function 
of a scientific museum as a storage repository of scientific material of public 
interest and as a clearing house for scientific data is as important as its 
exhibitions for popular interest and education. 


Accessions to the Zoological Collections: 

Mammals received and catalogued 748 

Birds received and catalogued 686 

Amphibians and reptiles received and catalogued 114 


By members of staff: 

H. M. Laing, 455 mammals from southern British Columbia. 

P. A. Taverner and C. G. Harrold, 62 small mammals from expedition to north 
shore of gulf of St. Lawrence. 

R. M. Anderson, 19 mammals, Greenland and eastern Arctic archipelago. 

Jos. Rochon, 111 small mammals, from Lacoste, Quebec. 


By gift: 

Frank L, Farley, Camrose, Alberta, 3 least weasels, 1 long-tailed weasel, 1 flying 

Canadian National Parks, 1 British Columbia red fox and 1 skull of mule deer 
from Jasper park, Alberta, 5 skulls of black bear from Yoho park, B.C., 3 
skulls black bear, 2 skulls coyote, 1 skull grizzly bear, 2 black bears with 
skin and skull from Waterton Lakes park, Alberta, 4 beaver skins (im- 

C. O. Tatham, "Rod and Gun/’ Woodstock, Ont., 2 European hares in the flesh, 

J. H, Fleming, Toronto, 1 cranium of grizzly bear, secured through Major Fred 
Brewster, Jasper park, Alberta. 

Northwest Territories and Yukon Branch, Department of the Interior, 1 s kin 
and skeleton of adult wood buffalo cow — from Wood Buffalo park (collected 
by district agent), 31 mammals from Mackenzie district (collected by A, E. 
Porsild and R. T. Porsild), 1 Arctic hare and 1 ground squirrel (collected 
by Major L, T. Burwash). 

Royal Canadian Mounted Police, 3 skins and 5 skulls of Arctic hare from Baffin 

E. E. Prince, Ottawa, skulls and horns, woodland caribou, mountain caribou, 
moose, and bison, etc. 

Royal Ontario Museum of Zoology, Toronto, 1 skin and skull of little short- 
tailed shrew (Cryplotis parva ) from series taken at Long point, Norfolk 
county, Ontario, in 1927, the first record of the species in Canada. 

J. D. Soper, 3 skins of Polar bear cubs, sent down by Eskimos through efforts of 
J. D. Soper. 

Seymour Hadwen, Head of Department of Veterinary Science, University of 
Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, 6 skins of varying hare and 2 ol jaekrabbit, 
illustrating studies in seasonal colour changes. 

Lawrence B, Potter, Eastend, Sask., skin fragments of Lagurus pallidua and 
Citelius richardsonii, food of burrowing owl. 

Major A. A. Pinard, Ottawa, 1 mounted head of white-tailed deer, with abnormal 

R. Arkell, Britannia, 1 Canada skunk, in the flesh. 

C. Small, Atherley, Ontario, 8 live bats. 

Birds : 

By members of staff: 

P. A. Taverner, Ottawa, 1 starling in the flesh. 

D. MacDonald, Ottawa, 1 great horned owl, in the flesh. 

C. G. Harrold, 44 birds from near Davidson, Saskatchewan. 

H. M. Laing, 57 birds from southern British Columbia. 

P. A. Taverner and C. G. Harrold, 327 birds, 5 eggs, from expedition to north 
shore of gulf of St. Lawrence. 

R. M. Anderson, 108 birds from Greenland and eastern Arctic archipelago. 

C. L. Patch, 6 skins, 1 mounted bird. 

C. E. Johnson, 1 white-throated sparrow. 

By gift: 

Arthur English, St. Johns, Newfoundland, 1 lapwing skin and stomach contents. 
Jack Miner, 2 Cooper hawks, 2 long-eared owls, 1 Canada goose, 5 crows. 

H. A. Wiggans, Ottawa, 1 barn owl, in the flesh. 

E. Beaupre, Kingston, Ontario, 1 great horned owl in the flesh. 

C. O. Tatham, "Rod and Gun,” Woodstock, Ontario, 1 lapwing, salted in the 
flesh, from Ramea island, Newfoundland. 

Geo. Whiteley, St. Johns, Newfoundland, 1 lapwing in the flesh. 

Walter J. Boyles, Canaan Station, N.B., 1 great horned owl and one goshawk, in 
the flesh. 

William Rowan, Edmonton, Alberta, 1 sandhill crane, skin. 

Oscar Pothier, St. Hyacinthe, Quebec, 1 starling in the flesh. 

Canadian National Parks, 2 yellow-legs, 1 turnstone, 1 ring-billed gull, from 
Natashkwan, Quebec, seized and confiscated by federal officers. 


Ottawa Humane Society, 1 great horned owl. 

Dorothea Patch, 1 sawwhet owl, in the flesh. 

L. B. Potter, Eastend, Saskatchewan, 1 goshawk, fresh skin. 

C. G. Harrold, Winnipeg, 1 golden plover, skin. 

Gower Rabbitts, Game and Inland Fisheries Board, St. Johns, Newfoundland, 
1 head, wing, and foot of European coot. 

R. E. DeLury, 1 junco, in the flesh. 

Mrs. Joseph H. Sinclair, 18 skins of hummingbirds from Andes mountains, 
Ecuador, through Mr. Frank W. Bedard. 

Northwest Territories and Yukon Branch, Department of the Interior, 4 bird 
s kin s: black guillemot, harlequin duck, duck hawk, and willow ptarmigan 
(through Major L. T. Burwash); 4 skins from Baker Lake region: crane, 
loon, plover, and jaeger (collected by L. T. Burwash); 59 birds, 4 eggs 
(collected by A. E. Porsild and R. T. Porsild). 

Royal Canadian Mounted Police, 8 birds from Baffin and Devon islands, in- 
cluding 1 greater snow goose with egg, from Devon island. 

E. G. White, 1 female widgeon, 1 female shoveller from Lochaber, Quebec, in the 

flesh; 1 blue goose, juvenile in the flesh, from Cap Tourmente, Quebec. 

Alfred Mougeot ; Masson, Quebec, 1 marsh hawk, alive. 

John Arkell, Britannia, Ontario, 2 Cooper hawks, 1 whip-poor-will. 

M. B. near Moisie, north shore of gulf of St. Lawrence, 6 birds. 

Miss Ida Taverner, Ottawa, 1 purple martin. 

Ernest Ball, Smith Falls, Ontario, 1 purple martin. 

Morris Lieff, Ottawa, 1 screech owl. 

F. Grant, Ottawa, 1 Florida gallinule. 

Robert Lockwood, Rockcliffe, Ontario, 1 nighthawk. 

B. Crawford, Hull, Quebec, 1 oven-bird. 

Ray Hewdtt, Ottawa, 1 nighthawk, juvenile. 

G. Douglas, Quyon, Quebec, 1 great horned owl, alive. 

John Tanton, Ottawa, 1 nest of American goldfinch. 

By purchase: 

C. G. Harrold, Winnipeg, 2 blue goose skins. 

Allan Moses, Grand Manan, N.B., common cormorants in the flesh. 

