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Ww York State Museum 

, FREDERICK. iRee se MERRILL Tereetor 

: * Bulletin 71 . 
ZOOLOGY 10 an = 


JAMES L. .KELLOGG Ph. D, Sat jae 
Dye SE A Se ey a 3 Growth under wire netting . ieee 
Growth above the bottom....... 23 
Soa Scr era eye OS SR EMES OS... yan pete eed 
Thee TORN OTe NASON 55 hc ee pean yee a 
SP Sep ee nae 18 | Description of figures........... 26 
AB es TOF | PEioOunesw a8). . 2s. es bac a2 
Peas 22 | Index.................. sees een 28 
1903 . 

Price 10 cents 





University of the State of New York 

With years of election i 

Chancellor, Albany 

WHItELAW ReEip M.A. LL.D. Vice hans New York 

CHAUNCEY M. DEPEW LL.D. - - - New York 
CHARLES BE. Firce LL.B. M-A. l.o. D> Rochester 
Wit11am H. Warson M.A. M.D. LL.D. - Utica 
Henry KE. TurRNER LL.D. - : = ss Lowville 
Si -Crarr- McKEL way MsAy LED. Tipe: 

D.C.1,. Brooklyn 

DANIEL BEACH Ph.D. LL.D. - - - Watkins 
Puiny I. Sexton LL.D. er ee res aliens 
T. GuiiForp SurrH M.A. C.E. LL.D. - Buffalo 
Lewis A. Stimson B.A. L1,.D. M.D. (- - New York 

Superintendent of Public Instruction, ex officio 

CHESTER S. Lord M.A. LL.D. - - - Brooklyn 
THomas A. HenpRicK M.A. LL.D. - - Rochester 
BENJAMIN B. ODELL JR LL.D. Governor, ex officio 

ROBERT C. PRUYN M.A. - - - - Albany 
FRANK W. HIGGINS Lieutenant Governor, ex officio ei 

Joun F. O'BRIEN Secretary of State, ex officio 

CHARLES S. FRANCIS B.S. - - - - Troy 

One vacancy ; 

Elected by Regents 



1888 MrLvin DEwEY M.A. LL.D. State Library and Home Education 

Administrative, College and High School Dep’ | 

1890 FREDERICK J. H. MERRILL Ph.D. State Museum iat 

University of the State of New York 

New York State Museum 

FREDERICK J. H. Merritt Director 

Bulletin 71 





In a previous bulletin of the New York State Museum,! attention 
was directed to the fact that both the hard clam, or little-neck, and 
the common long-neck clam were rapidly diminishing in numbers, 
not only in the waters of New York State, but also along the entire 
Atlantic coast where these forms have previously been found. After 
a careful examination of a large part of the coast of New England 
and Long Island, it appeared that the apprehensions of many mar- 
ket men and clammers concerning the growing scarcity of these 
forms were well founded. It was not intended that the attitude of 
an alarmist should be assumed. Clams still may be had at almost 
any hotel or restaurant. Even if the natural beds alone are depended 
-on, as heretofore, a certain supply may be had for some time. But 
it is certainly true that, unless something is done to check or 
modify the indiscriminate and unintelligent methods of taking these 
forms now in vogue, the supply is finally to fail more or less 
completely everywhere, as it has already failed in many localities. 
That time is not remote. It is difficult for one not personally 
familiar with the clam flats and beaches, and their histories, to 
realize the truth of such a statement. While at any time one may 
obtain fresh or canned lobsters in the market, it is difficult to 
interest him by the statement that he may not long be able to 

1Clam and Scallop Industries of New York State. N. Y. State Mus. 
Bul. 43. 


indulge his taste for them; yet even now lobsters are danger- 
ously near extinction on our coast. But it is the consumer who 
should be interested, if possible, because from him, through his 
representatives in the Legislature, must come the action which 
shall make possible new and intelligent methods of propagation 
which may preserve the supply. 

Unpleasant facts of this kind, in any case, should be eoneiiee 
seriously by the public-spirited citizen; but his interest would be 
enlisted, and his support obtained much more readily, if he could 

_ be shown some practical way out of the difficulty. 

It has been proved, I think beyond question, that, not only are 
methods of cultivating the common clam, Mya arenaria, easy and 
inexpensive, but the results of the labor involved are astonishingly 
great. “Seed” clams may readily be obtained in many localities. 
They may, when necessary, be transported from one place to 
another without injury. The planting is a simple process. Small 
individuals may even be sown broadcast on a soft bottom like so 
much grain. Unlike the oyster, the salinity of the water makes 
little difference with their growth. Most important of all, their 
growth is extremely rapid. 

This method of culture, the details of which have been carefully 
worked out and tested in artificial beds, was developed after a study 
of the life history, the habits, and the conditions of growth. Every- 
thing of scientific interest concerning the form has not been 
investigated. The early stages of development from the egg, for 
example, are not yet known; but enough was known to devise an 
entirely satisfactory and practical method of culture, and this 
method has been thoroughly tested. 

The question may be asked, why, if the demand is increasing 
and prices are rising, if the supply has everywhere fallen off, and 
if a cheap and eee method of culture has been devised, do 
not those who are interested in supplying the market become clam 
“farmers,” instead of remaining clam-diggers? 

The answer is that ancient laws still leave beaches and flats to 
the people. They are public grounds where all have equal rights. 

On them any one may dig at any time. No man has a right to 
plant and protect his clams, and clam culture is impossible. To 


repeal a law of this character is extremely difficult, for it appeals 
to the many as a cession of their rights to the privileged few. But 
all would have equal rights to the property by lease or purchase. 
Good beaches are very numerous, and there is little danger that 
any would be excluded who might desire such property. The sale 
and lease of bottoms to oystermen along the shores of Long Island, 
- have apparently worked injustice to no person who is desirous of 
entering that occupation. At a very few points on the coast, por- 
tions of flats have been leased to clammers. These experiments 
have failed because of a lack of adequate protection. Unless such 
a system, with proper protection, is introduced by the repeal of 
old, and the enactment of new laws, soft clam culture will be 
impossible, and such laws can be had only when they are desired 
by the people at large. 

The little-neck clam, Venus mercenaria, grows most abundantly 
below the low tide line, where it is taken by means of tongs. Much 
of the shallow bottom about Long Island, in which clams were 
formerly taken, has been leased to oystermen. The profit from 
oyster culture is much greater, acre for acre, than that derived 
irom the taking of hard clams, which are left to propagate by the 
natural method. ‘The areas left to clammers are now limited, and 
the greater part of the supply used in the canning industry comes 

from the southern coast. At the same time, clams are rapidly 
- diminishing in the available beds. 

The little-neck is also found between tide lines. This fact 
suggested experiments to determine whether they grow well in 
such places. Beaches and flats are not now generally available 
by lease. If this were given, these areas could be more easily 
protected than those in deeper water, and the matter of planting 
and digging would be greatly simplified. It is of the utmost 
importance, however, that clams not continually submerged 
should increase in size with some degree of rapidity, to insure the 
success of culture methods under these conditions. An account 
will be given of this growth in Venus. 

Very little is known of the growth of lower organisms. Among 
the Lamellibranchiata, the group of mollusks to which the clams 
belong, much is known concerning the growth of the oyster, 
which, for many years, has been artificially reared in Europe and 


America. But, till very recently, no observations have been 
made on the growth of any clam. In work for the United States 
Fish Commission, the results of which have not yet been pub- 
lished, Mya was reared in many places, the experiments being 
carried out on a large scale. In many ways the results were 
astonishing, particularly in regard to the rapidity of growth. 
Not only was the actual amount of growth observed, but also 
the conditions under which it was least and most rapid, or 
altogether impossible. It was my desire to continue the same 
line of work with Venus, as nothing was known concerning its 
growth or the conditions governing it. Though from lack of 
time and facilities, these experiments were not extensive, they 
were most encouraging, and show that this form also increases 
in size rapidly, even when exposed at low tide. 

Feeding habits of Venus. Growth a matter of food 

Within wide limits, rapidity of growth in clams seems to depend 
directly on the amount of food. In order to make clear the con- 
ditions under which rapid growth is possible, the feeding habits of 
Venus should be described. 

Before such a description is possible, some anatomical features 
must be noticed. In a clam bed, the animal lies but a short dis- 
tance below the surface of the bottom. Though the shell is entirely 
hidden, the creature reaches up to the water above: by means of a 
fleshy extension of the body, which has the form of a double 
tube. These tubes are known as the siphons, and may quickly be 
retracted within the valves of the shell. Ona smooth bottom, the 
ends of the siphons may be seen, when the animal is undisturbed, 
extending out to the level of the surface. A close inspection will 
show that a steady stream of water is entering one tube [fig. 1, 
m. S| and leaving the other [er. s]. The margin of the first tube 
is crowned by short, tactile tentacles. When touched by foreign 
bodies floating in the water, these sense organs cause a closing 
of the incurrent siphon, or perhaps a retraction of the entire 
structure. The microscopic diatoms, which form the food of 
clams, are so small and so evenly diffused in the currents, that 
they do not induce these movements. 


