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Contributions to Canadian 


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Hon. Charles Stewart, Minister; Charles Camsell, Deputy Minister 


W. H, Collins, Acting Director 


Geological Series No. 51 

Contributions to Canadian 






New Species of Marine Invertebrate Fossils from the Bearpaw Formation of 

Southern Alberta: M. Y. Williams, University of British Columbia 1 

New Species of Invertebrate Fossils from the Non-marine Formations of Southern 

Alberta: W. S. Dyer, Department of Mines, Toronto 7 

Fossil Plants from the Cypress Hills of Alberta and Saskatchewan: Edward W. 

Berry, Johns Hopkins University 15 

A New Specimen of Eodelphia cutleri from the Belly River Formation of Alberta: 

George Gaylord Simpson, American Museum of Natural History 29 

Fossils from Harrison Lake Area, British Columbia: C. H. Crickmay, University 

of California at Los Angeles 33 



By M. Y. Williams, University of British Columbia 


Plates I and II. Illustrations of fossils 




In a forthcoming memoir by W. S. Dyer and the writer of this article, 
the general geology of southern Alberta is dealt with; a chapter on strati- 
graphy includes lists of fossils found in the different formations of the 
region. Descriptions of new species of fossils have, however, been left 
for publication in this bulletin. The marine faunas, studied by the author, 
belong to the Pierre sea of Upper Cretaceous age. The marine formations 
represented are, from older to younger, Pakowki shale, Bearpaw shale, 
and a lower, marine shale division of the Fox Hills formation. 

The author wishes to acknowledge his indebtedness to Dr. C. H. 
Crickmay, who made a preliminary study of the ammonites, and called 
attention to the new species herewith described. The ammonites were 
later studied in detail by Louis G. Millward, under the author’s super- 
vision, at the University of British Columbia. 

Of twelve species of pelecypods from the Pakowki shale, thirty-four 
species from the Bearpaw shale, and thirty-one species from the Fox 
Hills formation, as identified by the author, only one new variety was 
discovered. It is described below. 

Of the ammonites, one new species is described, one form is referred 
to a western rather than to an eastern species, and two species are referred 
to different genera from those in which they were originally placed. The 
account of the ammonites is taken, with modifications, from a thesis by 

Order, Teleodesmacea 

Veniella subtrapeziformis (Whiteaves) var. dyeri var. nov. 

Plate II, figures 4-7 

Small, sub-trigonal, gibbous, especially below and backward from the 
umbo, from which a rounded slope emends to the posterior bf»Ral extremity. 


Beaks prominent, incurved, directed anteriorly, and overhanging the 
anterior dorsal margin. Basal margin gently arcuate, posterior dorsal 
margin strongly curved to the short hinge-line. 

Shell thin, smooth closed, marked by varying lines of growth; lunule 
absent, escutcheon short and narrow. 

Pallial line entire, muscular scars as in Arctica but not well defined in 
the specimens studied. 

Teeth, as seen in sectioned specimens, consist of 3 cardinals and one 
lateral in each valve, generally similar to those of the V. conradi (Morton), 

This form corresponds in general characters with “C^/prmo" suh- 
trapeziformis Whiteaves^ Whiteaves did not see the hinge of his species 
and placed it doubtfully in “Cyprina” stating that it might belong instead 
to Cypricardia or Veniella. 

y. suhtrapeziformis var. dyeri differs from Whiteaves' form in being 
smaller, more gibbous, having more overarching beaks and a more arcuate 
basal margin. The following measurements illustrate the differences. 


Measurements in mm. 



Typical specimens of 
new variety 













Rroadth at iimho 














Variety dyeri appears to belong to Stoliczka's genus Veniella, but 
differs from the general form in lacking a lunule. Its subquadrate or 
sub-trigonal shape separates it from Arctica. Within the genus Veniella, 
it is somewhat similar to V. suhtumida Meek and Hayden, from the Fox 
Hills and Fort Pierre groups of Yellowstone river, but differs from that 
species in somewhat smaller size and less rounded and prominent posterior 
umbonal shape. The depression in front of the slope in suhtumida is 
entirely lacking in internal casts of the present species, which have been 
used in comparison with the figures of internal casts of suhtumida in United 
States Geol. Survey of the Territories, vol. IX, PI. 17, figs. 5a, b. 

Occurrence. In the Baculites compressus zone 450 feet above the 
base of the Bearpaw formation, as exposed on Gap creek, sec. 24, tp. 9, 
range 27, W. 3rd mer. Collector, W. S. Dyer. Two lots of fossils, one 
marked SW. \ sec. 24; the other marked sec. 24, presumably came from 
nearly the same place. Together they contain upwards of eighty separate 
specimens, in fair state of preservation, and several pieces of rock packed 
full of specimens. Strangely enough the form has not been noted else- 
where in the region. 

With this species are found Chlamys nehrascensis M. and H., BacuUtes 
compressus Say, and Dentalium gradle H. and M. 

>Geol. Surv,, Canada, Cont. to Can. Pal., vol. I, p. 29, FI. XXIV, figs. 2, 2a, 2b. 


Order, Ammonoidea 

Ammonites were collected from the three formations laid down in 
the western Canadian extension of the Pierre sea. These formations are, 
from oldest to youngest, the Pakowki shale ( = Claggett of United States), 
the Bearpaw shale, and the lower marine shale member of the Fox Hills 
“sandstone’* formation. The species found are listed below. 










Fox Hills 

Baculites compressus Say 





Baculites graiidis H. and M 


Baculites crickmayi n.s 


Placenticeras intercalare Meek 



Placenticeras meeki Boehm 




Rha^oceras haUi Meek 


Acanthoscaphites nodosus (Owen) var. brevis Meek 




Baculites compressus probably occurs in the Pakowki shale as reported 
by Dowling^ B, asper Morton has not been recognized, however, nor 
has B. ovatus Say. 

Baculites crickmayi n.sp, 

Plate I, figure 1; Plate II, figures 1, 2, 3 

Fossil in the form of an internal cast. Elongated; of fairly large 
size, and rather rapidly tapering compared with other Baculites. Cross- 
section ovate, tapering toward the siphonal side. Surface of cast marked 
by broad, rounded, arcuate undulations, which commence at the dorsal 
and pass obliquely down and backward in a broad curve, terminating 
abruptly on the ventral-lateral region. 

Septa not crowded, lobes and sinuses deep and divided into somewhat 
divergent, digitate branches. Siphonal lobe about as long as wide and 
provided with two terminal, more or less spreading, branches, each of 
which has generally three, but in some cases two, nearly equal, digitate 
branchlets at the end, and two similar lateral ones on the outer side. 
First lateral saddle two-thirds as wide as long, much narrower than the 
siphonal lobe, and divided at the anterior end into two nearly equal branches 
each of which is subdivided into three or four spreading, digitate branch- 
lets. First lateral lobe nearly twice as long as wide, and divided at its 
end into two nearly equal parts, each with three spreading and digitate 
subdivisions. Second lateral saddle very similar in branches and sub- 
divisions to the first and only a little larger in size. Second lateral lobe 
about as broad, but shorter than the first, and bearing two large, equal, 

iQeol. Surv., Canada, Mem. 93, “Southern Plains of Alberta”, p. 47. 


bipartite, digitate terminal branches, and small digitate and simple lateral 
branches. Third lateral saddle much smaller than either of the others, 
with two unequal, short, digitate terminal divisions, and a few short, 
irregular, smaller lateral branchlets. Dorsal or antisiphonal lobe very- 
small, much longer than wide, with one or two small lateral branches, 
and a trifid extremity. 

As there are only two incomplete specimens, exact measurements can- 
not be obtained, but the larger specimen in hand has a greater diameter 
of 46 mm. and a lesser diameter of 36 mm. From the average taper of 
the cast the original shell must have been over 700 mm. in length when 

In cross-section the specimen rather resembles the broad variety of 
B. ovatus figured by Meek^, but it differs from that species in the well- 
marked ridges on the shell and by the much more regular suture with its 
deeper lobes and saddles. Indeed the suture is much more deeply incised 
than any of those figured in the publications available to the author. The 
ornamentation resembles that of B. aquilaensiSy but it differs in the cross- 
section and suture. 

The smaller specimen shows that these sutural characters are distinct 
from near the larval condition. The lip of the living chamber is, appar- 
ently, like that of BacuUtes compressus. 

The specimen does not resemble any previously described BacuUtes 
even closely enough to be referred to it as a variety. Its closest relatives 
appear to be B. ovatus and B, compressus, being as much like one as the 
other. For these reasons the author feels justified in referring it to a 
new species. 

To designate this species the writer proposes the name BacuUtes 
crickmayi, after Dr. Colin H. Crickmay, who first examined the collection. 

Occurrences. (1) Mid-line, between SE. and SW. \ sec. 25, lot 9, 
range 6, W. 4th mer. (2) Coulee, west of road 3| miles south of 
Irvine, Alberta. Collector, W. S. Dyer. 

Genus, Rhaehoceras Meek^ 

Meek described the only known species of this genus as Phylloceras ? 
halU, expressing a strong doubt regarding its position in Suess’ genus 
which was founded on Jurassic forms. Continuing, Meek cites the following 
variations from the generic characters of Phylloceras Suess: 

“Its septa differ in some details, such, for instance, as the proportionally smaller 
size of its first lateral lobe as compared with tne siphonal lobe, and the more nearly bipartite 
termination of the former: also in the less obtusely-rounded terminations of the sub- 
divisions of the lateral sinuses." 

Of a large distorted specimen he says: 

“ I am strongly impressed with the belief that its outer volution naturally made two 
deflexions from the regular curve of those within." ..... “This deflexion, or 
departure, from the regular curve, makes the outer volution much less deeply embracing 
than the inner, and the umbilicus consequently much larger proportionally in the adult, 
than in the young and medium-sized specunens.” 

*U.S. Geol. Surv., Terr., vol. IX, PL 20. 

>Ueek, F. B.: U.S. Geol. Surv., Terr., vol. IX, pp. 468-462 (1876). 


III conclusion Meek says: 

“Should complete undistorted specimens show as I think very probably will be the 
case, that it differs generically or subgenerically from Phylloceras proper, I would propose 
for the group into which it would in that case naturally fall, the name Rhaeboceras.” 

Rhaeboceras halli Meek 

Ammonites halli 

F. B. Meek and F. V. Hayden: Acad. Nat. Sci., Phil. Proc., vol. VIII 
(1856), p. 7; vol. XII (1860), p. 420. 

F. B. Meek: Smith. Check-List of North American Cret. Fossils 
(1864), p. 24, Fig. 64. 

Phylloceras f halli 

F. B. Meek: U.S. Geol, Surv., Terr., vol. IX (1876), pp. 458-462, 
PI. 24, figs. 3a, b, c. 

Description from Meek: 

“Shell attaining a large size, moderately compressed discoidal; volutions with their 
convexity about equalling two-thirds their diameter from the ventral side to the rather 
narrowly rounded periphery, in young and medium sized examples, each embracing nearly 
the entire breadth of the next within, but the last one in the adult becoming proportionally 
less deeply embracing; umbilicus very narrow, and rather deep in the young but propor- 
tionally wider in the adult; surface ornamented with numerous small bifurcating, sligMly 
flexuous costae, that are larger near the umbiUcal side, and on the turn of medium 
and large sized specimens become proportionally somewhat more prominent, more curved, 
and suddenly bifurcate near the umbilicus, and again divide and subdivide into num- 
erous smaller ones, so that their number, including others intercalated betweenj amounts 
to from five to seven times as many where they pass straightly over the periphery, as 
near the umbilical side; body-chamber forming at least the entire outer volution. 

Locality and Position. One hundred and fifty miles above the mouth of Milk riverj 
on the Missouri, in Montana territory; from the Fort Pierre group of the Upper Missouri 
Cretaceous series.” 

Two specimens are found in the present collection, one being only 
15 mm. in diameter and probably far from complete, and the other 11 cm. 
across and possessing more than 6 cm. of living chamber, measured along 
its central axis. This larger specimen is well preserved, and has been 
dissected so as to show surface markings, suture lines, umbilicus, etc., 
of both young and old stages of development. The two flexures of curva- 
ture are well shown, one occurring at the last septum and the other about 
4 cm. back along the periphery. The expansion of the umbilicus is also 
well shown. 

Thus in an undistorted specimen, the characters which Meek noted 
as separating this form from the genus Phylloceras are verified. Crickmay 
concluded after examining this specimen that Rhaeboceras was established 
as a separate genus, which is not related to Phylloceras as Meek supposed, 
but is probably descended from the Hoplitidae. 

Occurrences. In the Baculites compressus zone of the Bearpaw for- 
mation, on the south branch of Box Elder creek, sec. 30, lot 10, range 
29, W. 3rd mer. (Sask.). Collector, W. S. Dyer. 


Family, placenticepatidae 
Genus, Placenticeras Meek 
Placenticeras meeki J. Boehm 

Placenticeras placenta (deKay) (part.) 

F. B. Meek: U.S. Geol. Surv., Terr., vol. IX (1876), pp, 465-468, 
PI. 24, fig. 2. 

Geol. Surv., Canada, numerous reports on western Great Plains. 
Placenticeras meeki J. Boehm 

J. Boehm: Deutsche Geol. Gesell. Zeitsche., vol. L (1898), p. 200 
(footnote) . 

J. B. Reeside, jun.: U.S. Geol. Surv., Prof. Paper 151 (1927), pp. 29-30, 
PI. 22, figs. 5-7; Pis. 23-24; PI. 25, figs. 1-2. 

Placenticeras whitfieldi Hyatt 

A. Hyatt: U.S. Geol. Surv., Mon. 44, pp. 221-232, PI. 45, figs. 3-16; 
PI. 46; PL 47, figs. 1-4 (1903). 

A. W. Grabau and H. W. Shimer: North American Index Fossils, 
vol. II (1910), p. 218, figs. 1493-1494. 

In some specimens, on being broken down, lines of tubercles may 
be seen on the young shell. These are all small and are generally absent 
on the larger volutions. Hyatt, in one place^ regards them as merely 
individual reversions to the primitive type, but in the specific description* 
refers them to a variety ‘‘tuberculatum” j stating them to be intermediate 
between this species and P. intercalare. 

The species can be distinguished from P. placenta of the Atlantic 
Cretaceous by certain characters which, however, can be observed only 
in comparing the two species. The venter is narrower throughout life 
and becomes less completely rounded in the gerontic stage. This rounding 
also comes at a much larger size than in P. placenta. Tubercles are lacking 
in the typical forms, but when present are small, whereas those of P. 
placenta are large and elongated, much coarser, and less numerous. The 
suture is also more complex and sinuous than that of the eastern form. 

Of the specimens preserved in the Bearpaw collection, the largest 
specimen, when complete, had a greater diameter of 365 mm. and a width 
of 75 mm. 

Occurrences, (1) East side of Oldman river, sec. 20, tp. 8, range 22, 
W. 4th mer. (2) Immediately north of the old Canadian Pacific Railway 
bridge over St. Mary river. Fox Hills, lower shalo — Cypress lake. 
Collector, M. Y. Williams. 

(3) Coulee, west of road 3| miles south of Irvine, Alberta. 
(4) Sec. 22, lot 9, range 23, W. 4th mer., Oldman river. (5) Sec. 1, lot 11, 
range 3, W. 4th mer., Ross creek. (6) Mid-line between SE. and SW. | 
sec. 25, lot 9, range 6, W. 4th mer. Collector, W. S. Dyer. 

*Hyatt, A.: U.S. Geol. Surv., Mon. 44, p. 190 (1903). 
*Hyatt, A.: U.S. Geol. Surv., Mon. 44, pp. 211, 232 (1903). 



By W. S. DyeTf Department of Mines, Toronto 




Plates III and IV. Illustrations of fossils 

The invertebrate fossils of the non-marine formations of southern 
Alberta will be listed and commented upon by the writer in a forthcoming 
memoir by Williams and the present writer, on the geology of southern 
Alberta and southwestern Saskatchewan. The non-marine formations 
include the Belly River, Edmonton, and St. Mary River of Upper Creta- 
ceous age; the Paskapoo, Willow Creek, and Porcupine Hills of Eocene 
age; and the Ravenscrag, probably also of Eocene age. In this paper, 
which should be regarded as complementary to the memoir, the new species 
and varieties are described and figured. The writer is indebted to Frank 
H. McLearn of the Geological Survey, Canada, for advice and assistance 
during the progress of the work, and to Dr. T. W. Stanton of the United 
States Geological Survey for allowing free access to the extensive fossil 
collections in the United States National Museum in Washington. 


Unio suhprimaevis sp. nov. 

Plate III, figure 2 

This form is similar to U. primaevis White in possessing peculiar, 
posterior, radiating ridges; it also has anterior, radiating ridges of the 
same order. These ridges are not mentioned in White’s description of 
the type of U, primaevis, but are present on forms referred to it in the 
United States National Museum in Washington. U. suhprimaevis also 
has the umbonal ridge characteristic of U. primaevis and the furrow in 
front of it. The new species differs from White’s form in being considerably 
smaller, and in having the umbonal ridge less prominent and the furrow 
correspondingly more shallow. 

Dimensions of Type. Length, 26 mm.; height, 14 mm. 

Horizon and Locality of Type, Foremost beds, South Saskatchewan 
river one mile below the mouth of Bow river. 

Unio rncJearni sp. nov. 

Plate III, figure 15 

Several specimens of a highly ornamental Unio were collected from 
the Foremost beds on South Saskatchewan river. They are similar to 
Unio holmesianus White, redescribed and figured by Stanton^ but differ 

>Stanton, T. W.: U.S. Geol. Surv., Prof. Paper 98. 


in several details of ornamentation. The new species lacks the short, 
transverse ridges which in U. holmesianus are “nearly at right angles 
to the lines on the front of the shell”. It also lacks the thread-like, raised 
lines which in White's species run from the beak down the crest of the 
umbonal ridge. In U. mclearni the V-shaped sinuses of ornamentation 
reach to the beak and are not preceded by the sharp, slightly undulating, 
concentric ridges nearly parallel with the growth lines. Still another 
difference is that in U. holmesianus the apex of the deepest sinus of orna- 
mentation is in the broad umbonal furrow, whereas in the new species 
it lies in front of the furrow. 

Dimensions of Type (a slightly distorted form). Length, 34 mm.; 
height, 29 mm,; thickness, about 22 mm. 

Unio humei sp. nov. 

Plate IV, figures 1 and 4 

In the collections made by T. C. Weston in 1888 from Fossil coulee 
(about secs. 7 and 8, tp. 4, range 19, W. 4th mer.) there are certain specimens 
of Unio which in form resemble the marine shell Arctica ovata. 

The shell is transversely ovate, moderately convex, and the valves 
quite thick; the anterior extremity evenly rounded, but the posterior 
extremity narrowly rounded; basal margin semi-oval; the posterior dorsal 
part of the type is partly broken away, but other specimens show it to be gently 
convex, the anterior dorsal margin is somewhat more abruptly rounded; 
beaks moderately elevated and located midway in the anterior third of 
the shell. Internally the shell is quite thick and heavy; the lateral teeth 
have not been seen and the smaller of the cardinal teeth is not well pre- 
served; the cardinal tooth which is preserved is large. 

It is rather close to the form, referred doubtfully to Unio pyramida- 
toides by Stanton^, from the Fruitland formation of New Mexico, but 
is longer in proportion to height and the posterior margin is not truncated. 

Dimensions of Type. Length, 78 mm.; height, 64 mm. 

Horizon and Locality of Type. Pale beds; Fossil coul4e (about sec. 17, 
tp. 4, range 19, W. 4th mer.). 


Viviparus crickmayi sp. nov. 

Plate III, figure 3 

This species differs from V. tasgina, the most closely related form, 
chiefly in the greater prominence of the shoulder on the upper part of the 

The lower two-thirds of the body whorl is evenly rounded, but on 
its upper part there is a shallow, revolving depression surmounted by a 
moderately prominent, rounded ridge. Above the ridge the outline of 
the whorl turns in abruptly almost at right angles to the axis of the shell 
to form the shoulder. In many cases the shoulder is 3 mm. wide. It is 
usually quite flat, but occasionally slightly concave. Proceeding toward 

‘Stanton, T. W.: U.S. Geol. Surv., Prof. Paper 98, p. 309 et seq. (1916). 


the apex of the shell the ridge and the shoulder become less prominent 
and the angle between the shoulder and the axis acute as in V. tasgina. 
Finally, near the apex, the ridge and the shoulder fade out entirely. The 
character of the apex and the first few whorls leaves no doubt of the close 
relationship of the species with V. nidaga. The apex is obtuse and the 
first few whorls are quite angular at the base. 