Amphibians and Reptiles: 

By gift: 

Fred Ball, Chelsea and Kingsmere, Quebec 29 

Ernest Ball, Portland, Ontario 2 

D. J. Blakely, Portland, Ontario, and Gatineau Point, Quebec. . . 37 

E. R. Buckell, Nicola, British Columbia 1 

Doreen Dodd, Telegraph Creek, British Columbia 3 

A. M. Gammade, Kinburn, Ontario 1 

C. E. Johnson, Blackburn, Ontario. 2 

L. M. Klauber, San Diego co., California 1 

H. M. Laing, Keremeos, Princeton, Rock Creek, and Comox, 

British Columbia 5 

Emerson Leftly, Ottawa, Ontario 1 

Eddie Lennox, Meach Lake, Quebec 2 

Hoyes Lloyd, Golden Lake, Ontario 1 

Robert Lockwood, Ottawa, Ontario 1 

L. Marcotte, Sherbrooke, Quebec 10 

R. O. Merriman, Kingston, Ontario 1 

W. H. Moore, Scotch Lake, New Brunswick I 

C. L. Patch, Blackburn and Ottawa, Ontario 3 

L. S. Russell, Ponoka, Alberta. 1 

N. B. Sanson, Banff, Alberta 1 

Harlan I. Smith, Penticton, British Columbia 1 

P. A. Taverner, Natashkwan and Matamek river, Quebec 10 

Total . . . 




By gift: 

H. Groh, Central Experimental Farm, Ottawa 31 

Norman Criddle, Entomological Branch, Department of Agricul- 
ture, Ottawa 2 

Dr. M. Porsild, Godhavn, Greenland 69 

Dr. Selim B'rger, Stockholm, Sweden 125 

Brother Louis-Marie, Oka, Que 100 

Professor Marie-Victorin, Montreal, Quebec 224 

The Hungarian National Museum, Budapest, Hungary . . 100 

United States National Museum, Washington, D.C 94 

Gray Herbarium, Cambridge, Massachusetts. 15 

Grateful acknowledgment is made of the receipt of an interesting col- 
lection of plants from Bylot island, made by Inspector C. E. Wilcox, 
R.C.M.P., and of collections of seed from Baffin island, made by Staff 
Sergeant J. E. F. Wight, R.C.M.P. 


Eugene Poitevin, Chief of the Division, reports: 

The Division of Mineralogy is a division of the Geological Survey, but 
it has important functions to perform in connexion with the National 
Museum of Canada. These functions consist in collecting and exchanging 
mineral specimens and placing them on exhibit, making contributions 
to the scientific investigations of Canadian minerals, and promoting the 
knowledge of mineralogy by means of publications, lectures, and the 
distribution of mineral collections to educational institutions. 

More than 3,000 mineral specimens were added to the systematic and 
economic collections. A fine set of mahogany table cases having been 
completed, twenty cases were filled with exhibits and plans were made for 
further exhibits. 

In addition to identifying a large number of specimens for the system- 
atic collection, the mineralogists of the division contributed the following 
studies to Canadian mineralogy. 

Eugene Poitevin studied a large suite of specimens from the serpentine 
belt of the Eastern Townships, Quebec, the principal ones being perovskite 
from lake Nicolet, and prehnite, natrolite, scolecite, diopside, albite, 
grossular garnet, etc., from Thetford asbestos mines. He also investi- 
gated a new mineral from British Columbia. 

H. V. Ellsworth nearly completed the writing of a report on the rare 
earth minerals of Canada, and also published the following papers: 

Thucholite, a remarkable primary carbon mineral from the vicinity of Parry Sound, 

Cyrtolite intergrowth associated with the Parry Sound thucholite. 

Thucholite and uraninite from the Wallingford mine, near Buckingham, Quebec. 

Euxenite from Sabine township, Nipissing district, Ontario. 

Zircon from North Burgess, by C. Palache and H. V. Ellsworth. 

A simple and accurate constant volume pyknometer for specific gravity determinations. 

R. J. C. Fabry, analyst, made a number of complicated analyses of 
minerals such as topaz, beryl, and margarodite from the Silver Leaf mine. 
He also undertook the study of perovskite and ilmenite from the serpen- 
tines of lake Nicolet in the Eastern Townships of Quebec. He made 


analyses of natrolite and prehnite from the granite dykes occurring in the 
peridotite of Thetford Mines; and completed the analyses of a limestone 
from Ainslie Lake, N.S., and of three rocks supplied by T. T. Quirke from 
Parry Sound district, Ont. Mr. Fabry also did some research work for 
Mr. Taverner, to determine whether the colour of certain bird feathers 
was original or of the nature of a stain. 

Educational Collections 

The educational section of the Mineralogical Division was equally as 
busy as the other sections and the magnitude of the work is illustrated by 
the following table, which shows that 379 collections were shipped to 
various institutions. Of these, each Standard collection contains 144 speci- 
mens, Grade 2 contains 44 specimens, Grade 3 contains 40 specimens, 
Grade 4, a special collection prepared for the Department of Mines, Quebec, 
contains 40 specimens, Prospectors collection contains 16 specimens, 
miscellaneous or special collections vary from a few to more than 100 
specimens, and each mineral chips collection contains 46 bags of minerals. 
Thus 11,835 specimens, having a total weight of 27,400 pounds, were 



















British Columbia . . 






















































New Brunswick. . . . 









Nova Scotia 


























In addition to the large number of standardized sets tabulated above, 
the division assembled special collections of mineral specimens for display 
in Toronto, Regina, and Minneapolis. 



United States Geological Survey. Halite with polyhalite and some clay, polyhalite with 
anhydrite and halite, halite with polyhalite also some green clay, anhydrite and 
halite with one speck of magnesite on polished face, polyhalite with seams of mag- 
nesite, small quantity of anhydrite, from Texas fields, New Mexico; sylvinite-halite 
and sylvite, green clay, from American Potash Co., New Mexico. 

President of the International Nickel Company. Three specimens of nickel-copper ore from 
Frood mine. 

Canadian International Corporation , Montreal, Quebec. Antimony from Lake George, N.B. 

A. W. G. Wilson, Mines Branch, Ottawa. Series of zeolites from cape D’Or, N.S. 


H. S. Spence, Mines Branch, Ottawa. Large series of specimens, the principal collections 
being: 1 suite of lithium-bearing minerals from South Dakota, U.S.A.; andalusite 
from Hill City, South Dakota; series of specimens from Silver Leaf mine, Manitoba; 
series of feldspar specimens from Loughborough township, Frontenac county, Ont.; 
series of amazonite and rare earths, Woodcox mine, Hybla, Ont,; series of specimens 
carrying sphene,from lake Eau Claire, lot 14, con. VII, Calvin tp., Nipissing dist., 
Ont.; series of specimens from molybdenite mine, Wilberforce, Ont.; garnets from 
McKay feldspar mine, McKay, Ont.; lepidomelane and other minerals from Faraday 
township, Ont.; phlogopite and tremolite from the Orser mica mine, Bedford town- 
ship, Frontenac county, Ont.; calcite from Bobs Lake mica mine, lot 30, con. VI, 
Bedford tp., Frontenac eo., Ont.; lattice calcite from lot 13, con. V, North Burgess 
tp., Lanark co., Ont.; turgite from Black island, lake Winnipeg, Manitoba; przi- 
bramite from McNally mine, lot 21, con. V, North Burgess tp., Lanark co., Ont. 