When the animal is removed from the bed, the tight fitting 
valves of the shell are found to be firmly closed. It may be neces- 
sary to break the shell in order to insert a knife blade by means of 
which the two powerful muscles which connect the valves, and 
by their strong contraction close them, may be cut. Removing 
one half of the shell, it is seen that both shell valves are lined on 
their inner surfaces by thin, fleshy flaps which grow out from the 
sides of the body. These are known as the mantle folds [fig. 1, m], 
and they inclose a large space, the mantle or branchial chamber, 
in which is found the main part of the body. The body, however, 
does not entirely fill the mantle chamber, but a large space remains 
which is filled with water. The siphons are seen to be simply a 
modified portion of the mantle. It is into this space that the 
inflowing stream of water, bearing the microscopic food, must 
enter. The manner in which the food is collected and passed into 
the mouth will be described presently. While the mantle folds 
are free at their margins, their edges are closely applied to each 
other, and the mantle chamber is essentially a closed space, except- 
ing for the siphonal openings. 

If now one of these mantle folds be cut away, the body is 
exposed from the side and appears as represented in figure I. 
The mantle fold on the farther side is shown at m, lining the 
entire inner surface of the shell valve, s. 

Two large, conspicuous folds, ig and og, the gills, arising from 
the side of the body, hang free in the mantle chamber. In this 
position, they are continually bathed by the incoming stream of 
water, and they perform a very important function in addition to 
that of the aeration of the blood —that of food collection. Just 
anterior to the gills, and behind the large anterior adductor muscle, 
aa, are two small folds, ap and pp, the labial palps. The portion 
of the palp seen in the figure, ap, is simply the lateral extension of 
a fold which hangs in front of the mouth like a huge lip drawn out 
to a point on the sides. The posterior palp is similarly placed 
behind the mouth. The mouth opening is on the median line 
behind the anterior adductor muscle, and is hidden from view by 
the closely applied palps. It is a funnellike entrance to the 
digestive tract, and, because the food of the clam is microscopi- 


cally small, it is supplied with no special organs such as teeth or 
rasping structures. 

I would call particular attention to the relation in position 
between these palps and the anterior edges of the gills; for I wish 
presently to describe the manner in which food is transferred from 
gills to palps, and by these into the mouth. 

When the gills are removed, there is exposed the main mass of 
the body [vm, fig. 2] which is made up chiefly of a large colored 
gland, the function of which is the secretion of the digestive fluid, 
and the greatly developed sexual glands. This body in anatom- 
ical descriptions, is called the visceral ‘mass, to distinguish it 
. from the muscular organ which is developed on its under or 
ventral surface —the so called foot, f. The last named organ 
is represented in the figure as being contracted within the 
mantle chamber. It is capable of great distension and, in a 
large clam, may be projected for a distance of two or three 
inches from the edges of the shell. Though a fleshy structure, 
it is, when protruded, quite tough and firm, being made rigid by a 
large quantity of blood which is pumped into it by the heart, in 
order to cause its distension. The foot is an organ of locomotion, 
and is also used in burrowing. It is possible for Venus to creep 
about by means of its thrusting and wormlike movements; but I 
believe that the animal uses it in this way much less than is 
generally supposed, and this is a point of much interest to the 
clam culturist. 

In order to understand the mechanism by means of which food 
is collected, it is necessary to describe in more detail the structure 
of gills and palps. The gills are the most complicated organs 
in the bodies of lamellibranchs, and must be described here as 
briefly and as simply as possible, without mentioning their won- 
derful histological structure. Outer and inner gills are practically 
the same. Suppose that one of these is carefully removed from 
its line of attachment to the body, and studied by means of the 
microscope from the surface and in section: such an examina- 
tion shows the gill to be not a solid flap or fold, but an 
exquisitely minute basketlike structure with an outer and 
inner wall inclosing a space between. These walls are made 


of extremely fine rods placed side by side, as represented 
in the most diagrammatic way possible in figure 3. In order that 
these rods, r, may retain their position, they are in many forms, 
irregularly fused with each other by secondary lateral growths of 
tissue, ic. The outer and inner walls of the gill are also held 
together by partitions which extend across the inner space between 
‘them, p. The gill is thus seen to be basketlike, the walls being 
made of rods between which are spaces, s, which put the interior 
chamber in communication with the mantle space in which the 
gills hang. 

These rods, or filaments, of which the gill is made, contain an 
interior space in which the blood flows. They were probably | 
primarily developed in order that the blood of the body might be 
brought in close contact with the water, that, by diffusion, the 
carbon dioxid of the blood might pass outward through the thin 
walls, while, by the same process, oxygen, carried by the water, 
might pass into the blood. But, in addition to performing the 
function of breathing, the gills have taken on that of collecting 
minute organisms used as food. This is accomplished by a com- 
plicated process. 

We have seen that a constant stream of water entered the mantle 
or branchial chamber. What becomes of it? And what is it that 
causes the current? All of this water inthe mantle chamber streams 
through the minute openings between the filaments of the gill and 
enters its interior space. It now rises to the base of the gill, and 
flows into a tube, the epibranchial chamber [fig. 1, ec], through 
which it passes backward, leaving the body by the upper or exhalent 
siphon, which is directly continuous with the epibranchial chambers 
of the four gills. The currents which we first noticed, then, enter 
the mantle chamber by the lower siphon, pass into the interiors of 
the four gills, flow to their upper or attached edges, and are directed 
backward and out through the upper siphon tubes of the mantle. 

The cause of these rapid currents is revealed by a microscopic 
examination of the rods or filaments of the gills. These are found 
to be covered on their outer surfaces, which face the water on 
both sides of the gill, with innumerable short, hairlike structures 
which project perpendicularly from the surface. These cilia 


are protrusions of the living protoplasm of the cells which form 
the walls of the filaments. Each possesses the power of movement, 
lashing in a definite direction, and recovering the original per- 
pendicular position more slowly. This movement is so rapid that 
it can not be seen till nearly stopped by inducing the gradual 
death of the protoplasm. It is very effective in causing strong 
currents in the surrounding water. ; 

A microscopic examination, and direct experiment with minute, 
floating particles, will show that other cilia are present on the 
filaments than those which cause the water to enter the gills. The 
diagrammatic figure of the gill [fig. 3] does not show why the 
minute food particles may not be taken into the interior of the 
gill by the entering stream of water, and finally out of the body 
through the broad water channels. This is prevented by long 
cilia arranged in bands which project out laterally between con- 
tiguous filaments in such a way as to strain the water which enters 
the gill, thus preventing all floating matter from entering. These 
highly specialized cilia tracts of lamellibranch gills, I have called 
the “straining lines.“t In some forms there is a single line, in 
others there are two. In some cases the lines are formed by a 
single row of cells; or a section across the line sometimes reveals 
several closely crowded cells bearing the greatly elongated strain- 
ing cilia. 

That foreign matter is really excluded as the current of water 
enters the gill, may be demonstrated by direct experiment on a 
living gill. Carmine may be ground into a fine powder, and 
suspended in water without becoming dissolved. If a small 
amount of this is allowed to fall on the surface of a living gill, it 
will be seen to lodge there. A wonderful thing now occurs. A 
myriad of separate minute grains, which may represent the food 
of the clam, are almost instantly cemented together by a sticky 
mucus which is secreted by many special gland cells in the fila- 
ments, and the whole mass, impelled by the oscillations of the 
cilia, begins to move with some velocity toward the lower 
or free edge of the gill. On this free margin is a groove 
into which the material collected on the faces of the gill is turned. 

1 Kellogg, J. L. Contribution to Our Knowledge of Morphology of Lamelli- 
branchiate Mollusks. U.S. Fish Com. Bul. 1892. 


This groove is also lined by ciliated cells, and the whole mass is 
swept swiftly forward in it toward the palps. The natural food 
of the clam, of course, is carried forward in the same way. It is 
evident that a large proportion of the organisms floating in the 
water which enters the mantle chamber must come in contact with 
the sides of the gills, and be carried forward to the mouth folds, 
to which they may be transferred. 

These points may be made more clear by referring to the diagram 
[fig. 4]. It represents a section made transversely across the fila- 
ments of a typical lamellibranch gill. In a single gill there are 
thousands of these rods. But five are shown here on each side, 
standing in row to form the perforated walls of the gill. Each rod 
is represented as being more or less oval, when its cut end is 
viewed in this way. In three places are shown the lateral union 
of filaments. The reference letters ig are supposed to be placed - 
in the interior space of the gill, and » shows the nature of the 
partition, or septum, which, at more or less regular intervals, 
stretches across this space and holds the two walls of the gill 

The details of cellular structure have been drawn in two 
filaments. The long, straining cilia, which stretch across the spaces 
between rods, are shown at sc, and the arrow indicates the course 
taken by the water current as it enters the interior of the gill. The 
cilia which cause this entering current are the frontal cilia, fe. 
Opening on the surface between them and the straining cilia are 
the gland cells, gc, the secretion from which cements together the 
food particles. 

This figure is not intended to represent the details of structure 
found in the gill of Venus, which is much more complicated in 
‘aany ways. The general plan of structure and of function in that 
form, however, is very much as represented, and this diagram is 
used because it may be so much more easily described. : 

If we now examine the palps with a hand lens, we may notice 
that their inner surfaces—those nearest to the mouth — are 
covered by a set of very fine parallel ridges. The lateral portions 
of the palps are shown in figure 2, ap and pp. They are capable of 
many movements. They may be bent and spirally twisted, 


lengthened or shortened, and, if their inner faces touch the edges 
of the gills, any material which is being brought to this region is 
transferred onto the ridges of the palp. This is accomplished by 
strong cilia which are developed on the ridges. These same cilia 
carry the foreign matter on across the ridges, and finally force it 
into the mouth [arrow on pp]. 