Horizon and Locality. It occurs abundantly at one locality in the 
Willow Creek formation on Willow creek, i.e., centre of sec. 12, tp. 10, 
range 27, W. 4th mer. All the specimens at this locality were from a 
drift flock, but judging from the conditions in the field the writer believes 
that it could not have travelled far from its original position. A few 
specimens were also found in the Edmonton formation on Bow river. 

Dimensions of Type. Length, 27 mm.; width, 20 mm.; apical angle, 
55 degrees. 

Viviparus nidaga sp. nov. 

Plate III, figure 1 

Some of the forms which Meek^ regarded as V. conradi depart rather 
widely from the typical form of the species. They are larger, more elongate, 
and have more rounded whorls. It is possible that they are simply speci- 
mens more advanced in size or age as Meek suggests, but they approach 
V. nidaga, a new species from the Belly Eiver formation, rather closely. 
In Alberta specimens have been found which definitely link the two species. 
The more typical form of V. conradi is represented by Meek’s figures 15a 
and 15b, and the divergent form by figures 15c and 15d. V. conradi is 
rare in the Pale beds, but more common in the Foremost member of the 
Belly River formation. 

Viviparus nidaga differs from V. conradi, the only species from the 
Belly River formation for which it might be mistaken, in the greater 
convexity of the whorls, in the absence of the angle at the base of the body 
whorl, and in the more elongate shape of the shell. The spiral whorls 
of the new species, however, are angular at the base. Certain species 
are clearly intermediate between V. conradi and V. nidaga, leaving no 
doubt of the close relationship of the two species. 

V. nidaga is close to V, leai, which occurs in several post-Bearpaw 
formations, differing chiefly in being larger and more slender in shape 
and in having more angular spiral whorls. It is rare in the Pale beds 
and in the Foremost member of the Belly River formation. The specific 
name means “prairie chicken” in Sarcee Indian. 

Dimensions of Type. Length, 27 mm. ; breadth, 22 mm. ; apical angle, 
60 degrees. 

Several well-preserved specimens of Viviparus prudentius White^ 
were collected on Pincher creek by Weston in 1883, and by Dawson from 
Gooseberry canyon, St. Mary river, in 1881. Both localities are in the 
St. Mary River formation. V. prudentius also occurs in the Willow 
Creek and Paskapoo formations. This species is the culmination of the 
V. nidagor-V. leai-V. prudentius line of development, in which is shown a 
progressive rounding of the whorls and flattening of the spire. 

iMeek: U.S. Geol. Surv., vol. 9, p. 679, PI. 42, figs. 15a, b, c, d (1876). 

2U.S. Geol Surv., 3rd Ann. Kept., p. 467, Pi. 25, figs. 17, 18 (1883). 



Viviparus tasgina sp. nov. 

Plate III, figure 5 

This species is midway in development between V. nidaga of the 
Belly River formation and V. crickmayi of the Willow Creek and Edmonton 
formations. This is well shown in the character of the shoulder on the 
upper part of the whorls. This shoulder, which is lacking in V. nidaga^ 
is always present in V, tasgina, but never so well defined as in V. crickmayi. 
The three species are similar in the general shape of the shell and in the 
character of the apex and spiral whorls. 

V. tasgina sometimes attains large sizes, the largest specimen found 
measuring 51 mm. in length, and others reach lengths of 33 and 40 mm. 
The increase of the apical angle with age, which was seen many times 
during the course of the present study, is excellently illustrated by V. 
tasgina, and it was noticed that the coarseness of the growth lines also 
increased with age. In the larger specimens there is a tendency for the 
whorl above the body whorl to be more elongated in the general direction 
of the axis of the shell than the younger specimens. 

The species is rather rare in the Edmonton formation and one specimen 
from the St. Mary River formation was doubtfully referred to it. The 
specific name means “policeman'’ in Sarcee Indian. 

Dimensions of Type. Length, 51 mm.; breadth, 42 mm.; apical angle, 
53 degrees. 

Campeloma veivla tenuis var. nov. 

Plate III, figure 4 

The forms found in Alberta referable to Campeloma veiula Meek^ 
are highly variable, ranging from short, stout forms with apical angles 
of 50 degrees to forms with elevated spires and apical angles of 30 degrees. 
They are abundant in the Foremost member of the Belly River formation. 
The more slender forms have been separated in the paper under a new 
varietal name C. tenuis. Several of the specimens show distinctly the 
revolving strije characteristic of C. multilineata and there is no doubt 
that the two species are very closely related. These stria? are very often 
present on the upper and lower parts of the whorl, but absent from the 
middle of the whorl. Occasionally, however, they are present over the 
whole whorl. The forms identified as C. multilineata by Whiteaves from 
the Belly River formation should be referred to this species. 

It was found on examining the collection of C. vetula in the museum 
of the Geological Survey in Washington that the forms were stouter than 
the major part of the Canadian individuals. These latter slender forms 
have hence been separated, but as a new variety. 

By a gradual flattening of the whorls and by the gradual appearance 
of an angulation at the base of the body whorl, C. vetula tenuis passes 
into C. praecursa. 

Dimensions of Type. Length, 18 mm.; width, 11 mm.; apical angle, 
47 degrees. 

iMeek: U.S. Geol. Surv., Terr., vol. 9, p. 678, PI. 42, figs, 14a, b (1876). 


Horizon and Locality of Type. Foremost beds of the Belly River 
formation; northwest of centre of sec. 1, tp. 3, range 12, W. 4th mer., 
southern Alberta. 

Campeloma praecursa sp. nov. 

Plate III, figure 6 

Shell of moderate size, conical in outline; the volutions, which number 
five or six in those specimens having the apex preserved, flat-sided; body 
whorl slightly angulated at the base; surface marked by fine lines of growth, 
which in a few specimens are crossed by obscure revolving strise, suture 
very slightly impressed; aperture narrow, ovate; apparently imperforate. 

This species is distinguished from C. veiula tenuis by the flatness 
of the whorls, and, in consequence, the conical outline of the shell. It is 
quite similar to C. producta, but differs in the flatness of the whorls, there 
being no hint of a revolving ridge as in that species. C. praecursa is the 
forerunner of C. producta and allied species so common in the post-Bearpaw 
formations, just as C. vetula is the forerunner of C. multilineata. 

It has been found in both the Pale beds and Foremost members of 
the Belly River formation, but is more abundant in the lower member. 

Dimensions of Type. Length (one whorl missing), 18 mm.; breadth, 
10 mm. ; apical angle, 35 degrees. 

Campeloma cypressensis sp. nov. 

Plate III, figure 7 

This species has developed directly from C. producta^ there being 
many specimens intermediate in form between the two. C. cypressensis 
is distinguished by the very prominent shoulder in the upper part of the 
body whorl; this shoulder is so prominent in some specimens as to form 
a swollen ring which is much the widest part of the shell. The body whorl 
is much more robust porportionately than in C. producta, as a consequence 
of which the apical angle becomes considerably larger. The most extreme 
specimen measured 18 mm. in length and had an apical angle of 70 degrees. 
It occurs only in the Ravenscrag formation in Cypress hills in sec. 29, 
tp. 8, range 4, W. 4th mer. 

Dimensions of Type. Length, 14 mm.; breadth, 11 mm.; apical angle, 
70 degrees. 

Goniohasis svhtortuosa mut. tenuis n, mut. 

Plate III, figures 9, 10 

The remains of a gasteropod species closely resembling G. suhtortuosa 
of the Foremost beds was found in the Willow Creek formation in the bed 
of Willow creek a few miles west of the village of Granum (sec. 12, tp. 16, 
range 27, W. 4th mer.). The Willow Creek form, however, differs in 
being somewhat thicker shelled, more slender, and in having coarser growth 
lines. Owing to these differences and to its much higher geological horizon, 
it is herein regarded as a mutation of G. suhtortuosa. 

Dimensions of Type. Length, 12 mm.; breadth, 7 mm.; apical angle, 
40 degrees. 



Goniobasis williamsi sp. nov. 

Plate III, figure 8 

This species resembles G. tenuicarinata of the Willow Creek and 
Paskapoo formations in its ornamentation, but differs in its greater com- 
parative breadth, more widely divergent apical angle, and in the fact that 
the upper carina is always larger in comparison with the second carina, 
and always coincides with the widest part of the whorl. It also occurs at 
a considerably lower horizon. G. williamsi also closely resembles G. sub- 
tortuosa, differing only in the additional ornamentation. In cases of poor 
preservation it is difficult to ascribe a specimen to its proper place. The 
species is named after Dr. M. Y. Williams who collected the type speci- 
mens. It occurs only in the Foremost member of the Belly River for- 

Dimensions of Type. Length, 17 mm.; breadth, 10 mm.; apical angle, 
45 degrees. 

Goniobasis judithensis minimus var. nov. 

Plate III, figure 12 

This variety differs from the type species only in its smaller size. 
Whereas Stanton^ states that G. judithensis is lai^er than G. tenuicarinata 
and averages 22 mm. in length by 13 mm. in breadth, our forms do not 
average more than 10 mm. in length by 7 mm. in breadth, and the largest 
specimen is only 16 mm. long. It is abundant at two localities in the Pale 
beds and other specimens were collected from beds of doubtful ages in 
Oyster creek one-half mile from Oldman river. 

Dimensions of Type. Length, 9 mm.; breadth (flattened), 8 mm.; 
apical angle, 60 degrees. 

Goniobasis whittakeri sp. nov. 

Plate III, figure 11 

Shell variable in size, moderate to small; whorls seven, moderately 
convex, those near the apex slender and uniformly rounded, the lower 
whorls angulated at the middle, the body whorl almost flat above the 
angle and convex below, whorls immediately above the body whorl flat 
both above and below the angle; surface marked by numerous (about 
forty in each whorl), evenly spaced, fine, revolving strife, an equal number 
above and below the angle; strise slightly waving where crossed by faint 
irregular lines of growth, presenting a silky appearance to the surface of 
the shell; aperture ovate. 

Comparatively abundant in the St. Mary River formation and a few 
specimens have also been found in the Edmonton formation. The forms 
from the St. Mary River formation described by Whiteaves^ as a new 
variety of G. tenuicarinata are undoubtedly poorly preserved examples of 
this species, and the specimens referred by him (op. cit., p. 21, PI. 3, figs. 
4, 4a) to G. nebrascensis also belong to it. 

iStanton, T. W.: U.S. Geol. Surv., Bull. 257, p. 117, PL 13, fig. 4 (1906). 
‘Gcol. Surv., Canada, Cont. Can. Pal., vol. 1, p. 22, PL 3, figs. 6, 6a. 


The possession of the silky ornamentation makes the species easily 
distinguishable from any other species in Alberta. 

Dimensions of Type. Length, 17 mm.; breadth, 9 mm.; apical angle, 
35 degrees. 

Goniobasis wehbi sp. nov. 

Plate III, figure 14 

This species differs from Goniobasis convexa (Meek and Hayden^) the 
most closely related form in its perfectly smooth surface: G. convexa has 
quite well defined revolving ridges which give it the appearance oia Melania. 
The new species is also somewhat smaller in size, and the whorls, especially 
the body whorl, are somewhat more angular than in G. convexa. Several 
samples of the young forms were found along with the adults. In these 
the apical angle is larger and the angle at the base of the body whorl sharper 
than in the adults. The species is named after Mr. John B. Webb who so 
ably assisted the author for two seasons in southern Alberta. Abundant 
in the Willow Creek and Edmonton formations, and one specimen was 
found in the St. Mary River formation. 

Dimensions of Type: Length, 27 mm.; breadth, 10 mm.; apical angle, 
25 degrees. 

Velatella rectistriata sp. nov. 

Plate IV, figures 2 and 3 

This species differs from V. haptista White of the Fort Union of Wyo- 
ming and Colorado in the character of the colour bands. In V. haptista 
the colour bands are irregularly radiating or vein-like, whereas in the new 
species they radiate from the beak in straight lines. Very few specimens 
of the new species show the character of the spire, but from the material 
at hand it would appe'ar that the spire is not so slender as in V. haptista 
and not so much coiled. Whiteaves (op. cit., p. 73) records V. haptista 
from the Belly River, but all his specimens were found to be referable to 
the new species. 

Dimensions of Type. Length, 11 mm.; width, 9 mm.; height, 6 mm. 

Horizon and Localities. This species occurs only in the Foremost 
beds, but examples were found at numerous localities. The best speci- 
mens were found on the north side of Oldman river in SW. | sec. 23, 
tp. 11, range 18, W. 4th mer. It is always indicative of brackish water 
conditions and occurs with Melania, Corhula, and Ostrea. 

Melania whiteavesi nodosa var. nov. 

Plate III, figure 16 

A few specimens from the Brosseau formation in North Saskatchewan 
river differ so decidedly from the regular form of M. whiteavesi that it is 
herein described as a new variety. The geology of North Saskatchewan 

‘G. convexa Meek, Kept. U.S. Geol. Surv., Terr., vol. 9, p. 592, PL 42, figs. 2a, b, and test figure 71 (1876). 


river does not come within the scope of this report, but the new variety 
was worked out while studying the genus Melania, and it was thought best 
not to leave it undescribed. 

The upper whorls of the variety have the ordinary appearance of the 
type, but in the lower whorls the transverse ribs have become almost 
obsolete. The revolving ridges are also not continuous, but well-developed 
nodes are present where the discontinuous ridges and the nearly obsolete 
transverse ribs cross. The result is a regular pattern of nodes over the 
whole whorl; these nodes are not circular or spiny, but are comparatively 
low and noticeably drawn out in the direction of the spiral ridge. In 
size and shape it is typical of M. whiteavesi. 

Horizon and Locality. Brosseau (Ribstone Creek) formation, North 
Saskatchewan river above Saddle Lake creek, sec. 8, tp. 37, range 12, W. 
4th mer. 

Pupa sp. indet. 

Plate III, figure 13 

At Nobleford, Alberta, in the St. Mary River formation, one specimen 
of a gasteropod was found which should, undoubtedly, be referred to the 
air-breathing genus Pupa. It will very likely prove to be a new species, 
but as it is incomplete, it was thought best to leave the detailed description 
until more specimens are found. It is somewhat similar to Pupa ata- 
vuncula White^ from the Upper Green River formation (Eocene), but is 
much larger and shows many minor differences. 

‘White, C. A.: U.S. Geol. Surv., Terr., Wyoming and Idaho, Con. Invert. Pal., pp. 46-47, PI. 19, fig. 9 (1878). 



By Edward W, Berry, Johns Hopkins University 


Plates V and VI. Illustrations of fossils 



I recently examined a collection of fossil plants made by Professor 
M. Y. Williams in Cypress Hills district of Alberta and Saskatchewan, 
which contains several interesting things and which is, so far as I know, 
the first formal record of the occurrence of fossil plants in that region. 

Cypress hills constitute an upland in the plains country and are 
situated a few miles south of the Canadian Pacific railway and about 40 
miles north of the International Boundary, between 108| and 110| degrees 
west longitude. 

The general section is as follows: 

Oligoceue conglomerate 
Raven scrag beds 
Estevan sandstone 
Fox Kills 

It is no part of my purpose to attempt a summary of the geology. 
The district was surveyed by McConnelP who reported on it in 1886. 
The present collections of plants come from the Estevan and Ravenscrag. 

Mammals, reptilia, and fishes to the extent of some forty species are 
known from the Oligocene, having been noticed first by Cope in 1891 
and later by Lambe in the strata unconformably overlying the Ravenscrag, 
and originally considered by McConnell to be of Miocene age. More 
recently dinosaurs have been discovered in both the Estevan sandstone 
and Whitemud, which are, therefore, correlated with the Lance formation 
as developed in Montana. This leaves the Ravenscrag as the representa- 
tive of the Fort Union of Montana, although all three were originally 
referred to the Laramie in its original indefinite sense. 

The present collections, which are the property of the Geological 
Survey, Canada, are from ten localities, although some of these are repre- 
sented by material which is not determinable. None is sufficiently large 
or varied to afford data for the discrimination of the three horizons men- 
tioned, as may be seen from the accompanying table of distribution of 
the species identified, so that the conclusions here presented are of 
palaeobotanical rather than stratigraphic interest. 

Eight species are recorded from the Estevan and of these only two, 
represented by rather indefinite material, have been recognized in the 
Ravenscrag. This, at first sight, might be thought to indicate a floral 
difference, but all of the Estevan plants except the Marchantites and 
Trochodendroides sp., both of which are obscure, are found in the Lance 

iGcol. Surv., Canada, N.S., voL 1, pt. C (1886). 


and Fort Union of the United States, where also both genera are repre- 
sented by characteristic material, so that the Estevan plants thus far 
discovered lack precise stratigraphic significance. 

Nineteen species are recorded from the Ravenscrag beds. Two of 
these have been discovered in the Estevan and all except the Ginkgo (?) 
stones, the fruit tentatively referred to Paliurus (?), and the new species 
of Cercocarpus and Leguminosites represent rather widespread types common 
in the Lance (ten of the forms), Fort Union (thirteen of the forms), Paskapoo 
(seven of the forms), or equivalent horizons. It would appear that the 
Ravenscrag beds are properly correlated with the Fort Union as it is now 
delimited in Montana and elsewhere in the United States. Evidently 
further collecting from the Ravenscrag beds will yield a large flora. 

Botanically it may be noted that tiiere are nineteen genera and fifteen 
families in thirteen or fourteen orders contained in the present collections 
from Cypress hills, including representatives of the Bryophyta, ArthnophyUi, 
Ginkgophyta, Coniferophyta, and Angiospermophyta. No Monocotyledons 
have been discovered. 

So far as they go they have the same ecological significance as the 
corresponding larger floras of the same age to the southward, in indicating 
a distinctly temperate flora of probably northern origin and possibly 
Holarctic in distribution, certainly at least common to North America 
and northeastern Asia. 

Table of Distribution 




Ft. Union 



Post-Ft. Union 



Post- Laramie 
Black Buttes 




AI archantitea sp 


Equiaetum ap 


Equiaetum rhizome 



Ginkgo adiantoidea 








Ginkgo ? stones 



Taxodium dubium 









Sequoia nordenakioldi 








Juglans nigella 






Ficus mburnifolia 



Ariatolochia crassifolia 





Trochodendroides cuneata 





“ speciosa 





" sp 


Cercocarpus ravenscragensis 


Leguminositea williamsi 


Celaatrus wardii 




** tanrinensia 





Enonymua splendens 




Rhamnites knowltoni 




Paliurus (?) sp 


Trapa microphylla 







Viburnum finale 



“ limpidum 



A peibopsia discolor 





Phyllites aquatictta 



Order, Marchantiales 

Genus, Marchantites Brongniart 
Marchantites sp. 

A small fragment of a narrowly linear, forked, thallose liverwort occurs 
in the Estevan beds along a road up a hill in SE. ^ sec. 28, tp. 7, range 3, 
W. 4th mer. It is too incomplete for description. Similar but larger 
forms occur in the Lower Eocene of France, the Mississippi Gulf embayment, 
and in the Lance formation of Montana. 

Order, Equisetales 

Genus, Equisetum Linn^ 

Equisetum sp. 

The original and counterpart of the upper part of a long internode 
with sheath at the node. Internode preserved for a length of 3-5 cm. 
and 8 mm. in maximum width, showing twelve wide, rather flat ridges. 
The sheath is about 1 cm. long and is crowned with sharp, linear, lanceolate 
teeth free for 6 to 7 mm. and connate for their basal 3 or 4 mm. 

The specimen is somewhat similar to the Green River Equisetum 
wyomingense Lesquereux, but differs in the greater length of both internode 
and sheath. It is distinct from any Tertiary species known to m*e. A 
nominal species of Equisetum has been recorded^ by Knowlton from the 
Lance formation, and there are three nominal species known from the 
Fort Union. These are all poorly known — E. canaliculatum Knowlton 
is a robust form with more numerous stem ridges and short sheaths; 
E. decidium Knowlton is based upon a large, detached entire sheath; and 
E. globulosum Lesquereux is based on a very slender rhizome with tubers. 
The present specimens, although probably representing a new species, 
are too incomplete to serve as types. Ravenscrag, above a coal seam 
below road bridge on central branch of Fairwell creek, sec. 28, tp. 7, range 
24, W. 3rd mer. 

Equisetum rhizome 

A Cctst of a rather stout Equisetum rhizome showing three somewhat 
inflated internodes each about 2*5 cm. in length comes from the Estevan, 
Eagle Butte near the centre of sec. 35, tp. 7, range 4, W. 4th mer. It is 
much like the specimens from the Lance formation of Rocky creek, Sas- 
katchewan, which I referred to Equisetum articum Heer^. 

^Knowlton, F. H.: Proc. Wash. Acad. Sci., vol. 11, p. 198 (1909). 

