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'TO  S  102 

British  Ornithologists’  Club 


JUL  2013 


Volume  133  No.  2 
June  2013 

‘Uli'cJ  • 

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Se'e  also  "BOO  webkife:  Kttp://wwfw. 


BOC  MEETINGS  are  open  to  all,  not  just  BOC  members,  and  are  free. 

Evening  meetings  are  held  in  an  upstairs  room  at  The  Barley  Mow,  104,  Horseferry  Road,  Westminster, 
London  SW1P  2EE.  The  nearest  Tube  stations  are  Victoria  and  St  James's  Park;  and  the  507  bus,  which  runs 
from  Victoria  to  Waterloo,  stops  nearby.  For  maps,  see 
html  or  ask  the  Chairman  for  directions. 

The  cash  bar  will  open  at  6.00  pm  and  those  who  wish  to  eat  after  the  meeting  can  place  an  order.  The  talk 
will  start  at  6.30  pm  and,  with  questions,  will  last  about  one  hour. 

It  would  be  very  helpful  if  those  who  are  intending  to  come  would  notify  the  Chairman  no  later  than  the  day  before  the 
meeting  and  preferably  earlier. 

24  September  2013  —  6.30  pm  — Dr  Roger  Safford  —  Recent  advances  in  the  knowledge  of  Malagasy  region 

Abstract:  The  Malagasy  region  comprises  Madagascar,  the  archipelagos  of  Seychelles,  the  Comoros  and  the 
Mascarenes  (Mauritius,  Reunion  and  Rodrigues),  six  more  isolated  islands  or  small  archipelagos,  and  the 
associated  sea  areas.  It  contains  one  of  the  most  extraordinary  and  distinctive  concentrations  of  biological 
diversity  in  the  world.  The  last  20  years  have  seen  a  major  increase  in  the  level  of  knowledge  of,  and  interest 
in,  the  birds  of  the  region.  This  talk  will  draw  on  research  carried  out  during  the  preparation  of  the  first 
thorough  handbook  of  the  region's  birds  — numbering  487  species  — to  be  compiled  since  the  magnificent 
works  of  the  late  19th  century.  The  systematics  of  most  taxa  have  been  assessed  using  molecular  techniques, 
revealing  numerous  surprises  and  a  new  family,  the  Bernieridae  (tetrakas),  although  intriguing  questions 
remain,  not  least  the  relationships  of  those  two  most  baffling  of  groups,  the  Leptosomidae  (cuckoo-roller)  and 
Mesitornithidae  (mesites).  Current  bird  work  is  very  patchy,  with  remarkably  little  study  of  'natural  history' 
despite  the  many  gaps  in  our  understanding;  an  interesting  exception  is  the  explosion  of  work  of  satellite 
tracking  of  seabirds.  These  and  other  aspects  will  be  reviewed  in  a  wide-ranging  talk. 

Biography:  Roger  Safford  has  been  a  frequent  visitor  to  the  Malagasy  region  since  1988,  and  in  1989-93  he 
completed  a  Ph.D.  on  the  conservation  of  the  endemic  passerines  of  Mauritius,  visiting  all  of  the  main  islands 
in  the  region  and  developing  an  intimate  knowledge  of  the  region's  birds.  His  subsequent  work  has  always 
retained  a  link  to  the  Malagasy  region,  with  numerous  visits  and  publications  resulting,  and  since  2001  he  has 
been  responsible  for  supporting  the  work  of  the  BirdLife  International  partnership  in  Madagascar. 

19  November— please  check  the  BOC  website  where  details  will  be  posted  as  soon  as  they  are  finalised. 

The  Chairman:  Chris  Storey,  22  Richmond  Park  Road,  London  SW14  8JT  UK.  Tel.  +44  (0)208  8764728 

BOC  Office 

P.O.  Box  417,  Peterborough  PE7  3FX,  UK 
E-mail:  Website: 
Tel.  &  Fax:  +44  (0)1733  844820. 

Club  Announcements 

Bulletin  of  the 

Vol.  133  No.  2 

TJjSJSJlHiSTORt  I  BOC- 2013  133<2> 

museum  ubrahy 



Published  14  June  2013 


Chairman's  message 

The  ninth  Conference  of  the  European  Ornithologists'  Union  is  being  held  in  the  UK  at  the  Univ.  of  East 
Anglia  in  Norwich  on  27-31  August  2013  (Tuesday-Saturday).  The  BOC  will  have  a  stand  and  I  would  very 
much  like  to  meet  any  members  of  the  Club  who  are  attending,  either  at  the  stand  or  possibly  at  an  informal 
get-together  at  a  bar  or  other  convenient  location.  I  also  hope  that  we  will  be  able  to  recruit  some  new 
members  during  the  event.  If  you  are  coming  to  the  conference  it  would  be  very  helpful  if  you  could  let  me 
know  in  advance  so  that  we  can  make  arrangements.  Contact  me  at 

At  the  time  of  writing,  we  have  had  our  first  evening  meeting  in  the  very  comfortable  upstairs  room  at 
the  Barley  Mow.  Do  join  us  on  24  September  and  19  November. 

We  also  had  a  very  successful  joint  meeting  with  the  African  Bird  Club  (ABC)  and  Natural  History 
Museum  (see  below).  ABC  arranged  for  Charlie  Moores  to  produce  a  podcast  containing  interviews  with  the 
speakers.  This  is  available  on  the  BOC  website  It  lasts 
for  c.l  hour  and  is  well  worth  listening  to. 

The  three  supplements  to  the  Bulletin  Avian  Systematics  and  Taxonomy  (Vol.  112A),  Recent  Avian 
Extinctions  (Vol.  126A)  and  Why  Museums  Matter  (Vol.  123A)  should  by  now  be  freely  available  on  the 
Biodiversity  Heritage  Library  website  at 

This  is  my  last  message  as  Chairman  and  by  the  time  you  read  it  we  will  have  held  our  AGM  and  I  will 
have  handed  over  responsibility  to  my  successor. 

Helen  Baker 

The  972nd  meeting  of  the  Club  was  held  on  Tuesday  26  February  2013  in  the  upstairs  room  at  the  Barley 
Mow,  104  Horseferry  Road,  Westminster,  London  SW1P  2EE.  Thirteen  members  and  five  non-members  were 

Members  attending  were:  Miss  HELEN  BAKER  (Chairman),  Cdr.  MICHAEL  CASEMENT,  RN, 

Non-members  attending  were:  Mrs  MARGARET  GAUNTLETT,  Mrs  MARY  MONTIER,  JAMES 

Dr  James  Reynolds  (Univ.  of  Birmingham  Centre  for  Ornithology)  spoke  on  Ascension  Island  and  Sooty 
Terns:  an  ecological  disaster  or  a  smorgasbord  in  the  eyes  of  conservation  biologists?  Ascension  Island  in  many 
ways  is  an  ornithological  outpost  of  the  UK.  It  is  one  of  several  UK  Overseas  Territories  and  is  'off  the  beaten 
track'  because  of  its  remote  location  midway  between  West  Africa  and  Brazil  in  the  tropical  Atlantic  Ocean. 
Jim  began  by  explaining  the  island's  historical,  geographical  and  cultural  contexts,  before  describing  its 
ornithological  treasures  as  a  major  breeding  ground  for  seabirds  within  an  otherwise  landless  seascape  of 
one  million  square  miles.  He  has  worked  there  since  2008,  when  he  accompanied  the  Army  Ornithological 
Society  (AOS)  as  their  scientific  advisor.  The  AOS  has  mounted  expeditions  to  the  island  since  1990,  since 
when  many  seabird  species  (including  Masked  Booby  Sula  dactylatra,  Brown  Noddy  Anous  stolidus,  Black 
Noddy  A.  minutus,  Ascension  Frigatebird  Fregata  aquila  and  White  Tern  Gygis  alba)  have  been  censused. 

However,  the  focus  of  Jim's  talk  was  the  mainstay  of  the  AOS's  and  his  ongoing  research.  Sooty  Tern 
Onychoprion  fnscatus  breeds  on  the  island  and  work  over  the  last  23  years  has  unlocked  many  of  the  species' 
secrets.  For  example,  he  provided  empirical  evidence  from  ringing-recapture  efforts  for  its  subannual 
breeding  cycle;  he  documented  the  precipitous  decline  in  the  population  size  from  as  many  as  3,000,000 
birds  as  recently  as  100  years  ago  to  the  current  population  of  340,000  birds;  he  described  the  major  predation 
pressure  from  a  meso-predator  (rat)  release  event  as  a  result  of  the  eradication  of  the  apex  predator  (cat)  in 
2004;  and  he  explored  the  role  of  food  availability  in  the  tern's  population  biology.  He  finished  by  explaining 
how  current  state-of-the-art  tracking  technology  is  revealing  movements  of  the  species  for  the  first  time, 
bridging  a  major  gap  in  our  knowledge  about  where  birds  go  post-fledging  for  up  to  the  first  seven  years  of 
their  lives,  about  where  they  forage  in  the  South  Atlantic  and  how  they  spend  the  91%  of  their  lives  when 
they  are  not  on  land. 

Club  Announcements 


Bull.  B.O.C.  2013  133(2) 

Joint  BOC,  African  Bird  Club,  Natural  History  Museum  meeting,  at  the  Natural  History  Museum, 
London,  6  April  2013 

This  was  the  second  of  a  series  of  joint  meetings  held  by  the  BOC  and  the  NHM  in  conjunction  with  various 
regional  bird  clubs.  This  time  it  was  the  turn  of  the  African  Bird  Club.  The  day's  programme  comprised 
six  talks,  three  each  either  side  of  lunch.  The  morning  started  with  Paul  Donald  speaking  on  the  Liben 
Lark  Heteromirafra  sidamoensis,  possibly  the  most  threatened  bird  species  in  Africa.  Paul  was  standing  in  for 
Bruktawit  Abdu,  who  unfortunately  had  been  unable  to  travel  from  Ethiopia  as  originally  planned.  Paul 
reviewed  the  species'  taxonomic  history  with  respect  to  other  forms  in  the  genus  elsewhere  in  the  Horn  of 
Africa,  and  described  research  being  undertaken  to  understand  the  lark's  requirements  and  to  conserve  its 
habitat  on  the  Liben  Plain.  He  also  revealed  that  another  population  of  Liben  Larks  has  been  found  600  km 
from  the  Liben  Plains,  and  that  sidamoensis  is  synonymous  with  the  poorly  known  Archer's  Lark  H.  archeri, 
which  name  has  priority  (see  also  Spottiswoode  et  al.  2013.  Rediscovery  of  a  long-lost  lark  reveals  the 
conspecificity  of  endangered  Heteromirafra  populations  in  the  Horn  of  Africa.  /.  Orn.  DOI  10.1007/sl0336-013- 
0948-1 ).  He  was  followed  by  a  presentation  on  Lesser  Crested  Tern  Sterna  bengalensis  in  Libya  by  Abdulmaula 
Hamza,  who  explained  that  there  are  now  three  breeding  locations  known  in  Libya  and  that  at  each  of  these 
there  has  been  an  increase  in  numbers  in  recent  years.  Abdulmaula  has  carried  out  detailed  research  on 
the  species'  feeding  requirements  and  has  carefully  analysed  the  fish  species  taken.  He  has  also  ringed  a 
large  number  of  chicks,  c.20  of  which  have  been  recovered  in  different  parts  of  the  Mediterranean  and  West 
Africa.  The  morning  session  concluded  with  a  travelogue  about  birds  and  birdwatching  in  Rwanda,  Africa's 
most  densely  populated  country,  given  by  Jason  Anderson.  Jason  described  the  country's  various  habitats 
and  the  different  species  of  birds  in  each.  His  talk  was  illustrated  with  many  great  photographs  and  also 
accompanied  by  sound-recordings. 

The  lunch  break  was  followed  by  the  African  Bird  Club's  AGM  and  then  the  talks  resumed  with  a 
fascinating  account  by  palaeontologist  and  artist  Julian  Hume  of  his  work  reconstructing  the  lost  world  of  the 
Dodo  and  the  extinct  birds  of  the  Mascarenes,  from  the  fossil  record  and  the  scant  historical  documentation 
of  the  early  settlers.  Dr  Siobhan  Cox  then  spoke  about  her  genetic  work  reconstructing  a  phylogeny  for  the 
Zosterops  white-eyes  of  the  African  mainland.  Her  results  indicate  that  traditional  taxonomy  is  incorrect  in 
many  respects  and  that  there  are  more  species  than  currently  accepted,  with  Montane  White-eye  Z.  poliogaster 
being  especially  affected.  Nigel  Redman  concluded  the  event  with  an  account  of  his  recent  visit  to  the 
officially  unrecognised  Republic  of  Somaliland,  a  seldom  visited  self-governing  country  that  is  technically 
part  of  Somalia  despite  declaring  independence  in  1991.  His  talk  focused  on  the  endemic  and  near-endemic 
birds  of  the  region,  with  particular  attention  paid  to  the  taxonomic  status  and  history  of  the  larks,  and  was 
illustrated  by  numerous  photographs  of  most  species. 

Attendance  at  the  meeting  was  excellent,  with  well  in  excess  of  100  people  present,  and  there  was 
enthusiastic  support  for  the  planning  of  future  meetings  with  other  regional  bird  clubs. 

David  Fisher 

Marc  Thibault  et  al. 


Bull.  B.O.C.  2013  133(2) 

New  and  interesting  records  for  the  Obi  archipelago 
(north  Maluku,  Indonesia),  including  field 
observations  and  first  description  of  the  vocalisation 
of  Moluccan  Woodcock  Scolopax  rochussenii 

by  Marc  Thibault,  Pierre  Defos  du  Ran,  Olivier  Pineau  & 

Wesley  Pangimangen 

Received  6  October  2012 

Summary.  — The  avifauna  of  the  Obi  archipelago  is  rather  poorly  studied  and 
current  understanding  is  essentially  based  on  several  historic  collecting  efforts  and 
few  recent  visits  by  modern  ornithologists,  none  of  which  reached  the  mountains 
above  750  m.  Furthermore,  the  taxonomic  position  of  many  bird  populations 
restricted  to  the  archipelago  or  shared  with  nearby  Bacan  Island  remains  confused. 

We  describe  the  results  of  a  two-week  avifaunal  survey  of  Obi  in  March  2010.  We 
provide  first  records  since  1982  of  the  poorly  known  Moluccan  Woodcock  Scolopax 
rochussenii  as  well  as  the  first  description  of  its  vocalisation  and  first  information  on 
its  habitat,  which,  contrary  to  what  was  previously  speculated,  includes  lowland 
forest.  We  also  provide  confirmed  records  of  five  taxa  previously  unknown  on 
the  island,  including  one  that  possibly  represents  a  new  subspecies  (Sulawesi 
Myzomela  Myzomela  chloroptera).  New  elevational  information  is  presented  for 
34  species.  Comments  on  the  taxonomy  of  several  endemic  taxa  are  made  on  the 
basis  of  new  vocalisation  or  photographic  material,  suggesting  that  at  least  two 
deserve  biological  species  status  (Northern  Golden  Bulbul  Thapsinillas  longirostris 
lucasi,  Dusky  Myzomela  Myzomela  obscura  rubrotincta)  and  offering  further  support 
to  treat  Cinnamon-breasted  Whistler  Pachycephala  johni  as  a  species.  Finally, 
we  emphasise  the  need  for  taxonomic  reappraisal  of  several  other  endemic 
insular  forms  (Cinnamon-bellied  Imperial  Pigeon  Dncula  basilica  obiensis,  Violet¬ 
necked  Lory  Eos  squamata  obiensis,  Red-cheeked  Parrot  Geoffroyus  geoffroyi  obiensis, 
Hair-crested  Drongo  Dicrurus  hottentotus  guillemardi,  Northern  Fantail  Rhipidura 
rufiventris  obiensis,  Paradise  Crow  Lycocorax  pyrrhopterus  obiensis  and  Island  Leaf 
Warbler  Phylloscopus  poliocephalns  waterstradti).  Although  most  of  our  observations 
await  confirmation,  they  suggest  that  endemism  on  Obi  at  the  species  level  is 
perhaps  significantly  under-estimated. 

Obi  and  its  satellite  islands  of  Bisa,  Tapat,  Obilatu,  Gomumu  and  Tobala  form  a  remote 
oceanic  archipelago  in  Maluku,  33  km  south  of  Bacan,  100  km  east  of  Mangole  (Sula  Islands) 
and  125  km  north  of  Seram  (Fig.  1).  Total  surface  area  is  3,040  km2  with  Obi  (2,670  km2) 
the  largest  island,  predominantly  hilly  and  rising  to  at  least  1,558  m.  Together  with  the 
three  large  islands  of  Morotai,  Halmahera  and  Bacan,  and  several  smaller  islands,  the  Obi 
archipelago  forms  part  of  the  Northern  Maluku  Endemic  Bird  Area  (EBA  171)  distinguished 
by  32  species  and  101  subspecies  restricted  to  this  region  (following  Gill  &  Donsker  2012). 

To  date,  the  resident  avifauna  of  the  Obi  islands  group  is  known  to  support  16 
Northern  Maluku  endemic  species  shared  with  both  Bacan  and  Halmahera.  Only  two 
endemics  currently  recognised  at  species  level  are  confined  to  Obi  (Carunculated  Fruit 
Dove  Ptilinopus  granulifrons  and  Cinnamon-breasted  Whistler  Pachycephala  johni),  but  the 
archipelago  also  hosts  19  recognised  endemic  subspecies,  e.g.  Paradise  Crow  Lycocorax 

©  2013  The  Authors;  Journal  compilation  ©  2013  British  Ornithologists'  Club 

Marc  Thibault  et  al. 


Bull.  B.O.C.  2013  133(2) 

Figure  1.  Location  of  Obi  in  eastern  Indonesia  and  localities  visited  or  mentioned  in  the  text. 

pyrrhopterus  obiensis,  while  the  enigmatic  Moluccan  Woodcock  Scolopax  rochussenii  and 
two  subspecies  (Chattering  Lory  Lorius  garrulus  flavopalliatus  and  Island  Leaf  Warbler 
Phylloscopus  poliocephalus  zvaterstradti)  are  shared  only  with  Bacan  and  Kasiruta  (White  & 
Bruce  1986).  Interestingly,  the  Obi  islands  also  host  endemic  subspecies  of  several  residents 
that,  according  to  current  knowledge,  do  not  occur  elsewhere  in  northern  Maluku:  Pale 
Cicadabird  Coracina  ceramensis  hoogerwerfi,  Northern  Fantail  Rhipidura  rufiventris  obiensis, 
Turquoise  Flycatcher  Eumyias  panayensis  obiensis  and  Hair-crested  Drongo  Dicrurus 
hottentotus  guillemardi. 

Despite  its  distinctive  avifauna  but  as  a  result  of  its  remote  situation,  Obi  has  received 
little  attention  from  modern  ornithologists.  Bernstein  was  the  first  bird  collector  to  visit  the 
island  in  1862  (Jansen  2008)  followed  by  Guillemard  in  1883,  Doherty  in  1897  (the  latter 
also  visiting  Bisa),  Lucas  in  1898  and  Waterstradt  in  1902  (Hartert  1903a).  Following  a  gap 
of  50  years,  an  expedition  from  the  Museum  Zoologicum  Bogoriense  was  conducted  under 
the  leadership  of  Wegner  in  July-November  1953  (Mees  1982)  and  its  results  published 
by  Jany  (1954,  1955).  Further  specimens  were  collected  in  1981-83  by  Momou  and  Tatu, 
during  expeditions  organised  by  the  Smithonian  Institution  with  the  assistance  of  the 
Indonesian  Nature  Conservancy,  as  part  of  ethnobiological  research  conducted  by  Taylor 
(1990).  These  specimens  were  deposited  at  the  National  Museum  for  Natural  History 
(NMNH),  Washington  DC.  In  December  1989  Linsley  (1995)  conducted  a  bird  survey  as 
part  of  a  collaborative  project  between  Manchester  Metropolitan  University,  the  Indonesian 
Institute  of  Sciences  (LIPI)  and  the  Directorate-General  for  Forest  Protection  and  Nature 
Conservation  (PHPA).  He  observed  nine  species  not  previously  reported  on  Obi  and 
provided  the  first  ecological  information  for  many  taxa  and  descriptions  of  the  vocalisations 
of  several  endemic  forms.  A  brief  exploration  of  Bisa  was  conducted  on  11  June  1990  by 
Bishop  (1992).  Further  ornithological  observations  were  made  in  February  1992  by  Lambert 
(1994)  during  a  one-month  survey  of  parrots  under  the  auspices  of  IUCN;  eight  species 
were  recorded  on  Obi  for  the  first  time.  While  maximum  elevations  reached  by  the  earlier 
collectors  are  undocumented,  Linsley  (1995)  and  Lambert  (1994)  managed  to  reach  c.500  m 
and  730  m,  respectively.  The  basic  ecology  of  a  large  suite  of  species  remains  poorly  known 
and  the  rate  of  new  island  records  hints  that  the  avifauna  is  still  poorly  documented.  This, 
together  with  the  paucity  of  records  for  the  enigmatic  Moluccan  Woodcock,  encouraged  us 
to  undertake  a  short  expedition  to  the  island  with  the  aim  of  improving  knowledge  of  its 

©  2013  The  Authors;  Journal  compilation  ©  2013  British  Ornithologists'  Club 

Marc  Thibault  et  al. 


Bull.  B.O.C.  2013  133(2) 

Study  area  and  Methods 

On  7-21  March  2010,  observations  were  made  at  ten  sites  on  Obi.  Details  of  these, 
survey  dates  and  habitats  are  provided  in  Table  1  and  Fig.  1.  As  many  days  as  possible 
were  spent  above  800  m  (10-16  March)  and  we  eventually  reached  forest  between  1,000  and 
1,220  m  on  13-16  March.  Elevations  and  geographical  coordinates  were  measured  using  a 
Garmin  eTrex  Vista  HCx  GPS.  Subsequently,  elevations  and  geographical  data  collected 
in  the  field  were  compared  with  satellite  data  available  via  Google  Earth  and  some  minor 
elevation  corrections  were  made.  It  is  of  note  that  the  highest  elevation  of  1,558  m  given 
for  Obi  by  Google  Earth  satellite  data  contradicts  both  the  US  Army  map  SA-52  1:1,000,000 
(1968)  and  that  in  Coates  &  Bishop  (1997),  where  1,611  m  is  given  as  the  highest  elevation. 

To  support  identifications  and  descriptions,  MT  took  photographs  using  a  Canon 
40D  digital  camera  with  a  100-400-mm  lens.  Sound-recordings  were  made  by  MT  using 
an  Edirol  R09-HR  digital  recorder  with  inbuilt  microphone.  Sonograms  were  prepared 
using  Syrinx  2.6h  by  John  Burt  (available  at  Recordings  of  Moluccan 
Woodcock  have  been  uploaded  to  and  further  recordings  will  be 
uploaded  to  this  online  database. 

Recent  state  of  natural  habitats  on  Obi 

F.  G.  Rozendaal  in  Collar  &  Andrew  (1988),  Linsley  (1995)  and  Vetter  (2009)  already 
reported  that  much  of  the  lower  lying  forest  on  Obi  was  logged  during  the  1980s  and  early 
1990s,  while  much  of  the  remainder  is  under  logging  concession.  According  to  Vetter  (2009), 
Obi  has  suffered  some  of  the  largest  reductions  of  lowland  forest  within  north  Maluku  as 
a  result  of  plantation  development.  In  addition,  illegal  gold  mining  was  reported  to  be 
destroying  some  areas  of  forest  (F.  G.  Rozendaal  in  Collar  &  Andrew  1988). 

Three  logging  companies,  PT  Poleko  Yurbarson  Trad.,  PT  Telaga  Bhakti  Persada  and 
PT  Pusaka  Agro  Sejahtera,  currently  run  six  large  logging  licences  covering  two-thirds  of 
Obi.  These  licences  generally  permit  selective  logging  up  to  c.100  m3  /  ha  and  for  c.20-30 
years  (N.  Brickie  pers.  comm.).  Along  the  70-km  stretch  of  coast  between  Jikotamo  and  the 


Study  site  details,  survey  dates  and  habitat.  See  also  Fig.  1. 

Location  (elevation) 




Soligi  (sea  level) 

01°39'S,  127°25'E 

7-8,  20  March  2010 

Village;  coconut  plantation  and  other 
tree  crops;  mangrove 

PT  Telaga  Bhakti  Persada 
logging  settlement  (sea  level) 

01°42'S,  127°29'E 

19  March  2010 

Village;  coconut  plantation;  grassland 

Site  A  (200-300  m) 

01°38'S,  127°30'E 

19  March  2010 

Logged  forest 

Site  B  (360-450  m) 

01°36'S,  127°33'E 

8, 17-19  March  2010 

Logged  forest 

Site  C  (400-700  m) 

01°33'S,  127°34'E 

8,  9, 16-17  March  2010 

Logged  forest 

Site  D  (700-850  m) 

01°32'S,  127°35'E 

9-13,  16  March  2010 

Logged  and  primary  forest 

Site  E  (850-1,220  m) 

01°32'S,  127°37'E 

13-16  March  2010 

Logged  and  primary  forest  including 
montane  forest 

Laiwui  (sea  level) 

01°19'S,  127°38'E 

20-21  March  2010 

Village;  coconut  plantation;  beach 

Jikotamo  (sea  level) 

01°20'S,  127°39'E 

20-21  March  2010 


Site  F  (50-150  m) 

01°21'S,  127°40'E 

20-21  March  2010 

Logged  forest;  regrowth  forest;  coconut 
plantation;  grassland 

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Bull.  B.O.C.  2013  133(2) 

PT  Telaga  Bhakti  Persada  logging  settlement  south  of  Soligi,  hills  were  mainly  covered  by 
plantations  (including  cloves,  coconut  palm,  nutmeg,  ambarella  and  cacao)  and  fragmented 
secondary  forest.  Hills  separating  Manis  Lake  from  the  west  coast  were  barren  as  a  result 
of  ongoing  open-cast  nickel  mining.  Remnant  primary  forest  was  mainly  restricted  to  the 
most  rugged  and  inaccessible  terrain.  Alluvial  flats  were  extensively  covered  by  coconut 
plantations,  with  the  notable  exception  of  a  relatively  large  tract  of  coastal  forest  bordered 
by  old-growth  mangrove  immediately  north  of  Soligi. 

Within  the  PT  Telaga  Bhakti  Persada  logging  concession  south  and  east  of  Soligi,  forest 
was  very  degraded  below  200  m,  large  areas  had  already  been  selectively  logged  up  to  950 
m  and  the  lowest  patch  of  primary  forest  was  at  500-700  m,  although  some  large  trees  there 
were  marked  for  logging.  At  700-950  m,  forest  was  in  better  condition,  with  fragments 
of  primary  forest  still  covering  some  of  the  steeper,  less  accessible  slopes,  while  the  more 
accessible  areas  were  mainly  covered  by  selectively  logged  forest.  A  small  area  of  tropical 
forest  explored  at  1,100-1,220  m  showed  no  evidence  of  logging. 

Soligi  villagers  reported  that  tree-plantation  operations  were  planned  by  the  logging 
company  and  a  tree  nursery  was  seen  in  the  concession.  Several  drill  holes  excavated 
during  recent  mining  exploration  were  found  well  inside  the  logging  concession  up  to  600 
m.  According  to  some  villagers,  these  have  to  date  not  resulted  in  any  further  mining.  It 
is  of  note  that  in  the  north  of  the  island,  a  large-scale  drilling  project  was  withdrawn  in 
September  2011.  It  was  initially  set  to  target  a  large  epithermal  gold  /  silver  /  base  metals 
system  under  a  license  covering  7,700  ha,  which  is  already  the  subject  of  extensive  artisanal 
gold  mining  (Ashburton  Minerals  Ltd.  2012). 

To  our  knowledge,  Obi  lacks  any  protected  area,  although  a  nature  reserve  of  450  km2 
covering  highlands  in  the  centre  of  the  island  and  further  protection  forests  on  steep  terrain 
have  been  proposed  (FAO  1981-82,  BirdLife  International  2013). 

Species  accounts 

Overall  we  recorded  74  bird  species,  of  which  66  are  resident  or  presumed  so  and  eight 
are  Palearctic  migrants.  Three  additional  taxa  are  either  unconfirmed  or  remain  unidentified 
to  species.  Tire  following  details  new  island  records,  new  elevational  or  noteworthy  records 
from  a  distributional,  ecological  or  taxonomic  perspective.  Other  species  encountered 
during  our  survey  are  listed  in  Table  2.  Taxonomy  and  nomenclature  follow  Gill  &  Donsker 
(2012)  except  that  we  use  Common  Golden  Whistler  Pachycephala  pectoralis  instead  of  Black- 
chinned  Whistler  P.  mentalis. 

MOLUCCAN  WOODCOCK  Scolopax  rochussenii 

The  following  records  were  obtained  at  site  B  at  c.420  m,  from  a  logging  track  bisecting  an 
extensive  area  of  logged  forest  on  flat  and  more  graded  sandstone  soils:  at  c.19.00  h  on  17 
March  2010,  calls  reminiscent  to  those  given  in  display-flight  by  Bukidnon  Woodcock  S. 
bukidnensis  were  briefly  heard  (OP,  MT  &  PDR).  Between  02.00  h  and  04.00  h  on  18  March 
2010,  similar  calls  were  repeatedly  heard  by  OP  and  subsequently  at  05.55  h  and  06.07  h 
by  the  three  observers,  when  sound-recordings  (,  www.xeno-  and  a  glimpse  of  a  fast-flying  bird  were  eventually  obtained  at  dawn  by 
MT.  At  07.00-07.15  h  (before  dusk)  on  the  same  day,  what  was  presumably  the  same  bird 
was  observed  three  times  by  MT,  when  it  called  in  roding  (i.e.  courtship)  display-flight  at  the 
same  location.  It  was  flying  rather  straight,  rapidly  and  low  above  the  canopy,  sometimes 
<100  m  from  the  observer,  and  was  briefly  seen  opening  its  bill  when  calling.  Rock  Dove 
Columba  livia- like  size,  overall  compact  stocky  shape,  with  a  rounded  bulky  chest,  short  tail, 
broad  pointed  wings  and  a  very  long  straight  bill  were  noted.  These  characters,  together 

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Bull.  B.O.C.  2013  133(2) 


Species  encountered  on  Obi  not  mentioned  in  the  main  text. 

Species  name 

Dusky  Megapode  Megapodius  fmjcinet 
Pacific  Reef  Heron  Egretta  sacra  sacra 
Striated  Heron  Butorides  striata 
Eastern  Cattle  Egret  Bubulcus  coromandus 
Eastern  Osprey  Pandion  cristatus 
Pacific  Baza  Aviceda  subcristata  rufa 
Brahminy  Kite  Haliastur  indus 

White-bellied  Sea  Eagle  Haliaeetus  leucogaster 
Oriental  Hobby  Falco  severus 
Spotted  Kestrel  Falco  moluccensis 
Common  Sandpiper  Actitis  hypoleucos 
Red-necked  Phalarope  Phalaropus  lobatus 

Greater  Crested  Tern  Sterna  bergii 
Pied  Imperial  Pigeon  Ducula  bicolor 
Great-billed  Parrot  Tanygnathus  megalorhynchos 

Barking  Owl  Ninox  connivens  rufostrigata 
Large-tailed  Nightjar  Caprimulgus  macrurus  schlegelii 
Glossy  Swiftlet  Collocalia  esculenta 
Moustached  Treeswift  Hemiprocne  mystacea  confirmata 
Common  Paradise  Kingfisher  Tanysiptera  galatea  obiensis 
Blue-and-white  Kingfisher  Todiramphus  diops 
Beach  Kingfisher  Todiramphus  saurophagus 

Common  Kingfisher  Alcedo  atthis 

White-bellied  Cuckooshrike  Coracina  papuensis 

Willie  Wagtail  Rhipidura  leucophrys 

Torresian  Crow  Corvus  orru 

Arctic  /  Kamchatka  Leaf  /  Japanese  Leaf  Warbler 
Phylloscopus  borealis  /  examinandus  /  xanthodryas 

Gray's  Grasshopper  Warbler  Locustella  fasciolata 

Moluccan  Starling  Aplonis  mysolensis 

Grey-streaked  Flycatcher  Muscicapa  griseistricta 

Black-faced  Munia  Lonchura  molucca 

Eastern  Yellow  Wagtail  Motacilla  tschuschensis  ssp. 

Grey  Wagtail  Motacilla  cinerea 


1  at  c.150  m 
1  on  the  coast 
1  on  the  coast 

few  seen  on  the  coastal  plain 

singles  seen  twice  near  sea  level;  presumably  resident 
1  near  sea  level 

quite  common  from  sea  level  to  200  m,  with  additional 
records  to  1,200  m 

4  on  coast 

1  at  Soligi 

common  in  coastal  plain 
3  near  Soligi 

common  in  coastal  seas,  with  600-1,000  from  boat  between 
Soligi  and  Jikotamo 

c.10  seen  inshore  between  Soligi  and  Jikotamo 

2  in  coconut  /  coastal  forest  near  Soligi 

2  near  sea  level  in  degraded  forest  and  coconut  plantation 
near  Soligi,  1  heard  near  Laiwui 

1  photographed  at  site  F  at  c.100  m 

seen  twice  at  400-500  m 

from  sea  level  to  940  m 

three  records  at  300  m,  480  m  and  600  m. 

1  seen  at  site  F 

common  on  coast  around  Soligi  with,  e.g.  9  from  a  boat 
along  8  km  of  coast 

1  (A.  a.  hispidoides)  at  480  m;  1  (possibly  migrant  A.  a. 
bengalensis)  on  coast 

6  records  from  sea  level  to  420  m 

1  near  sea  level  near  Jikotamo 

several  encounters  from  sea  level  to  1,000  m 

3  at  750-840  m 

fairly  common  to  450  m 

quite  common  migrant,  from  lowlands  to  990  m 
flock  of  30  at  220  m  and  2  more  at  360  m 
1  at  site  F 

5  records 

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Marc  Thibault  et  al. 


Bull.  B.O.C.  2013  133(2) 

with  the  flight  behaviour,  are  typical  of  Scolopax.  MT  also  noted  that  the  bird  appeared  to 
be  significantly  larger  than  congenerics  with  which  he  had  previous  experience  (Eurasian 
Woodcock  S.  rusticola  and  S.  bukidnonensis),  but  light  conditions  were  too  poor  to  observe 
any  plumage  characters.  At  06.02-06.20  h  on  19  March  2010,  still  in  poor  light  conditions,  a 
bird  (probably  the  same)  was  seen  again  once  and  heard  twice  more  (PDR  &  MT). 

Further  observations  and  sound-recordings  (  were  made 
at  site  F,  at  c.100  m:  at  c.06.45  h  on  20  March  2010,  a  woodcock  was  seen  in  flight  and  heard 
twice  roding  low  over  the  canopy  (MT  &  WP).  The  bird  was  seen  in  better  light  conditions 
and  flew  just  overhead  at  a  distance  of  >30  m.  Typical  Scolopax  shape  and  large  size  were 
noted  and  WP  also  noticed  yellowish,  mainly  unstreaked  underparts.  At  06.02  h  the 
following  morning,  what  was  presumably  the  same  roding  bird  was  seen  and  heard  again 
twice  at  the  same  location  (MT  &  PDR).  The  observations  were  made  in  a  coconut  plantation 
at  the  edge  of  a  patch  of  disturbed,  fragmented  primary  forest,  with  evidence  of  ongoing 
small-scale  logging.  The  undergrowth  included  a  marshy  gully  with  bare  ground  bisected 
by  a  low-flowing  stream.  It  was  adjacent  to  a  wet  grazed  pasture  and  surrounded  by  steep 
hills  covered  by  degraded  forest  interspersed  by  scattered  clove  and  nutmeg  plantations. 

Our  observations  are  the  first  documented  records  of  Moluccan  Woodcock  since  two 
females  were  collected  in  August-September  1982  at  'Galala',  said  to  be  on  Obi  (http://  The  latter  locality  is  considered  untraced  by  BirdLife  International 
(2011b)  and  indeed  we  failed  to  find  a  locality  of  this  name  on  Obi,  although  a  remote 
village  called  Galala  exists  on  the  island  of  Bisa  (Fig.  1).  The  species  is  known  from  only  six 
other  specimens,  of  which  three  were  also  collected  on  Obi  (two  in  the  19th  century  and 
one  in  1953,  the  latter  at  Wayaloar  on  the  south  coast),  one  on  Bacan  (in  1902)  and  two  of 
unknown  origin  (ITartert  1903b,  BirdLife  International  2011b).  During  their  field  work  on 
Obi  in  1989  and  on  Obi  and  Bacan  in  1992,  respectively,  Linsley  (1995)  and  Lambert  (1994) 
did  not  observe  the  species,  but  the  latter  obtained  a  convincing  report  from  a  guide  at  Kelo, 
Obi,  who  'occasionally  flushed  this  bird  from  ridgetops  above  ca.  500  m'. 

Our  sound-recordings  permit  the  vocalisation  of  S.  rochussenii  to  be  described.  In 
display,  it  gives  a  loud  and  distinctive  call,  comprising  a  hard,  metallic,  rattled  or  staccato 
phrase,  with  8-11  motifs,  each  motif  given  at  intervals  of  0.04-0.05  seconds  (Fig.  2).  This 
rattle  phrase  can  be  transcribed  ti'ti'ti'ti'ti'ti'ti'ti'ti.  Each  motif  has  a  similar  structure, 
comprising  a  distinctive  pulse  (c.4  kHz  rising  to  c.5-5.5  kHz)  connecting  with  a  concurrent, 
higher  piched  and  slightly  variable  curled  syllable  (c.6-6.8  kHz  rising  to  6. 5-7.3  kHz  and 
falling  to  5.3-6  kHz).  The  rattle  phrase  is  given  at  intervals  of  1.8-3. 3  seconds.  Rattling 
calls  of  Moluccan  Woodcock  are  strikingly  similar  in  structure  and  frequency  to  those  of  S. 
bukidnonensis,  but  the  latter  have  only  five  motifs  and  the  pulse  begins  at  a  lower  pitch  (c.3 
kHz)  (Kennedy  et  al.  2001,  Rattles 
delivered  by  S.  bukidnonensis  are  frequently  interspersed  by  lower  pitched,  growling  or 
grunting  phrases,  which  were  not  heard  from  S.  rochussenii,  although  this  might  just  reflect 
the  small  sample  of  recordings.  The  calls  of  S.  rochussenii  are  very  different  from  those  of 
New  Guinea  Woodcock  S.  rosenbergii  (Kennedy  et  al.  2001;  G.  Wagner,  www.xeno-canto. 
org/23274)  and  from  those  attributed  to  Javan  Woodcock  S.  saturata  (G.  Wagner,  www.;  F.  Ducry  &  D.  Marques,,  but  we  have 
been  unable  to  locate  sound-recordings  of  Sulawesi  Woodcock  S.  celebensis,  which  are 
undescribed,  the  latter  being  closest  to  S.  bukidnonensis  by  morphology.  Our  results  suggest 
a  close  evolutionary  relationship  between  S.  bukidnonensis  and  S.  rochussenii. 

Based  on  the  very  scant  information  available,  Moluccan  Woodcock  was  previously 
assumed  to  be  a  bird  of  hill  and  montane  forest  (Hartert  1903b,  White  &  Bruce  1986,  Coates 
&  Bishop  1997,  Vetter  2009).  However,  the  only  traceable  locality  (Wayaloar,  southern 

©  2013  The  Authors;  Journal  compilation  ©  2013  British  Ornithologists'  Club 

Marc  Thibault  et  al. 


Bull.  B.O.C.  2013  133(2) 




nifti  .i 



1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12 

Time  (sec) 

13  14  15 


17  18 

)  |  II  |  1 . 






'1  V'  v  v  i  V 


I  I  I  1  1  1.  1  i 

JLT.iL  !  ;  i  f  t  :  i  ii  .  ‘  l  -  .  .  •  . 


.5  1 

Time  (sec) 


[III  1 



\\X\  M  l  1  1 

1  |  I  1  ‘  1  :  j  !  •  1  I 

1  -  V-  '  •  ,1  ij  i  '•  v< 

n  h  n  p 

i  a  1 1  i  t .  i. 

I  J  "■  '  :  . 

1  * 

.5  1  1.5  2 

Time  (sec) 




!  !  ‘  1 



^  '  M  U  p 


;  *  I  t  i  t  i 





Time  (sec) 

Figure  2.  Sonograms  of  the  roding  display  call  of  Moluccan  Woodcock  Scolopax  rochussenii  from  (A-C)  east  of 
Soligi,  Obi,  18  March  2010  and  (D)  near  Jikotamo,  Obi,  21  March  2010  (M.  Thibault).  X-axis  =  time  (one  second 
per  tick.  Fig.  2A;  0.5  seconds  per  tick.  Figs.  2B-D),  y-axis  =  frequency  (1  kHz  per  rick). 

©  2013  The  Authors;  Journal  compilation  ©  2013  British  Ornithologists'  Club 

Marc  Thibault  et  al. 