_ This, in brief, is the method by which clams and oysters wid 
other lamellibranchs collect and ingest their food. The process, 
till very recently, has not been closely studied, but this auto- 
matic feeding process has been known in a general way for a 
long time. It has sometimes been said that, if a lamellibranch 
is to prevent suspended mud from being collected by the 
gills, it must close its shell, thus entirely preventing all ingress 
of water into the body. It has been found that these creatures 
have no more control over the activities of the cilia which have 
been described than a man has over the cilia in his trachea. As 
long as the animals live, the cilia continue to lash in the same 
definite directions, though their activities soon become lessened 
after the shell is removed. 

But I have found that the animal can prevent food or particles 
of dirt from being taken to the mouth while the stream of water 
is yet flowing. It seems never to have been suspected that 
complicated mechanisms existed, by means of which collected 
particles could at once be discharged from the body. They are 
present, however, probably in all lamellibranchs, differing some- 
what in different forms, and I shall describe the comparatively 
simple one which is found in Venus. © 

If the mantle and gills are removed from one side of the body, 
so as to expose the visceral mass and the foot, and the creature is 
put into a dish of sea water, grains of carmine, which are allowed 
to settle on the surface of the visceral mass, at once indicate the 
presence of a ciliation there, as well as on palps and gills. These 
experiments require care and patience, but they show with great 
certainty that the most definite cilia currents exist in this region. 
These are indicated by the arrows placed on the visceral mass in 
figure 2. It will be seen that all the currents converge at a definite 
point, x, just above the line of the base of the muscular foot on the 


posterior margin of the visceral mass. Any material, then, which 
touches this surface, instead of being taken toward the mouth, 
tends to be forced in the opposite direction. Immediately on 
touching the wall of the visceral mass, the fine particles are 
‘cemented together by an abundant mucus, as on the gills.’ When 
much carmine or mud is used, a large ball of it is collected at x. 
It will be noticed that this region lies directly in the path of the 
incoming stream of water from the branchial or lower siphon; and 
at first sight it would seem that from this position there could be 
no means by which it could escape from the mantle chamber. 
Clams undisturbed in the bottom, however, from time to time 
may be seen to discharge a strong jet of water from both siphons. 
This habit of many lamellibranchs is better shown in Mya. When 
these clams are kept in a bucket of water over night, the floor will 
be wet for many feet around it in the morning, and indeed one 
may at any time when they are so kept, see them violently close 
the shell by contracting the adductor muscles, thus emptying the 
mantle chamber by throwing a strong jet out of both siphons. 
This peculiar habit of all lamellibranchs which have been observed 
is, without doubt, for the purpose of removing masses of material 
which the animal can not use as food. 

This is not the only means of discharging undesirable material 
from the mantle chamber. If the entire body be removed, leaving 
only the mantle lining the sheil on one side, it also will be found 
to be ciliated. In this case, as illustrated in figure 5, everything 
is swept downward toward the free edge of the mantle, and falls 
into a line parallel with the edge, and is then directed backward. 
Particles which may fall on the extreme edge are also passed into 
this well marked stream. Everything is directed backward, but 
_can not be carried out of the incurrent siphon against the stream 
which is entering through it. Ina little bay beneath the base of 
the siphon, where it is out of the current, the material is collected. 
By the contraction of the adductor muscles, and the resulting 
emptying of the mantle chamber, as described above, this col- 
lected mass is expelled. ! 

But, in spite of the activities of these two surfaces, which tend. 
to rid the body of material not fit for food, it is evident that, if 


much mud is entering, large quantities of it must be collected on 
the gills and be sent forward toward the mouth. I have spoken 
of the fact that the palps are capable of extended movements. Ii 
they are withdrawn so as not to touch the gills, material will 
accumulate in the anterior parts of the gill grooves till masses are 
formed so large that they fall off into the space of the mantle 
chamber below — perhaps to be taken up by the currents on the 
mantle. At any rate, they would be discharged when the mantle 
space was emptied. I have no doubt, especially after what I have 
observed in forms like Yoldia, that the palps of Venus are from 
time to time withdrawn from contact with the gills, in order 
that they may receive no material from them. 

It is when we come to examine the palps that we find the most 
complex arrangement for keeping material from entering the 
mouth when that is desirable. A close examination of the inner 
faces of the palp shows a narrow strip around its margin which 
is without the ridges previously described. Both of these margins 
are very densely ciliated. When suspended material falls on the 
upper margin, it is carried up onto the surface of the ridges [fig. 
2, um] and across them to the mouth. Anything which touches 
the other margin, on the other hand, is swept with great rapidity 
in the other direction— out to the end of the palp, where it 
accumulates and is finally thrown off into the mantle chamber 
below. It is true that this margin is narrow, and not much 
material suspended in the water would strike it; but probably 
when a large quantity is collected on other parts of the palp, 
this edge is folded over so as to touch these heavily laden sur- 
faces, and sweeps them clean. 

It thus appears that there are extensive ciliary tracts for collect- 
ing and conveying food to the mouth; but that, in addition to 
these, there are other ciliated surfaces by means of which unde- 
sirable material may be excluded without the necessity of closing 
the shell. Because of the advantage of sustaining the 
aeration of the blood, this must be of very great service when the 
water is muddy. 

In this description of the feeding habits of Venus many 
important details have been omitted, particularly in regard to the 


anatomy of the gill, which is much more complicated than is 
indicated in the figures. 

The question of food is an important one when we are searching 
for means of rearing this clam by some culture method. In order 
to force the growth of oysters in French claires, water is held in 
reservoirs back of the beds till the contained diatoms may have 
multiplied greatly, and is then allowed to run over the beds. Such 
methods are expensive, and under proper natural conditions, Venus 
will grow very much faster than either the European or American 
oyster. Enough has been said of the food of Venus to make it 
clear that, if it were raised on beaches or flats, we should not 
expect to find so rapid a growth as if it were never exposed, for 
feeding is impossible without water currents. I hope to show, 
however, that growth seems to be very rapid even under these 

Growth experiments 

Before speaking of these experiments, it will be well to make 
it clear that the planting was done on a small scale, and was 
pursued under the most adverse circumstances. I believe that the 
results as we have them are perfectly certain — and they are most 
satisfactory as they are; but I am also sure that under favorable 
conditions growth would have been very much greater. 

A trip was made to Riverhead, and the shore examined carefully 
as far as Greenport. Many clams are found along this shore, 
and several sites were located, which, so far as currents and char- 
acter of bottom were concerned, seemed to be ideal. In every 
case, however, | was assured that clams would allowed to 
remain unmolested for a week. So certain did this seem, that the 
very much less favorable harbor at Cold Spring, on the sound, 
was selected. Here also it appeared that no portion of any of the 
beaches would be free from molestation by clam-diggers. The 
only thing to be done was to ask the privilege of a small space on 
an oyster bed which extended close to the low water mark. This 
was granted by Captain Jones, who has my sincere thanks for 
this favor, and also for the kindly interest which he showed in the 

The rights of the oystermen seem to be strictly respected. I 
ventured to run some of my beds up on the narrow beach nearly 


to the high tide line, marking them by labeled wires which were 
run down out of sight. These I easily found in the winter, but some 
of the beds had been raked clean. Others certainly escaped ob- 
servation. Before planting, the ground was raked, that I might 
be assured that no little-neck clams were presentinit. Jam very 
positive that the beds and sealed wire cages on the oyster ground 
had not been touched when they were examined after an interval 
of six months. 

But the unfavorable conditions were these. Everywhere above 
and below these beds, oysters covered the bottoms as close as they 
could lie. They take from the water the same floating organisms 
which Venus uses for its food. Everywhere, too, above and below 
low tide line, soft clams were burrowed almost as close as they 
could be placed. They also use the same food. Now, we have 
experimental evidence to show that the growth of all these forms 
is, up to a certain point, directly proportionate to the amount of 
food. They all grew here; for, on account of the conditions of the 
upper harbor, where at high tide the shallow water, fed by fresh- 
water streams, was warmed for hours by the sun, diatoms must 
have multiplied with great rapidity, and, when carried out, 
offered abundant food. But undoubtedly none of these lamelli- 
branchs grew as they would if the life of the bottom had not been 
so abundant. 

As an example of the number of these organisms on the bot- 
tom, this case may be cited. A flowerpot, 4 inches across the top, 
filled with clean sand, was sunk nearly to the level of the ground 
on June 19, 1901. In it was placed a little-neck clam. When 
_ examined Dec. 28 of the same year—six months afterward—the 
sand in this pot contained 11 soft-shelled clams ranging from half 
to three quarters of an inch in length, besides the hard clam, which 
had increased considerably in size. These soft clams had settled 
in the pot from the swimming larval condition, as they settled 
elsewhere on the bottom, and had begun to grow. It is most 
reasonable to suppose that, if this hard clam had been growing on 
almost any beach where less life was being supported, its growth 
would have been more rapid, for diatoms are more or less abund- 
ant all along the shore. 