®Berry, Edward W.: Canadian Field Nat., vol. 38, pp. 131-132, Fig. 1 (1924). 



Order, Ginkgoales 

Genus, Ginkgo Linn 6 

Ginkgo adiantoides (Unger) Heer 

Salishuria adiantoides Unger, Syn. PI. Foss., p. 211, 1845. 

Ginkgo adiantoides Heer, FI. Foss. Arct., vol. 5, Abt. 3, 1878, p. 21, PI. ii, 
f. 7-10; Ward, U.S. Geol. Surv., Sixth Ann. Kept., 1884-85 [1886], 
p. 549, PI. xxxi, figs. 5, 6; idem, Bull. 37, 1887, p. 15, PI. i, figs. 5, 6; 
Lesquereux, U.S. Nat. Mus., Proc., vol. 10, 1887, p. 35; Knowlton, 
idem, vol. 17, 1894, p. 215; Geol. Soc. Am., Bull., vol. 5, 1893, p. 579; 
Washington Acad. Sci., Proc., vol. 11, 1909, pp. 197, 198, 204, 213; 
Jour. Geol., vol. 19, 1911, p. 370; Penhallow, Rept. Tert. PI. Brit. 
Col., 1908, p. 57, text fig. 12. 

This species had a Holarctic distribution during the Tertiary and is 
recorded from a large number of horizons. It is common in both the 
Lance and Fort Union formations of the United States. A single distal 
fragment of a leaf occurs in a lignitic clay in the Estevan on Sexton Hill 
creek near the headwaters of Medicine Lodge creek, NE. I sec. 21, tp. 7, 
range 3, W. 4th mer. Associated with this leaf fragment and also present 
at other localities are an abundance of lenticular circular fruits that may 
be of the same species. 

Ginkgo (?) stones 

Poorly preserved fruits of some uncertain plant are associated with 
the fragment of a Ginkgo leaf in the Estevan on Sexton Hill creek. They 
also occur in the Estevan in SW. i sec. 28, tp. 7, range 3, W. 4th mer. 
and in the Estevan above a coal bed in SW. | sec. 6, tp. 8, range 3, W. 
4th mer. 

These fruits very probably represent the stones of the drupaceous 
fruits of Ginkgo, although this is by no means conclusive. They are 
approximately circular in profile, lenticular in form, and about 1 cm. 
in diameter. There is an equatorial border nearly a millimetre in width — 
all features comparable to those of the stones of the existing Ginkgo. 


Order, Coniferales 

Family, pinaceae 

Genus, Taxodium L. C. Richard 

Taxodium duhium (Sternberg) Heer^ 

There is little point to discussing this composite species. It has an 
incredible range, both geologic and geographic, and is recorded as common 
in the Lance formation, although the equally common occurrences in the 
Fort Union are generally referred to Taxodium ocddentale Newberry. 
Some of each probably represent the other. 

^The very extensive synonymy is given in Berry, TJ.S. Geol. Surv., Prof. Paper 01, p, 171 (1016). 


Poorly preserved material occurs in the Ravenscrag beds associated 
with what I have called Sequoia nordenskioldi but lacking the decurrence 
which serves to distinguish the latter. 

Occurrence, Ravenscrag beds, Ravenscrag butte, near centre of sec, 
27, tp. 6, range 23, W. 3rd mer. 


Order, Juglandales 
Family, juglandaceae 
Genus, Juglans Linn4 
Juglans nigella Heer 

Juglans nigella Heer, FI. Foss. Arct., vol. 2, Abt. 2, 1869, p. 38, PL ix, 
figs. 2-4; Dawson, Geol. Surv., Canada, 1875-76, p. 57; Lesquereux, 
Rept. U.S. Geol. Surv., Terr., vol. 8 (Cret. and Tert. FL), 1883, p. 235, 
PI. xlvi-A, fig. 11; Khowlton, U.S. Nat. Mus., Proc., vol. 17j 1894, 
p. 222; Geol. Soc. Am., Bull., vol. 5, 1893, p. 583; Ward, U.S. Geol. 
Surv., Sixth Ann. Rept., 1884-85 [1886], p. 551, PI. xl, fig. 6; idem., 
Bull. 37, 1887, p. 33, PL xv, fig. 1; Newberry, U.S. Geol. Surv., Mon. 
35, 1898, p. 33, PL li, fig. 2 (in part), 4; Penhallow, Rept. Tert. PL 
Brit. Col., 1908, p. 60; Knowlton, U.S. Geol. Surv., Prof. Paper 101, 
1918, p. 292, PL Iv, fig. 2; PL Ixiii, fig. 2. 

The type locality for this species was in the Kenai formation of Alaska, 
and it has subsequently been recorded from the Raton, Fort Union, and 
Paskapoo formations. There are several specimens in the Ravenscrag 
beds at Ravenscrag butte, near centre of sec. 27, tp. 6, range 23, W. 3rd 

Order, Urticales 
Family, mobaceae 
Genus, Ficus Linn6 
Ficus viburnifolia Ward 

Ficus viburnifolia Ward, U.S. Geol. Surv., Sixth Ann. Rept., 1884-85 [1886], 
p. 552, PL xlv, figs. 5-9; U.S. Geol. Surv., Bull. 37, 1887, p. 42, PI. 
xxii, figs. 4-8. 

This species is represented by a single small specimen, which because 
of its small size is less cordate than the type. It agrees with the latter in 
venation and has a faintly dentate margin. Length 4-25 cm. Maximum 
width 3 cm. 

Occurrence. Estevan beds, on a hill, SW. ^ sec. 16, tp. 7, range 29 
W. 3rd mer. 


Order, Aristolochiales 

Family, Aristolochiaceae 

Genus, Aristolochia Linn^ 

Aristolochia crassifolia Cockerell 
Plate VI, figures 1-3 (| natural size) 

Caialpa crassifolia Newberry, N.Y. Lyc. Nat. Hist., Ann., vol. 9, 1868’ 
p. 56; [Lesquereux], U.S. Geol. and Geog. Surv., Terr., 111., Cret. and 
Tert. PL, 1878, PI. xxii; Penhallow, Kept. Tert. PI. Brit. Col., 1908, 
p. 44. 

Aristolochia cordifolia Newberry, N.Y. Lyc. Nat. Hist., Ann., vol. 9, 1868, 
p. 74; [Lesquereux], U.S. Geol. and Geog. Surv., Terr., Hi., Cret. and 
Tert. PL, 1878, PL xxv, fig. 7; Newberry, U.S. Geol. Surv., Mon. 35, 
1898, p. 90, PL xxxix; PL xl, -fig. 7; PL lx, fig. 4. 

Aristolochia crassifolia Cockerell, Am. Mus. Nat. Hist., Bull., voL 24, 
1908, p. 90. 

Cocculus haydenianus Ward, U.S. Geol. Surv., Sixth Ann. Kept., p. 556, 
PL 59, figs. 1-5, 1886; Bull. 37, p. 100, PL 47, figs. 1-4; PL 48, fig. 1, 
1887; Knowlton, Wash. Acad. Sci., Proc., vol. 11, pp. 189, 198, 200, 
213, 215, 1909. 

Cehatha haydenianus Knowlton, U.S. Geol. Surv., Bull. 152, p. 62, 1898. 

Whatever may be thought of the generic relations of this plant there 
is no doubt that the material which Ward referred to Cocculus is identical 
with what Newberry referred successively to Catalpa and Aristolochia. 
It is obviously not a Catalpa and after comparisons I believe it to represent 
Aristolochia. This was Ward’s original idea, subsequently abandoned in 
favour of Cocculus. A feature not shown in Newberry’s types but empha- 
sized by Ward in connexion with what he called Cocculus haydenianus 
is the “marginal vein or hem” for which Ward coined the term parypho- 
drome. This is present in the Canadian material and is nothing but the 
flattened arches of the ultimate areolation. The species occur abundantly 
in the Lance, Fort Union, and Paskapoo formations and highly character- 
istic, but usually much broken remains are not uncommon in the Ravens- 
crag beds at Kavenscrag butte, near centre of sec. 27, tp. 6, range 23, 
W. 3rd mer. 

Order, Ranales 
Family, trochodendeaceae 
Genus, Trochodendroides Berry 

This term is used as a form genus for fossil representatives of the 
family Trochodendraceae and not as implying any direct relationship to 
the genus Trochodendron. 

Trochodendroides cuneata (Newberry) 

Plate V, figures 2, 3 

Populus cuneata Newberry, N.Y. Lyc. Nat. Hist., Ann., vol. 9, 1868, p, 64; 
Ward, U.S. Geol. Surv., Mon, 35, 1898, p. 41, PL xxviii, figs. 2-4; 
PL xxix, fig. 7; U.S. Geol. Surv., Sixth Ann. Kept.; 1884-85 [1886], 


p. 550, PL xxxiii, figs. 5-11; U.S. Geol. Surv., Bull. 37, 1887, p. 19, 
PI. Iv., figs. 5-8; PL V, figs. 1-3; Penhallow, Kept. Tert. PL Brit. CoL, 
'1908, p. 77; Knowlton, Wash. Acad. Sci., Proc., vol. 11, 1909, pp. 

“Populus nervosa var. 0 elongata Ny.” [Lesquereux], U.S. Geol. and Geog. 
Surv., Terr., 111., Cret. and Tert. PL, 1878, PL xiii, figs. 2-4. 

^‘Populus nebrascensis Ny.” [Lesquereux], op. cit,, PL xiv, fig. 7. 

Populus amblyrhyncha Ward, U.S. Geol. Surv., Sixth Ann. Kept., 1884-85 
[1886], p. 550, PL xxxiv, figs. 5-9; PL xxxv, figs. 1-6; idem. Bull. 37, 
1887, p. 20, PL vi, figs. 1-8; PL vii, figs. 1-3; Knowlton, Wash. Acad. 
Sci., Proc., vol. 11, 1909, pp. 188, 189, 194, 195, 198, 201, 202; Jour. 
Geol., vol. 19, 1911, p. 361; in Calvert, U.S. Geol. Surv., Bull. 471, 
1912, p. 16. 

Populus cyclomorpha Knowlton and Cockerell. U.S. Geol. Surv., Bull, 
696, p. 487, 1919. 

Populus roiundifolia Newberry, U.S. Nat. Mus,, Proc., vol. 5, 1882 [1883], 
p. 506; U.S. Geol. Surv., Mon. 35, 1898, p. 51, PL xxix, figs. 1-4; Pen- 
hallow, Kept. Tert. PL Brit. CoL, 1908, p. 79; Knowlton, Wash. Acad. 
Sci., Proc., vol. 11, 1909, p. 189. [Homonym, Griffith, 1847.] 

Populus cuneata Newberry [Lesquereux], U.S. Geol. and Geog. Surv., 
Terr., 111., Cret, and Tert. PL, 1878, PL xiv, figs. 1-4. 

In Ward’s account of the Fort Union flora he recorded thirteen species 
of Populus, although Newberry had previously recorded eight species, 
only one of which Ward found represented in his extensive collections. 
In Knowlton’s list of the Fort Union flora (1919, page 771) twenty-five 
species of Populus are listed. It seems obvious a priori that there were 
not twenty-five species of this genus in the Fort Union; and when one 
examines critically the published illustrations or the named specimens in 
the United States National Museum collections, it becomes equally obvious 
that a considerable number of these so-called species are without any basis 
and were frequently not recognized by their founders. Moreover, one 
becomes impressed with the unlikeness of many of them to Populus, a 
subject remarked on by Ward as far back as 1887. 

Newberry described the present species in 1868 and its chief feature 
was its more or less cuneate base. It is hardly necessary to give a detailed 
description of my conception of the species, suffice to say that these leaves 
are variable in size, and to a less degree in form, orbicular in general outline, 
bluntly pointed or rounded at the tip, and cuneate to rounded truncate at 
the base with long petioles. The margin may be entire or variably toothed. 
There are three basal or sub-basal primaries and the lowermost lateral 
secondaries may be sub-primary in character. The main lateral primaries 
are ascending and variably subacrodrome in character. 

Two extremes of this species are figured from the Ravenscrag beds at 
Ravenscrag butte (near the centre of sec. 27, tp. 6, range 23, W. 3rd mer.) 

They agree in all features except marginal character and are intimately 
associated in the deposit. As can be readily seen they are unlike any 
existing species of Populus, particularly in their venation, whereas, on the 


other hand, they have every feature of the existing Cercidophyllum japoni- 
cum, which may be crenate, dentate, or entire, or Tetracentron sinensis. 
I hope to discuss the geological history of the family Trochodendraceae 
with necessary illustrations in a more appropriate place. 

This species is abundant and widely distributed in the Lance and Fort 
Union of Dakota, Montana, and Wyoming, and has also been recorded 
from Red Deer river, Alberta. 

Trochodendroides speciosa (Ward) 

Plate V, figure 8 

Populus speciosa Ward, U.S. Geol. Surv., Sixth Ann. Kept., 1884-85 [1886]f 
p. 550, PI. xxxiv, figs. 1-4; U.S. Geol. Surv., Bull. 37, 1887, p. 20> 
PI. V, figs. 4-7; Penhallow, Kept. Tert. PI. Brit. Col., 1908, p. 79; 
Knowlton, U.S. Geol. Surv., Mon. 32, pt. 2, 1899, p. 694, PI. Ixxxiv, 
fig. 3; Wash. Acad. Sci., Proc., vol. 11, 1909, p. 189; Jour. Geol., 
vol. 19, 1911, p. 369. 

Populus xantholitherisis Knowlton, Mon. U.S. Geol. Surv., vol. 32, pt. 2, 
p. 695, PI. 85, figs. 1, 2, 1899. 

This is a widespread and variable form in the Lance and Fort Union 
formations, recorded from South Dakota, Montana, Yellowstone National 
park, and British Columbia (Paskapoo formation). 

Several leaves from the Ravenscrag may be assigned to this species. 
They are from 3-2 to 7-5 cm. in width, and from 4-5 to probably 8-0 
cm. in length, with rounded and occasionally markedly cordate base and 
rather blunt apex. The margins are crenate-dentate, commencing a 
short distance from the top of the petiole and frequently double. The 
petiole is long, the preserved part being from 2-0 to 7-5 cm., with a width 
of about 1 mm. The venation is palmate, the middle primary compara- 
tively strong, with two or three pairs of lateral primaries diverging from 
the summit of the petiole, though the principal pair are sometimes 
more or less fused with the middle one near the petiole. The basal pair 
are much finer and delicate. The first and second pairs adjacent to the 
middle one have stronger secondary veins on the outer side than on the 
inner side. The secondaries branch, reach the margins of the teeth, and 
form series of polygonal loops with tertiaries. The characteristic features 
are the rounded teeth and palmate nervation with subacrodrome main 
primaries from the top of the petiole. 

Occurrence. In Ravenscrag beds above a coal bed, sec. 28, tp. 7, 
range 24, W. 3rd mer., below the road bridge on central branch of Fairwell 

Trochodendroides sp. 

Two specimens which fail to show details, but apparently with entire 
margins, possibly the same as Trochodendroides cuneata (Newberry) or T. 
speciosa (Ward) of the Ravenscrag beds. 

Occurrence. Estevan beds, SW. \ sec. 16, tp. 7, range 29, W. 3rd mer. 


Order, Rosales 
Family, rosaceae 
Genus, Cercocarpus H.B.K. 

Cercocarpus ravenscragensis Berry n. sp. 

Plate V, figure 6 

Leaves small, somewhat inequilateral, obovate or spatulate; margin 
prominently dentate distad; teeth diminishing proximad and basal one- 
third of margins entire. Apex broadly rounded. Base cuneate. Length 
3-5 cm. Maximum width, above middle, about 2 cm. Petiole short, 
stout, curved, expanded proximad, about 4 mm. in length. Mid vein 
relatively very stout and prominent. Secondaries stout, about seven 
fairly regularly spaced pairs; they diverge from the midvein at acute 
angles, are relatively straight, and subparallel and camptodrome. Ter- 
tiaries relatively stout, not well preserved, forming a rosaceous areolation. 

This form is clearly rosaceous in its venation and agrees rather well 
with the existing Cercocarpus parvifoUus Nuttall of the somewhat arid 
uplands of western North America. The genus comprises arborescent 
and shrubby species and is confined to North America in the region between 
Idaho and Mexico. Several fossil species have been recorded, mostly 
from the later Tertiary, but one species has been described by Knowlton 
from the Raton formation of New Mexico. 

Occurrence. Ravenscrag beds, north branch of Frenchman river, 
SE. I sec. 22, tp. 7, range 22, W. 3rd mer. 

Family, leguminosae (Incertae sedis) 

Leguminosites williamsi Berry n. sp. 

Plate V, figure 1 

Leaflet small, obovate in outline, markedly inequilateral, with a 
broadly rounded apex and an abruptly cuneate base. Margin entire. 
Texture coriaceous. Length about 2 cm. Maximum width about 1 cm. 
Midvein stout, curved. Secondaries relatively stout, about five ascending, 
camptodrome pairs. 

This leaflet is new and represents a type met with in a great variety 
of leguminous genera. In the absence of more information than is afforded 
by the present material it is impossible to determine its generic affinity, 
although it probably represents Cassia or Sophora. It is named for the 
collector, Professor M. Y. Williams. 

Occurrence. Ravenscrag beds, north branch of Frenchman river, SE. | 
sec. 22, tp. 7, range 22, W. 3rd mer. 


Order, Sapindales 

Family, celastraceae 
Genus, Celastrus Linn4 
Celastrus wardii Knowlton and Cockerell 

Celastrus ovatus Ward, U.S. Geol. Surv., Sixth Ann. Rept., 1884-85, p. 555, 
PL liii, fig. 7, 1886; U.S. Geol. Surv., Bull. 37, 1887, p. 71, PI. xxvi, 
fig. 1; Knowlton, Washington Acad. Sci., Proc., vol. 11, p. 190, 1909. 
[Homonym, Hill, 1865.] 

Celastrus wardii Knowlton and Cockerell, U.S. Geol. Surv., Bull. 696, 
p. 160, 1919. 

The type of this species came from the Fort Union formation near 
Glendive, Montana. It has been recorded from other localities in the 
Fort Union as well as in the underlying Lance formation. A single frag- 
mentary specimen was collected from the Ravenscrag beds on north 
branch of Frenchman river, SE. | sec. 22, tp. 7, range 22, W. 3rd mer. 

Celastrus taurinensis Ward 

Celastrus taurinensis Ward, U.S. Geol. Surv., Sixth Ann. Kept., 1884-85, 
p. 555, PI. lii, figs. 15, 16, 1886; U.S. Geol. Surv., Bull. 37, p. 79, 
PI. xxxiv, figs. 5, 6, 1887; ? Hollick, Geol. Surv., La., Special Rept. 5, 
p. 285, PI. xlvi, fig. 1, 1899; Knowlton, Washington Acad. Sci., Proc., 
vol. 11, p. 213, 1909; Berry, U.S. Geol. Surv., Prof. Paper 91, p. 267, 
PI. lx, figs. 1-3, 1916. 

The type of this species came from the Fort Union near Glendive, 
Montana. It is apparently common in the Fort Union and underlying 
Lance formation, and has also been reported from the Wilcox Eocene of 
the Mississippi Gulf embayment. I believe that Celastrus curvinervis Ward 
probably represents the same botanical species. 

In the present collections there are several excellent specimens from 
the Ravenscrag beds at Ravenscrag butte, near centre of sec. 27, tp. 6, 
range 23, W. 3rd mer. 

Genus, Euonymus Linn 6 
Euonymus splendens Berry 

Euonymus splendens Berry, U.S. Geol. Surv., Prof. Paper 91, 1916, p. 267, 
PI. Ixii, figs. 1-5; Knowlton, U.S. Geol. Surv., Prof. Paper 101, 1917, 
p. 329, PI. Ixix, fig. 1. 

This species is one of the commonest and most widespread plants in 
the Wilcox of the Mississippi Gulf embayment. What appears to be 
the same species has been identified by Knowlton from the Raton formation 
of New Mexico. A single large but incomplete specimen in the present 
collection is highly characteristic, but lacks the extended tip. 

Occurrence. Ravenscrag beds, Ravenscrag butte, near centre of 
sec. 27, tp. 6, range 23, W. 3rd mer. 


Order, Rhamnales 

Family, rhamnaceae 
Genus, Rhamnites Forbes 
Rhamnites knowltoni Berry 

Cornus studeri Lesquereux, Rept., U.S. Geol. Surv., Terr., voL 7, 1878, 
p. 244, PI. 42, figs. 4 and 5 (not Heer 1859); Ward, U.S. Geol. Surv., 
Bull. 37, 1887, p. 55, PI. 26, fig. 1; Hollick, Rept., La. Geol. Surv., 
1899, p. 286, PI. 45, fig. 2; Berry, U.S. Geol. Surv., Prof. Paper 91, 
1916, p. 331, PI. 68, fig. 3. 

