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New  York  State 

Richard  S.  Mitchell 
New  York  State  Museum 


MAR  11  1983 

NcW  YUr\K 

botanical  garden 

Contributions  to  a Flora  of  New  York  State  V 
Richard  S.  Mitchell,  Editor 


Bulletin  No.  451 

New  York  State  Museum 

The  University  of  the  State  of  New  York 
Albany,  New  York  12230 

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New  York  State 

Richard  S.  Mitchell 
New  York  State  Museum 

Contributions  to  a Flora  of  New  York  State  V 
Richard  S.  Mitchell,  Editor 


Bulletin  No.  451 

New  York  State  Museum 

The  State  Education  Department  does  not  discriminate  on  the  basis  of  age,  color,  creed,  disability, 
marital  status,  veteran  status,  national  origin,  race,  or  sex  in  the  educational  programs  and  activities 
which  it  operates.  This  policy  is  in  compliance  with  Title  IX  of  the  Education  Amendments  of  1972. 
Inquiries  concerning  this  policy  may  be  referred  to  the  Department’s  Affirmative  Action  Officer,  Edu- 
cation Building,  Albany,  NY  12234. 

The  University  of  the  State  of  New  York 
Albany,  New  York  12230 


Regents  of  The  University  (with  years  when  terms  expire) 

1988  Willard  A.  Genrich,  Chancellor,  LL.B.,  L.H.D.,  LL.D., 

1988  J.  Edward  Meyer,  Vice  Chancellor,  B.A.,  LL.B., 

L.  H.D.  Chappaqua 

1986  Kenneth  B.  Clark,  A.B.,  M.S.,  Ph.D.,  LL.D.,  L.H.D., 

D.Sc. Hastings 

on  Hudson 

1989  Emlyn  I.  Griffith,  A.B.,  J.D. Rome 

1983  Mary  Alice  Kendall,  B.S.  Rochester 

1984  Jorge  L.  Batista,  B.A.,  J.D.,  LL.D. Bronx 

1986  Laura  Bradley  Chodos,  B.A.,  M.A. Vischer  Ferry 

1987  Martin  C.  Barell,  B.A.,  I.A.,  LL.B.  Kings  Point 

1984  Louise  P.  Matteoni,  B.A.,  M.A.,  Ph.D.  Bayside 

1987  R.  Carlos  CARBALLADA,  B.S.,  L.H.D.  Rochester 

1988  Floyd  S.  Linton,  A.B.,  M.A.,  M.P.A.,  D.C.L Miller  Place 

1988  Salvatore  J.  Sclafani,  B.S.,  M.D Staten  Island 

1989  Mimi  Lieber,  B.A.,  M.A.  New  York 

1985  Shirley  C.  Brown,  B.A.,  M.A.,  Ph.D.  Albany 

1983  Robert  M.  Best,  B.S.  Binghamton 

President  of  The  University  and  Commissioner  of  Education 
Gordon  M.  Ambach 

Executive  Deputy  Commissioner  of  Education 
Robert  J.  Maurer 

Deputy  Commissioner  for  Cultural  Education 
Carole  F.  Huxley 

Director,  State  Science  Service 
Richard  H.  Monheimer 

Chief  Scientist,  Biological  Survey 
Norton  G.  Miller 

State  Botanist 
Richard  S.  Mitchell 


OUR  GOAL  in  producing  this  series  is  to  present  a useful  and  authoritative  account  of  the  plants 
of  New  York  State.  These  contributions  are  intended  to  reflect  the  knowledge  and  taxonomic 
opinions  of  specialists  who  prepare  the  manuscripts  while  following  a generalized  format  for  consis- 
tency. Inclusion  of  ecological,  distributional,  medical  and  economic  information  on  each  species  is 
also  one  of  our  major  aims.  Habitat  references,  flowering  times,  pertinent  synonymy,  etc.,  apply 
specifically  to  New  York  plants  rather  than  to  the  entire  ranges.  Complete  illustration  should 
facilitate  identification  of  specimens  for  those  who  are  not  formally  trained  in  botany.  Descriptions 
are  original,  ordered  and  as  complete  as  possible  to  provide  sequential  cross-referencing. 

Distribution  maps  accompany  species  of  seed  plants,  ferns,  mosses,  lichens  and  some  groups  of 
fungi.  These  are  plotted  by  counties  to  eliminate  pinpointing  endangered  habitats,  while  offering 
an  accurate  visual  picture  of  past  collecting.  Maps  are  based  on  the  master  file  at  the  New  York 
State  Museum,  Albany,  and  supplemented  by  available  data  (specimens  examined  by  the  authors) 
from  herbaria  housing  significant  New  York  collections.  Specific  data  or  literature  citations  for  any 
map  may  be  obtained,  on  approval,  from  the  Museum. 

We  hope  that  these  bulletins  will  serve  individuals  with  interest  in  the  flora,  as  well  as  to 
provide  information  for  state  and  federal  agencies,  conservation  organizations,  industry  and  the 
scientific  community.  With  these  works  go  our  hopes  for  the  preservation  and  wise  use  of  a pre- 
cious and  lifegiving  resource — our  state’s  plantlife. 

The  New  York  State  Flora  Committee 

The  steering  council  of  the  New  York  State  Flora  Committee  met  for  the  first  time  on  January 
19,  1976,  and  established  as  its  goals  the  promotion  of  study  of  the  state’s  plant  resources  and  the 
publication  of  this  series  of  Museum  Bulletins.  These  contributions  will  be  continually  updated 
after  publication  for  possible  incorporation  into  larger  volumes  at  a later  date. 

Members  of  the  council  at  the  time  of  this  publication  are: 

Richard  S.  Mitchell,  Chairman,  State  Botanist,  N.Y.  State  Museum,  Albany  (Vascular  Plants) 
Charles  J.  Sheviak,  Curator  of  Botany,  N.Y.  State  Museum,  Albany  (Vascular  Plants) 

Edwin  H.  Ketchledge,  College  of  Environmental  Science  and  Forestry,  Syracuse  (Bryophytes) 
Clark  T.  Rogerson,  New  York  Botanical  Garden,  New  York  (Fungi) 

George  J.  Schumacher,  Biology  Department,  SUNY,  Binghamton  (Algae) 



Preface  iii 

The  New  York  State  Flora  Committee  iii 

Acknowledgments  v 

Important  Note  v 

Legend  vi 

Berberidaceae  1 

Podophyllum  1 

Jeffersonia  3 

Caulophyllum  5 

Berberis  6 

Lardizabalaceae  10 

Akebia  10 

Menispermaceae  12 

Menispermum  12 

Papaveraceae  15 

Sanguinaria  16 

Chelidonium 17 

Glaucium  20 

Macleaya  21 

Eschscholzia  23 

Papaver 24 

Argemone  34 

Fumariaceae 38 

Dicentra  39 

Adlumia  44 

Corydalis  45 

Fumaria  . 51 

Appendix  I.  (fungi)  53 

Appendix  II.  (insects)  57 

Bibliography 59 

Index  to  Latin  Names  65 



The  illustrations  in  this  treatment  are  originals  by  Kathryn  M.  Conway.  The  appendices  on 
insects  and  fungi  are  the  work  of  J.  Kenneth  Dean,  with  reviews  by  Timothy  McCabe,  Clark 
Rogerson  and  John  Haines,  to  whom  I offer  my  thanks.  Special  thanks  go  to  Gerald  Ownbey  and 
the  Steering  Council  of  the  Flora  Committee  for  review.  Arthur  Cronquist  also  offered  helpful 
suggestions.  Sincere  thanks  go  to  the  staffs  and  curators  of  the  following  institutions  who  offered 
their  complete  cooperation  and  hospitality  when  I visited  their  collections:  the  U.S.  National  Her- 
barium (US),  the  New  York  Botanical  Garden  (NY),  Cornell  University  (CU,BH),  Environmental 
Science  & Forestry,  Syracuse  (SYRF),  Harvard  University  (GH,NEBC),  Brooklyn  Botanical  Gar- 
den (BKL),  the  Buffalo  Museum  of  Science  (BUF)  and  Colgate  University  (GRCH).  Data  from  the 
above  collections  are  added  to  the  master  file  at  the  New  York  State  Museum  (NYS).  This  file  was 
started  by  Homer  House  around  1915  and  was  largely  produced  and  maintained  by  Stanley  J. 
Smith  from  1948-1978.  The  classification  system  employed  in  organizing  this  flora  is  that  of  Cron- 
quist (1981). 


All  economic  uses,  folklore,  medical  and  pharmaceutical  notes, 
uses  as  foodstuffs,  etc.,  are  compiled  from  the  literature  and  do 
not  represent  an  endorsement  by  the  authors  or  the  New  York 
State  Museum.  Some  of  the  uses  may,  indeed,  be  dangerous  if 
incorrectly  employed.  Some  are  not  effective  and  are  presented 
for  historical  interest  only. 



Solid  dot — specimen  seen  by  author;  data  on  file  at  the  State  Herba- 
rium (NYS) 

Circle — Field  observation  with  location  data  and  observer’s  name  on 
file  (NYS) 

Hollow  triangle — Literature  citation  on  file  (NYS) 



Habit  sketch 

F.  Flower 



G.  Inflorescence 


Fruit  or  fruit  cluster 

H.  Flower  parts  (breakdown) 



K.  Rhizome 



M.  Root 


Berberidaceae  (Barberry  Family) 

The  Berberidaceae:  a family  of  shrubs  and  primitive  herbs  comprising  10  (or  more)  genera  and  up  to  600  species 
worldwide.  Most  of  its  taxa  are  species  of  Berberis  (Barberry)  including  the  compound-leaved  segregate  genus, 
Mahonia  (Grape  Holly).  Distribution  of  the  family  centers  in  Asia,  with  lesser  representation  in  Europe,  north 
Africa  and  the  Western  Hemisphere.  The  Pacific  Coast  of  North  America  has  as  native  genera:  Vancouveria, 
Achlys  and  Berberis  (Mahonia).  In  eastern  North  America  Diphylleia  cymosa  and  Berberis  canadensis  are  primarily 
southem-Appalachian,  and  are  known  only  from  cultivation  in  New  York  State.  Our  native  genera  ( Podophyllum ; 
Caulophyllum;  Jeffersonia)  are  herbaceous  relicts  of  the  ancient  Arctotertiary  Forest,  each  with  one  species  in 
North  America  and  an  east-Asian  counterpart.  Two  species  of  Berberis  escape  cultivation  in  the  state.  Members  of 
this  family  are  important  in  horticulture,  the  pharmaceutical  trade  and  as  alternate  hosts  to  diseases  of  cereal-grain 
crops.  Some  are  also  poisonous. 


Mostly  shrubs  or  perennial  herbs  from  perennial  rootstocks,  rhizomes  or  tubers.  Leaves  are  alternate,  fascicled  or 
sub-opposite,  and  may  be  simple  or  pinnate ly  compound  (or  reduced  to  spines),  sometimes  basally  articulated, 
entire  to  variously  toothed  or  lobed  or  with  marginal  spines,  estipulate  or  stipuled,  some  genera  with  swollen 
petiole  bases.  Flowers  are  solitary  or  borne  in  racemes,  cymes  or  panicles,  usually  bracteate.  Flowers  are  radially 
symmetrical,  bisexual;  the  perianth  is  of  two  to  several  series  of  free  parts  which  may  be  somewhat  similar  or 
clearly  differentiated  into  calyx  and  corolla,  3 to  5-merous;  petals  (4)  6-9;  sepals  (4)  6 to  many,  often  petaloid. 
Stamens  may  be  equal  to  the  petals  in  number  or  more  numerous  (4-18);  the  outer  whorl  is  often  opposite  the 
petals  and  is  sometimes  associated  with  petaloid  nectaries.  Anther  sacs  dehisce  by  valves  (slits  in  Podophyllum). 
The  ovary  is  superior,  1 per  flower  with  (1)  2 to  several  ovules  on  a sub-basal  to  parietal  placenta.  Fruits  are  few- 
seeded  berries  or  capsules.  Seeds  are  often  drupe-like  with  fleshy  to  homy  endosperm,  sometimes  with  an  aril. 


1.  Plants  woody,  much-branched  shrubs,  usually  with  sharp  spines  4.  Berberis  (p.  6) 

1.  Plants  herbaceous,  without  spines (2) 

2.  Flowers  borne  in  panicles,  greenish-yellow  to  purple,  less  than  1 cm  wide;  seeds  borne  naked,  with  the 

appearance  of  glaucous,  blue  berries 3.  Caulophyllum  (p.  4) 

2.  Flowers  solitary,  white  to  creamy,  over  1 cm  wide;  seeds  borne  within  a berry  or  capsule  (3) 

3.  Leaves  only  basal,  long-petioled  with  2 terminal  leaflets;  fruit  a capsule,  scapose  2.  Jeffersonia  (p.  3) 

3.  Leaves  mostly  cauline,  often  peltate  with  several  lobes;  fruit  a berry,  peduncled  ...  .1.  Podophyllum  (p.  1) 


Common  Names:  May-apple,  Mandrake 
Authority:  Linnaeus,  Species  Ph,  p.  505,  1753 

This  is  a genus  of  primitive  plants  of  uncertain  relationships,  sometimes  put  in  their  own  family,  Podophyllaceae.  One 
species  is  native  to  eastern  North  America,  and  one  or  more  are  known  from  Asia.  Our  common,  forest  species,  P. 
peltatum  !..,  is  sometimes  grown  as  an  ornamental  or  transplanted  to  woodlots  where  it  thrives.  The  seeds  and 
foliage  are  poisonous,  but  the  pulpy  flesh  of  the  fully  ripe  fruit  is  reportedly  edible. 


1 Podophyllum  peltatum  L. 

Common  Names:  May-apple,  Wild  Mandrake, 
Wild  Jalap,  Indian-apple,  Ground-lemon,  Hog- 
apple,  Puck’s-foot 

Type  Description:  Linnaeus,  Species  Pi.,  p.  505, 

Origin:  Arctotertiary  Forest 

Habitats:  Rich,  moist  woodlands  and  borders, 
usually  in  partial  shade 

Habit:  Erect,  perennial  herbs 

Flowering:  May 

Fruiting:  (July)  August 

General  Distribution:  Western  Quebec  and  New 
England  to  Minnesota,  south  to  Texas,  Loui- 
siana and  the  southern  Appalachians  (n. 

Description:  Plants  with  bisexual  flowers;  stigma  (2)  4-8  lobed,  capitate,  convoluted,  fleshy,  2-5  mm  broad,  2-3 
mm  high,  persistent  in  fruit;  style  lacking;  ovary  1 per  flower  (rarely  2-8  carpels),  superior,  fusiform  to  subspheri- 
cal,  8-12  mm  long,  5-8  mm  wide,  many-ovuled,  smooth,  becoming  a fleshy,  ovoid  berry  in  fruit,  3. 5-5. 8 cm  long, 
ca  2-4  cm  wide  at  maturity,  somewhat  spindle-shaped  with  obtuse,  tapered  ends,  pale  yellow  to  deep  yellow  often 
tinged  with  pink  (uncommonly  orangish  to  deep  red),  smooth,  the  pulpy  placenta  surrounding  the  numerous  seeds; 
seeds  elliptic,  3-4  mm  long,  almost  totally  enclosed  in  their  pulpy  arils;  stamens  usually  12-20  or  more  (rarely  6, 
opposite  the  petals),  8-10  mm  long;  anther  sacs  4-6  mm  long,  dehiscing  along  longitudinal  slits  (not  valved)  with  a 
broad,  fleshy  connective;  filaments  stout,  3-6  mm  long,  broader  near  the  bases;  petals  6 or  9,  free,  in  2-3  series 
(sometimes  with  smaller  petals  interspersed),  greenish-white  to  creamy-pink  (rarely  orange  to  reddish),  obovate  to 
obspatulate  with  rounded  tips,  mostly  1-3  cm  long,  1-2.5  cm  broad;  sepals  6,  in  2 series,  greenish- white,  early- 
deciduous,  cucullate,  enclosing  the  9-18  mm  bud;  sepal-like  bractlets  associated  with  the  base  of  the  bud  early- 
deciduous,  2-3  in  number,  greenish,  oval,  ca  3 mm  long,  2 mm  wide;  receptacle  tough,  somewhat  expanded  in 
fruit;  peduncle  3-7  cm  long,  sparsely  to  densely  villous  and  somewhat  flattened  and  ribbed,  arching  outward  from 
the  common  axil  of  2 terminal  leaves  to  bear  a single  flower,  elongating  and  pendulous  in  fruit;  leaves  1 or  2 (3) 


per  stalk,  oriented  horizontally,  suborbicular  to  reniform-cordate  (or  peltate),  usually  deeply  (3)  5-9  lobed,  palmate 
with  deep  sinuses  and  ± bifid  lobe  tips,  with  a few  shallower  lobes  and  apiculate  (to  blunt)  serrations  and  denta- 
tions of  varying  sizes  along  the  margins,  glabrescent,  and  darker  green  above,  soft-villous  below;  solitary  leaves 
robust,  usually  suborbicular  and  5-9  palmately  cleft,  often  peltate  near  the  margin,  15-30  (40)  cm  broad,  each  on 
a ribbed  stalk  15-40  cm  tall  which  arises  directly  from  a (bracteate)  rhizome;  paired  leaves  (very  rarely  0,  1 or  3) 
of  the  fertile  stalks  3-7  (9)  palmately  cleft  with  deep  sinuses  and  marginally  attached  petioles  (or  slightly  peltate); 
petioles  (4)  7-16  cm  long,  ribbed  and  deeply  grooved,  ± villous  toward  the  blade,  attachment  subopposite  (to 
alternate)  subtending  the  peduncle  at  the  stem  apex;  stem  glabrous,  grooved  and  minutely  caniculate,  15-30  (40) 
cm  tall;  basal  bracts  (scale  leaves)  strap-like  ± sheathing,  2-5  (7)  cm  long,  ca  1 cm  wide,  pale,  creamy-green, 
borne  alternately  near  the  point  of  stem-attachment  to  the  branching  rhizome,  2-8  (11)  mm  thick  (colony-forming) 
with  tough,  fibrous  roots.  (2n  = 12) 

Infraspecific  Variation:  Developmental  irregularities  are  not  uncommon  in  this  species.  Populations,  as  well  as 
individual  teratological  specimens,  have  frequently  been  written  up  in  the  literature  and  occasionally  named.  Plants 
developing  2-8  carpels  (or  separate  fruits)  per  flower  have  been  designated  forma  polycarpum  Clute.  Plants  with 
dark,  reddish  fruits  and  flowers  have  been  called  forma  deamii  Raym.  Leafless  flowering  stalks  are  known  (though 
rare),  called  forma  aphyllum  Plitt. , and  flowers  may  be  accompanied  by  1 or  3 leaves  on  occasion,  rather  than  two. 
Another  developmental  variation  is  the  fusion  of  the  peduncle  to  one  of  the  petioles  and  the  production  of  a floral 

Importance:  May-apple  is  cultivated  in  temperate  climates  in  gardens  and  woodlots,  and  may  escape  within  and 
outside  its  natural  range.  It  is  a poisonous  plant;  however,  the  pulp  of  the  fully  ripe  fruit  is  widely  known  to  be 
edible.  They  are  not  tasty,  and  are  mostly  eaten  by  children,  who  have  reportedly  been  severely  poisoned  by 
partially  ripe  fruit.  The  pulp  may  be  made  into  a good  marmalade  or  added  to  fruit  drinks,  but  the  seeds  may 
contain  measurable  amounts  of  toxins.  The  foliage  and  roots  of  the  plant  are  particularly  poisonous,  containing 
Podophyllotoxin  and  related  resins  and  lignins.  Podophyllin,  the  crude  extract,  is  a violent  cathartic  and  laxative, 
and  has  been  used  in  folk  medicine  in  very  small  doses.  It  has  also  been  used  as  a cytotoxic  substance  in  the 
treatment  of  certain  types  of  cancer  and  venereal  warts.  The  practice  of  treating  tumors  in  this  manner  was  learned 
from  American  Indians.  Internal  poisoning  results  in  severe  gastroenteritis,  purging  and  possible  death.  Even 
handling  the  powdered  rhizome  may  cause  skin  lesions,  conjunctivitis  and  other  symptoms. 


Common  Names:  Twinleaf,  Rheumatism-root 

Authority:  Barton,  Trans.  Amer.  Phil.  Soc.,  vol.  3,  p.  342,  1793 

A genus  of  two  species:  Jeffersonia  diphylla  of  the  eastern  part  of  North  America  and  J.  dubia  of  Manchuria.  Both 
species  are  cultivated,  and  ours  has  been  used  in  folk  medicine. 


1.  Jeffersonia  diphylla  (L.)  Pers. 

Common  Names:  Twinleaf,  Rheumatism-root, 
Ground-squirrel  Pea,  Helmet-pod 

Type  Description:  Linnaeus,  Species  PL,  p.  505, 

Synonyms:  Podophyllum  diphyllum  L.,  Jefferso- 
nia binata  Bart.,  J.  bartonis  Michx. 

Origin:  Aretotertiary  Forest 

Habitats:  Rich,  calcareous  woodlands  in  deep 

Habit:  Erect,  acaulescent,  perennial  herbs 

Flowering:  Early  May  (NY) 

Fruiting:  June-August 

General  Distribution:  Western  N.  Y.  State  and 
adjacent  Ontario  to  Minnesota,  Iowa  and  south 
to  Tennessee  and  Georgia 

Rarity:  Near  its  northern  limits  in  western  New 
York,  this  species  is  recorded  from  fewer  than 
25  locations  in  the  state. 

Description:  Plants  with  bisexual  flowers;  stigma  1 per  ovary,  truncate  at  tip,  2-lobed,  fleshy,  convoluted,  1-1.5 
mm  broad,  persistent;  style  stout,  1-2  mm  long,  persistent  in  fruit;  ovary  1 per  flower,  superior,  elliptic-oblong, 

5- 7  mm  long,  3-5  mm  wide,  stipitate,  glabrous,  many-ovuled,  becoming  a capsule  in  fruit;  capsule  2. 2-2. 8 cm 
long,  1.3-1. 8 (2.1)  cm  broad,  bilaterally  symmetrical,  oriented  ± horizontally  by  a contortion  of  its  basal  stipe, 
ovoid-fusiform,  somewhat  falcate,  the  terminal  portion  attenuated  abruptly  toward  the  persistent  style  beak,  the 
surface  greenish-tan,  muricate-tuberculate,  the  capsule  dehiscing  by  a large,  ringent,  subterminal  adaxial  pore  with 
revolute,  lipped  margins,  the  upper  fruit  then  becoming  a lid;  seeds  numerous,  oblong,  5-7  mm  long,  2-2.5  mm 
wide,  surfaces  red-brown,  muricate;  aril  pale,  wing-like,  ca  3 mm  long;  stamens  usually  8;  anther  sacs  linear,  5-6 
mm  long,  dehiscing  by  2 long  valves  which  are  apically  attached;  filaments  ca  2 mm  long;  perianth  parts  in  2-3 
series,  all  white  (greenish  or  lavender  tinted),  free;  petals  8 (9)  in  2 series  or  acyclic,  6-18  mm  long,  3-12  mm 
wide,  narrowly  to  broadly  obovate;  sepals  usually  4 (3-5),  petaloid,  narrowly  spatulate,  attenuated  toward  bases, 

6- 16  mm  long,  2-5  mm  wide;  flower  (fruit)  borne  singly;  receptacle  conspicuously  jointed  to  the  stipe,  ebracteate 
(rarely  with  a linear  bract);  scape  slender,  7-55  cm  tall,  glabrous,  ± ribbed;  leaves  all  basal,  glabrous,  borne  on 
long  petioles  from  the  rhizomes;  leaf  blade  deeply  divided  into  2 leaflets  (rarely  undivided,  renifbrm);  leaflets 
borne  opposite  one  another  in  the  same  plane  forming  near  mirror-images  (“angel-wings”),  1-11  cm  long,  0.5-6. 5 
cm  wide,  palmately  veined  from  their  lateral  points  of  attachment,  arcuate,  half-oval,  the  upper  lobe  somewhat 
rounded,  the  lower  with  a pointed  tip,  proximal  leaflet-margins  usually  entire,  distal  margins  shallowly  sinuate- 
dentate  (or  lobed);  petioles  slender,  glabrous,  ± caniculate,  7-60  cm  tall,  often  apiculate-tipped  (apex  between 


leaflets);  basal  bracts  3-8  cm  long,  4-7  mm  wide  (much-reduced  along  rhizome),  lanceolate,  with  pseudo-parallel 
veins  and  ± fleshy  (phyllodal);  rhizome  tough,  branched  (colony-forming),  5-12  mm  broad  with  fibrous,  matted 

roots.  (2n  = 12) 

Infraspecific  Variation:  Plants  of  Twin-leaf  are  quite  variable  in  size,  some  populations  being  dwarfed  with  dwarfed 
flowers.  The  leaflets  may  occasionally  be  joined  into  a single  reniform  blade  (as  in  J.  dubia  of  Asia).  In  forma 
lobata  Clute,  the  leaflets  are  deeply  marginally  lobed. 

Importance:  This  species  is  a very  attractive  ornamental  oddity,  grown  primarily  for  its  foliage  and  unusual  pod, 
since  flowering  is  brief.  Extract  of  the  root  is  aromatic  and  considered  to  be  stimulant,  used  in  tonics  and  some- 
times taken  for  rheumatism.  Also,  this  extract  has  been  used  in  folk  medicine  as  a substitute  for  Snakeroot  ( Aristo - 
lochia  serpentaria). 


Common  Names:  Blue  Cohosh,  Papoose-root 
Authority:  Michx.,  Fl.  Bor.  Amer.,  vol.  1,  p.  205,  1803 

A genus  of  two  species  widely  disjunct  in  eastern  North  America  and  eastern  Asia.  They  are  sometimes  cultivated, 
but  are  also  quite  poisonous. 

1.  Caulophyllum  thalictroides  (L.)  Michx. 
Common  Names:  Blue  Cohosh,  Papoose-root, 
Squawroot,  Blueberry-root,  “Blue  Ginseng” 
Type  Description:  Linnaeus,  Species  Pi.,  p.  312, 

Synonym:  Leontice  thalictroides  L. 