Another serious hindrance to the growth of clams is the presence 
of the seaweeds, Ulva (sea lettuce) and Enteromorpha which, . 
during the greater part of the year, grow profusely after their 
attachment to large pebbles or other solid bodies on the bottom. 
‘Not only the larger stones on these beds, but, especially, the wire 
cages which were sunk into the bottom, were in December 
more or less completely covered by them. In extended experi- 
ments on the growth of the soft clam, Mya, the same difficulty 
was met with in many localities. The masses of weed, flattened 
out on the bottom by the tide currents, greatly hinder the clams 
underneath from obtaining from the water their needed food. 
My experiments with both forms show that this condition is 
detrimental to the best results. If one were free to select 
sandy ground which would afford no means of attachment, this 
difficulty would not appear. 

These matters are spoken of in detail because the results which 
will be given should, without doubt, have been far greater. Any 
one with rights to certain parts of a beach, who could watch his 
beds at all times of the year, could, with very little labor, prevent 

. these drawbacks. c 

Still another difficulty attending the work at Cold Spring was 
the fact that it was almost impossible to obtain clams small enough 
for planting. None were to be had in this locality. A number 
were sent from Jamesport, L. J., but most of them were of 
marketable size, and hence too large for the most important part 
of the experiment. The smaller ones came from New Bedford 
Mass., and these had perhaps previously been received from Edgar- 
town. It must however be said that the hard clam, like the oyster 
and quite unlike the soft clam, Mya, will live for many days, and 
even for weeks, after being removed from the water during the 
hot summer time, without apparent injury. The soft clam may be 
preserved in this way for a long time during the winter, and very 
small individuals may safely stand much exposure in hot weather; 
but the larger forms of this species succumb after a short time. 
The tenacity of life in‘the small Venus may also be greater than 
in the adult, but nothing is known in regard to it. 



Each clam was measured in sixteenths of an inch at the time of 
planting, and also when taken from the bottom six months after- 
ward. Merely to state the increase in length, however, gives no 
adequate idea of the actual growth. It is much better to give the 
increase in volume. To state that a clam increases from 
1,2, to 14% inches in a certain time gives little idea of its actual 
growth. If individuals of the two sizes are held in the hand and 
compared by the eye, the bulk of one is seen to be much greater 
than that of the other. It is really this increase in volume which 
we wish to determine, so each clam was measured also by deter- 
mining its displacement in water. A table was made showing the 
displacement of clams of various sizes. For example, many indi- 
viduals just 1 inch in length were measured in a graduated vessel. 
There is some slight variation, because some are thicker than 
others. The average of many measurements, however, show that 
a clam of this length displaces 2.5 ‘The average displace- 
ment of other sizes was determined in the same way. 

To illustrate the difference in the two ways of stating the increase, 
we may compare clams I and 2 inches in length. One is 100% 
longer than the other. One has a volume of 2.5, the other a 
volume of 22; and, while a clam 1 inch long has increased in 
length 100%, it has increased in bulk or volume 780%. This increase 
‘in size or volume is what we wish to determine. 

Suppose that in a certain bed are placed clams all of a size. 
When these are dug, after a lapse of several months, some indi- 
viduals will have increased in size more than others, though the 
differences may not be great. In order to determine the increase 
in such a bed, the arithmetical mean length of the whole series 
has been calculated, and the volume of the mean has been com- 
pared with the volume of the clams when planted. 

In one bed, for example, several clams 1 53, inches in length were 
planted. In six months they were removed, and the length of each 
individual carefully measured. There was some individual variation 
in the length; so the mean length of the series was calculated. It 
was found to be 14? inches. The average volume of clams 1,3, 
inches long is 4.5; that of individuals 143% inches long is 


14.5, or 3.22 times as great. The increase in volume in the 
six months, therefore, was 2224. 

Growth between tide lines 

The most important point brought out in this experiment is the 
fact that growth is considerable on bottoms exposed for several 
hours at low tide. This is shown in the following cases. . 

A line of flowerpots was run from below ordinary low water 
mark up the steeply sloping beach to a point about two feet below 
the ordinary high water line, the fall of the tide being about six 
feet. The pots were sunk so that their tops were level with the 
ground, and were separated by a space of about two feet. June 19, 
1901, there was placed in each of these pots a clam 1.25 inches, or — 
to give the measurements for convenience’s sake in sixteenths of 
one inch — 1,4, inches in length. These were examined, after an 
interval of six months, on Dec. 28. Some of the pots were empty 
er contained dead shells. In the first or highest, the clam had 
grown to a length of 144 inches, an increase of 148% in volume in 
the half year. If we had no other example of growth, this would 
be very suggestive, for the increase is great, the creature having 
become in this short period almost two and a half times as large 
as when planted. 

We should expect to find still greater growth with longer 
immersion.. In the second pot, the clam had increased 154%, and 
in the third, still lower down, 172%. 

The fourth pot was empty. In the fifth, the increase, instead of 
being greater still, was only 87%. The explanation of this seems to 
be perfectly clear, and is exemplified in several other cases. Around 
‘the margin of this pot there had grown a large quantity of Ulva. 
There was much of it at this level of the beach, while higher up 
it was not abundant. Without doubt this seaweed was flattened 
out over the top of the pot by the current, in such a way as to 
prevent free access to the food-bearing stream, and for this reason 
growth was not so rapid. 

The presence of these weeds, which grow on so many bottoms, 
should not seriously inconvenience the clam culturist. They may 
be removed without difficulty with a rake, and do not grow 
abundantly on a surface which is reasonably smooth. If it had 


been possible to visit these beds a few times during the summer, 
the results in the case of many lower beds would undoubtedly 
have been different. 

In pots still lower down, all of which were covered with Ulva, 
the growth was much the same as in the fifth — from 80% to 100% 
increase, : : 

In this line of pots, then, the fact is demonstrated that between 
tide lines, hard clams 1.25 inches long may increase 2.5 times or 
more in volume in half a year. Localities more favorable for their 
growth could easily be found. If experiments were made on a 
large scale, I should expect to get a more rapid average growth 
even where the forms were exposed at low tide, and a much greater 
increase on bottoms which are never exposed. As it is, this growth 
as compared with that of the oyster is marvelously rapid, just as 
it is in the soft clam. 

It should be noticed that we are not attempting to make extended 
generalizations on the data given by four or five individual clams. 
Two clams side by side will not increase at the same rate. It is 
possible that one might grow twice as fast as another. But, if we - 
had a single case in which we were certain of the amount of increase, 
it would assuredly indicate the possibilities of growth, and the 
chances are that it would not by any means be the limit of- 

On the other hand, when we compare the growth in pots 1, 2 and 
3. and find a progressive increase from the higher to the lower pot 
—an increase of 145%, 154% and 172%— our induction is founded 
on insufficient data, and really means nothing. The result is as we 
should expect it, but it may be entirely accidental. But it is sug- 
gestive, and, if it were possible to observe many rows of clams 
similarly placed, we might .reasonably expect to establish it. 
Unfortunately it has not been possible to do this. 

The simple case of the line of flowerpots has been spoken of 
first because it was more or less typical of the results obtained in 
many small beds planted under similar conditions. Many hundreds 
of clams, after being carefully measured, were segregated into 
groups according to length and planted together. Their growth 
substantiates the results obtained in the flowerpots. 


Very briefly the following results will be described. Several 
small beds, each with an area of 16 square feet, were laid out on 
the gravel between tide lines: A group of these was separated by 
an interval of 20 or 30 yards from another group. Most of these 
small plots were within the boundaries of the oyster bed already 
mentioned, but some were above the line of the bed, and a few 
of them were dug clean. Others were not discovered by clam 
diggers, and apparently entirely escaped molestation. 

In each of these small beds, clams all of a size were planted. 
The number on a bed varied from 100 to 175. I would call particu- 
lar attention to the fact that on the deeper beds, where the tide 
currents were swiftest, larger stones were exposed, and there was 
here an abundant growth of seaweed, which was not found farther 
up on the beach. This always interfered seriously with the growth 
of the clams. 

For example, on these beds which were below the ordinary low 
_ tide line, where we should expect to find the most rapid growth, 
there was an increase in volume in clams 112 inches long, of 35%; 
in those 144, inches long, of 41%; and in those 14% inches long of 
42%. 1am allthe more certain that this low rate of growth is to be 
explained by the presence of the seaweed, because I had previously 
had the same experience in a much larger experiment in the soft 
clam. F ortunately, as I have already stated, a little labor by one 
who is able to be on the spot during the entire year would prevent 
this result. 

Some of the higher beds, however, which from the character 
of the bottom were free from the weed, gave different results, and 
show the possibilities of growth much better. On a bed only three 
or four feet from ordinary high water line, there was placed on 
July 6, 130 clams, 134 inches long. On Dec. 30, almost the entire 
number was removed. Some had increased more than others. 
The mean of the series was calculated, and showed an increase 
of 255% in volume in a little less than six months. 

On another bed, somewhat lower, 150 clams 1,8 inches long had 
increased 157% in volume. One of the things to be expected is that 
clams of smaller size would show a relatively greater growth. It 
has not been possible to make comparisons to demonstrate this 


because of the influence of the seaweed on so many beds. The 
variation in the size of planted clams in this experiment was from 
1°; inches to 14% inches in length, and this is not a very great 

On a third bed, also situated well up on the beach, clams 18 
inches long when planted had increased 155% in volume in the six 
months. Whether the amount of food in the summer is greater 
than in the winter, I do not know. I have no doubt that the 
increase goes on during the winter months, though, it may be, 
with diminished rapidity. It would be extremely interesting to 
carry out these experiments on a large scale through the entire 
year. These facts certainly show that the possibilities of growth 
in Venus are very great, and indicate that its artificial culture 
between tide lines would be easy and inexpensive, and that it would 
yield large results. Considering the place which the little-neck 
has in the markets, it would seem that the artificial culture of the 
form should yield a larger income than does the culture of the 
oyster as carried on in Long Island sound. The latter is expensive 
and laborious, and growth is very much slower than in the case of 
either of the clams. 