Rhamnites knowltoni Berry, Idem, 131, p. 16, PI. 12, fig. 7, 1922. 

Small leaves represent this species. Unfortunately they are incom- 
plete, lacking the upper part. The leaves are large in size, but variable, 
with entire margins. The petiole is long and thick, with a width of about 
2 mm. 

The species was long confused with the European Miocene Cornus 
studeri Heer, a quite different form. Rhamnites knowltoni occurs in the 
Denver, Raton, and Wilcox. 

Occurrence. Ravenscrag beds, north branch Frenchman river, SE. I 
sec. 22, tp. 7, range 22, W. 3rd mer. 

Genus, Paliurus Jussieu 
Paliurus (?) sp. 

Plate V, figure 7 

A single specimen shows what appears to be some winged fruit resemb- 
ling that of Paliurus. The fruit is circular and disk-like, about 2-6 cm. 
in diameter but not complete, with the wing showing radial striations. 

For an account of a well-preserved Paliurus fruit and a discussion of 
the geograpliical and geological range of the genus See Berry, Am. Jour. 
Sci., vol. 16, pp. 39-44, 1928. 

Occurrence, Estevan, above coal bed. Burnt shale associated only 
with abundant circular lenticular fruits not determinable but possibly 
representing Ginkgo. SW. | sec. 6, tp. 8, range 3, W. 4th mer. 

Order, Myrtales 
Family, hydrocaryaceae (?) 

Genus, Trapa Linn6 (?) 

Trapa (?) microphylla Lesquereux 

Trapa microphylla Lesquereux, Rept. U.S. Geol, Surv., Terr. (Tertiary 
Flora), vol. 7, p. 295, PI. 61, figs. 16-17a, 1878. 

Trapa microphylla Ward, U.S. Geol. Surv., Bull. 37, p. 64, PI. 28, figs. 2-5, 
1887; Knowlton, U.S. Geol. Surv., Mon. 32, pt. 2, p. 761, PI. 77, figs. 
3, 4, 1898; U.S. Geol. Surv., Bull. 163, p. 62, PI. 5, fig. 7, 1900. 


Only detached leaves are scattered on several specimens, and some 
are much like pinnules of some fern. The leaves are small, varying in size 
from 7 mm. to more than 13 mm. in length and from 5 mm. to 10 mm. in 
maximum width; orbicular or broadly ovate, rounded or more or less 
truncate at the base or at the apex, some a little narrowed to the base and 
some narrowed to the apex; entire but slightly undulate on upper margins. 
No petiole is preserved. The nervation is not quite distinct, some show a 
comparatively thick midrib with 6 or 7 secondary nerves on each side; the 
midrib being more or less curved and centric; the secondaries diverging 
from the midrib at angles of more than 30 degrees in the lower part and less 
than 30 degrees in the upper part, bifurcating below the middle and reach- 
ing the margins, the basal ones joining the midrib at the base and likely to 
be opposite, the upper ones mostly alternate. The nervilles are not 
clearly seen. 

There can be no question of the identification of the present specimens, 
but most students regard their reference to the genus Trapa as highly 
problematical. The present species has been recorded from a variety of 
horizons from the Belly River Cretaceous to the Fort Union. Whether 
these records represent a single botanical species or not I am not prepared 
to say, but whatever it may be or how widely it may range Trapa (?) 
microphylla is especially abundant in the Lance and Fort Union horizons. 

Occurrence. Estevan beds, along road up a hill SW. J sec. 28, tp. 7, 
range 3, W. 4th mer. 

Order, Rubiales 
Family, caprifoliaceae 
Genus, Viburnum Linn6 
Viburnum limpidum Ward 

Viburnum limpidum Ward, U.S. Geol. Surv., Sixth Ann. Rept., p. 556, 

PI. 63, figs. 1-4, 1886; Bull. 37, p. 110, PI. 53, figs. 3-6, 1887. 

The leaf is not completely preserved, but the venation is distinct. 
It is ovate, about 70 mm. long and about 52 mm. in maximum width; 
narrowed and rather rounded at the base, likely to be bluntly pointed at 
the apex ; serrate on the upper margins and entire at the base. The venation 
is ascending pinnate, with the mid vein more or less curved in somie parts; 
the secondary veins about seven on each side, diverging from the midvein 
at angles of from 35 degrees to 60 degrees, mostly curving upward, branching 
near and above the middle, and craspedodrome ; the nervilles distinct and 
simple, mostly parallel each other and percurrent. 

It very much resembles Ward’s figures in outline, size, and especially 
venation. The type is from the Fort Union of Montana. 

Occurrence. Ravenscrag beds, north branch, Frenchman river, SE. j 
sec. 22, tp. 7, range 22, W, 3rd mer. 


Viburnum finale Ward 
Plate V, figure 4 

V iburnum finale Ward, U.S. Geol. Surv., Sixth Ann. Kept., 1884-85 [1886], 
p. 557, PI. Ixv, fig. 8; U.S. Geol. Surv., Bull. 37, 1887, p. 115, PI. Ivii, 
fig. 5. 

Some of the specimens from the Ravenscrag which I have referred to 
this species are relatively wider and with more ascending secondaries than 
the type, and I have figured one of these. It show's the same slight in- 
equality of the two sides of the lamina, and differences in the distal branch- 
ing of the secondaries on the two sides, exactly as in the type. Associated 
with it are leaves which agree more exactly with Ward’s type, which latter 
came from the Fort Union at Iron Bluff, Glendive, Montana. The speci- 
men from Ravenscrag butte, figured, has the complete petiole, hitherto 
not known. It is stout and 1*5 cm. long. 

(Incertae sedis) 

Genus, Apeibopsis Heer 
Apeibopsis discolor Lesquereux 

Rhamnus discolor Lesquereux, U.S. Geol. and Geog. Surv., Terr., Ann. 

Rept., p. 398, 1872. 

Apeibopsis discolor Lesquereux, Rept. U.S. Geol. Surv,, Terr. (Tertiary 

Flora), vol. 7, p. 259, Pi. 46, figs. 4-7, 1878. 

An original and counterpart represent this species. They are ovate, 
rounded, and slightly cordate at the base, likely to be acutely pointed at 
the apex, and entire; from 5-5 to 7-0 cm. long and about 5-5 cm. in maxi- 
mum width. The venation is pinnate, with rather strong midvein more or 
less wavy in traversing the whole length and much diminishing toward 
the apex; the secondary veins seven or eight on each side, diverging from 
the midvein at angles of from 30 degrees to 90 degrees (the more distal 
the larger the angles), opposite in the lower part and sub-opposite or 
alternate in the upper part, sub-parallel, curving upward, camptodrome, 
branching mostly near the margins but som.e near the midrib; the nervilles 
connecting the secondaries and tertiaries at various angles, some being 
nearly parallel. 

The genus w'as proposed by Heer in 1859 for leaves from the Miocene 
of central Europe which he supposed were related to the existing genus 
Apeiba Aublet, a South American tropical genus of the family Malvaceae. 
The correctness of this identification is supported in the case of some of 
the fossil species by their association with characteristic fossil fruits, but 
this is not the case with any North American species referred to Apeibopsis. 
Apeibopsis discolor is not especially close to the leaves of the existing 
South American species of Apeiba and though the ancestors of the latter 
might be expected to be represented in North America if they occur in 
Europe, there is no sound basis for such a conclusion and I have, therefore, 
listed Apeibopsis discolor under Incertae sedis. 


The previous records are in the much disputed Black Buttes beds of 
Wyoming, of post-Laramie age, and in the Hanna formation of Wyoming. 

Occurrence, Ravenscrag beds, Ravenscrag butte, near centre of 
sec. 27, tp. 6, range 23, W. 3rd mer. 

Phyllites aquaticus Berry n. sp. 

Plate V, figure 5 

Several specimens of a delicate plant are contained in the collection 
from the Ravenscrag beds. They represent filiform stems with whorls of 
slender linear leaves at the nodes. These are lax, with one to three longi- 
tudinal veins, and are about 0-5 mm. in width and preserved for lengths 
up to 2 cm. None has been observed to branch but whether their distal 
parts were branched as in Ceratophyllum is not known. One slab of 
material shows a whorl on each side and appears to have been a part of the 
same stem. If this is so then the plant was rapidly buried in place and the 
internodes were relatively short. The material is evidently not algal, but 
a vascular plant. 



By George Gaylord Simpson, 

American Museum of Natural History 



Plate VII. Illustration of fossil. 


On May 30, 1916, Doctor (now Sir) Arthur Smith Woodward announced 
the discovery of a lower jaw of a mammal in the Belly River formation 
of Albertah A few months later a more detailed description and a figure 
of this important specimen, to which he gave the name Cimolestes cutleri, 
new species, were published^. In the meantime, without knowledge of 
Smith Woodward’s work. Dr. W. D. Matthew described a similar specimen, 
naming it Eodelphis hrowni, new genus and species’. 

The type of Cimolestes” cutleri was found by William E. Cutler in 
1914 on Sand creek, Red Deer river, Alberta, and consists of part of the 
right ramus with P 3 , Mi-g, and roots or alveoli of other teeth. That of 
E. hrowni was found by Barnum Brown in 1915, also on Sand creek, 15 
miles below Steve ville, and consists of the left lower jaw nearly complete 
but with the teeth very much worn, a small fragment of the right lower 
jaw, and two skull fragments. The importance of these two discoveries 
lay chiefly in the fact that they were, at that time, the most complete known 
specimens of Cretaceous mammals and that they could be definitely 
shown to be marsupials, confirming previous belief that this group was 
largely represented in the American Upper Cretaceous. Eodelphis is still 
the oldest known marsupial. 

The type of “Cimolestes” cutleri has been redescribed by the present 
writer,^ who referred it to Matthew’s genus as Eodelphis cutleri (Smith 
Woodward). The distinctions between the two specimens, aside from 
verbal discrepancies in the original descriptions of the molars, were con- 
sidered as probably too slight to warrant recognition of both trivial names, 
but these were retained pending some discovery which might provide 
definitive knowledge of molar structure in this genus. 

This discovery has now been made. During the past summer (1928), 
C. M. Sternberg found a third Eodelphis jaw that clearly reveals the molar 
structure, permits better correlation of the two previous finds, and adds 
another to the four or five really adequate mammalian specimens so far 
found in the Cretaceous of this continent. For the privilege of studying 
this specimen and of preparing the present remarks, the writer is much 
indebted to Mr. Sternberg. 

>Zool. Boc. London, Abstract No. 158 (May 30, 1916). 

*Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1916, pp. 525^28 (Sept., 1910). 

•Bull. Am. Mufl. Nat. Hist., XXXV, pp. 477^ (July 24, 1916). 

•Catalogue of the Mesozoic Mammalia, etc., British Museum (Nat. Hist.), pp. 147-149 (Mar. 24, 1928). 




Eodelphis cutleri (Smith Woodward), May 30, 1916 

Synonym: E. browni Matthew, July 24, 1916 

Plate VII 

New Specimen. Cat. No. 8356, Geological Survey, Canada. Part 
of right lower jaw with Mi_ 4 , alveoli of P 3 , and part of jaw posterior to 

Horizon and Locality. About 100 feet below top of Belly River 
formation (Pale Beds), about 2 miles southwest of Steveville, Alberta. 
Collected by C. M. Sternberg, July, 1928. 

Dentition. The molars increase much m*ore markedly in size from 
front to back than in any Tertiary or Recent didelphid. M 4 is over half 
again as large as Mi. M 4 is slightly larger than M 3 and its heel is somewhat 
wider and longer than that of any of the preceding teeth. Of all the 
molars the trigonid is very slightly wider basally than the talonid, of about 
equal length, and somewhat higher. On Mi the trigonid is longer than 
wide, on M2 length and width are about equal, and on M3-4 the trigonid 
is sharply compressed antero-posteriorly, ’width considerably greater than 
length. On Mi _2 the trigonids are evenly truncated by wear, but their 
bases indicate the protoconid and paraconid as subequal, the metaconid 
as smaller. On M3-4 the cusps are relatively well preserved and the 
trigonid consists essentially of the sharp, erect, subequal protoconid and 
paraconid, united by a shearing edge, while the metaconid is much reduced, 
almost vestigial. There is an anterior cingulum, very definite but not 
distinctly basined, rising toward the paraconid. The talonids are of the 
almost invariable didelphid type, basined, 'with three marginal cusps, 
the hypoconulid and entoconid closely approximated. In this case the 
latter are almost connate and on M3-4 are slightly higher than the hypoco- 
nid, although not so much so as indicated by Matthew, whose specimen 
has the hypoconids eroded. 

Mandible. The mandible agrees very closely with the E. cutleri type, 
the only definite distinction, and that slight, being that the lower border 
is apparently more swollen beneath and just behind M4. 



Length Mu 17*0 

“ Ml 3-3 

“ Ms 4-1 

“ Mb 4-6 

“ Mi 5-1 

Maximum depth of ramus below alveolar border internally 

(beneath Mi) 12 -5 



Taxonomy of Eodelpkis. In no way does this new specimen differ 
sufficiently from the type of E. cutleri to permit any taxonomic distinction. 
Matthew’s description of E. browni differs from the details given above 
chiefly as follows: 

( 1 ) He states that second and third molars are similar in size (both 
are worn and corroded). 

(2) The paraconid and metaconid of Ms are said to be apparently 
of equal height and the protoconid lower than either (inferred from bases 
of broken cusps). 

(3) On M 4 the metaconid is recognized as lower than the paraconid, 
but the protoconid (which is broken) is said to be certainly lower than the 
paraconid and apparently also lower than the metaconid. The hypoconid 
(corroded) is said to be decidedly, rather than slightly, lower than the 
hypoconulid and entoconid. 

After careful direct comparison it is clear that Matthew’s specimen 
must originally have been exactly like the present specimen in all these 
particulars, although its true nature in these details could not have been 
established until this less worn specimen was at hand. This is insisted 
upon only because, as previously suspected, it causes all discrepancy in 
molar structure between E. browni and E. cutleri to disappear, confirms 
their reference to the same genus, and, as other differences are quite un- 
important, necessitates their union as a single species: Eodelpkis cutleri. 

Like the type of E. cutleri, the present jaw is somewhat more robust 
than Matthew’s specimen (although the teeth are not larger), and the 
positions of the mental foramina, though similar, are not exactly the same 
in any two of the three specimens. These differences, however, are cer- 
tainly well within the range of individual variation. 

Relationships to Later Forms. Both Smith Woodward and Matthew 
recognized the similarity of this species to “Cimolestes” curtus Marsh 
from the Lance. The latter does not belong in Cimolestes and has been 
placed by the writer in a new genus, Diaphorodon^. Smith Woodward 
believed the trigonid to be more elevated in the earlier form. Matthew 
stated that “the lower molar figured by Marsh as Cimolestes curtus is 
somewhat similar to the posterior molars of Eodelpkis but the metaconid 
is more reduced, heel wider and shorter, its marginal cusps less differentiated, 
and the postero-internal cusps not so high or backwardly prominent. The 
tooth is considerably larger, agreeing more nearly with in size.” 

Although it can hardly be doubted that Eodelpkis and Diaphorodon are 
distinct genera, if only because of their wide geologic separation (no genus 
of dinosaurs is common to Lance and Belly River), the differences, in at 
least the posterior molars, are very slight. The difference in elevation 
of the trigonid is doubtful, and slight at best. The supposed differences 
in the heel are largely or wholly due to the corrosion, in different ways, 

lAm. Jour. Sei., (5) XIV, p. 127 (1927). 
93259— 3i 


of both types. The metaconid has nearly the same relative size in both. 
In fact the agreement is so striking and the molar type so peculiar that 
it seems probable that Diaphorodon and Eodelphis were closely related, 
the latter perhaps ancestral to the former. 

Eodelphis is clearly a marsupial, as shown by Matthew, and, in common 
with most Lance marsupials, its resemblance to the later didelphids 
is so striking that the writer prefers to place it in the Didelphiidae, at least 
until it is much better known. Within the family, however, it occupies 
an isolated position, certainly not ancestral to any known Tertiary or 
Recent phylum. Aberrant specialization is seen in the stout jaw, the 
three incisors with the median one enlarged, the crowded nature of the 
premolars and enlargement of Pa,^ the relative enlargement of the paraconid, 
and reduction of the metaconid. It is one of the aberrant members of 
the varied Cretaceous didelphid group. More generalized forms are 
common in the Lance, but have not yet been found in the Belly River. 

iPi larger than Pt is a primitive character seen in most fossil didelphids. but in Eodelphis Pi is onsually large 
and heavy, although less so than in Thlaeodon, for instance. 




By C. H. Crickmay, University of California at Los Angeles 



Plates VIII-XXIII. Illustrations of fossils 82-113 

Figure 1. Index map showing positions of fossiliferous localities in the 

vicinity of Harnson lake, B.C 36 


This report contains a brief account of the palaeontological materials 
acquired during a geological study of the country adjacent to Harrison 
lake, British Columbia; made for the Geological Survey, by the writer, 
during the summers of the years 1924 and 1926. The writer had no 
assistant in 1924. In 1926 he was ably assisted by James R. Pollock. 

The writer is indebted to Mr. J. Forsyth of the Provincial Library at 
Victoria, to Mr. C. Brakenridge, City Engineer of Vancouver, and to Mr. 
L. A. Agassiz, of Agassiz, for courtesies extended to him and information 
freely given during the course of the work. He is especially indebted to 
Professor J. P. Smith for invaluable advice freely given on many occasions. 

The area under consideration lies in the heart of the southern extremity 
of the Coast range of British Columbia. Its southern boundary is Fraser 
river. The other boundaries are controlled by the distance possible to 
cover in one-day trips from the shores of the lake and river. Harrison 
lake lies in a large, fiord-like valley adjoining the Fraser on its north side. 
It is 1 to 4 miles wide and 38 miles long; its general trend is south-south- 
east. Its mean surface level is 30 feet above mean sea-level. It is fed at 
its north end by the turbulent waters of Lillooet river, and drained from its 
west side near the south end by the slow-moving Harrison river. Lillooet 
river and Harrison lake occupy one large valley which joins the Fraser 
valley at right angles. South of the lake the drainage is obstructed by 
moraines, so that the lake is drained through a narrow side valley which 
has been so modified that it now carries the entire overflow of the lake. 
Numerous streams, of the size referred to in the west as “creeks,’^ enter the 
lake along its shores, at steep gradients. 

The topography is entirely mountainous except for the small areas of 
flat land forming the bottoms of the larger valleys. In the southern half 
of the district the relief averages 4,000 feet (maximum 5,100), and though 
the slopes are steep the peaks are rounded. In the northern, the relief is 
about 5,500 feet (maximum 7,500); the slopes are steep; the peaks, sharp; 
mountain glaciers abound. A thick forest composed mainly of Douglas 
fir, western hemlock, and western red cedar covers all the land, except 
excessively steep slopes and “cleared” areas, up to an altitude of 4,000 
feet. Above this the trees are much dwarfed, and few survive above 5,000 

The shores of Harrison lake are principally low, rocky cliffs. Beaches 
form a very small proportion of the whole. The lake is deep, averaging 
over 100 fathoms throughout most of its length; however, at the south end 


it has been silted up so that very slight depths (such as 3 fathoms) are 
encountered nearly midway across. The bottom is covered with fine silt 
containing some vegetable matter. In late winter and early spring the 
water is clear; during the rest of the year it is turbid, though never so foul 
as to be unfit to drink. The surface level has a maximum range of variation 
of about 7 feet. It is lowest in late winter and early spring, highest about 
midsummer, falls all summer, attaining a second minimum about the end 
of August, but rises to a second though inferior maximum in the autumn. 
The first minimum is due to the fact that at this time of the year precipi- 
tation takes the form of snow and so does not reach the lake; the first 
maximum is caused by the sudden melting of this snow in the early sum- 
mer. The second minimum is due to depletion of the supply of snow 
water and lack of rain at this season, and the second maximum is the result 
of autumn rains. 

The southernmost part of the district is traversed by the Canadian 
Pacific railway. A good road provides communication with Harrison 
Hotsprings at the south end of Harrison lake. Communication up and 
down the lake is effected entirely by boats. 