Origin:  Arctotertiary  Forest 
Habitats:  Cool,  moist  woodlands  in  partial  to  full 
shade  and  rich  soils 
Habit:  Erect,  perennial  herbs 
Flowering:  April — May 
Seeding:  June — August 

General  Distribution:  New  Brunswick  & Nova 
Scotia  to  eastern  Manitoba,  southward  in  the 
Appalachians  to  Georgia 


Description:  Plants  with  bisexual  flowers;  stigma  1 per  ovary,  minute,  its  unilateral  surface  linear-oblong;  style  1 
per  ovary,  somewhat  falcate,  1. 1-1.5  mm  long,  tapering  and  enlarged  toward  the  ovary;  ovary  1 per  flower, 
superior,  ovoid  and  ± gibbous,  glabrous,  enlarging  from  2 mm  at  fertilization  to  3-4  mm,  then  ruptured  by  the 
developing  ovule(s);  ovules  2,  one  often  aborting,  the  other  enlarging  greatly  on  a columnar  stalk,  breaking  through 
the  ovary  summit  to  become  a berry-like  seed  (or  both  seeds  developing);  seed  spheroid,  6-11  mm  in  diameter, 
the  integuement  blue-purple,  glaucous,  the  surface  becoming  ± rugose  with  age;  endosperm  homy;  funicular  stalk 
pedicel-like,  clavate,  5-7  mm  long,  stout,  greenish-glaucous  with  a glabrous  surface,  attached  at  the  receptacle 
where  the  ruptured  pericarp  often  persists,  looking  much  like  a bract;  stamens  6,  free;  anther  sacs  1.5  mm  long, 
clavate,  dehiscing  by  hooded,  subterminal  pores;  filaments  ca  1 mm  long,  ± flattened;  petals  (5)  6,  1.3-1. 8 mm 
long,  clawed,  spatulate,  with  blunt,  flabellate  to  reniform  expanded  tips,  somewhat  fleshy,  dusky  purple  (to  yellow- 
green);  sepals  (5)  6,  petaloid  (each  subtending  a petal),  obovate  to  narrowly  elliptic  with  entire  to  erose  margins 
and  rounded  to  acute  tips,  yellow-green  with  a purple  blush  (to  deep  purple  or  brownish);  involucre  (subtending 
the  corolla)  of  3-4  sepaloid  bracts,  linear-ovate,  ca  2 mm  long;  pedicels  5-11  mm  long  in  flower,  up  to  22  mm  long 
in  fruit,  shallowly  ribbed,  often  with  tiny,  acute-tipped  bracteoles  and  bracts;  inflorescence  and  flowers  opening 
early  with  the  developing  leaves,  paniculate  or  racemose,  usually  of  5-12  flower;  leaves  2 or  3,  borne  at  2 levels, 
usually  sessile  and  consisting  of  whorls  of  biternate,  triternate  or  pinnatisect  compound  leaflets,  or  the  lower  2 
leaves  subopposite;  upper  leaflet  whorl  usually  biternate,  subtending  the  inflorescence;  lower  whorl  of  several 
long-stalked,  compound  segments;  immature  leaflets  dark  purple  or  blackish-brown  (also  stalks)  in  claw-like  clus- 
ters of  linear,  toothed  segments;  mature  leaflets  green,  somewhat  glaucous  below,  with  obovate,  cuneate  or  half- 
oval blades,  2-6  (10)  cm  long,  2-8  (11)  cm  broad,  each  blade  usually  with  1-3  (4)  broad  lobes  with  sharp  sinuses, 
lobe  tips  obtuse  to  acute,  leaflet  bases  obtuse  to  truncate,  cordate  or  half-cordate,  surfaces  glabrous,  glaucous;  leaf 
stalks  up  to  25  cm  long  on  lower  whorl,  ribbed  glabrous;  stipules  absent;  stem  glabrous,  ribbed,  up  to  1.4  cm  thick 
and  a meter  tall;  basal  bracts  often  2-6,  phyllodal,  imbricated,  1-9  cm  long,  ± clasping  the  stem;  rhizome  tough, 
knotty,  often  branched,  bearing  the  plant  on  an  upturned  caudex  which  bears  bract  scars  of  previous  years;  roots 
tough  and  thick,  entangled  in  a mat  around  the  rhizome.  (2n  = 16) 

Importance:  Blue  Cohosh  is  sometimes  cultivated  in  shady  gardens,  but  should  be  avoided  where  it  might  be  a 
hazard  to  children.  The  bitter,  berry-like  seeds  are  rich  in  the  alkaloid  Methylcytisine  and  undetermined  glyco- 
sides. Saponin  from  the  rhizomes  may  cause  severe  gastroenteritis.  It  has  also  been  shown  to  be  an  orally  active 
smooth  muscle  stimulant  and  oxytoxic.  Caulophyllum  has  also  been  implicated  in  cases  of  dermatitis  and  mucous 
membrane  irritation.  The  roasted  seeds  are  said  to  be  safe  as  a coffee  substitute.  Extract  of  dried  rhizomes  has 
been  used  in  folk  medicine  (small  quantities)  as  an  emenagogue,  diuretic  and  antispasmodic. 


Common  Name:  Barberry 

Authority:  Linnaeus,  Species  Pi.,  p.  330,  1753 

Berberis  is  a genus  of  over  200  species,  primarily  distributed  in  Asia  and  Africa.  The  segregate  genus,  Mahonia, 
differs  in  having  compound  (often  spiny-margined)  leaves  and  in  lacking  stem  spines.  New  York  State  has  two 
introduced  species  of  the  genus  \vdiich  occasionally  become  naturalized  after  escaping  cultivation.  The  nearest 
native  species  is  B.  canadensis  Mill,  of  the  southern  Appalachians.  Barberries  are  relatively  common  in  cultivation 
except  in  grain-growing  areas.  Due  to  their  role  as  alternate  hosts  to  stem  rust  (Puccinia  graminis)  of  wheat,  B. 
vulgaris  and  B.  canadensis  have  been  largely  eradicated  in  some  states.  The  wood,  bark  and  berries  of  some 
species  have  folk  uses. 


Description:  Plants  with  bisexual  flowers;  stigma  1,  orbiculate,  depressed  in  the  center;  style  usually  absent  (or 
short);  ovary  1,  superior  with  2-9  (15)  erect  ovules,  becoming  a several-seeded,  indehiscent  berry,  usually  oblong 
and  fleshy;  seeds  lacking  arils,  but  with  crustaceous  integuements,  containing  elongate  embryos  and  albuminous 
endosperm;  stamens  6,  free;  anther  sacs  opening  by  hinged  valves;  filaments  tactile;  petals  6,  free,  in  2 whorls, 
each  subtending  a stamen,  margins  inrolled,  2 glandular  structures  at  the  base,  just  above  the  short  petal  claw; 
sepals  usually  6,  petaloid,  yellowish;  floral  bracts  2-3,  small,  subtending  the  calyx  directly;  pedicels  slender; 
inflorescence  of  few  to  many  flowers  borne  in  racemes  or  umbels  (sometimes  solitary)  from  short,  bracteate  shoots; 
leaves  simple  (excluding  Mahonia)  ± spatulate,  articulated  near  the  base,  borne  in  fascicles  on  short  shoots  in  the 
axils  of  branched  or  unbranched  spines  (rarely  spineless);  stems  shrubby  with  arched  branches  and  yellow  inner 
bark  and  wood,  up  to  3 (6)  meters  tall  from  fibrous  root  systems, 


1.  Mature  leaves  with  toothed  margins;  flowers  and  fruits  borne  in  elongate  racemes;  some  spines  forked 

1.  Berberis  vulgaris  (p.  7) 

1.  Mature  leaves  with  entire  margins;  flowers  and  fruits  borne  singly  or  in  small  umbels;  spines  unbranched 
2.  Berberis  thunbergii  (p.  9) 

1.  Berberis  vulgaris  L. 

Common  Names:  Common  Barberry,  European 
Barberry,  Jaundice-berry,  Piprage 
Type  Description:  Linnaeus,  Species  PL,  p.  330, 

Origin:  Eastern  Europe 

Habitats:  Thickets,  roadsides,  waste  places,  fen- 
ce rows  and  woodland  borders,  as  an  escape 
from  cultivation 

Habit:  Profusely-branching,  deciduous  shrubs 
Flowering:  May — June 
Fruiting:  June,  persisting  year-round 
General  Distribution:  Escaping  in  temperate  cli- 
mates; a native  of  Eurasia 


Description:  Plants  with  bisexual  flowers;  stigma  1 per  ovary,  discoid,  ± concave  in  the  center,  ca  1.5  mm  broad, 
0.3  mm  thick,  the  surface  rugose,  margins  overlapping  the  ovary  tip,  persistent  in  fruit;  style  absent;  ovary  1 per 
flower,  1.9-2. 4 mm  long,  ca  1 mm  wide,  cylindric,  several-ovuled,  becoming  an  elliptic  to  subglobose  berry  in 
fruit,  7-12  mm  long,  5-9  mm  wide,  glossy  scarlet  to  dark  red;  seeds  often  2-6  per  fruit,  ca  4 mm  long,  ellipsoid- 
clavate  and  somewhat  curved  with  wrinkled  surfaces;  stamens  6;  anther  sacs  opening  by  conspicuous  valves;  fila- 
ments fleshy  ± clavate,  ca  2 mm  long;  petals  6,  free,  each  subtending  a stamen,  creamy  yellow,  3^  mm  long,  2-3 
mm  wide,  each  with  2 elongate,  abaxial  glands  ca  1 mm  long  at  the  base,  (petals)  cucullate,  obovate  with  entire  to 
minutely  erose  margins;  sepals  6,  free,  petaloid,  cream  yellow  to  greenish,  ovoid-cucullate,  4-5  mm  in  diameter; 
bracts  2-4  (6),  yellow-green,  1.5-2. 5 mm  long,  0.5-1. 5 mm  wide,  obtuse  to  acute  tipped  with  entire  margins; 
pedicels  5-8  mm  long  ± caniculate,  each  subtended  by  a minute,  lanceolate  bract;  inflorescences  dense,  axillary 
cymes  3-6  cm  long,  usually  of  12-15  flowers;  peduncle  of  the  inflorescence  1-1.5  cm  long  borne  on  short-shoots, 
smooth  or  very  obscurely  ribbed,  flattened,  occasionally  with  1 or  2 naked  bracts  of  the  type  that  subtend  pedicels; 
leaves  borne  in  fascicles,  tightly  spiraling  (on  short-shoots),  2.5-6  (8)  cm  long,  0.8-2. 8 cm  wide,  obovate,  with 
rounded  to  obtuse  tips  and  attenuate  bases,  the  margins  profusely  serrulate-toothed,  each  tooth  tipped  with  a 
flexuous  spine  ca  1 mm  long,  the  revolute  margin  of  the  leaf  contiguous  with  the  spines,  leaf  surfaces  green  to  red- 
purple,  glabrous,  the  lower  with  a prominent  network  of  reticulate  veins;  petioles  glabrous,  ± winged  toward  the 
blade,  up  to  1.5  cm  long,  conspicuously  jointed  near  the  base,  the  2-3  mm  below  the  joint  expanded  and 
sheathing,  persistent  on  the  short-shoot;  short-shoots  bearing  both  leaves  and  inflorescences,  varying  in  length  with 
age,  usually  less  than  1 cm  long,  4-5  mm  wide,  sheathed  in  the  tightly  spiraling  petiole  bases  of  dropped  leaves; 
spines  present  at  the  base  of  short-shoots  (or  absent)  greenish  to  shiny  red-brown  at  maturity,  each  with  a tough 
expanded  base  and  2-3  spine  branches  at  the  tip  (or  single),  spine  branches  mostly  4-10  mm  long;  twigs  and  stems 
furrowed  with  grayish-brown  to  chalky  bark  which  peels  away  in  thin,  coriaceous  strips;  plants  branching  freely, 
forming  erect  to  bushy-sprawling  shrubs  up  to  2 (3)  meters  tall,  from  dense  root  systems.  (2n  = 28) 

Hybridization:  Although  it  has  not  been  reported  from  New  York  State,  Berberis  x ottawensis  Schneid.  is  thought 
to  be  the  natural  hybrid  of  B.  vulgaris  and  B.  thunbergii  DC.,  and  might  be  expected  where  the  two  species  occur 

Importance:  Common  Barberry  is  best  known  as  an  enemy  of  the  wheat  farmer,  since  it  may  serve  as  alternate 
host  of  the  devastating  rust,  Puccinia  graminis.  Eradication  programs  have  been  implemented  in  agricultural  areas 
of  the  midwestern  United  States  and  Canada  with  considerable  success.  In  New  York  State  the  plants  may  be 
found  in  cultivation  and  naturalized,  but  they  are  less  commonly  grown  than  the  Japanese  Barberry  (B.  thunber- 
gii). The  berries  are  suitable  for  making  jelly,  wine  and  pies.  The  yellow  wood  has  been  used  in  furniture  inlay  and 
extracted  for  a yellow  die  for  wool  and  leather.  The  wood  and  bark  are  also  sources  of  Berberine,  a broad- 
spectrum  antibiotic.  In  folk  medicine,  a tonic  from  the  bark  or  roots  is  said  to  be  alterative,  but  could  be 
dangerous  in  quantity. 


2.  Berberis  thunbergii  DC. 

Common  Name:  Japanese  Barberry 

Type  Description:  De  Candolle,  Syst.  vol.  3,  p. 
9,  1821 

Synonym:  B.  vulgare  of  Kew  Index  not  L.  (in 

Origin:  Eastern  Asia 

Habitats:  Fencerows,  thickets,  old  fields  and 
waste  places  as  an  escape 

Habit:  Much-branched,  deciduous  shrubs 

Flowering:  Late  April-May 

Fruiting:  June-October  (may  persist  year- 

General  Distribution:  Escaping  circumboreally 
in  temperate  climates;  a native  of  Japan 

Description:  Plants  with  bisexual  flowers;  stigma  1 per  ovary,  discoid,  ± concave  in  the  center,  ca  1.5  mm  broad, 
0.4  mm  thick,  the  surface  rugose,  margins  overlapping  the  ovary  tip,  persistent  in  fruit;  style  absent:  ovary  1 per 
flower,  1.5-2  mm  long,  ca  1 mm  wide,  broadly  cylindric  with  2-several  ovules,  becoming  a tough,  ellipsoid  to 
subglobose,  red  berry  in  fruit,  7-10  mm  long,  6-8  mm  wide,  glossy,  smooth;  seeds  1 or  2 (-4),  elongate-elliptic, 
5-6  mm  long,  2.8-3  mm  wide,  often  with  a flattened  side,  surface  rugose  to  papillose;  stamens  6;  aether  sacs 
opening  by  valves;  filaments  thick,  ca  1.5  mm  long;  petals  6,  free,  each  subtending  a stamen,  creamy-yellow  ca  3 
mm  long  and  broad,  ovate-cucullate  with  entire  margins,  with  basal  glands  ca  0.7  mm  long;  sepals  6,  free, 
petaloid,  ovate-cucullate  yellowish  with  a blush  of  red,  3-4  mm  long  and  broad;  bracts  subtending  the  calyx  2-4, 
strap-like,  reddish-tinged,  ca  2 mm  long;  pedicels  glabrous,  finely  ribbed,  4-10  mm  long,  each  with  a minute, 
subulate  bract  at  base;  flowers  borne  on  short-shoots,  singly,  paired  or  in  umbellate  inflorescences  of  3 (-5) 
flowers;  peduncle  of  inflorescence  slender,  ribbed,  glabrous,  3-8  mm  long  (or  absent  on  single  flowers);  leaves 
borne  is  fascicles,  tightly  spiraling  on  the  short-shoots,  0.5-2. 5 (3.5)  cm  long,  2-18  mm  wide,  entire,  spatulate  to 
obovate  with  rounded  to  obtuse  tips,  margins  ± revolute,  surfaces  glabrous,  green  to  red-purple,  blade  gradually 
attenuated  to  an  indistinct  petiole,  except  in  the  basal  2 mm  where  it  is  unwinged  and  obscurely  jointed;  short- 
shoots  bearing  both  leaves  and  inflorescences,  2-5  mm  long  and  broad,  sheathed  in  the  spiraling,  expanded  petiole 
bases  of  leaves  of  former  seasons,  reddish  to  gray-brown;  spines  present  at  the  bases  of  short-shoots  or  with  their 
buds  in  the  axils,  5-8  (11)  mm  long,  with  tough,  expanded  bases,  the  spine  usually  unbranched,  with  small. 


abortive  lateral  spines  at  the  junction  with  its  sheathing  base;  twigs  and  stems  deeply  furrowed,  greenish  when 
young  to  red-brown,  the  bark  stripping,  dark  brown  to  nearly  black;  wood  yellow;  plants  profusely  divaricately 
branching,  up  to  2.5  meters  tall,  from  a dense  root  system.  (2n  = 18) 

Infraspecific  Variation  and  Hybridization:  This  species  has  a number  of  cultivated  forms.  Among  them  are  color 
and  growth-form  mutants  including  the  diminutive  cv.  Minor  (Box  Barberry)  and  the  narrow,  upright  cv.  Erecta 
(True-hedge  Column-berry).  The  hybrid  of  B.  thunbergii  and  B.  vulgaris  (B.x  ottawensis)  has  not  been  reported 
from  New  York  State. 

Importance.  This  species  is  widely  cultivated  and  can  occasionally  become  a noxious  weed  of  abandoned  fields  and 
fence  rows. 

Lardizabalaceae  (Lardizabala  Family) 

A family  of  about  6 genera  and  30  species  of  vines  (rarely  shrubs)  native  to  eastern  Asia  and  western  South 
America.  In  the  United  States  those  cultivated  are:  Akebia,  Lardizabala,  Decaisnia,  and  Stauntonia.  By  far  the 
most  commonly  cultivated  species  is  Akebia  quinata,  which  is  relatively  hardy  and  may  escape  as  far  north  as 
eastern  Canada.  Fruits  of  members  of  this  family  are  often  edible. 


The  plants  are  usually  monoecious  or  dioecious  woody  vines  with  alternate  leaves  which  are  palmately  compound 
( Decaisnia , the  exception,  is  a shrub  with  bisexual  flowers  and  pinnately  compound  leaves).  The  perianth  may 
consist  of  one  or  two  whorls  and  may  differ  in  size  or  coloration  between  male  and  female  flowers.  Perianth  parts 
are  free,  in  whorls  of  threes,  including  such  reduced  series  as  petaloid  nectaries.  When  petals  are  absent  or 
reduced,  sepals  are  often  petaloid;  stamens  are  6,  free  or  basally  united.  There  are  3-15  free  ovaries,  each  with  (1) 
2 to  many  ovules,  parietal  placentation  and  a single  sub-sessile  stigma.  The  fruits  are  berries  or  fleshy  follicles 
which  dehisce  along  a single  ventral  suture.  The  embryo  is  small,  straight  and  embedded  in  fleshy  endosperm. 


Common  Names;  Five-leaf,  Three-leaf  Akebia,  Chocolate  Vine 
Authority:  Decne.,  Arch.  Mus.  Hist.  Nat.,  Paris,  vol.  1,  p.  195,  1839. 

A genus  of  two  species  of  vines,  native  to  China,  Japan  and  Korea.  In  addition  to  the  following  species,  the  Three- 
leaf  Akebia,  A.  trifoliata  (Thunb.)  Koidz.,  is  cultivated,  but  not  known  to  escape  in  New  York  State. 


1.  A kebia  quinata  (Houtt.  ex  Thunb.)  Decne. 

Common  Names:  Five-leaf  Akebia,  Five-leaf, 
Chocolate  Vine 

Type  Description:  Houtt.,  in  Thunb.  Fl.  Jap.,  p. 
148,  1784 

Synonyms:  Akebia  lobata  (Houtt.  ex  Thunb.) 
Decne.,  Rajania  quinata  Houtt.  ex  Thunb. 

Origin:  Eastern  Asia 

Habitats:  Thickets,  vacant  lot  borders,  waste 
places  and  clearings  as  an  escape  from  cultiva- 

Habit:  High-climbing,  perennial,  semi-evergreen 

Flowering:  May-June 

Fruiting:  July-September 

General  Distribution:  A sporadic  escape  from 
cultivation  in  North  America;  native  to  eastern 

Description:  Plants  monoecious;  female  flowers:  stigma  1 per  ovary,  cleft  and  bilabiate,  1.0-1. 5 mm  broad,  glossy 
purple-brown;  style  absent;  ovaries  usually  4-6  per  flower,  free,  superior,  cylindric,  3-5  mm  long,  1-2  mm  wide, 
often  arched  and  divergent,  1-loculed,  1-carpelled,  1 to  2 ovaries  per  flower  maturing  into  large,  fleshy,  berry-like 
follicles,  (follicle)  up  to  8 cm  long  and  4 cm  wide,  compressed  dorsiventrally,  oblong,  purse-like,  dehiscing  along  an 
adaxial  suture,  purple  or  creamy,  blotched  with  purple,  glaucous  with  a juicy,  yellow-green  fleshy  endocarp, 
bearing  a cylindric,  parietal  placenta  with  numerous  seeds;  seeds  purplish-black,  4-5  mm  long,  ca  3 mm  wide, 
trapezoidal  to  narrowly  tapered  toward  their  blunt  tips;  rudimentary  anthers  0-6,  minute,  less  than  1 mm  long; 
petals  absent;  perianth  (female  flowers)  of  3 petaloid,  free  sepals,  dusky  purple,  strongly  cucullate,  often  with 
slightly  reflexed  margins,  7-12  (14)  mm  long,  5-9  (12)  mm  broad;  receptacle  becoming  enlarged,  woody,  jointed 
to  the  fruit;  male  flowers:  ovaries  absent  or  represented  by  sterile  tissue;  stamens  6,  free  at  base,  2. 5-3.5  mm 
long;  anther  sacs  comprising  most  of  the  length  of  the  stamens,  falcate,  inwardly  arched  to  form  a turbinate 
androecium,  purplish,  dehiscing  first  by  pores,  then  extrorsely  valved;  filaments  minute,  flattened;  petals  absent; 
perianth  (male  flowers)  of  3 petaloid  sepals,  free,  rose-purple  to  dusky-purple,  flat  to  weakly  cucullate,  ovate  to 
triangular-obtuse,  3-6  mm  long,  2-5  mm  wide,  receptacle  not  enlarging;  inflorescence  a cyme-like,  few-flowered 
panicle,  usually  with  3-8  male  flowers  borne  terminally  and  2-4  female  flowers  attached  below;  pedicels  slender, 
glabrous,  ribbed,  yellow-green,  1-5  long  in  male  flowers,  up  to  22  mm  long  in  female  flowers,  placing  them  in 


proximity  with  the  males;  pedicels  subtended  by  linear,  pellucid  bracts,  ca  1 mm  long;  peduncles  mostly  1-2  cm 
long,  borne  singly  or  several  per  node,  subtended  by  broad  coriaceous  bracts  at  the  nodes;  leaves  compound,  5- 
palmately  divided;  very  young  leaflets  linear-lanceolate,  strongly  apiculate;  mature  leaflets  broadly  oval  to  oblan- 
ceolate,  emarginate  or  rounded,  often  with  a tiny,  reflexed  apiculation  persisting  at  the  tip,  obtuse  to  acuminate  at 
base,  1.5-5. 5 (7)  cm  long,  0.6-3. 2 (4)  cm  broad,  glabrous;  petiolules  glabrous,  1-10  mm  long,  somewhat  ribbed  or 
winged;  petioles  slender,  glabrous,  ribbed,  up  to  15  cm  long,  slightly  expanded  at  bases;  stipules  absent;  bud 
scales  broad,  oval  to  triangular-acute,  coriaceous;  nodes  enlarged,  woody;  internodes  smooth  or  ribbed  when 
young,  becoming  dotted  with  oval,  protuberant  lenticels,  eventually  forming  bark  which  is  yellowish  to  red-brown, 
splitting  longitudinally,  becoming  charcoal  to  grayish  and  fibrous  on  older  stems;  stems  twining  and  climbing  up  to 
15  meters  or  more  from  a fibrous,  perennial  rootstock.  (2n  = 32) 

Importance:  This  vine  is  attractive  and  easily  propagated  by  stem  or  root  cuttings;  seeds  usually  are  set  only  after 
hand  pollination.  It  is  widely  cultivated,  but  may  spread  aggressively  and  escape.  The  gelatinous  pulp  of  the  fruit  is 
eaten  in  countries  where  the  plant  is  native.  The  leaves  are  also  extracted  to  make  a tea,  and  young  shoots  are 
woven  into  baskets  in  Japan. 

Menispermaceae  (Moonseed  Family) 

This  large  group  is  primarily  tropical  and  absent  from  Europe.  It  comprises  up  to  80  genera  and  400  species, 
depending  upon  the  authority  consulted,  but  probably  has  far  fewer  defensable  taxa.  The  plants  are  usually  dioe- 
cious vines.  This  family  has  historically  been  included  under  Magnoliaceae,  Berberidaceae  and  Annonaceae.  In 
North  America,  north  of  Mexico,  the  representatives  are:  Cocculus  (2  spp.)  in  southern  states,  Cissampelos  (1  sp.) 
from  Florida,  Calycocarpum  (1  sp.)  from  the  south  and  midwest,  and  Menispermum  (1  sp.)  from  the  eastern  U.S. 
and  adjacent  Canada.  Over  100  alkaloids  have  been  extracted  from  members  of  the  family,  about  % of  which  are 
not  found  outside  Menispermaceae.  A number  of  species,  including  Menispermum  canadense  L.  are  known  to  be 
poisonous.  The  root  extract  of  a tropical  genus,  Chondrodendron,  yields  curare — used  locally  as  a coating  to  poison 
darts  and  arrowheads.  In  medicine  curare  is  used  in  controlled  doses  to  paralyze  skeletal  muscles  temporarily 
during  surgery. 


Members  of  this  family  are  primarily  dioecious,  woody  vines  (rarely  shrubs  or  trees).  Leaves  are  alternate,  simple 
(or  trifoliate),  entire  to  deeply  palmately  cleft  and  estipulate.  The  unisexual  flowers  are  small  and  greenish  with 
both  calyx  and  corolla  usually  present  and  6-parted.  Stamens  are  3 to  many,  often  6,  free  or  connate  at  base  (some- 
times monodelphous).  Ovaries  are  unfused,  superior,  3-6  per  flower,  each  a one-loculed  carpel;  placentation  is 
parietal.  The  stigma  is  capitate  or  discoid,  often  scalloped  or  lobed.  The  fruit  is  a drupe  or  achene.  Seeds  contain  a 
curved  embryo,  with  or  without  endosperm. 


Common  Names:  Moonseed,  Yellow  Parilla 
Authority:  Linnaeus,  Species  Pi.,  p.  340,  1753 

Menispermum  is  a genus  with  one  species  in  eastern  North  America  (M.  canadense)  and  one  in  eastern  Asia  (M. 
dahuricum  DC.),  a classic  pattern  of  Arctotertiary  disjunction.  These  may  constitute  a single  species,  but  require 
further  study.  Moonseed  is  cultivated  and  may  be  dangerous  to  children,  since  the  grape-like  fruits  are  poisonous. 


1.  Menispermum  canadense  L. 

Common  Names:  Moonseed,  Yellow  Parilla, 
“Texas  Sarsaparilla” 

Type  Description:  Linnaeus,  Species  Pi.,  p.  340, 

Synonyms:  Menispermum  angulatum  Moench, 
M.  virginicum  Willd.,  M.  mexicanum  Rose 
Origin:  Arctotertiary  Forest 
Habitats:  Woods  and  thickets,  especially  moist 
bottomlands  and  streambanks 
Habit:  Perennial  vines 
Flowering:  June — July 
Fruiting:  July — September 

General  Distribution:  Western  Quebec  and  New 
England  to  Georgia  and  west  to  Oklahoma 

Description:  Plants  dioecious;  female  flowers:  stigma  1 per  ovary,  ca  0.2  mm  wide,  rotate  with  minutely  scalloped 
margins;  style  short,  reflexed  outward;  ovaries  2 (4),  reniform,  ca  1 mm  long,  the  abaxial  surface  convex,  each 
ovary  becoming  a fleshy,  glaucous  drupe,  1. 1-1.4  cm  in  diameter,  subglobose,  but  developing  unevenly  to  leave 
the  stigma  displaced  laterally  as  a small  protuberance  2-4  mm  from  the  fruit  base,  fruit  color  dark  purple  to  black; 
ovules  2,  one  aborting,  the  other  becoming  a crescent-shaped  seed,  7-9  mm  in  diameter,  laterally  compressed,  ca 
3 mm  wide  with  3 prominent  ridges  along  the  outer  perimeter,  their  walls  with  spiny  ribs  and  furrows;  embryo 
curved  within  an  albuminous  endosperm;  staminodes  usually  6,  1.0-1. 5 mm  long,  each  composed  of  a thick  fila- 
ment and  bulbous  tip;  petals  4-8,  free,  ovate,  greenish-white,  1.5-1. 8 mm  long,  ca  0.8  mm  wide;  sepals  4-8,  free, 
ovate,  greenish-white,  1.7-2. 1 mm  long,  ca  1 mm  wide;  male  flowers:  ovaries  absent;  stamens  12-24,  from  2.0- 
2.5  mm  long;  anther  sacs  globose;  filaments  fleshy,  free  at  base;  petals  2-6,  greenish,  lanceolate,  ca  1.5  mm  long, 
0-4  mm  wide;  sepals  greenish,  4-8,  ovate,  ca  2 mm  long,  1 mm  wide;  inflorescences  3-9  cm  long,  axillary  panicles; 
pedicels  1-3  mm  long  (up  to  1 cm  in  fruit),  ribbed,  glabrous  or  with  a few  pilose  hairs;  foliar  bracts  subtending 
pedicels  and  peduncles,  linear- lanceolate,  1-2  (4)  mm  long  with  ciliate  margins;  peduncles  and  rachises  shallowly 
ribbed,  often  sparsely  villous;  leaves  oval  with  cuspidate  tips  when  young,  becoming  shallowly  (to  deeply)  3-7  (9) 
lobed,  the  lobes  rounded  to  acute-tipped  at  maturity,  often  with  a residual  apiculation,  leaf  bases  truncate  to 


cordate  (peltate),  upper  surfaces  bright  green,  very  sparsely  short-villous,  lower  surfaces  pale  to  gray-green, 
sparsely  to  moderately  villous,  mature  leaves  up  to  20  (30)  cm  broad,  obscurely  peltate,  the  petioles  attached  near 
the  basal  leaf  margins,  elongating  with  age  becoming  up  to  20  (25)  cm  in  length,  ribbed  and  sparsely  villous,  often 
twisted;  stems  twining,  reddish-brown,  ribbed,  sparsely  to  densely  arachnoid- villous,  especially  near  the  growing 
tips,  climbing  up  to  6 meters  from  a tough,  fibrous  root  system.  (2n  = 52) 

Importance:  Like  other  members  of  its  family,  this  species  is  occasionally  cultivated,  primarily  for  its  foliage  and 
climbing  habit,  and  it  may  escape.  It  is  a poisonous  plant,  the  toxic  principles  being  isoquinoline  alkaloids  (includ- 
ing Dauricine)  with  an  action  much  like  curare.  There  are  reported  cases  of  convulsion,  paralysis  and  death  in 
children  after  they  ingested  the  grape-like  fruits.  The  fruits  are,  however,  not  apparently  injurious  to  birds  for 
which  they  serve  as  food.  It  is  a common  phenomenon  for  birds  to  thrive  on  fruits  or  seeds  which  are  poisonous  to 
mammals,  and  they  should  never  be  used  as  indicators  of  the  edibility  of  plant  materials  for  humans. 


