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A  publication  of  the  Virginia  Wildflower  Preservation  Society 


As  the  Bulletin  goes  to  press,  the  Virginia  General 
Assembly  is  still  considering  bills  providing  increased  money 
and  staff  for  Virginia's  endangered  plants  program.  The 
House  of  Delegates  and  the  Senate  have  adopted  different 
bills,  which  now  must  be  reconciled  in  a  conference.  The 
VWPS  is  trying  to  ensure  final  adoption  of  the  Senate  bill. 


When  most  of  us  think  of  wildflowers,  we  think 
"spring,"  for  that  is  when  our  woodlands  come  alive.  This 
year  the  VWPS  has  expanded  its  annual  celebration  of  spring 
to  encompass  the  blooming  of  spring  wildflowers  throughout 
the  state.  During  all  of  April  and  May  the  Society  and  its 
chapters  will  promote  pleasure  in  wildflowers— and  the 
desire  to  preserve  them. 

The  House  bill  adds  only  $35,000  per  year  to  the 
$25,000  that  the  Department  of  Agriculture  is  already 
spending  to  identify,  list,  and  protect  endangered  plant 
species.  This  is  not  enough  to  hire  even  one  full-time  staff 
person,  much  less  to  research  the  reasons  why  certain 
species  are  endangered  or  to  correct  those  causes.  The 
Senate  bill  provides  the  full  amount  that  was  requested: 
$102,500  for  the  first  year,  $141,500  for  the  second  year, 
and  one  full-time  person.  Adoption  of  this  measure  would 
permit  a  small  but  effective  program. 

I  wish  to  thank  all  members  of  the  VWPS  who  wrote  or 
called  their  state  representatives  to  urge  support  for  the 
endangered  species  appropriation.  Your  involvement  is 
crucial  to  our  success  in  ensuring  protection  for  plant 
species  through  a  variety  of  state  and  county  actions. 

I  will  report  on  the  final  outcome  in  the  next  issue  of 
the  Bulletin.  At  that  time,  I  will  also  try  to  identify  which 
members  of  the  legislature  were  particularly  helpful. 

Virginia  Wildflower  Celebration  88  emphasizes  the 
diversity  of  Virginia's  landscape  and  the  specialties  of  each 
chapter's  region,  from  the  Tidewater  to  the  Shenandoah 
Valley.  Celebration  activities  give  VWPS  members  a  special 
opportunity  to  explore  beyond  their  own  chapter  areas. 
They  offer  all  who  enjoy  Virginia's  wild  plants  a  chance  to 
follow  the  spring  across  the  Commonwealth.  On  short  walks 
or  strenuous  expeditions,  Celebration  participants  can  enjoy 
the  wildflowers  of  stream  valleys  and  coastal  wetlands, 
rocky  slopes  and  moist  woods,  wildlands  and  urban  gardens. 
They  can  renew  acquaintance  with  the  most  familiar  spring 
ephemerals  and  see  for  the  first  time  species  they've  known 
only  from  books.  They  can  see  for  themselves  and  learn 
from  others  the  changes  that  threaten  to  impoverish 
Virginia's  natural  heritage. 

Beginning  on  page  3  is  a  guide  to  the  activities 
chapters  are  planning  for  Virginia  Wildflower  Celebration  88. 
Some  are  getting  an  early  start  with  events  in  late  March, 
and  those  too  are  included.  Often  during  the  two  months  of 
this  Celebration,  you'll  wish  you  could  be  in  two  places  at 
once— and  that's  how  it  should  be! 

•  Faith  Campbell 

will  be  the  focus  of  walks  planned  by  the  Blue 

Ridge  Chapter  for  June  10-11.  Participants 
from  other  parts  of  Virginia  will  be  welcome  to 
join  chapter  members.  Watch  for  details  in  the 
May  Bulletin. 



From  the  President 


Elsewhere  in  this  issue  you'll  see  plenty  of  signs  that 
spring  is  upon  us.  Outside,  birds  are  raising  their  voices,  the 
wind  carries  a  new  fragrance,  the  earliest  wildflowers  are 
emerging.  All  of  us  are  ready  for  celebration  as  this 
glorious  season  begins. 

In  the  spring  and  throughout  the  year,  chapter  and 
Society  volunteers  work  to  bring  people  and  plants  together 
—outdoors  in  field  trips,  walks,  gardens,  plant  rescue 
projects,  photography;  indoors  in  slide  programs,  talks, 
contacts  with  legislators,  workshops,  newsletters.  That's  the 
heart  of  the  VWPS. 

Much  of  our  time  goes  to  doing  what  needs  to  be  done 
right  now  or  in  the  near  future  (or  sometimes  yesterday!), 
both  to  create  programs  such  as  these  and  to  carry  on  the 
prosaic  routines  that  sustain  the  organization.  But  it's 
essential  that  at  the  same  time  we  look  farther  ahead,  and 
with  the  help  of  the  Long  Range  Planning  Committee  that 
completed  its  work  last  fall,  the  VWPS  board  is  doing  just 

In  September  the  committee  presented  a  report  that 
refines  and  greatly  enlarges  that  of  an  earlier  counterpart. 
Its  wide-ranging  suggestions,  grouped  under  twelve  major 
goals,  challenge  the  board  to  strengthen  the  VWPS  program, 
expand  it,  sharpen  its  focus.  The  board  has  assigned 
priorities  to  the  various  goals  and  is  now  in  the  process  of 
working  through  them,  choosing  strategies  and  specific  steps 
to  implement  them. 

Some  of  the  committee's  suggestions  concern  or¬ 
ganization—  membership  development,  for  example,  and 
facilitating  administrative  chores.  Most  have  to  do  with 
program.  Some,  mainly  those  that  propose  amplification  of 
existing  programs,  will  be  relatively  easy  to  carry  out. 
Others,  especially  those  that  articulate  dreams  for  the 
distant  future,  will  require  sustained  effort  and  extensive 
discussion  throughout  the  VWPS. 

A  few  examples  suggest  the  range  of  ideas:  strengthen 
the  Bulletin,  and  eventually  develop  a  more  substantive 
journal;  expand  the  Signature  Slide  Collection;  develop  a 
state  wildflower  checklist;  create  new  programs  directed 
toward  young  people;  produce  a  video  on  a  "conservation 
through  cultivation"  theme;  build  working  relationships  with 
the  primary  exponents  of  change  in  Virginia— the  individuals, 
agencies,  and  corporations  that  to  a  large  extent  control  the 
environment  of  native  plant  species. 

The  possibilities  opened  up  by  the  Long  Range  Planning 
Committee  will  clearly  engage  us  for  some  time  to  come. 
The  Society  is  greatly  indebted  to  the  committee  members: 
Cole  Burrell,  chair;  Marion  Blois,  Cris  Fleming,  Gary 
Fleming,  Ed  Risse,  and  Nicky  Staunton. 

•  Mary  Pockman 

A  publication  of  the 
Virginia  Wildflower  Preservation  Society 

Mary  Pockman,  President 
Editors  pro  tem:  Karen  Sorenson,  Mary  Pockman 
Art  by  Barbara  Stewart 
Typing  &  layout  -  Ardyce  Kinsley 

Permission  is  hereby  given  to  reproduce  original  material 
contained  in  The  Bulletin  provided  credit  is  given  to  the 
author,  if  named,  and  to  the  VWPS,  P.  O.  Box  844, 
Annandale,  VA  22003. 

Shenandoah  Chapter  will  be  involved  in  two  long-term 
projects^  helping  form  arboretum  at  James  Madison  Uni¬ 
versity  in  Harrisonburg  and  at  Blue  Ridge  Community 
College  in  Weyers  Cave.  The  Arboretum  at  JMU  is  an 
established  forest  of  mixed  mesophytic  types  which  requires 
modification  for  public  use.  It  also  has  a  Cove-Hardwood 
ecosystem  nearby  in  the  mountains.  The  Blue  Ridge  project 
is  literally  "from  scratch."  An  open  area  has  been  assigned 
for  the  arboretum  and  trees,  etc.  will  be  planted  as  time  and 
money  permit.  These  areas  are  excellent  sites  for  plants 
obtained  through  plant  rescues.  The  chapter  is  emphasizing 
field  trips  and  the  presentation  of  conservationists  views  to 
the  public  of  the  Shenandoah  Valley,  which  is  quickly 
developing  into  a  population  center  of  considerable  size  and 

The  May  meeting  of  John  Clayton  Chapter  will 
introduce  members  to  the  two-acre  wildflower  meadow 
being  developed  by  the  chapter  and  York  County  officials  at 
the  county's  New  Quarter  Park.  In  mid-October  chapter 
volunteers  planted  seed  of  more  than  two  dozen  species, 
some  purchased  and  some  collected  locally  by  chapter 
members.  As  of  New  Year's,  chapter  president  Cynthia 
Long  reported  that  the  ground  was  almost  covered  with  tiny 
seedlings,  many  of  them  already  identifiable.  Plants  are 
also  being  started  this  winter  to  be  set  out  in  the  spring.  In 
addition  to  many  native  wildflowers,  the  meadow  will  have 
a  few  non-native  species  and  several  grasses,  including  a 
test  plot  of  a  bluestem  found  in  the  area,  Andropogon 

Blue  Ridge  Chapter  had  an  excellent  opportunity  to 
reach  teachers  in  kindergarten  through  high  school  when  the 
annual  Virginia  Science  Teachers  Conference  was  held  in 
Roanoke  last  fall.  Chapter  members  served  as  field  trip 
leaders  for  about  80  teachers  from  across  the  state,  taking 
them  to  the  Peaks  of  Otter  and  other  locations  along  the 
Blue  Ridge  Parkway.  Like  Shenandoah  Chapter,  the  Blue 
Ridge  Chapter  is  helping  in  the  development  of  an  arbor¬ 
etum,  this  one  to  be  located  on  the  campus  of  Virginia 
Western  Community  College. 

Several  chapters,  including  Prince  William  and  Pied¬ 
mont,  have  had  workshops  or  field  trips  focusing  on  winter 
botany.  They  report  great  enthusiasm  for  this  extension  of 
the  season.  Members  of  at  least  two  chapters,  Potowmack 
and  Prince  William,  are  active  in  efforts  to  encourage 
protections  of  native  flora  at  Great  Falls  Park  in  Virginia  as 
the  National  Park  Service  undertakes  partial  restoration  of 
one  of  the  Park's  historic  features,  George  Washington's 
Patowmack  Canal. 



The  Great  Meadow  wildflower  plantings  sponsored 
since  1984  by  the  VWPS  are  now  a  Piedmont  Chapter 
project,  through  action  by  the  chapter  and  VWPS  boards.  The 
change  recognizes  the  strong  interest  of  people  who  live 
close  to  Great  Meadow,  which  is  in  Fauquier  County,  part  of 
the  area  served  by  Piedmont  Chapter. 

Great  Meadow  is  a  nonprofit  center  for  outdoor 
events,  including  the  annual  Virginia  Gold  Cup  steeplechase. 
The  wildflower  project  there  was  planned  both  to  provide 
enjoyment  and  education  for  visitors  and  to  develop  new 
information  about  the  requirements  of  meadow  plantings  in 
this  region.  Funding  for  it  has  been  contributed  by  the 
Wildcat  Foundation. 

The  project  has  been  coordinated  by  a  regional 
committee  composed  of  representatives  from  Piedmont, 
Potowmack,  and  Prince  William  chapters  and  chaired  by 
Mary  Painter,  who  initiated  the  Great  Meadow  plantings. 
She  and  B.  J.  Williams  will  serve  as  co-coordinators  under 
the  direction  of  the  Piedmont  Chapter  board. 

B lythronium  ameiicanum 


From  the  end  of  March,  and  throughout  April  and  May,  chapters  of  the  Virginia  Wildflower 
Preservation  Society  will  be  hosting  activites  to  celebrate  the  blooms  of  spring.  For  additional 
information,  use  the  address  or  phone  number  at  the  end  of  the  description  or,  where  only  the 
sponsoring  chapter's  name  is  given,  the  following  list: 

Jefferson  Chapter:  Katherine  Malmquist,  2527  llyilraulic  Road,  it 27.  Charlottesville,  VA  22901 
(804)  296-9325  <70  or  (804)  924-3384  (O) 

^  ~  \  John  Clayton  Chapter:  Donna  Warp,  Herbarium,  Department  of  Biology,  College  of  William  and 

Mary,  wuuamsburg,  VA  23185 ;  (804)  565-0657  (11)  or  (804)  253-4240  (O) 

Piedmont  Chapter,  c/o  Jocelyn  Alexander.  Box  336,  The  Plains.  VA  22171 
Potowmack  Chapter:  Box  161,  McLean,  VA  22101;  Karen  Sorenson,  (703)  534-2838 
Prince  William  Wildflower  Society,  Box  83,  Manassas,  VA  22110;  Nicky  Staunton,  (703)  368-9803  (H) 
or  (703)  363-3943  (O) 

Shenandoah  Chapter:  Michael  Hill,  204  Pope  Street.  Bridgewater,  VA  22812;  (703)  828-2405 

MARCH  23,  Wednesday,  10:00  n.m.  Jenn  Chitren  will  guide  a  spring  exploration  at  Lecsylvnnia  Park.  Prince  William 
Wildflower  Society. 

MARCH  20,  Saturday,  10:00  a.m.  Fjekl  trip  to  Arcadia  for  early  spring  flowers,  sponsored  by  Blue  Ridge  Chapter. 

Rich  Crites,  2663  Willow  LawrTSW, '  Ronhok^W  24018;  (703)  774-4518  (II);  (703)  982-7326  (O) 

MARCH  26,  Saturday,  10:00  a.m.  -  12:30  p.m.  The  Potowmack,  Prince  William  and  Piedmont  chapters  host  a  panel 

discussion,  "Preserving  Natural  Habitats  in  Urbanizing  Areas."  Moderated  by  Stan  Shetler,  curator  of  botany  and 
acting  assoc TaTfTTlTre'c tor  of  the  Museum  of  NaturaT  History,’  Smithsonian  Institution,  panelists  will  represent  view¬ 
points  of  development,  land  use  planning,  conservation,  public  parks  and  politics.  National  Wildlife  Federation, 

8925  Leesburg  Pike,  Vienna,  Potomack  Chapter.  , 

MARCH  27,  Sunday.  Field  trip  to  Riven  Rock.  Shenandoah  Chapter. 