Very little was known of the geology of this district at the time the 
investigation was commenced. No areal mapping had been done except 
around Agassiz, where the geology was known only in a very general way. 
The first reference to the geology of the district was made in the Director’s 
Report,^ Geological Survey, Canada, in 1888. It stated simply that the 
older Cretaceous rocks were extensively developed in Harrison Lake dis- 
trict. In the following year proof of this statement appeared, in the 
announcement that Amos Bowman had in 1882 collected Aucella mosquensis 
var. concentrica Fischer from several localities on Harrison lake.^ In the 
sam*e year Dawson® listed the localities of the hot springs — St. Alice’ well at 
the south end of the lake, and St. Agnes’ well 5 miles beyond the north end. 
The following year Hoffmann^ gave analyses of the waters from the two 
springs, which compose St. Alice’ well. In 1895 Stanton® reported that the 
Ancellae from Harrison lake belonged to the species A. crassicollis Key- 

Since these early contributions Harrison lake has scarcely been men- 
tioned in the literature. There is no information of any importance except 
Bowen’s reports on his reconnaissance of 1912 in which he barely touched 
the south end of Harrison lake, but provided a route map of the country 
about Agassiz.® Bow’en discerned a fossiliferous sedimentary series, of 
which he gives a section, underlying the country around Agassiz. In his 
“Columnar Sections”^ he called this the Agassiz series of Palaeozoic age, 
but in his summ.ary report® he used no name for it, but said it was of Lower 
Cretaceous or Jurassic age. He noticed that these rocks are intruded by a 

iSelwyn, A. R. C.: Geol. Surv., Canada, Ann. Kept., vol. Ill (1888). 

*Whiteave8, J. F.: Geol. Surv., Canada, Cont. to Can. Pal., vol. I, pt. 2 , No. 4 (1889). 

•Dawson, G. M.: “The Mineral Wealth of British Columbia"; Geol. Surv., Canada, Ann. Rept., vol. Ill (1889). 
‘Hoffmann, G. C.: "Chemical Contributio.ns to the Geology of Canada"; Geol. Surv., Canada, Ann. Rept., 
vol. IV (1890). 

•Stanton, T. W.: "The Fauna of the Knoxville Beds"; U.S. Geol. Surv., Bull. 133 (1895). 

•Routo-map between Lytton and Agassiz; Route-map between Agassiz and Vancouver; Geol. Surv., Canada, 
Guide Book No. 8, pt. II (1913). 

'Columnar Sections. N. L. Bowen, In the Coast Range. Camscll, C.: Geol. Surv., Canada, Guide Book 
No. 8, pt. II (1913). 

•Bowen, N. L.: "A Geological Reconnaissance of the Fraser River Valley from Lytton to Vancouver, Britiah 
Ckdumbia”; Geol. Surv., Canada, Bum. Rept. 1912 (1914). 


large mass of granite; he mentions the quartz-porphyry on the railway 
west of Agassiz, which he regarded as of Lower Cretaceous (?) age, and 
with an unconformable relation toward the Agassiz series. The age of 
the Agassiz series is Upper Jurassic. The quartz porphyry flows, mentioned 
by Bowen, are part of the Porphyrite series, and are of Middle Jurassic age. 

Harrison Lake valley has been produced by erosion of disordered 
sedimentary series of great thickness accompanied by several masses of 
plu tonic rocks. The long axis of the lake is located mainly on what is 
believed to be the site of a great overthrust. This fault dips steeply to the 
east; Carboniferous and Triassic rocks to the east of it are thrust over 
Jurassic and Cretaceous rocks to the west. This great fault, which extends 
beyond the limits of the area, is single throughout most of its length, but 
in the middle part of Harrison lake it is divided into several subparallel 
and oblique faults between which are wedges of rock of the nature of 
schuppen. These are well illustrated by the structure of the peninsula, 
and that of Long island. In these two areas the surface is composed of 
narrow selvages of Jurassic and Cretaceous sediments, bearing their char- 
acteristic fossils, and all dipping to the east yet alternating with one 
another in a perfectly bewildering fashion. Such an arrangement could 
not possibly be the result of peculiarities of deposition, and could have been 
formed only by a succession of thrust faults. Throughout most of the 
zone the rocks have been considerably crushed. 

The oldest rocks lying to the east of the thrust fault are dark grey 
argillites with massive limestone lenses bearing Pennsylvanian fossils. 
These crop out over the west flank of Bear mountain, at the south end of 
the area. They dip steeply to the east, being bounded on the west by the 
thrust fault, and to the east by an overlying thick accumulation of sedi- 
ments, mostly argillites but with some beds of pyroclastics. This series 
borders the thrust fault on the east from Trout Lake creek to Fifteenmile 
creek and makes up all the mountains between these creeks. The sedi- 
ments dip uniformly steeply to the east (or a few degrees north of east). 
They are considerably crushed, in some places even to the state of foliation. 
So far they have yielded no fossils, but it is suspected that they are of 
Triassic age. The total thickness has not been determined, but is esti- 
mated at 14,000 or 15,000 feet. 

Overlying the supposedly Triassic series and, therefore, succeeding 
them to the north and east, is a thick formation of crushed greenstones of 
volcanic origin. This formation occupies most of the country east of 
Harrison lake. These rocks have been considerably crushed and are more 
or less schistose throughout, but apart from this there is a great resemblance 
as regards thicknesses and details of lithology and succession between these 
rocks and Jurassic rocks lying to the west of Harrison lake, but no fossils 
have been obtained from the greenstones lying east of the lake. 

The oldest rocks west of the great thrust occur in a small patch on the 
west shore of the lake immediately south of Camp cove. They consist of 
some 3,000 feet of sediments, mostly argillites with some tuffs and a con- 
glomerate bed. The conglomerate contains besides other things, pebbles 
of the fossiliferous Pennsylvanian limestones. The series has yielded no 
fossils of its own date; it belongs betw'een the top of the Pennsylvanian and 
the base of the Middle Jurassic. These rocks lie in the centre of a short 


Figure 1. Index map shomng positions of fossiliferous localities in the vicinity of Harrison 
lake, sourfiwest British Columbia. Numbers correspond with those used in text. 


anticline, and are surrounded by a thick accumulation of tuffs, agglomer- 
ates, and flows, which cover a very considerable area west of Harrison lake 
and occupy most of Echo island. The total thickness is about 9,000 feet. 
Fossils were obtained from a band of aqueous sediments in the lower part 
of the formation (locality No. 3, See Figure 1) and also from higher hori- 
zons. These show the volcanic assemblage to be of Middle Jurassic age. 

To the north, near Deer creek, to the east on Echo island, and to the south 
on Harrison river, the volcanics are overlain conformably by well-stratified 
tuffs. These have an average thickness of 2,700 feet. Only a few fossils were 
found in them and none of these is indicative of exact dates. However, the 
formation is overlain conformably by dark grey argillites, the upper part of 
which yielded excellent fossils of early Upper Jurassic age. This deposit of 
argillite, which is about 2,400 feet thick, is well exposed from the mouth of 
Deer creek across the hills to the northwest, through the valley of Myster- 
ious creek, and into the Chehalis Creek basin; also in another strip on the 
south side of Harrison river. In both sections the argillites are overlain 
by an accumulation of well-stratified tuffs that on Mysterious creek are 
about 1,800 feet thick. They have yielded early Upper Jurassic fossils. 

The early Upper Jurassic argillites and tuffs on the south side of Har- 
rison river are overlain unconformably by the rocks to which Bowen applied 
the name Agassiz series. The lower part of this series consists of about 

3.000 feet of unfossiliferous conglomerates. These are overlain by about 

5.000 feet of black argillites which contain poorly preserved, unidentifiable 
fossils. At this point the sequence is broken by the thrust faults. How- 
ever, presumably the same formation occurs as narrow strips on the 
west shore of the peninsula where it yields the Argovian ammonite. Ana- 

The argillites that on the peninsula are regarded as part of the Agassiz 
series and the stratified Upper Jurassic tuffs near Deer creek, are overlain 
unconformably by early Cretaceous deposits bearing abundant fossils, 
mostly of the genus Aucella. The lower part of the Cretaceous series 
consists of a basal conglomerate overlain by grey sandstones and totalling 
1,260 feet in thickness. The upper part is made up of 2,200 feet of pyro- 
clastics overlain by about 1,500 feet of sandstones composed of waste 
from the volcanics. These Cretaceous beds occur in a strip running north- 
west from the peninsula, along the west side of Long island, to Broken- 
back hill and beyond. This strip is cut off along its east side by the thrust 

The sedimentary rocks of the district are cut by plutonics thought to 
be of two ages. Those of one age are mostly altered quartz monzonite 
and occur in masses of various sizes, the largest of which is a batholith 
lying west of Chehalis creek. It intrudes the Middle Jurassic rocks and 
appears to have supplied pebbles to the basal conglomerate of the early 
Cretaceous. It is placed tentatively as late Jurassic. 

The other plutonic intrusive is a fresh quartz diorite. It occurs in 
stocks in various parts of the area, notably between Agassiz and Harrison 
Hotsprings, and at Doctor point, also in a batholith lying mostly in the 
upper part of the Chehalis drainage basin. These quartz diorites cut 
both Jurassic and Cretaceous strata and intersect the great overthrusts 


and the high-angled structures of the district. They are, therefore, sub- 
sequent to the main orogeny of the region which is thought to be Lara- 

A system of dykes of basalt cuts all the other rocks of the district. 
These are thought to be of fairly late date. 


The localities, and the fossils found there, are here listed according to 
the known or presumed ages of the strata. Individual localities are dis- 
tinguished by numbers and these numbers on the accompanying index 
map (Figure 1) indicate the positions of the various fossil-bearing locali- 


(1) West side of Bear mountain, at an elevation of 2,000 feet, Ij miles 
due east of the Harrison Hotsprings hotel. 

Large crinoid stalks — Melocrinidae? 

Small crinoid stalks — Batocrinidae? 

(2) West shore of Harrison lake, 2j miles from Harrison River point. 
Conglomerates. The fossils occur in pebbles of limestone derived from a 
Pennsylvanian formation. 

Producliis cf. clarkei Ischemychew 

Crinoidea, several species 


(3) West shore of Harrison lake, 1,820 yards north of Harrison River 

Rhynchonella sp. 

Enlolium volcanicum Crickmay 

Cylindroteuthis themis Crickmay 

(4) East shore of Echo island, 1,860 yards north of the southeast 

BeUmnites sp. 

(5) South end of the first small islet southeast of Echo island. 

Belemnites sp. 

Pelecypoda, various unidentifiable forms. 

(6) Northeast side of the second small islet southeast of Echo island. 

Belemnites sp. 

(7) West shore of Harrison lake, 600 yards south of the mouth of 
Deer creek. 

Inoceramus ? sp. 

(8) South shore of Harrison river on the west side of a small point 
150 yards east of V. Macdonald's house, or 2\ miles from Harrison River 

LiUoettia sp. — crushed specimens of slightly earlier date than the described species 


(9) Deer creek at 1,450 feet altitude, If miles from the mouth. 
Lilloettia sp. 

(10) Deer creek at 1,275 feet altitude, 1| miles from the mouth. 

Lilloeilia sp. 

(11) Deer creek at 300 feet altitude, 700 yards from the mouth. 

Pai acadoceras sp. 

(12) Deer creek, f mile from the mouth. 

Paracadoceras haroeyi Crickmay 
Cadoceras catostoma Pompeckj 

“ schmidti “ 

“ brooksi Crickmay 
“Belemnites'^ sp. 

(13) On the small tributary which joins Deer creek from the north 
at 1,700 feet elevation or 2| miles from the mouth. 

Parallelodon sp. 

Entolium hertleini Crickmay 
Ammonoid fragment, cadoceratoid 
“Belemnites" sp. indet. 

(14) South side of Mysterious Creek valley 2| miles from the mouth 
and at 1,400 feet elevation. 

Parnllelodon sp. 

“Belemnites” sp. 

(15) Billhook creek, a tributary to Mysterious creek, at 3,100 feet 
altitude, and 4 miles in a direct line from the mouth of Mysterious creek. 

Callovian (Proplanulitan) 

Anomia columbiana Crickmay 
Lilloettia lilloetensis Crickmay 
“ mertonyarwoodi “ 

Buckmaniceras buckmani “ 

(16) One hundred yards from shore and 600 yards north of the mouth 
of Deer creek. 

*‘Belemnites’' sp. 

(17) West shore of Harrison lake, 720 yards north of the mouth of 
Deer creek. 

Pelecypoda, various, imidentifiable 

(18) Southwest slope of Fossil hill at 1,850 feet. 

Haidaia aflf. dawsoni Whiteaves 
^‘Belemnites” sp. 

(19) Small creek 1 mile east of Billhook creek at 1,500 feet. 

Astarle harrismierms Crickmay 

(in talus) 

(20) Billhook creek at 3,270 feet elevation and slightly over 4 miles 
from the mouth of Mysterious creek. 

Cylindroteuthis sp. 

(21) Billhook creek at 3,400 feet elevation. 

Haidaia aff. dawsoni Whiteaves 

“ billhookensis Crickmay (talus) 

“ packardi “ (talus) 

Ammonoid, a young cadoceratoid form 


(22) Billhook creek at 3,600 feet elevation. 

Pelecypoda, various, unidentifiable 
Haidaia stcUltiensis Crickmay 
Ammonoid, a young cadoceratoid fonn 
“Belemnites" sp. 

(23) Southernmost tip of the more westerly of the two small hills 
lying west of Agassiz. 

Ammonoid, indeterminable 

(24) Southwest side of a narrow point which bounds on the west the 
small bay on the southwest shore of the peninsula, and 1,850 yards from 
the southeast point of the peninsula. 

Parallelodon cardiocercUanum Crickmay 
Anacardioceras perrini Crickmay 
Phylloceras columbianum Crickmay 

(25) East shore of Long island, miles from its south end. 

Ammonoid, a young cadoceratoid form 
“Belemnites” sp. 

(26) A little islet off the middle of the three points at the north end 
of the peninsula. 

‘‘Belemnites” sp. 

(27) At 250 feet altitude on hillside half a mile south-southwest from 
Doctor point. 

Ammonoid, indeterminable 


(28) West shore of a little bay on the southwest shore of the peninsula. 

AuceUa acutistriata Crickmay 

Eniolium auceUarum 



(29) On the hillside one-quarter mile due north of the last locality. 
Aitcella catamorpha Crickmay 
spasskensoides “ 

4 < 


(30) One-third mile south of the highest peak on the peninsula. 
Aucella spasskensoides Crickmay 

“ canadiana “ 

** sp. 

(31) West shore of peninsula 3| miles in a straight line from its 
southern tip. 

Aucella acutistriata Crickmay 
catamorpha ** 
spasskensoides “ 
‘^Belemnites" sp. 






(32) West shore of Harrison lake, 900 yards north of the mouth of 
Deer creek. 

Aucella acutistriata Crickmay 
“ spasskemoidea “ 

“ canadiana ** 

CylindroteiUhu bacidm Crickmay 
PachyleiUhis eocretacicua “ 

(33) Three hundred and fifty yards west of the shore of the lake and 
1,200 yards north of the mouth of Deer creek. 

AuceUa acutistriata Crickmay 
“ catamorpha “ 

“ spasskensoides “ 

“ cascadensis " 

" canadiana “ 




(34) Three hundred and fifty yards from shore and 1,400 yards 
north of the mouth of Deer creek. 

AuceUa acutistriata Crickmay 
“ spasskensoides 
“ cascadensis 
Entolium aucellarum 
Mcleamia mcleami 
A starts Barbara 
Phylloceras aff. knoxvillense Stanton 
“ sp. indet. 

Cylindroteuthis hacuhis Crickmay 
Pachyteuthis eocretacicus Crickmay 

(35) One and two-fifths miles northwest of the mouth of Deer creek, 
at an elevation of 1,000 feet. 

Aucella acutistriata Crickmay 
caiamorpfia “ 

canadiana “ 

spasskensoides ** 




(36) Right bank of Mysterious creek at 1,000 feet altitude. 

Aucella acutistriata Crickmay 
** spasskensoides “ 

(37) North slope of Fossil hill, 250 yards southwest of a point on 
Mysterious creek of 1,000 feet altitude. 

Aucella acutistriata Crickmay 
“ spasskensoides '■ 

(38) Two hundred and fifty yards west of the last locality. 

AuMlla acutistriata Crickmay 

spasskensoides “ 


(39) Two hundred and thirty-five yards from the shore, on the left 
bank of a little brook that enters Harrison lake from the west, 1,500 
yards north of the mouth of Deer creek. 

Aucella kwoiekensis Crickmay 
Quoiecchia aliciae 

(40) Lonetree island, off south tip of peninsula. 

Aucella crassicollis Keyserling 

Aucella solida Lahusen 


(41) East shore of peninsula, 200 yards north of Lonetree island. 
Aucella crassicollis Keyserling 

“ solida Lahusen 
“ harrisonensis Crickmay 

“ gigas “ 

Plexiromya harrisonensis “ 

Homolsomites poecilochotomus Crickmay 

(42) East shore of peninsula 400 yards north of Lonetree island. 

Aucella crassicollis Keyserling 
“ solida Lahusen 
“ harrisonensis Crickmay 
Pleuromya harrisonensis “ 

Homolsomites poedlochotcrmus Crickmay 

(43) Half a mile southeast of the highest ‘peak on the peninsula. 
Pelecypod, imidentifiable 

(44) East shore of peninsula, 2^ miles north of Lonetree island. 
Aucella crassicollis Keyserling 

(45) West shore of Long island 400 yards north of its southern tip. 

Aucella crassicollis Keyserling 
“ solida Lahusen 

(46) Little islet on south side of south entrance to Roberts bay, west 
side of Long island. 

Aucella crassicollis Keyserling 
solida Lahusen 

(47) South shore of a little point on the west side of Cascade bay, 
1,090 yards south of the north end of that bay; or 4,660 yards north of 
Lonetree island. 

Aucella teutoburgensis Weerth 
Yaadia leurisagassizi Crickmay 

(48) Forty feet east of the Yaadia lewisagassizi locality on south 
shore of a little point on west side of Cascade bay 1,090 yards due south 
of the north end of that bay. 

Aucella somewhat crushed and not identifiable with certainty, but probably the 
sharp ribbed species of the canadiana zone 

(49) Northeast side of the little point on west side of Cascade bay, 
1,090 yards due south of the north end of that bay. 

Aucella somewhat sheared and so unidentifiable, but probably the sharp ribbed 
species of the canadiana zone 

(50) East side of Cascade bay 2f miles from the north end of that 
bay, also 

(51) East side of Cascade bay 3| miles from the north end of that 
bay, also 

(52) East side of Cascade bay 4| miles from the north end of that 


Aucellae^ greatly sheared and so unidentifiable, but probably the sharp ribbed 
species of the canadiana zone 

(53) Northwest corner of Roberts bay, west side of Long island. 
Aucellae, somewhat crushed and so unidentifiable, but probably the sharp ribbed 

species of the canadiana zone 


(54) East side of Roberts bay 650 yards from the north end, also 

(55) Islet, 100 yards west of the last locality, also 

(56) West shore of Long island, 2f miles south of the north end of 
that island, also 

(57) East shore of Long island, 3| miles in a straight line from the 
north end of that island. 

Aucelhs, QiTon^y sheared and so unidentifiable, but probably the sharp ribbed 
species of the canadiana zone 

(58) West side of Long island, barely 2 miles south of the north end 
of that island. 

Aucellae, considerably crushed and so unidentifiable with certainty, but never- 
theless very probably Ancella crassicollis Keyserling 

(59) North side of Twentymile point, one-quarter mile from the 
point, also 

(60) West shore of Harrison lake, one-half mile south of Rock point. 

Pelecypoda, unidentifiable fragments 

"Belemnites” sp. indet. 

(61) Cut bank on south side of main line of Canadian Pacific railway 
838 yards west of the west end of the Harrison River bridge. 

Strongylocenlrolus drobachiensis Muller 

M ytilus edulis Linnaeus 

Terebratalia tramversa Sowerby? 

Balanus crenatus Bruguiere 

(62) Cut bank on south side of main line of Canadian Pacific railway 
750 yards west of the west end of the Harrison River bridge. 

Saxicava rugosa Linnaeus 

Other pelecypoda, indeterminable fragments 

Order, Camerata 
Family, mblocrinidae? 

Genus, (?) 

Fragments of large stalks, 10 to 27 mm. in diameter, the joints of 
which exhibit the structure and intercolumnal spaces of those of this 
family. They are imperfectly preserved and do not admit of complete 

Locality. West side of Bear mountain at 2,000 feet elevation, 1^ 
miles due east of Harrison Hotsprings hotel. Similar crinoid stalks are 
common at the type locality of the Chilliwack series on Chilliwack river, 
also in the Pennsylvanian rocks of Kamloops district, British Columbia. 


Family, batocrinidae? 

Fragments of smaller stalks which closely resemble in a superficial 
way those of this family. The reference is, of course, far from certain. 
There are probably several forms: the shapes of the small columnals differ 
somewhat. Diameters from 3 to 8 mm. 