Papaveraceae  (Poppy  Family) 

The  Papaveraceae:  a family  of  some  25  genera  and  over  200  species  worldwide.  The  plants  are  mostly  herbaceous, 
often  with  showy  flowers,  and  a number  of  the  genera  are  important  horticulturally.  The  species  treated  here  are 
mostly  naturalized  after  escape  from  cultivation,  since  Bloodroot  (Sanguinaria  canadensis  L.)  is  the  only  member  of 
the  family  native  to  the  state.  The  largest  genus  of  the  family  is  that  of  true  poppies,  Papaver,  with  60-80  species. 
In  addition  to  their  usefulness  as  ornamentals,  poppies  and  their  relatives  are  valuable  sources  of  alkaloids.  The 
best  known  of  these  is  Opium  Poppy  (Papaver  somniferum  L.),  whose  seeds  also  have  commercial  uses.  Members 
of  Papaveraceae  are  most  common  and  prolific  in  southern,  dry  climates,  but  range  to  boreal  and  arctic  habitats. 
Mediterranean  climatic  zones  of  southern  Europe  and  the  west  coast  of  the  U.  S.  and  Mexico  are  particularly  rich 
in  members  of  the  poppy  family. 


Herbs  or  rarely  shrubs  or  trees  with  milky  sap  (to  watery),  often  with  latex  and  characteristically  containing  iso- 
quinoline alkaloids.  Plants  annual,  biennial  or  perennial  with  unbranched  or  branched  stems  or  scapose  from 
rhizomes  or  caudices.  Leaves  are  usually  alternate,  but  may  be  paired  or  whorled  near  the  branch  tips;  they  are 
often  divided  or  lobed  and  cut,  but  may  be  entire.  Plants  are  glabrous  to  densely  pubescent,  and  may  have  setae 
or  spiny  armature.  Flowers  are  bisexual,  usually  showy  and  brightly  colored,  solitary  or  in  paniculate  or  umbellate 
clusters.  The  calyx  is  of  2-4  distinct  sepals  which  enclose  the  bud  and  usually  drop  with  the  opening  of  the  flower. 
The  corolla  is  of  4-6  or  8-12  petals  (rarely  absent)  which  are  distinct  or  very  slightly  fused  at  base.  Stamens  are  4 
to  many,  centripetal,  usually  numerous  with  2-celled  anthers.  Filaments  are  slender,  clavate  or  alate-petaloid. 
Ovary  1,  superior,  of  2 to  many  carpels,  but  unilocular  (some  genera  have  septations  which  break  down  in  fruit 
development).  Styles  are  very  short,  usually  obsolete;  stigmas  are  (1)  2-18  or  more,  corresponding  with  carpel 
number.  They  may  be  fused  into  a persistent  radiate  disc  which  caps  the  fruit.  The  fruits  are  various  types  of 
capsules  (or  rarely  follicles),  dehiscent  by  valves,  sutures  or  indehiscent.  Placentation  is  parietal,  and  each  capsule 
usually  bears  many  seeds.  Seeds  are  quite  varied  in  color,  shape,  reticulations,  caruncles,  aril  types,  etc.  They 
contain  small  embryos  and  albumenous,  oily  or  mealy  endosperm. 







Perianth  of  2 creamy,  petaloid  sepals;  petals  absent;  flowers  in  a much-branched,  terminal  panicle 

4.  Macleaya  (p.  21) 

Perianth  of  2 or  more  whorls  of  unlike  parts;  petals  present;  flowers  borne  singly  or  in  small,  umbellate 

clusters  (2) 

2.  Plants  acaulescent,  the  leaves  and  flowering  scapes  borne  directly  from  a rhizome;  leaves  palmately  veined 

1.  Sanguinaria  (p.  16) 

2.  Plants  caulescent,  the  leaves  and  flowers  borne  on  above-ground  stems;  leaves  pinnately  veined  . . . . .(3) 

Leaves  multifid  with  linear  segments  . 5.  Eschscholzia  (p.  23) 

Leaves  not  multifid,  but  lobed,  pinnatisect  or  entire  (4) 

4.  Capsules  more  than  10  times  longer  than  broad  (6) 

4.  Capsules  no  more  than  5 times  longer  than  broad  (5) 

Leaves  spiny;  capsule  opening  by  4-6  valves  7.  Argemone  (p.  34) 

Leaves  not  spiny;  capsule  opening  by  pores  or  indehiscent  6.  Papaver  (p.  24) 

6.  Petals  1 cm  long  or  less;  flowers  in  umbellate  clusters  . .2.  Chelidonium  (p.  17) 

6.  Petals  2 cm  long  or  more;  flowers  solitary  3.  Glaucium  (p.  20) 



Common  Names:  Bloodroot,  Puccoon. 

Authority:  Linnaeus,  Species  Pi.,  p.  505,  1753 

A North  American  genus  with  a single  species,  but  very  closely  related  to  the  eastern  Asian  genus  Eomecon,  which 
should  possibly  be  included  in  Sanguinaria.  The  single  species  of  Eomecon  differs  from  S.  canadensis  in  having 
the  sepals  fused.  It  is  also  pubescent  with  cordate  leaves  and  more  than  one  flower  per  scape;  however,  Sanguina- 
ria also  will  occasionally  have  two  or  more  flowers  in  a bracteate  inflorescence,  suggesting  common  ancestry. 

1.  Sanguinaria  canadensis  L. 

Common  Names:  Bloodroot,  Puccoon,  Puccoon- 
root.  Red  Puccoon,  White  Puccoon,  Tet- 
terwort,  Indian-paint,  Red-root,  Corn-root, 
Pauson,  Sweet-slumber,  Snake-bite,  “Tur- 

Type  Description:  Linnaeus,  Species  Pi.,  p.  505, 

Synonyms:  Sanguinaria  acaulis  Moench.,  S. 
vernalis  Salisb.,  S.  dilleniana  Greene 

Origin:  Arctotertiary  Forest 

Habitats:  Rich  woods,  often  alluvial  soils  in 
calcareous  places 

Habit:  Acaulescent,  scapose,  perennial  herbs 

Flowering:  April-May  (NY) 

Fruiting:  May -June  (July) 

General  Distribution:  Nova  Scotia  to  Manitoba, 
west  to  Kansas  and  south  to  e.  Texas  and 
northern  Florida 

Description:  Plants  with  bisexual  flowers;  stigma  strongly  2-lobed,  1-2  mm  in  diameter,  persistent;  style  narrowly- 
cylindric,  contiguous  with  the  ovary,  up  to  1.5  mm  long  in  fruit;  ovary  fusiform,  4-7  mm  long,  2-3  mm  wide, 
glabrous,  becoming  an  elliptic-fusiform  capsule  which  is  brown,  glabrous,  glaucous,  2. 5^. 5 (6)  cm  long  (excluding 
style)  0.8-1. 5 cm  wide,  2-valved,  acropetally  dehiscent  along  2 sutures,  the  valves  not  dropping,  unilocular  with  2 
placentae,  capsule  base  often  somewhat  stipitate  at  maturity;  seeds  numerous,  obovate,  3.2-3. 7 mm  long,  2. 2-2. 8 
mm  wide  (excluding  aril)  with  a basal  nipple,  greenish-tan  when  immature,  becoming  rich  rust-red  to  dark  red- 
brown  at  maturity,  the  seedcoat  minutely  and  irregularly  pitted-reticulate;  aril  creamy-golden,  crested  and  wing- 
like, often  longer  than  the  seed  (up  to  4.2  mm);  stamens  14-30,  varying  in  length;  anther  sacs  oblong,  2-4  mm 
long,  golden;  filaments  3-11  mm  long,  slender;  petals  free,  usually  8 (6-12),  in  2 or  more  series,  narrowly  oblong 


to  elliptic  or  spatulate,  entire  (rarely  lobed)  1-2  (3)  cm  long,  0.4-1. 2 (1.6)  cm  wide,  white  to  creamy  (pink);  sepals 
2,  membranous,  glabrous,  cucullate,  often  notched  irregularly  at  apex,  1.0-1. 5 cm  long,  early  deciduous;  flower 
borne  singly,  scapose  (very  rarely  2-3  pedicillate  flowers  with  bracts);  scape  naked,  slightly  ribbed,  glabrous,  10-20 
(35)  cm  tall;  leaves  1 per  node,  arising  from  near  ground  level,  each  associated  with  a stipe,  enfolding  the  bud 

when  young,  growing  throughout  the  season  and  changing  shape  from  cordate-ovate  to  broadly  reniform  at  matu- 

rity, up  to  20  cm  long,  30  cm  wide  with  large,  irregular  dentations  and  crenations  as  well  as  incisions  with  rounded 
sinuses  which  make  the  blade  palmately  lobed  (also  palmately  veined),  blade  tip  rounded,  basal  lobes  cordate  to 
sagittate,  leaf  surfaces  glabrous,  the  lower  surface  pale  green  to  conspicuously  glaucous  (especially  when  young); 
mature  petioles  up  to  35  (45)  cm  tall,  ribbed,  glabrescent,  subtended  by  2-6  ovate  to  lanceolate  bracts,  often  with 
falcate,  e margin  ate  or  obtuse  tips,  partially  sheathing,  membranous,  0.5-10.5  cm  long,  5-12  mm  wide,  with 
pseudo-parallel  veins;  stems  consisting  only  of  tough,  branching  rhizomes  5-20  mm  in  diameter  with  fibrous  roots 
and  orange-red  sap.  (2n  = 18) 

Infraspecific  Variation:  Plants  of  this  species  vary  in  the  degree  of  leaf  lobing  and  in  their  size,  color  and  glaucous- 
ness, as  well  as  the  length  and  branching  of  the  rhizome;  fruiting  stipes  may  overtop  the  leaves  or  not.  Variety 

rotundifolia  (Greene)  Fedde  combines  some  variations  of  these  features  with  large,  undulate,  practically  uncut 

leaves,  and  probably  deserves  recognition  as  a clinal,  southern  race  at  best.  Flower  color  varies  from  white  to  pink, 
and  the  cultivar  Multiplex,  has  numerous  petals  replacing  the  stamens  and  ovary.  These  variations  have  been 
found  on  numerous  occasions,  and  their  discovery  in  the  wild  usually  generates  some  colorful  horticultural  litera- 
ture. Multiplex  has  also  been  called  var.  plena  Barcl.  as  well  as  cv,  “Flore  Pleno  ’ in  the  past. 

Importance:  Sanguinaria  is  potentially  poisonous,  but  not  well  documented  as  a threat  to  man  or  livestock.  The 
plants  contain  isoquinoline  alkaloids,  of  which  Sanguinarine,  named  for  the  genus,  has  been  investigated  as  a 
poisoning  agent  from  Argemone.  The  generic  name  comes  from  the  blood-like  appearance  of  the  juice,  which  was 
used  by  American  Indians  as  a facial  stain.  Medicinal  use  has  been  quite  varied:  early  North  American  settlers  used 
a tea  of  Bloodroot  to  gargle  for  sore  throat,  while  a similar  solution  was  used  by  the  Native  Americans  of  the 
Mississippi  Valley  as  an  internal  treatment  of  rheumatism.  In  quantity  or  undiluted  solution  the  Sanguinarine  is 
emetic,  causing  vomiting  and  diarrhea  and  possible  shock,  fainting  and  coma.  The  extract  of  powdered  rhizome 
became  popular  in  medicine  during  the  early  19th  century,  especially  in  Europe,  and  it  is  still  a common  medicine 
in  Russia.  British  doctors  developed  a flour  paste  with  Sanguinaria  extract  and  zinc  chloride  which  was  used  to 
treat  various  warts,  polyps  and  superficial  cancers  of  the  nose  and  skin.  It  was  applied  after  erosion  of  the  tumor 
with  acid.  This  practice  fell  into  disrepute  until  more  recent  studies  showed  Sanguinarine  and  Chelerythrine  from 
the  plants  to  be  active  against  types  of  carcinoma  and  sarcoma  in  mice.  A revival  and  refinement  of  19th  century 
techniques  is  now  used  with  considerable  success  against  certain  carcinomas  in  humans  and  pets.  Protopine,  known 
from  this  and  other  genera  of  the  family,  shows  bradycardial  action.  These  plants  are  popular  in  cultivation,  being 
easily  propagated  by  rhizome  cuttings.  They  are  prized  in  Europe  where  they  are  not  native. 


Common  Names:  Celandine,  Swallow -wort 
Authority:  Linnaeus,  Species  Pi,,  p.  505,  1753 

A genus  with  a single  species,  though  species  from  other  genera  have  historically  been  included  in  it.  Chelidonium 
majus  L.  is  a common  weed  in  northeastern  North  America  and  in  Eurasia  including  areas  of  Europe  where  it  is 
also  native.  The  acrid,  yellow-orange  juice  is  used  medicinally  and  may  be  poisonous  when  undiluted. 


1.  Chelidonium  majus  L. 

Common  Names:  Greater  Celandine,  Celandine, 
Swallow-wort,  Rock-poppy  Tetter-wort,  Kill- 
wort,  Wart-wort 

Type  Description:  Linnaeus,  Species  Pi.,  p.  505, 

Origin:  Europe 

Habitats:  Roadsides,  yards  and  walls,  moist 
waste  places  and  disturbed  woodlands  as  an  es- 
cape from  cultivation;  now  firmly  naturalized 

Habit:  Erect  and  spreading  biennial  or  perennial 

Flowering:  April-August 

Fruiting:  May -October 

General  Distribution:  Naturalized  over  most  of 
the  eastern  United  States  and  Canada;  native 
and  ubiquitous  in  Eurasia 

Description:  Plants  with  bisexual  flowers;  stigma  1,  with  2 rough  faces  outwardly  directed  ca  45°  from  vertical  (roof- 
like), persistent  in  fruit,  not  enlarging;  style  0.8-1. 1 mm  long,  cylindric,  glabrous,  persistent;  ovary  1 per  flower, 
superior,  linear-cylindric,  4-7  mm  long,  ca  0.5  mm  wide,  becoming  a linear  capsule,  glabrous,  2-4  (5)  cm  long,  2- 
3 (4)  mm  wide,  straight  or  slightly  curved,  brown  to  tan  at  maturity,  dehiscing  from  the  base  upward  along  sutures 
associated  with  two  slender  ribs,  the  valves  eventually  curling  and  falling  away;  seeds  borne  in  two  rows,  few  to 
numerous,  1.2-1. 7 mm  long,  0. 7-1.0  mm  wide  (excluding  the  aril)  ellipsoid,  slightly  flattened  on  one  side,  reticu- 
late, shiny,  red-brown,  the  aril  plump,  crested,  wing-like,  0.5-1. 8 mm  long,  creamy-golden;  stamens  4-15  or 
more,  yellow,  4-6  mm  long;  anther  sacs  elliptic,  ca  1.5  mm  long;  filaments  slender  but  expanded  upward;  petals  4 
in  two  pairs,  7-11  (17)  mm  long,  5-9  (14)  mm  wide,  elliptic  to  narrowly  ovoid,  bright  yellow  (creamy  or  orange- 
yellow);  sepals  2,  enclosing  the  bud)  early-deciduous,  yellow-green  ca  8 mm  long,  glabrous  or  with  a very  few 
villous  trichomes;  inflorescences  near  the  branch  tips,  stalked  umbels,  usually  3-6  flowered;  pedicels  slender,  often 
glabrous  and  somewhat  ribbed,  elongating  up  to  3 cm  in  fruit;  bracts  at  the  pedicel  bases  minute,  glabrous  or 
ciliate;  peduncle  of  the  umbel  3-5  (7)  cm  long,  glabrous  to  sparsely  villous,  strongly  grooved;  leaves  glaucous, 
sparsely  villous  to  almost  glabrous,  deeply  5-7  (or  more)  pinnatifid  with  variously  lobed  and  dentate  (rarely  lacini- 
ate)  margins  on  the  broad,  rounded  lobes;  cauline  leaves  reduced  upward,  the  smaller  ones  subtending  the  pedun- 
cles sometimes  scarcely  lobed;  basal  leaves  formed  each  year  in  a rosette;  peduncles  sparsely  villous,  winged  and 
grooved;  stems  winged  and  grooved,  sparsely  to  densely  villous,  up  to  1.3  meters  tall  from  a tough,  biennial  or 
perennial  taproot  and  fibrous  roots  with  orange-yellow  latex  and  sap.  (2n  = 12) 


Infraspecific  Variation;  A large-flowered  form  (up  to  3.5  cm  in  diameter)  is  known  for  this  species.  The  variety 
laciniatum  (Mill.)  Syme  has  deeply  incised  leaves. 

Importance:  This  plant  was  introduced  into  North  America  by  European  settlers  who  used  it  as  a medicinal  herb. 
The  yellow-orange  sap  has  been  extracted  since  ancient  times  and  used  in  dilute  solutions  for  various  internal  and 
external  ailments.  The  teachings  of  Pliny  and  Dioscorides  refer  to  it  in  treatment  of  “film  of  the  eyes”.  The 
technique  was  supposedly  learned  from  swallows  who  were  said  to  rub  Celandine  in  the  eyes  of  their  young. 
Mixed  with  milk  or  made  into  a salve,  it  is  still  used  by  some  nature  healers  and  reputed  to  aid  with  problems 
ranging  from  cataracts  to  impotence.  The  juice  has  been  used  to  erode  corns  and  warts,  hence  the  strange  common 
name  of  Wart-wort.  This  juice  is  rich  in  alkaloids  such  as  Berberine,  Protopine,  Chelidonine  and  Sanguinarine,  etc. 
and  plants  are  included  on  poisonous  plant  lists.  Deaths  from  ingestion  of  the  bitter  foliage  have  been  reported 
from  Europe  but  not  North  America.  Professor  M.  L.  Fernald  once  reported  eating  the  very  young  greens  in  salad 
without  ill  effects,  but  it  should  be  avoided  as  a foodstuff.  Spartesine,  found  in  Chelidoniurn,  has  been  used  to 
restore  heart  arhythmia  and  in  cases  of  atrial  fibrillation.  It  is  also  a diuretic,  and  shows  some  experimental  hy- 
poglycemic activity.  The  juice  and  powder  have  been  used  for  toothache  and  by  dentists  during  and  after  tooth 



Common  Names:  Horned  Poppy,  Sea  Poppy 
Authority:  Miller,  Gard.  Diet.  abr.  ed.,  p.  4,  1754 

This  is  a genus  of  about  20  species  native  to  southern  Europe  and  central  Asia.  The  following  species  occurs  in 
New  York  State  as  an  escape  from  cultivation. 

1.  Glaucium  flavutn  Crantz 
Common  Names:  Horned  Poppy,  Horn-poppy 
Type  Description:  Linnaeus,  Species  Pi.,  p.  506, 

Synonyms:  Chelidonium  glaucium  L.,  Glaucium 
glaucium  (L.)  Karst.,  Mosenthinia  glaucium 
(L.)  Kuntze,  Glaucium  luteum  Scop. 

Origin:  Mediterranean  Region 
Habitats:  Sandy  to  gravelly  places,  seashores, 
waste  places  and  borrow  pits  as  an  escape 
Habit:  Erect  or  spreading  biennials  or  perennials 
Flowering:  June-August 
Fruiting:  July -October 

General  Distribution:  Escaping  in  the  northeast- 
ern U.  S.  and  eastern  Canada;  native  to 
southern  Europe  and  northern  Africa 

Description:  Plants  with  bisexual  flowers;  stigma  1 per  flower,  ca  2 mm  tall,  3 mm  wide,  with  two  laterally 
diverging  or  slightly  reflexed  lobes,  the  other  2 opposite  lobes  folded  upward  upon  one  another  giving  the  stigma  a 
hat-like  appearance,  receptive  surfaces  glandular  to  minutely  tuffed-puberulent,  (stigma)  persistent  in  fruit  becom- 
ing 4-5  mm  wide,  ca  3 mm  high;  style  absent;  ovary  1 per  flower,  superior,  linear-cylindric,  1.0-1. 5 cm  long,  1-2 
mm  wide,  muricate,  especially  above,  becoming  an  extremely  elongate,  tuberculate,  pod-like  capsule,  greenish-tan 
to  brown,  15-40  (50)  cm  long  at  maturity,  4-7  (9)  mm  wide,  conspicuously  jointed  to  the  receptacle,  arching 
upward  or  outward  and  dehiscing  along  2 sutures  from  the  tip  to  near  the  base,  2-chambered  with  corky  tissue 
surrounding  the  numerous  seeds;  seeds  1. 5-2.0  mm  long,  ca  1 mm  wide,  dark  red-brown  to  chocolate  with  a 
moderately  prominent  reticulum  of  oblong  fields;  stamens  numerous,  5-14  mm  long;  anther  sacs  linear-oblong,  ca 
2 mm  long,  0.4  mm  wide,  yellow;  filaments  yellow,  slender  but  flattened,  3-12  mm  long;  petals  usually  4, 
obovate,  2. 5-3. 5 (4)  cm  long  and  broad,  golden  yellow  (pale  orange),  entire;  sepals  2,  early-deciduous,  glaucous, 


glabrous  to  short-strigose,  enclosing  the  bud,  oblong-lanceolate  with  minutely  spined  tips;  flowers  borne  singly, 
terminally  or  in  branch  axils;  peduncles  glaucous,  ribbed,  glabrous,  3-15  (25)  mm  long,  stout  and  elongating  little 
in  fruit,  subtended  by  bracteal  leaves  which  are  ovate  to  lanceolate  and  shallowly  lobed  with  acute,  apiculate  tips 
and  clasping  bases,  surfaces  glaucous,  glabrous  or  with  a few  short,  stout-based  hairs;  cauline  leaves  similar,  but 
larger  and  more  deeply  lobed,  up  to  10  cm  long,  4 cm  wide;  basal  leaves  in  a dense  rosette,  up  to  35  cm  long,  10 
cm  broad,  deeply  pinnatisect,  lower  lobes  serrate  and  dentate,  the  upper  more  deeply  lobed  with  apiculate  tips, 
surfaces  sparsely  to  densely  white-tomentose;  petioles  tomentose,  flattened  and  basally  strongly  ribbed,  2-5  cm 
long  (absent  on  cauline  leaves);  stems  stout,  ribbed,  glaucous,  glabrescent,  branched  above,  up  to  9 dm  tall,  from  a 
tough  first-year  caudex  and  stout  biennial  or  perennial  taproot  system  with  yellow  latex.  (2n  = 12,  24) 

Infraspecific  Variation:  In  Europe  G.  flaviim  is  distinguished  from  G.  leiocarpum  Boiss.  on  the  basis  of  its  capsule 
being  tuberculate  throughout  its  length,  and  lacking  constrictions  between  the  seeds.  In  our  materials  the  tubercu- 
late  surfaces  are  primarily  on  the  upper  portions  of  the  capsules  (as  in  G.  leiocarpum),  but  capsules  lack  constric- 
tions as  they  should  in  G.  flavam. 

Importance:  The  Homed  Poppy  is  widely  cultivated  and  escapes  in  sandy  or  disturbed  soils,  especially  along 
coasts.  The  oil  from  pressed  seeds  has  been  burned  in  lamps  and  used  in  food  preparation  and  soap  manufacture. 
In  folk  medicine  the  extract  of  the  plant  is  known  as  a purgative,  hydragogue  and  sedative.  The  juice  has  been 
used  an  an  adulterant  of  opium. 


Common  Names:  Plume  Poppy,  Tree  Celandine 
Authority:  R.  Brown,  in  App.  Denh.  Trav.,  p.  218,  1826 

A genus  of  two  species  of  eastern  Asian  herbs.  They  are  atypical  of  the  Poppy  Family,  having  no  petals  and  few 
seeds  (one  in  M.  microcarpa)  per  capsule.  They  are  most  closely  related  to  the  genus  Bocconia  in  which  they  were 
first  described.  As  cultivated  plants,  Plume  Poppies  are  grown  for  their  foliage  since  the  flowers  are  not  showy. 
The  following  species  escapes  cultivation  in  New  York  State. 