Wandering habits of Venus 

The soft or long-neck clam, Mya, is capable of locomotion only 
when very small. As the body increases in size, the foot, or loco- 
motor organ, becomes relatively smaller. An individual 2 inches 
long, while it can not move along the stirface of the bottom, is 
still able to use the foot as a burrowing organ. When it has 
attained a length of 3 or more inches, however, it seems to be 
incapable even of covering itself in the bottom. 

In the case of the hard clam, Venus, on the contrary, the foot 
remains throughout life a very well developed locomotor organ. 
Though no definite experiments have been made to demonstrate 
what it is able to do, one might assume, from the size of the 
organ and its power of extension as demonstrated in aquaria, 
that the animal is able at all times in its life, not only to burrow 
but also to move from one locality to another, as the fresh-water 
clams, with a similar foot, are known to do. 


The beds in this experiment were planted with the fear that the 
clams would wander. The result, however, showed conclusively 
that they do not have this habit — or that they did not exhibit it 
in this particular case. The clams were found where they were 
placed within the limits of the original beds. Careful digging 
around the margins of the beds failed in every instance to show 
any wandering tendencies. 

Growth under wire netting 

In order to be perfectly certain that clams should have no means 
of escape, three cages of wire netting were constructed, bounding 
the margins of the area containing clams in each case to a depth 
of 5 inches and covering the top. These forms never burrow to 
a greater depth than this, and there was no possibility of escape. 
In each case the netting remained intact, and certainly was not 
disturbed. These beds were exposed only during the full moon 
tides. Here also the seaweed seemed to play an important part 
in the results. In one case the netting was sunk so deep as to be 
covered with sand, and consequently no seaweed attached, as it 
did on the other cages. Growth was much more rapid here, 
though the clams in this bed were smaller when planted, and, asa 
consequence, a more rapid growth should have been expected. 

The results were as follows: 

Cage 1 Clams planted July 6, 1,5 inches long. Some seaweed 
was attached to the wire of the cage. The clams were removed 
Dec. 30. The increase in volume was 145%. 

Cage 2 Planted July 6, 1;% inches in length. Removed Dec. 30. 
A very large quantity of weed over the cage. Increase in vol- 
ume, 78%. 

Cage 3 Planted July 6, 14 inches long. This cage was sunk 
so deep that no weed was attached on the surface. The increase 
Dec. 30 was 222% in volume in the six months. 

Growth above the bottom 

In methods of oyster culture as developed in France, the forms 
are placed in racks above the bottom, and from the tide which 
sweeps over them, they are enabled to obtain nourishment enough 
for comparatively rapid growth. It would be an interesting 
Go Nelpretateneon eh gee pet 


thing to show that clams could be made to erow in this way. 
The clam culturist could then make himself independent of 
beach rights, and perhaps more easily obtain a lease of ground 
for such a purpose below low water mark. . 

But one or two very small experiments on the soft clam have 
indicated that the creatures do not do well under these conditions. 
At Cold Spring a wire rack was constructed, and anchored above 
the bottom in a swift current. Into it were put several hard clams 
ranging from 1,4, to 24? inches in length. Every one of these 
seemed to be in a healthy condition at the end of six months, but 
not one had increased a particle in size. Not being able to cover 
the body in sand, they seem to have remained most of the time 
with valves closed. They may possibly have moved about at ° 
times, for their shells were worn, but more likely this was due to 
the fact that they were rolled about in the cage by the currents. 
On their smooth, clean surfaces numbers of Anomias, or silver 
shells, had attached and grown, as shown in figure 6. ; 

Though this small attempt to induce growth above the bottom 
ended in failure, it should, on account of its importance, be 
repeated on a large scale under as many different conditions as 
possible, in the hope that some combination of circumstances 
might prove to be the right one. 


Neither of the clams is molested by the starfish after it has 
become large enough to burrow, though the very small soft clam, 
‘and perhaps the hard clam also, is destroyed in great numbers by _ 
small starfish, before itis able to cover itself. So far as I have 
been able to discover, there is but one natural enemy of Venus 
which might possibly be destructive. It is the gastropod mollusk, 
Lunatia [fig. 7], which is abundant in some localities. It is found 
in numbers at Cold Spring. On several occasions I have observed 
it digging below the surface and attacking both hard and soft clams 
in their burrows. By long continued labor, it files a smooth, clean 
hole through the shell of its victim by means of a rasping organ in 
its mouth cavity, and then destroys the soft parts of the body 
within. Figure 8 illustrates the character of the borings on shells 


taken from the beds at Cold Spring. In every case the perforation 
is near the prominence of the shell called the umbo, directly over 
the pulpy visceral mass, which might most easily be sucked up 
through the opening. It is a curious fact that this region of 
the shell is selected by Lunatia for boring in any lamellibranch 
which it attacks. It may not invariably be so, but I have many 
shells of different species which have been drilled in this region, 
and have happened to notice no exceptions to it. 

No matter how numerous it might be, this enemy would prob- 
ably not be as troublesome to clam culture as the starfish is to the 
oyster industry. In several | places I have seen it collected by 
fishermen for bait, simply by pegging a bit of fish, or even a dead 
starfish on the bottom. In a short time numbers of them will be 
found collected on the bait. By some such simple means, if it 
were desirable, a clam bed probably could easily be rid of the 


- This experiment on the growth of Venus from lack of means 
and time and favorable locality has been a limited one. In order 
fully to demonstrate the feasibility of the artificial culture of the 
form, it should be carried out on a very much larger scale, and 
should be extended through a longer period of time. There can 
be no doubt about the accuracy of the results in the case of the 
wire cages, the growth in which has been described; and, from 
their position, I have no reason to think that the clams were dis- 
turbed on the other beds which have been cited as examples of 
growth. Some of the higher beds seem to have been discovered 
by clammers, and these were raked clean. 

The figures giving the percentages of growth, though not numer- 
ous, at least indicate the fact that the most essential feature of the 
culture of the little-neck clam — rapidity of growth —is all that 
could be desired. Neither has anything appeared which would 
suggest a natural difficulty in the way of artificial culture. 


Figure 1 

Side view of large Venus mercenaria. Mantle fold on right side 
of the body has been removed. The edge of the left fold of the 
mantle is shown at m. The exhalent, ex. s, and inhalent, in. s, 
siphons are modified parts of the mantle. | 

Water bearing food and other floating substances enters the 
space between the mantle folds — the mantle chamber — through 
the inhalent siphon. Hanging in this chamber are the foot, f, and 
gills, og and ig. -Cilia on the gills cause water to enter them, 
forcing it to their bases, into the epibranchial chambers, ec, and 
then backward and out of the body through the excurrent siphon. 
This is indicated by fine, dotted arrows. The two large transverse 
muscles —the anterior and posterior adductors— which, by their 
contraction, close the valves of the shell, are shown at aa and pa. 

Reference letters: aa, anterior adductor muscle; pa, posterior 
adductor muscle; ec, epibranchial chamber ; og and 1g, outer and 
inner gills; ap and pp, anterior and posterior palps; ex. s and m. s, 
exhalent and inhalent siphons; f, foot; m, edge of left mantle fold; 
Ss, ventral margin of shell. 

Figure 2 

Drawn to show that floating particles which touch the surface 
of the visceral mass are taken posteriorly and thrown off into the 
mantle chamber at x. From this region, they are removed from 
the body by the contraction of the adductor muscles, which dis- 
charges a large part of the water in the mantle chamber. 

At pp is shown the striation of the inner side of the posterior 
palp, over which food is taken to the mouth. The unstriated 
margin is also shown. 

Other reference letters as in figure 1. 

Figure 3 
Paper model of lamellibranch gill. A diagrammatic figure to 
show the basketlike structure of the gill. 
Reference letters: ic, interfilamentar connections; , partition 
or septum holding the two halves of the gill together; r, a rod 
or filament; s, space between filaments. ; 


Figure 4 

Diagrammatic section across the filaments of a typical gill. 
Arrows represent the course taken by water which enters the 
gill. Reference letters: 1g, interior of gill; p, septum between 
sides; gc, gland cells, the secretion from which cements floating 
particles into a mass on the outer surfaces of the gill; fc, fine 
frontal cilia causing water to enter gill; sc, straining cilia pre- 
venting solid matter from entering the gill and moving it to the 
ventral margin. 

Figure 5 
View of inner surface of left mantle fold of Venus, showing 
course taken by particles which touch it. These are discharged 
from the body when the stream entering the mantle chamber 
through the lower siphon is reversed by contraction of adductor 
Figure 6 
Hard clams kept in wire cage above the bottom for six months. 
All shells were covered by attached Anomia, or silver shells. 

: Figure 7 
Lunatia, a gastropod mollusk, which bores shells and destroys 

Figure 8 

Venus shells bored by Lunatia. 


Anatomical features of Venus mer- 
cenaria, 6-12; cilia, 9-10; foot, 8; 
gills, 7, 8-11; mantle folds, 7; palps, 
7-8, 11-12, 14; siphons, 6 7, 13. 