Bull.  B.O.C.  2013  133(2) 

Obi,  August  1953)  is  on  the  coast,  raising  'the  possibility  that  its  optimal  (or  seasonally 
optimal)  habitat  is  to  be  found  in  lower-lying  regions  of  islands  where  the  largest,  dampest 
substrates  may  perhaps  occur'  (BirdLife  International  2011b).  Our  records  were  obtained 
at  two  of  three  localities  visited  below  500  m  that  we  surveyed  at  suitable  times,  i.e.  dusk 
and  dawn.  These  records  confirm  that  the  species  holds  territory  (and  presumably  breeds) 
in  lowland  forest,  hence  supporting  the  latter  hypothesis  and  that  it  may  not  be  uncommon 
in  suitable  habitat.  Woodcocks  were  not  recorded  at  the  two  localities  we  surveyed  at 
600-1,200  m  despite  dedicated  searching.  Thus,  we  provide  evidence  that  the  species  is 
not  only,  if  at  all,  associated  with  montane  forest.  Our  records  also  suggest  that,  to  some 
extent,  Moluccan  Woodcock  tolerates  habitat  degradation  and  fragmentation,  and  that 
wet  habitats  in  or  close  to  forest  (i.e.  marshes  or  wet  gullies  around  low-flowing  streams) 
are  perhaps  important  for  the  species.  However,  much  remains  to  be  learned  concerning 
population  size  and  ecological  requirements.  In  the  near  future,  direct  habitat  destruction 
resulting  from  mining,  logging,  plantations  and  agriculture  are  likely  to  be  extended  in 
lowland  and  montane  areas  on  Obi  and  Bacan.  Therefore,  its  status  as  Endangered  (BirdLife 
International  2011b)  should  be  maintained,  at  least  until  further  data  are  collected. 

METALLIC  PIGEON  Colwnba  vitiensis  halmaheira 

On  13-15  March  2010,  a  calling  bird  was  seen  and  two  more  heard  at  site  E  at  c.  1,200  m  in 
primary  forest  (MT,  PDR  &  WP).  On  14  March  2010  a  bird  was  heard  at  the  same  site  at 
1,100  m  (MT).  Photographs  and  sound-recordings  were  made.  No  conclusive  record  was 
obtained  at  lower  elevation.  The  species  is  widespread  in  Wallacea.  White  &  Bruce  (1986) 
and  Coates  &  Bishop  (1997)  reported  its  presence  on  Gomumu,  a  small  satellite  island  9  km 
south  of  Obi,  but  they  did  not  mention  it  from  mainland  Obi.  These  statements  contradict 
Hartert  (1903a),  who  mentioned  that  a  specimen  of  'Columba  albigularis'  was  sent  by  Lucas 
from  'Obi  Major'.  Furthermore,  during  a  visit  to  Tring  museum  in  2011,  MT  &  PDR  were 
able  to  check  five  (three  females  and  two  males)  C.  v.  halmaheira  collected  by  Waterstradt 
on  Obi  in  January  1903.  These  specimens  might  have  been  collected  too  late  for  inclusion  in 
Hartert's  review  of  the  birds  of  Obi.  In  any  case  our  investigations  clarify  the  status  of  this 
taxon  on  mainland  Obi  and  also  describe  its  altitudinal  range  on  this  island. 

SLENDER-BILLED  CUCKOO-DOVE  Macropygia  amboinensis  albiceps 
Common  in  forest  and  forest  edge  from  sea  level  to  1,210  m,  with  photographs  made  by 
MT  at  c.1,200  m.  Our  records  considerably  extend  the  altitudinal  range  on  Obi  as  previous 
published  records  are  below  500  m  (Coates  &  Bishop  1997)  and  are  in  accordance  with  its 
altitudinal  range  from  elsewhere  in  Wallacea  (Coates  &  Bishop  1997). 

SCARLET-BREASTED  FRUIT  DOVE  Ptilinopus  bernsteinii  micrus 

Regularly  seen  and  commonly  heard  at  150-1,210  m  in  primary  and  logged  forest.  A  nest 
attended  by  at  least  one  adult,  containing  a  single  egg,  was  found  on  13  March  2010  at  1,210 
m  in  primary  forest  (WP,  PDR  &  MT).  The  nest  was  a  flimsy  construction  on  a  fern  c.80  cm 
above  the  ground,  comprising  a  small  moss  cup  on  a  larger  assemblage  of  small  branches. 
P.  bernsteini  is  endemic  to  North  Maluku,  with  the  nominate  subspecies  found  from 
Halmahera  to  Bacan  and  micrus  restricted  to  Obi  (Baptista  et  al.  1997).  Previously  known  at 
180-600  m  on  Obi  (Lambert  1994).  Our  records  include  the  first  description  of  a  nest  on  Obi, 
whose  characteristics  and  situation  are  similar  to  those  described  from  Halmahera  (Lansley 
&  Fames  2006). 

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Marc  Thibault  et  al. 


Bull.  B.O.C.  2013  133(2) 

SUPERB  FRUIT  DOVE  Ptilinopus  superbus 

Common  at  150-1,000  m,  with  further  records  of  two  separate  birds  heard  at  1,200  m  in 
primary  montane  forest.  Our  records  significantly  extend  the  altitudinal  range  for  the 
species  on  Obi,  where  it  was  previously  unrecorded  above  700  m  (Lambert  1994,  Coates  & 
Bishop  1997). 

CARUNCULATED  FRUIT  DOVE  Ptilinopus  granulifrons 

Only  recorded  once,  at  site  A  on  19  March  2010,  when  at  least  eight  were  observed  through 
a  telescope  in  the  upper  canopy  of  a  large  fruiting  Ficus,  in  logged  forest  at  c.220  m  (PDR 
&  MT).  This  single  record  and  the  species'  apparent  absence  at  higher  elevations  appear  to 
corroborate  that  this  is  an  uncommon  species  closely  associated  with  lowland  forest  (Coates 
&  Bishop  1997,  BirdLife  International  2011a). 

SPECTACLED  IMPERIAL  PIGEON  Ducula  perspicillata 

Commonly  heard  and  occasionally  seen  from  sea  level  to  1,200  m  in  forest  edge,  logged 
forest  and  primary  forest.  Our  records  significantly  extend  the  species'  altitudinal  range  on 
Obi  (Lambert  1994).  They  also  significantly  extend  the  altitudinal  range  for  the  species  in 
the  northern  Maluku  where  it  was  previously  recorded  to  900  m  on  Halmahera  (Poulsen  & 
Lambert  2000). 

CINNAMON-BELLIED  IMPERIAL  PIGEON  Ducula  basilica  obiensis 

This  northern  Maluku  endemic  was  fairly  commonly  seen  and  heard  in  forest  edge,  logged 
forest  and  primary  forest  at  150-1,210  m  (WP,  PDR,  MT)  and  it  was  photographed  at  c.1,100 
m  (MT).  Our  records  significantly  extend  the  species'  altitudinal  range  on  Obi,  where  it  was 
previously  unrecorded  above  730  m  (Lambert  1994)  and  match  the  upper  limit  of  1,230  m 
for  the  nominate  subspecies  on  Halmahera  (Poulsen  &  Lambert  2000). 

Sound-recordings  of  D.  b.  obiensis  were  obtained  by  MT  (Fig.  3),  enabling  comparisons 
with  vocalisations  of  D.  b.  basilica  from  Halmahera  ( 
basilica).  Both  forms  give  similar  vocalisations:  songs  usually  comprise  a  series  of  1-2  (less 
frequently  three)  very  deep,  throaty  growls,  roozv  roooorw-ooow ,  at  0.4-0. 5  kHz.  When  the 
first  call  is  a  short  note  (lasting  0.2  seconds),  the  second  call  is  often  longer  (2. 0-2.5  seconds), 
whereas  when  a  first,  longer  call  (0.8-1. 3  seconds)  is  given,  there  is  no  second  call  or  it  is 
frequently  shorter  (i.e.  1.3-1. 7  seconds).  Longer  calls  typically  rise  very  slightly  and  end 

It  was  recently  proposed  to  split  obiensis  (which  is  confined  to  Obi)  from  basilica  (on 
Morotai  to  Bacan;  following 
application  of  the  Tobias  et  al.  (2010)  criteria.  Although  justification  for  this  taxonomic 

nn  :r  )  m  f  rmr  ;  p 



12  3  4  5  6  7 

Time  (sec] 

Figure  3.  Sonogram  of  Cinnamon-bellied  Imperial  Pigeon  Ducula  basilica  obiensis,  Obi,  12  March  2010  (M. 
Thibault).  X-axis  =  time  (one  second  per  tick),  y-axis  =  frequency  (1  kHz  per  tick). 

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Figure  4.  Cinnamon-bellied  Imperial  Pigeon  Ducula  basilica,  with  (A)  basilica  (a  pair),  Halmahera,  3  October 
2011  (©  F.  Steinhauser),  (B)  obiensis  (a  pair).  Obi,  15  March  2010  (M.  Thibault). 

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treatment  is  unpublished,  Hartert  (1903a)  already  emphasised  plumage  differences 
between  these  two  taxa,  stating  that  D.  b.  obiensis  is  'very  different'  from  D.  b.  basilica,  'the 
entire  head,  throat,  foreneck,  and  breast  being  much  deeper  vinous,  with  a  greyish  wash; 
the  hindneck  darker  grey,  separated  from  the  vinous  head  by  a  rusty  patch;  abdomen  and 
under  tail-coverts  deep  cinnamon,  instead  of  pale  cinnamon'.  According  to  Hartert  (1903a), 
the  collector  W.  Doherty  also  noted  that  obiensis  has  'iris  dark  crimson,  eyelids  vermilion; 
feet  vermilion;  bill  nearly  black',  whereas  basilica  (from  Ternate)  has  'iris  crimson;  feet 
pale  carmine;  bill  black'.  Although  the  subtle  differences  in  bare-parts  coloration  might  be 
difficult  to  appreciate  in  the  field,  the  plumage  differences  between  these  taxa  are  obvious 
(Fig.  4).  However,  given  the  lack  of  obvious  vocal  difference  between  D.  b.  basilica  and  D.  b. 
obiensis,  we  suggest  that  splitting  these  two  taxa  might  require  more  investigation. 

VIOLET-NECKED  LORY  Eos  squamata  obiensis 

Recorded  regularly  from  sea  level  to  700  m  in  a  wide  range  of  habitats  including  coconut 
plantations,  primary  and  logged  forest.  Less  frequently  encountered  at  higher  elevations 
with  two  sightings  at  850  m  and  single  observations  at  1,110  m  and  1,210  m  (PDR,  WP, 
MT).  Most  frequently  observed  in  pairs  or  trios,  although  a  large  flock  of  c.25  was  seen  on 
11  March  at  1,110  m.  Previous  published  records  on  Obi  range  up  to  730  m.  The  elevational 
range  on  Obi  is  therefore  significantly  wider  than  previously  known,  similar  to  Halmahera 
where  E.  s.  riciniata  has  been  found  to  1,230  m  (Poulsen  &  Lambert  2000). 

No  sign  of  trapping  during  our  visit.  E.  squamata  is  widespread  on  Obi  including  in 
primary  forest,  logged  forest  and  non-forest  habitats.  As  there  was  no  obvious  indication  of 
a  status  change  compared  to  Lambert  (1993),  this  species  may  require  quantitative  surveys 
to  detect  any,  perhaps  slight,  change  in  density. 

Morphologically,  obiensis  closely  approaches  the  nominate  race  (as  mentioned  by  Collar 
1997),  which  is  restricted  to  the  West  Papuan  islands,  but  is  strikingly  different  from  riciniata 
on  Morotai  to  Bacan,  notably  in  having  the  entire  head  and  neck  uniform  red  and  greater 
wing-coverts  and  scapulars  black  (pers.  obs.).  Based  on  these  observations,  we  suggest  that 
the  taxonomic  position  of  the  taxa  currently  included  in  E.  squamata  should  be  reassessed 
and  require  a  detailed  study  of  morphology,  acoustics  and  DNA. 

CHATTERING  LORY  Lorius  garrulus  flavopalliatus 

Singles  and  groups  of  2-4  recorded  almost  daily  in  logged  and  primary  forest,  with  max. 
flock  of  at  least  ten  foraging  birds  in  selectively  logged  forest  at  440  m  on  19  March  (WP, 
OP,  PDR,  MT).  Regularly  recorded  to  1,000  m  and  seen  twice  at  1,100  m,  extending  the 
altitudinal  range  of  370  m  given  previously  for  Obi  (Coates  &  Bishop  1997).  Several  captive 
E.  g.  flavopalliatus  seen  in  villages  and  at  a  logging  settlement,  apparently  being  kept  as  pets. 
As  noted  by  Linsley  (1995),  this  species  is  the  commonest  captive  parrot  on  Obi,  indicating 
that  it  still  faces  heavy  trapping  pressure.  However,  compared  to  Lambert  (1993),  our 
observations  do  not  suggest  a  significant  decline.  It  may  require  quantitative  surveys  to 
detect  any,  perhaps  slight,  change  in  density. 

RED-FLANKED  LORIKEET  Charmosyna  placentis  intensior 

Very  common  from  sea  level  to  400  m  and  less  common,  albeit  regular,  to  1,210  m.  These 
records  provide  the  first  data  concerning  the  altitudinal  range  of  C.  placentis  on  Obi  and 
extend  the  altitudinal  range  known  elsewhere  in  northern  Maluku,  where  it  had  previously 
been  recorded  up  to  max.  1,010  m  on  Halmahera  (Poulsen  &  Lambert  2000).  C.  placentis  is 
occasionally  recorded  to  1,600  m  in  New  Guinea  (Coates  &  Peckover  2001). 

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RED- CHEEKED  PARROT  Geoffroyus  geoffroyi  obiensis 

Total  of  21  records  of  1-6  birds  seen  or  heard  at  200-1,000  m,  with  18  records  below  600 
m,  mostly  in  selectively  logged  forest.  Few  were  encountered  in  primary  forest,  possibly 
because  of  lower  density  or  near-absence  at  higher  altitudes.  Our  records  significantly 
extend  the  altitudinal  range  of  this  subspecies  endemic  to  Obi  and  Bisa,  where  it  had  been 
reported  to  800  m  (Coates  &  Bishop  1997).  G.  geoffroyi  comprises  16  widely  recognised 
subspecies  ranging  from  Wallacea  to  New  Guinea  and  north-east  Australia  (Collar  1997, 
Gill  &  Donsker  2012),  of  which  several  differ  markedly  in  plumage,  size  and  vocalisations 
(Collar  1997).  G.  g.  obiensis  is  closer  to  G.  g.  cyanicollis  from  northern  Maluku,  sharing  with 
it  a  long  blue  collar,  although  on  obiensis  this  is  larger  and  it  has  a  brownish  back  which  is 
lacking  on  cyanicollis  (Collar  1997).  The  piercing,  high-pitched  nasal  calls  of  obiensis  have 
been  described  by  Lambert  (1994)  and  Linsley  (1995),  who  report  that  they  are  distinctive 
compared  to  cyanicollis  from  Bacan,  floresianus  from  Sumba  and  rhodops  from  Buru.  These 
observations  suggest  that  a  detailed  taxonomic  study  of  G.  geoffroyi  is  required,  including 
morphological,  acoustic  and  DNA  comparisons. 

ECLECTUS  PARROT  Eclectus  roratus  vosmaeri 

Wild  birds  recorded  just  twice,  both  in  the  lowlands,  with  three  in  coastal  coconut 
plantations  near  Soligi  on  8  March  2010  (all  observers)  and  a  female  in  degraded  forest  with 
cloves  and  coconut  plantations  at  site  F  on  20  March  (WP,  MT).  A  captive  bird  apparently 
kept  as  a  pet  near  Soligi.  Reportedly  very  common,  at  least  in  the  north  of  the  island,  in 
the  1950s  (Lambert  1994),  but  then  declined  dramatically  due  to  trapping,  so  that  Linsley 
(1995)  and  Lambert  (1994)  only  obtained  one  sighting  each.  Our  observations  indicate  that 
E.  rotatus  remains  rare  on  Obi,  where  it  is  primarily  confined  to  lowland  and  coastal  areas. 
Despite  being  protected  by  Indonesian  law,  it  probably  is  extensively  traded  in  northern 
Maluku  (ProFauna  Indonesia  2008),  although  perhaps  less  so  than  both  lories  (Lambert 
1993).  There  is  no  indication  that  the  species'  conservation  status  on  Obi  has  improved  or 
even  changed  since  the  1990s. 

MOLUCCAN  CUCKOO  Cacomantis  aeruginosas  ssp. 

Three  calling  Cacomantis  were  recorded:  a  vocalising  bird  on  11-12  March  2010  at  site  D  at 
750  m  in  primary  forest  (sound-recorded,  MT),  another  calling  bird  photographed  (Fig.  5) 
and  sound-recorded  (Fig.  6A-E)  at  site  E  on  13  March  2010  and  heard  again  on  16  March  at 

Figure  5.  Moluccan  Cuckoo  Cacomantis  aeruginosus  ssp.  (same  individual),  Obi,  13  March  2010  (M.  Thibault). 

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Bull.  B.O.C.  2013  133(2) 

f  ,  f  ,  ,  ,i  *►*»►*«» 


1  2  3  4  5  G  7  8  9  1 0  11  1 2  1 3  1 4  1 5  1 6  1 7  1 8  19  20  21  22  23  24  25  26  27  28  29  30  31  32  33  34  35  36  37  38  39  40  41  42  43  44  45  46  47 

Time  (secj 

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Time  (sec) 

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5  10  15  20 

25  30  35  40 

Time  (sec) 


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Time  (sec) 

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/***"">H  I— «» 

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1  2 

3  4 

5  6 

Figure  6.  Sonograms  of  Moluccan  Cuckoo  Cacomantis  aeruginosus  ssp.  by  M.  Thibault,  with  (A)  long,  rising 
and  accelerating  song.  Obi,  13  March  2010,  (B-C)  details  of  A,  (D)  long  level  song.  Obi,  13  March  2010  (same 
individual  as  in  Figs.  6A-C),  (E)  detail  of  D,  (F)  three-note  song.  Obi,  21  March  2010.  X-axis  =  time  (one 
second  per  tick,  y-axis  =  frequency  (1  kHz  per  tick). 

870  m  in  logged  forest  by  MT,  with  a  third  briefly  seen  (WP,  PDR,  MT)  and  sound-recorded 
(Fig.  6F)  on  20-21  March  at  c.100  m  at  site  F  (MT).  In  addition,  a  juvenile  Cacomantis  fed  by 
a  pair  of  Phylloscopus  poliocephalus  umterstradti  was  observed  on  13  March  2010  at  site  E  at 
1,200  m  in  primary  montane  forest  (WP,  PDR,  MT).  The  latter  observation  provides  the  first 
documented  record  of  a  Cacomantis  breeding  on  Obi. 

Taxonomy  of  resident  Cacomantis  cuckoos  in  Maluku  is  highly  confused  (Rheindt 
&  Hutchinson  2007,  Tebb  et  al.  2008,  Rheindt  2010,  Erritzoe  et  al.  2012)  and  the  situation 
is  exacerbated  by  the  seasonal  occurrence  of  migrant  Brush  Cuckoo  C.  v.  variolosus  from 
Australia.  C.  variolosus  and  C.  sepulcralis  are  sometimes  merged  into  one  species  (Payne 
1997,  2005),  but  several  works  maintain  the  separation  of  C.  v.  infaustus  and  Rusty-breasted 
Cuckoo  C.  sepulcralis  aeruginosus  in  southern  Maluku  (White  &  Bruce  1986,  Coates  &  Bishop 
1997,  Erritzoe  et  al.  2012).  Hartert  (1925)  separated  northern  Maluku  birds  as  oblitus,  which 
is  reported  to  be  paler  below  with  longer  wings  than  infaustus,  which  he  considered  to  be 
restricted  to  southern  Maluku.  However,  most  recent  works  consider  oblitus  a  synonym 
of  infaustus  (White  &  Bruce  1986,  Coates  &  Bishop  1997,  Payne  1997,  Erritzoe  et  al.  2012). 

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Figure  7.  From  left  to  right:  Cacomantis  sepulcrnris  virescens  (three  from  Manado,  Sulawesi),  C.  aeruginosus 
aeruginosus  (one  from  Buru  and  one  from  Ambon),  C.  variolosus  (three  from  Bacan  and  two  from  Ternate)  (M. 
Thibault  /  ©  Tire  Natural  History  Museum,  Tring). 

Heinrichi  is  a  poorly  known  taxon  described  from  Bacan  and  Halmahera  by  Streseman 
(1931)  who  distinguished  it  from  sympatric  C.  v.  oblitus  (=  infaustus)  on  the  basis  of  smaller 
size,  with  proportionately  shorter  wings  and  longer  tail,  more  rufous  underparts,  darker 
olive-brown  upperparts  and  yellow  legs  (instead  of  yellow-green  or  brownish).  Other 
features  not  mentioned  by  Streseman  (1931)  include  rufous  notches  in  the  outer  edges  of  the 
rectrices  (Coates  &  Bishop  1997,  Erritzoe  et  al.  2012),  dark  grey  throat  (Payne  1997,  Erritzoe 
et  al.  2012)  and  eye-ring  either  undescribed  (Coates  &  Bishop  1997)  or  greyish  (Payne  1997). 
Heinrichi  is  variously  treated  as  a  synonym  of  resident  C.  v.  infaustus  (Payne  2005,  Erritzoe 
et  al.  2012)  or  recognised  as  an  endemic  species  sympatric  with  C.  v.  infaustus  and  migrant 
C.  v.  variolosus  (Heinrich  1956,  Payne  1997,  White  &  Bruce  1986,  Coates  &  Bishop  1997). 
Alternatively,  it  was  recently  suggested,  based  mainly  on  vocalisations,  that  aeruginosus  and 
heinrichi  may  belong  to  the  same  species  (Tebb  et  al.  2008;  J.  A.  Eaton  pers.  comm.,  F.  Rheindt 
pers.  comm.),  a  view  supported  by  Gill  &  Donsker  (2012),  who  afforded  aeruginosus  species 
status,  including  C.  a.  aeruginosus  from  southern  Maluku  and  C.  a.  heinrichi  on  Halmahera 
and  Bacan. 

A  distinct  race,  C.  v.  obiensis,  was  described  from  Obi  by  Jany  (1955)  on  the  basis  of 
darker  plumage  and  longer  tail  compared  to  resident  C.  variolosus  from  northern  Maluku, 
but  he  did  not  compare  it  with  C.  aeruginosus  aeruginosus.  C.  v.  obiensis  is  generally  treated 
as  a  synonym  of  C.  v.  infaustus  (White  &  Bruce  1986,  Payne  1997,  Erritzoe  et  al.  2012).  White 
&  Bruce  (1986)  and  Coates  &  Bishop  (1997)  mentioned  the  presence  of  two  taxa  on  Obi, 
namely  migrant  C.  v.  variolosus  and  resident  C.  v.  infaustus,  but  a  calling  bird  observed  and 
sound-recorded  by  F.  R.  Lambert  possibly  refers  to  C.  heinrichi  ( 

The  bird  photographed  on  13  March  2010  (Fig.  5)  was  rather  long-tailed  with  dark 
upperparts.  It  had  a  distinctive  pattern  on  the  underside. of  some  rectrices,  with  whitish  to 

©  2013  The  Authors;  Journal  compilation  ©  2013  British  Ornithologists'  Club 

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Bull.  B.O.C.  2013  133(2) 

pale  rufous  bars  extending  the  full  width  of  the  inner  web.  It  also  had  rich  rufous  underparts 
with  greyish  feathers  restricted  to  the  upper  throat  and  chin,  merging  with  rufous  feathers, 
yellow  eye-ring,  brownish  tone  to  the  base  of  the  lower  mandible  and  bright  yellow  legs. 
These  features  most  recall  C.  a.  aeruginosus  (Fig.  7; 
php?p=2&Bird_ID=448&Bird_Family_ID=&pagesize=l)  and  C.  a.  heinrichi,  based  on  the 
description  of  Streseman  (1931).  The  bird  photographed  on  Obi  also  strongly  recalls  a  bird 
recently  photographed  on  Halmahera  and  tentatively  identified  as  Moluccan  Cuckoo  (Tebb 
et  al.  2008).  It  noticeably  differs  from  C.  s.  virescens  from  Sulawesi  and  the  Sula  Islands, 
the  latter  having  greyish  feathers  extending  lower  on  the  breast  and  shorter  whitish 
bars  restricted  to  the  inner  web  of  the  rectrices  (Fig.  7).  In  addition,  adults  from  northern 
Maluku  referred  to  C.  variolosus  in  Tring  museum  all  possess  paler  rufous  underparts  with 
a  predominantly  greyish  throat  and  breast  (Fig.  7). 

Most  taxa  in  the  C.  sepulcralis  /  variolosus  complex  give  two  or  more  vocalisation 
types:  (1)  trisyllabic  call  notes  repeated  at  rising  frequencies  and  (2)  a  series  of  single  calls 
usually  repeated  at  level  frequency  (Coates  &  Bishop  1997,  Rheindt  2010;  pers.  obs.),  albeit 
with  pronounced  inter-racial  differences  (Coates  &  Bishop  1997,  Payne  2005,  Rheindt  & 
Flutchinson  2007).  In  addition,  distinctive  variant  vocalisations  unambiguously  given  by  C. 
a.  aeruginosus  on  Seram,  Buru  and  Ambon  (Coates  &  Bishop  1997,  Rheindt  &  Hutchinson 
2007)  and  presumably  by  C.  a.  heinrichi  on  Halmahera  (Tebb  et  al.  2008)  include  long  series' 
of  calls  repeated  very  rapidly  and  delivered  on  either  a  level  or  rising  frequency.  These 
variant  vocalisations  are  unknown  in  other  forms  of  the  sepulcralis  /  variolosus  complex 
(Rheindt  &  Hutchinson  2007,  Tebb  et  al.  2008,  Rheindt  2010)  and  are  also  lacking  in  the 
many  recordings  of  C.  variolosus  from  the  Lesser  Sundas,  New  Guinea  and  Australia  that 
we  examined  in  online  sound  collections  (i.e.; 

Variant  calls  described  above  and  similar  to  calls  previously  recorded  on  Obi  by  F.  R. 
Lambert  were  given  by  each  of  the  three  birds  we  recorded.  These  calls  comprised  rather 
flattened,  hook-shaped  individual  call  elements,  which  are  frequently  given  by  various 
races  of  sepulcralis  and  C.  a.  aeruginosus,  but  much  less  so  by  C.  variolosus.  Most  interestingly, 
we  failed  to  record  the  typical  staple-shaped  notes  on  Obi  given  by  C.  variolosus  (see  Tebb 
et  al.  2008;  F.  R.  Lambert, 

Based  on  plumage  and  vocalisations,  we  conclude  that  our  records  refer  to  C.  aeruginosus 
giving  further  support  to  the  view  that  heinrichi  and  aeruginosus  represent  a  single  species 
(Tebb  et  al.  2008;  F.  Rheindt  pers.  comm.,  J.  A.  Eaton  pers.  comm.).  Furthermore,  given  that 
we  failed  to  record  typical  variolosus  calls,  we  question  the  occurrence  of  a  resident  variolosus 
population  (i.e.  C.  v.  infaustus)  on  Obi  and  suggest  that  careful  examination  of  Cacomantis 
specimens  from  Obi  identified  as  variolosus  might  reveal,  if  they  do  not  represent  the 
aeruginosus  /  heinrichii  group,  that  they  are  migrants  of  nominate  variolosus  from  Australia.  A 
thorough  bio-acoustic,  morphological  and  genetic  study  is  required  to  clarify  the  taxonomy 
of  Cacomantis  in  Australasia  and  Wallacea.  Regarding  the  resident  population  on  Obi, 
further  study  should  clarify  whether  it  belongs  to  C.  a.  aeruginosus  or  C.  a.  heinrichi,  or  to  the 
endemic  ohiensis  described  by  Jany  (2005),  which  in  our  view  should  not  be  synonymised 
with  C.  v.  infaustus  until  a  thorough  assessment  is  conducted. 

MOLUCCAN  SCOPS  OWL  Otus  magicus  obira 

Seen  three  times  and  frequently  heard  at  c.100-1,210  m,  in  forest  edge,  logged  forest 
and  primary  forest.  These  are  the  first  data  on  habitats,  elevational  range,  status  and 
vocalisations  of  this  bird  on  Obi  (White  &  Bruce  1986,  Coates  &  Bishop  1997).  Sound- 
recordings  were  obtained  on  9  March  2010  (Fig.  8).  The  call  is  a  short,  harsh,  rasping  kwok, 
repeated  at  intervals  of  5-7  seconds.  Calls  last  0.33-0.5  seconds,  at  0.6-1. 2  khz.  When  excited 

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Time  (sec) 

3  - 

1  - 
0  - 


Time  (sec) 

3  - 
2  - 


1 1  >4i>nin 


Time  (sec) 


Figure  8.  Sonograms  of  Moluccan  Scops  Owl  Otus  magicus  obira,  Obi,  8  March  2010  (M.  Thibault):  A:  typical 
call.  B:  detail  of  A.  C:  excited  kivook  calls.  X-axis  =  time  (five  seconds  per  tick,  Fig.  8A;  0.5  seconds  per  tick. 
Fig.  8B;  one  second  per  tick.  Fig.  8C),  y-axis  =  frequency  (1  kHz  per  tick). 

by  playback,  one  bird  gave  a  series  of  kivook  notes  slightly  longer  and  deeper  than  the  usual 
call  and  repeated  at  shorter  intervals.  These  vocalisations  were  found  to  be  more  restricted 
in  frequency  range,  but  otherwise  similar  to  recordings  of  O.  m.  magicus  from  Burn  (F.  R. 
Lambert,,  O.  m.  leucospilus  from  Halmahera  (D.  Farrow,  www.  and  O.  m.  albiventris  from  Flores  (F.  R.  Lambert,  www.xeno-canto. 

UNIFORM  SWIFTLET  Aerodramus  vanikorensis 

Identified  on  several  occasions  among  mixed-species  groups  of  Aerodramus  and  Collocalia 
spp.  at  200-300  m  on  19  March  2010  (MT  &  PDR).  The  birds  were  forced  to  fly  low  above 
ground  by  heavy  rain,  enabling  reasonably  good  views  against  a  forested  background. 
Identification  was  based  on  the  combination  of  larger  size  in  direct  comparison  to  Seram 
Swiftlet  A.  ceramensis  and  Glossy  Swiftlet  C.  es cidenta,  and  overall  uniform  brown  plumage. 
At  least  40  were  present.  Prior  to  our  observations,  only  Lambert  (1994)  had  reported  this 
species  on  Obi. 

SERAM  SWIFTLET  Aerodramus  ceramensis 

Also  on  19  March  2010,  MT  &  PDR  observed  at  least  12  swiftlets  intermediate  in  size  between 
A.  vanikorensis  and  C.  esculenta,  with  glossy  black  upperparts,  bold,  clear-cut  whitish  rump 
band  and  paler  underparts  with  dirty  white  belly  and  undertail-coverts.  Following  the  split 
from  Moluccan  Swiftlet  Aerodramus  infuscata  (Rheindt  &  Hutchinson  2007),  we  identified 

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these  as  Seram  Swiftlets,  which  taxon  had  been  tentatively  identified  on  Obi  by  Lambert 
(1994)  and  our  record  suggests  that  it  may  be  a  regular  visitor  or  resident. 

WHITE-THROATED  NEEDLETAIL  Hirundapus  caudacutus 

On  18  March  2010,  several  small  flocks  totalling  c.120  of  this  Palearctic  migrant  were 
recorded  at  site  B  at  400  m  (OP,  WP,  PDR,  MT).  Most  were  low  over  the  forest  canopy, 
offering  prolonged  views  in  good  early  morning  light.  Key  identification  features  including 
the  extensive  white  throat  were  observed,  eliminating  Purple  Needletail  H.  celebensis 
of  Sulawesi  and  the  Philippines  and  Silver-backed  Needletail  H.  cochinchinensis,  which 
breeds  in  mainland  Asia  and  winters  south-east  to  Java  (Chantler  1999).  All  were  flying 
west  and  might  have  been  migrants.  On  19  March  2010,  small  flocks  totalling  c.65  were 
seen  at  scattered  locations  between  320  m  and  420  m  (PDR,  MT).  Our  records  are  the  first 
for  Obi  and  northern  Maluku.  Previous  records  from  Sangihe,  Sulawesi,  Taliabu,  Burn, 
Banda,  Lombok,  Timor  (Coates  &  Bishop  1997),  Atauro  (Trainor  &  Leitao  2007),  Tanimbar 
(J.  A.  Eaton  pers.  comm.)  and  Peleng  (Rheindt  et  al.  2010)  suggest  that  migrants  can  occur 
anywhere  in  Wallacea. 

BLYTH'S  HORNBILL  Rhyticeros  plicatus 

Singles  and  pairs  regularly  recorded  in  logged  forest  and  forest  edge  from  sea  level  to 
400  m,  with  a  single  on  a  forest  ridge  at  800  m  (all  observers).  No  previous  information 
concerning  elevational  range  on  Obi  (Coates  &  Bishop  1997,  White  &  Bruce  1986). 

RED-BELLIED  PITTA  Erythropitta  erythrogaster  obiensis 

Seen  twice  and  fairly  commonly  heard  from  c.100  m  to  1,050  m.  Most  frequent  in  selectively 
logged  forest  and  also  found  in  second  growth  and  scrub.  Several  sound-recordings  of 
a  singing  bird  obtained  on  19  March  (Fig.  9).  The  song  comprised  two  slightly  rising 
notes,  the  first  note  rising  more  markedly  than  the  second,  while  the  latter  is  flatter  at 
the  end.  It  was  similar,  but  not  identical,  to  the  vocalisation  on  Halmahera  (R.  Drijvers  in 



3  - 



n  -  ■  ■  m  \  '  spasms  *  - 

Time  (sec) 




2  - 

1  - 

0  - 

„  , ; j 1  "i  ■*  i  . . .  i  -ir-  i 

•  ...  ■  [  •  .. .  .  .  ,  1  ,  ■  •.  • 

Time  (sec) 

Figure  9.  Sonograms  of  Red-bellied  Pitta  Erythropitta  erythrogaster  rufiventris,  Obi,  19  March  2010  (M.  Thibault). 
X-axis  =  time  (one  second  per  tick),  y-axis  =  frequency  (1  kHz  per  tick). 

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Sharringa  2005,  However,  given  that  E.  erythrogaster  presents 
considerable  individual  variation  (Rheindt  et  al.  2010;  pers.  obs.),  we  are  unable  to  comment 
further  on  the  distinctiveness  of  the  Obi  vocalisation.  While  our  records  match  previous 
statements  that  the  species  is  common  on  Obi  (Lambert  1994),  they  significantly  extend 
the  upper  altitudinal  range  on  the  island.  E.  e.  obiensis  was  described  by  Hachisuka  (1935), 
who  distinguished  it  from  nifiventris,  which  occurs  in  most  of  northern  Maluku,  by  an 
allegedly  paler  blue  breast,  despite  earlier  statement  that  specimens  from  Obi  did  not  differ 
from  nifiventris  (Hartert  1903a).  However  most  recent  works  treat  obiensis  as  a  synonym 
of  nifiventris  (White  &  Bruce  1986,  Lambert  &  Woodcock  1996,  Dickinson  &  Dekker  2000, 
Erritzoe  2003).  A  careful  examination  of  specimens  and  thorough  acoustic  comparison  are 
required  to  ascertain  the  taxonomic  position  of  the  Obi  population. 

DUSKY  MYZOMELA  Myzomela  obscura  rubrotincta 

Common  at  200-1,210  m  with  a  single  near  sea  level.  Our  records  extend  the  altitudinal 
range  on  Obi,  where  it  was  previously  unknown  above  800  m  (Coates  &  Bishop  1997).  We 
had  several  opportunities  to  closely  observe  and  photograph  rubrotincta,  which  is  restricted 
to  Obi  and  Bisa.  It  has  a  bright  reddish  mantle,  wings  and  tail,  and  a  rosy  red  wash  to  the 
head-sides  and  most  of  the  underparts,  albeit  brighter  on  the  breast-sides  and  flanks  (Fig. 
10).  MT  found  the  appearance  of  rubrotincta  to  be  strikingly  different  from  the  nominate  race 
that  he  has  observed  in  northern  Australia,  which  is  an  overall  greyish-brown  bird.  We  also 
found  rubrotincta  to  differ  markedly  from  simplex  that  we  saw  on  Halmahera  immediately 
following  our  visit  to  Obi,  which  is  a  dark  greyish  bird,  with  reddish  restricted  to  the  outer 
edge  of  the  remiges  and  rectrices,  underparts  pale  greyish  brown,  with  some  pinkish-brown 
fringes  on  the  breast  feathers  scarcely  visible  in  the  field  (see 
search. pbp?Bird_ID=1342). 

Figure  10.  Dusky  Myzomela  Myzomela  obscura  rubrotincta,  Obi,  13  March  2010  (M.  Thibault). 

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M.  obscura  comprises  eight  widely  recognised  races  from  northern  Maluku  to  New 
Guinea  and  northern  Australia  (Higgins  et  al.  2008,  Gill  &  Donsker  2012).  Races  are 
considered  to  comprise  two  groups,  with  obscura  (northern  Australia),  harterti  (islands 
of  Torres  Strait  and  north-east  Australia),  fumata  (New  Guinea),  nibrobrunnea  (Biak)  and 
aruensis  (Aru)  comprising  the  'nominate  group',  and  mortyana  (Morotai),  simplex  and 
rubrotincta  the  'simplex  group'  (Higgins  et  al.  2008).  However,  in  the  nominate  group, 
which  mainly  has  overall  dark  grey-brown  plumage,  rubrobrunnea  is  remarkable  as  it  has  a 
brownish-red  wash  (see 
and  is  also  reported  to  have  a  reddish  throat  stripe  (Higgins  et  al.  2008).  These  differences 
induced  Hartert  (1903a)  to  consider  it  intermediate  between  simplex  and  rubrotincta,  and 
Mayr  et  al.  (1939)  to  suggest  that  rubrobrunnea  might  constitute  a  species-level  taxon.  Based 
on  important  plumage  differences,  we  consider  that  rubrotincta  should  be  treated  as  a 
species  and  we  suggest  that  molecular,  morphological  and  perhaps  acoustic  analyses  of 
the  M.  obscura  complex  should  be  conducted  as  they  might  reveal  that  non-clinal  variation 
among  island  forms  elsewhere  in  the  northern  Moluccas  and  on  Biak  include  one  or  more 
additional  species-level  taxa. 

SULAWESI  MYZOMELA  Myzomela  chloroptera  (undescribed  subspecies?) 

On  13  March,  an  adult  male,  an  immature  male  and  at  least  one  female  /  juvenile  were 
observed  and  photographed  at  950  m  at  site  E  (MT).  On  15  March,  two  females  /  juveniles  in 
the  same  area  (OP,  MT).  On  both  occasions,  they  fed  in  low  trees  and  dense  second  growth 
bordering  a  logging  track.  These  are  the  first  confirmed  records  of  M.  chloroptera  for  Obi.  It 
is  of  note  that  a  'mostly  red'  Myzomela  sp.  seen  in  1992  in  the  lowlands  of  Obi  could  refer  to 
this  species,  but  the  view  was  too  brief  for  a  description  (F.  R.  Lambert  pers.  comm.). 

M.  chloroptera  currently  comprises  four  widely  recognised  subspecies:  the  nominate 
from  north  and  central  Sulawesi,  juga  from  south  Sulawesi,  eva  from  Salayar  and 
Tanahjampea,  and  batjanensis  from  Bacan  (Coates  &  Bishop  1997,  Higgins  et  al.  2008). 
Populations  recently  discovered  on  Taliabu,  Sula  Islands  (Davidson  et  al.  1991,  Rheindt 
2010)  and  Peleng,  Banggai  Islands  (Rheindt  et  al.  2010)  closely  resemble  the  nominate, 
although  future  research  may  reveal  that  they  comprise  one  or  two  new  subspecies. 

Figure  11.  Male  Sulawesi  Myzomela  Myzomela  chloroptera  ssp.  (presumably  the  same  individual).  Obi,  13 
March  2010  (M.  Thibault).  Strongly  patterned  black-and-red  upperparts,  all-black  scapulars,  wing  and 
tail  feathers  lacking  brownish  tinge  and  pure  red  on  head,  throat  and  breast  clearly  demarcated  from  pale 
greyish  belly  and  whitish  flanks  strongly  suggest  it  is  a  full  adult.  Underparts  coloration  strikingly  differs 
from  batjanensis  and  also  shows  subtle  differences  compared  to  typical  adults  of  the  nominate  race. 

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Figure  12.  From  left  to  right:  Myzomeln  chloroptera  batjanensis  (three  from  Bacan),  M.  c.  chloroptera  (two  from 
Minahassa  Peninsula,  north  Sulawesi),  M.  c.  jugn  (one  from  south-west  peninsula  of  Sulawesi),  M.  c.  evn  (two 
from  Salayar  and  Tanahjampea,  respectively)  (M.  Thibault  /  ©  The  Natural  History  Museum,  Tring). 

The  population  we  discovered  on  Obi  fills  a  geographical  gap  between  batjanensis  and 
the  populations  on  Taliabu  and  Peleng.  One  of  the  birds  photographed  (Fig.  11)  was  an 
adult  male  based  on  its  strongly  patterned  black-and-red  upperparts,  pure  red  head,  throat 
and  breast  lacking  any  greyish  (immature)  feathers  and  clearly  demarcated  pale  greyish 
belly  and  whitish  flanks.  Preliminary  comparisons  can  be  made  with  other  subspecies 
of  M.  chloroptera.  Compared  to  batjanensis  (geographically  proximate),  the  adult  male 
photographed  on  Obi  was  strikingly  different,  having  a  red  (not  greyish-olive)  breast.  The 
red  below  did  not  extend  to  the  belly  and  appeared  more  restricted  than  on  typical  adults 
of  the  nominate  (pers.  obs.),  although  whether  this  pattern  lies  within  individual  variation 
of  the  latter  cannot  be  fully  excluded.  It  had  a  whitish  abdomen,  with  no  trace  of  the  fawn 
grey-brown  tinge  supposedly  distinctive  of  the  nominate  (Coates  &  Bishop  1997;  Fig.  12). 
Compared  to  geographically  distant  eva  and  juga,  no  significant  plumage  difference  could 
be  detected.  Compared  to  the  (limited)  photographic  material  available  for  populations 
on  Taliabu  (Rheindt  2010;  F.  Rheindt  unpubl.)  and  Peleng  (F.  Verbelen  unpubk),  red  was 
lacking  on  the  upper  belly  and  flanks,  suggesting  that  it  possibly  represents  an  undescribed 
taxon.  Detailed  morphological,  acoustic  and  molecular  analyses  of  the  M.  chloroptera  group 
are  required,  as  already  suggested  by  Rheindt  (2010)  and  Rheindt  et  al.  (2011). 