1.  Macleaya  cordata  (Willd.)  R.  Br. 

Common  Names:  Plume  Poppy,  Tree  Celandine 
Type  Description:  Willdenow,  Species  Pi.,  ed. 
2,  p.  841,  1799 

Synonyms:  Bocconia  cordata  Willd.,  B.  japonica 
Andre,  B.  cordata  var.  thunbergii  Miq. 
Origin:  Eastern  Asia 

Habitats:  Disturbed  ground  and  sandy  places  as 
an  escape  from  cultivation 
Habit:  Tall,  colony-forming  perennials 
Flowering:  Late  July-August 
Fruiting:  August-Oetober 

General  Distribution:  Northeastern  United 
States  as  an  escape;  native  of  Asia,  also  escap- 
ing cultivation  there 

Description:  Plants  with  bisexual  flowers;  stigma  1 per  ovary,  glandular,  clavate  or  2-lobed,  0.5-1. 2 cm  long,  about 
half  as  wide,  persistent  but  enlarging  little  in  fruit;  style  1,  short,  cylindric,  0.3-0. 8 mm  long  in  fruit;  ovary  1 per 
flower,  superior,  slightly  stipitate,  3-5  mm  long,  1-2  mm  wide,  clavate,  becoming  an  oblanceolate,  2-valved,  2- 
loculed  capsule,  8-18  (22)  mm  long  (smaller  ones  aborted),  4-5  (7)  mm  wide,  flattened  with  2 slender  ribs  at  the 
margins,  dehiscing  as  the  valves  break  away  from  the  ribs  in  the  upper  half  of  the  fruit,  capsule  stipitate  at  base; 
seeds  (2)  4-6,  plump,  ellipsoidal,  dark  purplish-brown  when  mature,  surface  with  an  indistinct  reticulum  the  aril 
plump,  linear-lanceolate,  ca  1 mm  long,  creamy-golden;  stamens  20-30  in  number,  5-8  mm  long;  anther  sacs 
linear,  3-5  mm  long  ca  0.3  mm  wide;  filaments  2-3  mm  long,  delicate,  filamentous;  petals  absent;  sepals  2, 
cucullate,  5-9  mm  long,  ca  2 mm  wide,  creamy-white  to  pale  salmon-pink;  inflorescences  l~several,  terminal  and 
axillary,  much-branched  panicles,  lanceolate  to  lance-elliptic  in  outline,  (5)  20-50  (65)  cm  in  length,  about  Vz  as 
broad;  pedicels  (3)  4-7  mm  long,  slender  and  conspicuously  jointed  to  the  receptacle;  floral  bracts  subtending  the 
pedicels  coriaceous,  3-ribbed,  lanceolate,  1. 5-2.0  mm  long  with  lacerate  to  glandular-ciliate  margins;  peduncle  and 
rachis  of  the  inflorescence  glabrous,  terete,  somewhat  ribbed,  glaucescent,  the  peduncle  3-15  cm  long;  leaves 
much  reduced  upward  on  the  stem,  suborbicular  to  ovate-cordate  in  outline,  with  5-11  large  lobes  and  oval  to 
elliptic  sinuses,  minor  lobing  and  blunt  dentations  near  the  lobe  tips,  glaucous,  densely  white,  short-villous  below, 
glabrous  above,  lower  leaves  up  to  30  cm  long,  25  cm  wide,  the  uppermost  around  5 cm  in  diameter;  petioles  (1) 


2-16  cm  long,  glabrous,  ribbed,  glaucescent,  slightly  clasping  at  base;  stems  terete,  ribbed,  glaucous,  especially  at 
the  nodes;  plants  up  to  2.8  m high  from  a stout,  perennial  rootstock.  (2n  - 20) 

Importance:  This  species  is  grown  mainly  for  its  foliage  as  a border  plant  or  to  fill  in  areas  of  the  garden  difficult  to 
maintain.  Its  aggressive  spreading  and  colony-forming  tendencies  and  persistence  after  escape  have  not  helped  its 
popularity  as  a cultivated  plant. 


Common  Names:  California  Poppy,  Mexican  Gold 
Authority:  Cham,  in  Nees,  Horae  Phys.  Berol.,  p.  73,  1820 

A genus  of  10-14  species  native  to  the  west  coast  of  North  America.  They  are  showy,  widely  cultivated  and  bred  for 
color  forms.  The  most  commonly  cultivated  species,  E.  californica,  is  known  to  escape  and  persist  in  New  York  State. 

1.  Eschscholzia  californica  Cham,  ex  Nees 
Common  Name:  California  Poppy  (State  Flower 
of  California) 

Type  Description:  Chamisso  in  Nees,  Horae 
Phys.  Berol.,  p.  73,  1820 
Synonyms:  Escholtzia  and  Eschscholtzia  are 
common  misspellings  of  the  generic  name;  Es- 
chscholzia crocea  Benth.,  E.  douglasii  Benth, 
E.  peninsularis  Greene,  E.  maritima  Greene, 
E.  cucullata  Greene,  E.  glauca  Greene,  etc. 
(a  large  number  of  additional  synonyms  and 
varietal  combinations  exist  which  have  no 
bearing  on  our  garden  escapes  which  have  tra- 
ditionally been  treated  as  E.  californica ) 
Origin:  West  coast  of  North  America 
Habitats:  Meadows,  fields,  roadsides  as  a garden 

Habit:  Freely  branching  annual  or  perennial 

Flowering:  June-September  (NY),  from  Febru- 
ary on  in  CA 
Fruiting:  July- October 

General  Distribution:  Primarily  cismontane  Cali- 
fornia; escaping  cultivation  elsewhere 


Description:  Plants  with  bisexual  flowers;  stigmas  4 (6),  linear,  yellow  to  orange,  3-5  mm  long,  usually  persistent 
in  fruit;  styles  short  or  indistinguishable;  ovary  1 per  flower,  superior,  fusiform-cylindric,  3-5  mm  long,  1-2  mm 
wide,  becoming  a tan,  linear  capsule  3-8  (10)  cm  long,  1-3  (5)  mm  wide,  glabrous,  10-nerved,  2-valved,  dehiscing 
from  the  base;  seeds  numerous,  borne  on  2 placentae,  spherical  to  elliptic,  1.5— 1.8  mm  long,  1.2-1. 8 mm  wide, 
seedcoat  dark  ocher  to  black  with  a tan  reticulum  overlying  it,  the  reticulum  itself  minutely  pitted;  aril  absent, 
stamens  16-many,  usually  golden-orange;  anther  sacs  4-8  mm  long,  linear;  filaments  0. 2-4.5  mm  long,  filament- 
ous, yellowish,  free;  petals  4 in  two  series,  free,  cuneate  with  broad,  rounded  tips,  2-6  cm  long  and  broad, 
overlapping  upward  to  make  the  corolla  a shallow  cup,  deep  orange  to  bright  yellow  or  pinkish  (white);  sepals  (2) 
fused  to  form  a hood-like  calyptra  1-4  cm  long,  0.5-2. 5 cm  broad,  glabrous,  pushed  off  by  the  expanding  petals; 
receptacle  expanded  into  a collar-like  torus,  2-rimmed,  the  inner  erect  and  hyaline,  the  outer  ribbed,  spreading 
2-4  mm  wide;  flowers  borne  singly  at  branch  tips;  peduncles  3-15  cm  long,  ribbed;  leaves  much-dissected  with 
linear  segments,  glaucous,  glabrous  to  densely  white-puberulent,  up  to  6 cm  long,  4 cm  broad;  petioles  1-4  (5)  cm 
long,  winged  and  ribbed;  stems  terete,  ribbed,  much-branched,  2-7  dm  long,  ascending  or  lax,  from  an  annual  or 
perennial  taproot  and  fibrous  root  system  with  pale,  watery  juice.  (2n  = 12) 

Infraspecific  Variation:  This  is  an  extremely  polymorphic  species  even  as  it  occurs  in  nature,  with  over  50  species 
names  applied  to  its  members  in  the  past.  The  more  easily  recognizeable  varieties  are  explained  in  Munz  (1963).  In 
addition  to  natural  variation,  cross-breeding  by  horticulturists  has  proliferated  the  number  of  forms,  many  of  which 
have  names  in  the  trade,  such  as;  “Alba”,  “Crocea”  and  “Rosea”. 

Importance:  These  plants  are  popular  in  the  seed-packet  trade,  grown  as  annuals,  and  may  sometimes  form  winter 
rosettes  and  persist  after  escape  from  cultivation.  California  Indians  ate  the  greens  boiled  or  roasted  over  hot 
stones,  and  they  were  reported  to  have  used  the  mildly  narcotic  juice  as  a toothache  remedy. 


Common  Name:  Poppy 

Authority:  Linnaeus,  Species  PL,  p.  506,  1753 

A genus  of  60-80  species  of  herbs  distributed  primarily  in  the  northern  hemisphere.  Many  species  are  concen- 
trated around  the  Mediterranean  Sea.  They  are  widely  cultivated  and  commercially  valuable  for  their  alkaloids. 

Description:  Plants  with  bisexual  flowers;  stigmas  (2)  4-20,  usually  forming  a persistent,  radiate  disc  which  is 
sessile  on  the  capsule;  style  absent  or  very  short  and  broad;  ovary  1 per  flower,  superior,  oblong  or  orbicular, 
glabrous  or  with  setae,  becoming  a globose  to  oblong  or  obconic  capsule  with  4-20  carpels,  unilocular  or  with 
partial  partitioning,  dehiscent  by  pores  (rectangular  hatches)  or  indehiscent;  seeds  numerous,  borne  parietally, 
often  with  reticulate  and  pitted  surfaces;  stamens  centripetal,  usually  numerous;  petals  usually  4,  free;  sepals  2 (-4), 
enclosing  the  bud,  early-deciduous;  peduncles  elongating  in  flower  and  fruit,  sometimes  scapose,  glabrous,  setose 
or  pubescent,  often  glaucous;  cauline  leaves  oval  to  lanceolate,  usually  dentate  or  pinnately  divided  or  lobed,  often 
glaucous,  glabrous  to  densely  pubescent,  petiolate,  sessile  or  clasping;  basal  leaves  often  narrower,  forming  well- 
defined  rosettes  in  biennial  species,  otherwise  much  like  cauline  leaves;  stems  terete  or  unevenly  ribbed,  contain- 
ing milk  or  colored  sap  and  latex,  arising  from  an  annual  or  biennial  taproot  or  perennial  rootstock. 



1.  Upper  cauline  leaves  petioled  or  sessile,  but  not  clasping  the  stem  at  their  bases;  buds  finely  pubescent  or 

setose (3) 

1.  Upper  cauline  leaves  with  clasping  bases;  buds  usually  glabrous,  glaucous.  (2) 

2.  Buds  2-4  cm  long;  capsules  2-6  (9)  cm  tall;  flowers  variously  colored  and  spotted,  but  rarely  red 

1.  Papaver  somniferum  (p.  25) 

2.  Buds  1-2  cm  long;  capsules  1.8  cm  tall  or  less;  flowers  red  with  blackish  basal  spots 

■ . .2.  Papaver  glaucum  (p.  27) 

3.  Mature  capsules  not  much  longer  than  wide,  subglobose  to  oblong  or  broadly  conic (5) 

3.  Mature  capsules  about  twice  as  long  as  wide,  narrowly  oblong  or  obconic (4) 

4.  Anthers  yellow;  plants  perennial;  capsules  obconic,  strongly  ribbed 3.  Papaver  atlanticum  (p.  29) 

4.  Anthers  purple;  plants  annual;  capsules  narrowly  oblong,  not  strongly  ribbed  . 

• - 4.  Papaver  dubium  (p.  30) 

5.  Petals  4-6  cm  long;  robust,  perennial  plants;  buds  mostly  over  2 cm  long  5.  Papaver  orientale  (p.  31) 

5.  Petals  1.5-3. 5 cm  long;  slender  to  moderately  robust  annual  plants;  buds  mostly  less  than  2 cm  long 

6.  Papaver  rhoeas  (p.  33) 

1.  Papaver  somniferum  L. 

Common  Names:  Opium  Poppy,  Common 
Poppy,  Garden  Poppy,  White  Poppy 

Type  Description:  Linnaeus,  Species  PL,  p.  508, 

Synonyms:  Papaver  setigerum  DC.  (in  part),  P. 
“mursellii” , P.  somniferum  ssp.  hortense 
(Huss.)  Corb. 

Origin:  Western  Mediterranean  region,  cultivars 
probably  derived  from  P.  somniferum  ssp.  seti- 
gerum and  modified  considerably  by  selection 

Habitats:  Waste  places,  old  gardens,  dumps,  es- 
caping (illegal)  cultivation  onto  disturbed 

Habit:  Erect,  sparsely  branching  annual 

Flowering:  June- September 

Fruiting:  July- October 

General  Distribution:  Native  to  southern 
Europe,  but  escaping  cultivation  throughout 
the  world  in  all  but  the  most  severe  climates 


Description:  Plants  with  bisexual  flowers;  stigmas  (5)  8-15  (20),  sessile,  forming  a radiate  stigmatic  disc  which  is 
flat  or  slightly  concave  or  convex  with  conspicuous  interstigmatic  tissue,  persistent  becoming  woody  to  papery  in 
texture  in  fruit  and  8-40  mm  in  diameter,  the  pollen-receptive  areas  purplish-glandular  radiating  in  a star-pattern 
from  the  disc  center  to  the  free  stigmatic  lobes  which  may  be  irregularly  truncate  or  somewhat  rounded  to  obtuse; 
styles  absent;  ovary  1,  subglobose,  smooth,  enlarging  greatly  to  become  a fleshy  capsule  2-6  (9)  cm  tall  and  1.5- 
6.0  (7)  cm  wide,  with  5-20  inconspicuous  nerves  corresponding  with  carpels,  sometimes  dehiscent  from  above, 
but  often  indehiscent  in  cultivated  strains,  subglobose  to  oblong,  bluish  green  to  tan  with  a glaucous  sheen  and 
purple  hue;  seeds  numerous,  reniform,  1.0-1. 5 mm  long,  ca  1 mm  in  other  dimensions,  seed  coat  white,  gray, 
amber  or  bluish  to  black  with  compound  reticulations  and  pits;  stamens  numerous,  1-2  cm  long;  anther  sacs 
linear,  ca  4 mm  long;  filaments  pale,  slender;  petals  4,  broadly  ovate  to  somewhat  cuneate  entire,  (or  lacerate),  3- 
6 cm  long  and  broad,  with  many  pseudo-parallel  veins  which  are  often  accompanied  by  pigmentation,  white  or 
blue  to  rose-pink,  deep  mauve  or  crimson,  often  with  streaks  of  above  colors,  each  petal  with  a basal,  dark  spot  of 
color  1. 0-2.5  cm  in  diameter;  sepals  2,  early-deciduous,  enclosing  the  bud,  smooth,  2-4  cm  long,  1-3  cm  wide; 
buds  oblong;  peduncles  stout,  ribbed,  up  to  30  cm  long,  glaucous  and  glabrous  or  with  bristly  setae  in  the  upper 
3-4  cm;  upper  cauline  leaves  sessile,  perfoliate,  irregularly  dentate  and  shallowly  toothed  and/or  lobed,  glaucous, 
glabrous  and  bluish-green,  conspicuously  reticulate-veined,  the  upper  leaf  pair  often  3-5  cm  long,  2-4  cm  broad; 
middle  cauline  leaves  similar,  but  more  deeply  cut  and  pinnately  lobed,  much  larger,  up  to  40  cm  long,  15  cm 
wide  or  more,  sessile-auriculate;  lower  leaves  somewhat  smaller,  narrower,  often  oblanceolate,  not  as  clasping  and 
sometimes  with  short  petioles;  stems  tough,  shiny-glabrous,  fluted  and  ridged,  up  to  1.5  cm  thick  near  base,  and 
up  to  1.5  meters  tall,  sparsely  branched  or  unbranched,  from  a tough,  deep  taproot  with  fibrous  secondary  roots. 
(2n  = 22) 

Infraspecific  Variation:  Because  P.  somniferum  is  a multi-use  plant  cultivated  by  man,  it  is  extremely  variable  with 
a history  of  selective  breeding  for  drug  production,  seed  production  and  for  attractive  horticultural  features.  It  was 
undoubtedly  a variable  species  in  nature  also,  and  it  is  considered  to  have  one  native  subspecies  in  Europe:  ssp. 
setigerum  (DC.)  Corb.  (also  a weed)  and  two  in  cultivation.  Subspecies  somniferum  was  probably  originally  derived 
from  ssp.  setigerum , from  which  it  differs  in  being  larger  in  most  aspects,  having  about  twice  the  number  of 
stigmatic  lobes,  and  in  rarely  being  setulose.  Subspecies  songaricum  Basil,  is  much  like  ssp.  somniferum  but  differs 
in  having  flat,  obtusely  tipped  stigmatic  lobes  rather  than  sulcate,  truncated  ones.  Both  the  cultivated  subspecies 
have  escaped  in  New  York  State  occasionally.  In  addition  to  these  variations,  there  are  a considerable  number  of 
flower-size  and  color  forms,  and  seeds  vary  widely  in  color  patterns.  Double-flowered  plants  are  known  under  the 
name  “Carnation  Poppy”. 

Importance:  Under  U.  S.  federal  law  it  is  illegal  for  an  unlicensed  individual  to  obtain,  transport,  grow  or  permit 
this  species  to  be  grown  on  land  under  his/her  control.  Prior  to  regulation  this  species  was  known  as  the  Common 
Poppy,  and  was  one  of  the  more  frequent  poppies  in  garden  cultivation.  It  has  now  largely  been  replaced  by 
orange  and  red  or  pink  and  yellow  flowered  species,  but  many  people  are  unaware  or  resist  the  law  and  continue  to 
grow  it.  Opium  Poppy  derives  its  epithet,  somniferum,  from  the  long-known  sleep-inducing  qualities  of  the  milky 
extract  of  the  capsule.  It  is  clear  from  Summerian  idiograms  that  its  narcotic  properties  were  known  at  least  6,000 
years  ago.  Plant  remains  have  also  been  found  in  sites  of  dwellings  some  4,000  years  old  of  Stone  Age  lake  dwellers 
of  Switzerland.  The  mind-altering  effects  of  opium,  its  derivatives  and  precursors  have  much  changed  legal,  medi- 
cal, political  and  religious  history  over  the  centuries.  Fortunes,  governments  and  empires  have  risen  and  fallen  as 
the  result  of  events  involving  opiates.  Our  own  Hudson  River  was  explored  by  Henry  Hudson  as  he  sought  a 
fabled  Northeast  Passage  to  Cathay  in  the  Orient,  which  provided  much  of  the  opium  that  was  one  of  the  more 
profitable  and  highly  prized  cargos  of  the  day.  Papaver  somniferum  and  its  subspecies  have  been  extensively 
studied,  since  they  represent  the  only  plants  so  far  found  to  produce  morphine.  They  also  accumulate  thebaine  and 
codeine  which  are  morphine  precursors,  as  well  as  various  benzylisoquinolines.  Eating  of  the  unripe  fruit  has  long 
been  known  to  cause  stupor,  coma  and  shallow,  slow  breathing;  smoking  opium  (with  tobacco)  produces  similar 
effects  when  maintained  past  an  initial  euphoric  state.  Raw  opium  was  used  as  a poison,  even  in  ancient  times,  and 
has  a long  history  of  abuse  and  use  in  murder  and  suicide — often  disguised  as  medicine,  for  which  it  is  also  used. 
Opiates  have  been  used  historically  in  treatment  of  pain  and  for  narcotic,  antispasmodic,  hypnotic,  anodyne, 
analgesic  and  sedative  effects,  and  to  induce  respiratory  depression.  Capsules  have  been  used  as  fomentation  in 
sprains,  bruises,  neuralgia,  toothache,  etc.  The  two  major  grades  of  opium  are  soft  (shipping)  and  druggist’s  opium, 
though  many  commercial  names  have  been  applied,  usually  having  to  do  with  the  country  of  origin.  Licensed  drug 


manufacturers  produce  for  medical  use:  codeine,  norcotine,  laudenine,  papaverine  and  the  more  dangerously  ad- 
dictive morphine  and  heroin  (diamorphine).  The  latter  is  widely  produced  illegally  and  uscrupulously  marketed 
for  high  prices.  By  contrast,  codeine  is  mild  enough  to  have  been  used  in  Paragoric  to  sooth  colicky  infants  to 
sleep.  For  a few  infants,  however,  the  effect  may  be  to  stimulate  wakefulness  and  activity  for  many  hours.  Poppy 
seeds  contain  only  a slight  trace  of  opium,  and  are  not  known  to  produce  a narcotic  e fleet  even  when  ingested  in 
quantity.  They  are  commonly  used  in  baking,  sprinkled  on  rolls  and  bread.  Black  seeds  are  preferred  for  this 
puipose.  Poppy  seeds  have  been  reported  to  prevent  scurvy,  as  they  contain  some  Vitamin  C.  Paler  seeded  forms 
are  preferred  for  making  emulsions,  and  the  oil  of  the  poppy  seed  is  used  in  foods  (such  as  salad  dressings)  and  in 
the  manufacture  of  paint,  varnish  and  soap,  due  to  drying  and  adhesive  properties. 

2,  Papaver  glaucum  Boiss.  & Hausskn. 

Common  Name:  Tulip  Poppy 

Type  Description;  In  Boissier,  Fl.  Orientale,  vol. 

1,  p.  116,  1867 
Origin:  North  Africa 

Habitats:  Disturbed  ground  as  a rare  escape 
Habit;  Erect  and  spreading,  branched,  annual 

Flowering:  June-August 
Fruiting:  July-September 

General  Distribution:  Native  to  Syria,  Iraq,  Iran, 
cultivated  and  escaping  widely  in  North  Africa 
and  Asia,  less  commonly  elsewhere 

KM  Con/tA/AV 


Description:  Plants  with  bisexual  flowers;  stigmas  (6)  8-15  (18)  on  a radiate  disc,  persistent  in  fruit,  becoming 
papery  to  woody  in  texture,  the  disc  flat  to  somewhat  concave,  0.5-1. 1 cm  broad,  receptive  surfaces  purplish, 
forming  a narrow,  star-like,  radiate  pattern  from  the  disc  center  to  the  stigmatic  lobes  which  are  rounded  to  blunt 
with  entire  to  wavy  (rarely  laciniate)  margins;  styles  absent;  ovary  1 per  flower,  superior,  subspherical  to  oblong, 
glaucous,  with  6-18  carpels,  the  single  cavity  partially  divided  by  carpel  walls,  forming  imperfect  locules  as  it 
develops  into  a capsule  which  is  ovoid  to  subspherical,  ca  1 cm  tall  and  broad,  dehiscent  by  pores  at  the  lower 
margin  of  the  stigmatic  disc;  seeds  numerous,  borne  parietally,  0.8- 1.2  mm  long,  ca  0.7  mm  wide,  with  a complex, 
deep-pitted  reticulum,  brownish  when  dry,  reniform  to  distinctly  comma-shaped;  stamens  100  or  more,  1-2  cm 
long;  anther  sacs  ca  2 mm  long,  linear,  brownish,  appearing  golden  with  pollen  at  anthesis;  filaments  dark  purple- 
brown  to  black,  filiform;  petals  4 (-6),  ovate  to  cuneate,  3-5  cm  long,  3-5  (-7)  cm  broad,  scarlet  (to  brick  red) 
each  with  a brownish-black  spot  near  the  base  and  a white  line  along  the  upper  margin  of  the  spot;  sepals  2(-3), 
early  deciduous,  1. 2-2.1  cm  long  and  broad,  forming  a subglobose  bud,  glabrous,  slightly  glaucous,  darkly  spotted 
at  the  immediate  base;  peduncles  ribbed,  elongating  during  flower  and  fruit  development,  up  to  35  cm  long, 
densely  appressed-hirsute  above,  less  so  below;  cauline  leaves  glabrous,  glaucous,  (2)  4-20  cm  long,  1-4  cm  wide, 
lanceolate  to  obspatulate,  clasping  the  stem,  margins  dentate,  often  pinnately  narrow-lobed,  the  lobes  obtusely 
tipped  to  minutely  apiculate;  basal  leaves  forming  a loose  rosette,  similar  to  cauline  leaves  but  up  to  25  cm  long 
and  sometimes  with  short  petioles;  stems  branching  near  the  bases  (or  single),  glabrous  or  puberulent,  ribbed,  up 
to  a meter  tall,  from  a wiry  annual  (biennial?)  taproot  and  fibrous  lateral  roots  and  a milky  sap. 

Infraspecific  Variation:  Like  other  poppies  this  species  may  be  dwarfed  in  its  dimensions  by  poor  soil  and  dry 
conditions;  it  may  also  vary  somewhat  in  coloration,  but  it  is  much  more  stable  in  this  than  its  close  relative,  the 
Opium  Poppy. 

Importance:  Tulip  Poppy  is  a beautiful  plant  in  cultivation,  but  it  has  not  received  the  attention  in  North  America  that 
it  has  in  Africa  and  Asia  where  it  more  frequently  escapes. 


3.  Papaver  atlanticum  (Ball)  Cosson 
Common  Name:  Morocco  Poppy 
Type  Description:  Ball,  111.  Fl.  Atl.  vol.  1,  p.  11, 

Origin:  North  Africa 

Habitats:  Waste  places,  old  gardens,  roadsides  as 
a rare  escape 

Habit:  Short-stemmed  perennials  with  tall  scapes 
Flowering:  May-August 
Fruiting:  May- September 

General  Distribution:  Native  of  Morocco,  occa- 
sionally escaping  cultivation  in  Eurasia  and 
North  America 


Description:  Plants  with  bisexual  flowers;  stigmas  6 or  8 (10)  on  a flat  to  pyramidal  radiate  disc  with  purplish, 
glandular  receptive  ridges,  the  star-shaped  pattern  terminating  in  the  6-10  stigmatic  lobes  which  are  rounded  to 
obtuse  with  undulate  margins,  the  disc  persistent  in  fruit  becoming  6-12  mm  broad  and  papery  in  texture;  styles 
absent;  ovary  1 per  flower,  superior,  clavate,  7-15  mm  long,  strongly  ribbed,  glaucous,  becoming  a clavate  cap- 
sule, greenish  to  brown,  1.5-2. 8 cm  long,  4-11  mm  broad  at  summit,  strongly  ribbed,  dehiscing  by  pores  just 
below  the  margin  of  the  stigmatic  disc;  seeds  numerous,  borne  parietally,  ca  0.7  mm  long,  0.5  mm  wide,  plump 
reniform  to  comma-shaped,  shallowly  reticulate;  stamens  numerous,  centripetal,  4-11  mm  long,  the  inner  ones 
longest;  anther  sacs  golden,  linear-ovate,  ca  2 mm  long;  filaments  golden,  flattened  (or  filiform  above);  petals 
usually  4,  ovate-cuneate  to  triangular,  2.5-4. 1 cm  long  and  broad,  pale  orange  to  dull  orange-red,  unspotted  or 
with  a diffuse,  creamy  spot  near  each  petal  base;  sepals  usually  2,  early  deciduous,  1.0-1. 5 (1.9)  cm  long,  0.7-1. 2 
cm  wide,  sparsely  to  densely  pilose,  forming  an  oblong  bud;  flowers  solitary  on  scape-like  peduncles;  peduncles 
15-60  cm  long,  terete  or  ridged  deeply,  appressed-hispid  to  hispid  below;  cauline  leaves  (2)  5-30  cm  long, 
oblanceolate  to  spatulate,  pinnately  lobed  with  few,  widely  spaced,  narrow  lobes  on  the  winged  rachis  below,  and 
many  dentate  and  shallowly  incised  lobes  near  the  tip;  basal  leaves  similar,  up  to  35  (40)  cm  long,  densely  hispid, 
forming  a loose  rosette;  petioles  winged  from  near  the  bases,  contiguous  with  the  blades,  hispid;  stems  hispid, 
ribbed,  up  to  18  cm  tall,  usually  short,  the  plant  deriving  most  of  its  height  (up  to  8 dm)  from  the  scapose 
peduncles;  plants  arising  from  tough  perennial  taproots  and  fibrous  root  systems  with  slightly  milky  juice. 


Infraspecific  Variation:  Plants  may  be  dwarfed  and  almost  stemless;  flower  color  varies  from  deep  orange  to  almost 
white,  and  spots  are  not  always  present.  This  species  is  very  closely  related  to  P.  rupifragum  Boiss.  & Reut., 
which  differs  in  being  subglabrous  and  in  its  smaller,  brick-red  flowers.  Papaver  lateritium  C.  Koch  has  larger, 
brick-red  flowers,  an  obovate-clavate  capsule  like  P.  atlanticum,  and  may  be  conspecific  with  it. 

Importance:  This  species  is  not  a common  cultivar,  but  it  escapes  occasionally  in  Eurasia  and  North  America. 

Common  Names:  Blind  Eyes,  Grainfield  Poppy, 
Headache  Poppy,  Long-pod  Poppy,  Smooth- 
fruited  Poppy 

Type  Description:  Linnaeus,  Species  Pi.,  p. 
1196,  1753 

Synonyms:  Papaver  obtusifolium  Desf.,  P.  mo- 
destum  Jord.,  P.  nothum  Steven,  P.  mairei 
Batt.,  P.  laevigatum  Beib.?,  P.  albiflorum 
(Bess.)  Pacz. 