L. II. Cole, Mines Branch, Ottawa. One large specimen carrying an association of selenite, 
calcite, and galena, two large crystals of selenite, two fine masses of cleavable selenite, 
from Galetta lead mine, Galetta, Ont. 

Collected by Officers of the Geological Survey 

J. F. Wright. Eight specimens of copper-zinc ore from Sherritt-Gordon mine, northern 

E. R. Faribault. Two polished specimens of gold-bearing quartz from Nova Scotia. 

T. L. Tanton. One specimen from a palladium-bearing nickel deposit near Shebandowan 
lake, Thunder Bay district, Ontario. 

Eugene Poitevin. Aplite showing large vug coated with prehnite crystals from King 
asbestos mine, Thetford Mines, Quebec; huge crystals of natrolite from Johnston’s 
asbestos mine, Thetford, Quebec; calcite crystals, pectolite, prehnite crystals, diop- 
side, scolecile crystals, from the Jacobs asbestos mine, Thetford, Quebec. 

Eugene Poitevin and A. T. McKinnon. Massive ilmenite, and ilrnenite crystals and 
perovskite crystals occurring in a serpentine body on the shore of lake Nicolet, Wolfe 
county, Quebec. 

II. V. Ellsworth. Considerable quantity of various species of rare minerals from the peg- 
matites of central Ontario, including cyrtolite, uraninite, thorite, zircon, ellsworthite, 
titanite, allanite, transparent apatite of gem quality, and other undetermined minerals; 
and also a complete suite of specimens of the granites and related rocks of the Broek- 
ville-Mallorytown area. 


E. M. Kindle, Chief of the Division, reports: 

Field Work and Collections 

Collections for the Museum by members of the division include a 
suite of Upper Devonian fossils from the Eifel district of Germany and of 
Middle Devonian fossils from the Middle Devonian of Belgium and France 
collected by E. M. Kindle. 

Miss A. E. Wilson made a collection in the Cornwall area, Ontario, 
from the horizons between the Aylmer limestone and the top of the Trenton. 

Collections made in Alberta by C, M. Sternberg include a nearly 
complete skeleton of a duck-billed dinosaur, the skull of an undescribed 
dinosaur, and part of the skeleton of a horned dinosaur. Mr. Sternberg also 
collected the hind feet of two undescribed, small, carnivorous dinosaurs, 
the posterior half of a crocodile skeleton, and a fine skull of another crocodile. 
Several turtles and a fine mammal jaw ( Eodelphis ) were also secured. 

Other collections, some of which were both extensive and of good qual- 
ity, have value mainly from a stratigraphic view point and are chiefly 
related to work reported on by the Geological Survey. 


Museum Exhibits 

The preparation of the horned dinosaur skeleton, from the Edmonton 
formation, has been nearly finished; the missing skull will be modelled from 
another specimen. Hind feet of two new carnivorous dinosaurs have been 
prepared and two dinosaur skulls have been partly prepared. A fine skull 
and jaws and part of the skeleton of a three-toed horse ( Mesohippus ) have 
been received as an exchange. 

Collections acquired by purchase for exhibit include a series of fossil 
insects preserved in amber and an ammonite nearly 2 feet in diameter. 

A fine series of specimens showing the work of boring molluscs in rock 
construction has been added to the collections to be placed on exhibit when 
more space becomes available. 

Educational Collections 

About 75 school collections of fossils have been assembled during the 
year for the use of teachers and students in the secondary schools. A few 
fossil collections of more elaborate character than the school collections 
have also been distributed, and include one to the Museum of the city of 
St. John, N.B. 

Type Material 

The types resulting from the description of new species of fossils 
belonging to the Museum which have been added to the Museum collec- 
tions during the year may be summarized as follows: 

Vertebrates: published in 

Contributions to Canadian Palaeontology, Bulletin 49 1 species 

Proceedings, Royal Society of Canada for 1928 1 

Canadian Field Naturalist, 1928 1 “ 

Invertebrates: published in 

Contributions to Canadian Palaeontology, Bulletin 49 8 “ 

Proceedings, Royal Society of Canada for 1928 (old species illustrated for 

the first time) 17 “ 

Plants: published in 

Contributions to Canadian Palaeontology 4 


A general collection of natural history material presented to the 
Museum by Dr. Bell Dawson included some good specimens of trilobites 
from Ottawa district. Dr. Dannenberg of Aachen, Germany, presented 
a good collection of Middle Devonian fossils from Germany. Professor 
Smith of Bristol, England, presented six specimens representing geno- 
types of corals from England and Scotland. The Princeton University 
Museum presented a cast of the large Cambrian trilobite Mesonacus 



By D. Jenness 

British Columbia west of the Rockies has been for countless centuries 
a melting pot where tribes of varying origins, coming from north, east, 
and south, have jostled against each other, mingled, and changed, evolving 
as a result a peculiar culture that was similar in its broader outlines over 
the whole area and slowly overflowed eastward into the interior of the 
country. The present paper makes no attempt to trace the distance to 
which this west coast culture has penetrated, or is penetrating, for the 
process was still going on a few years ago. Instead, it selects a single 
tribe, and stresses mainly one aspect in the life of that tribe, in order to 
illustrate the manner in which the culture spread and its revolutionary 
effect on the peoples who came into contact with it. 

If we exclude the Arctic coastline, then Canada north of about the 56th 
parallel, that is to say nearly a half of the total area of the country, was 
inhabited almost exclusively by the so-called Athabaskan tribes who spoke 
varying dialects of a common tongue. One of the southernmost of these 
tribes is the Carrier, which many centuries ago crossed the Rockies (prob- 
ably by way of Peace river) and settled in northern British Columbia 
around the valleys of the Fraser, Nechako, and Skeena rivers. At the present 
time the Carriers extend over an area roughly 250 miles from east to west 
and 180 miles from north to south, on both sides of the Canadian National 
railway between Prince George and Hazelton. Around Hazelton they have 
mingled largely with the Gitksan, a typical west coast people of the Tsim- 
shian group; and for many generations they have had both peaceful and 
hostile relations with the Kitimat Indians of Douglas channel and the 
Bella Coola Indians around the mouth of Bella Coola river. These three 
tribes have so profoundly affected the Carriers, especially the westernmost 
or Babines, that, apart from their language, and the relative importance 
attached to hunting as contrasted with fishing, very little remains of their 
original mode of life. 