Locality. West side of Bear mountain at 2,000 feet, IJ miles due east 
of the Harrison Hotsprings hotel. 

Order, Centrechinoidea 
Family, strongylocentrotidae 
Genus, Strongylocentrotus Brandt 
Strongylocentrotus drobachiensis Mtiller 

Fragments of corona and spines belonging to this species. 

Locality. Main line of Canadian Pacific railway 838 yards west of 
the west end of Harrison River bridge. 



Order, Protremata 

Family, productidae 
Genus, Productus 

Productus cf. darkei Tschernychew 

Specimens comparable with this species from limestone pebbles in 

Locality. West shore of Harrison lake 2J miles from Harrison River 

Order, Telotremata 
Family, ehynchonellidae 
Genus, Rhynchonella 
Rhynchonella sp. 

Indeterminable fragments belonging to this genus. 

Locality. West shore of Harrison lake 1,820 yards from Harrison 
River point. 


Family, tebebbatellidae 

Genus, Terebratalia 
Terehraialia transversa Sowerby? 

Small, decrepitated fragments that have the structure of this species. 
Occurs with Mytilus edulis and Strongylocentrotus drobachiensis. 

Locality, On main line of Canadian Pacific railway 838 yards west 
of the west end of Harrison River bridge. 

Order, Prionodesmacea 
Family, paballelodontidae 
Genus, Parallelodon Meek 
Parallelodon cardioceraianum sp. nov. 

Plate VIII, figures 1, 2, 3 

Surface marked only by excessively delicate, concentric lines. 

Dimensions. Holotype, a left valve — length, 22 mm.; height, 14; 
semidiameter (diameter of one valve, or distance from lateral convexity 
to median plane), 5. 

Locality. Southwest shore of peninsula, on west side of point that 
bounds the small bay. 

Family, pebnidae 
Genus, Inoceramus Sowerby 

Indeterminable fragments belonging to this genus. 

Locality. West shore of Harrison lake, 600 yards south of Deer creek. 

Family, ptebiidae 
Genus, Mclearnia gen. nov. 

A giant pteriid without sculpture. Right valve flattish with pec- 
tiniform byssal notch. Left valve, somewhat more convex. Ears, sub- 
equal, all well developed. Chondrophore, small, central, and vertical. 

Mclearnia mclearni sp. nov. 

Plate VIII, figure 4; Plate IX, figure 1 

Umbo lies at centre of hinge-line, somewhat posterior to centre of 
disk, giving the shell a peculiar outline. Shell is much thickened in the 
umbonal region. Surface smooth except for occasional growth-lines. 
When split the shell shows traces of fine, radial ribbing. Interior smooth 
except for the single, large, bilobate muscle-scar; and two curved lines of 
*‘diraples", one on each side of the umbo. These appear in the figures, 
as does also the central chondrophore. 



Dimensions. Holotype, a right valve seen from interior aspect — 
length, 115 mm.; height, 112; semidiameter, 11; hinge-line, 71. Paratype, 
a left valve, cast of interior — height, 118; semidiameter, 25; hinge-line, 78. 

Locality. Zone of aucella canadiana, west side of Harrison lake 350 
yards from shore and 1,400 yards north of Deer creek. 

Name. Generic and specific name after F. H. McLearn, palaeontolo- 

Family, myalinidae 

Genus, Aucella Keyserling 

The species of Aucella from Harrison lake form a considerable and 
an important assemblage belonging to four separate hemerse. This was 
obvious at the beginning of this study, but at that time it was thought 
that the earliest Harrison forms corresponded to the earliest California 
Cretaceous species — Aucella piochii, and, in consequence, some mistaken 
identifications were made. Subsequently, larger collections and a more 
exhaustive study have shown that the species of the A. canadiana zone 
are later than A. piochii. Moreover, they are not related to that species 
but rather to the group of A. hononiensis. They seem to represent large 
shelled derivatives of this group evolved during the great expan five evolu- 
tion of Aucellae which occurred at the end of the Jurassic period. They 
represent one of the earliest Cretaceous hemerffi, probably that of Cras~ 
pedites stenomphalus. The other Harrison Aucellae, except A. kwoiekensis, 
belong to the period of restrictive and degenerative evolution of Polypty- 
ehites polyptychus and later time. 

Aucella acutistriata sp. nov. 

Plate IX, figure 2 

Resembles A. andersoni somewhat but differs in its much larger size 
and greater diameter. The ornament consists of concentric costae that 
are as sharp as knife-blades and stand 0-5 to 1 mm. above the general 
surface. They are spaced 8 or 9 in a cm. of radius. Become obsolete 
on anterior and posterior ends of shell which are striate concentrically. 

Dimensions. Holotype, a left valve — long axis, 78 mm,; short axis, 
that is the greatest line at right angles to the long axis, 42; semidiameter, 
28; apical angle, 69 degrees. Paratype, both valves in contact: left^ — long 
axis, 42; short axis, 25; semidiameter, 13; apical angle, 65 degrees; right- 
long axis, 39; short axis, 25; semidiameter, 11; apical angle, 80 degrees. 

Locality. Zone of Aucella canadiana, west side of Harrison lake, 350 
yards from shore and 1,200 yards north of Deer creek. 

Aucella catamorpha sp. nov. 

Plate IX, figure 5 

Very similar to the last except that the shell is unornamented. It is 
marked only by growth lines. Also the right valve has a more acute 
apical angle, and the diameter is slightly less. 


Dimensions. Holotype, right valve — long axis, 37 mm.; short axis, 
25; semidiameter, 7; apical angle, 60 degrees. 

Locality. Zone of Aucella canadiana, west side of a small bay on 
southwest shore of the peninsula. 

Aucella spasskensoides 

Plate IX, figures 3, 4 

Resembles A. spasskensis Pavlow, but the diameter is notably greater 
and the right valve has a greater apical angle. Strong concentric costae, 
sharp as in .4. acutistriata, spaced 4 to 5 in a cm. of radius on the mature 
shell, though closer in the umbonal region. 

Dimensions. Holotype, right valve — long axis, 38 mm.; short axis, 
29; semidiameter, . . ; apical angle, 80 degrees; right valve — long axis, 36; 
short axis, 29 ; semidiameter, 7 ; apical angle, 90 degrees. Paratype, left 
valve — long axis, 55; short axis, 39; semidiameter, 16; apical angle, 67 
degrees. The largest specimen found, a left valve, had a long axis measuring 
60 mm. 

Locality. Zone of Aucella canadiana, west side of small bay on south- 
west shore of peninsula. 

Aucella cascadensis sp. nov. 

Plate X, figures 1, 2 

Having the same general aspect of the fischeriana stock which the 
last species shows. The costation is wider spaced; 3 coatse in a centimetre 
of radius on the mature shell. Also the costse are sharp like those of 
A. acutistriata. 

Dimensions. Holotype, left valve — long axis, 57 mm.; short axis, 43; 
semidiameter, 15; apical angle, 80 degrees. Paratype, right valve — long 
axis, 63; short axis, 54; semidiameter, 15; apical angle, 105 degrees. 

Locality. Zone of A. canadiana, west side of Harrison lake, 350 yards 
from shore and 1,200 yards north of Deer creek. 

Name. Cascade mountains. 

Aucella canadiana sp. nov. 

Plate X, figures 3, 4, 5 

This form has departed farther from the fischeriana ancestry than the 
preceding species. These costas are wide spaced: 1-5 to each centimetre 
of radius, and are sharp like those of A. acutistriata. 

Dimensions. Holotype, a left valve — long axis, 54 mm.; short axis, 
43; semidiameter, 22; apical angle, 75 degrees. Paratype, right valve — 
long axis, 60; short axis, 49; semidiameter, 12; apical angle, 93 degrees. 

Locality. Zone of Aucella canadiana, west side of Harrison lake 350 
yards from shore and 1,200 yards north of Deer creek. 

Name. A Canadian species, and peculiarly so, because it is strikingly 
different from any of the foreign forms. 



Aucella kwoiekensis sp. nov. 

Plate X, figures 6, 7 

Resembles members of the inflata group, but differs markedly from all 
in proportions and in the fine, closely spaced, concentric striae. Byssal 
sinus unusually long. 

Although Pavlow suggests a very different history, yet it is quite 
possible that this form is ancestral to the crassicollis group. 

Dimensions. Holotype, a right valve — long axis, 42 mm.; short axis, 
38; semidiameter, 15; apical angle, 90 degrees. 

Locality. Zone of Quoiecchia aliciae, 235 yards from shore, on the 
left bank of a little brook which enters Harrison lake from the west, 1,450 
yards north of the mouth of Deer creek. 

Name. Kwoiek, Indian geographical name. 

Aucella crassicollis Keyserling 1846 

1846. Keyserling: Wissenschaftliche. Beobachtungen auf einer Reise 

in dar Petschoraland. 

The left valve is very strongly convex, and the left umbo is strongly 
incurved. Right valve, less so. The long axis of the left valve is about 
twice the short axis. The form is rather irregular. The external surface 
is marked by fine growth lines and concentric varices. The latter appear 
with maturity, but at slightly different stages in different specimens. 

Locality. Zone of Homolsomites poecilochotomus, Lonetree island; 
also on the southeastern shore of the peninsula, etc. 

Aucella solida Lahusen 

Aucella crassicollis var. solida Lahusen 1888: Mem. du Comite g^ol., 
St. Petersburg, vol. VIII, No. 1. 

This species somewhat resembles the last, but differs in that the long 
axis is not much greater than the short. 

Locality. Occurs associated with the last at all localities. 

Aucella harrisonensis sp. nov. 

Plate XI, figures 1, 2, 3 

Left valve, somewhat convex. Left umbo, slightly incurved. Right 
valve, flattish. Right umbo, short, obtuse, and almost ecurved. Shell, 
very thin, and, consequently, there is no ornament except joint growth 
lines. Concentric varices appear beyond 25 mm. from the umbo in some 

Dimensions. Holotype, a right valve — long axis, 32 mm.; short 
axis, 30; semidiameter, 8; apical angle, 95 degrees. Paratype, a left valve — 
long axis, 30 mm.; short axis, 20; semidiameter, 9; apical angle, 73 degrees. 

Locality. Zone of Homolsomites poecilochotomus, southeast shore of 
the peninsula, 200 yards from the south end. 


Aucella gigas sp. nov. 

Plate XI, figures 4, 5, 6 

Valves resemble each other strongly in shape. Both are broad, 
flattish, and rounded ventrally. Umbones, short, obtuse, very slightly 
incurved. Ornament of obtuse, concentric costse that have a very char- 
acteristic curve. Ornament degenerates beyond 35 mm. from the umbo. 

Dimensions. Holotype, left valve — long axis, 100 mm.; short axis, 
78; semidiameter, 20; apical angle, 80 degrees; right valve — long axis, 83 
mm,; short axis, 72; semidiameter, 16; apical angle, 90 degrees. 

Locality. Zone of Homolsomites poecilochotomus, southeast shore of 
the peninsula 200 yards from the south end. 

Name. From the fact that it is the largest Aucella known. 

Aucella teutoburgensis Weerth 

Avicula (?) teutoburgensis Weerth 1884: Palaeont. abhandl. Bd. II. 

Both valves notably convex, left valve somewhat more so than right. 
Umbones incurved. The outline is characteristic. Ornament, striate. 

Locality. Zone of Yaadia lewisagassizi, on south shore of a little point 
on the west side of Cascade bay 1,090 yards south of the north end of that 

Family, trigoniidae 
Genus, Haidaia Crickmay 

Of the Harrison Lake species referred to this genus only one is typical. 
This form, related to H. dawsoni Whiteaves, is unluckily not represented 
by material good enough for specific description. The other three are 
new species which are referred to this genus for convenience, as it seems 
undesirable to make any further division until more forms are known. 

Haidaia sp. nov. aff. H. dawsoni Whiteaves 

Fragments of a new form, similar to dawsoni in the main but larger, 
longer in proportion to height, and having a narrower area. 

Locality. Southwest slope of Fossil hill at 1,850 feet; and on Billhook 
creek at 3,400 feet. 

Haidaia billhookensis sp. nov. 

Plate XII, figure 1 

Costae, numerous for a member of this genus. Tubercles, numerous, 
arranged in concentric series, degenerating toward basal margin. Costellae 
become irregular at maturity, rather resembling coarse growth lines. 
Marginal carina at maturity is a line of weak, irregularly spaced bullae. 
Median carina, lacking. Inner carina, not seen. Median furrow, shallow. 

Dimensions. Length, 77 mm.; height, 70; semidiameter, 25. 

Locality. Talus at 3,400 feet on Billhook creek. 

Name. After the locality. 


Haidaia packardi sp. nov. 

Plate XII, figures 2, 3 

Radial costsD, strong. Tubercles, strongest on a concentric zone 
midway between umbo and base; that is, degenerating before maturity — 
a sign of catamorphism. Tubercles are arranged in concentric series and 
are joined by weak, concentric costae. Costellae, very fine, degenerating 
with maturity to coarse, irregular striae resembling rugose growth lines. 
Inner and marginal carinae strong, coarsely tuberculate. Median carina, 
absent. Furrow, weak. Posterior basal margin has three or four crenu- 
lations on the inside. 

Dimensions. Length, 70 mm.; height, 58; semidiameter, 20. 

Locality. Talus at 3,400 feet on Billhook creek. 

Name. After E. L. Packard, in recognition of his work on west 
American Trigoniae. 

Haidaia statluensis sp. nov. 

Plate XII, figures 4, 5, 6 

Costae weak, though marked by strong, obtuse tubercles that are 
arranged in concentric series and joined by concentric costae. Two figures 
of specially prepared artificial casts are introduced to show this peculiarity, 
which does not appear very plainly on the holotype. Both costae and 
tubercles are small and weak on the umbonal region and anterior end. 
Area marked by faint, transverse striae which become with maturity coarse 
costellae. Carinae not specially marked. Furrow, shallow, becoming 
obsolete with maturity. 

Dimensions. Length, 65 mm.; height, 54; semidiameter, 15. 

Locality. Billhook creek at 3,600 feet. 

Name. Geographical — Statlu creek. 

Genus, Yaadia gen. nov. 

Genotype, Yaadia lewisagassizi sp. nov. 

This genus is instituted for a branch of the pseudoquadrate Trigoniae 
that has a discrepant ornament on the anterior end of the disk, and so can 
not well be included in the true pseudoquadrates, genus Steinmanella nov. 
genotype of which is S. holuhi Kitchin. The discrepant anterior ornament 
of Yaadia is not necessarily any indication of relationship with Scaphi- 
trigon, because this kind of thing might well be developed independently. 
Steinmanella is an Indo-Pacific genus of the early Cretaceous. Yaadia 
is presumably a north Pacific group of the same time. 

Name. From Yaada, Indian legendary name. 

Yaadia lewisagassizi sp. nov. 

Plate XIII, figures 1, 2 

Near the umbo, the two sets of ornament are united into one resemb- 
ling that of Trigonia s.s. The two sets of ornament on the disk are separ- 
ated by a perfectly smooth area. Carinae marked only by rows of coarse 


tubercles (bullse), which are widely spaced and have a peculiar oblique 
elongation. Area, otherwise smooth. Escutcheon, marked by transverse 
lines of small tubercles continuous with tubercles of inner carina. 

Dimensions. Length, 77 mm.; height, 63; semidiameter, 22. This 
length and height may be slightly vitiated by diastrophic distortion. 

Locality. Zone of Yaadia lewisagassizi, on the south shore of a little 
point on the west side of Cascade bay, 1,090 yards south of the north end 
of that bay. Occurs with Aucella teutoburgensis. 

Name. In honour of Captain Lewis N. Agassiz, Royal Welsh Fusiliers, 
one of the pioneers of British Columbia. 

Genus, Quoiecchia gen. nov. 

Genotype, Quoiecchia aliciae sp. nov. 

The genus is distinguished by the small-sized shell and the peculiar 
arrangement of the ornament. It is unlike any other group of Trigoniae, 
though there is a suggestion of this style of ornament in Haidaia statluensis. 

Name. From Kwoiek, Indian geographical name. 

Quoiecchia aliciae sp. nov. 

Plate XIII, figures 3-8 

According to the Agassiz classification this species would be referred 
to “les lisses” (glabrae of Lycett), a group of composite origin, being smooth 
derivatives of various stocks. The form is probably an aberrant offshoot 
of the great, protean Haidaia. The ornament of the disk is formed by 
two sets of furrows. One, a radial set, is strong near the umbo but becomes 
obsolete near the middle of the disk. The other, a concentric set, appears 
first at 10 mm. from the umbo and becomes increasingly stronger toward 
the basal margin. The spaces between furrows stand up as low, obtuse 
costse; between two intersecting sets of furrows, as low, squarish tubercles. 
The carinae are obsolete, the area being ornamented only by the posterior 
continuation of the concentric furrows. The interior surface of the pos- 
terior half of the basal margin is crenulated, forming four or five broad, 
tooth-like processes which interlock in opposite valves when the shell 
is closed. 

Dimensions. Holotype, a right valve — length, 21 mm.; height, 19; 
semidiameter, 6. Paratype, a right valve — length, 30; height, 34; semi- 
diameter, 15. This shows that as it grows the shell becomes dispro- 
portionately high and robust. 

Locality. Zone of Quoiecchia aliciae, 235 yards from lake shore, on 
the left bank of a little brook that enters Harrison lake from the west 
1,450 yards north of the mouth of Deer creek. 

Name. Geographical — ^St. Alice’ well. 


Family, pectinidab 
Genus, Entolium Meek 
Entolium hertleini sp. nov. 

Plate XIV, figure 1 

Shell, very flat. Ears, small. Upper margins of the ears make a 
shallow re-entrant. External surface appears smooth, but the X 10 power 
of magnification shows it to be marked by even, continuous, concentric 
striae. These have a characteristic curve which is shown in the plate 
by a black line. Lateral margin of disk, also ears, are marked by faint, 
microscopic radial striae as well. The species is very similar to the wide 
variety of Entolium leachii McLearn, but is separable by its smaller ears, 
concentric curve. 

Dimensions, Holotype — length, 27 mm.; height, 27; semidiameter, 2; 
base of anterior ear, 5*5; base of posterior ear, 7 ; upper margins of ears, 
total 6*5; re-entrant angle, 165 degrees; apical angle, 115 degrees. Para- 
type — length, 57; height, 56; apical angle, 125 degrees. Both types are 
right valves. 

Locality, Above zone of Cadoceras brooksi, at an altitude of 2,100 feet 
on a small brook which enters Deer creek from the north at 1,700 feet. 

Name. After Mr. Leo G. Hertlein. 

Entolium vulmnicmn sp. nov. 

Plate XIV, figure 2 

Shell, very flat, large. Ears, small, with a notable re-entrant above. 
Next below the dorsal margin of the shell, and bounded below by a radial 
line, there is an area where the shell is thickened. These are plainly 
visible in the figure. Exterior, smooth or nearly so. Some specimens 
have an appearance of faint, concentric striae. 

Dimensions. Holotype, a left valve — length, 68 mm.; height, 62; 
semidiameter, 4; base of anterior ear, 12; base of posterior ear, 17; upper 
margins of ears, total, 17; re-entrant angle, 140 degrees; apical angle, 128 

Locality. Associated with Cylindroteuthis ihemis, on the west shore 
of Harrison lake, 1,820 yards north of Harrison River point. 

Name. In allusion to habitat. The species was an inhabitant of the 
powerfully volcanic British Columbia of Bajocian times. 

Entolium aucellarum sp. nov. 

Plate XIV, figure 3 

Shell, flat, smootfi. The ears are larger than those of E. hertleini 
and E. vulcanicum, and are of a different shape from those of either, or of 
E. leachii McLearn. As is usual with this genus the apical angle increases 
with age. 

Dimensions. Holotype, a right valve — length, 27 mm.; height, 29; 
midiameter, 2; base of anterior ear, 7; base of posterior ear, 8; upper 


margins of ears, total, 9; re-entrant angle, 160 degrees; apical angle, 113 

Locality. Zone of Aucella canadiana, west side of a small bay on the 
southwest shore of the peninsula. 

Name. The species is a syntopite with the Aucellae of the canadiana 

Family, anomiidae 
Genus, Anomia Linn^ 

Anomia columhiana sp. nov. 

Plate XIV, figures 4, 5, 6 

Differs from A. albertensis McLearn in its larger size and in having 
a much finer ornament of radial stri®. The stri® become slightly stronger 
as they strike the margin of the shell. The outline of the shell is rather 
variable. The shell is marked also by concentric irregularities of surface 
comparable with varices. 

Dimensions. Holotype — equidimensional, though somewhat crushed; 
width, 57 mm. Para type — width, 55; height, 60. 