Origin:  Southern  Europe 

Habitats:  Grainfields,  waste  places,  vacant  lots, 
roadsides  as  an  escape  or  adventive  weed 

Habit:  Erect  or  ascending,  unbranched  or  basally 
branching  annuals 

Flowering:  May-August 

Fruiting:  May- October 

General  Distribution:  Widespread  escape,  espe- 
cially in  warmer  climates 

Description:  Plants  with  bisexual  flowers;  stigmas  usually  7-9,  radiate  on  a persistent,  convex  stigmatic  disc  which 
is  obtusely  pointed  at  the  summit,  with  its  glandular  receptive  areas  borne  along  prominent  ridges  radiating  to  the 
stigmatic  lobes,  the  lobes  obtuse,  yellow-green  to  tan,  somewhat  leathery  and  undulate-margined,  the  stigmatic 
disc  becoming  more  flattened  and  up^  to  1 cm  broad  in  fruit;  styles  absent;  ovary  1 per  flower,  superior,  oblong, 
3-10  mm  long,  4-5  mm  wide,  smooth,  becoming  an  oblong-cylindric  to  obovoid  capsule,  1.5-2. 2 cm  long,  0.7- 
1.0  cm  wide,  glabrous,  yellow-green  to  tan  and  glaucous  with  visible  ribs,  opening  by  pores  at  the  base  of  the 
stigmatic  disc;  seeds  numerous,  borne  parietally,  0.6-0. 8 mm  long,  ca  0.4  mm  wide,  reniform  to  comma-shaped, 
purplish-gray  to  brownish,  shallowly  and  boldly  reticulate;  stamens  numerous,  5-12  mm  long;  anther  sacs  plump, 
ca  1.5  mm  long,  purplish-lavender;  filaments  deep  violet  to  purple-brown,  filiform;  petals  usually  4,  broadly  oval  to 
suborbicular,  1. 5-3.0  (3.5)  cm  long  and  broad,  red  to  rose-pink  or  red-orange,  unspotted,  or  each  petal  with  a dark 
spot  near  the  base;  sepals  2 (-3),  early  deciduous,  1.2-1. 7 cm  long,  densely  hispid,  forming  an  oblong-ovate  bud; 
peduncles  15-30  (40)  cm  tall,  appressed-hispid  to  strigose  above,  hispid  below;  cauline  leaves  4-15  cm  long  2-7 


cm  wide,  bipinnately  (or  pinnately)  lobed  and  dissected,  the  lobe  tips  setose,  surfaces  appressed-hispid,  glauces- 
cent;  basal  leaves  less  divided,  pinnate  or  merely  lobed;  petioles  short,  winged,  confluent  with  the  blades;  stems 
hispid,  ribbed,  2-6  dm  tall,  caulescent  to  subscapose,  often  branched  near  the  base,  from  a tough,  pale,  annual 
taproot  system  with  milky  juice  and  latex.  (2n  = 42) 

Infraspecific  Variation:  This  is  a variable  species  in  most  of  its  features.  Dwarfed  plants  which  produce  small  or 
abortive  fruits  may  be  difficult  to  distinguish  from  P.  rhoeas  under  similar  circumstances.  The  species  complex  to 
which  it  belongs  in  Europe  includes  about  seven  taxa  which  might  be  better  included  in  the  broad  range  of 
variability  of  a polymorphic  P.  dubium.  They  vary  in  flower,  anther,  filament  and  juice  color  as  well  as  such 
characters  as  leaf  lobing,  petal  shape  (size)  and  capsule  attenuation.  Such  variations  are  sometimes  seen  in  garden 
varieties,  belying  past  hybridization  and  artificial  breeding.  Least  reliable  among  European  segregates  from  this 
species  is  perhaps  P.  albiflorum  (Besser)  Pacz.  with  white  or  pale  pink,  unspotted  flowers. 

Importance:  Papaver  dubium  is  cultivated,  spread  in  hay  and  sown  as  a contaminant  with  grain  seed.  It  can  be  a 
troublesome  weed  in  warmer  climates,  but  it  escapes  only  occasionally  in  New  York  State.  Like  other  poppies  it 
contains  isoquinoline  alkaloids  and  should  be  considered  poisonous. 

5.  Papaver  orientale  L. 

Common  Names:  Oriental  Poppy,  “Old- 
fashioned  Poppy” 

Type  Description:  Linnaeus,  Species  Pi.,  p.  508, 

Synonyms:  Calomecon  orientale  (L.)  Spach.,  Pa- 
paver grandiflorum  Moench.,  P.  spectabile  Sa- 
lisb. , P.  paucifoliatum  (Trautv.)  Fedde,  P. 
orientale  var.  paucifoliatum  Trautv.,  P.  orien- 
tale var.  parviflorum  Busch 

Origin:  Southern  Caucasus 

Habitats:  Disturbed  sites,  waste  places,  old  gar- 
dens, roadsides,  as  an  escape  from  cultivation 
(alpine  in  its  native  habitats) 

Habits:  Colony-forming,  erect  and  spreading 

Flowering:  May-August 

Fruiting:  May- September 

General  Distribution:  Escaping  cultivation 
rarely,  but  worldwide;  native  to  Iran,  Turkey 
and  southern  Russia 


Description:  Plants  with  bisexual  flowers;  stigmas  8-15,  on  a slightly  convex  stigmatic  disc  which  is  persistent, 
becoming  leathery,  up  to  1.5  cm  broad  in  fruit,  the  glandular  receptive  areas  radiating  from  the  center  of  the  disc 
along  ridges  to  the  stigmatic  lobes  which  are  obtuse  or  rounded  with  slightly  undulate  margins;  styles  absent; 
ovary  1 per  flower,  superior,  obovoid,  6-9  mm  tall,  5-8  mm  wide,  becoming  an  oblong,  obovoid  or  obconic 
capsule,  1.2-2. 3 cm  long,  1.0-1. 8 cm  broad  in  the  upper  half,  greenish-tan  to  brown  when  dry,  glaucescent, 
opening  by  pores  below  the  rim  of  the  stigmatic  disc;  seeds  numerous,  borne  parietally,  0.6-0. 8 mm  long,  ca  0.5 
nun  wide,  reniform  to  comma-shaped,  grayish  to  brown  when  dry,  evenly  reticulate;  stamens  over  100,  mostly 
about  1 cm  long;  anther  sacs  1. 8-3.0  mm  long,  oblong,  pale  violet  to  yellowish;  filaments  gray-brown  to  dark 
purple,  filamentous;  petals  4 (6)  or  double  with  narrower  inner  petals,  the  outer  ones  suborbicular  to  broadly  oval, 
up  to  6 cm  long  and  broad,  pale  orange  or  orange-pink,  lacking  dark  basal  spots,  but  sometimes  with  pale,  bluish  or 
white,  rectangular  markings  near  the  petal  bases;  sepals  2 (3)  in  number,  (2.0)  2.2-3. 4 cm  long,  cucullate,  early 
deciduous,  with  spreading-setose  hairs,  forming  an  oblong,  pendulous  bud;  floral  bracts  absent;  peduncles  10-36 
cm  long,  nodding  in  bud,  appressed-setose  above,  spreading-setose  below;  cauline  leaves  oblanceolate  to  spatulate, 
strongly  pinnatisect,  especially  below,  with  serrated  lobes  and  tips  bearing  strong  setae,  surfaces  spreading-setose, 
the  upper  cauline  leaf  remote  from  the  flower;  basal  leaves  forming  a rosette  each  year,  longer  than  cauline  leaves 
reaching  up  to  60  cm  long,  12  cm  wide,  otherwise  similar;  petioles  varying  greatly  in  length,  winged  and  confluent 
with  the  blades  above,  ribbed  and  strongly  spreading-setose;  stems  caulescent  ot  almost  acaulescent  with  2-4 
cauline  leaves,  stem  bases  surrounded  by  flat,  but  not  sheathing,  petiolar  bases,  (stems)  terete  or  deeply  grooved 
and  ribbed,  spreading-setose  above,  to  densely  pilose  near  the  bases,  often  1-branched;  plants  up  to  1.3  m tall 
from  thick,  spreading,  perennial  rootstocks.  (2n  = 28) 

Note:  Papaver  orientate  has  been  confused  in  the  literature  with  two  related  species  which  are  also  widely  culti- 
vated. Chemical,  cytogenetic  and  taxonomic  papers  prior  to  1974  are  rich  in  mis-information  on  “P.  orientate'  as  it 
is  treated  there.  See  Goldblatt  (1974)  for  clarification,  in  addition  to  the  following  brief  summary: 

Closely  Related  Species:  Papaver  bracteatum  Lindl.  (2n  = 14)  has  well-developed,  persistent,  floral  bracts;  the 
uppermost  leaf  is  high  on  the  stem,  often  proximal  to  the  flower;  buds  are  ± erect  on  the  peduncles;  petals  are 
blood-red  with  a black  radial  stripe  near  the  base.  The  stigmatic  disc  is  pyramidal  at  maturity. 

Papaver  pseudo-orient  ale  (Fedde)  Medw.,  (2n  = 42)  may  have  one  or  more  persistent  floral  bracts;  the  uppermost 
leaf  is  high  on  the  stem;  buds  are  on  ± erect  peduncles;  flowers  are  deep  vermillion  to  orange,  usually  with  dark 
brown  to  black,  rectangular  or  trapezoidal  marks  near  the  petal  bases.  Both  P.  bracteatum  and  P.  pseudo-orientale 
are  commonly  cultivated  and  often  called  “Oriental  Poppy.’  Either  or  both  may  escape  cultivation  in  the  state, 
though  we  presently  have  no  records  of  this  having  occurred. 

Infraspecific  Variation:  When  separated  from  the  two  distinct  species  discussed  above,  P.  orientate  shows  far  less 
variation  than  formerly  indicated  in  the  literature.  Plants  vary  in  the  distance  of  the  upper  leaf  from  the  flower,  but 
do  not  have  leaves  or  bracts  near  the  flower.  Color  of  petals  varies  in  shades  of  orange  and  pink  (or  white  in 
cultivar  “Albiflora  ”);  pale  spots  may  be  present  or  absent  from  the  petals;  stamens  vary  from  purple  to  brownish- 
black  but  are  consistently  dark. 


6.  Papaver  rhoeas  L. 

Common  Names:  Corn  Poppy,  Shirley  Poppy, 
Field  Poppy,  Red  Poppy,  Flanders  Poppy, 
African  Rose,  Corn  Rose,  Headache,  Red- 
weed,  etc. 

Type  Description:  Linnaeus,  Species  PL,  p.  507, 

Synonyms:  Papaver  strigosum  (Boenn.)  Schur., 
P.  timidulum  Klokov,  P.  tenuissimum  Fedde, 
P.  laciniaturn  Hort.,  P.  intermedium  Hort.,  P. 
integrifolium  Vig. , P.  rapiferum  Fedde,  P.  um- 
brosum  Mott. 

Origin:  Mediterranean  Region 

Habitats:  Waste  places,  roadsides,  cultivated 
ground  as  an  escape  from  cultivation 

Habit:  Erect  to  spreading  annuals  (biennials) 

Flowering:  May-September 

Fruiting:  May-October 

General  Distribution:  An  aggressive  weed  of 
cultivation  in  Eurasia  and  occasionally  North 
America,  usually  casually  adventive;  native  to 
southern  Europe  and  northern  Africa. 

Description:  Plants  with  bisexual  flowers;  stigmas  5-15  (18)  on  a radiate  disc  which  is  yellowish,  leathery  and 
persistent  in  fruit,  somewhat  convex  becoming  flatter  with  maturity,  5-11  mm  wide,  the  receptive  stigmatic  zones 
glandular,  purplish,  along  ridges  radiating  from  the  disc  center  to  stigmatic  lobes  which  are  flared  with  overlapping 
lobes,  obtuse  tips  and  wavy  margins;  styles  absent;  ovary  1 per  flower,  superior,  ovoid,  glabrous,  3-5  mm  long  and 
broad,  becoming  a glabrous,  glaucous  capsule  8-15  (20)  mm  tall,  6-14  (16)  mm  wide,  ovoid  to  subglobose,  tannish- 
green  to  brown  at  maturity  with  pale  ribs,  dehiscing  by  pores  below  the  rim  of  the  stigmatic  disc,  the  tissue  in  that 
region  often  further  breaking  down,  leaving  the  disc  suspended  by  internal  tissue  much  like  a parasol  above  a cup; 
seeds  numerous,  borne  parietally,  0. 7-1.0  mm  long,  ca  0.6  mm  wide,  strongly  comma-shaped  with  a basal  nipple, 
amber  with  a purple  sheen  and  a moderate  to  bold,  simple  reticulum  of  rectangular  fields;  stamens  numerous,  (2) 
4-11  mm  long;  anthers  subglobose  to  oblong,  0. 4-1.0  mm  long,  bluish-purple  (often  the  pollen  as  well);  filaments 
lavendar  to  purple-black,  filamentous;  petals  4 (or  more),  broadly  orbicular,  entire  (rarely  lacerate),  (1)  2-4  cm  long 
and  broad,  red,  purple,  rose,  pink  or  white  (various  color  combinations  with  white  streaking  in  hybrid  Shirley 
Poppies),  often  with  dark  spots  near  the  petal  bases;  sepals  2 (-4),  hispid  to  villous,  0.5-2. 1 cm  long,  forming  an 
oblong  bud;  peduncles  7-40  (60)  cm  long,  sparsely  to  densely  hispid,  especially  above,  shallowly  to  deeply  ribbed. 


nodding  (or  erect)  in  bud;  cauline  leaves  hispid  to  glabrescent,  3-20  cm  long,  1-  cm  wide,  reduced  upward,  the 
upper  ones  subopposite,  clustered  beneath  peduncles,  pinnately  or  bipinnately  lobed  (unlobed  in  dwarf  plants), 
often  caudate,  coarsely  dentate  with  acuminate,  setose  tips;  basal  leaves  similar,  but  more  broadly  (sometimes 
bluntly)  lobed,  sometimes  forming  a rosette,  up  to  30  cm  long,  12  cm  wide  near  the  sparingly  lobed  tips;  petioles 
absent  or  present  only  on  the  lower  leaves,  ribbed,  hispid;  stems  slender  to  relatively  stout,  ribbed,  hispid,  simple 
to  4-5  branched  near  the  base;  plants  1-9  dm  tall  arising  from  a tough,  yellowish  annual  or  biennial  taproot  with 
fibrous  roots  and  milky  sap.  (2n  = 14) 

Infraspecific  Variation:  Plants  growing  under  severe  drought  conditions  may  be  dwarfed  in  nearly  all  characters, 
having  narrow,  non-overlapping  petals,  subentire  leaves  etc.,  and  may  be  mistaken  for  depauperate  P.  duhium  if 
fruits  are  not  well  developed.  Color  variations  in  this  species  are  numerous,  including  striping  and  spotting  com- 
binations as  well.  Shirley  Poppies  of  the  horticultural  trade  are  bred  for  such  variation,  and  are  commonly  streaked 
with  white  and/or  white  blotched  near  the  petal  bases,  with  whitish  filaments  and  yellow  (rather  than  bluish) 
pollen.  Stems  may  be  slender  and  unbranched  to  robust  with  several  stout  basal  branches.  Peduncles  may  have 
appressed  rather  than  spreading  hispidity.  A closely  related  species  (perhaps  better  treated  as  a variety)  is  P. 
commutatum  Fisch.  & Mey.  The  capsule  is  broad  and  slightly  stipitate,  foliage  is  villous  and  the  black  spots  are 
most  prominent  toward  the  centers  of  the  petals. 

Importance:  Papaver  rhoeas  is  the  most  commonly  cultivated  annual  Poppy  in  most  parts  of  North  America.  If  one 
orders  poppy  seeds  from  a catalog,  the  liklihood  of  receiving  this  species  is  extremely  great,  no  matter  what  species 
was  advertised.  The  artificial  American  Legion  poppy  was  designed  with  Shirley  Poppy  in  mind.  Papaver  rhoeas 
does  not  usually  persist  for  long  in  New  York  State  unless  the  soil  is  continually  disturbed,  as  in  cultivated  fields  or 
dumps.  In  some  parts  of  Eurasia  it  is  known  as  a noxious  weed  of  cultivated  fields.  The  petals  of  Com  Poppy  have 
been  used  in  folk  medicine  for  centuries,  primarily  as  an  expectorant  and  (reputed)  mild  pain  killer,  but  mostly  for 
the  rosy  color  imparted  by  flower  pigments  to  the  solution.  These  pigments  have  also  been  used  to  color  wines. 
Papaver  rhoeas  has  been  implicated  in  livestock  poisoning  in  Europe.  The  plants  are  usually  distasteful  to  animals, 
but  may  enter  their  diet  as  a contaminant  of  hay  or  feed-grain. 


Common  Names;  Prickly  Poppy,  Mexican  Poppy 
Authority:  Linnaeus,  Species  Pi.,  pp.  508-509,  1753 

A genus  of  about  20  species  native  to  areas  of  low  rainfall  from  southern  North  America  to  South  America  (one 
species  in  Hawaii).  The  two  species  found  in  New  York  are  infrequent  escapes  from  cultivation,  but  are  native 
further  south  in  the  United  States.  These  poppies  are  popular  as  garden  ornamentals,  and  they  also  have  alkoloids 
which  have  been  used  medicinally. 

Description:  Plants  with  bisexual  flowers;  stigma  1,  with  3-5  (7)  lobes  corresponding  to  carpel  number,  the  lobes 
flattened  with  felt-like,  purplish  receptive  areas;  style  1,  very  short,  evident  only  in  mature  fruit;  ovary  1,  unilocular, 
but  of  (3)  4-5  (-7)  carpels  and  their  many-ovuled  placentae,  becoming  a dehiscent  capsule,  elliptic  to  oblong-ovate  or 
linear-oblong,  glabrous  to  very  spiny,  dehiscing  with  valves  splitting  along  fluted  sutures,  the  vascular  elements 
remaining  within  as  a cage-like  framework;  seeds  brownish  to  black,  1-3  mm  long;  endosperm  copious;  embryo 
straight,  minute;  stamens  20-250  or  more;  anther  sacs  linear,  coiled  after  dehiscence;  filaments  filiform  or  rarely 
clavate;  petals  usually  6,  in  2 whorls,  1.5-7. 5 cm  long,  making  flowers  up  to  15  cm  broad,  usually  yellow,  golden  or 
white  (lavender-tinged);  sepals  early-deciduous,  usually  3 (2-6),  smooth  to  prickly  or  hispid,  each  with  a subterminal 
horn  which  is  hollow  and  vegetative  below  and  spined  at  the  tip;  flowers  borne  singly  at  branch  tips  and  in  their  upper 
leaf  axils;  peduncles  stout,  varying  in  length,  subtended  by  single  or  paired  foliar  bracts;  leaves  reduced  upward  on  the 
stem  with  a basal  rosette;  cauline  leaves  glaucous,  sessile,  often  clasping,  dentate,  each  tooth  terminating  in  a prickle, 
the  margins  also  usually  lobed,  oval  to  oblong  in  outline;  basal  leaves  similar,  oblong  to  oblanceolte;  stem  glaucous, 
erect  or  ascending,  1-10  (-20)  dm  tall,  smooth  to  closely  prickly,  from  a persistent  or  ephemeral,  annual  or  biennial 
taproot  with  fibrous  roots. 


1.  Flowers  white;  stamens  more  than  100 
1.  Flowers  yellow;  stamens  50  or  fewer  . . 


.1.  Argemone  albiflora  (p.  35) 
2.  Argemone  mexicana  (p.  37) 

1.  Argemone  albiflora  Hornem. 

Common  names:  Prickly  Poppy,  White  Prickly 

Type  Description:  Homemann,  Hort.  Hafn.,  p. 
489,  1915 

Synonyms:  Argemone  alba  Lestib.  non  James 
( nomen  nudum),  A.  georgiana  Croom,  A.  mex- 
icana  of  authors  non  L.,  and  white-flowered 
plants  included  under  it,  A.  mexicana  var.  B 
Lamarck,  A.  mexicana  li  albiflora  DC.,  A.  in- 
termedia Sweet  (in  part)  as  to  111.  specimens  (a 
name  excluded  in  Ownbey’s  1958  monograph) 
Origin:  Northern  coast  of  the  Gull  of  Mexico 
Habitats:  Roadsides,  waste  places,  beaches  and 
dunes  in  sandy  soil  or  gravelly  clay,  mostly  ad- 
ventive  from  gardens 

Habit:  Erect  or  spreading  annuals  or  biennials 
Flowering:  (March)  May-August 
Fruiting:  (April)  June -October 
General  Distribution:  Coastal  Plain  of  the 
southern  United  States  from  Mississippi  to 
North  Carolina  (possibly  native  only  to 
Northern  Florida)  escaping  cultivation  in  New 
York,  New  England,  Illinois,  Kentucky  and 

Description:  Plants  with  bisexual  flowers;  stigma  1,  3-7  lobed,  corresponding  with  carpel  number,  purplish  be- 
coming 3-4  mm  broad  and  2-3  mm  tall  in  fruit  where  it  is  persistent;  style  very  short,  only  evident  in  fruit;  ovary 
1,  oblong  with  (3)  4-5  (7)  carpels,  becoming  an  oblong  to  oblong-elliptic  capsule  12-15  (25)  mm  wide  (excluding 
spines)  and  20-40  (45)  mm  long,  armed  with  widely  spaced,  stout,  spreading  spines  which  are  basally  herbaceous, 
unbranched  and  mostly  2-8  (10)  mm  long;  seeds  blackish-brown,  1.9-2. 1 mm  long,  ovoid  with  a bold  reticulum  and 
concavities;  stamens  7-12  mm  long  100  or  more;  anther  sacs  linear;  filaments  slender;  petals  6 (rarely  8)  in  two 
whorls,  white,  obovate-cuneate,  mostly  2-4  cm  long,  2. 5-4. 5 cm  wide;  sepals  usually  3,  valvate  in  bud  with 
subterminal  horns  1-3  mm  long  which  are  prickle-tipped,  early  deciduous,  each  sepal  ca  2 cm  long,  1.3  cm  wide, 
cucullate  and  sparsely  spiney;  spines  of  sepals  2-3  mm  long;  buds  tending  to  be  clustered  in  close  proximity  to 
foliar  bracts  on  very  short  peduncles  which  elongate  during  flowering  and  fruiting  ranging  from  a few  mm  to  3 cm 
in  length  during  this  process;  peduncles  stout,  glaucous  green  to  brown  in  fruit  usually  with  a number  of  spines 
toward  the  summit;  bracteal  leaves  smaller,  but  like  other  cauline  leaves;  cauline  leaves  ovate  to  narrowly  obspatu- 
late,  lobed  %-%  the  distance  to  the  midrib,  glabrous  above,  spiny  on  the  major  veins  below,  coarsely  toothed  with 


spine-tipped  dentations,  larger  leaves  usually  15-20  cm  long,  8-10  cm  wide,  somewhat  glaucous;  basal  leaves  in  a 
rosette,  narrowly  oblanceolate,  mostly  7-15  cm  long,  2-4  cm  wide,  otherwise  like  cauline  leaves;  stems  stout, 
somewhat  ribbed,  glaucous,  green  to  reddish-brown,  up  to  1.5  m tall,  often  branched,  sparsely  to  moderately 
prickly,  from  a deep  taproot  with  yellow  latex.  (2n  = 28) 

Infraspecific  Variation  and  Hybridization:  This  species  is  a member  of  a complex  of  white-flowered  plants  that 
naturally  range  from  northern  Florida  to  Texas  and  Montana.  Escape  from  cultivation  in  the  east  and  midwest  has 
resulted  in  varied  interpretations  of  the  taxa  involved,  such  as  in  Illinois  where  two  subspecies  of  A.  albiflora  may 
be  found.  Ownbey  (1958)  recognized  A.  albiflora  ssp.  texana  Ownb.  which  differs  from  ssp.  albiflora  in  its  narro- 
wer capsules  which  have  numerous  small  spines  interspersed  between  the  large  ones;  the  seeds  are  also  considera- 
bly smaller,  averaging  about  1.7  mm.  Ownbey  also  recognized  A.  polyanthemos  (Fedde)  Ownb.  which  he  renamed 
as  a segregate  which  had  formerly  been  known  as  A.  intermedia  Eastw.  (incorrectly  A.  intermedia  Sweet).  These 
taxa  all  have  a somatic  chromosome  number  of  28  and  hybridize  freely  both  experimentally  and  where  they  come 
into  contact  after  escaping  cultivation.  Of  Argemone  polyanthemos,  which  ranges  from  Texas  north  to  Montana, 
Ownbey  said:  “A.  polyanthemos  is  distinguished  by  the  sparingly  prickly  stems,  the  succulent,  usually  shallowly 
lobed  leaves  which  are  devoid  of  prickles  on  the  upper  surfaces,  the  upper  ones  usually  clasping,  and  by  the 
stoutly,  but  distantly  spinescent,  elliptical  capsules.  The  species  is  closely  related  to  A.  albiflora  Hornem.,  and 
treated  more  conservatively,  A.  polyanthemos  would  probably  be  made  a subspecies  of  the  latter.’  All  three  of  the 
entities  discussed  here  are  in  cultivation  and  might  possibly  escape  within  our  state  borders. 

Importance:  A.  albiflora  and  its  close  relatives  have  Protopine  and  Berberine  type  alkaloids  but  lack  the  Pavine 
type  also  known  in  the  genus.  Though  this  species  is  not  commonly  cited  in  the  literature,  it  can  be  poisonous 
causing  vomiting,  and  if  ingested  by  livestock  the  oily  principle  may  be  transmitted  to  humans  through  the  milk  as 
has  been  reported  in  A.  mexicana.  The  plants  are  usually  distasteful  to  cattle,  but  may  be  introduced  into  their 
feed  as  a contaminant.  A.  albiflora  and  its  relatives  are  widely  cultivated  worldwide  in  relatively  dry  garden  sites. 


2.  Argemone  mexicana  L. 

Common  Names:  Prickly  Poppy,  Mexican 
Poppy,  Mexican  Thistle,  Devil’s  Fig,  Bird-in- 
the-bush,  Yellow  Thistle,  Jamaica  Thistle, 
Queen  Thistle 

Type  Description:  Linnaeus,  Species  PL,  p.  508, 

Synonyms:  Ectrus  mexicanus  (L.)  Nieuwl.,  Arge- 
mone spinosa  Moench,  A.  versicolor  Salisb., 
A.  sexvalvis  Stokes,  A.  vulgaris  Spach,  A.  mu- 
cronata  Dum.,  A.  leiocarpa  Greene 

Origin:  Probably  the  West  Indies  (may  be  native 
to  Florida) 

Habitats:  Waste  places,  roadways,  weedy  in 
open,  disturbed  sites 

Habit:  Erect  or  spreading,  annuals 

Flowering:  April-October  (year-round  else- 

Fruiting:  May-November  (year-round  else- 

General  Distribution:  Originally  from  the  Car- 
ribbean  area,  this  plant  has  become  a prolific 
weed  through  the  warmer  parts  of  the  world, 
but  rarely  escapes  in  New  York  State. 