PALE  CICADABIRD  Coracina  ceramensis  hoogerwerfi 

Recorded  at  300-1,220  m  in  logged  and  primary  forest  and  forest  edge,  seldom  in  the 
lowlands  (three  records  below  700  m)  and  most  commonly  above  800  m  (ten  records). 
Endemic  to  Maluku,  the  subspecies  hoogerwerfi  is  restricted  to  Obi.  Our  observations 
provide  the  first  data  on  the  elevational  range  of  hoogerwerfi  (Coates  &  Bishop  1997,  White 
&  Bruce  1986)  and  add  new  information  concerning  its  habitat  preferences  (Linsley  1995). 

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Common  in  logged  forest  and  forest  edge  to  420  m.  This  monotypic  species  endemic  to 
northern  Maluku  is  a  lowland  specialist.  Our  records  slightly  extend  the  altitudinal  range 
on  Obi,  where  it  was  previously  reported  to  300  m  (Coates  &  Bishop  1997). 

COMMON  GOLDEN  WHISTLER  Pachycephala  pectoralis  obiensis 

Recorded  at  300-1,220  m,  most  commonly  above  700  m.  P.  pectoralis  was  reported  from  the 
lowlands  of  Obi  (Linsley  1995),  but  there  were  no  previous  data  on  the  upper  elevational 
range  of  P.  p.  obiensis  (White  &  Bruce  1986,  Coates  &  Bishop  1997).  The  Common  Golden  / 
Mangrove  Whistler  P.  pectoralis  /  melanura  complex,  with  66  named  populations,  is  one  of 
the  most  complex  examples  of  avian  geographic  variation  (Jonsson  et  al.  2008).  The  IOC 
currently  treats  Obi  populations  as  part  of  Black-chinned  Whistler  P.  mentalis  (northern 
Maluku:  Gill  &  Donsker  2012)  but  it  seems  preferable  to  await  genetic  and  vocal  analyses  of 
the  complex  before  accepting  this  split. 


Common  in  logged  forest,  primary  forest  and  forest  edge,  and  also  seen  in  regrowth  and 
scrub,  at  300-1,200  m,  with  a  single  record  near  sea  level.  Our  observations  significantly 
extend  the  altitudinal  range  given  for  this  Obi  endemic,  which  was  previously  recorded  at 
220-700  m  (Lambert  1994). 

Most  authors  (White  &  Bruce  1986,  Coates  &  Bishop  1997,  Boles  2007)  placed  johni 
within  P.  griseonota,  along  with  five  additional  subspecies  differing  significantly  in  their 
plumage  and  potentially  vocalisations  (Coates  &  Bishop  1997,  Rheindt  et  al.  2010),  despite 
the  initial  assignment  of  johni  to  species  level  by  Hartert  (1903a),  who  argued  that  it  'has 

Figure  13.  Male  Cinnamon-breasted  Whistler  Pachycephala  johni,  Obi,  15  March  2010  (M.  Thibault). 

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Marc  Thibault  et  al.  104  Bull.  B.O.C.  2013  133(2) 

Figure  14.  Sonograms  of  the  songs  of  (A) 
Cinnamon-breasted  Whistler  Pachycephala  johni, 
Obi  highlands,  16  March  2010  (M.  Thibault) 
and  (B-E)  Drab  Whistler  P.  griseonata,  with 
(B)  P.  g.  griseonata,  Kopiboto,  Seram  (R.  O. 
Hutchinson),  (C)  P.  g.  griseonata,  Sawai,  Seram  (J. 
A.  Eaton),  (D-E)  P.  g.  examinata,  Wamlana,  Burn 
(J.  A.  Eaton).  X-axis  =  time  (one  second  per  tick), 
y-axis  =  frequency  (1  kHz  per  tick). 

12  3  4 

Time  (sec) 


0  ..  .  ...  . - , - —  — i - ", . i  ■■  ■  . .  r  ■-  ■  '■■■■. . . . .  - m  ■  ■■  r 

123456789  10  11 

Time  (sec) 

1  - 

 ...  ■  .   i..  ... L- --  ..  

123456789  10  11 

Time  (sec) 


6  - 


0  - r  - ;■  k  — i - -r--— — - ^ - — , - ■= -T-=- , 

1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12  13  14 

Time  (sec) 

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no  very  close  ally'  and  that  'its  bright  rufous-cinnamon  underside  distinguishes  it  at  once 
from  all  others  [Pnchycephala]' .  We  were  impressed  by  the  wholly  rich  rufous-cinnamon 
underparts  in  male  johni  (Fig.  13),  whereas  male  P.  griseonatn  is  described  as  having  whitish 
(nominate,  examinata,  lineolata),  greyish  ( kuehni )  or  ashy  grey  ( cinerascens )  throat,  greyish 
breast  ( examinata ,  lineolata,  cinerascens),  tinged  ochre  (nominate)  or  brown  (knelini)  and  belly 
either  rusty  ochre  (nominate),  buffy  ochre  {kuehni,  examinata),  white  ( lineolata )  or  white 
with  slight  ochre  tinge  ( cinerascens )  (White  &  Bruce  1986,  Boles  2007).  Female  johni  is  also 
distinctive,  being  similar  to  the  male,  albeit  duller  and  with  black  streaks  on  the  breast. 

The  song  of  johni,  previously  undescribed,  was  heard  several  times  and  sound-recorded 
once.  It  includes  whistling  strophes,  of  0. 5-2.0  seconds,  comprising  3-10  varied  notes 
delivered  at  1. 7-5.5  kHz,  which  produce  a  varied  tuneful  song  (Fig.  14A).  A  preliminary 
comparison  reveals  that  it  differs  markedly  from  P.  g.  griseonata  on  Seram  (Fig.  14B-C),  P.  g. 
examinata  on  Buru  (Fig.  14D-E)  and  P.  g.  cinerascens  on  Halmahera  (G.  Wagner,  www.xeno-,  which  mainly  utter  monotonous  phrases.  It  also  differs  from  the  unique 
sample  from  Peleng,  possibly  attributable  to  P.  g.  lineolata  (B.  Demeuleemester,  avocet.,  and  to  at  least  some  of  the  vocalisations  described  for 
kuehni  on  the  Kai  Islands  (Coates  &  Bishop  1997).  Based  on  plumage  and  song,  we  support 
the  view  (Hartert  1903a,  Gill  &  Donsker  2012)  that  johni  should  be  regarded  as  a  species  and 
recommend  comprehensive  morphological  and  acoustic  studies  of  the  P.  griseonata  complex 
as  it  might  reveal  the  presence  of  other  species-level  taxa. 

HAIR-CRESTED  DRONGO  Dicrurus  hottentotus  guillemardi 

Common  in  various  habitats  below  400  m  including  small  patches  of  degraded  forest 
mixed  with  coconut  plantations.  Much  scarcer  at  higher  elevations,  with  only  four  records 
at  800-1,220  m.  Our  records  significantly  extend  the  altitudinal  range  on  Obi,  where 
it  was  previously  unrecorded  above  800  m  (Coates  &  Bishop  1997).  D.  h.  guillemardi  is 
endemic  to  Obi  and  Bisa  (Coates  &  Bishop  1997).  It  is  one  of  many  allopatric  forms  of 
Dicrurus  in  the  Philippines-Wallacea-New  Guinea  that  are  currently  lumped  in  one  of  two 
polytypic  species,  Hair-crested  and  Spangled  Drongos  D.  bracteatus.  However,  important 
morphological,  behavioural  or  vocal  variation  among  these  numerous  forms  suggest  that 
more  detailed  study  might  identify  'new'  species  (Rheindt  &  Hutchinson  2007,  Rocamora 
&  Yeatman-Berthelot  2009,  Rheindt  et  al.  2010).  Future  visitors  to  Obi  and  Bisa  should 
concentrate  on  obtaining  good  recordings  of  the  vocalisation  of  D.  h.  guillemardi  as  these 
would  be  useful  for  a  reappraisal  of  the  taxonomy  of  the  D.  hottentotus  /  bracteatus  complex 

NORTHERN  FANTAIL  Rhipidura  rufiventris  obiensis 

Commonly  recorded  from  sea  level  to  1,210  m  with  most  records  in  degraded  forest  and 
edge.  Our  records  significantly  extend  the  upper  altitudinal  range  on  Obi  as  it  was  not 
previously  recorded  above  550  m  (Coates  &  Bishop  1997).  R.  r.  obiensis  is  restricted  to  Obi 
and  Bisa.  R.  rufiventris  exhibits  discrete  variation  between  islands  not  following  clinal 
trends;  its  taxonomy  is  complicated  and  unclear,  and  it  has  been  suggested  that  DNA 
analysis  might  conclude  that  many  races  warrant  species  status  (Rheindt  &  Hutchinson 
2007).  R.  r.  obiensis  has  a  distinctive  combination  of  plumage  features  not  shared  by  any 
neighbouring  populations  of  R.  rufiventris  in  Wallacea,  including  broad  white  fringes  to  the 
secondaries  and  broadly  white-tipped  outer  rectrices  (Boles  2006). 

RUFOUS  FANTAIL  Rhipidura  rufifrons  torrida 

Only  five  singles  and  one  record  of  a  pair,  all  restricted  to  a  narrow  altitudinal  zone  at 
760-1,000  m,  at  sites  D  and  E  (MT  &  WP).  The  range  of  R.  r.  torrida  includes  Halmahera, 

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Marc  Thibault  et  al. 


Bull.  B.O.C.  2013  133(2) 

Ternate,  Bacan  and  Obi.  Our  observations  apparently  constitute  the  first  records  on  Obi 
since  one  collected  by  Waterstradt  in  1902  (Hartert  1903a)  and  there  were  no  previous  data 
on  the  elevational  range  on  Obi  (Coates  &  Bishop  1997,  White  &  Bruce  1986). 

MOLUCCAN  MONARCH  Symposiachrus  bimaculatus  diadematus 

The  diadematus  subspecies  of  this  northern  Maluku  endemic  is  restricted  to  Obi  and  Bisa. 
Observed  at  260-1,030  nr,  with  all  but  one  record  above  700  m.  Widespread  in  second 
growth  and  forest  edge,  usually  associating  with  mixed-species  flocks.  The  occurrence  of 
M.  trivirgatus  is  already  well  known  in  the  lowlands  of  Obi,  where  it  was  most  recently 
reported  by  Linsley  (1995).  Our  survey,  however,  extends  the  altitudinal  range  for  the 
species,  as  it  is  reported  to  just  850  m  on  Halmahera  (Poulsen  &  Lambert  2000). 

MOLUCCAN  FLYCATCHER  Myiagra  galeata  galeata 

Recorded  in  forest  edge,  secondary  forest  and  scattered  trees  near  coconut  plantations, 
from  sea  level  to  870  m.  Moderately  common  in  the  lowlands  of  Obi,  but  no  published  data 
concerning  its  upper  altitudinal  limit  (Lambert  1994,  Linsley  1995,  Coates  &  Bishop  1997). 

SHINING  FLYCATCHER  Myiagra  aiecto  alecto 

Seen  nine  times  and  heard  once.  Most  records  were  between  sea  level  and  600  m,  but  also 
seen  at  750  m  and  850  m.  Mostly  observed  near  rivers  and  forest  edge,  but  one  in  a  dry 
gully  in  secondary  forest  at  750  m.  Although  P.  alecto  is  mentioned  from  the  lowlands  of  Obi 
(Linsley  1995),  our  records  provide  the  first  data  on  its  upper  elevational  limit. 

PARADISE  CROW  Lycocorax  pyrrhopterus  obiensis 

Very  common  from  sea  level  to  1,220  m  in  a  wide  range  of  habitats  including  small  patches 
of  degraded  lowland  forest  mixed  with  coconut  plantations  and  primary  montane  forest. 
Our  records  significantly  extend  the  altitudinal  range  on  Obi,  where  it  was  previously 
unknown  above  800  m  (Lambert  1994,  Linsley  1995).  L.  p.  obiensis  is  very  distinct  from 
both  the  nominate  and  morotensis  in  plumage  and  measurements  (Frith  &  Beehler  2006) 
and  has  already  been  considered  close  to  deserving  species  status  (Cracraft  1992).  It  is  also 
more  manucode-like  in  appearance  (Lambert  1994;  pers.  obs.)  and  its  vocalisation  includes 
several  frequently  delivered  distinctive  calls  not  given  by  the  nominate,  as  previously 
described  by  Lambert  (1994).  Research  on  the  degree  of  insular  differentiation  and  on  the 
evolution  of  local  dialects  was  recommended  by  Frith  &  Beehler  (2006). 

NORTHERN  GOLDEN  BULBUL  Thapsmillas  longirostris  lucasi 

Commonly  recorded  in  primary  forest,  logged  forest  and  forest  edge,  at  260-1,210  m, 
significantly  extending  the  altitudinal  range  on  Obi,  where  it  was  previously  unknown 
above  800  m  (Coates  &  Bishop  1997).  Golden  Bulbul  is  a  poorly  studied  group  endemic 
to  Wallacea,  where  it  is  represented  by  nine  recognised  taxa.  Fishpool  &  Tobias  (2005) 
recently  split  the  group  into  two  species,  namely  Northern  Golden  Bulbul  T.  longirostris, 
which  includes  six  subspecies  in  northern  Maluku,  on  Obi,  Sangihe,  Sula,  Banggai  and 
Togian  islands,  and  Southern  Golden  Bulbul  T.  affinis,  comprising  three  subspecies  on  Burn, 
Ambon  and  Seram.  Rheindt  &  Hutchinson  (2007)  went  further  in  proposing  to  split  T.  affinis 
into  two  species,  Buru  Golden  Bulbul  T.  mysticalis  and  Seram  Golden  Bulbul  T.  affinis,  which 
was  adopted  by  Gill  &  Donsker  (2012). 

Compared  with  the  subspecies  chloris  (from  Morotai  to  Bacan),  which  is  geographically 
its  closest  relative,  lucasi  has  very  distinctive  bright  yellowish  plumage  (whereas  chloris  is 
markedly  greener  overall)  and  an  extensive  bright  yellow  loral  spot  ( chloris  has  a  dark  loral 

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Marc  Thibault  et  al. 


Bull.  B.O.C.  2013  133(2) 

Figure  15.  Northern  Golden  Bulbul  Thapsinillas  longirostris,  with  (A)  T.  I.  lucasi,  Obi,  10  March  2010  (M. 
Thibault)  and  (B)  T.  1.  chloris,  Halmahera,  23  March  2010  (M.  Thibault). 

spot  extending  below  the  eye)  (Fig.  15).  The  bright  yellow  loral  spot  is  a  feature  shared  by 
no  other  form  of  the  Northern  Golden  Bulbul  group  except  platenae,  which  is  restricted  to 
the  geographically  distant  island  of  Sangihe  (Coates  &  Bishop  1997).  T.  1.  lucasi  is  a  fairly 
vocal  taxon  that  frequently  delivers  three  different  call  types,  permitting  many  sound- 
recordings  to  be  made.  In  addition  to  whistled  tweeeuip  notes  (Fig.  16A)  and  raucous  calls 
(Linsley  1995),  it  also  gives  a  distinctive,  piercing  call  comprising  2-3  notes  that  can  be 
transcribed  pic  pic  piie  (Fig.  16B).  A  preliminary  comparison  was  made  with  incomplete  sets 
of  recordings  of  the  T.  affinis  /  longirostris  /  mysticalis  complex.  These  included  recordings  of 
platenae  on  Sangihe  (F.  Verbelen,,  aureus  on  the 
Togian  Islands  (F.  R.  Lambert,,  hartertii  on  the  Banggai  Islands 
(F.  R.  Lambert,,,  F.  Verbelen,,  longirostris  on  Taliabu  (D.  Verbelen,  avocet. 

1  1 

Time  (sec) 

Figure  16.  Sonograms  of  Northern  Golden  Bulbul  Thapsinillas  longirostris  lucasi,  with  (A)  whistled  tweeeuip 
calls,  (B)  pic  pic  piie  calls.  Obi,  March  2010  (M.  Thibault).  X-axis  =  time  (one  second  per  tick),  y-axis  =  frequency 
(1  kHz  per  tick). 

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Bull.  B.O.C.  2013  133(2),  affinis  on  Seram  (F.  R.  Lambert,  avocet.zoology.msu. 
edu/recordings/4805,  and  mysticalis  on  Burn 
(G.  Wagner,,  F.  R.  Lambert, 
recordings/4147).  Recording  of  chloris  (from  Morotai  to  Bacan)  were  unavailable,  but  its 
vocalisation  is  described  as  'a  rapid  and  repetitive  chatter  of  semi-musical,  moderately  high 
pitched  notes'  of  6-8  seconds  duration  (Coates  &  Bishop  1997).  From  these  recordings  and 
the  description  of  chloris,  no  vocalisation  comparable  to  those  we  recorded  of  lucasi  could 
be  found.  Based  on  our  preliminary  comparisons,  we  suggest  that  lucasi  is  best  regarded  as 
a  species.  Further  studies  may  evidence  that  T.  longirostris  comprises  several  other  species- 
level  taxa,  as  suggested  by  Rheindt  et  al.  (2010). 

UNIDENTIFIED  MARTIN  Riparia  riparia  /  diluta 

On  20  March  2010,  a  single  Riparia  sp.  was  seen  at  very  close  range  in  a  flock  of  Barn 
Swallows  Hirundo  rustica  in  Laiwui  town  (PDR  &  OP).  The  bird  perched  for  several  minutes 
on  an  electric  wire  just  above  the  observers.  It  was  approximately  one-fourth  smaller  than 
the  Barn  Swallows  perched  beside  it  and  had  dark  sandy  brown  upperparts  and  top  of  the 
head,  and  a  concolorous  collar  on  its  upper  breast.  The  rest  of  the  underparts,  including 
throat  and  chin,  were  creamy  white.  Its  tail  appeared  relatively  short  and  slightly  forked 
with  the  outer  tail  feathers  having  a  rounded  aspect.  It  took  flight  after  a  few  minutes  and 
was  not  seen  again.  Despite  the  prediction  by  Coates  &  Bishop  (1997)  that  R.  riparia  might  be 
recorded  in  Wallacea,  we  have  failed  to  find  any  record  in  the  literature,  with  the  exception 
of  a  R.  riparia  on  Karakelong,  Talaud  Islands,  on  8  November  2011  (Robson  2012).  Our 
record  is  apparently  the  first  for  Wallacea  of  the  R.  riparia  /  diluta  species  group.  Based  on 
several  features,  including  (a)  absence  of  pale  grey  tone  to  the  upperparts  and  breast-band 
coloration,  (b)  solid,  contrasting  and  complete  dark  beige-brown  breast-band,  (c)  absence  of 
any  particular  contrast,  greyish  tinge  or  paleness  on  the  head,  (d)  whitish  throat  contrasting 
with  dark  beige-brown  ear-coverts  and  lores,  and  (e)  slight  but  clear  tail  fork,  we  believe  it 
was  possibly  a  Sand  Martin  R.  riparia  rather  than  a  Pale  Sand  Martin  R.  diluta.  Overall  size 
and  depth  of  the  tail  fork  are  of  limited  use  on  a  lone  vagrant  (Loskot  2006,  Schweizer  & 
Aye  2007).  Identification  in  the  held  of  eastern  forms  of  both  species  is  an  unresolved  issue 
in  South-East  Asia  (,  also  because  the  winter  range  of 
Pale  Martin  is  poorly  known.  Whereas  Pale  Martin  is  regularly  recorded  in  winter  only  in 
Hong  Kong  (,  eastern  Myanmar  and  eastern  Tonkin 
(Robson  2008),  Sand  Martin  is  more  widespread  in  South-East  Asia  in  the  non-breeding 
season  (Robson  2008)  and  is  a  rare  but  regular  winter  visitor  to  Borneo  (MacKinnon  & 
Phillips  1993,  Myers  2009)  and  the  Philippines  (Kennedy  et  al.  2000,  Allen  et  al.  2006).  It  is 
also  a  straggler  to  Papua  New  Guinea  (Coates  &  Peckover  2001).  In  view  of  this  pattern  of 
occurrence  in  the  Oriental  and  Australasian  regions.  Sand  Martin  is  therefore  more  likely  to 
be  recorded  in  Wallacea.  Elsewhere  in  Indonesia  it  has  been  recorded  only  in  Kalimantan 

BARN  SWALLOW  Hirundo  rustica 

Several  seen  at  close  range  in  Laiwui  on  20-21  March  2010  (all  observers).  Easily  separated 
from  Pacific  Swallow  H.  tahitica  by  the  combination  of  long  outer  tail-streamers  and  dark 
chest  contrasting  with  very  pale  creamy-white  underparts.  This  northern  migrant  was 
previously  unrecorded  on  Obi,  although  its  presence  is  unsurprising  given  that  it  is  'likely 
to  occur  anywhere  in  Wallacea'  (Coates  &  Bishop  1997). 

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Bull.  B.O.C.  2013  133(2) 

ISLAND  LEAF  WARBLER  Phylloscopus  poliocephalus  waterstradti 

We  recorded  this  taxon  at  360-1,210  m,  in  primary  and  logged  forest,  most  commonly  above 
800  m.  P.  p.  waterstradti  is  endemic  to  Bacan  and  Obi  and  very  little  is  known  of  its  ecology 
except  that  it  was  previously  recorded  above  550  m  on  Obi  (Lambert,  1994)  and  at  1,500- 
2,100  on  Bacan  (Coates  &  Bishop  1997).  Our  records  significantly  extend  the  altitudinal 
range  on  Obi  and  suggest  more  important  range  distinctions  between  Obi  and  Bacan. 

The  vocalisation  of  P.  p.  waterstradti  has  not  been  previously  described.  Several  sound 
recordings  were  obtained  (Figs.  17A-B).  Songs  comprise  various  trilling  strophes  lasting 
1. 1-2.2  seconds  delivered  every  1.4-3. 6  seconds.  Strophes  are  most  frequently  introduced 
by  a  single,  lower  pitched  element  at  3. 0-6.5  kFlz.  Main  trills  are  level  or  rising,  at  3. 5-9.0 
kHz  and  include  repeated  inverted-V  notes  or  inverted-V  notes  alternated  with  bell-shaped 
or  more  complex  notes.  These  are  somewhat  reminiscent  of  the  trilling  song  described  for  P. 
p.  ceramensis  on  Seram  (Rheindt  &  Hutchinson  2007;  T.  Mark,, 
but  the  latter  also  gives  more  complex  phrases  alternating  between  rising  and  descending 
series  (M.  Catsis,  that  were  not  heard  on  Obi.  The  song  of  P.  p. 
waterstradti  is  also  close  to  Henrietta  of  Halmahera  (Fig.  17C),  but  distinctly  faster  and  higher 
pitched.  Our  recordings  of  waterstradti  differ  markedly  from  those  of  all  other  P.  poliocephalus 






5  - 
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4  5  6 

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14  15 




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4  5  6 

7  8  9 

10  11 



14  15 



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4  5  6 

7  8  9 

10  11 



14  15 



1  -p 

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4  5  6 

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14  15 








Figure  17.  Sonograms  of  songs  of  (A-B)  Island  Leaf  Warbler  Phylloscopus  poliocephalus  waterstradti,  Obi,  March 
2010  (M.  Thibault),  (C)  P.  p.  henrietta,  Halmahera,  October  2011  (R.  O.  Hutchinson),  (D)  P.  (poliocephalus)  taxon 
novum,  Taliabu,  December  2012  (R.  O.  Hutchinson).  X-axis  =  time  (one  second  per  tick),  y-axis  =  frequency 
(1  kHz  per  tick). 

©  2013  The  Authors;  Journal  compilation  ©  2013  British  Ornithologists'  Club 

Marc  Thibault  et  al. 


Bull.  B.O.C.  2013  133(2) 

subspecies  for  which  recordings  or  sonograms  are  available,  i.e.  everetti  on  Burn  (Rheindt  & 
Hutchinson  2007),  avicola  on  Kai  (F.  R.  Lambert,, 
misoriensis  on  Biak  (B.  van  Balen,,  giulianettii  from  central  and 
south-east  New  Guinea  (I.  Woxvold,  and  becki  from  the  eastern 
Solomons  (D.  Gibbs,  The  song  of  waterstradti  also  differs 
notably  from  that  of  'Taliabu  Leaf  Warbler'  Phylloscopus  taxon  novum  (Fig.  17D),  recently 
discovered  on  Taliabu  (Davidson  et  al.  1991,  Rheindt  2010)  and  from  'Peleng  Leaf  Warbler' 
Phylloscopus  taxon  novum  (F.  Lambert,,  recently  discovered  on 
Peleng  (Rheindt  et  al.  2010),  but  is  reminiscent  in  structure  to  some  variant  trilling  songs  of 
P.  sarasinorum  nesophilus  from  central  Sulawesi,  although  the  latter  are  at  a  markedly  lower 
frequency  (various  recordists, 
This  suggests  that  P.  poliocephalus  waterstradti  might  be  best  treated  as  a  species.  However, 
detailed  taxonomic  research  into  the  P.  sarasinorum  /  poliocephalus  complex  is  needed  as 
it  might  reveal  a  number  of  species-level  taxa,  as  suggested  by  Rheindt  &  Hutchinson 
(2007)  and  Rheindt  et  al.  (2010).  Furthermore,  a  comprehensive  study  should  include  vocal 
comparisons  between  populations  on  Obi  and  Bacan. 

CREAM-THROATED  WHITE-EYE  Zosterops  atriceps 

This  inconspicuous  but  very  vocal  white-eye  was  occasionally  seen  and  commonly  heard 
at  700-1,200  m  in  primary  and  logged  forest,  forest  edge  and  second  growth,  with  records 
down  to  400  m  (all  observers).  Our  observations  significantly  extend  the  altitudinal  range  on 
Obi,  where  it  was  previously  unknown  above  700  m  (Coates  &  Bishop  1997).  Surprisingly, 
it  was  first  recorded  on  Obi  in  1992  when  Lambert  (1994)  found  it  uncommon  and  stated 
that  'the  birds  most  closely  resemble  the  nominate  subspecies  of  Bacan  with  greyish  heads 
contrasting  with  the  bright  green  upperparts'.  From  our  field  experience,  white-eyes  on  Obi 
show  striking  variation  that  might  be  age-related,  including  in  bill  size  and  throat  colour, 
the  latter  ranging  from  creamy  white  to  grey.  We  failed  to  notice  the  greyish  tone  to  the 
head  mentioned  by  Lambert,  but  once  obtained  photographic  evidence  of  the  fuscous- 
olive  tinge  to  the  crown  typical  of  nominate  atriceps  (Fig.  18).  Vocalisations  of  birds  on 
Obi  have  not  been  described.  The  song  comprises  moderately  sweet  whistles,  strongly 
reminiscent  of  fuscifrons  from  Halmahera,  although  apparently  more  variable  in  duration 
(Coates  &  Bishop,  1997),  with  phrases  ranging  up  to  eight  seconds  (Fig.  19).  A  more  detailed 
investigation  including  morphological,  vocal  and  molecular  analyses  is  required  to  confirm 
the  taxonomic  position  of  the  Obi  population. 

Figure  18.  Cream-throated  White-eye  Zosterops  atriceps  (atriceps?),'  two  different  individuals,  Obi,  16  March 
2010  (M.  Thibault);  note  variation  in  throat  coloration. 

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Bull.  B.O.C.  2013  133(2) 

8  - 

6  - 

4  - 

i,  I 

2  - 

0  -i 







Time  (sec) 

Figure  19.  Sonogram  of  song  of  Cream-throated  White-eye  Zosterops  ntriceps,  Obi,  14  March  2010  (M. 
Thibault).  X-axis  =  time  (one  second  per  tick),  Y-axis  =  frequency  (1  kHz  per  tick). 

TURQUOISE  FLYCATCHER  Eumyias  panayensis  obiensis 

Recorded  just  twice  in  logged  forest  at  800  m  at  site  D  and  840  m  at  site  E,  with  photographs 
taken  by  MT.  E.  p.  obiensis  is  endemic  to  Obi  (Coates  &  Bishop  1997).  White  &  Bruce  (1986) 
traced  only  two  specimens,  from  650  m,  while  Lambert  (1994)  found  it  uncommon  at  250- 
700  m,  and  Linsley  (1995)  failed  to  record  it.  Our  observations  slightly  extend  the  altitudinal 
range  of  this  taxon  and  support  the  view  that  it  is  uncommon. 

HALMAHERA  FLOWERPECKER  Dicaeum  schistaceiceps 

Recorded  five  times  in  primary  forest,  logged  forest  and  edge  at  300-1,210  m  (all  observers). 
D.  schistaceiceps  is  a  recent  split  from  D.  erythrothorax  (Rheindt  &  Hutchinson  2007).  Known 
elevation  is  0-710  m  on  Halmahera  (Poulsen  &  Lambert  2000),  0-950  m  on  Bacan  (Lambert 
1994)  and  180M00  m  on  Obi  (Lambert  1994).  Our  observations  significantly  extend  the 
altitudinal  range  for  this  species,  and  suggest  that  it  is  fairly  common  and  rather  evenly 
distributed  throughout  its  elevational  range  on  Obi. 

BLACK  SUNBIRD  Leptocoma  sericea 

Most  commonly  recorded  from  sea  level  to  500  m,  less  common  at  500-1,000  m  with  one 
record  of  two  birds  at  1,200  m  (MT).  No  previous  data  concerning  elevational  range  on  Obi 
(White  &  Bruce  1986,  Coates  &  Bishop  1997). 

OLIVE-BACKED  SUNBIRD  Cinnyris  jugularis 

We  provide  the  first  data  concerning  elevational  range  on  Obi  (Coates  &  Bishop  1997,  White 
&  Bruce  1986),  with  sight  records  from  sea  level  to  420  m. 

EURASIAN  TREE  SPARROW  Passer  montanns 

Common  at  Laiwui  and  several  at  a  logging  settlement  south  of  Soligi  (all  observers). 
Actively  expanding  its  range  in  Wallacea  (C.  Trainor  pers.  comm.),  in  Maluku  it  was  first 
recorded  on  Ambon  (around  1900)  and  subsequently  on  Buru  (1980),  Ternate  (1992)  and 
Halmahera  (1994)  (Coates  &  Bishop  1997).  Ours  are  the  first  records  for  Obi  and  were  40 
km  distant  from  each  other,  suggesting  that  the  species  may  now  be  widespread  and  well 
established  in  the  inhabited  parts  of  the  island. 

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Marc  Thibault  et  al. 


Bull.  B.O.C.  2013  133(2) 

Unconfirmed  records 

MOLUCCAN  MEGAPODE  Eulipoa  wallacei 

On  15  March  2010,  two  megapodes  were  flushed  in  dense,  shrubby  vegetation  adjacent  to 
a  logging  track  at  940  nr  at  site  E  (MT  &  PDR).  Both  gave  only  very  brief  views  in  taking- 
off  but  on  the  first  bird,  the  whitish  undertail  and  overall  two-toned  plumage  with  brown 
upperparts  and  dark  greyish  underparts  were  seen,  suggesting  E.  umllacei  and  seemingly 
excluding  all  Megapodius  including  Dusky  Scrubfowl  M.  freycinet,  which  is  the  only 
scrubfowl  previously  known  from  Obi  and  which  is  more  uniform  blackish  grey  without 
white  or  brown  in  the  plumage.  Moluccan  Scrubfowl  is  near-endemic  to  Maluku  where  it 
is  known  from  many  islands  including  Halmahera,  Meiti,  Ternate,  Bacan,  Buru,  Boano, 
Seram,  Ambon  and  Haruku  (Coates  &  Bishop  1997).  Outside  Maluku  it  occurs  only  on 
Misool  Island  (West  Papua).  The  lack  of  previous  records  from  Obi  (Coates  &  Bishop  1997, 
White  &  Bruce  1986)  seems  remarkable  given  that  the  island  is  central  to  the  species'  range. 
The  elevation  of  our  observation  matches  information  provided  by  Coates  &  Bishop  (1997), 
who  mentioned  that  the  species  'inhabits  hill  and  montane  forest,  generally  above  c.  750 
m'.  Tacking  previous  experience  of  E.  umllacei  and  as  we  can  only  provide  an  incomplete 
description,  we  stress  that  our  record  should  be  considered  provisional.  Future  observers 
should  attempt  to  confirm  or  refute  the  species'  presence  on  Obi. 


We  provide  the  first  records  since  1982,  first  data  on  the  vocalisations  and  basic 
information  on  habitat  for  a  very  poorly  known  species  of  global  conservation  concern 
( Scolopax  rochussenii).  These  results  will  be  potentially  helpful  for  future  research  and 
conservation  action.  We  also  present  details  of  five  new  bird  records  for  Obi,  including  one 
(Myzomela  chloroptera)  that  potentially  involves  an  undescribed  taxon.  Three  new  records 
are  migrants  (including  Riparia  riparia  /  diluta,  a  species  group  new  to  Wallacea)  and  one  is 
a  new  colonist  whose  presence  is  linked  to  anthropogenic  habitat  change  ( Passer  montanus). 
In  addition,  another  new  bird  record  (Eulipoa  umllacei)  awaits  confirmation. 

The  presence  of  a  population  of  M.  chloroptera  in  Obi  fills  a  geographical  gap  between  M. 
c.  batjanensis  on  Bacan  and  those  populations  recently  discovered  on  the  Banggai  (Rheindt  et 
al.  2010)  and  Sula  islands  (Davidson  et  al.  1991).  This  record  pertains  to  a  generally  montane 
species  previously  unnoticed  possibly  because  most  field  workers  have  operated  mainly  in 
the  lowlands,  although  recent  colonisation  is  not  fully  excluded. 

The  occurrence  of  a  species  not  mentioned  in  recent  publications  despite  evidence 
of  earlier  collectors  is  confirmed  ( Columba  vitiensis)  and  new  material  supportive  of  the 
presence  of  a  resident  population  of  Cacomantis  aeruginosus  in  Obi  is  presented. 

Our  field  work  failed  to  reveal  the  presence  on  Obi  of  an  unambiguous,  distinct 
montane  bird  community,  possibly  as  a  result  of  genuinely  limited  and  fragmented  forest 
above  800-900  m,  as  outlined  previously  for  Halmahera  (Poulsen  &  Lambert  2000).  While 
several  resident  species  were  only  encountered  above  700  m  ( Columba  vitiensis,  Myzomela 
chloroptera,  Rlupidura  rufifrons,  Eumyias  panayensis),  they  are  not  considered  strictly  montane 
elsewhere  in  their  ranges.  However  further  field  work  focusing  on  as  yet  uncovered 
elevations  (1,200-1,500  m)  is  needed  to  confirm  our  preliminary  assessment. 

A  number  of  resident  landbirds,  including  two  Obi  endemics  ( Accipiter  hiogaster  obiensis, 
Coracina  tenuirostris  obiensis),  were  not  encountered  by  us,  suggesting  that  they  are  rare  or 
uncommon  and  /  or  that  they  are  restricted  to  the  lowlands,  where  little  time  was  spent. 

©  2013  The  Authors;  Journal  compilation  ©  2013  British  Ornithologists'  Club 

Marc  Thibault  et  al. 


Bull.  B.O.C.  2013  133(2) 

Our  field  work  uncovered  substantial  new  albeit  incomplete  data  pertaining  to  the 
confusing  taxonomic  placement  of  several  Obi  birds.  Novel  acoustic  data  are  suggestive 
of  biological  species  status  for  Thapsinillas  longirostris  lucasi  and  further  support  calls  to 
treat  Pachycephala  johni  as  a  species.  Field  observations  and  photographs  highlight  the 
distinctiveness  of  Myzomela  obscura  rubrotincta,  which  we  consider  deserves  species  status. 
Finally,  we  highlight  the  need  for  a  taxonomic  reappraisal  of  several  other  endemic  forms, 
some  of  which  were  already  mentioned  by  others.  These  include  Ducula  basilica  obiensis, 
Eos  squamata  obiensis,  Geoffroyus  geofffoyi  obiensis,  Dicrurns  hottentotus  guillemardi,  Rhipidura 
rufiventris  obiensis,  Lycocorax  pyrrhopterus  obiensis  and  Phylloscopus  poliocephalus  waterstradti. 
Although  most  of  our  observations  await  further  taxonomic  work,  they  suggest  that  the 
importance  of  the  Obi  avifauna  at  species  level  has  probably  been  under-estimated. 


We  are  indebted  to  the  MAVA  Fondation  pour  la  nature  for  funding  our  survey.  Thanks  are  due  to  the 
people  of  Soligi  village  for  their  hospitality  and  for  guiding  us  to  the  central  highlands  of  Obi.  We  are 
grateful  to  H.  van  Grouw  and  R.  Prys-Jones  for  affording  access  to  the  collections  of  the  Natural  History 
Museum,  Tring,  and  for  permission  to  publish  photographs  of  specimens.  We  thank  R.  O.  Hutchinson  for 
permitting  us  to  publish  sonograms  of  his  recordings  of  Drab  Whistler  from  Seram  (Fig.  14),  Island  Leaf 
Warbler  from  Halmahera  and  'Taliabu'  Leaf  Warbler  (Fig.  17).  We  also  thank  J.  A.  Eaton  for  permitting  us  to 
publish  sonograms  of  some  of  his  recordings  of  Drab  Whistler  from  Seram  and  Burn  (Fig.  14),  as  well  as  the 
various  recordists  who  have  deposited  material  in  the  xeno-canto  and  AVoCet  online  sound  libraries.  MT 
thanks  F.  E.  Rheindt  and  F.  Verbelen  for  sharing  their  photographs  of  Sulawesi  Myzomela  from  Taliabu  and 
Peleng,  and  for  discussing  the  identification  and  taxonomy  of  Moluccan  Cuckoo.  S.  van  der  Mije  provided 
photographs  of  Sulawesi  Myzomela  specimens  from  the  Netherlands  Centre  for  Biodiversity  Naturalis, 
Leiden.  We  thank  F.  Steinhauser  for  allowing  us  to  publish  his  photograph  of  Cinnamon-bellied  Imperial 
Pigeon,  F.  R.  Lambert  for  unpublished  data  on  his  'red'  Myzomela  sighting  on  Obi, }.  A.  Eaton  for  unpublished 
data  on  White-throated  Needletail  from  the  Tanimbars,  and  Nick  Brickie  for  information  on  logging  licenses 
on  Obi.  Finally,  we  are  most  grateful  to  J.  A.  Eaton,  C.  R.  Trainor  and  an  anonymous  referee  who  made  very 
helpful  comments  that  improved  the  manuscript.  G.  M.  Kirwan  is  acknowledged  for  providing  substantial 
corrections  during  the  editing  process. 


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of  the  world,  vol.  12.  Mus.  Comp.  Zool.,  Cambridge,  MA. 

Schweizer,  M.  &  Aye,  R.  2007  Identification  of  the  Pale  Sand  Martin  Riparia  diluta  in  Central  Asia.  Alula  4: 

Sharringa,  J.  2005.  Birds  of  tropical  Asia  3.0.  DVD-ROM.  Bird  Songs  International,  the  Netherlands. 

Stattersfield,  A.  J.,  Crosby,  M.  J.,  Long,  A.  J.  &  Wege,  D.  C.  1998.  Endemic  Bird  Areas  of  the  world:  priorities  for 
biodiversity  conservation.  BirdLife  International,  Cambridge,  UK. 

Streseman,  E.  1931.  Vorlaufiges  iiber  die  ornithologischen  Ergebnisse  der  Expedition  Heinrich  1930-1931.  V. 
Zur  Ornithologie  von  Halmahera  und  Batjan.  Orn.  Monatsb.  39:  167-171. 

Taylor,  P.  M.  1990.  The  folk  biology  of  the  Tobelo  people:  a  study  in  folk  classification.  Smiths.  Contrib. 
Anthropol.  34. 

Tebb,  G.,  Morris,  P.  &  Los,  P.  2008.  Spotlight  on  Sulawesi.  New  and  interesting  bird  records  from  Sulawesi 
and  Halmahera,  Indonesia.  BirdingASIA  10:  67-76. 

Tobias,  J.  A.,  Seddon,  N.,  Spottiswoode,  C.  N.,  Pilgrim,  J.  D.,  Fishpool,  L.  D.  C.  &  Collar,  N.  J.  2010. 
Quantitative  criteria  for  species  delimitation.  Ibis  152:  724— 746. 

Trainor,  C.  R.  &  Leitao,  P.  J.  2007.  Further  significant  bird  records  from  Atauro  Island,  Timor-Leste  (East 
Timor).  Forktail  23:  155-158. 

Vetter,  J.  2009.  Impacts  of  deforestation  on  the  conservation  status  of  endemic  birds  in  the  North  Maluku 
Endemic  Bird  Area  from  1990-2003.  M.Sc.  thesis.  Duke  Univ.,  Durham,  NC. 

White,  C.  M.  N.  &  Bruce,  M.  D.  1986.  The  birds  of  Wallacea  (Sulawesi,  the  Moluccas  and  Lesser  Sunda  Islands, 
Indonesia):  an  annotated  check-list.  BOU  Check-list  no.  7.  British  Ornithologists'  Union,  Tring. 