APRIL  8,  Thursday,  10:00  a.m.  Field  trip  to  the  James  Tract  of  the  Northern  Neck  Audubon  Chapter,  Hickory  Hollow 
and  Cabin  Swamp,  Lancaster  County.  Limit  20:  priority  to  VWPS  members.  Advance  registration  required;  send 
to  Cynthia  Long,  105  Bowstring  Drive,  Williamsburg,  VA  23185.  Map  will  be  sent  with  confirmation.  John 
Clayton  Chapter. 

APRIL  9,  Friday,  1:00  p.m.  Spring  wildflower  walk  along  Bull  Run  to  see  bloodroot,  mayapples,  ferns  and  spring  beauties, 
with  Jean  Chitren.  Prince  William  Wildflower  Society. 

APRIL  16,  Saturday,  10:00  n.m.  Walk  through  the  grounds  of  Montpelier  with  Dave  Tice,  including  the  Old  Grove  Forest, 
recently  designated  a  National  Natural  Landmark.  Meet  at  the  Albemarle  Square  Shopping  Center,  Charlottesville, 
to  carpool  to  Montpelier.  Jefferson  Chapter. 

APRIL  16  and  17.  Saturday  and  Sunday,  2:00  p.m.  Annual  Bluebell  Walks  at  Bull  Run  Regional  Park  to  see  the  largest 
display  of  Virginia  bluebells  on  the  East  Coast.  Guides  wiTTfje  park  naturalists  and  volunteers  from  Potowmack 
and  Prince  William  Chapters.  Northern  Virginia  Regional  Park  Authority,  (703)  528-5406. 

APRIL  17,  Sunday,  1:00  p.m.  Walk  Conway  Robinson  Forest  with  Jenn  Chitren  to  see  lady's-slippers,  trillium,  pennywort, 
leaves  of  Adam  and  Eve^  Prince  William  WiIdTIower  Society. 

APRIL  17.  Sunday,  1:30  p.m.  Field  trip  to  Blackwater  Creek  Natural  Area,  Lynchburg,  sponsored  by  Blue  Ridge  Chapter. 
Dorothy  Bliss,  322  Sumpter  Street,  Lynchburg,  VA  24503.  (804)  845-5665. 

LATE  APRIL,  date  to  be  announced.  Field  trip  to  a  site  in  the  Shenandoah  Valley.  Shenandoah  Chapter. 

APRIL  23.  Saturday,  8:00  a.m.  -  7:30  p.m.  Visit  the  100-acre  Bowman's  Hill  Wildflower  Preserve  in  Pennsylvania  with 
the  Potowmack  Chapter.  Bus  tour  leaves  from  Green  Spring  Horticultural  Center  in  Annandale.  Cost:  $25;  $23 
for  VWPS  members;  box  lunches  $7  by  reservation.  Green  Spring,  (703)  642-5173. 

APRIL  23.  Saturday,  10:00  a.m.  Walk  through  five  wildflower  gardens  in  the  Charlottesville  area.  Jefferson  Chapter. 

APRIL  23,  Saturday,  10:00  a.m.  Field  trip  to  Andy  Andrews'  swamp.  Meet  at  White  Marsh  Shopping  Center,  Route  17, 
Gloucester.  Bring  lunch.  John  Clayton  Chapter. 

APRIL  24  Sunday  11:00  a.m.  -  3:00  p.m.  The  Piedmont  Chapter  will  hold  its  first  annual  Trout  Lily  Festival  at 
Airlie,  near  Warrenton,  including  walks  through  a  trout  lily  woodland  and  a  light  brunch.  In  the  afternoon, 

Airlie's  chamber  musicians  will  perform  Shubert's  "Trout  Quintet."  Piedmont  Chapter. 

appit  14  s.mrinv  ?-00  n.m.  Take  a  walk  along  Billy  Goat  Trail  at  the  C&O  Canal  with  naturalist  A1  Studholme. 

Meet  at  the  information  kiosk  nHi  to  the  parking  lot  opposite  Old  Angler's  Inn.  Potowmack  Chapter. 

APRIL  29  -  MAY  1,  Fridnv-Sunday.  Spring  Wildflower  Pilgrimage,  sponsored  by  the  Science  Museum  of  Western  Virginia. 

Blue  Ridge  Chapter  members  will  lend  many  oF  the  Field  trips.  Science  Museum  of  Western  Virginia.  Center  in 
the  Square,  One  Market  Square,  Roanoke,  VA  2401 1 ;  (703)  342-9710. 

APRIL  30,  Saturday,  10:00  a.m.  -  noon.  Walk  through  Locust  Shade,  near  Dumfries,  to  see  the  park  and  the  repository 
site  for  rescued  plants.  Prince  William  WlidFlower  Society.  Leader:  Elaine  llaug.  (703)  070-2347. 

APRIL  30,  Saturday,  1  3  p.m.  and  4-0  p.m.  An  early  afternoon  walk  tours  spring  wetland  wildflowcrs  at  Veterans  Park. 

Later  in  the  afternoon,  a  eanoe  trip  for  a  closer  look  at  welTnnd  natives!  Prince  Wiilinm  Wildflower  Society. 

Lender:  Elaine  Hang,  (703)  070-2347. 

APRIL  30,  Saturday,  10:00  a.m.  -  5:00  p.m.,  and 

MAY  1,  Sunday,  noon  -  5:00  p.m.  The  Prince  William  Wildflower  Garden  Tour  features  a  meadow  and  wildflower  border 
in  Rrentsville;  wildflowcrs  beneath  azaleas  at  Bull  Rim  Mountain,  Hnymnrket;  and  a  traditional  in-town  garden 
featuring  wildflowers  in  Manassas.  Prince  Wiilinm  Wildflower  Society. 

MAY  1,  Sunday,  10:30  a.m.  Wildflower  walk  along  the  Potomac  at  Carderock,  Maryland,  with  Marilyn  Stearns,  sponsored 
by  Potowmack  Chapter.  Beth  Holloway,  I703J  780-4002. 

MAY  2,  Monday,  1:00  p.m.  Jean  Chitren  will  lead  an  easy^  access  walk  in  Mellwig  County  Park,  to  sec  large  whorlcd  pogonia, 
Indian  cucumber,  lady's-slippers.  Prince  William  WlidFlower  Society. 

MAY  6-8,  Eriday-Sunday.  Informal  expedition  to  the  Great  Smoky  Mountains,  sponsored  by  Blue  Ridge  Chapter.  Partici¬ 
pants  make  their  own  travel  and  housing  arrangements  and  meet  For  spring  flower  explorations.  Bruce  Bolder, 

1825  Pelham  Drive,  Roanoke,  VA  24018.  (703)  774-4072  (H);  (703)  981-9453  (O). 

MAY  7,  Saturday,  9:00  a.m.  to  3:00  p.m.  Canoe  Mason  Neck's  great  marsh,  leaving  from  Veterans  Park.  Prince  William 
Wildflower  Society.  Leader:  Elaine  Haiig,  7703)  670-2347. 

MAY  7,  Saturday,  9:30  a.m.  A  wild  plant  walk  through  part  of  a  357-acre  natural  area  located  along  Chickahominy  Swamp 
in  Henrico  County,  sponsored  bv  Pocahontas  Chapter.  Meet  at  the  Glen  Lea  Recreation  Area.  Leader:  John  Hayden, 
(804)  289-8232  (O);  (804)  794-2473  (H). 

MAY  7,  Saturday,  9:00  a.m.  -  noon.  Annual  plant  sale  of  spring  and  summer-blooming  wildflowers,  at  Bethel  Lutheran 
Church,  Manassas.  Prince  William  Wildflower  Society. 

MAY  7-8,  Saturday  and  Sunday,  all  day.  The  Spring  Wildflower  Symposium  at  Wint ergreci i  features  talks  and  hikes  about 
wildflowers,  birds,  butterflies,  etc.  Supported  by  JcFFerson  Chapter.  Doug  Coleman,  Wintergrcen,  Virginia  22958: 

(804)  325-2200. 

MAY  8,  Sunday,  noon  -  3:00  p.m.  Potowmack  Chapter's  annual  plant  sale  at  Green  Spring  Farm  Park,  in  conjunction 
with  the  park's  Mothers  Day  celebration. 

MAY  13-15,  Friday-Sunday.  Spring  Wildflower  Weekend,  Shenandoah  National  Park.  A  weekend  of  guided  walks,  motorcades, 
and  slide  programs  at  the  Park's  peak  of  spring  Dloom.  Shenandoah  Chapter  members  will  lead  several  events.  Terry 
Lindsay,  North  District  Naturalist,  SNP,  Route  4,  Box  348,  Luray,  VA  22835;  (703)  999-2243. 

MAY  14,  Saturday,  10:00  a.m.  Wildflower  photography  field  trip,  sponsored  by  Blue  Ridge  Clinpter,  to  Peaks  of  Otter, 

Blue  Ridge  Parkway.  Leader:  photographer  Bobby  Toler,  7005  Grcenway  Drive,  Roanoke,  VA  24019. 

(703)  366-0239  (11);*  (703)  366-9180  (O). 

MAY  15,  Sunday.  Field  trip  to  Thunder  Ridge,  along  the  Blue  Ridge  Parkway,  sponsored  by  Blue  Ridge  Chapter. 

Leader:  Dorothy  Bliss  (see  April  17). 

MAY  21,  Saturday,  6:00  a.m.  -  8:00  p.m.  Sunup  to  sundown  walk  and  canoe  trip  in  Lecsylvania  Park.  Prince  William 
Wildflower  Society,  Leader:  Elaine  Hang,  (703)  670-2347.- 

MAY  26,  Thursday.  Field  trip  in  Northwest  River  City  Park,  Chesapeake,  to  see  Stewartia  malacodendron  (silky  cninellia) 
in  bloom,  and  if  time  permits,  to  Cape  Henry  Bird  Sanctuary,  in  the  West  Ghent  nrca"orHorFoik. - John  Clayton 

MAY  30,  Monday.  Memorial  Day  canoe  trip  to  Marumsco  Creek  from  Veterans  Park.  Prince  William  Wildflower  Society. 
Leader:  Elaine  llaug,  (703)  670-2347. 

For  additional  copies 
of  this  guide,  write  to: 
Box  844,  Annandale,  VA  22003 

Si/mp(pc<up<i4  {\P0tidut< 

Virginia's  Rarest  Plants: 

SIDA  HERMAPHRODITA,  the  Virginia  Mallow 

The  Virginia  mallow  is  a  tall,  coarse,  small-flowered  hibiscus  relative 
with  distinctively  long-tipped,  lobed  leaves  similar  to  those  of  the  striped 
maple.  This  nationally  rare  plant  grows  in  glades,  along  streambanks,  and 
in  other  openings  in  the  central  Appalachians,  from  Pennsylvania  to 
Tennessee.  Being  shade-intolerant,  it  is  found  only  in  sunny  places,  reaching 
its  greatest  density  near  large  rivers  such  as  the  Potomac,  Susquehanna, 
New,  and  Ohio,  where  major  floods  create  open  areas  in  the  vegetation.  It 
has  also  colonized  roadsides  and  railroad  banks  in  a  few  sites.  L.  K. 
Thomas,  Jr.,  of  the  National  Park  Service  has  reviewed  the  species'  status, 
in  a  1979  article  (Bartonia  46:  51-59),  and  David  M.  Spooner  et  al.  provide 
a  more  recent  summary  (Sida  11:  215-225,  1985). 

The  Virginia  mallow  is  actually  quite  scarce  in  our  Commonwealth, 
occurring  sporadically  along  the  Potomac,  where  it  seems  to  come  and  go 
at  particular  places,  probably  being  flood-dispersed,  and  also  known  from 
one  site  near  Clifton  Forge.  In  1985,  I  found  a  small  stand  of  this  plant 
along  the  Potomac  in  Rosslyn.  Its  numbers  there  have  varied  year-t<^-year, 
but  it  survived  the  1986  flood  with  no  major  harm.  Indeed,  the  flood  may 
have  spread  its  seeds  downriver,  so  we  should  look  for  new  stands! 

•  Larry  E.  Morse 

Bruce  Peninsula,  June  18-25 

Through  Jefferson  Chapter  president  Katherine  Malm- 
quist,  interested  Virginians  are  invited  to  join  an  Ohio  Native 
Plant  Society  trip  to  Canada's  Bruce  Peninsula,  June  18-25. 

In  its  50-mile  lengthy  the  Bruce  encompasses  bogs  and 
fens,  vast  woods,  lake  shores,  dunes,  and  the  limestone 
palisades  of  the  Niagara-  Escarpment.  Wildflowers  are 
abundant,  including  44  species  of  orchids,  many  of  which  will 
be  blooming.  There  are  also  85  species  of  shrubs  and  vines 
and  some  of  the  rarest  ferns  in  North  America. 

Cost  per  person  is  U.S.$300  (subject  to  change  until 
May  1  due  to  fluctuation  in  the  dollar);  that  includes 
lodging,  all  meals,  taxes  and  gratuities,  guide  fees,  and 
Flower  Pot  Island  boat  trip.  For  more  information: 
Katherine  Malmquist,  (804)  296-9325  or  2527  Hydraulic  Road 
#27,  Charlottesville,  VA  22901. 

Oregon,  July  24-30 

The  Oregon  Chapter  of  The  Nature  Conservancy  is 
sponsoring  a  botany  field  trip  across  Oregon  July  24-30, 
1988,  exploring  the  diverse  plant  life  and  other  natural 
history  features  of  half  a  dozen  different  habitats.  Travel 
by  van  with  a  small  group  and  trip  leader  Mike  Houck,  a 
well-known  Oregon  naturalist.  For  details,  write  to  Oregon 
Botany  Expedition,  The  Nature  Conservancy,  1205  NW  25th 
Ave.,  Portland,  OR  97210. 