Description:  Plants  with  bisexual  flowers;  stigma  1,  4-6  lobed,  corresponding  with  carpel  number,  purple,  persist- 
ent, up  to  2 mm  high  and  4 mm  wide  in  fruit;  style  very  short,  usually  visible  only  in  fruit  where  it  becomes  1-2 
mm  long;  ovary,  1,  oblong  with  4-6  carpels,  becoming  an  oblong  to  broadly  elliptic  capsule  12-20  mm  wide 
(excluding  spines)  and  25-45  mm  long,  armed  with  stout,  ascending  spines,  widely  spaced,  mostly  6-8  (10)  mm 
long  (or  lacking  spines  in  forma  leiocarpa );  seeds  1. 6-2.0  mm  long,  brownish-black,  reticulate  due  to  small,  often 
narrow  concavities;  stamens  30-50  in  number,  6-12  mm  long,  yellow;  anther  sacs  linear,  curling  after  dehiscence; 
filaments  slender;  petals  usually  6,  obovate  to  obcuneate,  1.5-3. 5 cm  long  and  wide,  bright  yellow;  sepals  usually 
3,  valvate  in  bud,  each  with  a subterminal  horn,  cucullate,  glaucous,  sparingly  prickly  or  smooth,  9-15  mm  long 
and  wide,  the  horns  2-8  mm  long;  buds  spherical  or  slightly  oblong;  flowers  single,  terminal  or  axillary  on  stout, 
spiny  or  glabrous  peduncles  up  to  3 cm  long;  bracteal  leaves  like  other  cauline  leaves,  but  often  smaller;  cauline 
leaves  lobed  V2  - % the  distance  from  the  margin  to  midrib  (or  less  upward  on  smaller  leaves)  with  broad,  oval 


sinuses,  oval  to  linear-obovate  in  general  outline,  the  tips  of  the  lobes  with  spines  up  to  8 mm  long,  leaf  color 
glaucous  green  with  bluish  markings  along  the  veins,  lower  leaf  surfaces  sparingly  prickly  or  smooth,  upper  sur- 
faces smooth,  the  upper  leaves  clasping  the  stems;  basal  leaves  oblanceolate,  up  to  25  cm  long,  13  cm  wide;  stems 
stout  up  to  a meter  tall,  single  or  usually  branched,  brownish  to  glaucous  blue-green,  sparingly  prickly  (or  smooth) 
with  reflexed,  slender  spines  3-4  mm  long;  taproot  slender  and  tough  with  bright  yellow  latex.  (2n  = 28) 

Infraspecific  Variation:  Some  authors  do  not  distinguish  Argemone  ochroleuca  Sweet  from  A.  mexicana  as  is  done 
here,  following  Ownbey  (1958).  Argemone  ochroleuca  has  pale  lemon  colored  petals,  and  while  this  is  known  from 
some  central  American  populations  of  A.  mexicana,  there  are  bud  and  style  characters  separating  the  species  as 
well.  Although  it  has  only  been  found  in  the  Florida  Keys,  Africa  and  Brazil,  the  non-prickly  forma  leiocarpa 
(Greene)  Ownb.  deserves  mention. 

Importance:  Mexican  Poppy  is  widely  known  as  a poisonous  plant  and  a purgative.  Seeds  have  poisoned  human 
beings  when  contaminating  home-grown  cereal  grains,  and  numerous  animal  and  bird  poisonings  are  ascribed  to 
the  species.  Symptoms  are  vomiting,  diarrhea,  induced  glaucoma,  edema,  fainting  and  coma.  The  plants  are 
usually  distasteful  to  livestock,  but  contaminated  feed  has  been  blamed  for  epidemic  dropsy  and  glaucoma  in  India 
where  Argemone  oil  was  transmitted  to  humans  in  milk.  In  Latin  America  small  doses  of  Argemone  extract  have 
been  administered  as  medicine  for  ophthalmia,  and  glaucoma  and  other  ailments  with  mixed  results.  Argemone 
mexicana  contains  Protopine  and  Berberine  type  alkaloids,  but  lacks  Pavine  alkaloids  found  in  such  species  as  A. 
platyceras  and  A.  munita.  The  leaves  and  seeds  contain  Sanguinarine,  Dihydrosanguinarine,  Protopine  and  Ber- 
berine. The  oil  of  Argemone  has  been  burned  in  lamps  in  Mexico  and  used  in  the  manufacture  of  soap.  Although 
A.  mexicana  is  a noxious  weed  throughout  most  of  the  tropics,  it  is  still  widely  grown  in  gardens. 

Fumariaceae  (Fumitory  Family) 

The  Fumariaceae:  a family  of  about  15  genera  and  up  to  400  species,  distributed  mostly  in  temperate  Eurasia.  It 
has  received  various  interpretations  including  frequent  subordination  under  Papaveraceae  as  a subfamily  (Fuma- 
rioideae).  Although  the  two  families  are  clearly  related,  the  Fumariaceae  is  the  larger  and  more  coherent  aggrega- 
tion, unified  by  highly  specialized  and  complex  structural  similarities  in  the  flowers.  Members  of  Fumariaceae  also 
have  watery  juice  rather  than  latex,  and  their  inflorescences  are  racemose  or  cymose.  Genera  such  as  Corydalis 
Fumaria  and  Dicentra  are  known  for  their  alkaloid  content  and  used  medicinally.  They  may  also  be  poisonous, 
having  been  proven  toxic  to  livestock.  The  family  is  of  minor  importance  in  the  horticultural  trade,  and  some  of  its 
members  are  widespread  weeds. 


Herbaceous  plants,  sometimes  vining,  with  watery  sap,  containing  isoquinoline  alkaloids.  Plants  are  annual,  bien- 
nial or  perennial,  usually  with  branching  stems  from  taproots,  rhizomes,  bulblets  or  tubers.  The  stems  and  leaves 
are  often  glabrous  and  glaucous  but  may  be  pubescent.  Leaves  are  alternate,  usually  pinnately  dissected  and  lobed, 
cauline  and/or  in  basal  rosettes,  reduced  upward  on  the  stem.  Flowers  are  bisexual,  bilaterally  symmetrical  or 
irregular,  erect  or  nodding,  borne  in  racemes  or  cymes.  There  are  2 bract-like  sepals  which  are  small  and  often 
deciduous.  Petals  are  dimorphic,  in  outer  and  inner  series  of  2 members  each.  Outer  petals  are  larger,  often 
saccate  or  spurred.  Inner  petals  are  narrower,  apically  united  into  an  expanded,  terminal  crest  which  is  connate 
over  the  stigma  and  anthers,  enclosing  them,  especially  in  bud  (inner  petal  tips  rarely  free).  Stamens  6,  in  two  sets 
of  3,  their  united  filaments  often  expanded  at  the  bases,  spurred  or  adnate  to  other  tissue  below,  each  set  consist- 
ing of  a central  stamen  with  2 anther  sacs  and  2 outer  stamens  each  with  a single  sac.  The  stigma  is  2-lobed  or 
capitate  with  2-several  receptive  surfaces,  borne  on  a slender  style.  The  single  ovary  is  superior,  2-many  carpelled,  1- 
locular,  becoming  a 2-valved  capsule  in  fruit  (single-seeded  nut  in  Fumaria).  Dehiscence  is  basipetal,  acropetal  or 
rarely  by  1-seeded  joints  (indehiscent).  Placentation  is  parietal;  seeds  are  one  to  many,  often  lustrous  and  arillate,  each 
with  a minute  embryo  and  fleshy  to  liquid  endosperm. 



1.  Plants  delicately  vining,  climbing  by  petioles,  the  central  axis  conspicuously  elongate;  corolla,  spongy-saccate 

and  turgid,  persistent  in  fruit 2.  Adlumia  (p.  44) 

1.  Plants  lax  to  erect;  corolla  deciduous  or  withering  in  fruit (2) 

2.  Outer  petals  alike,  saccate  or  spurred;  flowers  pendulous 1.  Dicentra  (p.  39) 

2.  Outer  petals  unlike,  only  the  upper  one  basally  spurred;  flowers  + laterally  disposed (3) 

3.  Fruit  small,  globose,  1-seeded,  indehiscent;  seeds  without  arils;  flowers  reddish  and  less  than  9 mm  long  . . . 

4.  Fumaria  (p.  51) 

3.  Fruit  elongate,  several-seeded,  dehiscent;  seeds  arillate;  flowers  yellow  or  (if  pinkish)  more  than  10  mm  long 
3.  Corydalis  (p.  45) 


Common  Names:  Bleeding  Heart,  Dutchman’s-breeches,  Squirrel-corn 
Authority:  Bernhardi,  Linnaea,  vol.  8,  p.  457  (468),  1833  ( nom.cons .) 

A genus  of  some  15-20  species  of  perennial  herbs  (rarely  vines)  of  North  America  and  eastern  Asia.  Most  of  the  species 
are  known  to  be  cultivated,  and  may  escape  within  and  outside  their  native  ranges.  Their  alkaloids  are  used  in  medi- 
cine, and  several  species  are  known  to  be  mildly  poisonous. 

Description:  Plants  with  bisexual  flowers;  stigma  1,  flattened,  2-lobed;  style  1,  slender,  persistent  in  fruit;  ovary  1, 
cylindric,  becoming  a 2-valved  capsule,  dehiscing  basipetally  or  acropetally;  seeds  few  to  many,  arillate,  somewhat 
flattened,  reniform  to  oblong-spheroid,  often  lustrous;  stamens  6,  their  filaments  partially  fused  into  2 columns  of  3 
stamens,  each  opposite  the  outer  petals;  petals  4,  in  two  series;  outer  petals  alike,  both  being  either  saccate  or 
spurred  at  base  with  ± reflexed  apical  limbs;  inner  petals  also  alike,  narrow,  forming  a terminal  crest  and  fused  at 
their  tips,  enclosing  the  stigma  and  anthers;  sepals  small,  ovate  to  lanceolate,  appressed  (not  peltate);  inflores- 
cence a terminal  cyme  or  raceme,  branched  or  simple  with  nodding  or  pendulous  flowers  (rarely  axillary,  single- 
flowered  or  with  erect  flowers);  pedicels  usually  bracteolate  and  bracteate;  peduncle  usually  a naked  scape;  leaves 
pinnately  or  temately  dissected  in  a basal  rosette  (rarely  cauline)  with  slender,  glabrous  petioles;  plants  usually 
acaulescent  from  rhizomes,  bulblets,  tubers  or  taproots. 


1.  Inflorescence  a raceme-like  thyrse  of  pink  to  purple  flowers;  apex  of  the  flower  with  two  tiny,  free  lobes  (not 

contiguous  with  the  petal  wings) 1.  Dicentra  eximia  (p.  40) 

1.  Inflorescence  a simple  raceme  of  white  to  creamy  flowers*;  apex  of  the  flower  unlobed  or  lobed  by  the  lateral 

wings  of  the  inner  petals (2) 

2.  Bases  of  the  outer  petals  prolonged  into  hom-like  spurs,  arched  and  narrowed  toward  their  tips;  tubers 

pinkish,  congested,  with  many  small  bulblets  2.  Dicentra  cucullaria  (p.  41) 

2.  Bases  of  the  outer  petals  cordate-saccate;  tubers  yellowish,  with  few  small  bulblets 

3.  Dicentra  canadensis  (p.  43) 

* Orange  and  purple  in  a very  rare  form  not  known  from  NY. 


1.  Dicentra  eximia  (Ker.)  Torr. 

Common  Names:  Wild  Bleeding-heart,  Turkey- 
corn,  Staggerweed 

Type  Description:  Ker.,  Bot.  Reg.,  vol.  1,  pi. 
50,  1815 

Synonyms:  Fumaria  eximia  Ker.,  Corydalis  for- 
mosa  Pursh,  Bicuculla  eximia  (Ker.)  Millsp. 
( Bikukula ),  Capnorchis  eximia  (Ker.)  Planch, 

Origin:  Eastern  North  America 

Habitats:  Rocky  woodlands,  cliffs  and  borders 
(also  cultivated) 

Habit:  Acaulescent,  perennial  herbs 

Flowering:  April-September 

Fruiting:  May -October 

General  Distribution:  (New  York)  New  Jersey 
and  Pennsylvania  to  the  Southern  Appala- 
chians of  Tennessee  and  Georgia 

Rarity  Status:  Endangered  or  possibly  extirpated 
in  New  York  State 

Description:  Plants  with  bisexual  flowers;  stigma  1 per  ovary,  persistent,  2-erested,  flattened,  ca  0.8  mm  wide; 
style  1,  slightly  ribbed,  slender,  9-14  mm  long,  persistent  in  fruit;  ovary  1,  2-carpelled,  superior,  3-4  mm  long, 
ovoid,  becoming  a brownish,  fusiform,  2-valved  capsule  1.5-2. 1 cm  long  (excluding  style),  5-8  mm  wide,  exserted 
from  the  withering  corolla;  seeds  numerous,  1.2-1. 5 mm  long,  somewhat  flattened,  dull  brown;  aril  nearly  as  large 
as  the  seed,  crested  and  convoluted,  creamy-golden;  stamens  6,  in  columns,  1.2-1. 5 cm  long;  anther  sacs  golden, 
ca  0.8  mm  long,  oblong;  filaments  free  in  their  terminal  1.5  mm,  sheathing  the  style  in  a tight  tube  for  4-5  mm, 
united  into  2 arching  sheaths  in  the  lower  7-9  mm  and  attached  opposing  the  outer  petals;  inner  petals  2,  pale 
pink  to  rose,  linear-spatulate,  1.5-1. 9 cm  long,  expanded  into  cucullate  lobes  3-5  mm  broad  at  the  tips  and 
subterminally  fused  enclosing  the  stigma;  terminal  lobes  of  the  inner  petals  2,  free,  pink,  flat,  1.7-2. 1 mm  long, 
up  to  1 mm  wide,  attached  at  the  point  of  inner-petal  fusion;  inner-petal  wings  prominent  near  the  petal  tips,  up 
to  1.5  mm  broad,  abruptly  narrowed  above,  not  confluent  with  the  terminal  lobes;  outer  petals  2,  pink  to  deep 
rose-purple,  saccate  and  cordate  at  the  base,  narrowed  upward  to  a divergent,  expanded  cucullate  limb,  the  lower 
portion  1.2- 1.8  cm  long,  ca  4 mm  broad  at  base,  the  limb  4-5  mm  long,  2-3  mm  wide,  acute  tipped;  sepals  2, 
persistent,  1.8-2. 3 mm  long  and  broad,  oval,  with  ragged  margins,  base  truncate  to  subcordate,  tip  acute,  texture 
somewhat  membranous;  inflorescence  a thyrse  of  2-8  (11)  fascicles,  3-10  cm  long,  erect  or  arching,  raceme-like  at 
first  but  the  flower  clusters  continuing  to  develop  through  the  season  producing  up  to  10  flowers  per  node,  the  axis 
occasionally  branched  to  produce  a smaller  inflorescence  subtending  the  terminal  one;  pedicels  irregularly  bran- 
ching from  peduncles  in  fascicles,  their  combined  length  up  to  1.5  cm;  bracts  and  bracteoles  two  to  several,  often 


in  subopposite  pairs,  lanceolate,  acute  to  subulate,  2-6  mm  long  with  pellucid,  entire  or  irregularly  toothed 
margins;  leaves  pinnately  and  temately  compound  and  lobed  with  elongate  segments,  their  tips  obtuse  to  aeute- 
apiculate,  the  surfaces  glaucous,  glabrescent,  blade  area  roughly  triangular,  up  to  30  cm  long  and  broad;  petioles 
12-26  cm  long,  ribbed,  glabrous,  subtended  by  scales  which  are  irregularly  toothed,  up  to  2 cm  long;  stem  ribbed, 
usually  naked,  scapose  (if  the  inflorescence  is  branched,  a compound  bract,  intermediate  between  bract  and  leaf 
may  be  produced  at  the  node);  scape  25-40  (45)  cm  tall,  arising  from  a tough,  scaly  rhizome  and  fibrous  root 
system.  (2n  = 16) 

Infraspecific  Variation:  Plants  vary  considerably  in  size,  erectness,  leaf-lobing  and  inflorescence  density.  Because 
this  species  has  been  hybridized  with  others  in  cultivation,  garden  plants  may  not  comply  in  every  respect  with  the 
preceding  description  of  robust  native  plants  known  from  our  area.  Flower  color  is  especially  variable  in  cultivars, 
ranging  from  pale  pink  to  dark  purple.  Inflorescences  of  some  southern  plants  are  not  uncommonly  open-paniculate. 

Importance:  These  showy  plants  have  long  been  garden  favorites  and  may  escape  cultivation  within  and  outside 
their  native  ranges.  Plants  contain  Protopine  and  other  alkaloids,  and  are  poisonous. 

2.  Dicentra  cucullaria  (L.)  Bernh. 

Common  Names:  Dutchmans-breeches,  Soldier’s- 
cap,  Breeches-flower,  Little-boy’s-breeches, 
Little-boys-and  girls,  White  Harts,  Butterfly- 
banners,  Little  Indians 

Type  Description:  Linnaeus,  Species  PL,  p.  700, 

Synonyms:  Fumaria  cucullaria  L.,  Cucullaria 
bulbosa  Rafi,  C.  cucullaria  (L.)  Farw.,  Bicu- 
culla  cucullaria  (L.)  Millsp.  Bikukulla)  Cap- 
norchis  cucullaria  (L.)  Planch.,  Dicentra  occi- 
dentals Rydb.  (in  part) 

Origin:  Temperate  North  America 
Habitats:  Rich  woodlands  and  cliffs 
Habit:  Scapose,  perennial  herbs 
Flowering:  April-June 
Fruiting:  May-July 

General  Distribution:  Nova  Scotia  to  Ontario 
and  Kansas,  south  to  the  Piedmont  of  Georgia 
and  Alabama  (disjunct  westward  to  Idaho,  Ore- 
gon and  Washington  State) 


Description:  Plants  with  bisexual  flowers;  stigma  1 per  ovary,  minute,  persistent,  flattened  and  obscurely  2-lobed; 
style  1,  slender,  persistent,  3-4  mm  long  in  flower  and  fruit;  ovary  3-5  mm  long,  linear-cylindric,  many  ovuled, 
becoming  a fusiform  capsule  ca  1 cm  long,  4 mm  wide,  brown,  glabrous,  dehiscing  basipitally  along  one  or  both 
sutures,  the  2 valves  conforming  somewhat  in  outline  to  the  seeds  within;  seeds  glossy,  ebony,  1.7-1. 9 mm  long, 
ca  1.6  mm  wide,  shallowly  reniform,  tuffed-arillate;  stamens  6;  anther  sacs  pale  yellow,  ca  0.6  mm  long;  filaments 
7-10  mm  long,  slender  above,  winged  below  and  united  around  the  ovary  apex,  arching  in  2 loosely  adherent 
columns  of  3;  perianth  withering,  but  somewhat  persistent;  inner  petals  2,  white  to  creamy,  fused  to  the  outer 
petals  for  5-7  mm  below,  with  a prominent  mid-vein,  the  limbs  4-6  mm  long,  ca  2 mm  wide  at  their  blunt  tips, 
cucullate,  enclosing  the  stigma  and  fused  at  their  tips,  lateral  wings  inconspicuous,  their  tips  not  protruding 
beyond  the  floral  apex;  outer  petals  2,  white  to  creamy  (pinkish-tinged),  saccate  and  conspicuously  spurred  (1.0) 
1. 4-2.1  cm  long,  the  spurs  arched  outward,  narrowing  toward  the  tips  which  curve  upward  from  the  drooping 
flower,  petal  limbs  2. 5-3. 8 mm  long,  reflexed  ± 90°  from  the  axis,  cucullate,  obtusely  tipped,  creamy  to  ocher- 
yellow;  sepals  2,  at  the  inner  petal  bases,  whitish  to  greenish-cream,  2-3  mm  long,  1-2  mm  wide,  ovate  to  ovate- 
lanceolate  with  ragged-dentate  (to  entire)  margins;  pedicel  (3)  5-7  (9)  mm  long,  conspicuously  broadened  upward 
from  the  middle  at  the  point  of  attachment  of  a pair  of  subopposite,  pellucid,  pale  bracteoles  which  are  2-3  mm 
long,  toothed  and  linear-lanceolate;  bract  at  the  pedicel  base  similar  but  broader  and  sometimes  lobed;  inflores- 
cence a simple  raceme,  usually  of  6-10  flowers,  often  terminating  in  an  abortive  pedicel;  scape  slender,  glabrous, 
10-20  (28)  cm  tall;  leaves  basal,  finely  ternately  and  pinnately  compound  and  lobed,  the  lobes  glabrous,  linear  to 
oblanceolate-spatulate,  up  to  2.5  cm  long  and  3 (5)  mm  wide;  petiolules  slender,  sometimes  slightly  winged, 
glabrous,  the  lower  ones  with  slightly  clasping  bases;  petiole  4-15  cm  long,  glabrous,  often  ribbed  below,  sub- 
tended (along  with  scapes)  by  pellucid  to  scarious,  pale  bracts  and  stipules  which  vary  from  minute  to  1.5  cm  long 
and  1.2  cm  wide,  ovate  with  irregularly  dentate  margins  and  obtuse  to  acute  tips;  scapes  and  leaves  arising  from 
lenticular  tubers  8-15  cm  in  diameter,  pinkish  and  usually  clustered  with  numerous  smaller  bulblets,  tiny  bracts 
and  tough,  fibrous  roots,  (2n  = 32) 

Infraspecific  Variation:  Plants  of  the  western  United  States  tend  to  have  broader  leaf  segments  (3-5  mm)  and  have 
been  given  varietal  status  by  some  authors  [var.  occidentalis  (Rydb.)  M.  Peck],  The  very  rare  forma  purpuritincta 
E.  H.  Eames  occurs  on  the  Richelieu  River  near  Montreal  P.Q.,  and  has  purple  sepals  and  pink  and  orange  petals. 

Importance:  These  plants  are  cultivated,  being  spread  by  tubers  to  shady  garden  spots.  The  species  should  be 
considered  toxic  due  to  the  presence  of  isoquinoline  alkaloids  such  as  Protopine,  Aporphine  and  Protoberberidine. 
There  have  not  been  reported  cases  of  human  poisoning  in  the  U.  S.,  but  livestock  losses  have  been  known, 
especially  in  Virginia,  where  cattle  were  allowed  to  graze  woodlands.  Experiments  have  shown  that  livestock  may 
ingest  up  to  4%  of  their  body  weight  of  Dicentra  before  showing  trembling  symptoms.  Dried  tubers  of 
Dutchman  s-breeches  have  been  extracted  for  a weak  tea,  said  to  be  alterative  (health-restoring),  but  this  could  be 
a detrimental  or  even  dangerous  practice. 


3.  Dicentra  canadensis  (Goldie)  Walp. 

Common  Names:  Squirrel-corn,  Turkey-corn, 
Turkey-pea,  Colic-weed,  “Wild  Hyacinth” 
(from  its  odor) 

Type  Description:  Goldie,  Edinb.  Phil.  Jour., 
vol.  6,  p.  329,  1822 

Synonyms:  Corydalis  canadensis  Goldie,  Cap- 
norchis  canadensis  (Goldie)  Kuntze,  Bicuculla 
canadensis  (Goldie)  Millsp.  (Bikukulla,  Dicly- 

Origin:  Temperate  North  America 

Habitats:  Rich  woodlands  and  cliffs 

Habit:  Scapose,  perennial  herbs 

Flowering:  April-May 

Fruiting:  May -June 

General  Distribution:  Southwestern  Quebec  to 
Minnesota  and  Missouri,  south  to  North  Caro- 
lina and  Tennessee  in  the  Appalachians 

Description:  Plants  with  bisexual  flowers;  stigma  1 per  ovary,  2-lobed,  flattened,  ca  1 mm  broad,  persistent;  style 
1,  slender,  4-6  mm  long  in  flower  and  fruit,  persistent;  ovary  1,  slenderly  cylindric,  5-7  mm  long,  several  ovuled, 
glabrous,  becoming  a smooth,  olive-brown,  2-valved  capsule,  fusiform  to  slightly  falcate,  1.4-1. 7 cm  long,  4-6  mm 
wide,  striated  by  its  veins  and  2 sutures;  seeds  usually  5-10  per  capsule,  very  glossy,  ebony,  2. 2-2.6  mm  long,  ca 
2 mm  deep  and  1.5  mm  wide;  aril  pale,  wing-like,  tufted;  stamens  6 in  2 loose  groups  of  3;  anther  sacs  pale 
yellow,  ca  0.6  mm  long;  filaments  8-10  mm  long  with  wings  up  to  1 mm  broad  toward  the  base;  inner  petals  2, 
white  to  creamy,  1. 1-1.3  cm  long,  1-1.5  mm  wide  below,  not  adherent  to  the  outer  petals,  strongly  winged, 
cucullate  toward  tips  and  expanded  up  to  3 mm  in  width  where  they  fuse  at  the  tips  to  enclose  the  stigma;  inner 
petal  wings  ca  0.5  mm  wide  below  to  2.5  mm  broad  near  their  tips  which  extrude  beyond  the  floral  apex  as 
rounded  lobes;  outer  petals  2,  white  to  creamy,  1.0-1. 6 cm  long,  saccate-cordate,  making  the  flower  6-11  mm 
wide,  the  bases  rounded  to  somewhat  elongate,  but  not  conspicuously  spurred,  the  outer  petal  limbs  reflexed  ± 
90°  from  the  axis,  4-6  mm  long,  cucullate,  obtusely  tipped,  often  pinkish  or  purplish-tinged;  sepals  2,  minute, 
membranous,  deltoid  to  ovate  sometimes  with  an  irregular  lobe;  pedicels  4-8  (11)  mm  long,  broadening  upward 
from  near  the  middle  at  the  point  of  attachment  of  2 subopposite,  linear-lanceolate  bracteoles  which  are  2-3  mm 
long,  pale,  membranaceous  with  irregular  margins;  bract  at  base  of  pedicel  oblong  to  spatulate,  sheathing  at  base, 
up  to  4 mm  long,  2 mm  wide,  pale,  greenish,  membranaceous  with  pink  veins;  inflorescence  a simple  raceme, 
usually  of  3-8  flowers,  often  ending  in  a sterile  lobe  or  pedicel;  scape  glabrous  to  puberulent,  often  ribbed  below, 
6-22  (26)  cm  tall;  leaves  basal,  finely  temate  and  pinnatisect,  the  lobes  glabrous,  linear  to  oblanceolate,  up  to  2.5 


cm  long,  5 mm  wide;  petiolules  narrowly  winged,  not  clasping  at  bases;  petioles  4-18  (2)  cm  long,  glabrous, 
caniculate,  subtended  (along  with  the  scapes)  by  pellucid  to  scarious  stipules  and  bracts  up  to  1.4  cm  long,  1.1  cm 
wide,  ovate  with  irregular  margins  and  obtuse  to  apiculate  tips;  scapes  and  leaves  arising  from  spheroid  to  ovoid  (or 
flattened)  tubers  6-12  mm  in  diameter,  dull  yellowish-brown  to  golden  in  color,  borne  on  slender,  wiry  rhizomes 
with  very  few  associated  bulblets  and  fibrous,  tough  roots.  (2n  = ca  64) 

Importance:  This  species  is  sometimes  cultivated  by  transfer  of  the  tubers  to  shaded  garden  plots.  Wildlife,  such  as 
game  birds  and  squirrels  eat  the  tubers.  Squirrel-corn  has  been  extracted  for  a tea  used  in  folk  medicine,  reputed 
to  cure  various  ailments  including  colic;  however,  it  should  be  used  with  extreme  caution,  since  it  is  known  to 
contain  harmful  isoquinoline  alkaloids.  It  has  been  implicated  in  livestock  deaths  and  should  be  considered  poi- 
sonous in  quantity. 


Common  Names:  Allegheny  Vine,  Mountain  Fringe 

Authority:  Rafinesque,  Med.  Rep.  II,  vol.  5,  p.  352,  1808  (nom.  cons.) 

A genus  of  a single  species  of  delicate  vines  with  a widely  disjunct  distribution  in  Korea  and  the  mountains  of 
eastern  North  America.  Adlumia  is  sometimes  cultivated. 