Addresses:  Marc  Thibault,  Mas  Le  Barret,  Route  de  Port-Saint-Louis,  13  200  Arles,  France,  e-mail:  marc.  Pierre  Defos  du  Rau,  Chemin  de  la  Garrigue,  30700  Uzes,  France,  e-mail:  Olivier  Pineau,  Le  Sambuc,  13200  Arles,  France,  e-mail:  pineau@  Wesley  Pangimangen,  Lelipang,  Tamako  95855,  Sangihe,  North  Sulawesi,  Indonesia, 

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H.  D.  Jackson 


Bull.  B.O.C.  2013  133(2) 

The  taxonomic  status  of  the  Black-shouldered  Nightjar 
Caprimulgus  nigriscapularis  Reichenow,  1893 

by  H.  D.  Jackson 

Received  13  December  2012 

Summary.  — The  current  status  of  Black-shouldered  Nightjar  Caprimulgus 
nigriscapularis  is  based  on  relatively  minor  differences  in  voice  and  plumage  from 
Fiery-necked  Nightjar  C.  pectoralis.  These  differences  are  considered  by  some 
authorities  to  be  no  more  than  geographic  or  individual  variation.  Presented  here 
are  mensural  data,  previously  largely  overlooked,  comparing  C.  nigriscapularis 
with  the  four  races  of  C.  pectoralis.  The  mean  values  of  five  key  characters  show 
clinal  variation.  Analyses  of  variance  carried  out  on  nine  other  key  characters  (in 
wing,  tail,  head  and  foot)  reveal  that,  except  for  wing  length,  the  null  hypothesis, 
linking  C.  nigriscapularis  with  C.  p.  shelleyi,  C.  p.fervidus,  C.  p.  crepusculans  and  C.  p. 
pectoralis,  cannot  be  rejected.  Consequently,  the  conclusion  is  that  the  two  current 
species  are  conspecific.  Black-shouldered  Nightjar  being  the  northern  race  of  Fiery- 
necked  Nightjar. 

Black-shouldered  Nightjar  Caprimulgus  nigriscapularis  was  described  as  a  new  species 
by  Reichenow  (1893)  and  included  in  his  Die  Vogel  Afiikas  (Reichenow  1902-03),  which  also 
recognised  South  African  Nightjar  C.  pectoralis  Cuvier,  1816,  and  Fiery-necked  Nightjar  C. 
fervidus  Sharpe,  1875,  as  species,  while  treating  Shelley's  Nightjar  C.  shelleyi  Bocage,  1879, 
as  a  race  of  Fiery-necked  Nightjar.  Sclater  (1924)  retained  C.  pectoralis,  C.  fervidus  and  C. 
nigriscapularis  as  species  in  his  standard  work  Systema  avium  Aethiopicarum  but  made  no 
mention  of  C.  shelleyi. 

Chapin  (1932)  noted  that  'Pairs  of  species  distinct  enough  to  be  granted  separate 
binomials  by  most  systematists,  and  which  are  still  mainly  separated  by  the  forest  belt,  at 
least  in  western  Africa,  include  C.  nigriscapularis  and  C.  fervidus.'  Grant  &  Mackworth-Praed 
(1937)  decided  that  'As  C.  nigriscapularis  has  the  same  general  colour  appearance  and  the 
same  amount  of  white  in  the  tail  of  males  as  C.  fervidus  it  must  be  placed  as  a  race  of  that 
species.'  Chapin  (1939)  went  further,  treating  fervidus  and  nigriscapularis  as  conspecific  with 
C.  pectoralis,  on  the  basis  of  similarities  in  plumage  and  song.  Mackworth-Praed  &  Grant 
(1957,  under  Addenda  and  Corrigenda)  accepted  this  arrangement,  as  did  White  (1965). 

Chappuis  (1981)  found  that  nigriscapularis  and  fervidus  have  very  stereotyped  song 
phrases  throughout  their  distribution,  with  significant  and  constant  differences  separating 
them.  He  felt  that,  in  the  absence  of  sympatry,  the  status  of  superspecies  should  be 
preferred  to  that  of  race,  since  it  is  possible  that  the  song  differences  may  be  insufficient 
to  prevent  hybridisation  should  they  come  together  again.  Fry  (1988),  in  a  major  review  of 
the  skull  morphology,  song  characteristics  and  systematics  in  general  of  African  nightjars, 
concluded  that  C.  nigriscapularis  is  a  species,  separable  from  C.  pectoralis,  based  mainly  on 
vocal  differences. 

In  The  birds  of  Africa  Fry  &  Harwin  (1988)  distinguished  C.  nigriscapularis  specifically 
from  C.  pectoralis  on  the  basis  of  evidently  constant  song  differences,  but  also  provided  a 
suite  of  plumage  characters  to  separate  them  in  the  hand.  Louette  (1990)  tested  the  colour 
criteria  proposed  in  The  birds  of  Africa  on  Zaire  (now  Democratic  Republic  of  the  Congo  = 
DRC)  material  in  the  Royal  Museum  for  Central  Africa  (Tervuren,  Belgium)  and  found  that 

©  2013  The  Authors;  Journal  compilation  ©  2013  British  Ornithologists'  Club 

H.  D. Jackson 


Bull.  B.O.C.  2013  133(2) 

none  holds  true.  Dowsett  &  Dowsett-Lemaire  (1993),  contrary  to  Chappuis  (1981)  and  Fry  & 
Harwin  (1988),  believed  that  the  voices  of  C.  nigriscapularis  and  C.  pectoralis  are  sufficiently 
alike  to  point  to  them  being  conspecific.  They  felt  that  Fry  and  Harwin  had  overlooked  the 
natural  geographic  variation  in  voice  within  each  form,  which  is  at  least  as  great  as  that 
between  the  two  forms  (italics  mine).  See  also  below  under  Discussion. 

Clancey's  (1994)  review  of  the  two  austral  races  of  C.  pectoralis  found  that  fervidus  was 
composite,  requiring  that  three  subspecies  be  recognised,  fervidus,  shelleyi  and  a  new  form, 
which  he  named  crepusculans.  Cleere  (1995)  re-examined  the  entire  Fiery-necked  Nightjar 
group  and  recognised  two  species,  separated  mainly  by  vocal  differences,  namely  C. 
pectoralis,  with  four  subspecies  (pectoralis,  fervidus,  shelleyi  and  crepusculans),  and  monotypic 
C.  nigriscapularis.  This  arrangement  was  adopted  in  both  major  monographs  of  the 
Caprimulgiformes  (Cleere  1998,  Holyoak  2001).  However,  Cleere  (1998)  noted  that  some 
authorities  consider  the  two  species  to  be  conspecific,  and  Holyoak  (2001:  35)  explained  that 
he  provisionally  treated  as  species  a  few  controversial  forms,  such  as  C.  nigriscapularis,  in 
order  to  present  all  relevant  data  separately  from  those  pertaining  to  their  close  allies,  rather 
than  from  any  conviction  that  they  deserve  species  rank. 

Cleere  (1995)  suggested  that  the  ranges  of  the  two  species  may  well  overlap  in  parts 
of  central  and  southern  DRC.  However,  this  was  based  on  a  misidentification  by  Chapin 
of  a  single  female  specimen  from  Matadi  (Dowsett-Lemaire  &  Dowsett  in  litt.  2013).  Both 
monographs  (Cleere  1998,  Holyoak  2001)  treated  their  distributions  as  allopatric.  There  is  a 
possible  overlap  in  Rwanda,  where  Anderson  (2012)  found  and  photographed  a  pectoralis 
north-west  of  a  probable  nigriscapularis.  The  latter  is  a  rufous  morph  and  difficult  to  identify 
with  certainty. 

My  examination  of  the  relevant  plumage  descriptions  and  /  or  voice  sonograms 
published  by  Fry  (1988),  Fry  &  Harwin  (1988),  Dowsett  &  Dowsett-Lemaire  (1993),  Cleere 
(1995,  1998)  and  Holyoak  (2001)  leads  me  to  question  whether  the  noted  differences  are 
sufficient  to  warrant  specific  status  for  nigriscapularis,  or  whether  they  merely  represent 
geographic  and  /  or  individual  variation  within  C.  pectoralis.  Presented  here  are  mensural 
data  that  I  believe  help  to  resolve  the  problem. 


Key  characters  (Jackson  2000)  were  measured  on  145  specimens  of  the  five  forms 
involved:  43  C.  pectoralis  pectoralis,  42  C.  p.  crepusculans,  six  C.  p.  fervidus,  42  C.  p.  shelleyi  and 
12  C.  nigriscapularis,  listed  south  to  north  (for  details  of  specimens  see  Appendix).  Females, 
juveniles,  feathers  in  moult  and  damaged  characters  were  excluded.  The  data  therefore 
refer  to  sound  characters  on  full-grown  males  alone. 

The  lengths  of  the  five  outer  primaries  (ppl0-6)  were  measured  by  sliding  a  stopped 
ruler  under  the  closed  wing  until  the  stop  met  the  bend  of  the  wing,  pressing  the  primaries 
flat  against  the  ruler  and  then  reading  the  five  measurements.  The  position  of  the  wingbar 
(an  isolated  white  or  buff  patch  about  halfway  along  the  feather)  was  measured  on  p9  by 
taking  the  distance  from  the  tip  of  the  primary  to  the  centre  of  the  patch  on  the  inner  web. 
The  extent  of  the  emargination  on  the  leading  edge  of  p9  was  measured  from  the  tip  of  the 
primary  to  the  point  of  flexure  in  the  reverse  curve,  i.  e.  the  neutral  point  between  the  inner 
and  outer  curves  (as  illustrated  in  Jackson  1986). 

The  length  of  the  inner  rectrix  (rl)  was  measured  from  the  skin  at  the  base  of  the 
calamus  to  the  tip  of  the  feather.  The  calamus  was  exposed  by  parting  the  uppertail-coverts 
so  that  the  base  was  located  visually,  not  by  feel.  The  distance  from  the  tip  of  rl  to  the  tip 
of  r5  was  measured  with  the  tail  in  the  closed  position  and  the  difference  was  then  applied 

©  2013  The  Authors;  Journal  compilation  ©  2013  British  Ornithologists'  Club 

H.  D.  Jackson 


Bull.  B.O.C.  2013  133(2) 

to  the  length  of  rl  to  derive  the  length  of  r5.  All  rectrix  lengths  are  therefore  relative  to  the 
base  of  rl.  The  pale  apical  patches  on  r4  and  r5  were  measured  by  taking  the  maximum 
dimension  parallel  to  the  rachis. 

The  length  of  the  tomium  was  measured  in  a  straight  line  from  the  tip  of  the  bill  to  the 
inside  angle  of  the  gape  and  the  width  of  the  gape  was  measured  across  the  bill  from  gape 
flange  to  gape  flange.  Tomium  *  gape  provided  an  approximate  mouth  size. 

The  length  of  the  tarsometatarsus  was  measured  posteriorly  from  the  intertarsal  joint  to 
the  base  of  the  last  complete  scale  before  the  divergence  of  the  toes.  The  length  of  the  middle 
toe  (t3)  was  measured  from  the  base  of  the  last  complete  scale  on  the  tarsus  to  the  tip  of  the 
pectinated  claw.  Tarsometatarsus  +  t3  provided  the  overall  length  of  the  foot. 

Characters  showing  clinal  variation  were  set  aside.  The  remaining  characters  were 
each  subjected  to  an  analysis  of  variance  (ANOVA  one-way  classification)  to  test,  with 
a  probability  of  0.05,  the  null  hypothesis  that  the  five  forms  represent  either  a  single 
population  or  five  populations  with  equal  means. 


Clinal  variation.  —  Four  characters  (one  each  on  wing,  tail,  head  and  foot)  show  clinal 
variation,  with  mensural  means  decreasing  from  south  to  north  (Table  1):  the  ratio  of  two 
primaries  in  the  wing  formula  (plO  /  p 7);  wing  /  tail  ratio  (p9  /  rl);  relative  mouth  size 
(tomium  *  gape)  and  overall  foot  length  (tarsometatarsus  +  middle  toe).  Song  durations  also 
appear  to  decrease  clinally  south  to  north  (see  below). 

Analysis  of  variance.  —  An  ANOVA  was  carried  out  on  each  of  nine  characters  (Table 
2);  three  on  the  wing,  four  on  the  tail,  one  on  the  head  and  one  on  the  foot.  The  result  for 
wing  length  (p9)  (F4  13]  =  13.89,  P  =  1.79E-09,  Table  2a)  was  the  only  one  requiring  that 
the  null  hypothesis  be  rejected.  It  could  not  be  rejected  by  the  results  for  the  other  eight 
characters:  percentage  emargination  on  p9  (F4  n|  =  1.79,  P  =  0.135,  Table  2b);  position  of 
wingbar  in  relation  to  emargination  (F4  =  1.90,  P  =  0.115,  Table  2c);  length  of  inner  rectrix 

rl  (F4  106  =  1.99,  P  =  0.102,  Table  2d);  length  of  outer  rectrix  r5  (F4  n?  =  2.25,  P  =  0.068,  Table 
2e);  length  of  patch  on  outer  rectrix  (F(  |30  =  0.64,  P  =  0.634,  Table  2f);  length  of  patch  on  r4 
(F4  pij  =  0.33,  P  =  0.855,  Table  2g);  length  of  tomium  (F4  ]32  =  2.06,  P  =  0.090,  Table  2h)  and  the 
ratio  tarsometatarsus  to  middle  toe  (%)  (F4  UQ  =  0.63,  P  =  0.639,  Table  2i). 


Mensural  characters  showing  latitudinal  clinal  variation  in  five  Afrotropical  nightjars,  with  measurement 
means  decreasing  from  South  African  Nightjar  Caprimulgus  pectoralis  pectoralis  in  the  south,  through 
Clancey's  Nightjar  C.  p.  crepusculans,  Fiery-necked  Nightjar  C.  p.  fervidus  and  Shelley's  Nightjar  C.  p.  shelleyi 
to  Black-shouldered  Nightjar  C.  nigriscapularis  in  the  north.  PlO  is  the  outer  primary,  rl  the  inner  rectrix. 
Mouth  =  tomium  *  gape.  Foot  =  tarsometatarsus  +  middle  toe  (t3).  The  sample  sizes  are  shown  in  brackets 

after  the  means. 


plO  /  p7 

p9  /  rl 

Mouth  (mm2) 

Foot  (mm) 


1.007  (40) 

1.347  (30) 

814  (35) 

39.79  (43) 


1.005  (40) 

1.334  (33) 

807  (41) 

38.17  (42) 


0.994  (06) 

1.329  (06) 

756  (06) 

37.67  (06) 


0.991  (34) 

1.328  (29) 

753  (39) 

37.64  (42) 


0.954  (09) 

1.246  (09) 

740  (11) 

35.67  (12) 

©  2013  The  Authors;  Journal  compilation  ©  2013  British  Ornithologists'  Club 

H.  D.  Jackson 


Bull.  B.O.C.  2013  133(2) 


Results  of  ANOVA  to  test,  with  probability  of  0.05,  the  null  hypothesis  that  the  five  nightjars 
(as  in  Table  1)  represent  either  a  single  population  or  five  populations  with  equal  means. 
Degrees  of  freedom  ( df)  between  groups  (upper)  and  within  groups  (lower)  are  shown.  F 
is  the  calculated  F  statistic,  F  crit  the  critical  value  that  must  be  exceeded  by  F  in  order  to 
reject  the  null  hypothesis.  F  values  less  than  F  crit  are  marked  with  an  asterisk  (*). 

Taxon  (n) 





F  crit 

(a)  Length  of  p9  (mm): 

pectoralis  (41) 






crepusculans  (41) 



fervidus  (6) 


shelleyi  (36) 


nigriscapularis  (12) 


(b)  Emargination  on  p9  (%): 

pectoralis  (41) 






crepusculans  (41) 



fervidus  (6) 


shelleyi  (36) 


nigriscapularis  (12) 


(c)  Relationship  of  wingbar  to  emargination  (E-WB) 

on  inner  web  of  p9  (mm): 

pectoralis  (41) 






crepusculans  (41) 



fervidus  (6) 


shelleyi  (37) 


nigriscapularis  (12) 


(d)  Length  of  inner  rectrix  rl  (mm): 

pectoralis  (31) 






crepusculans  (34) 



fervidus  (6) 


shelleyi  (31) 


nigriscapularis  (9) 


(e)  Length  of  outer  rectrix  r5  (mm): 

pectoralis  (37) 






crepusculans  (34) 



fervidus  (6) 


shelleyi  (35) 


nigriscapularis  (10) 


(f)  Length  of  apical  patch  on  r5  (mm): 

pectoralis  (40) 






crepusculans  (39) 



fervidus  (6) 


shelleyi  (38) 


nigriscapularis  (12) 


(g)  Length  of  apical  patch  on  r4  (mm): 

pectoralis  (39) 






crepusculans  (40) 



fervidus  (6) 


©  2013  The  Authors;  Journal  compilation  ©  2013  British  Ornithologists'  Club 

H.  D.  Jackson 


Bull.  B.O.C.  2013  133(2) 

Taxon  (;i) 




P-value  F  crit 

shelleyi  (38) 


nigriscapularis  (11) 


(h)  Length  of  tomium  (nim): 

pectoralis  (39) 




0.090  2.440 

crepusculans  (41) 



fervidus  (6) 


shelleyi  (40) 


nigriscapularis  (11) 


(i)  Ratio  of  tarsometatarsus  to  middle  toe  (%): 

pectoralis  (43) 




0.639  2.436 

crepusculans  (42) 



fervidus  (6) 


shelleyi  (42) 


nigriscapularis  (12) 



In  the  absence  of  published  relevant  molecular  studies,  more  traditional  methods 
must  be  used  to  re-examine  the  taxonomic  status  of  Black-shouldered  Nightjar,  to  resolve 
whether  it  is  the  northern  race  of  Fiery-necked  Nightjar,  or  differs  sufficiently  to  warrant 
species  status.  Its  current  status  as  a  species  is  based  on  vocal  and  morphological  differences 
(Fry  1988,  Cleere  1995)  that  are  relatively  minor. 

Plumage  differences.— Coloration  in  nightjars  is  extremely  variable  within  species, 
sometimes  geographically  and  very  often  individually,  and  such  intraspecific  variation  is 
often  greater  than  differences  between  species  (Jackson  2000).  Consequently,  most  nightjars 
are  confusingly  similar  in  appearance.  For  example,  Fry  (1988:  124)  noted  that  some 
specimens  of  Sombre  Nightjar  C.  fraenatus  are  'indistinguishable  in  the  smallest  quantitative 
detail'  from  some  specimens  of  the  nominate  race  of  C.  pectoralis  (italics  Fry's). 

Nightjar  plumage  patterns  have  evolved  not  as  species-specific  characters,  but  as 
camouflage  for  the  bird  at  rest;  as  an  adaptation  to  the  general  environment  and  the 
particular  substrate  upon  which  it  roosts  and  nests.  These  plumage  patterns,  which  may 
not  accurately  reflect  historical  relationships,  are  of  minimal  diagnostic  value  in  devising 
identification  keys;  the  pale  patches  in  the  wings  and  tails  of  some  species  do  aid  species 
identification,  but  are  more  useful  in  separating  the  sexes,  males  usually  having  larger, 
brighter  patches  than  females  (Jackson  2000). 

Fry  (1988:  105)  commented  that  among  African  nightjars  similarity  of  plumage  is  not  a 
reliable  criterion  unless  accompanied  by  a  suite  of  derived  characters  and  /  or  by  more  or  less 
parapatric  ranges.  Fie  noted  (Fry  1988:  109)  that  C.  nigriscapularis  is  darker  than  C.  pectoralis 
and  that  in  males  the  white  spot  on  the  inner  web  of  plO  is  vestigial  in  C.  nigriscapularis. 
Fry  &  Harwin  (1988)  added  that  C.  nigriscapularis  differs  from  C.  pectoralis  in  not  having  a 
small  white  mark  near  the  corner  of  the  mouth;  in  lacking  a  rufous  morph,  except  perhaps 
in  respect  of  crown  colour  (they  apparently  overlooked  Benson  &  Colebrook-Robjent 
1977— see  below);  in  having  darker  underparts;  and  colour  tones  that  differ  to  a  greater  or 
lesser  degree  over  the  rest  of  the  plumage.  However,  as  noted  above,  Louette  (1990)  found 
that  none  of  the  plumage  criteria  proposed  by  Fry  &  Harwin  (1988)  as  diagnostic  for  C. 
nigriscapularis  is  true  for  DRC  material  that  he  examined. 

Cleere  (1995)  noted  that  C.  nigriscapularis  tends  to  have  less  streaking  on  the  crown  than 
the  four  races  of  C.  pectoralis,  affording  it  a  rather  pale-headed  appearance;  that  the  white 

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Bull.  B.O.C.  2013  133(2) 

spots  on  the  four  outer  primaries  of  the  male  are  generally  smaller  than  on  C.  pectoralis ;  and 
that  the  blackish-brown  lesser  coverts  always  contrast  markedly  with  the  rest  of  the  coverts, 
hence  the  name  Black-shouldered  Nightjar.  Dowsett-Lemaire  &  Dowsett  (in  litt.  2013)  noted 
that,  in  non-rufous  forms,  the  uppertail  colour  is  grey  in  pectoralis,  brown  in  nigriscapularis. 

The  plumage  differences  noted  above  are  relatively  minor,  no  greater  than  those 
used  by  Clancey  (1994)  to  separate  the  four  austral  races  of  C.  pectoralis,  indicative  of  their 
significance  at  subspecific  level.  They  do  not  support  specific  status  for  Black-shouldered 

Vocal  variation.  —Nocturnal  and  crepuscular  birds,  such  as  nightjars,  depend  less  on 
plumage  patterns  and  more  on  voice  for  conspecific  and  individual  recognition.  Nightjars 
in  song  can  readily  be  identified,  each  species  having  a  highly  characteristic  song,  which 
makes  it  easy  to  distinguish  between  species  occurring  sympatrically  in  a  given  area,  such 
as,  for  example,  southern  Africa  (Jackson  1986).  From  the  sound-recordings  on  Ranft  & 
Cleere  (1998)  it  is  evident  that  neither  a  musical  ear  nor  a  sound  spectrograph  is  necessary 
to  distinguish  the  songs  of  most  Afrotropical  nightjars,  the  differences  being  relatively 

However,  the  allopatric  Freckled  C.  tristigma  and  Nubian  Nightjars  C.  nubicus  (C.  n. 
tamaricus  alone:  see  Jackson  2002a)  have  remarkably  similar  songs,  as  do  the  allopatric 
Abyssinian  C.  poliocephalus  and  Montane  Nightjars  C.  ruwenzorii,  and  the  allopatric 
Fiery-necked  and  Black-shouldered  Nightjars.  Should  any  of  these  species-pairs  occur 
sympatrically,  it  would  be  difficult  for  field  workers  to  distinguish  between  their  songs, 
as  the  differences  are  relatively  minor.  A  further  complication  arises  because  there  is 
geographic  and  individual  variation  in  voice,  as  in  any  other  characteristic,  of  each  species. 
The  songs  of  some  C.  pectoralis  males  in  my  Ranelia  Farm  (Cashel,  Zimbabwe)  study  area 
(Jackson  1985)  were  sufficiently  different  for  me  to  recognise  them  individually. 

The  song  durations  of  C.  p.  pectoralis  (1.7-1. 8  seconds),  C.  p.  fervidus  (1.4—1. 6  seconds) 
and  C.  nigriscapularis  (1.4  seconds)  (Fry  1988,  Fry  &  Harwin  1988)  appear  to  decrease  clinally 
south  to  north.  Songs  are  repeated  every  five  seconds  ( pectoralis ),  four  seconds  (fervidus )  or 
5-8  seconds  (nigriscapularis),  while  the  monotonous  whooting  calls  (see  Jackson  2002b)  are 
repeated  regularly,  for  at  least  22  seconds,  at  a  rate  of  22  per  ten  seconds  (pectoralis),  or  for 
at  least  12.5  seconds,  at  a  rate  of  41  per  ten  seconds  (nigriscapularis)  (Fry  1988,  Fry  &  Harwin 
1988).  Cleere  (1995)  noted  that  the  song  of  C.  pectoralis  registers  within  a  frequency  band 
range  of  0. 8-2.2  kHz,  compared  to  1.2-2. 2  kHz  for  C.  nigriscapularis;  he  also  noted  that  the 
whooting  calls  of  the  latter  are  shorter  and  faster  than  in  C.  pectoralis. 

Chappuis  (1981)  noted  that  significant  and  constant  differences  separate  the  songs  of 
C.  (p.)  nigriscapularis  and  C.  (p.)  fervidus,  but  felt  it  possible  that  song  differences  may  not  be 
sufficient  to  prevent  hybridisation  should  they  meet.  Dowsett  &  Dowsett-Lemaire  (1993), 
after  examining  a  number  of  sonograms,  concluded  that  song  differences  between  these  two 
forms  are  no  greater  than  the  geographic  variations  within  each  form,  and  that  the  voices 
of  C.  pectoralis  and  C.  nigriscapularis  are  sufficiently  alike  to  suggest  they  are  conspecific. 

Measurements.— While  song  is  of  no  diagnostic  value  if  dealing  with  a  bird  in  the  hand 
or  museum,  measurements  of  key  characters  do  usually  provide  reliable  diagnoses.  My 
dichotomous  identification  keys  to  the  nightjars  of  Africa  were  based  almost  entirely  on 
mensural  characters,  since  plumage  patterns  are  too  variable  (Jackson  1984,  2000). 

When  identifying  Afrotropical  nightjar  species  in  the  hand,  the  single  most  useful 
character,  with  a  low  coefficient  of  variability,  is  the  percentage  emargination  on  p9 
(Jackson  1984).  My  (Jackson  1993,  2002a,  2003)  lack  of  support  for  the  elevation  of  both  C. 
ruwenzorii  and  C.  nigriscapularis  to  full  species  status  was  based  on  the  evidence  provided 
by  this  character.  The  emargination  percentages  for  C.  p.  poliocephalus  (n  =  57)  and  C.  p. 

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H.  D. Jackson 


Bull.  B.O.C.  2013  133(2) 

ruwenzorii  (n  =  39)  are  43.3  ±  1.5  (40.1-47.6)  and  43.6  ±1.4  (40.0-47.5),  respectively  (Jackson 
2002a),  suggesting  that  they  are  probably  conspecific,  a  possibility  that  I  am  currently 
investigating.  The  mean  value  of  the  emargination  ratio  in  nigriscapularis  (42.0%)  is  exactly 
halfway  between  the  lowest  mean  value  ( pectoralis  41.6%)  and  the  highest  mean  value 
(crepusculans  42.4%)  among  races  of  C.  pectoralis  (Table  2),  which  suggests  strongly  that  they 
too  are  probably  conspecific. 

Clinal  variation  in  some  measurements  (Table  1)  and  in  song  and  whooting  duration 
(see  above)  tend  to  isolate  C.  nigriscapularis  in  the  north,  but  despite  this,  the  analysis  of 
variance  results  (Table  2)  show  clearly  that  the  null  hypothesis  linking  nigriscapularis  to 
the  races  of  C.  pectoralis  cannot  be  rejected.  This  conclusion  is  supported  by  the  evidence 
provided  by  body  mass  data  (Jackson  2003),  the  mean  values  (g)  of  the  races  being  51.2 
(pectoralis),  48.3  (crepusculans),  54.0  (fervidus ),  49.8  (shelleyi)  and  50.6  (nigriscapularis).  The 
mean  of  nigriscapularis  in  the  north  does  not  differ  significantly  (t  =  0.1150,  P  >  0.1)  from  the 
nominate  race  in  the  south,  and  matches  well  with  other  C.  pectoralis  races. 

Sympatry.— Anderson  (2012)  presented  photographic  evidence  of  possible  sympatry  in 
the  south-east  corner  of  Rwanda,  with  a  probable  record  of  C.  nigriscapularis  near  Rusumo 
on  13  December  2009,  and  a  positive  record  of  C.  pectoralis  near  Kibungo,  c.33  km  to  the 
north-west,  on  21  August  2010.  It  is  difficult  to  identify  the  former  with  certainty,  despite 
the  conspicuous  blackish  shoulders,  because  it  is  a  rufous  morph.  According  to  Fry  & 
Harwin  (1988)  C.  nigriscapularis  does  not  possess  a  rufous  morph,  except  perhaps  in  respect 
of  crown  colour,  while  C.  pectoralis  does.  However,  they  overlooked  Benson  &  Colebrook- 
Robjent  (1977),  who  noted  that  erythrism  may  be  frequent  (but  irregular)  in  nigriscapularis ; 
ten  adults  in  the  Natural  History  Museum,  Tring,  all  have  some  rufous  in  the  tail,  and  half 
of  them,  including  three  from  Uganda,  have  the  crown,  and  /  or  throat  and  breast,  rufous. 
One  of  the  specimens  they  examined,  from  Sierra  Leone,  is  illustrated  in  Anderson  (2012). 
The  rufous  plumage  of  the  Rusumo  bird  does  not  serve  to  identify  it  either  way. 

Amadon  &  Short  (1992)  define  sympatric  species  as  taxa  that  occur  in  the  same  area 
(range)  at  least  in  part  and  at  least  during  the  breeding  season.  The  C.  nigriscapularis 
breeding  season  in  central  Africa  appears  to  cover  all  months  except  October-November, 
while  the  breeding  season  for  C.  pectoralis  is  August-December  (Holyoak  2001 ).  The  dates  of 
the  Rwandan  photographs  appear  marginal  to  the  breeding  season  concerned.  No  evidence 
of  breeding  was  found,  and,  since  the  records  were  eight  months  and  33  km  apart,  the 
two  birds  were  not  actually  in  the  same  area  in  the  same  breeding  season,  so  it  could  be 
argued  that  there  is  no  definite  sympatry.  Southern  populations  of  C.  pectoralis  are  partially 
migratory,  performing  regular  post-breeding  movements,  sometimes  in  response  to  high 
rainfall  (Clancey  1994,  Vernon  &  Dean  2005),  so  the  Kibungo  C.  pectoralis  could  have  been 
an  off-season  wanderer. 

Amadon  &  Short  (1992:  22)  stressed  the  importance  of  interbreeding  between  two 
taxa  in  determining  that  they  belong  to  the  same  species.  That  C.  nigriscapularis  and  C. 
pectoralis  may  already  have  come  together,  and  hybridised,  is  suggested  by  four  specimens 
(from  Burundi,  Rwanda  and  DRC)  that  Louette  (1990;  and  in  litt.  to  J.  Anderson  2011— see 
Anderson  2012)  considered  to  be  intermediate. 


Mayr  et  al.  (1953)  recommended  that  it  is  preferable  to  treat  doubtful  allopatric 
populations  as  subspecies.  However,  Prigogine  (1985:  100)  wrote  'I  believe  that  it  is  useful 
to  give  species  status  to  taxa,  even  when  the  real  taxonomic  rank  (species  or  subspecies)  is 
not  fully  demonstrated,  with  the  object  to  draw  the  attention  on  a  problem  that  needs  more 

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H.  D.  Jackson 


Bull.  B.O.C.  2013  133(2) 

investigation.'  This  appears  to  be  the  current  practice,  and  is  the  one  followed  by  Holyoak 
(2001)  in  his  monograph  of  the  Caprimulgiformes. 

Prigogine  (1985:  93)  also  stated  that  'one  has  to  be  careful  in  giving  too  much  weight 
to  song  differences  as  a  taxonomical  criterium  . . .  and  they  must  be  evaluated  critically  and 
compared  with  other  informations  of  taxonomic  signification,  especially  for  allopatric  taxa.' 
This  is  the  approach  that  I  have  followed  here  by  considering  not  only  the  differences  in 
voice  and  plumage  patterns,  but  also  the  available  mensural  data,  which  appear  to  have 
been  largely  overlooked  by  previous  authors. 

The  minor  vocal  and  plumage  differences  do  not  appear  sufficient  to  support  the 
elevation  of  C.  p.  nigriscapularis  to  species.  The  mensural  data,  in  contrast,  especially  the 
analyses  of  variance,  but  also  the  emargination  and  body  mass  data,  provide  compelling 
evidence  that  C.  nigriscapularis  is  no  more  than  a  subspecies  of  C.  pectoralis.  My  conclusion, 
therefore,  is  that  Black-shouldered  Nightjar  is  the  northern  race  of  Fiery-necked  Nightjar,  a 
conclusion  supported  by  the  possible  hybridisation  between  the  two  in  Burundi,  Rwanda 
and  the  DRC  (Touette  1990). 


My  thanks  go  to  Johan  Ingels  for  commenting  on  the  original  manuscript,  and  to  the  editor,  Guy  Kirwan, 
and  referees  Bob  Dowsett,  Franchise  Dowsett-Lemaire,  Michel  Louette  and  Nigel  Cleere  for  constructive 
suggestions  that  improved  the  paper.  The  museums  listed  in  the  Appendix  are  thanked  for  access  to  relevant 
specimen  material. 


Amadon,  D.  &  Short,  L.  L.  1992.  Taxonomy  of  lower  categories  -  suggested  guidelines.  Bull.  Brit.  Orn.  Cl. 
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Anderson,  J.  2012.  Fiery-necked  Nightjar  Caprimulgus  pectoralis  and  Black-shouldered  Nightjar  C. 
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Benson,  C.  W.  &  Colebrook-Robjent,  J.  F.  R.  1977.  Erythrism  in  the  Fiery-necked  Nightjar  Caprimulgus 
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Bocage,  J.  V.  B.  du  1879.  Aves  das  possessoes  portuguezas  d' Africa  occidental.  J.  Acad.  Sci.  Lisboa  24:  260-280. 

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Cleere,  N.  1995.  The  identification,  taxonomy  and  distribution  of  the  Mountain  Nightjar  Caprimulgus 
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Fry,  C.  H.  1988.  Skulls,  songs  and  systematics  of  African  nightjars.  Proc.  Pan-Afr.  Orn.  Congr.  6:  105-131. 

Fry,  C.  H.  &  Harwin,  R.  M.  1988.  Order  Caprimulgiformes.  Pp.  155-197  in  Fry,  C.  H„  Keith,  S.  &  Urban,  E.  K. 
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Grant,  C.  H.  B.  &  Mackworth-Praed,  C.  W.  1937.  On  some  necessary  changes  in  the  status  of  some  eastern 
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Holyoak,  D.,  T.  2001.  Nightjars  and  their  allies.  Oxford  Univ.  Press. 

Jackson,  H.  D.  1984.  Key  to  the  nightjar  species  of  Africa  and  its  islands  (Aves:  Caprimulgidae).  Smithersia 
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Jackson,  H.  D.  1985.  Aspects  of  the  breeding  biology  of  the  Fierynecked  Nightjar.  Ostrich  56:  263-276. 

Jackson,  H.  D.  1986.  Identifying  nightjars  in  southern  Africa.  Bokmakierie  38:  41-44. 

Jackson,  H.  D.  1993.  The  English  names  of  the  Afrotropical  nightjars  (Caprimulgidae).  Ostrich  64:  148-159. 

Jackson,  H.  D.  2000.  A  new  key  to  the  identification  of  the  Afrotropical  nightjars  (Caprimulgidae).  Ostrich 
71:  371-379. 

Jackson,  H.  D.  2002a.  Primary  emargination  as  a  guide  to  Afrotropical  nightjar  relationships.  Ostrich  73: 

©  2013  The  Authors;  Journal  compilation  ©  2013  British  Ornithologists'  Club 

H.  D. Jackson 


Bull.  B.O.C.  2013  133(2) 

Jackson,  H.  D.  2002b.  Comparison  of  vocal  behaviour  in  two  Afrotropical  nightjars:  a  whistler  and  a  churrer. 
Ostrich  73:  173-174. 

Jackson,  H.  D.  2003.  On  the  body  mass  of  the  Montane  and  Pectoral  Nightjars.  Ostrich  74:  136-138. 

Louette,  M.  1990.  The  nightjars  of  Zaire.  Bull.  Brit.  Orn.  Cl.  110:  71-77. 

Mackworth-Praed,  C.  W.  &  Grant,  C.  H.  B.  1957.  African  handbook  of  birds.  Birds  of  eastern  and  north  eastern 
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Mayr,  E.,  Linsley,  E.  G.  &  Usinger,  R.  L.  1953.  Methods  and  principles  of  systematic  zoology.  McGraw-Hill,  New 

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Ranft,  R.  &  Cleere,  N.  1998.  A  sound  guide  to  nightjars  and  related  nightbirds.  Pica  Press,  Robertsbridge  &  British 
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Reichenow,  A.  1893.  Diagnosen  neuer  Vogelarten  aus  Central-Afrika.  Orn.  Monatsb.  1:  29-32. 

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Sclater,  W.  L.  1924.  Systema  avium  Aethiopicarum,  vol.  1.  British  Ornithologists'  Union,  London. 

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Vernon,  C.  J.  &  Dean,  W.  R.  J.  2005.  Fiery-necked  Nightjar  Caprimulgus  pectoralis.  Pp.  264-266  in  Hockey,  P. 
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Address:  Unit  2,  6  Beer  Court,  Toowoomba,  QLD  4350,  Australia,  e-mail: 

Appendix:  Museum  specimens  of  Caprimulgus  pectoralis  analysed. 

Museum  acronyms:  ALBM  =  Albany  Museum,  Grahamstown  (South  Africa);  AMNH  =  American  Museum 
of  Natural  History,  New  York  (USA);  BMNH  =  Natural  History  Museum,  Tring  (UK);  CMNH  =  Carnegie 
Museum  of  Natural  History,  Pittsburgh  (USA);  DURM  =  Durban  Museum  (South  Africa);  ELM  =  East 
London  Museum  (South  Africa);  FMNH  =  Field  Museum  of  Natural  History,  Chicago  (USA);  KAFM  = 
Kaffrarian  Museum,  King  William's  Town  (South  Africa);  LACM  =  Los  Angeles  County  Museum  (USA); 
MNHN  =  Museum  National  d'Histoire  Naturelle,  Paris  (France);  NATM  =  Natal  Museum,  Pietermaritzburg 
(South  Africa);  NMW  =  Naturhistorisches  Museum,  Vienna  (Austria);  PEM  =  Port  Elizabeth  Museum 
(South  Africa);  RMCA  =  Royal  Museum  for  Central  Africa,  Tervuren  (Belgium);  RMNH  =  Rijksmuseum  van 
Natuurlijke  Historie  (Naturalis),  Leiden  (Netherlands);  TMP  =  Transvaal  Museum,  Pretoria  (South  Africa); 
USNM  =  United  States  National  Museum  of  Natural  History,  Washington  DC  (USA). 

C.  p.  pectoralis  {n  =  43):  ALBM  no  No.  a,  no  No.  b,  728,  733,  736,  1249,  2207,  2464,  4092;  AMNH  633324, 
633325,  633328;  BMNH  1933.7.14.178,,,,;  ELM  1866,  2816,  3222,  7950, 
7958,  11352,  12764,  13115;  KAFM  B785,  B786,  B2902,  B3544;  MNHN  1858-393;  PEM  1494/76,  1500/93,  1512/15; 
RMNH  5,  6;  TMP  2662,  2760,  2800,  3268,  7775,  14660,  26278;  USNM  163823. 

C.  p.  crepusculans  (n  =42):  BMNH  1905.12.29.203, 1905.12.29.211, 1933.3.1.309-1933.3.1.311, 1933.7.14.179,;  CMNH  148295;  DURM  14502-14505,  16257, 16514,  19374,  20570,  23848,  29427;  ELM  8128;  FMNH 
282662;  NATM  2057,  2059,  2060,  2062,  2063,  2066;  PEM  1484/31;  RMNH  8;  TMP  4706,  7794,  9001, 12702, 19065, 
19796,  20083-20085,  27959,  27960,  35255;  USNM  448384,  457818. 

C.  p.  fervidus  (n  =  6):  BMNH  1910.7.1.243;  ELM  9635;  FMNH  87253,  87254;  LACM  63562;  TMP  9213. 

C.  p.  shelleyi  (n  =  42):  AMNH  414149,  633338-633342,  633345,  633352,  633354,  633356-633358,  633360, 
633361;  BMNH  1932.5.10.730,  1935.10.9.104,  1935.5.11.2,  1939.2.25.484,;  CMNH  109270,  109277, 
147018;  FMNH  100090,  205346,  220716,  224172,  224173,  262898;  KAFM  B2341;  LACM  69601;  MNHN  1947- 
416,  1957-70,  1958-395,  1965-1051;  NMW  23510,  35060;  RMCA  119359;  TMP  28342,  28343;  USNM  351690, 
448213,  448214. 

C.  p.  nigriscapularis  (n  =  12):  AMNH  158705,  262374-262377,  633329,  633330;  BMNH  1926.5.3.305, 
1953.1.8;  FMNH  194471,  298274;  LACM  64152. 

©  2013  The  Authors;  Journal  compilation  ©  2013  British  Ornithologists'  Club 

James  W.  Wiley  &  Guy  M.  Kirwan 


Bull.  B.O.C.  2013  133(2) 

The  extinct  macaws  of  the  West  Indies,  with  special 
reference  to  Cuban  Macaw  Ara  tricolor 

by  James  W.  Wiley  &  Guy  M.  Kirwan 

Received  7  January  2013 

Summary.  — The  best-known  species  of  West  Indian  macaw,  and  the  only  one  for 
which  skin  specimens  exist,  is  Cuban  Macaw  Ara  tricolor,  although  at  least  seven 
and  sometimes  as  many  as  15  different  species  of  Ara  and  Anodorhynchus  have  been 
speculated  to  have  formerly  occurred  in  the  Greater  and  Lesser  Antilles.  We  review 
available  historical  and  prehistorical  evidence  for  the  existence  of  these  different 
species  and  conclude  that  only  two  or  three,  St.  Croix  Macaw  Ara  autochthones,  A. 
tricolor  and  perhaps  Montserrat  Macaw  Ara.  sp.,  and  can  be  definitively  admitted, 
with  reasonably  strong  evidence  for  another,  Gosse's  Macaw  Ara  gossei  of  Jamaica. 