Everything  the  VWPS  does  is  made  possible  by  mem¬ 
bers  who  contribute  their  energy  and  skills  to  local  and 
statewide  programs,  earning  substantial  compensation  in 
enjoyment  and  satisfaction.  New  volunteers  are  always 
welcome,  to  undertake  specific  tasks  for  the  benefit  of  the 
VWPS  throughout  Virginia.  Among  current  needs  are  people 
to  help  with 

—all  aspects  of  publicity; 

—writing  and  editing  for  the  Bulletin; 

— developing  new  educational  programs,  such  as 
slide  presentations,  for  adults  and  for  children 
and  youth; 

— filling  orders  for  books  and  other  educational 
or  fund-raising  items; 

—searching  out  or  developing  new  items  for  fund¬ 

If  you  or  someone  you  know  might  be  interested  in 
becoming  more  actively  involved  with  the  VWPS  statewide, 
please  get  in  touch  with  the  chair  of  an  appropriate 
committee  or  with  Mary  Pockman,  at  P.  O.  Box  844. 
Annandale,  VA  22003. 


P.  O.  Box  844,  Annandale,  VA  22003 

Board  of  Directors,  1987-88 


First  Vice  President 
Vice  President 
Corresponding  Secretary 
Botany  Chair 
Conservation  Chair 
Education  Chair 
Membership  Chair 

Mary  Pockman,  McLean 
Ann  Rcgn,  Palmyra  Second 
Bob  Lee,  Berryville 
Dornn  Kreitz,  Onklon 
John  White,  Deloplnne 
Dorothy  Biiss,  Lynchburg 
Faith  Campbell,  Burke 
Cris  Fleming,  Chevy  Chase, 
Phoebe  White,  Dclnplane 

Nancy  Arrington,  Manassas;  Ed  Ballard,  Annandnle; 
James  Minoguc,  Bcntonvillc;  Larry  Morse,  Arlington; 
Bob  Tuggle,  Collinsville;  Rebecca  White,  Norfolk 


Chap t er  representatives 

Blue  Ridge 
John  Clayton 
Prince  William 

Rich  Critcs,  Roanoke 
Ann  ltegn,  Palmyra 
Cynthia  Long,  Williamsburg 
Jocelyn  Alexander,  Wnrrcnloi 
Roy  Seward,  Richmond 
Kevin  llowc,  Alexandria 
Nicky  Staunton,  Mannssns 
Michael  Mill,  Bridgewater 

The  position  of  Recording  Secretary  nnd  the 
chairs  of  Fund  Raising  nnd  Publicity  nnd 
Publications  arc  currently  vacant. 

Finding  Wildflowers 


The  G.  W.  Thompson  Wildlife  Management  Area,  north 
of  Linden,  Virginia,  is  on  the  western  edge  of  Fauquier 
County,  about  60  miles  west  of  Washington.  The  area 
occupies  the  eastern  side  of  Blue  Mountain  and  lies  a  few 
miles  northeast  of  Shenandoah  National  Park  and  the  main 
Blue  Ridge.  Although  the  natural  environment  of  the 
mountain  has  been  damaged  by  extensive  housing  develop¬ 
ments,  almost  four  thousand  acres  are  owned  by  the  state 
and  are  maintained  as  a  wildlife  area. 

The  management  area,  usually  referred  to  as  "Linden," 
is  one  of  the  places  in  Virginia  where  you  can  find  northern 
flora,  including  trees  such  as  alternate-leaved  dogwood  and 
black  ash  and  herbaceous  plants  such  as  large-flowered 
trillium,  marsh- marigold,  and  many  unusual  ferns.  With  an 
elevation  range  from  1000  feet  at  the  base  to  almost  2200 
feet  at  the  top,  Linden  contains  many  different  habitats, 
including  second  growth  oak-hickory  forests  similar  to  those 
in  Shenandoah,  open  grassy  clearings,  old  orchards  from 
abandoned  mountain  farms,  and  several  unusual  "cold 
swamp"  areas  along  the  eastern  side  of  the  mountain. 

Linden  is  noted  primarily  for  the  incredible  display  of 
large-flowered  trillium  in  early  May.  Trillium  expert  Dr. 
Richard  Lighty  has  called  it  one  of  the  most  extensive 
trillium  stands  in  the  southern  Appalachians.  There  are 
literally  millions  of  trilliums  here,  growing  not  only  along 
the  woodland  trails  but  even  in  roadside  clearings  and  front 
yards  of  residents.  The  showy  white  flowers  of  Trillium 
grandiflorum  are  known  to  change  to  pink  as  they  a"ge^  ST 
Linden,  however,  you  will  see  even  newly-  opened  flowers  in 
many  shades  of  pink,  from  palest  rose  through  deep  cerise  to 
almost  crimson.  The  smaller  Trillium  cernuum,  or  nodding 
trillium,  rare  in  Virginia,  has  also  been  recorded  here. 

Other  special  flowers  to  see  at  Linden  in  early  May 
include  a  fine  stand  of  yellow  lady's-slipper,  many  showy 
orchis,  the  strange  little  pennywort,  yellow  corydalis,  slen¬ 
der  toothwort,  both  palmate  and  three-lobed  violet,  and  the 
unusual  and  easily  overlooked  green  violet.  Wild  geranium 
and  heart-leaved  golden  alexanders  bloom  along  the  road¬ 

Down  in  the  "cold  swamp"  area  off  the  trail  grow 
several  species  that  one  usually  associates  with  more 
northern  climates  or  higher  elevations  in  the  Appalachians- 
-lettuce  saxifrage  as  well  as  swamp  saxifrage,  marsh  mari¬ 
gold,  sarsparilla,  false  hellebore,  golden  saxifrage,  miter- 
wort,  wood  anemone,  and  Canada  mayflower. 

By  early  June  the  trilliums  are  gone  but  the  woodland 
trails  still  harbor  Virginia  waterleaf,  four-leaved  milkweed, 
and  showy  skullcap. 

The  G.  W.  Thompson  Wildlife  Management  Area  is 
owned  by  the  Virginia  Department  of  Game  and  Inland 
Fisheries,  4010  West  Broad  St.,  Box  11104,  Richmond,  VA 
23230,  telephone  (804)  257-1000.  There  are  no  visitor 
facilities  or  informative  displays.  The  best  areas  for 
wildflowers  are  the  Ted  Lake  Trail  at  parking  lot  #4  and  the 
fire  road  at  parking  lot  #6. 

Directions:  From  1-66,  take  exit  3  at  Linden.  Go  south 
a  few  hundred  feet  and  turn  left  on  VA  55  for  1.5  miles. 
Turn  left  on  county  638;  at  1.1  miles  bear  right  toward  Blue 
Mountain  Estates.  Continue  for  another  2.8  miles  to  parking 
lot  #4,  on  the  right,  and  another  1.3  miles  up  the  mountain 
to  parking  lot  #6. 

•  Cris  Fleming 

"SOURCES  OF  NATIVE  PLANTS  &  WILDFLOWERS",  available  from 
the  VWPS,  lists  mail-order  sources  for  nursery  propagated  plants  and 
responsibly  collected  seed.  The  current  listing  includes  more  than  a  dozen 
seed  sources,  and  more  than  two  dozen  retail  nurseries  offering  a  variety 
of  woody  and  herbaceous  native  plants,  including  ferns  and  grasses.  It  also 
identifies  several  wholesale  nurseries  from  which  local  garden  centers  can 
obtain  nursery  propagated  woody  plants.  For  a  copy,  send  a  self-addressed 
stamped  envelope  to  VWPS-Orders,  P.  O.  Box  844,  Annandale,  VA  22003. 

Ser/December  issue  of  The  Nature  Conservancy  Magazine 
are  of  interest  to  VWPS  members.  Robert  H.  Mohlenbrock 
outlines  the  reasons  for  saving  plant  species;  Larry  E.  Morse 
describes  the  Conservancy's  rare  plant  protection  strategies; 
and  Linda  R.  McMahan  assesses  the  effectiveness  of  plant 
conservation  laws.  To  obtain  a  copy  of  this  issue,  send  your 
request  to  Claire  Naisbett,  The  Nature  Conservancy,  1800 
North  Kent  Street,  Arlington,  VA  22209. 

JEFFERSONIA,  a  quarterly  newsletter  of  Virginia 
botany,  is  well  known  to  some  VWPS  members,  but  it  may  be 
new  to  others.  Affiliated  with  the  Virginia  Academy  of 
Science,  it  covers  a  broad  range  of  botanical  studies  related 
to  Virginia— historical,  taxonomic,  ecological,  bibliograph¬ 
ical,  biographical.  Subscriptions  ($4  per  year)  or  manu¬ 
scripts  for  consideration  may  be  sent  to  the  editor,  Dr.  L. 
Michael  Hill,  Biology  Department,  Bridgewater  College, 
Bridgewater,  VA  22812. 

Non-Profit  Organlutlon 

PERMIT  NO.  347 

botanical  garden 


As  I  reported  in  the  last  issue  of  the  Bulletin,  the 
Virginia  General  Assembly  considered  two  bills  to  provide 
increased  funds  for  the  listing  and  conservation  of  en¬ 
dangered  plant  species  in  our  Commonwealth. 

The  House  bill  provided  only  $35,000  per  year  (to  be 
added  to  the  existing  $25,000).  The  small  amount  was  due 
primarily  to  the  fact  that  our  sponsor,  Del.  John  Watkins,  is 
not  a  member  of  the  Appropriations  Committee,  and  Del. 
Robert  Ball  of  Richmond,  who  chairs  the  relevant  sub¬ 
committee,  opposes  plant  conservation  efforts.  The  Senate 
bill,  sponsored  by  Sen.  Clive  DuVal  and  seconded  by  Sen. 
Joseph  Gartlan,  both  members  of  the  Senate  Finance 
Committee,  asked  for  $102,000  per  year.  Unfortunately,  the 
legislature  adopted  the  smaller  House  amount.  The  legis¬ 
lature  also  called  for  hiring  one  additional  staff  person 
(although  the  increased  appropration  is  not  sufficient  to  pay 
salary  and  overhead).  Finally,  the  bill  calls  for  a  study  of 
Virginia's  efforts  to  conserve  endangered  plant  and  animal 

While  we  have  made  some  progress,  it  is  naturally 
disappointing  to  obtain  less  than  the  desired  funding. 
However,  we  will  continue  to  work  with  the  Virginia 
Department  of  Agriculture.  In  particular,  we  will  work  with 
them  on  the  study  required  by  the  legislation.  The  apparent 
reasoning  behind  the  study  idea  is  a  belief  held  by  some  that 
the  endangered  plants  program  should  be  merged  with  the 
Natural  Heritage  Program,  which  is  in  another  governmental 
department,  the  Department  of  Conservation  and  Historic 
Resources.  At  least  some  proponents  of  moving  the  program 
appear  to  be  interested  primarily  in  identifying  and  listing 
rare  plant  species,  and  not  in  accepting  responsibility  for 
othei  aspects  of  the  program. 

The  leadership  of  the  Virginia  Wildflower  Preservation 
Society  believes  it  is  imperative  that  all  aspects  of  the 
program— including  development  and  implementation  of  ac¬ 
tive  conservation  management  programs  for  listed  species, 
and  regulation  of  collection  and  trade  of  those  species- 
remain"  the  responsibility  of  a  single  department.  Whether 
that  department  should  be  the  Department  of  Agriculture  or 
the  Department  of  Conservation  and  Historic  Resources 
depends,  in  our  view,  primarily  on  which  is  willing  to 
commit  sufficient  staff  and  financial  resources  to  do  the  job 


What  name  can  tell  people  most  clearly  what  this 
Society  is  and  does?  At  this  stage  in  the  Society's 
development,  would  a  change  in  its  name  make  a  difference 
in  its  effectiveness? 

These  questions,  growing  out  of  last  fall's  report  from 
the  Society's  Long  Range  Planning  Committee,  are  being 
discussed  by  the  Board  of  Directors  and  throughout  the 
organization,  with  three  possible  names  in  mind:  Virginia 
Wildflower  Preservation  Society  (no  change),  Virginia  Wild¬ 
flower  Society,  and  Virginia  Native  Plant  Society. 

Any  change  of  name  would  require  a  vote  by  the 
membership  to  amend  the  bylaws.  The  board  will  be 
deciding  in  June  whether  to  recommend  such  action,  and  it 
welcomes  comments  from  members. 

{continued  on  page  1,  col.  21 


The  VWPS  Nominating  Committee  is  looking  for  candi¬ 
dates  for  positions  on  the  Board  of  Directors.  Three 
positions  are  currently  open,  and  need  to  be  filled  immedi¬ 
ately:  Recording  Secretary  (one-year  term),  Fund  Raising 
Chair  (two-year  term)  and  Publicity/Public  Relations  Chair 
(two-year  term).  Additionally,  the  following  positions  are  to 
be  filled  for  three-year  terms  beginning  this  fall:  President, 
Botany  Chair,  Director-at-large,  and  Nominating  Committee 

If  you  are  interested  in  one  of  these  positions,  or  wish 
to  suggest  someone,  please  contact  a  member  of  the 
Nominating  Committee:  Rich  Crites  [(703)  256-3157]  or 
Dawn  Gill  [(703)  982-7326],  both  from  the  Blue  Ridge 
Chapter;  J.  D.  Andrews  [(804)  898-3223]  from  the  John 
Clayton  Chapter;  or  Chair  Nancy  Arrington  [(703)  368-8431], 
from  the  Prince  William  Chapter.  As  an  alternative,  you 
may  also  write  to  the  committee  at  P.  O.  Box  462, 
Manassas,  VA  22110. 

The  Nominating  Committee  will  prepare  a  slate  of  one 
or  more  candidates  for  each  position.  Additional  candidates 
may  then  be  nominated,  provided  their  consent  is  obtained, 
by  a  petition  signed  by  at  least  15  members  of  the  Society 
and  filed  with  the  Nominating  Committee  at  least  45  days 
before  the  annual  meeting. 

Faith  Campbell 

.  Nancy  Arrington 

From  the  President 

NAME  CHANGE  (continued  <jTom  page  1) 


In  A  Wind  in  the  Door,  Madeleine  L'Engle  created 
Proginoskes^  a  cherubim— not  a  cherub,  Proginoskes  says 
firmly,  but  a  singular  cherubim— who  is  a  Namer.  He's  been 
assigned  to  the  stars,  to  know  every  one  by  name  in  order 
"to  help  them  each  to  be  more  particularly  the  particular 
star  each  one  was  supposed  to  be."  With  stars  and  earthlings 
alike,  he  explains,  "that's  basically  a  Namer's  job." 