Locality, Zone of Lilloettia lilloetensis, on Billhook creek at 3,100 
feet altitude. 

Name. After British Columbia. 

Family, mytilidae 
Genus, Mytilus Linnaeus 
Mytilus edulis Linnaeus 

Fragments of this common living species, very typical as regards 
form and dimensions. 

Locality. Main line of Canadian Pacific railway, 838 yards west of 
the west end of the Harrison River bridge. 

Order, Anomalodesmacea 
Family, pleuromyacidae 
Genus, Pleuromya Agassiz 
Pleuromya harrisonensis sp. nov. 

Plate XV, figures 1, 2, 3 

Shell, pleuromyiform, small, robust, not perceptibly gaping, having 
a shallow sulcus in the antero-lateral area running radially from umbo 
to basal margin. Cardinal area obscure. Post-umbonal slope, concave. 
Posterior dorsal margin, expanded postero-dorsaily. No cardinal groove. 
Maximum diameter is vertically below the umbones. Ornament of con- 
centric wrinkles, which become weak on the posterior end of the shell. 
They are obscured by matrix on the anterior end of the only specimen. 


Dimensions. Holotype — length, 42 mm.; height, 35*5; semidiameter, 
13 ; horizontal distance from anterior extremity to umbo, 15. 

Locality. Zone of Homolsomites poecilochotomuSj on the southeast 
shore of the peninsula. 

Order, Teleodesmacea 
Family, astartidae 

Genus, Astarte Sowerby 

A starts harrisonensis sp. nov. 

Plate XV, figures 4, 5 

Lunule and escutcheon, deeply impressed. Ornament of high, con- 
centric costae, which are somewhat irregular as to size and continuity. 
On a shell of 21 mm. height there are 85 costae in 10 mm. of radius, counted 
about the centre of the disk. Superimposed upon this ornament are fine 
growth lines visible only with a magnifier. The whole basal margin from 
lunule to escutcheon is finely denticulate inside. The species might be 
confused with A. dacotensis Whitfield and Hovey, but it is distinguished by 
its much less diameter. 

Dimensions. Holotype — length, 21 mm.; height, 21; semidiameter, 
4*3; apical angle, *108 degrees. 

Locality. Talus on small creek one mile east of Billhook creek at 
1,500 feet altitude. 

Astarte barbara sp. nov. 

Plate XV, figure 6 

Subquadrate, with the umbo extremely anterior. Ornament of weak, 
concentric costae. Basal margin, denticulate. Somewhat resembling 
A. calif ornica Stanton, but differing in the more anterior and less prom- 
inent umbo. 

Dimensions. Holotype — length, 38 mm.; height, 30; semidiameter, 
5 '5; apical angle, 116 degrees. 

Locality. Zone of Aucella canadiana, west side of Harrison lake 350 
yards from shore and 1,400 yards north of the mouth of Deer creek. 

Name. The word barbarus denoted to the Homans that which was 
not Homan, that is to say, foreign. So this Astarte, a lonely foreigner in 
the great community of Aucellae of the canadiana zone, may well be called 

Family, saxicavidab 
Genus, Saxicava Fleurian 
Saxicava rugosa Linnaeus 

Two well preserved specimens from the clay of the Squawkum for- 

Locality. Main line of Canadian Pacific railway, 750 yards west of 
the Harrison Hiver bridge. 


Order, Ammonoidea 
Family, cardioceratidae 

The family name was published first by Hyatt who included Cardio- 
eeras, CadoceraSf Quenstedioceras (Hyatt^ always spelled it this way so we 
can not accept Quenstedioceras as Buckman insists nor Quenstedticeras as 
Reeside demands), and N eumayria. H. Douville’s supposed publication 
was not distributed. In 1900 Hvatt attempted to change the name to 
Cadoceratidae, but this is not valia. Also some later writers have included 
a lot of utterly unrelated genera, which has caused some confusion. How- 
ever, excellent summaries of the family have been given by Buckman^ 
whose interpretation of the group is clear and connected. Many genera 
occur in North America as yet unreported. For instance, among the species 
described by Reeside® under “Quenstedticeras^^ and Cardioceras there are 
a dozen or so generic groups; some named, some unnamed. Two known 
genera and one new genus occur in the Upper Jurassic deposits of the 
Harrison Lake country. The occurrence of species of Cadoceras in the 
Mysterious Creek formation establishes the general age of that deposit. 
Also it establishes the exact date of Paracadoceras gen. nov. which is asso- 
ciated with Cadoceras. Also it establishes the approximate date of Lillo- 
ettia and Buckmaniceras, family Macrocephalitidae, which occur a short 
distance above Cadoceras and associated with cadoceratoid forms close to 
Cadoceras, but not sufficiently fully grown to be generically identified. 

Genus, Paracadoceras nov. 

A cadoceratoid serpenticone. The young is like that of Cadoceras, 
but inflation that supersedes the elevation of the whorl is so moderate that 
the mature form is only a robust serpenticone. Ribbing notably prorsira- 
diate. However, the genus differs strongly from Prorsiceras Buckman in 
that the number of secondary ribs is less than double that of the primaries, 
and in its narrow umbilicus and depressed whorls. Also in the ventral 

Paracadoceras harveyi sp. nov. 

Plate XVI, figures 1, 2; Figure 2 

Ornament. In the young that part of the rib within the umbilicus is 
reclined as in the Canadian and Alaskan Cadocerata, but at 27 mm. dia- 
meter this part of the rib becomes versiradiate. The extrumbilicate portion 
of the rib is prorsiradiate at all stages. Ribs cross venter with only a 
slight forward bend. Venter is almost smooth on last part of last whorl. 

Table showing number of ribs in a quadrant at various stages. 


18 mm 10 primaries 14 secondaries 
34 “ 8^ “ 14 

53 “ 8 “ 15 

JHyatt: Bull. Geol. Soc, Am., vol. 3, p. 410 (1892). 
*Type Ammonites, vois. II and III (1913-1921). 
*Reeflide: U.S. Geol. Suxv., Prof. Paper 118 (1919). 


tr> m m. 

Geological Survey, Canada. 

Figure 2. Paracadoceras harveyi sp. nov,; width of umbilicus and thickness of whores 
expressed as fractions of the diameter. Umbilicus of holotype shown by a 
broken line; whorls of holotype by a solid line; continuations of curves, based 
on topotypes, by a dotted line. 

Locality. Zone of Cadoceras hrooksi, on Deer creek one-quarter mile 
from its mouth, west side of Harrison lake. 

Name. After Eobert Valentine Harvey. 

Genus, Cadoceras Fischer 1882 

The North American forms of this genus differ somewhat from the 
European, but not enough to warrant separation. The young are very 
similar to those of Paracadoceras and other genera from North America 
and the Arctic regions as yet unnamed. It is, therefore, quite unsafe to 
name a form of less than 45 or 50 mm. diameter unless the development 
curves of several features show that the specimen is mature. Much 
revision of the Cadoceratoids is necessary, and it is among Arctic faunas 
that this can be done. Probably in the Arctic Jurassic is to be found the 
early history, as yet unknown, of the great Cardioceratid family. 

Two Alaskan and one new species of Cadoceras were found at Harrison 

Cadoceras caiostoma Pompeckj 1900 
Figure 3 

1900. Pompeckj : Verhandl. Kais. Euss. Min. Gesell. St. Petersburg, 2 te 
Ser., Bd XXXVIII. 


Costae, strong, strongest on venter, bent forward, but not strongly, in 
crossing venter, strongly reflexed in crossing umbilical border. At 30 
mm. diameter there are eight primaries and twelve secondaries in a quad- 
rant. Resembles C. grewingki in form and rib-curve, but differs in its 
more closely crowded ribs. Only immature specimens were found. 

Dimensions. See graph. 

Locality. Zone of Cadoceras hrooksi, on Deer creek one-quarter mile 
from its mouth; also other places. 

Cadoceras schmidti Pompeckj 1900 
Figure 3 

1900. Pompeckj : Verhandl. Kais. Russ. Min. Gesell. St. Petersburg, 

2 te Ser., Bd. XXXVIII. 

Somewhat similar to the last, but having a much narrower umbilicus 
and costae bent strongly forward in crossing the venter. At 30 mm. dia- 
meter there are eight primaries and fourteen secondaries in a quadrant. 
This species like the last has the costae strongly reflexed in crossing the 
umbilical border. 

Dimensions. See graph. 

Locality. Zone of Cadoceras hrooksi, on Deer creek, one-quarter mile 
from the mouth; also other places. 

Cadoceras hrooksi sp. nov. 

Plate XVI, figures 3, 4, 5; Figure 3 

Inner whorls rounder in cross-section than is usual in this genus. 
Cadicone is attained at about 38 mm. diameter, so possibly a large size is 
never reached. Costae, obtuse, very slightly bent forward in crossing 
venter, and slightly reflexed in crossing umbilical border. Table showing 
number of ribs in a quadrant of whorl at various stages. 


30 mm. 8 primaries 13 secondaries 

50 “ primaries obsolete, 13 “ 

8 butlse on umbilical 

Locality. Zone of Cadoceras hrooksi, on Deer creek, one-quarter mile 
from its mouth, west side of Harrison lake. 

Name. After Mr. Allan Brooks, in recognition of his inimitable pic- 
torial contributions to natural history. 

Genus, Anacardioceras Buckman 1923 

This stock has not previously been reported from North America, but 
it seems likely that it is represented by some of the species of ‘‘Cardio- 
ceras** described from Wyoming and Alaska. The form from Harrison 
lake, described in the sequel, differs from the typical British species in its 
perfect smoothness, venter of persistently knife-edge sharpness, and 


Figures. Cadoceraa brooksi sp. nov.; C. caiostoma; and C. sc/iwidfi; widths of umbilicus 
and thicknesses of whorls expressed as fractions of the diameter. Umbilicus 
of C. brooksi, holotjT>e, shown by a solid line marked U; thickness of C. brooksi, 
holotype, by a solid line marked T; umbilicus of Harrison Lake specimens oi 
C. colostoma, by a broken line marked U ; thickness of specimens of C. colostoma 
by a broken line marked T; umbilicus of Harrison Lake specimens of C. sch~ 
midti by a dotted line marked U; thickness of specimens of G. sckmidti by a 
dotted fine marked T. 

slightly ellipticoDic periphery. However, these differences are acquired 
only with late maturity so are not to be taken as a basis for separation. 
The genus indicates a late Cardioceratan date : most of the European species 
being in the excavatum zone. 

Anacardioceras perrini sp. nov. 

Plate XVII, figures 1, 2, 3; Plate XXII, figure 1; Figures 4, 5, 6 

Living chamber, one-half whorl. Ornament, striate in the young. 
Becomes heavy enough to be called costate at about 20 mm. diameter. 


Ornament reaches acme at 45 mm., then declines. Smooth from 90 mm. 
on. Table showing number of ribs in a quadrant of whorl at various 


16 mm. 8 primaries 13 secondaries 
30 “ 6 “ 16 

62 « 7 “ 15 

and 17 peripheral knots 

Venter rounded up to 5 mm. at which it becomes fastigate. It develops a 
knotted keel at about 15 mm. Loses its knots about 85 mm. becoming 
more acute. A true knife-edge from 90 mm. onward. Mouth border 

Figure 4. Anacardioceras perrini sp. nov.; correlation of diameter and number of whorls. 

inclined and rostrate. Conch form, complicated — an oxygastric contracti- 
ellipti-oxycone. The species differs from the genotype in having the 
primary rib furcation nearer the umbilicus: about one-third way across the 


flank. The ribs are more crowded. Also the persistently acute venter, 
smoothness, and catagenetic peripheral spiral. The last is not uncommon 
in various large Cardioceratoids. 

hjL = L2 Li 

Locality. On the west side of the point that bounds on the west the 
small bay on the southwest shore of the peninsula. 

Name. After my teacher, Professor James Perrin Smith. 








^ / 







\ \ 

1 \ 


1 ' 

1 \ 




1 . 


O O.P 0.-4 0.6 

Geological Survey, Canada. 

Figure 5. Anacardioceras perrini sp. nov.; width of umbilicus (shown by a broken line) and 
thickness of whorls (by a solid line) of holotype correlated with number of 

Family, macrocephalitidae 
Genus, Lilloettia nov. 

The family is represented by two new genera of slightly later date than 
most of the group and corresponding in age to Catacephalites. Both are 
widespread in deposits of the same age in southern Alaska where they are 
associated with Cadoceras sensu lato. 

The young of Lilloettia have the ornament and something of the form 
of DolikephaliteSj but a smaller umbilicus. The ornament degenerates 
during late adolescence. Smoothness supervenes first round the umbilicus. 


then spreading across the flank it finally extinguishes the ventral orna- 
ment. Conch form, a compressed sphaerocone from youth on. Flanks 
become convergent with maturity. Mouth border, plain, i.e., without 
lappets, strongly inclined, slightly swollen. A helically twisted umbilical 

Figure 6. Anacardioceras perrini sp. nov.; width of umbilicus (shown by a broken line) 
and thickness of whorls (by a solid line) of holotype expressed as fractions of 
the diameter. 

columella is present. Differs from other macrocephalitids in its early 
smoothness and narrow umbilicus. Differs from Buckmaniceras in septal 
line: L1>EL, LI has longer though less divergent branches; and in conch 
form. Septal line rather simple as late as early maturity. Resembles 
Buckmaniceras in its obtuse ornament. 



Lilloettia lilloetensis sp. nov. 

Plate XVIII, figures 1-4; Figure 7 

Body chamber of holotype seven-eighths whorl. 

Table showing number of ribs in a quadrant of whorl at various stages. 

27 mm. 6 primaries 16 secondaries 

55 “ primaries obsolete 17 “ 

70 “ 19 

85 “ complete smootlmess 

Dimensions. See graph under Buckmaniceras. 

Locality. Zone of Lilloettia lilloetensis, on Billhook creek at 3,100 feet 

Name. Of both genus and species Indian geographical name Lillooet. 

Lilloettia mertonyarwoodi sp. nov. 

Plate XIX, figures 1, 2; Figure 7 

Body chamber of holotype slightly more than two-thirds whorl. 
Table showing number of ribs in a quadrant of whorl at various stages. 


55 mm . 8 primaries 25 secondaries 

60 “ primaries obsolete 25 “ 

80 “ 

87 complete smoothness 

Dimensions. See graph under Buckmaniceras. 

Locality. Zone of Lilloettia lilloetensis, on Billhook creek at 3,100 feet 

Name. After my former teacher, Professor Merton Yarwood W il- 

Genus, Buckmaniceras nov. 

Robust, rounded, sphaerocones with the ornament of Lilloettia, from 
vouth on. Differs from Lilloettia in a few important respects, such as a 
total lack of compression and in septal line. EL = L1, LI branches are 


Buckmaniceras buckmani sp. nov. 

Plate XX, figures 1-4; Figure 7 

Table showing number of ribs in a quadrant of whorl at various stages. 

23 mm. 6 primaries 16 secondaries 

55 “ primaries obsolete 17 “ 

90 “ complete smoothness 



O 0.5 /.b 


Figure 7. Lilloettia liUoeiensis sp. nov. shown by a solid line; L. merionyarwoodi sp. nov. 

by a dotted line; and Buckmaniceras buckmani sp. nov. by a broken line; thick- 
ness of whorls of holotypes expressed as fractions of the diameter. 

Locality. Zone of Lilloettia lilloetensis, on Billhook creek at 3,100 feet 

Name. Of genus and species after Mr. S. S. Buckman, the great 
master of ammonitology. 

Family, virgatitidae 
Genus, Homolsomites nov. 

To be included in this family is the great series of forms of late Jurassic 
and early Cretaceous showing relationship to the planulates with virgatome 
ornament typified by Virgatites. The genus Homolsomites includes platy- 
cones with narrow umbilicus and narrow though rounded venter. Costse, 
delicate, branching according to various plans, but mostly virgatome, 
and crossing centre unbroken and with a strong forward bend. In maturity 
all but the ventral ornament become obsolete. Septum, strongly reclined. 
Stems of lobes narrower than is usual with this family. 

Name. Indian geographical — Homolsom. 

Homolsomites poecilochotomus sp. nov. 

Plate XXI, figures 1-4 

Ornament is striate up to early maturity. It branches according to 
several plans and combinations thereof, including dichotomous, bidicho- 
tomous, and virgatome (3-branch). The plans of branching become more 


complex, thereby increasing the number of secondary ribs. After 35 mm. 
diameter the costae on the umbilical half of the flank become obsolete, 
after which the remaining ornamented area narrows so that at 100 mm. 
only the centre and one-sixth of the flank are costate. 

Table showing number of ribs in a quadrant of whorl at various stages. 


20 mm. 9 primaries 21 secondaries 

35 “ 8 “ 33 “ 

90 “ primaries obsolete 25 " 

Dimensions. Holotype has a maximum diameter of about 105 mm. 
Thickness at this diameter is 18 mm. Width of umbilicus, 18 mm. 

Name. In allusion to the various plans of branching of the costae. 

Locality. Zone of Homolsomites poecilochotomus, on the southeast 
shore of the peninsula. 

Family, phylloceratidae 
Genus, Phylloceras Suess 1865 
Phylloceras columbianum sp. nov. 

Plate XXII, figures 1, 2, 3 

Shell, quite smooth. Septal line with about seven lobes, exclusive 
of the external lobe. Mouth-border unknown. 

Dimensions. Holotype — maximum diameter, 65 mm.; major radius, 
40-5; minor radius, 24*5; thickness, 21-5; thickness at minor radius, 16; 
umbilicus, 4 • 5 per cent of diameter. 

Locality. On the southwest shore of a small point on the southwest 
side of the small bay on the southwest shore of the peninsula, where it is 
associated with Anacardioceras perrini. 

Name. Geographical from British Columbia. 

Phylloceras'^ aff. knoxvillense Stanton 

Stanton: Bull. 133, U.S. Geol. Surv. 

Fragments of a very large form highly similar in ornament and septal 
line to Stanton’s species. It may differ in proportions. Not suflficiently 
complete for naming or special description. 

Locality. Zone of Aucella canadiana, 350 yards from shore and 1,400 
yards north of the mouth of Deer creek. 

^^Phylloceras" sp. indet. 

Fragments of a smooth, latumbilicate ‘‘Phylloceras", having a complex 
septal line. Quite distinct from Phylloceras s.s., but not sufficiently 
complete for further description. 


Order, Belemnoidea 
Family, belemnitidae 
Genus, Cylindroteuthis Bayle 1879 
Cylindroteuthis themis sp. nov. 

Plate XXIII, figures 1, 2 

Rostrum, cylindroid, very blunt pointed. Dorsum and flanks, 
smooth, rounded. Venter, straight, flattish, bearing a broad, shallow 
canal which is deepest near the apex and becomes so shallow as to disappear 
15 mm. from the apex. Taper, very slight, except in the apical region. 
Axis, slightly eccentric. Phragmacone, very nearly right conical. Septa, 
alveolus, and proostracum, not preserved. 


Vertical diam., at apex of phragmacone 10 mm. 

Ventral radius “ “ 3-5 

I^ateral diam. “ ** 10-5 

Axis, apex of phragmacone to apex of rostrum 40 

Apical angle of phragmacone, lateral 21 degrees 

Locality. Associated with Entolium vulcanicum, on the west shore 
of Harrison lake, 1,820 yards north of Harrison River point. 

Name. Themis, of Greek mythology. 

Cylindroteuthis haculus sp. nov. 

Plate XXIII, figures 3, 4 

Rostrum, very long, almost perfectly cylindrical through most of its 
length. Resembling ‘^Belemnites” tehamaensis Stanton and certain Russian 
species of similar date, such as ^‘Belemnites” obeliscoides Pavlow and 
Lamplugh, but differs from some of these in its very gentle taper, from 
others in its almost perfectly circular cross-section. The holotype has a 
nearly right conical phragmacone, containing thirty-three chambers and 
occupying two-fifths of the length of the alveolus. The alveolus is slightly 
more than one-fifth the entire length of the rostrum. 


Vertical diam, at apex of phragmacone 14 mm. 

Ventral radius ** “ 6*5 

Lateral diam. “ “ 15 

Axis, from apex of phragmacone to apex of rostrum, from 

a composite specimen 230 

Phragmacone, length 20 

Alveolus, length 50 

Apical angle of phragmacone. 15 degrees 

Locality. Zone of Aucella canadiana, 350 yards from shore and 1,400 
yards north of the mouth of Deer creek. 

Name. In allusion to external form. 


Genus, Pachyteuthis Bayle 1879 

Pachyieuthis eocretacicus sp. nov. 