In  addition  to  reviewing  the  causes  and  patterns  of  decline  in  West  Indian  macaws, 
we  provide  a  complete  overview  of  available  knowledge  concerning  A.  tricolor, 
including  details  of  all  extant  specimens  (19).  In  particular,  we  draw  attention  to  a 
commonly  repeated  error  in  much  of  the  ornithological  literature  over  the  past  six 
decades  concerning  the  final  demise  of  Cuban  Macaw,  as  well  as  to  historical  data 
that  suggest  the  species'  range  was  wider  than  is  often  admitted. 

Although  only  a  few  sketchy  passages  exist  from  those  who  saw  live  macaws  in  the 
West  Indies,  those  florid  descriptions  give  us  an  appreciation  of  the  former  beauty,  now 
in  large  part  lost,  of  those  islands'  diverse  parrot  fauna.  Columbus  described  the  macaws 
of  the  Antilles  as  'by  far  the  most  beautiful  ornaments  of  the  gloomy  forest  which  covered 
the  land  given  up  to  nature'  (Button  1774:  177).  Du  Tertre  (1654:  294)  said  of  West  Indian 
macaws,  'It  is  the  finest  sight  in  the  world  to  see  ten  or  twelve  Macaws  in  a  very  green  tree; 
never  are  more  charming  colors  displayed.'  Gundlach  (1893:  152)  vividly  described  Cuban 
Macaw  Ara  tricolor  as  he  lamented  the  loss  of  these  large,  long-tailed  birds.  Tragically, 
Cuban  Macaw  was  just  one  of  many  spectacular  psittacines  lost  in  the  region  in  historic 

Three  groups  of  psittacids  inhabited  the  West  Indies  at  the  time  of  'discovery'  by 
Europeans:  macaws  (Ara  and  possibly  Anodorhynchus),  parrots  (Amazona)  and  parakeets 
( Aratinga ).  Du  Tertre  (1667:  247)  noted  that  'These  birds  are  so  dissimilar  according  to  the 
grounds  where  they  procure  their  food,  that  every  island  has  its  Parrots,  its  Aras,  and  its 
Parroquets,  different  in  size  of  body,  in  tone  of  voice,  and  in  the  tints  of  the  plumage.' 
Williams  &  Steadman  (2001)  suggested  that  the  remarkable  total  of  as  many  as  60  endemic 
species  of  psittacids  formerly  occupied  the  West  Indies  but,  as  noted  by  Clark  (1905a)  and 
Forshaw  (1978),  parrots  and  their  kin  are  among  the  first  to  be  exterminated  from  any  given 
locality,  especially  when  confined  to  an  insular  habitat.  Sadly,  today  only  12  species  (three 
parakeets,  nine  parrots)  survive  in  the  West  Indies,  a  loss  of  up  to  80%  of  psittacid  species 
from  the  region  (Wiley  1991,  Williams  &  Steadman  2001,  Wiley  et  al.  2004). 

The  original  psittacine  fauna  in  the  West  Indies  may  have  included  as  many  as  15 
species  of  macaws,  with  most  Greater  Antillean  and  several  Lesser  Antillean  islands 
supporting  one  or  more  indigenous  species  (Williams  &  Steadman  2001).  Although  none 
survives  today,  macaws  persisted  into  historic  times  on  at  least  Cuba,  Isla  de  Pinos,  Jamaica, 
Guadeloupe,  Dominica  and  Martinique,  but  certainly  some  were  lost  during  prehistoric 

©  2013  The  Authors;  Journal  compilation  ©  2013  British  Ornithologists'  Club 

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Bull.  B.O.C.  2013  133(2) 

human  occupation  of  islands  such  as  Montserrat.  The  fossil  from  the  last-named  island 
has  been  variously  identified  as  a  new  species,  an  unidentified  macaw,  or  the  same  species 
as  that  formerly  present  on  Guadeloupe  (see  next  section).  Rothschild  (1905,  1907a,b) 
concluded  that  the  region  had  seven  macaw  species  in  historic  times  and  many  subsequent 
treatments  follow  his.  However,  it  should  be  noted  that  Rothschild  completely  confounded 
much  of  the  evidence  associated  with  insular  parrots,  for  example  making  significant  errors 
in  describing  Mascarene  taxa  (Hume  2007;  J.  P  Hume  in  litt.  2013).  Most  recently,  Williams 
&  Steadman  (2001)  listed  15  species,  with  evidence  ranging  from  poor  (only  hearsay)  to 
good  (specimens  or  repeated,  substantiated  observations).  Only  four  are  represented  by 
specimens:  three  by  subfossil  skeletal  remains  and  one  by  entire  skins  and  fossil  partial 
skeletons  (Walters  1995,  Olson  &  Suarez  2008).  The  paucity  of  specimens  and  reliable 
reports  has  led  others  to  tally  far  fewer  species.  Olson  &  Suarez  (2008)  found  no  credible 
evidence  in  support  of  each  of  the  Antilles  having  one  or  two  indigenous  species  of  macaw; 
they  noted  that  the  archaeological  record,  the  strongest  evidence,  suggested  perhaps  just 
two  species  in  the  region.  Hume  &  Walters  (2012)  suggested  perhaps  only  3-4  species  in 
the  Antilles,  noting  that  'otherwise  the  presence  of  endemic  macaws  on  other  West  Indian 
islands  is  extremely  dubious.'  Among  the  other  11  macaw  species  Williams  &  Steadman 
(2001)  cited,  we  consider  one  of  good  reliability,  one  of  moderate  reliability  and  six  of  poor 
reliability;  we  present  evidence  that  the  three  remaining  macaws  considered  by  Williams  & 
Steadman  are  synonyms  of  other  species  or  probably  did  not  exist. 

Aside  from  Cuban  Macaw  and  the  two  or  three  species  evidenced  by  prehistoric  bones, 
all  information  is  based  on  casual  accounts  by  travelers,  colonists  and  the  few  naturalists  who 
resided  or  passed  through  the  islands  between  the  15th  and  19th  centuries.  Confounding 
some  early  reports  are  compilations  by  authors  of  regional  or  world  faunas  (e.g.,  Buffon), 
who  cobbled  together  information  in  a  way  that  makes  identification  of  species  and  their 
location  difficult  if  not  impossible.  Nevertheless,  sufficient  evidence  exists  to  state  that 
macaws  were  formerly  abundant  on  several  islands.  As  examples  of  historical  abundance, 
Peter  Martyr  d'Anghera  (1457-1525;  in  MacNutt  1912:  72)  proclaimed  that  parrots  and 
macaws  were  'as  numerous  in  all  these  islands  [West  Indies]  as  sparrows  or  other  small 
birds  are  with  us'  [Europeans],  whereas  Hans  Sloane  (1660-1753;  1725:  297)  reported  'the 
Small  Maccaw'  as  'very  common  in  the  Woods'  of  Jamaica,  and  Bryan  Edwards  (1743-1800; 
1806:  19),  who  resided  on  Jamaica  most  of  his  life,  noted  that  'The  parrot,  and  its  various 
affinities,  from  the  macaw  to  the  parroquet  ...  are  as  plentiful  in  the  larger  islands  of  the 
West  Indies  as  the  rook  [Corvus  frugilegus]  is  in  Europe.' 

Whereas  some  have  argued  that  many  of  the  macaws  described  by  early  explorers  were 
probably  exotics,  imported  first  by  Amerindians  and  subsequently  by  European  settlers, 
statements  of  du  Tertre  (1654:  296),  repeated  by  Labat  (1742:  212),  that  each  island  had  forms 
distinct  in  plumage  suggests  that  not  all  of  the  Antillean  macaws  were  imported  species 
(Hume  &  Walters  2012).  Further,  Hume  &  Walters  (2012)  noted  that  the  observations  of  du 
Tertre  and  Labat  on  their  gentle  and  docile  nature  contradicts  that  of  mainland  macaws. 

Our  objective  here  is  to  review  the  relevant  historical  information  concerning  the 
presence  and  distribution  of  macaws  in  the  West  Indies,  and  to  present  such  scant  biological 
information  as  is  available.  We  focus  on  what  is  known  of  Cuban  Macaw,  presenting  data 
on  specimens,  and  examine  possible  reasons  for  the  extinction  of  that  species,  as  well  as 
other  Antillean  forms. 

Macaws  in  the  West  Indies 

Unfortunately,  so  few  data  are  available  for  most  suggested  species  of  West  Indian 
macaw  that  they  are  considered  'hearsay  species'  (Greenway  1967:  315).  Hume  & 

©  2013  The  Authors;  Journal  compilation  ©  2013  British  Ornithologists'  Club 

James  W.  Wiley  &  Guy  M.  Kirwan 


Bull.  B.O.C.  2013  133(2) 

Walters  (2012)  noted  that  'no  other  group  of  extinct  birds  has  aroused  such  overzealous 
misinterpretation'  as  Antillean  macaws.  Nevertheless,  much  archaeological  investigation 
remains  to  be  done  throughout  the  West  Indies,  particularly  in  the  Lesser  Antilles. 
Compared  to  many  mainland  areas,  fossil  remains  are  uncommon  in  the  West  Indies  and 
little  is  known  of  vertebrate  fossils,  especially  in  the  Lesser  Antilles  (Olson  1978,  Woods 
1989).  Here  we  present  additional  evidence  or  clarify  certain  reports  of  macaws  in  the 

Bahama  Islands.  —  No  evidence  of  a  macaw  to  date. 

Cuba.— One  species,  Cuban  Macaw,  Ara  tricolor  (Bechstein,  1811),  survived  until  the 
mid-19th  century. 

Jamaica.— At  least  one,  perhaps  three,  native  species,  but  identifications  in  many 
original  accounts  are  muddled.  Williams  &  Steadman  (2001)  thought  it  plausible  that 
multiple  species  of  Ara  could  have  occurred  on  Jamaica,  because  it  is  a  large  island  with 
diverse  habitats,  although  it  should  be  noted  that  the  much  larger  island  of  Cuba,  with 
considerably  more  varied  habitats,  apparently  only  ever  supported  one  species  of  macaw. 
Nevertheless,  Jamaica  is  one  of  only  two  of  the  Antilles  that  supports  two  endemic 
Amazona.  Species  attributed  to  Jamaica  include  Red-headed  Green  Macaw  Ara  erythrocephala 
Rothschild,  1905,  Red-tailed  Blue-and-yellow  Macaw  A.  erythrura  Rothschild,  1907,  and 
Gosse's  Macaw  A.  gossei  Rothschild,  1905.  Evidence  is  good  for  at  least  one  species, 
although  no  specimen  exists,  but  poor  for  the  other  two  species.  All  Jamaican  macaws  were 
apparently  extinct  in  the  wild  by  the  mid-19th  century,  as  William  T.  March  ( 1 804—72;  1863), 
a  native  Jamaican  and  reliable  observer,  reported  his  last  information  on  wild  macaws  was 
in  1849. 

Ara  erythrocephala:  Greenway  (1967:  320)  portrayed  Red-headed  Green  Macaw  as 
an  'almost  mythical  bird,'  given  the  tenuous  circumstances  upon  which  Rothschild 
(1905)  established  it  as  a  unique  species.  Rothschild  (1905,  1907a)  described  the  bird  as 
predominately  green,  with  a  red  head,  based  on  an  account  by  Richard  Hill  (1794/5-1872; 
in  Gosse  1847:  261-262),  a  resident  Jamaican  and  trustworthy  observer.  More  than  a 
century  earlier,  Sloane  (1725:  297)  wrote  that  the  'Small  Maccaw[s]'...  'are  very  common 
in  the  Woods,  and  are  eaten  as  Pigeons,  but  when  young,  are  tamed,  and  kept  as  Parrots.' 
Browne  (1756:  472)  described  a  'small  green  long-tailed  Parrot'  as  native  to  Jamaica;  this  was 
probably  a  small  macaw,  because  Browne  also  listed  both  native  parrots  ( Amazona  collaria 
and  A.  agilis)  and  parakeet  ( Aratinga  nano).  But  Browne  does  not  describe  a  macaw  similar 
to  Rothschild's  A.  erythrocephala. 

Hill  (in  Gosse  1847:  263)  noted  that  a  captive  Jamaican  macaw  (A.  erythrocephala?) 
had  been  purchased  from  hog-hunters  by  a  Mr  White  of  Oxford  estate  (Trelawny  parish; 
c.18°27'00"N,  77°34'58''W;  200  m).  W.  Osburn  ( d .  1860;  1859)  visited  Trelawny  specifically  to 
search  for  macaws,  but  found  none  and  said  the  local  sportsmen  knew  nothing  of  it.  Osburn 
(1859)  referred  to  a  long-term  resident  of  Trelawny  who  reported  'constantly'  seeing 
macaws  but,  when  pressed  by  Osburn,  recalling  seeing  macaws  'about  four  or  five  times 
in  twenty-five  years,  ...  always  flying  at  a  great  height.'  Osburn  concluded  that  macaws 
should  be  listed  as  'occasional  wanderers'  to  Jamaica. 

Hill  (in  Gosse  1847:  261)  wrote  that  macaws,  'with  unquestionable  certainty... are 
occasionally,  if  not  constantly,  denizens  of  our  mountain  forests.'  Further,  Hill  (in  Gosse 
1847:  262-263)  reported  macaws  were  found  in  'the  Black  grounds'  [Trelawny  parish; 
18°15'50"N,  77° 31'58"W;  738  m],  'the  never  failing  resort  of  these  Mexican  Macaws  [A. 
militaris).  I  have  been  assured  that  several  birds  have  been  procured  there.  This  is  said  to  be 
nearly  as  far  eastward  as  they  have  been  found.'  Hill  (ibid.)  also  noted  that  young,  in  'the 

©  2013  The  Authors;  Journal  compilation  ©  2013  British  Ornithologists'  Club 

James  W.  Wiley  &  Guy  M.  Kirwan 


Bull.  B.O.C.  2013  133(2) 

first  year's  plumage,'  had  been  procured  in  the  'neighbourhood  of  Accompong  Maroons' 
(18°13'33"N,  77°45'14"W;  450  m),  in  the  hills  of  St.  Elizabeth  parish. 

Hill  (in  Gosse  1847:  261-262)  thought  the  birds  were  Military  Macaws  A.  militaris,  which 
he  believed  migrated  from  the  mountain  ranges  of  the  continent,  where  they  bred,  and  did 
not  return  until  the  first  part  of  the  year.  During  its  absence  from  the  mainland.  Hill  thought 
it  was  a  casual  visitor  in  Jamaica,  where  the  macaw  inhabited  the  mountains.  Clark  (1905b) 
argued  that  it  was  unlikely  that  macaws  would  cross  great  extents  of  water,  and  thought 
it  more  plausible  that  such  individuals  represented  feral  birds.  He  agreed  with  Cory  (1889: 
178)  that  'it  is  not  impossible  that  Ara  militaris  may  have  occurred  in  Cuba  and  Jamaica, 
but  it  is  improbable.  The  bird  recorded  as  such  was  perhaps  A.  tricolor  wrongly  identified.' 
Clark  (1905b)  suggested  that  at  least  some  species  attributed  to  the  Greater  Antilles  by  early 
writers  had  apparently  been  brought  from  Middle  or  South  America  to  Jamaica,  and  then 
were  re-shipped  to  the  Old  World  as  native  to  the  island. 

March  (1863)  observed  the  partial  remains  of  a  macaw  shot  by  a  settler  near  Maroon 
Town  (18°20'40"N  77°47'43"W;  440  m;  St.  James  parish)  in  1834.  Although  not  a  perfect 
match  with  A.  erythrocephala  as  described  by  Rothschild  (1905),  March's  description  from 
memory  ('the  head  and  neck  were  a  bright  green  with  red  in  the  forehead  and  chin,  the  tail 
blue  and  red,  and  the  wing  blue  and  green.')  is  closest  to  A.  erythrocephala  among  species 
attributed  to  Jamaica  by  Rothschild  (1907a).  March's  description,  however,  is  much  closer 
to  Military  Macaw  than  to  A.  erythrocephala. 

Snyder  et  al.  (1987:  40)  suggested  that  A.  erythrocephala  may  represent  Military  Macaw 
or  Great  Green  Macaw  A.  ambiguus,  both  Middle  American  species.  Lack  (1976:  255)  thought 
the  small  green  macaw  described  as  A.  erythrocephala  was  an  endemic  species  derived  from 
Military  Macaw. 

Ara  erythrura:  Rothschild  (1907a)  named  A.  erythrura  based  on  Charles  de  Rochefort's 
(1605-83;  1658:  154)  report  of  blue-and-yellow  parrots,  with  all-red  tails.  Rothschild  (1905) 
first  named  the  bird  Anodorhynchus  coerulens,  and  said  it  was  from  Jamaica,  but  later  (1907a: 
54)  corrected  the  name  to  Ara  erythrura  nom.  nov.  and  noted  it  was  from  'One  of  the  West 
Indian  Islands.'  However,  Greenway  (1967:  319)  regarded  Rothschild's  description  as  not 
credible  because  de  Rochefort  had  not  visited  Jamaica  but,  as  others  (e.g.,  de  la  Harpe  1759) 
and  even  de  Rochefort  noted,  took  much  of  his  material  from  du  Tertre.  Greenway  (1967) 
suggested  that  A.  erythrura  is  a  synonym  of  A.  martinica  [martinicus],  a  poorly  documented 
form  supposedly  from  Martinique. 

Sloane's  (1725:  296)  'Great  Maccaw'  (' Psittacus  Maximus  cyanocroceus')  is  clearly  closest 
to  Ara  erythrura  among  those  described  for  Jamaica  by  Rothschild,  but  Sloane's  account 
differed:  'On  each  side  of  the  Head  was  a  redish  fleshy  bare  Membrane  near  the  Eyes, 
with  some  few  black  Feathers  growing  on  it';  also,  Sloane  (1725)  said  the  tail  was  blue,  not 
red  as  depicted  by  Rothschild  (1907a:  PI.  15).  In  fact,  Sloane's  bird  more  closely  resembles 
Blue-and-yellow  Macaw  A.  ararauna.  Browne  (1756:  472),  who  called  it  'the  blue  Macaw 
of  Edwards,'  said  he  had  observed  one  or  two  in  St.  Ann's  (St.  Ann's  parish;  c,18°26'25"N, 
77°H'23"W),  and  'yet  keep  some  of  the  feathers  of  one  that  was  killed  there  by  me.' 
Although  Browne  (1756)  said  it  was  a  native  of  Jamaica  ('tho'  seldom  catched  there'),  he 
added  that  'most  of  those  that  are  generally  seen  about  gentlemen's  houses'  had  been 
'introduced  there  from  the  main,  where  they  are  more  common.'  He  said  they  were  very 
rare  in  Jamaica,  where  they  'keep  in  the  most  unfrequented  inland  parts.'  Coke  (1808:  390) 
was  probably  referring  to  the  same  bird  when  he  stated  that  'The  Blue  Mackaw,  a  more 
beautiful  bird,  though  not  so  gaudy  as  the  red,  is  a  native  of  Jamaica,  but  not  common,  and 
is  wild  in  the  woods,  particularly  in  the  parish  of  St.  Anne.'  Revd.  Coward  (in  Gosse  1847: 
261)  observed  macaws  in  flight  about  1842  in  'a  plain  at  the  foot  of  a  chain  of  mountains 

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Bull.  B.O.C.  2013  133(2) 

dividing  [St.  Elizabeth]  parish  from  St  fames  [parish],  and  consequently  nearly  in  the  medial 
line  of  the  island.'  Residents  of  the  area  familiar  with  these  birds  told  Coward  the  macaws 
were  blue  and  yellow,  which  led  Gosse  (1847)  to  assume  they  were  A.  ararauna.  In  1836, 
March  (1863)  was  told  by  Richard  Elmas  Breary,  a  resident  of  St.  James,  that  he  had  seen 
three  blue-and-yellow  macaws  flying  high  overhead  on  a  mountain  road  between  St.  James 
and  St.  Elizabeth  parishes. 

Lack  (1976:  253)  thought  the  blue-and-yellow  macaws  were  introduced,  and  cited  the 
fact  that  no  writer  since  March  claimed  A.  ararauna  (A.  erythrura )  for  Jamaica.  Possibly  all 
were  feral  A.  ararauna,  escaped  or  released  after  transport  to  Jamaica  as  cagebirds. 

Ara  gossei:  Of  the  three  species  suggested  for  Jamaica,  the  strongest  evidence  exists  for 
Gosse's  Macaw.  Philip  Henry  Gosse  (1810-88;  1847:  260),  who  resided  there  from  December 
1844  to  July  1846,  referred  to  it  as  'Yellow-headed  Macaw?  Ara  tricolor',  noting  that  it  differed 
from  the  Cuban  species  and  was  possibly  an  undescribed  species.  Like  A.  tricolor,  A.  gossei 
was  predominately  red,  but  its  forehead  was  yellow  rather  than  red.  Anthony  Robinson  ( ob . 
1768;  in  Gosse  1847:  260)  examined  a  stuffed  bird  (now  lost)  shot  about  1765  by  a  Mr  Odell 
in  the  mountains  of  Hanover  parish,  c.10  miles  east  of  Lucea,  west  of  Montego  Bay.  Gosse 
(1847:  260)  said  it  was  very  rare,  but  still  it  is  surprising  that  neither  Sloane  (1725),  who 
resided  on  Jamaica  in  1687-88,  or  Browne  (1756)  recorded  a  macaw  matching  Robinson's 
(in  Gosse  1847:  260)  description  of  the  bird  that  Rothschild  (1905)  would  designate  A.  gossei. 

Bond  (1978)  agreed  with  Lack  (1976:  252-254)  in  rejecting  the  evidence  that  an 
indigenous  Ara  (‘A.  gossei')  inhabited  Jamaica.  Wetherbee  (1985)  suggested  that  A.  gossei 
was  not  valid,  but  was  probably  a  'tapire'  artefact;  i.e.,  a  specimen  altered  in  its  coloration 
by  Amerindians. 

In  addition,  non-native  red-plumaged  macaws  were  reported  from  Jamaica  by  several 
writers,  including  Browne  (1756:  472),  who  wrote  that  the  'red  Mackaw  of  Edwards  ...  is 
not  a  native  of  Jamaica,  but  they  are  frequently  brought  there  from  neighbouring  parts  of 
the  Main,  where  they  are  pretty  common.'  Albin  (1738a:  16)  also  reported  a  red-plumaged 
macaw  ('The  Maccaw  from  Jamaica'),  considering  it  the  male  of  a  species  in  which  the 
female  was  blue  and  yellow.  A  watercolour  made  in  Jamaica  by  John  Lindsay  in  1765 
depicts  a  probable  Scarlet  Macaw  A.  macao  (Turvey  2010).  Olson  &  Maiz  Lopez  (2008)  noted 
that  the  stylised  macaw  illustrated  in  Fisher  &  Warr  (2003:  156)  from  paintings  by  a  Lt. 
L.  J.  Robins  entitled  The  natural  history  of  Jamaica  (1765)  was  similar  to  Cuban  Macaw  and 
suggested  that  species  had  been  brought  to  Jamaica  from  Cuba. 

Hispaniola.  —  Many  accounts  of  the  island's  parrots  have  included  a  macaw,  but 
its  status  is  confused.  As  evidence  of  a  macaw  there,  writers  have  referred  to  reports  by 
Las  Casas  (1876:  298-299)  and  Oviedo  y  Valdes  (1851:  443),  as  cited  by  de  Armas  (1888). 
Macaws  were  said  to  have  been  common  formerly  in  Hispaniola,  but  rare  by  1760  (Clark 
1905b).  Buffon  (1793:  160)  reported  a  macaw,  based  on  the  statement  of  resident  naturalist 
Chevalier  Lefebvre  Deshayes  [ob.  1786]  (in  lift,  to  Buffon  1847:  507),  who  stated  that  macaws 
were  once  very  common  in  Hispaniola,  but  had  become  rarer  and  confined  to  tops  of 
mountains.  Olson  (2005)  dismissed  Deshayes'  statement  noting  it  had  no  connection  to 
Hispaniola.  Rothschild  (1905)  suggested  that  the  Ara  on  Hispaniola  represented  a  species 
other  than  those  already  known  from  Cuba  and  Jamaica.  Williams  &  Steadman  (2001)  listed 
it  as  'Ara  tricolor ?  or  Ara  unknown  sp.',  noting  that  among  the  three  psittacids  reported  by 
Las  Casas  (1876:  298)  on  Hispaniola  at  the  end  of  the  1400s  was  a  macaw  that  differed  from 
those  on  other  islands  in  having  a  white  forehead,  not  red  like  A.  tricolor.  Most  recently, 
Olson  (2005)  examined  16th-century  descriptions  by  Las  Casas  (1876)  and  Oviedo  y  Valdes 
(1851)  and  convincingly  concluded  that  there  was  'no  credible  evidence  for  the  existence  of 
a  macaw  on  Hispaniola  in  historic  times.'  There  is  a  record  of  a  transatlantic  shipment  of 

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'long-tailed  parrots  [=  macaws]'  to  Spain  in  1494,  when  60  were  brought  from  Hispaniola  to 
Cadiz  for  trading  (George  1980:  80). 

Based  on  the  de  Armas  (1888)  report,  Wetherbee  (1985)  developed  an  unfounded 
hypothesis  that  Cuban  and  Hispaniolan  macaws  had  been  confused  and  extant  specimens 
represented  both  species.  Further,  he  applied  the  name  A.  tricolor  to  the  Hispaniolan  macaw 
and  renamed  the  Cuban  bird  A.  cubensis,  but  Walters  (1995)  rejected  Wetherbee's  revision 
and  returned  A.  tricolor  to  the  Cuban  population,  suggesting  that  the  Hispaniolan  bird 
probably  formed  a  superspecies  with  the  similar  Jamaican  form,  A.  gossei. 

Puerto  Rico.  —  Olson  &  Maiz  Lopez  (2008)  reported  several  bones  of  one  St.  Croix 
Macaw  A.  autochthones  from  an  archaeological  site  in  south-central  Puerto  Rico. 

St.  Croix,  US  Virgin  Islands.  — A  tibiotarsus  of  an  adult-sized  immature  macaw  from  a 
prehistoric  archaeological  site  on  St.  Croix  is  the  basis  for  St.  Croix  Macaw  (Wetmore  1937, 
Olson  1978).  Olson  &  Maiz  Lopez  (2008)  reported  several  skeletal  elements  from  Puerto 
Rico.  Olson  (1978),  Wing  (1989)  and  Olson  &  Maiz  Lopez  (2008),  however,  cautioned  that  A. 
autochthones  was  not  necessarily  indigenous  to  St.  Croix  and  Puerto  Rico  because  prehistoric 
West  Indian  people  were  known  to  trade  live  psittacids.  On  the  other  hand,  Williams  & 
Steadman  (2001)  argued  that  St.  Croix  could  have  sustained  an  indigenous  macaw. 

Montserrat.  —  An  undescribed  species,  Montserrat  Macaw  Ara  sp.,  was  recently 
suggested  to  have  existed  on  the  basis  of  subfossil  remains  (University  of  Florida,  Gainesville; 
UF;  catalogue  no.  4416)  of  an  Ara  recovered  by  D.  R.  Watters  at  an  archaeological  site  at 
Trant's  (c,16°45'N,  62°09'W),  Saint  Georges  Parish,  (Williams  &  Steadman  2001).  However, 
it  possibly  represents  'A.  guadeloupensis'  (see  above).  As  skeletons,  most  large  parrots  and 
macaws  are  sexually  dimorphic  in  size  and  exhibit  great  individual  variation  (see  Hume 
2007)  and  Olson  &  Lopez  have  suggested  that  the  single  coracoid  is  not  diagnostic  at  species 
level  and  that  more  material  is  needed  before  any  attribution  can  be  made. 

Guadeloupe.  —  Diego  Alvarez  Chanca  (c.1450-1515;  in  de  Ybarra  1907:  428)  joined 
Columbus  on  his  second  voyage  (1493-94)  and  reported  taking  'two  parrots  ['Guacamayos' 
or  macaws],  very  large  and  quite  different  from  the  parrots  we  had  before  seen'  from 
the  houses  of  Carib  inhabitants  of  Guadeloupe.  Two  macaws  have  been  named  for  the 
island:  Guadeloupe  Macaw  A.  guadeloupensis  Clark,  1905,  and  Guadeloupe  Violet  Macaw 
Anodorhynchus  purpurascens  Rothschild,  1905. 

Guadeloupe  Macaw,  a  predominately  red  bird,  is  based  on  the  account  of  du  Tertre 
(1654:  294),  who  also  produced  a  rudimentary  illustration  (1667:  between  pp.  246-247;  copied 
by  Labat  1742:  between  pp.  216-217).  Johann  Huttich  (c.  1480-1544;  1534:  31)  recorded  a  red 
macaw  'present  in  such  numbers  as  grasshoppers  are  with  us...'.  Clark  (1905b)  considered 
A.  guadeloupensis  as  occurring  on  Guadeloupe,  Dominica  and  Martinique,  but  later  he 
(1908,  1934)  distinguished  the  macaw  of  Dominica  (A.  atwoodi )  from  those  on  Guadeloupe 
and  Martinique.  Williams  &  Steadman  (2001)  found  no  evidence  for  Clark's  (1905a:  269) 
suggestion  that  A.  guadeloupensis  also  occurred  on  Dominica  and  Martinique,  but  concluded 
that  it  would  seem  more  likely  that  the  Lesser  Antillean  macaws  were  endemic  to  each 
island  or  set  of  nearby  islands  based  on  what  is  attributed  to  Jean-Baptiste  Labat  (1663-1738; 
in  Clark  1905a:  269). 

Hume  &  Walters  (2012)  noted  the  remarkable  similarity  between  the  descriptions 
of  Guadeloupe  Macaw  by  du  Tertre  (1654:  294)  and  Labat  (1742:  212),  and  that  this  may 
support  the  presence  of  a  macaw  from  the  island.  That  similarity,  however,  may  be  the 
result  of  Labat  copying  du  Tertre's  work;  several  illustrations  in  Labat  are  re-renderings 
of  du  Tertre's  originals.  An  illustration  by  D'Aubenton  (in  Buffon  1765-83:  PL  12)  closely 
resembles  the  descriptions  of  du  Tertre  and  Labat,  which  Hume  &  Walters  (2012)  considered 
possible  evidence  that  at  least  one  Guadeloupe  Macaw  reached  Europe. 

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Because  Carib  Amerindians  were  able  to  inform  Columbus  the  direction  of  the 
mainland,  Greenway  (1967:  318)  suggested  that  Guadeloupe  Macaw  could  have  been  an 
exotic  species,  imported  through  trade  with  Mesoamerica  or  Mexico.  Still,  Williams  & 
Steadman  (2001)  argued  it  was  just  as  likely  that  macaws  were  indigenous. 

Rothschild  (1905)  based  his  description  of  Guadeloupe  Violet  Macaw  on  Martin 
Fernandez  de  Navarrete  y  Ximendez  de  Tejada's  (1765-1844;  cited  as  1838:  ii:  425  in 
Rothschild  1907a:  55,  but  not  found  by  us)  account  of  Te  gros  Perroquet  de  la  Guadaloupe', 
a  very  large  macaw  of  an  intense  purple  colour',  'called  Onecouli,  by  the  Caraibes,  according 
to  Fernand  Columbus'  (Rothschild  1907b:  202).  Navarrete's  narrative  was  based  on  Las 
Casas'  rediscovered  abstract  of  the  log  Columbus  made  of  his  second  voyage,  not  on  first¬ 
hand  observations.  Martyr  (in  MacNutt  1912:  72)  provided  more  detailed  and  convincing 
evidence  of  a  purple  macaw  on  Guadeloupe,  recounting  that  Columbus  took  'seven  parrots 
larger  than  pheasants,  and  totally  unlike  any  other  parrots  in  colour.  Their  entire  breast 
and  back  are  covered  with  purple  plumes,  and  from  their  shoulders  fall  long  feathers  of  the 
same  colour. ...  The  other  feathers  are  of  various  colours,  —green,  bluish,  purple,  or  yellow.' 
Greenway  (1967:  320)  and  Snyder  et  al.  (1987:  40)  suggested  that  Anodorhynchus  purpurascens 
was  based  on  either  a  poor  description  of  Guadeloupe  Parrot  Amazona  violacea  (now 
extinct)  or  Lear's  Macaw  Anodorhynchus  leari  of  Brazil,  which  must  have  been  imported  to 
Guadeloupe.  At  best,  the  evidence  for  a  Guadeloupe  Anodorhynchus  is  weak. 

Marie  Gal  ante.— Williams  &  Steadman  (2001)  reported  a  single  ulna  of  a  species 
referred  to  as  'Marie  Galante  (Guadeloupe?)  Macaw  Ara  cf.  guadeloupensis' ;  i.e.,  probably 
A.  guadeloupensis,  but  an  extinct  species  for  which  no  specimen  exists.  Tire  specimen  was 
discovered  at  an  archaeological  site  at  Folle  Anse  (c.l5°57'N,  61°20'W),  Grande  Anse,  Marie 
Galante,  and  is  deposited  in  the  UF  archeological  collections  (Folle  Anse  68,  Box  68-10). 
However,  Olson  &  Maiz  Lopez  (2008)  examined  the  specimen  reported  by  Williams  & 
Steadman,  and  considered  it  best  referred  to  Imperial  Parrot  Amazona  imperialis. 

Dominica.— Dominica  Macaw  Ara  atwoodi  Clark,  1908,  is  a  poorly  documented  species, 
based  mainly  on  Thomas  Atwood's  (oh.  1793;  1791:  29)  18th-century  report  of  a  macaw 
larger  than  native  Dominican  parrots  ( Amazona  arausiaca,  A.  imperialis)  and  was  'in  great 
plenty,  as  are  also  parrots  in  this  island.' 

Martinique.— Considerable  confusion  exists  concerning  the  macaw(s)  of  Martinique. 
Williams  &  Steadman  (2001)  listed  two  species,  'Ara  martinica'  Rothschild,  1905,  and 
'Anodorhynchus  martinicus'  Rothschild,  1905,  both  called  Martinique  Macaw.  In  his  three 
publications  referring  to  extinct  macaws  of  the  West  Indies,  however,  Rothschild  does 
not  mention  two  species  from  Martinique.  Rothschild  (1905)  first  assigned  Anadorhynchus 
[Anodorhynchus]  martinicus  to  a  blue-and-orange  macaw  recorded  by  Pere  Jacques  Bouton 
(1592-1658;  1640:  71).  Rothschild  used  the  name  Anadorhynchus  martinicus,  nom.  nov.  in  his 
paper  (1907b:  202)  but,  in  his  Extinct  birds  (1907a:  53),  he  referred  to  it  as  Ara  martinicus, 
noting  Anadorhynchus  martinicus  Rothsch.  1905  as  a  synonym.  We  suggest  only  one,  if  any, 
species  existed  on  Martinique,  and  propose  that  Ara  martinicus  Rothschild,  1907,  be  assigned 
to  it.  Certainly,  whether  one  or  two  species,  it  is  poorly  documented,  being  based  solely 
on  Bouton's  (1640)  scanty  account.  Salvadori  (1906)  considered  it  to  be  Blue-and-yellow 
Macaw.  Greenway  (1967:  319)  suggested  Bouton  described  a  captive  bird  and,  with  Snyder 
et  al.  (1987:  39M0),  also  thought  that  the  species  concerned  was  Blue-and-yellow  Macaw, 
which  could  have  been  traded  to  Martinique.  Snyder  et  al.  (1987),  however,  noted  that  a 
distinctive  macaw  once  occurred  on  Martinique.  Regardless  of  its  name,  we  agree  with 
Williams  &  Steadman  (2001),  who  suggested  that  both  supposed  species  of  Anodorhynchus 
in  the  Lesser  Antilles  require  corroboration.  As  noted  by  J.  P.  Hume  (in  litt.  2013),  that  an 
Anodorhynchus  macaw  once  occurred  on  the  West  Indies  is,  for  now,  probably  best  regarded 

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as  a  figment  of  Rothschild's  imagination,  given  that  no  modern-day  Anodorhynchus  occurs 
anywhere  near  the  West  Indies,  and  all  of  the  available  evidence  suggests  that  this  genus 
was  rare  even  in  historical  times  making  it  unlikely  that  such  birds  would  have  arrived 
in  the  Antilles  via  trade.  In  contrast,  several  species  of  Ara  macaws  occur  on  the  adjacent 
mainland  of  South  and  Middle  America. 

In  1936,  the  Cuban  scientist  Mario  Sanchez  y  Roig  (1890-1962)  thought  he  had  found 
a  specimen  of  Ara  martinicus.  He  claimed  that  it  was  collected  in  September  1845  and 
mounted  in  1846  (in  litt.  to  L.  C.  Sanford,  21  February  1936).  On  examining  the  specimen, 
however,  J.  T.  Zimmer  determined  it  to  be  a  composite  hoax,  using  the  head,  body  and 
wings  of  Burrowing  Parakeet  Cyanoliseus  patagonus  byroni  (now  bloxami )  of  Chile,  and  tail 
of  a  dove,  apparently  an  Old  World  Streptopelia.  Zimmer  (in  litt.  American  Museum  of 
Natural  History,  27  March  1936)  noted  'It  has  very  little  resemblance  to  the  Macaws,  even 
in  its  made  up  condition.' 

Natural  history  of  Cuban  Macaw,  with  comments  on  other 

West  Indian  macaws 

Earliest  records.— Columbus  and  others,  including  Jose  de  Acosta  (1540-1600;  1590), 
Bartolome  de  Las  Casas  (c.1484-1566;  1552-61),  Diego  Alvarez  Chanca  (1494;  in  de  Ybarra 
1907),  and  Gonzalo  Fernandez  de  Oviedo  y  Valdes  (1478-1557;  1950:  167)  mentioned 
macaws  in  their  reports  of  the  exploration  of  Cuba  and  other  of  the  Antilles.  Juan  Ignacio 
de  Armas  (1888:  114-115)  summarised  these  early  records.  Cuban  Macaw's  beauty  was  well 
appreciated  and  illustrated  in  early  treatments  based  on  specimens,  including  Levaillant 
(1801  Vol.  1:  PI.  5),  D'Aubenton  (in  Buffon  1765-83:  PI.  641:  'Le  petit  Ara'),  Bechstein  (1811: 
PI.  1)  and  Brehm  (1842:  PI.  3).  The  court  painter  Leopold  Brunner  produced  a  painting  of  A. 
tricolor  in  the  late  18th  century  (H.-M.  Berg  pers.  comm.). 

Relationships.  —  Speculation  on  relationships  among  West  Indian  macaw  species  is 
presently  impossible  because  no  reliable,  detailed  descriptions  or  specimens  exist  other  than 
for  A.  tricolor.  Williams  &  Steadman  (2001)  noted  that  overall  the  plumage  of  Cuban  Macaw 
suggests  that  its  nearest  mainland  relative  was  Scarlet  Macaw,  because  the  distribution  of 
red  and  blue  is  similar,  as  is  the  presence  of  a  white  facial  patch  that  is  featherless  except  for 
small  crescentic  lines  of  tiny  red  feathers.  A.  tricolor  is  distinct  in  lacking  a  yellow  shoulder 
patch,  its  all-black  bill  and  substantially  smaller  size.  Greenway  (1967:  315)  affirmed  that 
A.  tricolor  was  clearly  a  representative  of  A.  macao,  and  believed  other  forms  of  what  he 
considered  a  superspecies  occurred  on  Jamaica,  Hispaniola  and  Guadeloupe.  A.  tricolor 
and  A.  macao  share  a  species  of  feather  mite  (see  Parasites),  which  further  supports  their 

Range  and  status  of  Cuban  Macaw.  —  Early  writers  described  the  range  of  A.  tricolor 
as  not  only  Cuba  and  Isla  de  Pinos,  but  also  Haiti  and  Jamaica  (Cory  1892,  Gundlach  1893, 
Todd  1916),  but  most  recent  authors  have  limited  its  range  to  the  first  two  islands  (Bond 
1978,  Olson  2005,  AOU  2012). 

Clark  (1905b)  stated  that  young  A.  tricolor  was  largely  green,  although  he  presented  no 
source  for  this.  If  the  juvenile  of  A.  tricolor  was  predominantly  green,  that  could  account  for 
early  reports  of  A.  militaris  on  Cuba  and  Jamaica  (Clark  1905b,  Williams  &  Steadman  2001). 
On  the  other  hand.  Military  Macaws  were  imported  to  the  islands  and  could  have  occurred 
in  a  feral  state,  thereby  adding  to  the  confusion  (see  Trade). 

Cuba.  —  Fossil  evidence  exists  for  Ciego  Montero,  Cienfuegos  province  (22°20'0"N, 
80°24'0"W;  Wetmore  1928;  Pleistocene);  Cueva  de  Paredones,  Caimito,  La  Habana  province 
(22°84'0"N,  82°63'0''W;  Arredondo  1984;  Quaternary);  and  Casimba  en  Los  Buentes,  Mai 
Paez,  Sagua  La  Grande,  Villa  Clara  province  (22°48'0"N,  80°04'0"W;  Olson  &  Suarez  2008; 

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Quaternary)  (Fig.  1).  Arredondo  (1984)  said  that  Cuban  Macaw  was  abundant  at  the  time 
of  the  European  arrival,  although  Barbour  (1923:  80)  suggested  it  probably  never  was 
widespread.  Moreno  (1992)  considered  it  restricted  to  central  and  western  Cuba,  as  well  as 
Isla  de  Pinos. 