This  passage  echoes  in  my  mind  throughout  the 
conversations  during  spring  wildflower  walks. 

"Which  buttercup  is  that?"  "Ranunculus  hispidus." 

"Isn't  that  rue  anemone  charming!  Anemonella  thalic- 
troides,  is  that  right?"  "No,  they've  changed  it;  it's 
Thalictrum  thalictroides  now." 

"That?  Oh,  it's  just  one  of  those  weedy  things — I've 
never  bothered  to  look  it  up." 

"He  calls  that  trout  lily,  but  I  always  thought  it  was 
dog-tooth  violet."  "Actually,  it's  adder's-tongue." 

"Are  those  deep  rose  trilliums  at  Linden  really  Trillium 
grandiflorum?"  "Well..." 

And  so  it  goes,  as  all  of  us  in  our  individual  ways  try 
to  get  a  handle  on  what  we're  seeing.  Some  relish  the 
taxonomic  logic  and  the  debate  behind  the  Latin  nomen¬ 
clature,  some  the  folklore  and  vivid  metaphor  of  the 
common  names,  All  are  under  the  spell  of  the  plants 

There  was  a  period  of  time  in  the  sixties  when  it  was 
popular  among  some  amateurs  to  disdain  naming.  The  main 
idea  was  to  appreciate  other  creatures,  to  experience  them, 
to  enter  into  their  lives  without  arbitrary  labels  standing  in 
the  way.  The  approach  may  still  resonate  within  a  desire  to 
go  beyond  just  adding  names  to  a  life-list,  but  on  the  whole 
it  was  short-lived.  We  really  can't  do  without  names. 

As  with  Proginoskes,  naming  what  we  see— star  or 
species— fixes  it  in  our  minds  and  lets  us  think  and  talk 
about  it  without  ambiguity.  Naming  also  affirms  its 
particularity,  and  says  that  we  value  it  enough  to  want  to 
talk  about  it. 

.  Mary  Pockman 


September  may  seem  a  long  way  away,  but  you  know 
how  quickly  summers  go,  so  before  you  forget,  mark  your 
calendar  for  the  Society's  annual  meeting,  to  be  held 
September  23-25th  at  the  lovely  Massanutten  Village  Resort 
(near  Harrisonburg).  Look  for  more  detailed  information  in 
a  special  mailer  to  be  sent  out  in  late  spring  or  early 

A  publication  of  the 
Virginia  Wildflower  Preservation  Society 

Mary  Pockman,  President 
Editor  pro  tern:  Brooke  Russell 
Art  by  Barbara  Stewart 
Typing  &  layout  -  Ardyce  Kinsley 

Permission  is  hereby  given  to  reproduce  original  material 
contained  in  The  Bulletin  provided  credit  is  given  to  the 
author,  if  named,  and  to  the  VWPS,  P.  O.  Box  844, 
Annandale,  VA  22003. 

The  Virginia  Wildflower  Preservation  Society  was 
founded,  and  the  name  was  chosen,  out  of  a  broad 
determination  to  do  something  about  the  Commonwealth's 
diminishing  heritage  of  wild  plants.  Through  six  years  of 
discussion  and  program  development,  more  specific  goals 
have  gradually  been  defined,  namely:  building  awareness  of 
Virginia's  plants  and  respect  for  the  natural  environment; 
working  for  measures  to  protect  endangered  species  and 
safeguard  diverse  habitats;  and  encouraging  the  use  and 
enjoyment  of  native  plants  in  ways  that  are  consistent  with 
conservation  principles. 

On  a  statewide  basis  and  through  local  chapters, 
various  activities  are  furthering  these  goals,  and  in  the  long 
run  it's  what  the  Society  does  that  matters.  Under  any 
name,  the  Society's  members  and  it's  publications  would 
continue  to  use  both  "wildflowers"  and  "native  plants," 
choosing  one  or  the  other  according  to  the  context.  To  some 
extent,  however,  what  the  Society  is  called  does  influence 
people's  decisions  to  join,  to  be  actively  involved,  and  to 
take  the  Society  seriously.  The  question  is  whether  that 
influence  is  great  enough,  and  the  present  name  ambiguous 
enough,  to  warrant  a  change. 

The  phrase  "Virginia  Wildflower  Preservation  Society" 
has  the  advantage  of  familiarity.  The  Society  is  becoming 
known  by  that  name,  and  "wildflower"  itself  is,  to  most 
people,  a  long-familiar  term  with  pleasant  associations.  In 
addition,  "preservation"  has  the  positive  implication  of 
saving  something  of  value.  Any  significant  change  in  the 
name  would  entail  extra  effort  to  overcome  some  temporary 
loss  of  recognition  and  support.  That  would  be  easier  to  do 
now,  of  course,  than  sometime  in  the  future,  when  the 
organization  and  its  name  have  become  even  more  firmly 

The  word  "Preservation"  has  other  connotations  that 
may  not  serve  the  Society  so  well.  To  some  it  suggests 
entrenched  resistance  to  change— a  blindness  to  legitimate 
needs  such  as  roads  or  housing,  however  sensitively  planned. 
("Conservation"  may  be  a  better  word  for  the  more  flexible 
approach  taken  by  the  Society.)  The  phrase  "Virginia  Wild¬ 
flower  Society"  would  avoid  these  negative  images;  more¬ 
over,  it  would  make  the  name  easier  to  say,  and  shorter  to 
write  or  print. 

The  word  "wildflowers,"  for  all  its  positive  associ¬ 
ations,  is  both  narrower  and  broader  than  the  Society's 
emphasis.  Strictly  speaking,  it  refers  only  to  flowering 
herbaceous  species,  although  it  can  be— and  often  is— 
stretched  to  cover  the  Society's  interest  in  all  kinds  of 
plants.  At  the  same  time,  "wildflowers"  embraces  wide¬ 
spread,  showy  species,  many  of  them  non-native,  that  do  not 
particularly  need  conservation  attention. 

The  phrase  "Virginia  Native  Plant  Society"  would 
unequivocally  include  trees,  shrubs,  vines,  ferns,  and  grasses. 
By  focusing  on  native  species,  it  would  suggest,  even  without 
the  use  of  the  word  "preservation,"  an  active  concern  for 
the  conservation  of  plants  in  the  wild,  particularly  rare 
species  and  their  communites  and  ecosystems.  It  would  also 
link  the  Society  more  clearly  with  comparable  organizations 
in  other  states,  the  great  majority  of  which  are  "native 
plant"  societies.  Replacing  the  familiar  "Wildflower"  with 
"Native  Plant"  would  be  the  more  marked  of  the  two 
possible  changes;  identifying  this  name  with  the  Society  and 
the  Society's  purpose  and  activities  would  thus  present  the 
greater  challenge. 

Members  are  invited  to  send  their  comments  to 
chapter  presidents  or  to  any  Society  board  member. 

If  the  board  decides  to  propose  an  amendment  to  the  bylaws, 
that  proposal  will  be  placed  on  the  agenda  for  the  annual 
meeting  in  September. 



The  entire  VWPS  membership  is  invited  to  join  Blue 
Ridge  Chapter  members  for  two  exciting  field  trips  to  areas 
off  the  Blue  Ridge  Parkway,  planned  for  June  and  July, 

The  Peaks  of  Otter 

Blue  Ridge  Parkway/Blackwater  Creek 

For  Saturday,  June  11th,  a  "Rhododendron  Celebra¬ 
tion,"  consisting  of  several  short  walks  in  the  vicinity  of  the 
Peaks  of  Otter,  is  planned.  This  all-day  excursion  will 
concentrate  on  the  area  just  north  of  the  Peaks,  where  the 
most  magnificent  displays  of  Rhododendron  catawbiense 
(purple  laurel)  in  Virginia's  mountains  may  be  enjoyed. 
Participants  will  meet  at  10  a.m.  at  the  Peaks  of  Otter 
Visitor  Center  (MP  86),  and  drive  a  few  miles  north  along 
the  Blue  Ridge  Parkway,  enjoying  the  impressive  views  to 
Onion  Mountain  Overlook  (MP  79.7).  Then,  we  will  take  a 
short  loop  trail  surrounded  by  pungent,  bursting  blooms  of 
rhododendron  (Rhododendron  sp.),  azalea  (Azalea  sp.),  and 
mountain  laureOKalmia  latifolia) —  a  photographer's  delight! 
At  12:30  p.m.,  we  will  break  for  lunch  in  the  Big  Springs 
Picnic  Area  at  the  Peaks  of  Otter.  You'll  probably  have  no 
problem  building  an  appetite,  so  don't  forget  to  bring  a 

In  the  afternoon,  we'll  drive  north  along  the  Blue 
Ridge  Parkway,  parking  at  Floyd's  Field  (MP  80.3).  Here,  we 
will  take  a  short  walk  to  Cornelius  Creek  Shelter,  enjoying 
nature's  spectacular  offerings  along  the  way.  We  will  close 
the  day  with  a  stop  at  Thunder  Ridge  Overlook  (MP  74.7), 
and  a  short  walk  to  Thunder  Ridge  Shelter. 

The  Society's  annual  wildflower  field  trip  is  planned 
for  the  weekend  of  July  23-24th.  Come  join  fellow  members 
who'll  visit  a  mountain  meadow  along  the  Blue  Ridge 
Parkway,  and  a  woodland  ravine  in  the  Blackwater  Creek 
Natural  Area,  Lynchburg.  Meet  on  Saturday,  July  23rd  at  10 
a.m.  at  the  Smart  View  Recreation  Area  (MP  154.1)  off  the 
Blue  Ridge  Parkway.  Here,  participants  will  take  a  loop 
trail  through  a  deciduous  forest,  and  search  for  woodland 
wildflowers  along  the  way.  At  12:00,  we'll  break  for  a 
picnic  lunch  (again,  you'll  be  working  up  an  appetite,  so 
don't  forget  to  bring  a  lunch!)  at  Smart  View.  At  2  p.m.,  we 
will  have  worked  our  way  to  Rakes  Mill  Pond  (MP  162.4). 
Here,  we'll  wander  over  open  meadows  filled  with  summer 
wildflowers  and  ferns.  We'll  view  three  species  of  Osmunda 
(fern),  Melanthium  virginicum  (bunch-flower),  Castilleja 
coccinea  (Indian  paint  brush),  Lilium  superbum  (Turk's-cap 
lily),  Aconitum  uncinatum  (monkshood),  and  a  wealth  of 
other  lovely  flowers.  At  5  p.m.,  we'll  eat  a  picnic  supper  at 
Smart  View.  The  Blue  Ridge  Chapter  has  offered  to  provide 
drinks  and  dessert,  so  all  you'll  need  to  bring  is  the  main 

On  Sunday  morning,  July  24th,  we'll  meet  at  10  a.m. 
at  the  end  of  Thomson  Drive  in  Lynchburg  (near  Lynchburg 
Hospital  on  Tates  Spring  Road).  From  here,  we'll  go  to  the 
Ruskin  Freer  Nature  Preserve  in  the  Blackwater  Creek 
Natural  Area,  and  follow  the  Blackwater  Creek  Nature 
Trail,  discovering  many  ferns  and  mid-summer  wildflowers 
on  rocky  cliffs  and  along  creek  banks.  Those  who  wish  to 
may  enjoy  their  picnic  lunch  at  Blackwater  Creek  Athletic 
Area,  off  Monticello  Avenue. 

These  trips  offer  wonderful  opportunities  to  get  out 
and  enjoy  the  fresh  air,  and  the  beautiful  sights  and  smells 
of  summer — not  to  mention  some  Society  eomraderie!  If  you 
would  like  further  information  about  either— or  both— of 
these  trips,  call  Dorothy  Bliss  at  (804)  845-5665,  or  Rich 
Crites  at  (703)  774-4518. 

.  Dorothy  C.  Bliss 

Hotel  Reservations:  Individuals  who  need  to  should  make 
hotel  reservations  for  these  trips  as  early  as  possible. 
Participants  on  the  Peaks  of  Otter  trip  (June  11th)  may  call 
or  write:  The  Peaks  of  Otter  Lodge,  P.  O.  Box  489, 

Bedford,  Virginia  24523;  (703)  586-1081.  The  following 
hotels,  all  located  near  the  Roanoke  Civic  Center  at  1-581 
and  Route  460-East  in  Roanoke,  are  appropriate  for  both  the 
Peaks  of  Otter  trip  (June  11th)  and  the  Blue"- 
Parkway/Blackwater  Creek  Trip  (July  23-24th): 

Days  Inn 
Omega  Inn 
Holiday  Inn 

(703)  343-2413 
(703)  342-4551 
(703)  981-9341 
(703)  342-8961 

-  approx.  $36-$40 

-  approx.  $36-$40 

-  approx.  $31-$37 

approx.  $41-$55 
''Approximate  cost  is  for  two  people. 

•  Rich  Crites 



The  following  information  was  gathered  from  a  VWPS  Winter  Workshop  meeting, 
during  which  members  from  several  chapters  met  with  Boyd  Cassell, 

Chief  Environmental  Planner  for  the  Virginia  Department  of  Transportation. 

Highway  rights-of-way  represent  the  largest  potential 
reservoir  of  biodiversity  in  the  Commonwealth  of  Virginia. 
The  Virginia  Department  of  Transportation  owns  more  public 
land  than  any  other  public  entity,  and  these  vast  land 
resources  can  and  should  become  our  repositories  for  native 

Efforts  of  representatives  of  the  Virginia  Wildflower 
Preservation  Society  (VWPS)  to  work  with  the  Virginia 
Department  of  Transportation  (VDOT)  should  be  concen¬ 
trated  on  the  Department's  Environmental  Division.  The 
Division  staff  includes  landscape  architects,  botanists,  and 
agronomists,  all  capable  of  providing  technical  assistance. 
Division  Chief  Robert  L.  Hundley,  a  State  Environmental 
Engineer,  has  already  indicated  a  desire  to  cooperate  with 
the  Society.  Another  important  and  helpful  person  in  the 
Division's  Central  Office  is  Boyd  B.  Cassell,  Chief  Environ¬ 
mental  Planner.  Additionally,  each  of  the  nine  VDOT 
Districts  has  a  District  Environmental  Manager  available  for 
consultation  on  specific  projects. 