Early Culture of Carriers 

It is reasonable to suppose that before this change in their culture 
took place the Carriers were hardly to be distinguished from neighbouring 
Athabaskan tribes; for even today the easternmost Carriers resemble 
the Sekani tribes to the northward as much as they do their kinsmen 
around Hazelton, Moricetown, and Babine lake who have been most 
exposed to west coast influence. If we may assume, then, their original 
resemblance to the Sekani and other neighbouring Athabaskan tribes, 
the Carriers were formerly divided into a number of loosely organized 
groups each with its special hunting territory, a territory that was not sub- 
divided again among the different families, but remained the possession 
of the entire group. Fixed dwellings were unknown; the groups simply 
wandered from one hunting or fishing ground to another, setting up tents 
of skin or rude shelters of brush and bark. Inheritance and descent were 
in the paternal line, there were no caste distinctions, no regular chiefs. 


and no special class of medicine men. Religious ideas were relatively 
simple. All living creatures were believed to be more or less endowed with 
supernatural power, which if rightly solicited they often placed at the 
service of man. The desire of every Carrier hunter was to obtain' in secret 
some tutelary bird or animal which he could call to his aid in time of 
stress. High gods had no place in this early religion; and of the various 
supernatural monsters that it was thought once peopled the earth the 
majority had been killed by a mighty hero in days long since. 

Early Educational System 

The loose organization of society among the early Carriers, and the 
simplicity of their religious doctrines, affected the education of the young. 
The name that a child received at birth was not hereditary in the family, 
but either some high-sounding title or a word derived from the “medicine” 
of his father or of some man renowned for “medicine” power; and the 
name was not changed later, through ascent in rank or dignity, but endured 
through life, except when it was superseded by some nickname or, in rare 
cases, by a name revealed when acquiring medicine power. Both boys 
and girls grew up during their early years free and untrammelled. As 
soon as they were old enough the boy followed his father and uncles to the 
chase, the girl helped her mother and aunts in all the domestic duties of 
camp life. Knowledge of religious matters and of the duties of social life 
was acquired from observation and from occasional folk-tales told mainly 
by old women at odd moments of the day or night. 

A little more attention was bestowed on the children when they reached 
their teens. The girl learnt from her female relatives all the restrictions 
that would surround her for the remainder of her life, the periodical seclu- 
sion, the foods that were henceforth forbidden to her, and the precautions 
that she must observe in handling the weapons of the hunters. The boy 
too was forbidden certain articles of food from the age of about twelve. 
Some two years later he was sent out into the woods to seek his “medicine.” 
Then for a few days he wandered alone in the forests, sleeping and dream- 
ing on an animal's tracks, or beside some silent lake, or high up on the 
slopes of a mountain. But from the moment he returned his probation 
ended, whether he obtained a “medicine” or not; thenceforward he was 
as free as in his childhood days, save that now he was classed among the 
hunters of the community and required to contribute his share towards 
its support. 

Change in Social Organization to West Coast Pattern 

Simple in the extreme then was the educational system of the Carriers 
in those early days before they crossed the Rockies. But, with everything 
else, it was revolutionized when some of the bands pushed westward 
into Skeena River valley and encountered Indians from the west coast. 
The social system was the first to be reorganized. The migratory life of 
hunting was partly superseded by fixed habitations at favourable fishing 
localities, and the loose structure of society gave place to a rigid clan 
system of nobles, commoners, and even slaves. Every clan possessed a 
“long” or semi-communal house presided over by a head man. Generally 


speaking only the nobles of closely related families recognizing the same 
crest or totem dwelt in the big communal houses; the commoners erected 
smaller dwellings in the immediate vicinity. Descent and inheritance 
now followed the maternal line instead of the paternal, although the 
actual status of the women seems to have remained about the same. 

Change in Religious Doctrines 

Even if no other changes had occurred this great revolution in the 
structure of society would have had far-reaching effects on the education 
of the children. But it was accompanied by an equally great revolution 
in religious doctrines and ideas. The western Carrier still devoted the 
greater part of the year to hunting, and he still preserved his early faith 
in the intelligence of animals, an intelligence he believed to be similar and 
sometimes superior to that of man. But this simple faith he now con- 
verted into a ritual; instead of soliciting the favour of the animals and 
obtaining their aid by prayer and fasting, he sought to coerce them and 
to gain their power by the use of spells, magic herbs, and rigid self-dis- 
cipline, that is to say, by the ritual commonly known as xal. Simultaneous- 
ly there arose, or became more prominent, a belief in a luminary deity, the 
sky-god Sa who in more recent times has been reinterpreted as the God 
of the Christians, Utakke , “He who dwells on high.’’ Violations of the 
moral code, and violations of the numerous taboos and injunctions that 
had sprung up in increased numbers, were direct offences against Sa, 
who would be certain to punish the offender before many moons rolled by. 
A third change in the religion of the western Carriers, and one which also 
had great influence on the upbringing of the children, was the growth of a 
belief in certain vague supernatural forces which could smite a man at a 
moment’s notice and make him the medium of supernatural power. Not a 
year passed, probably, in which some member of the community, man or 
woman, was not stricken with a kind of hysteria, the “medicine” sickness, 
that could be cured only by nightly drumming, singing, dancing, and 
the exorcisms of other medicine men. Every child that watched these 
performances knew that sooner or later, but probably in early life, he 
might himself be stricken in the same way and called upon to become a 
medicine man. All the more likely was this to happen if a parent or an 
ancestor had been a great medicine man before him; though medicine 
power was not a direct inheritance and many legends are told of poor and 
despised orphans who rose to rank and influence through its acquisition. 

Development of New Educational System 

The western Carrier was now living in a new world. Both society and 
religion had been changed and systematized, and the education of the 
children was bound to undergo a similar revolution and development. 
Not that there was any change in its fundamental purpose; the results it 
sought to obtain were the same as under the old order of things. Every 
boy was trained to be a successful hunter, so that he could provide for all 
the needs of his household and community; and every girl to become a 


useful wife and a fertile mother, so that the houses might be filled with 
children and the village maintain its prosperity and strength. But the all- 
pervading idea of system had taken hold of the people and education had 
to fall into Une. 

So it came about that among the western Carriers, those who were 
most subjected to west coast influences, education was divided into two 
parts or courses, which ran concurrently and in many ways overlapped. 
One was a secular education, the other ethical and religious. It will be 
convenient to discuss the two separately, beginning with the former. 

Secular training, or geretne, as it was called, was instruction in the 
various manual tasks that the children would have to perform when they 
grew up. With a girl this meant the carrying of wood and water, the 
curing and cooking of fish, meat, and berries, the tanning of skins, the 
designing and sewing of clothing, the making of birch-bark baskets, sinew 
thread, etc.; with a boy it involved such things as house-building, the 
manufacture of tools and weapons, woodcraft, and the methods of hunting 
and fishing. For, as in most communities, whether savage or civilized, 
the man provided the necessities of the home, the woman organized them 
and worked them up for use. 

Secular education of this kind was imparted mainly by the parents 
and grandparents while the child was very young; later the mother’s 
brothers and sisters played an important role, inheritance and descent 
now following the maternal line. Just as in those earlier times when the 
Carriers hunted east of the Rocky mountains, the girls helped their kins- 
women in the house and carried wood and water, while the boys followed 
the men to the fishing and hunting, or played in the open spaces around the 
villages; only now there was more conscious supervision of their move- 
ments, and more direct instruction in their work and play. For example, 
boys were not allowed to run downhill, only uphill, so that they might- 
gain endurance for the chase. At Hagwelget, the most western of the 
Carrier villages, several trails lead down a steep cliff to the foot of a canyon, 
and the boys were trained to race one another from the bottom to the top 
of this cliff. 