1.  Adlumia  fungosa  (Ait.)  Greene  ex  B.S.P. 
Common  Names:  Allegheny  Vine,  Mountain 
Fringe,  Climbing  Fumitory,  Canary  Vine,  Cy- 
press Vine,  Fairy  Creeper,  Allegheny  Fringe, 
Wood  Fringe 

Type  Description:  Aiton,  Hort.  Kew.,  vol.  3,  p. 
1,  1789 

Synonyms:  Fumaria  fungosa  Ait.,  F.  recta 
Michx.,  Adlumia  eirrhosa  Raf.  (not  Raf.  ex 
DC.),  A.  asiatica  Ohwi,  A.  komarovii  Popov 
Origin:  Arctotertiary  Forest 

Habitats:  Rich  woods,  usually  montane,  shaded 
cliffs  and  moist,  calcareous  places 
Habit:  Slender  vines  twining  by  the  petioles  on 
plants  or  rocks,  biennial  (or  perennial  in  Asia?) 
Flowering:  June-October 
Fruiting:  Late  June-October 
General  Distribution:  Korea  and  North  America 
from  New  England,  Quebec  and  Ontario  to 
the  southern  Appalachians  of  North  Carolina 
and  Tennessee 


Description:  Plants  with  bisexual  flowers;  stigma  2-lobed,  wedge  shaped,  enclosed  by  the  tips  of  the  inner  petals 
and  capped  by  a waxy  pollen  mass;  style  1,  3-4  mm  long,  slender;  ovary  1,  slender,  cylindric,  0.9-1. 3 cm  long, 
glabrous,  pale  green,  becoming  a tan,  2-valved  capsule  which  enlarges  only  to  accomodate  the  breadth  of  develop- 
ing seeds,  dehiscent  from  the  base  along  2 prominent  sutures;  seeds  usually  5 per  capsule,  shiny  black,  very 
smooth,  ca  1.5  mm  long,  1 mm  broad,  oval  with  a small  indentation;  aril  absent;  stamens  6,  in  2 columns  opposite 
the  outer  petals;  anther  sacs  8,  the  central  stamen  of  each  column  with  2 sacs,  the  2 flanking  stamens  with  1 sac 
each;  each  staminal  column  of  3 filaments,  free  near  the  anthers,  fused  below  into  a tubular  sheath  which  is  adnate 
to  the  lower  corolla  in  a zone  of  spongy  tissue;  flower  persistent  in  fruit,  not  readily  wilting,  retaining  its  color  and 
shape  until  necrosis  sets  in;  petals  dimorphic,  in  2 pairs  of  2,  united  for  most  of  their  lengths  into  a spongy,  saccate 
corolla  which  is  white,  pink  or  purple-tinged,  narrowly  flattened-ovoid  (purse-shaped)  and  bilateral,  14-18  mm 
long,  4-7  mm  wide  and  2-4  mm  across,  obtuse  to  subcordate  at  base;  inner  petals  2,  opposite  the  outer  ones,  very 
narrow,  fused  to  the  outer  petals  below,  free  above,  their  tips  grooved,  keeled  and  clawed,  expanded  to  form  a 
crown-like  hood  which  caps  the  stigma  and  entraps  pollen  beneath  the  fused,  inner  petal  tips;  outer  petals  2, 
forming  most  of  the  corolla  sac,  free  at  their  divergent  tips,  the  free  limbs  acute,  strongly  cucullate,  yellowish,  2-3 
mm  long,  enclosing  the  crest  of  the  inner  petals  in  bud;  sepals  2,  early  deciduous,  enfolding  the  young,  clavate 
bud,  but  dropping  as  it  expands,  (sepals)  2. 0-2. 5 mm  long,  0.8-1. 1 mm  wide,  peltate,  being  minutely  stalked  well 
above  the  blade  base,  lanceolate,  acuminate  tipped,  the  peltate  base  rounded  to  hastate,  margins  irregularly 
toothed,  pellucid,  reddish  tinged;  inflorescences  few  to  many,  1 or  2 in  the  axil  of  a leaf,  much-branched  cymose- 
paniculate  with  up  to  30  flowers  each;  pedicels  (2)  5-14  mm  long,  ribbed  and  swollen  near  receptacle  base, 
glabrous  or  minutely  scaly  with  one  or  more  minute  linear-lanceolate,  pellucid  bracts  which  vary  in  size;  peduncles 
smooth,  usually  glabrous,  1-4  cm  long;  cauline  leaves  compound,  pinnately  much-divided,  the  leaflet-bearing 
portion  (blade)  mostly  5-10  cm  long,  4-7  cm  wide,  leaflets  minute  when  blade  expands,  becoming  5-25  (30)  mm 
long,  5-20  (23)  mm  wide,  variously  lobed  and  incised  with  obtuse  to  apiculate  tips,  bases  obtuse  to  attenuate, 
surfaces  glabrous;  basal  leaves  similar,  but  forming  a stemless,  first  year  rosette;  petiolules  slender,  glabrous  to 
puberulent,  terete  or  flattened  and  ridged  (cauline  ones)  sometimes  twining;  petioles  up  to  15  cm  long,  usually 
glabrous,  terete  to  ribbed  or  winged,  tortuously  twisted  where  twining  on  other  stalks  (those  of  the  basal  rosette 
not  twining,  flattened,  ribbed  and  somewhat  sheathing  at  bases);  stem  developing  the  second  year,  a single, 
elongate  axis  climbing  or  trailing  up  to  5 meters  from  a slender,  biennial  taproot  and  fibrous  root  system. 

(2n  1 32) 

Importance:  These  vines  are  cultivated  and  may  persist  or  escape. 


Common  Name:  Corydalis 

Authority:  Ventenat  (not  Medic.),  Choix  de  Pi.,  t.  19,  1803  (nom.  cons.) 

A genus  of  over  200  species  with  its  center  of  diversity  in  Asia.  Corydalis  is  distributed  mostly  in  the  boreal 
Northern  Hemisphere,  but  also  has  species  in  South  Africa.  Corydalis  species  are  sometimes  grown  as  garden 
curiosities,  and  are  rich  in  alkaloids,  some  of  which  are  poisonous. 

Description:  Plants  with  bisexual  flowers;  stigma  1 per  flower,  apically  flattened,  often  2-lobed  with  4-8  smaller, 
receptive  lobes;  style  1,  linear,  persistent  (rarely  articulated  and  deciduous);  ovary  1 per  flower,  cylindrie-falcate, 
becoming  a cylindric  (to  somewhat  inflated)  2-valved  capsule,  often  falcate-torulose,  acropetally  dehiscent  and 
transversely  ribbed  between  the  seeds;  seeds  orbicular  to  reniform,  sometimes  flattened,  usually  lustrous  and 
arillate;  stamens  in  2 groups  of  3,  the  upper  cluster  with  a nectariferous  spur  adnate  within  the  upper  petal  spur; 
inner  petals  2,  similar,  apically  fused;  outer  petals  2,  unlike,  the  upper  one  saccate-spurred;  sepals  ovate  to 
lanceolate,  small  and  sometimes  peltately  attached;  flowers  ± horizontally  oriented,  bilateral,  borne  in  terminal 
racemes  or  panicles  which  elongate  with  age;  pedicels  and  peduncles  varying  in  length,  the  larger  ones  with 
leaflet-like  bracts  at  the  base;  cauline  leaves  alternate,  reduced  upward,  otherwise  like  basal  ones;  basal  leaves 
often  in  a rosette,  pinnately  dissected  into  many  lobes,  these  and  the  lower  cauline  leaves  with  petioles;  stems 
semi-succulent,  hollow,  spreading  or  erect  from  annual  or  biennial  root  systems  (less  commonly  perennial  rhizomes 
or  tubers). 



1.  Flowers  bicolored,  pink  or  rose-purple  and  yellow;  mature  fruit  mostly  ascending,  linear;  stigma  not  2-lobed;  stems 

usually  erect  1.  Corydalis  sempervirens  (p.  46) 

1.  Flowers  yellow;  mature  fruit  mostly  spreading  or  drooping;  stigma  2-lobed;  stems  lax  or  weakly  ascending  (2) 

2.  Mature  flowers  7-9  mm  long;  upper  petal  with  an  undulate  to  toothed  crest  toward  its  tip 

2.  Corydalis  flavula  (p.  48) 

2.  Mature  flowers  10-20  mm  long;  upper  petal  without  a conspicuous,  lobed  crest (3) 

3.  Sepals  lance-acuminate,  usually  entire,  not  lacerate;  leaflets  with  lobes  mostly  3-6  mm  broad,  conspicuously 

glaucous  beneath 3.  Corydalis  lutea  (p.  49) 

3.  Sepals  ovate  to  lanceolate,  lobed  and  lacerate;  leaflets  finely  divided  into  lobes,  usually  less  than  2 mm  broad 
4.  Corydalis  aurea  (p.  50) 

1.  Corydalis  sempervirens  (L.)  Pers. 

Common  Names:  Pink  Corydalis,  Rock  Harle- 
quin, Rock  Fumitory,  “Pale  Corydalis 

Type  Description:  Linnaeus,  Species  Pi.,  p.  700, 

Synonyms:  Fumaria  sempervirens  L.,  Capnodes 
sempervirens  (L.)  Borkh.,  Fumaria  glauca 
Curt.,  Capnodes  glauca  (Curt.)  Moench,  Cor- 
ydalis glauca  (Curt.)  Pursh,  Corydalis  rosea 
Eat.  (Neckeria) 

Origin:  North  America 

Habitats:  Rocky,  sunny  places  or  partial  shade, 
disturbed  sites,  limestone  flatrock,  clearings, 
often  in  shallow  soil 

Habit:  Slender,  erect  biennials  (annuals) 

Flowering:  May-September 

Fruiting:  May -October 

General  Distribution:  Newfoundland  to  Alaska, 
south  to  British  Columbia,  Minnesota,  Illinois 
and  Georgia  (also  reported  from  Siberia) 


Description:  Plants  with  bisexual  flowers;  stigma  1 per  flower,  flattened,  4-lobed,  persistent  in  fruit  becoming  up 
to  0.8  mm  broad;  style  1,  broadest  near  the  stigma,  persistent  in  fruit,  becoming  3-4  mm  long;  ovary  1 per  flower, 
linear-cylindric,  ca  1 cm  long,  becoming  a slender,  2-valved  capsule,  usually  erect  or  ascending,  somewhat  falcate 
near  the  tip,  tan,  leathery  in  texture,  prominently  veined,  2. 5-4. 5 (5)  cm  long,  2-3  mm  wide,  dehiscing  acrope- 
tally  along  2 sutures,  shedding  about  20  seeds;  seeds  0.8-1. 1 mm  long,  variously  compressed  (with  1 or  more  flat 
sides)  to  spheroid,  black,  shiny,  finely  reticulate,  with  pale  arils  ca  0.5  mm  long;  stamens  6;  anther  sacs  golden, 
minute;  filaments  slender,  pale  8-10  mm  long,  coherent  in  phalanges  of  3 each,  the  upper  phalange  with  a 
blunt  spur  ca  1 mm  long  adherent  within  the  upper  petal  spur;  perianth  bilaterally  symmetrical,  pink  and  yellow; 
petals  4,  free,  but  closely  associated  to  give  the  flower  a tubular  appearance;  inner  petals  2,  borne  laterally,  9-12 
mm  long,  the  basal  5-8  mm  attenuated  into  a narrow  claw,  the  expanded  limbs  attached  at  their  tips  over  the 
stigma,  each  limb  with  a fold  below  and  an  obtuse  lobe  on  its  upwardly  directed  margin;  outer  petals  2,  dissimilar: 
upper  petal  10-15  mm  long,  including  a saccate  basal  spur  3-4  mm  long,  the  spur  blunt,  pink,  not  recurved 
toward  the  pedicel,  the  petal  hood  narrow,  only  slightly  crested  or  uncrested,  the  tip  flexed  upward  at  maturity 
with  upfolded  lateral  margins  in  the  terminal  2 mm  of  the  corolla  tip  which  is  bright  yellow  to  cream;  lower  petal 
10-13  rnm  long,  unspurred;  sepals  2,  ovate-acute  with  unevenly  toothed  margins,  attached  peltately,  2-3  mm  long, 
somewhat  translucent,  pinkish-green;  pedicels  slender,  erect,  5-20  mm  long  in  fruit,  the  longer  ones  in  the  lower 
inflorescence;  inflorescences  1 to  several,  terminal  on  the  erect  branches,  racemes  or  panicles;  bracts  lanceolate, 
pale  green  1-2  mm  long,  the  lower  ones  sometimes  lobed;  upper  cauline  leaves  leaflet-like,  intergrading  with 
inflorescence  bracts,  sessile;  lower  cauline  leaves  like  basal  leaves  with  petioles  up  to  3 cm  long;  basal  leaves 
p innately  dissected  the  larger  with  5 major  lobes,  further  dissected  into  terminal  lobes  which  are  oblong-elliptic, 
obtuse-apiculate,  ± glaucous  due  to  surface  texture,  glabrous;  basal  petioles  (1)  3-9  cm  long;  stems  usually  single, 
divaricately  branched  above  (may  be  dwarfed  and  unbranched  in  poor  conditions),  terete  to  irregular  in  x-section 
due  to  ribbing,  erect,  30-80  cm  tall  from  a twisted,  biennial  taproot  with  thick  lateral  branches.  (2n  = 16) 

Infraspecific  Variation:  This  is  a remarkably  uniform,  widespread  species,  varying  phenotypically  in  its  stature  in 
response  to  environmental  stresses,  and  having  a deep,  rose  color-phase  prized  by  horticulturists. 

Importance:  These  plants  are  sometimes  grown  in  rocky  gardens  or  along  gravelly  paths.  Related  species  are 
suspect  in  poisoning  cases  due  to  their  alkaloid  content,  but  this  species  has  not  been  implicated. 


2.  Corydalis  flavula  (Raf.  ex  Desv.)  DC. 
Common  Names:  Yellow  Harlequin,  Yellow  Fu- 
mewort,  Yellow  Rock-harlequin,  Yellow  Cory- 
dalis,  Colic-weed,  “Pale  Corydalis 
Type  Description:  Rafinesque,  in  Desv.,  Jour. 

Bot.,  vol.  1,  p.  224,  1808 
Synonyms:  Fumaria  flavula  Raf.  ex  Desv.,  Cap- 
nodes  flavulum  (Raf.  ex  Desv.)  Kuntze  (not 
Capnoides,  as  in  House,  1924);  Neckeria 
flavula  (Raf  ex  Desv.)  Millsp.,  Corydalis  gey- 
eri  Fedde,  C.  aurea  a flavula  (Raf.  ex  Desv.) 
Wood,  “C.  flavidida ” 

Origin:  North  America 

Habitats:  Moist,  loose  soil  in  rocky  woodlands  of 
sandy  to  calcareous  areas 
Habit:  Sprawling  to  ascending  colonies  of  annuals 
Flowering:  April-May 
Fruiting:  April-June  (July) 

General  Distribution:  Sporadic,  from  New  York 
and  Connecticut  to  Nebraska,  south  to  Loui- 
siana and  North  Carolina 
Rarity  Status:  These  plants  are  rare  and  threat- 
ened in  New  York  State  and  the  species  ap- 
pears on  the  state  list  (Mitchell  & Sheviak, 

Description:  Plants  with  bisexual  flowers;  stigma  1 per  flower,  flattened,  the  2 major  lobes  widely  divergent,  ca  0.3 
mm  wide,  usually  deciduous  in  fruit;  style  1,  broadest  near  the  base,  1-2  mm  long,  persistent  in  fruit,  becoming 
2-3  mm  long;  ovary  1 per  flower,  ca  4 mm  long,  1 mm  wide,  falcate,  becoming  a cylindric,  2-valved  capsule, 
spreading  or  pendulous,  (14)  16-20  (23)  mm  long,  2-3  mm  wide,  glabrous,  tan,  leathery,  the  walls  contracted 
between  the  enlarged  seeds  to  give  a beaded  appearance  to  the  capsule  which  is  dehiscent  along  2 sutures  (acrope- 
tally)  to  release  about  6-12  seeds;  seed  lenticular  with  a distinct  marginal  ridge,  black,  glossy,  minutely  alveolate, 
particularly  near  the  margin,  1. 8-2.0  mm  broad,  ca  1 mm  thick;  aril  ca  1 mm  long,  creamy,  wing-like,  wrinkled; 
stamens  6;  anther  sacs  golden,  minute;  filaments  5-6  mm  long,  slender,  creamy,  united  into  2 phalanges,  the 
upper  with  a spur  0.5  mm  long  within  the  upper  petal  spur;  perianth  bilaterally  symmetrical,  creamy  yellow 
(sometimes  small,  cleistogamous);  petals  4,  free  but  closely  associated  to  give  the  corolla  a tubular  appearance; 
inner  petals  2,  borne  laterally,  5-6  (7)  mm  long,  clawed  at  bases,  expanded  at  tips  where  they  are  united  over  the 
stigma;  outer  petals  2,  dissimilar:  upper  petal  7-9  mm  long  including  the  saccate,  basal  spur  which  is  1-1.5  (2) 
mm  long,  its  blunt  tip  curved  under  toward  the  pedicel;  petal  hood  with  upcurved,  slightly  undulate  to  toothed 
margins  near  the  tip,  bearing  an  abrupt  crest  along  its  summit,  the  crest  margin  undulate  to  sharply  toothed;  lower 


petal  5-8  mm  long,  unspurred,  uncrested  or  with  a small  undulate  crest;  sepals  minute,  often  deciduous,  scarious, 
lanceolate,  sometimes  toothed,  ca  0.3  mm  long;  pedicels,  3-11  (16)  mm  long,  slender,  glabrous,  usually  reflexed  in 
fruit,  each  subtended  by  a bract;  bracts  ovate  to  lanceolate  or  lobed,  5-12  mm  long,  3-9  mm  broad,  entire  or 
dentate  at  margins  and  with  acute  to  acuminate  tips,  somewhat  sheathing  at  bases;  inflorescence  a short,  crowded 
terminal  or  subterminal  raceme;  cauline  leaves  similar  to  basal  ones,  smaller  but  not  reduced  greatly  upward,  short 
petioled  to  sub-sessile;  basal  leaves  pinnately  compound  with  5-7  main  lobes,  these  further  dissected  and  lobed, 
the  ultimate  leaf  lobes  elliptic  to  linear,  apiculate,  the  surfaces  glabrous,  glaucous,  valuable  in  size  but  mostly  4-8 
mm  long;  petiolules  and  petioles  slightly  winged,  glabrous;  basal  petioles  up  to  10  cm  long;  stems  erect  when 
young,  soon  trailing  and  ascending,  ribbed  and  fluted,  juicy,  branched  mostly  from  near  the  base,  15-30  ( — 40)  cm 
long,  from  an  annual  taproot.  (2n  = 16) 

Infraspeeific  Variation:  Cleistogamous  plants  are  known  in  which  the  flowers  are  small  and  poorly  developed;  the 
vegetative  portion  of  such  plants  is  often  very  lax  and  diffusely  branched  with  larger  terminal  leaflets  and  lobes. 
Importance:  This  species  contains  a number  of  alkaloids  and  is  suspected  in  livestock  poisoning  in  Virginia. 

3.  Corydalis  lutea  (L.)  DC. 

Common  Names:  Yellow  Corydalis,  Rock  Fumi- 

Type  Description:  Linnaeus,  Mant.  Pi.,  ii,  p. 
258,  1771 

Synonym:  Fumaria  lutea  L. 

Origin:  Southern  Europe 

Habitats:  Rocky  places,  especially  walls,  as  an  es- 
cape (calciphile) 

Habit:  Sprawling  perennials 

Flowering:  May-August 

Fruiting:  June-September 

General  Distribution:  A rare  escape  in  North 
America,  but  widely  naturalized  in  Europe 
where  it  is  also  native  in  part 

Description:  Plants  with  bisexual  flowers;  stigma  1 per  ovary,  its  2 major  lobes  laterally  divergent,  ca  0.8  mm 
wide,  somewhat  flattened,  usually  not  persistent  in  fruit;  style  2-3  mm  long,  cylindric,  persistent;  ovary  1 per 
flower,  slender,  cylindric,  5-9  mm  long,  becoming  a 2-valved  capsule,  usually  pendulous,  plump-cylindric,  8-12 
mm  long,  2-3  mm  wide,  somewhat  constricted  between  seeds,  tan,  acropetally  dehiscent  along  2 sutures  to  release 
the  3-7  seeds;  seeds  lenticular,  black,  shiny,  somewhat  alveolate,  ca  2 mm  broad,  with  a definite  marginal  ridge; 


aril  pale,  wing-like;  stamens  6;  anther  sacs  golden,  minute;  filaments  pale,  slender,  united  in  2 phalanges,  the 
upper  phalange  with  a spur  1.5-2  mm  long  within  the  upper  petal  spur;  perianth  bilaterally  symmetrical,  pale 
yellow  to  dark  yellow  near  the  corolla  tip;  petals  4,  free,  but  closely  associated  to  give  the  corolla  a tubular 
appearance;  inner  petals  2,  borne  laterally,  9-13  mm  long,  clawed  at  bases,  expanded  into  broader  lobes  toward 
the  apices  where  they  are  fused  at  the  tips  over  the  stigma;  outer  petals  2,  dissimilar:  upper  petal  12-20  mm  long 
including  a saccate  basal  spur  2.5-3  mm  long,  the  spur  narrowed  toward  its  tip  which  is  recurved  toward  the 
pedicel,  upper  petal  hood  uncrested  (or  very  slightly  crested),  its  lateral  margins  entire  to  weakly  undulate,  up- 
curved  toward  their  tips;  lower  petal  7-10  mm  long,  unspurred,  uncrested;  sepals  2,  pale,  yellow-green,  persist- 
ent, 2-3  mm  long,  lanceolate  with  truncate  bases  and  acute  to  acuminate  tips,  the  margins  entire  or  irregularly 
serrate;  pedicels  slender,  elongating  up  to  1.5  cm  in  fruit,  reflexing  with  age;  inflorescence  a few-flowered  raceme; 
bracts  like  the  sepals;  upper  cauline  leaves  leaflet-like,  short  petioled;  lower  cauline  leaves  much  like  the  basal 
ones,  but  reduced  upward;  basal  leaves  biternately  to  triternately  compound,  the  segments  further  divided  and 
lobed;  leaflets  elliptic,  lobed  or  unlobed,  mostly  4-9  mm  long,  3-7  mm  wide,  glabrous,  green  above,  whitish- 
glaucous  below,  apiculate  tipped;  petiolules  and  petioles  not  conspicuously  winged;  basal  petioles  up  to  12  cm 
long;  stems  lax,  freely  branching,  ribbed,  up  to  40  cm  long  from  a perennial  base  and  fibrous  roots.  (2n  = ±54?) 

Importance:  These  plants  are  grown  commonly  as  garden  ornamentals,  especially  on  walls  and  sunny  slopes,  and 
they  infrequently  escape  cultivation.  They  contain  a variety  of  alkaloids  and  may  be  considered  poisonous. 

4.  Corydalis  aurea  Willd. 

Common  Name:  Golden  Corydalis 
Type  Description:  Willdenow,  Enum.,  p.  740, 

Synonyms:  Capnodes  aureum  (Willd.)  Kuntze, 
Neckeria  aurea  (Willd.)  Millsp.  (see  Ownbey, 
1947  for  extensive,  non-NY  synonymy) 

Origin:  Western  North  America 
Habitats:  Rocky  places,  especially  limestone,  in 
coniferous  or  mixed  woodlands  and  clearings 
Habit:  Sprawling  to  ascending  annuals  or  bien- 

Flowering:  May-July 
Fruiting:  May-August 

General  Distribution:  Alaska  to  Mexico  and  the 
Rocky  Mountains,  scattered  eastward  in  gla- 
ciated areas  to  southeastern  Quebec 
Rarity  Status:  This  species  is  sporadic  and  rare 
in  eastern  North  America,  and  appears  on  the 
New  York  State  rare  plant  list  (Mitchell  & 
Sheviak,  ibid.) 


Description:  Plants  with  bisexual  flowers;  stigma  1 per  flower,  its  2 major  lobes  laterally  divergent,  persistent  in 
fruit,  up  to  1 mm  broad;  style  1,  slender,  broadest  toward  base,  persistent,  becoming  3-4  mm  long  in  fruit;  ovary 
1 per  flower,  5-6  mm  long,  cylindric,  slightly  falcate,  becoming  a cylindric,  often  arcuate,  2-valved  capsule, 
pendulous  at  maturity  (in  ours),  1. 5-3.0  cm  long,  2.5-3  mm  wide,  constricted  between  the  seeds,  leathery,  tan, 
usually  with  2 prominent  veins  opposite  the  sutures,  dehiscing  acropetally  to  release  (3)  7-12  seeds;  seeds  1. 9-2.0 
mm  long,  plump-lenticular  to  comma-shaped,  very  shiny  black,  minutely  and  inconspicuously  reticulate,  the 
marginal  ridge  absent;  aril  wing-like,  pale,  ca  1.5  mm  long;  stamens  6;  anther  sacs  golden,  minute;  filaments 
slender,  7-8  mm  long,  coherent  into  2 phalanges,  the  upper  phalange  prolonged  backward  as  a spur  2-3  mm  long 
within  the  upper  petal  spur;  perianth  bilaterally  symmetrical,  yellow  with  darker  yellow  near  the  corolla  tip;  petals 
4,  free,  but  closely  associated  in  a corolla  which  appears  tubular;  inner  petals  2,  borne  laterally,  narrowed  in  their 
distal  half  into  claws  which  bear  small  wings,  the  expanded  blades  attached  over  the  stigma  at  their  tips,  total 
length  8-10  mm;  outer  petals  2,  dissimilar:  upper  petal  12-16  mm  long  including  a saccate,  basal  spur  3-5  mm 
long,  the  spur  straight  or  slightly  downcurved,  but  not  strongly  recurved  toward  the  pedicel,  petal  hood  with  a 
greenish  swelling  along  its  median,  but  not  crested  (extremely  rarely  with  a small  crest),  lateral  margins  upturned, 
entire  to  undulate  or  sharply  toothed,  with  an  apiculate  tip;  lower  petal  9-11  mm  long,  unspurred  uncrested,  the 
tip  similar  to  the  hood  of  the  upper  petal;  sepals  2,  scarious,  ovate,  1-2  mm  long,  ca  1.5  mm  wide,  acute  to 
acuminate-tipped,  truncate  to  cordate-hastate  at  bases,  the  margins  irregularly  toothed  or  incised;  pedicels  slender, 
elongating  and  reflexing  downward  in  fruit,  up  to  10  mm  long;  inflorescence  a terminal  or  axillary  raceme,  usually 
surpassed  by  the  leaves;  cauline  leaves  not  much  reduced  upward,  petioled,  much  like  basal  leaves;  basal  leaves 
few  to  densely  clustered  in  a rosette,  pinnately  compound  into  5-7  major  lobes,  further  dissected,  the  ultimate 
leaflets  usually  deeply  cleft  into  narrow  segments,  broadly  to  narrowly  elliptic  in  outline,  the  surfaces  glabrous,  ± 
glaucous,  tips  apiculate;  petiolules  and  petioles  glabrous,  terete  to  slightly  winged,  somewhat  clasping  at  bases,  the 
petioles  2-8  cm  long,  not  much  reduced  upward;  stems  erect  when  young,  soon  becoming  prostrate  to  ascending, 
semisucculent,  glabrous,  15-35  (50)  cm  long,  arising  from  an  annual  root  system  or  developing  a biennial,  basal 
caudex  with  fibrous  roots.  (2n  - 16) 

Infraspecific  Variation:  Most  of  the  variability  of  this  species  lies  outside  of  New  York  State  in  the  contiguous  part 
of  its  distribution  range.  Our  materials  correspond  to  ssp.  aurea,  while  plants  of  the  south-central  states  are  treated 
as  ssp.  occidentalis  (Engelm.)  Ownb.,  with  larger,  long-spurred  flowers  and  more  erect  fruits. 

Importance:  These  plants  are  sometimes  grown  in  rock  gardens.  Due  to  their  alkaloid  content,  they  have  been 
cited  in  some  cases  of  livestock  poisoning. 


Common  Names:  Fumitory,  Earth-smoke 
Authority:  Linnaeus,  Species  Pi.,  p.  699,  1753 

A genus  of  over  40  species,  many  of  which  are  cosmopolitan  weeds,  native  to  Eurasia  and  north  Africa,  mostly 
around  the  Mediterranean  area.  In  New  York  State  the  only  established  species  is  the  infrequently  introduced 
Fumaria  officinalis  L.,  an  adventive  associated  with  agriculture.  Some  species  of  the  genus  contain  medicinally 
active  alkaloids. 