The  Italian  Giovanni  Gemelli  Careri  (1651-1725;  Giro  del  mundo  1699-1700;  in  de  la 
Torre  1857)  mentioned  killing  large  numbers  of  parrots  and  two  macaws  near  La  Habana  on 
20  January  1698.  An  anonymous  resident  ('By  a  physician'  1844)  of  Cuba  listed  the  macaw 
in  the  1840s,  but  by  the  mid-19th  century  d'Orbigny  (1839)  wrote  that  it  was  becoming  rare. 
Most  accounts  of  the  macaw's  range  and  numbers  at  this  time  are  based  on  Gundlach's 
(1810-96)  reports  from  Cienaga  de  Zapata,  a  vast  swamp  comprising  about  one-third  of 
the  province  of  Matanzas,  on  whose  southern  boundary  it  is  located.  Gundlach  (1893:  151) 
noted  that  the  macaw  was  still  fairly  common  at  the  swamp's  northern  edge  (e.g.,  Hanabana, 
where  the  rio  Hanabana  flows  into  the  swamp)  in  1850,  but  thereafter  it  retreated  into  the 
interior.  He  (1874;  1876:  126)  reported  it  occurring  from  Hanabana  (Hacienda  Hanabana 
=  'Hato  Zarabanda';  22°24'0"N,  80°58'01"W;  12  m)  to  the  Ensenada  (Bahia)  de  Cochinos 
(Bay  of  Pigs;  22°10'48"N,  81°09'59"W;  c.32  km  south-west  of  Hanabana).  Gundlach  passed 
nine  months  in  the  Cienaga,  from  September  1849  to  mid  1850,  mostly  at  its  north-eastern 
edge  (Gonzalez  Lopez  1990).  It  was  probably  during  his  1849-50  visit  that  Gundlach 
collected  several  macaws  from  one  of  the  last  bands,  which  he  said  came  regularly  to 
feed  at  Hanabana  (Ramsden  1918).  In  early  1850,  Gundlach  traveled  to  Hato  Cabeza  de 
Toro  (22°06'0"N,  80°48'0"W;  10  m;  c.38  km  south-east  of  Hacienda  Hanabana,  and  c.39 
km  east-southeast  of  Bahia  de  Cochinos),  but  left  no  record  of  macaws  in  that  part  of  the 
Cienaga.  Gundlach  made  another  trip  to  Cienaga  de  Zapata  in  June  1856,  his  first  stop  on 
an  extended  journey  through  Cuba.  By  1856,  Gundlach  (1856)  considered  the  macaw  rare  in 
Cuba.  Barely  a  decade  later,  Gundlach  (1865-66, 1873, 1874, 1876: 126)  noted  it  was  confined 
to  only  a  few  places,  with  the  population  consisting  of  a  few  pairs.  In  later  years  he  did  not 
find  it  in  Cienaga  de  Zapata,  although  Gundlach  told  Cory  (1886,  1889:  177-178)  that  he 
believed  A.  tricolor  still  survived  in  Zapata  about  1885. 

The  only  report  of  macaws  from  western  Cuba  is  that  of  Barbour  (1923:  80),  who 
was  told  of  its  former  presence  at  Guane  (western  Pinar  del  Rio  province;  22°12'07"N, 
84°05'16"W;  c.300  km  west  of  Bahia  de  Cochinos;  Fig.  1);  he  remarked  that  no  macaws  were 
seen  in  western  Pinar  del  Rio  after  the  great  hurricane  of  1844. 

In  1867,  Antonio  Perpiha  (1889),  a  Spanish  writer,  geographer  and  priest,  traveled 
widely  through  central  Cuba,  some  of  the  cayos,  and  as  far  south-east  as  Pico  Turquino, 

Figure  1.  Cuba  and  Isla  de  Pinos  (Isla  de  la  Juventud)  with  major  cities  and  sites  mentioned  in  text,  and 
known  localities  of  Cuban  Macaw  Ara  tricolor  from  observations  (dots)  and  fossil  specimens  ('x'). 

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Sierra  Maestra  (Fig.  1).  Perpina  described  passing  through  extensive  virgin  forests  in  which 
he  found  many  animals,  and  gave  a  detailed  and  acceptable  description  of  Cuban  Macaw, 
which  he  called  the  'king  of  the  parrots'  because  of  its  brilliant  colour  and  size.  Perpina 
(1889:  32)  recorded  that  his  entourage  shot  a  macaw,  six  parrots,  four  parakeets  and  23 
other  birds  during  a  day  of  hunting  in  Valle  de  San  Antonio  (c.21°32'0"N,  77°28'0"W;  24 
m,  near  Sierra  de  Cubitas  and  c.31  km  east-northeast  of  Camagriey;  Fig.  1).  Later  in  his 
expedition,  Perpina  (1889:  242)  reported  another  macaw  and  many  parrots  were  killed  by 
his  party  near  Jobabo  (20°54'32"N,  77°17'06"W;  82  km  south-east  of  Camagiiey),  between 
Guaimaro  (21°03'0"N,  77°21'0''W)  and  Las  Lomas  de  Rompe  (Sierras  de  Rompe;  21°02'42"N, 
77°10'55"W),  west-northwest  of  Las  Tunas  (Fig.  1).  Further,  Perpina  (1889:  247)  wrote  of  the 
great  red  macaw  ('lorirojo')  observed  at  Las  Lomas  de  Rompe,  where  he  also  noted  Ivory¬ 
billed  Woodpecker  Campephilus  principalis  bairdii,  Cuban  Parakeets  Aratinga  eitops  and  other 
birds.  Although  Perpina' s  observations  appear  credible,  it  is  surprising  that  Gundlach  did 
not  encounter  macaws  in  central  Cuba,  including  around  Camagriey  in  May  1859;  however, 
Gundlach  was  told  of  macaws  in  central  Cuba  (Gundlach  1893:  151).  Although  Gundlach 
made  extensive  explorations  of  the  easternmost  region  of  Cuba,  he  failed  to  find  macaws 
and  said  that  no  one  knew  of  it  there  (Gundlach  1893:  151). 

Isla  de  Pinos.— Gundlach  explored  Isla  de  Pinos  (=  Isla  de  la  Juventud)  twice,  in  1854 
(December)  and  1855,  including  six  weeks  at  Santa  Fe  (21°44'31"N,  82°45'18"W);  he  also 
made  a  five-week  trip  early  in  1892  (Poey  1866,  Gundlach  1854:  426,  Dathe  &  Gonzalez 
Lopez  2002;  in  lift,  to  F.  Ramsden,  La  Flabana,  26  April  1892;  JWW  pers.  archive).  Despite 
these  extended  periods  of  travel,  Gundlach  was  unable  to  adequately  explore  the  extensive 
Cienaga  de  Lanier  (21°34'0''N,  82°52'0"W;  10  m)  because  of  the  distance  from  his  base  at 
Santa  Fe  (=  La  Fe;  c.25  km  north-east  of  Lanier)  and  so  passed  just  one  day  at  the  swamp's 
northern  edge.  Although  Gundlach  (1893:  151)  listed  the  macaw  from  Isla  de  Pinos,  he 
collected  none  there;  he  was  told  that  some  macaws  still  survived  on  the  edge  of  the 
Cienaga  de  Lanier  and  reported  that  the  macaw  and  Ivory-billed  Woodpecker  occurred  in 
the  southern  Cienaga  (Dathe  &  Gonzalez  Lopez  2002).  Walter  Reaves  Zappey  (1878-1914) 
traveled  extensively  through  Isla  de  Pinos,  collecting  for  Rothschild's  Tring  Museum  in 
1902,  and  for  E.  A.  &  Outram  Bangs  in  1904,  but  did  not  find  maqaws.  Zappey  was  told 
that  the  last  pair  of  macaws  known  in  the  island  was  killed  about  1864  at  San  Francisco 
de  la  Vega  (21°37'0"N,  82°46'0"W;  Fig.  1),  13  km  north  of  the  Cienaga  de  Lanier;  none  was 
reported  thereafter  (Bangs  &  Zappey  1905,  Todd  1916).  The  pair  killed  at  San  Francisco  de 
la  Vega  apparently  was  not  preserved  (Olson  &  Suarez  2008).  The  Isla  de  Pinos  macaws 
were  probably  subject  to  intense  harvesting  as  the  Cuban  population  dwindled.  As  parrots 
became  scarcer  on  Cuba,  harvesting  became  much  more  intense  on  Isla  de  Pinos  to  supply 
demand  (Smith  1944);  we  suspect  its  macaws  also  became  more  vigorously  sought  for  the 
same  reason. 

Because  Bangs  &  Zappey  (1905)  referred  to  the  locality  of  the  1864  record  merely  as 
'La  Vega,'  rather  than  its  complete  name  of  San  Francisco  de  la  Vega,  many  authors  (e.g., 
Greenway  1967,  Day  1981,  Luther  1995,  Fuller  2001,  Olson  &  Suarez  2008,  Hume  &  Walters 
2012)  have  wrongly  assigned  the  location  to  La  Vega,  Cienfuegos  province  (22°05'0"N, 
80°21'0"W),  in  Cuba,  rather  than  to  the  correct  Isla  de  Pinos  location.  La  Vega,  Cuba,  is  c.300 
km  east-northeast  of  San  Francisco  de  la  Vega,  Isla  de  Pinos.  Equally,  many  authors  since 
Rothschild  (1907a),  especially  in  recent  decades,  have  referred  to  this  record  as  only  having 
involved  a  single  individual. 

Habitat.  —  Cuban  Macaw  occupied  open  terrain  with  scattered  trees,  especially  palm 
savanna,  characteristic  of  Cienaga  de  Zapata.  Many  years  after  Gundlach,  Barbour  (1943:  73, 
1945:  152)  traveled  the  rio  Hanabana  to  where  that  river  flowed  into  the  swamp,  describing 

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the  morass  as  bordered  by  a  wide  area  of  open  country  with  scattered  clumps  of  palms 
and  hardwood  cayos  or  hammocks.  The  border  zone  sloped  gently  toward  the  swamp  and 
its  extent  varied  as  the  rains  caused  the  water  levels  to  rise  or  fall  throughout  the  entire 

Perpina  (1889)  described  limitless  tracts  of  unbroken  forests  from  north  of  Camagiiey 
to  Las  Tunas.  The  natural  vegetation  of  central  Cuba  was  seasonal  evergreen,  semi- 
deciduous  (dominated  by  Swietenia  mahagoni)  and  gallery  forests,  in  stark  contrast  to  the 
almost  complete  conversion  of  that  region  to  crops  and  pastures  with  only  remnant  forest 
and  palm  savanna  today  (Borhidi  1991).  The  habitat  where  Perpina  found  macaws  around 
Lomas  de  Rompe  formerly  consisted  of  extensive  rainforest-like  gallery  forests,  but  has  been 
impoverished  by  human  influence,  and  today  only  a  few  degraded  stands  of  forest  remain; 
natural  vegetation  has  been  replaced  by  treeless  marshy  meadows  and  moist  savannas 
(Borhidi  1991).  Also,  the  area  around  Guane,  Pinar  del  Rio,  is  mostly  converted  habitat, 
but  the  flatlands  and  gently  rolling  hill  country  of  the  region  originally  were  characterised 
by  mixed  palm-pine  woodlands  with  a  loose  canopy  layer,  in  which  Colpothrinax  wrightii, 
Acoeloraphe  wrightii,  Pinus  tropicalis  and  P.  caribaea  were  dominant  (Borhidi  1991). 

Cienaga  de  Lanier  has  not  been  substantially  altered  since  the  mid-19th  century  and 
is  today  characterised  by  mangroves  at  its  southern  fringe,  and  a  variety  of  seasonally 
inundated  habitats  including  semi-deciduous  forest,  marshy  grasslands,  hardwood  and 
palm  hammocks,  and  palm  savanna  in  the  interior. 

Buffon  (1793:  161),  probably  speaking  of  more  than  one  species  of  red  macaw,  said 
these  birds  lived  in  woods  and  wetlands  with  palm  trees,  and  fed  mainly  on  fruit  of 
palms,  of  which  there  were  immense  forests  in  the  flooded  savannas.  M.  de  le  Borde  (in 
Buffon  1793:  160)  reported  that  West  Indian  macaws  'retire  to  the  least  frequented  places, 
and  are  no  more  observed  to  approach  the  plantations.'  Browne  (1756:  472)  stated  that 
the  'blue  Mackaw  of  Edwards'  generally  kept  to  the  most  unfrequented  inland  parts  of 
Jamaica.  Richard  Hill  (in  Gosse  1847:  261)  reported  Jamaican  macaws  (Ara  sp.)  were  'found 
exclusively  in  the  central  mountains  westward  of  the  island,  and  are  observed  on  the  skirt 
of  the  partially  cleared  country,  at  an  elevation  of  2500  or  3000  feet  [750-900  m]  above  the 
sea.'  March  (1863:  283)  noted  that  all  records  of  macaws  in  Jamaica  were  from  mountainous 
and  wooded  areas,  in  contrast  to  the  Cuban  Macaw,  which  was  mostly  found  in  lowland 
savanna,  including  coastal  regions,  and  low-elevation  interior  forests. 

Habits.— Pew  data  are  available  on  behaviour  of  West  Indian  macaws,  but  du  Tertre 
(1654:  294)  said  'Their  voice  is  loud  and  piercing,  and  they  always  cry  when  flying.  If  one 
imitates  their  cry,  they  stop  short.  They  have  a  grave  and  dignified  demeanor'.  Labat  (1742: 
212)  likewise  noted  that  the  voice  of  West  Indian  macaws  in  general  was  strong.  Atwood 
(1791:  29)  characterised  Dominican  Macaw  vocalisations  as  a  'disagreeable,  harsh  noise,' 
and  'loud  chattering  noise,  which  at  a  distance  resembles  human  voices.'  Gosse  (1847: 
263)  reported  that  Jamaican  macaws  (Ara  sp.)  flew  extremely  high,  in  pairs,  giving  harsh 
screams,  before  finally  alighting  on  the  'loftiest  of  the  forest  trees,  in  their  chosen  resting 
places.'  In  Dominica,  Atwood  (1791:  29)  said  macaws  gathered  atop  the  highest  trees,  where 
they  'feed  on  the  berries  in  great  numbers  together.'  De  Rochefort  (1658:  154)  said  Lesser 
Antillean  macaws  commonly  flew  in  flocks.  Gundlach  (1874,  1876)  reported  that  Cuban 
Macaw  lived  in  pairs  or  in  families,  and  noted  (1893)  it  had  a  loud  vocalisation  like  the 
macaws  of  Central  America. 

Di et.— Gundlach  (1874,  1876,  1893)  characterised  the  diet  of  Cuban  Macaw  as 
including  fruits,  palm  fruit,  seeds  of  Chinaberry  tree  Melia  azedarach,  tender  shoots  and 
buds.  Chinaberry  tree  is  native  to  Asia,  Australasia,  and  some  Pacific  islands,  but  has  been 
naturalised  widely  in  warmer  parts  of  the  world,  including  the  West  Indies.  The  fruit  is  a 

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slightly  fleshy  marble-sized  (c.15  mm  in  diameter),  nearly  round  drupe.  The  oblong  seed  is 
3.5  x  1.6  mm  and  surrounded  by  pulp,  which  was  probably  the  part  consumed  by  macaws, 
as  it  is  by  Cuban  Parrots  Amazona  leucocephala  and  Cuban  Parakeets  (pers.  obs.).  The  fruit 
is  mildly  toxic  to  humans.  Cuba  has  a  diverse  palm  flora  (Leiva  Sanchez  1999)  and  seeds  of 
several  species  that  occur  in  Cienaga  de  Zapata  were  probably  important  in  the  macaw's 
diet  (Olson  &  Suarez  2008).  Dominant  species  of  palm  there  include  Roystonea  regia  and 
Salmi  maritima.  Local  palms  have  large  fruit  upon  which  many  birds,  including  parrots,  feed. 
Olson  &  Suarez  (2008)  attributed  certain  features  of  Cuban  Macaw's  skull  to  its  probable 
diet  of  very  hard  seeds,  especially  those  of  palms,  as  is  typical  of  larger  mainland  macaws. 

In  Jamaica,  Browne  (1756:  250)  noted  that  the  seeds  of  a  Sloanea  ('the  large  oval-leafed 
Sloanea,  or  brake-axe  tree';  probably  S.  jamaicensis)  were  'much  coveted  by  the  mackaw  and 
parrots,'  further  stating  that  these  were  the  only  birds  that  could  'break  thro'  those  thick  and 
lignous  seed-vessels.'  Further,  Browne  (1756:  343-344)  listed  two  Jamaican  palms— 'The 
Mackaw  Tree'  and  'The  Great  Mackaw  Tree'  — but  without  reference  to  the  bird.  He  noted 
that  their  fruits  were  large  and  rich  in  palm-oil.  Liman  (1814:  468)  said  the  Macaw-Tree  was 
so  called  'from  a  large  bird  that  feeds  upon  the  fruit  of  this  tree,  which  is  of  the  palm  kind. 
There  are  two  sorts  of  them...':  'great  macaw-tree'  and  'small  macaw  tree.'  There  may  be 
confusion  as  to  the  true  origin  of  the  names  of  these  palms,  because  the  vulgar  names  may 
relate  to  the  Portuguese  name  of  macauba  for  a  kind  of  palm  tree. 

Oviedo  y  Valdes  (1535:  Libro  Septimo,  Capitulo  ii:  lxxii)  reported  West  Indian  macaws 
fed  on  manchineel  Hippomane  mancinella,  which  is  common  in  the  West  Indies  but  is 
a  powerful  caustic  poison  to  man  and  other  animals.  Du  Tertre  (1654:  296)  said  West 
Indian  macaws  fed  'on  seeds  and  several  fruits  of  trees,  but  mainly  on  the  apples  of  the 
manchineel.'  Later,  du  Tertre  (1667:  249)  elaborated,  saying  macaws  only  ate  manchineel 
in  times  of  necessity,  and  cautioned  that  meat  of  macaws  that  had  eaten  manchineel  was 
unhealthy  and  even  poisonous  to  man. 

Breeding.  —  Unfortunately,  Gundlach  did  not  observe  the  breeding  behaviour  of  A. 
tricolor  as  he  did  not  visit  Hanabana  at  the  appropriate  season  (Gundlach  1865-66,  1873, 
1874,  1876).  He  described  the  nest  as  a  hollow  in  a  palm  based  on  sites  shown  to  him  by  local 
residents  (Gundlach  1876).  The  egg  has  not  been  preserved  or  described. 

Atwood  (1791:  29)  noted  that  Dominican  Macaws  'breed  on  the  tops  of  the  highest 
trees.'  Du  Tertre  (1667:  249)  stated  'The  male  and  the  female  [West  Indian  macaw]  are 
inseparable  companions,  and  it  is  rare  that  one  is  seen  singly',  further  noting,  'When  they 
wish  to  breed  (which  they  do  once  or  twice  a  year)  they  make  a  hole  with  their  beaks  in  the 
trunk  of  a  large  tree,  and  construct  a  nest  with  feathers  from  their  own  bodies.  They  lay  two 
eggs,  the  size  of  those  of  a  pigeon,  marked  like  those  of  partridge.' 

Parasites.  —  Du  Tertre  (1667:  249-250)  said  West  Indian  macaw  nestlings  were  infested 
with  two  worms  in  the  nostrils,  with  another  in  a  small  tumour  on  top  its  head,  and  noted 
that  the  maggots  died  once  the  chicks  were  feathered.  These  worms  were  probably  warble 
fly  Philornis  pici  larvae,  which  commonly  parasitise  psittacine  nestlings  in  the  West  Indies 
(Snyder  et  al.  1987;  pers.  obs.).  The  maggots  pupate  within  their  host,  and  so  may  appear 
as  though  the  larvae  have  died.  Mey  (2005)  reported  a  new  species  of  chewing  louse 
Psittacobrosus  bechsteini,  now  probably  extinct,  from  a  Cuban  Macaw  collected  by  Gundlach 
c.1849.  Cuervo  Pineda  &  Perez  Ortiz  (2009)  found  a  feather  mite  Genoprotolichus  eurycnemis 
on  a  Cuban  Macaw  collected  by  Gundlach  in  1849.  This  species  is  also  known  from  Scarlet 
Macaw.  Cuervo  Pineda  &  Perez  Ortiz  (2010)  also  found  a  new  species  of  mite,  Distigmesikya 
extincta,  on  the  skin  of  a  Cuban  Macaw. 

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Population  decline  and  extinction  of  West  Indian  macaws 

At  the  time  of  Columbus,  parrots  and  macaws  were  abundant  in  the  islands  (Huttich 
1534:  31,  Sloane  1725:  297,  Atwood  1791:  29,  Deshayes  in  Buffon  1793:  160,  Edwards  1806: 
19,  Martyr  in  MacNutt  1912:  72),  but  by  the  18th  century  macaws  were  rare  in  the  Lesser 
Antilles  (and  presumably  elsewhere)  (Clark  1905a).  M.  de  le  Borde  (in  Brisson  1760:  183) 
stated  'In  all  these  [West  Indies]  the  Macaws  have  become  very  rare'.  Seventy  years  earlier, 
John  Taylor  (fl.  1687;  2008:  142-143)  noted  that  Jamaican  macaws  were  'held  as  a  great 
rarity,  there  being  but  a  few  of  them  on  this  island  and  those  hard  to  be  come  at,  because 
they  are  noewhere  to  be  found  but  in  the  woody  mountaines.'  Further  observers  of  macaws 
in  Jamaica  also  reported  declining  populations.  Browne  (1756:  472)  said  the  'blue  mackaw  of 
Edwards'  was  very  rare,  Stewart  (1822:  79)  noted  that  'The  maccaw  is  become  very  scarce', 
and  Gosse  (1847:  260)  reported  they  were  very  rare  during  his  residence  (December  1844- 
July  1846).  March  (1863)  stated  that  he  had  not  heard  of  any  reports  on  Jamaica  since  1849, 
the  last  dependable  report  for  the  island. 

Several  dates  have  been  proposed  for  the  extinction  of  Cuban  Macaw,  including  c.1850 
(Bond  1940,  Adams  et  al.  2003),  c.1864  (Bond  1959,  Balat  &  Gonzalez  1982,  Olson  2005), 
c.1884  (Vincent  1966-71,  Moreno  1992),  c.1885  (Greenway  1967,  Prestwich  1970),  between 
1864  and  1885  (Lantermann  1984),  and  end  of  the  19th  century  (Garrido  &  Garcia  Montana 
1975,  Moreno  1992).  The  last  reliable  reports,  however,  were  Gundlach's  from  Cienaga  de 
Zapata  in  the  early  1850s,  Perpena's  in  central  and  south-west  Cuba  in  1867,  and  possibly 
Zappey's  second-hand  record  from  Isla  de  Pinos  in  1864. 

Causes  of  extinction 

Hunting.  —  Hunting  for  psittacids  was  a  part  of  subsistence  and  traditional  cultural 
activities  of  Amerindians  before  the  arrival  of  Europeans.  In  Mexico,  Hernando  Cortes 
(Diaz  del  Castillo  1956)  saw  parrots  for  sale  as  food  in  the  Aztec  capital  Tenochtitlan  in 
1520.  Antillean  Amerindians  included  parrots  and  macaws  in  their  diets,  and  du  Tertre 
(1667:  249)  said  that  macaws  were  eaten  regularly  on  some  islands.  The  presence  of  macaw 
remains  in  St.  Croix,  Puerto  Rico  and  Montserrat  kitchen  middens  supports  this.  On 
Dominica,  Columbus'  men  were  shocked  to  find  'popingiayes'  (macaws)  along  with  geese, 
ducks  and  human  flesh  in  earthen  vessels,  presumably  being  food  larders,  in  houses  of 
natives  (Huttich  1534:  31,  Arber  1885:  30). 

West  Indian  macaws  were  easily  killed,  even  using  bow  and  arrows  (Labat  1742:  81). 
Martyr  noted  the  ease  at  which  macaws  could  be  captured  by  hand  or  noose,  and  the 
curious  fact  that  they  were  not  alarmed  by  gunshots  (in  Buffon  1793:  162,  MacNutt  1912: 
409).  Du  Tertre  (1654:  294)  said  West  Indian  macaws  were  'far  from  being  alarmed  by  many 
shots  fired  under  a  tree  where  they  are  perched,  they  gaze  at  their  companions  who  fall 
dead  to  the  ground  without  being  disturbed  at  all,  so  that  one  may  fire  five  or  six  times  into 
the  same  tree  without  their  appearing  to  be  frightened.'  de  Rochefort  (1658:  154)  considered 
Lesser  Antillean  macaws  'bold  and  resolute,  for  they  are  not  alarmed  by  the  report  of  fire¬ 
arms,  and  if  none  are  wounded  at  the  first  discharge,  they  await  a  second  without  moving 
from  the  place  where  they  are;  but  there  are  many  who  attribute  this  boldness  to  their 
natural  stupidity  rather  than  to  their  courage.' 

Du  Tertre  (1667:  248-249)  described  how  Amerindians  in  the  Antilles  captured  macaws 
alive.  The  hunters  waited  until  they  descended  to  the  ground  to  feed  on  fallen  fruit, 
at  which  point  the  men  stealthily  approached,  surrounding  the  birds,  then  burst  forth, 
shouting  and  clapping,  which  startled  the  birds  so  that  they  did  not  fly,  but  fell  on  their 
backs  and  defended  themselves  with  bills  and  claws.  The  Indians  shoved  sticks  at  the  birds. 

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Bull.  B.O.C.  2013  133(2) 

which  they  grasped  with  claws  and  beak,  whereupon  the  birds  were  tied  up  with  vines. 
In  Cuba  captive  parrots  were  used  as  decoys.  A  native  equipped  with  a  captive  parrot  and 
a  noose  would  climb  a  tree,  where  he  hid  in  a  straw  'hide.'  When  the  trapper  touched  the 
decoy  parrot's  head,  it  cried  out  and  attracted  other  parrots.  The  noose  was  slipped  over  the 
head  of  any  inquisitive  parrots,  its  neck  wrung  and  let  fall  to  the  ground  (Krieger  1929:  44). 

Live  macaws  and  parrots  were  kept  captive  until  such  time  as  they  became  meals  for 
Amerindians.  Huttich  (1534:  31),  speaking  of  Ara  guadeloupensis,  noted  'they  feed  some  of 
them  so  that  they  are  better  to  eat.'  Martyr  (in  MacNutt  1912:  72)  reported  that  macaws  and 
parrots  were  kept  in  captivity  by  Amerindians,  'and  just  as  we  keep  magpies,  thrushes,  and 
similar  birds  to  fatten  them,  so  do  these  islanders  also  keep  birds  to  eat,  though  their  forests 
are  full  of  parrots.' 

Parrots,  including  macaws,  were  hunted  as  food  by  15th  and  16th-century  explorers 
(Cooper  &  Armitage  2013),  though  they  were  probably  eaten  by  the  Europeans  far  less  than 
by  native  peoples,  and  then  only  in  desperation  (Boehrer  2004,  Cooper  &  Armitage  2013). 
Still,  Labat  (1742:  215)  noted  that  while  in  Guadeloupe  he  ate  more  parrots  than  partridges 
when  in  Europe.  Long  (1774:  865,  951)  noted  that  parrots  were  eaten  by  Amerindians 
but,  although  he  listed  parrots  and  parakeets,  he  did  not  include  macaws  among  birds 
commonly  eaten  by  Jamaican  colonists.  The  reason  for  macaws  not  being  eaten  by 
Europeans  may  relate  to  the  quality  of  their  flesh.  Du  Tertre  (1654:  294)  said  of  West  Indian 
macaws,  'The  flesh  of  this  bird  is  very  tough,  and  considered  by  many  unwholesome,  and 
even  poisonous.'  Atwood  (1791:  29-30)  described  the  flesh  of  the  Dominican  Macaw  as 
'...being  very  fat,  it  wastes  in  roasting,  and  eats  dry  and  insipid;  for  which  reason,  they 
are  chiefly  used  to  make  soup  of,  which  is  accounted  very  nutritive.'  Conversely,  Taylor 
(2008:  142-143)  noted  that  the  flesh  of  Jamaican  macaw  ( Ara  sp.)  was  'very  good  but  they 
are  seldom  eaten.'  Sloane  (1725:  297)  said  'the  Small  Maccaw'  was  'eaten  as  Pigeons', 
and  further  noted  that  other  native  parrots  were  eaten,  including  the  'common  parrot  of 
Jamaica'  (Yellow-billed  Parrot  Amazona  collaria)  which  he  recorded  as  being  'bak'd  in  Pyes' 
and  tasting  of  pigeon.  This  is  more  or  less  seconded  by  Coke  (1808:  391),  who  stated  that 
'There  are  two  species  of  parrots  in  the  woods,  natives  of  the  island,  both  green;  but  one 
sort  has  a  yellow  bill.  They  are  neither  so  beautiful,  nor  such  good  talkers,  as  the  gray  and 
green  of  other  countries;  they  are,  however,  esteemed  as  delicate  food,  and  are  served  up  at 
some  tables  in  preference  to  pigeons.'  Browne  (1756:  473)  noted  that  parrots  were  'generally 
reckoned  very  delicate  meat,  and  eat  not  unlike  pigeons;  ...  and  frequently  served  up  at 
gentlemen's  tables  in  all  the  country  parts  of  the  island  [Jamaica].'  M.  de  le  Borde  (in  Brisson 
1760:  183)  stated  'In  all  these  [West  Indies]  ...  the  inhabitants  destroy  [macaws]  for  food.' 
The  price  commanded  by  parrots  as  game  is  suggested  by  Taylor  (2008:  142),  who  wrote 
that  'you  may  bie  of  them  dead  for  two  royalls  a  duzen...  at  Jamaica.' 

Several  writers  have  pointed  to  hunting  as  contributing  to  Cuban  Macaw's  extinction 
(Rothschild  in  Lonnberg  1928,  Barbour  1943,  Arredondo  1984).  Greenway  (1967)  noted 
that  hunting  was  the  only  known  reason  for  its  extinction.  Apparently,  as  reported  for 
other  West  Indian  macaws,  Cuban  Macaws  were  easily  taken;  Barbour  (1943)  was  told 
that  adults  were  stupid  and  slow  to  take  flight  when  approached.  Gemelli  Careri  (1699; 
in  Perez  de  la  Riva  &  Berthe  1971)  commented  on  the  tasty  flesh  of  Cuban  Parrots,  but 
diplomatically  remarked  that  the  Cuban  Macaw  should  be  conserved  for  the  beauty  of  its 
feathers.  Gundlach  (1865-66,  1873,  1874,  1876)  was  more  direct  and  noted  that  macaw  flesh 
was  undesirable,  being  tough  and  having  an  especially  unpleasant  odour  (Gundlach  1893). 
Nevertheless,  it  was  killed  for  food  (Greenway  1967)  and  Todd  (1916)  noted  it  was  even 
valued  for  its  meat. 

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Trade.  —  Harvesting  activities  began  even  before  the  European  arrival,  with  substantial 
numbers  of  animals  (including  macaws)  captured  by  Amerindians  for  pets  or  trade 
among  islands  (Olson  1982,  Wing  1989).  Olson  &  Maiz  Lopez  (2008)  suggested  that  some 
populations  of  West  Indian  macaws  may  have  been  so  precious  in  trade  that  every  possible 
nest  was  sought  to  obtain  young  birds,  and  that  vigorous  harvesting  of  such  large  and 
comparatively  uncommon  species  might  conceivably  reduce  populations  to  extinction  over 
the  nearly  2,000  years  that  some  islands  had  been  occupied.  They  further  suggested  that 
Amerindians  may  have  maintained  the  last  Hispaniolan  macaws  in  captivity,  even  after 
their  extinction  in  the  wild  but,  with  the  collapse  of  their  cultures  soon  after  the  European 
arrival  (Rouse  1992),  the  macaws  became  extinct. 

The  earliest  explorers'  accounts  strongly  suggest  macaws  were  kept  commonly  as 
pets  and  perhaps  bred  in  captivity  by  Amerindians  (Greenway  1967,  Dunn  &  Kelley  1989). 
Although  adults  were  taken  alive,  nestlings  were  preferred  as  companion  birds,  but  du 
Tertre  (1667:  249)  noted  that  adults  could  be  tamed  even  when  caught  by  such  traumatic 
methods  as  described  above.  In  northern  Mexico  and  the  American  south-west,  where  they 
do  not  occur  naturally,  macaws  (mainly  Ara  macao)  were  an  important  item  of  commerce 
and  ritual  among  Amerindians,  and  large  captive-breeding  facilities  were  used  to  sustain 
ritual  sacrifices  (Hargrave  1970,  Minnis  et  al.  1993,  Creel  &  McKusick  1994).  Bernal  Diaz 
del  Castillo  (1492-1584;  1956:  212)  described  Hernando  Cortes'  entrance  into  Mexico  City, 
where  he  found  a  royal  zoo  containing  birds  of  all  sorts,  including  'parrots  of  many  different 
colours,  and  ...  so  many  of  them  that  I  forget  their  names.'  Cortes  (in  Boehrer  2004:  56) 
described  the  Aztec  zoo  as  superior  to  any  in  Spain.  Smith  (1937)  noted  that  Columbus  was 
'astonished  at  the  swarms  of  tame  birds  at  liberty  in  the  villages'  of  Cuban  Amerindians. 
Chanca  (in  de  Ybarra  1907)  reported  Columbus'  men  took  two  macaws  from  the  houses 
of  Caribs  on  Guadeloupe  in  November  1493.  Being  the  largest  and  most  colourful  of  West 
Indian  parrots,  macaws  were  probably  of  great  prestige  and  value,  and  would  have  been 
traded  afar. 

In  addition  to  native  species,  Amerindians  may  have  imported  macaws  from  the 
mainland.  The  husbandry  and  trade  in  live  psittacines  by  West  Indian  people  has  raised 
concern  among  archaeologists  and  biogeographers  who  analyse  material  excavated  from 
cultural  sites  (Wing  1989,  Williams  &  Steadman  2001).  Prehistoric  peoples  transported 
animals  for  trade  and  sustenance  on  their  passages  among  islands,  thereby  confounding 
the  determination  of  the  former  number  and  original  distribution  of  macaws  and  other 
psittacids  (Oviedo  1959,  Wilson  1990,  Williams  &  Steadman  2001).  Thevet  (1971)  reported 
that  native  peoples  carried  macaws  with  them  during  war  against  enemies,  '...for  to 
eate  them,  and  other  things.'  Olson  (1982)  presented  evidence  of  bird  transportation  and 
extinctions  caused  by  early  man,  noting  that  a  lively  trade  in  macaws  existed  between 
Indians  in  tropical  Mexico  and  those  in  south-west  North  America,  and  suggested  that  trade 
in  macaws  probably  also  occurred  in  the  West  Indies. 

Besides  using  macaws  and  other  psittacines  as  barter  and  as  pets,  they  were  vigorously 
sought  by  Amerindians  for  their  feathers,  to  decorate  ceremonial  dress  and  otherwise 
enhance  the  body  (Labat  1742:  85,  Navarrete  1828:  277,  280,  Krieger  1929).  An  account  of 
Francisco  de  Orellana's  1542  exploration  of  the  Amazon  describes  local  Indians  keeping 
macaws  as  a  source  of  ceremonial  feathers  (Heaton  1934: 415).  The  value  native  people  placed 
on  parrot  feathers  was  recorded  by  Amerigo  Vespucci  who  noted  that  those  peoples'  riches 
consisted  in  part  'of  variegated  birds'  feathers,'  and  one  tribe  presented  him  with  'feathers 
of  very  great  value,  ...  and  ...  numberless  parrots  of  different  colors'  (Waldseemiiller  1907: 
98,  109).  Du  Tertre  (1654:  294)  noted  that  'The  natives  [of  Guadeloupe]  hold  the  feathers  of 
the  tail  [of  macaws]  in  great  esteem;  they  stick  them  in  their  hair,  and  pass  them  through  the 

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Bull.  B.O.C.  2013  133(2) 

lobe  of  the  ear  and  the  septum  of  the  nose  to  serve  as  mustaches,  and  consider  themselves 
then  much  more  genteel  and  worthy  of  admiration  of  Europeans.' 

Macaws  and  parrots  were  among  the  valued  items  traded  by  Amerindians  for  the 
trinkets  brought  to  the  Antilles  by  the  earliest  European  explorers  and,  in  turn,  were 
displayed  among  the  treasures  as  those  explorers  returned  to  Europe.  Columbus  traded 
red  caps,  bells  and  glass  beads  to  natives,  who  in  turn  gave  him  such  things  as  they  valued 
most,  including  gold  and  parrots  (Navarrete  1828:  42,  45,  186,  Dunn  &  Kelley  1989:  65,  71, 
223,  259,  271).  In  fact,  Columbus  was  eager  to  obtain  macaws  and  requested  these  from 
Amerindians  who  readily  supplied  them  (Navarrete  1828:  186).  In  Columbus'  triumphant 
march  to  Barcelona,  he  paraded  his  most  cherished  and  representative  treasures,  leading 
his  entourage  on  horses  and  mules,  with  captive  Indians  adorned  with  feathers  and  various 
bright  ornamental  apparel,  their  ears  decorated  with  gold  pendants,  their  arms  with 
bracelets  and  wearing  bead  necklaces.  Red-and-green  parrots  perched  on  their  shoulders. 
All  of  these  treasures  Columbus  presented  to  the  king  and  queen  (Collis  1977: 108,  Davidson 
1997:  285).  Oviedo  y  Valdes  (1535:  Libro  Segundo,  Capitulo  vii:  ix)  recorded  that  Columbus 
arrived  in  Barcelona  with  riches  including  gold,  native  Indians  and  many  macaws.  Martyr 
(in  MacNutt  1912:  65)  related  that  Columbus  returned  from  his  first  voyage  with  'some  forty 
parrots,  some  green,  others  yellow,  and  some  having  vermilion  collars  like  the  parrakeets  of 
India...;  and  all  of  them  have  the  most  brilliant  plumage.  Their  wings  are  green  or  yellow, 
but  mixed  with  bluish  or  purple  feathers,  presenting  a  variety  which  enchants  the  eye.' 
Morison  (1970:  435)  recounted  that  Antonio  de  Torres,  returning  from  Hispaniola  to  Cadiz, 
in  March  1494,  brought  'sixty  parrots  of  different  colors,  eight  of  them  being  big  as  falcons 
and  the  fairest  species  of  fowl  that  fly  in  the  air.' 

Throughout  the  Age  of  Exploration  of  the  New  World,  travelers  brought  specimens 
of  exotic  animals  to  Europe:  live,  to  be  exhibited  in  royal  collections,  dead,  for  museum 
cabinets  (George  1980).  As  travel  to  the  New  World  increased  with  accelerating  exploration 
and  colonisation,  so  did  trade.  Much  as  did  the  Amerindians,  Europeans  valued  macaws 
and  carried  them  among  islands  and  to  the  mainland  from  the  beginning  of  commerce  in 
the  New  World.  The  Italian  naturalist,  Ulisse  Aldrovandi  (1522-1605)  saw  his  first  macaw 
at  Mantua,  Italy  in  1572,  and  remarked  that  they  were  then  of  great  admiration  and  were 
highly  esteemed,  and  that  the  nobility  gave  them  to  one  another  as  rare  and  valuable 
presents  (in  Buffon  1793:  157).  Although  parrots  were  considered  novelties  during  this 
era,  before  long  the  entrepreneurial  nature  of  adventurers  and  travelers  recognised  the 
trade  value  of  parrots  in  the  Old  World.  In  fact,  so  many  were  brought  back  to  Europe 
that  a  mere  34  years  after  Columbus'  first  voyage,  Oviedo  y  Valdes  (1950:  167)  wrote  'there 
are  many  parrots,  and  of  so  many  kinds  and  diversity,  that  it  would  take  a  long  time  to 
describe  them,  but  because  so  many  are  brout  to  Spain,  I  will  not  waste  time  talking  of 
them.'  Similarly,  Labat  (1742:  211)  stated  that  West  Indian  psittacines  were  too  well  known 
for  him  to  waste  time  portraying  them.  Long  (1774:  896),  writing  for  a  European  audience, 
said  of  Jamaica's  five  species  of  psittacines,  including  'Blue  Mackaw',  'These  are  all  native, 
and  too  generally  known  to  need  any  description.'  Nicolaus  Joseph  Freiherr  von  Jacquin's 
(1727-1817)  expeditions  to  the  Caribbean  islands  and  elsewhere  in  the  New  World,  1754-59, 
resulted  in  large  collections  of  natural  history  objects,  but  Jacquin  (1784)  did  not  include  Ara 
tricolor  among  those  species  reported  from  his  exploration  of  Cuba  (1759)  and,  in  fact,  he  was 
given  instructions  by  Emperor  Francis  I  not  to  collect  parrots  (C.  Riedl-Dorn  pers.  comm.), 
again,  probably  because  these  birds  were  already  so  well  known  in  Europe. 