The second course in the education of a western Carrier was religious 
instruction. Here the method adopted was the folk-tale, gidete, narrated 
by the head of the long house after the evening meal. Nearly every story 
carried with it either the explanation of some phenomenon — like the 
moaning of the trees beneath the wind or the flatness of the beaver’s tail- 
or else a moral, such as the penalty involved in the violation of a certain 
taboo; for religious instruction went hand in hand with instruction in 
manners and morals. Breaches of etiquette or of the moral code might be 
punished with an occasional thrashing, administered usually by the 
mother’s brother. More often the offence was allowed to pass without 
remark until the evening. Then, when the inmates of the house were 
preparing to retire for the night, the old head man from his couch at the 
back would begin a story to which everyone lent respectful attention. 
Gradually developing its plot until it applied to the present occasion, he 
would turn to the culprit and ask “Did you do such and such a thing 
today?” The boy was bound to confess. Then the old man would resume 


his story and stress the punishment meted out by Sa, the sky-god, or by 
the animals, for this breach of the customary law. Men still surviving 
state that the shame and humiliation inflicted by this method were harder 
to endure, and more efficacious, than the most severe corporal punishment. 

Rank, that new institution borrowed by the Carriers from their west 
coast neighbours, was a very potent factor in the educational sphere. For 
rank carried its obligations — noblesse oblige. A child of noble rank (and 
we must remember that the nobility formed a much larger proportion of 
the population than with us) was given an hereditary name at birth, and 
a more important title at the age of ten or twelve. These names were 
bestowed at potlatches in the presence of most of the people. They pub- 
licly established the child's place in the community and marked out the line 
of its future advancement. In return the boy (or girl) owed it to his kins- 
folk to live up to his position. He should be respectful to his elders, and 
especially to the widowed, the aged, and the infirm, whether of equal or 
of lower rank; Orion’s belt in the sky stood as a perpetual warning of the 
efficacy of an old woman’s curse. Misfortune should never be mocked 
nor sorrow ridiculed. When a widower mourned his loneliness, weeping 
inside his hut, the boy should softly draw near and ask in low tones whether 
a little food would be acceptable, or a few sticks of wood to replenish the 
fire. He should never ridicule the animals, or gloat over success in hunting; 
the mountain sheep destroyed a whole community because a few youths 
had cruelly tortured a little lamb. In his play he should never be uproarious, 
but observe a certain dignity and moderation; Sa, the sky-god, carried a 
whole village into the sky and dropped the lifeless bones to earth again 
because the children had refused to heed the warnings of their parents 
and raised a tumult around their homes. Regulations such as these, 
promulgated by the old men at night through folk-tales, had to be observed 
by every child, but especially by the nobler born, because their parents 
had expended much property in potlatches to give them high standing. 
Filial obligation demanded obedience. Not seldom had the degenerate 
son of a noble father been eclipsed in fame and honour by some poor orphan 
who drank in the words of his elders through the half-open door. 

Special rules of etiquette were laid down for girls. For example, a 
high-born girl should look straight ahead as she walked, turning her head 
neither to right nor left; girls of lower rank should keep their eyes modestly 
fixed on the ground in front of them. The stone labret worn by the noble 
maiden was a perpetual reminder to her that she should speak slowly and 
with deliberation. It reminded her, too, that her kinsfolk had expended 
much wealth upon her, that she was an asset to the whole community, 
that she must, therefore, guard her words carefully and never speak ill of 
any one. A growing girl was fraught with mighty powers for good or evil 
and this was borne in upon her during a period of two years’ seclusion. 
The special clothing she wore at this period, and the numerous taboos 
which hedged her round, all educated her to a knowledge of her social 
status, and the lesson was driven more deeply home by stories handed 
down from one generation to another. 


Modern Decline 

Geretne and gidete, therefore, direct instruction in the everyday tasks 
and story-telling, were the two methods evolved or borrowed by the 
western Carriers to train their children in the newly established mode of 
life. By these two methods, century after century, they handed down the 
torch of their civilization. It was on its educational system, indeed, how- 
ever varied it might be in different places, that the strength and vitality of 
west coast culture largely depended. As long as this aboriginal education 
remained intact that culture flourished and spread. The western Carrier 
tribes had fallen wholly under its influence; and it had taken firm root 
among the eastern tribes. Even the Sekani to the north were adopting 
a typical clan system, with crests and privileges, maternal descent, and a 
division into nobles and commoners. But the times have changed again. 
Rifles and steel traps have diminished the supply of game and lessened 
the importance of hunting. Economically life has become more complex, 
more difficult. Old traditions and old ideas have been discredited, and old 
regulations and taboos that held sway for countless centuries have been 
ruthlessly flung aside under the new regime brought in by the white man. 
The young men no longer respect their elders; the girls stalk brazenly 
about, aping the manners of their white sisters, but without the guidance 
of a regulated home life and an unbroken code of conduct. The older men, 
unable to remould their minds, spend their days in a pathetic attempt to 
reconcile their traditional ideas and beliefs with the new ones so suddenly 
thrust upon them from without; or else they cling desperately to the old 
beliefs, justifying them with the new-born theory of a separate revelation 
to their ancestors long ago. So the communities are declining. “The old 
graveyards are small,” the Indians say, “but the new ones large and 
overflowing.” And it is not the changed economic conditions that are 
producing this decline, nor the new diseases introduced by the white man, 
but the weakening of the old social bonds of the community, and the 
breaking-down of the old educational system, without its replacement by 
another as adequate. 



(Lag opus rupestris) 1 

By P. A . Taverner 

In studying the specimens collected by J. D. Soper for the National 
Museum of Canada in Baffin island (Pangnirtung, lake Nettilling, and cape 
Dorset) it became evident that two forms of rock ptarmigan were repre- 
sented in our general collections. One, decidedly yellow or ochraceous, of 
more northern range; the other greyish and less yellow, of more southern 
distribution. Reference to literature indicates that little has been written 
regarding the rock ptarmigan of the main continental mass or of the 
islands to the north of it. Most authorities have been content convention- 
ally to assume that the bird of the eastern Arctic islands and Greenland 
was reinhardi and that of the mainland was rupestris, with welchi, under 
full specific standing, restricted to Newfoundland. The material under 
survey did not seem to satisfy this hypothesis. The most recent author to 
study the species is H. S. Swarth 2 , but neither do all his conclusions agree 
with the facts presented by the new material. It seemed advisable then to 
make as thorough a study of the species as was possible. 

Written description unaccompanied by identified specimens is a most 
unsatisfactory guide to the determination of the various ptarmigan races, 
and it was evident that little could be done with the material without 
approximate topotypes of the accepted races. Attempts to borrow such 
specimens revealed a most surprising dearth of them in collections. Through 
the courtesy of other museums 3 considerable pertinent material was 
obtained, though on assembling all the fragmentary nature of the data 
is evident. The presence of a northern yellow race is generally substanti- 
ated, but the picture is obscured by lack of definite outlines and dis- 
turbed by the unexplained sporadic occurrence of typical specimens far 
from what would seem to be their proper range. 