Native  plant  demonstration  plots  are  valuable  projects 
to  pursue,  but  the  long-range  goals  of  the  VWPS  chapters 
should  be  directed  at  modification  of  the  standard  operating 

gWWBmwpwnii  ■  m  \  i  m . . m 


Society  members  who  spend  a  lot  of  time  out-of-doors 
(and  that's  most  of  us)  should  be  aware  of  a  curious  disease 
carried  by  ticks  that  is  believed  to  be  spreading  from  the 
Northeast  to  other  parts  of  the  country,  particularly  coastal 
areas  and  parts  of  the  upper  Midwest. 

Lyme  disease,  also  known  as  "the  great  imitator" 
because  it  mimics  other  diseases  and  thus  defies  proper 
diagnosis,  is  caused  by  Borrelia  burgdorferi,  a  bacterium 
carried  by  deer  ticks  and  possibly  lone  star  ticks.  In  its 
early  stages,  the  disease  causes  a  red  rash  to  appear  in  the 
area  of  the  tick  bite;  the  rash  may  expand  over  several  days 
from  one  to  18  inches,  flu-like  symptoms  (low-grade  fever, 
chills,  headache)  may  develop,  and  in  the  later  stages  of  the 
disease,  symptoms  similar  to  meningitis,  such  as  stiff  joints, 
difficulty  in  concentrating  and  remembering,  and  fatigue 
may  occur.  The  final  stage  of  the  disease,  which  may  occur 
weeks  to  months  later,  involves  elevated  temperature  and 
pain  and  swelling  in  one  of  more  of  the  joints. 

Scientists  studying  the  disease  recommend  that  if  you 
are  bitten  by  a  tick,  you  should  take  it  to  your  doctor  or 
local  public  health  official  to  have  it  identified.  If  you 
develop  any  of  the  symptoms  described  above  after  receiv¬ 
ing  a  tick  bite,  consult  your  physician  immediately,  and  tell 
him  or  her  that  you  have  heard  about  Lyme  disease.  Lyme 
disease  may  be  treated  with  antibiotics—  the  earlier  the 
better,  as  with  most  diseases. 

Prevention,  of  course,  is  the  best  strategy.  Scientists 
recommend  avoiding  tick  habitats  whenever  possible,  wear¬ 
ing  long  pants  with  cuffs  tucked  into  socks  when  in  tick 
habitats,  wearing  light-colored  clothing  to  help  spot  ticks 
more  easily,  using  insect  spray,  brushing  off  clothing  and 
checking  pets  before  entering  the  house,  and  undressing  and 
checking  for  ticks  (they  usually  crawl  about  for  several 
hours  before  burrowing  into  the  skin). 

—Adapted  from  "Lyme  Disease,"  by  Edward  Bruske 
(National  Parks,  Vol.  62,  No.  3-4,  March/April  1988 
pp.  33-37). 

procedures  of  VDOT.  And  that  means  encouraging  the 
widespread  use  of  native  plants  instead  of  exotics  for 
plantings  along  highway  corridors. 

As  we  have  seen  in  the  past,  the  use  of  exotic  and 
alien  plant  species  by  VDOT  has  threatened  native  plants  far 
beyond  the  highway  corridors  where  they  have  been  intro¬ 
duced.  The  unsatisfactory  experience  with  kudzo  (Puerarie 
thungergiana)  clearly  illustrates  this  point.  The  current  love 
affair  with  the  European  crown  vetch  (Coronilla  varia)  is 
now  a  concern,  as  is  the  extensive  planting  of  weeping 
lovegrass  (Eragrostis  sp.)  on  hillsides.  These  plants  are  often 
preferred  by  VDOT  because  of  their  low  maintenance  needs 
and  their  ability  to  hold  the  soil  and  control  erosion. 
Unfortunately,  however,  they  can  soon  take  over  and  choke 
out  more  fragile,  native  plants. 

VWPS  members  must  be  sensitive  to  legitimate  con¬ 
cerns  of  VDOT,  including  erosion  and  sediment  control,  and 
maintenance  costs.  If  we  do  not  approve  of  exotics,  we 
must  find  natives  that  can  accomplish  the  same  functions. 
Additionally,  we  must  be  careful  to  recommend  seed  mixes 
that  are  commercially  available  in  the  large  quantities  that 
are  required  for  roadside  development  plantings.  Seed  stock 
for  native  plants  that  comes  from  different  regions  of  the 
country  may  introduce  changes  in  the  local  gene  pool,  and 
threaten  long-established  local  species.  Finding  the  most 
appropriate  and  cost-effective  combination  of  seed  mixes 
for  local  plantings  can  be  a  complex  task.  All  of  these 
complexities  suggest  that  VWPS  should  establish  a  meaning¬ 
ful  dialogue  with  the  professionals  in  the  Environmental 
Division  of  VDOT. 

me  early  planning  stage  at  the  beginning  of  a  new 
road  project  is  the  best  time  for  VWPS  to  cooperate  with 
VDOT  personnel  At  that  time,  the  proposed  route  can  be 
reviewed,  and  significant  native  plant  habitats  can  be  saved 
by  appropriate  alignment  of  the  new  roadway.  It  is  often  too 
late  to  have  significant  influence  on  a  project  after  the 
bulldozers  have  begun  their  work.  As  the  old  saying  goes, 
time  is  money,  and  contractors  and  VDOT  officials  do  not 
appreciate  project  delays  after  a  contract  award  has  been 

It  is  vital  that  VWPS  members  monitor  planned  road 
improvements  by  communicating  with  elected  officials  in 
their  respective  political  subdivisions.  Another  person  who 
should  be  contacted  on  a  regular  basis  is  the  Chief  or 
Resident  Engineer  of  each  VDOT  Residency  Office.  The 
Resident  Engineer  keeps  a  detailed,  six-year  road  improve¬ 
ments  plan.  The  names  and  addresses  of  the  VDOT  Resident 
Engineers  may  be  obtained  by  calling  the  local  VDOT  Office 
listed  in  the  telephone  directory,  in  the  Government  Listings 

There  is  one  text  that  should  be  required  reading  for 
VWPS  members  interested  in  establishing  a  working  re¬ 
lationship  with  VDOT:  "Guidelines  for  Planting  along 

Virginia's  Roadways.”  This  short  publication  is  available 
from  R.  L.  Hundley,  State  Environmental  Engineer,  Virginia 
Department  of  Transportation,  1221  E.  Broad  Street,  Rich¬ 
mond,  VA  23219.  The  main  function  of  the  guidelines  is  to 
promote  proper  planting,  with  consideration  of  safety  and 
maintenance  constraints.  For  VWPS  members,  one  of  the 
most  pertinent  parts  of  the  VDOT  text  is  the  descriptions  of 
model  planting  agreements  at  the  end  of  the  publication. 
These  sample  agreements  specify  the  responsibilities  of 
private  organizations  and  VDOT  in  cooperative  roadside 
planting  programs. 


Bob  Lee 

Virginia's  Rarest  Plants 

Arabis  serotina,  the  shale  barren  rock-cress 

Perhaps  one  of  the  rarest  and  most  threatened  elements  of  Virginia's  flora  is  the 
shale  barren  rock-cress,  a  rather  tall,  white-flowered  member  of  the  mustard  family. 
Like  many  of  its  relatives,  the  species  is  a  biennial,  putting  out  small,  basal  rosettes 
one  year  and  then  bolting  the  next.  The  lanky,  open  inflorescences,  which  are  produced 
in  late  summer,  have  rather  inconspicuous  flowers  that  give  rise  to  long,  many-seeded 
"siliques"  (seed  capsules).  Not  a  very  showy  species,  the  shale  barren  rock-cress  is  still 
a  fascinating  plant  and  deserving  of  special  attention. 

This  species  is  very  restricted  in  both  its  distribution  and  habitat  preference. 
The  plant  is  currently  known  from  fewer  than  30  places  in  the  world,  within  a  small, 
nine-county  area  of  the  mountains  of  Virginia  and  West  Virginia.  It  is  almost  always 
found  growing  on  "shale  barrens,"  which  are  unique,  sparsely  vegetated  woodland  types 
of  the  mid-Appalachians.  Adding  to  its  rarity  is  the  fact  that  populations  of  the  rock- 
cress  tend  to  be  very  small.  Despite  extensive  field  searches  conducted  by  Michael 
Lipford  of  the  Virginia  Natural  Heritage  Program,  only  128  individuals  (representing 
approximately  one-half  of  the  world's  population)  were  documented  during  the  1987 
field  season. 

The  shale  barren  rock-cress  was  first  described  to  the  scientific  community  by 
Edward  Steele  in  1911.  Because  of  its  resemblance  to  a  closely  related  species  (the 
smooth  rock-cress),  however,  many  botanists  did  not  recognize  a  distinction  between 
the  two.  During  recent  studies  of  shale  barren  habitats,  Tom  Wieboldt  (a  botanist  from 
Virginia  Polytechnical  Institute  and  State  University)  noted  that  the  shale  barren  rock- 
cress  bloomed  considerably  later  than  its  counterpart.  He  began  researching  other 
distinguishing  features  exhibited  by  the  plant,  and,  just  last  year,  published  an  article 
which  helped  to  clarify  the  differences  between  the  two  species.  (Sida.  1987.  12(2): 

Because  of  its  extreme  rarity,  the  shale  barren  rock-cress  has  become  a  plant  of  some  notoriety.  It  has  just  recently  been 
formally  proposed  for  federal  listing  as  endangered,  and  may  well  become  Virginia's  next  legally  protected  species.  To  aid  in 
these  efforts  at  providing  protection  for  the  remaining  populations  of  the  plant,  the  Virginia  Natural  Heritage  Program  has  made 
additional  recommendations  which  support  its  state  listing  as  well. 

»  Garrie  D.  Rouse 


The  purple  loosestrife  plant,  which  has  become  an 
invasive  pest  in  several  states,  may  soon  be  controlled  by 
biological  agents  (insects)  according  to  a  recent  report  from 
the  U.S.  Fish  and  Wildlife  Service,  and  the  U.S.  Department 
of  Agriculture's  Beneficial  Insects  Laboratory.  Testing  of 
selected  insect  species  under  quarantine  conditions  may  be 
possible  within  two  to  three  years.  A  new  book,  "Spread, 
Impact,  and  Control  of  Purple  Loosestrife  in  North  Ameri¬ 
can  Wetlands,"  by  Daniel  Thompson  et  al.  (1987),  provides 
information  about  this  subject,  and  is  available  from 
Publications  Unit,  U.S.  Fish  and  Wildlife  Service,  Washington 
DC  20240. 

—Adapted  from  Illinoensis,  Vol.  4,  Number  1, 
February  1988 


Peaks  of  Otter  Field  Trip 
June  11 

Blue  Ridge  Parkway/Blackwater  Creek  Field  Trip 
July  23  -  24 

VWPS  Annual  Meeting 
September  23  -25 


RARE  PLANTS  FOUND  IN  VIRGINIA,  59  in  number,  rep- 
resent  2.1  percent  of  the  2,867  plants  that  in  1985  were 
protected  or  were  candidates  for  listing  under  the  U.S. 
Endangered  Species  Act,  according  to  a  Center  for  Plant 
Conservation  analysis  of  data  from  the  U.S.  Fish  and 
Wildlife  Service.  Most  U.S.  rare  plants  occur  in  Hawaii  and 
in  the  West  and  Southwest,  with  the  highest  proportions  in 
Hawaii  Lome  to  27.2  percent  of  the  total,  and  California, 
24.1  percent. 

published  quarterly  by  the  Office  oT  the  Secretary  of 
Natural  Resources  covering  issues  of  concern  to  half  a  dozen 
state  agencies  and  the  Conservation  Council  of  Virginia. 
Copies  may  be  obtained  by  writing  to  the  Office  of  the 
Secretary  of  Natural  Resources,  Fifth  Floor,  Ninth  Street 
Office  Building,  Richmond,  VA  23219. 

ACID  RAIN  may  be  a  greater  problem  in  Virginia  than  had 
been  thougTit,  according  to  a  recent  University  of  Virginia 
study  reported  in  the  December  newsletter  of  the  Con¬ 
servation  Council  of  Virginia. 

Of  the  353  streams  investigated  by  the  study,  11 
percent  were  found  to  be  acidic,  and  78  percent  were 
considered  sensitive  to  acidification.  A  previous  study  by 
the  National  Acid  Precipitation  Program  suggested  that  few 
streams  in  the  Southeast  have  pH  levels  below  6.0,  but  the 
UVa  group  found  one  creek  with  a  pH  of  4.7  and  a  large 
number  of  others  with  pH  levels  below  6.0.  No  historical 
data  are  available  for  comparison. 


Finding  Wildflowers 


Some  items  of  particular  interest  from  a  report  sent 
by  a  former  VWPS  member  (Potowmack  Chapter) 
now  living  in  Johannesburg. 

One  cf  the  first  places  I  visited  here  was  The  Wilds,  a 
52-acre  park  in  the  middle  of  the  city.  Half  of  it  is 
maintained  as  "wild"  with  representatives  of  all  plant  zones 
in  South  Africa.  With  some  18,500  species  of  flowering 
plants  in  the  country,  there  is  no  shortage  of  raw  material. 

Although  trees  in  The  Wilds  are  labeled,  few  wild¬ 
flowers  are.  Many  good  wildflower  guides  for  South  Africa 
are  available,  but  the  staggering  number  of  species  makes  a 
single  guide  impractical.  Plants  have  common  names  in  both 
English  and  Africaans,  as  well  as  a  confusing  variety  of 
names  used  by  tribal  peoples. 

There  are  over  1,000  Liliaeeae  species  in  South  Africa, 
many  of  them  highly  ornamental.  White  calla  lilies, 
Zantedeschia  aethiopica,  grow  not  only  in  The  Wilds  but  all 
over  this  part  of  the  country.  So  do  Agapanthus  spp.  lilies, 
with  3'  spikes  of  purple  flowers.  In  this  family,  the  Wilds 
has  a  good  collection  of  aloes.  Some  of  them,  along  with 
some  proteas,  provide  winter  bloom  in  the  park. 

The  Proteaceae  family,  found  primarily  in  the  southern 
hemisphere,  is  represented  by  some  450  species  in  South 
Africa.  Many  are  drought  resistant  and  bloom  best  when 
periodically  singed  by  fire.  The  national  flower  is  the 
sugarbush,  Protea  repens,  a  showy  yellow-and-peach  flower. 