Beaches and flats, public grounds, 4. 

Cilia of Venus mercenaria, 9-10. 
Cultivation of Mya arenaria, 4, 6; of 
Venus mercenaria, 15-17. 

Enemies of Venus mercenaria, 24-25. 

Enteromorpha interferes with clam 
culture, 17. 

Experiments to determine growth of 
Venus mercenaria, 15-17. 

Feeding habits of Venus mercenaria, 

Figures, description of, 26-27. 

Foot of Venus mercenaria, 8. 

Gills of Venus mercenaria, 7, 8-11. 

Growth of Mya arenaria, 6. 

Growth of Venus mercenaria, depen- 
dent on food, 6; experiments to 
determine, 15-17; method of meas- 
uring, 18-19; between tide lines, 
19-22; under wire netting, 23. 

Hard clam, see Venus mercenaria. 
Jones, Capt., acknowledgments to, 15. 
Kellogg, James L., cited, 3, 10. 

Little-neck clam, see Venus merce- 
naria. © 

Lobsters, near extinction, 4. 

Locomotion, of Mya arenaria, 22; of 
Venus mercenaria, 22-23. 

Long-neck clam, see Mya arenaria. 

Lunatia destructive to Venus merce- 
naria, 24—25. 

Mantle chamber, 7, 9, 13, 14. 
Mantle folds of Venus mercenaria, 7. 
Mya arenaria, cultivation of, 4, 6; ob- 

stacles to cultivation of, 17; enemies, 
24; rapidity of growth, 6; growth, 
above the bottom, 24; locomotion, 
22; power of emptying mantle cham- 
ber, 13. 

Oysters, cultivation, 5, 16; growth, 15, 
growth above the bottom, 23. 

Palps of Venus mercenaria, 7-8, 11— 
12, 14. ' 

Planting, difficulty of obtaining clams 
for, 17. 

Racks to hold oysters, 23—24. 

Seaweeds interfere with clam culture, 

Seed clams, 4. 

Siphons of Venus mercenaria, 6,7, 13. 

Soft-clam, see Mya arenaria. 

Starfish destructive to clams, 24. 

Straining lines, 10. 

Tide lines, growth of Venus merce- 
naria between, 19-22. 

Ulva, interferes with clam culture, 
17, 19-20: 

Venus mercenaria, supply in danger 
of failing, 3-4; where found, 5; 

anatomical features, 6-12 ; feeding — 

habits, 6-15; growth experiments, 
15-17; methods of measuring 

growth, 18-19; growth between tide . 

lines, 19-22; wandering habits, 
22-23; growth under wire netting, 
23; growth above the bottom, 23— 
24; enemies, 24—25. 

Wandering habits of Venus, 22-23. 

Wire netting, growth of Venus merce-_. 

naria under, 23. 
Wire rack to hold clams above bot- 
tom, 24. 


A gg 
comes in Ss. AU 

Figure 3 

Figure 7 

Figure 8 

University of the State of New York 

New York State Museum 

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copies are exhausted, the price for the few reserve copies is advanced to that 
charged by secondhand booksellers, in order to limit their distribution to cases 
of special need. Such prices are inclosed in brackets[ ]. All publications are in 
paper covers, unless binding is specified. 

Museum annual reports 1847-date. All in print to 1892, soc a volume, 75¢ in 
cloth; z&92-date, 75c, cloth. : 

These reports are made up of the reports of the director, geologist, paleontologist, botanist and 
entomologist, and museum bulletins and memoirs, issued as advance sections of the reports. 

Geologist’s annual reports 1881-date. Rep’ts 1,)3-13, 17-date, O; 2, 14-16, Q. 

The annual reports of the early natural history survey, 1837-41 are out of print. 

Reports 1-4, 1881-84 were published only in separate form. Of the fifth report four pages 
were reprinted in the 39th museum report, and a supplement to the 6th report was included 
in the 40th museum report. The 7th and subsequent reports are included in the 41st and fol- 
lowing museum reports, except that certain lithographic plates in the 11th report (1891) 
and 13th (1893) are omitted from the 45th and 47th museum reports. 

Separate volumes of the following only are available. 

Report Price Report Price Report Price 
12 (1892) $.50 16 $1 19° $.40 
14 .75 17 2 15 20 .50 
15, 2v. 2 18 15 21 .40 

In 1898 the paleontologic work of the State was made distinct from the geologic and will 
hereafter be reported separately. 
Paleontologist’s annual reports 1899-date. 
See fourth note under Geologist’s annual reports. 
Bound also with museum reports of which they form a part. Reports for 1899 and 1900 may 
be had for 20c each. Since 1901 these reports have been issued as bulletins. 
Entomologist’s annual reports on the injurious and other insects of the State 
of New York 1882—date. 

Reports 3-17 bound also with museum reports 40-46, 48-55 of which they form apart. Since 
1898 these reports have been issued as bulletins. Reports 3-4 are out of print, other reports with 

prices are: 

Report Price Report Price “Report Price 

1 $.50 8 $.25 13 $.10 

2 .30 9 .25 14 (Ent. bul. 5} .20 

5 20) 10 foo) ang re 9) 15 

6 5 15) 11 .25 IBC 10) .25 

7 .20 12 .25 LOS ee 14) .30 

18 ( sf 17) .20 

_ Reports 2, 8-12 may also be obtained bound separately in cloth at 25c in addition to the price 
given above. 

Botanist’s annual reports 1867-date. 

Bound also with museum reports 21-date of which they form a part; the first botanist’s report 
appeared in the 21st museum report and is numbered 21. Reports 21-24, 29, 31-41 were not 
published separately. 

Separate reports 25-28, 30, 42-50 and 52 (Botany bulletin 3), are out of print. Report 51 may 
be had for 40c: 53 for 20c; 54 for 50c; 55 (Botany bulletin 5) for 40c; 56 (Botany bulletin 6) 
for 50c. Since 1901 these reports have been issued as bulletins. 

Descriptions and illustrations of edible, poisonous and unwholesome fungi of New York have 
been published in volumes 1 and 3 of the 48th museum report and in volume 1 of the 49th, 51st, 
52d, 54th and 55th reports. The descriptions and illustrations of edible and unwholesome species 
contained in the 49th, 51st and 52d reports have been revised and rearranged, and, combined 
with others more recently prepared, constitute Museum memoir 4. $4 
Museum bulletins 1887-date. O. To advance subscribers, $2 a year or 50c a 

year for those of any one division: (1) geology, economic geology, mineralogy, 

general zoology, archeology and miscellaneous, (2) paleontology, (3) botany, (4) 

entomology. 4 ; 

Bulletins are also found with the annual reports of the museum as follows: 

Bulletin Report Bulletin Report ,Bulletin Report 
12-15 48, v.1 20-25 SZ aif AL 35-36 54, v. 2 
16-17 50 ‘* 26-31 Re | 37-44 SAVERS 
18-19 Dilan 32-34 yee 45-48 alae ed 

49-54 *55, v. 1 

- The figures in parentheses indicate the bulletin’s number as a New York State Museum bul- 


Geology. G1 (14) Kemp, rT F. Geology of Moriah and Westport Townships 
Essex Co. N. Y., with notes on theiron mines. 38p. 7pl. 2 maps, Sep. 1895. 

2 (19) Merrill, F: J. H. Guide to the Study of the Geological Collections of the 
New York State Museum. 162p. 119pl. map. Nov. 1898. [soc] New 
edition im preparation. 

G3 (21) Kemp, J. F. Geology of the Lake Placid Region. 24p. 1pl. map. 
Sep. 1898. se. 

G4 (48) Woodworth, J. B. Pleistocene Geology of Nassau County and Borough 
of Queens. Dec.1901. 25¢c. 

G5 (56) Merrill, F: J. H. Description of the State Geologic Map of 1901. 42p. 
2 maps, tab. Oct.1902. oc. 

G6 Cushing, H. P. Geology of the Vicinity of Little Falls, Herkimer Co. In 

—— Crystalline Rocks of the Northeastern Adirondacks. In preparation. 

Kemp, J. F. Crystalline Rocks of Warren and Washington Counties. In 

Woodworth, J. B. Glacial Geology of New York. In preparation. 

Economic geclogy. Egi(8) Smock, J: C. Building Stone in the State of 
New York. 152p. Mar. 1888. Out of print. 

Eg2 (7) First Report on the Iron Mines and Iron Ore Districts in New York. 
6+70p. map. June 1889. Out of print. 
Egs3 (10) Building Stone in New York. 210p. map, tab. Sep. 1890. oc. 
Eg4 (11) Merrill, F: J. H. Salt and Gypsum Industries in New York. 92p? 
12pl. 2 maps, 11 tab. Ap. 1893. oc. 
Eg5 (12) Ries, Heinrich. Clay Industries of New York. Mar. 
1895. joc. 

Eg6 (15) Merrill, F: J. H. Mineral Resources of New York. 224p. 2 maps. 
Sep. 1895. soc. 

Eg’? (17) —— Road Materials and Road Building in New York. 52p. 14pl. 2 
maps 34x45, 68x92 em. Oct. 1897. z5¢. 

Maps separate roc each, 2 for z5c. 

Eg8s (30) Orton, Edward. Petroleum and Natural Gas in New York. 136p: 
il. 3 maps. Nov. 1899. z5¢. 

Eg9 (85) Ries, Heinrich. Clays of New York; their Properties and Uses. 456p. 
140pl. map. June 1900. fz, cloth. 