The comparison of rock ptarmigan plumages is an exceedingly difficult 
process. The white winter plumages are practically useless for subspecific 
determination. The sexes in summer are dissimilar and, besides the 
juvenile, each have two distinct plumages that, crowded into the short 
northern season, are decidedly evanescent. It is unusual that either of 
these plumages is presented in completeness. They blend one into the 
other and the birds seem in continuous moult throughout spring, summer, 
and autumn, and masses of early plumage persist through later ones. It 

1 In view of the large amount of individual, sexual, seasonal, and adventitious variation in the 
Bpecies, the consequent large series of specimens necessary for successful study of the races and 
the paucity of extralimital material available, it does not seem worth while to attempt comparison 
between New and Old World forms at this time. Therefore, the relationship between Lagopus 
rupestris and Lagopus mutus has not been touched upon in this review. As a matter of convenience 
and without prejudice to the contrary, it is assumed that the North American species is Lagopus 

2 “Birds of Atlin District, British Columbia”; Univ. Cal. Pub. in Zool., vol. 30, No. 4 (1926). 

* Museum of Comparative Zoology, Cambridge, Mass.; Museum of Vertebrate Zoology, 

Berkeley, Cal.; U.S. National Museum, Washington, D.C.; American Museum of Natural 
History, New York; Public Museum of the City of Milwaukee, Milwaukee, Wis.; Academy of 
Natural Sciences, Philadelphia, Pa.; and the Carnegie Museum, Pittsburgh, Pa. To these institu- 
tions and their curators we desire to express our thanks. 


is possible to find more or less complete remains of four distinct plum- 
ages in one and the same bird, without any one of them showing de- 
cided predominance. Thus traces of last winter plumage may persist 
while that of next winter is just appearing and the two summer ones 
present an ill-defined mixture. The seasonal changes are not simultaneous 
in all individuals and birds of the same sex, time, and place may show 
widely different plumage development. 

The plumage itself is soft and the wear very rapid. This is specially 
true of the light edgings that are much less resistant to abrasion than the 
dark parts. Even during the short period these summer plumages are 
worn the light feather edges which lend the most characteristic subspecific 
characters are often cut away until racial features are obscured, lost, or 
even apparently reversed as between races. Another and not the least 
important difficulty in studying these birds is the optical one of com- 
paring unlike surfaces, feathers in mass on one specimen against individual 
plumes in another, often with totally different backgrounds that entirely 
alter the relative visual impressions. The colour patterns are complicated, 
variable, and subject to great individual variation in both detail and 
general effect. Size is also a variable quantity in the ptarmigan. Careful 
measuring of large numbers of specimens may show average differences 
between the races, but in the birds examined the distinction is so swamped 
by individual variation as to make it an uncertain criterion for the identi- 
fication of individuals. A factor that may mislead the investigator is 
the common overgrowth of the bill and claws of all the ptarmigan. This 
seems dependent upon the condition of the grounds upon which the birds 
have recently fed. When the rocks and soil are covered with snow or the 
birds are living on the soft tundra moss both claws and bill, deprived of 
the contact with abrasive material, continue to grow and occasionally 
assume almost monstrous proportions, returning again to their normal 
size when grit is once more available. 

The species is strongly migratory and movement may start com- 
paratively early in the season, resulting in many birds of different origins 
mixing together and losing their racial groupings before they do their 
distinctive plumages. With all these sources of confusing variation it is 
evident that large series of specimens are necessary for a final or detailed 
study of the species — such a series as probably does not exist in our col- 
lections today. 

The present series consists of 105 summer-plumaged specimens from 
Arctic America, the islands to the north, western Greenland, Newfoundland, 
and a few more southern continental localities. On a purely colour basis 
they divide into two distinct groups; one strongly yellowish, the other 
decidedly and generally greyish. Of course, all individuals are not equally 
marked in these characters and there are numerous intermediate speci- 
mens whose reference to one group or the other is more or less uncertain. 
It is doubtful if any two authorities would agree on the allocations of 
some of these, or even that a single judge would make exactly the same 
decision at different examinations. A point to be stressed is that these 
uncertain birds do not occur only on intermediate ground between con- 
sistently constant racial groups where hybrids can be expected, but may 
occur sporadically anywhere even where pure racial strains would be 


supposed to prevail. More disturbing still is the occurrence of typical 
or even ultra-typical individuals far from their centres of apparent pre- 
dominance and deep in the range of other forms. Some of these cases can 
be explained by migration or other factors, others cannot be so easily 
disposed of and remain to disturb otherwise satisfactory hypotheses. 


Am. Mas. 




Spring Females 

Yellowish Group 

Disko is., Greenland July 

28, 1893 




Bedford Pim is., Frank 

16, 1900 

Almost white 




Nettilling 1., Baffin is 

19, 1925 

Largely white 





10, 1925 





Coronation gulf, N.W.T 

. .June 

19, 1911 

5, 1914 





Collinson pt., Alaska 





4, 1914 





9, 1914 





9, 1914 






. June 

9, 1914 





Pt. Barrow, Alaska 

. July 

14, 1883 




Jade ints., Alaska 

. . May 

28, 1899 





Pt. Snettisham, Alaska 

. . Aug. 

29, 1909 





Anticosti is., Que 

. . July 

10, 1881 





Fort Yukon (Alaska?) 

, 1864 




Near Hazelton, B.C 

. . Aug. 

5, 1921 




Atlin, B.C 

. . Aug. 

1, 1924 





Taylor is., Victoria is 

. July 







Spring Females 

Greyish Group 

Disko is., Greenland 

. . July 

28, 1893 





. .July 

16, 1892 




Svarte Huk, Greenland 


8, 1891 




White str., Baffin is 

. .July 

25, 1896 




Amadjuak bay, Baffin is 

. .Aug. 

7, 1926 




Nettilling lake, Baffin is 

16, 1925 





13, 1925 





19, 1925 





13, 1925 







Baffin is 

Ft. Chimo, Ungava 

. Aug. 

27, 1882 




McLelan str., Ungava 

. . Aug. 

10, 1920 




Nastapoka r., Ungava 

Ft. Chimo, Ungava. . 

3, 1915 




. . Aug. 

10, 1882 





. Aug. 

27, 1882 






Bona venture is., Que 

Taylor is., Victoria is 

Cap mt., Mackenzie 

. .July 

8, 1922 
30, 1919 




. . July 

12, 1922 




Atlin, B.C 

. . Aug. 

6, 1924 


Spring females are strongly barred below and broadly featheredged 
above in decided pattern which cannot be easily obscured by the rapid 
wear that quickly confuses other plumages. This plumage presents the 
racial characters more plainly and convincingly than any other and is the 
main reliance for subspecific study of the species. Groups I and II show 
the difference between yellow and grey races in unmistakable degree. 
The distinction is obvious at a glance and does not need massed specimens, 
careful illumination, or critical judgment for demonstration. 

Group I is characterized by strong ochre barring below on breast and 
flanks, and back feathers with broad rusty edgings. 

Group II is generally greyish as compared with the above; the ochre 
below is replaced by white or creamy white. The back is much darker, 
owing to reduction of or lack of light edgings. These edgings are much 
whiter than in group I, and seem to wear away much more rapidly — often 
to disappearance; they seem to disintegrate even before the feather has 
fully matured. 