As  Europeans  rapidly  became  familiar  with  New  World  parrots,  their  desire  to  own 
these  exotic  status  symbols  continued  to  increase.  The  number  of  species  described  from 
captive  birds  attests  to  the  multitude  of  psittacine  species  and  numbers  that  were  kept  as 

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Bull.  B.O.C.  2013  133(2) 

pets  in  Europe  in  the  17th  and  18th  centuries,  particularly  among  the  upper  classes  and 
especially  the  nobility  (e.g.,  Albin  1738a,  1740,  Edwards  1751).  Edwards  (1751:  PI.  161) 
stated  that  'the  large  Green  Parrots,  [are]  commonly  brought  to  us  from  the  West-Indies,' 
and  elsewhere  (1751:  PI.  161)  said  the  'Great  Green  Parrot,  from  the  West-Indies'  was 
'pretty  common  in  London.'  Edwards  (1751:  PI.  168),  speaking  of  the  'Little  Green  Parrot,' 
said  '...I  take  it  to  be  from  the  West-Indies,  from  whence  most  of  the  Green  Parrots  we 
have  in  London  are  brought.'  Further,  authors  of  descriptive  works  on  parrots  frequently 
mentioned  several  London  and  European  dealers  specialising  in  foreign  birds,  including 
macaws.  Apparently  even  stuffed  parrots  found  a  market  in  Europe,  as  Edwards  (1751:  PI. 
173)  mentioned  buying  a  'beautiful  and  rare  little  Parrot  ...  exposed  to  Sale  (stuffed,  and  set 
on  a  Perch)  in  a  Toy-Shop  Window,  in  London'. 

The  great  incentive  to  harvest  parrots  for  European  trade  can  be  appreciated  from  the 
high  prices  commanded  by  macaws  and  others  of  their  tribe  there.  Even  in  their  native 
islands,  psittacines  were  worth  a  considerable  sum  of  money.  For  example,  of  Amazona 
parrots,  Taylor  (2008)  recorded  that  '...a  young  one  alive  out  of  the  nest  will  cost  six  royalls 
[reales]  at  Jamaica.'  But  captive  parrots  were  valued  far  more  in  Europe.  As  examples,  Albin 
(1738b:  PI.  13)  wrote  that  a  'Laurey  from  the  Brasils'  [Purple-naped  Lory  Lorius  domicella] 
sold  for  'twenty  Guineas,'  the  equivalent  in  today's  money  of  c.£1725;  Blue-and-yellow 
Macaw  was  'commonly  sold  for  ten  Guineas'  (c.£860  today)  (Albin  1840:  PI.  10);  and  the 
'Maccaw  from  Jamaica'  [likely  Ara  gossei,  but  perhaps  A.  macao],  which  was  'commonly 
brought  from  Jamaica,  and  other  parts  of  the  West-Indies,'  were  'commonly  sold  for  ten 
Guineas'  (Albin  1738a:  PI.  16).  About  1680,  the  cost  of  a  parrot  in  Amsterdam  was  recorded 
as  'roughly  sixty  guilders'  (Margoesy  2010),  when  a  guilder  was  a  10.61  g,  90%  pure  silver 
coin,  demonstrating  the  high  value  of  pet  birds.  Such  prices  initially  made  owning  a  macaw 
or  parrot  accessible  only  to  the  affluent  and  thus  a  substantial  status  symbol  in  Europe. 
But  as  more  parrots  were  imported,  classes  other  than  the  nobility  and  aristocrats  were 
able  to  acquire  them.  Thus  wealthy  merchants  and  affluent  citizens  sought  the  parrots 
that  were  becoming  staples  in  the  growing  number  of  bird  dealers'  shops.  Thomas  (1983) 
wrote  that  commercial  bird  dealers  first  appeared  in  England  'in  Tudor  times  and  in  the 
late  seventeenth  century  there  was  a  large  London  market  in  singing-birds,  some  caught 
at  home  by  professional  bird-catchers,  others  exotics  imported  from  the  tropics.'  Trade  in 
parrots  continued  to  increase  into  the  19th  century,  with  parrot  popularity  as  household 
animals  reaching  its  peak  in  the  1800s  (Boehrer  (2004).  This  high  point  in  the  importation  of 
psittacines  coincides  with  what  is  probably  the  period  when  the  last  West  Indian  macaws 
became  extinct. 

Macaws  were  kept  as  companions  by  colonists  in  the  islands.  Du  Tertre  (1667)  included 
an  illustration  depicting  what  appears  to  be  a  macaw  perched  at  a  17th-century  plantation. 
Taylor  (2008)  noted  that  macaws  were  'kept  tame  as  a  curiosity'  in  Jamaica,  and  Gosse 
(1847:  263)  reported  that  a  captive  Jamaican  macaw  kept  by  a  Mr  White  was  'for  some  time 
the  admiration  and  talk  of  the  country  round.' 

Trade  in  all  Cuban  psittacines  has  long  been  a  cause  of  concern  (Gundlach  1893,  Bangs 
&  Zappey  1905,  Todd  1916,  Noegel  1979)  and  is  vigorous  today,  even  under  national  and 
international  regulation,  bringing  about  modern  declines.  The  enormity  of  the  trade  in 
recent  times  is  particularly  well  documented  on  Isla  de  Pinos,  where  parrots  and  parakeets 
were  formerly  numerous  (Gundlach  1893,  Gonzalez  Alonso  et  al.  2012).  Gundlach  (1893) 
predicted  that  if  rates  of  capture  for  the  pet  trade  were  maintained,  the  parakeet  would  be 
exterminated  on  Isla  de  Pinos  in  a  few  years.  Sadly,  his  prediction  was  fulfilled;  the  parakeet 
was  extirpated  early  in  the  20th  century  (Bangs  &  Zappey  1905).  The  parrot,  however,  has 
survived  there,  albeit  in  much-reduced  numbers. 

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James  W.  Wiley  &  Guy  M.  Kirwan 


Bull.  B.O.C.  2013  133(2) 

Although  we  have  found  no  data  to  appreciate  how  many  macaws  and  other  psittacids 
were  being  exported  during  the  16th  through  19th  centuries,  the  few  statistics  of  the 
enormous  parrot  trade  in  Cuba  during  the  early  20th  century  provide  an  appreciation 
of  the  international  demand  in  that  period.  During  the  first  decade  of  the  20th  century, 
some  3,000-5,000  pairs  of  parrots  were  exported  from  Isla  de  Pinos  to  the  USA  annually 
(Anon.  1910a).  Because  of  their  depredation  of  crops,  parrots  were  unprotected  until  1909. 
Numbers  increased  rapidly  thereafter,  but  protests  by  planters  soon  led  to  the  protective 
legislation  being  repealed  and  within  a  few  years  large  numbers  were  again  being  exported; 
e.g.,  one  large  shipment  of  2,500  parrots  in  1910  (Anon.  1910b, c)  and  c.  1,000  birds  imported 
by  one  US  dealer  in  July  1914  (Anon.  1914).  It  is  certainly  within  reason  to  assume  that  the 
Cuban  Macaw  was  even  more  desirable  than  parrots  and  parakeets  (Olson  1982). 

Cuban  Macaws  were  kept  locally  and  also  exported  to  private  collectors  and  royal 
and  public  zoos  overseas,  leading  several  writers  to  suggest  that  harvest  for  the  pet  and 
commercial  trade  was  in  large  part  responsible  for  its  extinction  (Gundlach  1874,  Lonnberg 
1928,  Moreno  1992,  Dathe  &  Gonzalez  Lopez  2002).  Local  interest  in  Cuban  Macaws  as  pets 
had  a  long  and  consistent  history,  until  the  time  of  its  extinction.  Gundlach  (1865-66,  1873, 
1874,  1876)  reported  that  the  macaw  was  a  much  sought-after  cagebird,  but  noted  (1874) 
that  captives  damaged  furniture  and  other  items  using  their  powerful  bills.  Yet,  despite  this, 
we  suspect  that  the  macaw  was  a  more  desirable  pet  in  Cuba  than  Cuban  Parrot,  which 
continues  to  be  vigorously  sought  by  island  residents  and,  despite  strong  legal  protection, 
is  common  in  households. 

Cuban  Macaws  were  equally  popular  overseas.  Garcia  Montana  (1980)  said  that  they 
were  given  to  the  kings  of  Spain,  and  that  over  the  centuries  thousands  were  exported 
to  Europe.  Barbour  (1943)  supported  that  claim  and  Finsch  (1863)  stated  that  it  was  well 
known  in  captivity  in  Europe,  but  even  so  was  rare.  Ldnnberg  (1928)  suggested  that  at  one 
time  Cuban  Macaw  had  been  very  popular  and  that  it  was  kept  as  an  ornamental  bird  in 
Sweden  in  the  1700s. 

The  ever-increasing  local  and  international  demand  for  parrots  certainly  had  a 
devastating  effect.  Lonnberg  (1928)  recognised  the  problem  of  such  harvesting  of  young 
macaws  in  that  natural  reproduction  was  greatly  reduced.  As  populations  of  native 
macaws  diminished  and  it  became  more  difficult  to  supply  local  demand,  exotic  species 
were  imported  to  meet  it.  Exotics  from  other  islands  and  beyond  were  imported  to  supply 
cagebirds  for  local  markets  in  the  face  of  dwindling  native  populations.  Importing  macaws 
and  parrots  during  the  colonial  period  is  particularly  well  recorded  in  Jamaica,  where,  as 
early  as  the  17th  century,  Taylor  (2008)  wrote  that  the  'Affrican  or  Guinea  parrat'  (Grey 
Parrot  Psittacus  erithacus)  was  'brought  to  Jamaica  and  sold  at  reassonable  rates.'  Regarding 
Grey  Parrot,  Edwards  (1751:  PI.  163)  wrote  'I  am  well  assured  that  what  we  have  are  brought 
from  Africa,  generally  by  the  Way  of  the  West-Indies,  by  our  Guinea  Traders,  that  supply 
our  Sugar  Islands  with  Negroes.'  Sloane  (1725:  297)  also  reported  that  Grey  Parrot  was 
'brought  to  the  Island  of  Jamaica  in  great  Quantities  from  Guinea'  [Africa].  Further,  Sloane 
(1725)  said  'Psittacus  viridis  alarum  costa  superna  rubente’  [Red-shouldered  Macaw  Diopsittaca 
nobilis  or  Yellow-crowned  Parrot  Amazoua  ochrocephala ;  neither  from  the  West  Indies]  was 
brought  to  Jamaica  'from  the  Spanish  Main,  or  Continent  of  America  frequently  hither'.  He 
also  noted  that  Cuban  Parrots  were  'brought  from  Cuba  to  Jamaica  frequently.'  In  addition, 
Sloane  (1725:  296)  recorded  that  'the  Great  Maccaw'  'Psittacus  Maximus  cyanocroceus’  ( Ara 
ararauna  of  South  America)  was  kept  in  captivity.  Browne  (1756:  472)  noted  that  most  of 
the  'blue  Mackaw[s]  of  Edwards'  were  introduced  to  Jamaica  from  the  mainland.  Further, 
Browne  (1756:  472)  said  the  non-native  'red  Mackaw  of  Edwards  Psittacus  maximus  Jons'  was 
frequently  brought  to  Jamaica  from  the  neighboring  parts  of  the  main'. 

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James  W.  Wiley  &  Guy  M.  Kirwan 


Bull.  B.O.C.  2013  133(2) 

Further  evidence  of  extensive  trade  in  exotic  macaws  in  Jamaica  comes  from  a  painting 
by  the  Revd.  John  Lindsay  dated  1765  and  part  of  a  series  of  volumes  of  watercolour 
illustrations  and  manuscript  descriptions  of  Jamaican  flora  and  fauna  in  the  collection  of 
the  Bristol  City  Museum  and  Art  Gallery.  The  macaw  appears  to  be  Scarlet  Macaw,  and 
probably  represents  a  captive  individual  or  introduced  population  (Crane  1981,  Fisher  & 
Warr  2003,  Turvey  2010).  Scarlet  Macaw  was  one  of  the  most  popular  of  parrots  among 
18th-century  Parisian  nobility  (Robbins  2002)  and  was  widely  traded  in  the  Americas  by 
pre-Columbian  Amerindians  (Olson  &  Maiz  Lopez  2008).  Thus,  the  species  could  have  been 
imported  to  Jamaica  via  trade. 

One  of  the  attractions  of  psittacines  as  pets  is  their  ability  to  'speak',  and  that  capacity 
was  often  noted  by  early  writers.  Taylor  (2008)  reported  that  Jamaican  macaws  'spake  much 
plainer  and  lowder  than  any  parrat  whatsoever.'  Labat  (1742:  212)  noted  that  West  Indian 
macaws  could  be  tamed  and,  especially  if  taken  young,  spoke  very  well,  their  voices  being 
strong  and  distinct.  Sloane  (1725:  296)  said  a  Jamaican  macaw,  probably  A.  erythrura,  was 
'more  Articulate  than  any  Bird  I  ever  heard.'  In  contrast,  accounts  gave  Cuban  Macaw 
poor  marks  regarding  speaking  ability.  Gemelli  Careri  (in  de  la  Torre  1857)  remarked  that 
Cuban  Macaws  could  not  speak.  Gundlach  (1865-66,  1873,  1874,  1876)  said  that  although  it 
imitated  some  words,  Cuban  Macaw  did  not  have  the  skills  of  Cuban  Parrot.  It  is  probable, 
however,  that  ability  to  talk  took  second  place  to  the  size  and  showiness  of  macaws. 
Several  other  observers  noted  their  poor  speaking  abilities.  Of  Lesser  Antillean  macaws,  de 
Rochefort  (1658:  154)  commented  that  the  tongue  was  'too  thick  to  enable  them  to  speak  as 
well  as  parrots  and  the  smaller  parakeets',  and  Atwood  (1791:  29)  said  macaws  'cannot  be 
taught  to  articulate  words.' 

West  Indian  macaws  were  often  kept  in  royal  menageries  and  public  zoos.  Taylor 
(2008)  said  that  he  saw  one  Jamaican  macaw  ('marcough'  Ara  sp.)  'amongst  His  Majesty's 
birds  at  Saint  James's  Park  [London].'  Moreno  (1992)  noted  that  many  Cuban  Macaws 
were  exported  to  Europe  where  they  were  sought  for  exhibit  in  zoological  gardens.  Cuban 
Macaw  was  probably  not  rare  in  zoological  collections  in  Europe  judging  from  the  number 
of  specimens  preserved  after  dying  in  zoos.  In  total,  six  specimens  are  known  to  have  been 
kept  previously  in  zoos,  while  an  additional  four  were  probably  held  as  captives  (Table 
1).  Additional  Cuban  Macaws  were  also  reported  in  zoos,  but  are  not  known  to  have  been 
deposited  in  museums  after  death;  e.g.,  Bolle  (1856)  reported  one  in  the  London  Zoo  on  2 
January  1856  (perhaps  BMNH  1858.5.13.1?). 

Habitat  destruction.  —  D'Orbigny  (1839:  120-121)  noted  that  Cuban  Macaw  was 
becoming  increasingly  rare  as  natural  lands  were  cultivated  in  association  with  human 
population  growth.  Later  writers  also  considered  habitat  destruction  as  probably 
contributing  to  the  macaw's  extinction  (e.g.,  Garcia  Montana  1980,  Moreno  1992,  Dathe  & 
Gonzalez  Lopez  2002).  Of  particular  harm  was  the  way  in  which  nestlings  were  obtained 
for  trade.  Gundlach  (1893)  described  how  adults  were  observed  to  find  the  nest  tree,  then 
the  harvester  would  wait  until  the  chicks  were  well  grown  before  felling  the  tree  to  obtain 
the  nestlings.  Some  chicks  undoubtedly  died  as  a  result,  but  a  more  serious  and  long- 
lasting  effect  was  the  cumulative  loss  of  the  best  nesting  habitat;  i.e.,  palms  with  cavities  of 
sufficient  dimensions  and  security.  After  many  years  of  such  selective  destruction,  macaws 
may  have  been  left  with  few,  and  possibly  only  suboptimal,  nest  sites.  This  method  of 
harvesting  psittacine  chicks  in  Cuba  has  continued  to  the  present,  to  the  point  that  such 
habitat  destruction  has  greatly  affected  populations  of  the  two  surviving  species  (de  las 
Pozas  &  Gonzalez  Alonso  1984,  Kirkconnell  &  Wiley  in  prep.). 

This  practice  was  also  common  on  other  islands  and  may  have  affected  their  macaws 
as  well.  Taylor  (2008)  wrote  that  parrots  and  parakeets  in  Jamaica  'commonly  breed  in  the 

©  2013  The  Authors;  Journal  compilation  ©  2013  British  Ornithologists'  Club 

James  W.  Wiley  &  Guy  M.  Kirwan 


Bull.  B.O.C.  2013  133(2) 


Museum  specimens  of  Cuban  Macaw  Am  tricolor  known  or  suspected 
to  have  originated  as  zoo  captives  or  cagebirds. 

Museum1  and  catalogue  no. 

Zoological  institution  where 
formerly  held 


BMNH  1858.5.13.1 

Presumably  a  captive  bird 

Obtained  from  the  Zoological  Society  (Knox  & 
Walters  1994). 

WML  D645 

Knowsley  Park  aviaries  of 

13th  Earl  of  Derby 

Died  March  1846;  arrived  in  museum  1851. 

MNHN  2000-725 

Jardin  de  Plantes,  Paris 

Donated  to  museum  in  1842  after  its  death 
(Jouanin  1962). 

NMW  50.796 

Imperial  Menagerie,  Schonbrunn 

Died  1835  (Fitzinger  1853)  or  >  1806  (Moreno 


SMNG  A03466a 


Probably  a  cagebird  (C.  Diicker  pers.  comm.). 

NRM  569592 


Thought  to  have  been  a  cagebird  in  Stockholm; 
wing  feathers  clipped  (U.  Johansson  pers. 

NRM  523094 

Amsterdam  Zoo 

Died  1858 

SMTD  3466 


Probably  formerly  a  captive,  by  its  frayed 
plumage  (M.  Packert  pers.  comm.). 

MCZ  72526 


Obtained  from  Lafresneye  Collection,  France; 
with  one  clipped  wing, 

AMNH  205178 

Zoological  garden  of  Berlin 

Presented  to  museum  by  Barbour,  1923. 

'Abbreviations:  BMNH  =  Natural  History  Museum,  Tring;  WML  =  World  Museum,  Liverpool;  MNHN  =  Museum 
National  d'Histoire  Naturelle,  Paris;  NMW  =  Naturhistorisches  Museum,  Wien;  SMNG  =  Senckenberg  Museum  fur 
Naturkunde,  Gorlitz;  NRM  =  Naturhistoriska  Riksmuseet,  Stockholm;  SMTD  =  Staatliches  Museum  fiir  Tierkunde, 
Dresden;  MCZ  =  Museum  of  Comparative  Zoology,  Cambridge,  Massachusetts;  AMNH  =  American  Museum  of 
Natural  History,  New  York. 

hollow  trunck  of  cabadge  trees  up  in  the  mountains  soe  that  they  are  hard  to  come  by,  and 
you  must  fell  the  tree  to  come  at  'em.' 

Crop  pest.  —  Gund lach  (1865-66,  1873)  mentioned  that  Cuban  Macaws  may  have  caused 
damage  to  fruit  trees,  but  noted  (1874,  1876)  that,  because  they  lived  far  from  dwellings,  the 
damage  was  not  great  (but  added,  also,  that  the  bird  provided  no  benefit).  Hill  (in  Gosse 
1847:  261)  noted  that  macaws  in  Jamaica  fed  in  'small  companies'  on  the  'full-eared  maize, 
while  the  grain  was  soft,  milky,  and  sweet,  and  the  very  husk  was  sugary.'  There  is  no 
reason  not  to  believe  that  Cuban  Macaw  also  depredated  crops  and,  as  a  consequence,  was 
persecuted.  Today,  Cuban  Parrots  and,  especially,  Cuban  Parakeets  are  soundly  punished 
for  such  infractions! 

Hurricanes.  —  Barbour  (1923)  reported  that  Cuban  Macaw  disappeared  from  western 
Pinar  del  Rio  after  the  great  hurricane  of  1844  (4-5  October).  Even  if  that  storm  did  not 
eliminate  the  last  macaws  in  western  Cuba,  the  devastating  hurricanes  of  1846  (the  'Great 
Havana  Hurricane';  10  October;  Category  5)  and  1856  (late  August;  Category  3)  could  have 
further  decimated  remnant  and  fragmented  habitat,  and  scattered  populations  beyond 
recovery.  Similarly,  a  strong  tropical  storm  ravaged  Cienaga  de  Zapata  on  21  August  1851. 
When  original  forests  are  extensive,  hurricanes  have  positive  effects,  producing  habitat  for 
cavity-nesting  birds.  However,  once  macaw  populations  were  restricted  to  a  few,  relatively 
small  areas  of  fragmented  habitat,  a  direct  hit  by  a  powerful  storm  could  destroy  sufficient 
critical  habitat  to  cause  extirpation  (Wiley  &  Wunderle  1993).  Some  of  the  small,  disjunct 
populations  of  the  Critically  Endangered  Puerto  Rican  Parrot  Amazona  vittata  were  probably 
destroyed  by  such  events  (Snyder  et  al.  1987).  Not  only  did  those  populations  suffer  the 

©  2013  The  Authors;  Journal  compilation  ©  2013  British  Ornithologists'  Club 

James  W.  Wiley  &  Guy  M.  Kirwan 


Bull.  B.O.C.  2013  133(2) 

direct  effects  of  the  storm,  but  habitat  critical  to  their  survival  was  severely  damaged. 
Further,  in  the  aftermath  of  hurricanes,  parrots  were  more  vulnerable  as  they  moved  to 
hostile  areas  seeking  food,  meeting  humans  also  desperately  seeking  to  survive. 

Disease.  —  Imported  pets  and  domestic  fowl  may  have  carried  exotic  diseases,  which 
could  have  spread  to  wild  indigenous  parrots,  and  against  which  they  had  little  or  no 
resistance.  Du  Tertre  (1654:  294)  mentioned  that  although  Guadeloupe  Macaw  was  long- 
lived  ('live  longer  than  a  man'),  they  were  'almost  all  subject  to  a  falling  sickness  [epilepsy].' 
Labat  (1724:  217)  also  remarked  on  the  long-lived  psittacids  of  the  West  Indies,  and  their 
susceptibility  to  the  'falling  sickness.'  De  Rochefort  (1658:  154)  noted  that  Lesser  Antillean 
macaws  were  'so  sensitive  to  cold  that  it  is  difficult  to  bring  them  across  the  sea.'  Williams 
&  Steadman  (2001)  suggested  that  a  disease  outbreak,  combined  with  hunting  pressure, 
caused  the  extinction  of  Guadeloupe  Macaw. 

Specimens  of  Ara  tricolor 

No  modern  skeletal  specimens  of  A.  tricolor  exist  (Williams  &  Steadman  2001)  but  we 
can  account  for  19  skins  or  mounted  specimens  in  15  collections  (Table  2).  All  were  collected 
in  Cuba,  or  from  an  unknown  locality.  When  and  from  where  and  whom  the  museums 
obtained  these  specimens  is  unresolved  in  many  cases. 

Gundlach's  specimens.— Gundlach  collected  several  of  the 
last  group  of  Cuban  Macaws  that  came  regularly  to  feed  at 
a  site  in  Cienaga  de  Zapata  in  1849-50  (Barbour  1923).  These 
may  have  been  the  only  macaws  Gundlach  collected,  because 
he  does  not  mention  additional  specimens  taken  during  later 
visits  to  the  Cienaga.  If  true,  Gundlach  must  have  kept  several 
specimens  for  years,  eventually  giving  all  but  one  to  friends 
and  institutions.  Before  he  left  Germany  for  Cuba  in  November 
1838,  an  organisation  was  formed  to  furnish  support  funds  by 
the  sale  of  stock,  to  be  repaid  by  Gundlach  with  specimens 
collected  during  the  expedition,  which  was  originally  planned 
to  continue  to  Surinam.  Although  Gundlach  made  it  only  as 
far  as  Cuba,  he  set  to  work  collecting  and  shipping  materials 
to  those  who  had  bought  stock,  not  ceasing  until  he  paid  all  his 
debts.  Even  after  meeting  his  financial  obligations,  he  continued 
to  send  specimens  to  Germany,  including  his  precious  macaws. 

Cory  (1889)  mentioned  that  Gundlach  had  several  macaw 
specimens,  by  which  time  Gundlach  had  dispersed  a  good 
portion  of  his  collection  to  foreign  institutions.  Although 
Gundlach  did  not  record  how  many  macaws  he  collected,  it  was 
at  least  four  (see  below).  By  the  time  of  his  death  in  1896,  only 
one  remained  at  the  Institute  de  Segunda  Ensenanza,  where 
Gundlach's  collection  was  maintained  (Ragues  1914). 

During  the  mid-19th  century,  it  became  fashionable 
among  wealthy  Cubans  to  adorn  their  drawing-rooms  with 
natural  history  specimens,  and  Gundlach  gifted  friends  and 
acquaintances  specimens  he  had  prepared.  He  thus  became  known  to  the  most  influential 
citizens  of  that  day,  who  in  turn  provided  him  with  assistance  (Ramsden  1918).  Gundlach 
may  have  included  one  or  more  macaw  specimens  among  those  given  to  Cuban  friends  and 
patrons  (see  below). 

Distribution  of  known  skin 
or  mounted  specimens  of 
Cuban  Macaw  Ara  tricolor 
among  15  collections 



































'Stolen  in  2007. 

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James  W.  Wiley  &  Guy  M.  Kirwan 


Bull.  B.O.C.  2013  133(2) 

Specimens  in  Cuban  ami  foreign  institutions 

Instituto  de  Ecologia  y  Sistematica  (IES),  La  Habana,  Cuba  One:  CZACC-6. 59937.  No  date 
or  precise  locality;  coll.  Juan  Gundlach.  Adult.  Mount.  Specimen  no.  165  from  the  Gundlach 
collection  formerly  in  the  Instituto  de  Segunda  Ensenanza,  it  was  stolen  from  IES  in  2007. 

Natural  History  Museum,  Tring  (BMNH)  Two:  BMNH  1851.7.21.5.  No  date  (received 
no  later  than  1859),  locality  or  collector.  Adult.  Skin,  ex-mount.  Purchased  from  Lt.  A. 
Smith,  but  R.  Prys-Jones  (pers.  comm.)  thinks  tins  may  be  in  error,  and  all  that  can  be  said 
safely  is  that  it  was  purchased.  Knox  &  Walters  (1994)  noted  that  the  correct  registration 
number  should  be  1851.7.24.5.  BMNH  1858.5.13.1  No  date,  locality  or  collector.  Adult.  Skin, 
ex-mount.  Source  given  as  Zoological  Society  and  presumed  to  have  been  a  captive  bird 
(Knox  &  Walters  1994). 

World  Museum,  Liverpool  (WML)  One:  D645.  No  date  or  collector.  Locality  given  as 
'Mexico'.  $.  Skin.  Obtained  from  Knowsley  Park  aviaries  of  13th  Earl  of  Derby,  where  it 
died  March  1846.  Acquired  in  1851,  and  maintained  today  in  Derby  Collection. 

Museum  National  d'Histoire  Naturelle,  Paris  (MNHN)  Two:  MNHN  2000-725.  No  date, 
locality  or  collector.  Adult.  Mount.  Maintained  in  captivity  in  Jardin  de  Plantes,  Paris,  from 
30  May  1840  and,  after  its  death,  on  6  October  1842,  presented  to  MNHN  by  L.  F.  E.  Rousseau 
(1788-1868),  an  assistant  naturalist  at  MNHN  (1834-60)  (from  Catalogue  des  Animaux  morts 
a  la  menagerie  1840-1853,  where  noted  11  October  1842;  A.  Previato  pers.  comm.).  MNHN 
CG  2000-726.  No  date,  locality  or  collector.  Adult.  Mount.  Type.  Jouanin  (1962)  noted  it  as 
from  18th  century.  M.  Portas  (pers.  comm.)  believes  it  was  from  old  collection  of  Jardin  du 
roi  (museum  before  Revolution  =  pre-1789).  It  formed  part  of  the  'Exposition  permanente 
des  Produits  de  l'Algerie  et  des  Colonies,'  displayed  in  the  Palais  del'Industrie  in  Paris  in 
1860,  and  curated  by  Aubry-Lecomte,  but  no  information  as  to  duration  of  exhibit  or  when 
transferred  to  MNHN  (A.  Previato  pers.  comm.). 

Naturhistorisches  Museum,  Wien  (NMW)  One:  NMW  50.796.  No  date,  locality  or 
collector.  $.  Mount.  Obtained  from  Imperial  Menagerie  of  Emperor  Franz  II  (Franz  I  of 
Austria;  1768-1835)  (de  Germiny  1937;  G.  Heindl  pers.  comm.,  H.-M.  Berg  pers.  comm.). 
Acquired  by  NMW  in  1832,  the  same  year  it  died  at  the  menagerie  (Fitzinger  1853:  166;  H.-M. 
Berg  pers.  comm.),  although  Moreno  (1992)  set  date  of  acquisition  as  1806.  Fitzinger  (1853: 
86)  listed  two  A.  tricolor,  a  male  and  female,  in  the  menagerie  as  from  'Brasilien.  1760,'  but  G. 
Heindl  (pers.  comm.)  noted  that  one  of  these  birds  was  probably  A.  macao.  G.  Heindl  (pers. 
comm.)  suggested  the  two  specimens,  including  the  Cuban  Macaw,  from  1760  were  collected 
during  Nicolas  Joseph  Jacquin's  expeditions  to  the  Caribbean  islands  in  1754-59,  including 
Cuba  in  1759,  but  Jacquin  (1784)  does  not  include  A.  tricolor  among  species  reported  by  his 
expedition  (C.  Riedl-Dom  pers.  comm.). 

Museum  fur  Naturkunde,  Zentralinstitut  der  Humboldt-Universitat,  Berlin  (ZMB)  One: 
ZMB  24886.  No  date  or  locality;  coll.  Gundlach,  probably  in  1849  [1850?]  at  Hanabana, 
Cienaga  de  Zapata  (Stresemann  1954).  $.  Adult.  Skin.  Sent  by  Gundlach  to  ZMB  in 
November  1880  (letter  from  Gundlach  to  Peters,  16  November  1880;  S.  Frahnert  pers. 
comm.).  Received  by  ZMB  in  December  1880. 

Senckenberg  Forschungsinstitut  und  Naturmuseum,  Frankfurt  (SMF)  One:  SMF  17345. 
No  date,  locality  or  collector.  Ex-mount.  From  Hartert  Coll.  (No.  2399)  (Mertens  & 
Steinbacher  1955). 

Senckenberg  Museum  fur  Naturkunde,  Gorlitz  (SMNG)  One:  SMNG  A03466a.  No  date, 
locality  or  collector.  $.  Mount.  Possibly  a  cagebird  (C.  Diieker  pers.  comm.).  Donated 
(without  year)  to  'Naturforschende  Gesellschaft  zu  Gorlitz'  by  Dr  H.  Bdttcher  (1834-1904) 

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from  village  of  Quolsdorf.  Bottcher  bought  the  macaw  from  G.  Schneider  (1834-1900),  a 
dealer  in  natural  history  objects  and  corresponding  member  of  the  Goerlitz  Society,  Basle, 
Switzerland.  Bottcher,  a  renowned  bird  collector,  donated  more  than  100  birds  to  the  Gorlitz 
museum  in  1861;  the  macaw  might  have  been  included  in  that  gift  (C.  Diieker  pers.  comm.). 

Naturhistoriska  Riksmuseet,  Stockholm  (NRM)  Two:  NRM  569592.  No  date,  locality  or 
collector.  Mount.  Very  old  specimen  from  private  collection  of  A.  U.  Grill  (1752-92).  Grill's 
collection  was  donated  to  NRM  in  1829.  No  date  when  acquired  by  Grill,  but  probably 
c.1791-92  (U.  Johansson  pers.  comm.).  Locality  given  as  'Stockholm?',  which  U.  Johansson 
(pers.  comm.)  interprets  as  it  having  been  a  cagebird  in  Stockholm.  NRM  523094.  No  date, 
locality  or  collector.  Mount.  Purchased  1858  from  G.  A.  Frank,  a  dealer  in  natural  history 
objects  in  Amsterdam.  Frank  bought  80  birds  from  T.  G.  van  Lidth  de  Jeude  (1788-1863) 
and  U.  Johansson  (pers.  comm.)  believes  the  NRM  macaw  came  via  this  route,  although  it 
is  unclear  whether  there  is  any  documentation  in  favour  of  this  supposition.  The  van  Lidth 
de  Jeude  collection  originated  in  the  early  18th  century  and  was  assumed  to  include  many 
old  specimens  (Boeseman  1970).  U.  Johansson  (pers.  comm.),  however,  notes  that  if  a  bird 
died  in  Amsterdam  Zoo  in  that  period,  the  NRM  specimen  may  originate  from  there  (see 
Lonnberg  1928).  Moreno  (1992)  noted  that  a  Cuban  Macaw  died  in  the  Amsterdam  Zoo  in 
1858,  and  presumed  it  was  the  NRM  specimen. 

Staatliches  Museum  fur  Tierkunde,  Dresden  (SMTD)  One:  SMTD  3466.  No  date,  locality 
or  collector.  Mount.  Moreno  (1992)  said  it  was  part  of  an  old  collection  from  mid-19th 
century.  Formerly  a  captive,  by  its  frayed  plumage  (M.  Packert  pers.  comm.). 

Eichsfelder  Heimatmuseum,  Heilbad  Heiligenstadt  (EHM)  One:  EFIM  IA1/310.  No  date, 
locality  or  collector  (fide  V.  Merten).  Mount.  From  among  750  bird  and  other  natural  history 
specimens  accumulated  by  K.  W.  J.  Strecker  (1818-87)  of  Dingelstadt.  Strecker  donated,  via 
his  will,  his  collection  to  EHM  in  1885. 

Nationaal  Natuurhistorisch  Museum,  Leiden  (RMNH)  One:  RMNH.Aves. 110095.  No 
date  or  collector.  Locality  given  as  'Cuba'.  Mount.  No  further  specimen  or  acquisition 
information  (S.  van  der  Mije  pers.  comm.). 

Museum  of  Comparative  Zoology,  Harvard  University,  Cambridge,  MA  (MCZ)  One: 
MCZ  72526.  No  date,  locality  or  collector.  Original  label  missing.  Ex-mount.  From 
Lafresnaye  Collection.  Fine  condition,  but  one  wing  clipped,  suggesting  a  cagebird. 

American  Museum  of  Natural  History,  New  York  (AMNH)  One:  AMNH  205178.  No 
date,  locality  or  collector.  Mount.  Lacks  tail.  Died  Berlin  Zoo,  date  unknown.  T.  Barbour 
presented  it  to  AMNH  in  1923.  Original  label  inscribed  'Psittacus  tricolor  Bechst.  1881  West 
Indies,  10189,'  as  well  as  a  note  in  ink:  'Zool.  Garden,  Berlin.'  Also:  AMNH  FARB  6199  ?Ara 
tricolor,  proximal  end  of  carpometacarpus  Pleistocene,  Banos  de  Ciego  Montero;  coll.  B. 
Brown,  1918. 

United  States  National  Museum  of  Natural  History,  Smithsonian  Institution,  Washington 
DC  (USNM)  Two:  USNM  135137.  No  date  or  locality;  coll.  Gundlach.  Skin.  Acquired  by 
AMNH  from  Gundlach  13  December  1894.  USNM  17167.  No  date,  locality  or  collector. 
Mount.  On  exhibit  in  Hall  13  'Birds  of  the  World.'  History  of  this  specimen  involved  and 
partially  unsolved.  Probably  collected  in  Cienaga  de  Zapata  by  Gundlach  and  carried 
with  him,  along  with  other  birds,  to  Puerto  Rico  during  Cuba's  Ten  Years  War  (1868-78). 
Barbour  (1923)  said  Gundlach  used  the  specimens,  which  also  included  two  Ivory-billed 
Woodpeckers,  to  repay  favours  afforded  by  his  friends,  probably  the  apothecary  and 
naturalist  Tomas  Blanco  y  Gonzalez  (1840-92)  and  naturalist  Agustin  Stahl  (1842-1917). 

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With  the  encouragement  of  Blanco  and  Stahl,  in  1866  the  Padres  Jesuitas  de  Puerto 
Rico  invited  Gundlach  to  build  a  natural  history  collection  for  the  Colegio  Seminario  they 
had  established  in  San  Juan  in  1865.  Gundlach  eventually  made  two  extended  trips  to 
Puerto  Rico  to  collect  specimens  for  the  Instituto  Civil  de  Segunda  Ensenanza  de  San  Juan, 
established  the  same  year  as  his  first  expedition  (1873;  Lopez  Yustos  1991).  Stahl  became  a 
professor  of  natural  history  there,  and  Gundlach  apparently  provided  the  woodpecker  and 
macaw  specimens.  Stahl  and  Blanco  maintained  the  specimens  at  the  Instituto,  along  with 
others  collected  by  Gundlach  during  his  17  months  in  Puerto  Rico.  But,  after  the  Spanish- 
American  War  (1898)  and  the  Treaty  of  Paris,  the  Instituto  was  closed  in  1899.  Blanco  had 
died  in  1892  and  Stahl  was  deported  from  Puerto  Rico  by  the  Spanish  government  in  1898, 
so  the  Instituto  collection  had  lost  its  main  advocates.  Barbour  (1923)  thought  Gundlach's 
Ivory-billed  Woodpeckers  were  later  acquired  by  AMNH,  which  matches  at  least  one  of  the 
three  specimens,  AMNH  144873,  a  male,  which  has  two  labels,  one  of  which  reads,  'This 
bird  was  collected  by  Gundlach  in  Cuba  and  sold  by  him  to  Porto  Rico  High  School.'  The 
second  label  says  'Purchased  from  High  School  collection  at  St.  Juan  Porto  Rico  in  1901.'  The 
AMNH  catalogue  adds  'collected  in  Cuba  and  sold  to  the  Porto  Rico  High  School  where  it 
was  found'  (P.  Sweet  in  litt.  2012). 

The  macaw  was  apparently  found  in  the  Instituto  by  Major  W.  A.  Glassford,  US  Army, 
Chief  Signal  Officer,  stationed  in  San  Juan,  Puerto  Rico  during  the  post-Spanish- American 
War  occupation  by  the  US  military.  C.  W.  Richmond  (1868-1932),  who  was  in  Puerto  Rico 
collecting  birds  and  herptiles  with  L.  H.  Stejneger  (1851-1943)  from  12  February  to  19  April 
1900,  received  the  specimen  from  Glassford,  whereupon  Richmond  deposited  the  macaw  at 
USNM  (accession  date  16  May  1900). 

Hypothetical  or  lost  specimens.  —  Several  rumours  exist  of  additional  specimens  of  Cuban 
Macaw  in  collections  within  Cuba,  and  some  may  have  been  extant  quite  recently.  One 
rumour  involves  a  macaw  among  the  natural  history  exhibits  at  the  Escuela  'Rafael 
Maria  Mendive'  (=  Colegio  Dolores  or  Convento  de  Dolores)  at  Santiago  de  Cuba.  G.  G. 
Hechavarria  and  L.  O.  Melian  Hernandez  (pers.  comm.)  recalled  that  the  exhibits  contained 
a  large  collection  of  mounted  birds  including  two  Ivory-billed  Woodpeckers  and  a  Cuban 
Macaw.  By  the  time  JWW  was  permitted  to  visit  the  school  in  May  2006,  all  that  remained 
were  four  badly  damaged  mounts,  none  of  them  a  macaw.  The  school's  director  informed 
JWW  that  all  of  the  other  specimens  had  been  destroyed  during  building  reconstruction 
over  the  previous  two  years.  The  director  said  that,  until  the  reconstruction,  the  natural 
history  materials,  including  a  macaw,  had  been  well  conserved  and  the  most  valuable 
specimens  were  in  a  case  away  from  the  main  school  activities. 

That  such  specimens  may  have  existed  in  the  Escuela  'Rafael  Maria  Mendive'  is 
supported  by  Leyva  (1922),  who  noted  a  specimen  of  Ivory-billed  Woodpecker  and 
collection  of  butterflies  made  by  Gundlach  in  the  Museo  Municipal  de  Santiago  de  Cuba, 
part  of  which  may  have  found  its  way  to  the  Escuela.  O.  H.  Garrido  (pers.  comm.)  recalled 
that  he  and  F.  Garcia  Montana  obtained  a  mounted  specimen  of  the  near-extinct  Cuban  Kite 
Chondrohierax  uncinatus  wilsoni  from  the  same  collection.  Further,  documents  in  the  Archivo 
Nacional  de  Cuba  include  records  that  establish  the  collection  of  birds  in  the  Escuela  came 
from  the  Brooks  family,  which  may  link  that  collection  to  Gundlach.  In  1884-85,  Gundlach 
was  guest  of  his  friend  Theodoro  Brooks  at  Cafetal  'Jaguey'  in  the  mountains  of  Yateras  and, 
as  characteristic  of  Gundlach,  he  may  have  given  Brooks  bird  and  other  specimens  to  repay 
the  family  for  their  hospitality. 

Barbour  (1945)  recounted  that  other  macaw  specimens  had  been  in  Cuban  collections, 
including  one  in  the  cabinet  of  the  Habana  Academy  of  Sciences,  but  that  disappeared 
and  was  rumoured  to  have  gone  to  a  notorious  private  collector  abroad.  Fuller  (2001: 

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James  W.  Wiley  &  Guy  M.  Kirwan 


Bull.  B.O.C.  2013  133(2) 

236)  suggested  that  collector  was  Walter  Rothschild.  Barbour  (1945)  reported  that  another 
specimen  was  said  to  have  been  in  a  museum  at  Cardenas,  but  thought  it  had  been 
destroyed  by  insects;  JWW  found  no  record  of  it  at  Museo  'Oscar  Maria  de  Rojas/  the 
museum  presently  holding  natural  history  specimens  in  Cardenas.  Barbour  (1945)  claimed 
that  yet  another  specimen  was  formerly  in  the  Matanzas  Institute. 