The  national  tree  designation  changes  every  year.  In 
1987  it  was  the  cabbage  tree,  Cussonia  spp.;  a  few 
specimens  grow  in  The  Wilds.  All  have  a  stout  trunk  with 
all  the  leaves  in  a  ball  at  the  top;  one  local  name  is 
"Umbrella  for  the  Sun."  Their  roots  store  so  much  water 
that  they  can  provide  survival  water  for  people  in  times  of 

For  daisy  aficionados,  the  Mesembryanthemaceae  fam¬ 
ily,  known  as  vygies,  has  over  2,000  species  in  South  Africa. 
A  superb  stand  of  Dorotheanthus  bellidiformis  heats  up  one 
section  of  The  Wilds  with  yellow,  hot  pink,  white,  orange, 
and  peach.  Some  of  these  flowers  turn  certain  desert  areas 
of  South  Africa  into  carpets  of  color  in  spring. 

The  Wilds  serves  as  a  nursery  for  cycads,  among  the 
most  ancient  surviving  plants.  These  endangered  plants, 
resembling  small,  squat  palm  trees,  have  suffered  the  same 
fate  as  cacti  in  the  southwestern  U.S.  Large  areas  of  South 
Africa  have  been  denuded  of  them  for  sale  to  home 
landscapers,  and  some  species  are  so  rare  that  only  a  few 
known  specimens  survive. 

Another  threat  to  some  trees,  nationwide  and  in  The 
Wilds,  comes  from  "witch  doctors"  who  steal  bark  at  night 
for  use  in  medicinal  concoctions,  sometimes  girdling  and 
thus  killing  the  trees.  To  combat  bark  collection  in  The 
Wilds,  the  more  popular  "medicine"  trees  are  painted  with  an 
oil-based  paint.  It  may  make  the  trees  look  awful,  but  it 
renders  the  bark  unusable. 

The  Botanical  Society  of  South  Africa  encourages  the 
conservation  and  cultivation  of  the  country's  flora.  There  is 
considerable  interest  in  South  Africa  in  gardening  with 
native  plants,  and  several  books  steer  gardeners  to  the  more 
easily-cultivated  and  ornamental.  The  selection  of  plants 
available  is  enough  to  make  any  VWPS  gardener  turn  green! 

*  Susan  McSwain 


Those  of  you  who  enjoyed  Susan  McSwain's  article,  "Finding  Wildflowers:  South 
Africa,"  in  this  issue,  and  Chris  Fleming's  article,  "Finding  Wildflowers:  Linden,"  in 
the  winter  issue  of  the  Bulletin  might  like  to  try  your  own  hand  at  leading  fellow 
members  to  choice  wildflower  habitat.  We  would  like  to  start  a  regular  column 
featuring  prime  wildflower  areas  throughout  the  state  (McSwain's  article  was  an 
exception),  but  we  need  material  from  you,  the  VWPS  members.  So,  if  you  have  a 
favorite  public  spot  in  mind,  pick  up  your  pen,  turn  on  your  typewriter,  or  crank  up 
your  computer  and  let  us  know!  You  should  include  directions  to  the  habitat;  a  person 
to  contact  for  permission  to  be  on  the  land  (if  it  is  not  open  to  the  public);  a  phone 
number  (if  any)  to  call  for  further  information;  and,  of  course,  a  description  of  the 
wildflowers  one  can  see,  along  with  their  specific  location.  Send  two  or  three  double¬ 
spaced  pages  to  Editor,  The  Bulletin,  P.  O.  Box  844,  Annandale,  Virginia  22003. 

Non-Profit  Organization 

PERMIT  NO.  347 


lp|\n»  * 


botanical  GARO 

‘S5*  N 



Vol.  7,  No.  4 

A  publication  of  the  VIRGINIA  NATIVE  PLANT  SOCIETY 

(formerly  the  Virginia  Wildflower  Preservation  Society) 

VWPS  Now  Virginia  Native  Plant  Society 

As  of  November  1 ,  the  Society  is 
continuing  to  work  for  the  appreciation 
and  conservation  of  Virginia’s  native 
plants,  under  a  new  name:  Virginia 
Native  Plant  Society. 

Approved  by  the  membership  at 
the  annual  meeting  September  24, 
after  more  than  a  year  of  discussion  in 
committees  and  boards  and  among 
members,  the  change  was  made 
chiefly  to  increase  the  Society’s  effec¬ 
tiveness  in  conservation,  especially  in 
work  with  agencies  that  make  signifi¬ 
cant  land-use  decisions,  and  to  clarify 
the  scope  of  its  concerns. 

At  the  same  time,  chapters  gained 
a  wider  choice  of  chapter  names,  and 

some  will  be  considering  possible 
changes.  Blue  Ridge  Chapter  has  al¬ 
ready  voted  to  ask  board  approval  to 
become  “Blue  Ridge  Wildflower  Soci¬ 
ety,  a  chapter  of  the  Virginia  Native 
Plant  Society.” 

As  part  of  its  planning  to  imple¬ 
ment  the  membership’s  decision,  at  its 
regular  meeting  on  September  25  the 
VWPS  board  approved  a  proposal 
and  established  guidelines  for  devel¬ 
oping  a  new  logo  and  letterhead  de¬ 
sign.  Among  the  planned  changes  is 
the  addition  to  the  letterhead  of  a  brief 
descriptive  phrase  that  will  supple¬ 
ment  the  name  in  conveying  the 
Society’s  scope  and  purpose. 

Several  designs  will  be  presented 

to  the  board  by  graphic  design  stu¬ 
dents  at  Northern  Virginia  Community 
College  (Alexandria),  as  part  of  a  class 
project.  They  will  be  under  the  direc¬ 
tion  of  Communication  Design  Pro¬ 
gram  Head  Bob  Capps,  a  widely  re¬ 
spected  graphic  designer.  Once  the 
board  has  selected  a  design,  the 
symbol  and  basic  design  elements  will 
be  adapted  for  all  the  Society’s  printed 
materials,  including  the  Bulletin. 

At  the  annual  meeting,  members 
also  elected  the  proposed  slate  of  can¬ 
didates  for  office  and  approved  By¬ 
laws  changes  increasing  the  author¬ 
ized  number  of  Directors-at-large  and 
changing  the  structure  of  the  Nominat¬ 
ing  Committee. 

Habitat  Emphasis 

The  Society  is  going  to  stress  the  importance  of  habitats 
and  ecological  relationships  of  our  native  plants  in  all  future 
activities  including  membership  brochure,  Bulletin  articles, 
field  trips,  slide  shows,  conservation  activities,  education  pro¬ 
grams,  Wildflower  Celebration,  Wildflower  of  the  Year,  plant 
rescues,  propagation,  and  sales. 

Each  plant  species  has  its  own  requirements  and  each 
type  of  habitat  supports  a  community  of  plants  and  animals 
that  are  dependent  upon  the  health  of  that  habitat.  Therefore, 
to  preserve  a  species  we  need  to  preserve  its  natural  habitat. 

—  Bulletin  of  the  Virginia  Native  Plant  Society 

From  the  President 

Greetings,  as  the  first  president  of  the  Virginia 
Native  Plant  Society...  that  strikes  a  “strange” chord,  doesn’t 
it?  In  its  six  years  of  working  to  conserve  wildflowers  and 
native  plants  in  Virginia,  the  Virginia  Wildflower  Preserva¬ 
tion  Society  was  nurtured  by  Mary  Painter,  founding  presi¬ 
dent  of  VWPS,  and  by  Mary  Pockman,  president  of  VWPS 
as  it  grew  through  a  stage  of  defining  itself.  Much  akin  to  the 
teen  years. 

Always,  the  concern  for  preserving  our  native  plants 
and  for  effectively  representing  their  needs  has  been  our 
priority.  Efforts  from  each  of  you  have  been  monumental 
and  appreciated  by  all  of  us. 

I  appreciate  the  opportunity  to  continue  the  programs 
begun  by  VWPS  -  Mary  Painter  and  Mary  Pockman.  Also, 

there  is  much  to  anticipate.  We  have  our  first  Wildflower  of 
the  Year  -  the  Virginia  Bluebell  (Mertensia  virginica)  -  to 
bring  us  together  statewide.  well  as  continuing  Virginia 
Wildflower  Celebration  ’89.  We  are  in  the  process  of  pre¬ 
senting  the  Bulletin  prepared  in  a  different  way,  by  our 
newly  elected  publications  chair,  Jenifer  Bradford. 

One  of  the  most  encouraging  things  to  come  to  my  at¬ 
tention  during  October  is  the  report  from  Phoebe  White  re¬ 
garding  our  1988-89  membership  starting  point:  400+ 
members.  This  is  much  stronger  than  fast  year.  Exciting! 

November  1, 1988...weareonourway.  Please  keep  us 
informed  of  your  ideas,  concerns,  and  efforts.  The  power 
behind  our  programs  and  efforts  is  you ..  .members  of  VNPS. 

Nicky  Staunton 

Your  New  Board  of  Directors 




Nicky  Staunton 

Bob  Tuggle 

Rebecca  White 

1st  Vice  President 

Ann  Regn 

Nancy  Arrington 

Larry  Morse 

2nd  Vice  President 

James  A.  Minogue 

Jocelyn  Alexander 

Ken  Wieringo 

Recording  Secretary 

Liz  Smith 

Corresponding  Secretary 

Dorna  Kreitz 


John  White 


Blue  Ridge 

Bruce  Boteler 



Kathleen  Malmquist 


Dorothy  Bliss 

John  Clayton 

Libby  Hodges  Oliver 


Faith  Campbell 


Mary  Painter 


Cris  Fleming 


Marie  F.  Minor 


Phoebe  White 


Karen  Sorenson 


Jocelyn  Alexander 

Prince  William 

Alden  B.  Bradford 

Publications  ' 

Jenifer  M.  Bradford 


Betty  Rosson 


A  publication  of  the 

Virginia  Native  Plant  Society 

Nicky  Staunton,  President 

Jenifer  M.  Bradford,  Editor  Barbara  Stewart,  Artist 

Permission  is  hereby  given  to  reproduce  original  material  con¬ 
tained  in  the  Bulletin,  provided  credit  is  given  to  the  author,  if 
named,  and  to  VNPS,  P.O.  Box  844,  Annandale,  VA  22003. 
Contributions  to  the  Bulletin  are  welcomed  and  should  be  sent  to 
the  Editor  at  10261  Slate  Run  Lane,  Nokesville,  VA  22123.  The 
deadline  for  copy  for  the  next  issue  is  February  13. 

Editor’s  Note 

ALL  copy  submitted  for  publication  should  be 
typed,  double  spaced  with  wide  margins.  Copy  sent 
well  in  advance  of  each  Bulletin  deadline  will  be  greatly 
appreciated.  Bulletin  deadlines  for  1 989  will  be:  Febru¬ 
ary  13,  April  10,  July  10,  and  October  9.  Please  mark 
these  dates  on  your  calendar. 

The  Editor  is  interested  in  receiving  written  com¬ 
ments  on  the  new  format,  type  style,  and  content  as 
found  in  this  issue.  Changes  wi II  continue  to  take  place 
as  a  new  logo  is  developed  and  as  new  policies  are 
formulated.  Watch  out  as  VNPS  progresses.  All  sug¬ 
gestions  are  welcomed. 

Page  2 

Fall/Winter  1988 

Bulletin  of  the  Virginia  Native  Plant  Society 

A  Closing  Word 

November  1  marked  the  begin¬ 
ning  of  a  new  chapter  for  me  as  well  as  for 
the  Society.  As  the  VWPS  became  the 
VNPS,  I  became  past  president,  closing  a 
most  rewarding  three  years.  I  look  forward 
to  continuing  to  be  active  in  the  Society, 
especially  under  Nicky  Staunton’s  leader¬ 
ship,  but  more  selectively  than  is  possible 
for  anyone  who  currently  holds  the  office  of 

In  many  ways,  my  term  ended  and  the 
transition  began  with  the  1988  annual 
meeting.  The  buoyant  spirits  and  camara¬ 
derie  of  that  weekend,  undampened  by  the 
weather  or  the  glitches,  exemplified  what  I 
cherish  most  about  this  organization.  You 
are  a  wonderful  bunch  of  people!  Special 

thanks  to  all  of  you  who  helped  with  the 
annual  meeting,  many  quietly  pitching  in  at 
the  last  minute,  and  made  it  such  a  special 

That  meeting  resolved  one  of  the 
board’s  preoccupations  this  year,  the  pros 
and  cons  of  changing  the  Society’s  name. 
As  I  remember  all  the  group  discussions, 
personal  conversations,  letters  and  phone 
calls  that  have  revolved  around  that  ques¬ 
tion,  two  things  stand  out.  The  first  is  that 
there’s  no  perfect  name  for  this  organiza¬ 
tion;  each  one  considered  has  both  advan¬ 
tages  and  drawbacks.  It’s  a  matter  of 
choosing  what  seems  the  best  compro¬ 
mise  and  making  it  work. 

The  second  is  that  it’s  all  too  easy  to 

get  so  entangled  in  the  words  that  we  lose 
sight  of  the  reality  they  represent.  Our 
fundamental  concern  is  not  any  particular 
combination  of  sounds  or  pattern  of  ink  on 
paper,  useful  as  that  may  be.  It’s  the  plants 
themselves,  and  how  we  human  beings 
treat  them. 

That  might  be  a  good  last  word  -  -  but 
my  closing  word  is  thank  you.  So  many  of 
you,  Society  and  chapter  board  members 
and  “just”  members,  have  worked  long  and 
patiently,  dreamed  what  is  not  yet,  offered 
ideas  and  advice  and  resources  and  criti¬ 
cism,  made  me  think,  laughed  with  me, 
stretched  my  understanding.  To  all  of  you, 
my  deep  gratitude. 