Plate XXII, figure 4; Plate XXIII, figure 5 

nostrum, very short and thick, resembling the Russian species, 
“Belemniies” subquadratus Pavlow and Lamplugh, but differing slightly 
though distinctly in outlines and cross-section. Surface, perfectly smooth. 
The type specimens are moulds. 


Vertical diam. at apex of phragmacone 31 mm. 

Ventral radius ** " 15 

Lateral diam. “ 31 

Alveolus, length 65 

Axis, apex of pliragmacone to apex of rostrum 59 

Apical angle of phragmacone 21 degrees 

Locality. Zone of Aucella canadiana, 350 yards from shore and 1,400 
yards north of the mouth of Deer creek. 

Name. In allusion to the date of existence of the species — the dawn 
of the Cretaceous. 

Order, Cirripedia 
Family, balanidae 
Genus, Balanus da Costa 
Balanus crenatus Brugui^re 

Several well-preserved fragments of this species. This may well be 
the form referred to by Lamplugh as ‘‘Balanus sp.” 

Locality. Main line of Canadian Pacific railway 838 yards west of 
the west end of the Harrison River bridge. 


Plate I 

Baadites crickmayi n. sp. (Page 3.) 

Plate I 


I’late 11 

I’igiires 1, 2, 3. Baculites crickmayi n. sp. (Page 3.) 

Figures 4, 5, t), 7. Veniella subtrapeziformis (\\ hiteaves) var. dyen var. aov. (1 a;e 1.) 

Plate II 



Plate III 

Figure 1. Vwi'parus nidaga sp. nov. (Page 9.) 

Figure 2. Unto mhprimaens sp. nov. (Page 7.) 

Figure 3. Viviparits crickmayi sp. nov. (Page 8.) 

Figure 4. Campeloma vetula tenuis var. nov. (Page 10.) 

Figure 5. Vitfiparus tasgina sp. nov. (Page 10.) 

Figure 6. Campeloma praecursa sp. nov. (Page 11.) 

Figiu*e 7. Campeloma cy^essensis sp. nov. (Page 11.) 

Figure 8. Goniobasis williamsi sp. nov. (Page 12.) 

Figures 9, 10. Goniobasis subtortuosa mut. tenuis n. mut. (Page 11.) 
Figure 11. Goniobasis whiUakeri sp. nov. (Page 12.) 

Figure 12. Goniobasis judithensis minimus var. nov. (Page 12.) 
Figure 13. Pupa sp. indet. (Page 14.) 

Figure 14. Goniobasis webbi sp. nov. (Page 14.) 

Figiu'e 15. Unio mcleami sp. nov. (Page 7.) 

Figure 16. Melania whiteavesi nodosa var. nov. (Page 13.) 

Plate III 



Plate IV 

I'igure 1. Unio humei sp. nov. (Page 8.) 
Figures 2, 3. Velatella rectistriata sp. nov. 
Figure 4. Unio humei sp. nov. (Page 8.) 

(Page 13.) 

Plate IV 


Plate V 

Figure 1. Legwnmosiles williamsi Berry n. sp. (Page 23.) 
I'igures 2, 3. Trochodendroides cuneata (Newberry). (Page 20.) 
Figure 4. Viburnum finale Ward. (Page 27.) 

Figure 5. Phylliies aquaticm Berry n. sp. (Page 28.) 

Figure 6. Cercocarpus ravenscragensis Berry n. sp. (Page 23.) 
Figure 7. Paliurus (?) sp. (Page 25.) 

Figure 8. Trochodendroides speeiosa (Ward). (Page 22.) 

:PLAT£; Y 


Plate VI 

Figures 1-3. Arisiolochia crassifolia Cockerell (drawing now ^ natural size). (Page 20.) 

Plate VI 


Plate VII 

Eodelphis cuileri (Smith Woodward) Cat. 8536, Geol. Surv., Canada. 

size. (Page 30.) 

Figure 1. Internal view. 

Figure 2, Superior view. 

Figure 3. External view. 

2-28 times natural 

Plate VII 




Plate VllI 

Figure 1. 
Figure 2. 

Figure 3, 
Figure 4. 

Parallelodon cardioceratanum Crickmay sp. nov., holotype, X 3-28. Locality 

No. 24, Upper Jurassic. (Page 45.) • . r tLo 

Parallelodon cardioceratanum Crickmay sp. nov., mk-prmt of the t^th of the 
holotype (gelatine process), X 3-6. The black areas correspond to the sockets 

of the right valve. (Page 45.) , . x i • 

Parallelodon canlioceraianum Crickmay sp. nov., holotype about natural size. 

Mckarnia wcZearm ^Crickmay sp. nov., holotype, about natural size. A right 
valve showing byssal sinus, small central chondroplmre, and single, large 
muscle- scar. Locality No. 34. Lower Cretaceous. (Page 45.) 

Plate VIII 



Figure 1. 

Figure 2. 
Figure 3. 
Figure 4. 
Figure 5, 


Plate IX 

Mcleornia mcleunii Grickmay sp. nov., paratype, about natural size. A left 
valve, natural cast of interior of shell. 8ho\v.s a peculiar sinuous senes of 
small muscle scars quite separate and distinct from the large adductor scar. 
Locality No. 34. Lower Cretaceous. (Page 45.) 

Aucellu oculislriata Crickmay sp. iiov., holotyjoe, about natural size. A leit 
valve. Locality No. 33. Lower Cretaceous. (Page 46.) 

Aucella spasskejisoides Crickmay sp. nov., holotype, about natural size. A 
right valve. Locality No. 28. Lower Cretaceous. (Page 47.) 

Aticella spasskensoides Crickmay sp. nov., paratype, about natural .size. A lett 
valve. Locality No. 28. Lower Cretaceous. (Page 47.) \ i i. 

AiiccUa eatamorpha Crickmay sp. nov., holotype, about natural size. A light 
valve. Locality No. 28. Lower Cretaceous. (Page 46.) 

Plate IX 


Plate X 

Figure 1, 
Figure 2. 
Figure 3. 

I'igure 4. 

I- igure 5. 
Figure 6. 

Figure 7. 

A ucelki 



A ucelki 

cascadattiis Crickinay sp. iiov., liolotyiie, about natural size. A left 
Locality No. 33. Lower Cretaceous. (Page 47.) . ■ 

cascadevsis Crickmay sp. rov., paralype, about natural size. A right 
Locality No. 33. Lower Cretaceous. (Page 47.) 
canadiana Crickir.ay sp. nov., paratjTie, about natural size, two 
in contact. Eight aspect. LocaUty No. 33. Lower Cretaceous. 

iucella canadiana Cricknr.ay sp. nov., liolot 3 'pe, about natural size, 
valve. Locality No. 33. Lower Cretaceous. (Page 47.) 

Aucella canadiava Crickir.ay sp. nov., holotjTe, antenor aspect. (1 age 47.) 
^ucella kuoiekcnsis Crickmay sp. rov., wax cast of holotype. (Holotyiie con- 
sists of natural cast of interior of shell, and a small imipression of part of the 
external surface.) A right valve. Locality No. 39. Lower Cretaceous. 

(I age 48.) ^ ^ Anterior aspect of the specim.en of 

A left 

AuccUu ku'oickeiisis Crickmaj’’ 
figure 0. (Page 48.) 


Plate X 


Plate XI 

Figure 1. 

Figure 2. 

Figure 3. 

Figure 4. 

Figure 5. 
Figure 6. 

Avcella harrisonensis Crickmay sp. nov^ paratype, X l-S. Anterior aspect of 
left valve. Locality No. 41. Lower Cretaceous. (Page 48.) 

A ucella harrisonensis Crickmay sp. nov., paratype, X 1 • 8. Left valve. Locality 

No. 41. Lower Cretaceous. (Page 48.) ,,, r i ^ • 

A ucella hanisonensis Crickmay sp. nov., holotype, X 1 - 5. Kight valve, anterior 
aspect. Locality No. 41. Lower Cretaceous. (Page 48.) . ^ 

A ucella gigas Crickmay sp. nov., holotype, X *53. Two valves in contact, left 
aspect. Locality No. 41. Lower Cretaceous. (Pa^ 49.) 

Aucella gigas Crickmay sp. nov., holotype, X -53. Right aspect. (^S6 49.) 
Aucella gigas Crickmay sp. nov., holotype, X -49. Anterior aspect. (Page 49.) 

Plate XI 


Plate XII 

Figure 1. 
Figure 2. 
Figure 3. 
Figure 4. 

Figure 5. 
Figure 6. 

Haidaia billhookensis Crickmay sp. nov., plaster cast of holotype, an external 
mould of the left valve. Anterior and dorsal outline, partly restored. Locality 
No. 21. Upper Jurassic. (Page 49.) 

Haidaia packardi Crickmay sp. nov., plaster cast of holotype, part of which 
is an external mould of the right valve, -73 of natural size. Locality No. 21. 
Upper Jurassic. (Page 50.) 

Haidaia packardi Crickmay sp. nov., internal natural cast of holotype, with 
some shell attached, -73 of natural size. Locality No. 21. Upper Jurassic. 
(Page 50.) 

Haidaia statlmnsis Crickmay sp. nov., plaster cast of holotype, an external 
mould of two valves in contact, left aspect, -73 of natural size. Shows outline 
and conch contour well, but gives poor idea of ornament. Locality No. 22. 
Upper Jurassic. (Page 50.) 

Haidaia statluensis Crickmay sp. nov., wax cast of first paratype, -73 of natural 
size, to show ornament. Locality No. 22. Upper Jurassic. (Page 50.) 

Haidaia statluensis Crickmay sp. nov., wax cast of second paratype. (Page 50.) 

Plate XII 


Plate XIH 

Figure 1. Yaadia lewisagassizi Crickmay sp. nov., wax cast of holotype, an external 
mould of left valve, *87 of natural size. Locality No. 39. Lower Cretaceous. 
(Page 50.) 

Figure 2. Yaadia lewisagassizi Crickmay sp. nov., wax cast of holotype, *87 of natural 
size, postero-dorsal aspect. Shows ornament of area and escutcheon. (Page 50.) 

Figure 3. Quoiecchia aliciae Crickmay sp. nov., holotype, -87 of natural size, posterior 
aspect. Locality No. 39. Lower Cretaceous. (Page 51.) 

h^gure 4. Quoiecchia aliciae Crickmay sp, nov., holotype, a right valve, -87 of natural 
size. (Page 51.) 

Figure 5. Quoiecchia aliciae Crickmay sp. nov., holotype, anterior aspect, (Page 51.) 

Figure 6. Quoiecchia aliciae Crickmay sp. nov., paratype. Juvenile, right valve. Locality 
No. 39. Lower Cretaceous. (Page 51.) 

Figure 7. Quoiecchia aliciae Crickmay sp. nov., paratype, same specimen as figure 6, 
dorsal aspect, -87 of natural size. (Page 51.) 

Figure 8. Quoiecchia aliciae Crickmay sp. nov., paratype, internal mould of right valve, 
X 1*9. Shows crenulation of ventral margin. Locality No. 39. Lower 
Cretaceous. (Page 51.) 

Plate XIII 


Plate XIV 

Figure 1. Entolium hertleini Crickmay sp. nov., holotype, a right valve, external aspect, 
X 3*19. Shows the microscopic ornament. Dark line shows curve of con- 
centric striae. Locality No. 13. Upper Jurassic. (Page 52.) 

Figure 2. Entolium vulcanicum Crickmay sp. nov., holotype, an internal mould of left 
valve, X -66. Locality No. 3. Middle Jurassic. (Page 52.) 

Figure 3. Entolium aucellarum Crickmay sp. nov., holotyp>e, an external mould of right 
valve, A natural size. Locahty No. 28. Lower Cretaceous. (Page 52.) 

Figure 4. Anomia colurrMana Crickmay sp. nov.^ holotype, external aspect, natural 
size. Locality No. 15. Upper Jurassic. (Page 53.) 

Figure 5. Anomia colunwiana Crickmay sp, nov., holotype, X 1*9. (Page 53.) 

Figure 6. Anomia Columbiana Crickmay sp. nov,, paratype, external mould with some 
shell attached. Locality No. 15. Upper Jurassic. (Page 53.) 

Plate XIV 




Plate XV 

Figure 1. PUuromya harriso^ierisis CrickiLay Bp. nov., holotype, two valves together, 
right aspect, X 1*3. Locality Ko. 41. Lower Cretaceous. (Page 53.) 
f'igure 2. Phnroniya /,ormoT<tt?sts Crick n ay Bp. r.ov., holot> 7 )e, dorsal aspect, X 1-18. 
(Page 53.) 

Figure 3. Pleuromya harrisonensis Crickniay sj>. nov., holotype, anterior aspect, ttht 
natural size. (Page 53.) 

Figure 4. A&tarte harrisomnsis Crickmay sp. nov., artificial cast in clay of part of holo- 
type, mould of two valves in contact, X 1-5. Left aspect, showing ornament. 
Locality No. 19. Uimer Jurassic. (Page 54.) 

Figure 5. Astarte harriwnensis Crickmay sp. nov., artificial cast of holotype, X 1'5. 

Left aspect, showing outline, etc. (Page 54.) 

Figure 6. Asiurte harhara Crickmay sp. nov., holotype, a left valve with shell mostly 
decorticated, jVtj ii^fural size. Locality No. 34. Lower Cretaceous. (Page 54.) 

Plate XV 




Plate XVI 

Figure 1. 

Figure 2. 
Figure 3. 
Figure 4. 
Figure 5. 

Paracadocerm harveyi Crickmay sp. nov., holotype, about natural size. An- 
terior aspect, showing mouth-border, which is somewhat distorted, and ventral 
portion of septal lines. Locality No. 12. Upper Jurassic. (Page 55.) 

Paracadoceras harveyi Crickmay sp. nov., holotype. Lateral aspect. Shows 
living chamber, f whorl. (Page 55.) 

Cadoceras brooksi Crickmay sp. nov., holotype, about natural size. Ventro- 
lateral aspect. Locality No. 12. Upper Jurassic. (Page 57.) 

Cadoceras brooksi Crickmay sp. nov., holotype, about natural size. Lateral 
aspect. (Page 57.) 

Cadoceras brooksi Crickmay sp. nov., holotype, with some of the missing parts 
restored in clay, X 1 *6. (Page 57.) 

Plate XVI 



Plate XVII 

Figure 1. AriacardiocercLs perrini Crickmay sp. nov., cross-sectional outlines of holotype, 
taken at 90 degrees behind the mouth border, A natural size. From external 
mould of holotype. (Page 58.) 

Figure 2. Anacardioceras perrini Crickmay sp. nov., holotype, lateral aspect, -h natural 
size. The reconstructed peripheral curve and mouth-border were obtained 
from part of the holotype not included in the photograph, namely an external 
mould of the full-grown shell. At 5 and 5i whorls the ribbing and venter 
are well shown. At 61 whorls a small fragment shows the ornament of the 
umbilical border. The entire specimen consists of 7i whorls. Locality No. 
24. Upper Jurassic. (Page 58.) 

Figure 3. Anacardioceras perrini Crickmay sj). nov., parat}™, X 5-2 cross-sectional 
outlines at 3f whorls. Protoconch is marked by a line of dashes which repre- 
sents the central axis of the shell. Shows elevation of whorl between 2f and 
3i whorls, and appearance of fastigate venter between 31 and 31. Locality 
No. 24. Upper Jurassic. (Page 58.) 

Plate XVIT 



Plate XVIII 

Figure 1. lAlloetlia Ulloeiensis Crickmay sp. nov., holotype, genotype, apertural aspect, 
about natural size. Last whorl slightly distorted by diastrophic forces. Mouth 
border outlined in black. Lost parts of shell partly restored in outline from 
measurements of the rest of the shell. Locality No. 15. Upper Jurassic. 
(Page 62.) 

Figure 2. Ldlloettia lilloetensis Crickmay sp. nov., holotype, genotype, lateral aspect, 
about natural size. Mouth border outlined in black. Periphery partly 
restored in outline by proportional method (vide Crickmay: Am. Jour. Sci., 
5th ser., XIII, 1927). (Page 62.) 

Figure 3. Lilloettia lilloetensis Crickmay sp. nov., holotype, about natural size, lateral 
aspect. Shows ornament of fiftn whorl. (Page 62.) 

Figure 4. lAUoettia lilloetensis Crickmay sp. nov., holotype, peripheral aspect, about 
natural size. Same specimen as shown in figure 3 — the internal whorls of 
the holotype. (Page 62.) 


Plate XIX 

Mgure 1. Lilloeltia nierlonyarwoodi Crickmay sp. nov., holotype, lateral aspect, 1 natural 
size. Mouth border restored in outline from about one-third of it preserved 
and by the analogy of the other species of this genus. Periphery restored 
purely on basis of proportional method. This is unreliable when used for 
extrapolation, especially on the ultimate whorl of ammonites. So this outline 
is intended only to complete the picture and so elucidate the interpretation 
of the specimen. Ornament is seen 1 and IJ whorls behind mouth border. 
Locality No. 15. Upper Jurassic. (Page 62.) 

Figure 2. Lilloeltia inert onyarwoodi Crickmay .sp. nov., holotype, peripheral aspect, 1 
natural size. (Page 62.) 

Plate XIX 


Plate XX 

Figure 1. 

Figure 2. 

Figure 3, 
Figure 4. 

Buckvianiceras huckmani Crickmay sp. nov., holotype, lateral aspect, about 
natural size. Small black line shows position of emergence of penultimate 
whorl. Mouth border not preserved. Dotted lines show the great thickness 
of shell substance around the umbilicus. Locality No. 15. I pper Jurassic. 

eSfcwaSras huckmnni Crickmay sp. nov., holotj^e, peripheral aspect, about 
natural size. This, as well as figure 1, shows the disappearance of ornament on 

the last whorl. (Page 62.) , , , i . i + f 

Buckvianiceras huck 7 nani Crickmay sp. nov., holotype, last quadrant oi penul- 
timate whorl, lateral aspect, about natural size. (Page 62.) , , r i 

Buckvianiceras huckmani Crickmay sp. nov., holotype, last quadrant ot penul- 
timate whorl, ventro-lateral aspect, about natural size. (Page 62.) 

Plate XX 




Figure 1. 
Figure 2. 

Figure 3. 
Figure 4. 

Homolsondtes poedlochotomus Crickmay ap. nov., paratype, X l-o. Locality 
No. 41. Lower Cretaceous. (Page 63.) 

Homolsomitcs poedlochotomus Crickmay sp. nov., holotype, • 77 ot natwaj 
size. Restoration of spiral by proportion. Locality Xo. 41. Lower Lre- 

taceous. (Page 63.) -r- r * i ■ 

H ornolsomites poedlochoto 7 nu^ Crickmay sp. nov., paratype, -7/ oi natural size. 

Locality No. 41. Lower Cretaceous. (Page 63.) v q no 

H ornolsomites poedlochotomus Crickmay sp. nov., mratype, A o-us. 
nrimary ribs are outlined with their secondanes. They show two styles of 
furcation common with this species, the bidichotomous and the virgatome. 
Locality No. 41. Lower Cretaceous. (Page 63.) 

Plate XXI 

/ % 

■- « J 


1 1 

i J 

, iv A 


Plate XXII 

Figure 1. Phylloceras colunibianum Crickmay sp. nov., holotype, natural size. A young 
specimen, and several impressions of Anacardioceras perrini are to lie seen on 
this specimen. Locality No. 24. Upper Jurassic, (Pages 58, 64.) 

Figure 2. Phylloceras colunibianum Crickmay sp. nov., holotype. (Page 64.) 

Figure 3. Phylloceras columbianum Crickmay sp. nov., holotype. (Page 64.) 

Figure 4. Pachyteuthis eocretacicus Crickmay sp. nov., cross-sectional outhne of paratype, 
natural size. Locality No. 34. Lower Cretaceous. (Page 66.) 

Plate XXII 


Plate XXI II 

Figure 1. 
Figure 2. 
Figure 3. 
I igure 4. 
Figure 5. 

::ylindroteuthu themis Crickmay sp. nov., holotype, lateral aspect, -66 of natural 
size. Locality No. 3. Middle Jurassic. (Page 65.) * c 

Cylindroteuthis theniis Crickmay sp. nov., holotype, ventral aspect, -bb ot 

natural size. (Page 65.) * c-a „r 

Cylindroteuthis baculus Crickmay sp. nov., holotype, lateral aspect, -66 of natural 

size. Locality No. 34. Lower Cretaceous. (Page 65.) . i . 

Cylindroteuthis baculus Crickmay sp. nov., outhnes restored from the holotype 
and several paratypes, -66 of natural size. (Page 65.) u i + i 

Pachyteulhis eocretacicus Crickmay sp. nov^ holotj^pe, an external mould, lateral 
view X -44 . Locality No. 34. Lower Cretaceous. (Page 66.) 

Plate XXIII 