Among  Cuban  Macaw  specimens  not  currently  accounted  for  in  museum  collections  is 
one  that  was  part  of  the  collection  of  Prince  Massena  d'Essling,  Duke  of  Rivoli  (1799-1863) 
(Souance  1856:  57).  Massena  accumulated  a  collection  of  12,500  avian  specimens,  which 
he  sold  to  Dr  T.  B.  Wilson  in  1846.  Wilson  gave  the  collection  to  the  Academy  of  Natural 
Sciences  of  Philadelphia,  but  that  collection  does  not  contain  a  Cuban  Macaw. 

Discussion  and  Conclusions 

Additional  sources  of  information  on  West  Indian  macaws.  — It  is  reasonable  to  hope 
that  further  paleontological  and  archaeological  investigations  will  yield  data  to  clarify  the 
numbers  of  species  and  their  distribution  in  the  West  Indies.  Current  work  by  W.  Suarez 
&  S.  L.  Olson  in  Cuba  and  their  planned  investigations  of  fossil  and  subfossil  materials  in 
Hispaniola  may  provide  the  type  of  information  that  will  enable  a  better  understanding 
of  macaw  populations.  Investigation  of  Amerindian  sites  also  may  produce  further 
information  on  macaw  distribution  and  the  interactions  of  native  peoples  with  indigenous 
and  introduced  macaws. 

Additional  research  of  published  and  manuscript  accounts  by  early  travelers  to  the 
Antilles  could  yield  confirmation  of  known  reports  of  macaws.  Also,  correspondence 
archived  in  natural  history  museums  may  provide  records  of  additional  macaw  specimens, 
now  lost.  We  also  hope  that  further  surveys  of  museums,  large  and  small,  may  reveal 
additional  macaw  specimens. 

Another  potential  source  of  valuable  information  on  West  Indian  macaws  may  lie 
in  art  museums,  especially  in  Europe.  Many  parrot  owners  included  macaws  within 
formal  portraits  that  hang  on  gallery  walls.  Macaws  were  considered  prestige  symbols, 
especially  in  the  Renaissance,  and  often  appear  in  the  background  or  alongside  their 
owners.  Although  often  stylised,  some  depictions  approximate  species  suggested  for  the 
West  Indies.  As  Cooper  &  Armitage  (2013)  have  suggested,  examination  of  such  art  could 
prove  a  fertile  field  for  learning  more  of  macaw  distribution  and  description.  Greenway 
(1967)  noted  that  a  macaw  in  an  early  17th  century  painting  by  Roeland  Savery  matches 
descriptions  of  some  West  Indian  macaws.  Macaws  feature  prominently  in  other  paintings, 
including  Bartholomeus  van  Bassen's  (1590-1652)  'Renaissance  interior  with  banqueters'. 
Hume  &  Walters  (2012),  however,  urged  caution  in  intrepreting  such  evidence  as  found  in 
paintings,  noting  that  artistic  license  may  alter  an  artist's  rendition  of  a  bird,  as  well  as  the 
fact  that  the  painting  may  have  been  made  from  fading  memory,  plagiarised  or  modified 
to  suit  composition. 

Extinction  of  West  Indian  macaws.— Any  one  of  the  many  problems  that  faced 
the  Cuban  and  other  West  Indian  macaws  could  have  caused  their  extinctions,  but  the 
combination  of  environmental  changes  and  human-related  pressures  most  certainly  sealed 
the  fate  of  all  Antillean  macaws.  Killing  of  adult  macaws  for  subsistence  or  to  protect 
crops  probably  had  a  substantial  effect;  although  such  persecution  had  been  underway  for 
some  two  millennia,  the  arrival  of  Europeans  with  their  advanced  guns  must  have  vastly 
increased  the  efficiency  with  which  macaws  could  be  killed,  thereby  accelerating  population 
declines.  Similarly,  harvest  and  trapping  of  wild  macaws  had  its  origin  in  Amerindian 
culture,  but  it  was  not  until  the  opening  of  many  markets,  far  and  wide,  that  populations 
suffered  to  the  point  of  extirpation.  As  Europeans  colonised  the  Antilles,  they  increased  the 


©  2013  The  Authors;  Journal  compilation  ©  2013  British  Ornithologists'  Club 

James  W.  Wiley  &  Guy  M.  Kirwan 


Bull.  B.O.C.  2013  133(2) 

speed  and  extent  of  habitat  modification,  through  improved  tools  and  ever-growing  human 
populations.  Particularly  devastating  was  the  practice  of  felling  macaw  nest  trees  to  obtain 
young  birds  for  personal  use  or  trade.  With  the  high  demand  for  macaws,  domestically  and 
abroad,  the  harvest  of  nestlings  and  associated  destruction  of  nesting  habitat  must  have 
had  a  profound  effect.  The  effects  of  other  factors,  including  hurricanes  and  disease,  are 
less  easily  predicted,  but  nonetheless  potentially  contributed  to  declines  and  extinctions. 
Disease,  perhaps  introduced  via  domestic  poultry  or  exotic  parrots  bought  to  islands  in 
trade,  and  to  fill  the  demand  for  pets  as  local  species  became  rare  or  disappeared,  could 
have  had  an  immediate,  fateful  effect  on  populations  reduced  to  small  numbers  and 
restricted  to  remnant  habitat.  Island  populations  of  birds  are  particularly  susceptible  to 
introduced  diseases,  often  against  which  no  defences  exist.  Whereas  hurricanes  have  always 
been  powerful  forces  of  change  in  the  West  Indies,  even  the  strongest  storm  probably  had 
little  effect  on  healthy  populations  of  macaws  when  original  habitats  were  extensive.  Once 
habitat  was  fragmented  by  human  activities  and  macaws  had  been  reduced  and  confined  to 
a  few  remnant  habitats,  a  direct  hit  by  a  powerful  storm  would  have  destroyed  forest  critical 
to  a  population's  survival,  as  well  as  perhaps  killing  birds  outright.  No  matter  whether  one 
or  a  combination  of  factors  led  to  the  extinction  of  the  Antillean  macaws,  certainly  birds  so 
rare,  so  easy  to  kill,  so  much  in  demand,  and  so  very  beautiful  had  little  hope  for  survival. 

Number  of  spiecies  and  distribution  in  the  Antilles.  —  Macaws  certainly  occurred 
over  a  wide  area  of  the  Caribbean,  and  on  several  islands,  but  the  number  of  species  is 
controversial.  At  this  point,  with  available  evidence,  just  how  many  species  and  on  which 
islands  depends  in  large  part  on  how  much  credence  is  given  to  the  vague  accounts  of  early 
explorers,  travelers  and  colonists.  If  all  records  unsupported  by  skins,  fossil  or  subfossil 


Records  of  extinct  Ara  and  Anodorhynchus  in  the  West  Indies,  with  level  of  confidence  of  their  former 

existence  based  on  source  of  evidence. 



Isla  de  Pinos 

Puerto  Rico 
St.  Croix 

Marie  Galante 




Ara  tricolor 

Ara  tricolor 

Ara  erythrura 

Ara  erythrocephala 

Ara  gossei  [Ara  tricolor ?] 

Ara  tricolor ?  or  Ara  unknown  species 
Ara  autochthones 
Ara  autochthones 
Ara  undescribed  sp. 

Ara  guadeloupensis 
Anodorhynchus  purpurascens 

Ara  cf.  guadeloupensis 

Ara  atwoodi 
Ara  martinica 

Anodorhynchus  martinicus 


19  skins;  fossil  materials;  last  recorded 

Multiple  accounts;  last  recorded  in  1864 

Multiple  accounts;  possible  introduced 

Multiple  accounts;  possible  introduced 

Multiple  accounts;  possible  introduced 

Multiple  accounts 

Skeletal  material  from  kitchen  midden 
Skeletal  material  from  kitchen  midden 
Skeletal  material  from  archaeological  site 
Multiple  accounts  &  possible  illustration 
Multiple  accounts;  possible  introduced 

Skeletal  material  from  archaeological  site; 
=  Amazona  imperialist 
Single  account 

Single  account;  possible  introduced 

Synonym  of  Ara  martinica 



Good,  based  on 
competent  reporter 



Good,  based  on 
competent  observers 










©  2013  The  Authors;  Journal  compilation  ©  2013  British  Ornithologists'  Club 

James  W.  Wiley  &  Guy  M.  Kirwan 


Bull.  B.O.C.  2013  133(2) 

remains  are  rejected,  the  number  of  species  may  be  just  three  (Cuban  Macaw,  St.  Croix 
Macaw,  Montserrat  Macaw)  from  five  islands  (Cuba,  Isla  de  Pinos,  Puerto  Rico,  St.  Croix 
and  Montserrat)  (Table  3).  Even  among  those  species  and  islands  with  specimens,  questions 
persist  as  to  whether  at  least  some  species  were  native  or  transported  there.  If  the  list  of 
probable  species  is  extended  to  accept  the  most  reasonable  of  those  species  supported  only 
by  written  accounts,  the  number  of  islands  and  species  is  increased  by  only  one:  Gosse's 
Macaw  from  Jamaica.  Yet  even  that  species,  the  best  described  of  all  of  the  other  purported 
macaws  in  the  region,  could  have  been  based  on  a  feral  population  of  Scarlet  Macaw 
introduced  via  trading  and  pet-keeping  activities  in  the  colonial  period. 

Among  other  suggested  species,  we  consider  the  possibility  of  Guadeloupe  Macaw 
moderately  plausible.  But,  again,  existence  of  Guadeloupe  Macaw  as  endemic  is  confounded 
by  possible  introduced  or  transported  species. 

We  consider  all  other  species  of  macaws  noted  by  early  writers  and  formalised  by 
Rothschild  and  others  as  poorly  supported  by  current  evidence.  To  date,  no  reliable 
verification  is  available  of  a  macaw  on  Hispaniola.  The  existence  of  Dominica  Macaw 
rests  solely  on  Atwood's  account,  and  macaws  on  that  island  may  have  their  origin  as 
an  introduced  or  transported  species.  One  named  species,  Anodorhynchus  martinicus,  is  a 
synonym  of  Ara  martinicus.  Guadeloupe  Violet  Macaw  was  fairly  well  described  as  unique 
by  early  explorers,  but  there  is  a  reasonable  likelihood  that  this  was  a  South  American 
species  transported  to  the  island  by  Amerindians  or  colonists.  Similarly,  two,  and  perhaps 
all,  of  the  three  macaws  listed  by  some  for  Jamaica  were  possibly  feral  birds  resulting  from 
releases  or  escapes  of  imported  birds.  Certainly,  a  vigorous  trade  in  exotic  parrots  was 
established  at  the  time  accounts  of  macaws  on  Jamaica  were  recorded  and  their  descriptions 
could  relate  to  species  known  to  have  been  traded  on  the  island. 

What  we  know  of  psittacid  speciation  and  distribution  in  the  Antilles  supports  the 
possibility,  and  even  probability,  of  multiple  endemic  species  of  macaws,  so  there  is 
no  reason  why  each  of  the  macaws  described  by  explorer-naturalists  could  not  have 
existed.  Nevertheless,  although  the  early  accounts  are  alluring,  without  further  proof,  we 
recommend  a  conservative  stance.  We  hope  that  future  information,  perhaps  best  searched 
for  in  the  fossil  and  subfossil  record,  will  provide  solid  proof  that  the  primordial  forests  of 
most  Antilles  were  alive  with  the  squawks  and  brilliant  plumages  of  macaws. 


We  are  grateful  to  the  many  museum  and  archive  curators  who  provided  information  on  macaw  specimens 
and  records.  Among  these  we  particularly  thank  Robert  Prys-Jones  and  Mark  Adams,  Natural  History 
Museum  (Tring);  Veronika  Merten,  Museum  Director,  Eichsfelder  Heimatmuseum;  Christa  Riedl-Dom, 
Archiv  fur  Wissenschaftsgeschichte,  Naturhistorisches  Museum,  Wien;  Hans-Martin  Berg,  Naturhistorisches 
Museum,  Wien;  Marie  Portas  and  Anne  Previato,  Museum  National  d'Histoire  Naturelle,  Paris;  Ulf  Johansson, 
Naturhistoriska  Riksmuseet,  Stockholm;  Craig  Ludwig  and  James  Dean,  United  States  National  Museum  of 
Natural  History,  Washington  DC;  Tony  Parker,  National  Museums  Liverpool;  Sylke  Frahnert,  Museum 
fur  Naturkunde,  Humboldt-Universitat,  Berlin;  Christian  Duker,  Senckenberg  Museum  fur  Naturkunde, 
Gorlitz;  Steven  van  der  Mije,  Nationaal  Natuurhistorisch  Museum,  Leiden;  Paul  Sweet  and  Carl  Mehling, 
American  Museum  of  Natural  History,  New  York;  Clare  Flemming,  Ewell  Sale  Stewart  Library  and  Archives, 
Academy  of  Natural  Sciences,  Philadelphia;  Gerhard  Heindl,  Schonbrunner  Tiergarten  Gmbh,  Wien;  Nancy 
Machado  Lorenzo,  Biblioteca  Nacional  'Jose  Marti',  La  Habana;  Barbara  Danzie  and  Marta  Casal,  Archivo 
Nacional  de  Cuba,  La  Habana;  Aurea  Roman  Fandino,  Maria  Herminia  Pandolfi  Camara,  Rossio  Boronat, 
Regia  Hernandez,  Magalis  Reyes  and  Graciela  Guevara,  Museo  Nacional  de  Historia  de  las  Ciencias  'Carlos 
J.  Finlay',  La  Habana;  Rafaela  Aguiler  Roman  and  Naomi  Cuervo  Pineda,  Instituto  de  Ecologia  y  Sistematica, 
La  Habana;  and  Colin  Banfield,  St.  James'  Park,  London.  Ariel  Ruiz  Urquiola,  Centro  de  Investigaciones 
Marinas,  Universidad  de  La  Habana,  and  Nils  Navarro,  provided  information  on  historic  habitat.  Lynda 
Garrett,  Patuxent  Wildlife  Research  Center,  and  Lloyd  F.  Kiff  and  Travis  Rosenberry,  Peregrine  Fund  library, 
generously  helped  in  obtaining  obscure  literature.  For  their  stimulating  discussions  on  extinct  macaws,  we 
thank  Osvaldo  Jimenez,  Gabinete  de  Arqueologia  de  la  Oficina  del  Historiador  de  Ciudad  de  La  Habana, 
Cuba;  Catherine  Levy,  Windsor  Research  Centre,  Jamaica;  and  William  Suarez,  Museo  Nacional  de  Historia 

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James  W.  Wiley  &  Guy  M.  Kirwan 


Bull.  B.O.C.  2013  133(2) 

Natural  de  Cuba,  La  Habana.  Frank  Steinheimer  provided  some  additional  references.  We  thank  Errol  Fuller 

and  Julian  Hume  for  their  comments  on  the  submitted  version  of  the  manuscript. 


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©  2013  The  Authors;  Journal  compilation  ©  2013  British  Ornithologists'  Club 

James  W.  Wiley  &  Guy  M.  Kirwan 


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James  W.  Wiley  &  Guy  M.  Kirwan 


Bull.  B.O.C.  2013  133(2) 

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James  W.  Wiley  &  Guy  M.  Kirwan 


Bull.  B.O.C.  2013  133(2) 

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Addresses:  James  W.  Wiley,  P.O.  Box  64,  Marion  Station,  MD  21838,  USA.  Guy  M.  Kirwan,  Research  Associate, 
Field  Museum  of  Natural  History,  1400  South  Lakeshore  Drive,  Chicago,  IL  60605,  USA. 

©  2013  The  Authors;  Journal  compilation  ©  2013  British  Ornithologists'  Club 

Grzegorz  Kopij 


Bull.  B.O.C.  2013  133(2) 

Extent  of  overlap  between  two  Common  Fiscal 
Lanius  collaris  subspecies  in  Lesotho 

by  Grzegorz  Kopij 

Received  11  January  2013 

Common  Fiscal  Lanius  collaris  Linnaeus,  1766,  is  widespread  throughout  the  Afrotropics, 
and  is  generally  considered  to  be  represented  by  up  to  ten  subspecies  (Harris  &  Franklin 
2000).  In  southern  Africa,  four  subspecies  are  currently  accepted:  L.  c.  collaris,  L.  c. 
subcoronatus  A.  Smith,  1841,  L.  c.  capelli  (Bocage,  1879)  and  L.  c.  aridicolus  Clancey,  1955 
(Dean  2005).  The  entire  region  encompassed  by  the  Republic  of  South  Africa,  Lesotho  and 
Swaziland  is  inhabited  by  the  nominate  and  L.  c.  subcoronatus  (Dean  2005).  However,  the 
boundaries  between  these  two  subspecies  in  southern  African  are  not  so  clearly  delimited 
as  the  maps  in  Hockey  et  al.  (2005)  suggest.  In  fact,  L.  c.  collaris  and  L.  c.  subcoronatus  appear 
to  be  almost  randomly  scattered  across  the  region.  The  latter  subspecies  differs  from  the 
nominate  one  in  its  distinct  white  supercilium,  while  the  rump  and  uppertail-coverts  are 
greyer  (less  white)  in  the  nominate.  The  two  subspecies  are  easily  separated  in  the  field, 
making  it  possible  to  precisely  delimit  their  geographical  ranges. 

Maclean  &  Maclean  (1976)  found  evidence  of  a  clinal  change  in  the  percentage  of  the 
races  L.  c.  subcoronatus  and  L.  c.  collaris:  between  Winburg  (28°31'S,  27°01'E)  and  Brandfort, 
Free  State  (28°42'S,  26°28'E)  100%  of  examined  birds  were  L.  c.  collaris  (n  =  5),  Brandfort- 
Kimberley  35%  :  65%  (n  =  20),  Kimberley-Kuruman  44%  :  56%  (n  =  48),  Kuruman-Van 
Zylsrus  77%  :  23%  (n  =  9)  and  between  Van  Zylsrus  and  Askham,  Northern  Cape  (26°12'S, 
18°35'E)  100%  were  L.  c.  subcoronatus  (n  =  2).  In  the  most  recently  published  maps  of  the 
distribution  of  these  subspecies,  the  nominate  is  shown  as  occurring  throughout  Lesotho, 
except  for  a  narrow  strip  in  the  northern  lowlands,  where  the  nominate  and  L.  c.  subcoronatus 
co-occur  (Hockey  et  al.  2005,  Chittenden  et  al.  2012). 

Lesotho  is  an  enclave  within  the  Republic  of  South  Africa.  Three-quarters  of  the  country, 
the  highlands  (or  Maloti)  lie  above  2,200  m.  Lowlands  are  those  areas  below  1,700  m  while 
the  foothills  are  between  1,700  and  2,200  m.  Lowlands  (total  surface  area  6,051  km2)  form  a 
strip  of  land  lying  along  the  enclave's  north-east  to  south-west  frontier  and  extending  east 
to  the  Cave  Sandstone  Foothills.  The  foothills  (2,964  km2)  form  a  narrow  band  bordering 
the  highlands  to  the  east  and  lowlands  to  the  west,  constituting  an  intermediate  region. 
The  Senqu  Valley  lies  below  1,800  m  and  occupies  3,398  km2  (Ambrose  et  al.  2000).  Natural 
vegetation  in  the  lowlands  is  Highveld  Grassland,  while  in  the  foothills  and  highlands  it  is 
Afromontane  Grassland  (Acocks  1988). 

During  the  years  1998-2002,  which  I  spent  in  Lesotho  studying  birds  (Kopij  2011), 
I  attempted  to  distinguish  the  two  subspecies  of  L.  collaris.  As  shown  in  Table  1,  both 
subspecies  occur  together  throughout  Lesotho.  The  extent  of  this  overlap  differs  regionally 
and  by  altitude.  Clinal  change  is  evident  in  the  lowlands:  the  proportion  of  collaris  to 
subcoronatus  was  1  :  0  in  the  north,  but  0.5  :  0.5  in  the  centre  and  0.6  :  0.4  in  the  south. 
Both  in  the  foothills  and  Senqu  Valley,  the  proportion  was  0.3  :  0.7.  In  the  highlands,  it 
was  everywhere  0.4  :  0.6,  without  any  apparent  regional  (clinal)  change.  Soobramoney  et 
al.  (2005)  found  that  patterns  of  variation  in  morphology  and  anatomy  were  significantly 
correlated  with  11  climatic  trends  along  an  alititudinal  gradient.  Common  Fiscals  were 
largest  in  cooler,  less  humid,  more  arid  areas,  and  smallest  in  warmer,  wetter,  more  humid 
localities,  in  accordance  with  Bergmann's  Rule. 

©  2013  The  Authors;  Journal  compilation  ©  2013  British  Ornithologists'  Club 

Grzegorz  Kopij 


Bull.  B.O.C.  2013  133(2) 


Extent  of  overlap  between  two  Common  Fiscal  Lanins  collaris  subspecies  in  Lesotho  during  the  years 




Number  of  birds 






Northern  (north  of  Maputsoe) 



Leribe  Plateau 

28°07'S,  29°05'E 







29°17'S,  27°38'E 



Ha  Baroana:  Lipiring  Gorge 

29°21'S,  27°47'E 




29°22'S,  27°37'E 



St.  Michael 

29°26'S,  27°40'E 




29°20'S,  27°12'E 



Southern  (south  of  Maseru) 




29°38'S,  27°31'E 




29°37'S,  27°35'E 



Mantsebo:  Qeme  Plateau 

29°29'S,  27°31'E 



FOOTHILLS  (central) 




29°31'S,  27°46'E 




29°34'S,  27°45'E 




29°31'S,  27°44'E 



Thaba  Telle 

29°45'S,  27°40'E 




29°29'S,  27°55'E 






Masitise-Villa  Maria 

30°24'S,  27°38'E 




30°25'S,  27°43'E 



Qacha's  Nek 

30°07'S,  28°42'E 










29°18'S,  29°03'E 




29°12'S,  28°52'E 






St.  Theresa 

29°37'S,  28°48'E 



Thaba  Tseka 

29°31'S,  28°36'E 




29°33'S,  28°07'E 







29°51'S,  28°03'E 


3  . 




Overall  in  Lesotho,  the  nominate  was  almost  twice  as  common  as  L.  c.  subcoronatus.  The 
extent  of  overlap  varied  spatially  and  probably  also  temporally.  Although  both  subspecies 
are  common  and  widespread  in  Lesotho,  hybridisation  is  apparently  rather  rare.  Only 
four  (2.3%)  intermediate  individuals  (the  white  supercilium  being  less  distinct,  shorter 
and  narrower,  and  the  rump  dark  grey)  were  recorded  during  my  work  (at  Matsebo:  28 
September  1999,  Matsekua:  13  May  2000,  Morija:  3  July  2001,  and  Matsieng:  3  July  2001 ),  but 
others  could  have  been  missed.  In  the  Roma  Valley,  where  the  species  was  closely  studied 
during  the  breeding  season,  in  1999-2002  26-36  pairs  bred  on  the  82-ha  National  University 
of  Lesotho  campus,  with  c.10%  of  31  pairs  in  the  2000/2001  breeding  season  mixed,  while  in 
all  others  both  sexes  were  of  the  nominate  subspecies  (Kopij  2002,  2004,  2006).  Because  there 

©  2013  The  Authors;  Journal  compilation  ©  2013  British  Ornithologists'  Club 

Grzegorz  Kopij 


Bull.  B.O.C.  2013  133(2) 

Figure  1.  Numbers  of  two  subspecies  of  Common  Fiscal  Lanius  collaris  recorded  in  Lesotho:  subcoronatus 
(first)  and  collaris  (second). 

is  only  slight  sexual  dimorphism  in  Common  Fiscal  (Dean  2005),  no  attempt  was  made  to 
detect  any  sexual  bias  towards  one  subspecies. 

A  low  level  of  interbreeding  between  L.  c.  collaris  and  L.  c.  subcoronatus  recorded 
in  Lesotho  perhaps  indicates  that  some  L.  c.  subcoronatus  migrate  from  the  highlands  to 
the  lowlands  in  the  dry  season,  i.e.  the  non-breeding  season,  which  possibility  was  also 
suggested  by  Clancey  (1980).  However,  in  this  study  most  records  were  made  in  the  wet 
(breeding)  season.  The  two  forms,  therefore,  occur  in  Lesotho  sympatrically.  Furthermore, 
at  least  in  the  Roma  Valley,  both  the  level  of  hybridisation  is  low  and  the  number  of  hybrids 
even  lower.  It  is,  therefore,  plausible  that  the  two  forms  might  represent  separate  species 
within  a  superspecies.  This  premise  merits  further  investigation. 


Prof.  Coleen  Downs  and  Bob  Dowsett  are  gratefully  acknowledged  for  their  suggestions,  corrections  and 
comments  on  an  earlier  draft  of  this  note. 


Acocks,  J.  P.  H.  1988.  Veld  types  of  South  Africa.  Mem.  Bot.  Sur.  S.  Afr.  57:  1-146. 

Ambrose,  D.,  Talukdar,  S.  &  Pomela,  E.  M.  2000.  Biological  diversity  in  Lesotho:  a  country  study.  National 
Environment  Secretariat,  Maseru. 

Chittenden,  H.,  Allan,  D.  &  Weiersbye,  I.  2012.  Roberts'  geographic  variation  of  southern  African  birds.  John 
Voelcker  Bird  Book  Fund,  Cape  Town. 

Clancey,  P.  A.  1976.  Intergradation  between  two  subspecies  of  the  Fiscal  Shrike.  Ostrich  47:  145. 

Clancey,  P.  A.  (ed.)  1980.  S.A.O.S.  checklist  of  southern  African  birds.  S.  Afr.  Orn.  Soc.,  Houghton. 

Dean,  W.  R.  J.  2005.  Common  Fiscal  Lanius  collaris.  Pp.  752-753  in  Hockey,  P.  A.  R.,  Dean,  W.  R.  J.  &  Ryan,  P. 

G.  (eds.)  Roberts'  birds  of  southern  Africa.  John  Voelcker  Bird  Book  Fund,  Cape  Town. 

Harris,  T.  &  Franklin,  K.  2000.  Shrikes  and  bush-shrikes.  Christopher  Helm,  London. 

©  2013  The  Authors;  Journal  compilation  ©  2013  British  Ornithologists'  Club 

Grzegorz  Kopij 


Bull.  B.O.C.  2013  133(2) 

Hockey  P.  A.  R.,  Dean,  W.  R.  J.  &  Ryan,  P.  G.  (eds.)  Roberts'  birds  of  southern  Africa.  John  Voelcker  Bird  Book 
Fund,  Cape  Town. 

Kopij  G.  2002.  Temporal  variation  in  territoriality  of  the  fiscal  shrike.  Vogelwelt  42:  40. 

Kopij,  G.  2004.  Breeding  density  of  Fiscal  Shrike  (Lanius  collaris).  Biol.  Lett.  41:  77-85. 

Kopij,  G.  2006.  Breeding  biology  of  the  Fiscal  Shrike,  Lanius  collaris  (Laniidae),  in  a  peri-urban  environment 
in  Roma  (Lesotho).  Vestnik  Zool.  40(6):  3SM15. 

Kopij,  G.  2011.  Avian  diversity  in  ruderal  and  urbanized  habitats  in  Lesotho.  Berkut  20(1/2):  22-28. 

Maclean,  G.  L.  &  Maclean,  C.  M.  1976.  Extent  of  overlap  in  two  races  of  the  Fiscal  Shrike.  Ostrich  47:  66. 

Soobramoney,  S.,  Downs,  C.  T.  &  Adams,  N.  J.  2005.  Morphological  variation  in  the  Common  Fiscal  Lanius 
collaris  along  an  altitudinal  gradient  in  southern  Africa.  Ostrich  76:  130-141. 

Address:  Dept,  of  Wildlife  Management,  Univ.  of  Namibia,  Katima  Mulilo  Campus,  Private  Bag  1096,  Winela 
Road,  Katima  Mulilo,  Namibia,  e-mail: 

©  2013  The  Authors;  Journal  compilation  ©  2013  British  Ornithologists'  Club 

Clive  F.  Mann 


Bull.  B.O.C.  2013  133(2) 

First  record  of  Oriental  Cuckoo  Cuculus  saturatus  optatus 

in  Africa 

by  Clive  F.  Mann 

Received  25  January  2013 

While  examining  specimens  at  the  Natural  History  Museum,  Tring,  for  a  monograph 
on  cuckoos  (Erritzoe  et  al.  2012)  I  discovered  a  hepatic  female  Oriental  Cuckoo  Cuculus 
saturatus  optatus  specimen  (BMNH  1911.12.23.966),  collected  by  Boyd  Alexander  in  Zambia 
(near  the  confluence  of  the  Zambezi  and  Kafue  Rivers,  close  to  the  modern  border  with 
Zimbabwe)  on  27  December  1898.  He  did  not  label  it  to  species,  but  subsequently  it  was 
labelled  C.  canorus  (Common  Cuckoo)  and  placed  with  the  African  Cuckoos  C.  gularis. 
However,  he  did  identify  it  as  canorus  in  a  paper  (Alexander  1900)  that  was  subsequently 
mentioned  by  Benson  (1956). 

The  most  noticeable  features  are  the  heavy  dark  barring  on  the  deep  rufous-chestnut 
rump  and  upper  tail-coverts,  with  no  pale  feather  tips,  and  the  broader  dark  barring  on  the 
ventral  surface.  Hepatic  female  Common  Cuckoo  has  little  or  no  barring  on  the  rump  and 
uppertail-coverts.  Hepatic  juveniles  of  the  latter  are  barred,  but  each  feather  has  a  narrow 
whitish  tip,  and  the  rufous-chestnut  is  generally  paler.  Hepatic  juvenile  African  Cuckoo  is 
much  less  rich,  often  with  some  grey  admixed.  The  ventral  barring  of  the  Alexander  skin  is 
broader  than  that  of  Common  or  African  Cuckoos.  The  two  subspecies  of  Oriental  Cuckoo 
(nominate  and  optatus)  are  extremely  similar  (Figs.  1-2),  being  reliably  separated  only  by 
measurements  or  perhaps  vocalisations.  The  wing  length  of  Alexander's  specimen  (224 
mm)  places  it  in  optatus  rather  than  the  nominate  (Table  1). 

Madagascar  Cuckoo  C.  rochii  and  Lesser  Cuckoo  C.  poliocephalus  can  be  eliminated 
on  size.  Red-chested  Cuckoo  C.  solitarius,  Black  Cuckoo  C.  clamosus,  African  Cuckoo  C. 
gularis,  and  the  two  subspecies  of  Common  Cuckoo,  C.  canorus  bakeri  and  C.  c.  bangsi,  can 
be  eliminated  by  plumage. 

Characters  that  indicate  optatus.  — The  rump  of  the  Alexander  skin  lacks  pale  tips  to 
the  dark  feathers.  Hepatic  adult  female  Common  Cuckoo  has  almost  completely  unbarred 
rump  /  uppertail-coverts;  hepatic  juvenile  has  dark  bars,  but  the  feathers  have  small  whitish 
or  grey  tips.  Both  subspecies  of  Oriental  Cuckoo  (nominate  and  optatus)  lack  these  tips.  The 
ratio  of  the  width  of  dark  to  pale  bars  on  the  ventral  surface  of  Alexander's  specimen  is 
0.751  (versus  C.  c.  canorus  0.321-0.573,  n  =  30;  C.  c.  subtelephonus  0.316,  0.355,  0.465,  n  =  3;  C. 
c.  bakeri  0.483,  0.654,  n  =  2;  C.  s.  optatus  0.605-1.21,  n  =  16).  Five  dark  and  five  pale  bars  were 
measured  in  the  mid-chest  area,  and  the  means  calculated,  which  were  then  used  to  calculate 
the  ratios  (from  hepatic  female  /  juvenile  specimens  at  the  Natural  History  Museum,  Tring). 
Furthermore,  the  Alexander  specimen  matches  the  wing  formula  for  saturatus  given  by 
Payne  (2005).  However,  the  wing  formulae  of  canorus  and  saturatus  are  very  similar,  and  I 
found  them  to  be  unreliable  for  separating  the  two  species  over  long  series. 

Distribution  (from  Erritzoe  et  al.  2012,  and  references  therein).  — Oriental  Cuckoo  C.  s. 
saturatus  Blyth,  1843.  Southern  Himalayas,  north  and  east  Burma,  Thailand  to  China  south 
of  32°N,  including  Taiwan  and  Hainan.  Winters  in  South  and  South-East  Asia,  Greater 
Sundas,  Philippines  and  western  New  Guinea.  Some  vagrancy.  C.  s.  optatus  Gould,  1845. 
European  Russia  east  of  45°E  to  Pacific  coast,  south  to  Kazakhstan  and  Mongolia  to  north  of 
32°N  in  China.  Winters  and  migrates  through  South-East  Asia,  Sundas  and  Philippines  east 
to  south-west  Pacific  and  Australia.  Much  vagrancy,  with  two  records  in  Israel,  in  August 

©  2013  The  Authors;  Journal  compilation  ©  2013  British  Ornithologists'  Club 

Figures  1-2.  Dorsal  and  ventral  views  of,  left  to  right,  Alexander's  specimen  (BMNH  1911.12.23.966);  Oriental 
Cuckoo  Cuculus  saturatus  optatus ;  C.  s.  saturatus ;  Common  Cuckoo  C.  canorus  canorus ;  C.  c.  subtelephonus ;  and 
African  Cuckoo  C.  gularis  (Harry  Taylor  ©  Natural  History  Museum) 

©  2013  The  Authors;  Journal  compilation  ©  2013  British  Ornithologists'  Club 

Clive  F.  Mann 


Bull.  B.O.C.  2013  133(2) 


Mensural  data  (wing,  tail  and  bill)  from  Cuculus  specimens  at  the  Natural  History  Museum,  Tring, 
including  Alexander's  specimen  (BMNH  1911.12.23.966)  collected  close  to  the  modern-day  Zambia  / 

Zimbabwe  border. 

wing  length  (mm) 
(max.  chord) 




n  = 

Alexander's  specimen 



Cuculus  saturatus  saturatus 





C.  s.  saturatus  female 





C.  s.  optatus  male 





C.  s.  optatus  female 





C.  canorus  canorus  male 





C.  c.  canorus  female 





C.  c.  subtelephonus  male 





C.  c.  subtelephonus  female 





C.  c.  bakeri  male 





C.  c.  bakeri  female 
(no  hepatic  morph) 





C.  c.  bangsi  male 

C.  c.  bangsi  female 





(no  hepatic  morph) 





C.  gularis  male 

C.  gularis  female 





(no  hepatic  morph) 





Mensural  data 

tail  length  (mm) 

bill  to  skull  (mm) 




n  = 




n  = 















































±  5.6 







25.2,  26.2 





































1985  (Shirihai  1996)  and  April  2008  (www.,  being 
the  closest  to  Africa. 

Common  Cuckoo  C.  c.  canorus 
Linnaeus,  1758.  Palearctic  from  Ireland  to 
Kamchatka  and  Japan.  Winters  equatorial 
Africa,  India  and  South-East  Asia.  C. 
c.  bangsi  Oberholser,  1919.  Iberia  and 
Maghreb.  Probably  winters  Africa  south 
of  equator.  C.  c.  subtelephonus  Zarudny, 
1914.  Transcaspia  to  west  and  north 
China,  Iran  and  Afghanistan.  Winters 
Middle  East,  India  and  Africa  south  of 
Sahara.  C.  c.  bakeri  E.  Hartert,  1912.  North¬ 
east  Indian  Subcontinent,  Assam,  Nepal, 
Bhutan,  northern  South-East  Asia,  south- 
South-East  Asia. 


Wing  formulae  data  for  relevant  Cuculus  taxa.  The 
formulae  for  saturatus,  optatus,  canorus  and  gularis  are 
from  Payne  (2005).  However,  in  long  series  I  found 
them  to  be  an  unreliable  discriminant. 

Wing  formulae 

(except  Alexander's  specimen, 

from  Payne  2005) 

Alexander's  specimen 

P  8>9>7>6>5>4>1 0>3>2> 1 

C.  saturatus  saturatus 

P  8>9>7>6>5>4>10>3>2>1 

C.  saturatus  optatus 

P  8>9>7>6>5>4> 1 0>3>2> 1 

C.  canorus  canorus 

P  8>7>9>6>5>4>1 0>3>2> 1 

C.  gularis 

P  8>7>9>6>5>4> 1 0>3>2> 1 

east  Tibet  and  south  China.  Winters  India  and 

©  2013  The  Authors;  Journal  compilation  ©  2013  British  Ornithologists'  Club 

Clive  F.  Mann 


Bull.  B.O.C.  2013  133(2) 


Although  C.  s.  optatus  has  an  easterly  migration  route,  it  is  prone  to  vagrancy  and 
has  been  recorded  twice  in  Israel  (Shirihai  1996; 
Some  Cuculus  are  notoriously  difficult  to  distinguish  in  the  field  unless  vocalising.  Birds 
of  this  genus  are  infrequently  trapped  in  mist-nets,  and  birds  that  die  in  Africa  are  usually 
scavenged  very  quickly.  Thus  species  such  as  Oriental  Cuckoo  may  occasionally  occur 
in  Africa  undetected.  The  specimen  in  question,  although  quite  distinct,  could  easily  be 
passed  off  as  Common  Cuckoo.  Field  observers  would  not  normally  consider  identifying  a 
cuckoo  in  Africa  as  Oriental,  due  to  the  lack  of  precedent,  but  I  urge  them  to  consider  this 
possibility  in  the  future  and  attempt  to  capture  any  Cuculus  that  does  not  match  the  known 
local  species.  Collections  may  also  benefit  from  closer  scrutiny. 


I  thank  Robert  J.  Dowsett  for  his  encouragement  and  advice,  and  with  Robert  A.  Cheke,  for  refereeing  this 
communication.  Gratitude  is  expressed  to  Robert  Prys-Jones  and  Mark  Adams  for  access  to  specimens  at  the 
Natural  History  Museum,  Tring,  and  to  Harry  Taylor,  also  of  the  Natural  History  Museum,  for  providing 
the  photographs. 


Alexander,  B.  1900.  An  ornithological  expedition  to  the  Zambezi  River.  Ibis  (7)6:  70-109. 

Benson  C.  W.  1956.  A  contribution  to  the  ornithology  of  Northern  Rhodesia.  Occ.  Pap.  Nat.  Mus.  S.  Rhod. 
21B:  1-51. 

Erritzoe,  J.,  Mann,  C.  F.,  Brammer,  F.  P.  &  Fuller,  R.  A.  2012.  Cuckoos  of  the  world.  Christopher  Helm,  London. 
Payne,  R.  B.  2005.  The  cuckoos.  Oxford  Univ.  Press. 

Shirihai,  H.  1996.  77ie  birds  of  Israel.  Academic  Press,  London. 

Address:  53  Sutton  Lane  South,  London  W4  3JR,  UK. 

©  2013  The  Authors;  Journal  compilation  ©  2013  British  Ornithologists'  Club 

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Correspondence  on  all  general  Club  matters  should  be  addressed  to  the  Hon.  Secretary,  Dr  R.  P.  (Robert) 
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See  inside  front  cover  for  details  of  Club  meetings. 


C.  W.  R.  Storey  ( Chairman )  (2013) 

D.  J.  Fisher  (Vice  Chairman)  (2011) 

Dr  R.  P.  Prys-Jones  (Hon.  Secretary)  (2011) 

D.  J.  Montier  (Hon.  Treasurer)  (1997) 

K.  F.  Betton  (2012) 

R.  R.  Langley  (2011) 
N.  J.  Redman  (2013) 
C.  W.  R.  Storey  (2009) 

Ex-officio  members 

Hon.  Editor:  G.  M.  Kirwan  (1  January  2004) 

Chairman  of  BOU/BOC  Joint  Publications  Committee  (JPC):  S.  P.  Dudley 
Administration  Manager:  S.  P.  Dudley  (2005) 

BOU/BOC  Commissioning  Editor:  Dr  D.  R.  Wells  (2009) 

Registered  Charity  No.  279583 

Bulletin  of  the  British  Ornithologists'  Club 
ISSN  0007-1595 
Edited  by  Guy  M.  Kirwan 
Associate  Editor:  Frank  D.  Steinheimer 

Volume  133  Number  2,  pages  81-164 


Club  Announcements .  81 

THIBAULT,  M.,  DEFOS  DU  RAU,  P„  PINEAU,  O.  &  PANGIMANGEN,  W.  New  and  interesting 
records  for  the  Obi  archipelago  (north  Maluku,  Indonesia),  including  field  observations  and  first 
description  of  the  vocalisation  of  Moluccan  Woodcock  Scolopax  rochussenii .  83 

JACKSON,  H.  D.  The  taxonomic  status  of  the  Black-shouldered  Nightjar  Caprimulgus  nigriscapularis 

Reichenow,  1893 .  116 

WILEY,  J.  W.  &  KIRWAN,  G.  M.  The  extinct  macaws  of  the  West  Indies,  with  special  reference  to 

Cuban  Macaw  Am  tricolor .  125 

KOPIJ,  G.  Extent  of  overlap  between  two  Common  Fiscal  Lanius  collaris  subspecies  in  Lesotho .  157 

MANN,  C.  F.  First  record  of  Oriental  Cuckoo  Cuculus  saturatus  optatus  in  Africa .  161 


Murray  Bruce,  R.  T.  Chesser,  Edward  C.  Dickinson,  Franchise  Dowsett-Lemaire,  Steven  M.  S.  Gregory,  Jose 
Fernando  Pacheco,  Robert  B.  Payne,  Pamela  C.  Rasmussen,  Cees  Roselaar,  Thomas  S.  Schulenberg,  Lars 

Registered  Charity  No.  279583 

Printed  on  acid-free  paper. 

Published  by  the  British  Ornithologists'  Club 
Typeset  by  Alcedo  Publishing  of  Arizona,  USA,  and  printed  by  Latimer  Trend,  UK