Mary  Pockman 

Eastern  Native  Plant  Alliance  Formed 

The  Eastern  Native  Plant  Alliance 
(ENPA),  uniting  organizations  and  institu¬ 
tions  that  promote  and  demonstrate  native 
plant  conservation,  held  a  lively  and  enthu- 
siastic first  meeting  in  Fletcher,  NC,  in  July. 
Its  purpose  is  to  provide  a  forum  for  sharing 
ideas  and  information,  and  thus  to  stimu¬ 
late  more  effective  programs  in  all  areas 
related  to  plant  conservation.  Member 
groups,  located  in  the  eastern  U.S.  and 
southeastern  Canada,  work  with  native 
plants  in  a  variety  of  ways,  including  public 

education,  display,  cultivation,  habitat 
preservation,  and  research. 

VWPS  was  represented  at  the  July 
meeting,  along  with  about  twenty  others, 
including  native  plant  societies,  botanical 
gardens  and  arboreta,  gardening  organi¬ 
zations,  nurseries  that  propagate  native 
plants,  and  public  agencies.  A  second 
annual  meeting  is  planned  for  the  summer 
of  1989,  with  increased  participation  ex¬ 

The  plan  for  a  body  to  connect  these 

diverse  organizations  has  been  developed 
by  a  group  of  individuals  who  recognized 
the  need  to  respond  to  mounting  interest  in 
native  plant  gardening  with  a  consistent 
conservation  message. 

VWPS  founder  Mary  Painter  was  one 
of  the  initial  planning  group.  She  was  suc¬ 
ceeded  in  1986  by  past  president  Mary 
Pockman,  who  represented  VWPS  at  the 
1 988  meeting  and  will  continue  to  serve  on 
the  ENPA  steering  committee. 

Elaine  Haug  presented  her  “What’s  It?” 
slides  and  we  all  had  to  identify  the  plant 
involved.  Dr.  George  Beatty  from  Penn. 
State  awed  us  all  with  his  wide-screen, 
multi-projector  program,  "Travels  with  Lin¬ 
naeus  in  Lapland."  He  was  the  hit  of  the 
evening.  The  photographs  and  accompa¬ 
nying  Scandinavian  music  soothed  us  all, 
despite  the  rainy,  foggy  night. 

The  weather  was  still  not  at  its  best  on 
Sunday  morning.  The  Board  of  Directors 
met  while  members  were  again  offered  a 
choice  of  field  trips.  As  always,  good  con¬ 
tacts  and  new  friendships  were  cemented. 

Annual  VWPS  Meeting 

Our  Annual  Meeting  was  held  on 
September  23-25, 1988,  at  the  Ski  Lodge, 
Massanutten  Resort,  near  Harrisonburg. 

Exhibits  and  displays  from  many 
chapters  and  affiliated  organizations  were 
set  up  on  Friday  afternoon.  At  8:30  p.m., 
Dr.  Elwood  Fisher,  botanist  from  James 
Madison  University,  presented  slides  of 
favorite  plants  of  the  area. 

Saturday  was  devoted  to  field  trips, 
which  varied  in  length  of  time  and  area  of 
interest.  These  trips  included  the  trails  of 
Massanutten,  Reddish  Knob,  High  Top, 
Pocosin  area  of  the  Shenandoah  National 

Park,  and  a  canoe  trip  on  the  South  Fork  of 
the  Shenandoah. 

The  Gala  Auction  began  at  5:00  p.m., 
under  the  guiding  voice  of  Bob  Lee,  fol¬ 
lowed  at  5:30  p.m.,  by  a  business  meeting. 
Reports,  election  of  officers  (see  list  else¬ 
where),  proposed  amendments  to  the  Ar¬ 
ticles  of  Incorporation  and  Bylaws,  and 
other  important  items  of  business  were 
conducted.  The  name  change  was  voted 
on  and  approved.  It  was  back  then  to  the 
auction  and  reception  until  7:30  p.m. 

A  pig  roast  and  buffet  dinner  was 
served,  followed  by  the  evening  program. 

Fall/Winter  1988 

Page  3 

Bulletin  of  the  Virginia  Native  Plant  Society 


Spiraea  virginiana  (the  Virginia  Spiraea) 

Deep  in  the  gorges  of  some  of  our 
more  remote  rivers  of  extreme  southwest 
Virginia  is  found  one  of  our  rarest  shrubs  - 
the  Virginia  Spiraea.  Here  it  grows  in  sand, 
gravel,  and  among  boulders  of  floodplain 
openings  produced  by  the  high-gradient 
(high-energy)  environment  of  some  of  our 
most  beautiful  and  breathtaking  river 
courses.  A  member  of  the  rose  family,  the 
Virginia  Spiraea  is  closely  related  to  the 
attractive  Meadowsweet,  Steeplebush,  and 
other  cultivated  Spiraeas.  It  is  a  handsome 
plant,  producing  showy  white  clusters  of 
small  white  flowers  against  a  background  of 
deep,  forest-green  foliage. 

The  name  "Virginia  Spiraea”  was 
something  of  a  misnomer  until  just  recently. 
The  plant  was  first  collected  by  Dr.  Mill- 
spaugh  in  1890  from  along  the  Mononga- 
hela  River  near  Morgantown,  West  Virginia 
(see  Clarkson,  Roy  B.  1959.  The  West 
Virginia  Spiraea.  Castanea  24:  143-146) 
but,  presumably  due  to  its  scientific  name, 
common  vernacular  has  traditionally  attrib¬ 
uted  the  plant  to  our  state.  It  was  not  until 
1985,  however,  that  Dr.  Douglas  Ogle  and 

Thomas  Wieboldt  (while  on  a  collecting  trip 
along  the  New  River)  discovered  the  plant 
for  the  first  time  in  Virginia.  Since  then  it  nas 
been  found  in  several  other  localities  in  our 
state.  One  might  say  that  the  Virginia  Spi¬ 
raea  has  finally  “come  home.” 

This  rare  shrub  is  a  true  “southern  Ap¬ 
palachian  endemic,”  known  only  from  West 
Virginia,  south  to  the  mountains  of  northern 
Georgia.  In  Virginia,  it  is  currently  docu¬ 
mented  from  only  four,  highly  localized 

stations  along  rivers  of  the  Cumberland 
Plateau  and  southern  Blue  Ridge  pro¬ 
vinces.  Because  of  its  habitat  preference, 
the  Virginia  Spiraea  tends  to  occur  in  the 
same  places  where  water  impoundments 
have  been  or  might  likely  be  built.  One 
population  occurs  just  below  an  existing 
reservoir  and  another  would  have  been 
destroyed  had  a  proposed  dam  gone 
through.  Other  threats  include  channeliza¬ 
tion,  railroad  construction  and  mainte¬ 
nance,  deposition  of  trash,  and  recreational 
use  of  these  usually  scenic  sections  of  river. 

Because  of  its  extreme  rarity  and  the 
potential  threats  that  it  faces,  the  Virginia 
Spiraea  is  currently  a  strong  candidate  for 
federal  listing  as  Threatened  or  Endan¬ 
gered.  Additionally,  the  Virginia  Natural 
Heritage  Program  has  recently  made  re¬ 
commendations  to  the  Virginia  Department 
of  Agriculture  and  Consumer  Services 
supporting  its  state  listing  as  well. 

Garrie  D.  Rouse 

Beginning  with  the  March  1989  issue  of  the 
Bulletin,  Mike  Lip  ford,  coordinator  of  the  Vir¬ 
ginia  Natural  Heritage  Program,  or  Chris  Ludwig, 
botanist  of  the  VNHP  as  of  November  1,  will  be 
writing  this  column.  Chris  was  formerly  a  botanist 
with  the  Maryland  and  Delaware  Natural  Heri¬ 
tage  Program.  He  also  has  served  as  a  field 
biologist  with  the  U.S.  Fish  and  Wildlife  Service. 

Virginia  Endangered  Plant. . .  .ACT! 

The  Board  of  the  Virginia 
Department  of  Agriculture  and  Consumer 
Services  (VDACS)  has  approved  a  pro¬ 
posal  to  list  12  additional  species  of  plants 
for  protection  under  the  Virginia  Endan¬ 
gered  Plant  and  Insect  Species  Act  (VE- 
PISA).  The  listing  will  provide  the  plants 
protection  under  the  VEPISA  and  allow  for 
the  development  of  a  comprehensive  re¬ 
covery  plan.  These  plants  are: 

Arabis  serotina  (shale  barren  rock  cress)  -  a 
strict  shale  barren  endemic  known  from  fewer 
than  25  stations  in  the  Ridge  and  Valley  Province 
of  Virginia  and  West  Virginia. 

Bacopa  stragula  (mat-forming  water-hyssop)  -  a 
low,  mat-forming  Chesapeake  Bay  endemic 
restricted  to  freshwater  intertidal  mudflats  of 
major  estuarine  rivers. 

Buckleya  distichophylla  (piratebush)  -  a  colonial 
shrub  of  steep  slopes  and  river  bluffs  restricted  to 
the  mountainous  regions  of  the  southern  Appa¬ 

Carex  Polymorpha  (variable  sedge)  -  despite  its 
wide  range  from  Maine  to  Virginia,  this  plant  is 

currently  documented  from  only  a  handful  of 
isolated  stations. 

Fimbristylis  perpusilla  (Harper's  fimbristylis)  -  a 
diminutive  sedge  of  exposed,  muddy  bottoms  of 
coastal  plain  ponds  (or  “bays”),  this  species  was 
reported  for  the  first  time  in  Virginia  in  1986. 
Helenium  virginicum  (Virginia  sneezeweed)  -  a 
wetland  plant  of  seasonally  wet  sinkhole  ponds 
on  the  western  slopes  of  the  Blue  Ridge  Moun¬ 
tains  in  Augusta  and  Rockingham  Counties. 
Helonias  bullata  (swamp-pink)  -  a  wetland  spe¬ 
cies  of  seepage  swamps  with  scattered  relict 
populations  ranging  from  New  York  to  Georgia. 
Ilex  collina  (long-stalked  holly)  -  a  plant  of  high- 
elevation  wetlands  and  rivers  of  the  southern 
Appalachians,  known  from  only  10  sites. 
Iliamna  corei  (Peter's  Mountain  mallow) 
Nestronia  umbellula  (nestronia)  -  a  colonial 
shrub  of  dry  woodlands,  this  species  is  endemic 
to  the  Piedmont  of  the  southeast  ranging  from 
Virginia  to  Alabama. 

Scirpus  ancistrochaetus  (northeastern  bulrush) 
-  a  wetland  species  of  freshwater  marshes  and 
wet  meadows  with  eight  known  localities  ranging 
from  Vermont  to  Virginia. 

Spiraea  virginiana  (Virginia  spiraea)  -  a  hand¬ 
some  shrub  restricted  to  high-gradient  river 
bands  of  the  southern  Appalachians. 

The  list  of  “candidate”  plants  was  pre¬ 
pared  by  the  Virginia  Natural  Heritage  Pro¬ 
gram  under  an  interagency  agreement  with 
VDACS.  However,  authority  for  protecting 
the  plants  rests  with  the  Department  of 
Agriculture,  which  has  now  begun  the 
lengthy  process  of  soliciting  public  com¬ 
ments  and  placing  the  plants  on  the  list. 

The  Virginia  Native  Plant  Society  ex¬ 
pects  to  submit  comments  supporting  the 
proposed  listings  both  during  the  written 
comment  period  in  November-December7, 
1988,  and  during  the  public  hearing  (which 
will  probably  take  place  in  May  ’89).  Mem¬ 
bers  of  the  Society  who  have  information 
about  any  of  these  plant  species  and  threats 
to  their  survival  should  send  such  informa¬ 
tion  to  either  Dr.  Faith  Campbell,  Conserva¬ 
tion  chair,  or  Dr.  Dorothy  Bliss,  Botany 

Page  4 

Fall/Winter  1988 

Bulletin  of  the  Virginia  Native  Plant  Society 

What  Pine  is  That? 

A  mong  the  most  valuable  of  our  for¬ 
est  trees  are  members  of  the  pine  family, 
which  also  includes  spruce,  fir,  and  hem¬ 
locks.  The  latter  three  may  be  easily  distin¬ 
guished  from  pines,  since  eastern  pines 
have  two  or  more  needles  grouped  in 
bundles  or  fascicles  while  the  other  genera 
produce  their  needles  singly.  Of  the  eight 
species  of  pines  that  occur  in  Virginia, 
two ,Pinus  palustris,  long-leaf  pine  and  P. 
serotina,  swamp  or  pond  pine,  grow  natu¬ 
rally  in  only  a  few  southeastern  counties. 
P.  taeda,  loblolly  pine,  is  found  in  the 
eastern  half  of  the  state  and  as  far  west  as 
Albemarle  and  Buckingham  counties.  P. 
echinata,  short-leaf,  and  P.  virginiana, 
scrub  pine,  are  scattered  over  much  of  the 
state  while  P.  strobus,  white  pine,  P. 
pungens,  Table  Mountain  pine,  and  P. 
rigida,  pitch  pine,  are  more  or  less  re¬ 
stricted  to  the  western  half. 

Pines  are  commercially  valuable  for 
lumber,  pulpwood,  paper  products,  cabi¬ 
net  making,  turpentine,  fuel,  and  horticul¬ 
tural  purposes.  Their  seeds  provide  an 
important  food  source  for  many  birds  in¬ 
cluding  chickadees,  quail,  wild  turkeys, 
and  pine  warblers.  The  young  needles  and 
seeds  are  eaten  by  chipmunks,  mice,  and 

squirrels  and  the  white  tail  deer  browse  on 
the  needles.  These  trees  also  furnish 
cover  and  nesting  habitat. 

Some  distinguishing  characteristics 
of  Virginia  pines  are  included  in  the  follow¬ 
ing  chart.  Why  don’t  you  take  this  with  you 
on  your  next  field  trip  and  see  how  many 
pines  you  can  identify?  First  check  the 

length  and  number  of  needles  in  each 
bundle,  then  look  for  the  cones  and  com¬ 
pare  them  with  the  description  (1  in.  =  ap¬ 
proximately  2.5  cm). 