1.  Fumaria  officinalis  L. 

Common  Names:  Common  Fumitory,  Fume- 
wort,  Earth-smoke,  Hedge  Fumitory,  Fume- 
root,  Wax-dolls 

Type  Description:  Linnaeus,  Species  Pi,,  p.  700, 

Origin:  Mediterranean  region 

Habitats:  Waste  places,  agricultural  fields,  bor- 
ders, roadsides 

Habit:  Erect  to  spreading  and  sprawling  annuals 

Flowering:  May-August 

Fruiting:  June-September 

General  Distribution:  A widely  escaped  weed, 
especially  in  warm-temperate  North  America; 
native  to  southern  Eurasia  and  north  Africa 

Description:  Plants  with  bisexual  flowers;  stigma  1 per  flower,  its  2 lobes  laterally  divergent,  flattened,  up  to  0.5 
mm  wide;  style  1,  slender,  5-6  mm  long,  articulate  at  base  and  deciduous;  ovary  1 per  flower,  superior,  fusiform, 
1.2- 1.4  mm  long,  glabrous,  becoming  a single-seeded  indehiscent  fruit  (nutlet),  globose  to  lenticular-reniform, 
usually  with  2 indentations  near  the  stigma  scar,  ca  3 mm  wide  2.6  mm  thick  at  maturity,  greenish-tan  to  brown, 
the  surfaces  rough,  minutely  muricate;  seed  1 per  fruit,  ca  2 mm  long,  1 mm  wide,  brown,  ridged;  aril  absent; 
stamens  6;  anther  sacs  minute,  golden;  filaments  united  into  2 distinct  phalanges  (upper  and  lower),  slender 
above,  expanded  and  sheathing  toward  the  base,  pale,  4-6  mm  long;  corolla  bilaterally  symmetrical;  petals  4,  pale 
rose  pink  to  deep  purple-maroon  near  their  tips,  basally  free,  but  closely  associated  to  give  the  corolla  a tubular 
appearance;  inner  petals  2,  similar,  3. 5-4. 5 mm  long,  borne  laterally,  clawed  toward  their  bases,  expanded  and 
ridged  near  their  tips  where  they  are  fused-cucullate  over  the  stigma;  outer  petals  2,  dissimilar:  upper  petal  12-13 
mm  long  including  a saccate  basal  spur,  2.0-2. 8 mm  long,  straight,  but  with  a small  downcurved  lobe  below,  petal 
hood  with  a greenish,  swollen  area  along  the  midline,  laterally  cucullate  and  blunt-tipped;  lower  petal  5-6  mm 
long,  narrowly  clawed  at  base,  the  terminal  2 mm  expanded,  cucullate,  green  and  maroon;  sepals  (1)  2-3  mm  long, 
whitish  to  translucent  with  green  midribs  and  pink-tinged  margins,  peltate  to  truncate  or  hastate  at  bases,  acute  to 
acuminate  tipped  with  ragged,  toothed  margins;  pedicels  2-4  mm  long,  sometimes  flattened  or  grooved,  glabrous; 
inflorescence  a narrow  raceme,  terminal  or  more  often  lateral  or  sub-terminal;  bracts  lanceolate,  1.5-3  mm  long, 
green  with  whitish  (usually  entire)  margins,  somewhat  clasping  at  bases  of  the  pedicels;  cauline  leaves  up  to  12  cm 


long,  variously  compound,  pinnately  dissected  and  lobed,  the  ultimate  segments  mostly  with  2-3  mm  wide  lobes, 
oblanceolate,  blunt  or  apiculate-tipped,  glabrous;  basal  leaves  similar  though  often  smaller,  in  a rosette,  few  in 
number  or  absent;  petiolules  and  petioles  glabrous,  rarely  entwining  other  low  vegetation;  lower  petioles  up  to  5 
cm  long;  stems  ribbed,  somewhat  glaucous,  ascending  to  sprawling  up  to  50  cm  from  a slender  taproot  and  diffuse 
annual  root  system  which  exudes  a nitrous,  smoky  odor.  (2n  = 32,  14?,  16?) 

Infraspeeific  Variation:  This  species,  like  a number  of  its  relatives,  can  produce  small,  pale  cleistogamous  flowers 
which  do  not  conform  to  the  above  description. 

Importance:  Fumitory  can  be  an  annoying  weed  of  crop  fields  and  gardens,  especially  further  south.  It  has  been 
extracted  for  a yellow-green  dye  in  the  Mediterranean  region.  In  folk  medicine  Fumaria  officinalis  has  been 
employed  as  a laxative  and  ’blood  purifier’’  with  questionable  success;  it  does  contain  Protopine  (Fumarine),  how- 
ever, which  has  been  shown  experimentally  to  induce  bradycardia. 



To  be  included  on  this  list,  a fungus  must  occur  on  a species  in  this  treatment  somewhere  in  the  United 
States.  If  a fungus  occurs  in  New  York  State  and  has  not  as  yet  been  recorded  on  a host  covered  in  this  treatment, 
but  has  been  collected  on  such  a host  in  some  other  state,  it  is  marked  with  a single  asterisk  (*). 

Abbreviations  of  states  indicate  a literature  citation  for  each.  Double  asterisks  (**)  indicate  that  a herbarium 
specimen  with  New  York  State  host  information  has  been  seen. 


Peronospora  arborescens  (Berk.)  de  Bary,  Downy  mildew  or  false  mildew  on  Argemone  mexicana  (Tex.)  this  nearly 
cosmopolitan  fungus  has  also  been  recorded  on  numerous  Papaver  sp.  and  Chelidonium  majus  on  other  conti- 

Peronospora  corydalis  de  Bary,  Downy  mildew  or  false  mildew  on  Corydalis  aurea  (Ind.),  or  Corydalis  semper- 
virens  (Mass.,  Md.,  N.Y.  **),  on  Dicentra  canadensis  (N.Y.  **) 

Peronospora  dicentrae  Syd.  ex  Gaum.,  Downy  mildew  or  false  mildew  on  Dicentra  canadensis  (N.Y.  **),  on  Dicen- 
tra cucullaria  (Ind.,  Md.,  Mich.,  Mo.,  N.Y.,  Va.,  Wise.) 

Pythium  paroecandrum  Drechs.,  Leaf  and  stem  rot  of  Sanguinaria  canadensis  (Va.) 


Erysiphe  cichoracearum  DC.,  Powdery  mildew  on  various  hosts  including  Papaver  somniferam,  Papaver  sp.,  Cheli- 
donium majus,  and  Eschscholzia  calif ornica  (cosmopolitan  *) 

Erysiphe  poly  go  ni  DC.,  Powdery  mildew  on  Eschscholzia  californica  (Calif.),  on  Papaver  somniferum  (Ore.) 
Microsphera  alni  DC.,  Powdery  mildew  on  Menispermum  canadense  (Iowa,  Mich.,  N.Y.,  Ohio) 

Phyllactinia  corylea  Pers.,  Powdery  mildew  on  Berberis  vulgaris  (Mass.,  Vt.) 


Diaporthe  beckhausii  Nits.  (=  Diaporthe  menispermi  Deam.  & House),  on  Menispermum  canadense  (N.Y.**) 
Diaporthe  detrusa  (Fries)  Fuckel,  on  Berberis  vulgaris  (Mass.) 

Glomerella  cingulata  (Ston.)  Spauld.  & Schrenk,  on  Podophyllum  peltatum  (Del.,  Tex.) 

Valsa  menispermi  Ellis  & Holw.,  on  Menispermum  canadense  (Iowa) 



Botryotinia  fuckeliana  (de  Bary)  Whetzel  [ = Peziza  fuckeliana  de  Bary,  Sclerotinia  fuckeliana  (de  Bary)  Fuckel], 
Gray-mold  blight,  [perfect  state  of  Botrytis  cinerea  Pers.:  Fries  (Monilales)  which  see  for  host  information] 
Discohainesia  oenotherae  (Cooke  & Ellis)  Nannf.,  on  Podophyllum  peltatum  (Va.) 

Orbilia  caulophylli  Ellis  & Everh.  [ = Calloria  caulophylli  (Ellis  & Everh.)  Rehm;  this  species  belongs  in  the 
genus  Laetinaevia  but  apparently  the  combination  has  not  been  made],  on  Caulophyllum  thalictroides  (N.Y. **) 
Sclerotinia  sclerotiorum  (Libert)  de  Bary,  on  Papaver  somniferum  (Wash.) 

Septotinia  podophyllina  Whetzel  ex  Groves  & Elliott  [ = Gloesporium  podophyllina  Ellis  & Everh.,  Septogloeum 
podophyllinum  (Ellis  & Everh.)  Sacc.],  on  Podophyllum  peltatum  (Del.,  Md.,  Mo.,  N.J.,  N.Y.,  Pa.,  Va.,  W. 


Cucurbitaria  berberidis  (Pers.)  S.  F.  Gray,  on  Berberis  vulgaris  (Maine,  N.Y.**,  S.C.) 

Leptosphaeria  berberidis  Richon,  on  Berberis  vulgaris  (Iowa) 

Pleospora  media  Niessl.,  on  Papaver  nudicaule  (Alaska) 


Dothidea  berberidis  (Wahlenb.)  de  Not.,  on  Berberis  vulgaris  (Mass.) 

Mycospherella  berberidis  (Auersw.)  Lindau,  on  Berberis  thunbergii  (N.Y.) 


Entyloma  eschscholtzia  Harkn.,  on  Eschscholzia  californica  (Calif.) 

Entyloma  fuscum  Sehrot  (=  Entyloma  fuscellum  Rabehn.,  Entyloma  glaucii  Dang.),  Leaf  smut  on  Papaver  dubium 
(La.),  on  Papaver  nudicaule  (Iowa,  Maine),  on  Papaver  orientale  (Ont.),  on  Papaver  rhoeas  and  Papaver  somni- 
ferum (cosmopolitan) 

Entyloma  menispermi  Farlow  & Trel.  (=  Ramularia  contexta  Ellis  & Everh.),  on  Menispermum  canadense  (N.Y.** 
to  Va.,  west  to  Minn,  and  Kans.) 


Aecidium  plenum  Arthur,  on  Argemone  mexicana  (Tex.) 

Cerotelium  dicentrae  (Trel.)  Mains  & F.  W.  Anderson,  a rust  with  0,  I on  Dicentra  cucullaria  (N.Y.**  to  Md.,  111., 
Iowa,  Kans.,  S.  Dak.)  II,  III  on  Laportea  canadensis 

Puccinia  aristidae  Tracy,  a rust  with  0,  I on  Corydalis  aurea  and  Corydalis  sp.  (Colo.,  Kans.,  Nebr.)  II  & III  on 
Aristida  and  Distichlis 

Puccinia  brandegei  Peck,  on  Corydalis  aurea  (Kans.) 

Puccinia  graminis  Pers.,  a rust  of  enormous  commercial  importance,  0,  I on  Berberis  vulgaris  **  and  Berberis 
canadensis **  (generally  distributed)  II,  III  on  Cereals  and  grasses 

Puccinia  podophylli  Schw.,  0,  I,  III  on  Podophyllum  peltatum  (Generally  distributed  **) 


Poria  punctata  (Fries)  Karst.,  on  Berberis  vulgaris  (Md.) 

Thanatephorus  cucumeris  (Fries)  Donk  (=  the  perfect  state  of  Rhizoctonia  solani  Kuhn,  which  see  for  host  informa- 


Alternaria  alternata  (Fries)  Keissler,  on  Papaver  rhoeas * (the  fungus  is  both  cosmopolitan  and  common) 
Alternaria  lancipes  Ellis  & Everh.,  on  Argemone  mexicana  (Tex.) 

Alternaria  sp.,  on  Eschscholzia  californica  (Tex.) 

Botrytis  cinerea  Pers.  ex  Fries,  imperfect  state  of  Botryotinia  fuckeliana  (de  Bary)  Whetzel,  on  Berberis  vulgaris 
(Calif.),  on  Eschscholzia  californica  (Alaska),  on  Papaver  nudicaule  (Alaska),  on  Papaver  orientale  (Md.,  Wise.), 
on  Papaver  rhoeas  (Alaska),  on  Podophyllum  peltatum  (N.  J.) 


Botrytis  streptothrix  (Cooke  & Ellis)  Sacc.,  on  Caulophyllum  thalictroides  (N.J.,  N.Y.  **),  on  Sanguinaria  canaden- 

Botrytis  sp.,  on  Sanguinaria  canadensis  (N.  Y.) 

Cercospora  caulophylli  Peck,  on  Caulophyllum  thalictroides  (Vt.,  N.Y.**  to  Va.,  Mo.,  Wise.) 

Cercospora  menispermi  Ellis  & Holw.,  on  Menispermum  canadense  (N.Y.**  to  Va.,  Kans.,  Wise.) 

Cercospora  podophylli  Tehon  & Daniels,  on  Podophyllum  peltatum  (111.) 

Cercospora  sanguinariae  Peck,  on  Sanguinaria  canadensis  (Md.,  Mo.,  N.Y.**,  Pa.,  Tex.,  Wise.) 

Cercospora  whetzelii  Chupp,  on  Argemone  mexicana  (Puerto  Rico) 

Heterosporium  eschscholtziae  Harkn.,  on  Eschscholzia  californica  (Calif.) 

Oidium  sp.,  on  Papaver  somniferum  (“U.  S.  A.”) 

Phy  mat  otrichum  omnivorum  (Shear)  Dug.,  on  Argemone  mexicana  (Tex.),  on  Berberis  canadensis  (Tex.),  on  Ber- 
beris  thunbergii  (Tex.),  on  Berberis  vulgaris  (Tex.),  on  Chelidonium  majus  (Tex.) 

Verticillium  albo-atrum  Reinke  & Berth,  on  Berberis  thunbergii  (Conn,  to  Va.,  111.,  Mich.),  on  Berberis  vulgaris 
(Conn.),  on  Eschscholzia  californica  (Calif.),  on  Papaver  orientale  (N.  Y.) 


Coniothyrium  insitivum  Sacc.,  on  Berberis  vulgaris  (Nebr.,  Wise.) 

Coniothyrium  hellebori  Cooke  & Massee,  on  Heleborus  niger  (N.  C.) 

Diplodia  berberidina  Sacc.,  on  Berberis  vulgaris  (N.  Y.) 

Diplodia  sarmentorum  Fries,  on  Menispermum  canadense  (N.  Y.) 

Phoma  berberina  Sacc.  & Roum.,  on  Berberis  thunbergii  (Mass.),  on  Berberis  vulgaris  (Iowa) 

Phomopsis  menispermi  (Peck)  Grove,  on  Mensipermum  canadense  (Kans.) 

Phyllosticta  abortiva  Ellis  & Kellerm.,  on  Menispermum  canadense  (Iowa) 

Phyllosticta  berberidis  Ranenh.,  on  Berberis  vulgaris  (Ky) 

Phyllosticta  japonica  Thiim,  on  Berberis  thunbergii  (Alaska),  ( — Pconidial  state  of  Mycosphaerella  berberidis ) 
Phyllosticta  menispermicola  Tehon  & Daniels,  on  Menispermum  canadense  (111.) 

Phyllosticta  podophylii  (Curtis)  Wint.,  on  Podophyllum  peltatum  (N.Y.**  to  Ala.,  Ark.,  Wise.) 

Phyllosticta  podophyllina  Tehon  & Stout,  on  Podophyllum  peltatum  (111.) 

Phyllosticta  sanguinariae  Wint.,  on  Sanguinaria  canadensis  (Mo.,  Tex.,  W.  Va.) 

Septoria  abortiva  (Ellis  & Kellerm.)  Tehon  & Daniels,  on  Menispermum  canadense  (111.,  Kans.,  Ky.) 

Septoria  argemones  Tharp,  on  Argemone  alba  (Okla.),  on  Argemone  mexicana  (Okla.) 

Septoria  chelidonii  Desm.,  on  Argemone  mexicana  (Puerto  Rico),  on  Chelidonium  majus  (Tex.) 

Septoria  corydalis  Ellis  & J.  J.  Davis,  on  Corydalis  aurea  (Wise.) 

Septoria  podophyllina  Peck,  on  Podophyllum  peltatum  (N.Y.**  to  Miss.,  Mo.,  Wise.) 

Sphaeropsis  menispermi  Peck  ( — Pconidial  state  of  Physalorpora  obtusa ),  on  Menispermum  canadense  (N.Y.**  to 
Va.,  Kans.,  Mich.) 

Stagonospora  berberidina  Sacc.,  on  Berberis  vulgaris  (N.  Y.) 


Collet otrichum  circinans  (Berk.)  Arx,  experimental  infection  on  Eschscholzia  californica  (Calif.) 

Collet otrichum  sordidum  J.  J.  Davis,  on  Menispermum  canadense  (Wise.) 

Cylindrosporium  circinans  Wint.,  on  Sanguinaria  canadensis  (Md.,  Mo.,  Wise.) 

Gloeosporium  argemonis  Ellis  & Everh.,  on  Argemone  mexicana  (Fla.,  Tex.) 

Gloeosporium  berberidis  Cooke,  on  Berberis  vulgaris  (Mass.,  Minn.,  Ohio,  Wise.) 

Vermicularia  hysteriiformis  Peck,  on  Caulophyllum  thalictroides  (N.Y.**) 

Vermicularia  podophylii  Ellis  & Deam.,  on  Podophyllum  peltatum  (Tex.,  Va.) 


Rhizoctonia  solani  Kiihn.,  on  Berberis  vulgaris  (Conn.),  on  Papaver  nudicaule  (Maine,  N.Y.),  on  Papaver  orientale 
(Ind.,  N.  J.),  on  Papaver  rhoeas  (Kans.,  N.  J.),  on  Papaver  somniferum  (Idaho) 

Rhizoctonia  sp.,  on  Podophyllum  peltatum  (Mo.) 



A List  of  Some  Insects  Associated  with  Plant  Species  in  this  Treatment: 



Horcias  dislocatus  (Say)  on  Caulophyllum  thalictroides 

Aphis  fabae  Scopoli  on  Papaver  orientale  and  Papaver  rhoeas 

Aphis  gossypii  Glover  on  Papaver  rhoeas 

Liosomaphis  berberidas  (Kaltenbach)  on  Berberis  thunbergii 

Macrosiphon  euphorbiae  (Thomas)  on  Corydalis  sempervirens  and  Dicentra  sp. 

Rhopalosiphum  berberidis  (Kaltenbach)  on  Berberis  thunbergii  and  Berberis  vulgaris 


Lecanium  persicae  (Fabricius)  on  Berberis 



Artogeia  napi  (L.)  on  Berberis  vulgaris 

Artogeia  rapae  (L.)  Cabbage  Butterfly  on  Berberis  vulgaris 


Satyrium  liparops  (Boisduval  & LeConte)  on  Podophyllum  peltatum 

Speyeria  aphrodite  (Fabricius)  on  Podophyllum  peltatum 

Euptoieta  claudia  (Cramer)  Variegated  Fritillary  on  Podophylum  peltatum 


Achalarus  lyciades  Abbot  & Smith  on  Corydalis  sempervirens 

Hyalophora  cecropia  (L).  Cecropia  Moth  on  Berberis  vulgaris 
Sarnia  cynthia  (Drury)  on  Berberis  vulgaris 


Orgyia  leucostigma  (Abbot  & Smith)  White-marked  Tussock  Moth  on  Berberis  canadensis  and  Berberis  vulgaris 
Lymantria  dispar  (L.)  Gypsy  Moth  on  Berberis  vulgaris 


Malacosoma  americana  (Fabricius)  Apple  Tree  Tent  Caterpillar  on  Berberis  vulgaris 

Alypia  octomaculata  (Fabricius)  Eight-spotted  Forester  on  Berberis  vulgaris 



Trichoplusia  ni  (Hubner)  on  Eschscholzia  californica 

Crocigrapha  normani  (Grote)  on  Caulophyllum 

Pseudaletia  unipuctata  (Haworth)  Army  Worm  on  Papaver  somniferum 

Mamestra  curialis  Smith  on  Dicentra  spectabilis 

Papaipema  cerina  (Grote)  on  Podophyllinn  peltatum 

Papaipema  mereiekata  Bird  on  Podophyllum  peltatum 

Prodenia  eridanian  (Cramer)  on  Sanguinaria  canadensis 


Hyphantria  cunea  (Drury)  Fall  Webworm  on  Berberis  canadensis 

Omphalocera  dentosa  Grote  on  Berberis  sp. 



Bremia  podophyllae  Felt  on  Podophyllum  peltatum 
Mycodiplasis  alternata  Felt  on  Podophyllum  peltatum 
Youngomyia  podophyllae  Felt  on  Podophyllum  peltatum 



Bivena  quattrodecimpunctata  (Nort)  larva  on  Podophyllum  peltatum 

Hylaeus  mesillae  Cressoni  (Cockerell)  on  Eschscholzia  californica 

Andrena  carlini  carlini  Cockerell  on  Sanguinaria  canadensis 
Andrena  forbesii  Robertson  on  Berberis  vulgaris 
Andrena  hippotes  Robertson  on  Berberis  sp. 

Andrena  miranda  Smith  on  Argemone  sp. 

Andrena  miserabilis  Cresson  on  Berberis  sp. 


Augochlora  pura  pura  (Say)  on  Caulophyllum  thalictroides 
Augochlorella  striata  (Provancher)  on  Caulophyllum  thalictroides 
Augochloropsis  metalica  metalica  (Frabricius)  on  Caulophyllum  thalictroides 


Osmia  lignaria  lignaria  Say  on  Dicentra  sp. 

Synhalonia  hamata  (Bradley)  on  Podophyllum  peltatum 


Ceratina  calcarata  Robertson  on  Dicentra  cucullaria  and  Sanguinaria  canadensis 



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asiatica.  44 

cirrhosa  44 

fungosa  44 

komarovii  44 


lobata.  11 

quinata 11 

trilobata 10 


alba  35 

albiflora 35 

georgiana.  35 

intermedia 35 

mexicana 37 

mucronata 37 

munita 38 

platyceras  38 

polyanthemos  36 

sexvalvis 37 

spinosa 37 

vulgaris  ....................................  37 

versicolor.  37 


x ottowensis 8,  10 

thunbergii  . 9,  10 

vulgaris  ....................................  7 


canadensis 43 

cucullaria.  . 41 

eximia  40 


cordata.  22 

japonica ....................................  22 


orientale  31 

Capnodes  (Capnoides) 

aureum  50 

flavulum  48 

glauca. .....................................  46 


canadensis ..................................  40 

cucullaria.  41 

eximia  .....................................  40 


thalictroides  5 


glaucum. . 20 

majus  18 


aurea 50 

canadensis 43 

flavula  48 

Formosa  40 

geyeri.  48 

glauca 46 

lutea.  49 

rosea  46 

seinpervirens 46 


bulbosa  41 

cucullaria.  41 


canadensis . 43 

cucullaria  41 

eximia 40 

occidentals 41 

Diclytra  (Dielytra)  40,  43 


mexicanus  37 

Eomecon 16 


californica 23 

crocea  23 

cucullata  . 23 

douglasii  ...................................  23 

glauca.  23 

maritima  23 

peninsularis.  23 


cucullaria 41 

eximia  40 

flavula  48 

glauca.  46 

lutea.  49 

officinalis.  51 

sempervirens  46 


flavum 20 

glaucium 20 

leiocarpum 20 

luteum 20 


bartonis  4 

binata.  4 

diphylla  3 

dubia  3 



thalictroides 5 


cordata 22 

microcarpa 21 


angulatum 13 

canadense 13 

mexicanum 13 

Virginian  um 13 

Mosenthinia 20 


au  re  a 50 

flavula 48 

sempervirens 46 


albiflorum 30 

atlantieum 29 

bracteatum 32 

commutatum 34 

dubium 30 

glaucum 27 

integrifolium 33 

intermedium . 33 

laciniatum 33 

lateritium 30 

modestum 30 

mursellii 25 

obtusifolium 30 

orientale 31 

paucifoliatum 31 

pseudo-orientale 31 

rapiferum 33 

rhoeas 33 

rupifragum 30 

setigerum 25 

somniferum 25 

speetabile 31 

strigosum 33 

tenuissimum 31 

timidulum 33 

umbrosum 33 


diphyllum 4 

peltatum 2 


quinata 11 


acaulis 16 

canadensis 16 

dilliniana 16 

vernalis 16 



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1.  Mitchell,  Richard  S.  & J.  Kenneth  Dean.  1978.  Polygonaceae  (Buckwheat  Family)  of  New  York  State.  Contri- 
butions to  a Flora  of  New  York  State  I.  N.Y.  State  Museum  Bull.  431,  81  pp.  $3.00 

2.  Mitchell,  Richard  S.  & Ernest  O.  Beal.  1979.  Magnoliaceae  through  Ceratophyllaceae  of  New  York  State. 
Contributions  to  a Flora  of  New  York  State  II.  N.Y.  State  Museum  Bull.  435,  62  pp.  $3.00 

3.  Ketchledge,  Edwin  H.  1980.  Revised  Checklist  of  the  Mosses  of  New  York  State.  Contributions  to  a Flora  of 
N.Y.  State,  Checklist  I.  N.Y.  State  Museum  Bull.  440,  19  pp.  $1.00 

4.  Andrus,  Richard  E.  1980.  Sphagnaceae  (Peat  Moss  Family)  of  New  York  State.  Contributions  to  a Flora  of 
New  York  State  III.  N.Y.  State  Museum  Bull.  442,  89  pp.  $4.00 

5.  Mitchell,  Richard  S.  & J.  Kenneth  Dean.  1982.  Ranunculaceae  (Crowfoot  Family)  of  New  York  State.  Contri- 
butions to  a Flora  of  New  York  State  IV.  N.Y.  State  Museum  Bull.  446,  100  pp.  $7.00 

6.  Mitchell,  Richard  S.  1983.  Berberidaceae  through  Fumariaceae  of  New  York  State.  Contributions  to  a Flora  of 
New  York  State  V.  N.Y.  State  Museum  Bull.  451,  66  pp. 


Ogden,  Eugene  C.  1981.  Field  Guide  to  Northeastern  Ferns.  New  York  State  Museum  Bull.  444,  122 

pp.  $10.00 

Mitchell,  Richard  S.  & Charles  J.  Sheviak.  1981.  Rare  Plants  of  New  York  State.  New  York  State 
Museum  Bull.  445,  96  pp.,  55  illustrations.  $8.00 

Brooks,  Karl  L.  A Catskill  Flora  and  Economic  Botany.  1979-80 

Part  I.  Pteridophyta.  The  Ferns  and  Fern  Allies.  276  pp.  $4.00 

Part  II.  Coniferales.  The  Conifers.  116  pp.  $3.00 

Part  III.  Apetalae.  Including  Poplars,  etc.  374  pp.  $5.00 

Mitchell,  Richard  S.  1979.  Preliminary  Lists  of  Rare,  Endangered  and  Threatened  Plants  in  New  York 
State.  N.Y.  State  Museum  Leafl.  21,  18  pp.  $1.00 

Slack,  Nancy.  1977.  Species  Diversity  and  Community  Structure  in  Bryophytes.  New  York  State 
Studies.  N.Y.  State  Museum  Bull.  428,  70  pp.  $3.00 

Ogden,  Eugene  C.,  et.  al.  1976.  Field  Guide  to  the  Aquatic  Plants  of  Lake  George.  N.Y.  State  Museum 
Bull.  426,  65  pp.  $3.00 

Ogden,  Eugene  C.  1974.  Potamogeton  in  New  York.  N.Y.  State  Museum  Bull.  423,  20  pp.  $1.00 

Ogden,  Eugene  C.  1974.  Anatomical  Patterns  of  Some  Aquatic  Vascular  Plants  in  New  York.  N.Y.  State 
Museum  Bull.  422,  133  pp.,  208  maps,  67  pis.  $3.00 

Ogden,  Eugene  C.,  et.  al.  1974.  Manual  for  Sampling  Airborne  Pollen.  Hafner  Press,  182  pp.  $10.00 

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