Eg10 (44) Lime and Cement Industries of New York; Eckel, E.'C. Chap- 
ters on the Cement Industry. 332p. 101pl. 2 maps. Dec. 1901. S5C, sei 

Eg11 (61) Dickinson, H. T. Quarries of Bluestone and other Sandstones in 
New York. 108p. 18pl.2 maps. Mar. 1903. 5c. 

Mineralogy. M1 (4) Nason, F. L. Some New York Minerals and their Lo- 
ealities. 20p. 1pl. Aug. 1888. [zoc] 

M2 (58) Whitlock, H. P. Guide to the Mineralogic Collections of the New York 
State Museum. 39pl.11 models. Sep.1902. oc. 

M3 (70) —— New-York Mineral Localities. In press. 

Paleontology. Pal (84) Cumings, E. R. Lower Silurian System of Eastern 
Montgomery County; Prosser, C:S. Notes on the Stratigraphy of Mohawk 
Valley and Saratoga County, N. Y. 74p.10pl. map. May 1900. zse. 

Pa2 (39) Clarke, J:M.;Simpson, G: B. & Loomis, F:B. Paleontelogic Papers 1. 
72p. il. 16pl. Oct. 1900. . z5e. 

Contents: Clarke, J: M. A Remarkable Occurrence of Orthoceras in the Oneonta Beds of 
the Chenango Valley, N. Y. 

—Paropsonema cryptophya; a Peculiar Echinoderm from the Intumescens-zone (Portage 
Beds} of Western New York. 

—Dictyonine Hexactinellid Sponges from the Upper Devonie of New York. 

—The Water Biscuit of Squaw Island, Canandaigua Lake, N. 

Simpson, G:B. Preliminary Descriptions of New Genera of HENS Rugose Corals. 

Loomis, F:B. Siluric Fungi from Western New York. 


Pa3 (42) Ruedemann, Rudolf. Hudson River Beds near Albany and their 
( Taxonomic Equivalents. 114p. Ap.1901. 2sc. 

Pad (45) Grabau, A. W. Geology and Paleontology of Niagara Falls and 
Vicinity. 286p. il. 18pl. map. Ap. 1901. 65c; cloth goc. 

Pad (49) Ruedemann, Rudolf; Clarke, J: M. & Wood, Elvira. Paleontologic 
Papers 2. 240p. 13pl. Dee. 1901. oc. 

Contents: Ruedemann, Rudolf. Trenton Conglomerate of Rysedorph Hill. 

Clarke, J: M. Limestones of Central and Western New York Interbedded with Bituminous 
; Shales of the Marcellus Stage. 

Wood, Elvira. Marcellus Limestones of Lancaster, Hrie Co. N. Y. 

Clarke, J:M. New Agelacrinites. 

——Value of Amnigenia as an Indicator of Fresh-water Deposits during the Devonic of 
~ New York, Ireland and the Rhineland. 

Pa6 (52) Clarke, J: M. Report of the State Paleontologist 1901. 280p. il. 9pl. 
map, 1tab. July 1902. oc. 

Pa? (63) Stratigraphy of Canandaigua and Naples Quadrangles. 2 maps. 
In press. 
Pa8 (65) Catalogue of Type Specimens of Paleozoic Fossils i in the New 

York State Museum. 848p. May 1903. $7z.20, cloth. 

Pa9 (69) Report of the State Paleontologist 1902. In press. 

Zoology. Z1(1) Marshall, W:B. Preliminary List of New York Unionidae. 
20p. Mar. 1892. sc. 

Z2 (9) Beaks of Unionidae Inhabiting the Vicinity of Albany, N. Y. 24p. 
Ip]. Aug. 1890. zoc. 

Z3 (29) Miller, G.S. jr. Preliminary List of New York Mammals. 124p. Oct. 
1899. z5¢. 

Z4 (33) Farr, M.S. Check List of New York Birds. 224p. Ap.1900. 25c. 

Z5 (38) Miller, G.S. jr. Key to the Land Mammals of Northeastern North 
America. 106p. Oct. 1900. z5c. 

Z6 (40) Simpson, G: B. Anatomy and Physiology of Polygyra albolabris and 
Limax maximus and Embryology of Limax maximus. 82p. 28pl. Oct. 
1901. 25c. 

| Z7 (43) Kellogg, J. L. Clam and Scallop Industries of New York. 36p. 2pl. 

map. Ap. 1901. zoc. 

Z8 (51) Hckel, E. C. & Paulmier, F.C. Catalogue of Reptiles and Batrachians 
of New York. 64p. il. Ipl. Ap. 1902. z5€c. 

Eckel, E.C. Serpents of orc ein United States. 
Paulmier, F.C. Lizards, Tortoises and Batrachians of New York. 

Z9 ong Bean, T. H. Catalogue of the Fishes of New York.’ 1784p. Feb. 1903. 
1, cloth. 

Z10 Kellogg, J.L. Feeding Habits and Growth of Venus mercenaria. 30p. 4pl. 
Sep. 1903. zoe. 

Farr, M.S. Birds of New York. In preparation. 
Letson, Elizabeth J. Catalogue of New York Shells. In preparation. 

Entomology. Enl (5) Lintner, J. A. White Grub of the May Beetle. 3zp. 
i. Nov. 1888. zoc. 

En2 (6) Cut-worms. 36p. il. Nov. 1888. zoc. 

En3 (13) —— San José Scale and Some Destructive Insects of New York 
State. 54p. 7pl. Ap. 1895. z5c. 

En4 (20) lelt, E. P. Elm-leaf Beetle in New York State. 46p. il. 5pl. June 

1898. 5¢ 
See En15 
En5 (23) —— 14th Report of the State Entomologist 1898. 150p. il. 9pl- 
Dee. 1898. 2c. 
En6 (24) Memorial of the Life and Entomologie work of J. A. Lintner 

Ph.D. State Entomologist 1874-98; Index to Entomologist’s Reports 1-13. 
316p. Ipl. Oct. 1899. 25. 
_Supplement to 14th report of the state entomologist. 

En7 (26) Collection, Preservation and Distribution of New York Insects 
36p. il. Ap. 1899. <<. 


En8 (27) —— Shade Tree Pests in New York State. 26p.i. 5pl. May 1899. Se. 

En9 (31) —— 15th Report of the State Entomologist 1899. 128p. J une 1900. 

En10 (36) 16th Report of the State Entomologist 1900. 118p. 16pl. Mar. 
1901. 25¢. ; bye 

En11 (37) Catalogue of Some of the More Important Injurious and Bene- 

ficial Insects of New York State. 54p. il. Sep. 1900. zoc. 

En12 (46) Scale Insects of Importance and a List of the Species in New 
York State. June 1901. 25c. 

En13 (47) Needham, J.G. & Betten, Cornelius. Aquatic Insects in the Adiron - 
dacks. 234p. il. 36pl. Sep. 1901. gsc. 

En14 (53) Felt, E. P. 17th Report of the State Entomologist 1901. 232p. 
il. 6pl. Aug. 1902. oc. 

En15 (57) Elm Leaf Beetle in New York State. 46p. il. 8pl. Aug. 1902. z5¢. 

This is a revision of Kn4 containing the more essential facts observed since that was prepared. 

En16 (59) Grapevine Root Worm. 40p. 6pl. Dec. 1902. z5c. New 
edition in preparation. 

En17 (64) 18th Report of the State Entomologist 1902. 110p. 6pl. May 
1903 _20¢. 

En18 (68) Needham, J. G. & others. Aquatic Insects in New York. 322p. 52pl. 
Aug. 1903. Soc, cloth. 

Felt, E. P. & Joutel, L. H. Monograph of the Genus Saperda. In press. 

Botany. Bol (2) Peck, C: H. Contributions to the Botanv of the State of 
New York. 66p. 2pl. May 1887. Out of print. 

Bo2 (8) —— Boleti of the United States. 96p. Sep. 1889. [soc] | 

Bo3 (25) —— Report of the State’Botanist 1898. 76p. Spl. Oct. 1899. Out of 

Bo4 (28) —-— Plants of North Elba. June 1899. 20c.j 

Bod (54) —— Report of the State Botanist 1901. 58p.7pl. Nov. 1902. 40c. 

Bo6 (67) —— Report of the State Botanist 1902. 196p. 5pl. May 1903. soc. 

Archeology. Arl (16) Beauchamp, W: M. Aboriginal Chipped Stone Imple- 
ments of New York. 86p. 23pl. Oct. 1897. 2sc. 

Ar2 (18) Polished Stone Articles used by the New York Aborigines. 104p. 
30pl. Nov. 1897. 25¢.3%§ 

Ar3 (22) Earthenware of the Noy York Aborigines. 78p. 33pl. Oct. 
1898. 25¢. 

Ar4 (32) —— Aboriginal. Ououpalion of New York. 190p. 16pl. Q maps. Mar. 
1900. oc. 

Ar5 (41) Wampum and Shell Articles used by New York Indians. 166p. 
28pl. Mar. 1901. oc. 

Ar6 (50) Horn and Bone Implements of the New York Indians. 112p. 43pl. 
Mar. 1902. 0c. 

Ar’? (55) Metallic Implements of the New York Indians. 94p. 38pl. June 
1902. a25¢. 

Ar8 —— Metallic Ornaments of the New York Indians. In press. 
—— History of the New York Iroquois. In preparation. 