Dorothy  Bliss 
Botany  chair 

Excerpted  from  the  Blue  Ridge  News¬ 
letter,  Vol.  5,  No.  1,  January  1988 

Distinguishing  Characteristics  of  Virginia  Pines 








5  in  a  bundle 

7-13  cm  long 

Slender,  10-1 5cm 
long,  nodding 

Branches  smooth  old  bark 
dark  with  deep  furrows 

Western  half  of  the 



2’s  4-8  cm  long 

4-6  cm  long,  scales  with 
a  small  prickle 

Reddish  brown  broken  into 
shallow  plates 

Poor  soils  most  of 



3's  5-12  cm  long 
stiff,  mostly  twisted 

Egg-shaped  3-9  cm  long 
often  clustered,  scales 
tipped  with  prickles 

Rough  dark  bark 

Most  of  state 
dry,  sandy  soil 



2’s  or  3's  7-13  cm 
long  straight 

5  cm  long,  scales  with  a 
short  weak  prickle 

Bark  broken  into  more  or 
or  less  rectangular  plates 

Over  much  of  state 
except  southwest 




2’s  or  3’s,  4-8  cm 
long,  stout,  stiff 
twisted,  sharp  pointed 

5-9  cm  long,  whorls  of  3  or 
more,  heavy,  woody  scales 
with  stout  recurved  spines 

Bark  in  irregular  red-brown 

Mountains  &  western 
half  of  state,  dry 



3’s  or  2’s  12-25  cm 
long  slender 

6-12  cm  long,  cone  scales 
with  a  stout  triangular  spine 

Reddish  bark  breaking  into 
large  plates 

Eastern  half  of  state 



3’s  20-45  cm  long 

15-25  cm  long  cylindric,  thick 
scales  with  short  prickles 

Thin  scaled  bark 

Few  southeastern 

Pond  or 


3’s  12-28  cm  long 

5-7  cm  long  top-shaped 
weak  prickle 

Flaky  dark,  red  brown 

Pond  margins  coastal 
plain  -  two  counties 

Page  5 

Fall/Winter  1988 


Bulletin  of  the  Virginia  Native  Plant  Society 


^  he  G.  Richard  Thompson  Wildlife  Management  Area 
(WMA),  near  Linden,  in  Fauquier  County,  is  one  of  Northern 
Virginia’s  botanical  treasures.  Aside  from  the  increasingly  cele¬ 
brated  displays  of  trillium  ( Trillium  grandiflorum),  easily  the  most 
dazzling  in  the  region,  and  perhaps  anywhere  by  virtue  of  the  lovely 
setting,  the  area  harbors  several  extremely  important  habitats  with 
unusual  and  rare  plant  species.  Botany  chair,  Gary  Fleming,  has 
done  valuable  work  in  identifying  these  species  and  places. 

When  the  Virginia  Department  of  Game  and  Inland  Fisheries 
announced  plans  for  extensive  timber  cutting  (including  some 
clearcuts)  within  the  WMA,  citing  the  need  for  revenue  and  for 
cutting  mature  oaks  before  extreme  gypsy  moth  damage,  we 
stepped  in.  After  many  conversations  with  an  interested  VNPS 
network,  and  lengthy  correspondence,  we  began  a  good  dialogue 
with  officials  of  the  Department  in  Richmond.  Gary  Fleming  hiked 
the  area  with  the  local  manager  of  the  WMA.  He  supplied  maps 
pinpointing  botanically  important  areas,  and  these  were  sent  to 
Richmond.  To  make  a  long,  involved  story  short,  Richmond  as¬ 
sured  Piedmont  they  would  not  cut  in  the  areas  of  concern.  While 
Richmond  officials  have  been  true  to  their  word,  the  massive  tim¬ 
ber-cutting  machinery,  trucks,  and  wide,  compacted  logging  roads, 
do  no  credit  to  the  Department  entrusted  with  this  land. 

The  story  is  not  yet  done.  Stay  tuned.  The  episode  under¬ 
scores  the  great  importance  of  VNPS  vigilance.  Conservation 
chair,  Jocelyn  Alexander,  would  be  glad  to  hear  from  members  who 
share  a  strong  interest  in  the  WMA.  A  growing  group  is  forming,  a 
loose-knit  “Friends  of  the  Richard  Thompson”  of  sorts. 

Blue  Ridge 

Dorothy  Bliss,  Botany  chair, 
had  a  display  at  the  second  annual 
conference  co-sponsored  by  the  VPI 
Forestry  Department  and  Jefferson 
National  Forest  entitled  “Public  In¬ 
volvement  and  Plan  Implementation.” 

The  conference,  held  on  November  5 
at  VPI,  Blacksburg,  featured  lectures, 
displays,  four  workshops,  ana  a  ques¬ 
tion  and  answer  forum.  Forestry  con¬ 
cerns  were  addressed  in  each  seg¬ 
ment  of  the  program. 

Prince  William 
Wild  flower  Society 

PWWS  has  decided  to  empha- 
size  the  importance  of  trees  this  up¬ 
coming  year,  with  particular  reference 
to  saving  trees  within  the  County.  The 
Rescue,  Conservation,  and  Education 
chairs  will  concentrate  their  major  ef¬ 
forts  to  this  end.  Habitat  will  also  be 
stressed,  in  keeping  with  the  new 
VNPS  policy  statement. 


Aid  for  a  Tropical  Rain  Forest 

Smith  &  Hawken  announced  in  their 
Winter  ’88  catalog  for  gardeners  that  they 
had  donated  $100,000  to  preserve  a  tropi¬ 
cal  rain  forest  on  behalf  of  their  customers. 
The  money  was  given  to  Conservation  In¬ 
ternational,  a  nonprofit  group,  in  a  “debt-for- 
nature”  swap  involving  Conservation 
Bonds.  Customers  were  encouraged  to  join 
their  effort  through  a  Cl  membership.  Nice 
leadership  S&H! 

VNPS  Member  Honored 

Ed  Ballard,  of  the  Potowmack  Chapter 
of  VNPS,  received  a  Certificate  of  Apprecia¬ 
tion  from  the  Northern  Virginia  Community 
Appearance  Alliance.  The  Alliance,  estab¬ 
lished  by  the  1 1 ,000  member  Northern  Vir¬ 
ginia  Board  of  Realtors,  is  to  carry  out  an 
initial  goal  of  identifying  and  rewarding  out¬ 
standing  contributions  to  community  wide 
appearance.  The  Alliance  wishes  to  recog¬ 
nize  and  encourage  quality  new  construc¬ 
tion,  rehabilitation  efforts,  and  overall  en¬ 
hancement  of  the  natural  environment. 

Ed  Ballard  is  tireless  in  his  efforts  to 
promote  protection  and  use  of  native  plants 
by  developers,  county  landscaping,  and 

Photographic  Guidelines 

“Photographers  should  ensure  that 
neithertheirbodies,  equipment,  northeiref- 
forts  to  ‘prune’  distracting  features  of  the 
habitat  cause  direct  or  indirect  damage  or 
exposure  to  the  subject  or  to  other  plants  in 
the  vicinity.”  They  shouldn’t  remove  over¬ 
mature  flowers,  for  example,  so  that  only 
fresh  ones  appear  in  the  picture,  nor  should 
they  tramp  on  surrounding  vegetation  in 
search  of  a  better  specimen. 

Adapted  from  a  letter  to  Audubon, 
September  1988,  written  by  Edward  G. 
Voss,  Curator  and  Professor  at  the  Univer¬ 
sity  of  Michigan  Herbarium,  Ann  Arbor. 

New  Book  Out  in  February 

Native  Shrubs  and  Woody  Vines  of 
the  Southeast,  Landscape  Uses  and  Iden¬ 
tification,  by  Leonard  E.  Foote  and  Samuel 

Jones,  Jr.,  approx.  260  pp.,  220  color 
photos,  hardbound,  $32.95.  Order  from 
Timber  Press,  Inc.,  9999  SW  Wilshire, 
Portland,  OR  97225. 

A  comprehensive  guide  with  land¬ 
scape  recommendations.  Identifies  ap¬ 
proximately  550  species  through  excellent 
keys.  Supplementary  material  includes 
conservation,  plant  photography,  propaga¬ 
tion,  and  derivation  and  ecology  of  the  flora. 

Floral  Handicap 

Golfers  at  Burnham  and  Berrow  Golf 
Club  in  England  are  facing  an  unusual 
handicap  at  their  local  course  -  wild  orchids. 

The  hundreds  of  rare  blooms  have 
prompted  conservationists  to  have  the  area 
designated  one  of  special  scientific  interest. 
Anyone  damaging  them  faces  a  £1,000 

Players  are  now  asking  for  a  rule 
change  so  they  can  move  a  ball  if  it  lands  in 
the  exotic  flowers.  The  president  said,  “We 
love  our  wildlife  -  but  we  have  got  to  play  golf 
too.”  Daily  Mail,  July  7,  1988 

Page  6 

Fall/Winter  1988 

Bulletin  of  the  Virginia  Native  Plant  Society 

New  York  Botanical  Garden  Library 

3  51 


345  5704 

Holiday  Gifts  from  the  VNPS 

Ordering  holiday  gifts  from  the  VNPS  lets  you  please  family 
and  friends  -  -  or  yourself  -  -  and  at  the  same  time  give  a  gift  to  the 
VNPS.  Specifically: 

Ferns  and  Fern  Relatives  of  Virginia,  a  pocket-size  check¬ 
list  compiled  by  VNPS  Botany  Chair  Dorothy  Bliss,  is  brand-new. 
It’s  a  valuable  resource  for  field  trips,  at  just  $1.25.  Currently  in 

Barbara  Stewart’s  beautiful  note  cards  make  thank-you’s 
easy.  A  set  of  1 0,  two  each  of  five  pen-and-ink  drawings  of  Virginia 
wildflowers,  on  blue  or  cream,  is  $7.80. 

Two  excellent  books  for  wildflower  gardeners  are  Harry 
Phillips’  Growing  and  Propagating  Wildflowers  ($17.62)  and 
Henry  Art’s  A  Garden  of  Wildflowers  ($15.53). 

For  those  who  enjoy  plants  in  the  wild,  consider  Earl  Core’s 

Spring  Wildflowers  of  West  Virginia  ($6.17). 

Or  try  one  of  the  handsome  volumes  by  Oscar  Gupton  and 
Fred  C.  Swope:  Wild  Orchids  of  the  Middle  Atlantic  States 
($15.06),  Wildflowers  of  Tidewater  Virginia  ($13.44),  or  Fall 
Wildflowers  of  the  Blue  Ridge  and  Smoky  Mountains  ($1 5.53). 

There  are  still  a  few  VWPS  T-shirts,  in  royal  blue  or  sky  blue, 
in  men’s  S  and  women’s  M  and  L  only,  reduced  to  $6.23.  This  may 
be  your  last  chance. 

Prices  include  mailing  costs  and  Virginia  sales  tax.  Send 
orders,  with  check  payable  to  VNPS,  to  VNPS-Orders,  P.O.  Box 
844,  Annandale,  VA  22003. 

Wildflower  Seeds: 

Economical  and  Satisfying 

To  encourage  gardeners  to  grow  more  native  plants  from 
seeds  or  spores,  the  New  England  Wild  Flower  Society  is  offering 
for  sale  more  than  1 50  varieties  of  wildflowers  and  ferns  in  its  1 989 
Seed  List,  including  natives  for  woodland,  wetland,  and  meadow 

All  requests  for  the  1989  Seed  List  must  be  received  by 
March  1 .  Requests  will  be  filled  in  the  order  received.  Send  a  self- 
addressed,  450  stamped  envelope  (#1 0,  business  size)  to  Seeds, 
New  England  Wild  Flower  Society,  Garden  in  the  Woods,  Hemen- 
way  Road,  Framingham,  MA  01701 .  No  requests  for  Lists  will 
be  honored  without  the  stamped  envelope. 

i - 1 

!  Some  Folks  Are  a  Bit  Dotty! 

...  and  those  people  are  among  our  favorites,  because  a  mailing  label  with  a  dot  indicates  a  member  in  good  standing 
|  through  (and  in  some  cases  beyond)  October  31 , 1 989.  If  you  don’t  have  a  “dotty  label”  join  the  crowd  and  renew! 

The  next  issue  of  the  Bulletin  will  be  sent  to  current  members  only.  Please  complete  the  form  provided  below  and 
send  it,  with  your  check  payable  to  VNPS,  to: 

Virginia  Native  Plant  Society 
|  Membership  Chair 
P.O.  Box  844 
Annandale,  VA  22003 

Name:  _ 

Chapter:  _ 

Category:  _ 

Contribution  _ to  VNPS  _ to  chapter  Total  $  _ 

Categories  include:  Individual  $10;  Patron  $25;  Family  $15;  Student  or  Senior  $5;  Senior  Family  $10; 
Supporting  $50;  Sustaining  $100;  Associate  (groups)  $25;  Corporate  Sponsor  $125;  Life  $250. 

Fall/Winter  1988 

Page  7 

Bulletin  of  the  Virginia  Native  Plant  Society 


VNPS  Board  is  considering  hiring  an  Editorfor 
the  BULLETIN  on  a  trial  basis  (five  issues).  The 
selected  Editor  is  to  be  from  VNPS  membership. 
Strengthening  the  BULLETIN  content  and  ap¬ 
pearance  is  the  goal,  thereby  attracting  member¬ 
ship  growth.  VNPS  Board  invites  interested 
members  to  respond  to  Nicky  Staunton,  President. 
Resumes  are  invited  to  accompany  expressed 

Thank  You 

Special  appreciation  needs  to  be  expressed 
to  Jeni  Bradford,  Publications  chair,  for  the  time- 
consuming  work  she  has  done  to  bring  this  issue 
of  the  BULLETIN  to  you.  At  this  point,  the  Editor's 
job  is  voluntary,  and  Jeni  has  given  time  to  the 
organization  of  copy,  the  location  of  printer,  and 
development  of  copy  with  a  spirit  of  enthusiasm  to 
be  admired. 

"Thank  You"  to  each  contributor  to  this  issue 
of  the  BULLETIN.  We  hope  it  is  well  on  its  way  to 
being  the  effective  publication  needed  by  VNPS. 

The  VNPS  Board 

Wishes  for 

And  a  Happy  New 

a  totaIXy  joy- filled  holiday] 

l)ear  full  of  all  that  you  love  dearDy. 

Virginia  Native  Plant  Society 

formerly  the  Virginia  Wildflower  Preservation  Society 
P.O.  Box  844 
Annandale,  VA  22003 

Non-Profit  Organization 
U.S.  Postage 


PERMIT  NO.  347 
Springfield,  VA 

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NOV  jyyy 


botanical  garden