The following individuals demand particular remark. No. 1 is rather 
dark and less yellowish, it might almost equally well go in group II. It 
approaches Nos. 22, 23, 32, 33, and 37. No. 12 is identified asL. r. kelloggae 
by H. S. Swarth and as such is listed in his review of the species (antea). It 
is ultra-typical of the yellow group and practically identical with No. 14 
from the extreme east. 

No. 14 is an ultra-typical yellow bird with a large amount of last winter's 
white remaining on abdomen. It is almost identical with No. 12 as above. 
The occurrence of this typical, high northern bird in this southern locality 
is inexplicable. That it was breeding and with downy young (No. 88) 
accentuates the problem. It is notable that No. 34, geographically the 
next adjacent specimen, also a probable left-over from migration, and 
the most southern occurrence of the rock ptarmigan in America, is per- 
fectly typical of the grey group, as would be expected. 

In spite of Dr. Joseph Schmitt (Monographie de l'tle d'Anticosti, 
Paris, 1904) to the contrary, it does not seem likely that the rock ptarmigan 
was ever a regular or normal breeder on Anticosti. The willow ptarmigan, 
which Schmitt does not mention at all, is common along the whole adjacent 
mainland coast in winter, still occasionally breeds there (Lewis, Can. 
Field Nat., XLII, page 192 (1928) ), is a far more likely breeder on Anticosti, 
and is probably the basis of Schmitt’s statement. It is very improbable 
that a distinctive island form could have been produced with such slight 
isolation as this island offers, and the fact that the specimen which seems 
to substantiate Schmitt's report shows high northern instead of southern 
characters only emphasizes the uniqueness of the individual occurrence. 
In present view of the case I can only regard this bird as a left-over winter 
migrant from the north breeding far south of its normal range. No. 18 is 
a strangely pale bird with the yellows largely creamy and like nothing else 
in the collection. It may possibly be considered with Nos. 76, 77, and 78, 
also erratics, as possibly representatives of an undescribed race in 
migration dispersal. 




Spring Males 

Yellow Group 




Bernard harbour, N.W.T 

• July 






Collinson pt., Alaska 


















Largely white 


Partly white 


Spring Males 

Grey Group 

This plumage is barred much as is that of the spring female, but the 
barring is much finer, almost to vermiculation, and the black elements in 
the coloration predominate, making a much darker general effect. The 
birds listed are much alike and carry considerable rusty ochre in their 
plumage, but there are no spring males in the collection representing 
the grey form. I assume these belong to the yellow group, from geo- 
graphical considerations and because they look as would be expected of it. 
It is notable that the male rock ptarmigan does not moult into spring 
plumage until considerably later than the female. We have birds as late 
as July 2 that are still in almost complete white winter plumage. During 
the moult the males become retiring, secretive, and difficult to find, which 
explains their comparative scarcity in collections. 


Autumn Females 
Yellow Group 

42. N.M.C. 18770 Godhavn, Greenland July 30, 1923 

43. M.C.Z. 48440 Disko is., Greenland Sept. 2,1899 

44. N.M.C. 7112 Melville is., Frank Aug. 16,1909 

45. “ 9874 Kay pt., Yukon Aug. 17,1914 

46. “ 9946 Bathurst inlet, N.W.T Sept. 6,1915 


Autumn Females 

Greyish Group 




Disko, Greenland 

. Sept. 

1, 1925 




Pangnirtung, Baffin is 

. Sept. 

27, 1924 Nearly white 





10, 1924 








Codroy, Newfoundland 

3, 1895 





. Sept. 

16, 1910 


The autumn female is generally characterized by much fine vermicu- 
lation, making an intimate mixture of colours. The barring is only faintly 
discernible and much of it is due to the remains of the previous plumage. 
Few specimens show the plumage in perfection, as the winter plumage 
commences to appear before all the spring feathers have been shed. Oc- 
casional birds show an entirely different pattern. No. 50 illustrates this 
in highest development, but it is more or less evident in Nos. 47, 49, and 51. 
No. 50 is sharply but finely barred on breast and up foreneck and flanks 
and the vermiculations on the back are coarse, sparse, and rather broken. 
This plumage may be due either to age or individual dichromatism. 

The distinction between the two groups of autumn females is not as 
marked as between spring females, but it is still obvious. The one group 
is distinctly more rusty, yellowish, and warm, the other grey and cold. 
Remains of previous plumage connect these birds well with the preceding 
groups I and II. 

It will be noted that the Newfoundland birds, which in the A. 0. U. 
Check-list (1910) are given distinct specific standing, are included with 
those from Greenland and Baffin island. I can see no reason for separating 
them from these birds. Indeed, allowing for the slight difference in plum- 
age condition and the known individual variation in the species, No. 51 is 
practically identical with 47. ( See also remarks under groups VII and VIII.) 



Autumn Males 
Yellow Group 




Disko, Greenland 

. . Aug. 





Urnanak, Greenland 

. . Aug. 

, 1896 




Disko, Cfreenland 

2, 1899 




Melville is., Frank 

. .Aug. 

16, 1909 




Coronation gulf, N.W.T 

. .Aug. 

19, 1915 




. . Aug. 

19, 1915 




Bathurst inlet, N.W.T 

6, 1915 




Coekburn pt., N.W.T 

. . Sept. 

30, 1914 




Kay pt., Yukon 

. .Aug. 

18, 1914 




Cape Kellett, Banks is 


Autumn Males 

Grey Group 

12, 1914 

Almost white 




Sukkertoppen, Greenland. . . . 

. .July 

24, 1860 




Middle Hudson str 

24, 1909 

Almost white 





24, 1909 





MeLelan str., Ungava 

. - Aug. 

9, 1920 





. . Aug. 

9, 1920 




Cape Kellett, Banks is 

5, 1914 

Almost white 




Coekburn pt., N.W.T 

. . Oct. 

1, 1914 





Amadjuak, Baffin is , . 


. .Aug. 

7, 1926 




16, 1910 




Codroy, Newfoundland 

. . Aug. 

5, 1895 




Mt. Blowdown, Newfoundland. Oct. 

2, 1912 



Autumn Males 

Sandy Group 

74. U.S.N.M. 

75. P.A.S. 

76. N.M.C. 


78. “ 

20347 Sukkertoppen, Greenland 

26965 Disko, Greenland Aug. 7, 1891 

9876 Kay pt., Yukon Aug. 19,1914 

10132 Cape Kellett, Banks is Sept. 5, 1914 

4501 International Boundary, Arctic 

Circle Summer, 1911 (head) 

Autumn males in most perfect condition show much finer vermicu- 
lation, with considerable minute powderings of colour superimposed. 
Some birds have a little fine barring hung like a necklace across the throat 
and upper breast, and here again seems a tendency towards fine, regular 
barring shown by No. 68 and slightly by 65 and 69. These specimens 
are, however, well advanced in the white winter plumage, which may have 
something to do with this particular appearance. It may be a character 
of age or an individual variation. 