—— Perch Lake Mounds. In preparation. 

Aboriginal Use of Wood in New York. In preparation. 

Miscellaneous. Msl (62) Merrill, F: J. H. Directory of Natural History 
Museums in United States and Canada. 236p. Ap. 1903. oc. 

Ms2 (66) Ellis, Mary. Index to Publications of the New York State Natural 

History Survey and New York State Museum 1837-1902. 418p. June | 

1903. 75, cloth. 
Museum memoirs 1889-date. Q. 

1 Beecher, C: E. & Clarke, J: M. Development of some Silurian Brachiopodh 
96p. Spl. Oct. 1889. Out of print. 
2 Hall, James & Clarke, J: M. Paleozoic Reticulate prone 350p. il. 70pl. 
1898. Br, cloth. 

wv ork State Muscum 
PUBLICATIONS (continued) 

e,J:M. The Oriskany Fauna of Becraft Mountain, Columbia Co. N. Y. 
-9pl. Oct. 1900. Soc. 

Fa@ralibes Ne Ye: Edible Fungi, 1895-99. 106p. 25pl. Nov. 1900. 75. 

sorts of the state botanist. 

5 Clarke, J: M. & Ruedemann, Rudolf. Guelph Formation and Fauna of New 
- York State. -196p. 21pl. July 1903. $z.50, eloth.. 7 


6 —— Naples Fauna in Western New York. In press. 

Telt, EH. P. Insects Affecting Park and Woodland Trees. In preparation. 
Merrill, F: J. H. Geology of New York City and Vicinity. In preparation. 

Vatural history of New York. pl.maps. Q.. Albany 1842-94. 

ston 1 zoonoay. DeKay, JamesE. Zoology of New York; or, The New 
York Fauna; comprising detailed descriptions of all the animals hitherto ob- 
served within the State of New York with brief notices of those occasionally 
found near its borders, and accompanied by appropriate illustrations. 
dy. il, pl. maps. sq.Q. Albany 1842-44. Out of print. 
“ Historical introduction to the series by Gov. W: H. Seward. 178p. 
y.1ptl Mammalia. 13-+-146p. 38pl. 1842. . 
a 00 copies with hand-colored plates. : 
v.2pt2 Birds. 12+380p. 141pl. 1844. 

Colored plates. 4 
y.3 pt3 Reptiles and Amphibia. 7-+98p. pt4 Fishes. 15+415p. 1842. 
 pt3-4 bound together. 

‘Y. 4 Plates to accompany v.38. Reptiles and Amphibia 23pl. Fishes 79pl. 1842. 

300 copies with hand-colored plates. 

y.5 pts Mollusca. 4427!p. 40pl. pt6 Crustacea. 70p.13pl. 1843-44. 
 Hand-colored plates : pt5-6-bound together. 

ae coN 2Botany. Torrey, John. Flora of the State of New York ; comprising 
e full descriptions of all the indigenous and naturalized plants hitherto discovered 

in the State, with remarks on their economical and medical properties. 2v. il. 

ep lees @) Albany 1843. Out of pring. 
ey. 1 Flora of the State of New York. 124484p. 72pl. 1843. 
800 copies with hand-colored plates. F ; 
vy. 2 Flora of the State of New York. 572p. 89pl. 1848. 

300 copies with hand-colored plates. 
DIVISION 3 MINERALOGY. Beck, Lewis C. Mineralogy of New York ; comprising 
detailed descriptions of the minerals hitherto found in the State of New York, 
and notices of their uses in the arts and agriculture. il. pl. sq. Q. Albany 
4 1842. Outof print. — 
y. 1 ptl Economical Mineralogy. pt2 Descriptive Mineralogy. 24+586p. 1842. 
8 plates additional to those printed as part of the text. 

DIVISION 4 gkoLocy. Mather, W: W.; Emmons, Ebenezer ; Vanuxem, Lardner 
& Hall, James. Geology of New York. 4v. il. pl. sq. Q. Albany 1842-48. 
Out of ‘print. 

v.ipti Mather, W: W. First Geological District. 87--658p. 46pl. 1848. 

vy. 2 pt2 Emmons, Ebenezer. Second Geological District. 10-+437p. 17pl. 1842. 
y.3 pt3  Vanuxem, Lardner. Third Geological District. 3806p. 1842. 

v.4pt4 Hall, James. Fourth Geological District. 22+683p. Map and 19pl. 

DIVISION 5 AGRICULTURE. Emmons, Ebenezer. Agriculture of New York; com- 

prising an account of the classification, composition and distribution of the — 

- soils and rocks and the natural waters of ‘the different geological formations, 
_ together with a condensed view of the meteorology and agriculturai produc- 
: tions of the State. Sv. il. pl. sq. Q. Albany 1843-84. Out ¢ of print. 
v. 1 Soils of the State, their Composition and Distribution, 11-+-37Llp. 21pl. 

is includes revised descriptions and illustrations of fungi Teported i in the 49th, 51st and 52d 

‘y.2 Analysis of Soils, Biante, Geren. etc. SHOR HCD. 42pl. 

‘H18 Insecticides and Fungicides. 20p. 3c. 

With hand-colored plates. : y Bear 
v.3 Fruits, etc. 84310p. 1801. A ee ee 
y.4 Plates to accompany v.38. 95pl. 1851. s 

Hand-colored. oa 
v.5 Insects Injurious to Agriculture. 8+272p. d50pl. 1854. 
With hand-colored plates, 
DIVISION 6 PALEONTOLOGY. Hall, James. Palaeontology of New York. 8v. 
pl. sq.Q. Albany 1847-94. Bound tn cloth. 
v.1 Organic Remains of the Lower Division of the New York System. 23.1 3838p. 
_ OPjoul. “1847, Out of print. 
v.2 Organic Remains of Lower Middle Division oF the New York Syste 
8-++3 62p. 104pl. 1852. Out of print. 
y.8 Organic Remains of the Lower Helderberg ata and the Oriskany aud L 
stone, pti, text. 12+582p. 1859. [$3.50]. payee 
pt2, 1438pl. 1861. [S2 eI es 
y.4 Fossil Brachiopoda of the Upper Helderberg, Hamilton, Portage and ch 
- mung Groups. 11-+1--428p. 99pl. 1867. $2 50. 
v.5 ptt Lamellibranchiata 1. Monomyaria of the vee Helderberg, Hamilton 

and Chemung Groups. 184268p. 45pl. 1884. $2.5 . 
. Lamellibranchiata 2. Dimyaria of the Upper Helderberg, Hamilto 
Portage and Chemung Groups. 62-++-293p. Slpl. 1885. $2.50. 

pt2 Gasteropoda, Pteropoda and Cephalopoda of ne eiuete Helderberg, 
Hamilton, Portage and Chemung Groups, 2v. 1879 . 1, text. 15-+4-492p a 

vy. 2, 120pl.  f2 50 for 2 U. ‘ q 
v. ; Corals and Bryozoa of the Lower and Upper Helderber 2 and Hamilton 

Groups. 24+298p. 67pl. 1887. $2.50. 
vy. 7 Trilobites and other Crustacea of the Oriskany, Upper Heldemmere Hom 

ton, Portage, Chemung and Catskill Groups. 64+-256p. 4Upl. 1888. Cont. 

supplement to v. 5, pt. Pteropoda, Cephalopoda and Annelida, ee a 

1883. $2.50. 

v. 8 pti. Introduction to the Study of the Genera-of the Paleozoic Brachiopoda, 
16--307p. 44pl. 1892. $2.50. oa 

—— pt2 Paleozoic Brachiopoda. 16--894p. 84pl. 1804. $2.50. 

Handbooks 1893-date. 743x124 em. : 

In quantities, 1 cent for each 16 pages or less. Single copies postpaid as below. 
H5 New York State Museum. ze. 

Outlines history and work of the museum with list of staff 1902. 

H18 Paleontology. 8p. 2c. ~ : 
Brief outline of “State Museum work in paleo plac under heads: Definition; Relation: 
to biology; Relation to stratigraphy; History of paleontology in New York, " ae 

H15 Guide to Excursions in the Fossiliferous Rocks of New York. 120p. Se. 

Itineraries of 32 trips covering nearly the entire series of Paleozoic rocks, prepared specially- 
for the use of teachers and students desiring to acquaint themselves more intimately with the 
classic rocks of this State. ae 

H16 Entomology. 12p. 2c. 
H17 Eeonomic Geology. In preparation. 

H19 Classification of New York Series of Geologic Formations. d8p. S65 

Maps. Merrill, fF: J. H. Feonomic and Geologic Map of the State of New 
York; issued as part of Museum bulletin 15 and the 48th Museum Report, — 
v.1. 59x67 em. 1894. Seale 14 miles to 1 inch. Separate edition out of 
print. a ae <4 

Geologie Map of New York. 1901. Scale 5 miles to 1 inch. In atlas 
form $3: mounted on rollers $5. Lower Hudson sheet 60c. = 

The lower Hudson sheet, geologically colored, comprises Rockland, Orange, Dutchess, Put- 
nam, Westchester, New York, Richmond, Kings, Queens and Nassau counties, and parts of 

Sullivan, Ulster and Suffolk counties; also northeastern New Jer sey and part of western Con- 


Map of New York showing the Surface Configuration and- Water Sheds. 

1901. Boa 12 miles to 1 inch. I5C. 


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