Groups VII and VIII are fairly distinct, but IX is strikingly so. The 
'‘Yellow group,” VII, has a distinct general yellowish rust appearance, 
whereas VIII is clearly grey with considerable white frosty veiling on the 
back of the most perfect specimens. 

Group IX is a very pale sandy colour. No. 76 is finely barred, as 
described above for 68, etc. They are absolutely unlike any other birds 
in the collection. No. 78 is a fragment, consisting of head, wing, and foot, 
but the head is unmistakably identical with 75. I take 74 to be reinhardi, 
by both character and geography. No. 75 from Disko is not surprising, 
but that identical birds should be found as far west as the Yukon-Alaska 
boundary is a disturbing puzzle and one that I cannot attempt to solve. 
It is possible that these western birds represent a distinct subspecies 
superficially resembling reinhardi as Bubo v. lieterocnemis of the Labrador 
does B. v. saturatus of the Pacific coast. In this connexion see No. 18, 
group I, which might possibly be regarded as belonging to this unnamed 
form. The material on hand though is suggestive only and the data too 
slight to do more than raise this question without answering it. 

The three Newfoundland birds are found inseparable from the others 
of the grey group. Nos. 63, 66, 67, and 70 are in a strictly comparable state 
of plumage and I see no material difference between them and these sup- 
posed welchi. In fact Nos. 71 and 70 are as nearly exact duplicates of each 
other as it is possible to find in this variable species. Nos. 64 and 65 were 
taken on ship board in middle of Hudson strait during migration. 





Yellow Group 

79. M.V.Z. 9796 Port Snettisham, Alaska Aug. 29,1909 Full autumn 

80. Bent 1867 Lance au Loup, Labrador Sept. 9,1917 “ 

81. U.S.N.M. 94433 Ft. Ckimo, Ungava ....Aug. 26,1882 “ 

82. N.M.C. 18851 Ponds inlet, Baffin is.. Aug. 27,1923 Half grown 

83. “ 18858 “ Sept. 1, 1923 

84. “ 16292 De Haven pt., Victoria is Aug. 25,1918 Near down 

85. “ 16293 “ Aug. 25, 1918 

86. “ 16294 “ Aug. 25, 1918 

87. “ 16295 " Aug. 25,1918 

88. M.C.Z. 205491 Anticosti is., Que July 10, 1881 Downy 



Grey Group 




Nettilling I., Baffin is 


24, 1925 

Nearly fledged 






27, 1925 







27, 1925 







21, 1925 







21, 1925 





Amadjuak bay, Baffin is ... . 

. . . Aug. 

7, 1926 

Half grown 






7, 1926 







7, 1926 





Disko, Greenland 


8, 1891 






. . .July 

8, 1891 





Amadjuak, Baffin is 

. . . Aug. 

1, 1925 

Quarter grown 






1, 1925 







20, 1925 





Nettilling 1., Baffin is 


26, 1925 

Near down 






26, 1925 







26, 1925 





Cape Dorset, Baffin is 

. . .July 

20, 1926 


The juvenile on leaving the down goes into a plumage much like that 
of the autumn female, but less sharply defined in pattern. Towards the 
end of the season considerable fine vermiculation appears in the back, but 
the breast remains distinctly barred. There is a moult of the wing quills 
during the summer when the greyish or dusky ones of the newdy fledged 
juvenile are replaced by the pure white ones of the coming winter. When 
other evidences of immaturity are not plain the presence of a few remain- 
ing grey wing quills may establish the undoubted juvenility of a specimen. 

The distinction between these two groups is not very strongly marked, 
but is discernible in most individuals and in mass it is convincing. It is 
evident from the newly hatched downy right through to the late autumn 
bird going into its first winter’s whiteness. 


No. 79 is identified by H. S. Swarth as L. r. dixoni. It is the yellowest 
and on the whole the darkest of this group, though the difference between 
it and No. 83 is not great and is considerably less than is often caused by 
individual variation in the species. No. 80 is a bird that seems far from 
its natural range, but the date suggests that it might be an early migrant. 

On the whole it seems evident that there are two principal races of 
rock ptarmigan in North America, a yellow northern and a grey southern 
one. On laying these specimens down on the accompanying map (Figure 
1) in appropriate symbols the general trend is evident. There are generally 
well-defined yellow northern and grey southern groups. The dividing 
line between them seems to run from the general vicinity of the Alaska- 
Yukon-British Columbia corner eastward and a little north, just below 
Coronation gulf and across central Baffin island to Greenland near Disko 

The Newfoundland welchi is indistinguishable from the grey mainland 
bird and western kelloggae is identical with the yellow one, a conclusion 
also reached by Swarth (an tea). There are several occurrences which 
disturb this fair arrangement. Both yellow and grey forms are represented 
in our collection from northern British Columbia, the Yukon coast, west 
Banks island, central Baffin island, Ungava bay, and Disko, Greenland. 
Most of these may be dismissed as migrants, others as individual variants 
or carrying misinterpreted characters. The case of the pale sand-coloured 
birds is very puzzling. Schipler (Dansk Ornithologisk Ridsskrift, 19, 1925) 
restricts reinhardi to the west coast of Greenland, latitude 64 degrees and 
southward. He describes it as very light coloured, light grey on back. This 
agrees fairly well with No. 74, taken at Sukkertoppen, Greenland, latitude 
65° 30', if “light sandy” is substituted for the translation of “light grey.” 
He distinguishes the birds from latitude 66° to 71° as distinct from rein- 
hardi and assumes them to be rupestris. His description in the translation 
available to me is not very clear, but I gather that they are “darker and 
warmer” than reinhardi . This would fit either our northern or southern 
continental forms, but considering we have birds unmistakably of the 
northern yellow type from Disko, and that the general trend of the land 
masses it inhabits is towards north Greenland, it seems safe to infer that 
the bird of northwestern Greenland is the same as those of the adjacent 
northernmost islands. 

The sandy birds of group IX are undoubtedly reinhardi, but what to 
call the sporadic specimens 76, 77, and 78 that seem identical with them 
is a puzzling question. Such a discontinuous distribution as seems inferred 
would be too extraordinary to be accepted on the few specimens at hand. 
One alternative is that the northern race is dichromatic, with a light phase 
dominant in southwestern Greenland and a dark one dominant elsewhere. 
Until further data is forthcoming the question must remain open and sub- 
ject to conjecture. 

The southern grey form is undoubtedly rupestris (type locality Hudson 
bay). For the northern yellow one kelloggae (type locality Prince William 
sound, Alaska) seems to be the next available name, hence we have the 
following principal races and distributions: 


Lagopus rupestris rupestris (Gmelin), Southern rock ptarmigan. Generally greyish. 
Northern British Columbia and southern Yukon, central Mackenzie and Kee- 
watin, southern Baffin island and the Ungava peninsula to Newfoundland. 

Lagopus rupestris reinhardi (Brehm.). Reinhardt’s ptarmigan. Generally pale sand 
coloured. Southwestern Greenland north to near Disko island. 

Lagopus rupestris keUoggae Grinnell. Northern rock ptarmigan. Generally yellowish. 
The interior of Alaska and northern Yukon, the western Arctic coast to Coronation 
gulf, the Arctic islands, except southern Baffin island; and west Greenland 
north of Disko island. 


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